'3 ""^ * '":•' ,. ^ \\ i ZPfFt OCEEDINGS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF HOMEOPATHY, jfT THK FIRST ANNUAL MEETING, HELD IN LONDON, SEPTEMBER 20, 1865, WITH CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE ASSOCIATION, &C, ' &<5., &C. DETROIT: ITBLISHEI) FOR THE ASSOCIATION, at Dr. LODGES IIOMCEOPATIIIC PHARMACY. 1 J0T~^tf**T**.. >. CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF HOMEOPATHY. CONSTITUTION. Art. 1.—This Association shall be knoVn as the Canadian Insti- tute of Homeopathy. Art. 2.—The object of this Institute shall be the intellectual improvement of its members and the advancement of the cause of Homoeopathic medicine in Canada. Art. 3.—This Association shall be composed of the Homoeopathic Physicians who were present at the organizing convention, and any physician practicing Homoeopathy in Canada, may be elected to mem- bership, if he be in possession of a diploma from any incorporated school of medicine, or, is a Licentiate of the Canadian Homoeopathic Board. Art. 4.—The officers of this Institute shall consist of a President Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be e-lected annu- ally. Art. 5. —At each annual session, there shall be appointed, by the President, a Committee on credentials, to consist of three members, who shall act for one year, and until successors are appointed. Art. G.—This Constitution may be altered or amended, at any regular meeting, by a vote of two-thirds of all the members present, provided that notice shall bave been given at a previous annual meet- ing of the Institute, of such amendment. [Sec 3iZ page of cover. (tafoiau Jitutito at f$flrai)ia%, In response to a call pursuant to a resolution passed at the January meeting of the homoeopathic practitioners of Canada West in 1863, the following named gentlemen met at the Masonic Hall, in London, Sept. 2), 1835, to organize an Association, through which the combined efforts of the profession may be directed to the advance- ment of the cause of homoeopathic medicine in Canada : William Springer, M. D., Ingersoll; G. C. Field, 31. D, Woodstock; J. J. Lancaster, 31. D., London; E. Vernon, M. D., Hamilton; F. G. Caulton, M. D., G-uelph; C. T. Campbell, M. D., Strathroy ; L. F. Crawford, M. D., Hamilton; It. J. P. Morden, M. D., London ; A. H. Thompson, 31. D., St. Thomas ; II. C. Allen, 31. D., Brantford ; A. T. Bull, M. D., Buffalo ; T. P. Wilson, M. I)., Cleveland, and E. A. Lodge, 31. D., Detroit, besides several students, and numerous friends of the cause. On motion, Dr. Field was appointed temporary Chairman, and Dr. Allen temporary Secretary; and a committee consisting of Drs. Ver- non, Lancaster, Springer, Crawford and Allen, appointed to report a permanent organization. The committee reported a Constitution and By-Laws, with the following officers : Gr. C. Field, 31. D., President; J. J. Lancaster, 31. D., Vice Pros- ident; II. C. Allen, 31. D., Secretary and Treasurer, which was unanimously adopted. Dr. Springer moved, seconded, by Dr. Caulton, that Drs. 3Iorden, Vernon and Crawford, be committee on credentials. Carried. 3Ioved by Dr. 3Iorden, seconded by Dr. Springer, that the fee for membership be one dollar, and the annual fee the same. Carried. On motion by Dr. Springer, seconded by Dr. Crawford, Prof. T. P. Wilson, of Cleveland, Dr. E. A. Lodge, of Detroit, and Dr. A. T. Bull, of Buffalo, were elected honorary members, and invited to par- ticipate in the proceedings. A letter was rend from Dr. E. II. Drake, of Detroit, regretting his inability to attend the convention, but admonishing the members, that as " the welfare of the race was involved in the success of hom- oeopathy," they should be zealous in maintaining the honor of the cause. The President then called upon Dr. Lodge to address the Conven tion, which he did, in substance, as follows : 2 I am pleased to meet the homoeopathic physicians of Canada on the present occasion. The objects of your Association are of interest to us all. We think it will be found that these organizations perform services to the whole fraternity, that could not be rendered by indi- vidual effort. I present a word of friendly greeting from the Michigan Hom- oeopathic Institute. We desire to cultivate your friendship, and will send delegates to your meetings. We hope that you will reciprocate, We shall always warmly welcome your representatives, and cordially invite them to participate in our deliberations. We hail with emotions of gratitude, every effort that is made to extend the knowledge of our system of practice, and to improve the present standing of the profession. To advance our art we are devoting some little attention in Michigan. Of my own efforts it does not become me to speak, and I will merely state the fact, that our Magizine, " The American Homoeopathic Observer," is the only Medical Journal now published in the State of Michigan. Some years ago, our Legislature appointed a chair of homoeopathy in the State University. By the culpable neglect of the Board of Kegents, this chair yet remains vacant. The people expressed their desire to have homoeopathy placed on a footing of equality with allopathy, and this is right. Under our government no system can properly claim exclusive patronage or support. The allopaths cannot demand that their students shall be educated at the expense of the State, but ours must go out of the State to be taught. We do not intend that this injustice shall be perpetuated if we can avoid it. When I went to Michigan seven years ago, there were one hun- dred homoeopathic physicians in the State. Now we have over two hundred, and many very desirable locations unoccupied. Our cause may not have been as rapid here as in some other places, but the advance has been steady. We have had no permanent repulse. Our whole line has been strengthened, and we are prepared to resist every opposition. An unmistakable evidence of true progress, is found in the in- crease of our literature. Notwithstanding the doubling of the cost of production, new books and new magazines succeed each other with rapidity. A laudable degree of emulation has been aroused, and good will doubtless result. Additional provings of our indigineous plants are being made. The first book edited by Dr. Hale was merely the pioneer in this direction; more complete works will follow. Our Colleges advance the requirements preliminary to graduation. A host of talented young men are studying in offices of