3) TWELFTH ANNUAL REPORT ortliertt momt for Jfrimbless foilfrrm :. C^ When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up. Psalm xxvii. 10. READ AT THE ANNIVERSARY, MAY 9, 1865. PHILADELPHIA : H. G. LEISENRIXG'S STEAM-POWER PRINTING HOUSE, Jayne's Building, Nos. 237 and 239 Dock Street. 1863. ANNIVERSARY EXERCISES. The May-Day Celebration at The Northern Home for Friendless Children was a happy occasion for all present. John W. Clauhorn, Esq., presided. Addresses were made by M. J. Mitcheson, Esq., the Rev. Poindexter S. Henson and the Rev. E. W. Huttkr. Recitations were given by the children, followed by patriotic and other appropriate songs. After which, collations privately contributed by ladies of the Board of Managers, were afforded to the children in every department of the institution. The annual meeting of contributors was held on Tuesday, May 9, at 5 P. M., Thomas Earp, Esq., President, in the chair. The Reports of the Trustees, Managers and Treasurer were submitted, approved and ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitcheson offered Resolutions relative to the murder of the late President, which were adopted. Four Trus- tees and six Managers were elected to serve for four years, and Mr. Davis Pearson to serve for two years, in place of A. II. De Haven. In the evening, a meeting was also held at the Union Church, Fourth Street The Rev. Irvin H. Torrance presided. The Annual Reports were read, and addresses delivered by the Chairman, by the Rev. Alex- ander S. Reed, the Rev. Mr. McBirney, Mr. James Neal and Mac Cregor J. Mitcheson. A national flag, sent to the anniversary meeting for that purpose, was duly presented by Mr. Mitcheson, on behalf of the children of The Northern Home for Friendless Children, to a new Home lately founded at Wilkesbarre, and received on behalf of that institution, by the Rev. I. H. Torrance.' The thanks of the Trustees are due to the officers and choir of the Union Church, as also to the gentlemen named, for their truly admirable addresses on the occasions referred to. THE FORM OF BEQUEST. LEGACY OF MONEY. I give and bequeath unto "The Northern Home for Friendless Children," incorporated January 26, A. D., 1854, the sum of----------. DEVISE OP REAL ESTATE. I give and devise unto "The Northern Home for Friendless Children," at Philadelphia, incorporated January 26, A. D., 1834, all that (describe the pro- perly or ground rent,) together with the appurtenances, in fee. The Home is open for strangers at all times, and for other visitors every Thursday. No tickets of admission are required. THE NORTHERN HOME FOR FRIENDLESS CHILDREN, CORNER TWENTY-THIRD AND BROWN STREETS. This Institution receives children under twelve years of age, from all parts of the Commonioealth, as provided by the Supplement to their Charter, approved 21st of April, A. D., 185S. OFFICERS OF THE INSTITUTION. BOARD OF TRU S T E E S . THOMAS EAUP, President,.................................X. E. corner Arch and Seventh streets. JOHX W. CLAGIIORX, Treasurer,......................No. 1009 Arch street. MAC GREGOR J. MITCHESON, Secretary,.........No. 528 Walnut, and 1109 Cuates streot. Mr. M. J. Mitcheson-..........................................No. 528 Walnut street. " Charles E. Haven,.....................................N. E. Corner Seventh and Arch streets. Rev. E. W. Hutter,............................................No. 307 New street. Mr. James Peters,..............................................No. 1423 Poplar street. " L. Montgomery Bond,..................................N. E. corner Chestnut and Front streets. " John Wiei;and,............................................S. W. corner Walnut and Tenth street*. " Benjamin Orne,...........................................No. 265 North Ninth street. " Davis Pearson,............................................No. 820 North Fifth street. " Thomas Earp,...............................................N. E. corner Arch and Seventh streets. " John W. Claqhorn........................................No. 1009 Arch street. " John M. Ogden,...........................................No. 446 Marshall street. " J. J. Barclay,.............................................Athenaeum Building. " William Bucknell,......................................No. 1631 Walnut street. " A. V. Murphey,............................................X. W. corner Thirteenth and Green streets. " W. S.Perot,...............................................No. 721 Pine street. " Smith Bowen,...............................................No. 221 North Filth street. SOLICITORS. M. J. Mitcheson, Eoq., and J. J. Barclay, Esq. C O M M IT T E E S . REAL ESTATE. Messrs. Claghoru, Ogden, Mitcheson, Murphey, Orne, Peter*, Haven and Peai-son. INDENTURING. Meosrs. Claghorn, Mitcheson, Bowon, Hutter, Bond, Murph-.v, Wiegaud, ll*\in and Bucknell. AUDITING. Messrs. Mitcheson, Wiegand and Bond. PUBLICATION. Messrs. Mitcheson, Hutter and Bond. The Indenturing Committee meet every Tjesday afternoon at tie " Home," corner of Twenty- third and Brown streets. BOARD OF MANAGERS. Mrs. E. W. HUTTER, President,..........................No. 307 New street. " J. WIEGAND, Vice President,......................Corner Tenth and Walnut streets. " E. W. MILLER, Vice President,....................No. 1702 Vine street. " A. V. MURPHEY, Recording Secretary,.........N. W. corner Thirteenth and Green streets. " R. T. SHEPHERD, Corresponding Secretary,..No. 1420 Chestnut street. •' R. HAMMETT, Treasurer,...........................No. 381 North Ninth street. Mrs. E. W. Hutter,.............................................No. 307 New street. Miss Louisa E. Claghorn,....................................No. 1009 Arch street. " Sarah II. McCalla,......................................No. 5 North Eleventh street. Mrs. R. Hammett,..............................................Camden, N. J. " A. McNf.ely,................................................Franklin street. Miss Susan O'Neill,............................................South Penn Scjuare. Mrs. J. Wiegand,................................................Corner Tenth and Walnut streets. " T. Trewendt,...............................................Conshohocken. " M. N. Kelly,...............................................No. 1302 Pine street. ■' R. T. Shepherd,.........................................No. 1420 Chestnut street. " E. II. Worrell,............................................No. 1421 North Seventh street. Miss Anna E. St. Clair,.......................................No. 1315 Pine street. Mrs. A. V. Murphey,..........................................N. W. corner Thirteenth and Green ttreets. :' A. L. Raymond,............................................N. W. corner Filbert and Seventeenth streets. " William Helme,..........................................No. 1719 Vine street. ■' W. J. Chaplain...........................................Germantown. ;' Enoch W. Turley,.......................................No. 1819 Mount Vernon street. ■' Samuel V. Merrick,.....................................No. 30 North Merrick street. E. W. Miller,.............................................No. 1702 Vine street. Phcebe C. Campbell,.....................................No. 612 North Eighth street. Jefferson Lewis,........................................Corner Vine and Juliana streets. H. G. Lkisenring,........................................No. 1823 Arch street. Augustus Emerick,.....................................No. 1341 Arch street. Caroline Yarrow,.......................................No. 1028 Arch street. STANDING COMMITTEES. ON ADMISSION AND DISMISSION. Consists of the whole Board, and meets every Tuesday afternoon at the " Home." on education. Miss St. Clair, Mrs. Shepherd, Mrs. Trewendt, Mrs. Helme, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Miller. on the infirmary. Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Shepherd, Mrs. Trewendt, Mrs. Worrell and Mrs. Leisenring. on clothing. Mrs. Emerick, Mrs. Merrick, Mrs. Wiegand, Mrs. Worrell, Mrs. Raymond and Mrs. Yarrow. house committee. Mrs. Hammett and Mrs. Murphey. Mrs. Hutter, as President, is ex-offlcio a member of all committees. physicians. H. Y. Evans, M. D., N. E. corner 17th and Green streets. Thos. G. Morton, M. D., No. 35 N. 12th Btreet. AV. M. Welch, M. D., 1230 Spring Garden street. Ruel Stewart, M. D., 736 N. 19th street. Dentist.—W. Gorges, M. D., No. 1107 Arch street. Superintendent.—Mr. Levi Hopkins. Matron.—Mrs. L. Hopkins. Matron of Orphans' Home.—Mrs. Matthews. Teachers.—Miss Anna McDonnell and tho Misses Walk. TWELFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES. To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representa- tives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania : the Select and Common Councils' of the City of Philadel- phia : and the Contributors to "The Northern Home for Friendless Children:" It is a pleasant duty to submit a satisfactory report. And such a report the Trustees of The Northern Home for Friend- less Children are conscious that a benign Providence enables them to present to their fellow citizens of Pennsylvania, at the conclusion of the twelfth year of its corporate existence. Of course, wc do not mean the brief manuscript now being read; but the accompanying documents,—the reports of the Board of Mana- gers and Treasurer, and the accounts of collections made by the individual exertions of the ladies. It is satisfactory to the Trustees to review the successes that have rewarded their exertions, and the exertions of their co-operative Board, on behalf of the friend- less and destitute children of the Commonwealth since their last Anniversary was held :—to re-peruse the record of helpless little human beings, born in different portions of our great State, and living—perhaps in comfort—perhaps in misery for several years, until some great catastrophe breaks up the parental home, and they are committed by the President Judge of some one of our County Courts, or by any of the Judges of the Supreme Court or of the Courts of Philadelphia, to The Northern Home for Friendless Children. There they are cleansed and clothed, cared for and educated until they can be confided to the charge of some suitable person, to learn a trade or other useful pursuit. Some of those thus bound in the earlier years of the Home's 6 history, have completed with honor and success the term of their apprenticeship, and are now quite able to provide for themselves. One of our proteges, honorably discharged from the U. S. ser- vice, after 4 years' faithful duty in the army, and wounded in the neck, is visiting the Home to-day. It will be no less satis- factory to our patrons, we are sure, to learn of the prosperity that has attended the efforts that their bounty has enabled us to make. 390 children have been received into The Northern Home for Friendless Children during the fiscal year that ends May 1st. It is, by far, the largest number ever placed under our care during the same period of time. The Manager's Report recounts the disposition that has been made of them. During the past year, Mr. George ~\V. Fobes, one of our oldest and most respected Trustees, has been removed by death. Legacies have been received and are gratefully acknowledged, as follows, viz.: Estate Hannah Park, $300 ; Estate R. Piere- pont, $900 ; Estate Anna Brown, §475 ; Estate Rachel Parker, $831.36 ; Estate Margaret Sager, $50. The Trustees desire to express their especial indebtedness to Judges Stroud and Ludlow, for the time and trouble taken by those gentlemen in investigating cases requiring judicial action. In the multiplicity of duties imposed upon the Bench, such ser- vices necessarily subject the Judges—at times—to no little incon- venience : but their judgment has always been cheerfully and promptly given, when solicited, and the administration of the Home has thus been materially facilitated. The Trustees also wish to mention, with commendation, the quiet, efficient and entirely satisfactory efforts of Mr. Benjamin Reeder, of the Police Department, in the responsible and trying position to which he has been, most judiciously, assigned by the Mayor of the city, for the purpose of ridding our streets of youthful mendicants. The editorial fraternity and reporters for the daily newspapers, are also entitled to our thanks for numerous complimentary notices of The Northern Home for Friendless Children, and for the interest they manifest in its success. It is a noticeable fact, that this institution has been very rarely summoned to answer writs of habeas corpus for the sur- 0 t render of children under its custody and control. It is equally agreeable to know that no one of all the children that have ever been thus brought before a judicial tribunal, has been adversely removed from the Home. A single case only was heard, argued and decided during the last year. A widowed mother released her three children to The Northern Home for Friendless Children; two of whom were, in due course of time, bound out to suita- ble places by the appropriate Committees. An aunt of the children, who disapproved of her sister's course in placing them at this Home, conceived it to be her prerogative to demand that the children be given up to herself. Both sisters had been reared as Roman Catholics ; both were living at service as household servants ; and neither had any facilities for taking care of the children. The mother, conscious of this fact, did not concur in her sister's peremptory requirement. It was respect- fully declined by the Home, and a writ of habeas corpus Avas sued out by the aunt. The relator's cause occupied the atten- tion of the Court for several days, and was finally disposed of by the Hon. James R. Ludlow in an opinion which we herewith record. It is as follows:— Per Ludlow, J.