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ICINE NATIONAL IIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY vn 3Ni3io3w jo Aavaan ivnoiivn JNisioawjo Aavaan ivnoiivn iNoiaiw jo u« r* 5 « CINE N ATI0N AL LI BR ARY OF ME Dl CI NE NATIONAL tlllAir OF MEDICINE N A T I O N A L L I B R A R Y vn jnoiojw jo Aavaan ivnoiivn a n i d i o 3 w jo Aavaan ivnoiivn 3 n i 3 1 a 3 w jo a a * a a 1VN JNI3IQ3W JO ABVaBIT IVNOIIVN 3NI3IQ3W JO UVJ1I1 IVNOIIVN 3 N I 3 I d 3 W JO ABVBS \yc>j i< CINE NATIONAL IIBRARY OF MEDI CI NE N A T I O N A I I I B R A R Y O F M E D I C I N E NATIONAL LIISARf M J \ s r\> Ct//<6C/0/^ THE HOMCEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE BY JOSEPH I^AURIE, M.D., Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh; Graduate of the Homaiopatkic Medical College of Pennsylvania ; Consulting Physician to the Hahnemannian Medical Institution and Dispensary, dec, <&c. Mited and" iueisctt, WITH NUMEROUS IMPORTANT ADDITIONS, AND THE INTRODUCTION OF THE NEW REMEDIES, AND A REPERTORY, ROBERT J. McCLATCHEY, M.D., Graduate of the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania; Member of the American In.-titut of Homoeopathy; Editor of the Hahnemannian Monthly; formerly Professor of Anatomy and Lecturer on Clinical Medicine in the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania, &c, &c. FIRST AMERICAN, FROM THE TWENTY-FIRST ENGLISH EDITION, BOERICKE AND TAFEL: NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, No. 145 Grand Street. No 234 Sutter Street. PHILADELPHIA: F. E. BOERICKE. 1871. "*7>r... V, v ./ ,'f ^ C . 1811 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by F. E. BOERICKE, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. -ve§ '< PAGAN * SON, STEREOTYPICS, PHILAD'A ^ /W^\ y7 %\ CAXT0N PRESS OP SHERMAN t CO. PREFACE To the Twenty-first English Edition. I reproduce this Work, with considerable additions and alterations, as in the last Edition, which then appeared to me to be essential in assist- ing the patient or administrator: I appended articles on the treatment of numerous complaints which I had not hitherto included, and especially of those which are peculiarly prevalent in certain climates, such as Tropical Diseases, etc.; — directions for the discrimination between what is really a symptom of disease, and what is not, or what arises from merely casual cir- cumstances, by proper investigation of the patient, or of the disease; — more explicit regulations for the administration and repetition of the medicines, their form, potencies, and quantities; — and an article containing all which I think of service to the layman, amongst the Characteristic Effects of the remedies which I have chosen as the most important in the majority of cases. But as I think the homoeopathic public is entitled to an explanation of the more cogent of my reasons for such a course, and for such resolutions, rela- tively to enlargement and amplification, — I will briefly explain them. First of all, the common sense of every reader will admit, that I should write for the many, and not for individual cases, — that I should attempt to embrace all contingencies, as much as possible, not confine myself to merely local circumstances; and that it does not, therefore, follow that persons whose situation and the like render any of these details unnecessary to them, should be compelled to adopt my suggestions simply because I have published them; whereas it does necessarily follow, that those who are beyond the reach of any other resource, must wholly depend either upon their own un- aided judgment or upon the directions afforded in works of this kind. Suppose, for instance, a family resident in the centre of a highly cultivated country like this; — that family is not, therefore, within the immediate reach of homoeopathic professional advice, in which case it is only fair that a work like this should represent the physician in so far as that is possible; — or if, on the other hand, such advice be within immediate reach, the worst mis- chief which results from my publication is, that its usefulness has been super- seded for the time being. But suppose another and a very common case, as of the emigrant to distant colonies, and to wild, uninhabited, desolate wildernesses, or the poor, toiling missionary amongst some remote and savage people;—from whence, I would ask, are these to obtain the professional advice which would seem so essential to them, unless it be from such directions as we are able to afford them in a work of this kind ? In this case, it must be admitted on all hands, that the work does good in comparison to its extent, amplitude, enlarge- ment and comprehensiveness. Wherefore then should these essential con- ditions be withheld ? Again, these are not the only questions involved; — there are yet more vital points relating to the variations, which may become necessary, in the actual treatment of disease when once undertaken. In these cases it is suf- ficiently obvious, that those who prefer to exclude professional advice (and VI PREFACE TO THE TWENTY-FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. theirs is the responsibility), should be so far removed from the chance of error as possible, which cannot be done without ample detail, because disease has scarcely ever, in two distinct cases, the same positive and exact character- istics. It is for this reason, also, that I had entered so largely into the considera- tion of the " Investigation of the Patient and of the Disease," and into the modifications of scrofulous appearances. And in these respects, far from exceeding the limits which should properly circumscribe the compass of a " domestic work," I only regret that I have not yet more space for en- largement on the subject; because I am convinced, especially from circum- stances which have actually transpired, that the greatest fault of domestic works, in general, is, that they do not give enough information, and, conse- quently, that they often mislead instead of enlightening the reader. It is obvious, that the presence of inherent constitutional defects may occasion external appearances of disease, which are especially susceptible of erroneous inferences, and, therefore, without this very important clue, the special directions for the treatment of any particular disease may become a mere " Will-o'-the-wisp " to lead the unprofessional reader into entanglement, and there to leave him in utter darkness. I should wish the reader invariably to consider the important references alluded to, and, in fact, the whole of the introductory part, which I would fain have extended yet more, notwithstand- ing the plausible but untenable objections raised by the few. It is also for these reasons, as well as for those already set forth, that I object to the extreme condensation of a domestic work, or to the limitation of its sphere to a particular class of diseases, and that I consider works founded upon this affected idea particularly useless; to which, however, I might appropriately add, that the advocates of limitation usually issue a programme, comprising the most fatal diseases with which we are acquainted; and, further, that as we do not deal with powerful deleterious drugs in large quantities, or in any quantity capable of occasioning poisonous, or in fact, any dangerous medicinal effects (as some adversaries pretend), — and, what is still more important, as our remedies are so minute, that they can only operate at all when they are actually homceopathic, and, consequently, cura- tive in the case in question, —just as a gentle blow will not be felt in a sound part, when it would occasion severe suffering if applied to a sore place, — the most timid lay administrator may rest assured that his Homceopathic Medi- cines are not the agents which produce serious or fatal results. Homceopathic treatment is always safe, rapid, and effectual, when cor- rectly applied; — or it is void —that is nature unafected — when it depends upon mistaken hypotheses. I nowhere enjoin the layman who has means and immediate access to efficient homoeopathic professional advice, to undertake the treatment of dangerous diseases without it; I only endeavor, in a measure, to provide for those who do not possess such advantages. Upon such grounds as these I beg to intrust this work, enlarged as it is, to the verdict of all liberal and discerning people, and to state that I anticipate no untoward acceptation of my evident endeavor, even if the product of my labor should have fallen far short of its earnest purpose. The appeal is un- troubled by apprehension, — and unshaken by conscious misdoing. J. L. PREFACE To the American Edition. THE publication of an American edition of Laurie's Homoe- opathic Domestic Medicine was commenced, about two years ago, in the " Homceopathic Sun," a family homoeopathic magazine, published in New York, under the editorial management of Pro- fessor F. W. Hunt, of that city. As the work appeared with the monthly parts of the magazine, it attracted great and deserved attention, and was pronounced the best and most comprehensive treatise on homoeopathic domestic practice that had been issued in this country. Messrs. Boericke & Tafel, the successors of Mr. Radde, determined to discontinue the publication of the "Homoe- opathic Sun," but were induced, by the repeated demands for the " Domestic," to go on with that work; and, subsequently, placed it in my hands for completion. At the cost of considerable time and labor, the task has been accomplished; and I trust that the value of the original work has been greatly enhanced by the efforts made to perfect it. Chapters have been added on comparatively new diseases, and the "New Remedies" have been introduced whenever definite and accurate indications for their use could be given. The numerous alterations and additions have been prompted solely by a desire to render the work more available for domestic use ; and a Repertory, or key to the remedies, has been added with the same view. The merits of "Laurie's Homoeopathic Domestic Medicine" are best attested by the popularity of the work in Great Britain, where upward of twenty thousand copies have been sold to the most in- telligent portion of the community — homceopathic families there, vii Viii PREFACE TO THE AMERICAN EDITION. as well as in this country, belonging almost exclusively to the educated class of society. For the simple and ordinary ailments of life, it will be found to be all that is required in a medical trea- tise; while for more dangerous maladies, acute or chronic, when the services of a competent homceopathic physician are unattain- able, it will prove to be perfectly clear, exact, and reliable, in the description of diseases and of their proper homoeopathic treatment. Philadelphia, February 1st, 1871. Robert J. McClatchey. LIST OF THE MEDICINES PRESCRIBED IN THIS WORK. The medicines may be used for internal administration from the third to the thirtieth or a higher dilution. For external application, from the strong tincture to the third dilution, according to circumstances. NAME OF MEDICINE. SYNONYMOUS TERMS. ABBREVIATIONS. Acidum muriaticum. Hydrochloric or muriatic acid. Acid. mur. - nitricum. Nitric acid. Acid. nit. - phosphoricum. Phosphoric acid. Acid. phos. - sulphuricum. Sulphuric acid. Acid, sulph. Aconitum napellus. Aconite ; Wolfsbane ; Monkshood. Aeon. Alumina. Argilla pura; Terra alumina. Alum. Ammonium carbonicum. Ammonias subcarbonas; Carbonate of ammonia. Amm. carb. - muriaticum. Ammoniae hydrochloras; Sal ammo- niac. Amm. mur. Antimonium crudum. Tersulphuret of antimony; Crude antimony. Ant. crud. - tartaricum. Stibium tartaricum ; Tartar emetic. Ant. tart. Apis mellifica. Tincture of the poison of honey bees. Apis. Arnica montana. Leopard's bane. Arn. Arsenicum album. Arsenious acid. Ars. Arum triphyllum. Arisaema triphylla; Indian turnip. Arum tr. Aurum metallicum. Aurum foliatum ; Gold. Aur. Baryta carbonica. Barytae carbonas; Carbonate of baryta. Bar. c. Baptisia tinctoria. Wild indigo. Bapt. Belladonna. Atropa belladonna ; Deadly night- shade. Bell. Borax. Borax veneta; Biborate of soda. Bor. Bryonia alba. White bryony. Bry. Cactus grandiflorus. Cereus grandiflorus; Night-bloom- ing cereus. Cactus. Calcarea carbonica. Calcis carbonas ; Impure carbonate of lime. Calc. Calendula. Calendula officinalis; Marygold. Calend. Camphora. Laurus camphora; Camphor gum. Camph. Cantharides. Meloe vesicatorius ; Spanish blister- ing-fly. Canth. Carbo vegetabilis. Vegetable carbon. Carb. veg. Caulophyllum thalictroides. Blue cohosh. Cauloph. Causticum. Potassaa hydras; Caustic potash. Caust. Chamomilla. Matricaria chamomilla; German chamomile. Cham. China. Cinchona; Peruvian bark. Chin. ix LIST OF THE MEDICINES NAME OF MEDICINE. Cicuta virosa. Cimicifuga racemosa. Cina. Cocculus. CofFea cruda. Colchicum. Colocynth. Conium maculatum. Crotalus. Crocus sativus. Cuprum. Digitalis purpurea. Drosera rotundifolia. Dulcamara. Eupatorium perfoliatum. Euphrasia officinalis. Ferrum metallicum. Filix mas. Gelseminum sempervirens. Glonoine. Graphites. Hamamelis. Helleborus niger. Hepar sulphuris calcareum. Hydrastis Canadensis. Hyosciamus niger. Ignatia amara. Ipecacuanha. Iris versicolor. Kali bichromicum. Kali carbonicum. Kreasotum. Lachesis. Ledum palustre. Lobelia inflata. Lycopodium. Mercurius corrosivus. Mercurius iodatus ruber. Mercurius solubilis. Mercurius vivus. Moschus. Natrum carbonicum. - muriaticum. Nux moschata. - vomica. SYNONYMOUS TERMS. Water hemlock. Actsea racemosa; Black cohosh. Artemisia Judaica ; Wormseed. Cocculus Indicus; Indian cockle; Fish-berries. CofFea Arabica ; Arabian coffee. Colchicum autumnale ; Meadow saf- fron. Cucumis colocynthis; Bitter apple. Hemlock. Crotalus horridus ; Virus of the rat- tlesnake. Crocus Hispanicus; Saffron. Cuprum metallicum ; Copper. Foxglove. Sundew. Solanum dulcamara; Bitter-sweet. Boneset. Eyebright. Iron. Aspidium felix-mas ; Male fern. Bignonia sempervirens ; Yellow jes- samine. Nitro-glycerin. Ferri supercarburetum ; Plumbago. Hamamelis virginica; Witch hazel. Helleborus grandiflorus ; Black hel- lebore. Calcii sulphuretum. Yellow root; Golden seal. Hyosciamus agrestis; Henbane. Strych-nos. Ignatii; St. Ignatius' bean. Cephaelis ipecacuanha; Ipecac. Iris hexagona; Blue flag. Potassae bichromas ; Bichromate of potash. Potassae carbonas; Subcarbonate of potash. Creasote. Trigonocephalus Lachesis, Virus of the. Wild rosemary ; Marsh tea. Indian tobacco. Lycopodium clavatum ; Clubmoss. Hydrargyri oxymurias; Corrosive sublimate. Hydrargyri biniodidum; Biniodide of mercury. Hydrargyrum oxydulatum nigrum ; Hahnemann's soluble mercury. Quicksilver. Moschus verus ; Musk. Sodae carbonas ; Carbonate of soda.. Sodii chloi-iclum ; Table salt. Myristica Moschata; Nutmeg. Strychnos nux vomica ; Quaker but- ton. ABBREVIATIONS. Cic. Cimicif. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Col. Con. Crotal. Croc. Oupr. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Eupat. perf Euphr. Ferr. Fil. m. Gels. Glon. Graph. Ham. Hell. Hep. Hydras. Hyos. Ign. Ipec. Iris. Kali bich. Kali carb. Kreas. Lach. Led. Lob. in. Lye. Merc. cor. Merc. iod. r Merc. sol. Merc. viv. Mosch. Natr. carb. Natr.- mur. Nux m. Nux vom. PRESCRIBED IN THIS WORK. NAME OF MEDICINE. SYNONYMOUS TERMS. ABBREVIATIONS. Opium. Papaver somniferum ; Concrete juice » of the poppy capsule. Op. Petroleum. Rock oil. Petr. Phosphorus. Phos. Phytolacca decandra. Phytolacca vulgaris; Pokeweed. Phytolac. Platina. Platinum metallicum. Plat. Plumbum metallicum. Lead. Plumb. Podophyllum peltatum. May-apple. Podoph. Pulsatilla. Anemone pratensis; Paaque flower. Puis. Rheum palmatum. Rhabarbarum ; Rhubarb (Asiatic). Rheum. Rhus toxicodendron. Poison oak. Rhus. Ruta graveolens. Rue. Ruta. Sabina. Juniperus sabina; Savin. Sabin. Sambucus nigra. Black elder. Samb. Sanguinaria Canadensis. Bloodroot. Sang. Secale cornutum. Ergot of rye. Sec. corn. Sepia. Sepias pigmentum ; Inky juice of the cuttle-fish. Sep. Silicea. Oxide of silicon ; Silex. Sil. Spigelia. Demerara pink-root. Spig. Spongia. Spongia marina tosta; Toasted sponge. Spong. Squilla maritima. Sea-onion. Squilla. Stannum. Stannum metallicum ; Tin. Stann. Staphysagria. Delphinium staphisagria; Stavesacre Staph. Stramonium. Datura stramonium; Jamestown weed. Stram. Sulphur. Brimstone. Sulph. Thuja occidentalis. American arbor-vitae. Thuj. Urtica (urens or dioi'ca). Stinging nettle. Urt. ur. Veratrum album. White hellebore. Verat. alb. Veratrum viride. American hellebore. Verat. vir. Viola tricolor. Heart's-ease. Viol. tr. Zincum metallicum. Zinc. Zinc. HOMCEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. PART I. The principal points we have to notice are, first, the Method of discriminating and determining the nature of Disease, and of ascer- taining the relative condition of various Organs respectively,—the Regimen to be observed under treatment,—Clothing, and Habits,— and the Administration and Repetition of the Medicines generally; to which will be appended, remarks on Internal and External Reme- dies, and Precautions for the preservation and management of Homoeo- pathic Remedies, a systematic Table, exhibiting the general frequency of recurrence, suspension, &c, in the Administration,—notices on the use of the Bath for adults and infants, and on the employment of Ex- ternal Applications of the nature of a poultice, &c,—and, finally, a brief survey of the application of Homoeopathy to "Preventive or Eradicative Treatment," containing a few short and simple Rules for the Selection and Administration of Medicines in such cases. THE METHOD OF investigating the condition op the patient, of distinguishing between a state of health and disease, and of determining the peculiar nature of disease. The investigation of the condition of the Patient, and the discri- mination of the particular nature of the Disease, are evidently essen- tial to appropriate treatment. It is therefore imperative that a work of this kind should contain such simple regulations on this head as may lead unprofessional persons easily aud simply to a clear and positive resolution. Such an investigation may properly be divided into two distinct sections, namely: first, the general investigation of the patient, and, secondly, the particular investigation of the disease. I.—THE GENERAL INVESTIGATION OF THE PATIENT. The general investigation of the patient should comprise a scruti- nising inquiry into the particular constitution of the individual—the temperament—the antecedents of the patient's family, as of the gene- ral health, habits, &c, of the parents, and of each of their families respectively,—the sex and the relative state of the secretions especially, consistently with the state of health in such sex,—the age of the patient, and the circumstances which qualify this condition,—condi- tions, impressions, or habits, &c, which are individually peculiar to the patient,—the weak or particularly susceptible part, and what, if 2 HOMCEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. any, be the particular affections to which the patient has been sub- ject,—the general habits, occupation, method of living, diet, &c,— the relations between the climate and the individual, or any transitions o climate to which the patient may have been exposed. 1. The Constitution and its Varieties. A plethoric (sanguine constitution, or full habit of body,—charac- terised by redundancy of animation and vital energy in health, and a prevailing and predominant activity in the circulative system; the complexion being florid and glowing, the frame full and stalwart, the limbs generally active, the spirits and muscular apparatus buoyant and elastic^ the generation of natural warmth abundant, and the pulse full and strong \ but, consequently, with susceptibility to inflammatory in- fluences, and a predisposition to local, organic, or general congestions or suffusions or emissions of blood. A feeble constitution, as opposed to the foregoing,—in which fatigue is naturally a ready consequence of exertion; when the breath will easily be exhausted by sudden and rapid motion ; when the generation of heat will be naturally deficient, and the operations of the functions generally slow and easily impeded, or vexed by bring the least over- taxed, the muscles being readily wearied and incapacitated,—the secretions varying from excess to deficiency or suspension,—and the organs being either too readily provoked and stimulated, or very dull and insusceptible of external circumstances,—and the pulse being naturally feeble and soft or yielding. The patient is consequently subject to diseases characterised by torpidity and utter inaction of the functions, or by excessive relaxation. A bilious constitution—characterised by dark and somewhat turgid skin, or even by superabundant yellowness of the skin, (an impercep- tible proportion of yellow in the skin, observed on close examination, being indispensable to a really healthy complexion,) andbjr the readi- ness with Avhich the liver sympathises in and becomes affected by every external or internal contingency with predisposition to derangements affecting the digestive functions and the stomach generally, and to irregularity of such functions; as also to dark colored urine, costive- ness (with dark motions), and piles;—the pulse is apt to be wiry. An apoplectic constitution (a subdivision which is important here), characterised by the short, thick-set, or close full frame, with laro-e head, apparently buried between the shoulders, the neck being very short and thick,—and the pulse being more or less of the character of the plethoric habit, and the patient being predisposed to sudden flushes of blood.to the brain. A nervous constitution (a variety which is often found in combi- nation with the bilious),—especially characterised by predominant excitability of body, of mind; absence of fixity (or changeableness) of ideas, habits, inclinations, &c.; irritability, and extreme sensitive- ness and inequalities of temper ;— the pulse being accordingly also variable, easily subject to exceeding acceleration, but often subsiding, in sedate.moments, to a movement slower than is customary. The patient is subject to the various affections so difficult of distinction and INVESTIGATION OF THE PATIENT. 3 classification, which come under the head of Nervous diseases / such as spasmodic affections, fits, apparently traceable to no distinct cause, —fugitive and inexplicable pains, particularly such as are aggravated by very slight touch or by approximation, but which are relieved by pressure. A dry, wiry, constitution (not uncommonly combined with the bi- lious or nervous,)— characterised by swarthy complexion, sharp, deep-set features, searching glance, persistently arid condition of the skin ; firm, hard, wiry condition of the muscular and tendinous fibre; deficiency of flesh and angular frame; generally, also, rapid motion and quick perception; the urine is dark, the motions are habitually hard and scanty, the secretions and transpirations are usually deficient, and the pulse is generally distinct and wiry, but commonly, also, quicker than that of the nervous habit (when unexcited). The patient is subject to inflammatory affections—to which the intestines are espe- cially predisposed,—as also to diseases generally, which occur (as it were) with superabundant animal power. A lax, lymphatic, or mucous constitution.—These three varieties, which are, indeed, susceptible of very nice distinctions, are, however, sufficiently analogous to be united in a work of this kind,—they are opposed to the foregoing. The complexion is generally fair, the flesh apparently full, but soft, flaccid, and puffy, the skin pallid, the frame rounded, the muscular and tendinous fibre unstrung, yielding, and relaxed; sensations of chilliness prevail, and the individual is usually more sensitive of cold than of heat, but is also alive to immoderate elevation of the latter ; the natural generation of heat is deficient, the circulation sluggish, the pulse being slow, (sometimes rather full, but always soft, easily compressed, yielding.) The patient is subject to the transmutation of every disease into a sluggish, persistent, or chronic form, (the crisis and resolution being in general imperfect,)—to superabundant secretions or accumulations of phlegm—to catarrhal affections—to abcesses—to exeessive discharges of phlegm, &c, &c,— to the accumulation of water (by decomposition or imperfect compo- sition of the blood) about particular organs, or throughout the body (generally as the immediate consequence of inflammation), and some- times to the sudden suppression of discharges. The catarrhal or rheumatic constitution (nearly analogous to the last, but having one very distinctive feature in the susceptibility of the external surface),—characterised especially by want of sufficient activity and nervous tension and vitality in the skin; which therefore remains easily affected by every external circumstance, effects trans- piration very defectively and inadequately, and is apt by being sus- ceptible to the sudden suppression or repercussion of such transpiration to reconvey the morbid humors which have been expelled by inter- nal organs upon those organs themselves, and thereby to generate diseases of the character indicated by the nomenclature which we have selected. A very decided feature of this habit of body consists of extreme susceptibility to derangement of digestion, which, if inherited, may be considered as the predisposing cause to such tendencies. A constitution in which the skin is especially liable to become diseas- 4 HOMCEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. ed (psoric) (more distinctly capable of individual classification than the scrofulous habit, but yet a mere modification of the latter),—dis- tinguishable by the predominance, recurrence, or continuance of ir- regular and unhealthy secretions from the skin, and irregular action of the glands associated with it: eruptions of various characters,— ulcerative sores, general foulness,—which seem to appear" as the result of every affection of whatever kind, and either to accompany or to follow every derangement. The consumptive constitution (in the majority of instances again, a modification of the scrofulous habit, but more subject to appropriate classification in a work of this nature),—identified in general by very clear, transparent skin, bright flush-spot on the cheeks, especially on the left cheek; flatness of the chest, and hollowness on the breast-bone ; slender, attenuated, lengthened, fragile frame; elongation and spare- ness of the neck; prominent protrusion of the shoulder-blades ; sud- den and rapid growth ; prevalence of heat of the hands after eating; irritability of the circulative system ; and consequently a'pulse charac- terised by smallness and quickness. The patient is particularly sus- ceptible to complications affecting the lungs, resulting from every inflammatory or irritative process (which is also very frequent and readily provoked); to want of breath and complete exhaustion after every unusual degree of exertion, especially after rapid motion, and often even in consequence of mere mental excitement or momentary irritability; to inflammatory affections of the lungs and adjacent membranes (and expectoration of blood), which will ever be liable to result in decay of those organs. 2. The Temperaments and their Varieties. The temperaments are subject to an infinity of individual peculiar! ties which might constitute separate divisions, but which, in our estimation, will be more readily apprehended by the reader in his investigation into individual characteristics. We shall, therefore, confine the division of temperaments into the following distinctions, which even are often compounded, and which should be held to modify the relations of morbid manifestations. A sanguine temperament (usually associated with a plethoric con- stitution),—which is characterised by habitual animation and buoyancy of spirits, gaiety, good humor, &c.; the mind and body are alike quickly stimulated into excessive action, but every affection or dis- turbance is usually of as rapid a course, and brief a duration, as it is severe whilst it lasts. The bodily health is usually good and strong, —and slow or lasting diseases are of rare occurrence ; but the majority of affections, (which have a predisposition to assume a violent and inflammatory type) are exceedingly severe when they do occur, and run a very rapid course. A choleric temperament (usually associated with the bilious consti- tution), characterised by the violence of the reaction occasioned by any irritation, or stimulus, or impulse, and particularly by its severe implication of the biliary apparatus, which, with increased and altered secretion of bile reacts upon the moral and mental faculties, and has INVESTIGATION OF THE PATIENT. 5 a tendency to engender a liability to the provocation of ill-humor, and even vengefulness and malignity, or to rancor and acrimony of temper, upon the revival of causes of excitement. The complexion is usually swarthy, with a yellowish tinge; the muscular and tendinous fibre hard, Miry, and tightly strung; the hair black, and the features acute or deep-set. The patient is subject to bilious derangements,— and to bilious complications with every derangement, not uncommonly provoked by the violent fits of excitement to which he is constitution- ally subject. The melancholic temperament is identified by the slow, meditative disposition; .the gloomy, retiring, solitary, and hypochondriacal temper; the tacit, latent, and unobservable progress of affections produced by external impressions but silently harbored. Every impression is deep and lasting, and broods upon the mind and body ; but the patient is not subject to violent impulses, nor very susceptible to sud- den impressions, the organs being none the less alive to such impres- sions ; the sensibility is apparently blunted or subjected to the reflec- tive powers. The body is alike slowly but progressively affected by external circumstances. The patient is subject to diseases affecting the intestinal apparatus, especially, which assume a chronic and con- tinuous character. A phlegmatic temperament (which is usually associated with the feeble and lax, or lymphatic constitution),—is distinguishable by the tardy operation of all functions, mental as well as bodily; by the slowness with which irritation or stimulation is produced, and by the no less remarkable slowness, as well as by the inadequacy of the re- actionary power. The predispositions are to be gathered from the remarks on the "feeble," and on the "lax," or "lymphatic constitu- tions," (above.) 3. The Antecedents of the Patient's Family. We should pay especial attention to the general health, habits, or particular diseases (if they be known) of the parents of the patient, and of the paternal and maternal relations, which may serve to elu- cidate the origin of a bad habit of body, especially if such diseases as scrofula (in any of its multiplied forms), cutaneous disorders, con- sumption, gout, piles, &c, be distinguishable as habitual with any member of the family, whose constitution could have been inherited by the patient. This is a most essential consideration; for it will very frequently be found that when a remedy is distinctly homceopathic to the case, it fails to operate without previous preparatory treat- ment; and we are puzzled by the failure ; whereas, after the previous administration of an apposite preparatory remedy, the medicine al- ready distinguished as ap/propriate, but administered without effect, frequently becomes signally successful. This is generally owing to hereditary defects of constitution ; and it may be casually mentioned that Sulphur, Calcarea, Aurum, Baryta, Mercurius (not so fre- quently as the first two), Iodium, Ammonium-C, Silicea, Phosphorus, Nitri-h. and Sepia, &c, embrace the majority of requirements for the purpose. The selection will be facilitated by consulting the 6 HOMCEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. article on "Characteristic Effects," under the head of each respec- tively. (See also "Preventive and Eradicative Treatment.") 4. The Sexes and their Distinctions. In the male Ave anticipate redundancy of animal strength, vigor, energy, and circulative power, and we must consider disease in a modified or aggravated aspect, according to the ascendancy or defi- ciency of these characteristics. In the female Ave may anticipate more acute sensibility, greater ten- derness and excitability, and a less vigorous and persistent reactionary power. We most not, moreover, omit to consider the conditions de- pendent peculiarly upon the organs of parturition, &c.? and upon the functions associated Avith them; the progress of pregnancy, and the generation of milk; or, on the other hand, the presence of periodical derangements should be duly considered in relation to eveiy simul- taneous derangement. Relaxation of fibre and lymphatic accumulations are also (to a greater or less degree) inseparably associated Avith the peculiarities of the sex ; and the greater intensity and additional sphere of nervous sensibility should lead us to consider, with great caution, such nervous spasmodic or hysterical indispositions as occur associated with natural predisposing causes. 5. The Age and the Conditions which qualify it. Age is not to be considered without regard to conditions of previous health, or disease—of habits, manner of living, climate, avocations, &c. &c, especially in relation to persons who have attained maturity. It may, hoAvever, (subject to such modifications) be considered under seven distinct sections, viz.—childhood constituting three, maturity two, and decline tAvo. 1. In the earliest period of childhood (the first of infancy) extend- ing to the period of the earliest teeth, the human being is extraor- dinarily susceptible to external influences; sensitive to a degree, and consequently alive to any sudden irritation from apparently slight causes; the brain in particular is liable to precipitation of blood, and the acute sensitiveness of the whole nervous structure renders spas- modic affections predominant. 2. In the second period of childhood—extending to the seventh year in our climate—we have to consider the natural irritability of the system, the Avant of firmness of fibre, the susceptibility to fatigue, readily obviated by the provision of nature,—a preponderance of ten- dency to rest; and Ave have to anticipate the occurrence of organic inflammations, particularly as connected Avith the respiratory or "cere- bral apparatus, and irregularities in the accumulation of flesh. 3. In the third period of childhood—extending to the fourteenth year in our climate—the equilibrium between the functions, faculties, &c, being better established*, and the tissues having become inured to external influences, Ave should consider the occurrence of such affections as already described more minutely Avith reference to par- investigation of the patient. 7 ticular habit of body, circumstances, individual habits, avocations, &c, situation, and other local and general external causes. 4. In the period of approaching and progressive maturity—extend- ing to the twenty-fifth year in our climate—the vigor of the cir- cularise system should be developed; —it is then also that we may anticipate the serious development of latent or declared bad habits of body, traceable to Parentage, and particular care should then be taken, —especially if in infancy or childhood a course of constitutional treat- ment has been neglected,—to neutralize or modify such constitutional defects - affecting the Lungs and the Brain especially—as in Epileptic or Consumptive affections ; both being considered in due relation Avith the progress of sexual powers. 5. The period of maturity—extending generally from the tAventy- fifth to forty-fifth year in our climate—must especially be considered in relation Avith habits, mode of life, avocations, locality inhabited, transitions of climate (if any) &c &c ; because any of these circum- stances may tend very materially to lengthen or abbreviate the stage of vigorous maturity. In some cases we may extend it to the fifty- fifth year; in others it may as reasonably be limited to the thirty-fifth year. In general, the period of maturity jyroperly so called.^whether of long or short duration) is characterised by continual, even, regular, and vigorous operation of all the functions and faculties. 6. The first period of decline—which may at present be said to ex- tend, in our climate, generally from the forty-fifth to the fifty-fifth year —may be distinguished by diminished activity of mind and body, supervening irregularity of the functions, decreased powers of en- durance and strength, returning susceptibility to external influences, and debilitation of the attributive powers of either sex. This period, whether deferred or premature, is almost infallibly distinguishable by such characteristics. 7. The second period of decline or old age, which may set in from the fiftieth to the sixtieth year, in our climate, —or sooner or later, according to antecedent circumstances, is indelibly characterised by the decrease of acuteness in the perceptive faculties, and in the organs which convey sensations—as of light, sound, smell, taste, and sensitive- ness of touch,—by growing obtuseness of moral and mental sensibili- ties; by decreasing retentive mental poAver;—by general attenuation of frame, diminution of physical power, stiffness of joints, muscles, &c, aridity and puckering of the skin, the development of latent defects of circulation, and the like. 6. Individual Characteristics. The peculiarities of individual patients, and the particular effect of particular external influences, &c, upon them, both as to mind and body, should be very carefully considered; and it is absolutely neces- sary, for the thorough appreciation of the distinctive points relating to the case of a patient, with whose habits, constitution, and susceptibili- ties &c, we are not perfectly conversant, that Ave should most care- fully gather the history of the particular and characteristic mannerism (if it may so be termed) which identifies him. Every person whatso- H homceopathic domestic medicine. ever must in some point or other be considered to constitute an excep- i tional case, and be so studied for successful treatment. 7. Affections, dbc, to which (if any) the Patient is especially liable. It can hardly occur that a patient is not more subject to one class of disorders than to any other; and although this, to a certain extent, falls within the pale of the considerations suggested above (see b\), yet there is one essential point to be considered here, namely, the issue or final crisis, in which such disorders terminate,—Avhich is ever characteristic. 8. Method of Living, and General Habits. It is a most important comparison to institute, in the study of any case,—to consider the relation between the habit of body or disease, and the method of living, occupation, &c. The habits may be especially considered in respect of the folloAving distinctions :—1) whether seden- tary or active; 2) Avhether the chief exertion be of mind or body; 3) whether the locality generally inhabited be of a close, artificial (town) or of a free natural atmosphere ; 4) whether the clothing, food, and other comforts, or even necessaries of life have been sufficient, but moderate, or excessive, (both as to quantity, in proportion to actual requirement, or richness,) or deficient in quantity simply, or, not only insufficient, but also umvholesome ; 5) Avhether the domicile and person, or either, have been habitually cleanly, carefully attended'to, or foul and neglected, (as to domicile, particularly as to cleanliness, drainage, and ventilation/ order and regularity are, however, also essential;) 6) whether the habits as regards feeding and fasting, labor and rest, &c, occupation or want of occupation, have been regular or irregular, desultory or uncertain. With excessive confinement, close atmosphere, deficiency of exer- cise, &c, we may associate affections of the stomach and liver (espe- cially), of the digestive functions generally, and depression of spirits, as also (if the place of occupation be of a foul atmosphere,) affections of the lungs. With excess of mental labor, Ave may associate nerArous complaints, and habitual irritative fevers. With insufficiency or un- healthy kind of food, deficient ventilation, drainage, and cleanliness, we may associate low fevers, eruptive fevers, typhoid and putrid, or even intermittent complaints, and skin diseases. With excess of nutrition and indulgence (in comparison to physical exercise), Ave may associate inflammatory complaints, and rushes of blood to particular organs. And in all cases analogically Ave may ally the nature of the complaint with the nature of the habits, occupation, food, &c. 9. The part or organ especially susceptible. By investigation into the most frequent result of casual, accidental, external or internal causes, we may readily ascertain what part of the system is particularly liable to irregular or unhealthy action. And this research is ever requisite, because every individual will be found to have one organ especially susceptible, and liable to become deranged investigation of the disease. g by causes, in some cases even, such as would seem to involve any other complication, rather than that which actually occurs. 10. Atmospheric and other Local Influences. The atmosphere, soil, &c, of particular localities, is known to be prone to engender particular derangements. It is also known that the water of particular springs and rivers, Avhether OAving to the presence of mineral substances, to excessive hardness, or to other causes, has a tendency to generate particular diseases. It is, therefore, very im- portant that these and the like particulars should be submitted to close investigation. II.—INVESTIGATION OF DISEASE. JBy consideration of the Cause, general Character, Examples, and particular Symptoms. In this important branch, the homoeopathist works upon secure grounds, and has an opportunity not only of sparing his patient the painful and doubtful experiments, which become necessary to the allo- pathist in predetermining the positive character of the disease. The homoeopathist does not require to foreknow what may be the sub- sequent course of disease, because his treatment can never so operate either in stimulating or depressing the circulation, as to become in- apposite to the after course, should it result either in severe organic inflammation, &c,—or, on the other hand, in total prostration of vital energy. The homoeopathist has only to consider, for instance, whether the symptoms present are of a febrile character, and he treats them accordingly;—whether the after course assumes the aspect of brain fever, inflammation of the lungs, &c, or results in low nervous fever, or in collapse; he is certain to have modified these developments;— for, by his minute, yet all-sufficient dose of Aconite, he has neither proAroked brain fever, nor prostrated the vital powers, but by having modified the incipient fever has necessarily modified the results ; whereas it could only have been by sure and positive foreknow- ledge of these results, that the allopathist would have avoided fatal results of his own measures, and that foreknowledge could only have been attained by the dangerous experiment of administering drugs cal- culated to precipitate the result, and at the same time to withdraw a portion of the too important natural strength of the patient from him, at the moment A\hen his life depended on possessing all his physical power to contend with the disease, without having to combat drugs. The investigation of disease, therefore, may properly be confined to the consideration l) of the various general, particular and local causes; 2) of the general character of the disease; 3) of the general charac- teristics of the disease, as compared with subsisting or recorded examples; 4) of the Symptoms :—which last must again be divided into the consideration of the pulse, its varieties and indications ; the discharges generally ; the nature of the blood, if any be discharged ; the state of the digestive functions ; the mouth and tongue ; the eyes ; th« respiration, and its peculiarities; the peculiarities of complexion, 10 homceopathic domestic medicine. motion, action, or inactivity, appearance, &c.; the symptoms exhibited by the nervous system generally, and especially by the brain, &c. 1. The Cause of Disease. These are either what may be termed constitutional causes, which consist in any unhealthy condition of the system, and for the distinc- tion of which the reader should consult the section on " Constitution," or they are more immediate, as those hereafter subjoined:— This latter class of causes consists -.—First. Of such as may be traced to individual exposure, excesses, &c, or to particular conditions, either of locality, dwellings, atmosphere, circumstances, habits, par- ticular susceptibility, constitutional predisposition, foregoing diseases, and consequent deterioration of constitutional strength, &c, all of which belong more especially to the "investigation of the patient," and have already been recited. Secondly.—Causes which are peculiar to a district, country, cli- mate, or particular spot, and Avhich are then designated as endemic. Almost every district, especially such as are remarkable for rapid evaporation, excessive and sultry heat, stagnant waters and rapid de- composition of vegetable matter, or marshes with little or no drainage, or bleak exposed situations, Avhere dry, cold, and searching winds prevail, and the Avaters are hard, and generally impregnated Avith mineral substances; for sudden and frequent changes of temperature; for general flatness of country, or for elevated and irregular surface; for Avinds of a particular character, and from a particular quarter; Avhether inland, insular, or coasting ; Avhether the prevalent occupation be that of factories or fields; and Avhether the habitations of the people are isolated, Avell ventilated, well drained, generally clean,—or closely packed, squalid, small, dark, loathsome, ill-drained, and ill-ventilated. These, and many local distinctions of a similar character, Avill tend to render the generation and prevalence of particular diseases, properly speaking indigenous, or endemic, and should therefore be duly considered. Thirdly.—Causes Avhich are of a general, indeterminate character, such as heat, cold, damp, draught, and particular electric relations, but which are prone to become associated Avith sudden transitions of atmos- pheric condition, and which Avill be the more surely developed by the presence, or precedence, of certain other diseases arising from similar- ly indeterminate causes, by the superabundance of particular natural products (vegetable or fruit), or by the deficiency of food, as in cases of famine, or by calamities of various kinds. These are generally classed as Epidemic causes, and are properly divided into three sec- tions, viz.: those which occur regularly at certain seasons; those which are of continuous duration, and are apparently of incessant de- velopment, such as small-pox, measles, scarlet fever, &c.; and those— more properly akb lxactly Epidemic, that is, which appear under particular electric, and other conditions, from time to time, scouring Avhole regions, and whole continents, &c, wherever the like circum- stances tend to engender them, but which then unaccountably subside. It is worthy of especial notice, that all three general classes of these investigation of the disease. 11 causes as engendering disease, are to be removed, modified, extenuated, or even eradicated, by judicious management, by the removed of the direct causes (if any be apparent), or by the preparation of the sys- tem, by means of sp>ecific Homceopathic Preservative and Eradi- cative Remedies. (See the article especially on this subject.) 2. The general Character of the Disease. This is determinable by considering the A-arious manifestations in conjunction Avith the state of the circulation or action of the heart as distinguishable in the condition and peculiarities of the pulse; Avhich alone can serve' distinctly to characterise disease.—Pain is very gene- rally no criterion, except as qualified by the pulse ;—the muscular and nervous action is usually no criterion, except as qualified by the pulse ; the digestive functions, secretions, discharges, &c. &c, will often leave the degree of progress, danger, or curability in disease undetermined, without reference to the pulse ; to the consideration of Avhich we will therefore proceed. the pulse : its variations and indications. 1. The Art of Feeling the Pulse in order to determine its Character accurately. First. Avoid feeling the pulse abruptly, and until the patient has been beguiled (if possible) by irrelevant conversation. Secondly. Make such an investigation of the history of the case as to assure yourself that there may not be some immediate casual cir- cumstance calculated to have fluttered, or otherwise affected the pa- tient, and thereby to have disturbed the pulse more immediately. Thirdly. Place three of the fingers upon the artery on the inner side of the left wrist of the patient, having the thumb so applied to the back of the Avrist that the pressure Avhich you apply to the artery can be modified, increased, &c, in any and every degree; and that thereby, and by so varying the degree of pressure (having a consider- able length of the artery under the three fingers) you may be able, not only to distinguish the number of beats which occur in the minute, but also the particular nature of such beats; as, for instance, whether by pressure you can apparently suppress the gush of blood through the vessels; or whether, when strongly pressed, the current seems to worm through beneath the fingers like a wire; or Avhether the bound is so strong as apparently to force the fingers away in its impetuous passage; or Avhether the pulsations are very sudden, distinct, abrupt, and, as it were, convulsive; or Avhether, on the other hand, the pulsa- tion appears to linger and to pass languidly; or Avhether, again, there is no distinct pulsation, but a rapid thrill, rather to be denominated a vibrettion than a pulsation. In order thoroughly to distinguish these variations, it is imperative that the attention should be absolutely centered in this one object, and not distracted by any other circum- stance. 12 homceopathic domestic medicine. 2. The average Standard of Health. The healthy pulse of an adult (in the stage of maturity) male per- son, of large and expansive frame, should (Avith the modifications be- fore mentioned under the head of "Constitutions") be firm, not com- pressible, but sensibly urged through the artery, notwithstanding pressure, yet neither hard (conveying a shock to the touch), sudden and twitching, nor like a thread Avorming its way beneath the fingers; but moderately full, even, regular, and numbering from 70 to 75* beats in the minute. The healthy pulse of an adult (in the stage of maturity) male per- son, of smaller frame and proportions, should, in general, number from 72 to 78 beats, subject to the same general characteristics in other respects. The healthy pulse of an adult female should, with the same general reservations, number from 80 to 85 beats in the minute; but Ave should not anticipate as strong or full a pulse in a woman as in a man; nor, indeed, should we always attach much importance to the casual pre- cipitation of the pulse, especially of highly-nervous females. The healthy pulse of a young person in the second stage of child- hood, viz., from seven to fourteen years of age, should number from 80 to 86 beats in the minute. The healthy pulse of a child under seven years old, from the period of teething, may be stated at from 86 to 96 beats in the minute. The healthy pulse of an infant, before teething, may be stated at from 100 to 120 beats in the minute, according as the child is robust or Aveakly ; the robust infant generally exhibiting a less frequent but stronger pulsation. The healthy pulse of the first stage of declining life may be general- ly stated, for the male, at 70 beats; and for the female at 75 beats in the minute. The healthy pulse of the second stage of declining life (that is old age), may be stated for the male, at from 55 to 65 beats; and for the female, at from 65 to 70 beats in the minute. 3. General Inferences deducible from the Pulse, &c. 1. Palpitation of the heart.—The palpitation or pulsation of the heart, Avhen felt distinctly, and predominantly, or when even heard or so severe as to reverberate, as it Avere, through the frame, and to shake the side, &c, may be considered as characteristic either of— Nervous irritation, the result of sympathetic disturbance originating in the stomach, especially if worms be present; of hysterical and other spasmodic affections; of severe bodily suffering, or of violent emotion &c, and when the result of hysterical disposition, should occasion no apprehension ; or of— * If however, the pulse be habitually slower or quicker, we should assume this as an individual standard, because instances are upon record of the pulse of healthv adult males varying from 30 to 50 beats. Young infants are known to have a pulse numbering from 140 to 150 beats. If the skin be moist at a natural heat and not flushed, this would be no sign of disease. The pulse also varies before and after meals. investigation of the disease. 13 Excessive debilitation, resulting from loss of blood, or other severe, excessive and protracted discharges, in Avhich case it generally ter- minates in a swoon, Avhich, if casual, does not indicate organic disease of the heart; or of— Sudden determination of blood to the heart, or other organs, Avhich, in females, should apprize us of an approaching menstrual crisis (if in due season); or of— Organic disease of the heart, Avhen it will be characterised by con- tinuance, or very frequent recurrence, constantly terminating in loss of consciousness. 2. The pulse —will serve to determine the mo8t essential questions respecting disease, such as 1) the degree of ATital poAver possessed by the patient; 2) the nature of the disease, that is, whether or not in- flammatory action be present; 3) specific characteristics of the disease, that is, whether it be the result of superabundant strength of the blood and system, or Avhether it be occasioned by, or attended with, a depressed condition of vital energy; 4) the degree of progress made by disease upon the vital power, and consequently the greater or less degree of urgency ; 5) especially in highly critical cases, Avhen no other distinct index is afforded, the selection of the ap>propriate reactionary remedy; 6) according to the greater or less degree of impression made upon the pulse by such administration, whether or not we have properly selected, and how far we should be justified in changing the medicine. 4. Various denominations of alterations of the Pulse. 1. Frequent pulse.—A term applied to the succession of the beats. By this we understand simply an increased rapidity of repetition. 2. Slow pulse. — The designation of a pulse less rapid than in health. 3. Quick pulse.—A term Avhich designates the rapidity with which the current passes through the artery at each beat, qualifying the character of the beat; whereas frequency (as above) is a term denot- ing the rapidity Avith which one beat follows another. 4. Sluggish or tardy pulse.—Expressive of the languid, extended nature of the beats. 5. Hard pulse.—Expressive of the sensation or firmness and posi- tiveness Avhich it conveys to the touch. 6. Soft pulse.—Expressive of the smooth Aoav (so to speak) of the blood beneath the pressure of the fingers. 7. Strong pulse.—The denomination of a pulse, which seems to bound beneath the touch, and repel compression. 8. Feeble pulse.—That which yields to compression, apparently de- ficient of vigor to force its way in spite of pressure. 9. Large pulse.—Expressive of the dilation and expansion of the artery, as evinced to the touch. 10. Sm.all pulse.—Expressive of the apparent retraction of the artery, and the minute channel through Avhich the blood passes, as evinced to the touch. 11. Full pulse.—A denomination applied to a pulsation Avhich seems thoroughly to fill the artery at each beat; whereas the large pulse is 14 homceopathic domestic medicine. only understood of a dilating current, Avithout conveying the idea of solidity, as of a well-filled vessel. 12. Empty pulse.—When the beats do not seem to convey a very distinct elevation to the artery, and which appears as a combination of the characteristics of the soft and small pulse. 13. Unequal pulse.—-That which, without being suspended, does not beat at regular intervals of time, or in Avhich the quality of the current (as hard, soft, feeble, full, &c.) differs Avith different beats. 14. Intermittent pulse:—Or that Avhich is characterised by the oc- casional suspension of beats 5. Indications attributable to theseVarieties, respectively, and jointly. 1. A very important distinction to be determined, namely, whether the disease is characterised or engendered by excess or deficiency of vital poAver; that is, by over-luxuriance, or poorness of blood, is to be evinced by the strong, hard (incompressible) pulse on the one hand, and by the soft, feeble (compressible) pulse on the other hand; the first being indicative of excess, and the second of deficiency of strength. 2. Another distinction in determining the nature of the disease con- sists in the explicit indications afforded by an unequal or changeable pulse, Avhich, in acute cases, identifies the malady as nervous, not in- flammatory, and, in chronic cases, as irrespective of the circulation, and associated with the nervous system only. Thus we should be most cautious not to mistake cutting, stitching, pricking, or shooting pains in the chest, or violent fixed pains (even with violent throbbing), or pains in the chest (as just described), with suffocative oppression of breath,-—accompanied with such a state of pulse—for inflammation; for the pulse Avould hereiu distinctly identify purely spasmodic or neuralgic suffering. 3. A healthy pulse, or a pulse of a purely nervous character, as just described, attending affections of the chest, and especially of the air- passages, is precisely, in some eases, the unmistakeable index of Asthma, in contra-distinction to Consumptive affections, Avhich are ever characterised by a feverish, feeble, irritative, accelerated pulse. 4. The accelereited pulse, if unqualified by any other feature, ex- hibits irritation or fever (properly so called), or increased susceptibility to irritation, which .may result from mechanical causes, tending to lessen the scope of the heart (as tight-lacing, &c.): or from cold in particular, which has caused an irregular retrocession or congestion of blood : or, again, from an increase in the richness or quantity of the blood, which destroys the equilibrium betAveen the motive action and the current of blood. Increasing acceleration is indicative of in- creasing inflammatory action; subsiding rapidity is indicative of the removal of the irritation and analogously of its cause. If the frequency of the pulse continues or returns after a crUis (resulting in perspira- tion, sleep, &c.) we may judge that the effort of nature was incom- plete, and that therefore a continued effort remains. Frequency of pulse may be associated Avith the over-strong, or the over-feeble state of the circulation, and will be more continuous and difficult to subdue INVESTIGATION OF THE DISEASE. 15 when qualified by feebleness than by strength; it will also in many cases be more excessive. Thus, in cases in which the pulse is very frequent, (as, for instance, from 120 to 180, or eAren 200 beats in the minute,) it is also small, and then points out the loAVest state of debi- lity, or Avhat is called a putrid condition. This is, indeed, an imperfect pulse, and sometimes proceeds to a mere thrill of vibration, when it is totally indistinct. An analogous sensation may, hoAvever, be conveyed in very severe cases of "inflammation of the substance of the lungs," as an inflammatory pulse; but then the artery will be dilated and full, if a long breath be draAvn and held; whereas the pulse of debi- lity is qualified by a small, retracted artery. Again, if the pulse be accelerated, and also strong, or full, and hard, Ave may distinguish a decidedly inflammatory condition,—inflammatory fever. 5. The small pulse, unqualified by any other condition, is indicative either of weakness or of spasmodic condition, which may be easily de- termined by the accompanying or antecedent circumstances, and by the folioAving distinctions :— If associated Avith hardness (small and hard) it is especially indica- tive of a conA^ulsive state. If associated with softness (small and soft), it is especially charac- teristic of debility. Further AA'-e may study the folloAving distinctions, either singly or in association :— a) The sloio pulse (if not habitual,— some adult subjects, especially males, having habitually a pulse varying from thirty to fifty beats in the minute, witltoitt disease,) is indicative of insufficient quantity of blood,—as after severe depletion,—of advancing age, of the subsidence of fever (which frequently leaves a reactionary pulse below the stan- dard of health), or of pressure on the brain, as in cases of congestion, water in the head, &c. Associated with the folloAving variety, espe- cially after concussion of the brain, &c, it is of a serious character. b) The sluggish or tardy pulse particularly distinguishes a torpid condition, and a low typhoid character assumed by the disease,—and pressure on the brain, when it is of more serious import than the slow pulse, and of still more serious consequence Avhen associated Avith the last. c) The hard pulse (simply) indicates especially inflammation, (as in fever, &c.); or a convulsive condition (when qualified by evidences resulting from the investigation of the nervous symptoms distinguish- ing this condition. In old age, again, the hard pulse (especially if large) is of very frequent occurrence, as caused by the drying, contrac- tion, or even ossification of the arteries, which convey this sensation to the touch, owing to a decrease of suppleness or elasticity. d) The softpithe (simply) proves the absence both of inflammation and convulsive condition. e) The strong pulse, Avhich indicates superfluity of blood, a full habit. f) The feeble pulse, indicating deficiency of blood, an attenuated habit. g) The large pulse (simply) indicates an unimpeded elasticity of 16 HOMCEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. action, and is the truest index of the absence of cramp, irritation, or excessive irritability; it is the distinctive feature, especially after acute inflammations, of a vigorous operation of the heart, and proves that there is an ample sufficiency of blood in active circulation (con- sequently no local or organic determination): the large pulse (when unqualified by other features) is therefore to be considered as a proof of the effectual resolution of an irritative effort, (such as fever,) when it sets in at the crisis. The large pulse may, however, be associated with fulness (only), when it points out the insufficient liquefaction of blood (or thickness), in which case it is easily compressed, as often occurs in typhoid fevers, (with debility), and Avhen it is a spurious fulness: or, again, the large pulse may be associated Avith fulness and hardness, when it clearly indicates irritation of a peculiar kind. h) The full pulse distinguishes a plethoric or full condition or habit of body. i) The empty pulse offers indications analogous to the " small and soft,^ (as above stated.) k) The unequal or changeable pulse generally characterises a uni- versal nervous condition, and is one of the distinctive features of nerv- ous fevers, or of fevers resulting from, or accompanying, deficient vital energy. It also indicates spasm at the heart, or even a deeper and organic derangement of the heart, or deficiency of elasticity or energy in the action of the heart; and it may also, in cases of inflammation of the substance of the lungs, be held to indicate such a state of con- gestive or other obstruction as impedes the progress of the current through those organs, Avhen, consequently, it is a most serious symptom. 1) The intermittent pulse. In this we may especially distinguish a spasmodic condition of the heart, (sometimes organic disease,) par- ticularly sympathetic, as resulting from intestinal affections, such as congestive determination of blood, or such as excessive relaxation of the bowels, or predisposition to relaxation. THE CONDITION OF THE BLOOD By this division of investigation it must not be suspected that the inspection of blood abstracted by venesection is indicated, for the use of the lancet is the great and grievous error Avhich homoeopathy alone has so effectually superseded. The artificial abstraction of blood is, therefore, as an all but invariable rule, out of the question. But it will often occur, Avhen the condition of the blood affords very distinc- tive indications of the nature of the disease, or of the system general- ly, that spontaneous or casual discharges take place, Avhich Ave may have an opportunity of investigating. We should principally notice a tendency to coagulate very quickly^ or too firmly, or in too great a relative proportion to the fluid residue; or, on the other hand, an excessive predominance of the fluid proportion or absence of coa- gulation. 1) Coagulation which is too rapid, firm, or too great in proportion to the fluid residue, especially if further qualified by the superficial INVESTIGATION OF THE DISEASE. 17 floating of very little of the watery-humor, (which is one Ttf its con- stituents,) that, again, being coated over the surface with a very firm Avdiite skim, is positively indicative of inflammation, tendency of the disease to develop inflammation, or predisposition of the patient (if in health) to attacks of inflammatory disease. Coagulation, in general aspect as just stated, but which throws up a superficial skim, of de- tached, unconnected, Avoolly, or yellowish, or sometimes greenish ap- pearance, distinguishes an irritation of a nervous rather than of a spe- cifically inflammatory character, 2. Insufficiency of the watery constituent, that is, Avhen all or al- most all of the blood is dark and thick, indicates a highly bilious habit of body. 3. Superabundance of the watery humor as a constituent of the blood, that is, Avhen the tendency to coagulate is sIoav, and affects only a small portion (and that often of a paler color than is usual), and Avhen the greater part resolves itself into a watery superfluid, in- dicates a deficiency of poAver to appropriate and distribute the nou- rishing portion of the food, for the sustenance and uses of the system; and (if of menstrual blood) a constitutional disposition to debile dis- orders, such as " green sickness." 4. Absence of healthy coagulation, the blood being dark, but re- maining entirely commingled in all its component parts, not separat- ing the watery humor, and remaining in a thick inadhesive condition, (not jelly-like,) indicates Avhat is termed a putrid condition, or that stage of dissolution in Avhich the vital energy sinks from deficiency of poAver to expel Avhat is mischievous (as in putrid typhus); and, in general, a scorbutic habit of body, Avhich involves a predisposition in every disease to assume a, putrescent character. 5. A dark, yet clear red blood, indicates strength, and a sufficiency of reactionary power. 6. Black, or very dark purple blood:—which is associated with such diseases as result in predominance of venous over arterial blood, and Avhich may indicate organic defect of the structure of the heart, particularly if the complexion have a bluish or purplish hue: and Avhich may also indicate a highly bilious complication of intestinal de- rangement in scorbutic subjects (particularly), more especially if the blood be muddy, thick, and black. 7. Pale blood, from superabundance of watery fluid, also charac- terised by excessive liquidity, indicates constitutional weakness in the predominance of the watery humor as a constituent. Pale blood (from light redness of the coagulating portion) indicates a pernicious constitutional habit, such as the constitution heretofore described as " Rheumatic," &c. 8. The watery humor (as a constituent of the blood) thoroughly and distinctly separated from the coagulating portion, which is de- posited in a firm jelly, (and without any of the unhealthy manifesta- tions described under 1) above, may be assumed as an index of a healthy process of circulation. 9. The watery humor (as a constituent of the blood) appearing 2 18 HOMCEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. whitish and thick, indicates deficiency of constitutional vigor, espe- cially in the distribution of nutriment. 10. The Avatery humor (as a constituent of the blood) appearing of a distinctly yellowish hue, indicates an admixture of bile with the blood. 2. Spontaneous Discharges of Blood generally. If the discharge be from the nose, in cases of inflammation of the brain, severe determination of blood to the brain, or of inflammatory fever of any kind, the symptom is to be considered as a wholesome crisis. In general, discharges of blood may appear as the crisis of a disease, particularly of severe fever; but they may occur as the result of local determinations of blood or inflammations, of over-due fullness and dis- tension of the vessels, of precipitation of blood upon a weak part, (or, generally, of comparative deficiency of firmness and strength in such part, as when a blood-vessel is broken;) or again (as a most critical symptom) of a putrid condition. THE URINE, ITS VARIETIES AND THEIR INDICATIONS. From the consideration of the blood and its appearances, we cannot transfer our attention more appropriately than to the like variations in the urine, as the discharge, the processes attending the secretion of which are most intimately connected with the blood. 1. The healthy appearance of the Urine. Unaffected by any of the subjoined or other particular circum- stances of age, sex, method of living, active, or sedentary, particular articles of food or drink, the season of the year, and as a most impor- tant exceptional condition, the constitution of the patient,—the urine should be of a pale, brightish yellow or straw-colored, remaining clear after standing, precipitating no sediment, and of the peculiar amoniacal smell, but devoid of all loathsome odor. Exception 1. However, in old age, it is consistent Avith health that the urine should.be offensive, lessened in quantity, and deepened in color. Exception 2. Amongst females a degree of sediment is not always an unhealthy sign, and the urine is habitually of a paler hue. Exception 3. With respect to the habits of life, it may be reserved that a person leading a very active life, with especial predominance of physical exertion, should emit darker and more scanty urine than the stated standard,—and, that in an individual of very sedentary habits, it should be characterised by more copious but paler dis- charge. Exception 4. As to eating and drinking, it may be stated as a* exception to the general rule, above, that certain vegetables (espe- cially those of a diuretic nature), such as asparagus, will usually cause the discharge to be offensive: other substances will give it a bright, gold yellow; excess of stimulating liquor will render the dis- INVESTIGATION OF THE DISEASE. 19 charge pale and copious, &c.;—whereas, also, within about six hours after eating, it will commonly be cloudy. Exception 5. The increase of constitutional vigor, or perhaps more immediately the greater enjoyment of open-air exercise which the sum- mer affords, tends to render the urine darker and more scanty, Avhere- as in winter (that is, under contrary circumstances,) it is usually less highly colored and more abundant. 2. The proper Time and 3Iethod of Investigation. The urine should not be examined, or at least no reliance should be placed upon its manifestations, Avithin less than six hours after a meal; and such of the urine as is reserved for investigation should then be set aside in a place Avhere the temperature is even and moderate for at least tAVO hours, not being at all exposed to sudden transitions of tem- perature in the interval, after which we may examine whether any of the subjoined evidences be present. 3. The Variations apparent in the Urine, and their Indications. 1. With respect to the progress of fevers, the urine affords the most valuable characteristics, varying Avith each stage, as the result of the febrile course is developed ; as, for instance : Before the fever has taken any turn towards issue, that is, so long as it continues to rage without any tendency to a crisis, the urine, of whatever color, is emitted (and remains after standing) perfectly transparent and clear; or, in other cases, (especially nervous fevers, and fevers in Avhich the digestive functions are predominantly impli- cated,) the urine Avill be emitted (and will continue the same, and without deposit after standing,) thick and cloudy. 2.' As the determination of the fever approaches, the urine, which was previously clear, will become thick, and will begin to form a small half-floating cloud, or sometimes even a similar cloud completely buoyant, or Avhich, should it sink for a time, will rise again complete- ly to the surface. The tAVO latter are, howrever, indicative of a somewhat unfiworable issue in the imperfect completion of the crisis, whereas if, on the other hand, the cloud formed in the urine sinks, we have reason to anticipate a wholesome resolution. 3. The actual determination or crisis of the fever is distinguishable by the precipitation of a sediment (simply),—in cases in which the urine had preAdously been clear,—and by the like precipitation of a sediment, and the complete clearness and transparency (as if filtered) of the over-floating fluid, in cases in Avhieh the urine had previously been muddy and thick. But for this precipitation of a sediment to constitute a wholesome indication, it should also be smooth, undisturbed, light,—assuming an apparent, slight, rounded, elevation towards the centre,—Avhite, or of *& slightly gray color. It should not constitute more than one-fifth or one-fourth (at the most) of the whole volume discharged, and it should be deposited quickly after the emission. For otherwise it is a bad sign ; as, for instance : If black, or very dark, it indicates a putrid condition. 20 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. If of the color of bile, or red, it characterises an intermittent type of disease, or sometimes of a rheumatic tendency. If white and gritty, or deposited from dark turbid urine, there is depraved habit of body, or perhaps some concreting substance in the canal. Or, generally, if disturbed, b*regular, of a purple hue, muddy, heavy, and constituting from the half to two-thirds of the whole volume dis- charged, it is a bad sign. 4. In general, moreover : a) If the urine be red when the pulse is accelerated, there is a decisive and positive indication whereby to distinguish constitutional fever, inflammatory action, and increased development of internal heat,—from a similar condition of pulse, which might otherwise characterise a purely spasmodic affection. b) If of a deep saffron-color, it represents the admixture of bile in the blood, &c.; and if this hue be conveyed to Avhite absorbent sur- faces moistened with it, it decisively indicates jaundice. c) If it be thick and black, here is an indication of such a degree of inflammatory or putrid condition, as resolves itself into gangrene. d) If bloody, turbid, thick, and depositing an excessive proportion of sediment, we have an evidence of approaching decomposition of the blood. e) If, other things being equal, it be characterised by the floating of an apparently oily substance on its surface, we have an evidence of Avhat may be termed advanced constitutional decay. f) If matter be mingled with it, there must be internal suppuration. g) If the urine (of children) appear, as it Avere, milky, Ave have reason to deduce the presence of worms in the intestines. h) If it be thick but pale, or still more, if it be \-ery changeable in appearance, during the course of a fever, Ave have reason to look upon the disease as of a nervous kind. i) If it be clear, transparent, and watery, and there be continual urging to discharge it, the nature of the affection is distinctly spas- modic. k) If it be bloody, there is probably a degree of inflammation about the bladder or kidneys. I) If slimy Ave deduce a discharge of the character of phlegm from the bladder, or obstruction of the neck of the bladder by some con- creting substance. 5. Or again, as regards the manner or sensations which characterise the discharge: a) If the discharge be involuntary, the affection is of a paralytic character; but it should also be noticed that in such cases of fever as evince this symptom, it is sometimes very difficult to ascertain whether it is really involuntary (in the true sense of the term). If really so, it is a serious manifestation. b) If on the other hand, the discharge be either difficult, painful, or impeded, it variously represents disease of a locally, inflammatory, or spasmodic nature. 6. Or further, as to the antecedent circumstances: INVESTIGATION OF THE DISEASE. 21 a) It should be noticed that sudden check of perspiration will often occasion an exceedingly copious and Avatery discharge of urine. b) Whereas excessive relaxation of the bowels, the previous use of drastic purgatives (under Allopathic treatment), or profuse sweating, Avill frequently cause a darker and more scanty discharge. ^ Chemical and Microscopic Distinctions, and the distinctive fea- tures of other varieties in respect of the urine, have been intentionally omitted, as calculated to lead unprofessional persons into erroneous experiments. the function of breathing : its varieties and their indications. In many diseases, especially those Avhose seat is in the respiratory apparatus, the manner of breathing, the pains, &c. developed by the act of breathing, the sound emitted by the inward and outward pas- sage of the breath, &c, are the only signs upon which we can rely for a thorough and distinctive appreciation of the nature of the affec- tion, Avith the reservation, however, that the relations between the pulse and respiration are never to be overlooked. In all diseases, especially in those of an inflammatory or putrid character, there is much important insight into the direction, &c, of the malady, acquired by a careful consideration of the operation of this vital function. 1. The Breath in Health. The frequency and even the manner of breathing, in individual cases, is best determined by the habitual conditions of both. But, inasmuch as there should be about four pulsations to every act of re- spiration, it may be deduced that, in health, supposing the medium standard of the adult pulse to be 80 beats in the minute, there would be 20 inspirations and 20 respirations in the same time; and in the like proportion. The breathing would also be easy, slow in repetition, and in inhaling and exhaling equal and full. It is not, however, to be inferred that the relative equality of'proportion between the beating of the pulse and the expansion of the lungs is in itself a sign of health (as will presently transpire), although it may be assumed therefrom that the blood is not deteriorated in quality, on the one hand, and that the operation of the lungs is not organically affected, on the other hand. 2. T7ie Variations to which Breathing is subject and their indications. a) Frequent respiration—by which is understood a rapid and con- tinuous succession of inspirations and respirations—is an evidence either of accelerated circulation or fever, and consequently, of organic inflammatory affections, or of inflammatory affections of any kind, in- volving constitutional disturbance ; and also of insufficient (elasticity) strength of the lungs. Frequency of respiration, when associated with smallness or shortness, that is, Avith inadequate expansion, is an evi- dence of some obstruction Avhich oppresses the operation of the lungs; as, for instance, created by congested blood (as in inflammation of the 22 HOMCEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. lungs), by the presence of water in the cavity of the chest, (or even, in severe cases, in the cavity of the belly,) by inflation Avith wind (the oppression being communicated by the contiguity of the lungs to the inflated parts of the stomach), or by the alteration of the substance of the lungs, &c. This variety is opposed to the habitual degree of slowness in the breathing of health. b) The slow (unfrequent) breathing, when less frequent than in health, and further qualified, by deep breathing at remote intervals, as if in a convulsive effort, is frequently associated with spasmodic affections, swooning, &c. and is an evidence of Avant of strength. c) The quick respiration—a term by which is understood that the inspiration is incomplete, and is quickly succeeded by the re-spiration —is occasioned by the presence of some oppression or obstruction, which renders the expansion of the chest so painful as to hurry the operation of decreasing the pressure by expelling the air ; it is almost invariably the result of any severe inflammatory affection of the intes- tines, or apparatus of respiration, and commonly occasions a more sud- den and spasmodic effort to expel the air, as manifested in cough. It is opposed to the healthy tardiness of respiration ; that is, to the deep, sIoav, protracted inspiration, and respiration, with poAver to hold the breath (full) for a length of time. d) Tardiness—may, however, be excessive, as resulting from weak- ness. e) The deep or long breath—when even, protracted — as to the in- haling, and exhaling—noiseless, and evidently Avithout effort, is one of the characteristic features of healthy respiration ; but, when deep, long breath, is evidently the result of a severe effort, somewhat diffi- cult, irregular, sonorous, and sometimes abrupt, it becomes an evidence of spasmodic affection,—especially involving the anterior portion of the cavity of the chest and abdomen, or, sometimes, of great fullness of the vessels about those regions ; or, again, (as if there be a long pause between the expulsion of one draught, and the re-inspiration of another) of a condition of stupor and delirium. f) The Small or short breath (simply)—may be considered an evi- dence either of Aveakness, or of spasm. We have already noticed this variety, as associated Avith frequency. g) Difficult breathing—implies several distinct varieties, either of which may appropriately bear this denomination. In any degree, diffi- culty of breathing may be associated with coldness of the extremities (especially the feet), confusion and heat of the head, and empty, small and remittent pulse, owing to the obstructed and dilatory progress of the blood through the lungs. If casual, difficult respiration may be attributed to some accidental or even mechanical cause of oppression. As a symptom of disease, it would arise from the presence of any ob- structing matter, blood or Avater, &c, impeding the action of the lungs and air-passages, &c.; or as a symptom, unattended with any evidence of inflammation, it Avould be occasioned by spasmodic affection of the respiratory apparatus. Moaning or sighing breath is a variety of difficult respiration, and INVESTIGATION OF THE DISEASE. 23 seems rather to identify the enveloping membranes of the lungs as the seat of the affection. Oppressed breath (simply)—may arise either from impeded diges- tion, from particular conditions of atmosphere, or from affections of the air-passages. Panting Breath rather identifies obstructions (such as thickening of the lining membrane) in the windpipe, and air-tubes. Suffocative breath—that is, when the breath is totally arrested by recumbency—may result from extravasation of blood on the lungs, &c, from the accumulation of water, from alteration of the substance of the lungs, or from Avhat is termed paralysis of those organs; in any case it is a most urgent symptom. In all respects it is opposed to the easy breathing, or to the habitual degree of ease in breathing, Avhich characterises the healthy state of the patient. h) Warm breath (simply)—indicates a degree of fever; if very hot particularly if the extremities be cold) it is a positi\'e index of gene- ral, internal inflammatory action, or more particularly of inflammation of the substance of the lungs, or of some of the adjacent intestinal parts. i) Cold breath—indicates a deficiency of vigor (superfluity of Avatery humor) in the blood, and consequently sluggish, languid circulation. It may result, however, from obstruction which prevent the effectual passage of the blood through the lungs. As a symptom appearing with the sudden suspension of pain, and with general dullness of sensation in severe organic inflammation, it indicates internal mortification; in any case, as attendant upon the last stage of very critical disease, it is a fatal sign. k) Unequal breath— an expression which conveys its meaning—may, in very seArere cases, result from obstructions impeding the inhalation or exhalation of the air (chiefly in the Avindpipe and air-tubes), or it may be occasioned by purely casual circumstances; as, for instance, spasmodic affection of the nerves connected Avith the respiratory appa- ratus. It is opposed to the equal breathing of health. 1) Noisy respiration—or that Avhich is attended with unnatural sounds, is subject to several modifications,—as, for instance, whistling breath, Avhich, in the majority of cases, indicates the result of spasm, or of accumulation of phlegm, &c, in the windpripe. Battling breath, which may result from the presence of matter, blood, or phlegm, partly obstructing the air-tubes ; or, as a fatal sign, it is the result of paraly- sis of the lungs. Flapping breath, or that Avhich is accompanied with an occasional sound, as of the sharp flapping to and fro of a dry valve, indicates the presence of very adhesive matter or phlegm in delicate cells connected Avith the air-passages. Crackling or crepitating breath, which, as associated Avith inflammation of the lungs, would be qualified by the other distinctive symptoms of that disease, may (particularly in aged persons) indicate deficiency of moisture in the lining membrane of the air-passages-. m) Oppressed breathing, or oppression of the chest,—will be treated of under the head of anxiety, (see "Pain," &c.) n) Offensive or fetid breath—a symptom which requires no further V 24 HOMCEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. description, but Avhich must be considered in due relation to other circumstances,—as, for instance, going too long without food, will en- gender it. The menstrual periods are sometimes attended Avith it. Excessive use of mercury, under allopathic treatment, is another ascer- tainable cause. A scorbutic habit of body (or that in Avhich every affection has a disposition to resolve itself into a greater or less degree of putrescence) is unmistakeably discernible from this symptom, when continual and habitual. Excess of animal food may occasion it. Decay of the teeth and inattention to the proper cleansing of the mouth and teeth, will almost inevitably induce it. In typhus, it characterises the putrid degeneracy of the disease. In affections of the chest it usually charac- terises suppurative processes in the lungs, &c. As a general rule, es- pecially in the absence of any particular conditions, such as have been stated—foulness of the stomach, or the presence of worms, or other impure substances in the intestines, may be distinguishable by offen- sive breath. THE DIGESTIVE FUNCTIONS, AND THE INDICATIONS WHICH THEY AFFORD. The digestive functions, as is well known, afford some of the most palpable indications of derangement; and inasmuch as the nutritive or tributary process is entirely centred in this portion of the system, one very important deduction is dependent upon its condition ; namely, the sufficient rr insufficient degree in Avhich the subsistence of the whole constitution is provided for by the processes acting upon the food. And further, in the habitual state of the digestive process, the ho- moeopathist distinguishes that Avhich constitutes one of the most im- portant criterions Avhereby to determine the exact method of adminis- tering medicines in cases of imminent danger; and in some cases, also, the distinctive propriety and adaptation of one remedy in preference to another of very analogous operation. Thus, if the digestive process be habitually regular and strong, and little subject to be influenced even by irregularities of living—here is an indication of a constitution possessing an internal vigor and deci- sive reactionary power; a constitution of great buoyancy (so to speak), whereby, in critical cases, the administrator would be guided, firstly, to a relatively stronger, that is lower potency ; secondly, that he might venture upon more rapid repetition at the outset of the critical mani- festations. In cases, moreover, in Avhich the vital energies Avere sink- ing, (for instance, collapse in cholera,) such an habitual strength of digestion, during the state of health, Avould usually indicate veratrum in preference to Arsenicum (in such cases as Avould otherAvise have led to doubt). Further, it may be remarked, that persons of habitually strong di- gestive powers are more likely to resist the injurious effects of exter- nal circumstances; such as heat, cold, infection, soitoav, &c. &c. ; but once attacked Avith disease (especially inflammation), they are prone to be very seriously affected. At the same time, disease will.be more INVESTIGATION OF THE DISEASE. 25 likely to run a rapid course Avith such subjects, and to terminate promptly, than to degenerate into chronic disease. If the digestive process be habitually Aveak, we have a general indi- cation of precisely contrary conditions. 1. The Evacuations and their Indications. a. Costiveness. Suspended or deficient evacuations may be the effect of inflammatory tendency ; or of muscular debility; or of inaction of the lower intestines ; or, again, of deficient or altered discharge of bile from the liver into the intestines; or of general debility of the system and poverty of blood. Suspended evacuations may, however, be oc- casioned by mechanical obstruction of the bowels, as the lodgment of improper substances, &c.; Avhereas deficiency of discharge may result from excessive discharges or transpirations of another kind. Very dark evacuations may be either associated Avith costiveness or relaxation, and in both instances they usually, when not induced by the nature of the food, evince an exuberance of bile. Hard evacuations are of \*arious kinds:—as hard and large, hard and small (detached), hard and knotty, &c.; in general they exhibit a deficient degree of natural irritability in the lining membranes, more or less excess of internal heat, and deficiency of moisture. b. Relaxation, as understood, not only of less consistent, but of more copious evacuations, is also subject to variations in the frequency, color, odor, &c, of the motion. In general it may result from in- flammatory or neiwous irritability of the intestinal canal; or from the presence of obnoxious, irritating substances, impurities, &c.—such as undigested food, worms, &c,—therein ; or from suppression of other discharges ; or emotions; or, again, from a debilitated condition of the bowels or of the entire system. If the discharge be green (of an infant), acidity is commonly ex- hibited; if dark, predominance of bile; if pale, deficiency of bile. c. Spontaneous discharge should be distinguished from involuntary discharge, the former being of little importance, and being a common result of unconsciousness (when relaxation is present) and occurring, also, owing to the excremental matter being completely liquefied. d. Involuntary evacuations, properly so called, and attendant upon the last stage of seA'ere fevers, especially fevers of a typhoid character, are indicative of paralysis, and are to be looked upon with great apprehension. e. Dirnin ishedevacuations are not necessarily opposed to the lessened consistency, and may occur either Avith highly consistent or very liquid motions; in the latter case, however, they generally exhibit an imperfect expulsion of the matter to be evacuated, and, in such in- stances, of the presence of some irritative substances in the canal. If unqualified by any other manifestation (such as hardness, or those al- ready stated) and especially if there be a constriction of the passage, the decreased quantity of the evacuation may be attributed to spasm. f. Straining to evacuate, is sometimes of spasmodic character, espe- cially if the motion be only partial, very scanty, or totally suppressed. 26 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. But without spasm or especially nervous character, such straining may result from a greater or less degree of inflammation and its sequels, or from the peculiar susceptibility of the canal to irritations. g. Of painful evacuation we shall have occasion to speak under the head of ' Pains.' 2. Flatulency—Wind in the Stomach and Intestines—and its Indications. The generation of Avind either in the stomach or in the bowels, arises from the production of the elements, in the form of gases, of the normal phlegm Avhich is secreted from the blood. If habitual and excessive, it is clearly indicative of Aveakness or derangement (of nerv- ous action or tone) in the stomach, if the wind be expelled upwards, —or in the bowels, if the intestines become inflated, or the wind be expelled dowmvards. Flatulent distension of the belly, occurring in children, often identifies an additional morbid state, characterised by the presence of worms in the intestinal canal. Flatulent, drum-like distension of the belly during the course of fearer, betrays want of vigor Avhich may occasion serious results. If, at the same time, the belly thus distended be very tender, and severe pain be caused by pressure, a tendency to local inflammation is clearly exhibited. 3. Nausea and Vomiting, and their Indications. . 1. These symptoms especially point out either original, local, or sym- pathetic affections of the stomach, or superior portion of the digestive apparatus, as opposed to the bowels or intestinal canal, Avhich con- stitute the second division of this portion of the system. If, therefore, these symptoms be simultaneous with unhealthy evacuations, it is to be deduced that both the stomach and bowels are affected either simultaneously or sympathetically, or by communication of the irrita- bility from the one to the other. a) But they may be occasioned by mere sympathy, without any actual local affection, as:—1. by sympathy with the womb in females, and indicative of the earliest stage of pregnancy; or 2. by sympathy with the livek, as evinced by the pain or other symptoms emanating from that organ ; or 3. by sympathy Avith the brain, as the result of irritation, or of oppression occasioned by determination of blood, con- cussion, or Avater; or 4. by sympathy with the intestines, as par- ticularly evinced by perverse and continued constipation. All these relations should be duly considered; and, in the absence of any such remote causes, we may trace the origin of these symptoms to the sto- mach itself, as:— • b) If habitual 1. to an organic derangement of that and the neigh- boring portions of the system. 2. If both food and drink are throAvn up as soon as swallowed, to inflammation. 3. If accompanied with foulness or enlargement of the tongue, and INVEST [GATION OF THE DISEASE. 27 evinced in the state of the matter thrown up, especially if the suffering be immediately relieA'ed after vomiting, to the presence of obnoxious and indigestible substances in the stomach. 4. If attended with sudden paroxysms of cramp-like pain, and ab- rupt suspension of breath, to increased irritability of a purely spas- modic character. 5. If both symptoms occur habitually in the morning, and there be no further indication of irritation of the stomach itself, and if further examination of the urine, and other symptoms lead to the same con- clusion, they may be attributable to gravel. 4. TJie Appetite, and its Indications. The appetite may be equally great, or greater, in disease than in health, but there are very distinct indications Avhich distinguish these opposite conditions. The appetite of health should be even, regular, (not capricious or fitful) varying in the frequency of its return only according to the habitual period of meals ; but, if not governed by any habit calculated to modify the intervals between the returns of hunger, it should recur, in the adult, about every four to five hours, and in infants and children at intervals of from one to three hours ; and satia- tion (that is, the meal), should not be accompanied with flushing of heat, but rather Avith a sensation of chilliness. As an indication of dis- ease we find the appetite deficient, or absent,—excessive and irregular —fitful—capricious—cra\*ing after particular substances, Avith absolute repugnance to others—characterised by a desire for unnatural things, as chalk—or by a particular longing for stimulants, &c, in the majority of which cases the stomach is the seat of derangement, but occasion- ally, also, the bowels (as Avhen worms are present in the intestinal canal) ; except as regards suspension of appetite, which, in most cases (particularly if supplanted by thirst), indicates constitutional irritation (fever), Avhatever be the original seat of the affection. In other in- stances Ave may remark an habitually excessive or craving hunger (not necessarily either capricious or fitful), but particularly qualified if flushing of heat, or peculiar heat of the hands follow a meal, when Ave may have reason to apprehend a hectic or consumptive disposition. In some cases, however, in which excess of appetite occurs (unaccom- panied Avith these qualifying conditions) especially in young persons, it may be attributed to worms alone—to over-rapid growth—to vio- lent exercise and excessive transpiration, or to any other cause which Avould tend to absorb or to consume the substance and nutriment of the body. Absence of appetite may more particularly be attributed: 1. To organic derangement of the stomach, or simply to Aveakness of the first process of digestion. 2. And more frequently, to the overcharge of the stomach, or the pressure of injurious and indigestible substances, even in moderate or small quantities. 3. To fever of any kind, otherwise determinable by the pulse, &o; except, indeed, to hectic or rheumatic fever, neither of which neces- sarily subdue the appetite. 28 homceopathic domestic medicine. 4. To nervous, hysterical, and hypochondriacal conditions—or to nervous derangement resulting from emotions, as from excessive grief, alarm, &c; or to the like, resulting (without fever) from undue physi- cal exertion (a rare case) Avhen the nerves of the stomach are impli- cated; or frequently from undue mental labor or anxiety. Natural appetite, that is, appetite neither increased nor decreased, may occur, associated Avith hectic or rheumatic fever; Avhen, however, it is generally qualified by other circumstances:—in both cases it is more likely to be irregular or excessive. Excess of appetite, as a symptom of disease, is an evidence of poor- ness of blood, frequently attended with the secretion of an acrid, irri- tating phlegm ; but, without such conditions, it may result from purely nervous and sympathetic irritability—as during pregnancy, or in dis- eases of a purely hysterical character ;—or again, from some habitual cause of irritation, such as Avorms. In hectic or consumptive com- plaints it indicates the insufficient distribution of nutriment by the tributary apparatus, that is, a Avant of proper action in the digestive function to appropriate the nutritive constituent of the food. Excess of appetite will also often appear associated with habitual vomiting, or continued relaxation of the boAvels, owing to the deficient distribu- tion of nourishment. 5. Thirst, and its Indications. In the majority of cases, continued thirst indicates fever or in- flammation ; but, inasmuch as it will result from any dryness of the mouth and throat, and from lack of moisture in the stomach (without disease), Ave must be careful to distinguish the thirst of health. The thirst of health may be the consequence of any condition cal- culated to absorb the moisture of the mouth, throat, gullet, and sto- mach—such as:—severe physical exertion, greatly elevated tempera- ture, particularly in a dry state of the atmosphere, or even Avhen the temperature is much depressed by the deficiency of moisture in the air, particularly if strong exercise be taken during the prevalence of such atmospheric conditions;—or, again, eating salt food, or eating solid food, especially heating food (chiefly animal) in excess, or con- tinuing too long Avithout food (\vithout necessary abatement of appe- tite) after the return of hunger, Avhereby the saliva has been ex- hausted, &c. When, hoAvever, there is no apparent cause for the thirst, especially if accompanied Avith increased heat or dryness of the skin, &c., and if upon investigation of other symptoms, further indications should warrant the conclusion, we may infer that the thirst arises from inter- nal heat, and is consequently a symptom of fever. If in such a case the thirst be intense and insatiable (the pulse being full, hard, and frequent), the character of the fever is distinctly indicated—it is inflammatory; that is, there is a deficiency of the watery constituent in the blood. Thirst may, however, arise purely from acidity; Avhen it Avill be characterised by the risings and acrid sensations in the gullet, &c. INVESTIGATION of the disease. 29 It may also be associated Avith spasm ; when, hoAveArer, it will be characterized by deficiency, not by excess of heat. The Tongue, and its Indications. The tongue affords many of the most important indications associated with derangement of the digestia^e functions. Tongue thickly furred, dirty white, or brownish white, without either unusual dryness, enlargement or redness, indicates that the derangement invohes rather the lining membranes than the nerves of the stomach, and that not to a serious extent. The derangement is then identified as comparatively recent, and easily remediable. Tongue furred Avith slimy matter, and Avith vivid red tip and mar- gins, indicates also an affection of the lining membrane, but one of a more serious and continuous character. Yellow tongue, also qualified by one or more of the last-stated con- ditions, indicates the liver, &c, as implicated. Clean tongue, of bright redness, naturally moist, but Avith the papillae unnaturally prominent, indicates that the derangement affects the nerves of the stomach, and is of recent date. Dry, red, glazed tongue represents a similar affection to the last, but more severe, and of longer standing. Swollen, red tongue, but slightly charged with Avhite fur, represents such a degree of nervous derangement of the digestive organs as to react congestiArely upon the brain, and implicate that organ. Cracked, furrowed, fissured, swollen tongue, conveys to our appre- hension the most severe degree of derangement of the nerves of the stomach. Swollen tongue, thinly coated, white, but bright red at the tip and margins, indicates a complication of both varieties of indigestion—ATiz., that of the lining membranes, and that of the nerves of the stomach, Avhich is of old standing, and of an obstinate character. We may look for irregular operation of the brain, as associated with this symptom, as well as extreme despondency, nervous irritability, and depression of spirits and activity. Tongue indented on either side, is a modification of the swollen tongue, already mentioned as associated with derangement of the nerves of the stomach, and consists of a very severe degree of tume- faction. Tremulous tongue, or tongue trembling when protruded, is often distinguished amongst habitual drunkards, and distinctly indicates a complex Arariety of the nervous form of indigestion, implicating the spinal marrow. Blackish, dry, furred, and tremulous tongue, is a severe symptom in abdominal or putrid typhus. the nerves, brain, sensations, and senses, and their indi- cations. This section includes the consideration of suspension, or acuteness of sensation, perception, consciousness, volition, motion, rest, &c. 30 homoeopathic domestic medicine. • 1. Loss of Consciousness, Delirium, Fainting, <&c, and their indi* cations. Loss of consciousness may be of three kinds (as we shall have occa- sion to consider it), two of which are primarily referable to the brain, and one to the heart, namely:—Apoplexy (considered as a^symptom), which consists in total suspension of the activity of the brain, and con- sequently also of nervous irritability and vitality;—Delirium, Avhich consists in disturbance or irregularity in the activity of the brain ;— and Fainting, Avhich consists of temporary suspension of the activity of the heart, but which also involves the like prostration of general nervous activity. a. Apoplexy, Avhich is distinguishable by unaltered strength, or by increased strength of pulsation, accompanying total suspension of motion, or motive power (which does not always return with con- sciousness), indicates an organic affection of the substance of the brain, more or less critical. b. Delirium, which is distinguishable by loss of consciousness, or more properly, perhaps, of connected ideas (generally of the nature of sleep, Avithout rest), Avith or without frantic movements, but always with increased or diminished activity of the brain of an irregular nature, affords various indications, according to the particular conditions and circumstances which precede, accompany, or follow it, or to the par- ticular disposition of the patient, Avhich may serve to qualify it. 1. When it becomes continuous, and is divested of any other symp- tom of derangement, and the functions of the system continue in regular operation, it ceases to be a symptom, assumes the individual character of an independent disease, and would seem to indicate a greater or less alteration of the substance of the brain. 2. When there is a continual predisposition to the return of attacks of delirium, without a permanent and continual duration, qualified, moreover, by other symptoms of hysterical or hypochondriacal sus- ceptibility, it is of comparatively little importance as a symptom of diseases Avhich exhibit that character (hysterical, &c). 3. Persons of a habit of body and temperament, characterized by a peculiar activity, susceptibility, and excitement (easily provoked or aggravated) of the brain, so invariably exhibit this symptom Avith the least acceleration of circulation, and are so prone to become wholly abstracted by the continued activity of the organ in question, that Ave should Aveigh well the accompanying indications, Avhich further cha- racterize disease, before attaching much importance to delirium alone, in patients of such a disposition. 4. If, however, mere be active delirium—that is, raving, occasioned by sudden determination of blood to the brain, with or without frantic action, Avith considerable derangement of the system, as evinced by other symptoms, especially if this symptom occur in persons Avho are not subject to a manifestation of the kind, we should first consider— whether there be continuous and active fever, in Avhich case we have an indication of the most inflammatory disposition of disease, and it remains to be considered Avhether the brain itself, or its membranes, INVESTIGATION of the disease. 31 be the primary seat of inflammation,—or whether there has previously been some cutaneous eruption or efflorescence, which has suddenly dis- appeared, or Avhether there are such symptoms as forebode an erup- tion ;—or Avhether, again, there have been evidences of inflammation, developed in some other organ, Avhich suddenly subsided or dis- appeared. Or, if no such manifestations be present, Ave may consider the delirium as resulting from a sympathetic affection of the brain, of which the primary cause is seated in some other part,— such as the stomach or the bowels, or both, arising from the presence of irritative matters (as, for instance, Avorms, bile, &c.); or, again,—if any such cause can be identified,—the influence of narcotic and poisonous drugs, &c 5. There is also another kind of delirium which appears as a very important symptom, especially associated Avith any cause of pressure on the brain, generally the immediate or remote result of— Inflammation:—Immediate, when it appears as a concomitant symptom of the actual disease,—in Avhich case it distinctly indicates the presence of blood disengaged, and accumulating in the substance of the brain, or suffusion of extravasated blood in the enveloping membrane;—Remote, Avhen acute organic inflammation is not present, in Avhich case it identifies the presence of Avater. This is what is termed droicsy delirium. It is identified by a de- ficiency of nervous and cerebral activity, the absence, eA'en (in many cases), of any motion of the body, a species of dull, inanimate sleep, total helplessness, and complete silence, or, at the most, a Ioav internal murmur; and it is characterized by prostration of nervous action. Drowsy eldirium, moreover, may appear in nervous and typhoid fevers, as an indication of general debility. In any case it may be considered as a more critical manifestation, than active delirium. c. Fainting,—swooning, should also be considered Avith due regard to the disposition of the patient, and to the circumstances which qualify it. 1. If it be the habitual, especially as the termination of violent attacks of palpitation of the heart, Avhich generally, if not invariably, lead to this issue, there is reason to apprehend organic derangement of the heart. 2. If, on the other hand, it should occur casually, after violent emo- tion—as joy, fear, grief, &c, or after severe loss of blood, &c, or as the result of casual, but very excruciating pain, or as the consequence of an accidental injury of no great moment, it is not to be looked up'on as a very important symptom. 3. If, again, it be the habitual result of mere neiwous excitement in * persons of a highly susceptible hysterical or hypochondriacal disposi- tion,—in Avhich case it is merely spasmodic,—it is not of great moment. 4. If, however, one or more fainting fits should usher in an attack of fever, we have a positive indication of the subsequent nervous type of the disease. 82 HOMOEOPATHIC domestic medicine. 2. Motion or Muscular Action, and Best—and their Indications. Although not in accordance with technical classification, Ave shall include under this head of "motion and rest," every circumstance, in- ternal as well as external, in Avhich the motatory power is called into play, or subdued. Wherefore, it must be premised, that motion and rest are either healthy and natural, or symptomatic of derangement. and consequently unnatural. And. first, Avith respect to motion:—it is clear that to be healthy and natural, it must be subject to the will, and the consciousness; that is, that until the resolution to effect a certain movement (as of the arm or leg) instinctively calls the proper muscle into play, that muscle should remain inactive (but not incapable of action). It is also clear that it should not exceed the limit prescribed by the will (except in so far as the physical impulse .prevents an abrupt arrest—as, for in- stance, if running at great speed, the runner should be unable to stop himself suddenly, Avhen at the top of his speed upon the sudden inter- vention of circumstances requiring it). It is further evidently clear, that even if the will, excited by sensations (which are painful), does prompt motion—such as change of position —such motion is not to be considered as a healthy movement properly so called. An apposite instance of this occurs in any restlessness caused by suffering. With respect to motion, Avhich occurs Avhen nature in health would have prescribed rest—as in the case of restlessness at night,—this is evident- ly a case in Avhich the motion is not subject to the will, and therefore unhealthy and unnatural; because sleep is totally independent of vo- lition. The active and motatory condition of health, as the general rule for an adult male, should not continue fin spite of the avill) more than from sixteen to eighteen hours out of the tAventy-four. In the earliest days of infancy, it should occur during little more than the time required for feeding. Young persons under twelve, or fourteen years of age, should have a natural tendency to activity during about fourteen to sixteen hours out of the tAventy-four. Secondly, Avith respect to rest:—if understood purely in the sense of muscular inactivity, during the active and conscious operation of the will, it is also clear, that in order to be truly denominated as healthy and natured, it must likewise be subject to the avill, Avhich has the power of determining its duration, and of prescribing its recommencement at any moment. Even if prompted or disturbed by the sensations, the avill is yet, to a certain extent, the mediating power. As sleep is not purely a degree of muscular inactivity (which 4 it does not even necessarily induce) it is totally exceptional. But, even here, if the will be retained in proper ascendancy, by being habitually exerted, it is well knoAvn that it has the power of deter- mining the duration of sleep; for many persons can wake precisely at a given moment after many hours' sleep, merely by having previously resolved to wake at such a moment. It is even admissible that the avill has an initiating poAver in inducing sleep, because sleep would not in many cases occur, Avithout a resolution to permit it; and, if it INVESTIGATION of disease. 33 occurs in spite of the avill, it is exceptional, because it must either be an unhealthy symptom in itself, or the absence of it must have been an excess of exertion forced upon nature by the avill. That sleep can be induced even with a disposition to rest—by a mere resolution of the will,—has been asserted, but is far more problematical. If, however, it does not occur when the will composes the body for it, it is again exceptional, and the absence of it is a symptom of derange- ment (not healthy). It cannot, nevertheless, be denied that the will cannot coerce it; and if the will, Avhich is refinement of nervous power, combat the irritation and irritability which repels sleep, it becomes a mere combat between one portion of the nervous system and another (resulting perhaps in fever), both become more and more irritated, and each repels the other more violently. Thus the very thought that one caunot sleep, and the Avish to do so, makes one more restless. The sleep of persons of all ages should be calm, neither interrupted, nor of too long duration, undisturbed, evincing a placid countenance and no eAddence of pain, uneasiness, or fantastic dreams and visions. The only motion Avhich does not identify irregularity during sleep, is the occasional turn from side to side. The more noiseless the breathing, the more perfectly healthy the sleep. The skin during sleep should be warm, but neither very hot, dry, nor excessively moist. Restlessness, therefore—that is, doubly, the inability to rest, in spite of the will, and the muscular motion prompted by the will (under such conditions), may be considered as an unhealthy and un- natural condition of activity or motion (either internal or external). As a symptom of fever, it identifies an excessive susceptibility or irre- gularity, and irritative activity of sensation. It is a symptom rather of an inflammatory than of a debilitated state. Contraction of the extremities towards the belly, identifies pain in those parts (chiefly colicky pains). Continual starting up in bed, indicates great oppression and anxiety, or simply delirium. Continual sinking down towards the foot of the bed, denotes great prostration of vital energy. Throwing off the clothes—AAdien the patient lays himself bare, denotes excessive oppression and anxiety, or simply active delirium, Avhich may likewise be identified by evident inability on the part of the patient to bear" the bed-clothes upon the body, or when they seem to ■oppress him like heavy Aveights. Grasping at Imaginary objects, may be considered as one of the most severe indications of utter retrocession of vital energy, if not of approaching dissolution. Position of the Patient,—a question which is distinctly depen- dent upon the questions of motion and rest, and AA-hich evinces some very important manifestations—as, for instance : 1. Severe suffering provoked by lying on one side, which consti- tutes inability to lie on that side, generally denotes internal derange- ment of organs, whose seat is in the opposite side. 2. Immoveable retention of one position, identifies either excessive 3 34 HOMCEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. weakness or stupor, according to the associated symptoms, and the previous duration or nature of the disease. 3. Repeated change of position—hi some measure distinct from what has been more generally described as restlessness -if occurring on what are termed the "critical days" (as the seventh or fourteenth), or anticipated periods of determinative issue, in fevers which run a regular' course (especially eruptive fevers), may be assumed to indi- cate the approach of the crisis ; or, if occurring early in (or during) the course of a fever, which has not been accompanied by an eruption, we may infer the necessity for such a development; or, again, if un- attended with the general indications of a forthcoming eruption, 01 unconnected Avith any period of crisis, and characterised either by determination of blood to important organs, or by deficiency or sus- pension of natural discharges or evacuations, this symptom may va- riously indicate the lodgement of oppressive matters in the stomach, or simply internal pain or anxiety. 4. The favorable indications connected Avith the position, consist a) of such a position as is least inconsistent Avith that usually assumed by the patient when in health, and b) ability of the patient equally to lie on one side or the other, or upon the back, Avhich is decisive in determining the absence of disease of the organs of the chest (espe- cially if, moreover, the breath is not impeded or oppressed, when the head is bent backwards,) or of the intestines. Sleep, when unhealthy, is distinguishable by any circumstance con- trary to those above stated, or opposed to the habitual condition of the patient (in health). 1. Or, again, when it is characterised by delirium, under the head of which the particular indications afforded by this symptom, will be found. 2. When it is impossible to rouse the patient;—in which case fever being present, it is identified as of a typhoid character, or we may otherwise infer that there is an inflammation of the brain. This is especially an ill omen when it is manifested at the commencement of the FEVER. 3. When the sleep is disturbed by the least noise, but relapses im- mediately. 4. When it is interrupted by muscular tAvitches, convulsive move- ments, and repeated starting, or when there is grinding of the teeth during sleep, all of which occur associated with a high degree of hysterical excitement in females, when they are not serious evi- dences of disease, but which may occur in consequence of sympathetic irritation, resulting from oppression or irritation of the stomach. Spasms and Convulsions should, according to our purpose, be classified under the head of motion. Indeed, they constitute muscular motion, both internal and external; but in order justly to discriminate their symptomatic importance, we must have due regard to the gene- ral circumstances, age, sex, disposition, &c, Avhich may qualify them, for: 1. As occurring in females of a highly susceptible or hysterical dis- position, or in children, they are usually provoked by such trivial INVESTIGATION OF DISEASE. 35 causes (often unattended Avith much constitutional disturbance), that they are commonly not to be considered as of great moment, and may generally be traced to some source of irritation in the boAvels. 2. If, however they occur in consequence of wounds, by which important tendons have been seriously injured, spasms may be con- sidered as highly momentous, and may result in lock-jaw, or, at all events, in permanent rigidity of the parts injured, or of other parts. 3. If, again, they should occur (in persons of mature years, and of robust habit), as resulting from severe loss of blood, &c, they are of portentous import. In this case they are the result of exhaustion of the vital energy. 4. If, again, they appear as the effect produced by determination of blood to the brain or to the spinal marrow, or are derived from the presence of obnoxious matters or foreign bodies, they are not to be neglected. In the first of these cases, they are caused by super- abundance of blood, &c, in the second by neiwous irritation. 5. If they occur at the point of issue in typhus fever, they may either be critical, (terminating in convalescence), or fatal (Avhen the vital energy sinks in this last effort).* 6. If they appear associated with contagion, or the irregular de- velopment of eruptions or efflorescences, as Avith purple rash, small- pox, &c, they are attributable to nervous irritation. 7. They may be attributed to the presence of worms in the intes- tines, or to any other obnoxious or irritating matter, either in the stomach or intestines, in which case also they are directly occasioned by nervous irritation. 8. Convulsions resulting from the pressure of extraneous matter (such as Avater) on the brain, or otherwise traceable to irritation of the brain primarily, may result in the highest degree of which they are susceptible, namely epilepsy. 9. Spasms, particularly if caused by tendinous injuries, may terminate in the highest degree of which they are susceptible, namely, permanent rigidity, (such as lock-jaw or the contraction of any limb, or part of a limb.) 10. Spasms Avhich affect the muscles of any limb are commonly called " Cramp:'' The distinctive feature of a spasm is gathered therefrom, namely, an uninterrupted muscular contraction. 11. Convulsions, consist in the alternate contraction and relaxation of one or more muscles. 12. Spasms and Convulsions, internally, include such affections as vomiting, already separately considered, (Avhen they affect the stomach);' Colic, exemplified under the head of "Pain," (when they affect the bowels); Palpitation, considered under the head of "Pulse," (Avhen they affect the heart); Cough, separately considered hereafter, and also under the head of "Breath," (when they affect the chest); Retention of urine, considered under the head of ''Urine," (when they affect the bladder); Hiccup or Hiccough, separately considered, (when they affect the midriff.) Paralysis,—Avhich may be confined to muscular power, or which may extend to the superior faculties of the brain, and to all power of 36 HOMOEOPATHIC domestic medicine. sensation and perception,—must be considered with due regard to every circumstance connected with it, in order to form a just idea of ils indications. In any case, the brain must be considered as the seat whence this symptom, either directly or indirectly, springs. But it may either appear as the result of some external oppression, or from internal and organic affection of the brain and spinal marrow. 1. If it be purely occasioned by external causes, or by causes which are external as regards the organic substance, as, for instance, if the oppression arise from congestion of an enveloping membrane, it will be easily distinguishable by being transitory, and consequently the more simply remediable. In the majority of such cases the paralysis will be local, leaving the superior faculties, and all other physical parts of the organism, unaffected. Very severe cases hold as an exception. 2. If it be the result of internal affection of the organic substance, as of disengaged accumulation of blood in the substance of the brain, it will be continuous, and Avill almost invariably impair, if not destroy, the memory, and permanently detract from the powers of perception and sensation. Hiccup or Hiccough,—an internal development of muscular action, —must also be considered Avith due regard to the conditions and cir- cumstances of age, and of the symptoms Avith which it is associated. Simply described, it is a convulsion affecting the midriff 1. If it occurs in children, and can be associated with cold, or Avith distension of the stomach, (that is, flatulency,) it is casual and of little moment. 2. If, however, it should be associated with nervous fever, it in- dicates a malignant type. 3. If associated with inflammatory fever, it identifies, to a certain degree, the tendency to inflammation of the bowels. Trembling is a symptom which is of various import, according to the circumstances and conditions under which it appears, and accord- ing to the disposition of the patient. 1. For if the patient be of the highly nervous susceptibility, and it cannot be traced to any of the other causes mentioned, it may be attri- buted to a degree of nervous excitement or irritation, Avhich may re- sult from emotions of any kind,—abuse of stimulants, Avhether medicinally administered (under allopathic treatment) or not, --or to excess of physical exertion, but more frequently of mental labor. 2. If the antecedent circumstances be characterised by loss of blood, or any animal fluid, it may unquestionably be attributed to debility, as also if it attend eArery attempt at exertion after severe acute disease. 3. If it be distinctly manifested, as unconnected with other direct causes, at the outset of a fever, here is an unquestionable premoni- tion of the subsequent nervous character of the disease. 4. Kit should appear in a person of a full habit of body, or other- wise, with evident distension of the boAvels, and unconnected with any other apparent cause, it may Avith p'-ooriety be attributed to superabundance of blood in the vessels. investigation of disease. 37 I. The Sensations, and their Indications. The sensations need not necessarily be painful to afford a distinc- tive symptomatic indication, although it be true that, as an index of disease, eArery particular or characteristic sensation is generally pain- ful, or at all events disagreeable. The most distinct sensation as a system of disease, however, is pain, or the painful operation of a function,—or absence of pain when there is disease which should cause pain ; but we may also divide these sensations into two further dis- tinctive subdivisions, namely, sensations of discomfort or uneasiness, and sensations of anxiety. Pain, &c, Discomfort and Anxiety, and their Indications. Pain, as a distinguishing symptom, in Avhatever part or organ it may have its seat, is to be divided into 1) that Avhich continues unin- terruptedly, Avhich is persistently in the same part or parts, and con- tinues to become aggravated (until resulution takes place), and which is further qualified by being aggravated by the touch, and still more by severe pressure, and temporarily by the application of heat, Avhich is the general distinctive indication of inflammation of the part or parts whence the pain originates : 2) Pain which is chiefly developed in a particular course or direction, (the course or direction of a nerve,) or Avhich is changeable as to the part in Avhich it occurs, but Avhich, in either case, is generally characterised by aggravation from apparent contact or slight touch, and relieved, or not aggravated, by severe pressure, conditions which variously identify pain of a nervous charac- ter : and 3) Pain which comes and goes in the same part or parts, partakes of a contractive or cramp-like character, is relieved by pres- sure, or warmth, or friction, is often intermittent and ahvays irre- gular, and which is rarely continuous and never persistently continuing to become aggravated, conditions Avhich identify pain of a spasmodic character, that is, spasm of the part or parts affected. 1. Pain in the c/iest, or painful respiration, may be the result of an overloaded stomach and impeded digestion, or may be occasioned either by a rheumatic, by a spasmodic, by an inflammatory affection, or by occasional determination of blood to the part of the enveloping membrane of the lungs, &c. a. If it communicate a sensation of being bruised, or of stiffness, as if the muscles could not bear the expansion of the chest; and again, if the pain is of a shifting character, or if touching and pressing the chest causes pain, it may be identified as of a rheumatic character. b. If it be casual stitching, as, for instance, suddenly interrupting •the respiration, Avithout returning regularly, or being regularly pro- voked by a similar effort in breathing, it may be considered as of a neuralgic character. c. If there be persistent stitching pain, whenever a certain degree of expansion takes place, Avith a dull heavy pain, (without progressive aggravation) in the intervals betAveen such expansion, Ave may iden- tify determination of blood to the enveloping membranes of the lungs. 38 homceopathic domestic medicine. d. If, again, there be a continual acute pain, groAving progressively worse and worse, and further qualified by a general and severe de- gree of fever, Avhich has been preceded by chills, and is associated with more or less prostration of strength, inflammation of the mem- branes in question is clearly identified. 2. Pain in the bowels, or painful evacuation, is either of 1) a ner- vous character, when it will be fugitive, returning Avhen the attention of the patient is directed to it, fugitive and aggravated by apparent contact or by slight touch, and relieved by severe pressure ; or, 2) spasmodic, (a modification of the nervous,) but relieved by contact and pressure of every kind, by lying on the belly, and by drawing the legs up, and otherwise contracting the body, which may by continu- ance become inflammatory; or 3) inflammatory, when it will be readily distinguished by persistency, accurate locality, progressive aggravation, and by excessive tenderness of touch, and still more of pressure, &c. Colic, properly so called, is, strictly speaking, a spasmodic pain, but by long continuance may become inflammatory. 3. Painful discharge of urine may appear as the symptom either of inflammation or irritability of the passage, or of the bladder or neck of the bladder, distinguishable by the locality of the pain and the nature of the discharge ; for 1) if the pain arise from inflammation of the bladder or neck of the bladder, it will be associated with fever and hard pulse, and the pain most severely felt at the bottom of the belly, and the discharge will usually be either mingled with blood, or blood will predominate over the urine, or the discharge of urine will be followed by that of pure blood, Avith excruciating, twinging pain ; 2) if the pain be occasioned by inflammation, irritation, or irritability of the passage, it will be qualified by a scalding sensation (when urinating) towards the terminal part of the passage, Avith or without discharge of matter; 3) if the pain be dependent upon inflammation, irritation, or irritability of the kidneys, the Avater evacuated will be hot, and the seat of pain Avill be chiefly in the loins and small of the back ; or, 4) if the pain be occasioned by sjmsm of the bladder or neck of the bladder, there will be continual urging to pass, water, but total inability to effect it; that is, suspension of urine, Avith cutting, cramp-like, agonizing pain in the part, relieved however by pressure, that is, by doubling the body forward, and pressing the hands firmly upon the lower part of the belly. 4. Absence or sudden suspension of pain, in severe cases of organic inflammation, is in all instances a most ominous manifestation, but it may indicate two distinct conditions, namely, 1) the sudden transition of the inflammation to another organ, (in most cases to the brain,) when it requires the utmost care, but is, nevertheless, not so alarm- ing as when 2) such reappearance of the disease in another quarter does not quickly follow; for in this case, the change, in the majority of cases, has been one from inflammation to mortification, (and conse- quent loss of sensation). 5. Intermittent pain, which is also either periodical or irregular, or that which is very severe for a certain period, often accompanied by INVESTIGATION of disease. 39 local heat or general flushes of heat, sometimes by the palpitation of the heart, and frequently by a degree of irritative fever during its continuance, and terminating Avith local or general sweat (and that only), and by an acute degree of nervous susceptibility and irritability, often aggravated by heat, or by slight contact, (the patient having, howeArer, an inclination to press severely upon the part,) but which totally subsides during regular or irregular intervals, and Avhich is of a nervous character. 6. Remittent pain, or that which becomes modified from time to time for certain intervals, especially at certain periods of the day, or under particular conditions of heat, cold, access or exclusion of air, or OAving to palliative measures, but which never totally subsides dur- ing the intervals, but continues dull, heavy, and persistent, instead of being highly acute, pulsating, or shooting, and Avhich is further qualified by sex eve feverish symptoms during the acute stages, which hoAvever, also become modified, though never wholly subdued, during the intervals of comparative relief. This description of pain is gene- rally associated Avith organic inflammations, or with obstructive causes of irritation, with a strong tendency to organic inflammation, and identifies a tendency to chronic or continued inflammatory action in such parts or organs. 7. inflammatory pain, in its genuine distinctive character, is very plainly distinguishable from pain of any other nature ; as, for instance : a. It is ever accompanied with increased heat of the particular part affected (if purely local), and then eve?i in some cases, especially if it be of long continuance, by general increased heat of the body, or al- ternate heat and chills, frequent and hard pulse, and other signs of FEVER. And if it be internal, and affecting one or more of the important organs, the adjacent parts, as also the Avhole body (except the lower extremities), will manifest greatly increased heat, and the general symptoms of fj:ater Avill run high, the thirst being generally consider- able, and often intense and insatiable, (in highly inflammatory subjects.) b. It will be continuous, proceeding from bad to Avorse, until the crisis, or other issue. c. It Avill be relieved by moisture of the skin, and general or even local perspiration. d. It will be greatly aggravated by pressure, or even by the least touch, as of the clothes or bed clothes, but still more so by severe pressure, Avhich is usually insupportable. e. If local, there will be redness and often sAvellino; of the parts; if affecting the outer membranes, particularly of the intestines, again, redness will often be discernible externally. f. There Avill be sometimes more or less strong development of the adjacent vessels, which will be observed to be swollen and dark, their course being palpable, Avhere in general they are externally imper- ceptible. g. There Avill be often more or less throbbing or pulsation in the part Avith the pain, especially in the after or suppurative stage, (although this symptom may also accompany nervous pain.) 40 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. h. If local, it will usually be much aggravated immediately b} warm applications, such as fomentations, but will afterwards decrease, and it will be generally relieved at first by cold applications, but in such cases the pain will often return more severely, as soon as the cold application is removed. i. Whether local or affecting internal and important organs, it will be aggravated by stimulants, motion, exertion, mental or nervous excitement, fatigue, &c, and will have a tendency to grow worse towards night. j. If natural discharges have occasion to pass over the inflamed sur- faces, as, for instance, of the bladder or bowels, the pain Avill usually become excruciating. k. If internal, the natural discharges will be qualified by the evacuation of blood, and either by being very liquid (of the excrements), or very dry ; in any case (of all discharges) they will be deficient in quantity, occur frequently, and there will be continued urging to discharge. I. The external surface, Avhether attending local or internal inflam- matory pain, will invariably be dry until the crisis, when the pain will subside, Avith the development of moisture. m. The pain will insuperably prevent or disturb proper rest, (sleep : —a condition Avhich only applies to inflammatory pain, because pains either of a nervous or spasmodic character may be overcome by sleep, Avhich frequently occurs in spite of them, es]:»ecially of the latter.) Con- sequently extreme and insuperable restlessness (with such indications as above stated) identifies pain as inflammatory. n. The most perfect crisis, or resolution of inflammatory pains of any kind, consists in gentle undisturbed and placid sleep, Avith proper moisture of the skin. 8. Nervous pains are of a fugitive, irregular, (or periodical) pul- sating, dragging, darting character, with or Avithout local heat during the entire continuance of local suffering, but then often attended with local sweat (simultaneously—which never occurs of inflammatory pain), flushes of heat without fever, or with temporary irritative fever (in a modified degree), restlessness, depression of spirits, hysterical dis- position, or fantastic ideas, aggravated by thinking of them, and re- lieved when the attention is distracted by objects of interest,—or aggravated by apparent contact, or slight touch, and relieved by pres- sure, unattended Avith any variations of appetite or thirst;—characterised by the occurrence of involuntary motions, as by jerking, or the sensation of twittering (vibrating) in particular parts,—in the latter case, fre- quently Avithout external perceptibility of such action,—by extreme restlessness and uneasiness, with or without a degree of irritative fever (and often Avith a peculiarly low pulse), by intermittency or periodicity, by being usually dispelled during motion, or absorbing occupation, and by a peculiarly intractable persistency continuing to recur, in spite of every resource, (when they cannot be traced to a precise point or cause,) especially under idiopathic treatment, without, hoAvever, affecting the general health, or detracting from the vigor of the functions. 9. Spasmodic pains are of a cramp-like, contractive, and very severe cutting character, but they are usually of brief duration, INVESTIGATION OF DISEASE. 41 though they may be of frequent recurrence. In their distinctive and peculiar qualifications they are totally unassociated with heat, or any other inflammatory symptom, and are rather, except in highly exitable subjects, habitually attended Avith depressed than over-active circula- tion ; but by long continuance they Avill frequently engender a re- actionary inflammation, and assume all the characteristic features of inflammatory pain, sometimes becoming, in such cases, very severe and intractable. As affecting important organs, they may first ac- celerate, then temporarily suspend the circulation and breath. In their distinctive character they are relieved by stimulants, heat, contraction of the parts, or of the whole body (doubling up), pressure, and espe- cially friction. In their excess they render expansion of the parts im- possible. They are either local, affecting particular motatory muscles, or they are internal, affecting the muscles Avhich are connected with or constitute important organs. A constant and severe degree of sjias- modic pain, affecting important organs (as, for intance, the heart or sto- mach,) is indicative of organic derangement. A casual spasmodic pain, however severe, is attributable chiefly to the accidental presence of irritative matters, especially in the stomach or bowels. 10. Partial pain in the head, that is, if developed in one spot, or on one side of the head, is indicative of hysterical (in the female), or if hypochondriacal condition (in the male). 11. Pain at the back of the head usually denotes determination of blood to the head. 12. Pressing p>ain in the forehead, accompanied with giddiness, commonly implies the presence of irritative or impure substances in the stomach; or, in some cases, excessive Aveakness:—that is, if it occur after a severe attack of illness, confinement to the bed, or more especially loss of blood, or other animal fluids. 13. Pain, particularly and persistently occurring in the back or loins, may (in females) be associated Avith pregnancy, or with a high degree of hysterical excitement, but in such cases as in the more general definition, it may be held to intimate the presence of, or a tendency to piles. 14. Pain, in the anterior part of the stomach, &c, occasioned by pressure (although there be no actual or positive pain without pres- sure), when occurring as associated with fever, or at the onset of fever, and further qualified by heat of the parts, and retching (if of the stomach), or straining (if of the bowels),—denotes respectively inflammation of such part or organ as thereby typifies the fever. 15. Stitching, or p/rickling pjeiin, may denote a spasm, but more fre- quently determination of blood to a part, or inflammation, especially of the envelopitig membrane of an organic part. a. If it be occasioned by spasm—as of the stomach—it will be casual, generally severe, sometimes even to the degree of suspending the breath, but passing off without return, or with a similarly casual return, in the majority of cases, upon the dislodgement of wind, espe- cially belching; pressure and friction will relieve it. b. If it be the result of determination of blood, such as Avhen it occurs on the right or left side (about the spleen,) provoked by rapid 42 homceopathic domestic medicine. motion immediately after eating, or the like conditions,—or when it occurs without such immediate causes (as in the right side), and con- tinues to be perceptible upon drawing a deep breath for some time without striking constitutional derangement,—pressure does not always aggravate it, unless severe, motion'does: relaxation of the parts, as by bending the body forward, relieves. c. If it be the decisive symptom of inflammation, as in pleurisy, we may thereby distinguish inflammation of the pleura (the membrane which covers the lungs, &c, and lines the cavity of the chest) from inflammation of the substance of the lungs, especially if there be little (if any) pain, until the parts are expanded, as by drawing breath deeply; and its inflammatory character Avill be distinguishable in the general derangement and high degree of fearer Avhich accompanies it, with local and general increase of heat (except sometimes of the ex- tremities), dryness of the skin, thirst, &c. Sensations of discomfort, such as the following: 1. Restlessness has been already mentioned under the head of Motion. 2. Giddiness (simply), except in the cases reseiwed as important, is a symptom of no great moment, but it often serves to determine the individuality of disease. a. It may identify a nervous condition, generally speaking, occasioned by an irritation of the stomach, Avhen Ave may identify the cause as an overloaded stomach, with a tendency to expel the irritating substances, upward. b. In many cases, particularly as occurring in persons of a full habit of body, it denotes congestion of blood to the head. 3. In persons of advanced age, or of apoplectic tendency, it may be looked upon as one of the unpropitious indications of imminent apoplexy. a. Sensatio?is of heat and cold are of two kinds,—those 1) Avith which there is actual heat or coldness, and those 2) which merely con- vey these sensations, the parts affected with such feeling being neither hotter nor colder (necessarily) in a degree which should occasion such feeling. These are subject to many modifying conditions—of which we shall briefly notice the most important—and are generally to be held as of very great importance in the investigation of disease. b. Actual increase of heat, if unqualified by any particular local de- termination, or by particular and local pains, etc., denotes 1) increased activity of circulation, that is, fever (simply), more or less inflamma- tory, as the degree of heat is greater or less; 2) local inflammation, whether of particular parts, if purely local, or attended with general inflammatory action throughout the system, if the heat be general, and simply characterised by local determination and other particular identifying symptoms. This heat, as regards a particular spot, may or may not be externally apparent to another person,—it is sufficient that it is internally felt by the patient; 3) a determination of blood to particular parts or organs, Avithout active inflammation, when the heat, Avhether internal or external, is confined to the spot, part, or organ affected, and to those which are contiguous; 4) when inflammatory and general heat is present, it is identified by INVESTIGATION OF DISEASE. 43 the simultaneous frequency, hardness and strength of the pulse, which increase with the increase of heat, and by its conveying no unpleasant sensation on contact to a healthy person ; and further, by the part of the healthy body thus brought into contact with it becoming so accustomed to it, after a short duration of contact, as to lose the dis- tinct sensation of greater heat in the sick body ; or 5) in the last stage of putrid fever, or as an indication that fever has assumed a portentous putrid character, it may signify incipient decomposition, in which case, however, it will increase as the jmlse becomes more and more feeble, it will convey a most disagreeable sensation of a burning, stinging cha- racter to the part of a healthy body on contact, becoming more and more disagreeable the longer the contact continues, and leaving the same unpleasant sensations for some time after the contact has ceased ; this is a chemical not an animal heat. c. Heat in the anterior portions of the stomach, &c, and chest, and especially if conveying a burning sensation internally to the patient, accompanying a high degree of feA~er, identifies, especially a general, inflammatory condition of the tributary organs of life. d. Heat of t/ie hands, after eating, denotes a disposition in the dis- ease to become habitual, or if there be no distinct disease, a predis- position to hectic complaints. e. Fugitive heat is particulaxdy associated Avith a hysterical con- dition ; it is therefore more common among females, (at certain periods especially,) but it may occur in either sex, associated Avith nervous debility, irritability, or susceptibility. f. Coldness of the extremities, associated with a severe degree of fever, denotes a high degree of inflammation in one or more of the important organs of life, such as may impede the thorough distribution of the blood throughout the system. Wherefore it is one of the dis- tinctive features of inflammation of the lungs, &c. But it may also denote deficieid circulation or deficient strength of the blood, as associated Avith other symptoms of an enfeebled condition, and as such it identifies depression of vital energy. Or, again, it may be the result of spasm, either of particular parts or of a superior organ (as of the heart in particular), if associated with other spasmodic symptoms. g. Numbness or deadness of' particular parts may 1) be indicative of latent and insidious gout, and if from other symptoms there be such further analogy as to identify this condition, it may be of much consequence; or '!) it may be purely nervous, and then quite super- ficial, in which case it will generally be palliated by cold applications; or 3) it may be occasioned by temporary arrest of circulation in the parts, in Avhich case there will be no contraction or rigidity, and hot applications, friction, or rapid motion will palliate or remove it; or 4) it may be the result of spasm, in which case there will generally be contraction and rigidity, and heat or friction will likewise relieve, but motion Avill be commonly arrested. h. Itching (without the presence of any eruption), especially if pre- ceded by chill, and accompanied by heat (as associated with fever ), usually announces the approach of a critical swear; or if unattended with fever, commonly denotes an acrid condition of the humors 44 HOMCEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. i. Chill (or the sensation of coldness Avithout actual coldness), is a purely nervous indication of irregularity. It may consist of a spasm of the skin. The conditions Avhicli precede, accompany, and folloAv it, must indispensably be considered, in order to form a correct judg- ment of the various important indications which it affords, and which qualify every fever ; as for instance : 1. Acute fevers are characterised by the single and unrepeated occurrence of the chill. Intermittent fevers by the more or less fre- quent repetition of this symptom, according as the repetition of the fever-fits returns. 2. If the fever be of an intermittent character, and the chill be slight, with great predominance of heat, there is reason to anticipate that the disease will run into a distinctly acute character; but if the chill be severe, of long duration, and very predominant, the occurrence of heat being imperfectly developed, the disease exhibits a tendency to become sluggish and of long duration, and to assume a chronic form. 3. Chill which is very severe, and which precedes the heat, may first be generally designated as identifying either violent, acute, or even inflammatory fever, or, on the other hand, intermittent fearer. 4. Chill Avhich is imperfect, or comparatively feebly developed, and Avhich alternates with heat, (that is, is successively preceding and suc- ceeding it,) usually identifies first: fever of a nervous character, or of a rheumatic or secondly catarrhal description. 5. Chill (rigor, coldness attended Avith shivering,) Avhich occurs during the course of an acute fever, possesses many important signi- fications ; as, for instance : a) If there be inflammation of any particular and important organ, especially of the lungs, we may anticipate an issue into suppuration, or the still more urgent result of mortification, which will be further identified by subsidence of pain; or b) in cases particu- larly in Avhich no decided and llbcal inflammation has existed, or in which the general symptoms are favorable, the approach of the crisis is identified, namely, the thorough development of an eruption, or, more frequently, the occurrence of copious perspiration, followed by general abatement of the disease; or c) Avhen inflammation of one par- ticular organ has existed, and any abrupt arrest has taken place, such as the irregular suppression of discharge, &c, we may anticipate a transition to other organs; d) if no inflammation of any particular organ has existed, and there be evident susceptibility of any particular part, or evident tendency to determination of blood to such part, or obstruction to the operation of its functions, we may anticipate inflam- mation of such part; or e) if none of these circumstances be so com bined as to warrant deductions such as have been suggested, the chill may forbode the succession of intermittent fever. Sensations of anxiety : -a denomination which is applied to a certain feeling of weight or pressure, Avith oppression of the breath, of which the seat appears to be the anterior part of the stomach and chesty No pains (or very few) are so distressing as these sensations, in which there almost appears to be a struggle for life, althouoh, except in cases of organic disease of the heart or lungs, or of inflam- INVESTIGATION OF DISEASE. 45 mation of some important organ, or of general dropsy, &c, they are not so immediately urgent as they appear. a. They may be the result of an accumulation of blood in the lungs, (congestion,) in which case, if the patient Avere of a consumptive habit, the symptom would be urgent. b. They may occur as a spasmodic affection of the lungs; or, again, from local derangement of the same organs, such as irregular reception and expulsion of the blood, owing, perhaps, to the obstruction occa- sioned by enlargements, (as of any important gland,) deposits of matter, &c, in which last case, as distinguishable by the pulse, etc., much importance should be attached to them. c. Such sensations may be the result of merely sympathetic nervous irritation of the lungs, most frequently Avhen the stomach is affected, as by deleterious drugs, tobacco, coffee, excess of fermented liquor, or obstructive and indigestible substances, in Avhich case the affection must not be attributed to the lungs. d. They may be occasioned, as last indirectly stated, by overcharg- ing or overtaxing the powers of digestion, especially if the stomach be weak, a condition easily identified in those Avho have been treated with copious use of purgatives, emetics, or even tonics, (under allo- pathic treatment,) or who have been addicted to excesses in eating or drinking, or in young persons affected with worms; in such cases, if the patient has partaken of flatulent substances, or of very rich, heavy, or irritating food, or of mixed liquors, or has been affected with bilious symptoms, the occasion of the anxiety is sufficiently apparent. e. They may be associated Avith inflammation of the heart, stomach, liver, lungs, or bowels, or Avith dropsy of the belly, general dropsy of the system, or water on the chest; or, again, Avith permanent or organic disease of the heart or lungs, or Avith determination of blood to any of these organs, in the majority of Avhich cases they are of great consequence. /. They may be purely spasmodic, in which case the apparent suffer- ing of the patient will be greater than in any other, and it is not uncommon, even Avithout serious disturbance of pulse, to see the patient, as if in the last struggle of existence, either speechless and prostrate, or occasionally grasping at the bystanders, and feebly ex- pressing an apprehension of immediate death. Such cases especially occur from comparatively slight causes of derangement (of the stomach in particular) in subjects of a highly hypochondriacal disposition, (if males,) or amongst females of excessive hysterical susceptibilitv, par- ticularly if there be actually some affection of the womb. Women subject to frequent miscarriages are particularly subject to be affected in this manner. Under such circumstances these symptoms are of comparatively slight importance. 2. THE ORGANS OF SENSE, AND THEIR INDICATIONS. This section involves, to a certain extent, not only the investigation of the condition of the sense, Avhich may be deranged Avithout apparent derangement of its organ, but also of the external manifestatioi. of one 46 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. organ itself (especially)—namely, of the eye, as Avell as of the sight. The other organs of sense—namely, the ears, nose, and palate, convey no such very distinct or important external manifestations, or none which are not included under various heads in the course of this article; and we shall, therefore, rest contented, in alluding to these, to treat o£ the senses Avhich they convey—namely, hearing, srnell, and taste. The eye affords a multitude of external evidences of derangement —as, for instance: 1. A dilated pupil may be engendered by sympathetic irritation of the brain, as associated with irritations of the stomach and bowels, particularly from the presence of worms; or it may indicate a local affection of the brain itself—as inflammation of the membranes -or water —and is then the result of direct pressure upon the brain; or, again, it may result from total inaction, or suspended action of the bowels, in Avhich case the symptom Avould identify a sympathetic affection of the brain; or it may be associated with insensibility of the nerve Avhich communicates the representations of the eye to the brain, in which case it need not be otherwise than a purely local symptom. 2. A contracted pupil may be caused by great tenderness of light, when it consists of a convulsive effort to exclude the light from acting too powerfully upon the eye. If attended. Avith sensibility to light, it exhibits over-due irritability of the nerves connected Avith the sight, and consequently an irritative inflammatory tendency. If attended Avith insensibility to light and associated with fever, it is an indication of the utter prostration of the vital energy. Languid expression of the eyes, occurring as a distinct and appreci- able symptom, may indicate 1) if associated with anxiety—overloaded stomach, or sometimes the action of fermented liquor on the stomach, or of deleterious substances, or of heavy and indigestible food ; in such cases it forebodes vomiting, especially if cold sweat transpire from the forehead; 2).if associated with general debility as the result of sudden and severe loss of animal fluids, or of very severe acute disease, it de- notes the sinking of the vital energy, and often forebodes fainting. Squinting, or distorted sight, is always symptomatic when it is not habitual, and constitutes a very important indication in children espe- cially, and affords a decisive index to the case, Avhen other symptoms conspire to evince the probability of acute water on the braiu. Other- Avise, it exhibits a sympathetic affection of the brain, originating in irritation of the stomach and boAvels, especially if worms be the direct cause of such irritation. Staring expression of the eye, or fixed stare at one object, Avith or without raving, or muttering, if consciousness be absent, identities de- lirium ; or even if consciousness be not absent (in the usual acceptation of the phrase), there is a degree of abstraction amounting to momen- tary and accidental suspension of consciousness, absorbed by a fixed thought, or with vacancy of thought, in Avhich case also it may be termed the indication of a degree or species of deliiiuin (in its strict sense). INVESTIGATION OF DISEASK. 47 Sunken or retracted eyes denote debility. Protruding or prominent eyes, particularly if they be glittering, and characterised by suffusion of redness, combine to identify considerable congestion of blood in the head. The sight is attended Avith some variations of distinctive importance —as, for instance : 1. Double sight, or half-sight, either of Avhich may exhibit a degree of spasm, and Avhich may be simply associated Avith a hypochondriacal or hysterical disposition, but which may also arise from irritation of the stomach, especially as the -result of very stimulating food or drink; in which case, however, it is usually characterised by giddiness, drowsi- ness, dread of motion, talkativeness or extreme taciturnity, or excessive restlessness, and excitement; or, again, as one of the premonitory symptoms of imminent apoplexy. 2. The appearance of a profusion of dark spots before the eyes, generally conveying the idea of a slow descending moArement aggre- gately ; but sometimes also of irregular oscillation, Avhich, even Avhen the patient wanders, is often to be distinguished in some fantastical expression of dread of such insects, as, in health, he or she abhors, may (according to other symptoms present) identify or forebode:—de- pression of A'ital energy, and fainting, if the patient has suffered from A'ery debilitating affections—such as excessive loss of blood or other animal fluids, or from very rapid or severe acute disease—determination of blood to the head—or a deranged or over-loaded stomach; and, perhaps, in the latter case, vomiting. *■ 3. Obscuration of sight, affords indications analogous to those of dark spots before the eyes, as just stated: The taste affords very important indications in respect of its alte- rations,—as for instance: 1. Foul taste may originate either in local affections of the mouth, teeth, throat etc., or in irregularities of the nervous system, as occurs particularly amongst women of a highly susceptible, hysterical dis- position, or sometimes also without such causes, during pregnancy;— or again, as associated with feater, in a tendency to putridity in the blood, which it therefore denotes to a certain extent;—or again, if saltish and putrid, as occurring in persons of a consumptive constitu- tion, or under circumstances likely to provoke consumption, it may originate in a suppurative condition of the last-named disease. Further- more, a sweetish, saline, bitter, slimy, or harsh and acrid taste, espe- cially if considerable phlegm be constantly in the throat, may be traced to the presence of an irritative condition of the stomach, occasioned by the presence of impure matters. 2. Loss or absence of taste may arise from some organic nervous affection ; or, again, from cold, or derangements dependent upon cold. The hearing may constitute a characteristic symptom, either in its excessive or deficient sensibility. 1. If deficient, as associated Avith fevers, and particularly Avith typhus, this A'ery irregularity constitutes a wholesome indication. 2. If excessive, as associated with fever, Ave may identify either a 48 HOMCEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. degree of inflammatory action involving the brain, or in general too acute a susceptibility of the nervous system. 3. Buzzing or ringing in the ears, as associated Avith inflammatory action, or occurring without any apparent cause, or Avithout either of the other conditions here mentioned—in persons of a full habit of body, may be attributed to congestion of the blood in the part; or, if asso- ciated with cold, to that with or without increased secretion ; or again, to determination of humors to the ears, Avhen more or less deathess usually qualifies the case. The sense of smell is also qualified by two chief conditions, name- ly : 1) deficiency or loss of smell, Avhich is attributable to nervous disturbance, or to the effect of cold (when associated Avith cold), or to indigestion ; and 2) unnatural conditions of smell; as for instance :—■ the prevalence of putrid smell in the nose, which is attributable either to local disease of an ulcerative and putrid character, in the nose or palate, or to tendency to putridity in the blood, or developed as an early manifestation of disposition to apoplexy;—or peculiar smell (which is not putrid, but may be very disagreeable), and Avhich con- sists of an affection of the olfactory apparatus of a spasmodic character. GENERALITIES. 1. Coughs, and their Indications. Coughs are of various significance, and point to various derange- ments, or seeds of derangement, according to the conditions Avhich pre- cede, accompany or folloAv them, or by which they are immediately provoked. They constitute a series of manifestations Avhich should ne\~er be overlooked in the investigation of disease, because it is clear that whether associated Avith direct or local inflammation of the re- spiratory apparatus, and of the lungs in particular, or Avith sympathetic affections of these organs, originating in other organic causes of irri- tation, Avhether in the stomach and digestive process generally, or particularly in the spleen, liver, etc.; the presence of cough indicates, for the time being, one of two conditions respecting the respiratory apparatus, namely:—either 1) that there is in*the system some cause of irritation oppressing these organs directly, or reacting upon them from other parts. If the affection be merely sympathetic, caused, as is very frequently the case, by irregularity in the process of digestion, chronic derange- ment of the lining membrane of the stomach, etc., or by the presence of any impure substance in the stomach or bowels, either received from without, or spontaneously engendered from within, it does not indicate circumstances of much consequence as regards the organs of respira- tion, and should be dealt Avith purely as an affection of the stomach or bowels, &c.; Avith this reservation however, that if the increased irri- tation of the lungs, etc., be alloAved to continue too long, for want of the removal of such provoking cause in the digestive process, it may lead to congestion of blood to the lungs themselves. If the respiratory organs themselves be clearly the seat of the affection, it may be the product of the congestion of blood, suppuration. INVESTIGATION OF DISEASE. 49 tubercles, &c, or of a purely nervous affection; or, again, of inflam- matory action in the lungs, or the ramifications of the windpipe, or primarily of common catarrh, etc. The condition of perfect health, as respects the respiratory or- gans, is, therefore, in any case, inconsistent Avith the presence of cough ; for Avhen no cause of irritation, either local or sympathetic, is present, there will be no cough, nor anything to impede the breath, and a deep inhalation may take place, the air being retained for many seconds in the lungs, Avithout the slightest disposition to cough. If the habit of body be such as to lead to the suspicion that there is some latent taint in the system; or, if again, the taint be testified by morbid affections of the glands, skin, or bones, or by tendency in every affection to assume a sluggish, chronic character, or by continual inflammatory or ulceratiA-e affections of the eyelids or gums, every cough may be of momentous importance, and should lead us to in- vestigate its cause, and to treat the affection, of Avhatever character, without delay, lest, Avhile Ave pause, it should run on to organic affec- tion of the lungs, and degenerate into consumption. a. Short dry cough, accompanied by Avatering of the eyes, and frequent fits of sneezing, in the early stage of acute fever, usually prognosticates measles.—It may likewise (Avithout such particular ac- companiments) announce an eruption of another character. b. Cough (generally), painful, hacking cough, associated with acute fevers (other than those originating in, or associated with cold,) may often be the foreboding symptom of incipient inflammation of the lungs; Avhen the manifestation of crepitating (crackling) breath will frequently be decisive. c. Predisposition to cough, as the result of every exertion of the lungs - such as the accelerated breathing caused by the rapid motion, or speaking, or laughing; or even as occasioned by mental or moral excitement — such as emotions, etc.;—or, again, as the result of every derangement of the system,—usually identities a tendency to organic affections of the lungs. el. Chronic, dry cough, especially if associated with more or less difficulty in breathing, and readily provoked by the slightest causes, and accompanied from time to time Avith stitching sensations, or pains in the chest, Avould lead to the belief that tuberculous disease had set in. 2. Treinspirettion from the Skin and Sweat, and their Indications. The more distinctive method of dividing the consideration of this cutaneous process, would be to consider " transpiration,'''' properly so called, as a healthy, natural operation —indicative of derangement only, Avhen qualified by excess, or eleficiency. Excess of transpiration, under the denomination of " sweat;" and deficiency of transpiration, under the denomination of " dryness of the skin:'' 1. The transpiration of health, is evinced by softness, Avith slight moisture of the whole surface of the skin, in an equal degree, and with- out any roughness, crackling, extreme tension, shrivelling, or wither- ing, or flaccid, flabby looseness of the skin, but with natural fullness 4 50 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. and elasticity; and it consists of a continual, imperceptible, gaseous exudation. 2. Sweat is a disturbed degree of transpiration, characterised by excessive discharge of humor'of the skin; it may be perfectly con- sistent with health as the result of severe corporeal exertion : but, in relation to disease, sweat must be considered as of two distinct kinds: 1) that which accompanies the healthy determination or crisis of dis- ease, or by Avhich such healthy determination is effected, Avhich is called u critical;" and :>.) that which occurs before the critical period, Avhich is followed by no relief, but rather by aggravation, or which is excessively profuse, Avhich forebodes, or ushers iu, or originates from the peculiar operation of disease itself, especially characterised by the eruption of pimples (and not of a healthy reaction),—which is called symptomatic. Of the latter variety—symptomatic SAveats—Ave may particularly notice 1) sweat occurring in the morning (without previous habit of the kind), and Avhich, if associated Avith fever, identifies its hectic character; 2) offensive sweats, which, as associated with fever, iden- tify putrid typhus; 3) SAveat emitting a sour smell, which commonly characterises the fever as miliary; 4) local sweats,—as, for instance, on the chest, or about the head, Avhich are characteristic of determina- tion of blood to those parts ; 5) cold sweats, Avhich denote a depres- sion of vital energy, and .which, in the last stage of prostration, fore- bode dissolution ; 6) transitory sweats, as opposed to the continuous sweat of a Avholesome crisis. 7) Symptomatic sweats may, however, be caused by mere accessory mismanagement—such as want of ventila- tion, and excessive heat of the apartment. The use of feather-beds, Avhich is much to be deprecated, esiiecially in cases in which fever becomes developed, or the superfluous (and very mistaken) excess of covering; 8) otherAvise Ave may generally attribute them either to great debility of the whole system, as associated Avith depressed pulse, etc., especially if occurring after long and debilitating diseases, severe loss of blood or other animal fluids, or other exhausting causes ; or to accumulation of noxious matters or substances in the stomach, when they will appear more particularly about the forehead and face, and will usually be cold and clammy ; or, again, to overdue activity of the circulation, accompanied with comparative deficiency of energy in the functional processes of the skin. Critical Sweat, on the other hand, is to be distinguished 1) by affording general relief and by the simultaneous modification of every source of suffering and the subsidence of the irregularites of the pulse ; 2) by being warm and clammy; 3) by being developed over the whole surface of the body simultaneously; 4) by the subsidence of all restlessness, nervous irritation, or mental uneasiness, and the occurrence of calm, even, undisturbed sleep; 5) by continuity; 0) by the period of its development, in relation to the duration and course of a fever—viz., on what is termed the critical day of those fevers which run a regular course, and usually resolve themselves into an issue about a given period, as on the seventh or fourteenth day, eech,—\$ a very grave symptom when it occurs asso- ciated with concussion of the brain, apoplexy or typhus. Or it may be associated Avith Avorms or other noxious matters in the intestines, or simply with hysterical disposition : or, again, it may be the result of spasm, in which case it may assume a periodicity. 6. Tearfidness and Laughter, and their Indications. 1. Copious watering of the eyes.—in the early stage of fever, commonly forebodes measles; or, if occurring in the course of acute fever, it usually denotes determination of blood in the head. 2. Tearfidness or weeping,—provoked by the most trivial causes, is one of the chief manifestations of hysterical disposition, the same being the case of laughing; Avherefore, the two symptoms are gene- rally combined, and the one succeeds or runs on into the other. In such cases, however, laughter is generally the first symptom, which, becoming prolonged and convulsive, is coverted into weeping. An excessive susceptibility and tearfulness or weeping upon the slightest vexation, or upon fantastical grounds of vexation, is similarly indicative of a hysterical disposition, and is one of its chief indications. 3. Laugliier,—in every case denotes a great degree of neivous irri- tation, both as regards the superior faculties, and the animal functions; if there be a predisposition to laughter, which is provoked by very trifling causes, a hysterical disposition is clearly identified, as already stated, under the head of tearfulness,—if associated with fever, this symptom often forebodes convulsions or delirium. INVESTIGATION OF DISEASE. 53 7. Loss and unhealthy Increase of Flesh, and theii Indications. 1. Accumulation of flesh (fat),*—which is sudden, excessive, or otherAvise irregular, is usually associated with organic disease of the liver, but may, at any rate, be very closely Avatched to detect the first manifestations of distinctive indications of disease. 2. Emaciation^ or loss of flesh, Avhen it does not occur as the result of fever, or of distressing affections of the mind—such as deep and gnaAvning grief, or continued mental excitement, etc.—may be attri- butable 1) to undue and irregular discharges of blood, etc., evacuation of water, and the like; 2) to disease of the lungs, or of other organs connected Avith the respiratory apparatus; 3) and most frequently to derangements involving the digestive functions, and seated either in the stomach or boAvels. 8. Sneezing, Yawning, Groaning, &c, and their Indications. 1. Sneezing is directly caused by irritation of the nerves connected with the lining membranes of the nose, and consists of a convulsive re- spiration ;—it may be the result of irritation in the boAvels, and as such, when it occurs very frequently in children, without being asso- ciated with any more direct cause (as here stated) we may infer the presence of worms, as the provoking cause;—or it may occur as an incipient symptom of measles, if associated Avith fever Avhich cannot be traced to cold; or again, it may be the mere manifestation of cold in the head. 2. Yawning is the result of sluggish passage of blood through the lungs, and if associated with fea*ee, whether acute or intermittent, in its incipient stage it identifies one of two conditions, either a spas- modic or a debilitated state. 3. Groaning may be attributable to purely mental causes, with which, indeed, this' symptom is generally associated:—otherAvise it affords the same clue to the distinctive nature of the affection as the preceding symptom (yawning). 9. The Saliva, and its Indications. The distinctive features respecting the saliva, as indicative of more or less derangement, are either an increased or a deficient and dis- eased flow of this fluid, as compared with the habitual condition of health respecting it. 1. Deficiency of Sediva, or dryness of the mouth and throat, denotes either 1) a deficiency of the watery humor as a constituent of the blood, and consequently an inflammatory or feA'erish condition,—in which case it will occur as a continuous symptom, associated with extreme thirst;—or 2) it may originate purely in spasm, in which case it will occur but casually, and if attended with unnatural thirst, the latter symptom Avill disappear Avith the direct cause, and with the re- * It is not unworthy of notice, that the same symptom has been identified amongst the inferior animals as accompanying the earliest stage of diseases, result- ing from obstruction of the biliary ducts. 54 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. sumed action of the salivary glands. A diseased state of the saliva, which is so frequently associated Avith indigestion, may be manifested in the form of a thick and tenacious, or,—though less often,—a thin and acrid fluid. 2. Increased flow of Saliva may either be critical, as, for instance, in smallpox, or in sluggish nervous fevers, or in fevers generally, as occasioned by suppression of transpiration (through the skin); or it may be symptomatic (in which case it may either identify a purely local affection of the salivary glands, or be associated with sympathetic disorders originating in the" stomach or intestines,—such, for instance, as that deranged state Avhich gives rise to the existence of worms); or again, it may be associated with sore throat. 10. The Expectoration, and its Indications. 1. Expectoration which indicates a wholesome determination or crisis of disease, especially inflammatory diseases affecting the lungs, is technically termed " critical," is identified by the facility Avith which it is detached and expelled, by the absence of pain associated Avith it, and, on the contrary, by the relief which it affords—and by exhibiting a thick agglomerative consistency and yellowish color, occasionally modified by a feAv slight streaks of blood. 2. Expectoration which is expelled by an effort, such as repeated hawking or coughing, or which causes more or less acute pain or sore- ness in the effort to detach it, may either denote the presence of accu- mulations of obstructive and obstructed matters in any of the air-cells or tubes, or in the windpipe, or whence the discharge of expectorated matter proceeds, as the result of a continued irritation. a) If jelly-like, or sticky and rusty-colored, it will usually indicate inflammation of the lungs. b) If transparent, stringy, or sticky, sometimes streaked Avith blood, and expectorated AArith much difficulty and without relief to the patient, it commonly identifies acute inflammation of the tubes of the lungs (bronchitis); in Avhich affection a change in the expectoration to that of an opaque, yellow, or greenish-white colored substance, which is easily coughed up, and is followed by considerable relief, gives evi- dence of subsiding inflammation. c) If it be of the character of matter, or if whitish streaks are seen, or small Avhitish-yellow, sometimes globular, masses, connected together by or floating amongst sticky phlegm (continuously), it is usually a symptom ; f suppurative (the second stage of) consumption ; again, if it consist of masses of substance of a brown or greenish-white color, and which flatten at the bottom of the vessel, into a shape resembling a piece of coin, it is an indication of an advanced stage of consumption. d) If it be of pure blood, it may be the result of inflammatory action, or of consumption; but it is very frequently the offspring of con- gestion, or an overcharged state of the vessels of the lungs. If a per- manent symptom (and not a critical expectoration), it is generally of much import. e) If yellow, and particularly if also bitterish, affection of the Liver is identified. DIET AND REGIMEN. 55 DIET AND REGIMEN. The excellence of the homoeopathic rules on diet has Avrested appro- bation even from our opponents, although, at the same time, they dis- ingenuously make use of it as a handle against the science itself, by ascribing the cures affected to the observance of these rules, rather than to the efficacy of the medicines employed. To individuals unacquainted Avith the merits of Homoeopathy, the regimen is represented as extremely rigid: a plain statement hoAvever, of the course to be pursued, in general cases, will at once refute this assertion; and it may also be observed, that, at first sight, the self denial imposed seems more stringent than it Avill prove on being carried into effect. Many individuals in the Author's own experience haA-e pursued the same system of diet, after they had no further occasion for medical assistance, thus continuing from choice what they had begun from necessity. The homoeopathic dietetic rules consist merely in the avoidance of medicinal and indigestible substances during treatment, both as calcu- lated to interfere Avith the action of the medicines and the proper func- tions of the alimentary system. Consequently, among liquids, the articles generally proscribed are green tea or strong black tea, coffee, malt liquors, Avine, spirits, and stimulants of every description; lemonade, or other acid or alkaline drinks, and natural or artificial mineral Avaters. On the other hand, cocoa, unspiced chocolate, toast-, rice-, or barley-water, oatmeal gruel sweetened Avith a little sugar, or raspberry or straAvberry syrup, if desired; Avhey, milk and water, or pure milk not too recent from the cow, boiled, milk, and, in some instances, butter-milk, or in fact any non-medicinal beverage, is alloAvable. The diet should however be accommodated to the pecularities of constitution in indiA'iduals; for instance, some persons cannot take the smallest quantity of milk Avithout serious inconvenience; others throw out a rash after partaking of fish; and, again, others loathe the very sight of animal food. These peculiarities should also be taken into account in the selection of the remedies. Of the varieties of animal food, pcjrk, young or salted meats, and, amongst poultry, ducks and geese, were better avoided, particularly Avhen derangement of the digestive functions exists. Beef, mutton, venison, and most descriptions <>f game, if not too long kept (high), pigeons, larks, rabbits, etc., are alloAvable at discretion. (liefer to the Synopsis.) Fish is a Avholesome article of diet, and may, in most cases, be par- taken of occasionally, Avith the exception of the oleaginous species— such as eels, salmon, etc.; or shell-iish—as oysters, lobsters, etc.; and all kinds of salted, pickled, potted, or smoked fish. Eggs, Avhen knoAvn to agree; butter, if free from rancid or unusual taste ; cream, plain unseasoned custards, and curds, are also admissible in moderation. Stimulating soups and high-seasoned or rich-made dishes are directly opposed to homceopathic regimen. Beef-tea, veal- and chicken- 56 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. broth, etc., thickened with rice, macaroni or sago, and seasoned merely with a little salt, are of course allowable. Amongst vegetables, all of a pungent, aromatic, medicinal, or indi- gestible description, or greened with copper, are prohibited; such as onions, garlic, eschalots, asparagus, radishes, horse-radish, celery, pars- ley, mint, sage, mushrooms, tomatoes, etc-; but others free from such qualities, such as potatoes, french-beans, green peas or beans, cauli- flower, spinach, seakale, mild turnips, carrots, etc, may-be used Avith the needful precaution of avoiding any particular article of diet, whether of the animal or vegeteible kingdom, that may seem to dis- agree in tlie particular case in question. Lemon or orange-peel, laurel leaves, bitter almonds, peach leaves or kernels, fennel, aniseed, marjoram, etc., are objectionable; acids, and the ordinary condiments, such as pepper, mustard, pickles, etc, and salads, ought either to be sparingly partaken o\, or entirely abstained from, particularly by per- sons predisposed to indigestion. Salt and sugar in moderation are admissible. Acid or unripe fruits are clearly objectionable; and even ripe fruits possessing little or no acidity, if fresh or prepared by cooking (such as peaches, raspberries, sweet cherries, grapes), and dried or preserved fruits (as figs, prunes, apples, pears), should be used in moderation, particularly by persons of weak digestion ; and should be avoided alto- gether by those subject to colic or looseness of the bowels. Cold fruits (such as melons) and raw vegetables (such as cucumbers, etc.), and also nuts, of every description, are forbidden. All kinds of light bread and biscuit, free from soda or potash, and not newly baked; also simple cakes, composed of flour or meal, eggs, sugar, and a little good butter; or light puddings, such as bread-, rice-, sago-, semolino-, without wines, spices, or rich sauces, are admissible ;■ but colored confectionary, pastry, and in some cases also honey, must be rejected. Regularity in the hours of meals should be observed, and too long fasting, as well as too great quantity of food at one time, should be avoided. It is not sufficiently considered that excess in eating even wholesome and digestible food is a most grievous error. The lightest diet will impede the operation of the digestive functions if the stomach be over- loaded. It were always better to leave the table unsatisfied than to indulge in any excess in this particular Nor should it be forgotten, that a craving appetite which induces an inclination to eat excessively, is in itself an unhealthy condition, which requires to be counteracted rather than to be encouraged. During fevers and inflammatory affections, the patient must of course be kept upon a Ioav regimen,—gruel, barley-water, etc.; and at the com- mencement of convalescence a light pudding, with a little weak beef-tea, or mutton- or chicken-broth, should form the whole of the nourishment given. Nature, however, is our best guide; and whenever she takes away appetite, the necessity of not taxing the digestive functions must, Avith rare exceptions, be deemed imperative. (See Fever, and also Synopsis of the Rules for Diet.) CLOTHING AND HABITS. 57 CLOTHING AND HABITS. Upon the first point it were scarcely Avorth while entering into any observations, Avere it not simply to remark upon the impropriety of Avearing garments impervious to air, and fitting closely to the shape, and the custom of exposing the extremities and chests of young chil- dren to the chilling atmosphere of our peculiarly variable and humid climate, under the absurd idea of making them hardy. The evil con- sequences arising from the check given to perspiration, by the first- mentioned practice, are too Avell known to require any particular comment; but as the other is an error Avidely pre\Talent, I consider it my duty to mention it; and I feel assured, that if mothers would only reform their system, and clothe their children in a more rational man- ner, they Avould make no slight adA'ance towards the prevention of serious affections, not only during childhood, but in after life. CottOn, linen, and even leather Avorn next to the skin, are, generally, preferable to coarse Avoolens. As regards habits, it may be briefly observed, that a regular method of living, avoiding ill-ventilated apartments, late hours, dissipation, over-study, anxiety, and other mental emotions, and taking sufficient air and exercise, are the best preservatives of health. The frequent use of hot-baths is injurious and liable to retard the cure under homoeopathic treatment. The idea that sea-bathing is al- most universally beneficial is exceedingly erroneous ; there are many constitutions on which it acts prejudicially Medicated baths, either natural or artificial, are strictly forbidden. Bathing the Avhole frame daily with a sponge or Avet towel, with cold or scarcely tepid Avater, and the use of the flesh-brush, are by no means objectionable, and fre- quently indeed strongly to be recommended. (See Notices on the Use of the Bath.) The use of any medicinal or aromatic substances in the arrangement of the toilet, such as camphorated or otherwise medicated dentifrices, lip-salves, smelling salts, or cosmetics, is more or less detrimental to the action of the medicines, and should be avoided. Flowers should be excluded from sleeping apartments, especially at night, when they emit a deleterious gas. > ADMINISTRATION AND REPETITION OF THE MEDI- CINES. The method, quantity, potency, and frequency to be selected and observed in the administration of the remedies, will be stated more ex- plicitly as regards particular cases in the subsequent directions for the treatment of diseases, and in the Tables of the Remedies and Po- tencies and Analogous Medicines, generally prescribed, in the fore- going pages. There will also be additional particulars in the Remarks on Inter- nal and External Keaiedies ; and material assistance may, moreover, be derived from the article on the Characteristic Efffots and Indi- cations of the Remedies. Yet much will still be left to the dis- 58 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. crimination and judgment of the administrator; because ltis obvious, that a multiplicity of exceptional c:ises and conditions^ will an.-e, to which no general rule and few special regulations will apply. In instances of this description the particular character of each symptom distinguishable by the conditions under which it is manifested-or still more properly the assemblage of symptoms similarly (qualified by conditions, will be the safest guide for the judicious selection of the remedy; and the continuance, return, suspension, aggravation, pallia- tion, modification, or change of such particular features of ailment, will serve to regulate the repetition, suspension, or change -of the remedy. The same circumstances will also frequently guide the administrator to change the potency, when the remedy he has selected is evidently indicated, but has not been followed by adequate results; or in other instances to adopt an analogous remedy, when both of the previous methods have equally failed. In pursuing such changes, great care should be taken in turning to the Table of Analogous Remedies, and from thence to the article on the Characteristic Effects and Indications of the Remedies, and in thereby selecting the remedy or potency whose operation assimilates most nearly to the aggregate features of symptoms and conditions in the case. The forai of the medicine.—With respect to the form in which the medicines should be used, see the leading notification under the head of " Remarks and Regulations respecting Internal Remedies and Doses." Repetition and Selection.—The following are a few of the general rules to be observed in the domestic employment of the homceopathic medicines:— , In diseases Avhich are severe, and run their course rapidly, we must carefully watch the symptoms, and when we feel assured Ave have chosen the proper remedy, if no perceptible medicinal aggravation or amelioration declare itself, but the disease seems to gain ground, repeat the medicine. In cases of high inflammatory action, Aconite or Bella- donna, etc., should sometimes be repeated at intervals, varying from fifteen minutes to two, four or six hours. If a medicinal aggravation take place, followed by amelioration, we mus$ let the medicine continue its action, until the amelioration appears to cease, and the disease again makes head ; if new symptoms set in, we must then have recourse to the medicine thereby indicated. Should, however, no perceptible medicinal aggravation take place, but amelioration follow, we may safely aAvait its approach to a termination, ere we again administer. If any symptoms remain, from the remedy first selected having afforded only partial relief, Ave must haA'e recourse to some other medicine, Avhich seems best fitted to meet them; but refrain from changing the remedy as long as benefit results from its enqdoyntcnt. £n diseases whose symptoms are obstinate and long-continued, and in those which are virulent but of s/iort duration, as well as in those which partake somewhat of these features of violence, Avhen a very striking improvement takes place, it will generally be found ad- administration of the medicines. 59 vantageous to cease to administer the medicine as long as the improve- ment continues, and only to repeat as soon as the slightest symptoms of activity in the progress of disease reappear. But AAThen a sudden or marked improvement, of comparatively short duration, folloAvs the first dose of a remedy, and on repeating the dose, the symptoms of the complaint increase instead of subsiding, as they did in the first instance, it may be concluded that the medicine does not answer, and that another must accordingly be had recourse to, in the selection of which it will be necessary to choose one related or analogous to the remedy first prescribed. The distinguishing of the medicinal aggravation from that of the disease, being a point of material consequence, Ave shall here give the leading and most usual characteristics of each. The medicinal aggra- vation comes on suddenly and without previous amelioration; the aggravation of the disease more gradually, and frequently following an amelioration. Moreover, in the former, several of the medicinal symptoms, which did not previously occur, declare themselves. Such medicinal symptoms, or some of them, Avill be found, on referring to the remedy Avhich has been employed in the article on the " Charac- teristic Effects," etc. Lastly, the pulse is also a discriminative guide particularly in fevers and inflammations. Thus, when it becomes less frequent, or Avhen, at all events, it does uot increase in frequency, on an accession of aggravation, the exacerbation is to be attributed to the medicinal influence ; but when the inverse is the case, the aggra- vation of symptoms must be considered as depending on the advance of the disease. We cannot attach too much importance to the necessity of careful Avatching the effects of each dose, as, in addition to the temporary aggravation of the symptoms Avhich sometimes sets in, a development of collateral or medicinal signs occasionally takes place, particularly after frequent repetition of different remedies, in susceptible patients. By a Avant of attention, therefore, to this important point, we may incur confusion, and may be unconsciously treating a temporary me- dicinal disease of our own creation. We must also guard against falling into the opposite extreme—that of allowing the disease to gain head unchecked. Slight diseases are often removed by a single dose of a Avell-chosen medicine; the more severe and deeply-seated disorders are also fre- quently removed by a single dose of a well-selected, or specific remedy ; but in general cases, and particularly those Avhich have been long and rudely treated by allopathic practitioners, a frequent repetition is usual- ly required. As a general rule, hoAvever, a given number of repetitions, more or less, according to the severity of the case, will serve to place the pa- tient thoroughly under the influence of the medicine, after which the pause may be protracted so long as the indications of progressive im- provement are pjresent. If, then, it becomes necessary to resume the administration, it will generally avail at remoter intervals than during the previous course. h\ complaints which are of a mild, though slug- gish type, and Avhich are unattended Avith any critical characteristics, the intervals, in the first period, may vary according to circumstances, 60 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. from six to twelve hours. But in most complaints in which constitu- tional or local inflammation is present, the intervals, in the first period, should not exceed four hours, and when important organs are involved, and constitutional fever runs high, these intervals should not at first exceed two hours. In severe acute affections, such as inflammations, fevers, etc., Ave may often repeat the same medicine in the same dose, at regular in- tervals, as long as it does good: but this rule has many exceptions, and the directions already given at the commencement of this article should be borne in mind. In obstinate and lasting cases, by a long-continued administration of the same medicine, the patient often becomes less susceptible ; in such instances, if the improvement remains tationary, or progress slowly, Ave may gradually increase the dose, or, still better, give, at suitable intervals, some other remedy or remedies, of as nearly analogous me- dicinal properties to that first administered as possible, and then re- turn to the original remedy, if- needful; if, on the other hand, decided amelioration follow each administration, we should allow a longer in- terval to elapse before repeating, by Avhich means the system gradually recovers itself, and the susceptibility to medicinal influence remains unimpaired until the cure is completed. In rare cases, this susceptibility increases ; in such instances a higher potency should be selected,—provided the remedy still appears to be appropriate,—and the intervals betAveen the exhibitions should be lengthened. This occasionally occurs Avhen the medicine has been frequently repeated, and given in solution. When the beneficial effect of a medicine is interrupted by any intermediary irregularity, such as, attack of cold, looseness of the bowels, etc., some other medicine must be given for the new affection, on the removal of Avhich, the medicine which avms previously acting favorably must be recurred to. In the Selection of the Remedy, it is not necessary that all the symptoms noted should be present; at the same time care must be taken that there are no symptoms uncovered by the medicine, or which more strongly indicate another remedy. REMARKS RESPECTING INTERNAL REMEDIES AND DOSES. Preliminary Observations as to the Form of the Medicines. The Form in which Homceopathic Medicines are emploved for in- ternal administration requires some particular notice, in order that the reader may have an additional opportunity of administering the medicine with the medium or vehicle Avhich may be most likely to promote its active operation in the case under consideration. It is well known that the medicines are prepared in four distinct forms, namely : Globules, Tinctures, and Triturations. 1. Globules (or pellets of sugar of milk saturated with the tincture), are, in the great majority of cases, the only form required for domestic INTERNAL REMEDIES. 61 treatment, and so greatly facilitate the explicitness of the directions for doses, that, in the first instance, all the medicines comprised in the list of the remedies Avhich are quoted in this Avork, must be under- stood to be recommended in globules, (at the potencies, also, stated in that list). Dose.—For adults, fire globules, either dry or dissolved in a little water (a tea- spoonful.) For infants one globule in the same manner. 2. Tinctures might, as far as practical purposes are concerned, be coupled with Triturations, the latter being the form in which those Remedies which are insoluble, are first made, and consequently AArhich represents those lesser degrees of attenuation which are administered in a fluidform—of such remedies as do not require such pulverization to render them soluble (or approximately so). It is this fluid form of soluble substance Avhich is called the Tincture. Tinctures at Ioav po- tencies (i. e. from the 1st to the 3d, and even, in some exceptional cases, the mother tinctures) have, upon the Avhole (like Triturations), been found better adapted to the treatment of acute eliseases and some forms of scrofula, ague, etc. Dose usually employed —For an adult, one drop to a spoonful of Abater; or, in cases in which the substance medicating the tincture is precipitated (be- comes thickened) by water —as, for instance, camphor,—then give a drop on a small piece of pure loaf sugar. For a child abo^e two years and under twelve years old, one drop—constituting fr. m two to three doses, according to the strength of the child. For an infant under two years old, one drop, similarly divided into six to eight doses. 3. Triturations, as has already been explained in speaking of Tinctures, represent the lower potencies (as administered in the latter) in powder, of substances which are not susceptible of immediate (approximate) solution, and AAThich require previous and repeated pul- verization, and extreme and minute distribution. The administration of Triturations is adapted to circumstances such as those just men- tioned in relation to the Tinctures (of completely soluble substances). The objection to Triturations for unprofessional persons is, that being in powder Ave have no other means of naming a precise quantity for the dose than by indicating the weight. Persons, therefore, who are in the habit of using them, should furnish themselves with ap- propriate and well-approved scales. Dose usually employed.—For an adv.lt, from half a grain to a grain. For a cMlecucuauh.a, Pulsatilla, Sepnct. " Veratrum — Arsenicum, Arnica, China, Cuprum, Ipecacuanha. 9. Of Accessory or Palliative Treatment.—In cases of obstinate constipation the use of the clyster or lavement is alloAvable. The in- jection should consist of cold water, or, if that disagree, of tepid water; in some cases it may also be requisite to add a table-spoonful of olive oil. The.quantity of water necessary for the different ages may, under ordinary circumstances, be stated to be tAvelve ounces for an adult; six or eight ounces for a youth of ten or fifteen; three or four ounces, for a child betAveen one and five years of age; and about one ounce for an infant at birth, or soon after. a. In cases of acute, external, and local inflammation, or more particularly, Avith Avounds in Avhich there is a lodgment of foreign sub- stances, which cannot be extracted, or, a\ here suppuration is not suffi- ciently progressive, we may have recourse to an application, of the nature of a poultice, such as that Avhich is described in the ensuing page (GO). PRESERVATION OF MEDICINES. 65 b. All appliances and methods, such as bleeding, cupping, leeching, blisters,—all medicines resorted to according to the old practice,—and all patent and domestic medicines are strictly prohibited. 10. Precaution to insure a proper dose.—When the administra- tor is not certain that the patient will adhere rigidly to the dose prescribed, or Avhen given doses of medicines have to be sent to a distance, the simplest and safest expedient is to drop the globules into as much sugar of milk as will envelop them securely, fold the con- tents together in a slip of clean, unglazed paper, and crush them from, the outside Avith the blade of a knife, or some other hard and even substance. 11. When medicines should be taken, etc.—The medicines should invariably be taken fisting (save the understated exceptions), and abstinence from food or drink for about an hour after the administra- tion, is equally important. It is also of great consequence to abstain from excessive bodily or mental exertion, during treatment, and to keep perfectly quiet, if possible, for about an hour after the adminis- tration of medicine. There are exceptional cases, such as modify this rule, Avhich may arise out of accidents or sudden emergencies, but the rule should be followed as closely as possible, even in cases of this kind. INDISPENSABLE RULES FOR THE PRESERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES ANTIDOTES, etc. 1. Keep your chest closed or your phials in a dark, dry, clean, and cool place, free from odor or scent of any kind,—or, if in a hot climate, in as regular a temperature as possible. 2. Do not change the corks, or use the same phials to contain a different remedy without having previously been assured that it has been thoroughly cleansed, first with boiling and then Avith cold Avater. It is better at all times to rinse a phial, which has already contained medicine, Avith spirits of wine, and to expose it uncorked to the action of great heat before it is filled Avith a different medicine. The cork or stopper should be submitted to the same process. The safest way of all is to destroy empty bottles. 3. Let all the medicines be carefully marked and labelled, and abstain from handling two at one time. 4. In preparing your solution for administration, be assured that the glass, or spoon, or other vessel in Avhich you are about to mix it, is perfectly clean. 5. If it is necessary to prepare solutions of two or more medicines at one time, take care to keep them apart, and to mark them so that no mistake can occur. 6. Do not use the same spoon or other vessel to administer two different remedies, Avithout having previously ascertained that it has been scrupulously cleaned. Porcelain spoons are preferable to any metal, on this account, because you are more certain of the thorough removal of any former medicinal substances. 5 66 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. 7. If you dissolve your medicines in open vessels, such as tumblers, take the precaution to have them well covered down during the inter- vals between the administration, and keep them in a dark, dry, clean, and cool place, totally free from odor or scent of any kind. 8. Do not resort to any other medicinal agency during homoeopathic treatment, and abstain from any external applications, except such as are prescribed homceopathieally. 9. Avoid the use of all articles of perfumery, restoratives, cosmetics, and the like. Camphor, and other popular appliances for cleansing the mouth, etc., etc., are strictly prohibited. The same may be said of smelling salts, etc., etc. . 10. The saturated tincture of camphor, as it is used homceopathieally, must be kept entirely apart from any other medicines, or from any vessels or vehicles, such as poAvders, in which'it is proposed to convey or to administer other medicines. 11. Do not change your course of treatment or your remedies (when change becomes necessary) too suddenly, or Avithout allowing a sufficient pause to elapse, viz., at least tAvo hours, if possible six hours, in general cases of a severe inflammatory nature, and in malig- nant fevers,—and at least from two to three days (48 to 72 hours), in disease of a chronic kind. 12. If the symptoms be so violent as to compel you to resort to immediate change after any previous treatment, administer one drop of spirits of camphor on a lump of sugar, or a teaspoonful of strong coffee, and then wait one hour, half an hour, or only a quarter of an hour, in urgent cases, before you proceed with further treatment. When, as occasionally happens with persons who are extremely sus- ceptible to the effects of the homoeopathic remedies, an undue medicinal action is developed, giving rise to considerable local pain, or general constitutional disturbance, camphor is, generally speaking, the most effective antidote, particularly to the vegetable medicaments. (See the Table of medicines, etc.) It may simply be inhaled by the nos- trils, or a drop of Tincture of Camphor may be taken on a piece of lump sugar. Coffee, without milk or sugar, is also a useful antidote, provided the patient has not been long accustomed to its use. The same may, in a measure, be said of Avine. REMARKS AND REGULATIONS RESPECTING EXTERNAL REMEDIES AND APPLICATIONS. Any remedy, which is prescribed for internal administration as Homceopatiuc to a local affection, may be applied to the parts as a lotion, either by dissolving the globules in Avater, or by using the tincture, usually of a like potency, to mingle with the water. External Application of the Nature of a Poultice.—The simplest and best application Avhich can be used in cases requiring ex- ternal treatment of this nature, to forward and encourage suppuration, or for any other reason, consists solely of a piece of lint saturated with cold aatater, applied to the parts and kept constantly wet, the whole being carefully covered with oiled silk so as to exclude the air. external remedies. 67 All medicated poultices should be avoided, and are strictly prohibited. External Application of the Nature of Fomentation.—As a palliative application pending the salutary action of internal treatment in cases in Avhich local irritation and tension are excessive, it is allow- able to bathe the parts with -water moderately hot by means of a piece of flannel; or to expose the parts to the action of the steam rising from boiling icater poured into an open vessel. In cases of sore throat in which the suffering requires to be immediately soothed, or of cold, in Avhich the obstruction and burning sensation in the nostrils is ex- cessively distressing, the patient may similarly inhale the steam of boiling water. All allopathic medicated fomentations should be avoided, and are strictly prohibited. Tincture of Arnica.—This useful medicament, when employed as a lotion to wounds, should always be discontinued upon the appearance of any eruption, etc. Individuals, of Avhat is ordinarily designated as an inflammatory habit, or who ha\re very irritable skins, and are liable to be affected Avith erysipelas, must be very cautious how they use it, and must modify their treatment accordingly, and abstain from the application upon the earliest appearance of medicinal irritation or ery- sipelatous swelling or redness. Such patients should invariably dilute the tincture with two-thirds more of water (in proportion) than is in- dicated in the directions which occur in various parts of this work, Avhen they have occasion to employ it; and, should this precaution not suffice to exempt them from excessive medicinal aggravation, they should have recourse to calendula-officinalis as a substitute. General proportions of the lotion....................Tincture of Arnica 1 part, to water 6 parts. Or for very susceptible subjects......... ........Tincture of A rnica 1 part, to water 12 parts. For the eye, or as a gargle for the gums after dental treatment..................................Tincture of Arnica 1 part, to water 20 parts. For an infant under six months old...............Tincture of Arnica! part, to water 32 parts. For an infant over six months and under two yearsTirecfure of Arnica 1 part, to water 20 parts. Tincture of calendula-officinalis—may be employed in the treatment of wounds of eA-ery description, by those who, from con- stitutional causes, are unable to employ Arnica externally, without subjecting themselves to the inconveniences generated by the character of that remedy. Calendula has moreover an important advantage over Arnica in very severe incised or lacerated wounds, where there are indications of a serious scar being otherwise left by the cut. It is also preferable in all severe wounds which cannot heal without previous suppureition. General proportions of the lotion—Tincture of Calendula on« part, to water six parts: (for infants and children the same as Arnica.) Tincture of Rhus-toxicodendron is more especially adapted to the treatment of sprains, for the milder forms of which it is a specific remedy. General proportions of the lotion—Tincture ofRhus-tox. one part, to water six parts: (for infants and children the same as Arnica.) Tincture of Aconite.—Aconite has been used externally with great success in cases of local inflamms^ion arising from check of per- spiration (or from other causes), in conformity with its well-known 68 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. characteristic properties. Care must be taken to distinguish such cases of inflammation, usually extending to the membrane which in- vests the bone, and affecting joints in particular, from erysipelatous inflammation, to which it frequently bears a striking resemblance. The sudden appearance of symptoms of this nature in young persons, who are particularly liable to accidents arising out of carelessness, etc., and who, at the same time, have no predisposition to erysipelas, may be a strong ground of assurance in respect of the character of such in- flammatory action, which may further be explained by a brief inquiry into the previous circumstances. In such cases the external application of a lotion, composed of diluted Tincture of Aconite (simultaneously with the internal administration of the same remedy), by means of linen rag saturated thereAvith, and applied to the parts, will speedily subdue the symptoms, and preclude more serious consequences. General proportions of the lotion—for a person of adult age, Tincture of Aconite, ten drops to a wine-glassful of water. For a child under twelve years of age, Tincture of Aconite, six drops to a wine-glassful of water. Tincture of Cantharis or Cantharides.—The peculiar property which Cantharis, or Spanish blistering Fly, possesses of creating a severe burning pain, folloAved by the effusion of watery fluid beneath the scarf skin, bears so close an analogy to the effects of a burn Or scald, with the formation of vesication or blisters, that Ave can readily con- ceive it Avell adapted, according to the homceopathic law, to be an admirable remedy for injuries of the like description, or attended with similar symptoms. Cantharis is, in fact, specific as an external remedy, in the treatment of burns or scalds, and is by far the most efficacious, if applied immediately after the injury has been inflicted (otherwise, see Causticum,) and before the application of cold water, acetate of lead, or similar expedients have been adopted. Cantharis is, hoAvever, objectionable for persons whose constitu- tional peculiarity renders them susceptible of erysipelatous tumefaction of the skin, in the place of blisters, from the effect of a burn or scald. In these cases, Urtica-dioica is specific. In some instances, although very rarely, the external application of Cantharis may produce de- ranged action in the urinary organs, (exemplified by suppression of water); in such cases the mischief is readily counteracted by the inter- nal administration of one drop of Tincture of Camphor on a lump of sugar. The lotion should generally consist of the tincture at the second dilution and water, wherewith a linen rag is to be saturated, the linen being so wound round the parts as to exclude the air, and the moistening repeated as often as it becomes dry. General proportions—three drops of the Tincture of Cantharides, 2d., to every teaspoonful of water. Tincture of Urtica-dioica, or Urtica-urens—should be used in preference to tincture of Cantharides by those in whom a burn, or scald is apt to produce erysipelatous swelling in the place of blistering. But this is the only case in which Cantharides is superseded by Urtica. EXTERNAL REMEDIES. 69 General proportions of the lotion ............ Tincture of Urtica-dioica 1 part, to water 10 parts. For an infant under six months old.........Tincture of Urtica-dioica 1 part, to water 20 parts. For an infant over six months and under two years....................... ............Tincture of Urtica-dioica 1 part, to water 15 parts. Proof Spirits of Wine.—In mild cases of burns or scalds, if Spirits of Wine can be procured immediately (otherwise, see Causti- cum), speedy relief may often be obtained therefrom, and ulterior suffering avoided. Apply it warm to the parts (as hot as the patient can bear it), the injured part having meanwhile been exposed to the heat of the fire. Tincture of Causticum, as already intimated under the head of Cantharis and Spirit of Wine, is a preferable remedy to either of the foregoing when an hour or two may chance to have elapsed before the use of any remedial application. The Causticum wash is also of much service in more serious burns, and in those of long-standing. General proportions of the lotion—to every teaspoonful of water, add six drops of the Tincture of Causticum at the third dilution, and apply frequently to the parts by means of a piece of linen rag saturated therewith. Raw cotton (excepting when the suppuration is excessive, and the weather hot, for which case see Soap),—is highly useful as an external application to burns or scalds of a serious nature, and more especially when the injury extends over a large surface. The method of use is as folloAvs:—Puncture any blister Avhich may have arisen, bathe the sore Avell with tepid Avater, and then cover the parts with carded cotton or wadding in three layers—removing the outer layer only, and substituting a fresh one—when suppuration sets in. The soap plaster (pure, ichite, Curd-Soap).—This application is more particularly serviceable in cases of burns, where not only the outer or scarf skin, but also the inner or true skin has been destroyed. In serious cases, Avhich have previously been treated with the lotion of Cantharides, or Urtica-dioica, and in v)hich the inflammettion and pain have yielded to these remedies, but which are too severe (owing to the injuries inflicted on the true skin and etdjacent muscles) to heal without suppuration, the soap plaster is a very useful accessory. It should be made and applied as follows: -Moisten the soap with tepid water, and make a thick lather or paste, and spread it upon linen; then puncture any blisters which may appear on the exposed surface, and remove all loose skin. After these precautions, apply the plaster to the parts, and secure it by means of a bandage, being careful that the whole of the injured surface is covered with the plaster. As a general rule, the plaster may remain undisturbed for twenty-four hours, when it should be gently removed and changed: but there are many exceptional cases, and the feelings of the patient should guide us in the removal and change of the plaster, whenever a return of pain is complained of. This course of application should be continued un- til the injured parts are completely healed. The application of the plaster will always be attended with increased pain at first; but this must not deter us from the employment of it, as it will soon be followed by marked amelioration. Flour—may be used as a substitute for cotton or the soap plaster^ when neither of the latter can be obtained at the moment. The 70 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. method of application is simply to sprinkle the flour copiously over the injured parts, after having taken the precautions directed to be observed under the heads of cotton and soap plaster.^ When it becomes necessary to remove the dry paste formed by the incrustation of the flour, this should be gently effected by first moistening and loosening it, by means of poultices (as directed under the head of external ap- plication of the nature of a poultice). Tincture of Arsenicum (at the third dilution),—applicable to bed- sores, and as a local resource, in many cases, of malignant ulceration. General proportions of the lotion—to one wine-glassful of water, ten drops of the Tincture. Tincture of Carbo-vegetabilis (at the fifth dilution),—in similar cases, as directed for the affection in question. General-proportions of the lotion—to two table-spoonfuls of water, twenty drops of the Tincture. Tincture of Cinchona (concentrated). See "Bed-sores," after typhus, etc. General proportions of the lotion—to a wine-glassful of water, fifty drops of the Tincture. Tincture of Sulphur (saturated), in such cases only as those in which it will be found hereinafter prescribed. General proportions of the lotion—to two table-spoonfuls of water, twenty drops of the Tincture. REMARKS AND REGULATIONS RESPECTING THE BATH. The bath may be divided, according to modern appliances, into eight varieties, viz:—the hot and cold salt-water bath, the hot and COLD FRESH-WATER bath, the tepid, the shower, the vapor, and the medicated baths. Of these we shall here consider the two first-named only, viz. The Cold Salt-water and the Cold fresh-water Bath ; Except as respects nevj-born infants, for whom a third variety is necessary, namely, The Hot Fresh-water Bath. All the other varieties, especially medicated Baths, are commonly prohibited. The consideration of the Bath is a matter of essential importance to health, and has been acknowledged as such from the remotest antiquity, and in every climate. It is almost as much a necessary of existence as food or clothing. It involves what is a primarily essential, cleanliness; but, like all generalities, it is subject to exceptional modifications arising out of the condition of the system, or the temporary state of the body; such, for instance, as the presence of an eruption or rash, or the exudation of perspiration after violent and prolonged exercise, both of which would render the bath obnoxious for the time. But for persons who are free from any morbid manifestation which may render the free use of cold water objectionable, nothing, perhaps, aa ill tend so much to brace the nervous and muscular construction of the frame, and to preserve the sturdy physical power of youth in advanced age, as the regular observances of the Bath. regulations for the bath 71 General exceptional conelitions under which cold bathing should be avoided. When (as is sometimes the case) it is found to induce constitutional disturbance, or is invariably followed by headache, etc., of the same character. When it is followed by lasting chilliness instead of the glow which indicates its healthy action. There are comparatively feAV instances in Avhich the cold fresh-water Bath disagrees with persons in good health; in such instances, how- ever, Avhen they occur, the use of a sponge or Avet towel must be sub- stituted for the bath, and should be followed Avith brisk friction. When any inflammatory action is present, or when from exertion or from any othc«r cause the skin is moist and the pores are open, the Cold Bath should be avoided. During the presence of headache, other than headache arising from irregularities of digestion or nervous causes. Immediately or within one hour after a meal. Before any meal has been partaken, or, in other words, upon first getting up in the morning. Generally—with a declining temperature, as, for instance, late in the evening, Avhen the temperature of the water will not have declined equally Avith that of the atmosphere. When the atmospheric temperature is not sufficiently high, as com- pared with that of the water; or, in other words, Avhen the water feels warm and the air cold. Generally—during the prevalence of cold east winds. General conditions under which cold bathing is beneficial. When the temperature of the water, relatively to that of the atmos- phere, is as nearly as possible that which it would reach and maintain, by being constantly exposed to the action of the same atmospheric temperature. When it is always followed by a gloAv. In affections of a purely nervous character. In the majority of affections resulting from debility of the digestive functions. During an ascending temperature; that is to say, in the earlier part of the day, generally about two or three hours after the first meal, and at an equal distance from the second. When the water is cold compared with the air, but not so cold as to produce a shock or numbness. In this climate, from the end of June to the middle of September, may be stated as the best season for out-door bathing. In-door bathing—may be continued throughout the year Avith great advantage, with the precaution that the thermometer in the apartment stand at from 50 to 60 degrees of Fahrenheit, and that the water be exposed to this atmospheric temperature at least six hours (when that is possible) or be raised to from 45 to 55 degrees, if below it. 72 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. The swimming bath, or bath in which (if not in open water) there is room to exercise the limbs, is preferable. General precautions to be observed in Bathing. Do not bathe the loAver extremities first. The immersion should be complete at once. This need not be effected by plunging,—-when, as is not unfrequently the case, such a method is found to induce headache or temporary deafness. Diving—which is a very common amusement, is very often pre- judicial without sufficient attention being paid to the fact. In general, you should abstain from diving. Never leap into deep water, feet foremost and in an erect position. The best method is to drop into it, the body and limbs being bent together. Do not stand still or remain motionless in the Avater. Do not remain too long in the water. Five minutes is quite long enough to derive all the advantages of the bath. Never remain so long as to become thoroughly chilled. Leave the bath upon the first appearance of cramp. Apply a coarse towel briskly all over the body, as soon as you leave the water ; and take pains to dry yourself as thoroughly and as ex- peditiously as possible. Dress as soon as you are thoroughly dry. The bath should be followed by a brisk walk, but not sufficient to heat you. The Salt-water Bath or Sea-Bathing. There has been a popular notion that sea-bathing is always preferable to fresh-wetter bathing. Nothing can be a greater mistake, and there are a far greater number of exceptions to the proper use of the former than to that of the latter. It is indeed true, that the question of temperature is far less important, in respect of sea-bathing, except, indeed, towards the fall of the year, Avhen the temperature of the atmosphere, in our climate, becomes considerably depressed,—and Avhen, in conformity with one of the ^general exceptional conditions'1'' above stated, it Avere advisable for those even with whom sea-bathing generally agrees to discontinue it. But it is a matter of experience that there are a great number of constitutional exceptions. And it is quite as important that all those Avith whom sea-bathing is found habitually to disagree, should abstain from Avhat, at certain seasons and in certain places, may be a great indulgence. There are instances in which sea-bathing produces a species of nausea similar to that of sea-sickness in persons who are totally exempt from this inconvenience on ship-board. This, then, is clearly a constitutional exception. In brief, however, it may be laid down as a rule, that Avhen sea- bathing habitually induces any kind of constitutional disturbance it should be avoided. SYSTEMATIC TABLE. 73 The Fresh-water Bath. The instances in which fresh-water bathing disagrees, may almost be summed up under the head of the '•'•general exceptional conditions'''' above stated. The cases of constitutional exception are far less nume- rous than those Avhich occur with respect to sea-bathing, and there are fewer cases still in Avhich persons who cannot bear fresh water can tolerate the sea-bath. When, however, they occur, they should in- dicate the course of the patient. Temperature of the Bath for Infants. The avarm Bath, which is requisite for the treatment of newly-born or very young infants, should never exceed 98 degrees of Fahrenheit iu heat. It should in general range from 92 to 98 degrees, according to the effect produced on the child. When the bath is used as a remedial agent, it is important to maintain the temperature at which the immersion had taken place; and it will, therefore, be desirable on all occasions to have a thermometer within, so as to detect and regulate any variations. The cold bath should be, as nearly as possible, of the temperature at Avhich the atmosphere would place or keep it. It is, therefore, desirable that cold spring water, which has not been exposed to the action of the air, for four hours at, least, should be avoided in hot Aveather, when the atmospheric temperature Avould have materially increased the heat of it. Exception to the use of the cold bath.—In almost all cases the use of the cold bath, with new-born or very young infants, is repre- hensible. SYSTEMATIC TABLE, FORMING A SUMMARY OF THE RULES FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND REPETITION OF THE MEDICINES. In summing up the general regulations for the administration and repetition of medicines, the following particulars may be deduced: OF ACUTE DISEASE, NOT CRITICAL. General Initiatory Bemarks. In Acute Diseases, not critical, Avhen, after the lapse of four, or at the most, six hours, no amendment results, another remedy should generally be selected, or the general state of the patient and the nature of the disease should be re-investigated. When, on the other hand, in the course of an hour or two, symptoms of improvement ensue—such as moist skin, a clear state of the intellectual faculties, a happier frame of mind, or a gentle and undisturbed slumber, no re- petition or change of medicine must be thought of, until a cessation of the improved condition of the patient becomes manifest. In Acute Diseases of a severe and critical kind, hoAvever—such as severe inflammatory complaints, cholera, croup, nervous fevers, asth- matic affections, etc., the repetition of the dose sometimes becomes 74 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. necessary, every five, ten, or fifteen minutes -or, at all events, at inter- vals of from one to three hours, subject to the like conditions. ^ When a variety of new symptoms set in after repetitions of the dose, combined or not Avith a sudden aggravation of those Avhich were pre- sent before treatment was commenced, a pause should be made—if the case be not extremely urgent— until these new (medicinal) symp- toms subside, and then a ncnv remedy selected, unless a decided improvement succeeds; in which latter case, the same remedy may be repeated as soon as the signs of improvement begin to give Avay. 1. That there are two distinct periods in the course of treatment:— the first period, or that in which the medicine is more rapidly repeated to establish a medicinal ascendency over the disease; and the second period, or that in Avhich the treatment is resumed and continued to complete the cure, or until change of treatment. a. That these two periods are advantageously divided by a pause, during which the medicine may be suffered to exhaust its action, and the variation of symptoms, etc., observed. b. That during the first period, in the treatment of acute disease, which is not of immeeliately critical character, the intervals between doses should extend over from two to four or even six hours, accord- ing to the severity of the symptoms. c. That, as a general rule, a course of tAvo, three, or four doses, according to the length of the intervals, will constitute the first period; the greatest number of doses agreeing with the shortest intervals. d. That the pause, at the conclusion of the first period in the treat- ment of such diseases, should extend over from four to twelve hours, according as the progress of the disease has been checked by the pre- vious treatment or not. 2. That the disease continuing to make head after the pause, whether modified or not (if no suspension or change should appear desirable in conformity with the exceptions below stated), the same treatment should be resumed during the second period. a. That during the second period in the treatment of acute disease, which is not of immediately critical character, the interval between doses should extend over from four to eight, or even twelve hours, according to the severity of the symptoms. b. That, as & general rule, one, tAvo, or three doses, according to the length of the intervals, will constitute the second period; the greatest number of doses agreeing Avith the shortest intervals. 3. That^ in the event of no alteration, or, at most, a merely tem- porary mitigation of the symptoms, by the remedy or remedies ad- ministered during the first period, another remedy must be selected as closely analogous as possible to the symptoms present. 4. That, after the completion of the second period, in the event of the re-appearance of symptoms, which have yielded to the use of the remedy or remedies previously administered;, the same remedy or remedies shall be administered at still more extended intervals. ADMINISTRATION OF THE MEDICINES. 75 That, in this after-treatment, the intervals between doses shall ex- tend over from 12 to 48 hours. Conditions creating exceptions to the foregoing Rules. 1. That the repetition of any medicine must be suspended: a. Upon the first indication of medicinal aggravation, distinguish- able by the features, described under that head at pages 58-59. b. Or, again, upon the intermediate appearance of another symp- tom, or of other symptoms, involving a complication, etc., not covered by the previous treatment. c. Or, again, as soon as a positive degree of improvement becomes apparent. d. To be resumed and re-continued upon the first indication that the natural and original disease is regaining its ascendency, from which we may judge that the medicine has exhausted its active agency. 2. That another remedy must be selected as closely analogous in its action as possible to the symptoms present: a. Upon the intermediate appearance of another symptom, or of other symptoms involving a complication, etc., not covered by the previous remedy. b. If no change, evidently resulting from medicinal action, takes place, and the disease continue to gain ground progressively, notAvith- standing from 12 to 24 hours of active treatment. c. This condition does not apply to complaints which run a regular course, unless irregular complications, demanding other treatment, should appear; because it is obvious that the homceopathic treatment would have a tendency to promote the development of such diseases. d. The period here assigned for treatment without change (12 to 24 hours), does not apply to critical cases, which are totally exceptional. Of Critical Cases of Acute Disease. 1. That critical cases of acute disease,—such, for instance, as of cholera, croup, or severe inflammatory disorders which are exces- sively rapid in their issue, are not susceptible of the general rules applied to acute disease. a. That the majority of these are individually exceptional. b. That, in their critical acceptation, they are only susceptible of one period of treatment. c. That, in cases of this nature, such remedies as Arsenicum, Cuprmn, Digitalis, Lachesis, Sambucus, Hepar, Spongia, and Veratrum, may be administered at intervals, varying from five to thirty minutes, ac- cording to the urgency of the symptoms, until beneficial reaction takes place. d. That the evident (andprogressive) decline of the vital principle, notwithstanding treatment, may in such instances warrant the change of the remedy, if there be any hope that the change may produce the desired reaction. 76 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. e. That, otherwise cases of this nature are susceptible of the same exceptional conditions, as have been reserved for the previous class of complaints (see "conditions creating exceptions, etc.," as above). OF CHRONIC DISEASE. General Initiatory Remarks. In Chronic Diseases of a severe and obstinate kind, it is often very advisable to administer a dose of the remedy selected daily, the first thing in the morning (fasting), for a period of from four to eight days; or, in short, until such time as one or more symptoms become de- veloped, which the patient had not experienced, before commencing to take the remedy. When the remedy has been properly selected, the change in the patient's state will commonly occur Avithin or shortly after the periods just named. Should no medicinal manifestations of any kind become apparent, another remedy may be selected, from tAvo to four days after the last dose of the previous remedy has been taken. In chronic diseases, sulphur* is very often the most appropriate remedy to begin with, if no other is better indicated, and particularly if the patient has previously been affected with any cutaneous malady (Itch). As soon as the symptoms developed by Sulphur have entirely subsided, a new medicament must be administered in accordance Avith the remaining symptoms (if any); but not for a longer period than from four to eight days. If improvement then sets in, the neAv remedy need not be repeated until the favorable change ceases to become pro- gressively manifest. But, if no amelioration ensues, although the remedy seems to be correctly chosen, Sulphur may again be resorted to, for from tAvo to four days; and so on. It is frequently necessary to fall back upon Sxdphur several times in this manner during a pro- tracted course of treatment (see "Eradicative Treatment.") 1. That there are tAvo distinct periods in the course of treatment; the first period in Avhich the medicine is more rapidly repeated to establish a medicinal ascendency over the disease; and the second period, or that in Avhich the treatment is resumed and continued to complete the cure, or till change of treatment. a. That these tAvo periods are advantageously divided by apetuse, during Avhich the medicine may be suffered to exhaust its action and the variation of symptoms, etc., observed. b. That, during the first period in the treatment of chronic disease, the intervals between doses should extend to about tAvelve hours. c. That, as a general rule, a course of twelve doses will constitute the first pjeriod. d. That the pause, at the conclusion of the first period in the treat- ment of chronic diseases, should extend, for the vegetable remedies, generally, over from three to six days, according to the severity of the case and the effect produced; and for such remedies as Staphysagria^ See also the article on "Eradicative Treatment." ADMINISTRATION OF THE MEDICINES. 77 Conium, etc., over from four to eight days; for the mineral remedies, generally, oA'er from six to ten days: and for such remedies as Calcarea, Hepar-sutyhuris, Graphites, Silicea, Stannum, Sulphur, Zinc, . 81. t The learned Hufeland- PREVENTIVE AND ERADICATrVE TREATMENT. 83 small doses, has been used, according to Hahnemann's recommendation, as a preservative, and many cases have confirmed its utility:"—China and Lobelia (chiefly) against Marsh Intermittent Fevers:—Mer- curius-corrosivus against Dysentery, especially red Dysentery :— Bryonia and rhus-toxicodendron and Arsenicum against some Ararie- ties of typhus :—Cupeum-aceticum, camphor, and veratrum, against Cholera and Diarrhoea respectively, or against excessive and sudden relaxation, Avith spasmodic paius and cramps, Avhen the diseases just named are prevalent:—Aconitum and Pulsatilla against Measles:— Aconttum, belladonna, and hyoscyamus, in cases and in particular localities in Avhich Inflammatory Fever, Avith prominent affection of the brain becomes prevalent, and similarly occurs amongst numbers of persons at once:—Bryonia in cases, and in particular localities in which inflammatory fever, with prominent derangement of the sto- mach, appears (similarly characterised):—Carbo-veg., etc., against Scurvy (see also '•'■Eradicative Treatment?):—Sabina and secale, etc., against imminent Miscarriage (see also '•'•Eradicative Treatment? for cases in which this casualty becomes habitual),—Camphor against severe colds (influenza), when they are what is termed '•'•going through the house:'' In fact, every remedy, as applied to the treatment of a particular disease after it has set in under a particular aspect, is equally applicable to the preservation when the current complaint bears a similar stamp. The Doses—of Preventive remedies should usually be repeated at inteiwals of about tAvehe hours, until a degree of medicinal action has set in, when the course may be considered complete; but the action thus excited must be watched, lest it should occur that the prevailing disease (in a modified degree) has supervened. For an adult six globules, for young persons four globules, in a wine-glassful of ■water; for a child under two years old two globules; for an infant under twelve months old one globule, in a tea-spoonful of water. ERADICATIVE TREATMENT. No cure can be complete, where there is latent constitutional taint, without proper eradicattve treatment. Scrofula, in one shape or another (or complicated with other diseases), may be considered as the predisposing cause of susceptibility to the recurrence of every disease: —that is as the great parent of disease, and the most common source of the malignity and fatality of other diseases, when not itself the fell destroyer. Eradicative treatment is applicable to the removal or subjugation of defects in constitution, habit of body, or temperament, which ope- rate continually, not only as the predisposing causes of every prevalent disorder, but also as the complicating accompaniment of every disease; or, on the other hand, which resolve—or threaten to resolve them- selves into organic decay, by attacking one or more of the important organs of life especially. Eradicative treatment is also applicable to the extirpation of those slow, latent or occasionally more active chronic diseases which are gradually sapping the constitution, and which would othenvise finally result in general disorganisation, but which have not 84 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. hitherto permanently destroyed the functions of any important organ of life. The space, which is necessarily confined in a work of this kind, will not admit of great detail, nor, indeed, could a whole volume such as this exhaust the subject if compressed within the narrowest compass. I have the intention, therefore, of confining my remarks to such gene- ral relations as may afford some idea of the mode in Avhich the treat- ment is conducted, subject to the regulations severally laid doAvn under the head of each disease (in the subsequent parts of this work), —or, as it would then appear, in the character of a symptom, develop- ment, or manifestation of a more deeply-seated diseased condition— in conformity with the nature of the parent disease. The reasons for suspecting and the grounds for ascertaining the existence of such parent disease Avill be gathered from the article on "The Investigation of the Patient," particularly if due regard be paid to parentage (including near relations—uncles or aunts) ; to the part or organ most susceptible to the action of morbid influences, transi- tions of climate, the nature of the locality generally inhabited, the dis- eases which most frequently affect the patient, and the inveterate or peculiar or dangerous form, which all maladies, affecting the patient, assume. Of these, the question of parentage and near (blood) rela- tions involves the most important and weighty considerations, as thence Ave may derive the origin of scrofulous habits of body in all their A'arieties of combination, complication, and development. Indeed Ave may not improperly attribute every family defect of constitution, or every manifestation of a latent constitutional taint which appears Avith greater or less intensity in several, or pre-eminently in one * of the members of a family, to an unwholesome or scrofulous inheritance. Thus to Scrofula we may attribute, amongst other derangements: Rickets, or enlargements and curvatures of the bones, and decay or exfoliation of the bones resulting from comparatively trivial circumstances; chronic Disease of the skin, or extreme suscepti- bility to the development of morbid appearances of the skin, of an endless variety, or especially to eruptions of the nature of tetters, to ringworm, etc. etc.; imperfect construction of the Brain ; and imbeci- lity, or prevalence of susceptibility to derangements of the Mind, especially if complicated with glandular swellings or their cicatrices; torpid, or usually painless Ulcerations, frequently characterised by a degree of putrescence, and commonly discharging a thin, watery, cor- rosive fluid: or which, if somewhat quickly dried up in one part, are * Parents (or a parent) possessing the semblance of sound health, may yet carry the germs of scrofula in the system, and consequently be capable of transmitting the disease to the offspring; hence the necessity for inquiry into the health of blood relations. Again, although there may not be any hereditary taint in the family of either parents, the capability of giving a scrofulous constitution to the offspring may be acquired by too early or too late a contraction of marriage, by disproportioned marriages (as Io relative agents), by parental excesses, &c, and by any cause which may tend to injure the c nstitution of one or both parents—as improper or insuffi- cient food, impure air, ifec. Lastly, the germ of scrofula may be transmitted to an infant by the milk of a scrofulous or otherwise diseased nurse. preventive and eradicative treatment. 85 usually developed in some other; affections of the Lining Membranes, in general (as of the stomach and boAvels, air passages, etc.); habitual or long-continued Discharges of thin, Avatery fluid from any parts as the result even of very slight causes of irritation, manifesting a defi- ciency of vigor in the membranes, to Avhich may also be appended obstinate or continuous Whites, and chronic discharges from the Ears; chronic Inflammatory affections of the Eyes and eyelids, qualified by discharge of very adhesive gum, and continual adhesion of the lids in the morning, by excessive susceptibility to the action of currents of air, or to irritation by reading, by excessive or even continual flow of tears, or susceptibility to Avatery eyes, by excessive sensibility of light; or, again, habitual susceptibility to Styes; chronic Inflammatory and Suppurative affections, or chronic enlargements or indurations, of Glandular parts in general: as, for instance, of the neck and nether jaAv, the groin, the armpits, etc.; or abscesses; chronic enlargement and habitual hardness of the Belly; the prevalence of Avater on the Brain, water on the Chest, dropsy of the Belly, or general Dropsy in more than one member of any family: the like of what is called Tubercular consumption, or of organic affection of the Mesentery, or of unaccountable Emaciation and gradual decline ; Worms, when they are evidently generated in consequence, not of casual circumstances, but of an inherited defect of constitution. The accessory means adapted to the eradication or modification of Scrofula, are, amongst others: 1. Diet—the most important consideration of all—which should be ahvays as nourishing, in relation to its bulk, as much compressed or reduced in bulk, as light and easy of digestion, and as regularly ad- ministered as possible—sometimes frequently, but in small quantities at a time. An equal proportion of animal and vegetable food, or vege- table food prepared with a fair proportion of the pure gravy of sound and Avholesome meat. Roasted meat in preference to any other— especially mutton and beef. Eggs, when found to agree, lightly boiled (soft), and eaten with a fair proportion of good, home-made, stale, Avheaten bread, but not in combination with other ingredients. Sometimes milk (when it does not disagree, as is sometimes the case in particular instances). Of beverages Avater is the only fluid A\diich is universally safe: really good and wholesome beer is not always to be repudiated; but it should be borne in mind, that any fermented or spirituous liquor-is particularly injurious to those Avho are very sus- ceptible to its action. Stimulants of all kinds should usually be strictly avoided. 2. Air is second only to diet in the treatment of scrofulous habits; pure country air, in a healthy, dry, rather elevated situation, not ex- posed to the prevalence of bleak AA'inds:—free access and circulation of air Avithin doors, in all apartments inhabited, and particularly in the sleeping room : as great a proportion of the day-time as possible, Avith- out severe fatigue, particularly in fine or favorable weather, should be spent in the open air. 3. Exercise should be as free and unrestrained as is consistent with the avoidance of excessive fatigue, or any of its consequences, and 86 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. with due precaution that check of perspiration does not occur; no person should remain uncovered, or even still for some time after strong exercise; proper protection of the skin from the arrest of transpiration and gentle motion are indispensable ; nor should strong exercise in the open air be resorted to in extreme conditions of tem- perature, and especially when there is great moisture in the ground, and consequently much exhalation. But when exercise cannot, owing to extremely unfavorable weather, be consistently obtained out of doors, it should be sought in doors. With these, and other like pre- cautions, active sports, appropriate gymnastic or calysthenic exercises, and every such occupation as calls the muscles and sineAvs into play, will go far to promote a vigorous operation of all the organic functions. 4. Water, used not only in the sense of ablution or cleansing, but for the purpose of promoting a healthy action of the skin. The cold fresh-water bath should be used daily (in the absence of particular reasons for abstaining), either in doors or out of doors according to circumstances, with due regard to the precautions mentioned under the head of the "Bath," and to the habitual temperature of the body (which at the time of bathing should, if possible, neither be above nor below the natural standard) and with careful observance of the process of brisk friction afterwards, and of avoiding permanent chill. Washing and rubbing the body, especially the chest, stomach, and neck, daily, first with a coarse Avet tOAvel, and then with a coarse dry one, will frequently form a good substitute for the bath. 5. Cleanliness of person, dwelling, clothing, bed clothes, etc., is imperative. If it be possible, the clothes both of the person and bed- ding should be frequently changed; the bed itself, even, should be frequently emptied, purified, and replaced, feather-beds being Avholly objectionable; and the greatest precaution should be observed against the use of damp apparel or bedding. 6. Habits of regularity, mental, moral, and physical, should be strictly observed; excesses of all kinds are prejudicial; mental or moral excitement should be as much as possible avoided; the habitual observance of duties, as tending to obviate irregular habits on the one hand, and evil consequences on the other, is not to be overlooked; a proper degree of mental and physical occupation, without either undue physical exhaustion or excessive mental application, and above all in a methodical and regular manner, is indispensable; a proper proportion, without excess, of rest, or without indulging an indolent disposition, is to be enforced. (See "Investigation of the Disease," section, "Rest.") Regular hours, and hours consistent with the natural division of night and day, should be observed, and the contrary strictly avoided; gloomy thoughts should as much as possible be dis- pelled by averting the attention to interesting occupations, but not by recourse to excitement; frequent change of scene is often very advantageous to those who have means to procure it, but this should be understood of changes which do not occasion great excitement. PREVENTIVE AND ERADICATTVE TREATMENT. 87 b. Medicinal Eradicative Resources. As in the case of prevention of disease, homoeopathy alone possesses any poAver or certain Adrtue capable of eradicating it. In cases in which an inherent defect of constitution either provokes the develop- ment of particular diseases, or appears in complication with them, we not uncommonly find that remedies which in every respect correspond with the symptoms, and which would, under other circumstances, operate as specifics, are repeatedly administered without the least ap- parent effect. The reconsideration of the symptoms having more than once confirmed our selection, Ave should turn our attention to more deeply-seated causes Avhich are present to thwart us. It is obvious that the presence of inherent constitutional defects may occasion external appearances in disease, Avhich are especially susceptible of erroneous inferences, and therefore without this very important clue, the special directions for the treatment of any particular disease may frequently tend to discourage the unprofessional reader. In every case of disease, therefore, in which a remedy, after repeated reconsideration and ineffectual administration, is still apparently ho- moeopathic, or analogous to the manifestations present, I would beg of the reader to investigate Aery closely all details of parentage, ante- cedent circumstances, etc. (as above stated), in order to ascertain the indication of inherent taint, whether strikingly apparent or extremely remote and obscure, and as far as in him lies, with due consideration of the " Characteristic effects," to make a judicious selection from eradicatiate remedies, such as Sulphur (to which I shall here confine my more detailed remarks, as more or less involving the great majority of cases), which is especially appropriate when there are chronic affec- tions of the skin:—Calcarea-carb. when the glands, in general, are particularly affected: Mercxtrius when the bones are prominently in- volved, unless this be traced immediately to abuse of mercury—allo- pathically, in which case Nitric-acid will be particularly useful, or perhaps Hepar-sulphuris may be required: or again, Mercurius, when the salivary glands are especially involved, saving under the excep- tional condition just named: Carbo-veg. against what are termed scorbutic complications: Sabina and Secale occasionally, generally hoAvever with an occasional course of Sulphur against predisposition to miscarriage. These are only to be considered as a feAV general suggestions; but I would further add, with respect to Sulphur—that repeated occasions in which I, in common with many other homceopathic practitioners, have employed this medicament under the circumstances above detailed, and when the remedies seem- ingly appropriate to the external evidences of disease had signally failed, have confirmed its pre-eminent utility. Very often, after the patient had been submitted to a few doses of Sulphur, the dormant susceptibility of the system becomes aAvakened, and a subsequent return to the particular and appropriate remedy which had hitherto failed, has been attended with the most decided benefit. In cases in which the constitutional taint is deeply seated, or very virulent, a long 88 homoeopathic domestic medicine. course of such alternations becomes necessary, continually returning to one or more doses of Sulphur when the effect of other remedies becomes less apparent, and again employing the intermediary remedies, or those appropriate to special indications as before, if still required. In many cases it is either highly beneficial or absolutely necessary, in treating chronic diseases of all kinds, to commence with a consecutive course 'of Sulphur in single daily doses, continuing for a week or ten days, or until a more or less distinct degree of medicinal action had set in; then pausing for about four days to Avatch the subsidence of such medicinal action, or to detect any particular symptoms requiring an intermediary remedy, or sometimes suspending treatment for several days, or even Aveeks. These variations of treatment must be subject to the discretion and judgment of the administrator, because no two cases are strictly analogous, and therefore a rule Avould be merely one of many exceptions. So long, however, as greater activity of the skin, etc. (see the specific properties of Sulphur at the end of this work), is manifest after a course of Sulphur, it will be advisable to pause in the administration. If there be intermediary and distinct symptoms not appertaining to Sulphur, but identifying a special remedy, it should be given till such particular symptoms are subdued. Or, so long as general improvement makes steady progress, however sloA\T,it will be ach'isable to abstain from repeating the doses of Sulphur, resuming the administration, however, immediately the malady be- comes stationary or retrogressive If acute or active disease has supervened, and yielded under the influence of intermediary or special treatment, we are not to consider the cure complete, but should return to extended courses of Sulphur at remote intervals. By persevering in such treatment the most obstinate chronic diseases short of actual organic decay are OA'ercome; and even if actual organic decay has set in, we have frequently found means to arrest its progress and to pro- long existence, and even comparative health for a surprising length of time. The Doses.—As a general rule the recurrence of the administration should take place once in twenty-four hours, namely:—the first thing in the morning, fasting. The quantity should be sufficient to develop slight medicinal action, which is usually essential to the eradication of deeply-seated disease ; but in order to avoid the error of plunging into extremes, the following doses may be named as safely to be trusted in the hands of unprofessional persons: — For an adidt, six globules in a table-epoonful of water; for a child between two and twelve years of age, three globules in a dessert-spoonful of water; for a child from the cutting of the teeth to the completion of the second year, two globules in a tea-spoonful of water; or for an infant between six and nine months old, one globule constituting, at most, two doses ; or two globules constituting three doses ;—a tea-spoonful of a solution of one globule dis- solved in two tea-spoonfuls of Avater, or a tea-spoonful of a solution of two globules in three tea-spoonfuls of water. General Conditions and Injunctions respecting eradicative treat- ment. It is natural that the vigor of animal as of vegetable life is in the ascendant in the spring, and in the decline at the fall;—it therefore rules foe diet under homceopathic treatment. 89 follows that the spring aatII be the season in Avhich eradicative re- sources, backed by the greater buoyancy of the vital energy, will be most _ successful. I Avould also strongly enjoin every person avIio has occasion to undertake the treatment of Disease characterised by con- ditions of the nature above detailed, above all things not to be dis- couraged, but, so long as all circumstances correspond to identify the accuracy of his treatment, to persevere steadfastly, assured that, espe- cially if the patient does not lose ground, he "is pursuing a course toAvards ultimate success. When a mother has given birth to one or more sickly children, she ought to undergo a course of constitutional treatment forthwith, even though she may again have fallen into the pregnant state. In the latter case, however, somewhat more than ordinary caution is required in watching the progress of treatment. SYNOPSIS OF THE RULES FOR DIET UNDER HOMCEO- PATHIC TREATMENT. ALIMENTS allowed. Soup or broth (in special cases of illness or indisposition) made from the lean of beef, veal, or mutton : to which may be added (well-boiled) sago, tapioca, vermicelli, rice, semolina or macaroni, pearl-barley, and sometimes carrots, young peas, or cauliflower, seasoned merely with a little salt. Mectts^ and animal products. Mutton, beef, lean pork, of good quality, in a few exceptional cases in which it is known not to disagree (poultry rarely, except in particular cases), pigeons, larks, rabbits (venison, mid game in general, may, if tender, in most cases be par- taken of in moderation, but never when high), plainly cooked and roasted, broiled, stewed or steamed, in preference to boiled: further, soft-boiled eggs, good fresh butter and curds. Fish (occasionally). Soles, whiting, smelts, trout, cod, haddock, mullet, perch, _ turbot, and flounders, boiled, in preference to fried ; when cooked in the latter manner, the white must alone be partaken of, and the outer or fried portions rejected. Vegetables. Potatoes, brocoli, green peas, cauliflower, spinach, mild turnips, carrots, parsnips, French beans, seakale, vegetable marroAV, stewed lettuce, Avell cooked, and prepared with the gravy of meat, where required, instead of butter. Condiments. Salt and sugar in moderation. Bread, All kinds of light bread, notjnewly-baked; and biscuit, free from soda, potash, and the like ingredients. Light puddings, such as those made from vermicelli, semolina, fecula of potato, sago, arrow-root, rice; macaroni (without cheese), simple cakes, composed of flour or meal, eggs, sugar, and a little good butter. Fruit. Baked, steAved, or preserved apples and pears; also goose- berries, raspberries, grapes, or any other fruit not of an acid quality, fully ripe, preserved, or in the form of jelly, may occasionally be par- taken of. 90 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. Beverage. Water, toast-water, sometimes milk, milk and water, cocoa, chocolate (unspiced), arrow-root or gruel, made thin, barley- water, sugar and water, rice-water, and Aveak black tea in cases where it has long been taken habitually, and has not been productive of injurious effects. Salt should be used in great moderation. ALIMENTS PROHIBITED. Soups. Turtle, mock-turtle, ox-tail, giblet, mulligatawny, and all rich and seasoned soups. Meats. Pork, (except in the instances named as allowable), bacon, calf's head, veal, turkey, duck, goose, sausages, kidney, liver, tripe, and every kind of fat and salted meat. Fish. Crab, lobster, oysters, and shellfish in general; and almost all other fish not specified amongst the Aliments allowed, as likewise all kinds of salted, smoked, potted, or pickled fish. Vegetables. Cucumber, celery, onions, radishes, parsley, horse- radish, leeks, thyme, garlic, asparagus; and every description of pickles, salads, and raw vegetables, or vegetables greened with copper. Rich or high-seasoned m.ade-dishes. Pastry of all kinds, whether boiled, baked, or fried. Spices, aromatics, and artificial sauces of all kinds; as also the ordinary condiments, mustard and vinegar. Cheese. Chesnuts, filberts, walnuts, almonds, raisins, and indeed the entire complement of a dessert, except Avhat has been mentioned amongst the Aliments allowed, under Fruit. (See also " Regimen.") The above regulations are subject to considerable*modifications in particular cases, both as regards the aliments allowed and those which are prohibited. When it is necessary to make a very material altera- tion in the diet and habits of a patient, it ought, in general to be done gradually and cautiously. Regularity in the hours of meals should be observed; and too long fasting, as well as too great a quantity of food at one time should be avoided. PART II. ON THE SYMPTOMS, CHARACTER, DISTINCTION, AND TREATMENT OF DISEASES. FEVERS. GENERAL CONSIDERATION OF FEVER. CAUSES, DIRECT AND ACCESSORY TREATMENT, AND DIET TO BE OBSERVED. In all forms of acute disease fever is present; in fever, properly so called, there is generally functional disturbance, accelerated action of the vascular, with the participation of the nervous system, and a ten- dency to increased development of heat. The symptoms common to most" fevers are, at first, a feeling of coldness or shivering, then heat, accelerated pulse, thirst, restlessness, and languor. Fever also possesses the propertv of passing from one species into another. Thus inflam- matory feA'er may, by severe depleting measures, be altered into a low typhus; or, on the other hand, a simple fever, by injudicious treatment, maA' be changed into an inflammatory one; and that again assume the intermittent form; also, one attack may present all these different svmptomatic appearances. Fevers, terminating fortunately, and running a regular course, may be divided into five stages: the accession, increase, crisis, decrease, and convalescence. When the result is fatal, it may arise from a sudden transition of the disease to some vital part, the exhaustion of the vital energy of the patient, or the destruction of some important organ. The belief in critical days is of very ancient origin, though there is some difference in the calculations of physicians upon this point:— some counting from the day the shiverings declare the onset, others from the first hot fit: except in cases Avhere a marked periodicity exists, as in quotidian and other forms of ague, such distinctions are of little value, inasmuch as the homceopathic treatment is directed to forwarding the crisis, and thereby materially shortens the duration of the disease. Statistics prove that the average continuation of acute affections is much shorter under the homceopathic system, than it is where they are treated pursuant to the old rule, or left to nature; consequently, any calculations based upon other modes of treatment are not to bo implicitly depended upon, and the best plan for the administrator to follow is to watch attentively the disease before him, and apply the remedies his knoAvledge and experience point out as best calculated to conduct it to a satisfactory issue. A crisis may declare itself by violent relaxation of the bowels, pro- fuse perspiration, discharge of blood from the orifices, or increase or 92 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. alteration of other secretions, or by the appearance of an eruption, after which, if salutary, the skin becomes moist and resumes its func- tions, and the pulse returns to its usual standard. Fevers have been differentlv classified by various medical writers. The arrangement Ave shall adopt, is as follows: simple irritative fever, inflammatory fever, typhus, putrid, and gastric or bilious fevers, inter- mittent fevers, chronic fevers, and then eruptive fevers, such as Scar- latina, Measles, etc. Although this mode of classification is adopted for the sake of con- venience, "the author has no intention of generalizing disease; every febrile attack presents peculiar features, and is to be treated as an individual affection, and according to the nature of the symptoms pre- senting themselves, not by a blind adherence to the nomenclature of disease. Causes of Fever.—It cannot be denied that there exists in certain individuals a particular predisposition to acute diseases, and the sanguine, nervous, and bilious temperaments possess this susceptibility in a far more marked degree than the phlegmatic. The exciting causes are numerous. Miasms, Epidemic influences, contagion, powerful mental emotions, derangement of some important organ, external lesions, excess or errors in diet, heat or cold, or altera- tions of temperature, exposure to cold or damp, the driving in of eruptions—in fact, anything that causes derangement of the equilibrium of the system may produce fever. GENERAL TREATMENT IN FEVER, AND DIET. The great essentials in the treatment of fever are: Perfect rest, mental and bodily. A horizontal or recumbent position. Pure air and a cool apartment, the temperature of the patient's room in climates in Avhich it is possible to modify the temperature, should range from 50 to 55 degrees of Fahrenheit or 7 to 10 of Reaumur. All chemical means for purifying the air of the apartment, are objectionable. The admission of fresh air is the best. Feather-beds should be discarded and matresses substituted, when practicable, and the bed-clothes should be light but sufficient; woollen coverings are preferable. Diet.