. _u!-.m" .■"■••■•P^ni NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland Gift of The New York Academy of Medicine .^2<^< ^ ?'t. A> LIBRARY OF SPEECH Rr'fAv'.fTATION INSTITUTE 61 IRVING PLAlE (CONNER E. 18 ST.), NEW YORK, N. Y. 10003 PHONE (212), 77Z-798Q THE MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN BODY, IN HEALTH AND DISEASE, ILLUSTRATED WITH NUMEROUS DRAWINGS IN COLOUR. BY ARTHUR HILL MSSALL, M. R. i Author of a "History of the British Fresh-water Algie;" Fellow of the Linnjean Society; Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England; one of the Council of the London Botanical Society j Corresponding Member of the Dublin Natural History Society, Striped Muscular Fibre, 357. Union of Muscle. with Tendon, 362. Muscular Contraction, 363. Development of Muscle, 367. Prof. Kolliker on Unstriped Muscle, 371. Mode of preparing for examination, 375. ARTICLE XIX. Nerves, 376. Structure of, 376. Cerebro-Spinal System. Secreting or Cellular Structure of, 376. Tubular Structure of, 378. Sympathetic System, 380. Gelatin- Nerve, Fibres of, 380. Structure of Ganglia, 383. Origin and Termination of Nerves, 384. Pacinian Bodies, 386. Development and Regeneration of Nerv- ous Tissue, 388. Researches of M. Robin, 391. Preparation of, for examination, 394. ARTICLE xx. Organs of Respiration, 395. Aeriferous Apparatus. Bronchial Tubes, and Air- Cells, 395. Vascular Apparatus, 398. Pathology, 399. Mr. Ramey's views on, 404. Examination of, 405. ARTICLE XXI. Glands, 406. Classification of Glands, 408. a. Follicles, 410. Stomach Tubes, 412. Fallopian and Uterine Tubes, 413. Solitary Glands, 413. Aggregated Glands, 414. B. Sebaceous Glands, 414; comprising the Meibomian Glands, 416. Glands of Hair Follicles, 416. The Caruncula Lachrymalis, 418. Glands of Nipple, 418, and Glands of Prepuce, 418. Mucous Glands, 418; including the Labial, Buccal, Lingual, Tonsilitic, Tracheal, and Bronchial Glands; also, the Glands of the Uvula, Brunner's and Cowper's Glands, 418. Brunner's Glands, 421. Cowper's Glands, 421. c Salivary Glands, 422. Lachrymal Glands, 423. Mammary Glands, 423. Liver, Structure of, 423. Pathology of, 432. Examination of, 435. Prostate Gland, 436. D. Sudoriparous Glands, 437. Structure and examination of, 439. Axillary Glands, 441. New Tubular Gland in Axilla, Plate LVEL, fig. 4 b. Ceruminous Glands, 441. Kidneys, 442. Secreting Apparatus of, including Tubes, Malpighian Bodies, and Epithelial Cells, 442. Vascular Apparatus of, 444. Development of the Kidney, 449. Pathology of, 453. Examination of, 482. 14 CONTENTS. Testis, 483. e. Thymus Gland, 484. Thyroid Gland, 486 Supra-renal Capsules, 488. Spleen, 489. F. Absorbent Glands, 492. Villi of the Intestines, 493. Examination of, 496. ARTICLE XXII. Organs of the Senses, 497. Touch: Papillary Structure of the Skin, 497. Examination of, 500. Taste: Papillary Structure of the Mucous Membrane of the Tongue, 501. Smell: Structure of the Mucous Membrane of the Nose, 505. Vision: Structure of the Globe of the Eye, 509. Sclerotic, 509. Cornea, 510. Choroid, 514. Retina, 518. Vitreous Body, 521. Crystalline Lens, 522. Dissec- tion of the Eye, 533. Hearing: Organ of, 523 External Ear, 523. Middle Ear, 523. Internal Ear, 525. APPENDIX. Pituitary Gland, 535. Pineal Gland, 536. Pia Mater, 537. Pacchionian Glands, 538. Development of the Fat Vesicle, 538. On the Structure and Formation of the Nails, 541. On the Ganglionic Character of the Arachnoid Membrane, 543. Structure of the Striped Muscular Fibrilla, 547. Structure of the Bulb of the Hair, 547. Synovial Fringes, 547. Structure of the Sudoriparous Glands, 547. INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS, THE WHOLE OF THE FOLLOWING ILLUSTRATIONS ARE ORIGINAL WITH BUT NINE EXCEPTIONS: BLOOD, Corpuscles of man, the red with the centres clear, 670 diam. . . Plate i. Fig. 1 The same, the red with the centres dark, 670 diam. ... " i. " 2 The same, seen in water, 670 diam. . ......" i. " 3 The same, the red united into rolls, 670 diam. .... " i. " 4 Tuberculated condition of the red corpuscles, 670 diam. . . . " I. " 5 White corpuscles of man, in water, 670 diam. .... " i. " 6 Corpuscles of frog, 670 diam. . . ......" ii. " 1 The same, with the nucleus of the red visible, 670 diam. . . " n. " 2 The same, in water, 670 diam. ......." n. " 3 The same, after prolonged action of water, 670 diam. ... " n. " 4 Nuclei of red corpuscles of frog, 670 diam. . . . . . " H. " 5 Elongation of red corpuscles of ditto, 670 diam. . . . . " n. " 6 Corpuscles of the dromedary, 670 diam. ......" in. " 1 The same of the siren, 670 diam. ....... " m. " 2 The same of the alpaco, 670 diam........" ill. " 3 The same of the elephant, 670 diam....... " rv. " 1 The same of the goat, 670 diam........" iv. " 2 Peculiar concentric corpuscles in blood, 670 diam. . . . . " iv. " 3 Coagulated fibrin, 670 diam........." rv. " 4 The same with granular corpuscles, 670 diam. . . . . " iv. " 5 Corpuscles of earth-worm, 670 diam......." iv. " 6 Circulation in tongue of frog, 350 diam.^....." v. " 1 The same in web of the foot of ditto, 350 diam. . . . . " v. " 2 Corpuscles in vessels of the same, 670 diam...... " vi. " 1 White corpuscles in vessels of the same, 900 diam....." vi. " 2 Glands of tongue of frog, 130 diam......." vn. " 1 Under surface of tongue of same, 500 diam. ....." vn. " 2 Red corpuscles of embryo of fowl, 670 diam. .... " ix. " 1 The same, in water, 570 diam. ......." ix. " 2 Red corpuscles of adult fowl, 670 diam. . . . . . " ix. " 3 The same of young frog, 670 diam........" ix. " 4 The same of the adult frog, 670 diam....... " ix. " 5 The same united into chains, 670 diam......." ix. " 6 16 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. DEVELOPMENT OF EMBRYO OF CHICK, The cicatricula prior to incubation . • • • * • • e The same at the end of first day of incubation..... The same at the thirty-sixth hour....... The same at the close of the second day...... The same at the end of the third day...... The embryo on the conclusion of the fourth day . The same at the termination of the fifth day..... ci x The embryo of six days old........ The embryo of the ninth day of development...... The same at the end of the seventh day, detached .... x- Ditto at the end of the ninth day, also detached .... MUCUS, Corpuscles of, in their ordinary condition, 670 diam..... **• The same collapsed, 670 diam........ M- The same, showing the action of water, 670 diam..... xl- The same acted on by dilute acetic acid, 670 diam. ... " xi. The same after the action of undilute acetic acid, 670 diam. . . " xi. The same in process of development, 670 diam. .... " xi. Vaginal mucus, 670 diam......... xn- Esophageal mucus, 670 diam........ xn- Bronchitic ditto, 670 diam........." *n. Vegetation in mucus, 670 diam........ " xu. Mucus of stomach, 670 diam........." xn. Vaginal tricho-monas........." xn. PUS. Corpuscles of laudable pus, 670 diam......." xm. The same acted on by acetic acid, 670 diam. .... " xm. The same treated with water, 670 diam......." xm. Epithelial scales from pustule, 670 diam. ..... " xm. Corpuscles from scrofulous abscess, 670 diam......" xm. Vibrios in venereal pus, 670 diam. ...... " xm. MILK. Globules of healthy milk of woman, 670 diam......" xiv. The same of impoverished human milk, 670 diam. ... " xiv. Colostrum, 670 diam.........." xiv. Ditto, with several corpuscles, 670 diam......« xiv. Globules of large size, 670 diam. .......« xiv. Ditto, aggregated into masses, 670 diam......« xiv. Pus in the milk of woman, 670 diam.......« Xv. Blood corpuscles in the human milk, 670 diam....." xv. Globules after treatment by ether, 670 diam......« xv. INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 17 Caseine globules, 670 diam.........Plate xv. Fig. 5 Milk of cow adulterated with flour, 670 diam..... " xv. " 6 SEMEN, Spermatozoa and spermatophori of man, 900 diam. ..." xvi. " 1 Spermatozoa of Certhia familiaris......" xvi. " 2 FAT. The fat vesicles of a child, 130 diam......." xvm. " 1 Ditto of an adult, 130 diam........" xvm. " 2 Ditto of the pig, with apparent nucleus, 130 diam....." xix. " 1 Ditto of the same, ruptured, 130 diam......" xix. " 2 Ditto of marrow of the femur of a child, 130 diam....." xix. " 3 Ditto, with the membranes of the vesicles ruptured, 130 diam. . " xix. " 4 Crystals on human fat vesicles, 130 diam......" xix. " 5 Fat vesicles in melicerous tumour, 130 .diam. .... " xix. " 6 Ditto contained in parent cells, 120 diam......" lxix. " 10 Ditto after the absorption of the parent cell-membrane, 120 diam. . " lxix. "11 EPITHELIUM. Buccal epithelial cells, 670 diam........" xx. " 1 Cuneiform ditto from duodenum, 670 diam. .... " xx. " 2 Ciliary epithelium from trachea of frog, 670 diam. •...*' xxi. " 1 Human ciliary epithelium from lung, 670 diam. .... " xxi. " 2 Ditto from trachea, 670 diam. ......." xxi. " 3 Tesselated epithelium from tongue of frog, 670 diam. ... " xxi. " 4 Ditto from tongue of triton, 670 diam......." xxi. " 5 Ditto from serous coat of liver, 670 diam...... " xxu. " 1 Ditto from choroid plexus, 670 diam. ....'." xxu. " 2 Ditto from vena cava inferior, 670 diam......" xxu. " 3 Ditto from arch of the aorta, 670 diam......." xxu. " 4 Ditto from surface of the uterus, 670 diam...... " xxu. " 5 Ditto from the internal surface of the pericardium, 670 diam. . . " xxu. " 6 Ditto of lateral ventricles of brain, 670 diam....." xxvi. "6e Ditto of mouth of menobranchus lateralis, 670 diam. ..." xxvi. " 6d EPIDERMIS, Upper surface of epidermis, 130 diam. ....." xxm. ' 1 Under surface of ditto, 130 diam........" xxin- " 2 Epidermis of palm, viewed with a lens only, .... " xxiv. ' 1 Ditto, magnified 100 diam........." XXIV- " 2 Vertical section of ditto, 100 diam......." xx,v- Ditto of one of the ridges, 100 diam......." XXIV- " 4 Epidermis from back of hand, viewed with a lens ... " ^iv- A portion of same more highly magnified, 100 diam. . XXIV- Epidermis from back of haud 100 diam...... ' XXVI- " Ditto, viewed on its under surface, 100 diam...... Portion of ditto, with insertion of hairs, 100 diam. ... ' XXVI- 2 18 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Ditto from back of neck, 670 diam. ......Plate xxvi. Fig. 5 Detached cells of epidermis, 670 diam......" xxvi. " 6 A Cells of vernix caseosa, 130 diam........" xxvi- "6b Cells of ditto, 670 diam........." xxvi. "6c NAILS, Longitudinal section of nail, 130 diam......." xxv- " I Ditto, showing unusual direction of striae, 130 diam. ... " xxv. " 2 Ditto, with different distribution of striae, 130 diam. ..." xxv. " 3 Transverse section of nail, 130 diam....... " xxv. " 4 Cells of which the layers are formed, 130 diam. and 670 diam. . " xxv. " 5 Union of nail with true sktn, 100 diam......" xxvi. " 4 PIGMENT CELLS. Cells of pigmentum nigrum (human), 760 diam. " xxvn. " 1 Ditto of the same of the eye of a pig, 350 diam..... " xxvn. " 2 Stellate cells of lamina fusca, 100 diam......." xxvn. " 3 Ditto more highly magnified, 350 diam......" xxvn. "4a Cells of skin of negro, 670 diam........" xxvn. "4b Ditto from lung, 670 diam......... " xxvn. "4c Cells in epidermis of negro, 350 diam......." xxvn. " 5 Ditto in areola of nipple, 350 diam......." xxvn. " 6 Ditto of bulb or hair, 670 diam........" xxvm. " 5 HAIR. Bulb of hair, 130 diam........." xxvm. " 1 Root of a gray hair, 130 diam........" xxvm. " 2 Cells of outer sheath, 670 diam........ " xxvm. " 3 Portion of inner sheath, 350 diam........" xxvm. " 4 Stem of gray hair of scalp, 350 diam....... " xxix. " 1 Transverse section of hair of beard, 130 diam. .-..." xxix. " 2 Another section of the same, 130 diam......« xxix. " 3 Fibres of the stem of the hair, 670 diam. ....." xxix. " 4 Apex of hair of perineum, 350 diam....... « xxix. " 5 Ditto of scalp, terminating in fibres, 350 diam......" xxix. " 6 Ditto of same with needle-like extremity, 350 diam. ... " xxix. " 7 Root of hair of scalp, 130 diam........« xxix. " 8 Another form of same, 130 diam........ « xxix. " 9 Hair with two medullary canals, 130 diam......« xxix. " 10 Insertion of hairs in follicles, 100 diam......« xxvi. " 3 Disposition of hairs on back of hand.......« xxiv. " 5 CARTILAGE. Transverse section of cartilage of rib, 350 diam..... « XXx. " 1 Parent cells seen in section of ditto, 350 diam. . . . . " xxx. " 2 Vertical section of articular cartilage, 130 diam..... « Xxx. " 3 Ditto of inter-vertebral cartilage, 80 diam......« xxx. " 4 Cartilage of concha of ear, 350 diam....... « xxxi. " 1 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Cells of inter-vertebral cartilage, 350 diam. Section of cartilage and bone of rib, 130 diam. Ditto of one of the rings of the trachea, 350 diam. Ditto of thyroid cartilage with fibres, 130 diam. Cartilage of ossification, 100 diam. Section of primary cancelli, 350 diam. Ditto of same, more advanced, 350 diam. Cartilage of ossification, 350 diam. Section of cartilaginous epiphysis, 30 diam. Ditto of same, with bone, 30 diam. Ditto of same, more highly magnified, 330 diam. Section of cartilage and bone of rib, 130 diam. BONE. Transverse section of ulna, 60 diam. Cross-section of Haversian canals, 220 diam. Ditto of same more highly magnified, 670 diam Longitudinal section of long bone, 40 diam. Parietal bone of foetus, 30 diam. Portion of same more highly magnified, 60 diam. Spicula of bone of fcetal humerus, 350 diam. Lamina of a long bone, 500 diam. Cancelli of long bone of fetus, 350 diam. Section of femur of pigeon fed on madder, 220 diam. Section of epiphysis and shaft of fcetal femur, 100 diam Transverse section of primary cancelli, 350 diam. Section of cancelli more advanced, 350 diam. Ditto of epiphysis and shaft of fetal femur, 350 diam. Ditto of cartilaginous epiphysis of humerus, 30 diam. Ditto of same with bone, 30 diam. The same more highly magnified, 330 diam. Blood-vessels and medullary cells .... Section of shaft of fcetal long bone, 20 diam. Ditto of bone and cartilage of rib, 130 diam. TEETH, Vertical section of incisor tooth, seen with lens Tubes of dentine near their termination, 670 diam. A not unfrequent condition of same, 670 diam. Tubes of dentine near their commencement, 670 diam. Oblique section of tubes of dentine, 670 diam. Transverse section of ditto, 670 diam. . Transition of tubes into bone cells, 670 diam. . Dilatation of ditto into bone cells, 670 diam. Section of cementum, 670 diam. Ditto of same traversed by tubes, 670 diam. Ditto of same showing angular cells, 670 diam. Fungus on section of dentine, 670 diam. Oil-like globules on section of same, 350 diam. 20 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Section of secondary dentine, 350 diam......P^te xxxvu. Fig. 6 Ditto of bicuspid tooth, seen with lens only....." xxxvn. Vertical section of enamel, 220 diam....... " xxxix. Enamel cells seen lengthways, 670 diam......" xxxix. Cross-section of cells of enamel, 670 diam. . '' xxxix. FIBROUS TISSUE. Longitudinal section of tendon, 670 diam......" xxxix. Transverse section of same, 670 diam. ....." xxxix. £ White fibrous tissue, 670 diam........" XXXIX- " 6 Mixed ditto, 670 diam......... " XXXIX- "' ] Yellow fibrous tissue, 670 diam........" XL- ' 1 Different form of ditto, 670 diam......." xi.. " 2 Development of blood-vessels, 350 diam. ....." xl. " 3 Areolar form of mixed fibrous tissue, 330 diam..... " xl. " 4 Blood-vessels of pia mater, 350 diam. ......" xl. " 5 Development of white fibrous tissue, 670 diam. .... " xliii. " 2 Portion of dartos, 670 diam........." xliii. " 3 Section of corpora cavernosa, slightly magnified .... " xliii. " 4 MUSCLE. Portion of striped muscle, 60 diam. ......" xli. " 1 Fragment of unstriped ditto, 670 diam. ..... " xli. " 2 Muscular fibrillar of the heart, 670 diam......" xli. " 3 Fragment of striped muscle of frog, 350 diam..... " xli. " 4 Fibres and fibrillae of voluntary muscle, 350 diam....." xlii. " 1 Fibres acted on by acetic acid, 350 diam. ..... " xlii. " 2 Ditto in different degrees of contraction, 350 diam. ..." xlii. " 3 Union of muscle with tendon, 130 diam. ..... " xlii. " 4 Transverse section of muscular, fibres, 350 diam. . . . . " xlii. " 5 Fibres of voluntary muscle of fetus, 660 diam. .... " xliii. " 1 Zigzag disposition of fibres, 350 diam. ......" xliii. " 5 Striped muscular fibre and fibrillae, 670 diam. .... " xliii. " 6 NERVES. Tubes of motor nerve, 670 diam. ......." xliv. " 1 The same after the action of spirit, 670 diam. .... " xliv. " 2 The same after the action of acetic acid, 670 diam. ..." xliv. " 3 Portion of Casserian ganglion, 350 diam...... " xliv. " 4 Nerve tubes of cerebellum, 670 diam. ....... xliv. " 5 Ditto of cerebrum, with clear cells, 670 diam..... " xliv. " 6 Varicose condition of ditto, 670 diam. ......" xliv. " 7 Filaments of great sympathetic, 670 diam...... «« xlv. " 1 Cells of gray matter of cerebellum, 670 diam. . . . . " xlv. " 2 Ditto of same, inner stratum, 670 diam...... " xlv. " 3 Caudate ganglionary cells, 350 diam......." xlv. " 4 (Spinal cord, Medulla oblongata, Cerebellum.) Ditto from locus niger of cms cerebelli, 350 diam. ... " xxv. " 5 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Ditto from hippocampus major, 350 diam. Ditto from locus niger of crus cerebri, 350 diam. . Pacinian bodies, natural size..... Ditto, magnified 60 diam...... A single Pacinian body, 100 diam. An anomalous Pacinian body .... Two other anomalous Pacinian bodies Cells from corpus dentatum of cerebellum, 350 diam. Plate xlv. " XLV. " XL VI. " XLVI. " XLVI. " XLVI. " XLVI. " XLVI. LUNG. Pleural surface of lung, 30 diam........" xlvh. Ditto, with vessels of first order, 30 diam...... " xlvii. Ditto, magnified 100 diam.........." xlvii. Section of lung injected with tallow, 100 diam..... " xlviii. Casts of air-cells, 350 diam. ........" xlviii. Section of lung injected with size, 100 diam. .... " xlviii. Pleural surface of lung, with vessels of second order, 100 diani. . " xlix. Section of lung, with air-cells uninjected, 100 diam. ... " xlix. Capillaries of lung, 100 diam........" xlix. GLANDS, Follicles of stomach, with epithelium, 100 diam. Ditto of large intestine, in similar condition, 100 diam Ditto of same, without epithelium, 60 diam. Termination of follicles of large intestine, 60 diam. Follicles of Leiburkiihn in duodenum, 60 diam. . Vessels of ditto of appendix vermiformis, 100 diam. Ditto of same of stomach of cat, 100 diam. Stomach tubes, cross-section of, 100 diam. Longitudinal view of stomach tubes, 220 diam. . Ditto of the same, 100 diam. .... Villi of small intestine, with epithelium, 100 diam. Ditto, without epithelium, showing lacteals, 100 diam. Vessels of villi in duodenum, 60 diam. Ditto of same in jejunum, 60 diam. Ditto of same of foal, 60 diam. .... Solitary glands of small intestine, natural size Ditto of large intestine, slightly magnified . Aggregated or Peyer's glands, 20 diam. Side view of same, 20 diam. .... Sebaceous glands in connexion with hair, 33 diam. Ditto from caruncula Iachrymalis An entire Meiboviian gland, 27 diam. . Illustrations of Mucous glands, 45 diam. Parotid gland of embryo of sheep, 8 diam. . Ditto of human subject, further developed, 40 diam. Mammary gland, portion of, slightly magnified Ditto of same, with milk globules, 90 diam. L. LII. LII. LI. LI. LI. LXU. LI. LII. LII. LIII. LIU. LIII. LIII. LIV. LIV. LIV. LIV. 22 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS Ditto of same more highly magnified, 198 diam. Liver, section of, showing the lobules, 35 diam. . Surface of ditto, showing the intra-lobular veins, 15 diam. Section of liver showing the hepatic venous plexus, 20 diam Vessels of portal system, 20 diam. .... Section of liver, showing inter-lobular vessels, 24 diam. Surface of liver, showing portal capillary system, 20 diam. Ditto, showing both hepatic and portal venous systems, 20 Ditto, with both systems completely injected, 20 diam. Ditto, with portal vein and hepatic artery, 18 diam. A terminal biliary duct, 378 diam. . Secreting cells of liver in healthy state, 378 diam Ditto, gorged with bile, 378 diam. Ditto, containing oil globules, 378 diam. Prostate gland, calculi of, 45 diam. New tubular gland in axilla, 54 diam. Tubulus of ditto, 198 diam..... Ceruminous glands, portions of, 45 diam. . Sudoriferous gland, tubulus of, 198 diam. Kidney, tubes of, with epithelium, 99 diam. Cross-section of elastic frame-work, 99 diam. . Ditto of frame-work and tubes, 99 diam. Section of vessels in tubular part of kidney, 33 diam. The same vessels seen lengthways, 33 diam. Tubes with epithelium, 378 diam. .... Corpora Malpighiana of kidney, injected, 40 diam. Uriniferous tubes of a bird, 40 diam. Corpora Malpighiana of the horse, 40 diam. Inter-tubular vessels of surface of kidney, 90 diam. Transverse section of injected kidney, 67 diam. Uninjected corpora Malpighiana .... With capsule, 100 diam..... Without ditto, 100 diam..... Malpighian body, more highly magnified, 125 diam. Afferent and efferent vessels of Malpighian tuft, 45 diam Epithelial cells of the tubes, 378 diam. Testis, tubes of, 27 diam...... Tubes of ditto, more highly magnified, 99 diam. Vessels of thyroid gland, injected, 18 diam. . Vesicles of ditto, viewed with a lens only . Ditto of same, magnified 40 diam. Ditto of same, showing the structure of their walls, 67 diam Lobes and vesicles of same in their ordinary condition, 27 di Nuclei of vesicles of thyroid, 378 diam. . Follicles of thymus, with vessels, 33 diam. Capsule of ditto, 54 diam...... Nuclei and simple cells of same, 378 diam. Compound or parent cells of ditto, 378 diam. Spleen, nuclei and vessels of, 378 diam. . diam. Plate liv. Fig. 6 " LIV. " 4 " LV. " 1 " LV. " 2 (C LV. " 3 f< LV. " 4 " LV. " 5 " LVI. « 3 " LVI. " 4 t< LVI. " 2 " LVII. " 1 " LVII. "2a " LVII. "2b " LVII. " 2c U LVII. " 3 u LVII. "4a " LVII. " 4b l( LVII. " 5 " LVII. " 4c t( LVIII. " 1 " LVIII. " 2 " LVIII. " 3 tt LVIII. " 4 (t LVIII. " 5 " LVIII. " 6 " LXIX. " 1 f< LIX. " 2 " LIX. " 3 " LIX. " 4 " LIX. " 5 f< LX. " 2 " A " tc " B " LX. "3a It LX. "3b " LX. "3c tl LX. " 1 u LX. " 4 " LXI. " 1 " LXI. " 2 " LXI. " 3 " LXI. " 4 cc LXI. " 5 K LXI. " 6 « lxi: " 7 (( lxi: " 8 H lxi: " 9 « lxi: " 10 « lxii: " 1 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Supra-renal capsule, plexus on surface of, 54 diam. . . . Plate lxii. Tubes of ditto, 90 diam........." lxii. Nuclei, parent cells, and molecules of ditto, 378 diam. . . " lxii. Vessels of supra-renal capsule, 90 diam......" lxii. Pineal gland, compound bodies of, 130 diam..... " lxix. Pituitary gland, cells and fibrous tissue of, 350 diam. ..." lxix. ANATOMY OF THE SENSE OF TOUCH, Epidermis of palm of hand, 40 diam......" lxiii. Ditto of back of hand, 40 diam........" lxiii. Papillae of palm of hand, 54 diam....... " lxiii. Ditto of back of hand, 54 diam....... " lxiii. Epidermis of palm, under surface of, 54 diam..... " lxiii. Ditto of back of hand, under surface of, 54 diam....." lxiii. Vessels of papillae of palm of hand, 54 diam..... " lxiii. Ditto of same of back of hand, 54 diam......" lxiii. ANATOMY OF THE SENSE OF TASTE. Filiform papillae, with long epithelial appendages, 41 diam. . " lxiv, Ditto, with shorter epithelial processes, 27 diam....." lxiv. Ditto, without epithelium, near apex of tongue, 27 diam. . . " lxiv. Ditto, without epithelium, near centre of same, 31 diam. . . " lxiv. Filiform and fungiform papillae, without epithelium, 27 diam. . " lxiv. Peculiar form of compound papillae, 27 diam. . . . . " lxiv. Filiform papillae in different states, 27 diam..... " lxiv. Ditto, with epithelium partially removed, 27 diam. ..." lxiv. Follicles of tongue, with epithelium, 27 diam..... " lxv. Ditto, without epithelium, 27 diam. ......" lxv. Ditto, viewed as an opaque object, 27 diam..... " lxv. Filiform papillae from point of tongue, 27 diam....." lxv. Follicles and papillae from side of ditto, 20 diam. ... " lxv. Simple papillae, with epithelium, 45 diam......" lxv. Filiform papillae, with ditto, 18 diam......" lxv. The dame, viewed with a lens only......" lxv. Side view of certain compound papillae, 20 diam. ... " lxv. Simple papilla from under surface of tongue, 54 diam. ..." lxv. Compound and simple ditto from side of tongue, 23 diam. . " lxv. A calyciform papilla, uninjected, 16 diam......" lxvi. Ditto, with the vessels injected, 16 diam...... " lxvi. Filiform papillae near centre of tongue, injected, 27 diam. . . " lxvi. Ditto near tip of tongue, injected, 27 diam....." lxvi. Simple papillae, injected, 27 diam......." lxvi. Fungiform ditto, injected, 27 diam....... " lxvi. ANATOMY OF THE GLOBE OF THE EYE. Vertical section of cornea, 54 diam......." lxvii. A portion of retina, injected, 90 diam...... " lxvii. Section of sclerotic and cornea, 54 diam......" lxvii. 24 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Vessels of choroid, ciliary processes, and iris, 14 diam. Nuclei of granular layer of retina, 378 diam. Cells of the same, 378 diam...... Ditto of vesicular layer of retina, 378 diam. Caudate cells of retina, 378 diam..... Cells of the membrana Jacobi, 378 diam. Fibres of the crystalline lens; a, 198 diam.; b, 378 diam. A condition of the posterior elastic lamina, 78 diam. Peculiar markings on same, 78 diam. Crystalline lens of sheep, slightly magnified Fibres of lens near its centre, 198 diam. . Stellate pigment in eye of sheep, slightly magnified Venae vorticosae of eye of sheep, injected Conjunctival epithelium, oblique view of, 378 diam. Ditto, front view of, 378 diam. .... Ciliary muscle, fibres of, 198 diam..... Gelatinous nerve fibres of retina, 378 diam. Cellated structure of vitreous body, 70 diam. Fibres on posterior elastic lamina, 70 diam. Portion of the iris, 70 diam. ..... Epithelium of crystalline lens, 198 diam. . Ditto of the aqueous humour, 198 diam. Hexagonal pigment of the choroid, 378 diam. . Stellate pigment of same, 378 diam. .... Irregular pigment of uvea, 378 diam. Plate LXVII. Fig. 4 " LXVII. " 5 * u LXVII. " 6 tt LXVII. " 7 a LXVII. " 8 a LXVII. " 9 St LXVII. " 10 tt LXVII. " 11 tt LXVII. « 12 " LXVII. " 13 u LXVII. " 14 It LXVIII. " 1 (( LXVIII. " 2 (l LXVIII. " 3 u LXVIII. " 5 " LXVIII. " 4 " LXVIII. " 6 tt LXVIII. " 7 it LXVIII. " 8 " LXVIII. " 9 it LXVIII. " 10 tt LXVIII. " 11 si LXVIII. " 12 u LXVIII. " 13 u LXVIII. " 14 ANATOMY OF THE NOSE Mucous membrane of true nasal region, 80 diam. Ditto of pituitary region, injected, 80 diam." .... Capillaries of olfactory region of human fetus, 100 diam. lxix. " 1 lxix. " 2 lxix. " 12 ANATOMY OF THE EAR Denticulate laminae of the osseous zone, 100 diam. . Tympanic surface of lamina spiralis, 300 diam. Inner view of cochlearis muscle of sheep ..... Plexiform arrangement of cochlear nerves in ditto, 30 diam. VILLI. Villi of fetal placenta, injected, 54 diam. .... Ditto of choroid plexus, 45 diam...... LXIX. " 3 LXIX. " 4 LXIX. tt 5 LXIX. tt 6 LXII. tt 4 LXIX. tt 9 Plates VIII., XVIL, and XXXVIII., omitted in the original edition, are likewise here omitted. The same numbers for the other plates are observed, that the figures in both editions may correspond. The Plates added to the American Edition commence at Plate LXX. PLATES ADDED THE AMERICAN EDITION Corpuscles of lymph, 800 diam.......Plate lxx. Corpuscles of chyle, 800 diam. ...... LXX- Fat vesicles, injected, 45 diam. ....... LXX- Transverse sections of hair, 450 diam......." LXX- Cartilage from finger-joint, 80 diam....... LXX- Vessels of synovial membrane, 45 diam....... lxx. Injected matrix of finger-nail, 10 diam...... hxxi. Vessels of tendon, 60 diam......... lxxii. Ditto nearer muscular union, 30 diam...... lxxii. Lymphatic gland and vessels, 8 diam.......( lxxiii. Capillaries and air-cells of fetal lung, 60 diam..... " lxxiii. Ditto of same of child, 60 diam........' lxxiii. Ditto of same of adult, 60 diam....... ' lxxiii. Branchia of an eel, 60 diam.........' LXXI» Mucous membrane of fetal stomach, 60 diam. . . • lxxiv Ditto, showing cells and cap. ridges of adult, 60 diam. . . . lxxiv Ditto with cells deeper and ridges more elevated, 60 diam. . . lxxiv Ditto showing gastric villi, 60 diam. . .... lxxiv Villi of duodenum, 60 diam........ LXXIV Ditto of jejunum, 60 diam......... LXXIV Ditto of ileum, 60 diam. . ....... IjXXV Muscular fibre of small intestine, 60 diam...... LXXV Appendix vermiformis, 60 diam....... Mucous follicles of colon, 60 diam....... LXXV Malpighian bodies with uriniferous tubes, of adult, 100 diam. . lxxv Ditto enlarged as in Bright's disease, 100 diam..... LXXV Enlarged veins of kidney, first stage of Bright's disease, 100 diam. lxxvi Ditto of same, another view, 100 diam...... LXXVI Stellated veins in third stage of same, 100 diam..... LXXVI Granulation on the surface of kidn :y, 100 diam. ... «* lxxvi A tube much dilated, 100 diam........ Sudoriparous glands and their ducts, 70 diam..... lxx mi Ditto, more highly magnified, 220 diam...... 26 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS Mucous membrane of gall-bladder, 50 diam. Transverse section of muscles of the tongue, 45 diam. Terminal vessels in cornea, 45 diam. Cornea of viper, showing its vessels, 45 diam. Choroid coat of fetal eye, 45 diam..... Ciliary processes of eye of adult, 45 diam. Mucous lining of unimpregnated uterus, 35 diam. Ditto of impregnated uterus, 35 diam. . Tuft of placenta, 60 diam...... Papillae of gum, 45 diam...... Ditto of lip, 45 diam....... Blood-vessels in mucous membrane of trachea, 45 diam. Ditto of buccal membrane, 60 diam. Ditto of mucous membrane of bladder, 60 diam. . Plate LXX VII " LXXVII " LXXVIII " LXXVIII tt LXXVIII " LXXVIII " LXXVIII (t LXXVIII " LXXIX tt LXXIX " LXXIX (t LXXIX " LXXIX " LXXIX INTRODUCTION. BY THE EDITOR. The object of the present Introduction is to furnish some practical hints on Manipulation in Microscopic Anatomy, so that the student who is dis- posed to pursue for himself this subject, and has not at his command other authorities, may be provided with the information necessary to commence his investigations. Although plates and models are useful as companions in study, and as giving more explicit views of authors than can be done in words, yet as these, however excellent, can never make the student master of special anatomy without dissection, so in the more intricate department of minute anatomy, he who would there become a proficient, must investigate for himself. The same remarks apply in a manner to specimens prepared by others: these seldom receive that close study and repeated investigation which are willingly given to one's own attempts. The very admirable preparations of different tissues by Hett, Topping, Darker, and others, which may now be purchased of many opticians, should be rather regarded as standards of success, with which the student may compare his own efforts, than as sub- stitutes for his own manipulation. For distinctness, it is proposed to treat the subject under three divisions: I. Microscopes and their Accessory Instruments. II. The Preparation of Objects. III. The Preservation of Objects. I. OF MICROSCOPES AND THEIR ACCESSORIES. It will not fall within the design of this introduction, to treat either of the theory of the microscope, or its construction. A brief description of the various forms in present use is all that will be necessary. k Those only who have studied with the microscope, know the comfort and satisfaction of using a good one; and by this is meant excellence not only 28 INTRODUCTION. in object-glasses, although these are the most essential to a good microscope, but excellence in all the details of accessory instruments, and in nice mechanical adjustment. It is a very common error to suppose that cheap microscopes will answer as well for low powers as more expensive ones: that, for instance, there is no difference in a one-inch object-glass and common eye-piece of an ordi- nary microscope, and the same focus object-glass and eye-piece of a good instrument: hence many persons, about commencing the study of micro- scopic anatomy, and believing that, for the study of injected preparations, a power of one hundred diameters will in most cases answer, purchase the cheapest instrument they can obtain, with that degree of magnifying power, unaware that penetration and definition are qualities that, an object-glass needs, even more than mere magnifying power—qualities that are rarely found to exist in any degree in the cheaper microscopes. It is in these qualities that the English and American instruments excel the French and other continental microscopes: an observer with the former being able actually to see more of, and see better, the construction of an object with a glass of much lower magnifying power: the object being in the latter case clear and well defined, while in the other, though more highly magnified, blurred and indistinct with poor illumination. It is a great satis- faction in viewing an object with a microscope to be able to see it as well as any one has hitherto seen it: if not able to do this, one always feels at a disadvantage. An error, somewhat similar, committed by beginners, is in supposing that a low-priced microscope (and usually therefore a poor one) is sufficiently good to commence with, and that a more perfect instrument with higher powers may be purchased when more familiar with its use. This is not only poor economy, but, as already stated, such an instrument gives unsatis- factory and often false views: it being much better economy where this is regarded, and infinitely more satisfactory, to purchase a good instrument with low powers at a fair price, to which the higher powers may be added as means allow. Those who can afford a good microscope, and yet pur- chase a poor one, commence their studies under great disadvantages. It must not be forgotten, however, that in microscopic observation, more depends on the observer than upon the instrument; more upon the practised eye, and the analytical mind, than upon the precise form of the microscope or the number of its accessories. The following brief enumeration of the different prominent microscope- makers may be of service to persons at a distance about to order a micro- scope, and who are embarrassed by the number of manufacturers, and uncertain about the expense. At the present time, the most elaborate and completely furnished micro- MICROSCOPES, ETC. 29 scopes are those of English, and especially of London manufacture. A full account of the various forms by the three principal London makers, is given by Mr. Quekett in his "Practical Treatise on the Microscope." He, how- ever, does not give preference to either.—Mr. A. Ross, No. 2 Featherstone Buildings, Holborn, London, is usually considered the most prominent of the London makers, having done more by his contributions to the literature of the microscope, and his various improvements in its form and accessory apparatus, than either of the other makers. His best or largest microscope has been considered to be unsurpassed by any in the world. Its price in London, when complete, is about $450; the duty on importation into this country being 30 per cent, ad valorem. As has been mentioned in the preface to the English edition of the present work, most of the objects represented, are engraved as viewed with one of Mr. Ross's microscopes. Mr. Ross makes several forms of instruments, among which the most reasonable in price, and convenient for use, is one described in the Penny Cyclopedia, article "Microscope." This instrument, with object-glasses as high as |th-inch,* with the usual accessory instruments, may be obtained in England for about $175. Messrs. Powell and Lealand, No. 4 Seymour-place, Easton-square, Lon- don, have of late years almost, if not quite, equalled Mr. Ross in the excel- lence of their microscopes, and also construct several forms. One of the steadiest and most convenient is the second size described by Mr. Quekett, on page 77 (figure 44) of his "Practical Treatise." The price of this instrument complete is about $350 in London, and to those desiring a high-priced instrument the writer can safely recommend t,his one, as combining great steadiness, accuracy of adjustment, and excel- ' * Note.—As these fractions of an inch—£th, ]th, -J^th, &c.—as applied to the focus of object-glasses, constantly recur in this introduction and elsewhere, it should be stated that these measurements do not represent the actual distance between the object and the object-glass in each particular case, but are used to signify what the distance would be, if a single lens were used possessing the same magnifying power, instead of a combination (most object-glasses being composed of three lenses instead of a single one, and called a triplet) : in other words, a single lens, to produce the same magnifying power as a ^th-inch triplet, would have to be a lens of Jth-inch focus. This nomenclature is unfortunate, because many are misled by it. It is, however, in general use in England and in this country. The following table gives the magnifying powers in diameters of Mr. Ross's object-glasses with the different eye-pieces. The objectives of other makers do not vary much from these: OBJECT-GLASSES. EYE-GLASSES. A. or long eye-piece, . . B. or middle eye-piece, . C. or short eye-piece,. . 2-IN. 1-IN. fnr. |-IN. J-IN. A-»- 20 60 100 220 420 600 30 80 130 350 670 870 40 100 180 500 900 1400 30 INTRODUCTION. lence in object-glasses. It is a most luxurious instrument to use. Powell and Lealand construct another microscope, having the supports of the com- pound body and the stage made of iron. This mounting of course consider- ably reduces the expense, but does not diminish its value as an efficient instrument. In this form the lever-stage is usually employed, and a micro- scope of this description, with object-glasses as high as ith, may be imported for about $100; but this sum does not include any of the expensive accesso- ries, such as the achromatic condenser or camera lucida. Powell and Lea- land have sent several of these instruments to this country, and they have given great satisfaction. Messrs. Smith and Beck, No. 6 Coleman-street (city), London, though less prominent than either of the preceding makers, construct several excellent microscopes; one especially, known as the "Student's Microscope," is highly to be recommended on account of its reasonable price; being furnished complete with all the accessories for about $200, and combines great steadi ness and convenience in use. The same instrument with plain stage and object-glasses as high as Ath, but without the accessories, may be had in London for $75. Of the French microscope-makers the most prominent have hitherto been M. Chevalier (163 Palais Royal, Paris,) and George Oberhauser. Cheva- lier's instrument is of the horizontal form, but capable of being converted into the vertical or the inclined one. Though the microscope-stand and apparatus are of good construction, the object-glasses are usually defective in definition: such at least is the character of most of those imported in this country. The horizontal form, recommended by Sir David Brewster as being the best adapted for accurate observation, is to many persons fatiguing to the eye; and the image of the object being a reflected one, it would appear as if some sharpness of outline must be lost by the reflection. The price of one of Chevalier's best instruments in Paris is about $200. The accessory apparatus is not so complete as with the English instruments. A smaller size, similar in construction, and usually known as the "small Chevalier," can be obtained at about half the price of the preceding instru- ments ; it is not, however, so complete in object-glasses or accessories. The form that Mr. Oberhauser (No. 19 Place Dauphine, Paris,) adopts is the vertical one1; a form of construction at once the cheapest and least com- plicated. His microscopes, though often ordered from this country, and much used on the continent of Europe, have two important faults; the first in common with M. Chevalier's, want of definition and penetration in the object- glasses, and the second, inconvenience of mechanical arrangement, especially in the means of illumination; the mirror always being too small, and inca- pable of affording oblique light. M. Oberhauser seems to rely more on his short eye-pieces for increasing the magnifying power, (there sometimes MICROSCOPES, ETC. 31 being five or six of these furnished with his microscope,) than upon his object- glasses ; a great mistake, and always attended by loss of light and definition. The more one studies with the microscope, the more one learns to rely on the object-glass for power and less on the eye-piece; objects being rarely seen so clearly, and therefore not so well, with a very short eye-piece as with one from two to three inches long. Views of objects afforded by M. Oberhau- ser's combination of object-glass and short eye-piece, producing according to his own table a magnitude of 900 diameters, are far less satisfactory, and show less of minute structure, than the same object seen with an English £th object-glass and long eye-piece, producing a magnitude of not more than 220 diameters. A microscope is furnished by M. Oberhauser at about six months' notice for $100, with a power according to his own measurement of 900 diameters. At present, the best French microscope-makers are M. Nachet and M. Brunner, both of Paris. The microscopes of Nachet (Rue Serpente, No. 16,) much resembles in general form and arrangement the large-sized instru- ments of M. Oberhauser, their excellence consisting in the superiority of their object-glasses: they are much employed in microscopic investigations in Paris, and are good working instruments; the prices are about the same as Oberhauser's, but the object-glasses are every way superior. His largest sized instrument, complete, is sold in Paris at 650 franes. His smallest size, at 100 francs: between these, are several intermediate sizes. The microscope of M. Brunner (Rue des Bernardins, No. 34, Paris,) is also a vertical one, but possesses more advantages of mechanical arrangement than any other of the same construction; indeed, it almost equals the more expensive form usually adopted in England, for convenience of arrangement and facility in use. The stage is large, and has not only a circular motion, but also two lateral motions, made by adjusting-screws; the mirror is large, and admirably arranged for affording oblique light. The object-glasses supplied with this instrument are excellent, and for sharpness of definition and light, are hardly surpassed by the best English ones. M. Brunner also supplies the achromatic condenser, the polarizing apparatus, and other accessories, to those who wish them; and his prices for his best instruments vary from $90 to $150, according to the powers of the object-glasses and accessories furnished. The writer has no hesitation in recommending these microscopes as the best of the vertical form, possessing, as already mentioned, more advantages of mechanical arrangement than any other, and the object- glasses are not excelled by any of continental make. The rapid advances made of late years in microscopic knowledge, have been owing, in a great measure, to improvements in the construction of object-glasses. To this end, perhaps nobody has contributed so much as Mr. Charles A. Spencer, of Canastota, New-York. The objectives made 32 INTRODUCTION. by this gentleman may safely bear comparison with the best of foreign make, and for sharpness of definition, power of penetration, and large angle of aperture, are not excelled by any in the world. As has been already stated, much of the excellence of an object-glass depends on its power of penetration: this, again, depends in a great measure on the angle of aper- ture by which the rays of light from the object enter the glass. It must be evident that the greater the angle, the larger must be the pencil of rays. Mr. Spencer has made some valuable experiments on this subject, and has been enabled to obtain a curve for his object-glasses, by which in the ^th- inch, he can give an angle of aperture of 160°. This is believed to be the largest angle ever given to an object-glass: the greatest obtained by Mr. Ross, was, for a TVth, an angle of 135°, and the one usually given to object-glasses of the same focus by the best foreign makers, not greater than 120°. In Mr. Spencer's ith-inch object-glass, the angle of aperture is 85° ; in the ith-inch, 135° ; in the objectives of foreign make, according to Mr. Quekett, the angles are for the ith-inch, 63°, and the |th-inch, 80°. To Mr. Spencer is due the credit of having first resolved, with lenses of his own construction, the fine markings on the Navicula Spencerii and Grammatophera Subtillissima: these minute shells have since been adopted by microscopists as test-objects for the highest powers. The Navicula Spencerii, will exhibit one set of lines with Mr. Spencer's ith-inch object- glass : both sets with the |th-inch. The Grammatophera Subtillissima is a good test for a rljih or TVth. Of several microscopes made by Mr. Spencer, two or three only will be here noticed. His first-class or best instrument is mounted on trunnions, and embraces all the acknowledged improvements, in form and stage, whereby the greatest steadiness and freedom from tremour are secured. The price of this instrument, with all the accessories and full sets of object- glasses, will approach $350. The second-class instruments, complete as to object-glasses and accesso- ries, but mounted less expensively, cost from $200 to $250. A very efficient microscope, is one known as the " Pritchard form:" this instrument has been somewhat modified by Mr. Spencer, and where a less expensive instrument than either of the others is desired, this one will be found a good working instrument, and available for all purposes of ana- tomical study. The cost of this form, with object-glasses as high as the |th with the usual accessories, is from $125 to $150. Mr. Spencer also makes some simpler forms of instruments, and yet very efficient working ones, with objectives as high as ith, the price of which does not exceed $75. Mr. Spencer has experienced some delay in the completion of his establish- ment, owing to the difficulty of obtaining efficient workmen, the business ACCESSORY INSTRUMENTS. 33 being in this country comparatively a new one, and for which it was neces- sary to educate men and invent tools. These difficulties are now overcome, and his establishment is in active operation. Mr. J. B. Allen, of Springfield, Mass., has constructed several microscopes which are said to have been very good instruments, both as to model and object-glasses. The form is somewhat after the Pritchard model, in which the body inclines to any angle: the object-glasses yet made have been chiefly of low and medium powers, and have performed very satisfactorily. Messrs. Pike and Sons, opticians, of New York, construct a microscope. stand of great steadiness and convenience for use, the supports and general appearance of which much resemble the large instrument of Mr. Ross. The stage is large, being nearly four inches square, and moveable either by adjusting-screws, and revolving after the plan described by Mr. Legg, or is made moveable by a lever, as sometimes employed by both Powell and Lealand, and Smith and Beck. This latter stage movement is very exact, and allows of quick or slow motion in any direction. The mirror is large, being about three inches in diameter, and admirably arranged for oblique light; the quick motion is effected by rack-work, and the slow motion by means of a conical-pointed steel screw, pressing against the top of a slit in an inner tube, furnished with a spring: at the end of this tube, the object-glasses are adapted. The instrument is of considerable weight, which adds to its steadiness, being at the same time well proportioned. Its price, with eye-pieces, all the accessories, and without object-glasses, is about $100. ACCESSORY INSTRUMENTS. There are several instruments accessory to the microscope, and most use- ful in dissection, in addition to those usually furnished with the instrument. 1. Scalpels.—The scalpels of the dissecting-case of the Medical Schools will be necessary in making the ordinary sections, but for very minute dis- section, much smaller-sized instruments will be found useful. The blades of these may be either straight, curved, lancet-shaped, or probe-pointed. In default of any instruments for this especial purpose, the small knives fur- nished with the case for operations on the eye, may be employed. 2. Dissecting Forceps.—Small-sized forceps, both straight and curved, are among the instruments most often required in minute dissections. Those with exceedingly fine points, and at the same time made true, are especially useful. The more serviceable forms are here represented: 3 34 INTRODUCTION. Fig. 1. A very convenient form of forceps, is one known as the cutting-forceps, and is represented by figure 2: Fig. 2. The sides of this instrument are riveted at the end, as those of the ordi- nary forceps, but the cutting part consists of two scissor-shaped blades, which overlap each other, and are prevented from crossing over too far by a small steel pin; the blades are bent at an angle with the sides, and by this means the instrument can be very conveniently employed for dissecting under a lens of half an inch focus. An instrument somewhat resembling this, and called the microtome, is represented at figure 3: Fig. 3. "It consists of two sides, like a pair of dissecting-forceps, but each terminated by a scissor-shaped blade, arranged so that its cutting-edge is perpendicular to the broad surface of the sides, in order to prevent the blades from opening too wide; a screw ACCESSORY INSTRUMENTS. 35 with a fly-nut is attached to one blade, and the other moves freely upon it; the screw is also provided with another nut, situated between the blades; the latter may be adjusted so as to prevent the blades from being closed beyond a certain point, while the former serves to regulate the space, that the blades may be kept open by the spring." * This instrument is a very useful one, on account of the great precision with which any tissue or filament may be cut, independent of any tremour of the hand, and without deranging the preparation. 3. Dissecting Needles.—These instruments are necessary in carrying on dissection of delicate tissues under the microscope. They may be either curved or straight, and of different sizes. Messrs. Pike and Sons, opticians, of New York, furnish, at a very small cost, needle-holders, in which the needles may be changed as often as the points become broken, or otherwise unfit for use. Straight needles may be curved by heating them in a spirit- lamp to a red heat, and then giving them the desired curve : they should be then again heated, and dipped in cold water to harden them. 4. Valentin's Knife.—This instrument, used in making thin sections of soft animal tissues—like the liver, spleen, &c.—is a double-bladed knife, the flat parts of the blades being placed against each other, and adjusted by a screw, placed below the cutting portion of the blades. The form of this knife is given at figure 4, and is thus described by Mr. Quekett: Fig. 4. "This consists of two double-edged blades, one of which is prolonged by aflat piece of steel to form a handle, and has two pieces of wood riveted to it for the pur- pose of its being held more steadily; to this blade another one is attached by a screw; this last is also lengthened by a shorter piece of steel, and both it and the preceding have slits cut out in them exactly opposite to each other, up and down which a rivet, a, with two heads, is made to slide, for the purpose either of allowing the blades to be widely separated or brought so closely together as to touch; one head of this rivet is smaller than the hole in the end of the slit, and can be drawn through it, so that the blade seen in the front of the figure may be turned away from the other, in order to be sharpened or to allow of the section made by it being taken away from between the blades. The blades are constructed after the plan of a double-edged scalpel, but their opposed surfaces are either flat or very slightly concave, so that they may fit accurately to each other, which is effected more completely by a steady pin seen at the base of the front blade. When this instrument is required to be used, the thickness of the section about to be made will depend upon the distance the blades are apart; this is regulated by sliding up or down the rivet, a, as the * Quekett's " Treatise on the Microscope." 36 INTRODUCTION. blades, by their own elasticity, will always spring open, and keep the rivet in place; a cut is then to be made by it, as with an ordinary knife, and the part cut will be found between the blades, from which it may be separated, either by opening them as wide as possible by the rivet, or turning them apart in the manner before described, and floating the section out in water." Mr. Hernstein, cutler, of New York, has made a modification of this instrument, by making the handle curved instead of straight: this form has the advantage of enabling the operator to hold it more firmly while making the section; it has the disadvantage of not allowing him to use the cutting- edges on the concave side of the curved handle, without bringing the tissue to be cut to the edge of the table, so that the handle has room to play below it. Those who have not at hand one of these instruments, and cannot pro- cure one, may make the thin section with a sharp scalpel or a thin razor. 5. Troughs.—Many delicate dissections are carried on under water; for this purpose, troughs are necessary on which to place the tissue to be dis- sected. The most convenient are those made of a metal frame, about three inches long, two wide, and one inch deep, with a glass bottom, so as to trans- mit the light when necessary. If desired, the under surface of the glass in one of the troughs may be blackened with sealing-wax-varnish, or a piece of black silk or common court-plaster pasted on. In default of this form of trough, any small vessel of glass, porcelain, or metal may be employed; a small evaporating-dish answers extremely well. If it is necessary to observe the object by means of transmitted light, of course only a glass trough will answer the purpose. One larger trough, four or six inches square, having a piece of flat cork half an inch thick, (covered with black cloth, if desired,) and secured to the bottom by means of the marine glue, or the compound cement, so that the tissue under dissec- tion can be fastened with pins to the cork, will be found especially useful. In this form of trough, dissections of entire insects, such as beetles, common cockroaches, &c, can be carried on. 6. The Compressor.—This is an instrument by means of which pressure may be applied at will to an object under examination with the microscope; various forms are in use, but the simplest and most effectual is the one repre- sented in figure 5: Fig. 5. PREPARATION OF OBJECTS. 37 " This instrument consists of a plate of brass, three or more inches long and one and a half broad, having in its middle a circular piece of plate-glass for an object- holder; this is slightly raised above the metal plate; at one end of the latter is a circular piece of brass, having attached to it another piece of brass, carrying an arm capable of being moved up and down, by means of a screw at one end, while at the other is a semi-circle, supporting by screws a ring of metal, to the under side of which, a piece of thin glass is cemented." * The use of the instrument is to produce a pressure upon the object between the plates of glass while being examined with the microscope; the compressor being placed upon the stage of the instrument. The object is placed upon the under plate of glass, the arm being made to turn away for that purpose. 7. Pipettes.—These are fine glass tubes, about eight or nine inches in length, either straight, and of the same calibre throughout, or curved or drawn to a fine point by means of heat from a spirit-lamp. They are useful in applying the different reagents to the objects under examination, and also for collecting any required portion of fluid—as urine, pus, &c.—and placing it in the desired position for examination. They are among the most useful of the minor accessory instruments, and can be fashioned in any shape by the student himself. A few only of the accessory instruments that may be used in minute anatomy have been here described. There is much truth in the observation of Rudolph Wagner, that the more one observes with the microscope, the more he learns to rely on the simplest instruments; the complicated ones giving usually more trouble than assistance. Still, there are circumstances in which a timely use of the instruments just described will be found of great assistance. II.—PREPARATION OF OBJECTS. It is designed to give but few directions for the preparation of objects for the microscope in this place: particular directions in manipulation, for those objects requiring an especial method of treatment, will follow the articles in the text. 1. Fluids.—Fluids, such as blood, urine, &c, require but little prepara- tion : a small portion of the fluid to be examined is placed on a plain glass slide by means of a pipette, and is then covered with a small piece of thin glass. This latter direction should be always followed, otherwise there will be the two-fold danger of soiling the object-glass, if a high one be used, by inadvertantly touching the fluid under examination, and also of allowing the * Quekett's "Practical Treatise." 38 INTRODUCTION. vapour of the fluid to condense on the object-glass, and thereby occasion an indistinctness of vision and want of definition. Care must be taken not to place too great a quantity of the fluid on the slide at first; one small drop is usually sufficient. When dilution is necessary—and most of the fluids, blood, lymph, &c, are better examined when diluted—the serum of the blood or albumen, may be employed; in most cases, water cannot be employed on account of its reacting properties. Fluids generally require higher powers for examination than solid prep- arations. They may be first viewed with a J-th-inch object-glass and then with a ±th. Any of the reagents may be introduced, without removing the thin glass, by means of a pipette containing the reagent placed at one edge, and a little of the fluid allowed to escape. This will be found to insinuate itself under the glass by means of capillary attraction, and the effects should be observed with the microscope. 2. Solids.—These usually require more care in their preparation for examination than fluids. The hard solids, as bone, require to be cut in thin sections, and sometimes polished before their structure can be discovered. Particular directions for each preparation will be given at the close of the chapters treating of their anatomy. The soft solids may be examined either in their recent condition or be treated by various chemical agents, or be far- ther prepared by injection. The treatment best calculated to display the structure of each particular tissue will hereafter be given. For making thin sections of the soft solids, the Valentin's knife or a sharp scalpel may be used. The compressor, the small scalpels, the dissecting needles, and the troughs for dissection will be constantly required. Objects examined in this condition require for the most part very low powers. If the compound microscope be used, a one or two-inch object- glass will be power high enough. In many cases, the simple microscope will be most efficient. In some instances, the same parts of the object require to be examined with successive powers as high as the ith-inch object-glass. The most difficult, as well as the most beautiful method of exhibiting the structure of certain tissues, is by fine injection. 3. Injections.—The chief objects of minute injections are to determine the vascularity of a tissue; the relative order, size, and arrangement of arteries, veins, and often-times lymphatics, and to trace the final distribution of the larger blood-vessels in the capillaries. It will be found that different struct- ures will present different arrangements of these vessels, always coinciding with the differences of function. To demonstrate these variations of structure, it is necessary that the injec- tion should be perfect and complete. The operation is a delicate one, and OF INJECTIONS. 39 to succeed perfectly, requires some practice; a few attempts, however, will convince any one how much may be attained by perseverance. Experi- ments may first be made in comparative anatomy, and the different organs of sheep, &c, may be always easily obtained; and these not only afford beautiful specimens of microscopic anatomy, but for the most part are as difficult to inject as the same organs in the human subject, and are on that account very good practice. That an injection may succeed well, it is necessary, that some time should elapse after death before the operation be attempted. It is well known that immediately after death, a certain contractility of the vessels takes place, which would prevent the perfect penetration of the material injected: we must therefore wait for the relaxation of this contraction. The best time for injecting is in summer, about twenty-four to thirty-six hours after death, and in winter, about three days. These are general directions, which may be changed according to the especial circumstances of the case, and the con- dition of the organ to be injected. It would be a still greater error to wait too long a time; for the softened vessels would certainly be ruptured, and extravasation of the injected material follow. This, if extensive, would not only spoil the beauty of the preparation, but completely defeat the object of the injection. A serious obstacle to perfect injection is the presence of coagulated blood and other matters in the vessels, more especially in the veins. This point has not been sufficiently regarded in minute anatomy, but it must be evident that if those obstacles which irregularly contract the calibre of the vessels could be removed, the chance of success would be much greater. A necessary step therefore, preliminary to injection, is to wash out the blood- vessels ; this may be done by injecting tepid water or sulphuric ether, when this latter agent enters into the composition of the injecting material. It is also of great advantage to place the body or organ to be injected in a warm bath for six or seven hours previous to the operation. The temperature should be about 100° to 106° Fahrenheit. For small organs, when removed from the body, less time will be required. As there are several points worthy of being noted in the injection of arte- ries and of veins, the two orders of vessels will be separately noticed. Injection of Arteries.—As a general rule, the complete injection of the capillary vessels, by means of the arterial trunks, is more difficult than by the veins, for the reason that the arteries are less numerous and of less cal- ibre than the veins. In the lungs, this disproportion does not exist; but here, according to the experience of Rossignol, mentioned at the end of the article on the lungs, the best injections are made by the pulmonary veins. The arteries have the advantage of requiring less preparation than the veins, and 40 INTRODUCTION. of being always ready; they are also more empty of coagulated blood, and less liable td rupture, owing to the greater thickness of their walls. Injections by the arteries should be made not by the aorta, because too many vessels would be divided in reaching it, but by the large arteries, which are accessible ; as the carotid, brachial, crural, &c. If the injection be made by the aorta, the visceral trunks should be first ligatured. Injection by the Veins.—On the other hand, the veins present an obstacle to perfect injection in their numerous valves; it being almost impossible to fill the vessels by one operation, owing to the repellant valvular action. In this operation, it is sometimes necessary to inject a very liquid material first, and after this has somewhat set, as the term is, then to inject more of the same material, but thicker. The proportions for these divisions are about one-third of the solid material to be injected at first, and the remaining two-thirds in the second operation. Another difficulty in injecting by the veins is their tendency to rupture; this can only be prevented by using a moderate degree of force. The existence of the coagulated blood in the veins has been already alluded to. Inferior animals, to be injected by the veins, should be bled to death, and the veins by which the injection is to be made, opened. The veins of the extremities are usually injected by the superficial lateral internal and exter- nal trunks; when the chylo-poietic viscera are to be injected in situ, the vessels are to be filled from the vena portae just before it enters the trans- verse fissure of the liver. In either order of vessels, the opening for the canula of the syringe should be a mere slit corresponding to the long diameter of the vessel, and not transversely. A young and lean subject will be found the best for perfect injection, where this can be a matter of choice. SYRINGE. The first minute injections were made by Swammerdam, who taught the art to his friend Ruysch, (born in 1638, died in 1731,) and who improved upon Swammerdam's method. These injections led to many discoveries, and propagated many errors. The instrument employed by Swammerdam is still in general use in the medical schools, and known as Swammerdam's syringe. For making extensive injections, this instrument will answer every purpose • for injecting small organs and parts of the extremities, smaller instruments must be employed. Swammerdam's syringe consists of two main parts__ the syringe proper and the canula or pipe. The canula is fastened in the nozzle of the syringe by means of a bayonet-catch, and is of course SYRINGES. 