—The aunt of this child, the relator in this writ, has no legal claim to its custody. Upon the death of his father, the charge of caring for the lad devolved naturally upon his mother ; and although not technically the legal guardian of her son, yet if the aunt charged her with neglecting his best interests, she should have gone into the Orphans' Court, proved these facts, and applied to be appointed guardian in the mother's place. She did not do so; and while it is in evidence before me that the aunt exercised a very kindly feeling towards her sister and her sister's children, her oversight of them was by no means constant. Accordingly, we find that in October last, the mother of these children brought them in a filthy and ragged condition, and applied to release them to The Northern Home for Friend- less Children. Now, with respect to this Northern Home for Friendless Children, I desire to say, for I can say so from my official knowledge of the institution, that it has always been conducted in a most liberal spirit. The Trustees and Managers of this Home have always manifested a truly catholic (using the word in its enlarged sense) and commendable spirit in its adminis- tration ; evincing an anxiety and care not only for the best inter- ests of the children confided to their keeping, but for the religious 8 preferences and wishes of the parents of the children, so far as was consistent with their duty and the proper working of the institution, that is extremely creditable to them. It was their duty to receive children brought to them in the condition these children were proved to have been in. Again, after they had been so received and the aunt applied for them, she was informed by the Secretary, that as she was living at service and had no home to take the children to, they could not be given back to her, but that they would be indentured to any respectable and proper person, Roman Catholic or Protestant, whom she and the mother might designate. This offer was again made to her counsel, renewed to the counsel who now represents her, except- ing as to those children that have been already bound out. Under all the circumstances, we are satisfied that the institution and its officers have done all that can be reasonably asked. The mother of the child, who is now in Court, makes no objection, but seems to be entirely satisfied with the disposition made of her children. John McDermott is accordingly remanded to The Northern Home for Friendless Children. We are equally clear that this aunt has no right to ask the Court to compel the Managers to disclose where the other children have been inden- tured ; and it would serve no good purpose to disturb them in their new home. This portion of the relator's application is also refused. Richard Ludlow, Esq., argued ably for the relator; M. J. Mitcheson, Esq., for The Northern Home. The great event of the year, however, and the only other incident on which the Trustees care to dwell in their Report, was one of which the citizens of Pennsylvania have just reason to be proud. It was the completion, by The Northern Home for Friendless Children, of a separate and commodious building for the exclusive use of the orphans of our U. S. soldiers and sailors who have fallen in suppressing the rebellion. Ever since hostil- ities began, the friendless children of soldiers at or going to "the front," have been received and cared for at the Home ; affording to their fathers the right of withdrawal upon returning from the seat of war. As the weary years of this horrid strife dragged on, bringing death and desolation to many happy homesteads, with orphanage and destitution to at least five thousand (5,000) children of Pennsylvanians, the need of additional buildings for their accom- modation stimulated the humane and patriotic heart of the Presi- dent of the Board of Managers to make extraordinary exertions 9 for increasing the Home's ability to meet in part, at least, that want: and gratefully do the Trustees accord to that honored lady their willing tribute of acknowledgment for the splendid and truly wonderful success that has attended her efforts in this sacred cause ; efforts that, the Trustees know, were very laborious, and to her sensitive disposition exquisitely trying. The end was accomplished. Two dwellings, directly opposite The Northern Home for Friendless Children, were purchased and fitted up as an infirmary for the institution, so that no danger of the spread of contagion to children in good health, by those sick with epidemic diseases, under a different roof, need now be feared ; while, at the same time, the infirmary is so conveniently near to the main buildings as to be as easily acces- sible for officers and children as could be desired. And the Home for the orphans of Pennsylvania's soldiers and sailors, the first Home in the country, we believe, that has been reared for the orphans of those who have died in the nation's service and defence, stands side by side with its maternal institution, The Northern Home for Friendless Children, to which it still belongs. On the 16th day of March last, it was formally dedicated with appropriate ceremonies to its befitting use. Pennsylvania thus occupies the foremost place amongst her sister States, in caring for the friendless orphans that the rebellion has made fatherless ; while the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company has no equal yet among the many wealthy corporations of the country, for its munificent contribution towards their relief:—and our Pennsylvania Governor was the first executive officer of any Commonwealth in the Union, to recognise the duty of afford- ing protection to the innocent victims of our internecine war; to devise and put into operation a plan for their education and support.* It may also be stated, as a matter of historic interest at this time, that our murdered President felt and expressed * Thomas H. Burrowes, Esq., of Lancaster, Pa., is the State Superintendent for the department of U S Soldiers'and Sailors'Orphans. Mac Gregor J. Mitcheson, Esq., is Chairman of the Phila- delph'ia'Committee of Superintendence. A list of this Committee is herewith published. City applications on behalf of orphans should be made to the Committee representing the Ward in which the orphans live. Applications, elsewhere, throughout the State, should be made to the School Directors of the County. 10 a lively sympathy for our work on behalf of the nation's desti- tute orphans. This Home already contains eighty-eight (88) of the orphans of those who have died—let it be ever borne in mind—in defence of their country:—perchance whilst bearing "the colors" fonvard at Antietam, Gettysburg, the Wilderness, or some other gory battle field :—perchance from starvation at Andersonville, Libby, or the Belle Isle prisons; and possibly, mercilessly shot down during a delirium produced by hunger and exposure, whilst tempted to crawl—to gain a mouldy crust of bread—beyond uthe death-line," in some other stockaded prison-pen ! Thank God! the rebellion is now, at last, practically dead: and no more happy children will be rendered destitute orphans by sedition in our land ! Exalted philanthropy, no less than far-sighted public policy, will see to it that those who have been made so, and all other friendless children in the State, that have been or shall hereafter be duly committed, by voluntary surrender or solemn judicial action, to The Northern Home for Friendless Children—a long recognized State Institution—that formally and statedly reports its proceedings and accounts to the authorities of the State and of the City;—is officially visited, and always with commenda- tion, by the Legislature and Judges;—that has never refused to admit a child begging for admission at its doors ; and that has no superior anywhere, we trust, for prudent, economical administration,—shall be amply provided for by the citizens of this Commonwealth. Commending it anew to your favorable regard, and inviting your attention to the accompanying Reports :—while we greatly need, and earnestly crave, your liberal support; and a devise or bequest from everyone making a will or codicil, towards endowing the institution in the future: the Trustees of The Northern Home for Friendless Children respectfully submit their Twelfth Annual Report. THOMAS KARP, MAC GREGOR J. MITCHKSON. President. Secretary. Philadelphia, May 9, 1865. TWELFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MANAGERS. We present to our many kind patrons, and to a generous public, the Twelfth Annual Report of The Northern Home for Friendless Children, under circumstances that summon us to special ascriptions of gratitude and praise to Him, who is the "Father of Lights," and from whom cometh every good and perfect gift. Through the indomitable perseverance, and the self-sacrificing efforts, of our Army and Navy, the wicked rebel- lion, that at one time threatened to overwhelm our country and its institutions, has been itself overthrown, and peace, the bounteous patroness of all that is beautiful and lovely, again stretches her halcyon wings over our land. Whilst our every heart is smitten, and our every head is bowed, because of the unspeakable calamity that has come upon our nation, in the sudden removal, by on assassin's hand, of our revered Chief Magistrate, stricken down in the very zenith of his fame and usefulness, we, nevertheless, " do not sorrow as those that have no hope." We discover that to the dark and surcharged cloud there is a silver lining. We give God praise and glory, that He raised up a man, so noble, good and true, to benefit and bless our nation. We award to Him the meed of thanks, that He preserved his valuable life to us so long, and that he was thus enabled to consummate the good work he so auspiciously begun, of saving our country from dismemberment and ruin. Whilst Moses, from the heights of Pisgah, was simply permitted to cast a longing look into the Land of Promise, to our National Deliverer there was vouchsafed the privilege of treading with his own feet the soil he had redeemed from pollution and dishonor, and seeing 12 the consecrated emblem of our country, the glorious " Stars and Stripes," wave in triumph from the highest battlements of the rebel capital. In the midst of the deep gloom that environs us, we waft heavenward the orisons of grateful praise. The Northern Home for Friendless Children, it would really seem, was based on the spirit of prophecy. When the movement for its establishment was inaugurated, the country was in a con- dition of profound tranquility and peace. Only such cases of juvenile neglect and wretchedness as arise in the ordinary and every-day experiences of life, claimed our efforts, and challenged its founders to embark in such an enterprise. And yet even then, as its past history has so fully attested, such an institution was a desideratum, the extent and the importance of which could not be over-estimated. And if for it there existed an imperious necessity then, how inconceivably more has it been required since, when new urgencies and new claims on the sympathy of the benevolent arose by reason of the rebellion. Little did the founders of this institution dream, when they walked amidst the display of fruits and flowers gathered thirteen years ago, into Chinese Museum, that ever a season would arrive when the land would be torn by internecine war, and drenched in fraternal blood, and when the wail of thousands and tens of thousands of widowed mothers and fatherless children, would rise in an unbroken volume to burthen the very sky. But if they did not see it, God saw it all. Nothing, past, present or to come, is hidden from His universal inquisition. He knoweth the end from the beginning, and He prompted the organization of an institution long in advance, to meliorate much of the suffering and distress which this cruel and desolating war has wrought. Oh, what a feeling of thankfulness ought we not all to cherish, that we have been enabled to take under our hospitable roof, and shelter, maintain and educate so many of the children of those who, at the call of their Government, abandoned their peaceful homes and their happy firesides, to do battle in the cause of our imperiled country! Here, whilst the fathers have been in distant camps, and on tented fields, subjecting themselves to every con- ceivable sacrifice, their loved offspring have found a pleasant asylum and retreat, where not a wish has been left unfulfilled, 13 not a want unsupplied. How greatly has not this consciousness reconciled our brave soldiers and sailors to their lot! How it has inspired them with fortitude and nerved them with courage in the hour of battle ! How it has solaced them in the hour of disaster, and imparted a sacred zest to the flush of victory! We point with a glow of honest satisfaction to what God has enabled our institution to do in behalf of the children of our country's heroic defenders. Whilst the fathers were yet alive, and absent in the army, if the mothers wTere not able themselves to care for their offspring, we have taken them in charge, and have kept and are keeping them, free of charge, to abide the return of the fathers from the war. In ordinary cases we bind out the children entrusted to us. These soldiers' children, how- ever, we have received on different terms. These we have con- stituted exceptional cases, and held them, simply subject to the wish of the parents. And oh, how much has not God enabled us to do in behalf of those whose fathers have either been slain in battle, or died of disease and wounds—those whom the casual- ties of war have made orphans. Alas ! with such the land is filled. Every city, county, State, town and borough contains them. For such we have provided a special home—an asylum, fitted up exclusively for their benefit. The new and beautiful infirmary, recently erected on the rear of our lot, so clean, well ventilated, in a locality so pleasant and salubrious, and so well supplied with all modern improvements, this we have taken as a home for the orphan children of our brave soldiers and sailors. And to meet the exigencies of the occasion, we have purchased two houses, located on Brown street, nearly opposite the Home, which we have fitted up as an infirmary, and find admirably adapted to the purpose. Notwithstanding the heavy draft upon our resources, by reason of the exhorbitant price of provisions, we are gratified to state, that our financial condition compares favorably with that of any preceding year. The liberality of the public has kept pace with the demands on our treasury, and we have been thus spared the necessity of curtailing our field of usefulness. On the con- trary, we have been enabled greatly to widen and enlarge it. We trust, nevertheless, that there will be no diminution, either 14 of zeal or liberality, on the part of our patrons ; for the reason, that the greater the flow of means into our treasury, the wider will be our theatre of action and substantial charity. We trust that none, in anywise connected with the Home, either as fellow- laborers or contributors, will slacken their efforts, or grow weary of well-doing, but rather redouble their labors and augment their liberality. The appropriation from the State, we are pleased to state, is continued to us. As The Northern Home for Friendless Children, by the terms of its charter, is not a local, but a State Institution, receiving into it children from all parts of our extended Com- monwealth, this appropriation is eminently right and just. Whilst good reasons may be urged against granting appropriations from our State Treasury to benevolent institutions, that are purely local in their character, whose operations do not extend beyond the town or county, in which they are located, for the reason stated, no such argument is applicable to the Northern Home. The City appropriation is, however, not the less proper, for the reason that by virtue of its locality, our institution proves to it an inappreciable benefit. So obvious, indeed, have these facts become, that all hostility to these appropriations has ceased, and they are granted, as they ought to be, as a matter of course. The services of Mr. Hopkins, as Superintendent, and of Mrs. Hopkins, as Matron, are continued to us, and with each advancing year the Managers are gathering accumulated proof of their efficiency and adaptedness to the responsible work in which they are engaged. The destruction of the beautiful town of Chambersburg, during the invasion by the rebels, under the command of the infamous traitors, Gilmore and McCausland, brought to us the two sisters, the Misses Walk, who, having lost their all by that atrocious act, sought a home and a refuge in our city. They have ever since been serving us as teachers, and the marked proficiency of the children in their educational and moral training, is the very best proof of the capability and fidelity of these two sisters. The services of Miss McDonnell are, likewise, retained, and every day augments the proof of her efficiency as a teacher. In the department of the soldiers' orphans, and soldiers' children, the 15 Home has been fortunate in securing the services, as Matron, of Mrs. Emma Mathews, formerly of Reading, (Pa.,) who in this laborious and responsible department is affording the highest satisfaction. The kind and unremitting attention of our physicians, Drs. H. Y. Evans, Thos. G. Morton, W. M. Welch, and Ruel Stewart; and also that of our Dentist, Dr. W. Gorges, call for our grate- ful acknowledgments. We owe a deep debt of gratitude, also, to a number of clergymen and others who have, on the Sabbath statedly, held religious worship in the Home. During the current year there have been admitted into the Home 390 children, viz. : Boys, 241 ; Girls, 149. Of these 216 were assigned by parents or friends ; 32 committed by Judges, and 51 returned for various reasons by masters. During the same period the number of dismissions was 259. Of these 118 were provided with places ; 119 restored to their parents; 3 escaped ; 3 sent to House of Refuge ; 1 abducted by mother; 1 sent to Alms House; 2 to Episcopal Hospital; 12 died. Total admissions, 390 ; dismissions, 259 ; average number of children in the institution, 195; orphans of soldiers and sailors, 88. All of which is respectfully submitted. Mrs. E. W. HUTTER, Mrs. R. T. Shepherd, President. Secretary. DEDICATION OF THE ^mnt for ^rpl^u felbreit of SolMers ano failors. Mention is made in the preceding pages of the fact, that a Home for the Orphans of our brave Soldiers and Sailors, who have either fallen in battle, or have died of disease and wounds, has been connected with the Northern Home. In what manner, and from what sources, the funds requisite for this object have been raised, the financial exhibit, that constitutes part of this report, will shew. This is the^rs^ regularly organized institu- tion of the kind that has been reared in the United States. On the 16th of March, 1865, the handsome and commodious edifice in the rear of the Northern Home was formally dedicated in the presence of a large concourse of spectators. Hon. James Pollock, Ex-Governor of Pennsylvania, presided. Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Taylor; eloquent and appropriate speeches were made by Mac Gregor J. Mitcheson, Esq., Rev. William Suddards, D. D., Rev. Thomas Brainerd, D. D., and the Rev. Bishop Simpson. Rev. E. W. Hutter formally set apart the building to the consecrated uses to which it is hereafter to be applied, by pronouncing the following PRAYER OF DEDICATION.* Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, the Sovereign Arbiter of the destinies of Men and Nations ! Thine is the only throne on Earth or in Heaven before which the free Republic of the United States of America bows herself. If we know our own hearts, it is our delight to do Thee homage, as our Monarch and our Judge. Thou holdest the hearts of all men, even the heart of the King, in Thy hand, and Thou dost guide them as Thou dost the rivers of water, whithersoever Thou wilt. We render unto Thee praise, that Thou hast * A copy of the foregoing Prayer of Dedication was furnished, and appears in this form, in compliance with the request of many present at the solemnities. 18 inclined the hearts of the benevolent and kind to rear this Asylum for the dependent children of the soldiers and sailors, who, on the altar of their country, have offered up their lives. Merciful God, we feel that a dark stigma upon the Nation which their valor has preserved, it would be, if a single one of the offspring of these martyred heroes were permitted to grow up in ignorance and neglect, or roam through the streets begging bread. For the pleasing prospect that no such deed of ingratitude shall be suffered to sully the escutcheon of the Republic, we give Thee unfeigned thanks. We praise Thee, that in the midst of wrath, Thou hast remembered mercy. AVe praise Thee, that though by reason of an unpro- voked and ungodly Rebellion, our land has been drenched in blood, our blessings, meanwhile, have been distinguished alike for magnitude and num- ber. We praise Thee, that though Treason and Sedition have robbed the land of its wonted peace, they have not been able to rob its loyal inhabitants of their trust in Thee. As our fathers confided in Thee, and were delivered, so do we trust in Thee for safety and deliverance. God of all Comfort ! We render unto Thee the homage of unfeigned gratitude, that, after the insult offered by traitor hands to the cherished emblem of our nationality, at Sumpter, impelled by a high sense of duty to their Country, and to Thee, such vast multitudes of men left their peaceful firesides and the endearments of home, and repaired to distant fields of strife, to confront their enemies and Thine, and of their Country's wrongs to become Thine own avengers! We give Thee thanks for the contempt of danger with which Thou didst inspire them—for the martial ardor and unquenchable patriotism which Thou didst enable them to exhibit—for the fortitude and patience, to do and to suffer, which they were enabled to display. These suffer- ings, alas, as from Thy throne on high Thou hast not been an indifferent spectator, were often wantonly inflicted, and their remembrance causes the cheek of modesty to be suffused with blushes, and the hearts of the meekest to burn Avith an anger that is not unholy, and which we believe thou dost not forbid. The spirits of the thousands, who in this fearful struggle, have laid down their lives, are before Thy righteous throne. We give Thee thanks, and cherish it as our richest consolation, that the dying moments of so many of these martyred heroes were illumined by the light of the Gospel of Thy dear Son. The memory of their heroic deeds, we beseech Thee, enable us to enshrine undecayingly in our hearts. In behoof of their widows and orphans. we implore Thy constant guardianship, Avho art husband to the widow, and father to the fatherless. Oh! be Thou their best friend, and show to them, that "earth has no sorrows that Heaven cannot heal." Father of Mercies! We praise Thy holy and excellent name, for the ministry of love, which this dreadful war has elicited. We give Thee thanks for the Sanitary and Christian Commissions, and for the many kindred organizations founded all over the land. We give Thee thanks for woman's self-sacrificing toil, and patient labor of love. We praise Thee, that bene- volence has flown, not in isolated rills, but as a mighty river. Who called it forth from the hearts of the people, but He, that caused crystal waters to gush from flinty rocks ! Our's Mas the agency; the work, 0, God, was Thine. 19 Se pleased to accept, then, our thank-utterances, and make them the expression ■of grateful hearts. Our Father, who art in Heaven ! We would be preserved from pride and Phariseeism, We would direct to Thee orisons of humility. We are not righteous, and do not claim to be. But oh! whilst we thank Thee, that our eyes rest on so many Hospitals, and Asylums, and Retreats, into which the sick and wounded have been gathered, wilt Thou be angry with us, if we thank Thee, also, that by Thy preventive grace, throughout all the coasts of our free America. Thine eye has not rested on any Andersonville, nor Salisbury, nor Libby prison, nor Belle Island, nor any such place. We thank Thee, that into such •counsels we have not come—that from such "habitations of cruelty'; Thou hast graciously preserved us and our's. This blessing, like all the rest, we ascribe, 0, God, alone to Thine unmerited favor ! And now, our gracious God, our Divine Benefactor,'we dedicate this House of Mercy to Thee ! We consecrate it to Jesus, the Friend of the Helpless! We consecrate it to the cause of suffering Humanity, in whose behalf it has been reared ! We consecrate it to our Country, for whose rescue from meditated overthrow, the fathers of the ■children, that shall be here gathered, offered up their lives ! Save, Lord, oh, save, this Orphan Home from fire, and from flood, and from the designs of evil men ! Bless, Lord, oh bless, the children, that shall be here gathered together, and those whom Thou shalt place over them! Multiply, oh, multiply, such institutions all over the land, and cause Thy reconciled face to shine upon us, as a nation, now and forever! These blessings, and every other needed blessing, we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, to whom, with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, belong present, future, and unceasing praises ! Amen ! The benediction was pronounced by the Rev. F. Klinefelter, after which three handsome American flags, the gift of Messrs. Evans & Hassall, were simultaneously raised from the Orphans' Home, the Northern Home, and the Infirmary buildings, on Brown Street. Whilst the flags were being thrown to the breeze, the children of both Homes were assembled on the intervening grounds, and sang several patriotic songs. The dining-rooms, tastefully decorated, were then thrown open, when the children partook of an extra collation provided by the Managers. The occasion was altogether replete with interest, and made memor- able by the noble service to which the " Soldiers' Orphan Home " was formally and solemnly set apart. \t Sortljern Some ficrr MxUvfoltzs jptlbreti. RESOLUTIONS Adopted at the Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, May .9, 1865, Resolved, That The Northern Home for Friendless Children has learned, with a shock of horror, of the assassination of the president of the united states, on the evening of Good Friday, April 14, 1865. Resolved, That Mr. LINCOLN had well earned and enjoyed the universal respect of all good citizens of this and other Gov- ernments; by his incorruptible and unquestioned integrity; his exalted patriotism; his self-sacrificing devotion to the duties of his high office; his merciful clemency in the exercise of his executive prerogative, and his irreproachable and exemplary private life. Resolved, That we view with equal horror the cowardly attempt to assassinate the Secretary of State, whilst lying upon his bed, a helpless sufferer from a recent accident. Resolved, That the bereaved family of our honored President have our sincere condolence in their affliction. That in respect for the memory of the dead, the buildings of the " Home" be draped, and that the Officers, Trustees and Managers wear an appropriate badge of mourning for thirty days; and that the foregoing Resolutions be duly entered in the minutes and published. THOMAS EARP, President. MAC GREGOR J. MITCHESON, Secretary, U. S. SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' ORPHANS. SUPERINTENDING COMMITTEE FOR PHILADELPHIA. 1st Ward, Wm. E. Lehman-................... 2d 3d ' James W. Fletcher,.............. 4th ' John O'Brien,....................... 5th ' ' Uselma C. Smith,.................... ..........No. 528 Walnut street. 6th ' ' Rev. E. W. Hutter,............... ..........No. 307 New Street. 7th ' 8th ' 1 John H. Atwood,................... 9th ' !oth 11th ' ' George Keck,....................... 12th ' Charles M. Wagner.............. ..........No. 341 N. Sixth street. !3th ' ' Aid. Jos. Plankinton,............ ..........N. E. cor. Franklin and Spring Garden streets. 14th ' Francis McCormick,.............. 15th ' ..........No. 1436 Poplar street. 16th ' ..........No. 528 Walnut street. 17th ' ..........No. 1536 N. Fourth street. 13th ' Geo. W. Yaughan,................. 19th 20th ' ..........No. 915 N. Twelfth street. 21st 22nd ' ..........Olney. 23rd ' 24th ' 25th ' !< 1 26th M. J. MITCHESON, Chairman, 528 Walnut street and 1109 Coates street. NOTE.—All applications for admission to these schools, when correctly filled up, the statement of facts sworn to, and the certificate of the member for the Section filled and signed, are to be sent to Mac Gregor J. Mitcheson, Esq., No. 528 Walnut Street, or, if lloman Catholics, to Bishop Wood, Logan Square, as requested in the Letter of Instructions of 22nd November, 1864. 22 JNO. W. CLAGHORN, TREASURER OP THE NORTHERN HOME FOR FRIENDLESS CHILDREN. 1864. May 1, To Balance, ........ 1865. May 1, To Cash received during the year ending this day, viz.: " State Appropriation for 1864, .... " On account of City Appropriation for 1863, " City Warrant sold, part of Appropriation of 1864, " Interest on Investments, ..... " Premium on Gold, ..... " Legacy of Hannah Parke, ..... " " of R. Pierpont, less Tax, " of Anna Brown, " .... " " of Rachel Parker, . " of Margaret Sager, ..... ' of Thomas II. Burrowes, on account of support of Orphans, ■' of Samuel Delany, in trust, ..... " for two (iiils, whose apprenticeship had expired, " Sales from the Case, ..... " " of Articles, ...... " Donations, ....... " of Mr. Carrow, . . . . . " of Reading R. R. Co., return freight on Coal, collected by managers Mrs. Hutter, for Orphans, and Infirmary " " for Home, " Murphey, " " Merrick, " " " for Orphans, Miss Claghorn, " " " for Home, Mrs. Hammett, " Miss St. Clair, " " " for Oi'phans, . Mrs. Miller, for Home, " Leisenring, " " " for Orphans, . " Fraley, for Home, " Worrell, " " Wiegand, " " " for Orphans, " Kelly, for Home, " Emerick, " " " for Orphans, " Yarrow, for Home, " Campbell, " " McNeely, " " Shepherd, " " Lewis, " " Raymond, " Miss McCalla, " $2,828 04- To Cash proceeds of a Festival held at Sansom Str 1865. May 1, To Balance, Examined and found correct, May 30th, 1865. eet Hall, 5,000 00 500 00' 250 00 1,852 34 1,223 07 300 00 900 00? 475 00 831 36 50 00 1,000 00 20 00. 50 00' 6 80 7 50 18 21 5 00 126 51 $7,952 46 886 00 548 00 51 00 510 00 15 00 443 50 451 50 107 50 160 00 168 00 120 00 50 00 149 00 136 00 128 50 5 00 119 00 92 50 20 00 112 50 105 00 72 00 64 00 42 50 34 00 10 00 12,552 96 1,193 42: $29,190 21 Si ,158 11' JOHN WIEGAND, MAC GREGOR J. MITCHESON, Auditing Committee. 23 JNO. W. CLAGHORN, TREASURER OF THE NORTHERN HOME FOR FRIENDLESS CHILDREN. 1865. May 1, By Cash paid during the year ending this day, viz.: " Purchase of Real Estate for an Infirmary, " Alterations made to the same, (two houses,) " Furniture for same, ..... " Dry Goods, ...... " II. B. Ashmead, for Printing Reports, " Ground Rent on Lot, one year paid House of Refuge, " Two Girls, paid them this sum, " Incidental Expenses, . . . . . " Support of the House, viz.: Salaries, Wages and Work, Bread and Flour, Meat, Milk, . Groceries, Soap, &c, Drv Goods, Potatoes, . Coal. . Gas, Ice and Water, Books and Stationery, Shoes and Caps. . Furniture and Repairing, Funerals, . Drugs and Medicines, Crockery, . Sundries. $2,986 69 3,408 20 1,125 50 2,190 39 232 50 260 83 50 00 150 55 17,627 44 £23,032 10 829,190 21 SUBSCRIBERS AND DONORS. Collected by Mrs. E. W. Hutter, For the Soldiers' Orphan Home. S. & W. Welsh....................................$500 00 Employees of W. Sellers & Co., per Geo. W. King and J. A. Fulton................. 348 85 Matthew W. Baldwin & Co.................. 200 00 William Sellers & Co.......................... 200 00 J. Barlow Moorhead........................... 200 00 Hare Powell...................................... 200 00 E.W.Davis....................................... 200 00 A. Pardee* Co................................... 200 00 Blakiston, Graeff&Co........................ 200 00 William Hunter, jr. & Co..................... 200 00 Lewis Audenried & Co........................ 200 00 Hammett, Yan Dusen, Lochman.......... 200 00 Cabeen & Co..................................... 200 00 S &J. M. Flannegan.......................... 200 00 John Gibson, Sons & Co...................... 200 00 McKean, Borie & Co........................... 200 00 R. H.Gratz....................................... 200 00 Davis Pearson & Co............................ 200 00 Dallett &. Sons.................................... 200 00 George Bullock.................................. 200 00 Cope Brothers.................................... 100 00 R. Clarkson....................................... 