Sjgfe__y^a*jitr_? ^^«3s*^___: •"' .~*..7C7.. m.-..**..-^, ,-. ^v<,e^ ■*?.*" ' :"L'tg*"»* ■* ---- J_^r_.e ^ f_ir.' 'i ? _ ?t+y *?>* r- <••>-•*— •-■• e^i"" Ki^^feS.ii'^.^,. '^-V-'' e:*_ -. HOMCEOPATHIC S* flf "DOMESTIC MEDICINE. BY J. LAU RI E, M. D e LATEST AMERICAN} BY ^ Op i v/1— ;- < :* -.■ _i * A. GERALD HULL, M. Df NEW-YORK: WILLIAM RADDE, 322 BROADWAY. 18 49. ^ .] { lA/bfC ' *■ L3tCh ENTERED • According to the Act of Congress, in the year 1844, by WILLIAM RADDE, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New-York. H. Ladwig _ Co., Flinten, 72 Vwey-Street, N. T. * PREFACE TO THE AMERICAN EDITION. The first American edition of this exellent little treatise is wholly exhausted, and notwith- standing the recent publication of two other Works of the kind, the demand for more copies is strong. In this Edition, the Editor has added articles on Dysentery and Headache, to his former paper on " Convulsions of Young Children,,'> compiled from Hahnemann, Hering, Jahr, and others of the best authorities of our school. In reference to the important questions of Doses, Repetition, Time of Administration, Suc- cession and Change of remedies, the editor is only able to furnish the following very general hints; still even these appeared to him neces- sary. If pellets are used, it is better to dissolve them in water, because they are weaker or shorter in • IV PREFACE. their action in this form, and can with safety be repeated more frequently than when given dry. Some five or six pellets may be dissolved in a tumbler of water, of which solution a tablespoon- ful is a sufficient dose for a grown person, a tea-spoon for a child from four years of age to the period of puberty, and a teaspoon for all chil- dren under four years. To make quite sure of the efficacy of the solution, it is very necessary to secure pure water and a clean spoon and tumbler. If the water of the wells in the vicinity con- tain lime or other chemical re-agents, rain water recently fallen, or distilled water, should be ob- tained ; and if these are not to be had, the pel- lets must be administered dry. Remedies are given in acute diseases at inter- vals of from twelve hours to fractions of an hour, according to the rapidity with which the symptoms change in character or intensity. For example, in Asiatic Cholera, which runs rapidly from stage to stage, and in a few hours reduces the strength and flesh from full health to complete asphyxia, Hahnemann recommends in the worst cases that camphor spirits be repeated every five minutes, till an arrest of the principal symptoms be ef- fected. This shortest of all intervals holds as a rule only in a very few instances, in addition to that cited, of which we may name the near ap- PREFACE. Y proach of an epileptic fit, also puerperal and in- fantile convulsions. In general it may be said that, in acute febrile and inflammatory affections, the solution may be used as often as every four or six hours in adults, and every two or three hours in young children. If the pellets are used dry, two or three may be given at a dose, and these at intervals of one- third more time. There is not so much difference between the power of the original tinctures and the first three or four dilutions, as would be supposed by those who have not attended to this question practically. Every physician knows that drugs do not produce their specific effects in proportion to the quanti- ties exhibited : i. e., forty drops of opium tincture will not produce twice as long nor twice as pro- found a sleep as twenty drops ; forty grains of calomel will not produce ten times as many green stools as four grains ; nay, in either case, it is exceedingly seldom that the larger dose produces perceptibly any more of the specific effects named than the smaller. The same may be said of the relation between tinctures and their dilutions—at least it so appears to us, after many years of observation ; and ac- cordingly, in many forms of disease, we use one or two drops of tincture, or of a low dilution, to the tumbler full of water, dividing this into as 1* VI PREFACE. many doses and repeating them as above indica- ted with respect to pellet solutions. The lower dilutions from the tinctures, may be used in the same manner. The dry forms (powder, triturations) are to be given in all cases dry on the tongue, and in gene- ral, these require longer intervals between the doses. The dose of the trituration should be about one or two grains ; i.e., about as much as will lie on a third or half of a common penknife blade ; the smaller quantity for children and such as are very delicate of constitution, and the larger for adults of a robust character. Much research has been expended in our school respecting the time of day at which reme- dies should be given, and much more as to the order in which those which are nearly equally in- dicated should follow each other in the cure ; but there is not space in, a work of this character to give the results which have been achieved, and we can only earnestly recommend those who are at a distance from expert physicians, to examine for themselves what has been written on these subjects by Bcenninghausen, Rummeland Hering. Among these results may be cited the following, viz., mercury and nux vomica should not be given in the morning hours ; in cases where these seem necessary in those hours, the allied remedies should be chosen instead of them, as for example, PREFACE. VII aconite or antimon. crud. or bryonia for mercury, and antim. tartar, or ignalia or pulsaiilla or coffea for nux vomica ; i.e., some remedy should be pre- ferred to these for exhibition in the fore-part of the day whose exacerbations do not occur at the same hours. Also it may be stated, that of the allied remedies those should be chosen to follow each other which are of opposite chemical constitu- tions, as an acid and an alkali, an electro-positive and an electro-negative, etc. Thus nitric or mu- riatic or phosphoric acids will be more useful after opium than aconite or belladonna or conium ; the greater similarity being of course, however, in all cases, the controlling moment as to the order of succession. We do not deny the effi- cacy of the higher dilutions by any means, but we regard their application as belonging strictly to the higher walks of the school, as more diffi- cult acts of art, and therefore we recommend to physicians and laymen but imperfectly acquainted with the Materia Medica, the use of the lower di- lutions and tinctures in preference. Finally, when the lower dilutions are used, we recommend the continuance of one remedy, where we are sure it is the rightly chosen one, until some sensible change of symptoms takes place ; as, for example, in a case of dysentery in which mercury should be indicated, we would continue its use from day to day till the character VIII PREFACE. of the evacuation is thoroughly changed ; ap- plying in the morning hours, perhaps, aconite or colocynth or ipecac, but ever recurring to the mercury in the afternoon and evening till that remedy has done its appropriate Homoeopathic and lasting work. Much is lost in our school by changing remedies too frequently ; it is better to change the dilution or form of a well chosen reme- dy than to go from one remedy to another, so long as the principal sufferings remain unsubdued. In cases of doubt, as to which of two or three remedies named in this book in any given case, ought to be applied, we recommend a resort to Jahr's Manual of Homoeopathic Practice. Turn to the Clinical Chapter (always in vol. 2 which precedes the tabular exposition of the effects of the medicines upon the part affected in the case, and find the disease under which the patient is labouring ; this chapter alone will often contain the desired information. But if it do not, the table following the clinical chapter must be stud- ied ; and if this do not suffice to determine the choice satisfactorily, the notices of the remedies in question contained in the 1st volume may be read. This process will be as far as the domestic prescriber can go, and, for the class of cases which should be treated in domestic practice, it will be generally found sufficient. A. G. H. PREFACE. In presenting this little work to the public, the Author may be allowed to state, as briefly as possible, the motives which have led him to the undertaking. Of these, the principal are, the present paucity of Homoeopathic Practitioners ; the refutation, by a plain statement of the treatment of acute disease, of the too prevalent idea, that Homoeopathy is available only in Chronic affections ; and the hope that this work may, under proper restrictions, prove of service in cases of ordinary derangement, or where the ad- vice of a Homoeopathic physician is unattainable ; and by assisting in the selection of the proper remedy, save many from having recourse to Allopathic modes of relief, such as aperients, &c, which are so calcu- lated to undermine the strongest constitutions, and convert trifling affections into permanent maladies. From the first mentioned motive, (the present want of Homoeopathic practitioners,) the Author has found himself compelled to include many acute diseases, which fall more particularly within the province of the physician; in so doing, he has given a range of treatment that will meet a great variety of cases, and X. PREFACE. in almost all, so far obviate immediate danger, and place the malady in such a position, as to give time, when imperatively necessary, for seeking suitable advice. In cases that require prompt and decided measures, 8uch as " Convulsions," " Croup," &c, the treatment has been pretty fully gone into. In others, such as " Inflammation of the Brain and Lungs," the course to be pursued to ward off all immediate danger, has been briefly, but it is to be hoped, clearly pointed out. Other acute or dangerous maladies, such as " Puer- peral Fever," " Phlegmasia, Alba Dolens," (puer- peral tumid leg), Epilepsy, Cancer, &c, have been either slightly glanced at, or wholly omitted ; con- vinced, that to do justice to their several treatments, would carry the work far beyond its intended limits and purpose, and that an imperfect sketch would be rather productive of injury than benefit. In many instances, Domestic Medicines do consi- derably more harm than good, by inducing individuals to rely too fully upon their own resources, and to omit having recourse to those who have made the diseases of mankind their peculiar study ; but still greater injury results from an ill regulated perusal of elaborately written medical works, which require the previous education of the physician fully to compre- hend, and his practical experience properly to apply. To the Student, still at the threshold of our science, to the Allopathist, willing by fair experiment to put the system to the test, it is hoped that this little work may prove peculiarly valuable. It may be here remarked, that the beautiful simpli- city and harmonious uniformity of the Homoeopathic ; 1 I PREFACE. XI j I system, conjoined with its invariable rule of adminis- i tering only one medicinal substance at a time, have / misled many into the idea that it is so much easier of J practice than the old system, as scarcely to require \ the qualification of a medical education ; acting upon I these false premises, many amateurs, after having > studied a few of the leading medicines, although j wholly destitute of other physiological or pathological J knowledge, imagine themselves qualified to prescribe t for every variety of ailments, and their presumption ' is generally in exact ratio with their ignorance. No doubt, from the inherent excellence of the system, j some of those zealous individuals have cured diseases that have defied the Allopathic mode ; but generally, j from the absence of a medical education, and of a perfect knowledge of the Materia Medico, by a cir- cuitous route ; whereas the practised mind of the physician, frequently detecting the nature of the dis- ease, by the administration of a specific remedy, di- rects the vital energies into their proper channel, and by so doing, saves the patient from a course of need- less suffering. ; If such be the case in Chronic, how much more so in Acute diseases ; such, it is evident, no individual, r not fully competent, should take upon himself the i serious responsibility of treating, unless coerced by an I imperious necessity, and then with the closest atten- \ tion to, and most minute observance of the symptoms. i Under such conditions, the Author hopes that this work may prove useful; and when the symptoms are perfectly in accordance with those given under the different medicines, the administration of the latter will be always marked with decided benefit. XII PREFACE. In conclusion, it may be observed, that from the un- fair impressions of the science, that have been so in- dustriously propagated, Homoeopathy has been too fre- quently treated as a species of charlatanism, to which people resort only when every other mode of pro- mised relief has utterly failed. After enduring with patience a long and ineffectual treatment under the old system, they feel disappointed, if Homoeopathy does not work an immediate cure ; nay, in acute dis- eases, when danger appears to threaten, some indi- viduals fall back upon Allopathic measures, and undo all that the Homceopathist has effected; perhaps again seeking his assistance, when the mischief has been rendered irremediable by their own fatuity. Others, who have seen members of their families (whose diseases were beyond the power of medicine), die during Homoeopathic treatment, reproach the science with failure ; whereas, their minds would have felt perfectly satisfied, had such a misfortune occurred under the old system; forgetting that, in many instances, the patient only sought Homoeopathy as a last resource, in cases where the affection was of its own nature incurable, or bad been rendered so by a long course of improper treatment. What Homoeopathy stands upon, is the simple fact of success in thousands of cases, in which every other mode has signally failed—upon the firm and irrefragable basis of a multitude of unimpeachable and incontrovertible proofs. J. L. INDEX. INTRODUCTION. PagC Regimen, ... 17 Clothing and Habits, . 19 Administration and Repeti- tion of the Medicines, 21 Of the Medicaments, . 23 Psora and Anti-psorics, 23 INDEX TO PART I Acidity of the stomach, (see Indigestion), . 54 Bilious Complaints, . 53 Boils, .130 Bowels, Inflammation of, 72 Bowels, Looseness of, (see Diarrhoea), . 74 Brain, Inflammation of, 104 Bruises, .... I40 Burns, .... 141 Catarrh, Cold, . . 88 Chicken Pox, . . 39 Chilblains, . . .130 Cholera Morbus, . . 80 Cholera Asiatic, . . 83 Cold in the Head, 92 Colic, .... 69 Constipation, Costiveness, 64 Corns, . . .132 Cough, (see Catarrh), . 88 Cramps in the Stomach, (see Indigestion), . 54 Croup,.....94 Diarrhoea, ... 74 Dysentery, ... 76 Dyspepsia, ... 54 Ear ache, .126 Erysipelas, . 128 Eyes, Acute Inflammation of, .... 123 Eyes, Affections of, (see In- digestion), ... 54 Face,Pale, Sallow, or Flush- ed, (see Indigestion), 54 Flatulence, (see ibid), F4 Gout, .... 133 Headache, . 108 Headache, Dyspeptic, (see Indigestion), . . 54 Heartburn, . . 54 Hemorrhoids,' . 67 Page Hiccough, (see Indiges- tion), . 54 Hoarseness, (see Ca- tarrh), . 88 Hooping Cough, . 98 Hydrophobia, . 143 Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, 54 Influenza, 93 Jaundice, . 84 Liver Complaint, . . £9 Liver, Acute Inflammation of, 60 Liver, Chromic Inflamma- tion of, . 63 Lumbago, . 130 Lungs, Inflammation of, 102 Measles, . 30 Miliary Fever, . 40 Nettle Rash, . . 42 Piles, 67 Protrusion of the Intes- tine, . 68 Quinsy,' ^ee Sore Throat), . 48 Rheumatism, . . 135 Scalds, (see Burns;, . 141 Scarlet Fever, . 25 Sea Sickness, . 142 Small Pox, . 33 Sore Throat, . . 48 Sprains, . . 140 Tongue, Foul, (see Indiges- tion), . . 54 Toothache, 44 Water in the Head, . 107 Whitlow, . 132 Worms, . 95 Wounds, . 140 INDEX TO PART II. Treatment of Females. Chlorosis, . . 155 Catamenia, Irregularities of, .... 157 Observations on Pregnan- cy, . . . 158 Air and Exercise, . . 161 Clothing, ... 163 Diet during Pregnancy, 16& I1V INDEX. Page Employment of the Mind, and Habits, during Preg- nancy, 166 Influence of Ob- jects on the Unborn In- fant, . . .167 Mental Emotions, . 167 Despondency, . . 1C9 Diseases of Precnacy. Menstruation during Preg- nancy, . . 171 Morning Sickness, 172 Constipation during Preg- nancy, . 172 Fainting and Hysteric- Fits, ... 173 Toothache during Pregnan cy, • . .174 Swelled Veins or Varices, 175 Miscarriage, . . 176 Treatment before Par- turition. Breasts, Preparation of, 183 Remedies before Labour, 184 False Pains, . .185 Parturition and Labour Pains, .187 Spasmodic Pains, Cramps, and Convulsions, 190 Treatment after Delivery. After Pains, . .193 Duration of Confinement, 194 Diarrhoea of Lying in Women, .195 Milk, Suppression or ex- cessive Secreti n of, 196 Perspiration after Deli very, Suppression or excessive Secretion of, 197 Lochial Discharge, Irregu- larities of, . ]98 Abdominal Deformity, 200 Hair, Falling off of, . 201 Leucorrhcea after Parturi- tion. • .201 Internal Uterine Swelling and Prolapsus, . . 202 Weakness after Deliv- ery. •.. 203 Page Milk Fever, . 203 Obstacles to Suckling. Di*inclination of the In- fant, .205 Excoriation of the Nip- ples, . . 206 Inflammation of the Breasts, 207 Mental Emotions affect- ing the M.Ik. . 209 Deficiency of Milk, 210 Deterioration and Dis- coloration of Milk, . 211 Mothers not Suckling their Children, . 211 Treatment of Infants. After Birth, . . .213 Umbilical Hernia, . 214 Swelling of the Head, . 215 Expulsion of the Meco- nium, .... 215 Suckling of the Infant, . 217 Choice of a Nurse. 219 Diet during Nursing, 220 Dipt, Supplementary, of Infants, . .221 Duration of Suckling, and Weaning, . . 224 Sleep, ... 225 Exercise, . 229 Diseases of Infancy.. Inflammation of the %es, ... 232 Hiccough, 233 Cold in the Head, . 233 Crying and Wakeful- "e>s> • . 235 Regurgitation of Milk,. 237 Milk Crusts, . . 237 Thrush or Aphthae, . 238 Excoriation, . . # 240 Jaundice, . \ 241 Derangement ' during Teething, . 241 Convulsions, . , _ 244 Asthma of Millar, . . 260 Vaccination, . . ' 263 Vaccination and re-vacci- nation, 264 TABULAR INDEX OF THE MEDICINES Remedies. Acidum Nitricum. Acidum Phnsphoricum. Acidum Sulphuricum. Aconite. Alumina. Antimonium Crudum. Arnica. Arsenicum. Belladonna. Bryonia. Calcarea Carbonica. Cantharides. Carbo Animalis. Carbo Vegetabilis. Causticum. Chamomilla. Cicuta Virosa. Cina Cinchona or China. Cocculus. Coffea Cruda. Colocynth. Crocus. Cuprum Metallicum. Digitalis. Drosera Dulcamara. Euphrasia. Fenum Metallicum. Graphites- Hepar Sulphuris. Hyoscyamus. Ignatia. Ipecacuanha. Kali Carbonicum. Antidotes. Calc. c., Camph , Sulph. Camph , Coff, Nux v. Pulsatilla. Camph , Nux v. Bryon , Camph,, Ipec. Hep s., Mercur. Camph , Ign., Ipec. China, Nux v , Verat. Coff, Hy os , Puis. Aeon , Cham , Nux v. Camph., Sulph. Camphor. Camphor. Arsenic, Camph. Coffea, Nux v. Aeon., Nux v., Puis. Arnica, Tabac. Ipec Arn,, Ars., Sulph. Camph., Nux v. Aeon , Cham , Nux v. Camph , Coffea. Opium. Bell , Merc, Nux v. Nux v., Opium. Camphor Camph., Merc , Puis. Pulsatilla. Am , Ars , Bell., Ipec. Arsen., Nux v. Belladonna. Bell , Camph., China. Puis., Camph. Arn , Ars , China. Camph., Coff. XVI TABULAR INDEX OF THE MEDICINES. Remedies. Antidotes. Lachesis. Lycopodium. Magnesia Carbonica. Mercuriua Mercurius Solubilis. Natrum Muriaticum. Nux Vomica. Opium Phosphorus. Platina Pulsatilla. Rheum. Rhus Toxicodendron. Sambucus Niger. Secale Cornutum. Sepia. Silicea. Spongia. Staphysagria. Stramonium. Sulphur. Tabacum. Tinctura Sulphuris. Veratrum. Zincum. Ars , Bell., Nux r. Camph., Pulsat. Camphor. Arn. Bell, Camph., Sulph., Hep, s. The same. Arsenic, Camph. Aeon , Camph., Coff, Puis. Camph., Hep. s, Sulph. Camph , Coff, Nux v Pulsatilla. Cham , Coff, Ignat., Nuv v. Camph , Cham , Coff. Bell, Bry, Camph., Coff, Sulph. Arsenic, Camph. Camph, Opium. Aconit, Spir nitr. Camph Hep. s. Camphor. Camphor Bellad, Nux v. Aeon , Camph, Merc, Nux ▼. Camphor , Ipec, Nux v. Aeon, Camph , Merc, Nux v. Aeon , Ars , Camph., Coff. Camph, Ignat., Hep. s. INTRODUCTION. The principal points we have to notice in this part are, the Regimen to be observed under treat- ment—Clothing and Habits—the Administration and Repetition of the Medicines—the Potencies in general use, and the terms Psora and Anti- psorics. REGIMEN. The excellence of the Homoeopathic system of regimen—the jirst really founded upon a prin- ciple in medicine—has wrested approbation even from our opponents, although at the same time they disingenuously make use of it as a handle against the science itself, and ascribe the cures effected, to its observance, rather than to the effi- cacy of the medicines. To individuals unacquainted with Homoeopa- thy, the regimen is represented as extremely rigid ; to that assertion, a plain statement of the course to be pursued in genera] cases, will prove the best refutation ; and it may also be observed, that at first sight the self-denial imposed, seems more stringent than it will prove on being car- ried into effect, and that many individuals in the Author's own experience have pursued the same 2* 18 INTRODUCTION. system of diet, after they have had no further oc- casion for medical assistance, thus continuing from choice what they had begun from necessity. The Homoeopathic regimen consists merely of the avoidance of medicinal and indigestible sub- stances during treatment, both as calculated to interfere with the action of the medicines, and the proper functions of the alimentary system. Consequently, among liquids, the proscribed arti- cles are tea, coffee, malt liquors, wine and stimu- lants of every description ; cocoa, unspiced cho- colate, or, in fact, any non-medicinal beverage is allowable. Pure water in preference to all other drinks. In animal food, pork, young meats : such as veal, lamb, &c. ; and among poultry, ducks and geese had better He avoided, when derangement of the digestive functions exist. Beef, mutton, venison, and most descriptions of game, are al- lowable at discretion.* Fish is a wholesome article of diet, and may be partaken of without scruple, with the excep- tion of the oleaginous species, such as eels, salmon, &c, which had better be avoided or used with extreme moderation. Stimulating soups and made dishes, are so evi- dently opposed to Homoeopathic regimen, as scarcely to require further notice. Among vegetables, all of a pungent, aromatic, or medicinal description, are prohibited ; such as * See Manual of Homoeopathic Cookery, designed chiefly for the use of such persons as are under Homceopathic Treat ment. By the wife of a Homoeopathic Physician. Price INTRODUCTION. 19 onions garlic, eschalots, asparagus, radishes, horse-radish, celery, parsley, mint, sage, &c. : but others free from such quali;ies, such as pota- toes, French beans, green peas, &c, may be used, with the needful precaution of avoiding any particular article of diet, whether of the animal or vegetable kingdom, that may seem to disagree with the individual. Spices, acids, and the ordi- nary condiments, such as pepper, mustard, pickles. &c, ought either to be sparingly partaken of, or entirely abstained f-om, particularly by the dys- peptic. Sub-acid or unripe fruits, are clearly objection- able, and even ripe fruits should be used in ex- treme moderation, and by dyspeptic individuals not at all ;—most fruits possess a laxative pro- perty, even when preserved or cooked, and are particularly objectionable when in combination with pastry. We may observe that the straw- berry should be avoided, from its being well known to possess medicinal properties. During fevers and inflammatory affections, the patient must of course be kept upon a low regi- men ; gruel, barley-water, &c. ; a light pudding. with a little weak beef-tea or mutton or chicken broth, should form the whole of the nourishment given. Nature, however, is our best guide, and when she takes away appetite, thereby intimates the necessity of not taxing the digestive functions. CLOTHING AND HABITS.-* Upon the first point it were scarcely worth while entering into any observations, were it not 20 INTRODUCTION. simply to remark upon the impropriety of gar- ments impervious to air, fitting closely to the shape, and the custom of exposing the extremi- ties and chests of young children to the chilling atmosphere of our peculiarly variable climate, under the absurd idea of making them hardy. The evil consequences arising from the check given to perspiration by the first mentioned practice, are too well known to require any par- ticular comment; but as the other is an error widely prevalent, we consider it our duty to mention it; and feel assured, that if mothers will only reform their system, and clothe their chil- dren in a more rational manner, they will make no slight advance towards the prevention of se- rious affections, not only during childhood, but in after life. As regards habits, we may briefly observe, that a systematic course of life, avoiding late hours, dissipation, over-study, anxiety, and other mental emotion, and taking sufficient air and exercise, are the best preservatives of health. Excessive warm or cold bathing are injurious, particularly the former. The idea that sea-bathing is almost universally beneficial, is exceedingly erroneous ; there are many constitutions on whom it produces far other than a salutary effect. Medi- cated baths, either natural or artificial, are, it is scarcely necessary to observe, strictly forbidden under Homoeopathy. Bathing the whole frame with a sponge, with cold or scarcely tepid water, and the use of the flesh brush, is by no means opposed to treatment. The use of any medicinal or aromatic sub- % INTRODUCTION. 21 stances in the arrangement of the toilet, such as medicated dentrifices, lip-salves, smelling salts, or cosmetics, is detrimental to the action of the medicines, and had therefore better be avoided. The deleterious gas that flowers emit during night, renders their presence in bed-chambers highly reprehensible. ADMINISTRATION AND REPETITION OF THE MEDICINES. Upon this subject we will offer a few remarks, promising at the same time, that it is almost im- possible to give any general rule that will serve in all cases, much more depending upon the dis- crimination of the administrator, and a careful observance of the symptoms, than routine. In acute diseases, we must, then, carefully watch the symptoms, and when we feel assured we have chosen the proper remedy, if no percep- tible medicinal aggravation or amelioration de- clare itself, but the disease seems to gain ground, we must repeat the medicine. In cases of high inflammatory action, Aconite has sometimes to be repeated every two hours, hour, or even ten minutes. I? a. medicinal aggravation take place, followed by amelioration, we must let the medicine continue. its action until the amelioration appear to cease, and the disease again make head; if new symp- toms set in, we must then have recourse to the medicine thereby indicated. Should, however, no perceptible medicinal aggravation take place, but an amelioration follow, we jnay safely await 22 INTRODUCTION. its approach to its termination, ere we again ad- minister. If new symptoms arise, we must have recourse to the medicines they point out. In chronic and sub-acute cases, we may, when we feel sure of the medicament being correctly chosen, allow it to continue its' action for the space of eight days. The following medicines, however, possess a shortlived action, and may consequently be followed by another, or repeated, if necessary, at less protracted intervals; the briefness of their action corresponds with the order in which they are placed ; Aconite, Ojium, Rhmm, Ipecacuanha, Chamomilla, and Coffea ; of the first we have already spoken; the second may be followed by another remedy in the course of about twelve hours ; to the rest we may, in general cases, allow an action of from one to four days, according to their order. The distinguishing of the medicinal aggrava- tion, from that of the disease, being a point of material consequence, we will here give the pe- culiar characteristics of each. The medicinal aggravation comes on suddenly and without pre- vious amelioration ; the aggravation of the dis- ease more gradually, and frequently follou-ine an amelioration. Moreover, in the former, several of the medicinal symptoms, some of which we may meet under the indications for the remedy and not before remarked, declare themselves. In the SELECTION OF THE REMEDY, it is OOt necessary that all the symptoms noted should be present; at the same time taking care, that there are no symptoms not covered by the medicine/or more strongly indicating another. INTRODUCTION. 23 When we find symptoms not covered by a re- medy, which nevertheless appears indicated, we may, with advantage, avail ourselves of the ta- bular index of the medicines, and see if the symptom required to complete the diathesis, is given under the medicament in any other part of the work. In other cases, where different medi- cines are pointed out as useful in an affection, we may make use of the table, and by carefully noting the symptoms given under them else- where, thereby be enabled to select the remedy most clearly indicated. OF THE MEDICAMENTS. The high potencies are indicated for chronic, and the low for acute diseases. One of the best rules seems to be, to make use of the high poten- cies when the vital power appears to require stimulating ; they may consequently be adminis- tered with great advantage to very young chil- dren or aged individuals. The low are particu- larly serviceable when we have to contend with a material cause. The physician, however, for many reasons of his own, may choose to vary his potency, to change from a high to a low, or vice versa. We may, however, hope that the mode we have laid down will apply in general cases, and when the medicine has been judiciously selected, always with the highest success. 24 INTRODUCTION. PSORA AND ANTl I'SORICS. As we have frequent occasion, in the course of this work, to make use of the word psora, and to point out different affections requiring a course of \ vn-rsoiucs, wo may observe, that we understand by the word, an inherent vice of con- stitution, generally hereditary, evincing itself in several, and called into action in other diseases. Although there arc two other virus noted by Hahnemann, which form the source of numerous affections, we shall, nevertheless, content our- selves with classing them under the one general term, which although, strictly speaking, far from correct, will, in a work of this kind, answer every practical purpose. II) am'i-fsorics, we mean medicines particu- larly calculated to combat that virus, or miasm. J. L. THE HOMCEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. PART I. ON THE SYMPTOMS, CHARACTER, DISTINC- TION, AND TREATMENT OF DISEASES. ERUPTIVE FEVERS. SCARLET FEVER. This disease, in its simple generic character, takes its name from the scarlet appearance of the skin, which is of a bright raspberry red colour, or of a hue resembling a boiled lobster, smooth and glossy, upon which the finger being pressed leaves a white imprint, which almost immediately disappears. However, in the present day, we seldom meet with it in this simple form, but more frequently accompanied with sore throat, and t sometimes complicated with ulcerated ^ore throat, delirium, and congestive or severe inflammatory symptoms. 3 26 ' eruptive fevers. Scarlatina was formerly confounded with Mea- sles, from the resemblance which the two erup. tions bear to each other at their commencement; but they are easily distinguishable, even without taking into consideration the peculiar appearance of the skin above-mentioned—characteristic of the disease,—by the eruption in Scarlet Fever generally developing itself in forty eight hours from the commencement of the fever, whereas that of .Measles rarely sets in before the third or fifth day. In those rare cases in which it appears in its simple form. Belladonna alone is a sufficient re- medy. We may administer a teaspoonful of this solution every six or even three hours, if the fever run high, lengthening the intervals as it decreases in intensity, only repeating when a cessation of the amelioration takes place. We ought to watch carefully after each administration, for if the fever increase soon after, we may conclude it is a medicinal action, and avoid aggravating it by a repetition of the dose ; with infants we may sub- stitute a higher attenuation. The next form which we shall treat of, is when the Scarlatina becomes a severe and dangerous disease, when the throat is affected, and inflam- matory and high fever or congestive symptoms set in, which, if not properly treated, may assume the malignant type, attended with ulcerated sore throat, extension of the inflammation to the air passages, delirium, __c. It has been always remarked, that the greater the efflorescence, the less the intensity of the other symptoms ; it is when the disease appears SCARLET FEVER. 27 principally to attack the head and throat that it becomes dangerous. BePadonna should be administered as soon as the eruption begins to declare itself, when the throat and tongue become affected with dryness and burning ; desire, but complete inability to swallow even drinks, or saliva, with sense of suf- focation ; throat bright red, sometimes excoriated, with white specks, or stringy mucus, or appear- ance like thrush, tonsils swollen, internally and sometimes externally, the tongue of a bright fiery red, sometimes interspersed with dark red patches, generally appearing later in the disease, if at all; also when delirium is present. If the disease have taken a favourable turn, we may allow the Belladonna to continue its action ; but if we clearly perceive an appearance of ulcer- ation commencing, with increase of mucus, and swelling of the throat, we must have immediate recourse ioMkrcurius, unless the ulcers present a livid appearance about the edges, emitting an offensive odour, with excessive thirst or gastric derangements ; also if great prostration of strength be present, in which case we may exhibit Ar- senicum, to be followed by Nux Vomica, if it fail to relieve the totality of the symptoms. Some. times Acid. Phosph., Sulph., or Calc When the fever assumes a clearly inflamma- tory type, and the pulse runs high, we may ad- minister Aconite, to be repeated according to results ; being guided by the same rules we have above stated, bearing in mind that this medicine is very prompt in its action, and therefore gene- rally requires to be repeated more frequently than Belladonna. When the quickness of pulse and 28 ERUPTIVE FEVERS. other inflammatory febrile symptoms are subdued, and the affection of the throat again appears pro- minent, we may return to Belladonna. Opium may follow the administration of Bella- donna, when there is burning heat of the skin, drowsiness, stupor, stertorous breathing, open mouth, eyes half closed, restlessness with vomit- ing, or convulsions. Pulsatilla, when derangement of the stomach and digestive organs is a prominent symptom, the face pale or red and bloated ; constipation or looseness, especially at night, occasionally with pains in the bowels, and shivering ; disposition fretful and sensitive, or melancholy. Wo frequently find this affection in a complica- ted form, distinguishable from pure Scarlet Fever by the absence of the peculiar hue of the skin, of which we have spoken at the commencement. In such cases we may have recourse to the follow- ing remedies : * Coffea, when the appearance of the skin closely resembles purples, with extreme nervous sensibility to pain, sleeplessness from excitability, disposition to tears, with tossing and restlessness. Aconite, may follow, if Coffea fail to relieve, particularly when a high pulse is present. Ipecacuanha, when there is distressing tight- ness of the chest, and the fever heightens to- wards evening, with symptoms of nausea, or even vomiting ; diarrhoea with colic, face sallow, rest broken and agitated, moaning, and disposition to weep ; particularly if the clear Scarlatina hue is less defined, or the skin is studded with small elevations, perceptible to the eye and touch. scarlet fever. 