41 removeable at will. A modern improvement is to add a flexible tube to the canula, so that, in the operation of forcing the injection, no injury will happen to the vessel in which the canula is fixed, and no derangement of the parts of the subject on the table. The canulas are of different sizes, to correspond with the calibres of the vessels into which they are to be inserted. A syringe invented by Charriere, of Paris, which works with remarkable ease and exactness, owing to the arrangement of the discs of leather which form the piston, is advantageously used in making injections with smaller quantities; with this syringe also are canulas of different sizes. These syringes, with other instruments of Charriere's manufacture, use- ful in microscopic manipulation, may be purchased at Mr. H. Balliere's foreign book-store, No. 219 Fulton-street, New York. Many other forms of syringe are in use, and all have their advocates; but in general, any form in which the working of the piston is perfectly true, and at the same time easy, will, with proper care and attention to the exclusion of air, &c, answer very well. The writer has made some good injections of small organs with the ordinary ear-syringe, which is also capable of havinor can- ulas of different sizes attached to it. Some of the many forms of patent syringes sold at the druggists for making ordinary enemata, may be advan- tageously employed, especially when the material of the injection is very fluid, as in the method by double-decomposition, hereafter to be noticed. These instruments would all require certain adjustments in the arrange- ment of canulas which the student could himself make. One form of these enema-syringes, in which the jet is continuous, and not saltatim, as in the forcing-pump, is the best, and the syringe can be constantly supplied with the injecting material, if necessary, by an assistant, without suspend- ing the operation. One objection to this instrument is, that any accident that may happen during the operation, such as rupture of a vessel, cannot be appreciated as readily as when the piston is guided by the hand. In ordinary injections, as already stated, the part to be injected should be placed some hours in warm water, before the operation be attempted. The syringe, canula, and injecting material, should be moderately heated. If the injection is to be by the veins, and by these we are usually more suc- cessful than by arteries, the canula, with the flexible tube, is to be secured in the vessel previously incised longitudinally, and the canula secured by a ligature: a second ligature should lie loose upon the canula to secure the vessel when the operation is finished. The vein may then be washed out by an injection of warm water; at least half an hour should elapse, to allow the vessels to empty themselves, before the injection be pro- ceeded with. As it is important to exclude all air in the operation, the tube and canula should be first filled with the fluid material, the tube be tightly 42 INTRODUCTION. corked, and the canula secured in the vessel. The next step is to fill the syringe, and secure the tube by the bayonet-catch. The injection may then be commenced, with a force, depending somewhat on the thickness of the material employed; the thinner the fluid, the less force will be neces- sary. When it is recollected how slight is the muscular force of the heart, it will be easy to conceive how little force will be necessary to fill the ves- sels in favourable circumstances. When a rupture of a large vessel occurs during the injection, and this can be known by the greater ease with which the material enters, the ope- ration must be suspended and the vessel secured. If the vessel itself cannot be isolated, a ligature may be applied, including a portion of the tissue sur- rounding it. If rupture of the capillaries takes place, the operation need not be suspended, but pressure in the neighbourhood of the suspected rup- ture may be applied, and the injection must be continued rather longer than when no such accident has occurred. The injection being finished, time must be allowed for it to set, when the dissection may be commenced. Many patches will be found more perfectly injected than others; and the proportionate success can only be known by inspection with the microscope. When the minutest capillaries are not injected, the preparation may still be useful in displaying the second order of vessels. Mucous membranes require to be soaked in water or washed with a syringe, to free them from epithelium and mucus. The minute dissection of injected tissues is best conducted in water, by means of the trough and dissecting needles. In conclusion, it may be observed that the operation of minute injection, when properly performed, occupies from one to five hours, according to the size of the specimen and the quantity of material required. No haste should be used, for unless the material be properly prepared, and the vessels carefully filled, one may be certain of partial or complete failure. MATERIALS. Many substances have been employed as the bases of fine injections but as the result depends more on the medium by which the solid part of the injection is conveyed into the vessels, the most useful forms will be here noticed in turn. 1. Injections with Turpentine.—In this method, materials used as paints of various colours, are first finely ground in linseed oil, then largely diluted with oil of turpentine. The paints most used for imparting different colours are: Vermilion, Chrome Yellow, Prussian Blue, White-lead. In making injections with these paints, too much importance cannot be attached to their INJECTING MATERIALS. 43 being ground to the utmost possible fineness; otherwise the colouring parti- cles of the injection cannot penetrate the capillaries. These paints, already finely ground, can be procured at the stores where "artist's materials" are sold, or they can be prepared in a "paint-mill" or on a house-painter's slab. The proportion of the ground paint to the oil, varies with the intensity of of the colour; but the following scale will usually answer: For Vermilion, J„th part of whole mass by weight; Prussian Blue, g^th; Chrome Yel- low, Ti-th; White-lead, Ti„th. If it be found that the proportion of blue makes the injection too thin, the blue may be first well mixed with the white-lead, and then a larger propor- tion of the mixed paint employed. When too much blue is used, the colour produced is nearly black, and therefore too strongly absorbent of light. These injections require to be but slightly warmed, and in summer this process may be entirely dispensed with. When injections by this method are successful, the colours soon harden, and are well preserved for a long time. The plan is the only one recom. mended by M. Robin, and is much in vogue in Europe. 2. Injections with Ether.—To Dr. P. B. Goddard, of Philadelphia, is due the merit of having first employed ether in minute injections; his method is described by him in the Medical Examiner of Philadelphia for December, 1849, and is here quoted: "For the purpose of making such an injection, the anatomist must provide himself with a small and good syringe; some vermilion, very finely ground in oil; a glass- stoppered bottle, and some sulphuric ether. The prepared vermilion paint must be put into the ground-stoppered bottle, and about twenty or thirty times its bulk of sulphuric ether added; the stopper must then be put in its place, and the whole well shaken. This forms the material of the injection. Let the anatomist now procure the organ to be injected, (say a sheep's kidney, which is very difficult to inject in any other way, and forms an excellent criterion of success,) and fix his pipe in the artery, leaving the vein open. Having given his material a good shake, let him pour it into a cup, and fill the syringe. Now inject with a slow, gradual and moderate pressure. At first, the matter will return by the vein coloured, but in a few moments this will cease, and notiiing will appear except the clear ether, which will distil freely from the patulous vein. This must be watched, and when it ceases, the injection is complete. The kidney is now to be placed in warm water of 120° Fahrenheit, for a quarter of an hour, to drive off the ether, when it may be sliced and dried, or preserved in alco- hol, Goadby's solution, or any other anti-septic fluid. For glands, as the kidney, liver, &c, it is better to dry and mount the sections in Canada balsam: but for membranous preparations, stomach, intestine, &c, the plan of mounting in a cell, filled with an anti-septic solution, is preferable." 44 INTRODUCTION. In this method, as in the preceding one, much depends on the fineness of the colour used. The writer has examined many of Dr. Goddard's injec- tions with ether, and can bear witness to their perfect success. When the ether injection is employed, the preliminary steps of heating the body and the injection must of course be dispensed with. If the veins are to be injected, they should be washed out by an injection of pure ether. 3. Injection by Double Decomposition.—This method consists in taking advantage of the known power of certain substances to decompose each other, and form an insoluble compound. Upon the original method of using these materials, Henry Goadby, Esq. (late dissector of Minute Anatomy to the Royal College of Surgeons, London,) has made some important improve- ments, an account of which he first published in the London Lancet, and which has been republished in the Philadelphia Examiner for March, 1850. Mr. Goadby thus describes the original process and his own experience: " M. Gruby has published an account in the Comptes Rendus of some very successful injections which he had made by employing certain fluids, which he used separately, and which, when they met, mutually decomposed each other, and deposited the colouring matter in the Vessels themselves. "He used saturated solutions of the chromate or bi-chromate of potash, and of the acetate of lead: he directed that equal quantities of these fluids should be used, first injecting all the chromate of potash, to the extent of one-half the quantity of injec- tion supposed to be necessary, into the vessels, and subsequently the same quantity of the acetate of lead. "As soon as these fluids meet, they decompose each other; the acetic acid of the acetate of lead combining with the potash to form the acetate of potash, which is set free, and the chromic acid of the chromate of potash combining with the lead to form the beautiful chromate of lead, which is deposited in the vessels. " The reports which had reached me were highly confirmatory of M. Gruby's suc- cess with these fluids, and having seen Mr. Bowman's preparations of the kidney injected on this principle, and with the like materials, I determined to employ them. My experiments, however, were most unsatisfactory; for, having injected a terrier puppy, a dissection of several hours was required to ascertain whether I had succeeded in injecting any part or not, and my best reward consisted in a patch of capillaries slightly painted of a pale yellow colour, and entirely wanting that roundness and full- ness, characteristic of a good injection. " I next procured a human foetus, and injected it, with precisely the same results. "On making inquiry of Mr. Bowman, touching the ordinary success which had attended his experiments, and the experiments of others, so far as he knew, he told me that I appeared to have met with fair average results; for that the labour of dis- secting, consequent on using these fluids, was always great, and that the operator must consider himself well rewarded for two or three days' work, by finding a micro- scopic bit well injected. "From this narration of failures, it will be evident that the fluids rarely meet in the INJECTING MATERIALS. 45 vessels, otherwise the colour would be necessarily precipitated. With a view to see exactly what took place, I determined to inject a piece of intestine, in which the whole process would be under my inspection. I placed pipes in the mesenteric veins. and secured all the cut vessels in the usual manner; I then proceeded to throw in the chromate of potash, and found that the potash would not wait for the lead, but came out instantly through the parietes of the vessels as fast as it went in, and in one broad stream covered the table. I repeated this experiment a number of times, but with the same uniform result; on some occasions I threw in the lead also, and as the vessels were moist with the chromate, the slight painting I have mentioned took place; but as only equal quantities of the two fluids produce the best colour, the excess of the lead was useless. "Having observed, at this stage of my experiments, that the precipitated chromate of lead is remarkably fine and soft, I determined to use it, in lieu of vermilion, with size; and although the success was far greater than when I used the fluids separately, the results were in no way superior to the old red injection. "The principle involved in M. Gruby's use of these fluids—that, namely, of forming the colour within the vessels themselves—appeared to be undeniably good, notwith- standing it had so signally failed in my hands, and, as far as I could learn, in the hands of all those persons who had hitherto employed it; and I had no doubt that if I could succeed in giving some consistence to the fluids, the results might prove more satisfactory. For this purpose, size would not do, as it is rarely, when bought, much too strong for use, and it would not bear further dilution. I therefore pro- cured the highly concentrated preparat|on employed by pastry cooks, and sold by by grocers, under the name of gelatine. The following is my formula for the double injection with this material: "Sat. solution of bi-chromate of potash, eight fluid ounces; water, eight ounces; gelatine, two ounces. "Sat. solution of acetate of lead, eight fluid ounces; water, eight ounces; gelatine, two ounces. " Thus, gelatine, two ounces, are dissolved in sixteen ounces of fluid, and kept and used separately as before; but the success consequent on the addition of the gelatine was quite extraordinary; the vessels were all full and round, and there was no extravasation; and for reasons hereafter to be explained, the microscope revealed scenes so rich in depth, colour, and beauty, as to exceed the best red injections I have ever seen. "With this form of injection I have never failed; I have injected three fetal sub- jects so minutely, that the capillaries of the skin, and of every tissue, were perfectly injected. Among the best specimens I obtained, I may mention injections of the papillae of the lips, gums, and tongue; of the pulps and capsules of the teeth; of the conjunctiva and other tissues of the eye; of the mucous membrane of the nose and cellular tissue; fascia; periosteum, &c; ceruminous glands, lymphatic glands, and thyroid glands; pericardium, auricles of the heart, vasa vasorum, particularly of the aorta and vena cava, and the vessels of all the nerve sheaths. In fine, one foetus occupied me in dissecting, ten hours a day; for two months, and was scarcely half finished at the expiration of the time. "Having described the success attending the use of these injecting fluids, I must 46 INTRODUCTION. now say how they are to be mixed and used, as every thing depends on care in these respects. "Each parcel of gelatine must be dissolved in the water only, (eight ounces,) and in a separate water-bath. The water-baths I employ consist of two earthern pans, such as are applied to a child's chair, and capable of containing about one quart each; these are fitted to two tin kettles, the broad flange of the earthern pan resting on the rim of the kettle, the pan covered with a common saucepan-lid. The kettles should be furnished with a bail of iron wire, like that of a glue-pot, or pitch-kettle. "The gelatine is to be slowly dissolved in the eight ounces of water; when this is accomplished, the eight fluid ounces of bi-chromate are to be added to the gelatine in one pan, and the eight fluid ounces of acetate of lead to the gelatine in the other; each should be well mixed by stirring with a glass rod, a separate rod being used for each solution, lest the chromate of lead should be precipitated. "The fluids thus prepared, must then be strained through fine flannel (using a piece for each fluid) into other vessels, the earthen pans cleaned, and the fluids returned to them. The injections are now ready for use, and must be kept at a tem- perature of about 90° by the warm water contained in the kettles. " Directions for using the Injection.—The best subject to inject is a foetus, as there are no cut vessels by which the injection can escape. A pipe, with a stop-cock attached, should be firmly tied in the umbilical vein, leaving the arteries open until the yellow injection makes its appearance, when they should be secured. It is most essential that, for this injection, the subject be warmed through by immersion in warm water, the temperature of which must not be higher than 90°, or corrugation of the tissues will take place; it will require from one hour to two hours to accom- plish this, and the temperature must be maintained until the injection be completed. The whole sixteen ounces of the potash preparation of gelatine must now be used, care being taken that its temperature never exceed 90°. Some manipulators deem care of little import in the early stage of injecting, and throw in the first few syringe- fulls rapidly, and only exhibit caution when the subject begins to fill. In my expe- rience, this is an error; and he who would succeed, must be equally careful and patient throughout. It is my practice to let the piston descend so slowly, that it can scarcely be seen to move. " Having used the whole of the first preparation, the acetate of lead must be used, when the colour will instantly be formed, and give the operator some idea of his progress. "The temperature of the subject must be kept up, and a fresh batch of injection made and strained as before. In about half an hour the injection may be resumed, and the bi-chromate again claims precedence; but only half the quantity need be used now, followed by an equal quantity of the lead. At this point the stop-cock should be turned, and the subject again allowed to rest for half an hour; the remainder of the injections may then be used, and after this, in all probability, the subject will require another batch. The manipulator who employs, for the first time, as much injection for a foetus as I have already directed to be used, and who experiences the great resistance opposed to the transmission of the last several syringes-full, especially as the body will by this time be swollen and tense to an amazing degree, will feel somewhat surprised to learn, that if he suspend the operation for an hour, keeping up the temperature in the meanwhile, he will be able to throw into the subject twenty INJECTING MATERIALS. 47 or thirty ounces more with comparative ease, and have the pleasure of seeing many isolated congeries of vessels of the skin gradually approaching each other, and finally anastomosing most perfectly, while the tension of the body will be so great, that if the piston be pressed completely down, and the hand withdrawn, it will gradually rise, and the same may, with care, be repeated several times, without causing extravasation. " Towards the conclusion of the process, the injections should be thrown in alter- nately ; and this should be continued, notwithstanding the prodigious distortion of the body, as long as the injection is felt to flow in the vessels. To inject a foetus well, on this plan, will occupy from four to five hours. The operation.finished, the body should be thrown into cold water, and should not be dissected until the next day. " The Dissection,—Will soon reveal wht.t has become of the injection, and is alto- gether a disagreeable and difficult task. It will be found that nearly all the gelatine and acetate of potash have transuded and separated the tissues widely from each other, and that the blood has been diluted, and intimately mixed with the gelatine, which is coloured by it. "The majority of preparations thus injected, require to be dried, and mounted in Canada balsam. Each preparation, when placed on a slip of glass, will necessarily possess more or less of the coloured infiltrated gelatine, which, when dry, forms, together with the different shades of the chromate of lead, beautiful objects, possessing depth and richness of colour. The gelatine also separates and defines the different layers of vessels. By this injection, the arteries are always readily distinguishable, by the purity and brightness of the chromate of lead within them, while the veins are detected by the altered colour imparted by the blood. " Those preparations which require to be kept wet, can be preserved perfectly in my B-fluid, specific gravity 1,100; the A-fluid destroys them. "The bi-chromate of potash is greatly superior in colour to the chromate, which yields too pale a yellow; and subsequent experience has convinced me that the ace- tate of potash frequently effects its liberation by destruction of the capillaries, and this, even long after the preparations have been mounted in Canada balsam; perhaps this may be owing to some chemical action of the acetate of potash upon them. " Although highly desirable, as the demonstrator of the capillaries of normal tissues, I do not think this kind of injection fitted for morbid preparations, the infiltrated gelatine producing appearances of a puzzling kind, and calculated to mislead the pathologist. "In preparing portions of dried, well-injected skin for examination by the micro- scope, I have tried the effect of dilute nitric acid, as a corroder, with very good results. But probably, liquor potassse would have answered this purpose better." The writer has inspected many beautiful injections in the possession of Dr. Goadby, by his chemico-gelatinous method, and can confirm the fore- going account of his success and the excellence of his method. Dr. Goadby, in the article referred to, recommended that the nitrate of lead be substituted for the acetate ; on experiment, however, this change has not been found to answer, as the colour after mounting has been observed to fade. Other colours may also be obtained by the method of double decompo- 48 INTRODUCTION. sition; thus, a red precipitate, by the iodide of potassium and the bi-chloride of mercury; blue, by the ferro-cyanide of potassium and the peroxide of iron, &c. Most of the preceding remarks apply—1st, to cases in which the whole or large part of the subject is to be injected; and, 2d, to cases in which both arteries and veins are to be injected by one material. The perfect injection of only one set of vessels or the two sets by differ. ent materials, so as to fill the capillaries, and yet not exceed each one's proper limits, is one of the most difficult operations in minute anatomy: it is comparatively easy to fill both orders of vessels by one injection. With regard to the amount of force, and quantity of fluid necessary for the injection of only one set of vessels, no directions can be given that would not require modification according to each particular case; and suc- cess must depend more on repeated trials than upon any rules. In cases where two or more materials are to be injected, the arteries, on account of their lesser volume, should be first filled. The colours may be used in the following order: Arteries, blue; Veins, yellow. When red and yellow are used, the two colours meeting in the capillaries, form an orange tint, making it difficult to recognise each proper colour. When the liver is to be injected, its four orders of vessels may be thus filled: Arteries, blue j Vena Portse, yellow; Hepatic vein, red; Hepatic duct, white. When the uriniferous tubes are to be filled, they may be injected with white. A few other materials for fine injections may be here noticed, although the best have been already given: Pure Gelatine.—In using this material, Tulk and Henfrey direct that seven parts in winter and twelve parts in summer of dried gelatine be dis- solved to the consistence of jelly in one hundred parts of water. The jelly is then to be made liquid, as flowing as water, by gentle heat, and the colouring matter added. The colouring particles must be suspended in water: a red colour may be produced by vermilion or carmine; blue, by indigo or Prussian blue; yellow, by gamboge, &c. After the injection has been strained through a fine cloth, it is ready for use, and must be thrown in while warm. This gelatine is the same employed by Dr. Goadby in his method by double decomposition, and may be procured at the druggist's or grocery stores. Fresh milk, used before the cream has commenced to form, and coloured by a watery suspension of the finest particles of indigo, carmine, &c, may also be used. When the injection is completed, the preparation must be deposited in acetic acid, or dilute hydro-chloric acid, for twelve hours to coagulate the milk. PRESERVATION OF OBJECTS. 49 This form of injection is said to be well adapted for organs that have been preserved for any time in weak alcohol. In this fluid, the vessels become so contracted, that any thing like minute injection is very uncertain. The ingredients employed by Berres and Hyrtl, of Vienna, whose injections have become so famous, are finely levigated cinnabar, copal var- nish, and gum mastich. For a full account of Berres' method, see his " Microscopic Anatomy," fol., published at Vienna, in Dutch and Latin, 1637. In conclusion, the writer would state that, from personal experience and observation, any of the foregoing methods may prove perfectly efficient and satisfactory, if proper time be allowed to make the injection, due attention paid to the preliminaries, and sufficient perseverance exercised to obtain any useful experience. The anatomist will therefore find it to his interest to persevere in any particular form of injection he may select, rather than make occasional trials with different materials. In addition to these requisites, success, in any given case, will be found to depend much on the peculiar condition of the vessels, a certain willing- ness on their part (if it may be so expressed) to be injected. This condition will be more generally found in animals that have been bled to death. Ill,—PRESERVATION OF OBJECTS. To properly preserve objects that have cost much time and labour to pre- pare, will be at once acknowledged a most important part of microscopical manipulation. The different cements useful to the microscopist will be first described. Not to embarrass the beginner with too long a list, the mo6t useful only are given. CEMENTS. 1. Japanner's Gold-size. — This mixture may be obtained at almost all the varnish stores, and consists of boiled linseed oil, dry red-lead, litharge, cop- peras, gum-animi, and turpentine. Its cost is trifling, but it needs to be about three years old before it will dry rapidly. It should have the consist- ence of thick syrup, so as not to run too much when applied. If the gold- size be too thin, it may be thickened by being rubbed up with a little lamp- black or litharge. This cement is the most useful of all for fastening the covers of cells, and may also be employed for cementing the cells them- selves to the glass slides. 2. Asphaltum Cement. — This is made by dissolving asphaltum in boiling linseed oil or turpentine, and is of fine jet-black colour. It may be used for cementing cells to slides, or cementing down the covers of the cells. It is 4 50 INTRODUCTION. not acted on by weak alcoholic solutions, and may therefore be used when alcohol is employed as the mounting fluid : as a cement for the covers of cells, it is by no means equal to the gold-size. 3. Sealing-wax Cement. — This is prepared by dissolving a quantity of any coloured sealing-wax in alcohol, sufficient to produce a cement of the consistence of thick syrup. Its uses are the same as the two preceding cements, but inferior to both. 4. Canada Balsam, dissolved in ether or turpentine, and evaporated to a consistence sufficient to allow its being laid on with a camel's-hair brush, has been recommended as a cement for fastening cells to the glass slides. It needs, however, the addition of a little heat, to render it sufficiently fluid to make the union firm, and free from air bubbles. This heat may be applied by means of a spirit-lamp to the under side of the glass slide, after the balsam has been put on, and the cell placed in the desired position. When the balsam becomes fluid, the cell may be pressed down, and the air bubbles will escape. This cement is apt to become brittle by age. 5. Marine Glue. — This substance is in most use abroad for cementing cells to glass slides, and is composed of gum-shellac, caoutchouc, and naptha. The kind best adapted for microscopic purposes, is that known in commerce, as G. K. 4, and may be procured from Messrs. Pike and Sons, opticians, of New York, at a small expense. The directions given by Mr. Quekett, and others, for its use, involve a long and tedious process, and are here omitted. A method equally good, and consuming much less time, has been adopted by the writer, and is in every way satisfactory: A small tin cup, with a cover, is used, capable of holding about six ounces; into this is poured about two ounces of Canada balsam, and about the same quantity in bulk of the marine glue, cut in shavings. These are placed over a spirit-lamp, or in a sand bath, and stir- red occasionally, until they begin to boil, when the cement is ready for use. It is then applied with a brush to the under side of the cell to be cemented on, and pressed on the glass slide, previously warmed. By this method twenty-five or thirty cells may be cemented in a very few minutes, and the cement may be put aside, and will be again ready for use on being heated to fluidity. 6. Compound Cement. — This mixture, which the writer has found the most useful and least troublesome of all cements, is made—first, of gum-shel- lac dissolved in naptha, and of the consistence of syrup; this cement__as it dries very quickly and is quite hard and firm—would be very useful by PRESERVATION OF OBJECTS. 51 itself, were it not for its brittleness; this is obviated by mixing it with equal parts of thick gold-size. This cement, which must be kept in a stoppered bottle, is always ready for use, and may be applied without heat, by means of a camel's-hair pencil, to the under side of the glass cell. This is pressed firmly on the glass slide, and the superfluous cement may be scraped off, when hardened. This cement dries rapidly, is not brittle, is not acted on by any of the fluids commonly used for mounting objects, and has the great advantage of being always ready. It may also be used for fastening the covers of cells where a thick cement is needed. But for this purpose noth- ing can be better than the gold-size, three or four years old. 7. Gum-Arabic Cement. — A very strong cement maybe made by dis- solving three parts gum-arabic and one part of fine sugar in distilled vinegar. The cement sold in the shops as the diamond cement, which depends for its adhesiveness on the isinglass contained in it, and also the liquid glue, which contains a large portion of gum-shellac, may be made use of as occasion requires. The best cements, however, are the first, fifth, and sixth of those already mentioned. Glass Slides and Cells for presenting Objects. — The glass slide, so usefuj in microscopic examinations, and so necessary in the preservation of objects, is a plain slip of thin plate or flattened crown-glass, three inches long and one inch wide. The size is of course arbitrary, but the one mentioned is that recommended by the London Microscopic Society, and is in general use by English and American microscopists : it is therefore desirable that in exchanges and purchases, a uniformity of size should exist. The plate or crown-glass is purchased in sheets; the former being much the best, but most expensive, and is first cut with a glazier's diamond in slips three inches wide; these are again cut in slips one inch in width, which gives the necessary size: the rough edges are made smooth by rubbing them on a cast-iron plate, with emery-powder wet with water. It is much better, however, to'have this done at a lapidary's or glass-cutter's; Mr. Isaac Tay- lor, glass-cutter, corner of Hester and Elizabeth streets, New York, will smooth any number of slides at the rate of fifty cents per one hundred. Thin Glass. — The thin glass used for covering certain objects, fluids, &c, while under examination with the microscope, and for forming the covers of cells that are destined to preserve objects, is manufactured by Messrs. Chance and Company, of Birmingham, solely for this purpose. It is of two varieties of thickness, and known as thick and thin glass: in each case it is sold by the ounce, the thin glass costing about twice as much as the other, 52 INTRODUCTION. but of course containing more in surface. Messrs. Chance and Company have a branch of their house in New York, at No. 42 Cliff-street, and are so obliging as to sell any quantity, however small, at much more moderate rates than were formerly demanded by opticians and others, who imported it themselves. The plate and crown-glass for slides may also be procured at the same house. For use, the thin glass is cut in squares, about three-quarters of an inch in size, or in circles, a little less in size than the outer circumference of the cell to be covered. In either case, the cutting is performed by a writing diamond, the glazier's diamond being too heavy. To cut the thin glass in squares is very easy, care being taken that the sheet of glass to be cut is made to lie flat on a hard smooth table, or, still better, on a sheet of plate glass slightly wet. To cut circular covers from thin glass, is rather more difficult: it may be done by taking a thin section of glass tube, or a circular piece of stout gutta-percha, of the size desired for the covers, and laying it on the thin glass (this having been previously cut in strips), and then pass- ing the diamond either inside or outside of the circle, according to the size desired. For those who prefer this method of cutting circular covers, a most useful instrument has been devised by Mr. Wm. E. Johnson, of Utica, consisting qf a stout piece of German silver or other hard metal, about eight inches long, one and a half wide, and one-eighth of an inch thick. In this plate are drilled circles of different sizes, from T9y to |£ of an inch in diameter. The circular covers of thin glass can, by aid of this instrument, be cut of any required size, and the weight of the metal makes the instrument less liable to slip, than when a section of tube or gutta-percha is used. The form of the instrument is represented at Fig. 6 : Fig. 6. To cut glass satisfactorily by this method, it is necessary to use a dia- mond having a true point, or one that will cut in any direction. Most of the writing diamonds sold, will cut but in one direction. Mr. Quekett has described an instrument devised for the purpose of cut- ting thin circular covers. A much simpler instrument, however, is repre- sented in Fig. 7: PRESERVATION OF OBJECTS. 53 Fig. 7. It usually forms one of the instruments furnished in a mathematical instru- ment case, and can be readily procured at any store where such instruments are sold : It consists of two arms united by a cradle joint; one arm pointed, like the arm of a pair of ordinary dividers. The other arm is about one- half the length, having a circular opening, divided perpendicularly in the centre. The two sides of this circle are made to approach and separate by means of a small adjusting-screw. The original design of the instrument, is to draw circles on paper, by means of a lead pencil fastened in the circu- lar opening by the screw. In cutting glass, the writing diamond is substi- tuted for the lead pencil, and after the cutting-point of the diamond is turned in the proper direction, the diamond-holder is to be secured at the proper distance by means of the screw: as the steel arm of the instrument usually terminates in a sharp point, this must be removed, and a blunt point made. This may rest on a small circle of flat lead or box-wood, or gutta-percha. If it be found this rest is disposed to slip, a piece of chamois leather may be pasted on the under side of the rest; if necessary, this may be moist- ened with a little water or a thin mucilage of gum-arabic. The instrument having been adjusted so as to cut a circle of the required size, is firmly held upon the thin glass, this having previously been cut in slips a little larger than the required circles, and made to describe a circle 54 INTRODUCTION. in the same manner as if the lead pencil and paper were used. Sometimes it will be found better to turn the slip of glass round, holding the diamond stationary. The pressure must be light, but steady, and the edges outside the circle are easily removed. Glass Cells. — For the preservation of injected preparations and other thick animal structures, some kind of cell is necessary in which to deposit the object. This cell may be made of glass, of gutta-percha, or some thick cement, painted on the slide in the desired shape, and allowed to harden. Those of glass are the best, and are of different kinds. 1. The Thin-glass Cell. — This cell, useful in mounting thin and delicate structures, is made by taking a square inch of the thicker kind of thin glass, and drilling a hole in it of about half an inch in diameter. The glass so drilled is then to be cemented to a plain glass slide, by means of the marine glue, or the compound cement, in the manner already described. When the cement becomes dry and hard, the cell, after being properly cleaned, which may be done by scraping off the harder portions of the cement with a knife, and then washing the cell with a solution of borax, or some sulphuric ether, is ready for use. 2. The Drilled Cell, is made in the same way, but in this form, plate-glass of any desired thickness may be employed, according to the thickness of the object to be mounted. Hence, if this form of cell be used, it will be neces- sary to have them of different degrees of thickness, as well as of different sized calibres. They are to be cemented to the glass slides in the same manner as thin glass cells. When these cells are well made, they are the best in use; but, as will readily be seen, it is a difficult matter to drill the holes without fracturing the glass. 3. Tube Cells. — These are sections of stout glass tube, of different cali- bres, from J-th to Jths of an inch, cut of any desired thickness, and cemented to the glass slide in the same manner. These sections are readily made by means of a lapidary's wheel, charged with diamond-dust; afterwards the cut surfaces must be ground perfectly flat, but not polished. These cells are exceedingly neat in appearance, and can be obtained at much less cost than the drilled cells. Mr. Mason, lapidary, No. 156 Fulton-street, has made many of these cells for different microscopists in this city, and at much less price than it would cost to import them. Where only one size can be obtained, a cell of about fths of an inch in calibre, and jth of an inch in thick- ness and height when cemented, will be more generally useful than any PRESERVATION OF OBJECTS. 55 other one size. It is better to have them of different sizes, where this is possible. 4. Built-up Cells. — When neither of the preceding forms of cells can be obtained, the built-up cells will be found a good substitute, and can be easily made by the student himself. These consist of four pieces of glass of proper thickness and width, cemented to a glass slide, so as to form an oblong or square cell. Take, for instance, a piece of plate-glass, £th of an inch in thick- ness, one inch in length, and fths of an inch in breadth; then with a glazier's diamond and rule, cut off strips from each side, ^th of an inch in width, and cement these to the plain glass slide, in the precise order in which they were cut off. This latter step in the process may be insured by marking the different corners with ink or the point of a diamond. These cells may be made of any size and thickness, and in these, as well as in the other forms of cells, the marine glue or the compound cement may be used. 5. Gutta-Percha Cells. — Another very serviceable kind of cell, which may be employed when the drilled or tube cells cannot be obtained, is made from gutta-percha. Dr. Goddard. of Philadelphia, was the first to adopt this form, which is readily made in the following manner : Take a flat piece of gutta-percha of about |th of an inch in thickness, and with a saddler's-punch, fths of an inch in diameter, cut several circles from the gutta-percha: then with a punch one size smaller, or about fths of an inch in diameter, cut from these circles a centre piece. This is to be thrown aside, and there remains a cell, resembling a glass tube cell, £th of an inch in depth, and with the sides ith of an inch thick : this is then cemented with the marine glue and Canada balsam to the plain glass slide, in the same manner as the other forms. Other cells may be made of white lead, melted marine glue, or gold-size thickened with lamp-black. These substances are all to be traced on the glass slide when in a fluid state, so as to form the necessary sized cells, and allowed to harden before fit for use. The superfluous material may be cut away before mounting the object. Gutta-percha dissolved in chloroform, on account of its quickly-drying properties, has been recommended for this variety of cell. The writer has used it, but does not find it possesses any advantages over the other substances already named, and indeed is not equal to the cell made with gold-size and lamp-black. In constructing cells of either of these materials, it has always been found difficult to draw the cell so true in form, as to have a neat appearance. The writer has adopted a method by which circular cells may always be described exactly true, and made of any desired depth. For this purpose, 56 INTRODUCTION. the little instrument with the writing diamond used in cutting circles of thin glass, is employed. In the present operation, a camel's-hair pencil, fine or coarse, according to the desired thickness of the cell, is substituted for the writing diamond: the pencil, having been dipped either in the asphaltum, gold-size, or any other cement, is made to describe a circle in the same manner as the dia- mond in cutting the thin glass. Smaller cells, constructed in this way, will be found very useful in mounting minute portions of muscular fibre and other delicate structures that require to be viewed with high powers. FLUIDS FOR MOUNTING OBJECTS. These require to be varied according to the nature of the structure to be mounted: among many that may be used for this purpose, the following are the most useful: It may be here remarked that all the fluids that may be employed in mounting objects, should be prepared sometime before required for use; otherwise many of them will be found to contain an infinite number of air- bubbles, which will require the object to be remounted before it can be studied with the microscope. 1. Alcohol and Water. — As in the preservation of large specimens of general anatomy, alcohol and water is more generally useful than any other fluid, so by the microscopist, this mixture is more to be relied on than any other. The proportions used in ordinary preparations (equal parts of water and alcohol) will be found too strong for most of the cements used in microscopic manipulation; and it has been ascertained that a weaker solu- tion than the above will answer perfectly well as a preservative, and not act on the cement. The proportion best adapted for this purpose, is one part alcohol, about 60° above proof, to five of distilled water: with this fluid, the gold-size, or asphaltum, may be safely used in cementing down the covers of cells. 2. Goadbfs Solution. — The following formulas are those in use by Dr. Goadby, for the second of which he was rewarded by the "Society of Arts " with a gold medal. A-l Solution. — Rock salt, 4 ounces; alum, 2 ounces; corrosive subli- mate, 2 grains; water, 1 quart. Mix. Very astringent. A-2 Solution. — Rock salt, 4 ounces; alum, 2 ounces; corrosive subli- mate, 4 grains; water, 2 quarts. Mix. Generally useful, except where the carbonate of lime is present. B Solution. — Rock salt, 8 ounces; corrosive sublimate, 2 grains; water FLUIDS FOR MOUNTING OBJECTS. 57 1 quart. Mix. Specific gravity, 1.100.—Two ounces of salt in addition to each quart of water will make the specific gravity 1.148. This solution preserves the transparency of all tissues, and is used for terrestrial and fresh-water animals. Marine animals require the specific gravity to be increased to 1.148 or even higher. 3. Acetate of Alumina.—The famous Gannal process, formerly so much in vogue in Europe, consists in using one part of acetate of alumina, with four of distilled water, either as an injection, when it is said it will prevent decomposition, or as a fluid for mounting objects. Its destruction of bone is an objection to its employment under certain circumstances. 4. Creosote.—This is an excellent preservative, but requires some care in its preparation with water. One of the best methods is to mix it with water, and then distil the mixture. The water will come highly charged with the creosote. The only objection to the employment of this fluid, is its tendency to turn the preparation brown. An excellent fluid, known as Mr. Thwaite's fluid, contains creosote as an ingredient, and is thus prepared : To sixteen parts of distilled water add one part of pure alcohol and a few drops of creosote : stir in a small quantity of prepared chalk, and then filter: with this fluid mix an equal quantity of camphor-water, and strain through a piece of fine linen. 5. Glycerine.—This fluid, now to be obtained at most o the drug-stores, forms with equal parts of water a valuable preservative for delicate tissues, in which it is important to preserve the bright colours. Hence, for the deli- cate colours of living infusoria, it will answer better than any other fluid. If the glycerine be used pure, its highly refracting properties will sometimes prevent the object from being well shown. To the glycerine, salt, corro- sive sublimate, spirit of wine, or creosote, may be added, if desirable. 6. Canada Balsam.—This very useful material is employed when it is desired to increase the transparency of an object, as in sections of teeth, bone, dec, or in some instances, to mount injectings that have become dried. It may be used with heat or without, and directions will be subsequently given for its use in both methods. 7. Salt and Water.—A solution, containing five grains of common salt to one ounce of distilled water, will preserve many animal and vegetable preparations. Mr. Quekett mentions that the common objection to all saline preservatives, viz: the growth of conferval in them, may be obviated by 58 INTRODUCTION. the addition of a few drops of creosote or camphor mixture. This, however, is inferior to Goadby's B-solution. 8. Naptha. — In the proportion of one part of naptha to seven or eight of water, a good preservative is obtained for ordinary objects. It is stated that this mixture is now generally used abroad by Messrs. Hett, Topping, and others, as the best preservative of injected preparations. If this be true, it is a strong recommendation in favour of its employment. Dr. Hannover, in Muller's "Archives," 1840, recommends the employ. ment of a .solution of chromic acid as a preservative fluid, and also, as a fluid in which soft tissues may be hardened for future dissection. In a weak state, as one part to twenty of water, pus, mucus, epithelium, blood corpuscles, and other delicate structures, are well preserved : when the solution is too strong, the tissues acquire a yellow or even red colour. The writer has not used this solution as a preservative sufficiently long to test its merits, but can speak well of its hardening properties: brain, liver, and other soft tissues, after being deposited in this solution a short time, acquire a degree of hardness sufficient to allow of very thin sections. The following excellent general directions for mounting objects, are given by Mr. Quekett, in his work already so often quoted: "For all large speci- mens, such as injections, the spirit and water, or Goadby's first solution, may be used; and for others, either the creosote or glycerine solutions, as those containing saline matter, when placed either between glasses simply, or in the thin glass cells, are apt to crystallize slowly, and interfere with the objects that are mounted in them. Goadby's solution, containing both salt, alum, and corrosive sublimate, will keep animal structures that have been injected with size and vermilion, exceedingly well; but those in which the vessels are filled with flake-white will have that substance destroyed in a few hours* in these cases, either the arsenical or the spirit and water only should be employed. The glycerine fluid, when kept for some time, is apt to become mouldy, it should, therefore, be mixed in small quantities, and then only a few hours before it is required. When objects are to be mounted in either of the above fluids, it must be laid down as a rule, that they should have been soaking for some hours in the same fluid, or in a fluid of a similar kind ; this should be more particularly attended to, when the preparation has to undergo dissection in water, previous to its being mounted. It has often happened to the author to find a preparation that had been dissected in water and mounted in a cell in spirit and water immediately after, completely covered over with small air-bubbles in a few hours, from the slow admixture of the two fluids. With Goadby's solution, it does not so often happen ; but with this, a white sediment will be sometimes deposited in the bottom of the FLUIDS FOR MOUNTING OBJECTS. 59 cell when the preparation has been soaking in spirit for some time previously." Objects are usually mounted in one of four ways. These are—1, the dry way; 2, in Canada balsam with heat; 3, in fluid; 4, as opaque objects. l.-THE DRY WAY. This method is adopted in mounting objects which show best their peculiar structure without the addition of fluid or Canada balsam. Such objects are some thin sections of bone and teeth, some kinds of hairs, some urinary deposits, die. It may be stated here, however, that unless a particular method is known, from repeated trials, to be superior to all others, the different methods should be adopted with a view of trial, where the specimens are large enough to divide in this way. Now, although some sections of bone and teeth show better for being mounted in the dry way, yet some others show better in Canada balsam; the choice depending in some degree on the thickness of the section, and the density of the structure. If the specimen to be mounted be a rare one, and the quantity small, it should be examined with the microscope before being permanently mounted. This may be easily done, both in the dry way and in fluid. Having determined to mount an object in the dry way, the first step is, to properly cleanse the specimen, as it will be always found, on examination, that, no matter how clean an object may appear to the eye, or even with a low power of the microscope, numerous particles of dust will be found on it. These, if not removed, may not only prevent the true structure of the object from being determined, but by the beginner may be mistaken for part of the structure itself. Indeed, M. Robin recommends the microscopic study of dust-particles as a preliminary to the proper study of animal preparations. Ordinary preparations may be cleansed by soaking them for a few hours, previous to mounting, in distilled water, or by washing them with a small syringe and water. Specimens that contain grease, as sections of bone, die, may be cleansed by soaking them in sulphuric ether or spirits of turpentine. After being properly cleansed, the specimen must then be allowed to dry. If the object be a thin one, it is to be placed upon a plain glass slide, and covered with a square or circular piece of thin glass, a little larger than the object. The cover is then pressed firmly down, and fastened with thick gold-size, or with the compound cement, or the diamond cement, always being careful to paint on a thin coat of cement, at first, and a thicker one afterwards. If the object be too thick to allow the cover to approach the slide, the intervening space may be filled up by small pieces of paper, card-board, or thin gutta-percha, having a hole punched out in the centre, a little larger CO INTRODUCTION. than the object. These are first to be cemented to the slide; the object is then deposited in its place, and the cover cemented down as before. If the specimen to be mounted be a section of lung, gland, intestine, dzc, and some of these show their structure very well when mounted in the dry way, one of the different forms of cells before described, may be used. The depth of the cell being always proportioned to the thickness of the object, it being desirable to have the surface of the object as near the cover as possi- ble, the more readily to receive the light. The cover is then to be applied and cemented with the gold-size. 2.-CANADA BALSAM WITH HEAT. This method is adopted in mounting thin objects that require to be made more transparent than they are in the dry state, end at the same time such as will not be injured by heat. Sections of bone and teeth are often mounted in this way. The Canada balsam, or, as it is sometimes called, balsam of fir, used in this manipulation, should be rather old and thick, as it then requires less heat to harden it than when new and thin. The best way of keeping it for use, is a tall vial with a narrow mouth. From this vial the balsam may be dropped on the plain slide or object, and will be found a better plan of proceeding than that usually recommended, viz: of keeping the balsam in a wide-mouthed jar, and taking the desired quantity by means of a glass rod. In this latter method, it will not only be found difficult to obtain the sufficiently small quantity required, but the portion taken will contain a much greater quantity of air-bubbles than when the balsam is dropped from the vial. The vial should be only about half- full, and allowed to stand uncorked for a day or so, in order that the air- bubbles, may rise to the surface, and burst. The object having been properly cleansed and dried, as directed in mounting objects in the dry way, it is to be deposited in the centre of the glass slide, and a sufficient quantity of balsam to be dropped on it to com- pletely cover it. For most objects, one small drop will answer. The slide is then to be seized by means of an ordinary wire forceps with flat blades (covered with leather, if desired), and held over the flame of a spirit-lamp; care being taken to approach the flame gradually; otherwise the slide if not broken, will have an infinite number of fine cracks in it, which will effectually spoil its further use. The slide is to be held over the flame at short intervals until all traces of air-bubbles are removed, care at the same time being taken to prevent the boiling of the balsam. When there is no longer any appearance of air-bubbles, the slide is to be removed from the flame, and a square or circular piece of thin glass, previ- ously cleansed and ready, is to be gently warmed, not heated, and pressed upon the object. The superfluous balsam will escape beyond the thin glass CANADA BALSAM. 61 and when cold may be removed with a knife, and subsequently perfectly cleansed by means of a rag dipped in ether. A modification of this plan of mounting is, to place the slide containing the balsam upon a piece of tin kept for the purpose, about four inches square, with the edges bent up, to prevent the glass from slipping off (a cover to the ordinary seidlitz-powder box will answer very well), and to hold this over the flame of the lamp by means of the wire forceps. In this plan, there is less danger of cracking the glass, but no other advantage. Still another method is, to have a small table made of tin, supported by wire legs, sufficiently high to admit the spirit-lamp under it. The slide is then placed on the table, and heated to the necessary point as before. A little experience will enable one to judge how much heat ie necessary to sufficiently harden the balsam and dispel the air-bubbles. Objects may be mounted in Canada Balsam without heat, by dropping the balsam on the preparation, as before, and allowing it to remain uncovered for a day or two. In this time, the air-bubbles will usually burst, or will rise to the surface, where they may be broken by means of a needle-point. When there are no longer traces of air in the balsam, which may at any time be discovered by placing the slide under the microscope, and examin- ing it with a low power, the thin glass is to be warmed, and pressed upon the object, when the superfluous balsam will escape. The preparation is to be set aside, and allowed to harden by drying before the escaped balsam can be removed. This method of course requires a much longer time, before the object can be properly finished, than when heat is employed, and is only adapted to cases where heat would injure the,object. When injected specimens are to be mounted in balsam, they should be placed in cells; one of these of proportionate size and depth having been selected, and cleaned by means of ether, or a solution of borax and water, the object is to be deposited in the cell, and the unoccupied space filled with the balsam dropped from the vial. The balsam should not overrun the cell, but rise a little above the level of its edge. The slide is to be set aside for a day, where it will be free from dust, in order that the air-bubbles may rise to the surface, and burst. When there is no longer any trace of air in the balsam, a square or circular cover of thin glass, properly cleaned, and a little smaller than the outer circumference of the cell, is to be slightly warmed in the flame of a spirit-lamp, and placed over the cell. If the cover does not touch the cell at every point, gentle pressure is to be employed until the superfluous balsam is pressed out. A sharp-pointed knife may then be used to remove the balsam outside the cell, when a thin coat of the gold-size is to be applied around the edges of the thin glass, so as to cement it to the cell. In a few hours or a day, 62 INTRODUCTION. another and thicker coat of the size is to be applied, or a coat of the asphal- tum or sealing-wax cement. Should a bubble of air enter the cell during the operation of adjusting the cover or removing the balsam around its edges, the cover must be slip- ped half way off the cell, and another drop of the balsam added. When the last coat of cement is quite dry, any trace of balsam may be removed from the slide or cover by means of a linen rag or old cambric handkerchief, dipped in ether, care being taken not to touch the cement, as all these are acted on more or less by the ether. 3.-OBJECTS MOUNTED IN FLUID. Objects mounted in fluid are usually preserved in some of the different forms of cells already described ; but some very delicate structures—such as muscular fibre, fibres of the crystalline lens, die.—requiring high powers for examination, should be mounted as flat (as it is termed) as possible. With preparations of this order, the following method may be adopted: A clean plain glass slide having been selected, the object is to be deposited in the centre: if there are several specimens of the same objects, as several fibres of muscle, they should be slightly separated by means of a needle- point. A drop or two of the mounting-fluid is then to be added by means of a pipette, when the thin glass cover, square or round, is to be placed gently on the fluid. If the object has escaped to the edge of the thin glass, it will be much easier to remove the cover, and begin again, than attempt to push back the specimen with a needle. A very good method to secure the object in any desired position, is to moisten it with a little water, or spirit and water, and allow this to evaporate, when the object will adhere to the surface of the glass. The fluid that escapes beyond the edges of the thin glass may be removed by means of a camel's-hair pencil, when a very thin coating of the gold-size is to he applied around the edges of the cover. When this is dry, another, and sometimes a third coat, must be added in the same way. When quite dry and hard, the whole slide may be cleaned with a solution of borax and water. This solution is at once cheap, very cleansing, and should be always at hand. The thin glass cell, or the cell made with any of the cements, or the white-lead, die, as previously described, may be also used for mounting this description of objects. When the thin glass cell can be obtained, this will be found preferable to all others. Portions of injected preparations—such as sections of kidneys, liver intes- tines, die—of different degrees of thickness, require mounting in cells of proportionate depth. The method is nearly the same as in mounting in cells with Canada balsam. The object being placed in the cell, the fluid is to be added either from a vial or by means of a dropping-tube, so as to fill OPAQ.UE OBJECTS. 63 the cell completely full without overrunning it. The cover is then to be gently dropped upon the cell, and the escaped fluid must be carefully absorbed by means of thin bibulous paper, or, still better, by a camel's-hair pencil. If a bubble of air has entered the cell, the cover is to be half drawn off, and more fluid added; a thin coat of cement is then to be applied, and the object finished, as already directed. 4.-OPAQUE OBJECTS. It has been found that some objects, although sufficiently transparent to allow the light to pass through them, yet show their structure better when viewed upon a dark ground, or, as it is termed, viewed as opaque objects. Any transparent object may be made opaque, by turning away the mirror from the stage of the microscope, or by interposing a dark stop between the object and the mirror. Both these methods, however, may be troublesome at times, and objects that require a permanent dark ground may be mounted opaque by placing a small circle of black paper or blackened silk (court plaster will answer very well) beneath the object, if it be mounted dry ; or, if mounted in balsam or fluid, either the paper or silk may be pasted on the under side of the slide. The object should be covered with thin glass, as in other methods of mounting, to prevent injury from dust. Labelling Slides.—The best method of labelling slides, is to write the name of the object, and the particular point it is intended to exhibit, on the right-hand side of the slide, with a writing diamond, such as is used in cutting the thin glass. On the left-hand side of the object may be written the date of the mounting, the style of the mounting, whether dry or in balsam, or the name of the fluid used. This will be readily seen to be desirable information, as when several hundred objects are collected together, it is impossible to remember the peculiarities of each without some memo- randum. The advantages of each different mounting may be thus compared when several specimens of the same object are mounted in different styles, and this experience may be a guide in future preparations. Some prefer to cover the slides with paper, either plain or ornamented, and write the contents of the slide with ink. In pursuing this method, a circle is cut from the centre of the paper by means of a saddler's-punch a little larger than the object; the paper is then pasted on by means of the gum-arabic cement, and the edges turned down over the edge of the slide; another similar piece of paper is pasted on the opposite side of the slide, and neatly trimmed off. In this method, there is usually less danger of breaking the thin glass cover in subsequent handling, but it will be found to consume considerable time, and, unless very well done, does not make so 64 INTRODUCTION. neat an appearance as the first method: farther, it cannot be well employed when any form of deep cell is used. Cabinets.