MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF II0 W A1; 1) UXIV E1; SIT Y, Seventh Annual Commencement, '•rf-: '-a.-' Friday. JVLarch at 7 1-F, CP. Jvf. AT THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Corner o£ Tenth O- Streets, iTortl'-'jraet, WASHINGTON, D. 0. pACULTY. Professor F. W. Fairfield, Acting President. G. S. Palmer, M. D., Dean, and Professor of Physiology and Hygiene. N. F. Graham, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery and Clinical Surgery. C. B. Purvis, M. D., Secretary, and Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. D. S. Lamb, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Medical Jurisprudence. J. B. G. Baxter, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine, and Clinical Lecturer on Diseases of the Chest. A. T. Augusta, M. D., Professor of Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy, ami Clinical Lecturer on Diseases of the Skin. W. H. Seaman, A. M., Professor of Chemistry and Botany. John E. Brackett, M. D., Adjunct to Chair of Surgery. A. P. Bogue, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. N. F. Graham, M. D., Clinical Lecturer on Diseases of the Eye. JEANIE? OF WARREN BROWNKenebunk, Maine. Thesis: inspiration. JOSIAH C. CAMPBELLDerby, Vermont, Thesis: Alcoholism. ELMIR GRAYHarrison, Maine. Thesis: Puerperal Convulsions. JAMES F. GRAHAMProvince of Ontario, Canada. Thesis; Cynanche Trac.healis. GEORGErH. HERONNew Jersey. Thesis: Alcohol in Disease. DORSEY M. McPHERSONWashington, D. C. Thesis: Cholera Infantum. GRACE ROBERTSHolland Patent, New York. Thesis: Dystocia. EUNICE P. SHADDChatham, Province of Ontario, Canada. Thesis: Endo-metritis. THOMAS C. GREGORYCleveland, Ohio. Thesis: Questio Vexata. 'OfDER Of MUSIC PRAYER. MUSIC CHARGE TO THE CLASS, BY' N. F. GRAHAM, M. D. MUSIC CONFERRING OF DEGREES AND ADDRESS, BY PROF. F. W. FAIRFIELD, ACTING PRESIDENT. MUSIC. VALEDICTORY ADDRESS, d. m. McPherson, m. d. BY MUSIC BENEDICTION . MUSIC l|eceptioi| Coii]n|ittee. A. H. GLENNAN, Chairman, ML). BASSETT, Wil. DARNS, A. A. FITTS, C. M. JORDAN, J. II. RALSTON, J. F. SHOI11|R. N. W. ST/EFORD. E. R. C. tORGENT, A.WAL<% C. A. BURGHARDT, J. RICHARD FRANCIS. J. B. HARTWELL, A. C. McCLENNAN, F. S. STAGG, D. W. SCOTT, N. F. SHEDD, W. W. TOWNSEND, F. S. IIILLYER.