—Nature herself generally prescribes the regimen to be ob- served, by taking away appetite, Avhile the thirst present indicates the necessity for fluid. Water is the best drink; no solid food, broth, or even gruel and the like, should be permitted in cases Avhere the inflam- mation runs excessively high; and even during the decrease such articles as gruel and Aveak broths may be but sparingly alloAved; an error in this respect often causes irreparable mischief, "and it is always safer to err a little on the side of abstinence, than on that of in- dulgence. Toast-water, or weak barley- or rice-water, sweetened with a little sugar or raspberry or strawberry syrup, or orangeade, may be alloAved, when the fever is someAvhat abated, though then we must still care, SIMPLE OR EPHEMERAL EEVER. 93 fully avoid incurring the risk of a relapse, by giving any aliment likely to tax, in however slight a degree, the digestive powers. On the ap- proach of convalescence, sago, arroAV-root, and such like, as also cocoa and beef-tea, may be given in small quantities at a time, and at short inteiwals. Fruits, such as those Avhich have been enumerated in the Rules for Diet (see Introduction), are very generally allowable in most forms of fever, unattended with diarrhoea. Drink ought, for the most part, to be given frequently, and in small quantities, rather than in large draughts. SIMPLE OR EPHEMERAL FEVER. This disease seldom presents any distinct character, and generally runs its course in tAventy-four hours; as, hoAvever, it frequently forms the initiative of other more serious disorders, it deserves attention. Before attacks of scarlatina, measles, smallpox, etc., it is generally pre- sent, although occasionally showing itself as a distinct affection. Symptoms.—Shivering, followed by heat, restlessness, thirst, ac- celerated pulse, general uneasiness and lassitude, terminated by profuse perspiration. Under the old system, unless the immediate cause of the affection can be traced—for instance, indigestion,—the treatment is occasionally hazardous; for, if the simple fever be merely the commencement of an attack of severe inflammation, the allopathic physician incurs either the risk of increasing it by using stimulants, under the idea of its being a precurser of typhus; or acting upon the opinion of its being a forerunner of inflammation, of weakening the constitution by depleting measures, if it should unfortunately run on to the former. The only safe course, therefore, for the allopathic practitioner, is to await the distinct characterisation of the disease. The Homceopathic method, on the contrary, treats, promptly^ safely, and directly, and without recourse to any of the appliances Avhich may become prejudicial to the subsequent course of the fever. The treatment of fever as the accompaniment or consequence of other irregularities must necessarily be recapitulated under the head of the majority of diseases. Aeonitum is, however, indicated in all cases in Avhich the general symptoms of fever giAren above occur without being traceable to any particular cause. The particular characteristic by which this remedy is distinctly indicated in all febrile action, consists in heat arid dryness of tlie skin, with quickness and fullness of pulse. If the affection be simply frwer, properly so called, Aeonitum will speedily dissipate all the symptoms; and if, on the other hand, it be the forerunner of any more severe disorder, this medicine will either at once check its further progress or materially modify its malignancy. The former is more peculiarly the case with purely inflammatory attacks; the latter holds good as far as relates to typhus, acute eruptive diseases, and some other affections which run a regular course. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every three houra, until the skin becomes moist and the pulse 94 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. diminished in frequency, which result will almost invariably follow within a few hours after the commencement of the treatment. Or take four globules and let them melt on the tongue. INFLAMMATORY FEVER. SYNOCHAL FEVER. Symptoms.—Shivering or chill (generally considerable), followed by burning heat; pulse strong, hard, and greatly accelerated ; dryness of the skin, mouth, lips, and tongue (the latter generally of abright red, in some cases slightly coated with Avhite); thirst; urine red and scanty; constipation ; respiration hurried, in accordance with the pulse ; ame- lioration of symptoms as the pulse assumes a more natural state. It runs its course Avith rapidity, rarely exceeding fourteen days, and pro- gressing with regularity to a crisis, which shoAvs itself in profuse perspirations, critical urine, violent relaxation of the= boAvels, or dis- charges of blood, chiefly from the nose. The period mentioned is its ordinary average of duration, but under homceopathic treatment, the perfect crisis is considerably hastened, Avithout the long convalescence entailed by the usual counteracting means. It is peculiarly apt, if not carefully treated, to change into typhus, or to fix upon some important organ ; and is generally complicated Avith more or less derangement of the brain, for the distinctive features and treatment of which the reader is referred to the article on "In- flammation of the Brain and its Tissues." Causes.—Sudden chill or check of perspiration, exposure to damp or wet, dry easterly winds, violent mental emotion, high living, external injury, local inflammation, and slight febxle attacks mis- managed. Indisdduals, of what is denominated a full habit of body, are par- ticularly subject to this disease; it generally attacks betAveen the ages of 15 and 30 years. Treatment. — Care should be taken to watch the manifestation, progress, or change of every symptom, for the accurate choice of the appropriate remedy, according to the subjoined indications for each. In cases in which the least difficulty should arise in the discrimina- tion, the article on the "Characteristic Effects of the Remedies" should be consulted. Aeonitum.—This remedy should be administered in all cases in which the predominant symptoms are—chill, followed by burning heat, strong, hard, and quick pulse; dry skin, mouth, lips and tongue, the latter being in general, of a bright red, but sometimes also slightly coated with Avhite; excessive thirst; red and scanty urine; hurried breathing:—the symptoms being aggravated or modified, according to the greater or less irregularity of the pulse. The condition which distinctly points to Aconite as the remedy (when other complications are not present), consists in the aggravation of the above symptoms at night, when_ there will frequently be a slight degree of delirium. The manifestation of the last symptom should be carefully watched, lest the brain should become more seriously affected, in which case Aconite will not suffice for the treatment, and Belladonna should be INFLAMMATORY fever. 95 administered. If, however, the delirium be not of a violent character, it will readily be subdued by the action of Aconite. Dose: Dissolve six globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every two hours, until the pulse becomes more healthy, the skin moist or covered with profuse perspiration—when the intei-- vals should be extended to six hours, and the administration continued until absolute amelioration or change. Belladonna is especially useful after the previous employment of Aeonitum; but it may be prescribed at the commencement of the attack in all cases Avhen the brain seems prominently affected, and there is great heat in the head, with violent headache, particularly in the forehead, and redness of the face; distension of the arteries of the neck and temples; nocturnal sleeplessness, with furious delirium; eyes red, shining and fiery; general internal and external heat; burning thirst, and agonizing restlessness. Dose: Dissolve six globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- Bpoonful of the solution every four hours, until amelioration or change. In ttie event of distinct medicinal aggravation, the administration should be sus- pended until the reaction has taken place. In the event of distinct improve- ment, the interval should be extended to six hours ; and again, after two doses, if the amelioration be regularly progressive, to eight hours. Bryonia. When the morbid action is chiefly concentrated in the internal parts of the chest, or Avhen the fever is complicated with sto- machal derangement, and inclines to degenerate into continued feyer. This medicament is also indicated when, in addition to the usual symp- toms of inflammatory fever already given, we find a heavy stupefying headache, Avith a sensation as if the head would burst at the temples, much aggivwated by movement, giddiness on rising up or moving; burning heat of the head and face, with redness and SAvelling of the latter; delirium; oppression at the pit ofthe stomach; excessive thirst, sometimes folloAved by vomiting ; constipation; aching or shoot- ing pains in the limbs, short cough, oppression at the chest, and labori- ous breathing. Dose: Dissolve six globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every three hours ; when, however, the virulence of the disease has been subdued, a single dose is generally found sufficient, and no further exhibition should take place, as long as the patient manifestly con- tinues improving. Cantharides has been recommended in irritative fever bearing a close resemblance to pure inflammatory fever, and especially when the following symptoms become developed: the fever is very intense dur- ing the night, and is accompanied by burning heat of skin, strong, accelerated pulse, general redness of the surface, dryness of the mouth, and violent thirst. Further, when pains are complained of in the right side of the body, attended with great anxiety and raving. Dose : The same as Bryonia. Chamomilla is useful in cases bearing the appearances of inflam- matory fever, Avith burning heat and bright redness of the cheeks, tremu- lous anxious palpitation of the heart, extreme irritability of temper, and OATer-sensibility of the senses, alternate heats and chills, and sometimes 96 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. spasmodic attacks, etc. Chamomilla is peculiarly applicable when the above symptoms have been excited by a fit of passion or vexation; the administration of this remedy should, however, be preceded by one dose of Aconite as before directed. Dose: The same as Bryonia. When inflammatory fever seems to arise from a primary inflam- mation of some important organ, such as the Brain, Lungs, Liver, or Stomach and Bowels, the treatment will be found under the head of Inflammation of the organ most evidently the seat of the disorder. It is sometimes the result of sca ere injury of the body, in Avhich case the patient is to be treated as prescribed under Exteral In- juries. Diet and Regimen. As stated in the general regulations for FEArER. NERVOUS FEVER—SLOW FEVER-TYPHUS FEVER. Symptoms. This variety of fever rarely sets in with such marked symptoms as announce the approach of inflammatory fever:—instead of severe chills or shiArerings, we first find a complaint of general un- easiness, a sensation of chilliness, occasionally folloAved by a greater or less degree of heat. The patient either complains but little, or of pains in his head, chest, and belly, and often also of a slight difficulty of breathing: after various alternations of cold and heat, the former sensation predominates in the feelings of the patient, while to other persons he appears hot; the extremities, hoAvever, on examination, are found cold. Different characters of pulse present themselves; some- times it is full and soft, at others accelerated, frequently about the natural standard or beloAV it, or quick and Aveak, but not strong and hard, as in inflammatory fever: the chfferenee between the action of the pulse and heart is Avorthy of notice, the former may be so Aveak as scarcely to be perceptible, and the action of the latter strong; the pulse also may be hurried, and the respiration natural. As the disease progresses, the tongue, at first moist, becomes thickly coated, dry, glazed, and tremulous; there is faintness, headache, and giddiness; the delirium, at first slight, and manifesting itself only at night, becomes unintermitted, and is characterised rather by Avandering and low muttering, than fury and violence: Ave may also meet Avith spasms and convulsions. All these symptoms, if the disease be alloAved to gain ground, increase in malignancy; the evacuations become involuntary, the weakness and lassitude excessive, and the patient sinks doAvn to the bottom of the bed,—an evidence of complete prostration of strength,—while all endeavors to rouse him are fruitless, and he is perfectly blind to all around. Tenderness of the abdomen, or pain in the region of the blind gut (an intestine situated in the lower part of the right side of the belly), is also frequently met Avith. Some only of the above symptoms may be present, or the fever may be complicated Avith others: when only a feAV of the less virulent symptoms declare themselves, it is called typhus; when complicated 5 CAUSES OF THE VARIOUS FORMS OF FEVER. 97 with considerable disturbance of the vascular system, great heat, and quick, hard pulse, inflammatory typhus : a distinction is also found in the type, as in continuous and intermittent typhus; in the accidental circumstances or exciting causes present, as, for instance, disturbance of the functions of the stomach and respiratory apparatus, which, al- though generally treated as gastric or catarrhal fevers, Avith symptoms analogous to typhus, may be considered as modifications of this affec- tion. -This difference in arrangement can, however, make none in practice, as we must be guided by the symptoms that present them- selves in selecting our remedies. The congestive fever of some authors may be considered as a variety of typhus, in which, from the balance of the circulation being destroyed, the blood is determined to some particular organ, the ex- ternal heat of the body diminished, and the pulse becomes slow and oppressed. The symptoms vary according to the organs attacked. It may be remarked that in most forms of this malady, the course is ex- tremely irregular—the precursory symptoms may precede the disease only a feAV days or several weeks, and its duration is also uncertain. Death may take place from exhaustion of the vital energies, para- lysis of the Avhole system or of the brain, apoplexy, disorganisation of some of the nobler organs, or a change to the putrid form. CAUSES OF THE VARIOUS FORMS OF TYPHUS FEVER. Densely populated neighborhoods, Avhere a number of individuals are crowded into small apartments, and the air is rendered impure by exhalations from decomposed animal and vegetable matter, stagnant Avater, and a Avant of circulation, are the very hotbeds of typhus; a deficiency and improper quality of food are often added to the above, and are of themselves sufficient to produce it: other causes are, over- exertion, either of body or mind, or excesses of any kind, the pre- valence of cold or damp Aveather, mental emotions, and infection. In fact, anything tending to depress the vital energies may be pro- ductive of typhus; it may consequently arise after inflammatory fever treated by bloodletting or other severe counteracting measures, or even by the reaction of the organism, or an imperfect crisis after the same affection. We shall proceed to consider the treatment of this malady; and under the indications for the different medicaments used, will be found the symptoms that declare themselves under the various phases which the disease presents ASPECT OF TYPHUS FEVER. The prognostication in typhus is to be formed by the type of the fever, the regularity of its course, the local complications, the greater or less intensity of the symptoms, and the tendency to a decomposed state of the fluids.—Continued delirium and stupor; snatching at the bedclothes: convulsive and nervous tAvitches; impeded speech and deglutition; tremulous or paralytic state of the tongue; a fetid ex- halation from the body; excessively offensive, dark, dysenteric stools ; mulberry-colored rash, or the early appearance of miliary eruption ; 98 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. involuntary evacuations of excrements and urine; discharges of blood from the orifices, and hiccouoh, are highly unfavorable signs. On the other hand, the absence of stupor and delirium, or abatement of febrile heat and thirst, returning strength of pulse, a gentle transpiration over the whole body, loose bilious stools, gradual clearing of the previously turbid urine, or moderate cloudiness, in place of the former clear or cloudless urine, and deposition of a sandy sediment, are to be held as favorable indications. Typhus fever generally begins to subside in this and other temperate or cold climates rJbov.t the fourteenth or six- teenth day, but is frequently protracted to a much longer period. In Avarm climates, again, the fever commonly terminates in six or eight days. It is ever desirable, if possible, that the treatment of this disease should be entrusted to a homoeopathic practitioner. DIVISION AND TREATMENT. It Avere of no service,' as it Avould also be a difficult task, to define exactly the varieties of complication which may attend disorders of this kind.—The broad distinction consists in the organs which are ESPECIALLY AFFECTED. But, in order to facilitate the discrimination of unprofessional per- sons in the treatment of this most difficult species of disorders, Ave will divide their induction, progress, and issue, into three distinct stages, the Preaionitory and Incipient, the Active, and the Debilitated and Convalescent stages. It is not, however, to be assumed that these gradations are always clearly defined. They may merge im- perceptibly, may be arrested by treatment, or may be suspended by fatal results. The incipient stages are, however, naturally distin- guishable until the positive development of the fever becomes evident, and the stage of debility Avhich is a consequence of the ravages of the fever, differs from the iavo former in the subsidence of active symptoms, and in the accompanying prostration of animal power. In the treatment of all alike we must be guided by the symptoms, and select the most appropriate remedy according to the characteristic in- dications afforded. treatment during the premonitory and incipient stages. Bryonia-alba. Rhus-toxicodendron. These remedies either singly (according to the subjoined symptomatic indications of each), or in alternation (where the symptoms of the disease embrace the characteristics of both), have, Avhen seasonably administered in the in- cipient stages of many varieties of these fevers, been found sufficient to arrest the progress and deArelopment of the malady altogether, or at all events so far to modify its future course, as to deprive it of much of its malignancy. Bryonia and Bhus are, in fact, the medicines whose ascertained operation is most closely akin to that of this class of disorders. ' Bryonia. This remedy is especially applicable to cases Avhich mani- fest an inflammatory tendency. It should be selected in the incipient stage, Avhen the folloAving symptoms are present:—After a slight cold TREATMENT DURING THE PREMONITORY AND INCIPIENT STAGES. 99 the patient complains of aching pains over the whole body, which ad- mit of no relief from a change of posture ;—severe, throbbing, bursting, frontal headache (aggravated by opening or turning the eyes) prevails ; the scald is tender to the touch, and the head burning hot, yet the forehead is, nevertheless, frequently bathed Avith cold sweat;—the sitting or even the recumbent posture is rendered compulsory by the prevalence of debility, languor, and heaviness of the limbs, and there is an aversion to cold air ;—the nights are disturbed, more especially the fore-part of the night, by ebullition or congestion of blood, heat, and anxiety;—the patient sighs and groans during sleep, and is often aroused by agonising or frightful dreams, which continue to haunt him even whilst aioake. The digestive functions are considerably deranged, as exemplified by the presence of bitter taste, loathing of food, nausea and inclination to vomit, a yellow furred and dry tongue, pressure or weight and pricking in the pit of the stomach, with sensation of dis- tension about the lower ribs on both sides, and costiveness. Dose: If singly, dissolve six globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea-spoonful of the solution every two hours ; if in alternation icith Rhus, dissolve six globules of each remedy separately in two table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea-spoonful of the one solution four hours after the other, in rotation, until amelioration or change. Rhus-toxieodendron is especially applicable to the Ioav, nervous variety in the promonitory stage of typhus. It should be employed Avhen, either after exposure to a thorough wetting, or without any ass '.jnable reason, the patient is seized with violent relaxation of the bowels, accompanied by colic, and complains of chilliness even when seated close to the fire; further, when aching pains (or pains as if arising from the effects of contusions) are experienced in particular parts of the body, or \Adien a painful sensation is experienced, as if the flesh had been torn from the bones; the tongue is furred white, and giddiness, inclination to vomit, or actual vomiting of phlegm, is present; the pa- tient is tormented by numbness, creeping and tingling in the parts of the body on which he lies, together with lancinations, drawing pains, and stiffness in the nape of the neck and in the back, rigidity and feeling of paralvsis in the extremities, with trembling on holding out the arms ; the chief qualifying condition is that edl the symptoms are, getierally speaking, exacerbated during rest and at night. Dose: If singly : of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every two hours, until amelioi-ation or change. If in al- ternation tcilh Bryonia, dissolve six globules of each remedy sepiiralely in two table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea-spoonful of the one solution four hours after the ^ther, in rotation, until amelioration or change. Ipecacuanha may be selected in the early stage of typhus, when it is ushered in by prominent symptoms of derangement in the di- gestive organs, such as headache, giddiness, nausea, vomiting, watery, yelloAV or greenish, slimy evacuations; particularly when these are associated Avith slight chills alternately with heat, or considerable shivering with slight heat, or marked heat with but little shivering. Dose: Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water every three hours until amelio- ration or change. 100 HOMCEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. Pulsatilla may also be selected in this stage of the disorder, when frequent shivering, bitter taste, whitish tongue, loss of appetite, ^ nau- sea, vomiting of phlegm, slimy evacuations, and febrile heat inter- mingled with chills prevail ; and more particularly when these symp- toms become exacerbated towards evening, and occur in mild, tem- perate, or phlegmatic subjects, or in females, Avith extreme depression of spirits and tearfulness. Dose : Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water every three hours, until ame- lioration or change. Digitalis is indicated when nervous fever, or rather typhus, accom- panied by bilious derangement, is ushered in by yellow, jaundiced hue of the skin; violent, bilious, spasmodic pains in the stomach; sensi- bility of the upper part of the stomach, on the left side, on pressure ; frequent urging to make Avater, particularly at night, Avith scanty urine ; burning heat of the head and face ; anxiety of mind and dread of some imaginary, impending misfortune ; urination painful and diffi- cult, or entirely suppressed. Dose: Six globules in a table-spoonful of water every three hours, until ame- lioration or change. Nux-vomica. Symptoms of stomachal derangement, constipation, with frequent inclination and ineffectual efforts to evacuate. Nux- vomica is further indicated Avhen the spasms, which not unfrequently accompany this disease, are confined to the stomach and intestines, particularly the inferior boAvel—a frequent cause of the above-men- tioned constipation ; painful and difficult emission of urine; painful pressure and tension in the regions about the stomach and the lower ribs ; sensation as if the limbs were bruised : general nervous excita- bility, with great nocturnal restlessness and slight delirium ; weakness and aggravation of the symptoms in the morning. Temperament, sanguine or bilious ; disposition, irritable and impatient. Dose: Six globules in a table-spoonful of water every four hours, nntil ame- lioration or change. China. This remedy is frequently of service in the first stage, or when paleness of the face, lancinating, rending, aching, or pressive headache, cloudiness of vision, buzzing or roaring in the ears, dullness of hearing are present; yelloAV or Avhite coating on the tongue, dry- ness of the mouth, insipid clammy, or bitter taste ; inclination to vomit; sensibility and distension of the belly; thin, yellow, watery motions, occasionally intermixed Avith undigested substances; urine scanty, pale or dark colored and cloudy; oppression at the chest; dragging shooting pains in the limbs ; anxiety, sleeplessness, and gene- ral coldness and shivering. Dose: Six globules in a table-spoonful of water every six hours, until ame- lioration or change. Aeonitum. Belladonna. These are the best remedies in the inci'pient stage of the disorder, Avhen infletmmettory symptoms declare themselves from the commencement. The selection between Aconite and Belladonna will be gathered from the subjoined symptomatic in- dications, and from the article on the " characteristic symptoms,'''' un- TREATMENT DURING THE PREMONITORY AND INCIPIENT STAGES. 101 der the head of these remedies respectively. It should be added here, that when the elisease becomes further developed, and still retains the inflammatory character—Bryonia and Rhus respectively, according to the symptoms, are generally preferable. Aoonitum is indicated in the incipient stage by the presence of the folloAving symptoms:—Chill followed by burning heat, strong, hard and quick pulse, elry skin, mouth, lips and tongue; the latter being generally of a bright red, but sometimes also slightly coated with Avhite; excessive thirst; red and scanty urine; hurried breath- ing ; the symptoms being aggravated or modified, according to the greater or less irregularity of the pulse. The condition which dis- tinctly points to Aconite, as the remedy (Avhen other complications are not present), consists in the aggravation of the above symptoms at night, often attended with slight delirium. Should the delirium become violent, and considerable cerebral disturbance be otherAvise manifested, or should this particular symptom not yield rapidly to the action of Aconite;—when, moreover, the skin continues hot and dry, and the bowels relaxed, or the motions are even passed involuntarily, or Avhen there is inflammation of the glands of the throat (tonsils), or red, parched tongue, great thirst with disinclination or dreaol to satisfy it, it Avill be preferable to administer Belladonna until the indicative symptoms yield. Dose: Of-a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change. In mild cases in which the symptoms yield readily to the action of the medicine, the repetition may be deferred to intervals extending to tAvelve hours. Belladonna is particularly indicated by the folloAving symptoms, in addition to those above enumerated: alternate heat and chills, or general heat externally and internally, with redness, burning heat, and bloated appearance of the face, or alternations of coldness and paleness, and heat and redness of the face, violent throbbing of the large arteries in the neck; redness, sparkling, and profusion of the eyes, with dilation of the pupils, extreme sensibility to light, and distortion of the eyes ; singing or noises in the ears to a greater or le?s degree ; wild expression of the countenance, Avith uneasy glancing around, as if from fear, sometimes attended with a marked inclination to run aAvay; violent shooting pains in the forehead ; or dull heavy pain, causing the patient to put his hand frequently to his head ; sopor; furious delirium or loss of consciousness ; delirium and snatching at the bedclothes, or spasmodic or convulsive attacks; parched lips, 6oreness of the corners of the mouth, redness and dryness of the tongue, Avhich is also sometimes foul, and covered Avith a yellow coating; skin hot and dry; bitter taste in the mouth, intense thirst, difficulty of deglutition, especially of liquids ; nausea; pressure at the pit of stomach; excessive distension of the bowels, and constipation, or Avatery motions; scanty and red or amber-colored urine; rapid respiration; pulse full and accelerated, or quick, hard and wiry; in- flammation and swelling of the glands before and ben-a h the ears. Dose: Dissolve six globules in three table-rpoonfuls of water, and give a tea- sooonfnl of the solution every four hours, until amelioration or change. In 102 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. mild cases, or when the symptoms yield readily to the action of the medicine. the repetition may be deferred to a period of twelve hours, and repeated at such intervals, until amelioration or change. Stramonium is indicated bv symptoms of thesame nature as those which indicate Belladonna, with the addition of the following :— twitching of the muscles of the face, starting of the tendons, squinting, trembling of the extremities, tremulous motion of the tongue on pro- trusion, burning heat of the body, suppression of the urine, fantastic gesticulations, and involuntary spasmodic smiling. Dose : Four globules in a tea-spoonful of Avater every three hours, nntil ame- lioration or change. Hyoscyamus is indicated by the same symptoms as have been stated at length under the head of Belladonna, with the addition of the following :—twitching of the tendons, strong, full pulse, fullness of the veins, burning heat of the skin, sensation of pricking all over the body, and consteint delirium ; frequent but ineffectual urging to uri- nate. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every three hours, until the symptoms are distinctly modified or changed. Baptisia (Wild Indigo) is especially required when the weak and tremulous feeling; the quick (90) full, and soft pulse ; the internal and external heat, Avith thirst; the headache and tendency to delirium ; the tongue yellowish-brown in the centre and red at the edges; the constipation alternating with diarrhoea ; all contribute to make up the morbid picture ;—hot dry skin and a quick full pulse ; the tongue is thickly covered with a whit)tey-brown fur ; the head aches, and there is at least noctural delirium; no appetite and great thirst; the urine is high colored, and generally Avith constipation. _ Dose: The same as directed for Stramonium. TREATMENT OF ABDOMINAL TYPHUS ; That is, typhus with tenderness and distension of the belly, griping, or sometimes dull, continuous pain, diarrhoea, &c. Mercurius will be found a most efficient medicine, if immediately employed when the disorder assumes the low form of abdominal typhus, or occurs in persons of sluggish constitution and slow circu- lation, and is attended Avith pale, yellowish app>earetnce of the face, severe headache, or sensation as if a tight band Avere across the fore- head ; thickly-coated tongue; bitter or foul taste; little thirst; sensi- tiveness of the region about the navel and the pit of the stomach to the touch and distension of the belly; evacuations, copious, watery, floc- culent, or slimy and even bloody, sometimes qualified by straining wit/wut evacuation; at first, dry burning skin followed by profuse, debilitating sweats; depressed pulse, and great prostration ; extreme restlessness and anxiety, with constant tossing about in bed; and dis- turbed, unrefreshing sleep Avith anxious dreams. Dose: Six globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every tAvo hours, nntil the eva- cuations become diminished in number and improved in appearance, and the TREATMENT OF ABDOMINAL TYPHUS. 103 tenderness and pain in the lower part of the stomach, &c. are relieved. After which, some other remedy must be selected, in accordance with the remain- ing symptoms : consider Acidum Nitricum, amongst others. Rhus-toxicodendron is especially indicated in abdominal typhus characterised by continued heat and dryness of t/ie skin; violent de- lirium; oppression at the heart, Avith sighing and moaning; pains in the limbs; extreme debility; tongue and lips dry and red, or covered with a brown or blackish, tenacious fur; red, burning cheeks; con- vulsive twitching of the tendons, snatching at the bedclothes, drowsi- ness or stupor, with muttering and loud, nasal breathing ; weak, ac- celerated pulse; anxious expression of countenance; sleep disturbed, or prevented by the frequent recurrence of sudden starts; eyes in- flamed, watery and insensible; features collapsed ; breath exceedingly offensive; involuntary evacuation of excrement and urine; coldness of the extremities; sinking energies ; livid spots and miliary eruption. Dose : Dissolve twelve globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea-spoonful of the solution every two hours until three doses have been given ; then extend the intervals (or sooner, if distinct improvement take place)to four hours, and continue the administration until the symptoms par- ticularly indicative subside or become altered. If no alteration follow the fourth dose, or the aspect of the symptoms be as follows, proceed with the next remedy. Camphor frequently proves useful after Rhus, particularly when the following symptoms prevail; heat of the head with confusion of ideas, or violent delirium ; giddiness; throbbing headache; burning heat in the forehead : cold and clammy skin; continuous coldness of the hands and feet; debilitating and clammy sweat; tendency to violent relaxation of the bowels; scanty cloudy urine, which deposits a thick sediment; great weakness, and feeble, scarcely perceptible pulse. Dose: One drop of the saturated tincture on a small lump of loaf sugar, every quarter of an hour, until distinct amelioration or change :—or if the more urgent symptoms have yielded, and the following remain, proceed with the next remedy. Cocculus may often follow either Rhus or Camphor (after the previous employment of Rhus), especially when the great debility con- tinues, and the patient complains of giddiness and headache ; or when there is a tendency to swooning or paralysis of 'the limbs, and when there are prominent symptoms of derangement of the digestive func- tions. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every two hours, until amelioration or change. These remedies either singly or in alternation are amongst the most important, in cases of a desperate character, and when the most alarm- ing symptoms occur. Arsenicum. This is decidedly one of the most important remedies in abdominal typhus, especially in the second and third stages, some- times restoring the patient A\men almost beyond the reach of hope, and renovating the vital spark. The chief indications for its employ- ment are :—extreme prostration of strength,—falling of the lower 104 homoeopathic domestic medicine. jaw,—open mouth,—dull and glassy eyes,—bitter ta.ste, inclination to vomit,—pressure and aching at the pit of the stomach, pain in the right side of the inferior region of the belly,—bursting headache- giddiness, -violent or low muttering delirium,—droAvsiness,—flatulent distension of the bowels,—burning thirst,—dry, hot skin,—parched, cracked, sometimes blackish-looking clammy tongue,—and violent and continuous relaxation of the boAvels ; pulse scarcely perceptible, and intermittent. Dose: If singly, of a solution of six globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every quarter of an hour (in very critical cases), or every hour (in less urgent instances) until amelioration or change, doubling the length of the intervals as soon as distinct improvement occurs. If in alter- nation withVeratrum.—Dissolve separately six globules of each remedy in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give one tea-spoonful of the one half an hour after a similar dose of the other (in very critical cases), in rotation—or at intervals of one hour (in less urgent instances) until amelioration or change. Veratrum is occasionally useful after or in alternation with Arseni- cum, Avhen the inferior extremities become cold and covered Avith cold sweat. Dose : In every respect, singly or in alternation with Arsenicum, as directed for the latter remedy. Carbo-vegetabilis may also prove serviceable in very critical cases. It is indicated where Ave find droAvsiness with rattling respira- tion,—face pinched, sunken, and death-like,—pupils insensible to light, pulse scarcely perceptible, and the vital power rapidly sinking, —cold perspirations on the face and extremities,—involuntary and offensive^ evacuations,—deep-red urine, with a cloud floating in it, or rising towards the surface. In abdominal typhus, however, the more par- ticular indication consists in symptoms of incipient ulceration, or in signs of so-called putrescency. The following symptoms are also distinctly indicative of this remedy : —burning, lancinating pains about the region of the stomach, and deep in the bowels, which become renewed after partaking of food of any kind, and are accompanied by great anxiety, excessive flatulency, and the evacuation of burning, light-colored, fetid, watery, bloody stools, attended with painful urging; desire for salt food, and for coffee, with aversion to meat, generally, and dread of indulging the craving, lest the sufferings be aggravated. Dose: In every respect, singly or in alternation with Arsenicum, as directed for that remedy, above. TREATMENT OF THE SECOND OR ACTIVE STAGE IN TYPHUS, Wliether of the inflammatory or low variety. Bryonia is more particularly indicated Avhen the disorder assumes the character of inflammatory nervous fever, or typhus especially af- fecting _ the brain, with violent, stupefying headache, as from a blow, and pain across the forehead and at the temples, as if the head Avould burst; frequently raising of the hands to the head. Aggravation of these sensations by movement—continued, violent delirium Avith ex- cessive febrile heats; foul, thickly-coated, yelloAV tongue, or dry. TREATMENT OF THE SECOND OR ACTIVE STAGE OF TYPHUS. 105 cracked, tongue, Avith parched mouth and great thirst, and vesicles in the mouth or on the tongue ; furred lips; nausea, inclination to vo- mit, or vomiting of mucous and bilious matter ; tenderness of the pit of the stomach, when touched ; general heat of the whole body, dryness of the skin, redness of the face, and profuse perspiration during the fever; sensibility about ' the region of the stomach ; distension of the belly, oppression at the chest, and frequent sighing and moaning, indicative of threatening miliary eruption ; constipation, or relaxed stools ; urine of a deep orange color or bright yellow, Avith yellow sediment; sensation as of a plug in the throat, Avith difficulty of hearing; stitches in the side; drowsiness or disposition to sleep during the day; sleeplessness, fugitive heat, and excessive restlessness, or continued drowsiness or stupor, with startings and unpleasant dreams; painful shootings and soreness of the limbs, aggro, vetted by movement; trembling of the hands; pulse quick, soft, frequent, or ir- regular, small andintermitting ; miliary interruption, livid spots; ir- ritability, irascibility, despair of recovery. Dose: If singly. Under very favorable circumstances, of a solution of six glo- bules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every twelve hours:—in cases which assume the more serious features, a similar dose should be repeated every thi'ee hours, until amelioration or change.—If in alterna- tion icith Rhus. Dissolve separately, six globules of each remedy in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea-spoonful of one solution four hours after the like dose of the other, in rotation, until amelioration or change. Eupatorium-perfoliatum. Pain in the bones, attended with hot dry skin. This remedy has been highly recommended by the most successful practitioners as Drs. Williamson, Neiclhard and others. Dose: The same as is directed for Bryonia. Rhus-toxieodendron. This medicine is more peculiarly suitable to the low form or stage,—Bryonia being more applicable to the in- flammatory,—but will frequently be found serviceable in all the stages of the disease, particularly when there is undue relaxation of the bowels, congestion to the head, oppression at the chest, and great weakness. The headache is generally of a stupefying nature, Avith a feeling as if from a bruise, but not so severe as that indicating Bryo- nia; the tongue presents nearly the same character, less nausea and inclination to vomit exist; violent pjain is present about the region of the stomach, especially when touched. Constipation as named of Bryonia, but more frequently copious, yellowish, or loose, bloody evacuations, with severe cutting pains in the belly; the symptoms are general heat, and those of the lace resemble those mentioned under Bryonia, but without the perspiration, or at most, a clammy feeling of the skin. The urine is hot, dark colored, or at first clear, and after- wards turbid ; the symptoms of the ears the same; sleep also the same; difficult deglutition of solids, as if from contraction of the throat and the gullet; general trembling, debility, and prostration, almost amounting to pjaralytic weakness of the different limbs; shooting pains in various parts of the body, aggravated when at rest or at night, and momentarily relieved hx moving the part affected ; pulse quick and small or weak and slow; as mental or moral symptoms, 106 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. we may notice, excessive anguish, anxiety, extreme loAvness of spirits, and disposition to weep. Dose: Whether singly, or in alternation with Bryonia, in all respects as di- rected for the latter remedy above. Arnica is also of some importance in low or sluggish nervous fever, with lethargy, or delirium, and snatching at the bedclothes ; or when the patient lies in a state of unconsciousness as if he had been stunned by a concussion of the brain. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every four hours, until ame- lioration or change. Pulsatilla is often of considerable service in the second stage of typhus, when slight delirium, tears and lamentations, alternating Avith drowsiness, preArail. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, repeated, if necessary, at the expiration of four hours, and so until amelioration or change. But if any of the under-mentioned symptoms declare themselves, proceed with the next remedy. Acidum-phosphoricum is frequently required, either when, at the commencement of the disease we find great exhaustion and pros- tration, with wandering even when avmke; or in almost hopeless cases (alone or still better in alternation Avith Rhus) when the patient is always found lying on the back in a drowsy state, and either makes no reply when spoken to, or answers incoherently; or in other in- stances, and esptecially after the previous employment of Pulsatilla, when the following symptoms prevail:—constant, loquacious delirium or low muttering ; snatching at the bedclothes ; fixed looks ; seeming efforts to escape from some alarming object; black incrustations on the lips; dry, hot skin ; continual, copious, watery discharges from the bowels, the motions being in general involuntary : bloody evacuations; frequent, weak, and occasionally an intermitting pulse. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonfnl of water, at first every hour, extending the intervals to three houi-s as soon as the symptoms are modified, and con- tinuing the administration until positive amelioration or change. Or if the under-mentioned symptoms should in particular continue unmodified, proceed with the next remedy after a lapse of three hours, from the last dose. Acidum-nitrieum should be administered after or during the course of Acidum-phosphoricum—but not within less than three hours of a previous dose of the latter,— if the bloody evacuations fail to yield readily to the previous treatment. Acidum-nitrieum is, moreover, particularly useful when there are white specks in the mouth and throat; sensibility of the belly on pressure ; relaxation of the bowels, and slimy, acrid, greenish-colored stools; straining; intestinal ulce- rations; shooting pains in the lower boAvel; scalding when passing water ; and tendency to collapse. In some cases it is necessary to etd- minister this remedy by injection or enema, as below stated. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, repeated, if necessary, after four hours (or every four hours till the symptoms yield), returning to Acidum- phosphoricum, if requisite, or proceeding with next remedy, after a pause of three hours, if the under-mentioned symptoms, in particular, supervene. The Enema should consist of six drops of the tincture at the third dilution to every two table-spoonfuls of water. TREATMENT OF THE SECOND OR ACTIVE STAGE IN TYPHUS. 107 Cantharides should be administered after or during the course of either of the three foregoing remedies, but not within less than three hours of a dose of any other medicament if painful evacuation of water be distinctly manifested. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, repeated, if necessary, after an interval of three hours (or continuing at such intervals until the indicative symptom is positively subdued), retnrniiLg to either of the foregoing, or pro- ceeding with other treatment, or suspending treatment, according as the pre- valence of particular symptoms or general improvement be manifested. China is sometimes of considerable \Talue in the second stage of this disease, especially A\dien the attack has become protracted and tedious, and the following symptoms in particular have declared themseh-es: — nocturnal sweats, obstinate relaxation of the boAvels, but unattended with pain in the boAvels, the tongue at the same time being clean. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every four hours, until ame- lioration or change, unless, after the third dose, the sweats remain unmodified, when proceed with the next remedy, after a pause of four hours. Sulphur should 1'oIIoav the third dose of China in the eA^ent of the continuance of the sweating, notwithstanding the previous administra- tion of the latter remedy. Sulpliur has also been found of consider- able service,—Bryonia, Rhus, or Ac id um phosphor icum having been fruitlessly administered, but particularly Avhen the following symptoms Avere encountered : pale and collapsed countenance, burning, itching eruptions on the lips, dryness of the mouth: foul, dry tongue; bitter taste; slimy or bilious vomiting; tenderness of the region about the stomach, and pain as from excoriation of the parts about the navel, increased on pressure ; flatulent rumbling in the boAvels; frequent, watery, flocculent, or yelloAV evacuations; cloudy urine, depositing a reddish sediment; miliary eruption; eruption with a discharge of matter; bleeding at the nose ; stitches in the chest, oppressed breath- ing ; dry cough, Avorse towards evening and at night; sleeplessness, or Avhining during sleep ; dry heat during the day, Avith moderately quick pulse, and profuse sweating at night. Dose : Dissolve six globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoouful of the solution every six hours, unless, after the second dose, the following svmptoms be present, when proceed with the next remedy. Acidum-sulphurieum should folloAv the second dose of Sulphur after an interval of six hours, if the sweating be yet very prof use, par- ticularly if soAvhen lying still and modified by movement; or it should even precede either or both of the preceding remedies, if the sweating be very profuse when lying still and diminished by movement. Dose : Three globules, in a tea-spoonful of water, every four hours, until ame- lioration or change. Calcarea, ) Calcarea-c. may sometimes be adminis- Hepar-sulphuris, > tered advantageously, alternately with Bel- Lycopodium. ) ladonna, Arsenicum, or Rhus, according to the symptoms; it is further, occasionally, a most efficient remedy in cases in which debilitating relaxation of the bowels, or bleeding of the nose, Avill not yield to such remedies as Acidum-phosph., Rhus', China, &c.; lastly, Calcarca-c. may be exhibited Avith advantage 108 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. where there are symptoms of impending miliary eruption, jerkings or tAvitchings in the limbs, particularly in children, tendency to inflam- mation of the membranes of the brain, delirium, &c. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to Hhree table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every three hours un'.il amelioration or change.—Or if the under- mentioned symptom should declare itself', or having been previously present should continue unmodified after the third dose of Calcarta, proceed with the next remedy, after a pause of four hours. Hepar-sulphuris should folloAV the third dose of Calcarea after an interval of four hours if disc/ietrge ofblo'odfrom the nose should super- vene, or, having been previously ]»i csent, should continue without material improvement; except, indee ,i, the presence of other symp- toms of a more urgent character should require the administration of other remedies, such as Pulsatih'<;, Bellaelonna, Rhus, or Sulphur. Dose: Three globules, in a tea-spoonful of water, repeated, if neces.-ary, after an interval of four hours—or Oi-.tinne/l, at such intervals, if requisite, until the distinct modification of th« indicative symptom. Lycopodium is oftejx,.a valuable remedy after Calcarea, (Avith or without the intermediate administration of Hepar-s. according to circumstances,) in the second stage of typhus, when miliary eruption is slowly and scantily developed, and the folloAving symptoms occur: drowsiness with muttering delirium; confounding of words; stam- mering ; twitching of the tendons, snatching at the bedclothes; flatu- lent distension of the boAvels, with constipation; affections of the bladder ; or when there are shiverings alternating with heat; circum- scribed redness of the cheeks; debilitating SAveats; excessive debility ; complete hanging of the lower jaAV; halt-closed eyes ; sIoav respiration ; or, state of excitement, without heat or congestion in the head or face; redness of the tongue ; constipation ; burning urine ; tranquil and resigned state of mind, or surliness and malevolence, especially on waking. Dose: Three globules, in a tea-spoonful of water, every three hours, until ame- lioration or change. In case of amelioration, pause until the symptoms evi- dently retrograde, when resume, at intervals of six hours, as long as neces- sary.—In the case of change suspend treatment for four hours, and coLitinue with the remedy newly indicated. Lachesis may prove serviceable in fever analogous to typhus, attended with giddiness on rising or sitting up; muttering ; bitter taste; delirium; hanging of the lower jaw ; vacant expression of countenance; sunken leal ures; yellowish tongue, with bright-red margins; cracked tongue ; smooth, dry tongue, or furred, white, slimy tongue ; heaviness of the tongue, with difficulty of protruding it, and inarticulate speech; (seeming paralysis of the eyelids ; lethargic sleep, and tendency to lie in the prone posit.on ; thirst, with disincli- nation to drink; brownish-red, copious urine. Dose : Three globules, in a tea-spoonful of water, as directed for Lycopodium: —or if the symptoms be very urgent, begin by administering at intervals of two hours—extending the intervals to four hours after two doses have been given. Phosphorus is of great service where Ave find great dryness of the tongue heat of skin, small, hard, quick pulse, painless relaxation of the TREATMENT OF THE SECOND OR ACTIVE STAGE IN FYPHUS. 109 bowels, with excessive flatulent rumblings ; or AAdien the disease be- comes, as it Avere, concentrated in the lungs, and there is consequently congestion, Avith extremely laborious breathing and excessive anxiety, dullness on percussion, mucous rattling, stitches during respiration, cough, with copious expectoration of phlegm mixed with blood or even offensive matter, more benefit may be looked for from this than from any other remedy. Phosjihorus is also seiwiceable when, notwith- standing the pneumonic concentration, there is, moreover, sensibility and rumbling on the right side of the loAverpart of the belly, or When there is continued heat of skin, with small, hard, accelerated pulse, throbbing of the great arteries of the neck, and nocturnal sweats; sleep disturbed by crowding of ideas, weeping, whimpering, sudden cries, and restlessness. The patient awakes from sleep complaining of great thirst and dryness of the mouth, excessive heat, and aching of the A\"hole body. In addition to these symptoms, there is a burning sensation in the belly and fundament, with frequent semi-fluid stools, streaked with blood ; giddiness, confusion, and throbbing pains in the head; deafness: frequent discharge of blood on blowing the nose, and heat in the face; tongue anol lips dry and cracked; bitter taste; co- pious evacuations of urine, which deposits a Avhitish or reddish sedi- ment ; delirium ; obstupefaction. Dose: Dissolve six globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every four hours, until amelioration or change. Acidum-muriaticum. Weakness, with a constant tendency to sink town in the bed, Avith groaning during sleep, almost paralytic state of the tongue, rendering it nearly impossible for the patient to speak, even when in a collected state, and great dryness of the mouth. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, giAre a tea-spoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change. Natrum-muriaticum is recommended in nervous feArers Avith great debility, insatiable thirst, dryness of the tongue, and loss of con- sciousness, and particularly when they follow in the course of antece- dent debilitating diseases. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change. Helleborus has also been found of great utility in nervous fever, occurring after other febrile affections, such as scarlatina, measles, stomachal fever, Avorm fever, and cholera, Avith pain as from contu- sion, combined with tumefaction, in the integuments of the head; disposition to somnolency, with confusion of ideas, and extreme rest- lessness : dark, cloudy urine; heaviness, or feeling of stiffness and powerlessness in the limbs ; depression of spirits, and obtuseness of the faculties. Dose : A solution of six globules, as directed for Nalrvm-mvriutici'm. Secale-eornutum is, in like manner, with Neitr>'m-m. and Helle- borus, recommended by many homceopathists Avho have had frequent opportunities of treating nervous fevers, particularly in cases occurring in the Avake of other diseases ; but is more especially appropriate Avhere 110 HOMCEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. the symptoms developed clearly proceed from irritation pf the spinal nerves, with wandering, fugitive, spasmodic pains, extending from the base and column of the spine into different parts of the body; the spasms Avhich affect the face become subsequently of an intermittent nature ; Avhilst those that have their seat in the hands and feet par- take of a continued character. This remedy is further indicated by dry heat of the skin, insatiable thirst, accelerated pulse, great rest- lessness and sleeplessness; excessive languor, and aversion to food. Should the spasmodic affections readily yield to the employment of this remedy, but if the febrile symptoms continue, some other remedy appropriate thereto must be prescribed. Dose: Dissolve six globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea spoonful of the solution every three hours, until amelioration or change. Arsenicum, ) These remedies are of signal importance, either Veratrum, v singly, in succession, or in alternation, according to Carbo-veg. ) the individuality, succession, ox combination of the symptoms present, in the second stage of typhus, in all desperate cases in which vitality becomes nearly extinct. For distinctive indications the reader is referred to the foregoing prescription of these remedies, under the head of Abdominal Typhus (at page 103). Dose: If singly, of either remedy:—Dissolve six globules in three table- spoonfuls of water, and give one tea-spoonful of the solution every quarter of an hour (in veiy critical cases), or every hour (in less urgent instances), un- til amelioration or change, doubling the length of the intervals as soon as distinct improvement ensues.—If in alternation. Dissolve, separately, six globules of the remedies to be used alternately in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea-spoonful of one, half an hour after a similar dose of the other (in very critical cases), in rotation, or at intervals of an hour (in less urgent instances), until positive amelioration or change doubling the length of the intervals as soon as a degree of impi*ovemeut is evident. Carbo-veg. In addition to the indications given for this remedy, under the head of Abdominal Typhus, the following symptoms are characteristic of its employment in the second stage : excessive anxiety, and burning heat of the skin, arising from congestions to the head and chest; the eyelids agglutinated during the night; deafness, and ring- ing in the ears ; bleeding from the nose, and obstruction of the nose from incrustations, eruption around the nose, and brown or blackish, cracked lips; the legs drawn up during sleep, and the sleep restless, and disturbed by frequent waking. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every three hours, until ame- lioration or change, when thus specially indicated ;—when, as above, singly or in alternation, the dose should be as directed under the last head. TREATMENT OF TYPHUS CHARACTERISED BY STUPOR. In treating of this variety of the malady it will be unnecessary to recapitulate the remedies already enumerated, in relation to the various stages and varieties hereinbefore described. Suffice it to say, that the same features and conditions Avould indicate their employ- ment in this variety, and that the method of administration should he in every respect similar. But the symptoms which more particularly THE STAGES OF DEBILITY AND CONVALESCENCE AFTER TYPHUS. Ill distinguish this species of typhus, especially indicate, by assimilating most closely to the specific operation of Opium. This remedy should accordingly be given A\'hen the folloAV- ing group of symptoms prevails:—great drowsiness or lethargy, Avith stertorous breathing, open mouth, half-closed eyes or fixed look; slight delirium or muttering, snatching at the bedclothes ; the patient being in a continued state of stupor, from Avhich it is extremely difficult to rouse him, and from AA'hich he is scarcely aroused before he relapses into his former state ; furious delirium, and incessant restlessness; dry, offensive stools, with involuntary evacuations of excrement and urine. Dose: Of a solution of six glohules to three tea-spoonfuls of water, give a teaspoonful every three housi-, until amelioration or change. TREATMENT OF THE STAGES OF DEBILITY AND CONVALESCENCE AFTER TYPHUS. Rhus-toxicodehdron. This remedy retains its importance in the treatment of typhus throughout all the stages of the malady, and is amongst the best appliances during the period of debility which gene- rally supervenes after the issue of this firver. Rhus is more especially indicated in this stage, when the progress tOAvards recovery is sluggish, the pulse retaining afebrile character, the appetite, although improved, being capricious, the bowels predisposed to relaxation, and the chest not yet exempt from feelings of oppression. Dose: Three globules, in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, nntil distinct amelioration or change —Upon evident improvement taking place under this treatment, it will be sufficient to repeat the dose every night. China is frequently of great use in this stage against the debility resulting from the effects of the malady, more especially when the patient has suffered much from violent relaxation of the bowels during the previous course of the disease; or if there be a tendency to con- tinuance in this symptom. China is also particularly useful Avhen debilitating sweats supervene. In this ease it should be followed by Sulphur, if that symptom has not yielded distinctly, after the second dose. Dose: In the case first described, three globules, in a tea-spoonful of water, repeated, at intervals of twelve hours, until three doses have been taken. Under the last-stated circumstances a similar dose night and morning,—and if the symptom doe% not distinctly yield within twelve hours after the second dose, proceed with the next remedv. Sulphur should follow tAvelve hours after the second dose of China, in case of the obstinate continuance of the sweats, or of the presence of dry cough at night. Dose: Three globuh-s, in a tea-spoonful of water, every twelve hours, until amelioiation or change. Ferrum-metallicum is a preferable remedy when the pulse con- tinuts weak or frequent, altera profuse discharge of blood, particularly in the case of females affected with green-sickness, or who have pre- viously suffered from it. 112 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. Dose: Three globules, in a tea-spoonful of water, morning and evening for a week. ACCESSORY MEASURES DURING THE PERIOD OF DEBILITY The fever having subsided, and the patient being able to sit up, should first be removed to another apartment, free ventilation, and a moderate degree of warmness being simultaneously secured. By degrees, and as soon as posible, passive motion, and from thence, if possible, walking exercise (not sufficient to exhaust the patient) should be daily sought in the open air, in fine weather, Avith, hoAvever, par- ticular precautions against damp or chill. Nothing will conduce to restore the patient to health and strength more rapidly and tho- roughly than such accessory treatment with proper precautions in respect of diet, as stated beloAV. AFTER EFFECTS OF TYPHUS. BED-SORES, ABSCESSES, BOILS, SWELLING OF THE FEET, WEAKNESS OF DIGESTION, AND GENERAL DERANGEMENTS. These are more or less frequently the results of very seATere or protracted cases,—especially when the reactionary process is sluggish, —'and require simultaneous local and constitutional treatment, with this reservation : that when the local application is immedi'oted (such aspure spirit), we may select the constitutional remedy, irrespective of such application, according to the particular features of the case, by consulting the symptoms present, the article on the "Characteristic Effects," and the articles on "Boils" and "Abscesses," as regards those particular affections. External Treatment of Bed-sores. Spirits-of-wine, Collodion, or Glycerine, will in general, suffice to remove this troublesome affection. Application. To one part of the Spirit add two parts of pure water, and satu- rate with this solution a linen pad, which must be applied to the parts and kept moist. Arnica (tincture) should be employed if the diluted spirit has proved insufficient and inflammation has not supervened. Application. To one part of the Tincture add twenty parts of water, and pro- ceed as directed for Spirits op Wine. Tincture of Carbo-veg., ) When mortification Tincture of Arsenicum, • (■ supervenes avc may suc- Tincture of Cinchona (concentrated). ) cessfully employ either of these remedies (according to symptomatic indications) simul- taneously with the internal administration of the same medicament,— as stated below. Application. To a wine-glassful of water add five drops (of the Tincture of Arsenicum), or ten drops (of either of the others), and satura e with this so- lution a linen pad, which apply to the parts and keep moist Constitutional Treatment of Bed-sores. Belladonna is required singly (in general, but in alternation with AFTER-EFFECTS OF TYPHUS. 113 Sulphur, especially for scrofulous subjects,) in cases in AAdiich severe inflammatory action supervenes, the local treatment having been insufficient. Dose : If singly, three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every three hours, until three doses have been taken, and then every six hoars unti' the symp- toms subside. II in alternation with Sulphur, first three doses of Belladonna successively at intervals of four hours, then a pause of twelve hours; then two doses of Sulphur at intervals of twelve hours. Carbo-veget., ) One or more of these remedies will become re- Arsenicum, > quisite in cases of bed-sores characterised by the or China. ) appearance of mortification, exemplified in the ap- pearance of the sores. The distinctive indications of each of these medicines will oe best traced by consulting the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of the appropriate remedy give three globules in a tea-spoonful of water three times during the first day, and afterwards night and morning, until amelioration becomes progressive. Silicea is especially indicated when the bones are evidently affected. Dose: Six globules in a table-spoonful of water night and morning for a Aveek, pause a week, and resume, similar^, if still requisite. Sulphur, ) It will be advisable to refer to the article on " Cha- Silicea. \ racteristic Effects," to facilitate the selection from these remedies, in cases in which the process of granulation is sus- pended or sluggish. Dose: Of the appropriate remedy give six globules in a table-spoonful of water, night and morning until the process of healing becomes more regularly progressive, pausing, however, as soon as this is the case. Constitutional Treatment of Abscesses. Belladonna is indicated when inflammatory redness is developed over the surface of the tumor. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful ot water every four hoyrs, until the indicative symptoms subside. Hepar-sulphuris should be employed Avhen the process of sup- puration is retarded and sluggish, and the tumor causes severe ten- sive pain. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water three times during the first day, and then every twelve hours, until suppuration ensues. Consult also the article on " Abscess." Constitutional Treatment of Boils. Arnica is indicated by simple painfulness and tenderness. Bella- donna, by very inflammatory redness, or by simultaneous affection of the glands of the groin and arm-pits, if the boils be on the extremities; or by simultaneous dry heat of the skin, and thirst. In either case the administration of one or both of these remedies for the respective acute symptoms, should be folloAvedby that of Sulphur, as soon as the acute symptoms have yielded, to complete the cure. Dose: Of Arnica or Belladonna, give three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, >5 114 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. three times, at intervals of four hours, and then at intervals of twelve hdure until the symptoms yield. Of Sulphur, give six globules in a table-spoonful of water every morning for a week. If the boils be peculiarly large, Lycopodium may be employed pre- ferably to the foregoing, folloAved, after the subsidence of the acute symptoms, by Silicea. Dose : Lycopodium should be administered as directed for Arnica and Bella- aonna above; and Silicea as directed for Sulphur. Treatment of Swelling of the Feet. Bryonia, ") The reader must be guided in a selection from China, I these remedies by the indications afforded for their Lycopodium, [-employment in the article on "Characteristic Pulsatilla, Effects," with due precaution to observe minutely Sulphur. J the general constitutional symptoms which attend this particular manifestation. Dose : Of either of these medicines (as indicated), give three globules in a tea- spoonful of water night and morning, for a week ; after Avhich pause four days, and resume the administration or not, according to the condition of the patient. Treatment of Weakness of Digestion. Nux-vomica, ) In selecting from these remedies for the treat- Pulsatilla, >• ment of weakness of digestion resulting from Sulphur. ; typhus, it will be necessary to consult the article on "Characteristic Effects," as regards the medicines in question, and also the table exhibiting the remedies adapted to particular con- stitutions, with due consideration of the particular constitution and temperament of the patient. Dose : Of either remedy (as indicated) give three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, for ten days; after which pause six days, and resume similarly if necessary. Treatment of general Derangements in Psoric Subjects. Sulphur is directly specific in cases of this kind, and should be administered from time to time, in repeated courses, effectually to eradicate or modify the obnoxious constitutional condition. In such instances Sulphur should always be employed upon recoveiy after acute disorders. Dose: Six globules in a table-spoonful of water, every morning for a week ; then pause ten days, and resume similarly for a week ; after which, pause three weeks, resuming once again, as before. Sleeplessness. CofFea is generally the most useful remedy here. Dose: Six globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, one table-spoonful in the evening, and another after an interval of three or four hours, if needful, and so on every evening until relief or change. Cold or tepid sponging, or both, according to the season of the year and the constitution of the patient, and sometimes also the "wet sheet" PUTRID FEVEK. 115 and other hj lropathic means, are very useful in allaying restlessness, sleeplessness, and dry heat of skin, in the course of the fever. Diet. In a disease that presents so many varieties, it is difficult to give any rules upon this head, applicable to all cases. When a marked inflammatory character is present, the same abstinence should be en- joined as already specified for Fevers in general, or for Inflammatory Fever; and in all cases, either during the progress of the disease or the period of comralescence, the greatest possible care should betaken to avoid taxing the digestive functions ; the diet should be light and simple, and the patient never allowed to indulge the appetite to its full extent: but his anxious desire or craving for food, even during the height of the fever, rarely if evrer Avithheld. Lastly, stimulants appear to be necessary to rouse the sinking ener- gies in certain cases with quick, weak, or intermittent pulse. PUTRID FEVER, PESTILENTIAL FEVER, OR MALIG- NANT TYPHUS. We have already alluded to this form of the disease under the head Typhus, particularly in the indications given for the employment of A rsenicum and Carbo-vegetabilis, but consider it of sufficient importance for separate remark. This fevrer sometimes rages as an epidemy, but it more frequently appears in the wake of Nervous Fever, or the latter degenerates into the malignant type, in consequence of improper ge- neral treatment, uucleanliness, or the impurity of the air by which the unfortunate patient is surrounded. Indeed, almost any fever may terminate in malignant typhus under the unfavorable circumstances just quoted. Symptoms. The symptoms of Nervous Fever, already given, with extreme prostration, pulse exceedingly small and Aveak, so as to be scarcely perceptible ; a peculiar sensation of burning, pungent heat, communicating itself to the hand Avhen placed upon the body of the patient; heavy, cadaverous smell of the whole body; putrid odor of the breath, perspiration, and secretions in general; profuse, oily and clammy sweats ; involuntary evacuations ; violent and continuous dis- charge from the bowels, sometimes bloody; dark or bloody urine; bleeding at the nose; livid spots, and other marked tendencies to organic dissolution. The patient is always found lying on his back, and continually shrinks down to the foot of the bed, a sign of utter helplessness and prostration. Premonitory Stage. Treatment. For instructions in this respect during the pre- monitory stage, the reader is referred to the preceding directions for the treatment of typhus, in the early stage, under the head of "Ner- vous Fevers," especially as regards the varieties characterised by pre- dominant affection of the digestive system. Advanced or Malignant Stage. Arsenicum corresponds closely to the symptoms, and is, therefore, 116 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEIICINE. our principal remedy Avhen the disease assumes this malignant form, particularly when we find involuntary and bloody evacuations and straining. Carbo-vegetabilis may also be advantageously alternated with Arsenicum, Avhen the symptoms already given under Typhus for the exhibition of that medicine are present, {page 110.) Dose : Of Arsenicum, if singly, dissolve twelve globules in three table- spoon- fuls of water, and give a tea-spoonful of the solution every four hours (in moderate cases) or every hour (in very critical cases) until amelioration en- sues,—doubling the length of the intervals, h-owever, as soon as this occurs, and withholding further doses if the improvement continues progressively. If in alternation with Carbo-veg., a like solution of each remedy separately, __of which give, first, two doses of the one, at intervals of four hours ; then two doses of the other, at similar intervals, Avith an intervening pause of eight hours between the administration of the different medicines. Tincture of Rhus (concentrated) has been found to succeed in some severe and very critical cases in Avhich Arsenicum and Carbo- veg. had been ineffectually administered in several successive doses. Dose : One drop of the Tincture in a table-spoonful of water every three hours, until amelioration or change. Mercurius is indicated when excessive straining, and considerable discharge of blood, characterise the evacuations, and should be fol- lowed by one or other of the consecutive medicines cited, in the event of the continuance of these symptoms, and according to the respective and distinctive indications afforded for each in the article on "Cha- racteristic Effects." Dose : Of a solution of twelve globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every two hours, until amelioration ensues, when extend the interval to four hours, and continue till the symptoms subside ; but if the bloody evacuations continue unmodified, two hours after the third dose, pro- ceed with one or the other of the following medicines, according to circum- stances. Cimifuga-racemosa (act^ea racemosa). Excessive pain in the forehead over the right eye. Pain in the eyes or eyeballs. Delirium. Seeing rats, mice and insects. Dose: As directed for Mercurius. Aeidum-phosph.: especially if, moreover, the pulse be very fre- quent, feeble, and sometimes intermittent; the evacuations very co- pious, thin, and even involuntary ; the skin hot and dry, and the lips black, incrustrated, and characterised by scaly peeling. Or Acidum-nitric., particularly if, moreover, there be white spots or vesicles within the mouth and throat; if there be scalding upon passing Avater, darting pains in the lower part of the belly, and ex- cessive tenderness of the belly. Or Cantharides, particularly if, moreover, there be excessively painful urination. Dose: Of either of the three last-named remedies, dissolve twelve globules in four tea-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea-spoonful of the solution every two hours until the distinctive symptom becomes modified, and then extending the intervals to four hours until it subsides. Sometimes, however, it may be necessary to return to the administration of Mercurius, as above directed, CONTAGIOUS FEVER. 117 when the orig'nal symptoms still prevail, and the assemblage is such as Stated under the head of that remedy in the article on " Characteristic Effects." State of Debility. China often becomes a most serviceable remedy when the ma- lignancy of the fever has been overcome, but, nevertheless, great weak- ness remains from the loss of humors; it is also useful, when Avhatever nutriment the patient may have taken passes off undigested. Dose : Dissolve six globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every four hours for two days successively, then every twelve hours, until amelioration or change. CONTAGIOUS TYPHUS, CAMP FEVER, JAIL FEVER, PETECHIAL FEVER. Symptoms. The symptoms of this variety of Typhus, are ana- logous to those already described variously under the head of Nervous Fever, or of Malignant Typhus or Putrid Fever. The distinction consists in the cause Avhich is traceable, in this in- stance, to contagion on infection (immediately), or perhaps to the de- generacy of Epidemic Typhus (remotely). The first stage of this malady is of an inflammatory character, from which the issue may re- sult variously in a crisis without change, convalescence without change, or fatality similarly, or in a change of aspect to that of low nervous, or putrid Fever, according to the habit of body, condition, &c, of the patient, or according to the locality, atmospheric pheno- mena, and the like external circumstances. TREATMENT. Bryonia, " ^ These remedies, as, indeed, all those hereinbefore Rhus, I cited, &c, under the head of Nervous Fevers, are Arsenicum, f equally important for the treatment of this variety Seeale. J of typhus. The respective indications and doses will be found in the foregoing sections alluded to, and due regard must invariably be paid to the particular character assumed by the complaint. (See 110-113.) Opium is, however, of particular importance in Contagious Typhus, and is indicated by stupor, lethargy, (sometimes real or ap- parent loss of consciousness,) snoring respiration, the mouth partly open, the eyes half closed or wide open (but apparently unconscious of objects), the pupils much dilated, loss of speech, rigidity of the limbs, a small or intermittent pulse, suspension or involuntary dis- charge of evacuations, or hard, scanty, and difficult stools, and severe distension of the bowels. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, or (if there be difficulty in this) dry on the tonpue, every three hours, until amelioration or change. Hyoscyamus, ) Either of these remedies, according to the dis- Starmonium. f tinctive features cited in the article on Nervous Fevers, and in that on the " Characteristic Effects," may be in- dicated, Avhen in addition to the symptoms just recited as indicative 118 HOMOEOPATHIC domestic medicine. of Opium, convulsive jerkings and tAvitchings in individual parts are manifested. Dose : Of either remedy (according to the selection made) give four globules in a tea-spoonful of water immediately ; a second dose (if the symptoms con- tinue unmodified) after the lapse of two hours, (but if modified, after the lapse of four hours; and then the like doses at intervals of four hours, nntil ame- lioration or change. But if the symptoms manifest no change or modi- fication in twelve hours after the first dose, reconsider them and select afresh. Veratrum-viride. Gnats and bugs fly before the eyes ; inclined" to jump out of bed ; pains in the bowels with black diarrhoea. Diet. At the commencement of the disease, or when the fever if of an inflammatory type, the same precautions should be observed a; described under Diet during Fevers in general; but, in the more ad- vanced stages, with great prostration of strength, and quick, weak, small pulse, stimulants—such as wine or brandy, administered in tea- spoonfuls, at first every half-hour, and then at longer intervals, are often of service. accessory treatment of typhus, and precautionary treatment during its prevalence in all varieties. Accessory Treatment. The most valuable and indispensable of ac- cessories, in aiding the restoration of the patient, is the free circulation of fresh air,—or, in other words, ample and judicious ventilation. Di- rect draughts and chilly currents of air should, however, be carefully avoided. Preservative measures generally, and preventive remedies in par- ticular. Cool pure air, thorough ventilation, the avoidance of dark or dismal-looking apartments, into which the genial daylight does not freely penetrate, ahd the removal of all causes generating the disease, —such as stopped sewers, or collections of decaying vegetable and animal matter; a plain wholesome diet, Avith moderation in the use of fermented liquors or wine, and total abstinence from spirits; the refraining from late hours, intense study, and excessive mental or cor poreal exertion ; exercise in open situations, with proper precautions against exposure to cold or damp; and, finally, the preserving a healthy tone of mind and cheerful temper. The absurd practice of keeping the bowels constantly open by means of aperient medicines, and the use of drugs inducing profuse perspiration, cannot be too strongly reprobated ; both these practices weaken the system, and predispose it to the disease. Standing between a fire, or open windoAv, and the bed of the patient is to be avoided, as unnecessarily increasing the risk of taking the infection. Preventive Remedies. Whatever Remedy (amongst those recited as applicable to the Treatment of Typhus, or described in greater detail in the article on the "Characteristic Effects") has in its specific action a direct analogy to the features of the prevailing disease, is unerring as a preventive or moderating agent.—The safest plan to be pursued, therefore, in epidemic, or endemic typhus, or, indeed, in any INTERMITTENT FEVERS. 119 other epidemy, is to form an aggregate of the symptoms by carefully collating those of individual sufferers, so as to present a perfect image of the existent malady, and to choose the remedies accordingly, AA'hich should be administered directly on the premonitory symptoms de- claring themselves, Avithout waiting for the further development of the disease. Bryonia, [ These Remedies cover a great number of the symp- Rhus. \ toms of Typhus, if, therefore, upon considering the aspect of the disease AA'hich prevails, one or both of these medicaments be found to embrace the characteristic features of the malady, Ave should have immediate recourse to that Avhich corresponds with such characteristics, or, if necessary, to both of these medicines, in alter- nation,— whereby, if not averted, or checked, the disease will be ma- terially softened doAvn in its after course. Dose (preventively) : Six globules in a table-spoonful of water, either of one of these remedies singly, or first of the one and then of the other (beginning with Bryonia), at intervals of twenty-four hours, that is, at bed-time daily for a week; or, in the event of the disease running its course (in a modified form), such treatment, according to symptoms, as is directed to be pursued in the foregoing articles. Arsenicum is particularly efficacious as a preventive remedy during the prevalence of Typhus, either Avith predominant affection of the BoAvels, or Avhich assumes a putrid character,—or, indeed, in all such cases as have been hereinbefore described as indicating its em- ployment. Dose : Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, at bed-time daily for a week, with such reservations and exceptions as are quoted respecting the dose of Bryonia and Rhus. Consult also the article on "Characteristic Effects," especially under the heads of Bryonia, Rhus-tox., Arsenicum, and Carbo-veg., from which a judicious selection may be made by accurate study of the salient features of the prevailing disease. DNTERMTTTENT FEVERS—AGUE. We have now to enter upon a class of Fevers differing essentially < from those already considered, in possessing a marked character of their own, in the simplicity of their form, the periodicity of the different stages, (although the periods of fever-fits are not necessarily regular,) and the uncertainty of their duration; at the same time it may be noticed that one of the distinctive features of intermittent fever consists in the fact that the febrile action does not individually constitute the disease, but appears rather as an occasional development of other morbid processes. Intermittent fevers cannot be better described than as a compound of acute and chronic disease; acute during the continuance of each attack, and chronic in the continuance of liability to the attacks. Symptoms. These must be classified in three distinctive stages ; 1) a chill or cold fit, 2)'followed by heat, and terminating 3) in per- spiration, more or less profuse; these three stages constitute a 120 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. paroxysm; after which, for a certain period, called1 the interval or respite, the patient is generally free from suffering. The fever-fits are characterised by the red deposit in the urine. These periods are generally of definite duration; but occasionally indefinite and irregular. If the paroxysms return at regular intervals of twenty-four hours, the fever is termed a Quotidian,—of forty-eight, a Tertian,-of seventy-two, a Quartan; even longer intervals have been observed betAveen the attacks, as that of seven days, which is somewhat inappropriately termed an eight-day intermittent fever. If two fever-fits take place within each period, the ague is said to be doubled, as a double Quotidian, or Tertian, &c. These fevers are sometimes found existing in the simple form above noted; that is, that each fever-fit (as it occurs) assumes the character of simple fever, as described at page 93; in other instances, hoAveyer, the fever-fits (as they occur) assume the characteristic features of in flammatory or typhoid fever, or of complications involving the re- spiratory or digestive functions respectively, &c. &c. The absence of continuity or regular process to a crisis will then identify the febrile symptoms as appertaining to this class in general, whereas the peculiar implication of" particular organs will qualify the specific cha- racter of any particular variety. They are exceedingly indefinite in duration, and frequently assume a tediously chronic form. An individual once attacked with ague, is frequently liable to a return of it in after life, if the disease has not been radically extirpated in the first instance ; nay more, any attacks of disease to which he may afterwards be subjected are peculiarly apt to assume the intermittent form. Ague is rarely dangerous in this country, except AA'hen of long con- tinuance, and then, owing to the weakness Avhich it occasions, and the injury which it inflicts upon the constitution ; it may, hoAvever, lead to obstructions and indurations of the more important organs, par- ticularly of the liver and spleen, or may induce dropsical affections It should not be omitted, hoAvever, that the sudden development of peculiar symptoms in connection with the fever-fits may be more or less ominous; and should be watched and treated with especial care. Sometimes, however, intermittent fevers appear (as a whole- some crisis) in the last effort of the constitution to expel morbid humors which have long preyed upon the system; and in such cases, if treated with due care by homceopathic means (which will assist in their development), they will serve to carry off the causes of tedious chronic disorders. But in hot climates, or in low marshy countries, this disease is ex- ceedingly fatal, in consequence of the brain and its tissues, the lining membrane of the stomach and bowels, the lungs, and the investing membrane of the stomach and bowels becoming affected: in such in- stances, when the disease gains ground, the patient loses strength and becomes emaciated, every fresh paroxysm entails an increase of suffer- ing, and the perspiration fails to relieve; he complains of a sense of weight in the region under the false ribs, particularly the right, with griping pain in the bowels, flatulent distension of the belly, looseness INTERMITTENT FEVERS. 121 of the boAvels or constipation, and constant thirst; or of headache, cough, and shortness of breath; the tongue is furred, and dry at the tip; the skin hot, harsh, and dry ; the urine scanty, the belly tumid, the extremities become dropsical, and sleep is restless or broken. Death may ensue from collapse in the cold stage, from the absence of perspiration, and from the disease passing into continued or remit- tent feA-er, or from disorganization of some important part, such as the brain, lungs, spleen, or fiver. We shall now proceed to a general consideration of the three stages of the disease, premising that the various modifications of the symp- toms Avill be found more in detail, under the medicaments, AA'hen we euter upon the consideration of the remedial treatment. Premonitory Symptoms. Sense of languor, or general uneasiness ; yawning, headache, stupor, pains in the limbs or back; the toes and fingers becoming numb, and the nails blue. I. The Cold Stage (Congestive Stage). Coldness of the extremities, Avith a feeling as of stream of cold Avater running doAvn the back, and extending itself to the chest and belly; general prostration of strength, insupportable coldness, external and internal tremors, chattering of the teeth, respiration labored and hurried, Avith inability to draw a full inspiration, and oppression at the chest. The head is variously affected, sometimes with headache, at others Avith drowsiness, stupor, or delirium; the pains noticed in the premonitory symptoms are generally present, and, in some instances, the patient complains of pain all over; the tongue is moist, the eyes are heavy and sunken, the features pinched, and the lips and cheeks livid; the rigors sometimes run on to convulsions. The pulse is weak and oppressed, sometimes sIoav, at others quick, and frequently intermitting, and often, from the seA'erity of the rigors, scarcely perceptible. The heat of the body, except at the extremities, is generally above the natural standard, Avhile the patient complains of cold. Sometimes the patient feels only a slight degree of cold, without tremors, but accompanied with symptoms of functional derangement, and in a few hours the hot fit declares itself. The duration of the cold stage is from an hour to four hours; and it runs into the hot without any marked interval. II. The Hot Stage presents all the characteristics of a modified inflammatory attack, with hot, dry skin, and thirst, oppression at the chest, hurried and anxious breathing, and acute pains in the head, regions of the spleen, liver, &c; there is also occasionally a degree of disturbance about the brain, or even delirium. The general duration of the hot fit is from four to tvvelve hours, Avhen it teiiniu.. tes in tie sweating stage; Avhen this does not take 122 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. place, it is apt to run on to continuous fever, or take the form of a remittent,—a not uncommon issue of this disease in warm climates. III. The Sweating Stage. After the hot fit has continued a longer or shorter period, profuse perspiration sets in, commencing in the forehead and extremities, and quickly diffusing itself over the whole body; as soon as it makes its appearance, the uneasiness and other symptoms begin to disappear, and the patient, in simple ague, continues free from suffering until the next paroxysm. Causes. Marshy districts are noted as being the hotbeds of this malady; the presence of stagnant Avater in the immediate vicinity of dwellings will provoke it; as occasionally, also, conditions which will engender low typhus; the continued prevalence of epidemic disorders may also be cited amongst the causes of intermittent fever; a con- tinuance of fish or farinaceous diet is also apt to produce it; it may, moreover, arise from taking cold, indigestion, internal obstructions, the presence of inactive humors which oppress particular organs, from peculiar constitutional tendency or the like, occasioned by acute dis- eases, or by difficult chronic affections, or even from purely local irritation. Nervous or inflammatory fever may change into an intermittent, or the latter take upon itself, if it continue, the character of either of the two former, or become remittent; this frequently happens in hot climates. Method of Treatment, peculiarly adapted to Intermittent Affections. The medicines should generally be administered in the interval between the paroxysms, but Avhen these are extremely short, or Avhen they are attended Avith after-pains of the preceding paroxysms, they should be administered when the SAveats, or other concluding features of the attacks, begin to subside. Treatment. In the treatment of Ague, the type, although by no means to be held as unimportant, is yet of \rery secondary considera- tion to the other features of the malady. Medicines generally adapted to particular Varieties of the Disease. To assist the reader, however, in selecting the appropriate medicine with reference to the distinctive nature, variety, or type, of particular cases (if there be no identical and overruling feature), the subjoined repertory may be consulted, not, however, without due regard to the special indications for each remedy, as stated at large in the subse- quent part o/this article, and in the article on the " Characteris- tic Effects." For Marsh Fevers. Select especially from*:—Arsenicum, China (in particular) ; Ipeca- * These remedies are particularly pointed out to facilitate the selection, with the especial reservation that the symptoms shall in every respect correspond Avith those INTERMITTENT FEVERS 123 cuanha, or, in some cases, from Arnica, Carbo, Ferritin, Natrum-m., Rhus, and Veratrum. For Spring and Summer Fevers, or Fevers of Hot Climates. Select especially from*:—(generally), Arnica, Belladonna, Bry- onia, Calcarea, Carbo-veg.. Digitalis, Ipecacuanha, Lachesis, (espe- cially in hot climates,) Pulsettilla and Veratrum. Or, if the Chills be predominant, particularly from*: —Bryonia, Carbo, Ipecacuanha, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Staphysagria, and Veratrum ;— Or, if the heat be predominant, particularly from*:—Aconitum, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Cocculus, Nux-vomica, Silicea, and Sulphur ;— Or, if the sweating be predominant or profuse, particularly from*: —Arsenicum, Bryonia, China, Cocculus, Mercurius, Nux-vomica, and Sambucus. for fevers characterised by three distinct and complete stages, cold, hot, and sweating. Select especially from*:—Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Cha- momilla, C/tina, Ipecacuanha, Nux-vomica, Pulsatilla, Rhus, and Veratrum. FOR FEVERS IN WHICH TWO STAGES ONLY ARE DISTINCT AND COMPLETE. 1. Consisting of Chills and Heat. Select especially from* :—1 a) if the heat be the precursory manifes- tation, Calcarea, Nux-vomica ;— Or, lb) if the chill be the precursory manifestation, particularly from* : — Aconitum, Arnica, Bryonia, Carbo, China, Ignatia, Ipeca- cuanha, Natrum-muriaticum, Nux-vomica, Pulsatilla, Rhus, Sulphur, and Veratrum; -- Or, 1 c) if the chills and heat be alternated, each recurring more than once during every fever-fit, particularly from*:—Belladonna, Calcarea, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Natrum-muriaticum, Nux-vomica, Silicea, Spigelia, Sutyhur, and Veratrum;— Or, 1 d) Avhen the shivering and heat occur together, particularly from*:—Aconitum, Arsenicum, Bellaelonna, Chamomilla, Ignatia, Ipecacuanha, Lycopodium, Nux-vomica, Rheum, Rhus, and Sulphur. 2. If consisting of Heat and Sweating. Select especially from*:—2 a) if the heat and sAveating be simul- taneous, Bellaelonna, Bryonia, Chamomilla, Cina, Hepar-sulphuris, Ignatia, Mercurius, Nux-vomica, Opium, Pulsatilla, and Rhus; — Or, 2 b) if the sweating follow the heat, particularly from* :— which are hereafter named as indicating each respectively ; and Avith the assemblage of symptoms attributed lo each respectively in the article on the " Characteristic Effects." Otherwise, selection must appropriately be made according to such indi- cations, and irrespective of the present enumeration. * See Note p. 122. 124 homoeopathic domestic medicine. Arsenicum, China, Hepar-sulphuris, Ignatia, Ipecacuanha, Pulsatilla, Rhus, and Veratrum. 3. If consisting of Chills and Sweating. Select especially from*: 3 a) if the chills ancUweating be simul- taneous, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, and Sulphur;-— Or, 3 b) if the sweating follow^ the chills, ] particularly from* : Carbo, Lycopodium, Natrum-muriaticum, Rhus, T/iuja, and Veratrum. For Fevers of which the attacks are characterised by Lethargic Drowsiness. Select especially from*: Cocculus, Nux-vomica, and Opium; or, occasionally, also from: Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, and Stramonium Fevers, of which the attacks are characterised by Apoplectic or Paralytic Symptoms. Select especially from*: Aconitum, Arnica, Arsenicum, Coffea, Cocculus, Opium, and Nux-vomica. For Fevers, of which the Attacks are characterised by Faintingfits. Select especially from": Graphiites, Ipeceicuanha, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulphur, and Veratrum. as regards the type of the fever. For Simple- Quotidian Fevers. Select especially from*: Calcarea, Ipecacuanha, Nux-vomica, and Pulsatilla. For Simple-Tertian Fevers. Select especially from*: Antimonium-c, Calcarea, Chamomilla, Drosera, Lycopodium, and Staphysagria. For Simple-Quartan Fevers. Select especially from* : Aconitum, Arsenicum, and Lycopodium. For Double- Quotidian Fevers. Select especially from*: Belladonna, China, Graphites, Stra- monium, and Pulsatilla. For Double Tertian Fevers. Select especially from*: Arsenicum, Nux-vomica, and Rhus. For Annual Fevers. Select especially from""': Arsenicum, Calcarea, Nux-vomica, Lyco- podium, Rhus, (directly specific and preventive,) Sepia and Sulphur (in continued courses.) * See Note p. 122. rNTERMTTTENT FEVERS. 125 AS REGARDS THE THIRST ATTENDANT UPON THE FEVER-FITS, Select especially from* (if the thirst precedes the attack,) Arnica, China, and Pulsatilla;— Or, if the thirst occurs during the cold stage, particularly from*: Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Carbo, Chetmomilla, China, Ignatia, Ipecacuanha, Phosphorus, Rhus, and Veratrum; Or, if the thirst occurs after the cold stage, particularly from*: Arsenicum, China, and Pulsatilla ; Or, if the thirst occurs during the hot stage, particularly from*: Chamomilla, Nux-vomica, Pulsatilla, Rhus, and Veratrum; Or, if the thirst occurs after the hot stage, refer to China, in par- ticular ;* Or, if thirst be absent, or only present in a natural degree, during the hot stage, select particularly from*: Arsenicum, Carbo, China, Ignatia, Ipecacuanha, Pulsatilla, Rhus, and Veratrum. AS REGARDS THE TIME OF THE DAY AT AA'HICH THE FEVER-FITS RECUR. For Fever occurring in t/ie Morning. Select especially from*: Arnica, Calcarea, Chamomilla, and Sta- physagria. For Fever, occurring in the Decline of Day. Select especially from*: Arnica, Carbo, Ignatia, Lycopodium,, Mercurius, Sepia, and Staphysagria. For Fever occurring at Night. Select especially from*: Carbo, Chamomilla, and Mercurius. Dropsy. For dropsical indications resulting from intermittent fever, Aurum is a useful remedy. particular indications For the Use of the Remedies generally called for in Ague. China or Cinchona. This Avell-known but too frequently abused remedy is undoubtedly of great efficacy in those fevers Avhich oAve their origin to the influence of marsh miasm, and are peculiarly pre- valent at particular seasons of the year. It may be given Avhen the fever commences with a sense of languor or general uneasiness of the heart, anxiety, headache, sneezing, great thirst, craving hunger or nausea, and pain in the boAvels. It is also indicated Avhen the fever has set in Avith absence of natural thirst—during the cold stage—but thirst is experienced after the heat and during the sAveating, or thirst betAveen the hot and the cold stage, and Avhen the chill and fever are followed by a copnous sweat. It is contra-indicated when thirst exists during the hot stage. Turgidity of the veins, with heat in the head, and natural warmth or increased heat of the bodv, with * See Note p. 122. 126 HOMOEOPATHIC domestic medicine. or Avithout increased heat of the surface. Or, again, determination of blood to the head, commonly with redness and heat in the face, with chilliness of all the other parts of the body, and even external cold- ness, or only a feeling of internal heat in the face, with coldness of the cheeks to the touch, and cold sweat on the forehead, are further indi- cations for the employment of this medicament. In many cases, C/dna, although not capable of effecting a radical cure, is yet of great utility as a palliative: it should, under such circumstances, be exhibited im- mediately before the cold stage. In such instances, the consecutive treatment should be adapted to the remaining or supervening symp- toms, according to the indications subjoined, or to those afforded in the article on " Characteristic Effects," with due regard to the par- ticular constitution of the patient, and under the guidance of the Table of Remedies (in the introductory pages) adapted to particular CONSTITUTIONS, &C. Dose : Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, either in the interval between the fever-fits,- or as more particularly stated at page 122,—the same ^ose being repeated as long as the symptoms occur in like manner. Win il di- rectly specific, however, a single dose of this medicine will generally remove the fever. Lohelia-inflata. This remedy promises to be of equal efficiency with China in the treatment of ague, and may be particularly selected, in many instances, even in preference to China; but in the majority of cases which appear to indicate the latter remedy, when that, hoAvever, has been productive only of temporary relief, and par- ticularly Avhen derangement or foulness of the stomach is present (perhaps after the previous administration of such remedies as Nux-v., Pulsatilla, Antimonium-crudum, &c), it may be most use- fully employed. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to four table-spoonfnls of water, give a tea-spoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change ; or a dose in the like proportions two hours before the anticipated return of the attack. Arsenicum is one of the most important remedies in intermittent fevers. It is indicated when the different stages are not definitely marked, but the fever and heat and shivering appear simultaneously —or Avhen we find cold shuddering alternately Avith heat, or a sen- sation of cold internally, Avith heat, or an imperfect development of the paroxysms; or burning heat, as if molten lead were coursing through the veins, communicating an unpleasant sensation of heat to the hand, when placed upon the body 6f the patient; great restless- ness ; excessive, almost insatiable thirst, obliging the sufferer to drink constantly, although but little at a time ; depression, marked pros- tration of strength and anxiety ; nausea, desire to vomit, retching, and even vomiting; severe and burning pains in the stomach, and insupportable pains all over the body, especially in the limbs. One marked characteristic of Arsenicum is, that all the sufferings of the patient, pains in the limbs, &c, increase in intensity during the pa- roxysm, and others develop themselves; another is, its marked perioelicity, generally either Tertian or Quartan, and the rigors gene- rally setting in towards evening. It is therefore called tor in these INTERMrTTENT FEVERS. 127 cases, AAdiere we meet with a well-marked period'i dty of imperfectly developed paroxysms, Avith some or any of the symptoms above men- tioned. Dose : Six globules in a table-spoonful of water, administer during the inter- val between the fever-fits, as often as they continue to recur. Or in cases of the continuance of the cold fit, or of exhaustion so severe that the patient is unable to rally, even during the intervals,—of a solution of twelve glo- bules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful at intervals vary- ing from a quarter of an hour to two hours, according to the severity of the case, doubling the intervals or suspending treatment as soon as reaction sets in. Ipecacuanha is usefully employed in the majority of cases of marsh fever, at some stage of the disorder, especially in the earlier periods. Some instances occur in which by embracing the assemblage of the symptoms, it is sufficient of itself to effect a cure; in other instances it is most successfully followed by other and appro- priate remedies, or coupled Avith Nux-v. in particular. It is indicated by the folioAving symptoms: much shivering, with but little heat, or vice-versa; increase of'the shivering by external warmth; oppression at the fore part of the chest; Avant of natural thirst, or a least, little thirst; dryness of the mouth, nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms of deranged digestion. Dose : As directed after Nux-vomica, below. Nux-vomica is especially indicated by excessive weakness at the commencement of the fever; the shuddering mixed Avith or imme- diately folloAved by heat; warmth of the cheeks, with internal chilli- ness ; feeling of heat in the face, with shuddering in the remaining parts of the body ; heat in the head, A\'ith coldness of the body; burn- ing pain in the eyes; or, giddiness, with feeling in the head as if from intoxication, desire to lie down, with trembling of the limbs; fainting, or a sensation of paralytic Aveakness and prostration, Avith cramps in the different extremities, particularly the calves of the legs and feet; difficulty of breathing, palpitation of the heart, anxiety, irascibility, fear of death, and even violent delirium; derangements of the ali- mentary organs, such as want of appetite; dislike to bread; bitter and sour eructations, tension of the belly or spasms of the muscles in that region, and constipation ; burning itching miliary eruption, and burning itching sensations over the whole body. During the fever : coldness and blueuess of the skin, desire to be constantly covered, even during the access of heat and perspiration ; occasionally stitches in the side, shooting pains in the belly, aching in the back and limbs, and dragging pain in the belly during the rigors. During the hot fit particularly: headache, buzzing in the ears, heat in the head or face, with redness of the cheeks, and thirst. Dose : If in alternation with Ipecacuanha, give first tAvo doses of Ipecacuanha, consisting each of six globules in a table-spoonful of water, at intervals of three hours : then pause for twelve hours, or until the next evening, if not less than twelve hours, when give a like single dose of Nux-vomica, repeating this last every evening until amelioration or change ; recurring, however, to the occasional administration of Ipecacuanha, if indicated, at a period of not less than twelve hours from that at which Nux-v., is administered. It 128 HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. singly, of either remedy six globules in a table-spoonful of water, during the intervals or before the anticipated return of the attack. Pulsatilla, like the two medicines last mentioned, is an excellent remedy in A-ues complicated with stomachal or bilious symptoms, Avhenever the slightest attack of indigestion brings on a relapse. Its more peculiar indications are, vomiting of phlegm at the commence- ment of the cold stage ; Avant of natural thirst, all through the fever, __or thirst, only during the hot fit; simultaneous heat and shivering —aggravated in the afternoon or towards evening ; shivering when uncovered; anxiety and oppression of the chest during the shivering. During the hot stage, redness and swelling of the face, or redness of the cheeks only, and perspiration on the face. _ The presence of diar- rhoea, and the patient being of a mild disposition, are corroborative indications for its employment. Dose: Except in particularly severe cases, it will suffice to administer four globules in a tea-spoonful of water once during the intervals, either at the close of the attack or three hours before it;—or in eases of eight-day fever, particularly, three hours before the anticipated return of the attack. In very severe cases, however, and when the fever-fit, characterised by the symp- toms just stated, is unduly protracted, it were better to repeat the like dose eweiy six hours (for simple quotidian), or every twelve hours (for simple tertian and quartan), or as often as ev> ry four hours (for double quotidian). Antimonium-erudum. The indications for this remedv closely resemble those of Pulsatilla, but it is particularly called for, when the perspiration breeiks ottt simultaneously with the accesses of heed and then suddenly dissappears leaving the skin dry and hot. Dose: Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, as directed for Pulsatilla. Cina is of great efficacy in quotidian agues, which are ushered in by vomiting of food, followed by ravenous appetite ; as also when the cold stage is attended with thirst. Dose: Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every six hours during the first internal which occurs since the treatment has been undertaken ; and every twelve hours during subsequent intervals, until amelioration or change. Bryonia is indicated by headache and giddiness, with dry heat preceding the attacks of shivering; by the predominance of cold or shivering, Avith redness of the cheeks, heat in the head, and headache; or marked heat, followed by shivering; by stitches in the side, ex- cessive thirst, thickly coated tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, disgust at the sight of food, nausea or vomiting, and constipation. Dose : Six globules in a table-spoonful of water every morning, or as nearly at that period as possible, during the interval between the attacks, until ame- lioration or change. Veratrum-album is indicated by the predominance of external coldness, with heat internally, cold clammy perspiration, especially on the forehead, or general coldness of the body; or by shivering, fol- lowed by heat and perspiration, and then relapsing into shivering; coldness, great thirst, deep-colored urine, looseness of the bowels, with griping,—or constipation, sometimes nausea or vomiting and giddiness, and pains in the back and loins. INTERMITTENT FEVERS. 129 Dose : Six globules in a table-spoonful of water, administered during the fever- fits a* often as they continue to recur ; or in cases of the continuance of the coll fit, or of exhaustion so severe that the patient is unable to rally, even during the intervals, of a solution of twelve globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a teaspoonful at intervals varying from a quarter of an hour to two hours, according to ui-gency, doubling the intervals or suspending treat- ment as soon as reaction sets in. Antimonium-tartaricum has also been recommended in cases analogous to those Avhich require the administration of Veratrum, as folloAVs: especially Avhen the nervous system becomes prominently affected, as indicated by droAvsiness, insensibility, with coldness of the extremities, rigidity of the Avhole body, or tAvitchings of the muscles of the face and limbs, and almost imperceptible pulse. Dose : Six globules in a table-spoonful of water during the interval between the attacks, or immediately on the subsidence of the fever-fit,—or otherwise, P three hours before its anticipated recurrence. In cases of excessive severitv, as further directed for Veratrum. Belladonna. Severe headache, with giddiness, or heat and red- ness of the face, pulsation of the large blood-vessels of the neck, and excessive aggraAation of pain from meditation ; partial shivering and shuddering, with heat in other parts; great heat with slight shivering; or violent shivering.with moderate heat; absence of natural thirst, or, on the contrary, intense thirst; extreme susceptibility, tearfulness, or depression of spirits, and desire for death, particularly when the sufferings are at their height. Dose : Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water every twelve hours during the first interval which occurs after treatment has been undertaken ; and after- wards, three hours before the anticipated recurrence of the fever-fit, until amelioration or change. Cocculus is sometimes useful, when, in addition to the usual symp- toms of ague, we find, during the intervals, symptoms of spasmodic affections, such as cramp-like pains, or constrictive, pinching, or tear- ing, burning, colic-like pains about the region of the stomach and the loAvest portion of the belly. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, three hours before the anti- cipated recurrence of the attack. Ignatia is indicated, AA'hen, with heat of some parts of the bodyi there is coldness, chill, and shuddering of others; also where the heat is only external. Its best characteristic is, Avhen the chills are easily relieved by external warmth, and attended with thirst. Dose: Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, either immediately on the sub- sidence of the fever-fit, or three hours before its anticipated recurrence. In very severe cases, particularly when the fever-fits are unduly protracted, it will be desirable to administer this remedy during the intervals as follows:— four globules in a tea-spoonful of water every six hours (for simple quoti- dian), every twelve hours (for simple tertian and quartan), or as often as every four hours (for double quotidian.) Opium has chiefly been recommended in intermittent fever with drowsiness, snoring, convulsive movements in the limbs, and sup- pressed evacuations;—unless, indeed, upon consulting the article on 9 130 INTERMITTENT FEVERS. "Characteristic Effects," under the head of others, amongst the remedies herein cited, the symptoms be found to correspond more intimately with such other remedies,—Avhen one or more of such other remedies should be employed in preference to Opium. Dose : Six globules in a tea-spoonful of water as soon as the fever-fit subsides : and, again, three hours before its anticipated return, until distinct amelioration or change. The symptoms of every attack (if any) which occurs after the administration of Opium, must be very closely watched for the least change of character, such as might require another remedy, with which the treatment should immediately proceed. Apis. Violent headache amounting almost to unconsciousness; pains in the limbs and all over the body, thirst more during the heat; sensitiveness at the pit of the stomach; scanty urine and swollen feet. Dose: As directed for Ignatia. Natrum-m. is especially advantageous, for cases which have been mismanaged allopathically, with excessive doses of Bark or Quinine, particularly as follows :—Ague-fits, commencing Avith headache, general aching pains, predominant or prolonged shivering, great thirst during the hot fit, and nearly to the same extent during the cold stage; also dryness of the mouth and tongue ; tenderness of the pit of the stomach to the touch; bitter taste and loss of appetite; debility; sallow com- plexion; soreness of the corners of the mouth. Dose: Four globules in a teaspoonful of water every four hours, during the first interval after treatment is undertaken ; and subsequently upon the subsidence, and three hours before the return of every attack, until amelioration or change. Carbo-vegetabilis is particularly indicated, when throbbing at the temples, aching in the teeth, and in the bones of the extremities, and the coldness of the feet precede the paroxysm; when thirst is present only during the shiverings, and there are rheumatic pains in the teeth or limbs before or during the attack; or nausea, giddiness, and redness of the face during the hot fit; further, when an intense, burning pain, occupying the prominent part of the forehead and the eye on the right side, accompanies the fever. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, given during every interval, if possible, morning and evening, until amelioration or change. Cactus-grandiflorus. Quotidian intermittent fever. Severe dull- ness during three hours. Pains in the uterine region with perspiration. Dose : The same as directed for Carb.-veg. Aconite should be employed without delay in cases in Avhich the hot fit continues long, Avithout perspiration supervening, and the inter- mittent fever threatens to become remittent or inflammatory. Dose: Dissolve twelve globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea-spoonful of the solution at once; after which pause three hours, when, if perspiration has not become developed, and the pulse remains unmodified, resume the treatment, with similar doses repeated every hour until perspira- tion eneues and the pulse becomes more healthy. Rhus is employed with particular success, in cases of intermittent AFTER-EFFECTS OF INTERMITTENT FEVER. 131 fever which have ensued after having been wet through, and having remained some time in Avet clothes. Dose: Six globules in a table-spoonful of water during every interval, until ame- lioration or change, as follows: every four hours during the first interval after treatment is undertaken, and afterwards every six hours (for simple quotidian), or every six hours during the first interval, and afterwards every twelve hours (for simple tertian and quartan). Mercurius is indicated AA'hen the sweats are excessively copious, and of an offensive or sour smell, and when simultaneous heat and shivering are attended Avith palpitation of the heart; and when the hot stage is further characterised by anguish (excessive uneasiness) and thirst. Dose : Six globules in a table-spoonful of water, upon the subsidence of the attack, and, again, three hours before the anticipated recurrence of the fever- fit, until amelioration or change. Or in verv severe cases, and when the attack is unusually protracted, of a solution of six globules to three tea-spoon- fuls of water, give a tea-spoonful immediately, repeating this dose three times at intervals of three hours. TREATMENT OF THE AFTER-EFFECTS OF INTER- MITTENT FEVER. Dropsical Swellings of the Feet and Stomach. 1. Arsenicum, 2. Bryonia, 3. Helleborus, 4. Calcarea, 5. Sul- phur. The fever-fits having ceased to recur,—a selection should be made, particularly from the five medicines quoted, by careful reference to the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of-either remedy give four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, morning and evening, for ten days : then pause four days, and resume treatment simi- larly (if necessary) in like manner, until amelioration or change ; or if no im- provement be distinctly declared before the expiration of the second course, proceed with the next remedies. Protracted Debility. 1. Calcarea, 2. Ferrum, 3. Sulphur. According to the indica- tions afforded for these remedies respectively in the article on "Cha- racteristic Effects," we should select from these remedies in such cases. Dose: Six globules in a table-spoonful of water for adults, for very young per- sons three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every morning (fasting) for a week; then pause seven days, resuming the course in like manner until change takes place, or the improvement beeomes regularly progressive. INVETERATE CHRONIC CASES. Such cases may be most advantageously treated, by consulting the indications for the remedies recommended throughout this article re- spectively, and further, by reference to the article on "Characteris- tic Effects," under the head of every such remedy, or more par- ticularly— If occurring in persons of an unhealthy habit of body. 1. Calcarea, 2. Lycopodium, 3. Sepia, 4. Sulphur. The selec- 132 GASTRIC FEVER--BILIOUS FEVER. tion from these remedies respectively should be made in conformity with the indications hereinbefore afforded, and further, by careful reference to the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Six globules in a table-spoonful of water, morning and evening for ten days ; pause four days, and resume similarly, if necessary, continuing until change takes place, or the amelioration becomes regularly progressive. 1. Carbo-v., 2. Natrum, 3. Hepar-s. In some instances, and particularly when the digestive functions are chiefly affected, and the usual features of chronic derangement of the stomach supervene, as dependent upon the previous occurrence of Intermittent Fevers, it may be desirable to select from these three remedies in preference to the former, according to the indications afforded for each, respectively, in the article on the " Characteristic Effects." Dose : In every respect as last stated. Chronic Cases which have degenerated from Abuse of Cinchona. The simplest rule AArhich can be afforded to apply invariably to cases of this kind, is to adapt the treatment to the particular symptoms which are present, selecting from amongst the remedies cited in the foregoing part of this article, with careful reference to that on " Cha- racteristic Effects," to ascertain the delicate distinctive features which point to one remedy in preference to another; for the instances which are reducible under this head, assume such a variety of aspects, that the particular regulations for treatment would, in all probability be as vague and uncertain as they would inevitably be prolix. The particular regulation Avhich woulcl apply to all cases, would be that respecting doses, Avhich is therefore subjoined. Dose: Of the remedy selected give two globules dry on the tongue, or six glo- bules in a table-spoonful of water ; or for very young persons one globule dry on the tongue, or three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, during the interval between the fever-fits, every twelve hours (or, if possible, morning and eve- ning), for three weeks—unless, in the meanwhile, the symptoms should dis- tinctly subside or change, or unless no alteration whatever should follow, during the second week; in the former of which cases, we should suspend treatment until the ameliorative process becomes stationary ; in the latter, it would be desirable to reconsult the symptoms for the purpose of selecting a more appropriate remedy. Disease in general assuming an Intermittent Type. The same general remark applies to this class of disorders, as to that last named, saving that every disorder so degenerating, should be treated by consulting the article Avhich is appropriated to the particu- lar disease in question, such as Asthma, chronic derangements, and induration of the Liver, and Spleen, various nervous affections, Con- sumption, &c. Dose : According to the last-stated dose (above). GASTRIC FEVER. BILIOUS FEVER. This is a form of fever in which, as its name implies, the digestive organs are chiefly affected; it bears some degree of affinity to typhus, but is distinguished from the latter by the absence of nervous symp- GASTRIC fever—bilious fever. 133 toms,—although, when it assumes a torpid character, these are occa- sionally developed,—by the absence of the pressive aching pains in the back of the head; and by the absence of disturbance or derange- ment in the senses of sight and hearing; further, that the pain in the rio-ht side of the belly, which is so constant a symptom hi typhus, is not a feature of this disease. Fevers of this description have no definite course or duration. They not unfrequently fall short of the particular course to Avhich the de- finition is especially appropriate, as in such cases as result merely from indigestible substances, without actual increase in the discharge of (acrid) bile. In such cases the successful effort of nature to expel the obnoxious substance (as by vomiting or purging, or both) is often sufficient to constitute a perfect resolution, and convalescence succeeds. In other cases nature is thus but partly relieved, the whole circulative system haAdng become essentially involved, and the Fever continues until some other crisis (as of sweat or urine) succeeds. Thus, Gastric Fever, if associated with mere foulness of the stomach, may run its course to perfect resolution in a few days; or, if the lining membranes of the stomach or bowels be seriously affected, or the action of the liver be much deranged, and there be Bilious Fever, properly so- called, the fever may continue for weeks (if not properly or success- fully treated), or may assume a highly inflammatory character, or degenerate into nervous or even Putrid or into Chronic or Hectic Fever. On the other hand, again, it may result in transitions of various character—the superficial membranes, either of the throat or external surface (the skin) may become affected, and Eruptions of various kinds, Abscesses, &c, may ensue. Complications and their Treatment. In the case of any such com- plications occurring, the treatment must be conducted according to the special directions afforded in the separate article respectively de- voted to the disease in question. Predisposing Causes. The predisposing causes may be identified in continued exposure to great heat—whereby the rapid sympathy existing betAveen the skin and the liver and stomach, has conveyed to those organs an undue degree of irritability; exposure to excessive moisture of the atmosphere, particularly extreme accumulation of con- densed vapors (heavy dews) over a reeking, heated soil, Avhich con- tinues to emit exhalations: exposure to great (especially sudden) transitions of temperature, particularly from great heat to comparative coldness, or to the* alternation of heat and cold; Avhence it follows, that, under such circumstances, this disease may assume an Endemic or Epidemic character. The more particular and predisposing causes are: weakness of the stomach, that is, a morbid sensibility of the lining membrane, and overdue irritability of the Liver; habitual debauchery or excesses, sedentary habits, or anything, in fact, which may occasion derangement of the stomach, as considered in the article on " In- digestion." Exciting Causes. The presence of obnoxious indigestible or irri- tating matters in the stomach or bowels—which cannot be dislodged by the ordinary action of those organs—either in the shape of exces- 134 GASTRIC fever—bilious fever. sive reception of food, whether or not in itself of an indigestible character, or simply the reception of indigestible substances in how- ever small a quantity, or in the shape of altered or excessive internal secretions, such as bile. Other exciting causes are taking cold, emo- tions, such as anger, grief, care, anxiety, &c, acute diseases; or, in fact, any cause of general irritation AA'hen acting upon persons already predisposed to this complaint by such conditions as have been men- tioned above. Symptoms—of which the following are the principal: sensation of fullness and weight in the region of the stomach, or flatulent distension, with inclination to vomit; offensive, flatulent eructations, and some- times vomiting of food and tenacious phlegm mixed with bile; thickly furred, dirty-yellow tongue; belly soft; bowels costive; but in the ad- vanced stage of the disease the evacuations are often very offensive, and contain portions of undigested food: frontal headache; languor; sickly and distressed expression of countenance, with yellow discolora- tion of the white of the eyes; more or less chilliness, succeeded by heat and dryness of skin; pulse quick but soft, sometimes intermitting or irregular, particularly the latter; urine thick, cloudy, and dark- colored. When bilious symptoms are markedly predominant, all the symp- toms commonly appear in an aggravated form ; the heat of the skin is very considerable, and the restlessness and thirst are excessive (the patient expressing a constant desire for acid drinks). The region of the stomach is much distended AA'ith flatulency, but, in addition to this symptom, the following are more or less marked: the tongue is covered at first with a pale yellow fur, which gradually assumes a deeper or brownish color; the taste and eructations are bitter, and the substance vomited consists of a greenish, bilious matter; the boAvels are either confined or relaxed, the motions presenting in the latter case a yellow, green, or brown color; the face exhibits an earthy, somewhat jaun- diced aspect; sometimes there is also a greater or less degree of sensi- bility, hardness, tension and burning in the region of the liver; the urine is dark-brown, bilious; the pulse full, accelerated, intermitting or double. Treatment.—In simple cases associated with uncomplicated de- rangement of the stomach, or simple foulness, especially if the affection be casual, and can be traced directly to excess in eating or drinking, or to some particular indigestible substance, if all strikingly bilious symptoms be absent, such as those above enumerated, and if there be no bitterness of taste, or bitter eructations, the treatment should be regulated by the directions hereafter afforded in the section on " de- rangement of the stomach," under the general head of "Indigestion." In the severer cases, characterised by predominant bilious symp- toms, or if the disease assumes an inflammatory character, the ensuing indications may advantageously be consulted. 1. Aconitum, 2. Belladonna. One or both of these medicines, either singly, in succession, or in alternation, will generally be required at the onset of the attack, and if administered appropriately, and in time, may often suffice to arrest the disease: the more particular in- GASTRIC FEVER—BILIOUS FEVER. 135 dications for each are subjoined, which if only aggregately covered by the combination of both, will serve to point out the necessity for alternate administration. Aconitum is indicated more especially when everything received in the mouth, in the shape of food or drink, except Avater, has a bitter taste, or when there is continually a bitter taste in the mouth, the pulse being quick and frequent; when the tongue is covered with a yelloAv coating; when bitter eructations or A'iolent urging to vomit and retching occur, without discharge, or when there is vomiting of greenish, bitter, or slimy matters; also by excessive nausea; suspended evacuations, or frequent, scanty, small motions, attended Avith much urging; swelling and tightness across the stomach, along the lower ribs, and extreme tenderness of the region of the liver; pulsating headache,—or stitching headache, aggravated by talking,—or sensa- tion of heaA'iness and fullness in the forehead and temples; especially if these sufferings be aggravated by assuming an erect or sitting pos- ture, by drinking, movement generally, or simply by speaking, and if fresh air appears to afford some relief. Dose: If singly, of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful everv four hours, until amelioration or change. If in alternation with Belladonna, dissolve eight globules of each medicine sepa- rately, in a wine-glassful of water, and give a tea-spoonful, first of one solution, then of the other, so that a lapse of six hours intervenes between the doses, and so on, until amelioration or change. Belladonna is indicated Avhen there is violent throbbing of the arteries of the temples, reeling giddiness, and intense and unbearable headache, chiefly seated in the forehead, (especially in and above the eyebrows), Avith sensation as if the forehead would burst from internal pressure, and as if the contents of the head \xov\d fall out at the fore- head; dryness of the mouth, and thirst; sometimes incessant nausea; tongue covered with a thick, Avhitish or yellowish coating; sour taste; repugnance to all kinds of food, and even to drink; vomiting of food, or vomiting of sour, slimy, or bitter matters ; suspension of evacuations, or looseness of the bowels, with slimy evacuations; quick and full pulse; especially if the head-symptoms be aggravated by moving the eyes, or by mo\rement generally, or by shaking, or even by touch, and by the access of fresh air, or a draught, and if they be somewhat re- lieved when the head is supported or held backwards. Dose : In every respect as directed for Aconitum. Nux-vomica is indicated in Bilious Fever by the following symp- toms, amongst others: absence of thirst, or ardent thirst; attended with heartburn; constant nausea; bitter eructations; foul or bitter taste in the mouth, or insipid taste of the food; accumulation of phlegm, or water in the mouth; the tongue dry and white, or covered with yellow coating toAvards the root; painful sensation of Aveight and tightness across the stomach, along the loAver ribs, or generally in the region of the stomach; constipation, Avith repeated urging to evacuate, without discharge, or looseness of the boAvels, Avith scanty, insufficient, Avatery, or slimy evacuations ; spasm of the stomach; great inclination to vomit, sometimes even with empty retching, or vomiting of food; 136 GASTRIC FEVER—BILIOUS FEVER. full and frequent, or quick and intermittent pulse; exacerbation of the fever, particularly in the morning or evening, or at night; the febrile svmptoms accompanied Avith loss of consciousness, even at the onset, or with great prostration of strength in the same stage, and charac- terised by shivering, occurring with partial heat, or by heat following, preceding, or mingling with shivering; partial shuddering, principally about the back and extremities, with or Avithout coldness; coldness principally in the evening or morning, or provoked by the slightest movement (even change of position) with shivering and shuddering; headache, with heat of the head, and flushing ofone cheek; dullness, or confusion of the head, with reeling giddiness, and sensation as if the brain oscillated; sensation of heaviness, especially of the back of the head; buzzing, singing, or tinkling in the ears; rheumatic pains in the limbs anol in the teeth ; yelloAvness of the skin, or sallow appearance of the complexion, incapability of gathering or concentrating the thoughts; sensation of exhaustion and weariness; excitable, violent, restless or quarrelsome disposition ; sometimes yelloAvish hue of the white of the eye, particularly of the lower part of the eyeball; inflam- matory and suffused redness of the eyes; great sensibility of light, especially in the morning. Dose : Two globules dry on the tongue, or three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every three hours, until four doses have been given, and afterwards, if necessary, every six hours, until amelioration or change ; but if little or no positive or permanent improvement should accrue within six hours after the fourth dose, or if one or more of the subjoined indications should supervene, consider the next remedy Chamomilla is of eminent service, often after Nux-vomica, in very severe cases in which the last-named remedy has failed to arrest the symptoms, when the tongue is red and fissured, unless the patient has used chamomile in excess under previous allopathic treatment;—or when the tongue exhibits yellow coating; or when further indicated by:—intense heat and redness of the face (particularly at night), rest- less and interrupted sleep, with much tossing, and with repeated Avaking; bruised pain in the head, Avith pressure, fullness, and heavi- ness; inflammatory redness, and burning sensation in the eyes, re- markable susceptibility to be provoked to tears or anger; suspicious, quarrelsome disposition, and from time to time great anguish of mind; bitter taste in the mouth; every kind of food conveys a bitter taste; loss of appetite ; nausea or eructations; vomiting of greenish, sour, or bitter matters; intense anxiety, and oppression of the chest; tightness and weight at the pit of and in the region of the stomach, across the stomach, and beneath the lower ribs; offensive smell emitted from the mouth, and in the breath; looseness of the boAA'els, with sour-smelling evacuations, or evacuations of excremental matter and slime (frothy evacuations) having the appearance of stirred eggs; or greenish evacuations; or on the other hand constipation, with suspended evacuations. Dose: As directed for Nux-vomica. Bryonia is particularly appropriate to the treatment of this disease, when it occurs in hot weather, with moisture of the atmosphere (sultry, GASTRIC FEA'ER—BILIOUS FEVER. 137 damp heat), or generally, when it occurs in the hot season. The indi- cations Avhich identity it are as 1'oIIoav :—insipid, pappy, foul, or bitter taste, particularly on waking; sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat, continual thirst; tongue exhibiting a number of blisters, and covered with a Avhite or yellow coating; morbid desire for acids and stimulants, such as coffee, wine, &c, but repugnance to solid or whole- some food; the mouth and breath emit a putrid smell; vomiting of bilious matters, particularly after drinking, or sometimes frequent but ineffectual retching; fullness and tightness in the region of the sto- mach, particularly after eating, however small the quantity ; sensation of chilliness, with shuddering; heat in the head, Avith redness of the face; oppressive headache, with sensation of extreme heat, fullness and tightness, aggravated by drinking, opening the eyes, or move- ment (even change of position); dullness, confusion, and giddiness of the head; constipation. Dose: In every respect as la6t stated. Pulsatilla is also a most important remedy in this as in every other disease in Avhich the digestive organs are particularly implicated, and more especially if the patient has been submitted to excessive use of Chamomile under previous allopathic treatment. The following indi- cations may serve to determine and identify conditions, to which it is appropriate;—the tongue being covered with whitish coating ; eruc- tations conveying a sour, bitter, or even putrid taste, or the taste of the food; particularly after swallowing food or drink, there is bitter, foul, or pappy taste in the mouth; desire for acids or stimulants, Avith general repugnance to food, particularly to animal food, and to fat (especially), or to warm, cooked food; all food conveys a bitter taste, especially bread ; regurgitation of food; extreme nausea, or inclination to-vomit, more intense after eating or drinking, or in thcevening; ex- cessive accumulation of phlegm in the stomach and gullet; vomiting of food or. of phlegm, or of bitter or sour matters, more severe at night; acidity of the stomach; flatulent distension, tightness, and hardness of the belly, Avith rumbling of wind in the boAA-els; looseness of the bowels, with discharge of bilious or slimy matters in the evacua- tions,—or sluggish, languid evacuations, and insufficient activity and muscular energy of the bowels; the patient, if even habitually ofa mild disposition, is unaccountably and unnaturally violent, perverse, morose, or taciturn; the temper is soured; languid and dragging sen- sation throughout the body, attended Avith chilliness; splitting head- ache, Avith tightness and compression of the forehead ; sensation of weariness and exhaustion, occasioned by the least mental exertion; giddiness like that of drunkenness; vacancy, and confused sensation in the head; tearing, darting, jerking pains in one side of the head; darting, cutting pains (sometimes) in the eyes; aggravation of the pains in the head, (at first) in the evening, upon assuming a recumbent position, by mental labor, by moving the eyes or the head,—in the morning (during recumbency), or when stooping; slowness and fullness of the pulse (in general); fits of shivering, shuddering, and coldness in the evening, or towards evening, sometimes further qualified by 138 GASTRIC FEVER--BILIOUS FEVER. sensations of anxiety and by oppression of the chest, or accompanied by pallor, reeling giddiness, and headache or perhaps merely heaviness of the head. Dose: In every respect as stated before. Mercurius may frequently be employed with great advantage after Bellaelonna, and is more particularly required when indic-ated by the folloAving symptoms and conditions: dryness, and burning heat of the lips ; "drowsiness in the daytime, but sleeplessness at night; severe and painful sensitiveness of the belly and of the region of the stomach, to the touch or to pressure, these symptoms being aggra- vated, or particularly developed at night, and attended Avith extreme sensations of anguish and restlessness; the tongue covered with Avhite or yellowish coating,—or moist;—foul, or even offensive and loedh- some, or bitter taste in the mouth; nausea or inclination to vomk, or, at other times, actual vomiting of mingled phlegm and bilious matters; the fever-symptoms are characterised by general coldness, shivering and shuddering all over the body, (as opposed to the jxtrtial occur- rence of these symptoms, indicating other remedies,) and by aggrava- tion occurring towards night, or in the night; fever, either of an inflammatory or putrid character; irregular, or quick and intermittent pulse ; heat of the head and face, with flushing, Avhen all other parts of the body are affected with coldness, shivering, &c.; giddiness Avhen the head is raised; intense headache, with desire to press the head between the hands; burning or tearing pains in the head, or on one side of the head only, extending to the ears, &c.; intense dejection, and listlessness. Dose: Of a solution of six globules, to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every four hours, until amelioration or change. Coeeulus»—This remedy, as well as Pulsatilla, may be advan- tageously employed when the patient has been treated (under previous allopathic management) Avith excessive use of decoctions of Chamomile. The particular indications for its employment are as folloAv: absolute loathing of food ; dryness of the mouth, Avhether thirst be present or not; offensive eructations; nausea and inclination to vomit, especially when eating or talking, during passive motion, or after sleeping; the tongue covered with a yelloAv coating; laborious respiration, inciden- tal to painful and oppressive sensation of fullness in the reoion of the stomach; soft evacuations, Avith a sensation of burning in the passage, or (more frequently) constipation; aching pain in the forehead, at- tended Avith giddiness; and weakness, characterised by sweat, occur- ring after the least physical exertion. Dose : In every respect as directed for Mercurius. Ipecacuanha is indicated by inclination to vomit, with utter repugnance to food, and particularly to fat or greasy substances; dry- ness of the mouth; the tongue either clean, or covered with a thick, yellowish coating; bitter taste in the mouth; bitter taste conveyed by all food; the mouth and breath emit an offensive smell; violent retell- ing, Avithout discharge, and attended with great straining, or easy, GASTRIC FEVER—BILIOUS FEVER. 139 copious vomiting of slimy matters, or of food, with a violent gush; looseness of the bowels, with discharge of yellowish, and very offensive or even putrid evacuations; and accompanied Avith severe colicky pains; weight and sensation of fullness, with very severe pains in the region of the stomach; pale, yellowish hue of the skin; severe head- ache, seated in the fore-part of the head, and a sensation as if the skull were crushed; sensation of chill, attended with shuddering, and extending over the whole surface of the body, coldness of the extremi- ties, etc. Dose : Of a solution of six globules, to two table-spoonfuls of water, give, (if violent vomiting occur) one tea-spoonful every hour, until the sj'mptoms vield. Otherwise, of the like solution, give a tea-spoonful every four hours, nntil three doses have been given, and then, if necessary, every eight hours, until positive amelioration or change. China is applicable to such cases as evince the following symptoms: ■—frequent eructations; vomiting or regurgitation of food; loss of appetite, and a sensation of thorough repugnance to all food, or as if one had eaten enough, or more than enough; frequent emission of very offensive wind from the boAvels; evacuations containing indigested food; painful sensation of tightness in the belly, and of weight in the region of the navel; sensations of chilliness and shuddering after drinking; looseness of the bowels with watery, slimy or yellowish evacuations; heat with full and quick pulse; headache (sometimes delirium), burning sensation in the lips, red face, and dry mouth. Dose: Of a solution of six globubes, to three tablespoonfnls of water, give a tea- spoonful every six hours, until amelioration or change. Colocynth. This remedy is appropriate to the following symptoms amongst others:—spasmodic colic; spasm of the stomach, vomiting, or loose discharge from the boAvels after the slightest and most whole- some meal; cramp in the calves of the legs ; shivering with general coldness, but with heat of the head, unattended with thirst; full and quick pulse. Dose : Of a solution of six globules, to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every four hours, until three doses have been given, and afterwards, if necessary, every six hours, until amelioration or change. Digitalis frequently proves of great service when such symptoms as the following are present:—looseness of the bowels attended with great loss of strength; nausea, with bitter taste in the mouth after sleeping; thirst; vomiting of phlegm, etc. Dose : Of a solution of eight globules, to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every three hours, until positive amelioration or change. Arsenicum, an invaluable remedy in the majority of very severe and urgent cases, either when one or more of the preceding have fiiiled to arrest the symptoms, or when the disease has run on to an advanced stage before treatment has been resorted to. The chief in- dications AA"hich identify it as the appropriate remedy, are as follow: dryness of the tongue, accompanied with severe thirst, and Avith con- tinual inclination to drink, with, however, inability to drink more than a small quantity at a time; bitter or very acrid,pungent eructations ; 140 GASTRIC FEVER—BILIOUS FEVER. saltish or bitter taste in the mouth ; nausea; vomiting of food or of greenish, brownish, or bilious matters; extreme tenderness of the region of the stomach to contact: burning and cutting cramp-like or spasmodic pains in the stomach and bowels, accompanied with chilli- ness and anguish,—or very painful sensation of weight and burning at one spot in the stomach ; suspension of evacuations, on the one hand,— or on the other hand, excessive and continued relaxation of the boAvels, attended with severe urging, and Avith brownish, yellowish or greenish evacuations; scalding sensations in passing water; the evacuations (or vomiting) are provoked by or recur after every movement, or after drinking; fits of shivering and shuddering, attended Avith sensations of anxiety, oppression of the chest, headache, difficulty of breathing, chiefly occurring in the evening upon exposure to currents of air, in the open air, or after eating or drinking (especially the latter); general heat of the body usually occurring at night, and accompanied with restlessness, anxiety, etc.; irregular, frequent, and quick pulse; ex- treme prostration of strength, and desire to assume or to retain a recumbent posture, etc. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every hour (in very urgent cases, characterised by repeated occur- rence and continuance of the violent symptoms, and by excessive prostration of strength), or every three hours (in cases in which the urgent symptoms are qualified by less frequency and longer intervals), until amelioration or change. Baptisia. Nausea, vomiting and eructations. Increased debility, furred tongue, also diarrhoea. Dullness of the head; swimming sen- sation. Many symptoms resemble the so-called uSpotted Fever." Dose*: Four globules in a tea-spoonful of Avater. Gelseminum. Excessive nervous irritability and delirium. Bilious diarrhoea or inflammation of the stomach and cramps. Congestion of the portal system, and a torpid state of the liver in which case Aconite, Nux-vomica, Podophyllum, Mercurius, or Leptandria would be applicable, alternated with Gelseminum. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every hour, or of the next selected remedy at intervals of four hours, until amelioration or change. Veratrum will frequently be found of great service in cases which do not correspond in all points with the symptoms described under the head of Arsenicum, but which evinces the same general character, but more especially when disease attacks persons Avho are otherAvise habitually of robust health. The following are amongst the distinctive indications: the tongue dry, or covered with a yellowish or brownish coating; simultaneous vomiting and dejection of bilious matters;— fits of fainting after evacuating, and extreme debility. Dose: In every respect as directed for Arsenicum. 1. Rhus-tox., 2. Antimonium-tart., 3. Squilla. One or more of these medicines respectively, according to the indications afforded in the article on " Characteristic Effects," will in some cases be found of considerable service in the treatment of Bilious Fever, in its various stages. CHRONIC fever. 141 Dose: Of the remedy selected, give four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every three hours until four doses have been given, and afterwards, if neces- sary, every six hours, until positive amelioration or change. Diet and Regimen. During the course of this fever in its severe forms, no solid food whatever should be alloAved, and even very thin farinaceous foods, or gruel can only be admissible in very small quan- tities at a time. The only drinks which can be alloAved are water, or toast-Avater, or Avater which has been softened by being strained off scalded groats or pearl barley, and alloAved to stand until cold. Even during convalescence, the diet must be very sparing for some time; the least irritating or seasoned food is very objectionable, and even an mal broths should not be allowed until the tone of the stomach is some- what restored, until which, very thin farinaceous food gradually thickened from day to day, should be given in very small quantities at a time, and at intervals (in general), not exceeding three hours. Regularity of meal-hours, and a careful abstinence from excess, or from any rich, seasoned or stimulating food for some time after the attack, can alone secure the convalescent from mischievous consequences. Water should continue to be the only beverage for a considerable time, and smoking should be avoided, even by those who have been habitually addicted to the free use of tobacco. The avoidance of any of the other exciting causes is equally impor- tant ;—excess of exercise, exposure to heat, or to transitions of tem- perature, fatigue, or .check of perspiration may lead to untOAvard results. But with such precautions, a due proportion of exercise in the open air, change of air and scene, and free ablution with cold water will do much to invigorate the functions in their restored equilibrium. CHRONIC FEVERS. Before we diverge from the consideration of Fevers unaccompanied, or not necessarily folloAved by Eruptions, Ave should not omit to men- tion those Fevers which assume a protracted character, and Avhich therein differ from ordinary fevers (fevers of a distinctly acute cha- racter), Avhich run a rapid and quickly determinable course. In cases of this kind, the pulse is continually more or less accelerated, and indi- cative of some constitutional irritation, and the continuance of these symptoms is attended Avith emaciation, sometimes colliquative dis- charges, suppurations, great debility, and evident organic injury. They may be reduced to four general heads, which, hoAvever, are sub- ject to a multitude of individual and subordinate divisions, viz.: sIoav Symptomatic Fever, slow Nervous Fever (properly so-called), Hectic Fever. General Causes. Severe allopathic treatment, poisons, umvhole- 6ome humors, extreme exertion or excess, acting upon a constitutional debility, and unhealthy habit of body; chronic inflammatory action or irritation, ending in suppuration, and affecting a particular part or organ; gnaAving, and continual grief (pining), or continued mental 142 SLOW SYMPTOMATIC FEVER. excitements of any kind; or in some cases, even the continued duration of particular pains, inducing restlessness, and thereby sapping the vital energies. SLOW SYMPTOMATIC FEVER, Or Fever resulting from the Presence of noxious Humors or bad Habit of Body. Treatment. Cases of this kind, in which the constitutional irri- tation is evidently associated Avith other constitutional derangements, such as scrofulous affections, gout, etc., will be preferably treated by referring to the articles devoted to those subjects in particular, in other parts of this work; for the only certain method of subduing the feverish symptoms which are mere manifestations of other disease, is to remove or modify the cause of irritation. We shall, however, sub- join a feAV remedies which may be applicable to some features of affections of this nature. It were impossible to consider fevers of this kind, in their various variations, here Avithout transgressing the limits of a work of this kind, or forestalling details which will be afforded elsewhere. 1. Sulphur, 2. Calcarea. These may be numbered amongst the most important remedies in cases of chronic fever, associated with a Scrofulous habit of body, and in the majority of cases Sulphur should be first, and sometimes singly employed. In other cases, Calcarea more distinctly embraces the symptoms present. The alternation or successive administration of these medicines, however, is often required (that is Sulphur followed by Calcarea). Sulphur is more especially indicated by unnatural hunger, swelling (and sometimes suppuration or ulceration,) of the glands of the arm- pits, neck and groins (especially), sweat easily provoked, and often profuse, especially toAvards morning; continual watery discharge from the nose, rattling of phlegm in the upper part of the AA'indpipe; pale and bloated, or very thin face, pale skin generally; discharge from the ears, flaccid and flabby condition of the flesh ; excessive susceptibility to taking cold, and to long-continued discharge from the nose and eyes, etc.; pressure on the chest, hollow, sunken appearance of the eyes, with dejected expression ; stitches in the side and chest, short oppressed respiration, and palpitation of the heart; scabby and other unhealthy eruptions on the skin; (sometimes) enlargement (distension), and hardness of the belly, predisposition to diarrhoea, attended with severe colicky pains, or to constipation of the most obstinate kind; continued excessive and slimy diarrhoea, or indomitable constipation ; dry cough ; Aveakness, with weary feeling and heaviness of the limbs, dryness of the skin with thirst; increased and feverish heat, particularly towards the close of the day; limited red patches on the cheeks, par- ' ticularly on the left cheek. Calcarea is more distinctly indicated by curvature ofthebones; hard and tense swelling of glands with suppuration ; continual sensation of heat unaccompanied with thirst; or habitual shuddering, aggravated SLOW symptomatic fever. 143 or appearing only tOAvards night, and accompanied AA'ith redness of the face; sudden and frequent flushes of heat, attended Avith extreme un- easiness, and frequently with severe palpitation; rapid or sIoav but progressive loss of flesh, sometimes qualified by fitful but voracious appetite, sometimes by loss of appetite; dryness, withering and Avrink- ling of the skin, AA'ith more or less dimness of the eyes; talking exhausts the patient, Avho is evidently in continual anxiety concerning his or her health; the least excess in quantity of food, or slight irregularity of any kind disturbs the digestion; SAveats, sometimes Aery profuse, prevail at night, and are easily provoked even by the slightest mental .-excitement or emotion at any time; short, dry cough; excessive dry- ness of the skin, sometimes also looseness; chronic inflammations of the eyes and eyelids, with great tenderness of light; discharge of blood from the nose,—or sicelling and redness of the nose; chronic discharges of matter from the ears, and enlargement of the upper lip, either continual, or occurring from time to time; complexion pallid and puffy; belly SAvollen and hard, and obstinate Constipation, or ex- cessive and continued relaxation. Dose : If singly, of either of the foregoing remedies for an adult, six globules in a table-spoonful or, still better, in a wine-glassful of water every morning the first thing (fasting), for eight days) or until a dis- tinct change has taken place in the aggregate of symptoms, in which case, pause three days before proceeding: for children between tAvo and twelve years old, three globules, or even four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, likewise ; for rickety infants from the first dentition two globules (of Calcarea), in a tea-spoonful of water likewise. If in alternation, first, two such doses of the one (un two successive days), then a pause of four days, followed by two similar doses of the other, and so on. Lycopodium may often follow Calcarea Avith advantage when eruptions on the hairy scalp, associated Avith obstinate Constipation, constitute the distinctive features of the case, with such other qualify- ing conditions as are set forth in the Article on " Characteristic Effects;" in which case however, it will, in many instances, be neces- sary to return to Calcarea, or sometimes ev^en to Sulphur, AAdien Lycopodium seems to fail in producing a progressive effect. Dose: Of a solution of six globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful morning, noon, and night the first day. and afterwards, morning and evening, nntil amelioration, change or suspension of effect, unless no effect at all should occur in four days ; in either of which cases, reconsider the symp- toms, and proceed accordingly. Arsenicum is indicated when there is a continual inclination to lie down, from a sensation of inability to move or to sit up—a symptom which may likeAvise be characteristically associated with continued and severe relaxation of the bowels: scurfy eruptions on the hairy scalp, swelling of the glands of the neck, etc. Dose: Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, as directed for Sulphur or Calcarea. Belladonna, especially for patients of a fair complexion, when, Avith other symptoms, as already described, Ave notice a predisposition to inflammatory swelling and soreness of the throat; wetting the bed, or general inability to retain the water; more particularly if the mental 144 SLOW NERVOUS FEVER. development is observed to be unusually in advance of the physical powers (in children). Dose: Six globules, or in other respects, as directed for Sulphur or Calcarea. Diet and Regimen. In all cases of this nature, the greatest importance should be attributed to these accessory measures in Treat- ment;—indeed, little or no permanent benefit can be anticipated Avithout attention to these particulars, as detailed in the Sections on "Preventive and Eradicative Treatment," in the introductory portion of this Volume. The food should be nourishing, unstimulat- ing, and as much compressed as possible -- quantity being an important consideration; for,* hoAvever digestible may be the food, if sparingly used, an excess in quantity will inevitably impede the digestive pro- cesses. Fresh air and exercise without fatigue, regular habits, freedom from causes of vexation, emotion, excitement or the like, and the proper employment of cold Avater for ablution, Avith general cleanliness of person and habitation, are absolutely indispensable to cure. SLOW NERVOUS FEVER. Slow Nervous Fever, properly so-called, is to be definitely dis- tinguished from Hectic Fever, by an increased development of febrile motion Avhen fasting (relief being consequent upon a replenished sto- mach), and by general deficiency of heat; whereas, Hectic Fever is aggravated by partaking of food, and is qualified by increase of mor- bid heat. SIoav Nervous FeA^er, moreover, is unconnected with any organic or other local affection, but depends upon a general debility of the AA'hole nervous structure, and consequent derangement of func- tions especially associated with this portion of the system. Symptoms. The general symptoms, subject to variations of in- tensity, in accordance with the greater or less degree of the affection, and dependent upon functional derangements conformably to the par- ticular susceptibilities of individuals, consist of very great variations of temper, disposition and inclinations, with predominance of fretful- ness, desponding humor, or severe, painful and indomitable depression of spirits alternated with brief moments of excitement; spasmodic, hysterical, or hypochondriacal affections; extreme susceptibility of the Cerebral System, to be disturbed by external circumstances, generally Avith local or lateral headaches, Avhich are, however, apt to be modified if the attention is pleasingly abstracted without involving an intellec- tual effort (as, for instance, by entertaining and light reading)—little or no increased sensation or positive increase of heat, but predominant sensation of chill, and either absence of undue perspiration or little SAveat; variable manifestations afforded by die urine, both as to color and quantity; the pulse is in general small and quick, but is subject to considerable variations, and is very susceptible of extreme accelera- tion upon the least emotion or excitement; the febrile action is aggra- vated tovmrds morning or whenever the stomach becomes empAy, and is lessened by eating. CHRONIC FEVER. 145 Causes. Debilitating causes of any kind may result in Slow Nervous Fever, but particularly Acute Nervous Fever, or rather Acute Fevers; continued discharge of blood or other animal fluids; the debi- litating effects of excesses (which have not directly occasioned inflam- matory disorders), may lead to the same consequence; exhausting and continued exertion of physical strength and endurance, and excessive and long-continued application of the mental faculties, may also ter- minate in the same disorder. Treatment. Arsenicum is indicated if the skin be hot and dry, or particularly the latter, during the exacerbations, the appetite defi- cient, the emaciation very considerable, the temper particularly irri- table anel contradictory; or if the debility be excessive, and palpitation of the heart be easily proA'oked, and there be a continual disposition to lie down: or if great thirst prevail, the appetite being fitful and dainty, or even deficient, and the patient has a continual inclination to drink, without eA'er drinking freely,—or more especially if stimulating drink (which is to be avoided) be found to allay the symptoms for a time. (Refer also to the Article on " Characteristic Effects.") Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water towards noon, repeated at night until a degree of improvement (or change) results, when (if improvement), continue the doses at night, until the symptoms become progressively modi- fied or positively changed. China is more especially required when the direct cause of the dis- order has been great loss of blood or other animal fluids; in Avhieh case, listlessness and languor are more characteristic than irritability, sometimes, however,perverseness or discontentment; dainty, fastidious appetite quickly satiated, or voracious appetite followed (if the food be too rapidly sAvallowed) by uneasiness, oppression, and ill-humor; longing for something indefinite, never gratified by what is offered; pulse small and quick; tenderness of the roots of the hair and of the scalp generally; frequent bleeding at the nose; Avhatever is eaten that is the least indigestible passes through the bowels in a crude state; frequent inclination to pass water with slow and deficient elisc/iarge; swelling of the feet; sleep very easily broken, and generally disturbed by uneasy, sometimes by frightful dreams; dread of bodily exertion; abundance of impracticable projects, etc. Dose: Six globules in a table-spoonful of water at bed-time, until amelioration or change. Cocculus is especially indicated by erroneous calcidation of time, every period appearing shortened to the patient; extreme nervous sus- ceptibility, Avhereby the patient feels aggrieved at every thing which is said and done; and which, with excessive preponderance of melan- choly and desponding ideas, amounts almost to aberration of mind; occasional nausea and giddiness even to fainting; soft and yellow e\Tacuations; numbness of the feet and legs.— Cocculus is most appro- priate in cases resulting from acute fevers, nervous fever in particular. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, as directed for Arsenicum. Staphysagria is required when the exacerbations of the fever are distinguishable by chill or coldness instead of heat; absence of perspi- 10 146 hectic fever. ration, with pallor and headache, or occasionally partial cold sweats on the feet and on the forehead; sleep retarded by anxious or abundant thoughts, or disturbed by uneasy dreams ; obtuseness of the intellectual faculties, and weakness or confusion of memory; apprehension for the future; rapid falling off of the hair; confusion of sight and hazy appearance of a light; adhesion of the eyelids, with discharge—con- siderable accumulation of dry matter in the corners of the eyes—or great dryness of the margins ; chronic eruptions of small millet-shapeel pimples on the skin; hollowness of the eyes, Avith wan and drawn appearance of the face, and sometimes blue rim round the eyes; enlargement of the tonsils ; swelling of the glands of the groin ; relaxa- tion of the bowels, Avith offensive flatulency; fluttering palpitation of the heart, provroked by the least motion, and by pleasing emotions, or on first rising from a recumbent position ; swelling of the instep. Dose : Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, once daily at bed-time, until amelioration or change. Veratrum is indicated by fever, characterized by positive external coldness; small, quick, and intermittent or sIoav and indistinct pulse; dark-colored urine; taciturnity or violent excitement, Avith much talka- tiveness; painful sensation, as of remorse, unquiet mind, or vacancy of thought; whitish and flabby skin; sudden rush of blood to the brain in the act of stooping or leaning forward, and reeling giddiness on first assuming an erect position; throbbing headache—coldness of the top of the head; double vision; objects flitting before the eyes on raising the head from the pillow, etc ; extreme coldness of the nose; frequent bubbling in the intestines; coldness of the extremities. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water three times a day, until ame- lioration or change Diet and Regimen. —The accessory means Avhich tend to over- come this troublesome and indefinite affection, are change of air and scene, a mild climate Avithout excessive moisture, avoidance of night and morning air, until the atmosphere has been cleared by the action of the sun or the circulation of currents of air, avoidance of sudden transitions of temperature; .exercise and free access of fresh air, Avith- out fatigue or chill—generous but simple and sparing diet; frequent and scanty meals, an equal proportion of animal food without suc- culent vegetables. —All depressing or over-elating emotions should be avoided; equanimity is very essential.—Amusements, involving physi- cal expertness, are preferable to those which rack the reflective facul- ties. Perception should no sooner be excited by one object than it is diverted to another. Good wine, in very limited quantities, especially if diluted, can do no harm. HECTIC FEVER. Hectic Fever, which is distinguishable from slow Nervous Fever by its aggravation after eating, and by an increased development of heat, is invariably associated Avith organic affection of some important parts, whether by congestions or by indurations, etc. It does not, hoAvever, follow that Hectic Fever, properly so called, is irremediable, because HECTIC fever. 147 the imminent inflammation may be averted, or the induration may be resolved, etc. Symptoms.—Increase of febrile action towards night-fall, and dur- ing the early part of the night; small, quick, sometimes feeble, but wiry pulse; extreme susceptibility to flushes of heat, or to general heat of the body, Avith dry, parched skin during the exacerbations, or flushes of heat, Avith circumscribed redness and burning of the cheeks, provoked by the least excitement, or occurring almost invariably after eating, and then attended with much uneasiness; peculiar tendency to flushes of heat, and to general aggravation of the febrile action after eating; dry heat of the hands after eating; more or less profuse per- spiration towards morning. Treatment.—Sulphur may be mentioned, amongst the most use- ful remedies, in cases of genuine hectic fever, especially if the patient has been subject to eruptions on, or other affections of the skin, or if any traces of hereditary origin can be distinguished as the remote causes of the affection. The particularly indicative features are as follow: Sensation of weakness and fatigue, or heaviness in the limbs; dry and scanty, or slimy and loose evacuations; thirst, with extreme dry- ness, and, generally, heat of the skin; flushes of heat, especially towards night, and marked, patchy redness with heat of the cheeks, or more especially of the left cheek; meagre face, and pointed features, Avith extreme but clear pallor in the absence of flush; dry, hacking cough, or cough as if provoked by the inhalation of irritative vapor; breath- ing abrupt, quick, or short and oppressed; more or less continual agitation of the heart, severe palpitation being provoked by the least exertion or excitement. Sometimes, swelling and hardness of the glands of the groin, arm-pits, and nether jaw, especially if associated with previous acute disorders, such as Scarlet-rash, or resulting from abuse of Mercury, or from Scrofulous habit. Dose : Six globules in a table-spoonful of water every morning the first thing (fasting) for eight days, or until some change has taken place, when, if dis- tinct symptoms have become developed, pointing to another remedy, such remedy should be adopted after a pause of three days ;—if otherwise, the Sulphur may be resumed after the same interval. Ignatia is required (chiefly after Sulphur) when grief, or other severe, continued, and depressing emotions are identified as the direct cause of the affection. Dose : Four globules (or otherwise as directed at pages 60-62, 88), in a tea- spoonful of water the first thing in the morning, and again at noon for three days in succession, or until amelioration or change.—If, however, Ignatia has distinctly modified the symptoms in the onset, but has ceased to exercise any influence, administer two doses of Sulphur, as above directed, and then, hav- ing paused three days, again return to Ignatia, and so on. Phosphorus is required AA'hen chilliness sets in towards evening folloAved by extreme dry heat, or especially when tightness and full ness of the chest are present. Dose: In every respect as directed for Sulphur. Ipecacuanha is indicated by burning heat in the palms of the 148 HECTIC FEVER. hands, with excessive and general uneasiness, and restlessness, or by loss of breath following the slightest exertion; or when the appetite is dainty and fastidious, and readily cloyed by what appears to be the most longed for; again, if the skin conveys a sensation like that of parchment to the touch, if there be an extremely painful sensation of dry heat, particularly towards night, attended with parching thirst, and if the disposition be languid and listless. Dose: Four globules (or otherwise, as directed at pages 60-62, 88) in a tea- spoonful of water every morning the first thing, repeated again at noon, until amelioration or change. Calcarea is identified as the remedy by the following symptoms, especially if the glands be affected, or if traces of previous or here- ditary chronic affections of the glands, or rickety affections of the bones can be distinguished : sluggish and imperfect digestion ; constant fits of shuddering, with flushing of the face, especially toAvards night, or continued heat, without thirst, or again repeated flushes of heat, attended with intense uneasiness, and often with painful palpitation of the heart; short, dry, and constant cough ; talking completely exhausts the patient; uneasiness and languor, with loss of appetite and flesh; dryness and withering of the skin ; sAveating readily provoked often by eating only, but always by the least exertion ; the patient is uneasy concerning his or her own health; sometimes swelling and induration of the glands, especially those of the nether-jaw, armpits, groin, neck, etc., or mesentery. Dose : In every respect as directed for Sulphur. Cina is often required, especially amongst children and young per- sons, in whom the presence of worms has been unequivocally ascer- tained, as by boring at the nose, habitual sneezing, unaccountable restlessness, fretfulness, crying, and gnaAving, griping intestinal pain, etc. (Consult also the article on " Characteristic Effects.") The mitigation of symptoms by the employment of Cina, will be best con- verted into a permanent cure by a subsequent course of Sulphur as above directed. Dose: In every respect as directed for Ipecacuanha. Arsenicum, China, Chimaphila-umb., Gelseminum, Nux- vomica, Acidum-phosph. These remedies are frequently of great service in the treatment of severe and obstinate cases. The distinctive indications for their selection, respectively, Avill be best deduced by a careful reference to their specific or curative action, as stated in the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of either of these remedies four globules (or otherwise, as directed at pages 60-62, 88) in a tea-spoonful of water, twice a day, in the morning (fasting), and at noon, until amelioration or change. Baryta is indicated Avhen there is predominant inflammatory swell- ing and induration of the glands of the neck, associated with dry scurfiness of the face and head. Dose: Six globules (or otherwise, as directed at pages 60-62, 88) in a table- spoonful of water, every morning for a week, or (if previously occurring) SCARLET fever. 149 until amelioration or change—pausing four days, and resuming the course if necessary. Graphites, Silicea. These remedies are often required respec- tively, according to the detailed indications afforded for each in the article on " Characteristic Effects ;" Graphites especially, AA'hen the glands of the neck are affected with scrofulous swelling, Silicea, par- ticularly, when there is scrofulous swelling and induration (Avith or Avithout inflammatory action) of the glands of the neck, arm-pits, groin, and beneath the ears. Dose: Of either of these remedies as directed for Baryta. Bryonia, when the predominant glandular affection consists of small, knotty elevations under the skin, in various parts, consisting of hard swelling of the glands of the skin. Dose: Four globules (or otherwise, as directed at pages 60-62, 88) in a tea- spoonful of water daily, the first thing in the morning, and again at noon, until amelioration or change. Diet and Regimen.—The diet should be as nourishing, as much concentrated, and as simple as possible; fresh air, constant change of clothing, and the free use of cold water, will do much to assist the medicinal treatment. Stimulating food or drink, of any kind, is strongly to be reprehended. ERUPTTVE FEVERS. Under this head we intend to treat of those diseases which possess the common property of febrile symptoms, preceding an eruption •vfhich is present during a part of their course, such eruption varying in character, according to the nature of the affection. In this class are comprised scarlet fever, scarlet rash, measles, small- pox, chicken-pox, and miliary fever. SCARLET FEVER. This disease, in its simple generic character, consists of an infectious fever, with SAvelling of the face and a scarlet appearance of the skin— (hence its name)—Avhich is of a bright raspberry color, or of a hue resembling a boiled lobster, smooth and glossy, upon which the finger, being pressed, leaves a Avhite imprint, which almost immediately dis- appears. In the present day, we seldom meet Avith it in this simple form, but more frequently complicated with severe or ulcerated sore throat, delirium, congestive or violent inflammatory symptoms, and often with more or less deviation from the characteristic efflorescence abov'e described. General Symptoms.—Uneasiness and feeling of weakness, nausea, sometimes vomiting, and transient chilliness, or fits of shivering, com- monly from the antecedents of the eruption. To these are soon afterwards superadded, —headache, thirst, heat of skin, occasionally drowsiness, bleeding at the nose, fever, with extreme quickness of pulse, and a feeling of soreness or pain in the throat. In one or more clays, the face becomes tumefied, and numerous small, reddish spots 150 SCARLET fever. appear on the face, neck, and chest, the skin, in the intermediate spaces, retaining its usual color. In a few hours, this eruption extends over the whole, body, and even to the lips, tongue, and throat. About the third dav, the small red spots and the majority of the interstices are supplanted by large, indefinitely marked patches, presenting the v,ivid hue before described, gradually growing paler towards their margins, and often overspreading entire limbs, but especially the groins, hips, and joints, with a uniform scarlet ^ color. The fever usually diminishes after the evolution of the eruption. In five or six days the efflorescence disappears, when the skin scales, and comes off in large pieces. We sometimes find scarlet fever with scarcely any or even no ex- ternal redness, but, at the same time, marked sore-throat and bright redness of the tongue; in such cases, the disease, instead of throwing itself on the skin, has fixed upon the internal lining membrane; and even the sore-throat and redness of the tongue, present in most cases of this disease, may be considered indicative of an internal scarlatina. Scarlatina was formerly confounded with measles, from the resem- blance which the two eruptions bear to each other, at their commence- ment ; but they are easily distinguishable, even without taking into consideration the peculiar appearance of the skin above-mentioned — characteristic of the disease,—by the eruption, in scarlet fever, gene- rally developing itself in from twenty-four to forty-eight hours after the commencement of the fever, whereas that of measles rarely sets in before the third or fifth day ; the absence of symptoms of cold, such as cough, sneezing, Aoav of tears—the usual precursors of measles, con- stitutes another mark of difference. The greatly accelerated pulse, which denotes the approach of scarlatina, is also never met with, to the same extent, in any other disease. SIMPLE SCARLET FEVER. Treatment.—Belladonna is a specific remedy in those cases in Avhich this disease appears in its simple form. Dose: Dissolve six globules in four tea-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea spoonful of the solution every three hours (if the fever-symptoms be severe) or every six hours (if they be moderate), until amelioration or change ; either of which supervening, the administration should be suspended until the ame- lioration, on the one hand, has become stationary, or the symptoms, on the other hand (in ease of change) have been reconsulted to ascertain if they be of the nature of a medicinal aggravation (for which consult the article on the "Administration," &c, pp. 57, 58, and that on the Characteristic Effects"), or if they be of a nature to indicate another remedy. If medicinal aggravation, abide the reaction without further treatment; if of a different character, pro- ceed with the remedy so indicated. MALIGNANT SCARLATINA. The next form we shall treat of is one in which the scarlatina be- comes a severe and dangerous disease, Avhen the throat is considerably affected, and high fever or congestive symptoms set in, and Avhich, if not properly treated, or if they occur in a bad habit of body, may assume the malignant type, attended with ulcerated sore-throat, ex- SCARLET FEVER. 151 tension of the inflammation to the air-passages, delirium, spasm, etc. (See also Ulcerated Sore-throat.) The fever and sore-throat increase Avith the eruption, in mild cases, and cease Avith its decline, but in the more severe form they continue; it is when the disease appears principally to attack the head, throat, chest, or bowels, that it becomes dangerous. (See also Inflammation of the " Windpipe, etc.," "Lungs," "Bowels," and " Brain.") The eruption frequently does not appear before the third day, and then only in isolated patches. Treatment.—Belladonna should be administered, as soon as the throat and tongue become affected with dryness and burning, and there is a desire, but complete inability, to swalloAV even drinks or saliva, Avith sense of suffocation ; further, Avhen the throat is of a bright reel color, having its surface excoriated, or covered with Avhite specks, or stringy phlegm, or presenting the appearance of thrush, the glands of the throat being swollen,—and the tongue is of a bright, fiery-red hue, sometimes interspersed with dark red patches, but, generally, later in the disease, if at all; also when delirium exists. Dose: Dissolve six globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every six hours, until amelioration or change; to a child under twelve years of age, a tea-spoonful of the solution repeated as above—which will generally be sufficient to bring about a speedy ameliora- tion, when the administration should be suspended untyl such amelioration becomes stationary But if no improvement follow within three hours after the second do?e. and the inflammation and swelling continue to increase (which often occurs in scrofulous patients), or the subjoined symptoms super- vene, proceed at once with the next remedies respectively. Mercurius should be promptly employed six hours after the second dose of Belladonna, if, instead of subsiding, the inflammation and swelling continue to increase, or if incipient ulceration becomes ap- parent, and there be an increased secretion of phlegm in the throat. Dose : Dissolve twelve globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea-spbonfu) of the solution every four hours, until amelioration or change ; for a child under twelve years of age, a solution of six globules to thi'ee tea- spoonfuls of water, administered by tea-spoonfuls in like manner ; or if the subjoined symptoms supervene, proceed with the next remedy, first paiLsing six hours. Arsenicum should be administered six hours after the last dose of Mercurius, if the ulcers present a livid appearance about the edges, and emit an offensive odor, or if there be excessive thirst with great dryness of the throat and extreme prostration of strength. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water (for a child under twelve years of age, two globules in a tea-spoonful of water) every three hours, until ame- lioration or change; but if no improvement (or very little and ti'ansient) follow Avithin two hours after the fourth dose, especially if the subjoined in- dications be present, proceed with the next remedy. Nux-vomica will be required after Arsenicum, when the latter is evidently inadequate to effect a perfect reaction, Avhen the improve- ment (if any) has been trifling and transient, or more particularly when the folloAving symptoms are present:—glutinous phlegm is copiously secreted from the inflamed and tumefied lining of the throat, which adheres so tenaciously, that it is with difficulty expelled, and 152 SCARLET FEVERS. sometimes even threatens suffocation. (See also the article on "Ulce- rated Sore Throat." Dose: Dissolve six globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and administer a tea-spoonful of the solution as directed for Arsenicum. Aconite should be administered when the fever assumes a clearly inflammatory type, and the pulse runs high. (See also " Inflammatory Fever.") Dose : Dissolve six globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every three hours, until amelioration or change ;— for a child under twelve years, four globules to six tea-spoonfuls of water ad- ministered by tea-spoonfuls. Belladonna should be administered when the quickness of pulse and other inflammatory febrile symptoms are subdued, and the affec- tion of the throat again appears prominent, especially if the skin retain the peculiar scarlatina hue. Dose: Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water,—or for a child under twelve years of age, two globules in a tea-spoonful of water,—every four hours, un- til amelioration or change. Opium may folloAv the administration of Belladonna, Avhen there is burning heat of the skin Avith drowsiness, stupor, snoring respiration, open mouth, eyes half closed, restlessness with vomiting, or convul- sions. When furious delirium, with great restlessness, incessant movement of the hands, etc., appears at the commencement of scarlet or other eruptive fevers, Opium is more serviceable than any other remedy, and will generally prevent a fatal issue from paralysis of the brain, which is so prone to occur in such cases. Dose: Dissolve six globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every four hours, until amelioration or change; (or three globules dry on the tongue similarly, if there be difficulty in inducing the patient to swallow the solution.) As soon as manifest improvement oc- curs,—frequently after the first dose.—it is desirable to suspend treatment until the improvement becomes stationary, or the symptoms recur in full force (when the same remedy should be repeated),—or until other symptoms supervene, when a fresh and appropriate remedy must be administered. But if little or no improvement follow within two hours after the third dose proceed with Gelseminum, as directed before. Zincum may sometimes be required, when Opium is insufficient to avert the threatening danger. Dose : In every respect as directed for Opium. Sulphur, in repeated doses, has been strongly recommended when the eruption is very intense, and extends over the entire frame, and particularly Avhen the patient affected is of the scrofulous habit of body. Dose : If singly, three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every six hours, until amelioration or change ; for a very young person, two globules in a tea- spoonful of water similarly.— Or if symptoms indicative of Aconitum super- vene, rendering the intermediate administration of that remedy necessary, allow an interval of eight hours to elapse—and proceed with the next remedy, returning to Sulphur four hours after the last dose of Aconitum, if necessary, as soon as the particular symptoms which called for the last-named medicine have yielded. COMPLICATED FORMS OF SCARLET FEVER. 153 Aconitum is indicated for intermediate administration during the course of Sulfjhur, eight hours after the last dose of that medicine, if great restlessness and dry heat of the skin should supervene. Dose: Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water,—or for a very young person two globules in a tea-spoonful of water,—repeated in an hour, and a third dose two hours after the second, if necessary, and so on until the peculiarly indicative symptoms subside, when pause four hours, and return to the ad- ministration of Sulphur if required. COMPLICATED FORMS OF SCARLET FEVER. Varieties of Scarlatina not unfrequently occur in which the charac- teristic peculiarities of the efflorescence are wanting, namely, the color, Avhich is not a bright scarlet but of a darker hue, and the effect of pressure, Avhich does not leave the white imprtssion after it. There are, also, cases in Avhich small granular elevations appear upon the surface of the red patches. These variations from the foregoing de- scription of the manifestations afforded by Scarlet Fever are not to be mistaken for indications of a different elisease, but should be accepted as signs of a different type of the same disease, and of one which A\dll be more appropriately treated of under the head of "Scarlet Rash." There are also instances in which the eruption is confined to internal parts, when, Avith the characteristic acceleration of pulse, there is sore throat, and the mouth and throat are bright red, hot, swollen, and often very dry. This variety will be subject to treatment, such as that already detailed, according to the special indications present. Other instances, again, occur of a yet more insidious character, AAdiich are not distinguished until the dropsical swellings supervene, and Avhich either evince no eruption at all, or so slightly as to escape notice. This variety must, in all instances, be treated as directed for the like symptoms supervening, as the after-effects of the disease when the eruption has been struck in or imperfectly developed. Another very dangerous complication, which is frequently associated Avith scarlet -fever, consists of inflammation of the upper part of the aatndpipe. This variety should be subjected to the treatment prescribed in the article deA'Oted to the consideration of that particular disease, so long as symptoms of this nature continue—returning, however, to the specific treatment of the primary disease (Scarlet Fever) as already directed in this chapter, as soon as the complication is subdued. Another variety is characterized by degenerating into a Ioav typhoid type, in Avhich cases the folio wing treatmett becomes requisite. Ammonium-carb., Arsenicum, Acidum-phosph., Secale- cprn. From amongst these remedies a selection should be made by accurately studying the symptoms of the case, and by comparing them Avith the indications afforded under the head of each respectively, in the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: In very severe cases it will be necessary to commence by administering four globules in a tea-spoonful of water (or for very young persons, two glo- bules in a tea-spoonful of Avater), every hour (twice), and then every two hours, until some degree of amelioration or change sets in, when the intervals 15-1 Al Arsenicum, Acidum-nitr. If the ulceration become very severe, refer to the article on " Characteristic Effects" for the proper dis- crimination between these two remedies, either of which should be administered according to the subjoined direction. Arsenicum is also advantageously administered in the majority of cases in an advanced stage of the complaint, if the vital poAver seems rapidly sinking, and SCARLET RASH. 161 tl e organs which perform the act of deglutition are, as it Avere, para- Is zed, so that the patient is incapacitated from swalloAAdng; or Avhen, from a concentration of the disorder in the throat, the latter has become so rapidly and seriously affected, as to have assumed a gangrenous aspect. (See Ulcerated Sore-throat.) Dose: Of either remedy, as indicated, four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every three hours, until amelioration or change.—In the extreme cases re- quiring Arsenicum, the like dose of that remedy may be repeated even every fifteen, thirty, or sixty minutes, according to the urgency of the case. Dulcamara. When severe aching or gnaAAnng (rheumatic) pains are complained of in the back and extremities, either in the course of the disease or at its termination; or when soreness of the throat and an apparent complication of scarlatina with this affection are manifested, Dulcamara should be administered. Dose: Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every six hours, until amelio- ration or change. SCARLET RASH OF NERVOUS OR PUTRID TYPE. When the disease, in cases of a bad type, puts on a nervous, or even a putrid character, with extreme offeusiveness of all the excre- tions, and haemorrhage from the nose, mouth, etc., the medicines already mentioned under fevers of such description must be respec- tively employed in accordance AA'ith the indications present. Cuprum-acet. is sometimes of much efficacy in the worst cases of this description, when all resources appear to fail, and is more par- ticularly indicated when the eruption frequently appears and dis- appears icithout complete deA'elopment,—or as otherAvise described in the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every hour (or, in more moderate cases, every three hours.) until distinct ameliorati« n or change, or until the eruption becomes more perfectly and continuously evolved. Rhus-tox. is of essential service when the eruption has degene- rated into a species of vesicular erysipelas, attended with lethargy, great thirst, and painful passage of water. Dose: A solution of six globules, as directed for Cuprum-a. Sulphur is often successful when the progress of the disease is irregular, and when the symptoms already described as indicative of Belladonna haA'e not thoroughly yielded to the administration of that remedy; and when, accordingly, Ave may suspect the presence of a latent constitutional taint, particularly if the patient has been subject to chronic affections of the skin, or is known to be of a scrofulous or scorbutic habit of body. Dose: Six globules in a table-spoonful of water, every 6ix hours, until four doses have been given (unless prompt improvement or change ensues), and sub- sequently morning and evening (if necessary) until distinct improvement or the accession of new appearances, denotes a medicinal action,—when a lengthened pause (in the absence of urgent symptoms) should be allowed to elapse without further treatment. CHECK OF THE ERUPTION. Bryonia, Cuprum-a., Phosphorus, SuJphur. When the eruption 162 MEASLES. is suddenly driven in, or otherwise unaccountably disappears without thorough evolution, the sufferings of the patient and the more serious symptoms becoming aggravated, the article on "Characteristic Effects" should be promptly consulted, to guide in the appropriate selection from these four remedies. Dose: Of either remedy, as indicated, give four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every two hours, until the skin symptoms begin to reappear, and then every four hours, until the more thorough evolution of the eruption, and the abatement of the constitutional symptoms ensue. THE AFTER-EFFECTS OF SCARLET RASH. These are so generally analogous to those already described under the head of " Scarlet Fever," that it will be sufficient to refer the reader to the foregoing article on that disease. Diet and Regimen.—These important accessories during active treatment, as • Avell as during convalescence, should be regulated according to the foregoing general directions, given under the head of other "Fevers," respectively, and of "Scarlet Fever" in par- ticular. MEASLES. This disease generally reigns as an infectious epidemy, and, for the most part, confines its attack to children, in Avhich cases it is seldom, when properly treated, either severe or dangerous; when it occurs in adults, it generally assumes a more critical character. It rarely attacks an individual a second time. Measles is not so much to be dreaded for itself, as for the deleteri- ous consequences, which, under an improper mode of treatment, it frequently entails, or, to use the technical term, the dregs it leaves after it, Avhich, in many constitutions, develop an inherent disposition to consumption. Symptoms.—Symptoms of cold, such as short, dry cough, flow of tears, Avith redness of the eyes, and a degree of fever, more or less marked, preceding the eruption from three to five days, and generally continuing as long after, or all through the disease. The eruption consists of a number of small red spots of the size of flea-bites (frequently in the form of pimples),— the skin, in the inter- vals between them, generally presendng its natural color, and some- times exhibiting a faint reddish hue. We often find them in the shape of small, irregular arcs. They, for the most part, make their first appearance on the face and neck, become confluent, and extend them- sehes gradually downwards, over the rest of the frame. About the sixth or seventh day from the time of sickening, the eruption begins to turn pale on the face, and afterwards on the rest of the body, and generally entirely disappears about the ninth day, with a bran-like scaling of the scarf skin,—a distinguishing sign of this disease. treatment. Aconite, Pulsatilla. These two remedies may be considered in many respects as individually or jointly specific against simple or mild forms of measles.—In the majority of cases both will be required MEASLES. 163 either in alternation or succession. —As fever, however, is an unavoid- able feature of the disease, we should usually commence, at all events, with one dose of— Aconite,—which is particularly indicated when the fever assumes an inflammatory form, attended with dry heat of the skin, heat in the head, with confusion and giddiness, redness of the eyes, intolerance of light, general weakness or prostration ; and it is more or less useful, throughout the course of the disease, either alone or in alternation with Pulsatilla, or any of the other remedies which may be better in- dicated, and should be repeated as an intermediary remedy, in one or two, or even more, successive doses, according to requirements, when- ever marked febrile or inflammatory action becomes prominent. Dose : If singly, dissolve six globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea-spoonful of the solution night and morning (in very mild cases) or every four hours (when the fever runs high), until distinct amelioration or change ;— or for children, in the proportion directed at pages 60-63, &c. If in alter- nation with Pulsatilla, give two doses of Aconite as just described, then a similar dose of Pulsatilla, and subsequently, a dose of each in rotation, at the like intervals, until positive amelioration or change. Pulsatilla is also very efficacious in this affection, and is frequently indicated in the commencement, by the striking predominance of the characteristic catarrhal symptoms attendant upon measles, further qualified by aggravation towards evening, etc. Or again, AA'hen the respiratory apparatus is prominently implicated (unless in this instance it be found, as described further on, that Bryonia is more distinctly indicated). This remedy is moreover of great utility in bringing out the eruption, Avhen it is longer than the average period above-stated, in making its appearance. Pulsatilla is also valuable when any sto- machal derangement is present, or when the cough, Avhich so generally accompanies the disease, is Avorse towards evening or in the night, and is attended with considerable rattling of phlegm in the chest, or copious, thick, yelloAvish or whitish expectoration, sometimes folloAved by vomiting, or symptoms of approaching suffocation; further, when there is cold in the head, with a thick, yellowish or greenish nasal discharge. Dose: Dissolve six globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every four hours, until amelioration or change. Ipecacuanha is very useful when there is great oppression at the chest, before the eruption is evolved. Dose : Three globules in a tsa-spoonful of water, every four hours, until ame- lioration or change. Euphrasia. When severe headache, sensibility of the eyes to light, excessive flow of tears, profuse watery discharge from the nose, dry cough, or cough with free expectoration in the morning, and pains in the bones, precede the appearance of the eruption. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every three hours, until im- provement or change. Coffea. If after the administration of Aconite a distressing, dry cough become the prominent symptom, either Coffea or Hep.-sulph. should be given, in accordance with the indications afforded in 164 MEASLES. the article on " Characteristic Effects"—hoarseness being an ad- ditional characteristic indication for the selection of Hepar. When Hepar fails to relieve, more or less, in twenty-four hours, Spongia should be given. Dose: Of either remedy, as selected, give four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every four hours, until the indicative symptom subsides, or others, more urgent and requiring different treatment, supervene. Nux-vomica is not unfrequently of great service with dark-com- plexioned subjects, when there is dry and troublesome cough at night. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, at nightfall, repeated, if neces- sary, after the lapse of three hours—but in neither instance within four hours after the administi-ation of any other remedy. Belladonna. When the inflammation attacks the throat, present- ing many of the throat-symptoms Avhich have been stated in respect of this medicine under the head of Scarlet Fever, attended with great thirst, which the patient is often prevented from indulging by the acute shooting or prickling pain in the throat produced by SAvallow- ing; and further, Avhen there is a hoarse, dry, barking, and someAvhat spasmodic cough, worse at night, Avith rattling of phlegm, great rest- lessness, and high nervous excitement; also, in those cases of measles, where no eruption declares itself, but simply headache and cold, with severe inflammation of the eyes, which present a glassy appearance, are blood-shot or streaked, and watery; finally, when evident signs of irritation of the brain, etc., set in. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every two hours, until a slight degree of effect ensues, and then every fourth hour, until positive amelioration or change. If not, take Veratrum- viride as directed for Bryonia. Mercurius is required in those severe cases in which ulceration of the cornea (or anterior transparent portion of the globe of the eye) ensues. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, repeated after three hours, and again after four hours more, then proceeding with Gelseminum, as di- rected for Nux-vomica. Euphrasia is to be preferred to Mercurius when there is more or less redness of the eyes, excessive discharge of tears and mucus, with great sensitiveness to light. Also when the patient complains of severe headache and pains in the bones,—particularly of the back and limbs, with fever and dry cough. Dose: Six globules in tAvo table-spoonfuls of water, a tea-spoonful every two hours, until improvement or change. Calcarea, or Hepar-s. One of these remedies, according to the distinctive indications afforded in the article on " Characteristic Effects," should be administered six hours after the third dose of Mercurius, under the circumstances above mentioned. Dose: Of the remedy selected, give four globules in a tea-spoonful of water every four hours, until amelioration or change. Bryonia is an excellent remedy, when the eruption is faint, re- tarded, or imperfectly developed, and the respiration much oppressed and laborious, attended with achings in the limbs; also, when there is MEASLES. 165 a dry cough, and the patient complains of shooting pains in the chest, increased by a full inspiration. Dose : In mild cases, three globules in a tea-spoonful of water in the morning, repeating the dose after the lapse of twenty-four hours, or at such other period as not to interfere with the action of other remedies (not within four hours of their administration). In veiy severe cases, dissolve six globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea-spoonful of the solution every four hours, until amelioration or change. Sulphur is in general highly beneficial after the active symptoms of the disease have yielded to the action of immediate treatment, and especially after the previous administration of Pulsatilla, particularly when Ave have reason to suspect a scrofulous or other constitutional taint. Sulphur will, frequently, in such cases, be most effective in eradicating the predisposition to Chronic affections engendered by Measles. Dose: Six globules in a table-spoonful of water, every morning (fasting) for ten days. CHECK OF THE ERUPTION. This disease has frequently terminated fatally, from the eruption being driven in by sudden exposure to cold or change of temperature. Bryonia ia generally found efficacious in re-evolving the eruption, and preventing disastrous consequences. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful eA'ery three hours, until the eruption begins to reappear; and then every six hours, until a thorough evolution, accompanied by abatement of the serious symptoms, ensues. Pulsatilla is indicated, if looseness of the bowels, with mucous discharge, follow the suppression. Dose: As directed for Bryonia. Ipecacuanha should be substituted, if vomiting, with great op- pression at the chest, be the more prominent symptom. Dose: In every respect as directed for Bryonia ; but if no positive subsidence of the indicative symptoms ensues Avithin three hours after the second dose, proceed with the next remedy. Arsenicum should be administered three hours after the second dose of Ipecacuanha, if little or no improvement or change has been effected by that remedy. Dose: As directed for Bryonia. Chamomilla is to be preferred to Ipecacuanha, in the case of children, when difficulty of breathing, and looseness of the bowels are associated with colic and vomiting. Dose: Of a solution of eight globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful at each dose, subject to the regulations above stated for Bryonia. Belladonna, Cuprum-a., Stramonium. In cases in which the brain becomes prominently affected, it would be desirable that these and the subjoined remedies should be compared with the assemblage of symptoms present by careful reference to the article on " Charac- teristic Effects," and that such of them should be selected, either 166 AFTER-EFFECTS of measles. for single, alternate, or successive administration, as most closely re- presented either the individually salient, or the aggregated symptoms of the disease. Dose: If singly, the dose prescribed for Bryonia would be appropriate; if in alternation, two doses of the one should successively be administered at the like interval of one or two hours, followed by a pause of double the length; then two doses of the other, and so on ; if in succession, the last-named pause should elapse between the administration of every different medicine. Helleborus-n., Arsenicum, Sulphur, may likewise be appro- priate, Avith similar investigation, in the treatment of cases, such as have been associated with Belladonna, Cuprum-a., and Stramonium. Dose : As directed for Belladonna, Cuprum-a., and Stramonium. Phosphorus, Bryonia, or Sulphur, are, in like manner, appro- priately named for selection, in cases in Avhich inflammation of the lungs ensues. These remedies are in the same manner appropriate for selection, in cases in which the disease assumes the character of typhus. Dose : As directed for Belladonna, Cuprum-a., and Stramonium. AFTER-EFFECTS OF MEASLES. Coughs. In general the treatment of such affections will be most effectually conducted by following the instructions furnished separately in the Article on "Cougha." Also see '•'•Inflammation of the Larynx or upper Windpipe?'' Looseness of the Bowels. Explicit directions on this subject will be found in the Article oa "Diarrhcea." Inflammation of, or Discharge from the Ears. Sulphur, Pulsatilla. Sulphur may be mentioned in particular as the medicine which renders the most general service in cases of this kind, particularly if constitutional taint be suspected, and predis- position to chronic affections has been observed; Pulsatilla is, per-* haps, second only to Sulphur in importance. See " Mumps." Dose. Of either of these remedies (as selected), six globules in a table-spoonful of water every morning (fasting) for ten days, or until the modification or change of the symptoms—if of earlier occurrence. Tenderness of the Skin. Mercurius. This remedy, administered for a brief course, is generally sufficient to remove the tenderness which is so peculiarly apt to result from measles. Dose: Four globules in a tea-spoonful of Avater (fasting), for a week. Eruptions on the Skin. Nux-vomica is indicated, in cases of this kind resulting from SMALLPOX. 167 measles, by the presence of an eruption of minute, white, graindike elevations. Dose : Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water every night, until the eruption is modified,—resuming the administration after a pause of two days, if the improvement does not continue progressively. Arsenicum, Sulphur. One or both of these remedies, singly, alternately, or successively, may be required, AA'hen there ensues a burning, itching rash, which is readily provoked to bleed by scratch- ing. (See "Characteristic Effects," of these medicines.) Dose: If of Sulphur singly, give six globules in a table-spoonful of water everv morning (fasting) until a distinct change in the symptoms occurs. If of Arsenicum, four globules in like manner. PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT DURING THE PREVALENCE OF MEASLES. Pulsatilla, Aconitum. When this disease rages in an epidemic character, the alternation of these tAvo remedies, Avhose action is most closely analogous to that of the malady, will often suffice to ward off the attack, and will in every case serve materially to modify its virulence. Dose: First of Pulsatilla: Dissolve six globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give one-half of the solution at night, and the other half in the morning: after which pause two days, and administer Aconite in the like manner—continuing this alternate administration for a fortnight. Should this disease continue to rage unabated, these courses may be repeated from time to time, with intervening intervals of a week, pending its duration. Diet and Regimen.—The regulations prescribed under the head of Scarlet Fever and of other Fevers in this respect, apply equally to measles. SMALLPOX. This disease is, by medical practitioners of the present day, divided into two varieties:—the distinct, when the pustules on the face are clearly defined, and do not run into each other,—and the confluent, AA'hen they coalesce and form one continuous AA'hole. When the symptoms are less severe than those properly charac- teristic of the disease, and the eruption on the face slight, it is called the modified smallpox. We generally find this description in such persons as have been properly vaccinated,—a precaution, which, al- diough not always a preservative against the attacks of smallpox, greatly lessens its virulence, and gives a milder character to the com- plaint, when taken. Symptoms.—The disease is frequently very sudden in its attacks, commencing with chilliness and shivering, followed by febrile symp- toms, headache, severe pains in the small of the back and loins, languor, weariness and faintness; the patient also complains of op- pression of the chest, and acute pain in the pit of the stomach increased by pressure. The eruption makes its appearance at the close of the third day, first on the face and hairy scalp, then on the neck, and afterwards spreads over the whole body. Symptoms of 168 SMALLPOX. cold—as sneezing, coughing, wheezing, and frequently difficulty of breathing, often accompanv this disease. The eruption first displays itself in the shape of small, hard-pointed, red elevations, which, in about three days, present a bladder-like appearance, surrounded by an inflamed circular margin, and become depressed in the centre as they enlarge. About the sixth or eighth day, the Avatery secretion in the pustule becomes converted into matter, and the depression in the centre disappears. When the pustules are very numerous on the face, it generally be- comes'much swollen, and the eyelids are frequently closed up. On the first day, a small lump, like a millet-seed, may be felt in each of the elevations above noticed, distinguishing this eruption from all others. The pocks continue coming on during the first three eruptive days, and each pock runs its regular course ; thus, those which first appeared are forming into scabs or drying off", whilst the others are suppurating. The drying off commonly takes place on or about the eighth or four- teenth day, according as the pustules may happen to be distinct or confluent. When the pustules have obtained their full development, they generally burst, in mild cases emitting an opaque, watery discharge, which dries into a crust and falls off; whilst, in severe ones, Ave find a discharge of thick yellowish matter, forming scabs and sores, which leave, on their healing, permanent marks or pits. Red stains, caused by increased vascular action, always remain for a while after the erup- tion ; but if no ulceration has taken place, they disappear in process of time. In Confluent Smallpox, all the precursory symptoms are more severe, the fever runs high, and frequently continues so throughout the course of the disease; the pain in the pit of the stomach and difficulty of breathing are more complained of, and in children the eruption is frequently preceded by convulsions and delirium; the latter symptom, indeed, is frequently present with adults, during the suppurative or secondary fever, which not uncommonly assumes a character akin to typhus, and sometimes carries off the patient on the eleventh day. All cases in which we have generally a deeply-rooted morbid con- stitutional taint to contend against, require the utmost skill of the experienced practitioner to ward off a fatal result. An extensive in- flammatory blush of the face or trunk almost invariably precedes the eruption in the confluent variety of smallpox. Salivation, with soreness of the throat and small white ulcers or pustules on the tongue and in the upper part of the gullet, frequently declares itself in both forms of this disease, but more particularly in the confluent. Before we come to the medicines to be administered in the different stages of the disease, we may say a few words upon the general treat- ment of the patient. Cool and fresh air are our best auxiliaries, the emanations from the patient in this complaint being of a nature to react upon the organism, and warmth being calculated to increase its activity. So beneficial is cool air found in this malady, that taking a child to an open window SMALLPOX. 169 Avhen attacked with the convulsions, frequently present, will generally be found to afford immediate relief. Great cleanliness must also be observed, and the linen frequently changed. When the vesicles declare theinsehres, and begin to form into pustules, the room ought to be kept as dark as possible, to aid in pre- venting the risk of disfigurement,—a precaution deducible from com- mon experience, since we find that the parts of the frame exposed to the action of light are always those most strongly marked by the ravages of the disease. To avoid the pits, and consequent disfigurement left by this disease, many physicians have adopted a mask or plaster for the face, of dif- ferent substances,—such as gum, mucilage, calamine, etc. The appli- cation of collodion to the face,—or of oil Avhen the collodion cannot be tolerated—has been found of service in preventing disfiguration from pock-marks. Distinct Smallpox. TREATMENT. Coffea is usually efficient in subduing the restlessness and excite- ment, often very considerable, which attend the early stage of the disease, Avhen, hoAvever, the fever is not very severe, nor of a highly inflammatory character. Dose: Of a solution of six globules, to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every six hours, until amelioration or change; but, if the fever should assume an inflammatory character, proceed at once with the next remedy within not less than three hours after the last dose of Coffea. Aconitum may either be required at the onset, if the fever run high and assume an inflammatory character, or shoidd folluw three hours after the last dose of Coffea, in the event of such manifestations ensuing. In general, when the thirst is excessive, the skin very hot and dry, the pulse quick, hard and full, and the breathing laborious and rapid, Aconitum is indicated. Aconite should also be resorted to as an intermediary remedy, at any stage of the disease, when distinctly indicated by symptoms of this description. Dose: In every respect as directed for Coffea. Antimonium-tart., Ipecacuanha. These two remedies ad- ministered in alternation, are highly useful when considerable tight- ness and oppression at the chest, sometimes attended Avith nausea and vomiting, or even purging, are experienced before the appearance of the eruption. Dose: In employing these remedies alternately, give three globules of the one six hours after the like dose of the other, successively in rotation, until ame- lioration or change. Antimonium-tart. is, moreover, well indicated in this disease, from the close analogy which the eruption it is capable of producing bears to that of smallpox, and may, therefore, be also administered Avith advantage during the eruptive and maturative stages, unless 170 SMALLPOX. some other remedies should be more urgently called for by the nature of the symptoms; the existence of a hollow, sounding cough, Avith loud mucous rattling, is an additional index for the employment of Anti- monium-tartctricum. Dose: Dissolve six globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every six hours, until amelioration or change. Bryonia is sometimes useful in assisting the natural course of the eruption; it is also indicated when symptoms of considerable derange- ment of the digestive organs are present, such as bitter taste in the mouth, foulness of the tongue, headache, aching pain in the limbs, increased by motion, constipation, and irritability of disposition ; also, when there is complication with inflammation of the chest, with shoot- ing, prickling pains, especially during inspiration. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every six hours, until amelioration or change. Rhus is equally serviceable at this stage of the disease, and is to he preferred to Bryonia, particularly Avhen the acute pains in the head, back, and loins, are aggravated during a state of rest, and temporarily relieved by movement; or again, when the fever assumes a low typhoid type. Dose : In every respect as directed for Bryonia. Chamomilla is sometimes of great service during the course of the disease in children, Avhen the following distinctive symptoms appear:—difficulty of breathing, with predominant looseness of the bowels, deep green stools, severe colic, tenderness of the belly, and vomiting ; it is likeAvise calculated to be useful during the. maturative stage, Avhen much restlessness and whining prevail, and the rest is much disturbed by a troublesome cough at night. Dose : Two globules in a tea-spoonful of water every two hours, until amelio- ration or change. Belladonna. This remedy may follow Aconite or Chamomilla, when either of the latter have been indicated, should symptoms of disturbance of the brain have set in, characterized by flushed coun- tenance, intolerance of the eyes for light, headache and delirium, great thirst, nausea, and vomiting; or, when there is redness of the tongue at the tip and margins; belly tumid and painful, particularly about the region of the stomach, with sensibility on pressure; prostration of strength, stupor, etc. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every two hours, until amelioration or change. Opium is useful, when there are symptoms of stupor or strong inclination to sleep; it may be employed after Belladonna, or even preferred to the latter remedy, in cases in which there is continuous lethargy, Avith open mouth, half-closed eyes, and snoring breath; or again, when there is violent delirium, with incessant tossing about of the hands. Dose : Three globules, carefully placed upon the back part of the tongue, every three hours until amelioration or change. SMALLPOX. 171 Confluent Smallpox. Aconite is indispensable when the fever runs high, and threatens to continue, as it usually does in this more malignant form of the dis- ease ; and it vrill be necessary to diverge even from other important considerations from time to time (having commenced Avith the ad- ministration of this remedy), to return to it for the purpose of effec- tually acquiring an ascendancy over the'fever. The alternate adminis- tration of Sulphur is often necessary AA'hen the fever does not appear to be the least modified, within tAvo hours after a second dose of Aconite. Dose: Of Aconite, dissolve six globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea-spoonful of the solution ever}' three hours, until amelioration or change. Or if, within three hours after the second dose of Aconite, the fever should continue in its full violence, give a similar dose of a like solution of Sulphur, followed in four hours by another dose of Aconite, and in six hours more, by another dose of Sulphur, and 60 on every six hours afterwards alternately, until amelioration or change. Mercurius is highly serviceable in confluent smallpox, after the previous administration of two doses of Aconite, as above directed, when the following symptoms predominate:—Inflammation of the eyes, soreness of the throat and nose, offensive breath (salivation), cough, hoarseness, tenderness of the stomach, excessive looseness of the bowels, particularly characterized by incessant straining, and, sometimes, bloody evacuations. Dost: Dissolve six globules in two tabJe-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every two hours, until amelioration or change. Antimonium-tartaricum is more or less useful—in the absence of urgent indications for other remedies—during the progressive develop- ment of the eruption, in forwarding its advancement. It is also beneficially employed either singly or in alternation with or succeeded by Ipecacuanha, against the nausea and vomiting, with looseness of the bowels. Dose: If singly, three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every four hours, until amelioration or change; if in alternation with Ipecacuanha, these reme- dies should not succeed one another at intervals of less than six hours. Ipecacuanha is indicated when vomitimg and purging set in as prominent symptoms, and may be employed either singly or in alter- nation with Antimonium-tart. Dose : If singly, three globules, as directed for Antimonium-tart.; or, if in alter- nation with that medicine, a similar dose six hours before or after the alter- nating dose of the other medicine ; but if no amelioration should ensue either within three hours after the third dose (if singly), or within a like period after the second dose, or first repetition, (if alternated,) proceed Avith the next remedy. Pulsatilla should be given three hours after the third dose of Ipecacuanha (if singly employed), or at a like period after the second dose, or first repetition, of the same remedy, in alternation Avith Anti- monium-tart., if no modification has taken place in the symptoms, particularly if the patient be of a mild, phlegmatic temperament, and there be general aggregation towards night. 172 SMALLPOX. Pulsatilla is, moreover, liijrhly useful in confluent smallpox, charac- terized by the presence of an efflorescence analogous to that of measles, before or during the development of the eruption, especially when nausea or vomiting, and marked aggravation towards night, addition- ally qualify the general symptoms. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to three tea-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every four hours, until amelioration or change ; but if little or no distinct improvement should result within four hours after the second dose, that is, if the nausea and vomiting, or purging, should continue unabated, proceed with the next remedy. Arsenicum should be administered after the second close of Pulsa- tilla, (or even of Antimonium-tart or Ipecacuanha, in the event of neither of the others having proved efficacious,) AAdien the nausea and vomiting continue unallayed, especially if the patient complains of ex- cessive thirst anel dryness of the mouth, the tongue being foul and dark, and the prostration of strength severe. Arsenicum is also of great value in cases of a bad type, and when livid spots are observed on the skin before the evolution of the erup- tion, or when—other symptoms corresponding—the scabs, etc., are of a dark brown color and very offensive, more particularly if this mani- festation be further characterized by intense weakness and languor, thirst, nausea, or vomiting, Avith more or less severe pain in the region of the stomach,—or again, when the fever assumes a putrid typhoid character. Dose: Dissolve six globules in three tea-spoonfuls of water, and give a third part of the solution every two hours, until distinct amelioration or change. Carbo-veg. should be administered AA'hen the eruption assumes a gangrenous appearance; or when the pustules are thin and unhealthy, and the scabs and incrustations are of a dark-brown color, and emit a very offensive smell. Dose: As directed for Arsenicum. Acidum-muriaticum may be employed with great advantage in cases of a bad type, in which the fever assumes a typhoid character, and AA'hen the patient exhibits a continual tendency to sink downwards (towards the foot) in the bed. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful (or if this be difficult, place two globules dry on £he tongue,) every fifteen, thirty, or sixty minutes, according to urgency, until positive amelio- ration or change. Rhus-tox. is also very serviceable in cases which assume a typhoid character, and Avhen there are aching pains and paralytic Aveakness in the extremities; but Avhen the general prostration is not so distinctly prominent and severe as in cases which require Arsenicum. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to three tea-spoonfuls of water, give a fourth part every three hours, until amelioration or change. China may be advantageously administered against the debility resulting from, prof use diarrlicea or discharge from the pustules. Dose: Three globulea in a tea-spoonful of water, every six hours, until ameli- oration or change. AFTER-EFFECTS OF SMALLPOX. 173 Hepar-sulphuris is indicated when the prominent symptoms are as follow :—hoarseness, or an incessant, hoarse, cramp-like cough, with tenderness of the exterior of the throat, and a dry, hot skin. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every four hours, until ameli- oration or change. Sulphur is a useful remedy at the maturity of the eruption, and as the drying process is about to set in; it will often tend materially to forward the total disappearance of lingering traces of the disease, as well as to overcome any latent mischief which have been left to rankle in the system by this virulent disorder. The alternate administration of Rhus at this period will be required if there be aching pains in the back and extremities, aggravated towards night, but someA\'hat relieved by motion. Dose : Of Sulphur, singly, six globules (for adults), or for young persons, four globules in a wine-glassful of water every morning the first thing (fasting), continuing this course for a week ; if in alternation with Rhus, give three globules of either medicine in rotation, the one six hours after the other, until amelioration or change. CHECK OF THE ERUPTION. Cuprum-acetieum should be promptly administered in cases in which—the eruption having been struck in or suddenly checked in its development—the brain has become prominently affected. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every hour, until the eruption begins to reappear, and the severer svmptoms are somewhat modified : then continue the like doses every three hours, until the eruption is thoroughly evolved. Bryonia, Antimonium-tart. The administration of either of these remedies, according to special indications, will become requisite when the chest is more prominently affected. Dose: Of either remedy, as directed for Cuprum-acet. MODIFIED SMALLPOX. This is merely a mild description x>f the above, and, as we have before said, is the form which the disease generally assumes when it attacks those who have been properly vaccinated. We must regulate our treatment according to the symptoms, being guided in the selection of the remedies by the indications before given. COMPLICATIONS AND AFTER-EFFECTS OF SMALL- POX. We should watch closely, during the progress of the disease, for symptoms of inflammation of the lungs, or of their enveloping membranes (pleurisy), and the treatment, in cases in which such complications occur, should be regulated according to the directions especially afforded under the head of those particular maladies respec- tively. See "Inflammation of the upper part of the Windpipe." 174 AFTER-EFFECTS OF SMALLPOX. Boils, Glanelular Swellings, dc. Amongst the many severer after-effects of smallpox, we may number glandular swellings and other scrofulous affections, developed by the malignancy of the disease, inflammation of the eyes, boils, etc., which will "be most effectually treated by reference to the separate articles devoted to these subjects respectively. Cough. In this respect the reader is recommended to refer to the separate article on this subject. Asthmatic Affections. Antimonium-tart. is, in the generality of cases, the most available remedy in cases of this kind, resulting from the smallpox. Dose: Four globules night and morning, until amelioration or change Looseness of the Bowels. China, Phosphorus. China is, in the majority of cases, more available when there has previously been excessive loss of humors, especially if the symptoms assume an intermittent character. Dose: Six globules in a wine-glassful of water daily, the first thing in the morning, until amelioration or change. Phosphorus is especially adapted for the treatment of blond sub- jects, of a spare, slender habit of body and fragile frame, when this relaxation continues any length of time. Dose : Ae directed for China. Diet and Regimen.—In these particulars we should be guided by the virulence of the attack; but, in all instances, the beverages should be cold, as a Avarm regimen, and neglect of the precautions before mentioned, may convert the mild into the malignant form. Whilst the fever runs high, water, or toast and water should alone be allowed; but aa hen the affection is going off, mildly nutritious food, such as farinaceous food, cocoa, and plain broths, or beef tea, are allowable. In mild cases thin gruel or farinaceous food, in small quantities, may be alloAved throughout. Even after recovery in some cases, it is necessary that the patient abstain, for a considerable time, from animal food. It should not, nevertheless, be omitted, that a plain, nutritious, and even generous diet, taken in small quantities at a time, and at regular periods (AA'hen there are no lingering after-effects), combined Avith regular habits in other respects, and vvith the bracing effects of the open air, tend greatly to perfect the cure. The general regulations in respect of diet and regimen, which apply to other eruptive fevers, or to fevers in general, hold good with regard to smallpox. It may be remarked that, after recovery from an attack of malignant smallpox, the patient's constitution often requires a thorough renova- tion, and that he should, therefore, be put under a course of medicine best calculated to attain that result, as suggested in the article on " Eradicative Treatment." CHICKEN-POCK. 175 ACCESSORY MEASURES. In severe cases, when the pustules are very troublesome, they may be anointed with oil of almonds, or gently sponged Avith tepid water, when they become hard,—or dusted with pure starch, when a thin, acrid, or otherwise unhealthy discharge runs from them. The hair of the head should be clipped, for the sake of the cleanliness and comfort of the patient; and the hands should be muffled, to prevent injury to the pustules from scratching. CHICKEN-POCK. Symptoms.—A disease, bearing a considerable resemblance, in its external character, to smallpox, but differing in its duration, and symptomatically, being considerably milder, generally requiring no medical assistance, but merely attention to diet, and but rarely be- coming dangerous, except when it extends itself to the lungs or brain. The fever, hoAvever, occasionally runs high. When this affection attacks an individual, and smallpox is epidemic, which is not unfrequently the case, it is often mistaken for that dis- order, but it soon discovers its real character, by the rapidity with Avhich the eruption declares itself, the vesicles (in many instances closely resembling the pustules of the smallpox) being generally fully matured by the third day, and the whole eruption disappearing at the end of the fourth or fifth, AA'ithout leaving any mark. TREATMENT. Aconite is required when much fever is present. Dose : Of a solution of four globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give; a tea- spoonful every six hours, until amelioration or change. Coffea is to be preferred when extreme restlessness and anxiety are present without a great degree of fever. Dose : A solution of four globules, as directed for Aconite. Belladonna should be given if the brain become evidently affected. Dose : A solution of four globules, as directed for Aconite Antimonium-tartaricum may be given to accelerate the develop- ment of the eruption, Avhen it is sIoav in making its appearance. Dose: Dissolve six globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every four hours, until the eruption is thoroughly evolved, and the fever subsides. Mercurius may be given, when the watery secretion of the vesicles becomes converted into thick, yelloAA'ish matter, as in the smallpox, and is also beneficial, if strangury be present. Dose: Two globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every four hours, until amelio- ration or change. CHECK OF THE ERUPTION. This should be treated as directed for smallpox under similar cir- cumstances (see page 173). 176 MTLIARY FEVER. Cases, in which this disorder appears with manifestations closely resembling many of those which characterize smallpox, may be similarly treated, according to the particular indications present. MILIARY FEVER. Symptoms.—The primary feature of the disease consists of a great number of exceedingly small, round, red pimples, which are soon con- verted into white vesicles, afterwards become opaque, and end in i scurf: they are irregularly scattered, of the size of millet-seeds (hence the name of the complaint), and when the hand is passed over the cutaneous surface, a sensation is experienced as if caused by the pre- sence of small grains of sand beneath the scarf-skin. This affection is sometimes an original disease, but more frequently associated Avith some other malady, and even occasionally accompanies various chronic diseases, in which latter instance it may generally be considered as an evidence of some internal constitutional taint; it is also not uncommon Avith Avomen, at the period of confinement, arising from the room being kept at too high a temperature—a frequent cause of this malady. This, like other cutaneous affections of the same nature, is generally preceded by febrile symptoms, the eruption ap- pearing on the fifth or sixth day; from the commencement of the fever Ave frequently find profuse perspiration, with a putrid, sour odor; previous to the vesicles evolving themselves, there is a tingling or itching of the skin, occasionally attended Avith a sensation of burn- ing, together with a numbness of the extremities; the patient com- plains of a sense of oppression at the chest, sometimes with short, dry cough and stitches in the side, and, not unfrequently, of severe or fugitive, rheumatic pains in the limbs and teeth. Low spirits are a frequent accompaniment of this affection. TREATMENT. In consequence of the numerous diseases with which miliary fever is complicated, it requires a variety of medicaments. Aconite is a specific, when it appears in a simple and apparently uncomplicated form, and is attended with anxiety and restlessness, which seem to depend upon an accelerated circulation of the blood, with great internal and external heat. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every six hours, until amelio- ration or change. Coffee is indicated when the above symptoms seem more particu- larly to arise from high nervous excitability. Dose : Three globules, as directed for Aconite. Belladonna should be administered when the accelerated circula- tion is attended with considerable determination of blood to the head and delirium. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to three tea-spoonfuls of water, give a third part every four hours, until amelioration or change. MILIARY FEVER. 177 Arsenicum is the most appropriate remedy AAdien the eruption is accompanied Avith excessive anxiety. Dose: Dissolve six globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every three hours, until amelioration or change. Ipecacuanha is the appropriate remedy when the disease is found conjoined with childbed or other fevers, and is preceded by oppression, lassitude, anxiety, and a sense of Aveight about the chest, restlessness, sighing, etc. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every three hours, until ame- lioration or change. Bryonia should be selected when the symptoms which precede the eruption are accompanied by constipation, or shooting pains in the chest. Dose : Three globules, as directed for Ipecacuanha. Calcarea-carbonica, in critical miliary fever, is a most valuable medicament, especially against the extreme anxiety which is so fre- quently manifested, or against the convulsions Avhich sometimes take place in the case of children, and finally as a general remedy to hasten the development of the eruption, when it is tardy in making its ap- pearance. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of Avater, give a tea- spoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change. Chamomilla should be administered when the disease comes on in children, brought about by the same cause, viz. excessive warmth, or even errors in diet, attended with a greenish or watery, yellowish diarrhoea. Dose : Of a solution of four globules to three tea-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change. REMARKS AND ACCESSORY MEASURES. When it exhibits itself in complication with other affections, miliary eruption may be either symptomatic or critical, and it should always be borne in mind that an improper treatment of other affections may develop it. When symptomatic, it may be recognized by appearing either very early or late in the original affection, which, so far from being relieved by the eruption, is frequently exacerbated by the ex- citement of the nervous system consequent on its appearance. Even when critical,—in which case, after the eruption has been fully de- veloped, amelioration takes place,—it is still dangerous, from its liability to retrocede. When a proper attention is paid to keeping the patient cool, by light covering and the removal of feature beds, and allowing a free supply of pure air, this troublesome concomitant will rarely show itself. When, hoAvever, it appears critical, Ave must be most careful not to check it, and a moderately warm temperature must be kept up. CHECK OF THE ERUPTION. When this has taken place, we must carefully watch the result, as 12 178 MILIARY FEVER. sometimes nature herself provides for it by an increase of some other secretion. Cuprum-aeeticum should be administered promptly, when symp- toms of disturbance of the brain, etc., present themselves. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to three tea-spoonfuls of water, give a third part every two hours, until the symptoms are modified, and then every four hours, until they are subdued or changed in character. Diet and Regimen.—The regulations generally applicable to fever, and those already set forth under the head of other eruptive fevers, respectively, are equally applicable to this disease, subject to modifications, in conformity with the violence of the symptoms. When repercussion threatens to take place, the patient's beverages should be given moderately warm. 179 DISEASES OF ORGANS CONNECTED WITH THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. TOOTHACHE. When we find a constant disposition to this distressing malady, on the slightest exposure to cold, Avithout any presumable cause, or what is generally called rheumatic toothache, we are warranted in conclud- ing that some taint lurks in the constitution, and until proper measures are adopted for its eradication, even the remedies most clearly indi- cated, under other circumstances, fail to relieve the patient, or, at most, but temporarily, alleviate his sufferings. Another obstacle to the selection of the proper remedy, is the difficulty we find in obtaining from the patient a perfectly clear description of his sensations. TREATMENT. Belladonna is particularly indicated when the pains are very severe, of a drawing, tearing, or shooting nature, extending to the face and ears—becoming aggravated in the evening, and especially at night, with gnawing or boring pain in the carious teeth, swelling of the gums and cheeks, dryness of the mouth with excessive thirst, with or without salivation; renewal of the pains from intellectual labor, or after eating; aggravation of suffering when masticating, also in the open air; congestion to the head, with heat and redness of the face, also pulsation in the head and cheeks. Dose: Of a solution of three globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, give one tea-spoonful immediately. If the symptoms become aggravated within two hours after this dose, relief may speedily be anticipated, and the repe- tition must be suspended. If, however, there be no positive effect, these doses should be repeated every two hours, until amelioration or change. Chamomilla, when there are severe drawing, jerking, pulsative, or shooting pains; heat and redness, especially of one of the cheeks; the pain becomes almost insufferable, especially at night, in the warmth of the bed; shooting and pulsative pains in the ear and side affected; the pains are aggravated by eating or drinking anything hot or cold, but especially the former; great agitation and loss of self-control from pain, or, excessive weakness, sometimes amounting to fainting; great irascibility, and disposition to shed tears during the paroxysms. Chamomilla is useful when the toothache has arisen from an abuse of Coffea. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every three hours, until dis- tinct amelioration or change. Rhus-t. is especially required when the pain, thus occasioned, is par- 180 TOOTHACHE. ticularly characterized by a sensation of soreness,—in which case it may often be employed in preference to Chamomilla. Dose: Four hours after the third dose of Chamomilla, or in other cases on com- mencing treatment, of a solution of four globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change. Dulcamara is preferably employed in cases in which toothache. arising from similar exciting causes (cold or exposure to wet), is attended with looseness of the bowels, and has not been modified by the third dose of Chamomilla. Dose : In all respects as directed for Hhus-lox. Mercurius is particularly indicated when the pains affect carious teeth, or exist in the roots of the teeth, and consist of tearing, shooting pains, occupying the whole side of th% head and face, and extending to the ears; loosening of the teeth, and a feeling as if they Avere too lono^; the pain becomes almost insupportable towards evening, and especially at night in the warmth of the bed, and is also aggravated by eating or drinking, particularly etfter anything cold has been par- taken of, and likewise by exposure to cold or damp air; swelling and inflammation of the gums; nocturnal perspiration, peevishness, and inclination to tears; this medicine is especially useful for persons who are subject to glandular swellings. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every three hours, until ame- lioration or change. Nux-vomica is useful for persons who are habituated to wine or other stimulants, or addicted to a sedentary life or stuely; for those Avho are of a lively or irritable temperament, or of dark or florid com- plexion, or whose sufferings are increased by intellectual labor. The pains generally occur in carious teeth, and are of a drawing and jerk- ing or gnawing description, occasionally diffusing themselves to the head and ears, sometimes attended with painful enlargement of the glands under the jaw ; gums swollen and painful, accompanied with throbbing and pulsation. The toothache is more liable to come at night, or on awaking in the morning, sometimes also after dinner, or in the open air. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Mercurius. Pulsatilla is peculiarly adapted to persons of a mild or phlegmatic disposition. It is of great service when the toothache is associated in such subjects with indigestion, or results from abuse of coffee, sweets, acids, wine, or stimulants generally. The pains are digging and gnaAving, attended Avith pricking in the gums, and extending to the face, head, eye, and ear, of the side affected; this remedy is par- ticularly efficacious in toothache, when accompanied with earache, or with paleness of the face, when the affection has been excited by tak- ing cold, and when we find shortness and difficulty of breatliing; the pains are sometimes of a drawing, tearing, shooting, or jerking descrip- tion, and occasionally produce a sensation as if the nerve were drawn tight and then suddenly relaxed; the pain is much aggravated in the evening on after mielnig/d, generally increased by warmth, and when TOOTHACHE. 181 the patient is at rest, and mitigated by colel air or cold applications to the mouth. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every three hours, until ame- lioration or change. Sulphur. This remedy is particularly valuable in scrofulous habits, with a tendency to constipation; particularly if the pain is apt to be provoked by every exposure to cold. It is indicated by pain, some- times attended Avith swelling of the cheek, and shooting pains in tJie ears, congestion of the blooel to the head, and pulsative heaelache; the pain is of a tearing, jerking, pulsative description, affecting both carious and sound teeth; aggravated in the evening and at night, or by exposure to the open air, also by the application of cold water or by mastication; sensation of the teeth being loosened, elongated, and set on edge; the gums are swollen, affected with pulsative pains, and bleed easily. Dose: Three globules in a wine-glassful of water every three hours, until ame- lioration or change ; and after the removal of the pain, six globules in a tea- spoonful of water every morning (fasting), for a week. China is likewise serviceable in cases of chronic character, and which are liable to be provoked by every exposure to cold, but more especially if the suffering be observed to recur at regular periods. Dose : Of a solution of four globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea spoonful every four hours, until amelioration or change ; and after immediate relief has been obtained, the like dose an hour before the anticipated period of return of pain, for a eourse extending over ten days. Bryonia is also a useful remedy in this affection, particularly with persons of a lively, choleric, and obstinate disposition. Its indications are loosening and sensation of elongation of the teeth, especially dur- ing or after eating; shooting in the ears, Avith inclination to lie down; pains aggravated by taking anything hot into the mouth, mitigated by lying on the affected side, or exacerbated by the contrary position. Dose: Three globules in two tea-spoonfuls of water every three hours, until amelioration or change. Carbo-vegetabilis is indicated by toothache, with dragging, tear- ing, or constrictive and throbbing pains, excited by anything hot, cold, or salt; continued looseness of the teeth ; receding, ulcerated, and sup- purating gums (particularly after the abuse of the mercurial prepara- tions, such as calomel, etc.), bleeding from the teeth and gums, with tendency of the teeth to decay rapielly. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every three hours, until ame- lioration or change. Hepar-sulphuris is indicated by dragging, jerking toothache, increased by approximating the teeth (clenching), by masticating, or from sitting in a Avarm room; SAvelling of the gums, Avith tenderness on pressure, or abscess in the gums. This medicine is especially use- ful in cases where hurtful doses of Mercury have previously been taken under allopathic treatment. Dose : Of a solution of three globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every three hour3, until amelioration or change. 182 TOOTHACHE OF CHILDREN. Arsenicum, when there is nocturnal pain, which extends into the ear, cheek, bones of the face, and temple; aggravation of the pain by lying on the affected side; amelioration from the warmth of the fire; aching in the teeth so excessive as almost to drive the patient to mad- ness or distraction; sensation of elongation and looseness of the teeth; grinding of the teeth, and bleeding of the gums. Dose : Of a solution of three globules to three tea-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every four hours, until positive amelioration or change. Toothache of Children. Aconite, when the pains are difficult of description, attended with great agitation, feverish sensation, blood to the head, heat and redness of the face, and Avhen the pains are described as of a pulsative, throb bing nature. Dose : Of a solution of three globules in three tea-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every four hours, until amelioration or change. Coffea. Against violent pains Avith great excitability and almost distraction, in adults; also Avhen the patient is conscious that the ex- citement is disproportionate to the pain suffered. Dose : Of a solution of three globules to two tea-spoonfuls of water, give a tea spoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change. Belladonna, according to the indications already described, (page 179.) Dose : A solution of three globules, as directed for Coffea. Chamomilla, according to the indications already described, (page 179.) Dose : A solution of three globules, as directed for Coffea. Dulcamara should be given, if Chamomilla prove insufficient, and the toothache has been caused by a chill, and is attended with loose- ness of the bowels. Dose : A solution of three globules, as directed for Coffea. Ignatia is suitable for such cases as present similar indications as those of Nux-vomica or Pulsatilla, but more particularly applicable' to mild or sensitive dispositions, with alternation of high and low spirits. Dose : Dissolve four globules in a wine-glassful of water, and give a tea-spoon- ful of the solution every three hours, until amelioration or change. Antimonium-tart. will be found beneficial in toothache occurring during cold, wet weather,—particularly in females,—with noctural exacerbation, or aggravation of the pain when drinking any cold liquid. Do.se : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give « tea-spoonful three times a day, until all sensation of susceptibility to a return of pain is removed, or -intil change take place in the character of the 6ymptoms. SORE THROAT, OR QUINSY. 183 ACCESSORY PRECAUTIONS, To be observed by those who are subject to Toothache. Coffee or stimulants of any kind, very hot and very cold drinks, sweetmeats, acids, and medicated tooth-poAvders, as well as the con- tinual use of the tooth-pick, should be carefully avoided. The mouth should be thoroughly rinsed after every meal with cold water, and a pure Homoeopatliic dentifrice regularly employed in cleansing the teeth. The tooth-brush should be soft. SORE THROAT, or QUINSY. APHTHOUS SORE THROAT Quinsy.—Symptoms.—Inflammation of the throat, accompanied with difficulty of swallowing, impeded respiration, alteration of the voice, and fever. In the incipient stage of this affection, there is a sense of constriction about the throat, Avith a feeling of soreness, and sometimes of obstruc- tion in the act of swallowing the saliva; if it runs its course, the difficulty of SAAralloAving and breathing increases, the tongue swells and becomes foul, the tonsils assume a redder hue, occasionally a number of small yelloAV eminences appear at the back of the throat, particularly on the tonsils; the patient complains of thirst, and the pulse is high, strong, and frequent; sometimes the cheeks SAvell and become florid and the eyes inflamed, and in severe cases delirium is not an unfrequent occurrence. As the local affection progresses, the majority of the fore- going symptoms become aggravated, and the tonsils tumefied, and suppuration ensues, if resolution be not speedily effected. When suppuration takes place, the pain is instantly relieved on the bursting of the abscess; it sometimes happens, however, that scarcely has the patient been relieved from suffering by the latter event, before the state of the other tonsil gives indications that a similar train of symptoms are about to be encountered there. This affection, occa- sionally dangerous, if not properly treated, even in its simple form, becomes critical when it puts on the putrid type. In such instances, attendant fever generally assumes a character akin to typhus; AArhen this takes place, we may always infer a peculiar constitutional tendency. TREATMENT. Aconite should be employed Avhen the complaint is, at the com- mencement, attended with considerable fever, thirst, and dry heat, deep redness of the parts affected, painful and difficult deglution, prick- ing sensation in the throat, with aggravation of the symptoms when speaking. * * The simultaneous employment of a " cold-water compress or wet bandage," formed of a piece of old linen rag wrung out of cold water and applied over the ex- terior of the throat, is usually of much service at the commencement of an attack of sore throat, and will frequently prevent, or materially aid in preventing, the for- mation of an abscess, in those cases which generally terminate in suppuration (sup- purative quinsy). The moist rag should be large enough to cover the throat effectually, after being doubled or folded three times, and should be secured in position by means of a double fold of dry flannel. It oucrht to be continued for several hours, or until "permanent cure or change," and renewed as often as it be- comes hot or dry. 184 SORE THROAT, OR QUINSY. Dose: In many cases a dose of two globules, either dry or in a tea-spoonful of water, and repeated after the lapse of six hours (if requisite), will suffice to subdue the symptoms. But if the inflammation be very severe, of a solution of six globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every hour (extending the intervals to three hours as soon as modification occurs), until amelioration or change. In extreme cases, in which the act of swallow- ing fluids becomes very difficult, the doses should consist of three globules dry on the tongue, at every such period. Belladonna is of great service for this complaint, occurring more especially in persons of a full or sluggish habit of body, Avhen indicated by the subjoined symptoms:— Pain in the throat, as if from excoriation, attended with scraping, and a sensation of enlargement, and burning or shooting pains, princi- pally experienced during the act of swallowing; these pains sometimes extend to the ears. Other characteristic indications for this remedy are :—a sense of spasmodic constriction or cemtraction of the throat, with constant and almost uncontrollable desire to swallow the saliva; occasionally there is violent thirst, with dryness of the throat, but a dread of drink, from the suffering Avhich it occasions. Sometimes a complete inability to drink exists, and the liquid returns by the nostrils. On examination, the throat presents a bright reel color, with SAvelling of the palate, uvula, and tonsils; there is also an accumulation of slimy, whitish phlegm in the throeit and on the tongue, obliging the patient to spit frequently; swelling of the muscles and glands of the neck, severe headache, chiefly confined to the forehead, sometimes determi- nation of blood to the head, and delirium. Dose: In moderate cases, two globules in a tea-spoonful of water every six hours, until amelioration or change ; in very severe cases, a solution of six globules, or three globules dry on the tongue, as directed for Aconite. If in alternation with Mercurius, an interval of six hours should elapse betAveen each dose of the different medicines. Mercurius is frequently valuable at the commencement of the dis- ease when so indicated, and forms one of our best remedial agents; in some cases advantage accrues from the employment of Belladonna in alternation Avith it. The indications for its selection are:—violent shooting in the throat and tonsils, especially Avhen swallowing; these pains extend to the ears, and glands before the ears and under the jaw; inflammatory redness and swelling of the affected parts of the throat, burning in the throat, desire to sAvallow, attended with a sen- sation of an obstruction existing in the passage; accumulation of thick and tenacious phlegm in the throat, difficult deglutition, especially of liquids, which sometimes escape through the nostrils; swelling of the glands and muscles of the neck, and of the posterior part of the tongue; occasional swelling of the gums; unpleasant taste in the mouth, which is filled with saliva, more or less thickened; confluent, or small, isolated, round, white specks or superficial ulcers on the tonsils; indolent ulcers in the throat; offensive odor from the mouth; aggravation of the symptoms at night, from the act of speaking, and in the evening; chills and shivering, sometimes alternated with heat; nocturnal SAA'eating. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- SORE THROAT, OR QUINSY. 185 spoonful every six hours, until amelioration or change. If in alternation with Belladonna, the like interval should elapse between each dose of the different remedies. Lachesis. One of the characteristic indications for this remedy is, aggravation of all the symptoms on awaking from sleep, or an increase of the pain in the throat from the slightest external pressure; it is, moreover, an excellent remedy in all cases of inflammation of the tonsils, in Avhich Belladonna or Mercurius have afforded relief, but seem incapable of effecting a cure; and also in aphthous sore throat Avith considerable ulceration, Avhen Mercurius has afforded only partial relief. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every six hours, until amelioration or change. Carbo-vegetabilis. This remedy may either follow, or be selected in preference to Mercurius, after the previous administration of tAvo doses of Aconite, AA'hen necessary, in Aphthous sore throat charac- terized by the appearance of small Avhite specks or pimples (which, if not checked, become confluent and spread beyond the throat,) on the enlarged and protuberant tonsils, when the patient complains of severe burning and pricking pain, with great thirst. Dose : Dissolve six globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution twice a day, until amelioration or change. Acidum-nitrieum is indicated when Aconite and Mercurius have been administered, in Aphthous sore throat, characterized by super- ficial ulcerations in the throat, and the small white or gray ulcers refuse to put on a healing appearance a few hours after the use of the latter remedy. Dose: Dissolve six globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, and giA'e a tea- spoonful of the solution every six hours, until three doses have been given ; then every twelve hours, until the cure is complete. Nux-vomica. This remedy is especially useful when the sore throat appears to arise from, or to be accompanied by, symptoms of deranged digestion, and when a sense of scraping or excoriation exists in the throat, and also Avhen a feeling of contraction is ex- perienced in the upper part of the throat during empty deglutition; secretion of viscid phlegm which can be expectorated only with great difficulty, and sometimes accumulates in such a quantity as to threaten suffocation ; or there is swelling and elongation of the uvula, producing a constant desire to SAvallow; at times only a sensation of swelling, with aching pressing pains; or when cold has been the exciting cause, and the affection is attended with dry cough and headache, chiefly in the morning, and pains under the lower ribs during the cough. This remedy is likeAvise indicated when there are small offensive ulcers in the throat, or considerable debility is present. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every three hours, until dis- tinct amelioration or change. Pulsatilla is frequently serviceable after Belladonna, Avhen there is an undue secretion of viscid phlegm in the throat;—but it is more particularly when the folloAving symptoms are met with that this 186 SORE THROAT, OR QUINSY. remedy is called for; derangement of the stomach, with dark, hvid redness of the throat and tonsils; a sensation as if the parts affected were much swollen, or a feeling of enlargement in the upper part of the throat, as also of excoriation and scraping, with dryness of the throat without thirst; shooting pains in the throat when not swallowing; aggravation of the symptoms towards evening, attended with shiver- ing; also accumulation of adhesive phlegm in the throat. This remedy is more peculiarly suitable for females, or for individuals of a mild and phlegmatic temperament. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every six hours, until amelio- ration or change. Chamomilla is a remedy particularly useful in the sore throat occurring in children, or in nervous and sensitive females, who suffer much from trivial ailments, and especially when the disease has been brought about by checked perspiration, when there are shooting or burning pains, with a sensation of swelling in the throat, deep redness of the parts affected, inability to SAvalloAV solid food, especially when lying doAvn; thirst, with dryness and heat of the mouth and throat, or secretion of frothy saliva, with burning heat in the throat and gullet; swelling of the tonsils and glands before the ear and under the jaw; cough excited by constant tickling in the throat, attended with hoarse- ness; fever towards evening; alternate heat and shivering; redness of the face, but especially of one cheek; great excitability and tossing about. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every six hours, until amelio- ration or change. Ignatia is indicated when there is a sensation as of a plug in the throat when not performing the act of deglutition, with red and inflammatory swelling of the tonsils or palate; burning pains Avhen swallowing, as if a substance were passing over an excoriated surface, or partially obstructed by some foreign body in the throat. Liquids are more difficult to swallow than solids; there are also shooting pains in the cheeks, thence extending to the ears when not performing the act of deglutition; induration of the tonsils, or evolution of small pustules upon them. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every six hours, until amelio- ration or change. Dulcamara. An almost specific remedy, when sore throat, par- ticularly in the form of inflammation of the tonsils, has arisen from a chill during a cold damp state of the atmosphere. It may be followed by Belladonna or Mercurius, should it not wholly remove the affection, and should any of the symptoms given under these medicines present themselves. Dose : Two globules, repeated in twelve hours ; and if no symptoms of increased pain or swelling present themseh^es. allow an action of "thirty-six hours from the last exhibition, during which period a marked amelioration, if not a per- fect cure, sometimes preceded by a temporary aggravation, frequently de- velops itself. Coffea-cruda. Sometimes useful as an intermediate remedy, when SORE THROAT, OR QUINSY. 187 many of the symptoms enumerated under Belladonna, with the excep- tion of the external SAvelling of the throat, are present; and also when there is a sensation as if the uvula were elongated or loaded Avith phlegm, causing a constant inclination to swallow. One of the best indications for its employment in this, as in other diseases, is an ex- treme over-excitability of the neiwous system, characterized by sleep- lessness, great restlessness, sensitiveness, disposition to weep, and peculiar impressionability to external agents. Dose : Of a solution of four globules to three tea-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every two hours, until amelioration or change. Bryonia has been found useful AA'here there Avas marked distur- bance of the digestive organs, the tongue covered Avith a dirty-yellow fur, the taste insipid, and the bowels confined; also when there was severe frontal headache and very disturbed sleep, with great dryness of the throat, redness of the tonsils and palate, AA'ithout sAA'elling; pain in the throat, as from excoriation; and pressure in the throat, as if caused by a hard, angular body; pain and pricking in the throat, which is also experienced on external pressure, or on moving the head; accu- mulation of adhesive phlegm in the windpipe, which is temporarily removed by coughing. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every twelve hours, until ame- lioration or change. Rhus-tox. is indicated by the presence of considerable fever to- wards evening, with hot, dry skin; aching and pricking pain provoked or aggravated by the act of swallowing; sensation as if a plug or some foreign substance were in the throat;—or again, when the chief seat of pain appears low doAvn the gullet, the spirits being depressed, and the patient highly susceptible and easily disposed to tears. Also in such cases as have been described as indicating Bryonia, when tha remedy has not been followed by permanent relief. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every twelve hours, until ame- lioration or change. Veratrum-album is indicated by constrictive and suffocating pain in the throat, particularly when SAvallowing; sensation of contraction in the gullet; sense of roughness and scraping, or of extreme dryness in the throat; SAvelling and burning in the gullet, sometimes attended with danger of suffocation. Dose: Three globules in four tea-spoonfuls of water, one every six hours or oftener, should the symptoms seem urgen. Sepia is a useful remedy in obstinate cases of sore throat, with pain as if the parts were excoriated, and prickings during the act of deglutition. Dose: Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water daily, the first thing in the morning, for a week. Cocculus, indicated by the sensation of a plug or other foreign body in the throat, great dryness and sensibility of the gullet, causing every thing partaken of to seem pungent, acid, or too salt; by con- striction or sensation of paralysis in the gullet, and noisy and clucking deglutition. 188 SORE THROAT, OR QUINSY. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every six hours, until amelio- ration or change. Suppurative Quinsy. Arsenicum is an important remedy when the disease occurs in an aggravated form, or when it has been neglected, and all the parts have become so excessively tumefied that the mouth can scarcely be open- ed, the breath being at the same time extremely offensive, the tongue foul, and the strength much exhausted. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every hour, until amelioration or change. Hepar-sulphuris is valuable in bringing the matter to a head, when resolution cannot be effected, and the quinsy has attained to such a height that its bursting is desirable, from the painful sense of suffocation, arising from the tumefied condition of the tonsils. Dose: Dissolve six globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, and give one tea- spoonful of the solution every two hours, until the quinsy bursts. But if little progress be observable within two hours after the third dose, pause two hours loDger, and then proceed with the next remedy. Silicea. This remedy is, in some instances, more efficacious than Hepar-s. in rapidly forwarding the suppurative process, and causing the ripened abscess to burst. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give one- fourth part every two hours, until discharge ensues. After which, pause six hours, and then proceed with the next remedy, if necessary. Mercurius may follow six hours after the discharge of the abscess —either of the last-mentioned medicines having been previously em- ployed—to facilitate the healing. Sulphur. In obstinate cases, such as are occasionally met with in bad constitutions, the healing of the cavity, after the matter has been discharged, goes on very unfavorably, and even fresh abscesses form in succession, and these remedies are chiefly efficacious in subduing these fortunately rare symptoms, and is especially required in cases of general vicious habit of body, or scrofulous constitution. Hepar-sulph. is more particularly indicated Avhen the difficulty of the case is attributable to previous abuse of Mercury, under Allopa- thic treatment. Dose : of either remedy give six globules in a tea-spoonful of water every morn ing the first thing (fasting) for ten days, (or until the earlier occurrence of change, apparent aggravation,—see pp. 57, 58—or improvement,)—then paus- ing a week, and resuming the course similarly if required. Belaxed Sore Throat. This variety of the affection, which is usually attributable to irregu- larities of digestion, may be advantageously treated by accurate inves- tigation of the symptoms associated with the digestive functions, and the regulations for treatment afforded in the article on " Indigestion." ACCESSORY MEASURES. If required, the throat may be gargled with a little warm water ULCERATED SORE THROAT. 189 and when much pain is present, inhalation of the vapor from boiling water will often afford considerable relief; but, at the same time, it may be observed, that all medicinal gargles, blisters, leeches, or other local applications are rendered unnecessary by proper homoeopathic treatment, and are most reprehensible. ERADICATIVE MEASURES. It may be remarked, that Sulphur is particularly available in cases in which the patient exhibits indications of scrofulous or other consti- tutional taint, and Sepia is generally best suited for delicate females. See: Quinsy. Dose : Of the remedy selected, give six globules in a table-spoonful of water, every morning the first thing, fasting (as soon as the acute attack is over- come), for ten days ; and return to this course upon the first indications which threaten an attack : in the latter instance, however, obserA'ing very closely any increased irritation, and suspending the administration accord- ingly, or watching for the development of such symptoms as may positively indicate another remedy. Diet. The diet of the patient must be regulated according to the degree of inflammation present. The general regulations applicable to Fever are equally applicable to this complaint. ULCERATED SORE THROAT. Malignant Quinsy, Malignant, Putrid or Gangrenous Sore Throat. Symptoms. This serious disease is also known by the name of Malignant Scarlatina, from the eruption Avith which it is frequently attended. It is usually epidemic, of a highly infectious nature, and generally occurs in damp and sultry autumnal seasons. It sets in with coldness and shivering, succeeded by heat, and ac- companied with great languor and oppression at the chest; nausea, or vomiting and sometimes purging ; eyes inflamed and watery; deep- red color of the cheeks; the nostril are also more or less inflamed, and secrete a thin, acrid discharge, frequently causing soreness or ex- coriation of the nose and lips; pulse indistinct, or very weak, small, and irregular; tongue Avhite and moist. The deglutition is painful and difficult, and the throat, on beino- examined early in the disease, is observed to be of a bright-red color, and much tumefied ; but this state is very soon altered, and numerous ulcers of various sizes will then show themselves interpersed over the parts, which become covered Avith a white, grayish, brown, or livid coat. In some cases, these ulcerations spread so widely as to extend over the whole throat into the nostrils, or downwards even to the opening of the windpipe and gullet, &c, and assume a sloughing ap- pearance as they increase in magnitude. The prostration of strength, considerable from the first, is now excessive; the tongue, lips, and teeth are covered with brown or blackish incnustations, and there is more or less delirium: the breath is extremely fetid, and the patient himself complains of a disagreeable odor. The neck appears swollen and of a hvid color, and an efflorescence of a faint scarlet hue, or 190 ULCERATED SORE THROAT. blotches of a dark or livid red, sometimes intermixed with purple spots, break out on various parts of the body, and usually, though not ne- cessarily, add to the danger,—as many are carried off, particularly children or persons of an advanced age, without any eruption, when the local symptoms are severe and the fever high; —but the appear- ance of livid spots, and other indications of so-called putrescency with frequent shivering, weak, fluttering or intermittent pulse, sunken, coun- tenance, severe, purging, extreme prostration, and bleedings from the nose, mouth, efec, must decidedly be regarded as symptoms of immi- nent danger. When the local symptoms are mild, the danger is rarely great; and even in the severe forms of the disease, when a gentle sweat breaks out about the third or fifth day, when the sloughs throw off in a fa- vorable manner, leaving a clean, florid healthy-looking bottom, and the respiration becomes more gentle and free, the expression of the face more lively, and the pulse stronger and more equal, a salutary result may be held in expectation. TREATMENT. Aconite is rarely available in this complaint, owing to the more frequent accompaniment of the fever of a low typhoid charaeter; how- ever, there are cases particularly when the fever runs high from the commencement, in which advantage is found to result from the initia- tory employmeut of this remedy. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every three hours, until amelioration or change. On the first appearance, however, of the subjoined symptoms, proceed with the next remedy. Belladonna should be employed either at the onset or —when Aco- nite has been previously administered, four hours after the last dose of that medicine,—as soon as the patient complains of dryness, with impeded deglutition and a sense of constriction or choking in the throat, which, on examination, is observed to be swollen and to pre- sent a florid, red appearance. Belladonna is additionally indicated when the fever continues to run high ; when the face is bloated and the eyes are much inflamed; when the patient is affected with considerable delirium, and is, occa- sionally, only with difficulty to be restrained from leaving the bed or committing acts of violence ; or further, when the rash, which some- times breaks out in this disorder, about the third day, presents a scar- let hue. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every two hours, until amelioration or change. Pulsatilla may be administered with good effect in cases in which the symptoms ar-e mild, or in which the above-mentioned symptoms have been reduced by means of the remedies quoted, and an increased secretion of phlegm supplies the place of the previous dryness, while the patient is at'the same time afflicted with nausea and bilious vomiting. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every four hours, nntil ame- lioration or change. ULCERATED SORE THROAT. 191 Nux-v. is preferable to Pulsatilla AA'hen the phlegm is very viscid and is secreted in such a quantity as to create a feeling of threatening suffocation. Dose : Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. The progress of matters in the throat must, however, be carefully watched. Mercurius should be prescribed, as soon as the presence of small ulcers, or, still better, their incipient formation, can be detected. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, repeated in two hours, and again in two hours more,—unless the pain and extent of the ulceration should continue to increase, when proceed at once with the next remedy. Acidum-nitrieum should be administered four hours after the last dose of Mercurius, when, from the increasing size and painfulness of the ulcers, the latter remedy does not promise to arrest their progress or cause them to assume a healthy aspect. Dose : Three globules, as directed for Mercurius. In the milder forms of this disease, the two last-named remedies will frequently be found sufficient to conduct it to a speedy and successful termination. But in those much more dangerous forms, which the complaint so readily assumes Avhen it rages as an epidemy, and Avhen the patient at the commencement is seized with vomiting and purging, attended with such prostration of strength as to render it impossible for him to leave the recumbent posture Avithout feeling faint and being compell- ed to fall back exhausted by his efforts: where, moreover, the ulce- rations spread Avith alarming rapidity, and early take on a sloughing character—in such cases the conducting of the disease to a happy issue becomes obviously a much more serious and difficult task Arsenicum will, in the majority of such cases, be promptly required, although sometimes advantageously preceded by a single dose of Pulsa- tilla (as before directed), if called for by the predominance of bilious vo- miting. Arsenicum is distinctly indicated by that marked prostration of strength so characteristic of this disease, accompanied by nausea or vo- miting ; or when the ulcers present a livid hue. This important remedy is also indicated in a more advanced stage of the disease, when the ulcera- tions are covered Avith dark sloughs, surrounded by a livid margin; the teeth and lips incrusted with a brownish, fetid discharge; the pulse small and irregular, and there is delirium or constant muttering, with frequent hanging of the loAver jaw; laborious respiration ; acrid dis- charge from the nostrils, causing excoriations; the eyes dull and glassy; the skin hot and dry, and the thirst excessive, yet the patient drinks but little at a time, and appears to perform the act of deglutition with great pain and difficulty ; finally, when the prostration of Strength is so extreme, that the patient seems rapidly sinking, and a rash of a livid color breaks out in blotches, here and there intermingled with purple spots. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every hour, until amelioration or change,—continuing the adminis- tration at intervals of four hours when the more urgent aspect of the disease 192 ULCERATED SORE THROAT. has been overcome. In very serious cases the doses may be required simi- larly every ten, fifteen, or tAventy minutes. If in alternation with any other remedy, two doses of Arsenicum should be followed by a pause of two hours, and then by two doses of the other remedy in like manner. Lachesis may be found very useful after, or, in some cases, alter- nately with Arsenicum, should the patient complain of great pain in the throat, Avhich is aggravated by the slightest external pressure, or should the sloughs seem indisposed to cast off, and the neck become much swollen and discolored. Dose : Dissolve six globules in a wine-glassful of water, and give a tea-spoon- ful of the solution every hour, until amelioration or change ;—or otherwise, if in an alternation with Arsenicum, as directed for that remedy. China will often be found of service when the tendency to gan- grene continues, and the patient is still affected Avith considerable pros- tration of strength, accompanied with debilitating sweats. Dose: Pause at least six hours after the last dose of any other remedy, and then of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoon- ful every four hours, until amelioration or change. Nux-vomica is frequently serviceable after Arsenicum, when the diarrhoea has been checked, but numerous small, foul, offensive ulcers are seen in the mouth and throat. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every three hours, until ame- lioration or change, proceeding with the next remedy if the subjoined symp- toms ensue. Carbo-veg. should be administered after a pause of six hours since the last dose of the foregoing remedy, should a copious, fetid, watery secretion be discharged from the ulcers, attended with extreme exhaus- tion, and small, indistinct, or scarcely-perceptible pulse. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to four tea-spoonfuls of water, give a fourth part every hour, until amelioration or change. Seeale-eornutum may sometimes be administered with advantage in alternation with Carbo or Arsenicum; or it may be given alone, at the commencement of the attack, when the diarrhoea is excessive and the stools are very copious. Dose : If in alternation, three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, twice repeat- ed at intervals of tAvo hours, commencing four hours after the second similar dose of the alternating remedy. If singly, the like dose every tAvo hours, until amelioration or change. Rhus may be useful in extreme cases, attended with great muscular weakness and trembling of the extremities, especially on movement; also if there be drowsiness, and other symptoms, such as those describ- ed under the head of this remedy in the article on Typhus. Acidum-nitrieum may be employed with great advantage Avhen, from the beneficial effects of Arsenicum, or any of the other remedies above mentioned, the strength of the patient becomes invigorated, the countenance more animated, and the sloughs are thrown off in a satis- factory manner, yet the ulcers threaten to become indolent; under the influence of this remedy these will, in most cases, very speedily acquire a clean and florid bottom, and begin to heal. MUMPS. 193 Dose : Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water three times a day, until ameliora- tion becomes rapidly and regularly progressive, or change ensues. Sulphur will often be of paramount service, under similar circum- stances, in promoting and hastening the cure, especially if there be reason to suspect a scrofulous or other vicious habit of body, and the general symptoms correspond more closely with the characteristic effects of this remedy. Dose: At first as directed for Acidum-nitr., and afterwards a dose of six glo- bules in a wine-glassful of water daily, the first thing in the morning (fasting), for a week. Silicea may also be preferable if the general symptoms correspond more closely with its characteristic action. Dose: As directed for Acidium-nitr. Acidum-sulph., or Sepia. One of these remedies may in some instances be more appropriate than either of the former. Dose : Of either remedy, as directed for Acidum-nitr. It will readily be conjectured, from the above remarks, that the treatment of the severer forms of this malady ought not to be con- ducted by non-professional persons Avhen professional aid is within reach. ACCESSORY MEASURES. In conducting the cure, the utmost cleanliness, combined with free ventilation, ought to be strictly observed, for the double purpose of removing all malignant excretions and effluvia, -and thereby putting a check to the ready extension of the contagion,— and providing for the comfort and well-being of the patient. Diet. The diet should consist of semolina, sago, gruel, and similar articles of food. When the prostration of strength is extreme, strong beef-tea should be administered frequently, but in small quantities at a time. Stimulating drinks may also be required in some debilitated habits, or in the very aged. MUMPS. Symptoms. Inflammation, Avith swelling of the glands below the ear and under the jaAv, sometimes running high, and extending to the throat and tonsils, with danger of suffocation. This complaint generally affects individuals under the age of puberty, and frequently declares itself as an epidemy during the pre- valence of cold, damp weather. When properly treated, it is rarely dangerous, but is apt, if not carefully attended to, and particularly in the first stage, to attack some more important organs, such as the brain or its tissues,—producing droAvsiness, stupor, or delirium, and other symptoms of inflammation appertaining thereto (see Brain Fever). Or, again, in the second stage, suddenly disappearing from the glands m'entioned, and painfully affecting those of the breast, &c.: this may occur either from fresh exposure to cold, or from the appli- cation of repellent lotions. The affection is generally ushered in by the ordinary symptoms of 13 194 MUMPS. mild catarrhal fever, or by pain in the forehead, loss of appetite, nausea, disagreeable taste, prostration of strength, and, occasional!}-, convulsions or excessive drowsiness. From six, tAvelve, to forty-eight hours or upwards thereafter the swelling declares itself, sometimes interfering with the motion of the jaw, and by the extension of inflammation to the tonsils, affecting the hearing and impeding in- spiration. TREATMENT. Mercurius may almost be termed the specific remedy in the simple form of this disease. Dose : In many cases a single dose, consisting of three globules in a tea-spoon- ful of water, will be found sufficient to effect the cure ; when, however, the symptoms do not promptly yield, the like dose should be repeated every twelve hours, until amelioration or change. But if no positive benefit ensue within twelve hours after the second dose, proceed with the next remedy. Carbo-vegetabilis should be administered 1. twelve hours after the second dose of Mercurius, when the latter remedy does not pro- mise to produce much benefit (which is frequently the case in those who have been formerly salivated by Mercury under allopathic treat- ment), particularly if the affection be accompanied by a considerable degree of hoarseness. Carbo-veg. is also distinctly indicated 2. in cases in which the affec- tion has suddenly been transferred to the stomach (the SAvelling of the glands having abruptly disappeared), owing to neglect in observing proper precautions against cold, &c. Dose: Under the first circumstances, 1. mentioned, the dose should consist of three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, repeated three times a day, until amelioration or change. Under the circumstances 2. last-stated, of a solution of six globules to tAvo table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every three hours (until three doses have been given), and then every twelve hours (the symptoms still continuing in a modified form), until positive amelioi-a- tiou or change; but if no improvement whatever should have folloAved the third dose, (in such a case) proceed with the next remedy Cocculus should be administered three hours after the third dose of Carbo-veg., in cases of the transition of the disease to the stomach, if the latter remedy has been totally ineffectual. Dose : Of a solution of four globules to four tea-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful twice, at intervals of two hours, and then every six hours, until amelioration or change. Belladonna should be promptly administered Avhen, in consequence of a similar accident, the disease has been suddenly transferred to the brain, characterized by a sudden disappearance of the SAvelling of the glands, folloAved by loss of consciousness, delirium, or other symptoms of Inflammation of the Drain (which see). Belladonna is moreover indicated when the SAvelling is red, and presents an erysipelatous appearance. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every two hours, until amelioration or change ; but if no distinct improvement ensues within two hours after the third dose, proceed with the next remedy. Hyoscyamus should be administered tAvo hours after the second BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. 195 dose of Bellaelonna, if no distinct improvement should have resulted from that medicament. Dose: A solution of six globules, as directed for Belladonna, proceeding again with the next remedy should the same circumstances (however rarely) re- quire such a course. Cuprum-aeeticum should be administered tAvo hours after the second dose of Hyoscyamus, in the rare instances in Avhich that remedy has failed to effect a positive improvement in the state of the patient. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to three tea-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every hour, until distinct amelioration or change. Rhus, Bryonia, Sulphur, Lachesis. One or more of these remedies are occasionally required in complications of this disease involving the brain ; and the investigation of their characteristic effects in the article devoted to that subject, Avill readily convey the dis- tinctive indications for each. Dose: Of either of these remedies, as directed for Belladonna (above.) Mumps resulting from other Diseases. Should this glandular enlargement occur as a consequence of such diseases as Typhus, Measles, Scarlatina, &c.} the proper method of tr-eatment Avill be gathered from the foregoing particulars, and from those AA'hich are afforded under the head of each of those diseases separately, or more generally in the article on " Characteristic Effects," in respect of the medicines enumerated. accessory measures. During the treatment of this affection, every care should be taken that the patient be kept moderately AA-arm, exposed neither to damp, cold draughts, nor vicissitudes of temperature, and the jaws and neck should be protected by a worsted or flannel bandage. BILIOUS COMPLAINTS OR DYSPEPSIA. Bilious complaints have, of late years, become the popular term for almost all derangements of the digestive functions. The truth is, how- ever, that in affections of this nature, although in very severe cases the Liver or Biliary system is more or less powerfully affected, yet it is generally so Only by sympathy: and the real seat of the disorder is in the stomach and bowels, except, indeed, amongst Europeans resi- dent in tropical climates, or who have recently left the tropics. In considering the various forms of Derangement of the Stomach under the general, more appropriate, and more comprehensive designa- tion of Indigestion, therefore, we shall have occasion to include the majority of those symptoms which are ascribed to the two opposite causes of derangement, inactivity of the liver, and too great a secre- tion of bile. 196 INDIGESTION. INDIGESTION OR DYSPEPSIA. FUNCTIONAL OR ORGANIC DISTURP.ANCE OF THE MUCOUS MEMBRANE OE NERVES OF THE STOMACH: Nausea, Eructations, Depression of Spirits, and other Sympathetic Affections. What is termed Indigestion may be identified as the prolific parent of Chronic Disease. This disease, however, appears in so many forms, that Ave shall simply content ourselves here with sketching out a general outline of its chief distinguishing features, and enumerating some of the principal predisposing and exciting causes to which it may usually be traced, directly or indirectly. Predisposing Causes.—Close, unhealthy, ill-drained, ill-venti- lated dwellings; the atmosphere of some factories; hereditary or other constitutional defects; the influence of the atmosphere of particular climates and localities; exposure to unhealthy exhalations; the Avater of particular localities, which is impregnated with mineral substances (such as lead) and in which the diseases of this nature assume an endemic character, &c. Exciting Causes.—Irregularities in diet,—such as an over-indul- gence in the pleasures of the table, partaking of rich and indigestible food and stimulating soups ; excess in the quantity of food ; excessive use of wine, malt and spirituous liquors, tea, coffee, and other stimu- lants ; imperfect mastication of food, irregularity of, or too long fasting betAveen meals; indolent or sedentary habits; exhaustion from intense study; keeping late hours; mental emotions; reaction from the external surface, e%c. The foundation of this disorder is frequently laid in early life, by the frequent and copious administration of aperients, calomel (in large doses), and other deleterious drugs; and the evil is perpetuated in more mature age, by a continuance of the same absurd and injurious system. An abuse of coffee and tea is a frequent cause of many descriptions of sick and nervous headache, attended with excitement and symptoms of deranged digestion, which will frequently disappear of themselves on the disuse of these beverages. If, hoAvever, the troublesome symp- toms should continue, a course of treatment should be adopted in con- formity with the folloAving regulations. Indigestion, or that which we understand by the term, is not, hoAvever, necessarily associated with physical suffering of any kind, much less with sensation of pain, or any distinguishable sensation in the stomach or intestinal region itself. It very frequently occurs in its worst organic forms, Avithout so much as observed exhibition of any symptoms whatever, developed in the digestive organs themselves. But in such cases it has reacted upon some other portion or portions of the organic structure, and may be distinguished in the affections occurring in odier organs, and AA'hich, therefore, very frequently be- indigestion. 197 come susceptible of mistaken interpretation. Wherefore, in such complicated cases, the most careful revieAV of the antecedent course of life, constitution, circumstances, and the like, as Avell as very minute inspection and analysis of every symptom becomes necessary to come to a correct conclusion, and thereby to pursue a correct course of treatment. In the great majority of cases of chronic disease in fact Avhich daily occur in ciAdlized life, the original seat of disturbance may be identified in the digestive and nutritive functions, whence the pro- gress of disease may be traced through the organic apparatus in Avhich such functions are lodged to the centres of vital action and through- out the system. Abstractedly, the primary disease consists—first of local increase of the natural irritability, that is of irritation, and aftenvards, (when this irritation has expended itself in exhausting the natural irritability) of comparative deficiency of irritability, that is, of weakness or debility, Avith susceptibility to irritation. But it is Avorthy of notice that whilst this irritative process, at first purely local and superficial, has exhausted the vital energy of the particular organs in which it Avas first developed, it may (even Avithout having possessed sufficient violence to alter the organic structure of such parts) have been conveyed through the medium of the communicative neiwes to the centre of sensation,—the Brain,—and consequently, also, to the mental and moral faculties;— to the centre of motive impulse—the spinal chord; -by regurgitation or other interference with the biliary discharge, or by nervous affinity, &c, to the liver, by insufficient or altered supply of material to the blood, through the channels of that fluid to the heart; and, OAving to similar irregularities, as well as from the deteriorated condition of the centre of the Nervous System to the lungs, the skin, and to the mota- tory muscles of the frame. It is of course understood that the derangement of the stomach, of whatever description, may readily be communicated to the Intestines, and that, more or less, the whole of the apparatus of nutrition and its appurtenances, are directly affected, and, in general, necessarily in- volved. The just appreciation of these .tracts, pursued by the progressive disease, is of paramount importance, because, should affections be developed in one or more of these organs which occur sympathetically, and as the result of primary derangement of the stomach, it is need- less to argue that perfect cure (if yet possible) can only be attained by attacking tlte original seat of disease. As far as medicinal treat- ment is concerned, Homoeopathy obviates much of this difficulty by being appropriate to particular manifestations, and thus by operating upon the same organs as primarily occasion such manifestations. But the important observance of accessory measures, such as the appro- priate diet, exercise, habits, and the like, may be materially qualified by the accurate discrimination of the original derangement. And in- asmuch as the original character of functional derangement, or organic disease of the stomach, consists of an increase of the natural irritability, or of irritation, and the subsequent character consists of a morbid sen- sibility (Avhether there be increase or decrease of sensation) and of 198 INDIGESTION. consequent susceptibility to irritation,—and as the recurrence of active irritation will in each successive instance subtract more from the vital energy,, or sooner or later unhinge the organic structure, and do irreparable mischief,—it is sufficiently obvious that in every disease which OAves its origin to the stomach, any internal, external, or in- ducted cause of irritation will have a tendency to confirm the disease. Whence it may be deduced that the accessory treatment resolves it- self into the most perfect avoidance of everything stimulating or irritating, whether in the department of diet, in that which involves mental or corporeal exercise, or in that which affects the mind in its moral capacity, including all emotions, Avhether productive of imme- diate pleasure or pain. Everything Avhich may tend to engender or sustain excitement of any kind, especially if it operate suddenly, should be strictly prohibited. Sympathetic Affections of other Functions or Organs. As the primary organs of digestion are readily and materially in- fluenced by disturbances of the brain and its tissues, so in like manner do Ave as frequently find that the Brain and the Nervous System in general sympathize immediately Avith the stomach, and are subject to the induction of derangement from that source, Avhether the primary cause affect merely the Lining Membrane, or the tributary Nerves:— or again, Avhether the disturbance in either case be merely functional (affecting the operation of such organs) or organic (affecting their sub- stance). There is, hoAvever, some difference in these derivative sym- pathies, both as regards variation, intensity, and locality. 1. Mental derangement upon a given point, or general aberration of mind, extreme and restless anxiety, with visionary fears, or appre- hensions without foundation, alternation betAveen extreme excitement and utter prostration or inaction both of will and of impulse, indomi- table pusillanimity, uncontrollable irascibility and excitability, morbid impatience, wretchedness with agitation, thoughts confined to self and generally clouded, unaccountable dread of undefined ills, conveying an intense inclination to engage actively in the investigation of such supposed misfortunes, fitful and capricious temper and disposition, and a highly suspicious disposition, &c, may be distinguished as an affection of the tributary Nerves of the apparatus of nutrition. 2. Pains in various parts of the head ; expansive, darting, or spas- modic pains, or pains of various descriptions and often indescribable, giddiness, the multitude of sensations of weakness, of heat or cold, of expansion or contraction, of trembling or uneasiness, convulsive and involuntary movements of particular limbs or muscles, local or general cramp or spasm, are also amongst those symptoms which may he traced to an affection of the tributary Nerves. 3. Gradual deterioration of nervous vitality amounting to palsy, and temporary or permanent loss of control by volition over the muscles of voluntary motion, owing to the nervous implication of the spinal chord, are attributable to a similar originating cause. 4. Sudden arrest of the functional operation of the brain, and tor- pidity, numbness, or suspended sensibility of the nervous structure,— indigestion. 199 locally or generally,—as Avell as dullness of thought, aversion to exer- cise of the mind or body, general torpor or indolence, listlessness, drowsiness, depression of spirits, characterized by constant stupor, sluggishness of the perceptive or reflective faculties, vacancy, listless- ness, incapability of fixing the attention, imbecility Avithout mania, confusion of ideas, irresolute, yielding and dependent (submissive) dis- position,— Avhich arise from determination or accumulation of the blood,—are associated Avith derangement of the (Mucus) Lining Membranes. 5. P«ius in the head, of a dull, obtuse description, pain in the fore- part of the head, sick-headache, numbness or dullness of the head, heaviness of the head, sensations of smell—Avhether pleasant or un- pleasant,—Avhich are merely morbid, deficiency, dullness, or suspension in the sense of smell, sensations of unnatural tastes in the mouth, and the like are also associated with morbid condition of the Lining Membrane. 6. Pedsy, occurring suddenly and without premonition, which is attributable to an oppressive accumulation of blood, is also amongst the affections of the Nervous System, which are attributable to the same conditions as the last. [When both portions of the nutritive organs are simultaneously affected, these results may appear in combination,] The Lungs and Respiratory Apparatus are liable to be organi- cally affected by sympathy Avith the stomach, when the tributary Nerves of the organs of nutrition are affected. The Liver may be fitfully or occasionally implicated in the general derangement, resulting from such affection of the Nerves of the Sto- mach; but important functional or-organic derangement of this organ is generally associated AA'ith disturbance of the stomach, consisting of morbid condition of the Lining Membrane. The Heart is necessarily more or less affected by both conditions of disturbance in the digestive apparatus, because in both is there either deficient, irregular, or morbid assimilation and distribution of the constituents of the blood. 1. Accelerated action, with, hoAvever imperfect, incomplete, and irregular operation of the circulative process, with too abrupt, sudden contraction, and analogically a spasmodic condition, characterized by quick, pointed pulse, or, generally, identified by sudden flushes of heat or chills, is associated in the generality of cases with disturbance of the Nerves of the Stomach. 2. Retarded action, with, at the same time, the distribution of vitiated blood, or Avith deficient supply of the constituents of the blood, and, consequently, insufficiency of the volume of that fluid, generally characterized by a slow and tardy, but hard pulse, and attended AA'ith coldness of the extremities, and general deficiency of animal heat, may usually be attributed to derangement existing in the Lining Membrane. [When both portions of the nutritive organs are simultaneously affected these results may appear in combination.] The Skin almost immediately sympathizes with the Stomach Avhea 200 INDIGESTION. the slightest derangement occurs, being doubly susceptible of the effects of impaired circulation of blood, and of irregular nervous action or sensibility. Whether one or the other, or both portions of the organs of nutrition be affected, and, whether functionally or organi- cally, the Skin manifests its immediate sympathy, either in sensation, appearance, feeling to the touch, or all three. 1. Extreme susceptibility to sensation of cold (or chills,) is more or less associated with every variety of derangement of the Stomach. 2. Sensations of pricking, tingling, craAvling, shuddering, itching or irritation, burning (flushes of heat) with redness, further characterized by the appearance of marked spots, pimples, and other eruptions, &c, are generally associated with derangement of the Nerves of the Stomach. 3. Turgid, salloAv, dirty hue of the skin, without loss of softness, moisture or elasticity, though usually associated with derangement whose seat is in the Lining Membrane, may be observed in both varieties. 4. Flaccid or withered, or deadened skin, having the appearance of parchment, Avith general deficiency of sensation, though usually attributable to the continuance of derangement of the Membrane, may also be identified in cases in which every other indication identifies the Nerves of the Stomach as the seat of the affection. 5. Dryness of the skin may be associated with derangement, whether functional or organic, of either portion of the apparatus of nutrition. The Eyes and Sight readily sympathize Avith the stomach, owing to the uninterrupted continuity of the Mucous membrane of the various passages to that which comes into contact Avith the external portions of the eye. Whence watery eyes, dark appearance around the eyes, redness of the edges and inner surfaces, or SAvelling of the eyelids, bloodshot eyes, glutinous discharge from the eyes (adhesive gum), which occur as manifestations of irritation or accumulation of blood about the membranous surfaces—extending along such membranous surfaces from those of the stomach,—may generally be associated Avith disturbance of the Lining Mucous Membrane. 1. Even blindness, from palsy of the nerve of sight, is generally dependent upon pressure occasioned by similar local accumulation of blood, and is therefore associated with a similar cause; although, in some cases, it may result from affections of the Nerves of the Stomach. The association of other symptoms will be distinctive in such cases. The Ears and Hearing are also most frequently affected by irri- tation, accumulation of blood, or dryness (deficiency of Avax) extending to these organs from the Lining Membrane of the Stomach. It is, however, obvious that excessively acute hearing, or total deafness, &c, might result from affection of the Nerves acting sympathetically on the Brain. 2. Excessive dryness of the ears, sometimes characterized by in- creased sensibility of the organ of hearing, and sometimes by sensation of heat, or by burning pain, is usually attributable to derangement of the Lining Membrane of the Stomach; and the same may be said of a INDIGESTION. 201 sensation as if the ears were muffled, a deadness of sound, the internal passages being SAVollen, and the orifice consequently lessened DISTINCTIVE CLASSIFICATION OF VARIETIES. It has transpired in the foregoing remarks that Ave should distinguish five modifications of that form of disease Avhich is popularly termed in- digestion or dyspepsia; namely— 1. That Avhich is merely functional, or which consists in irregularity in the operation of the organ involved; i. That Avhich is organic, or Avhich consists in some change in the structure of the organ affected. 3. That Avhich affects the Lining Membrane of the organ,—Avhich is at first evidently superficial, and is generally conveyed to contiguous organs by the irritation extending along the uninterrupted surface of the membrane,—but Avhich, inasmuch as it embraces the extremities of the nerves, may sooner or later become complicated Avith— 4. That Avhich is seated in the tributary Nerves of the organs of nutrition, —which may therefore be conveyed directly to the substances of the brain and spinal chord, through the medium of the nerves which are in direct communication AA'ith these concentrating points, and from Avhich Ave may anticipate a more immediate development of sympathe- tic manifestations in the Nervous System generally; 5. That in which the Nerves and Membrane are both implicated. The third and fourth distinctive varieties are those Avhich require the most particular investigation ; not only because they may or may not involve the first two, but, more particularly, because, whether the disease be organic or merely functional, the distinction betAveen the Nervous and Membranous varieties Avill afford the real clue to, or at all events materially fiicilitate the treatment. The initiatory condition both of Nervous and of Membranous de- rangement of the Stomach is the same:—it consists in determination and accumulation of inactive blood in the vessels associated Avith the Tri- butary Nerves, on the one hand, or in those connected with the Lining Membrane, on the other. In both cases the first unnatural condition is increase of the natural irritability—that is, irritation—respectively of the portion affected ; and in both cases the exciting cause is some- thing Avhich impedes or unduly hurries the natural operation, and con- sequently excites an irritative effort in the organ either to repel the matter which oppresses or disturbs it, or to fulfil its functions with that degree of acceleration to Avhich it is impelled. Disturbance or oppression of the functions of the Tributary Nerves may therefore be occasioned (chiefly) either 1. By the reception of irritating, stimulating, or indigestible substances into the stomach. 2. By superabundance of food however plain and digestible, too suddenly crammed into the stomach. 3. By the imperfect preparation of the food (by mastication, efec.) before it is conveyed to the stomach. 4. By over-exertion of the mental faculties of the Brain, which operates directly to the medium of the communicating nerves. 5. By sudden depression or excitement of the moral faculties of the Brain (as by passions or emotions conveying pleasure or pain). 6. By deficiency 202 INDIGESTION. of physical muscular action (as in sedentary habits), whereby the evacuation of matters rejected (secreted) from the nutritive apparatus is impeded, and whereby, therefore, the organs Avhose function con- sists in the appropriation of the aliment and the expulsion of the residue are oppressed with the latter, which gives rise to an irritative effort to expel the obnoxious matters. 7. By excess of physical mus- cular action, Avhich compels the organs of nutrition to make an undue effort for the supply of the necessary sustenance over and above Avhat is ordinarily required. 8. By the abstraction or undue discharge of animal fluids (such as blood, SAveat, &c), Avhich equally renders an un- due effort necessary for the supply of the deficiency. 9. Generally - by irregularity of habits or by deviation from habitual method, Avhere- by the organs of nutrition are either checked or accelerated, or other- wise compelled to provide for the disturbed balance betAveen the tributary functions and the vital energy to Avhich they are subservient 10. By external influences (such as cold, heat, &c), Avhereby the cir- culating and secreted fluids are either too quickly absorbed or dis- persed, &c, or, on the other hand, are arrested or suspended in their progress, and consequently driven back upon the secreting organs, or left to impede the channels through Avhich the successive course of secretions, &c, should be circulated or dispersed. 11. Which may be superadded to the foregoing general causes—by abuse of bitter tonics, sal-volatile, sedatives generally, opium, iodine, and mercury, as also by depletive measures in Nervous Fevers—all of common occurrence under allopjathic treatment. Respecting disturbance or oppression of the functions of the Lining Membrane, it may be said in general that the conditions 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, just mentioned, operate as exciting causes; but that con- ditions 4 and 5 more rarel) (if ever) operate as direct exciting causes. A tAvelfth class of causes may, hoAvever, be superadded with regard to this variety ; namely—12. by abuse of arsenic and other mineral tonics, and still more frequently of saline purgative medicines under allopathic treatment. Respecting disturbance implicating both the Nerves and the Mem- branes, it Avill readily be distinguished that any or all of the conditions above mentioned may operate as exciting causes. General Symptoms exhibited by Irritation, cbc, of the Lining or Mucous Membrane. This variety of the disorder is more apt to be developed at the stage of maturity, or Avithin the period of life Avhich is termed middle age; and, in general, individuals Avho are little susceptible of excitement, whose sensations are not acute, and Avhose temper is even, or Avhose disposition is indolent or listless, are more likely to become thus affected. Distinctively it consists of tardy, insufficient, or oppressed functional operation, and of inactive accumulation of blood in various parts. The first characteristic manifestation Avhich springs from it is Acidity—usually, hoAvever, attended with little pain ; regurgitation of food, insipid or acrid risings in the gullet, and heartburn; occasionally nausea, but more rarely vomiting; habitual eleficiency of appetite; INDIGESTION. 203 habitual or continued predominance of tldrst, especially in obstinate and continuous cases; dryness of the mouth and throat from deficiency of saliva, or thick, adhesive saliva or phlegm in the mouth; bitter, SAveet, or salt taste in the mouth;—or, again, insipid, clammy, or metallic taste; extreme susceptibility to changes of temperature and Aveather, affecting the throat and nostrils, and consequently to relaxed or inflammatory sore-throat, or to cold in the head; excessive discharge from the nostrils, or continual dryness or itching in the nose, Avith or Avithout altered or diminished sensation of smell; offensive breetth; internal dryness with heat of the ears and acuteness of hearing, or internal SAvelling with impeded hearing; humming or buzzing in the ears; red suffusion of the eyes and bleared appearance, especially on waking in the morning; dark rim around the eyes, Avith redness and SAvelling of the inner side and margin of the eyelids; watering of the eyes; oscillation as of fluctuating vapors before the sight; flashes of light or appearance of sparks before the eyes; dark shade as of clouds or flickering of black spots before the eyes; adhesion of the eyelids— especially on waking in the morning; yelloAvish or Avaxy appearance of the eyelids—AA'ith glutinous matter; in recent or casual cases, and when the affection is neither severe nor inveterate, the tongue may be flabby or coated with a broAvnish-white fur, but neither very dry nor enlarged ; in cases hi which the liver and first portion of the intestinal tube are affected, the tongue will generally be coated in the centre AA'ith a yelloAAish fur, somewhat dry, the tip and margins being of a bright-red color and free from fur; in cases in which the affection is confined to the stomach, but is of a severe character and of long stand- ing, the tongue will usually be covered in the centre with a slimy fur, the margins and extremity being in this state also free from fur, and exhibiting bright redness; in cases in which the nerves of the stomach are also implicated, and in which the irritation of both portions is of a most severe and inveterate character, the tongue will usually be enlarged, and A\ill exhibit a glistening, white, and thin coating in the centre, the margins and extremity being free from fur and of a bright- red hue ;—or, again, it may be so much swollen as to become indented along the lateral margins by the impression of the teeth; progressive decay of the teeth ; constant or casual toothache or predisposition to toothache; accumulation of broAvnish and offensive matter on the teeth: yellowness, blackness, or other discoloration of the teeth; offensive exhalation from the gums; soreness or tenderness of the gums; un- healthy and spongy puffiness, or redness and swelling of the gums; the gums bleed spontaneously, or are easily provoked to bleed; un- healthy and spongy puffiness or excessive redness and swelling of the lips, usually indicative of recent affection—when associated with such symptoms as identify the Lining Jlembrane as the seat of disease, but occurring irrespective of degree and length of continuance Avhen associated Avith such symptoms as identity the Nerves as the seat of disease;—scaliness of the lips; in cases in which the liver and first portion of the intestines are implicated in the derangement, Ave may notice the mottled appearance of the lips; in similar cases of longer standing, and of the most inveterate and incorrigible character,— 204 INDIGESTION. especially if continual excess in the use of fermented liquors, and par- ticularly of ardent spirits, has been the exciting cause of disease,— sallow whiteness and hardness of the lips may be exhibited, or what has been oppositely described as a waxy appearance; pressive head- ache, seated in the anterior part of the head, or what is called sick- headac/ie; dull or intense, fixed, aching pain in the head, with sensation of confusion, heaviness, and sometimes, also, Avith giddiness or numb- ness ; general uneasy sensations about the head, or as if the contents were expanded; determination of blood to the Brain, and sudden attacks of apoplexy Avithout premonitory symptoms; dullness and con- fusion of thought; general dullness of sensation; tardiness of percep- tion, reflection, and motion; vacancy and incapability of fixing the attention for any length of time ; droAvsiness, or even lethargy, general indolence, and inaction, or even torpor of mind and body; excessive reluctance to move or exert one's-self in any AA'ay; deep depression of spirits, AA'ith listlessness; deficient vigor of will and consequent irreso- lution and indecision ; hard but tardy pulse, generally also decreased in frequency; unhealthy puffiness of the body, morbid accumulation of fat; flabby skin, muddy sallow complexion; and, in severe and ob- stinate cases, chippy, deadened, parchment like skin ; inaction, or even torpor of the boAvels, and, therefore, suspension of evacuations, sIoav, tardy evacuations, or evacuated matters paler than in health; habitual constipation. General Symptoms exhibited by Irritation of the Nerves. This variety of the disorder is more apt to be developed amongst females and young persons; and, in general, individuals of acute sen- sibility, of active, restless habits, of quick impulses, excitable and irri- table disposition, and choleric temperament, and of spare, wiry frames, are more liable to be thus affected. Distinctively it consists of in- ordinate, irregular functional operation resulting in defect in the dis- tribution of blood, or even of the quality of the blood distributed. The first characteristic manifestation a\ Inch springs from it is Flatu- lency, this variety of the disorder being also characterized by the multiplied development of pain and painful or otherAvise acute sen- sations,— or, in the worst and incurable cases of organic disorder, toted suspension of pain which has previously been acute, and of Avhich the cause is not removed; intense and pressive pain at the loAver part of the chest, sometimes extending through the body; wrenching, gnaAv- ing pain at the pit of the stomach; sinking at the stomach ; heartburn very predominant; nausea, and generally vomiting; irregular, fitful, capricious appetite, either inordinately voracious and iusatieible, or very deficient, or more generally greater than in health, but sometimes also, in very severe cases, totally suspended; eating provokes or aggravates the sufferings; stimulants, and even hot plain drinks, have the same effect; eructations and hiccough, and in fact, all manifesta- tions of spasmodic contraction of the muscles connected Avith and operating upon the stomach:—consequently, general spasm of the stomach; thirst, usually absent, occurs fitfully or irregularly, but some- times of excessive temporary intensity: morbid taste in the mouth, INDIGESTION. 205 chiefly the metallic; thin, acrid saliva; fitful or periodical pains in the teeth, of the most intense and distressing description ; lips habitually of an over-vivid redness, or spongy; morbid acuteness of the senses of smell and hearing; occasional darting, fugitive or distracting pains in the caA'ity of the ear and deep in the head ; the tongue generally free from coating, but of a bright-red, fiery hue: in cases which are of recent occurrence, there will not usually be either swelling or dryness of the tongue, but the extremity will exhibit a species of roughness from papillary elevations; in more severe and old-established cases the redness of the tongue will be further qualified by dryness and glisten- ing appearance (glossy surface): in cases in AA'hich the intensity of the irritation may have become complicated Avith sympathetic affection of the Brain, the redness of the tongue will be further qualified by general swelling, and sometimes also by a slight degree of white coating,—not sufficient, hoAvever, to conceal the characteristic redness of the surface' beneath: the tongue much SAvollen, and deeply intersectedwith fissures, indicates a very serious advancement of the disorder: the swollen tongue, with a bright, glistening, Avhite surface, (whereby is conveyed a distinct indication of severe sympathetic affection of the brain, as in highly hypochondriacal subjects, especially those who have been treated with large doses of Mercury;) the co-existence of both varieties of the disorder of considerable duration is evinced in the SAvollen tongue, of Avhich the margins and extremity are red, but the centre is slightly covered with a glistening white coating; the tongue quivers on protrusion (whereby is identified a sympathetic affection of the spinal chord).—The change from vivid redness, with or without swell- ing, but without coating, to brownish hue and more or less thick coating, implies a modification of the disorder, or progress towards cure.—In general, moreover, we may notice every variety of hysterical or hypochondriacal excitement; unaccountable uneasiness and restless- ness ; sudden fits of laughter or the contrary,—the one terminating in, or alternating Avith, the other, apparently Avithout a cause, or provoked by veiy slight causes; sudden starting or shuddering; incessant tossing about or moving from place to place; general or local convulsive movements of every description,—such as trembling, jerking of the limbs, coughing; convulsive cough, difficult respiration, and sensation as of a ball rising in the throat; cramps in muscular parts; chattering of the teeth or clenching of the hands and teeth, or grineling of the teeth during sleep; an interminable variety of erroneous impressions, upon Avhich the mind harps with persistency, and Avhich appear to haunt the patient more painfully at stated periods; intense and restless anxiety about one's-self, one's affairs, one's health, with, however, impulses even to self-destruction; extraordinary exaggeration of every feeling; intense sensitiveness of temper and disposition; intense im- patience, not only of contradiction, disappointment, vexation or pain, but even of one's own moral feelings; excessive irascibility and ex- citability ; temporary suspension of control over the muscles of volun- tary motion ; sudden local and temporary paralysis; or gradual and general paralysis; apoplexy of meagre subjects; pains in the head of various descriptions—giddiness, sensation of weakness in the head: tic- 206 INDIGESTION. douloureux or nerve-pain in the face, &c.; pains on one side of the head; darting pains starting from one point and piercing the head m every direction ; pains at the back of the head ; darting pains m the eyeballs; pains which seem to run from one extremity of the body to the other, leaving an indescribable sensation after them; palpitation of the heart; quick, and sometimes small and frequent pulse; anxiety and oppression of the chest; flushes of heat, Avith patchy, circum- scribed, or suffused redness; crawling, pricking sensations in the skin; redness and SAvelling of the gums and lips; spare, meagre, or even withered frame; great deficiency of flesh; scanty and wiry flesh; irre- gular operation of the boAvels, both as to the frequency and the nature of the motions, Avhich vary in color and consistency. General Symptoms of combined Derangements of the Nerves and Membranes. These will obviously consist of a combination of symptoms associated with each variety in its distinctive form, and will therefore need no further description. TREATMENT. Nux-vomica is particularly applicable to the treatment of indi- gestion in hypochondriacal subjects. It covers the folloAving symp- toms, either when they have arisen in consequence of sedentary habits, excessive mental exertion, or long watching, or of overloading the stomach, of excessive draughts of milk, or even of water, or of eating or drinking acid things, or of using spices and seasoning to excess; or again in cases in which all food or drink, however plain, light, and digestible, provokes indigestion; or from the abuse of coffee, tobacco, wine or ardent spirits; or again when the irregularity of digestion has been induced or confirmed by loss of animal fluids (profuse sweating, bleeding, and the like), or by habitual recourse to aperients; the head confused, AA'ith occasionally a feeling as if resulting from intoxication, and giddiness with sensation of turning and wavering of the brain; headache, unfitting for and increased by mental exertion; tearing, drawing, or jerking pains in the head or cheeks, and pulsative pains, and a sensation as if a nail were driven into the brain; congestion of blood to the head, with humming in the ears. The headaches are often deeply seated in the brain, or in the back part of the head, fre- quently confined to one side, or over the eyes, and at the root-of the nose, coming on chiefly in the morning, after a meal, or in the open air. Yellowness of the loAver part of the white of the eyes, Avith a mist before them: a sensation as if one were about to fall: sparks, or small gray or black spots before the eyes; short-sightedness; pale or yellowish color, or redness of the face, especially about the mouth and nose; frequent headache, and impaired powers of digestion, Avith insipidity of food; foul, dry, white or yelloAvish tongue; vivid redness of the margins of the tongue; thirst, with water-brash particularly after acids or rich food ; accumulation of slimy phlegm or water in the mouth; metallic, salt, sulphurous, herbaceous, bitter, sour, sweetish, or putrid taste, chiefly in the morning, or after meals; bitter eructations, INDIGESTION. 207 or continued nausea, especially after meals, or eA'en after drinking cold water or milk,—or on going into the open air after a meal, or after partaking of acids; heartburn, hiccough, acidity, flatulence, fre- quent and violent vomiting of food, phlegm, or bile, ineffectual efforts to vomit; distension anel fullness in the region of the stomach, Avith excessive tenderness to the touch ; a feeling of tightness of the clothes round the upper part of the waist; cramps in the stomach; consti- pation; reddish urine, with brickdust-colored sediment; sleep, un- refreshing and restless, either from suffering or otherAvise, with dis- agreeable dreams, and droAvsiness in the morning; tendency to exacer- bation of symptoms during the prevalence of a northerly or easterly wind, or when the atmosphere is loaded AA'ith vapor; amelioration after Avarm food. One of the most distinctive indications for the employment of this remedy, in preference to the next mentioned, is the temperament, which is restless, irritable, lively and choleric. A disposition to piles is also a good indication. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and moi-ning, for a week ; then pause four days, resuming the same remedy in a similar course, or suspending treatment, or proceeding with another medicine, according to the circumstances which are present. If Nux-vomica be not apparently capable of effecting a permanent cure, consider the next remedies. Cocculus is appropriate to the treatment of highly bilious subjects, or AAdien the derangement can be traced, hoAvever remotely, to long watching or intense application to study; or Avhen coffee, tobacco, or brandy, can be traced as the exciting cause. It may generally be employed in cases in which moroseness and hypochondriacal disposi- tion are marked characteristics either before, after, or in alternation Avith Nux-v., according as the characteristic effects of the one or both most clearly correspond with the case. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every twelve hours, until amelioration or change. Or if, again, Cocculus be apparently inadequate to complete the cure, consider the next remedy. Carbo-veg. is especially appropriate to the treatment of derange- ments of this nature occurring amongst persons of advanced years; or when the derangements can be distinctly traced to long watching, to abuse of wine, of ardent spirits, of coffee,—to milk diet or casual use of milk, to excessive use of butter, or to rancid butter, to fat and greasy things, such as pork, to fish, especially if tainted, or to shell- fish in particular (as muscles), to flatulent vegetables, &c., to pastry or acid things, to excessive use of salt, or unguarded use of ices or verv cold drinks. This remedy is particularly indicated by excessive and con- stant flatulence, with heavy respiration, repugnance to animal food, or especially to fat or greasy things, or to milk, and Avhen acidity is con- stantly provoked by such food ; bitter taste in the mouth ; accumulation of phlegm in the gullet and stomach, frequent empty, sour, or bitter eructations, &c. Dose: Three globules in a table-spoonful of water every twelve hours, until amelioration or change. Pulsatilla is indicated by a series of symptoms very analogous to 208 INDIGESTION. those which have been enumerated under the head of Nux-v., but AA'ith this distinction, that it is particularly adapted for females generally (especially for hysterical subjects), children, individuals Avith light hair, and a marked predisposition to purulent exudations at the edge of the eyelids, or to styes, and for mild or phlegmatic dispositions. Under such conditions it is appropriate to the treatment of derangements of the stomach occasioned by excessive application to study, overloetding the stomach, abuse of Avine, spirits, beer, coffee, or rich chocolate, by excessive draughts of milk, or even of Avater, by new, slack-baked, or otherwise umviiolesome bread, or butter, fat or greasy things, tainted or unwholesome meed (pork especially), by eating oysters or tainted fish of any kind, by pastry, flatulent vegetables, fruits, or by ice- cream ; or even when an external injury {eis a strain) has been the excit- ing cause of the ailment. Amongst its characteristic indications, we more frequently find a vx.tnt of thirst, than thirst; a repugnance to fat and rich meat, and suffering after taking pork or pastry; general chilliness, or great difficulty in keeping the hands and feet sufficiently warm; deficient sense of smell, sometimes accompanied by increased secretion from the nostrils; frequent and loose, or difficult and loose, or sluggish evacuations; hypochondriasis, and convulsive fits of laugh- ing and crying. Dose : Three globules as directed for Nux-v. ; but if little or do permanent effect should promise to result within twelve hours after the fourth dose, pro- ceed with the next remedy. Ignatia may in some cases be employed tAvelve hours after the fourth dose of Pulsatilla, if the latter has failed in affording permanent relief, and does not promise to complete the cure. It may also in some cases be employed before or instead of Pulsatilla, when there is a tendency to alternations of exuberant and depressed spirits, or parti- cularly if grief be associated with the derangement. Ignatia is also appropriate for the treatment of derangements of digestion occurring amongst highly hysterical females; or of cases AA'hich result from abuse of coffee, beer, brandy (or even ardent spirits in general}, milk, sAveet things, or tobacco. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water three times a day, until amelioration or change. Bryonia is often appropriate to the treatment of derangements of the stomach associated either with a hypochondriacal or hysterical dis- position, or Avith habitually sedentary habits; or when occasioned by depressing emotions, by chocolate, milk, new or slack-baked bread, tainted sausage-meat, flatulent fruit or vegetables, or pastry; the indicative symptoms are as follow: Headache, burning or expansive, particularly after drinking, attended Avith bewilderment of the head and giddiness; tongue glazed, dry, and red, or covered Avith a Avhity- yelloAv fur; sometimes the aversion to food is so strong, that the patient cannot bear the smell of it; loss of appetite, alternately Avith unnatural hunger: craving for acid drinks: great thirst; insipid, clammy, putrid, SAveetish, or bitter taste in the mouth; acidity and flatulence, or bitter risings after every meal, or after partaking of milk. Hiccough, nausea, water-brash, vomiting of food or bile, par- INDIGESTION. 209 ticularly at night; tenderness in the region of the stomach to the touch, sensation of SAvelling in the pit of the stomach, especially after a meal, or on walking; sensation of burning in the pit of the stomach, espe- cially Avhen moving. Constipation; temper restless, irascible, and obstinate; also Avhen Avant of exercise or anger are frequently the ex- citing causes of the derangement, or the means of aggravating the indigestion. The indigestion is more apt to manifest itself in summer, or in damp Aveather, AA'ith a northerly or easterly Avind, and is fre- quently accompanied Avith chilliness. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every tAvelve hours, until ame- lioration or change. In cases in which the sufferings are very great, the like dose should be repeated every three hours during the attack, until the symp- toms subside or change ; but in these latter instances, if no improvement whatever ensues within two hours after the second dose, proceed with the next remedy. Rhus-tox., which is particularly appropriate for the treatment of indigestion resulting from mechanical injuries (such as a strain), or Avhen beer, spirits, coffee, milk, copious draughts of cold water AA'hen heated, new or slack-baked bread, tainted sausage-meat or fls/i (espe- cially shell-fish, as muscles), may directly have provoked the attack. The specific symptoms are as folloAv:—Flat, sticky, SAveetish, or bitter, or foul taste in the mouth; drowsiness, eructations, and sensation of fullness, languor or giddiness, after eating; a sensation of repugnance to food, especially to meat, bread, &c, or sensation of satiety; or want of appetite, AA'ith hankering after dainties; continual, empty, painful and noisy eructations; offensive and very abundant flatulency; the derangements of the digestive functions more apparent and trouble- some at night; distension and pressure in the region of the stomach. Extreme depression of spirits, despondency, insuperable anxiety and uneasiness respecting affairs. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every four hours, until the symptoms are modified, —and then every twelve hours, until positive amelio- ration or change. Natrum-m. is particularly appropriate to the treatment of chronic cases occurring amongst hypochondriacal subjects, or sometimes of pregnant females; or when habitual excess in the use of fermented liquors has been the chief cause of derangement; or when milk diet, mineral waters of particular localities (unless brackish), or the Avater of hard springs and mountain streams,—or umvholesome bread, or fat and greasy food (especially pork), - or excess in the use of fruit or tobacco may be distinguished as associated Avith the origin of the affection. Natrum-m. is generally useful in such obstinate chronic cases as have resisted the operation of Bryonia, Nux-v., &c, and which are characterized by frequent attacks of morning sickness, or by heartburn after eArery meal, Avater-brash, constant nausea, occasiona. sensations of faintness, pressure in the stomach, or intractable humor after eating, and obstinate costiveness, or when milk and liquids in general invariably disagree. Dose : Six globules in a table-spoonful of water, every morning, the first thing (fasting), for ten days (unless earlier improvement or change ensues) ; then 14 210 INDIGESTION. pause four days, resuming the same course, if necessary tnd so on, until dis- tinct amelioration or change. Kali-bichromas is particularly applicable to the treatment of chronic cases in Avhich milk, bread, fish, or pastry, constantly disagree Avith the patient. The distinctive symptoms are as follow:—Indiges- tion, with aggravation of symptoms in the morning and during move ment, relieved after eating (sometimes, hoAvever, a distressing feeling of weight is experienced after a meal) ; mouth and tongue dry; thick yelloAv fur on the tongue; conflux of water in the mouth; metallic, acid taste; Avant of appetite; nausea; flatulence, frequently accom- panied bv colic. Constipation, or hard stools, attended Avith straining and burning in the outlet; alternations of hard and relaxed motions; great sensibility to cold air; complication with affections of the liver and spleen ; extreme depression of spirits; hysterics. Dose : As directed for Nalrum-m. Chamomilla is of great service in some derangements resulting from or associated with excess in the use of coffee, or of sweet things; or more especially depressing emotions, such as vexation, disappoint- ment, a fit of passion, and the like; or again, if the derangement has been provoked by check of perspiration. The characterizing symp- toms are as folloAv:—Headache, Avith sometimes semi-lateral pulling, shooting, fullness, and beating in the head ; giddiness and staggering in the morning when getting up; oppressive heaviness, swimming in the head, and sensation of a bruise; headache, felt sometimes during sleep, with obscuration of the eyes, and yellow color of the whites; tongue dry and cracked, Avith a thick and yellowish coating; mouth dry, Avith the occasional presence of frothy phlegm; excessive thirst and desire for cold drink; bitter taste of the mouth and of food; want of appetite and elislike to food. Acidity or sour risings, regurgitation of food, nausea, vomiting of food, phlegm and bile; acute, oppressive pain in the region of the heart, distension at the pit of the stomach and upper part of the waist, chiefly after eating and at night, attended with inquietude and terror; burning pain in the pit of the stomach; uneasiness, and feeling of sinking in the stomach; cramps in the stomach, especially Avhen traceable to coffee; sometimes constipation, but generally relaxation of the bowels. Dose : In casual cases, of a solution of six globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change. In chronic cases, three globules in a tea-spoonful of water night and morning, until similar variation occurs. Ipecacuanha is available for the treatment of indigestion occurring amongst children and pregnant females, or when occasioned by over- loading the stomach, imperfect mastication of food, hurried and vora- cious feeding, or by irregularity of meals, or by abuse of tobacco, or even of coffee ; or in cases in Avhich veal or other young meat particu- larly disagrees ; or when cold, nervous excitement, late hours, or over- application to study in particular, are to be traced as the exciting causes of derangement. The distinctive symptoms are, pale face and yellowish; tongue sometimes clean, at others coated white or yelloAv; INDIGESTION. 211 aA'ersion to food, and particularly to fat or rich indigestible food, such as pork, pastry, &c, or suffering from indigestion on partaking of such; vomiting of food, drink, phlegm or bile, sometimes after a meal; retching, or easy vomiting, generally attended Avith coldness of the face and extremities, and sometimes alternation Avith watery looseness of the boAvels, feeling of emptiness and flaccidity, and sensation of sinking at the stomach. Headaches attended with nausea and vomit- ing; shooting pains, Avith heaviness and painful pressure on the forehead. Dose: Against the acute symptoms when present, of a solution of eight globules to a wine-glassful of water, give a tea-spoonful every three hours, until ame- lioration or change; against the chronic aspect of the affection, that is, the recurrence of acute symptoms, give three globules in a tea-spoonful of water night and morning, until distinct amelioration or change. Aeidum-sulphuricum. Indigestion arising from excessive study, drinking, or other excesses, with the following symptoms: great weakness of digestion; acrid, foul, putrid taste in the mouth, dry tongue, burning and smarting sensation in the throat, sometimes attended with pricking, especially at night, and so troublesome as to prevent sleep; offensive breath, especially in the morning; soreness of the mouth; reneAval or aggravation of the symptoms from drinking cold water; all cold drinks appear to disagree, unless a little brandy or some other ardent spirit is added to them; accumulation of Avater (saliva) in the mouth; flatulence; bitter risings; vomiting of a limpid fluid, or of food. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water three times a day, until amelio- ration or change. China is appropriate to the treatment of derangements of this kind, according to the subjoined indications, A\rhen occurring in aged persons, or in patients of a hypochondriacal disposition, particularly if loss of animal fluids, or mental affhiction, be distinguishable as the predisposing cause, or AA'hen the sufferings can be attributed to over- loading the stomach, to excessive indulgence in strong tea, or in some cases to abuse of spirituous liquors or coffee, to milk diet, or to un- guarded or too copious draughts of AA-ater; or again, when bread, butter, fat and greasy things generally, disagree, or when tainted fish has been the immediate cause of derangement; or again, if the symp- toms can be traced to flatulent food, over-indulgence in fruit or spices and other seasoning, or, in some cases, to tobacco; or again, AA'hen every kind of food provokes an attack. This remedy is a valuable auxiliary in the treatment of this derangement, Avhen there is impaired appetite A\dth great weakness of digestion, which is more liable to be experienced on partaking of supper; flatulence; bitter taste; languor; hypochondriacal disposition ; and particularly Avhen Ave can trace the affection to debilitating losses of fluids, such as the abstraction or loss of blood, too great a drain upon the resources Avhen nursing, prolonged use of aperient medicines, e%c.; also in disorders arising from the abuse of tea, or from a residence in impure atmospheres, especially such as are overloaded Avith the exhalations of decayed vegetable matter, where the drainage is insufficient, the cultivation imperfect, where 212 INDIGESTION. stagnant pools or ditches, charged with rank matters, abound, more particularly in the midst or vicinity of half-dried marshes, or on a level Avith them, or in such position in relation to them as exposes the habitation to the current of prevalent winds from them, or near the beds of periodical streams, AAdien the water ceases to flow, and the bed appears to be dried up (especially in warm climates), or when the rays of the sun have great power; or again, in districts which are habitually dry and well drained, but which have been extraordinarily saturated by a wet season, and are beginning to dry up again. Dose: Dissolve six globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the mixture in such proportions, night and morning, until the whole is consumed ;—wait four days, and if still indicated by the symptoms present, resume the administration of the same remedy night and morning, every fourth day. Derangement of the Stomach arising from casual Causes—not habitual. This should be understood to apply to those Avho are only casually affected, but Avhose digestion is habitually unimpaired. Causes.—The ordinary causes of this derangement are, hurried, imperfect mastication; overloading the stomach; fat, greasy, indiges- tible or tainted food, flatulent vegetables, ices, stimulants, and others equally well known. TREATMENT. When the symptoms of approaching derangement of the stomach declare themselves immediately, or a few hours after a repast which has been too freely partaken of, a cupful of strong coffee, without milk or sugar, is frequently a sufficient restorative. Should, however, this fail to relieve, and sick-headache and inclina- tion to vomit be present, we should assist nature by various artificial means—the milder, if sufficient, the better—such as tickling the throat with a feather, and by giving tepid water to drink until the stomach has completely evacuated its contents. Ipecacuanha is a most effective remedy when continuous and most distressing nausea forms the most prominent symptom. Its alternate employment Avith Pulsatilla, in preference to Antimonium, is advisable, when the disturbance has arisen after a very full and hurried meal; also AA'hen a rash has been thrown out, from the effects of a disordered stomach, attended AA'ith anxiety, oppressed breathing, and sickness, this remedy will, in most cases, effect speedy relief. Ipecacuanha should be employed singly, if it be sufficient individually to embrace all the manifestations Avhich occur. Dose: If in alternation with Pulsatilla, or afterwards in respect of Anti- monium-c. If singly, three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every three hours, until amelioration or change ; but if the subjoined symptoms should continue unabated three hours after the third dose, proceed with the next remedy. Bryonia should be exhibited three hours after the third dose of Ipecacuetnha, if the difficulty of breathing, or a degree of nausea, or INDIGESTION. 213 other uneasiness continue. Bryonia is also A'ery serviceable when the folloAving symptoms are present: bitter eructations; fever, alternately Avith coldness and shivering; or redness of the face, heat in the head, and thirst Avith coldness and shivering; also when looseness of the boAvels or constipation, and peevishness or excessive irritability are present. In derangement of the stomach, arising from succulent vege- tables, and attended Avith excessive flatulence, this remedy is frequently productive of speedy relief. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful e%'ery four hours, until amelioration or change. Antimonium-tartaricum is sometimes more efficacious than either of the foregoing medicines, Avhen great droAvsiness, but constant nausea, and frequent vomiting, as Avell as relaxed, brownish-yelloAV motions characterize the case. Dose: As directed for Bryonia. Arsenicum. When there are acrid and bitter eructations Avith nausea and vomiting; also dry tongue, excessive thirst, salt taste in the mouth, and burning or violent pressure in the stomach, Avith diarrhoea or colic, and griping in the lower part of the belly, particu- larly Avhen arising from the effects of an ice Avhich had been partaken of, the patient being warm, or from fruit, stale vegetables, or eiciels. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every three hours, until amelio- ration or change. Carbo-vegetabilis is a very valuable remedy in this affection, either for the initiatory treatment, or after the previous administration of one or more of the other remedies, according to indications, for the purpose of removing any symptoms that may remain ; it is, moreover, particularly useful where great susceptibility to the influence of the atmosphere, particularly to cold, exists at the same time; or in suffer- ing arising from abuse of wine, ices, or salt; further, in derangement of the stomach, arising from having partaken of game or fish AA'hich has been too long kept, or meat that has been recooked whilst in a state of fermentation, AA'hich is liable to occur in warm Aveather; in the latter instances, Carbo-v. is to be preferred to any other medicine, and will rarely fail to afford relief. Dose: Of a solution of twelve globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every four hours, until amelioration or change. * Nux-vomica is indicated by offensive or acrid eructations, consti- pation, and confused headache, particularly when arising from previous intoxication, or even slight over-indulgence in toine or other stimulants; Avhen possible, it should be taken the same night, as when taken in the morning, although eA'entually relieving, it frequently causes an aggravation for a few hours. In derangement of the stomach, AA'ith heartburn, flatulence, more or less nausea and headache, &c, in con- sequence of a chill or of indulging in mental or corporeal exertion * A small quantity of finely powdered charcoal, in a little good French brandy, will be found an equally efficacious mode of administering this remedy, as a correc- tive against derangement of the stomach, arising from having partaken of tainted meat or fish. 214 INDIGESTION. immediately after a meal, this remedy commonly affords speedy ame- lioration. Dose: Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water;—or, if one dose be insuffi- cient, of a solution of twelve globules to three table-spoonfuls of Avater. give a tea-spoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change If, then, the symptoms, though materially modified, be not wholly subdued, continue to administer similar doses night and morning for three days, or longer, if necessary. Arnica is indicated in cases of derangement of the stomach, charac- terized by eructations resembling rotten eggs. Dose: Of a solution of eight globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change. Pulsatilla, as has already been stated, is often of service in alter- nation with Antimonium-c, or with Ipecacuanha, in recent cases of deranged digestion, with rising of food, tongue foul, and covered with phlegm; chilliness and loAvness of spirits; and also when a rash has been throAvn out in consequence of the derangement. This remedy if moreover, almost specific when the disturbance has arisen from the effects of rich food, such as pork or pastry, or even tainted meat, or from the effects of ices, cold fruits, or crude vegetables, acid or impure wine, &c. Dose: Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water. When one dose is found in- sufficient, or when this remedy is indicated in alternation with any other, it will be necessary to dissolve eight globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, (or otherwise, as previously directed,) and to give a tea-spoonful of the solu- tion every four hours; or if in alternation, the same quantity at every recur- rence of its turn of exhibition. Aconite. When the affection OAves its origin to partaking of sour beer, vinegar, or other acids, particularly when Ave find oppressive pain in the stomach, great heat in the head, anxiety, restlessness, full, quick pulse, nausea, or actual vomiting of phlegm, or even of blood. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water; or if repetition be needful, of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoon- ful every three hours, until amelioration or change. Chamomilla, Avhen a fit of passion has produced an attack of indi- gestion, rarely fails to relieve. Dose : Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water ;—or if repetition be required, a solution of six globules, as directed for Aconite. Obstinate Chronic Cases of Functional Derangement. In cases of derangement of the functions of digestion, which, though modified, are extremely difficult of removal, the remedies hereinbefore noticed will be required for initiatory treatment; but in the majority of instances the patient will have to be subjected to an appropriate course of such remedies as those hereto subjoined, in order to com- plete the cure. Sulphur is one of the most important remedies for administration after the previous exhibition of Nux-vomica or Pulsatilla, and in cases which would otherwise correspond with the indications for either of INDIGESTION. 215 those medicines, but Avhen either of them has been inadequate to effect a perfect cure. Dose : Six globules in a wine-glassful of water every morning the first thing (fasting), for ten days (unless there be earlier improvement or change); then pause four days, resuming the course similarly, if necessary, and so on from time to time, until positive amelioration or change. Hepar-sulphuris is also of great value in cases in Avhich the di- gestion is naturally weak, and sour vomiting, with burning sensation in the throat, colic and looseness of the boAvels, are liable to be pro- voked by the slightest error in diet, and particularly when anything of an acid nature has been partaken of; or especially in cases in which the patient has previously taken blue pill, or any other mercurial pre- paration for a considerable time. Dose: If singly, three globules in a tea-spoonfu] of water night and morning for a week (unless earlier and decided improvement or change ensues) ; pause four days, and resume the course, if necessary, and so on from time to time, until amelioration or change ensues. If in alternation with Lachesis, first a week's course of the one. then a pause of four days; then a week's course of the other, and so on, until amelioration or change. Natrum-c. is frequently useful AAdien, after the previous employ- ment of one or more of the preceding remedies (in the initiatory treatment), a degree of weetkness of digestion remains. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water night and morning, until ame- lioration or change. Colchicum is particularly indicated by a sensation of coldness in the stomach, occurring as a strikingly prominent symptom. Dose : As directed for Natrum. Acidum-phosphoricum is to be preferred to Colchicum, when the sensation of coldness is attended Avith rumbling of flatulency. Dose : Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water three times the first day, and afterAvards night and morning, until amelioration or change. Sepia is also indicated by this sensation of coldness, and is to be preferred to either of the tAvo preceding remedies Avhen this symptom is associated Avith a multiplicity of other equally characteristic indi- cations, particularly if there be no appetite, or A'oracious appetite, and aversion to meat or milk, water-brash, especially after drinking; con- stant acidity of the stomach, aggravated by eating, and if fat things, milk, &c., continually disagree. Dose: As directed for Acidum-phos. Cocculus, or Arsenicum. Either of these remedies may likewise be of great service in cases of this nature, according to the respective characteristic action of each. Dose: Of either remedy, three globules in a tea-spoonful of water night and morning, until amelioration or change. Silicea is especially indicated Avhen the patient entertains a repug- nance to cooked food, and is particularly averse to meat;—Avhen the patient is subject to severe pains in the stomach, attended Avith exces- sive thirst and Avater-brash, bitter taste in the mouth in the morning, 216 INDIGESTION. vomiting after drinking, and habitual nausea predominating after a meal, or upon rising in the morning. Dose: Six globules in a wine glassful of water every morning the first thing (fasting), until amelioration or change. Carbo-veg. Here, again, this remedy is peculiarly valuable when annovance or inconvenience is felt after every meal, amounting to nausea and vomiting, attended Avith excessive flatulency, and when the pit of the stomach is tender on pressure, Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, until amelioration or change. Obstinate Chronic Cases of Organic Derangement. In cases in Avhich organic disease has been established, that is, in such cases as assume the critical aspect described in the general description of symptoms at the commencement of this article, it were desirable, if possible, that the interference of an experienced Homceo- pathic practitioner should be invoked. When this is impossible, the following brief directions may serve to assist the patient or administra- tor in treatment. Arsenicum, or Lachesis. These are amongst the most important remedies, and are those upon which in the majority of cases Ave should place most reliance to re-animate the sinking energies of the patient, selected according to the distinctive indications afforded in the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose : Of either remedy, three globules in a tea-spoonful of water three times a day, until a degree of improvement results ; and then night and morning, until positive amelioration or change. With this general reservation, how- ever, that the characteristic action of the subjoined remedies should be care- fully considered, in order that the intermediary administration of one or more of them should not be omitted when positive indications occur. Lycopodium, or Baryta, or Conium. One or more of these remedies frequently become of great service in cases of this kind, the selection being made in accordance Avith the indications afforded for each in the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: In the generality of cases, four globules of the remedy selected three times a day. until amelioration or change ; critical symptoms should, however, be treated in this respect according to directions for the repetition of the dose given at pages 57-60 and 75. Veratrum, or Phosphorus. In highly urgent cases, either of these remedies may become of the greatest service, and may often suffice to avert a catastrophe. The selection should be regulated by the indications afforded for each in the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose : As explicitly applied to general cases at pages 73-75. Tn most cases, the dose should consist of four globules in a tea spoonful of water, repeated every three hours, until the urgent symptoms subside or are changed in character. General Derangement of the Stomach in Children. The foregoing particulars applying to general cases are equally to be kept in vieAv in considering this affection more particularly amongst indigestion. 217 children; but inasmuch as the causes and features of such derange ments are necessarily far less complicated amongst children than amongst adults, it may save the administrator much trouble to extract and render in a summary form, such details respecting the treatment of this affection amongst children, as Avill otherAvise be gathered only in scattered portions of this article. Ipecacuanha, or Pulsatilla, or Carbo-veg. These medicines are of chief importance either for independent, alternate, or successive administration in cases in AA'hich hurried feeding (bolting the food) im- perfect mastication and overloading the stomach, or rich indigestible food, can be distinctly traced as the exciting causes of derangement. The particular indications for each may be gathered from those details AA'hich have already been afforded. Dose: If singly or successively of either remedy, two globules in a tea-spoon- ful of water, every three hours, until amelioration or change. If in alternation, dissolve four globules of each remedy separately in a wine-glass of water, and give a tea-spoonful first of one solution, then of the other, so that an in- terval of four hours shall elapse between the doses; and so on, until amelio- ration or change. Pulsatilla, or Arsenicum, or Carbo-veg. These are in like manner appropriate in cases in Avhich ices or cold fruits have been the exciting causes of derangement. In this instance also the particular indications for each may be gathered from the foregoing part of this article, or from that on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: In every respect as directed in the foregoing prescription. Pulsatilla, or China, or Carbo-veg. These medicines selected according to the indications afforded in respect of each in the former part of this article, or which may be more amply gathered from that on " Characteristic Effects," are particularly appropriate to the treatment of derangements of digestion occurring amongst children, in consequence of having eaten tainted meat or fish. Dose : In every respect as directed in the foregoing prescription. Carbo-veg., or Arsenicum. These medicines respectively, ac- cording to the indications hereinbefore afforded respecting each, are most appropriate, in the generality of cases, to the treatment of de- rangements of digestion occurring amongst children as the result of excessive use of salted articles of diet, especially salt meat. Dose : Of either medicine, give tAvo globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every four hours, until Amelioration or change. Aconitum, or Arsenicum, or Carbo-veg. These again occur as the most important remedies whence a selection should be made according to the special indications for each, which have already trans- pired in previous portions of this article, or which may be gathered from that on •' Characteristic Effects" when acids (such as vinegar, &c.) are identified as the exciting causes of derangement. Dose: Of the remedy selected as directed in the last prescription. Nausea. With respect to this affection, which must be considered purely as 218 indigestion. a symptom, the reader is referred to the foregoing portions of this article, AA'herein directions have been given for the treatment. In the majority of simple and casual cases, however, it might suffice to con sider the indications afforded for Ipecacuanha, Cocculus, Nux-vomica, Bryonia, Chamomilla, Pulsatilla, Antimonium-tart., and Aconitum, following the same regulations respecting the close. In inveterate cases, hoAvever, in which this symptom occurs con- tinuously, the accurate investigation of all symptoms associated Avith it and of the whole of the foregoing details becomes necessary, and one or more of the folloAA'ing remedies according to the directions hereinbefore offered may become necessary. Natrum-m., Arsenicum, Lycopodium, Lachesis, Carbo-veg., Rhus-tox., or Silicea. Eructations. With reference to Eructations as well as to Nausea, inasmuch as they must be considered purely as symptoms, the reader is referred to the foregoing portions of this article, wherein more distinct indications have been afforded, to facilitate the selection of the appropriate remedy. In most cases of a simple and uncomplicated character, the considera- tion of such indications as are afforded for the administration of the folloAving remedies (chiefly) both as to selection and dose, Avill be suf- ficient to meet the requirements of the case:—Arnica, Nux-vomica, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Bryonia, Carbo-veg., Chamomilla, Cocculus, China, Antimonium-crudum, and Antimonium-tartaricum. In cases of an in- veterate nature, and which are evidently associated with complications involving the whole of the digestive and nutritive system in more or less continual derangement, it may be advantageous to consider the indications afforded for Sepia, Acidum-sulph., efcc. Bilious or Sick-Headache. In ordinary cases, however, in which sick-headache is eA'idently the result of a casual cause, it will suffice to consider the indications here- inbefore afforded for Antimonium-crudum, Ipecacuanha, Nux-vomica, Pulsatilla and Sulphur; or Bryonia, if this symptom be associated Avith costiveness. SYMPATHETIC AFFECTION OF THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. Depression of Spirits,—Hysterical and Hypochondriacal Affections. These most distressing results of long-continued or very severe de- rangement of the digestive functions, are almost invariably associated with AAdiat is termed " Chronic Indigestion," and not unfrequently afford an important clue to the treatment of the primary seat of dis- ease. But nothing can be a greater source of error in most cases, than to deal with them as primary diseases of the brain and nervous system. Depression of spirits may occur as the consequence of derangement, either of the nerves or lining membranes of the stomach, but with very different characteristic features; for when the nerves are the seat of the disease, restless and uneasy anxiety, sudden fits of violent excite- ment, extreme irritability, impatience and despondency with violent INDIGESTION. 219 impulses, are the result; when hoAvever the lining membrane is the seat of disease, extreme depression of spirits occurs associated with languor, utter prostration, indolence, and listlessness. Sulphur is appropriated to the treatment of both varieties, but is more especially indicated by the indolence of mind and body, or by the vacancy of thought, or absence of mind and irresolution, which characterize the latter; it is hoAvever, also appropriate when the de- pression of spirits is associated Avith painful anxiety of mind, extreme solicitude concerning the future and respecting one's health and affairs, erroneous or exaggerated notions on given subjects, general wretchedness Avithout any ascertainable reason, sudden fits of violent excitement and periodical return of extreme impatience, restlessness, irritability and impatience, Avhen the folloAving symptoms are also pre- sent :—sensation of fullness and Aveight at the pit of the stomach; habitual constipation, headache, and particularly pain at the top of the head; dullness and heaviness of the head, the patient being unable to exert his mental faculties, or becoming exceedingly weary and ex- hausted after any application of this kind; disposition to piles; or Avhen chronic eruptions and affections of the skin are associated with the complaint. Dose : Repeated doses are generally required, administered thus •—For adults Bix globules, or for young persons four globules in a wine-glassful of water, every morning the first thing (fasting), for ten days (unless new symptoms or a change in the nature of the symptoms be sooner developed) then pausing for a week, and resuming the like course, if necessary; and so on until distinct amelioration or change: if in alternation with Calcarea, commence Avith three doses of Sulphur, as just described ; pause four days and then administer three doses of Calcarea likewise, and so on until amelioration or change. Calcarea is indicated by depression of spirits with disposition to tears; flushing of blood to particular parts associated with attacks of indescribable anguish, and generally palpitation of the heart, or pain- ful sensations in the region of the heart; general uneasiness AA'ith aversion to mental or physical exertion; despondency respecting one's health, and apprehension of death ; dread of mental aberration—or of contagion, or other causes of disease, or of imaginary misfortune; and when there is intense acuteness of all the senses. Dose: In every respect as directed for Sulphur, whether singly or in alternation. Natrum-m. is indicated by depression of spirits accompanied Avith apprehensive foreboding, and with fretful, tearful disposition with desponding expression; love of solitude, which hoAvever nourishes the disease, and dread of society, whereby however it is alleviated; occa- sional bursts of violence; disgust of life; habitual moroseness and incapacity for mental labor; iceakness of digestion characterized by aggravation of the sufferings, mental as well as bodily, and by general and indescribable uneasiness after a meal and until the proper macera- tion of the food is completed in the stomach and has b. en conveyed to the boAvels, or by susceptibility to the recurrence of such symptoms provoked by the least excess or irregularity ; headache and want of appetite; nausea occurring every morning, &c. Dose : Six globules, or for young persons four globules, in a wine-glassful of water eAery morning, the first thing, fasting, until amelioration or change. 220 INDIGESTION. Aurum-met. is indicated by incapability to concentrate the reflec- tive faculties and want of poAver of combination in the mind, charac- terized by crushing headache after the least exertion of the mind or attention, and a sensation as if the brain were dashed to pieces; pain- ful anxiety of mind and excruciating restlessness; whining, fretful disposition and dread of death. This remedy is often of great service against the hysterical attacks of females. *. Dose: As directed for Natrum-m. Lachesis is particularly indicated Avhen the patient is haunted by the idea that he is the object of dislike, suspicion, or even hatred amongst his friends. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water morning and evening, until amelioration or change. Nux-vomica is indicated by almost every variety of nervous, hysterical or hypochondriacal derangement, either characterized hy indolence, or excitability, but especially the latter; deep despondency with disgust of life, moroseness, and aversion to labor or exertion of any kind, characterized by the folioAving symptoms: excessive sen- sitiveness, and aversion to the open air; fainting fits, after the least exertion, especially after motion in the open air, or giddiness, sensation of being stunned, and sparks of black spots before the eyes under the like circumstances; sensation of heaviness in the body, with weariness, languor, and great desire to assume or retain a recumbent position, by which the symptoms are alleviated; ema- ciation, and wiry condition of the flesh; intense sensation of lassi- tude and feitigue, even in the morning after rest, and often, ex- citability which renders the patient reluctant to retire to rest at night: drowsiness in the morning, after meals, or in the evening, folioAved by sleeplessness at night; sallow pallor or yellowness of the skin; heaviness, with pressive, tensive and expansive pain in the head; intense headache seated in the fore part of the head along the brows; or pain—often acute and piercing, as if some sharp instrument were lodged there,—deep in the brain; swelling and redness of the eyelids, and red suffusion of the eyes, particularly in the morning; cramp-like, contractive gnaAving or pressive pains in the region of the stomach and beloAv the ribs, and at the pit of the stomach; extreme sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach to pressure; constipation characterized by sIoav and sluggish action of the bowels, with dark, hard, dry, and large but unfrequent evacuations,—or by intermingled, loose, and lumpy eva- cuations ;—particularly appropriate if there be disposition to piles; frequent discharge of pale, Avatery urine,—dragging and rheumatic aching pains in the back towards night; contused pains in the loins and back; numbness of the arms at night. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water night and morning, until a degree of good effect results, and then four globules in a tea-spoonfu) of water every night, until positive amelioration or change. After which a course of Sulphur as above directed will usually be beneficial. Phosphorus is particularly appropriate for the treatment of deli- cate anel highly hysterical females, and fair subjects of a spare and slender frame, and is indicated by sadness, alternated with apparently INDIGESTION. 221 good spirits (Avith mirth); attacks of indescribable anguish, affright — and even distressing hallucination, Avhen left by one's self, or during stormy Aveather; timid disposition, startled at eA'ery sound and appre- hensive of thieves and acts of violence, &c, painful anxiety, or un- easiness respecting one's health. . Dose : Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water every night, until amelioration or change. Suspending treatment for four dnvs after a week's course. China is indicated by distress, languor, or dullness of mind, the patient being easily disheartened and laboring under the impression that insuperable combinations are devised against him by adversaries to frustrate every undertaking; the patient gives way to despondency, and is overcome by a prevailing idea, that he is doomeel to be unfor- tunate,—symptoms AA'hich are characterized by the folloAving :—weak- ness of digestion, AA'ith recurrence or aggravation of symptoms generally, and AA'ith indolent disposition, ill-humor and distension of the belly after eating;—chronic relaxation of the boAvels; loose, yelloAA'ish, or slimy evacuations, or characterized by discharge of uneligested food; or pale eA'acuations AA'ith dark urine; small, detached evacuations with slow and sluggish discharge and Avith deficiency of muscular vigor in the intestines; sometimes the organs of sense are acutely sensitive; sleeplessness occasioned by the croAvding of ideas upon the mind, and by visionary projects, or sleep much disturbed by anxious, p>ethtful dreams, Avhich continue to haunt the patient when awake, and attended with frequent change of position and tossing. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of Avater, night and morning, until ame- lioration or change. Sepia is of pre-eminent service in many confirmed and inveterate cases, particularly in females, and when complicated Avith severe hys- terical affections; the patient being AA'holly abandoned to despondency and weary of existence, anxious respecting her oavii health, but averse to the consideration of household or other affairs, and often indifferent to every one but herself. Dose : As directed for China. Silicea is of great service generally in obstinate cases of hypochon- driacal affection, resulting from stomach derangement, particularly if noise easily frightens or startles the patient, or if there be constant anxiety and agitation, Aveakness of the memory, incapability of reflec- tion, moroseness and taciturnity, intense irritability and tendency to be provoked to violence by contradiction, or excessive weariness of existence, further characterized by confusion of the head, or of ideas; pjuin ascending from the nape of the neck to the top of the head; headache recurring every morning; heat in the head, particularly in the forehead; lacerating or darting pains in the head, or pulsating headache, AA'ith flushing of blood to the brain; temporary defect or suspension of vision ; confusion and mistiness of sight when reading; redness of the eyes and adhesion of the eyelids at night; the strong- light of day is painful to the eye; bleeding at the nose; continued and wedery discharge from the nose; constant sneezing; hardness of hear- ing; scabby eruption on the lips, or swelling of the glands of the loAver jaAv; toothache at night, aggravated or provoked by hot or colel 222 "WANT OF APPETITE. things; soreness of the tongue, or dryness of the mouth; deficiency of taste or bitter taste; acid risings and water-brash, or pains in the stomach or boAvels, or even vomiting after eating; nausea every morn- ing; colicky pains associated Avith constipation; piercing or nipping pains in the boAvels; puffing of the belly and difficult expulsion of very fetid flatulency; hard stools with constant urging, or constipation characterized by hard, knotty, detached motions, evacuated sloAvly and Avith difficulty; wetting the bed; looseness; suffocating cough at night; aching pain in the chest and impeded breath; numbness of the arms, induced by lying upon them ; trembling of the knee; offensive smell from the feet; cold feet, SAveating of the feet, or lastly, cramps of the legs, particularly during rest and after exertion. Dose : As dii'ected for China. ACCESSORY TREATMENT AND DIET. In no class of disorders is it more requisite to adhere strictly to dietetic regulations, than in those AA'hich consist of derangement in the digestive system, whether so-called functional or organic: the patient should, therefore, in such cases, regulate his regimen, as closely as possible, by the rules laid doAvn at the commencement of this treatise (pp. 55, 56), carefully avoiding, moreover, all such articles as he may find disagree with him, even if they be allowable as a general rule. WANT OF APPETITE. Want of Appetite, being a concomitant symptom of many diseases, is treated accordingly in other parts of this work; but Ave noAv pro- pose to look upon it as one of the leading symptoms of Indigestion, and in this character deserving a particular notice. In a great variety of cases it is usually attributable to an ill-regulated regimen, imperfect mastication of food, the abuse of tonics and other medicines in material doses, sedentary habits, and the neglect of sufficient exercise in the open air. In many instances, the removal of the exciting cause will cure this disorder. Sufferers from this inconvenience should carefully avoid creating an artificial appetite, and also partaking of the smallest quan- tity of food, till a healthy call from nature proves that the former has assimilated; the habit of taking tea, and even, as the expression is, "making a meal of it," within a couple of hours after removing from the dinner-table, is a frequent cause of want of appetite and in- digestion. , Another cause is the habit of drinking frequently, or very copiously during meals,—thereby attenuating the saliva and juices of the sto- mach, and rendering them less fitted for the purpose of digestion. Other causes are the custom of sleeping after dinner, partaking of heavy suppers before retiring to rest, and the indulgence in fermented, vinous, or spirituous liquors, or in tea or coffee, particularly the latter. An alteration in the hours of meals, and avoiding too long fasts between them, will frequently remove this affection. In other cases, early rising, great attention to diet, abstinence from WANT OF APPETITE. 223 rich or highly-seasoned food, together'with the daily use of pure cold water,—drinking a tumblerful an hour or so before breakfast, three or four hours after dinner, and again about the hour of retiring to rest,— will suffice to restore the Aveakened digestive functions to a normal condition. When, however, we cannot trace this disorder to some of the above, or any other probable cause, Avhen every attention to regimen, and even an alteration of diet, according to individual peculiarities, have failed to produce any good effect, aa e generally find the want of appetite accompanied AA'ith other symptoms of derangement in the di- gestive functions, Avhich may prove useful in aiding us to select a proper remedy to restore the natural tone of the stomach. TREATMENT. Nux-vomica is the principal remedy Avhen the ward of appetite can be traced to late hours, the habitual use of Avine and coffee, or to sedentary and studious habits; also when want of appetite continues after recovery from severe illness, such as fever, &c, and Avhen the following symptoms are present: dryness of the mouth, tongue coated white Avith cracks, or slimy phlegm in the mouth, loss of taste, heart- burn, or insipidity of aliments (particularly meat), accumulation of water in the mouth, aversion to fooel, constipation, confusion in the head, or giddiness (as if the results of intoxication), loss of memory, and difficulty of fixing the mind to a train of application, Aveight in the back part of the head, ringing in the ears, heaA iness and aching in the limbs, uneasiness and a feeling of working or dragging of the tendons in the loAver extremities, or cramps, restlessness, and irrita- bility ; - symptoms aggravated in the morning, or during the preva- lence of damp Aveather. (See Kreasotum.) Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water night and morning for a week ; then pause four days, resuming the same remedy in a similar course,— or suspending treatment—or proceeding Avith another remedy according to the circumstances which are present. If Nux-v. be not apparently capable of effecting a permanent cure, take Sulphur as directed for Nux-v. Chamomilla is frequently found useful after Nux-vomica, Avhen although considerable benefit has been derived, the Avhole train of symptoms has not been removed. The folioaving are its particular indications: restless sleep, sensation of fullness and aching in the head, heat and redness of the face, a degree of fever, tongue thickly coated, yellowish, rough, and cracked, want of appetite, and greenish diar- rhoea, and general sensibility of the nervous system ; lastly, this remedy is especially called for Avhen a bitter taste in the mouth (or vomiting of bile, or of greenish phlegm) ensues after eating. Do.se: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water night and morning, until Ame- lioration or change. Pulsatilla. This medicament is specific in the affections arising from partaking cf over-rich or greasy food,—for instance, pork or pastry; or of aliments causing flatulence, such as vegetables; or of food in the preparation of AA'hich rancid butter or lard has been used. 224 WANT OF APPETITE. The more immediate indications are., whitish tongue, with cracks; bitter, salt, or foul taste in the mouth, Blindness of the mouth, scrap- ing, roughness or acidity at the upper part of the gullet; bitter eruc- tations {'aversion to warm, food or to meat, as well as to butter and to all rich food; loss of taste; distension of the belly, and particularly a feel- ing of tension under the false ribs; rumbling in the boAvels, retarded or difficult evacuation, or relaxed stools; yaAvning and stretching; exacerbation of symptoms in the evening, (in contradistinction to Nux- vomica, which is generally indicated by this occurrence in the morn- ing.) This remedy is Avell adapted to the mild lymphatic temperament, and also Avhen there is a peculiar sensibility, Avith a dislike to con- versation; it is likewise valuable Avhen imperfect mastication is the cause of the affection, as well as in cases where there is a marked aversion to tobaceo, even when the patient is accustomed to its use. Dose : Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, until ame- lioration or change. China is highly efficacious in want of appetite, occurring during foggy weather, AA'hen the air is charged with unwholesome vapors, or in the vicinity of marshy lands. The following are its indications: a sensation of constant satiety, with general indifference to food, and ab- sence of natural thirst; tongue cracked, or loaded AA'ith yellow or white coating; sensation of sinking and fluttering in the region of the stomach (particularly when this symptom can be traced to the effects of tea) ; eructations after eating; desire for highly-seasoned food, acids, pepper, and other condiments; general aa eakness, with inclina- tion to assume the recumbent posture, and inability to remain long in one position; uncomfortable feeling of dry heat, or shivering and sen- sitiveness in the open air; retarded or interrupted sleep; general feeling of uneasiness, with moroscness and peevishness. Dose: Four globules as directed for Pulsatilla. Ipecacuanha is indicated by the following symptoms: nausea or vomiting, without foulness of the tongue, Avith dislike to food. Tobacco — e\en to smokers—has a nauseous taste, and causes vomiting. This remedy is also useful when the impaired appetite has arisen from bolt- ing the food, particularly in children, and may be folloAved by Pulsa- tilla, when only partial relief has been obtained. Dose: Three globules in a lea-spoonful of water night and morning, until ame- lioration or change. Antimonium-crudum will prove a good remedy in cases where a great disposition to nausea and vomiting, with foul tongue, exists; Avant of appetite, dryness of the mouth AA'ith great thirst, particularly during the night; accumulation of phlegm in the throat, with continual attempts to clear the throat; frequent rising, soon after meals, of the food last partaken of; pain or disagreeable fullness about the region of the stomach, frequently with sensibility to external pressure. In cases of recent standing with the above symptoms it is very speedily efficacious; and when relief does not quickly folloAV, the next-men tioned remedy should be had recourse to. WANT OF APPETITE. 225 Dose: Three globules as directed for Ipecacuanha. Bryonia, in recent derangement of the stomach, with want of appetite; when we find thirst more during the day than through the night; with a sensation of dryness in the throat, extending doAvn the gullet; chilliness; yellow, dark-brown, or white-coated, cracked tongue, Avith constipation ; aggravation during damp weather. Dose: Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, three times during the first day and subsequently night and morning, until amelioration or change. Arnica. This remedy is valuable when the loss of appetite has arisen from sitting up at night, Avatching at a sick-bed, from not having deA'oted a sufficient number of hours to the period of rest, from intense mental exertion, or from provocation or excitement. When from these causes the nervous system is powerfully affected; tongue coated yellow; taste foul, bitter, sour, nauseous, or metallic, with offensive smell from the mouth ; rising of the food, or eructations of the taste or smell of rotten eggs; aversion to smoking and desire for acids; sensation of fullness in the pit of the stomach after meals, with inclination to vomit; distension of the belly, with pinching colic, relieved by doubling up the body, and reneAved by drinking the smallest quantity of wine, or passing off and then coming on, Avith inclination to evacuate the boAvels; general irritability and impossibility of fixing the mind upon any subject; inclination to remain lying doAvn, as this position relieves a heavy stupefying headache, Avhich the least motion or even conversation increases. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, until ame- lioration or change. Hepar-sulphuris is useful in chronic cases of want of appetite, with indigestion from the slightest cause, notwithstanding the most careful observance of diet. It is indicated by desire for high-seasoned dishes, acids, and wine; nausea, even inclination to vomit, particularly in the morning; and constipation, frequently with colic. This remedy is one of our chief antidotes to Mercurius, and consequently one best adapted to those affections of the stomach which have arisen from the long-continued use of calomel, or other mercurial preparations. Dose : Six globules (or for young persons, four globules) in a wine-glassful of water, every morning the first thing (fasting), for ten days (unless earlier improvement or change take place), then pause four davs, and if a degree of improvement is manifested, resume the administration of a similar course, and so on, until positive improvement or change. But if He/par-sulph. does not promise to effect any beneficial operation within four days after the com- pletion of the first course, consider the next remedy. Lachesis is a valuable remedy to folioav Hepar-sxdphuris in ob- stinate cases, particularly when long-continued constipation is com- plained of, and the symptoms have ahvays been aggravated by acid drinks, e%c. Dose: Four globules in a tea-spoonful of Avater every morning the first thing (fasting), until amelioration or change. Acidum-sulphuricum is a useful remedy in cases of impaired appetite, Avith weakness of digestion, arising from habiumi excess in 226 FLATULENCY. the use of ardent spirits, or from debilitating loss of fluids, such as blood, or in consequence of excessive study,—Avith the following symptoms: acrid or putrid taste, dry tongue, burning and smarting sensation in the gullet, resembling heartburn ; offensive breath, espe- cially in the morning; small, white specks in the mouth; disagreeable sensation of pricking in the throat, frequently occurring during the night, and disturbing sleep. In obstinate cases of this disease, in Avhich none of the remedies mentioned are productive of any perma- nent amendment, a homoeopathic practitioner ought (if possible) to be consulted. Dose : For adults six globules, or for young persons, four globules, in a wine- glassful of water every morning the first thing (fasting;, until amelioration or change. Kreosotum is generally of much service in a day or tAvo, during convalescence after severe illness, when there is utter Avant of appetite; or if there is desire to eat, little or no relish or enjoyment of food of any kind ; or when there is very little appetite, with various symptoms of indigestion after eating or drinking. Dose: Six globules, morning and evening, in a table-spoonful of water, until amelioration or change. Diet and Regimen.—As directed for " Indigestion." FLATULENCY. This affection, together with the sufferings it entails, is generally found in individuals of Aveak digestion, and many also suffer from it immediately on taking cold; it is also, as Avell knoAvn, a common result of errors in diet, and the too frequent indulgence in vegetables and fruits. In corpulent individuals, the sufferings arising from this complaint, such as difficulty of breathing, palpitation of the heart, trembling of the limbs, confusion of the head, and SAvelling of the face, especially in hypochondriacal subjects, are most distressing. However, Avith proper attention to regimen, and suitable medical treatment, it is rarely very difficult to remove. As an accompaniment of deranged digestion, it has already been noticed under the general head of Indigestion. Precautions to be observed by t/wse who are subject to Flatulency. The most useful preservatives against the complaint are to guard against cold, against exposure to cold, damp weather or very cold drinks, or against distending the stomach with a large quantity of warm fluid, particularly strong tea or coffee; each patient should also study his OAvn digestion, and carefully refrain from partaking of any species of aliment which experience has proved to be liable to produce flatulency. Sedentary habits also should be avoided, and a proper portion of the day devoted to exercise in the open air. China is indicated when the affection can be traced to tea or Avarm drinks, an hour or two after a hearty meal, by which the process of digestion has been interrupted, or to debility, loss of humors from bleeding, the continued use of purgatives, or deranged digestion aris- FLATULENCY. 227 ing from flatulent food, with painful tension and distension of the belly; or Avhen, on the occasional expulsion of flatus, a sensation of tension is felt in the region about the navel; finally where coldness or shudder- ing is experienced after drinking. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every three hours, until amelioration or change ; but if the last-named symptom does not yield to China, proceed with or substitute the following remedy upon its continuance or recurrence. Against the predisposition give four globules in a tea-spoon- ful of water night and morning, until decrease, cessation, or change of the symptoms. Arsenicum is generally effectual when the last-mentioned symptom has not been relieA'ed by the foregoing medicine, and Avhen cold food of all kinds produces aggravation. Dose : In all respects as directed for China. Nux-vomica. In cases where the flatulence is attended Avith sen- sation of pressure at the pit of the stomach, causing shortness of breath and a feeling as if the clothing were too tight, or a sensation of pressure as from a stone, particularly when the affection arises from the habitual use of coffee, or sedentary habits, or when the symptoms above described invariably come on after drinking. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, repeated in two hours, if the svmptoms continue. Against the predisposition give four globules every night, until amelioration or change. Pulsatilla is required when the affection has arisen from having partaken of rich or greasy food, after which a copious draught of water has been drunk, and the belly is swollen, with a pain as from a bruise, and rumbling in the bowels. Dose : Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, repeated in two hours, if the symptoms continue. Against the chronic recurrence of these symptoms con- sider the next remedy. Carbo-vegetabilis is one of the most important remedies after the foregoing in chronic cases, particularly AA'hen the inconvenience arises after partaking of the smallest morsel of food. Dose : Six globules for adults, or four globules for young persons, in a wine- glassful of water daily, the fir6t thing in the morning fasting, until ameliora- tion or change. Colchicum is of service when from a considerable accumulation of wind the belly is extremely distended, or, as it might be expressed, inflated, and sounds like a drum on being struck with the hand, Avith- out any marked pain, but with heat and difficulty of respiration. This remedy is generally peculiarly efficacious when the derangement is attributable to vegetable food; or to the effects of exposure to a cold, damp atmosphere. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, repeated in two hours, and then everv three hours, until amelioration or change. Against the predis- position, give four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, until decrease, subsidence, or change of the symptoms ensue. Belladonna. This remedy should be administered in cases of flatulent obstruction, in which the transverse section of the large 228 SPASM OF THE STOMACH. bowel is the particular seat of the accumulated wind, and pioduces a pad-like distension of the upper part of the belly. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of Avater, repeated in two hours, and aftenvards every three hours, until amelioration or change. But if, after four doses, it be found that this remedy modifies, Avithout totally removing the symptoms, pause twelve hours, and proceed Avith the next medicine. Colocynth should be employed twelve hours after the last dose of Belladonna, when the relief obtained is only temporary, or when, from the manner in which the patient traces the course of his uncom- fortable feelings, there is every reason to conclude that the flatulent distension and obstruction occupy the entire extent of the large intestine. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every three hours, until ame- lioration or change. Sulphur must be employed when the flatulence occurs very fre- quently, in fact, where a marked predisposition to it exists. Dose : For adults, six globules, or, for young persons, four globules in a wine- glassful of water, every morning, the first thing, for ten days (unless the symptoms be sooner changed in character or modified), pause four days, and resume the former course, if necessary, and so on until positive benefit or change result. Diet and Regimen. The directions afforded in the general article on Indigestion should be studiously observed. SPASM OF THE STOMACH. Symptoms. Contractive and spasmodic or gnaAvning pains about the region of the stomach, extending to the chest and back, attended with anxiety, nausea, eructation or vomiting, with faintness, and cold- ness of the extremities: the patient is sometimes relieved by emission of ascending Avind, and, Avhen complicated Avith heartburn, by a dis- charge of a quantity of limpid fluid; occasionally headache and con- stipation are present. In some cases the pain is very slight (but there is always more or less), and a degree of anxiety, Avith nausea, often increased by taking food. Complications. The disease is frequently accompanied by a dis- ease of the liver, spleen, or of the pancreas gland, or even by cancerous degeneration of the stomach or first portion of the small intestines, in its advanced stages. It is a frequent attendant on gout. Age, Sex, &c. It is a more frequent affection in the female than the male sex, often occurring after the cessation of the usual monthly discharge, or from any interruption of its usual course; in such in- stances it is frequently accompanied with hysterics and fainting, and may pass on to vomiting of blood. It very rarely occurs before the age of puberty. The paroxysms last for a longer or shorter time according to the violence of the affection, and return in many instances periodically; and may be brought on by partaking of improper articles of diet, or, in severe cases, by any solid food whatever. SPASM OF THE STOMACH. 229 ORIGIN. This disease originates in an unhealthy state of the nerves of the stomach. The Exciting Causes are —long fasting betAveen meals, very hot or cold drinks, an habitual use of ardent spirits, or of indigestible food, worms, and in some instances, perhaps, exposure to cold or damp weather. Precautions to be observed by those who are subject to Spasm of the Stomach. The chief articles to be avoided by an individual suffering from this malady are—crude, uncooked vegetable substances (such as salads), cheese, neAV bread, sweet-meats, cherries, nuts, olives, and roasted chesnuts; and stimulants of all kinds, Avhether tea, coffee, alcoholic or fermented drinks. Treatment. NotAvithstanding the usually intractable nature of this affection, it has been treated with marked success by the method about to be pointed out. Nux-vomica is one of the principal, and, in a large number of cases, the most appropriate of remedies against spasms of the stomach, and particularly in cases where this affection can be attributed to the long-continued use of strong coffee, or an excessive indulgence in spirituous liquors; it is, moreover, of essential service in many cases of the same disorder, Avhich have arisen after the suppression of chronic or hsemorrhoidal discharges, or AAdien the party affected is liable to fits of hysterics or nervous despondency. The folloAving are the im- mediate symptoms which call for the administration of this medicine: Constriction, pressure, squeezing, or spasm in the stomach, accom- panied with a sensation as if the clothes were too tight at the waist, or as if wind were pent up in the sides, beneath the lower ribs. This sensation, as Avell as the pains before mentioned, become generally in- creased after a meal, or after partaking of coffee; in addition to which, a feeling of depression or constriction is experienced at the chest, which, in many cases, extends to betAveen the shoulders and the loAver part of the back. Frequently, also, Ave find nausea, accumulation of clear water in the mouth, or risings of sour bitter fluids, attended with a sensation of burning in the throat and gullet (heartburn); the tongue tremulous, cracked or fissured, clean, of a vivid red, coated yelloAv, or covered with a white mucus; lips and gums white, red and SAvollen; blanched, yelloAvish, and someAvhat indurated lips ; eyelids in- flamed at the margins; sour or putrid taste in the mouth; vomiting of crude materials; flatulent distension of the bowels; constipation: aching in the forehead ; palpitation of the heart, and anxiety. When these symptoms are liable to be excited by a fit of passion, or become aggravated in the morning, or when the patient is occasionally aAvakened out of his sleep by the spasmodic attack, this remedy is still more certainly indicated. Dose: In severe cases, of recent origin, three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every three hours, until amelioration or change. In chronic cases, with more or less acute pain after every meal, of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every evening until the whole is 230 SPASM OF THE STOMACH. consumed, or in the like proportion, until positive amelioration or change. When the spasm of the stomach returns periodically, or when from some im- prudence in diet we have reason to apprehend an attack, three globules should be taken in a tea-spoonful of water, three hours before the expected recurrence of the symptoms, or in the latter case immediately after the possible cause has transpired. This rule applies in respect of any of the remedies herein prescribed, which have been administered with success against former attacks. If temporary relief, only, followed by more intense suffering, has ensued, and continues three hours after a second dose of Nux-vomica, however, proceed with the next medicine. Carbo-vegetabilis should be given three hours after the second dose of Nux-v., if that remedy has produced only partial good effect, and AA'ill generally complete the cure, provided the affection be not too deeply seated, and consequently one of long standing. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water morning and evening, for four days. Sulphur ought to be administered when the affection is traceable to the suppression of some chronic eruption. This medicine is parti- cularly useful in spasmodic affection of the stomach in females, arising from derangements of the menstrual function. Sulphur is also fre- quently an indispensable remedy in obstinate cases attended with heartburn, aggravation of suffering after a meal, constipation, piles, &c. Dose : Six globules in a wine-glassful of water every morning the first thing (fasting), for a week, unless an earlier change occur in the character of the symptoms. Chamomilla. For the employment of this remedy, the principal indications are p-ressitre as if from a stone in the pit of the stomach, or painful pressure and flatulent distension at the same part, as also of the region beneath the lower ribs and the belly itself, with shortness of breath, anxiety and throbbing headache; mitigation of the above symptoms on partaking of coffee,—a distinguishing mark betAveen the indications of this remedy and those of Nux-vomica;—on the other hand (as in the case of the latter), it is also indicated when the symp- toms, as described, are liable to be brought on by a fit of passion. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every four hours, until amelio- ration or change--or if little or no improvement results within four hours after the third dose, consider the following remedies. Coloeynth is sometimes more efficacious than Chamomilla in the latter case, and especially when the fit of passion is accompanied by indignation. Dose : As directed for Chamomilla. Belladonna ought to be substituted for Chamomilla, or should be administered four hours after the third dose of the latter, when it has not been followed by relief, notwithstanding the apparent similarity of these symptoms; farther indications for Belladonna consist of gnaw- ing, pressure, or spasmodic tension in the pit of the stomach, relieved on bending backwards and holding in the breath; or, further, spasm of the stomach, which recurs daily during dinner, or else pain of so violent a nature as to deprive the patient of consciousness; tremulous, vivid-red and shining tongue, or redness of the tongue and elevation of the papillae; red aud spongy lips. SPASM OF THE STOMACH. 231 Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every four hours, until the indicative symptoms are remo\ed. If followed by more suffering after the third dose of Belladonna, proceed with Gelseminum, as directed for Bella- donna. Carbo-v. may be, hoAvever, preferred to Belladonna, AA'hen the most prominent symptom remaining consists of a sense of aching and pressure at the pit of the stomach and the fore part of the chest; or it may folloAV Chamomilla or Nux-vomica, Avhen a burning, pressive, aching pain is complained of, attended with tenderness to the touch, and aggravation in the recumbent posture. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Belladonna. Cocculus, in many cases of this complaint, is particularly indicated, when, in addition to the usual symptoms, there are constipation and constrictive pains over the entire stomach, Avith flatulency, and accu- mulation of water in the mouth, and alleviation of the sufferings on the recurrence of the latter symptoms. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change. Ipecacuanha is also useful in cases of this affection, Avhen the paroxysms are accompanied with nausea, vomiting, dull darting pains in the pit of the stomach, and sensation of excessive uneasiness in the same region. Dose: Of a solution of four globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change. Pul&atilla is useful in cases with shooting pains in the stomach, which are aggravateel by movement, and particularly making a false step. Pulsatilla is also one of the most appropriate remedies when the attacks are followed by vomiting, or accompanied by violent tension and squeezing, or throbbing and sensation of anxiety about the pit of the stomach, increase of pain after eating, or more particularly a feeling of pressure and pinching after dinner, with a relaxed state of the boAvels, or a disposition thereto. Disposition to hysterics or nervous despondency. This remedy is very serviceable in cases of this affection, arising from suppressed menstruation. Dose : Of a solution of twelve globules to four table-spoonfuls of water, give a table-spoonful every six hours, until amelioration or change. But if no lasting improvement should ensue within six hours after the third dose, consider the folloAving remedies. Ignatia-amara is indicated under nearly the same circumstances as Pulsatilla, with the exception of the state of the boAvels; Ignatia being more appropriate to cases attended with costiveness, and where the inclination to vomit is absent, or when the affection has been caused by grief, anxiety, exhaustion by long abstinence, &c, or occurs in hysterical or hypochondriacal individuals. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful morning and evening, until amelioration or change. Sepia is an efficacious medicine in spasm of the stomach, arising from suppressed or difficult menstruation, and may in general cases advantageously folloAV Pulsatilla; it is indicated when most of the 232 SPASM OF THE STOMACH. sufferings arise after a meal, by pressure m the. stomach as from a stone, and by a burning pain in the pit of the stomach ; and by restoring singly, or in conjunction with Pulsatilla and Sulphur, the menstrual flux, it frequently removes the spasm at the stomach and hysterics consequent upon this derangement, or, at least, places the affection in such a position that it is easily cured by some other medi- cine, closely corresponding to the remaining symptoms. Dose: In recent (not chronic) cases, of a solution of four glohiiles to tAvo table- spoonfuls of water! give a tea-spoonful every four hours until amelioration or change. In chronic cases give three globules in a tea spoonful of water night and morning for a week, then pause four days and resume the course, sus- pend treatment, or change the remedy according to circumstances. China is of great service in most cases of spasms of the stomach Avith general weakness, arising from loss of humors, the result of blood- letting, or repeated loss of blood, abuse of emetics or aperients, too long-continued suckling, &c.; and it is further indicated by great Aveakness of digestion, distension, and uncomfortable weight, pressure or pains in the stomach after eating, so that the patient feels much easier when fasting; these latter symptoms are the more immediate indications for the employment of this medicine. Dose : Of a solution of four globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, or in the like proportion, give a tea-spoonful night and morning for three days ; and afterwards three globules in a tea-spoonful of Avater every third night, until positive improvement or change. Staphysagria. This medicine is useful in some cases of this com- plaint, and is particularly applicable when there is acute pressive tension and squeezing about the pit of the stomach, Avhich sometimes obstructs the breathing, but which is relieved by bending the body forward. Dose: Dissolve six globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every three hours until decrease, subsidence, or change occurs in the symptoms. Stannum will, hoAvever, be found more appropriate, Avhen the pain partakes of a marked tensive character, and extends to the region of the navel, accompanied by sensibility of the region of the stomach on external pressure, shortness of breath, anxiety, and nausea. Dose : As directed for Staphysagria. Bryonia. This medicine is more particularly adapted to the milder cases of spasm in the stomach, with painful pressure, or a feeling of disagreeable fullness in the stomach after a meal, which occasionally becomes converted into a feeling of constriction, cutting or pinching, and is relieved by eructation and external pressure. This remedy is, moreover, still more clearly indicated when the symptoms are gene- rally accompanied by severe headache or painful compression in various parts of the head, and particularly at the temples, which is liable to be excited whenever any article of diet disagrees in the slightest degree; increase of the sufferings by movement; habitual costiveness. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every four hours, until ame- lioration or change. SPASM OF THE STOMACH. 233 Platina is useful for spasms of the stomach in females, occurring particularly at the monthly period, and especially when the menstrual discharge, at the same time, is generally very copious and of too long duration. Dose : Against the acute svmptoms when they occur, of a solution of four glo- bules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every three hours until amelioration or change. Against the predisposition (or until the tendency is eradicated) a Aveek before the recurrence of the periods, give four globules in a tea-spoonful of water night and morning for a week. Arnica-montana, in spasm or pains in the stomach, Avhich have originated in the effects of a strain, or from a blow, &c, Avill be found specific. It is, hoAvever, also an excellent remedy Avhen there is a sense of fullness and constrictive pain in the stomach and in the fore part of the chest, shooting pain in the pit of the stomach, Avith painful pressure as from a stone, or aching, extending to the back, and tight- ness of the chest, increased by eating, drinking, and external pressure. Dose : Of a solution of four globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, or in the like proportion, give a tea-spoonful night and morning, until amelioration or change. Arsenicum is required for periodic pains in the stomach, chiefly consisting of a burning character, and attended with acrid, sour eruc- tations, vomiting of crude materials, or of mucous, sometimes even of blood; tremulous, SAvollen, or glazed, red and fissured tongue; blanched, Avaxy, and somewhat indurated lips; want of appetite ; extreme debi- lity, emaciation. Dose : Two globules in a tea-spoonful of water every three hours, until ame- lioration or change; or in very acute cases characterized by excessive pros- tration and livid aspect, give one globule in a tea-spoonful of water imme- diately, repeating the dose after half an hour, and again every two hours, until positive amelioration or change. But if little or no permanent relief ensue within two hours after the sixth dose, consider the various other reme- dies herein named. In chronic cases, give three globules in a tea-spoonful of water night and morning, until distinct amelioration or change. Lycopodium is indicated by squeezing or compressive pains pro- ceeding from each extremity of the stomach, AAdth flatulent distension ; want of appetite, constipation, pains in the back and loins; blanched lips, inflamed and thickened eyelids; exacerbation of the symptoms in the open air, after a meal, or in the morning; spasms of the stomach in lymphatic females Avith too copious menstrual discharge. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change ; but if little or no permanent relief ensue within three hours after the third dose, consider the other remedies herein named. In chronic cases, give four globules in a tea- spoonful of Avater every evening for a week. Lachesis is required for spasms of the stomach, particularly in per- sons addicted to excessive indulgence in wine or ardent spirits, relieved by partaking of food; tongue covered Avith a dark brown fur, or tre- mulous, glazed, red and cracked, or SAVolleu; spongy, vivid-red, or blanchedand Avax-like lips; roughness or dryness of the throat; flatu- lence, constipation; trembling, numbness, and paralytic weakness of the extremities. 234 VOMITING. Dose: As directed for Lycopodium. Calcarea. In obstinate cases, occurring in individuals who are habitually addicted to the abuse of wine or ardent spirits, Calcarea will generally be found of great service, especially after the previous employment of Nux-v., Lachesis, and Sulphur. It is further a valuable remedy in the cases of females of full habit of body, subject to dis- charge of blood from the nose, or to excessively copious menstruation; and is generally indicated Avhen the paroxysms of pain come on usually at night, or after a meal in which latter instance, vomiting sometimes results, or nausea and acidity, with painful sensibilityon pressure at the region of the stomach. Constipation, haemorrhoids, or chronic looseness of the bowels are additional general indications for the employment of this remedy. Dose: Six globules in a wine-glassful of water every morning the first thing, for a week (unless earlier relief or change ensue); pause four days, and then, if necessary, resume the course as before, and so on, until positive ameliora- tion or change. Diet and Regimen. These are subject to the same general rules as have already been afforded in the article on Indigestion. HEARTBURN. BLACK-WATER. WATER-BRASH. This is not an affection of the organ whose name it bears, but a painful or uneasy sensation of heat or acrimony about the pit of the stomach, sometimes extending upAvards. It is frequently accompanied AA'ith anxiety, nausea, and vomiting; or a violent gnaAving, spasmodic pain in the region of the stomach, from which the patient experiences no relief, until he succeeds in ejecting a quantity of limpid fluid. Treatment. As Heartburn is, strictly speaking, a mere symptom emanating from derangement of the stomach, the general articles on "Indigestion" and its subordinate affections should be considered. VOMITING. If there be reason to suspect the reception of poisonous substances into the stomach, the presence of worms, colicky affections of the intestines, inflammation of the liver and brain, &c, the course of treatment should be regulated by reference to the articles on the particular subjects in question. Vomiting occasioned by Excess of Food or Drink. Antimonium-c, Pulsatilla, Ipecacuanha, Nux-vomica. These remedies, respectively, according to the characteristic effect of each (see the article on that subject), are of the greatest service when vomiting is occasioned by excess in eating or drinking. Dose: Of the remedy selected give three globules in a tea-spoonful ot water every three hours until amelioration or change. Vomiting occasioned by Foulness of the Stomach. Pulsatilla, Nux-vomica, Bryonia. These are amongst the most important medicines appropriate to the treatment of Vomiting arising VOMITING. 235 from this cause; but inasmuch as this may involve general derange- ment, or even deep-seated disease of the organs associated with diges- tion and nutrition, it Avill be proper that the article on Indigestion should be carefully considered in relation to the symptoms. In respect of the three remedies enumerated, the reader is referred to the article on " Characteristic Effects" for the selection of that which is appro- priate to the case. Dose: Of the remedy selected, give three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every three hours until decrease or change of symptoms occurs; and, after- wards, if the same remedy be indicated, continue the like dose, morning and evening, for four days. Vomiting occasioned by External Injuries. The particular symptoms which should determine the selection of that which is appropriate to any particular case, Avill be distinguished by considering the articles on "External Injuries," "Inflammation of the Brain," and " Characteristic Effects." Vomiting occasioned by Passive Motions. Nux-vomica, Cocculus, Petroleum. These remedies are chiefly applicable to the treatment of vomiting Avhich is occasioned by passive motion, such as riding in a carriage, sea-sickness, SAvinging, &c. The particular indications for each of these remedies may be gathered from the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose : Of the medicine selected give three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every two hours, until amelioration or change. Vomiting without Ostensible Cause. In ordinary cases, Avhen there is uncertainty as to the cause of the vomiting, it should be promoted by copious draughts of tepid Avater, when homoeopathic medicines are not at hand. But as the effect of the medicines is equally efficacious, and as it is a much more agreeable mode of giving relief, particularly to children, by such means, they should invariably be preferred, when there is, at all events, no reason whatever for concluding that the derangement arises from the intro- duction of poison into the stomach. Antimonium-c. is generally appropriate when the tongue is covered Avith a white or yellow coating. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every two hours, until amelioration or change. Ipecacuanha is indicated by copious vomiting when the tongue is clean. Dose: As directed for Antimonium-c. Arsenicum is indicated when there is very violent straining and retching, with scanty vomiting; and, moreover, Avhen extreme pros- tration or lassitude accompanies or follows the fits of retching. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful eveiy hour until the retching is moderated, and then every three hours, until positive diminution, cessation, or change in the symptoms. 236 HEARTBURN, etc.--VOMITING. Vomiting occasioned by Irritability of the Stomach. When vomiting proceeds from Aveakness or debility of stomach, it will be desirable that the article on Indigestion should be carefully considered, in order that the treatment may in every respect corres- pond to the distinctive features of the complaint. _ The following course of medicines is, hoAvever, applicable to the majority of cases in which tiiis affection does not assume a serious aspect. Pulsatilla is usually very efficacious Avhen the stomach is so delicate and irritable that it is only capable of retaining the smallest quantity of food, a transgression being invariably folloAved by vomiting attended with severe spasms, or vomiting of adhesive phlegm, giddiness, loose- ness of the bowels, and even fainting. Dose: Two globules in a tea-spoonful of water, morning, and evening, until amelioration or change. But if little permanent benefit results Avithin tAvelve hours after the eighth dose, pause three days, and proceed Avith the next remedy. Cocculus should be administered three days after the eighth dose of Pulsatilla, if the latter remedy has been incapable of subduing the symptoms. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Pulsatilla; but if little or no permanent relief ensue within twelve hours after the sixth dose, pause three days, and proceed with the next medicine. Bryonia should be administered twelve hours after the eighth dose of Cocculus, if the latter medicine has been iucapable of overcoming the symptoms. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, morning and evening, for three days. But if this medicine should prove inadequate to the thorough removal of the symptoms, proceed with the next. Nux-vomica should be administered three days after the sixth dose of Bryonia, if the latter remedy has been insufficient to subdue the symptoms permanently. Dose : Two globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night aud morning, for four days. But if this medicine should prove inadequate to effect a cure, proceed with the next. China, Ferxum. In the rare instances in which vomiting under such circumstances fails to be subdued by the treatment just pre- scribed, one of these remedies (according to such distinctive indica- tions as may be gathered from the article on " Characteristic Effects"), should be administered three days after the fourth dose of Nux-vomica. Dose: Of either medicine, as selected, according to the direction given for Nux-vomica. Arsenicum, Hyocyamus. One or both of these remedies, ac- cording to the indications afforded in the article on " Characteristic Effects," may be required for intermediary administration at any period of the course above described, if the vomiting or retching should become excessively violent. Dose: Of the remedy selected give two globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every hour until amelioration or change, suspending treatment for twelve VOMITING. 237 hours after the urgent symptoms have been subdued, before proceeding with the course heretofore prescribed. Sulphur, Calcarea. In the majority of cases, even AA'hen the symptoms have been thoroughly overcome by the foregoing course, ime or both of these medicines, singly, in succession, or in alternation, will prove of great service in eradicating the susceptibility to a recur- rence of the disorder. Dose : Of the remedy selected, if singly, give six globules in a wine-glassful of water every morning, the first thing (fasting) for a week. If in alternation, administer the course just prescribed of the one, pause four days, and pro- ceed in like manner with the other, and so on. If in succession, pause a week betAveen the administration of the different medicines. Bilious Vomiting—Bilious Attacks. In cases of vomiting, which come on either periodically or in con- sequence of errors in diet, exposure to cold, &c, and in which the matters ejected consist chiefly or entirely of bile, accompanied by headache, broAA-nish-yellow tongue, bitter or nauseous taste, sometimes pain in the right side and betAveen the shoulders, disgust at the very thought of food, the following remedies will generally be found most efficacious according to the respective indications afforded:— Nux-vomica is, in a large number of cases, the most appropriate remedy, but particularly in those which are liable to be brought on by sedentary habits, severe mental application, or by mental annoyance ; also when errors in diet (especially as regards vinous or spirituous liquors) invariably bring on an attack. A confined state of the bowels is another indication for its employment. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every two hours, until the symptoms are modified, and then every four hours until positive amelioration or change. Pulsatilla is called for by a nearly similar train of symptoms, but is generally more efficacious when the boAvels are more or less relaxed, and is better adapted to persons of mild or sensitive dispositions, (AA'hereas Nux-v. is preferable for those of quick, irascible temper,) or Avho are subject to great depression of spirits, attended with aversion to mental or physical exertion. Dose: As directed for Nux-vomica. Mercurius is often very efficacious when either of the foregoing medicines fail to afford much relief. This remedy is equally called for AA'hen there is a tendency to nausea or vomiting, and is preferable Avhen the headache consists of a distressing feeling of fullness, with tension, as if the head were tightly bound. Dose: Of a solution of six globules in two table-spoonfuls of water give a tea- epoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change. Ipecacuanha, Arsenicum, Veratrum. Ipecacuanha generally forms a useful remedy when bilious vomiting is apt to be excited by exposure to cold. It is frequently serviceable in other cases, when there is much nausea, with paroxysms of free and copious vomiting and pain in the entire head, as if it had been severely bruised. 238 VOMITING. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every two hours, until the symptoms are modified, and then everj four hours, until positive amelioration or change. But if the symptoms con- tinue without abatement four hours after the third dose, consider the next medicine. Arsenicum may follow four hours after the third dose of Ipeca- cuanha, if the sickness and retching continue to a distressing degree; or it may be selected in preference to Ipecacuanha, aa hen the evacua- tion of the contents of the stomach is painfully difficult, but the efforts incessant and prone to be reneAved on the slightest movement, although the feeling of general uneasiness renders it difficult for the patient to remain quiescent; also when there is excessive thirst, Avith aversion to drink, or inclination to drink only small quantities at a time, and great debility. Further, when bilious colic and diarrhoea accompany the attack, or AA'hen the attacks are invariably preceded or followed by severe nervous headache (megrims), Arsenicum is a most valuable remedy. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every hour, until the symptoms are modified, and then every three hours until positive amelioration or change. In very severe cases the doses at the onset may be repeated every half hour. If in alternation with Veratrum, two doses should be administered with an interval of one hour, then suc- ceeded by a pause of two hours, and afterwards by two doses of Veratrum similarly. Veratrum may sometimes be administered in alternation vvith Arsenicum, when that remedy brings only partial relief. It is a valuable remedy in the severest forms of bilious vomiting, attended with distressing headache, preceded or accompanied by copious dis- charge of pale urine, and Avhen fainting is liable to occur from the vio- lence of the attack. Dose : In every respect as directed for Arsenicum. Aeonitum should be given before any other remedy, when bilious attacks are attended Avith febrile symptoms. In such cases, indeed, it will frequently be sufficient to put a speedy stop to the attack. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every three hours, until the feverish symptoms subside, or assume a character which is specifically indicative of other remedies, such as Bella- donna, Hyoscyamus, &c. China, Hepar-s. China may very generally be given with advan- tage at the termination of every severe bilious attack. It is also of much utility in some cases at the commencement; particularly when the affection occurs in debilitated persons, and in those who have been in the habit of taking calomel or blue pill for this affection. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, for a week (unless the last circumstance should qualify the treatment.) But if the last- mentioned circumstance should have occurred as a provocative, proceed with the next remedy twenty-four hours after the third dose. Hepar-s. should be administered twenty-four hours after the third dose of China, in cases in which the patient has been previously treated with blue pill, Calomel, or other mercurial preparations. VOMITING OF BLOOD. 239 Dose: Six globules in a wine-glassful of water every morning, the first thing, (fasting) for a week. Diet and Regimen. The general regulations hereinbefore pre- scribed under the head of " Indigestion," are equally applicable to cases of this description, as are also those Avhich are afforded in respect of Jaundice, and Inflammation of the Liver. During the continu- ance of the attack, however, the utter repugnance to food of all kinds, Avhich generally accompanies this disorder, should be sufficiently illus- trative that the stomach is not in a condition to receive or digest food to indicate abstinence. As soon as the appetite returns, a cup of Aveak black tea, With some dry toast, may be taken; and the food should continue to be very light and simple, and to be taken frequently, but in small quantities at a time, for several days. VOMITING OF BLOOD. Symptoms. Blood eA'acuated by A'omiting, sometimes pure, gene- rally of a dark color, but sometimes of a bright-red hue; it is occa- sionally mixed AA'ith bile, food, efcc.; the quantity varies; blood is also not unfrequently discharged in clots by stool. Premonitory Symptoms. Weight, pressure, fullness or tensive pain or spasm in the region of the stomach and beneath the loAver ribs; griping and colic; burning heat in the region of the stomach ; anxiety, particularly on partaking of food or drink, or on pressure at the stomach; saltish taste in the mouth ; impaired appetite and nausea; giddiness, fainting, cold perspiration; sometimes also an intermittent pulsation is perceptible at the pit of the stomach. Some only of the preceding symptoms may be present previous to the attack, and others, during its course when A'ery severe, are fre- quently renewed. We often find wild delirium or wandering accom- panied with spasms, and a gradually increasing Aveakness and remission of pulse with frequent fainting. Causes. The most frequent causes of this affection are the sudden sup- pression of any sanguineous discharge, and the consequent determina- tion of blood to the stomach ; it is therefore apt to declare itself after a suspension of habitual discharge of blood in piles, and is a very common affection in females, from the suppression or cessation of the menstrual discharge, in which case it is frequently preceded by Spasm of the Stomach. Other causes are, cancrous tumor of the stomach, internal injury of that organ from swalloAving sharp substances, or from Avorms; poisons, drastic purgatives or emetic drugs, external contusion, ob- struction of important intestinal organs, or a change in the constituent principles of the blood itself; the direct cause is the bursting of some of the vessels of the stomach. Treatment. In order to provide for the contingency (of frequent occurrence"), in which homceopathic professional advice is not within reach, or easy access, a feAV of the most important remedies, with their respective indications, will be enumerated, premising, hoAvever, that when it arises from any organic disease, the existence of AA'hich the 240 vomiting of blood. experienced practitioner can alone detect, a different course may be necessary. As this affection may occur purely as a symptom dependent upon tardiness or suppression of the periodical discharge (of females) or OAving to its final cessation, or may originate in the presence of worms, or in the introduction of poisonous substances into the stomach; or, again, may occur as a symptom attendant upon inflammation of the spleen,—under circumstances Avhich lead to the apprehension of either of these causes, the reader is referred to the consideration of the articles respectively devoted to each of those affections or circum- stances. In general or casual cases, hoAvever, the folioAving medicines will in all probability be required, according to the several indications AA'hich suggest their employment. Aconitum should be given when the premonitory symptoms above detailed declare themselves, and particularly Avhen a considerable degree of fever precedes the attack. Dose: Dissolve six globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution, repeating the dose in half an hour; and then every hour till positive amelioration or change. In this mode, if taken in time, Ave may often, by calming the circulation, prevent an attack. Nux-vomica. In a full habit of body, with a marked tendency to congestion of the stomach and boAvels, particularly Avhen arising from suppression of haemorrhoids, or of the menstrual discharge, or from indulgence in vinous, spirituous, or fermented liquors; this remedy is still further indicated by irritability of temper, and liability to consti- pation. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every four hours, until amelio- ration or change. Lycopodium will often be found available in cases analogous to those which have been mentioned as indicating Nux-vomica, and when the latter medicine has not been completely effectual. Dose : In every respect as directed for Nux-vomica. Pulsatilla. The value of this remedy is noticed in the diseases of females above mentioned ; it is also in many cases found more suitable than Nux-vomica for males, when of lymphatic temperament and mild disposition. Distinctive derangement of the digestive functions con- stitutes the general indication for this medicine. Dose : As directed for Nux-vomica. China. When a quantity of blood has been already vomited, this remedy, from its poAver of restoring the energy of the system after debilitating losses, is clearly indicated ; it should also be chosen Avhen the patient has had a severe attack of vomiting of blood, which has ceased of itself, but still left great Aveakness. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every four hours, until amelio- ration or change ; if, however, there be very palpable amelioration after the first dose, the repetition may be suspended until the symptoms recur, or for twenty-four hours. Arnica. One of our most important remedies in severe cases, and CONSTIPATION.—COSTIVENESS. 241 especially when occurring in individuals of a robust constitution, of a sanguine temperament and choleric disposition. It is further indicated Avhen the patient complains of pains, resembling the results of a con- tusion, in all the extremities. Dose : Dissolve six globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every three hours, until distinct amelioration or change. Sulphur is useful in scrofulous habits, or when the affection has arisen from suppressed haemorrhoids; its value, also, in cases of un- healthy menstruation will be pointed out in the proper place. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every four hours, for the first dav, or until the violent symptoms subside Then six globules in a wine- glassful of water, every morning the first thing (fasting) for ten days ; pause four days, and resume the course, and so on from time to time when no acute svmptoms are present. Belladonna, Hyoscyamus. Both of these remedies (Avith minute distinctive indications which will be traced on reference to the article on " Characteristic Effects") are appropriate to the treatment of vomiting of blood, attended Avith much spasmodic action. Dose : Of the medicine selected give three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every two hours until the symptoms are modified, and then every four hours until positive amelioration or change. ACCESSORY MEASURES. The application of dry cupping-glasses to the stomach and under the ribs,—or of a cloth, Avhich has been dipped in moderately cold water, to the loAver region of the belly,—sometimes forms a useful auxiliary in arresting the discharge of blood. See also the article on "Discharge of Blood from the Lungs." Diet and Regimen. The rules already given under Spasm of the Stomach should be enforced, with the utmost rigor; solid food cannot be permitted, and all drinks should be cold ; animal jellies, preparations of milk, light puddings and broths, merely tepid, may be alloAved in cases Avhere the patient may require such nourishment, but nothing more must be taken than is absolutely necessary for that purpose; im- mediately after an attack, no food should be given for some hours, and then very cautiously, and in small quantity. It is evident that, in such cases, absolute rest, both mental and bodily, is essentially requisite. CONSTTPATION—COSTIVENESS. STOPPAGE OF THE BOWELS. This complaint is generally sympathetic, or associated with some other derangement of the organism, and, consequently, in enumerating regulations for the treatment of different diseases, Ave have frequent occasion to allude to it. One of the leading causes of aggravation and excessive obstinacy in the Constipation, most closely approaching to an original form, is the practice of flying to aperient medicines on the slightest appearance of costiveness, under the absurd idea that keeping the bowels open is a species of panacea against disease of every descrip- tion. Many mothers are so possessed Avith this idea, that they con- 242 CONSTIPATION.--COSTIVENESS. tinuaUy administer physic to their children, without the slightest apparent call for it, and thus lay the foundation of a variety of derangements and irregularities in the stomach and bowels in after- life. Many a slight case of costiveness, which, if left to nature, would have disappeared of itself, leaA'ing no ill consequences, has, by an ill- judged administration of aperients, been converted into obstinate Constipation, embittering existence, and predisposing the constitution to a variety of diseases in after-life. To prevent misconception upon this point, it should be clearly understood that Ave by no means under- value a regular state of the boAA'els, but that, Avhen costiveness shows itself, Ave. happily possess remedies calculated to restore the general balance of the system; and that, in obstinate cases, we do not content ourselves with simply alleviating the immediate symptoms, but mainly direct our attention to the permanent removal of the affection. M;tny of the principal causes of this disorder, besides that mentioned, are the same as those particularized under the head of Indigestion. TREATMENT. There are some cases in which, from constitutional peculiarity, the boAvels only act every three or four days, or even every Aveek or ten days, without any inconvenience resulting from this apparent inert- ness. So long as no mischief seems to attend upon or result from such inaction, and so long as the operation at such remote intervals continues regular, it is almost superfluous to resort to medicinal inter- ference. In trivial cases in which evident derangement occurs, it will be found sufficient to pay proper attention to diet, to avoid too dry or in- digestible food, to masticate properly, to partake of meat only once a day, and to take sufficient exercise in the open air. Should this course not have the desired effect, we must choose one or more of the subjoined remedies. Opium is chiefly to be selected in recent cases, where constipation is not habitual; but is also serviceable in cases of a more chronic cha- racter, occurring in vigorous, plethoric, well-nourished subjects, and arising from inactivity in the intestinal canal, or from seelentary habits. In old people, it is generally useful when diarrhoea alternates AA'ith the constipation. The more immediate indications for Opium are, Avant of poAver to relieve the bowels, with a feeling of constriction in the passage; or, costiveness, with difficult evacuation of hard, knotty, and bullet-shaped stools; pulsation and sense of weight in the belly, and dull, heavy pain in the same part; parched mouth^ and Avant of appe- tite; determination of blood to the head, with redness of the face, and headache. Opium has been found to be one of the best palliative remedies in constipation arising from pressure on the terminal boAvel, such as that Avhich is occasioned by the pregnant womb, tumors, SAvelling of the ovary, fibrous SAvelling of the womb, in consequence of which the faecal matter frequently accumulates in excessive quantities, and can only be expelled after great effort, accompanied Avith severe pain. In Aveak, nervous, emaciated females, in whom the monthly discharge is CONSTIPATION--COSTIVENESS. 243 ahvays too copious, or in cases where the constipation has arisen from affections of the stomach or liver, Opium is contra-indicated. Dose : Two globules in a tea-spoonful of water every twelve hours, until amelio- ration or change; but if no distinct alteration should follow the sixth dose, consider the next remedy. Nux-vomica. This remedy is particularly useful when constipation results from too heavy a meal, indigestible food, and stimulating liquids; or when the confined state of the boAvels has resulted from prolonged diarrhoea, or frequent purgings. In the latter instances Opium may often be advantageously alternated with Nux-v.. In ob- stinate cases arising from long-continued indulgence in vinous, fer- mented, or spirituous drinks, or coffee, or from sedentary habits or excessive study, Nux-v. is one of the most effectual medicaments. It is peculiarly adapted to persons of irascible and lively temper, Avith determination of blood to the head, and headache, unfitness for exer- cise, disturbed sleep, and a feeling of general oppression, or heaviness; frequent and ineffectual efforts to relieve the boAvels, attended Avith sensation of stricture, and sometimes frequent, painful and difficult emission of urine. It is further, as remarked under the head of In- digestion, (Avhich see, for other indications for this remedy) particularly indicated for individuals subject to piles. Dose : Three globules, taken in a tea-spoonful of water every night, until amelio- ration or change. Pulsatilla has nearly the same indications as Nux-vomica, with the characteristic distinction of temperament before noted under the head of Indigestion (Avhich see). In recent cases, it is particularly indicated when the obstruction has arisen from indigestion brought about by rich or greasy food, and when it is accompanied with moroseness and shivering. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Nux-vomica. Alumina is useful against constipation, from inactivity of the bowels; motions hard, dry, broken, evacuated with considerable exer- tion and forcing, and sometimes streaked Avith blood; constipation from travelling. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every evening, or every night at bedtime, until amelioration or change. Bryonia is especially useful in constipation occurring in warm weather, and in persons of dark complexion and of irritable or obstinate disposition, AA'ith a tendency to be easily chilled and subject to rheu- matism ; it is further indicated when constipation arises from disordered stomach, and is attended AA'ith determination of blood to the head anel headache. Dose: Two globules in a tea-spoonful of water, repeated in tAventy-four hours* even if partial relief ensue. In chronic cases, tAvo globules maA\ in like manner, be taken daily for ten days, or until positive amelioration or change. Platina is a useful remedy AA'hen constipation has been brought about by travelling, Avhen Opium has failed; or especially Avhen the act of expulsion is attended Avith straining, and when a feeling of weak 244 CONSTIPATION—COSTIVENESS. ness is experienced in the boAvels after a stool, sometimes accompanied by shuddering. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water night and morning, until ame- lioration or change. Mercurius is useful against constipation, with bitter taste, copious secretion of saliva, and tenderness of the gums; costiveness, Avith hard bullet-shaped stools. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water night and morning, until ame- lioration or change. Plumbum-metallioum is of service (unless the symptoms are attributable, as amongst painters, to the deleterious effects of lead) for obstinate constipation, with ineffectual efforts; painful retraction and constriction of the fundament; or evacuation of tenacious, hard, bullet- shaped motions. Dose: Two globules in a tea-spoonful of water every twelve hours, until ame- lioration or change. Natrum-muriatioum. This remedy will sometimes be found effi- cacious when many others have failed to relieve, particularly in chronic and extremely obstinate cases. Dose : When the disorder is not of very old standing, three globules in a tea-spoon- t ful of water, every twelve hours, until amelioration or change. In very in- veterate cases, six globules in a wine-glassful of water the first thing in the morning, daily, until amelioration or change; or for ten days successively, followed by a pause of four days, and a similar re-administration of the course, if necessary. Sulphur is one of the best remedies in the relief of habitual consti- pation, particularly when haemorrhoids are present, or a disposition to them exists; costiveness, with hard, bullet-shaped stools; or frequent inclination to go to stool, but Avithout the desired result. Dose: For adults six globules, for young persons four globules, in a wine-glass- ful of water every morning the first thing (fasting), until amelioration or change ; or for ten days, then pausing four days ;—after Avhich, if requisite, the same course may be resumed, and so on. Veratrum. Constipation, chiefly from inactivity of the terminal bowel, Avith heat and dryness of skin, determination of blood to the head, and lateral headache. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, (with the addition of ten drops of proof spirit,) give a tea-spoonful every twelve hours, until amelioration or change. Otherwise, two globules in a tea-spoonful of water, at similar intervals. i Lachesis. In obstinate constipation, this medicine may be given with effect after Nux-v. to those who habitually take wine rather freely, or Avho experience flatulent distension after meals and ineffectual efforts to eructate. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every evening, until amelio- ration or change. Sepia may frequently be taken with advantage in chronic consti- pation, after Nux-v. and Sulphur; and is, moreover, particularly well adapted for females in whom there is an irregularity or obstruction of CONSTIPATION— COSTIVENESS. 245 the menstrual discharge; it is also indicated by constipation in indivi- duals subject to rheumatism, as Avell as by hard, conglomerate, bullet- shaped motions, and stoppage of the bowels. Dose: When the disorder is not of very old standing, give three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every twelve hours until amelioration or change. In very inveterate cases, six globules in a wine-glassful of water, as directed for Sulphur Silicea. When constipation is accompanied with colic, impaired appetite, and thirst; the stools are hard, knotty, and passed with great difficulty; and the patient suffers from straining at evacuation without discharge. ( Conium is occasionally useful in completing the cure after Silicea. Dose : Six globules as directed for Sulphur, p. 244. Lycopodium. Chronic constipation with ebullition and determi- nation of blood to the head ; colic, flatulence, sense of weight in the lower part of the bowels. Dose : For adults four globules, or, for young persons, three globules in a tea- spoonful of water, every twelve hours, until amelioration or change. Stoppage of the Bowels. Graphites, Plumbum. These tAvo medicines, in addition to those previously mentioned, are often of great service in those cases of con- stipation AA'hich result from mechanical obstructions, &c, of the bowels, and when the evacuations (if discharged) are ejected in hard balls, or hard, thin, worm-like pieces. Particular and distinctive indications for each of these medicines may be gathered from the article on " Cha- racteristic Effects," under the head of each. Dose : Of the medicine selected, give four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, three times during the first day, and afterwards every twelve hours, until amelioration or change. Constipation alternating with Looseness. Rhus-tox., Antimon.-erud., Ruta, Phosphorus, One or more of these four medicines may be advantageously administered singly, in alternation, or in succession, in addition to such of those, already men- tioned, as correspond with the features of the case, when the costive- ness or constipation occurs in alternation with looseness. Particular and distinctive indications for each respectively may be gathered from the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose : Of the remedy selected give four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every twelve hours, until amelioration or change, or for ten days, if requisite ; then pausing four days, and resuming the course, if yet required, by doses given at intervals of tAventy-four hours. Constipation from muscular inertness of the Bowels. Aurum. In addition to medicines already mentioned in the fore- going part of this article, Aurum may be found of especial service under such circumstances as correspond with its specific action (see " Characteristic Effects"), when the constipation is associated with deficiency of muscular action in the bowels. 246 CONSTIPATION—COSTIVENESS. Dose : Six globules in a table-spoonful of water every morning the first thing (fasting) until positive amelioration or change, pausing hoAvever, for four days, after a course often days, should the adnnnistrat.on be required so long. iEsculus-hippocastanum (Horse-Chestnut). Dull headache. Distress in the stomach. Desire for stool and pains m the abdomen. Congestion of the liver which pains by walking; it acts when Nux-v. and Sulphur fail to cure. Dose : As directed for Baryta-c. (See below.) Collinsonia-canadensis (Stone-Root). Headache. Constipation with flatulence. Sluggish stool with distention of the abdomen. In- tense heat and itching of the anus. Dose : As directed for Baryla-c. Hydrastis-eanadensis (Golden Seal). In chronic and obstinate constipation. Dose : As directed for Baryta-c. Phytolaeea-decandra (Poke- Weed). Long-standing constipation. Pains when moving, in the abdomen. Dose : As directed for Baryta-c. Podophyllum-peltatum (Mandrake). Pain in the forehead, Acute and chronic constipation of long standing. Dose : A small powder of the 1st trituration when rising and when going to bed, made a permanent cure in ten days. Constipation of Aged Persons. Baryta-c. will often be found of great service in cases of this kind, in addition to, before, or after, such of those medicines, named in the foregoing part of this article, as correspond most closely with the case in question.-- The particular indications may be gathered from the article upon the characteristic action of the medicines. Dose : Four globules in a wine-glassful of water the first thing in the morning (fasting) until amelioration or change, pausing, however, for four days, after a course of ten days, if the administration should require to be continued so long. Constipation in Travelling. Platina, Opium, Alumina, Kali-earh., Arsenicum, Ammon.- carb. In addition to the indications already specially mentioned before. (See pages 242, 243.) Dose: As directed in the preceding prescription. Constipation occasioned by Purging. China is particularly appropriate to the treatment of constipation, which occurs as the result of previous and violent purging, continued looseness, and the like. Dose : Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water every twelve hours, until dis- tinct amelioration or change. Constipation occasioned by the Vapor of Lead, as of Painters, &c. Opium, Platina, Alumina. One or more of these medicines piles. 247 may be most appropriately selected for cases of this kind, in accordance Avith the detailed indications already afforded respecting them (at pp. 242, 243. Dose : In every respect as previously directed at pages 242, 243. Constipation with Determination of Blood to the Head. Aconitum, Belladonna. One or both of these medicines may be advantageously administered, singly, in alternation, or in succession, and in addition to such as have been mentioned with detailed indica- tions (such as Opium, Nux-v. cfec.),—when the constipation is asso- ciated AA'ith predominant fullness of the vessels of the head. Distinctive indications for such selection may be gathered from the article on "Characteristic Effects." Dose : Of either medicine, as selected, give three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every six hours, until the predominant head symptoms are modified, and then every twelve hours, until positive amelioration or change. ACCESSORY MEASURES. In all cases of an inveterate or chronic nature, recourse may occa- sionally be had to an enema or lavement of tepid or of cold Avater, as a temporary mode of relief, until the medicine has effected the desired result. The drinking of a tumblerful, or more, of cold Avater, thrice a day Avhen fisting,—dashing cold Avater against the belly, and then applying brisk friction by means of a coarse towel,—combined Avith early rising and daily exercise, (not violent or beyond the strength of the patient, so as to cause suffering,) will be found useful auxiliaries in promoting a regular action of the bowels. Electro-magnetism is another and most useful auxiliary, either in cases arising from culpable neglect, or indolence, or from inability or impracticability to relieve nature Avhilst travelling. In chronic cases arising from inertness of the boAvels, or a sort of intestinal paralytic debility, the application of electro-magnetism is often superior to any other auxiliary. Diet- The diet ought to be regulated according to the state of the primary digestive organs, and highly-seasoned food, or that which contains much fibrous or ligneous matter, such as radishes, cabbages, turnips, green fruits, &c, should be avoided. PILES. Symptoms. Enlargement of the veins, or effusion of blood in the cellular tissue of the terminal boAvel, either within or Avithout the fun- dament (internal or external piles); or protrusion and distension of one or more of the inner foldings of the same intestine, Avith or with- out bleeding (open or blind piles), preceded or accompanied by pains in the back, the base of the spinal column, and belly; sensation of itching, prickling, tickling, burning, or pressing at the terminal bowel, sometimes extending to the adjacent parts, with, in general, constipa- tion, and not unfrequently derangements of the urinary organs. Predisposing Causes. The predisposing Causes of the diseases 248 PILES. are: 1. A constitutional taint. 2. Local debilitation of the vessels by continued excesses, by abuse of warm drinks, purgings, or injec- tions, &c. Exciting Causes. Among the exciting causes are habitual cos- tiveness, severe exertion on horseback, use of drastic medicines, of warm, stimulating diet, or of vinous, alcoholic, and fermented drinks, tea or coffee, the excessive use ot seasoned food anel spices,, the sup- pression of long-continued discharges, sedentary habits, sitting on a cold seat or on damp ground, the pressure of the gravid AA'omb, tight- lacing, or any other cause of local pressure, morbid accumulation of blood in the liver, mental emotions, &c. The painful practice among surgeons of removing the hsemorrhoidal excrescences by means of the knife or ligature is much to be depre- cated ; for, independently of the danger not unfrequently attending the operation, it may occasion serious consequences by a sudden transfer of the congestion to some of the noble organs: in a great number of cases, moreover, it wholly fails, and the disease returns, sometimes even in an aggravated form. TREATMENT. Aconite, although not specific in its curative action, is useful in allaying pain, Avhen considerable inflammation and distressing pain exist, and may in such cases precede the administration of each of the following medicines, Avhich are among the principal remedial agents in this disease. Dose : Of a solution of three globules to six tea-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every six hours, until the inflammatory symptoms subside. After which pause thirty-six hours, and then proceed with such of the folloAving remedies as are especially indicated by the distinctiA'e features of the disorder. Nux-vomica is a most valuable remedy in this affection, and is very efficacious against both descriptions of piles, but especially against bleeding piles, particularly for individuals who lead a sedentary life, or who indulge in the use of coffee or stimulating liquids, and also for females during pregnancy—when the haemorrhoids are attended with shooting, burning, or itching pains; colic; shooting and jerking pain. or pain as if from a bruise in the loins, rendering it difficult to rise or walk in an erect position; and when they are accompanied by consti- pation and sometimes painful and difficult passing of water, and the other symptoms described, as indicating this medicine, under the head of "Indigestion." Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water night and morning, until ame- lioration or change. But if positive improvement has not resulted within a week, pause six days, resuming the administration of the same or of another remedy (according to symptoms) after the lapse of that period, and so on, until positive amelioration or change. Or, again, if partial relief ensue from the administration of Nux-vomica, but this remedy is evidentl>' inadequate to effect a perfect cure, consider the following medicines, and particularly Sul phur. If Nux-vomica should require to be given in alternation with Suipkur, the better method is first to give four doses of the one, then to pause six days, proceeding with four doses of the other at the above-named intervals, and se on until amelioration or change. PILES. 249 Sulphur may follow the administration of Nux-vomica; and in alternation of these remedies, at intervals of a week or ten days, fre- quently effects a cure in cases of long standing. Dose : If to follow Nux-vomica, to complete the cure, give six globules in a wine- glassful of water, every morning the first thing (fasting) for ten days (unless previous amelioration or change result), beginning on the seventh day after the last dose of the previous medicine. If employed at the onset, the like dose similarly. If in alternation with Nux-vomica, as directed for that medicine. Arsenicum. Piles, accompanied by burning and s/iooting pains, heat and agitation, sometimes Avith prostration of strength. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of Avater, give a tea- spoonful every twelve hours, until four doses have been given, and then every twelve hours, until positive amelioration or change. Belladonna is indicated by moist piles, with an insufferable pain in the region about the base of the spinal column, as if the back Avould break or be rent asunder; difficulty in voiding Avater. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every six hours, until amelioration or change ; but if only partial relief should ensue within six hours after the fourth dose, pause thirty-six hours, and proceed with the next remedy. Hepar-sulphuris may folloAV thirty-six hours after the last dose of Belladonna, should that medicine fail to, or only partially, relieve these symptoms. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, morning and evening, until distinct amelioration or change. Pdius-toxicodendron. When the violent pain, mentioned under the head of Belladonna, still continues severe, this medicament will be found efficacious, particularly if the pain be relieved by motion. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Hepar-sulph. -Pulsatilla. Discharge of blood and mucus during stool, and at other times, with painful smarting and sensation of excoriation in the piles, pains in the back, pallid countenance, and disposition to fainting; difficulty in passing water. Dose : Of a solution of eight globules to six tea-spoonfuls of water (to which add ten drops of spirits of wine) give a tea-spoonful morning and evening, until the Avhole is consumed. If further treatment then be requisite, pause four days, and recontinue the course in like manner, until amelioration or change. Platina is of service AA'hen there is frequent inclination to go to stool, folloAved by a very scanty and difficult evacuation, succeeded by general shuddering and a feeling of tceakness in the bowels; frequent creeping, itching, and piercing at the fundament, particularly in the eA'ening; violent dull pinching in the loAver intestine, and discharge of blood during stool, and at other times. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every six hours, until ame- lioration or change. Lycopodium. A most important remedy in piles of a chronic character, particularly when there is congestion to the head, Avith giddiness and headache, flatulent distension of the belly, constipation, 250 PILES. severe burning, itching and pricking pains in the fundament, with painful protrusion of the pdes, and sometimes of the intestine, after a motion; acrid discharge from the piles; and itching eruption round the anus. Dose : Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, for six days (unless earlier improvement or change ensue) ; after which, pause two days, and, if necessary, then resume and recontinue the administration in like man- ner, until positive amelioration or change. Ignatia is indicated by itching and creeping, and also sensation of constriction and excoriation in the posterior passage, and prickings extending deep into the lower intestine; discharge of blood or of bloody mucus, rumbling noise in the belly, and protrusion of the lower intestine accompanied Avith acute pain. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every twelve hours, until ame- lioration or change. Antimonium-crudum. Discharge of mucus and of blood at every stool, followeel by severe colic and pains in the piles, Avith throbbing, itching, and burning at the fundament, and discharge of glutinous, acrid moisture, particularly at night; frequent determination of blood to the head, Avith bleeding at the nose; stiffness in the back, shooting pains in the loins, burning and rheumatic pains in the limbs, flatulence and constipation. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every six hours, until four doses have been given, and then every twelve hours, until positive amelioration or change. Colocynth. In cases of piles, attended with excessive, almost in- supportable colic, this is the most efficient remedy. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every four hours, until positive amelioration or change; or, again, in chronic cases of this nature, the like d«se at similar intervals during the prevalence of such attacks of pain. China is valuable either as an immediate remedy to support the patient, when there has been much loss of blood, or afterwards against constant debility. Dose : Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water every six hours, for two days, and then every twelve hours, until positive amelioration or change,—con- stantly pausing for two days after every course of six days. Piles characterized by great Loss of Blood. Aeonitum, Ipecacuanha, Sulphur, Belladonna, Calcarea, uffisculus. In cases of Piles in which the loss of blood is considerable, a course comprising one or more, or sometimes all of these medicines in succession, has been found most successful in subduing the symp- toms. If any one of them, however, be followed by striking abatement of the symptoms, it would be preferable to repeat that (should the symp- toms recur) rather than to proceed with another remedy; but this repetition should only occur when the symptoms are once more resum- ing the character which they exhibited before treatment was com- PILES. 251 menced. As soon as the symptoms are permanently subdued, the course should be interrupted and the treatment should be suspended. The order of succession stated below, is intended to provide for cases in which such salutary effects do not immediately occur. Aconitum should first be administered. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every half hour, until amelio- ration or change ; but if only partial relief be apparent within half an hour after the third dose, or if no effect whatever be produced by the first dose, proceed at once with the next medicine. Ipecacuanha should be administered half an hour after the first or third dose of Aconitum, if no effect, or only partial relief, has resulted from the administration of the latter. Dose : Three globules as directed for Aconitum; but if only partial relief result within half an hour after the third dose, or if no effect whatever be produced by the first dose, proceed at once with the next medicine. Sulphur should be given within half an hour after the first or third dose of Ipecacuanha, if no effect or partial relief only has followed the administration of the latter. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, followed (if the symptoms still continue severe) in three hours by the readministration of Aconitum as above Belladonna should be given half an hour after the first or third dose (of the second course) of Aconitum, if no effect or only partial relief should yet result from the latter. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every half hour, until positive amelioration or change; but if no effect or only partial relief be the result, proceed, half an hour after the first or third dose, with the next medicine. Calcarea should be administered half an hour after the first or third dose of Belladonna, should only partial relief have yet been obtained. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two tea-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every two hours, until the whole is consumed, or earlier improve- ment or change ensues ; and subsequently three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every twelve hours for four days. The patient at the same time should remain in the recumbent position, and strictly follow the rules of diet and regimen indicated below. If of no effect, take jEsculus in the same way. Piles with Discharge of Mucus. Mercurius, Helleborus-n., Colchicum, Spigelia, Trillium. One or more of these medicines are amongst the most available in cases in which the piles are associated with a discharge of mucus from the passage. The distinctive indications for each may be gathered from the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of the remedy selected, give three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every six hours, until four doses have been given; and then every twelve hours, until amelioration or change. Diet and Regimen. During the treatment of this affection it is of the utmost importance to attend strictly to the homceopathic rules for diet. Strong or heating drinks, such as wine, coffee, and stimulat- ing or highiy-ccusoned food of all kinds are particularly to be avoided. 252 PROTRUSION OF THE INTESTINE. Sedentary habits and the use of soft cushions or chairs materially tend to aggravate the affection. PROTRUSION OF THE INTESTINE. By this term is understood the protrusion of a portion of the lining membrane of the lower intestine; it is of much more frequent occur- rence in children than in adults, and takes place during stretining Avhen at stool, or Avhen passing Avater. The reduction of the protruded portion of intestine is easily effected by gentle pressure with the thumb, or thumb and forefinger, which have previously been dipped in oil. TREATMENT. Ignatia is particularly efficacious in mild or sensitive temperaments, when this affection is attended Avith constipation. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every twelve hours, until ame- lioration or change; for children under tAvelve years of age, tAvo globules similarly. Nux-vomica is indicated for persons of irritable or lively disposi- tion, and addicted to high and stimulating diet, with a tendency to piles and constipation. Dose : Three (or two) globules, as directed for Ignatia; or, more advantageously, of a solution of six globules to three table-spoonfuls of water (to which ten drops of proof spirit are added), give a tea-spoonful night and morning, until the whole is consumed ;—then pause seven days, resuming treatment with the same or another remedy, according to symptoms, and so on, until permanent amelioration or change. Mercurius is particularly suited for children, in whom the disease is attended with hardness and swelling of the body, and where the straining is excessive. Dose : Two globules in a tea-spoonful of water for four successive days ; after which pause six days, resuming the same or administering another remedy according to symptoms (if necessary), and so on, until permanent amelioration or change. Sulphur is one of the best remedies for the permanent removal of the disease. Dose : Six globules (for children under twelve years of age three globules) in a table-spoonful of water every morning the first thing (fasting), for ten days (unless earlier improvement or change should ensue) ; then pause four days, and, if necessary, repeat the course, and so on, until permanent amelioration or change;—or if no positive amelioration become apparent after the second course, consider the next remedies. Calcarea, Lycopodium, Sepia. These are also amongst the remedies which are important in the treatment of obstinate and in- veterate cases, especially after a previous course of Sulphur, and one or more of which should be administered, when, by careful reference to the article on " Characteristic Effects," they are found to cor- respond Avith the symptoms of the case. Dose : Of the remedy thus selected, give six globules (or to children under tAvelve years old three globules) in a wine-glassful of water every morning COLIC. 253 the first thing (fasting), until amelioration or change,—returning from time to time to Sulphur (as above directed), Avhen one of these medicines, which has produced decided effect, ceases upon repetition to exercise its influence. Plumbum, Arsenicum, Colchicum, Natrum-m. Tn some cases one or more of these remedies may also be employed with considerable advantage Avhen their specific properties respectively correspond Avith the distmctive features of the case. Careful reference should therefore be made to the article on " Characteristic Effects," in respect of these medicines also. Dose: Of the remedy thus selected, six or four globules, as directed in the last prescription. Diet and Regimen. The diet and habits should be regulated in accordance with the injunctions which have been explicitly set forth respecting derangements of the digestive functions in general. (See the article on "Indigestion.") COLIC. A disease which appears under a great variety of aspects, and which is associated Avith various derangements, either casual, or permanent and organic. It should therefore especially be considered Avith due regard to the general revieAV of disorders affecting the stomach and intestines, as afforded in the article on " Indigestion." Colic may be spasmodic, particularly as associated with hysterical complaints; or may be associated Avith local determination (congestion) of blood as occurring in conjunction with menstruation or piles; or again it may be developed as a transition of disease from other organs: as, for instance, Avhen some previous disease has been suddenly sup- pressed ; or again it ma)'' be associated with worms, or may appear as a manifestation of flatulency; or again, purely from foulness or surfeit of the stomach, or result from indigestible food; in other instances again, colic is associated with gravel, or other organic derangements of the kidneys, &c.; or it may become developed in consequence of the suppression of chronic eruption on the skin; or again from exces- sive or acrid discharge of bile from the liver into the stomach and intestines. Symptoms. Griping, tearing, gnawing, or shooting pain in the boAvels, chiefly confined to the region of the navel, generally attended with a painful distension of the belly, with spasmodic contraction, and sometimes accompanied Avith vomiting and costiveness, or looseness of the boAvels. One of the characteristic distinctions betAveen this dis- order and inflammation of the boAvels consists in the degree of allevia- tion to Avhich the pain is subject upon pressure. The long continuance and intense severity of colic may hoAvever result in inflammation, for Avhich reason it is ever advisable to arrest its progress in any severe cases. Causes. The general exciting causes of this complaint are acid fruits and indigestible substances, cold from Avet feet, drinking cold beverages when heated, constipation, Avorms, &c. It is frequently also 254 COLIC. a concomitant symptom of some other derangement, but occurs equally often as a primary disease. We shall here content ourselves with giving the symptoms under the medicines, without entering upon the different varieties of this affection. Nux-vomica is a valuable remedy in colic, either associated Avith flatulency or piles, or in colic arising from a chill, and is particularly indicated Avhen there is a sensation of fullness and tightness at the upper part of the waist; deep-seated or cutting pains in the belly, Avith acute and hard, pressive, and forcing-down sensation, compelling the sufferer to bend double; confused headache, Avith occasional loss of consciousness; respiration short and difficult; flatulence, aggravation of the pains on the slightest motion, generally disappearing Avhen at rest; violent pains in the loins, and sensation of internal heat and obstruction; constipation, coldness and numbness in the hands and feet during the paroxysm; at the monthly period in females, when Ave find Aveight, or violent, deep-seated, aching pain in the belly, and ach- ing in the sacral region; dragging pains extending to the thigh: aching and creeping sensation in the same part when sitting; painful pressure towards the terminal boAvel. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to six tea-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every half hour (in very acute cases), or every hour when the pain is not continuous or insupportable, until distinct amelioration or change. Subsequently against the predisposition to Colic, characterized by such symptoms, give three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every fourth night at bedtime, for three weeks, unless some other symptoms sooner occur. If, however, in cases of Colic associated with Piles or Flatulency, this medicine is capable of affording only temporary relief, and the sufferings return with equal intensity from time to time,—notwithstanding its administration in re- peated courses,—consider Sulphur at pp. 87, 259. Pulsatilla is more useful in the affection occurring in females, either during the menstrual discharge or at other times, Avhen coming on periodically in the evening during cold, damp Aveather; also when there are present a disagreeable tightness and distension of the belly and the upper part of the waist, pulsation in the pit of the stomach, aggravation of the suffering when at rest or in the evening, attended with shivering, which increases with the pains, and is mitigated by motion; severe bruising pains in the loins, especially when rising up; when it has arisen from overloading the stomach, or from rich greasy food, Avith inclination to vomit, flatulence, looseness of the boAvels, paleness of the face, livid circle round the eyes, and headache; also in haemor- rhoidal colic, Avith fullness of the veins of the hands and forehead, rest- lessness, anxiety, and sleeplessness. Dose: A solution of six globules, or otherwise, in all respects as directed for Nux-vomica. Aeonitum should be given before either Chamomilla or Colocynth, or both, when a degree of febrile excitement is present, or more parti- cularly when the pain extends to the bladder; or aa hen there are excessively severe cramp-like pains in the region of the bladder; pains like those occasioned by contusion about the loins; extreme anguish; COLIC. 255 tossing and restless agitation; continual and painful urging to pass water, but without effect; and excessive tenderness of the belly. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, followed after an interval of three hours by such of the next remedies as appears indicated,—usually by Chamomilla. Chamomilla is very frequently more effectual if administered three hours after the previous administration of one dose of Aeonitum as just stated, but may often also be given at the onset. It is chiefly use- ful for bilious colic (Avith looseness of the boAvels and bilious vomiting); or for colic in females during the menstrual discharge. The following are the principal indications: sensation as if the intestines were gathered into a ball, and as if the belly were empty, Avith tearing and drawing pains, attended with excessive anxiety and restlessness; dis- tension, under the lower ribs and in the pit of the stomach; incarcerated flatulency, sometimes nausea, bitter vomiting, folloAved by desire to relieve the bowels, and bilious diarrhoea; livid circles round the eyes, alternate paleness and redness of the face; the pains come on parti- cularly at night, at other times early in the morning, or after a meal. This remedy, as before stated, is particularly adapted for children of irritable temperaments, and is extremely serviceable in all cases iu which a fit of passion has been the exciting cause of the sufferings. It is also useful when colic has arisen from cold in the feet, or checked perspiration. Dose : Of a solution of eight globules to four table-spoonfuls of water, giA'e a tea-spoonful every hour, until distinct amelioration or change ; but if the sub- joined indications especially occur, or if partial relief only has been secured within an hour after the fourth dose of Chamomilla, proceed with the next medicine. If, however, in cases of Colic associated with bilious symptoms or with flatulency, this medicine, or this course of medicines, is only capable of securing a temporary relief and the sufferings return from time to time with equal violence,—notAvithstanding repeated treatment,—consider Sulphur at pp. 87, 259. Colocynth. In the majority of violent and obstinate cases, we find this a valuable remedy; it is indicated Avhen the pains are excessively violent, and of a constrictive or spasmodic character, or resemble stabbing and cutting, as if from knives; sometimes there is a sensation of clawing and pinching, and tenderness of the belly, Avith a pain as from a blow, or distension; at other times a sense of emptiness is ex- perienced, with cramps and shivering, or tearing pains in the legs; during the continuance of the attack, we find excessive restlessness, agitation, and tossing about, from the violence of the pain: when the pains come on, they continue without any apparent intermission ; after their disappearance, a sensation of bruising remains, and the sufferer feels as if the intestines were held together by thin threads, likely to break from the slightest motion. This remedy, like Chamomilla, is particularly efficacious in the so-called bilious colic, being indicated by the loose discharge from the bowels, and bilious vomiting attending it; and also in cases where passion has been the exciting cause. Colo- cynth is more particularly useful in the case of adults, or where the fit id' anger is attended with indignation. ♦ 256 COLIC. Dose : Of a solution of eight globules to four table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every two hours until the pain is modified, and then every four hours until positive and permanent amelioration or change. If hoAvever, in cases of bilious colic, this medicine affords only temporary relief (as stated in the directions for the dose of Chamomilla), consider Sulphur, pp. 87, 259. Belladonna is useful against flatulent colic, aa hen there is protrusion of the transverse section of the great intestine, which becomes distended like a pad above the navel, attended with colic-like pain, doubling up of the body, which is relieved by pressure on the part; also severe bearing-doAvn pains, aggravated by motion; at other times, there is a sensation as if the above SAvelling had been removed downwards, deep into the belly, Avith feeling of bearing-doAvn of the Avhole intestines; also in menstrual colic, Avith spasmoelic constriction in the belly, and a burning pain lower doAA n, or in the small of the back; pain in the lower part of the bowels, as if a number of nails viere holding the in- testines. The symptoms are also attended Avith a liquid or matter-like discharge from the boAvels, and swelling of the veins of the head; and the pains are sometimes so violent as almost to deprive the patient of reason. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every half hour (in very acute cases), or every hour (when the sufferings are not continuous or intolerable), until distinct amelioration or change. But if partial relief only is obtained within an hour after the fourth dose, consider the next remedy. Hyoscyamus may be employed with advantage half an hour after the fourth dose of Bellaelonna, when the latter has been folloAved only by partial relief; or it may be employed at the onset Avhen the folloAV- ing indications predominate: hardness and extreme sensitiveness of the belly eA'inced by touch or by pressure; incisive spasmodic pains, intense headache, vomiting, and cries. Dose: A solution of six globules a6 directed for Belladonna, until positive ame- lioration or change. Cocculus is indicated (especially in menstrual or flatulent colic) when there are se\'ere constrictive or spasmodic pains and distension of the entire stomach, with nausea and fullness of the lower p>art of the belly, great flatulence, and difficulty of breathing; also when there is a sensation of emptiness, and tearing and burning pains in the intestines, sometimes with squeezing, tearing and pulling pains, excessive anguish and nervous excitement; constipation. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every hour, until distinct amelioration or change. If however, in cases of flatulent colic, this medicine fails to afford more than temporary re- lief, the sufferings returning from time to time Avith equal severity, notwith- standing its administration in repeated courses, consider Sulphur, at pp. 87, 259. Arsenicum is often appropriate in cases of colic (bilious), arising from disordered stomach, with nausea, vomiting, great relaxation of the bowels, with green or yellow evacuations, violent gripings, head- ache, paleness of the face, and blue marks round the eyes. Again, in cases of bilious colic, which is prone to be preceded, followed or alter- nated with megrim, Arsenicum is of great service. colic. 257 Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every half hour (in very acute cases), or every hour (when the symptoms are comparatively less unintermitted and continuous), until distinct amelioration or change. Coffea is valuable when we haAre to prescribe for colic Avith exces- sive pains, attended with great agitation, anxiety, and tossing about, grinding of the teeth, convulsions, suffocative attacks, oppressive des- pair, acidity, and coldness of the body and extremities. It is also useful in some kinds of menstrual colic, denoted by a sensation as if the belly Avere being rent asunder; or by fullness and pressure in the stomach, and A'iolent spasms, Avhich extend to the chest. It is also indicated by cutting pains in the intestines as if divided by a knife, and also by the pains present being so violent as almost to drive the patient to distraction, causing him to bend double, and draAV up his limbs. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every hour until amelioration or change. Additional Particulars. The following Remedies are also not unfrequently required, in con- formity with the indications which occur for their respective em- ployment. China is of great service in cases in which the patient has been much debilitated by loss of animal fluids, (such as blood, een the symptoms of the case and the characteristic indications of each (as stated in the article on that subject), are not unfrequently of considerable serA'ice in this disease. Dose: Of either medicine, as selected, dissoh'e six globules in six tea-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea-spoonful of the solution every three hours, until amelioration or change. Cases occasioned by External Injuries. Cases of this kind require simultaneous constitutional and external treatment. Constitutional Treatment. Arnica should be promptly administered when the occurrence of Inflammation of the Peritoneum can be distinctly traced to a bloAv or fall, or even to over-exertion, &c. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to four tea-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every two hours, until three doses have been given, and then every six hours (if yet required) until amelioration or change. Should Aconite appear necessary, in alternation with Arnica, in consequence of the intensity of the fever, it may be given, in the dose already described, every two hours, in rotation with Arnica. Rhus may, in some cases, be preferred to Arnica, when the injury has been of the nature of muscular strain. Dose : A solution of six globules, as directed for Arnica. External Treatment. Arnica (concentrated tincture) should be applied externally simul- taneously with the internal administration of the same medicine. Application of the Lotion: To ten parts of water add one of the Tincture of Arnica, and saturate linen bandages Avith this lotion. The bandages should then be applied to the parts, and the Avhole covered with oiled silk. From time to time as these bandages become dry, they should be re-saturated or changed. Diet and Regimen. In these particulars the same precautions should be observed as have been enjoyed under the head of Fevers in general, Inflammatory Fever, &e., and which are applicable to all inflammatory diseases affecting important organs. 318 INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. Symptoms. Pressing, pungent pain at each, or only on one side of the back, in the region of the kidney, shooting along the urinary duct to the bladder; difficult and painful urination, or suppression of urine (when both kidneys are affected), hot and high-colored or red urine; draAving up, SAvelling, and pain of the testicle on the affected side; numbness and spasms of the foot on the same side; nausea, vomiting, colic, and straining Avithout effectual evacuation; lying on the part affected and motion aggravate the pains. Causes. Excessive use of stimulants; shocks of the body, falls or strains, external injuries: long lying on the back, abuse of diuretics or cantharides, suppressed piles or menstruation, the sudden transition of morbid manifestation from other parts or organs, or stone in the kidney. TREATMENT. Aconite. In the inflammatory stage of this affection, this remedy should be administered in repeated doses. Dose: Dissolve six globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every three hours, until the pulse becomes less fre- quent, the skin moist, or covered with profuse perspiration, after which pause six hours, and consider the following medicines (and Cantharides in particular), wherewith proceed to complete the treatment. Cantharides Avill be found most efficacious in prosecuting the treatment, and may indeed be had recourse to, at the A'ery commence- ment of the attack, even Avhen the accompanying fever is considerable, particularly when the urine passes off in drops, or is tinged with blood; or AA'hen the micturition is exceedingly painful, with burning pain in the urinary canal; and when there are the general symptoms of shoot- ing, cutting, and tearing pains in the loins and regions of the kidneys; or even in the cases of complete suppression of urine. Dose: Of a solution of eight globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every three hours, until positive amelioration or change. Nux-vomica is appropriate Avhen the affection can be traced to the suppression of a hsemorrhoidal discharge, determination of blood to the belly, excess of Avine or stimulants, and sedentary habits; and Avhere we find constipation, feeling of faiutness, nausea, vomiting, dis- tension of the stomach, and drawing up of the testis and of the sper- matic cord. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every six hours, until amelio- ration or change. But if little or no improvement ensue within six hours after the fourth dose—and the symptoms present correspond with the charac- teristic action of one or both of the subjoined medicines as stated in the article on that subject—pause six hours longer, and proceed with one or both of the following remedies. Cocculus, Arsenicum. In some instances one or both of these medicines, singly or successively, may be found requisite for consecu- tive treatment after the previous employment of Nux-vomica, when the symptoms present correspond with those detailed under the head INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. 319 of each of these medicines in the article on " Characteristic Effects," and Avhen Nux-vomica has been folloAved by incomplete results. In these cases the first dose of either of these medicines should be given tAvelve hours after the fourth dose of the foregoing. Dose: Of either of these medicines, give three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every four hours, until positive amelioration or change. If successively administered, a pause of from tAvelve to twenty-four or forty-eight hours, according to the urgency of the symptoms, should elapse between the last dose of the one, and the first of the other. Pulsatilla. In persons of phlegmatic temperament, and especially in females, Avhen the complaint is connected with irregular or sup- pressed menstruation. Dose: Three globules in a table-spoonful of water every twelve hours, until amelioration or change. Belladonna. When shooting pains in the kidneys are present, extending to the bladder,—and further, AA'hen inflammation in the kid- neys is accompanied AA'ith colic and spasm of the stomach, heat and distension in the region of the kidneys, scanty floAv of Avater of an orange-yellow, or sometimes of a bright-red color, depositing red or Avhitish thick sediment; anxiety, restlessness, and periodical aggra- vation. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, giAe a tea- spoonful every three hours, until positive amelioration or change. Hepar-sulphuris is useful, Avhen Ave have reason to apprehend the formation of an abscess or the commencement of suppuration. The non-professional prescriber must be careful not to mistake the apparent alleviation of suffering here for the subjugation of the disease, as the distinction is difficult. The folloAving symptoms may serve as a guide in these serious cases; cessation of the acute pain, a sensation of throbbing and a feeling of weight in the region of the kidneys, alter- nate chills and slight flushes of heat, and copious perspiration. Dose: Dissolve six globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every four hours, until the symptoms become allayed, and then every tAvelve hours, until positive amelioration or change. Colchicum. When, in addition to the usual symptoms of the dis- ease, there is excessive nausea, Avith drum-like distension of the belly, and painful and scanty emission of bright-red urine. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change. Inflammation of the Kidneys occasioned by Mechanical Injuries. Arnica is appropriate for the treatment of Inflammation of the Kidneys resulting from mechanical injuries (such as contusions or severe concussions), and should be employed at the onset of treatment, whatever be the course afterwards indicated by the subsequent deve- lopment of symptoms. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change. But if only partial relief should ensue in the course of twelve hours, proceed promptly to con- sider the indications for other medicines, as hereinbefore directed. 320 INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. Chronic Inflammation of the Kielneys. Hepar-sulphuris may be named as a medicine of some importance for the treatment of Inflammation of the Kidneys, which has degene- rated into a chronic disease, and thus, for cases in which induration of the kidneys has resulted. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, for a week (or until the earlier development of improvement or change) ; then pause four days, resuming the course, if necessary, as before, after that interval, and so on, until positive amelioration or change Suppurative Inflammation of the Kidneys. Hepar-s., Arsenicum, Sulphur, Silicea. One or more of these medicines are often required when suppuration has set in. The selec- tion should be guided by the indications afforded for each of these medicines, respectively, in the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of the first two (when selected), give three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, for four days, or until earlier amelioration or change. Of the two latter six globules in a table-spoonful of Avater, the first thing in the morning, in like manner. Ill-Effects from Abuse of Cantharides. The mischievous use of Cantharides under allopathic treatment in the application of blisters, whereby the kidneys often become con- siderably and even seriously affected, is promptly and effectively counteracted by the Homoeopathic antidote employed internally and externally. Camphor (Concentrated Tincture) should be administered Avithout delay when an affection of this kind is distinctly traced to the cause in question. Dose (internal) : One drop of the concentrated tincture of camphor on a small lump of sugar, every hour, until three doses have been given ; and, after- wards, every half hour, until the symptoms subside. Application (external) : Moisten the palm of the hand with a few drops of the concentrated tincture, and apply with friction on the inner side of each thigh. Inflammation of the Kidneys associated with Stone. This disease sometimes arises from the presence of stone in the kidneys; in which case the symptoms of fever do not occur, until a considerable time after acute pain has been experienced. Further, a numbness of the thigh, and a retraction of the testicle of the affected side are considered as distinguishing marks of the existence of a con- cretion in the kidney or urinary cluct. TREATMENT. Belladonna is useful as a palliative against the pain. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every hour until the suffering is alleviated, subsequently proceeding with one or more of the following medicines. Lycopodium, Calcarea. One of these medicines will frequently succeed in procuring more permanent relief. The selection will be INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. 321 determined by referring to the stated characteristic action of each in the article on that subject. Dose: Of the medicine selected give three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, for a week (or until the earlier development of improve- ment or change); then pause seven days, after which resume the course, as before, if necessary, and so on, until amelioration or change. Diet and Regimen. Patients suffering from inflammation of the kidneys should strictly avoid Avine, malt-liquor, and spirits. Bodily rest and avoidance of over-excitement, as Avell as of excess of exertion (even walking) are equally essential to facilitate and complete the cure. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER, Burning pain in the region of the bladder, with tension, heat, pain on pressure, and external tumefaction ; frequent and painful discharge (or even suppression) of urine, and generally accompanied with strain- ing; fever and sometimes vomiting, as in inflammation of the kidneys. Causes. The causes of this complaint closely resemble those of in- flammation of the kidneys, but it occurs more frequently in parturition than the latter affection. TREATMENT. This malady, like the previous one, ought only to be treated by non-professional persons when medical aid is not at hand. Aconitum is ever requisite in the initiatory treatment of this dis- ease, if there be a considerable degree of fever, with hot, dry skin, and quick, hard pulse. Dose : Dissolve six globules in two table spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every two hours, until the pulse becomes more healthy, and the skin moist, arise from the application of a blister to the exterior of his chest). Dose: Three globules, as directed for Ammonium-c. Drosera is a useful medicine in many cases of chronic cough with hoarseness; or deep, hollow cough, Avith pain in the chest and under the ribs, alleviated by pressing the hand on the side, excited or aggravated by laughing; cough on lying doAvm in the evening and during the night. Mutual cough, with bitter and nauseous expectora- tion; dry, spasmodic cough, aggravated at night or towards evening, and frequently followed by vomiting of food, or bleeding from the nose and mouth. Dose : Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and fhorning, for a week ; after which pause four days, and if (which will rarely occur) further treat- ment be required, and the symptoms continue of the same character, renew the course as before. Silicea is indicated by cough Avith oppressed breathing on lying on the back, or cough attended with tightness and oppression at the chest, as if something stopped the respiration while speaking or cough- ing. Fatiguing, or deep, hollow cough, day and night, aggravated by movement or by speaking, and sometimes attended Avith aching and pain, as if from a bruise, in the chest; cough wdth copious expectoration of transparent phlegm or purulent matter, sometimes streaked Avith blood; cough with asthmatic breathing and emaciation, and with dread of suffocation at night; cough irritated or excited by a sensation as if a hair were on the tongue. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, for four days. Lachesis. This medicine is of great value against fatiguing cough, excited by dryness or continued tickling in the windpipe or chest; or by pain or tickling in the pit of the stomach; also by the slightest pressure on the exterior of the throat; cough excited by talking, laughing, or reading aloud, or anything which may tend to increase the dryness or irritation in the throat; short, dry, suffocating cough, as if caused by the presence of a crumb of bread sticking in the throat, with ineffectual efforts to expectorate. Cough on rising from the recumbent posture, or attacks of cough ahvays after sleeping, or on lying doAvn to sleep, so that the patient is unconscious of it; continual hoarseness, with a sensation, as if something were in the throat which could not be detached. Dose : Two globules in a tea-spoonful of water every two hours, until amelio- ration or change. Sulphur is of paramount importance in some cases of obstinate coughs, and particularly in dry cough, which disturbs the patient at night as well as during the day; the cough is frequently excited after partaking of food, or during a deep inspiration, and is generally at- tended with a sensation of spasmodic constriction in the chest, some- times followed by inclination to vomit, or the involuntary escape of urine, or pain as if from excoriation, or pricking pains in the chest; headache, pains in the chest, belly, loins, and hips; also cough, with 356 COUGH. expectoration of thick, whitish or yellowish phlegm, or of a greenish- yellow, fetid mucus, or purulent matter, of a saltish or sweetish taste; feverish cough wdth spitting of blood. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, morning and evening, for foui days successively ; after which pause four days, and, if necessary, resume a course of similar doses on alternate days, and so on until positive amelioration or change. " ■>. Calearea-earbonica is particularly indicated when the folloAving symptoms occur: dry cough, aggravated towards evening, or at night, excited by tickling in the throat, or by a sensation as if there Avere feather-down in the throat; also loose cough, with rattling of mucus in the chest, and expectoration of offensive, thick, yellow phlegm; anxiety. Dose : Three globules, in every respect as directed for Sulphur. Sanguinaria-canadensis. Dry cough; pain and stitch in the right side of the chest; diseases of the lungs; it has a certain reputation in the cure of coughs. Dose : The same as Calc.-carb. Euphrasia is indicated by cough, with violent, watery discharge from the nostrils and flow of corrosive tears; diurnal cough, Avith diffi- cult expectoration of mucus; or matutinal cough, with copious expec- toration, and oppressed breathing. Dose: Four globules in a table-spoonful of water, three times a day, until ame- lioration or change. Sepia. The symptoms which indicate this medicine are as follow: cough, Avith copious expectoration of phlegm of a saltish taste, and of a yellow or greenish color; also dry, spasmodic cough, particularly at night, or on first lying doAvn, attended, in children, with crying, fits of choking, nausea, retching, and bilious vomiting. This remedy is especially adapted to individuals having a constitutional taint, such as the scrofulous, scorbutic, &c.; and, in chronic coughs, with thick, yelloAvish, greenish, or even puriform expectoration, with a putrid taste, it is also a valuable remedy. Dose: Four globules in a table-spoonful of water, night and morning, until amelioration or change. Stannum is more particularly required when symptoms such as the folloAving are present: cough, Avith copious expectoration of a green- ish-yelloAV color, and of a sweetish or saltish taste, attended with great weakness and disposition to sAveats; soreness at the chest as from internal excoriation; feeling of Aveakness or sinking in the chest, as if it Avere empty, particularly after expectorating, or even after speaking; or dry, shaking cough, worse at night or tOAvards morning, excited or aggravated by speaking or laughing, and occasionally followed by vomiting of food. Dose: Four globules as directed for Sepia. Lycopodium is very efficacious in obstinate coughs which are worse at night, and are attended with expectoration of tenacious phlegm, and sometimes vomiting; paleness of the face, emaciation, COUGH. 357 pains and oppression in the fore part of the chest, flatulence, ill- humor, &c. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, morning and evening, until amelioration or change. China is useful against paroxysms of cough, as if excited by the vapor of sulphur, with whistling or rattling in the throat from mucus; expectoration difficult, consisting of clear, tenacious phlegm, sometimes streaked with blood; pains in the shoulders, or prickings in the chest and windpipe; cough, sometimes with bilious vomitings; cough after spitting of blood. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of Avater, give a third part every three hours, till the whole is consumed ; then pause twelve hours : after which continue the administration (if necessary), by giving four glo- bules in a table-6poonful of water, night and morning, until amelioration or change. Phosphorus is appropriate to the subjoined manifestations: dry cough, excited by tickling irritation in the throat or chest, or by laugh- ing, talking, or drinking, or by cold air, and accompanied with prick- ing in the Avindpipe; hoarseness, or pains in the chest as if from excoriation; cough with hoarseness, fever, and depression of spirits, sometimes with apprehensions of death; dry-sounding cough, followed by expectoration of viscid or bloody phlegm, and attended with op- pressed breathing and livid hue of lips and face; cough occurring in consumptive habits. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, until ame- lioration or change. Arnica is of great value in coughs attended with bleeding from the nose and mouth; headache, pricking in the chest, rheumatic pains in the loins and extremities, and soreness or pain, as from a bruise, in the chest and belly. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every three hours, until four doses have been given; then pause eight hours, and if further treatment be requisite, and the general aspect of the symptoms the same, renew the admi- nistration of similar doses, night and morning, until positive amelioration or change. Staphysagria is appropriate when the subjoined symptoms occur: cough attended with pain under the breast-bone, as if arising from ex- coriation or ulceration; expectoration of yellow, purulent-looking phlegm; sometimes spitting of blood, and involuntary discharge of urine; exacerbations at night. Dose : Four globules in a table-spoonful of water, night and morning, until positive amelioration or change. Squilla is often a very useful medicine when the following symptoms occur: short, dry cough, excited by a full inspiration, or chronic cough, or catarrh with copious secretion of whitish, viscid phlegm, which is alternately expectorated with ease and difficulty. Dose : Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, until amelioration or change. Spongia. In acute inflammation of the lining membrane of the air- 358 COUGH. tubes, this remedy is often of essential service; but it is of equal utility in the chronic variety, when the chronic symptoms prevail: cough with muco-purulent expectoration, emaciation, redness and deformity of the points of the fingers, lividity and incurvation of the nails, hectic fever. Dose : Four globules, as directed for Squilla. COMPLICATED CASES. The complications of disease with which coughs appear as associated, or in which they occur as more or less urgent symptoms, are very various, and it will therefore remain with the administrator, whether, in his judgment (after mature consideration of the various associated symptoms, and after comparing the hints afforded in articles on other diseases, and in that on the "Investigation of disease," p. 37), to determine the nature of the complication in any particular case in question, and to treat it by assimilating the directions afforded in this article, and in that which treats of the particular disease or condition with which the cough appears as complicated. In this manner stomach coughs, associated with pregnancy,—or stomach coughs in general, may be appropriately treated by attaching due importance to the directions afforded in the article on "In- digestion." Coughs which occur at the period of teething will be appropriately treated by investigation of the article on the derangements incidental to "Teething." Coughs which occur when the presence of Worms has been detected, are subject in some measure to the particular directions afforded for the treatment of "Worms," but also to those which are furnished under the head of " Indigestion." Nervous Coughs. Obstinate nervous coughs occurring in highly-irritable, nervous, and hysterical subjects, and Avhich are generally dry, or attended with scanty and difficult expectoration, consisting of a little clear phlegm, are often relieved by change of air and scene, or even by exhilarating or active occupation, when medicinal resources fail to ensure a perma- nent cure. ACCESSORY MEASURES. Unmedicated jujubes, sugar candy, or gum arabic may be allowed, occasionally, to moisten the throat or mouth, in cases of dry, irritating coughs. Diet and Regimen. If the cough be attended with any inflam- matory symptoms or with manifestations of deranged digestion, it is obvious that the diet should be conformable, respectively, to the direc- tions afforded in the various articles on febrile or inflammatory com- plaints, and on Indigestion, and should be more or less strictly enforced according to the greater or less degree of inflammatory action present. In the majority of cases of simple cough, the diet should be nourish- ing, but very plain, easy of digestion, and free from seasoning. Nervous hooping cough. 359 coughs, as I have already had occasion to remark, are often most easily relieved by change of air and scene. Early hours, and avoidance of all conditions which are known to provoke attacks, are very essential to cure. Wet and cold are necessarily mischievous. Some coughs are aggravated or provoked by a cold, dry state of the atmosphere, and by east Avinds especially, and therefore exposure to such atmospheric conditions is mischievous. On the other hand, one of the greatest errors is to resort to coddling, and to confine the patient in close apartments Avithout access of fresh air. Free access of air is almost invariably essential; and the use of cold water both for drinking, and for ablution, folloAved by brisk friction of the chest and stomach, is generally calculated to do good. HOOPING COUGH. This is almost peculiarly a disease of childhood, and one which few individuals escape during that period; it generally appears as an epi- demy, and is, by the majority of writers, acknowledged to be commu- nicable by contagion : we seldom find an instance of a person suffering a second time from its attacks. Over many the affection passes lightly; but in the majority of cases it proves a distressing, and, in some, a fatal malady. Homceopathically, we have it in our power, by the administration of remedies specific to the affection, sometimes to check the inflamma- tion at its onset, to subdue the distressing attendant symptoms, and almost invariably to shorten the duration of the complaint, Avithout alloAving it to leave after it any of those evil consequences, such as debility and emaciation, which oblige the patient to endure a tedious and protracted period of convalescence. Symptoms. Paroxysms of violent and convulsive expirations, in rapid succession, interrupted by long, whistling inspirations, and, in young subjects, a loud, shrill Avhoop, terminated by the expectoration of a quantity of phlegm or a fit of vomiting, after Avhich the attack ceases for some time. If the case is seA'ere, the features SAvell and be- come livid ; blood escapes from the nose and mouth, and even from the ears: complete cessation of respiration and almost suffocation takes place, as if from spasm of the lungs, Avhich lasts for minutes. The attacks return every three or four hours, and more frequently in severe cases; the least excitement brings them on; they are more frequent and violent at night. Respiration is free during the intervals, and the patient in every respect healthy, although suffering from Aveakness. Progress of Hooping-Cough. Pathologists generally consider this disease under three stages; the distinction betAveen the second and third is, hoAvever, not often very clearly marked. The first or febrile stage commences with the symptoms of an ordinary catarrh, attended AA'ith slight fever, which gradually increases; the breathing becomes more difficult, and is accompanied with irrita- tive cough and pains in the chest. In the second or convulsive stage (the congestive and nervous of 360 HOOPING cough. some authors), the febrile activity disappears, and the characteristic cough and other svmptoms of the disease develop themselves. In the third or nervous stage, there are longer intermissions betAveen the paroxysms, but increased weakness from the duration of the cough. First or Febrile Stage. TREATMENT. In the incipient, febrile, irritative, or catarrhal stage of the cough, the most appropriate remedies are to be found amongst those Avhich Ave have already pointed out in the treatment of common Cough, and must be selected according to the indications there given, and admi- nistered in the same manner unless otherwise specified. By a careful selection of these remedies, it is frequently possible to check the dis- order in the first stage. The subjoined however, according to the special indications mentioned, are particularly appropriate. Aconitum is appropriate in many instances for initiatory treat- ment, inasmuch as there is generally a considerable degree of fever present. As soon, hoAvever, as the febrile symptoms have somewhat subsided under the employment of Aconite, AA'hich in the generality of cases will occur within a few hours after the first dose or tAvo, an appropriate selection should be made from amongst the subjoined medicines. It should not be omitted, however, that Aconite will fre- quently be required from time to time, as an intermediary remedy, whenever marked febrile or inflammatory symptoms are present, always returning to such other medicines as are most prominently in- dicated, as soon as the symptoms which especially indicate Aconite have been moderated. Dose: Two globules in a tea-spoonful of water, repeated, when requisite, at intervals of three hours, until the febrile symptoms yield ; after which pause at least three hours longer, and proceed with such of the subjoined medicines as most closely correspond with the symptoms of the case. Dulcamara is indicated when the attack has apparently been ex- cited by exposure to a cold, damp atmosphere; the cough loose, with copious and easy expectoration. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every six hours, until amelio- ration or change :—for very young children, one globule in a tea-spoonful of water, every four hours, until amelioration or change. Pulsatilla is appropriate when the symptoms are as fpllow: cough loose, and accompanied with a flow of tears, weakness of the eyes, sneezing, thick, discolored discharge from the nostrils, slight hoarse- ness, and inclination to vomit after coughing; occasional diarrhoea, especially at night. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Dulcamara; for very young children, of a solution of tAvo globules to six tea-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every two hours, until amelioration or change. Mercurius is indicated by hoarseness, watery discharge from the nose, with soreness of the nostrils; dry fatiguing cough, generally occurring in two successive fits. Dose: Two globules in a tea-spoonful of water, immediately after the fits of HOOPING COUGH. 361 coughing (but not more frequently than every hour), until amelioration or change. Belladonna is one of the most important remedies in the catarrhal stage of Hooping Cough, Avhen there is dry, hollow, or harsh and barking nocturnal cough, or cough AA'hich becomes materially aggra- vated at night. This medicine is also particularly well adapted to the sore-throat, Avhich is not an uufrequent concomitant, at the commence- ment of the affection. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every four hours, until amelio ration or change ; for very young children, one globule in a tea-spoonful of water similarly. Hepar-sulphuris is very useful for cough worse at night, but looser than that indicating Belladonna. This medicine is also useful in for- warding the secretory process. Dose: Four globules in a table-spoonful of water night and morning for tAvo days: then pause two days, resuming the treatment, after such interval, with the same, or with one or more other medicines, according to the symptoms which remain or supervene. Chamomilla is required when the folioAving symptoms occur: dry, hoarse cough, or cough with difficult expectoration of tenacious phlegm, folloAved by a feeling of soreness at the part from Avhich the mucus seems to have been detached. The paroxysms of coughing are excited by an almost incessant irritation in the Avindpipe, and in the upper part of the chest. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, three times' a day (or infants one globule in a tea-spoonful of Avater similarly), until amelioration or change. Nux-vomica is of great service when the cough approaches the second stage. It is indicated by the folloAAdng symptoms: dry, fatiguing cough, attended Avith vomiting, and occurring particularly from about midnight until morning;—the paroxysms so protracted and violent as to produce apparent danger of suffocation, AA'ith blue- ness of the face, and, occasionally, bleeding from the mouth and nose. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to tAvo table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change. For infants a solution of three globules to tAvo table-spoonfuls of Avater, administered by tea-spoonfuls at the like intervals. But if the discharge of bloodlast named be copious, or a very prominent symptom, consider and proceed at once (or in preference) with the next medicine, or again if the suffocative symptoms occur very prominently, consider also Ipecacuanha. Arnica should be employed in preference to Nux-vomica (or after that remedy if the symptom supervene subsequently to its administra- tion) when the discharge of blood from the nose and mouth is very copious or constitutes a very prominent symptom. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every three hours, until the indicative symptom subsides. Ipecacuanha is, like Nux-vomica, of great value when the cough is attended with danger of suffocation, and each inspiration appears to excite a fresh fit of coughing. It is further indicated Avhen the fits are attended with spasmodic stiffness of the body and blueness of the face, great anxiety and accumulation of phlegm in the chest. 362 HOOPING COUGH. Dose Of a solution of six globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful evei-y three hours, until amelioration or change. For infants, a solution of two globules to six tea-spoonfuls of water, administered by tea- spoonfuls at similar intervals. Bryonia, Phosphorus. Either of these medicines (according to such distinctive manifestations as may be distinguished by reference to the article on "Characteristic Effects") may be required in cases in which the cough threatens to become complicated Avith inflam- mation of the lungs or of the membrane which invests them. Dose: Of either medicine as selected, give three globules in a tea-spoonful of Avater every two hours until three doses have been given (or the earlier mani- festation of positive improvement or change), and, subsequently, every four hours, until the indicative symptoms disappear. Second or Convulsive Stage. TREATMENT. Drosera is one of the principal remedies in the treatment of the disease, AA'hen it has reached this stage; and in cases where the consti- tution has not been enfeebled by the transmission of hereditary weak- ness or other causes, it will speedily declare its beneficial effects, and materially shorten this trying and painful period of the disorder. The particular indications for the use of this medicine are: violent parox- ysms of cough, occurring in such rapid succession, as to threaten ^ suffocation, and attended with the characteristic shrill sound during inspiration, and sometimes fever; after each fit of coughing, vomiting of food, or of stringy mucus; relief on moving about; no fever; or, if there be fever, it consists of regular paroxysms of chilliness and heat; thirst after the cold fit; warm perspiration, sometimes only at night. Dose : Of a solution of eight globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful after every severe fit of coughing, until improvement or change. For infants, the solution should consist of four globules to the like quantity of water, and be administered b}' tea-spoonfuls. Veratrum-album is indicated when the child has become reeluced in strength and emaciated; or when it suffers from cold sweats, parti- cularly on the forehead, Avith excessive thirst, involuntary emission of urine, vomiting, and other symptoms common to this stage; also pain in the chest and towards the groin; low fever, AA'ith small, Aveak, and accelerated pulse ; much thirst; aversion to conversation. Dose : Two globules in a tea-spoonful of water, after every severe fit of cough- ing, or every half hour ; in very acute cases, until four doses have been taken; after which the intervals may be increased to four hours, and the administra- tion thus be continued until positive amelioration or change. But if the beneficial effect be only partial within forty-eight hours after the commence- ment of the course, and the symptoms continue of approximately the same character, consider the subjoined medicines, and proceed accordingly. For infants, of a solution of one globule to three tea-spoonfuls of Avater, give a tea-spoonful at the same intervals. Carbo-vegetabilis is frequently useful in bringing this stage of the affection to an early and successful termination, after the previous use of Veratrum or Drosera, or both of these important remedies; parti- HOOPING COUGH. 363 cularly when, notAvithstanding the decrease of cough, the tendency to vomit still remains. Dose : Two globules, in all respects as directed for Veratrum. Conium is also of service after the previous administration of Vera- trum, AA'hen the cough and vomiting are more distressing at night, and Veratrum is apparently inadequate to overcome the nocturnal symptoms. Conium is, moreover, especially indicated by the sub- joined symptoms, Avhich may entitle it to preference in some cases: when the paroxysms occur particularly at night, and with great severity, and are generally followed by vomiting of phlegm or of the contents of the stomach. Dose: Two globules in a tea-spoonful of water night and morning, until amelioration or change. Cuprum-acetieum. This remedy is found most useful in the nervous stage, particularly when convulsions, with loss of conscious- ness, ensue after each paroxysm. Also when we find vomiting after the attacks, rattling of mucus in the chest, and wheezing at all times. In almost all cases a marked benefit has folloAved the employment of this remedy; sometimes it has been found sufficient of itself to cut short the disease, and, in others, has so far modified it, that other re- medies, which had before seemed to fail, have, after its exhibition, acted Avith the most marked effect, and completed the cure. Dose : Of a solution of twelve globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every half hour, until amelioration or change, or otherwise as described for Veratrum. Corallium-ruhr., when spasms of cough are so violent that chil- dren lose their breath and grow purple and black in the face. Dose: As directed for Veratrum. Cina is also a useful remedy AA'hen there are convulsions, or tetanic rigidity of the AA'hole body during or immediately after the fits of coughing, particularly in children affected with worms. Dose : As directed for Cuprum-acet. Arnica is useful as an intermediary medicine when the Aoav of blood from the nose or mouth is considerable ; and also in the affection itself, when each paroxysm is succeeded by crying. Dose: Two globules in a tea-spoonful of water, immediately after such dis- charge of blood, repeated on the recurrence of the same symptom, but not within less than six hours after a former dose; unless, indeed, aggravation should have been palpably discerned after previous administration, when it were desirable to pause in the administration. If, hoAvever, after three doses have been given, the same symptom should recur, it will be desirable to consider the subjoined remedy. Hepar-sulphuris is sometimes of great service in cases in which the discliarge of blood from the nose or mouth is excessive, and parti- cularly when this symptom has set in after a hoarse, dry cough. Dose: Two globules in a tea-spoonful of water, as directed for Arnica. Ferrum-metallicum. This remedy wdll be found very useful for intermediate administration Avhen there is invariably vomiting of food on coughing soon after the meal. 364 HOOPING COUGH. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, soon after each fit of vomit* ing, until amelioration or change. Third or Nervous Stage. Treatment. The same medicines as have already been prescribed, are appropriate in this stage also, according to the indications that present themselves. On the suppression of all the more serious symp- toms, the remedies which have been recommended in the first stage are also useful in removing any catarrhal cough Avhich may remain behind. Change of air is likeAvise beneficial. With respect to the medicinal treatment, hoAvever, it will be necessary to add two remedies to the foregoing list, as appropriate for obstinate and intractable cases; and some particular directions are necessary in respect of the method of administration, which should be adopted conformably with the sub- joined general rule. Dose: Of the appropriate medicine, in mild cases, give two globules in a tea- spoonful of water, the first thing in the morning (fasting), and the last at night, every other day ; in cases in which the symptoms are more urgent and distressing, hoAvever, dissolve six globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea-spoonful of such solution every four hours, during the first day, and every six hours, during the second ; after Avhich, give three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, until distinct amelioration or change. In cases which require the employment of Veratrum or Drosera it has been found of advantage to give the first dose immediately after a fit of coughing, and to repeat the administration after the next paroxysm, in such cases only in Avhich the second fit of coughing is fully as violent as the former. An interval of twenty-four hours should then be permitted to elapse (or more if improvement becomes manifest before another dose is given) before further treatment. If, hoAvever, instead of improving, the patient grows apparently worse, after the pause just prescribed, or if symptoms of a different charactei occur, the case should be carefully reconsidered, and another and more appro- priate medicine selected ;—or again, if the symptoms (notwithstanding thia want of success) still distinctly indicate the same medicine, a single dose of Sulphur followed by a pause of tAvelve hours, and then by re-administration of the medicine previously employed, may prove of considerable service. Obstinate and Intractetble Cases. Sulphur, Sepia. One or both of these medicines singly or in suc- cession, will be found of great service in some obstinate and neglected cases occurring amongst persons of delicate constitution. The more particular indications Avhich serve to determine the selection betAveen them may be gathered from the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of either medicine as selected, give six globules in a table-spoonful of Avater, every morning the first thing (fasting), for ten days (or until the earlier development of new symptoms, change or improvement); then pause four days, after which the same course may be repeated, if some lurking traces of the disease yet remain ; and so on until a perfect cure is effected. It should not, however, be omitted that one or more of the medicines mentioned above (or in the article on "Cough") should be employed for intermediary adminis- tration, from time to time, if particularly indicated. Diet. The diet must be light and easy of digestion ; consisting of light bread-pudding, provided the fever be not high,—in which case, weak gruel, barley-water, and the like, must also be partaken of: when the more serious symptoms have subsided, or in all mild cases, we may CROUP. 365 give a little chicken, chicken-broth, or beef-tea,—and so on, gradually mcreasing the amount of nutriment, as the disease declines. The drinks should consist of toast-water or barley-Avater. CROUP. This Avell-known disease is one that requires the promptest treat- ment, to avert the danger. From the moment that we are assured of the nature of the complaint, recourse must be had to the remedy most clearly indicated by the assemblage of the symptoms, so that not an instant be lost in arresting its further progress; since, if not skilfully kept in check, it sometimes runs on to a fatal termination Avithin twenty-four hours; although in the generality of cases, when such an event does take place, it happens about the fourth or fifth day. Croup consists of a peculiar inflammation of the lining membrane of the Avindpipe, causing the secretion of the thick, viscid substance, generally opaque, of about the consistency of the boiled white of an e<£g, which adheres to the interior of the windpipe, and takes the form of the parts which it coA'ers; when this, generally denominated the the false membrane, has been alloAved to form, the case becomes ex- tremely critical. It particularly affects early childhood. It seldom attacks adults,— though Ave occasionally see exceptions to this rule;—and is not unfre- quently found in complication with other affections both of the lungs and Avindpipe. Predisposing Causes. That croup arises from inherent constitu- tional taint is evident from the fact of some families having a peculiar tendency to this disorder. Exciting Causes. The principal exciting causes seem to be ex- posure to cold or damp, and derangement of the digestive functions, from a too nutritious or heating diet, too much animal food, or stimu- lants, such as wine or coffee. Symptoms. Short, difficult, and hoarse respiration, accompanied by a shrill, Avhistling, squeaking, harsh, rattling, or metallic sound, with cough of the same character; the patient throws the head back in order to breathe more freely; fever, and sometimes lethargic stats of the brain. The attack generally commences with the symptoms of a common catarrh, such as cough, sneezing, and hoarseness, Avith a greater or less decree of fever; in a day or tAvo the cough changes its character, and becomes shrill and squeaking, or dee}), hoarse, or sonorous, attended with a ringing sound during speaking and respiration, as if the air were passing through a metallic tube; as the disease progresses, the couo-h becomes more shrill, and when long continued, resembles the croAving of a young cock. There is seldom much expectoration, and when any matter comes up in coughing, it has a stringy appearance, or resembles portions of a membrane. After inflammation has set in, considerable fever and restlessness continue, occasionally varying in intensity, but never wholly remitting; the countenance expresses great anxiety, and alternates from a red to a livid hue; the parox- 366 CROUP. ysms are followed by a profuse and clammy perspiration of the whole body, more particularly of the head and face. When danger threatens, the pulse is hard, frequent, and occasionally intermittent; the breathing, particularly during inspiration, difficult and audible; the features "become livid, and almost purple, from the sense of suffo- cation :—the head is thrown back; the face and forehead become bedewed with a cold and clammy sweat. The cough either entirely ceases or assumes a veiled and husky tone; the voice sinks to a whis- per ; the eye has a dull, glassy, or dilated appearance, and the Avhole system seems in a state of utter prostration. On the other hand, when a favorable turn takes place, the cough becomes looser, and the paroxysms diminish in severity and frequency; the breathing becomes freer in the intervals betAveen the coughs; the countenance loses its expression of anxiety; or the voice becomes stronger, and the restless- ness subsides. Should these signs of improvement persist for tAventy- four to thirty-six hours or so, we may generally calculate that all danger is past. Nevertheless, there must be no relaxation of Avatch- ful care until the hoarseness and cough, however slight, have entirely disappeared. Incipient Stage. Treatment. The remedies enumerated in the general article on Cough, are severally applicable to the treatment of the incipient stage of Croup, according to the particular indications present. Amongst others, hoAvever, the following may be especially recommended. Hepar-sulphuris, when the disease sets in with a hard, dry, hoarse and holloAv cough, attended Avith Avheezing;—or, in general, wdien this symptom is present, AA'hether indeed, there be apprehension that the disease will resolve itself into Croup or not, this remedy is of great service and should be promptly administered. Dose: Of a solution of four globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change. A warm bath is also of service,—but the child should be placed in bed immediately afterwards, and the temperature of the room kept steadily warm at about 65°. Inflammatory Stage. Aconite is called for during the inflammatory period of this dangerous disease, AA'ith great febrile disturbance, burning heat, thirst, short, dry cough, and hurried and laborious breathing.* * The employment of a cold water compress, consisting of a piece of linen rag wrung out of cold water, and applied over the exterior of the throat, or windpipe, is also of much service in the inflammatory stage of croup. The moist rag should be covered with a piece of oiled silk, and the whole secured in the proper place by means of a dry bandage. When oiled silk is not at hand, a longer piece of wet rag should be used, so as to admit of its being folded two or three times ; and the secur- ing bandage may consist of a double fold of flannel, or a worsted stocking, of suffi- cient length. The compress may be continued for several hours, and should be renewed when it becomes dry or hot. Spongia piline and gutta percha are the more refined appliances now in vogue for the purpose specified. Waterproof cloth is a good substitute. CROUP. 