K*Mh (ti. d-) The Advantage of Atmospheric Distention of the Rectum, with Dislodgment of the Small In- testines, in the Bimanual Ex- amination of Uterus, Ovaries, and Tubes. HOWARD A. KELLY, M.D. Baltimorer Md. wpbintbo raoM Thb American Journal of Obstetrica Vol. XXIX.. No.õ.ISM. NEW YORK WILLIAM WOOD & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS 1894 .-ZTfc. the advantage of atmospheric distention of the rectum, with dislodgment of the small intestines, in the bimanual examination of uterus, ovaries, and tubes. I have on several previous occasions drawn attention to im- portant rnodifications of the ordinary bimanual examination— such as a deep invagination of the pelvic floor in making the pelvic organs more accessible—the bimanual examination by abdômen and rectum, assisted by simultaneous traction upon the cervix with corrngated tenaculum or tenaculum forceps, called for this reason "trimanual examination," thus producing an artificial retroposition and descensus uteri,1 as well as the pos- sibility of throwing the fundus into an artificial sharp retro- flexion and examining the anterior face of the uterus by means of the tinger in the rectum.2 In spite, however, of these unusual facilíties for investigation, cases present themselves from time to time in which the broad- ligament structures can only be detected and outlined with con- siderable difhculty, and only after a patient persisteuce in seek- ing them out. Not that the finger can find nothing in the pelvis:; on the contrary, it is embarrassed by finding too much, for the touch is constantly impeded in the course of the examination by the viscera which crowd down into the pelvis from above, forming a sort of pelvic enteVocele. Some impairment of the tactile sense is also experienced from the constant contact of the finger with the rectal mucous folds. Coils of small intestines in the pelvis containing flnid often feel tense and fluctuating, and thus readily impose themselves upon the examiner as large cystic ovaries, or leave him in doubt as to their true natnre. i American Journal of Obstetrics, February, 1891. 2 New York Medicai Journal, November 25th, 1893, and Annals of Gyne- cology and Pediatry, January, 1894. •2 KELLY : THE ADVANTAGE OF ATMOSPHEKIC The complete removal of these impediments may be satisfac- torily effected in the following manner: The patient is placed in the knee-breast posture, with shoulders on the table and hips high and thighs vertical. The anal orifice is opened by a small Fig. 1 shows the relations of the collapsed rectum (R) to uterus (U) and ovaries COv), the small intestines 0, i) fllling the pelvis. speculum or tube, allowing the air to rush into the rectum. The explanation of this phenomenon is that, upon assuming the knee- breast posture, the small intestines gravitate along the anterior Fin. 2- Fm. 3. Fig. 2 shows the relations of the bowel distended with air to uterus and ovary after the small intestines have been displaced. Fig. 3 shows the íacility with which the digital examination can be made through the rectum thus distended and applying itself widely to the posterior surface of the uterus and broad ligament. abdominal wall into the upper abdômen toward the diaphragm, creating a suction at the most elevated portion, which is the DISTENTION OF THE RECTDM. 3 pelvic extremity, by means of which the whole ampulla and rectum balloon out with air as soon as the ânus is opened, and the distended rectum applies itself broadly over the posterior surface of the uterus and left broad ligament. Before makino; such an examination both rectum and blad- der should be thoroughly evacuated. The pelvis being thus elevated, as soon as the atmospheric dilatation is effected the tube is removed, the ânus closes, and the patient is placed in the dorsal position with thighs ílexed upon the abdômen, and the bimanual examination is at once made per rectum and abdô- men. The index finger coated with vaselin, introduced within the ânus, experiences at once the remarkable sensation of entering a large cavity filled with air, in which the customary resistance is .absent. The communication with the upper bowel between the utero-sacral folds is, under these circumstances, readily found, and the finger is conducted behiud the broad ligament, when, on using the outside hand in assistance, uterus, broad ligaments, ovaries, and tubes are at once palpated directly through the rectal wall, without resistance and with startling distinctness. The true pelvic víscera thus seem, as it were, to be skele- tonized in the pelvis, lying so clearly exposed to touch that the minuter surface peculiarities, fissures and elevations, and changes in consistence, can be detected, and a diagnosis made more satisfactorily, more rapidly, and with far less effort than under ordinary conditions. 'J05 North Charles street.