TOLL GATE N°3 "7*B'>rdih4 yjjUt ofQngrtss (.■<■ the jmr ffflc. h EC ABBEY, M.D. tOj/.e ?Anw.;. fCmqm-uttHfaiwb,* TOLL GATE No. 3. —This picture contains a Bear, Buffalo, Camel, Giraffe, Seal, Swan, Squirrel, Cat, Fox, Fig, Babbit, Parrot, 2 Alligators, 4 Birds, 3 Beavers, 2 Babies, 2 Boys, 5 Cows, 2 Chickens, 2 Beer, 12 Dogs, 3 Elephants, 3 Frogs, 3 Fish, 7 Faces, 2 Goats, 7 Horses, 10 Letters, 2 Mice, 4 Men, 2 Monkeys, 3 Owls, 8 i?ate, 3 Sheep, 2 Turtles, 3 Ladies. Send postage if wanting pictures. THE SEXUAL SYSTEM AND ITS DERANGEMENTS, greatly enlarged and improved, treating upon 200 subjects, is the most condensed, yet most complete volume ever published. It is a moral book, for both sexes, clothed in plain and proper language, contains 18 illustrations, with portrait of author, and embraces the latest facta in Physiology, many never before in print, besides a vast amount of information not to be had elsewhere. 500,000 copies sold. Everyone should be fully informed upon these subjects, which involve the well-being of mankind. It is a false modesty and a wrong principle to keep the youth from becoming enlightened and perfect men and women. This book advocates such education openly, that evils may be averted, health preserved, and lives saved. Manhood, Womanhood, Boyhood, Girlhood, Childhood, Sex, Beauty, Marriage, Anatomy, Physiology, Maternity, Diseases, etc., are among the topics. It explains the cause of nervous and sexual debility, languor, tiresome feelings, unsociability, bashfulness, cowardice, Irritable temper, lack of confidence, forgetfulness, gloomy forebodings, lack of energy, des- pondency, unfitness for business, inability to reason or concentrate the mind or meet the gaze of others, confused understanding, thoughts of suicide, unfixedness of purpose, easily discouraged, broken sleep, trembling, dizziness, staggering, solt muscles, w6ak back, pasty skin, hollow eyes, blunted senses, eruptions, scanty beard, and a thousand symptoms which make life miserable and a failure, and usher in Epilepsy, Palsy, Idiocy, Insanity, Nervous, and all kinds of Diseases, also how prevented and remedied. Sent secure, post-paid, for 10 cents, 3 for 25 cents. Agents wanted. Address Dr. E. C. ABBEY, Buffalo, N. x. CUTAVACOI Dr. Abbey's Great Specific for Skin Diseases. A new and positive cure for Blotched Face, Barber’s Itch, Scali-head, Black heads or Grubs, Salt Rheumy Papules, Erythema, Nettle Rash, Prurigo, Eczema, Prairie, Seven Year, Camp or Army Itch, Branny Tetter, Ringworm, Liver Spots, Honey Comb Ring- worm, Ringworm of Scalp, Bald Spots, Dandruff, Tetter, Itch, Grog Blossom, Prickly Heat, Shingles, Scale Diseases, etc. From two to ten applications cure. It destroys Lice, stops Pain and Itching, prevents Inflammation, arrests Felons, Carbuncles, and Swellings, cures Erysipelas, Frost Bites, Chilblains, neutralizes the Poison in Bites, Stings, and from Ivy, instantly stopping all Pain and Swelling, makes a specific gargle for Sore Throat, Quinsy, Catarrh, Spongy Gums, Foul Breath, cures offensive Bar Discharges, Leucorrhma, stops hair from falling, and cures Baldness. Most Skia Diseases are caused by a microscopic plant or animal growth having a foothold in the skin. Cutavaco speedily and painlessly destroys this life without injuring the skin. The circular with each bottle and above book tell all about these diseases, giving new truths, and how a little specific medicine cures. Price, §l.OO a bottle; 6 bottles, $5.00. Sold by Druggists or sent by Express upon receipt of money.