367 Dose: In very acute cases, of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every half hour, until the specially indicative symptoms abate. In less urgent cases the repetition of doses should take place every two hours, until a similar result ensues. So soon, hoAvever, as the medicine begins to make a favorable impression, the intervals should be extended to foui, and then to six hours; or, on the other hand if the fever has, to a certain degree, yielded to Aconitum. but such symptoms as are sub- joined supenene or remain—pause four hours after the last dose of Aconite (except in very urgent cases —when no pause can be allowed), and consider the following medicines. If in alternation Avith one or both of the other medi- cines, associated as above, the like solution should be separately made of each, and administered by tea-spoonfuls, so that not less than two hours shall elapse between doses (except in the most urgent cases, when the intervals should be reduced to half an hour). Hepar-sulphuris. Either Avhen the febrile symptoms are partially subdued by Aconitum, the skin having become moist or covered AA'ith a profuse SAveat, the cough more loose and the breathing freer, but there remains a dry, harsh, deep, IioIIoav cough, with a Aveak, hoarse A'oice, and more or less difficulty of breathing ; or Avhen, from the com- mencement, the cough so peculiar to croup has already set in, and is accompanied by a constant mucous rattling in the respiratory organs, during which the patient is incessantly but effectually occupied in en- deavoring to obtain relief by expectoration,—or frequently grasps at his throat, and bends the head back;—AA'hen, moreover, there is a considerable degree of fever and restlessness, together with a burning hot skin, and excessively quick and laborious respiration. This remedy is of itself sufficient, in many instances, to arrest the progress of the disease, if administered as soon as the incipient symptoms of the attack are observed; but Aconite, Hepar-sulphuris and Spongia, generally in alternation, become necessary Avhen the affection is more developed. Dose : A solution of twelve globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, or if in alternation, a solution of six globules of each medicine, as directed for Aconi- tum. If, however, the subjoined symptoms and conditions occur, proceed at once (in most urgent cases), or, after a pause of four hours (in less pressing instances), with the next medicine. Spongia is chiefly useful after Aconitum, when the skin has become moist, the breathing somewhat easier, but still very letbored, loud, grating, and wheezing the patient appearing to carry on the process. of respiration more readily AA'ith the head throAvn backAvards, yet is even then occasionally threatened Avith suffocation; further, Avhen the cough is dry, hoarse, ringing, hollow, and squeaking.1-'' Dose: Dissolve six globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every half hour (in very acute cases), or only every three hours (when the symptoms are not so extremely distressing), until a degree of improvement ensues, when the intervals should be extended to double the time. Or, one gr. of the third trit, dry on the tongue, at like in- tervals ; but if no relief should ensue within twehe hours, proceed with Bro- mine, as directed for Aconite. * Spongia is frequently alone sufficient to effect a cure in thoroughly-developed croup, unaccompanied by the strong febrile symptoms mentioned under Aconite ; or before the latter, when there is no mucous rattling. 368 CROUP. Iodium is generally required in children of marked scrofulous habit, or of soft, flabby, plethoric constitutions, and may be preferred to the other remedies in such cases, particularly if the affection par- takes less of the active inflammatory character described under Aconite. When considerable febrile disturbance, Avith dry, hot skin, attends, an alternation with Aconite is beneficial; and when, in the absence of prominent inflammatory symptoms, the employment of Iodine alone produces only partial or temporary improvement, Hepar-s. should be administered alternately AAath it. Dose: Twelve globules (or one drop of the tincture) to a table-spoonful of water, a tea-spoonful every half hour—in very urgent cases, every quarter of an hour. If in alternation with Aconitum or Hepar, proceed as directed under Aconitum. If, hoAvever, the more urgent symptoms continue on the increase, and this and the foregoing medicines appear incapable of arresting the pro- gress of the disease, have recourse at once to the next set of remedies. Phosphorus is sometimes required to follow Hepar (as in the first course prescribed above) AA'hen the symptoms are such as have been enumerated under the head of that medicine, but have not yielded to its action. Phosphorus is also of service to follow Aconite and Spongia, Avhen these medicines have been productive only of partial relief. But in the cases in which the administration of Lachesis becomes necessary, and in which the fourth dose of Lachesis has been administered without adequate relief, Phosphorus should be promptly employed. Dose : Tavo globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every quarter of an hour, until amelioration or change, or until three doses have been given ; but if no ade- quate relief should ensue within half an hour after the third dose, proceed Avith the next medicine. Arsenicum should be administered half an hour, after the third dose of Phosphorus, in cases in which the last-named medicine has not produced prompt relief, especially if the patient has become cold and exhausted, and appears to be sinking. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every ten minutes, until three doses have been given ; but if yet no positive improvement results, proceed with the next remedy. Antimonium-tartarieum may be given fifteen minutes after the t third dose of Arsenicum, especially when there is much oppression and rattling of'pjhlegm on the chest, with slow, laborious, and impeded respiration, and frequent inclination to vomit. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, or dry on the tongue, at intervals of five, ten, fifteen, and tAventy minutes, and so on (adding five minutes to the length of every successive interval) until positive improve- ment results. After having subdued these threatening symptoms by the adminis- tration of the last-mentioned remedy, Aye may, if the disease is not wholly vanquished, again fall back upon Hepar-sulphuris or Spongia, according to the indications given for those remedies. It may be added, hoAvever, that Kali-biehromas has proved eminently success- ful Avhen Iodium, &c., failed to relieve; and that Iodium and Bro- mium have also been recommended, particularly in cases occurring in INFLUENZA. 369 very scrofulous children. As a pretty general rule, however, the early administration of Aconitum followed as soon as needful by Spongia or Hepar, one or both, will rarely fail to conduct this alarming and frequently fatal disease to a happy issue. ACCESSORY MEASURES. It is of the utmost importance to keep the patient warm throughout the attack, and to protect him (or her) against the slightest chill. Putting the arms in hot water is sometimes useful at the commence- ment of the malady. Diet and Regimen. The food should at most consist of a little warm milk-and-water, from time to time, during the attack. And even after the acute symptoms have been subdued, and the patient is convalescent, very great care should be taken to exclude every irritat- ing or stimulating ingredient from the diet: and to alloAV only of very gradual increase of quantity at each meal. The diet should, however, by sIoav degrees, be improved, and rendered more and more nourish- ing. Mucilaginous drinks, toast-and-Avater, milk-and-Avater, and the like, should be exclusively used for some time after an attack of croup, —and an unstimulating diet is sometimes necessary, even for tAvo or three months. Proper precautions, in respect of clothing, &c, to prevent exposure, are very essential;—and exposure to cold, bleak, nipping, dry winds, as well as to damp, should be avoided. The act of standing still in the open air would be likely to prove prejudicial, as also Avalking exercise Avhen the ground is very wet. But gentle exercise in the open air, in favorable weather, ample circulation of air in the sleeping and sitting apartments, Avhen the patient is absent from either, &c, &c., are amongst the best means of promoting a rapid restoration of sound health. See DIPHTHERIA. INFLUENZA. Symptoms. Catarrh appearing in an epidemic form, attended, in addition to the symptoms described at the commencement of the article on common cold, with extreme oppression aud prostration of strength; sleepiness, followed by shuddering and general chilliness; rheumatic pains, or pains as if bruised or beaten, in the back or limbs; intense frontal headache, sometimes extending to the bones of the face, with pressive, aching pains in the other parts of the head, giddi- ness, earache, and, in some cases, swelling of the glands beneath the ear, and offensive sweats; slight redness of the eyes, Avith painful pres sure, and sensibility to light; discharge from, or obstruction of, the nose; dry, shaking cough, or cough with more or less expectoration, and Avhich produces distressing fatigue in the chest; dryness of the throat, and, subsequently, dry, burning heat of the skin, loss of appe- tite, nausea together with soreness of the throat, and some degree of hoarseness. 24 370 INFLUENZA. Incipient Stage. Treatment.—Camphor (saturated tincture). This medicine, when employed upon the earliest manifestation of symptoms of Influenza (or of Common Cold during the prevalence of Influenza), characterized by chilliness, shivering, and general sensation of uneasiness, will fre- quently prove effectual in arresting the further development of the disease. In a more advanced stage, moreover, Camphor is equally in- dicated, and is often of great service, when laborious, asthmatic breathing, accumulation of phlegm in the air-tubes, and cold, dry skin occur as predominant symptoms. Dose : One drop of the saturated tincture on a small lump of fine loaf-sugar, repeated at intervals of one hour, until amelioration or change. Nux-vomica. This remedy has also repeatedly proved of great efficacy in the first stage of influenza or Grippe; and, frequently, when timely administered, in the cases in which it is indicated, prevents the development of the disease. The symptoms which point out the fit- ness of Nux-v. are chiefly as follow: obstruction of the nose; hoarse, holloAV cough, excited by tickling in the throat, and attended with severe headache; confusion in the head, giddiness; Avant of appetite, disgust at food, acid taste, or vomiting of bitter or acid matter; thirst; pain as from a bruise under the short ribs; aching pain in the lower part of the back; constipation; pain in the chest as if from excoria- tion; alternate heats and chills; general aching and prostration ; sleep- lessness, nocturnal excitement, and restlessness; pains in the face and teeth. Dose: Two globules in a tea-spoonful of water, repeated for three evenings successively. Inflammatory Stage. Treatment.—Aconitum is indicated when the disorder assumes an inflammatory character, with quickness, hardness, and fullness of pulse, dry, hot skin, and short, harsh, shaking cough. fDose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every three hours, until the fever-symptoms abate, or until other manifestations, distinctly indicative of different remedies, occur. Nux-vomica should again be employed, in the inflammatory stage of influenza, if, after the fever-symptoms have yielded in a degree to the action of Aconite, the symptoms already enumerated under the head of this medicine (Nux-v. above), recur or continue as prominent manifestations. Dose: Of a solution of eight globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful every six hours, until distinct amelioration or change. Arsenicum. The following are the characteristic indications for the employment of this important remedy: heaviness and rheumatic pain in the head; profuse, watery and corrosive discharge from the nose, causing a disagreeable burning sensation in the nostrils; violent sneezing; shivering and shudderings, with severe pains in the limbs; oppression of the chest; difficulty of breathing; thirst; anxiety; rest- INFLUENZA. 371 lessness; great prostration op strength, with aggravation of sufferings at night, or after a meal; inflammation of the eyes, with sensibility to light. These symptoms may be attended with a deep, dry, fatiguing cough, exacerbated in the evening, at night, or after drinking; or with sensations of dryness and burning, with mucus in the throat, AA'hich is difficult to detach. Dose: Two globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every two hours, until the symptoms are moderated, and then every six hours, until amelioration or change. Mercurius. This remedy is indicated by the following symptoms; chilliness, or, on the other hand, alternate chills and heats, followed by profuse perspiration, unattended by mitigation of suffering; severe cold in the head, with copious, acrid, watery discharge; fever, with general heat; great weakness, relaxed bowels, headache; pains in the head, face, teeth, and chest; sore throat; swelling of the glands beneath the ear; violent, shaking cough, at first dry, but subsequently moist, with copious secretion of phlegm,—the paroxysms of coughing being commonly excited by irritation in the throat and chest; aching in the bones, and slimy, bilious diarrhoea, attended with straining. This remedy has also proved of great efficacy when symptoms of pleurisy, with copious, unmitigating perspiration, supervened; as also when the liver berame implicated in the general derangement, the pains in that organ partaking more of an obtuse than of an acute description. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every three hours, until ame- lioration or change ; but, if the subjoined symptom should become very pro- minent, pause six hours, after the last dose of Mercurius, and proceed with the next medicine. Belladonna should be administered six hours after the last dose of Mercurius, when the tonsils are inflamed and swollen. Belladonna may, however, also be required (independently of other remedies), when such symptoms as the following predominate: dry, spasmodic cough, aggravated at night, and severely affecting the head and sto- mach at each paroxysm; hot, dry skin; sore throat; excessive, almost insupportable, headache,—increased by talking, moving, or bright light,—with pain, as if the brain would be forced out of the cranium, on coughing, stooping, or leaning fonvard; confusion of ideas on clos- ing the eyes. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every four hours, until the symptoms are moderated; and then every eight hours, until positive amelio- ration or change. Phosphorus has frequently been found exceedingly useful when there was excessive irritation in the windpipe and its ramifications, bordering on inflammation, with alteration of the voice, and pain dur-* ing articulation. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every three hours, until ame- lioration or change. Bryonia has often proved of great service in relieving the violent, pressive, aching, bursting, frontal headache, dry, hot skin, wdth or without fever, and cough, both day and night, with scanty or copious, 372 INFLUENZA. easily loosened, white or yellow-colored phlegm; or when the cough produced pain in the upper part of the belly, and caused a pain, as if arising from the effects of a blow, beneath the breast-bone or under the short ribs. It has further been found of great efficacy when the liver was tumefied, painful to the touch, or on coughing, or taking a full inspiration; also when vomiting wras liable to take place after coughing. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to four tea-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every four hours, until amelioration or change. If in alternation with Carbo-veg. (as below directed;, the like solution of each should be separately made and administered by tea-spoonfuls, so that an interval of six hours shall elapse between doses. Carbo-v. is useful in old people, sometimes in alternation Avith Bryonia, when the chest is considerably affected, the breathing op- pressive, the extremities cold, with threatening paralysis of the lungs, so called. Dose : A solution of six globules in every respect, whether singly or in alter- nation, as directed for Bryonia. Pulsatilla is indicated by loose cough day and night, exacerbated by lying down, thick, offensive discharge from the nose, pain in the forehead or in the cheek-bones, red and watery eyes, tendency to re- laxation of the boAvels, loss of appetite, foul tongue, disagreeable or insipid taste in the mouth, chilliness, sleeplessness, and nocturnal rest- lessness. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to four tea-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every four hours, until amelioration or change. Rhus. In cases arising after exposure to a thorough wetting, and accompanied by great anxiety, frequent, involuntary fetching of a deep inspiration, corporeal restlessness, with incessant changing of posture, nocturnal cough, attended with difficult expectoration of white-colored phlegm on first awaking in the morning, and general prostration,— this remedy is indicated. Dose: Dissolve six globules in three table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea spoonful of the solution every six hours, until amelioration or change. Opium has, in some cases, been successfully employed, Avhen other remedies had failed, against distressing, dry cough, or cough Avith difficulty in expectorating the phlegm which has been detached, the paroxysms of Avhich were always folloAved by yawning. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every four hours, until amelio- ration or change. Chamomilla is often of special efficacy in-the case of children, after the previous employment of A conitum, Avhen the voice is hoarse, and there is rattling of phlegm in the chest; when the cough is frequent and the paroxysms are protracted, particuletrly at night; further, Avhen there are sweating at the head, great thirst, and excessive fretfulness. In adults, Chamomilla is also of frequent utility, especially when the fits of coughing are excited by tickling in th'e throat (upper part of the windpipe), and there is expectoration, with rattling of phlegm in INFLUENZA. 373 the chest, and Avhen diarrhoea accompanies or forms a prominent fea- ture in the complaint. Dose: Of a solution of six globules (or, for very young children, of three globules) to four tea-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful (or for children half a tea-spoonful) every four hours, until amelioration or change. Arnica may be administered with advantage in some cases, parti- cularly when pricking pains are experienced in the chest during inspi- ration, Avith aching pains over the whole body, headache, and discharge of blood from the nose. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every six hours, until amelio- ration or change. Ipecacuanha may prove of great service Avhen there is vomiting or violent retching, during or after each fit of coughing. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water after each violent fit of cough- ing (but not more frequently than every two hours), until the vomiting or retching ceases to accompany the attacks and the cough becomes less violent, or until some important change otherwise takes place in the character of the symptoms. Conium is characteristically indicated Avhen the cough continues almost incessantly during the night, until relieved by vomiting a quantity of frothy phlegm. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water night and morning, until ame- lioration or change. Sulphur has repeatedly proved useful, when, at the termination of the disorder, dull pricking pains in the chest are experienced on taking a deep breath, or after a severe fit of coughing; also when there is oppression at the chest, as if arising from a heavy weight resting upon it. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water morning and evening for four days (or until the earlier development of new symptoms, improvement or change); then pause four days, after which the course may be repeated as before, if still required. Neglected or protracted Cases. Stannum is often of great service in neglected or protracted cases characterized by easy but excessive expectoration of phlegm. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every six hours, until four doses have been given, and then night and morning, until amelioration or change ; but, if the subjoined symptoms and conditions supervene, pause two days, and proceed with the next medicine. China may advantageously be administered forty-eight hours after the last dose of Stannum, Avhen the expectoration has diminished, or when the fits of coughing are excited by a rattling under the breast- bone, as if arising from an accumulation of phlegm. Dose : Four globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, until ame- lioration or change. 374 DETERMINATION of blood to the chest. AFTER-EFFECTS OF INFLUENZA. Spasmodic Cough. Treatment.—Hyoscyamus is a useful remedy against the dis- tressing, spasmodic cough which occasionally remains after the acute symptoms of Influenza have been subdued. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, until amelioration or change. Tendency to Pulmonary Consumption. Stannum, Carbo-veg. These two medicines, administered alter- nately. Dose: First three globules of Stannum in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, for four days, then an interval of three days ; after which, the like doses of Carbo-veg. should be similarly administered ; and so on, alternately for three weeks, or until the earlier development of new symptoms, positive improvement or change in the state of the patient. Inflammation of the Eye. Arsenicum is of great service in overcoming the inflammation (with ulceration) of the Eye which is apt to ensue as a consequence of Influenza. Dose: Two globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, for a week; then a pause of four days, and subsequently a similar course, renewed or not, according to the state of the patient and the progress of the curative process. Diet and Regimen. The diet should be very light and unstimu- lating, yet as nourishing as it can be made in avoiding everything which may tend to increase inflammatory action. It should consist of arrow-root, sago, beef-tea, or the like, particularly at the commence- ment of the attack. In mild cases, light puddings and white fish may be allowed. In severe attacks, however, and when the fever runs high, or when there is little or no appetite, toast- or barley-water or thin gruel will be sufficient. The precautions as to clothing, habits, &c, which should be ob- served relatively to Influenza, or during its epidemic prevalence, are analogous to those which have been prescribed respecting other catar- rhal disorders. DETERMINATION OF BLOOD TO THE CHEST. Symptoms. Sensation of great fullness, throbbing, weight or pressure in the chest, and palpitation of the heart, attended with anxiety, short, sighing respiration, and difficulty of breathing. Susceptible Age. We find that the predisposition to affections of the chest and lungs is greater during the period preceding puberty, and for some years after, than at any other period. There is no doubt that a particular period of human life is peculiarly liable to chest affections, and, among others, to this disorder, which is but too frequently the precursor of other more serious maladies. DETERMINATION OF BLOOD TO THE CHEST. 375 Predisposing Causes. Some constitutions, however, especially those in Avhich a hereditary taint exists, exhibit a marked predisposition to congestion of blood to the chest. Exciting Causes. Amongst the most frequent causes of this pre- disposition being called into dangerous activity are: exposure to extremes of heat or cold; stimulants, such as alcoholic, vinous, or fer- mented beverages, or coffee; the abuse of narcotic drugs; violent exercise, such as running, dancing, &c, or over-exertion even of the voice, either in speaking or singing; a sudden check of perspiration ; cold or damp feet; sedentary habits; repercussed cutaneous eruptions; or suppression of customary discharges, such as the catamenial and haemorrhoidal flux. Treatment.—Aconitum is especially indicated, when there is violent oppression with great heat and thirst, palpitation of the heart, great anxiety, and shaking cough. It will be found particularly valu- able for plethoric females of sedentary habits, Avho suffer considerably from congestion before and during the monthly periods. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, repeated at intervals of eight hours, until the subsidence of the particular indicative symptoms. In cases of congestion, associated with the monthly periods, Avhen the immediate symptoms have yielded to the action of Aconitum, pause two days, and pro- ceed with one or other of the next remedies, according to the indications present. Mercurius should (in some cases in AA'hich the congestion is asso- ciated wdth the monthly periods) be administered two days after the more urgent symptoms have yielded to the action of Aconitum. When appropriately selected, Mercurius will tend greatly to obviate a relapse. The particular symptoms AA'hich may indicate the employ- ment of Mercurius, either from the onset or as a consecutive medicine, are as follow: burning heat and oppression at the chest, and frequent desire to take a deep inspiration; or cough with blood-streaked ex- pectoration and palpitation of the heart Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every twelve hours, until ame- lioration or change; as soon, however, as a degree of improvement becomes apparent, the doses should only be repeated every night at bed-time, and thns continued until the cure is complete. Belladonna is to be preferred to Mercurius for administration, either after the more urgent or febrile symptoms have, in a certain degree, yielded to Aconitum, or otherwise when the subjoined symp- toms occur: oppression and throbbing at the chest with shortness of breath and strong palpitation of the heart extending into the head; short cough, chiefly at night; internal heat, and considerable thirst. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every eight hours, until ame- lioration or change; but as soon as a degree of improvement becomes ap- parent, the doses should be repeated only every morning the first thing, and thus continued until the symptoms have wholly disappeared. Nux-vomica is indicated when the affection has been developed by sedentary habits or by habitual indulgence in the stimulants al- ready alluded to, or owing to the sudden disappearance or suppression of haemorrhoids; in which cases this remedy itself frequently effects a cure. , 376 DETERMINATION OF BLOOD TO THE CHEST. Dose: Three globules in a table-spoonful of water, every night at bed-time, until amelioration or change ; but if some inconvenience should continue to prevail, notwithstanding repeated doses of Nux-vomica, proceed with the next medicine. Ipecacuanha will frequently complete the cure, when Nux-vom. has not removed the whole of the symptoms. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every night, until the com- plete subsidence of the symptoms or change supervenes. Aurum is appropriate to the treatment of the following symptoms: extreme oppression at the chest, as if suffocation impended, sometimes with loss of consciousness and livid hue of countenance; palpitation of the heart, and excessive anguish. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every four hours, until a degree of improvement becomes evident, or change is manifested. If improvement ensue proceed with the same doses at intervals of twelve hours, until the complete subsidence of the symptoms; if change occurs (without improvement), suspend the administration of Aurum, and select another remedy appropriate to the existing symptoms. Pulsatilla is indicated by ebullition of blood in the chest with ex- ternal heat; constriction in the chest, Avith impeded respiration; palpi- tation of the heart; anxiety—and aggravation of the symptoms towards'evening; also when congestion to the chest has arisen in phlegmatic subjects from hemorrhoidal suppression, or in females, from stoppage of the menstrual flux. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, the first thing in the morning, until amelioration or change. Spongia should be employed when the symptoms are provoked by the slightest exertion or even movement, and are attended with anguish, sensation of threatened suffocation, nausea, prostration, and fainting. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every four hours, until a degree of improvement becomes apparent or change occurs in the character of the symptoms. If improvement, proceed with the administration of the same medicine in similar doses every twelve hours, until the complete subsidence of the symptoms; if change, select another medicine appropriate to the existing symptoms. Bryonia. Burning heat in the chest, with a sensation of tightness, difficulty of breathing, and anxiety; palpitation of the heart; occasional prickings in the chest during inspiration. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, morning and evening (fasting), until amelioration or change. China. When we can trace the affection to debilitating losses, with palpitation of the heart and oppressed breathing. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Bryonia. Sulphur. Ebullition of blood, weight, fullness, and pressure in the chest, aggravated by coughing; palpitation of the heart, difficulty of breathing, chiefly on lying down at night; it is also most serviceable in suppressed haemorrhoids, after Nux-vomica or Pulsatilla, and after the latter remedy in checked menstruation. ACUTE BRONCHITIS. 377 Dose: Six globules in a table-spoonful of water, every morning the first thing (fasting), for a week (or until the earlier development of new symptoms, im- provement, or change); then pause four days, after which resume the course as before, or not, according to the greater or less degree of improvement which has been effected. Phosphorus. In some obstinate cases this remedy is often success- ful in affording relief, particularly Avhen, in addition to the more usual symptoms, shooting or pricking pains are frequently experienced on laughing, speaking, or Avalking quickly; palpitation of the heart, anxiety, sensation of heat extending from the chest into the throat. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water night and morning, until ame- lioration or change. Diet and Regimen. The diet should be such and so limited as to preclude the risk of oppressing the stomach, or otherwise impeding, retarding, or deranging the process of digestion. All sources of ex- citement (whether for pleasure or pain), should be avoided, as calcu- lated to provoke or aggravate an attack. Calm rest and regular habits are of great importance to those who are afflicted with a pre- disposition to such affections of the chest. INFLAMMATION OF THE MUCOUS MEMBRANE OF THE BRONCHIAL TUBES. BRONCHITIS. The disease consists of a greater or less degree of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the ramifications of the windpipe, and is divided into acute and chronic. Of the former it is intended more particularly to treat. The disorder is of frequent occurrence both as a primary affection, and as a concomitant of measles, scarlatina, small- pox, hooping-cough, &c. ACUTE BRONCHITIS. Symptoms. Chilliness, succeeded by fever; hoarseness, difficulty of respiration; severe, frequent, and distressing cough, at first dry, or Avith scanty expectoration of frothy or viscid mucus, which subse- quently becomes copious, and sometimes streaked with blood; exces- sively laborious respiration, attended with feeling of constriction and oppression at the chest, which sometimes increases to such a degree as to threaten suffocation; general weakness, foul tongue, and loss of appetite, paleness of the lips, cadaverous and anxious countenance, loud wheezing: on applying the ear to the chest, a louder sound is heard than that occasioned by the natural respiration, either droning, or harsh and broken, or whistling and rattling, according to the stage of the disease. Favorable and Unfavorable Results. In the cases which terminate favorably, the first symptom of improvement which sets in, is a greater freedom of breathing, with remission of the fever, and an alteration in the expectoration, which becomes thicker, Avhiter, and diminished in quantity. But when the disease takes an unfavorable 378 ACUTE BRONCHITIS. turn, the difficulty of breathing increases, and a state of excessive debility and collapse supervenes; the face becomes hvid, the body covered with a cold and clammy SAveat; the mucus accumulates rapidly in the air-tubes, and the cough, which has become feeble through the exhausted and sinking condition of the patient, is insufficient for its ejection; aeration of the blood in the cells of the lungs is prevented; and head symptoms declare themselves from impeded circulation, or the effect of unarterialized blood circulating in the brain. Insidious Variety of Bronchitis. In many cases of acute bron- chitis, although a degree of oppression of the chest be present, no par- ticular pain, heat of skin, or fever may exist; this is a most insidious form of the disease, and one in which the complaint is but too fre- quently neglected until beyond the power of the physician's art: it occurs most frequently in children who may apparently be only troubled with a slight wheezing, of which scarcely any notice is taken, nor is any medical aid called in, until suddenly suffocation threatens, or some alteration of structure takes place; so that an affection Avhich probably might have been easily subdued at the onset, is now beyond control. Bronchitis of Children. The frequency of the disease in infancy and early life deserves a particular notice. It generally commences, as in adults, with the symptoms of a common catarrh; the breathing becomes quick and oppressed, and, from the increased action of the midriff, the belly becomes prominent; both the shoulders and nostrils are in continual motion, but the wheezing is often more marked than the difficulty of respiration, and on applying the ear to the chest a mucous rattle is heard over almost every part; expectoration some- times temporarily relieves, and occasionally the mucus is expelled from the air-passages by vomiting; the countenance is pale and anxious, and someAvhat livid :—these symptoms are interrupted and relieved by occasional remissions, during which the child generally appears drowsy; but the return with additional severity, and if not checked, an acces- sion of extreme difficulty of breathing ensues, and death takes place from suffocation. When sore throat is also present, coughing produces considerable pain, and the child for that reason frequently endeavors to suppress it. There is also impaired appetite with thirst, although, when the disease has advanced, it is found difficult to take a long draught from its impeding respiration: this is very observable with children at the breast, who, after eagerly seizing the nipple, will bite it, discontinue sucking, cry, throw back the head, and even after vomiting up the phlegm, continue for some time in that position. In some cases, from the character of the voice and cough, bronchitis has been mistaken for croup. The tubes of one lung only, may be affected, but frequently those of both lungs are attacked by the disease. The exacerbation of suffering at night is a striking symptom in this complaint. Causes. The causes are the same as that of common catarrh. Treatment.—Aconitum is the remedy upon which we must place our chief reliance in the inflammatory stage of the disease, and ACUTE BRONCHITIS. 379 throughout its course, wherever high febrile action sets in. Its more marked indications are, hot, dry skin, with strong, hard, and accele- rated pulse; roughness of the voice; short, dry, and frequent cough, excited by tickling in the throat and chest; obstructed respiration, wheezing or sonorous noise in the chest; anxiety; restlessness, head- ache, and thirst, with occasional, scanty expectoration of viscid phlegm. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful, repeated at intervals of two hours, until the indicative symptoms are allayed. When the skin and pulse, in particular, manifest a degree of abatement in the fever, the intervals should be extended to six hours, and the administration thus continued, unless some distinct indications characteristic of one or more of the other medicines particularized should occur, when the doses of Aconite should be suspended, and appropriate treatment adopted ; but if the fever-symptoms should continue without abatement or modification, two hours after the third dose .of Aconitum and the subjoined symptoms be present, proceed with the next medicine. Bryonia is of great service, in a large number of cases of bronchitis, at the commencement of the attack, and should be administered two hours after the third dose of Aconitum, in the event of the unmodified continuance of the fever-symptoms, notwithstanding the previous ad- ministration of the last-named medicine,—the subjoined indications being present: laborious, rapid, and anxious breathing, wdth constant inclination to make a deep inspiration; hoarseness; headache; dry cough, attended with a burning, pricking pain, extending from the throat to the middle of the breast-bone; or cough, day and night, with scanty and difficult expectoration of viscid, white or yelloAv-colored phlegm, in some instances tinged with blood; wheezing; dryness of the mouth and lips; hot, dry skin, or dryness of the skin during the day, and copious perspiration at night; excessive thirst. When, more- over, a pain as if arising from the effects of a bruise, is experienced under the breast-bone, with aching and sensation as if the contents of the cranium would be forced through the forehead, after each fit of coughing, or when the respiration is impeded by shootings in the chest, and the affection threatens to become complicated with pleurisy, this remedy is still more particularly called for. Dose: A solution of six globules, as directed for Aconitum; but if Bryonia should be inadequate to effect more than temporary relief, proceed with the next medicine. Spongia is often of great service after the previous administration of Aconite, when there still remains a considerable degree of inflam- mation in the air-tubes, especially the larger, with wheezing or sonorous noise in the chest; and also at a more advanced stage of the disease, when rattling of mucus is distinctly audible; hollow, dry cough day and night, but Avorse toAvards evening; or cough with scanty, viscid, ropy expectoration; heat in the chest; burning, tickling irritation in the top of the windpipe; quick, anxious, laborious respiration; in- ability to breathe unless the head is thrown backwards; hoarseness. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change ; but if within three hours after the fourth dose partial improvement, only, should have occurred, 380 ACUTE BRONCHITIS. or if- the subjoined symptoms should remain predominant, pause three houra longer, and proceed with the next medicine. Hepar-s. is sometimes useful after Spongia, especially when the mucous rattle is predominant, the skin hot and dry, and the efforts to expectorate ineffectual; or at a more advanced stage of the complaint, when the expectoration has become more copious, and the paroxysms of coughing are folloAved by profuse sweating. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every four hours, until a degree of benefit has been effected, and then every twelve hours, until positive ame- lioration or change. Belladonna. This remedy is useful when there is severe head- ache, materially aggravated by coughing; flushed face; oppression of the chest, and constriction, as if bound, with loud wheezing and rat- tling of mucus in the air-tubes; short, anxious, and rapid respiration; dry, fatiguing cough, especially at night, which is endeavored to be suppressed on account of the pains which it creates; heat of the skin, and thirst; soreness of the throat. Belladonna is often exceedingly efficacious in children, particularly in those insidious cases which com- mence with a slight wheezing, and then suddenly become aggravated to such a degree as to threaten suffocation; the heat of the skin being at the same time considerable, and the pulse excessively rapid, and sometimes even intermittent. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every three hours, until improvement or change ; if improvement ensues extend the intervals to six hours, and continue the administration thus, until the distinct subsidence of the symptoms ; if change, suspend the administration of Belladonna, and substitute a medicine appropriate to the new symptoms. Nux-vomica. Difficulty of breathing, with excessive tightness of the chest, particularly at night; hoarseness; dry cough, worse towards morning, attended with pain, as if caused by a blow or bruise, in the pit of the stomach or under the false ribs; cough, with difficult and scanty expectoration of viscid mucus; dryness of the mouth and lips, thirst, constipation, peevishness. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every four hours, and proceed as directed for Belladonna. Lachesis. Oppression at the chest, with short and hurried respi- ration, anxiety, and dejection ; mucous rattle ; dry, fatiguing cough, sometimes followed by the expectoration of a little tenacious or frothy phlegm, after much effort, occasionally streaked with blood; hoarse- ness. Dose: A solution of six globules, as directed for Belladonna. Mercurius. This remedy may occasionally be found useful in the second or secretive stage, when the symptoms of bronchitis are accom- panied by excessive perspiration ; when the cough is fatiguing, worse in the evening and at night, and excited by a tickling irritation, or sensation of dryness in the chest, Avith quick, short, oppressed breath- ing, and louder respiration than ordinary; hoarseness; cold in the head, with watery, acrid discharge; swelling of the nose. ACUTE BRONCHITIS. 381 Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every six hours, until amelioration or change. But if the subjoined symptom occurs, or remains predominant, after repeated doses of Mercurius, pause twenty-four hours, and proceed with the next medicine. Dulcamara should be given twenty-four hours after the last dose of Mercurius, when the offensive night-SAveats continue to predominate. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, until the positive subsidence of the indicative symptoms, or until other indications occur characteristic of some other medicine. Phosphorus. This important remedy is frequently of great utility in bronchitis, when the more inflammatory symptoms have been sub- dued by Aconite, but the respiration continues much oppressed, ac- companied with great anxiety, and heat in the chest; dry cough, excited by tickling in the throat or chest, aggravated by talking or laughing, and followed by expectoration of stringy phlegm of a saltish tfiste. Further, wdien the disease has been neglected, or when, from the phenomena which present themselves at the commencement, Ave have reason to dread complication, or an extension of the inflammation to the substance of the lungs, there will be additional reason for ad- ministering Phosphorus. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water every four hours, until distinct amelioration or change. Pulsatilla. This remedy is often required in the second or secre- tive stage to complete the cure, after the previous exhibition of Aconitum, when the acute inflammatory symptoms have been sub- dued, and the expectoration has become thicker and more copious. It may, hoAveA'er, be prescribed before or after any of the medicaments Ave have named, especially Avhen the disease occurs in persons of mild disposition, or of lymphatic constitution, and the symptoms are as follow: respiration short, accelerated, and impeded, attended Avith rattling of phlegm, heat in the chest, and anxiety ; hoarseness; shaking cough, worse towards evening, at night, or in the morning, accom- panied with considerable expectoration of tenacious, or thick, yellowish phlegm, sometimes mixed with blood; cold in the head, with copious discharge of thick, discolored phlegm. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every four hours, until improvement, or change. If improvement occur the intervals should be extended to six hours, and the administration thus continued, until the subsidence of the symptoms; if change suspend the administration of Pulsatilla, and continue treatment with a remedy more ap- propriate to the new symptoms. Sepia should be selected in preference to Pulsatilla, when the ex- pectoration is very copious, though somewhat difficult, and of salt taste; aggravation of the cough in the morning and towards evening. Dose : Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, until ame- lioration or change. But if within twelve hours after the fourth dose of Sepia the subjoined indications remain predominant, proceed with the next medicine. Stannum should be administered after Sepia, if the expectoration he still profuse, but more easily detached and ejected, greenish, and less saline, or of a sweetish taste. 382 ACUTE BRONCHITIS. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, until per- manent amelioration or change. Lycopodium. When the cough is materially worse at night, and attended with thirst and quickness of pulse, but moist skin and ten- dency to sweat; the expectoration yellowish-gray, of a saltish taste; oppression at the chest. Dose: Three globules in a tea-spoonful of water, night and morning, until amelioration or change. Bronchitis in Children. Chamomilla is often a most useful remedy after the previous exhibition of Aconitum in cases occurring amongst children, when a slight degree of whistling or sonorous noise in the chest still remains; dry cough, worse at night, occurring even during sleep. (See also Belladonna.) Dose : Of a solution of four globules to four tea-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change; but if notwith- standing the administration of Chamomilla, the subjoined symptoms and con- ditions supervene, and become gradually or rapidly worse and worse, proceed promptly with the following course of medicines. Aconitum, Hepar-sulph., Spongia. When, notwithstanding the employment of Chamomilla, the whistling or sonorous sounds con- tinue, and the respiration becomes more accelerated and oppressed, or becomes unequal,—the inspiration being quick and short, the expira- tion prolonged and noisy, the face livid, and the pulse excessively quick, these three remedies, chiefly in alternation, will usually be found the most serviceable in averting a fatal issue. Dose: Dissolve six globules of each separately, in two table-spoonfuls of water, and give first a tea-spoonful of the solution of Aconitum, followed, after the lapse of a quarter of an hour, by the like dose of the solution of Hepar-sul- phuris, and this again after the further lapse of a quarter of an hour by the like dose of Spongia, and so on in rotation, until the breathing becomes less oppressed, noisy or fivquent, upon which the intervals may gradually be lengthened (first to half an hour, and then to an hour), as the amendment advances. But if on the other hand the symptoms remain unmitigated, or if they undergo a change within a period varying from three to six hours, consult and select from the subjoined remedies. Ipecacuanha is also a very serviceable remedy for children, when there is wheezing or rattling in the chest, and when on coughing they are almost suffocated by the excessive secretion of phlegm, and become livid in the face; shortness of breath and perspiration on the forehead after each fit of coughing. Dose: Give two globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every half hour, until amelioration or change. But if little improvement be effected within two hours after the third dose, consider the indications for the alternate adminis tration of Arsenicum with Ipecacuanha, or the other subjoined medicines, and proceed promptly with further treatment. If in alternation, as directed for Arsenicum. Arsenicum should be given two hours after the third dose of Ipe* cacuanha, if the latter remedy has only been productive of partial benefit, and is indeed to be selected in preference to Ipecac, if the CHRONIC BRONCHITIS. 383 following indications occur: the pulse very quick, feeble, aad irregular, and the patient reduced to a state of extreme debility and collapse; the respiration obstructed almost to suffocation and attended with a wheezing and whistling noise in the chest, cough and hoarseness. Dose: Of a solution of eight globules to four tea-spoonfuls of water, give a tea-spoonful (or two globules dry on the tongue), at intervals of five, ten, fif- teen, and twenty minutes, and so on, adding five minutes to the length of each succeeding interval. If in alternation with Ipecacuanha, dissolve six globules of each, separately, in two table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea-spoonful, first of the one solution and then of the other, at intervals of a quarter of an hour, until a degree of improvement ensues, and then at intervals of an hour, until the urgent symptoms are subdued. Antimonium-tartaricum is chiefly found useful in those severe cases in which the smaller tubes are clogged with phlegm, and suffo- cation threatens to ensue, when the cough suddenly ceases, either from Aveakness or from other causes. It is also of great value when the inflammation has extended to the substance of the lungs. Dose : Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful (or two globules dry on the tongue), every half hour, until a degree of improvement ensues, and then every two hours, ujitil the urgent sypmtoms subside. Sulphur is of more or less service, in the greater number of cases, after the previous employment of any of the medicines hereinbefore enumerated, in Avinding up the cure and preventing the disease from degenerating into the chronic form, or when the expectoration has in- creased in quantity, and become Avhitish and less viscid. Dose : Six globules in a table-spoonful of water, every morning, the first thing (fasting), for ten days (or until the earlier development of new symptoms, im- provement, or change); then pause a week ; after which the same course may be repeated, if necessary. Cactus-grandiflorus. Great anxiety and suffocation, with rattling of mucus. Dose: As directed for Sulphur. The Cactus-g. has cured Chronic Bronchitis of many years standing. Diet and Regimen. In the severe forms of bronchitis, the diet to De observed should be the same as that directed to be observed under the head of Fever; but when the febrile and inflammatory symptoms have been completely removed, the patient should gradually return to a more nutritious diet, even though a considerable degree of cough and expectoration remain. In the slighter forms of the complaint, spare diet, confinement to the house—in short, the simple measures laid down for the treatment of common colds, in another part of this work, will frequently check or at all events materially shorten the attack. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS. This complaint may be the result of the acute affection, or it may arise as a gradual and insidious inflammation of the mucous membrane of the air-tubes, or proceed from the inhalation of dust or other minute particles carried into the lungs; it may also be coeval with diseases of 384 CHRONIC BRONCHITIS. the heart, or declare itself after eruptive fevers. It differs from acute bronchitis chiefly in the greater mildness and longer duration of its symptoms, the continuance of Avhich varies from several weeks or months to many years. It affects elderly persons more frequently than the young, but is of course liable to occur at all ages as the result of an acute attack (although such a circumstance is comparatively of rare occurrence under proper homoeopathic treatment), as the sequel of measles, &c. Symptoms. A comparative exemption from cough is frequently experienced during summer; but in Avinter, or in inclement springs, the patient is tormented Avith harassing cough and copious, viscid ex- pectoration, especially in the morning, which, in the severe forms of the disorder, is peculiarly distressing. The expectorated matter in the chronic affection is of a different nature from that in the acute, being of a thicker consistence, and of a greenish or yellowish-white color; it is not unfrequently muco-purulent, and sometimes decidedly purulent, and occasionally streaked with blood, particularly in obstinate, invete- rate cases. There is generally more or less difficulty of respiration, with acceleration of pulse after slight corporeal exertion; but in other respects, the health may be good and continue so. In the more trying forms of the disorder, an aggravated state of all the symptoms enume- rated is met with; moreover, Avhere the expectorated matter is of a purulent nature, hectic fever, extreme emaciation, nocturnal SAveats, and occasional attacks of diarrhoea, are frequent adjuncts: the latter symptoms are sometimes liable to cause the disease to be mistaken for tubercular consumption; but in the majority of cases, auscultation,* and percussion, f together with a careful attention to the symptoms and the history of the case, enable us to discriminate betAveen them. TREATMENT. Sulphur is, in the majority of cases, one of the principal remedies for the treatment of Chronic Bronchitis. The particular symptoms which serve to indicate its employment, are as follow: dry, racking cough, Avith spasmodic tightness of the chest, sometimes aggravated by the recumbent position, and not unfrequently attended with nausea or even vomiting; accumulation of phlegm in the air-tubes, and scrap- ing sensation in the throat; sensation of soreness at the chest; chronic hoarseness, and even loss of voice ; aggravation of the generality of the symptoms in raw, damp, cold weather; dry cough at night; or cough with considerable expectoration of thick, whitish or yellowish phlegm, chiefly in the daytime; attacks of suffocative sensation and oppression of breath; rattling of phlegm on the chest, and occasional or even fre- quent palpitation of the heart; pains in the head and chest during fits of coughing; mistiness of sight, and sensation of darting; fullness in the head. * The act of listening through the stethoscope, or otherwise, in order to ascertain if any unusual sound in the chest. . may be useful in some cases. The particular indications may be gathered from the article oh " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Six globules, as directed for Alumina. Natrum carh. This medicine is very important, chiefly for obsti- nate tubercles in the face, and black pores; white pimples under the tongue; tuberculous spots on the thighs and legs; leprous spots on the arm; yellow rings, remains of dartrous spots; circular dartrous spots, brown and coppery, with round edges, and of a tubercular character; obstinate ulcers, after corrosive and spreading vesicles on the heels ; itchy eruption on the belly; rose-colored tubercles, &c. Dose: Six globules, as directed for Alumina. Natrum muriaticum. In some ease this medicine may be use- ful, especially Avhen there are tubercles on the forehead, and at the back cf the neck, &c, &c. Dose: Six globules, as directed for Alumina. Petroleum. This medicine is of great importance, especially when there are yellow spots on the arms; chaps in the hands, and at the ex- tremity of the fingers; vesicles on the heel; tubercles on the face; dar- trous and tubercular spots on the body ; obstinate ulcers on the fingers, with raised and callous edges, and with a flat, moist, and red bottom; fetid ulcers at the end of the fingers; ulcer broad, dirty- looking, with much proud flesh ; hoarseness, suffocating cough at night. Dose: Six globules, as directed for Alumina. Phosphorus is a very important medicine, for; — flat spots, of a clear broAvn color; tubercles on the body, especially on the thighs ; thick patches on the skin of the face; white spots on the arms; pains and heat in the swollen fingers; stopping of the nose; pains in the tubercles of the face. Dose: Six globules, as directed for Alumina, ABSCESS OF THE LIVER, This is, unfortunately, a disease of mueh frequency in India, as well as in other hot climates, and it is as fatal as it is insidious and obscure in its first attack. History, &c. When inflammation of the liver, especially of its internal structure, is not treated with sufficient decision in its early stages, the formation of one or of several abscesses is a frequent con sequence. This arises from one of two causes: —either from want of decisive and prompt treatment in the first instances; or from the insid- ious way in which it runs its course in the substance of the organ, in consequence-of which its nature and extent are not detected, until the particular organic change has manifested itself sufficiently. 628 abscess of the liver. Characteristics. We may look on abscess of the liver as on abscess of any other part of the body. We know that collections of matter sometimes form in external parts of the body without any marked rigors or constitutional disturbance, and even without much fever; and a similar occurrence may supervene with respect to the liver. Investigation of Abscess of the Liver. The symptoms which usher in the formation of abscess, in many instances, seem to depend more on the constitution of the individual, or the extent of mischief at the time the suppurative process is commencing, than upon any invariable change in the system necessary to its commence- ment, and regularly indicated by certain signs. When the inflammatory action, going on in a part of the organ, is not very acute, and Avhen the constitution is characterized by a scrofulous habit, then abscess super- venes in the liver without giving any precise warning, until the very last stage of the suppurative process, when the aggregate of the symp- toms may lead us to infer its existence, or its communication with some other important internal organ renders it manifest. When the inflam- mation is acute and the habit not much impaired, the progress, as well as the commencement, of abscess of the liver may often be detected, if the inquiries be made with precision. Indications afforded by external investigation. When the inflamma- tion is active, the liver is very large from previous or simultaneous congestion. This is more particularly the case when the upper surface is the one affected. When the increase of bulk is chiefly on the con- cave surface, it extends more in the direction of the stomach and large intestine. Adhesions are then often formed either with the stomach, large and small intestines, or right kidney. Adhesions to opposite surfaces are not ahvays the result of the point- ing of an abseess in any particular direction. If it form and point in the superior and anterior surface of the liver, adhesions to the adjoining wall are often the consequence, and then an operation may be performed with a prospect of advantage, and the mechanical treatment should not be neglected if surgical aid be at hand. When the abscess points externally, the circumstance may be readily detected; and in some cases when it is formed in the body of the liver, and points in the direction of some other important organ, it may be recognized by the symptoms present, and sometimes by the hand; coun- terpressure on the posterior parts of the lower ribs being made at the same time. Abscess, however, may form and point either on the mid- riff, or on the intestines, more especially in weakly or scrofulous habits with evident symptoms. When acute attacks of inflammation of the liver are not subdued by decisive treatment in the early stages, they run rapidly into abscess. If abscess be actually found, and is seated in the convex part of the right lobe, the enlargement is evident over the whole region immedi- ately under the ribs in the right side, the swelling extending below the ribs towards the navel. When the abscess is likely to form below the ribs, we find generally great swelling and increased heat of the surface of the part. If the abscess form on the superior surface of the liver, and point on the midriff, there will seldom be felt any great increase ABSCESS OF THE LIVER. 629 of temperaturj in the region below the ribs. The abscess may point between the ribs. When the abscess is fully formed and is seated on the superior part of the liver, the enlargement and swelling felt beneath the ribs, previous to and during the formation of matter, become considerably diminished; but if it be in the inferior and anterior part of the organ, the enlarge- ment becomes more and more reduced, until it assumes the character of a distinct tumor, and the pain either ceases altogether or is but little felt. Indications afforded by the external surface. The supervention of abscess is often not manifested by decided symptoms, especially when the consequence of chronic inflammatory action, complicated with dys- entery. The presence of rigors in such cases can seldom be expected; but slight shuddering is more frequently observed. Even the occur- rence of rigors is not decisive respecting the formation of matter in this disease, as Liver Disease is often complicated with Ague. Indications afforded by internal sensations and perspiration. Some- times an internal sense of throbbing and fluttering has been felt in the region of the liver, and has been followed by a broad, soft pulse, and night perspiration. The supervention of night perspiration is one of the most certain signs we can have of the formation of an internal abscess. The indications next in importance are frequent cold sweats, but only in the advanced stage of abscess. Frequent fainting sensations deserve much reliance. Indications afforded by the Pulse. The pulse, at the commencement of the formation of matter, is generally soft and full, is subject to acceler- ation in the evening, and, in the progress of the disease, becomes more irritable, quick, and contracted. Indications afforded in the Chest. In the more advanced, stages of abscess, and especially when it is seated in the posterior part of the liver, and presses on the midriff, AATe have anxiety and oppression in the region about the chest, heart, and stomach. Indications afforded by the position. The easiest position for the patient in abscess of the Liver varies. It is more frequently on the back and left side, Avhen the abscess points towards the stomach or large intestine. Frequently there is most ease from the sitting posture, and from leaning gently forwards. TREATMENT. In addition to the subjoined particulars, those which have already been furnished on the subject of Inflammation and Suppuration of the Liver, should also be referred to. Silicea is more especially indicated when a sensation of internal soreness is felt in the region of the Liver, under such circumstances; and when the least pressure, or even the jar of walking or riding is extremely painful; also when there is excessive costiveness ; these indi- cations being further characterized by a throbbing in the part or b> SAvelling. This medicine is of great value either in-averting such a result when suppuration is not inevitable, or in promoting a more satis- factory turn when this result has actually ensued. Dose: Four globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of six 630 ABSCESS OF THE LIVER. hours, until four doses have been given, and subsequently, at intervals of twelve hours, for a week (or until the earlier manifestation of general change); then pause four days, and determine whether to resume treat- ment immediately, or to defer it for four or six days longer, according to the state of the case. Lachesis is to be preferred to Silicea when the symptoms, detailed under the head of that remedy, occur in individuals Avho have been addicted to intemperate habits. Dose: Four globules, as directed for Silicea. Kali earb. is applicable to the treatment of cases closely analogous to those indicating Silicea; but more particularly when, with great physical weakness, there are burning, darting, cutting pains in the Liver, or when there is a constant pressive, heavy, dull, aching pain in the same part, more especially aggravated by bending the body forward, &c.; looseness of the bowels, sometimes with discharge of mucus or even of blood, more particularly at night; scanty evacuations and deficient (almost suppressed) discharge of urine, what is discharged being thick and high colored, and urination being attended with more or less pain. Dose: Four globules, as directed for Silicea. Acidum phosphorieum is more particularly serviceable when the bowels are in an irritable condition, and the patient is much incon- venienced by urging to stool, the evacuations being scanty, often crude, pale colored, slimy and loose; but when, sometimes, there is little or no sensation of pain actually in the liver except when pressure is applied, or when, in other instances, there is a feeling as if a great bulk or weight were in the right side; or when, again, in other cases, cramp-like, con- tractive, nipping, or shooting pains are suddenly experienced in the right side. Dose : Four globules, as directed for Silicea. China, Sepia, Sulphur, and Lycopodium may also be enu- merated as of occasional service in the treatment of abscess of the Liver, and may advantageously interpose to meet particular and collateral developments as they occur. As respects Sulphur, there are compara- tively few cases in which its employment would not be required. For the particular indications of each, however, the reader is referred to the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of either of these medicines as selected, give four globules, as directed for Silicea. Additional Particulars. It may prove of much assistance in treating cases of this nature to consult also the general article on " Indigestion," and on " Dysentery," whence many important features of the case may be extracted and thence facilities afforded for the appropriate treatment. Diet and Regimen. The food must be taken in very small quantities at a time, more frequently than would be required in health, and with great regularity. Above all, every irritating ingredient should be sedulously excluded, and every stimulating article of food or drink withheld. At the same time the support of the strength as far as we are able to effect it must not be neglected; and good, plain, CHRONIC AFFECTIONS OF THE LIVER. 631 nourishing food, such as broth, and plain, farinaceous substances, should be taken. Exposure to vicissitudes of temperature, whether to heat or chill, or to exertion, fatigue, &c, cannot be undergone without danger. CHRONIC AFFECTIONS OF THE LIVER. Chronic disease of the Liver is by no means to be looked upon as essentially incidental to residence in hot climates. I have had oc- casion to enter into the consideration of this class of diseases in the earlier part of this work. But, at the same time, many of these disor- ders are far more frequent in hot climates, and more particularly in India, and therefore they are entitled to especial consideration in this place. Chronic Inflammation of the Liver. Nature and Origin. Chronic Inflammation of the Liver may supervene primarily, or the acute form may subside into a slow, inactive state. If it occur primarily, its seat is generally the internal texture of the organ. When it is incidental to the acute form, it is generally, but not uniformly, seated in the substance of the liver. Symptoms. Chronic inflammations of the Liver generally com- mence, and are accompanied Avith much disorder of its functions. There are generally appearances either of disordered biliary secretion, or of obstruction to the discharge of this fluid into the superior intes- tines. Sometimes it appears to be more abundant than is natural, but this arises from obstructions to its free discharge into the first bowels, and its consequent accumulation in the hepatic ducts and gall-bladder. Torpor of the organ, when it accompanies a state of chronic disease of the organ itself, may also lead occasionally to attacks of more acute disorder, attended Avith an increased and vitiated secretion of this fluid; and this effort may proceed from the elements of bile accu- mulated in the blood, owing to the deficient functions of the liver, irritating or exciting it to increased or morbid action. The secretion of bile may therefore be various in quantity, according to circumstances; but it is more generally diminished, and almost always changed in quality. In the slightest and most chronic forms of inflammatory action of the biliary organs, the symptoms are very often indistinct; it is chiefly, in cases of this description, through disorder of the digestive and assimi- lative functions, that we are often led to infer the existence of disease of the Liver. The loss of flesh, the symptoms of disordered digestion, particularly the slow and painful digestion, accompanied with acid and acrid eructations, flatulency, nausea, and sometimes vomiting ; torpid state of the boAvels, or dark-colored, offensive, strong, greenish, tena cious, or watery and muddy motions ; the frequent calls to stool, ana the scanty and morbid state of the evacuations; the dark-colored and disordered condition of the urine; the distension and oppression at the region about the stomach and below the ribs on the right side; the oc- casional aching pain and weight in these situations ; the uneasiness and pain about the right shoulder or shoulder-blade; the slight acceleration 632 CHRONIC AFFECTIONS OF THE LIVER. of the pulse towards evening, Avith an irritable beat, and considerable heat and restlessness through the night; the burning heat of the palms of the hands and of the soles of the feet in the evening, and chilliness in the morning; the white, foul, and excited tongue; the bitter or dis- agreeable taste of the mouth ; the hardened state of the gums, &c. &c, — and by such as these, constituting the principal symptoms, — that Ave are guided in determining the existence of Chronic Inflammation of the Liver. Issue and Results. The terminations of chronic inflammation of the liver are various. The greater number of them, however, may be viewed in the light of advanced stages of the inflammatory state ; others merely as organic changes, to Avhich this state invariably leads in particular habits and constitutions, rather than as actual termina- tions of chronic inflammatory action, since the vascular disorder may be considered as still existing. As, in the more acute forms of the disease, these forms may terminate in resolution, by a gradual diminu- tion of the morbid symptoms and a return of the healthy action of the diseased organ and of those related to it in function; they may also give rise to a more acute form of disease, or to organic changes of a serious and even fatal tendency. Amongst the latter are, active inflam- mation of the organ, or of the gall-bladder and ducts ; the latter em- braces all the organic changes to which the organ is liable, — and these, indeed, are of more common occurrence in temperate climates than in warm ones. Enlargement. The Liver, in cases of long-continued and slight inflammatory action, becomes much enlarged. The enlargement is often accompanied, also, with deposits of purulent matter in various parts of the organ, with a friable state of its texture, and a dark and congested condition of both its internal structure and surfaces. Induration seems to be merely the consequence of sIoav inflammatory action, Avith a deposit of organized matter, and an increased consist- ence of the cellular internal structure of the organ, and frequently with an effusion in the granulated tissue composing the greater portion of its internal structure. Tubercles of various kinds, some encysted, others without any evident cyst or distinct envelope, are often severally detected in examinations of the more chronic forms of inflammation of the Liver. These various changes are chiefly remarked in the most chronic cases. In these cases, also, particularly in those addicted to drinking spirit- uous and intoxicating liquors, the substance of the liver is tuberculated, and of a cheesy consistence and texture; it is generally, at the same time, much enlarged. Atrophy. In many chronic cases the Liver becomes smaller than is natural; and in some it is diminished in size. Atrophy of the Liver may be the result of slow inflammatory action. The cause of the diminution of size may be abscess. In addition to these organic changes referable to the substance of the liver, others appertain to the Gall-ducts. These are, collections of very viscid bile in the hepatic ducts, and biliary concretions in the same sit- uation. Biliary concretions frequently form, in warm climates, in the CHRONIC AFFECTIONS OF THE LIVER. 633 gall-bladder, and often produce inflammatory action in this receptacle, or in the cystic or common duct, not unfrequently attended with spasm! TREATMENT. Chronic Inflammation of the Liver. With respect to Chronic Inflammation of the Liver, the directions already afforded for the treatment of this disease, as it occurs amongst us, are equally applicable to its treatment in tropical climates. To the article in question, therefore, the reader is referred. Enlargement and Induration of the Liver. Arsenicum is a medicine Avhich is frequently of considerable service for the treatment of enlargements and indurations, such as have been above described, and is more especially appropriate when the Liver Disease is complicated with enlarged Spleen. It is indicated by a small, quick, irritable pulse; tightness and fulness in the right side about the region of the liver, with sensibility to touch, and predominance of burning pains; heat of skin, thirst, anxiety, and restlessness; great dryness of the mouth; bitter taste in the mouth ; foul, chiefly broAvn, and dry tongue; and sometimes vomiting of a dark-colored, grumous fluid ; or diarrhoea, occasionally sanguineous; prostration of strength, and swelling of the feet. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, for six days (or until the earlier development of new symptoms or general change); then pause four days, after which the course should, if this remedy is still indicated, be repeated as before, and so on, until decided amelioration or change. Mercurius is very characteristically indicated by SAvelling and indu- ration of the liver, more particularly if there be obstructions in the gall-bladder and ducts, and complete jaundice supervene; the region of the liver is full and incapable of sustaining pressure. Sometimes the case is further characterized by occasional shooting and burning pains in the region of the liver. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Arsenicum. Calcarea is useful for enlargement and induration of the liver, attended Avith excessive tightness and pressure beloAv the lower ribs of the right side,— these parts being incapable of sustaining the least press- ure : or Avhen the enlargement is characterized by occasional darting pains, or by a continual sensation of tightness and pressure, with gen- eral, dull, dragging pain in the same region, sometimes extending through to the right shoulder-blade; evacuations deficient of bile, usually whitish, and sometimes streaked with blood; bitter taste in the mouth, almost invariably in the morning; predominance of thirst, and very feeble powers of digestion, every meal occasioning much inconve- nience ; Avhite-coated tongue; daily feverish attack soon after midday; excessive dejection of spirits, irritability, impatience, and anxiety; sometimes shortness of breath, and generally short, dry cough. Dose: Six globules in a table-spoonful of water, the first thing every morn- ing, fasting, for eight days (or until the earlier development of marked change); then pause a week, after which the course should, if necessary, 634 CHRONIC AFFECTIONS OF THE LIVER. be repeated as before; and so on, from time to time, until decided amelio- ration or change. China is more especially of service in cases complicated with simul- taneous enlargement and induration of both the liver and the spleen, and when pains, as from a bruise or sore, are provoked in the region of the liver by the least touch, or when there is a prevailing heavy pain along the loAver ribs on both sides; the evacuations are almost invari- ably slimy, often yelloAvish or greenish, and sometimes also watery ; the urine is cloudy and deposits much sediment; everything eaten has an acid or bitter taste; there is predominant thirst, Avith great desire to drink; the tongue is much loaded with a yellowish or white coating; there is usu- ally a yellow suffusion of the skin, and the sleep is much disturbed ; pains in the limbs often occur; and stitching pain in the region of the liver, during inspiration, is also a symptom, which, when associated with the foregoing, should indicate China; there are pains in the shoulder-blades, and often a short, interrupted, muffled cough, Avith sensation of suffoca- tion at night; pressive pain in the forehead ; evening fever, with great heat, and with excessive heat and dryness of the lips, and sometimes with determination of blood to the head. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, for six days (or until the earlier development of amelioration or change); then pause four days; after which the course may, if necessary, be repeated aa before, and so on, until decided amelioration or change. Nux vomica, Lycopodium, Sulphur, or Sepia may be required, especially in cases of long standing. There are few instances in which they will not be required, either in courses, or for intermediary administration from time to time (especially in cases of simple enlarge- ment). For the particular indications which should lead to the selec- tion of each, respectively, refer to the article on "Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of either of these medicines, when selected, give three globules, as directed for China. Diet and Regimen. In cases in which Enlargement or Indura- tion of the Liver has taken place, the directions which have been stated at length in the article on "Eradicative Treatment," at pp. 83-89, should be referred to. Tubercle and Atrophy of the Liver. Arsenicum, Silicea, Sulphur, and Lycopodium may be named as being likely to be of some service. There are others, however, which the tact and experience of a medical practitioner in attendance might find more appropriate in many cases. It should not be omitted, however, that in all cases in which organic disease of the liver is detected in an advanced stage, if there be any hope of retrieving comparative health and of prolonging life, the medicinal treatment should, if prac- ticable, be seconded by removal to a climate more consistent with the constitution. The selection from amongst these medicines must depend wholly upon the indications afforded under the head of each, respec- tively, in the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: If of Arsenieum or Lycopodium, give three globules in a teaspoonful of CHRONIC AFFECTIONS OF THE LIVER. 635 water, night and morning,—if of Silicea or Sulphur, give six globules in a table-spoonful of water, every morning, the first thing — fasting, for ten days (or until the earlier manifestation of marked change); then, pause a week; after which the course should, if indicated, be repeated as before; and so on. Affections of the Gall-Bladder and Ducts. Belladonna is sometimes productive of speedy relief, of longer or shorter duration, in the treatment of Biliary Concretions or Gail- Stones, and of other morbid accumulations in the Gall-ducts, &c, when excessive pain is experienced at the pit of the stomach, darting through to between the shoulders. Dose: Four globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated three times a day for two days, and subsequently, night and morning, if the pain continues in a diminished degree, for a week (or until the earlier manifestation of decided change). Calcarea, Lachesis, Silicea, and Sulphur are to be men- tioned as frequently of service in the treatment of obstructions in the Gall-Ducts, &c, especially in protracted cases, or in cases associated with long-continued and inveterate derangements of the biliary appa- ratus. The general indications for each, respectively, may be gathered from the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: If of Lachesis, give three globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning,—if of Silicea, Calcarea, or Sulphur, six globules in a table- spoonful of water, the first thing in the morning — fasting, for ten days (or until the earlier manifestation of decided change) ; then pause eight days, after which the course may, if necessary, be repeated as before, and so on, until decided amelioration or change. China and Nux vom. are always of greater or less service in the treatment of chronic diseases of the Liver, Spleen, Gall-Ducts, &c, and their associated derangements of the whole apparatus of digestion, when the disease is not of too long standing, or beyond the reach of art. Dose: Of either of these medicines, when selected, as directed for Lachesis, in the foregoing prescription. 636 concussion of the brain. CASUALTIES. CONCUSSION, BRUISES, SPRAINS OR STRAINS, WOUNDS, DISLOCATIONS, AND FRACTURES. REMARKS ON EXTERNAL REMEDIES. With respect to the chief distinctions which serve to determine the fitness of one remedy, as a local application, in preference to another, the reader is referred to the Introductory article at pp. 66-70, in which this subject has been considered in detail. CONCUSSION OF THE BRAIN. In concussion of the Brain (which may arise from a violent shaking of the brain or of the whole body, without any direct violence having been offered, such as a severe blow or fall on the head,) the symptoms vary, according to the degree of injury which the brain has sustained. Symptoms. When the concussion is very severe, there is im- mediate deprivation of sense and power of motion, and death is the general result; but when slight, a temporary stunning or confusion, with more or less headache, is produced, folloAved by increased action of the pulse, giddiness, and sickness. When, on the other hand, the violence done is greater than in the latter instance, though not so severe as to cause the fatal termination alluded to above, we may divide the progress of the results of such accident into three distinct stages, as follows:— (1.) The first stage,—in which the patient is rendered insensible and incapable of movement; his limbs become cold ; the pulse weak, slow, and intermittent; the respiration laborious, but usually without snoring. (2.) The second stage, — in which, as the patient begins to recover from this condition, the pulse and respiration improve, and warmth begins to be felt in the extremities; the sensibility to touch then returns, and the contents of the stomach are in most cases ejected ; still he continues to remain in a dull, confused state, and inattentive to, or almost unconscious of, slight external impressions. On the gradual subsidence of the first effects of the concussion, the patient becomes enabled to respond to questions spoken in a loud tone. (3.) The third stage. — When, hoAvever, the stupor has considerably or entirely abated, inflammation of the brain, of an active character, will, in many cases, then begin to develop itself, with all its wonted symptoms; and if not checked, suppuration or effusion within the head, preceded by sudden coldness and shivering, will result. TREATMENT. Arnica is the specific remedy in all cases of injury arising from ex- ternal violence, and its timely administration internally, simultaneously with its external application (if there be a wound), in cases of concus- sion of the brain, will, in most instances, if the injury be not very CONCUSSION OR CONTUSION OF THE CHEST. 637 severe, suffice to remove all traces and evil consequences of such mis- fortunes. Dose (internal): Two globules in a teaspoonful of water (if requisite, and no other remedy should meanwhile become more distinctly indicated), at in- tervals of three hours, until decided amelioration or change. Application (external) : Add twenty drops of the Concentrated Tincture of Arnica to two table-spoonfuls of water, and bathe the parts with this lotion three times a day, until the dispersion of the bruise, swelling, &c. Should the swelling, pains, and other symptoms increase, after one or two applications, the Lotion should be discontinued, until these symptoms of aggravation have subsided. When, hoAvever, the contusion has been serious, the subjoined symp- toms usually characterize the case: —Extreme restlessness or jactita- tion, and irritability of temper, Avith sensibility of the eyes to light; small, quick pulse ; delirium ; or subsequently coldness and shivering, &c. The treatment Avhich is called for in cases of this nature, is identical with that Avhich has already been detailed in the article on Inflamma- tion of the Brain, to Avhich therefore the reader is referred for par- ticulars. Diet and Regimen. After an injury to the head, particularly if it has been of a someA\That severe character, the patient ought not to be allowed to partake of any stimulating liquids, such as Avine, spirits, &c, until at least three or four weeks have elapsed, even although he may appear to haAre entirely recovered from the effects of the accident. He ought likewise to be kept quiet, and not be permitted to expose himself to excitement of any kind, otherwise the most serious con- sequences may result. CONCUSSION OR CONTUSION OF THE CHEST. TREATMENT. Arnica should be promptly employed, in those instances in Avhich the chest has been injured by a contusion, or violent concussion, &c, and when the subjoined symptoms ensue: soreness, or a sensation as if from incipient suppuration, Avith heat and throbbing, is experienced in some particular spot; fever, or alternate chilliness and heat followed by fever, which becomes aggravated in the evening; sleeplessness or disturbed sleep, with general heat, and sometimes perspiration towards morning; short, dry cough Avhich increases the pain, or cough with spitting of blood; further, when the pain in the chest is rendered more acute by taking a full inspiration, laughing or sneezing, or Avhen pricking pains or a sensation of fulness or pressure, as if caused by ex- travasated blood, is experienced, together Avith a feeling of constriction that obstructs the freedom of respiration. If the febrile symptoms- should be very intense a dose of Aconitum should be given, either at the commencement, or as an intercurrent. Dose: Six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, a teaspoonful at inter- vals of four hours, until decided amelioration or change. Mercurius. In cases in which the cough, more especially, con- tinues and increases, and when, moreover, expectoration of thick, yel- low phlegm (occasionally streaked with blood) ensues. Dose: Two globules, in other respects as directed for Arnica. 638 SHOCK TO THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. China is not unfrequently of much service in completing the cure when a degree of delicacy of the chest remains behind, Avith tendency to suffer from shortness of breath, and a short dry cough, combined with paleness of the face, impaired appetite, and restless, unrefreshing sleep. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, for six days (or until earlier change); then pause four days, after which the course may, if necessary, be repeated as before, and so on. Stannum, Acidum nit., Silicea, Kali e. In cases in which the continuance of ill-effects, resulting from concussion, &c, of the chest, has been unduly protracted, or in which the accident Avas neglected at the time, and has entailed chronic mischiefs, with apprehension of terminating in Consumption, one or more of these medicines may prove of service in obviating the imminent development of organic disease. The selection from amongst them should be guided by the in- dications afforded under the head of each, in the article on " Charac- teristic Effects." Dose: Of either of these medicines, when selected, give three globules, aa directed for China above. Phosphorus, Lycopodium, Calcarea, and Sulphur are also to be mentioned amongst those of importance in cases in which organic disease threatens to attack the lungs, in consequence of a neglected injury to the chest. The particular indications which should lead to the selection of each, respectively, may be gathered from the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of either of these medicines, when selected, give three globules, as directed for China above. SHOCK TO THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. TREATMENT. Arnica should be employed in almost all cases of the kind, occa- sioned by stumbling or making a false step, &c, either at the com- mencement or during the progress of the course of treatment, subject to characteristic indications, such as those detailed respecting this remedy in the article on that subject. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, morning and evening for four days ; unless, in the meanwhile, symptoms, such as those described under the other remedies, strikingly supervene, in which case proceed accordingly. Aconitum should be given when there is great fearfulness resulting. The patient is afraid of a croAvd, to cross the streets, &c. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Arnica. Belladonna should follow Arnica when headache has resulted from a contusion, or from stumbling, which the latter remedy has failed to relieve. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Arnica. Cocculus, Cicuta, and Acidum phos. are also to be men tioned as sometimes appropriate for the treatment of headache inci- dental to such an accident. The selection from amongst them should BPRAINS. 639 be regulated by the indications afforded for each, respectively, in the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of either of these medicines, when selected, give three globules, as directed for Arnica. Pulsatilla and Bryonia should be selected according to their re- spective indications (as stated in the article on that subject) against the effects of the shock to the nervous system, occasioned by stumbling or making a false step, when pains in the limbs are present. Dose : Of the remedy selected, give three globules, as directed for Arnica. Opium should be the first remedy selected, when the accident has been accompanied by fright. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Arnica. Chamomilla and Ignatia are indicated when, from extreme pain, convulsions ensue. The particular and distinctive indications of each, respectively, may be gathered from the article on " Character- istic Effects." Dose : Of the remedy selected, give three globules, as directed for Arnica. CofFea is preferable when uncontrollable agitation and agonizing restlessness result. Dose: Three globules, as for Arnica. Diet and Regimen. Under these circumstances a little circum- spection in respect of diet is ever desirable. Stimulating articles should be avoided, and the patient should at the same time remain quiet, and avoid any exertion, whether of the body or mind, until the pain, &c, be removed. SPRAINS. external or local treatment. Arnica (Concentrated Tincture) "should be employed at the com- mencement in the treatment of these troublesome casualties, especially when there is much swelling and redness, or lividness from the extrav- asation of blood, with great pain on the slightest movement. Application: To four table-spoonfuls of water add one teaspoonful of the Concentrated Tincture of Arnica, and bathe the parts afi'ected with this lotion every three hours during the first day after the accident has oc- curred. Calendula ( Concentrated Tincture). For persons in whom Arnica is productive of irritation, especially those who have a predisposition to affections of the character of Erysipelas, and in whom the Tincture of Arnica is apt to produce inflammation of the skin, or to develop a troublesome rash, this remedy must be substituted for Arnica. Application: As directed for Arnica. Rhus toxicodendron should be applied after either of the fore- going remedies, or should be preferred before any, when there^ is no extravasation of blood. It is, in fact, more especially specific in this description of external injury, and should, in the absence of Calendula, he employed alone in a great number of cases, more particularly in 640 STRAINS. those in which Arnica produces inflammation of the skin, or develops a troublesome rash. Application: To two table-spoonfuls of water add twenty drops of the Con- centrated Tincture of Rhus tox.; and bathe the parts affected every three hours. INTERNAL OR CONSTITUTIONAL TREATMENT. During the external application of the above remedies, it may be advisable to administer them internally to assist in the cure. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, once a day for four days. Bryonia, Sulphur, or Calcarea may become necessary, when severe pain, particularly on movement, together with stiffness or weak- ness of the part, remains after the use of the above. Dose: Of the remedy selected, give three globules in a teaspoonful of water, once a day, for four days. Sepia, Causticum. In some instances in which the stiffness, weakness, &c, are much protracted, and have not been Avholly removed by the foregoing course, these two medicines should subse- quently be administered in succession, at intervals of ten days, as above directed. Aconitum must, however, interpose within not less than four hours after the administration of any other remedy, internal or external, at any period Avhen the local pain, heat, and redness resulting from a severe sprain are attended with fever and restlessness. During the administration of Aconitum, all other treatment must be suspended, and not resumed until six hours have elapsed after the last dose of this remedy. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of six hours, till the fever abates. STRAINS. TREATMENT. Bryonia should be administered Avhen pricking or other pains are experienced in the back, &c, after a strain caused by any powerful or sudden exertion, such as lifting a heavy Aveight, or throAving up a window, with aggravation from the slightest movement of the arms or trunk. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, until the symptoms subside. Rhus tox. should be administered when headache results from a strain, or Avhen the pains are confined to the extremities, or if the pains in the back or loins are equally severe during rest as on move- ment, if not more so. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Bryonia. Calcarea should folloAV Rhus tox., if, after the fourth dose of the latter, there be no material improvement. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, twice a day, for two days. Veratrum or Nux vom. is more distinctly indicated when INCISED WOUNDS. 641 sickness and great pain in the belly are produced by the effects of a strain. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, every three hours, until the symptoms subside. Diet and Regimen. When there is no fever the diet should be plain and unstimulating, but sufficiently nutritious. The parts which have been injured should be kept in a state of absolute rest, when it is practicable to do so. WOUNDS. Wounds are generally divided into, or classified as (1) incised, (2) lacerated, (3) contused, (4) punctured, (5)-gunshot, and (6) poi- soned wounds. (1.) By an incised Avound is meant one which has been produced by a sharp instrument, as a sword, knife, &c, and is not accompanied with any contusion or laceration. Incised wounds, although more liable to be attended with a greater loss of blood, are, generally speak- ing, the least dangerous, and the most easily healed. (2.) Lacerated Avounds are those in which the muscular fibres, in- stead of being divided by a sharp-cutting instrument, have been torn asunder Avith some violence; the edges, in place of being even and regular, are jagged and unequal. They are commonly attended with little or no bleeding, rarely heal Avithout suppurating, and are fre- quently succeeded by violent inflammation. (3.) The terms contused wounds or bruises, are applied to those injuries which are occasioned by some blunt instrument, or hard, blunt surface, being brought in violent collision with a part of the body. When severe, they are dangerous, from being prone to terminate in mortification and sloughing. (4.) Punctured Avounds are those which have been caused by pointed instruments; they partake more of the nature of lacerated than of incised wounds, and are dangerous from the great depth to which they frequently penetrate, and the serious consequences they often entail. (5.) Gunshot wounds partake of the character of lacerated and contused wounds. (6.) Poisoned wounds are considered under the head of Hydro- phobia. Degree of the Injury. Wounds of the arteries are, for the most part, the most serious: they are to be distinguished by the bright color of the blood, which, moreover, issues very rapidly and in jets; while that from a vein Aoavs in a smooth, uninterrupted stream, and has a darker hue. INCISED WOUNDS. EXTERNAL TREATMENT. In the treatment of wounds of a severe description, our first object is to arrest the Aoav of blood. The tourniquet (an instrument used for this purpose), the ligature, compression, cold water or ice, and 41 642 INCISED WOUNDS. astringents, are all appliances to this end, variously appropriate, according to the degree or source of the hemorrhage. When the injured vessels are of a small size, they spontaneously cease to bleed, or do so, at all events, as soon as the wound is dressed; but when the discharge of blood is considerable, one or more of the subjoined measures must be immediately resorted to for the purpose of arresting it. Mechanical Means — Dressing. Wounds of Arteries and Veins. When, therefore, there is reason to conclude that an artery has been wounded, a tourniquet should be applied around the limb to check the flow of blood ; the external wound must then be closed, covered Avith a graduated com- press, and firmly secured Avith a bandage. When a proper tourniquet is not at hand, its place may be tolerably well supplied by a handker- chief secured round the limb, and tightened by tAvo or three turns of a stick passed under the handkerchief, until the discharge of blood ceases; or the substitute may consist of a cork cut longitudinally, and firmly fixed over the artery, the site of Avhich is readily to be found at the inner surface of the limb, in spare or emaciated subjects, by its pulsation: but as, in robust and muscular patients, it is more difficult to find the artery, it will, in such cases, be advisable first to tie a handkerchief or non-elastic garter, tightly round the limb, above the wound; Avhich will have the effect of rendering the artery more prominent. In order to make the compression of the cork the more effectual, several plies of lint or linen, or a piece sufficiently large to form a few inches square and one in thickness, should be placed over the cork (which should be held firmly in the required position during the preparation of the compress), and the whole then tightened, and retained as long as may be requisite. The application of ice to the wound is also of unequivocal service. Bleeding may also be ar- rested by twisting the divided ends of the artery firmly Avith a pair of forceps, if the vessel be of small size; or by the application of lint saturated with "Monsell's Solution " (persulphate of iron) to the wound, secured with a compress and bandage. This latter method is also well adapted to the arrest of bleeding from wounded veins. When the discharge of blood comes from a large artery, it must sooner or later be stopped by ligature. It is to be remembered that when an artery is wounded, compression is to be made betAveen the wound and the heart; and vice versa when a wounded vein needs compression, as the blood flows through the arteries, from the heart, and through the veins, to the heart. It is sometimes necessary, in cases of Avounded arteries, to make compression both above and below the Avound. Wounds in the Mouth. Bleeding from wounds, &c, in the mouth, sometimes requires the application of styptics, such as alcohol, kreosote water, " Monsell's Solution," &c. The same may be said of slight superficial wounds, as also of fungous tumors, and other dis- eased surfaces, when cold water fails to ansAver the purpose. Copious discharge of blood after the extraction of a tooth is, usually, incised wounds. 643 readily suppressed by pushing a compress of lint into the hollow space left; or by the aid of styptics, when requisite. A simple, and some- times extremely efficacious mode of checking the flow of blood, is by replacing the extracted tooth, and keeping it in its former position until the risk of further discharge of blood is obviated. The next step to be taken in Avounds of every description, after the hemorrhage is stopped, is to remove all extraneous matter, such as sand, fragments of glass, splinters, &c.; then to relax the muscles by placing the injured limb or part in such a position that the wound may not be made to gape; finally, to bring the lips or sides of the wound in accurate contact, and keep them so by bandages, plasters, stitches, &c. Bandages are usually indispensable in deep, and even in small, superficial, incised wounds; but care must be taken not to apply them too tightly, nor when there is excessive inflammation. Stitches are commonly found necessary in wounds of the face or belly, and sometimes of the hands, and in old people generally. In the young and vigorous they are seldom called for, and may be even improper and hurtful when the patient is of an irritable habit of body. Strips of adhesive plaster, — cut narroAV and sufficiently long to retain their hold as firmly as possible, and act with the required compressive poAver, — form, in the majority of incised wounds, the most frequently useful means of bringing the sides into close approximation and effect- ing adhesion. It sometimes happens, however, that even incised wounds, particularly when deep and of considerable magnitude, ter- minate in suppuration. It is consequently necessary to leave inter- vening spaces between the slips of plaster, to admit of the exit of the matter in such an event. Again, Avhen it is found impracticable to cleanse the wound of all foreign substances, it ought to be only lightly, and so to speak, incompletely dressed, as it will be necessary to renew the dressings repeatedly. In some cases it is necessary to dilate the wound, to facilitate the abstraction of a splinter, &c. When it is necessary to dress the wound, and the compress is found adherent, it is advisable to remove it with caution and gentleness, in order to avoid tearing asunder the closing wound: the employment of tepid water will facilitate the separation of the linen. It is best to keep all wounds as much secluded from the external atmosphere as possible. INTERNAL OR CONSTITUTIONAL TREATMENT. Arnica is the first remedy in the constitutional treatment of wounds of all kinds, and its internal administration should commence as soon as the patient has been rendered as comfortable as circumstances will admit. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, to be repeated every twelve hours, if necessary. Aconitum is found necessary, if the patient be robust and strong, and sympathetic fever runs high. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, every three hours, until the febrile indications have abated. China is required for the treatment of those serious injuries by 644 LACERATED WOUNDS. which very severe loss of blood is occasioned, resulting in all the signs of extreme exhaustion, characterized by severe and repeated fainting- fits, with deadly paleness of the face or livid appearance of the coun- tenance, twitching of the tendons, &c. In cases, moreover, in which reaction does not speedily follow the first dose of this medicine, two or three teaspoonfuls of good wine should be administered, after which, if a general improvement takes place, the next medicine should be subsequently employed. But if, on the other hand, the wine only acts as a temporary stimulant, the dose of China must be repeated before proceeding Avith further treatment. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, followed in half an hour, if the patient does not rally, by the administration of a teaspoonful of wine (repeated three times, at intervals of five minutes). After which, if the patient sinks again, repeat the dose of China as before. But if the worst symptoms have subsided, proceed with the administration of Arnica. When matter forms in Incised wounds, the same treatment must be pursued as is described under the head of Lacerated wounds. LACERATED WOUNDS. EXTERNAL OR LOCAL TREATMENT. In the treatment of lacerated wounds we must, after having carefully cleansed them, closely approximate all the parts that will admit of the process, and retain them in their places by means of plasters and an appropriate position of the body or limb, for the purpose of endeavor- ing to unite them by the first intention. If the laceration be exten- sive, and arteries of any considerable magnitude have been divided, they must be secured by ligature. During the process of sloughing, Avhich commonly ensues, the wound must be closely watched, as sec- ondary bleeding is liable to ensue. Arnica and Calendula (Concentrated Tincture) are of great im- portance in the treatment of Lacerated, Contused, and other wounds. When the discharge of blood is profuse, and the wound is of such a character as threatens to leave a severe scar, or to terminate in exten- sive suppuration before healing, Calendula is found most efficacious, and will frequently greatly modify the severity of the symptoms. When, on the other hand, the parts are severely bruised, and show a disposition to turn black in the neighborhood of the wound, or when the wound is slight, Arnica is to be preferred, — except in persons in whom it produces inflammation of the skin, or is apt to develop a rash. Calendula has likewise been found to be a useful application, during the healing process, when the granulations are excessive or redundant. Application: To sixteen parts of water, add one of the Concentrated Tincture of Arnica or Calendula (as the case may be), and saturate therewith a pad made of linen rag, which place carefully over the wound, remoistening and reapplying the same as often as may be necessary. CONSTITUTIONAL TREATMENT. Chamomilla becomes essential when copious suppuration ensues, the pain becomes very severe, and the wound shows no disposition to CONTUSED WOUNDS OR BRUISES. 645 heal under external treatment alone. The application of Arnica or Calendula to the parts must be simultaneously discontinued. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, morning and evening, for three days. Hepar sulphuris should follow after Chamomilla, if the latter remedy has not been capable of effecting material amelioration. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Chamomilla. Silicea should be administered after Hepar sulph., if that remedy appears incapable of inducing a healing action. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Chamomilla. Sulphur should be adopted, if the administration of Silicea has not been folloAved by manifest healing action. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Chamomilla. Further indications for the discriminative use of the above remedies may be obtained by consulting the article on " Characteristic Ef- fects." If the patient becomes extremely weak, with thirst, &c, hot, dry skin, and gangrene threatens, Arsenicum must be given; or, if the symptoms correspond, Carbo veg., China, or Lachesis are to be em- ployed. Dose: Of the remedy selected, give three globules in a teaspoonful of water, every three or four hours, until amelioration or change. CONTUSED WOUNDS OR BRUISES, t EXTERNAL TREATMENT. In cases in which gangrene ensues from very severe injuries, by con- tusion, notwithstanding the appropriate treatment as below directed, the question of Amputation is at once presented, and the services of a surgeon should be had without delay. In cases in which the membrane investing the bone (the periosteum) has been injured by a contusion, if effused blood or matter is evidently pent up beneath it, and the suffering attendant upon the injury is very intense, an incision may be necessary, whereby the effused fluid may be allowed to escape, the constitutional treatment being, at the same time, pursued as appropriate to the symptoms and conditions of the case. Cold Water. In the first instance, the only external application in cases of contusion should consist of cold water. In those very severe cases in which the injured part has been squeezed out of shape, or otherwise absolutely disfigured, the application of the cold Avater should be continued simultaneously with the appropriate constitutional treatment, a remark which also applies to such cases as have demanded recourse to a surgical operation. Application: Bathe the part freely with cold water for five minutes, repeat- ing the operation in the course of three hours; or otherwise saturate a linen rag with cold water, place it over the part, covering the whole with oiled silk, and remoistening the rag as fast as it becomes dry. Arnica (Concentrated Tincture) should, however, be applied, when 646 contused wounds or bruises. there is considerable extravasation of blood, to promote absorption, and otherAvise forward the cure. Application: To ten parts of water add one of the Concentrated Tincture of Arnica, and bathe the parts well with this lotion every three hours, until evident indications of amelioration. Rhus tox. (Concentrated Tincture) is to be preferred in cases in which the joints, synovial membranes, or tendons are injured by a contusion, and this remedy should be employed, simultaneously with its internal administration, at the onset in such instances. Application: To sixteen parts of water add one of the Concentrated Tincture of Rhus tox., saturating a piece of linen rag with this lotion, and applying it to the parts injured, covered with oiled silk, and remoistening this dressing as often as it becomes dry, until the pain and other symptoms abate (suspending the application, however, and substituting cold water, as above directed, if an eruption should be developed in the parts). CONSTITUTIONAL TREATMENT. Arnica. This medicine must be administered internally, during the first period, and Avhilst cold water or the Tincture of Arnica, only, is being applied externally to the parts. In very severe cases, even, in which the contusion has been so violent as to squeeze the limb nearly flat, or otherwise to disfigure it, this medicine should be em- ployed at the onset. When amputation has become necessary and has been performed, Arnica is generally to be recommended as the appro- priate medicine for constitutional treatment. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated after twelve hours. Rhus toxicodendron is to be preferred simultaneously with the external administration of the same medicine, for the treatment of cases in which the joints, synovial membranes, or tendons have been especially injured by the contusion. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Arnica. Mezereum has proved of service in cases in which the joints, bones, or periosteum especially, have been injured. Dose: Six globules in a table-spoonful of water, night and morning, for a week (or until the earlier manifestation of new symptoms or general change) ; then pause ten days, after which the course may, if necessary, be repeated as before. Arsenicum may be employed in those very severe cases in which gangrene threatens to ensue, and the skin has assumed a livid and black appearance, if, indeed, amputation be not absolutely necessary. So long as there is a prospect of avoiding the loss of the limb, the employment of this and the successive medicines should not be ne- glected. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of three hours, until some degree of improvement or change becomes apparent; but if little or no effect be evinced, within four hours after the fourth dose, proceed at once with the following medicine. Lachesis should be employed when the last-named medicine has failed to produce decided effect, and amputation appears almost inev- itable. In cases in which there is not some deep-seated constitutional CONTUSED WOUNDS OR BRUISES. 647 taint to contend with, these medicines, if promptly employed, might frequently obviate the necessity of an operation. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Arsenicum. Arnica is again of service (as has been stated above) for immediate treatment after amputation has been performed. Dose: As directed for this medicine above (at p. 646). Consider, also, the following. Calendula is to be preferred to Arnica, when the operation has been an extensive one; it has, in such cases, proved exceedingly useful in promoting the effectual healing of the parts. Dose: As directed for Arnica. Hepar s., Silicea, Sulphur. In some cases, one or more of these medicines may be required, singly or successively, to promote the heal- ing process. For the particular indications which should lead to the selection of each, respectively, refer to the article on " Characteris- tic Effects," under the head of each, respectively. Dose: Of either of these medicines, as selected, give six globules, as directed for Mezereum. Bunions and other Swellings from Pressure or Contusion. Silicea is a very efficacious remedy in the treatment of swellings of different parts of the body, which have been caused by constant pressure, or, which is the same thing, a kind of repeated contusion, — and for bunions in particular. Also in the treatment of swellings in the finger-joints, and, indeed, of those in any situations where tendons play. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, once a day, for seven days; pause six days, and resume the course similarly once more. Arnica is sometimes required before Silicea, especially in recent cases, or Avhen the pain and soreness are excessive. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a teaspoonful every six hours, until amelioration or change. During the treatment of these swellings it is very necessary that the patient should, at the same time, be careful to avoid pressure on the part affected, and that he should expose the parts as little as possible to the effect of motion. Contusions of the Breast. Aconitum is the'most appropriate remedy when inflammation results. Dose: Dissolve four globules in a wine-glassful of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every six hours, until the inflammatory action subsides. Conium must be administered when induration has ensued. Dose : Of a solution of four globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a teaspoonful at intervals of twelve hours, until amelioration or change takes place. Phosphorus should, however, be selected without delay, when suppuration threatens to follow. Dose: A solution of four globules, as directed for Conium. 648 PUNCTURED WOUNDS. Diet and Regimen. So long as any inflammatory symptoms are present, the diet should necessarily be sparing and very simple, and such generally as would be appropriate to Fever in general. Stimulating food and beverages should, at any rate, be avoided. PUNCTURED WOUNDS. EXTERNAL TREATMENT. The external treatment of punctured wounds is, in every respect, similar to that directed for wounds in general; but unless compression, by means of adhesive plaster or a bandage, can be brought to bear against their entire extent, the cure by the first intention must not be attempted. CONSTITUTIONAL TREATMENT. Arnica will generally be found sufficient to avert all more serious symptoms, if it be administered in time. This medicine should also be administered, pending the arrival of medical aid, when lock-jaw ensues in consequence of an injury of this nature. Refer also to the article on " Tetanus." Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated four times, at inter- vals of twelve hours. Aconitum should, however, be administered, if the constitutional disturbance be severe and the febrile action run high. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, as directed for Arnica. Chamomilla is generally useful, if there be excessive nervous irritability, with impatience of the pain, which is severe. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give one teaspoonful every six hours, until amelioration or change. Belladonna or Rhus tox., according to the characteristic action of each, should be selected, when the inflammation partakes of an erysipelatous character. Dose: Of either of these medicines, when selected, as directed for Chamo- milla. Cicuta virosa will be found serviceable when muscular twitch- ings ensue. Dose: A solution of six globules, as directed for Chamomilla. Ledum palustre will be found efficacious when there is coldness during the fever Avhich ensues. Dose: A solution of six globules, as directed for Chamomilla. Silicea should be administered, when suppuration ensues, and the external treatment, just particularized, has been insufficient to promote a healing process. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, every six hours, unt^l amelioration or change. Mercurius should be administered twelve hours after the last dose of Silicea, in cases in which the process of healing does not pro- GUNSHOT WOUNDS. 649 ceed satisfactorily, and the matter discharged becomes unhealthy and watery. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Silicea. Sulphur should be employed tAvelve hours after the last dose of Mercurius (that medicine having been administered for three days), when inadequate or only very partial effect has been produced, — or more especially (and irrespective of any length of period as regards previous treatment) Avhen the discharge from the wound becomes offensive. Dose: Four globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, until decided amelioration or change. Diet and Regimen. In all severe cases of punctured wounds, the diet should be such as would be appropriate to fevers or to inflam- matory affections generally. Perfect rest is essential. GUNSHOT WOUNDS, SPLINTERS, &e. EXTERNAL OR LOCAL TREATMENT. When splinters of bone, a ball, &c, are lodged in the wound, they should be extracted with as little irritation as possible, if they press upon some important part; if otherwise, however, they may be allowed to remain (particularly when deep-seated and difficult to be found) until loosened by suppuration, this process being forwarded by the appropriate constitutional treatment, as beloAv stated. Cold Water constitutes one of the most generally useful of local applications in cases of gunshot wounds, or wounds of an analogous description. Application: Saturate a linen rag or lint pad Avith cold water, and apply it to the part, constantly remoistening the pad as it becomes hot. Consider, also, the following method. Arnica (Concentrated Tincture) is, in some cases, to be preferred to the simple application of Avater, more especially if the parts be much lacerated ; or if, in addition to the immediate wound, the adja- cent parts have been bruised, and there be considerable extravasation of blood. Application: To two table-spoonfuls of water add twenty drops of the Con- centrated Tincture of Arnica, and apply this lotion as directed for the pre- ceding application of Cold Water. INTERNAL OR CONSTITUTIONAL TREATMENT. Silicea is of much value in cases in which there is a lodgment of foreign bodies in the wound which can only be detached by suppura- tion. Dose: Four globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of six hours, until three doses have been given, and then at intervals of twelve hours, until suppuration is determined. Hepar s. or Sulphur may sometimes be required, either at the onset or after the previous administration of Silicea, when the last- named medicine has been productive of imperfect results. Dose: Of either of these medicines, when selected, as directed for Silicea. 650 DISLOCATIONS — LUXATIONS. When Fever, Gangrene, &c, ensue, the course of treatment already prescribed under the heads of Contused and of Punctured Wounds (pp. 646-648) should be pursued, according to the particular indica- tions afforded. Acidum nitricum is, however, to be named, in addition to the medicines already mentioned (in the sections just referred to), as espe- cially appropriate for the treatment of punctured wounds, or even of those from splinters, &c, when sluggish ulceration ensues, or when the wound assumes a very unhealthy character. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, until decided amelioration or change. Phosphorus is one of the most serviceable medicines for the treat- ment of all cases in which, after having healed up under the foregoing treatment, the wounds reopen. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Acidum nitricum. DISLOCATIONS — LUXATIONS. Symptoms. Violent pain, swelling, distortion of the joint, .loss of motion, with an alteration in the shape, length, and direction of the limb, characterize the existence of this species of injury. EXTERNAL OR LOCAL TREATMENT. The reduction of a dislocation ought to be effected as soon as possi- ble by the surgeon. Preceding this operation, however, the appropriate treatment, as below particularized, should be adopted. When the luxation is reduced, the appropriate treatment, whether local or con- stitutional, should again be pursued, if called for. In compound dis- locations (that is, dislocations accompanied Avith a wound communi- cating with the joint), the same treatment must be pursued, in the first instance, as described below ; and the wound treated so that it may be healed, if possible, by the first intention, as has already been described under the general head of " Wounds," at page 642. Arnica (Concentrated Tincture) should be employed, externally, to the part injured, provided the constitutional symptoms of disturbance be such as to render Arnica, alone, a sufficient remedy for internal administration ; and this remedy is equally appropriate, whether before the dislocation has been reduced by proper mechanical means, or after the reduction has taken place, if requisite. Application: To ten parts of water add one of the Concentrated Tincture of Arnica, and saturate a linen rag with this lotion, which place over, or bind gently and loosely round the parts, constantly remoistening it as fast as it becomes hot and dry, until the pain subsides. But if the constitutional disturbance should be so severe as to require the employment of other remedies internally, suspend the use of this lotion, and substitute the fol- lowing. Cold Water should be employed in preference to Arnica in cases in which it becomes necessary to administer Aconitum, or some other medicines besides Arnica, internally. Application: As directed for the lotion of Arnica, by saturating the rag with Cold Water only. FRACTURES. 651 CONSTITUTIONAL TREATMENT. Arnica should be administered first in cases of luxation, where surgical aid cannot readily be obtained, and when the pain and inflam- mation are excessive; and, again, if required, after the reduction of the dislocation. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, every four hours. Aconitum should be given, however, if the pain continue violent, and the inflammatory action be acute; and this remedy should con- tinuously be given until the symptoms subside. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, every four hours. Diet and Regimen. When there is fever, the patient ought to be kept Ioav ; but in slight cases, unattended Avith constitutional dis- turbance, food should be simple, easy of digestion, and nutritive or generous. FRACTURES. Symptoms. The symptoms of fracture are: pain, swelling, de- formity, and sometimes shortening of the limb; loss of power, with prseternatural mobility, when we attempt to bend the limb, and crack- ling on rubbing of the broken surfaces of the bone together. Varieties. Fractures are divided into transverse, oblique, and longitudinal; but also, and more explicitly, into (1) simple, (2) com- pound, (3) complicated, and (4) comminuted. (1.) By a simple fracture is understood one in which the bone is broken, without there being at the same, time a wound of the soft parts. (2.) A compound fracture consists, not only of a solution in the continuity of the bone, but also of the co-existence of an external wound, caused by the protrusion of the extremity of one or both frag- ments of the bone through the integuments, or otherwise produced. (3.) Again, a fracture is termed complicated when it is attended with a wound of a large artery, extensive laceration of the soft parts, or with dislocation of a joint. (4.) Lastly, it is designated comminuted when the bone is broken into several pieces. TREATMENT. General Precautions. As soon as the limb is discovered to be fractured, the patient ought to be placed on a litter of any kind which happens to be at hand, such as a board or shutter, and removed to some neighboring place of shelter, or to his own abode if it be not far distant, and a surgeon sent for. Great care and gentleness ought to be exercised in lifting and transporting the patient from one place to another; otherwise a fracture, originally of the simple kind, is liable to be converted into a compound, or at all events into a complicated one, from laceration of the soft parts, &c, by the serrated extremities of the fractured bone; whereby the probabilities of recovery will be rendered much more unfavorable, particularly if the accident has happened to a debilitated or aged indi- vidual. 652 BURNS AND SCALDS. Mechanical Measures. (1.) For Simple Fractures. — In the case of a simple fracture, the adjustment should be immediately effected, by placing the limb in the position best calculated to relax the principal muscles attached to the broken bone; it should then be gradually extended, until the upper and lower fragments are brought into their proper position; after the execution of which, splints and bandages must be applied to retain the fragments in their situation. (2.) In Compound fracture, the protruded extremities of the bone should be restored to their natural position as soon as possible, the limb supplied with splints, &c, and the external wound attempted to be healed by the first intention. Consecutive inflammation and consti- tutional disturbance must be suppressed by the appropriate local and constitutional treatment. (3.) In Fracture complicated with a wounded artery, or with a dis- located joint, the artery requires to be ligated, and the luxation reduced before the bone is set. Medicinal Treatment, Local and Constitutional. In all cases the same medicinal treatment is to be pursued as we have already prescribed for that of Contusions, Wounds, &c, in general (pp. 643 - 650). BURNS AND SCALDS. A Burn or Scald implies an injury of some part of the body, arising from the application of excessive heat. It is customary, however, to confine the latter term to cases in which the effect has been produced by the agency of some fluid at boiling heat; whereas the former desig- nates all injuries inflicted by dry, red, or dull heat, as by a hot iron, brand, flame, or burning substance, or by the explosion of some inflam- mable or combustible substance, such as gunpowder, gas, &c, &c. Burns have generally been divided, by most authors, into three kinds : — (1) first, those Avhich only excite an inflammation of the skin, accompanied or not with a vesication ; (2) secondly, those which injure its vitality, inducing separation of the cuticle or scarf-skin, and sup- puration of the subjacent or dermal surface; (3) thirdly, those in which the vitality of the integuments is either at once destroyed or so seriously affected that sloughing ensues. The amount of danger from the effects of a burn depends upon several conditions. A scald or burn, of great extent, frequently proves fatal immediately or after the lapse of a few hours, the patient never rallying from the collapse or utter prostration, incidental to the first shock. The extent and depth of the burn, wherever its seat may be, together with the age, temperament, and habit of body of the patient, determine the degree of danger to be apprehended. EXTERNAL OR LOCAL TREATMENT. In slight burns or scalds, the injured part should be held for a couple of minutes to the fire; a temporary increase of pain will be BURNS AND SCALDS. 653 amply repaid by the prevention of future suffering and annoyance. In cases, however, in which the injury is more severe, it will be necessary to have immediate recourse to such of the subjoined applica- tions asmay be appropriate to the condition of the injury. Arnica (Concentrated Tincture) will often prove sufficient, in slight and superficial burns or scalds, speedily to remove the pain and to obviate other inconveniences. Application : To one part of the Concentrated Tincture of Arnica add six parts of water, and bathe the part freely with this lotion for ten minutes imme- diately after the accident. Tincture of Cantharides (second dilution). This remedy is especially efficacious in obviating vesication (amongst persons in whom a burn or scald is known to produce this effect"), and will, with very few exceptions, be found successful in cases of burns or scalds, if applied immediately^ after the accident has occurred, and before cold water or any other improper appliance has been resorted to. Application: Add ten drops of the Tincture of Cantharides (second dilution) to an ounce of water. Use this lotion as directed for Arnica, above. Urtica urens (Concentrated Tincture) will be found useful in cases and under circumstances precisely similar to those indicated under the head of Cantharides, Avith this distinction, that Urtica should be used for persons Avith whom the effect of a burn is to produce an erysipelatous tumefaction of the skin, and not the formation of blisters, when this has previously been ascertained. Application: To ten parts of water add one of the Tincture of Urtica, and apply the lotion as directed for Arnica. Spirits of Wine. In mild bums or scalds, if diluted Spirits of Wine can be procured immediately, and applied warm to the affected part, speedy relief, and the prevention of future suffering and annoy- ance, are commonly afforded thereby. While the Spirits of Wine is being heated, the injured part should be held close to the fire. Application: Dip and saturate a piece of linen rag in the spirits of wine, and bind it round the parts, then cover the whole with oiled silk. Kreosote has likewise been recommended for the preparation of a lotion in the treatment of burns of all kinds, either at the commence- ment of the treatment, or subsequently to induce healthy granulation and cicatrisation. Application : Two drops of the Kreosote (second dilution) to every teaspoonful of water, applied as directed for Arnica. Crocus sativus (Concentrated Tincture) has also been spoken of as most serviceable for the furtherance of healthy granulation, &c, in the wounds occasioned by burns, &c, and attended with considerable loss of substance and disposition to mortification and sloughing. Application: To every teaspoonful of water add two drops of the Concen- trated Tincture of Crocus sativus, and apply the lotion as directed for Arnica. Calendula officinalis (Concentrated Tincture) is also to be men- tioned as of considerable importance in those very severe cases in which sloughing takes place. Application: As directed for Arnica. 654 BURNS AND SCALDS. Raw Cotton. The application of raw or carded cotton to the part is most efficacious, especially Avhen the injury presents a large surface, and should be applied immediately after the parts have been bathed with the selected lotion, in order to seclude the sore from the air, which is of great importance in the treatment of burns or scalds. Application: Having previously punctured any blisters that may have arisen, and bathed the pore, cover it with carded cotton or wadding, in three layers. When suppuration sets in remove the upper layer only, and sub- stitute fresh. AVhen the suppuration is excessive, and the weather hot, it will be found best to substitute the soap plaster for the cotton. During the application of the cotton, the directions for internal treatment, as stated under the head of " Constitutional Treatment," must be observed. Soap (a remedy generally at hand) is extremely serviceable in burns, where not only the cuticle, but the true-skin has been destroyed : pure, white, castile is the best for this purpose. In serious cases, which have been previously treated with the Lotion of Cantharides, or of Urtica, in which the inflammatory action and pain have been subdued by those valuable remedies, but which are too severe (owing to the injuries inflicted on the true-skin and adjacent muscles) to heal without suppuration, the soap plaster is a very useful accessory. Application: Make a thick lather, and spread it upon linen in the form of a plaster; apply it to the injured part, and secure by a bandage. Any blisters which may have formed should be carefully punctured, and all loose skin removed. Care ought also to be taken that the whole of the affected surface be covered with the soap ; otherwise the healing of those portions of the sore, to which it has not been applied, will be retarded. The application of soap will, as in the instance of radiating heat, &c, at first increase the pain ; but this temporary inconvenience wili be followed by a marked amelioration. After the lapse of twenty-four hours, the plaster may be gently removed, and a fresh one substituted ; generally speaking, however, we must be guided by the feelings of the patient, and renew it as often as a return of pain is complained of, and so continue until the injury is completely healed. Flour. When neither Cotton nor Soap is Avithin reach, common Flour may be copiously sprinkled over the injured parts. When the encrusted masses of Flour require to be removed, they should be loosened by the application of poultices. Linseed Oil and Powdered Charcoal, made into a paste, may likewise be used as a dressing for severe burns and scalds. CONSTITUTIONAL TREATMENT. Arnica is often sufficient, if administered at the onset, and simulta- neously with its external application, as above directed, to remove all inconvenience resulting from a burn or scald; provided, indeed, the injury be slight and merely superficial. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of three hours, until decided amelioration or change. Carbo vegetahilis is to be preferred to Arnica at the onset for the treatment of superficial burns or scalds, Avhen the pain is excru- ciating; or, again, it should be promptly employed, even after the previous administration of Arnica, when the pain subsequently becomes thus excessively distressing. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Arnica. BURNS AND SCALDS. 655 Coffea should be employed after Carbo veg.,'if the pain still con- tinue to be unmitigated, and the patient cannot sleep from the pain or in consequence of nervous excitement. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Arnica. Aconitum may be given when there is considerable fever, with fulness and quickness of pulse. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Arnica. Very Severe Cases. These are generally of a nature to require the interference of a pro- fessional adviser, if such aid be within reach. But as this work is intended to provide, in some measure, for cases in which such aid is not to be promptly procured, the subjoined directions for treatment have been added. Opium is preferable when the system has received a severe shock in consequence of the severity of the scald or burn, and the patient is in a state of stupor, Avith Aveak, scarcely perceptible pulse, general chilliness, shivering, &c. Fright having attended the accident, is an additional indication for Opium. The warm bath is sometimes ser- viceable in such a state of matters, particularly in the case of children. Dose: Four globules in a teaspoonful of water, or if that be not possible, the same dry, every four hours, until reaction takes place. If, then, fever and inflammation supervene, proceed with the next medicine; or if, on the other hand, the patient does not readily recover from the state of pros- tration, consider Arsenicum. Aconitum should, however, be promptly employed, and in repeated doses, when reaction takes place, or when, in other Avords, the patient recovers from the state of prostration above described, but fever and inflammation supervene. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, every three hours, until decided amelioration or change. Belladonna is, in some cases, of much service in this stage of treat- ment, but should be selected only Avith due regard to its specific prop- erties, as particularized in the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose : As directed for Aconitum. Arsenicum should be given Avhen the patient does not rally from the state of prostration, &c, described under Opium; and especially when there is reason to apprehend extensive mortification or sloughing. Dose: Dissolve six globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every two hours, until improvement ensues. Rhus toxicodendron is of much service in some instances in which, notAvithstanding previous treatment, and owing to the severity of the injury and the consequent disturbance of the system, the fever- symptoms have degenerated into those of a low, typhoid character. Dose: As directed for Arsenicum. Hepar sulphuris is required in cases where sloughing is severe, producing a marked effect on the system. China should also be thought of under such circumstances. Dose: As directed for Arsenicum. 656 FATIGUE. Diet and Regimen. The diet should be sparing and unstimu- lating at first when the injury is somewhat severe. When there is much fever, with extensive inflammation, the regulations prescribed in these respects under the general head of " Fever," must be most rigidly enforced. As the inflammatory symptoms subside, however, and are succeeded by extreme exhaustion and debility, it will be advantageous gradually to administer more nourishing diet, such as good broths, or even to give small quantities of wine from time to time. These remarks, of course, apply to the very severe cases, in which burns involve very serious consequences. FATIGUE, CORPOREAL AND MENTAL. TREATMENT. Arnica internally administered, and in some cases, also, externally applied, will generally be found the most appropriate remedy to afford relief, when a feeling of lassitude and contusion is experienced in all the limbs. Dose (internal): Four globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated after an interval of twenty-four hours, should any of the symptoms remain. Application (external): In cases in which the feet or hands have become swollen and painful, to a pint of water add a table-spoonful of the Concen- trated Tincture of Arnica, and bathe the parts freely once or twice with the mixture. Gelseminum will be found very valuable Avhen fatigue and mus- cular pain result from severe physical exertion, as in walking a great distance, &c. Dose : Four globules, as directed for Arnica for internal administration. Rhus toxicodendron will usually be found effective in removing pain in the joints, &c, arising from lifting heavy weights, or from violent physical exertion of any kind. Dose: Four globules, as directed for Arnica for internal exhibition. China Avill frequently assist in renovating the strength, when there has been profuse perspiration attendant upon prolonged bodily exertion, and followed by great languor and prostration. Dose: Four globules, as directed for Arnica for internal exhibition. Veratrum is to be preferred when tendency to fainting ensues from the effects of extreme fatigue. Dose : Four globules, as directed for Arnica, above. Coffea should be selected when abstinence from food, combined Avith violent exercise, has produced a state of exhaustion. Dose: Four globules, as directed for Arnica. Cocculus is more properly indicated when fatigue occurs after the most trivial exertion either of body or mind. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, on each occasion on which the indicative symptoms are present, repeated, if necessary, at intervals of six hours. But if, after repeated instances of its employment, this medicine fails to mitigate the predisposition, consider the following. Calcarea should be employed in instances in which the reiterated FATIGUE. 657 exhibition of Cocculus at various times, has only served to palliate the symptoms at the moment without affecting the predisposition. Dose: Six globules in a table-spoonful of water, every morning the first thing, for four days : then pause ten days ; after which, if requisite, repeat the course as before. Aconitum is a useful remedy when difficulty of breathing, with palpitation of the heart, pain in the side, or aching in the limbs arises after running a short distance, or even from walking quickly. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Cocculus. Bryonia is sometimes required after Aconitum, when partial alle- viation only has been effected by the last-named medicine, but more especially Avhen aching pains in the limbs constitute the predominant symptoms. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated, after the lapse of twelve hours, if necessary. Fatigue from long Watching. Cocculus is the more generally useful medicament for the treat- ment of cases of fatigue arising from long watching, and attended with confusion or sensation of emptiness, or of tightness in the head, pains in the eyes and forehead, &c. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, on each occasion on which the symptoms prevail, repeated, if requisite, at intervals of six hours, until amelioration or change. Nux vomica is to be preferred to Cocculus in cases either arising from over-application to study, or from watching night after night at the sickbed, when severe headache, bewilderment, drowsiness with restless, unrefreshing sleep, and considerable nervous excitability with general lassitude are present. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Cocculus. Coffea is serviceable (provided coffee has not been taken as a beverage for the express purpose of warding off sleep, — in which case, such of the other medicines named, as may be especially appropriate, must be selected) when there is sleeplessness, with extreme restlessness and excitement, or with crowding of ideas or excessive mental activity ; one-sided headache. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Cocculus. China, again, is useful when there are — confusion of mind, with pressive pain in the forehead, great languor or a feeling of sinking, and sleeplessness, Avith a Aoav of ideas, in consequence of night-Avatching. If strong tea has been taken to drive away sleep, or as a temporary stimulant, there will be additional reason for the employment of this remedy. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Cocculus. Lachesis has proved of service in cases in which excruciating nerve- pains, affecting the face or entire side of the head, or darting through the jaAvs and under the eyes, together with intense irritability, have resulted from excessive application to study, and more particularly 42 658 SUN-STROKE —OVER-HEATING — EXPOSURE TO HEAT. Avhen stimulating beverages have been resorted to for the purpose of obviating droAvsiness, &c. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of two hours, until the pain and other symptoms are mitigated; and then, night and morning, for four days (or until earlier and general change). Diet and Regimen. When fatigue has been induced by long watching, — or in all other cases in Avhich excessive excitability, or a degree of derangement of digestion or of fever has been developed, — some circumspection and abstinence as regards diet Avill be necessary. Strong tea, coffee, and other stimulating beverages should be avoided, and early hours observed, at all events until the inconveniences just enumerated have disappeared. SUN-STROKE — OVER-HEATING — EXPOSURE TO HEAT. When heat in the head and flushing of the face, With quickness and fulness of pulse, have arisen from over-exertion in hot Aveather, care should be taken not to drink cold water until a sufficient time has elapsed to admit of a diminution of the temperature of the body. TREATMENT. Aeonitum, administered as early as possible, in such cases fre- quently affords speedy relief, and acts as a preventive to any ulterior troublesome consequences. It is Avell adapted to the consequences of Sun-stroke, or to the effects of sleeping in the sun or before a hot fire. Dose: Six globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, and give a teaspoonful of the solution every three hours, until improvement sets in. Glonoine should be given for coup de soleil, Avith accelerated pulse, red face, sweat on the face, fulness in the head, as if the brain were expanding, or moving in waves. Dose: Six globules, as directed for Aconitum. Belladonna should be given if violent headache, with throbbing of the vessels of the temples, fever, vomiting, sleeplessness, great anguish or despair, and a sense of weight at the forehead on bending forward, or on stooping, as if the contents of the skull Avould burst forward out of their containing cavity, supervene. Dose: Six globules, as directed for Aconitum. Bryonia may be selected in preference to Belladonna, when there is ill-humor and apprehension of some future misfortune. Also when headache with loss of appetite, a degree of fever with thirst, or diarrhoea, is brought on by exposure either to the rays of the sun or to the heat of the fire during any exertion. Dose: Six globules, as directed for Aconitum. Silicea will generally be found the more efficacious medicament if nausea is the only or principal symptom which is produced by ex- posure to heat. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated after the lapse of twelve hours, if necessary. STINGS OF INSECTS. 659 Carbo v. usually affords speedy relief against headache from over- heating, with weight above the eyes and pain in the ball of the eye on looking intently at any object. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Silicea. Consult the article "Brain Fever from Sun-stroke," p. 419. Diet and Regimen. It is obvious, from the degree of derangement above described as indicating the various medicines, respectively, that abstinence should be observed at all events for a short time. The general directions afforded under the head of Fever (at p. 92) would be equally applicable to cases of this kind. STINGS OF INSECTS. INTERNAL TREATMENT. Camphor (Saturated Tincture). The severe pain and febrile irri- tation Avhich sometimes ensues from the stings of insects, such as bees, wasps, &c.,- are often speedily alleviated by the olfaction of the Spirits of Camphor. Administration: Inspire freely through the nostrils the scent and vapor of saturated Tincture of Camphor. Aconitum should be administered if considerable inflammation, with swelling, supervene, notwithstanding the employment of Camphor. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, every three hours, until the inflammatory action abates. But if the subjoined symptoms remain, pro- ceed with the next medicine. Arnica should follow Aconitum after an interval of six hours, as soon as the inflammation has abated, more especially if great tender- ness, soreness, and smarting remain about the parts when touched, with extreme susceptibility to contact. This remedy should, at the same time, be applied externally as a lotion, as directed under the head of "External Treatment," below. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, every six hours, until amelioration ensues. Ledum palustre has been commended as a valuable remedy for the treatment of stings of insects — particularly of mosquitoes. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Aconitum. Stings in the Mouth, &c. In the case of Stings in the mouth, which not unfrequently occur to children, when unconsciously eating ripe fruit which is hollowed out by wasps, and in which one or more of these insects are lodged,. Arnica should be employed before the following remedies, in the method described under the head of " External Treatment." Belladonna should be administered if it be the tongue or any part of the mouth in which the sting has been inflicted, and the suffering has not been arrested by the employment of Arnica Lotion. Dose: Dissolve three globules in a wine-glassful of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every hour, until relieved. Mercurius should folloAV Belladonna six hours after the third 660 SEA-SICKNESS. dose, if the pain has yielded to the latter remedy, but the swelling continues to prevail. Dose: Dissolve three globules in a wine-glassful of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every three hours, until amelioration or change. EXTERNAL TREATMENT. Arnica (Concentrated Tincture) should be applied externally to the parts injured, simultaneously with internal treatment, in the case in which this remedy has been prescribed to follow Aconitum, under the head of "Internal Treatment," above. It should also be used as a lotion or gargle to rinse the mouth, in cases of stings within the mouth, previous to internal treatment, as hereinbefore directed. This remedy will also be found very useful against the annoying consequences which follow the bites or stings of gnats, bugs, &c. Severe nettle-stings will likewise often yield to this application. Application: To ten parts of water, add one of the Concentrated Tincture of Arnica, and bathe the parts well with the lotion,%at first every hour, and, after two applications, every three hours, until relief ensues. Ticks. These parasites are to be destroyed and removed from their firm hold of the skin by rubbing them with equal parts of oil and tincture of camphor, or a strong solution of salt and water. Bugs, Gnats, Fleas, &c. Arnica lotion (one part of Arnica to ten of water), "lemon juice," aqueous solution of ammonia, are useful in alleviating the pain and itching caused by the attacks of these depre- dators. The Ledum Palustre, and also Camphor, wall frequently, if not always, ensure an undisturbed night from the onslaught of bugs and fleas. SEA-SICKNESS. TREATMENT. Nux vomica should be taken fasting, from six to twelve hours before embarkation, and repeated on going on board. This precau- tion will, in some cases, be found sufficient to ward off the attack. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water. Cocculus may be given, should, however, a feeling of giddiness be experienced before long, attended with headache, nausea, and in- clination to vomit, as the motion of the vessel increases, which is aggra- vated by standing erect. Dose: Three globules, in a teaspoonful of water, twice repeated, at intervals of one hour, then at intervals of three hours, until amelioration or change. Arsenicum should be given if, after the administration of Coccu- lus, the sickness becomes excessive, and is attended Avith a feeling of utter prostration and helplessness, violent retching, burning sensation in the throat, and the other severe concomitants of this malady. Dose: Dissolve six globules in a wine-glassful of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution during the interval between the paroxysms, until relief is experienced, or such change supervene as to indicate any other remedy. SEA-SICKNESS. 661 Cocculus or Nux vomica should be given against the nausea or swimming in the head which may remain. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, every two hours, until amelioration or change. Ipecacuanha is useful in attacks of free and copious vomiting, unattended with the great prostration of stength mentioned under the head of Arsenicum. It is also serviceable when there is no vomiting, but continuous and distressing nausea. Dose: Six globules, as directed for Arsenicum, above. Petroleum is also to be named as of very considerable service for the treatment of Sea-sickness, and more especially for those severe and protracted cases in Avhich the patient is unable to become habituated to the motion of the vessel, and continues to be affected during a great portion of a long voyage. Dose: Four globules in a teaspoonful of water, three times a day, until decided amelioration or change. Diet and Regimen. It is to be understood that, in order to avoid interfering with the action of the medicines, the homoeopathic regimen, according to the more particular regulations stated in detail at pp. 55, 56, should be carefully observed during the period of their administration. The recumbent posture ought at the same time to be retained as constantly as possible, whilst the tendency to sickness, or even to nausea, continues to prevail. After-effects of Sea-sickness. Arnica is very useful against the after-effects of Sea-sickness, which are prone to occur in delicate females, and is especially indicated when a general feeling of soreness is experienced, but particularly in the region of the stomach, and under the ribs. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated after an interval of twelve hours; then pause for twenty-four hours, and proceed with the next remedy, if necessary. China should follow the second dose of Arnica, after an interval of twenty-four hours, if there is great lassitude with aversion to move- ment. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Arnica. Nux vomica should follow the second dose of China, after a pause of two days, if confusion in the head, or a degree of dizziness remain, accompanied by nausea, or aversion to all kinds of food, and more or less thirst. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Arnica. Diet and Regimen. In consequence of the greater or less degree of derangement of stomach which necessarily attends and follows Sea- sickness, care must be taken not to over-tax its debilitated digestive powers, when appetite begins to return. A cup of tea, or, to those who prefer it, coffee, sweetened or not with sugar, according to taste, may often be taken with advantage, and will frequently tend to restore the tone of the stomach, and prepare it to receive a little nourishing food of a light description. When these are loathed, which sometimes 662 APFARENT DEATH. happens, in. consequence of their aroma having been inhaled during the voyage, a feAV spoonfuls of good, not too-highly seasoned, soup may be substituted. When it becomes necessary to have recourse to the remedies we have alluded to for the after-effects of Sea-sickness, coffee and other remedies mentioned in Diet Tables must be abstained from. APPARENT DEATH. General Remarks. In every instance where an individual has to all appearance suddenly expired from external causes, animation may only be suspended. There are many cases, of course, where sudden death is no mere suspension of animation ;• but there are others where apparent death is far from uncommon. In all cases, therefore, where there is the least uncertainty, care should be taken to do nothing that may cause death, and interment should be avoided until certain signs of putrefaction set in. As regards the homoeopathic treatment of many of the accidental cases of this nature, we are indebted to Dr. Hering, of Philadelphia, and others, for much valuable information. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TREATMENT. Apparent Death from Hunger. In cases of this kind, one of the best immediate resources is, to have recourse to small injections of warm milk repeatedly. Great care must be taken to give the food, when the patient begins to rally, in the smallest possible quantity at a time. Milk may be given drop by drop, and gradually increased to a teaspoonful, and, after some interval, a small quantity of beef-tea and a few drops of wine. After a sound sleep has succeeded, but not till then, a small meal may be given; but it is best that the patient should eat little at a time, hut often, so that he may gradually return to his natural mode of living. It must be borne in mind, that in all persons suffering from starvation, eating too much and too quickly is in the highest degree dangerous. Apparent Death from a Fall. Place the patient cautiously on a bed, wdth his head high, in a place where he can remain quiet, and proceed with remedial treatment. It is, however, to be noticed, that in case a fracture, dislocation, serious concussion, or contusion, or other injury should have been inflicted, the thorough examination of the patient's person becomes necessary. Arnica should be administered pending the examination of the person, or the arrival of a surgeon, if there be one at hand; and it is not unfrequently very desirable to effect the exhibition of Arnica by injection, as well as by the mouth. Dose: Four globules dry on the tongue. Infection: To half a tumblerful of water add sixty drops of the Concentrated Tincture of Arnica, and employ this mixture as a clyster. China. In cases in wdiich there has been profuse and excessive loss of blood, in consequence of injuries sustained in the fall, and six hours after the previous or immediate administration of Arnica, it were APPARENT DEATH. 663 desirable to employ China to obviate the mischiefs of severe depletion. This medicine also becomes of eminent service in cases in which, before the arrival of homceopathic assistance, the surgeon called in has re- sorted to copious bleeding. Dose: Four globules dry on the tongue, repeated, after the lapse of three hours, and again, after a further interval of six hours, if necessary. After this it may be advisable to repeat similar doses, night and morning, for a week (if no other treatment, meanwhile, be required). Apparent Death from Suffocation (Hanging, Pressure, Choking). Remove all tight clothing; put the patient in a proper position, the head and neck rather high, the neck quite easy, not bent fonvard. Begin by rubbing the patient gently but constantly Avith warm cloths, the direction of the rubbing being, as far as possible, toward the heart, continuing "the use of friction until reanimation or a fatal issue becomes apparent, employing also the remedial resources below particularized. Hold from time to time a mirror before the mouth, to see if the breath dims it: open the eyelids, and see if the eyes contract; put warm clothes on; hot stones, Avrapped in blankets, to the feet, betAveen the thighs, to the sides, neck, and shoulders. The act of respiration must also be encouraged by the process recommended at p. 665, section 5. Opium. During the progress of the frictions, and as an additional resource in promoting reanimation, the employment of this medicine, by injection as well as by the mouth, may prove serviceable. Dose: Four globules dry on the tongue, repeated, if necessary, after the lapse of twenty minutes. Injection: To half a pint of water add three drops of the Concentrated Tinc- ture of Opium, and inject this mixture very slowly. But if, after the lapse of an hour, reanimation has not taken place, proceed with the subjoined resource. Bitter Almonds, employed in the manner explained below, may prove successful, Avhen, after the lapse of an hour, no change has taken place in the state of the patient. Application: Take a bitter almond, pound it fine, and then mix it in a pint of water, of which solution place three drops on the tongue, or into the nostrils, and. slowly inject the rest as a clyster. Apparent Death from Lightning. The body should be immediately removed into a current of cool fresh air, and cold water dashed frequently on the neck, face, and breast. If the body be cold, warmth, with friction, must be employed in the same manner as recommended for restoration after immersion in Avater, in the ensuing section, whence also the regulations for the inspiration of air into the lungs should be derived. It has also been recommended to place the patient in a half-sitting, half-recumbent posture, and to cover him over with newly-excavated earth (leaving the face alone exposed, Avhich should be turned towards the sun), until the first signs of returning animation become apparent, after Avhich the subjoined medicinal resource should be employed. Nux vomica is to be recommended, both for administration by the mouth, and by injection, either during the employment of friction, 664 APPARENT DEATH. as above directed, or after reanimation has taken place, and against the constitutional mischiefs which would afterwards ensue. Dose: During the frictions, give four globules dry on the tongue, repeated, if necessary, at intervals of half an hour. After reanimation has taken place, give three globules in a teaspoonful of water, dry on the tongue, repeated at intervals of six hours, until three doses have been given, and then, night and morning, for four days, unless some change, requiring other treatment, should sooner occur. Injection : To half a pint of cold water add two drops of the Tincture of Nux vomica, and inject this mixture slowly, during the application of friction, as above described. Apparent Death from Drowning. Dr. Marshall Hall's so-called " ready method " of recovering persons from apparent death by drowning, has proved so successful in some cases, when zealously and indefatigably employed, even after a sub- mersion of half an hour's duration, that it ought always to be tried in the first instance. The following is a summary of his directions: RULES. 1. Treat the patient instantly, on the spot, in the open air, freely ex- posing the face, neck, and chest to the breeze, except in severe weather. 2. Send with all speed for medical aid, and for articles of clothing, blankets, &c. I. — To Clear the Throat. 3. Place the patient gently on the face, with one wrist under the forehead. (All fluids and the tongue itself then fall forwards, and leave the entrance into the windpipe free). II. — To Excite Respiration. 4. Turn the patient slightly on his side, and (i.) Apply snuff, or other irritant, to the nostrils; and (ii.) Dash cold water on the face, previously rubbed briskly until it is warm. If there be no success, lose no time; but III. — To Imitate Respiration. 5. Replace the patient on the face. 6. Turn the body gently, but completely, on the side and a little beyond, and then on the face alternately; repeating these measures deliberately, efficiently, and perseveringly fifteen times in the minute only. (When the patient reposes on the chest, this cavity is compressed by the weight of the body, and expiration takes place; when it is turned on the side, this pressure is removed and inspiration occurs.) 7. When the prone position is resumed, make equable but efficient pressure along the spine; removing it immediately before rotation on the side. APPARENT DEATH. 665 (The first measure augments the «cpiration, and the second com- mences inspiration.) IV. — To induce Circulation and Warmth, continue these Measures. 8. Rub the limbs upAvards, Avith firm pressure and enerqy. usino- handkerchiefs, &c. ° 9. Replace the patient's Avet clothing by such other covering as can be instantly procured, each bystander supplying a coat or a waistcoat. Meantime, and from time to time, V.—Again, to Excite Inspiration. 10. Let the surface of the body be slapped briskly Avith the hand or — 11. Let cold Avater be dashed briskly on the surface, previously rubbed dry and warm. The measures formerly recommended, and now rejected by Dr. Hall, are " Removal of the patient, as involving dangerous loss of time; the bellows or any forcing instruments, and the warm bath, as positively injurious; and galvanism and the inhalation of oxygen as useless. The inhalation of diluted pure ammonia has in it more of promise." AA-oid all rough usage : Never hold up the body by the feet: Do not roll the body on casks : Do not rub the body with salts or spirits : Do not inject smoke or infusion of tobacco, though clysters of spirits and water may be used. Another method (Sylvester's) is: Lay the patient on his back, and, having pulled the tongue forward, draw the arms up sloAvly over the head, by which means "the ribs are elevated by the large fleshy muscles of the chest, which are attached to the arms, and inspiration is produced; the arms are then to be brought doAvn to the side of the chest, Avhich they are to compress in a slight degree, thereby inducing expiration. These movements are to be repeated as slowly as in the Marshall Hall method, and it is said that they give a more complete charge of air to the lungs. The means employed should be persisted in for several hours, till there are signs of death. When symptoms of recovery begin to show themselves, stimulating enemata of Avine or brandy may be useful; but be careful not to admin- ister any liquids by the mouth until animation is fully restored, lest they pass into the lungs, and so suffocate the patient. At this period the patient should never be left alone, as some have been lost from want of care, who otherwise might have been saved. Apparent Death from being Frozen. When an individual is found in a state of apparent death from the effects of frost, he should be removed with great gentleness and caution, to guard against any injury, such as fracture, &c, to a place of shelter, such as a barn or unheated apartment, since even a moderate degree of heat might annihilate all hope of restoring animation; at the same time the patient ought to be protected against the slightest draught. He should then, especially if the limbs have become stiffened by the 666 APPARENT DEATH. frost, be covered with snow to the height of several inches, the mouth and nostrils alone being left free. The patient ought to be put in such a position that the melted snow may run off readily, and its place be supplied by fresh. When there is no snow, a cold bath, the temperature of which has been reduced by ice (or bath of cold sea or salted water) may be substituted, and the body immersed therein for a feAV minutes. The process of thawing is by these means to be effected, and when every part has lost its rigidity, the patient should be undressed by degrees, or the clothes cut from the body, if requisite. As the mus- cular or soft parts become pliable, they may be rubbed with snow until they become red ; or the body should be wiped perfectly dry, if snoAV is not to be had, placed in flannel, in a moderately warm room, and rubbed Avith the Avarm hands of several parties simultaneously. In the event of no signs of returning animation declaring themselves, the folloAving remedial appliance may be employed with advantage. Camphor. This medicine employed by injection may prove of great service. Application: To six table-spoonfuls of water, add one teaspoonful of the saturated Tincture of Camphor; shake the mixture thoroughly, until the whole appears equally curdy, and then inject it as a clyster. Should symptoms of reanimation follow, proceed with the subjoined means. As soon as any symptoms of approaching restoration become per- ceptible, small injections of lukewarm black coffee (coffee without milk) may be throAvn up; and as soon as the patient is able to swalloAV, a little coffee may be given. The measures above detailed ought to be persevered in for several hours ; and should excessive pain ensue, the subjoined medicines must be employed. Carbo vegetabilis should be administered after reanimation has taken place if intolerable pain should ensue. Dose: Of a solution of twelve globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a teaspoonful (or two globules dry on the tongue), repeated at. intervals of ten, fifteen, and twenty minutes,—and, afterwards, at intervals of half an hour, until decided amelioration or change. But if, within six hours after restoration, the pain should not have materially abated, proceed with the next medicine. Arsenicum should be administered without delay, if, Avithin six hours after the first administration of Carbo veg., as above directed, no alleviation of suffering should be manifested. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of an hour, until decided amelioration or change. PRECAUTIONS. The party rescued must avoid subjecting himself to the heat of the fire or stove for a considerable length of time after his recovery, as serious consecutive ailments, and particularly disease of the bones, is liable to result therefrom. Apparent Death from Chloroform, Carbonic Acid, &c. In cases of apparent death from the inhalation of Chloroform, Car- HYDROPHOBIA. 667 bonic Acid Gas (fire-damp, choke-damp), &c, fresh air should be freely admitted to the patient, and bystanders should not be allowed to crowd around; cold water should be dashed over the chest, to assist in pro- ducing^ forcible inspiration. These failing, the measures directed for producing respiration under the head of " Apparent Death from Drown- ing," should at once be resorted to. Galvanism may be tried, pro- vided it does not interfere Avith the artificial respiration, which should be continued for at least an hour before the case is given up as hope- less. There appears to be a disposition in many of these cases for the tongue to drop or be drawn back, so as to obstruct the orifice of the windpipe; it should therefore be firmly grasped, and draAvn out of the mouth, so that there may be free access of air to the lungs. HYDROPHOBIA. Definition. Hydrophobia is a disease which arises in consequence of the bite of a rabid animal, and sometimes spontaneously, particularly in the course of some other disease, — in which form it is known under the term of symptomatic hydrophobia. For the more clear exposition of the course and peculiarities of the disease, it may be more simple to divide the progress of this fright- ful malady into three distinct stages : (1) the first or incipient stage ; (2) the second or convulsive stage; and (3) the third or hydrophobic stage, or that in Avhich the characteristic climax of the disease is de- veloped. Symptoms. First or incipient Stage. The first symptoms that shoAV themselves in a person who has been bitten are usually, general uneasiness, anxiety, and disturbed sleep; the eyes are glassy, inflamed, and sensitive to light; there is also ringing in the ears, giddiness, and paleness of countenance ; frequent paroxysms of chilliness ; oppressed respiration, and quickness of pulse, which latter is usually at the same time small, contracted, and irregular; and loss of appetite. These symptoms generally come on at some indefinite period, occasionally after the bitten part seems quite well; sometimes not for months after- wards. Second or convulsive Stage. In the second or convulsive stage, the wound, which may have already become completely cicatrized or healed, begins to assume a someAvhat inflamed appearance, and a slight pain and heat, now and then attended with itching, is experienced in it. It now breaks out afresh, and an ulcer, with elevated margins of proud flesh, which secretes a dark-colored and offensive discharge, is subsequently formed; and wandering, drawing, and shooting pains from the lacerated part upwards toAvards the throat present themselves. These symptoms, Avith the state of testiness and anxiety, increase daily; and the patient complains of a state of confusion in the head, or giddi- ness, with sparks before the eyes; is afflicted Avith sudden startings, spasms, sighing, and is fond of solitude; the pulse is small, irregular, and intermittent; the breathing laborious and uneasy; the skin cold and dry, and general chilliness, especially in the extremities, is com- 668 HYDROPHOBIA. plained of: then hiccough, colic, and palpitation come on; the patient looks wild, and the eyes have a fixed, glassy, and shining appearance; the act of deglutition is impeded by a sense of pressure in the gullet, which occasionally renders every attempt to swallow liquids impracti- cable ; convulsions also take place in the muscles of the face or neck. In this stage, however, the deglutition of any solid substance is per- formed with tolerable ease. Third or hydrophobic Stage. In ordinary cases the sufferer remains affected in the above manner for a few days, after which the disease passes into the hydrophobic stage, in which it is utterly impossible for him to swallow the smallest drop of liquid; and the moment that any fluid, especially water, is brought in contact with the lips, it occasions the individual to start back with dread and horror, although he may, at the same time, suffer the most excessive thirst; even the sight of water, or the very noise produced by pouring it from one vessel into another, in fact, anything that tends to remind him of that fluid, pro- duces indescribable anxiety, uneasiness, convulsions, and even furious paroxysms of madness; he dreads even to swallow his own saliva, and is constantly spitting; vomiting of bilious matter soon comes on, suc- ceeded by intense fever, great thirst, dryness and roughness of the tongue, hoarseness, and fits of delirium or madness, with disposition to bite and tear everything within reach, followed at intervals by con- vulsive spasms. These attacks commonly last for a quarter or half an hour, and at their expiration the patient is restored to reason, but remains in a state of great despondency; finally, the paroxysms come on more violently and frequently, and in some instances a fit of furious delirium closes the frightful scene; in others, nature sinks exhausted after a severe attack of convulsions. General Causes. The disease may be communicated to the human subject from the bites of cats and other animals, not of the canine race, which have been previously inoculated with the poison. It may be remarked in this place, that the best and most experienced of our writers upon this subject consider the human species as the least susceptible of contagion from the hydrophobic poison, — scarcely one out of twenty, or even thirty, of those actually bitten by an animal in a state of rabies suffering from its effects. I consider it my duty, Avhile making this statement, which I hope may prove a means of relieving the minds of many from painful apprehensions, to enforce, at the same time, the necessity of taking those precautions, Avhich are about to be pointed out, against the danger. It may also be added, before proceeding to the treatment of the malady, that the possibility of the poison being communicated through mere contact of the external surface of the inside of the lips or of other portions of the mucous membrane in general, is exceedingly question- able; but scarcely a doubt exists of the incapacity of the scarf-skin to absorb it. As many have been made wretched from having allowed a dog, which has afterwards shown symptoms of rabies, to lick their hands, it may be stated Avith confidence, that if no abrasion of the surface exists, there is not the slightest danger. HYDROPHOBIA. 660 PREVENTIVE TREATMENT. Excision. If it can be done immediately after a person has been bitten by a rabid animal, a free excision of the parts may be the best preventive measure. The blood should be allowed to Aoav freely. Absorption of the virus may thereby be prevented. Excision will be of no avail, however, unless resorted to immediately after the bite. The subjoined method has likewise been commended. Radiating Heat. As soon as a person is ascertained to have been bitten by a rabid animal, or by an animal suspected to be either rabid or in the incipient stage of the disease, the employment of radiating heat, simultaneously Avith the use of the medicines most applicable to the prevention of further mischief, should be resorted to. The appli- cation of heat should, according to Dr. Hering of Philadelphia, be effected by the readiest means at hand — a red-hot iron or live coal, or even a lighted cigar, for instance, must be placed as near the wound as possible, Avithout, hoAvever, burning the skin, or causing too sharp pain; but care must be taken to have another instrument ready in the fire, so as never to allow the heat to lose its intensity. It is essential, also, that the heat should not exercise its influence over too large a surface, but only on the wound and the parts adjacent. If oil or grease can be readily procured, it may be applied round the wound, and this operation should be repeated as often as the skin becomes dry; soap, or even saliva, may be employed Avhere oil or grease cannot be obtained. Whatever is discharged in any Avay from the wound ought to be care- fully removed. The application of burning heat should be continued in this manner until the patient begins to shiver and to stretch him- self; if this takes place at the end of a feAV minutes, it will be better to keep up the action of the heat upon the wound for an hour, repeat- ing this operation thrice a day until the wound is healed, without leaving a colored cicatrix. * If, after the lapse of seven or eight days, a small vesicle should appear under the tongue, accompanied with feverish symptoms, it will be necessary to open it with a lancet or sharp-pointed scissors, and to rinse the mouth Avith salt and water. Medicinal Measures. Belladonna has been justly inferred, from the accurate investi- gation of its specific properties, to be equally and powerfully effica- cious, as a preventive and curative medicine, for the treatment of Hydrophobia; and the inference has been to some extent borne out by experience. With these precautions, hoAvever, the patient may be allowed to pursue his usual occupation, those around him being careful to avoid making any allusion which may tend to remind him of his misfortune. Dose: Four globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of twelve hours, for two days; then pause three days, after which repeat the four doses as before, and pause again for five days, and so on, extending the length of the pause, until the healing of the wound is complete, with- out any unfavorable appearances. Lachesis may yet be capable of modifying the violence of the attack, 670 HYDROPHOBIA. if not of averting its development, if, after the previous employment of the foregoing precautionary measures, some suspicious symptoms, such as have been described above, under the head of the " Premoni- tory Stage," occur. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated three times a day, until abatement of the symptoms mentioned, or until a decided change, requiring other treatment, should occur. GENERAL TREATMENT OF THE ATTACK. Lachesis may generally be administered at the commencement of the convulsions. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, or, dry on the tongue, repeated every three hours, or at every return of the convulsions, until benefit result, or until decided symptoms of medicinal action make their appearance. But should this remedy appear to exert no perceptible in- fluence in checking the progress of the malady, proceed at once with the next medicine. Belladonna should be employed if Lachesis should have failed to produce decided benefit, particularly when the following characteristics are present: — DroAvsiness, with constant but useless efforts to sleep, chiefly in consequence of excessive anguish and great agitation; sense of dryness and burning in the throat; or great burning, with accumu- lation of frothy phlegm in the mouth or throat; frequent desire for drinks, which are immediately pushed aside Avhen presented; or a suffocating or constricting sensation in the throat on attempting to perform the act of deglutition, or complete incapacity to swallow, with glowing redness and bloated appearance of the face; pupils immovable and generally dilated; great dread ; occasional desire to strike, spit at, bite, and tear everything; inclination to run away; continual tossing about, and great physical activity, Avith twitching in various muscles, especially those of the fact; ungovernable fury, with foaming at the mouth, and tetanic convulsions. Dose: Four globules dry on the tongue at every threatening of a return of the convulsions; pausing, however, upon the first appearance of unequivo- cal medicinal symptoms, or considering the other medicines enumerated, if this remedy should fail in producing decided beneficial effect. Hyoscyamus is more particularly indicated either before or after Belladonna, when convulsions eire severe and of long duration; where there is not so much inclination to bite or spit, but a desire to injure those that stand around, in some manner or other. The spasms in the throat are not so violent, but great dryness and burning are com- plained of, attended Avith a sense of shooting or pricking, Avhich causes a difficulty of sAvallowing, resembling a sensation of constriction in the throaty and threatening to produce suffocation on attempting to satisfy the thirst; dread of liquids, in consequence of the pain and difficulty that is experienced in deglutition, with ejection of the saliva for the same reason; excessive convulsions, with loss of consciousness, coming on soon after the distressing act of swallowing has been performed. There is, moreover, foaming at the mouth, with constant raving; sometimes the patient seems wrapped up in his OAvn thoughts, or is full of fear, and inclined to run aAvay from the house, being afflicted with a sort of ENVENOMED WOUNDS. 671 dread of mankind or of society; there are also attacks of excessive fury, attended with apparently supernatural physical poAver; or ex- cessive anguish and fear, alternating with fits of trembling and con- vulsions ; the individual exhibits a peculiar dread of being bitten by animals; the pupils are dilated; sleep is much disturbed by great nervous excitement; starts, and agonizing dreams. Dose: Four globules, as directed for Belladonna. Stramonium is chiefly indicated in this disease, when we observe severe convulsions taking place whenever the eye becomes fixed on brilliant objects, or on Avhatever tends to remind the patient of Avater ; great thirst; dryness of the mouth and throat, with horror of water and all liquids; spasmodic constriction in the gullet, Avith foaming at the mouth and frequent spitting; mania, with great loquacity and gesticulations ; fits of laughter and singing, sometimes alternately Avith violent fits of passion and moaning; the convulsions, when severe, are generally attended with ungovernable fury, restless, agitated sleep, sudden shrieks, and starting up Avith Avild gestures ; insensible and dilated pupils; and great disposition to bite, or tear everything with the teeth. Dose: Four globules, as directed for Belladonna. Cantharides. This medicine also possesses various pathogenetic properties, Avhich hear a close resemblance to the symptoms that are met Avith in many cases of this disorder, and should be selected in preference to any of the foregoing remedies, Avhen we meet Avith the folloAving indications:—Great dryness and burning in the mouth and throat, much aggravated on attempting to SAvallow; paroxysm of fury, alternating Avith con\Tulsions, which are renewed by any pressure on the throat and belly, and also by the sight of water; fiery redness and sparkling of the eyes, which become prominent and frightfully con- vulsed ; spasms in the throat, excited by the pain produced by the act of SAvalloAving, especially fluids; continual burning, titillation, and other irritating sensations in vhe lower part of the belly, &c. Dose: Four globules, as directed for Belladonna. In all csises in which im- mediately, or soon after the first dose of the medicine, a more violent paroxysm of convulsions occur than heretofore, the medicine should not be repeated until one or two more attacks have occurred ; and if these prove less and less intense, suspend the administration whilst the improvement lasts; but if, on the contrary, they recur with increasing severity, repeat the dose When no change occurs either for better or worse, continue to give a dose every two hours, until amelioration or change. The Vapor-Bath. In addition to the above resources, it may be mentioned that the vapor-bath, at a temperature of 107 degrees, Fahrenheit, has proved an effective remedial agent in some cases of hydrophobia. It may be used either soon after the bite, or when the convulsions have commenced. When used as a preventive, it should be employed several times; or each time until the convulsions cease, if they have already set in. ENVENOMED WOUNDS. Bites of Serpents. With respect to the Bites of Serpents, the treatment also resolves itself into the local and constitutional resources. 672 ENVENOMED WOUNDS. EXTERNAL TREATMENT. Radiating Heat, applied in the manner prescribed under the head of "Hydrophobia" at page 669, is also, in these cases, to be looked upon as one of the most useful resources. Olive Oil. The following means may be resorted to : — Tie a ligature tightly around the limb, above the wound, excoriate the parts freely, and rub in pure olive oil. This should be done promptly, or it will be of no avail. INTERNAL TREATMENT. In the case of a bite from a venomous serpent, Dr. Hering of Phila- delphia recommends the folloAving treatment: — Take from time to time a mouthful of salt and water, or a pinch of kitchen salt, or of gun- powder, or, again, if they be at hand, some pieces of garlic. Ammonia and " eau de luce" have repeatedly proved successful in effecting a cure in bites by the Cobra di Capello. If, notwithstanding these precautions, ill effects should ensue, a table-spoonful of good whiskey or brandy should be administered every five minutes, and this should be continued until the sufferings are re- lieved, and repeated as often as they are renewed. The subjoined medicines should, at the same time, be considered for timely adminis- tration. Arsenicum should be promptly administered if the shooting pains become aggravated, and proceed from the Avound toAvards the heart; or if the wound becomes bluish, marbled, or swollen, and vomiting, giddiness, and fainting ensue. Dose: Four globules in a teaspoonful of water, or dry on the tongue, re- peated, after the lapse of half an hour, if the sufferings continue to become aggravated, — or after the lapse of two hours, if no alteration for the better or worse takes place ; or again only upon the return of the symptoms, with their former violence, in cases in which marked improvement has followed the first or other dose. But if, after three doses have been taken, no effect at all is produced, proceed with the next medicine. Belladonna should be administered half an hour after the third dose of Arsenicum, in cases in Avhich the last-named medicine has been productive of no effect. Dose: Four globules in a teaspoonful of water, or dry on the tongue, every half hour, until decided amelioration or change. Mercurius and Acidum phos. are to be mentioned as the most appropriate for the chronic mischiefs which may result from the bite of a serpent. Dose: Of either of these medicines, as selected, give three globules in a tea- spoonful of water, night and morning, for eight days (or until the earlier occurrence of decided change); then pause six days; after which the course may, if necessary, be repeated as before, and so on. Wounds Poisoned with Pidrefied Matter. PREVENTIVE MEASURES. As a preventive measure against the mischiefs which may result from the introduction of the noxious matter of putrefying animal substances POISONS. 673 into accidental fissures, or very slight and imperceptible as well as considerable wounds or abrasions, those whose avocation may render it incumbent on them to touch or handle morbid animal substances, envenomed wounds, or ulcerated sores of human beings or of inferior animals under the influence of contagious diseases, the best resource that can be adopted consists in exposing the hands (or parts which have thus been brought in contact with pernicious matter), for ten minutes, to the greatest heat that can be borne, and then to wash them thoroughly with soap and water, or with water to Avhich has been added a teaspoonful of a solution of Carbolic Acid. MEDICINAL TREATMENT. Arsenicum is usually the most appropriate medicine in the case of wounds which have been poisoned by the introduction of animal matters in a state of putrefaction, or of the purulent matter from the ulcerative sores of human beings, or inferior animals in a state of disease. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of six hours until four doses have been given, and then at intervals of twelve hours, until decided amelioration or change. Diet and Regimen. The precautions, in these respects, which have been prescribed under the head of Eradicative Treatment, at pp. 83 - 89, should be carefully observed. Errors in these respects are very likely to aggravate the mischief, and particularly excesses in the use of stimulating or irritating articles of food or drink. POISONS. When any poisonous substance has been taken into the stomach, our first care must be its immediate evacuation by producing vomiting, or its neutralization by its antidote; our next, the removal of any injurious consequences that may remain after warding off the more imminent danger. Thus the treatment is divided into (1) the immediate, mechanical or antidotal treatment, and (2) the after-treatment. To promote a speedy evacuation of the contents of the stomach, the stomach-pump should be immediately put in requisition, particularly when any vegetable or narcotic substance has been SAvallowed; but when the poison is of a corrosivef nature, an antidote, which will pre- vent its action upon the coats *of the stomach, or neutralize it by chemical affinity, should be forthwith resorted to; the stomach-pump being contra-indicated in such cases in consequence of the injury the throat and stomach have sustained. Vomiting should be promoted by the following means: — Swallowing large quantities of tepid water, tickling the throat with a feather, and, if these fail, placing snuff or mustard mixed with salt upon the tongue; or still better —particularly with those who are habituated to the use of tobacco — a tumblerful of warm water, to which a teaspoonful of the flour of mustard has been added, should be 43 674 MINERAL POISONS. taken at one draught, and then again warm water, as before, or a full dose of Ipecacuanha may be at once administered. ^ It is not my intention to enter at any length into this subject, but merely to point out some of the ordinary and simple means which have been recommended to be adopted against the most common poisons, in order to give time for the proper assistance to be sent for. MINERAL POISONS. These are, almost without exception, of a corrosive nature. IMMEDIATE TREATMENT. When such have been swallowed by accident or design, soap-water in large quantities, the carbonate of magnesia — two or three drachms to half a pint of water, — or the same quantity of chalk and water, or about a teaspoonful (or from fifteen to twenty grains) of common potash or soda to a tumblerful of Avater, — a large gulp of the mixture to be taken after every fit of vomiting, or whenever the pains increase or return ; enemas of the same may be also employed, particularly when the poison seems to have affected the lower intestines. When the pain and vomiting have ceased, mucilaginous drinks, such as barley-water or milk, must be given in large quantities, to lubricate the surface of the stomach. After mineral poisons, when vomiting ensues, in consequence of the substance swallowed, we must promote and sustain it by copious drinks of the same nature. Arsenic. IMMEDIATE TREATMENT. If vomiting sets in, sustain it by the means above mentioned: if not, provoke it, and give white of egg in water — sugar and Avater, or milk in large quantities; the specific action of Arsenic being upon the stomach and terminal bowel, inject also soap and water. Various preparations of iron, particularly the hydrated perchloride, have been much lauded, but are not always promptly accessible. AFTER-TREATMENT. Ipecacuanha may be administered first, to allay the irritation of the stomach, and the tendency to nausea and vomiting. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of two hours, until four doses have been given, and then at intervals of six hours, until decided amelioration or change. Veratrum should be given twelve hours after the fourth dose of Ipecacuanha, if, notwithstanding the employment of the last-named medicine, there still remain nausea, vomiting, heat, and coldness of the body, and prostration of strength. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Ipecacuanha. China is appropriate if great irritability, Avith disturbed sleep and great restlessness during the night, still continue to prevail. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, until decided amelioration or change. MINERAL POISONS. 675 Nux vomica. Worse during the day, and especially after sleep- ing, with constipation or loose slimy evacuations. Dose: Three globules, as directed for China. I Oxalic Acid. IMMEDIATE TREATMENT Vomiting should be produced and encouraged (no stomach-pump), and chalk suspended in water immediately administered, or magnesia in water, if more readily obtained. Lead. IMMEDIATE TREATMENT. ^ The antidotes of lead are Epsom or Glauber's salts, in the propor- tion of tAvo drachms dissolved in half a pint of water, in addition to which, the same measures as have already been prescribed for the immediate treatment of poisoning Avith Arsenic, may be advantageously employed both by the mouth and in the form of enema. AFTER-TREATMENT. Opium, Belladonna, Alumina, Platina, Nux vom. For the after-treatment of poisoning Avith lead, or for the treatment of slow or chronic poisoning with this mineral, that is, against the chronic morbid developments which are induced by its deleterious effect, these medicines may be enumerated as amongst those of the greatest service, and more especially Avhen paralysis, colic, or delirium tremens are amongst these mischievous consequences. For the more particular indications which should determine the selection from amongst them, the reader is referred to the articles on " Colic," " Paralysis," and " De- lirium Tremens," respectively, as well as to that on the "Character- istic Effects." Dose: Of either of these medicines as selected, give three globules, in a tea- spoonful of water, repeated at intervals of four hours, for two days; and, subsequently, night and morning, until decided amelioration or change ; pausing, however, for a week, after every course extending over a period of six days. Verdigris and Corrosive Sublimate. immediate treatment. The measures prescribed for the immediate treatment of poisoning with Arsenic are also applicable to cases of this nature, in addition to those Avhich are more particularly subjoined as regards these poisons. Moreover, for Verdigris, iron-filings in vinegar, mixed with gum-water, have been recommended; and for Corrosive Sublimate, in addition to the above remedies, milk in copious draughts, or starch in the form in which it is generally used for domestic purposes, and white of egg in large quantities. 676 CAUSTIC alkalies. VEGETABLE AND NARCOTIC POISONS. IMMEDIATE TREATMENT. The substance must be dislodged from the stomach as soon as possi- ble; the stomach-pump may here be used to great advantage, and subsequently to wash out the stomach; or, if this be impracticable, among the best means to counteract its effects are Camphor by olfaction, sometimes Spirits of Ammonia, and strong black coffee taken internally; the patient must be kept continually in motion, and his attention roused by every means in our power; electricity has also proved useful in many instances; and dashing cold water upon the head and nape of the neck, chest, and back, has been successfully employed in pre- venting the lethargic sleep, or in restoring animation when that had actually ensued. AFTER-TREATMENT. Ipecacuanha is often of service in counteracting the mischievous after-effects which are likely to ensue, even after recovery from the state of narcotism, from poisoning with Opium or Laudanum, if strong black coffee or vinegar should have been employed as immediate anti- dotes. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of six hours, until amelioration or change. But if within six hours after the fourth dose the mischief should appear unmitigated, consider the follow- ing medicines. Belladonna, Nux vom., and Mercurius are also of much service in obviating the mischievous effects of Opium, and should be considered for selection, the appropriate medicine from amongst them being administered six hours after the fourth dose of Ipecacuanha, in cases in which the last-named medicine has not been productive of satisfactory results. The selection should depend upon the indica- tions afforded in respect of each of these medicines, in the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of either of these medicines as selected, give three globules in a tea- spoonful of water, night and morning, until decided amelioration or change. MINERAL ACIDS. Poisoning by the mineral acids is readily recognized by the imme- diate violence of the symptoms, and the burns and stains upon the lips and clothes. "> TREATMENT. Magnesia or chalk, suspended in oil or milk, are the most appro- priate antidotes. The stomach-pump cannot ordinarily be used, for the reasons given above. CAUSTIC ALKALIES. A solution of caustic potash, or " saponifier," or other caustic alkalies, are sometimes taken by accident or design. ANIMAL POISONS. «77 TREATMENT. Vinegar and water, or very dilute lemon-juice, should be given, together with olive or almond oil. PRUSSIC ACID. The inhalation of Ammonia, or two drops of liquid ammonia to a large tumblerful of water, and a teaspoonful of the liquid taken every five minutes. Afterwards strong black coffee should be administered in large quantities, both as a potion and as an enema. The vapor of Camphor or Vinegar has likewise been found useful, as also the cold affusion. This poison is very rapidly fatal. AFTER-TREATMENT. Coffea is calculated to be useful in most cases for after-treatment as soon as the first alarming symptoms have been overcome, unless, indeed, copious draughts of strong coffee should have been administered as an antidote. Dose: Four globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of six hours, until decided amelioration or change. Ipecacuanha and Nux vom. are also of much value for the purpose of counteracting the after-effects of poisoning with Prussic Acid. The selection should, hoAvever, depend upon the indications afforded for each of these medicines, respectively, in the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of either of these medicines, when selected, give four globules, as directed for Coffea. Poisonous Mushrooms. IMMEDIATE TREATMENT. Provoke vomiting; give copious draughts of cold water, and admin- ister charcoal in sweet oil, at the same time applying sal volatile to the nose of the patient. After narcotic poisons have been evacuated from the stomach, vege- table acids may be used with advantage. ANIMAL POISONS. A poison develops itself in the rancid fat of pork, or hog's lard ; against it, vinegar, diluted Avith an equal quantity of water, or the juice of a lemon in strong black coffee, or, better still, strong black tea, are the antidotes. after-treatment. Bryonia should be administered if any dryness of the throat remain after the more immediate danger has passed off. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of four hours, until decided amelioration or change. Consider also the follow- ing. Arsenicum and Acidum phos. have also been employed with success against some symptoms elicited as after-effects; and one or the 678 mental emotions. other should accordingly be selected, if, upon reference to the article on " Characteristic Effects," the symptoms of the case be found to correspond with the indications therein afforded. Dose: Of either of these medicines, when selected, as directed for Bryonia. Mussels. IMMEDIATE TREATMENT. The antidotal treatment consists in the administration of charcoal mixed with sugar and water; afterwards, camphor by olfaction, and strong coffee, without milk or sugar. Poisonous Fish. IMMEDIATE TREATMENT. The immediate treatment should consist of the administration of charcoal in a small quantity of brandy ; if this does not speedily relieve, strong coffee, — and this failing, sugar and water in large quantities; or again, if the last resource should not relieve, vinegar with twice its quantity of water. AFTER-TREATMENT. Belladonna will be found appropriate should an eruption or red- ness of the skin declare itself, particularly if accompanied with swelling of the face and sore throat. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of four hours, until six doses have been given (unless change should sooner occur); and afterwards, at intervals of twelve hours, until decided amelior- ation or change. MENTAL EMOTIONS. We shall conclude this part of the work with the consideration of those particular Mental Emotions which exercise so great a control over the human organism, among Avhich we find fright, passion, or anger, and concentrated grief the most prominent and continually re- curring. TREATMENT. Opium should be employed when the sufferer has been exposed to sudden fright, with terror, horror, or fear; and it is generally effica- cious, if administered immediately, in restoring the patient, and obvi- ating any evil consequences, such as convulsive fits, swooning, lethargic sleep, involuntary evacuations, diarrhoea, &c. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeating the dose, if neces- sary, at intervals of three hours, until decided amelioration or change. Aconitum should be employed, if, within three hours after the second dose of Opium, no apparent benefit has resulted, and if more especially great acceleration and fulness of pulse prevail as predomi- nant symptoms. Aconitum is, moreover, the appropriate medicine at the onset, when the system is laboring under the joint influence of MENTAL EMOTIONS. 679 fright and passion; and especially when headache, feverishness, heat in the face and head (congestion), quick and full pulse, fear, &c, prevail. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Opium. Ignatia. When the cause of suffering is concentrated and stifled grief; or it may be required to follow either Opium or Aconitum, as above directed, when the convulsions continue, notwithstanding their employment. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Opium. Sambucus should be employed in cases in which oppression at the chest, with snoring respiration, had resulted from fright, but had not been allayed by the previous employment of the last-named medicine. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Opium. Belladonna is indicated when there is a particular liability to be startled by trifles, or extreme general nervous excitement after a fright, &c. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Opium. Hyoscyamus should be given for the ill effects of jealousy or dis- appointed passion, as Avell as for the consequences of fright. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Opium. Veratrum should be administered after either Belladonna or Hyoscyamus, in cases in which neither of the foregoing medicines has been capable of subduing the convulsive symptoms. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Opium. Causticum may be mentioned as a serviceable medicine for the treatment of cases in Avhich constant dread haunts a child after previous fright. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, for a week (or until earlier change); then pause fourteen days, after which the course should be repeated as before, if the same timidity still prevail, and so on, from time to time, until permanent amelioration or change. Pulsatilla is appropriate in cases of fright, fear, or timidity, particularly when accompanied with an effect upon the stomach and bowels, as also heat of the body, with coldness of the extremities; or passion, in people of generally mild temper; it is also suitable for highly sensitive but not easily irritable temperaments. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated, if requisite, after the lapse of six hours. Chamomilla is of much service, particularly in the case of children, or females of nervous temperament, — when suffering has arisen from passion or vexation. Dose: For adults, three globules in a teaspoonful of water; for very young children, one globule, every three hours, until decided amelioration or change. Nux vomica is appropriate for the treatment of suffering arising from a sudden fit or outbreak of passion or rage. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Staphysagria is more especially indicated by anger and vexation, arising from just cause. Dose: As directed for Pulsatilla. 680 MENTAL EMOTIONS. Arsenicum is useful, where passion is followed by great weakness and dangerous prostration of the vital powers. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Bryonia is indicated, where a fit of passion is followed by coldness and shivering over the whole body, great irascibility, want of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and bilious sufferings, more particularly if the attack is developed in a patient of bilious temperament. Dose : Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Coloeynth when indignation accompanies the above-described effects of a fit of anger. Dose: As directed for Pulsatilla. Coffea is the most useful remedy against the injurious effects which occasionally result after excessive joy, such as headache, trembling, and tendency to fainting; unless, indeed, the consequences are more serious, and violent headache, with congestion to the head, frequent vomiting, diarrhoea, swooning, violent almost convulsive trembling, &c, or such other symptoms as have been more particularly described as indicating the first series of medicines prescribed in this article should ensue, when the treatment must be regulated accordingly. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Opium. Diet and Regimen. In all instances in which feverish excite- ment is present the general directions afforded in the article on " Fevers " will be appropriate. If derangements of digestion ensue, as the consequence of Emotions, the directions particularized in the article on " Indigestion " should be observed. PAET III. TREATMENT OF WOMEN AND OF THEIR PECULIAR DISEASES. GREEN-SICKNESS. Symptoms. Pale, blanched complexion and lips, sometimes with flushes of heat and redness; a depravity of appetite; a longing after innutritious substances, such as chalk, &c, and a general languor, both mental and physical; the patient complains of weariness, lassitude' and debility, and becomes emaciated; the lower extremities frequently assume a dropsical appearance, generally attended Avith cold in those parts, and headache, with flatulent distension of the belly, particularly after meals, and in the evening ; bowels irregularly confined, sometimes, at a later period, very easily irritated and relaxed; a harsh, harass- ing cough, occasionally with periodical expectoration of dark-colored clotted blood, and hurried respiration, frequently declares itself, if the affection has been alloAved to proceed unchecked. As the disease advances, the sufferer often seems to be on the verge, or even passing through the different stages, of a decline, the disease appearing — as in reality it generally does — to stand in closer relation to the functions of the lungs than to those of the womb. It generally appears in young females, about the age of puberty. Predisposing Causes. The predisposing causes of this affection are very remote, and are to be traced to an inherent taint of constitu- tion, or, in fact, to a scrofulous habit of body. treatment. Pulsatilla is peculiarly efficacious in the treatment of Green- sickness, when the complaint is intimately associated Avith derange- ment of the digestive functions, or Avhen it is accompanied by frequent attacks of semi-lateral headache, with shooting pains, extending to the head and teeth, sometimes shifting suddenly to the other side; sallow com- plexion ; palpitation of the heart; coldness of the hands and feet, often changing to sudden heat; disposition to diarrhoea and leucorrhoza; pains in the loins; sensation of weight in the belly ; almost constant chilli- ness and shivering; spasms in the stomach, with nausea, inclination to vomit and vomiting; periodical expectoration of dark, clotted blood; hunger, with repugnance to food, or want of appetite, with dislike to food; swelling of the feet and ankles; great fatigue, especially in the legs; the patient feels better in the open air. This medicine is pecu- 681 682 green-sickness. liarly adapted to females of mild or phlegmatic disposition, disposed to sadness and tears. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, ror a week (or until the earlier manifestation of amelioration or change); then pause eight days, after which the course may, if necessary, be repeated as before, and so on. Sepia should be employed eight days after the completion of the second course of Pulsatilla, in cases in which the last-named medicine has been productive only of partial relief. Sepia is, however, indi- vidually indicated when, in addition to the symptoms just enumerated, the following are predominantly manifested: — hysterical megrim; sallowness of complexion, with dark-colored spots upon the face, fre- quent attacks of colic, and contused or bruised pain in the limbs. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Graphites is of much value when there is retention of the period, which is scanty, with congestion of the vessels of the head and chest; dark-red flushing of the face, oppression at the chest, and a feeling of anxiety when in the recumbent posture. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Belladonna is often called for when the congestion of the head and chest is of an active character, and accompanied with violent throbbing of the bloodvessels of the neck; laziness and indisposition to work; alternately red and pale face. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of six hours, until the indicative symptoms subside. Bryonia is indicated by frequent congestion in the head or chest; bleeding at the nose; dry cough ; coldness and frequent shivering, sometimes alternated with dry and burning heat; constipation or colic ; bitter taste in the mouth, tongue coated yellow ; sense of pressure in the stomach, as if from a stone ; irascibility ; the symptoms are aggravated by moving about. Dose: When the symptoms are active and violent, give three globules, as directed for Belladonna; and subsequently, give similar doses, night and morning, for a week (or until earlier change); then pause eight days, after which the course may, if necessary, be repeated as before, and so on. Sulphur is one of the most valuable of our medicines in perma- nently overcoming the taint of constitution to which Green-sickness in many, if not most, cases owes its origin, and is therefore of much ser- vice as an intermediary medicine, administered during the course of other treatment, — when such other treatment is more particularly indicated by the symptoms, but, nevertheless, fails to effect any striking alteration in the state of the patient. In other instances, again, Sulphur is more particularly and individually indicated, and in such cases it should be employed from the onset. The symptoms which thus espe- cially call for the employment of Sulphur are as follows :'— Pressive and tensive pain in the back of the head, extending to the nape of the neck; humming in the head; pimples on the forehead and round the mouth; pale and sickly complexion, with red spots on the cheeks; voracious appetite; pressive fulness and heaviness in the stomach, under the lower green-sickness. 683 ribs, and in the belly; bowels irregular; difficulty of breathing ; pains in the loins, and fainting; excessive fatigue, especially in the legs, with great depression after talking; great tendency to take cold; sleepiness in the daytime. Sulphur is again of much value, as well as the subjoined medicines, when there is complication with Consumption, or when symptoms, such as cough, hectic fever, &c, which seem to threaten the issue of the disease in this manner occur; or when such symptoms are developed simultaneously with the appearance of Green-sickness. Dose : If as an intermediary medicine, six days after the last dose of any other and especially appropriate remedy, give six globules in a table-spoonful of water, the first thing in the morning, fasting, repeating the dose after the lapse of twenty-four hours; then pause eight days, after which return to the former treatment, as before. If distinctively indicated, give six globules in a table-spoonful of water, the first thing in the morning, fasting, for eight days (unless change should sooner occur); then pause ten days, after which the course may, if necessary, be repeated as before, and so on until decided amelioration or change. Calcarea carbonica is often productive of the most striking benefit, and is even in some cases singly capable of effecting a complete cure, — even in the worst cases, attended with dropsical swellings of the feet and extreme difficulty of breathing. This medicine, like the foregoing, is also to be mentioned as of great service in those cases in which a disposition to Consumption is manifested simultaneously with the development of Green-sickness, as evinced by the presence of cough, hectic fever, &c. Dose: Six globules, as directed for Sulphur. Ferrum met. is often of much value after the previous employ- ment of Calcarea, and should be administered ten days after the com- pletion of the second course of the last-named medicine, if the worst symptoms having abated, the pale and sickly hue of the skin should continue predominantly manifest; with ringing in the ears; palpitation of the heart, &c. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, for a week (or until earlier change) ; then pause ten days, after which the course should, if necessary, be repeated as before, and so on, until decided amelioration or change. Phosphorus in deep-seated chronic cases, with tendency to Con- sumption ; brought on by depressing mental influences, such as grief, worriment, disappointed love, or by loss of blood, night-watching, night-sweats, diarrhoea, self-abuse, &c. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Natrum muriaticum is a most valuable remedy in many obsti- nate cases ; particularly when the skin looks dead, dirty, and withered. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Ferrum. Lachesis has proved of essential service in the treatment of enlarge- ment of the belly occurring in young girls at the critical age. Dose : Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Remarks. Sometimes the periodical discharges do not appear for some time afterwards, although the general health may have been thoroughly renovated by the remedies prescribed. 684 suppression of the monthly flow. Diet and Regimen. The predisposing causes of this disease suffi- ciently point to the general management of the patient which is appro- priate to the condition. SUPPRESSION OF THE MONTHLY FLOW. Suppression of the periodical discharge occasionally takes place suddenly from some accidental cause, such as an exposure to cold, powerful mental emotions, &c. In other instances the suppression is symptomatic of some other disease, either organic or functional, and can only be removed by the cure of the primary malady. It is of the former that we here propose to treat. TREATMENT. Pulsatilla should be employed when a suppression takes place from the sudden effects of a chill, when the symptoms generally corre- spond with those already described under the head of that remedy, in the article on " Green-Sickness," at p. 681. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, for a week (unless a change should sooner occur); then pause eight days, after which the course may, if necessary, be repeated as before, and so on, until decided amelioration or change. Graphites should, more particularly, be selected when the suppres- sion of the menstrual discharge is accompanied with dull, pressive aching, or wrenching pains in the small of the back, and a troublesome itching, sometimes associated with a tettery eruption on the skin. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Causticum should be administered when the case is characterized by spasmodic pains in the bowels and small of the back, at the time at which the period should occur if regular. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Cocculus in cases in which there are habitually attacks of colic- like pains in the bowels at the periods at which the menstrual dis- charge should occur if it were regular, more especially if the patient complains of great weakness of the lower extremities, languor and lassitude, precarious appetite, and generally also nausea, with much oppression at the chest and in the region of the stomach, &c.; especially when this functional derangement occurs in full-habited and apparently healthy persons, particularly if the suppression be traced to mental emotions. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of six hours, until the indicative symptoms are alleviated. Nux moschata when the suppression is accompanied by spasms and other hysteric affections; disposition to sleep and faint away; great nervousness; complete exhaustion after slight exertion; pains in the loins, &c. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Caulophyllum should be given when there are spasmodic, bearing- suppression of the monthly flow. 685 down pains; and sympathetic, crampy, spasmodic pains in the bladder, rectum, or bowels. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Aconitum should be employed in cases in which fright has mani- festly been the exciting cause of the derangement. Aconitum is, more especially, appropriate in full-habited subjects, and when symptoms of general redundancy of blood, or of determination of blood to the head, or to any other important organ, are developed, and the pulse is full, hard, and more or less accelerated. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Cocculus. Opium should be employed in cases in which the suppression has been occasioned by fright, and when, notwithstanding the employment of the last-named medicine, convulsive attacks, or the other symptoms men- tioned as indicating this medicine, in the article on "Mental Emo- tions" (at p. 678), should ensue or continue. Dose: As directed for Cocculus. Veratrum should be administered in cases in Avhich the convulsive and other symptoms incidental to the suppression, when caused by fright, have failed to yield to the last-named medicine ; and when there are: pale, livid face ; frequent nausea and vomiting; cold hands, feet, and nose; great Aveakness, Avith fainting turns. Dose : Three globules, as directed for Cocculus. Lycopodium has proved of service in cases in which the patient complains of headache and giddiness ; flatulent distension of the bowels before each period at which the secretion ought to have returned; and habitual costiveness. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Belladonna should be employed in cases which are associated Avith fulness of blood, determination of blood to the head, violent throbbing of the arteries of the head and neck, and nose-bleed. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Platina is often of essential importance in the treatment of cases of suppression of the menstrual discharge, associated Avith a plethoric state or full habit of body. The particular indication for its use may be discovered by reference to the article on " Characteristic Ef- fects." Dose: Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Senecio gracilis should be employed in cases of suppression, when there are: inability to sleep; nervous irritability; loss of appetite; coated tongue ; constipation ; constant feeling of lassitude ; disinclina- tion to move about; wandering pains in back and shoulders. Dose: Three globules, as for Pulsatilla. Sulphur is one of the most important remedies for the treatment of cases Avhich assume a chronic and obstinate character, more particu- larly if such cases occur in persons of a feeble or exhausted constitution, or who bear about them, in a marked degree, the traces of a scrofulous habit of body, or who are affected with the piles; or, again, when the prevailing symptoms are such as have been described in detail under 686 excessive menstruation. the head of this medicine, in the article on "Green-Sickness," at p. 682. Dose: Six globules in a teaspoonful of water, the first thing in the morning, fasting, for six days (unless change should sooner occur); then pause ten days, after which the course may, if necessary, be repeated as before, and so on, until decided amelioration or change. Sepia is also of great value, whether at the onset or after the previous administration of Sulphur, for the treatment of chronic and difficult cases, and for such as are complicated with scrofulous taint of constitution, or Avhich occur in otherwise feeble and exhausted subjects. Sepia is more especially appropriate when the prevailing symptoms are such as have been described in detail under the head of this medi- cine, in the article on " Green-Sickness," at p. 682. Dose: Four globules, in other respects as directed for Sulphur. Natrum muriaticum is most valuable for the treatment of chronic cases of deficient, irregular, and suppressed menstrual dis- charge, more particularly when characterized by habitual and in- superable depression of spirits, or when there is, from time to time, a scanty but retarded discharge. Dose: Four globules, in other respects as directed for Sulphur. Diet and Regimen. In all cases of suppressed menstruation, associated Avith a full and redundant habit, and Avith determination of blood to the head, or to some other important part, it will be necessary to enjoin regular and sufficient exercise (without incurring fatigue), to be taken daily in the open air.— the weather being favorable, — and early resting and rising. As regards diet, the proportion of animal food should, in general, but especially in cases attended with congestion of the head or chest, be diminished, and only very plain, simple, and unstimulating articles, whether for food or drink, should be allowed. When these derangements are incidental to, or associated Avith, an enfeebled and exhausted condition of the system, on the other hand, change of air, if attainable, will generally render good service; and such other general regulations as have been afforded in detail, in the article on "Eradicative Treatment," at pp. 83-89, should be observed. EXCESSIVE MENSTRUATION. The quantity of menstrual discharge varies a good deal in different women. The duration of the discharge and the period of return are also variable. In some women, it continues from four to ten days, in others it lasts only a few hours: from three to six days is, however, the most usual period. The regularity is, in many, exact to a day, or even an hour ; Avhile in others a variation of several days is a usual occur- rence, without the slightest disturbance to the general health resulting therefrom. When the discharge is excessive, and attended with pain in the back, loins, and belly, resembling those of labor, it becomes necessary to prescribe remedies calculated to arrest it, and to correct the tendency thereto. excessive menstruation. 687 treatment. Ipecacuanha is one of the more generally useful medicines in severe cases of this derangement, as well as in flooding after labor, and may, in most instances, be administered first, unless there are strong indications for a preference being given to any of the others. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of six hours, until amelioration or change. Crocus is more especially called for when the discharge is of a dark color, viscid, stringy, and very copious, and the menstrual period has appeared before the usual time. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Ipecacuanha. Sabina is indicated when the discharge is excessive, of a bright color, and occurs in full-habited females who are prone to miscarry; or Avhen the subjoined symptoms prevail: rheumatic pains in the head and limbs ; great weakness ; pains in the loins similar to those of labor. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Ipecacuanha. China is of considerable utility where there is great debility in consequence of a more copious menstrual discharge than is natural. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of twelve hours, if necessary, Nux vomica is especially appropriate when the following symp- toms prevail: — The discharge being of too frequent occurrence, too profuse, and of too long duration ; and when it commonly stops for a day or so and then returns, attended with spasms in the belly; some- times nausea and fainting, especially in the morning; pains in the limbs ; restlessness ; irascibility. Nux vomica is especially serviceable when the above symptoms occur in females who are addicted to the daily or frequent use of coffee, liqueurs, and other stimulants, or have been extensively drugged by old-school practitioners. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of four hours, until three doses have been taken ; then at intervals of twelve hours, during the continuance of the menstrual discharge. Chamomilla is frequently useful when there is a discharge of dark, clotted blood, Avith severe colic, or pains like those of labor; great thirst; paleness of the face, and coldness of the limbs. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of six hours, until amelioration or change. Ignatia is of considerable service in cases resembling the above,. when the derangement happens in hysterical or sensitive females, of mild and uncomplaining disposition; or who have had a great deal of trouble. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Chamomilla. Subsequently, and seven days after the cessation of the discharge, give a similar dose, repeated every night, at bedtime, for a week. Platina is indicated by inordinately increased menstrual discharge, attended with painful bearing-down pains, and venereal orgasm; thick, dark-colored menstrual blood ; great excitability. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Chamomilla. 688 painful and difficult menstruation. Veratrum is more particularly required for too early or too copious menstrual discharge, always attended with diarrhoea. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Chamomilla. Trillium should be given when menstruation returns every four- teen days, lasting seven or eight days; and in the intervening time there is profuse, yellowish, and thick leucorrhoea. Dose: Three globules, as for Chamomilla. Gelseminum is indicated in cases in which there is scarcely an interval between the periods; which are not, however, attended with much suffering; or, the flow having ceased, is brought on again by fright or other mental emotion. Dose: Three globules, as for Chamomilla. Kreosote will be found useful when the menstrual blood has a decidedly offensive odor, is too profuse, and lasts too long; the abdo- men becomes distended before the periods; leucorrhoea, which excori- ates the parts, between the periods. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Chamomilla. Ammonium carb. should be administered when the flow comes too early, and is too profuse, particularly at night, when sitting, or when riding. Symptoms somewhat resembling those of cholera, usher in the period. Dose : Two globules, as directed for Nux vomica. Diet and Regimen. Patients who are habitually affected with excessive menstrual discharge should live Avith great regularity, keeping early hours, taking regular, but moderate daily exercise in the open air (during the intervals) in favorable weather, and partaking of nothing but the most digestible, simple, and unstimulating diet, which, at the same time, should be of a nourishing and strengthening descrip- tion. Emotions of all kmds should be avoided, as much as possible; and during the continuant of the discharge the semi-recumbent posture should .be retained, and the body should be kept cool. Neither food nor drink should be taken hot; the food should be as cool as it can be relished, or chiefly cold, and the beverage quite cold. In addition to these directions more explicit particulars may be derived from the article on " Eradicative Treatment," at pp. 83 - 89. PAINFUL AND DIFFICULT MENSTRUATION. TREATMENT. It will be well to consult, in connection with the remedies and their indications below, the preceding chapters on "Suppressed" and on "Excessive Menstruation" (at pp. 684, 686), and that on "Green- Sickness" (at p. 681), as great assistance may be derived therefrom. Chamomilla is to be recommended, particularly if, at the men- strual period, there be an irregular and unusually relaxed state of the bowels, attended with colicky pains, or bearing-down or dragging pains, proceeding from the small of' the back, and succeeded by griping in the lower part of the belly, analogous to those of labor; or if, again, PAINFUL AND DIFFICULT MENSTRUATION. 689 there be great soreness and sensitiveness of the belly to pressure, with a sensation as if the interior of the bowels were closed, and cutting colic, Avith painful drawing in the thighs. Chamomilla is, moreover, particu- larly indicated Avhen such symptoms occur shortly before the return of the menstrual periods, or during the periods when the discharge is of a dark color and clotted, and nausea and unpleasant eructations prevail; also Avhen excessive irritability and peevishness attend. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of six hours, during the continuance of the discharge, until decided amelior- ation or change. Pulsatilla when the menstrual period is retarded, and the discharge is either very dark and lumpy, or pale and watery, the periods being preceded and alternated Avith extreme depression of spirits and uneasi- ness, — or, again, Avith pains of a colicky character in the boAvels, and tearing or pressive pains in the small of the back, and on the right side; bearing down Avith pressure or even forcing during micturition, and much urging to evacuate; spasms of the stomach, and prevailing nausea, — or sometimes even ATomiting of sour, slimy matters; gen- eral derangement of the stomach and disordered digestion; often very marked and predominant chilliness, with shivering fits, and generally extreme paleness of the face. Pulsatilla is also of much service for the treatment of analogous derangements occurring about the period when menstruation should set in, Avith young females who have not yet had the discharge. It is also more particularly indicated for fair, lymphatic females of rounded and symmetrical figure, phlegmatic temperament, mild, inanimate, and listless disposition, the sufferings being greater towards evening and at night. Dose : Three globules, as directed for Chamomilla. Belladonna is more especially indicated, particularly for young, robust, and full-habited females, Avhen the periods are preceded and announced by severe attacks of colicky pains, sensation of weakness and languid feeling, with failure or fastidiousness of appetite, and sometimes also giddiness and cloudiness of sight, — the menstrual discharge consisting either of very dark or very pale matter, or, again, of bright-red blood, and being attended with disposition to attacks of determination of blood to the head, — with pressure and giddiness, sensation of throbbing and heat about the head, or simply redness and puffed appearance of the face, — or to the chest with oppression, anxiety, or even extreme anguish ; another decided indication for this medicine, in cases Avhich occur in full-habited subjects, is a continual yawning, which sometimes constitutes a marked symptom. Dose : As directed for Chamomilla. Nux vomica is of service in cases of excessive or scanty men- struation attended Avith much suffering; painful sensation as from bruises in the small of the back, and aching pain, sometimes very intense, and extending down to the thighs; there is very often much urging to pass water, but either Avithout effect or with very slight dis- charge ; the temper is very irritable, and the patient is disposed to find fault with everything ; there is predominant constipation or costiveness, with frequent desire to evacuate, and sometimes painful urging but 44 \ 690 PAINFUL and difficult menstruation. Avithout discharge, or with very scanty, hard, detached motions ; nausea sometimes prevails to such a degree as to induce fainting-fits, more especially in the morning, when, indeed, all the symptoms are exacer- bated. This medicine is more especially useful in the treatment of nervous or bilious subjects, or of highly-excitable females, and generally for those of spare habit and dark complexion. Dose: A week before the expected return of the periods give four globules every night at bedtime, for four days During the continuance of the discharge, give three globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morn- ing, until amelioration or change. Coffea is sometimes of service as an intermediary medicine when the sufferings are intense, and are attended Avith increased discharge, or when, generally, excessive nervous irritability and excitability prevail. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of four hours, if necessary. Phosphorus is indicated when the menstruahflow is attended with great sleepiness, so that the patient can hardly keep awake. There are colicky pains, with great rumbling and fermentation in the bowels; constipation, the faeces being dry; vertigo; blue margins around the eyes ; a feeling as of great weakness in the abdomen. It is most suitable for tall, slender Avomen. Dose: In every particular as directed for Nux vomica. Magnesia carb. The menstrual discharge is dark, acrid, and thick ; and occurs only during a cessation of the pain, or during sleep; neuralgic pains in the head and shoulders; the knees ache during walking, and the feet feel painful at night in bed. Dose: In every particular as directed for Nux vomica. Sepia is of especial value for the treatment of subjects of tainted, ex- hausted, or debilitated constitutions, Avho are affected Avith Avhites during the intervals between the periods, and who complain much of unbearable headaches, chiefly occupying one side, of the head or one eyebrow, or Avho are from time to time attacked, especially at the menstrual periods, by sudden and very distressing toothaches; the boAvels, Avhether during the intervals or at the periods, have a tendency to be costive; the spirits are apt to be extremely depressed before and during the con- tinuance of the discharge, and the disposition is desponding; burning or pinching pains are experienced in the passages, and dragging weight low doAvn in the belly. The discharge is variable in quantity and in the frequency of the return, sometimes being too frequent, excessive, and lasting unnaturally long, sometimes being retarded, insufficient, and of brief duration, and sometimes even natural in both these respects, but attended with much suffering. Dose: In every particular as directed for Nux vomica. Lachesis. Before the menses: vertigo, headache, and nose-bleed. The first day of the menses: tearing in the abdomen, beating in the head, pains in the small of the back, and bruised feeling in the hips — all of which are relieved when the flow is fully established. Dose: In every particular as directed for Nux vomica. painful and difficult menstruation. 691 Sulphur is particularly appropriate for the treatment of chronic cases, and of such as are associated with a scrofulous constitution or for patients who suffer from piles, whether the discharge be very dark or pale, thick or watery, or even bright-red, and more partic- ularly for the sufferings attendant upon the first menstrual period of young females when that has been unduly retarded. The quantity of the discharge is variable, sometimes being excessive, and in other instances scanty. Sulphur is to be, more especially, selected when the patient is subject to flow of blood to the head, or to discharge of blood from the nose, whether before, during, or after the period; and when she frequently complains of aching pains in the small of the back, with or without cramp-like -or griping pains in the bowels; or when she is apt to suffer from very severe headaches, especially just before the discharge occurs ; or when there is a continual prevalence of whites during the intervals, the discharge of which suddenly becomes more profuse as the period approaches ; and Avhen, again, there is a great tend- ency to evening fever, with heat, dryness, and harshness of the hands, but often coldness of the feet; and when the discharge is accompanied by restless or disturbed sleep at night, or by violent tossing in dis- turbed dreams, or even by convulsions; there is generally a slight or even hacking cough, and oppressed breathing; sometimes heartburn or even spasms of the stomach before and during the periods, and gen- erally toothache more or less severe. Dose: In every particular as directed for Nux vomica. Calcarea earh. should be resorted to when there is great nervous debility; pale bloatedness of the face; cannot bear anything tight about the waist; stiffness of the neck; cold and damp hands and feet; sensitiveness to cold air; the menses are always premature and exces- sive. It is particularly suitable to Avomen of scrofulous constitution. Dose: In all particulars as for Nux vomica. Cactus grandiflorus should be given when menstruation is ac- companied Avith terrible pains, causing the patient to cry out and weep; the pains come on periodically, mostly in the evening; the discharge is scanty, and ceases on lying down; constriction or other ill feeling in the region of the heart. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Chamomilla. Collinsonia will be found very useful when difficult menstruation is accompanied or complicated by obstinate constipation, or piles. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Chamomilla. Caulophyllum may be administered when the menstrual Aoav is scanty, and the attending pains, which are cramp-like, extend to the bladder and rectum; or there are hysterical spasms of the chest. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Chamomilla. Diet and Regimen. The directions more particularly afforded under the head of "Green-Sickness" (at p. 684), "Excessive Men- struation" (at p. 688), "Eradicative Treatment" (at p. 83-89), should be respectively consulted and applied to the circumstances of the case; as also should the directions further given in the ensuing article on "Whites." 692 the change or turn of life. THE CHANGE OR TURN OF LIFE. The period which is well known by this term, is that at which the menstrual function ceases to be performed. But there is no precise limit to the age at Avhich this may occur. Indeed the final cessation of the menstrual discharge is apt to occur at any period between five or six and thirty, and over sixty years of age. It is usually regulated by the original early or late appearance of the secretion. In the majority of cases, in this country, the cessation occurs between the fortieth and forty-eighth year. treatment. The medicines which are generally appropriate for the treatment of the sufferings incidental to the cessation of the menstrual discharge are, in the generality of cases, the same as have been enumerated in the foregoing article on " Painful or Difficult Menstruation " (pp. 688-691). The following may, however, be additionally or more especially partic- ularized. Aeonitum is to be employed, if indicated by a general fulness of blood, determination to the head, headache with buzzing in the ears, full, or small and accelerated pulse, sensation of heaviness in the fore- head and temples, or sometimes stupefying headache, &c, all of Avhich symptoms are aggravated by motion or by the least exertion. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated after the lapse of six hours, and then (if yet requisite) at intervals of twelve hours, until decided amelioration or change. Cocculus is doubly indicated by the sensation of nausea, or even by the occasional bilious vomiting which sometimes occurs, as well as by the violent spasmodic and cramp-like pains in the bowels, which are apt to ensue upon the cessation of the menstrual discliarge. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, until amelioration or change ; or, if against severe spasmodic pains, at intervals of three hours, until these sufferings are allayed. Nux vomica is to be preferred for the treatment of persons of nervous or bilious habit, of spare frame, and dark complexion, or who have been subject to. piles, and in wdiom the sufferings are aggravated or chiefly present upon rising in the morning, more especially if there be painful distension of the region of the stomach, pit of the stomach, and region under the false ribs, Avith much restlessness and irritability, and even disposition to violent outbursts of temper; or, again, if, not- withstanding the restlessness, there be a constant inclination to lie down. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, until decided amelioration or change. Pulsatilla is, on the other hand, to be preferred for the treatment of persons of habitually mild and sensitive disposition, round, full, and soft frame, phlegmatic temperament, and lymphatic constitution, and when, moreover, the sufferings are greater or only present towards even- ing or at night, or when such other symptoms occur as have been men- tioned as indicating this medicine, in the article on " Painful or Diffi- cult Menstruation," at p. 689. Dose: As directed for Nux vomica. LEUCORRHCEA — THE WHITES. 693 Lachesis is, generally, more or less useful at the critical age. It is more especially indicated when excessive nervous excitation exists, with tendency to giddiness, throbbing headache, spasms of the stomach, flatulency, and generally with predominant confinement of the bowels, but sometimes with sudden attacks of the contrary condition. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Nux vomica. Natrum muriaticum is sometimes indicated when, in addition to symptoms of weak or deranged digestion, fastidious or impaired ap- petite, constant headache, chiefly seated across the forehead, and total inability to apply to mental labor, there is a characteristic, sullen, morose ill-humor, and avoidance of all society, the patient seeking ab- solute seclusion, or being even disposed to be irritable or angry when mixing Avith her friends or family. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Nux vomica. Belladonna is sometimes required for the removal of the heavy, pressive, bearing-down pains, and the sensation of weight which is apt to be felt (sometimes accompanied with dull, aching pain) in the small of the back; or, again, when redness with bloatedness of the face, and the strong pulsation of the arteries of the neck and temples prevail as further indications of determination to the head. Or, again, when there is a constant sensation of weight or pressure, and oppression with or without aching pain in the chest and region of the stomach. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Aconitum. Acidum sulphuricum. When flushes of heat and sudden ex- cessive or profuse sweats, Avhich diminish on movement, form prominent features, and are associated with dry tongue, thirst, weakness in the back and legs, and general languor, with feeling of tremulousness. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Natrum m. Diet and Regimen. Plain, simple, unstimulating diet, regular hours and exercise, change of air and of scene, abstinence from all stimulating drinks, avoidance of every source of emotion or excite- ment, and regular ablution with cold Avater, followed by brisk friction, are among the best and most simple rules to be observed by those to whom the climax of life is a period of much suffering or inconvenience. LEUCORRHCEA —THE WHITES. Characteristics, &c. This affection demonstrates itself in the form of an irregular discharge from the womb and passage, of a fluid which, though commonly of-a white color at the commencement, fre- quently changes to a yellow, green, or even a brown hue. It may either depend upon simple debility, in Avhich case it is usually bland and not in excess, and is more prone to occur in delicate women of relaxed constitution at each returning summer, or to become continuous on their removal to a warm climate; or, and much more frequently, it may arise from some affection of the womb, &c, of a more or less serious character, in which cases it is more copious, sometimes coming away in gushes, and is often of an offensive and acrid nature, producing sore- ness and excoriation of the parts, and accompanied by smarting in 694 LEUCORRHCEA — THE WHITES. passing water, pain in the back and loins, want of appetite, impaired digestion, or general derangement of the health. TREATMENT. The radical cure of this disorder is attended with much difficulty, and can only be effected by long, patient, and careful treatment in those cases in which it is incidental to serious derangements of the womb or of its appendages. Pulsatilla is indicated when the discharge is thick, like cream, or milky, and sometimes gives rise to a burning sensation; when, more- over, it is associated with indigestion, and occurs in females of relaxed fibre and lymphatic temperament, or in whom the monthly flow is irregular and scanty; the discharge is often worse when lying down. Dose: Four globules in a teaspoonful of water, morning and evening, for four days (unless a decided change should sooner occur); then pause four days, after which the course may, if necessary, be repeated as before, and so on. But if, within four days after the completion of the second course, very partial effect only should be apparent, proceed with the next medicine. Calcarea is indicated by the same symptoms as Pulsatilla, and should be administered four days after the completion of the second course of that medicine, when only a partial improvement has resulted from its employment; or it may be selected in preference to Pulsatilla, when the malady occurs at the turn of life, attended with distressing local itching, or when it appears in females with whom the periodical flux is ahvays excessive, with paleness of the face, weak feeling in the chest, and weakness of the knees. Dose: Six globules in a table-spoonful of water, the first thing in the morn- ing, fasting, for a week (unless change should sooner occur); then pause eight days, after which the course may, if necessary, be repeated as be- fore, and so on, until decided and permanent amelioration (or change). Sepia should be selected when the affection occurs in delicate and exhausted females, the discharge being yellow or green, generally watery, and more or less acrid or corrosive ; and when it is accompanied by a tendency to profuse perspiration, particularly on sitting doAvn, after walking. Sepia is also additionally indicated if the monthly discharges are irregular; and, further, when bearing-doAvn pains are often expe- rienced. Dose: Four globules, in other respects as directed for Calcarea. Mercurius is a useful remedy when the discharge is thick, re- sembling the matter of an abscess, or when it is greenish-colored, very corrosive, and accompanied by local itching, and, more particularly, when the flow is increased at night. Dose: Six globules, as directed for Calcarea. Alumina is to be recommended when the discharge is profuse, very corrosive, and attended with itching about the parts; and when the monthly flux is generally exceedingly scanty, though not often irreg- ular, and the boAvels are constipated. Dose: Six globules, as directed for Calcarea. Graphites is indicated when the discharge is profuse, very watery, and often acrid, and productive of much excoriation; and when, as in LEUCORRHCEA—THE WHITES. 695 the above case, the periodical secretion is scanty, or when it is irregu- lar ; particularly in Avomen who are subject to pimply eruptions. Dose: As directed for Calcarea. Acidum nitricum should be employed Avhen the discharge is of a broAvn color, or is slimy, offensive, and corrosive. Dose: As directed for Pulsatilla. Sulphur is also to be recommended for intermediary administration, from time to time during the progress of treatment, when either the case is exceedingly obstinate, or the medicines most decidedly indicated, though productive of a certain degree of relief, appear to be limited to that point in their efficacy. Dose: Four days after the last dose of any medicine previously administered. give six globules of Sulphur, in a table-spoonful of water, repeating the dose after the lapse of twenty-four hours ; then pause six days ; after which return to the administration of the medicine previously employed, if yet indicated, or proceed with such other medicines as may now be indicated. China should be given Avhen the discharge is very profuse, and gives rise to great debility; the menses seem to be suspended, or the leucorrhceal discharge occurs instead; painful pressing towards the groins and anus. Dose: Four globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. .ffisculus hip. is indicated Avhere the whites are accompanied by intense pain and lameness in the back and hips, so that it is almost impossible to rise after sitting, or to walk a long distance ; constipation, and piles. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Kreosotum. The discharge precedes and follows the menses, and is greatest when standing or walking; it is yelloAv, offensive, acrid, and corrosive, causing soreness of the parts, and violent itching. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Podophyllum should be administered in cases in which the dis- charge is thick and transparent, and there are constipation, and a feel- ing of bearing or pressing doAvn wards in the genitals; falling of the womb, and protrusion of the intestine during stool. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Collinsonia is indicated by cases in which the discharge, which may be thick or thin, is accompanied by great itching of the parts; and there are obstinate constipation, and disordered and painful men- struation. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Iodium may be found very useful in cases of long standing ; partic- ularly in scrofulous subjects; the Avhites are most abundant at or near the time for the menstrual flow; and the discharge is so very acrid and corrosive that not only are the adjacent parts made sore, but the underclothing is made rotten and destroyed. Dose: Six globules, as directed for Calcarea. Diet and Regimen. The diet ought to be simple, but generally very nutritive. Coffee and tea ought to be avoided, and cocoa or arrow- 696 HYSTERICS. root substituted. Regular exposure to the benign influence of the fresh air is commendable, but over-fatigue and prolonged standing should be sedulously avoided. HYSTERICS. The consideration of this disease should be divided (1) into that of the state or condition of the system, or constitutional tendency which is especially susceptible of the fits or paroxysms; and (2) of the fits or paroxysms themselves. 1. The consideration of the constitutional tendency involves a gen- eral inquiry into the age and condition of the patient. 2. The consideration of the fits or paroxysms involves a more ex- plicit detail of symptoms and of the exciting causes, Avhich may gen- erally be particularized as follow :— Hysterical affections are more frequent in single than in married life, and usually occur between the age of puberty and that of thirty- five, and generally about the period of menstruation. The disorder is readily excited in those who are subject to it, by sudden mental emo- tions. Hysterics have also been known to arise from sympathy and imitation. Women of delicate habit, and of extremely nervous sensibility, are chiefly prone to be affected with hysteria, and are predisposed to the attack by an inactive or sedentary life, distress of mind, suppression or obstruction of the periodical illness, excessive depletion, or constant use of spare or unAvholesome diet. Females of a nervous, sanguine, or plethoric temperament, are chiefly liable to this disease. Symptoms. The attacks, fits, or paroxysms, are generally pre- ceded by depression of spirits, anxiety, effusion of tears, difficulty of breathing, nausea, and palpitation; also with pain in the left side, which seems to advance upwards till it gets to the throat, Avhen it feels as if a ball were lodged there; if it advances further, there is a sense of suffocation, stupor, and insensibility, with spasmodic clenching of the jaws; the trunk of the body is moved about, and the limbs are agitated ; alternate fits of laughing, crying, and screaming; incoherent expression and foaming at the mouth occur; and relief ensues generally with eructation, and frequent sighing and sobbing, followed by a sense of soreness over the whole body. Hiccough is sometimes a concomi- tant, and a very distressing one, in hysteria. These are the usual symptoms indicating this disease, but the complaint appears in a great variety of forms; and in many cases the patient is attacked with a violent spasmodic pain in the back, which extends from the spine to the breast-bone, and eventually becomes fixed at the region of the stomach, and is often so intense as to cause clammy perspiration, a pale cadaverous countenance, coldness of the extremities, and a febrile, thread-like, or scarcely perceptible pulse. PREVENTIVE AND ERADICATIVE TREATMENT. It may generally be stated, that the medicine which offers the closest analogy to the symptoms of the fits, when they occur, and Avhich is most successfully employed in restoring the patient as regards the par- HYSTERICS. 697 oxysms, may, in many cases, be administered in repeated doses, for the purpose of overcoming, or, at all events, of moderating the predisposi- tion. It should also be borne in mind, that if this condition be asso- ciated Avith other derangements, the treatment which is particularly appropriate for such derangements is also the best preventive and eradicative resource. There are, however, a few medicines which are especially and particularly applicable to the removal or modification of this constitutional tendency; these, however, I shall simply enu- merate, Avith their chief and characterizing indications. Sepia is, in the great majority of cases, the medicine upon Avhich the chief reliance can be placed, more particularly if the patient has been affected with Green-sickness, Whites, or with other chronic de- rangements or diseases of the womb and its appendages; or, again, when she is liable to be seized with sudden attacks of debility, approach- ing to general but temporary palsy, and attended Avith the outbreak of profuse and often clammy perspiration. Dose: Four globules in a table-spoonful of water, every night at bedtime, for ten days (unless change should sooner occur); then pause a fortnight, after which the course may, if necessary, be repeated as before, and so on, from time to time. Calcarea carbonica, on the other hand, is more especially ap- propriate for the treatment of persons of an attenuated, sickly-looking frame, and pale, wan, sunken countenance, Avith whom the general convulsion attending the attacks is very violent, and Avho are subject to fainting-fits, or to an habitually impaired and capricious appetite, the menstrual discharge occurring too frequently and in excess. Dose: Four globules, as directed for Sepia. Natrum muriaticum is to be preferred, also, in cases in which the countenance is sickly, pallid, and sunken, but more particularly when there is an habitual dislike to society, and when constant gloom, sadness, or _ despondency is apt to affect the patient; whilst feeble poAvers of digestion, and prevailing chilliness, with occasional flushing of the face, and retarded menstrual discharge, further characterize the case. Dose: Four globules, as directed for Sepia. Veratrum is of much service in overcoming the constitutional tendency to hysteric attacks, as well as in modifying their immediate violence, in cases in which they are attended Avith clenching of the jaws, of- general spasm, coldness of the extremities, and clammy sweat, especially on the face and forehead. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Sepia. TREATMENT OF THE ATTACK. Belladonna is appropriate Avhen the paroxysms are characterized by and commence with a sensation of choking, with spasmodic closing or obstruction in the throat, and every sensation as if suffocation Avould ensue; the face being hot, bloated, and of a dark-red hue, and there being other indications of determination of blood to the head; or when, as the paroxysm proceeds, the eyes become prominent, wild, and 698 HYSTERICS. staring, and the pupils much dilated; or when, again, during the intervals between attacks, the patient habitually sleeps in a disturbed and restless manner, suddenly tossing in, or even starting from, sleep. Dose: When the sensations of an approaching attack are apparent, give two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeating the dose after the lapse of a quarter of an hour, and again, half an hour later, if the symptoms do not sooner subside ; or, again, after the subsidence of the attack, or during the momentary intervals of calmness, give similar doses from time to time. If after the attack, the doses should be repeated every six hours, for twenty-four hours. Ignatia is of great value for the treatment of hysterical paroxysms affecting patients of a mild and very sensitive disposition, or those Avho are subject to extreme variations of spirits, and when the attacks are apt to be somewhat suddenly announced by Convulsive laughter, pro- voked by some slight or imperceptible cause ; the face, previously pale, becoming flushed, deep-red, or even livid, and the laughter terminating in screams; or, more especially, Avhen the attack is preceded by the sensation of a ball in the gullet, which gives rise to a feeling of suffo- cation, attended with spasmodic eructation; further, when convulsive movements of the extremities, Avith clenching of the thumbs, occur during the paroxysm ; or when, again, there is alternation of flushing and pallor; or when the patient is affected with frequent fits of yawn- ing, or with drawing of a deep breath upon recovery. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Belladonna. Pulsatilla is appropriate for the treatment of patients of mild and sensitive or exceedingly timid disposition, or of phlegmatic or lympathic constitution, and when there is an habitual or very frequent derange- ment of menstruation • or more particularly with predominant derange- ment of the organs and functions of digestion at the period of the menstrual discharges, and when the attacks are characterized by tear- fulness or fits of crying without any ostensible cause. Dose: In all respects as directed for Belladonna. Chamomilla is sometimes of service when the attacks are preceded by flushing, Avith burning heat of the skin, sensation of extreme an- guish, and with anxious and hurried respiration, and when they occur in females of extremely excitable and peevish dispositions, and Avho have been habitual coffee-drinkers. Dose: As directed for Belladonna. Gelseminum should be given Avhen the hysterical paroxysms as- sume the proportions of convulsions; there are: excessive irritability of body and mind; a semi-stupid condition, with languor and pros- tration ; nervous headache, commencing in the back of the neck, and thence spreading over the head; vertigo and dimness of vision; diffi- cult menstruation. Dose: As directed for Belladonna. Aurum met. is to be preferred when the patient is habitually of a gloomy, desponding disposition, or manifests paroxysmal attacks of violent excitement, with attempts at self-destruction; and Avhen the attacks are preceded by and accompanied with extreme anxiety, insup- portable oppression at the chest, and palpitation of the heart. Dose: As directed for Belladonna. HYSTERICS. 699 Stramonium may be named as especially appropriate when the attacks are characterized by the predominance of hiccough, and are attended with convulsive movements of the arms, and with an expres- sion of extreme exhaustion or of vacancy, and difficult articulation ; or sometimes Avith violent raving, sudden desire to remove as if from the reach of some fancied danger, and Avith alternations of crying, or even discordant attempts to sing, and violent convulsive laughter ; or when, again, the violence of the attack is liable to be reinduced or aggravated by the sight of shining or glistening objects. Dose : As directed for Belladonna. Nux vomica is to be preferred Avhen the patient is habitually of an irritable disposition, or of nervous or bilious temperament, and of costive habit, — or generally, moreover, of a meagre frame and pointed features ; the attacks being preceded or accompanied with twitchings of the limbs or of particular muscles, and when a vexation or disappoint- ment has been the exciting cause of the attack; also when stimulants of various kinds have been too freely employed from time to time. Dose: In every particular as for Belladonna. Veratrum is generally to be recommended Avhen the attacks are characterized by clenching of the jaws, or general spasmodic affection of the entire frame, coldness of the extremities, and clammy perspira- tion, especially on the face and forehead, and when a considerable quantity of pale urine is generally voided before or after the attack. Dose: As directed for Belladonna. Conium should be administered when there is much vertigo, par- ticularly on lying down ; she cannot turn in bed, without exciting great dizziness. The breasts SAvell, and become painful and hard, as the menstrual period approaches, at Avhich time the hysterical symptoms are usually developed. Choking sensation in throat, as though a ball were ascending from the stomach. Dose: In every particular as directed for Belladonna. Moschus. Violent, long-continued scolding, until she falls down in an hysterical paroxysm. Great anguish; she feels as if she must die, and insists that she will die. Feeling of constriction or tightness on the chest during the paroxysm. Dose : As directed for Belladonna. Caulophyllum will prove of value in some cases, when the hysteria can be traced to disordered condition of the menstrual flow, or to some disease of the womb. Dose : As directed for Belladonna. Cactus grandiflorus should be given when there is great sadness, taciturnity, and irresistible inclination to Aveep; love of solitude, and fear of death; menstruation is excessively painful, and there is great prostration at the menstrual period. It is particularly suitable for cases in Avhich there is a disordered condition of the heart. Dose: As directed for Belladonna. ACCESSORY MEASURES. Above all things it is necessary that any portion of the clothing 700 PREGNANCY. Avhich may fit tightly should be loosened as an attack ensues, or threatens to ensue; all strings and fastenings should be undone, and the stays should be unlaced. Whatever may tend to impede the circula- tion should be removed, and the patient should be stretched out in a recumbent position (the floor being the safest and best place), beyond the reach of any article which she might strike against in the convul- sive movements. A free current of air should then be admitted, and the face of the patient should be sprinkled with cold water. Friction of the wrists, ankles, and palms of the hands, is often also of service. GENERAL REMARKS. In order to overcome the constitutional tendency to Hysteria, a long and judicious course of treatment is always required in inveterate cases. Diet and Regimen. Persons who are subject to hysterical attacks should avoid tight lacing, or any articles of clothing which fit too closely and firmly round the body. Elastic jackets are much to be preferred to stays. They should also take regular exercise in the open air, without fatiguing themselves; avoid all depressing and ex- citing emotions ; live regularly; keep early hours; abstain from rich, seasoned, or stimulating food or drinks, and partake only of plain but nourishing food. To these regulations may be added such others as have been enumerated under the head of " Green-Sickness," " Sup- pressed Menstruation," " Excessive Menstruation," " Difficult or Pain- ful Menstruation," "Whites;" and also the general rules prescribed in the article on "Eradicative Treatment" (at pp. 83-89). PREGNANCY. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. This period may be looked upon as one of the most interesting eras of a woman's life. She is now no longer acting for herself alone, but becomes invested with a new and serious responsibility; and upon some of the most apparently trifling of her actions may depend the future health and happiness of a being bound to her by the fondest ties. From the mass of evidence collected by careful observers of the operations of Nature, we are warranted in draAving the conclusion, that the actions of the mother exercise a great influence over not only the constitutional and physical, but also the mental organization of her offspring. Keeping this fact in view, we shall endeavor to point out the course that mothers, who prefer the welfare of their future offspring to their own indulgence, should pursue, and from which they will derive a double benefit, — an improvement in their own health, Avith exemption from suffering, and the delight of seeing their children pass safely through the anxious period of infancy; whilst in after-life, be- holding them flourishing around them in the full enjoyment of health and vigor', they will reap the additional, rich reward of a slight, tem- porary self-denial, in the delightful consciousness of having performed their duty. AIR AND EXERCISE DURING PREGNANCY. 70a So far is the period of pregnancy from being destined for one of suffering or danger, that Nature has taken every precaution for the protection of the female and her future offspring. While pregnancy runs its equable and uniform course, the expectant mother enjoys an almost complete exemption from the power of epidemic or infectious diseases, and even chronic complaints are frequently suspended; in fact, Avith the exception of some slight morning sickness, and occasional trifling uneasiness, a well-constituted organism should enjoy as good health during pregnancy as at any other time; and many women pass through this period, and give birth to vigorous children, without even the most trifling inconvenience. Though, as we have said, Nature seems during this period to adopt every possible precaution for the health and preservation of the parent and her future offspring, yet are her Avise arrangements, in too many in- stances, rendered nugatory by a direct contravention of her laws. The expectant mother should therefore bear in mind, that the duty of leading a regular and systematic course of life, so essential to every individual, devolves upon her with double force, since every neglect or breach of these ordinances of Nature upon her part, is frequently visited Avith fearful energy upon her yet unborn infant. AIR AND EXERCISE. During this epoch, passive or carriage exercise is not sufficient; walking brings not only the physical, but the Avhole of the organic muscles into play, and communicates the increasing vigor of the mother to her offspring; whilst, on the contrary, continual passive exercise in a carriage has been found particularly injurious during and toAvards the end of the second period of pregnancy, and is frequently the cause of premature and abnormal births; exercise on horseback, even Avith- out taking into consideration the risk of fright or accident to the rider, and the fearful consequences that may thence result, is still more ob- jectionable for many reasons. Some Avomen take a great deal of exercise, yet Avithout a corre- sponding benefit, from their Avork occupying them wholly in-doors; this is a strong proof of the inutility of exercise in itself, unless combined with pure air. Moreover, some of these, from too great activity of temperament, and others, coerced by hard necessity, frequently over- fatigue themselves, go to bed late, rise early, and sometimes unrefreshed, and thus in a manner deaden the energies of the organic poAvers, to their own injury, and to that of the unborn child. Others, again, injure their health, and frequently induce miscarriage, through their excessive levity and thoughtlessness, by unrestrained indulgence in active exercise, riding on horseback, dancing, &c. A woman ought to recollect that, if through her oavii folly she has brought on miscarriage, the greatest possible care is necessary to prevent its recurrence; that a second attack increases her liability in future ; and that she Avho has suffered twice or thrice from this misfortune, even when she escapes it, rarely attains her full time. Moreover, continued casualties of this nature not unfrequently terminate in premature death, from that serious and painful disease, cancer of the womb. 702 CLOTHING DURING PREGNANCY. The best exercise, therefore, during this epoch, is walking every day (when the weather permits) in the open air. In order to prove benefi- cial, and not to interfere with the process of digestion, exercise ought to be taken two or three hours after a moderate meal, about midday, or in the afternoon, except during hot weather, when the evening may be preferred, care being taken to avoid the night damps, by not remain- ing out too late. CLOTHING. The dress of the woman should, of course, be suited to the season ; and if she pass from a warm into a cold atmosphere, she ought to have her neck and throat well protected, so as to avoid any risk of taking cold. But a point of far greater importance is the adaptation of her clothing to her form, so as to preclude all unnecessary pressure upon any part of the frame, calculated to interfere with the functions of those important organs which are destined for the birth and nourishment of the infant: tight lacing, therefore, at all times most objectionable, is particularly so during this period, inasmuch as it cramps the natural action of the body, and, bearing directly upon the muscles appertain- ing to the belly, the bloodvessels, lymphatics, and the whole intestinal economy, produces narrowness of the chest, disturbed circulation, and induration or other derangements of the liver, and exercises a most baneful effect upon the breasts and womb. v We should bear in mind that a pressure upon these organs during development takes place in direct contravention of the operations of Nature. Women, in their efforts to preserve the elegance of their shape during pregnancy, are little aware that the constringent force thus exercised upon the abdomi- nal muscles destroys their elasticity, prevents a proper retraction after parturition, and thus proves one of the most common causes of perma- nent abdominal deformity. Moreover, to the culpable vanity of their mothers, in this and other respects, many, it is probable, OAve their club- feet and other malformations ; and in addition to these evils, this prac- tice not unfrequently deranges the position of the infant in the womb, — a displacement which, together with the consequent want of energy in the muscles and the parts concerned, generally brings on protracted and dangerous labors. Besides this, continual pressure on the womb is liable to produce premature labors. To tight lacing, also, may be attributed the difficulty many women of the present day experience in suckling their offspring, from the incipient process, required for the subsequent secretion of milk, being deranged by the unnatural pressure on the beautifully-constructed mechanism of the breasts: from this, also, sometimes result those dangerous indurations, cancers, and other affections of the breasts, and also retraction and diminution of the nipple, from which the act of suckling is rendered difficult, and in some cases impracticable. Garters too tightly bound are generally injurious to pregnant women; for the pressure thereby exercised upon the bloodvessels encourages the development of varicose veins in the inferior extremities (to which affection the system is already sufficiently predisposed), Avhich, in many instances, become exceedingly painful and troublesome. i DIET, HABITS, ETC., DURING PREGNANCY. 703 DIET. The greatest simplicity should regulate the diet of the pregnant woman; she should avoid taking too great a quantity of nourishment, because an excess in this respect, besides causing disordered digestion and general uneasiness, has a bad mechanical effect upon the future offspring; and, moreover, the unborn infant shades in the derangements of the mother. Much depends upon the quality of her food ; nothing should be taken that is not of a simply nutritive nature, and everything possessing a medicinal property avoided. Coffee and strong tea should be laid aside. Wine, liquors, beer, and other stimulating beverages, are also injurious. The usual homoeopathic diet, subject to the general or par- ticular regulations prescribed in the Introduction, at pp. 55, 56, &c, should be adopted as closely as possible during pregnancy. EMPLOYMENT OF THE MIND, AND HABITS DURING PREGNANCY. It is not sufficient that the body should be in perfect health; the mind must also be kept in a state of serenity. An easy cheerfulness of temper is essentially useful in promoting the well-being of the un- born infant. Experience has presented us with many instances, in which the predominant feeling on the mind of the mother during preg- nancy has influence on the future mental organization of the child. This shows how essential it is for women to keep their minds well em- ployed during this period ; to avoid all improper meditation, and dissi- pation ; and to abstain from reading Avorks not calculated to improve their understanding. The effect of any unpleasant or unsightly object upon the imagination of the mother, and the transmission of that effect to the offspring, evidenced in various mental or physical peculiarities after birth, is a theory as old as tradition. Without entering upon the various arguments brought forAvard both for and against it, Ave would simply advise women to keep as much as possible out of the way of such objects; to preserve both body and mind in a state of health, which will lessen every fear of being affected by such occurrences ; and to endeavor, as constantly as possible, to direct their attention to pleasing subjects; as it must be perfectly evident that brooding over such unpleasant impressions can scarcely fail of being both physically and mentally injurious. MENTAL EMOTIONS. This subject has been already treated of in the Second Part of this work, at pp. 678-680, to which the reader is referred, as the remedies there mentioned are equally applicable to affections arising from these sources in either sex. A not unfrequent symptom during pregnancy is, great despondency of mind, and uneasiness about the future. Some women, whose spirits are generally good at other times, suffer much from such an affection during this period; and in others, we find the same feeling and exces 704 MENTAL EMOTIONS. sive lowness of spirits, during the time of nursing. This symptom, hoAvever, is not permanent, and, when it commences early in gestation, usually disappears before delivery, Avithout material injury to the gen- eral health. TREATMENT. As this affection is apt to create some uneasiness, both to the sufferer herself and to her friends, we have thought it advisable to mention it, and at the same time to point out remedies which will frequently be found efficacious. Aconitum is often serviceable when the state of despondency is preceded by one of excitement, marked by heat of skin and frequency of pulse, attended with apprehension and presentiment of approaching death. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of twenty-four hours, until amelioration or change. Bryonia is more particularly indicated by great inquietude and fear for the future, attended with irascibility and derangement of the digestive functions. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Aconitum. Nux vomica is usually efficacious against morning sickness and melancholy, with great uneasiness, impaired appetite, constipation, fret- fulness. Dose: Two globules in a tea-spoonful of water, every night at bedtime, until amelioration or change. But if little effect should be apparent, as regards the sickness, twenty-four hours after the fourth dose, pause four days, and proceed with the next medicine. Natrum muriaticum should be employed five days after the last dose of Nux v., in obstinate cases of morning sickness, and when the last-named medicine has produced little or no effect. Natrum m. is, however, more particularly and individually indicated by melan- choly, with weeping; uneasiness about the future. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Aconitum. Phosphorus should be employed when the affection comes on dur- ing the period of nursing, arising from an over-secretion of milk, so that this fluid escapes involuntarily, and is attended with great ema- ciation, melancholy, and apprehension of the future. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Aconitum. Calcarea is also efficacious when the above symptoms present themselves, and more particularly so when there is excessive dejection with great lassitude. This remedy is further very serviceable when there is suppression of the secretion, and also excessive obesity, or the individual is of a plethoric habit. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Aconitum. China is more especially serviceable when there is lowness of spirits, attended .with derangement of digestion, which may arise from the energies of the mother being too severely tasked in the nourishment of her offspring, either from keeping the child too long unweaned, or from rearing twins. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Aconitum. DERANGEMENTS DURING PREGNANCY. 705 ' DERANGEMENTS DURING PREGNANCY. MORNING SICKNESS. Morning sickness, nausea, vomiting, and heartburn are the most distressing symptoms attendant on the course of pregnancy. These troublesome complaints generally harass women most upon their first rising from a horizontal position in bed. They generally disappear soon after quickening, but sometimes continue during the whole period. TREATMENT. When this affection shoAVS itself in a mild form, we may leave it to nature, adopting at the same time the homoeopathic rules for regimen, and being careful not to overload the stomach. The homceopathic treatment of this derangement, at once simple, prompt, and efficacious, has in almost all cases been attended Avith success. Aeonitum is the best medicine for employment at the onset in those somewhat severe cases which depend upon full-habited condition of the system. Dose: Four globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated, if necessary, after the lapse of twelve hours ; after which, consider the following medicines. Ipecacuanha is usually sufficient to overcome the affection in simple and uncomplicated cases, further characterized by a tendency to relaxation of the bowels. Dose: Four globules, as directed for Aconitum. Nux. vomica should be preferably selected when there is nausea or vomiting every morning on rising: heartburn, depraved appetite, or craving for chalk, earth, beer, &c, constipation and irritability of temper. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, every night at bedtime, until decided amelioration or change. Cocculus should be employed after Nux vomica in cases in which the last-named medicine has been productive only of very partial relief. Dose: Four globules, as directed for Aconitum.. Arsenicum is sometimes required, more particularly when the folloAving indications prevail: — Excessive, vomiting after eating or drinking, Avith attacks of fainting; burning pain in the stomach and gullet; great weakness and emaciation. Dose: Four globules, as directed for Aconitum. Pulsatilla is indicated by nausea after every meal, vomiting of food, heartburn, depraved appetite, or longing for particular articles, such as acids, beer, wine, &c. Disposition peevish and sensitive, though naturally mild. Dose: Four globules, as directed for Aconitum. iEsculus hip., Caulophyllum, and Gelseminum have proved useful in some cases of morning sickness. Discriminative 45 , 706 CONSTIPATION. directions for their use may be obtained by consulting the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of either medicine, as selected, four globules, as directed for Aconitum. Natrum m., Sulphur, and Sepia are chiefly needed in cases occurring in scrofulous or otherwise unhealthy constitutipns. See "Characteristic Effects" for general and special indications. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, once a day, until ameliora- tion or change. Diet and Regimen. The strict observance of the general rules, prescribed at pp. 700-703, will be found sufficient for the great majority of cases. ' For .the management of persons of marked scrofu- lous taint of constitution, the further directions afforded in the article on " Eradicative Treatment," at pp. 83 - 89, should be consulted. CONSTIPATION. Constipation is a very common attendant upon pregnancy, and those females usually suffer most from it who are naturally of a costive habit, and are addicted to sedentary habits. accessory measures. When it does not arise from some unusual cause, active exercise in the open air, and partaking frequently of cooked or fully ripe sub-acid fruits and well-boiled, tender vegetables, (at the same time avoiding coffee and other stimulating liquids,) is generally sufficient to remove or ameliorate the complaint. TREATMENT. When nature requires further assistance, the following medicines may be advantageously administered: — Nux vomica should be employed at the onset, in those instances in which symptoms of general derangement are associated Avith the constipation, and particularly Avhen there is frequent inclination for stool with insufficient or fruitless results, feeling of heat in the bowels, and dull, continuous headache, or dulness, heaviness, and confusion of the head. Dose: Four globules in a teaspoonful of water, at bedtime; after which, pause twenty-four hours, and then repeat the dose ; but if, after another interval of twenty-four hours, inconvenience be yet experienced, proceed with the next medicine; or, if little or no amendment be produced, con- sider Bryonia. Ignatia should be employed tAvo days after the last dose of Nux vomica, as just directed, if, notwithstanding some general improvement, symptoms of inconvenience should still prevail; more particularly, if stool be followed by prolapsus of the rectum, or " falling of the body," as it is called. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Nux vomica. But if all traces of de- rangement be not removed, after the lapse of three days, return to the administration of Nux vomica, as before. Bryonia should be preferably selected, to follow Nux vomica, in FAINTING AND HYSTERICAL FITS. 707 cases in _ which the last-named medicine has been followed by very partial (if any) effect, and generally for the treatment of cases of some standing, and of an obstinate character, attended with extreme irri- tability of temper. The stool is mostly dark, dry, and hard, as if burned. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, morning and evening, every other day, for a week, or until the earlier development of amendment or change. Opium is indicated when the constipation is attended with a sensa- tion of weight in the stomach, dryness of the mouth, and deep-colored flushing of the face. The stool is generally in round, hard, black-look- ing balls. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Bryonia. Zincum metallicum should be given, when the stools are re- markably dry, and insufficient, and are expelled only after much forcing, and with the greatest difficulty. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Bryonia. Alumina is indicated by conditions similar to those indicating Zincum. The stool is not expelled, seemingly because of paralysis of the rectum. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Bryonia. Sulphur, Sepia, and Silicea may be required in very obstinate cases. Consult the chapter on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of either medicine, when selected, three globules every evening, until amelioration or change. ADDITIONAL PARTICULARS. The medicines above enumerated are those which are of the chief importance in the treatment of the ordinary forms of constipation in pregnancy; but, inasmuch as there may be material variations in the symptoms present, dependent upon particular complications, the reader is referred for additional particulars respecting the treatment to the general article on "Constipation," at pp. 241-247. DIARRHCEA DURING PREGNANCY. As regards the treatment of diarrhoea, occurring during pregnancy, as I shall have occasion to treat of this derangement as connected Avith delivery, in an ensuing article, and as it has already been considered at length in the foregoing portion of this work (at pp. 260-266) I should Avish to refer the reader to the two articles in question for particulars respecting the method of treatment. FAINTING AND HYSTERICAL FITS. Many delicate and nervous women are frequently attacked with fainting fits during pregnancy. The attack generally passes over easily, and without deleterious consequences. 708 FAINTING AND HYSTERICAL FITS. TREATMENT. Aeonitum is chiefly of service for administration when the prin- cipal characterizing feature of the case is the redundant habit of the patient, under which circumstances it may suffice of itself to obviate the return of the attacks. Dose: Give two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated after the lapse of twenty-four hours, if necessary. Belladonna is to be preferred, when there is determination of blood to the head, with simultaneous flushing of the face and perceptibly increased action of the arterial system. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. Chamomilla is to be preferred when the fainting is liable to be excited by sudden fits of anger. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated after twelve hours. Nux vomica is indicated when the attacks arise from general irritability of the system, and consequent derangement of the digestive organs. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Chamomilla. Nux moschata should be given to overcome the predisposition to fainting. It will also be found useful in hysterical fits, characterized by violent laughter. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Chamomilla. Gelseminum is indicated by dark or dusky hue of the face, ring- ing in the ears, vertigo; objects have a greenish hue. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Chamomilla. China is to be recommended when the attacks are attributable to general weakness, and especially from loss of blood. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, for six days, after each attack (unless change should sooner occur.) Pulsatilla is indicated when the attacks are further characterized by general excitability and disposition to hysteria, with depression of spirits, and great general susceptibility. Dose: Two globules, as directed for China. Coffea is more especially indicated when there are spasmodic pains in the bowels, with oppressed respiration, twitching of the tendons, cold perspiration, and uncontrollable agitation and tossing, with inability to sleep, from nervous excitability. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated, at intervals of three hours, until the indicative symptoms subside or change in character. Ignatia is appropriate for the treatment when the patient suffers from severe headache, as if a nail were driven into the head; sadness, concealed sorrow, and sighing. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated, at intervals of three hours, until the pain in the head abates (or change occurs) ; and, subse- quently, night and morning, for a week (unless change should sooner occur). Additional Particulars. In cases in which neither of the medicines above enumerated ap- TOOTHACHE. 709 pears to answer to the case under consideration, the reader should con- sult the article on "Fainting," at pp. 547-548, and that on "Hys- terics, &c," at pp. 696-700. Diet and Regimen. Exercise in the open air, and attention to the rules of regimen, are the best safeguards against the affection; but in cases where these are insufficient, and the attacks prove distressing, we must endeavor to ascertain their origin. If the fits arise from tight lacing, warm rooms, or any other obvious excitant, the simple removal of the cause will prove sufficient. TOOTHACHE. This is a frequent affection with pregnant women, and is sometimes too valuable an indication of some taint lurking in the constitution to be neglected. We must particularly caution women in this situation against having teeth extracted, as the affection frequently occurs in sound teeth. TREATMENT. Sepia is particularly indicated when there is a pulsative shooting, drawing toothache, with pain extending to the ears, or to the arms and fingers, excited by compressing the teeth, or by cold air, and attended with impeded respiration, swelling of the cheek, and enlargement of the glands under the jaw. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated, at intervals of three hours (against the immediate attack), until amelioration or change; and, subsequently, at intervals of twelve hours (against the predisposition), for a week (unless change should sooner occur). Calcarea is to be preferred when the toothache is excited or aggra- vated by cold air, or by anything hot or cold, and attended with painful sensation in the gums, and pulsative gnawing or shooting pains, which are aggravated by noise. Dose: As directed for Sepia. Pulsatilla should be given when the toothache generally comes on in the evening, and is accompanied by chilliness and paleness of the face; the pain is usually jerking or tearing; the toothache always ceases entirely in the open air, but returns in a warm room. Dose: As directed for Sepia. Nux moschata will be found valuable in some cases characterized by: aggravation from drawing cold air into the mouth; amelioration by holding warm water in the mouth, or,by making warm applications to the cheek; the tooth feels as if it were being wrenched from the socket; the teeth of the affected side have a blunt feel. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Sepia. Additional Particulars. If neither of the medicines above enumerated should appear to an- swer to the requirements of the case, — that is, if the indications afforded for their selection do not correspond with the symptoms and conditions of the case, — the reader should consult the article on "Toothache," at pp. 179-182. 710 SWELLING OF THE LOWER LIMBS. URINARY DIFFICULTIES. As pregnancy advances, urinary difficulties are sometimes expe- rienced, from pressure of the womb upon the bladder, or from other causes. There may be very frequent calls to micturate, or, on the other hand, there may be more or less difficulty in urinating, amounting, in some cases, almost to complete suppression. TREATMENT. Cantharides is the most frequently efficacious remedy. It is in- dicated by very frequent urination, with violent cutting or burning pains; almost constant desire to urinate, with a feeling as if it were impossible to do so ; strangury. Dose: Six globules in a table-spoonful of water, repeated at intervals of six hours, until decided amelioration or change. Pulsatilla should be given when there are: retention of urine, with feeling of heat and soreness in the region of the bladder; con- tinual pressure on the bladder, without a desire to urinate; after urinating, pain in the neck of the bladder, extending into the thighs. Dose: Six globules, as directed for Cantharides. Belladonna will prove efficacious in many cases of plethoric women who are affected during pregnancy with urinary troubles, and who have frequent attacks of vertigo and determination of blood to the head. Special indications for its use are: constant involuntary drib- bling of urine; great difficulty is experienced in passing even a small quantity of urine; it flows in drops. Dose: Three globules, in other respects as directed for Cantharides. Nux vomica should be administered in cases Avhere the urinary trouble is accompanied by extreme constipation of the bowels ; partic- ularly in women of an irascible temper, or who are addicted to the use of wine, malt liquors, or other injurious beverages. Dose: Four globules in a teaspoonful of water, every evening, until decided amelioration or change. Aconitum, Apis mellifiea, Mercurius, Lycopodium, or Sulphur may be required in some cases. Indications for their use may be derived by consulting each, respectively, in the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of either medicine, as selected, give six globules, as directed for Can- tharides. SWELLING OF THE LOWER LIMBS. General dropsical effusion is by no means of infrequent occurrence during pregnancy; but the swelling is usually limited to the lower limbs, and gives rise to considerable suffering, inconvenience, and fre- quently to depression of spirits. The remedies mentioned beloAv will generally be found to afford prompt relief, and even to dissipate the effusion completely. Should they fail, however, medicines more appro- priate to the case may be found by consulting the article on " Dropsy," pp. 571-579. VARICOSE OR SWELLED VEINS. 711 TREATMENT. Silicea is the most frequently efficacious remedy for the treatment of this affection, and should be promptly administered as soon as the enlargement of the limbs is observed. Dose: Six globules in a teaspoonful of water, the first thing in the morning, fasting, for two days; then pause four days, when the course may be resumed, as before, if necessary. Should no improvement be manifested, however, four days after the completion of the second course, proceed with one of the subjoined remedies. Arsenicum or Apis mellifica will be found valuable in some cases in which little or no change has been effected by the previous employment of Silicia. Discriminative indications for their employ- ment will be found under the head of each, individually, in the arti- cle on "Dropsy" (pages 571-579), and in that on "Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of either of these medicines, as selected, six globules, as directed for Silicea. VARICOSE OR SWELLED VEINS. Many women suffer much during pregnancy from distension of the veins in the thigh and other parts, which, becoming exacerbated, event- ually causes great pain and inconvenience. These varicose veins gen- erally arise from obstructed circulation caused by the pressure of the gravid Avomb upon the bloodvessels, but are also frequently a sure indication of the existence of constitutional debility, particularly when they occur in an aggravated form. They are much increased by par- taking of stimulating liquids, Avhich should consequently be avoided. TREATMENT. Pulsatilla is one of the most useful medicines, particularly when there is excessive pain and swelling, with a good deal of inflammation, or when the veins are of a livid color, which is imparted to the whole limb. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of twelve hours, until amelioration or change. Arnica is to be preferred either at the onset or after the previous employment of Pulsatilla, when the occupations of the patient render it impossible for her to lay herself up, or to avoid much standing and moving about in discharge of her domestic duties. A bruised, sore feeling is experienced in the affected limbs. Dose: As directed for Pulsatilla. Nux vomica should be employed when the affection is attended with constipation, piles, and irritability of temper. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Hamamelis may be used Avith advantage in some cases of varicose veins, particularly Avhen there are stinging pains in the affected limbs, or a feeling of enlargement or distension therein. It may be admin- istered internally, or as an external application. Dose: Internal. Six globules, in other respects as directed for Pulsatilla. External. Add a teaspoonful of the concentrated Tincture of Hamamelis 712 PAINS IN THE BACK AND LOINS. to a half pint of water. Saturate compresses of muslin with this lotion, and lay them over the swollen veins, covering the limb loosely with a piece of muslin. Arsenicum is to be selected when the veins are of a livid color, and are attended Avith severe burning pain. Dose: As directed for Pulsatilla. Carbo vegetabilis should be administered twenty-four hours after the fourth dose of Arsenicum, Avhen the last-named medicine has not been sufficient to subdue the constant scalding or burning. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Belladonna is usually Avell indicated by the prevalence of varicose veins, Avith considerable erysipelatous inflammation. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, every six hours, until the inflammatory symptoms yield. Lycopodium has been employed with success in some inveterate cases. Dose : Four globules in a table-spoonful of water, the first thing in the morn- ing, fasting, for a week (unless change should sooner occur); then pause ten days, after which the course may, if necessary, be repeated as before. ACCESSORY MEASURES. Considerable alleviation is experienced from constant bathing with water, or with diluted alcohol; also by bandaging from the foot up- wards with a gentle and equable pressure, and by preserving a recum- bent posture, — which is requisite in severe forms of the complaint, accompanied with considerable swelling of the feet, ankles, &c. PAINS IN THE BACK AND LOINS DURING PREGNANCY. TREATMENT. Kali carbonicum may be mentioned as the medicine of the chief service in the treatment of this affection, when the prevailing symp- toms are : almost indescribable aching in the back and loins ; or drag- ging and pressure, as if caused by a dead weight resting on the affected parts. Dose: Four globules in a table-spoonful of water, the first thing in the morn- ing, fasting, until amelioration or change. But, if the subjoined symptoms ensue, consider the following medicines. Nux vomica should be employed in cases in which piles appear, simultaneously with the pains in the back and loins, and Kali c. is then insufficient to alleviate the suffering. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, until amelioration or change. Sulphur should be administered after Nux vomica, when piles ap- pear in complication with the pains in the back and loins, and when the last-named medicine has been incapable of effecting permanent relief. Dose : Four globules, as directed for Kali carb. Sepia is also appropriate for the treatment of cases in which the pains in the back and loins are complicated with piles, but more par- MISCARRIAGE. 713 ticularly when the patient has been subject to a chronic derangement of menstruation, &c. Dose : Four globules, as directed for Kali carb. Seeale. When the pain is associated with bearing-down sensations in the lower part of the boAvels, aggravated by movement. Dose: As directed for Kali carb. MISCARRIAGE. Peculiarities, &c. Women who have once suffered from this affection are exceedingly obnoxious to its recurrence; and this liability is still further increased, if the event have taken place a second or third time. Issue and Results. When it occurs before or about the third or fourth month, it is frequently attended with but little pain or danger; although repeated miscarriages, from the great discharge that is gen- erally present, break down the constitution, and frequently develop severe chronic diseases. When miscarriage takes place at a more advanced period, it assumes a very serious complexion, and is often accompanied Avith a considerable degree of peril to the sufferer. Exciting Causes. Sudden mental emotions, or great physical ex- ertion, mechanical injuries, a luxurious mode of life, fashionable habits, poAverfui aperients, neglecting to take air and exercise, &c, are a few of the exciting causes of this affection, which is particularly apt to occur both in highly plethoric, and delicate or nervous habits. Predisposing Causes. An unhealthy state of the constitution, giving rise to multifarious local and general derangements, is undoubt- edly the predisposing cause. General Symptoms. The premonitory and accompanying symp- toms of miscarriage vary much in their nature; sometimes the discharge is exceedingly profuse, at others moderate or inconsiderable ; the pains, in many instances extremely severe and protracted, are in others very slight and of short continuance. Miscarriage is, in most cases, preceded and attended by the majority of the following symptoms : — A sensation of chill, followed by fever, with more or less bearing-down, particularly when occurring late in pregnancy ; also severe pains in the belly, drawing and cutting pains in the loins, or pains frequently bearing a close resemblance to those of labor; discharge of viscid mucus and blood, sometimes of a bright red, not unfrequently mixed Avith clots, at other times dark and clotted, followed by the emission of a thin colorless fluid. The miscarriage generally takes place during this discharge, which occasionally con- tinues, if not properly checked, to flow for hours after, placing the suf- ferer in considerable jeopardy. When the pains increase in intensity, and the muscular contractions become generally established, with their characteristic regular throes and efforts to dilate the mouth of the womb, miscarriage is almost inevitable. TREATMENT. I shall here endeavor as briefly, but at the same time as clearly, as / 714 MISCARRIAGE. possible, to point out. a course of treatment to be pursued, until medical aid can be procured, both in preventing its occurrence, and in obviating the consequences Avhich it entails, when it has been found impracticable to avert the evil. Preventive and Eradicative Measures. Sabina. The administration of this medicine, at an early stage of pregnancy, will, combined with appropriate diet and regimen, and the removal, when possible, of any of the ordinary exciting causes already alluded to, frequently overcome the predisposition, and prevent the accident, in cases where there is an evident disposition to miscarriage, in plethoric females, or where, from a variety of reasons, it is appre- hended ; but as there are other remedies which may be called for in preference to this, under certain conditions, the aid of a practitioner should, as already advised, be sought in place of putting implicit reli- ance on this remedy, in every instance of the kind. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated after the lapse of twenty-four hours, and again after the lapse of four days more, gradually lengthening the interval for each successive administration, until the period of danger be prist;—being careful, however, to watch the effect of each dose, to discontinue the medicine whenever any indications of its action on the system become apparent, and to abstain from repeating until the symptoms attributable to the medicine have passed away, and then only with increased caution, and at longer intervals. Secale eornutum has been strongly recommended, as useful in similar cases, but particularly Avhen this misfortune has already oc- curred more than once; it is generally of much greater efficacy than the former remedy in weak, exhausted women, and should be adminis- tered from time to time, commencing immediately after the cessation of the monthly period, and continuing until the period at Avhich mis- carriage usually occurs is passed; one dose more, at the utmost, being alloAved after this period. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Sabina. Sepia is one of our most important medicines when the predis- posing cause consists in a constitutional delicacy, evidenced by a tendency to local congestions, Avith pressive or bearing-doAvn pains in the lower part of the belly, or a relaxed state of the system, Avith excessive and habitual whites, frequently of an acrid character, giv- ing rise to excoriation, and attended Avith troublesome local itching. Further, when the tendency to miscarriage occurs in women of feeble habit, with a tender and irritable skin, Avhich is liable to be affected Avith broAvn or yelloAvish eruptive spots, particularly on the face; - - lastly, Avhen there is constant disposition to copious perspiration after the most trivial exertion, and when, during the unimpregnated state, the monthly discharge is scanty, and usually premature, and frequently associated Avith headache, toothache, and extreme depression of spirits. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Sabina. Sulphur. The following are the more important indications for the employment of this medicine : — Disposition to blind or bleeding piles; constipation; liability to colds, with copious secretion of phlegm; MISCARRIAGE. 715 unhealthy, irritable, and itching state of the skin; frequent formations of pimples and other eruptions, — or Avhen the patient has been subject to or affected with troublesome cutaneous affections in early life; general debility; dragging weight in the loAver region of the belly, with frequent urging to pass water; during the unimpregnated state, a periodical discharge either unusually profuse and premature, or feeble, delayed, and accompanied by whites, with much local heat, itching, and smarting. Dose: In every respect as directed for Sabina. Calcarea is frequently of service after the previous employment of Sulphur, in eradicating the predisposition to miscarriage. It may be selected in preference to Sulphur Avhen the folloAving symptoms characterize the case: — General fulness of blood, frequent attacks of headache, colic, pains in the back, lancinations or other pains in the breast (which are excessively distended) ; also when there is excessive predominance of Avhites; and Avhen, in the unimpregnated state, the monthly discharge is excessive, and commonly occurs before the proper time. A craving for potatoes is another indication for Calcarea. Dose: As directed for Sabina. Lycopodium. A troublesome sensation of dryness in the anterior passage, or an actual dryness, as an alternate state with previous dis- charge of whites, capricious appetite, aversion to bread, heartburn, morning sickness, general pulsation through the body after a meal, constipation, languor and extreme Aveakness, flatulence, intolerable pain in the back before urinating, which is entirely relieved as soon as the urine flows. Dose: As directed for Sabina. The Actual Attack. The remedies which are more commonly required when the pre- monitory symptoms of miscarriage have set in, or when the mishap has already taken place, — as even in these cases their administra- tion is decidedly beneficial, either in obviating further injurious con- sequences, or in alleviating the sufferings of the patient, — are as follows: — Arnica. When the symptoms have been excited by an accident, such as a fall, blow, or concussion, &c, this remedy should be imme- diately administered. Dose: Of a solution of eight globules (or one drop of the concentrated tinc- ture), to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a teaspoonful every ten, fifteen, and twenty minutes (in very urgent cases), and, subsequently, every half hour, gradually extending the intervals to three hours, and continuing the administration, until decided amelioration or change. Rhus. If the symptoms have originated in a strain from lifting, pulling, or dragging a heavy weight. Dose: As directed for Arnica. Sabina which has been mentioned as a valuable preventive medi- cine, is also of decided service Avhen miscarriage becomes imminent, or has actually occurred, and is then indicated by dragging and 716 MISCARRIAGE. forcing pains, extending down the back and loins, profuse and bright- colored discharge of blood; sensation of sinking and faintness in the belly; frequent desire to relieve the bowels; diarrhoea, nausea, or vomiting; chilliness, and heat with fever. Dose: A solution of eight globules, as directed for Arnica. Secale eornutum is indicated by the subjoined symptoms: — Incessant expulsive efforts, with profuse discharge of dark liquid blood, followed by considerable debility; this medicine is also efficacious Avhen the patient is of feeble and exhausted constitution, and the pulse is almost extinct, and the patient being seized at the same time with fear of death, and tendency to convulsions. Dose: A solution of eight globules, as directed for Arnica. Chamomilla is to be preferred when a fit of passion has developed the attack; or it may be selected, in any case, when the subjoined symptoms prevail: — Excessive restlessness, severe pains in the loins and back, worse at night, generally of a sharp, cutting description, extending downwards, strongly resembling those of labor; sometimes also spasmodic pain in the boAvels, with a species of sanguineous dis- charge; or discharge of deep-red or dark-clotted blood; frequent yawning; coldness and shivering; frequent urination. Dose: Of a solution of twelve globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a teaspoonful, repeated, at intervals of half an hour, until three doses have been given; and, subsequently, at intervals of three hours, and so on, extending the intervals, until decided amelioration or change. If, however, a severe throe follow, succeeded in turn by others of decidedly diminished severity and frequency, do not repeat the dose, until a relapse threatens, for a single dose will, in some cases, suffice to arrest the mis- chief. The same rule may be applied to the other remedies. Apis mellifica should be employed when the trouble commences with stinging pains in the lower part of the abdomen, which become stronger and more frequent, until labor pains are finally produced; sometimes with flooding, and finally abortion. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Nux vomica is indicated by obstinate constipation; every pain causes a desire to evacuate the boAvels or bladder, particularly the former; also when the patient has been accustomed to a stimulating diet, and the use of coffee; severe burning or wrenching pains in the loins; painful pressure downwards, and mucous discharge. Dose : As directed for Chamomilla. Bryonia should be employed an hour after the sixth dose of Nux vomica, when the symptoms are such as have been just described, and when the last-named medicine has been productive of inadequate effect. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, every two hours, until amelio- ration or change. Ipecacuanha is indicated by chill with heat; violent pressure downwards ; flooding or excessive discharge of bright-red blood ; cramp and rigidity of the frame; sometimes convulsions; vomiting, desire to vomit; disposition to faint whenever the head is raised; cutting pains in the region of the navel. Dose: As directed for Arnica. MISCARRIAGE. 717 Hyoscyamus is required when there are very severe convulsions, with cries, great anguish, oppression of the chest, and loss of consciousness. Dose: As directed for Arnica. Belladonna. Great pains in the loins and entire abdomen; severe bearing-down, as if the whole of the intestines would be pressed out; pain in the back, as if it were dislocated or broken; bruised pain in the lowest part of the back; sensation either of spasmodic constriction or of expansion in the belly. It is also particularly valuable in cases of profuse discharge of blood, the blood sometimes feeling particularly hot. Dose: A solution of eight globules, as directed for Arnica. Crocus is especially indicated in cases Avhich are attended or fol- lowed by discharge of dark, clotted, or viscid blood, with a sensation as of something moving or fluttering about in the region of the navel, and increased bloody discharge on the slightest movement. This med- icine is frequently useful in obstinate cases, after the employment of one or more of the above-mentioned remedies. Dose: A solution of eight globules, as directed for Arnica. Ustilago madis will be found very valuable in cases in Avhich, the miscarriage having taken place, the flow of blood is very profuse, or flows continuously, or comes away in lumps ; or, again, in cases in which the flow of blood is unaccountably continued for days and even weeks after miscarriage. Dose: Four globules in a teaspoonful of water, every three hours, until amelioration or change. China is valuable in restoring the exhausted energies after the dis- charge of blood, and materially assists in checking the discharge, if there be spasmodic pain in the womb or a bearing-down sensation, with considerable discharge of blood at intervals. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of three hours, until four doses have been given; and then, night and morning, for a week (unless change should sooner occur). Miscarriage induced by Mental Emotions. When threatening or imminent symptoms of miscarriage occur in consequence of such an exciting cause, in addition to the medicines above enumerated, the reader should consult the articles on " Mental Emotions," at pp. 678-680, and 703-704. ACCESSORY MEASURES AND PRECAUTIONS. When miscarriage is threatened, the individual must assume the recumbent posture, and in some cases, indeed, should be strictly con- fined to bed, sleeping with few bedclothes; the apartment should be kept cool, and every means must be employed to ensure perfect tran- quillity of mind. In all cases of threatened miscarriage, medical assistance should be summoned as promptly as possible ; but as life may be lost, in urgent cases, before a physician can be had, the following additional particu- lars should be observed : — When the misfortune gives evidence of being unavoidable, and the 718 TREATMENT BEFORE PARTURITION. hemorrhage is excessive, and is not promptly controlled by the pio- perly selected medicaments, the application of cold to the abdomen, in the form of cold cloths, &c, will very frequently have the desired effect, by causing the womb to discharge its contents. Permanent cessation of the flow of blood cannot be expected until this is accomplished ; and as it is frequently slow to dilate sufficiently for the effecting of that purpose, the passage should be plugged to prevent the flow until the womb be sufficiently dilated. A piece of sponge, of sufficient size, may be used for this purpose; or a plug made of old muslin or linen rags (technically called a tampon) should be inserted cautiously. It should be of sufficient size to fill the passage, and entirely obstruct the flow of blood. These measures should only be resorted to in extreme cases, and when a physician cannot be procured. If they are employed, the indicated homoeopathic remedy should be given at the same time, and frequently, in a few hours, upon removing the plugs, the womb will be found dilated, and will expel its contents. If hemorrhage occurs after this, it may be arrested by the proper medicines, or by the application of dry, cold articles to the abdomen, over the region of the womb. The tampon, however, is only to be used in miscarriages occurring before the period of quickening; never afterwards. Diet and Regimen. In addition to the other precautionary measures, just enumerated, it should not be omitted, that the plainest and least stimulating, but at the same time nourishing diet is essential, and the food, and more particularly the beverages, should be taken nearly, if not quite, cold. All stimulating beverages should be avoided. TREATMENT BEFORE PARTURITION. PREPARATION OF THE BREASTS. Young mothers frequently find great difficulty in suckling their children, in consequence of some organic defect or incapacity of the nipple. In many instances the structure of the breasts is disorganized from an ignorant nurse having compressed them in childhood, under the idea of such a process being needful for the expulsion of some matter in the breasts of the child — a vulgar error, against the practice of Avhich mothers ought to be particularly Avatchful. Incapacity of function is also likely to occur from the pressure of stays in after life, by which the cuticle is rendered so tender as to preclude suckling. The first tAvo cases are beyond the power of art; and if suckling be attempted, induration of the nipple and breast ensues, attended with severe suffering. When, however, a simple tenderness exists, this evil is much alleviated by bathing the nipples with brandy twice a day, for several weeks anterior to delivery. Another difficulty, frequently accompanying this state, is a shortness or retraction of the nipple, so that the infant cannot take hold of it. In this case appropriate shields may be applied to accustom the nipple to elongate and pro- trude, so as to present sufficient hold for the infant, Avhen the period FALSE PAINS. 719 for suckling arrives, and Avhen the efforts of the child will still further contribute to effect this object. In this case, also, bathing with brandy will naturally tend to correct any tenderness qf the skin, and prevent subsequent excoriation. It may also be here remarked, that when any tenderness exists during the period of nursing, the shield should be resumed betAveen the intervals of the infant being applied to the breast, and the bathing continued, — due care being ahvays taken to lave the nipple carefully Avith tepid water, before it is again offered to the child. Sulphur Avill frequently be found to be very useful in some cases ; three globules of Avhich may be taken, dry on the tongue, the first thing in the morning, fasting. PREPARATION FOR LABOR. TREATMENT. Fulness of Blood. When the approach of labor is attended with symptoms of fulness or redundancy of blood, Aconite or Belladonna will suffice to obviate Avhat the exhausting resources of bleeding and aperients, under the old system, have failed to ward off. Aeonitum should, in such instances, be employed at the onset; to be folloAved by Belladonna if Aconitum does not suffice to remove the fulness of blood, particularly if there be tendency to congestion to the head. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated, if necessary, after an interval of six hours. The Bowels. Lavement. An artificial evacuation, previous to delivery, may be obtained by a lavement of luke-Avarm Avater, repeated with a small quantity of linseed oil, Avhen necessary from a failure in the first attempt to obtain the desired effect. Infection: If of luke-warm water, simply, inject about a tumblerful; if the addition of linseed oil be necessary, to a tumblerful of water add two table-spoonfuls of the oil; shake them well together in a bottle or other closed vessel, and inject the mixture. Diet and Regimen. The diet should be especially plain, con- sisting chiefly of farinaceous and fluid food, taken in moderate quan- tities, only, at a time; and perfect calmness (all disturbance, noise, or sudden causes of alarm being avoided,) is absolutely essential. FALSE PAINS. Characteristics. These pains sometimes precede labor but a few hours,__but in many cases come on some days, and even weeks, before delivery, — and chiefly differ from labor-pains in the irregu- larity of their recurrence, in being unconnected with contraction of the womb, and chiefly confined to the belly, with sensibility to touch and move ment, and in not increasing in intensity as they return. 720 TREATMENT AFTER DELIVERY. TREATMENT. Bryonia is indicated when there are pains in the loins resembling a dragging weight, much Increased by motion, with abdominal pains pre- ceding those in the back. This remedy is more particularly indicated when the above symptoms have been excited by a fit of passion, or by taking cold. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to four teaspoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful. If, soon after the administration of the first dose, an aggrava- tion of pain ensues, pause until two or three more paroxyms have occurred ; and, if these succeeding pains prove to be of diminishing intensity or fre- quency, do not repeat the dose, until a relapse threatens. If on the other hand no improvement results, repeat the dose, after an interval of six hours; and so on, if the proper time for the expected labor is not nearly due, — discontinuing immediately on relief or change. Nux vomica, when the exciting cause appears to be constipation, or mental irritation, or a too luxurious mode of living, stimulants, coffee, or spirituous liquors. Dose: As directed for Bryonia. Pulsatilla. Similar abdominal pains; pains in the loins resembling those from continued stooping, or the pressure of a tight bandage, attended with a sensation of rigidity, and painful dragging and aching in the thighs; constipation or relaxation; mildness of temper or great sensibility; particularly when these pains appear to have arisen from indigestion, brought on by rich, indigestible food. Dose : As directed for Bryonia. Aconitum. When these pains occur in young plethoric subjects attended with accelerated and strong pulse, flushing of the face, and increased temperature of the skin, the employment of this remedy completely obviates the supposed necessity for abstraction of blood. Dose: As directed for Bryonia. TREATMENT AFTER DELIVERY. After the termination of delivery, both body and mind must be kept in a state of perfect repose; everything Avhich may tend to arouse the excitability of the patient, such as noise, strong light, and odor, must be carefully avoided, and the room kept at a moderate temperature. Restlessness. After the birth, the woman should be allowed to enjoy that slumber, Avhich, in natural cases, generally follows, without interruption. Some- times this desirable state of rest is kept off by a great nervous excitement on the part of the female, Avith incessant tossing in bed and restlessness. TREATMENT. CofFea is usually sufficient of itself to overcome the restlessness in question, and to secure a calm and healthy slumber. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated, if necessary, in three hours. AFTER-PAINS. 721 Aconitum will generally avail to overcome the restlessness in cases in which Coffea has been ineffectually employed, and Avhen fever symp- toms, such as dry heat of the skin, quick pulse, &c, set in. Dose: As for Coffea. When these remedies, Avhich ansAver in the majority of cases, fail of their accustomed success, the article on "Sleeplessness" (at pp. 530- 532) should be consulted. General Management, Diet, &e. Here again we must severely reprobate the practice of invariably administering stimulating, and even spirituous, beverages after delivery, Avhich, far from possessing a strenthening property, tend only to excite and irritate the Avhole nervous system. For some time after parturi- tion, Nature calls for but little nourishment; it should be given only when the Avoman herself expressly feels the Avant of it, and then be of the lightest and most digestible kind, and in very small quantities. It is highly reprehensible to endeavor to induce a woman to partake of food, under the absurd idea of strengthening her. We must alloAV Nature to pursue her own course, which prescribes but little nourish- ment for the first five or six days after delivery, and thereby avoids the necessity of calling the bowels into action, Avhich state of Constipa- tion (if it may be so called), is ordained for the wisest purposes, and attended with the most beneficial results; while the temporary inac- tivity of the alimentary canal is compensated by the vicarious action of the skin (demonstrating itself by increased perspiration), and the balance of the system thus kept up. We cannot, therefore, sufficiently condemn the use of aperients, which only tend to promote irritation, and occasionally aid in bringing on puerperal fever and other evil consequences; in many cases, also, this artificial relaxation interferes with the proper secretion of milk. After the fourth or sixth day, Nature generally acts spontaneously. When it appears necessary to afford early mechanical assistance, Ave may do so by the application of warm friction to the abdomen, or the employment of a simple lavement, consisting of tepid water, Avith a little linseed oil or thin gruel. When a costive state of the bowels continues so long as to cause inconvenience, the appropriate medicine may be selected, and administered according to the directions afforded in the articles on this subject, at pp. 241 - 247, and 706, 707. AFTER-PAINS. These pains are considered salutary, and perhaps justly so, to some extent; at the same time, when they occur in an aggravated form, and are unduly protracted, as frequently occurs in women of exalted nerv- ous sensibility, they tend to deprive the patient of her rest, and ought, under such circumstances, to be subdued as speedily as possible;_ their early mitigation, in all cases, by means of homoeopathic remedies, is, moreover, always attended with the most satisfactory results. TREATMENT. Arnica employed internally, and likewise externally as a lotion, 46 722 FLOODING. when the labor has been somewhat severe, is sufficient to prevent the excessive development of these pains, as also in most cases to ward off fever and inflammation. Indeed, the salutary effects of this remedy in preventing the development of the various derangements which are liable to occur after labor, is so decided that it is a safe procedure to have recourse to it in all cases. Dose: Internal. Of a solution of six globules to a table-spoonful of water, give one teaspoonful immediately after delivery; and again, when the after- birth has come away ; and, subsequently, at intervals of three hours, until three more doses have been given; but if, notwithstanding the use of this medicine, the subjoined symptoms should ensue, proceed with one of the subjoined medicines. Application: External. To four table-spoonfuls of tepid water, add fifteen drops of the Concentrated Tincture of Arnica, and apply this lotion to the parts. Chamomilla should be administered an hour after the second dose of Arnica, when the after-pains still continue to a severe extent, and the patient is highly excitable and sensitive. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated, if necessary, after the lapse of an hour; then pause three hours, and, if the pains still con- tinue severely, proceed with the next medicine. Nux vomica should be employed when the after-pains are very severe, and there is a continual inclination to relieve the boAvels when in a recumbent posture, but passing away when rising, followed by spasmodic pains in the lower parts of the abdomen, and the patient is of a quick and irritable temperament. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Chamomilla. Coffea eruda ought to be selected if the woman be sleepless, and the pain is of an insupportably intense description, followed by convul- sions, coldness, or rigidity of body. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Chamomilla. Pulsatilla is to be preferred when the convulsions do not super- vene, but the pains are protracted and the patient is of a mild and gentle disposition, but sensitive and easily alarmed about herself; the pains become worse towards evening. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Seeale is indicated in feeble, thin, and delicate women, when the pains are, more particularly, of a pressing or forcing nature, simulating labor pains. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Chamomilla. Cuprum should be administered Avhen the after-pains take the form of severe cramps, with cramps of the extremities; particularly in women of highly nervous or hysterical temperament. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Chamomilla. FLOODING. With respect to the treatment of Flooding, or of excessive discharge of blood as incidental to Delivery, the medical and general treatment, which is appropriate for this condition, is, in every respect, analogous INCONTINENCE OF URINE. 723 to that which is required for similar circumstances, as attendant upon miscarriage, to the article on which (at pp. 713-716), the reader is therefore referred. It is to be remembered, however, that while in flooding after labor, at the full term, the application of cold to the abdomen is admissible in severe cases, the tampon or plug is never to be resorted to. It may be mentioned, in addition, that pressure made upon the womb, through the relaxed abdominal walls, by clasping ltwith one or both hands, equally and forcibly, but yet gently and without roughness, very frequently arrests the hemorrhage with great promptness. RETENTION OF URINE. A retention of urine after delivery, particularly when the labor has * been protracted or severe, is not an unfrequent occurrence, and is one which naturally gives rise to great anxiety and uneasiness when pro- fessional aid is not at hand. TREATMENT. Belladonna. This medicine is, in the majority of cases, sufficient to remove the symptoms, often even without repeating the dose, but at all events after two or three doses have been given. Dose: Dissolve six globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every two hours until relief is obtained. Cantharides should be administered if Belladonna should fail to produce the desired result within two hours after the third dose, and particularly when there is constant urging to urinate, with inability to effect urination. Dose: As directed for Belladonna. INCONTINENCE OF URINE. An incapability of retaining the urine is, on the other hand, another not unusual sequel of protracted or severe labors. TREATMENT. The employment of Arnica, internally and externally, as advised under the head of " After-Pains," at p. 721, is, in the majority of cases, sufficient to overcome this Aveakness. When it fails to accomplish this object, the following remedies should be had recourse to. Pulsatilla is frequently successful in remedying the defect in from two to four days. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, morning and evening, for two days. Consider also the following. Belladonna may be administered, if, two days after the last dose of the foregoing medicine has been given, only partial relief has ensued. Dose: As directed for Pulsatilla. Cicuta, Zincum met., Sulphur, Natrum m. When the affection does not yield to the foregoing medicines, or when it has become chronic before remedial aid has been sought or employed, one 724 DISEASES FOLLOWING PARTURITION. of these remedies may be required to effect a cure. For the particular indications which should lead to the selection of each, respectively, refer to the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of either of these medicines, as selected, give three globules in a tea- spoonful of water, night and morning, for a week (unless decided change should sooner occur); then pause five days, after which, if some degree of improvement is evident, and appears to be progressive, repeat the same medicine as before. DURATION OF CONFINEMENT, ETC. Strict attention should be paid to cleanliness and ventilation of the lying-in chamber. Everything that emits an offensive odor should be promptly removed from the room; and a draught of air should pass through the room (not, hoAvever, across the patient's bed). The parts should be bathed, under the bedclothes, with lukewarm water, once or twice a day, so long as the after-discharge continues. The patient should make no exertion during the first three or four days. As soon as she is able, she may be moved from one side of the bed to the other; thus leaving a fresh side to be transferred to, for the first nine or ten days. During this period she should not get up. After the tenth day she may sit up out of bed, if she is able, for a short time, which may be lengthened gradually from day to day, as she gains strength. Thus, too, she may begin to walk, little by little, until she gradually grows stronger, and more accustomed to exercise. In summer she may ride out during the third week, and in winter during the fourth week, all things being favorable. Diet and Regimen. The diet should at first be light, and not generally of a very nutritious quality, but exceptions to this rule are necessary in many cases ; the patient ought only gradually to partake of food of a more nourishing nature, and rarely have recourse to stimu- lants; all strong odors from flowers, or other aromatic substances, must be carefully avoided, and the mind also kept in as perfect a state of tranquillity as possible. DISEASES FOLLOWING PARTURITION. SUPPRESSED SECRETION OF MILK. It is of paramount importance that the natural operations of the organism, peculiar to this state, proceed Avith due regularity. Among these the secretion of milk takes a prominent position; and its sudden suppression is apt to be folloAved by internal and local inflammation, determination of blood to the head, &c. TREATMENT. Pulsatilla should be promptly employed in cases of sudden sup- pression of the secretion of milk, whether occasioned by mental emo- tion or other causes; and this medicine will, in such cases, frequently EXCESSIVE SECRETION OF MILK. 725 be found sufficient to restore the natural flow of milk, and to reestablish the general equilibrium of the system. 'Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated, if necessary, at intervals of six hours (or only every twelve hours, in very mild cases) until amelioration or change. Bryonia is to be preferred Avhen the suppression of the milk has been folloAved by oppression at the chest, or even by stitching pains in the chest or side ; or perhaps, more particularly, if the suppression can be traced to some sudden mental emotion, or to catching cold. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of four hours (if necessary), until amelioration or change. Chamomilla should be selected if the patient be particularly irritable and excitable, and the suppression be followed by hurried and anxious respiration, and by intense flushing of heat, or burning / heat of the hands and face, either with crimson flush, or with evanes- cent and alternate flushing and paleness; and especially if the suppres- sion has been occasioned by a sudden mental emotion or perturbation. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Bryonia. Belladonna should be given in cases in which the suppression is characterized by: redness of the face, and general symptoms of con- gestion to the head; the breasts feel heavy, and appear red, the redness running in streaks over them; sensitiveness to noise, light, or touch. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Belladonna. Aconitum should be administered if active feverish symptoms, such as hot, dry skin, &c, set in; and under such circumstances will fre- quently remove the whole disordered condition with great promptitude. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Bryonia. EXCESSIVE SECRETION OF MILK. Occasionally, on the other hand, it happens that too abundant a secretion takes place, causing distension of the breasts, with involuntary emission of milk, and producing extreme emaciation, and weakness. TREATMENT. Aeonitum may be exhibited, as a precautionary measure, when there is high febrile action of the whole system, and we are ignorant of the exciting cause. Dose: Of a solution of four globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a teaspoonful, repeated at intervals of six hours, until the frequency of the pulse is diminished, and the skin becomes moist, &c. Rhus toxicodendron frequently proves of much service when febrile symptoms arise from distension of the breasts, induced by an excessive secretion, and indications of what is generally denominated milk-fever (which, however, frequently arises from other causes). Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, until ame- lioration or change. Calcarea should, however, be employed in cases in which excessive distension of the breasts, spontaneous emission of milk, and loss of flesh occur without any marked and active fever symptoms, — or after the 726 SUPPRESSION OR EXCESS OF PERSPIRATION AFTER DELIVERY. previous employment of Aconitum or of Rhus, when the fever symptoms have been allayed. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Rhus tox. Phosphorus is of especial value in cases of this kind, when the patient exhibits marked signs of a tendency to consumptive disease, and emaciation takes place rapidly; under which circumstances (if Calcarea has effected little apparent benefit) it should be employed eight days after the last dose of that medicine. Phosphorus is yet fur- ther indicated when there are prevalent sensations of determination of blood, with oppression at the chest, and sometimes, even, short, dry, hacking cough. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Rhus tox. SUPPRESSION OR EXCESS OF PERSPIRATION AFTER DELIVERY. Suppressed Perspiration. The increased perspiration, which takes place after child-birth, is, as we have before observed, a substitute for the suspended action of the alimentary canal, consequently its sudden suppression is unavoidably followed by an injurious result, and, not unfrequently, by fever. Exciting Causes. Exposure to cold, or a sudden chill, is the most frequent cause. TREATMENT. Dulcamara should be promptly administered when the perspira- tion has been suddenly checked by a chill, and, in such cases, it will often suffice singly to restore the action of the skin, and to prevent fur- ther injurious consequences. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated (if there be a degree of effect) after the lapse of four hours. But, if no evident reaction should have occurred, proceed with the next medicine. Bryonia is to be preferred when extreme oppression at the chest is the predominant symptom; or when there is a feeling of soreness and aching in all the limbs, aggravated by movement. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Dulcamara. Sulphur should be employed after the foregoing medicines, in cases in which such treatment is insufficient, and there is, more especially, intense heat of the skin, and distress. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Dulcamara. Excessive Perspiration. On the other hand, an excessive perspiration is almost equally prejudi- cial ; it is chiefly injurious from the extreme debility and high suscep- tibility of taking cold which it occasions. It is generally brought about by keeping the room at too high a temperature, the use of too great a quantity of bedclothes, or by stimulating beverages. TREATMENT. Our first care must be a removal of the exciting causes. MILK FEVER. 727 Sambucus nigra should, however, be administered if the exces- sive perspiration should not subside, upon the removal of the causes, in which instances this medicine will generally be found effectual in its removal. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of six hours, until decided amelioration or change. China should be employed six hours after the second dose of Sam- bucus, if, notAvithstanding the administration of the last-named medi- cine, the excessive perspiration should continue, and should be of an exhausting character, and attended with great debility. Dose : Two globules, as directed for Sambucus. Acidum sulphuricum is, however, to be preferred when the per- spiration is excessively profuse, when lying still, but is diminished by movement. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Sambucus. Diet and Regimen. Above all things, the use of stimulating beverages should be avoided. In other respects, the general regula- tions, prescribed at pp. 720, 721, for immediate treatment after de- livery, should be observed. MILK FEVER. The secretion of milk must be looked upon rather as an operation of nature, than one requiring medical aid for its regulation. Neverthe- less, many Avomen suffer some slight uneasiness for a feAV days follow- ing confinement, during the first period of that process; and when any of the under-mentioned group of symptoms present themselves, the affection is knoAvn by the name of Milk Fever. Symptoms. Shivering and heat, terminating in perspiration ; the pulse, at first weak, changing to various phases, sometimes quick and frequent, at others soft and regular; and, in some instances, these symptoms are attended with a drawing pain in the back, extending to the breast, a disagreeable taste in the mouth, thirst, oppressive breath- ing, anxiety, headache, and diminution and suppression of the secretion of milk, &c; the exacerbation declares itself regularly about evening, and tOAArards morning perspiration comes on, Avith alleviation of suffer- ing, or temporary termination of the attack, Avhich not unfrequently recurs on the following day, but rarely rises to such a height as to threaten danger. Exciting Causes. Neglecting to put the infant sufficiently early to the breast, Avith consequent absorption of the milk into the circula- tion, is a frequent source of the derangement. Mental emotions are also'not unfrequently to be distinguished as the exciting causes of such irregularities. TREATMENT. Nature herself, if not disturbed by improper treatment, will, in most cases, suffice to restore the equilibrium of the system. When the secre- tions are reestablished, the derangement generally ceases; should, how- ever, the affection become aggravated, we may dread the setting in of puerperal fever. 728 CHILD-BED FEVER. Aconitum may be had recourse to in all instances where consid- erable fever is present; and will usually suffice to remove the entire group of symptoms. Dose: Give three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated, after the lapse of six hours, if necessary. CofFea should be employed, when the case is characterized by ex- treme restlessness, anxiety, and dread. Dose : As directed for Aconitum. Bryonia may with great advantage follow Aconitum, when the active febrile symptoms are in a great measure subdued ; and it is fur- ther particularly indicated, when there are oppressed and laborious breathing, intense headache, and obstinate constipation. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Aconitum. Pulsatilla will be found particularly useful in severe cases, espe- cially when caused by taking cold, and bearing a closer approximation to a rheumatic affection than to the general symptoms of milk fever. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Aconitum. Belladonna is very useful in particular cases, in which complica- tions with severe disturbance of the brain, or with inflammatory action in the breasts, may supervene. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of four hours, until a degree of improvement sets in; and then, at intervals of six hours, until decided amelioration or change. Rhus is also of considerable service, when extreme fulness, tension, and painfulness of the breasts, with excessive secretion of milk, partic- ularly characterize the case. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Belladonna. Diet and Regimen. The greatest precaution should be observed in the food and drink allowed. Very thin gruel, or some other simple farinaceous or mucilaginous fluid, alone should be alloAved. The apart- ment should be kept cool, without, however, exposing the patient to a direct draught, and the bedclothes should be light. Excessive heat is a frequent cause of untoward complications. CHILD-BED FEVER. This malady is of such gravity, that, in all cases where it is at all possible, the services of a homceopathic physician should be secured. As this Avork, hoAvever, will be used, perhaps, when no physician can be had, it has been thought judicious to treat of the disease at sufficient length to be available in cases of emergency. Characteristics. This disease assumes various types and degrees, and has received a variety of names. It commonly attacks on the third day after delivery, but its incipiency may be manifested immediately after labor ; or, again, in some instances, it occurs even when the lying- in woman has well progressed in convalescence. It is, fortunately, of unfrequent occurrence ; and, while difficult or tedious labor by no means implies greater liability to an attack, even the quickest and least diffi- cult labor does not, necessarily, imply immunity from its ravages. The CHILD-BED FEVER. 729 more prominent symptoms, in a majority of cases, are: chills, or chilli- ness, followed by severe headache, fever, quick and sometimes weak- ened pulse, suppression of the milk and of the lochia, pain and tender- ness to pressure over the region of the womb, Avhich gradually increases in degree, and extends over the entire abdomen. The patient becomes listless and languid, losing all interest in surrounding circumstances, and even in her child, and the expression of the face indicates anxiety and great prostration ; or, again, on the other hand, she may be unduly excited, nervous and tremulous. If the disease progresses in spite of treatment, delirium commonly supervenes, vomiting, and sometimes diarrhoea set in, and bloatedness of the abdomen ensues. Rattling of the breathing, Avith enormous distension of the abdomen, are usually regarded as fatal symptoms. As the disease advances, the womb, the peritoneum, and other organs and tissues of the abdomen, become in- volved in the prevailing inflammation. Causes. This disease may occur in consequence of a chill occa- sioned by a draught of air, or other cause, or from the use of damp or wet linen; or it may be occasioned by violence; or, again, it may be impossible to assign any reason for its occurrence; in which case we are led to believe that it is due to infection, or arises in consequence of some lurking taint or predisposition of the system. Issue and Results. Under allopathic treatment, puerperal fever is most commonly fatal; but different results obtain under the gentle and specific measures pertaining to homoeopathy; so that a good de- gree of hopefulness as to a favorable termination may be entertained, even in apparently desperate cases. The initiatory symptoms of this disease are very similar to those of " milk fever;" but the distinction is to be made by the fact of absence of pain, and more particularly by absence of tenderness of the abdomen. It is well to make the distinc- tion, when possible, at an early period ; but as homoeopathy directs that medicines are to be prescribed according to existing symptoms and conditions, errors of diagnosis are not, necessarily, attended with such grave results as under other and less direct systems of medication. TREATMENT. Aconitum should be employed at first, being indicated by the febrile condition, and by other circumstances; and will, in very many cases, when promptly administered, particularly in those of a more simple form, serve to dissipate the entire disordered condition, and restore harmony to the system in an almost magical manner. Dose: Of a solution of twelve globules to four table-spoonfuls of water, give a teaspoonful every hour, or half hour, according to the severity of the symptoms. If, at the end of twelve hours, the symptoms have abated, the intervals may be extended two or three hours. If, however, after the lapse of six or twelve hours, no evidences of amelioration are manifested, consult one of the subjoined remedies. Belladonna should be administered when the pain is violent and cramp-like, with swelling of the abdomen; or the pains are forcing, as if the contents of the abdomen would be pressed out; sensitiveness of the belly to touch; chilliness and heat occurring simultaneously; burn- 730 CHILD-BED FEVER. ing heat, especially of the head and face; redness of the face and eyes; headache ; dry mouth, with red tongue; sleeplessness, with restlessness ; delirium; suppression of the lochia, or escape of red and fetid blood; the breasts are red and inflamed, or swollen and empty. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. Hyoscyamus may be used in some cases of a similar nature to that indicative of Belladonna; but Avhere the disease has been developed by mental emotions, and is characterized by spasmodic symptoms, jerks, and tAvitches, delirium, throwing off of the bedclothes, and desire to be uncovered, &c, it is more particularly indicated. Dose: As for Aconitum. Bryonia Avill be found useful in cases in which the abdomen is swollen equally, and is sensitive to touch; violent, splitting headache; the pains are aggravated by the slightest motion; sitting up, or even raising the head, cause nausea and fainting; great thirst, Avith desire for cold drinks; the patient is irritable, or restless, and apprehensive as to the result of her sickness. Dose: As for Aconitum. Rhus tox. is suitable when the fever is of a low or typhoid grade; the patient is very restless, constantly tossing about; the least contra- diction aggravates the symptoms; the lochia, having changed, is again tinged with blood, or clots of blood are discharged; aching, soreness, and stiffness of the limbs; the tongue is red. Dose: As for Aconitum. Mercurius is indicated by dejected expression of countenance; great thirst; constant Aoav of sali\Ta; lancinating, boring, or pressive • pains in the belly; profuse SAveat, which, hoAvever, gives no relief; mucous or bloody diarrhoea, or ineffectual desire for stool; very offen- sive wind ; the symptoms are usually aggravated at night. Dose: Of a solution of twelve globules to four table-spoonfuls of water, give a teaspoonful every two hours, until manifest improvement or change. Nux vomica is suitable at the commencement, when the lochia has been suddenly arrested by some untoward mental emotion, such as vexation; frequent desire to urinate, with pain, scalding, and burning; heaviness and burning in the abdomen ; pain in the small of the back, worse on moving; frequent and ineffectual urging to stool; despondent; sleepless, or dreams.frightful dreams; the symptoms are usually aggra- vated early in the morning. Dose: As directed for Mercurius. Coloeynth will be found valuable when the abdomen is greatly distended, and the pains are insupportable, being of a sharp, cutting, or lancinating character, which cause the patient to draw the thighs up as close to the belly as possible; diarrhoea, Avith colicky pains, aggra- vated or excited by eating or drinking. Dose: As for Aconitum. Chamomilla is useful for cases in which the breasts are flaccid, and without milk; diarrhoea, with whitish stools; pains in the belly, like the pains of labor; general heat, with redness of the face, or one IRREGULARITIES OF THE LOCHIAL DISCHARGE. 731 cheek- is red, and the other not; great agitation, impatience, and nerv- ous irritability; the disease is the consequence of a fit of anger. Dose: As for Mercurius. Arsenicum will prove valuable when there are: great anguish ; sudden prostration; sunken countenance, Avith a salloAv or livid com- plexion ; extreme restlessness and anguish, with fear of death; sleep- lessness ; dry and parched lips ; great thirst, with desire to drink but little at a time; burning heat in the belly; feeble and intermittent pulse; with coldness and desire to be covered. Dose : As for Aconitum. Lachesis. The abdomen is extremely sensitive to pressure, so that she cannot even bear the pressure of her clothing; the pains feel as if ascending toAvards the chest; all the symptoms are worse after sleeping. Dose.- As for Mercurius. Acidum phos., Carbo veg., Opium, and Secale may be found available in some cases, after the above-mentioned remedies have failed. A selection from among them may be made by consulting the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of the medicine selected, as directed for Aconitum. Diet and Regimen. The most absolute repose of body and mind should be secured ; all noise should be shut out, the chamber darkened, and a moderate temperature maintained ; the room should be well ven- tilated, so as to have the air changed Avithout admitting a cold draught. Privation of all aliment must be enforced, and the thirst allayed by teaspoonfuls of cold Avater, Avhich should be iced in summer, or if there be vomiting. If the lochia are suppressed, flannels Avrung out of hot water may be applied to the external genitals; or a tepid injection may be throAAm into the rectum, if there be great constipation ; but it must be a small quantity, that the bowels may be not much disturbed. The infant should be removed, and fed on coav's milk and water, until the patient is out of danger. IRREGULARITIES OF THE LOCHIAL 'DISCHARGE. This discharge varies considerably in different \vomen; with some it continues for several weeks, in others only a few days ; sometimes it is thin and scanty, at others so profuse and long-continued, as impera- tively to call for medical assistance. Causes. Profuse and protracted lochial discharge may be fre- quently traced to sitting up too soon after confinement, to errors in regimen, keeping the chamber at too high a temperature, or to mental emotions. TREATMENT. If, after nine days, the discharge continues profuse, containing pure blood, AAdiereby an unnatural state is indicated, one or more of the subjoined medicines may be required. Excessive Discharge. Crocus is to be recommended in most cases where the discharge is 732 IRREGULARITIES OF THE LOCHIAL DISCHARGE. of too long duration, and particularly when the blood is of a black or dark color, and viscid consistency. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, until amelioration or change. Bryonia is to be preferred when the discharge is of a deep-red color, and is attended Avith internal burning pains in the region of the womb. Dose: As directed for Crocus. Nux v. is usually required Avhen a chill, or the use of stimulants, has produced the mischief, and the patient is affected Avith severe pains in the back, and a constant and fruitless urging to stool. Dose: As directed for Crocus. Calcarea is more particularly indicated, Avhen troublesome itching is experienced in the internal parts; or when the discharge is very protracted, and occurs in women of full habit. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Crocus. Silicea should be employed when pure blood folloAvs Avith the lochial discharge, every time the infant is placed at the breast. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Crocus. Suppressed Discharge. Pulsatilla. When the lochial discharge is suddenly suppressed, — which it sometimes is, from a variety of external causes, such as men- tal emotions, &c, — and from this source puerperal fever threatens to ensue, the danger may frequently be warded off by the administration of this medicine. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of six hours, until a degree of improvement results; and, subsequently, night and morning, until the return of the discharge. Aconitum will generally suffice, if promptly administered when the sudden suppression arises from fright, and is attended with febrile symptoms. Dose : Three globules, as directed for Pulsatilla. Opium should more especially be employed, whether at the onset or after the previous administration of Aconitum, when convulsive symptoms prevail. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. Dulcamara will be found efficacious when the suppression is caused by exposure to cold or damp. Dose : As directed for Pulsatilla. Belladonna. Where sudden suppression is followed by conges- tion of the brain, with flushed face, delirium, &c. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. Coloeynth is to be preferred in cases of suddenly suppressed lochial discharge, when there is intense colic, with excessive flatulent distention of the boAvels, and diarrhoea, and aggravation of symptoms after drinking, or taking the smallest morsel of nourishment. Dose: As directed for Pulsatilla. DIARRHCEA IN LYING-IN WOMEN. 733 Offensive Discharge. Belladonna should be promptly administered when the discharge becomes thin and offensive, and will usually suffice to restore it to a healthy condition. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, until amelioration or change. Carbo v. should be administered twelve hours after the third dose of Belladonna, if, notwithstanding the employment of the last-named medicine, the discharge should continue to be equally offensive. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Belladonna. Kreosote or Seeale eornutum should be given twelve hours after the third dose of Carbo v., if the offensiveness of the discharge should not have been removed by the previous treatment. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Belladonna. Diet and Regimen. If the discharge be excessive without becoming offensive, the diet should be very plain and unstimulating, and the food or drink taken nearly cold, if not quite so. If, on the other hand, suppression arises, the general precautions prescribed un- der the head of "Fever" (at p. 92) should be observed. If, again, offensive discharge should ensue, very great caution must be observed in the nature of the food. In all cases great cleanliness is doubly conducive to the comfort of the patient and to the prevention of untoward complications. DIARRHEA IN LYING-IN WOMEN. Diarrhoea, during this period, is a state to be looked upon as highly injurious, and immediate means should be taken for its correction, by proper treatment. TREATMENT. Dulcamara is generally indicated by the cause being a check of the naturally increased perspiration, in lying-in women, from a chill; and when timely administered, it will generally be found sufficient to answer the purpose required. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, every four hours, until amelioration or change. Acidum phos. is most effectual for the treatment of painless and almost involuntary evacuation. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Dulcamara. Antimonium erudum is generally to be recommended when the evacuations are very watery or liquid, and offensive; the tongue is coated Avhite. • Dose: Two globules, as directed for Dulcamara. Rheum palmatum is to be preferred, whether at the onset, or after the previous administration of Antimonium c, in cases in which, in addition to the indications afforded for the last-named medicine, the evacuations emit a sour smell. Dose: As directed for Dulcamara. 734 ABDOMINAL DEFORMITY. Phosphorus should be administered in very obstinate cases, when the discharge is watery, almost involuntary, and painless. Dose: As for Dulcamara. Veratrum should be given if the discharges are very profuse and watery, attended with much pain; chilliness, coldness of surface, and cold sweat on the face. Dose: As directed for Dulcamara. Additional Particulars. In cases in which neither of the medicines above enumerated appear to meet the symptoms and conditions Avhich occur, consider the in- structions afforded in the general article on "Diarrhoea" (at pp. 260- 266). Diet and Regimen. Consult the article on "Diarrhoea" (at pp. 260-266). ABDOMINAL DEFORMITY. Abdominal deformity is more commonly incidental to women who have borne many children, or avIio present a predisposition to corpu- lency ; and is found especially difficult of treatment, when tight stays have relaxed the abdominal muscles, and, by so doing, increased the existing bias to the affection. It may, however, ensue as the conse- quence of a strain upon the muscles of the belly during pregnancy. TREATMENT. Rhus toxicodendron should be administered internally, simul- taneously with its external application, when there is reason to attribute the condition in question to a strain upon the muscles of the belly, occurring during pregnancy. Dose (Internal): Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morn- ing for a week. Application: To four table-spoonfuls of water add twenty drops of the Con- centrated Tincture of Rhus toxicodendron, and apply this lotion to the parts by means of gentle friction, twice a day for four days (unless the lotion should prove irritating). Calcarea carb. is to be recommended as of the chief importance in the treatment of the general obesity which sometimes occurs, and is more especially serviceable for lymphatic subjects. Dose: Four globules in a table-spoonful of water, the first thing in the morning, fasting, for a week. ACCESSORY MEASURES. An elastic bandage, laced at the back, and exerting an equal press- ure over the Avhole of the abdominal region, may, at the same time, be worn with advantage. In some cases, Avhere there is a tendency to this affection, particularly in corpulent habits, Ave may, soon after de- livery, have recourse to mechanical aid, by transferring the weight from the abdominal muscles to the shoulders, by the aid of a properly- constructed apparatus; but we must, in the strongest manner, object to this or any other pressure being exercised upon the abdominal region \ WEAKNESS AFTER DELIVERY. 735 during pregnancy, as such a measure is obviously calculated to entail injurious consequences upon the offspring. Diet and Regimen. Spare diet and regular exercise must, in both varieties of corpulency, be inculcated. FALLING OFF OF THE HAIR. TREATMENT. Calcarea carb. is to be chiefly recommended, especially in cases in which the falling off of the hair occurs in patients who have had profuse or protracted lochial discharge, or who have been habitually subject to excessive menstrual discharges; or who SAveat profusely about the head. Dose: Four globules in a table-spoonful of water, the first thing in the morning, fasting, for a week (unless some change, requiring other treat- ment, should sooner occur); then pause ten days, after which the course may be repeated, as before. Kali carb. is also of much service in cases in which the hair is very dry and brittle. Dose: As- directed for Calcarea. Sulphur is, however, to be preferred in a great number of cases in which there is determination of blood to the head; the patient is sub- ject to piles, and exhibits marked indications of an enfeebled or tainted constitution. Dose: As directed for Calcarea. Lycopodium and Natrum mur. will be found very useful in some cases in Avhich the foregoing remedies have failed to produce a decided effect. Dose: As directed for Calcarea. WEAKNESS AFTER DELIVERY. We frequently find a high degree of Aveakness or exhaustion remain- ing after delivery, when it has been caused by very considerable loss of blood, during or after that period ; or by other causes. TREATMENT. China is particularly indicated in such cases, and will generally be found efficient in restoring the vital energies; especially Avhen the weakness is referable to loss of blood, or to very profuse sweating. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated, morning and even- ing, for four days (unless decided change should sooner occur). Aconitum should generally be given at the onset, when the derangement is attributable to nervous Aveakness, and is attended Avith great restlessness and want of sleep. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated, if necessary, at intervals of six hours. CofFea should be administered four hours after the last dose of Aconitum, if the restlessness and nervous excitement should become excessively predominant. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Aconitum. 736 OBSTACLES TO SUCKLING. Hydrastis will be found very efficacious in restoring tone to the system in some cases, more particularly Avhen the Aveakness is due to severity or long-continuance of labor. Dose: Three globules, as directed for China. Veratrum should, however, be preferably employed after Aconi- tum, when excessive prostration of strength ensues. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. Diet and Regimen. The patient should be kept very quiet, all noise being avoided ; and everything calculated to induce excitement, such as general conversation, the presence of many persons (members of the family), or intelligence, should be withheld. Beef-tea, and good broth free from grease, with a little dry toast, and simple farinaceous articles, constitute the best diet for the first four days. _ Stimulants should by no means be allowed, in almost all cases, until the milk- fever has passed, and then at the utmost, if necessary in particular instances, a few teaspoonfuls of weak Avine and water. OBSTACLES TO SUCKLING. DISINCLINATION OF THE INFANT. Even some healthy mothers find a difficulty, before they become accustomed to it, in nursing their children, which, however, a little perseverance will soon effectually overcome. TREATMENT. In cases of a simple nature the subjoined medicines will usually suffice, but in those of a more complicated character, and when medi- cines enumerated fail to overcome the difficulty, it is sometimes neces- sary to select a wet-nurse, or to resort to the nursing bottle. Cina. When the child itself refuses to take the breast, although applied within a few hours after delivery (a rare instance), the admin- istration of this medicine has, in some cases, succeeded in removing this repugnance in the course of a few hours. Dose: Four globules should be placed upon the tongue of the infant, and allowed to dissolve. But if, after the lapse of six hours, the infant be still disinclined to suckle, proceed wilh the next medicine. Mercurius should be employed six hours after the administration of Cina (as just directed), Avhen the infant still refuses the breast. Dose: As directed for Cina. Silicea is likeAvise occasionally very serviceable, in cases in which the infant takes the breast readily enough but immediately afterwards returns the milk. Dose: As directed for Cina. EXCORIATION OF THE NIPPLES. In the majority of those cases iu which no malformation of the parts EXCORIATION OF THE NIPPLES. 737 is present, the main difficulty arises from the nipples having become sore and cracked, Avhich the efforts of the infant tear open afresh, and cause to bleed. This excoriation of the nipples is frequently prevented by following up the treatment of which we have already spoken under the head of "Preparation of the Breasts" (at p. 718); of course taking the pre- caution of laving the nipples with a little warm milk and water, before the child is applied to the breast. The shield before mentioned ought always to be worn during the intervals of suckling. In case, however, the nipples should be insufficient, or their tenderness should remain in spite of treatment, nursing may yet be accomplished by using a proper shield and artificial teat, numerous and excellent varieties of which may be procured. TREATMENT. Arnica, internally and externally employed, at the same time, will frequently suffice to obviate further inconvenience, if employed at the onset; unless, indeed, there be a lurking taint of constitution, which can only be overcome by the use of one or more of the subjoined medi- cines. The external application of Arnica may also be employed Avith advantage in the preparation of the breasts, when irritation or inflam- mation appears to arise from the pressure of the shield. Dose (internal): Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated, if neces- sary, after the lapse of twelve hours. Application (external): To two table-spoonfuls of water add ten drops of the Concentrated Tincture of Arnica, and bathe the parts with this lotion three times in the course of the day, washing the nipple with tepid water, or milk and water, before giving it to the infant. But if these means should not be followed by decided relief, consider the following medicines. ■> Sulphur should, in the majority of cases, be administered when the external and internal employment of Arnica has not been productive of prompt and decided good results. Dose: Four globules in a table-spoonful of water, the first thing in the morn- ing, fasting, for four days, unless some important change should sooner occur; then pause eight days, after which, if any inconvenience be yet experienced, proceed with the next medicine. Calcarea should be employed eight days after the last dose of Sul- phur, in cases in which the last-named medicine has not completed the cure. Dose: As directed for Sulphur. Mercurius is to be recommended in preference to the foregoing medicines, Avhen the excoriation is attended with a burning sensation. Dose: Two globules, in other respects as directed for Sulphur. Chamomilla is well adapted to meet the milder forms of sore nipples, with extension of the inflammation to the surrounding skin; the woman is irritable and cross. Dose: Four globules, as directed for Sulphur. Silicea may be required after any of the above-named medicines, for the treatment of very obstinate cases, in which the method prescribed in the foregoing directions has proved insufficient to complete the cure. Dose: Four globules, as directed for Sulphur. 47 738 INFLAMMATION OF THE BREASTS. Diet and Regimen. Heating and stimulating articles of food should be carefully avoided. A moderate temperature should be main- tained, and as much fresh air admitted into the apartment as possible ; at the same time, the advantageous use of proper ablution should not be neglected. Scrupulous cleanliness is of very important consideration. INFLAMMATION OF THE BREASTS. Characteristics. Another, and one of the greatest obstacles to a mother nourishing her infant, is inflammation and SAvelling of the breasts. The breasts become red, inflamed, and indurated, occasionally suppurating in some parts, which open and discharge; while others remain still hard and inflamed, and ultimately either end in suppura- tion, or in the formation of obstinate nodosities. General Causes. Anything tending to disturb the lacteal secre- tion, such as' fright, passion, cold, &c, may operate as an exciting cause of this affection, although we frequently find it present, Avithout being able to trace its origin; it not unfrequently arises from a too tardy application of the infant to the breast, or from a sudden cessa- tion of suckling, occasioned by the death of the child, or other reasons. Issue and Results. This disease, if not checked, as but too fre- quently happens under allopathic treatment, exhibits a variety of phases; and the suppuration that takes place leaves behind it disfigur- ing scars. Frequently the breasts are so far destroyed, as to be rendered ever after incapable of performing their functions. TREATMENT. • Bryonia is the principal remedy in this affection, before the in- flammation becomes fully developed, especially when the breasts are hard, red, tense, and tumefied, and feel heavy; and when there is some degree of fever. Done: Of a solution of six globules to four teaspoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every four hours, until amelioration or change. Belladonna is, hoAvever, required when the inflammation is more intense, and the erysipelatous appearance of the skin is clearly defined, usually running in radii; and is, in such instances, usually sufficient to subdue all inflammatory symptoms. Dose: As directed for Bryonia. Sulphur may be required, more especially for the treatment of scrofulous subjects, and when the previous administration of Belladonna has been productive of partial or limited improvement, an evident sus- ceptibility remaining, even if the active inflammatory symptoms have been allayed. It is also useful when, after the bursting of an abscess in the breast, the cavity is slow in healing up, and the discharge ex- cessive. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, morning, noon, and night, for four days (unless change should sooner occur); and then, every other night, at bedtime, for four days more. Graphites should be employed, particularly in scrofulous subjects, where the breasts are in such bad condition from previous inflammations INFLAMMATION OF THE BREASTS. 739 and abscesses, that the milk cannot flow, and its retention threatens inflammation and abscess. Graphites will in most cases Avard off" the difficulty. ^ Should Graphites fail, Phytolacca should be tried, no other remedy being more prominently indicated. Dose: As directed for Sulphur. Phytolacca decandria will be found to be a most valuable remedy in many cases; more particularly where the breasts are hard from the commencement of the disorder, sensitive to touch, and more or less painful. It aa ill also prove useful for " lumps " in the breasts. Dose: As directed for Bryonia. Mercurius may be required after any of the foregoing medicines, Avhen, notAvithstanding the previous treatment, and the reduction of the inflammatory symptoms, a degree of induration still remains. Dose: As directed for Sulphur. Phosphorus is indicated Avhen symptoms of threatening formation of matter (abscess), such as increase of pain, with transitory chills, and throbbing in the breast ensue. Its immediate employment, under such circumstances, Avill often succeed in speedily relieving pain, and pre- venting the ripening and bursting of the abscess. It is also indicated in severe cases Avhere there are already fistulous ulcers formed, of blue appearance, and haAdng callous edges; and the patient has hectic fever and night SAveats. Dose: Three globules every six hours, until relief is obtained. Lachesis is indicated when the affected parts present a bluish or purplish appearance, the patient having chills at night, and flushes of heat by day. Dose : As directed for Bryonia. Veratrum viride is indicated wdien the inflammation of the breasts is accompanied with orgasm of the blood, quick pulse, and general excitement of the arterial system. Dose: As directed for Bryonia. Hepar should be given when the intense heat with throbbing pain continues or increases, and when it becomes absolutely necessary to bring the matter to a head; or Avhen suppuration has already set in. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a teaspoonful every four hours until decided amelioration or change. Silicea. In many instances in which we find a fetid, watery dis- charge, which is frequently brought about by neglect or by improper treatment, such as the application of deleterious salves, &c, this medi- cine Avill often be amply sufficient to restore the breast to its former condition. Dose: As directed for Sulphur. Diet and Regimen. During the continuance of simple and active inflammation, the general regulations to be observed are those which have been prescribed in the article on "Fevers" (at pp. 92, 93). When, however, suppuration takes place, especially if the healing process becomes protracted, the reader should consider the instructions respectively afforded in the article on " Eradicative Treatment," (at pp. 83-89,) and in that on "Abscess," (at pp. 433-437.) 740 mothers not suckling their children. MENTAL EMOTIONS AFFECTING THE MILK. It is a well-known fact, confirmed by numerous examples, that Mental Emotions have a most powerful effect upon milk, — in a mo- ment changing it from a source of nutriment into a substance most injurious to the infant. Mothers ought to bear this in mind, and after having suffered from fright, passion, &c, should desist from suckling until they are perfectly composed ; and ere the infant be again applied to the breast, a portion of the milk should be draAvn off. treatment. Fortunately, for evils arising from these causes, homoeopathy presents prompt and efficacious remedies, which, if at hand, should be adminis- tered immediately, according to the cause and symptoms. The appro- priate treatment may be readily discerned by reference to the articles on " Mental Emotions," (at pp. 678 - 680, and again at pp. 703 and 704.) DEFICIENCY OR SUPPRESSION OF THE MILK. TREATMENT. Pulsatilla is generally capable of restoring a proper and healthy flow of milk, in the majority of simple cases dependent upon temporary want of functional energy. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, until the flow of milk begins to be more healthy, and sufficient. Agnus castus will be found useful in similar cases, when Pulsa- tilla has failed to effect a favorable change. It is more particularly indicated Avhen a sad or despairing mood on the part of the woman predominates. Dose: As directed for Pulsatilla. Calcarea is to be preferred when the patient has been subject to profuse menstrual discharges, and is of a scrofulous habit, and of leuco-phlegmatic temperament. Dose: As directed for Pulsatilla. Causticum is to be preferred for the treatment of patients whose menstruation has been habitually feeble and retarded, but not ahvays deficient; and when the nipples are cracked and sore, and surrounded by an eruption. Dose: As directed for Pulsatilla. MOTHERS NOT SUCKLING THEIR CHILDREN. In the present state of society there are many mothers who, from a variety of circumstances, find themselves necessitated to engage the services of a nurse for their offspring, — when precautionary treatment to obviate the possible ill-effects of such a circumstance should be adopted. treatment. Pulsatilla, when timely administered — that is, as soon as the MOTHERS NOT SUCKLING THEIR CHILDREN. 741 infant is Avithheld from the breast, or immediately after the proper treatment demanded by the symptoms and conditions incidental to delivery has been effectually employed, (in cases in Avhich the infant is from the onset withheld from the mother's breast,)—will very fre- quently suffice of itself to disperse the secretion of milk. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, until the fulness of the breasts begins to decrease very decidedly and rapidly. Calcarea is to be recommended when the breasts are extremely distended with milk, and the distention occasions considerable pain and inconvenience. Dose: As directed for Pulsatilla. Bryonia, Belladonna, Phosphorus. One or more of these medicines, singly, or successively, will be required when, in conse- quence of the pent-up accumulation of milk, inflammatory symptoms set in and occasion considerable suffering. The particular and appro- priate selection of these medicines, respectively, may be discerned, upon reference to the article on " Inflammation of the Breasts," (at pp. 738, 739.) Dose: Of either of these medicines, when selected, as directed under the head of each, respectively, (at pp. 738, 739.) ACCESSORY MEASURES. The employment of dry cupping at the outer surface of the arm, a little below the shoulder, or at the inferior extremities, will materially hasten the suppression of the lacteal secretion. Diet and Regimen. In such cases a woman, who has the slightest regard for her health, should be particularly careful in her diet, and until the secretion has completely ceased, she should live as low as possible. PAET IV. TREATMENT OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. TREATMENT AFTER BIRTH. As soon as the child is born, it should be wrapped in fine flannel, with a piece of soft linen rag inside, the flannel itself being too rough for its delicate skin ; the wrapper should be heated to a temperature of 98 degrees, as it is only gradually that the infant becomes inured to the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere. The skin should be gently washed with a little lukewarm water and bran, applied with a sponge, or it may be anointed with lard ; but care must be taken not to continue the first washing too long, for fear of irritation; the room should be kept rather dark, and perfectly quiet, and ah strongly- scented substances removed. After washing, the body ought to be dried immediately, to avoid the risk of taking cold ; the child should be bathed twice a day, to keep up the action of the skin, — the tem- perature of the water being gradually lowered, after weaning. The best time for bathing the infant is in the morning, when it is taken out of bed, and again on returning to it for the night; immersing the whole body, with the exception of the head, is preferable to any other mode of washing; as the practice of placing it in a tub, with part of the frame alternately laved with tepid water, and exposed to the action of the atmosphere, is apt to bring on a chill. Nothing can be more evidently opposed to nature and the dictates of common sense, — although, like many other absurdities, it bears the impress of custom, — than the practice of swathing and bandaging the tender bodies of infants, and loading them with a superfluity of cloth- ing, which, by its weight and length, presses upon the lower extremities, and is the frequent cause of deformity and weakness in after-life. STILL-BORN CHILDREN — SUSPENDED ANIMATION. Causes. Natural debility; difficult parturition ; injury from the forceps ; pressure of the umbilical cord round the neck ; accumulation of phlegm in the throat; too sudden an alteration of temperature, the respiratory action of the lungs not having commenced. TREATMENT. Mechanical Measures, &c. The usual mechanical means, under the direction of a competent 742 SWELLING OF THE HEAD. 743 person, must, of course, be instantly had recourse to. First in im- portance among these, is now pretty generally considered to be the method recommended by Sylvester, of Avhich a description will be found in the article on Apparent Death from Suffocation. Should this method fail after persevering trial, respiration may be excited by an adult person applying his or her lips to those of the child, and then blowing in air, — having previously gently compressed the pit of the child's stomach with the fingers of one hand to prevent the entrance of the air into that organ, and closed the nostrils with the finger and thumb of the other hand to prevent its exit from these orifices. The chest should, when it has thus been distended, be emptied again by gentle pressure with the hand. This process ought to be repeated until signs of natural respiration become apparent. Among other means of this kind, are, exposure for a short time to cold air, or placing the child in a cold bath, the dashing of cold water on the chest, and the slapping of the body somewhat briskly, gentle friction of the limbs, &c, &c. Medicinal Treatment. But should the infant continue to breathe feebly and imperfectly after animation has been restored, the following homceopathic remedies may be resorted to: Antimonium tartaricum. The child shows little signs of vitality, the face is pale, and the limbs relaxed, or, on the other hand, the face is swollen and purple; also if the air-passages appear to be clogged or obstructed wdth phlegm. Dose: Place two globules on the tongue of the infant. Opium is to be recommended if no improvement ensues a quarter of an hour after the use of the above-named remedy; or it should be preferred if the face is livid and bluish. Dose: As directed for Antimonium tart. Aconitum should be employed when the child is reviving and beginning to breathe, if the face has been previously flushed or of a blueish tint, and the child is large or plethoric. Dose: As for Antimonium tart. China should be preferably selected if the face be pale, during the suspension of animation, and the infant of small, delicate, or emaciate frame; also Avhen the child is reviving and respiration commencing — if the same indications present themselves. Dose: As directed for Antimonium tart. ACCESSORY MEASURES. The removal of any phlegm or other substance, which is capable of preventing the entrance of air into the respiratory organs, should first be accomplished, before the above medicaments and other remedial measures are employed. SWELLING OF THE HEAD. Immediately after birth, the head of the infant appears more or less 744 NAVEL-RUPTURE IN INFANTS. swollen ; this is in most cases but a trifling affection, and generally goes off of itself. But medicinal treatment may, nevertheless, be some- times required. TREATMENT. Arnica. The internal administration of this medicine will usually suffice materially to hasten the subsidence of this swelling. When, however, it is very extensive, it may be desirable to resort simultane- ously to the external application of the same remedy. Dose (internal): Dissolve two globules in a teaspoonful of water, and infuse the solution into the mouth of the infant, gently and with great care. Application (external): To a wine-glassful of water add six drops of the Con- centrated Tincture of Arnica; and apply this lotion to the part, repeating the operation after the course of twelve hours. Rhus toxicodendron. Occasionally, a considerable swelling in the anterior fontanel, consisting of fluid, is observable; this affection is of greater import than the other; and, though seldom dangerous, if it does not disappear in a day or two, the administration of the medicine noAV named may prove of material service. Dose: As directed for Arnica (internally). NAVEL-RUPTURE IN INFANTS. Mechanical Treatment. The mechanical treatment of navel-rupture may be summed up as folloAvs: — Take a piece of lint, just sufficiently large, when folded five or six times, to cover the rupture effectually; then press in the pro- trusion, and keep it reduced with the hand, until the compress is rightly adjusted and secured in its position by means of two strips of adhesive plaster, placed over the compress in the form of a cross. It is still better, however, to get an efficient bandage made to measure by an intelligent and experienced maker. This disease being frequently brought on by the violent fits of crying, to which delicate children are subject, — the bandage may be worn, and retained for some time after the cure, as a precautionary measure against its return. Medicinal Treatment. Nux vomica. In cases in which the mechanical measures, just mentioned, fail to complete the cure, the administration of this medi- cine will generally effect the purpose. In every instance, indeed, whether subsequent treatment be required or not, Nux vomica may be looked upon as the medicine of primary importance. Dose: Of a solution of four globules to six teaspoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful, repeating the dose after the lapse of twenty-four hours; then pause five days; and if only very partial improvement be apparent, admin- ister two more doses as before; then pause again for six days; and if, after this time, there be not very decided improvement, proceed with the next medicine. Veratrum should be employed six days after the last dose of Nux EXPULSION OF THE MECONIUM. 745 vomica, when the last-named medicine has been inadequate to effect a cure. ^ Dose: As directed for Nux vomica. Chamomilla is sometimes of service in difficult cases, and when the foregoing method of treatment has not been completely effectual more particularly if the infant be very fretful, and the motions be too relaxed, and of an unhealthy color, or if there be evidence of gripino- pains in the boAvels. are Dose: As for Nux vomica. _ Sulphur is also of great service, after any of the foregoing medi- cines, in obstinate cases, and when, though followed by partial im- provement, the treatment prescribed has been incapable of effectually completing the cure. This medicine is also to be recommended for the treatment of soreness of the navel remaining after the falling off of the ligature, or even before this takes place. Dose: As for Nux vomica. _ Silicea should be given six days after the second dose of Sulphur, in cases of soreness of the navel, in Avhich no decided improvement has been effected by the last-named medicine. Dose: As for Nux vomica. Rupture in the Groin. All the medicines just enumerated are equally useful in those cases of rupture in the groin we occasionally meet with. EXPULSION OF THE MECONIUM.* After having been permitted to sleep for five or six hours undis- turbed, the infant should be applied to the breast, as soon as the mother feels herself sufficiently recovered to permit it, which is gener- ally from six to eight hours after delivery; and this should never be deferred, as Ave have elsewhere observed, longer than tAvelve hours, — the milk of the mother exciting the action of the alimentary canal, and assisting in the expulsion of the meconium. Here, again, we cannot too strongly reprobate the too general practice of administer- ing laxative medicines for this purpose, exercising, as they do, a most deleterious effect upon the tender organism of the infant, and, if not productive of jaundice, — a too frequent consequence of their repeated administration, — at least laying the foundation of boAvel complaints, debility of the stomach, and a host of diseases in after-life. Mothers need not be under apprehension, should a temporary delay occur in the passing of the meconium; far greater evils result from the violent methods taken for its expulsion, than can possibly occur from its continuance in the alimentary canal for a few hours later than is ordinary. TREATMENT. Should, however, an unusually long period elapse, and the child * The excrementitious matter discharged from the bowels of the newly-born infant. 746 THE CHOICE OF A NURSE. appear costive, the administration of a few teaspoonfuls of warm sugar- and-water will generally answer every purpose; if it should fail to produce speedy relief, we may then make use of a lavement of equal parts of sweet oil and water. # If these simple means do not effectually accomplish the desired ob- ject, and the infant appears to suffer from inconvenience, consult the subsequent article on " Constipation of Infants." SUCKLING OF THE INFANT. While upon this subject, we shall quote the expressions of a well- known writer* in whose opinion, in this respect, we perfectly coincide. " Unless very peculiar urgent reasons prohibit, a mother should sup- port her infant upon the milk she herself secretes. It is the dictate of nature, of common sense, and of reason. Were it otherAvise, it is not probable that so abundant a supply of suitable food would be provided to meet the wants of an infant, Avhen it enters upon a new course of existence. "It is difficult to estimate the mischief resulting from infants being deprived of their natural nourishment; for, however near the resemblance may be betAveen food artificially prepared and breast milk, still reason and observation demonstrate the superiority of the latter to the former. "As a further inducement, it should be remembered that medical men concur in the opinion, that very rarely does a constitution suffer from secreting milk; Avhilst the health of many women is most materially improved by the performance of the duties of a nurse. " Presuming that the laudable determination is formed to indulge the child with that nutriment which is designed for its support, it be- comes necessary to state, that unless very strong objections should exist, twelve hours should never elapse before the infant has been put to the breast. Instinct directs it what to do, and the advantages of allowing it to suck soon after birth are many and important, both to the mother and child. " By this commendable practice, the patient is generally preserved from fever, from inflamed and broken breasts, and from the distressing and alarming consequences resulting from those complaints. " If the breasts should not have secreted milk previous to delivery, the act of suckling will encourage and expedite the secretion. Thus the mother will be saved from much of the pain connected with dis- tended breasts. Besides which, if the infant be not put to the nipple till the breasts become full and tense, the nipple itself will sometimes almost disappear on account of its being stretched; and Avithout much, and often ineffectual labor on the part of the child, it cannot be laid hold of; and even then the pain endured by the mother is exquisitely severe, and not unfrequently the cause of sore nipples." THE CHOICE OF A NURSE. For those who do not, or cannot, suckle their own children, the selec- tion of a nurse is of great importance, and the medical attendant ought ■* Conquest's " Outlines of Midwifery." DIET DURING NURSING. 747 generally to be consulted; and the following points merit particular attention: — She should be of sound constitution and in good health, of full and moderate plumpness, Avith a fresh complexion, and clear eyelids, free from any appearance of redness, scurfiness, or thickening. She should be thoroughly exempt from glandular enlargements, and possess deep red lips without cracks, sound white teeth, and Avell-formed, moderately firm breasts, with nipples free from excoriation or appearance of erup- tions ; the child of the nurse is one of the best criterions to judge by — its being plump and healthy is a great point in her favor. We should also endeavor to discover if she is free from any hereditary taint; she should, moreover, be of a mild, patient, and equable temper, not irri- table, or disposed to fits of passion, or nervous; of regular and tem- perate habits, and fond of children. She ought also to be about the same age, and to have been delivered about the same time, or, at least, within three months of the same period as the mother; with respect to age, we must, of course, avoid extremes. A Avoman, having given birth to a child very late in life, should choose a nurse several years her junior, and fully qualified for her duties ; the reverse of the rule applies to extremely young mothers. DIET DURING NURSING. As regards the nurse's diet, it should be simple and easily digested, and she ought to live upon a proper proportion of animal and vegeta- ble food. Nature generally provides for the increased call upon her powers, by the suppression of the menstrual discharge, and a moderate increase of appetite, which may be safely indulged; but all food of a highly concentrated, heavy description is injurious, causing the milk to become unsuited to the delicate digestion of the infant; the best guide, in the majority of cases, is the regular homoeopathic regimen, which may be consulted Avith advantage. Reference must, however, be had to constitution ; thus, a strong Avoman of full habit will not require much animal food, and will have, generally speaking, a plentiful sup- ply of good milk, if she drink nothing but gruel, barley water, toast water, cocoa, tea, &c.; whilst, on the other hand, a woman of somewhat delicate constitution and languid circulation, will want more nourish- ing food, milk, &c. But we cannot too strongly repudiate the too prevalent but deeply erroneous idea that Avomen, during the period of suckling, necessarily require stimulants to keep up their strength; under this impression, both Avine and malt liquors, — and, among the latter, more particularly porter, — are frequently resorted to. Porter is not only injurious, from its stimulating properties, but the deleterious effect Avhich the different ingredients composing it produce upon the milk, forms one of the most prolific causes of the many evils that attack infancy. We shall con- clude this part of the subject with a single quotation from a well-known medical Avriter: — "There is an evil too generally prevalent, and most pernicious in its consequences on individuals and society, and by no means confined to 748 SUPPLEMENTARY DIET OF INFANTS. mothers in the lowest classes of the community, which cannot be too severely reprobated; it is the wretched habit of taking wine or spirits to remove the languor present during pregnancy and suckling. It is a practice fraught with double mischief, being detrimental both to mother and child. The relief afforded is temporary, and is invariably fol- lowed by a degree of languor which demands a more poAverful stimulus, which at length weakens, and eventually destroys the tone of the stomach, deteriorates the milk, and renders it altogether unfit to supply that nutriment which is essential to the existence and Avelfare of the child." SUPPLEMENTARY DIET OF INFANTS. Unfortunately, some mothers do not possess sufficient milk for the proper nourishment of their offspring; if this arises merely from a deficiency in the secretion, and the Avoman is in other respects healthy, we must have recourse to supplementary diet to make up for the diminished quantity of the natural nutriment. Goat's, ass's, and cow's milk are excellent substitutes, especially the latter, diluted with one-third of water; goat's milk being apparently objectionable from its peculiar aroma. The milk therefore of the cow ought, when possible, to be obtained, and, if given undiluted, to be boiled, — cow's milk being generally considered too heavy, which boiling in a great measure obviates; it ought also to be slightly SAveetened; so as to resemble as closely as possible that of the nurse, and should, moreover, be about the same temperature, say from ninety-six to ninety-eight degrees, — a point less regarded than it should be, and easily determinable by the thermometer. If any constitutional taint exist in the mother, the sooner the child is transferred to another breast, the better for both parties; and if a nurse be not procurable, the above will generally prove sufficient nourishment, until the front teeth appear, which is a clear indication that the digestive organs are. prepared for more solid food: if, hoAvever, the milk-diet appears to disagree with the infant, we may give thin Avater-gruel, or mix a little thin arrow-root, rusk, or well-toasted bread in water, to which the milk may be afterwards added; such alterations in diet are, however, but rarely required. We may here observe that no portion of the milk ought to be retained for a subsequent meal, from the quickness with Avhich it becomes sour; the same remark applies to any of the above prepara- tions, in which milk forms the principal ingredient. In the cow's milk, at first diluted as above prescribed, we may, after two or three weeks, gradually diminish the quantity of water, as the digestive organs become stronger; but we cannot too stringently press the point, that, where it is at all practicable, the child ought to derive as great a portion of its nutriment as possible from the breast, no food being able efficiently to supply the place of that which nature intended for it at its birth. When it is necessary to give supplementary nourishment, a sucking- bottle ought to be used, as the best imitation of nature, in giving the food sloAvly; particular care being taken to observe the utmost cleanli- ness. The child ought, in feeding, to be kept in a reclining, not DURATION OF SUCKLING — WEANING. 749 supine, position, as the latter frequently causes it to incur the risk of suffocation; and Avhen it evinces disinclination to its food, no more should be offered. The child should be accustomed to take its nourishment from each breast alternately; as, if this precaution be not adopted, inflammation is likely to arise in the breast not used, and the child is apt to become crooked, from being ahvays retained in the same position. The physician is frequently asked how often the child ought to be applied to the breast: the best rule on this point is, to give the breast when the infant appears to desire it, and to withdraw it when the child appears satisfied. As the infant increases in strength, it may easily be accustomed to regular hours. It should not be permitted to "lie at the breast" during the night; Avhich is a most pernicious practice for both mother and child. DURATION OF SUCKLING — WEANING. The period of suckling ought seldom to last longer than forty weeks ; but in this Ave must be guided, in a great measure, by the constitution of the infant: Aveak, ill-conditioned children, in Avhom the teeth are long in making their appearance, it has been recommended to continue at the breast for eighteen months, or even a longer period. Weaning ought, in fact, to be regulated by the constitution both of mother and child. The full development of the front teeth, Avhich in healthy children is from nine to ten months, but in delicate or scrofulous constitutions is delayed for several months later, has been considered the best indication for Aveaning; but this is by no means an unexcep- tionable rule. If the strength of the mother appears unequal to the task, and the supply of milk begins to fall off, the child may be gradually weaned, even before the teeth appear; still, even when the supply is ample, and the mother and child are apparently strong, a continuance of suckling beyond the tenth month is generally injurious alike to parent and child. Weaning should not take place suddenly, but the infant should be gradually accustomed to other food, and a less frequent administration of the breast, till entirely Aveaned; the time to commence this gradual course is upon the first appearance of the front teeth, so that the weaning may terminate Avith their full development; thereby the secre- tion lessens by degrees, preventing all evil consequences of SAvollen or inflamed breasts, and the child also becomes quietly reconciled to the deprivation. Weaning ought not, however, to take place, if the child suffers con- siderably from the irritation of teething, or any acute infantile disease. When, however, it is found absolutely necessary to wean, the above precautionary measures should be observed, both with respect to the mother and child. FOOD OF THE INFANT. After the child has been weaned, its nourishment should generally consist of the same simple food as before mentioned. The transition 750 SLEEP — SLEEPLESSNESS. to a more substantial diet ought to be extremely gradual and guarded, and no material alteration made till after the appearance of the eye- teeth. SLEEP — SLEEPLESSNESS. From the "inability of the infant itself to maintain a proper degree of Avarmth, it should sleep by its mother's or nurse's side, for at least the first six weeks, particularly during winter or early spring. Care must be taken not to overburden it with bedclothes, and to place it in such a position as to prevent it slipping under them, and thereby be- coming exposed to the risk of breathing a vitiated atmosphere, or even of suffocation; after six or eight weeks, when the organism becomes stronger, and able to preserve a proper degree of natural warmth, a separate bed or cradle will be more conducive to the health of the in- fant ; this change of arrangement will be found beneficial to both par- ties.— to the child, from its breathing a purer air; and the mother, being freed from the necessary watchfulness and restlessness consequent upon the child sleeping with her, will enjoy better health, and be more likely to secrete good and nutritious milk. Moreover, sleeping in the same bed Avith an adult, and particularly Avith an old person, is some- what detrimental to the health not only of infants, but even of children. As to the length of sleep alloA\Te<#to the infant, the chief business of the first months of its existence being sleep and nourishment, we may safely leave the point to nature, and not attempt to coerce the inclina- tions of the child; if the infant is lively on waking, Ave may conclude it has not slept too much ; and as it increases in vigor, and is able to endure longer intervals of Avakefillness, we may proceed (recollecting that night is the proper period for sleep) so to regulate its habits of tak- ing its food and rest, as to accustom it to an uniform system, and par- ticular hours. Children, up to tAvo years of age, require rest during the day ; and the nurse ought to endeavor to get them into the habit of taking it in the forenoon, for if it be taken in the afternoon, it gen- erally interferes with the night's sleep. Whether by night or day, we must carefully exclude both light and noise from the nursery; for although they may be insufficient to arouse the infant, still they cause its sleep to be disturbed and unrefreshing, and, by acting upon the nervous sensibility, predispose the child to convulsions or spasmodic attacks from slight accidental causes. It is true that, during the first month, the infant sleeps immediately on leaving the breast, and no evil consequences ensue; but it must be borne in mind, that it takes but little at a time, and milk is at that time wisely adapted to its delicate digestion; but as the secretion be- comes richer, and suited to the increasing power of those organs, it is injurious to put the child asleep immediately after a full meal; for its rest is then unquiet and disturbed, from the process of digestion being interfered Avith, more particularly when nurses foolishly endeavor to force nature, by resorting to the baneful practice of rocking. Nothing causes greater annoyance and even anxiety to the mother, than a disposition to wakefulness on the part of her infant. A healthy child should ahvays be prepared for its rest at the usual hours; if, SLEEP — SLEEPLESSNESS. 751 instead of going to sleep, it appears restless, fretful, and disinclined for its accustomed rest, it is an evident indication of some derangement of the child's general health; frequently, through ignorance, nurses, instead of attending to this warning voice of nature, — Avhich by the sleepless- ness of the infant demands appropriate relief, — endeavor to stifle it, and sometimes, to free themselves from a little temporary annoyance, administer opiates, often in the form of "carminatives," "soothing sirups," &c, which induce an unrefreshing slumber, and not unfre- quently a deep stupor, mistaken for sleep, Avhile the original evil still continues to make head against the vital poAver. This baneful practice has not only been the ruin of many constitutions in after life, but to it, conjoined with improper diet, stimulating or unAvholesome drinks, quack medicines, together with the highly erroneous practice of a fre- quent administration of laxatives, in infant maladies, a considerable number of diseases and even deaths are annually attributable. Every mother should not only caution her nurse against the use of opiates, but use her utmost vigilance to detect any breach of her injunctions, Avhich should be visited with the immediate discharge of the person so offending; for she must be truly unfitted for such an important trust, Avho, after being Avarned of its injurious tendency, will persevere in a practice placing in jeopardy the life of her infant charge. TREATMENT. Amongst the homceopathic remedies Avhich have been found the more generally useful in removing restlessness and sleeplessness in children, the subjoined deserve especial notice. Coffea is very efficacious Avhen the child seems unusually lively, restless, and wakeful; but will commonly fail to answer its purpose Avhen the nurse is in the daily habit of taking coffee as a beverage. Dose: Two globules, dry, at night, repeated after the lapse of twenty-four hours. Opium may be substituted for Coffea when the nurse is in the daily habit of taking coffee, and is especially indicated if the face of the child looks red. Dose: As for Coffea. Chamomilla will do good when the child is tormented with flatu- lence, and distension of the bowels, and appears to suffer from colic, indicated by drawing up the legs, screaming, &c. Dose: As for Coffea. Aconitum is preferable to any of the preceding, when there is gen- eral febrile heat and great restlessness. Dose: Two globules, dry, on the tongue, every twelve hours. Additional Particulars. The reader should further consult, if necessary, the general article on " Sleeplessness," and that on " Crying, Wakefulness, and Colic of Infants," in the subsequent pages. 752 EXERCISE. EXERCISE. For the first six or seven months the great business of nature seems to be the proper development of the infant frame, and particularly of the respiratory and digestive organs. During this period, also, the cartilage is gradually forming into bone, and the infant's delicate mus- cles are acquiring poAver and strength. We find, hoAvever, that con- sciousness is yet indistinct, and the infant evinces no anxiety to indulge in voluntary motion, the muscles of the neck and back not possessing sufficient power to support the head, or to keep the body in an erect position; for this reason, children during this period should, when car- ried in the arms, be kept in a reclining position, so as to avoid an undue pressure upon the spinal column; a neglect of this precaution, and a premature carrying of the infant in an upright position, is a too fre- quent cause of deformities of the spine, and derangement of the func- tions in after life. As its powers gradually develop, the infant seems inclined to exer- cise them, and evinces a desire to sit upright, Avhich Ave may safely in- dulge, taking care not to overtask its strength by keeping it sitting up during the greater part of the time it is awake. A careful attention to nature in this, as in all other case?, is the best guide. The practice of dandling the child in an upright position, seems rather to proceed from the pleasure of indulging the feeling of parental affection, than from any benefit the child can, by any possibility, be expected to derive from it; in fact, it is highly injurious, even at a rather more advanced period, as exciting a premature involuntary ex- ercise of the muscles, and consequent deformity. The act of respira- tion bringing into play a great variety of muscles, occasional crying seems sufficiently active exercise during this period. In mild spring and summer weather the child may, under favoring circumstances, after the first fortnight has elapsed, be carried out into the air for a quarter of an hour at a time, and the period of exercise gradually increased; in fact, if the weather be fine, it can scarcely be too much in the open air. Should its birth occur in Avinter, advantage may be taken of a fine day, after it is a month or five weeks old, as the frame is gradually acquiring the power of generating heat; but, at the same time, great care must be taken to prevent its catching cold ; and should the child exhibit the slightest sign of being affected by the atmosphere, the practice of carrying it out of doors should be imme- diately discontinued, and it should be carried up and down in a well- ventilated room, the nurse moving it quietly in her arms from side to side. Many children are lost through a foolish idea of making them hardy, by accustoming them to endure cold; this can occur only through ignorance; for nature, in very early infancy, does not possess sufficient energy of reaction to overcome the power of a sudden or long-continued chill. We may recommend an occasional gentle fric- tion of the hand over the body and limbs, which materially assists in the promotion of the circulation of the blood, and will, in unfavorable weather, serve, in some measure, as a substitute for exercising the infant out of doors. DISEASES OF INFANCY. 753 The practice of assisting children to walk, or of exciting them to a premature exercise of their powers, is highly reprehensible, causing, in many cases, curvature of the limbs, the bones not being yet sufficiently formed to bear the burden imposed upon them. By allowing Nature to act, the infant's powers will become more gradually, but at the same time more fully developed; its carriage will be more firm and erect, and its limbs straight and well formed; moreover, it will walk with greater confidence and independence by the expiration of the first year, than those who have been taught to walk by the assistance of the nurse, leading strings, or mechanical inventions. Retarded Strength of the Limbs. TREATMENT. Calcarea carb. is, in the majority of cases, the appropriate medi- cine Avhen the child continues to be feeble, and an)' attempt to walk, or the capability of sustaining an erect position, is unduly procrastinated. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, every morning, the first thing, fasting, for four days (unless some condition requiring other treatment should sooner arise); then pause eight days, after which repeat the course as before; then pause again for three weeks, and repeat the course once more. But if within three weeks after the completion of the third course no very apparent change should have taken place, consider the following medicines. Silicea or Sulphur may be required after the previous employ- ment of Calcarea, when the last-named medicine has been productive of no very apparent improvement, more particularly if the child mani- fests a generally feeble or scrofulous habit, and is affected with enlarge- ment of joints or tendency to curvature of the bones, or rickety affec- tions. Dose: Of the remedy selected, give two globules, as directed for Calcarea. DISEASES OF INFANCY. INFLAMMATION OF THE EYES IN INFANTS. Causes. A sudden exposure to the strong light of day, cold, or the glare of a fire; or the constitutional state of the mother, &c, may be numbered as the general causes of this affection; or it is sometimes epidemic; and no doubt many children, who are Avhat is commonly denominated born blind, owe their misfortune fc> the neglect of proper precaution,__in many cases the external indications of this affection being so very slight as to escape observation. TREATMENT. [Additional Particulars, at pp. 484-496.] Aeonitum should be administered as soon as, on a careful exami- nation, Ave become aware of the existence of this evil: two doses of this 48 754 COLD IN THE HEAD. remedy will generally be found promptly efficacious in subduing this affection, in all mild and simple cases. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated after the lapse of twelve hours. Sulphur should be selected when, from the constitution of one or both of the parents, we have reason to suppose that the exposure to light has been merely the exciting cause, but that the real origin of the evil is more deeply seated, or if Aconitum seems to produce only temporary effect. Dose: One globule in a teaspoonful of water, repeated, after the lapse of four days, if requisite. Calcarea is, in some cases, found requisite, especially Avhere a con- stitutional taint, such as scrofula, is the radical cause of this affection. Dose: As directed for Sulphur. HICCOUGH. This affection, though in itself of slight importance, frequently causes no inconsiderable degree of uneasiness to young mothers; it generally arises from exposure of the body, even in a warm room, to the atmospheric air, even during the operation of dressing and un- dressing the neAV-born child. Wrapping the infant warmly in the bed, or, better still, applying it to the breast, will frequently lead to a cessation of the affection; should it, however, continue, the adminis- tration of a small quantity of white sugar, as much as will cover the end of a teaspoon, dissolved in a teaspoonful of water, will, in general, effectually remove the evil. COLD IN THE HEAD. This affection frequently becomes exceedingly distressing to the infant, when it appears in the form of an obstruction of the nose, — impeding the action of suckling, by not alloAving the breath to pass through the nostrils, obliging the infant to release the nipple fre- quently in order to breathe, and causing it to become fretful and irritable; sometimes also leading to irritation and excoriation of the nipple, and thus, in its repeated efforts to suck, the child causes suffer- ing both to itself and the nurse. Whilst this state continues, it operates considerably against the infant's thriving, both by hindering it from taking a sufficient quantity of nutriment, and, by the impediment it causes to respiration, prevent- ing the child from sleeping at night. When the nose is dry, and the secretion of mucus suspended, Ave may, whilst administering a remedy calculated permanently to remove the evil, afford relief, by imitating the natural secretion by the application of a little almond-oil or cream to the interior of the nostrils Avith a feather. TREATMENT. [Additional Particulars at pp. 345 - 349.] Nux vomica has been most frequently successful, particularly when the following symptoms are present: — Obstruction of the nose, CRYING AND WAKEFULNESS OF INFANTS — COLIC. 755 with dryness or nocturnal obstruction, with slight discharge during the dayj irritability and peevishness. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated after the lapse of twenty-four hours, if necessary. Sambucus nigra is frequently efficacious Avhen Nux v. fails to relieve; but is also of service in cases AA'hen there is an accumulation of thick and viscid phlegm in the nostrils. Dose: As directed for Nux vomica. Antimonium tartaricum should be had recourse to, when, in addition to the cold in the head, there is a suffocating cough, with Avheezing in the chest, and quick, laborious breathing, if Sambucus does not soon relieve the latter symptoms. Dose: As for Nux vomica. Chamomilla is very useful when there is cold in the head, with a watery discharge from the nose;' more particularly when there are febrile symptoms, soreness of the nostrils, and- redness of one cheek. Dose: As for Nux vomica. Pulsatilla is indicated by thick, green or yellow, bloody, or matter- like discharge from the nose, attended with a frequent sneezing. Dose : As for Nux vomica. Sulphur should be employed two days after the fourth dose of Pulsatilla, if the last-named medicine should produce only very limited and partial improvement. Dose: As for Nux vomica. Calcarea should, however, be employed when the nose is appar- ently dry and obstructed during the night, and discharges a yellow, mattery-looking, and sometimes offensive, humor during the day; also when there is soreness of the nostrils, and particularly when the child is of a full, round, leuco-phlegmatic habit. Dose: As directed for Nux vomica. CRYING AND WAKEFULNESS OF NEW-BORN CHILDREN — COLIC. As Ave have already remarked, the occasional crying of new-born children is a wise provision to bring the respiratory organs into play, and to expand the chest. When, however, the crying becomes exces- sive, and threatens to prove injurious, Ave must, in the first place, endeavor to discover its origin, Avhich frequently will be found to be some mechanical cause, such as derangement in the infant's dress, or a pin sticking into its flesh, &c. TREATMENT. Belladonna will frequently be found sufficient to remove the evil Avhen no exciting cause or guiding symptoms of disease present them- selves, and the infant is peevish and irritable, affected with incessant whimpering and Avakefulness, or prolonged fits of crying. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of four hours, until amelioration or change. 756 REGURGITATION OF MILK. Chamomilla is often more efficacious than Belladonna when the infant is of a very spare and delicate habit; or when we can trace the fits of screaming and wakefulness to a derangement of the digestive functions, and the child appears to suffer from griping pains (colic), indicated by contortions of the body, and drawing up of the little limbs upon the belly; and when a whitish, yellowish, or greenish, watery, excoriating diarrhoea is present; or when the child wants to be carried all the time. Dose : As for Belladonna. Jalapa is useful in similar cases, but without diarrhoea, or with motions tinged with blood. Dose: As directed for Belladonna. CofFea cruda will generally prove efficacious when a fit of crying arises from the child having been irritated or excited by any cause, such as suddenly rousing it from its rest, and when it seems willing to sleep, but finds a difficulty in composing itself to slumber. Dose: As for Belladonna. Aconitum should, however, be employed after the previous administration of Coffea, when, in addition to the symptoms just described, there is considerable heat of the skin, with extreme restless- ness. Dose: As for Belladonna. Rheum is more appropriate when, in addition to screaming and wakefulness, combined with griping, there are ineffectual efforts to relieve the bowels by frequent straining ; or when at the utmost, only scanty, sour-smelling motions are passed, of grayish appearance, and which seem to afford no relief; the child has a sourish smell. Dose: As directed for Belladonna. Nux vomica will commonly succeed in restoring ease when flatu- lent colic, accompanied by sudden fits of crying, drawing up of the legs or of the scrotum, and a costive state of the bowels appears to be the source of the disturbance. Dose: As for Belladonna. Pulsatilla is very efficacious when the derangement arises from over-loading the stomach, or improper food, and the crying or wake- fulness is accompanied Avith colic, flatulence, and diarrhoza. Dose: As directed for Belladonna. REGURGITATION OF MILK—ACIDITY, FLATULENCE, &c. TREATMENT. Ipecacuanha will generally afford relief, and may be repeated, if the first dose be not followed by some amendment, the medicine being allowed twenty-four hours for its action. Dose: One globule in a teaspoonful of water, repeated, if necessary, after the lapse of twenty-four hours. Pulsatilla may be administered, should the vomiting or flatulence, MILK-CRUST, MILK-SCAB, MILK-BLOTCHES. 757 and also the diarrhoea, when present, not decrease after two doses of Ipecacuanha. Dose: As for Ipecacuanha. ^ Antimonium erudum should follow the second dose of Pulsa- tilla, after the lapse of twelve hours, if the symptoms which indicated the latter remedy still continue to prevail, though in a mitigated form. Dose: As for Ipecacuanha. Nux vomica is indicated when Regurgitation of Milk is attended with flatulence, constipation, uneasiness, or irritability of temper. Dose: As for Ipecacuanha. Bryonia should follow the second dose of Nux v. after the lapse of twelve hours, if the indicative symptoms mentioned under the head of the latter remedy have not yielded to its action. Dose: As for Ipecacuanha. Flatulent Distension of the Stomach and Bowels. Gentle friction with the palm of the extended hand, which has been previously warmed, is a simple and frequently efficacious method of affording temporary relief, when the stomach and bowels are painfully distended with flatulency. At the same time, if this should not occur as a merely casual circumstance, the subjoined medicines should be employed. Nux vomica should be employed at the onset for children of a spare, meagre habit, or Avho are more subject to a costive condition than the contrary. Dose: One globule in a teaspoonful of water, repeated, if necessary, at in- tervals of twenty-four hours. Pulsatilla is to be preferred for the treatment of children of a relaxed habit, or who are subject to discharges from the eyes and eye- lids ; or particularly when diarrhoea is present. Dose: One globule, as directed for Nux vom. Chamomilla should be administered twelve hours after the second dose of Nux v., or of Pulsatilla (as above directed), if no permanent relief should have resulted from the previous treatment; or, more espe- cially, if convulsions or diarrhoea be developed as attendant symptoms. Dose: One globule, as directed for Nux vom. Diet and Regimen. The diet must, at the same time, be attended to, and altered if of an indigestible nature, and the undoubted cause of the mischief. MILK-CRUST, MILK-SCAB, MILK-BLOTCHES. Characteristics. This affection, as it occurs in infants at the breast, usually consists of an eruption of numerous small, whitish vesi- cles, which appear in clusters upon a red ground. The vesicles gen- erally show themselves, in the first instance, on the face, particularly the cheeks and forehead, but sometimes spread over the whole body. The lymph contained in them soon becomes yelloAv, dark, or even san- 758 MILK-CRUST, MILK-SCAB, MILK-BLOTCHES. guineous, and, on their bursting, forms into thin yellowish crusts. The scalp is either primarily or secondarily affected, so that, in bad cases, the top of the head is one great crust, and the face appears as if cov- ered with a mask. Frequently there is considerable surrounding redness and SAvelling, with distressing itching, which renders the little patient excessively restless and fretful, and causes it to keep continually rubbing the affected parts, by which the discharge and crusts are repeatedly re- neAved, and increased in thickness, often to such an extent that the whole face becomes covered, the eyes and nose alone remaining free. Its sudden expulsion, by means of medicated external applications, is to be guarded against, as very serious consequences result from its sudden suppression. TREATMENT. Aconitum should commence our treatment, when we find exces- sive restlessness and excitability produced by this affection, and Avhen the skin around the parts is red, inflamed, and itching. Dose: Of a solution of two globules to three teaspoonfuls of water, give a teaspoonful, repeated at intervals of six hours, until the infant becomes more calm; after which, consider the following medicines. Viola tricolor. As soon as beneficial effect has resulted from the administration of Aconitum, and twelve hours after the last dose of that medicine, it will be desirable to proceed with the employment of the remedy now under consideration, AA'hich, in the simple and uncomplicated form of the disease, is often sufficient to effect a cure. Dose: One globule in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning; then pause two days (unless active treatment should become necessary); after which, if a degree of improvement is observable, repeat the two doses as before. But, if the affection has manifested a disposition to extend or otherwise to grow worse, consider the following medicines. Graphites should be given when a transparent, glutinous fluid exudes, which causes the crusts to fall off; the eruption appears more particularly upon the chin and behind the ears; emits a fetid odor, and the itching is intolerable. Dose: One globule, as directed for Viola tricolor. Arsenicum is indicated when the eruption is very dry and scaly, and causes destruction of the hair. Dose: As directed for Viola tricolor. Rhus toxicodendron when the scalp is considerably affected and thickly studded with incrustations; a bright-red margin surrounds the eruption, and the itching is worse at night; the child being very rest- less. Dose: As directed for Viola tricolor. Calcarea is to be preferred for administration after Rhus tox., in cases in which a limited degree of improvement has been effected, and when there is little or no discharge from the vesicles; particularly when there is considerable irritation from teething, and the child is of scrofulous parentage. Dose: One globule in a teaspoonful of water, every morning, for four days; APHTHA — THRUSH. 759 then pause two dsiys, after which repeat the doses for two days, if neces- sary. Lycopodium is more efficacious when there has been a limited degree of improvement from the administration of Rhus tox., but when there is considerable discharge or oozing of matter, or of blood, and the eruption smells badly. Dose: One globule, as directed for Calcarea. Sulphur should be employed, if, after the administration of Rhus, the affection is found to have made but little favorable progress, or, indeed, if no apparent improvement has been effected, as not unfre- quently happens in debilitated or scrofulous subjects. It is more particularly indicated Avhen the eruption spreads over the entire body; with very great itching. Dose: As directed for Calcarea. Hepar, Sepia, or Staphysagria may be required for the treat- ment of cases of an obstinate character and of long standing, and Avhen the treatment previously directed above has been pursued with com- paratively indifferent results; or more especially Avhen there is still excessive itching, and discharge of an offensive odor. Dose: Of the medicine selected, one globule, as for Viola tricolor. APHTHJE — THRUSH. Characteristics. This disease commences by the formation of small, isolated, round, white vesicles, Avhich, if not checked, become confluent, and sometimes present an ulcerated appearance, or form a thin white crust, which lines generally the Avhole of the cavity of the mouth, and, in severe cases, extends to the throat, and even throughout the alimentary canal. This affection, although of itself neither malig- nant nor dangerous, frequently causes not only considerable suffering to the child by preventing it from suckling, but great pain and incon- venience to the mother, by being communicated to the nipples, and causing excoriations, &c. Causes. The complaint is most commonly produced by the want of proper attention to ventilation and temperature, and to cleanli- ness, as regards the constant personal laving of the infant, but more especially from the sucking-glass, when employed, not having been carefully Avashed after use. Improper aliment is another of the principal causes; thus we find that children, Avho are Avhat is com- monly called reared by hand, either partially or Avholly, are more liable to this affection than those Avhose sole nourishment has been derived from the breast. TREATMENT. General External Applications. The mouth should be carefully washed, after nursing, with a soft old-linen rag dipped in tepid water; or in water containing a small quantity of honey in solution. A weak solution of borax may like- Avise be used with good effect in some cases. 760 CONSTIPATION. CONSTITUTIONAL TREATMENT. Ordinary Cases. Mercurius is to be recommended for ordinary cases, but more especially when there is much salivation, or the thrush indicates a disposition to ulceration. Dose: One globule in a teaspoonful of water, repeated after the lapse of twenty-four hours; then pause two days, and, if a slight amendment has resulted, repeat as before; but, if no improvement has taken place, pro- ceed with the next remedy. Sulphur should follow the second dose of Mercurius after the lapse of two days, if the same symptoms still prevail, notwithstanding the previous administration of that remedy. Dose : As directed for Mercurius. Acidum sulphurieum should folloAV the second dose of Sulphur, after the lapse of tAvo days, if the symptoms have not improved under the foregoing treatment; the mouth appears to be very painful, and the child is Aveak. Dose: One globule, as directed for Mercurius. Pulsatilla or Nux vomica are valuable remedies in some cases where there is much acidity and excessive regurgitation, or vomiting of milk. The choice between them must be governed by the characteristic indications, for which see the article on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of either of these medicines, as selected, give one globule as directed for Mercurius. Borax has sometimes succeeded Avhen the above remedies have failed. It is more particularly indicated by: great heat and dryness of the mouth; the child frequently lets go of the nipple as though it caused pain ; is very nervous; cannot bear a downward motion, or the rustle of a dress or a paper. Dose: As directed for Mercurius. Baptisia tinetoria is likewise recommended, in cases in Avhich there is a fetid smell from the mouth, and the vesicles appear to tend towards ulceration. It will frequently effect a speedy cure in such cases. Dose: As for Mercurius. Arsenicum. In very bad cases, when the vesicles assume a livid, blue, or violet appearance, and are attended with excessive weakness and diarrhoea, Arsenicum is highly useful. Dose: One globule in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of four hours, until amelioration or change. Diet and Regimen. Great cleanliness ought to be observed in all cases, and proper attention paid to the state of the mother or nurse, the quality of the milk, &c, as well as to proper ventilation, &c. CONSTIPATION. This derangement generally appears in children who are either wholly or partially reared by the hand, and also in those whose mothers or nurses are similarly disposed ; if it arises from a peculiar diet or want CONSTIPATION. 761 of exercise, such as too much animal food, &c, on the part of the last mentioned, it may be removed by a proper attention to these points; but in many instances it is necessary for them also to have recourse to proper remedial agents at the same time with the infant. TREATMENT. Mechanical Measures. Before proceeding to enumerate the homoeopathic remedies which are in general most appropriate in this affection, we may observe that an injection or lavement of tepid water, or of milk and Avater, may occa- sionally be had recourse to, if required, in consequence of occasional obstructions of forty-eight hours' duration ; or a suppository, consisting of a small strip of paper or linen, spirally twisted, and lubricated with oil, may be introduced by a gentle rotatory movement. When nearly tAvo days have elapsed, and the above means have failed to produce an evacuation, the lavement must be repeated, with the addition of a little brown sugar or molasses thereto. Rubbing the stomach and bowels frequently, in the course of the day, with a warm hand, sometimes assists the means employed. In order, hoAvever, to overcome the constitu- tional tendency, the appropriate medicines for constitutional treatment must be selected and administered according to the subjoined regulations. Medicinal Means. Nux vomica. The presence of flatulence, foul tongue, hardness of the belly, peevishness, sleeplessness, or drowsiness, with disturbed or restless sleep, and debility, are special indications for Nux v.; as also costiveness, Avith knotty, hard, dark-brown colored stools, languor, sleeplessness, with drowsiness during the day, and frequent ineffectual efforts to evacuate. Dose: In ordinary cases, give two globules in a teaspoonful of water, re- peated, after an interval of twenty-four hours; then pause four days, after which proceed with the next remedies, if necessary. In very urgent cases, and when the lavement fails, dissolve one globule in three teaspoonfuls of water, and give a teaspoonful of the solution every six hours, until ame- lioration or change. Bryonia may be substituted for Nux v., when the child seems con- stantly chilly, or feels cold to the touch, and is very fretful. In chil- dren Avho are able to walk, Bryonia is, moreover, generally better adapted than Nux vomica to constipation occurring during summer, or costiveness, with stools of an unusually large size; it is, furthermore, equally applicable to costiveness} in infants at the breast, when the stools are more formed than is commonly the case with infants at the breast. Dose: In every particular, as directed for Nux vom. Sulphur should follow the second dose either of Nux v. or of Bry- onia, after the lapse of four days, if no material or only a limited im- provement has followed the previous treatment. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated after the lapse of twenty-four hours, if necessary; then pause five days, and return, if necessary, to Nux v., as above. 762 BOWEL COMPLAINTS OF INFANTS. Opium is well adapted to robust-looking children, particularly when the belly is somewhat hard and full, or there is lumpy irregu- larity of surface at the sides to the touch, but the child is otherAvise apparently healthy; costiveness, with hard, knotty, dark-brown motions. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated after an interval of twenty-four hours. Habitual Costiveness, &c. Alumina is more particularly required Avhen there always appears to be defective expulsive poAver, and Avhen there are frequent indica- tions of deranged digestion, such as acidity and flatulency, with drum- like distension of the bowels, and when, in children from three years of age and upward, an exacerbation of all the symptoms invariably follows when potatoes have been eaten. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, morning and evening, every other day, for eight days, unless a favorable or other change should sooner become apparent, in which case the medicine should be discontinued, as long as the improvement exists, or other treatment pursued, if necessary. Lycopodium is often of much service in obstinate constipation or costiveness, arising from the abuse of aperients; or in congenital slug- gishness of the bowels occurring in children of delicate or scrofulous constitutions, Avith foul tongue and other signs of impaired digestion. Dose: As directed for Alumina. Acidum nitricum is often an almost indispensable remedy in chronic cases of costiveness, which have either been aggravated or induced by the frequent use of Calomel, and other mercurial prepara- tions, under allopathic treatment. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Opium. Veratrum. Obstinate constipation, necessitating the use of artifi- cial local means (lavements, &c.) from inactivity or torpor of the rectum, Avith consequent deficiency of expulsive power, or of inclina- tion thereto ; also when there is loss of appetite, occasional sickness, acidity (acid risings), and flushing of the face. Dose: As directed for Opium. Silicea is more especially indicated when there is evidently fre- quent inclination for stool, but with ineffectual result; but more espe- cially when the affection occurs in scrofulous or worm-infested children, and Avhen there is acidity (sour regurgitation), with hard, distended boAvels, associated Avith frequent attacks of colic. Dose: As directed for Alumina. BOWEL COMPLAINTS OF INFANTS. Diarrhoea, like Constipation, is to be regarded merely as a symptom, not as a disease; the real disease here consists in irritation or inflam- mation of the mucous membrane of the intestines, arising from the effects of aperients, indigestible food, cold, fright, &c. General Causes. The administration of laxative medicines, the introduction into the stomach of inappropriate, indigestible food, deranged condition of the mother's milk, induced by mental emo- BOWEL COMPLAINTS OF INFANTS. 763 tions, improper diet, or other causes on the part of the mother, fright, and exposure of the infant to cold, &c, may be enumerated as the most^frequent exciting causes of this disorder. Distinctive Symptoms. A healthy infant at the breast passes, on an average, from three to six motions in the twenty-four hours; but in some instances the evacuations are more frequent, yet, Avithout in any degree affecting the health of the child ; in such cases, then, there ought to be little or no interference, so long as the stools remain free from fetor, possessing merely the slightly acid smell peculiar to the infantile state, and are evidently unattended with pain, or any other unnatural indication. When, however, the stools become green and watery, or yellow and watery, brown and frothy, as if fermented, mixed with phlegm, or consisting entirely of phlegm, or emit an offen- sive odor, and are generally preceded or accompanied by signs of suffering, it becomes imperative to have recourse to remedial aid. TREATMENT. [Additional Particulars at pp. 260 - 266.] Aconitum will frequently be found sufficient to arrest the dis- ordered action of the infant's bowels, Avithout the aid of any other remedy, Avhen the following indications are presented : — Feverishness, the skin is hot and dry, and the mouth is dry, the lips looking dry and red; the child is restless and excitable, throAving itself about, or, on the other hand, lies perfectly still, with fretfulness; the stools are often Avatery, and of dark color. Dose: Of a solution of four globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a teaspoonful every three hours, until amelioration or change. Chamomilla is invaluable in boAvel complaints, when the follow- ing symptoms are apparent: — Redness of the face, or of one cheek ; hardness and tension and fulness of the belly, attended by severe colic, which is indicated by a state of peevishness, restlessness, desire to be carried, constant crying, and drawing up of the legs; sickness; frequent evacuations of a bilious, watery, slimy, or frothy description, of a whitish, yellowish, or greenish color, sometimes bearing a resemblance to beat- up eggs, and of an offensive odor, similar to that of rotten eggs. Dose : As directed for Aconitum. Rheum is of great utility, provided the disorder has not been excited by frequent use of Rhubarb. It is particularly appropriate when acidity has been generated by indigestion, or has arisen from the prolonged use of antacids, such as magnesia, &c, and when there is a flatulent distension of the belly, colic, crying, restlessness, straining before and after the evacuations, Avhich are either of the consistence of pap, or Avatery and somewhat slimy, occasionally grayish, or of a brown color, and when a sour smell is emitted from the body of the infant. Dose : As directed for Aconitum. Pulsatilla. Diarrhoea arising from indigestion, or from a chill, with watery, slimy, whitish, or bilious, greenish-lookmg evacuations, occurring chiefly at night; Avhere the affection has been brought on by the abuse 764 BOWEL COMPLAINTS OF INFANTS. of Rhubarb or Magnesia; the stools are changeable, no two successive stools being alike. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. Ipecacuanha is particularly valuable Avhen the diarrhoea is ex- cited at the period of weaning from the sudden change of food, which the stomach is unable to digest, — and when the following symptoms are present: —Repeated attacks of vomiting; the child seems sick at its stomach all the time; paleness of the face; stools watery, slimy, or greenish yellow, sometimes blackish, or streaked with blood, and of a putrid odor, or resembling matter in a state of fermentation, or con- taining white flakes, folloAved by straining. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. Antimonium crudum should be employed four hours after the last dose of Ipecacuanha, if the vomiting in particular should not have subsided. It is more particularly indicated when the tongue has a thick white coating. Dose: As for Aconitum. Mercurius. The following are the principal indications:—Watery, frothy, or slimy stools, sometimes streaked, or mixed with blood; or stools of a blackish, greenish, or Avhitish yellow color; griping before, and, frequently, severe straining during each evacuation, Avith relief immediately after; diarrhoea, Avith redness of the whole body, as from general excoriation; thighs and legs are cold and clammy, especially at night. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. Dulcamara is generally a serviceable remedy when the complaint recurs every time the child is taken into the open air, particularly when the air is rather damp or the temperature low, or when a sudden change has occurred from heat to cold. Dose: One globule in a teaspoonful of water, thrice a day, for two days; and then, every night, for three days more, unless decided change of any kind should sooner occur. Arsenicum. Watery or slimy stools, mostly profuse, of a greenish, whitish, dark, or broAvnish color, or of a putrid or gangrenous odor, or hot and irritating, taking place chiefly during the night, or.after drink- ing or partaking of any kind of food, often preceded by crying and restlessness, and followed, by exhaustion; great thirst, sleeplessness, pale- ness of the face, sunken cheeks, and blue circles round the eyes; great restlessness and distressing enlargement of the belly; extreme weakness and excessive emaciation. In diarrhoea attended with vomiting, Arseni- cum is one of the most valuable remedies. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. Podophyllum should be employed when the diarrhoea occurs mostly in the morning, and the stools are green and watery; or, the stools may have a natural appearance, but be much too frequent; it will be found curative, also, in most cases when there is "falling of the body" during stool. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. CHOLERA INFANTUM — SUMMER COMPLAINT. 765 Belladonna should be given Avhen there is great sensibility of the belly on pressure, and the infant cries constantly; or when it is droivsy, lying half asleep and half awake, with moaning; the stools are greenish. Dose: As for Aconitum. Croton tiglium should be administered when the diarrhoea, with colic, comes on immediately after nursing; the stool escaping suddenly and Avith force, like a jet of water from a hydrant. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. Diet and Regimen. When the derangement can be traced to any particular kind of food, an alteration in the diet becomes impera- tive ; at the same time the quantity of food or drinks must be dimin- ished, until improvement sets in. In cases, however, in which great debility has resulted from the depleting effects of the diarrhoea, supple- mentary nourishment ought at the same time to be given in the case of infants at the breast, and diet of a nutritive quality to children of more advanced age. CHOLERA INFANTUM —SUMMER COMPLAINT. This is a special form of bowel complaint, Avhich is worthy of special mention. It is an infantile scourge, Avhich very frequently proves fatal, more particularly from the fact that it usually prevails in the latter part of summer, Avhen the young organism is debilitated by the preceding hot Aveather; but it frequently assumes the form of an epidemic, particularly in large cities ; in which case infants are mostly attacked suddenly, and the disease often assumes great virulence from the first. Children under two years of age are most liable to attack. Characteristics. Vomiting and Diarrhoea are the most promi- nent, and often simultaneous symptoms. The stomach is evidently in a very irritable condition, as everything taken into it is rejected at once, and sometimes with great violence. The discharge from the bowels usually consists of a colorless, or sometimes greenish, inodorous, and watery fluid, occasionally Avith shreds of mucus mixed with it. The stools are generally discharged Avithout effort — sometimes uncon- sciously — or are squirted out as though thrown from a syringe. Fre- quently there is considerable pain, with straining, the infant mani- festing its sufferings by a Avhining, plaintive cry, by restlessness, and by drawing up and extending its limbs. As the disease advances, vomiting becomes spontaneous, and the matter ejected resembles that passing from the bowels; while the number of stools increase. Some- times there is a sudden lull in the Avhole force of the disease, or the diarrhoea may abate while the vomiting continues, or vice versa. There is extreme languor and prostration, and generally very rapid emacia- tion; which conditions, together with the vomiting and diarrhoea, as above described, clearly and unmistakably point to cholera infantum. As the malady progresses the discharges from the bowels become still more frequent, are passed involuntarily, tand are usually more profuse, resembling dark-colored, dirty water, or the "washings of 766 CHOLERA INFANTUM —SUMMER COMPLAINT. meat," and are very offensive; emaciation becomes extreme; the eyes are languid and dull, or hollow and glassy, and the child takes no notice of surrounding objects or persons; the lips are dry and shrivelled. In many cases the child lies constantly in an imperfect doze, with half-closed eyes, and entirely insensible to external impressions. The abdomen frequently becomes distended and hard, or is sunken and flaccid. Frequently, in fatal cases, the child falls into a complete state of stupor, and convulsions ensue. It not unfrequently happens, particularly in children predisposed to affection of the brain, that in an early stage of the disease the brain becomes involved, and the child dies, with all the symptoms of inflammation of the brain. Issue and Results. The mortality from this disease differs greatly in different seasons; but usually, under homceopathic treatment, a favor- able termination may be looked for, particularly in the case of children of a previously healthy condition. In favorable cases, there is a gradual mitigation and final cessation of the symptoms; the vomiting and diar- rhoea become less and less frequent, prostration is not so great, and the fretful whine, together with the distressed appearance of the counte- nance, give place to natural sleep and a placid look. In some cases, hoAvever, the severity of the symptoms abates, while the disease con- tinues in a mitigated form and becomes chronic; under which circum- stances it is evident that the intestines and mesenteric glands are very seriously affected, and death from marasmus is not unlikely to occur. TREATMENT. Much of what has been said under the head of Treatment, in the preceding article on "BoAvel Complaints of Infants" (pp. 762-765), may be made available in selecting the remedy suited to a case of cholera infantum, and that article should be, therefore, carefully con- sulted. The subjoined medicines, however, are those most frequently called for in the treatment of the disease under consideration, and are approved as of the utmost efficacy when carefully selected for the in- dividual case. Aeonitum is very frequently indicated, and should be given, in cases in which there is febrile excitation, manifested by acceleration of the pulse, heat and dryness of the skin, and thirst. Under such cir- cumstances, it often happens that Aconitum, Avhen promptly adminis- tered, not only removes the febrile indication, but, as well, cuts short the entire disease, and very promptly aids in restoring the babe to health. Dose: Of a solution of three globules in two table-spoonfuls of water, give a teaspoonful, — or one globule, dry, on the tongue,— every one or two hours, according to the severity of the symptoms, until manifest improvement or change. If a favorable change should result, however slight, at once lengthen the intervals between the doses to two, three, or four hours, as the case may be,— according to the existing condition,— and finally cease giving the medicine upon the exhibition of marked and decided ameliora- tion and improvement. Should, however, no evidence of improvement be manifested after the sixth dose, or should symptoms indicative of some other remedy sooner occur, proceed at once to the administration of another and better indicated remedy. CHOLERA INFANTUM — SUMMER COMPLAINT. 767 Arsenicum is suited particularly to cases in which there is great weakness from the first, so that the child does not care to hold its head up; there is much thirst, while drinking induces vomiting and stool; vomiting and purging occur at the same time, and greatly exhaust the child; the child has a pinched and distressed look, and is very restless, which restlessness, together with the other symptoms, grow worse after midnight; coldness of the hands and feet, &c. Dose: In every particular as directed for Aconitum,. Ipecacuanha should be given Avhen the stools, Avhich are very fre- quent, have a fermented appearance, or resemble greenish Avater; and Avhen, more particularly, nausea and vomiting predominate, the child seeming to be sick at its stomach almost constantly. Dose: In every particular as directed for Aconitum. Chamomilla will frequently prove useful in the early stages of some cases, particularly if the child be suffering from the irritation incident to dentition; it is more particularly indicated by the presence of griping, colicky pains, Avith greenish stools; fretfulness and crossness, with desire to be carried. Dose: One globule, dry, on the tongue, every three hours, until manifest improvement or change. Veratrum is required in cases in which the purging and vomiting are almost constant and simultaneous, and are excited by even the smallest quantity of nourishment or drink; motion even excites nausea; there is very great prostration, Avith coldness of the face and extremi- ties, and cold SAveat forming on the forehead, and an almost impercep- tible pulse. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. Seeale is indicated by a chain of symptoms very similar to those pointing to Veratrum, but is more particularly indicated by paleness of the face, Avith sunken eyes, dry heat of the body, restlessness, and sleeplessness. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. % Podophyllum should be given in cases in Avhich the dejections have an exceedingly offensive odor, and are passed most frequently in the morning; the child moans during sleep, lying Avith half-closed eyes, and rolls its head from side to side. Dose: In all respects as directed for Aconitum. Mercurius should be given, particularly at the commencement, if there be much colicky pains, Avhich are relieved by the purging, the ttools being slimy or bloody ; or, when there is a great deal of perspira- tion, particularly on the thighs. Lose: As directed for Aconitum. Croton tiglium should be administered in cases in which the stool is forcibly expelled, as though forced from a syringe, —one gush and it ceases. Dose : As directed for Aconitum. Belladonna is required in some cases, particularly if there be great heat of surface, with flushed face, and evidences of a tendency to con- 768 INCONTINENCE OF URINE. gestion of blood to the head ; the child is very thirsty, drinks hurriedly, and thrusts its hands constantly into its mouth. Dose: As for Aconitum. Calcarea carb. will prove valuable in cases in which the stools are whitish and Avatery, and have a sour smell, as does the matter vomited; there is great emaciation, while the abdomen is bloated; the face has an old, Avrinkled look; the extremities are cold. It is especially adapted to scrofulous children, with retarded dentition, or where the case has become chronic. Dose: One globule, dry, on the tongue, repeated every twelve hours, until manifest improvement or change. Sulphur may be called for in cases similar to those indicative of Calcarea. It should be given likewise in cases where the patient, hav- ing got better, relapses, and this process is again repeated, so that the case seems to linger, and has a tendency to become chronic. Dose.: As directed for Calcarea. Bryonia, Nux vomica, Opium, and China may be called for in the treatment of this malady, in its earlier or later stages. For dis- criminative indications for their use, consult, under the heading of each medicine, respectively, the article on " Bowel Complaints of Infants," (at pp. 762-765), and that on "Diarrhoea" (at pp. 260-266). Diet and Regimen. Very little nourishment will be taken by an infant suffering from cholera infantum. Breast-milk should con- stitute its chief source of food and drink, in cases in which the child suckles; but in other cases, however, great care must be taken to avoid giving anything that can add to the irritation already existing in the stomach and bowels. Pure dilute milk, boiled and sweetened, or thin, Avell-boiled oat-meal gruel, will afford sufficient food and drink. Water may be given in small quantities, if it does not excite vomiting; in which latter case, the infant may be permitted to suck small pieces of ice from time to time, if its lips be parched and dry, or a small piece of ice may be enclosed ifi a linen rag, and the child alloAved to suck at it. Every effort should be made to sustain the natural Avarmth of the body, particularly of the abdomen and lower extremities, by the appli- cation of warmed Avoollen cloths; but the resort to the application of cloths wrung out of hot spirits, or claret wine, or other poultices, is highly objectionable, and should not be resorted to. INCONTINENCE OF URINE. Wetting the Bed. Causes. Involuntary flow of urine usually proceeds from relaxa- tion or a paralytic affection of the bladder; or from irritation of the bladder, in consequence of the secretion of acrid urine, or a diseased state of the organ itself. With children, hoAvever, it is generally de- pendent upon a general debility, the presence of worms in the intestinal canal, or upon cerebral irritation. INCONTINENCE OF URINE. 769 PRECAUTIONS. In the case of children, if the emission of urine takes place only at an early hour in the morning, the nurse ought to get into the habit of raising the child from bed before the time, of the usual occurrence of the mishap. TREATMENT. When, in spite of every precaution on the part of the nurse, children wet the bed every night, and no other symptom of derangement can be detected, the folloAving remedies are often effectual in surmounting the Aveakness. Sepia is to be preferred when the mishap generally occurs during the first sleep. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, at bedtime, for four nights in succession; then pause four days, and resume the administration, if necessary, on alternate days, four" times, and so on. Acidum phosphoricum will prove useful in some cases, when large quantities of urine are emitted, so that the child's bed is " flooded " nightly. Dose: As for Sepia. Belladonna is appropriate in cases in which the weakness is evi- dently incidental to a relaxed condition of the bladder, or to cerebral irritation. Dose: One globule in a teaspoonful of water, repeated, if necessary, every fourth day. # Sulphur should be perseveringly employed in almost all chronic cases occurring in delicate children, but particularly in those who are or have been subject to eruptions on the skin. Dose: As directed for Sepia. Cina is a useful remedy Avhen the existence of worms appears to be the irritating cause. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Sepia. Additional Particulars. In cases in which this weakness is evidently associated with the presence of Avorms in the intestinal canal, and Avhen Cina. is insufficient to remove it, the reader should consult the general article on " Worms," and proceed according to the directions therein afforded. If, on the other hand, the wetting of the bed is associated with evident derange- ment of digestion, the article on "Bowel Complaints" should be con- sulted. Retention of Urine. TREATMENT. Aconitum should be promptly employed when infants or children are seized with retention of urine, and there is great restlessness, with some degree of fever, and with urging. Dose: One globule in a teaspoonful of water, repeated, if necessary, after an interval of three hours. 49 770 EXCORIATIONS — CHAFING, ABRASIONS OF THE SKIN. Pulsatilla should be given two hours after the second dose of Aconitum, when no relief has followed the administration of that med- icine, and when there is considerable heat in the lower part of the bowels, the child being of a leuco-phlegmatic temperament. Dose: As directed for Aconitum, until decided amelioration or change. Nux vomica is to be preferred for administration (two hours after the second dose of Aconitum), under similar conditions to those men- tioned as indicative of Pulsatilla, but Avhen the child is of bilious or san- guine temperament, and subject to confinement of the bowels, or when the bowels are actually in a confined state. Dose: One globule, as directed for Aconitum, until decided amelioration or change. Cantharides becomes of essential service when neither of the fore- going medicines have succeeded in relieving the retention of urine. Dose: One globule, as directed for Aconitum. EXCORIATIONS —CHAFING, ABRASIONS OF THE SKIN. PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. Against this affection cleanliness is the best preventive; however, we frequently find it proceed to such an extent as to require the aid of medicine for its removal. TREATMENT. Chamomilla will be found speedily effective, in most instances, but particularly in those which proceed from acidity. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning; then pause three days, after which the two doses should, if necessary, be re- peated as before. Mercurius should be given three days after the second course of Chamomilla, when there is a yellowness of the skin, which the last- named medicine has not removed, and Avhen the excoriation is exten- sive and severe. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of three days, until amelioration or change. Sulphur is especiedly indicated in obstinate cases which have been preceded by, or are associated with, a miliary eruption, in which case it should be preferred to any of the foregoing remedies. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Mercurius. Rhus should be administered Avhen the heat, redness, and swelling of the parts are excessive, and associated with a considerable discharge, occasionally fetid, either in the bend of the knees or arms, about the neck, or behind the ears. Dose: Two globules, daily, in a teaspoonful of water, for a week. Graphites, Sepia, Calcarea. For those comparatively rare cases which do not yield to any of the foregoing remedies, and partic- ularly when the space behind the ear is the principal seat of the affec- tion, one of these three remedies should be had recourse to. The more HIVES — NETTLE-RASH. 771 particular indications of each, respectively, may be discerned by refer- ence to the article on "Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of either of these medicines, as directed for Mercurius. JAUNDICE. Causes. This disease, as we have before observed, frequently takes its rise from the mischievous practice of administering aperients imme- diately after birth; exposure to cold is also one of its exciting causes. TREATMENT. Aconitum is indicated in most cases, at the commencement, by the febrile indications, and will frequently, in such cases, be sufficient to remove the entire disorder. Dose: Of a solution of two globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a teaspoonful, morning, noon, and night, until manifest improvement or change. Chamomilla will be found prompt in affording relief, when the affection has arisen from exposure to cold — that is, from a sudden chill — or from mental excitement, such as a fit of passion; and when there is, together with the distinguishing characteristic of the disease — a yellow hue of the skin — considerable distension of the stomach. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. Mercurius may, in many cases, follow Chamomilla, after an in- terval of three days from the last dose, if the last-named medicine has only partially relieved. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Aconitum. China may be preferred, if the affection has assumed an intermit- tent form, accompanied by profuse sweating; or, it should follow the fourth dose of Mercurius, after a pause of three days, if any symptoms still remain, after the employment of the last-named medicine. Dose: As for Aconitum. Nux vomica is to be preferred when the complaint is combined with costiveness, and the patient appears generally of an irritable temper. Dose: As for Aconitum. Additional Particulars. For more particular indications for the medicines above given, and for further information, the reader is referred to the article on "Jaun- dice," in a former part of this work, at pp. 300 - 302. HIVES — NETTLE - RASH. This is an eruption usually consisting of red inflamed patches, irreg- ularly distributed upon different and often distant parts of the body. In its appearance, and in the sensations it excites, it resembles the effects produced by application of stinging nettles to the skin. Some- times the eruption takes the appearance of white wheals. The disease usually appears in summer, as an effect of hot weather, in which 772 SWELLING of the breasts. case the warm bath will be found very useful in relieving the intense itching and burning that sometimes ensues. As a general thing, it is a trifling and evanescent ailment, but sometimes, owing to complica- tions Avith diarrhoea, fever, &c, it becomes of greater gravity. In some instances the eruption suddenly disappears, and may as suddenly re- appear, on some other part of the body. treatment. Aconite will usually relieve all the symptoms, and remove the eruption promptly, in cases in which there is much feverishness, and thirst. Dose: Of a solution of three globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a teaspoonful every two hours, until manifest improvement or change. Should, however, no improvement be noticed after the sixth dose, wait two hours, and then proceed to administer the next most suitable remedy. Apis mellifica will be found useful in many cases, when the erup- tion consists of red, inflamed, raised patches, resembling bee-stings, with burning and stinging pains; or when there is considerable swell- ing of the parts affected. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. Urtica urens will prove useful in some cases, resembling the stings from nettles; the eruption is pale, and the child wants to have it rubbed all the time. Dose: As for Aconitum. Rhus toxicodendron should be given when the eruption is bright red, itches a great deal, which rubbing does not relieve, and Avhen, on the contrary, rubbing or scratching seems to aid in spreading the eruption. Dose: As for Aconitum. Pulsatilla will be found useful in some cases, when hives is asso- ciated with gastric disturbance or diarrhoea, or has been occasioned by the use of too heavy or otherwise unsuitable food. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. Arsenicum, Bryonia, Nux vom., and Belladonna will be found available in some cases Avhich refuse to yield to the foregoing remedies. Consult the article on "Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of the medicine selected, as directed for Aconitum. SWELLING OF THE BREASTS. These organs, in female infants, sometimes become SAvollen and hard, which is usually the result of the absurd and wicked practice on the part of nurses of squeezing them, under the erroneous opinion that if " the milk is not squeezed out of them," they will not perform their proper functions in after-life. This practice is a cruel one, and very often brings about the state of affairs it is intended to prevent, for, by squeezing the gland, inflammation, swelling, and perhaps sup- puration and destruction follow, and the breast is rendered useless, and the source of a great deal of trouble and suffering in after-life. derangements during teething. 773 TREATMENT. Aconitum should be given if there be much fever accompanying the inflammation and swelling of the breasts, and will sometimes dissi- pate the entire difficulty. Dose: One globule, dry, on the tongue, repeated every six hours, until manifest improvement or change. Arnica should be used if it be known that the breasts have been squeezed, and they are merely hard, with no apparent inflammation, or the redness has not yet appeared. Dose: One globule, as directed for Aconitum. Belladonna should be employed Avhen the breasts are of a bright- red color, the inflammation being disposed to run high, and in streaks or rays. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. Bryonia will be useful when the breasts are very hard, and of a pale color. Dose: As for Aconitum. Hepar will prove useful if matter has already formed. Dose: One globule, dry, on the tongue, repeated every twelve hours, until manifest improvement or change. Silicea will be requisite after the administration of Hepar, particu- larly to assist the healing process following the suppuration. Dose: As directed for Hepar. DERANGEMENTS DURING TEETHING. Distinctive Symptoms. In order, as much as possible, to allay the anxiety of parents, Avho may be led to mistake the natural symptoms attendant upon dentition for those of disease, we shall, in the first instance, briefly enumerate those which frequently take place in healthy children, and may be safely left to nature; and afterwards proceed to point out in what cases, from any of the symptoms diverg- ing from the usual track, it may be necessary to have recourse to medicines, or to procure professional assistance. During the teething, the child is more restless than usual, especially at night; has flushes of heat, alternating with paleness; the gums gradually swell and become hot; it evinces a difficulty in sucking, sometimes forcibly bites, and frequently lets go the nipple; it drivels at the mouth, and its bowels become relaxed ; — the two latter symp- toms may, in some measure, be looked upon as a wise provisional measure of nature to prevent a congestion to the head and lungs, to which all children are at this time more or less disposed; and the sudden cessation of either, after having once set in, is a sign of a derangement of functions demanding prompt attention. TREATMENT. Coffea may be administered when the child is in an excited state, and unable to sleep, irritable, liable to start, and difficult to soothe. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated in six hours; if, 774 DERANGEMENTS DURING TEETHING. however, no amelioration follow within twelve hours after the second dose, proceed with the next remedy. Chamomilla may be given if the following symptoms are encoun- tered : — Extreme excitability; the infant starts at the slightest noise; evinces great thirst; spasmodic twitches or convulsions in the limbs during sleep; short, quick, and loud respiration, sometimes with a hacking cough ; excessive diarrhoea, with green, whitish, or watery evacuations, and especially when the mother has been in the habit of taking coffee. Dose: One globule in a teaspoonful of water, repeated at intervals of four hours, until three doses have been given (unless decided change should sooner occur), and subsequently at intervals of twenty-four hours, until decided amelioration or change. Mercurius is, in some cases, required twelve hours after the third dose of Chamomilla, when the last-named medicine has not produced any decidedly good effect on the state of the bowels, — that is to say, if the child evidently suffers from undue and protracted relaxation, because, in general, a simply relaxed state of the bowels is rather salutary than otherwise. Dose: One globule, as directed for Chamomilla. Ignatia should be given when the tendency to convulsions is asso- ciated with a costive state of the bowels. More particular indications for the employment of this medicine may also be derived from the article on " Convulsions," at p. 778. Dose: One globule, as directed for Chamomilla. Aeonitum should be preferred when the child is feverish, the skin being hot, the face flushed, and the pain in the swollen and inflamed gums evidently very distressing. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Belladonna must be resorted to when strong symptoms of irrita- tion or inflammation of the brain supervene, as more particularly described under the head " Belladonna," in the article on Inflamma- tion of the Brain, at p. 417. Dose: Dissolve and administer one globule, as directed for Chamomilla. Cuprum acetieum. When marked irritabilitg of the brain de- clares itself, and the child almost spasmodically clenches the spoon or cup with its gums when drinking. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Zincum has been found useful in apparently hopeless cases, with symptoms of incipient paralysis of the brain, such as profound sleep, half-closed or motionless eyes, with insensible pupil; loss of conscious- ness ; moaning; icy coldness of the whole body, and bluish color of the skin; pulse nearly imperceptible; respiration interrupted. Dose: Two globules, dry, on the tongue, repeated in the course of half an hour, and afterwards every two hours, until the surface becomes warmer, the pulse stronger, and the breathing more regular. Calcarea should be administered when the irritation seems to arise from difficulty of teething, — the gums being pale, tense, swollen, and CONVULSIONS IN CHILDREN. 775 painful, the motions pale-colored, and the child feeble and irritable. This remedy will materially assist the protrusion of the teeth. Dose: One globule in a teaspoonful of wsiter, morning and evening, once a week for a month (unless some change requiring other treatment should sooner occur). Apis mellifica is indicated by the child frequently waking at night with sharp and violent screams; the body is covered here and there Avith red blotches. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Nux vomica is more particularly indicated by flatulency, foul tongue, hardness of the belly, feverishness, sleeplessness, or drowsiness, Avith disturbed or restless sleep, and debility; dry cough; costiveness, with knotty, hard, dark-broAvn stools, languor, sleeplessness at night, with droAvsiness during the day. Dose: Give two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated after the lapse of twenty-four hours; then pause four days, after which, if a decided change has not taken place, consider Sulphur. Bryonia is to be preferred to Nux vomica, when the child seems constantly chilly, or feels cold to the touch, and is very fretful. Dose: As directed for Nux vomica. Sulphur may be advantageously employed, four days after the last dose either of Bryonia or of Nux vomica (as above directed), when either of the last-named medicines, although previously well indicated, has been productive only of very partial benefit. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, repeated after the lapse of twenty-four hours; then pause four days, after which resume the admin- istration of Nux vom., or Bryonia, as before, and so on, until decided and permanent amelioration or change. CONVULSIONS IN CHILDREN. General Causes. Convulsions generally arise from the prepon- derance of the nervous and cerebral systems over the other parts of the frame, hereditary predisposition called into activity by dentition, re- pelled eruptions, irritating substances in the stomach, intestinal worms, mechanical injuries, fright, and lastly, from some*occult cause, in many instances bidding defiance to the powers of medicine. Premonitory Symptoms. Convulsions may occur suddenly in apparently healthy children, without premonitory warning, or without any assignable cause. When harbingers of a convulsive attack are present, they usually display themselves in the form of occasional twitchings of the fingers or toes, clenching of the thumb, downward torsion of the hand or foot, and retraction of the toes. The pupils are observed to be suddenly dilating or contracting; or one is being con- tracted whilst the other is dilating; the eyes are either fixed or in con- stant and rapid motion. An irregularity in the breathing, a livid appearance about the mouth, and frequent changes of color, are also deserving of notice. Symptoms of the Attack. During an attack of convulsions of a mild character, the face is sometimes alone affected with slight twitch- 776 CONVULSIONS IN CHILDREN. ings, combined Avith distortion of one or both eyes; or only one limb, or one-half of the body may be convulsed, sometimes alternately or successively with the other half. In the severer varieties, all the limbs are more or less affected, and likewise the muscles of the face and those of respiration. The eyes seem about to start from their sockets, and are much distorted, or roll about in various directions; or the eyelids open and shut in incessant motion ; the tongue is protruded, or alter- nately elongated and contracted; the mouth foams; the breathing is impeded; the hands are firmly clenched; the limbs violently jerked or tossed about; and the face and head, which are often red at the begin- ning of the seizure, assume a dark or purple hue towards the conclu- sion, as also, at times, the entire surface of the body. As the attack declines, the convulsive movements become less violent and of less fre- quency, the contractions of the muscles relax, and the child, after a fit of crying, recovers its natural appearance. A quiet sleep often ensues, accompanied by a copious perspiration, from Avhich the child aAvakes calm and refreshed. At other times, the paroxysm is succeeded by a secondary state of great languor, attended with complaints of head- ache, &c. Duration, Results, &c. Convulsions vary in duration as well as intensity; sometimes the paroxysm will last only a few minutes, but occasionally it is protracted for hours, and after a short interval of ces- sation it may recur with undiminished violence. When very severe, or frequently repeated, a fatal issue, or an irrecoverable state of par- alysis may be the consequence. Neither fever nor loss of consciousness necessarily accompany an attack ; but when they do, or when the pulse is much accelerated, and the skin exceeds the natural temperature, which is more liable to be the case in robust, plethoric children, an inflammatory disease (of the brain or its membranes, for instance,) is commonly to be dreaded. ACCESSORY MEASURES. When no professional aid or medicines are at hand, and the danger is imminent, Ave may, in the first place, recommend the immersion of the lower extremities up to the knees in water, as hot as can be borne with safety to the infant, for the space of eight or ten minutes, until the paroxysms seem in a measure subdued; after which, the child should be Aviped perfectly dry, and placed in a Avarm wrapper; if the first immersion be followed by no relief, it should be repeated, and at the same time we may pour a small stream of cold water upon the crown of the head, until reanimation becomes apparent, when the child ought again to be warmly covered up; this course, frequently repeated, has been found to restore children, although the prior attempts have proved inefficient. Lavements of equal parts of sweet oil and warm milk are sometimes beneficial. TREATMENT. General Remarks and Precautions. Remove, if possible, the exciting cause, when it can be discovered; avoid every excitement, and keep the child perfectly quiet, and free CONVULSIONS IN CHILDREN. 777 « from every disturbing influence of light, noise, &c, and with great care select and administer the remedy which appears to be indicated by the exciting cause, the nature of the case, and the attending con- ditions. Convulsions are liable to be excited in infants, Avhen they are put to the breast immediately after the mother or nurse has had a fright, a fit of anger, a paroxysm of grief, &c. In most cases, a medicine Avhich is appropriately indicated by the mental perturbation ought to be taken by the mother as soon as possible, and the first milk drawn from the breast by some artificial means. It is only after such preventive measures, and when the mother or Avet-nurse has become thoroughly calm, that the infant should be allowed to take its nourishment from the usual source. INDICATIONS AFFORDED BY THE PARTICULAR CAUSE, ETC. As regards the particular and distinctive indications for selection which are afforded by the cause, the subjoined abstract may serve to facilitate the determination.* When occasioned by fright, select especially—Opium, Hyoscyamus, Aconitum, Belladonna, Gelseminum. When occasioned by external injury, such as a blow or fall, select especially — Arnica, Cicuta, Belladonna. When occasioned by acidity of the stomach, select especially from— Chamomilla, Nux vomica, Belladonna. When occasioned by overloading the stomach, or by indigestible food, select especially from — Ipecacuanha, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla. When incidental to worms, select especially from — Cina, Mercurius, Cicuta. When occasioned by a fit of passion, select especially — Chamo- milla. When occasioned by some incipient affection of the brain, or of its vessels or membranes, select especially — Belladonna, Hyoscyamus. When incidental to dentition, select especially from— Chamomilla, Ignatia, Calcarea carb. Camphor (Saturated Tincture) may be advantageously employed by inhalation, or by friction of the gums, when there is lock-jaw, or rigid extension of the entire frame, and general coldness of the surface. Camphor is also of very general service in almost all cases of emer- gency, and when none of the other medicines subjoined, as appropriate to particular manifestations, are within reach; Avhen, if the Saturated Tincture, or Spirit of Camphor, be obtainable, it should be promptly employed, pending the arrival of some further assistance. Administration : Hold the unstoppered bottle, containing the saturated Tinc- *The selection from one or more of the medicines thus enumerated must, how- ever, depend upon the correspondence between the symptoms of the case, and those detailed in the subsequent portion of this article, as indicating each medicine, separately and respectively. But, if the indicative symptoms for two or more med- icines (hereafter afforded) be so closely identical as not to be decisive between them, whereas both are not applicable to the treatment of cases arising from the same cause, then this discrepancy will be decisive between them, if the cause b« clearly ascertained. 778 CONVULSIONS IN CHILDREN. ture of Camphor, to the nostrils of the infant for an instant, from time to time, until the violence of the convulsive fits becomes somewhat abated. In cases of Lock-jaw, it is often most useful to apply a weak solution of the Tincture (consisting of six drops to two table-spoonfuls of diluted Spirits of Wine), by means of friction to the gums. Chamomilla stands in the first rank, particularly in very young children, when the convulsions have been excited by teething, as well as for children who have passed that period, Avho are extremely sensi- tive, and peevish, or when the attacks have been excited by acidity and colic, a chill, or a fit of passion or vexation. The characteristic indications for its administration are: restlessness, fretfulness, and disposition to drowsiness Avhen awake; one cheek red, the other pale; diarrhoea; eyes half-closed ; quick and loud breathing; moaning; twitches of the eyelids and muscles of the face; jerks and convulsions of the limbs, with clenched thumbs; constant rolling of the head from side to side; loss of consciousness. Dose: Dissolve six globules in four teaspoonfuls of water, and administer one teaspoonful of the solution at the commencement or immediately after the attack ; if fresh paroxysms come on, but decreased in intensity, we ought not to repeaf the remedy, but allow it to exhaust its action; if the con- vulsions increase, on a second or third attack, we may give another spoonful — unless other symptoms, declaring themselves, intimate that we ought to have recourse to any of the under-mentioned medicaments. If, however, no change should occur within two hours after the second dose, or, if the subjoined indications more particularly ensue, proceed with the next medicine. Again, if a paroxysm of greater or less severity ensues immediately or very soon after the first dose, it is prudent to wait for one or two subsequent recurrences to guide the necessity for repeating or changing. Belladonna is the most important remedy in all cases which pro- ceed from, or are connected with, a more or less serious disturbance in the brain; and it should, moreover, be employed tAvo hours after the second dose of Chamomilla, if the last-named medicine should have produced no apparent effect, and the convulsions should recur. It is more particularly indicated when the child starts suddenly, when asleep, or stares about wildly; the pupils are much dilated; the body or indi- vidual members become rigid ; the head is hot and face flushed; occa- sionally, clenching of the hands; involuntary passing of Avater after returning to consciousness; the slightest touch will sometimes provoke a renewal of the attack. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Ignatia is frequently found successful, particularly during the time of teething, more especially in children that appear of a melancholy temperament, or in pale, delicate infants, of peevish dispositions. The characteristic symptoms are: the infant, while reposing in a moaning, light slumber, becomes suddenly flushed with burning heat, awakes with a convulsive start, and the utmost soothing scarcely quiets the excitement; a tremor of the entire body, attended by violent crying and shrieks; the muscles of single limbs seem convulsed ; the fit returns every day at a regular hour, or every other day at variable hours. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Aconitum. In robust, plethoric children, this remedy is fre- CONVULSIONS IN CHILDREN. 779 quently of much service as an auxiliary remedy, when the pulse is full and accelerated. It may, under such circumstances, be given either previously, or subsequently to the medicament otherwise indi- cated, until the unnatural rapidity of the circulation has been sub- dued. Dose: Dissolve six globules in three teaspoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful of the solution every four hours, until amelioration or change. Ipecacuanha is useful when great difficulty of breathing, nausea, aversion to food, vomiting and diarrhoea, either precede, accompany, or follow the attacks; also if the convulsions are prece'ded, followed, or accompanied by spasmodic stretchings; and when the child has a constant inclination to remain in the recumbent posture. When indi- gestible food, or an overloaded stomach, has given rise to the attack, there will be additional reason for the selection of this remedy. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. Gelseminum should be administered Avhen the child's head seems heavy, and it lies in a semi-stupid condition, after the paroxysms; during the convulsions the face is flushed, of a dark or dusky hue, and the arteries of the neck pulsate violently. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Nux v. is chiefly required in cases which arise from indigestion, with vomiting of food, constipation, convulsive jerking of the limbs, and tossing backAvards of the head; and when the attacks are the result of high living on the part of the nurse. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Cina is useful, particularly during the second teething, for children of a melancholy temperament, scrofulous constitution, and who are troubled Avith worms, or habitually wet the bed; the characteristic symptoms are: spasms, commencing with constriction of the breast, followed by stiffness of limbs, paleness, and rigidity of the whole frame. Dose : As directed for Chamomilla. Mercurius is useful in spasms which are caused by the presence of worms; the stomach is swollen and hard before, during, and after the fit; the child is attacked with painful eructation, and a species of salivation; the limbs tossed and convulsed, attended by fever and moist skin; after the paroxysms, the child lies for a long time ex- hausted, and apparently dying. Dose: Of a solution of six globules, as directed for Chamomilla. Cicuta virosa is exceedingly serviceable when there is a clear indication of the presence of worms; when the child is first attacked with severe griping and colic, terminating in convulsions; the charac- teristic features of the fit are: tremor of the limbs; jerks like electric shocks, terminated by insensibility. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Acidum hydroeianieum should be given when the muscles of the back, face, and jaws are principally involved in the convulsive action, aud the body assumes a bluish tint. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. 780 WATER IN THE HEAD — DROPSY OF THE BRAIN. Arsenicum has proved very valuable in severe cases of convulsions, during dentition, with the following symptoms: — A burning heed diffuses itself over the whole body of the child; it stretches its feet out, and the hands convulsively backAvards; then throAVS its hands about, and rolls over with violent shrieks, changes its position, and bends forward with clenched fingers and extended thumbs; it is irritable, restless, and per- verse; evinces insatiable thirst, but drinks little at a time; is affected with diarrhoea, sometimes of undigested food ; frequently vomits imme- diately after taking food; the paroxysms recur frequently, and all attempts at soothing seem only to irritate the child. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Arnica is to be recommended in those instances in which convul- sions result from mechanical injuries. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Coffea should be given for convulsions occurring in weak, nervous, and excitable children, who are subject to convulsive attacks; particu- larly if the spasms are brought on by the excitement of excessive laugh- ing, or playing. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Opium should be administered at the onset, when convulsions have ensued as the consequence of a fright, and when the following appear- ances are present: — General trembling; throAving about the limbs; va- cant stare; cries, seemingly unconscious; snoring respiration, and final insensibility. Dose: Of a solution of six globules, as directed for Chamomilla. Stramonium is to be preferred when the child becomes suddenly and violently convulsed and senseless from fright; or when the attack is attended Avith the involuntary discharge of faeces and urine, and the fits are renewed by the sight of any bright or luminous object, such as a candle, mirror, &c. Dose : As directed for Chamomilla. Hyoscyamus, when sudden fright causes very violent convulsions, with twitchings in the face and other parts of the body; diarrhoea, and involuntary emission of urine; frothing at the mouth. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Diet and Regimen. The diet, if artificial, should be very spar- ing, light, and unirritating, so long as the paroxysms continue to recur; and great caution must be observed for some length of time. Stimu- lating fluids, above all things, should be avoided, and any source of sudden excitement obviated, as far as this is practicable. WATER IN THE HEAD —DROPSY OF THE BRAIN. Varieties. It occurs in three distinct forms, namely: (1) the slow, insidious, or torpid variety, which is of an acute or sub-acute character; (2) the highly active or inflammatory form, exhibiting all the features of Inflammation of the Brain, but which is the least fre- quent form; and (3) the essentially chronic form. WATER IN THE HEAD — DROPSY OF THE BRAIN. 781 Acute Dropsy of the Brain. (1.) The low, torpid, or insidious form (First stage).— Generally comes on very insidiously, and often creates no alarm at first, the signs of in- disposition being attributed to the effects of teething or to peevishness. The first of these indications of deranged health consists in great lan- guor, and tendency to'fatigue from the slightest exertion. The child consequently shuns movement; totters in its walk; or drags one leg after the other. There is excessive fretfulness, particularly Avhen the head is raised, and pain is frequently complained of in the back of the neck, in the eyes, limbs, and stomach. The stomach is exceedingly irri- table, vomiting being generally induced whenever the child sits upright or is placed in an erect posture ; the head is hot; the eye looks inflamed, or the pupil is contracted, and the countenance Avears a peculiar ex- pression. There is some fever, the skin being usually hot, and the pulse being rather quick, but often variable, especially at night, with grind- ing of the teeth during sleep, and starting, or fits of screaming on being aAvakened. The evacuations are unhealthy, or the bowels are obsti- nately confined; the urine scanty or suppressed. The child often an- SAvers correctly when spoken to, but often stutters or hesitates in using a particular word. (Second stage.) — As the disease progresses, pain is commonly less frequently complained of; the child becomes quiet when allowed to remain in the horizontal posture, but utters a shrill, peevish cry when lifted up. DroAvsiness or stupor now prevails ; the head sinks upon the pillow; the eyes are half closed; the pupils dilated or immovable, or alternately dilated and contracted, and attended Avith impaired or double vision, or with squinting. A diminution or a complete cessa- tion of sickness, sometimes combined with a slight return of appetite, occurs at this stage; but emaciation proceeds rapidly; the child moans and frequently lifts its hands to its head with a tremulous motion, and often sighs deeply. This, the second stage, may continue for eight, twelve, or fourteen days; after which the affection enters upon the (Third stage) — Avith its convulsions of greater or less intensity. There is constant moaning or raving, but complete loss of conscious- ness ; the eyes are dim, glazed, and turned upwards; the pulse may be invariably quick throughout the Avhole course of the disease; or after having groAvn slow and weak at the termination of the first stage, it may uoav become much accelerated for a short period, and then grad- ually decline. The limbs become relaxed, the belly retracted,.and the breathing very unequal. Extreme prostration, with increased stupor, supervene, and the child is carried off in a state of collapse, or the scene is terminated by a severe convulsive fit. (2.) The acute and inflammatory form (First stage). — In the acute and less frequent variety of the complaint, the symptoms are much more strongly marked. In robust children it occasionally sets in very suddenly, with fever or violent convulsions, the child dying on the third or fourth day. In other cases, the child is seized with severe headache; the face is red, the head hot, and the vessels full and throb- bing ; the child starts at the slightest noise; the eye is preternaturally brilliant, and is very sensitive of the light. The pulse is, at first, full 782 DROPSY OF THE BRAIN. and very quick, and the respiration hurried and labored. The stomach is excessively irritable ; the tongue white and furred, and perhaps en- larged ; the bowels usually very costive, or the motions unnatural, gen- erally presenting a singular green color; the urine scanty, or sometimes altogether suppressed. The countenance is strikingly peculiar, present- ing a mixed expression of terror and pain; the hands are frequently raised to the head ; and the child is extremely fretful, particularly when taken up from the, bed ; whilst the screams which occasionally escape from it are piercing and frantic. As the disease advances, the pulse becomes slow, feeble, and unequal or irregular; any movement has, however, a tendency to accelerate it. (Second and Third stages). —The complaint then passes through the stages already described, and terminates in a like manner. Chronic Dropsy of the Brain. Symptoms. This form of the disease is sometimes a sequel of the preceding variety; but, more commonly, it sets in slowly and insid- iously, without any antecedent acute stage. The head gradually en- larges, whilst the face retains its natural size; and if the child affected be of tender age, the bones of the head separate to a considerable ex- tent, the fontanels become transparent and prominent, and a sense of fluctuation is detectable on pressure. In some cases, the head is unu- usally large originally, and does not increase in magnitude during the course of the disease. The first general symptoms usually observed are languor, lassitude, and loss of flesh. The physical power is much enfeebled, and one or the whole of the senses,are impaired, or become entirely suppressed as the malady advances. In some cases, the intellectual faculties are pre- served much longer than could be imagined from the extent of the disease. Occasionally the head attains an enormous size, and is inca- pable of being kept erect by the debilitated and attenuated frame which supports it. Violent general convulsions sometimes occur, and certain limbs remain constantly in a rigid state. At other times the convul- sions are only partial, affecting merely the face, the muscles connected with the act of breathing, or those of one or more extremities. Some degree of giddiness in the erect posture is occasionally complained of; or there may be heat and pain in the head; vomiting; nocturnal fever, with great restlessness, and movements of the head from side to side, or sinkbag of the head deep into the pillow; repeated working of the tongue and lips, or continuous action of the lower jaws, as in the pro- cess of cheAving. Squinting is not an unfrequent attendant. Issue and Results. The more acute the inflammation the greater are the prospects of cure in general cases of Water on the Brain. A copious outbreak of perspiration, with diminished rapidity and oppres- sion of breathing, and increased flow of urine taking place, announce a happy result. On the other hand, when the disease, even in its acute or sub-acute form (as is more frequently the case), comes on gradually and insidiously in the wake of some other malady, and especially if it occurs in a child of scrofulous habit, the chances of recovery are much less. When the chronic form of the complaint follows an acute attack, DROPSY OF THE BRAIN. 783 or when, during its progress, delirium, convulsions, and stupor super- vene, a fatal result can Avith difficulty be warded off. Distinctive Investigation. Dropsy of the Brain is liable to be confounded with other diseases, as worms, inflammation and ulceration of the mucous membrane of the small intestines, droicsy state from ex- haustion, occurring after protracted debilitating disease, &c. The his- tory of the case, together with a close scrutiny of the whole of the symptoms, Avill rarely fail in enabling an intelligent person to establish the distinction. TREATMENT. Acute Dropsy of the Brain. Medical aid should, if possible, be obtained at the earliest period at which the symptoms of this dangerous and so frequently fatal malady display themselves. The following medicaments may, however, be men- tioned as the more appropriate. Aconitum should be administered at the onset, if the existence of the disease has been discovered upon the first indications of its active progress, Avhen the skin is hot and dry, and the pulse quick, more par- ticularly if the patient exhibit the appearance of a full habit of body, the face having habitually the color of robust health. Dose: Of a solution of three globules to four teaspoonfuls of water, give a teaspoonful every six hours, until amelioration or change. Should ame- lioration ensue, the medicine should be given every twelve hours, the in- terval to be subsequently increased to twenty-four hours, as improvement continues. Should, however, no amelioration be apparent after the lapse of four days, or should other change be earlier manifested, consider and select the most suitable medicament from the subjoined. Belladonna.. Great heat of the head; redness and bloatedness of the face, with strong pulsation of the arteries of the neck; loud com- plaint of pain in the head ; burying of the head in the pillow, or moving the head from side to side ; great increase of suffering by the least noise, and extreme sensibility to light; frequent flushing of heat; violent shoot- ing and burning pains in the head, the eyes being red and sparkling, or of unusual brilliancy, Avith protrusion, or Avith bold or wild expres- sion ; contraction or dilation of the pupils; sickness at the stomach ; violent delirium ; droAvsiness and stupor ; loss of consciousness ; frantic screams ; sometimes low muttering ; grinding of the teeth ; convulsions and vomiting, or even involuntary evacuation from the bowels, or of urine. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. Hyoscyamus is more especially appropriate, when there are vio- lent convulsions; loss of consciousness, or inarticulate speech; delirium; redness of the face; wild, fixed look; Avhite, coated tongue, Avith frothy phlegm about the lips ; dilatation of the pupils ; skin dry and parched ; thirst; diarrhoea; picking at the bedclothes with the fingers. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. Apis Mellifica will be found valuable in cases in Avhich the child emits shrill, piercing screams, while asleep, as though it suffered from sudden and severe pain ; it is also indicated by the disease occurring 784 DROPSY OF THE BRAIN. after the suppression of eruptions, as scarlatina, measles, &c.; or, when the case is characterized by sweating about the head, squinting, grating of the teeth, trembling of the limbs, and irregular, slow pulse. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. Bryonia may be administered when there is heat in the head, with dark redness of the face, and great thirst; eyes convulsed ; delirium ; sudden starts, with cries, or constant inclination to sleep; continued movement of the jaws, as if engaged in chewing; tongue coated yellow ; the bowels obstinately confined, and the belly distended; urine suppressed, or the passing of it appears to cause pain; great thirst, especially at night; skin hot and dry ; respiration hurried, laborious, and anxious ; constipation. Dose: As directed for Aconitum; or, in very severe cases, one globule dry on the tongue, repeated at intervals of one, two, three, and four hours, suc- cessively, and then at intervals of six hours, if yet required. Helleborus niger. Complete apathy; the child cannot raise itself without assistance; frequent rubbing of the nose; no desire for anything but drinks; swallowing greedily ; easily made angry ; striking with the hands; does not want any one near; scanty, dark urine, depositing a sediment that looks like coffee grounds. Dose: As directed for Bryonia. Opium is more properly indicated when the subjoined symptoms prevail: lethargic sleep, with snoring respiration ; half-open eyes, and confusion or giddiness after waking ; and complete apathy and absence of complaint; it is particularly useful when the disease folloAvs an attack of cholera infantum. Dose : As directed for Aconitum. Zincum has occasionally been employed with success in the last stage of acute Dropsy of the Brain, Avith symptoms of incipient paralysis of the brain. This remedy is more especially indicated by loss of con- sciousness ; half-closed eyes ; dilated, insensible pupils ; icy coldness of the extremities, or of the entire surface of the body; blueness of the hands and feet; impeded breath, and small, weak, scarcely-perceptible pulse. Dose: Two globules, dry, on the tongue, repeated at intervals of two hours, until the warmth returns, the pulse grows stronger, the breath easier, and the eyes capable of communicating sensations, objects, &c.; after which the other medicines, above enumerated, should be considered for further treatment. Artemisia may be of use in the second stage, other remedies having failed, Avith convulsions on the right side of the body, while the left side is paralyzed ; stupor; greenish diarrhoea ; the face is pale, and old looking, and the body is cold all over. Dose: As directed for Zincum. Digitalis is sometimes indicated in the second stage of Water on the Brain, particularly when the pulse is very slow, weak, and irregu- lar. Dose : As directed for Zincum. Arsenicum is to be preferred when the face is pale and waxy, the ASTHMA OF MILLAR. 785 emaciation and debility excessive, the pulse quick, weak, and unequal or irregular, and when marked intermissions are observed in the course of the disease. This medicine is again of the chief value in the treat- ment of the chronic variety. Dose: As directed for Aconitum. Sulphur is very serviceable as an intermediary medicine, during the course of treatment with one or more of the medicines above named, when the improvement effected by the remedy which is evidently indi- cated by the symptoms, is limited to a certain point. Sulphur is also of great service in completing the cure, after an attack of the active or inflammatory form. Dose: If as an intermediary medicine, give two globules in a teaspoonful of water, or dry on the tongue, repeated after the lapse of six hours; then pause (if possible) twelve hours, after which resume treatment, with the medicine previously and appropriately employed. If, to complete the cure, repeat the like dose the first thing every morning, for ten days (unless some striking change should sooner occur). Chronic Dropsy of the Brain. Calcarea carb., Zincum, Helleborus, Arsenicum, and Sulphur should be mentioned as those which have proved to be of the most use in the treatment of the chronic form of this disease. The particular indications for each, respectively, may be derived from the previous part of this article, or from that on " Characteristic Effects." Dose: Of either of these medicines, as selected, give one globule in a tea- spoonful of water, night and morning, for a week (unless some decided change should sooner occur); then pause ten days, after which the course should, if necessary, be repeated as before, and so on, until decided amelioration or change. Diet and Regimen. For particulars in these respects, the reader is referred to the article on " Eradicative Treatment," at pp. 83-89. ASTHMA OF MILLAR —SPASM OF THE OPENING OF THE WINDPIPE. Characteristics. This affection is by some denominated the Spasmodic Croup, or Acute Asthma of infants; it bears a considerable resemblance to croup, yet differs from it in many respects,—as, for instance, by the extreme suddenness of the attack, Avhile that of croup is generally preceded, for one or tAvo days, by hoarseness and a slight cough, and by the cessation from suffering the patient enjoys between the attacks, whereas, Avhen croup has set in, the excitement is perma- nent. The suffering appears to arise from a spasmodic contraction of the windpipe, impeding the progress of respiration. Symptoms. The attack commences Avith a sudden spasmodic inspiration, accompanied by a species of stridulous or crowing noise; if the fit continues, the face becomes purple, and the extremities partake of the same hue, frequently attended, as in convulsions, with a clenching of the thumbs inside the palm, and spasmodic constriction 50 786 SPASM OF THE GLOTTIS. of the toes, giving an appearance of distortion to the foot; if proper means are not promptly taken, these attacks recur frequently, and at short intervals, and occasionally the little patient perishes during one of the paroxysms. General Causes. This disease rarely occurs except in infants of delicate constitution, when due means should be taken to endeavor to eradicate it by a proper course of treatment; it frequently accompanies the period of teething, and is excited by similar causes to those bring- ing on convulsions. TREATMENT. Aconitum is indicated Avhen a suffocating cough comes on at night, with shrillness and hoarseness of voice; respiration short, anx- ious, and difficult; skin hot and dry; pulse hard, full, and much accelerated. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to two table-spoonfuls of water, give a teaspoonful, repeated at intervals of three hours (in moderate cases), or even every hour (in somewhat severe instances); or, again, every quarter of an hour, until three doses have been taken, and subsequently every hour (in cases in which the symptoms Are very urgent), — proceeding in such manner until amelioration or change. Ipecacuanha is to be preferred when the attack has been excited by indigestible food, and has been preceded by sickness or purging; or especially when the symptoms consist of—rattling in the chest from an accumulation of phlegm, with spasmodic constriction, and symp- toms as from suffocation; anxious and short, or sighing respiration, with purple color of the face, and cramps, or rigidity of the frame. Dose: Of a solution of three globules to six teaspoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful every quarter of an hour, until three doses have been given, after which the intervals must be lengthened, or the medicine suspended, if decided improvement, or a cessation of the symptoms of impending suffo- cation ensues. Arsenicum should be employed half an hour after the last dose of Ipecacuanha, if the latter medicine should fail in producing speedy relief, and many of the symptoms above enumerated are still predomi- nant or only partially subdued; or, again, Arsenicum is more particu- larly indicated, and should be employed at the onset, when the sub- joined symptoms prevail: — Great anguish, cold perspiration, and considerable prostration of strength during and after the paroxysms. Dose: As directed for Ipecacuanha. Sambucus is indicated by lethargy, or ineffectual inclination to sleep, with oppressed respiration and wheezing; livid hue of the face; agonizing tossings; dry heat of the trunk; no thirst; pulse small, irregular, and intermittent. Dose: As directed for Ipecacuanha. Moschus is of value in cases that occur at a more advanced period of life, Avhen there are: a constriction in the larynx, as if caused by the vapor of sulphur, severe spasms in the chest, with inclination to cough, after which (especially in children) the paroxysms become much ex- acerbated. Dose: As directed for Ipecacuanha. RICKETS. 787 Diet and Regimen. It may be deemed almost superfluous to caution parents against the needless exposure of their children to any of the causes which may possibly excite attacks of this kind. RICKETS. Progress. This distressing disease commonly begins to show itself about the tender age of from one to tAvo years. It is generally pre- ceded, for a longer or shorter period, by derangement of the general health, before any of its Avell - known characteristic features become developed. Premonitory Symptoms. Pale and sickly countenance; dry, harsh skin; soft and flabby flesh ; irregular appetite, sometimes with desire for indigestible or unnatural food; constipation or diarrhoea; general febrile excitement, fretfulness, and languor. General Symptoms. Subsequently, the head is observed to become preternaturally enlarged, and the forehead unusually promi- nent. The breast-bone projects; the ribs appear flattened; the belly is much distended; AAdiile the rest of the body, and the limbs in par- ticular, are greatly emaciated, and the debility is extreme. As the disease advances, the muscles become more flaccid ; the wrists and ankles become swollen ; the legs, thighs, and arms distorted ; and the spine partakes in the general deformity, by becoming shorter, and curved in various directions. Issue and Results. When the disease is early attended to, and the more general exciting causes, — such as defective nursing, damp or wet, ill-ventilated dwellings, insufficient exercise out of doors, im- proper food, and uncleanliness, — are capable of being removed, — the chances of recovery are much increased, and the deformity is fre- quently materially, if not Avholly, diminished as the patient grows up. OtherAvise, if life be spared, it is liable to- be rendered miserable by a state of almost continuous suffering. TREATMENT. General Precautions and Management. When there is an hereditary predisposition to this disease, too great attention cannot be paid to the first manifestations of ill-health. Great care should, at the same time, be taken to avoid undue pressure upon the chest and other parts. The bones of a rickety child are Avanting in the natural and requisite strength or firmness to support the weight of the frame. Consequently, when every precaution is not adopted, and the child is allowed, or rather compelled, by its heedless or culpa- ble nurse or others, to use muscular exertion, deformity inevitably results. It will, therefore, be necessary to deal gently and cautiously with the child from the first day of its earthly existence. And while every care is observed to escape the mischief alluded to, other means, having for their object the improvement of health, must be strictly followed. The child should be regularly in the open air, vvhen the weather permits ; its apartments ought to be well ventilated ; its per- sonal cleanliness should be constantly ensured; and wholesome and 788 RICKETS. appropriate nourishment provided. When the health and strength are improving, but the limbs and other parts have become deformed to a greater or less extent, in defiance of every solicitude, — or, as more frequently happens, from oft-repeated infractions of the rules laid down, — considerable benefit may yet be accomplished by judi- ciously applied mechanical aid. MECHANICAL MEASURES. At the head of the artificial contrivances for counteracting deformity, may be placed the gentle and cautious use of gymnastic exercises, as soon as the child is old enough to undergo them; and it is surprising how early they may be advantageously resorted to. Without these all instruments are often futile, not to say hurtful. But in combineition with them, the objection to the temporary employment of an appro- priate apparatus for the purpose of exercising compression, is, I believe, in certain cases removed. I allude, more especially, to the instance in which the legs have become very much bent, either in consequence of neglect, or from its having been found impracticable to prevent a high- spirited child from constantly getting on his feet before his delicate frame had become sufficiently invigorated by suitable treatment. I am free to admit, however, that instruments should always be rejected whenever and wherever they can possibly be dispensed with. Medicinal Treatment. The homoeopathic treatment, required for the subjugation of the constitutional disturbance which ushers in the local peculiarities of the disease, is so analogous to Avhat is recommended in the article on " Infantile Remittent Fever," that the reader is referred thereto, (at pp. 789-793.) If the local manifestations of the disease have supervened, the sub- joined medicines more especially should be considered: — Calcarea is a medicine of the most essential importance in all cases of rickety disease, and is more particularly required when the fontanels remain open too long, and Avhen the process of teething is unduly protracted, or the teeth that are protruding have a tendency to premature decay ; or again, wdien there is curvature of the spine and of the limbs, with enlargement of the joints, and very undue dimension of the skull. Calcarea, again, is yet more especially indi- cated, if, in addition to these manifestations, there be incrustations on the face, or if the belly be enlarged and hard, and Avhilst rapid or gradual loss of flesh takes place, the appetite is morbidly voracious; the skin is commonly dry and flaccid, and the child AA'ears the appear- ance of being much older than it really is, although it be commonly diminutive and fragile; the boAvels are habitually costive, or are fre- quently affected with excessive and protracted relaxation. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, the first thing every morning, for a week (unless decided change should sooner occur); then pause ten days ; after which the course should be repeated, as before, and so on, until some distinct signs of general improvement or change. Baryta carbonica will be found adapted to some cases, particu INFANTILE REMITTENT FEVER. 789 larly of dwarfish children, where there appears to be a general arrest and suspension of development, particularly if there be a tendency to glandular enlargements in the neck and elsewhere. Dose: As directed for Calcarea. Mercurius should be employed if the following symptoms should ensue: — Pains in the bones, as if of soreness, or as if bruised, with ex- treme tenderness of the shin-bone and knee-joints to pressure, with or Avithout curvature of the limbs ; dandruff, and other obstinate affections of the scalp and face; incrustations on the face; extreme susceptibility to take cold, with constant or very frequent prevalence of cold in the head or on the chest, and tendency to excessive perspiration, whether offensive or not; and often a chronic, slimy, or clay-colored diarrhoea. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Calcarea. Silicea is appropriate to the treatment of almost all cases of disease of the bones; and is more particularly and decisively indicated by a peculiar tendency to ulceration manifested by the skin upon the least abrasion, — that is, when it " heals badly," as it is popularly termed ; or when there are scabby eruptions on the scalp, the glands being dis- posed to suppurate, the complexion pallid but puffy, and the ears being constantly or frequently affected with discharges of matter. Silicea may be required after Calcarea, to complete the cure. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Calcarea. Sulphur should be employed after Calcarea or Silicea, if these medicines, having previously been productive of decided good effect, should cease to operate so beneficially, or if the subjoined symptoms should prevail (which, if predominant, hoAvever, might more distinctly in- dicate the employment of Sulphur at the onset): — Extreme susceptibility to take cold, and to protracted discharges from the nose or from the windpipe, or, again, to excessive or continued relaxation of the bowels ; but still more especially by obstinate and intractable constipation, Avith flabbiness of the flesh and skin, pallor and puffiness of the face; pro- tracted inability to use the legs or to maintain the erect position ; tend- ency to be easily throAvn into a violent perspiration by any exertion; the skin being otherwise dry, and even harsh, and the eyes and eyelids appearing to be habitually more or less inflamed, and both mind and body languid, and unfit for exertion of any kind. Diet and Regimen. In these respects the reader is referred back to the remarks on " General Precautions and Management," in the foregoing portion of this article, and to the article on " Eradicative Treatment," pp. 83-89. INFANTILE REMITTENT FEVER. Characteristics. By infantile remittent is here chiefly meant that form of fever which occurs in infants and children, arising from morbid irritability of the stomach and bowels. Symptoms. The affection is usually preceded by languor, irrita- bility of temper, drowsiness, Avith very restless nights, want of appetite, foul tongue, offensive breath, nausea, or vomiting, thirst, slight heat of 790 INFANTILE REMITTENT FEVER. the skin, headache, or pain in the stomach, flatulence, constipation, or diarrhoea, and orange-colored or white and turbid urine, which fre- quently deposits a chalk-like sediment. Ere long these symptoms pre- sent themselves in a more aggravated form, together with a further development of morbid phenomena, such as hurried and oppressed breathing, quickness of pulse, with occasional flushes in the face, vom- iting, distension and tenderness of the belly; obstinate constipation, sometimes diarrhoea; motions discolored, fetid, frequently mixed with mucus, and occasionally with blood, or containing worms. The hands and feet are often cold, and the rest of the body is parched; the head hot and heavy, attended Avith lethargy, &c. The tongue, at first moist, loaded, and occasionally very red at the tip and along the margin, often becomes dry over a triangular spot at the point, and the lips are sometimes covered with a brown fur. As soon as the fever is regularly established, remarkable aggrava- tions Avith consecutive remissions take place during the twenty-four hours. When the febrile exacerbation takes place at night, it is accom- panied by vigilance and tossing; when during the day, there is, on the other hand, droAvsiness and stupor; and extreme irritability of temper, with constant picking at the nose, lips, or tongue, particularly during the periods of remission, are frequent concomitant symptoms. An an- noying cough, succeeded by wheezing and expectoration, sometimes appears. Issue and Results. Although, as is characteristic of remittent fever, the febrile symptoms never entirely subside, still the patient will frequently appear to be steadily recovering for a rime ; and the unwary and inexperienced may consequently be led to pronounce an unduly favorable opinion, which will too often be contradicted by the occur- rence of a relapse, followed, perhaps, again by another encouraging but deceptive remission, and so on — unless the progress of the disease be checked — until either the mesenteric glands become affected, or dropsical effusion into the cavity of the belly, or unequivocal signs of disease of the brain supervene; or the little sufferer is so emaciated and reduced by protracted disease, that the vital powers give way, and it sinks exhausted. TREATMENT. In mild attacks, occurring in tolerably healthy children, the disease is generally readily subdued in a fevv days, by means of one or more of the following remedies : — Ipecacuanha may be given, if the attack has been excited by over-feeding, or by indigestible food, and the symptoms encountered are as follows : — General dry heat, or harsh and parched skin, especially towards evening; thirst, extreme restlessness, burning heat in the palms of the hands ; perspiration at night; quick, oppressive breathing, foul tongue, nausea, vomiting, or fastidious appetite with sickness after eating; great languor, apathy, and indifference. Dose: Of a solution of six globules to three table-spoonfuls of water, give a teaspoonful every six hours (during the prevalence of the premonitory symptoms), until amelioration or change; or at intervals of four hours, during the remissions (when these are well marked), and during the active INFANTILE REMITTENT FEVER. 791 stage of the fever; or, again, morning and evening, in mild cases, and when the remissions are less decided. Pulsatilla should be employed, if notwithstanding the administra- tion of Ipecacuanha, at the stated intervals, for twenty-four hours, the symptoms remain unaltered, or the boAvels become very relaxed, the motions fetid, whitish, bilious, or of variable color at different times, and accompanied with griping and distention of the belly, turbid, reddish, orange-colored urine, and fever towards evening or during the night. Dose: As directed for Ipecacuanha. Aconitum is generally of considerable efficacy against the par- ticular symptoms which follow : — When the patient is of a full habit of body, or in all cases in which the febrile action is excessive, the thirst great, the pulse full and much accelerated, the skin dry and much above the natural temperature, the Avater scanty and high-colored. Dose: As directed for Ipecacuanha. Gelseminum will be found to be a valuable remedy in many cases, in Avhich the symptoms bear some resemblance to those of Aconi- tum, but are not so active and intense. There is dark flushing of the face during the febrile exacerbations, which commonly occur about noon; the child will probably be playful and cheerful in the morning, and toAvards noon, or in the afternoon, will droop and become languid, and the fever will become exacerbated at once. Dose: As directed for Ipecacuanha. Nux vomica is efficient when the bowels are costive, or when there is straining, folloAved by scanty, watery motions, generally mixed with mucus, or occasionally with a little blood; belly tumid and rather painful; further, Avhen the child is excessively peevish; the tongue foul, or vivid-red at the tip and margins ; appetite impaired ; or there is nausea, with disgust at food ; restlessness ; fever worse towards morn- ing. Dose: As for Ipecacuanha. Chamomilla is indicated if the tongue is red and cracked, or coated yelloAv; sleep restless and agitated, attended with frequent starts and jerkings of the limbs; flushes of heat in various parts of the body; the head is hot, the skin hot, the face flushed, the pulse quick ; thirst, nausea, vomiting ; greenish evacuations, with straining ; orange-colored urine; and the child is very fretful and irritable, and wants to be nursed or carried about. Dose: In every particular as directed for Ipecacuanha. ' Belladonna may be employed if the tongue be loaded, or coated white or yellow in the centre, and very red at the edge; thirst; nausea or vomiting; great heat of the belly, with tenderness on the slightest pressure ; oppressed breathing ; very red face; moaning during sleep ; with starting and jumping ; delirium ; red eyes; and general predomi- nance of brain symptoms. Dose: As directed for Ipecacuanha. Mercurius should be given for the following symptoms: — Loaded tongue, nausea or vomiting, with tenderness of the belly; thirst, some- 792 INFANTILE REMITTENT FEVER. times with aversion to drinks when offered; cloudy or milk-like urine; no motions, or diarrhoea with excessive straining, the stools generally consisting merely of a little slime, sometimes mixed with blood; yel- lowish tinge of the skin, profuse SAveat, which affords no relief. Dose: As directed for Ipecacuanha. Bryonia should be preferably selected when" the head is hot and heavy, the pulse quick, the tongue foul (yellowish-brown), or very dry, particularly at the tip, and other symptoms of stomachic derangement are prominent, together with a tumid and painful state of the belly, constipation, or alternate diarrhoea and costiveness; headache, thirst, quick, laborious respiration, and delirium, particularly at night, with drowsiness during the day. Dose: As directed for Ipecacuanha. Cina is particularly indicated when all the symptoms of invermina- tion or worms accompany the fever, — such as boring and picking at the nose, starting and screaming during sleep, dilated pupils, colic, diarrhoea, —or loose, bilious, or white papescent stools, sometimes containing worms. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, morning, noon, and night, until amelioration or change. Sulphur may be given with advantage to complete the cure, in many cases, after the previous employment of any of the foregoing medicines. It is, however, when the attack is characterized by the following features, that this remedy is more directly called for:—• Feverish heat, especially towards evening; flushes, alternately with paleness of the face; dryness of the skin; hurried and laborious breath- ing ; nocturnal perspiration ; languor and great weakness, particularly in the inferior extremities; tense, tumid, and painful belly; whitish urine; dry, hard, or loose and slimy motions. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, morning and evening, until amelioration or change. Silicea is to be recommended Avhen there is great emaciation, lan- guor and debility, paleness of the face, want of appetite, or craving for dainties; shortness of breath on movement; feverish heat in the morn- ing or towards evening. This remedy is also a most important one, when the patient is afflicted with worms, and when the disease is in a great measure attributable to that cause. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Sulphur. Calcarea is more especially indicated by the folloAving symptoms: — Great debility, with flabbiness of the muscles, dryness of the skin, and excessive emaciation; frequent flushes, or general heat, folloAved by shivering tOAvards evening; exhaustion, or dejection after speaking; impaired, fastidious appetite, with weak and slow digestion, or, on the contrary, extreme voracity ; perspiration towards morning ; hard, tense, and tumid belly. It is particularly adapted to scrofulous children, with open fontanels, &c. Dose: Two globules, as directed for Sulphur. Arsenicum is indicated by extreme prostration of strength and emaciation, Avith desire to remain constantly in the recumbent posture ; dry, burning heat of the skin; parched tongue, with great thirst, but ATR OPHY — EMACIATION — MARASMUS. 793 desire to drink little at a time, or merely to moisten the lips, which are frequently parched ; or clammy perspiration, with coldness of the limbs; impaired appetite, and sometimes excessive irritability of the stomach, so that very little food can be retained; hard and tense belly ; soreness and ulceration of the mouth; restless, unrefreshing sleep, and frequent starts, or twitching of the tendons ; pulse scarcely perceptible, or intermittent; fretful and capricious disposition. Dose: Two globules in a teaspoonful of water, three times a day, until amelioration or change. Rhus is useful when the tongue is dry and brown, or furred, and there is trembling of the hands and arms, with extreme debility; copi- ous, yelloAvish, or loose sanguineous stools; general heat, or a clammy state of the skin ; pulse quick and weak ; excessive restlessness, or fre- quent _ drowsiness or stupor; the disease has a disposition to take a typhoid character. Dose: As directed for Ipecacuanha. Phosphorus is chiefly required in protracted cases attended with low fever, distended bowels, and debilitating diarrhoea; milky-looking urine, or turbid urine, which deposits a white sediment. Dose : As directed for Ipecacuanha. Lachesis may be advantageously employed when the ensuing symptoms supervene : — Deep, prolonged sleep ; grinding of the teeth ; or somnolency alternately Avith sleeplessness; tremulous, intermittent, or scarcely perceptible pulse; the child invariably is worse after sleep- ing. Dose : As directed for Cina. Diet and Regimen. The utmost possible attention should be paid to diet in the treatment of Infantile Remittent Fever. There is, generally, much aversion to food during the height of the disease, and Ave should on no account entice- the patient to take more than the AAreakened digestive powers can .sustain, even when the appetite is returning. When diarrhoea, or symptoms of intestinal inflammatory action prevail, the dietetic regulations to be observed are such as have been more particularly enumerated under the head of " Bowel Com- plaints" (at p. 765). Light farinaceous diet alone should be allowed, even in an advanced stage of convalescence. Solid food, particularly meat and fish, must be strictly prohibited, even though the appetite should be good — as it is in some instances, while, in other cases, indeed, it is ravenous. — In protracted cases, change of air is often of great service. It may be added, that when the skin is hot and parched, the sleeplessness and restlessness are often temporarily removed by sponging the body Avith tepid water; this expedient is, however, only to be had recourse to Avhen the remedies fail to afford this relief, and that in a more permanent degree. ATROPHY — EMACIATION — MARASMUS. General Causes. Emaciation of infants and children usually arise from a predisposing constitutional cause, which frequently be- comes developed during the irritation of teething, or is called into 794 ATROPHY — EMACIATION — MARASMUS. activity by inappropriate or unhealthy nourishment, either from the breast, or in the form of supplementary diet, at an earlier period; or again, and, unfortunately, not unusually, it is engendered or developed, and rendered more complicated, and almost incurable, at a somewhat more advanced age, by the pernicious habit of a free_ and reiterated use of mercurial preparations, in the vain hope of bringing about a healthy state of the primary organs of digestion, when these have become deranged by repeated infractions of appropriate rules, as to diet and general habits. The manifestation of worms and the usual attendant symptoms of invermination, and the enlargement and indu- ration of the mesenteric glands, are frequent, antecedent, occasional causes of the disease. TREATMENT. Sulphur is appropriate in almost all cases at the commencement of the treatment, when the disease has become fairly developed, or occurs in scrofulous children, but is more especially indicated by the following symptoms:—Craving appetite for food and drink, watches eagerly for the cup or spoon, and clutches at them, thrusting every- thing into its mouth; enlargement of the glands in the groin or arm- pits; slimy excoriating diarrhoea, or obstinate constipation; pale com- plexion, sunken eyes; jumping, starting, and screaming; restless sleep. Dose: Three globules in a teaspoonful of water, every morning, the first thing, for ten days (unless decided change or new symptoms should sooner occur); then pause five days, after which the course may, if still indicated, be repeated as before, and so on, until decided amelioration or change. Calcarea should either be employed at the onset, or after the previous administration of Sulphur (as just directed), if the following symptoms be more especially predominant, or should supervene, or if again Sulphur should not have been productive of apparent improve- ment Avithin eight days aftor the completion of the second course. The indicative symptoms are, — great emaciation, with craving appetite; enlargement and induration of the mesenteric glands and of the belly ; great Aveakness, clayey evacuations, a dry and flabby skin ; too great a susceptibility of the nervous system ; large open fontanels; profuse sweat about the head ; cough, with rattling of mucus. Dose: Three globules, as directed for Sulphur. Chamomilla is chiefly required when the following symptoms occur: — Frequent screaming, with drawing of the legs toAvards the stomach; hardness and fulness of the belly; great restlessness and feverishness; acidity ; flatulence, frequent purging, the stools being of a deep grass-green, or very yellow color, or Avhitish, yelloAv and frothy, sometimes resembling beaten eggs, and of an offensive odor, often like that of rotten eggs ; occasional sickness, the matter vomited being more or less of a bilious description ; thirst; want of appetite; frequent change of complexion. Dose: Of a solution of three globules to six teaspoonfuls of water, give a tea- spoonful thrice a day. Podophyllum should be administered when the child rapidly becomes emaciated; a great number of evacuations take place daily, ATROPHY — EMACIATION — MARASMUS. 