29 In psoric habits of body, or in instances when the disease has been allopathically treated from the commencement, many troublesome sequelae are left. A gainst the following, Belladonna is ex- tremely efficacious : puffiness of the face, swell- ing of hands and feet, lingering fever in the even- ing, glandular enlargements, chaps about the mouth, severe headaches, stammering, &c. Dropsical swelling of the whole body is not an unfrequent sequela, requiring a most careful and discriminating treatment. Scarlet Fever is chiefly dangerous when the latent psoric virus is called into activity, and as- sociates itself with the disease ; in such cases, the Allopathist finds himself baffled by an evil against which he possesses no specific remedy, and the utmost skill of the Homoeopathic practi- tioner is called into play. Such, it is evident, are far beyond the sphere of a work of this na- ture, and were we to enter upon them, we might, with the purest motives, commit irreparable mis- chief by inducing many to attempt the treatment of those dangerous forms of this malady, which fall so immediately within the province of the experienced physician. Belladonna is valuable as a preservative against pure scarlatina, when epidemic, and moreover greatly assists in modifying the character of the disease, in such individuals as do not wholly es- cape its attacks; with children a dose may be given every week, and with adults, or robust children above ten years of age, every four or five days for three or four weeks, which will generally be found sufficient to obviate any risk ; should the 3* v 30 eruptive fevers. disease continue to rage, the treatment may be renewed at the end of about three weeks : if the ruling epidemic be Scarlatina in a complicated form, that is, not possessing the clear Scarlatina hue, we should alternate this medicine with Aconite, allowing the latter an action of about twelve hours, and afterwards proceeding with the Belladonna a* before. While taking these medic- aments, the patient must adhere strictly to the Homoeopathic diet, particularly avoiding wine and acids. We must, in ad?ninistcriiif> prophy'ac/ics,* carefully iratrh their effects, and if a medicinal action set in, discontinue immediately. MEASLES. Thi> disease generally reigns as an infectious epidemic, and for the most part confines its attack to children, in which case it is seldom, when properly treated, either severe or dangerous ; al- though adults sometimes suffer from its influence, when it generally assumes a more critical char- acter. It rarely attacks an individual a second time. Measles is not so much to be dreaded for itself, as for the deleterious consequences which, under an improper mode of treatment, it frequently en- tails, or to use the technical term, the dre°s it leaves after it, in many constitutions developing an inherent disposition to consumption. This malady is ushered in by the symptoms * Prophylactics, medicines taken as preventives of i, MEASLES. 31 common to fevers, alternate heat and chills, &c, preceding the eruption four or five days, with the distinction of a catarrhal affection, which gene- rally runs its course to the termination of the disease. The eruption in Measles consists of a number of small red spots (frequently papular) the skin in the intervals between them generally preserving its natural colour, and sometimes a faint reddish hue. We often find them in the shape of small irregular arcs; the eyes of the sufferer are gene- rally red and watery. They for the most part make their first appearance on the face and neck, become confluent, and extend themselves gradu- ally downwards over the rest of the frame. Aconite has been regarded, in some instances, as almost specific against Measles, and in its mild form will frequently be found sufficient, in a few doses, to conquer the disease, or at least ma- terially to shorten its duration ; it is particularly indicated when the fever assumes an'inflamma- tory form, attended with dry heat of the skin, heat in the head, w;th confusion and giddiness, redness of the eyes, intolerance of light, general weak- ness and prostration. We may administer a dose every twelve, or in severe cases, every eight hours, and continue the treatment till we find an amelioration, should none of the symp- toms, hereafter mentioned, indicate the necessity of having recourse to another remedy. Pulsaiilla is also very efficacious, and even specific in this disease, and is frequently indica- ted in the commencement, from the strong resem- 32 ERUPTIVE FEVERS. blance which some of its pathogenetic* proper- ties bear to the catarrh attendant upon measles, together with the characteristic exacerbation of the symptoms towards evening. As a general rule, it may be administered every three days, while the same indications continue, until ame- lioration takes place ; or sometimes in alternation with the Aconite, which may always be consider- ed indicated, when decidedly inflammatory symp- toms set in. Pulsaiilla is also valuable when any gastric derangement is present. Belladonna, when the inflammation attacks the throat, presenting many of the throat symp- toms we have given for the medicine under Scarlet Fever, attended with great thirst, which the patient is often prevented from indulging by the acute shooting or pricking pain in the throat produced by swallowing ; and further, when there is a hoarse, dry, barking, and somewhat spasmo- dic cough, worse at. night, with restlessness and high nervous excitement ; also in those cases of Measles where no eruption declares itself, but simply headache and catarrh, with inflammation of the eyes, which present a glassy appearance, are bloodshot or streaked, and watery. Bryonia is an excellent remedy when the lungs and chest seem affected, which discloses itself by shooting pains, increased by respiration and extending themselves between the shoulders. This disease has frequently terminated fatally, from the eruption being driven in by sudden ex- * Pathogenetic symptoms. Those caused by the action of the medicine upon a healthy individual. SMALL POX. 33 posure to cold or change of temperature ; in such cases, Bryonia, as above, is generally found effi- cacious in re-evolving the eruption, and prevent- ing this disaster ; if diarrhoea, with mucus dis- charge, follow the suppression, Pulsatilla is indicated ; if the vomiting be the more prominent symptom, Ipecacuanha should be substituted. For the treatment of coughs that Measles, not carefully treated, sometimes leave after them, see Coughs. For the diarrhoea remaining under similar cir- cumstances, see Diarrhea. As a precautionary measure against the attacks of this disease, when epidemic, we may admin- ister Pulsatilla, followed by Aconite three days after; allow the latter medicine to act for twenty-four hours, and continue the alternation for a fortnight, renewing it, when necessary, at the termination of a week or ten days. This treatment will frequently be found sufficient in warding off this disease, or, if taken, it will be in an extremely mild form. SMALL POX. This disease is, by pathologists of the present day, divided into two varieties—the distinct, when the pustules on the face are clearly defined, and do not run into one another; the confluent, when they coalesce and form one continuous whole. When the symptoms are less severe than those properly characteristic of the disease, and the eruption on the face slight, it is called the Modi- fied Small Pox. We generally find this descrip- 34 ERUPTIVE FEVERS. tion in such persons as have been properly vacci- nated, which precaution, although not always a preservative from the attacks of variola, greatly lessens its virulence, and gives a milder charac- ter to the complaint when taken. This disease is frequently very sudden in its attacks, commencing with chilliness and shiver- ing, followed by febrile symptoms, with severe pains in the small of the back and loins ; the pa- tient also complains of headache, oppression of the chest, and acute pain in the pit of the sto- mach, increased by pressure. The eruption makes its appearance at the close of the third day, first on the face and hairy scalp, then on the neck, and afterwards spreads over the whole body. Ca- tarrhal symptoms, sneezing, coughing, wheezing, and frequently difficulty of breathing, accompany this disease, commencing when the pustules de- clare themselves, the second or third day from the commencement of the eruption, and also while they are coming out. The eruption first appears in the shape of small hard pointed elevations, which become depressed in the centre as they enlarge, and contain a semi- transparent fluid with inflamed circular margin ; about the sixth day the depression in the centre disappears, from the lymph in the pustule chang. ing into pus. When the pustules have attained their full development, in most instances about the eleventh day, they generally burst, in mild cases emitting an opaque lymph, which dries into a crust and falls off; in severe ones, we find a discbarge of puriform matter, forming scabs and sores, which leave, on their healing, permanent SMALL POX. 35 marks or pits. Red stains, caused by increased vascular action, always remain for a while after the eruption; but if no ulceration has taken place, they disappear in process of time. In Confluent Small Pox, all the precursory symptoms are more severe, the eruptive fever runs it course, the pain in the pit of the stomach, and difficulty of breathing, are more complained of, and in children the eruption is frequently pre- ceded by convulsions and delirium; the latter symptom is frequently present with adults during the suppurative or secondary fever, which gene- rally assumes a typhoid type, and if not properly treated from the commencement, sometimes car- ries off the patient on the eleventh day; indeed, some exceedingly rare cases in which we have a deeply rooted psora to contend against, require the utmost skill of the experienced practitioner to ward off a fatal result. Before we come to the medicines to be admin- istered in the different stages of this disease, we may say a few words upon the treatment of the patient. The room ought to be kept at a moderate tem- perature, not allowing too great a quantity of bed clothes, yet not so low as to impede the proper development of the eruption. W7hen the vesicles declare themselves, and begin to form into pus- tules, the room ought to be kept as dark as possi- ble, to aid in preventing the risk of disfigurement, a precaution deducible from common experience, since we find that the parts of the frame exposed to the action of the light are always those most strongly marked by the ravages of the disease; 36 ERUPTIVE FEVERS. the exclusion of air seems also to be preventive of injury to the skin, and consequently many phy- sicians have adopted a mask or plaster for the face, of different substances, such as gum muci- lage, calamine, &c, to effect this desirable object. We have, however, in the general course of prac- tice, found the specific action of the medicines sufficient to obviate all evil consequences of this nature, without requiring to have recourse to the last mentioned precaution. We shall now proceed to the enumeration of the medicines which are generally administered in this disease. In the first stage, that is, when the eruption is coming out, the best medicaments to assist the natural course of the distemper are Coffea and Bryonia. Coffea is valuable in allaying the nervous ex- citability generally present. Aconite may either follow or precede this medicine, when the fever runs high, and threatens visceral congestion, and may be repeated after a short interval, according to the effect produced. Bryonia is especially intended to develop the eruption ; also when considerable symptoms of gastric derangement are present, such as bitter taste in the mouth, foulness of the tongue, head- ache, rheumatic pain in lire limbs, increased by mo. tion, constipation and irritability of disposition and is useful in the more advanced stages of the disease, when the pustules have declared them- selves ; also when an inflammatory action of the respiratory organs seems threatened, indicated by occasional shooting pains in the chest, especially SMALL POX. 37 during respiration ; it may be preceded or fol- lowed by Aconite, should there be considerable fever, with dry heat of the skin. Belladonna.—This remedy may follow Aco- nite when the latter has been indicated, should symptoms of cerebral disturbance have set in, characterized by flushed countenance, intolerance of the eyes to light, headache and delirium ; to be continued until we have subdued the symptoms, care being taken not to repeat, as long as improve- ment is going on ; and carefully noting the medi- cinal aggravation, if it declare itself, as another sign for a temporary discontinuance. Opium is useful when there are symptoms of stupor or strong inclination to somnolence. Should the gastric symptoms be attended with diarrhoea and severe vomiting, we may administer Ipeca- cuanha. In children, Chamomilla is frequently preferable to Ipecacuanha, and is useful for the convulsions that sometimes set in. Pulsatilla. When there is a gastric de- rangement with nausea, but the vomiting not so severe, and when the symptoms are aggravated towards evening, particularly when the patient is of a mild or phlegmatic temperament. If Ipecacuanha do not succeed, and the vomit- ing increase considerably, with excessive thirst and dryness of the mouth, the tongue very foul and dark, a tended with excessive prostration of strength, we may administer Arsenicum. The last symp- tom generally occurs after the maturation of the eruption .and secondary fever (when present), in which case we may substitute a higher attenua- tion, which will generally sufficiently restore the 4 38 ERUPTIVE fevers. vital energy without an injudicious alteration in nutritive diet, or having recourse to wine or tonics. Stramonium is useful when some pustules are already formed, in forwarding the eruption and shortening its duration. During the filling up of the pocks, a secondary or suppurative fever frequently sets in, particu- larly when the pustules are thick and evince a disposition to run into the confluent form ; when, moreover, there is inflammation of the eyes, throat, and nose, with salivation ; having, if called for, first attacked the more prominent febrile symp- toms with AcomtiT, we should administer on the same day, Miohc i kius. While the disease is running its course, parti- cularly during the distention of the pustules, should no other remedies be imperatively called for, and also towards the period of their bursting, we may safely administer an occasional dose of M rcurius as above, in the latter case followed by Sclimilr, to assist in the desiccation. During the period of desiccation, continual laving with tepid water and bran, and gently dry- ing it afterwards, will be sufficient ; cleanliness being then the great requisite, with a careful at- tention to diet. Some physicians, in their treatment of this af- fection, divide it into distinct stages ; we have contented ourselves, when necessary, with slightly referring to them. To the practitioner they are sufficiently well known ; and the nonmedical ad- ministrator must be guided by the symptoms that present themselves from time to time, in the se- lection of the remedy, by which mode he is less chicken pock. 39 likely to fall into error, than he might be were he to act by mere routine. Modified Small Pox is merely a mild descrip- tion of the above, and as we have before said, is the form the disease generally assumes, when it attacks those who have been properly vacci- nated. We must regulate our treatment accord- ing to the symptoms, being guided in the se- lection of the remedies by the indications before given. CHICKEN POCK. This disease bears a considerable resemblance in its external character to small pox, but differs symptomatically, being considerably milder, gene- rally requiring no medical assistance, but merely attention to diet; and but rarely becoming dan- gerous, except when it extends itself to the lungs or brain. When this affection attacks an individual, and small pox is epidemic, which is not unfrequently the case, it is often mistaken for that disorder, but it soon discovers its real character, by the rapidity with which the eruption declares itself; the pustules, (in many instances closely resem- bling those of the -small pox,) being generally fully matured by the third day, and the whole eruption disappearing at the end of the fifth, with- out leaving any mark. With regard to the treatment, when fever does exist, we should check it by the administration of Aconite, or Coffea, if there is simply extreme restlessness or anxiety. When cerebral syrnp- 40 ERUPTIVE FEVERS. toms threaten, Belladonna ; for the indications of this medicine, see Inflammation of the Brain. When attended w.ith convulsions in children, particularly during dentition, see Con- vulsions. Mercuries may be given when the lymph of the pustules becomes converted into pus, as in the small pox, and is also beneficial if strangury be present. In anomalous cases, where other symp- toms supervene, more closely resembling Small Pox, we may consult the remedies mentioned under that disease. MILIARY FEVER. The characteristic eruption of this disease, con- sists of a gieat number of exceedingly small round transparent vesicles, or points irregularly scat- tered, of the size of millet seeds, (hence its name,) which, when the hand is passed over the surface, feel as if there were small guains of sand beneath the cuticle. This affection is sometimes idio- pathic, but more frequently associated with fever, and even occasionally present in various chronic diseases, in which latter instance it may generally be considered as an evidence of some internal constitutional taint ; it is also not uncommon with women at the period of confinement, arising from the room being kept at too high a temperature— a frequent cause of this malady. This, like other cutaneous affections of the same nature, is gene- rally preceded by febrile symptoms, the eruption appearing on the fifth or sixth day; previous to the vesicles evolving themselves, there is a ting MILIARY FEVER. 41 ling or itching of the skin, occasionally attended with a sensation of burning, together with a numb- ness of the extremities ; the patient complains of a sense of oppression at the chest, sometimes with cough and stitches in the side, and not un- frequently of severe, or fugitive rheumatic pains in the limbs and teeth. The skin is sometimes dry, at others perspires profusely with a sour smell ; low spirits are a frequent accompaniment of this affection. With regard to the treatment, in consequence of the numerous diseases with which it is compli- cated, it requires a variety of medicaments. When it appears in a simple and apparently idiopathic form, and is attended with anxiety and restless- ness, which seems to depend upon an accelerated circulation of the blood with great internal and external heat, Aconite is a specific remedy; and when the above seem more particularly to arise from high nervous excitability, and the feeling of anxiety is less, Coffea is the remedy. Belladonna, when the accelerated circulation is attended with considerable determination of blood to the head, and delirium. When the disease is found conjoined with puer- peral or other fevers, and is preceded by oppres- sion, lassitude, anxiety, and a sense of weight about the chest, restlessness, sighing, &c. ; it is generally speedily subdued by a dose or two of Ipecacuanha, repeating the dose in two days if no action of the medicine declare itself; or should the symptoms which precede the eruption be ac- companied by constip"lion, or shooting pains in the chest, Bryonia should be selected. 4* 42 ERUPTIVE FEVERS. When this disease comes on in children, brought about by the same cause, viz., excessive war.ntti, or even errors in diet, attended with a greenish or watery yellowish diarrhoea, we may administer Chamomilla, followed, if no alteration take place, by Sulphur. NETTLE RASH. This eruption is one in many points resembling the stinging of nettles, whence its name. It generally presents the appearance of red eleva- tions of the cuticle, with a white spot in the cen- tre ; sometimes, on the contrary, these eminences have a red appearance, but it is easily distinguish- able from other eruptions, by the suddenness with which it is evolved, disappearing in one place to re-appear in another. This eruption is brought to the surface by various causes, not unfrequently arising from in- digestion, caused by the use of improper articles for food. Before the eruption discloses itself, the patient is affected with restlessness, languor, op- pression, and want of appetite, derangement of the digestive functions, and fever. When the eruption breaks out, the above symptoms become relieved, but considerable suffering arises from heat and itching; sometimes swelling of the parts affected; this being merely a development of Psora, or, in the words of the Allopathic physiolo- gist, arising from a constitutional cause, requires for its total eradiction, a course of antipsoric treatment. In acute cases, the remedies found most useful, NETTLE RASH. 43 are Dulcamara, Aconite,NuxVomica, and Bryonia. The first remedy is almost specific, when there is considerable fever, with bitter taste in the mouth, foul tongue, diarrhoea, pains in the limbs, and extreme itching, with a burning sensation after scratching. Aconite, when the febrile symptoms are more intense, the pulse high, the skin hot and dry, great restlessness and anxiety present. Nux Vomica, when there is considerable gas- tric derangement, particularly constipation, more especially when arising from wine, stimulants, or indigestible substances ; and may, if necessary, follow Aconite in eight or twelve hours after the febrile symptoms are somewhat modified. In this, as in every other cutaneous eruption, great care ought to be taken against driving in the eruption by external applications or lotions; their sudden suppression, as before noted under Scarlatina and Small Pox, being frequently attended with fatal consequences. When, how- ever, from improper treatment, we have reason to dread this having taken place, we should admin- ister Bryonia, which will generally be found suf- ficient to bring back the rash, and prevent further dangerous consequences. 44 DISEASES OF ORGANS CONNECTED WITH THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. TOOTHACHE. When we find a constant disposition to this dis- tressing malady, on the slightest exposure to cold, without any presumable cause, or what is gene- rally called rheumatic toothache, we are warranted in concluding that a psoric virus lurks in the con- stitution ; and until means are taken for its eradi- cation, even the remedies most clearly indicated under other circumstances, fail for its relief, or at most but temporarily alleviate its pains. Another obstacle to the selection of the proper remedy, is the difficulty we find in obtaining from the patient a perfectly clear description of his sensations. We shall, nevertheless, mention a few of the remedies which have proved most efficacious in the relief of toothache, and when the symptoms of the sufferer approximate closely to the indications given for the medicine, they will, in very many cases, afford a prompt relief; among these", Bella- donna, Chamomilla, Mermrius, Nux Vomica Pul- satilla, and Sulphur, hold a high rank. The medicine selected may be administered every half hour. Belladonna is particularly indicated when the pains are very severe, of a drawing, tearine or shwunm nature, extending to the face and ears ; becoming aggravated m the evening, and toothache. 45 especially at night, with gnawing or boring pain in the carious teeth, swelling of the gums and cheeks, dryness of the mouth, with excessive ihirst, with, or without salivation ; renewal of the pains from intellectual labour, or after eating ; aggrava- tion of suffering when masticating, also in the open air ; congestion to the head, with heat and red- ness of the face, also pulsation in the head and cheeks. Chamomilla, when there are severe drawing, jerking, pulsative, or shooting pains ; heat and redness, especially of one of the cheeks; the pain becomes almost insufferable, especially at night in the warmth of the bed; shooting and pulsative pains in the ear and side affected, the pains are aggravated by eating, or drinking anything hot or cold, but especially the former; great agitation and loss of sense from pain, or excessive weakness, sometimes amounting to fainting; great irasci- bility, and disposition to shed tears during the paroxysms. Chamomilla is useful in cases of toothache which have arisen from abuse of Cof- fee, in which affection Nux Vomica and Pulsatilla are also valuable,when indicated by the symptoms. Mercurius is particularly indicated when the pains affect carious teeth, or exist in the roots of the tee'h, and consist of fearing, shooting pains, occupying the whole side of the head and face, and extending to the ears ; loosening of the teeth, and a feeling as if they were too long ; the pain be- comes almost insupportable towards evening, and especially at night in the warmth of the bed; aggravated when eating or drinking, particu- larly after anything cold, also by exposure to 46 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. cold or damp air ; swelling and inflammation of the gums; nocturnal perspiration, peevishness, and inclination to tears ; it is especially useful in per- sons who are subject to glandular swellings. Nux Vomica is useful for persons who are habituated to wine, coffee, or other stimulants, or addicted to sedentary life or study ; of lively or irritable temperament, dark or florid complexion ; sufferings increased by intellectual labour. The pains generally occur in carious teeth, and are of a drawing and jerking or corrosive description, occasionally diffusing themselves to the head and ears, sometimes attended with painful enlarge- ment of the submaxillary glands ; gums swollen and painful, accompanied with throbbing and pul- sation. The toothache is more liable to come at night or on awaking in the morning, sometimes also after dinner or in the open air. Pulsatile \ is peculiarly adapted to persons of a m'Id. or phlegmatic disposition. The pains are digging and gnawing, attended with pricking in the gums, extending to the face, head, eye, and ear of the side affected ; this remedy is particu- larly efficacious in toothache, attended with ear- ache, with paleness of the face, and when the toothache has been excited by taking cold, or where we find shortness and difficulty of breath- ing; the pains are sometimes of a drawing, tear. ing, shooting, or jerking description, and occasion- ally produce a sensation as if the nerve were drawn tight, and then suddenly relixed ; the pain is much aggravated in the evening or after mid- night, generally increased by warmth, and when at rest, and mitigated by cold air or cold applications to the mouth. TOOTHACHE. 47 Sulphur. This remedy is particularly valuable in psoric constitutions, with a tendency to consti- pation ; pain, sometimes attended with swelling of the cheek and shooting pains in the ears, conges- tion of blood to the head, and pulsative headache ; the pain is of a tearing, jerking, pulsative descrip- tion, affecting both carious and sound teeth ; pains are aggravated in the evening and at night, or by exposure to the open air, also by the application of cold water or by mastication ; loosening, sen- sation of elongation, and setting on edge of the teeth ; the gums are swollen, attended with pulsa- tive pains, and bleed easily. Bryonia, is also a useful remedy in this affec- tion, particularly with persons of a lively, choleric, and obstinate disposition. Its indications are loosening and sensation of elongation of the teeth, especially during or after eating ; shooting in the ears, with inclination to lie down, pains aggravated by taking anything hot in the mouth, mitigated by lying on the affected side, or exacerbated by the contrary position. Aconite, Belladonna, Chamomilla, Coffea, and Ignalia, are useful in affections of this nature with children. Aconite. When the pains are difficult of description, attended with great agitation, fever- ish sensations, blood to the head, heat and red- ness of the face, and when the pains are de- scribed as of a pulsative, throbbing nature. Coffea. Against violent pains with great excitability and almost distraction in adults ; also when the patient is conscious that the excitement is disproportionate to the pain suffered. 48 DIGESTIVE ORGANS. For Chamomilla we have already given indica- tions ; if it prove insufficient, and the toothache has been caused by a chill, and is attended with diarrhoea, we may substitute Dulcamara. Igvatia is suitable to those cases presenting similar indications to those of Nux Vomica or PidsaliUa, but more particularly applicable to mild or sensitive dispositions, with alternation of high and low spirits. SORE THROAT, OR QUINSY. Quinsy is an inflammation of the throat, denoted by swelling and red colour of the back part of the throat, accompanied with difficulty of swallowing, and occasionally fever. In the incipient stage of this affection, there is a sense of constriction about the throat, with a feeling of soreness, and sometimes of obstruction in the act of swallowing the saliva; if it runs its course, the difficulty of swallowing and breathing increases, the tongue swells and becomes foul, the tonsils assume a redder hue, occasionally a num- ber of smal^yellow eminences appear at the back of the throat and particularly on the tonsils, the patient complains of thirst, and the pulse is high, strong, and frequent; sometimes the cheeks swell and become florid, and the eyes inflamed ; and in severe cases delirium is not an unfrequent occur- rence. This affection, occasionally, if not prop- erly treated, dangerous in its simple form, becomes particularly critical when it puts on the putrid type ; in such instances the attendant fever gene- rally assumes a typhoid character ; when this SORE THROAT, OR QUINSY. 49 takes place, we may always infer a psoric ten- dency. When this affection is at the commencement attended with considerable fever, thirst, and dry heat, deep redness of the parts affected, painful and difficult deglutition, pricking sensation in the throat, with aggravation of the symptoms when speaking, we should administer one or two doses of Aconite, in a powder, on the tongue, or in water. The next medicament we shall mention, Bella- donna, as may have been observed in the treatment of Scarlatina, Measles, &c, is one of the best remedies we possess against inflammation of the throat. When the above symptoms have been subdued by Aconite, or should the following symp- toms have existed from the commencement, we should have immediate recourse to its adminis- tration. Pain in the throat as if from excoriation, attended with a scraping sensation of enlargement, and burning or shooting pains, principally experienced during the act of swallowing; these pains some- times extend to the ears. Other characteristic indications for this remedy are—sense of spas- modic constriction or contraction of the throat, with constant desire to swallow saliva ; occasionally there is violent thirst, but a dread of drink from the suffering it occasions. Sometimes a complete inability to drink exists, and the liquid returns by the nostrils. On examination, the throat presents a bright red colour, with or without swelling of the palate, uvula and tonsils. In severer cases this remedy also continues valuable ; namely, when 5 50 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. matter has gathered in the tonsils, and when we observe small ulcers forming anil spreading rapidly, also accumulation of slimy whitish mucus in the throat and on the tongue,obliging the patient to spit frequently; salivation, swelling of the muscles and glands of the neck, severe headache, chiefly con- fined to the forehead, sometimes determination of blood to the head, and delirium ; we may exhibit Belladonna, in two or three doses, at intervals, according to the effect. This remedy frequently succeeds in speedily removing the whole of the above group of symptoms, or at least, so far subdues them, as to enable Mcrcurius to complete the cure. Mekcukius, frequently valuable at the com- mencement of the disease, when so indicated, or in alternation with Belladonna in troublesome cases, is one of the most valuable remedial agents, fol- lowing that medicine, when necessary to com- plete the cure. Its indications are violent shooting in the throat and tvnsils, especially when swallow. ing; these pains extend to the ears, and glands before the ears, and under the jaw ; inflammatory redness of the affected parts of the throat, burning in the throat, desire to swallow, attended with a sensation of an obstruction existing in the passage; accumulation of thick and tenacious mucus in the throat, difficult deglutition, especially of liquids, which sometimes escape through the nostrils; swelling of the posterior part of the tongue, occa- sionally swelling of the gums ; unpleasant taste in the mouth, which is filled with saliva more or less inspissated ; throbbing of, and matter forming in, the tonsils ; ulcers in the throat which look indolent and increase slowly; offensive odour from the SORE THROAT, OR QUINSY. 