—For the purpose of preserving microscopical objects free from dust and from danger of breakage, cabinets of different construction are employed. Where economy in room is not consulted, those made with shallow drawers, having a depth of about half an inch, will be found the most convenient. In these the slides all lie on their flat surfaces, where any particular one may be more readily reached than when they are placed on their edges. There is also in the former method less danger of the cells leaking or their covers being broken. A favourite method with some, and one occupying much less room, is the employment of drawers one inch deep, in which racks are placed at proper distances to receive the slides on their edges. This is the most compact sort of cabinet, and two or three thousand slides may be thus preserved in a very small space. The objections to the plan are, the difficulty of readily finding any desired slide, as you only can see the edges of the glass, and not the object, and also the danger of breakage to the cells containing fluid. A method, combining safety and compactness, is the employment of boxes fitted with racks, and each box capable of containing two dozen slides placed on their edges. The boxes are then placed on their ends between permanent partitions in the cabinet; and when arranged and labelled according to subjects, any particular box or object may be readily reached, and all the slides while in the cabinet rest on the flat surfaces. Still another method is, to have boxes made in the shape of books, and filled with racks, so as to contain two dozen objects. The cover of the box may be fastened by means of a clasp, and the boxes, when arranged in a book-case or on the mantel-piece, have a neat appearance. The objects are kept in the horizontal position, and being arranged in subjects, are very accessible. In the preparation of the foregoing Introduction, valuable assistance has been derived from the following works, to which the student is referred for more complete accounts of some methods of Manipulation: "Quekett's Practical Treatise on the Microscope," "Anatomical Manipulation, by Tulk and Henfrey," and "Du Microscope and et des Injections, par Ch. Robin." THE MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN BODY. PART I. —THE FLUIDS. The constituents which enter into the formation of the body, and by the combination of which the human frame is built up, naturally resolve themselves into two orders, Fluids and Solids, the latter proceeding from the former. In accordance with this natural division of the elements which enter into the composition of the body, it is intended to divide this work into two parts: the first of which will treat of those components of our frame-work which are first formed—the Fluids ; and the second will be devoted to the consideration of those constituents which proceed from the fluid elements, viz: the Solids. Of the fluids themselves, it is difficult to determine upon any sub- division which shall be altogether without objection; perhaps the most practicable and useful division of them which can be made is, into organized and unorganized. To the above arrangement of the fluids the following exception might be taken: all the fluids in the animal economy, it may be said, are to be considered as organized, inasmuch as their elaboration is invariably the result of organization. But it is intended that the words organized and unorganized, when applied to the fluids in this work, should have a very different, as well as a more precise signification, and that those fluids only should be called organized which contain in them, as essential, or, at all events, as constant constituents, certain solid and organized particles; while those liquids 5 66 THE FLUIDS. which are compounded of no such solid matters, as essential portions of them, should be termed unorganized. In the first category, the lymph, chyle, blood, mucus, as normal, and pus, as an abnormal fluid, would find their places together with the milk and semen. The fluids of this class, it will be seen, belong especially to nutrition and reproduction, and admit also, naturally, of arrangement into two series: in the first, those fluids which are concerned in the nutrition and growth of the species itself would be comprised—as lymph, chyle, and blood; and in the second, those liquids which appertain to the reproduction, nutrition and growth of the new species, as the milk and semen, would be admitted. In the second category, viz: that of unorganized fluids, the per- spirable fluid, the saliva, the bile, and the urine, as well as probably the fluid of the pancreas, and of certain other glandular organs, would be found. This arrangement of the fluids of the human body might be represented tabularly, thus: FLUIDS. ORGANIZED. UNORGANIZED. FIRST SERIES. Normal : Perspirable fluid. Saliva. Lymph. Bile. Chyle. Urine. Blood. Mucus. Abnormal : Pancreatic fluid (?) &c, &c, &c. Pus. SECOND SERIES. Milk. Semen. If the terms organized and unorganized be objected to, the words compound and simple might take their places, and would well express the distinction which characterizes the two series of fluids • the former appellation being applied to those fluids which are com- pounded of both a solid and a fluid element, and the latter to those which do not possess this double constitution. ORGANIZED FLUIDS. ART. I.—THE LYMPH AND THE CHYLE. It will perhaps render the description of the lymph and the chyle more intelligible, if the observations which we shall have to make on these fluids are preceded by a short sketch of the lymphatic system itself. This system consists of vessels and of glands, which are of the kind, which has been denominated conglobate. The vessels have many of the characters of veins, commencing as mere radicles, which unite with each other to form larger trunks, and their interior surface is provided with valves: they arise from all parts of the system, even the most remote; those of the lower extremities and abdominal vis- cera form by their union the thoracic duct, which, running along the left side of the spinal column, unites with the left sub-clavian vein, near its junction with the internal carotid, its contents becoming mingled with the torrent of blood in that vein. The lymphatics of the left side of the head and neck, as well as those of the arm of the corresponding side, unite with the same thoracic duct, in the superior part of its course. On the right side, however, a smaller separate duct, formed by the union of the lymphatics of the upper part of that side of the body, is frequently met with, and this empties itself into the right sub-clavian vein. All these lymphatic vessels, in their course, pass through the glands above referred to, and in which the fluid or lymph contained by them doubtless undergoes further elabora- tion. The lymphatics are remarkable for their equal and small diameter, which allows of the passage of the lymph through them by mere capillary attraction; they are also to be regarded as the chief, though not the exclusive, agents of absorption in the system, the veins likewise taking part in this process. The lymphatics of the upper and lower portions of the body imbibe and carry along with them the various effete matters and particles which are continually being given off" by the older solid constituents of our frame, and which are as constantly undergoing a process of 68 organized fluids. regeneration; these they redigest and reassimilate, into a fluid endowed with nutritive properties, denominated lymph, and which is poured into the thoracic duct. Those lymphatics, however, which arise on the surface of the small intestines, and which, passing through the mesentery, join the thoracic duct, have received a special appellation, being called lacteals: this name has been bestowed upon them on account of the milk-like appearance of the fluid which they contain, viz: the chyle, a fluid derived from the digestion of the various articles of food introduced into the stomach, and which also is emptied into the thoracic duct. But the lacteals are not always filled with chyle; they are only to be found so when digestion has been fully accomplished; when an animal is fasting, they, like other lymphatics, contain merely lymph. The contents of the thoracic duct likewise vary: it never contains pure chyle, but during digestion a fluid composed of both chyle and lymph, the former predominating, and digestion being completed, it is filled with lymph only. It follows therefore that, if we are desirous of ascertaining the proper characters of chyle, our observations should not be conducted on the fluid of the thoracic duct, but on that of the lacteals themselves. It is a common error to regard and to describe the contents of that duct, at all times and under all circumstances, as chyle, and it is one which has led to the formation of some false conclusions. We will describe first the lymph, next the chyle, and lastly the mingled fluid presented to us in the thoracic duct. The lymph is a transparent colourless liquid, exhibiting a slightly alkaline reaction, and containing, according to the analysis of Dr. G. O. Rees, 0 120 of fibrin, with merely a trace of fatty matter. When collected in any quantity, and left to itself, the lymph, like the chyle, separates into a solid and a fluid portion: the solid matter consists of fibrin, and contains mixed up with its substance numerous granular and spherical corpuscles, identical with the white globules of the blood; the serum is transparent, and contains but few of the cor- puscles referred to. The chyle is a whitish, opaque, oleaginous, and thick fluid, also manifesting an alkaline reaction, and containing, according to the analysis of the gentleman above mentioned, 0 • 370 of fibrin, and 3 • 601 of fatty matter* * See article u Lymphatic System," by Mr. Lane, in Cyclopedia of Anatomy and Physiology, April, 1841, THE LYMPH AND THE CHYLE. 69 There are present in it solid matters of several kinds. 1st, Minute particles, described by Mr. Gulliver,* and which con- stitute the "molecular base" of the chyle, imparting to it colour and opacity: their size is estimated from the jjijj to the jT{R of an inch in diameter; they are "remarkable" not only for their minuteness, but also for "their equal size, their ready solubility in aether, and their unchangeableness when subjected to the action of numerous other reagents which quickly affect the chyle globules." Mr. Gulliver has ascertained the interesting fact, that the milky appearance occasionally presented by the blood is due to the presence of the molecules of the chyle. This peculiar appearance of the blood, which so many observers have observed and commented upon, but of which none save Mr. Gulliver have offered any satisfactory explanation, is noticed to occur especially in young and well-fed ani- mals during digestion; as also in the human subject, in certain path- ological conditions, and sometimes in connexion with a gouty diathesis. 2d, Granular Corpuscles, similar to those contained in the lymph, and identical with the white globules of the blood, but rather smaller than those, and which will be fully and minutely described in the chapter on the Blood. Mr. Gulliver, in his excellent article on the chyle, makes the remark that the magnitude of the globules hardly differs, from whatever part of the lacteal system they may have been obtained. The granular corpuscles are found but sparingly in the chyle of the inferent lacteals, abundantly in that of the mesenteric glands themselves, and in medium quantity in the efferent lacteals, and in the fluid of the thoracic duct. 3d, Oil Globules, which vary exceedingly in dimensions. 4th, Minute Spherules, probably albuminous, the exact size or form of which it is difficult to estimate, and which are not soluble in aether, as are those which constitute the molecular base. Chyle, when left to itself, like the lymph, separates into a solid and fluid portion: the coagulum, however, is larger and firmer than that of lymph, in consequence of the greater quantity of fibrin which it contains; it is also more opaque, from the presence, not merely of the white granular corpuscles, but principally of the molecules of the chyle; the serum is likewise opaque, the opacity arising from the same cause, the peculiar characteristic molecules of the chyle. * See Appendix to the translation of Gerber's General Anatomy, p. 89. 70 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. The lymph and the chyle may now be contrasted together. Both are nutritive fluids, the nutritious ingredients contained in the one being derived from the redigestion of the various matters which are constantly thrown off from the older solids, those of the other being acquired from the food digested in the stomach: the one is a transpa- rent fluid, containing but little fibrin, a trace only of oil, and but few white corpuscles; the other is an opaque, white, thick, and oily fluid, more rich in fibrin, and laden with molecules, white corpuscles, oil globules, and minute spherules; the one, therefore, is less nutritive than the other. It has been asserted that chyle, until after its passage through the mesenteric glands, would not coagulate; the fallacy of this assertion has been demonstrated by Mr. Lane*, who collected the chyle pre- vious to its entrance into those glands, and found that it did coagulate, although with but little firmness, less indeed than it exhibited subse- quent to its passage through the glands. We now come to consider the nature of the contents of the thoracic duct. These, as already stated, vary according to the condition of the animal; thus, if it be fasting, the duct contains only lymph; if, however, the contents be examined soon after a full meal, they will be found to present nearly all the characters, physical and vital, of the chyle, and in addition, especially in the fluid obtained from the upper part of the duct, a pink hue, said to be deepened by exposure to the air. This red colour has been noticed by many observers, and it is now generally agreed that it arises from the presence in the fluid of the thoracic duct of numerous red blood corpuscles. The question is not as to the existence of blood discs in that fluid, but as to the manner in which their presence therein should be accounted for, whether it is to be regarded as primary and essential, or as secondary and accidental. Most observers agree in considering the presence of blood discs in the chyle of the thoracic duct as accidental, although they account for their existence in it in different ways. The distinguished Hewsonf detected blood corpuscles in the efferent lymphatics of the spleen, which empty their contents into the * See Art. "Lymphatic System," loc. cit. f Experimental Inquiries, part iii. Edited by Magnus Falkoner. London, 1777 pp. 122. 112. 135. THE LYMPH AND THE CHYLE. 71 thoracic duct, and in this way he conceived that the fluid of that vessel acquired its colour. The accuracy of Hewson's observation, as to the lymphatics of the spleen containing blood corpuscles, is confirmed by Mr. Gulliver, of the fidelity, originality, and number of whose remarks on the micro- scopic anatomy of the animal fluids, it is impossible to speak in terms of too high praise. Mr. Gulliver detected blood corpuscles in the efferent lymphatics of the spleen of the ox and of the horse. Miiller, and MM. Gruby and Delafont, attribute the presence of blood discs in the chyle to the regurgitation of a small quantity of blood from the sub-clavian vein: if they are really foreign to the chyle, this is the most probable channel of their ingress. Mr. Lane thinks that the division of the capillaries, which necessa- rily takes place in the opening of the duct, allows of the admission into its contents of the blood discs, which are there found. Such are the several ways in which it has been suggested that the blood corpuscles find entrance into the thoracic duct. Mr. Gulliver has noticed that the blood corpuscles contained in the chyle are usually much smaller than those taken from the heart of the same animal, and also, that not more than one-fourth of the entire number present their ordinary disc-like figure, the remainder being irregularly indented on the edges, or granulated. The first of these observations, viz: that which refers to the smaller size of the blood corpuscles found in the chyle, might be explained by supposing that those corpuscles were in progress of formation, and that they had not as yet attained their full development; the other remark, as to the deformed and granulated character of the corpuscles, might be recon- ciled with the former explanation, by supposing that some time had elapsed between the death of the animal and the examination of the fluid of the thoracic duct. If this manner of accounting for the condition presented by the blood corpuscles of the chyle should be proved to be insufficient, which I myself scarcely think it will, then the only other mode of explaining their appearances is by supposing that their presence in the chyle is really foreign, and that, soon after their entrance into that fluid, the blood corpuscles begin to pass through those changes, indicative of commencing decomposition, of which they are so readily susceptible. Leaving, however, for the present the question of the origin of the red corpuscles of the blood, which will have to be more fully discussed hereafter, we will in the next place bestow a few reflections upon the 72 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. origin of the white corpuscles: into this subject, however, it is not intended to enter at any length at present, but merely to make such observations as seem more appropriately to find their place in the chapter on the Chyle and Lymph. It has been noticed that the white corpuscles occur in very great numbers in the chyle obtained from the mesenteric and lymphatic glands; this observation has led to the supposition that the white corpuscles are formed in those glands. Upon this question, as upon so many others, Comparative Anatomy throws much light. It has been ascertained that the glands referred to have no existence in the amphibia and in fishes; in birds, too, they are only found in the neck. Thus it is evident, that the lymphatic glands, however much they may contribute to the formation of the white corpuscles, are not essential to their production. Corpuscles, very analogous to those of the chyle and the lymph, are found in vast quantities in the fluid of the thymus gland in early life: these corpuscles Hewson considered to be identical with the globules of those fluids, and therefore he regarded the thymus gland as an organ of nutrition, and as an appendage to the lymphatic system. In this opinion he has been followed by Mr. Gulliver. That it is an organ of nutrition, adapted to the special exigencies of early life, there can be no doubt; but that it is an appendage of the lymphatic system, and that the globules with which it so abounds are the same as those of the lymph and chyle, admits of much diversity of opinion. The globules of the thymus have undoubtedly striking points of resemblance with the corpuscles so frequently alluded to; they have the same granular structure; they are, like them, colourless, and to some extent they comport themselves similarly under the influence of certain reagents. There are points, however, of dissimilarity as well as of resemblance; thus they are usually very much smaller than the lymph corpuscles, they do not undergo any increase of size when immersed in water, and acetic acid does not disclose the presence of nuclei. But, above all, the corpuscles of the thymus differ from those of the lymph and chyle in their situation; those of the latter fluids are always enclosed in vessels in lymphatics, or lacteal lymphatics; while those of the former fluid, that of the thymus gland, are extravascular lying loosely in the meshes of the cellular tissue which forms the foundation of the substance of the gland itself. Now, it is impossible to conceive that solid organisms of such a size THE LYMPH AND THE CHYLE. 73 as the corpuscles of the thymus can enter the lymphatics bodily; if they are received into the circulation at all, they must first undergo a disintegration and dissolution of their structure. Both Mr. Gulliver and Mr. Simon* regard the corpuscles of the thymus as cytoblasts; the former, however, believes that before their development as cytoblasts they enter the circulation, while the latter con- ceives that they are developed in the gland itself into true nucleated cells. It is difficult to suppose, With Mr. Simon, that the small and uniform granular corpuscles of the thymus are developed into the large, complex and curiously constituted true secreting cells of that gland. Whether this be the case or not, however, it would appear that Mr. Simon has fallen into a certain amount of error in his account of the structure of the thymus gland, and also of other analogous glands, as well as in the generalizations deduced by him therefrom. Thus, Mr. Simon states, that in early life there exists in the thymus gland " no trace whatever of complete cells;" that it is only in later life that nucleated cells are formed, and that these are developed out of the granular corpuscles already referred to, and which are alone present in the gland in the first years of its existence. The same statements are applied to the thyroid body. But Mr. Simon does not rest here : he regards the long persistence of the corpuscles, which he states are to be found in all those glands which secrete into closed cavities, in the condition of cytoblasts, as constituting a remarkable and important distinction between the glands in question and the true secreting glands which are furnished with excretory ducts. These observations are to a considerable extent erroneous, as is proved by the fact that true nucleated cells are to be met with abundantly in the thymus gland of still-born children, and also in the thyroid body and supra-renal capsule ; in the last, indeed, almost every cell is nucleated. On this supposed essential structural distinction between the true glands which are furnished with excretory ducts, and those anomalous ones which are destitute of such ducts, Mr. Simon founds some general deductions. It is known that the functions performed by the glands without ducts are of a periodic and temporary character, while those discharged by the true glands are of a permanent and constant nature. * Prize Essay on the Thymus Gland. London, 4to., 1846. 74 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. It is also considered by some physiologists that the nucleus of every nucleated cell is the only true and necessary secreting structure. These views of the nature of the functions performed by the anomalous glands, and of the importance of the nucleus, being adopted by Mr. Simon, he thence draws the inference that the cytoblastic condition of the cells of the thyroid, thymus, and other analogous glands, is precisely that which is required by organs which are called only into action periodically, and in which great activity prevails at certain periods. This theory is ingenious, but it has been seen that the main fact upon which it rests is for the most part erroneous; and, the basis of the theory being removed, the theory itself must fall. In order that it may be seen that the opinions entertained by Mr. Simon, in his Essay on the Thymus, have not been over-stated, I will introduce a few passages therefrom: "Thus, while the completion of cells, within the cavities of the thyroid gland, is assuredly a departure from the habitual state of that organ, and probably the evidence of protracted activity therein; it is yet just such a direction as may serve even better than uniformity to illustrate the meaning of the structures which present it; for it shows, beyond dispute, that the dotted corpuscles are homologous with the cytoblasts of true glands." (p. 79.) "In the thymus one would at first believe a similar low stage of cell development to be universal; for in examining the contents of the gland in early life, one finds no trace whatever of complete cells. The dotted corpuscles are undoubtedly quite similar to those which we have recognised as becoming the nuclei of cells in the thyroid body, and in other organs; there is abundant room for conjecturing them to be of a correspondent function—to be, in fact, true cytoblasts; but the arguments for this point cannot be considered quite conclu- sive, without some additional evidence." " The completion of a cell, from the isolation of so much of the secreted product as is collected round each cytoblast, is a very frequent secondary process. In the true glands it is very frequent, in those without ducts exceptional." (p. 84.) With one other remark on the corpuscles of the thymus, we will conclude this short chapter; mixed up with those corpuscles are frequently to be noticed many nucleated globules, in every way similar THE LYMPH AND THE CHYLE. 1") to the white corpuscles of the blood, but very distinct from the true cell corpuscles of the gland; the nucleus of these white globules is of nearly the same size as the dotted corpuscles themselves. Is there any relation between this coincidence in size ? We now pass to the consideration of the most important fluid in the animal economy, viz: the blood. 76 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. [The lacteals have their origin in the villi of the intestines, while the lymphatics originate throughout the body in the various tissues and organs of which it is composed. These latter vessels are arranged in a superficial and deep set; the superficial running underneath the skin, or under the membranous coats, immediately enveloping the organs in which they are found, while the deep lymphatics usually accompany the deep-seated blood vessels. They usually exceed the veins in number, but are less in size, and anastomose more frequently than the accompanying veins. The origin of the lymph- atics may be either superficial or deep: in the first mode, they usually arise in the form of net-works, or plexuses, out of which single vessels emerge at various points, and proceed directly to the lymphatic glands, or to join larger lymphatic vessels. These plexuses consist of several strata, becoming finer as they approach the surface, both in the calibre of the vessels and closeness of reticulation. When the lymphatics have a deep origin, their precise mode is not so easily made out: it is probably the same as when they arise superficially. STRUCTURE. The lymphatic vessels, in their structure much resembling veins, have thinner and more delicate coats; some are quite transparent.* For an account of structure of lacteals, see page 492. The medium-sized and larger lymphatic vessels, according to Mr. Lane,+ have three coats; viz: an internal, a middle or fibrous, and an external, one, analogous to the external or cellular coat of the blood-vessels. The inner tunic is thin, transparent, and elastic, but less elastic than the others, being the first to give way when the vessel is unduly distended : like the blood-vessels, it is lined with a layer of scaly or tesselated epithelium, as in the blood-vessels. The middle or fibrous coat is very elastic, and consists of longitudinal fibres having the characters of the plain involuntary muscular fibres, fre&ly mixed with fibres of cellular tissue. Herbst, Henlel and others describe, with these longitudinal fibres, others of transverse and oblique direction: these are very few in number, the great majority beino- longitudinal. The external or cellular coat is elastic, and composed of interlaced fasciculi, of areolar tissue, mixed with some elastic fibres. The lymphatics receive vasa vasorum, which ramify in their middle and outer coats; nerves distributed to them have not yet been discovered al though their existence has been inferred on physiological grounds. The\ are also endowed with vital contractility. * Quain's "Anatomy," 5th edition, by Sharpey and Quain. f "Cyclop, of Anatomy and Physiology," art. "Lym. System." I Henle, " Algemeine Anatomie," Leipsic, 1841. THE LYMPH AND THE CHYLE. The lymphatics and lacteals are supplied with valves in the same manner as the veins, and for like purposes. They usually consist of two semi-lunar folds, but variations occasionally occur. They are altogether wanting in the reticularly arranged vessels, which compose the plexuses of origin before spoken of; but where they exist, they follow one another at shorter intervals than in the veins. Mr. T. Wilkinson King (Guy's Hospital Reports, April, 1840,) has calcu- lated the entire number of valves in the lymphatic system at 30,000, while the veins only contain about 5,000. The lymphatics of fish and amphibia are usually destitute of valves, and may be injected from the trunks: in birds, valves are less numerous than in the lymphatics of the mammiferous animals. "No lymphatics have yet been traced in the substance of the brain or spinal cord, though they exist in the membranous envelopes of these parts, nor have they been detected within the eye-ball, or in the placenta or foetal envelopes. Although no absorbent or open orifices have been discovered in the lacteals or lymphatics, yet it is probable, that both the lymph and chyle corpuscles are developed as cells within the vessels; according to one view, these corpuscles of lymph, may be developed from the liquid part of the lymph, which serves as a blastema. In this case, the nuclei may be formed by aggregation of matter round nucleoli, which again may be derived as germs from other cells; or, as Henle is disposed to think, two or more fat particles may unite to form a nucleus; upon another view, it may be conceived that these corpuscles are formed on the inner surface of the walls of their containing vessels, as epithelium or mucous corpuscles are produced on their supporting mem- brane, and that this process may be connected with the absorption of lymph or chyle with the vessels, in the same manner as secretion into a gland-duct, or other receptacle, is accompanied by the formation and detachment of cells."* MANIPULATION. To procure lymph and chyle quite pure, it is necessary to take the first from the lymphatic glands, and the second from the lacteals themselves. Wagner has found dogs the best subjects for such experiments in compara- tive anatomy, and on the surface of the liver and spleen, are commonly found turgid lymphatic vessels, from which pure lymph may be obtained. It may also be obtained quite pure by opening the thoracic duct of an animal that has fasted for some time before being killed. The chemical analysis of chyle usually quoted, is that of the ass, made by Dr. Rees, and of the cat, made by Nasse. Dr. Rees has examined the fluid contained in the thoracic duct of a human subject, a criminal, an hour and a half after execution. From the small quantity of food taken for some hours before death, the fluid must * Quain's "Anatomy," by Sharpey and Quain, 5th edition. 78 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. have consisted principally of lymph. It had a milky hue, with a slight tinge of buff. Its analysis, compared with that of the chyle of the ass, given in the text, shows less water, more albumen, and much less fat. The chyle-corpuscles are most numerous in the chyle taken from the mesenteric glands. The lymph corpuscles, though closely resembling the colourless corpuscles of the blood, hereafter described, are rather less in size, and not so uniformly round. The globules of chyle and lymph, also, differ in structure from the pale globules of blood : in the last, two, three or four nuclei are easily seen when the envelope is made more or less transparent, by acetic, sulphureous, citric, or tartaric acid. But globules of lymph and chyle, like the nuclei of red corpuscles of blood, are only rendered more distinct, and slightly smaller by any of these acids; so that the central parts present no regular nuclei, or divided nucleus, such as are contained in pale globules of blood. In the larger lymphatics and thoracic duct, are found corpuscles identical in size and structure to the pale corpuscles of blood. When fresh, the corpuscles of lymph and chyle swell on being mingled with pure water, as does the nucleus of blood corpuscle. Mixed with a strong alkali, or neutral salt, the globule becomes partially dissolved, mis-shapen, or fainter, forming a ropy and tenacious compound with the fluid. According to Gulliver, the average measurements of the corpuscles of lymph and chyle are the same, viz: TgVo °f an English inch. Mr. Gulliver measures the colourless cor- puscles of the blood 3 oV o °f an inch, or about 1 larger than the lymph and chyle corpuscles.* For the purposes of examination and study of the corpuscles of lymph or chyle, it is necessary to place a very small drop obtained from either of the sources already mentioned, on a plain glass slide, wiped perfectly clean and dry, and cover it immediately with a piece of thin glass. It is then ready for examination with a jth or ith-inch object glass. Sometimes the corpuscles will be better observed after the lymph is diluted with serum. After examination in this way, the different reagents may be applied by introducing any one of them by means of a pipette upon the edge of the thin covering glass ; by means of capillary attraction, the reagent will gradually insinuate itself under the glass, and its effects must be constantly observed with the microscope. Plate LXX., fig. 1, exhibits corpuscles of lymph. Fig. 2, exhibits corpuscles of chyle. Plate LXXIII., fig. 1, exhibits a lymphatic gland, and lymphatic vessels.] * Hewson'a Works, edited by Gulliver, published for Sydenham Society, page 253. THEBLOOD. 79 ART. II.—THE BLOOD. Of all the fluids in the animal economy, the most interesting and the most important is the Blood: and it is an appreciation of this fact which has led to the concentration upon its study, in times past as well as present, of the powers of a host of able and gifted observers, whose labours have not been without their reward. The knowledge of this fluid acquired by the early physician was of a very limited character, it being confined to the observance of a certain number of external and obvious appearances, such as • the colour, consistence, and form of the effused blood. Limited as this knowledge was, however, compared with that which, in our favoured day, we enjoy, it was not without its practical utility. More recently, the chemist, who is in these times extending in all directions so rapidly the boundaries of his domain, has cast upon this peculiar portion of it a flood of light. Who, to look upon a dark and discoloured mass of blood, could imagine that the magic power of chemistry could reveal in it the existence of not less than forty distinct and essential substances ? Lastly, the micrographer, with zeal unweariable, has even outstripped the progress of his rival the chemist, and brought to light results of the highest importance. It is these results that in this work we have more especially to consider. In the following pages we shall have to treat of the blood under various aspects and conditions; we shall have to regard it alive and dead, circulating within its vessels, and motionless without them; as a fluid and as a solid; healthy and diseased; or, in other words, we shall have to consider the blood physiologically, pathologically, and anatomically. » Those who wish to learn the comparative size of the blood corpuscles in the different vertebrate animals, may find a very complete table of their measurements in the "Proceedings of the Zoological Society, No. 152," carefully prepared by Mr. Gulliver; or "Hewson's Works," published for the Sydenham Society, and edited by Mr. George Gulliver, pp. 237—243: or "Gerber's General Anatomy," edited by Gulliver—Appendix, pp. 31—84. 80 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. DEFINITION. The blood may be defined as an elaborated fluid, having usually a specific gravity of about 1-055, that is, heavier than water; in mammalia and most vertebrate animals, being of a red colour, but colourless in the invertebrata;* circulating in distinct sets of vessels, arteries, and veins; holding in solution, all the elements of the animal fabric—fibrin, albumen, and serum, together with various salts and bases, and in suspension, myriads of solid particles, termed globules.f The blood would thus appear to be the grand supporter and regenerator of the system; in early life, supplying the materials necessary for the development of the frame, and, in adult existence, furnishing those required for its maintainance: hence "the blood" has been figuratively called " the life." COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD, WITHOUT THE BODY. The first change which the blood undergoes subsequent to its removal from the body consists in its coagulation. This phenomenon has been denominated emphatically, "the death of the blood," because, when it has once occurred, the blood is thereby rendered unfit to maintain the vital functions, and there is no known power which can restore to it that faculty. Although the word coagulation is usually applied generally to the blood, yet it not to be understood that the whole of the mass of that fluid undergoes the change of condition implied by the term coagula- tion, which affects but a single element of the blood, viz: the fibrin. The precise circumstances to which the coagulation of the blood is due, have never as yet been satisfactorily explained and determined. Some have conceived that it resulted from the escape of a vital air or essence. Much has been said and written upon this "vital principle," and, it seems to me, with very little profit. It would be more philo- * Miiller states that the quantity of blood in the system varies from eight to thirty pounds, and Valentin found that the mean quantity of blood in the male adult at the time when the weight of the body is greatest, viz: at thirty years, is about thirty-four and a half pounds, and in the adult female, at fifty years, when the weight of the body in that sex is at its maximum, about twenty-six pounds. According also to Miiller, the specific gravity of the blood varies from 1 • 527 to 1 • 057 ; arterial blood is lighter than venous. f In one vertebrate animal, a fish, Branchiostoma lubricum Costa, the blood is colourless, and in the most of Annelida it is red; the red colour, however exists in the liquor sanguinis, and not in the blood corpuscles. THE BLOOD. 81 sophical, I think, to regard animal life not as an essence, or eether, but as the complex operation of nicely-adjusted scientific adaptations and principles. According to this view, the human frame in health would be comparable (and yet, withal, how incomparable is it!) to a finely- balanced machine, in which action and reaction are proportionate, and in disease disproportionate, the injury to the machine being equivalent to the disproportion between the two forces.* The coagulation of the blood, in some degree, doubtless depends upon the operation of the following causes, each contributing in a greater or lesser degree to the result; namely, the cessation of nervous influence, the abstraction of caloric, the exercise of chemical affinity between the particles of fibrin, and, lastly, a state of rest: between motion and life a very close connexion appears to exist.f Formation of the Clot. A portion of blood having been abstracted from the system, and allowed to remain for a few minutes in a state of quiesence, in a basin or other suitable vessel, soon manifests a change of condition. This consists in the separation of the fibrin and globules of the blood, which go to form the clot, from the serum, which holds in solution the various salts of the blood. In this way a rude and natural analysis is brought about; the fibrin, being heavier than the serum, falls to the bottom, and, by reason of its coherence and contractility, forms a compact mass or clot, the diameter of which is less than that of the vessel in which it is contained; while the lighter serum floats on the top and in the space around the clot. Now, the only active agent in this change in the arrangement of the different constituents of the blood, is the fibrin; and although the globules of the blood constitute a portion of the clot, yet they take no direct part in its formation, and their presence in it is thus accounted for; the fibrin, in coagulating, assumes a filamentous and reticular structure, in the meshes of which the globules become entangled, and thus are made to contribute to the composition of the clot, the bulk of which they increase, and to which they impart the red colour. It was an ancient theory that the clot was formed solely by the * It is hoped that the preceding brief remarks will not expose the writer to the charge of being a Materialist; between animal life and mind an essential distinction exists. t " Fresh blood, if exposed to a very low temperature, freezes, and may in that state be preserved, so as to be still susceptible of coagulation when thawed."—Mullek. 6 82 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. union of the globules with each other. The fallacy of this opinion is easily demonstrated by the two following decisive experiments: The first is that of Miiller, on the blood of the frog, who separated, by means of a filter, the globules from the fibrin, the latter still form- ing a clot, although deprived of the globules. This experiment is not, however, applicable to the blood of man, or of mammalia in general, the globules in these being too small to be retained by the filter. The second expedient is, however, perfectly suited to the human blood. It is well known that if blood, immediately after its removal from the body, be stirred with a stick, the fibrin will adhere to it in the form of shreds; the blood being defibrinated by this means, the globules fall to the bottom of the basin in which the blood is con- tained, on account of their gravity; but they do not cohere so as to form a clot, remaining disconnected and loose. It is difficult to determine the exact time which the blood takes to coagulate, because this coagulation is not the work of a moment; but, from its commencement to its completion, the process occupies usually several minutes. The first evidence of the formation of the clot, is the appearance of a thin and greenish serum on the surface of the blood, in which may be seen numerous delicate fibres, the arrangement of which may be compared to that of the needle-like crystals contained in the solution of a salt in which crystallization has commenced. Estimating, however, the coagulation neither from its commencement nor from the complete formation and consolidation of the clot, but from the mean time between these two points, it will generally be found that healthy blood coagulates in from fifteen to twenty minutes. In diseased states of the system, however, the time occupied in the coagulation of the blood, or, in other words, in the formation of the crassamentum, or clot, varies very considerably; and it is of much practical importance that the principle which regulates this diversity should be clearly understood. In disorders of an acute, active, or sthenic character, in which the vital energies may be regarded as in excess—as, for instance, in inflammatory affections, in pneumonia, pleurisy, acute rheumatism, and sanguineous apoplexy: in febrile states of the system, as in the commencement of some fevers, as in ague, plethora, and as in utero- gestation—the blood takes a much longer time than ordinary to coagulate, no traces of this change in the passage of the blood from a fluid to a solid state being apparent until from sixteen to twenty THE BLOOD. 83 minutes have elapsed. This length of time may be accounted for, by supposing that, in the affections named, the blood is endowed with a higher degree of vitality, and that therefore a longer period is required for its death to ensue; or, in other words, if the expression may be allowed, that the blood in such cases dies hard. On the con- trary, in disorders of a chronic, passive, or asthenic character, in all of which there is deficiency of the vital powers—as in typhus, anemia, chlorosis—the blood passes to a solid state in a much shorter period than ordinary, even in from five to ten minutes. In these cases the vitality of the blood is very feeble, and it may be said to die easily. A remarkable difference is likewise observable in the characters of the clot formed in the two classes of disorders named; in the first it is firm, and well defined; in the second, soft, and diffluent.* To this subject we shall have occasion again to refer, more at length. Fibrin, if left at rest for a time, undergoes a softening process, and breaks up into an extremely minute granular substance. This softening of the fibrin has been improperly confounded with suppura- tion; the softened, mass, however, may be distinguished from true pus by the almost complete absence of pus globules. This peculiar change in the condition of the fibrin has been noticed to occur both in blood contained within and without the body, and large softened clots of it are not unfrequently encountered in the heart after death. The process always commences in the centre of these clots. Formation of the Buffy Coat of the Blood. Surmounting the coloured portion of the clot is observed, in blood taken from the system in inflammatory states, a yellowish-green stratum; this constitutes the buffy or inflammatory crust, the presence of which was deemed of so much importance by the ancient physician, and which is indeed not without its pathological value. This crust consists of fibrin deprived of the red globules of the blood; and its mode of formation is thus easily and satisfactorily explained. Of the constituents of the blood, the red globules are the heaviest; now, supposing that no solidification of any one element were to take place, these, of course, would always be found occupying the lowest position in the containing vessel; the fibrin would take the second rank, and the serum the third: but such, under ordinary circumstances, not being * It is to be remarked, that the clot is not of equal density throughout, but that its lower portion is invariably softer than the upper, and this is accounted for by the fact of its containing less fibrin. 84 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. the case, and the fibrin coagulating so speedily, the globules become entangled in its meshes before they have had sufficient time given them to enable them to ottey fully the impulse derived from their greater specific gravity; and thus no crust is formed. In blood drawn in inflammations, however, this coagulation, as already stated, pro- ceeds much more slowly; and thus time is allowed to the globules to follow this impulse of the law of gravity to such an extent, as that they fall a certain distance, about the sixteenth of an inch, usually, below the surface of the fibrin, before its complete coagulation averts their further progress; and a portion of which is thus left colourless, which constitutes the buffy and so-called inflammatory crust of the blood. But there are other considerations to which it is necessary to attend, and which contribute to the formation of the buffy coat. One of these is the greater relative amount of fibrin which inflammatory blood contains. A second is the increased disposition, first pointed out by Pro- fessor Nasse, which the red corpuscles have in inflammatory blood to adhere together and to form rolls, and the consequence of which is that they occupy less space in the clot. A third additional consideration, to which it is necessary to attend, in reference to the formation of the inflammatory crust, is the density of the blood, which bears no exact relation to the amount of fibrin, but depends rather upon the quantity of albumen which it contains.* The greater the density of the blood, the longer would the globules take to subside in that fluid; and the less its density, the shorter would that period be. Now, inflammatory blood is usually of high density, while with that of feeble vitality, the reverse obtains. Thus, were it not for the fact, that in blood in the first state, coagulation is slow, and in the second quick, the blood of weak vital power would be that in which, a priori, we should expect to see the buffy coat most frequently formed; but the much greater rapidity in the coagulation of the blood more than counterbalances the effect of density. The blood, then, may be so dense, that although at the same time it coagulates very slowly, yet no inflammatory crust be formed the patient from whom the blood is extracted labouring all the while under severe inflammation. An ignorance of this fact has been the source of many great and perhaps fatal errors, on the part of those * It has been remarked, that in albuminuria, in which a considerable portion of the albumen of the system passes off with the urine, the blood possesses a very feeble density. THE BLOOD. 85 physicians who have been used to regard the presence of the buffy coat as an undoubted evidence of the existence of inflammation, and its absence as indicating immunity therefrom. It has been remarked that, in the first bleedings of pnemonic patients, the blood often wants the buffy coat; this is attributed to its greater density, and which is found to diminish with each succeeding abstraction of blood; so that if inflammation be present, the characteristic coat is usually apparent also after the second bleeding. The conditions, then, favourable to the formation of the buffy coat, are a mean density of the blood, slow coagulation, excess of fibrin, and increased disposition to adherence on the part of the red corpuscles. Other circumstances doubtless exist, which in a minor degree affect the formation of the crust: such as the density of the globules, and the qualities of the fibrin itself. Into these it is unnecessary to enter, as they do not vitiate the accuracy of the general statements. The Cupping of the Clot. At the same time that the crassamentum exhibits the buffy coat, the upper surface of the clot is very generally also cupped. This cupping of the clot arises from the contraction of that portion of the fibrin which constitutes the buffy stratum, and which contraction operates with greater force on account of the absence in it of the red corpuscles of the blood. The degree to which the clot is cupped, therefore, probably is in direct relation with the thickness of the crust. Its presence was also regarded as an indication of the existence of inflammation, the amount of cupping denoting the extent of inflam- mation. This sign is not, however, any more than that afforded by the buffy coat, to be considered as an invariable criterion of the existence of inflammation.* * Professor Nasse has pointed out a mottled appearance which is frequently observed to precede the formation of the buffy coat, and the existence of which he states to be quite characteristic of inflammatory blood. This appearance is produced in the following manner: after the lapse of a minute or two, a peculiar heaving motion of the threads or rolls formed by the union of the red corpuscles with each other is observed to take place; this results in the breaking up of the rolls, the corpuscles of which now collect into masses, leaving, however, intervals between them, and which become filled with fibrin; now, it is the contrast in colour between this fibrin and the masses of red corpuscles which occasions the blood in coagulating to assume the mottled aspect referred to. 86 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD, IN THE VESSELS AFTER DEATH. The coagulation, or death, which we have described as occurring in blood abstracted from the system by venesection, takes place like- wise—the vital influence which maintains the circulation being removed—in that which is still contained within the vessels of the body, although in a manner less marked and appreciable. As also in the case of the blood withdrawn from the system, the time occupied in the coagulation of that which is still enclosed in its own proper vessels, varies very considerably. This difference depends partly upon the circumstances under which the patient has died, whether he has been exhausted or not by a previous long and wasting illness, and partly upon temperature and, perhaps, certain electric states of the atmosphere. In all instances, however, a much longer period is required for the production of coagulation in blood not removed from the body, than in that which has been withdrawn by bleeding; this change in its condition being seldom effected, in the former instance, in a shorter period than from twelve to twenty-four hours subsequent to decease; although occasionally, but rarely, it may occur at periods either earlier or later than those named. Signs of Death.—It has already been stated, that blood once coag- ulated is rendered unfit for the purposes of life, and that no known means exist capable of restoring to coagulated blood its fluid state, so as to render it once again suited to play its part in the maintenance of the vital functions. The accuracy of these statements is attested by physiology, which demonstrates to us that a fluid condition is necessary to the blood, for the correct performance of its allotted functions. It follows, then, from the foregoing, that a coagulated state of the blood, not in a single vessel indeed, but in the vessels of the system generally, affords a certain indication that death has occurred, and that therefore a return to life has become impossible. It has ever been an object of the highest importance to distinguish real from apparent death; and anxious searches have been instituted in the hope of discovering some certain sign whereby the occurrence of death is at once signalized. Hitherto this inquiry has been unsuc- cessful; and it could hardly have been otherwise; for before the physiologist will be able to determine the precise moment when life ceases, and death begins, he must know in what the life consists for death is but the negation of life. It is probable that the mystery of life will never be revealed to man; if, indeed, it be any thing more THE BLOOD. 87 than, as already hinted, the result of the combined operation of vari- ous chemical and physical laws appertaining to matter. Although no one single sign has hitherto been discovered indicative of death at the moment of its occurrence, yet several appearances have been remarked some time after death, all of which are of more or less value in determining so important a point. Independently of the cessation of respiration and circulation, the presence of muscular rigidity, some other changes have been noticed to occur in different parts of the human body soon after the extinction of life; as, for instance, in the eye, and in the skin: these are mostly, however, symptomatic of incipient decomposition, and the time of their acces- sion is very uncertain: they likewise affect parts, the integrity of which is not essential to life. A fluid state of the blood, on the con- trary, has been shown to be indispensable to life; so that the change which it undergoes in the vessels of the body so quickly after death, may be employed with much advantage and certainty in determining, in doubtful cases, whether life has become extinct or not. It is by no means difficult to establish the fact of the coagulation of the blood in the vessels after death. If a vein be opened, as in the ordinary operation of bleeding, in a person who has just died, the blood will issue in a fluid state, as in life; but it will not leap forth in a stream. If a little of the blood, thus procured, be preserved in a small glass, we shall soon remark the occurrence of coagulation in it, from which we shall know that the fibrin within the vessels has not as yet assumed a solid form. If we repeat this operation at the end of about eighteen hours, we shall obtain only a small quantity of red- dish serum, in which, on being set aside for a time, no crassamentum will be found, the only change occurring in this serum consisting in the subsidence of the few red globules which were previously sus- pended in it, and which now form, at the bottom of the glass, a loose and powdery mass. By this experiment, which may be repeated on several veins, and even on an artery, we have clearly established the fact of the coagulation of the blood within the vessels of the body, and therefore have ascertained, in a manner the most satisfactory, that life is extinct. In some instances, the blood is said to remain fluid after death: this statement is not strictly correct, as a careful examination of such blood will always lead to the detection of some traces of coagulation. To the subject of the fluid condition of the blood after death, we shall have hereafter to return, in treating of the pathology of the blood. 88 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. When it is recollected that the heat of some climates, and the laws and usages of other countries, compel the interment of the dead a very few hours after decease, the importance of this inquiry will become apparent; and the value of any sign which more certainly indicates death than those usually relied upon in determining this question, will be more fully appreciated. It cannot be doubted but that, from the insufficient nature of the signs of death usually regarded as decisive, premature interment does occasionally take place; and it is probable that this occurrence is far less unfrequent than is generally supposed, and that for each discov- ered case, a hundred occur in which the fatal mistake is never brought to light, it being buried with the victim of either ignorance or care- lessness.* We have now to proceed to the anatomical consideration of the blood; we have to pass to the description of the solid constituents of that fluid, the globules; to describe their different kinds, their form, their dimensions and their structure; their origin, their development, and their destination, their properties, and their uses. THE GLOBULES OF THE BLOOD. The blood is not an homogeneous fluid, but holds in suspension throughout its substance a number of solid particles, termed globules. These serve to indicate to the eye the motion of the blood; and were it not for their presence, we should be unable to establish, micro- scopically, the fact of the existence of a circulation, to mark its course, and to estimate the relative speed of the current in arteries and veins under different circumstances. These globules are so abundant in the blood, that a single drop contains very many thousands of them, and yet they are not so minute but that their form, size, and structure, with good microscopes, can be clearly ascertained and defined. They are not all of one kind, but three different descriptions have been detected—the red globules, the white, and certain smaller particles, termed molecules. We shall take each of them in order; and notice, in the first place, the red globules, f * The coagulation of the blood may be retarded or altogether prevented by its admixture with various saline matters: to this point we shall have occasion to refer more fully hereafter. f Malpighi first signalized the existence of the red globules in the blood, so far back as 1665: he regarded them as of an oily nature. The words in which this dis- THE BLOOD. 89 THE RED GLOBULES. The number of red globules existing in the blood surpasses by many times that of the white. To the sight, when seen circulating in this fluid, they appear to constitute almost the entire of its bulk. We shall now have to consider their form, the size, the structure, and the properties by which they are characterized. Form.—In man, and in most mammalia, the red blood corpuscles are of a circular, but flattened, form, with rounded edges, and a central depression on each surface, the depth of which varies according to the amount of the contents of each globule.* Such is the normal form of the blood discs, or the shape proper to them while circulating in the blood of an adult. (See Plate I. fig. 1.) In that of the embryo, the depression is wanting, and the globules are simply lenticular.f The blood globules, however, like all minute vesicles, possess the properties of endosmosis and exosmosis. These principles depend for their operation upon the different relative density of two fluids, the one external to the vesicle, the other internal. When these two fluids are of equal density, then no change in the normal form of the vesicles occurs: when, however, the internal fluid is of greater density than the external, then an alteration of shape does take place; endosmosis ensues, in which phenomenon a portion of the liquid without the vesicle passes through its investing membrane, and thus distends and modifies its form. Lastly, when a reverse disposition of the fluids exists, a contrary effect becomes manifested; exosmosis is the result; this implies the escape of a portion of the contents of the vesicle into the medium which surrounds and envelopes it. The operation of covery was recorded were as follow: "Sanguineum nempe vas in omento hystricis... in quo globuli pinguedinis propria figura terminati rubescentes et corallorum rubrorum vulgo coronam aemulantes..."—De Omento et adiposis Ductibus. Opera omnia. Lond. 1686. Leeuwenhoek was, however, the first observer who distinctly described the blood globules in the different classes of animals: this he did in 1673. These historical reminiscences are not without their interest, and further references of this kind will be introduced in the course of the work. * The central depression was first noticed by Dr. Young. The flattened form with the central depression on each surface, and of which a bi-concave lens would form an apt illustration, is that which any vesicle partially emptied of its contents would assume. t Hewson figured the difference in the form of the blood globule in the embryo, and in the adult, in the common domestic fowl, and in the viper. 90 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. these principles is beautifully seen, not merely in the blood globules, but more especially in those exquisitely delicate formations, the pollen granules. Between the density of the liquid contained within the red globules, and that of the liquor sanguinis, in states of health, a nice adaptation or harmony exists, whereby these globules are enabled to retain their peculiar form. There is, however, scarcely any other fluid which can be applied to the globules which does not, more or less, affect their shape, most of the reagents employed in their examination rendering them spherical. (See plate I. fig. 3.) From the preceding observations, therefore, it follows that the red globules, to be seen in their normal condition, should be examined while still floating in the serum: they are best obtained by pricking the finger with a needle or lancet. Usually, when the microscope is brought to bear upon the object- glass, the globules are seen to be scattered irregularly over its surface, the majority of them presenting their entire disc to view, others lying obliquely, so as to render apparent the central depression, and others again exhibiting their thin edges, (See Plate I. fig. 1.) Not unfre- quently, however, a number of corpuscles unite together by their flat surfaces, so as to form little threads, comparable to strings of beads, or of coins, which are more or less curved, and in whichthe lines of junction between the corpulscles are plainly visible. These strings of compressed globules bear also a close resemblance to an Oscillatoria, and a still closer likeness to the plant described in the history of the British Fresh-water Algse, under the name of Hamatococcus Hooker- iana. (See Plate I. fig. 4.) The cause which determines this union of the cells still requires "to be explained, and would seem to be referable to a mutual attraction exerted by the globules on each other. Andral asserts that when the fibrin of the blood is abstracted, they do not thus cohere. Professor Nasse, as already remarked, states that this disposition on the part of the red corpuscles to unite together and form rolls (as of miniature money in appearance), is increased in inflamma- tory blood. The union does not, however, last long; a heaving to and fro of the strings of corpuscles soon taking place, and which terminates in their disruption.* * In reptiles, birds, and fishes, the red globules are elliptical, a form possessed also by some few mammalia, chiefly of the family Camelidce. This fact was discovered by Mandl, in the dromedary and paco; and subsequently by Gulliver, in the vicugna and llama. The oval globules of these animals, however, could not be confounded with those of reptiles, buds, and fishes, than the corpuscles of which they are so THEBLOOD. 91 Size.—The size of the red corpuscles of the blood, although more uniform than that of the white, is nevertheless subject to considerable variation. Thus, the globules contained in a single drop of blood are not all of the same dimensions, but vary much. These variations are, however, confined within certain limits: the usual measurement in the human subject is estimated at about the 35V0 of and inch; but, occa- sionally globules are met with not exceeding the xj\j) and, again, others are encountered of the magnitude of the 3 2V 9 °f an mcn '> these are, however, the extreme sizes which present themselves.* The difference in the size of the red corpuscles, which has been indicated, is a character common to them in the blood of all persons, and at every age. Another variation as to size exists, which is, that the corpuscles are larger in the embryonic and fcetal than they are in adult existence.f This observation is important, inasmuch as it seems to prove that the blood does not pass directly from the maternal system into the fcetal circulation, but that the corpuscles are formed independ- ently in the foetus. In states of disease, also, it has been remarked by Mr. Gulliver that there is even a still greater want of uniformity in the measurements presented by the red corpuscles. much smaller, and, further, are destitute of the central nucleus, which characterizes the blood globules of all the vertebrala,the mammalia alone excepted. The long diameter of the blood corpuscles of the dromedary, Mr. Gulliver states to be the g-Jjy of an inch, and its short the -g^r > the first of these measurements exceeds but little the diameter of the human blood corpuscles. Among fishes, one exception to the usual oval form of the blood corpuscle has * been met with: this occurs in the lamprey, the blood disc of which Professor Rudolph Wagner observed to be circular; in form then the blood corpuscles of the lamprey agrees with that of the mammalia, but in the presence of a nucleus, the existence of which has been recently ascertained by Mr. T. W. Jones, it corresponds with the structure of the blood discs of other fishes. * The first measurement given is that which is usually adopted by writers; the last two are those made by Mr. Bowerbank for Mr. Owen, and which are to be found in the latter gentleman's paper on the Comparative Anatomy of the Blood Discs, inserted in the Lond. Med. Gazette for 1839. The measurements which I have made of the human blood corpuscle do not accord with those which are generally regarded as correct: thus I find the average diameter of the blood globule of man to be, when examined in the serum of the blood, about the ^wrr of an inch, and in water in which the corpuscles are smaller, as a necessary consequence of the change of form, the 3^. The micrometer employed by me is a glass one, precisely similar to that made use of by Mr. Gulliver, being furnished to me by the same eminent optician, Mr. Ross, from whom his own was obtained. f This is the opinion of Hewson, Prcvost, and Gulliver, and I have myself to some extent confirmed its accuracy. 