our physicians. The classes of the coming winter in our Collegate Institutions will doubtless be larger than ever before. A mere glance at what has been already accomplished, and what is now doing, must encourage each one of us to work with still greater fidelity for the universal establish- ment of our beneficent art of healing. After some discussion and remarks on the above, Prof. Wilson, on being called, said : £ Gentlemen of the -homoeopathic fraternity of Canada:—It i., with unfeigned pleasure I meet you on this occasion, and extend to you the cordial greeting of my medical brethren of the States and receive from you, for them, the warm and unmistakably genuine sym- pathies you give in return. Annexation I know is a vexed question with you, on which a multitude of words and small oceans of ink have been used ; and heaven forbid I should add aught to their number. But standing- here, I realize that in spite of all opposition, the course of events is irresistably solving the problem for us. For the two great nations, lying one on either side of the great chain of lakes, like counter tides in their flow, are surely and swiftly rushing into each other's arms. The great treaty of reciprocity under which we have been so pleas- antly and profitably living, has long been the ensign for our commer- cial annexation. And when that treaty shall be broken, as we know it soon must, its fractured links will be gathered up, and welded into a new and stronger chain, which shall be a new and stronger bond of union between the Canadian provinces on the north, and the United States on the south. But whether we shall ever become one politically or not, I know not; or whether you desire it or not, I know not, and I care not to stop now and inquire, but I shall ever count this as one of the proud- est days of my life, that I have been privileged to stand here, and aid in the formal inauguration of this second element of our union. For we are henceforth, in a medical sense, no longer two people, but one. For our common f;,;th in the great law of our school of reform, shows a community of interests and ideas, binding us together with more potent cords, than any edicts that ever issued from thrones or senates. I know of no topic so engrossing the publie mind, as the one I have just referred too, namely : the relation existing between the Canadian Provinces and the United States. And though to some its discussion here may seem somewhat out of place, I shall venture to still further refer to it, though not in tiie same light as it has been quite recently and ably discussed, in the recent great International Commercial Convention, whose proceedings have filled all our weekly and daily papers. In a medical and surgical view of the case, it seems to me, that the union of these two nations, such as it is, and such as it is to be, is not the result of " union by first intention." The first intention seems to have been, to build up on this broad and beautiful domain of the north, a French colony, subject to the French crown. And for a number of years the growth and development of the country result- ed in the formation of a peculiar structure, which I think we may term French tissue. And though I have not been privileged to see much of this, your French anatomical structure, still I have reason to believe it a useful and durable portion of your body politic. But history informs us, that subsequently a new formative force wai brought into play, which exceeded, and in some degree, paralyzed the primitive force, and, bringing in along the arteries of the world's great highways, a large amount of plastic material, built up another 4 sort of structure, a little rougher, tougher and more enduring, which I think we may term English tissue. It is characteristic of morbid structures*, that they are prone to absorb and displace surrounding structures. And since this English growth, instead of absorbing and displacing the primitive growth, sought new and adjacent fields for development, I conclude that it may be set down as perfectly normal. And though there are essential differences of character between you, yet there are no anatomical or physiological reasons why you should not form a strong and harmoni- ous whole. Blest as you are with the richest of nature's gifts, with a magni- ficent forest, holding its full hands over a rich and fertile soil, be- neath whose fair surface are bowels pregnant with untold wealth, the " second intention ". seems to have been, to make here a rich and powerful nation, self-supporting and independent, save a quasi depend- ence on the English crown. But as contiguous, and often even remote parts on the same body, are in lively sympathy one with the other, so these northern provinces, standing on the same continent with the United States, have not failed, in spite of themselves, to be powerfully affected in all their relations, especially in their commercial and polit- ical interests, by the latter nation. And though at times a repellant influence has manifested itself, yet the natural course of events has been, to draw these two nations together into kindlier, closer and more permanent fellowship. And although neither of us shall lose our identity, neither absorbing or being absorbed, yet we may hope- fully trust that we may continue to be linked together by ties that shall blend us into one great living form, which to antagonize or dis- integrate in any of its parts, would be to destroy. The recent state of ill health suffered by us across the water, has undoubtedly awakened in your hearts the liveliest sympathy. We have indeed been sick unto death, but I presume you have heard of our miraculous recovery. The disease which for four long years has fired our blood and brain, has, thank God, at last reached a favorable crisis, and we are convalescent. In some of our delirious moments we may have talked madly. You may have heard us uttering words of scorn, andthreatenings against you as well as others of our friends; but now, clothed in our right minds, we can never have other than words of good will for all who have stood so nobly by us in the hour of our sorest need. Like the prairie swept by fire, and like the field torn by the plow, we are springing up into a large and richer harvest of new and better fruits. At one time during our sickness, dangerous and fatal sloughing seemed most imminent. Our whole southern border threatened gan- grene, but the timely application of