100 00 J. B. Williamson................................ 100 00 H. E. Rood........................................ 100 00 Morris, Wheeler & Co.......................... 100 00 L. Morris Wain.................................. 100 00 Ru. Rathbun..................................... 100 00 C.& II. Borie...................................... 100 00 Thomas Sparks................................... 100 00 John W. EvermanA Co....................... 1U0 00 Joseph B. Hughes.............................. 100 00 Thomas Mott..................................... 100 00 Farnham, Kirkham & Co..................... 100 00 Mrs. John Grigg................................. 100 00 W.D.Smith....................................... 100 00 Alexander Whilldin & Sons.................. 100 00 Randolph & Jenks.............................. 100 00 A. Mehaftey....................................... 100 00 Brown & Calvert................................ 100 00 John P. Crozier............... ................. 100 00 E. W.Clark & Co................................ 100 00 Mrs. Gen. D. K. Jackman.................... 100 00 Adams & Levis.................................. 100 00 Henry Seybert................................... 100 00 E. A. Souders & Co............................. 100 00 A. R. McIIenry................................. 50 00 J. B. McCreary.................................. 50 00 Anspach & Stanton............................. 50 00 John Dallett & Co.............................. 50 00 Tyler & Co......................................... 50 00 Sabine & Day.................................... 50 00 E.D.Whitney.................................... 50 00 Francis C. Lawrance........................... 50 00 E.G.James....................................... 50 00 Jonathan Watson........................... 50 00 Caleb 0. Childs.................................. 50 00 Mrs. Fry, (daughter of Mrs. Grigg)....... 50 00 Lewis. Boardman & Co........................ 50 00 John B. Heyl..................................... 50 00 Newlmll, Borie & Co........................... 50 00 W. C. Stiles, jr.................................. 25 00 SamuelJ. Reeves............................... $25 00 Willoughby II. Reed........................... 25 00 Work, McCouch & Co......................... 25 00 G. W. Richards, (sale of pictures)......... 28 61 W. E. Garrett.................................... 20 00 Cash................................................. 20 00 C. B. Mount....................................... 10 00 Cash.................................................. 10 00 F. J. Figuera...................................... 10 00 Henry C. Davis................................... 10 00 Cash.................................................. 10 00 William West.................................... 10 00 G. F. Work & Co................................ 5 00 F. A. Hoyt & Brother.......................... 5 00 McAllister & Brother.......................... 5 00 Total for Soldiers' Orphan Home.....$7,942 46 Support of the Home. Corn Exchange, fper S. L. Ward).........$100 00 Morris, Tasker & Co........................... 40 00 Matthew W. Baldwin & Co.................. 40 00 Mrs. W. T. Carter............................... 30 00 Henry Cope....................................... 25 00 Alfred Cope....................................... 25 00 A.J. Dnxel....................................... 25 00 F. A.Drexel....................................... 25 00 S. & W. Welsh.................................... 20 00 Henry Bohlen & Co............................ 20 00 Adeline Sager, to constitute Cordelia Kavanaugh a Life Member............... 20 00 Dallett & Sons.................................... 20 00 R. C. Bidgway,.................................. 20 00 John Gibson & Sods........................... 20 00 Newhall & Sons................................. 20 00 Randolph & Jenks.............................. 20 00 John Dallett & Co............................... 20 00 John A. Brown.................................. 15 00 Henry Grim....................................... 10 00 Gans, Leberman & Co......................... 10 00 A. Benson, jr..................................... 10 00 Work, McCouch & Co......................... 10 00 l)e Haven Brother.............................. 10 00 R. 11. Gratz....................................... 10 00 W. C. Stiles....................................... 10 00 John Stone & Sons.............................. 10 00 Drexel & Co....................................... 10 00 E.W.Clark...................................... 10 00 C. H. Clark....................................... 10 00 Wm. R. Thompson............................. 10 00 P. J. Aubrie, (1864 and 1865)............... 10 00 Thomas Richardson.......................... 10 00 Whitall, Tatem & Co.......................... 10 00 Walden, Koehn & Co.......................... 10 00 Joshua R. Howell.............................. 10 00 D. B. Cummins................................... 10 00 Dr. Wm. Wetherill............................. 10 00 W. II. Yerkes, (Norristown)................. 10 00 H. J. Williams.................................. 10 00 Joseph H. Dulles............................... 10 00 James E. Trexler.............................. 10 00 Henry Grove..................................... 10 00 John Honrv Radey............................. lo 00 G. F. Work & Co................................ 5 00 W. L. Schaell'er.................................. 5 qo G.F.Benson...................................... 5 QO 25 Francis R. Cope................................... $5 00 Thomas P. Cope.................................... 5 00 0. S. Janney & Co................................. 5 00 Jerry Walker...................................... 5 00 John Woodside.............................. ..... 5 00 Thompson, Clark & Young.................... 5 00 George R. Leslie................................... 5 00 J. B. Peacock...................................... 5 00 F. A. Hoyt........................................... 5 00 W. H. Yeaton....................................... 5 00 James A. Wright................................. 5 00 David Scull, jr...................................... 5 00 W. II. Ashhurst................................... 5 00 James Campbell................................... 5 00 JohnO.James..................................... 5 00 Alexander Henry, (Mayor).................... 5 00 Charles Megarge.................................. 5 00 S.H.Perkins...................................... 5 00 John A. McAllister............................... 2 50 Thomas II. McAllister......................... 2 50 Mrs. Louis Wister................................ 1 00 Total for support of N. Home,.........$866 00 Total for Soldiers' Orphan Home.....7,942 46 $8,808 46 Acknowledged last year.................. 20 00 Received since May 1st, Mrs. George Benners .................................... 5 00 Total...........*...............................88,833 46 Collected by Mrs. A. V. Murphey. November 1864 to April 1865. Mr. Henry D. Moore..............................$50 00 Mrs. J. E. Fox...................................... 20 00 Miss A. M. Boggs................................. 20 00 Mrs. H.Simons.................................... 11 00 " A. French............ ....................... 10 00 Mr. Theo. Magargee............................. 10 00 " Alex. Whildin................................ 10 00 " John Wiest................................... 10 00 Mrs. G. K. Smith................................. 5 00 " J. Band....................................... 5 00 " Potter......................................... 5 00 Miss A. Greenleaf................................ 5 00 Mrs. E. Smith...................................... 5 00 " A. B. Burton................................. 5 00 " G.Gordon..................................... 5 00 " W. Hinckle................................... 5 00 " A. Hewitt..................................... 5 00 " McCouch...................................... 5 00 " Robt. Wood................................ 5 00 " Turner......................................... 5 °0 " R. Peterson.................................. 5 00 " S. Coughlin..............•.................... 5 00 " C. Magargec................................ 5 00 " G. Bonbright................................. 5 00 " Sinn.......T.................................... 5 00 " Howard ...................................... 5 00 " J. Z. Dellaven ............................ 5 00 " J. Peters..................................... ° 00 " Wm. H. Kern.............................. \ °0 " J. Noblit...................................... 5 00 Ziegle 5 00 Davis Pearson............................... \ 00 C. P. Bowc E. Patterson 5 00 5 00 " Colket......................................... 5 00 " J.T.Henderson............................ ° u" Dr. J. Pancoast Mrs. Hay 5 00 5 00 5 00 C Kejser............................... H. Naglee..................................... \ "" T. Thompson W. Wood 5 00 5 00 D. A. Beck."!!!.............................. 5 00 Mrs. Wm. B. Thomas............................ $5 00 " J.Dougherty................................ 5 00 " J. Maxfield.................................. 5 00 " Ritter ......................................... 5 00 " D. Garrison................................. 4 00 " Wm. Matthews............................. 4 00 " J.B.Ellison............................... 4 00 " J.D.Brooks................................ 3 00 " J. M. Bickel................................. 3 00 " Wm. Kiderlin............................... 3 00 " Heckman..................................... 3 00 " Wm. R. Paul................................ 3 00 Miss Witmer...................................... 3 00 Mrs. M. N. Kemble.............................. 3 00 Mrs. R. Kirkpaiiick.............................. 2 50 " Wilson........................................ 2 50 " C. Smaltz..................................... 2 50 " S. Harvey..................................... 2 50 " J. C. Arrison................................ 2 00 " M. Arrison.................................... 2 00 " McCurdy...................................... 2 00 " J.W.Baker.................................. 2 00 " Fort............................................ 2 00 " A. Kellogg................................... 2 00 " A. P. Little................................... 2 00 " T.B.Peterson.............................. 2 00 " A. Sheek...................................... 2 00 " J. Mindil.................................... 2 00 " Parry...................................... 2 00 " J. Shephn-d.................................. 2 00 Mr. J. Chew, sen.................................. 2 00 " R. F. McClain................................. 2 00 Mrs. P A. Cunningham......................... 2 00 " H.G.Gregory.............................. 2 00 " C. C. Haffelfinger.......................... 2 00 " B.Rowland................................... 2 00 " C. P. Suesserott............................. 2 00 " E.Allen....................................... 2 00 " S. Scott........................................ 2 00 " G. B. Birnham............................. 2 00 " Garver......................................... 2 00 " S.Moore...................................... 2 00 " E. A. Kelly................................... 2 00 " T. Newkirk................................... 2 00 " Simon.......................................... 2 00 " A. G. Steine.................................. 2 00 " Rogers........................................ 2 00 Mr. J. Smith........................................ 2 00 Miss S. Monroe.................................... 2 00 Mrs. Adams......................................... 1 00 '■ Budd............................................ 1 00 " Bailey........................................... 1 °° " C. Bird........................................ 100 " Berg............................................ 1 00 " M.Cross........................................ 100 " C. Coolidge.................................... 1 00 " Dull ............................................ 1 00 " J. Hanna...................................... 100 " Harker........................................ 1 00 " M. Hehr....................................... 100 " T. G. Hood ................................... 100 " Dr. Kugler.................................... 1 00 " B. Keller...................................... 1 00 " D.Kline ..................................... 100 " Keely........................................ 100 " C. Lfwars................................... 100 '■ S. Lightcap.................................. 1 00 " McCalla ..................................... 1 00 " W. Anspach................................ 100 " Martin ........................................ 1 00 " M. NVall...................................... 1 00 " C. F. Norton.................................. 1 00 " Popple........................................ 1 00 " J. Riter........................................ 1 00 " Sellers......................................... 1 00 " J». Stuckert.................................. 1 00 " M. Thomas................................... 100 li M. Woelpper................................ 100 20 Mrs. D. Woelppcr................................. $1 00 Miss M. Woelpper............................... 1 00 Mrs. Welsh ........................................ 100 Miss M. Allen...................................... 1 00 ■: K. Ashmead................................ 100 " J.Budd........................................ 100 Mrs. E. Blais....................................... 1 0) " McCollins.................................... 1 00 " Eakins........................................ 100 " S. Diller...................................... 100 " T.Hamilton................................. 100 " L. C. Mover.................................. 1 00 " W. Mover..................................... 100 " Ninesteel...................................... 1 00 " Sallada......................................... 1 00 '• Craven......................................... 1 00 Mr. Craven......................................... 1 00 Mrs. W. Stoever................................... 1 00 " E. Stoever.................................. 100 " M.H. Stanton.............................. 100 " Trump ........................................ 1 00 " E. H. Crl.au................................ 100 Miss K. Young.................................... 1 00 Mrs. B. Chew.................................... 100 " G.F. Krotel.................................. 100 Mrs. M. Ratzel.................................... 1 00 Miss C. Hollenback.............................. 1 00 " R. Smaltz................................... 100 " M. E. Smaltz................................ 100 Mr. T. W. Smaltz................................. 1 00 '• A. Ih-in-gs.................................... 100 Mrs. Bovd........................................... 1 ( 0 Miss D. Boraeil.................................... 1 0(1 " E. D. Colladay.............................. 100 Mrs. W. B. Callicut............................... 1 00 " S. A. Dvott................................... 100 " S. X. Elwell.................................. 1 00 " Eckstein...................................... 100 " II. Miller...................................... 100 " Schrver ................................... 1 00 " A. Archambault............................ 1 00 ■' Geisse......................................... 100 " Garber....................................... 1 00 " Dr. Bryan ................................... 100 " A.N.Baker.......... ....................... 