51 mouth, aggravation of symptoms at night, when speaking, and in the evening, chills and shivering, sometimes alternated with heat. Mercuries, after the bursting of the Quinsy, is useful in facilitating the throat's healing. Nux Vomica. This remedy is especially use- ful when the sore throat appears to arise from or to be accompanied by symptoms of deranged di- gestion, and when a sense of scraping or excoria- tion exists in the throat, also when a feeling or contraction is experienced in the upper part of the throat during empty deglutition, swelling and elon- gallon of the uvula, producing a constant desire to swallow, at times only a sensa'ion of swelling, with pressure and pains ; when cold has been the ex- citing cause, attended with dry cough and head- ache, chiefly in the morning, and pains under the low ribs during the cough, this remedy is also indicated, likewise when there are small of- fensive ulcers of the throat, or considerable de- bility is present; this medicine, in ordinary cases, may be allowed to continue its action for a day or two. Pulsatilla. When there are symptoms of gastric derangement, and more particularly when a dark livid redness of the throat and tonsils ap- pears, with a sensation of, or sometimes actual, swelling; a feeling of an enlargement of the upper part of the throat, also excoriation and scraping, with dryness of the throat, without thirst, shooting pains in the throat when not swallowing, aggravation of the symptoms towards evening, at- tended with shivering ; also accumulation of ad- hesive mucus in the throat. This remedy is more 52 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. particularly suitable for females, or for individuals of a mild and phlegmatic temperament. Chamomilla is a remedy particularly useful in the sore throat occurring in children, and espe- cially when the disease has been brought about by cheeked perspiration, when there are shooting or burning pains, with sensation of a swelling of the throat, deep redness of the parts affected, inability to swallow solid food, especially when lying down ; thirst, with dryness of the mouth and throat, swelling of the tonsils and glands, before the ear and under the jaw ; cough in- creased by tickling in the throat, attended with hoarseness; fever towards evening, with alternate heat and shivering, redness of one cheek, great ex- citability and tossing about. Ignatia is indicated when there is a sen- sation as of a plug in the throat, with red and inflammatory swelling of the tonsils, or palate ; burning pains in deglutition, as if the substance were passing over an excoriated surface, or par- tially obstructed by some foreign body in the throat. Liquids are more difficult to swallow than solids ; there are also shooting pains in the cheeks, thence extending to the ears, when not per- forming the act of deglutition, induration of the tonsils or evolution .of small pustules upon them. Hepar Sulphuris is valuable in bringing the matter to a head, when the Quinsy has attained to such a height that its bursting is inevitable. In conclusion we may remark, that in all cases in which Belladonna, and Mercurius appear indi- cated, yet fail in completely subduing this disease, Lachesis has frequently proved successful. One BILIOUS complaints. 53 of the best indications for its exhibition is when the pain of the sore throat becomes aggravated from the slightest external pressure. It is perhaps unnecessary to mention that all medicinal gargles, blisters, leeches, or other topical applications, are rendered unnecessary by proper Homoeopathic treatment. While we thus free the patient from a considerable degree of an- noyance and needless suffering, we, at the same time, by a careful attention to the symptoms, and the exhibition of the proper remedy, effect a speedy cure. BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. Bilious Complaints have of late years become the popular term for almost all derangements of the digestive functions ; and by common consent, all these disorders have been at once unhesita- tingly ascribed to a superabundance or deficiency of the important secretion of the liver. This opi- nion, although sufficiently plausible on its first ap- pearance, will, on a careful examination, be found erroneous ; for although in the disease which is commonly denominated, in severe cases, liver complaint, this organ is powerfully affected, yet it is generally only by sympathy ; and the real seat of the disorder is in the stomach and bowels. When we succeed in restoring them to a normal state, the liver will, in most instances, again re- sume its natural functions. Having premised thus much, we shall proceed to the consideration of Dyspepsia, or Indigestion ; under which will be found all of the symptoms 5* 54 DIGESTIVE system. ascribed to the two imaginary and opposite causes of derangement, inactivity of the liver, and too great a secretion of bile. INDIGESTION, OR DYSPEPSIA. This disease appears in so many different phases, that we shall simply content ourselves with an enumeration of some of the principal ex- citing causes, and refer to the symptoms given under the different medicaments for its descrip- tion. The following are among the principal ex- citing causes. Irregularities in diet—such as an over-indul- gence in the pleasures of the table, partaking of rich and indigestible food, and stimulating soups, excessive use of wine, malt and spirituous liquors, tea, coffee, and other stimulants ; imperfect masti- cation of food, irregularity of, or too long fasting between meals, indolent or sedentary habits, ex- haustion from intense study, keeping late hours, mental emotions, &c. The foundation of this disorder is frequently laid in early life, by the baleful practice of the administration of large doses of Calomel, and other deleterious drugs ; and the evil is perpetu- ated in more mature age, by a continuance of the same absurd and dangerous system. The principal Homoeopathic remedies for the treatment of this affection are, Nux Vomica, Pul- satilla, Bryonia, Chamomilla, Igna'ia, and Cin- chona. Of these, Nux Vomica and Pulsatilla are the principal. Nux Vomica covers the following symptoms : INDIGESTION, OR DYSPEPSIA. 55 the head confused, with occasionally a feeling as if from intoxication, and giddiness, with sensation of turning and wavering of the brain ; headache arising from, unfitting for, and increased by, men- tal exertion ; tearing, drawing, or jerking pains in the head or cheeks, and pulsative pains, and a sensation as if a nail were driven into the brain; congestion of blood to the head, with humming in the ears. The headaches are often deeply seated in the brain, or in the back part of the head, frequently confined to one side, or over the eyes, and at the root of the nose, coming on chiefly in the morning, after a meal, or in the open air. Eyes, yellowness of the lower part of the whites, with a mist before them, with a sen- sation as if one were about to fall; sparks, or small gray or black spots before the eyes ; short- sightedness. Face pale or yellowish ; especially about the mouth and nose, frequent headache, and redness of the face. Tongue foul, dry, white, or yellowish; thirst, with water-brash, par- ticularly after acids or rich food, accumulation of slimy mucus, or of water in the mouth ; bitter, putrid, sour, or sweetish taste, chiefly in the morn- ing, or after meals; bitter eructations, or con- tinued nausea, especially when in the open air. Heartburn, Hiccough, Acidity, Flatulence —frequent and violent vomiting of food, mucus, or bile, or ineffectual efforts to vomit. Distention and fulness in the epigastrium,* with excessive tenderness to the touch ; a feeling of tightness of the clothes round the upper part of the waist; * Upper part of the stomach, on each side of the pit of the stomach. 56 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. CRAMPS IN THE STOMACH ; CONSTIPATION ; sleep restless from suffering, with disagreeable dreams. One of the most distinctive indications for the employment of this remedy in preference to the next mentioned, is the temperament, which is restless, irritable, lively, and choleric. A dispo- sition to Hemorrhoids is also a good indication. For Pulsatilla we have nearly the same range of dyspeptic symptoms, with the difference that it is particularly adapted to females, children, and to mild or phlegmatic dispositions. Amongst the characteristics, we more frequently find a want of thirst than thirst; a repugnance to fat and rich meat, and suffering after taking pork and pastry ; frequent and loose, or difficult and loose, or slow evacuations. Bryonia. Headache, burning or expansive, particularly after drinking, attended with bewil- derment of the head and vertigo ; Tongue dry, coated white and yellow ; sometimes the aversion to food is so strong, as not to be able to bear the smell of it; loss of appetite, alternately with un- natural hunger ; great thirst, insipid, clammy, pu- trid sweetish, or bitter taste in the mouth ; acidity and flatulence, or bitter risings after every meal. Hiccough, nausea, water-brash, vomiting of food, or bile, particularly at night ; tenderness of epigastrium to the touch, sensation of swelling in the pit of the stomach, pressure as if from a stone in the stomach, especially after a meal, or on walking; sensation of burning in the pit of the stomach, and especially when moving. Con- stipation ; temper restless, irascible, and ob- stinate ; also when anger has been the exciting INDIGESTION, OR DYSPEPSIA. 57 cause of the derangement. This dyspepsia is more apt to manifest itself in summer, or in damp weather, and is frequently accompanied by chil- liness. Chamomilla. Headache, with sometimes semi- lateral, pulling, shooting, and beating in the head ; fulness, giddiness, and staggering in the morning when getting up ; oppressive heaviness, vertigo, and sensation of a bruise ; headache sometimes felt during sleep, with obscuration of the eyes, and yellow colour of the whites ; Tongue dry and cracked, with a thick and yellowish coating ; mouth dry, sometimes with frothy mucus ; exces- sive thirst and desire for cold drink; bitter taste of the mouth and of food ; want, of appetite and dislike to food. Acidity or sour risings, regur- gitation of food, nausea, vomiting of food, mucus and bile; acute oppressive pain in the region of the heart, distention at the epigastrium, pit of the stomach, and upper part of the waist, chiefly after eating, and at night attended with inquietude and terror; burning pain in the pit of the stomach ; uneasiness and feeling of sinking in the stomach ; cramps in the stomach, especially when trace- able to coffee ; sometimes constipation, but gene- rally relaxation of the bowels. This remedy is valuable in indigestion, brought on by a fit of passion. Ipecacuanha. Headaches attended wi'h nau- sea and vomi'ing; shooting pains, with heaviness and painful pressure on the forehead ; face pale and yellowish, tongue sometimes clean, at others coated white or yellow ; aversion to food general- ly to fat things ; vomiting of food, drink, mucus, or 58 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. bile, sometimes after a meal, or retching or easy vomiting, generally attended with coldness of the face and extremities, and sometimes alternating with watery diarrhoea; sensation of emptiness, flaccidity and sinking of the stomach. Both this and Pulsatilla, are valuable remedies for indiges- tion in children, arising from imperfect mastica- tion or improper food. Ignatia may sometimes follow Pulsatilla to complete a cure, or even supersede it, when there is a tendency to constipation, and particularly in temperaments alternating from high to low spirits, or vice versa; it is especially indicated when grief has been the inducing cause of dyspepsia. In Chronic cases, these remedies, as indicated, are chiefly valuable in the commencement of treatment, and may be required to be followed by anti-psorics. Sulphur is especially useful after Pulsaiilla and Nux Vomica, in removing any symptoms that may remain. We may also re- mark, that in cases where NuxVomica seems in- dicated, but the disposition is of a morose or hypochondriacal turn, Cocculus may be substi- tuted with effect ; when the indications for tem- perament are not sufficiently distinctive, Cocculus, Nux Vomica, and Pulsatilla, may be advantage- ously alternated. Cinchona is a valuable auxiliary in the treat- ment of this derangement, and particularly when we can trace it to debilitating losses of fluids, such as to abstraction or loss of blood, too great a drain upon the resources during lactation, pro- longed use of aperient medicines, &c, also dis- orders arising from abuse of tea. LIVER COMPLAINT. 59 With regard to the administration and repeti- tion of the medicines, in dyspeptic cases we may take of each medicine, with the exception of Nux Vomica, one dose morning and evening for a week, and cease its administration as long as we find manifest improvement, or if a medicinal aggravation come on, await the result. Of Nux Vomica, we may take one dose each evening on going to bed; or when people are in the habit of taking supper, from half an hour to an hour be- fore that meal. In some Chronic cases, this derangement some- times takes a critical turn, vomiting becomes ex- cessive, every thing taken is returned from the stomach, the skin is hot and dry, the patient be- comes emaciated and the countenance cadaverous. Such cases, we need hardly say, require the aid of the physician. An abuse of coffee and tea, is a frequent cause of many descriptions of sick and nervous head- ache, attended with excitement and dyspeptic symptoms, which will frequently disappear of themselves on the disuse of these beverages; however, should not this speedily be the case, for the effects of coffee we may have recourse to Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla, Chamomilla, or Ignalia, under which the sufferer will find his symptoms indicated. Against the effects of tea, Cinchona will generally be found an antidote. LIVER COMPLAINT. This disease is divided into the Acute and Chronic ; the latter generally goes by the name 60 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. of Liver Complaint, although a careful diagnosis will generally discover, that the real disease is in the stomach and intestines; however, in many cases, the liver itself becomes much affected from the cause, and in itself deserves considerable at- tention. Inflammation of the liver commences generally by a feeling of tension and soreness on the right side, extending to the shoulder blade and some- times to the tip of the right shoulder ; the patient finds a difficulty in lying on the left side ; it some- times also makes its appearance with a short, dry cough, or commences with a sensation of chill followed by heat, the tongue foul and furred, pulse hard and frequent, skin dry, excessive thirst, nau- sea, and sickness ; bowels irregular, generally constipated, and evacuations of unnatural colour. When the disease has been for a long time un- checked, and the inflammation becomes deeply seated in the substance of the liver, an abscess frequently forms, bursting either externally or in- ternally, in the latter case not unfrequently prov- ing critical from bringing on hectic fever. ACUTE INFLAMMATION OF THE LIVER. This disease is much more common in tropical climates than with us. A high mode of living, exposure to heavy dews and damps in the even- ing, and the powerful rays of the sun by day, are among the principal exciting causes. With re- gard to the treatment under the acute form, the following remedies are among the most valuable. ACUTE INFLAMMATION OF THE LIVER. 61 Aconite, Belladonna, Mercurius, Bryonia, Cha- momilla, and Nux Vomica. Aconite is especially indicated in the com- mencement of the attack, and may, when the fol- lowing symptoms are present, always precede the other remedies, especially when there is violent inflammatory fever, attended with insupportable shooting pains in the region of the liver, with tossing, restlessness, and great anxiety and an- guish. Sometimes it is necessary to give one or two doses of this remedy at short intervals, being always guided by the effects produced. Belladonna may be advantageously adminis- tered after Aconite has subdued the preceding symptoms, or from the commencement, when the following indications present themselves : oppres- sive pains in the region of the liver, which ex- tends to the chest and shoulders, distention of the pit of the stomach, sometimes extending across the epigastrium, producing a sensation of tension, with difficult and anxious respiration ; determina- tion of blood to the head, with cloudiness and giddiness, sometimes causing faintness ; great thirst, tossing about at night and sleeplessness. When Belladonna fails to remove these symptoms, we frequently find that Mercurius will have the desired effect; this medicament is too well known as an Allopathic remedy in the cure of this disease, and the consequences produced by its abuse are frequently so great as to render the disease almost incurable. It is frequently ad- ministered when not indicated, until its pathoge- netic symptoms declare themselves, and conse- quently the patient, in addition to the original 6 62 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. malady, has to contend with a medicinal disease. The following are some of the principal indica- tions for its employment. Painful sensation in the region of the liver, with shooting, burning, or oppressive pains, not allowing the patient to lie long on the right side ; sometimes augmented by movement of the body or part affected ; bitter taste in the mouth, want of appetite, thirst, and continual shivering, with well marked yellow colour of the skin and eyes ; also when there is enlargement and hardness of the liver, and where we have reason to suppose the formation of matter. Bkyonia, when the pains in the region of the liver are mostly shooting, or oppressive, tensive, and burning, increased by touch, coughing, or respiration, and especially during inspiration; also much exacerbated by movement; also when the symptoms are attended with violent spasmo- dic oppression of the chest ; rapid and anxious respiration, bitter taste in the mouth, tongue coated yellow ; constipation present. Chamomilla, when there are pressive pains, pressure in the stomach, oppression of the chest, and a sensation of tightness under the ribs ; yel- low colour of the skin, pains not aggravated by motion, &c. ; tongue foul and yellow, bitter taste in the mouth ; paroxysms of great anxiety. Chamo- milla is also almost specific when the above symp. toms have been brought on by a fit of passion. Nux vomica is particularly indicated when the pains are shooting and pulsative, and attended with excessive tenderness to the touch at the re- gion of the liver, pressure in the epigastrium and chronic inflammation of the liver. 63 under the ribs, with shortness of breath ; also when enlargement and induration occur; and in the chronic form, when there are marked symp. toms of gastric derangement. Vide Nux Vomica, art. Indigestion. Sulphur is valuable to follow any of the pre- ceding medicines, which, although apparently in- dicated, do not speedily declare a decided action, or when the disease continues, although in a diminished degree; it is particularly efficacious after Nux Vomica, to combat the sequelae of the disease. We may also remark in conclusion, that we may alternate the preceding remedies accord- ing to the symptoms that present themselves. LIVER COMPLAINT, OR CHRONIC IN- FLAMMATION OF THE LIVER. In this form of the disease we find many of the foregoing symptoms, but in a modified degree ; further, a continued pain or uneasiness in the right side seldom leaves the patient, who gradu- ally falls off in flesh and loses strength ; and there is not unfrequently present an occasional cough with expectoration ; sometimes considera- ble perceptible enlargement of the liver, with a number of dyspeptic symptoms; the pulse gene- rally quick but regular. Nux Vomica and Sulphur are two of the principal remedies in this affection, which, how- ever, frequently requires a careful discriminative treatment, and all the acumen of the practised physician to conduct a happy issue. 64 digestive system. For the indications for these remedies, see Acute inflammation of the livi:r. Hepar Sulphuris is particularly useful in the chronic cases, to combat the ill-effects of Mer- cury, erroneously administered. CONSTIPATION. We have now to treat of an affection which so frequently baffles the skill of the practitioners of the old school ; their leading cause of failure is their ignorance of the great curative principle, and consequent proceeding upon a system op- posed to the operations of nature. This affec- tion is generally sympathetic with some other de- rangement of the organism, and, consequently, in our treatment of different diseases, we have had frequent occasion to allude to it. One of the leading causes of aggravation and excessive ob- stinacy in the Constipation, most closely approach- ing to an idiopathic form, is the practice of flying to aperient medicines on the slightest appearance of costiveness, under the absurd idea that keeping the bowels open is a species of panacea against disease of every description. Many mothers are so possessed with this idea, that they are con- tinually administering physic to their children, without the slightest apparent call for it, and thus lay the foundation of dyspepsia and other visceral derangements in after life. Many a slight cause of costiveness, which, if left to nature, would have disappeared of itself, leaving no ill conse- quences, has, by an ill-judged administration of aperients, been converted into obstinate Consti- pation, embittering existence, and predisposing CONSTIPATION. 65 the constitution to a variety of diseases in after life. To prevent misconception upon this point, we may remark, that we, by no means, under- value a regular state of the bowels ; but when costiveness shows itself, we happily possess re- medies calculated to restore the balance of the system, and in obstinate cases do not content ourselves with simply alleviating the symptoms, but mainly direct our attention to the permanent removal of the affection. Many of the principal causes of this affection, besides that mentioned, are the same with those particularized under Indigestion, or Dyspepsia. When attended with dyspeptic indications, we must also have recourse to the remedies then noted. The following are particularly efficacious when the Constipation is more prominent than dyspeptic symptoms. Opium, Bryonia, Nux V., Pulsat., Plaiina, Sulphur. Opium is chiefly to be selected in acute cases, when Constipation is not habitual, but when there is a want of power to relieve the bowels, with a feeling of constriction ; pulsation and sense of weight in the abdomen, dull heavy pain in the stomach, parched mouth, want of appetite, deter- mination of blood to the head, with redness of the face, and headache ; if no amelioration takes place, we may repeat the dose in twenty-four, or at the farthest, forty-eight hours. Bryonia is especially useful in Constipation occurring in warm weather, and in persons of an irritable or obstinate disposition, with a tendency to be easily chilled, and subject to rheumatism ; it 6* 66 DIGESTIVE system. is further indicated when Constipation arises from disordered stomach, and is attended with deter- mination of blood to the head, and headache. Nux Vomica. This remedy is particularly useful when constipation results from too heavy a meal, indigestible food and stimulating liquids ; it is peculiarly adapted to persons of irascible and lively temper, with determination of blood to the head, and headache, unfitness for exercise, dis- turbed sleep, and a feeling of general oppression or heaviness; frequent and ineffectual efforts to relieve the bowels, attended with sensation of contraction in ano. It is, as remarked under dys- pepsia, particularly indicated for individuals sub- ject to hemorrhoids. Pulsatilla has nearly the same indications as Nix Vomica, with the characteristic distinction of temperament before noted under Dyspepsia. It is also partly indicated in cases of indigestion, brought about by rich or greasy food, and when accompanied by moroseness and shivering. Platina is a useful remedy when Constipation has been brought about by travelling, when opium has failed, or especially when the constriction is attended with straining. Sulphur is one of the best remedies for the relief of habitual Constipation, and particularly when hemorrhoids are present, or a disposition to them exists. There are several other remedies useful in obstinate and complicated cases of this affection, the treatment of which, however, is too serious to be entrusted to non-medical hands.* * See Diseases of the Digestive Organs, and Constipation ; by A. C. Becker. Price 50 Cents. 67 HEMORRHOIDS, (Piles.) This common and well known affection is gen- erally divided into Blind and Open Hemorrhoids, from the difference of character; and Internal and External, from that of situation. The predispos- ing cause is attributable to a psoric taint; among the exciting causes, are habitual costiveness, se- vere exertion on horseback, prolapsus, use of drastic medicines, stimulating diet, and suppres- sion of long continued discharges, sedentary habits, &c. With regard to the remedies : Aconite, although not specific in its curative action, is a valuable remedy when considerable and distressing inflammation exists, and may in such cases precede the administration of each of the following medicines, which are among the principal curative agents in this disease—Nux __ Vomica, Sulphur, Arsenicum, Belladonna, and Capsicum. Nux Vomica, as we have before had occasion to remark, is a most valuable remedy in this af- fection ; it is equally efficacious against both de- scriptions ; it is particularly indicated for indi- viduals who lead a sedentary life, or who indulge in the use of coffee or stimulating liquids, and for females during pregnancy. When hemorrhoids are present, attended with shooting, burning, or itching pains ; shooting and jerking pain, as if from bruises in the loins, rendering it difficult to rise, or walk in an erect position, and when they are accompanied by Constipation and the other symptoms described under Indigestion or Dys- pepsia. 68 digestive system. Sulphur may follow the administration of Nux Vomica, and an alternation of these reme- dies frequently effects a cure in cajes of long standing. Arsenicum. Hemorrhoids accompanied by burning and shooting pains, heat and agitation, and sometimes prostration of strength. Belladonna. Moist hemorrhoids, with an in- sufferable pain in the loins, as if the back were rent asunder. Capsicum. When a burning sensation exists, attended with considerable itching and diarrhoea. Cinchona is valuable when there has been much loss of blood and consequent debility. PROTRUSION OF THE INTESTINE. The principal remedies in this affection, are Ignatia, Nux Vomica, Mercurius, and Suhdiur. Ignatia is particularly efficacious in mild or, sensitive temperaments, attended with Constipa- tion. Nux Vomica is indicated for persons of irrita- ble or lively disposition, and addicted to high and stimulating diet, with a tendency to hemorrhoids and Constipation. Mercurius is particularly suited for children, in whom the disease is attended with hardness and swelling of the abdomen, and where the straining is excessive. Sulphur is one of the best anti-psorics for the permanent removal of the disease. When the affection is obstinate and in a psoric habit, we must have recourse to a regular course of anti- psoric treatment. 69 COLIC. Colic is a griping, tearing, gnawing or shoot- ing pain in the bowels, chiefly confined to the region of the navel, generally attended with a painful distention of the abdomen, with spasmo- dic contraction, and sometimes accompanied with vomiting and costiveness. The exciting causes of this complaint are, acid fruits, and indigestible substances; cold in the feet, drinking cold bever- ages when heated,constipation, worms, &c. We shall here content ourselves with giving the symp- toms under the different medicines, without enter- ing upon the different varieties of this affection. One of the distinctive characteristics between this malady and internal inflammation, is the pain being somewhat relieved by pressure. The principal remedies in its treatment are, Nux -Vomica, Pulsatilla, Chamomilla, Belladonna, Coc- culus, Colocynth, and Coffea. Nux Vomica is a valuable remedy in either flatulent or hemorrhoidal colic, and is particularly indicated when there is a sensation of fulness and tightness at the upper part of the waist; deep seated or cutting pains in the abdomen, with acute and. hard, pressive, and bearing down sensation, forcing the sufferer to bend double ; respiration short and difficult; flatulence, aggravation of the pains on the slightest motion, generally disap- , pearing when at rest; violent pain in the loins, and sensation of internal heat and obstruction; constipation, coldness and numbness of the hands and feet during the paroxysm. 70 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Pulsatilla is more useful in the affection oc- curring in females, when coming on periodically in the evening; also when there are present a disagreeable tightness and distention of the abdo- men and of the upper part of the waist ; pulsa- tion in the pit of the stomach, aggravation of the suffering when at rest or in the evening, attended with shivering, which increases with the pains, and is mitigated by motion ; severe bruising pains in the loins, especially when rising up ; inclination to vomit, fia'ulence, diarrhoea, paleness of the face, livid circle round the eyes, and headache. Chamomilla. Sensation as if the intestines were gathered into a ball, and as if the abdomen were empty, with tearing and drawing pains, at- tended with excessive anxiety and restlessness ; distention under the lower ribs and in the pit of the stomach; incarcerated flatulency, sometimes nau- sea, bitter vomiting, followed by desire to relieve the bowels ; and bilious diarrhoea; livid circles round the eyes, alternate paleness and redness of the face ; the pains come on particularly at night, at other times early in the morning or after a meal. This remedy, as before stated, is particu- larly adapted to children or irritable tempera- ments. Pulsatilla is frequently valuable to follow this remedy. Belladonna, when there is protrusion of the transverse section of the great intestine, which be- comes distended like a pad, attended with colic- like pain, doubling up the body, which is relieved by pressure on the part; also severe bearing down pains, aggravated by motion; at other times there is a sensation as if the above swelling had been COLIC. 71 removed downwards, deep into the abdomen, with feeling of bearing down of the whole intestines; also spasmodic constrictions in the abdomen, with burning pain lower down or in the small of the back ; or, pain under the ribs, as if a number of nails were holding the intestines. The symptoms are also attended with a liquid or puriform spe- cies of diarrhoea, and swelling of the veins of the head ; the pains are sometimes so violent as al- most to deprive the patient of reason. Cocculus is indicated when there are severe .constrictive or spasmodic pains in the lower part of the abdomen, with great flatulence, fulness, and distention of the entire abdomen, with nausea and difficulty of breathing; also when there is a sensation of emptiness, tearing and burning pains in the intestines, sometimes with squeezing, tear- ing and pulling pains, excessive anguish and ner- vous excitement, and constipation. Colocynth. In the majority of violent and obstinate cases, we find this a valuable remedy ; it is indicated when the pains are excessively violent, and of a constrictive or spasmodic charac- ter, or resembling stabbing and cutting, as if from knives; sometimes a sensation of clawing and pinching, tenderness of the abdomen, with a pain as from a blow ; or distention of the abdomen ; at other times a sense of emptiness is experi- enced, cramps and shivering, or tearing pains in the legs ; during the continuance of the attack, excessive restlessness, agitation and tossing about from the violence of the pain : when the pains come on, they continue without any apparent intermission ; after their disappearance, a sen- 72 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. eation of bruising remains, and the sufferer feels as though the intestines were held together by thin threads, likely to break from the slightest motion. Both this remedy and Chamomilla are particularly efficacious in the so-called bilious colic, being indicated by the diarrhoea and bilious vomiting attending it, and in cases where poison has been the exciting cause. Coffea is valuable when we have to deal with colic with excessive pains, attended with great agitation, anxiety, and tossing about, grinding of the teeth, convulsions, suffocative, oppressive de- spair, and coldness of the extremities. In cases of colic arising from indigestible food, a cup of black coffee, without milk or sugar, will fre- quently afford relief, by causing the stomach to free itself from the cause of annoyance ; in such cases as that article has not been made one of or- dinary beverage. For colic arising from worms, 6ee Worms. As regards Ihe administration of the medica- ments, when an amelioration takes place, we may quietly await the result; or if other symptoms de- clare themselves, have recourse to the remedy hereby indicated. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. In Inflammation of the Bowels, we find the fol- lowing indications, which must be carefully borne in mind, in order to avoid mistaking this affection for Colic, and treating it accordingly. An acute burning pain, chiefly in the region of the navel, with extreme heat, tightness, and dis- INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. 73 tention ; the pain increased by any food or liquids taken into the stomach, which, when that organ is the principal seat of the affection, are almost instantly rejected. The pain is increased by even the slightest, pressure, and sometimes confined to one spot; there is sometimes straining, some- times vomiting, or both ; the vomiting consists of hard mucus, bile, or fetid matter; hiccough is also a frequent symptom ; the pulse is generally hard, accelerated and contracted, frequently vary- ing even in the course of the day, with great prostration of strength. When the inflammation more particularly attacks the stomach, the pain ap- pears more highly seated, the hiccough and vomit- ing increases in severity, and the prostration of strength is considerably greater. This disease being exceedingly dangerous and rapid in its progress, sometimes terminating in Gangrene in an exceeding'y short space of time, we do not feel justified in entering upon its full treatment in a work of this kind. We shall simply confine ourselves to recommend the immediate administration of Aconite, to subdue the inflam- matory symptoms, repeating it every four or even two hours, until the fever begins to abate, taking care not to repeat so long as amelioration goes on ; this precaution, by holding the disease in check, will give time to consult the physician, which should be done without delay. In slight cases, Aconite frequently checks, and completely vanquishes the disease. 