potent remedies, has brought about a favorable resolution. And as we have in no instance been obliged to appeal abroad for help, but have cured the malady by our inherent resistence of its effects, we may set the affair down as due simply to the vis medicatrix natures. There were very many famous consultations held over our case, during our darkest hour ; but the doctors in law who proffered their advice, and made sundry and divers 5 prescriptions, did so voluntarily, and I'm afraid they were very poorly paid for their services. Still, on our recovery, we find a pretty heavy doctor's bill to pay. But since we owe it principally to ourselves, it cannot matter much to our neighbors whether we pay it or repudiate it. But I dare to say, that before repudiation shall be written over our doors, the dis- enthralled millions of negroes, whose parchment of freedom bears the signature of the lamented and immortalized Abraham Lincoln, would, through their own thrift and sense of justice, pay every dollar of the debt. And you, gentlemen, holders of American bonds, may rest assured that you have the security of their payment, both in black and white. During the last four years, our school of medicine has labored under unusual disadvantages, owing to the fact that the sanitary and medical departments of our army and navy, have been wholly in the hands of a class of monopolizing and bigoted medical m,en, who knew no right of homoeopathists that any allopathist was bound to respect. Still, we have grown marvellously, and the close of the war has given us such an impetus forward in the path of progress, that you will need, gentlemen, to look well to your laurels. But I have most un- bounded confidence in your intelligence and success. I think, in looking round upon this body of honorable medical men, that I can say to my medical brethren of the States, that the cause of homoeo- pathic medicine in Canada is in safe and reliable hands. 3Iay the spirit of our great master Hahnemann descend upon you, as did Elijah's mantle upon Elisha, and under its inspiration may your labors for truth be crowned with abundant success. After some further remarks by different members, the President called upon Dr. Allen, who read the following article on the impor tance of cultivating a domestic practice in our different fields of labor : domestic medicine. Bishop Berkely says : " Effects misimputed, cases wrongly told, circumstances overlooked, perhaps, too, prejudices and partialities against truth, may, for a time, prevail and keep her at the bottom of the well, whence, nevertheless, she emergeth sooner or later, and strikes the eyes of all who do not keep them shut." How true the aphorism, when applied to the gradual adoption by the public of the new system of medicine, and equally true, I opine, as regards the introduction of family homoeopathy. And here arises the long disputed point by many members of the profession—shall we cultivate a domestic practice, or follow in the footsteps of our allo- pathic predecessors for the last three thousand years ? Our prede- cessors have been conservative to a fault. Shall we follow then- example, or boldly strike out a new path for ourselves . Every attempt to popularize domestic homoeopathic practice or enlighten the intelligent public in regard to the simplest truths and primary principles of medicine, has met at the hands of the profession a fierce and most determined opposition. It is evident that such a course of 6 conduct originates, not so much in the interest and advancement of homoeopathy, as in the speculation and personal aggrandizement of its professed friends. No wonder that our beloved science should, in her hour of need, be compelled to cry out, " Lord, deliver me from my friends." To introduce domestic homoeopathy, is by some of our practitioners considered as little else thau a crime of the first mag- nitude. But this should not be ! It is true that almost all our examples and pre-conceived opinions are opposed to such a course. The Old School for centuries has sedulously endeavored (with a few honorable exceptions) to keep the people in as complete ignorance as possible of the simplest medical truths. And the ignorance of the masses to-day, in all that pertains to the laws of health and prevention of diseaee, tells but too plainly how completely they have succeeded. If the literal rendering of the word " Doctor " signified in the past, or even in modern times, what it does at present, this should Lave been very different. How often, very often, to the earnest inquiries of anxious friends as to the probable cause, course and termination of even the most common-place ailment, do we hear the answer, couched in such high sounding and strictly medical technicalities, that after a lengthy explanation by the Doctor, in which all the minutia of the case is entered into in Greek and Latin, the relief is apparent when the discourse is finished, although they may not have comprehended a single sentence. And it is to this spirit of intolerance everywhere manifested by the profession, to the acquisition of knowledge without its pale, but pertaining to its practice, that we trace the first advent of that bane and disgrace and curse of every school—quacks and quackery. It is the same spirit which forced Martin Luther and the Scotch Covenanters to take the first steps in the great religious refor- mations which they iuaugurated, and which finally ended in breaking the iron rule of despotism which had previously held the religious world. It is a part and parcel of the same blind prejudice against which Hahnemann and Harvey and Jenner had to contend, and which is so painfully manifested in the profession at the present day. Neither sound policy nor good sense is shown in such proceedings, which in the end is sure to recoil on the perpetrators of the act, aud hasten the event they sought to ward off. I believe homoeopathy to bo the greatest blessing ever vouchsafed to man by an All-Wise and Beneficent Creator, (the christian religion alone excepted). Hence, I believe it to be the duty of its advocates pecuniarily, commercially, morally and religiously, to disseminate its doctrines in every appro- priate and justifiable manner. I contend that we should so place our lamps that they may become beacon lights, illuminating the pathway of the searchers after truth, diffusing from the centre of the circle of our influence its divine rays, which are to benefit mankind, and