A PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF OVARIAN AND MYOMATOUS TUMORS HOWARD A. KELLY, M. D. PROFESSOR OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS IN THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, GYNECOLOGIST AND OBSTETRICIAN TO THE JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL, BALTIMORE REPRINTED FROM THE NEW YORK JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS FOR fUNE, 1893 NEW YORK Stuyvesant Press 154 AND 156 WEST TWENTY-SEVENTH STREET 1893 FIG. I. The normal abdominal outlines for the sake of contrast with succeeding cases of enlarged abdomen. FIG. 2. An abdomen made scaphoid by the removal of a large fibrocystic tumor. The mass is a gauze drain. This shows the reverse of the conditions to be studied. A PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF OVARIAN AND MYOMATOUS TUMORS HOWARD A. KELLY, M. D. PROFESSOR'OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS IN THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, GYNECOLOGIST AND OBSTETRICIAN TO THE JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL, BALTIMORE REPRINTED FROM THE NEW YORK JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS FOR JUNE, 1893 NEW YORK Stuyvesant Press 154 AND 156 WEST TWENTY-SEVENTH STREET 1893 FIG. 3. Globular distension of the abdomen by an ovarian cyst, seen from below. A PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF OVARIAN AND MYOMATOUS TUMORS.1 Howard A. Kelly, M. D., Professor'of Gynaecology and Obstetrics in the Johns Hopkins University, Gynaecologist and Ob- stetrician to the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. I will offer no apology for presenting for the consideration of the Southern Surgical and Gyngecological Society any facts relative to the life history of ovarian and myomatous tumors, affections which are so constantly before the members from a severely practical standpoint. 1 use the word morphology in a broad non-technical sense to include changes in the contour of the patient’s body caused by these tumors, as well as peculiarities in the form and disposition of the tumors themselves. I propose, therefore, briefly to consider certain characteristic peculiarities produced in the (a) form of the abdomen, (b) peculiarities in the disposition, or packing away of these tumors within the abdominal cavity, and (c) peculiarities of form assumed by these tumors in so far as they are affected by the constraining con- 1 Delivered at the meeting of the Southern Surgical and Gynaecological Society at Louisville, Ky., November 16, 1892. Howard A. Kelly, M. D. 4 stricting influences of their environment; in other words the extent to which they are capable of being moulded by the pressure of neighbor- ing structures. (a) Characteristic Traits Evident Upon Inspection of the Abdomen. The general tendency of tumors growing out of the pelvis and extending up into the lower part of the abdomen is to produce marked distension of the lower abdominal zone, at once evident to the eye, and readily recorded by measuring the distance from the umbilicus to the fig, 4. Marked example of the globular distension of the abdomen by an ovarian cyst in an old woman. anterior superior spines and symphysis, which is increased beyond the normal, while the distance from the umbilicus to the sternum and ribs remains proportionately but slightly, if at all, changed. This generic FIG.S. The large bosses of an ovarian cyst in a young girl. The tumor seen in profile. FIG. 6. A quartering view of the tumor shown in profile in Fig. 3, showing the large bosses. 6 Howard A. Kelly, M. D. difference I will demonstrate by comparing a group of tumors, arising from the upper part of the abdomen, with a pregnancy eight months advanced, taken as a type of tumors arising from below. The form of abdomen characteristic of large ovarian cysts is a glob- ular or ovoid distention of a part or the \yhole of the abdominal wall, pushing out the infra-umbilical portion much more than the supra- umbilical, at least so long as the tumor occupies the lower half or two- FIG. 7. This patient has a large polycystic ovarian tumor. She is in addition excessively fat. The great distension of the upper abdominal zone is evident and characteristic of the obese. thirds of the abdomen. This enlargement is uniform in parovarian cysts and polycystic tumors exhibiting but few bosses, due to the fact that the latter are composed of one or two large cysts associated with a mass of smaller ones, and the large cyst is best accommodated in the median line in the distended concave anterior abdominal wall, while The Morphology of Ovarian and Myomalous Tumors. 