LIST OF 969 HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES 30,000 Low and High Potencies Prepared by the late DR. B. FINCKE For sale by MARIA C. FINCKR' K. A, Ex. of Estate No. 398 Qfefjnont Ave. / BROOKLYN BOROUGH NEW YORK CIIV fffiW YORK Jt U. S. A, PREFACE Samuel Hahnemann’s Organon printed in Dresden by Arnolds, A.D. 1810, states: Page 193, Paragraph 244—No hom- oeopathic dose can be so small, that it is not stronger than the sickness and can conquer it. Page 189, Paragraph 236—Use one remedy at a time. Page 189, Paragraph 237—Do not use too strong doses. Page 218, Paragraph 269—-Only in dangerous cases requiring immediate help, a palliative or stronger remedy may be used. This assists over the present danger momentarily, gaining time to apply the true homoeopathic remedy later, which alone can effect a complete cure eventually. According to Hahnemann, both the low and high potencies are applicable in their place by the intelligent, studious professional. The lit- eral translation of this valuable book by Dr. B. Fincke upon which true homoeopathy is based, partly appeared in journal print. It may be printed in book form; whether by personal subscription or otherwise has not yet been decided—this depends upon the professions practical interest shown regarding said translation. EXPLANATION By offering the Fincke Remedies for sale, we are following the desire of the late Dr. B. Fincke, to have them universally tried and accepted by the homoeopathic profession. They are absolutely pure, made with the greatest care, and are equal (if not superior) to other preparations. The majority of the remedies are potentized up to the c. m. excepting those which are marked next to the name, indicating the highest potency made of that particular remedy. Example—Abis nigra (blank) is potentized to c.m 10 m no higher Regulation In the lowest potency 6 and 3 x are always on hand. Potencies are 1c by hundreds to 9 c 1 m “ thousands “ gm 10 m “ five “ “ c.m c.m to mil. on a few remedies one (full weight) dram vials, and will positively not be sold otherwise. None genuine unless bought at headquarters and having trade mark label “Dr. B. Fincke’s high potencies. The medicines are made in small, dry pellet-form, put up in Similia minimis”. So called grafts by others from these, are not considered pure Fincke remedies. Terms—All potencies up to l