r IN FAVOR OF THE Introduction of Homceopathy into the Army and Navy. I. Massachusetts Horn. Med. Society. The following statement and resolution were unanimously adopted at a recent meeting of the Massachusetts State Homoeo- pathic Medical Society: To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, in Congress assembled: The Massachusetts Homoeopathic Medical Society beg leave to state, that from New England alone petitions for the admission of Homoeopathic Surgeons into the Army and Navy have recently been presented to Congress, signed by more than thirty thousand legal voters, embracing a large number of persons in high official position, persons eminent for intelligence, respectability and wealth, and representing all classes and interests of society. Nu- merously signed petitions of a similar character have been pre- sented from other sections of the loyal States, and also from various regiments now in the service of the Government. This Society would further represent, that Homceopathy is a well-tried and demonstrated system of medical practice, based upon an established law of nature, and has stood the test of rigid and accurate observation in Europe and in this country, in public institutions and in private practice, among the most discriminating and conservative classes, and is now fully established in the confi- dence of every intelligent community:—That in Europe it has no less than twelve hospitals, and numerous dispensaries, and m this country is practiced by more than three thousand five hundred educated physicians, has five legally authorized Medical Colleges, and supports several hospitals and dispensaries:—That Homoeo- pathy is, by the action of various Medical Boards, virtually ex- 12 2 eluded from the Army. The Medical Commission of Massachu- setts has by vote declared, that it cannot recommend any surgeons believing in it; the Medical Commissions of other States have in a discourteous manner refused to examine Homoeopathic Surgeons; and the Armv Medical Board at Washington has sedulously en- deavored to exclude from the Army all Homoeopathic Surgeons, and from the Army Hospitals all Homoeopathic practice. And as, in many of the regiments now in the service, a large number have been accustomed to, and prefer Homoeopathic treat- ment, therefore, this Society respectfully and earnestly request Congress to make such provision as shall meet the wants of this class, and would recommend the following propositions:— 1st. Whenever any considerable portion of the officers and soldiers of any brigade desire to have a Homoeopathic Surgeon attached to the brigade, such additional Surgeon shall be appointed. 2d. Whenever a majority in any regiment desire a Homoeopathic Surgeon and Assistant Surgeon, such appointments shall be made. 3d. Wherever Army Hospitals are established, a fair proportion of them shall be devoted to Homoeopathic treatment. 4th. As allopathic surgeons are by their education and position Decessaiily disqualified for intelligently examining candidates in Homoeopathic medicine, an additional Examining Board shall be appointed for this purpose, composed of surgeons skilled in Ho- moeopathic medicine. As in this emergency of our country the utmost catholicity is very justly and properly allowed in all the religious and political appointments of the army, this Society deem it in the highest degree intolerant to explude thoroughly educated and competent Homoeopathic surgeons, whose appointment would, by exciting emulation, naturally serve to elevate the standard of medical skill, and secure for the soldiers increased care and attention. Resolved, That a copy of the above statement be sent to Hon. Henry Wilson of the United States Senate, and Hon. B. F.Thom- as of the House of Representatives, with the request that it be presented to both Houses of Congress. II. Miami Horn. Med. Association. Whereas, The exclusion of Homoeopathic physicians from the army and navy of the United States being illegal and unjust, and thus violating every principle of humanity, by forcing a system of medical practice upon those who utterly discard and refuse the 3 same when at home, and thereby preventing a large class of intel- ligent, and competent surgeons from engaging in this important department of practice; and Whereas, Our friends at home and in the army and navy are feeling indignant at the injustice of such illegal arrangement, we, the members of the Miami Homoeopathic Medical Association, do present to the Western Institute of Homoeopathy the following resolutions, expressing the sentiments and feelings of the Homoeo- pathic physicians of this great valley : Resolved, That the Homoeopathic physicians of the United States do, in a body, join in one loud and solemn protest against the continuation of such injustice; and that we in a suitable doc- ument appeal to the proper authorities that we be granted a d*ue proportion of the medical and surgical practice in the army and navy of the United States, during the present war, and for all time to come. Resolved, That we deem this just to our friends, who are ex- posing themselves to extreme dangers, and who, will call us to an account fo*r our apparent silence, unless we act with energy, per- severance and power. III. Western Institute of Homcepathy. In view of the comparatively superior benefits to suffering humanity that follow the introduction of the Homoeopathic sys- tem of medicine, wherever it has been practiced, and Whereas, The brave defenders of our common nationality demand of the government all the means and appliances that the most enlightened and progressive medical practice can bestow, in consideration for the risk to health and limb that is cheerfully yielded for the