100 " Beck......................................... 1 00 Miss A. M. Boggs ................................ 1 00 Mrs. Chism.......................................... 1 00 " W. P. Oonover............................. 100 " Clark.......................................... 100 " J. Graeff...................................... 100 " A. R. Horttor................................ 100 " Dr. Hatfield................................. 1 00 " J. Russel...................................... 100 " W. Ilinekle.................................. 1 00 " R. Kirkpatrick............................. 100 " J. Kern ....................................... 100 Miss E. L. Loud................................... 1 00 Mrs. C. Hunter................................... 100 J. A. Landis........................................ 1 00 Mrs. Wm. Lippincott............................. 1 00 " Morgan........................................ 1 00 ': S. A. Neall................................... 100 " C. Oakford.................................... 100 " S. Patrick..................................... 1 00 Miss M. Y. Fox ................................... 1 00 Mr. Wm. Finley.................................. 1 00 Mrs. E. Adams .................................... 1 00 " E. D. Claflin ................................ 100 Mr. G. Evans ...................................... 1 00 Mrs. II. Hensel.................................. 1 00 Miss R. Lee......................................... 1 00 " M. L. Lee...................................... 1 00 Mrs. M. Lee.......................................... 1 00 " P. Seiger....................................... 1 00 " S. Schurch................................... 1 00 " E.Eckstein.................................. 100 " W. SUckton................................. 100 Total.........................................S548 00 Collected by Mrs. S. Y. Merrick. From Mr. Samuel Y. Merrick, for the Home for Soldiers" and Sailors' Orphans.........................................$500 00 Mrs. S. V. Merrick, do......................... 10 00 Total...........................................$510 00 For the " Home." Mrs. J. E. Cope.................................... $5 00 •' S. V. Merrick................................ 5 00 Mr. S. Y. Merrick................................. 5 00 Mr. William II. Merrick....................... 10 00 Miss Jane Thomas................................ 5 00 Mrs. B. R. McConuell............................ 2 00 " Jacob P. Jones,............................. 2 00 " J. Yaughan Merrick....................... 3 00 Mr. R. S.Thomas................................. 2 00 Miss Jane Thomas................................ 2 00 - E. H.Mei rick.............................. 2 00 " L.W.Merrick.............................. 2 00 " L.T.Merrick............................... 100 Donation............................................. 5 00 Total............................................S-31 00 Collected by Miss Claghorn. Mr. William S. Stewart.........................§50 00 Miss E. H. Bullock and Miss A. H. Lane, part proceeds of a parlor fair.............. 40 00 Cash lor a Life Membership................... 25 00 Mr. Joseph Harrison, jr........................ 20 00 John A. Lt-ws, to constitute Mrs. J. A. Lewis a Life Member......................... 20 00 Cash, to Soldier's Home........................ 10 00 Cash, through M. J. Mitcheson, Esq........ 10 00 T. L., through W. Duaue, Esq................. 10 00 Mr. A. Campbell.................................. 10 00 Mr. Morris Patterson............................ 10 00 Mrs. James Bond................................. 10 00 '• II. T. Do Silver.......... .................. 10 00 " Henry Tilgee................................ 6 00 " John B. Mvers................. ........ 5 00 Mr. Joseph B.M vers............................. 5 00 Mrs. James F. liie^kell......................... 5 00 Cash, to Soldiers' Home....................... 5 00 Mr. James Field................................... 5 00 Cash................................................... 5 00 Mrs. John Rice.................................... 5 00 " A. C. Barclay................................ 5 00 " R.Cornelius................................. 5 00 '• Isaac F. Baker............................. 5 00 " Hiebmr....................................... 5 00 " J.P.Wood................................... 5 00 Mr. John W. Claghorn.......................... 5 00 Mis. William Warnock......................... 5 00 " Adam Everly................................ 5 00 '• Saubier........................................ 5 00 " Isaac V. Smith.............................. 5 00 Mr. Edward Kirkpatrick....................... 5 00 Mr. and Mrs. Jos. F. Tobias................... 5 00 Miss Mitcheson.................................... 5 00 Mi-b. Dilworth...................................... 5 00 " A.R.Chambers.............................. 5 00 " Isaac Ford.................................... 5 00 Mr. and Miss Watson, 1864-65................. 4 00 Mrs. Henry Field, 1864-65..................... 4 00 '■ Newlin, 1S64-65............................. 4 00 " White, 1864.................................. 3 00 Mr. Randolph....................................... 3 00 Miss Claghorn...................................... 3 00 Mr*. Robinson...................................... 3 00 " Nathan Myers.............................. 3 0o " Mi hael Baker.......................... 2 50 " S. C. Cord..................................'.".'. 2 50 " W. 11. Schiveley............................ 2 5ft Miss Mary H. Myers........................"" 2 00 Mrs. Hansel......................................... o QO 27 Miss Gilbert......................................... $2 00 " Maria Baker.................................. 2 00 " Nellie D. Claghorn......................... 2 00 Mrs. William Crothers.......................... 2 00 " S.R.Jones................................... 2 00 " Denckla....................................... 2 00 " W. L. Gillespie............................. 2 00 Miss Sulger.......................................... 2 00 Dr. Beasley......................................... 2 00 Mrs. James Maull................................ 2 00 Miss Lizzie Lehman............................. 2 00 Mrs. Preston........................................ 2 00 " Gaskell.. ..................................... 2 00 " E. Showel.................................... 2 00 " Woodward.................................... 2 00 " Dutilh, 1864-65.............................. 2 00 " Moses Johnson............................. 2 00 Cash, 1864............................................ 2 00 Mrs. DeHaven..................................... 1 00 " King............................................ 1 00 " Dr. Brookfield............................... 1 00 Miss Emily Woodward......................... 1 00 Mrs. Charles Anspach........................... 1 00 Miss Rosalie Anspach.......................... 1 00 Mrs. T. L. Gillespie............................... 1 00 " Paul Jones................................... 100 Miss Williams...................................... 1 00 " Fanny Everly............................... 100 Mrs. George Henderson......................... 1 00 •• Simpson___................................. 1 00 " Alex. T.Lane................................ 100 " George Earp................................. 1 00 " Theodore Earp............................ 100 Miss Yirginia Earp............................... 1 00 Mrs. Dr. Patterson................................ 1 00 Miss Hartung...................................... 1 00 " E. Fobes..................................... 100 Mrs. George W. Fobes........................... 1 00 Mrs. Lipman........................................ 1 00 " J.P.Smith................................... 100 MissC. Hamiltou................................. 1 00 " Diller........................................... 1 00 Mrs. F. Graeff....................................... 1 00 Miss Henrietta Graeff......................... 1 00 " M. M. Graeff................................. 1 0J Mrs. W. S. Yaux.................................. 1 00 ■' Jesse Gcdley................................ 1 00 " Francis Jordan............................. 100 « Fry............................................... 100 " Dr. Williamson............................. 100 " Woelpper...................................... 1 00 " Popple......................................... 1 00 " Havwald...................................... 1 00 " .Tallies Field................................. 1 00 " Glenn.......................................... 1 00 " H. North...................................... 100 Total.........................................S458 50 Collected by Mrs. Hammett. Mr. J. Brown......................................$100 00 Mrs. E. Cattell................................... 50 00 •' C. Cattell...................................... 50 00 A friend .................................. 30 00 Mrs. B. Haywood................................ 20 00 MissS. Phipps.................................. 15 00 Mr. Matthews..................................... 1? 00 " sw;t":!^::::::!v::::::!"':!!!!!!! «SS Miss Marv Brown............................... 1° °° A. G. Cattell .............................•••..... ]° °° A. Eppelsheimer................................ *" ^" Richardson & Co.............................. ™ °" Mr.C. Santee..................................... 5 " S White...................................... o00 » T Welsh ............................... ° " C. B. Miller................................. ° UJ Mrs. S. Trotter.................................... $5 OO Mr. J. Campbell................................... 5 00 " S. Townsend................................. 5 00 Uneric & Smith................................... 5 00> Mr. T. Dallet....................................... 5 00 " M.Walker.................................... 5 00 Mrs.M. Sharpless................................. 5 OO •' S. Bloodgood................................. 5 00 " A. Winchester.............................. 5 CO Mr. A. Burton..................................... 5 00 Mrs. H. Laird...................................... 3 00 Key. P. J. Ingram................................ 2 50 Mr. C. D. Thum.................................. 2 00 Mrs. Brown......................................... 2 00 Mr. W. Tiller....................................... 2 0O Mrs. Risbrough.................................... 2 00 " C. B. Marter................................. 2 00 Mr. T.Crumley................................... 2 00 M.J. Hay ward,................................... 1 00 Mrs. Havward..................................... 1 0O Miss Hay ward..................................... 1 00 Mrs. Walkman.................................... 1 00 •' Beaver......................................... 1 00 " J.Harris...................................... 100 Mr. J. Thornley................................... 1 OO Rev. Mrs. Si.-ty.................................... 1 00 Mrs. M. Hallowell................................ 1 00 •' M. Jones...................................... 1 00 " A. Walburn................................. 1 0O Mr. A. B. Shiplv................................... 1 00 Mrs. R. Swope.".................................... 1 00 Miss R, Swope..................................... 1 0O Total......................................... S451 50 Received since May 1st. Mrs. R, Pollick.................................... 1 00 '• S. Thompson................................. 1 0O Miss C. Qualy...................................... 1 00 Mrs. C. Yemnce................................... 1 0O Total......................................... $-155 50 Collected by Bliss St. Clair. Donations for "The Infirmary."' Mr. Jay Cooke...................................$50 0O '■ E.W.Clarke.................................. 50 00 " C. Clarke...................................... 50 00 Total..........................................$150 0O Donation for "The Soldiers' Orphans' Home." Mr. E. Coppee Mitchell........................ So 0O Subscriptions to "The Northern Home." Mrs. Geo. N. Tatham............................$10 0O ■• C. Borie........................................ 5 00 " J. W. Ryers.................................. 5 00 ■' F.Brown...................................... 5 0O " Geo. H.Stuart.............................. 5 00 " John Ashhurst............................. 5 00 " C. Wetheiill................................ 5 00 Mr. Benj. Godfrey................................ 5 00 Mrs. Isaac Hazelhurst......................... 2 50 " T. A. Biddle.................................. 2 00 '• Isaac Lea..................................... 2 00 Miss Fanny Lea................................... 2 00 Mrs. J. R. Campbell............................. 2 0O " J. W. Paul................................... 2 00 " S. Stratum................................... 2 00 " K.M.Lewis................................. 2 0O " F. McCauley................................. 2 00 " Jav Cooke.................................... 2 00 " A."Monges................................... 2 0O " R. Pettit ..................................... 2 00 " Wm. C. Patterson.......................... 2 0O 28 Mrs. Ellmaker...................................... $2 00 ' M. Stuart..................................... 2 00 " Oliver Landreth............................ 2 00 " Louis C. Mddeira........................... 2 00 " Charles Emory............................. 2 OO " Henrv Tatham............................. 2 00 Miss Julia"Melon.................................. 2 00 " Ada E. Moorhead.......................... 2 00 " Emily Piatt................................ 2 00 " Hood.......................................... 2 00 " A. E.St. Clair............................... 2 00 Mrs. O. P. Conover............................... 2 00 " F. D. Way.................................... 2 00 " T. Simpson................................... 2 00 " E. T. Eisenbrey........................... 2 00 " Thompson.................................... 1 00 " J. Loud....................................... 100 Miss M. A. Boyd................................. 1 00 " S.Keith...................................... 100 Mrs. W. W. Frazier............................. 1 00 Mr. Isaac Myer.................................... 1 00 Mrs. Isaac Myer................................... 1 00 Mrs. M. G. Smith................................ 1 00 " James Barrett............................... 100 " J. C. Booth ................................. 100 Miss Carrie P.Elton............................. 1 00 Total..........................................$112 50 Collected by Mrs. Leisenring. Mr. Wm. T. Snodgiass, to constitute Mrs. Anna G. Snodgrass a Life Member $20 00 Mr. S. N. Winslow, to constitute Mrs. Sarah Winslow a Life Member........... 20 00 Mr. Wm. H. Witte, to constitute himself aLife Member................................. 20 00 Mr. A. Eugene Smith, to constitute himself a Life Member..................... 20 00 Mr. II. G. Leisenring, to constitute Anna S. Leisenring a Life Member............ 20 00 Mr. John J. Kromer, to constitute Miss Mary II. Grier a L'fe Member............ 20 00 For the Soldiers' Orphans, by Mr. Daniel II. Rockhill.................................... 50 00 Total......................................... $170 00 Collected by Mrs. E. W. Miller. Miss E.Hand....................................... $2 00 Mrs. M. Walter..................................... 100 Mr. Wm. Walter.................................. 100 Miss E. Beeman................................... 100 Mrs. L. A. Burlock............................... 