7 74 DIARRIKEA, OR LOOSENESS OF THE BOWELS. This affection is simply an increase of the peristaltic action of the intestinal canal, and is so well known under its different forms, that we shall simply allude to the principal exciting causes, and then proceed to the treatment. The exciting causes are acid, indigestible food, a check of perspiration, sudden changes of tem- perature, the prolonged use of powerful purga- tives, which, although still more frequently the cause of constipation, nevertheless, by producing irritation of the intestinal canal, predispose to attacks ; worm*, &c. The principal remedies in this affection are Dulcamara, Chamomilla, Cinchona, Rheum, Mer- curius, Pulsaiilla. and Sulphur. Dulcamvra should be administered in Diar- rhoea, occurring in summer from cold, produced by wet feet or exposure to rain. Particular indi- cations for its exhibition are when the Diarrhoea is attended with colic, or cutting pain, chiefly in the region of the navel; when the evacuations are liquid, slimy and yellow, generally coming on at night, and attended with nausea or vomiting, want of appetite and great thirst, paleness of the countenance and lassitude. Chamomilla is a remedy as already stated particularly useful in children, either at the period of teething, or at a more advanced period, when the affection has been excited by checked perspi- ration ; it is further particularly indicated, when DIARRHOEA. 75 the evacuations are watery, bilious, green, yellow, or slimy; when there are fullness at the pit of the stomach, severe colic or spasm, pain in the abdo- men, distention and hardness of the abdomen, bitter taste in the mouth, foul tongue, thirst, want of appetite, bilious vomiting and flatulency ; and in infants, attended with restlessness and scream- ing, and drawing up of the limbs towards the stomach. Cinchona, when the evacuations are very profuse, and sometimes attended with but little pain, and when the discharge comes on imme- diately after partaking of food, or at night, evacu- ations liquid and brownish, sometimes contain- ing portions of undigested food; it is in some in- stances also indicated, when considerable spas- modic or colic-like pains are present, with flatu- lence, want of appetite, thirst, and great weak- ness ; it is also valuable after improper treatment of this affection, when considerable debility remains. Rheum, when the symptoms, in a great mea- sure, resemble Chamomilla, but the pain not so violent, and the evacuations have a sour smell. Mercurius. When the diarrhoea is watery, slimy, frothy, bilious, or greenish, when also there is painful straining before, during, and after evac- uation ; severe cutting pains, also nausea and eructation, cold perspiration, trembling or shiver- ing, and shuddering, and great lassitude ; in Dy- sentery, or Bloody Flux, this remedy is al- most specific. Sulphur is a most valuable remedy in diar- rhcea occurring in psoric habits, or in very ob- 76 DYSENTERY. stinate cases. In adults predisposed to Hemor- rhoids, or in children, when the diarrhoea is at- tended with excoriation and papular eruptions, it is particularly efficacious. Pulsatilla is useful in diarrhoea arising from errors of diet, attended with dyspeptic symptoms. Vide Indigestion. Opium, in diarrhoea arising from fright. For other indications, vide Mental emotions. DYSENTERY. This is a common disease of the summer and autumn which ordinarily affects the lower part of the intestinal canal. Its principal distinctive phenomena are : cutting, griping pains in the ab- domen, sometimes excruciating ; a twisting sensa- don at the navel; ineffectual urgings to stool ; discharges of slime or blood ; fever which, with most of the symptoms, is aggravated at evening and night. The inflammatory form may endure from 7 to 14 days, the typhoid form from 21 to 28 days. The medicaments found most efficient in Dy- sentery are, Aconite, Colocynth, Mercurius, (sol. or corr.) Nux vomica, Bryonia, Arsenic, Carbo vegetabitis, China, Acidum sulph tiricum, Chamo- milla, Pulsatilla, Ipecacuanha, Staphysagria and Sulphur. Aconite is commended when the dysentery de- velops itself with violent chills, high fever and in- tense thirs', also with rheumatic pains in the head, neck and shoulders, and if the days are hot and nights cold. If two or three doses of Aconite fail to relieve this state, and if it depend on a chill DYSENTERY. 77 following the use of cold water, Bryonia is to be taken. Nux vomic v is frequently highly indicated after the use of Aconite and Bryonia. Also, when these are present: oppression of the head, catarrh- al affections, high fever and intense thirst, bitter or offen-ive taste in the mouth, nausea and vomiting, violent cutting pains across the abdomen near the navel, distressing urgency to stool, (tenesmus) small and frequent evacuations, composed ofbloody mucus ; and when the exacerbations occur in the morning. Mercurius solubilis is a specific in epidemic autumnal dysenteries. Indications : fever and ex- cessive thirst, dry and coated tongue, violent tenes- mus before stools, as if the intestines would be forced out, relieved by recumbent position, small discharges of b7ot)d and mucus or of green masses or pure bile, after long straining, followed by in- creased tenesmus and violent cutting pains in the abdomen ; aggravations at night; dysenteries of children with fever, discharges of bright blood, or of slime, and chopped green masses resembling cooked eggs ; chronic dysenteries attended with thickening of the intestines ; dysenteries attended with descent of the intestine. This form of Mercury is advised after the previous use of China and Nux vomica. Mercurius ( orrosivus. Indications : chills, heat, thrst, anxiety and aggravated state of all the symptoms recorded of the above remedy, (Mercurius solubilis,) after violent and lacerating tormena (twistingat the navel)and tenesmus; for- cible and very frequent discharges (every 5 or 10 7* 78 DYSENTERY. minutes) either of pure blood or of bloody mucus ; dysenteries of a bilious type, when the days are hot and nights cold, discharges green, brown and of bilious matter, very fetid from the commence- ment, with colic, tenesmus and vomiting which relieves ; sporadic, epidemic and autumnal dysen- teries. Colocynth is especially useful after Mercury. It is applicable when the tongue is coated white and the taste in the mouth offensive with great thirst; if there be nausea, frequent vomiting, ful- ness, heaviness and distention of the abdomen ; cramp-like colic pains, which increase, in in'ensiiy until the patient is compelled to bend the body to- gether, tormena, tenesmus ; evacuations, at first slimy and bilious, then of bloody slime ; shivering over the abdomen, that finally extends over the whole body. We have found very many cases of dysentery in our practice to unite the symptoms of Mercury and Colocynth, and have given these remedies in alternation with the most marked success. Our rule has been to give a dose of Mrcury in the evening, and of a solution of Colocynth a spoonful every three or four hours during the day until a sensible impression was produced. Arsenic has been especially advised in typhoid dysenteries, if the tongue be dry and black, taste putrid, thirst excessive ; if there be hiccough and vomiting; distention of the abdomen, tenesmus and frequent evacuations, as if of decayed blood, offensively fetid, and at times inro'uatary ; reten- tion of urine or involuntary micturition, which is offensive ; red and blue spots or blood blisters on DYSYNTERY. 79 different parts of the body; cold perspiration; enfeebled powers of mind. Carbo vegetabilis. Hering commends this remedy if, in addition to the above group of symp- toms, the patient complains of heat or burning pains, and has cold breath, or if the Arsenic fail in affording the requisite relief. China. This remedy is also applicable to the putrid dysentery in cases similar to those in which the two previous medicaments have not been suf- ficiently effective, and when the aggravations oc- cur in the evening, or at night. It is also of great value in dysenteries that assume an intermittent form, or that arise in marshy districts. Acidum sulphuric em may follow the China with benefit in putrid dysentery. Chamomilla has been occasionally used in dy- senteries where the indications were the same as those of Aconite and after a partial effect of this medicament, and when hemorrhoidal sufferings were present. Pulsatilla has also been used after Aconite, and when the evacuations were slime streaked with blood. It is also indicated if there be a pasty taste in the mouth, or bitter or putrid ; vomiting of mucus ; painful tormena ; frequent chills towards evening, which are preceded and followed by thirst; distressed state of mind. Ipecacuanha may follow Aconite in autumnal dysenteries, if there be nausea, cutting griping pains, tenesmus, discharges'.^ of bilious mal'er, then of bloody mucus. Sulphur is a most potent remedy in chronic dysentery. In cases, also, where the indicated 80 chclera. medicaments have afforded immediate but not permanent relief, the curative efforts of these re- medies have been confirmed by the use of Sul- phur. It is specifically indicated if there be dif- ficult respiration ; violent and continual tenesmus, especially at night; passages of mucus streaked with blood; tenesmus which sometimes remains after dysentery. Staphysagria has been successfully adminis- tered in a form of dysentery attended by agoniz- ing colic pains in the abdomen, constant tenesmus, small evacuations every half hour composed of blood, slime and hard round lumps of fecal mat- ter, great prostration and restlessness.—Eu.] CHOLERA. By the term Cholera Morbus, was formerly understood a disease attended with nausea, and griping, purging, and vomiting, generally preva- lent during our summer months, and at the season when fruit was plentiful. But it has now become a generic term, under which are included two varieties—the Cholera Morbus, properly so call- ed, and the Asiatic Cholera. The first named, sometimes called the Spora- dic Cholera, generally commences with a sudden feeling of nausea and griping, followed by purg- ing and vomiting; in severe cases, accompanied with coldness of the body, particularly the extre- mities, and anxious and hurried breathing, exces- sive thirst, a feeling of cramping in the legs, sometimes in the arms, with spasmodic contrac- tions of the abdominal muscles, shrinking of the features, and a hollow expression about the eyes ; cholera. 81 pulse weak, sometimes scarcely perceptible, thin, watery, and fcetid, or bilious evacuations, some- times with dark bilious vomiting. In Asiatic Cholera, the disease generally commences by vertigo, headache with singing in the ears, a sensation of flatulence in the stomach, with griping pains, and a feeling of weight and oppression in the region of the heart. In some, but not all, cases of Asiatic Cholera, we find the lips, nails, and sometimes the whole skin, of a blue colour, but in almost all the frame loses its power of generating heat; the pulse and pulsation of the heart are almost unfelt, and the circulation of the blood becomes stagnant. Patients who have escaped through the second stage, are frequently carried off by a typhoid fever in the third. In the treatment of Cholera in its sporadic form, (i. e., when the disease arises from occasional causes, such as cold, fatigue, &c.,) the following remedies will be found to be the most efficacious : Chamomilla, Colocynth, Ipecacuanha, Veratrum, Arsenicum, Cinchona, Pulsitilla. Chamomilla is chiefly useful at the commence- ment of the disease, and when given on the slightest threatening of an attack, may prevent its development. The following are the symptoms which particularly indicate its employment: acute coliclike pains, or heavy pressure in the region of the navel, sometimes extending to the heart, and producing a sensation as if that organ would be found out of its proper position ; diarrhcea, cramps in the calves of the legs, excessive an- guish ; tongue coated yellow, and sometimes vom- iting of acid matter. This remedy is almost spe- 82 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. cific when the attack has been excited by a fit of passion during the prevalence of the disease. Colocynth is still more appropriate in the latter case, when the fit of passion is attended with indignation. Ipecacuanha may be administered after the above, should the attacks of vomiting become more prominent; or it may be selected from the commencement, should vomiting predominate, or at least assume as marked a character in the com- plaint as the diarrhoea. Other indications are, sensation of weakness, or softness (flaccidity), coldness in the face and limbs, sense of shivering in the abdomen; cramps in the calves of the legs, and in the fingers and toes. Should the disease increase, notwithstanding the administration of this remedy, and assume the following charac- teristics : violent vomiting with severe diarrhoza, excessive weakness, and cramps in the calves of the legs; countenance pale, and expressive of acute suffering and intense anguish; coldness of the breath and tongue, excruciating pain in the region of the navel, tenderness of the abdomen when touched, dragging pains and cramps in the fingers, shrivelled appearance of the skin on the palms of the hands,—we must have immediate recourse to \ eratrum, a remedy which is extremely valuable in both varieties of this disease. Arsenicum is indicated when this malady assumes a severe character from the beginning ; but it is more particularly indicated when the dis- ease is attended with rapid prostration of strength, insatiable thirst, excessive anxiety, with fear of approaching death, burning sensation in the region of the stomach, almost constant discharge from cholera. 83 the bowels, or renewal of the discharge on every occasion that, the desire for drink is gratified ; violent and painful vomiting, tongue and lips dry, cracked and blueish, or black; hollow cheeks, pointed nose, pulse almost imperceptible, or small, weak, intermittent, and trembling ; severe spasms in the fingers and toe.s ; clammy perspiraiion. Cinchona is particularly indicated in cholera with diarrhoea, containing undigested food, with vomiting of food, oppression of the chest and eructation affording relief; severe pressure in the abdomen, especially after partaking of the small- est portion of food ; great exhaustion, sometimes amounting to fainting. This remedy is particu- larly marked when the disease has been excited by indigestible substances, such as unripe fruit, &C. Pulsatilla, in cases where there are mucous diarrhoea and dyspeptic symptoms (vide Indiges- tion.) It is also useful when the disease has been excited by the cause noticed under the pre- ceding remedy. Asiatic Cholera. When the promonitory symptoms of this disease, as above noted, exhibit themselves, the complete development of this dis- ease is frequently prevented, by the administration of the saturated solution of Camphor, in one part of Camphor to twenty of spirits of wine; giving one or two drops of this in a spoonful of water every two minutes. But when cholera sets in in all its frightful forms, we should have immediate recourse to Veratrum. Cuprum is found to follow Veratrum with manifest advantage, when severe convulsive movements of the ex- tremities declare themselves. 84 digestive system. These last are the two principal remedies in this form of the disease ; when it assumes other symptoms, similar to those of the medicines mentioned in the treatment of Sporadic Cholera, we must have recourse to the remedy thereby in- dicated. Although we have thus far noticed the medi- cines generally most called for in this affection, in order that no time may be lost at the com- mencement of the attack, yet we would most earnestly dissuade any non-medical individual from attempting its treatment, unless the extre- mity of the case imperatively demanded it. As regards the exhibition of the remedies, we should administer a tea-spoonful every hour, half hour, or every two minutes, according to the ur- gency of the symptoms, and thus continue until we find amelioration. As preventives against the Asiatic Cholera, Camphor taken internally, alternated with Vera- trum, and Cuprum, every four days, has in most instances proved sufficient, even with individuals exposed to the influence of the epidemic. JAUNDICE. This disease frequently declares itself, without being plainly referable to any exciting causes, among which, however, mental emotion is not an uncommon one. The predisposing causes are, a too sedentary or irregular mode of life, indul- gence in spirituous liquors, or a frequent use of aperients. Mercurius and Cinchona are two of the best remedies in the treatment of this disorder, par- WORMS. 85 ticularly the former ; but in cases when the pa- tient has suffered from the abuse of the first, we give a preference to Cinchona, especially when we can trace the disease to have arisen from par- taking of indigestible substances, such as fat pork, &c. In cases which have been excited by a fit of passion, as we have before noted—no unfrequent cause—we should have recourse to Chamomilla or Nux Vomica, should the bowels be confined, or alternately confined and relaxed. Nux Vomica is also indicated when sedentary habits or over-study appear the predisposing, or partly the exciting causes. In children, Chamomilla, followed by Mer- cury, if insufficient, will be found to obviate the injurious consequences arising from the abuse of the latter. WORMS. The presence of these troublesome animals in the intestinal canal, evidently arises from a psoric cause. The three species most generally met with in the human subject are, the ascaris, lumbricus, and taena or tape worm ; of the last there are two varieties, the solitary tape-worm, composed of long and slender articulations, which has been known to exceed the length of thirty feet; and the common tape-worm, which varies from three to ten feet, seldom comes away entire, but in joints, which are considerably broader and thicker than those of the variety first mentioned. 8 86 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Although no period of life is wholly exempt from Worms, infants and children appear to be much more subject to the affection than adults, and with them an ill-regulated diet is by far the most frequent exciting cause. The presence of Worms, unless when passed, is not always easy of detection, since sub-acute inflammation of the mucus membrane from other causes will frequently present nearly the same range of symptoms ; but here, (as in the treat- ment of many of the most serious acute diseases,) Homoeopathy presents two manifest advantages over the old system. In the first place, if acting upon the presumption of the existence of Worms, we administer a remedy specific to the affection. In the next, when we are uncertain as to the true character of the complaint, and select a medica- ment distinctly indicated by the united symptoms, it will be found applicable to the affection, from whatever cause it arises, and a careful observance of the known pathogenetic powers of the reme- dies selected, will materially assist us in tracing the disease to its proper source. The symptoms that generally indicate the pre- sence of Worms are, pallor and sickly appearance of the countenance, headache or vertigo, irregu- larity of appetite, fcetidity of breath, nausea, and foul tongue, tensive fulness of abdomen, with a sensation of gnawing and burning in the intes- tines ; slight febrile symptoms, and nocturnal wakefulness, with low spirits or irritability of temper, and gradual emaciation ; we also general. ly notice an inflammatory redness of the nostrils, with great disposition to picking or boring at the WORMS, 87 nose, especially in children, with sudden scream- ing when awaking, and grinding of teeth. In addition to the above general symptoms of this affection, we frequently meet with severe colic- like pains, with vomiting, and slimy or bloody evacuations ; convulsions in children, and epilep- tic attacks, combined with cerebral affections in adults ; these last, when attended with cramps, rigidity of the frame, and sensation of coldness and fluctuation at the lower part of the abdomen, are a frequent accompaniment of taenia. The principal remedial agents against the two first named species, are Aconite, Cina, Nux Vomica, Mercurius and Sulphur. Aconite. When considerable febrile irritation exists, or cramps or convulsions threaten to set in. Cina is particularly indicated when there is frequent boring at the nose, great perverseness of temper, constant inquietude and restlessness, with in children, a desire for things which are rejected when offered; fits of crying when touched, pale- ness of face, with livid circle round the eyes ; constant craving for food, even after a meal, griping in the abdomen, with discharge of thread and round worms. This medicine is particularly indicated for Colic produced by worms. Nux Vomica is a valuable adjunct in cases of worms, in which considerable derangement of the digestive function is present, with irritability of temper and constipation. Mercurius, when we find diarrhoea, induration and distention of the abdomen, hardness in um- bilical region, with increased secretion of saliva. Sulphur is very efficacious in obstinate cases, 88 respiratory system. to assist in the completion of a cure, although many such require a regular course of anti-psoric -medicaments. In the repetition nf this medicine, should no satisfactory action declare itself, we may with advantage have recourse to a different attenuation or dilution of the medicine. For the Tape W7orm, Sulphur alternated with Mercurius at intervals of eight days will gene- rally be found of essential benefit in effecting a cure ; should the affection, nevertheless, refuse to yield to these remedies, we may with great bene. fit occasionally administer Felix Mas; if the af- fection still continue obstinate, or has been of long standing, the practitioner will have to exer- cise his discrimination, in selecting among the anti-psorics such remedies as appear best consti- tuted to combat the virus. DISEASES OF THE ORGANS CONNECT. El) WITH THE RESPIRATORY SYS- TEM. CATARRH, OR COMMON COLD. This term is given to an affection which con. sists of a mild degree of inflammation of the lining membrane of the nostrils, windpipe, and occasionally also of the ramifications of the latter; induced by exposure to sudden changes of tem- perature, or to a damp or chilly atmosphere with insufficient clothing, particul\rly as re- gards children. This complaint is character. lzed by slight fever, impaired appetite, sneezing, hoarseness, and cough; generally preceded by catarrh, or common cold. 89 transitory chills or shiverings ; there is also a slight degree of wheezing and difficulty of breath- ing. When the disease is confined to the nose and sinuses, it is termed a cold in the head, of which form we shall treat hereafter. In many instances this affection runs to a salutary termi- nation in a day or two ; but in others, and espe- cially in mis-managed cases, it is liable to entail serious consequences. The following are the principal remedies employed in the majority of cases :—Dulcamara, Aconi'e, Chamomilla, Bella. donna, Nux Vomica, Hepar Sulphuris, Pulsatilla, Hyoscyamus, and Ignatia. Dulcamara is a remedy of great value in the treatment of a variety of affections produced by exposure to wet, and is also, when timely admin- istered, an excellent preventive against the evil effects which frequently result from such expo- sures, especially during those raw, damp seasons so common to this climate. It is therefore an important medicament against the treatment of catarrh or cough excited by the above causes. Aconite is sometimes of considerable service, especially at the commencement of the attack, when there is quickness of pulse, with a hot dry skin ; short, dry, and frequent cough, with scanty expectoration. Chamomilla. When there is a short, dry cough, worse at night, and occasionally continu- ing during sleep; sense of rawness or burning in the chest, or frequent tickling in the throat and chest, which excites the cough, and is aggravated by speaking. Hoarseness, cold in the head, fever towards evening, sometimes with redness 8* 90 respiratory system. of the face or of one cheek, and paleness of the other ; thirst, ill-humour and impatience. This remedy, as will be observed in various parts of this work, is of great importance in the treatment of children. Belladonna is particularly indicated in cases of dry, short, hollow, barking, spasmodic cough, chiefly at night, and sometimes coming on during sleep; attended with redness of the face, rattling of mucus in the chest, hoarseness or sore throat; the cough is frequently excited by an insupport- able tickling in the throat, and brought on by the slightest movement. The paroxysms of cough- ing, are often so severe as to threaten suffocation, and are sometimes followed by fits of sneezing ; disposition irritable or sad. With children, other indications for the employment of this remedy are, wakefulness, or sleep broken by sudden fits of starting or screaming. Nux Vomica is a valuable remedy in cases of dry, hoarse, deep cough, excited by a sensation of dryness, tickling, or scraping in the throat; sometimes attended with hoarseness, and a feel- ing of roughness in the chest, with accumulation of tenacious mucus The cough is always exa- cerbated towards morning, and continues through- out the day; it is sometimes aggravated after meals, and again towards evening. The fits of coughing severely affect the head, sides of the chest, pit of the stomach, and umbilical region; producing in the latter a pain resembling the effects of a bruise or blow. This remedy is also useful in Catarrhs attended with shivering on the slightest motion, followed by flushes of heat; or, CATARRH, OR COMMON COLD. 91 coldness, with shivering and shuddering, chiefly confined to the back and extremities, which find relief from the warmth of a fire. It is further indicated in this affection when we find foulness of the tongue, deficiency of appetite, nausea, vomiting, bleeding from the nose and mouth, thirst, constipation, and irritability of temper. Hepar Sulphuris is an exceedingly effica- cious remedy in cases when the catarrh, and more • particularly the cough and hoarseness accom- panying it closely approximate to the indications given for the exhibition of Nux Vomica ; but in which the last mentioned is extremely severe and obstinate, and attended with difficulty of breath- ing, or swelling of the glands. Pulsatilla may be had recourse to when the cough is of a moist or loose description, excited by a sensation of roughness, dryness, tickling, or scraping, in the throat ; sometimes with a feeling of pain in the throat and chest, as if from exco- riation ; expectoration of whitish or yellowish, bitter or saltish mucus ; also when hoarseness, sneezing, or lachrymation are present. The cough, and other symptoms, become aggravated towards evening, or when lying down. The other indications for this remedy are, languor, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, mildness of disposi- tion, or melancholy. IIyoscyamus is useful for that description of cough which comes on only at night, or on as- suming a recumbent position, and disappears on rising up ; also when the cough is of a convul- sive nature. Ignatia for dry, hoarse cough, continuing day 92 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. and night with but little cessation, and when the sufferer is of a mild and placid disposition, but sub- ject to sudden alterations from high to low spirits. One or more of the foregoing remedies, when judiciously selected, will generally be found suffi- cient to effect a cure in all ordinary cases of catarrh. When one medicine proves inadequate to combat the whole of the symptoms, recourse must be had to any other that seems indicated against the remainder; in neglected or very ob- stinate cases, the aid of a physician is necessary. In many such, however, Mercurius will be found efficacious in completing the cure, if con- siderable hoarseness remain, with or without a disposition to swelling of the glands. Cold in the Head is a very general atten- dant upon catarrh. When it is the leading symp- tom, or exists independently of those already mentioned, the best medicines for its removal are— Nux Vomica, Pulsaiilla, Chamomilla, Mer- curius and Arsenicum. The general indications for the selection are as follow. Nux Vomica. Dry obstruction, especially during night, only, with pressive heaviness in the forehead, and confusion in the head ; heat in the face, increasing towards evening. If in combi- nation with other catarrhal symptoms, see the indications already given for its exhibition. This direction equally applies to the other medica- ments here quoted. Pulsatilla. The discharge thick, foetid, or mixed with clots of blood, loss of smell, head- aches, sneezing, chill, especially towards even- ing, disposition to weep, lowness of spirits. INFLUENZA. 93 Chxmomilla. The affection having risen from checked perspiration, acrid discharge from the nose, causing redness of the nostrils, and ex- coriation or soreness under the nose ; chapped lips ; shivering, with /hirst. Mercurius. Dryness of the nose, with ob- struction ; profuse discharge producing excoria- tion, swelling or redness of the nose. This is a valuable remedy in the generality of ordin try eases jof cold in the head. Arsenicum. Obstruction of the nose, with, at the same time, discharge of thin, acrid, excoriat- ing mucus. Saffer'ng relieved by he at; pain in the back, feeling of general debility, or prostration of strength. INFLUENZA. When catarrh appears in an epidemic form, and is attended, in addition to the symptoms de- scribed at the commencement of the preceding article, with extreme oppression and prostration of strength ; sleepiness, followed by shuddering and general chilliness ; rheumatic pains in the head, baqk, and limbs; and slight redness of the eyes, painful pressure, and sensibility to light; the dis- ease is known by the name of influenza. The principal medicine in the treatment of this affec- tion is Arsenicum, and in most cases, if not ad- ministered too late, it will be found specific. The following are the characteristic indications for its employment : heaviness and rheumatic pain in the head ; profuse watery and corrosive discharge from the nose, causing a disagreeable 94 respiratory system. burning sensation in the nostrils ; violent sneez- ing; shiverings and shuddering, with severe pains in the limbs ; oppression at the eh°st; diffi- culty of breathing ; thirst; anxiety; restlessness; great prostration of strength ; with aggra- vations of sufferings at night, or alter a meal; in- flammation of the eyes, with sensibility to light. These symptoms may be attended with a deep, dry, fatiguing cough, exacerbated in the evening, at night, or after drinking, or sensation of dry- ness and burning with mucus in the throat, which is difficult to detach. When the throat is much affected, Belladonna or Mercurius may be administered, according to the symptoms. Vide Sore Throat. Nux Vomica, when there is constipation, with obstruction of the nose, especially at night. Aconite, when much fever exists. Cinchona will frequently be found of great service in removing the weakness that remains after improperly treated cases. There are few complaints that tend more to develop latent disease in the lungs than Influenza, and it is almost unnecessary to repeat here what we stated at the conclusion of common catarrh, viz., that assistance ought to be sought in every case that threatens to become protracted, and especially in families where there is a known hereditary taint. CROUP. This well known disease is one that requires the promptest and most discriminating treatment, CROUP. 95 to avert the danger. From the moment we are assured of Ihe nature of the complaint, recourse must be had to the remedy most clearly indicated by the assemblage of the symptoms, so that not an instant be lost in arresting its further progress; since, if not skilfully kept in check, it frequently runs to a fatal termination within twenty-four hours ; although in the generality of cases, when such an event does take place, it happens about the fourth or fifth day. Croup consists of a peculiar inflammation of the lining membrane of the windpipe, causing the secretion of a thick, viscid substance, generally opaque, of about the consistency of the boiled white of an egg, which adheres to the interior of the windpipe, and takes the form of the parts it coverl| when this, generally denominated the false membrane, has been allowed to form, the case becomes extremely critical. This complaint generally commences with the symptoms of a common Catarrh, such as cough, sneezing, and hoarseness, with a greater or less degree of fever ; in a day or two the cough changes its character, and becomes shrill and squeaking, or /deep, hoarse, or sonorous, attended with a ringing sound during speaking and respi- ration, as if the air were passing through a me- tallic tube ; as the disease progresses, the cough becomes more shrill, and when long continued, resembles the crowing of a young cock. There is seldom much expectoration, and when any matter comes up in coughing, it has a stringy ap. pearance, resembling portions of a membrane. After inflammation has set in, considerable fever 96 respiratory system. and restlessness continue, occasionally varying in intensity, but never wholly remitting ; the countenance expresses great anxiety and alter- nates from a red to a livid hue; ihe paroxysms are followed by a profuse and clammy perspira- tion of the whole body, more particularly of the head and face. When danger threatens, the pulse is hard, frequent, and occasionally inter- mittent; the breathing, particularly during inspi- ration, difficult and audible ; the features become livid, and almost purple, from the sense of suffo- cation ; the head is thrown back ; the cough as- sumes a veiled and husky tone ; the voice sinks to a whisper ; the eye has a dull, glassy, or di- lated appearance, and the wfcole system seems in a state of utter prostration. J^ v That Croup arises from innrent constitutional taint is evident from the facybf some families having a peculiar tendency to the affection. Th&t. principal exciting causes seem to be, exposure to* cold or damp, and derangement of the digestive functions. It seldom attacks adults, though we occasionally see exceptions to this rule, and is not unfrequently found in complication with other affections of the lungs and windpipe. The medicines upon which the greatest re- liance is to be placed in the treatment of this affection, are Aconite, Spongia, Ilepar Sulphuris, and Lachesis. Aconite should commence our treatment, and may be exhibited every hour, until the febrile symptoms begin to abate; after which we may administer Spongia, when there is a hoarse, ringing, CROUP. 