preservation and perpetuation of our national exist- ence, therefore Be it Resolved, That the Western Institute of Homceopathy does hereby pledge itself to use all due diligence and effort to secure to the army and navy of the United States the introduc- tion of this beneficent system of practice. The passage of the resolutions was strenuously urged by Drs. Franklin, Long, Pratt, Douglas, Belding, Hale, Small and others, who were very earnest in their denunciation of the allopathic phy- sicians, and the policy of the administration that excludes Ho- moeopathic physicians from the army and navy. 4 The resolution* offered by Dr. Franklin were then unanimously adopted. Dr. Franklin moved that a committee of three, members of the Institute, be chosen to take general (barge of this matter ; and that the committee have power to appoint sub-committees in every State, city and town throughout the country. The motion was unanimously carried, aud Drs. E. C. Franklin, of St. Louis, G. D. Bccbe, of Chicago, and S. R. Beckwith, of Cleveland, were chosen as such committee. IV. Horn. Med. Society State of New York. Resolved, That the 1 Ionneopathic Medical Society of the State of New York would respectfully urge upon Congress the import- ance of passing a bill, at its present session, making Homeopathic physicians equally eligible with other practitioners for the appoint- ment of surgeons in the army and navy, for the following reasons : 1. The extensive diffusion mid, general recogniton af Homoeop- athy. Homoeopathy is now practiced in all portions of the civilized world; Homeopathic journals are published in almost all European languages; Homoeopathic hospitals and dispensaries are acknow- ledged and supported by governments in various countries in Eu- rope, and many of these countries have sanctioned and encouraged this mode of practice by special legislative enactments ; it has its professors in European universities, and its numerous court physi- cians at continental courts, and while almost unknown at the com- mencement of this century, has since been spreading with a ra- pidity unparalleled in the history of medicine. Homceopathy has also for many years been generally known in this country, and now numbers its practitioners by thousands, and its adherents by millions, a very large proportion of whom are among the most intelligent and wealthy classes in every community in the loyal States, whose means and influence are now given to the adminis- tration in all its measures. 2. As an act of justice to a large number of soldiers in the army and navy, tcho prefer the Homeopathic treatment. Many thousands of our citizens who are accustomed to Homoeo- pathic treatment are enlisted in the regular and volunteer forces, and consider it one of the most severe privations of the service 5 that they are prevented from enjoying the benefits of this humane method of treatment. While these citizens are deovoting their lives to the service of their country, in this her hour of peril, they have a right to ask that, when stricken down by disease or casu- alty, they may have that system of practice in which alone they have confidence. 3. On account of the far larger percentage of cures in all hos- pital diseases under the Homoeopathic than under the Allopathic treatment. The most reliable statictics have shown that the average mor- tality of hospital disease is only six per cent, under Homoeopathic, while it amounts to ten per cent, under Allopathic treatment, and that the proportion of deaths from inflammation of the lungs is three times as great, and that from typhus fever twice as great under Allopathic treatment as it is under Homoeopathic; and, that even of* those who do recover under the former, the duration of disease is far longer than under the latter. Is it then of no impor- tance that four "out of every ten of our brave soldiers, who now die, might be saved ? 4. On account of the recognized legal status of Homceopathy in the several States. The Homoeopathic profession has in most, if not in all the loyal States, the same recognized legal status as the Allopathic, is com- posed of equally well qualified and wrell educated physicians— graduates of legally incorporated medical colleges, most of whom were formerly practitioners in, and are now converts from, the Allopathic school. To the knowledge of Allopathy thus acquired, they have merely superadded a knowledge of Homceopathy, and believing the latter the more successful method, choose to prac- tice it. The States of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois and Missouri, have each Homoeopathic colleges within their limits, incorporated by their respective Legislatures with all the rights of Allopathic colleges, including the privilege of conferring diplo- mas on their graduates, entitling them to practice medicine and surgery. Under State laws, therefore, Homoeopathists are equally eligible to all appointments within the gift of the government as other physicians. There is no more valid reason for any discrim- ination in favor of the Allopathic, and adverse to the Homoeo- pathic profession in respect to appointments in the army and navy, than there would be in refusing a chaplain a commission because not a member of a particular religious sect. 6 5. R will elevate the standard of medical skill in the army and navy. The introduction of Homoeopathy will afford the country an opportunity of witnessing the benefits of this mode of treatment as compared with that now employed; and, by creating a gen- erous emulation, will elevate the standard of medical skill, and cause a better .system of practice to prevail even in that portion of the army which remains under the mode of treatment at present in use.