be a blessing to future ages. My reasons for the belief that is in me arc the following, and although they may differ from those held by my ao-ed and more experienced colleagues in the practice of homoeopathy, I beg your indulgence for their freedom of expression, with this my only plea. They are my honest convictions, and spoken in a spirit 7 whose only aim is an investigation into their merits, with the view of advancing the cause we love so well. I. I believe it right, hence I am in duty bound to advocate its introduction. In obtaining the degrees which license us to practice medicine, the relief of suffering humanity is not our only aim and object. We have an ulterior one in view, praisworthy so long as kept within proper bounds. In the majority of cases the leading, all-absorbing and pri- mary inducement to entering the medical profession, viz.: The obtain- ing of the wherewithal to work our way through life. Any subject bearing directly upon the commissary department of our professional labors, should receive a careful consideration from every member interested. Its primary action is upon the pocket, its secondary is somewhat more constitutional. When a professional man cannot earn his daily bread by his best directed efforts, the humanitarian and philanthropic motives which induced him to enter its fields, become to a very great extent a nullity. Hence, I contend that the proper and judicious introduction of " domestic practice," will increase the extent of our field of labor. If there be any province or department in which our beautiful system excels every other extant, it is its ex- treme simplicity of administration. So harmlessly and effectively adapted to ameliorate the sufferings of mankind, in a quiet, easy and apparently unconscious manner—a far different statement than can be made for any other system of medicine—clearly proving that it is the only one adapted for universal family use. We are not only med- ical men in the usual acceptation of that term, but something more. We are the exponents of a new system of medical practice, destined to supercede and gradually absorb all others in existence. Our duty is not only to earn a livelihood by our profession, but to disseminate throughout the length and breadth of the land, for the benefit of our fellow men, the principles of homoeopathy. In order to successfully accomplish this great desideratum, to establish homoeopathy firmly in the opinions of the more intelligent classes, and contribute our quota to the advancement and future destiny of our beloved science, obsta- cles will have to be met and conquered, and sacrifices made, which few but those who really love our cause are ever capable of making. If it is right for me to practice homoeopathy, it is my bounden duty to propagate its principles, and further its advancement in every hon- orable manner. In the practical application of homoeopathy—its introduction into the families of my patrons—I expect to meet with opposition ; and the present object of this paper is to have the subject discussed by medical men, so that the most violent and effective opposition will be surmounted, by inducing my brother practitioners to shoulder a part of the responsibility, by undertaking its introduc- tion. That powerful objection so frequently urged, that Dr. A. and Dr. B. do not approve of the practice, that they say it does more harm than good, that wherever it has been introduced it is now wholly abandoned as totally inadequate to meet the demands of the public, is an argument hard to combat. Our allopathic brethren condemn it altogether, as " trifling with life;" but that is nothing more than they 8 do with our practice in every particular, wherever and whenever they have an opportunity. Every member of this Institute will agree with me in this assertion, that it is more safe and effective by far than Calomel and Jalap, Castor oil and Blue pill, Rhubarb and Magnesia with blisterings and vomitings, and endless purgation. These are the only alternatives to choose, homoeopathic domestic practice, and allopathic domestic empiricism. The people must have something in eases of emergency, especially where they reside at some distance fro.n, and are unable to summon the homoeopathic physician of their choice at a moment's warning. And better, far better, trust to a domestic homoeopath, than an allo- pathic " regular." Again, for every simple disease, as a common cold or a slight diarrhoea, the majority of people do not wish to apply to a physician, and either trust to the curative powers of nature, or appeal to some one of the thousand quack remedies, so profusely advertised through- out the length and breadth of the land. II. It is to my interest, the interest of my patrons, the interest of homazo'patliy, to cultivate a domestic practice. This statement may take some by surprise, and to all seem some- what paradoxical; but it is nevertheless true. During the Cholera epidemic, which devastated so many American cities in 1847, Cincin- nati was visited, and here homoeopathy obtained one of the most signal victories recorded in the annals of this great reform. And it was mainly due to the skillful management of domestic practice by Drs, Pulte and Ehrmann, that the success was achieved. Every homoeo- pathic family was provided with a few remedies, and complete direc- tions for use in the earliest stages of the disease given, until the physician could be called. In this manner several hundred cases were treated, with a list of mortality much smaller than was ever before known. And I am convinced that Cholera is not the only disease in which it may successfully be used. I have given the sub- ject a great deal of thought, and am satisfied that it is looked upon in a false light by many members of the profession. The chief objectors are those who care very little for the profession, except to make rooncj out of it, and their chief objections arise from the mistaken views they entertain in regard to this particular point, that in a pecuniary point of view there is eventually more money to be made by the proper and judicious propagation of our system, than in the withholding of everything pertaining to it from the people. The ignorant and unintelligent are not usually the first to adopt homoeopa- thy ; nor do they ever become the firmest advocates of its principles. They are not always ready to settle their bills without disputation, or a very large reduction from the regular