97 hollow and squeaking cough, with slow wheezing, respiration, or fits of choking; it may be given every one, two, or three hours, according to the intensity of the symptoms. Hepar Sulphuris, when these symptoms are partially subdued by Spongia, the cough moist or loose, with accumulation of mucus in the respira- tory organs. This remedy is particularly useful against the formation of the false membrane of Croup, and in warding off the risk it occasions. It may be advantageously alternated with Spongia at inlervals of three or four hours, the adminis- trator carefully noticing the effects of each medi- cine. Lachesis, in very serious and difficult cases, in which there is a swelling and tenseness in the throat, with hoarseness ; great sensitiveness to the touch, the slightest pressure affecting almost to suffocation ; voice very low and hollow, with a sound like that of a person speaking through the nose ; fainting; nausea; swooning; loss of sense ; rigidity of frame ; great prostration of strength, especially towards evening ; cough un- attended with expectoration, and a feeling of mucus in the throat. This medicine may be administered every half hour, or two hours, ac- cording to the intensity of the symptoms, and their abatement. After having subdued these threatening symp- toms by the administration of the last mentioned remedy, we may, if the disease is not wholly van- quished, again fall back upon Spongia or Hepar Sulphuris, according to the indications given for those remedies. 9 98 respiratory system. There are many other remedies which afford valuable assistance in the treatment of complica- ted cases of this affection ; but which require the judgment of the physician in their selection. HOOPING COUGH. This is almost peculiarly a disease of child- hood, and one which few individuals escape dur- ing that period; it generally appears as an epi- demic, and is, by the majority of physiologists, ac- knowledged to be communicated by contagion ; we seldom find an instance of a person suffering a second time from its attacks. Over many, the affection passes lightly, but in the majority of cases it proves a distressing, and in some,a fatal malady, baffling all the ill-directed efforts of the Allopathic physician to conduct it to a favourable termination. Under the old practice, not only was a great deal of valuable time lost in endeavouring to sub- due inflammation by antiphlogistic measures, but the patient's vital energies were weakened and rendered less capable of contending with the dis- ease, when it assumed the spasmodic type. On the contrary, we have it in our power, by the administration of remedies specific to the af- fection, to check the inflammation at its outset, subdue the other distressing attendant'symptoms. and shorten the duration of the complaint, without allowing it to leave after it any of those evil con- sequences, such as debility, and emaciation, which oblige the patient to endure a tedious and protracted period of convalescence. HOOPING COUGH. 99 This affection is generally preceded some two or three weeks, by ihe symptoms of common catarrh, with its commonly attendant fever, which sometimes run high. When the disease becomes developed, it declares itself by several rapid and violent expirations made in coughing, after which a loud whoop is heard, caused by a strong inspi- ration of air ; the cough then again sets in vio- lently, until terminated by the expectoration of a quantity of mucus, or a fit of vomiting; after which the attack ceases for a time, leaving, if severe, hurried respiration and considerable de- bility, although, in some cases, the patient at first suffers but little between the paroxysms. From the peculiar sound emitted during the attacks of coughing, the disease derives its name ; it is also known under the denominations of the Chin Cough, Kin Cough, or Kink Cough. It is easily distinguishable from common cough, even before the whoop declares itself, by the swelling of the features during the fits. Other symptoms attendant upon this affection we shall indicate under the different medicines, the principal of which are Aconite, Nux Vomica, Chamomilla-Hyoscyamus, Dulcamara,Belladonna, Pulsatilla, Ipecacuanha, Cina, Droscra, Veratrum, Cuprum-Metallicum, Bryonia, and Arnica, the in- dications for which are as follow. Aconite, febrile or inflammatory symptoms. This remedy may be had recourse to from time to time when such symptoms are present, bearing in mind, that its action is of short duration, and may be followed in a few hours by any other of the remedies which may appear more peculiarly indicated. 100 respiratory system. Nux Vomica, precursory catarrhal symptoms present; for the indications for its employment, see Catarrh. For Chamomilla, Hyoscyamus, Dulcamara, and Belladonna, see Catarrh. Pulsatilla, when in addition to the symptoms given under Catarrh, (which consult,) there are, vomiting immediately after coughing ; diarrhoea, especially at night; excessive anxiety; face livid, with danger of suffocation. Ipecacuanha. Violent and rapid succession of coughs, so as almost to check respiration, re. newed after the inspiration or whoop ; generally followed by a fresh attack, terminated by vomiting; also when Nux Vomica appears indicated, but fails to relieve ; especially useful after Cuprum Metallicum in dissipating such symptoms as that medicine may have left. Cina. Indications of worms present (which see ;) cough dry and spasmodic; a chuckling noise passing downwards, heard during the at- tacks ; paleness of the face during the pa- roxysms ; rigidity of the body, and bleeding at the nose and mouth, after the cough has ceased. This remedy frequently proves \e.ry efficacious in alternation with Belladonna,when the latter seems indicated. Drosera. This medicament has generally been found specific to Hooping Cough, and may be considered the principal remedy in this affec- tion, when prevailing as an epidemic, especially when the whoop is clearly defined, and the cough- ing, alternated with whooping, rapid, violent, and threatening suffocation ; after the inflammatory hooping cough. 101 symptoms have been held in check by Aconite, Dro-tern may, in most cases, follow, and will fre- quently be found sufficient to dissipate the re- maining group of symptoms ; the dose may be allowed to act uninterruptedly for a week, should not its repetition appear called for by a cessation of the amelioration, or the indications present imper- atively demand the assistance of some other me- dicament, in some such cases. Veratrum will frequently succeed in con- quering the disease, and may follow Dro.sera, when in addition to the above symptoms there are, great debility; slight fever; pulse small, weak, and accelerated ; cold and clammy perspi- ration, especially on the forehead ; excessive thirst ; involuntary evacuations during the pa- roxysms ; vomiting after the attack ; weakness in the nape of the neck, rendering it incapable of supporting the head ; pain in the chest and groins ; miliary eruption on the face and hands, and sometimes the whole body ; sighing ; and repugnance to motion or speaking, between the paroxysms. Cuprum Metallicum may be substituted for Dro.sera, at the commencement of the develop- ment of the whoop, if the following indications are present: rigidity of frame, with apparent de- privation of consciousness ; severe vomiting dur- ing restoration to sense and respiration, and slow recovery after it; perspiration between the pa- roxysms, attended with rattling in the chest. This medicine may be administered every three days while the above symptoms continue. Bryonia. X< p1''waling cough, occurring in the 9* 102 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. evening and at night, always coming on after eating or drinking, causing gasping for breath and vomiting. Arnica, when the child cries after coughing ; or when the paroxysms are immediately preceded by en i ng. INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS. This affection is generally the result of a neg- lected cold, or arises from a sudden check of the perspiration. In treatment, our great object should be to assist nature, which being brought about by specific remedies, the disturbance will cease to exist, and the equilibrium of the whole system be restored. The suddenness with which this affection fre- quently makes its attacks, demands an equally prompt mode of treatment. We shall content ourselves in this place, with mentioning the course that should be pursued in order to ward off immediate danger, until medical aid can be procured ; for we must bear m mind, that in this affection, not only the selection of the remedy, but also its administration, demands the utmost dis- crimination of the physician, in order, on the one hand, to avoid losing valuable time, by allowing too long a period to elapse between the doses, and on the other, interrupting the action of the medicines by too frequent a repetition. It is utterly impossible to give a rule applicable to all cases, except that which we have already done, only to repeat or select another remedy, when there appears a cassation of amelioration, or a.n ac- cession of new symptoms. INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS. 103 Before we proceed to notice the treatment, we will say a few words upon some of the most dis- tinguishing characteristics of the affection itself; observing, however, that inflammation of the lungs may exist, without any of the symptoms mentioned declaring themselves very prominently, and also that many of them are common to the other species of inflammation ; in fact, it is only by a good ear, and the use of the stethoscope, that a practitioner can with certainty pronounce an affection, accom- panied with the undermentioned symptoms, to be really inflammation of the lungs ; such, however, is at the commencement of but little practical im- portance ; for when any of the following group present themselves, there cannot be the slightest hesitation about the medicine indicated. Premonitory coldness and shivering; difficulty of breathing, with cough, sometimes dry, some- times attended with spitting ; viscid, gelatinous and tenacious expectoration, frequently tinged with blood ; face and lips swollen and livid, or hot and red ; eyes protruded and shining ; pulse hard, strong, and accelerated ; an acute or dull compressing pain in the chest, sometimes in, or extending to the back, under the shoulder blades, or about the spine ; high febrile symptoms, hot dry skin, thirst, &c. In such cases. Aconite may be administered every one, two, or three hours, according to the urgency of the case ; we may, if the febrile symp- toms run very high, without hesitation repeat it again as soon as amelioration ceases; after which, if the febrile attack is par'ially subdued, but does not continue to ameliorate, we may from time to 104 DERANGEMENT of the cerebral time, administer the medicine, carefully noting the period when the beneficial effects of the remedy appear to determine, and considering that as a signal for its repetition. Bryonia may with effect follow Acomte, when the more dangerous symptoms are subdued by that remedy, to improve the respiration and ex- pectoration. Phosphorus will frequently remove the asth. matic symptoms that sometimes remain, and is also valuable in cases where there is apredispo- sition to consumption. In Pleurisy, the same mode of treatment should be observed as in the preceding. We may remark, that after Aconite and Bryonia have removed the leading symptoms of this last mentioned affection, a dose of Sul- phur will frequently complete the cure. DERANGEMENTS OF THE CEREBRAL SYSTEM. INFLAMMATION OF THE BRAIN. In inflammation of the brain or of its mem. branes, the symptoms are exceedingly diversified ; the extent and duration of the disease, the age, sex, and constitution of the patient, assist in giv- ing to the affection a variety of character. Much assistance may be derived, in ascertaining wheth- er the brain be affected or not, by examining the eyes and general expression of the countenance. The pupils in the first stages are commonly found more or less contracted, but as the dis- INFLAMMATION OF THE BRAIN. 105 ease advances, they often become dilated. Oc- casionally the attack is preceded by premoni- tory symptoms, such as congestion of blood to the head, attended with sensations of weight, or stu- pefying, pressive, constrictive, and sometimes shooting pains in the head. In some instances slight feverish symptoms are complained of, with ringing in the ears for about the space of a week ; giddiness, and a sense of weight on the crown of the head ; pulse rather quick, and the heat of the skin somewhat increased at night, attended with restlessness and a difficulty of lying long in one position ; moreover, the patient is observed to be irritable and annoyed at trifles ; anomalies in the mental powers may next be observed, such as obstupefaction, drowsiness, with mild delirium ; or a high degree of excitement, in which the patient is affected by the slightest noise, and the eyes have a brilliant and animated expression, or are bloodshot, with fiery redness of the face, and wild delirium. According to the seat of the inflammation, or the constitution of the patient, the accompanying fever is of greater or less in- tensity ; the pulse is very variable in the course of the same day ; it may be regular, intermitting, quick, and weak, or very slow and strong. A very slow or a very quick pulse generally indi- cates danger. The patient frequently complains of heat in the head, whereas the extremities are cold. When there is stupor, or a tendency to it, the eyes look heavy and void of all expres- sion ; vomiting sometimes takes place and proves very intractable ; the stupor becomes more pro- found, convulsions appear, and death sooner or 106 DERANGEMENT OF THE CEREBRAL SYSTEM. later ensues. The peculiar and delicate struc- ture of the brain and its membranes in children, renders them much more susceptible to the attacks of this serious disease, and great attention ought to be paid to the following symptoms:—heaviness of the head, attended with pains, of which latter circumstance we are sometimes made aware, in very young children, by the little sufferer fre- quently raising its hands to the head ; alteration of temper ; intolerance of light; nausea, occasion- ally followed by vomiting ; tendency to costive- ness ; drowsiness ; wakefulness ; or starting du- ring sleep. Secondly, continued boring of the head against the pillow; a high state of excite- ment, in which the slightest noise, or ray of light, throws the child into a fit of screaming, or a state of discontentment ; heavy sleep ; great beat in the head ; redness and swelling of the face, with perceptible throbbing in the vessels of the head and neck ; great agitation, with con- tinued tossing about, especially at night; eyes red, sparkling, convulsed, or fixed; pupils immo- vable, and generally dilated. With regard to the treatment of this disease, we should have immediate recourse to Aconite at the commence- ment of the attack, when the skin is hot and dry, and the pulse rapid, which is especially likely to be the case in young plethoric subjects ; and as soon as we have modified these symptoms, we should administer Belladonna, which remedy will be frequently found specific in the treatment both of adults and children, if given before the disease has made considerable progress. Hyoscyamus is appropriate when there are WATER IN THE HEAD. 107 drowsiness, loss of consciousness, delirium about one's own affairs ; inarticulate speech ; tongue coated white, with frothy mucus about the lips ; dilatation of the pupils; fixedness of the vision; skin dry and parched ; redness of the face ; and picking of the bedclothes with the fingers. Opium, when there is lethargic sleep, with ster- torous breathing ; half open eyes and confusion or giddiness after waking ; complete apathy and absence of complaint Stramonium is useful when there is starting or jerking in the limbs ; sleep almost natural, but followed by absence of mind on waking ; some- times attended with moaning and tossing about; vision fixed, and the patient frequently appears in a state of dread, or is seized with a desire to run away, and utters cries ; redness of the face ; feverish heat, with moisture of the skin. Cina is a valuable remedy in the treatment of this affection, in children who have symptoms of WORMS. WATER IN THE HEAD. This fatal and frequent disease, is liable to be excited by a variety of causes, and is particularly prone to take place in psoric children, who are born with unusually prominent foreheads, and in whom the fontanels remain long unclosed. The symptoms are sometimes so mild and insidious, that parents are thrown off their guard, and at- tribute the apparently slight indisposition of the little patient, to some comparatively trivial cir- cumstance ; such as teething, or gastric derange- 108 HEADACHE. ment. In other instances, the symptoms are much more striking, and in many respects strongly re- semble those described under inflammation of the brain. In general, the skin is hot, pulse rather quick, chiefly at night, and the child becomes peevish whenever it is raised from the horizontal position; at other times it is affected with fits of screaming; grinding of the teeth ; redness of the face and eyes ; peculiar expression of coun- tenance ; convulsions and stupor. The most ap- propriate remedies are, Aconite, Belladonna, Mercurius, and Bryonia. The indications of the two former have already been given under inflammation of the brain. Bryonia may be administered after Aconite or Belladonna, if necessary, or may be given at the commencement, when there is heat in the head with redness of the face, and great thirst ; deli- rium ; sudden starts, with cries, or constant incli- nation to sleep; constant movement of the jaws, as if engaged in chewing ; and constipation. Mercurius will frequently be found useful after Belladonna, or previous to that remedy, when the bowels are much relaxed. Hyoseyamus, Opi- um, Cina, and Stramonium, will likewise prove valuable in cases wherein the indications cones- pond with those described in the preceding article. HEADACHE. (Cephalalgia.) [Aconite deserves attention in headaches con- nected with Congestion to the head, Catarrh, Rheu- matism, Neuralgia and those caused by Heat, Cur- rents of Air, Cold, Bathing or Tobacco; and forfe- headache. 109 males, children, and nervous invalids. It is indicat- ed in Congestive headaches, when a violent throb- bing pain seizes the forehead and temples with a sensation of ardent heat through the entire brain, red and bloated face ; redness of the eyes, visible pulsation of the neck, excessive sensibility to the least n( ise or movement, and sometimes, great ir- ritability or delirium. N. B. when congestive headaches are habitual, the patient should sponge the forehead and temples every morning with cold water, or take a shower-bath and drink one or two tumblerfuls of cold water on retiring and rising, night and morning. In Catarrhal headaches the indications are : dull, pressive, and constrictive pains and heat in the forehead, especially above the root of the nose, with flowing from the eyes, running at the nose, but more frequently obstruc tion of the same, dry heat in the nose, buzzing in the ears, colic, frequent chilliness, alternating with feverishness, occasional cough ; amelioration of 1 the symptoms in the morning, and in the open air; aggravation in the evening, and from speaking and exercise. The Rheumatic headache is character- ized by darting or rending pains, sensitive to the touch, which fly from one part of the head to an- other, as from the nape of the neck to the ears, temples, vertex or forehead ; are sometimes con- nected with rheumatism of the neck and shoul- ders ; are attended with active fever, dry and hot skin, thirst, redness or varying pallor and redness of the cheeks ; are insupportable at night with mental disquietude and vexation ; are palliated by sitting and aggravated or renewed by wine, stimu- lants, or great mental excitement. The Ner- 10 110 HEADACHE. vous headache generally occurs above the root of the nose or on one side of the head. The pains, which are intolerable, especially at night, are throbbing, darling, and stinging, producing _ by their intensity lamentations, inconsolable anguish, fear of death, and, at times, temporary insensi- bility, and are attended by thirst, flushed cheeks, small, quick, weak, and occasionally intermittent pulse and intolerance of touch, light and sound. Headache from exposure to Heat usually assumes the characteristics of the Congestive, which are recorded above. The headaches which arise from Currents of Air, Cold, or Bathing, are in every respect analogous to the sufferings we have described as Catarrhal. The Tobacco headache, whether from chewing or smoking, is very similar to the Congestive headache of Aconite, marked particularly by sensation of great weight on the vertex'and over the eyes, nausea and amelioration in the open air. All the preceding forms of head- ache to which Aconite is applicable, have the dis- tinctive peculiarities of an increase of suffering from motion, rising from a recumbent position, speaking and drinking; and a diminution in the open air. The Aconite may be repeated in severe forms of headache every two or three hours ; in milder forms, every six or eight hours, increasing the in- tervals in proportion to the improvement effected. We have acquired great service from Aconite in acute paroxysms of headache by using it as a precursor to, or in alternation with, Arnica, Bella- donna, Bryonia, Chamomilla, Nux vomica, Pulsa- tilla and Veratrum. Thus a single dose of _lcon- itc may precede the administration of these reme- HEADACHE. Ill dies some two or three hours, or may be alterna- ted with them every three or four hours. Antimonium crudum has been used for head- aches dependant' on Chills, Suppressed Erup- tions, Tobacco or Indigestion. They are charac- terized by a pain in the forehead as if it would burst, or dull, boring, rending, piercing, spasmodic pains in the forehead, temples and vertex, with a sensation as if in the bones of the head, especially of the vertex. The pains are increased by ascend- ing stairs, and mitigated in the open air. If the headache arise from Tobacco, it is attended with dizziness. If it depend on Indigestion, it is fre- quently preceded by nausea, want of appetite, aversion to food, eructation, and efforts to vomit. It is sometimes followed by loss of hair. The Antimonium may be taken every twelve or twenty-four hours, and is often more efficient after the use of Pulsatilla, especially for the headache of Indigestion. Arnica is indicated in headaches connected with Congestion to the head, Neuralgia, and those caused by Mechanical injuries. The Congestive headache is characterized by a spasmodic pressing in the forehead, as if the brain were contracted into a hard mass, principally when near the fire, whirling dizziness with nausea, heat and burning in the head, with coldness of the remainder of the body, and occasional prickling or numb sensations in one or more of the extremities. The Ner- vous headache manifests itself by crawling, prick- ing, and stinging pains in one or both temples, or on one side of the head, which feels as if they had been bruised, or by an intense pain, as if a nail 112 headache. had pierced the brain. The headache which fol- lows Mechanical injuries, such as blows, falls, or strains is the same as the Congestive, attended at times by pressive sore pain in the part injured or over one or other eye, and green vomiting. This remedy is the more appropriate when the sufferings are aggravated at evening or night, after eating, or by mental or physical exercise. Arnica follpws and alternates admirably with Aconite when the febrile action is prominent, and may pre- cede the use of Belladonna, Calcarea and Rhus. The rule of repetition is the same as that given for Aconite. Belladonna obtains in headaches complicated with Congestion to the head, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Neuralgia.; ana those from Heat, Spirituous drinks, Mechanical injuries, Cold, and Currents of Air. It is especially suitable for females, and children. It is appropriate in Congestive headache when the indications given for this form of suffering under Aconite, are not promptly or permanently re. lieved by that remedy ; also if the pains are more deeply seated, are violent, pressive, heavy and full, as if the brain would protrude through the fore- head or side of the head, with pale, haggard face, drowsiness, loss of consciousness, murmurs and delirium ; or if this form of headache develop itself after eating, with great lassitude, drowsi- ness, painful stiffness of the nape of the neck, imperfect speech, distortion of the face, especially of the mouth, and other symptoms of Apoplexy. The Catarrhal headache is marked by pressive aching in the forehead, and congestive feeling of the entire head as if it would split open, with headache. 113 sneezing, swelling, redness and excoriation of the nose, profuse flow of acrid water from the nose, or flowing from one nostril, or alternating with stoppage of the nose, smell too acute, especially for tobacco smoke, or too obtuse; shivering or feverish heat, thirst and pains in the limbs. (He- par sulphuris or Mercury may precede or follow Belladonna for this variety of Catarrhal head- ache) Rheumatic headache is attended by vio- lent shooting and burning pains, especially of one side of the head, congestion to the head, swelling of its veins and visible pulsation of its arteries, redness of the eyes and face, and fever. The Nervous headache is characterized by burning shooting pains, generally of one side of the head in the mildest form of attack, attended by sensi- tiveness of the scalp, distention of the veins of the head and hands, roaring and buzzing in the ears, and clouded sight. In a severe form the pains become pressing, burning, shooting, rending and distracting, appearing on one side of the head or above the eyes and nose, with a sensation as if water fluctuated or undulated in the head. The neuralgic pain may also commence very gently, increase in intensity through one side of the head, producing irritability, lamentations and delirium. The headache which arises from Heat is similar to the Congestive, and indicates Belladonna espe- cially, when the head seems as if it would split open and the suffering is increased by walking and mental excitement, and is attended by hot fever, thirst, vomiting, sleepiness, anxiety, tears, lamen- tation, despair or rage, and delirium. Spirituous drinks produce pressing aching in the forehead 10* 114 headache. with congestive fulness of the entire head, red and bloated face, loss of appetite, especially for meat, thirst and feverishness. The headache from Mechanical injuries is similar to the Conges- tive, and requires the Belladonna most frequently, after the previous use of Arnica. The effects of Cold and Currents of Air accord with the Ca- tarrhal headache, attended at times by imperfect vision, sore throat and indigestion. All these symptoms of Belladonna are aggravated chiefly at night, also about three or four o'clock in the after- noon, and after sleeping ; also by the warmth of the bed, recumbent position, motion, especially that of the eyes, the slightest touch, shock or noise, open air or currents of air, contradiction, even the slightest, and mental excitement; they are mitigated by flexing the head backward and supporting it. Belladonna is frequently preceded by, and al- ternated with, Aconite and Mercury. Its rule of repetition and alternation is the same as that di- rected for Aconite. Bryonia is available in headaches associated with Congestion to the head, Derangement of the stomach, Neuralgia and Rheumatism, and those caused by Heat and Changeable weather. Con- gestive headache is manifested by severe pain in both sides of the head, pressing from without in- wardly, with a sensation as if the contents of the skull would protrude through the forehead, especially on stooping, bleeding at the nose, afford- ing no relief, burning of the eyes, and effusion of tears, constipation. The Bryonia is of the greatest value if this form of headache occur with Consti- HEADACHE. 115 potion of the bowels. It is generally worse in the morning. For headaches of the Stomach, see In- digestion, p. 54. Nervous headaches have press- ing, burning, rending and shooting pains, as if a tumor were forming under the skin, and as if the brain would press through the forehead, which seize the forehead, dart to one or other side of the head, or extend to the cheek-bone, shooting and pulsating at times violently ; rheumatic and pas- sionate patients suffer most from this form of head- ache. Rheumatic headache is complicated with local or general rheumatism, manifested by rend- ing and shooting pains which fluctuate from thei nape of the neck, sides of the head, and forehead, attended by coldness or shivering, or fever and perspiration of the head or entire body, aggrava- ted by the least movement and at night. Head- ache from Hear is marked by pressing pain and fulness of the entire head, attended *>y want of appetite, especially in the morning, nausea, vomit- ing and diarrhoea, thirst, fever, agitation, trem- bling and apprehension of the future. The Bryonia may be used in alternation with Belladonna, when that remedy is not promptly efficient for headache from heat, as described under Bella- donna. Changeable weather frequently excites the Rheumatic headache. The headaches of Bryonia appear most frequently in the morning and after meals, and are aggravated by motion, walking, stooping, &c, and touch. Rhus and Nux vomica may be used after and alternated with Bryonia. The repetition and al- ternation of the dose the same as directed for Aconite. 116 READACHE. Chamomilla is useful for Digestive, Nervous and Rheumatic headaches, and those caused by Coffee, Anger and Cold; and for females, chil- dren, and persons excited by the slightest pain. For Digestive headache, see " Indigestion," p. 54. Nervous headache is characterized by drawing, rending and pulsative pains of one side of the head which extend to the jaw, sometimes attended by a benumbed sensation, or sensibility which ren- ders the touch intolerable; acute shooting pain in the temples, heaviness and throbbing over the nose ; bloated face, redness of one cheek and pale- ness of the other ; hot perspiration of the head and scalp, and painful and congested eyes. Rheuma- tic headache is similar to the above, occurring in persons of a rheumatic habit or labouring under rheumatism. Headaches dependent on Coffee and Anger are recognized by the same peculiarities. The headache from Co7d is marked, in addition, by weeping eyes, sore throat, hoarseness and ca- tarrhal irritation of the chest. Chamomilla. may be used after Aconite and Coffea, and may precede Belladonna and Pulsatilla. Coffea is applicable to Congestive and Ner- vous headaches, to those caused by Debauch or Sp/riluous drinks, and to nervous persons and children. Congestive headache may arise from excess of joy, and is attended by lively exaltation of the mind, heaviness of the head, with occa- sional violent pain of one side, redness of the eyes and sleeplessness, and is exasperated by speak- ing. Nervous headache is marked by a sensa- tion as if the brain were bruised and rent, or by severe rending pains of one side of the head, as HEADACHE. 117 if pierced by a nail, which seem insufferable; frequently caused hy Debauch or Spirituous drink, meditation, vexation and influenza ; attended by extreme sensitiveness to noise and music, by agi- tation, great anguish, tears, cries, distraction, throwing about, chilliness, aversion to fresh air and distaste for coffee. Ignatia, Nux Vomica and Pulsatilla may precede, and Aconite and Chamo- milla succeed the use of Coffea. The Coffea may be repeated frequently, from half an hour to two and three hours, according to the relief afforded. Ignatia relieves Congestive, Hysterical and Nervous headaches, and those dependent on Grief, Anger, and Tobacco, and of nervous per- sons and children. Congestive headache is char- acterized by a painful sensation of fulness and ex- pansion of the head, as if it would burst, espe- cially when conversing, reading or listening to another; also by a pulsative and deep-seated pain, especially in the forehead, and above the root of the nose, attended by trembling of the body, palpitation of heart and great despondence. Hysterical headache is generally owing to a high degree of mental excitement, and particularly Grief or excessive Anger, and is marked by pierc- ing, darting pains, which penetrate the brain deeply, either in the forehead or one side of the head, by alternations of extravagant gaiety, and laughter, and extreme despondence and tears, im- perfect sight, very red or pale face, nervous agi- tation and physical restlessness. Nervous headache is attended by rending, boring, throb- bing, and lancinating pains, which seize the/ore- 118 HEADACHE. head as if a nail were driven through it deep into the brain ; or pressing pain in the forehead and above the nose, which progresses from without inwardly and is mitigated by stooping ; paleness of face, nausea, darkness before the eyes, intoler- ance of light, profuse colourless urine, fickleness of disposition, sensitiveness, strong fears, tacitur- nity, sadness, mildness, &c. Ignatia may be used as an antidote to a headache caused by To- bacco, when the symptoms are similar to those we have given as characteristic of Ignatia. The headaches of Ignatia are aggravated by coffee, tobacco smoke, brandy, noise and strong smells ; aggravated or mitigated by stooping ; mitigated by lying down and change of position; and are re- newed after a meal, lying down in the evening and rising in the morning. It may be used to ad- vantage after Chamomilla, Pulsaiilla and Nux Vomica. Rule of administration the same as for Aconite. Mercurius solubilis or virus, is most effi- cient in headaches connected with Catarrh, Con- gestion to the Head, and Rheumatism. The Ca- tarrhal headache frequently prevails epidemical- ly, and is distinguished hy pressing, aching pain in the forehead, frequent sneezing, profuse discharge of serous mucus, which is offensive at times, red- ness and excoriation of the nose with itching and aching pains on pressing the nose, chills or fever, nocturnal perspiration, violent thirst, pains in the limbs, and increased suffering from either heat or cold. (It may precede or alternate with Bella- donna in this form of headache.) Congestive head- ache has a full and crowded feeling of the head as HEADACHE. 119 if the forehead would fly apart, or as if the head were firmly bound by a band, especially with ag- gravations at night, when the pains become bor- ing, burning, rending and darting, and are attend- ed by easy, frequent and profuse perspiration, which affords no relief. (Here it is useful after Belladonna and Opium). Rheumatic headache is attended by burning, shooting, throbbing and rend- ing pains, which affect one side of the head, extending to the teeth and neck, with pulsatory dartings in the ears. The pains seem to be im- bedded in the bones, and the external flesh is fre- quently tumefied.