Howard University, Washington, D.C. medical Jacultg. ©isieiiis REV. BYRON SUNDERLAND, D.D., President; SILAS L. LOOMIS, M.D., Dean; JOS. TABER JOHNSON, M.D., Secretary and Treasurer. FACULTY: SILAS L. LOOMIS, M.D., No. 476 Seventh Street, Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology. ROBERT REYBURN, M.D., No. 349 West Nineteeth Street, Professor of Anatomy. JOS. TABER JOHNSON, M.D., Northwest corner of Tenth and M Streets, Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. LAFAYETTE 0. LOOMIS, M.D., No. 789 Pennsylvania Avenue, Professor of Physiology and Microscopy. ROBERT REYBURN, M.H., No. 349 West Nineteenth Street, Professor of Clinical and Operative Surgery. ALEXANDER T. AUGUSTA, M.8., No. 428 L Street, between 13th and 14th, Demonstrator of Anatomy. THE Trustees of Howard University and the Faculty of the Howard University Medical College take great pleasure in announcing to the public that their First Medical Session will begin on Wednesday, the 28th of October, 1868. It is expected that the University Buildings will be so far completed by that time that the Med- ical Faculty will be able to commence their lectures in one of the commodious buildings now being erected on their grounds. One of the finest Medical Colleges in the country, with all the modern improvements attached, is in the pro- cess of erection, and by another year the Faculty will be able to inaugurate their full course of lectures under the most favorable auspices. The present course will embrace the four main fundamental branches of Medicine, namely: Chemistry, Anatomy, Materia Medica, Physiology, and clinical lectures upon Operative Surgery. Attendance upon this course of lectures, together with satisfactory evidence of continued study and recitations to some respectable practicing physician during the coming year, will entitle the student to a certificate of pupilage, which will be recognized by the Howard University Medical College as equivalent to one year of medical study. This Institution has free access to the Freedmen’s General Hospital, and is thus enabled to combine Clinical with Didactic Lectures, so important in the teachings of every Medical College. The lectures will commence on the 28th of October and terminate in the following March, and will be delivered daily, commencing at 5 o’clock, P.M. This time of lecturing has been customary in the Medical and Business Colleges of the District, and has proved most acceptable to the students of this city. All the apparatus necessary for a full illustration of the subjects taught in the present course, have been pur- chased, and complete arrangements made for a thorough and practical course of lectures. Opportunities will be afforded for the prosecution of the study of Practical Anatomy during the entire session, under the supervision of Dr. A, T. Augusta, and classes for private office instruction will be organized by members of the Faculty. Before graduating, the candidate must comply with the following REGULATIONS: 1. He must furnish evidence of a good moral character. 2. He must have studied medicine not less than three years, during which time he shall have attended two full courses of lectures at some regular Medical College, one of which shall have been in this Institution. 3. He shall have dissected at least one winter, and shall have attended the clinical lectures. 4. He must present to the Secretary of the Faculty an acceptable thesis, in his own handwriting, upon some medical subject. 5. He must pass a satisfactory examination. FEES For present preparatory course, including Matriculation, Demonstrator’s fees, and Clinical Instruction, .......... $lOO 00 Demonstrator’s charges, .......... 5 00 Fees for subsequent full courses same as all other respectable Medical Colleges, viz: For full Course of Lectures, . . . . . . ■ • 135 00 Matriculation, ............ 5 00 Demonstrator, ............ 10 00 Graduation, . . ... . . , . . . . . 30 00 Single Tickets, 20 00 It is expected that arrangements will be made by the Trustees of the University to remit a part of the expenses of deserving indigent students, who will make known their circumstances to the Secretary of the Medi- cal Faculty. For further information please address Prof. JOS. TABER JOHNSON, M.D., Secretary, Northwest cor. Tenth and M Streets.