1 00 Miss E Mather.................................... 4 00 Mrs. H. Stapler.................................... 1 00 " T. Beaver.................................... 5 00 " J. I). Naisby................................ 5 00 " J. H. Campbell............................ 100 Miss M. A. Mather................................ 4 00 Mrs. B. Burk....................................... 2 00 Miss C. Bulk........................................ 1 00 Mr. William Stuard.............................. 1 CO Mrs. E. Stuard.................................... 1 00 " C. A. Rodes.................................. 2 00 " C. Yard....................................... 5 00 " 0. B. Evans.................................. 5 00 " P. Barnhurst............................... 2 00 " E. Tweedale................................. 5 00 " AVm. S.Boyd................................ 5 00 " I. Knowles................................... 100 " P. II. Cassadv.............................. 2 00 " S. Miles......."................................ 100 " II AY. Ellis.................................. 2 00 Miss J. Allen...................................... 1 00 Mrs. R. Burr....................................... 1 00 Miss S. Carr........................................ 1 00 Mrs. Daniel Weckerly.......................... $2 °° " M. Stout...................................... J 00 '• M.Wilson................................... JO" " Vai.sy.-kl.-.................................... \ °° " Dr. TowiimihI............................... 5 00 " Samuel Smjth............................. 5 00 " S. li. Barcroft............................ 5 00 " L. Davis...................................... 100 " S. Steinmetz................................ 2 00 " H. Davis...................................... 2 00 " J.G.Moore.................................. 100 " Win. Hahn................................... 4 00 " L. Dickerman............................... 2 00 " L. Taws....................................... 5 00 " Dr. T.Moore................................. 5 00 " G. Nugent................................... 1 00 Rev. Mrs. P. S. Henson......................... 1 00 A. B. R. Crew...................................... 1 00 R. B Richards.................................... 1 00 R. S. R. Newbold................................ 2 00 D. M. Richards.................................... 2 00 Cash................................................... 2 00 Miss A. Vansant............................ ...... 1 00 Mrs. C. K. Inglis................................. 1 00 " A. Herkness................................. 2 00 " E.W.Miller................................ 3 00 " J. Mcllwaine.............................. 100 R.Emmett Mcllwaine.......................... 1 00 Mrs. Dr. M. Semple.............................. 1 00 " J. Wall....................................... 1 00 Mr. J. II. Khorman.............................. 2 00 Mrs. II. Khorman................................ 2 00 Mr. J. B. Khorman.............................. 1 00 Mrs. C. McKadden............................... 1 00 Mr. J. Barry........................................ 2 00 Miss R. Gibson..................................... 2 00 Mrs. J. Miller..................................... 3 00 " E. Pierie...................................... 2 00 Mr. H. A.Bowers................................. 1 00 Mrs. W. F. Mitchell.............................. 1 00 " D.Davis.................................... 100 " J. D. Keinboth............................. 3 00 " Samuel Bailey.............................. 1 00 Miss M.Bailey.................................... 1 00 Mrs. Rev. J. Edwards........................... 2 00 " Jas. Chaffee................................ 2 00 " Wm. Chaffee............................... 2 00 " Dr. C. M. Griffiths........................ 3 00 " G. Hacker.................................... 1 00 " T. Ellis........................................ 2 00 " H. Middleton................................ 2 00 Total.........?..................................$168 00 Collected by Mrs. T. F. Fraley. Mr. Geo. Taylor, to make his son Edwin a Life Member...................................$20 00 Mr. Jno. B. Hevl,to make his sonJ.E. IleylaLife Member........................... 20 00 Mr. Theodore Trewendt. Life Member..... 20 00 Mrs. W. Carry], Life Member................. 20 00 Mr. B. S. .lanney................................. 5 00 " W. A. Drown................................. 5 00 Siter, Price & Co................................... 5 00 Mrs. Jos. Fsherick................................ 5 00 ' Jno. B. Heyl................................ 5 00 " Jno. II. Mich.ner.......................... 5 00 " K.H. Gratz.................................. 3 00 " Jacob Riegel................................ 3 00 " H.G.Sterling.............................. 2 00 " M. Smith..................................... 2 00 " L. L. Gorgas................................. 2 00 " W. J. Horntman........................... o 00 " Wm. Rowland.............................. 2 00 Miss Mary Michener............................. 2 00 •' C-,0;"'1......................................' 2 00 Mr. C. Johnson................................... 2 00 29 Mr. G. W. Farr..................................... $1 00 " W. Hall........................................ 1 00 Mrs. S. H. Horseman............................. 1 00 " N. R. Potts................................... 100 " S.Mitchell................................... 100 " G. Stratton................................... 1 00 " A. Coates..................................... 1 00 " S. Bispham................................... 1 00 ■' G.N.Baker.................................. 100 " A. Heilman................................. 1 00 " C. Harkness................................. 1 00 " A. Freed...................................... 100 " L. C. Voute.................................. 100 " Uber.......................................... 1 00 Miss Fannie Michener...............,.......... 1 00 •' Mira Baker.................................. 100 " Josephiue Elliot........................... 1 00 Total..........................................Sl-t'J 00 Collected by Mrs. Worrell. Mrs. W. E. Tenbrook........................... $5 00 " Alex. Whilldin........ .................... 5 00 ,; CoDrad Meyer.............................. 5 00 " Charles Bender........................... 5 00 " E. II. Worrell ............................. 5 00 Mr. J. P. Twaddell ............................. 5 00 " G. Schiedt.................................... 5 00 Cash................................................... 6 00 Mrs. J. M. Riley................................. 3 00 " M. W. Burtis............................... 3 00 " J. Dunlap................................... 3 00 Miss Mary B.Gibson........................... 3 00 Mrs. J.Grim....................................... 2 00 " Rev. D. Goston............................. 2 00 " M. Whitaker............................... 2 00 Miss S. Whitaker................................. 2 00 Mr. F. Schober......... ........................ 2 00 '* Joseph Fareira.............................. 2 00 Mrs. A. C. Jones................................ 2 00 " Sam. Work................................. 2 00 » C.J. Ellis.................................... 2 00 Miss M. Morgan................................. 2 00 Mrs. John Fareira............................... 2 00 " R.T.White................................. 2 00 Miss IdaO. White............................... 2 00 " Maria Wells................................. 2 00 Mrs. J. Navlor.................................... 2 °° " G.R. Peddle............................... 2 00 " T.W.Yost.................................. 2 00 « E. Twaddell................................. 2 00 " T. M. Zell.................................... 2 00 " Geo. A. Binder............................. 2 00 Dr. G. H. Beaumont............................. 2 00 Mrs. L. B. Engles................................. 1 00 " C. Souder.................................... 100 " L. H. Shinn................................. } °° 1 00 L.'ll! Worman............................. 1 00 Dr. S. N. Troth............................. 1 00 B.J. Earl................................... 1 00 " S. W. Davenport........................... a "u " J. L. Connaroe............................. 10' " G. Scheldt.................................... 100 Miss R. B. Weber................................ } 00 " C. Haines.............................. J. Pillings............................ W. Allison............................ R. Town............................... E. Hutchinson....................... J. H. Williams...................... J. A. Murphy....................... A. Collins.............................- F. A. Server.......................... L. L. White.......................... J. P. Twaddell...................... N. S. Lawrence..................... Miss Ellen Burtis.. Mrs. Mrs. Mis Mrs 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Mrs. AY. C. Yinyard.............................. $1 00 " Beckenbach................................. 1 00 " J. A". West................................... 100 " C. Thorp...................................... 100 Miss Julia Thorp................................. 1 00 •' Susanna Thorp............................. 1 00 " S. Miller.................................... 1 00 Mrs. S. Bilmeyer................................. 1 00 " AY. M. Thomas............................. 1 00 " J. Carter.................................... 1 00 " J. Altemus ................................ 100 " J. P. AYhite................................. 100 " E.H.Thomas.............................. 100 " Williams..................................... 1 00 " R. W. Cox................................... 1 00 li II. Spelbrink............................... 1 00 '• E. M. Biles.................................. 1 00 Miss M. Boys....................................... 1 0O Total.........................................$136 00 Collected by Mrs. John Wiegand. Albert H. Franciscus..........................$25 00 Miss A. Cooper..................................... 10 00 Mrs. George AV. Fahnestock.................. 5 00 Mr. T. AV. Baker.................................. 5 00 " E. Buzby...................................... 5 0O " John Wiegand.............................. 5 00 " Craig D. Ritche.............................. 5 00 Mrs. C.Greene..................................... 5 00 " John AViegand............................. 5 00 Mr. A. C. Eckfeldt............................... 4 00 Mrs. John Constable............................. 2 50 " John Trucks................................ 2 00 " M. Wetherill................................ 2 OO " J. R. Eckfeldt.............................. 2 00 " T.Paulding.................................. 2 00 " E. Witmer................................... 2 00 " W. E. DuBois ............................ 2 00 " E. Scott........................................ 2 00 Mr. T. S. AViegand............................... 2 00 " S. L. AViegand................................ 2 00 " John AViegand, jr........................... 2 00 " John B. Strvker............................. 2 00 " AVm. E. Tuber................................ 2 00 Miss Montmollin.................................. 2 00 •' M. W. AViegand............................ 2 00 Mrs. AVm. Musser................................. 2 00 " J.C.Reeves................................. 2 00 " C.Phelps..................................... 2 00 Miss A. S. Eckfeldt............................... 2 00 Mrs. AVm. Gaul ................................. 2 00 Mr. Alex. Priestly.............................. 2 00 Mrs. C. D. Ritchie................................ 2 00 " R. Pearsall................................... 100 " J.A.Lewis.................................. 100 " C. Eckfeldt.................................... 1 00 " John Beuhler ............................... 1 00 " Fred. Gaul................................... 100 " Allen.......................................... 100 " J. S. Keen................................... 1 00 " Dorsey......................................... 1 00 " Dr. AVm. Curran............................ 100 " C. A. Lewis................................. 100 $128 50 For Orphans' Home, A. C. Eckfeldt........ 5 00 Received since, Dr. Beaumont................ 1 00 Total.........................................S134 50 Collected by Mrs. M. N. Kelly. Air. W. H. Tevis...................................$10 00 " G. L. Harrison............................... 5 00 " J. Heatly Dulles, jr........................ 5 00 " T. B. Wattson................................ 5 00 30 Mr. E. Coppie Mitchell.......................... $5 00 " Caldcleugh.................................... 5 00 Mrs. 8. B. Linnard................................ 5 00 " James D. Whetham...................... 5 00 Miss Stevens........................................ 5 00 Mrs. T.B. AVattson................................ 4 00 " John Farr.................................... 4 00 Mr. William Dulles............................... 3 00 Mrs. Brueil.......................................... 2 50 Miss Page............................................ 2 50 " M. M. Patterson.......................... 2 00 Mrs. L. A. Godey................................. 2 00 Miss McDonald..................................... 2 00 Mrs. H. Ralston................................... 2 00 " J.C.Miller................................... 2 00 " Charles Taylor............................. 2 00 Mr. L. H. Redner.................................. 2 00 Mrs. C. S. Esher................................... 2 00 " Thomas Kelly.............................. 2 00 " Com. Inman................................. 2 00 " Dr. Perry, for 1864-65................... 2 00 Cash.................................................... 2 00 Air. M. Leib Harrison............................ 1 00 Mrs. Freed........................................ 1 00 " Dr. Dillard................................. 100 " E.Cooke...................................... 100 Mr. B. P. Hunt..................................... 1 00 " Charles C. Harrison......................... 100 " Thomas S. Harrison........................ 1 00 Mrs. J. F. Frazer.................................. 1 00 " Ervein......................................... 1 00 " Quoin.......................................... 1 00 " Thomas Kirtley..!......................... 100 " Fotterall...................................... 1 00 ' E.E.Clark.............................. ... 100 " Yotsel.......................................... 1 00 " George Simons............................. 1 00 " Craig........................................... 1 00 " E. Y. Farquahar........................... 100 " Geo. Buzby.................................. 1 00 " T. Leib........................................ 100 Miss Leib............................................ 1 00 Mrs. E.C.Dale..................................... 1 00 " M. N. Kelly................................. 1 00 " Halsted......................................... 1 00 Miss Halsted........................................ 1 00 Mrs. C.Hall........................................ 1 00 " Dr. H.L.Hodge........................... 2 00 " Edward Olmstead.......................... 100 Miss Clapier......................................... 1 00 $119 00 Received since May 1st, Mr. Jonathan Patterson........................ 5 00 Mrs. T. S. Richards.............................. 1 00 Total..........................................$125 00 Collected by Mrs. A. Emerick. Mr. E. H. Worne.................................