} It may be used before or after Belladonna, Bryonia, China, Dulcamara, or La- chesis. It is a distinct peculiarity of the Mercu- rial headaches that they are aggravated at night, towards morning, by the warmth of the bed, damp and cold air, heat and touch ; and are attended by profuse perspiration, which affords no relief The Mercury may be given in extreme cases every four hours, and in alternation with Bella- donna every three or four hours. In ordinary cases it is preferable to administer a single dose in the evening. Nux vomica is a very prominent agent of cure in Catarrhal, Congestive, Gastric, Nervous and Rheumatic headaches, and those dependent on Coffee,Spirituous drinks,Intellectual labour, Anger, Chills or Currents of air, Prolonged watching and Constipation* Catarrhal headache is marked * The Nux is most indicated in persons of a lively tem- perament, red face and full habit, who make a free use of Coffee and Liquors, and especially those that lead a seden- tary life and suffer from Constipated habit. 120 HEADACHE. either by heaviness in the forehead or shooting and rending pains ; obstruction in the nose, or else fluent coryza of a mucus which is sometimes brown and corrosive in the morning and dry in the evening or at night, with parched mouth and absence of thirst; bruised sensation throughout the body; burning heat and redness of the cheeks ; heat of the head and entire body, and alternations of chills and fever, especially in the evening; and hard faeces or constipation. Gas- tric headache: vide Indigestion, p. 54. Congestive headache is attended by excessive heaviness of the head, especially on moving the eyes, and during mental exercise, with a feeling as if the skull would fly apart; painful sensitiveness of the brain, either from motion or external pressure; pressure on the temples; imperfect sight, with desire to shut the eyes and inability to sleep; and aggravated in the morning and open air. Nervous headache appears in the form of rend- ing, shooting and jerking pains, principally on one i side of the head, as if pierced by a nail, with nau- sea and vomiting of sour water ; also pricking, stinging, or oppressive sensation of one side of the head, which commencing in the morning, gradually increases in intensity, until the patient becomes distracted and insensible; also as if the brain were rent asunder, with pale, hag- gard face, dizziness when walking, buzzing noise, excitation, dec. Rheumatic headache is marked by tensive drawing pains affecting the forehead on one side of the head, attended by a bruised sensa- tion of the head and similar pains in the back, loins and joints, a sensation of torpor or paralysis HEADACHE. 121 m the parts affected, with cramps and palpitation in the muscles ; shivering and constipation. (It is mainly indicated for Rheumatic headache after Aconite, Chamomilla, Ignatia, or Arnica.) The headaches dependent on Coffee, Spirituous drinks, Intellectual labour, Anger, Prolonged watching, or Constipation, are Congestive or Neuralgic, and require a careful study of their respective in- dications. The headache from Chill or Currents of air, is Catarrhal, which see. The Nux head- ache is aggravated in the morning, after meals, by coffee, wine, tobacco smoke, noise, bright light, meditation, watching, and windy and chilly weather ; it is mitigated by sitting or lying down without change of position. The Nux may succeed Aconite, or alternate with it every three or four hours in acute febrile conditions. It may precede or alternate with Bryonia or Pulsaiilla by the same rule. Administered singly, the interval of repetition should vary from 4 to 24 hours, according to the severity of the case. Pulsatilla applies to Catarrhal, Gastric, Congestive, Nervous and Rheumatic headaches, and to those caused by Debauch, Spirituous drinks, Intellectual labour, Chill, Bathing, or Cold drinks. It is especially suited to females and persons of phlegmatic temperament, mild character and lym- phatic constitution, with pale complexion, light hair, blue eyes, etc. Catarrhal headache is marked by dull heavy aching in the root of the nose, fore- head, or over one eye, or confusion of the head, and is attended by loss of appetite, taste and smell, swelling and obstruction of the nose ; discharge 11 122 HEADACHE. of blood or of a thick and offensive mucus, some- times yellow, and sometimes green ; and absence of thirst, with chilliness. For Gastric headache, see Indigestion, p. 54. Congestive headache manifests itself by wearying, debilitating, and oppressive pains which seize one side of the head; or progress from the occiput to the forehead or root of the nose, or conversely proceed from the root of the nose to the occiput; attended by heavi- ness of the head, dizziness, paleness of the face, agitation and inclination to weep. Nervous headache offers rending pains, in single spots or in every part of the head, which are augmented toward evening ; or throbbing, darting and prick- ing pains, after rising in the morning or lying down in the evening ; or jerking, rending, dart- ing and pricking pains in one side of the head only; attended by heaviness of the head, frequent dizziness, obscure vision, intolerance to light, sickness at the stomach, buzzing, darting, rend- ing, and pricking in the ears, paleness and varied expression of the face, loss of appetite and thirst, agitation and chills, bleeding at the nose and pal- pitation of heart. Rheumatic headache is charac- terized by similar pains to those of the Nervous ; and are connected with rheumatic pains of the body, which pass rapidly from one joint to another, with sensation of torpor in the parts affected, dartings and coldness on change of weather, and Bhiverings increasing in proportion to the intensity of the suffering. For headaches arising from Debauch, Spirituous drinks, and Intellectual labour, carefully consult the indications of Nervous and Congestive headaches; and from Chill, Bathing, ACUTE INFLAMMATION OF THE EYES. 123 or Cold drinks, look to Catarrhal headache. The Pulsatilla headache is aggravated or renewed in the evening after lying down, or at night, or in bed in the morning; at rest, especially when seat- ed; and mitigated in the open air, by movement, walking, external heat and firm pressure. Pulsa- tilla follows, and is of great service in alterna- tion with Aconite ; may precede Bryonia and Nux, and succeed Chamomilla and Ignatia, with which it may occasionally alternate. The repetition and alternation the same as ad- vised for the Aconite.—Ed.] ACUTE AFFECTIONS OF THE EYE AND EAR. ACUTE INFLAMMATION OF THE EYES. v This affection may arise from a variety of causes, such as exposure to extreme light, the strong heat of a fire, particularly after coming out of an extremely cold atmosphere, external in- juries, or cold. In general cases of non-catarrhal inflammation, when the affection has arisen from the first two excitants, or without known cause, should the inflammation be considerable, particularly if at- tended with fever, we may, in the first place, ad- minister Aconite, repeating the dose at the end of twelve hours, should only slight amelioration have taken place ; and if great sensibility to light, with redness of the conjunctiva remain, follow it with Bklladonna, of which a single dose, if no deeply-rooted taint be present, will generally suf- fice to effect a perfect cure. 124 ACUTE AFFECTIONS OF THE EYE AND EAR. If the inflammation arise from external injury, caused by a blow, or the entrance of any foreign body into the eye, we may likewise exhibit Aco- nite, and follow it in about twelve or sixteen hours with Arnica, bathing the eye occasionally at the same time with a lotion of Arnica, five drops of the tincture to an ounce of water. In inflammation of the eye, arising from cold, or Catarrhal Ophthalmia, the following are among the most useful remedial agents: Belladonna, Nux vomica, Cinchona, Digitalis, Euphrasia, Ignatia, and Aconite. Belladonna, when the following symptoms present themselves :—redness in the conjunctive margin of the eyelids and corner of the eyes, with a swollen and tumid appearance ; intolerance of, and pain increased by light; great sensibility of the eyes and eyelids; decretse of vision; flashes of light, sparks, or darkness before the eyes, with blindness towards evening ; objects appearing re- versed or double; moreover, when there are the following catarrhal symptoms : severe cold in the head, with acrid discharge, causing excoriation, and sometimes an eruption of pimples under the nose, and on and about the lips; periodical return of short, dry, barking, spasmodic cough, aggra- vated towards night, with any other of the indi- cations given for this medicine under Catarrh. Nux vomica, when there are burning pressive pain in the eye; feeling as of sand in the eye, with smarting, tickling, and itching; pressure on the eyes and eyeballs on attempting to open them ; the eye streaked, bloodshot, and swollen, with adhesion of the eyelids; affection worse ACUTE INFLAMMATION OF THE EYES. 125 towards morning. For the attendant catarrhal symptoms, see Catarrh. Cinchona. When the inflammation is less intense, but the motion of the eye painful, and the same sensation as of sand in the eye before noted, with the distinction of the affection exacerbating towards evening, when the pains are of a burning or pressive nature, with headache in the forehead, as ifarisingfrom suppression of the nasal discharge. Digitalis. When there exist burning pain and pressure above the eyes, with redness and inflammation of the conjunctiva, with great red- ness of swelling of the lower lid, and adhesive- ness of the eyelids. Euphrasia. For the exhibition of this medi- cine, the particular indications are, white of the eye much inflamed ; painful pressure in the eyes ; profuse and acrid flow of tears, excited or in- creased by exposure to cold ; secretion, or flow of mucus, sometimes sanguinolent ; severe cold in the head, with profuse fluent nasal discharge ; violent headache, and aggravation of the symp- toms towards evening. Ignatia may be administered with advan- tage when there are pressure in the eyes, profuse flow of tears, great intolerance of light, with but little or no perceptible superficial redness of the eyeball. Aconite may with advantage precede any of the above mentioned medicines, when very high inflammation or febrile symptoms seem to demand its administration. Stye is, strictly speaking, an inflammation of the meibomian glands of the eye, appearing like 11* 126 EARACHE. a small dark-red boil, generally in the corner of the eye, or upon the eyelids, frequently causing considerable pain and suffering. For the removal of this affection, we may administer Pulsatilla, and repeat the same once or twice, at intervals of eight days or a fortnight, should an inclination to its recurrence declare itself. Here again, when the inflammation runs very high, we may have recourse to Aconite, which may with effect precede the Pulsatilla. When we meet with individuals with whom this affection recurs upon the slightest exposure to cold, we may with certainty predicate the ex- istence of a psoric virus ; and until that is eradi- cated by a careful anti-psoric treatment, the best directed treatment can prove only temporarily ef- fective. (See A. C. Becker's Diseases of the Eye.) EARACHE. The medicaments applicable to the majority of cases of this troublesome and painful affection are: Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Belladonna, Nux vomica, Arnica, Dulcamara, and Chamomilla. Mercurius. When the pain is attended with a sensation of coldness in the ears, and exacerba- tion of suffering in the warmth of the bed ; shoot- ing or tensive pains in the internal ear, extending to the cheeks and teeth ; inflammation and in- duration of the ear, with soreness of the orifice, and discharge. Pulsatilla is a most valuable remedy in this affection. It is particularly indicated when the ex- ternal ear is much affected, and appears inflamed barachb. 127 and swollen with heat, shooting and tensive ex- coriating pain internally; side of the head also attacked. This medicament is particularly useful in cases of females, and in individuals of chilly habit. Belladonna, when determination of blood to the head, with redness of the face, exists, with digging, boring, tearing or shooting pains extend- ing to the throat, with extreme sensibility to the slightest noise; when the pains are more severe internally, also when the brain partakes of the inflammation, and delirium is present. Nux Vomica. When the pains are of a tearing, shooting nature, extending to the forehead, temples, and bones of the face, worse towards morning; and when the affection occurs in persons of a lively, choleric disposition. Arnica, in individuals of nervous, excitable temperament, subject to be attacked from slight causes ; also, when great sensibility to noise is present. Dulcamara, when the affection has arisen from a chill or wetting, will, in almost all cases, prove sufficient for its removal; it is also indi- cated when the pains increase at night, and are attended with nausea. Chamomilla. When there are stabbing pains in the ear, as from knives ; great sensibility to noise, or even to music, extreme sensitiveness, susceptibility, and irritability. 128 CUTANEOUS DISEASES. ERYSIPELAS. •This name is given to a peculiar superficial inflammation of the skin, which takes place in people of all ages. Derangement of the digestive functions, exposure to cold, and powerful mental emotions, are its principal exciting causes. The first local symptoms of the complaint are heat, tingling or pricking pains, with diffused swelling, tension, and .deep redness of the affected part. This is, ere long, followed by pungent, burning, and sometimes tearing or shooting pain, which is aggravated by motion or pressure ; the surface presents a shining appearance. On pressure, the redness disappears for a moment, but immediately returns on removing the finger. The constitutional symptoms vary according to the severity of the case ; they generally consist of shiverings, suc- ceeded by flushes of heat; sleepiness, wandering pains, dry tongue, nausea, oppression at the stom- ach, and headache ; vesications sometimes arise on the affected parts, attended with increase of fever. In a few days the redness changes into a yellowish hue. When the face is attacked, the features become much disfigured by the swellings, and delirium supervenes. The disease assumes a very serious aspect when it affects the face and scalp, and accordingly requires the utmost atten- tion and discrimination in the treatment pursued. The principal remedies in the treatment of the or- dinary forms of erysipelas are, Aconite, Belladon- na, Bryonia, Pulsatilla, and Rhus toxicodendron. ERYSIPELAS. 129 When the affection is attended with intense fever, it is necessary to administer a dose or two of Aconite, in order to subdue the febrile action; after the exhibition of which, Belladonna is often the most appropriate remedy, especially when the redness expands in rays, and an acute shooting pain is experienced in the affected part, which is aggravated by movement. In many in- stances Belladonna alone is sufficient to cut short the disease. Bryonia is frequently useful when the disorder affects the joints, and when the pain is exacer- bated by the slightest movement. Pulsatilla, when the disease frequently flies from one part to another. When the disease affects the face and head, it has a dangerous tendency to extend to the brain and membranes, and particularly when it appears in the form of vesicular erysipelas. These vesicles are of various sizes, of a yellowish appearance, produce itching and burning, and readily become confluent. The principal remedy in the treatment of vesicular erysipelas is Rhus Toxicodendron, and a single dose is sometimes sufficient to put a stop to the disease ; at other times it will be found necessary to administer a second or third dose, or to have recourse to one or more of the other remedies above mentioned in order to complete the cure. Arsenicum is an important remedy in some kinds of vesicular erysipelas, and in cases which have terminated in gangrene. 130 BOILS. The presence of these tumours is a strong evidence of a psoric tendency; we shall, never- theless, mention a few medicines which have proved exceedingly valuable in their treatment. Arnica is useful in general cases; should, however, the Boil have an inflamed, fiery appear- ance, or, moreover, should it, if situated upon the extremities, be associated with swelling and ten- derness of the glands under the arm-pit, or upon the groin, we may give a preference to Bella- donna; or should the swelling refuse to yield to that remedy, Mercurius. When the Boil presents an extremely inflam- matory appearance, and the affection is accom- panied with fever and restlessness, Aconite is promptly efficacious in subduing these symptoms, and may precede a more specific remedy. When the matter has already formed, Hepab Sulphuris will be found conducive to bringing the tumour to a head, and thereby curtailing suf- fering. But for a perfect eradication of the virus, we require a prolonged course of anti-psorics, in combination with the above mentioned medica- ments. CHILBLAINS. This affection is too well known to require any particular description : the exciting cause is ex- posure to transitions of temperature, from cold to heat, and vice versa, but their origin is more chilblains. 131 deeply seated ; the feet are the part most generally attacked, but we frequently find the hands also suffer. When they burst and become ulcerated, they constitute an exceedingly painful affection. Severe suffering from chilblains is an indica- tion of psora not to be neglected, and individuals so afflicted should place themselves under an anti-psoric treatment; for, until the constitution is completely purged of that virus, they are continually subject to their recurrence. In the treatment of this affection, the following medicines will be found valuable. Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla, Belladonna, Arnica, Chamomilla, and Sulphur. Nux Vomica is particularly indicated when the inflammation is of a bright red colour, with swelling, attended with itching increased by warmth, and when the chilblains evince a ten- dency to burst. Pulsatilla, when the inflammation is of a livid hue, with itching and beating in the part affected, and when the suffering comes on, or is exacerbated in the evening or towards midnight. Belladonna, when the inflammation is of a bluish red, (but lighter than that indicating Pul- satilla,) and very considerable, attended with a creeping, tingling sensation. Arnica, when the swelling is hard, shining, and painful, attended with itching. Chamomilla, when with the inflammation and itching, a burning sensation is present. Sulphur is a valuable remedy when the in- flammation and itching are very severe, and the affection has refused to yield to the foregoing. 132 CORNS. That these troublesome excrescences arise from an inherent vice of constitution, is evident from the tact of many individuals, who wear tight boots and shoes, which are unquestionably the principal excitant, escaping them, while others, with every precaution, suffer severely ; such being the case, the main object of the physician must be, by a course of anti-psorics, to eradicate the predisposing cause. Great alleviation of suffer. ing has, however, been found to result from the use of an arnicated plaster, applied to the corn, after its having been carefully pared. WHITLOW. By this term is understood an abscess, more or less deeply seated, forming at the end of the fin- ger, near the nail, attended with severe pain and considerable swelling; it has much tendency to reappear in individuals who have once suffered from its attacks, which clearly demonstrates the advantage of treating it as a constitutional, and not as a merely local affection ; in so doing we may have recourse to the following medicines: Mercurius, Hepar Sulphuris, Rhus, Sulphur, and Silicea. We may generally commence the treatment by Mercurius, followed by Hepar Sulphuris, should the abscess come to maturity, notwith- standing the administration of the former medi- cament. Rhus is more particularly indicated where there is a considerable degree of erysipe- latous inflammation. GOUT. 133 But we must have recourse to the alternate administration of Sulphur and Silicea, at in- tervals of eight days each, in cases where a con- stant tendency to a recurrence of the complaint exists. GOUT. This disease, particularly when it has assumed the chronic form, requires a long and discrimina- tive course of treatment. The chief danger arises from its liability to transfer its seat from the part first attacked, to some of the principal in- ternal organs, such as the head and stomach ; in such instances it assumes a peculiarly critical character. This malady, like the majority of those to which the human frame is subject, owes its origin to psora, and consequently we often find it here. ditary in some families. Until, therefore, this predisposition is eradicated by a proper mode of treatment, it is useless to expect a permanent cure. Among the exciting causes of gout may be numbered the following : — a luxurious mode of life ; stimulating diet or drinks ; sudden check of perspiration ; mental emotions ; sedulous applica- tion to studious pursuits, and neglect of taking proper exercise in the open air; and a use of ape- rient medicines and tonics. In plethoric habits, the gout shows a considerable inclination to shift its seat to the head ; and in dyspeptic individuals, to the stomach and intestines. Prior to the attack, we usually find symptoms of general derangement of the digestive function, 12 134 GOUT. with slight access of fever; the veins of the feet become swollen, and a sense of numbness, cramps, or twitching, is present, with a defi- ciency of perspiration. When the attack comes on, which generally occurs in the evening or during the night, it is generally with a feeling of dislocation in the joints of the feet, and burning or severe scalding pain in the part attacked, more or less intense ; after a time these sensations disappear, leaving the part red and tumefied ; the fit occurs again at intervals, generally diminish- ing in intensity ; in many instances considerable fever is present. With regard to the treatment, in general cases of this affection, the principal medicaments are Aconite, Pulsatilla, Nux Vo- mica, and Bryonia. Aconite, in plethoric or corpulent habits, where there is considerable inflammatory fever, with hard and quick pulse. Pulsatilla, where the pains are of a shifting nature, exacerbated towards evening or in bed, with paralytic or torpid sensation in the part affected, and more particularly when the dyspep- tic symptoms given under this medicine, (see In- digestion or Dyspepsia,) present themselves. Nux Vomica, when the pains are worse towards the morning; a paralytic and torpid sensation with cramps and throbbing in the muscles; and moreover, when in addition to other dyspeptic symptoms, we find constipation and hemorrhoids, or inclination to that affection, and an irritable or choleric temperament; furthermore, when indul- gence in wine or fermented liquors has been the inducing cause. RHEUMATISM. 135 Bryonia, when the affection has assumed the form of Rheumatic Gout; where the pains are increased by the slightest motion; aggravation of suffering at night; coldness, and shivering, with general perspiration or fever. For the dyspeptic symptoms present, see article before alluded to. Each of the medicines here mentioned, may successfully follow Aconite, when the febrile symptoms have been in some measure brought under by the administration of that medicament. RHEUMATISM. This disease is of two kinds, the Acute and Chronic; the former is accompanied by fever, preceded by restlessness ; heat alternating with chills ; thirst; coldness of the limbs and extremi- ties ; constipation and accelerated pulse, followed by pains in the large joints, generally shifting their situation, leaving redness, swelling, and ten- derness of the parts affected ; it is also frequently attended with excessive perspiration and weak- ness. In the latter, or Chronic Rheumatism, the swelling of the parts, except in very severe cases, is commonly less perceptible ; sometimes there is present a feeling of general stiffness or numb- ness, with little or no fever. Other symptoms incidental to this complaint, we shall notice more particularly under the head of the different medicaments most efficacious in the treatment. The principal exciting causes are, damp, chill, or a sudden check of perspira- tion. People who have resided long in a tropical climate, or have been subject to continual exposure 136 RHEUMATISM. to cold or wet, are very liable to suffer from fre- quent attacks of Rheumatism in the chronic form. In the treatment of this affection, the following medicaments have been found particularly useful: Aconite, Bryonia, Chamomilla, Nux Vomica, Mer- curius, Pulsatilla, Rhus Toxicodendron, and Bel- ladonna. Aconite when we find high fever, dry heat, thirst, and redness of the cheeks; excessive shooting or tearing pains, extremely violent at night; occasionally, redness or shining swelling of the parts affected; aggravation of pains by the touch; excessive irascibility of temper. Bryonia may follow Aconite with great benefit, or be administered independently of it, if the fol- lowing are the more prominent symptoms ; se- vere shooting pains, much increased by motion of the affected part, or by a cold draught of air; swelling of the joints of the upper and lower ex- tremities ; headache, gastric derangements, and constipation; pains aggravated at night, particu- larly on the slightest irritation ; irascibility and perverseness of temper ; the pains seem situated more in the muscles, and particularly about the joints, than in the bones. Chamomilla when we find dragging or tearing pains, with a sensation of numbness or of paral- ysis in the parts affected; feverishness ; redness of one cheek, with paleness of the other; great agitation and tossing; desire to remain lying down ; perspiration ; exacerbation of suffering at night. Nux Vomica, when there are : sensation of numbness, paralysis, or tightness in the parts af- RHEUMATISM. 137 fected, with cramps and palpitation of the mus- cles ; pains of a dragging description, chiefly confined to the joints, trunk of the body, back, loins, and chest, aggravated by cold; gastric de- range me nt ; constipation; irritability of temper. Mercurius is indicated in cases where the pains are increased by the warmth of the bed, or exposure to damp or cold air, aggravated at night, and especially towards morning ; also where there is considerable puffy swelling of the parts affected. This medicine is particularly useful when the pains seem seated in the bones or joints ; profuse perspiration, without alleviation of suffering, is also a good indication for its employ- ment. Pulsatilla is useful in shifting rheumatic pains, particularly if attended with a sense of torpor or paralysis, relieved by exposure to cool air, worse at night or in the evening. Rhus Toxicodendron is indicated when there are : sensation of torpor, dulness, and crawl- ing, with feeling of'paralytic weakness or trembling of the extremities when attempting to move them ; sensation of bruising or of laceration, as if the flesh were torn from the bones, or as of scraping of the bones ; pains worse during rest, relieved by motion; inflammatory or shining redness in the joints, with stiffness, and sometimes a darting pain when handled ; aggravation of suffering in cold or damp weather. This medicament may sometimes follow Bryonia with considerable ad- vantage. Belladonna is useful when the pains are of a shooting or burning description, aggravated by 12* 138 LUMBAGO. movement, and worse at night; when the parts attacked are swollen, red, and shining, and par- ticularly when there is fever, with determination of blood to the head, wi'th throbbing of the vessels of that part, and redness of the face. Obstinate cases of Rheumatism in the chronic form, frequently require a long, careful, and dis- criminative treatment, which would scarcely suit the purpose of this work to enter upon. LUMBAGO. This affection seems to be a species of rheuma- tism, confining itself chiefly to the region of the loins, which frequently proves extremely ob- stinate and painful, and is in some instances ac- companied with a considerable degree of fever. The exciting causes of the complaint are the same as those already given under Rheumatism. The medicines most valuable in its treatment are: Aconite, Bryonia, Nux Vomica, Rhus Toxicoden- dron, Belladonna, PulsatiVa, and Mercurius. Aconite may be given at the commencement, if much fever declare itself, Bryonia, where the pains in the back are of a severe pressive description, constraining the individual to walk in a stooping position ; aggra- vated by the slightest motion, or a draught of cold air, and attended with a general sensation of chilliness. Nux Vomica is particularly indicated when the pains resemble those produced, by a bruise, or by excessive fatigue ; also when they are much in- creased by motion and turning in bed at night, and bruises, sprains, &c. 139 attended with considerable weakness ; and more- over, when irritability of temper and constipation are present. This is a valuable medicine in chronic cases, and may follow Bryonia in acute lumbago with considerable advantage. Rhus Toxicodendron may be exhibited when the same indications as those given under the pre- ceding medicines are present, with the distinction of the pains being aggravated by rest. It is also a useful remedy in chronic cases. Belladonna, where the pains are deeply seat- ed, causing a sensation of heaviness, gnawing, or stiffness ; it may follow Aconite with considerable benefit, when slight inflammatory symptoms are present. Pulsatilla when the pains, resembling those mentioned under Nux Vomica, are moreover at- tended with sensation of constriction ; it is par- ticularly indicated, as remarked in other parts of this work, for females, or individuals of mild, sen- sitive, or phlegmatic temperaments. Mercurius, when the pains are of much the same description as those given under Nux Vo- mica, but considerably aggravated at night, inca- pacitating the sufferer for taking rest. EXTERNAL INJURIES, BRUISES, SPRAINS, AND WOUNDS. In case of injury, arising from external vio- lence, Arnica is the specific remedy, and its timely administration in cases of contusion, will in most 140 EXTERNAL INJURIES. instances, if the bruise be not very severe, suffice to remove all traces and evil consequences of such misfortunes. We may administer it internally, and bathe the injured part with a lotion, in the proportion of one tea-spoonful of'tincture of Arnica to a wine-glassful of water, four or five times a day ; should the swelling, pain, and other symp- toms increase, after one or two applications, we may temporarily discontinue the lotion, and will almost always find a marked improvement follow such aggravation. Should the skin be abraded, we may diminish the strength of the lotion, by substituting six drops for a tea-spoonful of the tincture, in the same quantity of water. Sprains.— In the treatment of these trouble- some casualties, the same procedure may be adopted at the commencement, as that given under Bruises ; but should the affection refuse to yield to Arnica thus applied, we may have recourse to Rhus Toxicodkndron, which is, properly speak- ing, more specific to this description of external injury ; should the sprain still continue obstinate, we may exhibit Acidum Sulphuricum, which will generally be found of essential service. Both .contusions and sprains are sometimes ac- companied with other circumstances requiring medical assistance, such as sudden shock or fright; in such cases, when arising from fright, Opium may precede Arnica a few hours, to remove the more threatening symptoms; or if the accident be attended with other mental emotions, see the article on that subject in Part II. Wounds. — In the relief and cure of these in- juries, Arnica is again one of our most valuable BURNS AND SCALDS. 141 remedial agents ; after the usual precautions of cleansing the wound, dec, have been taken, it may be dressed with bandages steeped in the weaker Arnicated lotion mentioned under bruises ; at the same time the medicine may be adminis- tered internally as before directed. If, notwithstanding the administration of Arni- ca, high febrile symptoms are present, we may have recourse to Aconite, and as soon as the indications of fever are in a measure subdued, re- turn to Arnica as before. Should the wound show a disposition to suppurate, we may substitute Mer- curius. If, however, matter be already formed, and it be an object, by bringing it speedily to a head, to-hasten the cure, we should exhibit Hepar Sulphuris. Arsenicum is a most valuable medicine when mortification threatens, or has already set in. There are other medicines useful at this critical period of the treatment, which imperatively calls for the assistance of the practitioner. Cinchona is particularly useful against the de- bility ensuing from a great loss of blood. During the administration of the above mentioned medi- cines, the external application of Arnica must be discontinued, and the wound protected by a simple bandage. BURNS AND SCALDS. We shall here content ourselves with treating of burns merely in their simple form. In slight burns or scalds, the injured part should be held for a couple of minutes to the fire ; a temporary 142 SEA SICKNESS. increase of pain will be amply repaid by the pre- vention of future suffering and annoyance. If, however, the injury be more severe, we may bathe the affected part with heated alcohol, or spirits of turpentine, taking care to keep the surface con- tinually moist, and well protected from the exter- nal air. The application of common soap is another simple, and frequently very efficacious method, of subduing the pain. Sapo Communis may be also given internally, with considerable advantage. Aconite, in cases where there is considerable inflammation, &c. SEA SICKNESS. The medicaments found most useful in the treatment of this distressing and painful malady, are Nux Vomica, Cocculus, Tabacum, Arsenicum, and Ipecacuanha. Nux Vomica should be taken fasting, from six to twelve hours before embarkation; this pre- caution will in many cases prove sufficient to ward off the attack. Should, however, a feeling of giddiness, or a sensation of emptiness in the head be experienced, shortly after going on board, attended with head- ache, nausea, and inclination to vomit, as the mo- tion of the vessel increases, which is aggravated by standing erect, Cocculus may be had recourse to, and repeated every one, two, or three hours, as those symptoms recur. Tabacum. Excessive giddiness, attended with distressing nausea, headache and deadly paleness HYDROPHOBIA. 