SUPPLEMENTARY /i. RULES AND REGULATIONS, FOR THE GOTEBNMENT 01 iranBSHniA&'x MARYLAIfD -®<3*3®<3— italtimovc: PRINTED BY RICHARD J. MATCHETT. 1823. 1 1st. It shall be the duty of the keeper to employ his time chief- ly in the yard—to pay strict attention to the work-shops; to make himself well acquainted with the different branches of business carried on; and with promptness observe that the depu- ty keepers and prisoners attend to their duty, so as to prevent waste and embezzlement in the materials and goods, idleness, and disorderly conduct, and see that the manufactured articles are finished in neat order. He shall appropriate a room or rooms, for the purpose of depositing the materials. On each Monday he shall receive from the clerk, or agent, and deliver to the deputy keepers from said room or rooms, what materials may be wanting in their departments for that week, the clerk or agent taking a receipt for the same, from the deputy keeper, for what he receives. On Saturdays, each of the deputy keepers shall hand over and deposit in the ware-room or store, to the clerk or agent, in presence of the keeper, all articles or goods manufac- tured or made in his department that week, having the same en- tered by the clerk or agent in a pass-book, to be kept by said deputy keeper. At the end of each month, each of the deputy keepers shall make a return to the clerk, of the quantity of manu- factured goods or work done, and delivered from the materials received during that month in his department, and what quantity of materials he has on hand in said department, not worked up. The clerk to consolidate said reports, and lay the same before the Board, at their monthly meetings for their inspection; (provi- ded always, in cases of emergency, the Monthly Directors may order the issue of materials, or receiving of work done, on any other days.) The re gulations of said departments in other re- spects, to conform to the 13th article of the rules and regulations. The keeper shall also lay before the Board of Directors, at their 4 monthly meeting, a requisition of all articles use of the Penitentiary, for the month to come, stating the ma- terials and provisions explicitly. 2d. The keeper shall deposit in some safe and secure place, the provisions received for the use of the Institution; he shall ap- point one or more of his deputy keepers, to superintend the de- livery of the same, who shall keep an exact account, under the direction of the keeper, and render a statement to the clerk, monthly or oftener, if required by the monthly directors, of the quantity received and consumed, shewing the quantity on hand. 3d. It shall be the duty of the clerk and agent, regularly on the first Wednesday in every month hereafter, to render to the Board of Directors, an accurate statement of the accounts of the Institution, together with the vouchers on which each item is found^. And the keeper shall (assisted by the clerk and agent) on the first Wednesday in December, annually, ren- der to the Board of Directors, a detailed account of the opera- tions of the Penitentiary, during the preceding year, in which every item of debit and credit is to be entered, so as to shew the general result of those operations; and whether the state is gainer or loser by the Institution; which detailed account shall immediately be transmitted by the Board, to the Executive of this State. 4th. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the Penitentiary, to keep accurate accounts of all the transactions of the Institu- tion. To deposit all monies received, in the Union Bank of Maryland, to the credit of the Maryland Penitentiary, which money shall be drawn for by checks made out in his hand writ- ing, signed by the President of the Board and one Director, or the two Monthly Directors for the time being, and for the pur- pose of paying debts due, or the purchase of articles wanting for the use of said Penitentiary. He shall also attend as much as he possibly can in the ware-room, in order to assist the agent in the receipt and sale of goods, and confer with him on all subjects relating thereto. He shall keep a correct journal of the meet- ings, attendance, orders and proceedings of the Directors of the 5 Institution, to be entered in a well bound book to be kept for that purpose. The regular monthly meetings of the Board of Directors, shall be on the first Wednesday of every Month, in every year hereafter. 