charges. They never adopt homoeopathy from principle, and seldom support it any longer than the practice is successful in every particular. To me, it is not very satisfactory to attend this class of patit-nts, and the compensation I have received has ne\3r been very large. I prefer to follow my vocation among the intelligent, who have enough natural shrewdness to discover that your only object in practicing medicine is pecuniary 9 gain, and who very often, and sometimes very justly, conclude that "pro bono publico'''' never entered the list, and patronize you accord- ingly. I contend that we are not only physicians in the strictest moral acceptation of that term, but philanthropists and pioneers of a great and glorious reform, destined in a few years, if properly managed, to monopolize the majority of all that is worth monopolizing fh every intelligent community. We must labor for the advancement and future destiny of our cause, and in that manner secure in the end our just reward and true compensation. No man in the history of any reform ever withstood greater obloquy, abuse and persecutions from his professional brethren, than did our illustrious founder ; and seldom have any met with a greater or more enduring monument. If homoeopathy was ever in- tended to benefit the people, its propagation ought, and must necces- sarily, devolve upon the members of the profession. The people must know of and about it, in order to believe in and adopt it. Hence, it is the personal interest of every practitioner to encourage domestic practice. That we will never receive any assistence from our allopathic brethren in educating the masses, is a foregone conclusion, (as their system flourishes best in ignorance,) therefore, if the work is to be done, we must do it ourselves. I am aware that in the attempt we will meet with every species of opposition, even in our own ranks ; that views as opposite as the poles are asumcd, are maintained, and advocated by our members. In proof of this assertion I would refer my medical friends to Dr. Poineroy's article in the N. A. Journal, Vol. 7, No. 25, as a " specimen brick" of the present generation, or to the remarkable sentence left on record by the celebrated French surgeon Ambrose Pare, regarding the future destiny of medicine. " God is my witness, and all good men know, that I have now labored fifty years with all care and pains, in the illustration and amplification of my art, and that I have so certainly touched the mark wherat I aimed, that antiquity may seem to have nothing wherein it may exceed us, beside the glory of invention, nor posterity anything left but a certain small hope to add some things, as it is easy to add to former inven- tions." Although nearly three centuries have elapsed since the above was written, although homoeopathy has been discovered, put in practice and adopted by thousands of intelligent persons in every land, notwithstanding the flood of light it has shed over the hitherto dark and benighted pathway of medical lore, there are some among us at the present day, who would, if they could, almost prevent ^the further dissemination of its principles among the people, apparently from motives not altogether praiseworthy. They would confine med- ical knowledge wholly to the profession, make it, if possible, more strictly professional than their allopathic brethren endeavored to make " old physic," when they nearly killed it outright through mistaken kindness. * * * . III. It forms a nucleus round which the family influence xs extended as around a common centre. v In this world we all exert an influence for good or evil. We cannot become members of society without receiving from it certain 10 impressions, for which we should make some adequate return. And what is true as regards society in general, is equally true in the med- ical province, where every believer or convert to our principles becomes an advocate and laborer for the dissemination of the same, throughout the circles of his influence. The more you educate such an advocate, the better prepared is he to do battle in our behalf, to meet and combat the various forms of objections offered by his oppo- nents, to set forth the comparative merits of homoeopathy, side by side with every other system, which he can do with a far better grace than yourself, as he is not suspected of being pecuniarly interested, but laboring for the good of his friend. A few such assistants is of incalculable benefit to every young man just entering upon the prao- tical department of his profession, and will never injure any, no matter how well he may be established. The field is already occupied by a learned, powerful and jealous profession. All the posts of emolument and power are at present in their possession, and they appear but too willing to defend them; and as the pioneers of a new medical doctrine, we have a duty to perform to ourselves, to posterity, to humanity and to science, in the propaga- tion of our beloved homoeopathy. I contend that the most vulnerable point of our adversaries is in the families of the intelligent, and the best method of enlisting them in our ranks on the side of right and justice, is to encourage them in a domestic practice. All the great and liberal minds, whose names appear on the historic page of medi- cine, the best practitioners the " Old School " have ever given to the world, have sedulously labored to popularize their art. The renegade Peters has spoken and written to the extent of his abilities against the popular practice, but his writings and teachings are in such striking contrast with his practice, that every medical man may place as much reliance on their soundness as the opinions merit, for he has reaped the reward of his labors. And whether we, as homoeopaths, oppose it or assist it with our best directed efforts, it is destined, sooner or later, to become a part and parcel of almost every household who believe in and practice the truth of similia. And finally, it is a rule in military tactics, that a conquered posi- tion should always be fortified, before the returning countercharge compels evacuation. It is of little service to us to make a convert of any man unless we make a permanent one. If a man adopt homoeo- pathy from a conscientious belief in its superiority to combat disease, he should be able to meet his adversary upon his own ground, and wifli arguments sufficiently convincing to carry off the victory. A man thus armed with the