.**'- n ——«im I T: 13iit Air.' ! JW.-12.-1%.1 toH.l / [Reprinted from The American Joubnal of Obstetrics and Diseases op Women and Children, Vol. XL., No. 2, 1899.] A NEW HANDLE AND GRIP FOR SCISSORS FOR PLASTIC AND OTHER DELICATE WORK. BY HOWARD A. KELLY, M.D., Baltimore. (With two illustrations.) I have often been struck, in common, I suppose, with other operators, with the awkwardness of the scissors which we have long been in the habit of using. The ordinary scissors present two serious disadvantages when called upon to do accurate work: in the first place, there is more or less motion imparted to both blades, which gives the cut surface the familiar zigzag Pig. 1.—Scissors for plastic vaginal work. outline; and in the second place, the manner of grasping the scissors is awkward, as the hand is held in a constrained position and more or less interferes with the inspection of the work as it is done. In order to obviate these difficulties, I have made the follow- ing changes in the scissors of which I show two pairs in Figs..' V 1 and 2, designed for plastic vaginal work and for delicate^ work upon the bladder and ureters. It will be seen that the new instrument is considerably lengthened, the pair with the Emmet blade curved on the flat being 24 centimetres long in place of 16.5 centimetres as usual. The handle of this instrument is large and rounded, 13 centi- rTTBRABV" ] I SURrwOH GENERALS ^Tivrj 2 KELLY: A NEW HANDLE AND GRIP FOK SCISSORS. metres long and 6.5 centimetres in circumference, and bent at a decided angle so as to take the operating hand out of the field of vision. The upper part of the handle has a thumb latch, which is twisted at an angle to the shaft so as to insure the shearing action of the blades. When in use the upper blade, connected with the handle grasped by the hand, is free from motion, while the lower blade, manipulated by the thumb latch, works up to it as a fixed point; in this way the cutting is done with accuracy and with far greater convenience. Fig. 2.—Scissors for bladder and ureteral work. The little scissors used for bladder and ureteral work are made 21 centimetres long, so that they can be used with accuracy at a much greater distance from the surface than is possible with the ordinary seissors; they also permit of a much freer view and control of the field when grasped and used in the manner indicated in the diagram; the handle is held between the thumb and three fingers while the index finger works the latch as shown. These instruments have been made for me by the Charles Willms Surgical Instrument Company, of Baltimore. "1