143 of the face; or nausea, with sickness, or a sensa- tion of burning in the stomach, renewed by the slightest movement of the head or body. This remedy is further indicated, when the symptoms are somewhat relieved by exposure to the fresh air. Arsenicum is extremely valuable when the sickness becomes excessive, and is attended with a feeling of utter prostration and helplessness, vio- lent retching, burning sensation in the throat, and the other severe concomitants of this malady. It should be administered between the paroxysms, and will rarely fail to relieve. This medicine may be followed by Tabacum or Cocculus, to dissipate the symptoms of nausea and swimming in the head that may supervene. Ipecacuanha is useful in attacks of vomiting unattended with the great prostration of strength given under Arsenicum. Of course, in order to avoid interfering with the action of the medicines, the Homoeopathic regimen should be carefully ob- served during the period of their administration. Cocculus has been found extremely useful in sick- ness arising from travelling in a carriage. HYDROPHOBIA. It is acknowledged that no Allopathic cure has hitherto been found for this disease when fully established, the plans of treatment which have been said to have been successful in some few instances, having generally failed in all others ; thus rendering it probable, that in these supposi- titious cases of success, the persons bitten might have escaped without any treatment whatever. 144 HYDROPHOBIA. Experience has sufficiently proved, that under favouring circumstances, the hydrophobic virus is imparted to the entire organism, synchronously with the bite ; it is therefore at best but a dubious precaution, to torture the individual by amputa- tion, by dissecting out the lacerated parts, or by applying the actual,* or the potential f cautery. But it is not to our purpose to enter into the mul- titude of ineffectual remedies which have been recommended by the Allopathists. Hydrophobia is a disease which arises in con- sequence of the bite of a rabid animal, and some- times spontaneously, particularly in the course of some other disease ; in which form it is known under the term of symptomatic hydrophobia. Ere we proceed to the homoeopathic treatment, we shall make a few remarks, descriptive of the disease, as it appears in the human subject. The first symptoms that show themselves in a person who has been bitten, are usually, general uneasi- ness, anxiety, and disturbed sleep ; the eyes are glassy, inflamed, and sensitive to light; there are also ringing in the ears, giddiness, and paleness of countenance ; frequent paroxysms of chilli- ness ; oppressed respiration, and quickness of pulse, which latter is usually at the same time small, contracted and irregular ; and loss of appe- tite. These symptoms generally come on at some indefinite period, occasionally after the bitten part seems quite well. In the second or convulsive stage, the wound, which may have already be- * Iron at white heat. t Caustic, such as lunar caustic, or caustic potasia. HYDROPHOBIA. 145 come completely cicatrized or healed, begins to assume a somewhat inflamed appearance, and a slight pain and heat, now and then attended with itching, are experienced in it. It now breaks out afresh, and an ulcer, with elevated margins of proud flesh, which secretes a dark-coloured and offensive discharge, is subsequently formed; and wandering, drawing and shooting pains, from the lacerated part upwards towards the throat, pre- sent themselves. These symptoms, with the slate of testiness and anxiety, increase daily; and the patient complains of a sense of confusion in the head, or giddiness, with sparks before the eyes ; is affected with sudden startings, spasms, sighing, and is fond of solitude ; the pulse is small, irregu. lar and intermittent; the breathing laborious and uneasy ; the skin cold and dry, and general chilli- ness, especially in the extremities, is complained of; then hiccough, colic, and palpitation come on ; the patient looks wild, and the eyes have a fixed, glassy, and shining appearance ; the act of deglu- tition is impeded by a sense of pressure in the gullet, which occasionally renders every attempt to swallow liquids impracticable ; convulsions also take place in the muscles of the face or neck. In this stage, however, the deglutition of any solid substance is performed with tolerable ease. In ordinary cases, the sufferer remains affected in the above manner for a few days, after which, the disease passes into the hydrophobic stage, in which it is utterly impossible for him to swallow the smallest drop of liquid ; and the mo- ment that any fluid, especially water, is brought in contact with the lips, it occasions the individual 13 146 HYDROPHOBIA. to start back with dread and horror, although he may, at the same time, suffer the most excessive thirst; even the sight of water, or the very noise produced by pouring it from one vessel into an- other, in fact, any thing that tends to remind him of that fluid, produces indescribable anxiety, un- easiness, convulsions, and even furious paroxysms of madness ; he dreads even to swallow his own saliva, and is constantly spitting; vomiting of bilious matter soon comes on, succeeded by in- tense fever, great thirst, dryness and roughness of the tongue, hoarseness, and fits of delirium or madness, with disposition to bite and tear every thing within reach, followed at intervals by con- vulsive spasms. These attacks commonly last for a quarter or half an hour, and at their expira- tion, the patient is restored to reason, but remains in a state of great despondency ; finally, the par- oxysms come on more violently and frequently, and in some instances a fit of furious delirium closes the frightful scene ; in others, nature sinks exhausted after a severe attack of convulsions. The disease may be communicated to the human subject from the bites of cats and other animals not of the canine race, which have been pre- viously inoculated with the virus. We may remark in this place, that the best and most experienced of our writers upon this subject, consider the human species as the least suscepti- ble of contagion from the hydrophobic virus; scarcely one out of twenty, or even thirty, of those actually bitten by an animal in a state of rabies, suffering from its effects. We consider it our duty, while making this statement, which we HYDROPHOBIA. 147 hope may prove a means of relieving the minds of many from painful aprehensions, to enforce at the same time, the necessity of taking these pre- cautions, which we are now about to point out, against the dangers. In the Homoeopathic treatment of this disease, the following are the principal remedies employ. ed : Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium, and Cantharides. Belladonna. HAHNEMANN, the noble founder of our science, states in the introductory article to Belladonna, in his Materia Medica Pura, that he considers the smallest dose of that medi- cine, repeated every three or four days, to be the most certain preventive against Hydrophobia ; and when we refer to the pathogenetic powers of that medicine, described in that work, it is impossible not to be struck with the great resemblance which many of them bear to the symptoms of that ma- lady ; and it is from this circumstance, accord- ing to Hahnemann's doctrine of similia similibus* that Belladonna is found to be both a prophylactic and curative remedy. When, therefore, a person has been bitten by a rabid animal, we would recommend the imme- diate administration of Belladonna, and that the wound be washed perfectly clean with tepid water, and then dressed with a little simple oint- ment, to prevent its immediate adhesion ; these * The curing of a disease by the administration of a re- medy which has been found to possess the property of pro- ducing a train of symptoms in a healthy person, similar to those observed in the disease. 148 HYDROPHOBIA. precautions taken, the patient may be allowed to pursue his usual occupations, care being taken by those around him to avoid making any allusion which may tend to remind him of his misfortune. Belladonna, in the same dose, should be given on the third or fourth day, and subsequently at longer intervals. The effect of each exhibition should be attentively watched, and care taken that a fresh one be not given, as long as any symp- toms of the action of the previous dose are per- ceptible. Generally speaking, from two to three administrations will be found sufficient to pre- vent the outbreak of the disease ; or, at all events, to modify it in such a manner as to ren- der it less dangerous, and more easy of removal, by one or more of the other remedies, which must then be selected according to the symptoms that present themselves. Belladonna may also be given when the disease has already made its ap- pearance, attended with the following character- istics : drowsiness, with constant but useless efforts to sleep, chiefly inconsequence of exces- sive anguish and great agitation ; sense of burn- ing ; great burning in the throat, with accumulation of frothy mucus in the mouth or throat; frequent desire for drinks, which are immediately pushed aside when presented ; or a suffocating or con- stricting sensation in the throat, on attempting to perform the act of deglutition, or complete inca- pability of swallowing, with glowing redpess and bloated appearance of the face ; pupils immova- ble, and generally dilated ; great dread ; occa- sionally desire to strike, spit at, bite, or tear every- thing ; inclination to run away ; continual tossing HYDROPHOBIA. 149 about; and great physical activity, with twitch- ing in various muscles, especially those of the face; ungovernable fury, with foaming at the mouth ; and tetanic convulsions. Hyoscyamus is more particularly indicated either before or after Belladonna, when the con- vulsions are very severe, and of long duration; when there is not so much inclination to bite, or spit, but a desire to injure those that stand around, in some manner or other. The spasms in the throat are not so violent, but great dryness and burning are complained of, attended with a sense of shooting or pricking, which causes a difficulty in swallowing, resembling a sensation of con- striction in the throat, and threatening to produce suffocation on attempting to satisfy the thirst; dread of liquids in consequence of the pain and difficulty that are experienced in deglutition, with ejection of the saliva from the same reason; ex- cessive convulsions, with loss of consciousness, come on soon after the distressing act of swallowing has been performed. There is, moreover, foaming at the mouth, with constant raving ; sometimes the patient seems wrapped up in his own thoughts ; or is full of fear, and inclined to run away from the house, being afflicted with a sort of Anthro- pophohia ;* there are also attacks of excessive fury, attended with apparently supernatural phy- sical power; or excessive anguish and fear, alternating with fits of trembling and convul- sions ; the individual exhibits a peculiar dread of being bitten by animals ; the pupils are dilated ; * Anthropophobia, dread of the human species. 13* 150 HYDROPHOBIA. sleep much disturbed by great nervous excitement, starts, and agonizing dreams. Stramonium is chiefly indicated in this dis- ease, when we observe severe convulsions taking place, whenever the eye becomes fixed on brilliant objects, or on whatever tends to remind the pa- tient of water ; great thirst; dryness of the mouth and throat, with horror of water and all liquids ; spasmodic constriction in the gullet, with foaming at the mouth, and frequent spitting ; mania, with great loquacity and gesticulations ; fits of laugh- ter and singing, sometimes alternately with acute fits of passion and moaning ; the convulsions, when severe, are generally attended with ungovern- able fury, restless, agitated sleep, sudden shrieks, and starting up with wild gestures ; insensible and dilated pupils ; and great disposition to bite, or tear every thing with the teeth. Cantharides. This medicine also possesses various pathogenetic properties, that bear a close resemblance to the symptoms that are met with in many cases of this disorder,* and should be selected in preference to any of the foregoing remedies, when we meet with the following * Drs Hartlaub and Trinks consider Cantharides to be the most certain prophylactic against Hydrophobia, when administered early ; they recommend it to be given every three or four days, and are of opinion that the virus is not eradicated as long as the cicatrized wound presents a livid hue, and is attended with indurations, but affirm the danger to be over as soon as the part assumes a healthy and na- tural appearance. Vide Hartlaub und Trinks, R.A.M.L., Vol. I., p. 73. Published in 1826. The specific nature of this remedy in Hydrophobia and Rabies is one of the most vaunted of the recent discoveries of the Allopathists! HYDROPHOBIA. 151 symptoms : — great dryness and burning in the mouth and throat, much aggravated on attempting to swallow ; paroxysms of fury, alternating with convulsions, which are renewed by any pressure on the throat or abdomen, and also by the sight of water ; fiery redness and sparkling of the eyes, which become prominent and frightfully convul- sed ; spasms in the throat, excited by the pain produced by the act of swallowing, especially fluids ; continual burning, titillation, and other irritating sensations in the lower part of the ab- domen. We have thus enumerated and described the characterisic indications for the four principal Homoeopathic remedies which have been suc- cessfully employed against Hydrophobia ;* others have also been strongly recommended, but those mentioned have generally proved sufficient, when administered early, and exclusively adhered to throughout the course of the disease. Belladonna has frequently been tried by the Allopathists, but the cases in which it seemed to fail, were evi- dently attributable to the improper manner in which it was administered. We shall not treat of the several remedies which have from time to time appeared, and have, by their inventors, been so highly eulogized, as time and experience alone will prove whether they possess any virtue or not; it is to be feared, however, that like many other once celebrated "specifics," (?) they will * Vide Hartmann's Therapie. acut. Krank, Vol. II., p. 77, 2d. ed. 152 HYDROPHOBIA. soon fall into oblivion. In fact, no remedy can be confidently relied upon, for the cure of this or any other disease that has not been carefully tested by, and found in accordance with, the great law of similarities. END OP PART I. PART II. TREATMENT OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN, AND OF THEIR PECULIAR AFFECTIONS. TREATMENT OF FEMALES. CHLOROSIS. This complaint generally declares itself in young females about their fourteenth year, and is characterized by a pale, blanched complexion (sometimes with flushes of heat and redness), a depravity of appetite, a longing after innutritious substances, such as chalk, &c, and a general languor, both mental and physical; the patient complains of weariness, lassitude, and debility, and becomes emaciated ; the lower extremities frequently assume an cedematous appearance, generally attended with cold in those parts, and headache, with flatulent distention of the abdomen, particularly after meals, and in the evening: bowels irregularly confined ; sometimes at a later period very easily irritated and relaxed; a harsh harassing cough, occasionally with periodical ex- pectoration of dark-coloured, coagulated blood, and hurried respiration, frequently declares itself if the affection has been allowed to proceed un- checked ; and to an inexperienced eye, the suf- ferer appears to be on the verge, or even passing through the different stages of a decline. The predisposing causes of this affection are very remote ; we shall therefore be satisfied with confining ourselves to the treatment of this com- plaint in its more simple stage, as, when we find 156 TREATMENT OP FEMALES. an exceedingly obstinate case, we may feel confi- dent that it requires a regular course of anti- .psoric treatment, or originates in some organic derangement. Pulsatilla is peculiarly efficacious when the complaint has been the effect of dampness, or caused by damp or cold air, or when it is accom- panied by frequent attacks of semilateral head- ache, with shooting pains, extending to the head and teeth, sometimes shifting suddenly to the other side ; also when we observe aching in the fore- head, with pressure at the crown of the head, and sallow complexion, alternating with flushes of heat, difficulty of breathing, and sense of suffocation, after the slightest movement; palpitation of the heart ; coldness of the hands and feet, often chang- ing to sudden heat; disposition to diarrhaza and leucorrhoza; pain in the loins ; sensation of weight in the abdomen ; spasms in the stomach, with nau- sea, inclination to vomit, and vomiting; periodical expectoration of dark coagulated blood ; hunger, with repugnance to food, or want of appetite, with dislike to food; great fatigue, especially in the legs. This medicine is peculiarly adapted to females of mild or phlegmatic disposition, dis- posed to sadness and tears. Sepia is also a very valuable remedy in this affection, when many of the above symptoms are present, with, at the same time, hysterical me- grims ; complexion sallow, with dark-coloured spots; frequent colic and pain, as of a bruise in the limbs. It may, when the above symptoms declare them- selves, advantageously follow Pulsatilla, if the latter have failed to relieve. CATAMENIA, IRREGULARITIES OF. 157 Bryonia. Frequent congestion in the head or chest; bleeding at the nose ; dry cough; cold- ness and frequent shivering, sometimes alternated with dry and burning heat; constipation or colic ; bitter taste in the mouth, tongue coated yellow ; sense of pressure in the stomach, as if from a stone; irascibility. Sulphur is more particularly indicated when there is pressive and tensive pain in the back oftlie head, extending to the nape of the neck; or pulsa- tive pain in the head, with determination of blood ; humming in the brain; pimples on the forehead and round the mouth; pale and sickly complexion, with red spots on the cheeks ; voracious appetite ; general emaciation ; sour and burning eructation; pressive fulness and heaviness in the stomach under the lower ribs and in the abdomen; bowels irregu- lar ; difficulty of breathing; pain in the loins and fainting ; excessive fatigue, especially in the legs, with great depression after talking; great tendency to take cold; irritability and inclination to be angry ; or, sadness and melancholy, with fre- quent weeping. CATAMENIA, IRREGULARITIES OF. When a suppression takes place from the sud- den effects of a chill, we may have recourse to Pulsaiilla, when the symptoms generally corre- spond to those of that remedy, as detailed under Chlorosis; the same rule will apply for Sepia and Sulphur. Dulcamara, when the complaint has arisen from wet feet, or a severe wetting, if administer- 14 158 treatment of females. ed immediately, will generally obviate all evil consequences; if it fail, it should be followed by any of those mentioned under Chlorosis, that may correspond to the symptoms present. If from sudden mental emotion, especially from fright, Aconite followed by Lycopodium, if necessary ; for other cases, see mental emo- tions. Nux Vomica, when oftoo frequent occurrence, too profuse, and of too long duration, preceded by drawing pains in the nape of the neck, attended by spasms in the abdomen; nausea with fainting, especially in the morning, with other dyspeptic symptoms ; determination of blood to the head, with giddiness, pains in the limbs, constant irascibility, restlessness and despair ; suitable for dark com- plexions. Platina, when attended with painful pressure, or bearing down sensations; coagulations ; sleep- lessness at night; shortness of breath ; excitabi- lity and constipation ; or if Nux Vomica has not given the required relief. OBSERVATIONS ON PREGNANCY. This period may be looked upon as one of the most interesting eras of a woman's life. She is now no longer acting for herself alone, but be- comes invested with a new and serious responsi- bility, and upon some of the most apparently trifling of her actions may depend the future health and happiness of a being bound to her by the fondest ties. From the mass of evidence, collected by careful OBSERVATIONS of pregnancy. 159 observers-of the operations of nature, we are warranted in drawing the conclusion, that the actions of the mother exercise a great influence over, not only the constitutional and physical, but also the mental organization of her offspring. Keeping this fact in view, we will endeavour to point out the course that mothers, who prefer the welfare of their future offspring to their own in- dulgence, should pursue, from which they will derive a double benefit, an improvement in their own health, with exemption from suffering, and the delight of seeing their children pass safely through the perilous period of infancy; while, in after life, beholding them flourishing around them, in the full oltjoyment of health and vigour, they will reap the rich reward of a slight temporary self-denial in the delightful consciousness of having performed their duty. The leading causes of a weak and sickly off- spring are, ill-health, or constitutional taint of both, or either of the parents ; very early or late marriages ; great inequality between the ages of the parties; errors in dress, diet, and general habits of life ; and lastly, powerful mental emo- tions. The first of these causes, medicine, under the present enlightened system, possesses powers to obviate, not only by destroying the hereditary taint in the parents, but also by nipping it in the bud when transmitted to the infants. While upon this subject, we may remark, that in many fami- lies, hereditary diseases are fostered, and even exacerbated in virulence, by intermarriages be- tween their different members, sometimes disap- 160 TREATMENT OF FEMALES. pearing in one generation, aud again declaring themselves in the next; but when Homoeopathy, as it must eventually, completely supersedes the present erroneous system, and the habits and mode of life of communities become more adapted to the natural law, we may safely calculate upon the gradual extinction of all hereditary diseases ; and so far at least, children shall not have to suf- fer for the follies or faults of their progenitors. Females should seldom, at least in this country, enter into the marriage bond before their twenty- first or second year; prior to that period, their organization is scarcely ever fully developed ; those who marry at sixteen or eighteen years of age, incur the risk of severe after-sufi%ring them- selves, and of giving birth to weak and delicate children. How very, often we see the first chil- dren of such marriages perish in infancy, or, after contending through a childhood of continual deli- cacy, sink into a premature grave ! Women who marry late in life, incur considerable personal risk and severe suffering, in giving birth to children, and the offspring is seldom healthy. The children of old men, although by a young wife, are very often extremely delicate and sus- ceptible to illness ; they not unfrequently precede their father to the grave, or linger on earth but to drag on a miserable and wearisome existence. After having laid down as clearly as possible, the course which ought to be pursued during this important epoch, with regard to dress, diet, habit, &c, we shall proceed to mental emotions, and point out what remedies our science affords us of counteracting the ill effects arising from such sources. AIR AND EXERCISE. 161 In concluding these observations, we may re- mark, that so far is the period of pregnancy from being destined for one of suffering or danger, that nature has taken every precaution for the protec- tion of the female and her future offspring. While pregnancy runs its equable and uniform course, the expectant mother enjoys an almost complete exemption 'from the power of epidemic or infec- tious diseases, and chronic complaints are frequent- ly suspended—in fact, with the exception of some slight morning sickness, and occasional trifling uneasiness, a well constituted organism should enjoy as good health during pregnancy, as at any other time ; and many pass through this period and give birth to vigorous children, without even the most trifling inconvenience. Though, as we have said, nature seems during this period to adopt every possible precaution for the health and preservation of the parent and her future, offspring, yet are her wise arrangements, in too many instances, rendered nugatory by a direct contravention of her laws. The expectant mother should, therefore, bear in mind, that the incumbency of a regular and systematic course of life, so essential to every individual, devolves upon her with double force, since every neglect or breach of these ordinances of nature upon her part, is frequently visited with fearful energy upon her yet unborn infant. AIR AND EXERCISE. Nothing tends more to the preservation of health, than a proper attention to these two im- 14* 162 TREATMENT OF FEMALES. portant points, and yet, unfortunately, there are perhaps few more completely lost sight of. Neither air nor exercise is individually sufficient: and those of the more opulent classes in this country, who merely take the air in their carriages, and shun the slightest physical exertion from long continued habits of acquired indolence, and who feel any attempt of the kind at this period attend- ed with increased inconvenience, can scarcely ex- pect to enjoy the benefit that nature has annexed to the observance of her laws in a course of preg- nancy free from suffering, and the production of a fully developed and healthily organized offspring. During this epoch, passive or carriage exercise is not sufficient ; walking brings not only the physical, but the whole of the organic muscles into play, and communicates the increasing vigour of the mother to her offspring; on the contrary, continual passive exercise in a carriage has been found particularly injurious during, and towards the end of, the second period of, pregnancy, and is frequently the cause of premature and abnormal birth; exercise on horseback, even not taking into consideration the risk of fright or accident to the rider, and the fearful consequences that may thence result, is still more objectionable, for many reasons. A second class, that of thrifty housewives, take a great deal of exercise, yet without a correspond- ing benefit, from their work occupying them wholly in-doors ; this is a strong proof of the inutility of exercise of itself, unless combined with pure air. Moreover, these females, from too great activity of temperament, and others, coerced CLOTHING. 163 by hard necessity, frequently overfatigue them- selves, go to bed late, rise early, and sometimes unrefreshed, and thus in a manner deaden the energies of the organic powers, to their own injury, and that of the unborn child. A third class of females injure their health, and frequently induce miscarriage, through their excessive levity and thoughtlessness, by unre- strained indulgence in active exercise, riding on horseback, but more particularly excessive dan- cing. A female ought to recollect that^ if through her own folly she has brought on miscarriage, the greatest possible care is necessary to prevent its recurrence ; that a second attack increases her liability in future ; and that she who has suffered twice or thrice from this misfortune, even when she escapes it, rarely attains her full time. Moreover, continued casualties of this nature not unfrequently terminate in premature death, from that frightful disease, uterine cancer. The best exercise, therefore, for a female dur- ing this epoch, is walking every day (when the weather permits it), in the open air. In order to prove beneficial, and not to interfere with the process of digestion, exercise ought to be taken two or three hours after a moderate meal, about mid-day, or in the afternoon, except during hot weather, when the evening may be preferred, care being taken to avoid the night-damps, by not remaining out too late. CLOTHING. The dress of the female should of course be suited to the season, and if she pass from a warm 164 TREATMENT OF FEMALES. into a cold atmosphere, she ought to have her neck and throat well protected, so as to avoid any risk of taking cold; but a point of far greater importance is the adaptation of her clothing to the form, so as to preclude, as much as possible, pressure upon any part of the frame, calculated to interfere with the functions of those important organs destined for the birth and nourishment of the infant: therefore, lacing, at all times most ob- jectionable, is particularly so during this period, in- asmuch as it cramps the natural action of the body, and acting directly upon the abdominal muscles, the blood-vessels, lymphatics, and whole intes- tinal economy, produces narrowness of the chest, disturbed circulation, and induration of the liver, and exercises a most baneful influence upon the breasts and uterus. We should bear in mind that a pressure upon these organs, during development, is acting in direct contravention of the operations of nature. Females, in their efforts to preserve the elegance of their shape during pregnancy,- are little aware that the constringing force exer- cised upon the abdominal muscle's, destroys their elasticity, prevents a proper retraction after par-/ turition, and thus proves one of the most corn- mon causes of permanent abdominal deformity; moreover, to the culpable vanity of mothers, thousands owe their club feet, and other malfor- mations ; in addition to these evils, this practice not unfrequently deranges the position of the foetus, which displacement, with the consequent want of energy in the muscles, and the parts con- cerned, brings on protracted and painful labours, metrorrhagia, and induration of the womb, fre- DIET. 165 quently terminating in cancer. Besides this, con- tinual pressure on the uterus is liable to produce premature labours. To tight lacing, also, may be attributed the difficulty many women of the present day experience in suckling their offspring, from the incipient process for the subsequent se- cretion of milk being deranged by the unnatu- ral pressure on the beautifully constructed me- chanism of the mammae; from this also result those dangerbus indurations, cancers, and other affec- tions Qf the breast, and retraction and diminution of the nipple, from which the act of suckling is rendered difficult, and in some cases impractica- ble. Young girls of seventeen or eighteen are fre- quently found with pendulous breasts, from the artificial support having taken the office of the muscles, intended by nature for that purpose, and throwing them out of employment. Garters too tightly bound, are generally in- jurious, more particularly to pregnant females ; for the pressure thereby exercised upon the blood- vessels encourages the development of varicose vessels in the thigh, (to which affection the sys- . tern is already sufficiently predisposed,) which in many instances become exceedingly painful and troublesome. DIET. The greatest simplicity should regulate the diet of the pregnant female ; she should avoid taking too great a quantity of nourishment, be- cause any excess in this respect, besides causing 166 TREATMENT OF FEMALES. dyspepsia and general uneasiness, has a bad mechanical effect upon the future offspring; and, moreover, the foetus shares in the material de- rangements. Much depends upon the quality of her food; nothing should be taken that is not of a simply nutritive nature, and every thing possessing a medicinal property avoided. Coffee and strong tea should be laid aside. Wine, liquors, malt, and other stimulating beverages, are also in- jurious. If the female has been long habituated to wine, it may be taken, if of good quality and free from acidity, in extreme moderation, and di- luted with water; but he'ter far if stimulants of every kind are altogether avoided; indeed, the usual Homoeopathic diet (for which, see article Regimen, in Introduction) is sufficient guide during pregnancy. EMPLOYMENT OF THE MIND AND HA- BITS DURING PREGNANCY. It is not sufficient that the body be in perfect health ; the mind must also be kept in a state of serenity. An easy cheerfulness of temper is es- sentially necessary to the future well being of the unborn infant. Experience has presented us with many instances, in which the predominant feel- ing on the mind of the mother during pregnancy, has had influence on the future mental organiza- tion of the child. This shows how essential it is for females to keep their minds well employed during this period, to avoid both improper medi- tation, dissipation, and reading works not calcu- MENTAL EMOTIONS. 167 lated to improve their understanding. Nothing can act more effectually against the future mental and corporeal health of the unborn infant than an oscillatory state of intellect, in combination with physical indolence; the late hours, turning day into night, and other practices of fashionable life, injurious as they are to the most robust constitu- tions, are doubly reprehensible on the part of the expectant mother. INFLUENCE OF EXTERNAL OBJECTS UPON THE UNBORN INFANT. The effect of any unpleasant or unsightly ob- ject upon the imagination of the mother, and the transmission of that effect to the offspring, evi- denced in various mental or physical peculiarities after birth, is a theory as old as tradition ; without entering upon the various arguments brought for- ward both for and against it, we would simply ad- vise females to keep as much as possible out of the way of such objects, to preserve both mind and body in a state of health, which will lessen every fear of being affected by such occurrences ; and endeavour, as constantly as possible, to direct their attention to pleasing subjects; as it must be perfectly evident that brooding over such unpleas- ant impressions can scarcely fail of being both physically and mentally injurious. MENTAL EMOTIONS. We shall now proceed to the consideration of those particular Mental Emotions, which exercise 168 TREATMENT OF FEMALES. so great a control over the human organism, among the more prominent and continually recurring of which, we find fright, passion or anger, and concentrated grief. Aware, not only of the dangerous consequences they not unfrequently entail upon the female her- self, but of the tremendous power they exercise over the future physical or intellectual develop- ment of the unborn infant, we should feel deeply grateful to that science which has placed in our hands the means of successfully combating their baneful influence. Having premised thus much, we shall briefly point oufthe remedies that may be called for in general cases of this nature. When the sufferer has been exposed to sudden fright, with terror or horror, the immediate ad- ministration of Opium, either internally or (as some more strongly recommend) by olfaction from the bottle, is generally efficacious in restoring the patient and obviating any evil consequences. When fright or passion are combined, Aconite is the appropriate remedy. Pulsatilla, in cases of fright, fear, or timidity, particularly where accompanied with an effect upon the stomach; or passion in people of gene- rally mild temper; it is also suitable for highly nervous but not easily irritable temperaments. Belladonna, where there is present, particular liability to be startled by trifles, or extreme gene- ral nervous excitement. Ignatia, where the cause is gnawing, inward grief. Chamomilla, where suffering has arisen from MENTAL EMOTIONS. 