invincible logic of truth, is worth a small army of lukewarm supporters. We should instruct such men, and teach them the " law of similia," until they in turn are able to become its expounders and advocates. Guide their footsteps in the path until they are able to walk alone. They cannot know too much of homoeo- pathy. We should endeavor to popularize our art, and propagate homoeopathy by principle, and not by the temporary success of its practice alone One man, capable of advocating our cause from this higher stand-point, capable of explaining the "modus operandi" of 11 our remedies in treating disease, and convincing its opponents of the truth of our therapeutics, is truly an assistant. We should endeavor to unmask our profession of all those things which resemble quackery, mystery and imposition, and place medical knowledge before the pub- lic in a light so simple and easily understood, that every student in our Universities should be compelled to acquire it as a part of his Academic course. If our system be true, it is essential to the welfare of mankind, and there are very few so utterly devoid of understanding that cannot be made to comprehend its primary principles. The law does not hold a man guiltless who pleads ignorance of the same, but goes on the presumption that every man has a knowledge of the minutia as well as its general principles. And I would ask, Why not in medicine also ? * * * * ###'# Several calls were made for an address from the President, but owing to the lateness of the hour, it was deferred until the evening session, and a motion was carried to adjourn. EVENING SESSION. The Institute met at 7:30 p. m., at which time the following paper was read by Dr. Field : MEDICAL EDUCATION. Gentlemen :—It is presumed that no one will call in question the imperative necessity that exists for raising as high as possible the standard of medical education in Canada. Many considerations con- spire to render a superior education of the Homoeopathic section of the medical profession most desirable. It is necessary, in the first place to relieve ourselves from the charge of ignorance, which has been preferred against us by our professional brethren of the antiqua- rian school; which charges, though unjust in the main, still, it must be confessed that, in some instances, perhaps, there was too much ground for the imputation. Arising mostly, I believe, from over zeal- ousness, or from that " zeal without knowledge " which characterized some of the earlier physicians, in their efforts and anxiety to extend the principles and practice of our beneficent system; who were appa- rently oblivious of the fact, that incompetent persons, wherever found, in whatever walk of life, but particularly in the practice of medicine, and more especially in promulgating new principles, in the advocacy of a new theory, could only constitute an element of weakness rather than of strength. No one would claim for a moment that forcing into service, as soldiers, men whose arms were too weak to draw the sword from its scabbard, or to whose imperfect vision objects were rendered uncertain and indistinct, compelling them to fire at random, and there- by endangering the lives of their friends as much as their enemies, could possibly add anything to the strength or effectiveness of an army. The attitude of the dominant school toward all dissenters in med- icine, in its menacing display of legal weapons, and the paraphernalia of war, has been that of a belligerent autocrat. Indeed it could only be expected that a system, towering as it were to the very heavens with its vast colossal proportions, and whose anchor was cast and firmly 12 fixed in the very groundwork of society; a system that boasts of its antiquity, that has grown arrogant from the possession of conscious power, whose interests were interwoven with almost all existing inte- rests, and whose influence extended through all grades and classes of society, and whose ubiquitous presence reached to all conditions of life. I say it was only to be expected that such an institution would look with extreme jealousy upon the birth of all counter institutions, and that it should use every means in its power for their speedy deni- olition. In the case of Homoeopathy, which first saw the liirht in Germany, it was regarded by Allopathy as its natural and implacable foe. The established school felt that its tendency was antagonistic and subversive of its own power; and perhaps with a little gift of prophecy it foresaw its ultimate triumph. Still it affected to believe that this new heresy could not survive its infancy. British and Amer- ican physicians hoped their peace of mind would never be disturbed by its presence, but that it might die and be buried in its fatherland, But as it showed great tenacity of life, and still persisted in living, despite the uncongenial atmosphere by which it was surrounded, and in defiance of the anathemas hurled against it by the high priests of the ancient doctrine, their lowering brows and frowning indignation became " terrible as an army with banners." But now, when it has become a vigorous youth, and has extended itself throughout the civ- ilized world, and flourished best where there is most civilization, their fear has fairly taken the alarm. The querest asks, What has this digression from the main subject to do with 31edical Education ? I reply, to prove its necessity by showing the antipathy that exists, and the persistent warfare that is being carried on between two systems diametrically opposed to each other. The one goes into the contest with the prestige given it by age, and power, and popularity, and wealth, and uses as a weapon the strong prejudices peculiar to human nature. The other, like David as he went forth to slay the giant Goliath, goes to do battle with its enemy with but a sling and pebble; the sling is a law of Nature, im- mutable and eternal, and the pebble is successful practice. But what is its coat of mail, what is the cuirass with which it defends itself from the thrusts of its adversary, and constitutes at the same time the strength and skill with which it uses the sling in throwing the pebble? I answer, education. Both medical and general. In individual prac- tice his coat of mail must be perfect, or through its open seams a dart may penetrate, to his complete discomfiture. He may rest assured that every individual adherent of the ancient system stands as a sen- tinel to watch his