92 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. •A careful examination of the elaborate tables of Mr. Gulliver on the measurements of the blood corpuscles, appended to the translation of Gerber's Minute Anatomy tends to show that a general though not a very close or uniform relation, exists between the size of the blood corpuscles among the mammalia, and that of the animal from which they proceed. These tables furnish more evidence in favour of this co-relation than they do in support of the assertion that has been made, that the dimensions of the corpuscle depend upon the nature of the food. It would appear, however, nevertheless, that the corpuscles of omnivora are usually larger than those of carnivora, and these, again, larger than those of herbivora* In a perfectly natural family of mammalia, as the rodents or the ruminants, there is also an obvious relation between the size of the corpusucle and that of the animal. Gerber states that there is an exact relation between the size of the blood globules and that of the smallest capillaries. This observation is doubtless strictly correct. Structure.—Much diversity of opinion has, until recently, prevailed, and does still obtain, although to a less extent, in reference to the intimate structure of the red globule. This diversity has arisen partly from the imperfections of the earlier microscopic instruments employed in the investigation, and in part is due to the different circumstances in which observers have examined the blood corpuscle. Thus, one micrographer would make his observations upon it in one fluid, and another in some other medium, opposite results and conclusions not unfrequently being the results of such uncertain proceedings. These discrepancies it will be the writer's endeavour, as far as possible, to reconcile with each other, as well as to point out those observations which are entitled to our implicit belief, and those which yet require confirmation. This being done, we shall be in a position to form some certain conclusions. The earlier microscopic observers believed, almost without exception, in the existence of a nucleus in the centre of each blood corpuscle. Into this belief they were no doubt led * The largest globules which have as yet been discovered, are those of the elephant; the next in size, those of the capybara and rhinoceros; the smallest, according to the observations of Mr. Gulliver, are those of the napu musk-deer. The corpuscles of the blood of the goat were formerly considered to be the smallest. The following are the dimensions given by Mr. Gulliver of some of the animals above named. Diameter of corpuscle of the elephant, the ^Vt oi> an inch; of capybara the 3^-8 5 0I" g°at>tne tfsW; and of naPu musk-deer y^y. The white corpuscles of the musk-deer are as large as those of a man; a proof that the red corpuscles are not formed, as many suppose, out of the colourless blood globules. (See the figs.) THE BLOOD. 93 more from analogy than from actual observation. Now, analogy, although frequently useful in the elucidation of obscure points, affords in the present instance but negative and uncertain evidence. In the elliptical blood discs of reptiles, birds, and fishes, a solid granular nucleus does undoubtedly exist; but the best optical instruments, in the hands of the most skilful recent micrographers, aided by the appli- cation of a variety of reagents, have failed, utterly, in detecting the presence of a similar structure in the blood globule of the human subject in particular, and of mammalia in general. I therefore do not hesitate to join my opinion to that of those observers who deny the existence of a nucleus in the blood discs of man and mammalia.* The appearance of a nucleus is, indeed, occasionally presented; but this appearance has been wrongly interpreted. An internal small ring, under favourable circumstances, may be seen in the centre of each blood corpuscle: this ring is occasioned by the central depression, the outer margin of which it describes; and it was the observance of it that gave to Delia Torre the erroneous impression, that each globule had a central perforation, and therefore was of an annular form; and further, probably induced Dr. Martin Barry to describe it as a fibre. The very existence, on both surfaces of the blood disc, of a deep central depression, together with its little thickness, almost preclude the possibility of the presence of a nucleus. An endeavour to account for the absence of a nucleus in the blood corpuscle of the human adult has been made by supposing that it does really exist in the blood of the embryo. The answer to this supposi- tion is, that no nucleus is to be found in embryonic blood, and that if it were, it would be no reason why the nucleus should not also be met with in the blood of the adult, seeing that the blood disc is not a permanent structure, as an eye or a limb, but one which is perpetually subject to destruction and renewal. Having then arrived at the conclusion that no nucleus exists in the blood corpuscle of man, we have now to ask ourselves the ques- tion, what, then, is really the constitution of the red blood globule? Some observers have compared it to a vesicle. This definition does not seem to be altogether satisfactory; for although each corpuscle possesses the endosmotic properties common to a vesicle, * Among those who have asserted their belief in the presence of a nucleus, may be mentioned Hewson, Miiller, Gerber, Mandl, Barry, Wagner, Rees, Lane, and Addison; and of those who have held a contrary opinion, Magendie, Hodgkin, Listen, Young, Quekett, Gulliver, Lambotte, Owen, and Donne. 94 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. no membrane, apart from the general substance of the globule, (I speak more particularly of the human blood disc,) has been demon- strated as belonging to it. Each globule in man may therefore be defined to be an organism of a definite form and homogeneous structure, composed chiefly of the proteine compound globuline, which resembles albumen very closely in its properties; its substance externally being more dense than internally, it being endowed with great plastic properties, and, finally, being the seat of the colouring matter of the blood. The extent to which the red globule is capable of altering its form, is truly remarkable. If it be observed during circulation, it will be seen to undergo an endless variety of shapes, by which it accommodates itself to the space through which it has to traverse, and to the pressure of the surrounding globules. The form thus impressed upon it is not, however, permanent; for as soon as the pressure is removed, it again ■ instantaneously resumes its normal proportions. On the field of the microscope, however, the corpuscles may be so far put out of form, as to be incapable of restoration to their original shape. Some observers have assigned to the red globule a compound cellular structure, comparing it to a mulberry. It need scarcely be said that such a structure does not really belong to it. A puckered or irregular outline is not unfrequently presented by many globules; this is due sometimes to evaporation, and then arises from the presence around the margin of the disc, and occasionally over the whole surface, of minute bubbles of air;* and at other times it is the result of commencing decomposition, or the application of some special reagent, as a solution of salt, in which cases a true change in the form, but not in the structure of the globule, does really occur; its outline becomes irregular, and the surface presents numerous short and obtuse points or spines.f Globules in this state bear some resemblance to the pollen granules of the order Compositae.% (See Plate I. fig. 5.) * This vesiculated appearance of the blood corpuscles may be produced at once by pressure. f Mr. Wharton Jones says, "the granulated appearance" seems to be owing to a contraction of the inner and a wrinkling of the outer of the two layers of which he conceives the wall of the corpuscle to be formed. I The opinions promulgated by some observers in reference to the intimate struc- ture of the blood corpuscles are singular, and are rendered interesting mainly by reason of the ingenuity of the views expressed. Mr. Addison remarks:1 "Blood 1 Experimental Researches, pp. 236, 237. Transactions of Prov. Med. and Surg. Association. THE BLOOD. 95 Colour.—The hcematine, or colouring matter of the blood, seems in the red corpuscle of the mammalia to be diffused generally throughout its substance; in the oviparous vertebrata, however, it is confined to that portion of each corpuscle which corresponds with corpuscles, therefore, appear to consist of two elastic vesicles, one within the other, and to possess the following structure: 1st, an external and highly-elastic tunic, forming the outer vesicle; 2d, an inner elastic tunic, forming the interior vesicle; 3d, a coloured matter, occupying the space between the two tunics; and 4th, a peculiar matter, forming the central portion of the corpuscle." Mr. Wharton Jonesl ascribes a somewhat similar constitution to the blood corpuscle: " The thick wall of red corpuscle," he says, "consists of two layers. The outer is transparent, colourless, structureless, and resisting, and constitutes about one-half of the whole thickness of the wall. The inner layer is softer and less resisting; and is that which is the seat of the colouring matter." Dr. G. O. Rees and Mr. Lane 2 describe the blood corpules as containing a fluid, and provided with a nucleus composed of a thin and colourless substance. The views of Dr. Martin* Barry are, however, the most peculiar of any ever yet published in reference to the blood corpuscle; when first they were announced in the pages of the Philosophical Transactions, the scientific world were taken by surprise and wonderment. Microscopes, which had long been suffered to remain undisturbed on their shelves, were immediately had recourse to, and many scientific men, who previously had never employed the instrument in their investigations, were induced to procure it, in order that they might themselves bear ocular witness of the astonishing facts related by Dr. Barry in reference to blood corpuscles. A short abstract of Dr. Barry's views will be read by some with interest. Dr. Barry considers that the molecules, the red corpuscles, and the white globules, are different states of the development of the same structure, the true blood globule. (This is also the opinion of Addison and Donne.) The first he denominates a "disc," and the last a "parent cell." These different stages in the development of the blood globule, Dr. Barry compares with similar conditions of the germinal vesicle of the ovum. "The disc," he says, "is the most primitive object we are acquainted with;" that it is synonymous with the "nucleus" of most authors, and the "basin- shaped granules" of Vogel; that it "contains a cavity, or depression," "the nucleo- lus," which " is the situation of the future orifice," which he says the blood corpuscle in certain states exhibits, and "by means of which there is a communication between the exterior of the corpuscle and the cavity in its nucleus;" lastly, the disc is regenerated by fissiparous divisions. These discs are also denominated, " primitive discs," "foundations of future cells." The "parent cells" he conceives to be made up of an assemblage of these discs. Again, Dr. Barry states, "The nuclei of the blood corpuscles furnish themselves with cilia, revolve, and perform locomotion;" "the primitive discs exhibit an inherent contractile power." And of the corpuscles themselves, he remarks, "Molecular motions are discernible within the corpuscles of the blood,"—"changes of form are observed under peculiar circumstances in the corpuscles of the blood." These are, however, only the beginning of wonders related. Dr. Barry elsewhere goes on to observe: "In the mature blood corpuscle (red blood 1 See British and Foreign Medical Review, No. xxvm. 2 Guy's Hospital Reports, 1840. 96 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. the blood disc of the mammiferous vertebrata, viz: the outer or capsular portion of it—the nucleus which alone exists in the blood corpuscles of birds, fishes, and reptiles, being entirely destitute of colouring matter. The colour of the blood, it has long been believed, is intimately disc), there is often to be seen a flat filament or band already formed within the corpuscle. In Mammalia, including man, this filament is frequently annular; some- times the ring is divided at a certain part, and sometimes one extremity over-laps the other. In birds and amphibia the filament is of such length as to be coiled. This filament is formed of the discs contained within the blood corpuscle... "The fila- ment thus formed w7ithin the blood corpuscle has a structure which is very remarka- ble. It is not only flat, but deeply grooved on both surfaces," in an oblique manner. "It is deserving of notice," continues Dr. Barry, "that in the first place, portions of coagulum of blood sometimes consist of filaments having a structure identical with that of the filaments formed within the blood corpuscle; secondly, that in the coagu- lum I have noticed the ring formed in the blood corpuscle of man, and the coil formed in that of birds and reptiles, unwinding themselves into the straight and often parallel filaments of the coagulum, changes which may be seen also taking place in blood placed under the microscope before coagulation; thirdly, that I have noticed similar coils strewn through the field of view when examining various tissues, the coils here also appearing to be altered blood corpuscles and unwinding; lastly, that filaments having the same structure as the foregoing, are to be met with apparently in every tissue of the body." These filaments Dr. Barry conceives finally to constitute "fibre," whenever this elementary structure is encountered. These multiplied and extraordinary observations of Dr. Barry, it is now necessary to observe, remain unconfirmed in all the most essential particulars up to the present time. Shortly after their promulgation, Dr. Griffiths,1 and Mr. Wharton Jones,2 objected to the statement of Dr. Barry, that there exists in the blood corpuscle a pri- mordial fibre, observing that the appearances relied upon were due to decomposition. In connexion with the subject of fibre in the blood globules, the analogy referred to by Dr. Willshire, 3 between a dark line observed in the starch vesicle, and Dr. Barry's alleged fibre, may be noticed, as well as the affirmations of Dr. Carpenter, 4 that Dr. Barry had shown him, among corpuscles of the blood of the newt, preserved in its own serum, many of a flask-like figure, and which might be compared to a pair of bellows, and the projecting portion of which appeared to Dr. Carpenter to be a fila- ment having a much higher refracting power than the general substance of the cor- puscle. Dr. Barry also showed Dr. Carpenter, in blood preserved in corrosive sublimate, a corpuscle which was evidently destitute of the ordinary nucleus, and which contained what appeared to be a filament, presenting transverse oblique markings which resembled those of the fibrillae of a muscle. The observations of Dr. Barry, and the confirmatory statements of Dr. Carpenter, will at least be possessed of historical interest, if any real and intrinsic importance be denied to them. The views of Dr. Barry are given at length in the Philosophical Transactions for 1840__1843. 1 Annals of Natural History February, 1843. 2 Transactions of the Royal Society, December 1842. 3 Annals of Natural History, 1843. * Annals of Natural History, 1842. THE BLOOD. 97 connected with the presence of iron in the blood corpuscles: from the fact, however, that iron exists in the chyle,* and in the colourless blood of certain animals, f it is clear that the mere presence of iron is not in itself sufficient to account for the colour of the blood; this depends most probably upon the state of combination of the iron in the blood. Liebig states, as will be shown immediately, that the iron in the blood exists in the varying conditions of peroxide, protoxide, and corbonate of the protoxide of iron. OSES OF THE RED CORPUSCLES. In connexion with Respiration.—Observation has taught us the fact that the colour of the blood changes considerably, according as it is exposed to the influence of oxygen and carbonic acid gases; it becom- ing bright red under the influence of the former, and dark red, almost black, under that of the latter gas. Now, the microscope has revealed to us the additional fact that the colouring matter of the blood resides within the red corpuscles; and hence we are led to infer that the changes of colour alluded to are accompanied by alterations in the condition of the colouring matter contained in those corpuscles. Further, the alterations of colour which have been mentioned take place not only in blood withdrawn from the system, but also in that which still circulates in the living body, the vital fluid being exposed in the lungs to the influence of the oxygen contained in the atmosphere, and to carbonic acid in the capillary system of vessels. But it is not merely a change of colour which the blood undergoes, or rather the coloured blood corpuscles undergo, on exposure to either of the gases particularized, but they also experience at the same time, as might easily be inferred, a positive change of condition, a portion of one or other of the gases to which the blood corpuscles are exposed being imbibed by them. That it is really the red corpuscles which absorb the oxygen, or the carbonic acid, as the case may be, admits of demonstration, and is proved by the fact that these gases lose but little volume when placed in contact with the liquor sanguinis, or serum of the blood. * See article " Lymphatic System," by Mr. Lane. Encyclopardia of Anatomy and Physiology, April, 1841. f "The Blood Corpuscle considered in its different Phases of Development in the Animal Series," by J. W. Jones, F. R. S. Transactions of the Royal Society, part ii. for 1846. 7 98 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. It is clear, then, that the coloured corpuscles are the seat in which these changes occur. Again, from the fact that the blood becomes bright red or arterial on exposure to oxygen, as in the lungs, and dark red or venous on being submitted to the action of carbonic acid, as in the capillaries, it has been inferred that they are, first, carriers of oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the system, and, second, vehicles for the conveyance of carbon back again to the lungs. This inference is correct as far as it goes, but it fails to explain why the imbibition of oxygen or carbonic acid gases should be accompanied by changes in the colour of the blood; and it also fails to show why those gases themselves should be imbibed. From the constant presence of iron in the coloured blood corpuscles, it has been inferred that this is the base with which the oxygen and the carbonic acid gases combine, but the exact nature of the combi- nations thus formed it was reserved for the illustrious Liebig to make known. Liebig declares that, in arterial blood, the iron is in the state of a peroxide, and in venous blood in the condition of a carbonate of the protoxide. To this conclusion Liebig has arrived by observing the manner in which the above-mentioned compounds of iron comport themselves when not in connexion with the blood, but when exposed to the same influences as the blood itself is subjected to. Thus, he says, " The compounds of the protoxide of iron possess the property of depriving other oxydised compounds of oxygen, while the compounds of peroxide of iron under other circumstances give up oxygen with the greatest facility." Again, " Hydrated peroxide of iron, in contact with organic matters destitute of sulphur, is converted into carbonate of the protoxide." Lastly, "Carbonate of protoxide of iron in contact with water and oxygen is decomposed, all the carbonic acid is given off, and by absorption of oxygen it passes into the hydrated peroxide, and which may again be converted into a compound of the protoxide." Now, the above-described changes, which the compounds of iron when exposed to the same influences as the blood corpuscles are themselves submitted to, precisely correspond with those alterations which it is known and ascertained that the blood corpuscles do them- selves experience, and therefore there is every probability in favour of the strict accuracy of Liebig's explanation of the chemical changes which the blood corpuscles pass through during respiration and circulation. THE BLOOD. 99 Thus, it has been long known, that in the lungs the coloured blood corpuscles give off carbonic acid, and imbibe oxygen: and it has also been ascertained that during their circulation they lose a portion of their oxygen, and acquire carbon. Venous blood, then, exposed to the air, gives out carbonic acid, and absorbs oxygen; but arterial blood, submitted to the same influence, gives out oxygen, and acquires carbonic acid; the seat of these changes being the red corpuscles. It will be seen, on reflection, that, according to the views just pro- pounded, the surplus amount of oxygen which exists in the peroxide, becomes disengaged in the reduction of that oxide to the state of «protoxide: during circulation in the capillaries, this surplus is chiefly expended in the elaboration of the different secretions which are continually being formed in the various organs of the body. Such is the corpuscular theory of respiration. Hereafter we shall have to speak of a corpuscular theory of nutrition, growth, and secretion. In connexion with Secretion.—It is very probable that the use of the red corpuscles is not limited to the mere office of carrying oxygen from the lungs to be distributed to all parts of the system, and of carbon back again to the lungs to be eliminated, but that they have an ulterior and additional function to discharge. Thus, some observers suppose that they exert some influence over the constitution of the blood itself, elaborating, from the materials continually thrown into it by the tho- racic duct, a further quantity of fibrin. There is more reason to believe, however, that it is the white corpuscles which are principally concerned in this process of elaboration, seeing that their structure agrees with that which is generally possessed by true secreting cells. I therefore myself would be inclined to attribute to the red corpuscles but little influence over the constitution of the blood. It may be stated that both Wagner* and Henle are of opinion that the red corpuscles are connected with secretion, and the latter, in his "General Anatomy," calls them "swimming glandular cells." Effects of Reagents. The blood globules are much modified by tne application of numer- ous reagents, and which, therefore, may be employed with advantage in their investigation. * Physiology, by Willis, part ii. p. 448. 100 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. Serum.—It has already been observed that, in the serum of the blood, their natural element, the. globules preserve unaltered, for a time, their normal form. Water.—The application of water causes the globules almost immediately to lose their flattened and discoidal character, the depres- sions on their surface are effaced, and they become spherical. This change in the form of the corpuscles is necessarily accompanied by a diminution of their size. (See Plate I. fig. 3.) Spirits of Wine, Mther, Creosote.—The same results follow the use of a variety of liquids, as spirits of wine, aether and creosote. These agents, however, in addition, render the globules exceedingly diaphanous, so much so indeed as that they are often with difficulty , to be discovered. In the globules rendered thus transparent, no traces of granular contents can be detected. Acetic acid.—This preparation first deprives the globules of their colouring matter, thus rendering them exceedingly transparent, and subsequently dissolves the human blood corpuscle, without residue, but not that of a frog, &c, the nucleus of which remains entire. (See Plate II. fig. 5.) Ammonia.—This alkali acts in a similar manner. Nitric Acid, Muriate of Soda.—These reagents contract the globules, and render their outline more distinct. Iodine.—This likewise renders the outlines more distinct, without at the same time deforming and otherwise altering the globules. Corrosive Sublimate.—In a strong solution of this liquid, the outlines of the globules are more defined, and the globules may be preserved for examination for a considerable length of time. We shall next pass to the consideration of the white globules, and show in what particulars of form and structure they differ from the red. WHITE GLOBULES. The white globules of the blood are by far less numerous than the red; they nevertheless are more abundant than a superficial observer would suppose: this arises from the fact that many of them are con- cealed from view on the field of the microscope by the red globules, which so greatly outnumber them. The white corpuscles differ from the red in several particulars: in size, in colour, in form, in structure, in their properties, and doubtless also in their uses.* * Spallanzani was the first to notice the existence of two forms of globules in the blood of salamanders; Miiller verified their presence in that of the frog, and M. Mandl detected them in man and mammalia. THE BLOOD. 101 Size.—In man and the mammalia the white globules are generally larger than the red: like those, also, their dimensions vary very con- siderably in the blood of the same individual abstracted at any given time, and even to an extent still greater. Their average size, when contained in the serum of the blood, may, however, be estimated at about the -^iis °f an inch* (see Plate I. fig. 1): when immersed in water, however, they swell up, and increase very considerably in size, in this liquid sometimes measuring the ttVo oi" an inch. (See Plate I. fig. 6.) In the blood of reptiles, especially in that of the frog, a contrary relation between the size of the red and white globules exists; the latter in these, instead of being larger than the red corpuscles, are two or even three times smaller. This fact it is important to bear in mind, in considering the question of the transformation of the white globules into red. Form.—Instead of being of a flattened and disc-like form, as are the red globules, the shape of the white corpuscle, when free, is in all classes of the animal kingdom globular. This particular likewise throws much light upon the disputed point as to whether the white globules become ultimately converted into red corpuscles, and which we shall have to treat of more fully hereafter. Like the red corpuscles, however, although to a less remarkable extent, the white globules, when subject to pressure, undergo a change of form: this change is frequently well seen when viewing the circu- lation of the blood in the capillaries, the white corpuscles often becom- ing compressed between the walls of the vessels and the current of red blood discs, and by which compression they are made to assume elongated and oval forms; like the red corpuscles, also, they immedi- ately regain their normal form, the pressure being removed. Structure.—In almost every relation which can be named, the white globules would appear to be the antagonists of the red; for, instead of being of a homogeneous texture, they are of a granular structure throughout, each full-sized white globule being constituted of not less than from twenty to thirty distinct granules, the presence of which imparts to it a somewhat broken outline: these granules are often seen, especially after the addition of water, and some other reagents, to be in a state of the greatest activity in the interior of the corpuscles. It is only in the blood globule of mammalia, however, that we find this antagonism to prevail. The blood corpuscle of the * Mr. Gulliver gives the -^^ of an inch as the average measurement of the human colourless blood corpuscle. 102 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. frog, and doubtless of other reptiles, as well as birds and fishes, is assuredly a compound structure, the investing or transparent part of each being in no way, as regards structure, distinguishable from the substance of the human blood disc, and the nucleus also being iden- tical in composition, though not in origin, with the white globules of the blood, not merely of mammalia, but likewise of reptiles, birds, and fishes. (See Plate II. fig. 5.) The form of the nucleus, in the frog, &c., corresponds with that of the globule; that is, it is elliptical (see Plate II. fig. 2): water, however, affects the nucleus, as first observed by Mandl, in the same way as it acts upon the corpuscle itself, rendering both perfectly spherical. (See Plate M.figs. 3 and 4.) If to globules in this condition acetic acid be added, the capsule will be dissolved, leaving intact the nucleus, between which and a white globule I have not been able to detect, although using an instrument of the very best description, the slghtest structural difference: a dif- ference does certainly exist, but it is one of size, and not of structure, the nucleus being three or four times smaller than a white globule of ordinary dimensions. (See Plate II. fig. 5, and Plate II. fig. 1.) This identity of organization between the white globule and the nucleus of the blood disc of the frog, furnishes the strongest evidence with which I am acquainted of the convertibility of the white glob- ules into red, evidence which, nevertheless, I regard as wholly inade- quate to demonstrate the reality of the conversion. Nucleus.—The white corpuscles, under some circumstances, would appear to be nucleated; thus nuclei are evident in corpuscles which have been immersed in water, or even in serum, for any length of time, although they are not usually seen in those of that fluid imme- diately after its abstraction from the system. I am inclined to regard their formation as resulting partly from the operation of endosmosis, whereby a portion of the contents of each corpuscle becomes con- densed in the centre. The nucleus occupies sometimes the entire of the interior of the corpuscle, a narrow and colourless border destitute of granules, alone indicating the extent of the corpuscle; generally, however, it is about the one-third of its size, and is more frequently eccentric than centric. It is usually darker than the rest of the corpuscle, and would appear to contain a greater number of molecules. (See Plate I. fig. Q) Sometimes it presents to the eye of the observer the appearance of an aperture; this appearance, although very striking, is most probably fallacious. THE BLOOD. 103 Mr. Addison regards the nucleus presented by the white corpuscles as primary, an opinion in which I concur. Properties.—The white corpuscles of the blood differ not less in their properties from the red than they do in form and structure: thus, acetic acid, which dissolves the latter, contracts somewhat the former, and renders the contained granules more distinct; in water, the red globules become globular and smaller in size, while the white increase considerably in dimensions in the same liquid (see Plate I. Ug. 6), and finally burst in it, their molecular contents escaping. In liquor potassa, both the red and white corpuscles are destroyed and dissolved; previous to which, however, in the white globules, some interesting changes are seen to take place; immediately on the appli- cation of the alkali, the molecules contained in their interior are observed to be in active motion, and in a short time the corpuscles burst open, or explode, discharging numerous granules, amounting sometimes to thirty or forty; and which, together with the transpa- rent matter of the corpuscles, finally becomes dissolved.—"Frequently, when the liquor potassae is acting with diminished energy, the cor- puscles give a sudden jerk, and in a moment enlarge to double or three times their former size, without losing their circular outline: the molecules and granules within them are more widely separated from each other, but not dispersed; and they are seen held together, or attached to the tunic of the corpuscle, by delicate connecting fila- ments. This singular and instructive change does not, of course, last long; the alkali, continuing its action, ruptures the tunic of the corpuscle, dispersing and dissolving its contents."—Addison. When examined in the living capillary vessels, they are seen to manifest different properties to the red, and also to have a very different distribution in those vessels. Thus, the white corpuscles frequently adhere to the inner wall of the capillaries, which the red rarely do; and while the red globules, in circulating, occupy the centre of each vessel, the white corpuscles are placed between this and the walls of the vessel. A difference may also be observed in the relative speed with which the two kinds of corpuscles circulate, the red flowing onwards with greater rapidity than the white. The forces which determine the circulation in the vessels would appear to act only on the red cor- puscles, the motion of the white globules being entirely of a secondary and indirect character, it being communicated to them by the edge of the current in the axis of which the red corpuscles move, in the 104 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. same way as the stones at the bottom of a stream are rolled over and borne onwards by the superincumbent water. The cause of the slower motion of the white corpuscles in the capillaries may be thus explained. A greatly retarded motion of the fluid circulating in any vessel or channel is always observed towards the periphral border of the current. This retardation would appear to arise from the resistance which the circulating fluid encounters by coming in contact with the walls of the vessel or sides of the channel through which it flows. In what way, however, is the difference in the position in the ves- sels occupied by the red and white corpuscles to be explained? why do the former always circulate in the axis of the vessel, while the latter are constantly placed outside this? and what is the inferenbe to be deduced from this difference in their situation ? The red corpuscles, as we know, are flattened discs, constituted of an elastic and yielding material; and the white, on the contrary, are globular bodies of a more dense composition and of but little elasticity. Now, it is very probable that the peculiar form and properties pos- sessed by the coloured corpuscles of the blood may result in such an adaptation and arrangement of them, the one with the other, that a physical impossibility is presented to their indiscriminate admixture and circulation in the same vessel with the white corpuscles. But there are other facts which will serve to explain the difference of position: Thus, the red corpuscles have an attraction for each other, as is manifested on the field of the microscope by the formation of the strings of corpuscles already referred to, where also it is seen that they have no such affinity for the white corpuscles, which usually lie detached and isolated from the red. On the other hand, however, the white, as before stated, have an attraction for the walls of the vessels through which they pass, and which is declared by their frequent adhesion thereto. The question may be asked, have these attractions any thing to do with electric conditions? All the inquiries which have been under- taken, with the view of proving that the blood is possessed of electric properties, have hitherto signally failed to demonstrate the existence of any. Lastly, what inference is to be deduced from the different positions occupied by the two kinds of blood corpuscles, and from the different rates of their circulation in the capillaries ? The rapid passage of the red corpuscles through the capillaries, THE BLOOD. 105 together with their central situation, would lead the observer to infer that they had but little direct relation with the parts outside those capillaries; that the office discharged by them was one of distribu- tion ; whereas the slow progress of the white corpuscles through the capillary vessels, as well as their peripheral position, would lead to the conclusion that a close relation existed between them and the parts adjacent and external to the vessels. Now, these deductions are precisely those which other facts and observations tend to con- firm and establish, as we have already seen in reference to the red corpuscles, and as we shall immediately proceed to show in relation to the white globules. While viewing the capillary circulation, it is easy to convince oneself that no contraction of the parietes of the capillaries occurs, and that, therefore, the motion of the blood is independent of any action of those vessels themselves, on their contents. USES OF THE WHITE CORPUSCLES. The uses of the white corpuscles have not as yet oeen fully deter- mined; enough, however, of their nature has been ascertained to show that they are closely connected with the functions of Nutrition and Secretion. We shall here invert the natural order in which the description of these subjects should be entered upon, and speak first of secretion. Uses in connexion with Secretion.—It would appear that, for the most part, secretions are formed in cells: the correctness of this statement is, in some degree, proved by the fact that the lower classes of the vegetable kingdom are entirely constituted of cellular tissue. It is also further supported by the fact, that the essential structure of all glands in the animal frame is that of cells. It would appear, also, that the cells, entering into the composition of a single organ, have the power of producing more than one kind of secretion. This is witnessed in the petals of many flowers, the cells of which frequently elaborate fluids of several distinct colours. There is much reason to believe, that the granules, which are so constantly associated with the cells, are the active agents engaged in the production of the secretion, the exact constitution of these granules determining the character of the secreted product. Now, in the white corpuscles of the blood we have precisely the same granular constitution which is seen to belong to cells which are indisputably engaged in the process of secretion. 106 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. From the observation of these and other facts, Mr. Addison has been led to entertain the opinion, that the white corpuscles of the blood " are very highly organized cells, from which the special tissues and the secretions are elaborated."* In continuation of this subject, Mr. Addison goes on to remark: "And it appears that the renovation of these tissues and secretions from the blood does not take place by the cells discharging their contents into the general mass of the circulating current, to be separated therefrom by some peculiar transcendental and purely hypothetical selective process of exudation, through a structureless and transparent tissue, but by being them- selves attached to, incorporated with, and performing their special function in the structure." Thus, Mr. Addison conceives that the fibrillating liquor sanguinis is formed and elaborated in the white corpuscles of the blood, and that it never exists in that fluid in a free state, and that its presence in the crassamentum, and especially in that part of it which consti- tutes the buffy coat, arises from the rupture and destruction of the white corpuscles, and the escape of their contents. This opinion he supports by a series of ingenious experiments, one of which may here be referred to. The tenacious property belonging to mucus is well known, in which respect, as well as in the smaller number of globules, similar to the white corpuscles of the blood contained in it, it differs mainly from pus. Now, by the addition of a drop of liquor potasses to a little pus, which wras previously white and opaque, and in which the presence of a considerable number of white corpuscles was ascertained by means of the microscope, its appearance underwent a complete change, the pus became transparent and tenacious, presenting precisely the characters of mucus. The fluid being again examined microscopically, it was found that most of the globules were ruptured and dissolved, and that the liquid portion of it fibrillated in the same way as that of mucus, and that of the liquor sanguinis; from this and other analogous experiments Mr. Addison formed the conclusion, that the fibrillating liquor sanguinis was derived from the white corpuscles, and that it does not exist in the blood in a free condition. According to Mr. Addison, the secretions, "milk, mucus, and bile, are the visible fluid results of the final dissolution of the cells." Hence, therefore, a secretion is the result of the last sta^e of the process of nutrition. And, again, " If, therefore, the colourless blood * "Experimental Researches," Transactions of Prov. Med. and Surg. Association vol. xii. p. 260 THE BLOOD. 107 corpuscles be termed "parent cells," they must be considered as pregnant with the embryo materials of the tissues and secretions, and not with "young blood cells." « It is scarcely necessary to observe that these highly ingenious views of Mr. Addison are by no means established. That the cells of glands and their contained granules are intimately connected with secretion, there are many facts to prove; but that the white corpus- cles of the blood are, in the animal economy, the special organs of secretion, and also that the secretions said to be elaborated by them, escape from them, not by transudation through their membranes, but are set free by the entire and final dissolution of the corpuscles, are views which cannot be safely adopted until much additional evidence is adduced in support of them. The opinion entertained by Dr. Barry, that the colourless corpuscles are "parent cells," seems to me to be purely hypothetical. Let us now bestow a few reflections upon Nutrition: Uses in connexion with Nutrition.—That the white corpuscles are concerned in the process of nutrition, there is more evidence to show than there is in favour of their connexion with that of secretion. The question to be solved, however, is, in what way do these corpuscles administer to nutrition ? do they contribute to nutrition and growth, by their direct apposition to and incorporation with the different tissues of organs? This is the opinion of Mr. Addison, who says of them, that they are the "foundations of the tissues and the special secreting cells, the link between the blood and the more solid struc- tures, the unity from which the pluralities arise." Dr. Martin Barry also adopts the notion that tissues are formed by the direct apposition of the blood corpuscles. Dr. Barry makes no exact distinction between the red and the colourless globules; but from the fact of his calling the latter "parent cells" filled with "young blood discs," it would appear that he considered that the red corpuscles gave origin to the different structures of the body by their direct union and incorporation with each other. This view is far less tenable than that of Mr. Addison, and neither is supported by a sufficient number of facts to render its accuracy any thing but exceedingly problematical. That the white corpuscles of the blood are engaged in the process of nutrition is proved by the fact, that they are found in increased quantities in vessels which are actively administering to that function. This accumulation is witnessed also in the capillary vessels of any parts which are subjected to irritation of any sort, and in which, as a consequence of that irritation, there is augmented action. 108 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. The gradual collection of the white corpuscles of the blood in the capillary vascular net-work, may be seen to the greatest possible advantage in the tongue of the frog, as also in the web of the foot ot that coveniently-formed creature, as the result of continued exposure of the parts to the action of air.* But it is not alone the aggregation of the colourless corpuscles that may be seen in the minute vessels; their escape from those vessels may likewise be determined by a prolonged examination of them. If, after the continuance of this congested condition of the vessels for twenty-four or thirty-six hours, they are again examined, it will be obvious that certain of the corpuscles have become entangled in the fibres which form the walls of the vessels, and that certain others have altogether passed the boundaries of the vessels, and now lie external to them. Again, it is asserted, that the epithelial cells are derived from the white corpuscles of the blood. If this be correct, it would appear that the escape of these corpuscles is a perfectly normal and natural occurrence. Thus far, then, the endeavour to prove the transformation of the colourless corpuscles of the blood into tissue cells, would appear to be successful; but it is here the chain of evidence breaks; and beyond the fact, which is by no means established, of their constituting epithelial cells, we have no further proof to adduce of their structural incorporation with the living tissues. Of this occurrence it would, of course, be difficult to procure satisfactory demonstration, on account of the opacity of the parts on which our examination would have to be conducted. It may be remarked, however, that, if founded in fact, we should expect to find a greater correspondence in the size and form, &c, of the elementary tissues, with that of the corpuscles from which, according to some observers, those tissues are derived.f The corpuscular theory of nutrition, then, proposed by Mr. Addison, * Mr. Addison states that, in order to insure a satisfactory exhibition of this important and curious phenomenon, the parts should be irritated in some manner, as by immersion for a minute or two in warm water at a temperature of 95° Fahrenheit, or by permitting a few crystals of common salt to dissolve upon it. These methods I have tried, and have found that they have usually resulted in the entire cessation of the circulation in the capillaries, and this has been also the case even when a weak solution of salt in water has been applied. f The cells of the liver and spleen resemble closely in appearance the white cor- puscles of the blood; between them, however, well-marked differences exist, so that it is by no means to be inferred that the former are derived directly from the latter. THE BLOOD. 109 in the present state of our knowledge, can only be sustained by having recourse to a certain amount of theoretical reasoning or to particular assumptions. The fact, however, still remains to us, that the white corpuscles are concerned in nutrition, although the precise manner in which they are so is still open to investigation, and this fact is strengthened and confirmed by the phenomena of disease. Thus, there is much evidence to show that, wherever nutrition is impeded, the colourless corpuscles accumulate in increased quantities in the vessels; and it is by this accumulation, also, that we are enabled to account for the critical abscesses and discharges which characterize some affections, and to recognise the importance which ought to be attached to their / occurrence. That the colourless corpuscles are really present in increased numbers in the blood, in disease, is attested by the evidence of numer- "" ous observers: thus, Gulliver,* Davy,f and Ancell,J have observed them in unusual quantities in inflammatory affections, and especially in such as are attended with suppuration. Mr. Siddall and Mr. Gulliver have repeatedly observed them in vast numbers in the horse, especially when the animal has been suffering from influenza. Donne has likewise recognised their presence in increased quantities in disease; and Mr. Addison finds them to abound in the hard and red bases of boils and pimples, and in the skin in scarlatina and in most cutaneous affections. Several processes may have been pointed out by which the white globules may be separated from the red, and thus be brought in a manner more satisfactory under view. 1st. Acetic acid dissolves the red corpuscles, leaving the white almost unchanged. 2d. A drop of water, floated gently across a piecs of glass, on which a small quantity of blood has been placed, will remove the red corpuscles, the white remaining adherent to the surface of the glass. This ingenious method was, I believe, first indicated by Mandl. 3d. The third process depends for its success upon the defibrination of the blood by whipping, and which has already been alluded to. If blood thus defibrinated be set aside for a time, the red globules will subside to the bottom of the containing vessel, forming one stratum, and the serum will floa&uptna the top, constituting a second layer; but between these two layers a * Appendix to Gerber's General Anatomy, p. 20. f Researches, Phys. and Anal., vol. ii. p. 212. \ Lectures in the Lancet, 1839-40, vol. ii. p. 777. 110 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. third exists; this is very thin, and is formed by the white globules, which may be reached after the removal of the serum by means of a siphon.* Donne points out this method in his excellent "Cours de Microscopic" 4th. A fourth means of procuring the white globules is described by Mr. Addison. If a portion of fluid fibrin be removed from beneath the pellicle which is first formed over the clot, it will be found to contain numerous white globules. The observer, having satisfied himself of the accuracy of the various facts brought under his notice, in the next place will be prepared to enter into the important questions as to the origin and destination of the globules of the blood. We will consider first the origin of the white globules. ORIGIN OP THE GLOBULES OF THE BLOOD. The origin and end of the blood globules! Whence do they come, and whither do they go? These are questions of the highest import- ance ; and it could be wished that the replies to them were of a more satisfactory and definite nature than those which we are about to make will, it is feared, be considered. Origin of the White Globules.—Various opinions have been enter- tained in reference to the nature and origin of the white corpuscles of the blood, the principal of which we will now proceed to notice. One of the earliest notions formed respecting the white corpuscles was that of Hewson, who believed that they were to be considered as the nuclei of the red blood corpuscles, and hence he denominated them "central particles:" to this conclusion Hewson was doubtless led by observing the great and remarkable resemblance which exists between the nuclei of the blood globules of certain animals and the white corpuscles themselves. Two facts, however, are known, which satisfactorily prove that the denomination of central particles is not applicable to the white cor- puscles, and that they do not form the nuclei of the red blood discs ■ the first of these is, that no nuclei exist in the true blood globules of the entire class of mammalia in which white corpuscles are abundantlv encountered, and the second is the great difference in size observed * The position occupied in this case by the white corpuscles shows that they are of lighter specific gravity than the red, a reference to which fact will also account for their presence, in such quantities, in the buffy coat of the blood, and will likewise explain the reason why they first come into focus when mixed with the red globules in a drop of water. THE BLOOD. Ill between the nuclei and the white corpuscles in those animals in which the two organisms exist together in the blood. An opinion somewhat similar to the above has been held by some observers, viz: that the white corpuscles are to be regarded as the "escaped nuclei" of the red blood corpuscles. The facts adduced to disprove the former notion respecting them, are likewise sufficient to show the fallacy of that just referred to. By Dr. Martin Barry the white corpuscles are considered to be the last stage of the development of the red blood disc, and he has assigned to them the designation of "parent cells," under the impres- sion that the granules, of which many are contained in each corpuscle, become developed into new blood discs; this idea of Dr. Barry is purely hypothetical, and its accuracy is but little probable. Mr. Addison also believes that the white corpuscles represent an advanced condition of the growth of the red blood disc, but he differs from Dr. Barry, however, in not considering them to be parent cells, filled with young embryos, designating the white corpuscles "tissue cells," under the belief that they become incorporated with, and constitute an integral portion of the solid structures of our frame-work. The value of this theory has already been discussed. Mandl denominates the white corpuscles "fibrinous globules" and he conceives that the nuclei, which he states belong to all red cor- puscles of the blood, as well as the white globules, are not primary formations, but secondary; that these structures do not exist in the blood while circulating within the body, but that they are formed after its abstraction therefrom; and M. Mandl further states, that the steps of the formation of the white globules may be witnessed on the port object of the microscope. That this view is incorrect, not the shadow of doubt can be entertained. The regular form and size of the white globules, their presence in the blood the moment after their abstraction from the system, but especially the fact that they may be seen in vast quantities in that fluid while still circulating in the capillaries, all negative the idea of the formation of the white globules out of the system, in obedience to a mere physical law. Mr. Wharton Jones, in a recent communication made to the Royal Society, has bestowed upon the white corpuscles the appellation of '■granule cells," and that gentleman considers them to represent an early stage in the development of the red blood globule. The peculiar views entertained by Mr. Jones will, however, be referred to more fully under the head of the origin of the red blood disc. 112 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. The white corpuscles are also synonymous with the "exudation corpuscles" of many writers, and especially of Gerber, who has under this denomination assigned to them a false value; the presence oi the white corpuscles in the plastic fluid of exudations being rather accidental than essential. We come now to refer to the opinion entertained respecting the white corpuscles by Miiller, who denominated them "lymph corpus- cles," conceiving them to be identical with the granular corpuscles encountered in the lymphatic fluid. Of all the opinions and theories of the nature of the white corpuscles alluded to, that of Miiller is probably the only correct one; Miiller, however, was not acquainted with their existence in the blood of mammalia, but merely in that of frogs and other analogous animals. The opinion that the white corpuscles are red blood globules in pro- cess of formation, is one which is maintained by many observers, and nevertheless I regard it as erroneous. In the truth of this view, Wagner, Baly, Gulliver, Professor H. Nasse, and, above all, Donne, are believers. From the excellent work of the latter writer I introduce the following remarks in relation to this point: "About two hours after injection (with milk), rabbits, dogs, and birds have been opened. I have collected the blood in the different organs, in the lungs, the liver, and the spleen; every where I have found the blood in the state in which I have described it above, containing a certain number of white globules in all stages of formation, and of red globules more or less perfect: invariably the spleen has presented to me special circumstances so established and so constant that it behooves me to mention them, and especially since they mav throw light, at length, upon the true functions of this organ, so lonn and so vainly sought. I do not dare flatter myself with having com- pletely resolved this problem, and it is but with reserve that I express myself in this particular. "The blood contained in the large vessels of the spleen offers nothing very remarkable; but, in expressing that which is enclosed and, as it were, combined with the tissue of this organ, one finds in it a composition well worthy of fixing the attention. In a word, this blood is so rich in white globules, that their number approaches nearly to that of the perfect blood globules; but, further, the white globules which are there, present in as evident a manner all the degrees of formation and development, and the examination of this THE BLOOD. 113 blood does not appear to me to leave any doubt upon the transition which I have pointed out above of white globules to red corpuscles, and upon the successive phases through which the white globules pass to arrive at the state of perfect blood globules. This phenomenon is, above all, striking, after injections of milk, and during the work, which is accomplished in the space of four-and-twenty hours, of the transformation of the immense quantity of milk globules into blood globules. One cannot believe that this is not really the point—the laboratory, if one may so speak—in which this transmutation is effected, and that the spleen is not the true organ of this important function. But I know how like facts, and how the theory which results from them, have need to be confirmed by the researches of other observers, to be definitively adopted with confidence."* In answer to these observations of M. Donne, I would remark, first, that I have never seen the different stages of formation of the white corpuscles, and of transformation of these into red, described by M. Donne; and, second, that I believe that he has totally misinterpreted the appearances presented by blood pressed out of the spleen. The cells or corpuscles, of which that organ is itself constituted, so closely resemble the white globules of the blood, that I feel assured that M. Donne has failed to discriminate between the two, and that many of his progressive stages of development are to be referred to the splenic cells or corpuscles, numbers of which are always contained in every drop of blood procured from the spleen. Having now noticed the various opinions held by different observers in reference to the nature of the white corpuscles, we will next pass to the consideration of their origin or mode of formation. The idea that the white corpuscles are elaborated by the lymphatic glands, has already been referred to; and, from the absence of these glands in the lower oviparous vertebrata, it is evident that they cannot be regarded as essential to their formation. It has been stated that, in addition to the white and red globules, numerous smaller particles, termed molecules, exist in the blood. The white globules, in all probability, derive their origin from these molecules, a number of them going to constitute a single white globule. This aggregation of the molecules into masses, or globules, would appear to result from the operation of a general law of the economy, under the influence of which the globules unite with each other, * Cours de Microscopie, pp. 99, 100. 8 114 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. and become invested with a coating, or membrane, probably of an albuminous nature. Donne believes also that he has traced, by direct observation and experiment, the transformation of the minute oily and fatty particles, found in the milk, into white globules. He injected numerous animals, birds, reptiles, and mammalia, with various proportions of milk, and, strange to say, the creatures thus experimented upon experienced no injurious effect beyond a momentary shock, with, however, the single exception of the horse, to which the experiment proved fatal in seven different cases. If, almost immediately after the injection of the milk, a drop of blood be withdrawn from the system at a distance from the point where the milk was introduced, a number of the globules of the milk may be detected quite unaltered, and which may be recognised by their general appearance, their smaller size, and, lastly, by the action of acetic acid, which dissolves the red globules, renders apparent the granular texture of the white, but leaves untouched the molecules of the milk. If the blood be again examined at about the expiration of two hours, the smallest milk globules will be seen to have united themselves with each other by three's and four's, and to have become enveloped, by circulating in the blood, in an albuminous layer, which forms around them a vesicle, analogous to that which surrounds the white globules. The largest remain single, but are equally enveloped in a like covering. These soon break up into granules, in which state the milk globules bear a close resemblance to the white globules of the blood, from which, finally, they are not to be distinguished. " The blood," Donne* remarks, "then shows itself very rich in white globules; but, little by little, these undergo modifications more and more pro- found ; their internal molecules become effaced, and dissolve in the interior of the vesicle, the globule is depressed, and soon it presents a faint yellow colouration: they yet resist better the action of water and acetic acid than the fully-formed blood globules, and it is by this that they are still to be distinguished. At length, after twenty-four hours, or, at latest, after forty-eight, matters have returned to their normal state; no more milk globules are to be found in the blood, the proportion between the white globules and the blood globules, between the imperfect and the perfect globules, has returned to what it is ordinarily: in a word, the direct transformation of the milk globules into blood globules is completed." In the opinion that the milk globules are convertible into the white globules of the blood, Donne" is probably correct, although it must be THE BLOOD. 115 an inquiry of much delicacy and nicety to determine this point by direct observation. The evidence, however, in favour of his latter position, viz : that the white globules become ultimately converted into red corpuscles, is much more defective, and the facts upon which he relies to sustain this view are open to question, as we have already seen. The view, then, of the transformation of white corpuscles into red, I consider to be erroneous, and that the white corpuscles, as they differ from the red, in form, structure, and chemical composition, so they also differ in origin; and that the two forms of corpuscles are in every respect distinct, as well in function as in origin. From the fact of the white corpuscles of the blood being encoun- tered in considerable quantities in the lymph and chyle, which is in truth blood in its primitive form, it is in those fluids, doubtless, that they take their origin, and it is in them that they are best studied. Origin of the Red Globules.—It has already been shown that Donne and others consider that the red globules are formed out of the white, which they view as true blood globules which have not reached the last degree of elaboration. Donne sustains this opinion by reference to the following particulars: First, that among the red globules contained in a single drop of blood, all are not affected to the same extent by the use of the same reagent; that some resist its influence for a much longer period than others; Secondly, he states, that he has observed in some true blood globules traces of a slight punctuation, similar to that which is seen in the white corpuscles; and, Thirdly, in certain white globules he has noticed the compressed form common to the red corpuscles. From the observation of these facts, he draws the conclusion that the white globules are transformed into red blood discs. The first particular alluded to, viz: that the same reagent does not affect equally all the red globules of the same blood, is doubtless to some extent correct, and may be explained by supposing that the red corpuscles are not all of the same age, and therefore are of different degrees of consistence. The remarks as to the granular texture of true blood corpuscles, and the compressed form of certain white globules, it has never happened to me to be able to verify in a single instance; and, for my own part, therefore, I am inclined to allow to them but very little weight in determining the question of the origin of the red corpuscles of the blood. To the views of M. Donne on this point a high degree of plausibility and ingenuity must certainly be accorded; but in considering this question, U6 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. not merely the doubtful and even debateable nature of the evidence adduced by M. Donne must be taken into consideration, but also the following fact, viz: that no definite relation exists in the animal kingdom between the size of the red and white globules compared together. In man, and most mammalia, the white globules are larger than the red (see Plate I. fig. 1); in most reptiles, and particularly in the blood of the frog, they are very much smaller (see Plate 11.