$50 00 Mrs. A. Emerick.................................. 10 00 " M. Cresswell............................... 2 00 " E.Yates....................................... 2 00 " J. Thomas................................... 2 00 Miss W. E. Thomas............................. 5 00 " H.Warner................................... 2 50 " C. Warner................................... 2 50 " Kate W. Thorn............................. 100 " Kate W. Snare............................ 100 " KateT. Rynard............................ 100 " W. E. Yerger................................ 100 " E.R.Harris................................. 100 Mrs. T. Gillespie.................................. 1 50 " C. Thorn..................................... 100 " H. Warner.................................. 1 00 " Kate Kelly................................... 100 Mrs. .T.J. Kates................................... $} °° " Samuel E.Hood........................... 100 " H. W. Rynard.............................. 1 °° Mr. Jacob Thomas................................ 2 00 " W. W. Emerick............................. 2 00 Total.......................................... $'J2 50 Donations for Soldiers' Orphans. Air. William AVamer............................$10 00 Mrs. J. C. Gartley................................ 10 00 Total...........................................$20 00 Collected by Mrs. Yarrow. W. M. Smith, Esq.................................$50 00 Airs. W. Wilson................................... 5 00 II. C. Yarrow, M. D.............................. 5 00 Mrs. G. Riter....................................... 5 00 Jas. Crissy, Esq................................... 5 00 Airs. C. Yarrow.................................... 5 00 AI. AV. Woodward, Esq......................... 5 00 AI. Moore, Esq..................................... 5 00 Airs. A. Dryburgh................................ 5 00 AV. K. Bray, Esq................................... 5 00 Mrs. E. G. Peabody............................... 3 00 " AI. Handy................................... 3 00 Aliss Justice......................................... 2 50 Airs. E. Orne........................................ 2 00 Edward Yarrow.................................. 2 00 Miss Peabody...................................... 1 00 Geo. R. Yarrow.................................... 1 00 Jas. C. Peabody................................... 1 00 Aliss M. L. Peabody.............................. 1 00 G. E. Peabody...................................... 1 00 Total..........................................$112 50 Collected by Mrs. A. H. Campbell. Air. George Dodd..................................$20 00 Mrs. B.D.Stewart................................ 10 00 " Gumbes, $5 for Infirmary, $5 for Home............................................... 10 00 Mrs. J. Purdv...................................... 5 00 '• W. R. Stewart............................. 5 00 " H. Lentz...................................... 5 00 " Dr. Rihl....................................... 5 00 " H. C. Hickok................................. 5 00 " J. P. Wetherill............................. 5 00 Aliss E. P. Wetherill............................. 5 00 Dr. W. Stiles........................................ 5 00 Airs. Hamilton...................................... 3 00 Mr. J. M. Truman, jr............................. 2 50 Aliss R Wetherill................................. 2 50 Mrs. Haehnlen..................................... 2 00 " Copper......................................... 2 00 " C.R.Taylor.................................. 2 00 " T. Haig........................................ 1 00 " Sickles......................................... 1 00 " Willitts....................................... 1 00 " Elliott......................................... 1 00 " Shillingforth................................ 1 00 " J. Yerkes..................................... 1 00 " Stodard....................................... 1 00 " T.Cain......................................... 100 Miss Briggs......................................... 1 00 " Wood.......................................... 1 00 " Hart............................................ 1 00 Total............................................$105 00 Collected by Mrs. A. W. McNceh/. Mrs. A. W. McNeely.............................$i0 00 " J-H.Siner................................... 5 qq " Hogg........................................... 5 0Q 31 Wm>;AV.Fo,„he................................... $5 00 Airs. Filler........................................... 2 00 ' Savis........................................... 1 00 Ernst.......................................... i oo .. Mroffly......................................... i oo „ "j,Ili,c''....................................... 1 oo Ihos. Allen.................... i oo " g. av. Aiien............................;;;;;; i0o • C.W.AIcNeely............................. x 00 Ostheimer................................... 100 " Downs............................!.........!!! 1 00 Miss Jane Allen ................................. 1 00 "- Jennie Allen..........................".,". i oo J. K. Wallace...................................... i oo Geo. AV. Allen.................................!!!!. 1 00 Total............................................$50 00 For The Soldiers' Orphans' Home. Airs. Henry Harrison, to make Air. Har- rison a Life .Member..........................#20 00 Mrs. Harrison...................................... 1 00 " Dilluian....................................... 1 00 Total............................................S22 00 Collected by Mrs. Shepherd. Mrs. R. Shepherd................................ $,-, 00 " AVm. F. Leech.............................. 5 00 " George Howell............................ 5 00 " Edward Alaull.............................. 3 00 " Charles Koons............................. 2 00 " B. F. Huddy............................... 1 00 " AA'in. Huddy................................ 1 00 " (ieorge R. Fagan.......................... 100 " Jefferson Brolasky....................... 1 00 " Henry Reed................................. 1 00 " John Hinkle................................ 1 00 " AV. Skerrett................................. 1 00 " Harvey Rowland......................... 2 00 " Abraham Ulrich........................... 100 " John Newman............................. 100 " Dr. Roberts................................ 1 00 Aliss Sallie Kenworthy......................... 1 00 Airs. AV. O. Ludwig............................. 5 00 " George Womrath.......................... 5 00 " Dr. David Jayne........................... 5 00 " George H. Ashton........................ 5 00 " George AV. Watson........................ 5 00 " William Overington..................... 3 00 " Hopkins...................................... 1 00 " Kershow..................................... 1 00 " Samuel Megargee......................... 100 Total............................................$64 00 Collected by Mrs. Jefferson Lewis. Airs. John Borhek................................ $5 00 " C. J. Hoffman.............................. 5 00 " S. L. Lewis................................. 3 00 " C.Horn....................................... 2 00 " S. A. Kern................................... 2 00 " M. Medary................................... 2 00 " O. Davis...................................... 2 00 " E. Butz....................................... 1 50 Miss S. Beehler................................... 2 00 " AnnW. Morris............................ 100 " E.Eckel...................................... 100 Mr. Geo. C. Bower............................... 1 00 " Samuel Mann................................ 1 00 Doctor Elliger..................................... 1 00 Mrs. Barren........................................ 1 00 " II. L. AVanamaker......................... 1 00 Airs. AI. A. Baker................................ $1 00 •' M. Bibighaus............................... l 00 " Mary Wilson............................... 1 00 " Mary Kirk.................................. i oo " Harriet Young............................. l 00 " Julia Shuster................................ i oo '• Rev. R. AV. Henry........................ i 00 " Annie Kesslor.................... i oo 11 f. ay. steel.............................:;;;;; 100 " E. AY. Keen................................. ! oo '• C. Bremer.................................... j oo Total............................................$42 50 Collected by Mrs. A. L. Raymond. Airs. Ann Hertzog................................$iq 00 •' Jas. L. Claghorn........................... 5 00 " Marshall Hill............................... 3 00 " G. AI. Troutman........................... 2 00 " Lucv Tingle?................... 0 00 " b. ay. Tingioy..........................;:;; 2oo " Theo. Bliss................................... 1 00 " L«cy Bailey............................'.'...' 1 00 " E. AV. Bailey................................ 1 00 " Edward Franklin.................... 1 00 " H. AV.Safford.............................. 1 00 " l)av:d P. Aloore............................ 1 00 " AVm. Wayne................... ............. 100 " A. L. Raymond............................ 1 00 " B. AY. Carver.............................. 1 00 " E. Carver.................................... 1 00 $34 00 Received since May 1st. Airs. B. T. Tie.lick............................... 5 00 '• S. AI. Brooks............................... 5 00 Total............................................$u 00 Collected by Miss Me ('alia. Charles Robbins, jr...............................§10 00 Collected by Mrs. Wm. J. Chaplain, Since Alay 1st. Airs. AY. C. Houston............................. $5 00 " Townsend AVhelan........................ 5 00 " Enoch Turley.............................. 5 00 " Wm. J. Chaplain......................... 3 00 " George F. Peabody......................... 3 00 " AATilliam L. Hildeburn.................... 2 00 " Alice C. Pickering......................... 2 00 " James J. Duncan.......................... 2 00 Aliss Trewendt................................... 2 00 Air. Robt. Case Clark.........................'„" 2 00 Airs. Peter Erben............................ 2 00 " Dr. Griffith................................... 1 0o " James Eustou............................... 1 00 " II. Hinchman................................ 1 q0 " C. C. Des Granges......................... 1 q0 " S. Colwell..................................... 1 00 " R. Paxon.jr..............................'."." 100 Miss Janney........................................ j qo Mr. Clarence A. Whitemau.................." 1 00 Aliss Gilbert......................................... 1 qo Mrs- c»pp.................................'.!!!!!.'!!! 1 oo " Henry Maule................................ \ 00 " Winelirenner................................ j qo Aliss Farrell........................................\ j qo TotaI............................................$46 00 32 Collected by Miss O'Neill, Since May 1st. Mrs. W. A. Blanchard...........................$10 00 Marmaduke Cope.................................. 10 00 Mr. C. Cope Morris............................... 5 00 '• S.P.Morris................................... 5 00 Airs. AV. Collins.................................... 5 00 Aliss A. JIcAllister............................. 2 00 " Lewis.......................................... 2 00 Mrs. AI. Lewis...................................... $2 00 " Dr. Grant..................................... 2 00 Miss O'Neill......................................... 2 00 Mrs. G. D. Wetherill............................ 2 00 " G.F.Lea...................................... 2 00 " G. D. Southworth.......................... 2 00 " B. A. Fahnestock......................... 2 00 " R.A.Potter................................. 2 00 Total............................................$55 00 33 DONATIONS Through Mrs. E. W. Hutter. Coal from the following named persons, for Orphans' Home. Tons. From Pardee & Co................................. 25 " Mammoth A'ein Cons'd Coal Co....... 25 " George AV. Huntzinger & Co........... 20 " George AV. Snyder, i.Poltsville)....... 25 •' Cain, Hacker & Cook.................... 10 " Bird Patterson, (Pottsville,) $50.00 worth of coal. From Walter & Brother, one car load of coal. OIL STOCKS FOR ORPHANS' HOME. From Dr. A. G. Egbert, of Perrine, Mercer County, Pa., a donation of three thousand shares of stock in the Jersey Oil Well Com- pany. Stock not yet converted into money. Dividends realized to the amount of $540.00. Donated to Mrs. E. W. Hutter. From Vance Stewart, Esq., of AVcst Greenville, Alercer County, Pa., one thousand shares of stock in the Cameron Oil Company. Stock not yet converted into money. Donated to Airs. E. AY. Hutter. For Orphans' Home. From the proprietors of the Continental Hotel, Chestnut Street, two pyramid cakes, for the Dedication Festival. From the Ladies of St. Alatthew's Lutheran Church, New Street, 150 garments, made up. From the Soldiers' Orphans' Aid Society, at Lebanon, Aliss Margaret Ely, President, 100 garments, made up. For Northern Home. From the proprietors of the Continental Hotel, Chestnut Street, two pyramid cakes, for the Thanksgiving Festival. Through Mrs. A. Y. Murphey. 1 box soap and box of starch, from Airs. A. Kellogg. 3 lbs. of liquorice, from Mr. T. A. Royal. Lot of drugs, from Koyal & Royer. Eighty pillow cases, from Airs. A. V. Murphey. Through Miss McCalla. Coal from the following persons : Tons. Cwt. Hammett, ATan Dusen & Co......... 4 14 Davis Pearson & Co..................... * ? Baum, Gross & Oo...................... ' lJ Mammoth Vein......... ................. ° ° L. Aiuienried & Co...................... * *" Tyler & Co................................. * *° Noble, Caldwell & Co.................. * 16 J. G. Fell................................. *? 1fi Cain, Hacker &, Cook.................. * Through Mrs. Wiegand. 25 aprons made. Through Miss St. Clair. 58 vds. calico, from Mrs. Simpson. 25 aprons, made for the Soldiers' Orphans. Through Mrs. Kelly. 25 aprons made. Through Mrs. McNeely. 75 garments, made by Airs. AIcNeely Through Mrs. Emerick. 6 cups, 12 saucers, 6% doz. spoons, from Airs. II. Emerick. 1 piece calico from Air. Claghorn. 37 shirts made bj Aliss Lizzie Smith. 50 frocks made by Airs Emerick. 1294 " cut out for the Home's Children, by Mrs. Emerick. 525 garments cut out for the Soldiers' Children, by Airs. Emerick. 150 garments made by " Home Cluster." Through Mrs. Yarrow. 12 lbs. candy for Christmas. 3 doz. sheets, 25 pillow cases, made. 5 pieces cloth cut into garments. Through Mrs. Merrick. 150 aprons, lot of playthings, from Alary and Helen Cope. Ornaments for the Christmas troes, scrap picture book. Through Mrs. Murphey. 1 box soap and 1 box starch, from Airs. A. Kellogg. 3 lbs. liquorice, Air. T. A. Royal. Lot drugs, from Royal & Royer. Eighty pillow cases, Airs. JIurphey. Through Mrs. Lewis. 1 zephyr shawl, made for the case. 2 pairs mittens, " " " 04 small sheets. Lot of zephyr work, for the case, from Airs. Worrell. Through Mrs. Chaplain. 1 pair tailor's shears, from Chas. Truitt. 1 « « '■ « Arthur Thatcher. 2 " barber's " " Field & Longstreth. Sugar toys for Christmas tree, Whitman & Co., Market Street. Fiuo mixtures for Christmas tree, Reynolds & Co. Sugar toys and confectionery for Christmas tree, Miller & Co., Sixth and Arch Streets. Through Mrs. Hammett. A clock, from Air. B. II. 2 pillows, from Air. Armstrong. 50 lbs. of tripe, from Air. Miller. 16 quarts of cranberries, from Air. Joseph Campbell. 