movement, and will contest, and circumvent, and demolish him, if possible; less, perhaps, at present, by open enmity, than by duplicity and intrigue. The conviction of my own mind is, that in view of the active hostility of the opposing school, in view of the ceaseless vigilance of this argus-eyed institution, which is sure to detect every indication of ignorance, and which like Briarius with his hundred hands, can reach in every direction and grasp at every mis- take, it behooves us, from an instinct of self-preservation, to be " wise 13 as serpents " and for the preservation of our patients to be " harmless as doves." The Homoeopathic physician, in his daily practice, may consider himself encircled by a multitude of spies, who have keen eyes fixed upon every movement. They see everything he does. He may be sure that every incorrect diagnosis, every mistaken prognosis, every mistake of whatever kind he may commit, will be instantly paraded before the public by this many-mouthed monster. 31istakes, perhaps trivial in themselves, yet in their passage from one to another swell into mammoth proportions. In another and more public way his knowledge may be put on trial, a3 when from some accidental death or death from poisoning, he may be required to give evidence in a •ourt of law. He may then expect to be subjected to an examination the most rigorous and searching that Allopathists can prompt the counsel to make; less for the purpose of eliciting evidence in the case than for the purpose of exposing his ignorance. He may be sure that his knowledge of chemistry, toxicology, anatomy and physiology, will be tested to the very utmost of their ability, and woe betide him if they discover his weak points, for he is in the hands of a merciless inquisition. The reasons here given for a high degree of mental as well as medical culture, you will perceive spring from within us, and are partly the promptings of self-interest and of self-preservation, and partly from an inherent love of truth; and while I think them suffi- cient to induce every member of the profession to aim at the highest point of excellence attainable, still we should not be forgetful of the fact that there are other and extraneous reasons—reasons which spring from without and beyond us, tending to the same high end. We can- not if we would shut our ears to these mandates from without. They are voices from society and from the world at large. They tell us that the people of to-day demand of us a greater perfection of knowledge, a higher and broader range of acquirements, than did our ancestors of thirty years ago. This demand arises from the changes which have taken place within that period of time. As witness the change in the inhabitants and in the face of the country. The " oldest inhabitant " can perhaps remember when primeval forests covered all this part of Canada; when the very site of the fine city of London was a howling wilderness,—the hunting-ground of the painted savage. But what a change! As if with the waving of a magician's wand the forest soli- tudes, and wild, red Indian, have disappeared together, the hunting- grounds have changed into fruitful fields and the wigwams into flour- ishing towns and cities. The half-naked prowling savage has given place to the well-dressed gentlemen and beautiful ladies who prome- nade the streets of this flourishing city. The seat of berbarism has become the home of civilization and refinement! Education is becom- ing more general and runs in deeper channels. Academic and Col- legiate institutions are springing up in our midst, and arc rapidly changing the mental character of our people, and with each successive stage of development new wants are created and new demands are made. All these things demand of the physician a fullness of know- ledge, not only as pertaining to medicine proper, but a thoroughness 14 in all the exact sciences which a former generation did not require at his hands. I do not hesitate to express a belief that the advance which has been made in the last thirty years in all the arts of civilized life, and in the development and perfection of science, is not to be com- pared to what the next thirty years will witness. Some suppose now, as did tho ancients, that science is perfect, and that the inventive fac- ulty of the human mind has exhausted its resources, or that there is nothing more to invent. But those who think so will find themselves as much mistaken as did the people who lived and thought the same things before the days of steamboats, of railroads and electric wires. Why, the human mind is but just waking up to a realization of its marvellous powers. There are thousands of the best minds in the world that are silently but zealously engaged in the solution of new problems, and in the development of new principles of science. There are also thousands of adventurous spirits out upon voyages of discovery, pushing in every direction as if to ransack the world. They penetrate the thickest jungles of the torrid zone, and tempt the dangers of the polar seas. They scale the highest mountain summits and descend into the deepest chasms in quest of whatever is rare or precious, or useful, in nature, and their returns will also contribute to swell the general stock of knowledge. In keeping with this spirit of progression we ought also to be pushing forward our inquiries and investigations into the " regions beyond." We ought not to settle down upon "similia similibus curantur" and think that knowing it there is nothing more to be learned. The great medical arsenal of Nature is not yet exhausted of its weapons with which to combat disease. There is a terra incog- nita which needs to be explored. Doubtless there are remedial agents in our fields and forests, among their flowers, and trees, and roots, of invaluable worth, if we but knew them and their uses. We might question ourselves in reference to the nature of disease as well. In reference to pathology, and the causes operative in changing and mod- ifying pathological manifestations, there is much of mystery and obscu- rity remaining to be cleared away by future investigation and research. As why are certain diseases peculiar to certain stages of life ? Why do adults never"have the croup ? And why are the external indica- tions of an inward abnormal condition ever varying, like the changing .views in a kaleidoscope ? Why does a storm herald its approach by aches and pains in rheumatic subjects when