^. 1): from whence it would result that the process adopted by nature for the conversion of the white globules into red, would, in the two classes of the animal creation cited, be of a character wholly different the one from the other. In the first-mentioned, the transmutation would be a work of decrease; in the second, of increase, or super- addition; and this supposition, I conceive, would be tantamount to charging nature with the commission of a gross inconsistency. There are other observers, again, who believe in the formation of the coloured blood corpuscles out of the colourless ones, in a manner totally different from that described by M. Donne. Thus, Mr. Jones, in a communication recently made to the Royal Society, and entitled "the Blood Corpuscle considered in its different Phases of Development in the Animal Series," states that the blood corpuscle presents throughout the animal kingdom at least two phases of development: in the first of these, the corpuscle is granular, and in the second, nucleated: when in the former phase, it is denominated "granule blood cell" and in the latter, "nucleated blood cell;" the first condition, or that of granule blood cell, is synonymous with the colourless corpuscle of the blood. But each of these two phases presents likewise two stages in their growth or formation; thus the granule blood cell may be either coarsely granular, or it may be finely granular; and the nucleated blood cell may be either uncoloured or coloured. The first three stages are encountered, according to Mr. Jones, in the whole animal series, but not the fourth stage, the coloured condition of the nucle- ated blood cell, which is wanting in most of the Invertebrata, and in one of the series of Vertebrate animals, a fish, the Branchiostoma lubricum Costa; in all the other divisions of the animal kingdom it is present, as in the Oviparous Vertebrata and the Mammalia. In the latter class, the Mammalia, a third phase is super-added to the other two, that of a, "free cellceform nucleus;" this appellation expresses the usual condition in which the blood disc in the mammalia is encountered, and in which no nucleus can be discovered. THE BLOOD. 117 This third phase Mr. Jones considers to be derived from the nucleated blood cell in its second stage; the "free cellseform nucleus" being the escaped nucleus of the nucleated blood cell. The facts by which this view is supported are, first, a relation in size between the nucleus of the nucleated blood cell and the ordinary blood disc, or "free cellseform nucleus," and second, the occurrence, which is, however, very rare, of nucleated cells from which the nuclei themselves have escaped. The "nucleated blood cell" Mr. Jones found abundantly in the blood of an embryo ox, an inch and a quarter long; very sparingly in that of the elephant and horse, and not at all in the blood of the human subject; he encountered them, however, freely in the chyle of man. Such is a brief statement of the views of Mr. Jones in reference to the blood corpuscle, and of the chief facts by which those views are supported. Without taking upon myself to pronounce upon them decidedly, I yet must confess that they carry with them but little conviction to my mind, and that the facts adduced to sustain them are open to considerable discussion. If the blood corpuscles of animals in general, and of the mammalia in particular, pass through the successive phases and stages described by Mr. Jones, how happens it, I would ask, that in the blood of mam- malia, and especially in that of man, while we meet with so abundantly the first stage of the first phase, that of granule blood corpuscle, viz: the coarsely granular stage, and also the last phase indicated by Mr. Jones, that of free cellasform nucleus, we do not frequently encounter the intermediate stages and phase, through which, according to Mr. Jones, the blood corpuscles pass? To this question I do not think it easy to give a satisfactory reply, consistent with the opinions of Mr. Jones. The explanation which I would give of the absence of these transition forms is, that they have no real existence. According to Mr. Jones, the nucleated blood cells of the Oviparous Vertebrata are of a nature totally distinct from the ordinary blood cells of the Mammalia, which have no nuclei, but that the nuclei of the blood cells of the former are the analogues of the latter; this opinion is scarcely consistent with the difference of structure and chemical composition observed between the two. Opinions very analogous to those of Mr. Jones in reference to the nature of the blood corpuscles of the mammalia, viz: that they are escaped nuclei, appear to have been entertained by Mr. Gulliver from observations made on the horse; this gentleman supposing that the red corpuscle 118 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. was the escaped nucleus of the white granular corpuscle, while Mr. Jones conceives that the red blood disc is the liberated nucleus of the same body, only in an advanced condition of its development, in the stage of coloured nucleated blood cell. To the appellations by which Mr. Jones designates two of his phases of the development of the blood corpuscle, an exception may fairly be taken. The "granule blood cell" is frequently nucleated, even while it still retains its granular structure, and therefore the term selected by Mr. Jones to indicate a condition of the blood corpuscle distinct from its granular state, viz: that of nucleated blood cell, is inappropriate, and calculated to lead to the inference that the granule blood cell is not a nucleated body. I reiterate then the opinion, that the white and red globules of the blood are wholly distinct from each other—distinct in origin, in structure, and in function. The strongest fact with which I am acquainted (but it is one which is not employed by M. Donne) in favour of the transmutation of white globules into red, is this, viz: that the nucleus which exists in the blood discs of the frog, and reptiles in general, is of a granular structure, in all respects similar to that of a white globule, with the differences only of size and form, the nucleus being four or five times smaller than the true white globule, and of an oval instead of a circular outline. (See Plate ll.fig. 5.) One of these differences, as already stated—viz: that of form —is effaced by water, which renders the nucleus circular (see Plate II. fig. 4), in which state the only distinction between it and a white cor- puscle, which can be detected, is the single one of size. (See Plate II. fig. 1.) This difference, however, is so great, and coupled with the fact that no white globules have ever been detected in the frog, putting on the characters of a true red blood corpuscle, that the opinion that the white globules are transformed into red blood discs, must again be abandoned. The existence of a granular nucleus in the blood discs of reptiles, &c, revives again the old notion, that the white ^lobules are the escaped nuclei; that they are not so, is proved by the fact that no such nuclei exist in the true blood globules of man and the mammalia, in the blood of which white corpuscles abound.* The blood discs, it * The following interesting remarks of Mr. Gulliver tend to confirm somewhat the views of M. Donne; they are by no means conclusive, however:—" White globules about the same size as those in the blood of man, and probably identical with the proper globules of chyle and lymph, are common in the blood of birds, and particu- larly abundant after a full meal in the vultures and other rapacious families. THE BLOOD. 119 has been observed, first make their appearance in the chyle: any inquiries, therefore, instituted with the view of determining their origin and development in man, would be more likely to prove suc- cessful if directed to the rigorous examination of that fluid.* In the last place, it remains to treat of the end or final destination of the red globules of the blood. THE END OR FINAL CONDITION OF THE RED GLOBULES. Every where throughout the solid constituents of the animal organ- ization, cellular tissue abounds; it forms the basis of every texture and organ of the body. It is, therefore, scarcely to be wondered at that the opinion should have been adopted, that the globules which exist in such vast numbers in the blood were to be regarded as the primary and even parent cells, out of which all the solid structures of our frame took their origin.f This theory, to the mind of the earlier micrographer, must have appeared very rational and seductive; and so great, indeed, is the plausibility with which, even in the present Some of the red discs, too, instead of the oval form, are often nearly or quite circular in figure. Hence the blood of these birds would appear especially favourable to observe any changes in the white globules; and it seemed highly probable that these might be transformed into the blood discs in the manner mentioned by Dr. Baly; but although I made many observations with the view of determining this question, nothing but negative results were obtained."—(Appendix to Gerber's General Anato- my, p. 24.) This observation is satisfactory in one respect, viz: that it shows clearly the connexion, which has already been dwelt upon, of the white corpuscles with nutrition. * For further observations on the development of the red blood disc, see the remarks on the circulation in the embryo of the fowl. f Among those who regard the blood corpuscles as cells, may be named Schwann, Valentin, Addison, Remak, and Barry. Schwann describes the blood globule as a 'nucleated cell," while Valentin considers it to be a nucleus, and that which is usually held to be a nucleus he regards as a nucleolus. Remak states, that he has witnessed the development of the globules as parent cells, not within the blood, but within the cells which line the walls of the blood vessels and lymphatics. The views of Addison are confined chiefly to the white globules, which he conceives to be the fully-developed nuclei of the red blood corpuscles, and which he believes to be transformed into epithelial cells, &c, &c. Dr. Barry goes further than this; for he states that every structure which he has examined arises out of the blood corpus- cle, "the crystalline lens itself, and even the spermatozoon and the ovum." The opinions entertained by Gerber seem to be of a nature somewhat similar to the foregoing. It is difficult to understand, however, what his exact sentiments are: they, at all events, go to the extent of supposing that all the solid structures of the body are derived from preexisting germs, contained in the chyle and blood. 120 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. day, it is frequently invested, that it is still able to claim a few adherents. If we regard with the utmost patience and attention the beautiful spectacle of the capillary circulation in any of the more transparent parts of animals, but especially in the tongue of the frog, we shall in vain look for the escape from their containing vessels of even a single red blood corpuscle, independent of a rupture of those vessels. In a normal state, therefore, the blood globules are never free, but are always enclosed in their own proper receptacles. A communication, however, between the fluid contents of the blood vessels and the tissues lying external and adjacent to them, is doubtless established, through the operation of the principle of exos- mosis, whereby a slow exudation of the fluid fibrin of the blood is perpetually going forward. Now, it is the opinion of most of the German physiologists, and it is the view best supported by facts, that this fluid fibrin is to be regarded as the true blastema, out of which all the different elementary tissues and structures of the body proceed, and this not by any power inherent in itself, it being, as respects the final form which it is made to assume, totally inert and indifferent, and which form is impressed upon it by a vis insita, or peculiar power and faculty belonging to each organ and structure of the animal fabric. While the fibrin circulates in the blood it retains its fluid form; soon after the cessation of the circulation, and whether within or without the system, it passes from the fluid state to the condition of a solid. Now, on the principle of endosmosis, which has to be so often referred to in the explanation of numerous phenomena, in the solidifying power of the fibrin, and in the vis insita of the different tissues, we recognise the chief and fundamental causes which regulate nutrition, growth, and secretion. It would thus appear that the globules of the blood (the red globules are more particularly alluded to) are not to be regarded as either cytoblasts or primary cells, forming by direct apposition the solids of the body, and that therefore they do not express the last degree of elaboration of which the fibrin of the blood is susceptible. Again, then, we have to ask ourselves the question, what is the end, or final condition, of the red blood globules? Direct observation is wanting to aid us in the solution of this difficult inquiry, which, however, admits of an indirect reply being given: we have seen that no means of egress from the blood vessels is, under ordinary circum- THE BLOOD. 121 stances, permitted to the red blood globules, and therefore we are driven to the conclusion that, having performed the important func- tion to which we have already alluded, viz: that of carriers of oxygen from the lungs throughout the system, and of carbon from the latter back again to the lungs, they become dissolved, increasing by their dissolution the amount of fluid fibrin circulating in the blood, and which is deemed to be the true blastema. MOLECULES OF THE BLOOD. In addition to the red and the white globules, there exists, as already mentioned, in the blood a third description of solid constituent, the "molecules:" these are synonymous with the "basin-shaped" granules of Vogel, the "globulines" of Donne, and the "primary discs" of Martin Barry. The term molecule, or granule, is well suited to designate these particles; for either appellation will serve to convey some idea of their exceeding minuteness, and which is computed rarely to exceed the 30 ^ oo °f an inch. They occur in great quantities in the blood, either scattered singly throughout it or agglomerated into small and irregularly shaped masses. (See Plate I-fig- 6.) The molecules are usually regarded as the elements out of which the blood corpuscles are formed : on this point, however, direct observations are still want- ing. It is more probable that the white globules are developed out of them than the red, and this simply by their union or aggregation.* PECULIAR CONCENTRIC CORPUSCLES. Besides the red and the white globules and the molecules, which we have described as present in the blood, a fourth species of solid corpuscle has been observed to occur in its fibrinous constituent. These corpuscles have been repeatedly encountered by Mr. Gulliverf in clots of fibrin in man and other mammalia, and are alike to be found in them, whether the clots are formed in the body after death, or in blood abstracted from the system during life. * Since the above few lines were written on the "molecules" of the blood, I have repeatedly remarked that in blood, on its first abstraction from the system, but few molecules were present, while in that which has been withdrawn from the body for some time, they have always abounded. This observation has led me strongly to suspect that the molecules do not exist in the blood in a free state, but that wherever and whenever they are encountered, save only in the chyle, they are to be considered as derived from the rupture and destruction of the white corpuscles. f See translation of Gerber, p. 31, and Appendix, p. 16. 122 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. These corpuscles, of a very peculiar structure, as will be seen hereafter, Mr. Gulliver has described and figured with extreme accu- racy; and he has styled them "organic germs," "primary or nucleated cells," and as capable of further development if placed in circum- stances favourable to their growth. Mr. Gulliver, however, would appear to have been quite undecided as to their real nature, and whether they were not to be regarded as identical with the "fibrinous globules " of Mandl. These peculiar bodies I have myself met with in fibrinous clots which were found in the heart after death; and I have no hesitation in asserting that they differ, in every essential particular, from the fibrinous globules of Mandl, which are identical with the colourless corpuscles of the blood. The size of these corpuscles is subject to the greatest possible variation; they are frequently smaller than the white globules of the blood, but very generally three or four times larger; their form is also irregular, but inclining, in those I have examined, to the spherical. They consist of two parts, of nuclei and envelopes: the nucleus is of an irregular outline, and not usually well defined without the aid of reagents; its bulk is about the one-fourth or one-fifth of that of the entire corpuscle; the envelope, in all the globules which have fallen under my observation, has been compound, that is, made up of several vesicles concentrically disposed, the one within the other. (See Plate IV. fig. 3.) The appearance presented by these objects bears a close resem- blance to the vesicles of certain species of Algae, of the genus Microcystis or Hcematococcus, these being likewise each composed of several concentrically arranged membranes or vesicles. Now, what is the opinion which ought to be entertained in reference to the nature of these corpuscles? Do they really constitute an integral portion of our organization? and do they circulate in the living blood ? or are they formed in it after death ? The opinion of Mr. Gulliver that they are primary, or nucleated cells, has already been referred to: my own impression as to them is, that they do not constitute an integral portion of our frame; and that, whether they exist in the living blood, and circulate in it, or are formed in the clot subsequent to decease, they are to be regarded as extraneous forma- tions, probably of an entozoal character. It does not appear that the envelopes of all the corpuscles met with by Mr. Gulliver exhibited concentric striae, although he describes THE BLOOD. 123 some of them as possessing this striated structure: Mr. Gulliver speaks also of cells three or four times larger than the corpuscles, and capable of containing the latter as nuclei. These I have not myself encountered. The corpuscles are not usually scattered equally throughout the fibrinous clot, but frequently occur in groups, parts of each clot being altogether free from the corpuscles. Acid reagents, especially the sulphurous acid, will be found useful in their examination.* BLOOD GLOBULES OF REPTILES, FISHES, AND BIRDS. The red globules of the blood of the reptile, the fish, and the bird, have all certain characters in common with each other, which serve to distinguish them from those of man and the mammalia in general. The chief of these characteristics are their form, their size, the presence of a nucleus, and, lastly, their greater consistence. The compressed form belongs to the red blood globules of all animals; in the three classes of reptiles, fishes, and birds, however, although the globules possess this flattened figure, instead of being circular, as in man and the mammalia, they are in outline elliptical; and, in place of having a central depression, this part of each globule is slightly pro- tuberant. This prominence is due to the presence of a nucleus, which in the mammalia we have seen to be absent. The size of the red globules is as distinctive as their form, it usually exceeding, in reptiles, three or four times that of the majority of the blood corpuscles of mammalia. The blood disc of the frog equals in length the yyVj OI" an inch, while its traverse measurement is not less than the reVs of an inch; now the corpuscle of the elephant, the largest known among mammalia, reaches only the 2?Vs °f an mc^ m diameter.f It has already been remarked that most of the animals of the order Camelida are possessed of blood globules of -an elliptical form, con- stituting in this respect an exception in the class to which they belong. These oval corpuscles are, however, so small, that they * Since writing the above description, I have met with these concentric corpuscles in connexion with the thymus gland which had been allowed to remain in water for a few hours. t The largest blood corpuscles hitherto discovered in the animal kingdom are those of the Siren and Proteus. In the Siren, according to Mr. Gulliver, the long diame- ter of the blood discs is the 435th, and the short the 800th part of an inch, while in the Proteus they are stated at about the 350th part of an inch in length. 124 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. could not be readily confounded with the elliptical globules of the frog, &c.; they therefore agree in size, as well as in the absence of a nucleus, with the blood corpuscles of other mammalia, although not in form. While every possible care has failed in satisfactorily demonstrating the presence of a nucleus in the blood of mammalia, not the slightest difficulty is experienced in detecting it in that of the frog and most of the animals belonging to the classes just mentioned, and therefore its presence is generally recognised; although one excellent observer, M. Mandl, is of opinion that its formation takes place subsequently to the removal of the blood from the system: this idea is doubtless erroneous, as we have seen to be the case with respect to the white corpuscles of the blood, regarding which M. Mandl entertained a similar notion. In blood corpuscles immersed in their own serum, and examined immediately after their abstraction. the nucleus may be seen with a sufficient degree of clearness to enable the observer to pronounce with confidence upon its presence. After the lapse of a few minutes, it becomes much more apparent, so that its composition is easily to be discerned: this arises, most probably, from the discharge of a portion of the colouring matter of each globule. The form of the nucleus is seen to correspond with that of the blood corpuscle itself, and to be oval, presenting a granular struc- ture precisely resembling that of the white globules of the blood, from one of which it is only to be distinguished by its much smaller size and oval form. (See Plate 11. fig. 2.) Owing to the firmer texture and greater size of the blood globules of the frog, their structure can be well studied, and the effects of reagents more easily determined. In water, the red corpuscles lose their colour, and become circular, and indeed globular, a change of form which the nucleus is likewise seen to undergo. (See Plate II. figs. 3 and 4.) These alterations ensue almost immediately on the application of the water; its con- tinued action produces an effect still more remarkable; the nucleus, which at first occupied a central position in the globule, is soon seen to become eccentric, and finally, rupturing the pseudo-membrane of the corpuscle, escapes into the surrounding medium; the nucleus and the outer portion of each globule are then observed as two distinct structures, lying side by side (see Plate II. fig. 4); the latter is at length absorbed, and then nought remains but the nucleus, which is, as already remarked, under the influence of water rendered of a globular form, and which is in no way distinguishable from a white corpuscle THE BLOOD. 125 of the blood, save in the single particular of size, the nucleus being several times smaller than the globule. Acetic acid dissolves (if strong, almost immediately) the outer tunic, without occasioning the prior extrusion of the nucleus, the form of which is not materially affected, the contained granules merely becoming more clearly defined. (See Plate II. fig. 5.) The white globules in the blood of the frog are very numerous; they bear no similitude of form or size to the elliptical red blood cor- puscles, being usually perfectly spherical, and scarcely more than a third of the dimensions of the oval corpuscles. Thus, between the white globules in man and the mammalia and those of reptiles, an opposite relation of size in reference to the red blood discs exists; for while, in the former, the white corpuscles are larger than the red globules, in the latter they are generally much smaller. (See Plate I. fig. 1, Plate W.fig. 1.) The plastic property possessed by the blood globules of all animals belongs especially to that of the frog. The globules, if trailed or drawn along the surface of a piece of glass, may be elongated to thrice their original length, and made to assume such forms as are altogether inconsistent with the existence of a thin and distinct investing membrane.* (See Plate W.fig. 6.) CAPILLARY CIRCULATION. We have now considered the blood, both physiologically and anatomically, out of the system, at rest and dead. We have, in the next place, to treat of it within the body, living and circulating. The beautiful phenomenon of the capillary circulation may be witnessed in the more transparent parts of several animals; as, for example, in the extremities of young spiders, fins of fishes, in the gills of the tadpole and the newt, in the tail of the water newt, in the web of the frog's foot, and in the mesentery of the smaller mammalia. But it is seen to the greatest possible advantage in the tongue of the * The extraordinary elongation of which the blood globules of the frog are susceptible, may be seen to very great advantage by adopting the following little expedient:—A drop of blood being placed upon the object-glass previous to its coagulation, and allowed to remain there for a few seconds, until symptoms of con- solidation have manifested themselves, it is then to be extended gently with two pins in opposite directions; if now the microscope be brought to bear upon it, elongated corpuscles will be seen in it in vast quantities. In the production of this change, it is the fibrin which is mainly concerned; for it is through it that the exten- sion is communicated to the corpuscles. 126 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. frog; an organ peculiarly adapted for the representation of the cir- culation of the blood, from its extraordinary elasticity and transparence. For a knowledge of this fact, science is indebted to a neighbour and friend of mine, Dr. A. Waller, and by whom it was communicated some years ago to M. Donne. For the exhibition of the circulation in the tongue of the frog, in a satisfactory manner, it is necessary that the animal should be secured in the following way:—A bandage having been passed several times around the body of the frog, so as to secure effectually the anterior extremities, it is next to be fastened to a piece of cork by additional turns of the bandage; this piece of cork should be very thin, six or seven inches in length, by about ten in width, and perforated at one extremity by a square aperture, the diameter of which should not be less than two-thirds of an inch. To the margin of this aperture, the mouth of the frog, in binding it to the piece of cork, should be brought. The frog having been thus effect- ually secured, the soft and pulp-like tongue should be drawn out of the mouth by means of a'pair of forceps, and being spread over the surface of the aperture, should be retained in position by from four to six pins, the elasticity of the tissue of the tongue allowing of its extension into a thin and transparent membrane with but little risk of a rupture of the organ; lastly, the piece of cork should be fastened to the stage of the microscope, in such a position that the tongue rests over the opening in the stage. These preliminary arrangements being effected, and a low power of the microscope being brought to bear upon it, a spectacle of the highest interest and beauty is revealed to the sight of the beholder. We have displayed before us, in action, almost every tissue of the animal organization, in its simplest and clearest form and disposition—arteries, with their accompanying veins and nerves; muscular tissue; the blood, with its red and white globules; epithelial cells; glands of the smallest possible complication of structure; and these several parts are not merely visible, but their form, disposition, construction, and normal mode of action, are all distinctly apparent; the blood ever flowing, the muscles contracting, and the glands secreting. The circulation in the tongue of the frog is best seen, in the first instance, by means of low powers, a larger surface of the organ being thus brought under view, and a more exact idea obtained of the relative size and disposition of its numerous constituents. The arteries may be distinguished from the veins by their fewer number smaller calibre, and by the fact that, while the veins increase in THE BLOOD. 127 diameter, in the direction of the course which the blood contained in them pursues, the arteries decrease in the course which the current follows in them. The arteries, from their origin, diminish in size and multiply in number, by the constant giving off of second- ary branches; the veins, on the contrary, become enlarged during their progress, and lessen in number, by the continual addition of subsidiary veins. These differences, as well as the circumstance that the velocity of the blood in the arteries is greater than in the veins, are abundantly sufficient to distinguish the two orders of vessels from each other. If, now, a somewhat higher power be applied to the objects, we shall be able to dive still further into the mysteries of organization; we shall not merely perceive the general motion of the blood, but also that nearly the entire mass of that fluid consists of red globules. We shall be able to recognise clearly their form, and to see the different modifications of shape which they undergo in passing by each other, and in escaping any impediment which presents itself to impede their progress. We shall perceive, likewise, that, in the smaller capillaries, the globules circulate in single series, and mingled with them will be noticed occasionally a colourless globule, which, in the blood of the frog, is not more than half the size of the elliptical corpuscle. (See Plate V. fig. 2.) Furthermore, it will be remarked that the circulation does not flow on in an uninterrupted stream of equal velocity, but that certain arrests of its motion occur. These are but momentary, and after each the current again quickly flows on with the same speed as before'; with each action of the heart, also, a slight impulsion of the blood in the capillaries may be clearly seen. This instructive sight of the capillary circulation may be viewed thus for hours, during the whole of which time the blood will be seen flowing on with undiminished force. In certain vessels, however, after a very long exposure of the tongue to the action of the air, whereby its moisture is continually abstracted, and which acts, doubtless, as a source of irritation, a number of the colourless globules will be seen to have collected in the capillaries; these adhere prin- cipally to the sides of the vessels and to each other, thus leaving the channel still free for the passage of the red globules, which in their course sometimes rush against the white globules with such violence as to detach one or more of them from time to time from its adhesion to the walls of the vessel, and which, rolling over once or twice, joins the general current of the vessel, and is quickly carried out of view. It would appear that any irritation affecting the 128 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. capillary vessels, even when applied to them outwardly—as, for example, weak chemical solutions—gives rise to the phenomenon in question. It is to be observed, however, that at all times considera- ble numbers of white corpuscles circulate in the larger capillaries: these do not occur mixed up with the red blood corpuscles; but, as already remarked, are situated externally between them and the inner wall of the capillaries. (See Plate V-fig- 1.) In the plastic power with which the red corpuscles are endowed, we recognise a beautiful and important organic adaptation of matter to the fulfilment of a special purpose. Were it not for this plastic property, and were the red corpuscles of the blood, on the contrary, of a. solid and unyielding texture, it would follow, as an inevitable consequence of the solidity of the globules, combined with their vast number, that frequent interruption and stoppage of the circulation in the capillaries would ensue, and which would, of course, result in the complete derangement of the functions of the entire economy. I come now to record an observation which, so far as I am informed, is without parallel. On one occasion, in examining the tongue of a frog, a portion of it broke away from the remainder; this I placed between two plates of glass, and submitted to examination, when, extraordinary to say, it was perceived that the circulation was still vigorously maintained in the majority of the vessels. Anxious to know how long this circulation would be continued, but fully expecting to see it cease every moment, myself and a friend, John Coppin, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, watched it for upwards of an hour, at the end of which time the blood still flowed onwards in many of the vessels, with scarcely abated vigour, though in others, often the larger ones, the motion had altogether ceased. The mutilated portion of the tongue was then placed in water, in which it remained during the whole of the night; the next morning it was again examined, when it was found that a tolerably active circulation still existed in several of the smaller vessels. After this observation, the further examination of the fragment was abandoned. The almost immediate cessation of the circulation, which occurred in some of the larger vessels admits of explanation in the following way:—In some vessels the blood globules were seen escaping from their open extremities • this effusion of the globules frequently continued for two or three minutes until the entire contents of such vessels became poured out, when of course the circulation within them ceased, the circulating fluid being expended; in other capillaries, the current was seen to stop long THE BLOOD. 129 before their contents had been exhausted, in which case it was usually to be remarked that some of the blood corpuscles contained in the vessels had collected around their orifices, thus producing an impedi- ment to the further maintenance of the current. The foregoing observation is one of much interest and importance; for it seems to prove that the capillary circulation is in a great measure independent of vital influences, and that its persistence is mainly due to physical agencies. With a few observations on the mucous follicles situated on the upper surface of the tongue of the frog, we shall conclude our relation of the capillary circulation, as witnessed in that organ. These follicles are glands reduced to the simplest possible amount of organ- ization: they are of a regularly spherical form, and transparent texture; they are situated in the mucous membrane of the tongue, to the thickness of which they are entirely confined, as proved by the fact that, when that membrane is dissected off, by means of a needle the glands are raised along with it. Into each of these glands may be seen entering it on one side, and quitting it usually on the opposite, one of the smallest of the capillary vessels, in which the blood corpuscles pass usually in single series; this vessel in its passage through the gland describes usually a tortuous course; and within it the blood corpuscles are seen to be in a state of increased and incessant activity, appearing to move, as it were, in a vortex, this appearance resulting from the curvatures described by the vessel. (See Plate VII. figs. 1, 2.) It might be expected that, in a gland of such simple constitution, the exact process of secretion would be rendered apparent; in this expectation, however, we are doomed to disappointment, no action beyond that which we have already related being visible within it. An endosmotic action does doubtless take place between the contents of the gland and those of the vessel which permeates it, whereby a peculiar product is obtained from the blood, to be fashioned and assimilated by certain powers inherent in the gland itself, and the precise nature of which powers is unknown to us, and it is probable that it never will be revealed. Pass we now to the description of the circulation in the embryo of the chick, which possesses points of interest distinct from those observed in the tongue of the frog. CIRCULATION IN THE EMBRYO' OF THE CHICK. The process by which the circulation in the embryo of the chick is displayed is one which requires considerable delicacy of manipu- 9 130 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. lation; the care, however, which it is necessary to bestow upon it, for its successful exhibition, is amply repaid by the surpassing beauty of the spectacle which presents itself to the beholder. It is best seen in the third, fourth, and fifth days of the incubation of the egg. For the purpose of showing it satisfactorily, the egg should be broken at the side, and a portion of the shell cautiously removed, without at the same time raising with it the subjacent membrane (membrana testce); this should next be peeled off with the same degree of caution as that with which the shell itself was previously raised. Immediately beneath this membrane, the yolk itself will be seen floating in the midst of the colourless albumen, and sustained in posi- tion by the beautifully spiral chalaza, which, proceeding from the yolk, are fastened into that portion of the membrana testce which cor- responds with the poles of the egg-shell. Imbedded in the surface of the yolk of an egg, on the third, fourth, and fifth days of its incubation, the embryo will be visible, and issuing from its umbilicus will be seen the vessels which ramify in such graceful order through the membrane of the allantois. The embryo is almost invariably placed uppermost in the yolk, so that it most generally presents itself beneath, whatever part of the shell has been broken. This position results from the lighter specific grav- ity, and is, moreover, facilitated by the spiral formation of the chalazae. The purposes fulfilled by this position of the embryo are obvious and striking, it being thus so placed as to receive directly the caloric which is continually emanating from the parent hen, and being also more immediately submitted to the influence of the oxygen of the air. In an embryo then thus placed in situ, in the third, fourth, and fifth days of its development, and with the unaided sight, the rudiments of almost all the organs and members may be clearly recognised, the eye and the regular contractions of the heart, together with the vessels departing from it to ramify through the area vasculosa being particu- larly conspicuous. With a low power of the microscope, the course of the blood in the vessels, together with the form and size of the white and red corpuscles, may be clearly distinguished. The ramifications of the vessels in the area vasculosa present an arborescent distribution; their entire course may be traced from their commencement in the aorta to their termination on the border of the membrane of the area vasculosa. Now, the great point of interest in the circulation of the chick is that the passage of the blood may be witnessed throughout. Thus THE BLOOD. 131 the blood expelled from the heart by the contraction of the ventricle into the aorta, may be traced through this vessel, and all its subse- quent divisions and sub-divisions, until it reaches the ultimate arterial radicles, passes from these into the corresponding radicles of the veins, and from these again into the larger venous trunks, by which it is reconveyed to the heart, the circle of the circulation being thereby completed. There are two ways in which the circulation in the embryo of the fowl may be viewed, either while it is still occupying its natural posi- tion on the surface of the yolk, (and this I think is by far the most preferable method,) or the embryo may be altogether detached from the yolk by means of an armed needle, and subsequently placed on a watch-glass filled with warm water at a temperature of 96°. During the operation of detaching the embryo, the egg itself should also be immersed in water at the temperature just mentioned. This latter process is one, however, of much nicety, and frequently fails in con- sequence of the rupture of some of the finer vessels, the blood becom- ing effused, the different parts of the embryo obscured, and a stoppage put to the circulation. But it is not alone the contemplation of the circulation in the embryo of the chick which is so interesting and instructive; the study of the entire development of the ovum, from its commencement to its termination, reveals facts of the highest importance, and full of wonder. The examination of the blood of the embryo fowl is especially instructive, the mode of formation of the red corpuscles admitting of determination in a manner the most satisfactory. In the red corpuscles contained in the blood of the embryo in the first days of its development, a remarkable variation of size will be detected, some of them being three or four times larger than others, and the smallest consisting almost entirely of a nucleus surrounded by a faint and delicate envelope. Between the two extremes of size, every possible gradation is presented. (See Plate IX. fig. 1.) This variation in the dimensions of the corpuscles becomes scarcely less apparent if they be immersed in water, in which they become perfectly spherical. (See Plate IX. fig. 2.) A diversity of size, almost as remarkable as that which exists between the red blood corpuscles of the embryo fowl, will be observed also in those of the young frog which has but just emerged from its tadpole state. If a drop of the blood of this young frog be compared with that of a full-grown frog, the corpuscles in the former will be 132 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. remarked to vary greatly in dimensions, while in the latter they will be seen to present a much greater uniformity of size. (See Plate IX. figs. 4, 5.) Now, the inferences to be deduced from this great diversity of size are palpable, and are, first, that the red blood corpuscle is at its origin small, and only attains its full dimensions after a given period; and, second, that the nucleus is the part of the corpuscle which is first formed, the coloured investing and perfectly smooth portion of it being gradually developed around this subsequently. This view is incon- sistent with the notion entertained by many, that the red blood cor- puscles result from the gradual assumption by the white globules of the characteristic distinctions of the red blood discs; for were this really the case, we should be at a complete loss to account for the remarkable differences of size to which we have adverted. A similar mode of development to that which has been described as belonging to the red blood corpuscles of the embryo fowl, appertains also, I believe, to that of all the Oviparous Vertebrata. The development of the coloured blood corpuscle of the Mammalia, I conceive to agree also with that of the other Vertebrata in the fact of its being small at first, and subsequently and gradually attaining its normal proportions, but to differ from that of the Oviparous Verte- brata in not being developed around a central nucleus. DISSOLUTION OF BLOOD CORPUSCLES. But if the blood of the embryo fowl is well adapted for the study of the origin and development of red blood corpuscles, that of the adult fowl is no less fitted for ascertaining their end and final destination. Some observers have entertained the idea, already expressed in this work, that the older blood discs become melted down in the liquor sanguinis, and thus, by their dissolution, increasing the amount of fibrin held dissolved in that liquid. To the adoption of this notion they were driven, because they were unable to dispose of the red blood disc in any other way, and which other facts had made apparent to them could not be regarded as persistent structures. In proof of the accuracy of this statement respecting the melting down of the corpuscles, they had not, however, a particle of direct evidence to adduce. I will now proceed to show that the view refer- red to may be substantiated by positive observation. In almost every drop of the blood of an adult fowl, a number of certain pale and usually colourless corpuscles will be seen, having a THE BLOOD. 133 nucleus of the same size and structure as that of the ordinary red blood disc distinctly visible in the midst, the investing portion of each corpuscle at the same time being invariably smooth and destitute of granules. These corpuscles vary in size, in form, and in colour; the larger ones, which are equal in dimensions to the fully-developed blood discs, usually retain a faint colouration, and are invariably of an oval form; while the smaller ones, many of which consist of merely a nucleus and a closely-fitting envelope, are perfectly colourless, and for the most part, although not always, spherical. (See Plate IX. fig. 3.) Now, there is no difficulty whatever in detecting these pale and mostly spherical corpuscles with a good instrument, nor is there the slightest danger of confounding them with the white corpuscles, which are also to be seen retaining their uniformly molecular aspect. The corpuscles just described exist not merely in the blood of the adult fowl, but they may be detected, with similar facility, in every Oviparous Vertebrate animal the blood of which I have examined; and they abound in the blood of tritons and frogs. (Plate IX. fig. 5.) But further, there may be detected in the blood of adult Oviparous Vertebrata, not merely the delicate and pale corpuscles referred to, but also numbers of naked nuclei—that is, of nuclei deprived of all trace of investing membrane. (See Plate IX. figs. 3 and 5.) These nuclei should, however, be examined with care, and a nice adjustment of the object-glass; for it will be found, on close examin- ation, that many of them, though appearing at first sight to be naked, are not really so, but are invested by a scarcely-perceptible envelope. Now, these large and slightly-coloured oval corpuscles, the smaller perfectly colourless and mostly spherical ones, and the naked nuclei, represent progressive states of the dissolution of the red blood disc. When first I noticed these pale corpuscles and nuclei, I was dis- posed to think that they represented stages in the upward develop- ment of the red blood disc: this opinion was, however, dispelled, by observing that the pale and colourless corpuscles often exceeded greatly in size the smaller true and coloured blood corpuscles. There is one circumstance connected with these pale corpuscles which does not appear to admit of any very satisfactory explanation, viz : their occurrence on the field of the microscope in groups. A word or two as to the seat or locality in which the work of development of blood corpuscles, and subsequent dissolution of them, is conducted. Physiologists appear always to have been on the look- 134 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. out for some organ of the body, the especial purpose of which in the animal economy they conceived should be the elaboration of the blood corpuscles; and some of them, as Hewson and Donne, not knowing well what office ought to be assigned to that much-discussed organ, the spleen, have on various grounds considered it to be the laboratory in which the work of development is carried on. Of the dissolution of the red blood discs, no definite or decided observations hitherto appear to have been made by any observer. Observation has convinced me that the development of blood cor- puscles is not assigned to any particular organ of the body, but that it occurs within the blood-vessels during the whole course of the circu- lation and of life. During the first formation of the blood in early embryonic life, the corpuscles are said to be formed in the cells, which by their union with each other give origin to the capillary vessels. Further, it is probable that, while it is in arterial blood that the work of development of blood corpuscles is most active, it is in the venous fluid that the converse work of dissolution is mainly effected. The development of blood corpuscles is also most active in very early life, when growth is rapid; and it is likewise more active than ordinary in adult existence, after haemorrhages, and in persons of the plethoric diathesis. In like manner it may be presumed that the dis- solution of red blood corpuscles proceeds more quickly in anaemic conditions of the system, and in old age, while at the same time, at the latter period, development of new corpuscles is more tardy. It is now hoped that a more satisfactory explanation of the origin and end of the red blood disc has been given than it was feared, when the writer first approached the consideration of these difficult, though most important, questions, it would have been in his power to have afforded. VENOUS AND ARTERIAL BLOOD. Venous and arterial blood differ in certain important respects from each other; arterial blood is of a brighter colour, and coagulates more firmly than that which is venous. The difference in colour is due to the presence in the former of oxygen, and in the latter of carbon in a state of combination not yet well determined. Venous blood, when exposed to the action of oxygen, soon acquires the vivid red colour of arterial blood, and this, when submitted to the influence of carbonic acid, as speedily assumes the dark hue of venous blood. The greater or less firmness in the clot formed is owing to the THE BLOOD. 135 different amount of fibrin contained in the two fluids, and which is greatest in that which is arterial; the coagulum of which, therefore, possesses the greatest density. The differences detected by the microscope in the blood corpuscles of arterial and venous blood are scarcely appreciable. Gerber states that the " tint of colour exhibited is various; bright in the globule of arterial blood, dark red and some- what streaky in that of venous blood:" this difference of colour, which doubtless exists, it is easier to infer than positively to demonstrate by means of the microscope. While arterial blood is richer in salts, venous blood contains a greater proportion of fatty matter. There are several substances which effect a change in the colour of the blood: thus, oxygen, the concentrated solutions of salts with an alkaline base, and sugar, turn dark venous of a bright florid or arterial red; this reddening being accomplished by the salts and sugar, even when the blood is placed in a vacuum, or an atmosphere of hydrogen, nitrogen, or carbonic acid gasses. Newbigging* hath also remarked that venous blood takes the tint of vermilion in a cup, at those situations at which it is painted with the green oxide of chrome; and Taylorf has confirmed the observa- tion that the colours which contain the oxide of chrome brighten the tint of blood. On the other hand, bright or arterial blood is darkened, or even blackened, by contact with carbonic and oxalic acids, and by its admixture, according to Henle, with distilled water. Sulphuric acid, and other acids which are agitated with the blood, change its colour from red to blackish brown. The nitrous and nitric oxides cause vermilion blood to take a deep purple tint.J The power possessed by those substances which brighten the colour of dark venous blood, is supposed to be derived from the oxygen which they contain, and by means of which a chemical transforma- tion in the condition of the red element of the blood, the hematine, is effected, a portion of oxygen being absorbed during the change of colour. Those substances, however, which cause arterial blood to assume the tint of venous blood, are presumed to exert their influence by means of the carbon of which they are compounded, and a portion of which becomes imbibed during the work of transmutation. * Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, October, 1839. f Lancet, February, 1840. I Henle, Anatomic Generate, tome premier, page 471. 136 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. Henle, nevertheless, considers that these several alterations of colour arise rather from mechanical than chemical causes, and that they depend upon the state of aggregation of the particles of the colouring matter, these being differently disposed according to the nature of the reagent employed. Thus, Henle remarks*, " It is evident that the colour of the blood is brightened under the influence of substances which oppose the dis- solution of the hematine in the serum, and maintain or reestablish the flat form of the corpuscles, as the concentrated solutions of salts and of sugar; while pure water, which dissolves the colouring matter, and causes the corpuscles to swell, deepens the colour of the blood." Hamburgerf, according to Henle, has even observed that weak solutions of the chlorides render the colour of the blood deeper, while their concentrated solutions make it pass to vermilion. Again, according to the observations of Schultz, it would appear that the red blood corpuscles are flattened by the action of oxygen, while the effect of the application of carbonic acid is to cause them to swell up, and assume a more or less globular figure. On this fact, Henle reasons thus: Accompanying these changes of form there are alterations in the state of aggregation of the colouring matter of the corpuscles; thus, in oxygen, or in any saline solutions, the plasma remains clear and colourless, the blood discs being flat- tened, and the colouring matter contained within them condensed; while in carbonic acid or water the plasma becomes coloured, by the escape of a portion of the hematine from the corpuscles, which swell up, and assume a form approaching more or less the globular. Now, the difference in colour between venous and arterial blood Henle maintains may be accounted for by reference to the form of the corpuscles, and the consequent condition of the particles of the colouring matter. And it is also by reference to the state of the colouring matter that Henle accounts for the fact that blood which has once acquired a very dark colour is thereby rendered incapable of reassuming the bright hue of arterial blood on the application of oxygen or saline solutions, because, he says, that the pigment which had escaped into the plasma, under the influence of the carbonic acid, cannot be made to enter into the corpuscles again, when by means of oxygen they are again flattened. *Loc. cit. page 471. f Hamburger, Exp. circa Sanguinis Coagulationem, pp. 32. 42. THE BLOOD. 137 The colour of the blood, then, according to Henle, depends upon the single fact of the form of the corpuscle, and that this colour is so much the more bright as these are flat. Finally, in support of his theory, Henle refers to changes of colour presented by certain inorganic substances from an alteration in the state of aggregation of its constituent particles: thus, it is well known that the ioduret of mercury recently sublimed is yellow; in cooling, its colour passes to scarlet, and pressure determines this change in an instantaneous manner. Such is Henle's mechanical theory of the changes of colour expe- rienced by the blood on the addition of reagents; a theory which, however ingenious it may be, I deem to be insufficient to account for the very remarkable alterations of colour to which the vital fluid is subject. The changes of colour of dark blood to a vermilion hue, and of this again to the deep tint of venous blood, admit of a chemical explana- tion being given, the essential element of the former change being oxygen gas, and of the latter carbonic acid gas. Thus, even the remarkable effect of the application of the chlorides may be accounted for by reference to the well-known operation of chlorine as a bleach- ing agent, viz: through the power which it possesses of depriving water of its hydrogen, and altering the state of combination of the oxygen. With respect to the observations of Schultz on the effect of carbonic acid and of oxygen in altering the form of the red blood corpuscles, and on which fact the entire of Henle's theory rests, I would observe that, in conjunction with Mr. Miller, the gentleman who manifests so much of patience, skill, and intelligence in the execution of the draw- ings of this work, and who is moreover an excellent chemist, I have made many experiments, with the view of ascertaining the power possessed by the former reagent in modifying the form of the elliptical corpuscles of the blood of the frog, the blood being in some cases submitted to the direct action of the gas, and in others the animal itself being subjected to its influence. The result of these experiments, on my mind, is the conviction that the effect of this gas on the figure of the corpuscle is not appreciable. I am, therefore, disposed to allow but little weight to the mechanical theory of the changes of colour experienced by the blood. Venous blood does not present precisely the same tint of colour, or the same characters in all parts of the system: thus, the blood found 138 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. in the vena portae is deeper in colour than any other venous blood, and, according to Schultz, it does not redden either on the application of oxygen gas or of salts, and does not coagulate, or gives but a divided clot; it is richer in water, in cruor, and in fat, and poorer in albumen, than ordinary venous blood. It would be a point of much interest to determine whether arterial or venous blood contains the greatest number of blood corpuscles. The experiments which have hitherto been made, with the view of determining this question, are most unsatisfactory, and contradict each other. MODIFICATIONS OF THE BLOOD CORPUSCLES THE RESULTS OF DIFFERENT EXTERNAL AGENCIES. Peculiar Modification of the Effect of commencing Desiccation. If the red corpuscles be examined a few minutes after their abstraction from the system, in a drop of blood which has been spread out between two plates of thin glass, it will be seen that many of them, and especially those which are situated near the margin of the drop, present an appearance very different from that which belongs to them in their ordinary and natural condition. They now no longer exhibit the flattened form with the central depression, but have become converted into little spheres, the surface of which, instead of being smooth, is now rough and tuberculated. (See Plate I. fig. 5.) Blood corpuscles thus changed have been compared to mulberries in appear- ance. This alteration is supposed by Donne to depend upon com- mencing desiccation, and to arise from deficiency of serum, the mulberry-like globules being but imperfectly bathed in that liquid. No very satisfactory explanation of the exact nature of the change has as yet been given. MM. Andral and Gavarret* suppose that the mammillated appearance of the corpuscles arises from the adherence, to the surface of the globules, of a number of the exceedingly minute molecules of the fibrin; this explanation is probably more ingenious than correct. If a number of the altered globules be carefully and closely examined, it will be remarked that they do not all exhibit precisely similar appearances; that in some globules, for instance, it will be observed that the contour is but slightly broken or indented; that in others the indentations of the surface are more considerable, and the small spaces between them consequently more prominent; and again, in other globules, and which are indeed by far the most * Essai d'Hemalogie Pathologique, par G. Andral, page 23. THE BLOOD. 130 numerous, it will be obvious that the whole surface has become dis- tinctly tuberculated, each tubercle, of which there are several to each globule, appearing to be of a spherical form, and resembling a minute bubble of some gas, probably of oxygen, or carbon, according as the blood is arterial or venous. That they are really of a gaseous nature is proved, I think, by the fact of their gradual formation as well as dissipation. M. Andral states, that in blood which has been deprived of its fibrin, the corpuscles never exhibit the peculiar granulated or tuberculated aspect which we have described; and this fact he adduces in support of the opinion entertained by him, that this peculiar con- dition of the globules is due to the accumulation on their surface of the molecules derived from the fibrin. Mr. John Quekett is also of the opinion that this peculiar condition of the blood globules of which we have been speaking, is occasioned by the adherence to their edges of granules which he considers to be derived from the interior of the corpuscles themselves. See "Observ- ations on the Blood Discs and their Contents," Microscopic Journal, vol. i. p. 65. For further observations on this granulated appearance of the corpuscles, see Part I. p. 31. MODIFICATIONS THE RESULTS OF DECOMPOSITION OCCURRING IN BLOOD ABANDONED TO ITSELF • WITHOUT THE BODY. In blood abandoned to itself, and exposed to atmospheric influences, changes of form and appearance speedily begin to manifest themselves in the red corpuscles. These changes occur in regular order; they first become wrinkled, deformed, and tuberculated; they next lose their flattened and disc-like shape, becoming globular and smooth; their colouring matter escapes from them, and they present a livid hue. In this condition they are with difficulty discoverable in the blood; finally, they dissolve, and all traces of them disappear. These successive changes are all produced in the course of a very few hours: the exact period, however, varies with the temperature of the atmos- phere and actual condition of the blood when extracted from the system. MODIFICATIONS THE RESULTS OF DECOMPOSITION OCCURRING IN BLOOD WITHIN THE BODY AFTER DEATH. The changes which we have described as occurring in blood abandoned to itself without the system, take place likewise in the red corpuscle of that which is contained within the body after death, and this even with a greater degree of quickness than in the former case; 140 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. the time, however, bears a relation to atmospheric conditions, to temperature, as well as, especially, to the nature of the malady to which the patient has succumbed. If the affection which has occa- sioned death be of a nature to exhaust profoundly the vital powers —if it be a chronic disease of long duration, as a typhoid fever—the period requisite for the production of these changes will be very short; so brief, indeed, that the alterations may be detected in the corpuscles almost immediately after the extinction of life. It is of much importance that the changes resulting from decomposition, and which occur in the dead body, should not be confounded with real and pathological alterations of the red corpuscles. CAUSES OF INFLAMMATION. Exciting Cause. The fact which has been alluded to in the preceding pages, of the accumulation of the white and red corpuscles in the tongue and web of the frog, as a consequence of the application of irritation, bears a close relation to the phenomena of inflammation, and shows that the exciting cause of inflammation, whatever it may be—such as a blow, exposure to cold, burns, scalds, or the application of irritating substances— acts usually through the medium of the nervous system, the impression produced on it impinging upon the structures to which the ultimate nervous fibrillae are distributed, viz: the vessels in the which a series of results ensue which together constitute the condition of inflammation. Proximate Cause. When the white and the red corpuscles of the blood accumulate in the capillaries of a part in normal quantity, those vessels may be considered to be in a state of " vital turgescence;" when, however, they are present in those vessels in abnormal proportion, then the capilla- ries may be said to be in a state of "inflammatory turgescence." Now, the term "congestion" indicates a condition of the vessels intermediate between vital and inflammatory turgescence, and which may be denominated "congestive turgescence." In vital turgescence, a phrase which indicates the condition of the vessels in a state of normal nutrition, the capillaries are slightly increased in calibre, and are pervaded by an unusual, though perfectly normal number of corpuscles, both red and white, but especially of the latter, some of which adhere to the walls of the vessels. THE BLOOD. j^j In congestive turgescence, or in congestion, the calibre of the capillaries is more considerably increased in size, and a greater and abnormal number of white and red corpuscles, especially the former, are collected in the vessels. These corpuscles, if the turgescence ter- minates in resolution without advancing to the condition of inflamma- tion, do not undergo any structural changes, but enter again into the circulation, their removal being determined by the discontinuance of the exciting cause, and by the vis a tergo of the circulation, which drives the corpuscles onward. Lastly, in inflammatory turgescence, the diameter is very con- siderably enlarged, and their interior is filled with a very greatly increased and abnormal quantity of white and red corpuscles, these accumulating to such an extent as either to seriously obstruct, or altogether destroy, the circulation in those vessels. This condition of the vessels is always accompanied by certain structural alterations, which effect not merely the corpuscles themselves, but also the vessels and parts adjacent to them; these alterations being merely attributable to the impediment presented to the onward progress of the blood in the capillaries by the accumulation in them of the blood corpuscles. We now know that the proximate cause of inflammation consists in an abnormal accumulation of the corpuscles of the blood in the minute capillary vessels, and which accumulation we perceive must inevitably impede the function of the part in which the vessels are thus surcharged, alter its structure, and finally tend to a sympathetic disturbance of the entire economy. For this discovery we are indebted to the microscope. It will thus be seen that some of the ancient hypotheses in reference to the proximate cause of inflammation were not so very far wrong, and that most of them recognise the fact, that it is the capillary vessels and blood corpuscles which are mainly concerned in the production of the phenomena of inflammation. Finally, inflammation may, like congestion, terminate in resolution; but, unlike congestion, it always leaves permanent traces of its visitation, the resolution being but incomplete. It may terminate, also, in "hepatization," or in "purulent infiltration." The fibrin of the blood is the chief agent in producing the consolidation of the structure known by the term hepatization, while it is the white cor- puscles analogous to those of the blood, as will be seen hereafter, that give rise to the purulent formation. 