5th. It shall be the duty of the agent to attend strictly to the receipts and delivery of materials, to receive the manufactured goods into the ware-room, and dispose of them to the best ad- vantage, not below cost, if it possibly can be avoided. Keeping accurate accounts, and on every morning to settle his cash ac- count with the clerk, paying over to him all money received, as also all bills receivable for goods sold. It shall also be his duty, under the direction and by order of the monthly directors, to purchase all and every article wanting for the Institution, and hand to the clerk, vouchers of the same, and, at all times, to as- sist the clerk in writing whenever he can be spared from the ware-room. Resolved, That so much of the Rules, Regulations, and Re- solves, heretofore adopted, as are repugnant to, or inconsistent with the above, be, and the same are considered void and of no effect, and that these Supplementary Rules and Regulations, together with this Resolution, be printed in sheets, and posted up in different parts of the Institution. Adopted llth of March, 1820. Maxch 11, 1820. Resolved that the guards on the wall, keep centry by carrying muskets with fixt bayonets, loaded with powder and ball—that they be constantly moving on their posts, in order that the pri- soners observe that they are on the alert. MayS, 1820. Resolved, That hereafter, the clerk shall have the report and accounts, subject to the inspection of the board, made out at least one day previous to their monthly meetings, in order that the same be examined by the monthly directors. August 3,1820. Resolved, That henceforward no deputy keeper can be per- mitted to absent himself from the institution, or from immediate attention to his duty, without leave from the principal keeper And whenever a deputy keeper may be wanting by the clerk or agent, it shall be their duty to apply to the principal keeper for such deputy keeper as may by wanted. Any violation of this, or former resolves, relative to the duty of the deputy keep- ers, and wall guards, must be noticed by the principal keeper, and reported to the monthly directors. March 14, 1821. Resolved, That hereafter the board will not permit any work to be done in the yard, or the labour of the institution employed in any manner whatever; for the private use of any officer of the Institution, without permission of the monthly directors. April 23, 1821. Resolved, That no person can be permitted to view the inte- rior of the Institution gates unless accompanied by a director, except those allowed by Law. June 13,1821. Resolved, That all persons sentenced to close confinement on account of attempts to escape, be put in straight jackets, during said confinement, to be executed as far as conveniently practi- cable, by the keeper and monthly directors. December 12,1821. Resolved, That hereafter, the agent keep a regular account of the receipt of cash, and balance the same daily with the book- keeper, and exhibit the same to the monthly directors when asked for, and that he also exhibit, when desired, the daily ' charges for goods on a credit, or otherwise. December 12,1821. Resolved, That hereafter, no officer can be be permitted to have any article purchased for the use of the Institution, except articles for sale in the store, without the consent in writing, of the monthly directors in the shape of an order on the keeper or agent. I 7 December 24,1821. Resolved, That hereafter, any of the deputy keepers, vio- lating the rules, regulations, or resolves, heretofore passed, or that may hereafter pass, or may refuse to obey the orders of the principal keeper, shall be immediately discharged; and that it shall be the duty of the keeper to report to the monthly direc- tors, such bad conduct, and said directors shall discharge said deputy keepers forthwith. December 24,1821. Resolved, That if the principal keeper does not make a report to the monthly directors, of the bad conduct ofany of the deputy keepers, the board will consider his conduct as extremely im- proper and reprehensible. February 13, 1823. Resolved, That it be the duty of the physician, to attend at least once a day at the hospital of the Institution; and at least tvicea day, if any dangerous case exists therein, aud that a copy of tl«is resolution be communicated to the physician, at the time of his annual appointment. May 8, 1822. Resolved, That hereafter no letters, petitions, or other print- ed books or papers, shall be permitted to come in or go out of the yard, unless by permission of the keeper or one of the direc- tors. June 12,1822. Resolved, That the disposition of the labour of the female de- paitment, be placed under the regulation of the matron of the said department, and that the police of the said department, be superintended by the keeper as usual. June 12, 1822. Resolved, That the room, No. 1, on the lower floor, now oc- cupied by the matron, be assinged to her. June 12, 1822. Resolved, That it be the duty of the physician, to enquire 8 into, and report monthly, to the board, the state of the cloathinw and lodging of the prisoners as relates to health. August 14, 1822. Resolved, That hereafter the Keeper report to the Board, in writing, at their monthly meetings, every violation of the Re- solves, Rules, or Regulations, by those officers of the Institution who are under his orders; and that henceforth the guard cannot be permitted to read, or have their attention in any manner di- rected from their duty while on guard—And that the Keeper communicate the subject of this resolution to each officer. Resolved, That due and proper attention will be expected by the Board, from all the officers of the Institution, for the full performance of the Rules, Regulations, and Resolutions for the government of the Penitentiary of Maryland.