CORRECTIONS and ADDITIONS T O THI MEDICAL ASSISTANT, fyc. By THOMAS DANCER, M.D. N. B. This Work is sold at his Majesty s Printing-Office, and at the Shop of Messrs. Meyer and Schutze, Kingston. ADVERTISEMENT. J\. NUMBER of Errata, in the References to the For- mula in the Medical Assistant, having efcaped Notice, they are, in the following Pages, corrected; the Formula likewife, that were by Miflake omitted, are now printed: Some new Remedies are added, along with a few Remarks, that may render the Work a ftill more ufeful one for Fami- lies and Plantations. ERRATA I N The References to the Formula, 8(c. Page 7X> paragraph 2, injtead of Clyfter, No. 40, >W Clyfter, 2V*. 63. 74, laft line, in/lead of No. 9, read No. 17. 108, paragraphs, « Antimonial Opiate," injtead of No. m, reed No. 17. x*9> 3» " Gargles," infteadofN: 54, read No. 76. 120, 6, « Gargles, No. 54," read No. 76. 132* *» "Aftringent Injeftion and Suppofitory, #0.41,42," read No. 64, 65. 141, near the bottom, *« Oil of Amber, iVc.61," read No. 3g. 169, <&/* the Numbers, and read, See Index to Country Remedies. 256, paragraph 1, dele No. 131, then read, No. 90, 91, 92. 257, laft paragraph, " Aftringent Injeaion, No. 132," read No. 64. Ji. laft line, read, or Clyfter, No. 33, (B.) Oilier Errata, not corrected. Page 112, line 13, rv?« of Falmouth, in Trelawny. See Cornwall Chronicle. J A Gentleman of the parifli of St. David, Mr. Bull, has fhewn me a Plant, (the Bibifcus mahavfcus), that gives out an abundant quantity of clear, colourlefc, and taftckfs, Mucilage; and which no doubt will be found to anfwer the fame purpofes as> that of the Vanglo. S See Dr. Ckij7jo!m} in the New-York Medical Repofitory. ADDITIONAL REMEDIES and REMARKS. and found unfuccefsful. A regard to truth obliges him now to fay, that, from the reports he has received of the cafes where it was employed, his expectations have been difappointed. ft lias in few inftances done any good, at the fame time it does not appear to have done much harm. Yaws and Leprofy.—The Nitric Acid, and the Oxygenated Muriate rf PoUjh, from the Reports of Dr. Chifholm, and fome other .Gentle- men in the Windward Islands, appear to have great eHkacy in thefe Difeafes *. Ulcers.—The Nitric Acid Bath, or Nitric Acid added to Fomentations, has been found highly lerviceable in Phagedenic, Gangrenous, Sores. Ring-Worm.—Tobacco-A(hes j Infufion of Fox-Glove j Solution of Borax in Vinegar. Worms.—It was mentioned, page_ 563, that the Bark of the Melia -f, Hoop-Tree, or Bead-Tree, had been given in the Eaft-Indies as a febri- fuge ;• in North-America, the inner Bark of the Root is employed for killing Worms. " The Root of this Tree has a thin reddifh Bark, or outer Skin, which is deleterious, and muft be carefully fcraped off from the fecond, or inner thick white Bark: Put a handful of the (havings of this white Bark, in a quart of Water; boil over a flow fire, to a pint; when fet- tled, pour off, and fweeten. Dofe, a wine-glafs full, three mornings fuc- ceffively: After which, a Cathartic (Caftor-Oil) is to be adminiftered." Worms of every fpecies are deftroyed by this Medicine; for an account of which I am indebted to Mr. Hylton, a gentleman of great philan^ thropy, and mod diligent inquiry J. * Sec Chijholm on the Peftilential Fever of Grenada, &c. Vol. II. f Melia Azaderach, Linn. % A fpecimen of the Root of this Tree, and the Bark proper for ufe, as a vermifuge, may be feen at the fliop of Mr. Menzies, Druggift, in Water-Lane. ■Hk -