142 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. PATHOLOGY OF THE BLOOD. We now come to the consideration of the most important division of our Chapter upon the Blood, viz: that which treats of the patho- logical changes which that fluid undergoes, and a full and clear understanding of which is so necessary to the safe and successful treatment of disease. These pathological alterations are numerous, and engage not merely the solid constituents of the blood, the white and red corpus- cles, but also its fluid elements, the fibrin and the albumen; the abnormal conditions of each of which principles of the blood we shall find to be accompanied by a distinct train of morbid, phenomena. It may be said that the fibrin and the albumen being entirely of a fluid nature, and not holding solid particles of any magnitude in suspension, they ought not to be considered in a work devoted to microscopic anatomy. We shall find, however, that these several constituents of the blood are so intimately associated, that, in order to understand any one of them fully, it is necessary that we should possess a knowledge of the others also, and therefore I consider that their discussion comes within the legitimate scope of this work. For much of our knowledge of the pathology of the blood we are indebted to the united researches of MM. Andral and Gavarret, to whose valuable essay we shall have occasion hereinafter to make frequent reference. Pathology of the Red Corpuscles of the Blood. The scale of the red corpuscles of the blood, relative to that of the other elements, varies considerably, even in states of health. The mean proportion of red corpuscles is estimated by MM. Andral and Gavarret at 127 in every thousand parts of the vital fluid. This scale may, however, be elevated to 140, or depressed to 110; the variations in the quantity of the red globules within these limits being compatible, however, with a physiological or healthy condition of the blood, although the higher scale, 140, is allied to a state of plethora, while the lower, 110, borders upon the opposite state, of anaemia, and both of which may be regarded, if not as diseases in themselves, at least as powerful, auxiliary, and predisposing causes of many morbid conditions of the system. THE BLOOD. 143 Increase in the Number of the Red Corpuscles.—Plethora. An increase in the number of the red corpuscles of the blood exists in that condition of the system which has been denominated the plethoric, and which increase constitutes its chief element. The authors already cited found the mean proportion of the red globules in the thirty-one cases in which the blood was submitted to examin- ation, to be in every thousand parts 141; the minimum 131, and the maximum 154. With this increase in the number of the red cor- puscles, it was not found that any other element of the blood had become either augmented or diminished. The symptoms which indicate the existence of plethora, whether they be organic, or functional and mental, all admit of a ready and satisfactory explanation by a reference to the increased quantity of the red corpuscles. The existence of a state of plethora implies high vital powers; there seems to be in the plethoric, as it were a super-abundance of life, and which is imparted to all the parts and organs of the system alike. The plethoric diathesis would appear to be more frequently hereditary than acquired, and no degree of high and nutritious feeding will induce it in the system of some persons, although an opposite or anaemic state may be produced in all by the abstraction of a proper quantity of suitable nourishment. The general symptoms which characterize the plethoric diathesis, are a well-developed muscular system, voluminous thorax, a deep- coloured skin, and a ruddy complexion; coinciding with these physical and outward appearances, we find much functional activity to exist, the respiration is free and unembarrassed, the digestion quick and active, the pulse is full and strong, and the motions of the body are performed with celerity and power. This functional activity appertains also to the operations and emotions of the mind; the plethoric is quick in thought, hasty and violent in temper. The injected skin, the brilliant complexion, are to be explained by reference to the increased quantity of the red corpuscles which cir- culate in the blood, and which alone are the seat of colour, while the great organic development and the functional and mental activity depend partially upon the greater amount of oxygen of which the blood corpuscles are the carriers to all parts of the system, and which is so essential to the vigorous performance of the vital processes and manifestations. 144 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. The characters exhibited by blood which has been withdrawn from the system are likewise consistently explained by reference to the augmented quantity of the red blood corpuscles; thus the blood in plethora, immediately on its abstraction, is observed to be of a deeper colour, and the clot formed subsequently by its coagulation of a larger size; this, although voluminous, is of mean density, and never exhibits the buffy coat, which circumstances are accounted for by the fact that, as already remarked, in the blood of plethoric persons there exists necessarily no excess of fibrin. Accompanying the plethoric condition, and dependent upon it, we have frequently a number of grave pathological manifestations, apo- plexies, haemorrhages, congestions, vertigos, noises in the ears, and flashes of light before the eyes; all of which are most generally greatly relieved by venesection, which withdraws from the system a portion of the super-abundant red blood corpuscles. Decrease in the Number of the Red Corpuscles.—Ancemia. The term anaemia indicates a state of the system the very reverse of that which obtains in plethora: in it the red blood corpuscles, instead of being in excess, are greatly below the physiological stand- ard. The authors quoted found, in sixteen cases of commencing anaemia, the mean of the red globular element of the blood to be 109; and in twenty-four examples of confirmed anaemia, 65; that is, almost one-half less than the standard which belongs to health. In one case of anaemia in the human subject, M. Andral found the scale to descend so low as 28; a depression which one would scarcely suppose to be compatible with life. In spontaneous anaemia it is stated, that it is the globules alone which are affected, and that in it, as in plethora, the other elements of the blood undergo neither augmentation nor diminution; in acci- dental anaemia, however, resulting from direct losses of the vital fluid, the normal standard is of course disturbed; for in haemorrhages, and especially in first bleedings, it is chiefly the globules which escape, and this would lead to the relatively higher scale for the fibrin. As anaemia depends upon a condition of the blood the very opposite of that which exists in plethora, the symptoms also in these two constitutional conditions are the reverse of each other; instead of the vascular and injected skin, we find it to be livid and exsanguine, these appearances extending also to the mucous membranes; in THE BLOOD. 145 place of the accelerated functions, we notice that the vital actions are sluggishly performed, and that the mental powers are feeble. The blood abstracted from the system exhibits a paler tint than is usual, and the clot is small, and floats in the midst of the serum, which is very abundant; small, however, as the crassamentum is, it is yet of considerable density, as might be expected from the remark which has already been made, viz: that the fibrin exists in its normal proportion, and therefore is in excess over the globular element of the blood which is deficient; it is for the same reason also that we frequently notice upon the surface of the clot the buffy coat; the density of the clot, and of the crust which covers it, are so much the more marked as the anaemia is considerable. The existence of the miscalled inflammatory crust in anaemic states has long been known, although not satisfactorily accounted for. The pathological disorders to which anaemia gives origin are numerous: the general debility, the disordered digestion, the difficult respiration, the palpitations of the heart, the faintings, are well remembered. There is a state of the system, well described by Andral, which stimulates plethora, but which is really allied to anaemia, and to which the term false plethora might be given; in this we have the injected skin and many other indications of plethora; it is to be diagonosed, however, by means of the constitutional disturbances which coincide with those of ordinary anaemia. It is in anaemic conditions of the system that we detect the remark- able bruit de soufflet, in reference to which Andral in his essay on the blood has instituted some useful researches, the chief result of which is the establishment of the fact, that the intensity and persistence of the bruit is in exact proportion to the severity of the anaemia. In pregnancy we have a slight example of an anaemic condition of the blood, and in chlorosis we see anaemia to prevail with various degrees of severity. In phthisis the scale of the red corpuscles is likewise much reduced, but not to the extent to which its reduction is witnessed in chlorosis; and this is the more remarkable from the circumstance that in the former disease it is those organs which are affected, between which and the red corpuscles a close connexion exists. In cancer also the number of the blood corpuscles is reduced: in phthisis the diminution precedes and accompanies the whole course of the affection, while in cancer it occurs only at an advanced period of the disease, and arises principally from the 10 146 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. continual losses of blood to which cancerous patients are so subject. In disordered states of the system, purely nervous, we find also the red element of the blood to be deficient. The scale of the red globules in a number of cases in which the blood of phthisical patients was submitted to examination oscillated between 80 and 100. Increase in the Number of the Red Corpuscles under the Influence of Recovery and of certain Medicinal Agents. Under the influence of recovery the red blood corpuscles increase in number, and have a tendency to attain to their physiological standard, which, when reached, they may even exceed, until at length they mount up to the scale which denotes the existence of the plethoric condition. Certain medicinal substances exhibit likewise much influence in increasing the number of the red corpuscles; of these the most remarkable is iron, under the effect of which remedy the pale com- plexion of the chlorotic will be seen gradually to acquire the tone and colour indicative of health and strength. Effect of Disease upon the White Corpuscles. The white corpuscles of the blood have not hitherto received that amount of attention which has been bestowed by so many observers upon their associates the red corpuscles; indeed, it is only in these latter times that their investigation has been pursued with that degree of care which, from their importance, they so well merit, and observations are still wanting upon their condition in states of disease. It has already been remarked that an increase in their number has been frequently observed to occur in various diseases, and especially in such as are accompanied by suppuration and great exhaustion of the vital powers. Of the precise cause of this increase, no'very satisfactory explanation has been offered, and the following attempt at an explanation is presented to the consideration of the reader with much hesitation. In most serious disorders, the function of nutrition and assimilation is more or less impeded. Now, supposing that these white corpuscles are essentially connected with nutrition, and that while the cause which determines their formation still continues in operation, that which regulates their assimilation is suspended, there would result, as an inevitable consequence, an accumulation of the white corpuscles in the blood. THE BLOOD. 147 Deficiency of Fibrin in Fevers, as in Typhus, Small-pox, Scarlatina. Measles. The important researches of MM. Andral and Gavarret establish the fact, that, in that much-debated class of maladies, fevers, there is a deficiency in the blood of its spontaneously coagulable element, the fibrin. In the Essai d'Hematologie no scale of the diminution in the amount of fibrin is given; it is shown, however, that in some fevers, and especially in the commencement, the deficiency of fibrin may be but small; and that in others, particularly when symptoms of putridity have manifested themselves, and which may ultimately complicate all fevers, the loss of fibrin is considerable, and further that the intensity of symptoms is in direct relation to this loss, being great when the diminution of fibrin is also great. It is not to be understood, however, that the deficiency of fibrin constitutes the essence or real and specific cause of fever; for this we must look to some other agent or fact, probably to the contami- nation of the general mass of the blood by the imbibition of some deleterious and subtle miasma. That the deficiency in the amount of fibrin is not the cause of fevers, we find to be proved by the facts that this class of maladies attacks persons of every possible variety of habit and constitution, and in many of whom, at the onset of the disorder, no deficiency of fibrin can be detected; and the same view is likewise confirmed by the circumstance which must have attracted the attention of every physician, viz: that the primary condition and inherent powers of the system determine and control but to a com- paratively slight extent the course which the malady may take, and which course seems to be dependent upon the nature and quality of the infecting agent itself. The inference, then, which may be derived from the fact that a deficiency of fibrin exists in the blood of persons afflicted with fever, is, that the tendency of the cause of fever, a miasma, or whatever else it may be, is to occasion a depreciation of the physiological standard of the fibrin in the blood, and not that the deficiency is in itself the exciting cause of fever. Between this diminution in the normal proportion of the fibrin and the various hemorrhages, which are so often observed to complicate fevers of all kinds, a corelation doubtless exists, although the precise manner in which this deficiency leads to such a frequent recurrence of hemorrhage is not clearly understood, and the only way in which 148 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. this can be explained is by the supposition that in fevers from the cause assigned, viz: the small quantity of fibrin, the solids generally, and the blood-vessels in particular, lose a portion of their solidity, and readily give way to the force of the fluid contained within them. The hemorrhages referred to are frequently observed in small-pox, in which the blood is effused into the pustules; in scarlatina, in which fluxes take place from various parts of the body; and in typhus, in which we have frequent buccal hemorrhages, and the formation of petechiae. Cotemporaneous with this diminution in the amount of fibrin, we do not find that any other element of the blood is constantly affected, although it occasionally happens that the red globules are in excess. The clot in typhus, in which, of course, the deficiency of fibrin is considerable, is large, filling almost the entire of the vessel which con- tains it; is soft, being readily broken up on the slightest touch; it is flat, and ill-defined, and the serum in which it floats is of a reddish colour. The flat form and softness of the clot is to be explained by reference to the diminished amount of fibrin, while its great size is accounted for by the imperfect expression of the serum from the crassamentum, as well by the fact that the red corpuscular element of the blood exists usually in its normal proportion, and is not unfrequently found to be even in excess. The important distinction which exists between symptomatic or organic fevers, and idiopathic, or non-organic fevers, is very essential to be borne in mind, for in the former no such deficiency of the fibrin exists as we have seen to belong to the latter; the blood in inflamma- tory affections, as will be shown hereafter, exhibiting a state of its spontaneously coagulable element the very reverse of that which belongs to the blood of idiopathic febrile disorders. It must also be recollected, that an idiopathic fever may, during its progress, become complicated with organic lesion, a circumstance which would affect materially the amount of fibrin in the blood, its effect being to increase the proportion of that constituent. Increase in the Amount of Fibrin in Inflammatory Affections, as in Pneumonia, Pleuritis, Peritonitis, Acute Rheumatism, Spc. While in the class of febrile disorders, of which we have just spoken, a deficiency of the fibrin in the blood exists, in another series of affections, the inflammatory, this element is found to be in excess THE BLOOD. 149 To constitute an inflammation, however, two concurrent circum- stances are required; it is not alone necessary that the proportion of the fibrin should be increased, but also that an organic lesion should have occurred, these two pathological alterations bearing a close and constant relation with each other. Since, then, the spontaneously coagulable element of the blood in the one class of disorders, viz: fevers, is deficient, while in the other class, inflammations, it is super-abundant, it follows that the specific cause which gives origin to these two orders of maladies operates in two opposite directions; its tendency in the one being to diminish, and in the other to augment the quantity of fibrin. The law of the increase in the quantity of fibrin in inflammatory disorders manifests itself under very remarkable circumstances; such, indeed, as one would imagine to be but little favourable to its mani- festation: thus, in the case of an inflammation supervening on typhus, in which we have seen that the normal scale of fibrin undergoes a depression, a disposition to the augmentation of that scale will become apparent. In the example of typhus complicated with local lesion, we have two forces in operation; the tendency of one of which is to diminish the amount of fibrin, and of the other to increase that amount; and the result of which forces operating at the same time is the pro- duction of a mean effect. The proportion of fibrin in man in a state of health is estimated at 3 parts in every 1000 of the blood. In a case of inflammation occur- ring in the course of typhus, the scale was found to be 5| in persons affected with chlorosi^, in which we have seen that it is the globular element of the blood which is deficient, and attacked with capillary bronchitis, acute articular rheumatism, erysipelas, and pneumonia, the proportion varied from 6 to 7 and 8; in acute inflammations occurring in healthy individuals, it oscillated between 6 and 8; and in a less number of cases, between 7 and 10. The highest scale recorded by M. Andral is 10; and this was met with only in pneu- monia, and acute rheumatism, while the lowest was only 4: this scale borders upon that which is regarded as normal, and is encoun- tered only in sub-acute inflammations. It is not merely, however, in pure and extensive cases of inflamma- tion that the proportion of fibrin in the blood becomes augmented, for we find it also increased in every organic affection which is accompanied by even a slight degree of inflammation: thus in phthisis, at the period of the elimination of the tubercle, as well as in cancer, 150 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. in which there is inflammation of those portions of the organs, the seat of the disease which immediately surround the tuberculous, or cancerous deposit, we have also an increased amount of fibrin in the blood. This increase, even in the last periods of the disorder in phthisis, rarely exceeds 5 parts in the 1000. The blood in con- sumption exhibits then not merely an excess of fibrin, but also a depreciation in the proportion of its red element to the extent shown under the heading Ancemia. There is one condition of the system compatible with a state of health, under which also the proportion of the fibrin in the blood is augmented, and that is gestation. It is stated, however, by M. Andral, that this increase manifests itself only in the three last months of pregnancy, previously to which the scale of the fibrin is found to be slightly depreciated. This augmentation goes on increas- ing from the sixth to the ninth month, and is greatest at the comple- tion of the term of utero-gestation, which fact offers a satisfactory explanation of the reason of the liability to inflammatory attacks on the part of women recently delivered. The condition of the blood, therefore, in the last periods of pregnancy is allied to that state of the vital fluid which is especially indicative of the existence in the system of an inflammation. The characters presented by the clot in inflammation are almost the reverse of those which distinguish it in fevers. It is of moderate size, of firm texture, frequently cupped, and its surface usually covered with the buffy coating of a variable thickness. The theory of the formation of this peculiar layer has already been entered into, and the various circumstances under which it has been encountered have now been noticed; we have seen that if occurs in two very different states of the system, that it is present on the clot of blood abstracted in anaemic conditions, as well as on that formed in blood withdrawn in inflammatory states; in the first of these there is, in comparison with the red corpuscles, a relative increase in the proportion of the fibrin, and in the second, a positive augmentation of that important element of the blood. The fact of the existence of a super-abundance of'fibrin in the blood in inflammatory states may be in some measure inferred from the circumstance of the escape in inflammation of a portion of its fibrin, and which doubtless is attended with a certain degree of relief to the organ affected. In many cases, however, it is not alone the fibrin which escapes, and which is liable to become organized, but also the other THE BLOOD. 151 constituents of the blood, its red and white corpuscular element, (the latter probably constituting the pus which in certain severe cases is met with,) and the serum: these constituents, however, are not sus- ceptible of organization, and are, where recovery takes place, removed from the situation of their effusion by absorption. The discovery of the fact, that in inflammatory disorders an excess of fibrin is formed, explains the exact manner in which blood-letting proves so serviceable, viz r by removing from the system directly a por- tion of its super-abundant fibrin; so powerful, however, is the cause which determines the formation of this excess of fibrin, that in spite of the most energetic and frequent use of the lancet, the scale of that element of the blood will frequently, and indeed does generally, ascend. Condition of the Blood in Hemorrhages. Reference has been made to the frequent occurrence of hemorr- hages in two very distinct classes of disorders, the plethoric and the febrile. In the first, we have seen that it is the red element of the blood which is absolutely in excess over the other constituents of that fluid, while, in the second, it is the fibrin which is deficient, the globules being unaffected, and existing usually in their normal pro- portion. Thus, relatively to the fibrin in both series of affections, the globules are always in excess, in reference to the first series, the pleth- oric, being absolutely so, and to the latter, relatively super-abundant. While it is this excess of the red globules which probably deter- mines the occurrence of hemorrhages, the nature and degree of these losses of blood are modified by the amount of fibrin which that fluid contains. Thus, the character of the hemorrhages occurring in plethoric individuals is very different from that encountered in persons labouring under fever in most of its forms; in the first, we have copious epistaxes and the effusion of blood into the substance of the brain, constituting sanguineous apoplexy; in the second, almost any tissue of the body may be the seat of the effusion; the blood may escape from the nose, the gums, the throat, or the bowels, or it may be poured out beneath the skin in patches, constituting petechias, which we meet with so frequently in severe cases of typhus, and in scurvy. The hemorrhages to which the plethoric are liable are for the most part salutary, while those which take place in fevers are as generally prejudicial. The treatment to be adopted in the two cases is very different; in the one, it may be necessary to have recourse to vene- section, with the view of lessening the scale of the red globules, and 152 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. in the otner, such a mode of proceeding would in all probability be fatal, the object in it being to restore to the blood its normal proportion of fibrin. The distinction which has here been dwelt upon between the hemorrhages to which the plethoric are exposed, and those to whicli the system is obnoxious in febrile disorders at an advanced period of their attack, corresponds with the division of hemorrhages into active and passive; the former, or sthenic type, denoting the active, and the latter, or asthenic, the passive hemorrhages. In disorders in which usually we have no excess of the red globules, but in which the fibrin invariably exceeds its usual quantity, as the inflammatory, and in affections in which the red element is constantly deficient, but in which the red fibrin retains its proper proportion, as in anaemic states, and especially chlorosis, we find that hemorrhages are of very rare occurrence, and hence again we are led to recognise the accuracy of the statement, that the essential conditions for the occurrence of hemorrhages are an excess of the red corpuscles, as well as in certain cases a deficiency of the spontaneously coagulable element of the bloed, viz: the fibrin. Between the condition of the blood, in which there is a deficiency of fibrin, as in most fevers, and that state of the system which occupied so much of the attention of the ancient humeral pathologist, and which has been denominated the putrid, an exact identity exists, and the greater the depression in the scale of the fibrin, the more manifest does the putridity become. While the blood is still circulating within its vessels, we can scarcely conceive of its becoming putrid; never- theless, so great in some cases is the deficiency of fibrin, and so proportionate the consequent tendency to putridity, that even durinc life certain symptoms indicative of this condition become manifest, as the extreme prostration of the strength, the foetor which belongs to all the excretions, and the vital principle having escaped, the external signs of decomposition almost immediately appear. The characters of the blood in hemorrhages scarcely differ from those which we have pointed out as belonging to it in fevers; from the small quantity of fibrin, and the excess of red globules, we find that the clot is large, ill-formed, very soft, and never covered with the buffy coating, and that finally, in a very short time, it undergoes almost entire dissolution, the only trace of solid matter in the blood consisting of a few shreds of fibrin. There is one disease, viz: scurvy, in which a condition of the THE BLOOD. 153 blood, as regards its fibrin, exists analogous to that which character- izes fevers, and in which also the same tendency to repeated hemorr- hages and to the formation of petechias belongs, as is witnessed in fevers. It is a question for consideration whether the deficiency of the fibrin referred to is the real cause of the proneness of the blood to decomposition and dissolution; and whether, if this be the case, there is not some other prior cause which leads to and regulates the extent of the diminution of the physiological standard of the fibrin. The experiments of Magendie show that the mixture of certain alkaline substances with the blood not merely preserve it in a fluid state, but restore it to the fluid form, even after it has once coagulated. M. Magendie injected into the veins of living animals a certain quantity of a concentrated solution of the sub-carbonate of soda, and found that in the dead bodies of these animals the blood was almost entirely in a fluid state, and that even during life they presented many of the symptoms which are acknowledged to denote a state of dissolution of the blood. The alkaline condition of the blood in scurvy, in which the prone- ness to hemorrhage is so great, is well known. A fluid state of the blood is said to exist in those who have died from the bite of serpents, and it is most probable that in like manner the effect of the imbibition of a poisonous miasma is to cause the blood to retain its fluidity. The deplorable effects which sometimes ensue from a dissection- wound are most probably due to the entrance into the blood of a poisonous matter, and in fatal cases we have all the signs indicative of a dissolution of the blood. It is likewise asserted, that any violent impression made on the nervous system, either through the influence of some strong moral emotion, or as the result of a blow, especially on the pit of the stomach, an electric shock, as of lightning, retards, or altogether prevents, the coagulation of the blood, while at the same time it destroys life. That the same effect is likewise produced, though in a manner less obvious and less sudden, by the slow and continued operation of any cause which depresses the power of the nervous influence, so as at length to effect the health prejudicially, cannot be doubted. The proneness of children to hemorrhages, their liability to febrile disorders, and the difficulty of restraining the bleeding which flows from any breach of continuity which the skin may have suffered, especially that of a leech-bite, in infants, are well known. The state 154 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. of the blood in children is not commented upon by the talented authors to whom we have had such frequent occasion to refer in their important pathological essay on the blood; it is most probable, however, that while its globular element is somewhat in excess, that in fibrin it is equally deficient. With one other remark we will bring this short chapter on hemorr- hage to a conclusion, and proceed in the next place to consider the effect produced upon the economy by the deficiency of another element of the blood. The statistical and historical details of epidemics clearly prove that those dire forms of disease, of which extensive and alarm- ing hemorrhages were such frequent complications, have in these latter times become much more rare. This happy result is doubtless due to the advances made in the arts and sciences, and to their more extensive application in the improvement of the hygienic condition of mankind. Decrease in the Normal Proportion of Albumen. It is now generally known, that the majority of cases of dropsy depend upon a pathological alteration of some solid organ of the body, as the heart and the liver; most persons are also aware of the fact that other cases of dropsy occur, which do not arise from any such morbid organic condition, but have their origin, according to MM. Andral and Gavarret, in a pathological degeneration of one of the elemental constituents of the blood. In the dropsy which attends the advanced stages of the affection known by the name of Bright's disease of the kidney, in that which supervenes upon scarlatina, in hydropsies arising from insufficient and improper diet, as well as in those which occasionally follow suddenly suppressed perspiration, it has been observed that the urine is always albuminous, and the writers just mentioned have ascertained the existence of a fact which stands in close relation with the albuminous excess in the urine in the instances enumerated, viz: that the blood is itself in these cases, on the contrary, deficient in albumen. The knowledge of these two facts, therefore, and the observation that their occurrence is so generally associated with dropsical effusion, has led MM. Andral and Gavarret to entertain the opinion that a close con- nexion exists between the deficiency of albumen in the blood and the forms of dropsy alluded to, and which is probably that of cause and effect. In speaking of non-organic dropsies it has, until recently, been con- THE BLOOD. 155 ceived sufficient to say that they depended as a cause upon impover- ishment of the blood; but this expression we now know to be vague, inasmuch as it does not convey any exact notion of the real changes which the blood may have undergone: we have seen that the blood may be rich in its red globules or in its fibrin, and also that it may be poor in these elements in almost every proportion and degree. Let us see whether a deficiency of either of the two constituents just named predisposes to dropsies. In anaemic states, and in chlorosis especially, we have an impoverished state of the blood, and in these we know that it is the red corpuscles which are deficient; and yet daily experience shows us that dropsy in such states, and particularly in chlorosis, even in its most severe forms, is a very rare termination. In febrile disorders again, we have, for the most part, an impoverished condition of the blood, arising from the depression in the scale of the fibrin, and yet of these we do not find dropsical effusion to be by any means a frequent result. It is not excess of water in the blood which gives rise to dropsy, for, if that were the case, then would it frequently occur in the dis- order to which we have referred, chlorosis, in which a greater proportion of water than is normal exists in the blood. The causes of impoverishment of the blood enumerated therefore do not act as exciting causes of dropsy : there remains but one other element of the blood, the albumen, for our consideration, and this we have seen to be constantly deficient in the blood in certain forms of dropsy, and we are therefore constrained to adopt the conclusion that this depreciation in the scale of the albumen is intimately associated with the occurrence of those forms. It does not appear, according to M. Andral, that the albumen can undergo a spontaneous depreciation in the blood, similar to that of which we have seen that the red globules and the fibrin are susceptible; this, if correct, is very remarkable, and hence it would follow that when- ever a deficiency of the albumen of the blood exists, invariably, at the same time, the urine would be found to be albuminous, provided always that no dropsical effusion existed, the effect of some organic malady. In most organic dropsies the diseased organs act as exciting causes of the serous effusion by the mechanical impediment which their altered structure and enlarged size present to the circulation in the vessels, and which, therefore, relieve themselves by permitting the escape of a portion of their contents. In Bright's disease, although the kidney 156 ORGAEIZED FLUIDS. is affected, that organ does not concur in the formation of the dropsy, except in a manner altogether indirect, and to such an extent only, as that the pathological alteration which its substance undergoes is of such a nature, as to afford greater facility to the passage of the albumen through it. The serosity effused in cases of dropsy is not identical in its con- stitution with the serum of the blood; it contains usually far less of the inorganic constituents which are held in solution in healthy serum, as well as a far less proportion of albumen, than that which belongs to serum in its normal state. The physiological standard of the albumen in the blood is eighty in every thousand parts; in sixteen cases in which the serous effusion was analyzed by M. Andral, the scale was found to oscillate between 48 and 4, these two numbers representing the highest and the lowest proportions. In six cases of hydrocele, the amount of albumen was, as represented in the following figures, 59, 55; two of 51; 49, 35. It should be remarked that none of these analyses refer to cases of dropsy connected with excess of albumen in the urine. It would be interesting to ascertain the amount of the albuminous element contained in the serum effused in such cases. MM. Andral and Gavarret state that they did not find that either the cause of the hydropsy, or its seat, excited any influence over the quantity of albumen of the effused serum; but they remarked that the amount did in some degree depend upon the condition of the consti- tution, and that the more robust its state, the greater the proportion of the albumen: in this way the higher scale exhibited in the six cases of hydrocele may be accounted for, their occurring in persons all of whom were young and strong; and thus, also, the great depression of that scale may be explained in those whose constitutions have been weakened by repeated tappings. Two explanations may be given of the reason why blood less rich than ordinary in albumen should give rise to serous effusion. The first is, that the abstraction of the albumen may alter the density of the serum, and thus permit more readily its escape through the walls of the vessels; the second is, that blood deprived of its albumen becomes less yielding, and so glides less easily along the walls of the capillary vessels, thus occasioning in them an obstruction to the circulation and consequent effusion of serum. Of these explanations, the former is perhaps the more probable. The proportion of water in all serous effusion is, of course, con- siderable, and is greatest in those cases in which there is least THEBLOOD. 157 albumen. The mean proportion of water in the serum of the blood is 790 in 1000 parts; in the fluid of dropsies the highest scale hitherto observed is 986, and the lowest 930. The fluids effused in burns and scalds, and as the result of the application of a blister, and which are always preceded by some degree of inflammation, are also rich in albumen. The very curious observation is made by M. Andral, that in cases where dropsical effusion exists in more than one situation in the same individual, that in each locality the fluid effused may exhibit a very different propor- tion of albumen. Thus, in a woman attacked with an organic affection of the heart, there were thirty parts of albumen in the fluid of the pericardium, while there were but four parts in the serosity of the cellular tissue of the inferior extremities. In having thus ascertained the different modifications in quantity which the three great elements of the blood may undergo—the globules, the fibrin, and the albumen—it yet must be confessed that the patho- logical history of the blood is still very far from being rendered com- plete. It is more than probable that rigorous chemical analysis will disclose the fact, that the several extractive as well as inorganic substances which exist in the blood, vary greatly in amount in the numerous disorders to which the human body is liable. From the great quantity of these substances which are found in the urine, it would appear that the grand purpose fulfilled in the economy by this excretion is that of regulating their amount in the blood, and of reducing it to a standard consistent with a physiological condition of the system. Into this branch of the pathology of the blood inquirers have as yet scarcely entered; and there can be no doubt but that investigations instituted in this direction would be attended by the development of many important facts. Therapeutical Considerations. The practical value to be attached to the various particulars related in the preceding pages on the pathology of the blood, is so obvious that it needs not to be illustrated at any great length. The knowledge of the particular element of the blood which in any state of the system or disease may be affected, inasmuch as it discloses the chief cause of such condition or malady, furnishes the practitioner with an unerring principle upon which the nature and the extent of the treatment adopted should be founded. Hitherto, the chief guides 158 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. in practice have been based upon experience and clinical observation; both, doubtless, of high importance; but still not in many cases sufficient to detect the cause of a malady, and therefore not in them- selves equal to the determination of the exact line of treatment to be pursued, or of the extent to which that line should be followed. We are now not merely acquainted with the bare fact, derived from experience, that in anaemic conditions of the system the different preparations of iron are useful, but we have dived deeper into the mysteries of organization, and we now know the reason why iron is necessarily so beneficial in the disorders to which such a condition of the system gives rise. The precise objects to be held in view, in the employment of every remedial appliance in the treatment of inflammatory affections and fevers, we are now acquainted with; and by our present knowledge we can judge of the propriety and extent of usefulness of the various plans of treatment which in times past have been had recourse to, or which still continue to be applied; and we can detect the reason why one particular mode of treatment should have been more successful than another. Becquerel and Rodiers Pathological Researches on the Blood. MM. Becquerel and Rodier* have traversed the same ground as MM. Andral and Gavarret in reference to the blood, which they have examined both in health and disease. These authors confirm many of the more important results obtained by antecedent observers, but question the accuracy of some of those results, and add new facts in relation to the normal and abnormal composition of the blood. The results which confirm those which had been previously obtained are the following: 1. The augmentation of the fibrin in inflammations, the establish- ment of which fact is especially due to MM. Andral and Gavarret. 2. The diminution of the globules in chlorosis, in the condition denominated the anaemic, and under the influence of fasting; a fact stated by M. Lecanu, and confirmed by MM. Andral and Gavarret. 3. The diminution of the globules from hemorrhages and anterior bleedings; a result which, signalized for the first time by MM. Prevost * Gazette Medicate de Paris, 1844. "Recherches sur la Composition du Sang dans l'etat de Sante et dans l'etat de Maladie." THE BLOOD. 159 and Dumas, has been confirmed in the numerous analyses of MM. Andral and Gavarret. 4. The little influence of bleedings upon the scale of the fibrin. 5. The diminution of the albumen in the malady of Bright, as indicated by Gregory, Rostock, Christison, Andral and Gavarret. Of the results which differ from, and perhaps invalidate those of antecedent observers, the principal are— 1. That the scale TWo> given as representing the mean of the globules in a state of health, is too low, and is not the same in man and in woman. 2. That the scale representing the fibrin as T/TJ is too high. 3. That there is not alone in plethora an augmentation of the globules, as signalized by M. Lecanu, and as has been admitted by MM. Andral and Gavarret. 4. That the scale of the globules is not preserved in its normal proportion in the majority of acute affections. 5. That the depression in the scale of the fibrin in severe fevers is but little constant. The more important of the new results are the following: 1. That the scale 141 expresses the mean number of the globules in man in a state of health, and that of 127 represents the average in woman. 2. That the ordinary scale of the fibrin is 2 • 2, and the mean 3. 3. That in plethora there is an augmentation of the quantity of the mass of the blood. 4. That the influence of disease upon the composition of the blood is to occasion from the commencement a diminution in the proportion of the globules, and this diminution continuing during the progress of the malady, ends in the production of the anaemic condition of the system. 5. That there is an absolute excess of fibrin in many \?ases of chlorosis and of pregnancy, and that its diminution is far less constant than has been considered in fevers. 6. That the albumen of the blood diminishes under the influence of illness; that it is more considerable in inflammations; and further, that the diminution is in direct relation with the augmented amount of fibrin, which it may be presumed is formed at the expense of the albumen; that there is not only a very great diminution of albumen in the malady of Bright, but also in certain affections of the heart, accompanied by dropsy, and in certain severe forms of puerperal fever. 160 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. 7. That the amount of cholesterine and of acid fats increases as we advance in age; but that this increase is not felt until from the fortieth to the fiftieth year; that it is also found in augmented quantities in the blood in constipated states of the system, and in jaundice, with retention of the bile and decoloration of the faeces.* The Blood in the Menstrual Fluid. The menstrual fluid contains all the elements of the blood, especially the red and white corpuscles, and it is therefore in the same manner as the blood itself susceptible of coagulation. In addition to the con- stituents of the blood, we find the uterine discharge to be composed of vaginal mucus, mixed up with numerous epithelial scales, which it has acquired in its passage along the vagina. Unlike, however, in one respect the blood itself, which in a state of health is alkaline, the menstrual fluid is acid, its acidity arising from its admixture with the vaginal secretion. Transfusion of the Blood. It has been stated, and the statement is most probably correct, that between the size of the blood corpuscles and that of the capillaries of the same animal, an exact relation exists, and it is by reference to this fact that the fatal effects which have so often ensued, from the transfusion of the blood of one animal into the vessels of another, have been apparently so satisfactorily explained. The little vessels, it has been said, are too small to admit the larger globules of the new blood; a mechanical impediment is thus offered to the circulation of the blood in the capillaries, which stagnates in them, giving rise to constitutional disturbance, and ultimately to death. This explanation, plausible as it appears, has been shown by recent experiments to be erroneous, and that the true cause of the fatality which has so often attended the operation of transfusion, depends upon the difference which exists in the qualities of the fibrin in the blood of two different animals, or even of two distinct individuals; this is shown by the fact that the transfusion of blood deprived of its fibrin is never followed by the serious results to which reference has been made. Notwith- standing this fact, it is yet very evident that if the blood of an animal. the corpuscles of which are much larger than the human blood disc, * The above remarks are abbreviated from an abstract of MM. Becquerel and Rodier's work on the blood, by MM. Millor and Reiset, contained in the " Annuairr de Chimie," for 1846. THE BLOOD. 161 and at the same time are of a different form and structure—such as, for instance, those of some birds—be introduced into the vessels of man, a very serious and probably fatal mechanical impediment would be presented to their circulation through the capillaries. Blood cor- puscles of a circular form, and but little larger than those of man, might indeed make their way through the vessels in consequence of the plastic nature of the globuline which composes them. The new globules thrown into the system by the operation of transfusion, although they would circulate for a time with the other blood globules, would doubtless all become destroyed and removed in the course of a few days, and this especially if the blood corpuscles were different from those of the animal upon which the transfusion had been practised. The Blood in an Ecchymosis. When a part is bruised to such an extent as to occasion the rup- ture of the minute capillaries and vessels contained in it, blood is effused, constituting an ecchymosis. The same effect sometimes takes place, not as the result of the application of external violence, but from disease, the solid tissues, and that of the vessels especially, giving way through debility, and permitting the escape of their contents, as occurs in malignant and putrid fevers, in Purpura Hcemorrhagica, in scurvy, and in bed-sores. If a portion of the effused blood be removed from the bruise, and examined microscopically, the globules will be observed to be wrinkled and irregular in form; corresponding with and depending upon internal changes in the condition of the blood effused, and which are indicative of the occurrence of decomposition, certain external appearances will be noticed; the skin will appear mottled, different hues of black, green, and yellow being intermixed, and varying in intensity until the period of their total disappearance. The phenomena of decomposition precede the disappearance of the red corpuscles which are removed from the seat of injury, and are returned to the circulation in a state of solution. Now, were the opinion true that the blood corpuscles are applied directly to the for- mation of new tissue, a very different result to the decomposition and solution of the globules, to which we have referred, would be antici- pated, and we should expect to find that the extravasated blood had given rise to an adventitious and organized product, an event to which ecchymoses never lead. 11 162 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. The Effects of certain remedial Agents upon the Constitution and Form of the Blood Corpuscle. We have seen, in the remarks on the effects of reagents, that many solutions and substances applied to the corpuscles, after their abstrac- tion from the system, modify their form, appearance, and properties. Thus we have seen that in water, as in any other analogous liquids of less specific gravity than the serum of the blood, that the corpuscles lose their normal form, and become circular, their colouring matter passing at the same time into the fluid. We have likewise observed that in liquids of an opposite character, and the density of which equals or exceeds that of the blood, their form is preserved, and even rendered flatter than ordinary: thus, their shape is well maintained or but slightly affected in the white of egg, urine, the saliva, concentrated solutions of sugar, of the chlorides of sodium, and of ammonium, and the carbonates of potassa and ammonia. The blood corpuscles likewise preserve their form in the solutions of other substances, the density of which would not appear to be very great, but which are possessed of very strong and decided properties: thus, they maintain their shape well in a solution of iodine, and become but slightly contracted in that of chloride of sodium; while, according to Henle, the primitive flattened form of corpuscles, swollen by the imbibition of water, may be restored to them by the application of the concentrated saline solutions. Nitric acid produces an irregular contraction of the corpuscles. It has been remarked in like manner that a host of substances affect. the colour of the corpuscles. But it is not alone the form and colour of the blood corpuscles which are affected by the contact of reagents; their properties also are modified by them. Thus, the corpuscles to which iodine has been added are so hardened by it, that they experience little or no change of form on the addition of water. The same is the case, according to Henle, after treatment by nitric acid. The acetic, and one or two other acids, it is known, dissolve the corpuscles of the mammalia without residue, but leave almost unaf- fected the granular nucleus contained in the red blood corpuscles of oviparous vertebrata. THE BLOOD. 163 The above are some of the more striking effects produced in the form, colour, and constitution of the blood corpuscles out of the sys- tem, on their treatment by reagents. Now, there is evidence to show that blood corpuscles, while they are circulating in the body, are likewise affected, although to an extent less considerable, and therefore less appreciable, by substances and solutions introduced into the system through the medium of the lungs or of the stomach. Thus, we know that the blood changes its colour in the lungs and during its circulation through the capillaries, and that these changes are dependent upon the relative amount of oxygen and of carbon contained in the corpuscles. Again, it has been asserted by Schultz, as already mentioned, that, accompanying these alterations of colour, there are also changes of form, the corpuscles becoming more or less circular in carbonic acid and hydrogen gases, and flat in oxygen gas. This assertion I have myself failed to verify. It cannot be doubted, however, but that the form of the red blood corpuscle must vary according to the variations of density experienced by the liquor sanguinis, and further but little hesitation can be felt in admitting that this alteration of density does really attend upon particular conditions of the system; thus, in inflammatory affections, the liquor sanguinis is assuredly more dense than it is in states in which an opposite condition of the blood exists, that in which the watery element abounds. After very copious imbibition of water, also, it can scarcely be doubted but that the density of the blood is lessened, and that the red corpuscles are modified in shape in consequence. Thus much for colour and form; let us see if we are acquainted with any fact capable of proving that the constitution of red blood corpuscles is also influenced by the introduction into the stomach of remedial agents. Schultz relates the fact that the corpuscles of the frog, in the mouth of which during life iodine had been placed, resisted for a longer time the action of water.* The truth of this most interesting and important observation I have myself verified. The blood corpuscles of a frog, which were subjected to the vapour of iodine, underwent no appreciabe change of form in water for nearly an hour during which they were observed, a time more than * Das System der Circulation. Stuttgard, 1836, p. 19. 164 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. sufficient to ensure the complete change of shape and subsequent disintegration of the blood discs of a frog not similarly treated. It may be observed that in the case related, starch failed to detect the presence of iodine, although this was set free by previously dis- solving the corpuscles by means of acetic acid. After the relation of the above facts, it is evident that remedial agents do affect in several important particulars the blood corpuscles of the living animal, and it is further probable that a considerable proportion of their remedial influence is dependent upon the nature and extent of their power in modifying the red blood disc. The Importance of a Microscopic Examination of the Blood in Criminal Cases. In criminal cases it is sometimes a matter of the highest importance to the furtherance of the ends of justice, that the nature of certain stains, observed on the clothes of an accused person, should be clearly ascertained. The fact usually to be determined is, whether the stains in question are those of blood or not. Now, in the decision of this important matter, the microscope comes to our aid in a manner the most deci- sive and convincing. If the stain be a blood stain, and if its examination be properly conducted, the microscope will lead to the detection in it of the blood corpuscles themselves, both white and red. The inquiry having been proceeded with thus far, and the stain having been proved to be one formed by blood, it still remains for decision, whether the blood thus detected is human or not. In the solution of this difficulty the microscope likewise affords considerable assistance, and this of a kind which can be obtained in no other way. Although by this instrument we are not able to assert positively from an examination of the blood stain itself, free from admixture with any other organic material, that the blood is really human, we yet shall have it in our power very frequently to declare the converse fact, viz: that a certain blood stain is constituted of blood which is not human, a particular on the knowledge of which the life of an accused individual might depend. Thus, if we find that the blood globules are of a circular form, and destitute of nuclei, we may safely conclude that they belono- to an animal of the class Mammalia, although, at the same time, we in all probability should not be able to pronounce upon the name of the THE BLOOD. 165 mammal itself; if, on the contrary, the blood corpuscles are elliptical, and provided with a granular nucleus, we may be equally certain that they do not appertain to that class, but either to the division of birds, fishes, or reptiles.' By the size also as well as the form of the corpuscles, some idea of the animal from which the blood was derived might be formed; and if we cannot pronounce with certainty upon this, we shall at all events, and at all times, be able to go the length of affording negative evidence, and of asserting that the corpuscles do not represent the blood of certain animals which might be named, and a knowledge of which fact might prove of extreme importance. To show the valuable nature of the evidence which it is in the power of a medical man who makes a right use of the microscope frequently to afford, in criminal inquiries, we will suppose the follow- ing case: A person is apprehended on the suspicion of having been concerned in a murder. On his clothes are observed certain stains; upon these he is questioned; he admits that they are blood stains, and states that he had been engaged in killing a fowl, and that in this way his clothes had acquired the marks. The stains are now submitted to micro- scopic examination; the blood of which they are constituted is found to belong to an animal of the class Mammalia, and not to that of Aves; discredit is thus thrown upon the party suspected, fresh inquiries are instituted, fresh discoveries made, and the end of all is the conviction of the accused of the crime imputed. But a third question presents itself, to which it is very necessary that a satisfactory reply should be made, viz: did the blood, of which the stain is constituted, flow from a living or dead body? This query we will proceed to answer. If a vessel be opened during life, or even a few minutes after death, the blood which issues from it in a fluid state will quickly become solidified from the coagulation of the fibrin. But if, on the other hand, a vessel be opened some hours after death, the fluid blood which escapes will not solidify because it con- tains no fibrin, this element of the blood having already become coagulated in the vessels of the body in which it still remains. Now, this act of the solidification of the fibrin is deemed by many * The only animals of the class Mammalia which have blood corpuscles of an elliptical form, are those of the order Camelidct; they are, however, very small, and destitute of nuclei. 166 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. to be a vital act, and to be the last manifestation of life on the part of the blood. It would appear, however, that the coagulation of the blood should not be regarded as a vital act, seeing that blood which has been kept fluid for some time by admixture with saline salts will coagulate when largely diluted with water, and also, that blood which has been frozen previous to coagulation will undergo the process of solidification after it has been rendered fluid again by thawing.* Presuming, then, that the coagulation of the blood is not an act of vitality, the inference to be deduced from the presence of coagulated fibrin in blood stains, in which the corpuscles may be detected, is scarcely weakened thereby, since the finding of such fibrin in such a situation, and in connexion with the blood corpuscles, scarcely admits of a rational and probable explanation of its occurrence being given apart from the idea that the blood had issued from a body either liv- ing or but just dead, and in which coagulation of the fibrin in the vessels had not occurred. The blood stains, therefore, which contain coagulated fibrin in them, it is but little doubtful, must have proceeded either from a liv- ing individual, or from one but just dead; while, on the contrary, it is as little to be doubted, but that those stains which do not contain solidified fibrin, must have emanated from a body dead some hours, or from blood which had already been deprived of its fibrin. From the disposition and form also of the blood spots, some idea can be formed as to whether the blood had sprit out of a living body or not. A few observations may now be made, first, on the length of time after the formation of blood stains at which the corpuscles can be detected; and second, on the best mode of proceeding in the exam- ination of those stains. From observations which I have made, it would not appear that it is necessary that the blood stain should be recent. I am inclined to think that the period scarcely admits of limitation. Thus in blood stains six months old, I have observed the corpus- cles presenting very nearly Jhe form and appearance proper to them when recently effused, and previous to their becoming dried up. In the blood of the frog, six months after its abstraction from the * Dr. Polli has related a case in which the complete coagulation of the blood did not take place until fifteen days after its abstraction.—Gazzetla Medica di Milando, 1844. THE BLOOD. 