7 FIG. 8. The same patient shown in Fig. 5 after removal of the tumor. The difference in outline is simply the patient minus the tumor. the smaller ones lie in the flanks and consequently do not show on the surface. The alate or winged-shaped chest is due to a pushing out of the lower ribs, and is a characteristic of any mass big enough to distend the entire abdominal cavity. Prominent exceptions to the general rule just enunciated that pelvic tumors distend most markedly the inferior abdominal zone are the 8 Howard A. Kelly, M. D. notable stretching of the upper abdomen in very fat women with large ovarian tumors, and the like distention of the abdomen in rhachitic dwarfs in advanced pregnancy. Myomata being less yielding retain more prominence in the median line, and often look like a pregnant uterus, striking differences, how- ever, are the breadth of the tumor and a peculiar abruptness in its upper outline. fig. 9. Shows well the vertical outlines of a myomatous uterus. Note especially the upper border. Nodular Myomata on the other hand stand out in marked contrast to the smooth outlines of cystic tumors in giving to the lower abdomen a lumpy bossed appearance, thus exhibiting through muscles and skin a softened exaggeration of their irregular outlines. This peculiarity still remains prominent although softened, after these tumors have undergone fibro-cystic degeneration. The contrast of the globular outline of the ovarian tumor with the more or less bossed appearance of a large fibro-cystic tumor is well shown in one of our photographs. The flattened ovoid of an ascites, which is no tumor, shows well the striking difference between an enlargement contained in its own sac wall and one free and without definite form in the abdominal cavity. It is well to bear in mind, however, that occasionally a simple The Morphology of Ovaria?i and Myomatous Tumors. 9 ascitic accumulation will distend the abdomen prominently in the median line, presenting a deceptive appearance, a close mimicry of the encysted tumors. (b) The Disposition of Tumors in the Pelvis and Abdomen follows the Laws of Accom modation. The problem presented is that of a body with a smooth surface and ■of varying degree of mobility, contained within an irregular cavity with a smooth lining and subjected to frequent movements of succus- sion—-the law is, that the body in question finally assumes a position best adapted to its form, subject to the single restriction of its attach- ments or adhesions. Small ovarian tumors up to the size of a goose egg commonly lie on the same side from which they originate. fig. 10. The uterus from the patient seen in Fig. 8. The ovarian tubes are seen on either side. FIG. 11, The Morphology of Ovarian and Myomatous Tumors. 11 fig. 12. A myomatous uterus lifting the lower abdominal zone forward. The hazy line from the umbilicus to ensiform is diagnostic, as it shows by contrast the splinting of the lower abdominal zone by the tumor. FIG. 13. The nodular outlines of a large fibrocystic tumor. Upon continuing to grow, the cyst at first extends over on to the opposite side of the pelvis, and then proceeds to enlarge upwards into the abdominal cavity. As soon as the cyst leaves the side on which it originated, it commences to put traction upon its pedicle thus pulling 12 Howard A. Kelly, M. D. FIG. 14. The same fibrocystic mass lifted out on to the abdomen and before removal. the uterus towards that side. By thus shortening one fornix the opposite fornix is made wider, and the tumor is thus in this case more easily palpated through the vagina on the opposite side to its attachment and the natural but erroneous inference in attempting to locate it is that it is a right or a left sided tumor according as it is felt more easily on the right or left side. The facility with which the simpler monocystic and some jelly-like tumors accommode their form to their surroundings may be well seen by noting the effect of gravity outside the body, where they at once ■collapse into a flattened ovid mass. In the body such cysts as well as the softer myomata often fill the pelvis and bud out into the abdomen until they assume the shape of a gourd or a clove with short stem and big head. Within the The Morphology of Ovarian a?id Myomatous Tumors. abdomen they are ovoid or flattened ovoid, according to the distension •of the sac. Cystic tumors filling the pelvis and a part of the abdomen are rarely found to originate in some upper abdominal tumor. I have here for ■demonstration a photograph of an enormous kidney, containing over a gallon of pus, extending from the pelvic floor up through the abdomen and pushing up the left ribs. Polycystic ovarian tumors, left to grow until they extend above the umbilicus, if not detained by adhesions, are most apt to lie markedly ■displaced to the right side. The explanation of this peculiarity is the same as that I have suggested for the right obliquity and torsion of the uterus in advanced pregnancy. The tumor is simply displaced over A paunched abdomen containing neither fluid nor tumor, but closely resembling an ovarian cyst. fig. 15. FIG. 16. The flattened abdomen of an ascitic accumulation due to carcinosis of the peritoneum, The Morphology of Ovarian and Myomatous Tumors. . other nodules was near the fundus, but this particular nodule had been caught in its growth beneath the promontory of the sacrum where it continued to develope until all the pelvic viscera were compressed and the patient reduced to a pitiable condition. You will observe in the photograph the irregular anterior surface adapted to the cervix and lower part of the body of the uterus; the posterior surface, however, is as exact a model of the sacral concavity as could be obtained by pouring plaster into the pelvis and filling it from floor to brim. This is beautifully shown both in profile and full view taken from behind. This brief study is only intended to be suggestive. One of its objects is to stimulate closer observation of details in these important cases which we are now-a-days handling in such wholesale fashion.