DENTISTRY! J. B. SNOW, Dentist, Would respectfully Inform the citizens of Plymouth, that he has opened an office for the practice of Dentistry, OVER THE STORE OF MR. GEORGE WILSON, And will visit Plymouth the Till rcl Hoik cl a j IN EACH MONTH AND REMAIN ONE WEEK. Having had superior advantages for acquiring a practical knowl- edge of Mechanical Dentistry, he would especially invite those who are in want of JuronricxAS fim, to call and examine specimens of the various styles now made by the best Dentists, and most in use in our large cities. He would particu- larly call attention to the style known as CONTINUOUS GUM WORK, which, as is indicated by the name, is without seam or crev- ice, and far excels all others in beauty, cleanliness and durability. In addition, he manufactures Hard Rubber, Cheoplastic, and the usual styles made on Gold, Platina and Silver Plates. Partial Plates inserted on the Atmospheric principle, or otherwise. Teeth filled with Watts’ Crystal Gold, in the most finished and du- rable manner. In all operations to be performed, he will strive to give as little pain as possible, and make the operations thorough and permanent.