167 animal, I have observed the corpuscles, both red and white, and in the former, the characteristic granular nuclei with so much clearness, that it would have been an easy matter to have studied upon them the development of blood corpuscles. The observance of one precaution, at least, is necessary for the successful exhibition of the microscopic characters of blood stains. Thus, water should never be applied to them, nor indeed any other fluid, the density of which is less than that of the serum of the blood, for all such liquids will occasion the discharge of the colouring mat- ter of the blood corpuscles and an alteration of their form; thus the circular but flattened corpuscles of the Mammalia will assume a glob- ular shape, as will also the elliptical blood discs of birds, fishes, and reptiles; one of the greatest points of difference between the blood corpuscles of the former and latter classes being thereby effaced. Blood stains, therefore, should be moistened, previous to examina- tion, with some fluid, the density of which nearly equals that of the liquor sanguinis; and I have found the albumen of the egg to pre- serve the form of the corpuscles excellently well. Failing, however, in detecting the blood corpuscles, a result scarcely to be anticipated, assistance may be derived from a toxicological examination of the blood. The only tests peculiar to the blood are those which have relation to the haematine. This principle it would, however, be difficult to obtain from blood stains in sufficient quantity for the purposes of copious chemical analysis. Nevertheless, corroborative evidence of the suspected character of a stain might be obtained by its general chemical analysis, and which should be treated as follows: The stain should first be moistened with cold distilled water; as much of the matter of it should then be removed as possible, and placed in a test tube with an additional quantity of water. This being agitated, the colouring material, if the stain be a blood stain, will be dissolved by the water, imparting to it a pinkish colour, while, provided the blood flowed from the body during life, or at all events within a few minutes of decease, suspended in the liquid, will be seen shreds of fibrin. This solution, when heated to near the boiling point, will become turbid, and deposit flakes of albumen. The same thing will occur when it is treated with nitrate of silver or bichloride of mercury. 168 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. The addition of a strong acid or alkali turns the colouring matter of a brown tint. These results, however, are common to other mixtures of animal substances in combination with colouring matter besides the blood, and no one of them is perfectly characteristic. It would therefore appear that the microscope is capable of reveal- ing evidence much more satisfactory in reference to the nature of blood stains, than that which it is possible to derive from chemical examination. Finally, it may be observed, that during the examination of blood stains, other substances may be detected in connexion with them, the presence of which would reveal not merely their nature, but also the seat from which the blood forming them had flowed; thus, some of the various forms of epithelial cells and of hairs, may occasionally be encountered in them. We now bring to a conclusion this long article upon the grand for- mative fluid of the system, the blood, and pass to the consideration of other fluids of the economy, viz: pus and mucus. THE BLOOD. 169 PREPAEATION. [Fresh blood may be examined by placing a very small quantity on a plain glass slide, thinning it with a little serum, and quickly covering it with a piece of thin glass. The object is then ready for examination, and will require a power of 600 to 650 diameters, to well define its corpuscles. The different reagents may then be introduced by means of a pipette: the most striking in their effects, are water, acetic acid, nitric acid, and alcohol. Perhaps the most marvellous sight that the microscopist can behold, is that of the circulation of the blood. For this purpose, the frog is usually selected, and instructions have already been given for preparing the tongue, so as to show this phenomenon. There are other portions of the frog in which the circulation may be readily seen ; one of these is the transparent part of the web of the hind feet. In this manipulation, the body of the frog is to be secured to the frog-plate, by means of a narrow bandage or piece of tape. Those who do not possess a frog-plate, may readily make one by taking a piece of thin board about six inches long, and three inches wide; in this, a hole an inch square is to be cut near one end. The frog, secured in the bag, is tied to the solid part of the thin board, in such a manner that the web of the foot may be brought over the hole. The foot is then stretched out to the utmost, and fastened in this condition by means of strings tied to the toes, and secured to small pegs, or tacks, driven in at the margin of the board. Another method of securing the web in a state of tension, is by means of pins run through the toes, and fastened to the board. The plate, when ready, is placed upon the stage of the microscope, and the web may be examined by means of a power from 50 to 100 diameters. Any very transparent part may be examined with a much higher power, even to 670 diameters. The web should be kept moist with clear water. Mr. Quekett observes, (page 339) " A frog so mounted, is capable of exhibit. ing many of the effects of inflammation ,• if, for instance, a spot in the web be touched with the point of a needle,* or a small drop of alcohol, or other stimulating fluid be placed upon it, the circulation will stop in that part for a longer or shorter period, according to the amount of injury inflicted ; the vessels in the neighbourhood will soon become turgid, and even sometimes be entirely clogged up with blood; if no further stimulus be applied, they will be seen to rid themselves of their contents as easily as they became full, and after a time, the circulation will be restored in every part. For those who are unacquainted with the parts which may be observed with the micro- scope, in the foot of the frog, it may be as well here to state, that the majority of vessels in which the blood is seen to circulate, are veins and capillaries; the former may be known by their large size, and by the blood moving in them from the free edge of the web towards the leg; also, by their 170 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. increase in diameter in the direction of the current; the latter are much smaller than the veins, and their size is nearly uniform; the blood also cir- culates in them more quickly. The arteries are known by their small size, and by the great rapidity with which the blood flows in them; they are far less numerous than either of the other vessels, and, generally speaking, only one can be recognised in the field of view at a time; in consequence of their being imbedded deeper in the tissues of the web than the other ves- sels, the circulation cannot be so well defined as in the latter. The black spots of peculiar shapes that occur in all parts of the web, are cells of pig- ment, and the delicate hexagonal nucleated layer, which, with a power of one hundred diameters, can be seen investing the upper surface of the web, is tesselated epithelium." If the lung or mesentery of the frog be desired for exhibition, and they will both be found to display the most beautiful sight that can be conceived, the following method must be adopted: The frog must be dipped in water, at about 120° temperature; this heat will destroy muscular action, but will not suspend the circulation. The animal is then to be opened, and the lungs full of air will protrude; one of these is bent over on a plain glass slide, and may be then viewed with a low power. The mesentery may be dis- sected out, and viewed in the same way. When the tad-poles of the water-newt and frog can be found, and they are abundant in the latter summer and early fall months, the tails of these little creatures afford beautiful views of the circulation. No further prepa- ration is necessary than enveloping their bodies in bibulous paper, leaving their tails to project; they are then placed on the stage of the microscope in a watch-glass or live-box, and without any pain or injury to the animal, may be observed for hours, by keeping the bibulous paper moistened with water. PRESERVATION. The blood corpuscles may be readily preserved for future examination, by placing a small quantity of fresh blood on a plain glass slide, and rapidly passing the slide backwards and forwards, so as to dry the blood as soon as possible. The corpuscles will then be found to be but little altered in form • they are then to be covered with a piece of very thin glass, which must be cemented down with gold size, taking care to paint on a very thin layer at first, and a thicker one afterwards, when the first has become dry. Blood corpuscles, so preserved, will keep for years. They may also be preserved in the flat cell, with Goadby's A-2 solution, or in a weak solution of chromic acid, care being taken that the cell be tightly sealed. Specimens of the blood of many birds, fishes, reptiles, and mammalia, may be readily procured, and when preserved in the manner already described, will form objects of great interest.] MUCUS. 171 ART. III.—MUCUS. We have seen that the blood consists of two parts, the one fluid, the liquor sanguinis, the other solid, the globules; the same constitu- tion belongs also to mucus as well as to some other of the animal fluids, as, for example, pus and milk. Mucous globules find their analogue in the white corpuscles of the blood, while the fluid portion of mucus resembles closely the fibrin of the blood, fibrillating or resolving itself into fibres in the same manner as the fibrin. From this fact there can be no doubt but that the transparent or fluid constituent of mucus is mainly composed of fibrin. It is probable that the fluid portion is the only essential constituent of mucus, and that the globules are connected with it merely in an indirect and secondary manner, notwithstanding that their presence is all but constant. The correctness of this view is in some measure sustained by the fact, observed first by M. Donne, that the mucus obtained from the neck of the uterus, in young girls, is invariably free from corpuscles. It is with the solid particles of the mucus that we shall be chiefly occupied, for they more properly enter into the domain of the micro- scope ; the fluid element eludes to a great extent the power of this instrument, and the detection of its properties enters principally into the province of the chemist. GENERAL CHARACTERS. Healthy mucus, in its fluid state, is a transparent, viscid and jelly- like substance, which does not readily become putrescent; in its dried condition, it assumes a dark appearance, and a horny and semi- opaqe texture; in water it swells up, reacquiring most of the prop- erties which characterized it when recent. It sometimes exhibits an acid, and sometimes an alkaline reaction, according to the exact structure of the mucous membrane by which the mucus is itself secreted. Mucous membranes, therefore, as might be inferred from the con- cluding passage of the preceding paragraph, do not all present a constitution precisely similar the one to the other; and on their differ- ences of organization a division of them into three classes may be instituted, as has been pointed out by M. Donne. 172 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. The first class of mucous membranes comprises those which are contiguous .to the outlets of the body, and which are to be regarded as extensions of the skin, participating in all its properties: thus, the fluid secreted by this class of mucous membranes manifests, like that of the skin, an acid reaction, and the same epithelium which invests the latter belongs also to the former; in other respects the corres- pondence is likewise exhibited, the membranes under consideration manifest the same sensibility, the same freedom from hemorrhage, which characterize the skin; they in like manner ulcerate less readily, and are never furnished with the vibratile cilia which belong to the second class of mucous membranes, viz: the true. This first-described class of membranes may be denominated false mucous membranes; and, as an example of it, the vagina may be cited. The membranes which belong to the second class are situated more internally than the last, and have scarcely any thing in common with those of the first class: the mucus secreted by them constantly exhibits an alkaline reaction, and the epithelium which invests them is of a totally different structure, the cells which constitute it being cuneiform, and in some situations provided with numerous vibratile cilia: the general properties of this class of membranes are also opposed to those of the previous division: thus, they are but little sensitive to the touch, are frequently the seat of hemorrhages, and ulcerate with much facility. The membranes of this class are to be considered as the true mucous membranes, and that which lines the trachea and bronchi may be instanced as the type of this class. The third class is more artificial than the two preceding ; the membranes which it comprises exhibit in a greater or less degree the characters of each of the divisions already described, between which they are intermediate in situation, as in structure, participating in the characters of the false or true mucous membranes more or less according to the preponderance of either of these classes. The membranes of this division may be called mixed, and those of the mouth and nose may be regarded as typical. Now, however useful for the purposes of description the above classification may be, it must still be remembered that it is, to a very considerable degree, arbitrary; the membranes which we have described as false mucous membranes belong rather to the skin than to true mucous structure, while the mixed membranes exhibit only the grad- ual transition from the external skin to the internal true mucous membrane: thus, strictly speaking, there is but one class of mucous MUCUS. 173 membranes, and that the true. Corresponding with the differences which have been pointed out as characteristic of the three classes of mucous membranes, there are others appertaining to the mucus secreted by each of these orders of membranes, and which arise from their diversity of structure, and which serve to distinguish the mucus of the one class from that of each of the other classes. 1st. The mucus proceeding from true mucous membranes is vis- cous and alkaline, containing, imbedded in its substance, numerous spherical, semi-transparent, and granular corpuscles of about the 22Vo °f an mch in diameter (see Plate XI. fig. 1),* having a some- what broken outline, as well as occasionally epithelial cells more or less cuneiform, and sometimes provided with cilia. These corpus- cles are for the most part nucleated, they are not at first soluble in water, but swell up in that fluid to two or three times their former dimensions (see Plate XI. fig. 3), and, like the white globules of the blood, to which they bear the closest possible resemblance, they con- tract somewhat under the influence of acetic acid, and are soluble in a concentrated solution of ammonia. 2d. The mucus secreted by false mucous membranes, or those which are analogous to the skin, although more or less thick, does not admit of being drawn out into threads, is acid, and, in place of spherical globules, contains numerous scales of epithelium, which differ from true mucous globules in their much larger size, flattened form, and in their irregular and very frequently oval outline: these scales, like the true mucous corpuscles, are nucleated, and the nuclei comport them- selves with chemical reagents, in the same manner as the globules of mucus. Example:—the mucus of the vagina. (See Plate XII. fig. 1.) 3d. The mucus proceeding from the mixed or transition membranes is sometimes acid, sometimes alkaline, at others neutral, and contains a mixture of true mucous corpuscles and epithelial scales, the relative proportion of each of which varies according to the exact structure of the membrane by which it is furnished. (See Plate XII. fig. 2.) These divisions of the mucus into three different kinds, although to some extent artificial, as already observed, are yet not without their practical utility. * A law having reference to size, and the importance of which will be hereafter demonstrated, may here he announced. It is that the several structures, especially the corpuscular ones, entering into the composition of the animal organization, bear a near relation of size the one to the other. 174 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. The microscopical and chemical characters of mucus likewise vary much, not merely according to the general organization of the mem- brane by which it is secreted, but also in accordance with the condi- tion of the membrane itself, with the degree of irritation or inflam- mation to which it is subject, and with the precise nature of the disorder by which it is affected; thus, sometimes, the mucus secreted by the lining membrane of the nose is thin and watery, the fluid element being in excess, and at others it is thick and opaque, its solid globular constituents super-abounding. Its colour also as well as its consistence exhibits various modifications in pathological states, being sometimes white, greenish or yellow. The description of the different forms of epithelial cells alluded to, and which are occasionally encountered in the mucus mixed up with true mucous corpuscles, belongs not to the fluids, and will be given in detail under the head of Epithelium, in that division of the work which is devoted to the consideration of the solids of the human body; the structure, form, size, properties and nature of the true mucous corpuscles may here be described with advantage. MUCOUS CORPUSCLES, Structure.—The mucous corpuscles, which are colourless, and mostly of a circular form, are each constituted of a nucleus, an envel- ope, an intervening fluid substance, and numerous granules, which are diffused generally throughout the entire of the corpuscles, being contained within the cavity of the nucleus, in the space between this and the outer envelope, and, lastly, in the substance of the envelope itself; this arrangement imparting a granular texture to the entire corpuscle. (See Plate XI.) The nucleus, like the corpuscle itself, is a circular body of about one-third, or one-fourth its size: it sometimes occupies a central, but very frequently an eccentric position in the mucous globule: it is not at all times visible, although very generally so, without the addition of reagents, the best being water and acetic acid. The addition of water to mucous corpuscles discloses, in the majority of them, but a single nucleus (see Plate XI. fig. 3); in some, however, two and even three or four nucleoli appear, these resulting from the division of the substance of the single primary nucleus. The effect of a weak solution of acetic acid is the same as that of water, except that an additional number of corpuscles are seen after its application to possess the divided nucleus, while in others the mucus. 175 single nucleus is observed to be oval, and occasionally contracted in the centre—this form being the transition one from the single to the double nucleus. (See Plate XI. fig. 4.) If undiluted acetic acid be used, then all the corpuscles will present a compound nucleus, consisting of two, three, four, or five nucleoli, the usual number being two or three; the investing membrane at the same time under its influence loses its granular aspect, and appears transparent and smooth. (See Plate XI. fig. 5.) The formation of these nucleoli maybe thus explained:—The effect of acetic acid is to contract the entire corpuscle; on the nucleus, however, it would appear to operate with such force as to occasion a complete division of its substance. The divided nucleus has been observed by many observers in the pus globule, but its occurrence in the mucous corpuscle has not been generally noticed; this division of the nucleus has been considered to constitute an exception to the law of the development of a cell around a single nucleus; whether it ought to be so regarded is doubtful, see- ing that these multiplied nuclei are usually the result of the operation of a powerful reagent, and are but rarely visible, unless as the conse- quence of the application of some reagent. Mr. Wharton Jones has endeavoured to meet this conceived exception, by supposing that the nucleoli are all enclosed within the membrane of the nucleus. I have myself, however, failed to detect the existence of any envelope surrounding the nucleoli. Form.—The form of the mucous corpuscle, although usually spherical, is subject to considerable variety, this depending frequently upon the density of the fluid in which it is immersed, but occasionally also upon the amount of pressure to which it may be subjected. Thus, in fluid which is very dense, the operation of exostosis is set up between the corpuscle and the fluid medium which surrounds it, whereby a portion of its contents passes into that medium, as a con- sequence of which its investing membrane collapses, and exhibits a variety of forms. (See Plate XI. fig. 2.) Corpuscles thus affected nevertheless retain the power of reassuming the form which properly belongs to them when they are immersed in water or any other liquid, the density of which is less than that of the fluid contained within the cavity of the corpuscle itself. (See Plate XI. fig. 3.) The form of the mucous corpuscle is also subject to alteration from another cause, viz: pressure. Thus, it is often seen to be of an oval 176 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. form in thick and tenacious mucus; this shape results from the pres- sure exercised upon the corpuscles by the almost invisible fibres into which the fluid part of mucus resolves itself, and which often become drawn out in the adjustment of the mucus on the port-object of the microscope. (See Plate XII. fig. 3.) The oval shape thus impressed upon it is permanent, because the pressure of the fibres of the solid mucus ceases not to act: if the pressure, however, be direct, and the corpuscle be immersed in a thinnish fluid, it will resume the spherical form, the compressing force being removed, owing to the elasticity with which it is endowed. Size.—The size of the corpuscle is also liable to much variation, this resulting mainly from the condition of the fluid, as to density, in which it is immersed. Thus, in water, or any other fluid, the density of which is less considerable than that of its contents, the corpuscle imbibes by endosmosis the liquid by which it is surrounded, to such an extent as to cause it to exceed, by two or three times, its former dimensions. (See Plate XI. fig. 3.) By reference, then, to the two particulars referred to, viz: the density of the medium in which it dwells, and pressure, we are enabled to explain all the varieties of form and size which the mucous cor- puscle presents. Properties.—From the preceding remarks on the structure, form, and size of the mucous corpuscle, we perceive that in all these par- ticulars, it accords closely with the white corpuscles of the blood; we shall now proceed to show that there are other points of resem- blance between the two organisms. Thus reagents affect mucous corpuscles in a manner precisely similar to that in which they act upon the white globules of the blood; water causes them to increase in size, acetic acid contracts them somewhat, and renders the nucleus and the molecules more distinct. Between mucous corpuscles and the white globules of the blood there is, then, a structural identity; but let us see if there be not also a functional correspondence. NATURE OF MUCOUS CORPUSCLES. Mr. Addison* conceives " that mucous and pus globules are altered colourless blood-corpuscles," from which opinion it is evident that gentleman believes that the white corpuscles of the blood pass normally * Transactions of Prov. Med. and Surg. Association, vol. xii. p. 255. MUCUS. 177 through the walls of the blood-vessels, although he does not appear satisfactorily to have witnessed the exact manner of their escape. The perfect identity of organization existing between the colourless corpuscles of the blood and mucous and pus globules, would predis- pose the mind to adopt that view as sufficient and correct, which endeavoured to prove that they all had a common origin in the blood. It must nevertheless be remembered that the notion of the identitv in origin of the mucous and pus globule with the colourless blood- corpuscle, rests upon the single supposition that the latter does really escape from the blood-vessels, in which originally it is formed. It seems to me, however, that this statement, to which I was myself at one time disposed to attach some importance, may be fairly chal- lenged, seeing that the direct passage of the white corpuscles of the blood appears never to have been clearly witnessed. Moreover, the idea of any such escape of the white corpuscles is opposed to that view which reasoning alone would lead one to enter- tain; thus, if the colourless corpuscles of the blood possessed the power of escape from their vessels, no good reason could be advanced why the red globules should not also pass through them. If the capillary vessels terminated by open mouths, which we know that they do not in their normal state, then indeed it would be highly probable that mucous and pus corpuscles were the white 'corpuscles of the blood, escaped from the vessels. I am disposed, then, to question the accuracy of the view enter- tained by Mr. Addison, and to believe that the globules of mucus are formed externally to the blood-vessels; the mucous glands or crypts which are scattered so abundantly over the surface of all mucous membranes, having a considerable share in their formation. That the mucous-bearing glands are intimately connected with the development of mucous corpuscles seems proved by the fact, that the fluid expressed from them is filled with corpuscles of a smaller size than ordinary mucous globules, and destitute of any admixture with epithelial scales; these corpuscles certainly could not have found entrance into the cavities of the glands from without. (See Plate XI. fig. 6.) The opinion that the mucous corpuscles are formed externally to the blood-vessels, is also supported by the observations of M. Vogel, ivho remarked that the plastic exudation which covers the surface of a recent wound contains, at first, only minute granules: these after a time become associated in two's and three's, and surrounded by a 12 178 ORGANISED FLUIDS. delicate envelope; finally, fully-formed mucous or pus corpuscles appear in the liquid. »• Henle believes that the white corpuscles of the blood, of lymph and of chyle, as well as those of mucus and pus, are elementary cells; and he says of the pus corpuscles that they are nothing else than elementary cells in process of being transformed into those of the tissue which the organism regenerates in the injured part; and of the white globules of the blood he writes, they are, without the least doubt, transformed into blood corpuscles. This opinion of Henle accords closely with that of Addison, who believes, as already stated, that out of the white globules of the blood, all other corpuscles met with in the body are formed, the former escaping from the blood-vessels. I also regard the white corpuscles of the blood as elementary or tissue cells, although at the same time the views entertained by myself respecting them differ from those both of Henle and Addison. Thus, I do not consider, with the former, that the colourless corpuscles are transformed into red blood discs, nor with the latter, that every other cell met with in the animal organism, proceeds from the white corpuscles of the blood. The white corpuscles of lymph, chyle, and blood, I conceive to be transformed into the epithelial cells, which constitute the epithelium with which the internal surface of the vessels of the entire vascular system is provided. The corpuscles of mucus I conceive to have an origin distinct from the colourless globules of the blood; but in like manner I regard them as elementary or tissue cells, believing that they are finally developed into the different forms , t. vii. p. 531. 15 226 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. the greatest ease, the globules which may present themselves to impede their progress. The spiral spermatozoa of the Passeres advance by a movement of rotation of the body, the tail remaining extended and motionless, acting rather as a rudder than as an organ of locomotion. The spermatozoa of the other orders of birds, and which consist of a cylindrical body to which a short and attenuated tail is attached, "scull themselves forward with their tails, either striking them slowly and with wide sinuosities, or more quickly and shortly, as when a whip is shaken; they thus advance in circles with a quivering motion, holding the body extended in a straight line, although they also now and then bend this in various directions from side to side."* The spermatozoa of the tritons and salamanders usually lie coiled up in the form of a ring, and seem to spin round as upon a pivot; at the same time a second wavy and tremulous motion, like that pro- duced by cilia, is observed; this arises from the rapid rotatory or spinning movement of the very delicate tail with which the sperma- tozoa of these animals are furnished, and which is wound spirally round the body. Wagner at one time entertained the notion, which, however, he subsequently discarded, that the wavy motion referred to was produced by a ciliary apparatus. Sometimes the coiled spermatpzoa have been seen to unrol themselves and to cross the field of the microscope with slow serpentine motions. Furthermore, in the various motions executed by the spermatozoa, they exhibit all the characters of volition; thus they move sometimes quickly, at others slowly, alter their course, stop altogether for a time, and again resume their eccentric movements. These movements it is impossible to explain by reference to any hygroscopic properties which may be inherent in the spermatozoa, they appear to be so purely voluntary. A strong argument, therefore, in favour of the independent animality of the spermatozoa may be derived from a consideration of the nature of their motions. Duration of Motion. The length of time during which the motions of the spermatozoa continue, either after the escape of the seminal fluid, or after the dgath of the animal, varies very considerably; thus it is maintained for "a longer period in warm weather than in cold, and when the semen is retained within its natural reservoirs than when it is * Wagner's Elements, p. 18. THE SEMEN. 227 removed from those receptacles. The spermatozoa of some animals also preserve their powers of locomotion for a longer period than those of others; thus, the seminal animalcules of birds die very soon after the death of the bird; according to Wagner, frequently in from fifteen to twenty minutes;* occasionally, nevertheless, the sperma- tozoa have been found moving in birds which have not been opened until some hours have elapsed after death: those of the Mammalia have been observed in motion for a very long period after the removal of the semen from the testicle, and after the death of the animal; but it is in fishes that the spermatozoa retain their powers of locomo- tion out of the body for the longest period, even for many days. According to Dujardin,f the spermatozoa live thirteen hours in the testicles of the mammalia after the death of the animal. LamperhoffJ has found living semen in the vesiculse seminales of dead men, in which the spermatozoa retained the power of locomotion for twenty hours. Wagner§ has observed them exhibiting motion at the end of twenty-four hours. Donn6|| states that he has watched their movements for an entire day, and that he has observed them in motion even on the second day. It is, above all, in the place of their final destination that the spermatozoa live for the longest period; thus, Leeuwenhoek first, and other observers subsequently, have discovered them in a living condition in the uterus and Fallopian tubes of a bitch seven days after connexion, TI and Bischoff** has found them alive eight days after intercourse in the rabbit. The great length of time during which, under certain circum- stances, the spermatozoa retain the faculty of locomotion, furnishes another strong argument in favour of their independent vitality. Effects of Reagents. The seminal animalcules retain their locomotive powers for a very long time in fluids of a bland nature; for example, in blood, milk, mucus, and pus; on the contrary, in reagents of an opposite character, and in those possessed of poisonous properties, they soon cease to move: thus, in the saliva and urine, unless these fluids be very much * Wagner, loc. cit. p. 21. f Annates des Sciences Nat. I Diss, de Vesical. Semin. $ Loc. cit. p. 22. || Cours de Microscopie, p. 284. II Opera Omnia, 1.1. b. p. 150. ** Miiller, Archiv. p. 16. 1841. 22S ORGANIZED FLUIDS. diluted, their motions are soon destroyed, and immediately cease in the acids and alkalies, in alcohol, iodine, strychnine, and the watery solution of opium. The addition of water to the spermatic animalcules usually pro- duces a remarkable effect, increasing greatly for a time the rapidity of their motions, which after the lapse of a minute or two entirely cease; this reagent, as well as the saliva, exerts a further peculiar influence upon them, causing them to curl up into circles or rings. Poisons introduced into the system, and destroying the life, are stated not to affect the motions of the spermatozoa; an assertion to be received with some degree of hesitation: in cases of poisoning by prussic acid, I have usually found the spermatozoa to be motionless, even when viewed immediately after death. The urine has the property of preserving the spermatozoa entire for weeks and months; and Donne- has detected them in that fluid after an interval of three months. The result, then, of the application of reagents, furnishes an addi- tional argument in favour of the animality of the spermatozoa, and one which it would be difficult, if not impossible, satisfactorily to controvert. SPERMATOPHORI. The only essential solid elements contained in the seminal fluid arrived at its perfect state, as in the vas deferens, and when ejacu- lated, are the spermatozoa; occasionally, however, there are encoun- tered in it, as non-essential constituents, mucous corpuscles, epithelial scales, and the seminal granules: the spermatic liquid, however, obtained from the body of the testicle, contains not only the several structures already named, but also minute and bright granules, and the compound cells or spermatophori, the bright granules and the seminal corpuscles probably represent stages in the development of the spermatophori. The several structures now named are all occasionally met with in the ejaculated semen; their occurrence in it is to be regarded rather as accidental than as essential; the spermatophori belong to the tes- ticle, the tubuli seminiferi of which in many cases are almost filled by them. The spermatophori differ greatly from each other, both as respects size and the number of secondary cells or nuclei contained within them; the smaller parent cells are about T¥V7 of an inch in diameter THE SEMEN. 223 in man, and contain usually but a single nucleus, while the larger ones attain the magnitude of ?£^ of an inch in breadth, and include not unfrequently as many as six or eight nuclei, or, more properly speaking, secondary cells. Between the two extreme sizes given, every gradation presents itself, and many spermatophori contain but one, two, three, or four nuclei, which are the numbers most frequently encountered. The secondary cells, like the primary or parent ones, are globular, and those contained within the same parent cell are usually of the same dimensions; the centre of these cells occasionally presents a bright spot. (See Plate XVI.^g-. 1.) Not unfrequently certain large and perfectly transparent cells are encountered; these are, in all probability, the older spermatophori, the contents of which have been discharged. It would appear, therefore, that the development and dissolution of the spermatophori are effected entirely within the tubes of the testes. Cells, which Wagner has denominated seminal granules, occur, as already remarked, mixed up with the undoubted spermatophori; these first are smaller, and do not contain nuclei; whether they are really distinct from the latter, it is not easy to determine. If but one kind of cell occurs in the testicle, then a double function must be assigned to it: thus, in the first place, the secretion of the liquor seminis must be effected by it; and, in the second, the development of the sperma- tozoa occurs within its cavity; in which case the spermatophori would be the homologues of the cells of other glands, only in so far as they discharge an analogous function, and are secreting organs; in the ulterior office allotted to them, that of being receptacles in which the spermatozoa are evolved, they stand alone in the animal economy, and are certainly without analogues in any other gland of the body. It is most probable, however, that two kinds of cells coexist in the testes—the one secreting and corresponding with the cells of other secerning organs; the other kind, of a peculiar nature, without par- allel in the animal economy, and devoted to the development of the spermatozoa. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPERMATOZOA Not the least interesting part of the history of the spermatozoa is that having reference to their development. Wagner was the first to state that the spermatozoa are developed within the spermatophori just described. 230 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. This interesting discovery of Wagner has been amply confirmed by the extended observations of Kcelliker, Siebold, Valentin, and Lallemand. Wagner thus describes the evolution of the spermatic animalcules in the spermatophori of a bird: " In the course of their development, a fine granular precipitate is observed to form between the included nuclei, by which these are first obscured and then made to disappear, and linear groupings are produced, which anon proclaim themselves as bundles of spermatozoa, already recognisable by slight traces of a spiral formation of one extremity. (See Plate XVI. fig. 2, g.) It were hard to say whether the fine granular precipitate is to be regarded as the product of a process of resolution occurring to the nuclei, or a new formation; as, also, whether the spermatozoa spring out of or only in and amidst the yolk-like matter, or matter that is at all events comparable to the yolk of eggs in general. The vesicles now assume an oval form (see Plate XVI. fig. 2, h), the globules dis- appear, the granular contents diminish; the seminal animalcules are well grown, and lie bent up within the cyst; their spiral ends are more conspicuous. The delicate covering (involucrum) is now drawn more closely around the bundle of spermatozoa it includes, and where it covers their spiral ends anteriorly it assumes a pyriform out- line (see Plate XVI. fig. 2, i), and at the opposite extremity is perhaps at this time open; but it is difficult to speak decisively on this point. The cysts are now very commonly bent nearly at right angles or like knees, but at length they appear stretched out and straight, and have attained their full size. (See Plate XVI. fig. 2, k.) The capsules of these vesicles are at all times, and especially towards the end of their existence, highly hygroscopic; the addition of a little water causes them to burst, the masses of spermatozoa rolled up like a little skein of thread or silk escape, and occasionally at this stage exhibit motions individually, which, however, while the animalcules continue in the ducts of the testes, are frequently not to be observed, and are never either general or remarkable. The spermatozoa, after the rupture of the cyst, advance in freedom to the vas deferens."* The process Wagner states subsequently to be precisely similar in man and the Mammalia, although it is more difficult to follow it in them. The accuracy of the above account of the development of the spermatozoa has been admitted by most other observers in all respects * Translation of Wagner's Elements, by Willis, pp. 25, 26. THE SEMEN. 231 save one important one: thus, Kcelliker has shown that the evolution takes place in the included or secondary cells, and not, as Wagner describes it, in the spaces between these, a single spermatic animal- cule being formed within each; the granules enclosed in these cells disappear gradually as the spermatozoon assumes a definite form, and Kcelliker further supposes that these granules constitute, by their union with each other, the substance of the spermatozoa which escape from both the secondary and primary cells by the rupture of their investing membranes. When the spermatic animalcules have escaped from the secondary cells, and these have disappeared, the spermatozoa form a bundle which is still included within the larger primary cell; some- times the seminal animalcules are irregularly disposed within its cavity, but more frequently they are applied directly to each other, the heads lying one way, and the tails in the opposite direction. This disposition of them is often preserved even after their escape from the spermatophori, during their stay in which the spermatozoa usually remain quite motionless. The interesting and important fact of the development of the spermatozoa in the secondary cells, or ova, as they should now be called, Kcelliker first ascertained by the study of their evolution in the guinea-pig;* subsequently, he extended his observations, and found that the spermatozoa in man were evolved in a manner pre- cisely similar. Valentinf during his inquiries observed masses of filaments in the mother cells of the rabbit and bear, and Hall man J noticed the same thing in those of the rays; he does not, however, speak of the trans- formation of the included nuclei or ova. In the class of invertebrate animals, it is most probable that a sim- ilar method of development prevails. The spermatozoa are not encountered in equal numbers in all parts of the testicle, the more remote convolutions of the tubuli seminiferi containing chiefly the simple granular cells and the spermatophori, while it is only in those which approach near to the epididymis that they occur in any numbers; in this situation they usually lie immedi- ately beneath the membrane of the seminiferous tube, and external to the spermatophori, their long axes being disposed in the direction of that of the tube itself. In the vas deferens the spermatozoa are pres- * Beitrag. p. 56. tab. 11. fig. 20. \ Repert. p. 145. 1837. \ Miiller, Archiv. p. 471. 1840. 232 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. ent in vast numbers, and with scarcely any admixture of the other solid elements of the testes. It is in the epididymis that the different stages of development of the seminal animalcules are best seen side by side. The spring is by far the most suitable period for the study of the development of the spermatozoa, and birds, especially those of the order Passeres, present the best examples in which to trace their evolution, because in them the seminal animalcules are large, and the reproduc- tive function is excessively active for a brief and determined period. Wagner* has shown that from the commencement of the time of moulting, and through the entire winter, the testes of birds undergo an extraordinary degeneration, the spermatozoa and the spermato- phori being entirely obliterated, and the volume of the testes reduced to at least the twentieth or thirtieth of the size to which they attain in spring. Thus, the testis of the common chaffinch is in winter not larger than a millet-seed, while in spring it exceeds a pea in size. The same degeneration is doubtless experienced during winter, although to a less extent, by most animals of the class Mammalia. THE SPERMATOZOA ESSENTIAL TO FERTDLITY. The spermatozoa do not exist in the testes of mammalia at all periods of life: thus, they do not make their appearance in that organ in man until the period of puberty, and they disappear gradually as old age advances. It is impossible, however, to determine the time at which they are first developed, or at which they cease to exist in that organ, because the period of puberty differs in different individ- uals, and some men are aged in constitution when others of the same years *re hale and robust. Certain it is, that some men retain the power of engendering until a very advanced age, of which fact the celebrated Parr presents a memorable example, he having become a father at the extraordinary age of 142. The number also of the spermatozoa contained in the seminal fluid varies in different individuals, and is usually in proportion to the activity of the reproductive function, and this again is dependent to a great extent upon the constitutional powers as well as upon the mode of life. The activity, then, of the reproductive faculty in man is in many cases a good test of health. The above few facts favour the idea of the essentiality of the * Elements, pp. 28 and 29. THE SEMEN. 233 spermatozoa; others, however, of a stronger kind, still remain to be mentioned. Wagner has instituted some most interesting inquiries in reference to the condition of the spermatozoa in male hybrids, and especially in male hybrid birds, and he finds, that in them the characteristic ani- malcules are either altogether wanting, or occur but in small numbers, and are ill-formed and ill-conditioned; the hybrids in which the sem- inal animalcules have been thus found to be absent or degenerated, have been ascertained to be incapable of having offspring.* Again, Leeuwenhoekf discovered living seminal animalcules in the uterus and Fallopian tubes of bitches seven days after connexion.J Prevost and Dumas§ have more recently made the same observa- tions at the same length of time after intercourse. Siebold|| has detected the spermatozoa in a living state in the uterus and Fallopian tubes eight days after connexion. sm Lastly, BischofFH and Martin Barry** have observed the sperma- tozoa not merely in the uterus and Fallopian tubes, but also on the ovary itself. From these facts it is therefore evident that the spermatozoa are essential to fecundity, although the precise manner in which they are so is still involved in the greatest obscurity. It is supposed by some observers, that they make their way into the ovum itself: this notion is as yet without evidence to support it. It would be most interesting to determine whether impregnation could be procured by the artificial introduction of semen, the animal- cules of which were dead; there is every reason to believe that in the many cases in which the artificial injection of the seminal fluid has * Loc. cit. pp. 30—34. t Opera Omnia, p. 150. I Leeuwenhoek signalized the discovery of the living spermatozoa in the uterus and Fallopian tubes, in the following words: " Nudo conspiciens oculo, nullum mas- culum semen canis in ea esse dicere debuissem; at eandem mediante bono micro- scopio, summse mese voluptati immensam viventium animalculorum multitudinem; semen nempe canis masculum contemplabar. His peractis, dictam aperiebam tubam, in fine suae crassitudinis, ac ibidem quoque magnam seminis masculi canis contem- plabar copiam, quod semen illic vivebat, et hoc modo quoque cum dextra egi tuba, ac in eadem quoque immensam seminis viventis canis masculi copiam observavi. . . Materiam qua matrix concita est, observans, majorem adhuc viventium animalculorum copiam deprehendebam." J Annates des Scien. Nat. t. iii. p. 122. || Miiller, Archiv. p. 16. 1841. IT Wagner's Elements, p. 66. ** Researches in Embryology, Second Series, Phil. Trans, p. 315. 1839. 234 organized fluids. been successful, the contained spermatozoa were in a living condition; and from all that is yet known in relation to the animalcules, there is strong presumption to believe that the experiment referred to, viz: the introduction of semen, the animalcules of which were dead, would be unattended with success. One remarkable experiment of Spallanzani, however, deserves to be referred to. Most observers agree in saying, that the spermatozoa of the frog die after some hours of immersion in water. It is known, however, that Spallanzani succeeded in fertilizing the ova of frogs with spermatized water, containing three grains of seminal fluid to eighteen ounces of water, thirty-five hours after the mixture had been prepared, and this, in a chamber with the thermometer at from seven- teen to nineteen degrees; and again, that in an ice-house, the ther- mometer being three degrees above zero, the spermatized water preserved its prolific power for fifty-seven hours. Now, the tendency of this interesting experiment is certainly to prove the possibility of fertilization occurring with semen, the sper- matozoa of which are dead: this inference would appear, however, to be negatived by another ingenious experiment of MM. Prevost and Dumas, who filtered the seminal fluid, and found that the fluid portion which passed through the filter would not vivify the eggs, while the more solid part, consisting of the spermatozoa, produced the results peculiar to the seminal fluid. Jacobi succeeded in fertilizing the ova of a carp with semen which had been contained within the body of the fish for four days; but it is well ascertained that the spermatozoa of fishes in general live for a much longer period than that named.* Some have supposed that the only use of the spermatozoa is by their movements to hasten the advance of the semen towards the Fallopian tubes. PATHOLOGY OF THE SEMINAL FLUID. The quantity of seminal fluid secreted varies greatly according to the age and constitution of the individual. In young men, and in those whose health is vigorous, the secretion is rapid and abundant; in the aged, and in those whose vital powers are feeble, it is but slow and scanty. It is, however, in severe states of disease that the amount of seminal fluid secreted is greatly diminished, if the formation of it be not in some cases altogether suspended for a time. Under the * Several most interesting particulars in reference to artificial impregnation are given in Wagner's Elements, chap. iii. THE SEMEN. 235 influence of recovery, the quantity of semen formed again undergoes an augmentation. An inordinate secretion of the seminal fluid, as also its prolonged retention in the testes, are sometimes the causes of involuntary sem- inal discharges, which, however, are far more frequently occasioned by organic weakness, the result of over-indulgence. If these emissions be very frequent, the ejaculated semen will be found to be thin and watery, and to contain comparatively few spermatozoa. It is unnecessary to describe here the destructive effects of these emissions on the constitution. It is often a matter of great importance to determine, independently of any revelation on the part of the patient, whether in any particular case seminal effusions exist. This fact, it is in the power of the microscope, according to some observers, in all cases to declare with the most absolute certainty. After each effusion of semen, in whatever way occasioned, a cer- tain amount of that fluid will still remain behind, adhering to the surfaces of the urethra; this, of course, contains the seminal animal- cules, which will be washed away on the first passage of the urine through the urethra. The great object, then, is to establish the fact of the existence of spermatozoa in the urine: this maybe accomplished in two ways; either by filtration or decantation, the latter being perhaps the pref- erable method of the two; the spermatozoa, being heavier than the urine itself, always subside at the bottom of the vessel, and where they may always be found, if present in even the smallest numbers. The urine, as already mentioned, has the property of preserving the seminal animalcules, which may be detected in it months after their discharge from the urethra. M. Donn6* states, that he has never succeeded in detecting the seminal animalcules in the urine, unless as the consequence of an emission of semen, and which may have occurred either during con- nexion, in an involuntary manner, or through masturbation. Now, if this be true, the occurrence of the spermatozoa in the urine declares positively the fact, that a discharge of semen has been sustained, and this particular is often in itself sufficient to enable a medical man to form an opinion of the case. It seems to me, however, by no means sufficiently proved, that an * Cours de Microscopic, p. 318. 236 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. escape of the seminal fluid with the urine does not take place inde- pendently of any distinct emission. I am inclined to think that such escape is an habitual occurrence even with the most healthy, especially with the continent, and that by it the surcharged testes are relieved whenever requiring such relief. This view is to some extent supported by the observations of Dr. John Davy* and Wagner :f the former excellent observer states that on examining the fluid from the urethra after stool in a healthy man, he had always detected spermatozoa. In connexion with the above few remarks on the pathology of the semen, we may refer to the observations of Donne" on the effects of an exceedingly acid condition of the mucus of the vagina, and a very alkaline state of that of the uterus itself, on the vitality of the spermatozoa. The mucus of the vagina, in its normal state, is slightly acid, this degree of acidity being perfectly compatible with the life of the sem inal animalcules; but Donne" has shown that under some circum- stances—as from congestion, irritation, or inflammation—this mucus becomes so strongly acid as to destroy in a few seconds the vitality of the spermatozoa. Again, the mucus of the uterus in its healthy state is slightly alka- line, but not so much so as to exert any injurious effects upon the spermatozoa; in conditions of derangement and disease, however, it becomes so alkaline, as Donne" has shown,J that in like manner with the acid mucus of the vagina, it kills the seminal animalcules in a very short space of time. Now, after what has been said and detailed in reference to the essentiality of the spermatozoa, it can scarcely be doubted that women whose vaginal and uterine secretions are so disordered, are inapt to conceive, and this from the effect of their vitiated secretions upon the spermatozoa. It would be interesting to determine whether the spermatozoa are ever entirely absent from the semen of man: it is very probable that in certain rare cases they are so, and from the facts already ascer- tained there can be no doubt that those individuals whose spermatic fluid is devoid of its characteristic living element, would be wholly incapable of having offspring. It is probable that in the impotent the spermatozoa are almost, if not entirely, extinct. * Edin. Med. Surg. Jour. vol. ii. p. 50. J Loc. cit. p. 21 t Cours de Microscopic, p. 292. THE SEMEN. 237 APPLICATIONS OF A MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE SEMEN TO LEGAL MEDICINE. The detection of the spermatic animalcules is frequently a matter of high interest and importance in a medico-legal point of view. There are three classes of cases in which the microscope, by revealing the presence of spermatozoa, is capable of forwarding the ends of justice, and of bringing conviction home to the guilty. 1st. In cases of suspected violation. 2d. In determining the nature of doubtful stains observed on the bed-clothes, &c. 3d. In unnatural offences. With respect to those cases which come under the first division, it may be observed that the medical testimony on which these are usually decided is too often of such a nature as to lead to the acquittal of a really guilty individual; the medical man, judging merely from external appearances, being compelled to give evidence either directly favourable to the prisoner, or which is at best but of a doubtful character. In suspected violation, then, when the evidence to be deduced from an outward examination is insufficient for the formation of a satis- factory and decided opinion, the microscope may frequently be employed with the greatest advantage. If the offence imputed has been committed, and if connexion has really occurred, then by means of this instrument, provided too long a time has not elapsed from the period of the occurrence, that is to say, a period not exceeding from twenty-four to forty-eight hours, the spermatozoa will be detected in the mucus, properly examined, and obtained from the upper part of the vagina: now, the detection of these in such a situation is a demonstration that intercourse has taken place.* The examination of the urine of women whose persons are sus- pected to have been violated would also frequently furnish evidence of the fact by manifesting the presence in it of the spermatozoa, which in its passage through the vagina it had washed away from its walls. With reference to the second class of cases mentioned, those requiring for their satisfactory elucidation the determination of the nature of suspicious stains, here again, by means of the microscope, evidence the most conclusive may frequently be obtained. * Donne, in the Cours de Microscopic, states that he has detected the spermato- zoa in the vaginal mucus of women admitted into the hospital, in which instances it is most probable that connexion had occurred at least some hours previous to admission. 238 ORGANIZED FLUIDS. Now, if the stains in question be formed by the seminal fluid, and if they be not too old, the microscope applied to them will detect in them the spermatozoa. With regard to the length of time at which the spermatozoa may be detected in the matter of a stain, I have reason to think that this has scarcely a limit: I have myself noticed them in the semen several weeks old, and they then appeared to have undergone scarcely a single appreciable change, the spermatophori contained in the seminal fluid being equally well seen. In examining stains occasioned by the seminal fluid, it is advisable to use the same precautions as those which were pointed out in reference to blood stains, and to moisten them with either serum or albumen. The reader's imagination will suggest to him numberless cases in which the determination of the nature of suspected stains would be a matter of the utmost importance, and would lead to the production of evidence of the greatest consequence, and in no other wray obtainable. Lastly, with reference to the third class of cases, those of unnatural offences: here also the microscope, by revealing the presence of the spermatozoa in the rectum, or on some other part of the body, may throw great light on occurrences which otherwise would in all proba- bility be buried in complete oblivion and mystery. An examination of this kind was assigned by the magistrates in France some years ago to two physicians, on the occasion of an assassination in a hotel. A traveller having been killed by a young man whom he had received into his chamber during the night, justice was interested to know whether semen would be found in the rectum or not.* It is known that in death by hanging, an emission of the semen usually occurs, and this, in the absence of other proofs, has been adduced as a sign of death by suspension. It would appear, however that such an indication is not without its sources of fallacy. It is thus apparent that in the cases here referred to, the microscope is capable of affording positive evidence of a most important and conclusive kind; on the other hand, the negative testimony deduci- ble from its application in these cases is not without its value. * See Annates d'Hygiene Publique et de Medecine Legale, Paris, 1839, t. xxi pp. 168 and 466. THE SEMEN. 239 SEMEN. [In making examinations of the seminal fluid, the purest and most con- centrated will be found in the vas deferens or epididymis The sooner this is examined after the death of an animal, the less change will be detected, and the motions of the spermatozoa will be most active. If a small drop of the fluid is placed on a plain glass slide, covered with thin glass, and placed in the field of the microscope, many of the spermatozoa will be seen in active motion, with a }th-inch object-glass. It will be found better to dilute the fluid before covering it with the thin glass. For this purpose, albumen, or a little water which has J^th part of salt or sugar dissolved in it, will answer, or, still better, a little serum of the blood. When properly diluted, the thin glass is applied, as before, and the seminal animalcules will be much better defined than without this dilution. The reagents most striking in their effects have already been pointed out. PRESERVATION. The seminal animalcules may be preserved, either in their own fluid, or in a weak solution of salt and water, or of chromic acid. In either case, the flat cell, or the thin glass cell, is to be employed, and the cover cemented with gold-size. In this condition, they will keep for many years.] UNORGANIZED FLUIDS. ART. VII.—SALIVA, BILE, SWEAT, URINE. The fluids comprised under the heading of Unorganized Fluids differ from those of the first division, viz: the Organized, in that they do not contain, as essential elements, organized structures; solid organic particles are indeed usually to be encountered in them, but these are to be regarded either as accidental, or at all events as non- essential adjuncts, and which appertain usually to the structure of those organs from which the fluids have themselves proceeded. The presence and nature of the solids contained in the Unorgan- ized Fluids serve to indicate, to a considerable extent, the condition of the glands by which they have been secreted, and thus frequently throw great light upon their pathology. There is, however, one kind of solid constituent which is found almost constantly in these fluids, viz: the crystals of various salts: these being, however, unorganized, their consideration does not prop- erly belong to a work devoted to descriptions and delineations of organized tissues. It is proposed, therefore, in order to render the application of the microscope to human physiology and pathology as complete as possi- ble, to prepare a separate treatise on the subject of the crystallizations formed in the various fluids, &c., of the body, under the title of Human Crystallography. We will now pass in review the fluids comprehended in the division of Unorganized Fluids. In reference to some of them, but little remains to be said, as will have been inferred from a knowledge of their structureless character. In the treatise on Crystallography, however, many interesting and important details will be given. The Unorganized Fluids comprise the saliva, the bile, the sweat, the urine, and the gastric, pancreatic, and lachrymal fluids; these THE SALIVA. 241 several fluids especially deserve the name of secretions, since th^v are elaborated by large and complexly organized glands. THE SALIVA. The saliva is a peculiar fluid secreted by the parotid, sub-maxillary and sub-lingual glands, from which it is conveyed by certain ducts into the mouth, where it becomes mingled with the buccal mucus. The amount of saliva secreted during the day is estimated at from ten to twelve ounces; during salivation, either spontaneous or induced by mercury, the quantity may exceed two or three quarts. It is worthy of remark, however, that in these latter cases the mercury has never been detected in the saliva. Mitscherlich* made the following observations on a person having a salivary fistula, and in whom the saliva could be collected directly as it flowed from Steno's duct. He found that there was no flow of saliva while the muscles of mastication and of the tongue were in complete repose, and all nervous excitement avoided. He observed, also, that during the acts of eating and drinking, especially at the commencement, the secretion wras most abundant, and in proportion to the stimulating nature of the food and the degree to which it was masticated. From two to three ounces of saliva flowed from the duct in the course of twenty-four hours. The solid constituents of the saliva are composed of fat, ptyalin, watery and spirituous extractive matters, a little albumen, certain salts, a trace of sulphocyanogen, mucous corpuscles, epithelial scales, and, lastly, corpuscles resembling mucous globules, which have been termed salivary corpuscles, and which are probably nothing more than epithelial cells in progress of development. The salts of human saliva are, according to Mitscherlich, chloride of calcium, lactates of soda and potash, soda, either free or combined with mucus, phosphate of lime, and silica. In certain pathological states Simon detected in the saliva acetic acid, and a considerable quantity of a substance resembling caseine. The saliva is with difficulty to be obtained in a pure state, it being generally intermixed with a greater or less quantity of buccal mucus; now the normal reaction of the saliva is alkaline, that of mucus acid; it therefore follows, the fluids in question being thus intermingled in variable proportions, that the reaction presented by the fluid obtained varies according to the relative quantity of each ingredient; thus. * Rust's Magaz. vol. xl. 16 2*2 unorganized fluids. sometimes the saliva, when tested, will appear to be acid, alkaline, or neuter, and the same will be the case with the buccal mucus. The true reaction of the saliva, then, can be ascertained only by obtaining it unmixed with the mucus of the mouth, and then testing it; this may be effected by first washing the mouth with water, and then applying the test-paper to the saliva as it flows from the orifice of its ducts. The fact referred to of the admixture of the two fluids, saliva and mucus, will serve to explain why test-paper, applied to the upper surface of the tongue, exhibits frequently an acid reaction, while that placed beneath it manifests the presence of an alkaline fluid. In morbid states the normal reaction of the saliva may undergo a complete change, and it may become either neuter or acid: this alteration has been especially observed to occur in deranged condi- tions of the stomach, in acute rheumatism, in cases of salivation, and, according to Donne\ in pleuritis, encephalitis, intermittent fevers, uterine affections, and amenorrhea. Acid saliva doubtless exerts a very injurious effect upon the teeth. The admixture of the saliva with mucus is readily shown by means of the microscope, which reveals the presence of mucous epithelial scales in all stages of their development; as the scales found in the sweat are derived from the desquamation of the epidermis, so are those of the saliva and mucus from that of the epithelium. The saliva, as well as the sweat, yields on evaporation crystals of the various salts referred to in the analysis. Blood corpuscles are sometimes present in the saliva and mucus; these proceed usually from the gums. The uses of the saliva in the animal economy are classified by Dr. Wright as follow: Active.