795 all of which have a natural appearance ; the greater number occurring in the morning. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Pulsatilla is indicated when less restlessness and peevishness pre- vail than under Chamomilla, and little or no thirst, with complete loss of appetite; or, on the contrary, voracious and inappeasable hun- ger, Avith acid or other disagreeable risings; or disposition to vomiting the contents of the stomach; frequent papescent stools of a greenish, bilious description; or watery, slimy evacuations, at times of a light or whitish color; the child is always better in the open air. Dose : As directed for Chamomilla. Antimonium c. may be had recourse to, twelve hours after the last dose of the preceding remedy, if no improvement has resulted; or this remedy may be preferred, from the commencement, if the child cannot bear to be looked at, or touched by any one; or if its tongue be covered Avith a thick, Avhite coating. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Ipecacuanha is usually a most useful medicine, when nausea, or copious and frequent vomiting form more prominent features in the case than purging; or, when there is both vomiting and purging,— the substance ejected from the bowels being chiefly of a greenish-yel- Ioav color, and often bearing a resemblance to matter in a state of fer- mentation. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Mercurius is required when the evacuations from the bowels are very frequent, but generally scanty and slimy, and usually attended with distressing straining; or greenish, sour-smelling, or fetid; also when small white ulcers make their appearance on the inner surface of the lips and cheeks, or on the tongue, &c.; when, with less flatulency, most of the symptoms mentioned under the head of Chamomilla are present; or, and more particularly, Avhen the patient is affected Avith enlarged joints and glands, and distorted limbs, — provided always these latter symptoms have not been induced, or at least materially aggravated by the abuse of Calomel, or other mercurial preparations, under allopathic treatment, — this medicine is also of much efficacy. Dose : As directed for Sulphur. Nux vomica. The interposition of constipation, or alternate states of costiveness and relaxation, with fickle, variable, or entire loss of appetite; regurgitations or vomiting, flatulency, acidity, excessive irritability of temper, great feebleness, soreness of the mouth, or forma- tion of small, Avhite, ulcerative specks or spots, are all indicative symp- toms for the employment of this remedy. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Bryonia. Vomiting occurs almost immediately after eating ; con- stipation ; the child always feels cold; the lips are dry and parched, and the mouth is dry. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Arsenicum is one of the most important remedies: it is indicated 796 ATROPHY — EMACIATION — MARASMUS. by dryness of skin, which resembles parchment; hollow eyes; desire to drink often, but little at a time; excessive agitation and tossing, especially at night; short sleep, interrupted by jerks; colic, with relaxed stools of greenish, broAvnish, or blackish color, or evacuations containing undi- gested food ; night-SAveats ; extreme prostration ; pale, waxy appearance. Dose: As directed for Sulphur. Baryta carb. is indicated by enlargement of the glands of the nape of the neck ; tenderness of the belly, with tumefaction and induration of the abdominal glands ; continual desire to sleep ; great indolence, and aversion to exertion and amusement; dysenteric or loose stools, some- times containing thread-worms. Dose: As directed for Sulphur. Acidum nitricum is chiefly required in cases which have been developed or exacerbated by the abuse of mercurial preparations; the bones and joints being swollen and tender, the mouth and gums more or less inflamed and sore, the mesenteric and other glands much enlarged; the bowels confined, or much relaxed, and attended with straining. Dose : As directed for Sulphur. Conium is indicated by hardness.and excessive distension of the boAvels, sometimes Avith coldness of the feet and legs, or only of one foot; constipation; but more frequently exhausting watery diarrhoea, attended Avith griping, — the stools, occasionally, containing undi- gested substances. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Phosphorus is more or less useful, in cases wdth protracted and debilitating watery diarrhoea, and Avhen the mesenteric glands are dis- eased. Dose: As directed for Sulphur. Staphysagria is suitable for children who are subject to boils; large abdomen ; voracious appetite; swelling of the glands of the neck, and of those under the loAver jaAV ; frequent attacks of cold in the head, with scurf around the nostrils; unhealthy skin. Dose : As directed for Chamomilla. Aethusa eynapium. The child throws up its milk soon after nursing, with great force, and suddenly; then falls asleep, as if from exhaustion — to awaken for a fresh supply. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Belladonna is to be preferred when the prevailing symptoms and conditions are as follows : — Capriciousness and obstinacy ; nocturnal cough, with rattling of phlegm ; enlargement of the glands of the neck ; unquiet sleep; precocity of intellect; (blue eyes and fair hair.) Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. China is required for excessive emaciation ; voraciousness ; diarrhoea at night, or frequent, white, papescent motions, or evacuations of undi- gested matter; frequent perspirations, especially at night; great de- bility and languor; unrefreshing sleep. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. DIPHTHERIA. 797 Cina is more particularly required when the patient suffers from worms; or for wetting of the bed, insatiable appetite, &c. Dose: As directed for Chamomilla. Rhus should be selected, when there is slimy or sanguineous diarrhoea; debility; and excessive languor, with constant desire for the recumbent posture ; great restlessness ; the symptoms are all aggra- vated after midnight. Dose : As directed for Chamomilla. Diet and Regimen. When the disease is manifested in infants at the breast, recovery will, in many cases, take place on the substitu- tion of a good nurse of sound constitution, or of appropriate artifi- cial feeding — such as goat's milk, or, sometimes, weak broths — for the faulty nutriment Avhich has originated the disease. But when the child is of scrofulous constitution, and glandular enlargements, &c, have become developed, the addition of regular and appropriate me- dicinal treatment is required. Again, Avhen the affection has been engendered by improper food, in children Avho are being reared by the hand or Avho are past the age of infancy, if the progress of decay is not too far advanced, and no organic disease be developed, a cure may, as in the former case, be accomplished by the correction of the main source of all the mischief. The improper food ought, therefore, to be at once withdraAvn, or the quantity reduced, if that has been too great. Goat's milk or cow's milk, which has previously been boiled and diluted (one part of water to about three of good milk), and, occasionally, chicken-broth, or, to children of more advanced age, fari- naceous food, generous beef-tea, or mutton-broth, free of fat, may be substituted for food of a more solid or indigestible nature with which the child has been dieted. Pure air and regulated exercise are also of great importance. DIPHTHERIA. Much difference of opinion formerly existed, and to some extent still exists, as to the nature of the external manifestations of this seri- ous, and so frequently fatal disease. This decrepancy may, in a great measure, be attributable to the various aspects Avhich the malady has assumed in different localities, and at different epochs. In the present chapter it is meant to treat briefly of the more distinctive form of true diphtheria, characterized by extreme prostration of strength, fetid ex- halations, and the formation of Avhat is denominated a false membrane, comprised of a yelloAvish, yelloAvish-white, or ash-colored, more rarely grayish, exudation, varying in thickness and consistency, and appear- ing either in one continuous layer, or in patches, on the soft palate, uvula, tonsils, lips, &c. This exudation is, in general cases, easily broken up or detached, and the mucous membrane under it is found to be entire, but usually highly irritable, and of a peculiarly livid color. In the milder forms of the affection the exudation is confined to the throat and mouth. In the severer types it extends upwards into the nostrils, or downwards into the Avindpipe; and, in the malignant varie- ties, it i's associated with excessive swelling of the glands, &c, of the 798 DIPHTHERIA. throat, front of the ear and neck, and, occasionally, also Avith bleeding of the gums, or oozing of blood from the entire mucous membrane of the mouth and throat; lastly, in complicated cases, there may be putrid ulcerations with thin, acrid, offensive discharge, extreme prostration of strength, or, in short, the ordinary indications of malignant putrid sore-throat of the most aggravated form. Symptoms. In the first stage of the disease there is often little or no derangement of the general health ; but, in some of the severer forms, sudden prostration of strength, chilliness, fretfulness, and loss of appetite, are early noticeable. A slight pain in the throat may also be complained of, with a little difficulty in SAvalloAving. On looking into the throat, the palate and uvula are usually found to be inflamed, Avhile the tonsils are observed to be somewhat enlarged, and speckled with small whitish spots, which, in a few hours, deepen into a yelloAvish hue, and frequently coalesce. This peculiar exudation then extends to the soft palate, uvula, &c, in a more or less continuous form, thus completing the development of the characteristic false membrane above alluded to. It sometimes varies in color and consistence, as the disease advances, in different epidemics. It exhales a fetid odor, and is some- times accompanied by flow of saliva. After having been frequently dispersed, and again reneAved, it permanently disappears, in the simple form of the disease, in the course of a few days, and recovery is estab- lished. In too many instances, hoAvever, the affection, in place of retaining this simple form, rapidly passes into the severer variety; or, it assumes, soon after its invasion, the dreadful features of the malig- nant type. Even in the milder forms of the affection, the false mem- brane occasionally continues to be reproduced incessantly at longer or shorter intervals, and the patient sinks from exhaustion or suffocation. In the majority of fatal cases, sudden collapse or gradual exhaustion is the cause of the fatal issue. The disease generally runs its course in about a week ; but death may ensue as early as the close of the first or second day, and as late, in malignant cases, as the twentieth day. Even after the lapse of several weeks, death has ensued from prostration and paralysis. In some epidemics of this disorder there is an eruption upon the skin, which appears in the form of a rash, and is sometimes of a dark or purplish color, bearing a close resemblance to that of measles; at others, bright and scarlet, like that of scarlet fever. The disease may be modified by a prevailing epidemic of measles or scarlet fever; and is sometimes complicated Avith croup. In favorable cases, and under appropriate treatment, the putrid odor of the breath speedily decreases; the exudation or deposit gradu- ally diminishes, or shrivels up and drops off; the sAArelling and redness steadily subside, and the mucous membrane is restored to its natural healthy aspect. Unfavorable signs are: an acrid discharge from the nostrils; invasion of the Avindpipe, or complication with croup; hemor- rhage from the nose or mouth; coldness of the surface of the body; diarrhoea and vomiting; convulsions; complications with scarlet fever, measles, &c. Cases Avhich are apparently mild at first, not unfre- quently terminate unfavorably; and sometimes, after the disease has DIPHTHERIA. 799 suosided, it is found that, paralysis, either general, or of special parts, or derangement of the special senses, such as hearing, smell, taste, &c, remain as sequelae of this formidable malady. TREATMENT. Belladonna is frequently of great value in the early stage of mild cases, more particularly when the disease sets in with marked febrile symptoms, and there is marked redness and inflammation of the ton- sils ; the patient is uneasy and restless, and complains of the throat; is drowsy, and cannot sleep, or starts up suddenly out of every sleep. Dose: Of a solution of twelve globules to five teaspoonfuls of water, give a teaspoonful every two hours, until amelioration or change. Many mild cases, with the above characteristics, will be promptly relieved and cured, by this remedy alone; and should amelioration be noticed, the interval between the doses should be lengthened to three or four hours, according to circumstances. Should the symptoms recur with violence, however, after having been once mitigated under the action of Belladonna, do not resort to that remedy again, but select one of the subjoined. Acidum muriaticum. This remedy has proved of great efficacy in a number of cases of simple diphtheria, and may very generally be administered as soon as the membranous deposit begins to appear, and particularly Avhen there is not much glandular swelling, but consider- able prostration of strength and fetid breath; with little fever, but marked lassitude and weariness. Dose: Three drops of the second decimal dilution in a teaspoonful of water every hour, until relief or change. In the event of improvement, lengthen the intervals to two hours, then to three hours, and so on, until the cure is complete; but if the exudation spreads to fresh surfaces in spite of the employment of Acid, muriaticum for from twenty-four to forty-eight hours, another remedy must be selected. Mercurius protiodatus. Should the throat present a deep-red appearance, and the tonsils and the surrounding parts be considerably swollen and studded with specks of exudation; and if, moreover, there be cold in the head, accumulation of mucus in the throat, and exces- sive secretion and flow of saliva of a fetid odor, Mercurius is a useful, if not an indispensable remedy. It is an important remedy in all forms of the disease. Dose: One grain of the third centesimal trituration in six teaspoonfuls of water, a teaspoonful every two hours; or as much of the trituration as can be carried on the point of a penknife, administered dry (undissolved), at the same intervals, until amelioration or change; but if, after the lapse of forty-eight hours, or even a shorter period, the exudation, fetor, and swelling increase, proceed with the more appropriate remedy. Kali hiehromieum. In the event of no improvement, from thirty-six to forty-eight hours after the employment of Mercurius protio- datus, and particularly when the disease extends into the posterior parts of the throat, and thence into the nostrils, Kali hiehromieum should be selected. It is, moreover, indicated by a tough and stringy discharge from the nose or mouth ; pain in the left ear; swelling of the glands under the ears; croupy cough; measle-like eruption, and red and shin- ing tongue. Dose: As directed under Mercurius protiodatus. 800 DIPHTHERIA. Acidum nitricum. When, notwithstanding the employment of Acidum mur. or Mercurius, superficial patches of exudation continue to present themselves ; and when the throat, in place of healing, becomes painful and of a vivid-red color ; also when there is a tendency to ulcera- tive complication, and the gums are disposed to bleed, this remedy may be employed with advantage. It is further indicated by the presence of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the mouth, and by an acrid, corrosive discharge from the nose. Dose: Two drops of the third decimal dilution in a teaspoonful of water, every two hours, until relief or change. Kali chloricum. When, after a period of not longer than forty- eight hours, the above-described symptoms either remain stationary, or become aggravated ; or Avhen the gums are more or less red and swollen, and the exudation is extensive, but confined to the mouth and palate, Kali chlor. may be substituted Avith the best results. Dose: Same as directed for Acidum nitricum. Phytolacca is a remedy Avhich has been promptly curative in many cases of diphtheria, particularly in the mild, or non-malignant variety. It is indicated more particularly when there is considerable febrile manifestation; headache; violent aching pains in the back and limbs; great weakness, so that the patient cannot stand, and gets faint and dizzy even when rising up in bed. Dose: As directed for Acidum muriaticum. Lachesis will prove useful when the inflammation and the diph- theritic deposit commence on the left side of the throat, and either remain there or spread to the right side. It is further indicated when the patient is always worse after sleeping, and cannot bear the slightest pressure on the throat. It is frequently useful after the previous em- ployment of Belladonna, and in malignant forms of the disease, when mortification or sloughing of the parts threatens. Dose: As directed for Belladonna. Lycopodium should be given, in mild cases, when the right side of the throat is first invaded, and the soreness is aggravated by warm drinks ; the nostrils are stopped up, and the patient cannot breathe Avith his mouth closed; starting and jerking of the loAver limbs; dread of being left alone. Dose: As directed for Belladonna. Apis mellifica should be given when there is great debility from the commencement of the disease ; the false membrane presents a dirty- grayish hue; there is puffiness around the eyes, pain in the ears when swallowing; an itchy, stinging eruption on the skin; numbness of the feet and hands. Dose : As directed for Belladonna. Cantharides will prove very efficacious in many cases when the diphtheritic exudation appears in patches ; the adjoining surfaces of the mucous membrane being of a bright-scarlet redness, Avith intense burning and dryness of the throat, and great thirst, the burning resem- bling that produced by the application of a blister. It is further indi- LARYNGEAL DIPHTHERIA. 801 cated by derangement of the urinary apparatus, manifeste 1 by burning and scalding on urinating, or by a suppression or increased discharge of urine; as well as by extreme prostration, and an irritable-looking rash upon the skin. Dose: As directed for Acidum nitricum. Arsenicum. In cases in Avhich the prostration of strength is ex- cessive, or threatens to increase, notwithstanding the employment of Acidum muriaticum,, or any of the above-mentioned remedies, together with nourishing diet and stimulants, this remedy should be brought into requisition. It is further indicated by an excessive and distress- ing restlessness, Avhich is Avorse after midnight. Dose: A drop of the third centesimal dilution every hour, or half-hour, in a teaspoonful of water, until reaction sets in, when the intervals between the doses may be lengthened to two hours, or another remedy selected if needful. LARYNGEAL DIPHTHERIA. This dangerous variety of diphtheria may, from neglect or otherwise, occur during the progress, or even tOAvards the apparently successful close of a mild attack, from an extension of the exudation into the air- passages. It presents some resemblance to the Avorst forms of croup, particularly as regards the accompanying impeded respiration, cough, and hoarseness, with the distinctive foul-smelling exudation or false membrane, and the throat symptoms, described in the preceding obser- vations. The remedies which have hitherto been employed with the most success in laryngeal diphtheria, as soon as the first indications of its invasion become manifest, are — Iodium, Bromium, Kali bichro- micum, and Mercurius protiodatus. Iodium. When, in addition to the formation of specks or patches of exudation of greater or less extent, with sore throat, enlargement of the tonsils, or glands of the neck, great languor, disinclination for food, — difficulty of breathing, cough, and alteration of the voice, super- vene, the administration of Iodium may at once be resorted to. Dose: Six drops of the first centesimal dilution to four table-spoonfuls of water, a teaspoonful at first every quarter of an hour for one hour, and then every hour until amendment or change. In the event of improve- ment, lengthen the intervals of repetition to two hours for six hours more, and so on. But if no improvement take place after from twenty- •> four to thirty-six hours, or so, or if a change for the worse set in within a shorter period, Bromium may be substituted for Iodium, and administered in the same way. Should Bromium fail to make a favorable impression, or should there be manifestations of ulceration, or an extension of the disease to the nostrils, with offensive acrid discharge from the nose, Kali bichromicum may be employed — dose same as the above. Again: if these three seem to produce little or no improvement, and if there be intolerably pungent fetor of breath, or Aoav of fetid saliva, and much glandular swelling, Merc, protiodatus should be adminis- tered. Dose: A grain of the first centesimal trituration in a table-spoonful of water, a teaspoonful as above described. 51 802 malignant diphtheria. MALIGNANT DIPHTHERIA. The remedies which have mainly been employed in this truly for- midable, and so frequently fatal type of the disease, are Kali hi- ehromieum, Merc, iod., Iodium, Bromium, Ammonium carb., Ammonium causticum, Arsenicum, and Lachesis. The leading indications for some of these remedies have already been given; but as cases of this desperate kind are beyond the pale of do- mestic management, too often, indeed, beyond the known resources of medical art, it may suffice to say that Ammon. carb. has been chiefly recommended after the previous employment of Iodide of Mercury, and Bichromate of Potash (Kali bieh.); Ammonium causticum when the air-passages are involved, or, when oozings of blood from the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat increase the exhaustion, and fail to be controlled by Kali bieh.; and, lastly, Arsenicum, Avhen there is excessive swelling of the neck and glands, putrid exhalations, and low typhoid exhaustion, or utter prostration of the vital energies. It is in the earliest possible stage of diphtheria, and particularly in the milder forms, that medicine, coupled Avith appropriate diet and hygiene, can, under favorable circumstances, with any certainty, avail; and it is here that, firstly, Acidum muriaticum, Belladonna, and Phyto- lacca, and, secondly, Merc, iod., and Kali bichromicum, have been found of undoubted efficacy in homceopathic practice. Note. — Palpable doses, in the form of tinctures and triturations, have hitherto been chiefly employed in the treatment of Diphtheria, and it will be observed that with most of the medicines above mentioned, larger doses than usual are- recommended. When the medicines, in these forms, are not at hand, and in the case of very young children, globules may be used, say twelve globules for one drop or grain of tincture or trituration. LOCAL TREATMENT. The application of pure Glycerine has, in many cases, been found a valuable solvent of the exuded false membrane. It should be applied by means of a thick camel's-hair brush. After a few hours, or, as soon as the exudation has been dispersed, the exposed diseased mucous membrane may then be carefully painted in like manner with Acidum muriaticum, first decimal dilution; and so on, as often as the mem- brane threatens to form again; the internal use of Acid, muriat. being proceeded with at the same time. When Glycerine fails to exer- cise any solvent property, Acidum muriaticum may be applied alone, twice a day. When Phytolacca is used internally, it may, at the same time, be topically applied, by throwing a weak' solution (twenty drops of the Concentrated Tincture to the ounce of water) by means of the atomizer or spray-distributer, against the affected parts. Unfortu- nately, it is often difficult, sometimes impossible, to accomplish the local treatment effectually with some children, and especially those of tender age. Kali bieh. may also be applied locally, as above, when being administered internally. In laryngeal diphtheria, inhalations of Iodium and of Bromium have been recommended, by putting three or four drops of the tincture (pure) in plates filled with water and placed in the rot m of the patient. Bromium has been recommended in this PARALYSIS FOLLOWING DIPHTHERIA. 803 manner as a preientive against the propagation of the disease. A solu- tion of Carbolic Acid in water may be equally serviceable, and should be placed daily afresh in the water-closet, if not in the apartment. Free ventilation is the simplest, as it is the safest, if not the best pre- servative, hoAvever. Diet and Regimen. In a disease of such depressing and ex- hausting properties, it is necessary to give as much nourishment, and of the most concentrated form, as possible. Eggs beaten up with a little wine or brandy, warm water, or milk and sugar; strong beef-tea; milk ; and, Avhen the strength continues to fail, stimulants in the form of wine, champagne, — sometimes malt liquors, — in small, but fre- quently repeated quantities, and even added to the beef-tea, milk, etc., when needful. The strong repugnance frequently shown by the little sufferers to take nourishment must be sedulously counteracted in every conceivable Avay; and our efforts should be aided by consulting the palate as much as possible. Nutritive injections, consisting of beaten- up eggs and good fresh milk, or the essence of beef, etc., in the quan- tity of about an ounce each time, may be thrown up about every two hours, when,-either from pain or nausea, etc., food is either entirely rejected or taken in insufficient quantities. Free ventilation, Avith pre- cautions against currents of air, or exposure to a chill, particularly in patients subject to croup, is essential. The spoons, etc., used by the patient should be washed in hot water immediately after being used, and any portions of ejected false membrane should be carefully re- moved. Great cleanliness of house, person, and sick-room is also most important; and the slightest foul smellf^om drain*, wetter-closets, cess- pools, and dust-holes, effectually remedied immediately, or as early as possible, otherAvise a mild attack may be rapidly converted into a malignant one; or, as is usually the case under such baneful circum- stances, the disease assumes the worst form, almost from the com- mencement, and speedily terminates fatally. The patient should, especially in the severer cases, be kept quiet in bed; attacks of faint- ing, sometimes fatal, being occasionally liable to take place from com- paratively trifling exertion. This has repeatedly occurred about the fifth day of the disease. Even during convalescence considerable care is required, both as regards general management, and the/regulation of digestible, generous diet. When diphtheria shows itself in a child Avhere there are other children in the family, those unaffected by the disease should be removed to another locality; and, indeed, great benefit may be derived by the sick child from being removed to an atmosphere not impregnated with the poison, Avhen the removal can be safely accomplished. PARALYSIS FOLLOWING DIPHTHERIA. It not unfrequently happens, that at longer or shorter intervals after an attack of diphtheria, and sometimes even when convalescence is rap- idly progressing in an apparently satisfactory manner, symptoms of local or general paralysis manifest themselves. The limbs may be powerless ai hile all the senses are intact, or again, on the other hand. 804 vaccination. the patient may enjoy the full use of the limbs while some of the organs of special sense are seriously affected, so that taste, smell, and touch — more rarely sight and hearing— are impaired. Most of these disorders readily yield to pure air and generous diet, as their tendency is commonly towards spontaneous recovery — particularly the_ loss of power in the limbs; but in cases where no such improvement is mani- fested, or in order to aid and hasten the reparative processes of nature, one or more of the subjoined medicaments may be employed. TREATMENT. Gelseminum may be regarded as of the utmost importance in the treatment of various forms of post-diphtherial paralysis, and will, in a majority of cases, alone accomplish a cure. Dose: Six globules in a teaspoonful of water, morning and evening, for a week ; then pause four days, when the course may be resumed, if neces- sary, as before. Should, however, no evidences of improvement be mani- fested after the time of the completion of the second course, pause two days, and then proceed with one of the subjoined medicines. Cocculus, Conium, and Zincum may be mentioned as reme- dies of importance in the treatment of post-diphtherital paralysis ; one of which should be employed after the completion of the second course of Gelseminum, wh?n that remedy has failed to produce an apprecia- ble improvement. Indications for discriminative selection may be had by consulting the article on " Characteristic Effects," and that on "Paralysis," (at pp. 540-543.) Dose : Of the medicine selected, as directed for Gelseminum. VACCINATION. This is an operation purely homoeopathic; and one which has been frequently quoted by Hahnemann and his disciples, as affording one of the best illustrations of the immutable laAV, whereby medicines, Avhich, when given in rather large and repeated doses, are capable of developing in a healthy subject, symptoms analogous to those of a par- ticular disease, are also capable of removing them when they appear as the manifestation or result of natural disorder induced by other causes. It might be supposed that the efficacy of vaccination as a preserva- tive against the ravages of small-pox, had been placed by the experi- ence of many years, beyond the region of doubt; but this is not the case. There are individuals, and even communities, who argue against its employment, and Avho resort to every means to make it appear a curse rather than a blessing to mankind. The machinations of these evil-disposed and notoriety-seeking persons, are, hoAvever, fortunately in vain; for faith in the protective virtues of vaccination is too firmly implanted in the minds of the people, to be uprooted by anything short of the most convincing statistical proofs, which cannot of course be produced, of its injurious effects, or even of its inutility. Since the introduction of vaccination, the mortality from small-pox, and small-pox itself, have steadily declined. The folloAving table, extracted from the work of Dr. E. C. Seaton, Medical Inspector to the VACCINATION. 805 Privy Council of England, shows the average number of yearly deaths from small-pox, in London, for periods of ten years, from 1751 — I860: — Periods. 1751- -1760 1761- -1770 1771- -1780 1781- -1790 1791- -1800 1801- -1810 1811- -1820 1821- -1830 1831- -1840 1841- -1850 1851- -1860 This remarkable diminution can be attributed to no other cause than the spread of vaccination. Again, in Ireland, vaccination was made compulsory, by law, in 1863, and all children born after January 1st, 1864, were required to be vaccinated Avithin six months from birth. The effects upon small- pox mortality were striking and unmistakable. Whereas, in the periods 1830-40, 1840-50, and 1850-60, the respective average mortalities from small-pox had been 5,800, 3,827, and 1,272 ; in the years 1864-'5-'6-'7 and '8, they were 854, 347, 187, 20, and 19 respectively; in the first quarter of 1869, there Avere only three deaths, and in the second quarter, none. In addition to diminishing the fatality of the disease and the fre- quency of its occurrence, vaccination greatly mitigates its severity, as shown in the largely reduced amount of disfigurement that it leaves behind. Vaccination, when the child is strong and healthy, may be safely performed during the fourth or fifth month ; but Avhen the small-pox is prevalent, as an epidemic, or the child is exposed to its influence, re- course should be had to this preservative at once, even in infants of tender ages. If, hoAvever, a choice of time be permissible, summer is the best period for performing the operation, as then the infant, after having taking the infection, incurs less risk of catching cold ; and for other obvious reasons. It is of the utmost importance to obtain the matter from a perfectly pure source, as other disease may, from a neglect of this precaution, be transmitted to healthy children. For this reason, a child that has suffered from eruptions on the skin, affections of the glands, or soreness of the eyes, or one born of scrofulous parents, is an unfit subject for taking the vaccine matter from, although at the time apparently in health. Diseases are, hoAvever, but rarely transmitted by vaccination ; but it sometimes happens that even when the greatest care has been exercised in selecting the matter from a perfectly pure source, the operation is followed by the appearance of an eruptive disease, of more or less importance, upon the skin; owing to the fact that the reception Average yearly number of Deaths from Small-pox. .............2,061 .............2,445 .............2,204 .............1,705 .............1,780 .............1,253 ............. 793 ............. 699 ............ 573 ............ 841 ............ 715 806 VACCINATION. within the system of the vaccine virus has aroused a latent or dormant dyscrasia of the system, which has resulted in the throAving out of the eruptive disease. Parents should bear this important fact in mind, ere they hastily censure physicians, or accuse them of carelessness. The operation is a very simple one, and may be performed as fol- lows:— A portion of vaccine crust (scab) having been broken up and softened to a pulpy consistence Avith the aid of a drop or two of Avater, a few scratches with a lancet or other sharp instrument should be made upon the arm of the child, of sufficient depth to cause a very slight effusion of blood. Upon these the matter is to be placed, using the point of the lancet for the purpose, and gently worked into the superficial scratches. Care should be taken that the matter is not rubbed off, and the sleeve of the child's dress should be tied up until the matter is thoroughly dried. If lymph from the coav be used, the operation is proceeded Avith in the same manner, and the point of a needle being inserted into the lymph-tube, sufficient can be withdrawn to effect the purpose intended. If the vaccination be successful, on the fourth day a small, red, and somewhat elevated spot will be perceptible, or may be felt Avith the point of the finger, which will continue to enlarge, bearing a strik- ing resemblance to a small-pox pustule, and becoming flat or de- pressed in the centre about the eighth or ninth day. It commonly happens that the child becomes fretful and peevish, and a degree of feverishness is manifested during the process, and sometimes a rash appears over the body. These symptoms usually subside without detri- ment ; but should the fever and irritability appear to be excessive, a feAV globules of Aconitum, in a teaspoonful of Avater, given morning and evening, will be speedily found to have a very beneficial effect. It has been recommended that a dose of Sulphur be given after vaccina- tion ; but this procedure does not appear to be at all necessary in cases in which there are no particular manifestations calling for the exhibi- tion of that medicine. PART V. CHARACTERISTIC EFFECTS AND INDICATION'S OF MEDICINES REFERRED TO IN THIS WORK. PRELIMINARY REMARKS. The reader should be careful to observe accurately the assemblage of the symp- toms in consulting this article; a single symptom is rarely characteristic. It is, therefore, essential to the right use of this article, that the conditions and accom- paniments should be closely marked, and that the symptoms should be studied in groups. I have grouped the symptoms produced, cured, or relieved, connected with different parts or organs, in that order in which they afford the most important indications for the medicine under the head of which they are enumerated. ACIDUM MURIATICUM. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Agitated, disturbed sleep, with low mut- tering delirium or groaning, and with evident, agitation (but without the power to move), or with sudden tossing, noisy breathing, and sinking towards the foot of the bed; extreme apprehension, but gloomy silence; the mind busied or agitated with the predominant thought of occupations or events which have immediately preceded the illness, or running upon habitual occupations; mistiness of sight; giddiness; heavy drowsiness in the daytime shaken off by exertion; yielding of the knees upon attempting to stand or walk ; extreme dejection and sensation of general oppression and anxiety; feeling as if the brain were bruised. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Feeling of sinking and vacancy in the stomach; tightness round the waist; the belly full and distended; sickness at the stomach, and frequent belching at night, with vomiting ; feeling of emptiness and sinking, as well as o/ uneasiness in the bowels ; difficulty in expelling the evacuations; looseness qf" the bowels, with sensation of scalding or smarting in the orifice ; or liquid and involuntary discharge from the bowels whilst passing water; soreness of the pile-swellings, with discharge of blood, or swellings of a purplish hue, with scalding and soreness, or protrusion of the intestine upon passing water; the anus is very sensitive to even the slightest touch. External Surface. Cold feet; oozing eruptions forming scabs, and aifected with very troublesome itching; dropsical swellings, general or local; perspiration breaks out at night as soon as the patient falls asleep; general flushing of heat during the night, with inclination to uncover one's self; general itching of the skin with pricking sensations and constant inclination to scratch one's self; itching and tingling in the palms of the hands; burning heat, with swelling of 808 ACIDUM NITRICUM. the finger ends; burning heat, with swelling of the tips of the toes; dark, angry- looking elevations on the skin. Pulse. The pulse is feeble, or in many cases intermittent. Pains. Bruised pain in the brain ; aching pains in the head; shooting pains across the eyes; pains in the teeth as if they were being wrenched asunder; throbbing toothache, alleviated by warmth, but much aggravated by the intro- duction of cold fluids into the mouth; pulling, clawing, or throbbing pains in the ears; bruised pains in all the joints; burning, shooting pains in the head; claw- ing, pinching pains in the bowels'; strained pain in the back; tearing or aching pains in the arms, or wrenching pain in the shoulder or elbow-joint. Breathing, Chest, &c. Pressive, heavy sensation in the back part of the chest; oppression at the chest, with deep and groaning respiration; stitches in the chest on taking a long breath. Nose, Ears, Mouth, Gums, Tongue, Eyes, &c. Accumulation of thick, yellow humor in the nose, or flow of watery and acrid fluid from the nostrils; stoppage of the nose, and internal soreness of the nostrils ; oozing eruptions, forming scabs in the ears; motionless and palsied, or dry, parched tongue, with absence of all moisture in the mouth ; deep ulceration of the tongue; copious flow of saliva in the mouth ; swollen, unhealthy, sore, and bleeding gums; soreness and raw feeling in the throat, and over the roof of the mouth ; the lower lip swollen ; the eyelids red and swollen, or the corners of the eyes affected with smarting and itching. ACIDUM NITRICUM. External Surface. Swellings of the glands, with inflammation or suppuration ; hard, knotty swellings in the breasts ; brown, reddish spots, boils and black pores upon the skin; the lips are ulcerated, the face is characterized by the development of pustular eruptions; eruptions of an ulcerative tendency on the skull, with shedding of the hair; eruptions of the nature of nettle-rash ; freckles ; chapping of the skin after exposure to the least cold; warts; coppery or violet spots on the skin ; oozing eruptions, with intense itching, in various parts; sweat- ing of the feet; copper-colored spots on the hands; roughness, harshness, and chapping of the hands; chilblains on the toes ; sour-smelling sweat, or sweat with the smell of horse's urine ; wasting away of the breasts. Breathing, Chest, &c. Dry cough, worse in the evening, and in a recumbent posture; matter-like expectoration, and hoarseness, or rough, harsh sound, deep in the chest, when breathing; short, impeded breath; brisk walking, or an ascent, puts the patient, quite out of breath (and induceswilpitation of the heart); wheezing breath, particularly during physical exertion; loud, noisy cough, a cough which prevails only in the daytime; whistling breath ; fits of coughing, terminating in vomiting; harshness or roughness in the windpipe after speaking or reading aloud. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Digestion habitually deranged, and morbid appetite; desire for clay, chalk, and lime; repugnance to sweet things and to meat; continued thirst; sweetish taste in the mouth, or bitter taste, especially after eating; (eating is attended by outbreak of perspiration;) sensation of fulness in the stomach after a slight meal; sour and flatulent risings; very fre- quently sickness at the stomach, and desire to vomit, or vomiting of sour and ACIDUM NITRICUM. 809 bitter matters after eating; chronic looseness of the bowels; frequent and violent, desire to evacuate, attended with burning and itching in the orifice; piles, with discharge of blood at stool; diarrhoea, with putrid evacuations ; dysenteric, bloody evacuations, with straining; nervousness and debility after an evacuation; flatu- lent distension of the bowels, particularly in the morning; offensive involuntary flow of urine; frequent urging to pass water, with scanty drop-discharge (and much pain). Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Giddiness of various kinds, especially in the morning and evening ; sad and melancholy, or selfish and irritable disposition ; sleep is attended with anxious dreams, and is often interrupted by starting, — it is either dispelled early, or the patient is slow and difficult to awaken in the morn- ing; buzzing and roaring sounds in the ears, and hardness of hearing; tremulous weakness ; appearance as of gauze before the eyes, or of undulating spots or sparks; violent cramp in the calves of the legs; palsy, and falling of the upper eyelid. Pains. Pains (with inflammation or ulceration) in the bones, or in the mem- brane investing the bone ; pains returning or aggravated upon changes of weather; pains of a pricking, stinging character, such as those caused by splinters; pains which are accompanied by acute sensation during sleep ; pains in the joints, such as those produced by sprains (or accompanied with cracking on change of position) ; pains about the parts where former wounds existed, especially when the bone has been affected, recurring when changes take place in the weather; stitching pains in the eyes ; aching and shooting pains in the eyes ; shooting and throbbing pains in the ears; bone-pains in the skull; pains in the back generally, and in the small of the back in particular; tearing pains in the forehead, back of the head, and crown of the head; burning pain, with rawness in the throat; shooting pains in the pit of the stomach; pinching and cutting pains in the bowels. Ears and Eyes. Inflamed and ulcerated eyes; specks on the anterior trans- parent portion of the eyes ; obstruction of the ears; cracking in the ears in using the jaws. Mouth, Tongue, Gums, Teeth, Throat, &c. Soreness, or even rawness of the whole surface inside the mouth, and of the tongue, palate, and gums; dryness, or sometimes profuse flow of saliva in the mouth; soreness, rawness, and burning in the throat, with heat, redness, and swelling, which implicates the tonsils; or even ulcers in the mouth and throat, or ulceration of the tonsils; very offensive odor from the mouth ; looseness of the teeth. Nose. The nose emits an offensive smell, which is distinguishable by the patient when breathing; the nostrils are sore, dry, stuffed up, raw, and charac- terized by the formation of scabs; discharges of black blood from the nose, more especially in the morning; oozing vesicles, forming scabs on the tip of the nose, which is red and sometimes swollen; accumulation of very offensive yellow humor in the nose; partial, interrupted sneezing. Menstruation, &c. Menstrual discharge suppressed; very offensive slimy dis- charge of whites during the intervals, with soreness and rawness of the thighs and adjacent parts, with itching; or pressive, heavy sensations and spasmodic affections during the menstrual flow ; brownish or reddish and offensive discharge between the periods. » 810 ACIDUM PHOSPHORICUM. ACIDUM PHOSPHORICUM. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Sensation of Aveight, or undulation in the stomach after eating (attended with faintness, sinking, and depression, or with drowsiness, uneasiness, and muddled feeling in the head); aversion to bread ; bitterish taste of bread; the taste of the food remains long in the mouth ; scald- ing, sour risings; sickness at the stomach to such a degree that the patient is obliged to lie down ; thirst, which cannot be allayed, with a general feeling of being parched ; feeling of coldness in the stomach, or, on the other hand, burn- ing sensation in the stomach ; vomiting of sour matters, or of food; tight distended belly ; noisy gurgling of wind in the intestines very frequently ; sour things induce the development of much flatulency in the bowels, and bitter risings from the stomach; evacuation of the bowels at very short intervals; small, hard, detached stools ejected with difficulty, or relaxation of the bowels, with discharge of the contents of the bowels, or of whitish, slimy matters, or of watery and undigested matters, followed by severe straining, and attended with the forcing downward of the pile-swellings; whitish-looking urine depositing a blood-stained or jelly- like sediment; or discharge of watery urine at short intervals, and in large quan- tities, and which quickly precipitates a white, cloudy-looking sediment; scalding during and after (and cutting pains during) the discharge of urine; unbearable urging to pass water, with insufficient discharge, or predominant discharge at night. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Great disinclination to physical exertion, with general debility; feebleness and insensibility of the limbs; nervous debility ; weight and weariness of the limbs ; complete stupor and apathy (attendant upon malignant typhoid fever); very heavy sleep ; jerking and snatching movements of the hands, with low muttering, convulsed and half-opened eyes, whining, and sometimes singing; dreams, by which the sleep is disturbed, and which leave an impression of alarm; much inclination to sleep during the day, or towards night, with tardy sleep in the night, and heavy sleep towards morning ; gloomy, taciturn ill-humor ; incapability for mental application; home-sickness, with great depres- sion of spirits; total indifference to everything; giddiness ; embarrassment of the head, as if after drinking intoxicating liquors ; sounds otherwise agreeable are unbearable; sounds from a distance, although audible, are unheard, or very indistinctly heard; sounds seem to re-echo loudly in the ears. External Surface. Boils above and behind the thighs; soreness or rawness between the toes, and burning feeling in the soles of the feet, or all over the feet; harsh, dry, puckered skin on the hands; ulcers fringed at the bottom emitting offensive matter, flat and sluggish; swelling or sweat of the feet; large pimples, or moist oozing eruptions, forming scabs, on the cheeks, chin, or fore- head; crimson efflorescence on the skin; tingling, creeping sensations under the skin; fingers and hands cold, with general shivering fits, particularly in the evening ; alternate flushing of heat and shivering fits ; perspiration in the morn- ing; profuse and habitual perspiration at night; weak, limp hair, which turns gray; shedding of the hair; red patches on and swelling of the bridge of the nose ; tightness of the skin of the face, with a feeling as if gum had been spread over it, and had dried on ; pointed features, and blue rings round the eyes, which are sunken; hollow, pale, and haggard face. ACIDUM SULPHURICUM. 811 Breathing, Chest, &c. Weakness at the chest, and deficiency of breath, so that the patient is unable.to sustain a conversation long, or to speak loud, or feels exhausted after speaking; cough, followed by vomiting of food, or by expectora- tion of matter-like fluid (and attended with headache); or dry cough towards night, and cough followed by expectoration of yellowish or whitish phlegm in the morning; tickling, harsh sensation in the upper part of the windpipe, which ex- cites coughing; loss of voice, or very rough, hoarse voice. Pains. Aching pains in the stomach after eating; burning pain at the bottom of the stomach ; aching, clawing pains in the region along the lower ribs, or more especially in the liver (especially during the menstrual period); tearing, jerking pains in the limbs ; burning paiu in the lower part of the body, which, however, feels cold externally; burning pain in the corners of the eyelids, or in the eyelids generally, especially when exposed to candle-light; shooting pains in the ears, with dragging pains in the teeth, jaws, and bones of the face ; continued headache, much aggravated by noise, or by the least, disturbance ; habitual aching pain in the head in the morning; violent tearing toothache, worse in the warmth of the bed, or upon the introduction of hot or cold fluids into the mouth ; clawing, cramp-like pains in the bowels. Menstruation, Womb, &c. Puffing up of the womb as if inflated with air; vari- able menstrual discharge (generally attended with suffering, and chiefly with aching or shooting pains in the region of the liver); discharge of whites, con- sisting of yellowish'humor, with much irritation after the periodical discharge has ceased. Mouth, Tongue, Gums, Teeth, Throat, &c. Collection of sticky phlegm in the mouth and on the tongue; enlargement of the tongue (so that speaking is painful) ; soreness of the mouth, which smarts and feels raw when the patient attempts to chew solid food ; soreness, burning heat, and rawness of the back part of the palate; burning sensation of the tongue, dry mouth, and biting of the tongue during sleep; swelling and development of knotty (and painful) protuberances in, and discharge of blood from, the gums; yellow appearance of the teeth; smarting, soreness, and sensation of rawness in the throat in swallowing solid food. Nose and Eyes. Discharges of blood and matter from the nose; redness, heat, &c, of the edges of the nostrils, with profuse flow of watery fluid (cold in the head, cough, and burning sensations in the throat and chest) from the nose ; boring at the nose; offensive smell from the nose ; dull, depressed eyes; sensation as if the eyeballs had not room in the sockets ; stye on the eyelids, or heat, swelling, and redness of the eyelids; great fulness of the small bloodvessels in the corners of the eyes, with red suffusion and heat of the eyes; considerable flow of tears ; glazed-looking, inanimate eyes; feeling in the eyes as if the inner edges of the lids were cold; yellow stain on the white part of the eye. ACIDUM SULPHURICUM. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Heartburn, acid risings in the throat; rising of bitter, sweetish, or saltish matters from the stomach; burning heat, or feeling of coldness in the stomach ; extreme tenderness of the region of the Stomach to the touch or to pressure; sensation of coldness attending the descent of all fluids into the stomach, unless some cordial be mixed with them; continual 812 ACIDUM SULPHURICUM. urging to evacuate; chronic relaxation of the bowels ; fetid, putrid stools; watery, greenish, soft, loose motions; very large, hard, lumpy, black, and slow motions; discharge of blood at stool; gritty, watery urine ; urine forming a thin, glairy film on standing, and depositing a sediment having the appearance of containing blood; scalding when passing water, and scanty discharge; urine depositing a slimy sediment. External Surface. Spots on the skin of a red or bluish hue; sores on the skin, attended with gangrenous ulceration; appearance of extravasations of blood; cracked lips; considerable ruptural protrusion in the groin; cold or swollen feet; red, hot, and itching or livid swellings (chilblains) on the fingers; bluish spots on the lower part of the arms; numbness and insensibility of the legs; eruption of small, red, itching spots over the hands and between the fingers ; eruption with much irritation among the hair ; swelling of the veins of the legs. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Tremulous condition of the frame; great feeling of tremulousness, without trembling; melancholy, morose, lachrymal, and impatient disposition ; cannot do anything fast enough, and when done is not satisfied with the work ; lassitude of the whole frame ; feeling as if the brain were undulating in the skull; obtuseness of the intellectual faculties; loss of the sense of smell; buzzing or humming sounds in the ears, or sounds as if there were a distant but loud peal of bells being rung; dulness of hearing, as if something were tied over the ears ; the patient falls asleep late and wakes early ; the nervous symptoms, in particular, are more apparent on the left side ; sensation of weight in the legs and arms; tottering of the knees and stiffness of the ankles; great inclination to draw up and stretch the limbs; attacks of cramp affecting the hands. Breathing, Chest, &c. Speaking exhausts the patient; the open air induces fits of coughing; difficulty of breathing; coughing which terminates in the rising of food from the stomach ; cough followed by spitting of blood ; sensation of strangu- lation in the upper part of the windpipe. Pains. Pains of a wrenching description in all parts of the body ; pains which are suddenly suspended; forcing pains in the lower part of the belly, like those of labor; griping, clawing pains in the bowels ; sufferings generally aggravated in the open air ; dragging pains in the back and loins ; tearing, gnawing pains in the teeth, generally relieved by warmth, and renewed or aggravated in the open air; pains which are chiefly felt in the left side. Mouth, Tongue, Gums, Teeth, Throat, &c. Aphthous vesicles in the mouth, and very copious flow of saliva; chronic discharge of blood from the mouth; dryness of the tongue, and sensation of great dryness throughout the mouth; the gums are swollen, ulcerated, and readily provoked to bleed, the teeth blunted and adhesive, and the throat rough. Nose and Eyes. One nostril stopped up, the other discharges an abundance of clear watery fluid ; discharges of blood from the nose, particularly occurring towards night; cold in the head, with dry obstruction of the nose ; continued inflammation of the eyes, with burning or soreness, and watering, more particu- larly when the sight is intently fixed ; tightness and stiffness of the eyelids, with inconvenience in attempting to open them in the morning. Menstruation, &c. During the intervals very white, milky discharge, with scalding and soreness; painful menstruation (attended by cutting pains down- ACONITUM NAPELLUS. 813 wards and through the lower part of the belly, and often preceded by deranged digestion, with disturbed, oppressive dreams at night). Excessive menstrual discharge, occurring before the proper time and continuing too long, or discharge of blood from the womb at other times. ACONITUM NAPELLUS. Pulse and Circulation. Determination of blood to the head, and to other important parts, and violent beating of the heart (accompanied with flushing of the face; or even general heat, lassitude of the limbs, and extreme anxiety); full, hard, quick, and frequent pulse. External Surface. Burning heat and dryness of the skin over the whole body; or puffed, red, hot, or even purplish face ; flush-patches on each cheek; evanescent flushing of the face, succeeded, suddenly, by deadly pallor (especially when the head is raised); yellow suffusion of the skin; dry, burning heat of all parts wherein swelling is manifested; alternation of paleness, with flushing of the face, or flushing of one cheek with pallor of the other; inflamed, burning, and red eruptions; great, general heat, with inclination to be uncovered, and a chill and rigor upon uncovering, or upon the least exposure ; great heat of the head and face (with determination of blood to the head); a sensation of smarting or soreness over the surface of the head, as if the hair were pulled ; harsh, red, and swollen lips; the intense, dry, burning heat generally follows a violent chill and shiver- ing fit; burning heat of the extremities of the ears, with general coldness of the body, and local coldness of the forehead (and intense heat internally); dryness and blackness of the lips; heat and swelling of the hands, and coldness of the feet; sweating of the soles of the feet, with coldness of the tips of the toes; cold per- spiration breaks out in the palms of the hands. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Repulsiveness to food, with excessive and insatiable thirst; bitter taste in the mouth, impregnating everything eaten or drunk except water ; great pressure, as of a weight at the pit of the stomach; dis- tension of the stomach; the stomach acutely sensitive to the touch or to pressure; oppression in the region of the stomach (with difficulty of breathing); sensation of weight and fulness in the region of the liver; and tightness along the lower ribs on both sides; vomiting of frothy, bilious, greenish, or even bloody matter; great tenderness of the belly, especially felt during motion or upon contact; burn- ing sensation about the navel; extreme tenderness of the region of the liver; scanty, soft motions, attended with straining; white motions, with red urine; suspension of evacuation from the bowels; scalding sensation in passing water, which is scanty and of a deep color ; suppression of urine; watery evacuations from the bowels, with much uneasiness. Breathing, Chest, &c. Short, hurried breath; sensation of suffocating tightness at the chest; short, dry, hacking cough, attended with expectoration of phlegm tinged with blood, or of blood only ; shortness of breath, particularly whilst sleeping; groaning, painful, anxious breathing; continual inclination to cough, with a sensation as if coughing would afford relief; sensation of extreme anguish, with arrest of breath; extreme oppression at the chest; shortness of breath on sitting up. Pains. Pricking pains, or sharp local pains; acute sensitiveness, with pain throughout the body, or of the particular part affected, when touched or moved; 814 ALUMINA. stupefying pain in the head, with violent throbbing; aching pain in the eyes; pressive or dragging pain at the pit of the stomach ; stitching and twinging, cutting pains in the chest, and especially in the side (excited or increased by breathing, coughing, or motion); aching pain (with weariness) in the limbs; aching pain in the head (with sickness at the stomach and vomiting); shooting pains in the head, exacerbated by motion or by talking; bursting pain, affecting the forehead and temples especially; shooting pains in various parts; burning, pricking pains in the throat; aching pain along the lower ribs on either side; burning and aching pain in the region of the liver (with obstruction of breath) ; dragging pains in the belly, when the patient stoops; strangling pain in the upper part of windpipe; bruised pain in all the limbs; throbbing pains in the teeth, and shooting pains in the region of the heart; tingling, or feeling of numb- ness in different parts. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Intense nervous excitement, or great debility, and proneness to fainting; mental apprehension, despondency, anguish, and lamentation; foreboding of death ; disposition to start; delirium; frequent attacks of swimming of the head, with obscurity of sight; stupefying tightness and oppression about the forehead, as if a band were tied tightly round it; dread of light, and dilatation of the pupils ; susceptibility to noise or smell; stiffness of the nape of the neck, hips, and small of the back; indistinct, stammering, and tremulous speech; buzzing in the ears; sensation as if the brain undulated in the skull; giddiness, with hazy sight on sitting up; extreme sensitiveness, with vexed, irritable humor; disposition to make one's escape from bed; crying and laughing alternately; bad effects of fright or fear. Menstruation, &c. The menstrual discharge too copious; determination of blood to, sometimes with discharges of blood from the womb, and yellowish, stringy discharge of whites during the intervals. Mouth, Tongue, Throat, Nose, &c. Dry mouth ; sore throat, with dark redness of the parts affected, and difficulty of swallowing; the tongue coated white; sneezing with much effort, and which shakes the whole body ; discharges of blood from the nose ; pricking and burning of the tongue. Eyes. Red and inflamed eyes, with heat and irritation; fulness, with dark and turgid appearance of the vessels which traverse the eyes, sometimes, also, with swelling, and generally with copious watering of the eyes; inflamed eyes from dust, sparks, &c. ALUMINA. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Preference for vegetable food or fruits; ravenous but capricious appetite, or sinking sensation, with want of food, but no relish ;. very capricious and variable appetite : aversion to animal food; habitual and very frequent belchings ; heartburn, with acrid or sour risngs ; sickness ut the stomach, occurring in the morning ; tenderness of the region of the liver upon leaning forwards or stooping ; stoppage of the bowels ; slow and difficult evacuations, dependent upon want of contractile energy in the bowels; discharge of blood with and after the evacuations; discharge of urine with the evacuations; constipation of pregnant women; of painters; pain in the stomach, nausea, and colic after eating potatoes; scanty, hard evacuations at distant intervals; slimy discharge with the evacuations; increased discharge of urine, more especially at night, ap- pearing thick and whitish, and depositing a whitish-looking sediment; or scald- ALUMINA. 815 ing and abundant discharge of watery urine, with great urging to pass it; or scanty discharge, with gritty, reddish, brickdust-looking sediment. Menstruation, &c. Painful, scanty, premature menstrual discharges, preceded and attended with much constitutional disturbance (palpitation, flushing, in- creased excitement of the circulation, disturbed sleep, colicky sufferings, megrim, &c.) ; the menstrual discharge does not continue long enough ; acrid discharge of whites preceding and succeeding the menstrual discharge, and producing raw- ness and smarting of the parts. Breathing, Chest, &c. Difficulty of breathing when sitting down ; feeling of intense tightness with oppression at the chest, particularly when leaning for- wards, stooping, &c:; or intense weight at the chest at night; obstructed breath- ing, with cough (and attended with strained pain in the nape of the neck and head); cough which is more especially dry in the morning, and which is subse- quently relieved by resulting in the dislodgment of phlegm. External Surface. Chaps on the hands, which bleed on the least touch ; oozing eruptions, forming scabs on the lower part of the arms; chipping of the nails ; peeling of the skin from the hands, like scurf; redness and irritation of the toes, with feeling of great heat under them ; numbness and torpor of the legs during the night ; whitlow on the finger-ends; red and swollen nose; coppery redness of the face; eruption of pimples, oozing and forming scabs on the lips; cracking, dryness, and scaling off of the skin from the lips; great scurfiness, with continual itching of the head amongst the hair; great deficiency of natural warmth, with predominant chilliness, coldness, and shivering towards night, and even in front of the fire. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Complete exhaustion or weariness after speaking, or after the least exercise; trembling of every part of the body; the patient is obliged to lie down, but. feels only the more weary; the least quantity of spirituous liquor, or every attempt to smoke tobacco, produces a feeling of giddiness and sickness at the stomach; spinning of the head, with darkening of sight, and generally attended with falling; there is total incapability for mental application, or for physical exertion; the sleep is tardy, and disturbed by dream- ing, or very heavy and stupefying ; feeling of weight in the face ; continual desire to stretch one's self when sitting down; weight and weakness in the arms and legs. Pains. Aching pains in the loins whilst at rest; aching or tearing pains in the teeth during mastication; shooting, darting, piercing pains in and through the back; incisive, clawing, griping pains in the bowels, relieved by the external application of heat; shooting pains in the liver after stooping; sore pain in the pit of the stomach and along the lower ribs on either side, worse or especially occurring when the patient stoops or turns in bed ; bruised pain in the back and loins; tearing pains, extending from the shoulder through" the arms to the finger-ends; griping, clawing, cramp-like pains in the bowels before and during menstruation ; pains in the head as if some one were lugging at one's hair; vio- lent headaches during menstruation and pregnancy ; headache, alleviated by gently supporting the head or by lying down, and much aggravated by motion, especially in the open air ; aching pain in the head, as if it were in a. vice. Eyes, Nose, and Ears. Watering of the eyes during the day, and adhesion of the lids during the night, with constant feeling of burning heat in the eyes; 816 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. coldness of the eyes; discharge of thick, yellow humor from the nose: heat, swelling, and redness (inflammation) of the nose; complete obstruction of the nose ; cold in the head, with stuffing of the nose at one time and flow of discharge at another, or with obstruction of one nostril and discharge from the other; ulceration of the nostrils, and acid smell in the nose ; gnawing scabs in the nose; discharge of blood from the nose ; redness, with heat of one ear from time to time towards night; sensation of great heat, with irritation in the ears; matter- like discharge from the ears. Mouth, Tongue, Gums, Throat, &c. Soreness (like rawness) of the whole of the interior of the mouth ; ulceration of the gums; very offensive smell from the mouth ; minute sores in the mouth, blood-stained phlegm in the mouth, or readily bleeding and swollen gums; the tongue covered with a yellowish coating; feeling as if the teeth Avere too long; the throat dry and the tonsils swollen; soreness of the throat, relieved;by warm fluids, and always worse towards night and during the early part of the night; thick, sticky phlegm in the throat, which it is diffi- cult to detach ; sensation as if the throat were contracted, when swallowing even a small morsel of food ; —it is felt until it enters into the stomach. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. External Surface. General loss of flesh; bright-red efflorescence on the skin; habitual, fine, grain-like eruptions on the skin; small glandular protuberances in various parts; soreness of the skin in parts which come in contact, as between the thighs and buttocks; local itching of particular parts, which the patient scratches violently, and by which an eruption of pimples or blisters, with burn- ing heat, is developed; free perspiration in the latter part of the night; sweating of the feet; attacks of chilliness in the evening; unhealthy, pallid complexion ; loss of the hair; irritation and soreness of the skin amongst the hair; enlargement of the-glands of the neck and armpits; peeling off of the skin on the bands; swell- ing of the hands when the arms are hung downwards; swelling of the joints of the fingers; swelling in the groin, as if puffed up with air ; bleeding, cracked, dry lips, with burning heat; itching eruptions on the face; inflammatory boils on the face ; scaly eruptions, with peeling off of the skin from the chin, the corners of the mouth (especially), or from the cheeks. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Debilitated condition of the intellectual faculties; attacks of nightmare on falling asleep; sprained feeling in the joints; general debility; aversion to physical exertion (which is generally attended or followed by palpitation of the heart); sleeplessness at night, or constant drowsi- ness ; general sensation of weakness, with anxiety; appearance of black spots or bright rays before the eyes ; roaring and ringing sounds in the ears; fatigue and weariness of the legs ; numbness and stiffness of the arms and fingers ; cramps in the feet; hardness of hearing; unmanageable disposition, and complete disgust at existence; the nervous symptoms (as well as others) predominantly affect the right side; giddiness (with sickness at the stomach), especially when sitting still and reading ; objects appear multiplied to the sight; cramps in the fingers. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Metallic taste in the mouth; aversion to milk, and desire for sweet things; the patient cannot eat without drinking first: bitter taste in the mouth the first thing in the morning; acrid risings, with harsh sensation in the throat after eating; extreme tenderness of the pit of the stomach, AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 817 with sickness and sensation of repletion after eating ; sensation of intense heat, in the stomach ; sensation of fulness, weight, and burning in the region of the liver ; small, detached, hard, and difficult evacuations, with habitual costiveness; or slimy, relaxed, or soft motions ; or, again, and generally, discharge of blood at %nd after stool, and bleeding piles, with soreness and smarting in the orifice; gritty, whitish urine; discharge of blood, with the urine or without the urine, from the passage; the discharge of urine takes place chiefly or more abundantly during the night, or there may be a continual want, to pass water with insufficient discharge. Womb, Menstruation, &c. Acrid and black discharge of blood at the menstrual period; menstruation painful, preceded and attended with much disturbance (depression of spirits, toothache, pressive and tugging pains, pressive pains in the loins, and griping in the bowels, chilliness, pallid complexion, and continual inclination to lie down); excessive menstrual discharge, occurring before the proper time ; scalding, acrid, and irritating discharge of whites during the inter- vals ; soreness, burning sensation, swelling and great irritation of the parts ex- ternally. Chest, Breathing, &c. Habitual cough, recurring" at particular periods of the day, such as the morning (very early) ; short, stifled cough, with asthmatic, im- peded breathing; weight and pressure at the chest, with determination of blood to that part; extreme shortness of breath on ascending stairs; harsh, rough, hoarse voice; tightness and oppression at the chest, with cough, particularly at night; coughing induces spitting of blood; or fits of coughing, followed by spitting of mingled blood and phlegm; cough, with tickling sensation, and fol- lowed by dislodgment of phlegm. Pains. Stitching pains at the heart; shooting pains in the outer surface of the chest; aching, weary pain in the thighs, &c, relieved by exercise, and most felt before rising in the morning; psiin in the great toe at night, especially felt upon moving it; clawing, cramp-like pains in the pit of the stomach, especially felt in stretching one's self; pulling and pressive pains in the lower part of the belly, and aching pains in the loins (before and during the menstrual period), or violent pains in the teeth (during the menstrual period); aching pains in the teeth, when closely approximated, or when cold air is inhaled through them, or at night upon first lying down; burning pains in the eyes in the morning, and also in the evening; hammering, bursting headache, chiefly in the forehead; severe pain in the head, chiefly felt when pressed or moved; or darting pains deep in the brain. Nose, Mouth, Teeth, Gums, Throat, &c. Discharges of blood from the nose, especially upon the application of cold water, in the morning, or after eating, and extreme tenderness of the nostrils; sensation of weight, as if from rush of blood to the nose when stooping; eruption of small blisters in the mouth and on the tongue ; feeling, in the interior of the mouth, as if swollen, with heat, redness, and soreness; the mouth particularly dry at night; the teeth habitually loose, and feeling too long; the gums swollen, red, hot, and sometimes suppurating; the gums bleed on the least touch; the tonsils are swollen, and the throat is sore, especially in the morning, and towards night; sensation as if a hard sub- stance were lodged in the throat. 52 818 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Excessive depression and melancholy, with disposition to weep; excessive and general weakness, with incapability of muscu- lar exertion, especially affecting the legs and feet, and sometimes attended with swimming in the head ; peculiar repugnance conceived against particular persons; swimming of the head, with haziness of sight; generally alleviated by the open air; obtuseness of hearing, with buzzing in the ears; the weakness and other symptoms principally affect the right side; great reluctance to exertion, and drow- siness during the day, or towards evening; stiff neck (painful when moved); shortening of the tendons behind the thigh, or stiffness of tty knee ; heaviness, stiffness, and debility of the arms. Breathing, Chest, &c. Difficult breathing during the night, or in the open air, with sensation of weight and oppression at the chest; impeded breathing, o;: raising or extending the arms; roughness or weakness of voice, with sensation of great heat in the upper part of the windpipe ; drawing a deep breath, particu- larly when resting on the right side, induces a fit of coughing; coughing renewed or aggravated by drinking cold fluids, lying with the head too low, or after every meal; shaking cough, when the patient lies on the back, more especially towards night, or during the night. Menstruation, Womb, &c. Excessive and premature menstrual discharge at- tended with much suffering (sometimes with relaxation of the bowels and vom- iting, or with discharge of blood when at stool, and generally attended with dragging, squeezing pains in the back, and aching, dragging pains in the loins); discharge of whites during the interval between the periods, transparent and gelatinous (and attended by clawing pains about the navel and flatulent disten- sion of the belly). Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Rising of the food, mingled with sour or bitter matter, or partial eructations, with bitter taste ; flatulent distension of the bowels; costiveness, with hard motions; or relaxation of the bowels, with greenish, slimy discharge; deep-colored but clear urine, with increased discharge, espe- cially at night, and depositing no sediment. External Surface. Scaling off of the skin in various parts, especially between the fingers; habitual coldness of the feet; eruptions of small vesicles, which end in the deposit of a dry scurf; puckered, cracked, dry, sore, and burning lips; puffing of the face, with general heat (and much thirst); tenderness of the nose, which is swollen, to the touch; swelling (with painful throbbing) of the glands beneath the jaw ; eruption of vesicles which ooze and form incrustations on the wrists; the wrists become swollen; offensive sweat on the feet; swelling (withsore pain, especially when touched) in the groin. Pains. Shooting pains issuing from the ears; aching, weary pains in the loins and lower extremities; strained and weary pain outside the chest; pain, with stiffness in the loins (felt during motion) so that the patient cannot walk upright; sharp, tugging pains in the collar-bone and neck, on either side; disjointed pain in the wrists; shooting pains in the calves of the legs, especially or only felt after much walking exercise; tugging pains as it were in the bones of the legs, at night; gnawing, dragging, or burning pains in the stomach; pulling pains in the bones of the face, and in the teeth. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 819 Nose, Mouth, Gums, and Throat. Stuffing of the nose, with cold in the head, oozing of blood and incrustations in the nostrils; discharge of acrid, clear fluid from the nose ; accumulation of sticky phlegm in the throat, particularly observa- ble in the morning; eruption of small vesicles, with burning sensation at the tip of the tongue, or sometimes in the cavity of the mouth, generally ; very unhealthy condition of the gums, which are puffed and sometimes ulcerated, and either livid, or of an ash-color. Ears and Eyes. Discharge of matter or humor from the ears, or eruption of gnawing vesicles in the interior of the ear; throbbing in the eyelids; the eyes tender of light, and affected with a burning sensation, especially in the morning, or towards night; burning sensation in the corners of the eyes. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Nausea, sometimes attended with vomiting of bile or mucus; frequent eructations tasting of the food; absence of appetite, oppression at the stomach; rising of watery fluid, or of acrid matters, into the mouth ; sickness at the stomach after wine-drinking; predominance of thirst at night; sensation in the stomach as if overloaded ; great accumulation of flatulency in the bowels; rumbling and bubbling of wind in the intestines; complete repug- nance to all food; hard and difficult motions, with urging; discharge of yellow mucus from the bowels; discharge of urine when coughing; bright-yellow or pale, watery urine, or brownish-red urine, depositing a deep-colored sediment; continual flow of slime from the urinary passage, and frequent and copious dis- charge of urine; continual desire to pass water, with insufficient discharge. External Surface. Dropsical swellings; pimply eruptions on the skin, akin to that of chicken-pox; tumors and blisters on the skin, such as are produced by the sting or bite of insects; spots on the skin; freckles; hard and horny excres- cences, such as warts; perspiration at night and in the morning, especially every other day ; soreness of the corners of the mouth, and about the nostrils; frequent appearance of pustules on the face, particularly on the chin, followed by casting of yellow scabs; general dropsical swellings of the whole body: sometimes un- healthy and general deposition of fat; unhealthy degeneration of the skin; itching and heat in the cheeks; bright-yellow, grain-like eruptions on the face; swelling and redness of the heel; great tenderness of the soles of the feet if walking over a hard surface; horny growth under the toe-nails (especially the nails of the great toes). Pulse and Circulation. Variable condition of the pulse, chiefly slower or quicker than in the state of health; determination of blood to the head. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. General loss of strength, and sensation of lassitude, more particularly felt upon waking during the night; lethargic heavy sleep, with low delirium ; heavy sleepiness towards night and in the morning, or also during the day ; impulses to self-destruction, and very fretful, irritable humor; dulness of hearing, as if the orifice of the ears were obstructed; loss of sight; ex- treme tenderness to the daylight; the lower extremities become numbed after retaining the sitting posture for some time ; swimming and confusion of the head (with a sensation as if the patient had overstrained his intellectual faculties, or as if he had a violent cold in the head, and attended with sickness at the stomach); sudden falling, with loss of sense and motion, and with accumulation of frothy spittle in the mouth ; gritting of the teeth whilst sitting or sleeping. 820 ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM. Pains. Severe pains which traverse the forehead and temples ; aching pain in the crown of the.head, as if in the bone; obtuse aching pain across the top of the head and the upper part of the forehead ; very severe cutting pains in the bowels ; clawing, contracting pain at the pit of the stomach; shooting pains in the eyes and ears; jerking pains in the teeth after eating, and at night in bed; aching, pricking, tugging, or gnawing pains in the hollow teeth, relieved in the open air, but renewed or aggravated every time cold water is introduced into the mouth, or after every meal; pain in the region of the stomach, on pressure or contact; pain in the stomach after eating, as if one had eaten too much ; burning pain in the pit of the stomach ; bruised pains in the chest, when the arms are raised or extended ; aching, gouty pains in the arms or joints of the finger ; shooting pains in the skin and knee-joint; burning pain in the corns, or pain as if they were exposed to severe pressure; dragging or very violent pains in the legs and thigh- joints. Nose, Eyes, Mouth, Tongue, Teeth, and Gums. Cracking and scurfiness of the nostrils; the corners of the nostrils as well as the interior are sore; collecting of yellowish, thick humor in the nose; complete obstruction of the nose, or great dryness of the nostrils, particularly in the open air; discharges of blood from the nose, more particularly towards night; collection of secreted mucus, &c, in the corners of the eyes; adhesion of the lids at night, with irritation and inflamma- tion of the eyes; redness, heat, and swelling of the eyelids; collection of limpid fluid in the mouth, or copious flow of saliva, or, on the other hand, great dryness of the mouth; collection of sticky phlegm in the throat, with harshness and dry- ness ; the margins of the tongue feel sore; sensation of a foreign body in the throat, with soreness and difficulty of swallowing; while-coated tongue, or eruption of yesicles on the tongue; the gums retracted from the teeth; discharge of blood from the teeth and gums ; the lips very dry, or cracked, or exhibiting an eruption of pimples. Ears. Swelling, with heat and redness inside the ears. ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM. Breathing, Chest, &c. Short, difficult, and impeded breathing, or paroxysms of actual suspension of breath, amounting almost to absolute suffocation, and occurring more especially towards night or in the morning, when in a recumbent position; sensation of heat rising from the region of the heart, with extreme op- pression at the chest and anxiety; noisy, rattling breath, with copious accumulation of phlegm on the chest; very hurried, anxious, and difficult breathing ; cough, which results in vomiting of the contents of the stomach, and occurs after eating ; cough, com- ing on by fits, of such violence as to terminate almost in suffocation ; (sweating of the forehead and hands, and heat of the latter during a fit of coughing;) hollow-sounding and rattling cough ; fits of coughing, coming on in the latter part of the night, and attended with much detachment of phlegm, great hoarse- ness ; heat, with oppression at the chest; cough, with great muscular effort from the region of the stomach, and often followed by aching, wea"riness, and prostra- tion, as if from excessive exertion. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Heat, and oppression in the stomach; con- siderable vomiting, with excessive muscular exertion and straining in heaving: the substance vomited has an acid or bitter taste; the bowels are much relaxed, and ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM. 821 the diarrhoea is characterized by an extreme sense of exhaustion which attends it; the vomiting and purging are sometimes simultaneous, or in other cases there is violent retching or effort to vomit (with sinking in the legs, profuse perspira- tion on the forehead, and abundant flow of water in the mouth) ; sour, acrid risings; vomiting and purging of mucus, or of frothy or slimy matters; intense pressure at the pit of the stomach, with continual sickness at the stomach, and desire to vomit, alleviated by the expulsion of flatulency ; sensation of intense weight at the stomach, and at the pit of the stomach, after every meal, as if one had eaten too much : great development of flatulency, with much rumbling and bubbling in the intestines ; sensation of constant discomfort about the region of the stomach and bowels, which induces the patient to stretch himself backwards, and to lie do wn; pap-like, or slimy, watery, bloodstained, or pale-brown, or even yellow evacuations ; alternation of costiveness and relaxation; very painful discharge of urine, in a great -quantity, but in a small jet (attended with pressure or cutting pain in the bladder), accompanied with burning, scalding, and drawing sensations in the passage, and between the thighs, and becoming bloodstained aa the discharge is nearly effected ; cloudy, dark-brown, or very red urine, the latter depositing blood-colored, thready matter, after standing; frequent urging to pass water during the night, the discharge, however, being insufficient (and attended with intense thirst). External Surface. Pustular eruptions on the skin, the pimples being-surrounded by a red base (of inflammatory appearance), suppurating, becoming depressed in the centre, oozing or forming incrustations, and subsequently leaving a pit on the surface, especially if disturbed ; oozing and scabby eruptions of various kinds ; perspiration breaks out on the affected parts ; coldness and shivering predomi- nate over heat: or, on the other hand, there is sometimes burning heat of the entire frame; heat, especially at night, attended with excessive perspirations, occurring in repeated and quick succession; the perspiration is often cold; anxious expression of countenance, with haggard, pallid face, or puffed and crimson face; fine grain-like eruptions on the skin, and particularly on the arms and nape of the neck; hardness and numbness, or intense coldness of the ex- tremities of the fingers; the feet cold; flea-bite-looking, red spots on the hands in particular; dark-yellow stains on the fingers. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Continued tremulous state of the head; the eyes are characterized by a sensation of being tired, or worn out by labor; there is an inclination to close the eyes, as it were, for relief; great desire to sleep in the daytime, or deep, lethargic, drowsy sleep ; sleep easily disturbed, with abundance of light or fanciful dreaming; tremulous state of the limbs, with screams and fixed look during sleep; sensation upon waking as if the sleep had not been suf- ficient; jerkings of the body, or of particular limbs during sleep; twitches of the muscles ; extreme languor and weakness, and sometimes habitual fainting fits: tremulous state of all the limbs; great reluctance to exertion, and sensation of weight in the limbs; continual desire to be carried in children; sensation of weight in the head,'especially at the back; numbed, stupefied, and embarrassed sensation in the head, with obtuseness of the senses, and confusion of ideas; fre- quent talking in the sleep ; the fept are benumbed upon sitting down; convulsiv( twitching in the muscles of the face. Pains. Tearing and dragging pains in the limbs; aching pain in the heafl 822 APIS MELLIFICA. (with giddiness and palpitation of the heart) ; digging, dragging, or tearing pain in the head ; throbbing pain in one side of the head : darting pains in the head, piercing to the eyes (which the patient closes for relief); aching pain in one side of the head; pain, with sensation of compression in the brain ; violent toothache in the morning ; bruised pain in the eyeball, especially felt on pressure ; darting, shooting pain, with feeling of intense heat in the inner corners of the eyes; aching pains in the eyes; severe throbbing pain, or shooting pain in the pit and region of the stomach; cramp-like, spasmodic pains in the bowels; aching pain in the left side of the chest; or sore pain, occurring now and then in the chest, or only in the left side; aching pain in the back, or in the back and loins, when sitting down; aching pains in the legs and hips, or tearing pains down the arms to the hands. Nose, Eyes, Mouth, and- Tongue. Cold in the head, with copious, watery dis- charge; loss of taste, and of the sense of smell; shivering fits and continual sneezing; watery eyes; parched, peeling, and cracked lips; brown-coated, or moist, clean tongue, and abundant flow of spittle in the mouth. APIS MELLIFICA. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Great sensitiveness to touch and pressure in the region of the stomach, with violent pain in the stomach ; burning pain in the stomaoh ; vomiting of bile and mucus, and accompanied with loose evacuations from the bowels; evacuations of yellowish-green mucus, occurring particularly in the morning; or which have a very offensive odor: evacua'ions accompanied with Or succeeded by a discharge of blood, with straining and burning in the orifice; scanty evacuations of highly-colored urine, with pain and burning, or burning, smarting, and stinging in the urethra during or after the passage of urine; profuse discharge of watery, colorless urine; piles, with stinging pains in them. External Surface. Cold swellings in various parts of the body, of a bluish hue, with stinging or pricking pains ; swelling of the lower lip, as though occurring from the sting of an insect, with stinging or pricking pains ; sudden, acute swell- ings; nettle rash or hives, with great burning, itching, and stinging; styes upon the eyelids ; carbuncles, boils, felons, all characterized by burning and stinging pains ; erysipelatous inflammation of various parts, appearing like the effects of stings of insects ; sensation of soreness below the ribs, or over the ribs; burning, stinging heat in the face, which is of a purple color ; erysipelas, or swelling of the face; redness and swelling of the ears; swelling of the eyelids; dropsical swell- ings of various parts, with scanty emissions of urine ; hands bluish, and inclinod to be cold ; cold legs; swelling of the feet, ankles, and legs. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Restlessness, and constant changing of position; delirium; great awkwardness ; giddiness, when sitting, standing, lying, or when closing the eyes, with nausea and headache; congestion of blood to the head, arising after suppression of the monthly flow; the brain feels as if tired; water in the head, of children, characterized by the following conditions: copious sweat about the head, torpid condition of the system, delirium interrupted by sudden, shrill cries, boring of the head deep into the pillow, squinting, grinding of the teeth, scanty urine, twitching of the limbs on one side of the body, while the other side is paralyzed ; twitching of the eyeballs ; intense dread ARNICA MONTANA. 823 of light, in consequence of inflammation of the eyes; great feeling of being tired, is if some hard work had been done; sleep disturbed by many dreams; awakens from sleep with a shrill shriek. Breathing, &c. Hoarseness and huskiness of voice, particularly in the morning; shortness of breathing, with oppression at the chest, particularly on ascending a height; inability to remain in a close or warm room, in consequence of shortness of breath ; sensation within the chest of soreness, as if from a bruise; cough after lying down and sleeping. Pulse and Circulation. The pulse is full and rapid, or small and tremulous, or intermittent; chilliness coming on towards evening, or chilliness excited by the least movement, with heat of the face and hands at the same time; perspiration, alternately with dryness of the skin. Menstruation, Womb, &c. Dropsical swellings of the ovaries, particularly of the right, with sharp, cutting, stinging pains in the affected ovary, which are worse during the menstrual flow; the monthly flow is either suppressed, or very much diminished in quantity, this condition being accompanied by fulness and congestion of the head; feeling of pressure downwards in the womb; dropsical enlargement of the womb. Mouth, Gums, Teeth, and Throat. Swelling of the lips, particularly the upper lip; dry, swollen, inflamed tongue, with inability to swallow; white, dry tongue (accompanying attacks of diarrhoea); offensive odor of the breath, accompanying attacks of headache; accumulation of tough and frothy spittle in the mouth ; the throat is dry, without thirst; burning and stinging sensation in the throat; inflammation of the throat, with swelling, redness, and stinging pains ; ulcerated sore-throat, especially in scarlet fever, when the eruption does not come out; diphtheritic sore-throat, with stinging pains. ARNICA MONTANA. External Surface. Hot, hard, red, and shining swelling of the affected parts, the lower extremities of the body cold, whilst the upper parts are hot; irritation, itching and tenderness of the head; crawling, stinging sensations in the face and scalp, and smarting in the lips; crawling sensation of chill, as if cold water were run- ning down the body, and with shivering, especially towards night; intense feverish heat, in some cases preceding the shivering fits (and attended with considerable thirst); fits of shivering, especially on the least exposure to the air, but with great heat (and often characterized by aching pains in the limbs and back) ; much swelling (with considerable suffering) of the glands of the neck and beneath the jaw; glossy, red, hard, and hot swelling of one cheek (further characterized by pulsating pain) ; hollow, haggard, drawn, and pallid face, or heat and flush- ing of the face only ; enlargement and hardness of the belly ; swelling of the veins of the hands; colorless swelling of the knee ; tightness of the skin over the knee ; red, hot, and glossy (painful) swelling of the feet and of the great toes, and tingling, pricking, or crawling sensations in the feet. Pains. Pains as of a bruise or sore about the parts affected; crawling and stinging pains in different parts; pains akin to those produced by a blow or contusion; lacer- ating and sudden twinging pains in the head; stinging, crawling pains in the face, or throbbing pain (in the swollen cheek); stinging pains in the gums, and smarting pains in the lips; sudden stitching pains, especially in the sides and 824 ARNICA MONTANA. chest when walking; stitches and other shooting pains about the heart (with unaccountable fits of fainting); aching pain in the head, chiefly in the forehead; shooting pains, especially through the temples; dull, heavy, or sometimes violent pains in the head, re-induced or aggravated by motion and by eating; sore, darting pain in the eyes; aching pain in the head, above one eye (in some cases attended with vomiting of greenish matter); aching pain in the back (or through the back); and pain upon expanding the chest, such that the shoulders are drawn together forwards; aching pains in the teeth, with sore, crawling pains in the gums; shooting pains in the pit of the stomach; cramp-like, contractive pain in the stomach ; bruised pain in the chest, especially towards the shoulders (or in the muscular part of the breast on either side); shooting pains behind and through the ears; or tugging and severe pains; or, again, bruised pains in the ears. Pulse and Circulation. The pulse is unusually full and strong, and there is often very violent beating and agitation of the heart, with predominant determi- nation of blood to the head, or perhaps, also to the chest. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Pressure about the forehead and temples, as if the forehead were violently squeezed ; a dread of raising the brow for fear of pain being caused or aggravated thereby ; the teeth are on edge, as if they had been jarred or loosened by a violent blow ; unaccountable fainting fits (with sudden shooting pains about the heart) ; the fingers are devoid of strength for the grasp; the knees fail, totter and yield when walking ; or the joints, both of the hips and knees, are affected with a paralytic deficiency of strength ; the taste is clammy, or putrid; the eyes protrude, and are only in part closed ; the sight is misty and darkened; the pupils are strikingly contracted; the expression is anxious and intent; the hearing is obtuse, or buzzing, humming sounds are heard in the ears; giddiness, often attended with sickness at the stomach; the lower jaw hangs down from paralysis of the muscles, or the jaws are clenched. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Loathsome eructations; bitter or putrid flatulent risings; sickness at the stomach, with utter loathing of food; violent effort to vomit, or sudden vomiting of food mingled with blood ; vomiting of clotted blood ; scanty but frequent motions ; discharge of undigested substances in the evacuations; spontaneous, or even involuntary evacuations, — sometimes also constipation; discharge of dark, brownish urine, with thick, reddish sediment; discharge of blood with the urine, or of bright-red blood instead of urine, some- times attended with discharge of dark clots of coagulated blood. Womb, Menstruation, &c. Discharge of bright-red blood subsequently to pre- mature delivery; the same discharge, especially when aggravated by motion, exertion, mental excitement, or sudden revulsion of posture ; discharge of pure blood from the womb during the intervals between the menstrual periods. Breathing, Chest, &c. Excessive offensiveness of the breath ; anxious, oppressed. impeded, and hurried breathing ; sensation of weight and tightness, or of extreme fulness, of the chest; spitting of black, clotted blood without coughing; fits of coughing after crying or sobbing (in children); cough as if from an effort to expel phlegm, but with great difficulty in effecting this; (coughing induces a sensation as if the chest were bruised, and darting pains in the head;) short, dry cough, or cough followed by spitting of blood or oozing of blood, either bright and clear, or mingled with clots and phlegm, or with froth ; cough whilst sleeping. Mouth, Tongue, Teeth, Throat, and Nose. The mouth excessively dry ; the lips ARSENICUM ALBUM. 825 hot, swollen, and cracked; the gums sore, and the teeth feeling as if too long; the tongue thickly covered with a white coating, or very dry, and sometimes also bright-red ; irritation and soreness of the tongue; burning, acrid sensation in the throat, or accumulation of bitter phlegm, or sensation as if a hard body were in the throat; active discharge of blood from the nose: swelling of the nose, with or without extravasation of blood, or with glossy redness, heat, and tingling; dry, burning heat in the nostrils, or even ulceration of the interior of the nose. Eyes. Soreness and smarting in the eyelids; swelling and redness or bluish hue of the eyelids, and redness and heat of the eyes ; the eyes bloodshot; sensa- tion as if the eyelids were stiff as well as sore; dulness or prominence of the eyes. ARSENICUM ALBUM. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Excessive loathing and sickness at the stomach, great thirst, but without being able to drink more than a few drops at a time; vomiting of food, blood, or of dark substances, or of frothy, slimy, yellowish, or greenish matters; constant and empty eructations; after eating or drinking the patient is unable to sit up or to sustain an erect position, the nausea being ex- cessive, and the attendant exhaustion unbearable; repeated attacks of violent hiccough, especially during the night; rising of sour matter from the stomach ; (drinking is followed by shivering;) craving after acids, cold water, or brandy ; vomiting sets in violently after partaking of the least food; cold water sets heavily upon the stomach after drinking, with feeling of coldness in the stomach; excessive sensibility and tenderness of the stomach, with intense heat and burn- ing sensation ; scalding and watery diarrhoea (with spasmodic colic), and with ineffectual straining to evacuate ; burning sensation in the orifice ; violent purg- ing (with the vomiting) ; coldness or intense burning sensation in the bowels ; exces- sive looseness, especially at night, with extreme prostration of strength, and discharge of very offensive frothy, slimy, yellowish, greenish, brown, or even black matters ; suppressed discharge of urine, or discharge of urine mingled with blood, and attended with excruciating scalding of the passage; the bowels are apparently gathered up into knots by cramp; whitish and loose discharge from the bowels, containing undigested matters, and very painful; scanty discharge of urine, with slimy or gelatinous sediment. External Surface. General chill (with extreme prostration); dropsical swell- ings of various parts, with burning sensation in them; rapid and general loss of strength, with exhausting sweats; trembling over the whole body, or of any par- ticular part, upon attempting to move or exert it; attacks of chill and shivering, especially after drinking, or even in bed during the night, or chiefly in the open air; fits of shivering in the morning and towards night, with feeble flushing of heat (and with uncontrollable agitation and restlessness, and burning thirst); coldness of the entire surface, with cold, clammy perspiration ; very frequent fits of sweating, very profuse and exhausting, and occurring chiefly upon falling asleep, or generally during the night; reddish, brownish, or even blackish spots or stains upon the skin; eruption of pimples, discharging blood or thin corrosive humor; or eruption of large, angry-looking pimples, which, upon breaking, form scabs, these scabs being subsequently cast, and leaving angry ulcers on the surface harsh dryness of the skin; skin cold and livid; a bluish hue about the extremities and the nails, and also below the eyes and around the mouth ; eruptions and 826 ARSENICUM ALBUM. ulcers of a burning character upon the skin; dry, mealy, or moist and oozing, often gnawing and itching eruptions, characterized by a burning sensation at night; horny-looking, fissured ulcers throwing up unwholesome excrescences; enlargement of the belly (from swelling of the glands of the mesentery), or drop- sical swelling of the belly ; ulcers characterized by an angry, gangrenous appear- ance, with burning sensations ; eruptions offering the appearance of nettle-rash; cold, parchment-like skin ; ulcers discharging a thin corrosive matter, and affected with a burning sensation ; oozing eruption with continual gnawing, burning sen- sations, and forming scabs upon the scalp; cadaverous countenance; swelling and ulceration of the glands of the neck and beneath the lower jaw; red or purplish, or livid and bloated face; swelling of the face, especially under the eyes; wax-like, leaden, grayish, clayey, yellowish, or even greenish complexion ; ulcers on the face, forming and casting scabs, and having a tendency to spread and to assume a gangrenous character; distortion of the features often very distressing; blackish, fissured, scaly, dry, or ulcerated lips ; excess^ f inflation of the stomach and bowels; sensation of scalding under the skin, as if some boiling fluid were running there; extreme tenderness of the scalp. Pulse and Circulation. Very frequent, quick, small, and feeble pulse; or flut- tering, evanescent, and sinking pulse; or small, darting, pointed, contracted pulse; or irregular and very feeble, or scarcely perceptible pulse; violent and oppressive, or irregular beating of the heart, sometimes by snatches, with short, contracted movement. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Extreme restlessness at night, with repeated tossing, and desire to change the position for relief; excessive anguish (with bodily suffering), especially at night; spasmodic grinding of the teeth ; tremulous con- dition of the tongue; general trembling, with extreme and sudden prostration of strength, and indescribable depression, or sometimes total indifference to one's con- dition; the lower jaw hangs down as if paralyzed ; violent cramps and spasms in various parts, especially in the lower extremities, bowels, and stomach, some- times extending to the chest and heart (as indicated by the interruption of breath- ing, and the irregular, contracted action of the heart) ; drowsy lethargy, without sleep, and with catching or jerking of the limbs; heaviness, confusion, and weak- ness of the brain; fainting-fits, preceded by extreme anguish, anxiety, and agita- tion; extreme impatience, and inclination to find fault; the patient dreads to be alone, yet loathes those who are attending him ; extreme apprehension of disso- lution ; disturbance of conscience; low, muttering delirium; the human voice is very imperfectly heard, other sounds sometimes acutely, or the hearing is gene- rally dull, sometimes quite wanting; constant bitterness of taste; extreme ten- derness of light, with weakness and dimness of sight; spasmodic closing of the eyelids; violent cramps in the calves of the legs ; great fatigue of the legs and feet; hurried and precipitate articulation. Chest, Breathing, &c. Attacks of extreme oppression, amounting almost to suffocation; short, difficult, impeded, anxious, hurried, and groaning respiration; cough during the night, with expectoration of bloodstained phlegm ; sensation of extreme dryness, parching, burning, and tightness (as if strangled) in the opening of the windpipe ; dry, short, hacking cough, as soon as the patient lies down at night; extreme tightness of the chest; accumulation of viscid, stringy, Bticky phlegm in the windpipe ; suffocative catarrh ; paralysis of the lungs. AURUM METALLICUM. 827 Periodicity. The fever-fits, in remittent or intermittent diseases, have a tend- sncy to return, or to become aggravated about sunrise or sunset, at intervals of forty-eight or seventy-two hours. In remittent fevers, the interval affords a very imperfect subsidence of the symptoms, and there is usually a low, drowsy, motion- less, or prostrate condition, sometimes complete stupor. In all cases, whether remittent or intermittent, the intervals are characterized by extreme weakness. Pains. The pains are relieved by moving the part affected; paroxysms of pain (with coldness, anxiety, loss of strength, or complete prostration); burning pains in the extremities, stomach, bowels, head or other parts ; cramp-like, clawing, and insupportable pains in the stomach and bowels ; pains at night, which become perfectly insupportable ; aggravation of the sufferings on first rising in the morn- ing, or upon lying down at night, or more especially when lying on the affected part; intolerable aching, burning pain across the forehead; aggravation of the pains in the head by eating, or at different periods ; burning, aching pains in the eyes; intolerable cutting, clawing, griping, or burning pains in the bowels ; excessive pain (with cramps) in the calves of the legs; sore and burning pains in the knee-joints; intolerable wrenching pains in all the teeth; very keen, drawing pains extending from the hips to the groins, thighs, knees, and even ankles. Mouth, Tongue, Throat, Gums, Teeth, and Nose. The mouth is parched and intensely dry, and emits an offensive odor; collection of greenish or grayish phlegm in the mouth and throat; eruption of angry ulcerative vesicles in the mouth; the tongue is completely dry, parched, blackish, fissured, and ulcerated, or of a whitish or bluish color, tremulous (sometimes quite cold at the tip), or sometimes unnaturally and brightly red ; the throat is intensely dry, hot, inflamed, and sometimes bright-red or purple, usually ulcerated; the gums are swollen, and bleed on the least touch or without apparent provocation; the lips are dry, cracked, and blackish or ulcerated ; the teeth loosened; and the nose discharges a scalding, corrosive, and thin fluid, with stuffing and burning heat in the cavity about the bridge of the nose; dry feeling of the nose; or swelling of the nose, with copious and continued discharge of blood. Eyes. Dimness and watery swelling of the eyes; yellowish suffusion of the white of the eye; ulceration of the anterior transparent portion of the globe of the eye; heat, redness, and swelling of the eyelids, with glossy appearance of the margins ; adhesion of the eyelids, with exudation of sticky humor ; redness of the white of the eyes, with burning heat, and redness, with heat of the internal sur- face ol the eyelids; flow of scalding, corrosive tears, which induce soreness of the skin where they moisten it. Menstruation. The menstrual discharge occurs before the proper time, and in great excess, and there is corrosive, acrid discharge of whites during the intervals. AURUM METALLICUM. External Surface. Sensation of coldness over the head, as if cold air were blowino-- on it when, uncovered ; red, scaly eruption on the nose, and over the eyebrows or forehead; purplish hue, sometimes with bloatedness, of the face (during fits further characterized by loss of consciousness, suffocation, and pre- cipitate falling) ; profuse sweat all over the body early in the morning ; the whole surface of the body is cold, and the extremities and nails assume a purplish hue ; extreme sensitiveness of cold over the entire surface of the body ; shivering all 828 AURUM METALLICUM. over the body when first lying down in bed ; the upper jaw, bones of the forehead, and sometimes the glands under the jaw are swollen ; shedding of the hair. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Unnatural conditions of sight, smell, and hearing; obstructed hearing, or humming in the ears ; sectional division of objects to the sight, as if traversed by level lines; flashing of luminous rays or sparks, or dark spots appearing before the eyes; yielding and palsied condition of the knees, or paralytic incapability of bending the knees backwards and forwards; weak- ness in the fingers; excessive anguish, with inclination to or actual attempt at self- destruction ; the brain is readily exhausted by mental application ; extreme keen- ness of sensibility, and susceptibility to the least pain ; uncontrollable impulse to abandon one's self to a fit of crying; despair, deep depression, and insuperable melancholy; agitating, anxious dreams, with restless, unrefreshing sleep; low interrogatory talking during sleep; weariness, debility, and languor upon waking; dulness, or excessive keenness of smell. Nose, Ears, Mouth, Gums, Throat, and Teeth. Inflammation of the nose, with heat and swelling, and ulceration of the interior, characterized by the formation of dense incrustations, and gnawing, spreading ulceration of the bones of the nose themselves; discharge of thin fluid from the nostrils; stinging, gnawing sensation in the nose, or discharge of yellowish or greenish matter from the nostrils, emitting an offensive odor; stuffing of the nose; internal ulceration of the ears, and discharge of very offensive matter; ulceration and decay of the bones of the roof of the mouth, with excessively offensive, rotten smell; unhealthy, spongy, ulcer- ated state of the gums; ulceration, swelling, heat, and redness of the tonsils, or the tonsils enormously enlarged; the teeth loose ; sound of the voice as if the patient spoke through the nose. Pains. Very keen, drawing pains in the bones and joints of the toes and fingers; aching, continued, dull pain in the head; sore pain in the bones of the nose, provoked by pressure ; or aching pains in the eyes, which become aggravated by the touch; drawing, tensive pains in the bones of the upper jaw ; griping pains (with flatulency) in the bowels; pains in the bones, particularly of the affected parts, at night; bruised pains in the joints or bones of the limbs generally; dull, aching, sinking pains in the stomach, or shooting pains in the region of the stomach; pressive, bearing-down pains in the lower part of the belly (during the menstrual period). Pulse, Circulation, &c. Paroxysmal agitation of the heart, with violent beating from time to time by fits and starts, and apparently without, a cause ; great deter- mination of blood to the head, chest, and womb; irregular beating of the heart. Pulse sometimes full (but unusually compressible), generally quick, and most frequently small, irritable, or irregular. Menstruation, Womb, &c. Falling down of the womb, with chronic enlargement and hardening; menstrual discharge commonly coming on all of a sudden (or in other cases preceded by much bearing-down pain). Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Aversion to food generally, or more par- ticularly to animal food ; inordinate appetite and constant thirst; pad-like accu- mulation of flatulency in one spot in the bowels; fulness and distension of the bowels ; retention of urine, which causes much pain ; thick, curdy-looking, whitish urine, depositing a jelly-like or slimy sediment; or pressive urging at the bladder, without discharge, or with scanty discharge at very short intervals. BARYTA CARBONICA. 829 BARYTA CARBONICA. External Surface. Swelling and hardness of the glands generally; predisposi tion to excessive perspiration at night; extreme susceptibility to chill from the least exposure (cold generally affecting the throat); dry or moist, and oozing or scaly, or mealy and scurfy eruptions on the external part of the ears and behind them ; sore patches, with oozing on the skin in various parts ; unbearable irrita- tion of the skin; oozing or dry and scurfy eruptions on the face, or red, blotchy eruptions; the glands beneath the jaw are swollen; dry, or moist, scabbing erup- tions on the head, chiefly in circular patches, with complete casting of the hair; extreme sensitiveness of the scalp tjo the touch; fatty tumor on the nape of the neck; flaccid, colorless tumor in the armpit; very offensive sweating of the feet; puffiness or dropsical swelling of the skin, especially about the trunk and face, with extreme and general loss of flesh ; tingling in the skin in various parts, chiefly in the hands, arms, feet, and legs (or Avhat is popularly called pins and needles) ; whitlows on the tips of the fingers ; swelling and hardness of the glands of the neck. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Sensation of weight and oppression at the stomach after every meal, even after very moderate and scanty meals of the lightest description ; sensation of rawness or soreness over the surface of the throat and stomach as the food is swallowed; hard and lumpy evacuations, expelled only with much effort; or loose, soft, pappy evacuations, with scarcely control- lable and very frequent desire to relieve the bowels, and with crawling chills over the thighs ; soreness and oozing, with intolerable gnawing and burning itching in the orifice, and expulsion of thread-worms at stool; soreness in the mouth before eating; slow, feeble, and imperfect digestion; reluctance to eat after a few mouthfuls. Throat, Mouth, Teeth, Tongue, Nose, and Ears. Sensation as of a lump ob- structing the throat; inflammatory swelling and suppuration of the roof of the mouth and tonsils, with soreness of the throat and very great pain in swallowing ; extreme susceptibility to sore throat, which almost invariably results from the least chill; the gums are swollen, readily provoked to bleed, and unnaturally pale, and the teeth very sensitive of pressure ; formation of scabs under the nostrils ; excessive dryness, with heat of the nose, or copious discharge of thin, watery fluid, and collection of thick humor in the nostrils; the nose is easily pro- voked to bleed by any effort; there is a throbbing sensation deep in the ears, particularly at night, and constant gnawing itching beyond the reach, deep in the cavity, and apparently near the throat. Breathing and Chest, &c. Sensation of weight, oppression, heaviness, and ful- ness in the chest, with short and sometimes difficult breathing, and with deep, hollow, hoarse voice (sometimes rattling of phlegm), or total loss of voice (with whispering), and dry or rattling cough, especially at night. Pains. Keen, dragging or tearing pains in the limbs generally; heavy pain (aching) in the stomach after eating, or dull or acute pain on pressing the stomach after a meal, or sore pain in the act of swallowing; shooting, burning, hammering pains in the hollow teeth; aching pains above the eyebrows; aching pains in the teeth (as the menstrual period approaches) ; aching pains in the small of the back; digging, boring, or darting pains through the head; sore pain 830 BELLADONNA. in the throat, especially on swallowing (with constant desire to swallow the saliva); aching pains in the chest, alleviated by friction or warmth, and by belching of flatulency ; throbbing and burning pain in the back. Menstruation. The menstrual discharge is preceded by whites ; menstruation insufficient, feeble, and too short. Eyes. The eyes are swollen in the morning, and the lids adhere; the eyelids *■ and ball of the eye are inflamed, and feel excessively dry, gritty, and sore. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. The hearing is obtuse, the sense of smell very acute, the sight confused, readily dazzled, and the eyes are very tender of light; there is much weakness of the nervous system generally; extreme dislike to society; very restless, agitated, and disturbed sleep; the whole body feels too heavy for the strength, and the patient constantly longs to lie down; the arm becomes numbed when rested upon, and the fingers are benumbed ; the nape of the neck and small of the back are stiff; giddiness is immediately induced by stooping; and the legs and feet tremble. BELLADONNA. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Muscular twitches, with spasmodic fits, attended with screaming; lethargic drowsiness, or sleeplessness with unsuccess- ful attempts to sleep ; excessive irritation of the senses, with whining and lament- ation; frantic delirium; dizziness, with buzzing in the ears (and with pain in the head, and violent pulsation of the arteries of the head and neck) ; eyes convul- sively starting from their sockets (to appearance), or faint and distorted; pupils dilated or extremely contracted; eyes very tender of light; spasmodic rigidity of the body, or clenching of the jaws; violent trembling of the whole body, or of particular parts; convulsive fits, with screams; paralytic attacks, affecting the whole of one side, or general or local palsy; sensation as if the limbs were too heavy for the strength ; drowsy lethargy, interrupted by sudden starling from time to time, with wild and even furious expression ; continual starting from sleep, with screams and groans, the sleep being^ disturbed or interrupted by anxious dreams; excessive agitation, and constant tossing, particularly at night; delirium of various kinds at night; desire to escape from some imaginary ill. with suspi- cion of those about one ; fr.enzy, with destructiveness, and desire to bite, tear, or mutilate everything; low, gloomy melancholy; sudden fits of reeling giddiness, with spinning of the head and wavering gait; sensation as if the brain were expanded; sensations of weight, fulness, and oppression in the head, especially above the eyes; complete stupor; boring the head into the pillow during sleep; flinging the head backwards; sensation as if fluid were lodged on the brain, and were undulating, and too heavy to be borne ; humming, ringing, or loud roaring sounds in the ears, and generally dulness of hearing; objects appear upside-down to the sight, or every object appears to be doubled; light appears to be surrounded by luminous halos; feeble and confused sight; the eyelids drop half over the eyes; twitchings in the eyes, and quivering of the eyelids; palsied and trembling tongue; expression vacant, agitated, and distracted ; spasmodic closing of the throat, and incapability to swallow liquids; complete horror of liquids (generally attended with burning and insatiable thirst); violent, convulsive hiccough; vio- lent twitchings or jerkings in the muscles of the arms and hands, and sensation of weight, with complete palsy of the legs, &c.; violent jerkings of the limbs, as BELLADONNA. 831 soon as the patient falls asleep ; in children, fits of crying, apparently without a cause ; touch, and the least contradiction, induce a return of the convulsive fits; sudden attacks of dizziness, with extreme anxiety, precipitate falling, and loss of consciousness. Pulse and Circulation. Full, slow pulse ; or strong, full, and frequent pulse ; or hard, wiry, contracted pulse; or small and frequent, or small and tardy pulse; determination of blood to the head, especially on stooping, with violent throbbing of the arteries of the head and neck; determination of blood to the chest, womb, or other im- portant organs, and violent, beating of the heart, with extreme anguish. External Surface. Heat and chills in alternation ; puffed, fiery-red, and hot face; boils on the skin, with excessive heat, and bright, glossy redness in the circum- ference ; glossy, hot, red swellings of various parts, and hot and red swellings of the glands generally ; eruption of red spots, like flea-bites, on the skin; or eruption of bright, scarlet patches, with great heat, on the skin; erysipelatous swellings, with heat and redness ; exacerbation of the fever symptoms (alternate heat and chill) towards night, or during the night; shuddering in particular parts; intense dryness, heat, &c, o.f the skin (generally attended with much thirst, swelling of the veins, puffing and redness of the face, and throbbing of the arteries of the head and neck); swellings, with heat and redness of the glands of the neck, and beneath the lower jaw ; eruptions of pimples, or even ulcers, on the lips, or of pimples forming scabs ; purplish hue of one cheek, and eruption of pimples on the chin, and about the corners of the mouth ; sallowness and pallor of the complexion, sometimes with sudden and transient flushing, of a crimson hue ; swelling (with pain and stiffness of the nape of the neck); chilblains on the extremities, with glossy, red swelling, and heat; perspiration breaks out on the head; swelling of the large intestine in the upper part of the belly; extreme irritation over the belly; eruption of large, angry-looking elevations, with dirty-white margins, and forming a blackish surface. Breathing and Chest, &c. Extreme oppression of breath, with rattling of mucus in the air-tube; short, imperfect, interrupted, anxious breathing; very rapid breath- ing, without inflation of the chest; or deep, slow (and feeble) breathing; extreme weight at the chest, with difficulty of breathing, or with irregular respiration; hollow, hoarse, deep cough, or short, dry cough; cough chiefly prevalent at night, and provoked or renewed by the least movement or change of position in bed; feeble, hoarse, guttural voice, or total loss of voice ; accumulation of thick, adhe- sive phlegm in the chest, hoarseness and expectoration after coughing; (cough- ing induces a stitching pain in the belly;) short, dry, spasmodic cough. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Rising of putrid, bitter, sour, or burning matters from the stomach ; convulsive retching, but without discharge; sickness at the stomach, which ends in violent retching, and the discharge of mingled food and bilious matters from the stomach; extreme weight at the stomach, prin- cipally apparent after having eaten ; bloating or inflation, with much distension of the bowels; soreness all over the stomach and bowels, especially the latter; sensation as if a portion of the intestines were seized with the nails and sud- denly drawn up into a knot; constipation, and total suppression of evacuations; or, on the other hand, involuntary evacuations of dark or frothy matters, or of'slime; incapability to retain the urine, with spontaneous and abundant dis- charge; cloudy, bright-red, or very clear urine; profuse discharge of urine- critical—(with abundant perspiration). 832 BRYONIA ALBA. Pains. Burning or stinging pains, with bruised pains, and swelling of the parts affected; tensive, forcing, and violent pain in the forehead, which seems as if it would burst; very acute inflammatory and periodical nerve-pains in the face ; burning and stinging pain over the eyes; pain in the head (with violent pulsation of the arteries of the head and neck, attended, also, with giddiness and buzzing in the ears); clawing pains in the bowels; sore pain in the upper part of the windpipe and throat; pain (with stiffness) in the neck ; cutting, piercing, or ham- mering pains in the head; aching pain in the head, greatly aggravated by moving the eyes, or by any motion, or by cool air ; aching pains in the eyes; and deep in the sockets; shooting, burning pains in the balls and corners of the eyes; shoot- ing pains in the glands adjoining to the ears, extending to the latter, and piercing deeply into the head; great pain, soreness, and burning in the tongue ; shooting pains in the throat when swallowing; very acute or continuous, aching, drawing pains in the arms, and in the shoulder-joints, and thence to the wrists; periodical pains in the head, returning every afternoon, and becoming worse as night ad- vances, but subsiding again towards morning; burning, shooting pains in the loins and in the hips, and digging pains in the belly; violent b earing-dou-n, or forcing pains (of females); the belly sore and painful when touched. Periodicity. The fever-symptoms and pains have a tendency to recur at inter- vals of twenty-four hours, commencing between noon and sunset daily, and sub- siding between midnight and sunrise. Womb, Menstruation, &c. Determination of blood to the womb; sensation of great weight, fulness, pressure, and forcing towards the lower regions of the belly, as if the intestines would be thrust out; profuse floodings of hot blood; darting and cutting sensations towards the womb; flow of milk; menstruation irregular—a discharge of menstrual fluid taking place at indeterminable periods; depression (falling) of the womb; insufficient lochial-discharge after delivery; menstrual discharge too pale. Mouth, Tongue, and Throat. Extreme dryness of the mouth ; great accumula- tion of slimy, sticky phlegm, of a whitish appearance, in the mouth and throat; soreness of the inside of the mouth ; profuse discharge of blood from the mouth ; the papillae of the tongue raised and swollen; the tongue cracked or swollen, and inflamed, and sometimes covered with slimy, whitish phlegm, or dry, fiery-red, and hot tongue, or — again, coated tongue, with crimson tip and margins ; tongue Very sore and painful; soreness and rawness in the throat, with great inflammation of the tonsils, and back part of the throat and palate; soreness of the throat (with shooting pains extending to the ears) whenever the patient attempts to swallow; in- tense dryness, with redness and burning heat in the throat, and sometimes sup- puration of the tonsils; the throat affected with a sensation of constriction. Nose and Eyes. The nostrils ulcerated; the extremity of the nose intensely hot, and perfectly crimson ; the eyes red and glittering, and seeming as if they would start from their sockets; or distortion of the eyes, and excessive squinting; great heat in the eyes; yellow suffusion of the white of the eyes; adhesion of the eyelids at night.; flow of scalding tears; fixed and motionless pupils ; inflamma- tion of the eyes. BRYONIA ALBA. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Sense of loathing and repulsion towards food; hankerirfg after wine, acid drinks, and coffee; vomiting of food and of BRYONIA ALBA. 833 bitter substances; belching of flatulency; relish in eating, but sickness at the stomach afterwards; sickness at the stomach whilst sitting still, or upon attempt- ing to drink ; vomiting of all that has been drunk, without the solid food; extreme weight and pressure in the region of the stomach; insipid, clammy taste of everything eaten; extreme sensibility of the region of the liver; bowels obstinately confined; or loose, yellow evacuations at night or in the morning; very offensive relaxed evacuations; scanty, brown, and hot urine; motions too large, or scanty, de- tached, small, and hard; nausea, and feeling of faintness on attempting to rise from a recumbent position— even when merely raising the head, has to lie down again immediately; External Surface. Swellings, with tension, heat, and redness; inflammatory heat, redness, swelling, and tingling of the skin, about the joints; chilliness often attended with flushing or redness of the face; perspiration, sometime greasy, day and night; coldness and shivering when in bed ; intense dry heat throughout the body, most felt internally ; profuse perspiration at night and in the morning ; greasiness of the hair with the exudation of the skin; dirty, sallow, pallid, and yellow hue of the face; swelling of the face, and swelling and cracking of the lips ; the face marked with patches of red on the cheeks; or with redness and bloated appearance ; great heat, redness, and swelling of the feet, with feeling as if the skin were too tight when moved; sensation in the calves of the legs as if the skin were too tight; great swelling, with heat and tightness of the skin (and pain) in the knee-joints; tight, hot, but colorless swellings in general, especially of the joints ; dry, scaly, or mealy eruptions, with intense irritation on the eye- lids ; tenderness and swelling of the nose. Breathing, Chest, &c. Cough dry and hacking (or sometimes attended with vomiting of food); coagulated or brownish blood, emitted by the act of coughing; slitchings in the chest, and sides of the chest, aggravated to a great degree by coughing, breathing (deeply), or moving; deep, panting, or anxious and hurried breathing; the breathing is impeded or interrupted — so that a deep breath is impossible — by dartings in the chest; the dartings and impeded breathing compel the patient to lie on his back, on which only he can remain lying permanently ; great heat in the chest; attacks of hoarseness (with breaking out of perspiration) ; rattling of phlegm on the chest; spasmodic suffocative cough, when vomiting or after a meal; yellowish matter expectorated after coughing. Pains. Dragging and tearing pains, with extreme tension of the parts affected, much aggravated by motion ; bruised or contused pain, as if the flesh were detached from the bones by external violence; extreme heavy pressure and sore pain in the stomach, much aggravated by the least pressure; stitching pains in the chest and sides of the chest, much aggravated by coughing, or by any muscular effort, or the least motion or jarring of the step, and even by breathing; pains gener- ally attended with shivering and sensation of coldness ; all the pains have a tend- ency to be aggravated by motion, eating, or in the evening or during the night; pains in the head, as if the brain were alternately expanded and contracted; ach- ing frontal pains aggravated by movement, or digging, boring pain, forcing towards the fore part of the head; shooting pains through the head, or only on one side; aching pains in the teeth, worse on the contact of warm food or drink ; darting pain in the throat upon pressure or contact; aching pain in the stomach after eating, as if a hard body were lodged there; colicky pains in the bowels, or 53 834 CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. dull, aching pain (with inflation) in the belly and region of the stomach, or cut- ting, piercing pains in the bowels after eating; burning pain in the chest; ach- ing pain and stiffness in the neck and nape of the neck; pain in the articulations of the foot in walking; pains in the small of the back and head (with flooding of females); drawing, darting pains in the calves of the legs, extending to the feet; burning pain in the lower part of.the belly on the left side (in females) during pregnancy, much aggravated by movement; drawing pain in the waist (under the ribs) to the stomach and back. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Excessive nervousness, compelling the patient to lie down; disposition to be angry; determination of blood to the head at night, attended with heat, disagreeable dreams and delirium ; determination of blood to the head, with great heat of that part; confused and stupefied sensations in the brain; great and unaccountable dread of imaginary ills and desire to escape; swimming of the head on raising it from the pillow, or on assuming an erect position; fulness and heaviness of the head ; numbness and yielding of the limbs ; sleep much disturbed or impossible, with extreme agitation or anxiety at the chest before midnight; the patient walks in his sleep; heavy, drowsy, lethargic sleep, interrupted only by delirium; capricious humor; swimming of the head on stooping, and then only; the patient has no hope of recovery; very dark appearance or bright flashing before the eyes; extreme sensitiveness of noise and light; extreme susceptibility of the sense of smell; humming sounds in the ears. Mouth, Tongue, Teeth, and Throat. The mouth is extremely dry ; the tongue is completely parched, and covered with a yellow, brown, or blackish coating, or with a dirty-white coating; the teeth feel too long, and the throat is completely parched (so that the patient cannot speak clearly for lack of moisture in the mouth); soreness of the throat with difficulty of swallowing. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. Glassy, dull appearance of the eyes, sensation as of sand in the eyes; sensation in the ears as if they were stuffed up ; stuffing with intense dryness, and much heat, in the nose ; or swelling of the nose, with extreme tenderness to the touch; ulceration of the interior of the nostrils. Womb, Menstruation, &c. Discharge of blood from the womb of a dark color ; bearing-down pains in the small of the baek, and headache, with the flooding; menstrual discharge occurring before the proper time or not appearing at all. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Disposition to sadness, or to ill-humor; indifference, and indisposition to talk ; imagination of evils which are expected to happen; vertigo, with rush of blood to the head; sensitiveness to sounds, even to voices; dimness of vision, objects appear as if obscured; buzzing or humming in the ears, which interferes with the sense of hearing; tingling in the arms, with feeling as if they were very heavy ; crawling sensation in the arms, as if produced by insects crawling over the skin; general weakness, and prostration of strength ; sleeplessness, without apparent cause, or sleeplessness in conse- quence of throbbing in the region of the stomach, or in the ear ; on awaking, delirious mutterings. External Surface. Dry, scaly eruptions, which rub off like bran, on the outside of the elbow, or on the right inner ankle joint; swelling of the hands and arms, more particularly of the left; swelling of the feet, and extending upwards to the CALCAREA CARBONICA. 835 knees; the skin has a shining appearance, and pressure of the finger leaves an indentation ; the face is swollen and red, with pulsation in the head. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Nausea, in the morning, or Listing through- out the day; acrid or acid risings from the stomach; vomiting of blood; consti- pation of the bowels, the stools being hard and very dark; sensation of great weight in the orifice; swelling, and painfulness of the piles; irritation, with desire to pass water frequently; the urine passes by drops, accompanied with much burning; profuse urine, of a straw-color, or depositing a reddish, sandy sediment. Respiration, &c. Feeling of constriction on the chest, as if it were tightly bound with a band, hindering breathing; attacks of suffocation, with fainting, cold sweat on the face, and sinking of the pulse; chronic irritation of the windpipe, with rattling of mucus; spasmodic or convulsive, cough, with copious expectoration of phlegm ; pricking pains in the chest, with oppression of breath- ing, hard cough, and expectoration of bloody phlegm. Pulse, Heart, Fever, &c. Acceleration of the pulse; intermittent beats of the pulse; chilliness in the morning, with chattering of the teeth; burning heat, with shortness of breath ; intense feverish heat at night, with headache, pre- ceded by a chill and followed by sweat; intermittent fever, occurring every day at the same hour; sensation of constriction of the heart, as if a hand were clasp- ing it with great force and preventing its movements; acute pain and stitches in the heart; palpitation of the heart, which is worse while walking, and at night, when lying on the left side. CALCAREA CARBONICA. External Surface. General loss of flesh, and wasting away of the body; con- tractions of the limbs and joints generally; numbness of the parts affected; swelling of the parts affected; extreme sensitiveness to cold, damp air, and to changes of weather, especially in chronic disorders; rough, harsh, and dry skin; ulcera- tive, moist, scabbing, and itching — or dry, mealy, or scurfy, and itching erup- tions; great predisposition to ringworm; ulcers, especially on the extremities, discharging offensive matter; great scurfiness of the head amongst the hair; pale, thin, and wrinkled face, with premature appearance of age, even in children; swelling of the glands of the mesentery ; tendency to perspire freely on the least exertion; the skin (and other) symptoms are usually aggravated by the applica- tion of moisture — as by washing ; swelling of the veins, especially of the legs; hard swellings of the glands generally; flushing of the face and general heat, followed by chills and shivering, recurring periodically, especially on alternatt evenings; protuberances on the head amongst the hair; intense coldness over the surface of the head, more particularly on the right side; shedding of the hair ; scabs and oozing eruptions amongst the hair ; hollowness of the eyes, and sunken appearance of the countenance, with dark rings around the eyes; the upper lip especially is often much enlarged; eruptions of various kinds, with intense, gnaw- ing, itching on the face ; prickling and tingling, with insensibility of the fingers, swelling and sweating of the hantts; swellings (usually colorless, but, sometimes, red and glossy) on the knee-joints; inordinate accumulation of unhealthy fat, and general bloatedness of the body, especially in children; flaccid, circumscribed tumors in various parts; sweating of the feet, and burning heat of the soles of 836 CALCAREA CARBONICA. the feet; enlargement of the head; retarded closing of the fontanels in infants; corns on the feet; sweating of the head in children; rickety affections of the bones, with enlargements of joints, and curvature of the long bones, and of the spine; swelling suppuration and ulceration of the glands of the arm-pits; prominence, with irregular course of the spinal bones; swelling and coldness of the feet, at night; damp feeling of the feet. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Loathing of meat; craving after wine and delicacies; capricious, fastidious, and dainty appetite; hankering after salted food, and succulent vegetables; risings of acrid, hot, watery fluid, after eating (or even after sudden exertion); foul taste in the mouth; bitter, or sour taste, and risings; inflation of the bowels, with flatulency, which accumulates in one fixed spot; or accumulation of flatulency in the lower region of the belly; hard distension of the belly; habitual constipation, or continued relaxation, of the bowels, and burning sensation in passing water; generally scanty and dark-col- ored, but sometimes profuse and watery discharge of urine, or these two condi- tions in alternation (in children); frothy and spontaneous evacuations, or sour- smelling evacuations; looseness during teething; discharge of blood, with, after, and before urine. Menstruation and Womb, &c. Profuse and premature menstrual discharge ; great predisposition to miscarriage (menstruation, attended with aching pains in the teeth, and flushing of blood to the head); discharge of whites, either acrid and corrosive, or painless, occurring by fits and starts, and generally in jets, when passing water ; floodings at irregular periods; excessive irritation of the parts, chiefly outside. (Various derangements, and usually swellings of the breasts, precede the menstrual discharge.) Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Extreme and general debility; insensi- bility or deadness of various parts of the body; great nervousness ; irielancholy disposition; constant languor; excessive dejection of spirits; predisposition to fainting-fits ; fatigue, after speaking or after a short walk; illusions of the imagination (fancying some one is watching behind one); the patient is startled by his or her own shadow ; cramps along the upper part of the thighs, toes, soles of the feet, and calves of the legs ; heaviness and stiffness of the legs; weakness of the fingers; drowsiness in the early part of the evening, or during the whole day, with sleeplessness at night, and extreme mental activity; sleep much dis- turbed and agitated, and very often interrupted by starting, accompanied with groaning, or even with screaming, and occasioned by dreams; total indifference to everything; giddiness or dizziness when in an elevated position; misty sight, or extreme length of sight, or sometimes great tenderness of light, with dilata- tion of the pupils; ringing or creaking sounds in the ears, or loud roaring, or humming noises; extreme sensitiveness, or dulness of the sense of smell. Breathing, Chest, &c. Habitual or long-continued hoarseness, or sometimes total loss of voice; excessive accumulation of phlegm on the chest (in the air- passages and cells) ; excessive susceptibility to hoarseness and to loss of voice; cough, attended with offensive expectoration,—partly matter, partly blood, and partly phlegm,—or expectoration of nearly pure blood; habitually dry (but sometimes moist and rattling) cough at. night; burning sensation in the chest. Pains. Wrenching pains in the back, small of the back, and nape of the neck: shooting pains through the sides and chest; drawing and shooting pains in the CAMPHOR — CANTHARIDES. 837 thighs and hips ; lancinating or dragging pains in all the limbs; contusive pains in the limbs (with stiffness) ; throbbing pains in the head, which completely prostrate the patient; aching pains in the eyes, and boring pains in the forehead; burning, cutting, and smarting pains in the eyes, and throbbing pains in the ears ; aching, dull, and continued, or tearing pains in the teeth, worse when exposed to contact of hot or cold food or drink, and to the inhalation of cold air; pinching, clawing, or dull aching pains in the bowels, or cutting pains, coming on by fits and starts in the region of the stomach; dull, aching, or clawing and cramp-like pains in the stomach (sometimes followed by vomiting of the contents of the stomach); or dull, aching pain in the stomach, when empty; pain (with swelling) in the breasts (before the menstrual period). Nose, Mouth, Throat, Tongue, &c. Excessive and constant internal dryness of the nose, often with complete obstruction of the nostrils, or with very offensive smell in the nose; predisposition to habitual discharges of blood from the nose; accumulation of very sticky, stringy mucus in the mouth and throat, which car only be dislodged with much effort; excessive and constant, dryness of the tongue or, sometimes, red or purplish angry-looking swellings, on the side of or under neath the tongue, and extreme tenderness of the gums; internal' and external soreness of the nose. Eyes and Ears. Prominent swelling of the eyelids, with great redness and heat, and constant irritation ; constant itching in the eyes and eyelids; tremulous con- dition of the eyelids; suppuration of the corners of the eyes and discharge of matter from the ears. CAMPHOR. General Symptoms. Lethargic sleep; excessive prostration, often accompa- nied with convulsions and spasms, with rigidity, also loss of consciousness, and delirium ; the pulse either small and retarded in the extreme, or very full and excessively accelerated ; coldness all over the body, with pallor of the face, lividity of the skin, cold, clammy perspiration and violent shivering; a burning sensation in the mouth, jaws, and stomach; internally there is heat, externally there is chilliness; convulsive spasms, which have the effect of drawing the head on one side ; the eyes are chiefly characterized by an excessively anguished expression, and by being turned upwards convulsively, so that the white only is seen ; the jaws are rigidly clenched together; collection of mucus in the air-tubes, so great as some- times to impede respiration; exacerbation of the symptoms on movement at night or from cold; giddiness and weight of the head, which compels the patient to lean it backwards ; urine turbid and red; spasms affecting the chest; suffocating oppression at the chest, and tightness of the upper part of the windpipe; exces- sive, burning, insatiable, or continued thirst; great pressure in the region of the stomach; red, hot, and tingling swellings of the skin; great tenderness of the skin ; violent cramps in the calves of the legs ; total suppression of urine, or discharge of blood. CANTHARIDES. Kidneys, Bladder, &c. Excessive irritation of the neck of the bladder; constant urging to pass water, and scanty discharge; spasmodic suppression of urine, or what is called spasm of the bladder; painful discharge of urine; difficult and drop- discharge of deep-colored urine, or, on the other hand, copious discharge of pale urine ; discharge of blood immediately after the evacuation of water, sometimes 838 CANTHARIDES. with it (attended with the most excruciating pain in the bladder, and down- wards as if everything would be forced through); excessive tenderness of the parts about the bladder to pressure ; smarting or scalding sensation during the discharge. Pains. There is usually much pain in cases requiring this medicine, and the right side is especially affected. The sufferings are commonly relieved when the patient lies down. Darting, cutting, and very severe pains in the bladder and subordinate passages, especially during the discharge of urine, and immediately afterwards; sore, scalding, or burning pains in internal parts generally, espe- cially in the lower parts of the belly; dragging, tearing pains in the limbs, espe- cially about the joints, or in the extremities; violent pain in the head, with pre- dominance of heat in the same part at night; darting, cutting, pressive, or cramp-like pains shooting from the nape of the neck to the forehead ; burning pain deeply seated in the head; throbbing pains as if in the brain; pains in the head, conveying the sensation of the hair being violently pulled or torn out; burning or scalding pains in the throat, as well as in the stomach, and even through- out the extent of the alimentary ducts from the throat throughout the stomach and bowels; sSooting, darting, and cramp-like pains in the region under the ribs on the right side; burning pain and sore sensation in the eyes; dragging pains in the hips, back, and arms, and the like, or pains of a lancinating description. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Convulsions affecting the entire frame, or spasmodic affections of the throat and extremities in particular; spasmodic con- traction of the muscles of the jaw, and lock-jaw ; spasmodic rigidity of the whole body, the body being bent backwards; spasmodic sensation of choking in the throat, with total inability to swallow liquids ; spasmodic tightness of the chest, and of the opening of the windpipe ; palsied affection of the hands ; total prostra- tion of nervous power, and general palsy; furious raving, or intense agitation and total inability to remain quiet, or to be calmed : yellow appearance of objects to the sight; convulsive rolling of the eyes; convulsive tossing of the limbs, attended with shrieks; total absence of taste, or morbid, bitter taste as of resin in the mouth ; faint, nauseating, or offensive smell in the nose. Pulse and Circulation. Violent palpitation of the heart; full, hard, quick, and frequent pulse, or very frequent, small, and wiry pulse. External Surface. Fiery redness of the face; extreme tenderness of the whole body to pressure; sensation of soreness in the scalp, as if the hair had been pulled; redness, swelling, and inflammatory heat in the cheeks; yellow tinge in the complexion; scalding vesicles on the skin, which, however, are apt to itch until rubbed ; deplorable and dejected expression of countenance ; sunken, drawn, and pallid face and features ; offensive-smelling sweat. Stomach, Bowels, &c. Total absence of appetite, and intense thirst generally after the shivering-fit, or intense and burning thirst, with parched lips, tongue, and throat, and aversion to fluids owing to the pain occasioned by attempting to swallow them; discharge of blood from the stomach, or vomiting of blood and inflammation of the stomach; bilious or slimy vomiting; soreness and burning sensation about the navel, especially upon the least exertion of the adjacent muscles; occasionally obstinate costiveness, but more frequently (whether after or without the previous occurrence of constipation) relaxed, grrenish, and frothy evacuations, scanty in quantity, and occasioning a very painful, scalding sensa- CARBO VEGETABILIS. 839 tion; discharge from the bowels, mingled with blood or with white, thread-like matter; white, frothy, or slimy evacuations, especially at night; inflammation of the bowels or liver; evacuations looking like scrapings from the bowels. Menstruation. The menstrual discharge is usually excessive, very dark, and occurs before the proper time,'and is commonly preceded by whites during the interval; burning, cutting, and forcing sensations, with gushes and scalding sensations during the ordinary discharge. Breathing, Voice, &c. Sensation of weakness at the chest, with feeble voice; oppression and difficulty of breathing; arrest, of breath during an ascent (with sensation of giddiness or sickness), and with rattling of phlegm on the chest; hoarseness, rattling of phlegm, and inflammation of the opening of the windpipe. Mouth, Throat, &c. Frothy and involuntary flow of saliva; fiery redness, heat, and often swelling of the inside of the cheek, lips, tongue, and tonsils; cracking of the lips ; inflammatory redness, heat, and swelling, with extreme tenderness of the whole of the mouth and throat; extreme dryness of the tongue, gums, and lips, with glossy, bright redness. CARBO VEGETABILIS. External Surface and Mucous Membrane generally. Disposition to perspire freely; profuse perspiration at night; sweating of the feet, or sour-smelling sweat in the morning ; perspiration whilst eating ; offensive burning ulcers, easily provoked to bleed, and emitting a thin, acrid discharge; chilliness, alternated with sudden flushes of heat; predominant shivering-fits, with coldness; great loss of flesh; pallid countenance, with a grayish hue ; predisposition to be affected by cold, sometimes even without any apparent cause ; sensation as of burning heat in the skin in different parts of the body ; enlargement and induration of the glands ; the scalp is acutely sensitive, and conveys a sensation of pain, even when merely touching the hair; discharge of offensive matter from the ears; redness, with great heat of the external parts of the ear towards night; the hands, and sometimes also the feet, are very hot, especially at night; in other cases the hands and feet are very cold, particularly at night; the extremities of the fingers and toes are ulcerated; eruption of pimples on the back, attended with very trouble- some itching; pimples on the face ; itching all over the body upon becoming warm, especially towards night; swellings of the nature of chilblains; falling off of the hair; swelling and bluish appearance of the veins; sunken appearance of the face, with drawn and pointed features. Stomach, Bowels, &c. Stomach-ache, with general derangement of digestion, and generally excessive and very offensive flatulency; rumbling of wind in the bowels; habitual aversion to fat or greasy food, and even to all animal food; ex- cessive inflation and distension of the belly after eating; habitual nausea; tight- ness and sensation of weight at the pit of the stomach; rising of food in the gullet, or rising of acid matter ; excessive water-brash ; or difficulty and straining at stool, and sometimes costiveness ; discharge of blood after a motion; putrid and involuntary discharge from the bowels; cannot bear tight clothing about the waist. Breathing, &c. Short, difficult, interrupted, or laborious respiration, with sensation of intense pressure or tightness in the chest; soreness in the chest; cough on taking the least c-old; cough, accompanied with expectoration of 840 CARBO VEGETABILIS. greenish, purulent phlegm ; intense oppression at the chest; habitual hoarseness, which is especially apparent or prevails chiefly or solely in the evening, or in the morning and evening; attacks of oppression amounting almost to suffocation, and occasioned by flatulency; shortness of breath on the least exertion; spas- modic or convulsive cough, like whooping-cough; rattling of phlegm, and copious expectoration. Pains, Sensations, &c. Burning pains, particularly in the limbs and bones ; predisposition to numbness in the limbs; pains as if from bruises in the limbs, particularly on rising in the morning; intense burning pain in the belly; spas- modic and burning pains in the stomach; headache, chiefly at night or after a meal; shooting pains in the top of the head ; aching or burning pains in the eyes; soreness and burning, or lacerative pain in the throat; burning, aching, drag- ging, or pinching pains in the chest; sharp, burning, or dragging pains in the shoulder; burning pain in suppurating abscesses. Pulse and Circulation. Weak, fluttering, and irritable, or weak and compressi- ble,— or again, feeble, small, and sinking, or totally imperceptible pulse, with stagnant circulation; pulsation in different parts. Disposition. Despondency; tendency to be easily startled; dread of imagi- nary beings; intense anxiety and depression, especially towards night; great reluctance to exert one's self bodily or mentally ; timid or forward, despairing or irascible temper; great mental depression after eating. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Sudden and complete prostration of strength, and general depression of vital or nervous energy, or sudden loss of physical power only; anxious or appalling dreams; or constant dreaming, with sudden starting from sleep and great alarm, or without starting from sleep, but with violent and sudden changes of position; cloudiness of sight, accompanied with giddiness, and even sickness; confused state of the brain ; retching and giddiness after sleeping; or giddiness induced by walking, moving the head, or stooping; shortness of sight; bitter, sour, or saltish taste in the mouth; deficiency of or morbidly ravenous appetite; twitching or jerking movements in the limbs, either in the daytime or during sleep ; rapid loss of muscular strength, and incapa- bility of clenching the hands tightly. Mouth, Gums, Teeth, &c. Excessive and spontaneous flow of water in the mouth ; or, on the other hand, intense heat and dryness of the mouth ; want of power to move the tongue; sensation as if the throat were raw, especially when detaching the phlegm, or when swallowing; protracted looseness of the teeth, the gums and teeth being easily provoked to bleed, and the former being spongy and ulcerated; swelling, cracking, or ulceration of the lips. Menstruation. Excess of discharge; return of the periods too frequently, or before the proper time, and generally preceded by thick, yellowish discharge, or more immediately by much irritation and soreness, with corrosive discharge. Bladder, Kidneys, &c. Dark, thick, muddy discharge of urine, often attended with a sensation of soreness; deep-red or brick-colored urine; spontaneous dis- charge during sleep ; cloudy, whitish, or clear, yellowish, and abundant discharge, or, on the other hand, deficient, or even very scanty discharge, not uncommonly attended with incessant urging. Eest. Drowsiness in the daytime, which may be shaken off by exercise; Bleeplessness, restlessness, and agitation at night, or disturbed and unrefreshing CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES — CAUSTICUM. 841 sleep, with continual shifting of position; or, again, inability to sleep until morn- ing, followed by heavy, drowsy sleep, and accompanied by hoarse, rattling res- piration. Body, Legs, and Arms. Stiffness of the neck and of the spine; stiffness of the thighs and knees; deadness of the feet, and even of the legs, with a sensation as if they were too heavy, but without sensation of pain ; dulness of sensation in the feet; painful cramp in the soles of the feet, especially on turning the toes downwards ; or, also, generally in the legs, but particularly in the calves at night, occurring even during sleep, so as to awaken the patient. CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES. General Symptoms. Irregularities of the menstrual flow, with pains and suf- ferings of a spasmodic character, with sympathetic cramps or spasms of neigh- boring parts or organs, such as the bladder or bowels; the periodical discharge is scanty ; deficient pains during labor, occurring as if the womb had no power to exert itself; passive hemorrhages from the womb, the blood slowly oozing away, with great debility of system; the lochial discharge lasts too long ; hys- terics, accompanied by many spasmodic symptoms; complete inability to sleep from nervous weakness; rheumatism, and rheumatic pains, particularly of the wrists and hands, or affecting only the finger-joints ; rapidly shifting pains in the arms and legs; restlessness and nervousness, with hot and dry skin ; dull, aching, or dragging pains in the small of the back. CAUSTICUM. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Spasmodic contraction of particular parts, or of several parts at once; rapid succession of contractions and relaxations, or alternations of rigid extension, with renewed agitation and convulsive efforts ; snatching or twitching of particular muscles or tendons ; grinding of the teeth ; or, again, want of control over the muscles of voluntary motion, or of power to exert them; jerking or other convulsive movements of the limbs, even during sleep, or frequent starting from sleep, occasioned by painful dreams; trembling twitchings of the eyelids; sensation of buzzing or drumming, or of loud noises, such as of thunder, in the ears; absence of the sense of smell; appearance as of flashes of light or fire-flies flickering before the eyes; or as if a dark but trans- parent veil or vapor were moving before the eyes; or as if a thin film obstructed the sight; very indistinct articulation after much effort; or, again, total inability to articulate; repugnance to food, from a sensation that it will be unpalatable ; or, again, rancid taste in the mouth, or particular distaste for sweets; difficult deglutition. Breathing, &c. Cough, chiefly prevalent at night or in the morning, or a harsh hoarseness at the same periods; darting, cutting pains in the chest on drawing a deep breath, or pains of a similar character in the region of the heart, attended or not with a stifling sensation, and violent beating of the heart; deep, hollow cough, which shakes the whole body, and is accompanied with a sensation as if the interior of the chest or lungs were raw; habitual or protracted hoarseness, with feeble and muffled sound in speaking, more especially apparent when the patient attempts to raise the voice; shortness of breath, or fits of almost inter- rupted breathing, with apparent incapability of expanding the chest to admit a 842 CAUSTICUM. sufficient inspiration; dry, hollow cough, with soreness in the chest, caused by tickling and phlegm in the throat, with expectoration ; cough, which is relieved by a swallow of cold water ; sensation of soreness and rawness in the windpipe ; disposition to hawk up mucus; complete loss of voice. External Surface. Flushing of the face, with straining at stool; sour-smelling sweat at night, or profuse perspiration induced by every physical exertion, or even by walking quietly; sensation as if the scalp were not sufficiently expansive for the head; habitual or frequent excoriation of the skin, or chronic eruptions, especially of the nature of itch ; enlargement of the belly (scrofulous), dependent upon enlargement of the glands of the mesentery; swelling and commonly pre- vailing coldness of the feet; warts exceedingly sensitive of contact, &c, particu- larly on the face, arms, and hands; swelling of the veins of the legs, which occa- sions much inconvenience; itching eruptions on the skin, of the nature of tetters; swelling of the glands of the neck, as in Derbyshire neck; yellowish hue of the complexion, with livid or purplish tint of the lips, or with very red-colored pim- ples in different parts of, or all over, the face; sensation of pricking and itching in the soles of the feet and palms of the hands ; excessive susceptibility of the whole external surface to draughts, chills, &c. ; external swelling of the ears. Pains. Rheumatic or aching pains in the ankles, knees, thighs, and instep, or dragging pains in the arms and hands, especially at night; pains, with peculiar stiffness, in the back and nape of the neck, or very severe rheumatic pains in the shoulder-blades; pains in the bowels, chiefly of a dull, aching description, in the morning, with desire to stretch one's self; severe incisive pains in the loins during the menstrual periods, or pains in the hip-joint, provoked or aggravated by any sudden muscular 'effort; spasmodic or aching pains in the stomach, relieved by recumbency, and aggravated by movement; or pain (with piles) in the posterior passage ; heavy, dull headache throughout the head, or throb- bing pain in the temples, with or without the like suffering from the teeth, and even in the ears; dull, bruised, or stunned pain in the head, sometimes accom- panied with nausea, and chiefly prevalent in the morning on waking; pressive pains in the head, as if pinched; aching pain in the eyes, or as if the pupil were unduly expanded. Mouth, Throat, Gums, Teeth, &c. Collection of phlegm in the mouth and throat, which is hawked up from time to time, but which constantly gathers again; soreness of the gums, with extreme tenderness to the touch, and sensation as if the teeth met too soon, or were too long, and as if they were forced into the jaw by pressing one upon the other; bleeding of the gums, sometimes without apparent cause, and often from sucking at the teeth; the inside of the mouth is sometimes excessively dry, and there is a constant desire to swallow, but with a sensation as if the throat were dry or closed by swelling of the surfaces, or as if the latter were grazed. Nose and Eyes. Habitual dryness, with heat of the nostrils, or stuffing of the nose, with disposition to discharges of blood from the nose, and sneezing, particu- larly in the morning; constant watering of the eyes; or chronic redness, heat, and swelling about the margins of the eyelids, and other inflammatory symptoms affecting the eyes ; ulceration of the anterior transparent portion of the eye. Digestive Organs and Evacuations. Constant and fruitless straining to relieve the bowels; habitual costiveness, or hard,' detached, partial, knotty evacuations; CHAMOMILLA. 843 or, again, relaxation of the bowels towards and during the night, with slimy, adhesive, stringy, whitish, evacuations; swelling of piles, with constant itching, irritation, and even soreness, in the passage; or relaxed, but partial evacuations, followed by much suffering and uneasiness, and by a scalding sensation in the passage; spontaneous discharge of urine with any sudden muscular effort, or during the night, and even during sleep; sometimes, also, discharge of blood either before, after, or without reference to the urine; the urine is variable in quantity and color, sometimes being scanty (with frequent, urging), and either very acrid, causing soreness of the orifice, or of a brownish or brick-dust color — or, on the other hand, increased, pale, watery, and limpid. Menstruation and Milk. Soreness and excoriation of the thighs, Avith discharge chiefly at night, and spontaneously (whites), during the intervals between the periods, Avhich are generally after their time, but which are attended with increased discharge, and with an admixture of pure, but coagulated blood; defi- ciency or total absence of the supply of milk (with pains in the region of the womb, and stinging, cutting, or darting pains through the breasts, especially on the left, side, and generally with soreness or cracking of the skin about the nipples). Body and Extremities. Faltering step, and incapability to sustain the weight of the body, especially in feeble and scrofulous children; tingling, itching, or indescribable irritation of the back; feebleness, and tremulous condition of the hands, and stiffness, or want of flexibility, or even of strength in the joints to sustain any muscular effort; stiffness of the legs, as if affected with cramp, and cramp-like rigidity of the soles of the feet when in a horizontal position, espe- cially if the toes be turned upwards; abscesses of the nature of whitlows on the extremities; sensation of dislocation in the joints; excessive languor, heaviness, weariness, and sensation of being borne down throughout the whole body, par- ticularly or only perceptible towards night; or even general paralysis, or gen- eral and indescribable uneasiness of the whole frame, with extreme depression. Disposition. Agitated, anxious, restless, and very desponding disposition, with extreme gloominess of anticipation, and unaccountable timidity; or deep, indom- itable gloom, and depression of spirits. CHAMOMILLA. Pains. Pain is usually very acute, and constitutes a prominent indication for this medicine when it is subject to the following particular conditions: —Exces- sive prostration immediately ensuing at the commencement of the pains ; general, or local and acute aching or cutting pain, attended with flushing of the face, much increase of heat, and generally intense thirst; or dragging, aching pains, chiefly predominant, or aggravated at night, and alleviated by the external appli- cation of heat; excessive susceptibility, and impatience of pain; and sometimes local throbbing pain ; drawing, aching pain in the hip, or aching pains in the arms at night, with loss of power in the limbs ; very intense pain in the loins, or shoot- ing pains in the right and left sides of the chest; pain in the head, of which the patient is conscious even during sleep; cutting, gnawing, or clawing pains in the bowels, especially at, or just before, the menstrual periods, beating, darting pains in the head, especially on one side; bruised, or dull, heavy pain in the head; headache, chiefly prevalent in the morning, when the patient awakes ; 844 CHAMOMILLA. very acute pains in the stomach, with intense local pressure, or acute burning pain along the lower ribs on the right side, and at the pit of the stomach; shoot- ing, burning, and cutting pains in the region of the stomach, and in the belly, particularly felt when pressure is exerted on the part, or during any muscular effort; intense colicky pains; dragging, throbbing, pulling, and jerking pains in the teeth, jaws, and face; intolerable toothache, especially on one side, increased by warmth, and worse when in bed; shooting, burning, smarting pains in the throat; pains in the ears; throbbing, smarting, and burning pains in the eyes; severe bearing-down, or forcing pains from the womb. Pulse and Circulation. Full, hard, quick, and frequent pulse; or small, hard, quick, and frequent pulse, with occasional attacks of palpitation of the heart. External Surface,,&c. Very great increase of heat, especially towards night; intense heat and redness of "one cheek; feverish heat, with the cheeks red and flushed, and hot perspiration on the forehead and head, and amongst the hair; constant change of color in the face, or one cheek pale and the other red at the same time; deep-red, or purplish and puffed appearance of the face (with convul- sions) ; almost livid, inflammatory swelling of the face on one side; livid rings around the eyes; flatulent distension of the belly; itching, with great heat, in the feet; alternate flushes of heat, and chills affecting particular parts only. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Convulsions affecting the back, sometimes terminating in rigid bending backwards of the body ; convulsive agitation of the fingers, or even of the arms; or cramps, especially affecting the calves of the legs; convulsive distortion of the eyes, with twitching or tremulous state of the eyelids, and contraction of the pupils; delirium at night; the sleep is disturbed by dreams, which run upon alarming subjects, or upon disputes or disappoint- ments ; sudden interruption of the sleep by dreams, with starting, great agita- tion, and screams-; excessive nervous irritability, and intolerance of pain; lameness or numbness of the affected parts, with constant inclination to move them; con- vulsive twitches of the lips, and muscles of the face, as well as of the eyelids; excessive restlessness (sick children desire to be carried constantly); anguish, with tossing about, as if in despair; excessive intolerance of noise, and over- acuteness of hearing; fluttering, or buzzing noise in the ears; melody, even, aggravates the irritability ; misty sight, affecting both eyes, chiefly in the morn- ing ; appearance of flashes of light before the eyes; convulsive agitation of the tongue ; attacks of giddiness, chiefly predominant in the morning, after eating, or in the evening; or giddiness, so severe as to end in fainting; fainting-fits, com- mencing with a sinking sensation in the region about the heart; sudden weak- ness, with stiffness, and sensation as of palsy of the legs and arms; reeling and tottering, upon first getting out of bed; morbid taste, often offensive, but gen- erally bitter, or foul; violent attacks of general convulsions of the nature of epilepsy, generally subsiding, after a while, into a drowsy, dull, sleepy state, or setting in with cutting, clawing pains in the bowels; the sense of smelling is un- usually acute and sensitive. Rest and Motion. Drowsiness, with inability to sleep; restless, agitated, or interrupted sleep ; prevailing desire to assume or retain a recumbent position; total inability to sleep during the night. Organs of Digestion and Evacuations. Great thirst; vomiting of bitter, bilious matter, or vomiting of acid matter; violent pressure at the pit of the stomach ; CHINA. 845 sour rising in the throat, and nausea, with general uneasiness, especially percep- tible or aggravated in the morning, and after taking food; sensation of faintness, sinking, and emptiness in the bowels ; loose discharge from the bowels, glutinous, frothy, and greenish, or like beaten eggs, these symptoms being chiefly apparent, or much aggravated at night; and sometimes soreness, cracking, &c, in the passage, attending upon piles; the urine often having a yellowish tinge, and being very hot, depositing a yellowish-looking sediment. Breathing, &c. Difficulty and oppression of breathing accompanying the press- ure at the stomach ; excessive anxiety, and oppression in the region of the chest, and especially on the left side, the inspiration being sometimes arrested by a sharp, pricking, cutting pain, and the patient at the same time having a very strong desire to draw a deep breath ; offensiveness of the breath, worse after eating; during the night there is frequently a continual dry cough, which affects the patient even whilst sleeping, generally accompanied by other symptoms of common cold, or especially with hoarseness, and followed, not unfrequently, with the ejection of a bitterish phlegm; sensation of tightness, or like throttling, at the opening of the windpipe, and of oppression, extending throughout the chest. Mouth, Throat, and Tongue. Offensive smell from the mouth; eruption of small blisters in the.mouth; the mouth, throat, and tongue usually intensely dry, but sometimes covered with a very white mucus; the tongue is red and fis- sured; or, in other instances, there is a dense yellow-tinted fur on the tongue; the glands of the throat, as well as those of the neck, below the ears, and under the chin, are swollen and hot; the act of swallowing solids is very painful. Eyes and Nose. Yellow suffusion of the white of the eye, or red, blood-shot appearance of the eyes, with great heat; the eyelids adhere in the morning on waking, and are red, hot, and sometimes extremely dry, especially after exposure to the air, or in the latter part of the day; the nostrils are dry, hot, stuffed, and red, or sometimes even sore, and there is much discharge of blood from the nose. Menstruation. Absence of proper menstrual discharge (with great general uneasiness, and commonly with acute, insupportable, bearing-down, and forcing pains) ; or frequently excessive and long-continued discharge of dark-colored blood from the womb, generally consisting of, or accompanied with, the discharge of clotted masses (and attended with excessive bearing-down, soreness, or burn- ing sensations), and not unfrequently preceded by whites. Disposition. Vexed, irritable, and hypochondriacal, or with much tendency to hysterical excitement. CHINA. Organs of Digestion and Evacuations. Thirst, after the cold stage (of the fever), and during the sweating stage; hardness and swelling in the region of the liver; the food has a bitter taste, and the digestion is slow and feeble; great flatulency and offensive expulsion of wind ; the appetite is fastidious and capricious, and the patient rarely feels hungry until he has begun to eat, or, on the other hand, the appetite is morbidly increased, whilst the capability of digesting food is in an equal degree deficient, and every meal is followed by rising of food conveying the taste of what has been eaten; great tightness of the stomach and at the bottom of the belly; much uneasiness, and generally accompanied by extreme languor, disinclination to exert one's self, or even drowsiness—or by insipid, bitter, or 846 CHINA. sour rising of the contents of the stomach, and sensation of intense weight, with or without spasmodic feelings at the pit of the stomach and in the belly; relaxa- tion of the bowels and discharge of crude and undigested food; or whitish, watery, yellowish, or slimy evacuations, occurring generally after a meal, and being more predominant at night; sluggish and scanty, or sometimes very offen- sive evacuations containing bilious matter; or unusually frequent and frothy stools; dark-colored or cloudy urine, with reddish or whitish deposit, and some- times much urging, with suppressed or scanty discharge; or, again, spontaneous discharge during sleep ; nausea; vomiting of mucus. Pulse and Circulation. At the onset the pulse may be full and quick, after- wards, however, and more generally, we notice small, weak, but very irritable pulse, readily excited to become exceedingly quick and frequent, and great, sus- ceptibility to attacks of violent agitation and beating of the heart; and sometimes, during the menstrual periods, violent throbbing of the arteries of the neck. Periodicity. In the case of periodical or intermittent disorders, especially agues, there is a tendency to daily attacks, more frequently recurring towards night or in the latter portion of the day, or at a given time in the morning ; some- times, however, the attacks recur at intervals of forty-eight hours, commencing at noon and lasting till midnight. External Surface. The complexion is yellow and swarthy ; the face pale, and sometimes puffed and sunken : the eyes hollow; and the nose sharp and meagre; the hairy scalp is painfully tender to the touch ; the flesh falls away, especially on the legs and arms ; inflammatory or dropsical swellings may occur ; the skin over the whole body is characterized by yellow suffusion, and by extreme sensi- tiveness; there is sometimes a greasy perspiration in the morning, but generally perspiration breaks out freely upon the least exertion, or during sleep, particu- larly about the nape of the neck and on the back, and sometimes the night-sweats are profuse and exhausting; the fever-fits commonly set in with general coldness, but local heat of the head, especially of the forehead, and with flushing of the face; there is usually much shivering, with predominant symptoms of derange- ment of the stomach at the onset of the fever-fits, followed by great increase of heat, sometimes with swelling of the veins, and terminating in profuse sweat; the skin may be loose and flaccid, but is usually dry, and sometimes harsh, and is affected with extreme irritation, with pricking, burning, or itching; the ex- terior of the ear and nose may be red and hot, the face flushed, and the glands under the jaw swollen; the belly hard, swollen, and tense, or inflated, or dis- tended by dropsical accumulation; the finger-nails are often livid ; the feet and knees swollen, and sometimes exceedingly hot and tender. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. General debility, with tremulous condi- tion, especially observable upon attempting to exert the limbs ; nervousness, lameness, and tremulous weakness; anxious or agitating conceptions of the im- agination, which disturb or prevent rest; anxious and agitating dreams as soon as the patient dozes; weakness and dimness of sight, and ringing in the ears; bitter taste in the mouth, all food appearing to partake of this taste, or to convey no taste at all, or, again, to be nauseous; totally indifferent to what is going on, does not complain, and seems unconscious of much suffering, or of any appre- hension , determination of blood to the brain, with sensation of fulness and much local heat; or dulness, and confused or muddled condition of the brain; bright or CHINA. 847 dark specks, like gnats flickering before the eyes; the faculty of speech is some- times suspended ; the hearing is dull; excessive weariness of the joints, or numb- ness or deadness of the limbs when retained in one position ; or, again, a sensa- tion of discomfort in the limbs, which induces a continual desire to change the position. Pains. Contused pains of the bones in the joints, particularly when lying down, relieved by moving about; pains aggravated, particularly by contact, and at night; painful pressure between the shoulder-blades ; cutting and shooting pains along the course of the lower ribs, in the region of the liver, or about the navel; shooting and stitching pains in the chest and side ; bruised or tearing, jerking pains at the bottom of the back, through the loins, in the shoulder-blades, and in the nape of the neck — or in the muscles and bones of the legs and arms, attended with lame- ness and weakness of the parts; bearing-down pains in the womb during exer- cise or exertion ; a tendency to spasmodic pains in the chest, during the menstrual period; bursting or splitting headache; or pinching and sore pain in the head; intense pain in the head, becoming worse upon movement or exposure to a draught of cool air; sore, burning pains, or thrusting pains, in the eyes — or pains as if pressure were exerted on the eyeballs, with smarting of the eyelids; drag- ging, jerking, throbbing, or dull, continuous, aching pains in the teeth, especially in hollow teeth; toothache, aggravated at night, rendered more intense by touching the teeth lightly or gently, but relieved by clenching the teeth firmly together. Menstruation. Deficient menstrual discharge ; discharge of blood from the womb and its appendages, with sensation of weight and fulness, and severe bear- ing-down or forcing sensations,-and with discharge of offensive matter, or occa- sionally of mingled blood and watery fluid, with itching and soreness of adjacent parts; generally obstinate whites, especially preceding the flow; determination of blood to the womb, with general disturbance, chiefly of the head, but also of the digestive functions. Breathing and Chest. The breathing is sometimes slow during sleep; fits of suffocating sensation, towards evening and at night, occasioned by phlegm in the upper part of the windpipe; or suffocative cough, during the night; difficulty and oppression of breathing, as if from the rush of fluid to the chest, the patient requiring to be propped up with pillows ; or intense oppression, with difficulty of breathing, or sometimes with short, hurried, anxious breathing, and a sensa- tion as if the stomach were overloaded ; shaking, convulsive cough, sometimes terminating in retching, or with a sensation as if vomiting were unavoidable, or in the ejection of blood-stained or white phlegm, with or without specks, having the appearance of soot. Mouth, Tongue, and Teeth, Dry or clammy mouth, or even oozing of blood from the mouth; the tongue much loaded with whitish, yellow, or brown deposit, or even fissured and dark-brown or black, or again swollen and indented by the teeth, more especially at the back part of the mouth, or characterized by the appearance of irritating pimples; the teeth on edge, or jarring upon contact, and sometimes loaded with a dark deposit; or, again, the mouth and lips hot and dry, and the latter cracked, dark-colored, and swollen, especially during the fever- fits. Nose and Eyes. Copious discharges of blood from the nose ; heat and redness. 848 CICUTA VIROSA. or yellow suffusion of the eyes, or glassy, filmed, dull, and protruding eyes — or, again, suffused with water, and prominent. Rest. Drowsiness during the daytime, and sleeplessness at night; or disturbed, agitated, interrupted sleep, from which the patient awakes more weary and lan- guid than before. Disposition. Either totally listless (a bad symptom), or very anxious, uneasy, and desponding. CICUTA VIROSA. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Involuntary discharge of urine, as if arising from palsy of the bladder; constant and vacant starting, as from absence of mind; foolish manifestation of craziness ; nervousness, the patient being very subject to become excited, alarmed, or violently startled by the most trifling inci- dent ; giddiness and loss of sense, attended with darkening and vanishing of sight; darkness of sight; double sight; lockjaw, with grating of the teeth; con- vulsive jerkings of the arms or legs (more especially), the limb being sud- denly tossed up, particularly when the patient makes an effort to speak, the articulation being habitually indistinct, impeded, and difficult; toppling and reeling sensations in the head ; snatching and starting movements of the head and extremities; tremulousness of the limbs; moibid alterations of the sense of sight, all objects appearing to be surrounded by a lucid halo, or sudden attacks of giddiness, with immediate loss of sight when walking; swaying or agitation of objects upon which the eye is fixed; there is also a peculiarly distressing, vacant, fixed stare of the eye, which, without being expressive of pain, is some- times painfully indicative of helplessness and dependence; during actual spas- modic or convulsive fits the pupils become exceedingly contracted, and the eyes very tender of exposure to light, or, on the other hand, the pupils expand to the utmost, appearing to absorb the colored portion of the eye, and are mostly insen- sible, being unaffected and immovable, whatever object be introduced before them; spasmodic contraction of particular limbs in the most unnatural positions, and being insensible to pain; in some cases the whole frame is violently con- vulsed, or the face exhibits the most frightful distortions, in othes cases, although the features may be appallingly disfigured by the convulsion, the frame is mo- tionless, and apparently lifeless, and consciousness of pain, even, is apparently suspended, and this condition sometimes continues after the convulsive symptoms have subsided, and the muscles have become relaxed; the faculty of hearing is much affected, being dull and confused; the throat is so effectually closed by the spasmodic contraction that swallowing is impossible; there may be very convul- sive, loud, and shaking hiccough, morbid desire to eat charcoal; the muscles of the chest are spasmodically contracted; the dreams are agitating, and generally active, and constantly disturb or interrupt the sleep; the body may be spasmod- ically bent backwards; the fingers thoroughly numb, and the joints of the lower extremities uncertain and faltering. External Surface. Oozing eruptions, forming scabs upon the scalp or upon the forehead: confluent pustular eruptions, with yellow scurfs ; oozing tetters or ring- worm ; burning sensations in the parts affected with such eruptions, or the like with intense irritation all over the body ; or pale, sunken cheeks, with dark ring surrounding the eyes, and coldness of the face and hands; extreme sensation of chilliness and much shivering, with or without external sensation of cold; eruption CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA — CINA. 849 of oozing pustules, &c, around the ears, and on the external portion of the ears; incrustations in and about the nostrils; puffing and deep redness, or purplish hue of the face; the patient crouches near the fire ; frequent sweats break out at night, when the sleep is disturbed, and generally allay the agitation for a time. Disposition. To distrust every one and avoid society; or to be dissatisfied or feel aggrieved, with a morbid preference for gloomy or pathetic subjects, and yet to be much distressed and dejected by them; to complain loudly and bitterly, or to brood silently and moodily on supposed grievances. Organs of Digestion and Evacuations. Intense and insatiable thirst, more par- ticularly accompanying the spasmodic paroxysms: impaired appetite; vomiting of blood; violent attacks of vomiting intervening between the spasmodic par- oxysms ; accumulated flatulency in the stomach and bowels ; complete suspension of discharge of urine, or continual urging to pass water; liquid, generally small and scanty, but repeated discharge from the bowels; involuntary discharge from the bowels and bladder; frothy spittle in and about the mouth during the par- oxysms. CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA. General Symptoms. Great sensitiveness to cold air; nervous weakness, and continual restlessness; bruised feeling, as if sore, particularly of the left side; burning, cramping, stitching pains in the muscles; rheumatism, affecting the fleshy parts of the muscles principally ; nervous prostration, similar to that resulting from an attack of delirium tremens; sleeplessness, particularly after mental excitement, imagining strange objects in the room, on the bed, &c, with trembling; vertigo, accompanied with deranged vision; strange, wild feeling in the head; heaviness and dulness of the head, relieved in the open air; headaches of drunkards, and of students; aching pains in the eyeballs; sensation as if the eye were enlarged ; profuse greenish, and slightly sanguineous discharge from the nose ; the root of the tongue and back part of the throat are swollen ; sore- ness of the throat, with difficulty in swallowing ; hoarseness, roughness, and scraping in the throat; dry cough, from irritation and tickling at the lower part of the windpipe ; a dry spot in the throat occasions cough ; weak feeling in the stomach; profuse discharge of pale and watery urine ; disagreeable sensations, as from electric shocks, in various parts of the body ; rheumatic or neuralgic affections of the muscles and tendons in the small of the back ; lumbago; difficult menstruation, attended with symptoms of a rheumatic or neuralgic character; rheumatism or neuralgia of the womb; after-pains, with great mental excitement and nervous irritability, sleeplessness, lowness of spirits, and sensitiveness. CINA. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. General or local convulsions, or convulsions of the character of epilepsy, with bloated and livid appearance of the face, or blueness of the skin about the mouth; spasmodic affection of the chest, with sudden jerking or twitching movements, arrested breath, and convulsive cough; the legs rigidly and spasmodically stretched out, but usually convulsive contrac- tion of the arms and fingers, with starting movements ; spasmodic closing of the throat against the introduction of liquids; violent agitation during the night, which prevents the patient from sleeping; general convulsions, with violent agitation of the limbs, or with rigid contraction of the body backwards, or in 54 850 COCCULUS. unnatural positions; undue expansion of the pupils; hazy, dazzled, or muddled sight when fixed attentively upon objects; feebleness of sight; tenderness of exposure to light; the patient is apt to grit or grind the teeth during sleep; loss of consciousness. Organs of Digestion. Vomiting and purging immediately after a meal: nause- ous or offensive rising of the contents of the stomach;.inordinate and voracious hunger, unsatisfied by eating, and further characterized by a general predomi- nance of thirst, or of thirst and hunger, with sinking and faintness, in alterna- tion; violent, almost convulsive, retching, followed by the ejection of mucus; longing for sour things, which are eagerly eaten; very relaxed, whitish, and pap-like evacuations, with the admixture of worms, or bilious matter; spontane- ous, loose discharge from the bowels, and discharge of whitish, thick, cloudy nrine, or of urine which quickly becomes thick and cloudy after standing; dis- charge of urine often increased, and generally characterized by constant urging ; involuntary discharge of urine at night, while asleep (in children). Pains. Pinching, gnawing, cramp-like, or clawing pains in the bowels, or agonizing forcing pains in the lower part of the belly; drawing pains in the ex- tremities ; pain in particular parts, as if in a vice; the pains are chiefly prevalent or aggravated towards or during the night, and in the morning. Nose, Mouth, and Tongue. Continual boring at the nose, with stuffing in the nostrils ; flow of thin, watery, acrid discharge, which appears to pass over an ulcerated surface, and to scald as it flows; violent shaking attacks of sneezing, and constant tickling or irritation in the nostrils; harsh, dry, disagreeable feeling in the mouth; deficiency of spittle, the articulation being sometimes rendered difficult by insufficiency of moisture; the tongue is generally clean, but exhibits a morbidly bright-red color. External Surface. Cold perspiration breaks out on the hands and on the fore- head; the eyes are surrounded with a bluish ring; the complexion is generally ghastly pale or cadaverous, or exhibits a slightly yellow hue; sometimes, how- ever, during the fever-fits or convulsive attacks the cheeks are flushed and puffed ; during the fever-fits there is excessive and general heat, but especially in the head ; at other times the patient is habitually chilly, and appears incapable of being warmed; there may be alternations of heat, with flushing—and of coldness, with extreme pallor of the face; the whole surface is painfully sensitive, and the slightest touch appears to inconvenience the patient; attacks of shivering and shuddering, even when exposed to considerable heat. Periodicity. The fever-fits have a tendency to recur daily towards evening, setting in with a shivering-fit towards night, and continuing during the night, or they may recur in the same manner at intervals of forty-eight hours. Disposition. There is a constant disposition to complain and to be dissatisfied, a wish being no sooner gratified than the interest excited in the object desired is satiated. COCCULUS. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Sudden and very severe fits of nausea and sickness, resulting in a fainting-fit; very intense oppression in the region of the stomach; sickness, retching, and vomiting caused by passive motion — such as the rolling of a vessel; profuse flow of water in the mouth, with nausea and urgent inclination to vomit; faint, empty, collapsed sensation in the bowels, or V cocculus. 851 the belly puffed up with flatulency; very relaxed and putrid evacuations from the bowels, generally preceded by costiveness, Avith hard and difficult, discharge, but attended with urging; during pregnancy, constant desire to effect a discharge of urine, with sensation of pressure in the bladder, and discharge of clear, lim- pid urine; or acrid, yellow, scalding, and relaxed discharge from the bowels. Menstruation. Difficult, painful, scanty, or totally suppressed menstrual dis- charge, with general derangement of the digestive functions; or very painful menstruation, with, however, copious discharge of clots; or, again, the men- strual discharge occurs before the proper time; thin and blood-stained discharge of whites during the interval between the periods, or discharge of thin, watery, and bloody matter from the womb after conception, and usually until the fifth month. Nervous System, Brain, and Senses. Reeling giddiness, with incapability of maintaining an erect position, or of walking straight; extreme debility and loss of strength after the least exertion, or sleepless rest; general cramps and con- vulsions, or the like, affecting particular limbs only ; epileptic paroxysms ; con- vulsive yawning ; frightful visions, with starting from sleep, or jerking of the hands and arms during sleep; confused, dull, stupid sensation in the head; extreme nervous sensibility; prevalence of acid or mineral taste in the mouth; complete loathing of food, especially of sour things ; confused humming or buz- zing sounds in the ears ; fantastic objects appear to be seen, or dark spots seem to flicker, or to descend before the eyes ; the eyeballs are convulsively rolled about or turned upwards, and the pupils are excessively dilated; reeling giddiness, terminating in a fainting-fit, with total loss of consciousness; complete loss of muscular power in the arms and legs, with deadness or torpor of the extremities; sensation of emptiness and hollowness of the head. Pains. Pain and burning sensation in the gullet; heavy, dull or cramp-like clawing or pinching pain in the stomach after eating; headache, as if caused by a tight band; one-sided pains; pains aggravated by touch, drinking, smoking, and passive motion; darting or cutting pains in the arms, or bruised pains in the bones of the arms and thighs; clawing, pinching, cramp-like pains in the stomach and bowels; distressing pain in the decayed teeth during mastication; internal and general or local pains, like those occasioned by a bruise; heavy, aching, pressive pains in the eyes, as if they suffered from the effects of a blow. Pulse and Circulation. Hardness and frequency of pulse, generally, also, with fulness — or subsequent, small, wiry, quick and irritable pulse — in either case with tendency to violent beating of the heart from time to time, excited, as it were, by thinking of particular subjects, especially by apprehensions as to one's state of health. Disposition. To melancholy and anxious forebodings. External Surface. Color of the skin as in green-sickness ; heat and redness of the cheeks, with burning sensation; tendency to ruptural swelling in the groin; perspiration in the morning and evening ; evanescent flushes of heat in the face. Mouth, Throat, Tongue, and Teeth. Excessive deficiency of moisture in the mouth and throat; frothy saliva in the mouth, which is spluttered out in bubbles during the convulsions; the gums swollen and tender, and the palate extremely irritable; the teeth on edge, or loose and jarring; the tongue yellow and thickly coated. 852 coffea cruda—> colchicum autumnale. COFFEA CRUDA. Nervous System, Brain, and Senses. Excessive nervous sensitiveness; nervous- ness, excitability, agitation, and extreme susceptibility to pain ; painful sensitive- ness of the affected parts; excessive action of the muscles; dread of the open :iir. with aggravation of symptoms during a walk in the open air; incapability of sleeping, induced by excessive excitability both of mind and body; anguish with trembling; convulsive fits, characterized by coldness of the extremities and grit- ting of the teeth; unnatural keenness of sight, and distinctness or even tender- ness of hearing ; uncertain grasp with the hands, which tremble violently when the patient attempts to hold anything firmly; spasmodic contraction of the soles of the feet upon turning the foot downwards; sometimes dulness or hardness of hearing, with humming, confused sounds in the ears; excitement and activity of the imagination, with vivid alacrity of expression ; excessive talkativeness, with great excitement or agitation; trembling of the feet; any derangement of the system which is characterized by a predominant and excessive irritability and susceptibility of the nervous system, and by extreme agitation or pains inordi- nately severe, with or without fever; derangements consequent upon sudden emotion, especially of pleasure, and attended with determination of blood to the head. Pains. Pain constitutes a very prominent and characteristic indication for the employment, of Coffea, being always more intense than the general disturbance of the system would seem to lead one to anticipate; pains deep in the brain, as if lacerated, or as if a nail were driven into the head ; excessive pains, driving the patient to despair; darting, jerking, boring pains, almost intolerable, in one side of the head ; intense bearing-down and forcing pains in the womb, or, more particularly, excessive labor-pains and after-pains ; clawing, shooting, pressive pains in the bowels ; dreadful pains in the bowels, especially at or before the menstrual period. External Surface. Violent attacks of shivering, quickly followed by excessive flushing of heat, tightness and oppression about the chest, and a sensation as if something were fastened tightly round the stomach; flushing and excessive heat of the face. COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE. Organs of Digestion and Evacuations. Extreme tenderness of the stomach upon pressure; fixed or local sensation, either of great coldness or of intense heat in the stomach ; nausea while eating, or nausea, increased to an excessive degree by the scent of particular kinds of food; total repugnance to food as soon as it is set before one; sensation as of soreness or laceration in the stomach, and sim- ilarly in the intestines, with pressing, heavy, crushing sensation upon the blad- der; accumulation of water in the belly; protrusion of the intestine, with strain- ing at stool, and discharge of quantities of frothy and slimy, whitish or trans- parent matter, mixed with blood and thread-like shreds, and burning sensation in the passage ; dysentery ; urging and straining in passing water, with discharge of dark urine in very small quantities; repeated and frequent calls to pass water, with discharge of limpid or blood-red, or very dark, brownish urine; and much scalding and straining, as also with a pressive, forcing sensation at the neck of the bladder. colocynth. 853 Breathing. .Short, dry, and constant cough, more especially at night; cough, preceded and accompanied, and apparently provoked, by a tickling, irritative sensation in the windpipe ; oppression of breath, with violent agitation and beat- ing of the heart. External Surface. Dropsical swelling of the belly and face, and especially of the lower eyelids ; pricking, itching, tingling sensations all over the body, but especially in parts affected with the dropsical swellings; or sensations in the extremities, as of the numbness, tingling, and burning which ensue after the extremities have been exposed to excessive cold, and are coming to; great increase of natural heat at night; pale, drawn, and unhealthy appearance of the face; excessive tenderness, with feeling as of internal soreness in the left side of the belly when exposed to pressure; swellings, with much heat in the legs. Pains. Pains in the limbs of a drawing, aching description, accompanied with loss of muscular power ; darting, cutting, throbbing, or aching pains in muscular parts, or in the membrane investing the bones, recurring or becoming aggravated with every fall of temperature; gout and rheumatism; tearing pains on one side of the head; burning or lacerative pains in the stomach, bowels, and bladder, or cutting pains in the pit of the stomach ; lacerative, sore pain in the chest and in the loins, aggravated by any muscular effort, as by changing position, walk- ing, coughing, sneezing, &c. ; tearing, jerking pains in the arms, legs, hands, fingers, feet, and toes ; aching pains in the nose; very severe pains in the gums, and tearing pains in the teeth ; or pain in the cheek-bones, as if they were crushed. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Great nervous irritability, which prevents sleep, or frequently disturbs it by alarming thoughts or dreams; exhaustion, or feeling as if the nervous energy was worn out by excessive application to mental labor at night; the patient appears unable to sustain his sufferings; the sense of smell is unnaturally keen; the tongue appears stiff, heavy, and devoid of feel- ing; the patient is troubled with incessant hiccough ; the palate conveys no taste — that is, there is loss of taste, all food having the same mawkish taste. Mouth, Teeth, and Throat. The mouth is hot, and sometimes there is a collec- tion of phlegm in the mouth and throat, of a grayish or greenish tint, with a sensation as if the orifice of the throat were swollen, or as if something were tied too tightly round the throat; the teeth are on edge, and appear to be pain- fully thrust into the jaw when their extremities come into contact; the lips are often cracked; and the tongue generally dry, and covered with a whitish coating. ' COLOCYNTH. Organs of Digestion and Evacuations. Great sensation of weight in the stom- ach ; habitual nausea, with unpleasant risings of the contents of the stomach ; vomiting accompanied with purging ; impaired appetite, with preference for fluid food or for beverages, without, however, a predominance of thirst; the patient cannot keep food on the stomach, but it is thrown up together with greenish, bilious matter ; the belly is distended like a drum, and blown out with flatulency; discharge of blood at and after stool; the evacuations from the bowels are usu- ally very relaxed, frothy, greenish, tinged with blood, or slimy; the discharge from the bowels emits a sour or putrid smell, and is followed by a spasmodic closing of the passage; the relaxation of the bowels is often preceded by a con- 854 conium maculatum. trary condition, and is accompanied by the sufferings described under the head of "Pains," or the discharge may be loose and yellow; motions like those of dysentery, mingled with blood and mucus; the pains are often relieved after the evacuations, coming on again, to be again relieved in the same way; the urine is offensive, and becomes thick and coagulated after standing; there is straining and urging at the neck of the bladder; or, again, there maybe copious discharge of bright-colored urine ; usually, however, the discharge is scanty ; bubbling of flatulency in the intestines; sensation of emptiness and soreness in the bowels; weakness and prostration after every evacuation from the bowels. Pains. Spasmodic, constrictive colic (with a sensation as if the bowels were pressed between stones), attended with diarrhoea or constipation ; all kinds of severe colic ; colic, with cramps in the legs; nipping, pinching, cutting, clawing pains in the bowels after eating; cramp-like pains in the stomach after taking food; pains of the character of cramp, internally and externally ; the pains in the bowels, particularly those of a very severe cutting nature, are frequently mitigated by bending forward and making pressure upon the belly; pain on one side of the head, attended with vomiting; pain as if a heated brand were applied to the forehead and scalp ; pinching pains in the fore-part of the head, worse when the patient lies on his back or bends forwards ; shooting, cutting pains, which pierce from the head to the feet; pains shooting inwards in the eyes, and sometimes, also, in the forehead; clawing, stiffening pains in the hands; darting and cutting pains in the hips and loins; pains shooting downwards from the bot- tom of the back to the knees ; dragging, aching, or tensive pains in the back, neck, shoulder-joints, and shoulder-blades; pain, as from a bruise upon the cap of the shoulder ; or aching pains in the arms ; cutting, shooting, and burning pains in the eyes; darting, cutting, and burning pains on one side of the face; throbbing pains in the jaw and teeth on the left side; or pain as if the teeth were wrung out. External Surface. Scaling-off of the scarf-skin; during the fever-fits the face is puffed and of a dark-red hue; or generally there is puffing and redness of the left cheek especially; the expression is care-worn, and the face pallid and emaci- ated ; eruptions forming incrustations, especially on the face ; scaly eruptions on the skin ; or dry, scurfy eruptions ; general heat and dryness of the surface; or excessive heat of the face, with coldness and shivering in the rest of the body. Extremities. Want of flexibility in the joints generally ; stiffness of the knee- joint; the legs appear too heavy, and tremble or totter as the patient walks or assumes an erect position; repeated attacks of cramp in the calves of the legs; muscular contractions. CONIUM MACULATUM. Breathing, &c. Impeded and difficult breathing the first thing in the morning; short, hurried, anxious breathing upon the least exertion, sometimes accompanied with dry, convulsive cough;' violent paroxysms of convulsive coughing, or of cough with protracted and noisy inspiration during the night, generally termi- nating in the ejection of blood-stained phlegm; local dryness and irritation of the windpipe, which occasions coughing; the cough is worse when in a recumbent position, and usually becomes aggravated towards night, and continues worse until morning ; dry or suffocative cough (with flushing of the face); expectoration of yellowish and offensive matter after coughing. CONIUM MACULATUM. 855 External Surface. Acrid, offensive sweats breaking out in particular parts; predominant coldness of the body ; occasionally, however, with sensation of heat internally, or with general increase of heat, accompanied or followed by profuse perspiration; sweat breaking out as soon as the patient falls asleep, and con- tinuing more or less during the night; livid or purplish appearance of the skin; eruption of white blotches on the skin after violent exertion, the intervening surface being scarlet, hot, and itching; unhealthy ulcers in different parts, emit- ting a thin, bloodstained, and very offensive discharge; evanescent stains of a brownish hue upon the skin, generally developed by heat (as after violent exer- tion), and accompanied with intolerable itching and irritation; heat, redness, and swelling of different parts, with active inflammation of the skin; hard swell- ings of the glands in different parts, or dropsical accumulations, especially in the extremities; falling off of the hair; eruptions of the nature of tetters, with in- tense irritation in the face, or of pimples over the forehead; or of painful ulcers on the face, and, more particularly, unhealthy ulceration of the lip; yellow suffu- sion of the white of the eye, or a great predisposition to styes; the glands of the neck are much enlarged; the finger-nails exhibit a yellowish hue, or there may be yellow stains on the fingers; constant, perspiration or excessive moisture in the palms of the hands; oozing eruptions, terminating in the formation of scabs in different parts of the body, and excessive irritation from the finger-nails to the knuckle-joints of the hands; the feet are habitually cold, or are readily chilled; and the patient is extremely susceptible of taking cold by chill or wetting of the feet; the breasts are flaccid, — or hard, knotty swellings are formed in them. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. General nervous debility, with deficiency of vigor or activity; want of power to exert or to concentrate the intellectual faculties; Aveakness of the head, and tendency to be overcome by very small quantities of fermented liquor; extreme susceptibility to noise, the patient, can- not even bear to be spoken to, or that any one should speak within his hearing; the head feels dull, overloaded, and heavy, particularly in the first of the morn- ing ; reeling giddiness upon first assuming an erect position or lying down; ex- treme restlessness affecting the whole body; or, more particularly, incapability of retaining the legs long in one position; attacks of giddiness, or sinking and exhaustion terminating in a fainting-fit; horrid and terrifying dreams and deli- rium running upon frightful accidents ; the senses of smelling and hearing are intensely and painfully keen; or various noises, chiefly like the ringing of bells or rollino- of wheels, or of distant thunder, in the ears ; the prevailing alterations of taste are foul, bitter, or sour; the sight is subject, to much variation; either the eyes are intolerant of the strong light of day, or objects upon which the eyes are fixed appear to oscillate, or look red, or appear much magnified, or, on the other hand, seem to be more distinct than they are; or, again, the patient sees objects more distinctly than is usual at a great distance, or can only distinguish objects which are close at hand,.or sometimes sees objects multiplied; the patient complains of weakness and weariness of the knees, and of excessive weight and languor, with uneasiness of the legs ; the feet and fingers become dead, or what is called "asleep," and the calves of the legs are sometimes affected with cramps, which return, and wake the patient several times during the night. Menstruation. The menstrual discharge is feeble, but occurs before its proper time ; during the interval between the periods, or immediately before the periodi- 856 CONIUM MACULATUM. cal discharge, there is an acrid discharge of whites, which induces soreness, and is attended with a scalding, smarting sensation ; during the menstrual discharge there is much bearing-down and forcing; or the discharge may be suppressed. Organs of Digestion and Evacuations. Sour risings and water-brash, or disten- sion of the stomach and bowels after eating, especially after milk; noisy and flatulent eructations, or rising of the contents of the stomach, with a taste of what has been eaten, and a sour or acrid, scalding and rasped feeling in the throat and gullet'. feeling of coldness in the stomach, and sensation of soreness in the same part; enlargement of the glands of the mesentery; rumbling and bubbling in the intestines; constant sensations of fulness or of soreness in the belly ; frequent or spontaneous discharge of urine at night, or constant urging to pass water, with copious discharge of limpid, clear urine; or, again, discharge of stringy, tenacious, slimy matter with the urine, which is attended with con- siderable effort and much pain; sensation as if something were squeezing the bladder, with violent urging to pass water, which is, however, discharged feebly, the discharge being arrested suddenly before the whole is passed; discharge of thick, cloudy, whitish urine; obstinate costiveness, with'much urging and strain- ing at stool; or exhausting relaxation of the bowels (every motion being followed by great weakness, sensation of sinking and trembling, and by violent beating of the heart) ; or, again, relaxation of the bowels, with discharge of undigested, crude substances. Pains, Very severe, heavy, pressive, or digging pains in the chest; aching pains in the joints and limbs, as if from over-exertion ; or clawing pains in dif- ferent parts of the body; dull, oppressive, stunned pains in the head, or bruised pain confined to one side of the head, or headache recurring daily during the costive state of the bowels; clawing or darting pains in the stomach; cutting pains along the lower ribs on the left side ; or oppressive, aching pain, as if the clothes were too tight, along the lower ribs on both sides; bearing-down or shooting pains in the region of the womb ; aching pains around and above the hips, and across the loins, the latter relieved by leaning forwards; shooting, smarting pain, preceded by itching in the corners of the eyes; or dull, aching pains in the eyes while exerting the sight. Rest. The patient is unable to keep his eyes open, and falls asleep in the evening, but sleeps badly during the night, the rest being disturbed or inter- rupted by dreaming or by nightmare; the patient becomes drowsy and disin- clined to rouse himself in the morning, and continues to be dull, heavy, or drowsy during the day. Disposition. Extreme languor, with general apathy or dread of any exertion, mental or bodily; sometimes, however, characterized by extreme irritability and ill-humor, or by sullen, gloomy mood. Nose, Ears, and Eyes. Constant irritation in the nostrils, and sneezing, or swelling and protracted obstruction of the nostrils, more especially apparent in the morning ; collection of ear-wax in the ears, or of mingled ear-wax and matter ; glassy, dull, filmed, and protruded eyes, with unsettled glance. Gums and Tongue. Swelling, bleeding, and unhealthy purplish color of the gums; and enlargement of the tongue, sometimes characterized by stiffness and aching. CROCUS SATIVUS — CUPRUM. 857 CROCUS SATIVUS. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Attacks of giddiness, terminating in a fainting-fit; hysterical paroxysms, with tendency to laugh or to indulge in joy- ous gesture, rapidly alternating with the contrary condition, or with wailing ; heaviness, weariness, and giving way of the limbs after very inadequate exertion ; sensation of something moving as if alive in the belly or in the chest; weariness, weight, and debility of the thighs when in a sitting posture; loss of muscular power, with deadness of the hands and arms, more particularly during sleep; sensation of weight and oppression at the heart; trembling of the eyelids, or trembling of every limb; feeling in the eyes as if they were swollen, and the eyelids were stiff; the sight is hazy, and appears to be obstructed by a film gathering over the pupils, whereby the patient is constantly incited to blink, as it were to clear the sight; the sight is quickly wearied, and becomes hazy if exerted by candle-light; sensation as if the joints were giving way; the sleep is either disturbed by alarm- ing dreams, or occupied by dreams of a pleasing or mirthful character; in either case the patient is not refreshed by sleep, but is either drowsy or weary in the morning, or suffers from a general aggravation of all the symptoms; ringing sounds occur in the ears, particularly when the patient assumes a recumbent position, or flashes of light appear before the eyes; the patient complains of a feeling as if the brain were loose in the skull, and were agitated by every move- ment ; anxiety about the chest, relieved by frequent yawning. Menstruation, &c. Copious discharge of blood from the womb, or flooding ; or excessive menstrual discharges occurring every fortnight, or barely ever sus- pended ; flow of very dark blood, or even black blood, which is viscid and stringy; sensation of weight and pressure, with determination of blood to the womb. External Surface. Cadaverous complexion ; red, itching, burning, or tingling swellings, like chilblains, on the joints of the toes and fingers; crimson hue of the skin. Eyes and Nose. Excessive dryness or watering of the eyes, with irritation or tingling in the eyelids; constant sneezing, which shakes the whole frame; dis- charge of black, slimy, stringy blood from the nose. CUPRUM. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. General and local spasms, inducing perma- nent or temporary rigidity, or rapid alternations of tension and contraction, with sudden muscular relaxation; jerking, twitching, or other convulsive movements of the body or of particular parts during sleep ; spontaneous jerking of the limbs; acuteness of every sense; extreme and insuperable nervous or muscular debility ; sensation in the head as if stunned and pressed down; or reeling giddiness, with sensation of imminent and precipitate falling; extreme nervous excitability; the body and the head rigidly bent backwards; or the head is fixed on one side, in an unnatural position; the pupils do not appear to convey a consciousness of the presence of objects ; spasmodic stiffness of the jaws ; convulsive distortion of the features ; intensely lethargic sleep ; convulsive hiccough ; fingers and toes convulsed and distorted; the convulsions begin in the extremities; cramps in the calves of the legs; frantic delirium; convulsive rolling or closing of the eyes ; periodical con- vulsive attacks ; convulsions, with piercing shrieks; drowsiness, with convul- sions. 858 DIGITALIS PURPUREA. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Intensely oppressive weight in the pit and region of the stomach, which becomes worse on the least movement or the slightest touch; excessively violent retching, and vomiting of slimy or watery matter, or of bile or blood, or of greenish, frothy, whitish, or bluish matters, and accompanied by purging of similar matter, and dreadful cramps in the belly, extending up- wards to the chest; excessive purging, sometimes with the admixture of blood in the motions, hardness and tightness of the belly, with sense of weight, and the most unbearable spasms, accompanied with general convulsions; drinking relieves the vomits, but increases the cramps in the chest; the urine is suppressed, or dis- charge of dark-red, turbid urine, depositing a yellowish sediment. Breathing. Hurried and rattling breath, or breath suddenly arrested by spas- modic attacks in the chest, which amount almost to suffocation; dry, suffocative, convulsive cough, or cough and quick breathing, with rattling of phlegm on the chest. External Surface. Eruptions, such as those of leprosy and itch ; excessive sweats at night; or cold perspiration, breaking out, either all over the body, or especially on the soles of the feet or palms of the hands; bluish, crimsoned, puffed, or very hollow, haggard, cadaverous, pallid countenance, with livid rings about the eyes and mouth ; swelling of the hands: coldness, especially of the ex- tremities (accompanied with intense thirst). Mouth, Tongue, and Throat. The lips are blue or livid; collection of frothy or foamy spittle in the mouth, which is spluttered out and collects along the lips in the convulsions; the tongue is cold at the extremity, usually covered with a whitish and thick coating, and clammy to the touch; there is a cold, mawkish, insipid feeling in the mouth in the morning, and the act of swallowing liquids is accompanied with a peculiar noise. Eyes and Nose. The eyes are red and inflamed ; or more especially pro.truded, and of dazzling and unnatural brilliancy, —or, again, dull, filmy and inanimate; and the nose discharges an acrid, watery mucus. DIGITALIS PURPUREA. Pulse and Circulation. Feeble and very tardy pulse; or small, weak, and exces- sively irritable pulse,—that is, a very small, weak pulse, subject to become very frequent, quick and fluttering, upon the least excitement or exertion, with very rapid action of the heart (at the same time), and violent, audible beating of the heart; irregular and intermitting pulse, every other beat intermits. Breathing. Excessive tightness of the chest, with compressed, smothered respira- tion, especially when the least exertion is attempted, or the patient lies down. External Surface. Blue, purplish, or livid color of the lips and eyelids; pur- plish hue of the skin; or extreme pallor of the face ; casting off of the scarf- skin all over the body; complete jaundice; great, coldness of the extremities; excessive and exhausting night-sweats; coldness of the whole frame, occasion- ally or even frequently attended with cold perspiration, either confined to one side or to the forehead ; dropsical swellings, of the belly and of the legs; the swell- ing of the legs gradually increases during the day, and subsides again at night; great loss of flesh, or continual puffiness; extreme tenderness of the region of the liver to pressure. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Convulsive efforts to vomit, without dis- DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. 859 charge; or insufferable nausea and vomiting of bile or of water, but more espe- cially of mucus; weight in the stomach, with burning sensation; desire to vomit (with extreme depression and anxiety); grayish-white or chalky-looking evacua- tions ; sensation as if the passage from the bladder was too small, when passing water, which is only discharged with much pain and difficulty, and after frequent calls and much urging; scanty, hot, and scalding discharge of urine, of a dark reddish brick-color; or, again, total suppression of urine, and discharge from the bowels as of dysentery, chiefly consisting of frothy, slimy matter, mingled with blood; loss of appetite, although the tongue be clean. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Unnatural alterations of the sense of sight; objects appear doubled, yellow, or greenish; or there is a haze of many colors before the eyes; mistiness of sight; the eyes are constantly turned towards one corner ; the sight becomes darkened or is lost; the head reels, and the extremi- ties tremble; or the head is flung backwards, or the brain seems to oscillate in the head; excessive prostration of strength after eating; or loss of strength, sudden and complete, and accompanied with copious sweat; the taste is mawkish, insipid, or bitter; sudden and total loss of muscular power ; and stiffness in the arms and fingers. Mouth, Tongue, and Lips. Soreness and harshness of the mouth, or soreness of the gums and tongue, with excessive flow of saliva, whether insipid, sweet, or offensive ; the tongue swollen, slimy, and white, or livid or ulcerated; the lips swollen, or very dry. Eyes. Adhesion of the eyelids; extreme redness and heat, with smarting, grating, or burning sensation inside the eyelids; and flow of scalding tears increased or provoked by walking against the wind, or by a cool draught, or, more particularly, by exposure to bright light. DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. Respiratory Organs. Cough attended with ejection of bright-red, or dark blood; creeping in the windpipe as from a soft body; hoarseness, and deep, low voice, attended with harsh and scraping sensation of dryness in the throat; spasmodic cough in the evening and during the night, attended with retching, discharges of blood from the nose and mouth, suffusion of blueness over the face, and fits of suffocative sensation; whooping-cough; expectoration of thick matter after coughing or hawking; cough in the morning, with bitter, nauseous expectora- tion ; fatiguing cough (or cough after the paroxysms of which the patient feels utterly exhausted), with whistling respiration, or a. long shrill inspiration; offen- siveness of breath with the cough; arrest or oppression of breath; feeling as if the air-passages were not expansive enough for free respiration; cough, with vomiting, at first of food, and later, of mucus; dry, spasmodic cough, with gagging; or hard and barking cough; hard, harsh, and barking cough, after measles; feeling of roughness and dryness in the windpipe. Stomach. Retching and vomiting after the fits of coughing; or vomiting of food, or even of blood, during the attack or at its termination; rising of bitter matter from the stomach; bilious vomiting; slimy vomiting incidental to fits of coughing; general derangement of the stomach with fever; water-brash. Pains. Contused pains throughout the body with dread of being touched, and with paralytic weakness; pain in the windpipe, caused by talking; squeezing 860 DULCAMARA. pain, or pain with exceeding tightness or weight on the forehead; darting pains in the joints, or deep in the bones or muscles of the legs and arms; pains in the thighs as if they had been bruised, or pains in the arms, legs, loins, back, and joints, generally attended with stiffness, the pain being more particularly felt when an effort is made to move — and the patient still desiring to change position frequently;—pain as if there were a sore place under the breast-bone; cutting or jerking pains in the teeth, after having had something hot in the mouth — or pain in the throat as if something dry and rough were lodged there ; sore pains from side to side along the lower ribs, induced or aggravated by any muscular effort, and extremely severe on pressure. Eyes and Nose. Haze before the eyes, print looks pale when reading; distant objects appear to be confused and hazy; constant discharge of blood from the nose, especially in the evening; thin, watery discharge from the nose, with much sneezing. External Surface. Blueness over the face during the fits of coughing; chills, with coldness of the face, feet, and hands, and sickness at the stomach; or flush- ing of heat to the face and head, with intense coldness of the extremities, and gen- eral shivering and rigors, or even chattering of the teeth; sensation of soreness over the head, the hair appearing to be torn out when touched lightly, but relief following brisk friction or brushing; the lips dry and cracked, or the face hollow and pale, and the features drawn. DULCAMARA. External Surface. Scrofulous swelling and hardening of single glands ; general dropsical swellings ; ringwortn ; vesicular eruptions ; scarlet and purple-rash ; miliary nettle-rash ; milk-scall; scrofulous swelling of the glands of the arm-pits and groin; moist or oozing eruptions, forming scabs ; or dry, scaly, mealy, or scurfy eruptions; eruptions forming incrustations on the joints; thick scabs on the face of a brownish or yellowish hue; swelling!of the glands along and under the jaw; chills followed by general flushing of heat, or even of burning sensa- tions ; flushing and crimson hue of the face, &c.; the perspiration emits an offen- sive smell; general and copious perspiration over the whole of the body, gen- erally and immediately preceded by parched and burning heat, with redness of the surface ; sweat breaks out in the palms of the hands; patchy redness or flushing of the cheeks, with general pallor of the complexion; warts on the face; casting off of the scarf-skin on the feet, accompanied or preceded by intense tingling or itching; scaly, scurfy, or crusty eruption on the hands and about the knees; warts on the hands; dropsical swelling of the feet and ankles, and of the lower part of the legs ; hardening and swelling of the glands of the neck; intense burning and tingling in the toes or all over the feet, especially in the ball of the foot. Pulse and Circulation. Powerful and shaking action of the heart (with intense oppression), occurring principally at night, and with a hard, quick, and com- pressed pulse. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Intense thirst; vomiting of stringy, adhe- sive phlegm; discharge of slimy matter from the bowels, tinged with blood, and accompanied with excessive irritation in the orifice ; watery discharge from the bowels during the night; or generally very relaxed discharge of brownish or EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. 861 green matter, mingled with slime and froth ; relaxation, frequently preceded by costiveness, and coming on suddenly; loose evacuations, with colicky pains after taking cold: diarrhoea from taking cold or getting wet; nocturnal watery evacuations when the weather suddenly becomes cool; spontaneous discharge of urine; or urine mingled with gelatinous, slimy matter, but generally clear; or thick, cloudy, and whitish urine; urine commonly scanty (sometimes only drop- discharge), generally offensive, and often suppressed. Mouth, Nose, Eyes, Tongue, and Throat. Ulcerations are developed in the mouth, or sometimes only elevations like pimples, which are very sore and tender; the gums are puffed, unhealthy, swollen, and appear to be separated from the teeth ; heat and stuffing of the nose, with constant but scanty flow of hot, acrid fluid, worse after exposure to the cold; discharge of bright, crimson, and very hot blood from the nose ; the eyes are inflamed, hot, and red ; the tongue is swollen, and difficult to be moved (articulation being impeded); or is white, slimy, and thick-coated, but more frequently very white, and quite parched; the throat is sore and very hot. Pains. Boring pains, seeming to issue from the centre of the head, or pains as if a heavy blow or fall had been suffered in the head, in either case worse on the least movement; aching pains, apparently seated in the stomach, but affect- ing the chest also ; very severe, aching, or boring pains in the small of the back; or pains, with stiffness in the arms, as if severe blows had been inflicted upon them; the pains are usually attended with coldness of the body, or of the part affected; aching or piercing pains in the eyes, provoked or aggravated by exert- ing the sight; cutting, clawing, or cramp-like pains in the belly, and especially about the navel; earache at night, more especially of a jerking or shooting de- scription ; the pains are generally worse in the evening or during the night, in the cold air or during wet weather. Menstruation. The menstrual discharge is commonly profuse, but occurs after the proper time ; suppression of the menstrual flow in consequence of taking cold, or getting wet. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. Fever. Paroxysms of intermittent fever, which usually commence in the morn- ing ; chill, preceded for some time by thirst, which continues during the chill and heat; at the conclusion of the chilly stage, vomiting of bile, or vomiting after every draught of water; pains in the bones, as if broken, before the com- mencement of the chill; headache, backache during the chill; the chilliness is increased by cold drinks; great weakness, prostration, and headache during the fever; nightly perspiration, with chilliness. External Surface, &c. Heat, with slight sweat of the hands; feeling of heat in the soles of the feet, in the morning; dropsical swellings of the feet and ankles ; redness of the face, with dryness of the skin of the face; soreness of the corners of the mouth; heat on the top of the head ; the tongue is covered with a whitish fur; great soreness and aching in all the limbs, apparently in the bones, such as accompanies an attack of influenza; inability to lie on the left side. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Vomiting immediately after drinking; vomit- ing of bile, with great nausea and trembling, causing great prostration; inability to bear the pressure of the clothing; feeling of soreness in the right side, below 862 EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS — FERRUM METALLICUM. the lower ribs; loose evacuations, only in the morning; emission of dark-brown, scanty urine, depositing a whitish, clay-like sediment. EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. Eyes, Nose, and Gums. Affections, whether of an ulcerative or inflammatory character, attacking the anterior transparent portion of the globe of the eye; ulcerative inflammation of the margins of the eyelids, often attended with head- ache ; inflammation of the whole of both eyes, with pink or bright-red suffusion of the eyes, and intense smarting of the eyes and eyelids; excessive discharge of hot, scalding water from the eyes, with the like flow from the nostrils; extreme soreness of the eyes, eyelids, and nostrils; or occasionally copious discharge or watery fluid from the eyes and nostrils, tinged with blood; enlargement and gluing of the eyelids; discharges of blood from the nose and gums; stuffing of the nose, with intense heat during the night, and return of the free, limpid dis- charge during the day. Organs of Respiration. Oppressed, impeded, and difficult breath, with very moist cough, or cough which arrests the breath; the cough is worse when at rest, or when walking iu the wind. External Surface. The body is generally cold or very chilly ; chronic discharges from wounds; figwarts; sudden swelling of the finger-joints; intense heat and redness of the skin on the face, and eruption of a very fine, grain-like rash after washing; sensation as if the skin of the face were too tight, whilst it is hot and sore, so that every movement of the muscles of the face produces smarting and a feeling as if the skin would give way ; abundant perspiration at night. Pains. Smarting, grating, aching, gnawing pains in the eyes; heavy, bursting pain in the head, with very strong throbbing of the arteries of the head; heavy and shooting pain in the forehead ; aching or darting pains in the ears and lower teeth. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Dull, muddled, stunned sensation in the head, more painfully observable in the recumbent position ; extreme sensitiveness of the sense of sight (the eyes cannot bear the light); sensation as if a force were weighing upon the eyes, and oscillation and cloudiness of the candle; interrupted, faulty, hesitating articulation; starting up from sleep in a fright; the attention is distracted, the mind absent; numbness or deadness of the fingers, or of the extremities generally; sensation as if the tendons of the legs were too short. FERRUM METALLICUM. External Surface. Cold, clammy, and exhausting perspirations; predominant chilliness and shivering, even when in bed — or, on the other hand, burning, dry, parched skin ; slow fever, with swelling of the veins, and dropsical swelling of the eyelids; brief attacks of shivering, followed by flushes of heat; habitual fever at night, or general heat towards night, with harshness and dryness of the skin; or heat, especially of the hands, towards evening; strong-smeHing night- sweats ; general loss of flesh, and very pallid, clear, or transparent skin, so that the minute veins are seen through it in bluish traces; dropsical swelling or puffing of the feet, ankles, and knees, or of the lower part of the legs, as well as of the hands; sometimes with peeling off of the skin; cadaverous paleness of complexion, with flush-spots on either cheek, or on both cheeks; sunken, drawn, FERRUM METALLICUM. 863 and pointed features, and want of color in the lips; or intense redness, and occa- sional puffing of the face, especially about the eyes; the hair drops off on the slightest touch, and the head feels sore. Menstruation, &c. Menstrual discharges wanting, or very feeble and pale (pre- ceded by flushing of blood to the head) ; profuse and exhausting floodings (with bearing-down and forcing pains or throes); variable discharges of dark and clotted or very fluid blood (and flushing with deep redness of the face); habitual miscarriages, often very shortly after conception, and discharge of very white matter between the periods. Breathing. Breathing exceedingly difficult and oppressed, with a sensation of weight and intense tightness in the region of the stomach and chest; strong expansion of the nostrils to get air, and very little expansion of the chest, &c, in the act of breathing; the difficulty of breathing is more especially trouble- some towards or during the night; convulsive cough the first thing in the morn- ing, and subsiding after the patient has eaten, the cough being accompanied or followed by the expulsion of clear, gelatinous phlegm; or, on the other hand, cough without expectoration, but terminating in the throwing up of the food, and occurring immediately after the patient has eaten; expectoration of matter, sometimes yellow, generally offensive, and often either streaked with blood, or of a greenish color; determination of blood to the chest, with oppression, and spitting of blood. Pulse and Circulation. Small, weak pulse, often quiet in the morning (about two hours after the first meal), but always fluttering, and much agitated by the least excitement or exertion, and growing more irritable, quick, and frequent towards night, — generally, at these periods, characterized by strong agitation and beating of the heart. Organs of Digestion and Evacuations. Rising of bitter matters after partaking of greasy food — or vomiting after eating or drinking anything acid — or sour risings from the stomach; vomiting of the food, preceded by sensation of weight and oppression at the stomach immediately after eating, and more particularly in the evening or during the night; sensation of weight and uneasiness, or as if a stone were in the stomach or chest after eating meat; capricious appetite in the morning, sometimes absent, sometimes voracious, and predominant thirst towards night; piles, with or without discharge; acrid, very relaxed, slimy or watery evacuations from the bowels, or discharge containing undigested food or thread- worms; seanty, dark-colored urine; painless diarrhoea, with great debility. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Drowsy, heavy, weary sensation of fatigue, with disturbed and agitated sleep; sensation of stiffness and weight in the limbs; extreme general weakness, and giving or bending of the knees; giddiness on stooping; sensation of buzzing or roaring in the ears; total want of strength in the thighs; alternate exhilaration and depression of spirits ; confused sensation, and feeling of weight in the head; sweetish taste in the mouth; rush of blood to the brain. Pains. Hammering pains in the head, recurring at given intervals, or irregu- larly from time to time; shooting and tearing pains in the shoulder-joint and arms; drawing pains in the limbs; aching pain in the stomach after eating; throbbing pains with rush of blood to the head; headache in the open air ; burn- 864 GELSEMINUM SEMPERVIRENS. ing pains in the eyes; clawing pains in the bowels, or also in the stomach; forcing labor-pains ; darting pains in the chest. Eyes and Nose. Hazy, dull, inanimate eyes — or heat and redness in the eyes — or eyes suffused with water; discharge of blood from one nostril, or constant col- lection of clotted blood in the nostrils; profuse and habitual discharges of blood from the nose. GELSEMINUM SEMPERVIRENS. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Great irritability, does not wish to be spoken to — or, exhilaration, followed by melancholy ; inability to command the thoughts, so that an attempt, to think about any subject is futile, and the effort is followed by dulness of the head ; stupor, with inability to open the eyes ; inability to control the muscles, so that on attempting to move they do not obey the will; vertigo, with obscuration of sight; chilliness, and quickened pulse; the sudden communication of exciting news causes diarrhoea; ill effects following fright or fear ; staggering as if intoxicated when trying to move ; sensation as if the head were enclosed within a band; double vision, controllable by the strength of the will; dimness of vision, with appearance as of smoke before the eyes; aversion to light; complete blindness, of short duration; objects present a greenish appearance; sudden, but transient, loss of hearing; drowsiness; long-continued, heavy sleep. External Surface, &c. Sensation as if the skin in the middle of the forehead were contracted; itching on the face, neck, and shoulders, worse at night, and preventing sleep; heavy, dull expression of the countenance; yellow color of the face; heat of the face, with fulness of the head, and cold feet; redness of the skin on the face and neck ; stiffness of the jaws; the lips are dry, hot, and coated; coldness of the wrists and hands; the hands, especially the palms, are hot and dry ; eruption resembling measles, especially on the face ; dusky or dark- red appearance of the face. Pains. Rheumatic wandering pains in the bones and joints, particularly at night; feeling as if bruised in various parts; violent, sharp, stitching pains in the thighs ; pain as if sprained in the right wrist, or in the right elbow ; severe stitching pains in the right side of the chest; sensation of soreness in the mus- cles of the belly ; sudden spasmodic pains in the upper part of the belly, which are very severe, and leave a sensation as though the parts were constricted on passing off; dull pain in the back part of the head, in the morning, worse when moving or stooping. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Acid risings from the stomach; nausea, with giddiness and headache; feeling of emptiness in the stomach; burning in cue stomach, extending to the mouth; soft and pappy evacuations from the bow- els— nevertheless, they are passed with difficulty ; falling of the bowel during an evacuation ; loose evacuations of a light-yellow color; frequent emissions of pale and watery urine, during headache, which affords relief. Respiration, &c. Weakness of the voice ; spasm of the glottis, threatening suffocation, and coming on in the evening; hoarseness, with feeling of dryness of the throat; dry cough, with feeling of soreness in the chest, and discharge of watery mucus from the nose; frequent, short respiration. Fever, Pulse, &c. The pulse is slow, but is easily accelerated by slight motion; chilliness in the upper part of the body only; chilliness, especially in the morn- GLONOINE. 865 ing, or coming on every day at the same hour; chilliness, with coldness of the nands and feet, and headache, and with weakness of the pulse; coldness of.the teet, as though they were placed in cold water, with heat in the head and face at the same time; profuse perspiration relieves the pains. Mouth and Throat. Yellow-colored spittle accumulates in the mouth; sticky, feverish feeling in the mouth; putrid taste and fetid breath; yellowish-white coating of the tongue; the tongue is red, raw, painful, dry, and inflamed in the centre ; paralysis of the tongue; dryness and burning in the throat; dry rough- ness in the throat when coughing; sensation as if a foreign body were lodged in ihe throat; difficulty of swallowing, apparently from paralysis of the throat. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. The eyes feel bruised; yellow suffusion of the whites of the eyes; great heaviness and drooping of the eyelids, or fulness and con- gestion of the lids; dilatation of the pupils; burning and itching of the ears; sensation of fulness at the root of the nose, extending to the neck. GLONOINE. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Great feeling of fearfulness; unusually bright and loquacious, with great flow of ideas; loses his way in well-known streets or places; feeling as if the chin were elongated; unsteady gait; giddi- ness when the head is moved ; heaviness in the head, principally in the forehead; fulness of the head, as though the brain were expanding and moving in waves; pulsations in the forehead, in the temples, or on the top of the head, when walk- ing, every step is felt in the neck; sore and bruised feeling in the brain, worse on shaking the head; the pain, heat, and fulness in the head ascend from the chest, neck, or back part of the head; shaking the head, stooping, and ascend- ing aggravates the headache; the headache is relieved by pressure, by walking in the open air, or by uncovering the head; headache, with accelerated pulse, red face, sweat in the face, and, finally, unconsciousness; sparks and flashes before the eyes ; black spots hover before the eyes, with obscuration of sight and fainting; sensation of fulness in and around the ears; ringing, singing in the ears ; fainting, with consciousness ; unconscious falling down ; pulsations, ting- ling, thrills, and a peculiar sensation of warmth throughout the body, extending from above downwards; convulsions, from congestion to the head; bad effects of mental excitement, fright, fear, or from exposure to the rays of the sun. General Symptoms. Heat, especially in the face, ascending from the stomach; pulse accelerated, irregular, intermitting, full and hard, or small and rapid; weakness, as from loss of sleep ; very heavy sleep; restlessness, weakness, and want of circulation in the limbs; sensation of weakness and numbness in the left arm; a beating as of many pulses is felt in the tips of the fingers, accom- panied by trembling of the fingers; fulness, tension, and pulsation in the neck; the neck feels weak and tired; desire to take a long breath; palpitation of the aeart, with heat in the face, quickened pulse, and throbbing of the large arteries in the neck ; during menstruation or pregnancy, congestion of blood to the head or chest, headache, and fainting; increased evacuation of pale urine, particularly at night; redness or paleness of the face; sensation as if the under lip were swollen. 55 866 GRAPHITES. GRAPHITES. External Surface. A general unhealthy condition of the skin, in which the slightest injury has a tendency to become an obstinate sore; itching on the scalp; oozing eruptions, with moist scabs on the head; intense and continual dryness of the skin; swelling and inflammation of the skin, with or without the formation of blisters; scabs on the chin and around the mouth; oozing eruptions, forming scabs, or merely excoriation, behind the ears; reddish spots upon the skin; excoriation or oozing eruptions between the fingers and toes, and upon the inner side of the thighs ; spreading or corroding vesicles on the extremities ; callousness of the skin; swelling and crookedness of the toes; swelling of the legs and feet; burning heat in the feet, or coldness of the feet when in bed ; dis- torted, crooked growth of the nails ; the nails grow in ; the sweats are commonly, if not generally, offensive; perspiration, especially on the head, induced by the least exertion; great loss of flesh; enlargements of the joints generally; shiver- ing all over the body, chiefly upon getting up, but also towards night, sometimes followed by flushing of heat, and generally by sweat; the face is affected with red, inflammatory swelling, or with erysipelas; the hair, and even the beard and whiskers, fall off over the whole of the head, or become gray ; the complexion is usually of a dirty yellow; oozing pimples break out on the face, or the chin appears quite raw; the lips are cracked and ulcerated; the liver is swollen, hard, and generally tender; the belly is blown out with flatulency; swelling of the glands of the groin ; the glands of the neck and beneath the jaws are enlarged; there is frequently offensive sweating of the feet; intractable ulcers break out in various parts, but chiefly on the legs; extreme tenderness to pressure in the groins. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. There is absolute and insuperable repug- nance to the least exertion ; agitation, with anxious, distressing, and uneasy thoughts, which continue in the dreams during sleep; the head feels as if it were numbed; the brain is muddled, and there is a sensation of reeling either upon first getting up or lying down; embarrassment in ihe head; the hearing is obtuse; an offensive smell is constantly perceived in the nostrils; the sight is confused or contracted, and there is much sensitiveness to light; a sensation prevails as if a web were gathered over the face; there is want of sensibility in the skin about the extremities, and the limbs feel dull and heavy; rolling, or roaring, or ringing noises in the ears. Menstruation, &c. The menstrual flow is retarded, scanty, and pale, particu- larly in women who have an unhealthy skin, with pimples in the face; delay of the first appearance of the menses in young girls ; suppression of the monthly flow, with heaviness of the limbs, and determination of blood to the head; during the menstrual period there are colicky pains, violent headache, with nausea, swelling of the feet, chilliness, and fatiguing cough ; profuse, white, thin leucorrhoea, with weakness in the back. Nose, Ears, Throat, and Gums. Stoppage and painful dryness of the nose; dis- charge of thick matter from the nose; or constant dry heat in the nostrils, espe- cially about the bridge of the nose; dry scabs on the nose ; offensive, thick dis- charge from the nostrils; the nostrils are sore, or even ulcerated ana cracked; discharge of very offensive matter from the ears, or excessive, parched dryness HELLEBORUS NIGER. 867 within the ear ; scraping sensation and habitual soreness of the throat; the gums are tumid and unhealthy, and bleed upon the least touch. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. General weakness of digestion; habitual nausea, especially in the morning; the appetite is inordinate or fastidious, and there is dislike for cooked food; sensation of weight in the stomach ; vomiting easily provoked by anything nauseating; empty, sour, or bitter risings from the stomach, or vomiting of sour matter ; great collection of or bloating of the bowels with flatulency, with much expulsion of very offensive flatulency; large swelling of piles in the passage, and soreness after stool; inveterate costiveness, with hard evacuations; very small evacuations of the size of a round-worm; half- formed stools, with incomplete discharge, or very soft evacuations; deficient discharge of dark urine, depositing a brickdust-colored or whitish sediment, and becoming cloudy after standing a very short time; increased discharge of urine at night. Pains. Aching or cramp-like pains in the stomach ; shooting pains in the teeth after cold drinks ; aching or darting pains in the eyes; cramp-like pains in dif- ferent parts; tearing pains in the scalp; pain as from a plug in the throat; aching pain in the stomach, relieved by lying down, and going off when in bed,' but sometimes ending in vomiting ; violent pain in the nape of the neck ; cramp- like and tearing pains in the hands, especially in the joints; aching, bruised, or clawing, wrenching pains in the loins. Eyes. Gluing of the lids, and flow of tears; accumulation of dry matter in crusts upon the eyelids and lashes; inflammation of the eyes, with redness of the white of the eye. Breathing. Breathing impeded, with sensation of strangling, when walking out, or when falling asleep; suffocative attacks, with intense oppression at night; squeaking voice; tenderness of the opening of the windpipe to pressure; attacks of coughing during the night, Caused by drawing a long breath. HELLEBORUS NIGER. External Surface. Dropsical swellings, whether local or general, of sudden development, and attended with an inflammatory condition; loss of control over the muscles of voluntary motion; the limbs can only be exerted, or muscular movement can only be made by much effort of the will; the face is puffed and pallid; the whole surface of the head is sore to the touch, as if it had been beaten ; the glands of the neck are much enlarged; the belly as if puffed up with dropsical accumulation; the skin is deficient of color, and is puffed up or cast off all over the body, or it is puckered and tender, generally cold, and often affected with shivering; sweats break out in the latter part of the night, and towards evening there is shuddering and trembling internally, with intense heat of the surface, particularly of the head; the forehead is wrinkled, and the complexion sometimes exhibits a yellowish hue. Breathing. The breathing is short, hurried, anxious, much impeded and oppressed, or deep and slow; there is sometimes much heat in the chest, with exceeding'tightness and difficulty of breathing, or with a short, interrupted, dry. and hacking cough ; attacks of suffocation come on, with palpitation of the heart. and tightness of the chest and throat, and even obstruction of the nostrils. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. There is total loss of nervous control; the 868 HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM. senses are generally obtuse; the feelings most anxious and desponding; the head feels stunned and stupefied; and there is dull, pressive sensation at the back of the head ; the look is unconscious, fixed, and vacant, and sensitive of light during the day ; the eyes are turned upwards, and remain half open during sleep ; the dreams are anxious and confused, many incoherent thoughts presenting them- selves, and the patient is intensely drowsy; fainting-fits, or even convulsions, with local cramps occur; the head is sunk into the pillow; there is numbness of the tongue; the knees totter and fail, and the hands lose their grasp, or the fingers become stiffened with cramps. Pains. Darting pains in the joints ; acute and piercing pains; or, sometimes, dull, wavering pains in the joints, of the legs and feet iD particular, as also in the joints of the arms, hands, and fingers; similar pains in different parts of the body, particularly emanating from the membrane investing the bones ; the pains have a tendency to be aggravated by exposure to the open air, by eating or drinking, or by fatigue, succeeding bodily exertion; pain pressing downwards in the eyes ; painful distension of the stomach. Eyes, Tongue, and Mouth. The eyes arc heavy, the tongue swollen, and the roof of the mouth very dry, so that the tongue cleaves to it. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Sensation of weight, and inflation of the stomach ; the swelling and distension of the stomach are particularly inconvenient after eating, and cause oppression of breath ; there is nausea, sometimes also accompanied with inordinate hunger; general fastidiousness of appetite, and dislike to food; the motions are very frequent and watery; there is relaxation of the bowels, or severe purging, attended with nausea, and griping pains in the bowels; straining, followed or attended by discharge of glutinous phlegm or slime; the urine is scanty, and of a dark color, but there is much urging to pass water; or emission of a large quantity of pale, watery urine. HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM. External Surface. Inflammation of the skin (with red, hot, swelling); soreness of the parts affected upon contact; pimples or small tumors amongst the hair on the scalp, which are very tender and sore to the touch ; unhealthy condition of the skin, with tendency to ulceration; inflammatory or suppurative swellings of the glands, with chronic ulceration; ulcerative or eruptive affections of the skin, characterized by offensiveness of the discharge or oozing; eruption of white blotches, with redness of the surrounding skin, and excessive itching, tingling, and heat; cracking of the skin in various parts (chaps); knotty swellings of the joints, very sore and tender to the touch ; sweat is easily induced ; intense dry heat all over the body at night; or flying flushes of heat, accompanied or followed with sweats ; burning redness of the face, or inflammatory swelling (erysipelas) of the face; neftle-rash on the hands and fingers; chapping of the hands; hard swelling of the breasts; very offensive sweat in the arm-pits; heat, redness, and swelling of the ankles; oozing scabs on the head; incrustations behind the ears; red, hot swellings of the joints; sticky, sour perspiration; or perspiration especially at night and in the morning ; the hair falls off and the head becomes quite bald; redness and swelling of the nose, with much heat; the lips are swollen or ulcerated ; pimples break out on the forehead in doors, but vanish upon going into the open air; swelling and suppuration of the glands of the neck, arm-pits, and groin; srvell- HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. 869 ings of the ankles, feet, and knees; chapping of the feet; yellowish complexion, with livid rings around the eyes; boils and abscesses in various parts (this medi- cine hastens the suppurative process). Breathing. Weakness of the chest, and loss of voice or whispering when speaking; wheezing, hurried, rattling, or anxious breathing; or short breath, coughing, and copious expectoration; violent and suffocating fits of coughing, ending in convulsive retching; deep, stifled cough, with difficult breathing; obstinate hoarseness, with rattling, harsh voice; habitual night fever and extreme tenderness of the upper part of the windpipe ; croup; croupy cough ; long, shrill inspirations between each cough; complete oppression or stifling of the breath, with throwing back of the head to relieve the obstruction of the windpipe ; the cough comes on immediately after swallowing fluid ; dry cough, accompanied with spasmodic retching and vomiting; or moist cough, attended with rattling of phlegm on the chest; feeling of suffocation in a recumbent position; dry, hoarse cough; cough arising from tickling in the throat, or from a sensation as of dust in the throat. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. General derangement of digestion ; sensa- tion of extreme weight, with distension of the region of the stomach, even after the lightest and most sparing meal; rising of the contents of the stomach, with harshness and scalding in the throat; intense thirst; variable appetite, sometimes fastidious, in other cases voracious; vomiting of greenish, bilious, or sour mat-1 ter, mixed with phlegm ; urging to evacuate the bowels, with straining, sluggish, scanty, dry evacuations; or very relaxed blood-stained, clayey and slimy, or whitish and sour-smelling motions; very hot and dark-colored urine, chiefly dis- charged at night — or copious but cloudy, whitish urine, with sediment of the same color. Pains. Dragging, tearing, stitching pains in the limbs and joints, particularly felt when touched ; pricking pains in the throat, as if a splinter or fish-bone were lodged there; piercing, thrusting, digging, or boring pains in the head — or pain in the forehead, as if crushed or rent open; jerking, gnawing pains in the teeth; tearing, jerking pains in the bones of the face, spreading to the jaws, temples, and ears; stitching or cutting pains in the region of the liver and spleen when the feet are put to the ground ; cutting or clawing pains in the bowels ; aching pains in the hams when sitting; shooting or bruised pains in the loins, or shoot- ing, cutting, stitching pains in the chest; the eyes are painful when moved. Eyes and Ears. Chronic inflammation of the eyes, eyelids, and ears; red, hot, inflammatory affection of the eyes; inflammation, with offensive discharge of matter from the ears; itching of the ears, or the ears externally red and swollen; glueing of the eyelids during the night; protrusion of the eyes, or the eyes spas- modically closed; flow of water from the eyes during or towards the night, and tenderness of light by day. Mouth, Throat, and Gums. Whitish-looking, curdy ulceration in the mouth, swelling,' heat, and redness of the tonsils; the gums hot, red, swollen, and tender, and bleeding readily ; ulceration of the gums. HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Violent and general convulsions of the frame, with loss of consciousness; jerking of the limbs and twitching of the 870 HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. tendons; involuntary evacuations from palsy of nervous power; epileptic con- vulsions (with purple and tumid face); plucking at the bed-clothes; aberration of mind, with the prevailing idea that some calamity is impending, or that the patient is under restraint, from which he struggles to escape; red, fixed, and con- vulsively distorted eyes; excessive expansion of the pupils and spasmodic closing of the eyelids; delirium which runs upon active avocations — or total lethargy, with plaintive cries, especially provoked by touching the patient; delirium run- ning upon the idea that mischief is meant to one; reeling giddiness ; spasmodic closing of the throat upon every attempt to swallow liquids; violent hiccough, especially after taking the least food; sudden falling, attended with shrieking and convulsions; paralytic incapacitation of one side of the body; drowsiness or heavy lethargic sleep, with convulsions — or wakefulness from anguish or nervous excitement; frenzy and rage, attended with preternatural physical strength; ridiculous laughing and chattering; conduct as of one possessed; furious, quarrelsome, and reproachful mood; total aberration of mind; melan- choly, from unfortunate love; delirium without consciousness, knows no one and has no wants; when spoken to, the answer is properly given, but unconscious- ness and delirium immediately return ; mania, with lasciviousness, and occa- sional muttering, or, with determination to uncover the whole body and lie naked; staring, vacant expression, objects appear magnified to the sight and assume a red hue ; spasmodic affection of the chest; antipathy to liquids; paralysis of the tongue, all power of articulation is lost; the head rolls or oscillates from one side to the other; the patient squints spasmodically, or sees objects multiplied; the jaw is rigidly fixed, and the teeth are firmly set; gulping, gasping convul- sion of the throat and chest; the hands and arms tremble violently, the thumbs are drawn up and the fingers clenched; the knees, thighs, and legs are rigid, or relaxed and helpless; the powers of smelling and tasting are suspended. Eyes, Face, Mouth, Tongue, and Throat. The eyes bright-red and protruded, or dull, inanimate, and drooping; the eyelids are swollen; the face is pale, with bluish hue, or bright blood-red, or brown-red and bloated; the tongue is red, dry, and parched; the mouth is full of frothy saliva, and emits an offensive odor, or it is completely parched, and the throat is swollen. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Vomiting of mucus, blood and food ; bowels confined or involuntarily relaxed; looseness of the bowels, with whitish, slimy, stools; urine suppressed, or characterized by involuntary discharge ; tenderness of the stomach to pressure; constant urging to stool and watery discharge. External Surface. Boils, gangrenous blisters, and brown spots or stains upon the skin; eruption of pimples like that of smallpox; harshness and dryness of the skin; great heat and irritation over the head; swelling of the hands and feet; intense and intolerable heat of the skin, particularly in the head and shoulders, running through the whole body. Breathing. Tightness and oppression at the chest, with anguish and shrieking, and dry, spasmodic cough at night, from continuous tickling in the throat, or as if the palate were too long (particularly in old people), chiefly when in a recum- bent position, and relieved by sitting up. Pains. Pain in the head, as if it had been struck heavily; pain, shifting from the nape of the neck to the centre of the brain; strained pain in the muscles of the belly; clawing, pinching, shooting, or cramp-like pains in the bowels, espe^ IGNATIA AMARA. 871 eially, with clawing about the navel; dull, aching pain about the liver; or burn- ing, throbbing, and shooting pain in the stomach; aching pain in the lower part of the back. IGNATIA AMARA. Pains. Excessive bodily pains ; intense, piercing pain in the head, as if a nail were thrust into it; digging, boring, or piercing pains on one side of the head, or in one eyebrow ; pains as of bruises, particularly in the membranes investing the bones (especially the long bones), when lying on one side in particular, but relieved by lying on the back at full length ; pains, exacerbated by smoking, or by drinking coffee or brandy; pains, lessened by lying on the back, or on the part affected; forcing, constrictive pains, like those of labor; very violent pains,- without, however, much general constitutional disturbance; insupportable pains in the bones and joints of the arms; spasmodic, aching, intense pain at the back and front of the head; pain in the eyes, as if there were sand in them; cramp- like pains in the womb, especially during the menstrual period; pains in the teeth, as if they were being broken asunder ; aching pains, or shooting, tearing, and throbbing pain in the glands under the jaw ; throbbing, beating, or hammer- ing pains in the head; violent, tugging, clawing pains in the small of the back. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Spasms, with the body rigidly bent back- wards, and attended with purple face, foaming at the mouth, spasms of the jaws, fits of suffocation, and loss of consciousness ; yawning, with excessive straining of the lower jaw; night-sleep restless and unrefreshing, and attended with moan- in°-, dreaming aloud, and catching of the limbs ; disposition to whining, melancholy, grief, attended with moaning; temper headstrong and irritable, with impatience of contradiction ; stitches in the throat, and sensation as of a lump in the throat between the operations of swallowing; hysterical spasms, especially if caused by fright or grief; deep sighing and sleep as the spasms subside; dizziness, with ap- pearance of sparks before the eyes ; throwing back of the head; general trem- bling of the body ; the human voice is most distinctly heard, to other sounds the hearing is less alive; jerking or twitching of the arms and legs; hysterical de- bility, with frequent fainting-fits; hiccough after every meal; feeling of weakness, sinking, and emptiness at the pit of the stomach ; mistiness of sight, or dread of light; convulsive twitching of the corners of the mouth; spasmodic tightness of the throat; bad effects following suppressed grief. Menstruation. Excessive and too frequent menstrual discharges; menstrua- tion recurs at intervals of a fortnight ; general derangement, with excessive nervous susceptibility at the menstrual period, and with much pain and palpi- tation. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Aversion for milk and tobacco; appetite impaired and speedily satisfied; earthy taste in the mouth ; risings, consisting of the food or of bitter fluid; sickness at the stomach, with great agitation and vomiting of food; confinement of the bowels, attended with urging to evacuate, and a tendency to protrusion of the lower intestine; evacuations containing thread- worms • rumbling of the intestines, with loose evacuations, consisting chiefly of froth, slime, and blood; or, on the other hand, large, yellow, or whitish and hard motions, expelled with much effort. Breathing Chest, &c. Constriction of the throat and chest, accompanied by dry cough ; sighing respiration; oppressed breathing (with palpitation of the heart 872 IPECACUANHA. at night, and on first waking in the morning, and coming on with the excitement of one's thoughts); anxious, oppressed, impeded breath, as if a very heavy pres- sure were exerted against the chest; hollow, spasmodic cough, as if caused by the vapor of sulphur or by dust in the pit of the throat, or by tickling above the pit of the stomach; the longer the coughing spell continues, the greater the irri- tation to cough becomes. External Surface. Nettle-rash, irritated and itching; sore places on the skin; alternately flushed and pallid, or livid and sunken face, with hollow eyes; great heat throughout the body, with redness chiefly of one cheek (and absence of thirst); perspiration breaks out whilst eating; shivering chills, affecting the back and arms in particular; tremulous state of the head ; swelling of the glands beneath the ears; shedding of the hair; knotty enlargements of the glands of the neck; hot and copious perspiration on the hands; excessive tenderness of the soles of the feet, as if blistered when walking. Mouth, Throat, Tongue, and Teeth. Great heat and redness, with more or less swelling of the surfaces inside the mouth and of the palate, and collection of phlegm in the mouth and throat; redness, heat, and swelling of the tonsils, or even small ulcerated spots on the tonsils ; the tongue thickly coated and white, but moist; or constant biting of the tongue whilst speaking or masticating; the teeth often loose. IPECACUANHA. Breathing, Chest, &c. Gasping for breath, with spasmodic tightness (sensation of strangling) at the opening of the windpipe ; hurried, anxious, difficult, and impeded breathing; the least exertion leaves the patient quite out of breath; sensation as if the windpipe were choked up by the inhalation of dust; asthma, with spasmodic, suffocative paroxysms; rattling of phlegm in the air-tubes; suffo- cative attacks of coughing (attended with rigidity of the body, and blueness of the face); spasmodic or convulsive fits of coughing, with long, loud, or shrill inspirations; the cough is chiefly prevalent, or aggravated at night (and is accom- panied with complete loathing, or terminates in violent retching and vomiting) ; continuous cough, with perspiration on the forehead, streaks in the head, nausea and vomiting. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Taste like that of blood in the mouth; antipathy to food ; vomiting of phlegm, bile, and food; vomiting of bright-red blood, or of clotted blood; bilious vomiting, accompanied with purging; the least cold drink induces convulsive retching, or heaving at the stomach; extreme uneasiness and indescribable discomfort, with feeling of emptiness and flaccidity in the region of the stomach; sickness at the stomach, with abundant flow of watery fluid in the mouth; vomiting of very dark, or perfectly black, liquid, and putrid matter, with or without purging of similar matter; very copious and easy vomiting; constant nausea; loose evacuations from the bowels, containing white patches, or consisting only of froth, or of froth and slime, tinged with blood, and followed or accompanied with violent urging or straining; discharge of pure bright-red blood at stool; looseness of the bowels, with yellow, slimy, or green, and perfectly putrid motions; stools resembling pitch, also perfectly putrid. External Surface. Pallid hue of the countenance, with blue rings around the eyes; spasmodic paroxysms, in which the body is rigidly bent backwards, the features are distorted, the face red and bloated, and there is twitching of the KALI CARBONICUM. 873 muscles of the face, lips, and eyelids; red hue of the skin around the mouth ; miliary eruption ; chilliness and coldness; sudden flushes of heat, attended with perspiration; pale and bloated face, with livid circles round the eyes; yellow and livid complexion; excessive and very rapid loss of flesh ; intense heat in the palms of the hands, or general and very dry heat of body during the hot stage of the fever-fits, and immediately following the chills and shuddering; duriug the chills, the rigors are rendered only the more violent by the external application of heat; copious perspiration during the hot stage and as the fever advances; very profuse perspiration, with coldness of the hands and feet. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. General or local spasms and convulsions, or total spasmodic rigidity of the body, with bending backwards; gnawing and agitation, and jerking of the limbs during sleep ; the eyes only partially closed during sleep; deep, sullen, dissatisfied, and contemptuous humor, or excessive irritability and impatience of disposition; muddled sight, and dilatation of the pupils; uncertain, oscillating gait, with reeling giddiness ; jerking and twitching of the muscles of the face, more especially about the lips, with tremulous condi- tion or quivering of the eyelids; fits of sudden weakness (attended with nausea and loathing); great general debility ; oppressive weight on the head. Pains. Bruised pains in the brain and skull, or similar pains in all the prin- cipal bones of the body; excessive pain in the region and pit of the' stomach; disjointed pain in the hip; sore, lacerated pain deep in the chest; very severe bearing-down and forcing pains (of females) ; cramp-like, clawing, pinching, griping pains in the bowels, especially after eating, or drinking cold water; colicky pains of very young children (with wakefulness and agitation, and draw- ing up of the legs, and yellowish or greenish, or frothy evacuations); sudden attacks of wrenching toothache. Womb, Menstruation, &c. The menstrual discharge appears before the proper time, and is usually in excess, and too coagulable or clotted ; floodings, with dis- charge of bright-red blood, in jets, or of bright blood which readily coagulates, with nausea and oppressed breathing. Nose, Eyes, Mouth, Tongue, &c. Cold in the head; discharge of bright-red coagulable blood from the nose; abundant flow of saliva, with soreness in the mouth; clean and red, or thickly coated tongue; tongue loaded with a whitish, quite white, or yellowish coating; collection of oozing matter in the corners of the eyelids, with redness and heat of the eyes. KALI CARBONICUM Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Craving for sweet or sour things; bitter taste in the mouth; greasy food and milk invariably disagree ; sense of fulness and weight, at the stomach after eating (as well as extreme irritability and ill- humor, dull pain in the head, heartburn, and distension of the belly); sickness at the stomach, with vomiting of sour matter and of food; great languor and sensation of faintness; constant sour risings from the stomach; extreme sickness at the stomach, with anxiety and desire to vomit; uneasiness and pressure in the belly; partial and incomplete, or very abundant expulsion of flatulency; cold- ness in the belly, and inactivity of the bowels; great tightness of the belly, with costiveness, and evacuations of large motions with much effort or want of mus- cular contraction in the lower part of the bowels; great effort to evacuate with 874 KALI CARBONICUM. out effect, or with very small and insufficient discharge ; bleeding piles; eruption of pimples and soreness in the orifice; hot, scanty, scalding urine, with continual desire to make water; discharge of urine at very short intervals. Breathing, Chest, &c. Intense oppression at the chest, with impeded or hurried and anxious, or wheezing breath; choking sensation and want of breath in the morning, upon running or walking rather briskly; fits of coughing, sometimes very violent or even convulsive, occurring the first thing upon getting up, and continuing until phlegm or matter has been dislodged, which is only effected by much effort; the least physical impediment to free access of air induces a sensa- tion of stifling, or the least pressure on the throat or windpipe seems to choke the patient; harshness of the throat, with rough, continued hoarseness; cough without any expectoration, but dry and hacking at night; the movement of the arms induces coughing, or there is a constant irritation in the chest or windpipe, which induces a short, dry, hacking cough; the cough is worse after midnight, in the early morning hours. External Surface. Pale, or yellowish, haggard, sunken countenance, with hol- low eyes; pallid puffiness of the face ; or puffing, with red cheeks and eruption of pimples : no position seems easy, all parts appear sore and tender on pressure, even when lying down ; draughts of air — or even the open air simply — are dis- agreeable, and the least exposure induces cold; excessive dryness and harshness of the skin and hair; perspiration cannot be induced; red or yellowish patches in various parts, which itch and burn, which the patient cannot, resist scratching violently, and which emit a thin, pale-reddish humor after scratching; the hair falls off in large quantities; sweats sometimes break out at night, or when walk- ing, or during intense mental application; there is predominant chilliness, shiv- ering, and shuddering, which sometimes continues during the whole day, but which is chiefly prevalent towards night; oozing eruptions, forming scabs amongst the hair; red, hot swelling of the glands beneath the ears; swelling and ulceration of the lips; intense heat, redness and swelling of the nose, with eruption of pimples on the nose; the belly is enlarged and distended with drop- sical accumulation; dropsical swelling between the eyebrows and of the eyelids; swelling and hardness of the glands of the neck and armpits; dropsical swelling of the feet, and even of»the legs; very offensive sweat on the feet; the feet are constantly cold night and day, or numbed and torpid after eating; the hands are cold, harsh, and chapped ; cracking and peeling of the lips, in large, scaly patches ; swelling of the cheek; the hands tremble when the patient attempts to write; the tips of the fingers are benumbed. Menstruation, &c. Feeble menstrual discharge, often occurring before the proper time; copious and habitual flooding during pregnancy; eruption, with itching, gnawing, and soreness between the thighs; and within the passage; con- tinual sensation of weight and pressure downwards in the womb and lower part of the belly ; the menstrual discharge produces great soreness and a constant gnawing, itching sensation; discharge of whites, with yellowish matter and scald- ing sensation during the intervals ; the menstrual discharge is suppressed. Pains. Spasmodic pain in the chest, especially felt whilst coughing; cutting, darting pain through the chest; burning and shooting pains in the chest; shooting pains occasionally provoked by talking; dull, aching pain when talking; jerking, tearing, aching pains in the teeth, particularly felt after going to bed at night, LACHESIS. 875 or occurring only when eating, or after drinking cold fluids —or constantly in the morning; continual bearing-down pains, more or less acute (in females) ; spasmodic, pinching, darting, or pressive and aching pain either affecting the whole region of the stomach, or one fixed spot; stitching, piercing pains in all parts of the bowels; violent pains in the lower part of the belly, like those of labor ; or pinching, clawing, griping, colicky pains; shooting pains, which appear to emanate from deep in the cavity of the ears, and to dart outwards; tearing, dragging pains in the limbs, worse when at rest— or only felt under such condi- tions ; drawing, tearing, or stitching pains in the head; intense frontal head- ache ;_ aching pain in the head, induced by coughing, or any other effort of the kind — or by the motion of a carriage; or very severe aching pain confined to one side of the head (sometimes attended with sickness), and rendered unbearable by the least movement; tearing, thrusting, and pressive pain in the eyes; lugging pains in the muscles and joints of the extremities generally, especially prevalent at night. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Want of muscular strength, or rather great languor in the arms; numbness, torpor, and insensibility of various parts, chiefly of the extremities; absolute paralytic weakness, general or local; fainting sen- sation, with trembling during exercise; stiffness (with coldness and numbness) of the arms, elbows, and feet; obtuseness of the sense of smelling; indistinctness and weakness of hearing; bright light and variegated colors in the eyes when closed ; great tenderness of light, with complete dazzling by bright light, and bright flickering sparks before the eyes when intently fixed; giddiness when the head is suddenly turned; very extraordinary irritability; excessive timidity; heaviness and drowsiness in the day, with light sleep or very retarded sleep at night — or with agitated, interrupted, and disturbed sleep ; the memory fails ; the hearing is sometimes very keen at night, when in the recumbent position. Mouth, Throat, Tongue, and Ears. Great accumulation of phlegm in the mouth and throat, or which adheres to the roof of the mouth, and is detached by hawk- ing ; great difficulty in swallowing, the food passes down the throat slowly and with difficulty; red and hot swelling, and ulceration of the gums; offensive smell from the mouth ; profuse collection of spittle in the mouth, which, nevertheless, feels very dry; eruption of small blisters throughout the mouth and on the tongue, with great soreness; internal inflammation of the ears, sometimes resulting in the formation of an abscess, and the discharge of thick, cloudy, or flaky matter, or of thin liquid ear-wax; oozing and soreness behind the ears. Nose and Eyes. Discharge of blood from the nose, occurring habitually in the morning; dryness and stuffing of the nose, or stuffing of the nose with accumula- tion of greenish-looking or yellowish mucus — there is watery discharge tinged with blood ; rawness of the interior of the nostrils'; constant watering of the eyes; or exudation of thick humor, with adhesion of the lids during the night; swelling of the eyelids, sometimes so great as to prevent their being opened ; depressed and filmy look of the eyes; heat and redness, with or without swelling of the eyes and soreness — or small abscess in the corners of the eyes, with smarting when exerted by candle-light. LACHESIS. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Aversion to exercise or exertion; excessive prostration of the mental and physical power, with great deterioration of memory; 876 LACHESIS. paralysis, with rigidity and a feeling of weight in the limbs ; convulsive or epilep- tic paroxysms, with clenching of the fists, shrieking, tossing of the limbs, and loss of consciousness (with palpitation and reeling giddiness, and preceded by cold feet, belching of wind, flatulent distension of the bowels, and pallid counte- nance) ; fits of fainting (with difficulty of breathing, nausea, and cold perspira- tion) ; jealous, quarrelsome, and irritable disposition; anxiety, despondency, and despair of recovery; fantastical imagination; violent trembling of the hands; sensation as if a lump were in the throat, with convulsive arrest of the power of swallowing; violent agitation at night, and variable dreams, running on horrors, or on imaginative or voluptuous ideas; delirium, with constant muttering or talk- ing during the night; flashing of bright light before the eyes, or appearance of blueness in the light; hazy, veiled, darkened, or very weak sight, or generally extreme tenderness of light; total want of the sense of hearing, or very obtuse hearing, with sounds of a loud, rolling, or rumbling character in the ears; palsy or spasmodic rigidity of the tongue, with loss of the power of articulating; horror of liquids; violent convulsive hiccough; involuntary discharge from the bowels and of urine; spasmodic and suffocative attacks in the chest; chattering and grinding of the teeth. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Extreme tenderness of the pit of the stomach to pressure; excessive flatulency, attended with giddiness, eructations, and desire to vomit, or eructations and vomiting, by which the patient feels relieved ; total absence of appetite, or morbid craving for particular food; the tenderness of the stomach is so great that the patient cannot even bear the weight of the bed- clothes; the least food provokes a violent attack of vomiting, with discharge of greenish, bitter, or bilious matter, and sometimes even of pure blood, or of dark, bloody-looking matter, or of almost black matter; the bowels are puffed up with flatulency, and the belly is hard, tight, and full; very slimy, even blaick, or quite liquid evacuations of a dark color — or, again, soft evacuations, in any case very offensive, if not perfectly putrid; very loose motions immediately after taking food, or, in other cases, very intractable constipation, with hard, slow, and diffi- cult evacuations, or alternate costiveness and looseness of the bowels; liquid and quite involuntary discharge from the bowels; thick, dark, brown, or bright- yellow and cloudy urine, with gritty or reddish sediment, with constant desire and urging, but very scanty, though frequent, discharge, and much scalding. Breathing. The upper part of the windpipe very susceptible to the touch; sen- sation as if suffocating, especially at night, in a recumbent posture, particularly when the bed-clothes obstruct or even approximate to the nostrils or mouth: the patient cannot bear anything round the throat; dry, short cough, or convulsive cough, as if something required to be cleared away from within the windpipe, but without effect; cough of a suffocative character always after sleeping—or immediately upon lying down, or even during sleep, or coming on.during sleep with a suffocative sensation, which compels the patient to spring from bed, and rush to an open window for air; deep, stifled, hollow, harsh, guttural voice, with habitual hoarseness ; extreme sensation of strangulation in the upper part of the windpipe; great shortness and difficulty of breathing, with an effort to obtain more breath ; attacks of impeded respiration after taking food ; offensive breath; diphtheria ; croup, which comes on or is aggravated after steeping. External Surface. Swelling of the feet and hands, with redness or heat, but LACHESIS. 877 more generally with coldness, purplish, or even blackish hue; small swellings, pimples, warts, or nettle-rash; complexion of a yellowish hue ; eruptions of the nature of itch on the extremities; whitlows at the ends of the fingers; extreme coldness of the extremities, especially of the feet; dry, mealy, itching eruptions, with large, yellow, or bluish-black blisters or blains ; ulcers on different parts without depth, but with a foul, corroding bottom ; hard tumors or abscesses ; dry and intense heat, particularly at night, and especially of the hands and feet; or alternate flushes of heat, and coldness or chills; copious sweat after the heat, or particularly towards morning; cold, clammy sweats; abscess on the heels; much irritation of the arms, upon which pimples appear after scratching; the feet are as cold as ice, and generally covered with clammy sweat; scabs and sore places behind the ears ; angry, unhealthy sores (with other symptoms analogous to those of plague); hollow, drawn, cadaverous, leaden, or pallid face ; red, ting- ling swelling of the face; flush-spots on the cheeks; eruptions of bluish pim- ples or stains upon the face or elsewhere; carbuncles, with purple-colored sur- roundings, and small boils around the circumference; pains in, or bleeding from old wounds. Periodicity. The paiqs and fever-fits have a tendency to return every night, lasting until the morning, or every other night in the same way, or there may be partial diurnal remissions, with a more decided remission on alternate days, or, again, complete intermission of the symptoms during the intervals; the symp- toms generally are worse at night, or are aggravated after sleeping. Pulse and Circulation. Tremulous, intermittent, or scarcely perceptible pulse; or very feeble and quick pulse, or, again, irregular and sinking pulse; violent agitation, and beating, or fluttering, tremulous palpitation of the heart. Nose, Mouth, Tongue, Throat, and Gums. Dry, burning heat, with stuffing in the nose ; constant, dark, thick, or bright-crimson discharge of blood from the nose : scabs in the nostrils ; copious flow of acrid, scalding, limpid fluid from the nose; the interior of the mouth hot, swollen, and dry; the tongue dry, vivid-red, and cracked, or glossy and red, or swollen, dark-brown, or even quite black; profuse flow of saliva in the mouth — drivelling; limited soreness of the throat, or soreness of the throat with swelling, heat, and bright redness of the tonsils, accompanied by soreness at the opening of the windpipe, in the ears, and over the gums ; pricking, or tickling continually felt in the throat; collection of sticky, stringy phlegm in the throat; the throat quite parched; the gums swollen, and extremely tender ; the tongue, mouth, and throat burn and smart, as if from red pepper. Eyes and Ears. The eyes dry and gritty ; very bright, and convulsively fixed or agitated; or yellowish, muddy, and inanimate; the ears intensely dry, with deficiency of ear-wax, and what there is, dry, crusty, and whitish. Pains. Tearing pain and contraction in the joints affected; aggravation or return of pain after sleeping; pains which have a tendency to return at stated periods; acute and dragging pains in the limbs, with a feeling as if contused, on movement; intense headache before the convulsions or before the declaration of the fever-symptoms —in the latter case continuing; aching pains in the bones; keen, drawing, rheumatic pains; pains deep in the brain-; aching, bursting, pressive pain in the head, as if the skull would be rent open; pains in the head upon waking every morning, or towards the close of the day; violent, aching 878 LEDUM PALUSTRE. pains in the teeth (with heaviness of the limbs, headache, and alternate flushing and chills); intense, aching, and tearing pains in the stomach, and burning pain in the throat; aching pains in the bowels, with soreness and tenderness; burn- ing pain in the passage upon passing water, and pressing, forcing pain in the bladder; aching, drawing pains in the small of the back and hips, and cramp- like pains, especially at the menstrual period. Menstruation. Feeble, insufficient, slow menstrual discharge, with much suf- fering ; sufferings of females at the turn of life; labor-like pains during menstru- ation. LEDUM PALUSTRE. External Surface. Hard, knotty swellings, with distension of the skin, heat, and a glossy appearance of the joints, and especially of the knees; swelling and tenderness of the great toe; swellings, with stiffness of the elbow, knee, and finger-joints; dropsical puffing of the skin all over the body, or dropsical swell- ings of the feet and legs; intense heat of the whole body, but particularly of the limbs and joints, when in bed ; pallid and bloated face, or general paleness of the face, with occasional flushing; red eruptions, or dry, scaly, mealy eruptions on the face, with whitish scabs — which, when cast, leave the skin of a fiery red- ness ; very troublesome itching, as if from insects, even under the skin, which provokes the patient almost to lacerate the parts ; sour-smelling sweat; eruption of purple spots or stains on the skin; great flushing of heat and sweating alter- nately; great heat, especially at night — at other times, chiefly deficiency of warmth, or, more particularly, coldness of the limbs, and shivering, with a crawl- ing sensation; gnawing, itching of the scalp and forehead; swelling of the glands under the chin; gnawing, and very intolerable itching, with brownish or reddish spots on the chest, worse when heated — or fine rash on the chest; hot, red swelling of the legs and feet. Breathing. Gulping, gasping for breath ; intense oppression, and tightness of the chest, worse when moving, and attended with difficult, impeded respiration; fatiguing, hollow cough, followed by spitting of bright-colored blood; or, morn- ing cough, with expectoration of thick matter, or of offensive greenish phlegm; or sudden arrest of breath, followed by a violent fit of coughing. Organs of Digestion and Evacuations. Deficiency of appetite, and great thirst, generally attended with nausea, and with great weight in the stomach, after par- taking of the least food, although of the lightest description ; frothy, bloody evacuations, generally preceded by costiveness ; frequent urging to pass water, with deficient discharge, or very copious discharge of limpid urine at short inter- vals (sometimes every hour). Eyes. Scalding flow of tears from the eyes; itching in the corners of the eyes. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. The hearing is obtuse, the sight dull and confused, or affected with the appearance of flashes of light before the eyes; the taste is earthy, insipid, clammy, or bitter; the pupils are expanded; the head swims, especially when the patient attempts to stoop, or goes into the open air; the lower extremities and joints generally, especially those of the thigh and knee, are relaxed and infirm; the knees tremble and knock together; the hands tremble, and the grasp is relaxed and unsteady ; the mind is embarrassed and confused, and the brain appears to undulate. Pains. Pulling, digging, drawing, or shooting pains in the joints; very acute LOBELIA INFLATA — LYCOPODIUM. 879 pains, like those of gout or rheumatism ; shooting, jerking, tearing, or boring pains in one tooth, or in the bones or nerves of the face, especially during the night; heavy and very severe, beating pains in the head, or very oppressive and perfectly stupefying pain over the top of the head ; pains, as of soreness in the soles of the feet; aching pains in the shoulders and elbows ; or darting, cutting, or tearing pains in the arms or shoulders; burning and aching pains in the eyes. LOBELIA INFLATA. Periodicity. The fever-symptoms have a tendency to recur at intervals of twenty-four, forty-eight, or seventy-two hours; but more especially the first, commencing with a partial cold stage, towards noon, and subsiding with profuse perspiration, towards midnight, and succeeded by a perfect intermission during the interval; intermittent fevers, with predominant affection of the chest, and considerable disturbance of digestion, and with extreme lassitude and exhaus- tion. Breathing. Impeded, oppressed, and difficult breathing, with sensation of weight, tightness, and oppression at the chest; or short, hurried, anxious, and interrupted breathing; stifled breath, with efforts to draw more breath; feeling of difficulty of breathing, as if the air-passages were choked up ; the patient can- not hold the breath, and the inspiration is shortened by a sensation as if the lungs were full, which compels the patient to exhale. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Intense nausea, with profuse flow of water in the mouth; shaking hiccough ; weight, as if a mass of lead were in the pit of the stomach; flatulent distension of the belly; soft, woolly, greenish, and loose evacuations, and increased discharge of urine, both in quantity and frequency. Month, Throat, and Tongue. Accumulation of stringy phlegm in the throat, and of water in the mouth; the tongue white, and thickly coated, more particu- larly on one side. Head. Uneasy sensation in the head, with great but obtuse pain in the back and top of the head. Nervous System. Weariness, exhaustion, and excessive languor, with heavi- ness of the limbs, and strong disinclination to move; great depression of spirits, and anxious foreboding. LYCOPODIUM. External Surface. Pallid and livid, or yellowish complexion ; itching of the skin over the whole body, or in particular parts, as soon as the patient becomes warm • ringworm on the face ; pimples and freckles on the face; periodical appear- ance of large boils; eruptions, accompanied with much oozing on the scalp, and emitting an offensive odor; falling off of the hair; yellow hue of the skin on the nape of the neck; repeated attacks of coldness, as if the blood were chilled, or as if the circulation were stagnant; general wasting away of the flesh; sore patches on the skin or oozing and scabby eruptions, attended with great soreness; intense dryness and hardness of the skin ; swelling of the glands of the neck and arm-pits; constant dryness of the hands ; the arms and fingers affected with numbness ; enlargements and stiffness of the joints ; scrofulous swellings or general enlarge- ment of the knee; great predisposition to corns on the feet; the legs become swollen, and exhibit broad patches, which are red and intensely hot; the face is much wrinkled, and prematurely so ; swelling at the pit of the stomach, and 880 LYCOPODIUM. bloating of the bowels; evanescent flushes of heat; sometimes offensive, and sticky night-sweats, chiefly confined, however, to the back and chest; much sweat on the face, easily induced. Nervous System and Senses. The senses of hearing, smell, and sight excessively sensitive; the head swims, and feels heavy and giddy when the patient leans forward; languor, with trembling; melancholy, sad, and whining disposition; anxious apprehensions in the evening, with feor of being alone; frenzy, attended » with lofty aspirations; absence of mind, using one word for another in speaking, and mistaking letter for letter in reading; spasmodic extension and contraction of any one limb, and of the muscles. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. The region of the stomach, about the course of the false ribs, is tightened as if encircled with a band; the appetite is very variable, now absent, now excessive and voracious; immediately after even a light meal, the belly is bloated; great appetite, but a small quantity of food (or drink) satiates, and gives rise to a feeling of fulness and bloatedness; thirst pre- vails at night; there is craving for sweet things, and milk turns sour on the stomach and purges; greasy and acrid, or scalding rising of matter from the stomach ; vomiting of bilious matter, mingled with half-digested food, the first thing in the morning or at night; bitter water-brash; pad-like inflation of one spot in the bowels, chiefly under the ribs, on the right side; rumbling in the intestines, and partial expulsion of flatulency; chronic constipation, sometimes accompanied with urging without evacuation; discharge of gravel or reddish grit with the urine; con- stant urging to pass water, which is discharged in small quantities, — of a deep or yellowish color, and depositing a reddish sediment, —at short intervals ; itching and tightness, or strained sensation in the orifice of the lower bowel. Pains. The affected parts are characterized by dragging, tearing pains, par- ticularly on alternate days, and in windy, damp weather; drawing and tearing pains at night.; aching, gnawing, burning, or shooting pains in the eyes; acute pain in the head, as if a nail were thrust into it; tearing headache in the after- noon or at, night; sudden, catching pains in the teeth when eating, or dull pains (with swelling of the cheek and gums); aching pain in the stomach after every meal; pinching, clawing pains below the ribs on the right side; incisive pains above the navel; constant, dull, aching pain in the chest; shooting pains in the left breast; when moving, pains in the back, or particularly in the small of the back ; cutting or darting pains in the latter part immediately after stooping ; draw- ing and jerking pains in the arms and shoulders ; dislocated pains in the legs, so that the patient cannot stand upon them; pains in the bones of the arms; pressive and aching pains in the liver, especially after eating. Breathing, &c. Constant oppression at the chest, worse in the open air, with palpitation after eating; constant, dry cough ; or obstinate, dry cough at night; or cough after drinking; cough, provoked by drawing a deep breath, and followed by expectoration of copious and greenish, or yellow, glairy, and saltish matter, or of abundant, thick, and curdy matter, sometimes mingled or followed by blood; shortness of breath, with sensation of jerking, smarting, and shaking in the chest; and straining pains in the stomach whilst coughing. Menstruation. Menstrual discharge excessive in quantity, and too long in con- tinuance, with whites during the intervals, and immediately preceded by extreme depression; before the menses, there are, bloatedness of the stomach and belly, chilliness, despondency, and melancholy. MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS. 881 Mouth, Tongue, and Teeth. Bitter or acid taste in the mouth in the morning; dryness of the mouth and tongue, and sometimes also harshness; the tongue habitually coated; dryness of the mouth without thirst, or dryness and burning heat of the tongue at night with much thirst; yellowness of the teeth; offensive odor from the mouth. Nose and Eyes. Dry heat and stuffing of the nose, or acrid flow from the nose; ulceration of the nostrils, and discharge of blood from the nose, induced by the least effort; burning heat of the eyes, at night in particular; the eyes are easily dazzled and irritated, and discharge much water during the day, or exude a thick matter, the lids becoming glued together during the night; the eyes smart upon the least exposure to light, wind, dust, or exertion of sight. Periodicity. Many, in fact, most patients, for whom this medicine is suitable, are worse in the afternoon and early part of the evening (from four to eight o'clock, P. M.), after which amelioration sets in. MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS. External Surface. Restless agitation and twitching of the limbs, attended with continual inclination to change their position; sensation of coldness in the parts affected; inflammatory swellings, attended with great heat,—the glands are swollen and inflamed, and suppurate ; swellings, with inflammation, which sup- purate slowly; perspiration readily provoked and constantly present during the attacks of pain ; crawling sensation of chilliness, especially at night; the skin is of a yellow hue; or it is characterized by the development of eruptions of the nature of itch; eruptions, which are easily provoked to bleed; moist and oozing eruptions, with itching or gnawing, and which form scabs ; ulcers of a spreading, corroding, and destructive nature ; pimples and incrustations, with scaling-off of the scarf-skin; ulceration and decay of the bones; excessive sweats; flushing of heat and chills simultaneously; tenderness and sweating of the scalp; pallid and earthy complexion ; puffiness of the face; cracks and ulcerative sores about the corners of the mouth ; swelling of the cheek; exceeding tenderness of the stomach and of the region of the liver to pressure ; eruptions like that of itch on the hands; dry, itching, mealy, or scabby eruptions on the legs and thighs; burning, scaly eruptions about the wrist and up to the elbow ; enlargement and hardness of the liver; unhealthy condition of the skin, with tendency not to heal, or to develop sores upon the least injury ; suppuration of the breasts and of the glands of the groin; swelling of the glands under the jaw. Pulse and Circulation. Quick, irregular, fitful, or frequent and strong, or feeble, unsteady, and slow pulse; fulness of the blood-vessels, and local determination, — and palpitation of the heart. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. General derangement and weakness of digestion; but constant, craving hunger is felt, or there is excessive nausea, and utter loathing of all food; excessive, burning, and insatiable thirst; noisy belch- ing of flatulency, and sensation of pressure at the pit of the stomach, as from a stone; urgent desire to vomit; the belly is inflated and very tender; costiveness, with considerable but ineffectual urging to evacuate ; diarrhoea; loose discharge, with round or thread-worms; frothy, slimy, and greenish motions ; or acrid and corrosive evacuations of mingled slime and blood; looseness of the bowels from 56 882 MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS. exposure to a chill or to the damp, cold air of night, especially after nnch heat; excessive discharge of urine of a dark-red color, and very offensive; discharge of undigested food at stool, and protrusion of the intestine; putrid, saltish, acid, and slimy taste; dysentery, with straining and burning in the passage. Pains. Bruised pain in all the limbs, with stiffness, particularly in the thighs ; pains in the bones throughout the body ; pains of a drawing, tearing, jerking character, aggravated at night; pains at night (attended with profuse perspiration, which affords no relief); all the sufferings are worse at night; pains of a titillat- ing, itching, burning character in the eyes, particularly upon exposure to the open air; great pain in swallowing (with great desire to swallow the saliva); tearing and distracting pain in the decayed teeth, which also affects the glands of the jaw and beneath the ears, and the temples ; the pain in the face and teeth becomes worse at night, and is aggravated by warmth; great pain (with soreness) of the gums, especially at night; severe jerking, tearing, and shooting pains in the ears, worse at night, and aggravated by warmth; agonizing pains in the bowels, alle- viated by lying down; pain (with swelling) in the instep ; shooting pains in the back of the head; keen, cutting, or shooting pains in the hip, as well as in the shoulders and arms ; shooting pains in the bowels, and smarting pain in the throat; tearing pains in the muscles and bones of the face. Mouth, Throat, Teeth, Tongue, and Gums. The mouth emits an offensive smell, and is characterized by inflammatory swelling; blisters, aphthous vesicles, and ulceration of the interior of the mouth; excessive flow of saliva ; the tongue is hard, swollen, and much inflamed or ulcerated, or moist and covered with thick, tenacious, and whitish phlegm; the throat seems to contain a swelling which obstructs deglutition (with tenderness of the glands under the jaw, near the ears, and of the ears themselves); the throat is excessively dry and raw; the act of swal- lowing is so painful that liquids are forced back through the nostrils; the uvula is enlarged, and the tonsils are ulcerated; the teeth feels as if loosened or shat- tered, or they are on edge; the gums are swollen, white, livid, ulcerated, or de- tached from the teeth, and very sore. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. The eyes are extremely sensitive of light, and represent sparkling appearances before them ; the margins of the eyelids are ulcerated, and surrounded with scurfy incrustations; there is excessive flow of acrid tears; the bones of the nose are swollen; there is excessive flow of thin, watery, corroding fluid from the nostrils, or bleeding at the nose; inflammation and swelling of the interior of the ears, with thick discharge of matter. Menstruation. Excessive menstrual discharge (attended with colicky pains and great anguish). Breathing. Shortness of breath on ascending stairs; dry, fatiguing, and rack- ing cough, as if the chest (and head) would split. Nervous System. Great and rapid exhaustion and loss of strength, attended with indescribable inconvenience and discomfort; refractory, melancholy, and quarrelsome disposition. MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS. Organs of Digestion and Evacuations. Excessive, coiling, gnawing pains in the bowels, with incessant urging to stool, and cutting pains and agonizing straining at Btool; discharge of intolerably offensive, generally very scanty brown or green MOSCHUS — NATRUM CARBONICUM. 883 or gelatinous and bloody evacuations, or slimy evacuations mixed with clots of blood; or discharge of thin, watery blood, instead of urine — or afterwards of thick, bloody matter, with intolerable burning and shooting pain in the passage — or, again, incessant straining to stool, and straining without discharge; excessive and insatiable thirst; dysentery, with predominant discharge of blood, straining, burning, and scanty or suppressed urine. External Surface. Shivering every time the patient moves; sensation of general coldness, or of coldness in the head, with stone-cold feet; the lips are swollen, or the upper lip, besides being swollen, is turned upwards, and the features are otherwise distorted ; the belly is intensely tight, painful, and tender of the slightest touch. MOSCHUS. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Spasms in the chest (with suffocation); convulsions and clenching of the teeth; convulsive agitation of the hands and fingers; violent trembling of the legs when the patient sits down after much ex- ertion ; constant agitation of the legs; loss of muscular power in the extremities ; general or local jerkings or trembling; giddiness, terminating in a fainting-fit, particularly in the evening or at night, or even in the open air; loss of muscular power, particularly perceptible during rest; intense excitability and sleepless- ness throughout the night; drowsiness, or even lethargy, during the day, with yawning; exciting dreams ; much complaint of suffering, without knowing where ; agitation, with weakness of the hands and loss of grasp; crackling, or roaring noises in the ears; vacant fixedness of the eyes, with vivid brightness; sudden cloudiness of sight; hysteria ; fainting ; disposition to scold. Breathing. Sudden attacks of strangulation or of suffocative sensation, with spasmodic tightness of the windpipe and chest; oppressed, difficult, and short breath, as if some one prevented the expansion of the chest; spasms of the open- ing of the windpipe. Pulse and Circulation. Small, quick, and frequent pulse, or full and hard pulse, with oppressive palpitation of the heart, and determination of blood to the head or chest, and womb. NATRUM CARBONICUM. External Surface. Excessive tendency to take cold on the least exposure, or without apparent cause; yellow rings upon the skin; perforating, gnawing dis- eases of the skin (as in leprosy) ; eruption of dry, scaly, mealy, or moist and itching patches on the belly ; soreness over the back; swelling of the feet, or more particularly of the soles of the feet; fissures between and under the toes, and ulcers on the heel; the skin constantly dry and harsh; hard, callous, scaly, or horny excrescences on the skin, cracked in various directions; sometimes there may be general coldness of the body, with continual oozing of clammy perspira- tion ; the hands and feet are usually, if not habitually, cold; blistering of the tips of the toes; stiff neck ; enlargement of the glands of the neck; swelling and dis- tension of the belly ; extreme tenderness of the stomach to the touch ; peeling off of the skin from the tip and bridge of the nose; pallid complexion, with general loss of flesh and bloatedness of the face, or sometimes heat, puffing, and redness of the face, or pallor, with blue rings round the eyes; swelling and inflammation 884 NATRUM MURIATICUM. of the legs, with numerous ulcers; shortening of the tendons; crooked and un- natural positions of the limbs; profuse sweat after the least motion. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Excessively alive to noise, or affected with obtuse hearing; continual debility; the patient prefers being alone, but is in- tensely depressed, startled at trifles, and exceedingly and constantly anxious ; vivid dreams during the night; the sleep is retarded at night, but is protracted and heavy in the morning, and the patient continues heavy and drowsy during the day; dread of going into the open air; instability of the body, with sensations of crawling in the muscles, and excessive susceptibility to be strained by the least exertion; the head is confused and embarrassed. Pains. Periodical tearing pains in the forehead ; aching pain, with giddiness, induced by exposure to the sun; habitual tendency to aching of the teeth ; ach- ing pains in the shoulders; aching, heavy pain in the stomach after every meal; (breaking out of perspiration and attacks of trembling whilst the pains last;) shooting pains below the ribs on the left side; aching or shooting pain in the chest. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Prevailing thirst; sinking at the stomach, with sensation of emptiness in the morning, and ravenous hunger; habitual squeamishness and sickness at the stomach; constant bitterish taste in the mouth; partial and incomplete evacuations; continual urging to pass water, whether in the night or during the day, with increased discharge of very hot and scalding urine. Pulse and Circulation. Small, feeble, and irritable pulse — or hard, contracted pulse, with violent agitation, and beating of the heart. Menstruation. The menstrual discharge occurs before the proper time, and is accompanied with intolerable forcing and bearing-down, as if the contents of the belly would fall through. Breathing. Constant shortness of breath, and cough, with expectoration of greenish and saltish matter. Nose and Eyes. Habitual cold in the head, with greenish, thick discharge, or periodical discharge from the nose ; ulceration of the transparent part of the globe of the eye, or of the corner of the eye; constant blinking and habitual heat, redness, and swelling of the eyelids, with heat, soreness, and smarting of the eyes. NATRUM MURIATICUM. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Constant weight at the stomach ; incessant thirst; absence of appetite, and intense repugnance to fat food ; the belly puffed up with accumulation of flatulency ; noisy gurgling and grumbling of flatulency in the intestines ; habitual diarrhoea and constipation; continual efforts to relieve the bowels without effect; burning sensation during and after stool; discharge of slimy matter after urine; predominant discharge of urine at night, or spon- taneous discharge; constant heartburn or water-brash; and sometimes voracious hunger; the food is thrown off the stomach. Menstruation. The menstrual discharge takes place too soon, and is very copious, or is delayed and scanty ; or, again, it is entirely suppressed; whites during the intervals; (gloomy and depressed spirits during menstruation, sullen temper before, and headache immediately preceding, and continuing until after the cessation of the discharge.) NATRUM MURIATICUM. 885 Nervous System. Weakness and heaviness of the arms and legs; the sleep is Jisturbed or is interrupted, and the patient cannot fall asleep again, or is totally anable to sleep during the night, and is drowsy during the day; the hearing is obtuse, and black spots, or minute, bright sparks seem to flicker before the eyes; the patient tries to fix the attention, but without success; gloomy forebodings: habitual melancholy or extreme irritability ; there is constantly a ringing in the ears, and embarrassment in the brain; the patient feels exhausted after talking, or much affected by disappointment; general debility and relaxation of physical as well as of moral vigor ; spasmodic closing of the eyelids. External Surface. Eruption of pimples with intense irritation on the face, or dry, scaly, or oozing eruptions about the mouth ; dirty, sallow, swarthy, or pallid complexion; the lips are swollen; great scurfiness of the head and falling off of the hair; deficiency of natural heat, and predominant shivering; copious per- spiration on the least exertion, or in the morning; general loss of flesh; soreness and tenderness of the limbs; shooting, boring, and burning pains in the corns (to which the patient is very subject); scaly, mealy, or moist and itching erup- tions on the hams; habitual eoldness of the feet, with occasional burning heat, and swelling ; the finger-nails are faulty, and the skin becomes cracked around them ; warts grow out of the palms of the hands; sweating of the hands ; swell- ing of the glands under the jaw. Pains. Shooting or hammering pains in the forehead, or bursting headache (to which the patient is exceedingly subject) ; pains all over the body in the morning, as if .bruised and fatigued ; pains shooting through the head from side to side or through the ears; throbbing pains in the cheek-bones when eating ; shooting or cutting pains in the region of the liver or spleen ; cutting or pricking pains in the bowels everyday; shooting pains through the chest; halting pain in the hip, as if the joint were ajar ; halting pain in the small of the back, as if it had sustained a severe blow ; aching pains in the back at night; tearing, jerking pains across the hips. Pulse and Circulation. Violent and distressing agitation and beating of the heart when the patient lies on one side, or attempts sudden exertion, with habit- ual irregularity of pulse. Gums and Teeth. The gums are swollen and ulcerated, or perforated by fistulous tubes; inflammation with gangrenous tendency in the gums; hot or cold food or drink causes much suffering from the soreness of the gums, which bleed on the least touch; the teeth feel on edge or loose when touched, or there is a drawing sensation in them when exposed to cold air (inhaled through them); the teeth are loose and much decayed. Fever. In the febrile paroxysms, chill predominates; internal chilliness, with icy coldness of the hands and feet; flushes of heat, with violent headache ; great thirst during the febrile attacks; profuse and exhausting perspiration; inter- mittent fever, particularly if previously treated with large doses of quinine; the paroxysms usually commence in the morning, with chill and headache, after- wards heat with thirst, followed by gradually appearing sweats ; blueness of the nails and chattering of the teeth during the chilly stage ; the first sensation of chilliness sometimes commences in the feet. Eyes and Ears. Profuse watering of the eyes; corroding fluid flows from the 886 NrTX MOSCHATA — NUX VOMICA. eyes; the eyes and eyelids are inflamed, and the lids glued up at night; dis- charge of matter from the ears. Nose. The nose is swollen and sore on one side; obstinate stuffing with dry heat of the nose; constant, short, interrupted sneezing; dulness or loss of smell; habitual watery discharge from the nose; soreness of the nostrils inside. NUX MOSCHATA. Menstruation, &c. Irregular menstruation, sometimes anticipating the proper time; the menstrual discharge is dark and thin; pain in the small of the back, great weakness and faint feeling, pressure in the stomach, and water-brash, pre- cede and accompany the menstrual period; suppression of the menstrual flow by cold, or by getting wet; the menses are absent, with disposition to faint and fainting, dulness of the head and vertigo, and intolerable and irresistible drowsi- ness ; hysterical paroxysms. Pains. Drawing in the muscles of the neck; pain in the small of the back, as if broken or bruised; pain in the knee as if sprained, particularly in ascending; weakness and tottering of the lower limbs ; great soreness of the parts upon which the patient lies; rheumatic pains incident to exposure to cold damp air; wandering pains, attacking only a small spot and lasting but a short time, but returning frequently; cutting pains in the belly, and Screwing pain around the navel; sticking pains in the teeth, relieved by the application of warmth; sting- ing and tearing in the teeth, extending to the ears and temples, aggravated by touching the teeth, and by inhaling the cold air ; stinging pains in the right ear. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Very changeable disposition; hysteria, with sudden-changing disposition, great drowsiness and disposition to faint; very irresolute; absence of mind; vanishing of thoughts while reading, disposition to go to sleep; great inclination to laugh at everything, especially in the open air, hysterical laughter ; vertigo; giddiness as from intoxication, with delirium, or insensibility; reeling and staggering while walking in the open air ; fainting, with palpitation of the heart, followed by sleep ; sensation as if the brain were loose, on shaking the head; illusions of vision, near objects appear far off; great drowsiness, and disposition to faint. NUX VOMICA. Organs of Digestion and Evacuations. General derangement of digestion, with sour taste whenever one has eaten anything; foul taste in the mouth, and tight- ness round the waist and upper part of the stomach, with sensation as if the clothes were painfully tight; the muscles of the stomach feel as if bruised; cos- tiveness, conveying the idea of constriction of the lower bowel, and attended with fruitless urging; constant risings in the throat, of a bitter or sour taste; hic- cough; the pit of the stomach is painfully sensitive to the touch; nausea, and inclination to vomit; retching; vomiting of bile, phlegm, sour matter, or undi- gested food; the vomiting is most prevalent in the morning, at night, or after eating (the vomiting is often attended with headache, cramps, anxiety, and trem- ulous debility); obstinate constipation, or alternate constipation and diarrhoea — the motions in each case being imperfect and insufficient; large, hard motions, or frequent evacuations, composed of slime and froth, and attended with urging; dysentery, dysenteric evacuations, with cutting pains in the region of the navel, NUX VOMICA. 887 pressing and straining on the lower bowel, and evacuations mixed with bloody mucus ; the posterior passage is very painful; great tenderness of the pile swell- ings ; protrusion of the lower intestine, and piles; soreness of the bowels; sensation as if something alive were moving in the intestines; dragging sensation about the groins, as if rupture were imminent; urging to pass water without effect, or with drop-discharge attended with great suffering, and burning in the neck of the bladder, and thence downwards ; sensation of qualmishness, chiefly after eating, or at night (attended with weakness and anxiety); dark-colored, red urine, depositing a sediment like brick-dust. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Buzzing and tinkling sounds in the ears; the sleep is disturbed by constant frightful, or anxious dreams (and followed in the morning by continued pain in the limbs, lassitude, disposition to remain lying, and to stretch one's self); inclination to sleep in the morning, after meals, or in the evening; heat, sleeplessness, and agitation, with crowding of thoughts, at night; goes to sleep late, wakes about 3 a.m., and lies awake for along time afterwards, then falls into a deep sleep, full of dreams, awaking with tired and unrefreshed feeling; the patient is quickly wearied by mental labor; and there is a sensation of heaviness and intense pressure in the head, as if it would burst out, with confusion of ideas, and giddiness; spasmodic rigidity, heaviness, lassi- tude and prostrated debility of the limbs; spasmodic sensation in the muscles, as if something were moving in them ; trembling of the limbs, with fluttering of the heart, and tremulous debility; paroxysms of spasms, and convulsions; lan- guor, lassitude, and dread of physical exertion; nervous debility, and acute ner- vous sensibility ; great sensitiveness to noise, light, conversation, or smell; par- ticular dread of the open air ; aggravation, particularly of the nervous symptoms, by watching or mental labor ; or by coffee, wine, or tobacco ; general exacerbation in the morning ; the eyes are particularly tender of exposure to light, especially in the morning; the disposition is vehement, malicious, melancholy, and anx- ious, with anguish; peevishness, ill-humor, vexed mood; numbness of the parts affected; feeling of oscillation in the brain; sometimes violent delirium, or low muttering delirium, when headache is usually a very prominent symp- tom. Pains. Pains like those of rheumatism, particularly in the muscles of the back, small of the back, loins, and chest; shooting pains through the whole body; pricking, wrenching pains in the joints, exacerbated upon changes of weather; pains, such as those of contusion in the limbs and joints, especially while moving, or after motion, or in bed ; tearing, jerking, drawing pains in the head — or pains in the head, as-if a nail were thrust in; agonizing pain, chiefly in the hollow teeth, aggravated at night, after eating, or by hot or cold drinks; smarting, burn- ing pains in the eyes ; drawing, tearing pains in the muscles of the face — or jerk- ing, piercing pains in the jaws and teeth, extending to the head, ears, and cheek- bones; piercing, beating pains in the ears; cramp-like, clawing pains in the stomach ; colicky pains, with flatulency; clawing pains in the belly (particularly at the menstrual period); aching pain, as if something were lodged in the kidney (the patient being compelled to lie on the back); great pain during discharge of urine; pains (with swelling) in the knee; cramp-like, clawing, and bearing- down pains in the womb ; sensation in the small of the back as if lame ; the hands and arms go to sleep and feel dead; numbness and stiffness of the legs, they feel 888 OPIUM. as if paralyzed; cramps in the calves of the legs, particularly at night; jerking pains, like electric shocks, through the limbs. Pulse and Circulation. Determination of blood to the head, and to the womb; full, hard, quick, and frequent pulse — or quick and feeble, or sometimes even intermittent pulse; small, wiry pulse; attacks of palpitation of the heart (with trembling). External Surface. Livid, sickly, pale, or yellowish complexion, especially around the mouth and nose, with bluish ring around the eyes; dirty, pallid, and yellowish, or sallow hue of the skin all over the body; soreness and irritation of the scalp, the hair seeming to be pulled.on the least touch; complete yellow suffu- sion of the skin; purplish patches on the skin: chills over the whole surface, with shivering, principally upon moving, at night, in the morning, or after eat- ing; predominant heat at night; rigors affecting the back and extremities espe- cially ; peeling of the lips; chilblains on the hands and feet; hollowness of the eyes; swelling and redness, with dark spots on the legs; swelling of the knee; inflammatory swelling of the glands beneath the ears. Periodicity, The attacks of fever-symptoms are exacerbated or re-developed chiefly at intervals of twenty-four or forty-eight hours, with partial remissions in the intervening time, or with complete intermission and subsidence of all the symp- toms during the interval. In the case of partial remissions there is commonly an imperfect alleviation every morning, with a more decided remission every other day — that is, a better and worse day. In the case of intermitting disorders, the attacks usually set in in the morning, but sometimes also in the evening. Mouth, Tongue, Gums, Nose, and Eyes. The mouth emits foul odors, particu- larly after eating, or before any meal in the morning; the tongue is white, coated, and slimy — or dry, cracked, and brownish, with blood-red edges; predominant sour or bitter taste, or tastelessness of all food taken ; the gums are swollen, sore, painful, and putrid; the nose is stuffed at night, but there is usually a thin, watery, and excoriating discharge in the morning or during the day — or, again, complete stoppage of the nose; the eyes are suffused with a yellow hue, or the eyes and eyelids are red and inflamed, — the corners being particularly hot and red, and charged with matter; sometimes there is oozing of blood from the eyes; generally gluing of the lids at night. Menstruation. The menstrual discharge is excessive, and of too long duration, and is usually accompanied with general derangement of digestion (nausea and sickness in the morning, and pinching, clawing, cramp-like, or bearing-down pains). Breathing. Alternately slow and hurried breathing, with whistling sound ; dry cough (attended with vomiting of.phlegm) ; tightness across the chest, such as that which characterizes asthma, and occasionally determination of blood to the chest, and palpitation; dry, tickling cough, aggravated by talking, reading, or by mental exertion ; dry cough, with pain in the head as if it would burst, or with great soreness in the upper part of the belly; the cough is usually worse in the morning; hollow, barking cough, caused by a tickling in the throat. OPIUM. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Total absence of pain or sensation, and complete torpor; torpidity and complete prostration of the nervous system gen- PETROLEUM. 889 erally, and absence of susceptibility to medicinal action; jerking of the limbs, with general coldness; convulsions of the nature of epilepsy; apparent lifeless- ness, the patient lying prostrate, motionless, and not feeling anything; tremulous state of the whole body; absolute muscular rigidity of the entire frame, or of particular parts; violent trembling of the arms and hands; the body is rigidly bent backwards ; sudden jerking of the arms and legs; heavy lethargic sleep (with thick, noisy, slow, intermittent respiration); twitchings of the muscles about the mouth, the mouth and eyes being open; heavy drowsiness, with incapability of sleeping; total absence of consciousness or sensation; fits of giddiness; fixed, glaring, half-closed, protruding, and convulsed eyes; motionless and dilated pupils; stupid, vacant, and inanimate expression, all the muscles of the face seeming to be relaxed; the tongue paralyzed and motionless; the mouth convul- sively distorted; the throat convulsively closed, and the act of swallowing impos- sible (involuntary discharge from the bowels); picking at the bed-clothes; wan- dering delirium. Pulse and Circulation. Violent throbbing of the arteries of the head and neck, and swelling of the veins of the neck and arms; full and slow pulse, or sometimes hard, quick pulse, or in other cases, again, intermitting pulse. External Surface. Pallid, dark-red, bluish, or bloated face, or paleness, with red spots on the cheeks; intense heat of the surface (when the pulse is quick and hard), accompanied or followed by hot sweat, or coldness of the whole body, but particularly of the feet and legs, and sometimes also of the arms and hands. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Vomiting of excremental matter and urine, flatulent distension of the stomach; (great pain in the stomach during the vomit;) sensation of intense weight at the stomach; constipation and obstinate costiveness ; hard, lumpy, offensive, and black motions; or very dark, offensive, liquid, and unconscious discharge from the bowels; suppression of urine; intense thirst; dark, reddish-brown, very scanty urine, with much brownish-red sediment. Breathing. Difficult, or thick, snoring, and obstructed breathing ; tightness of the ckest, and cough in the act of swallowing, attended with suspension or interruption of breath (blue, livid suffusion of the face); constant rattling and hoarse breathing, as if the air-passages were choked with phlegm; croaking breath ; spitting of blood after coughing; low, weak, and inaudible voice. Mouth, Throat, and Tongue. The mouth and throat perfectly dry and parched, and the throat sometimes swollen; the tongue parched and very dark, sometimes quite black. PETROLEUM. External Surface. Itching, burning, pustular elevations on the skin; intract- able ulcers, with oozing discharge and intense irritation in different parts ; ulcers on the toes, with raised edges, emitting a thin, scanty discharge, and exhibiting a deep red centre ; chapping of the hands, with oozing of blood; habitual coldness of the feet; predisposition to chilblains on the feet and hands, attended with purplish hue and intense irritation; warts on the hands, and corns on the sides of the feet and on most of the toes, and even under the toe-nails; pallid, dirty, sallow, or yellowish complexion, and enlargement of the glands under the jaw ; dropsical swelling of the scalp; general wasting of the flesh; oozing, scabby eruptions or pimples amongst the hair, and dropping off of the hair; itching, 890 PHOSPHORUS. oozing eruptions on the nape of the neck, chest, knees, and ankles; great itching and irritation of the skin when heated; flushes of heat after the least exertion; diseased conditions of the skin, characterized by cracks and fissures, which bleed readily. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. General derangement of the stomach, with want of appetite — or voracious and insatiable appetite from time to time, gener- ally, however, attended with slimy, insipid, or putrid taste in the mouth, and characterized by noisy, flatulent eructations; weight and oppression at. the stom- ach ; water-brash; inclination to vomit; reeling, giddiness, and darkening of sight, with faintness and sinking after every meal; sickness at the stomach, and giddiness whenever the patient rides in a carriage — or these symptoms induced by such condition; great flow of water in the mouth with the sickness; disten- sion or sensation of sinking and emptiness in the stomach and bowels; scanty, detached, lumpy, hard motions — or loose, frothy, slimy stools, sometimes mingled with blood and followed by a burning sensation — or discharge from the bowels at short, intervals during the day; frequent discharge of dark, scanty, and offensive urine, or discharge of urine during sleep. Menstruation. Gelatinous or acrid and corrosive oozing in the intervals, and constant itching of the parts; menstruation occurring before the proper time. Eyes. Habitual watering of the eyes, with symptoms such as those of fistula lachrymalis; chronic inflammation of the eyes and eyelids, and swelling of the glands at the inner corner of the eyes; sparkling before the eyes, and constant itching or smarting; mistiness of sight, as if the patient were looking through gauze. Ears, Occasional or protracted discharge of matter from the ears, sometimes streaked with blood ; oozing eruption, with rawness and redness behind the ears and excessive dryness within the ears; red, itching, and scabby eruptions on the ears; rolling or ringing sounds, or roaring in the ears with constant deafness. Nose, Mouth, Teeth, and Tongue. The nostrils constantly dry or stopped up; tendency to discharges of blood from the nose; the mouth very dry or filled with frothy spittle, or stringy phlegm in the mouth and throat; the toffgue cov- ered with a white coating; the teeth seem to sink into the jaw when closed; the gums swollen and tender. Pains. Aching or drawing pains in the back and small of the back ; throbbing headache, aggravated by thinking, and generally exacerbated by any excitement, towards night (after exercise), or occurring only in the morning and before a meal; drawing pains in the thighs, arms, and fingers, and tearing pains in the hands; burning, shooting pains in the heel; contractive, jerking pain in the ears; dull pain in the belly soon after eating; aching pain in the stomach; pinching, incisive, colicky pains (with relaxed motions) in the bowels. Disposition. Fearful, extremely depressed, or very violent and imperious; extreme difficulty of understanding the simplest things; the patient suddenly forgets what he was thinking about a few instants before, and fails to collect and concentrate the reflective faculties. PHOSPHORUS. Pulse and Circulation. The pulse is generally quick, hard, and wiry, sometimes very feeble and barely perceptible, and the patient suffers from attacks of violent PHOSPHORUS. 891 beating of the heart,,with extreme anguish; determination of blood to various organs, or tendency to discharges of blood. Breathing, Chest, &c. Difficulty of breathing, with sensation of anguish in the chest; sensation of pressure, fulness, and extreme tightness, with determination of blood to the chest.; dry cough during the day ; habitual hoarseness, or even total loss of voice; great accumulation of phlegm on the chest; cough with expectoration of phlegm, or even flaky, curdy, stringy matter streaked with blood; constant sensation of tickling in the chest, which provokes a short, dry, barking cough, resulting in expectoration of saltish phlegm — or sensation as if the inside of the chest were raw, or would burst, with hoarseness ; cough excited by talking, reading aloud, or laughing, or by an irritative sensation infthe pit of the stomach ; the windpipe is so painful that talking is dreaded; cough, with expectoration of tough, rust-colored, and blood-streaked phlegm. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Desire for delicacies and cooling drinks; weakness and slowness of digestion, or imperfect digestion ; frequent eructations, with a sensation as if the upper part of the stomach were filled with air; sore- ness of the stomach when touched and when moving; frequent, soft, pap-like discharge from the bowels; slimy, bloody, or undigested motions; continued relaxation of the bowels; discharge of blood during stool; involuntary evacua- tions from the bowels; burning sensation in the stomach and bowels; copious discharge of watery, colorless urine ; belching of flatulency, with or without sour rising, after eating; acrid risings from the stomach; extreme sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach; ravenous hunger, unallayed by eating, and continuing during the night; sensation of sinking and emptiness in the belly; vomiting of bile; occa- sionally costiveness, and often piles, which bleed easily. External Surface. Soreness of the joints, especially of the knees; tremulous condition; wasting away of the flesh, with peculiar attenuation of the hands; copious discharges of blood from inconsiderable wounds; lymphatic abscesses in various parts, distinguishable by being perforated in all directions by fistulous tubes; tubercular formations (either in structures subjacent to the external sur- face or internal organs); hectic fever ; evanescent flushing of heat; predominant heat at night; habitual coldness of the limbs; tingling in the skin; shedding of the hair; wan, pallid countenance, with dirty complexion, and eyes deep-set and hollow, and surrounded by a blue ring ; alternate paleness and redness of the face, or patchy flushing of one or both cheeks; pinched, sharp, and pointed fea- tures; bloatedness about the eyes; tendency to sweating in the morning, some- times profuse and exhausting; tightness of the skin over the face, or on one side of the face ; bluish color of the lips; numbness of the extremities of the fingers ; coldness of the feet, and great soreness of the soles of the feet, as if blistered or raw when walking; trembling of the hands and arms, and swelling of the hands; abscess of the breasts, with burning and stinging pains, bluish color of the breasts, and fistulous openings; great heat in the hands; mealy or scurfy erup- tions on the arms —or scabby eruption of oozing pimples on the face or amongst the hair; yellowish or brownish patches upon the skin ; large boils on the belly. Nervous System, Brain, &c. The body generally is oppressed with a sense of languor, want of motive-power, indolence, and nervous debility; sudden prostra- tion of strength; weariness, attended with hysterical irritability; the open air is insufferable ; local paralysis, with the crawling or tingling sensation peculiarly 892 PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. indicative of wasting vitality; the senses are acutely sensitive, and the sensitive- ness is attended with a disposition to be easily startled ; giddiness and dizziness; giddiness chiefly in the morning, in the evening, and when in bed; giddiness, with confusion of ideas — with melancholy despair, buzzing in the head (nausea, oppression of the head, and heat); determination of blood to the head ; the sleep is unrefreshing, and the patient lies awake and very restless for a long time with- out falling asleep; disposition to sleep in the daytime, and wakefulness at night; or the sleep is restless and agitated, disturbed by anxious dreams, and seems, upon waking, to have been insufficient; dread of light; extreme tenderness of light. Pains. Darting pains in the chest, particularly on the left side; aching pain in the head in the morning; clawing pains in the bowels, with flatulency; aching pain in the pit of the stomach; acute pain in the stomach, induced by pressure or contact; very severe pains in the stomach, alleviated by drinking cold water; burning pain, with extreme tenderness all over the belly; nipping, cramp-like, contractive pains in the bowels; wrenching and shooting pains, like those of rheumatism or gout, after taking cold, and worse or present only at night, when in bed; pains which have a tendency to return, or to appear upon changes of weather. Eyes. Sensation as of sand in the eyes; inflammation (heat and redness) of the eyes; copious flow of tears, or watering of the eyes, upon exposure to the open air; difficulty of opening the eyelids in the morning; sudden loss of sight in the daylight; burning sensation in the eyes, or very keen smarting. Nose, Mouth, Tongue, and Throat. The nose is readily provoked to bleed ; keen susceptibility of smell; stuffing, with continual dryness and heat, as well as sore- ness in the nostrils; discharge of blood in blowing the nose ; oozing and scabs, or crusts in the nose; soreness of the mouth; the mouth is excessively dry, or overcharged with saliva; sliminess of the mouth ; the tongue is dry and white, or loaded with sticky, stringy phlegm; harshness, or burning sensation in the tongue; the throat is painfully dry and harsh; phlegm is dislodged from the throat, and cast up in the morning with an effort. PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Bruised and sore feeling at the pit of the Btomach ; gulping up of a sour fluid from the stomach ; sick feeling in the stomach, followed by nausea, and vomiting of greenish, watery mucus, or of bile, or even of blood; soreness and pain in the right side, beneath and below the lower ribs (particularly in women, during pregnancy); constipation, the evacuations being hard and dry — or evacuations which are mixed with mucus, and accompanied by straining; soreness, ulceration, or fissures of the posterior passage ; pains in the region of the bladder before aud during the passage of urine ; violent urging to urinate ; copious emissions of urine at night; urine of a dark-red color, and leaving a stain on the vessel of a mahogany color. Mouth and Throat. Accumulation of large quantities of watery saliva in the mouth — or of saliva which has a yellowish hue and a metallic taste; rough feel- ing of the tongue; blisters on the tongue, or great redness of the tip of the tongue; pain at the root of the tongue on swallowing; sensation of dryness in the throat and posterior parts of the mouth; sensation as though a lump were in PLATINA. 893 the throat, causing a^continuous desire to swallow; the throat feels rough and raw ; the throat, feels dry and sore, especially on swallowing; inflammation of the throat, which has a dark or dusky-red hue, and is swollen; inflammation and enlargement of the tonsils ; frequent hawking, to rid the throat of mucus. General Symptoms. Great lassitude and tired feeling, with desire to lie down; pains in the bones, of a rheumatic character, particularly in persons who have suffered from syphilis, or from large doses Of mercury; vertigo, with dimness of vision ; steady aching pain in the forehead ; headache, with sickness of the stomach, from walking; the menstrual flow is too profuse, and occurs too fre- quently ; inflammation, swelling, and suppuration of the breasts, in nursing women. PLATINA. The Womb and its Dependencies. Excessive menstrual discharges occurring before the proper time; excessive sensitiveness of the region of the womb, &c.; pressive sensation of weight and fulness (with determination of blood) in the womb; protracted and excessive menstrual discharge; premature labor-pains in the last months of pregnancy — or bearing-down and forcing throes, with immi- nent miscarriage at any period of pregnancy; flooding, with discharge of dark, purple blood, sometimes very thick ; hardness of the womb to the touch. Pains. Bearing-down, or forcing pains, or insufferable headache (during the menstrual period); digging, boring, thrusting pains in the head, teeth, and ears; cramp-like, pinching pains in the head, pit of the stomach, and bowels; aching, dull, pressive pains in the chest, or shooting pains'on either side of the chest; cramp-like pains in the loins, feet, toes, and thighs; throbbing, aching pains in the fingers ; dull, shooting pains in the sides of the chest; digging, boring, throbbing pains in the jaws; aching pains in the stomach, especially after eating; spas- modic pain round the cavity of the eyes, and aching pain in the-eyes themselves; pains, whether in the head or chest, which grow gradually worse, or which come on by fits,—each attack being worse than the preceding, until the suffering is unbearable, and which then subside in the same way. Nervous System, &c. Sensation of numbness in various parts; attacks of ex- treme despondency, with crying, in spite of one's self, and without assignable cause; pride, and haughtiness of disposition; torpid feeling in the head; evanes- cent fits of giddiness ; the skin at the top of the head feels too tight; the patient suddenly wakee during the night, and does not know where she is; buzzing noises in the head, and rolling in the ears ; illusions of sight; diminutiveness of ob- jects ; numbness of one side of the face; strong desires and longings; languor and weariness of the legs and feet; paralytic feeling about the thighs and knees. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Shuddering and sinking sensation when at stool, or after a motion ; utter loss of appetite; or greediness, with bolting of the food; the patient feels very hungry, but is glutted after tasting food; incessant sickness at, the stomach, with depression, anxiety, and languor ; thick, cloudy urine, depositing a reddish sediment — or dark-colored urine, with fleecy matter floating in it. Breathing. Hurried, short, and impeded breath; extreme tightness of the chest, with short breath (and palpitation of the heart); sometimes croaking, or, again, very feeble voice, or total loss of voice, — the patient speaking only in whispers. 894 PLUMBUM METALLICUM. PLUMBUM METALLICUM. Organs of Digestion and Evacuations. Total loss of appetite, or appetite which becomes voracious shortly after eating; vomiting of long continuance, with dis- charge of bilious, greenish, yellowish, or even very dark and blackish matters; rising of watery, sour, or sweetish matters from the stomach ; excremental vomit- ing ; throbbing or burning sensation in the belly ; loud rumbling of the intestines, with repeated pad-like inflation, and with occasional expulsion of very hot and putrid flatulency; constant want to relieve the bowels without effect, and very inveterate and long-continued constipation; or protracted looseness, with very offensive yellow or bloody stools — or hard, sticky, lumpy motions, expelled only ■ with great effort, and covered with glairy slime; urging and straining to pass water, with total suppression, or drop-discharge of urine. Breath. Oppressed, short, gasping, panting, anxious, and hurried breathing, or very difficult breathing; spasmodic attacks, with arrest of breath; rough, harsh, croaking voice, or loss of voice ; lumpy, stringy, sticky, yellowish, greenish, or transparent expectoration, in large quantities; cough, followed by spitting of blood, or of thick, curdy matter — or dry coughj with convulsive effort. Tongue. Yellowish, greenish, and furred tongue, or dry, brownish, and cracked tongue. External Surface. Sunken, cadaverous, pallid, or yellowish complexion and features; greasy glossiness of the skin, or puffed and bloated, dirty, sallow face; scaling off of the lips; yellowish or livid hue of the skin ; ulcerations on the surface, with unhealthy, livid appearance — or brownish patches on the skin; occasional, but rare, and evanescent flushing; constant coldness; shivering, and clammy, offensive sweat; offensive sweat on the feet; intense dry harshness of the hair; all the eyelashes fall out; the hair falls off from the head and face; the feet swell; the fingers exhibit circumscribed swellings, with redness or purplish hue; the spine and toes are distorted. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Deep drowsiness or absolute lethargy; jerking of the limbs during sleep; the fingers are paralyzed and stiff; the feet feel as if dead when put to the ground ; the thighs and feet, and the joints of the feet, hands, and hips are paralytically affected, and give way; the feet, and even the legs, are numbed and insensible ; there is want of muscular power in the gullet to effect the act of swallowing, or there may be spasmodic«tightness of the throat, or a sensation of a lump rising in the throat; the sense of smell is either suspended, or an offensive smell seems to be emitted by everything; the jaws suddenly become rigid, the eyelids spasmodically closed, and the eyes distorted; the eyelids hang down from palsy of the muscles, and the pupils are contracted ; the head swims or spins, and fainting fits ensue; furious delirium; taciturnity and deep despondency, with general disgust of life; the sight is imperfect or lost; the hearing extremely acute in general, but sometimes lost, or more fre- quently dull. Pains. Intolerable pains in the stomach; incisive,burning pains; pinching or clawing pains, or pains which pierce the body, emanating from the pit of the stomach ; extremely violent, clawing pains, with gathering-in of the navel; insup- portable clawing, cramp-like pains in the bowels, as if they were drawn together at the navel; piercing pain in the head and ears, or boring, tearing pains in the PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM — PULSATILLA. 895 nead, ears, and jaw, especially the lower jaw ; drawing or tearing pains in the loins, between the shoulders, and in the hips, knees, and thighs, or even in the arms and fingers, aggravated by lying down. Eyes, Mouth, Teeth, Gums, and Nose. Yellowish suffusion of the eyes; stuffing of the nose, with adhesive, clogging matter in the nostrils, and coldness of the nose ; profusion of sweetish spittle in the mouth, or excessive dryness; the teeth are rotten, offensive, fall out or break away ; accumulation of slimy, yellow, or even black deposit on the teeth; or actual discoloration of the enamel, or which shows through the enamel; hard, knotty elevations upon, or general puffing, with faint, unhealthy hue of the gums. PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Vomiting of food, which has a putrid taste; the food returns from the stomach to the mouth; diarrhoea, occurring after eat- ing or drinking; colicky pains in the belly, the abdominal walls being drawn in, and tense; feeling of fulness, with pain, in the right side, beneath the lower ribs; vomiting of food an hour or so after a meal, with feeling of hunger; diar- rhoea in the morning, the evacuations being green and sour, occurring, especially, in children during dentition; enormous distension of the belly; loose evacua- tions which are accompanied by drawing, griping pains in the belly; loose, and very frequent evacuations, which, nevertheless, have a natural color ; evacuations from the bowels are sometimes followed by falling of the lower bowel, which protrudes beyond the posterior outlet, particularly in young children; descent of the bowel after even slight exertion; pains in the back and belly during an evacuation, and continuing after it; evacuations having an excessively offensive, putrid smell; great weakness after evacuation; suppression of the urinary dis- charge ; involuntary discharge of urine during sleep. General Symptoms. The symptoms are usually worse in the morning ; restless sleep of children; moaning in sleep, with the eyes half closed; rolling of the head during the teething process ; grinding of the teeth at night; sallow appear- ance of the skin; profuse secretion of saliva; great sleepiness during the day, especially during the morning; unrefreshing sleep, with feeling of fatigue on awaking; suppression of the monthly flow, in young girls, with bearing-down pains in the belly and in the lower part of the back, which are worse on moving about, and relieved by lying down; falling of the womb, with pain in the lower part of the back, and bearing-down sensations; after-pains, with strong bearing- down ; depression of spirits. PULSATILLA. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Insipid, slimy taste, or foul taste in the • mouth ; repeated and constant eructations, sometimes with bitter or sour taste, or at other times, with taste of food; excessive nausea; bitter taste during mastication; sweetish taste; throbbing at the pit of the stomach; absence of thirst, dislike to food, and heartburn; hiccough ; vomiting of greenish phlegm, or of sour bitter, and bilious matter ; intense desire to vomit; sometimes excessive thirst, pressure at the pit of the stomach, sickness, retching, and vomiting after a meal; excessive tenderness of the region of the stomach to pressure; vomiting of food ; frequent inclination to relieve the bowels even during rest, and loose 896 PULSATILLA. discharge from the bowels even during the night; evacuations consisting of greenish, slimy, or even bloody matter; copious discharge of watery urine; unconscious discharge of urine during sleep ; derangement of the stomach from eating rich, greasy food; capricious appetite; pulsations in the pit of the stom- ach; colic, with labor-like pains in pregnant women; colic, with suppression of the menstrual flow; nightly diarrhoea, the discharges being watery and green, and preceded by rumbling in the bowels; dysentery, with straining, and pain in the back. Womb, Menstruation, &c. (Feeble or suppressed labor-pains or excessive pains;) difficult menstruation; the periods set in (with chilliness, paleness of the facel, and scanty discharge of thick, black blood; periods generally after the proper time, but sometimes too early — always irregular, and sometimes totally suppressed; sometimes pale and watery discharge (bearing-down or forcing pains) ; suppressed menstruation, from cold, or from getting the feet wet; delay of the first menstrual discharge, in young girls; hemorrhage from the womb, the discharge alternately flowing and ceasing; after-pains of too long duration; suppression of the lochial discharge; suppression, or very scanty secretion of milk; profuse discharge of whites, the discharge being acrid and corrosive, or resembling milk, and painless. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Tremulousness, with fear of death ; vertigo when rising from a seat, when stooping, or when looking upwards — or giddiness, with heat of the head, nausea, and loss of sight, in the evening; intellectual labor causes fatigue; fright, followed by diarrhoea; over-sensitiveness of the eyes to the light; mistiness before the eyes, which is removed by rubbing them ; hardness of hearing, as if the ears were stopped up; humming in the ears; vio- lent attacks of palpitation of the heart, often accompanied by anguish and van- ishing of sight; attacks of fainting, with livid paleness of the face; epileptic attacks (especially after suppression of the menstrual flow). External Surface. Red spots like flea-bites on the skin; measles; itching, smarting, pricking irritation of the skin; inflammatory swelling and redness of the skin, with tingling sensation; sometimes also with the appearance of small blisters on fhe skin; eruptions of pimples upon the skin, which suppurate and become depressed at the centre —being then yellow at the flattened crown, and red round the edges — but which are rarely numerous; general coldness, sensa- tion of chilliness, and shuddering, sometimes running through the body and affecting internal parts; paleness, And sometimes puffing of the face; cheeks alternately red and pale ; inflammation and swelling of the skin of the face, with casting of the skin ; heat of one side and coldness of the other; or flushing of heat to particular parts, with coldness of the rest of the body; the skin is gen- erally hot and dry at night, but the patient feels cold immediately he is uncov- ered ; general heat with sweat on the face, sweats on one side, or general sweat in the latter part of the night with gradual subsidence of the symptoms; sweat, offensive and copious; oozing pimples amongst the hair ; eruption of small blis- ters between the fingers; throbbing in the extremity of the fore-finger; drop- Bical swelling of the feet towards night; swelling of the veins of the legs; tendency to thin, continued, mucous discharges. Pains. Keen pains in the limbs; wrenching, dragging, or jerking pains in the muscles, attended with numbness, lameness (and swelling) of the parts affected; PULSATILLA. 897 these pains are exacerbated at night, and by the warmth of a room, and allevi- ated on going into the open air; the parts affected are subject to stitching pains, and to a sensation of coldness upon changes of weather.; strained pains in the limbs, as if the tendons were too short; pains which constantly change their posi- tion, and shift quickly from one part to another (and are attended with swelling and redness of the joints); fitful attacks of pain (accompanied with chilliness, asthmatic symptoms, and paleness of the face); the sufferings have a tendency to grow worse at stated periods, as in the evening, before midnight, or on alternate evenings; the suffering is aggravated when sitting, rising from a seat, during rest, or when lying on one side ; dull, heavy, pressive pain in the head, as-if the patient had been intoxicated, or passed the night without rest; pain in the head, as if the forehead would open; boring, jerking pains in the ears-and teeth. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. Stye on the eyelids, or pimply eruptions on the margins of the eyelids; inflammation of the eyes, with profuse flow of tears in the open air; redness and swelling of the eyelids; sensation as if sand were in the eyes; discharge of matter which accumulates in the corners of the eye;, intense dryness of the eyes and eyelids, with heat; dimness of sight, such as would be caused by gauze before the eyes; copious discharge of matter from the ears, or of thick, yellow humor, or even of blood; difficulty of hearing, conveying the idea of some obstruction in the cavity of the ears; roaring in the ears; inflammation (heat, swelling, and redness) of the external part of the ear; collection of offensive, thick, yellowish, or greenish matter in the nostrils; discharge of blood from the nose; violent sneezing. Mouth, Throat, and Tongue. The mouth emits an offensive odor; there is copi- ous supply of watery saliva of a sweetish taste ; or the mouth is dry and parched; the throat feels raw ; redness of the throat with great soreness, usually aggra- vated towards night; the throat is either dry, or clogged with thick, viscid phlegm; grayish, whitish, or yellowish-coated tongue. Breathing, Chest, &c. Asthmatic oppression of the breath when in a recumbent position; hoarseness; dry cough, on awaking from sleep, disappearing while sitting up in bed, returning on lying down; severe, dry cough, mostly in the morning, with straining to vomit; cough, with expectoration of dark and clotted blood (the menses being suppressed); whooping-cough; cough caused by itching or tickling, or by a sensation as of sulphur vapor in the windpipe; cough which is relieved by going into the open air, returning again on entering a warm room; shaking cough, with expectoration of clotted blood or of thick phlegm : hawking up of white and lumpy or yellowish phlegm ; attacks of tightness of the throat and chest. Pulse and Circulation. Determination of blood to different organs, chiefly to the head, chest, and womb; quick and small, or full and sluggish, or weak and barely perceptible pulse; frequent attacks of very violent agitation and beating of the heart. Disposition. Melancholy disposition, with predisposition to weeping; or morose humor, with aversion to conversation; or timid and keenly sensitive temperament. Sleep. The sleep at night is only obtained late (it is attended with great dry- ness of the eyes); heavy, but uneasy sleep; tendency to sleep during the day- 57 898 RHEUM PALMATUM — RHUS TOXICODENDRON. time; great drowsiness; sensation during sleep or dreaming as if falling from an elevation; constant yawning. RHEUM PALMATUM. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Fulness and distension of the stomach; sensation of faintness, sinking, and hunger, but no relish for food; the patient fancies particular food, but cannot eat it; sour, insipid, slimy taste in the mouth; great tightness and distension of the belly, with accumulation of flatulency in one spot; relaxed, liquid, or soft evacuations, having a very sour smell; much urging and straining before stool; continual urging to stool, increased by exer- cise, but without discharge ; slimy, frothy, brownish stools ; clay-colored or ash- like looking motions; scalding sensation in passing water; the patient cannot retain the urine; copious discharge of yellowish, green, brownish, or brick-colored urine. Pains. Spasmodic pains in the stomach, and griping, coiling pains in the bowels; intense cutting and clawing pains in the bowels ; the griping is so severe as to bend the body double; increase of griping pains upon the least muscular exertion, or immediately after taking food; throbbing pains in particular muscles, or in the head and eyes — or smarting pain in the latter; boring or throbbing pains in the ears. Milk. The milk evidently disagrees with the infant, being constantly regurgi- tated ; discoloration of the milk; yellowish or pale yellowish-green color of the milk, and bitterish taste. Rest. The rest is constantly disturbed; there are convulsive agitations of the muscles of the face, of the eyelids, and clawing or agitation of the fingers during sleep ; tossing and screaming, preceded by sudden starting from sleep; jerkings of particular museles, especially of those of the thighs, arms, and fingers, during sleep, or immediately after starting from sleep. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. Pains. Pains of a drawing, tensive, lacerative character in the limbs, aggra- vated during rest, in the eold season, in bad weather, at night in bed, and often attended with numbness of the parts after motion ; pains (and other symptoms) generally aggravated, and more prevalent during rest or at night, and lessened by motion; tingling and creeping pains in the parts; strained pain and stiffness in the joints; smarting pains (in swollen parts) as if sore when touched; jarring pain in the joints on beginning to move ; creeping pain in the head ; pain in the head a* if it would be torn; pain as of ulceration at the pit of the stomach; Btiflches in the chest and sides of the chest, worse when at rest and while sneez- ing and breathing; tingling or numb feeling in the chest, with sensation as if the muscles between the ribs were drawn too tightly; bruised pain in the small of the back, especially when lying upon it; beating, shooting pains in the stomach — or pain in the stomach, with intense pressure, as if a stone were there ; aching pains in the eyes when moved; pains in the limbs (during the cold stage of the fever); tearing, shooting, aching, or jerking pains in the teeth, relieved by the applica- tion of heat; very violent pains in the limbs, with extreme weakness and low fever; violent, griping, clawing pains in the bowels at night; tearing and burn- ing pains in the shoulder, with paralytic weakness of the arm. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 899 External Surface. Eruptions of vesicles on the skin, with inflammatory swell- ing and heat; swelling characterized by bright, shining redness, and by smarting as if from soreness; excoriations of the skin and eruptions of pimples, which break and terminate in discharge of fluid; spreading and corrosive eruption of ringworm, or of oozing vesicles in rings, becoming confluent, forming thick scabs, and removing all the hair from the parts affected ; swelling of the head ; the formation of soft and small tumors on the scalp; inflammation and swelling of the parotid glands ; the whole of one side is numbed and torpid, as if paralyzed ; pale, sickly appearance of the face, and eruptions of the character of pimples, espe- cially around the mouth and chin; swelling heat and redness of the skin over the face, with eruption of small, oozing blisters; itching and burning vesicles break out upon the skin, chiefly in the fall of the year — or pimples with red bases; aggravation or return of the fever-symptoms — setting in with a chill and severe rigors, succeeded by excessive heat, and, subsequently, profuse sweats — in the evening and continuing during the night; sensation of chilliness and shud- dering on the least movement; the lips dry and brown; the face intensely hot and flushed, or pallid and distorted; the belly puffed up, particularly after eat- ing ; gangrenous ulceration in the parts on which the vesicles have broken out; spots or stains of a dark, brownish, or blackish hue (with utter prostration) ; dry, mealy, or scurfy eruption on the scalp; eruptions on the scalp, discharging yellowish or greenish matter ; bright, vivid, fiery redness of the lower part of the belly ; oozing eruptions forming scabs on the face ; cold perspiration (sometimes profuse) on the face; burning ulcers on the legs. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Wild fancies and delirium, sometimes vio- lent, generallj7 low and muttering; sleep disturbed and agitated by dreams run- ning on the transactions of the day, of which there is a clear impression, or also by frightful, anxious dreams; palsy of the extremities; reeling giddiness, with wavering, uncertain gait; convulsive movements after immersion in cold water; complete prostration of nervous energy; muttering delirium, with extreme weak- ness and picking at the bedclothes; great restlessness, cannot sit or lie quietly; tossing about in the bed, with anxiety and apprehensiveness ; extreme depression of spirits, with desire to be alone ; gloomy forebodings ; great tenderness of light; trembling, sinking sensations about the heart. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Relaxation of the bowels (with the evening fever) ; very loose and offensive discharge from the bowels at night (accompanied with.excruciating pains in the bowels and limbs, and very severe headache) ; loose dischaige from the bowels, mixed with blood, and sometimes preceded by a variable state of the bowels and alternate costiveness and relaxation ; very ob- stinate and protracted diarrhoea; thin, yellow, odorless, painless, and involun- tary evacuations from the bowels, as if the muscle guarding the orifice were paralyzed; inability to retain the urine, with constant desire to pass water, and copious discharge; or suppression of urine; drop-discharge of blood-red urine; total absence of appetite, and constant, insatiable thirst. Eyes, Nose, Mouth, and Tongue. Gluing of the eyelids at night; heat and red- ness of the eyes and eyelids; bleeding at the nose; discharge of greenish and very offensive matter from the nose, or heat and dryness of the n^se; extreme dryness, sometimes brownish hue, of the interior of the mouth and throat; affen- 900 RUTA GRAVEOLENS. sive smell from the mouth; dry, parched, and brownish, or even black, tongue — or flossy, red tongue. Breathing, Chest, &c. Shortness of breath and difficulty of breathing,.arising from pressure and painfulness in the stomach ; sharp stitching pains in the heart, with painful lameness and numbness of the left arm; short, dry, and tickling cough, worse at night; cough, with vomiting of the contents of the stomach; cough, with expectoration of blood, or with pains in the belly; cough, with stitches in the chest, profuse general perspiration, and pains in the stomach. RUTA GRAVEOLENS. Pains. Dull, aching pains in the eyes upon straining the sight; intense pain in the head, affecting the whole interior of the head as if the brain had been vio- lently shaken, or as if a severe blow had been dealt to the top of the head; bruised and darting pains in the outer surface of the head or in the bones of the skull; pulsating, boring pain in the'forehead; gnawing, burning pains, or severe bruised pains in the bones or in the membranes investing the bones, aggravated by pressing the parts; bruised pains in the loins and small of the back, and in the back generally; gnawing or cutting pains in the breast-bone ; aching pains in the bones between the elbow and wrist; tearing pains in the elbows ; gnawing, aching, burning pains in the ankle-bones, instep, and bones of the toes ; claw- ing, boring, aching, or bruised pains in the region of the liver, in the bowels, or round the waist; burning and gnawing pains in the stomach; boring toothache and pains in the jaw-bones; or bruised pains in the cheek-bones, ears, and root of the nose. External Surface. Prevailing chilliness or actual coldness, with shivering — or coldness, more especially of the extremities ; sores amongst the hair, or protuber- ances on the scalp; flushes of general heat every now and then; swelling, with heat and redness of the forehead; swelling of the veins, especially on the hands; perforating ulcers, small at the surface; enlargement of the spleen. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Sudden attacks o»f sickness at the stomach and vomiting, after eating; rising of the food from the stomach, with the taste of what has been taken; rising as of a lump in the gullet; hot or cold sensations in the bowels; round, hard, knotty, black motions, expelled with much difficulty and effort, and generally covered with glairy slime; protrusion of the intestines at stool; or constant desire to relieve the bowels, with small, insufficient, soft motions — or, again, very relaxed, slimy motions, preceded and followed by cos- tiveness; constant urging to pass water, renewed as soon as discharge has taken place; gritty urine; copious discharge of urine at short intervals, continuing night and day; pressive, forcing sensation at the bladder, with urgent desire to pass water. Breathing, Chest, &c. Great difficulty and shortness of breath; cough as soon as the patient lies down at night, with retching and abundant dislodgment of stringy, sticky phlegm; free expulsion of matter after coughing ; or weariness at the chest, without coughing, preceded by hawking up of quantities of yellow and very thick phlegm. Eyes and Mouth. Hazy, misty sight, as if gauze were before the eyes, and complete confusion of distant objects; opaque spots in the transparent part of the globe of the e Te; smarting and burning in the eyes when exerting the sight SABINA — SAMBUCUS NIGKA. 901 by candle-light—or smarting, with great irritation, in the corners of the eyes; lights appear to be surrounded by a red halo; stickiness and sliminess of the mouth — or great dryness of the mouth, the tongue cleaving to the palate. SABINA. Womb, Menstruation, &c. Acute forcing sensations in the womb, with bearing- down, weight, and pressure from determination of blood to the parts, and dis- charge of bright-crimson blood in clots; cramp-like sensations in the womb; ex- cessive or suppressed menstrual discharge, and offensive, thick, gelatinous, or yellow discharge of whites during the intervals, with much itching of the parts; hemorrhage from the womb, of partly pale-red, partly clotted blood, or very thin blood, having an offensive smell —the flow is worse from the slightest movement; very offensive discharge of whites after the suppression of the menstrual flow. Pains. Violent bearing-down or forcing pains in the womb before and during the flow; wrenching pains in the teeth, aggravated by warmth, and worse in bed, or throbbing and aching pains in all the teeth; the pains in the teeth come on whilst eating ; drinking or inhalation of cold air induces a drawing or wrench- ing pain in the teeth; cutting pains from the jaw-bone to the cheek under the eyes ; darting pains as if in the marrow of the bones;' tearing, shooting pains (with heat and redness) in the joints; shooting, aching, throbbing, or boring pains in the head, coming on all at once, and subsiding by degrees. External Surface. Pallid complexion, with livid rings round the eyes ; burning heat in the parts affected, more particularly perceptible when touched; bright- red, glossy swellings of the joints; soreness of the muscles of the belly, they are tender of pressure; excessive flushing of the face, or heat in the head, with ex- treme coldness of the extremities; intense heat throughout the body, generally preceded by a chill, which sets in towards evening, and terminating in sweat at night. Mouth, Gums, and Tongue. Frothy spittle in the mouth, or spittle tinged with blood; very offensive odor from the mouth ; the gums extremely tender, swollen, or even ulcerated, and the tongue thickly furred and brownish or white; taste as if of blood in the mouth, or slimy, insipid taste. Breathing and Chest. Tremulous, agitated feeling in the lungs, with a degree of oppression of breath — or weight at the chest, with internal irritation and dry cough, or cough followed by spitting of blood. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Flatulent risings from the stomach; fulness at the stomach, with much nausea, heaving, and vomiting of food, or sometimes of bile; fulness and tightness of the belly ; bloatedness of the belly; much expul- sion of flatulency at stool, followed by discharge of soft evacuations, or of motions which are first soft, and finish by being hard and firm ; discharge of blood or of slime after stool, and elevations or swellings, with great soreness about the ori- fice ; urging to pass water, with painful, scalding, drop-discharge of urine. SAMBUCUS NIGRA. Breathing, &c. Sudden and spasmodic arrest of breath at night; wheezing, hurried breathing; extreme oppression of the chest (with pain under the breast- bone, &c); inflammation of the windpipe; suffocating cough, or cough with copi- ous expectoration of phlegm; attacks of suffocative cough in children, with cry- 902 SECALE CORNUTUM. ing; the cough is usually worse at, or soon after, midnight; nightly suffocative attacks, with great restlessness, crying, and throwing about of the arms; quick, wheezing, crowing breathing; sniffling, in children; breathing through the nose is impeded ; hoarseness, with accumulation of quantities of tough, ropy phlegm ; suffocative, hollow, deep cough, like whooping-cough; hoarseness and rattling of phlegm on the chest; very impeded breathing when in a recumbent position ; sudden sensation of strangling; rough, hollow cough. External Surface. Pallid complexion or patchy redness of the cheeks, or puffing, with purple or livid hue of the face; tightness and numbness of the cheeks; in- tolerable and intense burning heat (during the fever-fits), but extreme dread of being uncovered; excessive perspiration at night, during or after the heat; gen- eral shuddering, with intense coldness of the extremities; extreme irritation and itching in the chest; dropsical swellings throughout the body, but especially of the feet, ankles, and lower part of the legs; shuddering upon lying down in bed; drawing sensations over the entire surface of the body. Pains. Boring pains at the top of the head, or gnawing pain in the upper jaw and cheek-bones; dull, heavy, pressive, and expansive headache; pressive and darting pains in the stomach, more severe upon pressure; tearing pains in the finger-joints, and darting pains in the wrists ; aching pain in the spine; drawing pains in the hands, extending to the elbows; darting pains in the shoulder-blades and loins. Nervous System, Brain, &c. Confusion in the brain, worse when moving; swimming of the head; partial sleep; the eyes are not closed when sleeping; pupils excessively dilated, sometimes after having been temporarily contracted. Nose, Mouth, and Throat, Determination of blood to the nose, with numbness, tingling, and sometimes a sensation of weight at the end of the nose; sticky, stringy, thick phlegm clogging the nostrils ; irritation, with tingling or pricking in the throat, and feeling as if the inside of the mouth, or rather cheeks, were swollen. SECALE CORNUTUM. Womb and Menstruation. Violent contractive movements, with spasmodic ex- pulsive efforts, and fulness; determination of blood, and bearing-down in the womb; profuse and continued flooding, with contractive movements, and dis- charge of very liquid black blood (and great prostration of strength); flooding before or after delivery or miscarriage ; feeble contraction of the womb, ensuing after premature delivery; excessive and long-continued menstrual discharges; expulsive efforts sometimes suddenly suppressed, or feeble and irregular, in labor ; very offensive and deficient menstrual discharges; too profuse and long- lasting lochial discharge: severe and long-lasting after-pains. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Spasms in the upper and lower limbs; cramps of a distressing nature in the calves of the legs and soles of the feet; weakness, accompanied with torpidity and weight in the limbs ; general debility ; weariness and indolence; loss of consciousness; excessive anguish ; sad and melancholy disposition; confusion and giddiness of the head; distortion of the features and limbs; gritting or clenching of the teeth; great apprehension of a fatal result; wild appearance, immovable, staring, or convulsive rolling of the eyes; flashing of light before the eyes; objects appear multiplied or hazy ; ting- ling or pricking sensations in the tongue, face, and other parts; imperfect, articu- SEPIA. 903 lation, or hesitating, embarrassed, and feeble articulation; lethargic state, with jerking or starting of the limbs ; the fingers and toes spasmodically distorted ; the back is numbed, and affected with pricking or tingling sensations ; tingling in all the extremities. External Surface. Hollow, sunken, pallid, and yellow face, with bluish rings about the eyes : drawn, pointed features, and very hollow eyes; puckered, flabby, dirty-colored, or yellowish skin; tingling under the skin; very dark, unhealthy elevations on the skin; icy coldness of the belly, limbs, and back; rapid loss of the hair; violent heat, preceded by general shivering and shuddering, and fol- lowed by cold, clammy sweats ; dark, purple spots on the face ; tumid appearance of the face; crimson hue of the face; dense eruption of fine rash over the chest and nape of the neck; dark-colored elevations on the hands; trembling of the extremities; dropsical swelling about the hands, or below the elbow. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Frequent eructations; copious vomiting without much effort — or violent retching, with vomiting of undigested substances, or of bilious and frothy matter; inclination to eat at night, but repugnance to food in the morning; unquenchable thirst; utter disgust for food, and vomiting, with purging; evacuations dark and liquid, mingled with thready matter, and severe urging; excessive relaxation of the bowels (with extreme and sudden prostration); suppression of urine; very watery or whitish urine — or scanty, hot discharge of urine; involuntary motions; evacuations of a brownish color, frothy or mixed with blood, and quite putrid. Pains. Pains like those of labor; very severe, forcing, expulsive, and cramp- like pains in the womb, &c; pricking and burning pains, piercing in different parts; burning pains in one spot, low in the back, or in the region of the liver; burning, fixed pain in the pit of the stomach; cramp-like pains in the bowels, with attacks of spasm or convulsion. Breathing. Excessive shortness of breath, and weight and tightness of the chest; hurried, anxious breathing, with deep croaking or very feeble voice; spasmodic pinching in the midriff, with suffocative attacks; gasping or gulping for breath, and spitting of blood. Pulse and Circulation. Very quick, and sometimes also hard and frequent pulse during the heat, followed by oppressed, very small, and feeble pulse, with contracted, interrupted, sharp beating of the heart, as if the thorough expansion of the large vessels were prevented by spasm. Mouth, Tongue, and Nose. Greenish, yellowish, or blood-stained froth in the mouth, which is spluttered out in the convulsions; the mouth intensely dry; the tongue swollen, coated with thick phlegm, tainted, brown or black; and profuse discharge of dark, liquid, or even slimy blood from the nose, or even also from the mouth. SEPIA. Womb, Menstruation, &c. Corrosive discharges of females at the critical age, attended with very troublesome lassitude and weariness of the limbs ; great lassi- tude during the menstrual periods; excoriations between the thighs; yellow or greenish-red discharge between the periods; acrid discharge, with much itching of the parts; oppressive weight and fulness (with difficult respiration) in the region of the womb; great heat, within and without, in the region of the womb and subjacent passages ; scanty, very weak periodical discharges, generally oc- 904 SEPIA. curring before the proper time — or delayed, or even suppressed menstrual flow — or, on the other hand, too frequent and too copious menstruation; downward pressure in the region of the womb, as if the womb would be forced out; during the menstrual period, depression of spirits, toothache, headache, bleeding from the nose, and feeling of soreness in the limbs. Breathing, Chest, &c. Habitual cough at night; dry cough (frequently attended with nausea and vomiting), more prevalent in the evening; cough, attended with the discharge of abundant phlegm, of a putrid or saltish taste, particularly in the morning and evening (the act of coughing provokes pains in the sides of the chest); oppressed and difficult breathing; violent cough, which terminates in vomiting of the contents of the stomach; cough coming on after eating, with vomiting; determination of blood to the chest; loose cough after the least chill; shortness and difficulty of breathing, with intense oppression, as soon as the patient lies down, or when ascending stairs, &c.; oppressed breathing, caused by great col- lection of phlegm in the air-passages. Pulse and Circulation. The pulse is generally small, feeble, and very irritable, and commonly quick and wiry at night, but sometimes slow and soft; determina- tion of blood to the head, chest, womb, &c. ; violent or intermittent beating of the heart; intermittent and irregular pulse. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Voracious, excessive appetite, with a trou- blesome sensation of hunger and sinking ; painful sensation of emptiness or weakness in the stomach and belly; general weakness or slowness of digestion; imperfect digestion ; the motions hard, imperfect, and attended with fruitless urging; almost invariably there is an intense weight at the stomach, as if at one spot, after eating, and weight, with a sensation of great distension in the belly — or evacuation of the bowels, with much flatulency and rumbling of wind immedi- ately after a meal; acid, bitter, acrid, or putrid risings from the stomach, or very loud belching of flatulency after eating or drinking; intense oppression at the pit of the stomach, with flatulent distension after eating, relieved on belching of wind, which is generally violent after drinking cold water ; almost constant nausea, but chiefly after the least food, after carriage-exercise, or the first thing in the morning, sometimes terminating in the vomiting of food when one has eaten; pulsation or sensation of burning at the pit of the stomach ; soft, jelly-like evacuations—or putrid, or acid-smelling, greenish, and very loose discharge from the bowels — or oozing of slime from the passage before and after stool; swellings in the passage, with great heat and obstruction — or constant and ex- hausting relaxation of the bowels — and sometimes intense itching, with heat, followed by soreness and smarting around the orifice; frequent discharge of urine, sometimes chiefly at night, generally accompanied with smarting, often with pressive weight at the bladder, but varying in color, quantity, &c. ; cloudy, thick, reddish, or sandy urine, with scanty discharge — or very copious discharge of offensive urine, depositing a bloody or flocky sediment — or a pinkish sedi- ment, which stains the vessel; unconscious discharge of urine during sleep. Head. Confused sensation in the head, with giddiness, especially apparent in the open air; heaviness of the head, or sensation as if a ball were rising into the brain; vertigo when walking in the open air, as if objects were moving in a cir- cle ; burning headache, from within outwards, relieved by closing the eyes, by pressure, or sleep ; feeling of coldness in the back of the head. SEPIA. 905 External Surface. Swelling of the limbs after much exertion, especially of the legs ; throbbing sensations all over the body (attended with extreme restlessness); excoriation of the skin in the bend of the joints; patches of brownish or reddish, and mealy or scabby eruptions in various parts; oozing eruptions, forming scabs on the head amongst the hair; the scalp has a benumbed feeling, and is very sensitive to contact; intense irritation and itching of the head amongst the hair; swelling of the extremity of the nose, and yellowness, or dirty, sallow hue of the face; burning heat of the feet, or great and constant coldness of the legs and feet, with occasional burning heat; oozing eruptions, forming scabs in various parts; perspiration breaks out when the patient sits down; the irritation from hollow teeth is apt to provoke inflammation of the face; a yellow line crosses the nose and cheek; habitual sweating, or oozing, scabby eruptions in the armpits; eruptions, either mealy and scurfy, or moist, oozing, and scabby at the back of the hands; constant, cold, clammy perspiration on the hands and feet; torpid and passive ulcerations at the extremities of the toes, or in the heels, without pain; the nails of the toes especially, and sometimes of the fingers, grow out of shape, or grow into the flesh; burning heat of the palms of the hands, especially towards night; swelling, with itching eruptions on the hands; permanent en- largement of the belly after child-bearing ; swelling of the forehead, and casting of the hair; sour-smelling perspiration in the morning, or profuse perspiration at night, or upon the least exertion; general want of sufficient warmth, and pre- vailing chilliness or actual coldness; redness and swelling of the eyelids; styes on the eyelids ; generally there is a dark circle round the eyes ; very inveterate eruptions, like that of itch, between the fingers, over the hands, and round the wrists; extreme susceptibility to take cold, violent and visible throbbing of the blood- vessels. Pains. Stitching and burning pains in various parts; all the pains have a tendency to be removed by strong exercise; very severe, tearing, boring, or jerking pains on one side of the head (sometimes attended with vomiting) ; shoot- ing pains in the shins and ankles; shooting pains in the wrists ; throbbing pain at the pit of the stomach ; expansive pain in the head as if it would burst; throb- bing pain at the back of the head; aching pain in the stomach after eating; burning pains in the stomach ; burning, clawing, shooting pain in the belly, principally, if not solely, on the left side ; incisive, coiling, cramp-like pains in the bowels after any exertion, such as walking ; aching (dull or acute) pain in the lower part of the belly, right across, from side to side ; burning pain in the passage on passing water, or very pressive, aching pain in the bladder (with urging); pain in both sides of the chest, when breathing or coughing, or upon moving — or dull, aching pain in the chest, towards night; straining, drawing pain in the shoulder-joint, and tearing, or shooting pains in the hips, thighs, or shins; stitching, aching, boring, or throbbing pains along the lower ribs, or in the region of the liver when moving or during carriage-exercise ; aching pain in the ball of the eye. Nervous System and Senses. The limbs have a tendency to become numbed ; extreme restlessness of the limbs, and constant change of position without relief; extreme susceptibility to the open air; fatigue attends the least exer- tion; prostration of energy; jerking of the limbs at night and in the day; rigidity of the joints; fainting-fits, and general debility, with hysterical disposi- 906 SILICEA. tion; sadness and melancholy, with inclination to weep; involuntary shaking of the head; great tenderness of light, and partial loss of sight; the sleep is unrefresh- ■•ing, and constantly broken, without any particular cause; the eyelids hang down from palsy of the muscles; stiffness of the back and nape of the neck ; loss of the sense of small; candles appear to shed a greenish light; black patches or lines of light appear before the eyes; the eyelids quiver; offensive smell in the nose ; contracted pupils. Nose, Mouth, Gums, and Tongue. The nose is stuffed and painfully dry, and the interior of the nostrils is ulcerated, or covered with scabs; the nose is apt to bleed whenever the patient becomes warm with exertion, or when blowing the nose; painful eruption, forming a scab at the extremity of the nose ; the mouth is dry and offensive; copious flow of salt saliva ; the throat raw, and the tongue dry and thickly covered with a white coating — or the tongue is sore, and ex- hibits an eruption of blisters upon it; the gums are swollen, sore, or ulcerated, and readily provoked to bleed. Eyes. The eyes are dim and red; opaque spots or pustules appear on the transparent portion of the globe of the eyes; the eyes are swollen and inflamed, and the eyelids adhere at night. SILICEA. External Surface. Coldness and offensiveness of the feet, especially in the morning, with sweating and soreness between the toes; swelling of the glands of the neck ; swelling and hardening of the glands beneath the ears ; swelling, hardening, and suppuration of the glands generally; suppuration of soft parts; elastic and colorless tumors on the knee; hot, red, painful, and suppurating tumors (with throbbing) at the extremities of the fingers; hard formations in im- portant structures, such as those which precede the development of cancer; en- largement and distortion of the spine ; abscesses in different parts (in glandular structures); profuse sweats at night; night-sweats of a sour smell; exceeding sensitiveness of the skin all over the body, or general itching of the skin; pallid complexion; eruptions, either dry, mealy, or scaly, or moist — oozing and form- ing scabs — upon the chin ; swelling of the glands under the jaw, with or without ultimate ulceration; the lower lip is ulcerated; distension of the stomach (with heat); permanent enlargement, hardness, and distension of the belly ; ruptural tumor in the groin, or pad-like inflation of the bowels in one particular spot; swelling of the glands at the nape of the neck ; boils break out on the thighs ; the feet are swollen; spreading, corrosive, putrid ulcers in various parts, or ulcers, with fistulous perforations, or with fungous excrescences; very malignant and intractable carbuncles on the limbs, especially on the shin, or in other parts; swelling and ulceration of the bone of the lower jaw ; sweating of the head to- wards night, or exhausting and general sweats in the morning; swelling and hardness in the region of the liver, with tenderness on pressure; susceptibility to cold; tendency to take cold; abscess in the breast, and inflammation of the nipple. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Giddiness in the morning, which makes one fall backwards; the patient is readily exhausted by mental application; the strong light of day is painful; sudden obscuration of sight, or momentary blind- ness ; the sleep is disturbed by frightful dreams, interrupted by starting, or at- SILICEA. 907 tended with snoring or with twitching of the limbs; extreme and general nervous debility; great inclination to sleep, without the power; retarded sleep at night, or total incapacity to sleep, with great agitation and restlessness, and with much disturbance of the circulation and flushing of heat, to the head; constant yawning; anxiety and uneasiness of mind ; incapability of concentrating the re- flective faculties; much despondency, with extreme irritability of temper, and fearfulness ; exertion of thought produces much exhaustion ; confusion of thought, and swimming of the head; confusion of type in reading; great obtuseness of hearing; fainting-fits, induced by lying on one side; total loss of the power of smelling; spasmodic affections of the jaw, with twitching of the limbs; extreme sensation of languor, with trembling of the limbs, especially in the morning; absence of taste. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Constant thirst; peculiar dislike for warm or cooked articles of food; habitual or prevailing nausea; sour risings; heart- burn ; distension and heat of the stomach ; copious flow of water into the mouth, followed by vomiting; vomiting after drinking; vomiting of food even during the night; sickness at the stomach every morning; weight and pressure at the stomach after eating; constipation, with ineffectual urging to stool; the motions are hard and bullety, and discharged with much straining; frequent discharge of urine, or unconscious discharge even during sleep; relaxation of the bowels before the menstrual period. Pains. Pressing, heavy, tensive pain in the head, as if it would split; aching pain in the chest; dragging, tearing, and shooting pains in the limbs; contusive pains; violent throbbing headache at night, with determination of blood to the head; aching, and even throbbing pains in the stomach ; headache every morn- ing; hammering or tearing pains in the head ; throbbing pains in the ears; tear- ing or shooting pains in the teeth at night; burning pains (with itching) in the eyes; the inhalation of cold air through the teeth, or the admission of hot liquids into the mouth, induces toothache; pinching, cramp-like, or incisive pains in the bowels (sometimes attended with diarrhoea); burning pains in the bowels; tear- ing and shooting pains in the back, and dull, aching pain in the small of the back; shooting, pressive, and tearing pains in the knee-joint and muscles of the thigh, or in the arms ; great pain in the teeth, with enlargement of the bone (and investing membrane) of the lower jaw; sore pains, with throbbing in the region of the liver. Womb, Menstruation, &c. During the intervals, very white discharge like milk, coming in gushes ; floodings during nursing ; menstrual discharges preceded by pains in the bowels, looseness, and general derangement; great heat and sore- ness of the parts; feeble or profuse, or sometimes suppressed menstrual dis- charge ; menstruation too frequent, or before the proper time ; discharge of mat- ter in passing water, or habitually acrid discharge of matter, which causes sore- ness of the adjacent parts, and of the passage, and is usually preceded by in- tolerable gnawing itching. Breathing, Chest, &c. Pressure at the chest, and impeded respiration; con- tinual cough night and day, with scanty expectoration of phlegm, and aggravated by exercise; suffocating cough at night, with abundant expectoration of jelly- Uke, clear phlegm, or of matter, with flaky, curdy lumps, or stringy shreds ; dif- 908 SPIGELIA. ficulty of breathing when lying on the back; hollow, spasmodic, suffocative cough, arising from tickling in the throat-pit. Nose, Eyes, Ears, and Mouth. Heat, redness, and soreness inside the nostrils; ' or red itching scabs at the extremity of the nose; ulceration of the nostrils; habitual, but interrupted sneezing; constant dryness and stuffing of the nose, sometimes with burning heat; continual, thin, watery, and acrid discharge from the nostrils; discharges of blood from the nose from time to time; the ears are stopped up or muffled; the stoppage of the ears is suddenly removed at times with a report, chiefly when blowing the nose; the eyes are red; the lachrymal glands swollen; flow of tears in the open air; constant watering of the eyes from obstruction of the lachrymal ducts and sac; adhesion of the lids at night; great cloudiness of sight; spots on the transparent portion of the eye ; soreness of the mouth, and rawness of the tongue; pricking in the throat; constant accumu- lation of phlegm in the mouth. SPIGELIA. Pains. Violent shooting pains in the eyes, piercing the head; acute, aching pains deep in the eyes; burning, aching pains in the bones of the face; shooting pains about, the heart; tearing pains in the chest when raising the arms ; spas- modic pain, commencing at the pit of the stomach and extending to the chest (with sensation as if strangled); pains of an aching, beating character in the face and teeth; very violent and distracting pains in the face, so that the patient can- not bear the least touch or movement; shooting pains in the region of the heart, with cramp-like pains of the chest (and imminent suffocation); tearing and shoot- ing pains in all the limbs; unbearable and distracting pains in the head, worse on the least motion; bursting pain in the head when speaking, coughing, or with any other effort; burning pain over the outer surface of the head, especially about the forehead and at the temples; boring, tearing pains in the head; the least movement of the head induces headache, with swimming of the head (and nausea); aching pains in the eyes, as if the eyeballs were swollen, so as to press on all sides upon the walls of the cavity, and so that moving the eyes produces intolerable agony; tearing, jerking, boring, or throbbing pains in the ears. Breathing, Chest, &c. Extreme shortness of breath, especially when speaking (commonly attended with bright redness, or even blueness, of the face and lips); the recumbent position is almost impossible, owing to the extreme oppression of breath; impeded breathing when lying pn the left side, compelling the patient to lie on the right side only — or difficulty of breathing, so great as to compel the patient to sit up; tremulous sensation in the chest; spasmodic arrest of breath ; the patient cannot move in bed, owing to the difficulty of breathing induced there- by ; attacks of imminent suffocation, with intense anguish and violent beating of the heart; sensation of burning at the heart. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Intense tightness and pressure in the region of the stomach, so that the patient cannot bear to keep his clothes fastened; when the stomach is empty, sickness and feeling as if something rose and choked the patient; sensation about the navel as if a lump of lead were lodged there; very offensive flatulency; discharge of frothy slime from the passage, with or , without evacuation from the bowels — or very liquid and soft stools, with abund- ance of froth and slime — or slimy, hard, and straining motions; desire to dis- SPONGIA. 909 charge urine too often, or constant dribbling of urine; whitish or curdy sediment in the urine. Eyes, Nose, Mouth, and Ears. Inflammation of the eyes, with bright redness of the white part; streaks or rays of light before the eyes; excessive heat, dryness, and burning in the eyes; profuse flow of tears; itching and tickling in the nose, with constant boring at the nostrils; very free discharge of thick, white, or creamy matter from the nostrils —or total stoppage, with intense dryness and heat of the nose; accumulation of frothy, dry, bubbling saliva in the mouth; very offensive odor from the mouth; hardness, tightness, and burning heat of the lips; red and fissured, or brown, cracked tongue — or the mouth and tongue very dry or slimy, and covered with whitish elevations or blisters: complete stop- page of the ears, with dulness of hearing, or even with complete deafness; attacks of deafness at. certain stated periods. SPONGIA. Breathing, Chest, &c. The respiration is slow, deep, and attended with wheezing, hoarseness, whistling, or rattling of phlegm on the chest, or by a peculiar flap- ping or crackling sound as the air passes out; feeling as if the opening of the windpipe were choked up; hollow, dry, or rattling cough; continued cough, with a whistling sound ; croup ; coughing, with a sensation of burning and soreness in the chest; chronic cough, attended with hoarseness and expectoration of yellowish matter; hoarse and husky voice; extreme sensitiveness and tenderness of the upper part of the windpipe to pressure — or when the head is moved; burning sensation in the upper part of the windpipe, or in the whole extent of the wind- pipe ; weak voice, giving out when singing or talking. External Surface. The glands generally have a tendency to swell and to be- come hardened; the skin is extreme dry and hot; the hands, and especially the joints of the fingers, are red and swollen; sudden flushing of extreme heat per- vades the body ; the expression is extremely anxious ; the face sometimes red and swollen, or generally crimson or puffed, or very pale; the glands beneath the jaw are swollen, hard, and very tender ; (excessive thirst, headache, and delirium attend the heat;) yellowish crusts on the eyebrows. Pains. Throbbing and very violent pain in the head ; burning pain in the chest and at the opening of the windpipe; pain in the head as if in a vice; dull, aching pains on one side of the head; shooting pains in the eyes; pinching pains in the ears; pain, with heaviness in the limbs;. dull, heavy, aching pain in the region of the stomach and at the pit of the stomach; clawing pains in the bowels ; pain, with muscular stiffness at the back of the neck ; dragging or aching pains from the fingers to the elbows, chiefly in the joints and muscles. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Frequent eructations; sour risings or sour taste in the mouth and great thirst; bitter taste in the mouth; rumbling of wind in the belly; excessive morbid hunger; the motions are hard and slow, also too unfrequent, or relaxed and whitish; urging and straining during the motion. Eyes, Nose, Ears, Mouth, Tongue, &c. The eyes are red and burning, and there is profuse flow of tears; discharge of blood from the nose upon the least effort; profuse flow of saliva in the mouth —or excessive dryness of the tongue and throat—or brownish, dry, and sometimes fissured tongue; impaired hearing, and ulceration in the internal cavity of the ears. 910 SQUILLA MARITIMA. Pulse and Circulation. Hard, quick, and very frequent pulse, with determina- tion of blood to the head and chest, and oppressed beating of the heart; palpita- tion of the heart before menstruation, with gasping respiration, and pain in the heart.; violent palpitation of the heart awakens the patient after midnight, with a sense of suffocation, loud cough, great alarm, and agitation. Disposition. Extremely dejected ; agonizing despondency ; the patient cannot be reassured. SQUILLA'MARITIMA. Breathing, Chest, &c. Excessive shortness and difficulty of breathing when lying down — or incapability of lying down, the patient being obliged to sit, up, or to be propped up with pillows in bed; intense pressure, with oppression at the chest; hurried and anxious breathing; the patient is compelled to keep the mouth open to get sufficient air, and moans continually; fits of coughing, with extreme shortness of breath, and dislodgment of phlegm; breathing occasions a short, stifled cough, which is usually worse or more incessant at night; violent coughing, which ends in heaving at, the stomach ; drawing a deep breath induces a fit of coughing, with suffocative arrest of breathing; shortness of breath, with stitches in the chest when breathing or coughing; the cough causes pressure to be made on the bladder, with spirting out of the urine. External Surface. A sensation of intense heat (under the skin), and of tingling, pricking, or itching is felt all over the body; the folds of limbs are apt to become sore, as if with friction; the body is usually very hot, but the extremities in- tensely cold — or there is a sensation of general want of heat; the patient feels excessively hot, but cannot bear the least exposure; the upper lids of the eyes are swollen; pinched and drawn appearance of the features; eruption of small, oozing, and excessively irritating elevations on the skin ; habitual sweating of the armpits, and cold sweats on the feet; the expression is alternately very lively and intensely depressed; the face is generally pallid, especially after the fever- fits, but is also frequently of a deep crimson or purplish hue; flushing of heat in the face after the slightest exertion. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Spasmodic or convulsive affections of dif- ferent muscles; jerking movements of the arms and legs, particularly the latter; very agitated sleep, with much tossing, or incessant, uneasy dreaming ; or total inability to sleep ; great agitation, especially of the limbs ; sensation of weight and lassitude in the limbs; spinning of objects to the sight, and giddiness, (with sickness at the stomach,) and tendency to topple over sideways; mistiness of sight; the eyes are very wide open, and generally vacantly directed upon one ob- ject ; the pupils being either excessively dilated, or very much contracted; spin- ning and heaviness of the head on raising it from the pillow, especially in the first of the morning. Mouth, Throat, Tongue, and Teeth. Slimy phlegm in the mouth — or great dry- ness of the mouth and throat; the patient sleeps with the mouth open; the tongue is sometimes very dry, or, in other instances, slimy, and covered with whitish blisters; the teeth are very dark, sometimes quite black; and the lips usually of a dark brown, scaly, cracked, or quite black. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Inordinate appetite, with rapid bolting of food, or absolute loss of appetite ; aversion to all food ; and constant, insatiable thirst, with incapability to drink deeply; feeble, slow, and imperfect digestion; STANNUM. 911 habitnal sickness at the stomach, especially in the morning; and rising of bitter matter from the stomach ; continual expulsion of flatulency from the bowels ; and great tenderness of the whole belly, with constant rumbling of flatulency; very loose and dark evacuations — or very offensive, almost putrid motions containing undigested substances; on the other hand, habitual costiveness, with imperfect and difficult evacuations of hard motions; frequent urging to urinate, with pro- fuse discharge of pale urine; continuous, painful pressure on the bladder; in- ability to retain the urine. STANNUM. Breathing, Chest, &c. Empty, sinking sensations in the chest, with exhaustion; sudden attacks of oppressive tightness at the chest, often towards night — or habitual oppression at the chest; great shortness of breath, particularly towards night, with sensation of sinking at the pit of the stomach; impeded, difficult breathing, sometimes with a sensation of choking, more particularly when lying down, during the night, or even upon the least exertion^during the day; the patient is much relieved, and feels exhilarated by drawing a deep breath, when he is able to do so, but is rarely able to effect this; walking exercise, but more espe- cially running or walking up a hill, or up stairs, produces an intense oppression and tightness at the chest; soreness in the chest; violent, shaking cough towards night, or during the night, or more especially in the morning — or attacks of coughing when the patient lies on the right ride; coughing and hawking, with profuse expectoration of phlegm, often quite liquid or jelly-like, or slightly tinged •with blood, which accumulates in large quantities in the windpipe; tickling, rough, harsh sensation in the chest, which induces coughing, and is usually attended with hoarseness, loud rattling of phlegm on the chest, or wheezing; sweetish, saltish, lumpy, stringy, adhesive, or yellowish expectoration after coughing — or expectoration of greenish matter, or of clear and very offensive matter; very feeble, low, and indistinct voice. External Surface. Copious sweats in the morning — or exhausting night-sweats; predominant chilliness, with shivering, especially in the back, with crawling sen- sations, whether in the morning or evening, or both, the hands being generally cold —or great flushing of heat, with much anxiety at the chest on the least exer- tion— or excessive heat of the hands; extreme attenuation of frame, and general loss of flesh ; pallid, haggard countenance ; general sensations of extreme uneasi- ness all over the body; perspiration readily provoked, and generally copious ; hollowness of the eyes, and pointedness of the features; swelling of the glands under the jaw, and of the upper jaw and cheek; coldness, or very red and hot swelling of the hands and feet. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. General prevalence of bitter taste in the mouth, which is conveyed to every kind of food; very slow, feeble, and imperfect digestion, and nausea habitually after eating; almost constant thirst, or continual craving for food, without allay of hunger by eating; sickness at the stomach, fol- lowed by vomiting of bitter, watery matter after eating; rising of sour or putrid matters from the stomach; excessive heaving at the stomach, followed by throw- ing up of food; great sensitiveness and distension of the bowels, with sensation of burning in the region of the liver; the bowels are usually perversely confined, with continual desire to evacuate, but without discharge, or with discharge onlj 912 STAPHYSAGRIA. of lumpy, very dry, insufficient, greenish evacuations — or, on the other hand, continued and very excessive looseness, with slimy or copious motions; urine commonly discharged at very short intervals, but deficient in-quantity. Pains. Jerking pains (or aching) in the teeth, with flushing of heat after eat- ing ; dragging, heaving pains in the limbs ; very heavy or shooting pains in the head, or boring, piercing pains right through the head — or pulsating pains in the temples; aching, tearing, dragging pains in the ears; cramp-like, or very acute, aching pains in the stomach, with clawing pain about the navel — or cramp- like, pinching pains; darting pains in the chest, especially on the left side — or smarting, sore pain deep in the chest. Mouth, Tongue, Teeth, and Gums. Great accumulation of phlegm in the throat and mouth, or flow of saliva in the mouth ; very foul smell from the mouth ; ulcer- ated gums; sensation of jarring and lengthening of the teeth ; the teeth are loose in the gums; the throat is dry and harsh; the tongue commonly either natural in color, or unnaturally red, and sometimes dry and harsh. Eyes. The eyelids adhere at night; ulceration of the inner corner of the eyes ; smarting, itching, and burning sensations in the eyes and eyelids ; styes or swell- ing and redness of the lids; the eyes are hazy, or filmy and inanimate. Nervous System, &c. Convulsive attacks, with violent movements of the hands and eyes, the head being flung back, the thumbs drawn up (and the face usually ghastly pale); extreme nervous excitement; feebleness of the hands, with trem- bling ; very agitated dreams and restlessness at night; the patient falls asleep very late, but sleeps heavily; the disposition is low and desponding ; the temper sometimes very morose or irritable; the eyes and eyelids quiver—or the eyes are convulsed and protruded. STAPHYSAGRIA. External Surface. Bad skin — that is, such that the least injury may develop a troublesome sore ; knotty elevations on the surface, which emit a slow discharge, and cause a very troublesome itching; dry, scaly eruptions on the skin; enlarge- ments of the bones, and swelling, with hardness of the glands; putrid and exces- sive sweats at night; feverish attacks daily as evening sets in, characterized by shivering without heat; excessive heat of the extremities at night, so that the patient does not care to keep them under the bedclothes, and cannot sleep; some- times no heat causes perspiration, whilst, in other cases, sweat breaks out even when at rest; scurfy, mealy, and dry, or oozing and very offensive eruptions on the scalp, in either case attended with unbearable itching, and generally with loss of the hair; pale and hollow countenance, with livid circles about the eyes, and attenuated, pointed features; enlargement of the lips, and swelling, with hard- ness of the glands of the nether jaw (with much pain); scabs and ulcers on the lips; swelling and hardness of the glands of the groin, and permanent enlargement of the belly; swelling, and usually also hardness of the glands of the armpits and neck; burning heat, with unbearable itching or tingling in the toes; dry, scurfy, or scabby and moist eruptions on the hands; inflammatory swellings affecting the bones; blue-colored appearance of the face after violent emotions, especially anger. Nervous System, &c. Despondency respecting one's health; malicious and re- vengeful disposition; extreme irritability of temper and susceptibility to vexatioua STAPHYSAGRIA. 913 impressions; sudden impulses; embarrassment, and confusion of the intellectual faculties and incapability of clearing the thoughts; jerking of the limbs after having slept; incapability to sleep for several hours, owing to mental excite- ment; drowsiness and heaviness during the day; flashes of light before the eyes, or very hazy, misty, and indistinct sight; dulness of hearing and of sight; tremu- lousness, with palpitation of the heart, easily induced by any excitement, by the least exercise or exertion of the mind or body; tremulousness and palpitation after sleeping in the daytime. Pains. Continual, gnawing, boring pains in hollow teeth, especially in the evening, or the first of the morning, or readily provoked or aggravated by,in- haling cold air, eating or drinking cold fluids; acute, shooting, or throbbing pains in the bones; piercing pains in different parts; dragging pains in the joints; bursting headache upon stooping, or on the least movement of the head; piercing, thrusting pain on one side of the head; shooting, cutting pains in the bones of the face ; griping and cutting pains in the bowels; boring, piercing pains * in the stomach; throbbing, piercing, and aching pain in the small of the back (with or without a visible tumor); aching, tearing, darting pains in the arms, shoulders, hands, feet, and shins ; pains in the loins and thighs, as if broken, provoked, or aggravated by movement. Mouth, Gums, Teeth, Throat, and Ears. Excessive dryness of the throat, palate, and mouth, with a feeling of soreness when speaking, or in the throat, especially when swallowing ; whitish elevations or blisters all over the interior of the mouth, or ulceration of parts of the mouth — or morbid growths on the gums, or on the inside of the cheeks ; the teeth are very dark and brittle, giving way by pieces, and the gums very sore and swollen, and bleeding on the least touch ; the tonsils and glands under the tongue are swollen; eruptions appear — generally dry and mealy, but sometimes moist and scabby, always itching unbearably — behind the ears. Nose and Eyes. Stuffing of one nostril, with profuse, thin, acrid, and watery, or thick, adhesive discharge from the nostrils, and watering of the eyes; ulcera- tion of the interior of the nostrils, with thick scabs and incrustations; redness, heat, and swelling of the margins of the eyelids, sometimes with itching, and knotty elevations or protuberances, and discharge of thick, sticky matter from the corners of the eyes; adhesion of the lids at night; inflammation of the eyes; eruption of pimples round the eyes; extreme dryness and heat, with redness of the eyes and eyelids; heaviness of the eyes, and smarting or excessively trouble- some itching deep in the corners of the eyes. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Tastelessness of food, with hunger; desire for liquid food ; inordinate or very fastidious and craving appetite; eructations, recurring very often; weight, oppression, and tightness in the region of the stomach and about the waist; desire to relieve the bowels, with very insufficient. discharge; obstinate costiveness; difficulty in discharging the evacuations, with very hard but sometimes also soft stools; quite liquid and spontaneous motions; • scalding sensation in passing water; very painful, frequent, and scanty discharge, or even much urging and drop-discharge of deep-colored, reddish urine. 58 914 STRAMONIUM. STRAMONIUM. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Convulsive attacks, with violent and in- voluntary jerking of the limbs or of the body, recurring at intervals, and much aggravated or provoked by the sight of glistening or bright, reflective bodies, or of water; spasmodic rigidity of the jaws and clenching of the teeth ; convulsive hiccough ; general or local spasms ; rigid bending of the body backwards ; sensa- tion as if the limbs were torn away; gradual contraction of the limbs, succeeded by exceedingly gradual relaxation — or gradual contraction of the limbs, ending in permanent rigidity — or the limbs are slowly stretched out, and become rigid; violent bursts of spasmodic laughter; sardonic grinning — or alternate whining, or moaning and laughter; constant alternation of serious, gloomy thoughts, gestures, and remarks, with delirious raving, and a multitude of fantastical ideas ; cease- less talking; delirium, running upon one prevailing thought; deep lethargic sleep (with noisy, snoring respiration), from which it is impossible to rouse the patient.; • violent trembling of the limbs; violent giddiness, succeeded by loss of conscious- ness, and positive rigidity of the whole body; spasmodic contraction of two or more, or all of the limbs at, the same time; the knees are drawn up; deep melan- choly and gloomy thoughts, from which it is impossible to divert, the patient's attention, and against which nothing can reassure him; wild frenzy, with de- structive disposition; delirium, with the idea of ill-usage or of unjust restraint, and attempts to escape, the patient watching the nurse or attendant, and if atten- tion be for a moment diverted from him, springing suddenly from the bed, and attempting to leap from the window, &c.; illusions of sight, with diminutive appearance of objects; total forgetfulness of those about one; the most constant companions are not recognized, and when asked if he knows some one who ad- dresses him, the patient appears at a loss, names other persons, or shakes his head in the negative — or if told the person's name, appears incredulous; ab- sence of all the senses; total unconsciousness of sounds, smells, or objects; con- vulsive agitation or jerking of the head; vacant, downcast stare; the eyes do not appear to convey a consciousness of objects passed before them ; the eyes are con- vulsively turned in one direction (upwards or sideways); the pupils extremely dilated; the eyelids spasmodically closed; the teeth ground or gritted together; the throat spasmodically closed, so that the act of swallowing, especially of liquids, is impossible; the hands are distorted, and the fingers clenched; the limbs give way when the patient attempts to stand upright; the lips sometimes quiver; in- capability to articulate — or stuttering, embarrassed speech. External Surface. Occasional flushing of heat, with redness of the face; the features are wrung into the most hideous and unnatural positions; the face is of a deep crimson hue or ghastly pale, and usually much seared and wrinkled ; bloated and purple face, with even an appearance like that of extravasation of blood over the face; general and intense coldness of the body, with or without ^ heat of the head; icy coldness of the limbs, and especially of the feet and hands. Eyes, Nose, Mouth, and Tongue. Brilliant appearance of the eyes, with im- movable pupils; puffing, protrusion, and redness of the eyes; swelling and red- ness along the margins of the eyelids; frothy and bloody spittle in the mouth, oozing out on either side; immovable and swollen tongue; intense dryness of the mouth, or profuse accumulation and drivelling of saliva. SULPHUR. 915 Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Intense thirst, with incapa. ility to swallow liquids; continual bitter taste in the mouth; risings of sour matter from the stomach ; vomiting of green, bilious matter, or of frothy, greenish, and sour- smelling matters; distension of the stomach, the belly blown out with flatulency, hard and tight; rumbling and free expulsion of flatulency; involuntary flow of urine, or drop discharge, with intense urging to pass water; the bowels are con- fined, and there is much straining and urging to evacuate —or the evacuations are loose and perfectly putrid; great tenderness of the stomach and belly to pressure. Breathing. Impeded breath, and intense anxiety; complete arrest of respira- tion with suffocation — or difficult, irregular, and gasping respiration. Pains. Throbbing pains at the top of the head; aching and sore pain in the stomach, aggravated by pressure ; violent, clawing, lacerative pains in the bowels, especially about the navel; drawing, lacerative, or boring pains in the back and loins, or pains in the back as if crushed. SULPHUR. External Surface. Eruptions of scattered and itching pimples, generally assum- ing a flattened shape, and containing yellowish or curdy matter, sometimes stained with blood —or oozing eruptions, of a yellowish or greenish color, in either case red at the base, and in the latter instance, especially, forming scabs; swelling of the hands; the-veins on the hands are distended; perspiration on the hands; excessive irritation of the skin, and itching all over the body, and aggra- vated towards night, and especially during the night in the warmth of the bed; eruptions of all kinds, attended with burning and itching sensations; the forma- tion of ulcers,- of which the centre is hollow, and which are surrounded by pim- ples; the glands generally are swollen, inflamed, hardened, and suppurating; sweating is profuse at all times; local sweating, generally very offensive, of par- ticular parts, as on the chest or back, in the armpits, and on the hands and feet in particular; there is a predisposition to sweat with every physical exertion, however slight; there is general and habitual chilliness — or heat predominates at night, in the morning, or in the evening ; very intense, burning, and unbearable heat, with harsh dryness of the skin; red, hot, and tingling swelling of the breasts, or irritation and soreness of the nipples; scarlet hue of the skin all over the body, or even purple color, with unbearable heat; swelling heat and redness of the skin, like that of erysipelas, further characterized by very troublesome gnawing, itching, and tingling; fine, grain-like eruptions on the skin, but chiefly developed on the limbs; very red, hot, tingling, and itching swellings (chilblains) on the extremities, or the same proceeding to ulceration ; knotty protuberances under the skin; chapping of the skin upon the least exposure (or provoked by merely washing the hands), with smarting sensation ; yellowish or brownish stains upon the skin in different parts ; scaly warts, dry and without sensibility, princi- pally on the knuckles; eruptions of vesicles, oozing a thin, pale, yellowish, red- dish, or greenish fluid, sometimes very corrosive and forming scabs, with con- stant gnawing itching; shivering-fits, which affect particular parts, chiefly the back and chest, with coldness of the feet and hands, and of the nose; sweats which emit a sour smell; pale and bloated face ; livid complexion; blue rings round the eyes; roughness of the skin on the face; flushing of the face; red spots 916 SULPHUR. on the face; bb-ck pores on the nose, lips, and chin; extreme sensitiveness of the scalp at the roots of the hair; local or general coldness or flushing of heat in the head; eruptions of itching, gnawing pimples on the forehead and amongst the hair; rapid loss of the hair, which falls out by handfuls (especially after severe acute diseases); intense itching, with the formation of scaly, hard, dry, dense, and yellow-colored scabs amongst the hair, whence an offensive, thick, and yellow matter is discharged; swelling of the face, sometimes without altera- tion of color, sometimes very red; enlargement of the lips and swelling of the jaws ; swelling of the glands under the jaw ; hardness, with enlargement in the region of the liver, and often with extreme tenderness of pressure; soreness and extreme sensitiveness of the region around the waist; curvature of the spine; enlarge- ment, with heat and redness, of the glands of the neck; and hard swelling and abscess of the glands of the armpits; considerable swelling, with glossy redness, of the fingers ; itching, minute, red pimples on the hands and fingers ; peeling off of tKe skin from the hands ; and cracking of the skin, with hardness and dryness, especially at the back of the hands and around the wrists; numbness of the fingers ; intractable ulcers, characterized by burning sensations, on the feet and legs; sweating of the feet, whether hot or cold, but generally when cold, and in- tensely dry when hot; swelling of the veins, with purple appearance — or knotty- looking, purple spots on the legs; clear, elastic, colorless swellings on the legs, or bright-red, hot, tense swellings; expansive, hard, tense, and glossy, red swell- ings on the toes, with unbearable itching; corns on the toes and sides of the feet, with intolerable shooting or burning sensations ; dread of applying cold water to the skin; excessive loss of flesh, and attenuation of all parts of the body; extreme sensitiveness to a draught of cold air, or to the open air. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Constant acidity; regurgitation; eructa- tions; heartburn; inordinate and ravenous appetite; sensation of weight and pressive fulness at the stomach, especially after eating or towards night; throb- bing sensation at the pit of the stomach; flow of watery fluid to the mouth, with acrid, scalding sensation in the throat, especially in the morning or after eating; risings from the stomach, with bitter or putrid taste, principally towards night or after a meal; dainty, fastidious appetite, with dislike to sweets and acids; foul taste, or insipid, or bitter, or sour, or even sweetish taste in the mouth; incessant thirst; extreme weakness of digestion; slow, feeble, and imperfect digestion — milk always disagreeing, and turning acid in the stomach; farinaceous articles disagree; animal food and all greasy food disagree; attacks of extreme sickness at the stomach (with faintness, &c), principally in the morning and towards night, and after eating, and which results in violent heaving, and then in vomit- ing of the food, or of sour or bitter matters, or sometimes of very dark- colored matter; noisy rumbling of flatulency in the intestines; tightness and sen- sation of weight in the regions of the stomach and liver, and in the belly; obsti- nate costiveness, with imperfect, lumpy, detached, hard motions, and with con- stant desire and urging to evacuate —or relaxation of the bowels, with frequent motions; spontaneous discharge from the bowels; whitish or greenish stools; profuse thin discharge from the bowels, early in the morning, so urgent that it is with difficulty the clothing can be kept frtfm being soiled; discharge of urine, painful, difficult, or suppressed — or profuse and spontaneous discharge of urine, even during sleep; greasy film forming on the top of the urine, after stand- SULPHUR. 917 ing; thick, cloudy, dark-colored, reddish urine depositing a muddy, reddish sediment. Breathing, Chest, &c. Habitual weakness of the chest; oppressed breathing ; heaviness on the chest, as if of a lump or weight; short, impeded breathing, with sudden arrest of breath — or suffocative attacks at night upon lying down, or even during sleep; attacks of tightness and oppression at the chest in the open air, or the same induced by the least excitement, or even by talking; speaking exhausts the patient; anxious, hurried, short, quick, and wheezing breath; with almost inaudible cough, followed by spitting of blood; fatiguing, dry, shaking cough, often so violent as to provoke retching, and to end in vomiting of food or phlegm ; hollow, harsh, rattling, and sometimes very feeble and inaudible, whispering voice, in either case aggravated by a moist, raw state of the atmosphere; sore- ness at the chest after coughing; violent attacks of coughing on first getting up or going to bed, and after eating; loose, moist cough, attended with very copious dislodgment of thick, yellow, or whitish phlegm. Womb, Menstruation, &c. Great suffering from suppression of the menstrual discharge, or generally painful and often difficult menstruation, but more fre- quently excessive and before the proper time than otherwise, or afterwards gradually becoming more and more feeble; pale and sour-smelling discharge ^general derangement of the nervous system, digestion, and organs of respira- tion and circulation on the approach of the periods); bearing-down and sensation of weight and fulness in the lower part of the belly; discharge of whites, gener- ally of a yellowish hue, and often very acrid, during the intervals, with much smarting and gnawing irritation; burning heat and excessive irritation of the passage. Pulse and Circulation. Full, hard, and frequent pulse; variable pulse; some- times very small, quick, irritable pulse, with much acceleration towards night, or even feeble and intermittent pulse, or very wiry, contracted pulse; determina- tion of blood to important organs, such as the brain, lungs, &c, and local con- gestions chiefly affecting the glands; constant palpitation of the heart induced by any exertion, and especially by ascending stairs or an acclivity, or by running or walking fast; shaking (but often also tremulous) palpitation of the heart; oppressed beating of the heart. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Weakness and numbness of different parts; weakness of the legs, and especially of the knees; sensation as if the legs gave way under one ; the back part of the thighs feels strained and stretched ; the legs are characterized by a sensation of weight; the disposition is melancholy, sad, prone to tears, irritable, and inclined to anger—or prone to religious or philo- sophic reflections; abstractedness; confusion of the brain and of ideas, difficulty of collecting one's thoughts; dizziness, heaviness, fulness, and pressure in the head; delirium and snatching at the bedclothes; the eyes are extremely sensitive of light, especially of the glare of the sun ; variations in the sense of smell- sometimes excessively acute, sometimes obstructed or smoky, and sometimes, again, totally suspended; yellow appearance of objects to the sight; flickering of black dots or of bright or white spots before the eyes; quivering of the eyes; misty, hazy, confused sight; staggering or reeling giddiness when sitting still after eating, or in the morning or evening, or even during the night, or on first rising from a seat, or, again, when ascending an acclivity, or simply walking, or 918 SULPHUR. invariably when stooping; convulsive attacks, with stiffness of the limbs, and spasmodic rigidity of the jaws; jerking, throbbing sensations in the muscles ; attacks of giddiness ending in fainting; trembling inside the body; tendency in the limbs to become numb and torpid; general and indescribable uneasiness: excessive restlessness of the limbs; extreme exhaustion and fatigue, very readily induced by the slightest exertion, or by talking. Pains. Aching pains in the limbs; keen and drawing pains; the pains are aggravated by talking; pains of the nature of rheumatism about the loins; pain in the back induced by physical exertion ; bruised pain in the chest; bruised and tearing pains in the loins; aching and throbbing pains in the inflammatory swell- ings, especially of the glands or joints; intermittent pain in the head, frequently excited by motion, the open air, or intense reflection ; sore pain in the scalp ; bursting headache, especially felt through the forehead, from one temple to the other; keen, jerking pains through the head; local, aching, boring, or piercing pain, either on one side of the head, at the back, or in the crown of the head ; return of the headache every morning, evening, or night, or in the same way every other day, or every day for four days, every month, or every eighth day; darting, piercing pains through the ears; boring, jerking, throbbing, or burning pains in sound or hollow teeth ; digging, shooting pains in the region of the liver; griping, clawing, pricking, or shooting pains in the belly, relieved by leaning forward, chiefly occurring in the left side, and mostly after a meal, or after drink- ing, or at night, or, again, like the headache at staled periods; shooting pains in the chest, mostly on the left side, or under the breast-bone, piercing to the left side or to the back ; shooting pains in the region of the heart; keen, jerking pains in the joints and muscles of the arms and legs, and of the fingers, and in the shoulder-joints; shooting pain in the hip at every step, as if severely strained or bruised. Mouth, Tongue, Teeth, and Throat. Aphthous vesicles in the mouth and under the tongue; intense dryness, with burning heat, in the mouth, extending to the throat, in which there is a harsh, grated sensation, whilst the tongue remains moist; feeling as if a ball were rising in the throat; collection of saliva in the mouth; sour or very offensive odor emitted from the mouth, especially in the morn- ing and after eating, but sometimes also towards night; the tongue is rough, dry, and fissured, or covered with a white coating; thick, sticky, brownish slime on the tongue ; rawness of the mouth ; the throat communicates a sensation of press- ure, as if tightly bound, or as if there were an obstruction or tumor within; the teeth are elongated, loose, excessively tender of pressure, and generally loaded with a brownish slime; and the gums are hard and swollen, sometimes also sup- purating, and discharging a curdy, flocky, or thready matter tinged with blood. Nose, Ears; and Eyes. Red, hot swelling of the nose; burning, dry heat in the nostrils; ulcerative inflammation of the nostrils and scabby incrustations; scald- ing discharge from the nose, generally watery — or discharge of yellow, thick, flaky matter from the nose; chronic dry heat, or copious flow of watery matter from the nose; stuffing of the nose, especially of one nostril; constant and violent sneezing; discharge of blood from the nose, mostly in the morning, or sometimes when the nose is blown ; cracking sound in the ear as if something were burst; soreneas^behind the ears; after blowing the nose, one ear appears to continue stopped up, a burning sound, or sound like the flow of water in the ear remaining; THUJA OCCIDENTALS. 919 chronic hardness of hearing; stuffing of the ears, or of one ear especially; the eyes are characterized by a sensation of titillation or itching in the lids and corners, as well as in the eyes; the margins of the eyelids are ulcerated ; intense drijness and heat in the eyes; especially out of doors or when walking against the wind; suffused redness and great heat of the eyes, with inflammation of the lids — or yellowish suffusion of the whites of the eyes. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. General Symptoms. The veins of the hands are swollen; the instep and ex- tremities of the toes and fingers are hot and swollen ; the joints of the feet, elbows, and knees crack when moved; the extremities feel heavy and stiff in motion; the hands and arms tremble when the patient writes; there is frequent or even con- stant and profuse sweating between the thighs; the skin on the hands is dry and harsh;.the extremities of the fingers are colorless, cold, and numbed, and the numbness sometimes extends to the elbows; there is sweating of the hands; chil- blains on the hands and feet; eruptions of pimples on the skin, which ripen after a few days, exhibit a depressed crown, and contain or exude a yellowish, or, sometimes, blood-streaked matter, form scabs, and sometimes leave a cavity or scar upon peeling, but always much redness and even rawness of the surface; extreme tenderness of the skin; morbid excrescences in the eyebrows; scabs, with much soreness of the nose and swelling of the wings of the nose; knotty, red protuberances on the skin; pimples break out on the lips and chin, or all over the face ; greasy sweat, on the face; evanescent or continued burning heat, with redness of the face ; aphthous vesicles in the mouth ; the tongue swollen and very tender, with morbid growths and ulceration on either side; the glands under the jaw and the tonsils are swollen; angry, chancrous ulceration of the throat; scanty menstrual discharge, with constant whites, and morbid excrescences in the passage ; the urinary organs affected with morbid excrescences and angry ulceration ; thick, yellow discharge, with painful contraction of the parts; scald- ing in passing water, or constant itching in the passage, with a sensation as if a drop were oozing out ; shooting pains, in the joints especially, or in the limbs generally; throbbing, ulcerative pains; the limbs are easily numbed; great agi- tation and dry heat, which prevent sleeping; extreme heat towards night and sweating during sleep ; throbbing in all the arteries ; want of readiness in expres- sion ; extreme reluctance to movement, or to every kind of labor, or even amuse- ment; ennui; swimming of the head upon lying down or first assuming an erect position; determination of blood to the head, with dull, obtuse, or pressive head- ache ; the left side in particular is tender to the touch, and the scalp feels sore when the hair is touched, even by laying the head upon the pillow ; gnawing irritation over the head; clawing pains in the hollow teeth ; hard, red, and hot swelling of the eyelids, and burning heat, with crimson color of the eyes ; the appetite craving, but easily glutted; clammy taste in the mouth, or rising of putrid or bitter matters from the stomach : predominant thirst: in the morning and during the night; swelling, with heat and redness and much pain in the glands of the groin; heavy, dull pains in the stomach, bowels, and region of the groin, especially after eating-or throbbing at the pit of the stomach; frequent urging to stool, with continued costiveness or straining when at stool; large, hard, and slimy, or bloody evacuations, discharged with much effort; morbid 920 URTICA — VERATRUM ALBUM. excrescences in the passage; copious discharge of limpid urine during the night, with continual desire to pass water; soreness and pain deep in the chest, and cough, with expectoration of yellowish phlegm — or cough induced by an irrita- tion in the windpipe, and which is most prevalent in the morning, and is followed by scanty spitting of yellowish or grayish lumps of phlegm or matter. URTICA. General Symptoms. Eruptions of an inflammatory, itching, tingling nature, with local heat and redness, but without much constitutional disturbance ; the formation of large irregular blotches on the skin, which are very pale (or per- fectly colorless), but which are surrounded by bright redness of the adjacent Burface; redness, with tingling and feeling of heat, or pricking in the skin of the swollen parts, and which feel sore when very lightly touched, but conveys no increase of pain upon more determined pressure; heat and local inflammation, with or without swelling of the parts, or with very little swelling ; vesicular eruptions generally, which are of an uncomplicated kind, and which appear chiefly after the application of eold water, or exposure to cold air, and are unat- tended with decided variations of pulse, but sometimes produce a good deal of restlessness ; mawkish, insipid, clammy taste in the mouth, with sliminess of the mouth, throat, and tongue, and glairy-looking phlegm on the tongue; dryness of the mouth and throat, with thirst, and harsh scraping sensation in the throat, more decidedly felt in the morning, and relieved after a meal or after drinking cold water; scraping sensation in the upper part of the nostrils, and thence to the throat, with dislodgment of gelatinous phlegm, by sniffing and hawking; smarting, with heat, but without external evidences of inflammation in the eyes; these symptoms appearing more especially in the morning and subsiding after a meal and movement; tingling sensation in the forehead and eyebrows ; crawling sensation, before or after, or, without evacuation, in the orifice of the lower bowel; gnawing, itching in owe nostril, which provokes the patient to squeeze and rub the nose; sometimes a degree of nausea lasting for a short time; or clawing pain in the stomach, which, however, also disappears quickly ; irritation around the knees and wrists; and sometimes also the ankles; loose evacuations without pain, but with a crawling sensation from the gullet to the orifice of the lower bowel. VERATRUM ALBUM. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Canine hunger; excessive nausea; as soon as anything has been swallowed there is violent vomiting and purging; extreme thirst, with desire for cold drinks; bitter taste in the mouth, as of bile ; vomiting of very dark matters, like coffee-grounds; vomiting, with simultaneous purging, and pressure at the pit of the stomach ; vomiting of slimy or frothy matter; vomiting of white, yellowish, or green phlegm, or bilious matter; burning sensation in the belly, as if from a brand; the pit of the stomach and region of the stomach are extremely and painfully sensitive of touch or pressure; anguish at the pit of the stomaeh ; obstinate constipation, as if the bowels were wholly inactive; violent and painful purging; the motions are green, watery, cloudy, brownish, or blackish ; cholera morbus ; Asiatic cholera; watery, greenish diarrhoea, mixed with flakes \ evacuations consisting of blackish-looking matter; insensible evacuation from the VERATRUM ALBUM. 921 bowels while passing flatulence; great weakness, and even fainting during an evacuation from the bowels ; paleness of the face, and cold sweat on the forehead during stool; urine deep-colored or greenish, and characterized by involuntary discharges; suppression of the urinary secretion; continuous urging to urinate; dark-red urine, discharged frequently, but in small quantities ; ruptural pro- trusion ; violent hiccough, with extreme inclination to vomit, and rising of fluid, with a bitter, acrid taste, from the stomach, after the least food; sickness at the stomach, with great inclination to eat, and intense weight at the pit of the stomach whilst eating. Mouth, Lips, Tongue, and Throat. Dryness and clamminess of the mouth; dis- charge of phlegm from the mouth ; frothy saliva in the mouth and about the lips; dry, cracked, and blackish lips; dry, cracked, and blackish, or red and swollen tongue; yellowness of the tongue; soreness of the throat, attended with constric- tion, or sensation as of strangling; contraction of the swallow; unquenchable thirst, especially for cold water. External Surface. Heat, with redness of the face (and shuddering); pale, wan, ghastly, and sunken face, with sunken cheeks and sharpened nose, and blue rings round the eyes ; bluish or yellowish hue of the face; icy coldness of the nose, as well as of the hands, feet, and legs, and of the crown of the head, with cold, clammy sweat on the face; colorless or whitish appearance of the skin; pallor of one cheek, and flushing, with redness of the other; bruised or beaten feeling over the back and in the small of the back; general chill, affecting the whole body, with cold, clammy sweats ; and sometimes fever-fits, with great sensation of internal heat; flaccidity of the skin; sensation as if a block of ice were on the crown of the head. Pulse and Circulation. Slowness of the pulse, which is almost extinct — or small, quick, frequent, and intermittent pulse; determination of blood to important organs, such as the brain, intestines, womb, &c.; violent palpitation of the heart, with great anguish. Periodicity and Remissions. The fever-symptoms, setting in with predominant and general chill, have a tendency to recur at intervals of twenty-four, forty- eight, and seventy-two hours, becoming aggravated, or setting in between sun- set and midnight, and subsiding between sunrise and noon, followed either by total subsidence of all the symptoms, and complete intermission, or by partial remission (with low lethargic state). In the case of the remissions, these are apt to be more decided on every second day; that is, there is a diurnal and very partial remission, followed by increased and excessive violence of all the symp- toms, and a more decided remission on the second day, with generally less vio- lence in the returning paroxysm ; during the more decided remissions the patient craves for food, and, if allowed to eat, the remission is followed by the worst degree of aggravation. Menstruation, &c. The menstrual period sets in with attacks of chilliness and rigors, and with diarrhoea, or the menstrual' flow is suppressed (especially by sudden emotion, such as that occasioned by fright, &c), and results in great de- rangement of the brain, with delirium; suppression of the lochial discharge, or of the milk, in lying-in women, with delirium. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. Rage and delirium for a short time (upon the attacks of pain); tremulous condition of the limbs; prostration of strength 922 VERATRUM VIRIDE. distinctly characterized by its sudden, general, and paralytic effect; shocks, like those produced by electricity (attended with copious perspiration) ; spasms and convulsions, attended with clenching of the palms of the hands, and contraction of the soles of the feet; cataleptic paroxysms, with loss of consciousness and rigid extension of the body, and with lock-jaw; anxious and hurried agitation and rest- lessness; excessively dejected melancholy, with anguish, as if from remorse of conscience; peculiar tendency to be frightened : aberration of mind; grinding of the teeth ; the power of speech is lost; the eyes are convulsed and protruding ; the pupils are closely contracted, or much dilated; the eyelids are paralyzed; the sleep is drowsy, heavy, lethargic, and insensible, or there is great drowsi- ness and incapability of sleeping; complete torpor and general insensibility; vio- lent cramps in the calves of the legs; disposition to faint, with frequent fainting- fits; intense giddiness, with spinning of the head. Pains. Sudden attacks of pain (with rage, &c.); pains, such as those caused by fracture, in the limbs, bones, and muscles; pains in the limbs, which are aggravated in bed, mitigated by getting up, removed by walking about, and which have a tendency to appear early in the morning; violent throbbing, press- ure, or bursting pains in the head, sometimes regularly periodical, and which generally come on very violently, from time to time, and by fits and starts; cutting pain in the crown of the head ; lacerative, compressed pains in the eyes ; violent, cutting, cramp-like, clawing, and pinching pains in the stomach and bowels; pains such as those of fracture in the back, loins, arms, and legs. Breathing, Chest, &c. Breathing obstructed and oppressed, or suddenly arrested by the spasms extending to the chest; deep, hollow cough, provoked by irritation deep in the bronchial tubes ; convulsive cough, with long, shrill-sounding inspi- rations ; dry cough, with burning sensation in the chest and stomach, chiefly occurring in the evening, but sometimes also in the morning; extreme oppression at the chest, with difficult, short, anxious, and hurried breathing; cough occur- ring in the evening, and accompanied with profuse flow of saliva in the mouth. Eyes. Livid hue of the eyes, or bright crimson hue of the eyes ; dull, filmy, watery, or yellowish appearance of the eyes; burning heat in the eyeballs; inflam- matory heat and redness, more particularly in the right eye, but sometimes in both eyes; copious discharge of tears, or intense and constant dryness, with heat in the eyelids. VERATRUM VIRIDE. General Symptoms. Spasmodic twitchings of the muscles; convulsions, with disposition to bend the body backwards, with extreme rigidity of the limbs ; sound sleep, with frightful dreams — or restless sleep, with dreams of drowning; chilliness, accompanied with nausea; coldness of the body, with cold perspira- tion, especially upon the hands and feet; feeble, irregular, scarcely perceptible pulse; headache in the afternoon, with feverishness; headache, which seems tg ascend from the back of the neck; determination of blood to the head, in persons of full habit, or who are addicted to high living, or to the abuse of stimulants, or in children when teething; headache, with feeling of fulness in the head, and throbbing of the arteries of the head and neck; increased sensibility; convulsive twitchings of the face, the mouth is drawn down at one corner ; dimness of vision ; walking brings on blindness and faintness; the tongue feels as if it had been scalded; burning sensation in the throat, or feeling as if the throat were con- VIOLA TRICOLOR — ZINCUM METALLICUM. 923 stricted; excessive irritability of the stomach, with heartburn, and frequent risings of bitter, sour fluid from the stomach ; cutting, aching pains in the belly, in the region of the navel, with rumbling in the belly, and desire for an evacua- tion; violent cutting, forcing, colicky pains, coming on before the menstrual dis- charge; feeling as though a heavy weight were pressing on the chest; oppression at the chest, with difficulty of breathing; constant burning, distressful feeling in the region of the heart; feeling of faintness on arising from a recumbent posture ; fluttering sensation of the heart; palpitation of the heart, with difficulty of breathing. VIOLA TRICOLOR. General Symptoms. Fine, grain-like eruption, with intense and gnawing irri- tation all over the body; eruptions on the face, with oozing of yellowish matter ; and the formation of scabs on the face, which induce intense, gnawing irritation, particularly during the night; flushing of one side of the face, particularly the uppermost side when in bed at night; tearful mood; great flow of ideas at night, by which sleep is delayed, and drowsy, heavy sleep in the morning; sensitiveness to draughts, or to the open air, with great chilliness; the thumbs drawn back; and jerking movements, with great heat and dryness over the whole body when asleep; sleepiness in the latter part of the day; great reluctance to exert one's self; sullen, silent disposition, with inclination to be alone, and dislike to con- versation; embarrassment, and bewilderment of the head; the skin is hard and thickened ; oscillation of the brain during movement; bitter taste in the mouth ; whitish coated tongue; very offensive urine, or urging and straining at the bladder; sensation in the forehead and face as if tightened; aching pain in the eyes, as if a hard body were lodged in the head; aching, pressive pain in the head, and especially at the root of the nose; pressive and aching pain in the eyes; very animated and voluptuous dreams: very cloudy, thick, or scalding urine ; palpitation of the heart; with great anxiety and oppression at the chest on lying down; yielding of the knees when walking; pains in the limbs, as if crushed; pinching pains between the shoulder-blades; intense oppression, with darting pains in the region of the heart when leaning forwards; the headache disappears in the open air; copious perspiration at night. ZINCUM METALLICUM. Nervous System, Brain, Senses, &c. General torpor, or numbness over the whole body (or violent throbbing of all the arteries); extreme reluctance to exert one's self, or even to move in the least degree; oppressive languor, heaviness, and total loss of strength in the limbs; sensation of tingling in the limbs; rapid oscillation in different muscles apparent to the sight — or twitching and jerking of particular muscles without movement of the limbs ; sensation over the surface of the head, as if the hair were on end; appearance of illuminated vapors before the eyes; the upper lids (of one or both eyes) hang down from palsy of the muscles; the pupils are contracted ; loss of scent; sounds in the ear as if flies were fluttering in them ; permanent taste, like that of blood, or salt taste in the mouth ;• involuntary discharge of urine, particularly during exercise; total palsy of the hands, or also of the feet; reeling, spinning giddiness, which seems to emanate from the top of the brain, and with a tendency to topple sideways; incoherency of thought, or confusion of thought, with difficulty of clearing the 924 ZINCUM METALLICUM. thought; capricious, changeable disposition; fretfulness, irritability, and reluc- tance to converse; revolting, absurd, or frightful dreams; sleep affords no rest at night; continued drowsiness. External Surface. Dry harshness of the skin, especially on the hands, with chapping; colorless skin on the hands (with total palsy); sensation as of burning heat in the feet, or tingling in the legs; chaps between the fingers; red, hot, glossy swelling (with aching pain) along the sides of the feet; pale, sallow, dirty complexion; external (and internal) swelling of the nose, especially on one side ; ruptural tumor in the groin, excessive irritation, and soreness over the scalp; continual coldness or chilliness of the surface, with increased heat internally — or severe shuddering fits, with flushing of heat; crawling, shuddering down the spine; protuberances, with heat, irritation, and tingling on the surface ; crawling, gnawing irritation — or intense, gnawing, tingling, and itching under the skin, especially in the palms of the hands; irritation and itching in the joints; copious perspiration at night; oozing eruptions on the skin, forming scabs, which fall off and leave the surface ulcerated ; complete loss of the hair. Menstruation, &c. Slimy discharge in the intervals between the periods; sup- pressed menstrual discharge (chiefly dependent upon sudden emotions, and at- tended with violent disturbance of the brain) ; difficult and painful menstruation ; menstrual discharge before the proper time; suppressed menstruation, with pain- fulness of the breasts and genitals. Nose, Eyes, Month, Teeth, Gums, and Ears. External swelling of the nose, with stuffing and soreness, or constant flow of watery, corrosive fluid, with scald- ing in the nostrils; eruption of small vesicles, generally of a yellowish color, in the mouth and on the tongue; harshness, dryness, and scraping sensation in the throat; swollen, whitish, lardy, sore, ulcerated, and bleeding gums; teeth loosened and discharging blood; flow of very offensive matter from the ears; soreness, smarting, and itching, with redness and heat of the inner corners of the eyes; pressure on the eyes, as if pressed into the head. Pains. Pains which appear to emanate from beneath the skin; sore pains all over; tearing pains in the limbs, worse after motion or when heated; pressive frontal headache in the morning; tearing, shooting pains at the back of the head, on either side, through the temples, and across the fore part of the head ; throbbing pains in the head, worse in-doors; aching pain in the head (sometimes with sickness at the stomach), or even vomiting at night, or after taking wine, in however small a quantity; darting, tearing pains deep in the face ; sore pain in the nose ; dragging, tearing pains in the double teeth, or more particularly when eating; dull, aching pain in the stomach, or clawing, pinching, or griping pains in the bowels, with or without shooting pains in the region of the liver ; tearing, pinching, pressive pains in the chest, or pain in or under the breast- bone, which seems as if the shoulders were bound together in front, and expan- sion were impossible; aching, rheumatic pains in the back and loins, and darting or tearing pains in the nape of the neck, with incapability of turning the head; aching, drawing, tearing, or rheumatic pains in the legs and arms, and in the knee, elbow, finger, ankle, and wrist-joints — or wringing pain in the joints of the feet, &c. Breathing, Chest, &c. Excessive difficulty of breathing from spasm of the chest; very difficult and oppressed breathing, with weight, at the chest; oppression of ZINCUM METALLICUM. 925 breath towards night, with irregular or violent beating of the heart, and almost arrest of breathing ; rattling respiration from excess of phlegm in the air-passages; hawking and coughing, with ejection of clotted blood, or of very adhesive, stringy phlegm. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Sour risings from the stomach, especially after drinking milk; nausea, with retching and vomiting of bitter mucus, re- newed by the slightest, motion ; hiccough, especially after breakfast; disagreeable sensation of heat in the upper orifice of the stomach, extending up the throat; constipated condition of the bowels, as if resulting from palsy of the lower bowel; the evacuations are hard and dry, and are only expelled by hard strain- ing ; soft, pap-like evacuations, sometimes accompanied with discharge of thin blood ; the evacuations are passed involuntarily; feeling of soreness and of vio- lent itching of the posterior passage; when beginning to urinate, the flow is restrained; violent pressure in the bladder, with frequent desire to urinate; the urine is a long time in passing, and can only be discharged by sitting a long while, and by forcing; involuntary discharge of urine while walking, coughing, or sneezing. PART VI. THE REPERTORY. The Repertory is to be used in connection with the " Characteristic Effects " contained in Part V., in order to facilitate the discriminative selection of the remedy. It, will be observed that the abbreviated names of the medicines are printed in the Repertory in three kinds of type, viz.: common type, italics, and a large and heavy type. The first or common type is used for medicines having a very general reference to the symptoms with which they stand connected; the second kind, or italics, indicates medicines more specifically related to the same symptom, and claim a greater share of attention ; while the third kind of type, the most conspicuous, indicates such medicines as have been found the most reliable for this particular symptom, by abundant clinical experience. MIND AND DISPOSITION. General Symptoms. Anxiety, fear: Aeon. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cactus. Cham. Cocc Gelsem. Glon Hell. Ign. Lye. Nux vom. Opium. Puis. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Verat. vir. Distrustful: Acid phos. Bar. Bell. Caust. Cic. Hell. Hyosc. Lye. Puis. Fitful mood: Acid sulph. Alum. Aur. Ferr. Graph. Ign. Kali. carb. >.lat. Stram. Zinc. Gentle : Cocc. Croc. Ign. Lye. Puis. Sil. Sulph. Greedy: Ars. Lye. Natr. c. Petrol. Puis. Sep. Haughty: Lye. Plat. Stram. Ve- ratr. Hopeless: Ars. Aur. Calc. Caust. Cham. Con. Graph. Ign. Lye. Natr. c. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Indifferent: Acid phos. Cactus. Chin. Cocc. Con. Ign. Natr. mur. Phos. Puis. Sep. Sil. Irritable mood : Aeon. Aur. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Cham. Coff. Ferr. Gel- sem. Hyosc. Ign. N. vom. Phosph. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Verat. alb. Irascible : Aconit. Ars. Cham. Cupr. Gelsem. Hyosc. Lye. N. vom. Stram. Verat. alb. Jocose mood: Bell. Coff. Croc. Hy- osc. Natr. c. Nux mosch. Op. Phosph. Plat. Puis. Stram. Peevish: Alum. Aur. Calc. Caust. Cham. Con. Gelsem. Hep. Ign. Ipec. Lye. Merc. Natr. c. Phosph. Plat. Puis. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Sad: Aeon. Bellad. Cactus. Cham. Gelsem. Graph. Ign. Lye. Natr. m. Nux mosch. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Serious mood: Acid, sulph. Cocc. Gelsem. Thuj. Cloudiness. Cloudiness : Acid. phos. Aeon. Arn. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Cann. Cnnth. Chin. Cocc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cimicif. Hyosc. Ign. Lpec. N. vom. Op.. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Verat. alb. Confusion : Acid. phos. Ant. cr. Ars. Bell. Bry. China. Euphr. Ferr. Gel- sem. Glon. Hell. Ign. Natr. carb. Nux vom. Phosph. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Sec. corn. Spig. Staph. Zinc. Dizziness: Acid. phos. Acid, nit, Aeon. Alum. Apis. Ars. Bell. Bry. 926 MIND AND DISPOSITION. 927 Cactus. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. China. Coloc. Con. Gelsem. Glon. Graph. Lye. Natr. mur. N. vom. Op. Phosph. Puis. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Verat. Zinc. Dulness : Aeon. Calc. Canth. Cimicif. Hyosc. Petr. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Zinc. Intoxication: Antim. crud. Arg. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Caust. Cham. Cic. Cimicif. Cocc. Coff. Con. Croc. Ferr. Graph. Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Led. N. vom. Op. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sil. Stram. Verat. alb. Loss of consciousness: Acid. phos. Acid. nit. Ars. Bell. Calc. Canth. Hy- osc. N. vom. Rhus. Stram. Verat. alb. Stupefaction : Acid. phos. Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cin. Coff. Con. Dale. Ferr Graph. Lye. Hell. Hyosc. Ipec. X. vom. Opium. Phosph. Rhus. Sepia. Stram. Sulph. Vanishing of senses: Ars. Bell. Calc. Camph. Cic. Cimicif. Cupr. Graph. Hyosc. N. vom. Staiui. Stram. Mental Weaknesses. Absence of mind: Arn. Bell. Caust. Cupr. Glon. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Ign. Lye. Merc. Natr. mur. Op. Rhus. Sep. . Avarice : Puis. Comprehension, ready : Coff. Op. - heavy: Camph. Cham. Cocc. Con. Lye. Op. Spig. Zinc. Delirium : Acid. phos. Aeon. Antim. crud. Apis. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Camphora. Canth. Cham. Cimicif. Cina. Con. Cupr. Dulc. Hyosc. Op. Phosph. Plat. Rhus. Sec. cor. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. - with frightful spectres : Bell. - nocturnal, raving about the day's business: Bry. - without consciousness: Hyosc. Puis. Stram. - loquacious, with open eyes: Coloc. Op. Verat. alb. Stram. - quiet, with stupefaction: Acid. phos. - with anxiety, fear of death, over- estimation of one's self: Plat. - bland, with loss of recollection: Rhus. - without consciousness, often termi- nating in rage: Sec. corn. Stram. - various, shameless, haughty : Stram. Hyosc. - religious, haughty: Verat.alb. Delirium, with disposition to escape: Bry. Cocc. Hyos. Stram. — with staring look: Bell. Derangement, mental: Bell. Canth. Cupr. Hyosc. Op. Plumb. Stram. Verat. alb. Excitement of the fancy: Aeon. Ant. crud. Arn. Apis. Bell. Chin. Coff. Hyosc. Lachesis. Op. Phosph. Pulsat. Stram. Exhaustion from mental labor: Aur. Cham. Colch. Gelsem. Natr. mur. N. vom. Phosph. Puis. Sil. Spig. Spong. Staph. - nervous : Aur. Bell. Calc. Dig. Iod. Natr. c. N. vom. Phosph. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Forebodings: Aeon. Spig. Foreboding of death: Aeon. Strain. Verut. alb. Fixed ideas: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Carb. veg. Illusions of the fancy: Bell. Bry. Caust. Cimicif. Hell. Hepar. Hyosc. Op. Phosph. Rhus. Staph. Stram. Illusions of sense: Acid.phos. Bell. Cimicif. Op. Phosph. Plat. Sec. Stann. Stram. Insensibility: Acid. phos. Hell. Hyo.sc. Op. Sec. corn. Stram. Insanity: Aeon. Ant. crud. Ars. Bell. Cann. Canth. Caust. Cimicif. Coccul. Con. Cupr. Dulc. Hyosc. Opium. Sec. corn. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Zinc. - with haughtiness : Hyoscyam. Platina. Stram. Verat. alb. - mirthful: Crocus. Ign. Stram. - mild : Croc. Veratr. - religious: Stram. Veratr. alb. - talkative : Stram. - furious: Hyosc. Stram. Laughter: Bellad. Crocus. Hyosc. Nux mosch. Strain. Veratr. Loss of recollection : Aeon. Alum. Arn. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Cham. China. Con. Cupr. Dig. Glon. Hell. Hyosc. Ign. Natr. mur. N. vom. Opium. Phosph. Plat. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Silicea. Stann. Staph. Stram. Loss of consciousness : Bell. Bry. Canth. Cham. Cocc. Cupr. Hyosc. Ipec. Nux vom. Op. Rhus. Stram. Verat. Mistakes in talking : Alum. Caust. Cham. Chin. Con. Croc. Ign. Lach. Lye. Natr. mur. N. vom. Puis. Sep. SU. Rage : Aeon. Ars. Bell. Camph. Cann. 928 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Canth. Cham. Coccul. Croc. Cupr. Drosera. Hyosc. Lye. Opium. Petr. Plumb. Ruta. Sec. corn. Stram. Verat. alb. Shamelessness: Hyosc. N. vom. Op. Stram. Verat. Wandering of the mind : Acid. phos. Aeon. Arn. Aur. Bar. Bell. Caust. Canth. Cham. Cocc. Croc. Hell. Ign. Natrum. mur. Petr. Phosph. Plat. Sep. Stann. Sulph. Verat. alb. Defects of the Memory. Forgetful: Aeon. Alum. Arn. Ars. Bar. Bell. Calc. Canth. Caps. Colchic. Coccul. Dig. Gelsem. Glon. Hell. Hy- osc. Ign. Laches. Lye. Natr. mur. Petr. Phosph. Plat. Rhus. Sec. corn. Silic. Spig. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Memory, defective: Aeon. Arn. Bell. Bryon. Calc. Camph. Cocc. Gelsem. Graph. Hyosc. Puis. Sep. Spigel. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. - feeble: Aeon. Alum. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bryon. Calc. Caust. Colch. Cupr. Dig. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Ign. Lye. Natr. mur. Op. Plat. Pulsat. Rhus. Sep. Spigel. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Emotions causing Disease. Anger, also with vehemence: Cham. - with fright: Aeon. - with feeling of coldness : Ars. - with subsequent ill-humor: Bry. - with silent grief: Ign. - with irascible mind: N. vom. - with mental derangement: Verat. alb. Anxiety and fright. - with subsequent anxiety and mental confusion: Bell. - with joyful surprise: Coff. - with subsequent starting during sleep: Hyosc. - followed by grief or spasms: Ign. - followed by anxiety or nocturnal pains: Merc. - with fear, heat of the head, and spasms : Op. - followed by mental confusion : Plat. - followed by diarrhoea: Gelsem. Puis. - with suffocative fits and bluish face : Samb. - with involuntary stool and icy cold- ness : Verat. alb Grief. - caused by mortification and followed by mental confusion : Bell. - with shame and suppressed anger: Ign. - with nocturnal anxiety and com- plaints : Merc. - followed by spasms : Op. - with emaciation, drowsiness, and morning-sweats : Acid. phos. - with apprehensions for the future and day-drowsiness: Staph. Homesickness. - with nocturnal anxiety and sweat: Merc. - with emaciation and morning-sweat, drowsiness: Acid. phos. Jealousy. - with vehemence and delirium: Hy- osc. - insane, with distrust: Lach. Unfortunate love. - with thoughts of suicide : Aur. - with jealousy and loquacity: Hyosc. - with silent grief: Ign. - with desponding mood : Lach. - with emaciation and morning-sweat: Acid. phos. - with unmerited mortification: Staph. Wrath. - with cries and palpitation : Arn. - with loss of consciousness or deli- rium : Bell. - with flushed cheeks, thirst: Bry. - hot sweat about the head, spasms: Cham. - thirst, vomiting of bile, chilliness, heat: Nux vom. - laughter, weeping, anxiety : Plat. - with internal chilliness, no thirst, but dizziness: Puis. - on account of unmerited humiliation, whole body sore : Staph. Mental Derangements. Forebodings of death. - with foretelling of the day of death : Aeon. Forebodings of death, with anxiety and restlessness : Bell. - with fear of death and anguish: Plat. - alternating with fits of rage: Stram. Hysteria and Hypochondria. - with anxiety, disposition to suicide : Aur. - with fitful mood, sleeplessness : Ign. - of those who lead a sedentary life and revel at night, with constipation: N. vom. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 929 Hysteria and Hypochondria, after unmerited insults, with flatulency: Staph. Rage, - with haughty manners, and spasms : Cupr. - with furious jealousy : Hyosc. - with amorous tenderness and jeal- ousy : Lach. - silent, with religious melancholy: Lye. - with frightful visions, alternating with stupor: Op. - censorious, with trembling and spasms: Plat. - raving, with frightful visions: Stram. - with wicked imprecations : Verat.alb. Suicide, disposition to, - with nocturnal anguish and despair : Ars. - with religious melancholy : Aur. - with anxiety, restlessness, fright: Bell. - with silent anguish, fear of death: Puis. - with stupefaction of the head, rest- lessness: Rhus. Somnambulism : Aeon. Op. Phos. vertigo. According to its nature. Generally: Aeon. Amm. mur. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bar. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cocc. Coff. Dig. Dros. Gelsem. Glon. Graph. Hell. Hep., Hyoscyam. Ipec. Merc. Mosch. Lye. Natr. mur. N. vom. Op. Petr. Phosph. Phytolac. Plat. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Staph. Stram. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. Zinc. As if falling: Aeon. Arn. Ars. Calc. Canth. Caust. Cham. Cic. Con. Croc. Hep. Ign. Ipec. N. vom. Op. Puis. Sec. corn. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Staph. Stram. As if falling back-wards : Acid.phos. Bry. Camph. Chin. N. vom. Rhus. Spig. Stram. As if falling sideways: Arsen. Caust. Con. Euphr. N. vom. Puis. Staph. Sulph. Internal. As if the brain were distended: Bell. Arnic. Cin. Glon. Merc. Spig. r As if falling right side: Aeon. Ars. : Calc. Rhus. Ruta. As if falling left side: Aur. Bell. Spig. Zinc. : As if falling forwards: Arn. Caust. Cic. Cupr. Ferr. Graph. Natr. mur. Petr. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Spig. Sulph. I- Turning: Aeon. Alum. Arn. Bell Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cic. : Cocc. Croc. Cupr. Ferr. Graph. Lye. Merc. Natr. mur. N. vom. Puis g Rhod. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Turning in a circle: Aconit. Arn. Aur. d Bell. Bry. Calc. Caustic. Cic. Con. Ferr. Hell. Kali. Merc. N. vom. Op. i. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Verat. alb. >. Accompanying ailments. '■ Anxiety: Ign. Op. Rhus. Eructations: N. vom. Colic: Coloc. Petr. Spig. Stram. '• Deafness: N.vom. Puis. Chilliness: Cocc. Plumb. Rhus. Ve- : rat. alb. Fainting : Bar. Bryon. Canth. Cham. t_ Croc. Hep. Ign. Laur. N. vom. Nux moschata. Plat. 3- Heat: Aeon. Bry. Croc. Glon. Gel- sem Ign. Led. Merc. N. vom. Puis. Stram. Headache : Aeon. Apis. Arg. Arsen. t. Aur. Bar. Bell. Cactus. Calc. Con. s. Canth. Cupr. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Ign. t. Lach. N. vom. Puis. Stram. s. Nausea: Aeon. Ant. crud. Apis. Arn. >.. Bar. Bell. Bry. Chin. Coff. Calc. :. Coccul. Ferr. Graph. Hyosc. N. vom. r. Puis. Petr. Phosph. Sil. Spig. >. Nose, bleeding: Aeon. Bell. Ant. i. crud. Sulph. Obscured vision : Aeon. Amm. mur. 3. Bell. Cactus. Canth. Cham. Cic. Cim- ;. icif. Croc. Dulc. Ferr. Gelsem. Hyosc. s. N. vom. Natr. mur. Op. Puis. l. Phosph. Phytolac. Merc. Sec. corn. Stram. Sulph. ?. Pale face : Puis. i. Sweat: Glon. Rhus. - cold: Ign. Verat. alb. t. Trembling: Dig. i. Vomiting : Calc. Graph. Hyosc. Yawning: Ignat. Petr. As if a band -were around the head : Aeon. Cocc. Carb. veg. Gel- sem. Iod. Merc. Nitr. ac. Plat. Spig. Stann. Sulph. HEAD. 59 930 he Beating: Acid. nit. Aeon. Aur. Bell. Bryon. Cactus. Calc. Caps. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Cocc. Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Lye. Phosph. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Verat. alb. As if the brain -were moved: Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Croc. Glon. Kali. Rheum. Spig. Rush of blood: Acid. nitr. Aeon. Ambr. Apis. Arn. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Camph. Cann. Canth. Chin. Coff. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Coloc. Dig. Ferr. Gelsem. Glon. Graph. Hell. Hyosc. Lgn. Iod. Kali. Lach. Lye. Merc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Plumb. Puis. Phosph. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Spong. Staph. Stram. Thuj. Verat. alb. Verat. vir. Boring: Ant. crud. Bell. Calc. Cocc. Chin. Dulc. Hepar. Ipec. Ign. Plat. Staph. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stram. Sulph As if bruised : Aeon. Ars. Aur. Camph. Cham. Chin. Coff. Euphr. Glon. Hell. Ign. Ipec. Phosph. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Verat. alb. As if it would burst: Ant. crud. Bar. Bell. Calc. Cham. Chin. Coff. Con. Ign. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phosph. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Sulph. Verat. vir. Burning : Aeon. Am. Bell. Bry. Cupr. Hell. Ipec. Merc. sol. Natr. m. Nux vom. Phosph. Rhus. Sec. cor. Spig. Staph. Stann. Verat. alb. Buzzing: Caust. Cocc. Phosph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Crawling: Aeon. Arn. Bar. Cocc. Hyosc. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Thuj. Digging: Aur. Bar. Bry. Dulc. Ign. Nux vom. Spig. Drawing: Aeon. Aur. Bell. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Cham. Cina. Coloc. Cupr. Dulc. Graph. Hell. Lye. Ipec. Nux vom. Petr. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Verat. alb. Dull headache: Antim. crud. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Cimicif. Chin. Camph. Cocc. Coff. Dulc. Gelsem. Hell. Ign. Natr. mur. Plat. Puis. Verat. vir. Zinc. Heaviness of head: Acid. phos. Acid. nit. Aeon. Arn. Alum. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Camph. Cann. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cimicif. Cocc. Coff. Croc. Cupr. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Con. Dig. Dulc. Dros. Euphr. Ferr. Glon. Hell. Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Kali. carb. Lye. Merc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Petr. Plumb. Puis. Phosph. Plat. Sabin. Sec. corn. Spig. Spong. Staph. Stram. Sil. Stann. Sulph Thuj. Verat. alb. Hammering : Calc. Chin. Coff. Lach. Natr. mur. Phosph. Sil. Sulph. Heat: Aeon. Alum. Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Caust. Chin. Coff. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Euphr. Gel- sem. Glon. Hell. Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Lye. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Petr. Phosph. Plumb. Puis Rhus. Sep. Sil. Stann. Stram. Sulph Verat. vir. As after intoxication : Bry. Cimicif. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Puis. Jerks: Acid. mur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Dig. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Puis. Petr. Phos. Spig. Spong. Sep. Stann. Thuj. As from a nail (clavus): Aeon. Coff. Hep. Ign. Nux vom. Ruta. Thuj. Pressing asunder : Aeon. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Ign. Lye. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stann. Staph. Pressing together : Acid. phos. Alum. Bry. Calc. Cina. Cocc. Graph. Hell. Sil.-Staph. Pulsating, Throbbing: Aeon. Alum. Bell. Bry. Chin. Glon. Petr. Phosph. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Pressure : Acid.phos. Acid. nitr. Aeon. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Croc. Dig. Hell. Hyosc. Iod. Ign. Ipec. Lach. Mere. sol. Nux vom. Natr. carb. Natr. mur. Petr. Puis. Plat. Spig. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Roaring: Aur. Bell. Ferr. Graph. Phosph. Sulph. Stinging : Aeon. Apis. Arn. Alum. Ars. Bar. Bell. Bry. Canth. Cham. Chin. Cic. Calc. Caust. Con. Dulc. Ferr. Hep. Ign. Ipec. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phosph. Plumb. Puis. Staph. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Stupefying: Acid. mur. Ars. Ant. crud. Arn. Bell. Cic. Cina. Calc. Gelsem. Hyosc. Ign. Phosph. Natr. carb. Plat. Ruta. Sep. Stann. Staph. Zinc. Tearing : Acid. mur. Alum. Ant. crud. Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Coloc. Con. Ign. Ipec. Lye. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Twitching: Acid. phos. Arn. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Ign. Nux vom. Staph. Sulph. HEAD. 931 Vibrating: Acid. nitr. Lye. Nux vom. Sil. Stann. Whizzing: Acid. nitr. Acid. phos. Ferr. Kali. carb. Lye. Nux vom. Puis. As if wind rushed through: Puis. Sabin. According to the part of the Head. Front part of the head: Aeon. Alum. Antim. crud. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bar. Bell. Bry. Camph. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Coloc. Con. Croc. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Euphr. Ferr. Gelsem. Graph. Hell. Hyosc. Ign. Iod. Ipec. Lye. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phosph. Plat. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Samb. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Staph. Stann. Sulph. Veratr. alb. Zinc. Temples: Acid. phos. Aeon. Alum. Ant. crud. Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Con. Cupr. Dig. Euphr. Hell. Hep. Ign. Lach. Op. Phosph. Rheum. Rhus. Sabin. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Top of the head: Aeon. Ant. crud. Arn. Aur. Bell. Bry. Cann. Canth. Caust. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Con. Croc. Cupr. Ferr. Gelsem. Glon. Graph. Hell. Ign. Iod. Ipec. Lach. Nux vom. Phosph. Plat. Sabin. Samb. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Back part of the head: Aeon. Arn. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb. veg. Chin. Cic. Coff. Colch. Croc. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Euphr. Glon. Gelsem. Hell. Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Lye. Merc. sol. Mosch. Nux vom. Op. Petr. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Samb. Spig. Spong. Staph. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. vir. Right side: Acid.phos. Aeon Alum. Ant. crud. Arn. Bell. Bry. Camph. Canth. Caust. Chin. Cin. Cocc. Colch. Croc. Dig. Dros. Euphr. Graph. Hep. Hell. Hyosc. Ign. Lach. Lye. Natr. carb. Nux vom. Phosph. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Left side: Acid. nitr. Aeon. Ant. crud. Arn. Aur. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Carb. veg. Chin. Cic. Cin. Cocc. Coloc. Croc. Cupr. Dig. Dulc. Dros. Euphr. Ferr. Hell. Hyosc. Ign. Iod. Lach. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Plumb. Puis. Petr. Plat. Rhus. Sabin. Samb. Sec. cor. Sep. Spig. Spong. Staph. Stann. Sulph. Verat. alb. Externally. Blotches: Ant. crud. Ars. Aur. Hep. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Petrol. Phosph. Sil. Thuj. Zinc. Bloating: Ars. Sulph. Burning: Arn. Ars. Bar. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Coloc. Dulc. Dros. Graph. Lye. Phosph. Plat. Sil Spig. Spong. Staph. Stann. Sulph. Verat. alb. Chilliness: Acid. phos. Bar. Calc. Carb. veg. Dulc. Kali. Nux vom. Spig. Staph. Verat. alb. Coldness: Acid. phos. Alum. Bar Calc. Phosph. Verat. alb. - feeling of: Cann. Lach. Verat. alb. Contraction of scalp: Bell. Carb. veg. Chin. Gelsem. Plat. Rhus. Spig. Stann. Drawing: Bar. Bell. Calc. Canth. Chin. Ign. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Staph. Eruptions: Alum. Ars. Aur. Bar. Calc. Carb. veg. Cic. Con. Graph. Hep. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Petr. Rhus. Ruta. Staph. Hair falling out: Acid. nitr. Ant. crud. Ars. Aur. Bar. Bell. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Con. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Ign. Iod. Kali. carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Petr Phosph. Plumb. Sec. cor. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Hair as if pulled: Acid. mur. Acid. phos. Aeon. Alum. Arn. Bar. Bry. Canth. Lyc. Phosph. Rhus. Itching: Alum. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Con. Dros. Graph. Hep. Kali. carb. Merc. sol. Lyc. Natr. mur. Petr. Phosph. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. Pain as if contused: Arn. Ipec. Rhus. Ruta. Scraping: Lyc. Shivering: Bar. Cina. Cocc. Plat. Sil. Staph. Verat. alb. Scurfs: Ars. Bry. Calc. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Petr. Phos. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. As if the skin adhered : Arn. Sweat: Acid. phos. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cham. Chin. Coloc. Ipec. Graph. Glon. Hepar. Nux vom. Merc. sol. Op. Petr. Phosph. Plumb. 932 EYES. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Ruta. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Verat. alb. Stinging : Alum. Ant. cr. Apis. Arn. Aur. Bar. Bell. Canth. Caust. Chin. Dig Hep. Iod. Natr. mur. Phosph. Spigel. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Swelling: Apis. Ars. Bell. Cham. Caust. Cup. Dig. Op. Phosph. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Visual Power. Blindness: Acid. nit. Bell. Calc. Cann. Chin. Cocc. Dig. Dulc. Gel- sem. Hyosc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sec. corn. Sil. Spig. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Verat. vir. Blurred: Amm. carb. Bell. Bry. Chin. Dros. Gelsem. Graph. Hyosc. Lyc. Natr. mur. Sil. Stram. Verat. vir. Dazzling: Acid. phos. Amm. carb. Con. Dig. Dros. Ign. Kali. carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Illusions of color: - pale: Dig. - blue: Bell. Stram. Sulph. Zinc. - checkered: Euphr. Kali. carb. Sulph. - colored streaks: Con. - fiery yellow : Acid. phos. - yellow: Alum. Ars. Canth. Dig. Kali. carb. Sulph. - gold-colored : Bell. Hyosc. - green: Gelsem. Dig. Merc. sol. - red: Bell. Con. Croc. Dig. Hep. Hyosc. Spig. Stram. Sulph. - black: Chin. Cic. Cocc. Merc. sol. Phosph. Staph. - white: Dig. Kali. carb. - halo around the light: Bell. Calc. Euphr. Gelsem. Phos. Sep. Zinc. Illusions of size, shape, distance. - seeing things double: Aur. Bell. Cic. Dig. Euphr. Gelsem. Graph. Hyosc. Merc. sol. Petr. Puis. Sec. corn. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. - seeing things half: Acid. mur. Aur. Calc. Lyc. Natr. mur. - larger: Hyosc. Staph. - brighter: Camph. Hyosc. Nux vom. - smaller: Hyosc. - slanting: Stram. - confused : Stram. Optical Illusions of things not present: - flashes: Amm. carb. Croc. Glon. Natr. Spig. Tearing: Alum. Bar. Bell. Calc. Dig. Graph. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sep. Staph. Tendency to cold: Kali. carb. Natr. mur. Tingling: Aeon. Arn. Ars. Carb. veg. Ferr. Nux vom. Spig. Trembling of head : Cic. Cocc. Optical Illusions of things not present: - flashes, black: Staph. — gray covering: Phos. Sil. - threads: Con. - feathers: Calc. Lyc. Natr. mur. Spig. - fire: Bar. Bell. Bry. Dig. Dulc. Natr. mur. Spig. Staph. Stram. Ve- rat. alb. - spots, dark: Acid. nit. Amm. carb-. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Con. Dig. Glon. Kali. carb. Lyc. Natr. mur. Petr. Phos. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Sulph. - gauze: Alum. Ars. Aur. Bry. Cactus. Caust. Cina. Croc. Dros. Euphr. Hyosc. Ign. Lyc. Natr. mur. Op. Petr. Phos. Plat. Rhus. Sabin. Sec. corn. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Thuj. - sparks: Ars. Aur. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Coloc. Croc. Dig. Dulc. Glon. Kali. carb. Nux vom. Op. Petr. Sil. Spig. Verat. alb. - mist: Aeon. Alum. Bell. Bry. Caust. Croc. Dig. Gelsem. Graph. Kali. carb. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Plat. Plumb. Puis. Ruta. Sec. corn. Spig. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Long-sighted: Alum. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Con. Dros. Hyosc. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Petr. Sil. Spig. Sulph. As if things were moving: Bell. Con. Cic. Euphr. Hyosc. Ign. Merc. sol. Stram. Dread of light: Acid. mur. Acid. nit. Acid, phos Amm. mur. Aeon. Alum. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Camph. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cina. Coff. Con. Croc. Euphr. Graph. Hell. Hep. Ign. Kali, carb Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Puis. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Squinting: Alum. Apis. Bell. Gelsem. Hyosc. Puis. Sec. corn. Stram. Shortsightedness: Acid. nit. Acid. m. EYES. eyes. 933 phos. Calc. Carb. veg. Chin. Con. Euphr. Graph. Hyosc. Natr. mur. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Ruta. Stram. Thuj. Staring at one point: Cic. Cocc. Ruta. Stram. Vibrations: Ars. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Con. Dig. Graph. Hell. Ign. Lyc. Nux vom. Petr. Phos. Puis. Sec. corn. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Vision, sudden blackness of: Aeon. Alum. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Canth. Cham. Cic. Cina. Croc. Dros. Dulc. Ferr. Glon. Gelsem. Hep. Hyosc. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Sabin. Sec. corn. Staph. Stram. Sep. Sulph. Ve- rat. vir. - dim: Alum. Bell. Cactus. Cham. Ruta. Sabad. Verat. vir. - pale: Chin. Croc. Dros. Glon. Petr. Puis. Rhus. Sil. - obscured: Aeon. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Caust. Cham Cic. Con. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Euphr. Ferr. Hyosc. Iod. Kali. carb. Lyc Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Plat Puis. Ruta. Sil. Spig. Stram. Sulph. Thuj. - vanishing of: Bell Calc. Cic. Con. Croc. Gelsem. Hep. Hyosc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Puis. Sec. corn. Spig. Staph. Stram. Verat. vir. - weak : Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Alum. Ars. Bar. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Chin Con. Croc. Dros. Graph. Hep. Hyosc Iod. Lyc. Ign. Natr. mur. Petr. Phosph. Plumb. Rhus. Ruta. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Staph. Eye-balls and eyes generally. Cornea, ulcers on: Euphr. Ruta. Dryness: Bar. Bell. Bry. Caust. Croc. Euphr. Kali. carb. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Distortion : Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Camph. Canth. Cham. Cic. Cocc. Cupr. Hell. Hyosc. Op. Petr. Plat. Plumb. Puis. Sec. corn. Spig. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Eye-gum : Acid. nit. Alum. Calc. Caust. Cham. Chin. Con. Dros. Euphr. Graph. Hep. Lyc. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Inflammation: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Aeon. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb. veg. Cham. Chin. Con. Dig. Dulc. Euphr. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Kali. carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phosph. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Lachrymation: Aeon. Alum. Arn. Ars. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Cina. Coff. Coloc. Con. Croc. Dig. Euphr. Graph. Hep. Ign. Kali. c. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Petr. Phos. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Samb. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Zinc. - smarting: Acid. phos. Aeon. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Con. Dig. Euphr. Graph. Kali. Lyc. Natr. mur. Rbus. Sabin. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Looks, - anxious: Stram. - staring : Aeon. Arn. Bry. Camph. Canth. Cic. Cina. Cocc. Cupr. Hell. Hyosc. Nux vom. Op. Sec. corn. Spig. Stram. Verat. alb. - dim: Stram. - disturbed: Camph. Cupr. Op. Sec. corn. Stram. Verat. alb. - wild; Cupr. Hyosc. Op. Sec. cor. Motions, convulsive: Apis. Bell. Canth. Cham. Cupr. Hyosc. Stram. - involuntary : Spig. Stram. Pain, simple: Aeon. Arn. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Cin. Croc. Dig. Euphr. Petr. Phosph. Plat. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stann. Staph. Verat. alb. Pellicle on eyes: Euphr. Puis. Ruta. Pressure, outward: Aeon. Aur. Calc. Camph. Canth. Con. Hell. Ign. Rhus. Spig. Staph. Agglutination : Alum. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Croc. Euphr. Hep. Ign. Kali. carb. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phosph. Plumb Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Burning : Acid, nit Aeon. AJ,um. Amm. carb. Amm. mur. Ars. Arn. Aur. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Col. Con. Cham. Chin. Cic. Croc. Dig. Dros. Euphr. Ferr. Graph. Hell. Ign. Kali.c. Lyc. N. vom. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Thuj. Cornea, spots on : Apis. Ars. Aur. Calc. Con. Euphr. Hep. Lyc. Sep. Sil. 934 EYES. Pressure, inward: Aur. Bry. Calc. Caust. Kali. carb. Spig. - as from a foreign body: Arn. Ars. Aur. Bar. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Con. Croc. Hyosc. Ign. Kali, carb Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Petr. Phosph. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spig Stann. Protruded: Aeon. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Canth. Cin. Cocc. Con. Cupr. Hep. Hyosc. Op. Rhus. Spig. Spong. Staph. Stram. Verat. alb. Pupils, dilated: Acid. phos. Aeon. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Calc. Camph. Canth. Caust. Chin. Cina. Con. Croc. Cupr. Dig. Dros Gelsem. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Nux vom. Petr. Plumb. Puis. Sec. corn. Spig. Stann. Staph. Stram. Verat. alb. Zinc. - contracted: Aeon. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Calc. Camph. Canth. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cina. Cocc. Croc. Dig. Dros. Hell. Hyosc. Ign. Plumb. Puis. Sec. corn. Staph. Stram. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. - immovable: Aeon Bell. Cham. Chin. Cupr. Dig. Ferr. Hyosc. Op. Plumb. Spig. Stram. Rush of blood to eyes: Aur. Bell. Gelsem. Hyosc. Plumb. Sep. Spig. Smarting: Acid. nit. Alum. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust, Chin. Con. Croc. Dros. Euphr. Graph. Hep. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phosph. Rhus. Samb. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Sparkling : Aeon. Bell. Bry. Hyosc. Op. Stram. Spots on eyes : Bell. Euphr. N. vom. Puis. Ruta. Zinc. Sunken: Camph. Chin. Cic. Cupr. Dros. Ferr. Hyosc. Op. Sec. corn. Spong. Staph. Verat. alb. Swelling : Ars. Bry. Carb. veg. Cimi- cif. Hep. Phos. Plumb. Rhus. Ruta. Stram. Sulph. Ulceration: Arn. Calc. Cham. Hep. Lyc. Phosph. Sil. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Veins engorged: Aeon. Amb. Euphr. Spig. Whites, yellowness of: Acid. phos. Aeon. Ant. crud. Ars. Bell. Bry. Canth. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Con. Euphr. Ferr. Gelsem. Ign. N. vom. Op. Phosph. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Without lustre : Acid. phos. Chin. Ferr. Hyosc. Merc. sol. Sabin. Verat. alb. In the eye-brows. Drawing: Bell. Caust. Dros. Hell. Rhus. Eruptions: Cupr. Kali. carb. Sil. Spong. Stann. Thuj. Falling of lashes: Calc. Kali, carb. Plumb. Itching : Alum. Caust. Chin. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Swelling: Kali. carb. Twitching : Caust. Kali. carb. Zinc. Warts : Caust. Eye-lids. Eye-gum: Dros. Ferr. Rheum. Rhus. Staph. Agglutination: Acid. mur. Aeon. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cham. Con. Dig. Dros. Euphr. Ferr. Graph. Ign. Kali. carb. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Blueness: Dig. Burning: Acid. phos. Amm. mur. Ars. Bell. Bry. Con. Graph. Kali. carb. Nux vom. Rhus. Spig. Stann. Ecchymosis: Apis. Arn. Inflammation: Aeon. Apis. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Dig. Euphr. Hep. Hyosc. Ign. Kali. carb. Lyc. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Spong. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Itching: Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Carb. veg Caust. Cocc. Dros. Euphr. Kali. carb. Lyc. Nux vom. Phosph. Rhus. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Paralysis: Acid. nit. Bell. Cocc. Gelsem. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Stram. Verat. alb. Pimples: Hep. Lyc. Petr. Rhus. Sulph. Smarting : Camph. Carb. veg. Caust. Ign. Rhus. Spig. Spasm: Alum. Bell. Croc. Hyosc. Sep. Sil. Stram. Styes: Apis. Dig. Ferr. Lyc. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Swelling: Aeon. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cham. Euphr. Ferr. Hyosc. Ign. N. vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Spong. Stram. Sulph. Tetter: Bry. Rhus. Sep. Ulceration: Colch. Croc. Ign. Lyc. EARS. 935 Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phosph. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Spig. Staph. Stram. Corners of the eye. Burning: Acid. phos. Agar. Alum. Aur. Bar. Bell. Calc. Cina. Graph. Hell. Natr. mur. Phosph. Sep. Spig. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Eye-gum: Ant. crud. Calc. Caust, Dig. Euphr. Graph. Lpec. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Rhus. Sil. Staph. Thuj. Inflammation: Aeon. Alum. Ars Calc. Cham. Euphr. Ign. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Itching: Arn. Calc. Caust. Cina. Hell. Hyosc. Natr. mur. Plat. Puis. - int.: Bell. Caust. Con. Lyc. Nux vom. Puis. Ruta. Sep. Staph. - ext,: Ant. crud. Bry. Cina. Euphr. Hyosc. Puis. Sep Smarting: Acid. mur. Carb. veg. Nux vom. Sep. Sil. -int.: Con. Graph. Hell. Kali. carb. Nux vom. Puis. Staph. - ext.: Camph. Ign. Nux vom. Sulph. IV. EARS. Boring: Alum. Aur. Bar. Bell. Caust. Euphr. Hell. Plat. Plumb. Sil. Spig. Stann. Discharge, of blood: Bry. Cic. Graph. Merc. sol. Petr. Phos. - of matter: Alum. Aur. Bell. Calc. Caust. Kali. carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Petr Puis. Sep. Sulph. Eruptions: Bar. Cic. Chin. Kali. c. Petr. Phosph. Puis. Sep. Sil. Spong. Sulph. - behind the ears : Ant. crud. Canth. Chin. Puis. Staph. Ear-wax, liquid : Merc. sol. - blood-red : Con. - deficient: Calc. Carb. veg. - increased: Calc. Con. Sep. Sil. Heat: Aeon. Alum. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Chin. Gelsem. Hep. Ign. Kali. carb. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Petr. Puis. Sab. Sep. Sil. Itching: Acid, nit, Acid. phos. Alum. Arg. Bar. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Col. Con. Graph. Ilep. Ign. Kali. carb. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Petr. Phosph. Plat, Puis. Rhus. Samb. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stann. Sulph. Itching of external ear: Gelsem Spig. Verat, alb. Inflammation : Acid. phos. Aeon. Bry. Kali. carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Puis. Sil. Spong. Parotid glands, pains in: Bry. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Hyosc. Ign. Merc. sol. Phosph Puis. Rhus. - pressure : Merc. sol. - inflammation: Cham. Merc. sol. Rhus. - swelling: Bar. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Cham. Cocc. Con. Dulc. Hyosc. Ign. Merc. sol. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Parotid glands, hardness: Bar. Merc. sol. Rhus. — painfulness: Puis. - stitches: Bell. Chin. Con. Ign. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Stitches: Acid. phos. Alum. Amm. mur Ant. crud. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Colch. Col. Con. Dros. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Hell. Hep. Ign. Ipec. Kali. carb. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Petr. Plat. Plumb. Puis. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Swelling : Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Ant. crud. Apis. Calc. Caust. Kali. carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spong. Zinc. Tearing: Acid. phos. Aeon. Alum. Arn. Aur. Bar. Bell. Camph. Canth. Cham. Chin. Carb. veg. Caust. Con. Cupr. Dros. Dulc. Graph. Hyosc. Kali. carb. Lyc Merc. sol. N. vom. Plat. Plumb. Puis. Stann. Spig. Sulph. Zinc. - behind the ears: Alum. Bar. Bell. Canth. Plumb. Rhus Sep. Sil. Ulcers: Alum. Camph. Kali. carb. Merc. sol. Puis. Ruta. Spong. Stann. Sulph. Hearing. Hard heating: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Ant. crud. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cocc. Croc. Dulc. Dros. Graph. Hyosc. Ign. Iod. Kali. c. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Petr. Phos. Puis. Ruta. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stram. Stann. Sulph. Verat. alb. 936 nose. Illusions of hearing. Roaring : Acid. nit. Aeon. Ant. cr. Arn. Ars. Aur.- Bell. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cic. Cocc. Colch. Con. Glon. Graph. Ign. Kali. carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom Op. Phos. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Humming: Aur. Bell. Bry. Caust. Con. Lach. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux v. Puis. Sep. Spig. Sulph. Insensitive to music : Ign. Intolerance of music : Aeon. Cham. Coff. Ign Viol. od. Reports: Graph. Kali. carb. Natr. c. Rhus. Sil. Staph. Zinc. Rushing: Aur. Bar. Bell. Cactus. Cocc. Con. Cham. Dulc. Kali. carb. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Puis. Stann. Ringing : Aeon. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cic. Con. Dulc. V. I Black pores: Acid. nit. . Sep. Sulph. Blood blown from the nose : Alum. Ars. Bar. Oanth. Caust. Dros. Graph. Hep. Kali. carb. Lach. Lyc. Natr. m. Nux vom. Petr. Phos. Puis. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Boils : Alum. Lyc. Bone-pain : Aur. Hyosc. Lach. Merc. sol. Cancer: Ars. Aur. Calc. Sep. Sulph. Coldness: Arn. Bell. Chin. Dros. Ign. Nux vom. Plumb. Verat. alb. Discharge of matter: Acid. phos. Aur. Cina. Lach. Puis. Eruption, on the sides of the nose: Alum. Canth. Chin. Rhus. Spig. - on the nose : Ant. crud. Aur. Caust. - in the nose: Ant. crud. Arn. Canth. Cic. Cocc. Sil. Spig. - on the top of the nose : Caust. Sep. Spong. - in the corners ; Dulc. Euphr. Plumb. Rhus. Thuj. Inflammation : Apis. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Canth. Lach. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Plumb. Rhus. Sulph. Itching: Alum. Arn. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Col. Con. Chin. Cina. Hell. Kali. carb. Lyc. Ign. Lach. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Plat. Plumb. ! Glon. Graph. Kali. carb. Ign. Lyc. Merc, sol Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Petr. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Sensitive hearing, excessive : Acid. phos. Bell. Carb. veg. Coff. Graph. Ign. Lyc. Nux vom. Phosph. Sep. Sulph. Sensitiveness to sound : Acid. phos. Aeon. Bell. Cactus. Chin. Coff. Colch. Con. Ign. Iod. Merc. sol. Natr. carb. Nux vom. Puis. Sil. Spig. Zinc. Sensitiveness to music : Aeon. Cac- tus. Cham. Coff. Ign. Thundering : Caust. Plat. Whizzing: Aeon. Alum. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bar. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cupr. Ferr. Hep. Kali. carb. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Petr. Phos. Puis. Ruta. Sec. corn. Sep. Spig. Sulph. Verat. alb. Zinc. Phos. Samb. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Zinc. Nose bleed: Acid. nit. Aeon. Alum. Ant. crud. Arn. Ars. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cina. Coff. Colch. Con. Croc. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Ipec. Kali. carb. Lach Lyc. Merc. sol. Mosch. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sab. Samb. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Pimples: Acid. phos. Alum. Bar. Bell. Calc. Caust. Con. Dulc. Graph. Kali. carb. Merc. sol. Petr. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. Scurfs in nose: Alum. Ant. crud. Arn. Aur. Bry. Canth. Cham. Cic. Cocc. Hep. Hyosc. Ign. Lach. Merc soL Nux vom. Puis. Sil. Spig. Staph. Thuj. - under the nose : Bar. Kali. carb. Swelling: Apis. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Caust, Cham. Cocc. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. m. Phosph. ,-uls. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Stann. Stram. Zinc. Swelling of bones : Aur. Tetter: Rhus. Spig. Ulcerated nostrils: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Ant. crud. Arn. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cham. Cocc. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Ign. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Sep. Spig. Stann. Staph. Zinc. Warts: Caust. Thuj. SmeU. Smell of blood : Sil. - of brandy: Aur. - sensitive: Aeon. Aur. Bar. Bell. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Colch. Graph. Color and external appearance. Blue : Aeon. Ars. Bry. Camph. Cham. Cic. Cina, Con. Cupr. Dros. Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Merc. sol. Op. Samb. Spong. Stram. Verat. alb. - margins around eyes: Acid. phos. Ars. Calc. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Cupr. Graph. Hep Ign. Ipec. Lach. Lyc. Phos. Rhus. Sabin. Sec. corn. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Bloated: Aeon. Apis. Arn. Aur. Bar. Bell. Bry. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Ferr. Hyosc. Ipec. Kali. carb. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. carb. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Plumb. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Spong. Staph. Stram. Complexion, jaundiced: Acid. nit. Aeon. Ant. crud. Arn. Ars. Bry. Calc. Caust. Canth. Cham. Chin. Cina. Con. Croc. Ferr. Graph. Hell. Hep. Ign. Jod. Kali. carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux v. Op. Petr. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Spig. Verat. alb. - shining : Aur. Cactus. Plumb. Rhus. - sickly: Acid. phos. Bry. Calo. Canth. Caust. Chin. Cina. Colch. Cupr. Kali. carb. Nux vom. Plumb. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sil. Spig. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. - red : Acid. mur. Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Croc. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Euphr. Ferr. Gelsem. Hyoso. Hep. Ign. Ipec. Laur. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. carb. Nux vom. Op. Petr. Phos. Plat. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Sec. corn. Spig. Spong. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Zinc. CE. 937 Kali. carb. Lyc. Nux vom. Phos. Plumb. Smell, putrid: Aur. Bell. Calc. Merc. sol. Phos. Sep. Sulph. - fine, extremely: Aeon. Aur. Bell. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Con. Nux vom. - deficient: Bell. Hep. Hyosc. Natr. mur. Op. Plumb. Puis. Ruta. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Zinc. - catarrhal: Graph. Merc. sol. Puis. Sulph. - as of burnt hair: Graph. Sulph. Complexion, red and bluish : Aeon. Apis. Bell. Bry. Hep. Merc. sol. Op. Phos. - red, burning cheeks: Aeon. Apis. Arn. Bell. Bry. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Dulc. Hell. Ign. Kali. c. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Op. Plat. Samb. Stann. Stram. - red on one side: Aeon. Arn. Canth. Cham. Chin. Ign. Ipec. Nux vom. Puis. Rheum. - red, erysipelatous: Apis. Bellad. Camph. Cham. Graph. Lach. Rhus. Ruta. Stram. - sallow: Ars. Bry. Canth. Chin. Cic. Euphr. Ferr. Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Plumb. Phos. Sec. corn. Sil. Eyes, sunken : Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Ars. Calc. Camph. Chin. Cic. Cupr. Col. Dros. Ferr. Hyosc. Jod. Lyc. Op. Phos. Sec. corn. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Features, altered: Ars. Bell. Camph. Canth. Cham. Colch. Rhus. Spig. Verat. alb. Freckles: Calc. Kali. carb. Lyc. Natr. carb. Phos. Pale: Acid. phos. Aeon. Ant. tart. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb. veg. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cina. Col. Con. Cocc. Cupr. Dig. Euphr. Ferr. Graph. Hell. Hyosc. Lgn. Jod. Ipec. Kali. carb. Lach. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Op. Plumb. Petr. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Squilla. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Zinc. Spots, yellow: Calc. Hell. Lyc. Natr. carb. Phos. - red: Alum. Bell. Canth. Croc. Lyc. VI. FACE. ICE. 938 ' fj Merc. sol. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Samb. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. Spots, white: Ars. Merc. sol. Natr. carb. Swollen veins : Chin. Ferr. Op Swelling: Alum. Apis. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Cham. Dulc. Graph. Hell. Hyos. Kali. carb. Lyc. Natr. mur. Op. Petr. Phosph. Rhus. Samb. Sep. Stram. - of forehead : Ruta. Blotches: Ant, crud. Ant. tart. Canth. Cic. Hell. Lach. Led. Nux vom. Op. Puis. Viol. tr. Boils: Alum. Arn. Bell. Bry. Chin. Led. Bones, pains of: Colch. Ruta. Rhus. Samb. Spig. Staph. Coldness: Camph. Canth. Cham. Cina. Dros. Hyos. Ign. Ipec. Rhus. Verat. alb. Contraction : Acid. nit. Alum. Caust. Chin. Dulc Rhus. Sep. Spong. Stann. Spasms: Bell. Calc. Camph. Canth. Cham. Cupr. Dig. Ipec Phosph. Stram. Sulph. Crampy feeling: Bell. Caust. Cina. Cocc. Dig. Dulc. Hyosc. Kali. c. Plat. Rhus. Spong. Stann. Thuj. Milk crust: Aeon. Ars. Calc. Graph. Hep. Lyc. Merc. sol. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Viol.tr. Distortion : Bell. Caust. Hyos. Stram. Drawing: Alum. Aur. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Euphr. Graph. Kali. carb. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Petr. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Viol. tr. Zinc. Eruption: Alum. Ant. tart. Ars. Aur. Bar. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Cic. Colch. Col. Con. Dulc. Graph. Kali. carb. Lach. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Petr. Plumb. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Verat. alb. Viol. tr. - around the mouth: Acid. phos. Ant. crud. Bar. Calc. Carb. veg. Graph. Petr. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Verat, alb. Zinc. - around the nose: Ant. crud. Bar. Caust. Dulc. Natr. carb. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. - around the ears: Acid. mur. Ant. c. Petr. Phos. Sulph. Zinc. - on the forehead: Acid. mur. Ant. c. Arn. Bar. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Cham. Cocc. Hell. Hep. Led. Natr. mur. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Erysipelas: Apis. Bell. Graph. Rhus. Flashes of heat: Acid. nit. Arn. Bell. Cocc. Graph. Lyc. Petr. Sulph. Thuj. Heat: Aeon. Alum. Ant. tart. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Col. Con. Croc. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Euphr. Ferr. Graph. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Kali. carb. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Petr. Plat. Plumb Phos. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sa7iib. Sep. Squilla. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Strain. Thuj. Verat. alb. Viol. tr. Itching : Alum. Arn. Aur. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Col. Con. Dulc. Graph. Kali. carb. Lach. Lyc. Nux vom. Op. Petr. Phos. Plat, Plumb. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Verat, alb. Zinc. Faceache: Acid. nit. Aeon. Alum. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Chin. Cina. Colch. Col. Con. Gelsem. Graph. Kali. carb. Lyc. Nux vom. Phos. Sep. Spig. Stann. Staph. Verat. alb. Zinc. Tearing: Acid. nit. Alum. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Cina. Colch. Con. Dulc. Graph. Kali. carb. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. carb. Plumb. Rhus Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. Pimples: Acid. nit. Acid.phos. Ant. crud. Ant. tart. Ars. Bar. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust, Cocc. Con. Dros. Graph. Kali. carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Petr. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Stann. Staph. Verat. alb. Zinc. Stitches: Aur. Bry. Canth. Chin. Cocc. Con. Dig. Graph. Ign. Kali. c. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Petr. Phos. Plat. Plumb. Rhus. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Staph. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Sweat: Aeon. Am. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Carb. veg. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Con. Croc. Cupr. Dulc. Dros. Hell. Hep. Hyos. Ign. Ipec. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Petr. Plat. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Samb. Sep. Spong. Staph. Stram. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. - cold, on the forehead: Bry. Cina. Cupr. Ipec. Rheum. Verat. alb. Tension: Aeon. Alum. Am. Aur FACE. 939 Bar. Bry. Calc. Canth. Colch. Con. Led. Lyc. Nux vom. Petr. Plat. Phosph. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Samb. Sep. Spong. Verat. alb. Vesicles : Acid. nit. Alum. Ant. crud. Ant. tart. Bar. Canth. Caust. Graph. Petr. Plumb. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. Warmth, feeling of: Acid. phos. Canth. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Croc. Puis. Samb. The lips. Black : Acid. phos. Aeon Bry. Chin. Merc. sol. Verat. alb. Blue: Ars. Caust Cina. Con. Cupr. Dig. Op. Phos. Stram. Verat. alb. Blisters, bloody: Natr. mur. - Bry. Ign. Kali, carb Plat, Burning: Acid. mur. Acid. phos. Am. Ars. Bry. Chin. Hyosc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Rhus. Staph. Spig. Sulph. Thuj. Cancer: Ars. Clem. Con. Sil. Chapping: Alum. Arn. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Cham. Chin. Ign. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Staph. Verat, alb. Zinc. Dry: Aeon. Alum. Arn. Ars. Bar. Bell. Bry. Canth. Cham. Chin. Con. Croc. Dros. Graph. Hyosc. Ign. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Plat, Puis. Rhus. Stram. Thuj. Verat. alb. Zinc. Eruption : Alum. Canth. Natr. mur. Petr. Rhus. Sulph. — upper lip: Amm. mur. Ars. Carb. veg. Cic. Con. Graph. Hell. Plat. Sil. - lower lip: Aur. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Caust. Clem. Kali. carb. Laur. Natr. mur. Phos. Plat. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Glands, indurated: Con. Sulph. Zinc. - ulcerated: Ign. Pale : Ferr. Kali. carb. Lyc. Peeling off: Alum. Bell. Canth. Cham. Con. Kali. carb. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Plat. Plumb. Puis. Pimples: Acid mur. Arn. Bell. Bry. Chin. Dulc. Hyosc. Ipec. Kali. carb. Nux vom. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Rhagades: Amm. mur. Arn, Bry. Kali. carb. Natr. mur. Petr. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Scurfs: Acid. mur. Ars. Bar. Bry. Cham. Ign. Nux vom. Pelr. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Swelling: Acid. nit. Apis. Arn. Alum. Aur. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Chin. Dig. Natr. mur. Op. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Trembling : Arn. Con. Stram. Sulph. Twitching: Ars. Carb. veg. Cham. Dulc Verat, vir. Zinc. Ulcers : Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Ars. Bell. Cic. Con. Dulc. Graph. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Lower jaw and articulation of the jaw. Bone, swelling of: Sil. Burning: Aeon. Caust. t Cramp: Alum. Bell. Cham. Cocc. Colch. Ign. Kali. carb. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Plat. Rhus. Spig. Spong. Stann. Sulph. j - in the joint: Aeon. Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Cic. Colch. Con. Hyosc. Ign. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Plat. Plumb. Rhus. Sec. corn. Spig. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Cracking: Acid. nit. Rhus. Depression: Op. Pressure: Arn. Aur. Bry. Chin. Coff. Cupr. Dros. Ign. Led. Phos. Sabin. Spig. Verat. alb. Rigidity: Bell. Caust. Cocc. Euphr. Graph. Hyosc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Petr. Sep. Thuj. Swelling: Aeon. Arn. Ars. Staph. Verat. alb. Tearing: Arn. Aur. Bar. Bell. Bry. Canth. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Dros. Graph. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Spig. Stann. Sulph. Twitching: Arn. Bell. Bry. Canth. Chin. Cina. Con. Ign. Rhus. Sabin. Chin. Burning: Ant, crud. Canth. Caust. Rhus. Spong. Coldness: Verat. alb. Cramp: Bell. Drawing: Caust. Cupr. Itching: Alum. Con. Dig. Kali. carb. Lyc. Natr. mur. Op. Phos. Plat. Puis. Scill. Spig. Sulph. Zinc. Numb feeling: Plat. Pimples : Ant, crud. Bell. Calc. Canth. Caust, Cic. Clem. Con. Graph. Hep. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Rhus. Sabin Sil. Spig. Spong. Sulph. Thuj. Verat alb. Zinc. Pustules : Ant. tart. Hep. Merc. sol. Rhus. Sabin. Zinc. 940 MOUTH. VII. TEETH Teeth. Black: Ign. Merc. sol. Plumb. Sep. Staph. Bleeding: Acid. phos. Bar. Graph. Phos Sulph. Zinc. Brittle : Lach. Plumb. Staph. Decay: Amm. mur. Amm. carb. Carb. veg. Merc. sol. Sil. Dull: Acid. nit. Puis. Spong. Staph. Falling out: Ars. Bry. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Plumb. Sec. corn. Fetid: Calc. Carb.veg. Graph. Kali. carb. Gritting: Aeon. Ant. crud. Ars. Bar. Bell. Canth. Caust. Cham. Cic. Coff. Con. Hyosc. Ign. Merc. sol. Plumb. Podoph. Sec. corn. Sep. Stram. Verat. alb. Loose: Aeon. Arn. Bry. Camph. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Hyosc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Staph. Teething: Aeon. Arn. Bry. Cham. Cic. Cina. Coff. Cupr. Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Nux vom. Op. Puis. Rhus. Stram. Yellow : Acid. nit. Iod. Lyc. Gums. Bleeding: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Alum. Bar. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Con. Euphr. Graph. Iod. Kali. carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. m. Nux vom. Phos. Ruta. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Burning: Acid. mur. Bell. Cham. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Petr. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Buccal cavity. Aphthae: Acid. nit. Acid, sulph. Ars. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Puis. Sulph. Blisters : Acid. nit. Calc. Canth. Jod. Merc. sol. Phos. Phytolac. Spong. Staph. Thuj. Blue : Cic. Merc. sol. Bleeding: Bell. Canth. Burning: Bell. Carb. veg. Canth. Cham. Cupr. Merc. sol. Petr. Phos. Plumb. Spong. Sulph. Verat. alb. Breath, sour: Nux vom. - bad: Aeon. Arn. Aur. Bell. Bry. Canth. Calc. Carb. veg. Cham. Chin. Croc. Dig. Ferr. Graph. Kali. c. Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Merc. sol. Nux AND GUMS. Corroded : Merc. sol. Staph. Growths : Staph. Gum boil: Calc. Canth. Caust. Lyc. Natr. mur. Petr. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Heat: Bell. Lyc. Indented: Merc. sol. Inflamed : Iod. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Petr. Phos Sil. Pale : Acid. nit. Carb. veg. Merc. sol. Plumb. Sabin. Staph. Putrid : Nux vom. Staph. Receding : Acid. phos. Carb. veg. Graph. Lach. Merc. sol. Natr. carb. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Staph Redness : Carb. veg. Iod. Merc. sol. Sep.. Sensitive : Amm. mur. Ars. Carb. v. Caust, Natr. mur. Phos. Puis. Spongy: Bry. Graph. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Staph. Scurvy: Cic. Nux vom. Staph. Suppuration: Canth. Caust. Lach. Merc. sol. Petr. Swollen: Acid. nit. Alum. Bar. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Graph. Hep. Jod. Kali. c. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Petr. Phosph. Plumb. Puis. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Ulcerated: Alum. Aur. Calc. Kali. c. Kali. bieh. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phosph. Sabin. Stann. Staph. Zinc Vesicles: Bell. Calc. Canth. Nux vom. Petr. Sep. Staph. White: Merc. sol. Staph. vom. Petr. Plumb. Puis. Sep. Spig. Stram. Sulph. Zinc. Coldness : Aeon. Camph. Caust. Rhus. Verat. alb. Dryness: Acid. mur. Aeon. Amm. m. Ars. Aur. Ant. crud. Arn. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Canth. Cham. Chin. .Cina. Cocc. Croc. Ferr. Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Kali. carb. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Petr. Phos. Phytolac. Plumb. Puis. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Foulness: Acid. nit. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Cham. Chin. Graph. Hyosc. Iod. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Puis. Ruta. Sabin. Spig. Staph. VIII. MOUTH. MOUTH. 941 Growths: Staph. Inflamed : Aeon. Canth. Colch. Ign. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Verat. alb. Rough : Carb. veg. Caust. Cina. Cocc. Dig. Ipec. Phytolac. Skin detached : Merc. sol. Swelling: Amm. mur. Caust. Canth. Merc. sol. Sep. Zinc. Ulcers: Acid. nit. Ars. Graph. Kali. carb. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom Petr. Phos. Plumb. Sep. Sil. Staph. Zinc. Palate. Blisters: Acid. nit. Nux vom. Phos. Spig. Burning: Acid. mur. Carb. veg. Camph. Canth. Caust. Cocc. Phos. Spig. Staph. Thuj. Dryness: Cina. Cocc. Hell. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Op. Plumb. Samb. Sep. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Elongated: Calc. Croc. Coff. Dulc. Iod. Kali carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Inflammation: Bell. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Redness: Ars. Bell. Canth. Smarting: Carb. veg. Canth. Cham. Chin. Kali carb. Merc. sol. Zinc. Swelling: Apis. Ars. Bell. Chin. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Stram. Ulcers: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Apis. Aur. Kali carb. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Sil. White : Merc. sol. Throat. (Not the windpipe.) Ball, hysteric: Calc. Caust. Graph. Ign. Kali carb. Natr. mur. Plumb. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Burning: Acid. nit. Aeon. Alum. Amm. carb. Apis. Ars. Arn. Bell. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Cocc. Con. Dig. Dros. Graph. Gelsem. Hyosc. Iod. Lach. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Petr. Phos. Puis. Stram. Sec. corn. Spong. Sulph. Verat. alb. Verat. vir. Contraction: Aeon. Alum. Ars. Bell. Calc. Caust. Chin. Cic. Hyosc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Phos. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Verat. vir. Deglutition, difficult: Aeon. Apis. Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Cham. Chin. Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Kali carb. Lach. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Phytolac. Puis. Spong. Stram. Sulph. Thuj. Verat, vir. Deglutition, noisy: Arn. - desire for : Bell. Caust. Con. Ipec. Merc. sol. Thuj. - painful: Acid. phos. Aeon. Alum. Apis. Ars. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Croc. Ferr. Graph. Hell. Hep. Ign. Ipec. Kali c. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Petr. Phos. Phytolac. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Zinc. Dryness : Acid, nit Alum. Ant, crud. Apis. Ars. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Caust: Cham. Cocc. Colch. Cupr. Gelsem. Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Kali carb. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Petr. Phos. Phytolac. Plat. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stann. Staph. Stram. Thuj. Sulph. Inflammation: Aeon. Apis. Alum. Ars. Bar. Bell. Bry. Canth. Cham. Con. Iod. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Phytolac. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Lump in throat: Ant. crud. Arn. Ars. Bell. Calc. Caust. Croc. Gel- sem. Hep. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Plumb. Phytolac. Sab. Sep. As if a plug in throat: Acid. mur. Amm. mur. Bar. Cham. Croc. Ferr. Gelsem. Hep. Ign. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phytolac. Sep. Sulph. Redness: Acid.nit. Aeon. Alum. Apis. Bell. Canth. Lach. Merc. sol. Phytolac. Spong. Rolling of drinks, audible: Cupr. Rough: Aeon. Ant. crud. Ars. Bar. Bry. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Dros. Euphr. Graph. Hep. Hell. Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Nux vom. Phos Phytolac. Plat. Plumb. Rhus. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Scraping: Alum. Ars. Bry. Carb. veg. Cocc. Croc. Dros. Dulc. Kali c. Hyosc. Nux vom. Phytolac. Puis. Rhus. Stann. Thuj. Verat. alb. Smarting: Carb. veg. Dros. Hyosc. Nuxvom. Sep. Sore throat, chronic: Amm. carb. Bell. Bar. Caust. Dulc. Lach. Lyc. Puis. Rhus. Zinc. - in measles : Carb. veg. Heat: Acid. nit. Bell. Cham. Dulc. 942 MOUTH. Euphr. Ferr. Hyosc. Iod. Merc. sol. Phos. Sep. Stram. Spasm: Alum. Carb. veg. Con. Dig. Graph. Ipec. Phos. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Swelling: A con. Bell. Bry. Carb. v. Cham. Chin. Cimicif. Hep. Hyosc. Iod. Ign. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Petr. Phytolac. Spig. Stann. Sulph. Uvula inflamed : Apis. Bell. Merc. sol. Phytolac. Ruta. Zinc. - elongated: Calc. Croc. Coff. Dulc. Iod. Kali carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. - swollen : Bell. Calc. Chin. Coff. Dulc. Kali carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Puis. Phytolac. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. Saliva. Froth at mouth: Bell. Calc. Camph. Canth. Cham. Cic Cocc. Cupr. Hyosc. Ign. Op. Plumb. Sec. corn. Stram. Verat. alb. - bloody : Canth. Hyosc. Sec. corn. Stram. Mucus, bitter: Arn. - bloody: Alum. Amm. mur. Iod. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Sec. corn. Sulph. Stram. Thuj. Zinc. - foul: Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Cham. Chin. Sep. Zinc. - yellow: Bry. Gelsem. Phytolac. Spig. - green : Carb. veg. Colch. Natr. mur. Plumb. Zinc. - salt: Alum. Amm. carb. Graph. Nux vom. Phos Rhus. Sulph. - sour: Plumb. - tasting badly : Merc. sol. - viscid: Acid.phos. Alum. Ant. crud. Bell. Bry. Cham. Iod. Ign. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Saliva, bitter: Arn. Ars. Merc. sol. Thuj. - frothy: Ant. crud. Apis. Bell. Bry. Camph. Canth. Cic. Cocc. Ign. Ipec. Phos. Plumb. Sil. Sabin. Sec. corn. Spig. Stram. - watery: Camph. Colch. Dig. Dros. Hell. Iod. Ipec. Lach. Nux vom. Phos. Phytolac. Plumb. Staph. - increased flow: Acid. nit. Acd. Rhus Staph. W - as if sore: Bry. Cic. VBrat. alb. - in lower vertebrae: Con. - simple: Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Ferr. Graph. Kali carb. Lach. Nux vom. Phos. Sil. Zinc. Pressure: Acid.phos. Aeon. Ant. crud. Arn. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Ign. Kali carb. Lach. Lyc. Sabin. Spong. Staph. Spots, yellow: Iod. - red: Apis. Bell. Carb. veg. Cocc. Nuxvom. Rhus. Sep. Stann. Stiffness: Alum. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Caust. Chin. Cic. Cocc. Croc. Dig. Lyc Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Rhus. Sil. Staph. Thuj. Zinc. Stitches: Aeon. Ant. crud. Bry. Canth. Cocc. Cupr. Dig. Graph. Hep. sulph. Kali carb Phos. Samb. Spig. Spong. Staph. Thuj. Zinc. Sensitive of pressure : Lach. Swelling : Acid, nit Alum. Ars. Bell. Calc. Caust. Cic. Iod. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Rhus. Sil. Zinc. Tearing: Arn. Aur. Carb. veg. Cham. Cupr. Iod. Kali carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Plumb. Sabin. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Tension: Arn. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Caust. Cic. Dig. Graph. Iod. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Spig. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Throbbing of carotids: Bell. Glon. Hep. sulph. Spong. Twitchings: Canth. Phos. Spong. Zinc. Veins, swelling of: Op. Thuj. Weakness: Arn. Cocc. Glon. Staph. Verat. alb. As from a wrong position: Dulc. Thuj. Zinc. Nape of the Neck. Beating: Con. Blotches: Hep. Boils: Arn. Sil. Boring: Bar. Burning: Acid.phos. Arn. Bar. Calc. Carb. veg. Ign. Merc. sol. 61 Coldness, feeling of: Sulph. Contraction: Puis. Cracking: Spong. Cramp: Ant. crud. Crampy feeling : Thuj. Sil. Crampy stiffness: Zinc. Crawling: Dulc Cutting: Dig. Drawing: Alum. Ant, crud. Bell. Camph. Chin. Col. Con. Dig. Hyosc. Kali carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Mosch. Nux vom. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Ruta, Sep. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. Eruptions: Bar. Bell. Bry. Caust. Cham. Hep. sulph. Lyc. Sep. Sil. Staph. Heat: Ign. Lach. Phos. Itching: Acid. nit. Carb. veg. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Laming pain: Cina. Nux vom. Spig. Staph. Verat. alb. As if the flesh -were loose : Aeon. - stiff: Acid. nit. Aeon. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Caust. Col. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Graph. Hell. Hyosc. Ign. Kali carb. Lach. Lyc. Nuxvom. Natr. mur. Petr. Phos. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Zinc. Pain, crampy: Arn. - rheumatic: Aeon. Bry. Graph. Iod. Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Puis. Rhus. Staph. Verat. alb. - simple: Aeon. Bry. Chin. Dulc. Graph. Hyosc. Ipec. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Natr. mur. Phos. Sep. Spig. Stann. - as if tired : Glon. Rhus. - ulcerative: Puis. Pressure : Bar. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Cocc. Col. Dig. Graph. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Mosch. Natr. mur. Phos. Rhus. Samb. Spong. Staph. Thuj. Pulling in muscles : Col. Pustules: Staph. Sensitiveness: Lach. Nuxvom. As if gone to sleep: Rhus. Spig. Spots, yellow: Iod. - red: Carb. veg. Sep. Stann. Stitches : Aeon. Arn. Bar. Bell. Calc, Camph. Chin. Cocc. Graph. Ign. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Stann. Staph. Sulph. As if strained : Dulc. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Zinc. As if swollen : Sep. Tearing: Camph. Canth. Carb. veg. 962 CHEST. Graph. Ign. Kali carb. Nux vom. Phos. Plumb. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Tension: Aeon. Arn. Aur. Bar. Bry. Calc. Canth. Caust, Con. Dig. Glon. Graph. Hyosc. Iod. Ipec. Kali carb. Internal Chest. Anxiety: Aeon. Arn. Bry. Cactus. Camph. Chin. Cocc. Ign. Lach. Mosch: Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Sec. corn. Spig. Spong. Staph. Verat. alb. As if a band around: Cactus. Sabin. Sulph. Blood, erethism of: Alum. Carb. veg. Nux vom. Plumb. Sep. Spong. Thuj. As if bounding: Croc. Boring: Acid. mur. Aeon. Alum. Cina. Kali carb. Rhus. Spig. Staph. Thuj. Burning: Acid. phos. Aeon. Alum. Ant. crud. Arn. Ars. Bar. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Con. Dros. Ferr. Graph. Hyosc. Ign. Iod. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Mosch. Nuxvom. Phos. Plat. Ruta. Sabin. Sec. corn. Sep. Spong. Stann. Sulph. Zinc. Chilliness: Bry. Natr. As if concussed : Rhus. Cooling, pleasant: Ruta. Constriction : A con. Alum. Arn. Ars. Bell. Cactus. Cham. Cocc. Col. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Ferr. Hell. Ign. Mosch. Nux vom. Natr. mur. Op. Phos. Puis. Plat. Rhus. Ruta. Spig. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Contraction: Aeon. Alum. Ars. Cac- tus. Canth. Caust, Cham. Cocc. Cupr. Dig. Ferr. Hell. Ign. Ipec. Lyc. Mosch. Nuxvom. Op. Puis. Rheum. Samb. Spig. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Crampy feeling: Acid. mur. Aeon. Bell. Bry. Canth. Cham. Cina. Dulc. Hyosc. Kali carb. Nux vom. Plat. Stann. Thuj. Verat. alb. Cutting: Acid. mur. Alum. Arn. Aur. Bell. Calc. Caust, Chin. Con. Dig. Dulc. Kali carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Puis. Ruta. Sabin. Samb. Spig. Spong. Stann. Sulph. Zinc. Digging: Arn. Cina. Dulc. Ferr. Petr. Stann. Mosch. Plat. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. Weight: Nuxvom. Petr. Phos. Rhus. Sabin. Samb. !HEST. P As if dilated : Bry. Stann. Dislocation-pain : Caust, Dulc. Lyc. Petr. Plat Spig. Sulph. Thuj. Dropsy: Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bry. Carb. veg. Chin. Dig. Ferr. Hell. Ipec. Kali carb. Op. Rhus. Spig. Squilla. Verat. alb. Dryness, feeling of: Alum. Canth. Ferr. Phos. As if empty: Cocc. Stann. Fermenting: Phos. Fulness: Aeon. Ant, crud. Arn. Bar. Con. Ferr. Ign. Lyc. Mosch. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sulph. Verat. alb. Gnawing : Ruta. Griping : Verat. alb. Gurgling : Cina. Kali carb. Natr. mur. Ruta. Hammering: Phos. Heat: Acid.nit, Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust, Chin. Cic. Nux vom. Op. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Spong. Stann. Sulph. Heaviness: Aeon. Alum. Bar. Bry. Calc. Iod. Phos. Plat. Samb. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Verat, alb. Inflammation: Aeon. Arn. Bry. Cann. Hyosc. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Spong. Stram. Itching: Carb. veg. Kali carb. Phos. Jerks: Croc. Con. Lyc. Languor: Acid. phos. Alum. Calc. Carb. veg. Cocc. Nux vom. Natr. mur. Phos. Stann. Sulph. As of something living : Croc. As of something loose : Bry. Lungs, inflammation of: Aeon. Bell. Ant. tart. Bry. Lyc. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. - phthisis of: Ars. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Chin. Con. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Iod. Kali carb. Lyc. Natr. mur. Phos. Puis. Ruta. Samb. Sep. Spig. Stann. Pain as if excoriated: Acid. mur. Ars. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cic. Cina. Ipec. Kali carb. Lyc. Natr. mur. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. XXIL CHEST. 963 Pain, as if bruised: Aeon. Alum. Arn. Bry. Caust. Cham. Con. Kali carb. Merc. sol. Phos. Spong. Stann. Zinc. - as if flying to pieces : Bry. Cina. - drawing: Acid. nit. Cactus. Carb. v. Cham. Chin. Con. Dig. Dulc. Kalic. Nuxvom. Op. Puis. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. - simple: Acid. mur. Arn. Ars. Bar. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cina. Col. Con. Croc. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Iod. Lyc. Mosch. Phos. Puis. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Sulph. Verat. alb. Pinching: Alum. Bell. Cactus. Carb. veg. Cina. Dulc. Ign. Kali carb. Samb. Spig. Spong. Thuj. Pressing : Acid. nit. Alum. Bry. Graph. Ign. Phos. Sulph. Verat. alb: Pressure from without: Cactus. Chin. Cocc Ign. Nuxvom. ---within: Bell. Bry. Cina. Dulc. Verat. alb. Zinc. - as from a load : Bry. Nux vom. Rheum. Samb. Spig. Verat. vir. Raw, as if: Arn. Ars. Bry. Chin. Cocc. Dig. Hell. Nuxvom. Natr. m. Rhus. Zinc. Rattling: Aeon. Ant. crud. Ant. tart. Bry. Dros. Dulc. Hep. sulph. Ipec. Merc. sol. Mosch. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Squilla. Sil. Sulph. Verat. alb. Rush of blood: Aeon. Arn. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Cocc. Cupr. Ferr. Hyosc. Nuxvom. Natr. mur. Puis. Sep. Spong. Thuj. Shocks: Aeon. Calc Croc. Dulc. Plat. Ruta. Shuddering : Aeon. Spasm: Acid.nit. Aeon. Bry. Calc. Cham. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Cupr. Dig. Ferr. Ipec. Kali carb. Lyc. Mosch. Petr. Phos. Puis. Sec. corn. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. Stitches, in left side: Aeon. Alum. Ant. tart. Arn. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Camph. Canth. Canst. Ckin. Cic. Cina. Cocc. Con. Dig. Dulc Hell. Ign. Ipec Kali carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Phos. Plat. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Samb. Sep. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. - in right side: Aeon. Alum. Ant. tart. Am. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Col. Con. Dig. Dulc. Ign. Kali carb. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Op. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Zinc. Stitches, in middle of chest: Aeon. Alum. Ant, crud. Bry. Cham. Chin. Iod. Phos. Plumb. - in diaphragm : Spig. - in breast, bone: Aeon. Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc Canth. Caust. Con. Dulc Hep. Lyc. Natr. mur. Phos. Sabin. Spig. Sulph. - from the chest through the back : Aeon. Bry. Canth. Carb. veg. Chin. Cocc. Ferr. Lyc. Plumb. Sabin. Sil. Spig. Sulph. As if stopped up : Bry. Tearing : Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Con. Dulc Graph. Kali carb. Natr. m. Op. Petr. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Spig. Stram. Zinc. Tension : Ars. Bell. Bry. Caust. Cic. Cocc. Con. Dig. Dulc. Ign. Lyc. Nux vom. Natr. mur. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sep. Spig. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Throbbing: Aeon. Bar. Bell. Bry. Cham. Coff. Dig. Graph. Ign. Nux vom. Phos. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. Tickling: Bar. Cham. Chin. Kali c. Phos. Stann. Verat. alb. As if too tight: Cactus. Hell. Puis. Spig. Sulph. Tightness, feeling of: Cactus. Puis. Tingling: Acid phos. Aeon. Ars. Col. Sep. Spig. Spong. Stann. Thuj. Trembling: Kali carb. Phos. Ruta. Sabin. Twitching: Col. Dulc. Kali carb. Lyc. Natr. mur. Sep. Spig. Ulcerative pain: Bry. Puis. Staph. Warmth: Bry. Coff. Hell. Nux vom. Verat. alb. Weakness: Iod. Kali carb. Plat. Rhus. Stann. Sulph. - feeling of: Carb. veg. Chin. Plat. Stann. Staph. As if weary: Arn. Carb. veg. Spong. Wrenching : Samb. External Chest. Boils: Arn. Chin. Burning: Acid. mur. Apis. Ars. Bar. Bell. Canth. Dig. Dros. Ferr. Nux vom. Phos. Plat. Rhus. Sulph. Zinc. Contraction: Arn. Bry. Dig. Op. Plat. Rhus. Spig. Contusive pain : Ant, crud. Arn. Crampy feeling: Acid. nit. Aeon. Calc. Cham. Dig. Dulc. Plat. Sep. Creeping: Arn. Dros. 964 CHEST. Creeping chill: Nuxvom. Drawing : Acid. mur. Aeon. Carb. veg. Cupr. Dig. Dulc. Lyc. Nuxvom. Puis. Rhus. Spig. Slanfi. Zinc. Eruptions: Ars. Caust. Hep. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Petr. Plumb. Staph. Sil. Sulph. Gnawing: Arn. Calc. Ruta. Spong. Heat: Cham. Cic. Dig. Puis. Itching: Alum. Ant. crud. Bar. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Kali carb. Lyc. Natr. mur. Phos. Puis. Sep. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Pain, as if contused: Acid. mur. Con. Dulc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. - as if sprained: Arn. Cocc. - as if sore: Apis. Bar. 'Bry. Sep. Staph. Verat. alb. - as if bruised : Apis. Arn. Bry. Chin. Ign. Merc sol. Nux vom. Natr. mur. Phos. Rheum. Spig. Staph. Sulph. - simple: Ant. crud. Bry. Dulc. Natr. mur. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Pimples: Ant. crud. Ant, tart. Bry. Canth. Cocc Con. Hep. Plumb. Rhus. Staph. Pressure: Arn. Aur. Bry. Camph. Canth. Chin. Dulc. Dros. Nuxvom. Rhus. Ruta. Spig. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Redness: Aur. Bell. Bry. Rheumatic pain : Bry. Spig. Shuddering: Chin. Cina. Nux vom. Plat, Ruta. Spig. Staph. Gone to sleep : Merc. sol. Spasms: Cic. Puis. Stram. Verat. alb. Spots, brown: Carb. veg. - yellow: Ars. Phos. - red: Apis. Bell. Carb. veg. Cocc. Lyc. Rhus. Stitches: Arn. Acid. mur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Caust. Chin. Con. Dros. Dulc. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Sweat: Arn. Bell. Calc. Canth. Chin. Cocc. Hep. Ipec. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos Plumb. Rhus. Sec. corn. Swelling: Bry. Calc. Dulc. Iod. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Tearing: Bry. Camph. Dulc. Kali carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Sabin. Spig. Tension: Cham. Chin. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Ferr. Iod. Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Natr. mur. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Spig Stann. Thuj. Twitching : Merc. sol. Spig. Ulcers : Ars. Hep. Sulph. Ulcerative pain : Bry. Puis. Warmth: Bry. Nux vom. Phos. Rhus. Arm-pits. Burning: Carb. veg. Crawling: Con. Drawing: Bell. Sil. As if excoriated: Con. Inflammation : Acid. nit. Petr. Phos. Sulph. Itching : Carb. veg. Caust. Con. Dig. Kali carb. Phos. Sep. Pain generally: Acid.nit. Bell. Carb. veg Con. Sil. Stitches : Arn. Con. Sulph. Suppuration : Calc. Col. Hep. sulph. Petr. Sil. Sulph. Sweat: Dulc. Kali carb. Natr. mur. Phos. Sep. Sulph. Swelling: Acid. nit. Bell. Calc. Iod. Hep. sulph. Lyc. Natr. mur. Petr. Phos. Sep. Sulph. Mammae (Breasts). Blotches: Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Cham. Con. Dulc. Graph. Lyc. Phos. Ruta. Sil. Sulph. Contusion: Arn. Rhus. Crawling: Con. Drawing : Cham. Erysipelas: Aeon. Bell. Bry. Graph. Phos. Sil. Sulph. As if excoriated : Con. Hardness : Bry. Cham. Con. Phos. Phytolac. Plumb Sil. Sulph. Heat: Bell. Bry. Phos. Inflammation : Aeon. Arn. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Cham. Con. Phos. Phy- tolac. Puis. Sil. Sulph. Itching: Caust Con. Kali carb. Nux vom. Plumb. Rhus. Milk, bitter and yellow : Rheum. - bluish : Lach. - too fat: Puis. - setting in: Puis. - fever: Aeon. Arn. Bry. Cham. Coff. ign. Puis. Rhus. - excessive flow of: Aeon. Chin. - vanishing of: Bry. Calc. Cham. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Zinc. -- increase of: Bry. Nuxvom. Puis. - stoppage of: Bell. Calc Puis. Pain, simple: Bry. Cham. Col. Con. Merc. sol. Sil. Verat, alb. Shuddering: Cocc. Nuxvom. Stitches: Alum. Bar. Bell. Con. Nux vom. Natr. mur. Plumb. Sep. Zinc. CHEST. 965 Suppuration: Bry. Hep. sulph. Phytolac. Phos. Sil. Sulph. Swelling: Bell. Bry. Cham. Con. Dulc. Merc. sol. Phos. Phytolac. Plumb. Puis. Ruta. Sabin. Sil. Sulph. Tearing: Bar. Cham. Tension: Puis. Ulcers: Hep. Merc. sol. Phos. Sil Sulph. Ulcerative pain : Merc. sol. Withering: Cham. Con. Iod. Nipples. Burning : Cic. Graph. Sulph. Creeping : Sabin. Discharge of blood and humor: Lyc. Plumb. Hardness : Bry. Merc. sol. Inflammation: A con. Bry. Cham. Phos. Puis. Sil. Sulph. Itching: Con. Puis. Rhus. Pain, simple: Graph. Nux vom. Sulph. Rhagades: Arn. Graph. Petr. Sulph. Soreness : Arn. Calc Cham. Graph. Lyc. Puis. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. Stitches: Acid. mur. Camph. Ign. Lyc. Rheum. Sabin. Sulph. Heart and Region of the Heart. Anxiety: Aeon. Alum. Ars. Aur. .Cactus. Calc. Canth. Cham. Cina. Cocc. Croc Cupr. Ferr. Graph. Hell. Lyc. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Verat. vir. Beats of the heart, intermittent: Aeon. Bry. Cactus. Chin. Dig. Kali carb. Natr. mur. Sep. Sulph. - slow: Arn. Dig. - quick : A con. Ant. tart. Amm. mur. Ars. Bar. Sabin. Sulph. Zinc. - imperceptible: Bry. Rhus. Verat. alb. - stronger: Acid. mur. Ant. tart. Ars. Aur. Calc. Chin. Dig. Dulc. Hyosc. Phos. Sabin. Spig. Verat. alb. - full: Aeon. Bell. Burning : Carb. veg. Op. Puis. Verat. vir. Contusive pain : Cactus. Natr. mur. Drawing: Canth. Excitement, vascular: Aeon. Cactus. Carb. veg. Glon. Nux vom. Rhus. Sulph. Heart, trembling of: Ars. Bell. Calc. Camph. Cic. Lach. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Staph. - throbbing in the region of the: Ars. Bar. Cactus. Calc. Hell. Lyc. Phos. Sep. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Zinc. Humming: Spig. Inflammation: Aeon. Ars. Bry. Cactus. Cocc. Puis. Rhus. Spig. Jerking: Arn. Nuxvom. Plumb. Oppression : Bell. Cactus. Cham. Nux vom. Spig. Palpitation, generally: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Aeon. Alum. Am. Ars. Aur. Bar. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Con. Croc. Cupr. Dig. Glon. Graph. Hell. Ign. Iod. Ipec. Kali carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Petr. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sec corn. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Verat. vir. Zinc. - with anguish: Aeon. Ars. Cactus. Calc. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Dig. Graph. Kali carb. Lyc. Mosch. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Plat. Plumb. Puis. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Spig. Thuj. Verat. alb. - without anxiety: Ipec. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. - audible : Cactus. Dig. Spig. - spasmodic: Sec. corn. - visible: Cactus. Con. Dulc. Graph. Iod. Rhus. Sec. corn. Spig. Sulph. Thuj. Pressure: Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bell. Cac- tus. Canth. Cham. Con. Graph. Kalic. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Puis. Rhus. Spig. Verat. vir. Rush of blood : Aeon. Cactus. Carb. veg Cham. Ferr. Lyc. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Stitches : Acid. mur. Acid. nit. Arn. Aur. Cactus. Calc. Canth. Carb. v. Caust. Cham. Chin. Croc. Ign. Nux vom. Petr. Plumb. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Sulph. Zinc. Tearing: Cactus. Canth. Lyc. Weak feeling: Rhus. Weight: Cactus. Croc. Puis. Symptoms of the Chest and Heart, according to situation and cir- cumstances. Aggravated. In the open air: Bry. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Con. Graph. Ign. Lyc. 966 CHEST. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Stann. Staph. When ascending: Bell Graph. Nux vom. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Thuj. Zinc. When breathing: Acid. nit. Aeon. Ant. crud Ant. tart. Arn. Ars. Bry. Calc. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Dulc. Dros. Graph. Hep. sulph. Hyosc. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Puis. Sep. Spig. Stann. When drawing a long breath: Bry. Calc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. After a cold : Aeon. Bry. Carb. v. Cham. Nux vom. Rhus. In cold air: Aeon. Bry. Carb. veg. Cocc. Rhus. Spong. By contact: Acid. phos. Aeon. Arn. Bar. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Cupr. Dros. Dulc. Graph. Nux vom. Phos. Plumb. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. After contusions : Arn. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. When coughing: Acid, nit. Acid. phos. Aeon. Alum. Ant, crud. Arn. Ars. Bar Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust Cham. Chin. Cina. Coff. Con. Dig. Dros. Ferr. Iod. Kali carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph Verat. alb. In damp weather: Bry. Carb. veg. Calc. Dulc. Rhus. During digestion: Lyc. After drinking: Arn. Chin. Cocc, Con. Cupr. Nuxvom. Verat. alb. • By cold drinks : Thuj. ---wine: Ant. crud. Nuxvom. When eating: Arn. Chin. Cocc. Ign. Phos. After eating: Aeon. Ant. crud. Arn. Bry. Canth. Caust, Cham. Chin. Cocc. Con. Ferr. Hyosc. Ign. Lyc. Merc sol. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Thuj. Verat. alb. By getting warm in bed: Cham. Puis. Rhus. By bodily exertions: Bry. Nuxvom. Rhus. Spong. After expectorating : Stann. Zinc. When falling asleep: Sulph. After a fright: Aeon. Cham. Ign. Op. Between the inspirations: Ign. Merc sol. Spig. When lifting: Bar. Kali carb. Lyc. When lying down: Ant. crud. Cactus. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Cham. Ferr. Hyosc. Natr. mur. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. By mental labor: Ign. Nux vom. Sep. Before the menses: Cupr. Puis. Spong. During the menses: Bell. Caust. Cham. Graph. Phos. Puis. During motion: Aeon. Alum. Arn. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Camph. Chin. Con. Dig. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Ign. Iod. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Phos. Puis. Samb. Sep. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. When moving the arms: Dig. Plumb. Puis. By external pressure: Ant. crud. Bry. Chin. Cina. Nux vom. Ruta*. Spong. Staph. When raising one's self: Aeon. Bry. Cic. Dig. Ign. Stann. Staph. When rising from bed : Ant. crud. Plat, Stann. Staph. ---from a seat: Sil. After rising: Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Spig- When reading: Chin. ---loud: Cocc. Stann. During rest: Acid.phos. Arn. Bell. Cham. Chin. Ferr. Natr. mur. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Samb. Stann. In the room: Bry. Croc. Puis. Spig. By running: Bry. Cina. Nuxvom. Sil. By singing: Stann. When sitting: Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Chin. Cina. Dros. Dulc. Ferr. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. After sleeping: Aeon. Ambr. Bry. Calc. Chin. Cocc. Ign. Lach. Nux vom. Op. Rheum. By smoking: Cic. Ign. Spong. Staph. When sneezing: Aeon. Bry. Cina. Merc. sol. Sil. By making a wrong step: Bry. Puis. Spig. By stimulants: Nuxvom. Stann. When stopping the breath : Dros. Merc. sol. Spig. When expiring air: Acid.phos. Ant. crud. Ant. tart, Ars. Aur. Bry. Carb. veg. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cina. Ign. Iod. Ruta. Sep. Spig. Stann. Staph. Zinc. When inspiring air: Acid.phos. Aeon. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bar. Bry. Calc Camph. Canth. Caust. Cham. BACK. 967 Chin. Cic. Cocc. Col. Con. Dulc. Hell. Hyosc. Iod. Kali carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Phos. Plat. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Sulph. Verat. alb. Zinc. When drawing a long breath: Aeon. Arn. Bry. Canth. Cina. Dros. Ign. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Spig. When stooping: Acid.phos. Aeon. Bry. Carb. veg. Chin. Cocc. Col. Dig. Dros. Hell. Ign. Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Zinc. When straining: Rhus. When talking: Bry. Canth. Chin. Cocc. Ign. Puis. Rhus. Stann. When talking loud: Acid. mur. Carb. veg. Kali carb. Natr. mur. Stann. By tight clothes: Nuxvom. Spong. When -waking: Ant. crud. Arn. Dig. Euphr. Ign. Nuxvom. Puis. Rhus. When walking: Aeon. Arn. Bry. Cactus. Camph. Chin. Cic. Cocc. Ferr. Ign. Nux vom. Ruta. Spig. Spong. Staph. Verat. alb. After walking : Puis. Rhus. When -walking in the open air: Bry. Chin. Coff. Nuxvom. Rhus. Spig. Spong. Staph. After walking in the open air: Ferr. Nux vom. Rhus. When walking fast: Chin. Spig. When writing : Chin. Cocc. Relieved. In the open air: Bry. Natr. mur. Puis. By -warm air: Carb. veg. By bending back: Aeon. Cann. Nux vom. Puis. By drawing a long breath: Dig. Stann. After drinking: Bry. Ferr. After eating: Bry. Rhus. After eructations: Canth. Carb. veg. Kali carb. Lyc. Nux vom. Petr. Sep. Zinc. By friction: Calc. When lying down : Alum. Bry. Canth. Iod. Nuxw>m. Zinc. ---on one side : Alum. ---on the back: Arn. Bry. Ign. Puis. ---on the painful side: Arn. Bry. Cham. Ign. Nuxvom. Puis. ---on the painless side: Ign. Nux vom. By motion: Acid. phos. Arn. Cham. Cina. Dros. Puis. Rhus. Sep. By pressure externaUy: Bry. Chin. Cina. Dros. Ign. Puis. Verat, alb. During rest: Arn. Bry. Chin. Nux vom. Sabin. Staph. By rising: Canth. Dule. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. In the room: Bry. Cham. Nux vom. Puis. By sitting up: Alum. Chin. Dig. Puis. Spig. When sitting: Alum. Bry. Nuxvom. When standing r Chin. Cic. Ruta. By stooping: Chin. Ign. After sweat: Canth. Cham. Nux vom. Puis. When -walking: Chin. Cic. Dros. Ferr. Mosch. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Staph. XXIH. BACK, Scapulae (Shoulder-blades). Boils : Amm. mur. Led. Burning: Aeon. Bar. Carb. veg. Iod. Lyc. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Verat. alb. Chilliness : Alum. Ars. Rhus. Contraction : Chin. Lach. Lyc. Rhus. Viol. tr. Crampy feeling : Bar. Bell. Kali carb. Merc sol. Rhus. Cutting : Acid, sulph. Calc. Rhus. Dislocation-pain : Acid. mur. Chin. Col. Petr. Plumb. Rhus. Eruptions: Bell. Bry. Caust. Graph. Hep. sulph. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Sep. Squilla. Gnawing: Acid. phos. Alum. Merc. sol. Heat: Acid. mur. Puis. Itching: Amm. mur. Arn. Bell. Merc. sol. Spig. Sulph. Pain, bruised: Bar. Chin. Hell. Kali c. Merc. sol. Natr. mw. Nuxvom. Sulph. Thuj. Pressure: Arn. Bell. Bry. Cale. Caust. Chin. Sil. Stann. Sulph Zinc. Rigidity: Bell. Caust. Led. Stitches: Acid. mur. Alum. Amm. mur. 968 BACK. Bry. Bell. Canth. Caust. Cocc. Colch. Dulc. Ferr. Hep. Kali carb. Lach. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Plumb. Puis. Samb. Spig. Stann. Thuj. Tearing and drawing: Alum. Aur. Calc. carb. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Dulc. Lach. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Tension: Alum. Bar. Col. Colch. Kali carb. Kreos. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Throbbing : Bar. Kali carb. Merc. sol. Phos. Tingling: Dulc. Sil. Twitching : Calc. Phos. Rhus. Squilla. Back. As if something alive : Plumb. Boring : Aeon. Cocc. Spig. Thuj. Burning: Acid.nit. Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bar. Carb. veg. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Plat. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Verat. alb. Chill: Bell. Calc. Dulc. Lach. Lyc. Nuxvom. Phos.Rhus. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Cold feeling: Acid. mur. Carb. veg. Con. Crampy feeling: Carb. veg. Euphr. Puis. Crawling: Aeon. Bell. Graph. Sec. corn. Curvature of the spine: Calc. Lyc. Merc. sol. Rhus. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Cutting: Calc. Sep. Sil. Digging: Aeon. Sep. Dislocation-pain: Am. Calc. Cocc. Rhus. Sulph. Eruptions: Ant. crud. Bar. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cocc. Graph. Led. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Sep. Sulph. Heat: Acid. phos. Con. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Puis. Sulph. Itching: Acid.nit. Alum. Amm. mur. Bar. Calc. Caust. Kali carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Phos. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Jerks: Calc. Staph. Lameness: Arn. Bry. Cocc. Dulc Natr. mur. Phos. Rhus. Staph. Sulph Muscles, twitching of: Carb. veg. Pain, as if bruised : Alum. Amm. mur. Arn. Ars. Bry. Chin. Dros. Lach. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Rhus. Ruta. Stann. Staph. Stram. Verat. alb. - simple : Alum. Ars. Aur. Calc. Hyosc. Kreos. L^yc. Hep. Lach. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Op. Petr. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Verat. alb. Pressure: Aeon. Arn. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cocc. Dulc. Graph. Kali carb. Lyc Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Stann. Staph. Zinc. As if gone to sleep : Merc. sol. Phos. Shuddering: Bell. Canth. Cocc. Colch. Graph. Lach. Led. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Spots: Sep. Carb. veg. Stiffness: Alum. Bry. Carb. veg. Canst. Dulc. Kali carb. Led. Nux vom. Petr. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Stitches: Aeon. Ant. crud. Arn. Bry. Calc. Caust. Chin. Colch. Con. Dulc Kali carb. Lach. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Spig. Sweat: Chin. Ipec. Lyc. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Tearing and drawing: Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cina. Cham. Cocc. Ferr. Hep. Kali carb. Lach. Led. Lyc. Natr. m. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Puis. Rhus Sep. Sil. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Tension: Amm. mur Bell. Con. Hep. Mosch. Natr. mur. Sulph. Zinc. Throbbing: Bar. Bell. Lyc. Phos. Puis. Trembling: Coff. Merc. sol. Weakness: Acid.nit. Arn. Carb. v. Lach. Lyc Nuxvom. Petr. Phos. Plat. Puis. Sep. Sec. corn. Sulph. Small of the Back. Boring : Aeon. Burning : Acid. mur. Aeon. Nux vom. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Thuj. Chilliness: Lach. Lyc. Puis. Sabin. Coldness : Curb. veg. Spong. - feeling of: Hell. Contusive pain: Arn. Ruta. Cracking: Sulph. Zinc Crawling: Alum Sulph. Crampy feeling: Bry. Caust. Chin. Nux vom. Cutting : Bell. Canth. Natr. mur. Puis. Zinc. Eruptions: Calc. Natr. mur. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. Gnawing: Amm. carb. Canth. Phos. Sulph. Itching: Carb. veg. Caust. Kali carb, Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Sulph. Lameness: Cocc Dulc. Lach. Natr. m. Nuxvom. Sil. Numb feeling: Carb. veg. Plat. Spong. Pain, as if dislocated: Arn. Rhus Sulph. STOOL AND ANUS. 969 Pain, as if sore: Acid, sulph. Caust, Natr. mur. ---bruised: Aeon. Amm, mur. Arn. Aur. Bry. Caust. Cham. Cina. Graph. Ign: Lach. Nux mosch. Nux vom. Plat, Rhus. Ruta. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. - simple: Aeon. Amm. mur. Arn. Bar. Bry. Calc. Kali carb. Ign. Led. Lyc. Nux vom. Puis. Petr. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sulph. Zinc. Pressure : Aeon. Bry. Carb. veg. Caust. Graph.Lach. Lyc. Mosch. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Pulsations: Caust. Natr. mur. Spasmodic pain: Bell. Cocc. Sil. Sulph. Stiffness: Aeon. Amm.mur. Bar. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Caust. Kali carb. Lach. Lyc. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. Character of Stool. Acrid : Ars. Bry. Cham. Lach. Merc. sol. Puis. Rheum. Verat. alb. Ash-colored: Dig. Rheum. Bilious: Ars. Cham. Chin. Dulc. Ipec. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Puis. Sulph. Verat alb Black: Ars. Calc. Camph. Chin. Cupr. Hep. Merc'sol. Op. Squilla. Stram. Verat. alb. Bloody : Acid.nit. Ant. crud. Ant. tart. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bry. Canth. Carb. v. Chin. Cupr. Dulc. Ipec. Lyc. Merc. corr. Merc. sol. Nux mosch. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Verat. alb. Brown: Arn. Bry. Chin. Merc. corr. Merc. sol. Podoph. Rheum. Sec. corn. Squilla, Sulph. Verat. alb. Bright-colored : Carb. veg. Caust. Burning: Ars. Lach. Merc. corr. Merc. sol. Cadaverous smell: Ars. Carb. veg. Lach. Clayey: Calc. Constipated: Aeon. Amm.mur. Arn. Aur. Bar. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Canth. Carb, veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Col. Con. Ferr. Gelsem. Graph. Lach. Lyc. Merc. corr. Mi re sol. Mosch. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Plat. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Zinc. Stitches: Aeon. Ant. tart. Arn. Bell. Bry. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Con. Graph. Ign. Iod. Lach. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Thuj. Tearing and drawing: Alum. Ars. Bar. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Hep. Kali carb. Kreos. Lach. Lyc. Natr. m. Nux vom. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stann. Stram. Tension: Acid. nit. Aeon. Bar. Carb. veg. Caust. Nuxvom. Sil. Thuj. Throbbing: Graph. Ign. Nux vom. Natr. mur. Sep. Twitching: Calc. Caust. Chin. Con. Puis. Staph. Weakness: Ars. Bell. Cooc. Lach. Merc.sol. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Phos. Puis. Sep. Diarrhoeic: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Aeon. Amm. mur. Ant. crud. Ant, tart. Apis. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Cham. Chin. Col. Cic. Cocc. Coff. Cupr. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Hell. Hyosc. Ign. Lpec Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux mosch. Nux vom. Op. Petr. Phos. Podoph. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Spig. Spong. Squilla. Stann. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Zinc. Diarrhcea, from cold: Bell. Bry. Cham. Dulc. Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. - after eating: Ars. Chin. Col. Lach. - after getting heated: Bry. Nuxvom. - in damp weather: Bry. Dulc. Rhus. - after a fright: Aeon. Gelsem. Op. Verat. alb. - after a fit of joy: Coff. Op. — with vomiting: Ant. tart. Ars. Cupr. Ipec. Nuxvom. Phos. Rheum. Verat. alb. - after eating fruit: Ars. Chin. Puis. - after drinking milk: Bry. Lyc. Sulph. - after a cold drink: Ars. Bry. Carb. veg. Puis. - after drinking: Ars. Nuxvom. - of children: Aeon. Cham. Lpec. Merc. sol. Podoph. Rheum. Sulph. - chronic : Acid. nit. Acid. phos. ,4m. Calc. Canth. Chin. Graph. Ipec. Phos. Rhus. Sulph. - nocturnal: Ars. Bry. Cham. Chin. XXIV. STOOL AND ANUS. 970 STOOL AND ANUS. Dulc. Kali carb. Merc. sol. Phosph. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Verat alb. Diarrhoea, dysenteric: Apis. Ars. Carb. veg. Col. Cham. Colch. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Op. Podoph. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Verat. alb. - frothy: Calc. Chin. Rheum. Rhus. Sulph. - painless: Ars. Carb. veg. Cham. Chin. Ferr. Hyosc. Lyc. Op. Phos. Sec. corn. Sulph. - watery: Ant. crud. Ant. tart. Ars. Calc. Cham. Chin. Cupr. Ferr. Hell. Hyosc. Ipec Merc. corr. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Petr. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sulph. Verat. alb. - spirting: Ars. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Sulph. Difficult: Amm. mur. Ant. crud. Arn. Bar. Bry. Canth. Carb. veg. Chin. Cocc. Graph. Hep. Ign. Kali carb. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux mosch. Nux vom. Petr. Phos. Plat. Puis. Ruta. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Fermented : Cham. Ipec. Rheum. Fetid: Acid.nit. Apis. Ars. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Chin. Lach. Merc. sol. Podoph. Puis. Sil. Sulph. Grayish: Acid. phos. Dig. Merc. sol. Rheum. Greenish: Amm. mur. Apis. Ars. Aur. Bell. Cham. Cupr. Dulc. Ipec. Lob. inf. Merc. sol. Phos. Podoph. Puis. Stann. Sulph. Hard: Acid, sulph. Amm. mur. Amm. c. Ant. crud. Aur. Bar. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham Cina. Cocc. Con. Graph. Hyosc. Hep. Ign. Kali carb. Lyc. Merc. s. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Petr. Phos. Phytolac. Plumb. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Ruta. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Hard and loose alternately : Ant. c. Ars. Iod. Nuxvom. Insufficient: Alum. Arn. Ars. Calc. Chin. Hep. sulph. Kali carb. Lach. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Involuntary : Acid. phos. Bell. Calc. Chin. Hyosc. Lach. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sulph. Verat. alb. Loose : Apis. Ant. crud. Canth. Chin. Eupat. perf. Ign. Merc. sol. Nux mosch. Puis. Rheum. Sep. Sulph. Lumpy: Alum. Bar. Bell. Graph. Lach. Nux vom. Op. Plumb. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Papescent: Acid. phos. Ant. crud. Ant. tart. Arn. Bell. Chin. Gelsem. Lach. Podoph. Puis. Rheum. Sil. Sulph. Pitch, like: Hep. sulph. Lach. Merc. sol. Purulent: Arn. Canth. Iod. Lach. Merc. sol. Sulph. Slimy: Amm. mur. Ant. crud. Arn. Ars. Bell. Canth. Cham. Carb. veg. Chin. Col. Colch. Dulc. Graph. Hell. Hyosc. Kali carb. Ipec. Merc corr. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Phos. Phytolac. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Ruta. Sec. corn. Staph. Sulph. Verat, alb. Smarting: Merc. sol. Puis. Rheum. Smelling sour: Calc. Cham. Dulc. Hep. sulph. Podoph. Rheum. Soft: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Aeon. Amm. mur. Ant. crud. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Chin. Cocc. Con. Dulc. Gelsem. Graph. Kali carb. Tjob. inf. Natr. mur. Phos. Podoph. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Verat. alb. Viol. tr. Zinc. Stirred eggs, like : Cham. Chin. Merc. sol. Nux mosch. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Viol, tr Tenacious: Ars. Caust. Hell. Kali c. Lach. Merc. sol. Plumb. Zinc. Undigested: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Ant. crud. Arn. Ars. Bry. Cham. Chin. Ferr. Lach. Merc. sol. Phos. Sulph. Verat, alb. Whitish: Aeon. Ars. Caust. Cham. Chin. Colch. Dig. Iod. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Plumb. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Rheum. Sec. corn. Spong. Sulph. Verat. alb. With -worms: Aeon. Calc. Cham. Chin. Cina. Graph. Merc sol. Nux vom. Spig. Sulph. Yellowish: Apis. Ars. Calc. Cham. Chin. Col Cocc. Dulc. Gelsem. Merc. sol. Petr. Phos. Podoph. Puis. Rhus. Verat alb. Accompanying Ailments. Before Stool. Back-ache: Verat, alb. Colic: Amm. carb. Amm. mur. Ant. tart. Ars. Bry. Canth. Chin. Croc. Dig. Kali carb. Ign. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Petr. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Chilliness : Merc. sol. Nux vom. Verat. alb. Flatulence, distress from: Acid.phos. Amm. mur. Arn. Calc Curb. veg. Dulc Ferr. Phos. Puis. Spig. Stront. STOOL AND ANUS. 971 Heat: Apis. Merc. sol. Phos. Nausea: Aeon. Rhus. Verat. alb. Pains in the anus: Apis. Colch. Kali carb. Lach. Merc. corr. Phos. Plat. Rectum, pain in: Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Small of back, pain in : Dulc. Sulph. Rush of blood to the head: Op. Screaming of children: Cham. Rheum. Rhus. Sweat: Aeon. Bell. Urging to stool: Apis. Cocc. Con. Lach. Merc. corr. Merc. sol. Rheum. Rhus. Sil. Staph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Vomiting : Ant. tart. Apis. Verat. alb. During Stool. Back-ache : Puis. Chilliness: Verat. alb. Colic: Amm. carb. Amm. mur. Ant. c. Arn. Ars. Bry. Canth. Carb. veg. Cham. Cupr. Dulc. Dros. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Ign. Ipec. Merc. corr. Merc. s. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Phos. Plumb. Podoph. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Sulph. Verat. alb. Drowsiness: Nux mosch. Heat: Rhus. Sulph. Labor-like pain : Op. Sec. corn. Nausea: Acid. nit. Ant. tart. Apis. Ars. Cupr. Hell Merc. sol. Sulph. Verat. alb. Palpitation of heart: Acid nit. Ant tart. Rectum, pain in: Calc. Merc. corr. Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Puis. Sabin. Sulph. Verat alb. - falling of: Ars. Calc. Gelsem. Ign. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Podoph. Puis. Ruta. Sep. Sulph. Rumbling in bowels: Acid. phos. Acid sulph. Ars. Calc. Lyc. Phos. Rush of blood to the head: Rhus. Shuddering : Acid. nit. Bell. Rheum. Verat. alb. Sweat: Bell. Merc. sol. Stram. Verat. alb. Tenesmus: Aeon. Apis. Ars. Colch. Merc, corr/ Merc. sol. Nux vom. Op. Podoph. Rhus. Rheum. Sulph. Verat. alb. Thirst: Ars. Cham. Chin. Varices, protrusion of: Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Podoph. Sulph. Vertigo : Cham. Verat. alb. Vomiting: Ant. tart. Ars. Cupr. Ipec. Rheum. Sulph. Verat. alb. Weakness, feeling of: Chin. Verat. alb. After Stool. Anxiety: Caust. As if bruised: Calc. Chilliness: Canth. Puis. Colic : Amm. mur. Carb. veg. Con. Dros. Dulc. Iod. Lyc. Nuxvom. Natr. mur. Op. Phos. Puis. Rheum. Stann. Sulph. Verat. alb. Congestion of the head: Lach. Drowsiness: Nux mosch. Eructations: liar. Merc. sol. Flatulence, discharge of: Calc. Carb. veg. Hep. Lyc. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Sulph Thuj. Languor: Arn. Ars. Bry. Calc Chin. Col. Cupr. Ferr. Hyosc. Ipec. Lach. Lyc. Phos. Podoph. Puis. Sec. corn. Verat. alb. Mucus, discharge of: Merc. sol. Phos. Stann. Sulph. Nausea: Aeon. Caust, Verat. alb. Small of back, pain in : Puis. Palpitation of the heart: Caust. Con. Rectum, pressure in: Hell. Ign. Podoph. - pain in: Cham. Merc. corr. Nuxvom. - constriction of: Nuxvom. - prolapsus of: Ign. Merc. sol. Podoph. Sweat: Aeon. Caust, Tenesmus : Ipec Merc. corr. Merc. sol. Phos. Rheum. Rhus. Sulph. Staph Thirst: Ars. Caps. Merc. corr. Vomiting : Verat. alb. Anus and Rectum. Bleeding between stools: Alum. Ant. crud. Curb. veg. Merc. sol. Phos. Puis. Sabin. Sep. Sulph. Burning in the anus: Amm mur. Ant, tart. Apis. Ars. Bar. Bry Carb. veg. Chin. Cocc. Col. Graph. Iod. Ipec. Kali carb. Merc. corr. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Phytolac. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Verat. alb. _ in the rectum: Acid. mur. Acid, nit, Alum. Apis. Ars. Aur. Calc Chin. Con. Lyc. Natr. mur. Petr. Phos. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Verat. alb. Contraction in anus: Acid. nit. Alum. Cocc. Graph. Ign. Nux vom. Plumb. Sec. corn. Sep.'Sulph. - in rectum • Amm. mur. Bell. Calc. Chin. Col. Ferr. Ign. Nuxvom. Phos. Sep. Thuj. Creeping: Calc Colch. Croc. Kali c. Nuxvom. Plat. Rhus. Sep. Zinc. 972 STOOL AND ANUS. Cutting in anus: Ars. Chin. Caust. Kali carb. Lyc. Nux v. Phos. Staph. Sulph. - in rectum: Canth. Caust. Chin. Lyc. Nux vom. Phos. Sep. Sulph. Excoriation in anus: Alum. Amm. carb. Ars. Graph. Hep. sulph. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Verat. alb. - in rectum : Acid. phos. Camph. Natr. mur. Phos. Phytolac. Puis. Figwarts: Acid nit. Sabin. Thuj. Fistula: Calc Caust. Petr. Sil. Sulph. Gnawing : Merc sol. Phos. Itching in anus : Acid. nit. Aeon. Alum. Ant. crud. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Cina. Ign. Kali carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Op. Phos. Plat, Rhus. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. — in rectum : Acid. nit. Aeon. Bell. Cina. Chin. Ferr. Ign. Nux vom. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stann. Sulph. Mucus, discharge of, between stools : Ant. crud. Chin. Colch. Hell. Graph. Merc. sol. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Sulph. Pinching : Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Pressure in anus: Acid, nit. Aeon. Bar. Cactus. Calc. Nuxvom. Petr. Phos. Podoph. Puis. Staph. Sulph. - in rectum : Acid. nit. Arn. Bell. Chin. Kali carb. Lyc. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Podoph. Stann. Sulph. Prolapsus of rectum : Ant. crud. Ars. Bry. Colch. Dulc. Ign. Lach. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Podoph. Ruta. Sep. Sulph. Soreness: Acid. nit. Ars. Caust. Graph. Hep. sulph. Merc. sol. Phos. Phytolac. Sep. Sulph. - pain as of: Amm. carb. Ars. Caust. Graph. Hep. sulph. Ign. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Phytolac. Puis. Sep. Spong. Sulph. Verat. alb. Spasm in anus : Colch. Lach. - in rectum: Calc. Caust. Chin. Colch. Lach. Lyc. Stitches in anus: Aeon. Ars. Bry. Canth. Carb. veg. Chin. Con. Croc. Graph. Ign. Ipec Kali carb. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Plat. Sep. Sil. Sulph. - in rectum : Alum. Ant. tart. Bell. Caust. Chin. Graph. Ign. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Ruta.Sep. Sil. Sulph. Swelling : Camph. Graph. Hep. sulph. Ign. Nux vom. Tearing in the anus: Colch. Kali carb. Nuxvom. Phos. Sep. Thuj. - in rectum: Carb. veg. Chin. Lyc. Kali carb. Nuxvom. Phos. Ruta. Tenesmus: Acid.nit. Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bell. Calc Canth. Colch. Ipec Merc. corr. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Plat. Rheum. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Zinc. Throbbing : Lach. Natr. mur. Torpor: Alum. Carb. veg. Chin. Ign. Kalicarb. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Op. Ruta. Sep. Staph. Thuj. Verat. aib. Zinc. Ulcers: Caust. Phytolac. Urging to stool: Alum. Am. Ars. Bar. Bell. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cocc. Colch. Col. Con. Ferr. Graph. Hep. sulph. Hyosc. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Petr. Phos. Podoph. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. - with emission of flatulence: Carb. v. Lach. - with falling of rectum: Ars. Merc. sol. Podoph. Sulph. - ineffectual: Aeon. Arn. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Colch. Con. Graph. Ign. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. m. Nux vom. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stann. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Piles: Acid. mur. Acid. nit. Acid, sulph. Amm. mur. Ant. crud. Ant. tart. Ars. Bar. Bell. Cactus. Calc Carb. v. Caust. Col. Ferr. Graph. Hell. Ign. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Podoph. Phos. Plumb Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. - protruding: Calc. Caust, Ferr. Graph. Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. - blind: Ars. Cham. Ign. Nux vom. Puis. Sulph. Verat. alb. - bleeding: Aeon. Amm. mur. Ant. crud. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Chin. Cupr. Ferr. Ipec. Ign. Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Phos. Puis. Sabin. Sep. Stram. Sulph. - burning: Acid. nit. Acid, sulph. Ant. crud. Ars. Calc Graph. - inflamed: Aeon. Ars. Nux vom. Sulph. - swollen: Alum. Calc Carb. veg. Graph. Nuxvom. Podoph. Puis. - ulcerated: Nuxvom. Puis. Sulph. - itching: Aeon. Graph. Phos. Sulph. - humid: Sulph. - stinging: Apis. Ars. Bar. Caust. Puis. - suppressed flow of: Carb. veg. Nux vom. Sulph. URINE AND URINARY ORGANS. 973 XXV. URINE AND URINARY ORGANS. Urine. Quality. Acrid: Ant. tart. Arn. Calc. Canth. Caust, Graph. Hep. Iod. Kali carb. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Rhus. Thuj. Verat, alb. Ammoniacal: Acid. nit. Amm. carb. Amm. mur. Carb. veg. Iod. Mosch. Petr. Phos. Bloody: Aeon. Ant, tart. Arn. Ars. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Chin. Col. Con. Hep. Ipec Lyc. Merc sol. Nux vom Op. Phos. Puis. Sec com. Sep. Squilla, Sulph. Zinc. Brown : Acid. nit. Aeon. Am. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Colch. Dig. Eupat. perf. Merc. sol. Petr. Phos. Puis. Rheum. Sep. Sulph. Burning: Aeon. Ars. Camph. Canth. Dig. Hep. sulph. Merc. sol. Phos. Staph. Verat. alb. Blackish: Colch. Clear: Amm. mur. Euphr. Hyosc. Lach. Squilla. Stram. Copious: Acid. mur. Acid.nit. Acid. phos. Aeon. Alum. Amm. mur. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bar. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Canth. Carb. veg. Cic. Cimicif. Col. Dig. Euphr. Hyosc. Ign. Kreas. Led. Lob. inf. Lyc. Merc. sol. Petr. Phos. Phytolac Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Spig. Squilla. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Viol. tr. Dark: Aeon. Ant. tart. Arn. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Chin. Colch. Dig. Eupat perf. Hell. Hep. Ipec. Lach. Lyc. Merc sol. Op. Phos. Phytolac. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Diminished: Acid.nit. Aeon. Amm mur. Ant. tart. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust Cham. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Con. Cupr. Dig. Dulc. Graph. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Iod. Ipec. Kali curb. Led. Lyc. Merc. corr. Merc. sol. Nux mosch Nux vom. Op. Petr. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Ruta. Sec. corn. Squilla. Stann. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Like flour: Calc. Graph. Natr. mur. Frothy: Lach. Lyc. Greenish : Ars. Camph. Iod. Kali carb. Rheum. Ruta Verat. alb. Hot: Aeon. Ars. Bry. Canth. Cham. Colch. Dulc. ILp. sulph. Lach. Light-yellow: Chin. Sec. corn. Little at a time : Aeon. Bell. Canth. Caust. Colch. Dig. Hell. Hyosc. Iod. Led. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Op. Petr. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Verat, alb. Loam-colored: Canth. Ign. Sep. Sulph. Zinc. Milky: Acid phos. Aur. Carb. veg. Dulc. Iod. Opalescent: Iod. Phos. Puis. Pale: Acid.phos. Acid, sulph. Alum. Apis. Arn. Aur. Bell. Cactus. Canth. Chin. Cimicif. Cocc. Colch. Col. Con. Dig.. Gelsem. Hep. Ign. Iod. Lach. Nux vom Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sec. com. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Zinc. Purulent: Canth. Clem. Lyc. Nuxvom. Sabin. Sep. Red: Aeon. Ant. crud. Ant. tart. Apis. Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb. veg. Chin. Colch. Col. Con. Dig. Hep. sulph. Ipec. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Rheum. Sep. Sil. Squilla. Staph. Sulph. Sedimentous: Acid.nit. Acid. phos. Acid, sulph Aeon Alum. Ant. crud. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bar. Bry. Cactus. . Calc Camph. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cic. Colch. Col. Con Dulc. Eupat. perf. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Iod. "Ipec. Kali carb. Kreas. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux mosch. Petr. Phos. Phytolac. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Spong. Squilla. Sulph. Thuj Zinc. Smelling like cat's urine: Viol. tr. - like garlic : Phos. - sour: Calc. Graph. Merc sol. Natr. mur. - pungent: Merc. sol. - like sulphur: Phos. - foul: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Carb. veg. Dulc. Merc. sol. Puis. Sulph. Viol. tr. - like violets: Nux mosch. Tenacious : Acid. phos. Canth. Cupr. Dulc. Kreas. Thick: Acid, sulph. Camph. Con. Dulc. Iod. Nuxvom. Plumb. Turbid : Acid. nit. Acid, sulph. Ant, tart. Ars. Aur. Bell. Canth. Chin. Cina. Colch. Col. Con. Dig. Dulc. Hep. Ign. Iod. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Mosch. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Verat. alb. Zinc. - becoming: Acid. phos. Arn. Bry. Caust. Cham. Cina. Con. Dig. Graph. 974 URINE AND URINARY ORGANS. Hep. sulph. Iod. Merc. sol. Petr. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. Whitish: Acid.phos. Arn. Aur. Carb. veg. Cina. Con. Iod. Merc. sol. Phos. Rhus. Sulph. Whitish-yellow : Amm. mur. Phos. Yellow: Ant. crud. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Canth. Cham. Chin. Hyosc. Iod. Ipec. Lach. Led. Petr. Rheum. Samb. Verat. alb. Zinc. Sediment. Sediment, bloody: Acid. phos. Acid, sulph. Aeon. Calc. Canth. Col. Dulc. Lyc. Merc. sol. Puis. Sep. Zinc. - brown: Lach. - thick: Camph. Merc. sol. Sec. corn. Spong. Sulph. - dark: Iod. -purulent: Canth: Con. Lyc. Puis. Sep. - fibrous: Canth. Cham. Merc. sol. Zinc. - flocculent: Acid. nit. Cham. Mere. sol. - gelatinous: Puis. - yellow: Acid, sulph. Amm. mur. Bry. Cham. Chin. Cupr. Lyc. Phos. Spong. Sulph. Zinc. - of yellow sand : Sil. - gray : Ant. tart. Con. Spong. - gravelly: Acid nit. Ant. crud. Calc. Canth. Chin. Lach. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux mosch Nuxvom. Op. Phos. Puis. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Thuj. Zinc. - clayey: Acid, sulph. Amm.mur. Kali. carb. Sep. Sulph. Zinc. - floury: Acid. phos. Ant. tart. Calc. Graph. Merc. sol. Hyosc. Natr. mur. - reddish : Acid. nit. Aeon. Amm. mur. Ant. crud. Arn. Bell. Cactus. Canth. Chin. Col. Con. Dulc. Graph. Iod. Ipec. Kali carb. Lach. Lyc. Natr. m. Op. Petr. Phos. Phytolac. Puis. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Squilla. Thuj. - like red sand: Acid. nit. Cactus. Lyc. Natr. mur. Sep. Sil. - slimy: Ant. crud. Ars. Aur. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Cina. Col. Con. Dulc. Hep. Ipec. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rheum. Sulph. - whitish: Amm. mur. Bar. Bell. Calc. Canth. Colch. Col. Con. Dulc. Eupat. perf. Graph. Hip. Ign. Petr. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Spong. Sulph. Zinc. - whitish-turbid: Con. Eupat. perf. Rhus. - cloudy : Acid.phos. Alum. Bry. Caust. Kali carb. Merc. sol. Petr. Plat. Thuj. Sediment, brick-dust: Aeon. Arn. Chin. Ipec. Lyc. Puis. Sep. Flow of Urine. Flow of urine, nocturnal: Amm. mur. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc Canth. Cina. Con. Graph. Iod. Lach. Lyc. Natr. mur. Podoph. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj Zinc. - too frequent: Acid mur. Acid. phos. Aeon. Ant, crud. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc Camph. Canth. Caust. Chin. Coff. Con. Graph. Hell. Hyosc. Ign. Iod. Kali carb Lach. Led. Lob. inf. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Petr. Phos. Phytolac. Plumb. Rhus. Sil. Spig. Spong. Squilla. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. - difficult: Aeon. Bell. Cactus. Camph. Canth. Cic. Dig. Hyosc. Hep. sulph. Nux mosch. Op. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Sec. corn. Thuj. - too seldom: Aeon. Amm. mur. Apis. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Camph. Canth. Carb. veg. Chin. Cic. Colch. Cupr. Dig. Graph. Hep. sulph. Hyosc. Led. Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Op. Phos. Plumb. Pids. Ruta. Sec. corn. Squill. Staph. Stram.. Verat. alb. - drop by drop: Arn. Bell. Cactus. Camph. Canth. Caust. Chin. Con. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Graph. Nuxvom. Petr. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sil. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Thuj. - interrupted : Acid. phos. Caust. Con. Dulc. Led. Op. Puis. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. - involuntary: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Aeon. Ant. tart. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Cic. Cina. Dig. Dulc. Ferr. Hep. s. Hyosc. Iod. Kreas. Lach. Led. Lyc Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Petr. Podoph. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Spig. Squilla. Stram. Sulph. Verat, alb. ---when coughing: Bry. Caust. Natr. mur. Puis. Squilla. Verat, alb. ---at night, in bed: Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Cina. Con. Op. Podoph. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Stram. Sulph. ---in the first sleep: Sep. - painful: Aeon. Arn. Aur. Bell. Camph. Canth. Chin. Cic. Col. Con. Dig. Graph. Hyosc. Lyc. Nuxvom. Op. Podoph. Puis. Ruta. Sabin. Stram. Sulph. Zinc. URINE AND URINARY ORGANS. 975 Stream, double: Canth. - thin: Camph. Canth. Chin. Led. Merc. sol. Puis. Spong. Staph. - scattering: Canth. - flow: Camph. Merc. sol. Plat. Tenesmus of bladder: Aeon. Arn. Camph. Canth. Colch. Merc corr. Nux vom. Puis. Sabin. Squilla. Sil. Viol. tr. Urging to urinate : Acid. mur. Acid. phos. Aeon. Alum. Amm. mur. Ant. tart. Arn. Ars. Bar. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Canth. Caust. Cham. Cocc. Colch. Col. Con Dig. Dulc. Graph. Hell. Hyosc. Ign. Iod. Ipec. Kreas. Lach. Lyc. Merc corr. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Petr. Phos. Phytolac Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Samb. Sep. Sil. Spig. Squilla. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Zinc. - with scanty discharge: Aeon. Ant. crud Ant. tart. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Colch. Con. Dig. Dros. Hell. Hyosc. Iod. Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Ruta. Samb. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. — with copious discharge : Alum. Ant. tart. Apis. Ars. Bell. Cactus. Calc. Cina. Kreas. Lach. Natr. mur. Rhus. Spig. Squilla. Stann. Sulph. Viol. tr. - with delaying discharge: Arnica. Camph Plumb. Stram. - in the evening : Amm. mur. Bell. - anxious: Aeon. - with pains in the bladder: Hell. Nux vom. Puis. Ruta. - with thirst: Caust, Verat. alb. - with heat: Acid.phos. - at night: Ant. tart. Merc. sol. Rhus. Sulph. - painful: Aeon. Canth. Puis. Sabin. Sec. corn. - irresistible: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Chin. Ign. Merc. sol. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Squilla. -ineffectual: Acid.phos. Aeon. Arn. Camph. Canth. Caust. Cham. Chin- Dig. Hell. Hyosc. Nux vom. Petr. Plumb. Puis. Sabin. Sec. corn. Sep. Squilla. Sulph. Accompanying Ailments. Before Urination. Burning in the urethra: Apis. Arn Cactus. Nuxvom. Puis. Zinc. Cutting in the urethra: Canth. Nux vom. Phos. Cutting in the abdomen : Puis. Generally: Acid.phos. Arn. Bry. Bell. Canth. Chin. Cic. Col. Dig. Dulc. Hep. Nux vom. Phytolac. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Pain in the bladder: Nux vom. Phytolac. Stinging in the bladder: Apis. Canth. During Urination. Burning in bladder : Aeon. Camph. Lach. Staph. - in urethra: Acid. phos. Apis. Ars. Cactus. Canth. Caust. Cham. Chin. Colch. Dulc. Ferr. Hep. sulph. Ipec. Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Puis. Rheum. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Generally: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Aeon. Apis. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Clem. Colch. Con. Cupr. Dig. Dulc. Graph. Hell Hep. sulph. Ipec. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Petr. Phos. Phytolac. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Spig. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Zinc. Itching in urethra: Alum. Arn. Canth. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Thuj. Cutting in urethra: Acid.phos. Ant. crud. Calc. Canth. Con. Dig. Graph. Merc. sol. Puis. Zinc. - in bladder: Canth. Lyc. Phytolac. Thuj. - in renal region : Canth. Merc. sol. Pressure in bladder: Acid. nit. Aeon. Con. Spig. Staph. Verat, alb. Zinc. - in the urethra: Canth. Puis. - in renal region : Bell. Lyc. Stitches in bladder: Canth. Lyc. Sulph. - in urethra: Bry. Canth. Chin. Clem. Con. Cupr. Graph. Ign. Lach. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Sulph. Thuj. - in kidneys: Acid. phos. Aeon. Bell. Canth. Hep. sulph. - in bowels: Acid. nit. After Urination. Burning in urethra: Acid.nit. Con. Graph. Lyc. Merc. sol. Thuj. Cutting in urethra: Canth. Con. Staph. Sulph Dribbling of urine : Bry. Calc. Lach. Petr. Thuj. Generally: Ant tart. Arn. Bell. Calc, Canth. Chin. Col. Con. Dig. Hep.s. UNARY ORGANS. 976 URINE AND UI Kali carb. Kreas. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Plat. Puis. Ruta. Sep. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Zinc. Itching in urethra: Canth. Lyc. Soreness in urethra: Nuxvom. Thuj. Stitches in urethra : Acid. mur. Arn. Merc. sol. Phos. Verat, alb. Tearing in urethra: Carb. veg. Lyc. Urethra, as if a drop in: Thuj. Urging to urinate : Bar. Canth. Dig. Merc. sol. Puis. Ruta. Stann. Staph. Zinc. Urinary Organs. Bladder, Burning: Acid. phos. Aeon. Ars. Canth. Lach. Nuxvom. Puis. Staph. Constriction : Acid. phos. Cic Puis. Cutting: Canth. Kali carb. Lyc. Nux vom. Puis. Thuj. Generally : Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Aeon. Alum. Ant. crud. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb. veg. Chin. Cic. Coff. Clem. Colch. Dig. Dulc. Graph. Hyosc. lga. Lyc. Merc sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sabia. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc, Inflammation : Aeon. Camph. Canth. Dig. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Puis. Squilla. Sulph. Pressing: Alum. Carb. veg. Chin. Colch. Nuxvom. Pulsation: Canth. Pressing: Hyosc. Pressure : Acid. nit. Bell. Bry. Camph. Carb. veg. Con. Ign. Lach. Natr. mur. Puis. Sep. Squilla. Staph. Zinc. Spasms: Acid. phos. Camph. Canth. Caps. Cauloph. Sep. Stitching: Aur. Canth. Cham. Lyc. Puis. Rhus. Suppuration: Canth. Puis. Swelling of neck of bladder: Puis. Thickening: Dulc. Urethra. Burning: Acid.phos. Apis. Ars. Calc. After-pains too violent, long: Arn. Bry. Bell. Cauloph. Cham. Cimi- cif. Coff. Cupr. Ferr. Ign. Kali Canth. Caust. Colch. Cupr. Ipec Lyc. Merc. sol. Petr. Phos. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Cutting: Acid.phos. Ant. crud. Calc Canth. Carb. veg. Colch. Con. Cupr. Dig. Ign. Lyc. Nux vom. Sulph. Thuj. Drawing: Colch. Kali carb. Lyc. Puis. Sulph Zinc. Generally : Acid. nit. Acid.phos. Aeon. Alum. Ant. crud. Ant, tart. Arn. Aur. Bry. Calc Canth. Caust. Chin. Coff. Colch. Con Cupr. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Hep. sulph. ign. Kali carb. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. Inflammation : Aeon. Bell. Canth. Dig. Hyosc. Mere. sol. Nux. vom. Puis. Squilla. Sulph. Itching: Arn. Bry. Canth. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Sulph. Thuj. Pressure: Canth. Colch. Nux vom. Puis. Pulsating : Canth. Merc. sol. Stitching: Arn. Bry. Canth. Con. Ign. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Squilla. Sulph. Thuj. Swelling : Canth. Merc. sol. Rhus. Tearing: Carb. veg. Colch. Lyc. Sulph. Kidneys. Burning: Bell. Generally: Acid. nit. Acid.phos. Aeon. Alum. Bell. Canth. Carb. veg. Clem. Colch Hep sulph. Kali carb. Lyc. , Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rheum. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. Gravel: Alum. Calc. Canth. Lyc. Nux vom. Petr. Phos. Ruta. Sil. Sulph. Inflammation: Aeon. Bell. Canth. Hep. Lyc. Nuxvom. Puis. Jerking : Canth. Pulsations : Canth. Pressure : Thuj. Zinc. As if sore : Zinc. Spasmodic pains : Sulph. Stitches: Acid. phos. Aeon. Bell. Canth. Hep. Kali carb. Zinc. carb. Nux vom. Podoph. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sep. Sec. corn Sulph. XXVI. ailments incident to parturition, MENSTRUATION, ETC. PARTURITION, MENSTRUATION, ETC. 977 Injury of parts during delivery Arn. Pains, spurious: Bell. Cham. Cocc. Coff. Hyosc Ign. Ipec. Kali carb. Nix mosch. Nux vom. Op. Puis. Sec. corn. Sep. - - with urging on the rectum: Nux vom. Podoph. ---violent : Aeon. Coff. ---with contraction of the womb : Bell. Sec. corn. - too feeble: Am. Bell. Camph. Carb. veg. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Graph. Ign. Kalicarb. Lyc. Mosch. Natr.mur. Nux mosch. Nux vom. Op. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. ---after a fright: Aeon. Op. ---of feeble persons : Sec. corn. - too strong: Aeon. Arn. Aur. Bell. Cham. Cocc. Coff. Con. Hyosc. Nux vom. Sec. corn. Sep. Placenta adhering : Bell. Puis. Sec corn. Spasms: Bell. Cham. Cic Cocc. Hyosc. Ign. Lpec. Mosch. Plat, Stram. Verat, alb. Uterine haemorrhage : Bell. Cauloph. Cham. Chin. Croc. Ferr. Ipec. Plat. Sabin. Sec. corn. Menstruation. Menses, pale, watery: Bell. Calc. Carb. veg Ferr. Graph. Ipec. Kreas. Lyc. Natr: mur. Nux mosch. Phos. Plat. Puis. Sabin. Sec. corn. Sep. Sulph. — brown: Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Con. Rhus. - thick: Arn. Croc. Nux mosch. Nux vom. Plat. Puis. Sulph. — dark, black: Amm. mur. Ant, crud. Arn. Bell. Cham. Chin. Croc. Kreas. Lach. Nux vom. Plat. Puis. Sec. corn. Sep. Sulph. - too soon: Acid, sulph. Alum. Amm. carb. Amm. mur. Arn. Bell. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Con. Croc. Ferr. Graph. Lgn. Ipec. Kali carb. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Phytolac. Plat. Puis. Sabin. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Verat. alb. - light-colored: Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Dulc. Hyosc. Phos. Rhus. Sabin. Sec. corn. - too short,: Amm. mur. Con. Dulc. Graph. Lach. Merc. sol. Phos. Plat. Puis. Sulph. — too long: Acid, sulph. Ars. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Croc. 62 Dulc. Ferr.,Ign. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Phytolac Plat. Puis. Sabin. Sec. corn. Sil. Menses, acrid : Acid. nit. Acid, sulph. Amm. carb. Ars. Canth. Carb. veg. Graph. Iod. Kali carb. Phos. Puis. Sil. Sulph. - too scanty: Alum. Amm. carb. Apis. Arn. Bry. Carb. veg. Caust. Cauloph. Cocc. Con. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Iod. Kali carb. Kreas. Lach. Lyc. Merc sol. Natr. mur. Phos. Puis. Ruta. Sec. corn Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. — too late: Amm mur. Bry. Caust. Cham. Cocc. Con. Croc. Cupr. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Iod. Kali carb. Lach. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux mosch. Petr. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Sulph. - too copious: Acid.nit. Acid, sulph. Aeon. Amm. mur. Ars. Bell. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Chin. Croc. Ferr. Ign. Iod. Ipec. Kreas. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Plat. Sabin. Sec. corn. Sil. Verat. alb. - too copious at night: Amm. carb. - lumpy : Amm. carb. Arn. Bell. Canth. Cham. Chin. Croc. Ferr. Ipec. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. - suppressed: A con. Alum. Amm. carb. Apis. Ars. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cauloph. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Con.' Croc. Cupr. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Ign. Kali carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux mosch. Petr. Phos. Podoph. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. - of young girls, delaying: Calc. Caust. Cocc. Con. Dulc. Graph. Kalicarb. Lach. Lyc. Natr. mur. Petr. Podoph. Puis. Sabin. Sep. Sulph. - repeating: Alum. Bry. Ferr. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Verat. alb. Accompanying Ailments. Previous to the jlfenses. Abdomen, distended: Amm. mur. Kreas. Lyc. * Anxiety: Amm. mur. Cocc. Con. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Stann. Back-ache: Amm. carb. Bar. Calc. Caust' Cimicif. Hyosc. Mosch. Nux mosch. Nuxvom. Spong. Breasts swollen : Bry. Calc. Con. Catarrh: Graph. Puis. Chilliness: Amm. mur. Kali carb. Lyc. Puis. Verat. alb. 978 PARTURITION, MENSTRUATION, ETC. Chilliness, with cold feet: Lyc. Chill and heat: Lyc. Colic: Amm. carb. Amm. mur. Bell. Calc. Cauloph. Cham. Nuxvom. Puis. Sep. Verat, vir. - labor-like : Hyosc. Sec. corn. - with fainting : Sep. Nux mosch. - with vomiting : Puis. Cough: Graph. Sulph. Delirium: Lyc. Hyosc. Diarrhoea: Bry. Sil. Verat. alb. Dim sight: Bell. Dreams: Calc. Caust. Con. Drowsiness : Nux mosch. Puis. Sulph. Ears, humming in: Verat. alb. Excited nerves: Kreas. Cimicif. Lyc. Eruption in nape of neck: Carb. veg. Expectoration, bloody: Phos. Eructations : Kreas. Lach. Puis. Eyes, weak: Calc. Merc. sol. Sil. Face hot: Alum. Lyc. - pale: Puis. - blue: Verat, alb. - bloated: Chin. In general: Alum. Amm. carb. Amm. mur. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin Cocc. Coff. Con. Cupr. Ferr. Glon. Graph. Iod. Kali carb. Kreas. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux mosch. Nux vom. Phos. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Verat. alb. Head, congestions of: Apis. Bell. Calc. Chin. Ign. Iod. Merc. sol. Nux mosch. Phos. Headache: Carb. veg. Cimicif. Cupr. Ferr. Iod. Lach. Natr. mur. Sulph. Verat, alb. Heartburn : Lach. Nux mosch. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Heat: Calc. Inclination to vomit: Cocc. Verat. alb. Labor-like pain: Podoph. Rhus. Plat. Verat. vir. Languor: Alum. Nux mosch. Laughter: Hyosc. Legs weary and heavy: Bar. Lyc. Nuxvom. Rhus. Sulph. Limbs as if bruised: Acid.nit Cim- icif. Rhus. Melancholy: Caust. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nausea: Cocc. Verat. alb. Nosebleed: Bell. Sulph. Verat. alb. Palpitation of heart: Alum/ Cupr. Lod. Puis. Sep. Spong. Peevish: Cham. Natr.mur. Restlessness: Cimicif. Kalicarb. Rush of blood: Alum. Cupr. Gelsem. Merc. sol. Rush of blood to the head: Bell. Merc. sol. Sensitiveness: Sep. Cimicif. Shuddering: Sep. Sleep, restless: Alum. Spasms: Cham. Cocc Coff. Cupr. Hyosc. Merc. sol. Stram. - hysteric : Cimicif. Hyosc. - in abdomen : Carb. veg. Cham. Urging to urinate : Amm. mur. Phos. Puis. Vertigo: Bell. Puis. Verat. alb. Vomiting: Kreas. Puis. Water-brash: Amm. carb. Nux mosch. Puis. Weakness: Alum. Calc. Caust. Chin. Nux vom. Weariness, excessive: Calc. Cauloph. Sulph. Yawning: Puis. At the appearance of the Menses. Colic: Graph. Staph. Diarrhoea: Verat. alb. Flatulence: Staph. In general: Aeon. Bry. Caust. Cham. Graph. Hyosc. Ign. Iod. Mere. sol. Natr. mur. Plat. Puis. Sep. Sil. Headache: Hyosc. Nausea: Hyosc. Pains in limbs: Sep. Spasms: Aeon. Cham. Coff. Plat. Sweat: Hyosc. Vomiting : Carb. veg. Phos. Puis. During the Menses. Abdomen distended: Alum. - coldness in: Kalicarb. - pinching in: Alum. - pressure in; Cocc. Con. Nux vom. Sec. corn. - cutting in : Sulph. Anxiety : Bell. Natr. mur. Zinc. Back-ache: Amm. carb. Amm. mur. Caust. Lyc. Burning in anus: Amm.mur. Zinc. Burning in the hands and feet: Calc. Carb. veg. Colic: Alum. Amm. carb. Amm. mur. Bar. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Cauloph. Cham. Cimicif. Cocc. Con. Graph. Ign. Lach. Lyc. Nux vom. Phos. Plat. Sec. corn. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. Constipation: Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Sil. Delirium: Hyosc. Diarrhoea: Amm.mur. Cauloph. Discharge of blood at stool: Amm. mur. Podoph. PARTURITION, MENSTRUATION, ETC. 979 Ears, humming in: Petr. Verat. alb. Eructation: P.ry. Graph. Kalicarb. Eyes, agglutinated: Calc. - black before the: Gelsem. Puis. Face, pale: Amm. carb. Graph. Lyc. Puis. - blue: Verat,alb. - color of, changing: Zinc. - jaundiced : Caust. Fainting: Ign. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux mosch. Nuxvom. Sulph. Fever (chill and heat): Natr. mur. Phos. Chill: Graph. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Puis. Flatulence : Carb. veg. Cocc. Kali c. Lyc. In general: Aeon. Alum. Amm. carb. Amm. mur. Bell. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Con. Cupr. Graph. Hyosc. Ign. Kali carb. Kreas. Lach. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Plat, Puis. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Zinc. Gums swollen : Acid. nit. Merc. sol. Head, congestion of: Apis. Bell. Calc. Caust, Chin. Con. Gelsem. Glon. Iod. Merc. sol. Phos. Sulph. - ache: Alum. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Gelsem. Graph. Hyosc. Kali carb. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Plat. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Verat. alb. - heat in : Bell. Calc. Cham. Languor: Alum. Carb. veg. Graph. Ign. Iod. Kali carb. Nux vom. Petr. Puis. Phos. Sec. corn. Zinc. Legs, languor in the: Sulph. Limbs as if bruised: Bry. Phos. Rhus. - pain in: Bry. Con. Graph. Nux vom. Sep. Verat. alb. Body as if bruised: Arn. Con. Petr. Rhus. Small of back as if bruised: Caust. Cauloph. Rhus. Sec. corn. Melancholy : Cimicif. Natr. mur. Sep. Mental derangement: Bell. Cimicif. Hyosc. Verat. alb. Nausea: Amm. carb. Calc. Graph. Lyc. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Verat. alb. - with water-brash : Puis. Pain, labor-like Cauloph. Cham. Graph. Hyosc. Lach. Sabin. Sep. Sec. corn. Palpitation of heart: Ign. Iod. Phos. Puis. Sep. Pressing downwards : Amm. carb. Bell. Cauloph. Puis. Sec. corn. Restlessness: Cimicif. Plat. Rhus. Sep. Rush of blood to the head: Bell. Calc. Chin. Con. -Sulph. Sleep, restless: Alum. Calc. Kalicarb. Sleeplessness: Amm. carb. £imicif. Sep. Small of back, pains in: Amm. carb. Amm. mur. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Cauloph. Cham. Cocc. Croc. Graph. Lgn. Iod. Kali carb. Kreas. Lach. Lyc Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Sec. corn. Sulph. Spasms: Aeon. Cham. Cimicif. .Cocc Coff. Cupr. Hyosc. Ign. Lach. Nux vom. Puis. Stomach, pressure in: Amm. carb. Bry. Puis. Swollen feet: Calc. Graph.. Lyc. Toothache : Amm. carb. Calc. Cham. Carb. veg. Kali carb. Phos. Sep. Trembling : Hyosc. Sil. Urinate, urging to: Canth. Puis. Sabin. Vertigo: Bell. Calc. Caust. Con. Gelsem. Iod. Phos. Puis. Verat. alb. Vomiting: Ant. crud. Amm. mur. Carb. veg. Ipec. Lyc. Phos. Whining mood: Plat. Zinc. After the Menses. Colic: Graph. Lyc. Nuxvom. Exhaustion: Acid.phos. Alum. Chin. Sulph. Faintness : Alum. Phos. Plat. In general: Acid. phos. Alum. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Con. Graph. Kali c. Kreas. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Plat. Puis. Sep. Sil. Stram. Verat. alb. Zinc. Head, heavy : Natr, mur. Leucorrhoea: Acid. phos. Alum. Amm. mur. Canth. Kreas. Merc. sol. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Parts, pain in the: Kreas. Natr. mur. Small of back, pain in : Puis. Rhus. Sep. Leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea: Acid. nit. Acid, sulph. Alum. Amm. carb. Amm. mur. Ant. crud. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. v. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc Con. Ferr. Graph. Iod. Kali carb. Kreas. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Petr. Phos. Puis. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Squilla. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. - smarting: Cham. Ferr. Lach. Phos. Merc. sol. - blistering: Amm. mur. Iod. Phos. - bloody: Acid.nit. Acid, sulph. Canth. Carb. veg. Chin. Cocc. Kreas. Sep. - brown: Acid.nit. Amm. mur. 980 UPPER EXTREMITIES. Leucorrhoea, burning: Acid, sulph. Calc. Carb. v. Con. Iod. Kreas. Puis. - thick: Ars. Natr. mur. Puis. Sabin. - thin : Carb. veg. Puis. Sulph. - transparent: Acid, sulph. Amm. mur. Sep Stann. - purulent: Calc. Chin. Cocc. Ign. Kreas. Merc. sol. Sabin. Sep. - flesh-colored: Acid. nit. Cocc. - yellow: Alum. Ars. Cham. Kalicarb. Kreas. Lyc. Nux vom. Sabin. Sep. Stann. Sulph. - greenish: Carb. veg. Lach. Merc. sol. Sep. - ichorous, corrosive : Amm. carb. Iod. Kreas. Sabin. - itching: Alum. Ars. Calc. Kreas. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Sabin. Sep. - milky : Amm. mur. Calc. Carb. veg. Ferr. Lyc. Phos. Puis. Sil. Sabin. - reddish Acid. nit. Calc. Chin. Cocc. Phos. - in fits and starts : Calc. Cham. Lyc. - acrid: Alum. Amm. mur. Ars. Carb. veg. Cham. Con. Iod. Kreas. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Phos. Puis. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Sulph. - slimy: Alum. 'Amm. mur. Calc. Cocc. Ferr. Graph. Lach. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Puis. Sabin. Sulph Thuj. Leucorrhoea, painless: Kreas. Nux vom. Puis. - excoriating: Amm. mur. Alum. Iod. Kreas. Natr. mur. -fetid: Acid.nit. Chin. Kreas. Nux vom. Sabin. Sep. - watery: Amm. mur. Ant. tart. Carb. veg. Cham. Graph. Kreas. Merc. sol. Puis. Sep. Sil. Accompanying Ailments. Abdomen, distended: Amm. mur. Sep. - pains in: Amm. mur. Bell. Caust. Con. Ign. Kreas. Lye. Puis. Sil. Sulph. ---labor-like: Bell. Cauloph. Puis. Sec. corn. Face, pale: Ars. Puis. Sep. In general: Alum. Amm. carb. Amm. mur. Ars. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Cocc. Con. Ferr. Graph. Ign. Kalicarb. Kreas. Lyc. Merc.sol. Natr. mur. Puis. Sabin. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. Small of back, pains in: Caust. Graph. Kalicarb. Sep. Sulph. Weakness: Acid.phos. Alum. Chin. Kreas. Sep. Sulph. XXVII. EXTREMITIES. Upper. Axilla. Burning: Carb. veg. Cimicif. Cocc. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Eruption : Alum. Ant. crud. Kali carb. Sulph. In general: A con. Alum. Amm. mur. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Caust, Colch. Kali carb. Lach. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. Viol. tr. Zinc. Heaviness : Aeon. Arn. Phos. Puis. Itching: Caust. Ign. Pain as if bruised : Aeon. Alum. Arn. Cocc. Ferr. Ign. Lyc. Plumb. Spig. Sulph. Zinc. Pain, simple: Bry. Graph. Kalicarb. - laming: Acid. mur. Chin. Nuxvom. Pressure : Arn. Bell. Bry. Caust. Colch. Lyc. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Gone to sleep: Ferr. Glon. Stitches: Aeon. Alum. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cic. Cocc. Ferr. Graph. Ign. Kali carb. Lach. Lyc. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Staph. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. Verat. alb. Tearing: Aeon. Bell. Bry. Caust. Canth. Carb. veg. Chin. Graph. Iod. Lyc Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Rhus. Zinc. Tension : Dig. Hyosc. Kalicarb. Petr. Zinc. Arms. Beating: Glon. Blue skin: Cupr. Lach. Sec. corn. Verat. alb. Bone-pains: Acid. nit. Bar. Bell. Led. Lyc. Merc, sol Thuj. Burning: Aur. Cimicif. Carb. veg. Dulc. Kalicarb. Lach. Nuxvom. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Zinc. Coldness: Bell. Camph. Cham. Hyosc. Rhus. Verat. alb. UPPER EXI Coldness, feeling of: Graph. Rhus. Sec. corn. Contraction: Calc. Rhus. Contusive pain: Arn. Bry. Rhus. Creeping: Bell. Cactus. Cocc. Sec. corn. Sep. Eruptions: Acid. phos. Ant. crud. Carb. veg. Dulc. Graph. Kali carb. Natr. mur. Phos. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Erysipelas: Bell. Rhus. In general: Amm. mur. Ant. crud. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Canth. Carb. veg. Cauloph. Cocc. Con. Cupr. Dig. Ferr. Hep. Ign. Iod. Kali carb. Lach. Lyc. Natr. mur. Petr. Plumb. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Feeling of heat: Acid. nit. Bry. Graph. Staph. Itching : Dulc. Lach. Nux vom. Ruta. Sulph. Thuj. Lameness: Acid. phos. Cauloph. Caust. Cocc. Glon. Kalicarb. Lach. Nuxvom. Staph. Muscles, twitching of: Cocc. Numbness: Aur. Bell. Cactus. Cham. Cocc Glon. Iod. Plat.' Puis. Verat. alb. Pain, simple: Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cupr. Graph. Puis. Zinc. - laming: Bell. Cham. Dig. Natr. mur. Rhus. Sil. Zinc. - as if dislocated: Arn. Bry. Rhus. - as if bruised: Arn. Bell. Cauloph. Cocc. Hep. Natr. mur. Plat. Plumb. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Paralysis: Bell. Caust. Lach. Rhus. Pressure: Amm. mur. Bell. Calc. Camph. Led. Nuxvom. Petr. Puis. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Gone to sleep: Bar. Cactus. Cham. Cocc. Croc. Glon. Graph. Ign. Kali carb. Lach. Lyc. Nux vom. Petr. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Spasms: Bell. Cupr. Ipec. Sec. corn. Spots, red: Plat. Rhus. Sulph. Stiffness: Amm. mur. Caust. Nux vom. Oleand. Rhus. Stitches : Aeon. Alum. Ant. crud. Arn. Bell. Bry. Canth. Cimicif. Cocc. Con. Dulc. Ferr. Kali carb. Nux mosch. Phos. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Swelling: Ant. crud. Apis. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Hell. Rhus. Swelling of bones: Rhus. Sil. Sulph. Tearing : Acid. mur. Amm. mur. Arn. Bell. Bry. Canth. Cauloph. Caust. Chin. Cina. Con. Dig. D'os. Ferr. CREMITIES. 981 Kali carb. Led. Lyc. Nux vom. . Phos. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Trembling: Ars. Bry. Caust. Hyosc. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Verat. alb. Shoulder-joint. Beating : Merc. sol. Thuj. Contusive pain: Arn. Dros. Rhus. Feeling of-weakness: Dros. Calc. - of heaviness : Puis. In general: Arn. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Croc. Dros. Ferr. Ign. Kali c. Lach. Lyc. Led. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Staph. Sulph. Verat, alb. Zinc. Inflammation : Aeon. Bry. Led. Puis. Rhus. Jerking : Colch. Puis. Sil. Lameness : Lyc. Puis. Rhus. Stann. Pain as if dislocated: Alum. Arn. Croc. Ign. Natr. mur. Petr. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sep. Spig. Thuj. - as if bruised: Arn. Ferr. Ign. Nux vom. Rhus. - simple: Aeon. Calc. Croc. Ign. Natr. mur. Phos. - laming: Nuxvom. Puis. Staph. Pressure: Bry. Calc. Dros. Led. Staph. Stiffness : Caust. Rhus. Staph. Stitches: Bry. Calc. Cocc Ign. Led. Merc. sol. Puis. Staph. Thuj. Swelling: Aeon. Bry. Hep. Rhus. Tearing : Bry. Carb. veg. Caust. Ferr. Graph. Ign. Led. Merc. sol. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sulph. Arm-pit. Eruptions : Acid. nit. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Petr. Sep. Glandular swellings: Bar. Bell. Calc. Hep. Iod. Merc. sol. Natr. m. Rhus. Staph. Sulph. Sweat too profuse: Hep. Kali carb. Lach. Merc. sol. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Elbow-joint. In general: Alum. Ant. crud. Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Chin. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Kalicarb. Led. Lyc Mere.sol. Nuxmosch. Nuxvom. Petr. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Zinc. Bone-pain, nocturnal: Lyc. Burning: Carb. veg. Calc. Merc. sol. Phos. Rhus. Sulph. Bruising pain : Caust. Dulc. Puis. Ruta. Sulph. Verat. alb. TREMITIES. 982 UPPER E3 Contraction : Caust. Puis. Sec. corn. Contusive pain: Caust. Ruta. Tearing: Chin. Colch. Kalicarb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux mosch. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sil. Sulph Zinc. Dislocation-pain: Arn. Rhus. Eruption: Dulc Merc. sol. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Itching: Alum. Caust. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Phos. Rhus. Sulph. Pain, simple: Acid, sulph. Cupr. Dig. Phos. Puis. - laming: Bell. Cham. Cocc. Sabin. Staph. Stiffness : Kali carb. Merc sol. Rhus. Sulph. Thuj. Stitches: Bell. Bry. Cocc. Col. Kali c. Merc. sol. Nux mosch. Phos. Sabin. Spig. Spong. Thuj. Swelling: Bry. Hep. Lach. Rhus. Verat. alb. Weakness: Staph. Sulph. Bend of the Elbow. In general: Amm. mur. Arn. Bell. Canth. Caust. Con. Cupr. Dros. Graph. Kali carb. Lyc. Petr. Phos. Puis. Sep. Spig. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. Tip of the Elbow. In general: Acid. phos. Alum. Bry. Caust. Graph. Hep. Merc. sol. Rhus. Sabin. Spong. Stann. Wrist-joints. Cold feeling: Rhus. Dislocation-pain: Arn. Bry. Calc. Cauloph. Caust. Graph. Ign. Lyc. Nuxvom. Rhus. Ruta. Staph. Sulph. Eruptions: Merc. sol. Calc. Rhus. Sulph. In general: Aeon. Amm. mur. Arn. Ars. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Cauloph. Caust. Colch. Euphr. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Iod. Kali carb. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Itching: Amm. mur. Want of mobility: Sep. Nodes, gouty : Calc. c. Lyc. Spots: Kalicarb. Petr. Stiffness: Bell. Caust. Cauloph. Lach. Led. Lyc. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. Stitches: Alum. Arn. Bry. Calc. Caust. Con. Graph. Kali carb. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Swelling: Bry. Calc. Tearing : Bar. Calc. Carb. veg. Cauloph. Kali carb. Lach. Puis. Sabin. Sulph. Tension : Amm.carb. Spong. Zinc. Trembling: Aeon. Twitching : Bar. Rhus. Sulph. Pain, laming: Aeon. Cauloph. Kalic. Led. Nuxvom. - as if sprained: Arn. Calc. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. - as if bruised: Acid. nit. Arn. Calc. Cauloph. Caust. Puis. Ruta. Weakness: Merc. sol. Phos. Plumb. Hands. Blisters : Amm. mur. Bell. Canth. Hep. Kali carb. Lach. Natr. mur. Rhus. Sep. Squilla. Sulph. Blueness: Aeon. Apis. Camph. Cupr. Lach. Nuxvom. Rhus. Samb. Verat. alb. Boils: Calc. Hep. Lyc. Merc. sol. Burning: Aeon. Calc. Canth. Chin. Kali carb. Lach. Nux mosch. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Sec. corn. Sep. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Brittle, skin : Ars. Graph. Natr. mur. Sep. Sil. Chilblains : Acid. nit. Petr. Phos. Puis. Stann. Sulph. Coldness: Aeon. Apis. Am. Bar. Bell. Calc. Camph. Caust, Cham. Chin. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Ferr. Hell. Iod. Ipec. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Sec. corn. Spig. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Verat. vir. Contraction : Cann. Cina. Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Sec.corn. Crampy feeling: Aeon. Aur. Calc Euphr. Graph. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Plat. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stram. Creeping: Arn. Ars. Bell. Caust. Croc. Lach. Nux vom. Phos. Ruta. Sec. corn. Spig. Sulph. Verat. alb. - as if gone to sleep: Bry. Deadness: Cole Con. Lach. Nuxvom. Phos. Rhus. Sec.com. Sil. Zinc. Desquamation of skin: Acid. phos. Amm. mur. Bar. Ferr. Merc. sol. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Dislocation-pain : Bar. Rhus. Dry palms of hands : Ars. Petr. Sep. Sulph. Dryness: Lyc. Natr.mur. Sulph. Emaciation : Graph. Eruptions: Acid. mur. Acid. nit. Alum. Ant. crud. Ars. Canth. Carb. veg. Hep. Lyc. Merc. sol. Rhus. Sec. corn. Staph. Sep. Sulph. Zinc Erysipelas: Rhus. In general: Aeon. Amm. mur. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Cupr. UPPER EXTREMITIES. 983 Dulc. Graph. Hep. Kalicarb. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Petr. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Heat: Aeon. Bry. Carb. veg. Cocc. Eupat. perf. Graph. Hep. Led. Lyc. Nuxvom. Phos. Sep. Stann. Staph. Zinc. Insensibility: Bell. Carb. veg. Lach. Lyc. Natr. mur. Rhus. Sec. corn. Stann. Zinc. Itching: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Aur. Caust. Cina. Cocc. Hep. Kali carb. Plat. Plumb. Rhus. Sulph. Verat. alb. Paralysis: Cupr. Lach. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Plumb. Rhus. Sil. Zinc. Parched skin : Acid.phos. Ars. Lyc. Sil. Redness : Dulc. Nux vom. Staph. Rhagades: Graph. Petr. Sulph. Rough: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Alum. Amm. mur. Kalicarb. Gone to sleep : Croc Graph. Lach. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Phos. Puis. Sec. corn. Sil. Verat. alb. Bruised, pain as if: Arn. Carb. veg. Rhus. Ruta. Spots : Acid. nit. Ant. tart. Sep. - red: Merc. sol. Sep. Stiffness: Arn. Ars. Bell. Caust. Cham. Merc. sol. Rhus. Zinc. Sweat: Ant. tart Calc. Cham. Cocc. Con. Eupat, perf. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Phos. Sulph. Verat. alb. Verat. vir. - cold : Sep. Verat. vir. - in palm of hands: Aeon. Bar. Calc. Con. Dulc. Ign. Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Swelling: Aeon. Apis. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Dig. Ferr. Hep. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sec. corn. Sulph. Tearing and drawing: Amm mur. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Colch. Graph. Kalicarb. Lach. Led. Lyc. Natr. mur. Petr. Phos. Plumb. Rhus. Sabin. Sep. Spig. Stann. Sulph. Zinc. Trembling: Ant. tart. Ars. Bell. Bry, Calc. Caust. Chin. Cic. Cocc. Coff. Ferr. Hyosc. Iod. Kalicarb. Lach. Led. Op. Phos. Plat. Plumb. Rhus. Sil. Spong. Stram. Sulph. Zinc. Twitching: Bell. Cina. Cupr. Graph. Ign. Lach. Op. Plat. Sep. Stann. Ulcers: Ars. Hep. Lyc. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Varicose veins : Arn. Calc. Nuxvom. Puis. Sulph. Thuj. Warts: Calc. Caust. Dulc. Hep. Rhus. Sep. Thuj. Weakness : Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Cupr. Hell. Nux vom. Phos. Sil. Zinc. Fingers. Blotches: Lach. Lyc. Staph. Burning: Acid. nit. Calc. Caust. Con. Dig. Lach. Nux vom. Plat. Sil. Sulph. Verat, alb. Chapping: Natr. mur. Petr. Sil. Chilblains : Acid. nit. Canth. Nuxvom. Petr. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Coldness: Ant. tart. Cham. Dig. Hell. Lyc. Sulph. Thuj. Contraction: Ant. tart. Calc. Caust. Colch. Col. Graph. Lyc Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Plat. Rhus. Ruta. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Contraction of tendons : Caust. Crampy feeling: Acid. mur. Arn. Ars. Calc. Cina. Cocc. Euphr. Graph. Ign. Lyc. Mosch. Nux vom. Phos Plat. Rhus. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Creeping: Aeon. Amm. mur. Ars. Calc. Caust. Cina. Croc. Graph. Natr. mur. Plat. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. - as of ants: Sec. corn. - as if gone to sleep: Acid. mur. Desquamation of the skin: Amm. mur. Dislocation-pain: Bell. Cham. Ign. Natr. mur. Phos. Spig. Sulph. Eruptions: Acid.nit. Acid.phos. Ant. crud. Bar. Canth. Caust. Graph. Lach. Lyc. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Spig. Squilla. Verat. alb. Zinc. - between the fingers: Acid, sulph. Graph. • In general: Aeon. Alum. Amm. mur. Arn. Ars. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Cocc. Colch. Croc. Dros. Ferr. Graph. Hell. Hep. Ign. Kali carb. Kreas. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Mosch,, Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Puis."1 Rhus. Ruta. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Zinc. Itching: Alum. Aur. Calc. Camph. Caust. Con. Lach. Lyc. Nux vom. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Verat. alb. Zinc. Nodes, arthritic: Graph. Lyc. Numbness: Calc. Caust. Con. Cina. Euphr. Ferr. Graph. Lach. Lyc. Phos. Plat. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sil. Staph. Sulph, 984 LOWER EXTREMITIES. Pain, as if bruised: Acid. nit. Amm. carb. Arn. Cina. Natr. mur. Redness : Nuxvom. Rigidity: Ars. Merc. sol. Going to sleep: Aeon. Amm. mur. Aur. Bar. Calc Cham. Cina. Croc. Dig. Glon. Graph. Iod. Kali carb. Lach. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Petr. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Sore bet-ween the fingers: Graph. Stitches: Acid, sulph. Amm. mur. Arn. Carb. veg. Caust. Colch. Croc. Graph. Kalicarb. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Petr. Phos. Rhus. Stann. Staph. Thuj. Zinc. Swelling : Amm. carb. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Hep. Iod. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. - feeling as of a : Bell. Tearing : Amm. mur. Ars. Bell. Carb. veg. Caust. Colch. Hell. Ign. Kalic. Lach. Lyc. Merc sol. Natr. mur. Plumb. Sil. Spig. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Throbbing: Carb. veg. Glon. Sil. Thumb clenched: Bell. Cham. Hyos. Ign. Rhus. Stram. Twitching : Acid, sulph. Amm. mur. Bry. Caust. Cham. Cic. Cupr. Ign. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Plumb. Rhus. Stann. Sulph. Ulcers: Alum. Ars. Caust. Lyc. Natr. mur. Sil. Sulph. Warts: Caust, Lach. Lyc. Petr. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. Yellow, turning: Chel. Finger-joints. Dislocation-pain : Cauloph. Natr. m. Phos. Sulph. Dry, as if: Puis. In. general • Acid. nit. Acid, sulph. Amm. carb. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Cauloph. Caust. Cham. Chin. Con. Graph. Hep. Ign. Kali carb. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Nodes, gouty: Calc. Hep. Lyc. Staph. Pain : Kalicarb. Sil. Sulph. - laming: Bell. Calc. Cauloph. Stiffness : Aur. Ars. Carb. v. Cauloph. Caust. Graph. Hep. Lyc. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. * Stitches: Acid.nit, Arn. Bar. Bry. Carb. veg. Cauloph. Con. Hell. Ign. Rhus. Sabin. Sep. Swelling: Acid.nit Euphr. Hep. Lyc. Puis. Rhus. Tearing: Acid.phos. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Cauloph. Caust. Colch. Led. Lyc. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Samb. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Tips of Fingers. In general: Amm. mur. Ant. tart. Calc. Croc. Hep. Lach. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Finger-nails. Blue: Chin. Cupr. Dig. Nuxvom. Petr. Verat, alb. Distortion: Graph. Sep. Sulph. Exfoliation : Graph. Merc. sol. Sulph. In general: Acid. nit. Alum. Ant. crud. Ars. Calc. Caust. Colch. Con. Graph. Hep. Kali carb. Iod. Lach. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Hang-nails: Natr. mur. Rhus. Stann. Sulph. Nails, brittle: Graph. Merc. sol. Thuj. - growing in: Sil. Sulph. Thickening: Graph. Ulcerated: Ars. Bar. Calc. Con. Hep. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Petr. Phos. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Lower. In general: Acid. mur. Apis. Arn. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Carb. veg. Cauloph. Caust. Chin. Colch. Dig. Eupat. perf. Gelsem. Graph. Ign. Iod. Kali cajb. Lach. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Mosch. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Plat. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Viol.tr. Thighs. Blotches: Calc. Lach. Merc, sol Staph. Boils: Arn. Hep. Lyc. Sep. Sil. Boring: Arn. Rhus. Staph. Burning: Ars. Carb. veg. Kali carb. Nux vom. Phos. Plumb. Rhus. Sil. Sulph Zinc. Coldness: Acid. nit. Ars. Bell. Calc. Camph. Carb. veg. Led. Lyc. Nux vom. Op. Puis. Sec. corn. Sep. Sulph. Verat. alb. - feeling of: Camph. Carb. veg. Chin Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Sec. corn. LOWER EXTREMITIES. 985 Contusive pain: Am. Led. Nux mosch. Rhus. Ruta. Cramps: Bell. Chin. Colch. Cina. Cupr. Lach. Nux vom. Rhus. Sec. corn. Stram. Crampy feeling: Arn. Calc. Graph. Hyosc. Lyc. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Verat. alb. Creeping : Ars. Bell. Rhus. Sec. corn. Cutting : Alum. Bell. Bry. Graph. Lyc. Sil. Dislocation-pain: Arn. Carb. veg. Caust Led. Natr. mur. Rhus. Emaciation : Ars. Calc. Chin. Iod. Lach. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Eruptions : Graph. Kali carb. Lyc. Merc sol. Natr. mur. Rhus. Staph. Sil. Sulph. External side: Acid. phos. Bell. Caust. Cocc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Rhus. Stann. Sulph. Zinc. Posterior side: Acid.phos. Alum. Ant. crud Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Con. Graph. Ign. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Internal side: Acid, nit, Ant. crud. Calc. Carb. veg Caust. Graph. Hep. Iod. Kali carb. Merc. sol. Petr. Sabin. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Anterior side: Acid. mur. Acid.phos. Bar. Chin. Dig. Kali carb. Lyc. Natr. mur Nuxvom. Puis. Sabin. Sil. Spong. Stann. Thuj. Formication : Bell. Nux vom. Sec. corn. In ge_neral: Ant. tart. Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Colch. Graph. Hell. Hep. Ign. Kalic. Lach. Led. Merc. sol. Mosch. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. Heat: Aeon. Bry. Caust. Sulph. Heaviness: Alum. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Gelsem. Glon. Graph. Hell. Ign. Iod. Kalicarb. Lach. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Spig. Stann. Sulph. Insensibility: Ars. Carb veg. Lach. Lyc. Op. Rhus. Sec. corn. Itching: Acid. nit. Ant. crud. Ars. Calc. Carb. veg. Graph. Lach. Led. Merc. sol. Natr mur. Nux vom. Sec. corn. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Zinc. Jerks: Acid, sulph. Ant, tart. Calc. Cic. Euphr. Merc sol. Phos. Stram. Sulph. Lameness: Bell. Bry. Caust. Cocc. Dig. Gelsem. Iod. Lach. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Rhus. Ruta. Sec. corn Sep. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. Muscles relaxed: Calc. Carb. veg. Ferr. Iod. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Nodes, gouty: Ant. crud. Calc. Lyc. Rhus. Staph. Sulph. Numbness: Calc. Carb. veg. Cocc. Glon. Graph, Iod. Kali carb. Lach. Merc sol. Nux vom. Plat. Rhus. Sulph. Verat. alb. Pain: Acid. nit. Arn. Aur. Calc. Carb. veg. Cupr. Graph. Lyc. Phos. Rhus. Sil. Stann. Sulph. - laming: Arn. Carb. veg. Caust. Cina. Cocc. Ign. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Rhus. Sep. — as if sore: Arn. Calc. Chin. Eupat. perf. Graph. Kali carb. Led. Lyc. Nuxvom. Rhus. Staph. Sulph. - as if bruised: Arn. Bry. Bell. Calc. Caust. Cocc. Cupr. Eupat. perf. Gelsem. Graph. Hep. Led. Nux vom. Plat. Puis. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Verat. alb. Gone to sleep: Aeon. Arn. Canth. Cham. Cocc. Croc Mosch. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Verat. alb. Soreness between the thighs: Graph. Kalicarb. Merc. sol. Sulph. Spots, red : Graph. Merc. sol. Stiffness: Am. Calc. Gelsem. Graph. Ign. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Rhus. Sep. Stitching: Aeon. Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cocc. Con. Euphr. Gelsem. Graph. Hyosc. Nux vom. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Viol. tr. Zinc. Stretchy feeling: Acid. phos. Bell. Eupat, perf. Sweat: Carb. veg. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Sep. Rhus. Thuj. Swelling: Apis. Ars. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Carb. veg. Chin. Colch. Dulc. Hell. Lyc. Merc. sol. Sec. corn. Sep, Sil. Sulph. Tearing and drawing : Alum. Amm. mur. Arn. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cimicif. Cocc. Colch. Dulc. Graph. Kalicarb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Plat. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Zinc. Tension : Acid. nit. Arn. Calc. Carb. veg. Lyc. Merc. sol. Petr. Rhus. Sabin. Throbbing: Ant. tart. Bell. Bry. Kali carb. Natr. mur. Phos. Rhus. Ruta. Sulph. 986 LOWER EXTREMITIES. Trembling: Amm. mur. Arn. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cic. Con. Dig. Graph. Lach. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux mo=ch. Nux vom. Plat. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Twitching : Arn. Caust. Chin. Graph. Lach. Lvc. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Ulcers: Acid, nit, Calc. Carb. veg. Graph. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Petr. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. Uneasiness : Ars. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Con. Graph. Lach. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Plat. Ruta. Sep. Sulph. Varicose veins: Arn. Ars. Calc. Carb. veg. Ferr. Graph. Lyc. Puis. Sulph: Zinc Weakness: Acid. nit. Agar. Alum. Ambr. Amm, carb. Amm. mur. Ars, Asar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cann. Caust. Chin. Con. Croc. Graph. Hell. Ign. Ipec. Lach. Laur. Led. Lyc. Nux mosch. Nuxvom. Phos. Plat.Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sec. corn. Sep. Sulph. Zinc. Legs. Boils: Arn. Hep. Merc. sol. Lyc. Nux vom. Sil. Sulph. Boring: Aur. Merc. sol. Staph. Burning: Ars Carb. veg. Caust. Kali carb. Lyc. Nux vom. Rhus. Sep. Zinc. Cold feeling: Mosch. Puis. Cramp (in calves): Ars. Calc. Camph. Carb. veg. Cham. Col. Cupr. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Ign. Lach. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Rhus. Samb. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Slrarn. Sulph. Verat. alb. Zinc. Creeping : Bell. Ipec. Nux vom. B.hus. Sec. corn. Erysipelas: Arn. Rhus. Sulph. Eruptions : Calc. Lyc. Plumb. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Flesh loose, as if: Nuxvom. Rhus. In general: Acid.phos. Aeon. Amm. mur. Ant. crud. Ant, tart. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Canth. Caust Cham.. Con. Cupr. Ferr. Graph. Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Kali carb. Lach. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sec corn. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Heat: Aeon. Bell. Bry. Hyosc. Heaviness: Ars. Bell. Camph. Ferr. Lgn. Ipec. Lyc. Rhus. Verat. alb. Itching: Aur. Calc. Dulc. Kali carb. Lyc. Nuxvom. Op. Sabin. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Nodes, gouty: Ant. crud. Rhus. Staph. Sulph. Numbness: Alum. Gelsem. Graph. Kalicarb. Nuxvom. Sil. Pain, as if bruised: Alum. Arn. Calc. Caust, Croc. Dig. Ferr. Gelsem. Phos. Plumb. Sep. Gone to sleep: Aeon. Bell. Ign. Nux vom. Plumb. Samb. Zinc. Spots, blue : Arn. Lach. - yellow: Stann. - red: Acid, sulph. Aeon. Calc. Con. Merc sol. Stitching: Amm. mur. Ant. crud. Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust, Chin. Graph. Hell. Ign. Kali carb. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Plat. Plumb. Rhus. Ruta. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Swelling: Aeon. Apis. Ferr. Led. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Tearing and drawing: Alum. Ant. tart. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Cimicif. Colch. Croc. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Ign. Lach. Lyc. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Tension: Bry. Calc. Cham. Cocc. Graph. Ign. Puis. Rhus. Twitching: Ars. Bell. Cina. Cupr. Graph. Hyosc. Lyc. Op. Petr. Plumb. Ulcers: Ars. Calc. Graph. Lach. Lyc. Ruta. Staph. Weakness: Natr.mur. Nuxvom. Plat. Stann. Heels. In general: Amm. mur. Ant. crud. Arn. Calc. Caust. Col. Graph. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Petr. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Viol. tr. Feet. Boils : Calc. Merc. sol. Burning : Arn. Ars. Calc. Canth. Cocc. Graph. Hep. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Stann. Chilblains: Acid. nit. Ant. crud. Canth. Cham. Nuxvom. Petr. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Coldness : Acid. mur. Amm. mur. Ant. crud. Ant. tart. Arn. Bell. Calc Caust. Chin. Con. Graph. Ign. lpec Kalicarb. Lach. Lyc. Nuxvom. Petr. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Sep. Sil. Squilla. Stann. Sulph. Verat. alb. LOWER EXT Corns : Ant. crud. Arn. Calc. Caust. Ign. Lyc. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Crampy feeling : Calc. Caust. Graph. Hep. Lach. Lyc. Natr. mur. Petr. Sil. Sulph.- - in the soles: Calc. Ferr. Natr. mur. Sil. Sulph. Creeping: Arn. Bell. Caust. Dulc. Graph. Ign. Nux vom. Phos. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Stann. Eruptions: Ars. Graph. Petr. Sep. Sulph. Erysipelas : Nux vom. Dulc In general: Aeon. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Con. Cupr. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Ign. Kali carb. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Petr. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Samb. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Verat, alb. Zinc. Gout: Am. Bry. Colch. Graph. Lach. Led. Lyc. Nux vom. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Heat: Aeon. Am. Bry. Calc. Led. Nuxvom. Phos. Pals. Sep. Sulph. Itching: Bell. Calc. Canth. Cocc. Lach. Lyc. Puis. Stann. Sulph. Numbness: Acid. phos. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Con. Nuxvom. Op. Rhus. Sec. corn. Pain, as if sprained: Arn. Bry. Carb. veg. Rhus. Gone to sleep: Alum. Amm. mur. Ant. tart. Bar. Cocc. Graph. Kali carb. Lach. Lyc. Nux vom. Plumb. Sep. Sil. Stitches: Acid. mur. Acid.nit. Alum. Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Chin. Graph. Ign. Kali carb. Natr. mur. Phos. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sweat: Amm. mur. Bar. Calc. Carb. v. Cupr. Graph. Ipec. Kali carb. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Plumb. Puis. Sep. Sil. Squilla. Sulph. Swelling : Amm. carb. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Dig. Eupat, perf. Ferr. Graph. Lach. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Petr. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Tearing and. drawing: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Alum. Ant. crud. Arn. Bell. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Colch. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Sil. Spig. Stann. Sir am. Sulph. Tension: Bry. Led. Rhus. Sulph. ?REMITIES. 987 Twitching: Arn. Chin. Cupr. Graph. Ign. Ipec Phos. Sep. Verat. alb. Ulcers: Ars. Ipec. Lach. Merc. sol. Ruta. Sec. corn. Sulph. Uneasiness: Arn. Bar. Carb. veg. Nux vom. Rhus. Ankle-joints. Bend, liable to : Acid. nit. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Rhus. Burning : Calc. Sulph. In general: Acid. nit. Arn. Ars. Bry. Calc. Caust. Dros. Graph. Hep. Ign. Kalicarb. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. m. Petr. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Pain, as if sprained: Arn. Bry. Carb. veg. Caust. Led. Nux vom. Rhus. Sulph. - as if bruised : Calc. Hep. - as from weariness: Croc. Gelsem. Nux vom. Rhus. Stiffness : Caust. Ign: Led. Lyc. Petr. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sulph. Stitches: Am. Ars. Bry. Caust. Kali carb. Rhus. Spig. Sulph. Swelling: Apis. Ars. Bry. Calc. Eupat, perf. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Rhus. Sulph. Tearing and drawing: Arn. Ars. Colch. Merc. sol. Puis. Rhus. Spong. Zinc. Tension: Bry. Lyc Sep. Zinc. Weak feeling : Calc. Carb. veg. Merc. sol. Dorsum of Feel. In general: Acid. mur. Bry. Caust. Hep. Lyc. Merc. sol. Puis. Rhus. Spig. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. Soles of Feet. In general: Acid. mur. Acid. phos. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cupr. Eupat. perf. Lyc. Merc. sol. Petr. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. Nales. In general: Acid. phos. Ant. crud. Bar. Caust. Con. Graph. Kalicarb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Zinc Hip and Hip-joint. Boring : Arn. Cina. Merc. sol. Burning: Bell. Carb. veg. Hell. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. 988 LOWER EXTREMITIES. Crampy feeling: Bell. Plat, Sulph. Cutting: Alum. Calc. Col. In general: Acid.phos. Aeon. Amm. carb. Amm. mur Ant. crud. Ant. tart. Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cocc. Col. Ferr. Hell. Ign. Ipec. Kalicarb. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Verat alb. Hip-disease: Acid.phos. Bry. Calc. Caust. Col. Hep. Iod. Merc. sol. Rhus. Ruta. Sil. Stram. Sulph. (See Limping, spontaneous.) Limping, spontaneous: Aeon. Bell. Calc. Caust. Col. Lyc. Merc. sol. Rhus. Ruta. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Zinc. (See Hip-disease.) Numbness: Lach. Staph. Pain, simple: Aeon. Bell. Cham. Led. Nuxvom. Rhus. Ruta. - laming: Arn Bell. Cina. Cocc. Lach. Natr. mur. Rhus. - as if sprained: Amm. mur. Arn. Bry. Caust. Cham. Ipec Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Rhus. -as if bruised: Alum. Arn. Bry, Caust. Croc. Ferr. Lach. Natr. mur. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Zinc. Stiffness: Bell. Caust. Cham. Ign. / Led. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Stitches : Alum. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Col. Ferr. Graph. Ign. Led. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Rhus. Sil. Zinc. Tearing and drawing: Alum. Ant. crud. Arn. Bry. Carb. veg. Caust. Con. Dulc. Kalicarb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Rhus. Sep. Zinc. Tension : Acid, nit: Bell. Lyc. Natr.m. Puis. Rhus. Weariness, feeling of: Thuj. Knee and Knee-joint. Boring: Caust. Canth. Burning : Acid. mur. Carb. veg. Lyc. Phos. Sulph. Coldness: Aeon. Ars. Chin. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Verat. alb. Contraction: Carb. veg. Lyc. Merc. sol. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. Contractive feeling in ham- strings : Acid. nit. Con. Rhus. Ruta. Sulph. Verat. alb. Creeping: Rhus. Eruptions: Calc. Graph. Hep. Kalic. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Petr. Phos. Sulph. Thuj. In general: Acid.nit. Aeon. Amm.m. Ant. c. Arn. Ars. Bry. Calc. Carb. v. Caust. Chin. Con. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Iod. Lach. Led. Lyc Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux mosch. Nux vom. Petr. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Zinc. Giving way, liable to: Arn. Bell. Camph. Caust. Chin. Nux vom. Rhus. Ruta. Sulph. Itching: Acid.mur. Acid.nit. Caust. Kalicarb. Lyc. Nuxvom. Pain as if dislocated : Acid. nit. Arn. Caust. Ipec. Phos. Rhus. Staph. - as if sore : Caust. Nuxvom. Sulph. - as if bruised: Amm.carb. Am. Ars. Aur. Graph. Hep. Led. Nux vom. Rhus. Ruta. Stann. Verat. alb. Zinc. Gone to sleep : Carb. veg. Spots, red: Lyc. Petr. Rhus. Sprain, liable to: Calc. Nuxvom. Rhus. Stiffness: Amm. mur. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Col. Graph. Hell. Ign. Led. Lyc. Natr.mur. Nuxvom. Petr. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Stann. Sulph. Stitches: Alum. Ant. crud. Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cocc. Con. Graph. Hell. Kalicarb. Lach. Led. Natr. mur. Petr. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Sweat: Calc. Led. Swelling: Acid. mur. Acid. nit. Apis. Ars. Bry. Calc. Chin. Cocc. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Iod. Lach. Led. Lyc. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Tearing and drawing: Acid. mur. Aeon. Alum. Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Caust. Cham. Chin. Colch. Iod. Kali carb_. Lach. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Zinc Tension: Am. Bry. Caust. Graph. Lach. Led. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Twitching : Bell. Caust. Chin. Plumb. Sulph. ' rat. alb. Unstead ■. jss : Aeon. Arn. Carb. veg. Nuxvom. Rhus. Weak feeling: Acid. nil. Aeon. Arn. Bry. Caust. Chin. Con. Cupr. Ferr. Ign. Lach. Led. Lyc. Merc sol. Natr. mur. Plat. Puis. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Weariness: Cocc. Con. Nux mosch. Puis. Ruta. SKIN AND EXTEE Calves. In general: Acid. nit. Alum. Ant, crud. Ars. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cham. Col. Croc. Cupr. Ferr. Graph. Hyosc. Ign. Led Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Petr. I>uls. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Toes. Blisters : Sulph. Burning : Acid. nit. Arn. Bry. Dulc. Nuxvom. Staph. Chilblains: Acid. nit. Amm. carb. Ant. crud. Canth. Caust. Nux vom. Petr. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Coldness: Lyc. Sulph. Contraction: Cham. Ferr. Hyosc. Nux vom. Lyc. Merc. sol. Plat. Crampy: Amm. carb. Arn. Bar. Calc. Caust. Ferr. Hyosc. Ign. Lyc. Mosch. Nuxvom. Plat. Sulph. In general: Amm. carb. Arn. Aur. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Colch. Graph. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Petr. Phos. Plat. Sabin. Sec. corn. Sil. Sulph. Itching: Hep. Nuxvom. Puis. Staph. Sulph. Abscesses, acute: Apis. Ars. Bell. Hep. Lach. Merc. sol. Phos. Puis. Sil. Sulph. - chronic: Acid nit. Calc. Con. Hep. Lach. Iod. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Bed-sores: Acid, sulph. Arn. Bar. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust, Chin. Cic. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Ign. Kreas. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Petr. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Biting of the skin : Ant. crud. Apis. Bar. Canth. Cham. Dig. Graph. Kali carb. Led. Lyc Nuxvom. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Spong. Staph. Verat. alb. Bloating: Ant. crud. Apis. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cupr. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Kali carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Mosch. Op. Puis. Rhus. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Bloody tumors, blisters : Ars. Canth. Sec.corn. Sulph. Boils: Acid. mur. Acid. nit. Ant. crud. Arn. Bell. Calc. Hep. Lach. Led. tNAL SYMPTOMS. 989 Numbness: Arn. Phos. Puis. Sec. corn. Redness: Carb. veg.- Gone to sleep: Cham. Nux vom. Rhus. Soreness : Graph. Natr. mur. Sil. Stiffness : Sec. corn. Sil. Sulph. Stitches : Am. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust, Cocc. Graph. Lyc. Natr. mur. Puis. Sil. Zinc. Sweat: Arn. Sil. Swelling: Acid.nit. Arn. Carb. veg. Graph. Merc. sol. Phos. Sabin. Sulph. Tearing and drawing: Amm. mur. Arn. Ars. Camph. Caust. Chin. Cic. Hep. Lach. Led. Lyc. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. Twitching: Chin. Cupr. Merc.sol. Ulcers: Ars. Caust. Graph. Petr. Sep. Toe-joints. In general: Am. Aur. Calc Caust Cham. Chin. Con. Graph. Hep. Kalic Led. Lyc. Merc sol. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Blotches : Ant. crud. Apis. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Con. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Iod. Lach. Led. Lyc. Natr. m. Petr. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Burning of skin : Aeon. Apis. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Carb. veg. Caust. Cic. Cocc. Cupr. Dig. Ferr. Hep. Ign. Kalicarb. Kreas. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Viol. tr. Color of the skin, blue : Acid. phos. Apis. Ars. Bell. Cina. Con. Cupr. Dig. Lach. Merc. sol. Op. Sec. corn. Verat. alb. ---pale: Bell. Calc. Chin. Cocc. Ferr. Graph. Kalicarb. Lyc. Nuxvom. Plat. Puis. Sep. Spig. Sulph. ---yellow: Ars. Bell. Bry. Canth. Carb. veg. Cham. Chin. Con. Ferr. XXVIII. SKIN AND EXTERNAL SYMPTOMS. 990 SKIN AND EXTERNAL SYMPTOMS. Ign. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Op. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Sulph. Verat, alb.' Color of the skin, red: Acid. phos. Aeon. Arn. Bell. Bry. Canth. Dulc. Graph. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Op. Rhus. Ruta. Sec. corn. Stram. - sallow: Calc. Ferr. Iod. Lach. Merc. sol. Phos. Podoph. Sec. corn. Sep. Contusive pain: Acid, sulph. Arn. Rhus. Ruta. Cracking of the skin: Acid, nit, Alum. Arn. Calc. Cham. Hep. Kalic. Kreas. Lach. Lyc. Natr. mur. Petr. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. Crusta lactea: Ars. Calc. Carb. veg Dulc. Graph. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Rhus. Staph. Sep. Sulph. Damp skin: Acid. nit. Alum. Ars. Calc. Carb. veg. Cie. Dulc. Graph. Lyc. Merc. sol. Petr. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Desquamation: Acid. phos. Aeon. Amm. carb. Amm. mur. Ars. Aur. Bell. Caust. Dulc. Graph. Hell. Iod. Merc. sol. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Staph. Verat. alb. Eruptions. In general: Acid.nit. Acid.phos. Acid. sulph. Aeon. Amm. carb. Amm. mur. Ant. erud. Apis. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bar. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cie. Con Cupr. Dulc. Ferr. Gelsem. Graph. Hell. Hep. Ipec. Kali carb. Lach. Lyc Merc. sol. Natr. m. Nux vom. Petr. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Viol. tr. Zinc Eruption, peeling off: Amm. mur. Bell. Led. Mere. sol. Phos. Sep. Sil. Staph. - smarting: Bry. Calc. Caust. Lach Led. Natr. mur. Puis. Sil. Spong. Sulph. - vesicular: Acid.nit, Amm. mur. Ant. crud. Apis. Ars. Bry. Canth. Caust, Dulc. Graph. Hell. Hep. Kalicarb. Lach. Natr. mur. Phos. Rhus. See. corn. Sep. Sulph. — gangrenous: Ars. Carb. veg. Lach. Sec. corn. - purulent: Ant. tart. Ars. Calc. Dulc Hep. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph Zinc. - humid: Acid. nit. Alum. Ars. Carb. veg. Caust. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Lach. Lyc. Petr. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Eruption, corrosive : Acid. nit. Ars. Bar. Calc. Cham. Con. Graph. Hep. Kali carb. Lach. Merc. sol. Petr. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. - yellowish: Acid. nit. Kreas. Merc sol. - miliary : Apis. Ars. Cactus. Carb. v. Graph. Hep. Led. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Zinc. - itching: Acid. nit. Aeon. Ant. crud. Ant, tart. Apis. Ars. Bry. Canth. Caust. Cham. Graph. Ign. Kalicarb. Lach. Merc. sol. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. -coppery: Acid.nit. Ars. Carb. veg. Kalicarb. Kreas. Lach. Merc. sol. Rhus. Verat. alb. - nettle-rash: Aeon. Apis. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Dulc. Hep. Ipec. Lyc. Natr. mur. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Petr. Sep. Sulph. Verat. alb. - scurfy: Alum. Amm. carb. Amm. mur. Ant. crud. Bell. Cactus. Calc. Carb. veg. Cic. Con. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Lyc. Merc. sol. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. - scaly: Amm. mur. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Dulc. Graph. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. - dry: Bar. Cactus. Calc. Carb. veg. Dulc. Graph. Led. Lyc. Merc sol. Phos. Sep. Sil. Staph. Verat. alb. Tetters, generally: Acid.nit. Alum. Ars. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust, Con. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Kali carb. Kreas. Lach. Led. Lyc Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Petr. Rhus. Phos. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. suppurating: Ars. Dulc. Hep. Lyc. Merc. sol. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. humid: Acid.nit. Calc. Con. Graph. Hep. Lach. Lyc. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. spreading: Ars. Calc. Graph. Lyc. Merc. sol. Petr. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. scurfy: Ars. Calc. Dulc. Graph. Sep. Sil. Sulph. crusty : Amm. mur. Bar. Calc. Con. Dulc. Graph. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. pustulous: Ant. tart. Kreas. Merc. sol. Sulph. ring-shaped: Ars. Natr. mur. Phos. Sep. scaly: Ars. Dulc. Merc. sol. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. dry: Ars. Calc. Dulc. Graph. Led. SKIN AND EXTERNAL SYMPTOMS. * 991 Lyc. Merc. sol. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Verat. alb. Measles: Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Coff. Dulc. Dros. Ipec. Merc. sol. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Pimples: Acid.nit. Ant. crud. Apis. Ars. Bry. Calc. Canth. Caust. Cham. Con. Dulc. Graph. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc Purple-rash: Aeon. Bell. Coff. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Pustules : Acid. nit. Ant. crud. Ant. tart. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Caust. Clem. Dulc. Hyosc. Rhus. Sil. Staph. Sulph. * Rash: Aeon. Ant. crud. Ant. tart. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Canth. Carb. v. Caust. Cham. Coff. Graph. Ipec. Lach. Merc. sol. Puis. Rhus. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Scarlet-rash: Aeon. Apis. Bell. Bry. Coff. Dulc. Ipec. Merc. sol. Phos. Rhus. Sulph. Small-pox: Ant. crud. Ant. tart. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bell. Canth. Merc. sol. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. Spots, blue: Acid, sulph. Arn. Ars. Bry. Con. Lach. Nux mosch. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Rhus. Sec. corn. - bloody: Acid, sulph. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Con. Ferr. Hyosc. Lach. Led. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Sulph. - yellow: Arn. Ars. Con. Ferr. Iod. Lach. Lyc. Petr. Phos. Sep. Sulph. - greenish: Arn. Con. Ruta. Sep. - liver-colored: Acid. nit. Ant. crud, Arn. Calc. Carb. veg. Con. Dulc. Ferr. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Sep. Sulph, - red: Acid. nit. Acid, sulph. Amm. carb. Apis. Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Cocc. Dulc. Graph. Kalic Lach. Lyc. Mere. sol. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. — black: Lach. Sec. corn. — white: Alum. Ars. Phos. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Shingles: Ars. Graph. Merc. sol. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. Excrescences, etc. Warts: Acid. nit. Ars. Bar. Bell. Calc. Caust. Dulc. Hep. Kalicarb. Lach. Lyc. Petr. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Warts, bleeding: Acid. nit. Acid. sulph. Thuj. - burning: Ars. Petr. Rhus. Thuj. - suppurating: Caust. Hep. Sil. - inflamed: Acid.nit. Calc..Natr. mur. Rhus. Sil. * - flat: Calc. Dulc. - pedunculated: Dulc. Lyc. Sabin. Thuj. - horny: Ant. crud. Natr. mur. Sulph. Thuj. - small: Calc. Rhus. Sulph. - painful: Acid. nit. Calc. Sulph. Thuj. - split: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Lyc. Thuj. Erysipelas: Aeon. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Graph. Hep. Iod. Lach. Merc. sol. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. - vesicular: Ars. Bell. Canth. Graph. Lach. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. - flying: Bell. Puis. Rhus. - smooth: Aeon. Amm. carb. Bell. Merc. sol. Sulph. - with swelling: Acid.nit. Amm. carb. Apis. Ars. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Graph. Hep. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Rhus. Sulph. Formication : Acid. phos. Arn. Bar. Bell. Carb. veg. Lajc Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Freckles: Alum. Ant. crud. Calc. Graph. Ljyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Gangrene, humid: Ars. Chin. Hell. Lach. Phos. Sec. corn. - hot: Ars. Carb. veg. Lach. Sec. corn. - cold: Ars. Carb. veg. Lach. Plumb. Sec. corn. Sil. Hang-nails: Calc. Merc. sol. Natr.m. Rhus. Stann. Sulph. Itch : Acid. phos. Ant. crud. Ars. Calc Carb. veg. Caust. Dulc. Graph. Lach. Merc. sol. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Itching: Acid.mur. Acid, sulph. Aeon. Alum. Ant. crud. Apis. Bar. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Con. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Ign. Kali carb. Lach. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Spig. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Numbness: Acid. phos. Aeon. Lach. Lyc. Nuxvom. Phos. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sulph. Pain, as if sore: Alum. Arn. Bry. Canth. Caust. Cic. Colch. Graph. 992. * SKIN AND EXTERNAL SYMPTOMS. Hep. Ign. Natr. mur. Petr. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Zinc. Pores, black: Acid. nit. Ars. Graph. Natr. mur. Sep. Sulph. Skin, dry: Acid. phos. Aeon. Amm. carb. Am. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Chin. Colch. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Iod. Kali carb. Led. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux mosch. Op. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Squilla. Sil. Staph. Sulph. - hard: Ant. crud. Ars. Dulc. Graph. Lach. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Sil. - rough: Apis. Bell. Calc. Iod. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. - wrinkled: Acid. phos. Ant. crud. Calc. Camph. Cupr. Hell. Iod. Lyc. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Spig. Verat. alb. - relaxed: Calc. Chin. Cocc. Cupr. Ferr. Graph. Hell. Iod. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Sec. corn. Sulph. Verat. alb. - sensitive: Acid, nit, Ars. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Ferr. Hep. Ign. Lach. Led. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Petr. Puis Rhus. Sil. Spig. Thuj. Verat. alb. ---to humid air: Amm. carb. Calc Carb. veg. Dulc. Nux mosch. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. - - to cold air: Amm. carb. Calc Carb. veg. Caust. Lyc. Nux vom. Sec. corn. Sep. ---to warm air: Calc. Puis. Sep. Swelling in general: Acid. nit. Ant. crud. Apis. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Cede Canth. Chin. Colch. Con. Dig. Dulc. Ferr. Hell. Iod. Kali carb. Lach. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Op. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Samb. Sep. Sil. Sulph. - pale: Apis. Arn. Bry. Calc Chin. Ferr. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Puis. Rhus. Sep. - inflamed: Acid. nit. Aeon. Apis. Ars. Bell. Bry. Caust. Hep. Lach. Merc. sol. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sil. Sulph. - hard: Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Caust. Con. Hep. Lach. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sulph. - cold: Ars. Chin. Con. Lach. Puis. Sec. Corn. - erysipelatous : Apis. Bell. Merc sol. Rhus. - dropsical: Ant. crud. Apis. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Canth. Chin. Con. Dig. Dulc. Ferr. Hell. Iod. Kali carb. Led. Lyc Merc. sol. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Squilla Sep. Sulph. Ulcers. In general: Acid.nit. Acid. phos. Ant, crud. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Con. Hep. Iod. Kali carb. Kreas. L^ach. Lyc Merc. sol. Nux vom. Petr. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Ulcers, bleed, liable to: Acid, sulph. Ars. Carb. veg. Con. Hep. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Puis. Sil. Sulph. - burning: Acid.nit. Ars. Bell. Carb. veg. Caust. Hep. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. - fistulous: Acid.nit, Ant. crud. Apis. Bell. Calc. Caust. Con. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Puis. Sil. Sulph. " - flat: Ars. Lach. Sil. - with swelling: Acid. nit. Ars. Bell. Bry. Hep. Kali carb. Merc. sol. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. - hard swelling: Ars. Bell. Calc. Con. Hep. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Puis. Sil. -margins everted: Ars. Hep. Merc. sol. Petr. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. - itching: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Ant. tart. Ars. Caust, Chin. Hep. Lyc Puis. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. -mercurial: Acid.nit. Alum. Carb. veg. Hep. Lach. Lyc. Sulph. Thuj. - painful: Acid. nit. Arn. Ars. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Con. Graph. Hep. Kreas. Lach. Lyc Merc. sol. Petr. Phos. Puis. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Sulph. - painless: Acid. phos. Ars. Bell. Carb. veg. Cic. Con. Hyosc. Lach. Lyc. Phos. Puis. Sec. corn. Sulph. - with ash-colored base: Acid. nit. Merc. sol. Thuj. - spongy: Ars. Carb. veg. Lach. Merc. sol. Petr. Phos. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. - lardaceous: Acid. nit. Hep. Merc. sol. - stitches in ulcers: Acid. nit. Ars Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Graph. Hep. Kalicarb. Lyc. Merc sol. Petr. Puis. Sil. Sulph. - deep: Acid. nit. Calc Con. Hep. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Puis. Sil. Sulph. - suppurating: Acid. nit. Ars. Calc. SLEEP — DREAMS. 993 Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Con. Graph. Hep. Lyc. Merc. sol. Puis Rhus. Ruta. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Ulcers: with proud flesh: Ars. Graph. Drowsiness, in the evening: Acid. phos. Ant, tart, Ars. Bell. Calc. Chin. Cina. Con. Croc. Ign. Kali carb. Lach. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sil. - in the morning: Acid. phos. Ant, crud. Arn. Calc. Caust. Con. Graph. Kalicarb Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Podoph. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil Spig. Stram. Sulph. - in the afternoon: Cau-t. Chin. Coff. Croc Graph. Ign. Kalicarb. Lach. Lyc. Natr. mur. ' Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Viol. tr. Zinc. - in the day-time: Amm. carb. Ant. crud. Ant. tart. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Con. Croc Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Hell. Ign. Kali carb. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Mosch. Natr. mur. Nux mosch. Nuxvom Op. Phos. Podoph. Puis. Rheum. Rhus Sep. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Viol. tr. — excessive: Acid.phos. Ant. tart. Coff Croc. Nux mosch. Op. Sulph. Falling asleep too late: Alum. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Graph. Ign. Lach. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Petr. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Selen Sep. Sil. Spig. Stann. Sulph. Sleep, with nightmare: Bell. Puis. Sulph. Verat vir. - with starting up: Ars. Bell. Cham. Cina. Coff. Gr;iph. Ign. Ipec. Lyc. Op. Rheum. Samb. Sulph. - with screaming: Ant. tart. Apis. Bell. Cham. Op. Rheum. Zinc. - with eyes halt' open: Cham. Cina. Ipec. Op. - stupid: Ant. tart. Bell. Calc Camph. Cic. Con. Croc. Graph. Ign. Led. Nux mosch. Nuxvom. Op. Phos. Puis. Sec. corn. Spig. - with throwing off the cover : Cham. Con. Puis. 63 Hep. Kreas. Lach. Merc. sol. Petr. Sep Sil. Sulph. Veins, swelling of: Apis. Arn. Bell. Carb veg. Chin. Croc. Ferr. Graph. Hyosc. Lyc Phos. Puis. Sulph. Thuj. Sleep, tossing about: Ars. Bell. Cham. Cina. Dulc. Hep. Lach. Podoph. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Verat. alb. Verat. vir. - too long: Arn. Bell. Calc Carb. veg. Cocc. Hyosc. Kali carb. Lgn. Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Phos. Plat. Sep. Verat. alb. - too light: Ars. Bry. Carb. veg. Chin. Ferr. Ign. Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Sil. - with talking: Alum. Arn. Bell. Cham. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. - with snoring: Camph. Cham. Chin. Dulc. Graph. Hyosc. Op. Sil. Sulph. Stram. - with moaning: Alum. Cham. Ign. Merc. sol. Op. Podoph. - unrefreshing: Aeon. Alum. Ant. tart. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Cic. Con. Croc. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Ign. Lach. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Petr. Phos. Podoph. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sil. Sulph. Sleeplessness: Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Camph. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cimicif. Cina. Coff. Con. Dig. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Hyosc Ign. Kali carb. Lach. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Mosch. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Squilla. Sulph. Verat. alb. - before midnight: Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Curb. veg. Chin. Con. Graph. Ign. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Selen. Sep. Sil. Sulph. - after midnight: Ars. Coff. Hep. Hyosc. Kali carb. Lach. Lyc. Nux vom. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Sep. Sil. . Sopor: Acid.phos. Ant.crud. Ant. tart. Arn. Bell. Camph. Cic. Con. Croc Graph. Hell. Ign. Mosch. Nux mosch. Op. Plumb. Puis. Sec. corn. Verat. alb. Waking, too early : Acid. phos. Ars. Bry. Calc. Coff. Croc. Dulc. Hep. Ign. Kalicarb. Lyc. Nuxvom. Sep. I su; XXLX. SLEEP—DREAMS. 994 GENERAL Waking : frequent: Ant. crud. Arn. Ars. Bell. Calc. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cic. Coff. Dig. Graph. Hep. Kali carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Samb. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. - too late: Acid. phos. Calc Caust. Chin. Con. Graph. Kali carb. Lach. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Yawning: Ant. tart. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cham. Cina. Cocc. Croc. Ferr. Hell. Ign. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. - with stretching: Ars. Calc. Caust. Cham. Ign. Ipec Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Spong. Staph. - spasmodic: Ign. Plat. Rhus. Aggravation of the Symptoms. Aggravation, in the afternoon : Acid. nit. Alum. Ant. crud. Bell. Canth. Carb. veg. Cocc. Ferr. Hell. Ign. Lach. Lyc. Nuxvom. Puis Sil. Thuj. - in the open air: Acid.nit. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Nux mosch. Nux vom. Rhus. Sil. Spig. Stram. - before breakfast: Calc. Croc. Lgn. Iod. Lyc. Spig. Staph. - by changing one's position: Bry Ferr. Phos. Puis. - when chewing: Amm. carb. Bry. Chin. Hep. Ign. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Thuj. Zinc. - in the cold: Amm. mur. Ars. Bar. Camph. Caust. Dulc Hell. Hep. Kali carb. Mosch. Nux vom. Rhus. Sil. - by contact: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Ant. tart. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Cham. Cocc. Hell. Hip. Hyosc. Led. Lyc Nux vom. Sabin. Sec. corn. Sep. Spig. Stram. - by a draught of air: Bell. Calc. Cham. Chin. Hep. Kali carb. Puis. Sep. Sil. - drinking coffee: Caust. Cham. Ign. Nuxvom. Sulph. ---cold liquids: Ars. Graph. Ign. Lyc. Nuxmosch. Nux vom. Rhus. Sulph. Verat. alb. SYMPTOMS. Dreams. In general: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Aeon. Alum. Ant. tart. Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Cham. Cbin Cic. Con. Croc. Graph. Hell. Hep. Ign. Kalicarb. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Thuj Verat. vir. Anxious: Aeon. Ars. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Con. Graph. Ign. Kalicarb. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Stram. Thuj. Verat. alb. Vexing: Ars. Cham. Con. Ign. Nux vom. Phos. Rhus. Staph. Sulph. Pleasant: Calc. Carb. veg. Coff. Kali carb. Lach. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Puis. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Viol.tr. Aggravation: after drinking: Ant. tart. Ars. Bry. Cham. Cocc. Croc. Ign. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Verat. alb. - while drinking: Ars. Bell. Bry. Canth. Hyosc. Iod. Lach. Phos. Stram. -by drinking warm liquids: Bry. Cham. Kalicarb. Phos. Puis. Spig. ---wine: Ant. crud. Calc. Lyc. Nux vom. Op. Sil. Zinc. - while eating: Acid. nit. Bar. Carb. veg. Cocc Kali carb. Natr. mur. Puis. Sep. — after eating: Acid. mur. Acid. nit. Amm. mur. Ars. Bry. Calc. Cham. Chin. Con. Graph. Kalicarb. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Phos. Sep. Sil. Zinc. - by eating fat: Carb. veg. Ferr. Puis. Sulph. Thuj. - in the evening: Acid. nit. Ant. tart. Ars. Bell. Bry. Caust. Colch. Hell. Hyosc. Ign. Lach. Merc sol. Phos. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Zinc. - during expiration: Bry. Caust. Dig. Ign. Spig. ---inspiration: Arn. Bry. Calc. Hyosc Ipec Lyc. Rhus. Squilla. Spong. Sulph. - in bright light: Acid. phos. Bell. Calc. Con. Croc. Euphr. Lyc. Phos. Puis. Sil. Spig. Stram. XXX. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. 995 Aggravation, when looking down: Calc. ---up: Calc. Puis. ---sideways: Bell. ---lying down: Acid. mur. Amm.mur. Ars. Aur. Canth Cham. Dros. Dulc. Ferr. Kali carb. Lyc. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Stann. ---in bed : Acid. nit. Ars. Aur. Cham. Col. Dros. Ferr. Iod. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Sulph. ---on the back: Ars. Caust. Cham. Iod. Nux vom. Phos. Sep. ---on the side: Aeon. Bry. Calc Ferr. Kali carb. Lyc. Nux vom. Puis. Stann. ---on the painful side: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Aeon. Ars. Bar. Hep. Iod. Kali carb. Nux mosch. Phos. Sil. ---on the painless side: Bry. Cham. Col. Kalicarb. Rhus. Stann. - after lying down in the evening: Ars. Aur. Cham. Dulc Ferr. Hyosc. Kalicarb. Lyc. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Sep. - in the morning: Ant. crud. Ant. tart. Aur. Calc. Carb. veg. Cocc Croc. Euphr. Ign. Kalicarb. Lyc. Nux vom. Phos. Rhus. Squilla. Staph. Verat. alb. — during motion: Acid. nit. Acid, sulph. Arn. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Cocc. Colch. Hell. Led. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Sec. corn. Spig. — at the beginning of motion: Con. Lyc. Phos. Rhus. - at night: Acid. nit. Ant. crud. Ant. tart. Arn. Ars. Bell. Camph. Canth. Cham. Chin. Coff. Colch. Con. Dulc. Ferr. Hep. Iod. Kali carb. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Op. Phos. Plumb. Samb. Sil. Staph. - by suppressed perspiration: Bell. Calc. Cham. Chin. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. - by external pressure: Bar. Bry. Carb. veg. Cina. Hep. Iod. Lyc. Natr. mur. Ruta. Sep. Sil. - raising the body: Ars. Bell. Bry. Ferr. Nuxvom. Op. Rhus. Squilla. - during rest: Acid.phos. Con. Dulc. Ferr. Lgn. Lyc. Mosch. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Sep. Viol. tr. - when rising from a seat: Ant. tart. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Cocc. Con. Ferr. Ign. Lach. Lyc. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Spig. - in the room: Alum. Ant. crud. Croc. Graph. Lyc. Pkos. Puis. Sabin. Verat. alb. Aggravation, when sitting: Acid. phos. Con. Dulc. Lach. Lyc. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Viol. tr. - when standing: Acid.phos. Aur. Con. Lyc. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Verat. alb. - when stooping: Bry. Calc. Cocc. Croc. Glon. Ipec. Petr. Plumb. Sep. Spig. - in the sun: Aeon. Ant. crud. Bell. Camph. Euphr. Glon. Lach. - when swallowing: Bell. Bry. Cocc. Croc Hep. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Staph. - when talking: Acid. phos. Calc. Chin. Cocc. Dulc. Iod. Lyc. Natr. mur. Phos. Rhus. Stann. Sulph. - after uncovering one's self: Aur. Cham. Nuxvom. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Sil. - on waking: Acid. phos. Ars. Calc. Caust. Chin. Graph. Hep. Ign. Kali carb. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Sulph. - in warmth: Ant. tart. Cham. Dros. Iod. Led. Lyc. Natr. mur. Puis. Sec. corn. Sep. - after getting wet: Bry. Calc. Colch. Dale Lyc. Nux mosch. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. - by a change of weather: Bry. Calc. Dulc Nux mosch. Rhus. Sil. - damp weather: Amm. mur. Calc. Chin. Dulc. Lyc. Merc sol. Nux mosch. Rhus. Spig. Sulph. Verat. alb. - in dry weather: Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Hep. Lpec. Nuxvom. Phos. Sil. Spong. Amelioration of the Symptoms. In the open air: Alum. Aur. Croc. Glon. Hell. Lod. Lyc Phos. Puis. Sabin. Verat. alb. Before breakfast: Caust. Cham Con. Kalicarb. Natr. mur. Nux mosch. Sil. Zinc. By deep breathing: Ign. Lach. Spig. In the cold : Ant. tart. Iod. Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Puis. Sec. corn. Sulph. Verat. alb. In the dark: Acid.phos. Bar. Bell. Calc. Con. doc Euphr. Gelsem. Graph. Lyc. Natr. mur. Phos. Puis. Sil. After drinking : Bry. Phos. Sil. 996 GENERAL SYMPTOMS. After eating: Calc Ferr. Ign. Iod. Phos. Verat. alb. By eructations: Ant. tart. Carb. veg. Cocc. Graph. Ign. Kalicarb. Lach. Lyc. Nuxvom. Sil. Sulph. By cold food: Bry. Kalicarb. Phos. Puis. By warm food: Ars. Graph. Ign. Lyc. Nuxvom. Rhus. Verat. alb. By cold water : Caust. Phos. Puis. Sep. By warm water: Nux vom. When lying down : Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Colch. Croc. Iod. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Sec. corn. Squilla. Stram. ---on the back: Bry. Calc Ign. Kali carb. Lyc. Nux vom. Stann. ---on the side: Arn. Cham. Iod. Nux vorn. Phos. Rhus. ---on the affected side : Bry. Kalicarb. Puis. - - on the painless side: Bell. Hep. Iod. Nux vom. Sil. ---with the head high: Ant. tart Ars. Chin. Hep. Puis. Spig. ---bent double: Col. Puis. Rheum. By motion: Acid.phos. Cham. Con. Dulc. Ferr. Lach. Lyc. Puis. Rhus. Sep. By external pressure: Amm. mur. Bry. Col. Con. Glon. Graph. Phos. Rhus. By'raising one's self: Ars. Calc. Ign. Kalicarb. Puis. Samb. Sep. In rest: Arn. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Caust. Colch. Croc. Ferr. Led. Merc sol. Nux vom. Phos. Squilla. Staph. In the morning after rising: Ant. tart. Bell. Ferr. Ign. Iod. Lyc Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Sep. In the room: Carb. veg. Cham. Chin. Cocc Con Ferr. Lach. Nux mosch. Nuxvom. Sil. When sitting: Bry. Cham. Coff. Merc sol. Nux vom. Phos. Squilla. Sec corn. When standing: Acid. mur. Bell. Hep. Iod. Ipec Phos. In swallowing: Ign. Lach. Nuxvom. Spong In sweating: Cham. Graph. Hep. Nux vom Rhus. Verat. alb. By the warm stove: Aur. Ign. Kalicarb. Nuxvom. Rhus. In damp weather: Caust. Hep. Ipec. Nux vom. In dry -weather: Calc. Dulc. Lyc. Merc sol. Nux mosch. Puis. Rhus. In warmth: Ars. Bar. Bell. Camph. Caust. Cocc Dulc. Hep. Ign. Mosch. Nuxvom. Phos. Rhus. Sil. Staph Verat. alb. Apoplexy: A con. Ant. tart. Arn. Bell. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Coff Dig. Ferr. Glon. Hyosc. Ipec. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Stram. Vemt. alb. Atrophy: Ars. Bar. Bell. Calc. Chin. Cina. Iod. Ipec. Lach. Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. Bones, affections of, in general: Acid. nit. Aur. Bell. Calc. Curb veg. Chin. Con. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Iod. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. - pains: Acid nit. Acid. phos. Ars. Aur. Bar. Calc. Chin. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Plumb. Rhus. Ruta. Sil. Staph. Sulph. - curvature: Bell. Calc. Hep. Iod. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Plumb. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. - caries: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Ars. Aur. Calc. Hep. Lyc. Merc. sol. Phos. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Sulph.' Bounding, as of something: Croc. Chagrin, consequences of: Acid.phos. Aeon. Ars. Bry. Cham. Chin. Coff. Col. Nuxvom. Phos. Plat. Staph. Chamomile, excessive use of: Aeon. Coff. Ign. Puis. Nuxvom. China, ailments from abuse of: Arn. Ars. Bell. Calc. Canth. Carb veg. ■ Con. Ferr. Ipec. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Sep. Puis. Sulph. Verat. alb. Choleric temperament: Acid. nit. Aeon. Bry. Caust. Cham. Cina. Cupr. Hyosc. Lach. Nuxvom. Op. Phos. Cold, taking: Aeon. Ant, crud. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust, Cham. Coff. Dulc. Hep. lpec. Merc sol. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. Cold, liable to take: Acid.nit. Aeon. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Dros. Dulc. Hep. Lyc. Merc sol. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Complaints, periodical: Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Chin. Ign. Ipec. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Sp-ig. Sulph. Congestions of blood: Aeon. Amm. carb. Arn. Aur. Bell. Bry. Cactus. calc. Carb. veg. Chin. Croc. Cupr Dig. Ferr. Gelsem. Graph. Hyosc. Kali carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. 997 mur. Nuxvom. Op. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Verat, alb. Viol. tr. Contusions: Acid, sulph. Aeon. Arn. Cic. Con. Led. Petr. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sulph. Debility, nervous: Acid. phos. Arn. Bell. Calc Carb. veg. Cham. Chin. Coff. Cupr. Graph. Hyosc Ign. Iod. Ipec. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr.mur. Nux mosch. Nuxvom. Phos. Plat, Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sil. Stann. Stram. Verat. alb. Drunkards, ailments of: Aeon. Ars. Bell. Calc. Carb. veg. Cimicif. Hyosc. Ign. Lach. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Emaciation: Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Ars. Bar. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Chin. Cina. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Lgn. Iod. Lach. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Sec. corn. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Excesses, consequences of: Acid. phos. Ars. Calc. Carb. veg. Chin. Con. Lach. Natr. mur. Nux vom, Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Fainting: Acid.phos. Aeon. Ant. tart. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc Camph. Carb. veg. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Dig. Ferr. Glon. Hep. Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Kreas. Lach. Mosch. Nux mosch. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stram. Verat. alb. Verat. vir. Fat, tendency to get: Ant. crud. Ars. Calc. Ferr. Graph. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Puis. Sulph. Fear, consequences of: Aeon. Bell. Gelsem. Hyosc. Ign. Lach. Op. Puis. Verat. alb. Fluids, ill effects of loss of: Acid. phos. Calc. Carb. veg. Chin. Lach. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Sulph. Verat. alb. I ever, according to particular Symptoms. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Verat. vir. Chilliness in general, external: Arn. Chin. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Rlius. Verat. alb. - internal: Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cham. Chin. Eupat. perf. Hell. Ign. Ipec. Lach. Lyc. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Squilla. Sep. Thuj. Verat. alb. Verat. vir. — with shaking : Aeon. Ars. Bry. Cham. Chin. Eupat. perf. Ign. Ipec. Nux vom. Rhus. Verat. alb. Heat in general : Acid. nit. Acid. phos. Acid, sulph. Aeon. Amm. mur. Ant. tart. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Canth. Carb. vfeg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cin. Coff. Con. Eupat. perf. Ferr. Graph. Hell. Hep. Ign. Ipec. Kali. carb. Lach. Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Op. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Squilla. Stann. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Verat. vir. — external: Acid. mur. Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Carb. veg. Cham. Cocc Coff. Col. Dig. Dulc. Eupat. perf. Hell. Hyosc. Ign. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux. vom. Op. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Squilla. Stram. Sulph. Zinc. - flashes of: Aeon. Arn. Bell. Calc. Chin. Graph. Iod. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. vir. - semi-lateral: Arn. Bell. Bry. Croc. Ia;n. Lyc. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sulph.' - internal: Acid. phos. Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Col. Con. Graph. Hell. Ipec. Lyc. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Sec. corn. Spig. Spong. Stann. Verat. alb. Zinc. Loss of consciousness: Aeon. Acid. phos. Bell. Bry. Carb. veg. Gelsem. Hell. Hyosc. Lach. Op. Rhus. Stram. Pulse, intermittent: Acid. phos. Aeon. Apis. Ars. Bry. Cactus. Dig. Kali carb. Lach. Natr. mur. Op. Sec. corn. Stram. Sulph. - large: Aeon. Bell. Bry. Cactus. ■ Cupr. Dig. Ferr. Glon. Hyosc. Ign. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Spig. Stram. Verat. alb. - hard: Acid.phos. Aeon. Arn. Bar. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Canth. Chin. Dig. Ferr. Glon. Hyos. %tgn. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Sab. Samb. Sil. Stram. Verat. alb. Burning: Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Rhus. Verat. alb. Chilliness in general: Acid.phos. Anl. tart. Arn. Ars. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Canth. Cham. Chin. Cin. Colch. Cupr. Eupat. perf. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Ign. Ipec. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux. vom. Phos. Puis, j SYMPTOMS. 998 GENERAL Pulse, small: Acid, sulph. Aeon. Ant. tart Apis. Ars. Bar. Bell. Calc. Camph. Carb. veg. Chin. Cina, Cocc. Cupr. Iod. Ipec. Kali carb. Lach. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Op. Plat. Puis. Sec. corn. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. - slow: Ant, crud. Ant. tart. Ars. Bell. Camph. Canth. Con. Dig. Hell. lgn. Mosch. Op. Puis. Sec. corn. Sep. Stram. Verat. alb. -quick: Acid.phos. Aeon. Ant. tart, Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Carb. veg. Col. Croc. Dig. Hyosc. Ign. Lach. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Sil. Spong. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Zinc - imperceptible: Aeon. Ars. Carb. veg. Cocc. Cupr. Ferr. Ipec. Lach. Op. Sec com. Sil. Stann. Verat. alb. Verat. vir. - irregular: Acid.phos. Ant. crud. Ars. Chin. Dig. Hyosc. Lach. Natr. mur. Op. Plumb. Sec. corn. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Verat. vir. - soft: Ant. tart. Ars: Bar. Bell. Carb. veg. Chin. Cocc. Cupr. Kali carb. Merc. sol. Op. Phos. Plat. Sec. corn. Verat. alb. - tremulous: Ars. Calc. Cactus. Phos. Rhus. Spig. Shivering: Aeon. Ars. Bell. Canth. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Croc. Eupat. perf. Ferr. Gelsem. Graph. Hep. Ign. Kali carb. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Sec. corn. •Sep. Staph. Verat. alb. Verat. vir. Stretching : Ars. Ipec. Nux vom. Rhus. Sweat, in general: Acid.nit. Acid. phos. Aeon. Amm. mur. Ant, tart. Ars. Bar. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Canth. Carb. veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Coff. Con. Dig. Dros. Eupat. perf. Ferr. Glon. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Ign. Kali carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Samb. Sep. Sil. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Generalities. Irritability, bodily: Aeon. Arn. Aur. Bell. Bry. Canth. Cham. Chin. Coff. Cupr. Ferr. Hyosc. Ign. Lach Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Spong. Staph. Verat. alb. - want of: Acid. phos. Ars. Calc. Camph. Carb veg. Con. Croc. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. ^Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Lach. Lyc. Nux mosch. Op. Sec. corn. Sep. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Joy, consequences of, excessive: Aeon. Coff. Op. Languor: Acid. phos. Ant, crud. Calc. Carb. veg. Cham. Cocc. Ign Kalicarb. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Mosch. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Op. Phos. Plat. Puis. Sulph. Thuj. Laziness: Acid.phos. Ars. Bry. Chin. Kalicarb. Lach. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Puis. Sec. corn Sep. Zinc. Limping: Bell. Calc. Caust. Col. Merc. sol. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Marasmus of old people: Acid. phos. Ant. tart. Ars. Bar. Calc. Con. Op. Phos. Rhus. Sec. corn Melancholy temperaments: Acid. phos. Ars. Aur. Bell. Calc. Chin. Graph. Ign. Lach. Lyc Merc. sol. Nux vom. Puis. Sep. Sil. Verat. alb. Motion, dread of: Ant. tart. Arn. Ars. Bar. Bell. Bry. Chin. Dulc. Hell. Ign. Lach. Lyc Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Sulph. Thuj. Muscular twitchings: Bell. Col. Croc. Cupr. Graph. Iod. Kali carb. Lach. Natr. mur. Plat. Rhus. Sec corn. Sil. Spong. Stram. Sulph. Verat. vir. Viol tr. Zinc. Heated, consequences of getting: Aeon. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Gelsem. Glon. Lyc. Nuxvom. Puis. Sil. Hunger, ill effects of: Ant. crud. Ars. Bry Calc. Chin. Ipec. Puis. Sulph. Indurations: Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Calc. Camph. Cham. Chin. Con. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Iod. Lach. Lyc Phos. Pids. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Nervous excitement: Acid. phos. Aeon. Bell. Calc. Cham. Chin. Coff. Ferr. Gelsem. Glon. Iod. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Puis.. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Verat. alb. Verat. vir. Neuralgia: Aeon. Am. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cham. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Col. Gelsem. Hep. Ign. Kalicarb. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. Nodes, gouty.: Ant. crud. Arn. Bry. Calc. Caust. Graph. Hep. Led. Lyc. Merc, sol Nux vom. Puis. Rhus. Staph. Sulph. Pains, wandering: Arn. Bell. Chin. Nuxmosch. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sep. Sulph. Paralysis : Arn. Bar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Con. Dulc. Ferr. Hyosc. Ign. Lach. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. 999 Lyc. Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Op. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sil. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Zinc. Phlegmatic temperaments: Bell. Calc Chin. Iod. Lach. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Puis. Sulph. Plethora: Aeon. Arn. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Chin. Dig. Ferr. Graph. Hyosc. Kali carb. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nuxvom. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Stram. Sulph. Riding in a carriage, ailments from : Ars. Carb. veg. Cocc. Colch. Ferr. Ign. Petr. Puis. Sil. Sulph. Salt, ill effects of eating too much: Carb. veg. Merc. sol. Nuxvom. Sanguine temperament: Acid, sulph Aeon. Arn. Bell. Bry. Cham. Hyosc. Ign. Nux vom. Rhus. Sulph. Verat. alb. Zinc. Scurvy: Acid. mur. Acid.nit. Acid. sulph. Amm. mur. Ars. Aur. Calc. Carb. veg. Hep Iod. Kreas. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Sea-sickness: Ars Cocc. Ipec. Kreas. Petr. Rhus. Sulph. Verat. alb. Sedentary habits, ill effects of: Aeon Carb. veg. Cdc Ign. Natr. m. Nux vom. Puis. Sulph. Semilateral ailments, left side: Acid sulph. Aeon. Alum. Amm. mur. Ant. tart. Apis. Arn. Bry. Calc. Chin. Colch. Col. Croc. Cupr. Dulc. Ign "Iod. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux mosch. Nux vom. Petr. Phos. Sep Spig. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. alb. - right side: Acid, sulph. Alum. Bar. Bell. Bry. Canth. Caust. Cina. Con. Dig. Dros. Hep. Ign. Kalicarb Led. Mosch. Plumb. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sil. Spong. Staph. Thuj. Sensation, as if blown upon by wind: Nuxvom. Rhus. Stram. - as if growing larger: Bell. Ign. Phos. Puis. Rhus. - as of a hair: Lyc. Natr. mur. Sulph. - as of growing smaller: Calc. Croc. - as of something alive: Croc, lgn- Lach. Merc. sol. Sec.corn. Sulph.Thuj. Spasms, generally: Aeon. Ant. tart. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Caust, Cham. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Con. Croc. Cupr. Gelsem. Hell. Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Lach. Lyc. Merc. sol. Mosch. Nux mosch. Nux vom. Op. Plat. Plumb. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sec. corn. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Verat. vir. Zinc. Spasms, with anxiety : Ars. Bell. Calc. Cham. Cina. Cupr. Hyosc. Ign. Lach. Puis. Verat. alb. - with dyspnoea: Ant. tart. Ars. Bell. Camph. Cupr. Ign. Ipec Nux vom. Op. Puis. - with staring eyes: Bell. Hyosc. Nux vom. Op. Sec. corn. Stram. - with contortion of the eyes: Aeon. Bell. Cocc. Cupr. Hyosc. Ign. Lach. Stram. - with eyes closed: Bell. Cham. Cocc. Croc. Hyosc. Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Op. - after repelled eruptions : Calc. Caust. Cupr. Lach. Nuxvom. Sulph. - with bloated bowels: Calc. Cham. Cina. Merc. sol. - with violent movements: Calc. Cina. Cupr. Hell. Hyosc. Op. Stram. - with loss of senses: Bell. Camph. Cic. Cina. Cupr. Hyosc. Ign. Ipec. Lach. Nuxvom. Op. Sil. Stann. Stram. - with nausea: Ant. tart. lpec. Nuxvom. Puis. Verat. alb. - with clenched thumb: Bell. Hyosc. Ign. Lach. Merc. sol. Stram. - with delirium: Bell. Hyosc. Op. Stram. - with vomiting: Ant. tart. Cupr. Ipec. Nux vom. Puis. Sec. corn. - with danger of suffocation: Cupr. Ign. Nuxvom. Op. - with yawning: lgn. Verat, alb. - after emotions: Bell. Coff. Hyosc. Ign. Nux vom. Stram. - with blue face: Camph. Cina. Cupr. Op. Verat. alb. - red face: Bell. Hyosc. Ign. Op. Stram. - with cold sweat in the face: Cocc. Verat. alb. - with distorted features: Bell. Cham. Cocc. Ipec. Stram. Verat, alb. - with involuntary emission of urine: Bell. Caust. Cocc. Hyosc. Zinc. - hysteric: Aur. Bell. Caust. Cham. Cocc. Coff. Cupr. Ign. Ipec. Mosch. Nuxvom. Plat. Puis. Stram. Verat. alb. - internal: Calc. Caust. Cocc. Col. Graph. Ipec. Stann. Stram. - with coldness of the body : Ars. Cina. Hyosc. Puis. Verat. alb. - with coldness of the limbs: Caust. Hyosc. Op. Verat. alb. - with locked jaw: Bell. Con. Hyosc. Lach. Nux vom. Op. Plat. Verat. alb. - with movements of' the head: Bell. Cham. Hell. Lach. Op. Stram. 1000 GENERAL SYMPTOMS. Spasms, preceded by head-ache : Bell. Hyosc. Lach. Nux vom. - succeeded by head-ache: Bell. Cina. - with contraction of the limbs: Hyosc. Stram. - with laughter: Bell. Calc. Caust. Ign. Lach. Stram. Spirits of camphor, ill effects of: Coff. Op. Straining by lifting, ill effects of: Acid, sulph. Arn. Bry. Calc. Cocc. Con. Graph. Lyc. Nux vom. Phos. Rhus. Ruta. Sil. Sulph. Sweat, cold: Acid phos. Aeon. Amm. mur. Ant. tart. Arn. Ars. Bry. Calc Camph. Carb. veg. Chin. Cupr. Dulc. Hell Hep. Ign. Ipec. Lach. Lyc Nux vom. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. - exhausting: Acid, nit. Acid. phos. Ars. Bry. Calc. Chin. Dig. Ferr. Hep. Iod. Lyc. Merc sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Phos. Samb. Sep. Stann. Sulph. Verat. alb. - fetid: Amm. mur. Bar. Canth. Con. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Kali carb. I Led. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom, Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Verat. alb. - ill effects of suppression of: Aeon. Bell. Bry. Cham. Chin, Dulc. Lach. Nux vom. Puis. Sil. Sulph. - sour smelling: Acid.phos. Arn. Calc. Cham. Ferr. Hep. Ign. Iod. Ipec. Lyc. Merc. sol. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Verat. alb. Tea, ill effects of: Chin. Ferr. Lach. Puis- I Thirst: Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Canth I Cham. Eupat. perf. Ipec. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Natr. mur. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Verat. alb. Tobacco, ill effects of: Cham. Cocc. Nux vom. Puis. Uneasiness, bodily: Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Carb. veg. Cham. Chin. Cimicif. Coff. Croc. Cupr. Ferr. Graph. Hyosc. Ign. Iod. Lyc. Merc sol. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Plat. Rhus. Samb. Sep. Sil. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Verat. alb. Vascular erethism: Aeon. Arn. Aur. Bell. Bry. Cactus. Calc. Carb. veg. Caust. Chin. Con. Ferr. Gelsem. Glon. Hep. Iod. Kreas. Kali carb. Lyc. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Petr. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Verat. vir. Walk, difficulty of learning to walk: Calc. Merc. sol. Sil. Sulph. Weakness, general: Acid.phos. Amm. carb. Arn. Ars. Bell. Cactus. Calc. Carb. veg. Chin. Cocc. Con. Ferr. Gelsem. Graph. Lpec. Kali carb. Lach. Lyc Merc. sol. Natr. mur. Nux vom. Op. Phos. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sec. corn. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Verat. alb. Weariness: Ant. tart. Arn. Ars. Bell. Cactus. Calc. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Con. Croc. Ferr. Gelsem. Graph. Hep. Ign. Ipec. Kali carb. Lyc. Merc. sol. Nux vom. Phos. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Spong. Sulph. Thuj. VerAt. alb. INDEX. Abdomen, pain in the (bowels), 37 Abdominal deformity after labor, 734 typhus, 102 dropsy, 574 Abortion (see Miscarriage), 713 Abrasions of the skin of children, 770 Abscess (suppurative inflammation) of the liver, 298 general article on acute and chronic, 433 varieties of and symptoms of acute, 433 symptoms of chronic, 434 treatment, local and constitutional, of acute. 434 treatment, local and constitutional, of chronic, 435 scrofulous (of the glands) and inveterate cases of, 436 removal of the cicatrices or scars left by, 437 diet and regimen for, 437 lumbar, 475 of the liver, in hot climates, 627 of the breasts, 738 Abscesses after typhus, 113 Abuse of cantharides in blisters, &c, ill- effects of, 320 cinchona, ill-effects of, in agues, 132 * ardent spirits, causing brain fever, 420 mercury, near sight after, 491 blood-stained discharge from the ears caused by, 506 sulphur, blood-stained discharge from the ears caused by, 506 mercury, deafness from, 509 causing swelling of the nose, 514 spirituous liquors, swelling of the nose from. 514 mercury, offensive breath from, 522 nerve-pain in the face from, 523 Accessory and palliative treatment, 64 treatment of fever, 92 and preca utionary treatment during the prevalence of typhus, 118 measures in small-pox, 175 for mothers not suckling their in- fants, 740 case of suspended animation of in- fants, 743 Accessory measures for inflammation of the eyes of infants, 754 against convulsions of children, 776 against infantile remittent fever, 791 in miliary fever, 177 in the treatment of sore throat, 188 in the treatment of ulcerated sore throat, 189 in the treatment of mumps, 195 against vomiting of blood, 241 against constipation, 247 in casual cases of colic, 260 against dysentery, 272 treatment of cholera, 284 general precautions during cholera. 285 measures for coughs, 358 in the treatment of croup, 369 for the treatment of apoplexy, 415 appliances for ulcers or sores, 457, 458 measures for bleeding of the nose, 513 against headache, 556 against dysentery in tropical cli- mates, 594 for the ardent fever of India, 599 during yellow fever, 607 for swelled veins during pregnancy, 711 against or in cases of miscarriage, 717 for enlarged or dangling belly after labor. 735 g Accidents (see Casualties), 636 Accumulation of watery fluid in the knee, 482 Aching pains in the back (Lumbago), 473 Acid, oxalic, immediate treatment of poison- ing with, 675 Prussic, immediate treatment of poison- ing with, 677 Acidity, flatulence, &c, of infants, 756 Acidum muriaticum, characteristics of, 807 nitricum, characteristics of, 808 phosphoricum, characteristics of, 810 sulphuricum, characteristics of, 811 Aconitum napellus, characteristics of, 813 (1001) 1002 INDEX. Aconitum, tincture of, as an external appli- cation, 67 Active or second stage of low and inflamma- tory typhus, 94 or acute dropsies, general causes of, 571 acute, or inflammatory dropsy of the cellular tissue, 676 Acute disease, preventive treatment against, 78 inflammation of the liver, 295 of the stomach, 305 of the bowels, 309 of the brain and its tissues, 415 abscess, local and constitutional treat- ment of, 434 inflammation of the eyes, and causes of, 484 of the eyelids, 493 of the spinal cord and its mem- branes, 533 or active dropsies, general causes of, 571 active or inflammatory dropsy of the cellular tissue, 576 hepatic dysentery of hot climates, 595- 598 dropsy of the brain, symptoms of, and the low, torpid, or insidious form of, 780 active or inflammatory form of, 781 Acuteness of hearing, excessive, 47 of the sense of smell, 48 Administration, selection, and repetition of the medicines, 57 of the medicines, systematic table of rules for, 73 Advanced or malignant stage of putrid fever, 115 stage of cholerine, 287 Affections to which a patient is especially liable, 8 of the ears after scarlet fever, 157 asthmatic, after small-pox, 174 sympathetic, resulting from derange- ments of digestion, 198 of the knee, 481 various, of the nose, 514 of the womb, face-ache incidental to, 521 chronic, of the liver of hot climates, 631 of the gall-bladder and ducts of hot climates, and treatment of, 631 L peculiar to women, 681 Africa, western coast of, endemic and epi- demic fevers of, 613 endemic fever of, 614 accidental or climatorial fever of, char- acteristics and causes of, 616 After-effects of typhus, 112 intermittent fevers, dropsical swellings, or protracted debility, 131 scarlet fever, 154, 155 scarlet rash, 162 measles, 166 small-pox, 173 suppressed dysentery, 272 After-effects of cholera, 282 inflammation of the upper part of the windpipe, 343 influenza, 373 inflammation of the brain, 421 sea-sickness, and diet, &c, for, 661 After-pains following delivery (see Labor), . 721 After-treatment of spitting of blood, 400 Age, and the conditions which qualify it, 6 Aged persons, consiipation of, 246 Ague or nerve-pain in the face, 521 Agues (see Intermittent Fevers), 119 Air and exercise during pregnancy, 701 important in the eradication of chronic disease, 85 Alarm (see Mental Emotions), 678 Aliments, precautions respecting for the pre- - vention of disease, 80 allowable under treatment, 89 prohibited under treatment, 90 Allowable articles of diet under treatment, 89 Alterations of the pulse, &c, 11 Alternation of constipation and looseness, 245 Alumina, characteristics of, 814 Amenorrhoea, suppression of the menses, 684 Ammonium carbonicum, characteristics of, 816 Ammonium muriaticum, characteristics of, 818 Anatomical or structural state of the parts, in dropsy, symptoms yielded by the, 571 Animal fluids, near sight after loss of, 491 paralysis from loss of, 540 poisons, treatment for, 677 Animation, suspended (see Death, Appa- rent), 662 of infants, suspended (see Stillborn), 742 Annual intermittent fevers. 124 Antecedents of the patient's family, 5 Anthony's (St.) Fire (Erysipelas), 424 Antidotes, 66 Antimonium cradum, characteristics of, 819 tartaricum, characteristics of, 820 Arjxiety, discomfort, and pain, sensations of, and what they indicate, 44 Aperients, abuse of, producing diarrhoea, 264 Aphthae, thrush, characteristics, causes of, 759 external applications for, 759 constitutional treatment for, 760 Aphthous sore throat, quinsy, &e., 183 Apis mellifica, characteristics of, 822 Apoplectic constitution, 2 symptoms in ague fits, 124 Apoplexy, general article on the treatment of, 408 characteristics and premonitory symp- toms of, 408 symptoms of the confirmed attack of, 409 issue and results, and predisposing and exciting causes of, 409 INDEX. 1003 Apoplexy, treatment of the premonitory stage of, 410 indications for the treatment of afforded by particular causes, &c, 410, 411 paralysis, resulting from, 415 accessory measures for, 415 Apparel, precautions respecting, for the pre- vention of disease, 80 Apparent death (see Death, Apparent), 662 Appearance, healthy, of the urine, 18 varying, of the tongue, 29 Appetite and its indications. 27. absence of natural, or excess of, 27 want of, as a specific derangement, 222 Appliances external and accessory, for ulcers or so.res, 457 Application, mental, excessive, causing brain fever, 421 external, for thrush, 759 mental, excessive, fainting from, 548 local and preventive, against hydropho- bia, 669 Applications, external, remarks respecting, 66 of the nature of poultices, 66 of the nature of fomentations, 66 external and local, to incised wounds, 642 Apprehension (see Mental Emotion), 678 Ardent spirits, abuse of, causing brain fever, 420 or inflammatory fever of India (hot sea- son), 599 Arnica, tincture of, as an external applica- tion, 67 Arnica montana, characteristics of, 823 Arsenic, white (see Arsenicum alb.), 825 immediate and after-treatment of poi- soning with, 674 Arsenicum album, characteristics of, 825 Arsenicum, tincture of, as an external ap- plication, 70. Arthritis, gout, 460 Art of feeling the pulse, 11 Arteries, wounds of (see Incised Wounds;, 642 Articulation, loss of the power of, and what it indicates, 52 Artificial (supplementary) diet of infants, 748 Asiatic, malignant, or epidemic cholera, 276 Aspect of typhus fever, 97 Asthma, chjiracteristics, • premonitory and general symptoms and varieties of, 566 issue, and results, and treatment of. 567 of Millar, in children, 785 Asthmatic affections after small-pox, 174 Atmospheric vicissitudes as causes of scro- fula, 587 and other local influences, 9 Atrophy, or emaciation of children, general causes and treatment of, 793 diet and regimen for, 797 Attack, confirmed, of apoplexy, symptoms and treatment of, 409 Attacks, bilious (Bilious Vomiting), 237 Attenuations, potencies, or dilutions, 62 Aurum metallicum or foliatum, character- istics of. 827 Average standard of the pulse in health, 12 Back, aching pain in the (Lumbago), 473 and loins, pains in the, during preg- nancy, 7! 2 Bandages for ulcers or sores, 458 Baryta carbonica, characteristics of, 829 Bastard or spurious pleurisy (see Pleurisy), 394 Batavian endemic fever, 610 Bath, remarks and regulations respecting the. 70 for infants, temperature of, 73 Bathing, cold, when to be avoided and when beneficial. 71 precautions to be observed in, 71 Beating of the heart (Palpitation), 525 Bed-sores after typhus, 112 external treatment of, 112 constitutional treatment of, 112 Bed, wetting the, of young children, 768 Belladonna, characteristics of, 830 Belly, pain in the (bowels), 37 tenderness, distension, griping and con- tinuous pains in the, in Typhus, 102 dropsical swellings of the, after agues, 131 membrane lining the cavity of the (Pe- ritoneum), inflammation of the, 316 dropsy of the, premonitory and general symptoms of, 574 deformity, enlargement,or hanging down of the, after labor, 734 Beneficial effects of cold bathing, 71 Biliary incipient derangements of hot cli- mates, symptoms and treatment of, and diet and precautions against, 593 Bilious constitution, 2 or gastric fever, 132 predisposing and exciting causes and symptoms of, 132 complaints, 195 vomiting, bilious attacks, 237 or sporadic cholera, 274 Remittent Fevers of hot climates, 609 Birth, treatment immediately after, 742 Bite of a mad dog (see Hydrophobia), 667 of serpents (envenomed wounds), 671 Bitterish expectoration, 53 Blackish, dry, furred, and tremulous tongue, 29 Bladder, inflammation of the, and causes of, 321 inflammation of the, associated with stone or gravel, 323 suppurative iiifliimmation of the, 323 chronic inflammation of the, 323 catarrh of the, 323 gall and ducts, affections of the, of tropi- cal climates, 631 1004 INDEX. Bleeding of the gums, 518 periodical determination of blood to the head treated by, 405 of the nose, treatment of, and indica- tions afforded by the cause of, 510 diet and accessory measures for, 513 Blindness, sudden attacks of, 492 in the evening, 492 Blisters, ill effects of, 320 Blood, condition of the. as an important sign of the nature of disease, 16 spontaneous discharges of, 18 expectoration (spitting) of, 53 vomiting of, 239 premonitory symptoms of, 239 determination of, to the head, with con- stipation, 247 copious loss of, with piles, 250 determination of, to the chest, 374 discharge of, from the lungs, spitting of, 395 spitting of, various forms and charac- teristics of, 395. 396 very severe cases of, 398 after-treatment of, 400 determination of, to the head, 401 caused by loss of blood, 404 loss of, causing rush of, to the head, 404 determination of, to the head, previously treated with peiiodical bleeding, 405 determination of, to the head, from ex- ternal injuries, 405 determination of, to the bowels, 483 determination of, deafness from, 507 discharge of, from the nose, 510 discharge of, from the gums, 518 fulness of, before labor, 719 Bloodletting, periodical, causing determina- tion of blood to the head ; or cases of de- termination of blood to the head previously treated by, 405 Blood-shot eye, 490 Blood-stained discharges from the ears, simply, or from abuse of mercury, 506 discharge from the ears from abuse of sulphur, or from ulceration of the small bones, 506 Bloodvessel, rupture of a, 396 Blotches, milk-, milk-scab, &c, 757 Blue or livid complexion, 52 Body, state of the (heat), in tropical cli- mates, 590 Boils, treatment of, after typhus, 113 general article on the treatment of, 429 constitutional susceptibility to, 429 Bones, small, of the ear, bloody discharge from ulceration of the, 506 Bones of the spine, lumbar abscess from dis- ease of, 475 of the nose, ulcef ation of the, 515 affected by Scrofula, 584 Bowel complaints (see Bowels), of infants 762 Bowels, pain in the (painful evacuations), Bowels, pain and looseness in typhus, 102 looseness of the, after measles, 166 looseness of the, after small-pox, 174 stoppage of, confinement of, 241 looseness of the, alternating with cos- tiveness, 245 muscular inertness of the, causing con- stipation, 245 looseness of the, general article on the treatment of, 260 looseness of the, with constitutional de- bility, 264 looseness of the, from abuse of aperients, &c, 265 looseness of, diet for, 266 inflammation of the, 308 inflammation of the, causes, results, and complications of, 309 acute inflammation of the, symptoms and treatment of, 309 chronic inflammation of the, treatment of, 310 obstinate and chronic inflammation of the, 313 inflammation of the, with worms, 315 determination of blood to the, 483 confinement of the, during Pregnancy, 706 looseness of the, during pregnancy, 707 state of the, before Labor, 719 looseness of the, of lying-in women, 733 flatulent distension of the, of infants, 757 confinement of the, of infants, 760 looseness of the, of infants, 762 general causes and distinctive symp- toms of, 762, 763 treatment for, 763-765 Brain, nerves, sensations and senses, and their indications, 29 disturbance of the. incidental to de- ranged digestion, 218 inflammation of the, and its tissues, brain fever, 415 distinctive characteristics, causes, and results of, 415-417 inflammation of the, from the check of an eruption, or from sunstroke, 419 from violent chill in the head, 420 from suppressed discharge from the ear, 420 from external injuries and abuse of ardent spirits, 420 from excessive mental application, 421 protracted chronic cases of, 421 after-effects of, 421 irritation of the, from worms, 332 concussion of the, 636 dropsy of the, 780 acute—the low, torpid, or insidious form of, 781 acute, active and inflammatory form of 781 chronic, symptoms of, 782 INDEX. 1005 Brain, dropsy of the, issue and results, com- plications and distinctive symp- toms of, 782, 783 acute, treatment of, 783 chronic, treatment of and diet, Ac, for, 785 Breaking of a bloodvessel, 396 Breast, contusions of the, 647 Breasts, preparation of the, before labor, 718 inflammation of the, 738 abscess of the, 738 swelling of the, of infants, 772 Breath, in health, 21 difficulty of drawing the, from sup- pressed cold in the head, 347 offensive, 521 Breathing, the function of, its variations and their indications, 21 state of the, in health, 21 frequent, slow, 'and quick, 22 tardy, deep or long, small or short, diffi- cult, moaning or sighing, oppressed, panting, suffocative, warm, cold, un- equal, noisy, oppressed with sense of weight, fetid, Ac, and what is meant by these terms, 22 difficulty of, caused by suppressed cold in the head, 348 Bronchial tubes, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the, 377 acute inflammation of the, 377 inflammation of the, favorable and un- favorable results and signs in, 377 insidious variety of inflammation of the, 378 inflammation of the, of children, 378 chronic inflammation of the, 383 Bronchitis (see Bronchial tubes), 377 in children, 378 Bronchocele, goitre, 528 Bruises in general, 644 definition of (contused wounds), 644 external, and constitutional treatment of, 647 Bryonia alba, characteristics of, 832 Bunions and other swellings from pressure or contusion, 647 Burns or scalds, external treatment of, 652 constitutional treatment of, 654 very severe cases of, 655 Buzzing or humming in the ears, 505 Cactus grandiflorus, characteristics of, 834 Calcarea carbonica, characteristics of, 835 Calendula officinalis, tincture of, as an ex- ternal application, 67 Calves of the legs, cramps in the, 527 Camp fever (contagious typhus), 117 Camphor, characteristics of. 837 Cancer, chimney-sweeper's, 427 Csincerous tumor and ulceration of the lips, 499 Canker or scurvy in the mouth, 515 Cantharides, tincture of, an external appli- cation, 68 Cantharides, ill-effects of abuse of in blis- ters, Ac, 320 characteristics of, 837 Carbo vegetabilis, tincture of, as an external application, 70 Carbo vegetabilis, characteristics of, 839 Carbuncle, symptoms and treatment of, 429 Casualties, general articles on concussions, bruises, strains or sprains, wounds, dislo- cations, and fractures, Ac, Ac, 636 Catarrh of the bladder, 323 common cold, feverish cold, 333 Catarrhal or rheumatic constitution, 2 fever, feverish cold, 333 inflammation of the eyelids, 493 or mucous discharge from the ears, 506 or rheumatic deafness, 508 Caulophyllum thalictroides, characteristics of, 841 Cause of disease as a point in investigation, 10 disease in general, 10 fever, 92 Causticum, characteristics of, 841 tincture of, as an external application, 69 Cellular tissue, dropsy of the, local or gene- ral, 576 Cephalalgia, headache, 549 Cerebro-spinal meningitis, spotted fever, 538 Cerebral system, derangements of the, 401 Chafing, excoriation of the skin of infants, 770 Chamomilla, characteristics of, 843 Change, sudden and total, of the complexion (color), 52 or turn of life in females, 692 Characteristics of the individual, 7 distinctive, of bastard pleurisy, 394 of various forms of spitting of blood, 395, 396 of apoplexy, 408 of inflammation of the brain, 415' of nettle-rash, 437 of rheumatism, 465 of inflammation of the spinal cord, 533 of rupture, 543 of epilepsy, 560 of asthma, 566 distinctive, of varieties of dropsy, 571 general of scrofula, 580 of hereditary schofula, 585 of the inflammatory fever of India, 599 of the typhoid fever in India, 600 of the yellow fever, 601 of plague, 607 of the endemic Batavian fever, 610 of the accidental or climatorial fever of Africa, 6 16 of Indian marsh-remittent fever, 619 general of leprosy, 622 general of abscess of the liver in hot climates, 627 of whites, 693 of false-pains, 720 1006 INDEX. Characteristics of thrush, 759 of dropsy of the brain, Ac., 780 of spasm of the opening of the windpipe (asthma of Millar), in children, 785 of infantile remittent fever, 789 Characteristic effects and indications of the medicines referred to in this work, 807 Check of the eruption of scarlet-rash, 161 of measles, 165 of small-pox, 173 of chicken-pox, 175 of miliary fever, 177 of an eruption, brain fever from, 419 of the eruption of nettle-rash, 439 Chest, oppression of the, 22 sounds of the, clear and dull on percus- sion, 51 determination of blood to the, 374 (respiratory organs) when chiefly af- fected by rheumatism, 470 dropsy of the, general symptoms and results and issues of, 571 concussion or contusion of the, 637 Chicken-pox, 175 check of the eruption in, 175 Chilblains, and external treatment of, 430 Children, toothache of, 182 casual derangement of the stomach of, 216 acute bronchitis of, symptoms and treat- ment of, 378 sleeplessness of, 750 not suckled by the mother (see Mothers) 740 and infants, treatment of, 742 stillborn (see Stillborn), 742 new-born, crying, wakefulness, and colic of, 755 bowel complaints of, 762 jaundice of, 771 derangements of, during teething, 763- 765 convulsions of (see Convulsions), 775 Chill, sensations of, 44 violent, in the head, brain fever from, 420 Chills and heat and sweating in agues, 123 Chimney-sweeper's cancer, 427 China, cinchona, characteristics of, 845 Choice of habitation for health, 82 of a nurse, 746 Choking, apparent death from, 663 Cholera, bilious or sporadic (depending on casual causes), 274 malignant or Asiatic or epidemic, 276 after-effects of, 282 • accessory treatment of, food and drink in, 284 general accessory precautions during, preservative measures during the pre- valence of, 285 preventive medicines and clothing against, 285 diet during, 286 Cholera, synopsis of the principal indications for the remedies employed in the treat- ment of, 292 in India and precautions against. 593 Choleba Infantum, summer complaint, characteristics of, 765 issue and results of, 766 treatment and diet, Ac, for, 766-768 Choleric temperament, 4 Cholerine, incipient stage of, 286 advanced stage of, 287 Chronic, dry cough, 48 disease, repetition of the doses in, 76 eradicative treatment of, 83-88 and inveterate cases of ague in un- healthy subjects, 131 fevers, 141 inflammation of the liver, or liver com- plaint, 299 cases of jaundice, 301 enlargement and induration of the splpen, 304 or subacute inflammation of the lining membrane of the stomach, 308 or subacute inflammation of the bow- els, 310 and very obstinate inflammation of the bowels, 313 inflammation of the kidneys, 320 inflammation of the bladder, 323 worm affections, 332 inflammation of the upper part of the windpipe, 342 hoarseness, 344 protracted cases of inflammation of the brain, 421 protracted cases of erysipelas, 427 abscess, local and constitutional treat- ment of, 434 cases of nettle-rash, 439 and obstinate cases or irritation, Ac, of the skin, 446 cases of sores or ulcers, 456 cases of gout, intermediary and eradi- cative treatment of, 461 rheumatism, symptoms and treatment of, 472 inflammation of the eyes, 486 inflammation of the eyelids, 495 discharge from the ears, from suppres- sion of an eruption of long standing, 506 5' eruption, sudden suppression of a, deaf- ness from, 508 inflammation of the spinal cord, symp- toms of. 534 asthma, 566 hepatic dysentery of hot climates, 595 affections of the liver of hot climates, 627 inflammation of the liver of hot climates, 631 dropsy of the brain, symptoms, Ac, of, 782 Cicatrices left by ulceration of the glands,437 INDEX. 1007 Cicuta virosa, characteristics of, 848 Cimicifuga racemosa, characteristics of, 849 Cina, characteristics of, 849 Cinchona officinalis (see China), 865 Cinchona, tincture of, as an external appli- cation, 70 abuse of, in intermittent fevers, which become chronic, 132 Clean tongue, 29 Cleanliness, value of, in the prevention of disease, 79 for the eradication of chronic disease, 86 Clear sound, on percussion of the chest, 51 Climate, its modifications and their influ- ence, 71 hot, intermittent fevers of a, 123 and season in the tropics, effects of the, 592 Climates, tropical, diseases peculiar to, gen- eral precautions against, Ac, Ac, 589- 592 Climatorial or accidental fever of Africa (see Africa), 616 Clothing and habits, general regulations re- specting, 57 precautions respecting, for the preven- tion of disease, 80 precautions respecting during cholera, 285 during pregnancy, 702 Coated, thickly (or furred) tongue, 29 and slimy tongue, 29 Cobra di capello, bite of a (envenomed wounds), 671 Cocculus, characteristics of, 850 Coffea cruda, characteristics of, 852 Coffee, sleeple?sness induced by, 531 Colchicum autumnale, characteristics of, 852 Cold in the head of infants, 754 Cold, common, 333 sensations of, 42 inflammation of the eyelids from, 493 fresh- and salt-water bath, 70 bathing, conditions in which it should be avoided, 71 when beneficial, and precautions in, 71 stage of intermittent fevers, 119 susceptibility to, aftor scarlet fever, 154 common with fever (catarrh, catarrhal fever), 333 predisposition to feverish, or to taking, 336 first si%n of having taken, 333 IN THF. HEAD, 345 ill-effects of suppressed, 347 susceptibility to, 348 of infants, 754 discharge from the ears, caused by (mu- cous), 506 deafness from, catarrhal or rheumatic, 508 nerve-pain in the face from (rheumatic), 521 Cold feet, sleeplessness from, 530 season of India, and congestive or ty- phoid fever of the, 589 Coldness of the feet, sleeplessness from, 530 Colic, crying and wakefulness of new-born infants, 755 Colic (pain in the bowels), and its indica- tions, 37 Colic, 253 predisposition to, 259 with worms, accessory measures in casual attacks of, and diet and regi- men for, 259, 260 Coloeynth, characteristics of, 853 Colorless swellings of the knee, 482 Common cold, feverish cold, cold with fever, 333 leprosy, 622 Complaints, bilious, 195 bowel, of infants, 762 Complexion, and its indications, 51 red, florid, deep yellow, and pallid, 51 patchy redness of, sudden and total change of, blue or livid, or with livid spots in the, 52 Complicated forms of scarlet-fever, 153 cases of scarlet-rash, 159 cases of cough, with teething, worms, disordered stomach, Ac, Ac, 358 cases of inflammation of the lungs, 388 cases of whitlow, 444 cases of rheumatism, 470 forms of scrofula, 585 fractures, 653 Complications occurring with small-pox, 173 in dysentery, 267 of inflammation of the stomach, 305 of inflammation of the bowels, 309 with worms, 325 of dropsy of the belly, 574 of dropsy of the brain, 782 Compound fractures, 651 Concussion in general, and concussion of the brain, 636 of the chest, 637 Condition of the blood, as an important sign of the nature of disease, 6 healthy, of the urine, 18 Conditions of importance respecting age. 6 Confinement of the bowels (see Constipation), 241 of the bowels during pregnanoy, 706 duration of after labor (see Labor), 724 Confluent small-pox, 171 Congestive stage of intermittent fevers, 119 or typhoid fever of the cold season of India, 600 Conglobate glands, disease of the, 433 Conium maculatum, characteristics of, 854 Consciousness, loss of, delirium, fainting, and their indications, 30 Consecutive treatment, 63 Consideration, general, of fevers, 91 Constipation, costiveness, 241 from obstruction of the bowels, 245 1008 INDEX. Constipation, alternating with looseness, 245 from muscular inertness of the bowels, 245 of aged persons, 246 in travelling, 246 caused by purging, 246 caused by vapor of lead (of painters), 246 with determination of blood to the head, 24 7 accessory measures against, 247 diet appropriate to, 247 during pregnancy, 706 of infants, 760 Constitution, and its varieties, 2 plethoric (sanguine), 2 feeble, 2 bilious, apoplectic, nervous, dry, and wiry, lax, lymphatic or mucous, ca- tarrhal or rheumatic, 2 in which the skin is liable to become diseased (psoric), 2 consumptive, 2 Constitutional taint, eradication of, 83-88 treatment of bed-sores after typhus, 113 debility, with diarrhoea, 264 debility, with dysentery, 271 treatment of inflammation of the peri- toneum, caused by external injuries, 317 susceptibility to cold in the head, 348 susceptibility to boils, 429 susceptibility to whitlows, eradication of the, 446 susceptibility to styes, eradication of the, 496 susceptibility to bleeding of the nose, 512 and local treatment of thrush, 759 Consumption, tendency to, after influenza, 374 Consumptive constitution, 2 Contractions of limbs and joints from gout, contused, Ac, 463 Contused wounds or bruises, definition of, 644 wounds, external and internal treatment of, 644 Contusion, swelling of the nose caused by, 514 of the chest, 637 bunions and other swellings from, 647 of the breast, 647 Convalescence and debility, stages of, after typhus, 111 Convulsions of children, general causes, pre- monitory and confirmed symptoms, du ration and results of, 775, 776 accessory measures against, 776 general precautions and remarks re- specting, 776 treatment of, and indications afforded by the cause of, 777-780 Convulsions and spasms, general or local, and what they indicate, 34 Convulsive or second stage of hooping-cough, 362 nervous or dry asthma, 566 stage of hydrophobia, 667 Cord, spinal, inflammation of the (see Spi- nal), 533 Corns, palliative treatment of, 432 eradicative treatment of, 432 Corporeal or mental fatigue (see Fatigue), 656 Corrosive sublimate, immediate treatment of poisoning with, 675 characteristics of, 882 Costiveness (see Constipation), 241 during pregnancy, 706 of infants, 760 Cotton (raw) as an external application, 69 Cough, 349 indications afforded by, 48 condition of perfect health as regards, 48 short and dry, painful, hacking, predis- position to, chronic dry, 48 after measles, 166 after small-pox, 174 general article on the causes and treat- ment of, 349 complicated cases of, stomach cough, cough with teething, cough from worms, Ac, 358 nervous, 358 accessory measures and diet, Ac, for, 358 hooping or whooping (see Hooping), 359 • spasmodic, after influenza, 374 Coup-de-soleil, sunstroke, 658 Coxalgia (see Hip disease), 479 Cracked, furrowed, fissured, and swollen tongue, 29 Cramps in the calves of the legs, Ac, 527 Critical sweats, 50 Crocus sativus, characteristics of, 857 Croup, characteristics of, Ac, 365 predisposing and exciting causes of, 365 symptoms and incipient stage of, 366 inflammatory stage of, 366 eradicative treatment against the he- reditary or inherent susceptibility to, 369 Crust-milk, milk-scab, milk-blotches, 757 Crying, wakefulness, and colic of new-born children, 755 Cuprum aceticum and metallicum, charac- teristics of, 857 Cutaneous diseases, 424 Cuticle, falling off of the, in scales, 446 Cuts (see Wounds and Incised Wounds), 641 Dangling of the belly after labor, 734 Day, time of the, at which the fever fits oc- cur in ague, 125 Deafness after scarlet fever, 157 from determination of blood, or nervous, 507 from cold, catarrhal or rheumatio, 508 INDEX. 1009 Death, Deafness from suppression of a chronic erup- tion, 508 from eruptive fevers, 509 from abuse of mercury, enlargement of the tonsils, or from nervous fevers, &c, 509, 510 apparent, general and special treat- ment of, 662 from hunger, 662 from n fall, suffocation, hanging, pressure, Ac, 663 from lightning, 663 from drowning, 664 Marshall Hall's method in, 664 Sylvester's method in, 665 from being frozen, 665 precautions in case of, 666 Debility and convalescence, stages of, after typhus, 111 accessory measures during do. do., Ill stages of, after malignant typhus, 115 protracted, after agues, 131 constitutional, with diarrhoea, 264 constitutional, with dysentery, 271 after delivery, 735 Deductions from the state of the pulse, 11 Deep breath, 21 yellow complexion, and what it indi- cates, 51 Deficiency of the sense of smell, 48 of saliva in the mouth, 53 or suppres.-ion of the milk (see Milk), 740 Definition of dropsy, 571 of hydrophobia, 667 Deformity, abdominal, after labor, 734 Degree of the injury in a wound. 641 . Delirium, fainting, Ac, and their indica- tions, 30 Tremens, and exciting causes of, 557 premonitory and confirmed symp- toms and treatment of, 557, 558 occasioned by vapor of lead, 559 Delivery, treatment after (see Labor), 720 weakness after, 735 Denominations of the varieties of pulse, and what should be understood by them, 13 Dentition, coughs connected with, 358 derangements during (see Teething), 773-775 Depression of spirits resulting from derange- ments of digestion, 218 Derangement, general, of the system, 460 Derangements, functional or organic, of the stomach, 196 sympathetic, of other organs, resulting from disordered digestion, 198 affecting the mucous membrane of the stomach, general symptoms exhibited by, 202 affecting the nerves of the stomach, gen- eral symptoms exhibited by, 203 affecting the mucous membrane and nerves, 206 of digestion, including hysterical or hypochondriacal affections, 219 64 Derangements of the cerebral system, 401 of the stomach, causing giddiness, 408 of digestion, face-ache complicated with, 521 of the stomach, palpitation of the heart from, 525 incipient biliary, of hot climates, 593 during pregnancy (see Pregnancy), 705 during teething, 773-775 Derbyshire neck, 528 Determination of blood to the head, with constipation, 247 blood to the chest, 374 blood to the head, 401 from loss of blood, 404 which has been treated with peri- odical bleeding, 405 from external injuries, 405 blood to the bowels, 483 blood, deafness from, 507 Diarrhoea, with griping, in typhus, 102 after measles, 166 after small-pox, 174 alternating with constipation, 245 general article on the treatment of, 260 causes of, in general, 260 from constitutional debility, 264 from abuse of aperients, 265 diet and regimen for, 266 during pregnancy, 707 of lying-in women, 733 of infants (see Bowels), 762 Diet and regimen, general regulations re- specting, 55 precautions respecting, for the preven- tion of disease, 80 precautions respecting, for the eradica- tion of disease, 85 synopsis of the rules for, 89 in fever, 92 during Pregnancy, 703 after delivery, 721 for mothers not suckling their infants, 741 during nursing, 747. supplementary, of infants, 748 of the infant at the period of weaning, 749 Difficult breathing, description of, 22 caused by suppressed cold in the head, 348 Difficult and painful menstruation, 688 Difficulty of breathing, caused by suppressed cold in the head, 348 Digestion, weakness of, after typhus, 114 derangements of, 196 disordered, inducing hysterical and hypochondriacal affections, 219 derangement of, causing face-ache, 521 derangement of, palpitation of the heart from, 525 Digestive functions, and the indications which they afford, 24 Digestive system, diseases of organs con- nected with the, 179 1010 INDEX. Digestive system, disorders of, inducing hys- terical and hypochondriacal affec- tions, 219 primary organs of, affected by Scro- fula, 584 Digitalis purpurea, characteristics of, 858 Dilutions, potencies or attenuations, 62 Diphtheria, general history of, 797 characteristics and general symptoms of, 798 treatment for, 799 laryngeal, description and symptoms of, 801, treatment for, 801 malignant, treatment for, 802 local treatment for, 802 diet and regimen for, 803 paralysis following, 803 Disappointment (see Mental Emotions), 678 Discharge, offensive, from the nose, after scarlet fever, 154 from the-ei'S after measles, 166 copious, of b'ood, with piles, 250 of mucus with piles, 251 of blood from the lungs, 395 suppressed from the ear, brain fever from, 420 from the ear, 506 from the ear, owing to suppression of a chronic eruption, to cold, mucous or catarrhal, or of mutter from the ear, 506 offensive or bloodstained, from the ear, 506 bloodstained, from the ears, from abuse of sulphur, or ulceration of the small bones, 507 suppressed,from the ear,ill effects of,507 of blood from the nose, 510 of blood from the gums, 518 periodical or menstrual, of female (see Menstruation), 684 lochial, irregularities of the, 731 lochial, excessive, 731 lochial, suppressed, 732 offensive lochial, 733 Discharges, spontaneous, of blood, 18 Discomfort, sensations of, and what they in- dicate, 37 Disease, rabid ,(see Hydrophobia), €67 method of distinguishing the state of, 1 investigation of, 9 causes of, in general, 10 acute, preventive treatment against, 78 chronic, eradicative treatment of, 83 symptoms and character, distinctions and treatment of, 91 general regulations for the treatment of, 91 in general assuming am intermittent type. 132 of the conglobate glands .(abscess), 433 of the spinal bones, lumbar abscess from, 475 Disease of the hip (see Hip), 479 Scrofulous, history, progress, Ac, of, 582 Diseased skin, constitution in which it is likely to occur, 2 Diseases of organs connected with the diges- tive system, 179 of organs connected with the respiratory system, 333 of the skin in general (cutaneous), 424 peculiar to tropical climates, 589-63J preliminary remarks on, 589 general precautionsagainst,589-592 peculiar to women, and their treat- ment, 681 following parturition (see Labor), 724 of infancy, 753 Disinclination of the infant to suckle, 736 Dislocations in general, 650 Disorder of the stomach, causing giddiness, 408 Distension, tenderness, and continuous pain in the belly in typhus, 102 Distension, flatulent, of the stomach and bowels of infants, 757 Distinct small-pox, 169 Distinctions respecting sex, in inquiring into the nature of disease, 6 character, symptoms, and treatment of diseases, 9 I Distinctive characteristics of bastard pleu- risy, 394 inflammation of the brain, 415 varieties of dropsy, 571 leprosy, 622 symptoms of bowel complaints of infants, 762 symptoms of derangement during teeth- ing, 773 symptoms of dropsy of the brain, 780 Disturbance, functional or organic, of the mucous membrane or nerves of the stomach, 196 Division of doses and solution, 60 Dizziness, giddiness, 401 occasioned by disordered stomach, 408 Dog, mad, bite of a (see Hydrophobia), 667 Doses of internal medicines, 60 of tinctures and triturations appropri- ate to age, 60 division of, and solution, 60 recurrence, suspension, Ac, of the, 62 adapted to constitution, temperament, habit of body, Ac, 60 of globules adapted to different ages, Ac, 60 precaution to insure appropriate, 65 repetition of the, systematic table illus- trative of, 73 repetition of the, in acute not critical ■disease, 73 in acute and critical, and in chronic disease, 75, 76 repetition, appropriate for eradicative treatment, 88 INDEX. 1011 Double sight, 47 quotidian and tertian ague, 123 Drainage important for the prevention of di*ease, 81 Dress, precautions respecting, for the pre- vention of disease. 80 in tropical climates, 590 Dressing of incised wounds, 642 Drink and food, precautions respecting, for the prevention of disease, 80 for the eradication of disease, 86 allowed and prohibited, 89, 90 excess of, causing vomiting, 234 during cholera, 284 in tropical climates, 589 Dropsical swellings of the feet and belly after agues, 131 after scarlet fever, 155 of the knee (watery fluid in), 482 Dropsies (see Drop.-y), 571 Dropsy, definition of, and general view of the subject of. 571 general causes of—predisposing and ex- citing of active or acute, and of pas- sive or chronic, 571 symptoms and investigation of, 571 yielded by the structural condition of the parts in, 571 yielded by the state and operation of the functions of parts affected by. 571 yielded by the general state in, 591 issue and results of, 571 distinctive characteristics of, varieties of, 571 of the brain, and of the chest, 571 of the belly, premonitory and general symptoms. Ac, of, 574 general—general symptoms of, 575 of the cellular tissue, local or general, 576 of the brain or head (see Brain), 780 acute, symptoms of, 781 chronic, symptoms, issue, complica- tions, Ac, of 782 acute, treatment of, 783 chronic, treatment of, 785 Drosera roturidifolia, characteristics of, 859 Drowning, apparent death from, precautions in case of, and treatment for, 664, 665 Drowsiness, lethargic, characterizing agues, 123 Drowsy delirium, 31 Drunkards, morning sickness of, 559 Dry constitution (wiry), 3 red and glassy, or dry, darkly-furred and tremulous tongue, 29 short cough, or chronic cough, 49 scall, 442 nervous or convulsive asthma, 566 Dryness of the skin (deficiency of transpira- tion), sleeplessness from, 530 Dulcamara, characteristics of, 860 Dull sound on percussion of the chest, 51 Dulness or over-acuteness of hearing, 47 of the sense jif smell, 48 Duration of confinement after delivery (see Labor), 724 suckling, 749 Dwelling, choice of, for health, 82 Dysecoia, deafness, 507 Dysentery, 267 complications and causes of, 267 treatment of, 267 with constitutional debility, 271 suppressed, 271 accessory measures against, 272 after-effects of suppressed, 272 preventive measures during the prev- alence of, 272 diet for, 273 in hot climates—diet precautions, and accessory measures against, 594 hepatic, acute, t,f tropical climates, 595 hepatic, chronic, symptoms and treat- ment of, 597 Dysmenorrhoea, difficult or painful menstrua- tion, 688 Dyspepsia, 196 Ear, suppressed discharge from the, causing brain fever, 420 Earache, 504 nervous or rheumatic, 504 Ears, dulness or sensitiveness of, buzzing or humming in the, Ac, Ac, 48 affections of the, after scarlet fever. 157 inflammation of the, and discharge from the, after measles, 166 inflammation of the, 502 humming or buzzing in the, 505 discharge from the, from suppression of chronic eruptions, 506 discharge from the.eatarrhal or mucous, 506 of matter from the, 506 offensive, from the, 506 bloodstained, from the, 506 from the, suppressed, ill effects of, 507 Eating, offensive breath after, 521 Eczema, 443 Effects of the climate and season in tropical climates, 592 and indications, characteristic of the medicines referred to in this work, 807 Elephantiasis, lepra, leprosy (see Lepiosy), 622 Emaciation, loss of flesh, 53 or atrophy of children (see Atrophy), 793 Emotions, mental, sleeplessness from, 536 fainting from, 647 general treatment of, 678 during pregnancy, treatment of, 703 miscarriage induced by, 717 milk fever induced by, 727 affecting the milk, 740 1012 INDEX. Employment of the mind during pregnancy, 703 Empty pulse, description of, 13 Endemic fever of Batavia (see Batavian), 610 and epidemic fevers of Africa (see Af- rica), 614 Enlargement and induration, chronic, of the spleen, 304 scrofulous, of the glands (and ulcera- tion), 365 knotty, of joints from gout, 462 and suppuration, scrofulous, of the knee, 482 of the tonsils, deafness from, 510 neck (glands, Ac, of the), goitre, 528 liver of hot climates, and treatment ment of, 631 belly after labor. 734 Envenomed wounds (see Wounds, Serpents, Ac ), 671 Ephemeral or simple fever, 93 Epidemic and endemic fevers of Africa (see Africa), 613 Epidemic quinsy or sore throat, 189 malignant or Asiatic cholera, 274 Epilepsy, characteristics, general symptoms and results, Ac, of,_ 560 treatment of, and indications afforded by the cause of, 561 accessory measures against, 565 Epistaxis, bleeding from the nose, 510 Eradication of chronic disease or constitu- tional taint, 83-88 Eradicative and preventive treatment, 83- 88 diet, air, exercise,, water, cleanliness, habits of regularity in, 85, 86 medicinal resources, 87 measures in the treatment of predisposi- tion to sore throiit, 189 measures against the predisposition to croup, 309 and preventive measures against scro- fula, 587 and preventive treatment of hysterics, 696 Eructations, 217 Eruption, check of the, of scarlet-rash, 161 measles, 165 on the skin after measles, 166 check of the, in small-pox, 173 chickeii-pock, 175 miliary fever, 177 check of an, brain fever from, 419 check of the, of nettle-rash, 439 of itch, sudden disappearance of the, 441 suppression of the. 441 or of long standing, causing dis- charge from the ears, 506 chronic, deafness lrom suppression of, 508 Eruptive fevers, 149 deafness from, 509 Erysipelas, 424 imperfectly evolved, 427 terminating in ulceration, 427 obstinate and protracted cases of, 427 susceptibility to, in the face, 427 Eupatorium perforatum, characteristics of, 861 Euphrasia officinalis, characteristics of, 862 Europeans, precautions to be observed by, in tropical climates, 589 Evacuations, indications afforded by the, 25 costive, very hard, dark, 25 relaxed, copious, 25 spontaneous, involuntary, diminished, with straining, painful, 25 painful, pain in the bowels, 37 Evening, sudden attacks of blindness in the, 492 Excess of food or drink, causing vomiting, 234 spirituous liquors, swelling of the nose from, 514 appetite, indications afforded by, 27 saliva in the mouth, 53 Excessive lochial discharge, 731 secretion of milk after delivery, 725 perspiration after delivery, 726 mental application, brain fever from, 421 mental application causes fainting, 547 menstruation (see Menstruation), 686 Excitement, nervous, of irritable persons, sleeplessness from, 530 Excoriation of the nipples an obstacle to suckling, 736 galling, or abrasion of the skin of in- fants, 770 Exercbe, value of, in the prevention of dis- ease, 79 for the eradication of chronic disease, 85 in tropical climates, 591 and air during pregnancy, 701 of infants, 752 Expectoration and its indications, 53 critical or symptomatio, 53 jelly-like, transparent, stringy, sticky, like matter, of blood,, Ac, Ac, 53 yellow or bitterish, 53 Exposure to heat, 658 Expression, languid, indications afforded by a, 46 staring, indications afforded by a, 46 Expulsion of the meconium, 745 External remedies, application of, remarks on the, 66 treatment of bed-sores, 113 injuries which cause vomiting, 235 causing inflammation of the peri- toneum, 317 or local treatment of inflammation of the peritoneum, 317 injuries causing inflammation of the kidneys, 319 determination of blood to the head, 405 INDEX. 1013 External injuries, causing brain fever, 420 or local treatment of carbuncle, 429 chilblains, 430 whitlows, 446 appliances for ulcers or sores, 457, 458 injury, inflammation of the eyes from, 487 inflammation of the ears, 502 injuries, nerve-pain in the face from, 521 injuries, inflammation of the spinal marrow from, 533 causes Of scrofula, 586 treatment of incised wounds, 641 lacerated wounds, 644 contused wounds or bruises, 644 punctured wounds, 648 gunshot wounds, splinters, Ac, 649 dislocations, 650 burns or scalds, 652 enlarged or dangling belly after labor, 734 application for thrush, 759 Extremities, puffiness and swelling of the, after scarlet fever, 155 Eye, indications afforded by the, 46 Eyelids, acute infliramation of the lining membrane of the, 493 predisposing and exciting causes, and treatment of, 493, 494 chronic inflammation of the, 495 scrofulous inflammation of the, 496 Eyes, sunken and retracted, indications af- forded by, 47 protruding or prominent, indications afforded by, 47 dark spots before the, 47 copious watering of the, 52 inflammation of the, after influenza, 373 acute inflammation of the, 484 chronic and scrofulous inflammation of the, 486 inflammation of the, caused by external injury, 487 fistula lachrymalis in the, 488 weeping or watery, 489 blood-shot, 490 inflammation of the, of infants, 753 Face, paralysis of the muscles of the, 541 rawness of the, after scarlet fever, 154 puffiness and swelling of the, after scar- let fever, 154 erysipelas in the, susceptibility to, 427 warts on the, 501 pain in the, face-ache, face-ague, 521 Face-ache, complicated or symptomatic, in- cidental to disordered digestion, worms, or to affections of the womb, 521 complicated with gout, or caused by abuse of mercury, 522 caused by mechanical injuries or rheu- matism, 523 Facial neuralgia, 521 Faint yellow complexion, and what it indi- cates, 51 Fainting, delirium, Ac, and their indica- tions, 30 general article on the treatment of, 547 general management of the patient when, 547, 548 precautions against, and diet, Ac, for, 548 and hysteric fits during pregnancy, treatment and diet, Ac, for, 707 Fall, apparent death from a, 662 Falling-off of the cuticle in scales, 446 of the hair after labor, 735 Falling sickness, epilepsy, 560 False pains before labor, 720 Family of the patient, 5 Fat, unhealthy accumulation of, 53 Fatigue, mental or corporeal, 656 from long watching, 657 Fatty tumors, 436 Fear (see Mental Emotions), 678 Feeble constitution, 2 pulse, description of, 11 Feeling the pulse, ait of, 11 Feet, swelling of the, after typhus, 114 dropsical swellings of, after agues, 131 sweating of the, 530 coldness of the, sleeplessness from, 530 heat of the, sleeplessness from, 530 Felon (see Whitlow), 444 Females, nervous and hysterical, palpitation of the heart of, 525 treatment of affections peculiar to, 681 derangement of menstruation of (see Menstruation), 684 Ferrum metallicum, characteristics of, 862 Fever, infantile remittent, 789 general treatment of, and diet in, 92 inflammatory or synochal, 94 nervous, slow, or typhus, 96 putrid or pestilential (malignant ty- phus), 115 jail, camp, petechial (contagious ty- phus). 117 intermittent, ague, 119 simple and double quotidian, sim- ple and double tertian, and sim- ple quartan, 124 annual, 124 thirst, attendant in the fits of, 125 time of day of the attacks of, 125 after-effects of—dropsical swellings of the feet and belly, and pro- tracted debility after, 131 inveterate chronic cases of, 131 from abuse of Cinchona, 132 bilious or gastric, 132 predisposing and exciting causes and symptoms of, 132 chronic, 141 slow symptomatic, 142 slow nervous (chronic), 144 hectic, 144 eruptive—scarlet, 149 1014 INDEX. Fever, scarlet, complicated forms of, 150 miliary, 176 remarks on, and accessory measures in, 177 check of the eruption, and diet and regimen in, 177 With cold (catarrhal fever), 333 stage of feverish cold, 335 brain, 415 eruptive, deafness from, 509 nervous, deafness from, 509 spotted, cerebrospinal meningitis, 538 inflammatory or ardent, of India (see Ardent), 599 typhoid or congestive, of the cold season of India (see Typhoid), 600 yellow (see Yellow), 601 BILIOUS REMITTENT, OF HOT CLIMATES, 609 endemic, of Batavia, 610 endemic and epidemic, and climatorial or accidental of the western coast of Africa, 613, 619 MARSH-REMITTENT of India (see Marsh), 619 after delivery (Milk fever), 727 Feverish cold (catarrhal fefer, Ac), 335 or first stage of hooping-cough, 360 Fevers, general consideration of, 91 intermittent—agues, 119 Fish, poisonous, treatment against, 678 First or fevei ish stage of hooping-cough, 360 or incipient stage of croup, 697 period or stage of the simple form of Scrofula, 582 Fissured and swollen tongue, 29 Fistula lachrymalis, 488 Fits, hysteric, predisposition to, 696 preventive and eradicative treatment of, 696 treatment of the actual, 696 epileptic (see Epilepsy), 560 hysteric, during pregnancy, treatment and diet. Ac, 707 Flatulence, acidity, Ac, of infants, 756 Flatulency (wind in the stomach and intes- tines), indications afforded by, 26 treatment of (as a specific derangement), 226 precautions to be observed by those who are subject to, 226 diet and regimen for, 226 Flatulent distension of the stomach and bowels of infants, 757 Flesh, loss or unhealthy increase of, 53 general loss of (see Atrophy), 793 Flooding (see Excessive Menstruation), 686 with miscarriage (see Miscarriage), 718 after labor (see Labor), 722 Florid, red complexion, and its indications, 51 Flour as an external application, 69 Fluid, watery, accumulation of in the knee, 482 Flush of blood to the head, 401 Fluttering of the heart, palpitation, 525 Flux, monthly, of females (see Menstrua- tion), 684 Food and drink, precautions respecting, for the prevention of disease, 80 respecting, for the eradication of disease, 86 allowed nnd prohibited, 89, 90 excess of, which causes vomiting, 234 during cholera, 284 in tropical climates, 589 Food of the infant at the period of weaning, 749 Form of the medicines, globules, tinctures, and triturations, 60 Foul taste, 47 Foulness of the stomach, which causes vom- iting, 234 Fractures in general, 651 Frequent pulse, description of, 13 breathing, do.. 22 Fresh-water bath, 71 Fright, diarrhoea of infants caused by, 762 fainting caused by, 547 general treatment of (see Mental Emo- tions), 678 Frost (see Frozen), ill-effects of being exposed to, 431 Frozen limbs, 431 apparent death from being, and treat- ment of, 665 Full pulse, description of, 13 Fulness of blood before labor, 719 Function of breathing, its variations, and the indications ihereby afforded, 21 of digestion, and the indications which they afford, 24 Functional or organic derangement of the mucous membrane or nerves of the stom- ach, 196 Furred, thickly, or coated tongue, 29 and slimy tongue, 29 Furrowed and swollen tongue, 29 Gall-bladder and ducts, affections of the, of hot climates, 631 Galling, excoriations, Ac, of children, 770 Gangrenous, ulcerated, putrid, or malignant sore throat, 189 Gaol fever (contagious typhus), 115 Gastric or bilious fever, 132 predisposing or exciting causes of, 132 . symptoms of, 132 Gelseminum sempervirens, characteristics of, 864 General inferences deducible from the pulse, 13 regulations respecting diet and regimen, 55 respecting clothing and habits, 55 for the treatment of disease, 91 consideration of fevers, 91 treatment of fever, 92 INDEX. 1015 General causes of chronic fevers, 141 derangement of the system, 4G0 precautions to be observed by Europeans in tropical climates, 589 habits in tropical climates, 592 observations on pregnancy, 700 management after delivery, 721 Giddiness, generiil article on the treatment of, 401 occasioned by disordered stomach, 408 Glands, swelling of the, after scarlet fever, 155 swelling of the, after small-pox, 174 conglobate, diseases of the (abscess), 433 scrofulous enlargement, hardening, and ulceration of the, 436 ulceration of the, removal of the scars left by, 437 of the neck, enlargement of the (goitre), 528 lymphatic, affected by scrofula, 585 Glassy, dry, red tongue, 29 Globules, remarks respecting, 60 Glonoine, characteristics of, 865 Goitre, 523 Gout, predisposing and exciting causes and symptoms of, 460 tendencies of, 460 treatment of chronic cases, intermediary and eradicative, 461 wandering, 462 knotty enlargement of joints in, 462 contraction of limbs and joints by, 463 of persons exposed to work in water, 463 sudden transition of, to superior organs, 463 diet and regimen for, 464 in the hip—simple and suppurative, 478 Gouty enlargements of joints, 462 contractions of limbs, and joints, 463 Graphites, characteiistics of, 866 Gravel, inflammation of the kidneys asso- ciated with (stone), 320 inflammation of the bladder associated with, 323 Green-sickness, predisposing causes and treatment of, 681 Grief (see Mental Emotions), 678 Griping, tenderness, distension, and continu- ous pain in the belly, in typhus, 102 Grippe (see Influenza), 369 , ... Groaning, yawning, sneezing, Ac, and their indications, 53 Groin, rupture of the, of infants, 745 Gumboil. 518 Gums, bleeding of the, 518 Gunshot wounds, definition of, 649 external and constitutional treatment of, 649 Habitation, choice of, for health, 82 Habits, general, and method of living of the patient, 8 and clothing, general regulations for, 57 Habits, general, of living for the prevention of disease, 81 of regularity for the eradication of chronic diseases, 86 irregularities of, Ac, as a cause of Scrofula, 585 general in tropical climates, 592 during pregnancy, 703 Habitual costiveness of infants, 760 Hacking and painful cough, 48 Haemoptysis (see Spitting of Blood), 395 Haemorrhoids (see Piles), 247 Half-sight, indications afforded by, 47 Hair, falling off of the. after labor, 735 Hands, warts on the, 501 Hanging, apparent death from, 663 down of the belly, after labor, 734 Hard pulse, description of, 13 cancerous tumor on the lips, 499 Hardening and enlargement, chronic of the spleen, 304 Hardness of hearing, nervous, or from deter- mination of blood, 507 from cold (catarrhal or rheumatic), from suppression of a chronic eruption, or from eruptive fevers, 508 from abuse of mercury, from enlarge- ment of the tonsils, or from nervous fevers, Ac, 509, 510 Head, back of the, pains in, 41 fore part, do., 41 determination of blood to the, with con- stipation, 247 Cold in the, 345 suppression of, its ill-effects, 347 aching pain in the, caused by suppressed cold in the. 347 cold in the, constitutional susceptibility to, 348 determination of blood to the, general article on. 401 from loss T)f blood, 404 which has been treated by periodi- cal bleeding, 405 from external injuries, 405 violent chill in the, brain fever from a, 420 swelling of the, of infants, 743 cold in the. of infants, 754 dropsy of the (see Dropsy of the Brain), 780-785 Headache, from suppressed cold in the head,347 general article on the treatment of, 549 diet, Ac, and accessory measures for, 556 Health, method of investigating the state of, 1 standard of the pulse in, 12 state of the breath in, 21 Healthy condition of the urine, 18 of the breath, 21 or natural appetite, 27 transpiration from the skin, 49 Hearing, dulness, or over-acuteness of, 47 hardness of, deafness, 507 1016 INDEX. Heart, palpitation of the, 12 diseases of the, incidental to disordered digestion, 198, 525 when chiefly implicated in rheumatism, 471 palpitation of the, general article on the treatment of, 525 Heartburn, 234 Heat, sensations of, 42 actual increase of, 42 in the anterior part of the stomach, in the hands, fugitive, Ac, 43 with chills or sweating, in agues, 123, 124 with redness, swelling and tingling of the skin (erysipelas), 424 of the feet, sleeplessness from, 530 variations of,'as a cause of Scrofula, 586 in tropical climates, 589 prickly in tropical climates, 594 exposure to, 668 spots of children, causes and treatment of, 771 Hectic fever, 146 Helleborus niger, characteristics of, 867 Hemorrhage from the womb during miscar- riage, 718 during or after labor, 722 Hepar sulphuris calcareum, characteristics of, 868 Hepatic dysentery (see Dysentery) of hot cli- mates, 595-598 Hereditary disease, or debility, eradication of. 83-88 Scrofula, characteristics of, 585 Hernia, or rupture, 542 characteristics and varieties of, general symptoms, issue, and results, 543 mechanical treatment of, 544 medicinal treatment of, 545 neglected and serious cases, 546 Herpetic, or vesicular ringworm,»448 Hiccough of infants, 754 Hiccup, or hiccough, 36, 754 Hip, pain, rheumatism, or gout in the, 478 disease, 479 premonition, progress, results, age and sex, and causes (predisposing and exciting) of, 479 treatment and diet for, 480, 481 History, progress, Ac, of Scrofulous dis- ease, 682 of plague, 607 of leprosy, 622 H'ives, nettle-rash of infants and children, 771 Hoarseness, 343 chronic, 344 Homceopathic diet and regimen,general regu- lations for, 55 medicines, rules for the preservation, Ac, of, 65 method of treatment especially applica- ble to the prevention of acute, and eradication of chronic diseases, 78 Homceopathic treatment, rules for diet under synopsis of the, 89 medicines referred to in this work, char- acteristic effects, Ac, of, 807 Homoeopathy, applicable to the prevention and eradication of disease, 78 Hooping-cough, 359 first, or febrile stage of, 360 second, or convulsive stage of, 362 third, or nervous stage of, 364 obstinate, inveterate cases of, 364 Hordeolum, stye, 496 Hot, fresh-water bath, 71 stage of intermittent fevers, 120 season of India, and inflammatory fever of the, 599 Housemaid's knee, 482 Humid scall, 443 moist, or pituitous asthma, 566 Humming, or buzzing in the ears, 505 Hunger, apparent death from, 662 Hydrocephalus, water in the head, dropsy of the brain (see Brain), 780-785 Hydrophobia, definition and symptoms of the first, second, and third stages of, 667 general causes of, 668 preventive, accessory, and medicinal treatment against. 669 general treatment of the attack of, 670 Hyoscyamus niger, characteristics of. 869 Hypochondriacal affections, resulting from disordered digestion, 219 Hysterical affections, induced by disordered digestion, 219 and nervous females, palpitation of the heart of, 525 persons, sleeplessness of, 535 Hysterics, predisposition to and fits of, 696 preventive and eradicative treatment of, 696 treatment of the fits or attacks of, 697 accessory measures for, 700 fits and fainting during Pregnancy, 707 Ignatia amara, characteristics of, 871 111 effects of the abuse of mercury on the nose, 514 of excess of spirituous liquors on the nose, 514 of abuse of cantharides in blisters, Ac, 320 of abuse of cinchona in agues, 132 of suppressed cold in the head, 347 of periodical bleeding, for determination of blood to the head, 405 of abuse of mercury on the sight, 491 on the ears, 506 of suppressed discharge from the ears, 507 on the hearing, by the abuse of mer- cury, 509 Immediate treatment of poisoning with mineral substances, and with arsenic especially, 674 INDEX. 1017 Immediate treatment of poisoning with ox- alic acid, 675 treatment of poisoning with lead, verdi- gris, and corrosive sublimate, 675 treatment of poisoning with vegetable and narcotic substances, 676 treatment of poisoning with mushrooms, animal poisons, mussels, and poison- ous fish, 677, 678 treatment of poisoning with prussic acid, 677 Imperfect evolution of erysipelas, 427 Inactivity of the bowels, causing constipa- tion, 245 Incipient stage of hydrophobia, 667 cholerine, 286 or first stage of croup, 366 symptoms of whitlow, 444 biliary derangements in hot climates, treatment and symptoms of, and diet, Ac, for. 593 Incised wounds, 641 Incontinence of urine of young children, 768 precautions against and treatment of, 769 of urine after delivery (see Labor), 723 Increase, unnatural, of heat, 42 unhealthy, of flesh, 53 of saliva in the mouth, 53 Incubus, nightmare, 532 Indented tongue, 29 India, hot and dry. wet and rainy, and cold seasons of, 589 cholera in, precautions against, 598 inflammatory or ardent fever of (see Ardent), 599 typhoid, or congestive fever of the cold season of (see Typhoid), 600 marsh-remittent fever of (see Marsh), 619 Indications and effects, characteristic, of the medicines referred to in this work. 807 afforded by the particular causes and conditions of epilepsy, 561 by variation of the pulse, 11, 14 by varieties of urine, 18, 19 by variations of the breathing, 21 by the digestive functions, 24 by the evacuations, 25 by flatulency, 26 by nausea and vomiting, 26 by the appetite and thirst, 27, 28 by the tongue, 29 by the brain, senses, nerves, and sensations, 29 by fainting, delirium, loss of con- sciousness, Ac, 30 by motion, rest, Ac, 32 by the sensations of pain, discom- fort, anxiety, Ac, 37, 42 by the organs of sense, the eye, 45 by the sight, hearing, taste, and smell, 46, 47, 48 by coughs, 48 Indications afforded by the sweat, Ac, 49 by the complexion, 61 by the sounds of the chest on per- cussion, 51 by the voice and speech, 52 by tearfulness and laughter, 52 by loss or unhealthy increase of flesh, 53 by sneezing, yawning, groaning, Ac. 53 by the saliva, 53 by the expectoration, 54 by the particular causes, in apo- plexy, 410, 411, 413 Indigestion, 196 predisposing and exciting causes of, 196 sympathetic derangement of other or- gans with, 198 Individual characteristics, 7 Induration of the liver, of hot climates, and treatment of, 631 Induration and enlargement, chronic, of the spleen, 304 Inertness, muscular, of the bowels, causing constipation, 245 Infancy, diseases of, 753 Infant, disinclination of the, to suckle, 736 precautionary treatment of the, in case of weaning, 748 food of the, do., do., 749 Infants not suckled by the mother (see Mo thers), 740 and children, treatment of, 742 stillborn, 742 swelling of the head of, 743 navel-rupture of, mechanical and medi- cinal treatment of, 744 rupture of the groin of, 745 expulsion of the meconium of, 745 suckling of, 746 choice of nurse for, 746 diet during the nursing of, 747 supplementary diet of, 748 duration of suckling, 749 weaning of, 749 food of the, during, 749 sleep, sleeplessness of, 750 exercise of, 752 retarded strength of the limbs of, 753 inflammation of the eyes of, 753 crying, wakefulness and colic of, 755 bowel complaints of, 762 jaundice of, 771 convulsions of (see Convulsions), 775 temperature of the bath for, 73 Infantile remittent fever, characteristics, premonitory symptoms, confirmed symp- toms, issue and results of, 789 Inferences in general deducible from the pulse, 11 Inflammation of the windpipe after measles, 166 of the ears after measles, 166 of the upper part of the windpipe, after small-pox, 173 1018 INDEX. Inflammation, acute, of the liver, 295 suppurative, of the liver, 298 chronic, of the liver. 298 of the spleen, 302 of the stomach, 305 subacute or chronic of the lining mem- brane of the stomach, 308 of the bowels, acute, subacute, and chronic, 309 chronic of the bowels, 313 of the bowels, associated with j worms, 315 of the peritoneum, or membrane which lines the cavity of the belly, Ac, 316 of the peritoneum, caused by external injury, local and constitutional treat- ment of, 3 17 of the kidneys, symptoms, causes, and treatment of, 318 of the kidneys, occasioned by external or mechanical injuries, 319 chronic, of the kidneys, 320 suppurative, of the kidneys, 320 or irritation of the kidneys, induced by the use of cantharides in blisters, Ac, 320 of the kidnevs associated with stone, 320 of the bladder, 321 chronic of the bladder, 323 of the bladder, associated with stone or gravel, 323 suppurative of the bladder, 323 acute, of the upper part of the windpipe, 340 chronic, of the upper part of the wind- pipe, 342 of the upper part of the windpipe, after- effects of, 343 of the eyes, after influenza, 373 acute, of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes, 377 acute, insidious, do., do., 377 acute of do , do., in children, 378 chronic, of the bronchial tubes, 383 of the lungs, 388 exciting and predisposing causes of. 388 uncomplicated and complicated cases of, 388 issue and results of, 389 of the pleura, 392 bastard or spurious. 394 of the brain and its tissues, 415 characteristics, results, and causes of, 415, 417 from check of an eruption, 419 from sunstroke, 419 from violent chill in the head, 420 from suppressed discharge from the ear, 420 from external injuries, and ardent spirits, 420 from mental application, 420 protracted, or chronic cases of, 421 Inflammation, after-effects of. 421 of the skin, with redness, heat, swelling, and tingling (Erysipelas), 424 of the psoas mu.-cle, symptoms, issue, and treatment of. 474 suppurative, of the psoas muscle, 475 of the synovial membrane of the knee, 481 acute, of the eyes, and causes of, 484 chronic, and scrofulous of the eyes, 486 of the eyes, from external injury, 487 acute, of the eyelids, 493 chronic, of the eyelids, 495 scrofulous, of the eyelids, 496 of the ears, 502 of the tongue, 519 acute, of the spinal cord and its mem- branes, 533 acute, of the spinal cord, general symp- toms, causes, and vaiieties of, 533 chronic, of the spinal cord, 534 chronic, of the liver, of hot climates, 631 of the breasts, 738 of the eyes of infants, 753 Inflammatory pains and their peculiarities, 39 or synochal fever, 94 typhus fever. 104 or active form of acute dropsy of the brain, 781 • jaundice, 301 stage of croup, 366 fever of India (see Ardent), 599 Influences of the atmosphere and of!ocality,9 Influenza, 369 incipient stage of, 370 inflammatory stage of, 370 neglected or protracted cases of, 373 after-effects of, 374 spasmodic cough, tendency to pulmo- nary consumption, inflammation of the eyes, Ac, after, 374 Injuries, external, which cause vomiting, 235 external, causing inflammation of the peritoneum, 317 mechanical, causing inflammation of the kidneys, 39 external, causing determination of blood to the head, 405 external, causing brain fever, 420 external, inflammation of the eyes, from, 487 external, nerve pain in the face from, 523 externa], inflammation of the spinal marrow from, 492 Injury, degree of the, in a wound, 641 Insects, stings of, ii.ternal and external treatment of, 659 in the mouth, 659 Insidious form of acute dropsy in the brain, 781 variety of bronchitis, 378 INDEX. 1019 Intermittent pulse, description of, 13 pain, and what it indicates, 37 fever or ague, 119 Intermittent fevers, cold or congestive, hot and sweating stages of, 119 causes of, 119 method of treatment peculiar to, 122 medicines especially adapted to differ- ent forms of, 122 of spring, summer, and hot climates, 123 with three distinct stages, 123 with two distinct stages, only, 123 with heat and sweating, chills and sweating, lethargic drowsiness, apo- plectic or paralytic symptoms, or faintingfits, 123 simple and double quotidian, simple and double tertian, and simple quar- tan, 124 annual, 124 thirst attendant on the fits of, 125 time of the day of the attacks of, 125 after-effects of—dropsical swellings of the feet and belly, protracted debility, Ac, after, 131 inveterate, chronic cases of, especially in persons of unhealthy habit of body, 131 chronic cases, degenerating from excess of Cinchona, 132 Intermittent type assumed by other diseases, Internal remedies, remarks respecting, and doses of, 60 Intestine, protrusion of the, 252 Intestines, wind in the (flatulency), indica- tions afforded by, 26 Intractable and obstinate cases of whooping- cough, 364 Introductory remarks respecting the treat- ment of infants and children, 742 Introduction, 1 Inverniination, 324 symptoms, exciting and predisposing causes, find results or complications of, 324, 325 with threadworms, treatment of, 326 with threadworms, palliative measures for, 328 with round worms, 328 with tapeworms, 331 chronic, 332 diet and regimen for, 332 Investigating the condition of the patient, method of, and of distinguishing a state of health from disease, 1 Investigation, general, of the patient, 1 of disease, 9 of the urine, time and method of, 19 of disease, generalities regarding the,48 Inveterate chronic cases of ague, in un- healthy subjects, 131 cases of scrofulous enlargement and ulceration of the glands, 437 Inveterate cases of irritation, Ac, of the skin, 446 Involuntary (paralytic) discharge from the bowels, 25 Ipecacuanha, characteristics of, 872 Irregularities of the lochial discharge, 731 Irritable and nervous persons, sleeplessness of from nervous excitement, 530 Irritability of the stomach, which causes vomiting, 234 Irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, symptoms exhibited by, 202 of the nerves of the stomach, do., do., 204 of the brain, caused by worms, 332 and itching of the skin, 446 Itch, 440 Itching, sensations of, and their indications, 42 or irritation of the skin, 446 Jail fever, 117 Jaundice, symptoms and causes of, 300 inflammatory, 301 obstinate cases of, 301 of infants, causes and treatment of, 771 Jaw, locked (tetanus), 421 Jelly-like expectoration, 53 Joints, knotty enlargements or contractions of, from gout, 462 rheumatism of the, 465 synovial membranes and bones of, af- fected by Scrofula, 584 Joy, excess of (see Mental Emotions), 678 Kali carbonicum, characteristics of, 873 Kidneys, inflammation of the, 318 inflammation of the, caused by me- chanical injuries, 319 chronic inflammation of the, 320 irritation or inflammation of the, in duced by cantharides in blisters, Ac, 320 suppurative inflammation of the, 320 inflammation of the, associated with stone, 320 Knee, affections of the, 481 inflammation of the synovial membrane of the, 481 scrofulous enlargement of the, 482 enlargement and suppuration of the, 482 accumulation of watery fluid in the, 482 housemaid's, 482 Knotty enlargements of joints from gout, 462 Labor, treatment before, 718 preparation of the breasts before, 718 preparation for, 719 fulness of blood before, 719 state of thebowels before, 719 false-pains before, 720 treatment after (delivery), 720 restlessness after, 720 general management and diet after, 721 after-pains following, 721 1020 INDEX. Labor, flooding after, 722 retention and incontinence of urine after, 723 duration of confinement after, 724 disease following, 724 suppressed secretion of milk after, 724 excessive secretion of milk after, 725 suppression and excess of perspiration after, 726 milk-fever after, causes and treatment of. 727 childbed fever after, characteristics, causes, issue and results of, 728 treatment and diet for, 729-731 irregularities of the lochial discharge ■ after, and causes of, 731 excessive lochial discharge after, 731 suppressed lochial discharge after, 732 offensive lochial discharge a,fter, 733 diarrhoea after, 733 pendulous state of the belly (abdominal deformity) after, 734 falling off of the hair after, and causes of, 735 weakness after, 735 Lacerated wounds, 644 local and constitutional treatment of, 644 Lachesis, characteristics of, 875 Lachrymal sac, obstruction or fistula of the, 488 fistula, 488 Languid expression, indications afforded by a, 46 Large pulse, description of, 13 Laryngeal diphtheria, 801 Larynx, inflammation of the (see Windpipe), 340 chronic inflammation of the, 342 after-effects of inflammation of the, 343 Laughter and tearfulness, and their indica- tions, 52 Lax, lymphatic, or mucous constitution, 2 Lead, vapor of, causing constipation, 246 paralysis, 545 delirium tremens caused by, 559 poisoning with, immediate and after- treatment of, 675 Ledum palustre, characteristics of, 878 Legs, cramp in the, 527 Leprosy, history of, 622 varieties of, age and sex susceptible to, and general characteristics of, 622, 624 general causes and treatment of, 625 Lethargic drowsiness in ague fits, 123 Leucorrhoea—the whites, 693 Levantine plague (see Plague), 607 Liability to disease of the skin, constitu- tional (psoric habit), 3 of a patient to particular affections, 8 to take, cold, 336 to cold in the head, 348 to erysipelas in the face, 427 Life, change or turn of (in females), treat- ment of, 692 Lightning, apparent death from, 663 Limbs, frozen, 431 contractions of from gout, 463 retarded strength of the, of infants, 753 Lining membrane of the eyelids, inflamma- tion of the, 493 Lips, scrofulous swelling of the, 498 hard cancerous tumor and ulceration of the, 499 cancerous ulceration of the, 499 Liquors, spirituous, swelling of the nose from abuse of, 514 Liver complaint, 295 acute inflammation of the, 295 suppurative inflammation (abscess) of the, 298 chronic inflammation of the, 299 abscess of the, in tropical climates, 627 chronic affections of the, of hot climates, 631 Livid spots in the complexion, 52 and blue complexion, 52 Living, method of, and habits, 8 habit of, for the prevention of disease, 81 Lobelia inflata, characteristics of. 879 Local and atmospheric influences, 9 treatment of inflammation of the peri- toneum, caused by external injuries, 317 treatment of carbuncle, 429 chilblains, 430 acute abscess, 434 4 chronic abscess, 435 whitlows, 446 ringworm of the scalp, 453 applications to incised wounds, 641, 642 treatment of lacerated wounds, 644 contused wounds or bruises, 644 punctured wounds, 648 gunshot wounds, splinters, Ac, 649 dislocations, 650 burns or scalds, 652 thrush, 760 application against hydrophobia, 669 Localities, healthy and unhealthy, in trop- ical climates, 593 Lochial discharge, irregularities of the, 731 excessive discharge, 731 suppressed discharge, 732 offensive discharge, 733 Lockjaw (tetanus), 421 Loins and back, persistent pain in the, 37 pains in the, general article on the treat- ment of, 473 pains in the, and back, during preg- nancy, 712 Long and deep breath, 22 Long-standing eruptions, suppression of, dis- charge from the ears caused by, 506 watching, fatigue from, 659 INDEX. 1021 Looseness of the bowels, with griping, Ac, in typhus, 102 after measles, 166 after small-pox. 174 alternating with costiveness, 247 general article on the treatment of, 260 with constitutional debility, 264 from abuse of aperients, Ac, 265 diet for, 266 during pregnancy, 707 Loss of consciousness, delirium, fainting, and their indications, 30 of muscular power (paralysis), 35 absence, or want of taste, 47 of voice, and its indications, 52 of the power of speech, 52 or unhealthy increase of flesh, 53 copious, of blood with piles, 250 or roughness of the voice (hoarseness), general article on the treatment of, 343 or roughness of voice, chronic, 344 of blood, causing rush of blood to the head, 404 of animal fluids, near-sight after. 491 paralysis from, 540 of blood, Ac, palpitation of the heart from, 525 of flesh, general (see Atrophy), 793 Lotions, medicated, for ulcers or sores, 458 Lumbago, 473 Lumbar abscess, 475 Lungs, affections of the, incidental to dis- ordered digestion, 198 tendency to consumptive disease of the, after influenza, 374 inflammation of the, predisposing and exciting causes of, 388 inflammation of the, uncomplicated and complicated cases of, 388 inflammation of the, issue and results of, 389 treatment for, 389-392 membrane investing the, inflammation of the (pleurisy), 292 discharge of blood from the, 395 affected by scrofula (tubercles in the), 585 Luxations or dislocations, 649 Lycopodium, characteristics of, 879 Lying-in women, looseness of the bowels of, 733 Lymphatic, lax, or mucous constitution, 2 tumors (abscess), 433 glands affected by scrofula, 585 Mad dog, bite of a (see Hydrophobia), 667 Malignant typhus (putrid or pestilential fever), 115 diphtheria, 801 scarlatina or scarlet fever, 150 ulcerated or gangrenous sore throat, 189 Asiatic or epidemic cholera, 276 Mammae, inflammation of the, 738 Management and preservation of the homoe- opathic medicines, rules for the, 65 precautionary for those who are apt to take colli, 336 general, of the patient during a fainting fit, 547 after delivery, 721 and precautions, general, against, rick- ets, 787 Mania-a-potu, delirium tremens, 557 causes and premonitory symptoms of,557 symptoms of a confirmed attack of, 557 treatment of a slight attack of, 558 of a confirmed attack of, 558 occiisioned by vapor of lead, 659 Marasmus of children, 795 diet and regimen for, 797 Margins of the eyelids, inflammation of the, 496 Marrow, spinal, inflammation of the, from external injuries, 533 Marshall Hall's method, in drowning, 664 Marsh-intermittent fevers, 119 remittent fever of India, characteris- tics and premonitory symptoms of, 619 Matter, discharge of, from the ears, 506 offensive, from the ears, 506 putrefied, wounds poisoned with, 671 Matter-like expectoration, 53 Means, mechanical, for the reduction of rupture, 544 Measles, 162 check of the eruption of, 165 after-effects of, 166 cough, inflammation of the windpipe, looseness of the bowels, &c., after, 166 inflammation of, or discharge from the ears, mumps, tenderness of the skin, eruptions on the skin, Ac, Ac, after, 166 preservative treatment during the prev- alence of, 167 Mechanical injuries, causing inflammation of the kidneys, 319 means, for the reduction of rupture, 544 for the treatment or dressing of incised wounds, 642 measures, for the treatment of frac- tures, 651 in cases of suspended animation of infants, 742 treatment of navel rupture of infants, 744 against rickets, 788 Meconium, expulsion of "the, 745 Medicated lotions for ulceis or sores, 458 Medicinal preventive resources, against prevalent diseases, 82 eradicative resources, 87 treatment, of those who are apt to take cold, 336 of rupture, 544 of fractures loc;il and constitu- tional, 652 preventive measures against hydropho- bia, 669 1022 INDEX. Medicines, selection, administration, and repetition of the, 57 internal, remarks, Ac, respecting, and doses of, 60 which are particularly effective after certain others, 63 when they should be taken, 65 indispensable rules for the preservation of, 65 used for external application, and how, 66 administration and repetition of the, systematic table illustrative of the, 73 preventive, 82 eradicative, 87. 88 preventive, during the prevalence of typhus, 118 during the prevalence of cholera, 285 for those who are apt to take cold, 336 referred to in this work, characteristic effects, Ac, of. 807 prescribed in this work, table of the, other names by which they are known, and abbreviations of, xiv Melancholic temperament. 5 Meningitis, cerebro-spinal, spotted fever,538 Menorrhagia, excessive menstruation, 686 Menses (see Menstruation), 684 Menstrual or monthly discharge, or flux of females, suppression of the (see Menstru- ation), 684 Menstruation, suppression of, 684 excessive, 686 painful and difficult, 688 final cessation of (change, or turn of life), 692 Mental emotions, affecting the milk, 740 application, excessive, causing brain- fever, 421 emotions, causing sleeplessness, 530 fainting from, 548 application, excessive, causes fainting, 548 or corporeal fatigue, 656 from long watching, 657 emotions, general treatment of, 678 during pregnancy, 703 causing in.scarriage, 717 causing milk-fever, 727 Mercurius corrosivus, characteristics of, 882 solubilis, characteristics of, 881 Mercury, abuse of, near-sight after, 491 causing bloody discharge from the ears, 506 offensive breath from, 521 nerve-pain in the face from, 521 Method of investigating the patient, and of distinguishing between health and disease, 1 of living, of the patient, 8 of investigating the urine, 19 of treatment peculiarly adapted to in- termittent fevers, 122 Miliary fever, 176 check of the eruption, and diet, Ac, in 177 remarks on, and accessory measures in, 177 Milk-fever, 727 Milk, suppressed secretion of, after delivery, 724 excessive secretion of, after delivery, 725 mental emotions, affecting the, 740 deficiency, or suppression of the, 740 re. urgitution of, acidity, Ac, of infants, 756 scab, milk-crust, milk-blotches, 757 Mind, employment of the, during pregnancy, 703 Mineral poisons, treatment of, 674 acids, treatment of poisoning with, 676 Miscarriage, peculiarities, issue and results, exciting and predisposing causes, and general incipient symptoms of, 713 predisposition to, treatment of the, 714 the actual attack of, treatment of, 715 induced by mental emotions, 717 accessory measures, precautions against, and diet, Ac, for the predisposition to, Ac. 717 flooding during, 718 Mischievous effects of abuse of cantharides in blisters, Ac, 837 Moaning or sighing breath described, 22 Modification of climate, and attention re- quired thereto, 71 Modified small-pox, 173 Monthly flux, or periodical discharge of females, suppression of the, 684 discharge of females, excessive, 686 Morbus coxarius (see Hip Disease), 479 Morning, offensive breath in the, 521 sickness of drunkards, 559 during pregnancy, treatment and diet for, 705 Moschus, characteristics of, 883 Mosquitoes, stings of, 659 Mother, precautionary treatment of the, in cases of sudden weaning, 740 Mothers not suckling their infants, treat- ment of and accessory measures and diet for, 740 Motion, or muscular action, rest, and their indications, 32 Mouth, canker or scurvy in the, 515 wounds in the, 642 stings of insects in the, 659 Mucous, lax, or lymphatic constitution, 2 membrane of the stomach, disturbance of the, 202 of the stomach, symptoms exhibited by irritation qf the, 202 of the stomach, subacute or chronic inflammation of the, 305, 308 of the bronchial tubes, inflamma tion of the, 377 INDEX. 1023 Mucous membrane of the eyelids, inflam- mation of the, 496 discharge from the ears, 506 membrane affected by scrofula, 584 Mucus, piles with discharge of, 251 Mumps after scarlet, fever, 156 after measles, 166 in general, as a distinct disease, 193 resulting from other diseases, 195 accessory measures for, 195 Muscles of the face, paralysis of the, 540 Muscular action ©r motion, rest, and their indications, 32 power, loss of (Paralysis), 35 inertness of the bowels, causing consti- pation, 245 Mushrooms, poisonous, treatment against, 677 Mussels, treatment of poisoning with, 678 Narcotic and vegetable poisons, treatment against, 676 Natrum carbonicum, characteristics of, 883 muriaticum, characteristics of, 884 Natural or healthy appetite, 27 Nature of disease, determination of the, 1 Nausea and vomiting, and their indications, 26 resulting from derangements of diges- tion, 217 Navel rupture of infants (see Infants), 744 Near-sight, near-sightedness (see Short- sightedness), 491 Neck, enlargement of the, Derbyshire neck, goitre, 528 Nerve-pain in the face, 521 Nerves, brain, sensations, senses, and their indications. 29 of the stomach, disturbance of the, 204 of the stomach, general symptoms ex- hibited by irritation of th«, 218 Nervous-constitution, 2 pains, and their peculiarities, 37 slow or typhus fever, '96 slow fever (chronic), 144 or putrid type of scarlet rash, 161 system, sympathetic derangement of the, incidental to disordered digestion, 218 cough*, 358 or third stage of hooping-cough, 364 or rheumatic earache, 504 deafness, 507 and hysterical females, palpitation of heart of, 525 excitement, sleeplessness from, of irri- table persons, 530 dry or convulsive asthma, 566 system, shock to the, from an accident, 638 Nettle-rash, characteristics, causes.premoni- tory symptoms and treatment of, 437 check of the eruption of, treatment for, 439 ■chronic cases and diet for, 439 of infants, hives, 771 Neuralgia in the face (tic douloureux), 521 New-born children, crying, wakefulness, and colic of, 755 Nightmare, 532 Nipples, soreness of the (excoriation), an obstacle to suckling, 736 soreness of, precautions and accessory measures against, 736 Noisy breathing or respiration, 22 Nose, offensive discharge from the, after scarlet fever, 154 soreness of the, after scarlet fever, 154 bleeding of the, 510 indications afforded by the cause, for the treatment of, 510 susceptibility to, 512 accessory measures and diet, Ac, for, 513 swelling and other affections of the, 514 ulceration of the bones of the, 515 affected by scrofula, 584 Numbness and deadness of particular parts, 42 Nurse, choice of a, 746 Nursing, diet during, 747 Nux moschata. characteristics of, 886 vomica, characteristics of, 886 Obscuration of the sight, 47 Observations, general, on pregnancy, 700 Obstacles to suckling, disinclination of the infant, soreness of the nipples, Ac, 736 Occupations, Ac, employment of the mind during pregnancy, 70.'! Offensive breath, 21, 521 discharge froim the nose after scarlet fever, 154 discharge of matter from the ears, 506 loehial discharge. 733 Old people, constipation of, 246 Opening of the windpipe, spasm of the, in children, 785 Ophthalmia, 484 acute. 484 "chronic, 486 scrofulous, 486 consequent upon injury, 487 Opium, characteristics of, 888 Oppressed breathing, or oppression at the chest, 22 Oppression at the chest, or oppressed breath- ing, 22 Organ or part particularly susceptible, 8 Organs of sense, and their indications, 45 connected with the digestive system, dis- eases of, 179 connected with the respiratory system, diseases of, 333 superior, sudden transition of gout to, 463 of respiration, especially affected by rheumatism, 470 primary, of digestion, affected by scro- fula, 584 Ostensible cause, vomiting without, 235 1024 INDEX. Otalgia, earache, 504 Otorrhoea, discharge from the ears, 506 ill effects of suppression of, 507 Overheating, exposure to heat, 658 Oxalic acid, immediate treatment of poison- ing with, 675 Pain in the chest, or painful respiration, and what it indicates, 37 casual stitching or persistent stitching, 37 in the bowels, 37 absence or sudden suppression of, 37 intermittent, and what it, indicates, 37 remittent and what it indicates, 37 inflammatory and nervous, 37 spasmodic, partial, at the back of the head, pressing in the forehead, in the back and loins, in the fore part of the stomach, stitching and pricking, Ac, '37 in the hip, 47S rheumatic or nervous, in the ear, 504 in the nerves of the face, 521 Painful and difficult menstruation, 688 evacuations, 25 breathing, pain in the chest, 22 and hacking cough, 48 Pains aching in the back (lumbago), 473 in the back and loins, during preg- nancy, 712 false, before labor, 720 after delivery (see Labor), 721 Painters, constipation oi, 246 Palliative and accessory treatment, 64 measures for threadworms, 328 treatment of corns, 432 Pallid complexion, and what it indicates, 51 Palpitation of the heart, 525 Palsy, and what it indicates, 35 resulting from apoplexy, 415 or paralysis, general article on, 540 Panting breath, description of, 22 Paralysis, and what it indicates, 35 resulting from apoplexy, 415 or palsy, general article on, 540 following diphtheria, 803 Paralytic symptoms attendant on agues, 124 Part or organ especially susceptible, 8 Partial pain and its indications, 37 Parturition, treatment before (see Labor), 718 diseases following (see Labor), 720 Patchy redness of the complexion, 51 Pathological causes of Scrofula, 586 Patient, condition of the, method of inves- tigating the, 1 investigation of the, in general, 1 liability of the, to particular affections,8 general management of the, when faint- ing, 547 Patient's family, antecedents of the, 5 Peculiarities of miscarriage, 713 Pendulous abdomen after delivery, 734 Percussion, sounds elicited from the chest by, 51 Poriodical bloodletting, cases of determina- tion of blood, treated by, 405 pain in the face, face ache, face ague, 521 discharge of females, suppression of the, 684 discharge of females, excessive, 686 discharge of females, painful and diffi- cult, 688 Peritoneum, inflammation of the, 316 Persons of advanced age, constipation of, 246 who work in water, gout of, 463 irritable, sleeplessness of, from nervous excitement, 530 hysterical or hypochondriacal, sleep- lessness of, 530 aged, sleeplessness of, 530 Perspiration, suppressed and excessive, after delivery, 726 Pestilential fever (putrid fever or malignant typhus), 115 Petechial fever (contagious typhusj, 115 Petroleum, characteristics of, 889 Phlegm, jelly-like, transparent, matter-like, blood-stained, stringy, sticky, Ac, ex- pectoration of, 53 Phlegmatic temperament, 5 Phosphorus, characteristics of, 890 Phytolacca decandra, characteristics of, 892 Piles, 247 predisposing and exciting causes, 247, 248 with copious loss of blood, 250 with discharge of mucus, 251 Plague, Levantine, history, characteristics, premonitory and general symptoms, re- sults and treatment of, 607, 608 Platina, characteristics of, 893 Plethoric constitution, 2 Pleura, inflammation of the (see Pleurisy), 392 Pleurisy, ordinary and exceptional, or com- plicated cases of, 392 bastard or spurious, characteristics of, 394 Plumbum metallicum, characteristics of,894 Pneumonia (see Inflammation of the Lungs), 388 Podophyllum peltatum, characteristics of, 895 Poisoned wounds, definition of, 671 treatment, of (see Hydrophobia), 667 treatment of, from serpents, Ac, 671 treatment of, from putrefied matter, 671 Poisoning (see Poisons). 673 Poisonous mushrooms, 677 fish, 678 Poisons, general remarks on, 673 mineral, immediate treatment of, 674 arsenic, immediate and after-treatment of poisoning with, 674 # INDEX. 1025 Poisons, oxalic acid, immediate treatment of poisoning with, 675 lead, immediate and after-treatment of poisoning with, 675 verdigris and corrosive sublimate, im- mediate treatment of poisoning with, 675 vegetable, immediate and after-treat- ment of, 676 mineral acids, poisoning with, 676 caustic alkalies, poisoning with, 676 prussic acid, immediate and after-treat- ment of, 677 poisonous mushrooms, immediate treat- ment for, 677 animal, immediate and after-treatment of poisoning with, 677 mussels and poisonous fish, immediate and after-treatment of, 678 Position of the patient during rest, and what is thereby indicated, 33 repeated change of, 33 Potencies, dilutions, or attenuations, 62 Power, muscular, loss of (paralysis). 35 Precaution to insure a proper dose, 65 to be observed in bathing, 71 as to exercise, cleanliness, ventilation, apparel, and aliments, in the preven- tion of disease, 79, 80 as to the habits of living, drainage, modifications of climate, choice of habitation, Ac, for the prevention of disease, 81, 82 in toothache, 183 to be observed by those who are subject to flatulency, 226 to be observed by those who are subject to spasms of the stomach, 229 to be observed against dysentery, 272 general accessory, during cholera, 285 against taking cold when predisposed to it, 336 important in acute rheumatism, 472 Precautionary treatment during the preva- lence of typhus, 118 of scarlet fever, 153 of measles. 167 of dysentery, 272 of cholera, 285 management to obviate a predisposition to taking cold, 336 measures to be observed by Europeans in tropical climates, 689 measures, in case of weaning, 749 measures against galling, or soreness of the skin of children, 770 Precautions to be observed against spitting of blood, 400 against fainting, for those who are sub- ject to it, 548 general, to be observed by Europeans in tropical climates, 589-592 against dysentery, in hot climates, 594 general, in the case of fractures, 651 65 Precautions, in case of apparent death from drowning, 664 in case of apparent death from being frozen, 666 against miscarriage, 717 against sore nipples, 718, 736 against wetting the bed of young chil- dren, 768 general, against convulsions of children, 776 general, against rickets, 787 Predisposition to cough, 48 to sore throat, eradicative treatment of, 188 to piles, 247 to colic, 259 to take cold or to feverish colds, 336 to croup, eradicative measures against the, 369 to erysipelas of the face, 427 to boils, 429 to chilblains, eradicative treatment of, 430 to whitlow, eradicative treatment of, 446 to styes, eradicative treatment of the, 496 to fainting, precautions against a, 548 to hysteric fits, 696 to miscarriage, treatment of the, and precautions against, 714, 717 Pregnancy, general observations on, 700 air and exercise during, 701 clothing during, 702 diet, employment of the mind, influence of external objects, and mental emo- tions during, 703 derangements during, morning sickness, Ac. 705 constipation during, 706 diarrhoea during, 707 fainting and hysteric fits during, 707 toothache during, 709 urinary difficulties during, 710 swelling of the lower»limbs during, 710 varicose or swelled veins during, 711 miscarriage (see Miscarriage), 713 pains in the loins during, 712 Preliminary remarks on the characteristic effects and indications of the medicines, 807 Premonitory and incipient stages of typhus, 98 stages of putrid fever, or malignant ty- phus, 115 symptoms of vomiting of blood, 239 stage of feverish cold, or common cold, or catarrh, 333 symptoms of apoplexy, 408 symptoms of nettle-rash, 437 symptoms of hip-disease, 479 stage of delirium tremens, 557 symptoms of asthma, 566 symptoms of dropsy of the belly, 594 > 1026 ind: Premonitory symptoms of acute hepatic dys- entery in hot climates, 595 of yellow fever, 602 of plague, 607 of convulsions in children, 775 of lickets, 787 of infantile remittent fever, 789 Preparation of the breasts before labor, 718 for labor, 719 Preservation, Ac, of the homceopathic medi- cines, rules for, 65 Preservative, general, measures during the prevalence of typhus, 118 treatment during the prevalence of measles, 167 treatment during the prevalence of small-pox, 173 treatment during the prevalence of cholera, 285 Pressing pain in the forehead, 37 Pressure or contusion, bunions, and other swellings from, 647 apparent death from, 663 Prevention of acute and eradication of chronic disease, especial applicability of homoeopathy to the, 78 Preventive and eradicative treatment, 78- 89 medicines, 82 treatment and remedies during the prevalence of typhus, 118 measures during the prevalence of dys- entery, 272 medicines during the prevalence of cho- lera, 285 medicines for those who are apt to take cold, 336 and eradicative measures against Scro- fula, 587 treatment against yellow fever, 607 treatment of Indian marsh-remittent fever, 619 treatment, local and medicinal, against hydrophobia, 669 and era dilative treatment of hysterics, 696 Prickly-heat of hot climates, 594 Primary organs of digestion affected by Scro- fula, 584 Prohibited articles of diet under treatment, 89 Prominent or protruding eyes, indications afforded by, 47 Proof-spirit of wine as an external applica- tion, 70 Protruding or prominent eyes, indications afforded by, 47 Protrusion of the intestine. 252 Prussic acid, immediate and after-treatment of poisoning with, 677 Psoas muscle, inflammation of the, 474 issue and results, and treatment of, 474 suppurative inflammation of, 475 Psoriasis, 442 Psoric constitution, 3 Puffiness and swelling of the face and ex- tremities after scarlet fever, 155 Pulmonary consumption, tendency to, after influenza, 374 Pulsatilla, characteristics of, 895 Pulse, the variations of, and their indica- tions, 11 art of feeling the, 11 healthy, its average standard, 12 general inferences deducible from the, 12 in what way it is distinctive, 12 various denominations or alterations of the, 13 slow, quick, sluggish or tardy, hard, soft, strong, feeble, large, small, full, empty, unequal, and intermittent, and what is meant by these terms, 13 indications of the disease afforded by each of these varieties, 14 Punctured wounds, definition of, 648 external and constitutional treatment of, 648 Purging, constipation occasioned by, 246 Pustular ringworm, 449 Putrefied matter, wounds poisoned by, 671 Putrid fever, pestilential fever, or malignant typhus, 115 or nervous type of scarlet-rash, 161 malignant or gangrenous (ulcerated) sore throat, 189 Quartan ague, simple, 124 Quick pulse, description of, 13 breathing, do., do., 22 Quinsy, 183, 188 suppurative, 188 malignant, ulcerative, putrid, or gan- grenous, 189 epidemic and malignant, 189 Quotidian ague, simple and double, 124 Quinine, ague resulting from excessive doses of, 132 Rabies canina, hydrophobia, 667 Rabid disease (see Hydrophobia), 667 Rash, scarlet, 159 Raw cotton, as an external application, 69 Rawness of the face, after scarlet fever, 154 Recurrence, suspension, Ac, of the doses, 62 Red, dry, and glassy tongue, 29 complexion, 51 Redness of complexion, patchy or circum- scribed, 51 heat, swelling and tingling of the skin (erysipelas;, 424 with swelling of the nose, 514 Reduction of rupture, mechanical means for the, 544 Regularity, habits of, for eradicative treat- ment, 86 Regulations, general, for diet and regimen, 55 INDEX. 1027 Regulations and remarks respecting internal remedies and doses, 60, 63 and remarks respecting external reme- dies and applications, 66 respecting the bath, 70 general, for the treatment of disease, 91 Rugurgitation of milk, acidity, Ac , of in- fants, 756 Relaxation of the bowels during pregnancy, 707 of the bowels of lying-in women, 733 Relaxed sore throat, 188 Remedies and doses, remarks, Ac, respect- ing, 60, 63 external, and applications, remarks, Ac, respecting, 66 preventive, during the prevalence of typhus. 118 Remittent, infantile fever (see Fever), 789 pain, and what it indicates, 37 bilious fevers of hot climates, 609 endemic fever of Batavia, 610 endemic and epidemic fevers of Africa, . 613 marsh fever of India, 619 Removal of the scars or cicatrices left by ulcerated glands, 437 Repetition, selection and administration of the medicines, 57 Respiration, its variations, and their indica- tions (see Breathing), 21 painful, 22 Respiratory system, diseases of the organs connected with the, 333 organs, when chiefly affected by rheu- matism, 470 Rest and motion (see Muscular Action), and their indications, 32 position during, 33 in tropical climates, 592 Restlessness, 33 after delivery, 720 Retarded strength of the limbs of infants, 753 Retention of urine of young children, 769 after delivery (see Labor), 723 Retracted or sunken eyes, indications af- forded by, 47 Rheum palmatuin, characteristics of, 898 Rheumatic or catarrhal constitution, 2 fever (see rheumatism), 464 or nervous earache, 504 deafness, 508 face nche, 521 Rheumatism, acute, symptoms and charac- teristics of, 465 chronic, symptoms of, Ac, 465 predisposing and exciting causes of, 465 complicated and serious cases of acute, 470 when the respiratory organs are chiefly affected, 470 when the heart is especially implicated, 471 chronic, treatment of, 472 Rheumatism, important precaution in, 472 in the back, lumbago, 473 in the hip, 478 Rhus toxicodendron, tincture of, as an ex- ternal application, 67 characteristics of, 898 Rickets, progress, premonitory symptoms, general symptoms, and issue and re- sults of, 787 general precautions against, and man- agement for, 787 mechanical measures, and medicinal treatment for, 788 Rigidity, spasmodic, of the body, or of parts (tetanus), 421 Rigors (chills), sensations of, 42 Ringing or buzzing in the ears, 48 Ringworm, vesicular or herpetic, 448 of the scalp, or pustular ringworm. 449 other varieties of, 453 Rose, erysipelas, 424 Roughness, or loss of voice (Hoarseness), 343 Round worms, general treatment of, 330 Rules indispensable for the preservation and management of homceopathic medi- cines, 65 for repeating the medicines, systematic table of, 73 Rupture, of a bloodvessel, 396 general article on, characteristics and varieties of, 542 general symptoms, predisposing and ex- citing causes, and issue and results of, 543 mechanical means for the reduction of, 544 medicinal treatment of, 544 neglected and very serious cases of, 546 of the navel of infants (see Infants), 744 of the groin, of infants, 745 Ruta graveolens, characteristics of, 900 Sabina, characteristics of, 9(H Saliva, and its indications, 53 increase and deficiency of, 53 Salt-water bath, cold, 72 Sambucus nigra, characteristics of, 901 Sanguine constitution, 2 temperament, 4 Scab, milk, milk-crust, Ac, 757 Scabies, itch, 440 Scalds and burns, external and local treat- ment of, 652 constitutional do., 654 very severe cases of, 655 Scall, dry, 442 Scalp, ringworm of the, 449 Scaly tetter, 442 Scarlatina, simple and malignant, 149 Scarlet fever, 149 simple and malignant, 150 complicated forms of, 153 after-effects of, rawness of the face, sus- ceptibility to cold, offensive discharge from the nose after, soreness of the L028 INDEX. . nose, swelling of the glands, puffing of the face and extremities after, 154, 155 Scarlet fever, dropsical swellings, mumps, affections of the ears, Ac, after, 155- 157 deafness after, 157 precautionary treatment during the prevalence of, 157 Scarlet rash, 158 complicated cases of, 159 of nervous or putrid type, 161 check of the eruption of, 161 after-effects of, 162 Scars, removal of the, left by scrofulous ul- ceration of the glands, 437 Sciatica, symptoms and treatment of, 476 Scilla niaritima (see Squilla). 910 Scrofula, eradicative treatment of, 85-88 general article upon, and characteristics of, 579, 580 history and progress of, 582 simple form, first and second stages of, 582 third period or stage of, 583 complicated forms of, affecting the mu- cous and serous membranes, the nose, the primary organs of digestion, and the synovial membranes of the joints and bones, 584 complicated forms of, affecting the lym- phatic glands, and the lungs (Tu- berculous), 585 general causes of, and characteristics of hereditary, 585 pathological and external causes of, 586 diet, habits, local influences, light, heat, and atmospheric vicissitudes, as causes of, 586, 587 general preventive and eradicative measures against, 587 general t»eatment of, 588 Scrofulous habit of body, 5 eradication, Ac, of, 85 enlargement and ulceration of the glands, inveterate cases of, 436 enlargement and suppuration of the knee, 482 inflammation of the eyes, 486 inflammation of the eyelids, 496 subjects, styes in, 496 swelling of the lips, 498 and cancerous ulcerations of the lips, Ac, 500 disease, history and progress of, 582 tubercle in the lungs, formation and progress of the, 585 in other organs, 585 Scurvy in the mouth, 515 general article on the symptoms, pre- disposing and exciting causes and treatment of, 516 diet, Ac, for, 518 Sea bathing, 72 Sea-sickness, general article on, 660 after-effects of, and diet, Ac, for the, 661 Season, effect of the, and climate in the tropics, 592 Seasons, the change of, in tropical climates, 592 Secale cornutum, characteristics of, 902 Second or active stago of low and inflamma- tory typhus, 104 or convulsive stage of hooping-cough, 362 or inflammatory stage of croup, 366 stage or period of the simple form of scrofula, 582 Secretion of milk, suppressed, after deliv- ery, 724 excessive, after delivery, 725 Selection, administration, and repetition of the medicines, 58 of a nurse, 746 Sensations, senses, brain, nerves, and their indications, 29 in particular, and what they indicate, 37 of pain, discomfort, and anxiety, 37 of discomfort in particular, 42 of heat and cold, 42 of numbness or deadness, 42 of itching. 42 of chill (varieties of), 42 of anxiety, 42 Sense, organs of, and their indications, 45 of smell, hearing, taste, sight, Ac, 45,48 Senses, sensations, brain and nerves, and their indications, 29 Sepia, characteristics of, 903 Serous membranes affected by Scrofula,584 Serpents, bites of (envenomed wounds), 671 Sex, susceptible to hip-disease, 479 Sexes and their distinctions, 6 Shivering (chill), sensations of, 42 Shock to the nervous system from an acci- dent, 638 Short or small breath, 22 dry cough, 48 sight, short-sightedness, 491 Short-sightedness, when a sequel of inflam- mation of the eyes, 491 Shuddering (chills), sensations of, 42 Sickness at the stomach (nausea), and vom- iting, indications afforded by, 26 in the morning, of drunkards, 559 in the morning during pregnancy, 705 at sea (sea-sickness), 660 after-effects of, and diet, Ac, 661 green, predisposing causes and treat- ment of, 681 Sighing or moaning breath described, 22 Signs, favorable and unfavorable, in acute bronchitis, 377 Sight, distorted or squinting, indications af- forded by, 47 double, half, obscured, of imaginary objects, Ac, 47 INDEX. 1029 Sight, derangements of the, incidental to de- ranged digestion, 198 short or near, 491 Silicea, characteristics of, 906 Simple or ephemeral fever, 93 Situation, site, Ac, of the dwelling, impor- tant to health, 82 Situations and localities, healthy and un- healthy, in tropical climates, 593 Skin, constitution in which it is likely to become diseased (psoric), 3 transpirations from the (sweat), and their indications, 49 the condition of, in health, 49 tenderness of the, after measles, 166 eruption on the, after measles, 166 diseases in general, 424 inflammation of the, with swelling, red- ness, heat and tingling (Erysipelas), 424 itching, or irritation of the, 446 soreness, galling, Ac, of the, of chil- dren, 770 Sleep, its variations and their indications, 34 of infants, 750 duration of, in health, 34 relation of, to disease, 34 in tropical climates, 592 Sleeplessness, 530 of infants, and treatment of, 750 and crying of new-born children, 755 Slimy, coated tongue. 29 Slow pulse, description of, 13 breathing, do., do., 22 nervous or typhus fever, 96 symptomatic fever, 142 nervous fever (chronic), 144 Sluggish pulse, description of, 13 Small pulse, description of, 13 or short breath, do., do.. 22 Small-pox, 167 distinct. 169 confluent, 171 check of the eruption in, 173 modified, 173 preservative treatment during the prev- alence of, 173 complications and after-effects of, 173 inflammation of the upper part of the windpipe, boils, glandular swellings, cough, asthmatic affections, looseness of the bowels, Ac, after, 173, 174 diet and regimen for, 174 accessory measures during, 175 Smell, sense of, variations to which it is sub- ject, 48 peculiar and unnatural, dull or over- acute, 48 Snake, bite of a (Envenomed Wounds), 671 Sneezing, yawning, groaning, and their in- dications, 53 Soap plaster as an external application, 69 Soft pulse, description of, 13 Solution of the medicine and the division of doses, 60 ^ Sore nipples, precautions and accessory measures against, 736 throat, aphthous, Ac, 183 suppurative, 188 relaxed, 188 ulcerated, malignant, or gangre- nous, 189 epidemie, 189 Soreness of the nipples (excoriation), an ob- stacle to suckling, 736 the nose after scarlet fever, 154 Sores or ulcers, 455 chronic cases of, 456 external and accessory appliances for, 457 bandages and medicated lotions for, 458 varicose, 458 constitutional treatment for, 459 Sorrow (see Mental Emotions), 678 Sounds, clear and dull, evinced by the chest on percussion,, and their indications, 51 Spasm of the opening of the windpipe in children, asthma of Millar, 785 of the stomach, 228 age, sex, Ac, subject to, complications of predisposing and exciting causes of, 228 precautions to be observed by those who are subject to, 229 Spasmodic pain, and its peculiarities, 37 cough, after influenza, 374 rigidity of the body, or of parts (teta- nus), 421 asthma, 566 Spasms and convulsions, internal and exter- nal, general and local, and what they indicate, 34 of children (see Convulsion), 775 Speech and voice, and their indications, 52 loss of the power of, 52 Spinal bones, disease of the, lumbar abscess from, 475 cord, acute inflammation of the, varie- ties, symitotns. causes, Ac, 533 chronic inflammation of the, 534 Spine, disease of the, lumbar abscess from, 475 Spigelia, characteristics of, 908 Spirits, depression of the, from deranged di- gestion, 218 ardent, abuse of, causing brain fever, 420 swelling of the nose from abuse of, 514 Spitting of blood, 395, 396 very severe cases of, 398 after-treatment of, 400 Spittle and its indications, 53 Spleen, inflammation of the, 302 chronic enlargement and induration of the, 304 Splinters, gunshot wounds, Ac. (see Gun- shot), 649 Spongia, characteristics of, 909 1030 INDEX. Spontaneous discharges of blood, 18 or unconscious discharge from the bow- els, 25 Sporadic or bilious cholera, 274 Spotted fever, cerebro-spinal meningitis, 538 Spots, dark, before* the eyes, 47 livid, in the complexion, 52 heat-, of children, 771 Sprains or strains in general, 639 Spurious or bastard pleurisy (see Pleurisy), 394 Squilla maritima, characteristics of, 910 Squinting, or distorted sight, indications afforded by, 47 article on the treatment of, 488 Stabs, punctured wounds, 648 Stammering, and what it indicates, 52 St. Anthony's fire (Erysipelas), 424 Standard of the pulse in health, 12 Stannum, characteristics of, 911 Staphysagria, characteristics of, 912 Staring expression, indications afforded by a, 46 Starving (see Death, apparent, from hun- ger), 662 State of the body (heat) in tropical climates, 592 Sticky expectoration, 53 Stiffness, spasmodic, of the body, or of parts, (tetanus), 421 Stillborn children, 742 mechanical measures in case of, 742 medicinal and accessory means for, 743 StiDgs of insects (see Insects), 659 Stitching pain in the chest, 37 or pricking pains, 37 Stomach, wind in the (flatulency), indica- tions afforded by, 26 pain in the anterior part of the, 37 mucous membrane or nerves of the, disturbance of the, 196 derangement of the mucous membrane of the, symptoms of, 202 irritation of the nerves of the, symp- toms of, 204 combined derangement of the nerves and membrane of the, and symptoms of, 206 derangement of the, arising from casual causes, 212 foulness of the, which causes vomiting, 234 irritability of the, which causes vomit- ing, 236 sickness at the (nausea), 166 spasm of the, 228 conditions of age, sex, Ac, subject to, origin, and exciting causes of, 228 preciiutions to be observed by those who are subject to, 229 inflammation of the, its causes, results, complications, symptoms, and treat- ment, 305-308 coughs, 358 Stomach, derangement of the, causing gid- diness, 408 derangement of the, palpitation of the heart from, 525 and bowels, flatulent distension of the, of infants, 759 Stone, inflammation of the kidneys associ- ated with, 320 bladder associated with, 323 Stoppage of the bowels, constipation, 241 Strabismus, squinting, 488 Straining to evacuate, 25 Strains or sprains in general, 639 Stramonium, characteristics of, 914 Strength of the limbs of infants, retarded, 753 Stringy expectoration, 53 Stroke of the sun, brain fever from, 419 Strong pulse, description of, 13 Stupor, typhus characterized by, 110 Stye, predisposing and exciting causes and treatment of, 4y6 Subacute or chionic inflammation of the stomach, 308 inflammation of the bowels, 310 Suckling of the infant, 746 duration of, 749 obstacles to, disinclination of the infant, soreness of the nipples, Ac, 736 Sudden and total change of color in the complexion, 52 transition of gout to superior organs, 463 attacks of blindness, 492 suppression of a, chronic eruption, deaf- ness from, 508 suppression of itch, or of other erup- tions, causing chronic discharge from the ears, 506 weaning, precautions when this is neces- sary, 749 Suffocation, apparent death from, 663 Suffocative breathing described, 22 Sulphur, tincture of, as an external applica- tion, 70 administration of, in chronic disease, 76 value of, for eradicative treatment, 87 characteristics of, 915 Summary, in a table, of rules for repeating the doses, 73 Summer complaint of children (see Cholera Infantum), 765 Sun-stroke, brain fever from, 419 general article on, 658 Supplementary diet of infants, 748 Suppressed dysentery, 271 cold in the head, ill effects of, 347 discharge from the ear, iil effects of, 507 Suppression, sudden, of pain, 37 of dysentery, 271 after-effects of, 272 of cold in the head, ill effects of, 347 of the monthly flux of females (see Menstruation), 684 INDEX. 1031 Suppression, of the milk, after labor, 740 of perspiration, after delivery, 726 of the lochial discharge, 732 of discharge from the ear, brain fever from, 420 of the eruption of itch, 440 of the eruption of itch, or of other erup- tions, causing chronic discharge from the ears, 506 sudden, of a chronic eruption, deafness from, 508 of the milk (see Milk). 725, 740 Suppurating incised wounds, 641 Suppuration and enlargement (scrofulous) of the knee, 482 Suppurative sore throat, 189 inflammation of the liver, 299 kidneys, 320 bladder, 323 psoas muscle, 475 of the breasts, 738 Susceptibility of a particular part or organ, 8 to cold after scarlet fever, 154 to cold in the head, 348 to croup, eradicative measures against the, 369 to erysipelas in the face, 427 constitutional, to boils, 429 to whitlows, eradicative treatment of, 446 to bleeding of the nose, 510 Suspended animation of infants (see Still- born), 742 Suspension, recurrence, Ac, of the doses, 62 of animation (apparent death), 662 Sweat, and its indications, 49 symptomatic and critical, Ac, 50, 51 Sweating stage of intermittent fevers, 121 of the feet, 530 Swelling of the feet after typhus, 114 dropsical, of the feet and belly, after agues, 131 of the glands, after scarlet fever, 154 and puffiness of the face and extremities after scarlet fever, 154 dropsical, after scarlet fever, 154 of the veins during pregnancy, treat- ment of, 711 glandular, after small-pox, 173 with redness, heat, and tingling of the skin (Erysipelas), 424 dropsical, of the knee, 482 scrofulous, of the lips, 498 of the tonsils, deafness from, 510 of the nose, 514 of the neck (goitre), 528 such as bunions, from pressure or con- tusion, 647 of the head of infants, 743 of the breasts of infants, 772 Swollen, cracked, and furrowed or swollen and indented, swollen and red tongue, Ac, 29 Swooning, fainting (see Painting), 547 Sylvester's method in drowning, 665 Symptomatic sweat, 50 slow fever, 142 Symptoms of disease, 9 character, distinction, and treatment of diseases, 91 Synochal, or inflammatory fever, 94 Synopsis of the rules for diet under treat- ment, 89 of the principal indications for the rem- edies employed in the treatment of cholera, 292 Synovial membrane of the knee, inflamma- tion of the, 481 membranes of joints affected by Scro- fula, 584 System, digestive, diseases of organs con- nected with the, 179 respiratory, diseases of organs connected with the, 333 cerebral, derangements of the, 401 nervous shock to the, from an accident, 638 Systematic tables illustrative of the rules for repeating the doses, 73 Table, systematic, forming a summary of the rules for the repetition, Ac, of doses, 73 Taint of constitution, eradication of a, 83- 88 Taking cold, predisposition to, 336 Tapeworms, general treatment of, 331 Tardy breathing, 22 Taste, indications afforded by variations of, 47 foul, absence of, keenness of, 47 Tearfulness and laughter, and their indica- tions, 52 Teething, coughs connected with, 358 derangements during, distinctive symp- toms of, precautions as to diet, Ac, against, and treatment of, 773-775 Temperament, sanguine, 4 choleric, melancholic, 4, 5 phlegmatic, 5 constitution, habit of body, Ac., con- sidered in relation to the quantity and repetition of doses, 60 Temperaments and their varieties, 4 Temperature,- variations of, as causes of Scrofula. 586 of the bath for infants, 73 Tendency to pulmonary consumption after influenza, 374 Tenderness, distension, Ac, of the belly in typhus, 102 of the skin after measles, 166 Tertian ague, single and double, 124 Tetanus, 421; 422 causes and symptoms of, 422 Tetter, scaly, 442 Thickly furred or coated tongue, 29 Thirst and its indications, 28 attendant upon the fever fits in ague, 125 1032 INDEX. Threadworms, general treatment of, 326 palliative measures for, 328 Throat, sore, aphthous, Ac, 183 relaxed, 188 ulcerated, 189 Thrush, aphthas, characteristics and causes of, 759 local and constitutional treatment of, 759, 760 Thuja oceidentalis, characteristics of, 919 Tic Douloureux, 521 Time, Ac, for investigating the urine as a clue to the nature of disease, 19 especially appropriate for taking medi- cine, 65 Time of the day at which the fever fits occur in ague, 125 Tinctures, remarks respecting, 60 Tingling, with swelling, heat and redness of the skin (Erysipelas), 424 Tissue, cellular, general or local dropsy of the, 576 Tissues of the brain, inflammation of the, 415 Tongue, inflammation of the, symptoms, pre- disposing and exciting causes of, treat- ment, Ac, 519 various appearances of, and their indi- cations, 29 thickly furred or coated, furred and slimy, yellow, clean, dry, red and glassy, swollen and coated, swollen and red, cracked, furrowed, and swol- len, indented, tremulous, blackish, dry and furred, Ac, 29 Tonsils, enlargement of the, deafness from, 510 Toothache. 179 ofichiidren, 182 accessory measures for, 183 during pregnancy, treatment and diet, ■Ac, for, 709 Transition, sudden, of gout to superior or- gans,-463 Transparent expectoration, 53 Transpirations from the skin and sweat, and their indications, 49 condition of, in perfect health, 49 Travelling, constipation during, 246 Tremens, delirium, general article on, and exciting causes of, 557 Tremulous, .simply, or tremulous, blackish, dry and coated tongue, 29 Triturations, remarks respecting, 60 Tropical climates, diseases peculiar to, and general precautions against the, Ac, 589-592' precautions to beobserved by Europeans in, 589 effects of the climate and season, 592 incipient biliary derangements, and prickly heat of, 593, 594 Tubercle (scrofulous), formation and pro- gress of the, in the lungs, and in other organs, 585 Tuberculous leprosy (see Leprosy), 623 Tumor, hard and cancerous, on the lips,499 Tumors, lymphatic (abscess), 433 fatty," 436 Typhoid or congestive fever of the cold sea- son of India, 600 characteristics, general oiuses and symptoms of, 600 Typhus, nervous or slow fever, 96 causes of various forms of, 96 aspect of, 96 division and treatment of, 98 premonitory and incipient stages of, 98 abdominal, 102 second or active stage of low or inflam- matory, 104 characterized by stupor, 110 stages of debility and convalescence after, 111 after-effects of, 112 bed-sores after, 112 abscesses, boils, swelling of the feet and weakness of digestion after, 112 general derangements of psoric subjects after, 114 malignant (putrid or pestilential fever), 115 • contagious (jail fever, camp fever, pe- techial fever) ,115 accessory and precautionary treatment during the prevalence of, 118 Ulcerated, malignant, gangrenous sore throat or quinsy, 189 epidemic sore throat. 189 Ulceration of the small bones of the ear, bloody discharge from, 506 of the bones of the nose, 515 erysipelas terminating in, 427 serofulous, of the glands, and scars left by the, 437 scrofulous, of the lips, 499 Ulcers, Ac (see Soi*es), 455 chronic cases of, 456 external and accessory appliances for, 457 bandages and medicated lotions for, 458 varicose, 458 cancerous, on the lips, 499 Unequal pulse, description of, 13 breath, do., do., 22 Unhealthy increase or loss of flesh, 53 Unnatural taste,-sight, smell, or bearing, 47 Upper part of the windpipe, inflammation of the, after measles, 166 inflammation of the, afi^r small-pox, 173 inflammation of the, general article on the symptoms, results, and treatment of, 340 chronio inflammation of the, 342 after-effects of inflammation of the, 343 Urine, its varieties, anil their indications, 18 healthy appearance of the, 18 proper time and method of examining the, 19 INDEX. 1033 Urine, variations in the, as to quantity, color, Ac, and the indications de- rived therefrom, 19 retention of, after delivery (see Labor), 723 incontinence of, after delivery (see La- bor). 723 of children (wetting the bed), 768 precautions against, and treatment of, 769 retention of, of infants, 769 Urticaria. 437 Urtica Dioica, or urens, as an external ap- plication, 68 characteristics of, 920 Uterine hemorrhage after miscarriage, 718 after labor, 722 Vaccination, 804 Vapor of lead, causing constipation, 246 delirium tremens caased by, 559 Variations of the pulse, and their indica- tions, 11 apparent, in the urine, and their indica- tions, 19 Varicose ulcers, 458 veins during pregnancy, and treatment of, 711 Varieties of constitution, 2 temperaments, 4 the pulse, and indications thereby af- forded, 11 the urine, and indications derivable therefrom, 18 Various denominations of pulse, 13 appearances of the tongue, 29 Vegetable and narcotie poisons, treatment for, 676 Veins, wounds of (see Incised Wounds), 642 swelled, or varicose, during pregnancy, 711 Vectilatioti, value of, in the prevention of disease, 79 Veratrum album, characteristics of, 920 viride, characteristics of, 922 Verdigris, immediate and after-treatment of poisoning with, 675 Vesicular, or herpetic ringworm, 448 Vessel, blood, rupture of a, 396 Vexation (see Mental Emotions), 678 Viola tricolor, characteristics of, 923 Violent chill in the head, brain-fever from a, 420 Viper, bite of a (Envenomed Wounds), 671 Voice and speech, and their indications, 52 loss of, hoarse, Ac, 52 roughness or loss of the, general article on the treatment of (Hoarseness), 343 chronic roughness, or loss of the, 344 Vomiting and nausea, indications afforded by, 26 as a specific derangement, and treat- ment of, 234 occasioned by excess of food or drink, 234 Vomiting, occasioned by foulness of the stomach, 234 external injurios, 235 passive motion, 235 without, ostensible cause, 235 occasioned by irritability of the sto- mach, 236 bilious, 237 of blood, 239 premonitory symptoms of, 239 accessory measures for, 241 Wakefulness, sleeplessness, 530 and crying of new-born children, 755 Walking, infants slow at, 753 Wandering gout, 462 Want of appetite, indications afforded by, 27 loss, or absence of taste, 27 of appetite as a specific derangement, 222 Warm-bath for infants, 73 Warm breath, description of, 22 fresh-water bath, 70 Warts in general, 501 Wasting away (see Atrophy), 793 Watching, long, fatigue from, 657 Waterbrash, 234 Water, free use of, in the eradication of chronic disease, 86 persons who work in, gout of, 463 in the head, characteristics, causes, va- rieties, Ac, of (see Dropsy of the Brain), 780-785 Watering, copious, of the eyes, 52 Watery fluid, accumulation of the, in the knee, 482 or weeping eye, 489 Weakness of digestion after typhus,114 after delivery, 735 Weaning, 749 precautionary measures in, as regards the mother and infant, 749 food of the infant at the period of, 749 Weeping and tearfulness, 52 or watery eye, 489 Wetting the bed of young children, 768 Whites, characteristics, predisposing and ex- citing causes, and treatment of, 693 Whitlow, 444 incipient symptoms, ordinary cases, and complicated cases of, 444 eradicative and external treatment of, 446 Whooping-cough, 359 first, or febri.le stage of, 360 second, or convulsive stage of, 362 third, or nervous stage of, 364 obstinate inveterate cases of, 364 Wind in the stomach and intestines (flatu- lency), and the indications which it af- fords, 26 Windpipe, inflammation of the, after measles, 106 upper part of the, inflammation of, after small-pox, 173 1034 Windpipe, upper part of the, inflammation of the, general article on the symp- toms, results, and treatment of, 340 chronic inflammation of the upper part of the, 342 after-effects of inflammation of the upper part of the, 343 spasm of the opening of the, in 'chil- dren, 785 Wiry or dry constitution, 2 Women, and their peculiar diseases, treat- ment of, 681 Work in water, gout of persons who, 463 Worm colic, 259 Worms, inflammation of the bowels associa- ted with, 315 general article on the treatment of, 324 symptoms, exciting and predisposing causes, and results or complications with, 324, 325 thread, treatment for, 326 palliative measures for, 328 round, 328 tape, 331 chronic affections with, 332 diet and regimen for, 332 Wounds in general, 641 incised, lacerated, contused (or bruises), punctured, gunshot, and poisoned, 641 degree of injury from, 641 incised, or cuts, external treatment of, 641 mechanical means for dressing, 642 of arteries or veins, 642 in the mouth, 642 bunds, incised, local applications to, 642 constitutional treatment of, 642 suppurating incised, 643 lacerated, local and constitutional treat- ment, of, 644 contused, external and constitutional treatment for, 644 contused, of the breast, 647 punctured, external and constitutional treatment of, 648 gunshot (splinters, Ac), local and con- stitutional treatment of, 649 treatment of, when fever, gangrene, Ac, ensue, 649 poisoned (envenomed), from serpents, treatment of, 671 by putrefied matter, treatment, diet, Ac, for, 671 Yawning, groaning, sneezing, and their in- dications, 53 Yellow tongue, 29 complexion, faint and deep, 51 or bitterish expectoration, 53 fever, characteristics, varieties, and pre- disposing causes of, 601 exciting causes of, susceptible age. condition, Ac, to, premonitory and general symptoms of, 602 issue and results, and treatment of, 602 preventive treatment against and accessory measures for, 607 Zincum metallicum, characteristic of, 923 • BOERICKE &c TAPEL'S (Successors to WM. 1UDDE.) 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