169 vexation, or a disposition to irritability, or where great anguish and mental depression are present. Nux Vomica, suffering arising from a sudden fit or outbreak of passion or rage. Staphysagria. Anger and vexation, arising from just cause. Arsenicum is useful where passion is followed by great weakness and dangerous prostration of the vital powers. Bryonia is indicated where a fit of passion is followed by coldness and shivering over the whole body, great irascibility, want of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and bilious sufferings. In many cases, the sequelae or consequences of this affection, are the best assistants in the choice of the remedy. Collecting the symptoms noted in different parts of the book, and combin- ing them in the manner described in the Introduc- tion, will materially assist in the selection. Another not unfrequent symptom during preg- nancy, is great despondency of mind, and un- easiness about the future. Some females, whose spirits are generally good at other times, suffer much from this affection during this period ; and with others, we find the same feeling and exces- sive low spirits during the time of nursing, al- though not permanent, and when commencing early in gestation, usually disappearing before delivery, without material injury to the general health ; still, as it is apt to create some uneasi- ness, both to the sufferer herself and her friends, we have thought it advisable to mention it, and to point out remedies which will frequently be found efficacious in its relief, referring to the symptoms 15 170 treatment of females. mentioned in other parts of the work, under the different medicaments, as a further guide for the selection. Aconite. If the state of despondency is pre- ceded by one of excitement, marked by heat of skin, and frequency of pulse, attended with ap- prehension and presentiment of approaching death. Bryonia. Great inquietude, and fear of the future, attended with irascibility and derangement of the digestive functions. Nux Vomica. Morning sickness and melan. choly, with great uneasiness. Natrum muriaticum. Melancholy, with weeping, uneasiness about the future, also obsti- nate cases of morning sickness, not yielding to Nux vomica. When this affection comes on during lactation, arising from an over-secretion of milk, so that this fluid escapes involuntarily, and it is attended with great emaciation, melancholy, and apprehen- sion of the future, we may give Phosphorus. Calcarea is also efficacious when the above symptoms present themselves, and more particu- larly so, when there is excessive dejection with great lassitude. When the indications given for Phosphorus only are present, if no amelioration take place within a week or ten days after its ex- hibition, we may administer Calcarea. Calcarea is more particularly indicated, when there is suppression of the secretion, and also excessive obesity, or the individual is of plethoric habit. Both these remedies are also valuable when there is a disposition to consumption. When there is lowness of spirits, attended with MENSTRUATION. 171 dyspepsia, which may arise from the energies of the mother being too severely tasked in the nour- ishment of her offspring, either from keeping the child too long unweaned, or from rearing twins, we may administer Cinchona, one dos°e to be taken morning and evening for a week. DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. MENSTRUATION. Virtual diseases during gestation are of rare occurrence ; but when they do happen, they ought to be treated accordingly. A continuation of menstruation is not an actual disease, but rather an exception to the general course of nature ; nor must we here mistake her operation for an indication of the utility of the lancet; for neither in this, nor in any case, can the artificial supply the place of natural bleed- ing ; however, when the woman appears to suffer from the continuance of the menstrual flux, we must call in the assistance of medicaments, among which the principal are, Cocculus, Phosphorus and Platina. Cocculus. A sanguineous mucous discharge, and very severe spasmodic pains in the lower part of the abdomen. Phosphorus. Discharge of blood, with inci- sive pains in the back, and occasionally vomiting. Platina. Discharge very profuse, attended with a severe pain and bearing down. 172 MORNING SICKNESS. Morning sickness, nausea, vomiting, and heart- burn, are the most distressing symptoms attendant on the course of pregnancy : these troublesome complaints harass women most upon their first risino- from a horizontal position in bed. They generally disappear soon after quickening, but sometimes continue during the whole period. The numerous palliative remedies recommended by Allopathists—leeches, cupping glasses, blis- ters, aperients, sedatives, &c, &c, unfortunately too often fail in effecting their object; and fre- quently, when the stomach becomes enfeebled, the hazardous resource of artificially produced premature labour is resorted to. The Homoeopathic treatment of this derange- ment, at once simple, prompt, and efficacious, has in almost all cases been stamped by the signet of success. In instances free from complication, with a tendency to relaxation of the bowels, Ipe- cacuanha is generally sufficient. Nux Vomica, taken every evening until relief is obtained, when there is constipation, with ir- ritability of the temper and system. Natrum Muriaticcm, administered in the same manner as the above, in more obstinate cases, without reference to the action of the in- testines. These remedies are also suitable for the longing of pregnant women. CONSTIPATION Is a very common attendant upon pregnancy, and those generally suffer most who are natu- FAINTING AND HYSTERIC FITS. 173 rally of a costive habit; when it does not arise from a mechanical cause, active exercise in the open air, avoiding coffee and other stimulating liquids, and unripe subacid fruits, are generally sufficient ; and when nature requires, further aux- iliary. Nux Vomica, taken at bed-time, will generally answer; if, after the completion of its action, there still remain some inconvenience, Igna- tia should be given as an intermediate, follow- ed by a stronger form of Nux Vomica ; in other cases, when Nux Vomica does not show a marked improvement, and the temper continues irritable,Bryonia will sometimes cure; or Opium, which is especially indicated to follow Nux Vom- ica when there appears to be a weight in the stomach, dryness of the mouth, and deep flushing of the face. FAINTING AND HYSTERIC FITS. Many delicate and nervous females are fre- quently attacked with fainting fits during preg- nancy. The attack generally passes over easily and without deleterious consequences; exercise in the open air, and attention to the rules of regimen, are the best safeguards ; but in cases where these are insufficient, and the attacks prove distressing, we must endeavour to ascertain their origin ; if from tight lacing, warm rooms, or any other obvious excitant, its simple removal is suf- ficient; should the sufferer remain long insen- sible, the speediest means of revival is sprinkling the face with cold water; when arising from 15* 174 DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. plethoric habit, returns of the attack may be pre- vented by Aconite, of which we have had occa- sion to speak several times, as a general regula- tor of the circulation. Chamomilla, when the fainting is excited by sudden fits of anger. Nux Vomica, when from general irritability of system and consequent gastric derangement. Belladonna, when there is sudden determi- nation of blood to the head, with simultaneous flushing of face and perceptible action of the ar- terial system. Cinchona, when arising from general weak- ness, and especially from loss of blood. Pulsatilla. General excitability and dispo- sition to hysteria, with hypochondriasis and great general susceptibility. Ignatia, when the patient suffers from severe headache, as if a nail were driven into the head ; sadness ; concealed sorrow and continual sighing. Viola Odorata. Hysteria, with constant weeping, &c, &c. TOOTHACHE Is a frequent affection with pregnant women, and is too valuable an indication of psora lurking in the constitution, to be neglected ; the female should, as soon as she is in a proper state, put herself under a course of anti-psoric treatment, as, until the virus is driven out, no remedies can prove otherwise than palliative. We must par- ticularly caution females in this situation, against having teeth extracted, as the affection frequently VARICES, OR SWELLED VEINS. 175 occurs in sound ones; meantime, to relieve the sufferings, the best medicines are, Sepia, Calcarea, Alumina, and Magnesia Carbonica, exhibited by olfaction, in order to avoid too great disturbance of the system. Sepia is particularly indicated when there is pulsative shooting, drawing toothache, with pains extending to the ears, or to the arms, and fingers, excited by compressing the teeth, or by cold air, and attended by impeded respiration, swelling of the cheek, and enlargement of the submaxillary glands. Calcarea, when it is excited or aggravated by cold air, or any thing hot or cold, and attended with painful sensation of the gums, and pulsative gnawing or shooting pains. Alumina, when the pains are excited by masti- cation, or in the evening in bed, and when of a tearing nature, extending to the cheek bone, tem- ple, and forehead. Magnksia Carbonica. Nocturnal pains in the teeth, insupportable when lying down, and com- pelling one to get up and walk ; pains generally boring, burning, drawing, tearing, and resembling those of ulceration, attended with swelling of the cheek of the side affected ; throbbing and shoot- ing in the teeth after a meal; pain aggravated by a cold. The above are the four leading medi- cines, though there are others which are demon- strable by peculiar symptoms. VARICES OR SWELLED VEINS. Many females suffer much during pregnancy, from distention of the veins in the thigh and 176 DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. other parts, which becoming more exacerbated, eventually cause great pain and inconvenience. These varicose veins generally arise from pres- sure of the gravid uterus upon the blood vessels, but are,also a sure indication of the existence of psora. These are too well known to need de- scription ; they are much increased by partaking of stimulating liquids, always to be avoided under treatment. Considerable alleviation is experien- ced by constant bathing with water, or with di- luted alcohol; also by bandaging from the foot upwards with a gentle and equable pressure, and by preserving a recumbent posture. In order to afford a considerable relief, we may have recourse to the following remedies : Nux Vomica, when attended with irritability of temper and constipation. Arsenicum, when the veins are of a livid co- lour and burning. Carbo vegetabilis, where the former is not sufficient. Belladonna. Varices, with considerable erysipelatous inflammation. Pulsatilla, when the livid colour is extended to the whole limb. But for a permanent eradication, the anti-psorics are requisite, such as Sulphur, Graphites, Carbo Vegetabilis, Lycopodium, fyc.; hemorrhoidal affec- tions, being psoric, require a similar treatment. MISCARRIAGE. Before we proceed further, we feel ourselves compelled, from the present paucity of homceo- MISCARRIAGE. 177 pathic practitioners, to enter upon the treatment of this important subject, although feeling it our duty at the same time, to endeavour to impress upon the mind of every female, the propriety of placing herself under the care of a professional man, whenever practicable. Women who have once suffered from this af- fection, are exceedingly obnoxious to its recur- rence, and this liability is still further increased, if the event have taken place a second or third time. It may occur at any period between the first and seventh months, but in the majority of cases, takes place about the third, or the begin- ning of the fourth. When before or about this period, it is frequently attended with but little pain or danger, although repeated miscarriages, from the great discharge that is generally present, break down the constitution, and frequently de- velop severe chronic diseases. When miscar- riage takes place at a more advanced period, it assumes a very serious complexion, and is often accompanied with a considerable degree of peril to the sufferer. The premonitory and accompanying symptoms of miscarriage vary much in their nature ; some- times the discharge is exceedingly profuse, at others moderate or inconsiderable ; the pains, in many instances extremely severe and protracted, are in others very slight and of short continu- ance. Sudden mental emotions, or great physical ex- ertion, a luxurious mode of life, fashionable habits, powerful aperients, neglecting to take air and. ex- ercise, are a few of the exciting causes of this 178 DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. affection, which is particularly apt to occur in both highly plethoric, or delicate and nervous habits. A psoric condition of the patient, is un- doubtedly the predisposing cause. Miscarriage is, in most cases, preceded and attended by the majority of the following symp- toms. A sensation of chill, followed by fever, with more or less bearing down, particularly when occurring late in pregnancy ; also severe pains in the abdomen, drawing and cutting pains in the loins, or pains, frequently bearing a close resemblance to those of labour ; discharge of viscid mucus, and blood sometimes of a bright red, not unfre- quently mixed with coagula ; at others, dark and clotted, followed by the emission of a serous fluid. The miscarriage generally takes place during this discharge, which occasionally con- tinues, if not properly checked, to flow for hours after, placing the sufferer in considerable jeopardy. When the pains increase in intensity, and the muscular contractions become generally establish- ed, with their characteristic regular throes, and efforts to dilate the mouth of the womb, miscar- riage is almost inevitable. As preventives of this affection, the principal remedies are Sabina and Secale Cornutum. When the premonitory symptoms of miscar- riage declare themselves, Chamomilla, Nux Vomica, Ferrum Metallicum, Ipecacuanha, Sabina, and Calcarea. The same with the addition of Hyos- cyamus, Crocus, and Secale Cornutum, after the misfortune has taken place. Cinchona is also valuable when the indications which we shall give for that medicine are present. MISCARRIAGE. 179 In cases where there is an evident disposition to miscarriage, or where, from a variety of rea- sons, it is apprehended, the administration of Sa- bina in the early stage of pregnancy will frequent- ly prevent its recurrence. With regard to its ex- hibition, we may allow about three weeks to elapse between the first and second doses, and gradually lengthen the interval for each successive adminis- tration, until the period of danger be past. Hartmann* strongly recommends Secale Cor- nutum as useful in similar cases, but particu- larly when this misfortune has already occurred more than once ; it should be administered every fourteen days, commencing immediately after the cessation of the monthly period, and continuing until the period at which miscarriage usually oc- curs, is past ; one dose more, at the utmost, being allowed after this period. Both these remedies are also valuable to follow the other medicaments mentioned, after miscar- riage has taken place, the latter particularly, in weak or exhausted persons, or in those cases of hemorrhage in which the discharge consists of dark liquid blood, and is followed by considerable debility; this remedy is also efficacious in cases of inevitable miscarriage, attended with feeble, ex- pulsive efforts; the former, Sabina, when there are dragging and forcing pains, extending down- wards from the back and loins ; sensations of sinking or faintness in the abdomen ; frequent de- sire to relieve the bowels ; diarrhoea ; nausea or vomiting; chilliness and heat, with fever. * Therapie acut. Frank-form, Vol. II., p. 352., 2d Edit. 180 DISEASES of pregnancy. We shall now treat of miscarriage when the premonitory symptoms have set in, giving under the same head, the indications for the use of the medicaments, where the result is unavoidable, or has already taken place, as even in these cases, their administration is decidedly beneficial in ob- viating further injurious consequences, and in alleviating the sufferings of the patient. The remedies in these cases are : Chamomilla, Nux Vomica, Ipecacuanha, Hijoscyamus, Belladonna, Crocus, Ferrum Metallicum, Sabina, Secale Cor- nutum, and Calcarea. Chamomilla, when there are present : ex- cessive restlessness, convulsions, twitching in the back and limbs; severe pains in the loins and back, worse at night, generally of a sharp cutting description, extending downwards, strongly re- sembling those of labour ; sometimes also ab- dominal spasms, with a species of sanguineous discharge; or discharge of deep red, or dark coagulated blood ; frequent yawning; coldness and shivering. Nux Vomica. Obstinate constipation, and swelling of the reins; also when the patient has been accustomed to a stimulating diet, and the use of coffee; severe burning or wrenching pains in the loins ; painful pressure downwards, and mucous discharge. Ipecacuanha. Chill with heat; pressure downwards in the region of the groin ; discharge of bright red blood, or coagulation ; cramp and rigidity of the frame ; sometimes convulsions ; vomiting, or desire to vomit; cutting pains in the umbilical region. MISCARRIAGE. 181 Hyoscyamus, when the convulsions are very severe, with cries, great anguish, oppression of the chest, and loss of consciousness. Belladonna. Great pains in the loins and in the entire abdomen ; with severe central bearing down ; pain in the back, as if it were dislocated ; discharge, if any, of bright red blood. It is also particularly valuable in cases of profuse hemorrhage of the above description, after mis- carriage. Ferrum Metallicum is a useful medicine in cases of miscarriage attended with fever, labour- like pains,and considerable sanguineous discharge. Crocus is especially indicated in cases which are attended or followed by discharge of dark coagulated or viscid blood, with a sensation as of something moving or jumping about in the umbili cal region. This remedy is frequently useful in obstinate cases, after the employment of one or more of the above mentioned remedies. Cinchona is valuable in the restoration of the vital power after the hemorrhage, or materially as- sists in checking the discharge, should there be spasmodic pain in the womb, or bearing down sensation, with considerable discharges of blood at intervals. Calcarea is a remedy of considerable impor- tance, in the treatment of cases where the affec- tion is apparently induced by a varicose state of the veins. It is also of value as a preventive, and especially when the patient is of a plethoric habit, with a tender or irritable skin, and other psoric appearances. We have thus enumerated some of the pnnci- 16 182 DISEASES OF PREGNANCY. pal homoeopathic remedies which are employed in the different stages of this misfortune, and have endeavoured to point out the peculiar indications for the selection of the proper medicament as succinctly, and at the same time as fully, as it is possible to do, in a work like the present. In concluding the subject, we shall briefly notice a few precautionary measures that the patient ought to observe while threatened with, or after having suffered from the affliction. When miscarriage is threatened, the individual must assume the recumbent posture, and in some cases indeed, should be strictly confined to bed, sleeping with few bedclothes; the apartment should be kept cool, and every means must be employed to ensure perfect tranquillity of mind. The diet prescribed in cases under homoeopathic treatment should be closely followed, and warm fluids generally avoided. When the misfortune has proved unavoidable, or has actually taken place, before assistance has been sought, the pa- tient ought still to be confined to bed for a few days, lest a fresh discharge be brought about by too early a change from a horizontal to an upright posture ; and on future occasions, when a similar period comes round, great care should be taken that the mishap may not again occur; in the at- tainment of this desirable object, we feel conn- dent that nothing will tend so fully to ensure suc- cess, as a timely application to one or other of the preventive remedies already described. 183 TREATMENT BEFORE PARTURITION. PREPARATION OF THE BREASTS. Young mothers frequently find great difficulty in suckling their children, in consequence of or- ganic defect, or incapacity of the nipple. In every case, a preparation of the breasts is neces- sary some weeks before delivery, in order to pre- pare them for their future office. In many in- stances, the structure of the breasts is disorgan- ized from an ignorant nurse having compressed them in childhood, from the idea that such a pro- cess was needful for the expulsion of some mat- ter in the breasts of the child—a vulgar error—a practice against which mothers ought to be par- ticularly watchful; the same inability of function is likely to occur from the pressure of stays in after life, by which the cuticle is rendered so ten- der, as to preclude suckling. The first two cases are beyond the power of art. If suckling be attempted, induration of the nipple and mamma ensues, attended with severe suffering; when, however, a simple tenderness of the epidermis exists, this evil is much alleviated when the nipples are bathed with brandy twice a day, for several weeks anterior to delivery. An- other difficulty, frequently accompanying this state, is a shortness or retraction of the nipple, so that the infant cannot take hold of it; this defect is frequently the cause of the first, from the ineffectual efforts of the child to suck injur- ing the part; in this case, appropriate shields of 184 TREATMENT BEFORE PARTURITION. soft wood may be applied to accustom the nipple to elongate, and protrude so as to present sufficient hold for the infant, when the period for suckling arrives, when the efforts of the child will still further contribute towards the effecting of this object. In this case also, bathing with brandy will naturally tend to correct any tenderness of the skin, and prevent subsequent excoriation. It may also be here remarked, that during the period of lactation, between the intervals of the infant being applied to the breast, the shield should be resumed, and the bathing continued, due care being always taken to lave the nipple carefully with tepid water, before it is again offered to the child. REMEDIES BEFORE LABOUR. Many things are recommended by the old school previous to labour, such as frequent blood- lettings and aperients; but these, instead of pro- moting the object desired, have a contrary effect, by lowering the energies requisite at such an eventful period, and by placing the nervous sys- tem in an abnormal state of irritation and excite- ment; when this loss of humour is brought about in the first period of pregnancy, it defeats its own object, by what are commonly called plethoric* symptoms, induced by the reaction in the organ- ism, to supply this uncalled for waste, and this * Plethoric. To obviate misconception, we may men- tion, that we do not use this word to indicate too great a quantity of blood in the system, but derangements of the circulation simulating that appearance. FALSE PAINS. 185 always taking place with a correspondent expen- diture of vital power. It is a species of infatua- tion to disturb the regular course of nature by the ill-directed efforts of art, where an evident ple- thoric state exists ; this object is much more safely and effectually attained by the internal adminis- tration of a specific remedy, such as a few doses of Aconite. An artificial evacuation, previous to delivery, may be obtained by a lavement of lukewarm wa- ter, with a small quantity of linseed oil, when necessary. FALSE PAINS. Before we proceed to notice parturition, we may say a few words upon the so-called, false, spurious or intestinal pains, brought about by con- gestion of blood to the uterus, errors in regimen, emotions of the mind, effects of chill in the ab- domen, and a variety of other causes ; they sometimes precede labour for a few hours, but in many cases come on some days, and even weeks, before delivery ; they chiefly differ from labour pains in the irregularity of their recur- rence, in being unconnected with uterine contrac- tion, and chiefly confined to the small of the back, with painfulness of the abdomen to touch and move- ment, and in not increasing in intensity as they return; sometimes, from their close resemblance, it is extremely difficult to discriminate between them and the real labour pains ; but in such cases we must be chiefly guided by the period of ges- tation ; and our safest mode of procedure is, to 16* 186 TREATMENT BEFORE PARTURITION. endeavour to mitigate the patient's sufferings by the administration of a proper remedy, as, if we allow them to proceed unchecked, they not un- frequently continue until the moment of delivery, rendering the labour much more painful and diffi- cult. The following medicaments may be had recourse to with effect: Bryonia, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla, and Dulcamara, selecting the one most suitable for the affection, according to the symp- toms. Bryonia, when the pains in the loins resemble a dragging weight, attended with constipation and irritability, much increased by motion, with abdom- inal pains preceding those in the back. Nux Vomica. Similar pains in the back and abdomen ; also when the pains resemble a, bruise, and arise chiefly at nig"ht, particularly if attended with constipation and irritability. Pulsatilla. Similar abdominal pains ; pains in the loins resembling those from continued stoop. ing, or a tight bandage, with a sense of rigidity, with either constipation or relaxation, or both al- ternately ; mildness of temper or great sensibility. The three foregoing are particularly valuable when these pains appear to have arisen from errors in regimen, especially from stimulants. Dulcamara is chiefly useful when the origin may be traced to cold, and the pains are of a vio- lent, shooting and drawing nature, situated in the small of the back, generally coming on at night. When they seem to arise from emotions of the mind, we may consult Mental Emotions. 187 PARTURITION AND LABOUR PAINS. It is a very general, but exceedingly erroneous idea, that nature ever destined this period for one of severe suffering ; the pain and danger, fre- quently its attendants, arise, not from her ordina- tions, but from a long-continued course of offend- ing against them. Were it not for the acquired habits of civilized life—improper diet—the pro- portions of the female frame being distorted by tight-lacing, &c„ and their regukr functions thereby disturbed — diseases generated by the want of proper air or exercise, or both—heredi- tary maladies, &c, parturition would be almost free from pain, as in fact it is, even at the present day, frequently found among savages. We shall here quote a few words from an eminent writer, corroborative of this position. " Child-bearing is a natural, and not a morbid process ; and in the facility with which healthy regular women pass through it, we have abundant evidence, that the Creator did not design it to be necessarily a time of suffering and danger."— Dr. A. Combe on the Management, of Infawy, 2d ed., p. 99. However, in cases in which the labour is ex- ceedingly severe, which frequently occurs when the female is of a slender form, and delicate and nervous habit of body, and more especially at the birth of the first child ; particularly if this event occur at an advanced period of life; a dose of Coffea Cruda is often sufficient to relieve the sufferer, when not accustomed to its daily use ; or if it fail, Aconite ; in cases of the abuse of coffee, the olfaction from the bottle of Nux Vom- 188 TREATMENT before PARTURITION. ica is more particularly to be recommended, es- pecially when the female complains of a continual urgency to relieve nature, and straining. When this proves insufficient, Belladonna ought to be had recourse to, particularly when elderly fe- males giving birth to their first child, in which the suffering principally arises from the rigidity of the muscles. On other occasions, we find the throes are in- sufficient to accomplish their object; in such in- stances, Pulsatilla is valuable where the labour pains are almost unfelt, and at long intervals, at- tended with acute pains in the loins, and painful drawing sensation in the thighs, which tend much to weaken the woman, without furthering the labour. When Pulsatilla has not had the desired effect, and when the labour pains return every quarter of an hour, not increasing in intensity, Secale Cornutum ought to be administered. Again, when we find the pain, although powerful at first, suddenly cease, followed by a tremor of the whole body, occasionally interrupted by violent jerkings, and when the patient falls into a sort of lethargic slumber, with open mouth and stertorous breathing; the eyes half closed, with great difficulty in arousing the sufferer, even by violent means : in such cases, Opium is indicated. When the pains suddenly disappear, without other indications, one or two drops of the Mother Tinc'ure of Cin- namon will prove of service, especially where the labour is far advanced. We have now, in a great measure, treated of the course to be pursued when nature seems to call for our assistance to further her exertions ; but we must, at the same time, reprobate a rash PARTURITION AND LABOUR PAINS. 189 and ill-advised interference with her operations ; and we cannot, in common with most men of em- inence of the other school, too strongly reprehend the practice of administering spirituous beverages, or stimulants, such as chamomile tea, and other ptisans, coffee, and even opium, under the absurd impression of thereby facilitating delivery. Spirituous liquors are objectionable, from their accelerating the circulation, and consequently producing difficult labour, and too great a loss of blood ; Coffee, from its causing high nervous ex- citability ; Chamomile, from its pathogenetic pro- perty of producing, or creating a tendency to me- trorrhagia ; | tisans, whose peculiar properties we need not enter upon here, are all more or less of a stimulating or irritating nature. Opium, given merely as a palliative of the severity of the throes, materially retards delivery. As a genera] rule, every substance, possessing a medicinal property, administered upon the false premises above noticed, tends to injury, and must therefore be carefully avoided. With regard to the after birth, when common mechanical means for its expulsion fail, we may have recourse to Pulsatilla, Secale Cornutum, or Opium, selecting by the symptoms already men- tioned. When the parturition is complete, the adminis- tration of Arnica is always followed by the hap- piest results, preventing much severe after suffer- ing ; and we are convinced, that manycritical cases of inflammation, 'y sicians'and Family Medicine Chests to Laurie's domestic (60 to 82 Remedies)-EPP's 58 Remedies -HERING'S (HI Remedies).—Small Pocket-cases, at #3, with Family Guide and &i Kemedies^-Cases containing 415 Vials with Tinctures and Tri- turations tor Physicians- Cases with 260 Vials of Tinctures and Tri- turations to Jain's New. Manual, or Symptomen-Codex.- Phy- memn's Pocket Cases with 60 Vials of Tinctures and Triturations.- Cases from 200 to 300 Vials with low and high dilutions of medicated SHets.- Cases from 50 to 80 Vials of low and high dilutions, etc. etc omceopathic Chocolate. Refined Sugar of Milk, pure Globules etc., Arnica Tincture, the best specific remedy for bruises, sprains. wounds, etc. Arnica Plaster, the best application for Corns. 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Bound, 1818. $11 00. LAURIE, DR. J, HOMCEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDI- CINE, with the Treatment and Diseases of Females, Infants, Children, and Adults. 5th American edition, much enlarged with additions by A. Gerald Hull, M. D 1849. Bound $1 50. 231 G. L. RAU'S ORGANON of the Specific 'Healing Art of Ho- moeopathy. Translated by C. J. Hempel, M. D. 1848. f 1 25. HAHNEMANN, Dr S. MATERIA MEDICA PURA. Trans- lated and edited by Charles Julius Hempel, M. D. 4 vols. 1846. $6. E STAPFS ADDITIONS to the Materia Medica Pura. Trans- lated by C. J. Hempel, M. D. $1 50. HAHNEMANN, Dr S. THE CHRONIC DISEASES, then- Specific Nature and Homoeopathic Treatment. Translated and edited by Charles J. Hempel, M. D-, with a Preface, by Constan- tine Hering, M. D., Philadelphia. 8vo. 5 vols. Bound. 1845. TRANSACTIONS of the American Institute of Homoeopathy. 1846. Bound. $1 50. C. HERING'S DOMESTIC PHYSICIAN. Fourth American edition, revised with additions from the author's manuscript of the sixth German edition. The part relating to the diseases of Fe- males and Children, by Walter Williamson, M. D. 1848. $2 HOMOEOPATHIC COOKERY. Second edition, with additions, by the Lady of an American Homoeopathic Physician. Designed chiefly for the use of such persons as are under homoeopathic treat- ment. 50 cts. RUECKERT'S THERAPEUTICS ; or, Successful Homoeopathic Cures, collected, from the best Homoeopathic Periodicals, trans- lated and edited by C. J. Hempel. 1 large 8vo. vol., bound. 1848. $3 50. HEMPEL'S Homoeopathic Domestic Physician. 1849. Bound. 50 cts. JAHR, G. H. G., M. D. SHORT .ELEMENTARY TREA- TISE upon Homoeopathia and the Manner of its Practice; with some of the most important effects of ten of the principal Ho- moeopathic remedies, (tor the use of all honest men who desire to convince themselves by experiment, of the truth of the doc- trine. Second French edition, corrected and enlarged. Transla- ted by Edward Bayard, M. D. Bound. 37. cts. BCENNINGHAUSEN'S ESSAY on the Homoeopathic Treat- ment of Intermittent Fevers. Translated and edited by Charles Julius Hempel, M. D. 1845. 38 cts. . A TREATISE ON THE USE OF ARNICA, in cases of Con- tusions, Wounds, Sprains, Lacerations of the Solids, Concussions, Paralysis, Rheumatism, Soreness of the Nipples, etc. etc., with a number of cases illustrative of the use of that drug. Bv Charles Julius Hempel, M. D. 1845. 18* cents. RUOFFS REPERTORY OF HOMCEOPATHIC MEDICINE, nosologicaUy arranged. Translated from the German, by A. H. Okie, M. D., translator of Hartmann's Remedies. Second American edition, wiih additions and improvements, bv G. Humphrey, M. D., etc 1844. Bound. $150. fry .r//^^ <&*?.