30 lbs. of cracker dust, from Air. T. Watson. From a friend, $2.00 worth of crackers, $1.00 worth of bread, aud$l.00 worth of vegetables. A basket of cakes, from Airs. Phiz. 6 tongues, from Mr. C. B. Aliller. A large lot of drugs, from Air. AViltberger. $4.50 worth of " " Air. Henzy. $3.50 " " " AH". Eckert. LIFE MEMBERS, BY THE PAYMENT OF TWENTY DOLLARS AND Adler, Mrs. H. B. Adler, Dr. J. M. Altemus, Samuel T. Altemus, Joseph B. Anderson, Stephen D. Anspach, John Armbruster, Edwin H. Arnold, S. W. Ashhurst, John Ashhurst, Richard Ashmead, Henry B. Audenried, Lewis Backus, E. F. Bailey, E. W. Baird, John Baker, Isaac F. Baldwin, Mrs. Sarah C. Barkley, Rev. J. H. Barcroft, S. B. Bayard, James Beaver, Thomas Blakmore, Thomas F. Blanchard, Mrs. W. A. Boggs, Miss A. M. Blanchard, W. A. Bohlen, John Bowen, YV. E. Brainerd, Rev. Thomas, D. I). Bremer, Laura Virginia Brown, Mrs. E. S. Brown, John A. Brown, Joseph D. Brown, Miss Julia Elizabeth Brown, Mrs. Lewis Brown, Washington Buchanan, Hon. James Buehler, Martin Bullitt, John C. Bullock, Mrs. Joseph YV. Bullock, Mrs. Benjamin Bush, Dager Bush, Samuel H. Bush, Edwin H. Buzby, Edmund Baker, G. H. Barlow, Columbus Y. Barlow, Mrs. C. Y. Camblos, Miss Annette R. Cameron, Mrs. E. S. Carryl, Mrs. W. j Cooper, Miss A. Chambers, James S. Campbell, A. Campion, Miss Louisa | Chambers, Rev. John Claghorn, James L. Claghorn, J. W. Clark, C. H. Clark, E. YV. Clark, jr., E. W. Chorpening, Mrs. Mary M. Coates, W. C. Coffin, Lemuel Colket, Mrs. Collins, Master E. J. Collins, Isaac Collins, Master J. B. Colwell, Stephen Cooke, Jay Cooper, Rev. Charles D. Cope, Alfred Cope, Henry Cope, M. C! Cornelius, Robert Cornelius, Mrs. Sarah Crawford, Mrs. Stephen R. Crozier, J. P. Curtis, Mrs. Sarah Z. Conkling, Mrs. Rev. X. AY. Cowperthwait, Miss E. I Dallett, Gillies j Davis, J. M. - Dawson, Josiah Dawson, M. L. Day, Rev. H. M. Deacon, Edmund | Desilver, H. T. 35 Diver, Mrs. Mary Dreer, Mrs. A. D. Dodd, George Duffield, jr., Mrs. George Duffield, jr., Rev. George Dundas, James Dungan, Mrs. Mary Earp, Mrs. Thomas Earp, Thomas Eastwick, A. M. Edwards, Miss Amanda Amelia Edwards, Rebecca L. H. Elder, Miss Cornelia M. L. Elder, Miss Julia V. Elkinton, George M. Ely, Margaret Adeline Emerick, Augustus Euston, Miss F. Fairthorne, Frederick Farnum, John Fasset, Alfred Fell, Franklin Field, James Fisher, C. H. Fling, Caroline Fobes, Mrs. George YV. Fobes, George W. Ford, Isaac Forney, Col. John. TV. Fotterall, S. G. Fox, Henry J. Fox, Mrs. J. E. Fraley, Frederick Freedley, Dr. Samuel Freeman, TV. !"\ Fullerton, Alexander Fulton, A. C. Franciscus, A. H. Fronfield, Charles, M. I). Fronfield, Mrs. Wilhelmina Frederick, John L. Gaskill, Edwin II. Gebhart, Mrs. Martha K. Gebhart, Simon Gilbert, David, M. D. Goddard, Rev. Kingston, D. D. Graeff, Miss Anna W. Gratz, Mrs. R. H. Grier, Miss Mary H. Grigg, John Grove, Henry Gundaker, Miss E. II. Goddard, Paul, M. D. Gundaker, Miss Kate Gundaker, Miss Clementine Garretson, Jacob Hahn, Mary Hammett, Mrs. R. Hampton, Mrs. Emma Harrison, Mrs. H. Harrison, Joseph Heberton, Mrs. Dr. Heck, Master, E. H. Heintz, Mrs. Edward Heyl, J. E. Helverson, N. Henson, Mrs. Jane Hickok, Alice Mary Hickok, Edwin H. Hill, Marshall Hinman, D. B. Hoskins, Francis Houston, TV. C. Houpt, Mrs. Herman Howard, Miss Cordelia Howell, Joshua R. Hoxie, S. K. Hains, William Heyl, John B. Heyl, Mrs. Jane C. Hubeli, Mrs. Annie Hutter, Mrs. E. TV. Hutter, Rev. E. TV. Ingersoll, Hon. Joseph U Jayne, Dr. David Jeanes, Eliza B. Jeanes, Joseph Jeanes, Joshua T. Jeanes, Samuel Jeanes, Miss Mary Jessup, Mrs. Alfred Johnson, Isabella Johnson, Mrs. Moses Johnson, Robert S. Jones, Mrs. C. Jones, Mrs. Caleb Jones, Paul T. Jones, William F. Jones, Miss Margaretta Kavanaugh, Cordelia Keck, Miss Molinde Keller, Mr. William A. Keller, Mrs. William A. Kerr, Miss Margaret Kern, William H. Kiderlin, Mrs. Kiderlin, W. L. J. Killgore, John Kintzel, Master E. H. Kneass, Master N. B. Kneass, Miss Carrie Kneass, Miss Gertrude 36 Krauth, Rev. C. P., D. D. Lambert, John Lee, Thomas P. Learning, J. Fisher Leisenring, Annie S. Leisenring, Daniel Rockhill Leisenring, George W. Leisenring, E. Hutter Leisenring, H. G. Leisenring, Mrs. L. A. Leisenring, Lizzie Timms Leslie, Mrs. S. E. Levy, L. J. Lewis, Mortimer F. Lewis, Mrs. John F. Lewis, John A. Lex, Mrs. Mary Livingston, Miss Julia Livingston, Mrs. Sarah S. Longstreth, Thomas B. McClelland. Mrs. George TV. Magee, Mrs. C. Mason, Mrs. Martha Massey, R. V. Macalester, Miss E. Lytle Macalester, Charles McAllister, Mrs. J. Mecke, George Mellor, Martha Megee, George Miller, Edwin H. Miller, Emma Blanche Miller, William J. Miller, Mrs. William J. Miles, Thomas J Mintzer, Mrs. Juliana Mitchell, J. E. Mitchell, Miss S. B. Mitcheson, M. J. Moore, Mr. H. D. Moore, D. W. C. Moorhead, J. B. Moorhead, Mrs. W. G. Morris, John G., D. D. Morris, Tasker & Co. Morris, Wistar Moseley, Miss Murphey, A. Y. Murphey, Mrs. A. V. Myers, John B. Myers, Joseph B. Neff, John R. Newbold, W. H., Son & Aertson Nininger, Mrs. John Noble, Hammet & Co. Ogden, John M. Okie, J. B. O'Neil, Aliss Susan Orne, Jamas H. Osborne, J. H. Outerbridge, A. E. Packer, Hon. TV. F. Patterson Mrs. Sarah Pepper, George S. Perot, W. S. Peters, James Pierpont, Mrs. Robert Potter, R. B. Price, Thomas TV. Pearson, Davis Quicksall, T. M Reed, Mrs. Susan Reeside. Mrs. Mary Richardson, George Richardson, Charles Richardson, Richard Rimby, Mrs. Catharine Robbins, Thomas Ryan, J. W. Ryan, Bridges Sarah Safford, H. TV. Sager, Miss Adeline Sager, Miss Margaret ! Schrack, Mrs. C. | Shenk, Miss Elizabeth H. Scott, John C. Sharpless, J. J. Sharpless, Townsend Sheble, Mrs. Virginia Shepherd, R. T. Shepherd, Mrs. T. J. Shepherd, Rev. T. J. Shepherd, TV. R. Shindel, Hathaway Shindel, Jacob A. Shindel, Priscilla Shippen, Dr. William Sheridan, Oavcu Shoemaker, Joseph Sill, Mrs. Joseph Silver, J. S. Skirving, Miss Elizabeth Skirving, Miss Emma Sloan, Samuel Smith, A. Eugene Smith, Margaret Smith, Thomas Smyth, Mrs. Samuel Smyth, Samuel SDodgrass, Mrs. Anna G. 37 Snodgrass, William T. Stein, Mr. Francis L. Stein, Mrs. Francis L. Stevenson, Miss Frances TV. Stewart, Benedict D. Stewart. TV. S. Stout, Tliss Isabella Stuart, George H. Stoever, F. Stoever, Miss Margaret Ann Stockton, TV. R. Stoddard, Mrs. Joseph M. Stork, Rev. T. Strutters, William Stuckert, Mrs. Priscilla Stuckert, G. T. Stulb, Master E. H. Taylor, Edwin Taylor, George E. Taylor, Amelia Thibault, Francis Thomas, John Thompson, Mrs. Sarah L. Tilden, Howard Trexler, Miss Anna E. Trewent, Theodore Townsend, Henry C. Thorn, Mrs. Catharine Vanderveer, Mrs. M. T. Vansyckle, Mrs. Webb, William Wadsworth, Rev. Charles Wain, S. Morris Warner, sen., William Warthman, Mrs. Adam Warthman, Edgar Brelsford Watson, Rev. Benjamin Webber, Absalom Webber, Edwin H. Weckerly, Charles Krauth Wedekind, Rev. A. C. Welsh, Samuel Welsh, William West Robert Wetherill, Miss. M. B. Whelen, Townsend TYhitall. John M. | White, Elizabeth White, Mrs. Lizzie B. Whitney, A. Wiegand, John Wiegand, Mrs. Sarah E. Wilgener, Miss Emeline Wiley, Benjamin L. Wiley, William E. Wilcox, Mary Williams, Henry J. Willits, Rev. A. A. Wilson, sen., David G Wilson, Miss Anna E. Winslow, Mrs. Sarah Witte, W. H. Wilson, jr., D. G. Wolford, Albert J Worne, E. H. | Yarnall, Edward Yarrow, Mrs. Caroline Ziegler, Harry D. I Ziegler, jr., George r ACT OF INCORPORATION. Whereas, a number of the citizens of this Commonwealth have formed an association for the laudable and benevolent purpose of educating and providing for friendless and destitute children. And Whereas, the General Assembly of this Commonwealth are willing to encourage such purposes ; Therefore, Sect. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that Thomas Earp, Thomas S. Mitchell, William R. Stockton, John TV. Claghorn, Isaac Collins, John TI. Ogden, James J. Barclay, J. Fisher Learning, Thomas Robinson, William S. Perot, Isaac F. Baker, Henry Perkins, Joseph Jeans, II. TV. Safford, A. V. Murphy, Charles Keen, and their associates, be, and they are hereby incorporated and made it body politic in law, by the name, style, and title of " The Northern Home for Friendless Children;" and by that name, style, and title, shall have perpetual succession, with power to have a common seal, and the same to change at pleasure ; to make contracts relative to the institution; to sue and to be sued ; to plead and to be impleaded ; and by that name, style, and title, be capable of purchasing, holding, taking, and conveying any estate, real or personal, for the use of the said corporation; Provided, The annual income of said estate shall not exceed Ten Thousand Dollars, nor be applied to any other purposes than those for which this association is formed ; to fix the quorum of the Board of Managers, and of the Board of Trustees ; and appoint such officers as may be requisite, to establish such other by-laws, rules, and regulations, as the said corporation shall judge necessary or expedient for the due management of the concerns of the said corporation. Provided, That the same be not repugnant to the Constitution of the United States, or of this Commonwealth. Sect. 2. That every person who shall annually pay to the Treasurer of the Northern Home for Friendless Children, on or before the first day of May, the sum of one dollar, or upwards, shall be a member of the said Northern Home for Friendless Children while such person so contributes ; and every person who shall pay twenty dollars at one time shall be a member for life. Sect. 3. The affairs and concerns of the said Northern Home for Friendless Children shall be conducted by a Board of Managers, consisting of twenty-four ladies, and a Board of Trustees, consisting of sixteen gentlemen. And the members of the said corporation shall meet on the second Tuesday of May next, at such hour and place as the Board of Trustees shall designate, and elect a Board of Managers, six of whom shall be elected to serve for one year 39 six to serve for two years, six to serve for three years, and six to serve for four years ; and also a Board of sixteen Trustees, four of whom shall be elected to serve for one year, four for two years, four for three years, and four for four years. And the members of the said corporation shall annually thereafter, on the second Tuesday of May, at such hour and place as the said Board of Trus- tees shall designate, elect six Managers and four Trustees, to serve for four years, and shall then and there also elect a Manager or Managers, Trustee or Trustees, to fill any vacancy or vacancies, that may be occasioned by the death, resignation, or removal, or neglect or refusal to act, of any Manager or Trustee. Provided, That the Managers and Tustees, chosen in May last, shall continue to act until others shall be elected. And provided further, That in case an elec- tion shall not be held at the time provided, the Board of Trustees shall give at least ten days' notice that another election will be held, which said election shall be held within one month after the said second Tuesday in May. And Provided, That notice of an election shall be given at least twice a week, for two weeks, in two of the daily newspapers of the City of Philadelphia, prior to the time of holding said election. Sect. 4. That it shall and may be lawful for the said managers and trustees, in their discretion, to take under their guardianship all children who may be placed under their care and management, in either of the folloAving modes : Firstly. White children under twelve years of age who shall be voluntarily surrendered by their father, or in case of his death or absence, by their mother, or by their guardian, to the care of said managers and trustees. Secondly. White children under twelve j-ears of age who may be committed to the care of the said managers and trustees by any Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, or of the District Court of the City and County of Phila- delphia, or of the Court of Common Pleas of the City and County of Phila- delphia, or by the Mayor of the City of Philadelphia, or by the Mayor of the Northern Liberties, on account of vagrancy, or the exposure, or neglect, or abandonment of said children by their parents or parent, guardians, or other persons having custody of said children ; and it shall be the duty of the judge or mayor so committing any child to the care of the said managers or trustees, to annex to the commitment an abstract of the evidence taken by him, and on which his adjudication Avas founded, which said evidence shall be under oath or affirmation, and taken in the presence of said child. Sect. 5. That the said managers and trustees shall have the guardianship of the said children so placed under their care and management during their minority ; shall cause them to be educated and instructed in a proper manner. and may, when, in thejr discretion, it shall appear proper, bind the said chil- dren with their consent, as apprentices, during their minorty, to such persons, and at such places, and to learn such trades and employments as, in the judg- ment of the said managers and trustees, will be most conducive to the benefit and advantage of said children. Provided, That the charge and power of the said managers and trustees, over and upon the said children, shall not in the case of females, extend beyond the age of eighteen years ; or the said managers and trustees may, in their discretion, return the said children to their parents, or surviving parent or guardians.—(Act ,26th January, 1854.) 40 Sect. 1. That the fourth section of the act of twenty-sixth January, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, entitled "An Act to incor- porate the Northern Home for Friendless Children," shall be construed, and its true intent and meaning are hereby declared to authorize and empower the managers and trustees of the Northern Home for Friendless Children, of Phila- delphia, in their discretion, to take under their guardianship, children from any portion of this Commonwealth, who may be placed under their care and man- agement, in either of the modes set forth in the said act. Sect. 2. That the true intent and meaning of the fifth section of the said act is hereby declared to be, that the said managers and trustees shall have full power and authority to bind the said children, in their discretion, to such person or persons, residing in or out of this Commonwealth, as may apply therefor; and that all indentures of apprenticeship and adoption heretofore made by the said managers and trustees of the said children to persons residing out of this Commonwealth, are hereby declared to be good and valid in law, as though the said indentures had been executed to persons domiciled within this State.—(Act 4th May, 1857. Pamphlet Laws, p. 384.) And the president judges of the several Courts of Common Pleas of the several counties of this Commonwealth, shall have the same powers in relation to said institution, as are now provided for in case of the judges of the Supreme Court, and of the District Court of the City of Philadelphia, in the act incor- porating the same—(Sec. 48, Act of 21st April, 1858. Pamphlet Laws, p. 382.) That the said Northern Home for Friendless Children shall be subject to the provisions contained in the third section of an act, entitled "A Supplement to an act to incorporate the subscribers to the articles of association for the pur- pose of establishing and conducting an institution, for the confinement and reformation of youthful delinquents, under the title of the House of Refuge, approved March twenty-third, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six."— (Section 27, Act of 12th April, 1859. Pamphlet Laws, p. 552.)