as yet no cloud is visible to the eye 1 Febrile diseases of the remittent type, in England ame- nable to certain^emedies, frequently resist the same treatment as they appear in the littoral districts of France or upon the Irish coast. Intermittent fevers, which we readily cure in Canada by the use of certain means, will probably find those means a signal failure as the disease prevails along the Mississippi and some of its tributaries. Do climacteric changes, individual idiosyncracies, electrical changes in the state of the atmosphere, and climatology, sufficiently explain these phenomena ? But a matter of greater practical importance is indicated by the suggestion of Teste, viz: that those places most favorable to the 15 growth of certain remedial plants, is also most favorable to the pro- duction of certain pathological conditions, which conditions will be found to correspond to the pathogenesis of those very drugs. The great object of all medical treatment is the prolongation of human life, and if a practical application of the principles of science contribute to this end, it follows that an increase of scientific know- ledge and an increased number of therapeutic agents would give to human life a greater security than it at present enjoys against the fatal issue of disease. The Homoeopathic system being most scien tific of all others, should afford this greater security. And undoubt- edly it does. So says the London Life Assurance Co., and has deduced from its recognition of the fact an important practical result. By a system of calculation the most perfect, and by careful observation, it finds itself able to assure the lives of such persons as are Homoeopath- ically treated, at a cheaper rate. This action of the Life Assurance Co. is most gratifying to every lover of Homoeopathy, as it affords the most incontestible evidence of the superiority of our system. If there are any faint-hearted or weak-kneed practitioners in the country let them gird up their loins and take courage, " for by this sign shall we conquer." Slowly, it may be, but surely, it will eventuate in the universal recognition of its superiority, as certainly as that ignorance must recede before the advance of education—as surely as that error must succumb to truth. There is another matter I may notice in connexion with medical education, which rather bears upon the moral qualities and responsi- bilities of the physician, and refers to his duty as a citizen, viz: to give whatever instruction he can to the people, that they may prevent the invasion of disease. He who withholds such informationr when it can be given, or neglects to advise the use of such prophylactic meas- ures as might save the community from the ravages of an infectious disease, for the sake of " filthy lucre," conspires against the lives of his neighbors, and is guilty, only in a lesser degree, of the monstrous —the shocking immorality of Blackburn—the other name for infamy. Not only in specific cases, but in a general way, people may be taught the laws which govern their organic life, the observance of which will insure health, and the infraction of which will produce disease. By teaching them the effect of hygromeric changes, of miasmatic and telluric influences, which impinge upon the laws of health from with- out, and of morbific agents, which produce di>L||^uns from within, the average duration of human life may attain iJpRximum ; and the highest, noblest function of the physician's knowledge will have been performed. It should be as much a part of the physician's education to understand the prevention of diseases, as to treat them successfully when they prevail. In conclusion, I think we may congratulate ourselves upon the advancement Homoeopathy has already made in Canada, as well as upon the more rapid progress it is now making. Not a score of years have passed away since there were but one or two practitioners in this country, struggling for existence. We should not forget to make hou- 16 orable mention of these pioneers of our system, for nobly did they battle for the truth in many a fierce encounter, firmly and successfully they defended their principles against the assaults of their ruthless enemies, and the graduates of to-day have reason to thank them for it. Homoeopathy is no longer a reproach. It has its admirers and patrons in the most refined and cultivated circles of society, among the best and noblest, and most highly educated in the land. A steady adherence to principles, firmness of purpose and an un- compromising integrity of character, that will not stoop from iti exalted position as the expounder of Nature's laws, to hold parley with empiricism, and make degrading and retrogressive concessions to Allopathy, are the characteristics necessary to insure a victory com- plete. The following committees were then appointed, and subjects assigned for the next regular meeting of ihe Association. The an. nual address to be delivered by the President, Dr. Field. On Publication—Drs. Springer and Allen. On Surgery—Principles and Practice—Dr. L. F. Crawford. On Surgery—Operation and Clinical—Dr. C.T. Campbell. On Pathology—its importance to the homoeopathic physician—Dr. D. Campbell, of Toronto. On Obstetrics—Dr. J. J, Lancaster. On Clinical Medicine—Cases cured by one remedy—Dr. It. J. P. Morden On 3Iateria 3Iedica and Therapeutics—Dr. Wn>. Springer. On Chemistry—Dr. J. W. Ferguson. Theory and Practice—Dr. John Hall. On Provings of Indigenous remedies—Dr. Thos. Nichol. On Dose—Dr. F. G. Caulton. On High Dilutions—Dr. E. Vernon. On the Single Kemedy—Dr. G. F. Clark. On Medical Electricity—Dr. J. Adams. On Medical Ethics—Dr. Oliver Springer. On Physiology—Dr. G. E. Husband. On Medical Jurisprudence—Dr. Geo. Logan. On Alcoholic Stimulants—Dr. Peter 3IcDonald. On Homoeopathy—Drs. L. Oliver and C. D. Tufford. On Anatomy—Drs. A. H. Thompson and A. N. Tisdale. On Epidemics—Drs. 31. E. Tripp and J. H. Lancaster. On Medical B^hy—Drs. J. W. Tripp and W. H. Graham. On Toxicolog^^^Br. Havens. Dr. Springer mo^d, seconded by Dr. Morden, that the nex'. an- nual meeting of the Institute be held in the city of Hamilton, on the second Wednesday in 3Iay, 1866. Carried. A vote of thanks was then unanimously given the homoeopathic physicians of London, for the attention and hospitality shown the members of the Institute, during the session, after which the Institute adjourned. G. C. FIELD, 31. D., President. II. C. Allen, M. D., Secretary,