—1. To stimulate the stomach and excite it to activity by contact. 2. To aid the digestion of food by a specific action upon the food itself. 3. To neutralize any undue acidity of the stomach by supplying a proportionate alkali. Passive.—1. To assist the sense of taste. 2. To favour the expression of the voice. 3. To clear the mucous membrane of the mouth, and to moderate thirst. THE BILE. The bile, like the unorganized fluid already described, presents but little of interest to the microscopist in its normal state. THE SWEAT. 243 It happens, however, occasionally, when it has been retained in the gall-bladder for a long time, in consequence of which it has become inspissated, that it does contain solid and coloured particles. These particles have been noticed by Scherer* and also by Dr. H. Letheby of the London Hospital, who was so considerate as to trans- mit, for my examination, a portion of inspissated bile, containing them, as also plates of cholesterine, in great numbers. The bodies in question consist of two parts, an external colourless investing portion, and an internal coloured and granular matter; this disposition of the colouring matter imparts to them the aspect of " pigment cells," which, in fact, Scherer considers them to be. There are but three kinds of cells, which, if cells at all, they could be by any possibility, viz: liver, epithelial, or pigment cells. Now, they are certainly neither of the first two mentioned, as may be inferred from the dissimilarity of size, appearance, and structure with these; and they are as surely not "pigment cells," because such structures do not enter into the organization of the liver. It is, then, conceived that these cell-like bodies are not true cells, but are to be regarded as masses of concrete mucus, enclosing more or less biliary colouring matter; the great differences observed in their form, size, and general appearance, are all opposed to the notion of their being definitely organized cells. The meconium of infants very generally contains the cell-like bodies described, together with intestinal mucus, cuneiform epithelium, and occasionlly cholesterine in a crystalline form. THE SWEAT. The sudoriparous glands, distributed over the whole surface of the body, constantly secrete a very considerable quantity of watery fluid: this fluid passes off usually in the form of an insensible vapour; in some cases, however, as under high external temperature, active exercise, and in certain stages and forms of disease, it collects on the skin in the form of drops, which, in drying up, deposit their solid constituents over the whole extent of the cutaneous surface: it is then more particularly termed sweat. Many attempts have been made to determine the amount of fluid passing off by the skin; the average quantity, according to Seguin amounts to about twenty-nine ounces of fluid, the maximum to five * Untersuchungen, &c, p. 103. 244 unorganized fluids. pounds, and the minimum to one pound, eleven ounces, and four drachms. The amount of solid constituents carried off with the fluid is, comparatively, very small, not exceeding in the twenty-four hours seven or eight scruples; the remainder being merely water, retaining in it carbonic acid and nitrogen, the quantity of the former gas being increased by vegetable diet, and the amount of the latter by an animal regimen. Simon has established the existence, in normal sweat, of—■ 1. Substances soluble in ether: traces of fat, sometimes including butyric acid. 2. Substances soluble in alcohol: alcohol extract, free lactic or acetic acid, chloride of sodium, lactates, and acetates of potash and soda, lactate or hydrochlorate of ammonia. 3. Substances soluble in water: water extract, phosphate of lime, and occasionally an alkaline sulphate. 4. Substances insoluble in water: desquamated epithelium, and, after the removal of the free lactic acid by alcohol, phosphate of lime with a little peroxide of iron. The quantity of fluid exhaled is subject to very great variations; thus, it is increased by a dry and light atmosphere, while it is dimin- ished by a damp and dense condition of the air. It is at its minimum at and immediately after meals, while it is at its maximum during the actual period of digestion. The cutaneous perspiration is in antago- nism with the urinary secretion; thus, an excessive secretion of urine diminishes that of the skin, and a diminution of the activity of the kidneys is usually followed by an augmentation of that of the sudoriparous glands. But little of interest, in a microscopic point of view, attaches to this fluid; the only solid organic constituent contained in it being detached scales of epidermis, which is ever undergoing a process of destruction and renewal; these scales, therefore, do not form part of the sweat, but become mixed up with it in a secondary manner. The copious formation and discharge of the cutaneous fluid which occur under certain circumstances, thus do not merely afford a relief to internal organs, but serve, also, by detaching and washing away the older and useless cells, to cleanse the epidermis, and to render this more efficient as an evaporating surface. The crystals formed on the evaporation of the sweat, in states of THE URINE. 245 health and disease, have been but little studied; it is probable that a knowledge of them would lead to the discovery of some facts of interest. The cutaneous fluid, it is known, is in health acid; there are some situations, however, in which it is constantly alkaline, as in the axillae, about the genital organs, and between the toes; this, probably, arises from its admixture with the secretions of the small follicles which are situated in those parts. The sweat, like the urine, is to be regarded as a cleansing fluid, the system being through it relieved of certain surplus and effete matters. The pathology of the sweat is but little known; albumen has been observed in it by Anselmino, in a case of febris rheumatica, and Stark states, that it may be met with in the sweat in gastric, putrid, and hectic diseases, and also on the approach of death. The amount of acetic acid, ammonia, and the salts, may all be increased. Uric acid and quinine have been found in the sweat, the latter preparation being of course at the time administered medicinally. THE URINE. Few fluids have been more studied of late years by the micro- scopist than the urine; this has arisen from the elegance of form, variety of composition, and important character of the numerous crystalline deposits which are formed in it in states of health and disease, and which can be satisfactorily determined only by the aid of the microscope. The great advantage of the application of the microscope over that of chemical tests to the study of the urine is, that the indications which it affords are not merely certain, but also prompt and facile, while the results obtained through the agency of chemistry, although not less certain, are often tedious and difficult. The description of the various crystals formed in the urine is reserved for another occasion; in this place will be noticed only the organic constituents which occur in normal and abnormal urine. In order that the pathological alterations to which the urine is liable may be more clearly understood, it will be advisable, first, to describe the appearance and the constitution of healthy urine. Healthy urine, when first passed, is a limpid fluid of an amber colour, emitting a peculiar odour, exhibiting an acid reaction, and having a specific gravity of about 1011. Abandoned to itself, it soon loses its limpidity, becomes troubled, 246 UNORGANIZED FLUIDS. and putrefies more or less quickly, according to its chemical consti- tution and the state of the temperature. The following is Berzelius' analysis of healthy urine, and with which all other subsequent analyses have been found to agree to a very considerable extent: 1000 parts contained— Water, - 933•00 Solid residue, - 67 00 Urea, - 3010 Uric acid, - 100 Free lactic acid, lactate of ammonia, alcohol and water extract, - 1714 Mucus, - 0 32 Sulphate of potash, - 3 71^ Sulphate of soda, - 316 Phosphate of soda, - 2 94 Fixed Biphosphate of ammonia, - 165 > salts, 1529 Chloride of sodium, - 445 Chloride of ammonium, - 150 Phosphate of lime and mag nesia, 100 Silicic acid, - 0 03., It will be seen from the above analysis that healthy urine does not contain the nitrogenized principles albumen, fibrin, or caseine, which are encountered so frequently in urine voided in disease. The only solid organized constituents which are constantly encoun- tered in healthy urine, are mucous corpuscles and epithelial scales; these do not form part of the urine, but belong to the structure of the mucous membrane of the bladder and urethra, and both of them may be detected with the greatest facility by the microscope. On account of their greater specific gravity, they subside at the bottom of the vessel containing the urine, where they may, at most times, be procured for examination. Occasionally, however, in the urine of man, under the circum- stance already referred to in the article on the semen, the sperma- tozoa are present in the urine also. PATHOLOGY OF THE URINE. The organic principles contained in diseased urine may be divided, firstly, into those which are usually encountered in that fluid in a THE URINE. 21? state of solution, but which do yet, under certain circumstances, assume the solid form; and, secondly, into those which, being definite organisms, occur only in a solid condition. Albumen, fibrin, caseine, and fat, belong to the first, and the blood and pus corpuscles to the second division. Albuminous Urine. Albumen is frequently present in the urine in disease; it has been noticed to occur especially in Bright's disease of the kidney, and in the urine passed after scarlatina. If the albumen be present in any considerable quantity, nitric acid or bichloride of mercury will cause a precipitate, and the urine will become turbid on the application of heat, and deposit flocculi of coagulated albumen. The colour, specific gravity, and reaction of albuminous urine are various; thus, it may be either light or dark coloured, it may be of high or low specific gravity, it may exhibit either an acid or an alkaline reaction, or it may be neutral. When the albumen is small in quantity, heat is the most efficient test for its detection; it is only when the urine manifests a decided alkaline reaction, that nitric acid is preferable, the albumen being held in solution by the free alkalies. Urine may, however, become turbid from the application of heat, even when no albumen is present; this arises from precipitation of the earthy carbonates; in these instances, the addition of nitric acid will immediately disperse the cloudiness, and the reapplication of heat will not occasion any further precipitation. Dr. G. O. Rees has observed that the urine of persons who have been taking cubebs or balsam of copaiba is rendered turbid by nitric acid, although it contains no albumen; this urine, however, is not affected by heat. From the facts contained in the two preceding paragraphs, it follows that a precipitate might possibly ensue on the application of heat, and by the addition of nitric acid, and yet no albumen be present in the urine. If the precipitate yielded by nitric acid, added to urine impregnated with the active principles of cubebs or copaiba, be examined with the microscope, it will be found to consist of minute oil bubbles, which are of course readily soluble in ether. 248 UNORGANIZED FLUIDS. Fibrinous Urine. Fibrin has been encountered in the urine independently of the other constituents of the blood: Zimmerman* has described seven cases of fibrinous urine. Such urine, if the fibrin existed in it in any quantity, would coagulate or form a clot. It is necessary in these cases not to confound mucus with fibrin; the former, under the microscope, exhibits the well-known mucous corpuscles, while the latter appears either filamentous or simply granular. Fatty Urine. The urine may contain fat, either separately or conjointly with albumen, or with caseine, and probably also sugar: the urine holding fat in a free state may be called fatty; that in combination with albumen, chylous; and lastly, the urine in which fat occurs in con- nexion with caseine and sugar may be denominated milky urine. Fatty urine has been observed to occur frequently in persons labour- ing under phthisis; the fat, as the liquid cools, forming a thin pellicle on its surface, the nature of which may be at once ascertained by the microscope, which, if it be really fatty, will reveal the presence of innumerable fat globules. Cases have been recorded in which the quantity of fat has been so considerable that it could be detected with the naked eye. Chylous Urine. Chylous urine is a white semi-opaque fluid, and contains both fat and albumen; the former may be detected by means of the micro- scope, and the latter will be coagulated by heat, by nitric acid, and the bichloride of mercury. Examined microscopically, the coagu- lated albumen exhibits a granular texture. This form of urine has been observed principally in cases of gout. Milky Urine. True milky urine is of very rare occurrence, there being but two or three well-authenticated cases of it recorded; urine containing the constituents of chyle having doubtless been described, in many instances as milky urine. * Zur Analysis und Sunthesis der pseudoplastischen Prozesse, Berlin, 1844, p. 129. THE URINE. 249 The fat in milky urine occurs in combination with caseine, and probably with sugar also. The fatty constituent may be detected as in the previously-decribed urines, the fatty and the chylous, by means of the microscope, and the caseine will be precipitated by the addition of a little acetic, dilute sulphuric, or hydrochloric acid, the flocculi of which, examined micro- scopically, will exhibit a granular, and even in many cases a globular con- stitution ; they will contain also a greater or less number of fat globules. Urine containing caseine in solution may be distinguished from albuminous urine by the application of heat, which in the latter will occasion a precipitate, none being formed in the former, unless, indeed, a considerable quantity of nitric acid be also present in the urine, when a temperature of 104° Fah. will be sufficient to occasion the precipitation of the caseine. It is not to be supposed, by the use of the term milky urine, that the milk, as such, ever exists in the urine, and that it finds its way there from the mammary gland by metastasis; the utmost that is to be inferred, from the existence of the principal elements of milk in the urine, is, that the kidney, in place of the mammary gland, has sepa- rated those elements from the blood. Excess of Mucus in the Urine. In catarrhus vesica, an affection to which old persons are particu- larly liable, mucus is secreted in considerable quantities, and is voided with the urine. This mucus subsides to the bottom of the vessel, is semi-opaque, thick, and ropy; examined with the microscope, mucous corpuscles and epithelial scales are encountered in it. In those cases in which the urine is very alkaline, the mucus is observed to be particularly tenacious and thready; this condition results from the action of the free alkalies contained in the urine upon the constitution of the mucus. Blood in the Urine. Blood is frequently contained in the urine, and voided with it; thus, it is frequently encountered, in greater or less quantity, in the follow- ing cases: in inflammation of the kidneys, in injuries of those organs, or of the bladder itself, in cases of stricture from the introduction of a catheter, from the passage of renal or urinary calculi, and, lastly, from chronic disease of the kidneys and bladder. 250 UNORGANIZED FLUIDS. The best test of the existence of the blood in the urine is the detection of the blood corpuscles by the microscope; blood, however, may exist in the urine, and yet no corpuscles be detected, these having been dissolved by the acids of the urine. Failing, however, to detect the blood discs, if blood really be present, then the albumen, fibrin, and hematin will still remain, and may be distinguished by suitable reagents. From the colour of urine, no conclusion can be formed as to the existence of blood in it, as urine of a deep blood-colour is some- times met with, which on examination is found not to contain any trace of blood. Pus in the Urine. It has already been stated in these pages that no absolute distinction exists between mucus and pus; and, therefore, it follows that it is in most cases impossible to determine, with any degree of certainty, whether pus exists in the urine or not. If, however, the sediment rendered with the urine want the tenacity of vesical mucus, and contain the granular corpuscles common to mucus and pus, there is reason to suspect that the fluid in question is really purulent. The diagnosis will, however, be greatly assisted by reference to the history and symptoms of the case; thus, if there be rigors and hectic fever, the probability of the existence of pus will be much strengthened. There is one circumstance which requires to be mentioned, and which greatly increases the difficulty of discrimination between mucus and pus. In some cases of purulent urinary deposits, the urine is alkaline; now, the effect of the action of alkalies on pus is to convert it into a transparent and tenacious substance in every respect resem- bling mucus, and which, therefore, cannot be distinguished from it. There are but few details interesting to the microscopist connected with the Gastric, the Pancreatic, and the Lachrymal fluids; it will therefore, be unnecessary to treat of them at any length. It is to the chemist and physiologist chiefly that the gastric fluid is interesting. They all, however, but especially the gastric and the lachrymal secre- tions, contain mucous corpuscles and epithelial scales, derived from the desquamation of the epithelium of the surfaces by which they are secreted, and over which they pass. THE URINE. 251 Obs.—At page 135, the opinion is attributed to Mr. Addison, that the white corpuscles of blood, mucus, and pus contain filaments; whereas it would appear, from a closer examination of the text, that the statement of that gentleman only goes to the extent of asserting, that the fluid enclosed in those corpuscles resolves itself in its escape into the filaments, of which the fibrinous portions of blood, mucus, and pus are under certain circumstances observed to be constituted. 252 UNORGANIZED FLUIDS. URINE. [In the pathology of the urine, the microscope has now become of equal value with chemistry; a proper consideration of this whole subject would require a volume of the size of the present one, and therefore it is not here attempted. For reference on this subject, especially on the microscopical characters of urine, the student may consult "Simon's Chemistry of Man," " Bird on Urinary Deposits;" " Practical Manual on the Blood," by John Wm. Griffith; "On the Analysis of the Blood and Urine," by G. Owen Rees; "A Guide to the Examination of Urine," by Alfred Markwick; "Frick on Renal Diseases;" "Prout on do." Those who wish to study the pathology of the urine, with the microscope, will find the following hints useful. After allowing the urine to stand for a little time, more or less sediment will take place. This is to be drawn up by means of a pipette, and a drop placed on a plain glass slide, and covered with thin glass. It is then ready for examination, first with a one-fourth inch object-glass, and afterward with a one-eighth. This high power is necessary to recognise the presence of blood, mucus, or pus corpuscles, or the minute crystals of oxalate of lime. When the presence of an undue quantity of lithate of ammonia is sus- pected, the test-tube or other glass vessel containing the urine must be heated gently, when the supernatant fluid, with the lithate, may be poured off, or removed with a pipette. Most of the urinary sediments can be well preserved; the most transparent, such as oxalate of lime, &c., are best mounted in fluid. For this they are prepared by being repeatedly washed in distilled water, until all trace of gummy matter, so often combined with urinary deposits, is removed. They are then placed on a plain glass slide, or in a thin glass cell, mixed with a little water by means of a pipette, and the water allowed to evaporate. A drop or two of alcohol and water, of Goadby's solution, or of the creosote-water, is to be added, and the thin glass cover applied and cemented with gold size, care being taken that no air- bubbles are present. Other urinary deposits, requiring to be rendered more transparent, are best preserved in Canada balsam. The deposit must be well washed as before, and after being placed on the glass slide, and the water allowed to evaporate, must be mounted in balsam with heat, as directed in the chapter on the Preservation of Objects. Certain deposits are best preserved in the dry way, such as uric acid, &c. Other sediments, and these are chiefly salts, are best mounted in syrup, made thick, and mixed with a little gum. This is to be used in the same way as the balsam without heat, and the sediment deposited in the thin glass cell, or that made with asphaltum or other cement. Castor oil has been successfully used as a medium for mounting urinary deposits. In this method, no heat is necessary.] PART II.—THE SOLIDS. The division of the various constituents of the animal fabric into the two orders of Fluids and Solids, although a very ancient one, is yet, to a certain extent, arbitrary and artificial. The truth of this observation is rendered apparent on reference to the several fluids, the description of which has just been brought to a conclusion, and all of which contain suspended in them, either as essential or as accessory elements, various solid and organized particles: the liquid portion of some of these compound fluids exhibiting also a distinctly organized constitution; as, for example, the liquor sanguinis and the fluid parts of mucus and of pus. The distinction referred to is not, however, without its use, and is sufficiently well founded to serve the purposes of classification. Of the Solids themselves it is unnecessary to make any formal sub- divisions : they will simply be treated of in the order of their natural relationship with each other. Thus, the various solid structures entering into the constitution of the animal organism will be described consecutively as follows, each forming the subject of a distinct article: Fat, Epithelium, Epidermis, Pigment Cells, Nails, Hair, Cartilage, Bone, and Teeth; the vari- ous Tissues, the Cellular, under which head Ligaments and Tendons will be described, the Elastic, the Muscular, and the Nervous, including the description of the Brain and Nerves; the Glands, Ves- sels, Membranes; and, lastly, the Pathology of the Solids, will be treated of. 254 THE SOLIDS. ART. VIII. —FAT. The transition from the fluids to the solids would appear to be a very easy and natural one through the substance about to be described: thus, fat bears an evident relation to both the former and the latter, remaining during life in a soft and semi-fluid state, and after death becoming hard and solid; it is, however, to the milk globules among the fluids that it manifests the closest affinity, the fat vesicles, espe- cially those of early life, and the milk globules resembling each other in form, in appearance, and in the manner in which reagents act upon them. Fat is made up of the aggregation of a number of globules or ves- icles, which some deem to be true cells, and which are held in juxta- position by intersecting bands of cellular tissue; these vesicles have a smooth surface, semi-opaque texture, and they reflect the light in the strongest manner. Contents.—The contents of fat vesicles usually present a homoge- neous appearance; sometimes nevertheless—as when undergoing decomposition, and when they have been subjected to pressure—they exhibit a granular aspect; these contents are of an oily nature, and chemists have detected in the lard of the pig the organic products, oleine, stearine, margaric acid, a yellow colouring matter having the odour and the nauseous taste of bile, and the chemical salts, chloride of sodium, acetate of soda, and traces of carbonate of lime and oxide of iron. It is probable that of these constituents the presence of the chloride of sodium depended on the mode of preparation of the lard. Form.—The form presented by the fat vesicles is various, but is usually either globular, oval, or polygonal. The first shape is encoun- tered in the fat of young animals especially (see Plate XVIII. fig. l) ; the second in that of adults (see fig. 2); and the third in situations where the fat is subjected to considerable pressure, and on solidifica- tion after death. The fat vesicles of the pig are described as being elongated and kidney-shaped. This shape, however, is of rare occur- rence, and cannot be regarded as the ordinary and characteristic form, which is most generally more or less spherical or oval. Raspail, observing this exceptional form, was led to institute from it an erro- neous comparison between fat vesicles in general and the starch granule. FAT. 255 Size.—The fat vesicles of the adult are usually several times larger than the solid corpuscles of any of the fluids described—the blood, mucus, and milk; the size of the fat vesicles in any given quantity of fat is not uniform; but, like the globules of milk, varies exceedingly, the dimensions of the larger vesicles surpassing several times those of the smaller. One exceedingly interesting law has been observed in reference to the size of fat vesicles; thus, it has been ascertained that their average magnitude increases from infancy up to adult age: in accord- ance with this law, the fat cells of an infant will be found to be several times smaller than those of a full-grown person, and those of a child again of an intermediate size. This law will be apparent from an examination of the figures given. (See Plate XVIII.) Colour.—The colour of fat is subject to considerable variations, but it usually exhibits a tinge, more or less deep, of yellow. The fat of young animals is usually of a lighter colour than that of the full- grown and aged; this may be seen by a comparison of the fat of an infant with that of an adult, or of the fat of the calf with that of the ox; in the former it is almost white, while in the latter it frequently exhibits a deep and golden hue. The differences of colour referred to doubtless denote differences in the relative proportion of the different constituents of fat. In some animals, also, fat of various bright colours is encountered, especially in Birds, beneath the skin of the beak and of the feet; in the Crustaceae and in some of the Reptilia. In the Triton, the fat is of a deep orange-colour, approaching to red. The coloration of the iris of birds depends, according to Wagner, upon a fat which is accumulated in drops, and perhaps also in cells. Consistence.—The consistence of fat is different in different animals, and also varies in accordance with the temperature; thus, the fat of the pig is softer than that of the ox or sheep; that of the human subject is intermediate between both in its consistence, and all kinds of fat are harder in cold than in warm weather. The varia- tion in the solidity of fats depends upon the amount of stearine and oleine which they contain; the hard fats containing a greater quantity of stearine than the soft fats, in which the oleine is greatest. Structure.—Most observers agree in assigning to each fat vesicle a distinct investing membrane, notwithstanding which fact the proofs adduced by them of the existence of such a structure are by no means so decisive as to render such a conclusion any thing more 256 the solids. than doubtful: thus, micrographers, hitherto, have been unable to demonstrate the presence around normal fat vesicles of an enveloping tunic, but have been contented to rest their opinion upon the indirect and uncertain evidence to be derived from a knowledge of the action of reagents; upon testimony, in fact, analogous to that upon which Henle and Mandl decided in favour of the existence of a membrane surrounding the milk globule. Schwann, indeed, states that he found the membrane of the fat cell to be almost as thick as the blood globule of man in an infant affected with mollities ossium* Henle also has observed around the obscure periphery of a fat cell a strait and clear band, but could not assure himself that this was not the result of an optical illusion.f The above are the only trustworthy observations of a direct char- acter recorded in proof of the existence of a distinct tunic to the fat vesicle, and they are evidently not of a satisfactory or decisive nature. The indirect testimony procured from a knowledge of the action of reagents is as follows: Ether is stated to render the contents of the fat vesicle fluid and transparent, without, at the same time, diminishing its size, as is proved by the fact that on the resolidification of its contents, the vesicle presents the same form and dimensions as at first. Again, acetic acid, according to Henle, acts upon the fat vesicle as upon the milk globule, destroying the membrane in different places; it permits the escape of a number of globules of oil or grease, which, like pearl-drops, remain attached to the larger vesicle. Ether, however, produces other effects than those usually described, and which are mentioned above; thus, when applied to the fat vesicles of the pig, many of them will be seen to burst, and to collapse frequently to less than the fourth of their original size, losing, at the same time, all definite form; and, in proportion as the vesicle collapses, one large circular drop, or two or three smaller ones, will be seen gradually to form around and envelope the shrunken vesicle, which is, however, never entirely dissolved. There are other observers again, as Schwann and Henle, who consider that fat vesicles are not merely provided with an envelope, but that they are true cells, possessing both cell wall and nucleus. Thus, Schwann noticed in the wall of the fat vesicles of the child already referred to, a nucleus of round or oval form, sometimes flattened, and sometimes not so. * Mikroskopische Untersuchungen, p. 140, f Anal. Gen. p. 422. FAT. 25? Furthermore, Henle writes, "very frequently the wall presents a salient point on some part of its extent, and in that position exists a nucleus, or a trace of a nucleus. Sometimes there are two nuclei, and in very many cases they cannot be observed at all."* Again, Mandl has made the observation in examining the fat tissue of young rabbits, and especially in taking the little masses of fat which lie along the vertebral column in the interior of the pectoral cavity, that the vesicles appear but half filled, and that they consist of two parts, an inner one conveying the aspect of a drop of oil, and an outer membranous portion.f Such are the facts hitherto recorded in favour of the presence of a nucleus in the fat vesicle: it will be seen that although they are more definite and satisfactory than those adduced in proof of the existence of an investing membrane, yet that they are scarcely in themselves sufficient to set at rest the question of its cellular nature. The observations, then, cited above, while they fail to demonstrate sufficiently the true organization of the fat vesicle, yet render it extremely probable that it is really cellular. In favour of this view, a few additional observations have occurred to myself, which are conclusive on one of the two debated points of the organization of the fat vesicle. The first have reference to the outer membrane. If a thin slice of any of the softer fats placed between two plates of glass be pressed firmly, though not With too great violence, and subsequently be examined with the microscope, it will be seen that the vesicles have not run into each other, but still preserve their individuality. \ Again, ether applied to the fat vesicle does not entirely dissolve it; even when it causes it to burst and collapse, a residue always remains, and this probably is membranous. Furthermore, if a thin slice of fat be placed between two plates of glass, and having been forcibly compressed, be examined with the microscope, it will be seen that some of the vesicles have burst, discharging a portion of their contents, the membrane of the fat vesicle then becoming visible, and declaring its existence by certain folds and markings, into which it falls on the escape of its contents, and by the jagged outline of the rent through which those contents passed. (See Plate XIX. fig. 2.) Finally, decomposition produces an effect somewhat analogous to that occasioned by pressure; the fat vesicles burst, and their fluid * Anal. (ir.n. p. 422. f Analomie Micmscnj>iqif\ p. 141. 17 258 THE SOLIDS. contents escape, leaving the membrane in most cases entirely empty, and which, as well the aperture in its parietes, may be easily detected with the microscope; the soft contents of the vesicles break up, and resolve themselves into globules of an oil-like appearance. (See Plate XIX. fig. 4.) The second set of observations relate to the nucleus. If a thin slice of the fat of the pig be pressed as before between two slips of glass with a moderate degree of pressure, and then be submitted to the microscope, in very many of the cells will be seen a dark nucleus-like body. This experiment will not, however, always succeed. (See Plate XIX. fig. 1.) A body of a similar description, but of a more defined form, is very frequently encountered in the decomposing cells of marrow fat; this nucleated condition of the cells preceding their rupture. (See Plate XIX. fig. 3.) Again, in some fat cells contained in a small encysted tumour removed from over the nasal bones, and kindly sent to me for examination by W. H. Ransom, Esq., of University College Hospital, (to whose zeal and intelligence I am indebted for many interest- ing specimens of morbid structure,) nucleoid bodies were distinctly visible even without pressure, although they became more apparent after a gentle degree of compression had been applied. (See Plate XIX. fig. 6.) The apparent nuclei in the cases related differed from each other somewhat, being more defined and darker in the two latter than in the former; the cells themselves too were not identical in appearance; thus, the margins of those of the pig and of the human marrow fat were smooth and distinctly defined, while those from the tumour were less regular and distinct. (See Plate XIX. figs. 1.3.6.) Now these nucleus-like bodies in the several cases mentioned, although occupying the position of nuclei and presenting the appear- ance of such, it is very possible were not in reality true nuclei; it seems to me that their formation might be accounted for without any reference to a nucleus. Thus with respect to the nucleod bodies in the cells of the pig produced by pressure, their formation might be explained as follows: the mutual compression of the fat vesicles upon each other would tend to occasion a condensation of the semi-fluid contents in the centre of each, and in this way the appearance of nuclei would be produced. Again, the semblance of a nucleus in the decomposing cells mie development of additional tubuli in the interstices." 29 450 THE SOLIDS. It is only necessary to observe, in addition to the description of Dr. Carpenter, that, although the development of the kidney com- mences near to the Wolffian body, it is yet not formed out of it, but has an independent origin in its own proper blastema or primordial matter. In its earliest condition in the Mammalia, it consists of tubes proceeding from the hilus outwards towards the circumference in bundles; these tubes afterwards separate and become contorted, yet all terminate in enlarged and vesicular extremities—the Malpighian bodies. In the earliest state in which the kidney can be examined, the caeca alone exist in connexion with short tubes; the central or proximal extremities are free, and not yet united to the ureter. This fact proves that the kidney is not an involution of the genito-urinary mucous membrane, but an independent formation, as is, probably, every other gland. Such is a simple, concise, and, it is believed, in all essential partic- ulars, a correct account of the normal anatomy of the kidney. Reference to the various discrepant, contradictory, and often erro- neous statements of many writers on this subject has been hitherto purposely avoided, lest such should obscure the simplicity of the description just given. A few of the more remarkable statements and opinions advanced respecting the anatomy of the renal organs may now, however, be noticed with advantage and interest. Every statement, without exception, made by Mr. Bowman, one of the earliest and very best writers on the minute anatomy of the kid- ney, has been from time to time contradicted by different observers; by others, again, the descriptions of that gentleman have been con- firmed, and not denied. As might be readily imagined, the truth lies not exclusively with either the denying or the confirming observers. Thus, the reality of any connexion existing between the tube and the Malpighian body has been questioned and denied, and still con- tinues to be so; as also the existence of a vibratile epithelium in the upper portion of the uriniferous tube. The first particular has been denied by Miiller,* Reichert,+ Gerlach and Bidder; and the second has been doubted or denied by Huschke, Reichert, and Bidder. On the other hand, the observations of Schumlansky,J and A. Kolliker * "De Glandularum Secernentium Structura Peinitiori Earumque prima formatione in Homine atque Animalibus, Commentatio Anatomica."—Cum Tabulis am. incisis xvii. Leipsise, 1830. f Bericht uber die Fortschrilte der Mikroscopischen Anatomic in dem Jdhre, 1842; von K. B. Reichert, Prof, in Dorpat, Mailer's Archiv. 1843. \ "De Structura Renum," 8vo. 1788. GLANDS. 451 of Zurich, accord with those of Mr. Bowman on the first particular, and those of Bischoff, Valentin, Pappenheim, Gerlach, and Kolliker,* on the second, the latter observer describing the entire epithelium of the tubes as ciliated. It is so easy, however, to satisfy ourselves, in the kidney of every animal, of the reality of a connexion between the tube and the Mal- pighian body, as well as of the presence of a ciliated epithelium, in the upper portion of the uriniferous tubes, that it would be perfectly unjustifiable for observers again to call these two points in question. The statement of Mr. Bowman which has met with most opposition, is that made as to the entrance of the Malpighian capillary plexus into the cavity of the true capsule. Some observers have denied the cor- rectness of this description, on the simple ground of the anomalous position in which the blood-vessels would be placed, were such an arrangement the true one. This objection, however, is insufficient to disprove the accuracy of Mr. Bowman's explanation, since in the liver there is every reason to believe that the vascular and secreting ele- ments of glands are intimately associated. Again, some observers, not satisfied with Mr. Bowman's description, have given others. Thus, Gerlachf says that the Malpighian capsule is not, as Mr. Bowman described it, a blind termination of a uriniferous duct, but a retraction or introversion, a diverticulum of the same structureless membrane which forms the uriniferous tubes; also, "that when the Malpighian capillary net-work is closely examined, after the capsule has been entirely detached from it, we see it in its whole extent covered by a thick layer of nucleated cells, which are continued from the inner wall of the capsule upon the Malpighian vessels; and the latter lie introverted within a layer of cells, like an intestine within the peritoneum."! Gerlach's description is assuredly incorrect: the views of the structure of the Malpighian body, entertained by Bidder,§ although they approach more nearly to the truth, are also inaccurate: he con- siders that the glomerulus, or vascular plexus, is inserted or pushed * Ueber Flimmerbewig-ungen in den Primordial Nteren, Archiv. fur Anatomic, Physiologie, und Wissenchaftliche Medicin, Heft V. S. 518. 1845. f Beitrdge zur Slruclurlehre der Niere, von Dr. Joseph Gerlach, prakt in Mainz (Mayence), Mailer's Archiv. 1845. I Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, October, 1847. 5 Ueber die Malpighischen Korper der Niere, von F. Bidder in Dorpat, Miiller's Archiv. 1845. 452 THE SOLIDS. into the expanded portion of the uriniferous canal; this on its part embracing and surrounding the glomerulus. According to this view, the glomerulus would still be external to the cavity of the dilated extremity of the tube, the relation between the two being comparable to the head within the double night-cap. The correct view of the structure of the Malpighian body is, how- ever, much more simple than either of those just described. A Malpighian body, as already stated, consists of the dilated extremity of a uriniferous tube, over which is spread the Malpighian plexus: these two structures viz: the dilatation of the uriniferous tube, and the vascular plexus, constitute all that is essential in the anatomy of the Malpighian body: both are enclosed in a thick capsule: this is not, however, a structure peculiar to the Malpighian body, but a mere envelope, similar to, as well as a continuation of, that which invests the tubes themselves. A little reflection will show that this view reconciles many of the conflicting statements made in reference to the anatomy of the Mal- pighian body. The outer capsule referred to, which is that spoken ol by most other observers as the true Malpighian capsule, is evidently that which Mr. Bowman had in view as the dilated extremity of the uriniferious tube, and it is this which he described as being pierced by the Malpighian artery—a description literally and positively correct. The common envelope, which, however, as already stated, forms no necessary part of the Malpighian body, is really pierced by both the afferent and efferent vessels of that body, as well as by the tube. (See Plate LX. fig. 3.) Mr. Bowman's error consists in having regarded this mere outer covering as the true dilated extremity of the uriniferous tube, which it most certainly is not, and in having neces- sarily, as a consequence, overlooked the true extremity of the urin- iferous tube with its contained epithelium. Again, the confounding of this common envelope with the true Mal- pighian capsule accounts for the assertions of those observers who state that the uriniferous tube has no connexion with that capsule: it has, indeed, no connexion by continuity; it simply pierces it: of the inner or true capsule, the uriniferous tube is absolutely a continuation. The common envelope of the entire and perfect Malpighian body differs structurally from the true capsule: the latter is thin and struct ureless; the former, thick, and constituted of a delicately fibrous and nucleated form of elastic tissue. GLANDS. 453 Mr. Toynbee* is the only writer, with whose observations I am acquainted, who understands the true character of what is ordinarily regarded as the "capsule of the Corpus Malpighianum:" this he cor- rectly describes as being a distinct globular investment, and not, as was supposed, an expansion of the tube. Notwithstanding, however, the knowledge of this fact, Mr. Toyn- bee's views of the structure of the Malpighian body appear to me to be far from correct. Thus, Mr. Toynbee describes the Malpighian body as "composed of two distinct elements—a plexus of blood-vessels, and a membranous capsule, which completely surrounds and envelopes the plexus." Each Malpighian body is indeed composed of two distinct and essential elements, the dilated extremity of the uriniferous tube embraced and surrounded by the Malpighian plexus: the outer investment, called by Mr. Toynbee and others "the capsule," is not a structure essential to the Malpighian body, since it alike invests this and the uriniferous tubes for its whole length attached to it. Again, Mr. Toynbee describes the uriniferous tube, after pene- trating the capsule, as twisting into-a coil, and after being in contact with the ramifications of the corpus, as emerging from the capsule. This last statement shows that Mr. Toynbee was unacquainted with the proper character of the most important and essential of the two elements of the Corpus Malpighianum, viz: the dilated extremity of the uriniferous tube, filled with its secreting cells. Pathology. The kidney would appear to be more liable to morbid alterations than any other organ in the body; nevertheless, its pathology is still far from being completely understood, notwithstanding that several observers have paid especial attention to the subject. Several of the pathological conditions of this organ appear to have been confounded together under the common term "Bright's Disease." A very frequent pathological condition of the secreting cells of the kidney is that in which they are laden with globules of an oily fluid, similar to those which occur in the hepatic cells in the affection com- monly called fatty liver, or fatty degeneration of the liver, but which would be more correctly distinguished by the appellation of oily liver; * "On the Intimate Structure of the Human Kidney, and on the changes which its several parts undergo in Bright's Disease." By Joseph Toynbee, F. R. S.—Medico- Chirurgical Transactions, June 1846. 454 THE SOLIDS. the corresponding affection in the renal organ being known by the name of oily kidney. It is this condition of the renal cells which, in Dr. George John- son's* opinion, constitutes the true Morbus Brightii. The large, smooth, and mottled kidneys are those in which the oily matter abounds; the smoothness, according to Dr. Johnson, depend- ing upon the uniform distribution of the tubes in the cortical portion of the kidney with the oily matter. The wasted and granular kidneys, according to the same observer, are those in which the accumulation of fat takes place less rapidly and less uniformly; certain of the convoluted tubes becoming dis- tended with fat, forming prominent granulations; and these, pressing upon the surrounding tubes and vessels, occasion their obliteration and atrophy, a wasting and contraction of the entire organ being the result. This condition attends the more advanced stages of Bright's Disease, and is the sequence of the first-described form of the affection. Dr. Johnson, from numerous examinations, has arrived at the inter- esting and important conclusion, that the oily disease of the kidney is generally coexistent with a similar affection of the liver, and even with steatomatous deposition in the coats of the arteries, and to a less extent with tubercular deposit in the lungs. Dr. Johnson also maintains the opinion, that the oily deposition is not preceded by any inflammatory or congestive stage: congestion accompanies the disease; but this may be either active or passive, and when the latter, is produced by the pressure to which the vessels are subject in consequence of the distention of the epithelial cells, and which pressure gives rise to the effusion of serum and blood within the tubes. These results are, however, the effects, and not the cause of the disease. The dropsy ensuing on scarlet fever, Dr. Johnson considers, does not depend upon the presence of oil in the cells of the kidney; this dropsy he regards as the result partly of the cutaneous disease, and partly of the effort made by the kidneys to relieve the skin, the cir- culation and functions of which are so much impaired. From experiments made on cats, it appears that confinement in dark chambers has the effect of inducing granular disease of the kid- ney, accompanied by deposition of oil in the urine. * "On the Minute Anatomy and Pathology of Bright's Disease of the Kidney, and on the relation of the Renal Disease, to those Diseases of the Liver, Heart, and Arteries with which it is commonly associated." George Johnson, M. D.—Medico- Chirurgical Transactions, 1846. GLANDS. 455 Dr. Johnson regards the existence of albuminous urine as quite a secondary effect. The results of Mr. Toynbee's investigation on the pathology of Bright's Disease are very different, as we shall presently perceive, from those of Dr. Johnson: both observers, however, agree in the statement that there can be no doubt that albuminous urine often exists, without any deposition of fat in the epithelial cells of the kid- ney; as in dropsy after scarlatina. The following is Mr. Toynbee's own exposition of his researches on the pathology of Bright's Disease: " The First Stage of the Disease.—In this stage the kidney is enlarged, and innu- merable black points are visible, which are the corpora Malpighiana dilated, and their vessels distended with blood, seen through the capsule. The white spots, which derive their appearance from the collection of fatty matter, begin to be perceptible. "The peculiar features of this stage consist of an enlargement of the arteries enter- ing the corpora Malpighiana; the dilatation of the vessels of the tuft, the capillaries and the veins; an increase in the size of the capsule of the corpus and of the tubuli, and a large addition to the quantity of the parenchyma of the organ. "The condition of the arteries is visibly changed, even at this early period; the artery entering the corpus being actually twice or thrice its natural size; which is the case also with the Malpighian tuft, and the capillary vessels which spring from the tuft. An injection, in this stage, cannot very easily be made to pass through the tuft, and fill the capsule of the corpus—a circumstance which almost always attends injection in the later stnges of the disease. " The capillaries and veins are greatly enlarged, giving to the surface of the organ the resemblance of net-work. This is the commencement of the stellated condition, which is so marked a characteristic of the next stage of the complaint. "The tubuli in this stage are also much increased in their dimensions; but the fat which is found in them is soft and white. " The Second Stage of the Disease.—The organ in this stage is very greatly increased in size, its surface is smooth, and presents numerous white spots; the cap- sule is but slightly adherent to the surface, and the tissue of the organ is flabby. "The structural changes exhibited during this stage are the following: " 1st. The artery of the corpus Malpighianum becomes so greatly enlarged, that frequently it equals the dimensions of the tube itself, and is eight or ten times its natural size. It is tortuous and dilated, and sometimes, previously to entering the capsule of the corpus, presents swellings analogous to those of varicose veins. The primary branches of it, in forming the tuft, are also distended to ten or fifteen times their natural size, and are not unfrequently discovered external to the capsule of the corpus, as though thrust out by some internal force. The vessels forming the tuft are likewise enormously enlarged, and very often the minutest branches are fully as large as the main artery of the corpus in a healthy state. " Occasionally the tuft is broken up, and, instead of forming a compact mass, exhib- its its individual branches separated from each other. At other times the branches of the tuft arc actually larger than the primitive artery of the corpus. Under these 456 THE SOLIDS. circumstances it is singular that Mr. Bowman should have made the following remarks 'Though I have examined with great care many kidneys at this stage of the complaint, I have never seen, in any instance, a clearly dilated condition of the Malpighian tuft of vessels:' he adds, 'on the contrary, my friend Mr. Busk, an excellent observer, has specimens which undoubtedly prove these tufts not to be dilated in the present stage: and I possess injected specimens showing them in all stages, but never above their natural size.'—It is very possible that the peculiar injection used by Mr. Bowman may account for the fact which he mentions; and this conjecture is rendered ex- tremely probable, as in the later stages of the disease, the Malpighian tuft becomes pressed upon by the adipose accumulation within, and, after undergoing compression, will permit the fluid used in the process of double injection to pass through rather than yield and distend. There are instances, again, in which the tufts are not enlarged, but appear healthy, even in organs otherwise extensively diseased: but it is important to add that these tufts, both in the second and third stages, when but slightly enlarged, or even not enlarged at all, will offer free passage to the injection, on the most gentle pressure, without even distending the whole of their vessels, and thus indicate their diseased condition. " An enlargement of the renal arteries and dilatation of their branches, are also observable in this stage of the disorder. "The capsule of the corpus, too, is in this stage very greatly increased in size, and during the process of injection becomes frequently filled with the injection thrown into the arterial system. " The tubuli differ considerably from their healthy condition, being enlarged to two or three times their natural size, and aggregated together in masses, so as to lie in contact with each other, and form definite, roundish bodies: they are also extremely convoluted with numerous dilatations: frequently thev are varicose. At other times they present distinct aneurismal sacs, which bulge out from one part of the wall of the tube, to which they are attached by a small neck or pedicle. Occa- sionally, some of the vessels of a convolution are smaller than the, others, and their size nearly natural. The tubuli in the masses are so closely packe'd that the blood- vessels are evidently compressed, and rendered incapable of admitting an injection. At times, a tube, even at some distance from the corpus, becomes very convoluted and knotted into a mass. " Parenchyma.—In cases where the kidney is much enlarged, the parenchymatous cells will be found not merely increased in size, but adipose deposition will be visible throughout them. " The Third Stage of the Disease.—The kidneys are smaller than their natural size; hard, white granules are prominent on their surface, which is more or less lobulated; the capsule is adherent; vesicles of large size are frequently every where interspersed, and numbers of smaller ones stud the whole surface. On making a section, the organ is found to be deprived of blood; the cortical part contracted, the blood-vessels large and their walls thick. " Arteries.—The arteries are in a more contracted condition than that described in the second stage; and the Malpighian tuft is often so changed from its natural state, that the greater part of its vessels are not capable of being injected. " The capsule of the corpus has assumed a more contracted appearance. "The arteries in this stage are so difficult to inject, that some anatomists have GLANDS. 457 denied the possibility of the operation. The difficulty has its origin in the great pressure, which is exerted on the whole of the arterial system, by the contraction and hardening of the organ. " Veins.—The veins in this stage present, on the surface of the organ, the well known stellated aspect which arises from the gradual pressure exerted on the trunks and the contraction of the organ. " Tubuli.—The tubuli are larger than in the preceding stage, and are gathered into rounded masses, which form the granules on the surface of the organ. The latter are of a white hue, and are most commonly fully distended with fatty depositions; though not unfrequently they appear like dark spots; the tubuli, in that case, being full of blood. A rounded appearance is generally characteristic of the granules, in each of which the component tubule forms innumerable convolutions. It is extremely difficult to inject the tubuli from the ureter; indeed, it is very rarely that it is possible to distend them from this source; nor is it an easy matter to fill them from the artery, though, as will be seen by the drawings, my efforts have not been without success. " The tubuli are filled with oily cells, granular matter, particles of various sizes, and blood globules. " Parenchyma.—The parenchyma is hard, and is composed of elongated stellated cells, from the angles of which fine threads proceed, and communicate with each other." The researches of Mr. Simon and Dr. Johnson, which appeared simultaneously in the " Transactions of the Medico-Chirurgical Soci- ety" for 1847, have brought to light other facts in the pathology of the kidneys. It is proposed in the next place to give an abstract of the observations of each of these observers, couched, as far as possi- ble, in the language of the authors. Mr. Simon's paper is entitled "On Sub-acute Inflammation of the Kidney." "Without dwelling on those excessively rare cases, where idiopathic nephritis (independent of tubercles or of calculus) may, by its mere intensity, have ended in large suppuration or (almost uniquely) in gangrene, I may state that, in an infinite majority of instances, inflammation of the kidneys is sub-acute. It depends on some humoral derangement of the entire system, and commences as functional excitement manifest in an act of over-secretion. The morbid material which thus stimulates the kidney in its struggle for elimination will sometimes consist of products of faulty digestion—the lithates or the oxalates; sometimes of matters cast upon the kidney in consequence of suppressed function in other organs—the skin, or the liver; some- times will be the mysterious ferment of a fever poison—typhusfor scarlatina. In these several cases, whatever variety may exist in the detail of their causation, the essential symptoms during life, and the essential anatomical changes, are strictly identical in kind. They vary only in degree. The maleries morbi seeks to effect its discharge by means of an increased activity in the secreting functions of the kidney: it stimulates it; and the result of the stimulation is not so much an increase of the watery secre- tion as it is an augmented cell growth in the tubules of the gland- This accel- eration of function is incompatible with maturity of the secreted products; the 458 THE SOLIDS. epithelial cells undergo various arrests or modifications of development, and become more or less palpably imbued with evidences of inflammation. "If attention happen to be directed to the state of the urine, that fluid will be found to present manifest signs of derangement. Microscopical examination will show in it numerous nucleated cells, which, in the hurry of over-secretion, have descended from the urinary tubules. Many free cytoblasts will likewise generally present them- selves, together with a variety of those indefinite shapes which are known to the Morphologist as abortions of cell-growth, and which constitute a series of connecting forms between the pus globule and the healthy gland cell. Mingled with these, in greater or less quantity, will be noticed also those remarkable fibrinous threads first described by Dr. Franz Simon in connexion with renal disease. They are seen as exceedingly delicate, almost perfectly transparent and colourless cylinders, often con- taining in their mass some of the cell forms just enumerated, or, not unusually, a few blood discs, resulting from haemorrhage into the tubules. "On several occasions, where the renal irritation has been gouty, I have seen crystals of lithic acid thus entangled in fibrin: in other cases, though far less fre- quently, I have distinguished crystals of oxalate of lime similarly enveloped. It is well known that these little cylinders are fibrinous moulds of the inflamed urinary tubules, some of the other contents of which they bring with them in their descent. They are thus quite as characteristic of the disease they attend as croupy expectora- tion is of tracheitis; and the cells or crystals included in them often afford the most valuable therapeutical indications. " If patients chance to die while their urine is first furnishing the signs enumerated, it will often happen that the kidneys, in their general appearance, present no marked deviation from healthiness. Their cortical substance may, indeed, show the minute blood dots of intra-tubular haemorrhage; or, more rarely, may present here and there a pin-head abscess. But often, perhaps most often, a superficial observer would pro- nounce the kidneys healthy; and, unless previous knowledge of the albuminuria had existed, they would receive no farther attention; or the Case-Book might contain that vaguest of all vague records—' slight congestion of the kidney.' "On minuter analysis, however, the microscope will reveal a large amount of disense. The ultimate tubules are found, as one might anticipate, gorged with an uneliminable excess of crude and vitiated secretion. Blood and amorphous matter, and an infinite range of cell-growth, from pus globules to the healthy germination of the gland, present themselves in various combinations; and among them shape or colour will sometimes enable us to discern the specific cause of the derangement—crvstals of lithic acid or of oxalate of lime, or the ochreous tinting of bile. By products such as these the tubes are plugged, irregularly distended, and not unfrequently burst and annihilated. So close is the compaction of material, even in manv of those tubes that have no shaped inflammatory products within them, that they are plainly impervious; and it is only by artificial means—by further tearing of the frag- ment, or by use of chemical agents, that we can satisfy ourselves that the dense plug in question consists but of agglomerated gland cells. "Now, in the post mortem examination of these chronic cases, we may or may not find the kidneys materially contracted and deformed. It happens, to say the least, very frequently that the organ has preserved its full size, and presents the ordinary colours. Perhaps it may have a cyst or two on its surface. Between such kidneys GLANDS. 450 and those which are all knobbed and puckered and wrinkled, there is not the essen- tial difference which first sight would suggest. I shall first detail the changes which are latent in the healthier-looking kidney, and subsequently shall consider the anatomy of the contracted specimens, and analyze the circumstances which deter- mine that apparent atrophy of the gland. "In the first instance, then: In commencing the microscopical examination of the cortical substance, we partially find a similar state of tubes to that described in con- nexion with the sub-acute attack—a state, namely, of unequal distention and of blocking up by their own accumulated products. In the cases which have lasted a long time, these products will often be found to have undergone material altera- tions, from the combined effects of pressure and absorption. The contents of the epithelial cells will have lost much of their natural fine granularity; so that the cells will appear, even when viewed singly, to have acquired a marked increase of solidity and substance. But, more than this: in many parts hardly a trace of tubularity will be found; the tubes have been burst; their contents have been interfused amid the matrix and blood-vessels; and their debris may be found on opposite sides of a preparation—here black and bloated, there pale and collapsed. " Between these trophies of disease there is a new manifestation. The interspace is crowded with a profuse development of cysts, apparently foreign to the healthy structure of the part. They are of all sizes; some are visible to the naked eye; some are of the magnitude of normal gland cells, T?o4™'} 0 0 6; but the majority are of an intermediate bulk, ^l™1^. Even where smallest, they are distinguished by their sharp outline; and the larger ones are conspicuous by their roundness and trans- parency, for all above j$j^ have predominantly fluid contents. "To explain this very remarkable phenomenon, I take leave to digress for a moment from the straight-forward pursuit of the inflammatory changes. Any one who has made a dozen post-mortem examinations must have observed cysts in the kidney; and there can be few pathologists who have not speculated on the origin of these growths. Their connexion with chronic obstructive diseases of the kidney being notorious, some observers have supposed them to originate in dilatation of the Mal- pighian capsules; while others have referred them to distention of the urinary tubules. They exhibit great variety in size; they are seen every day as small as mustard-seeds; they have been seen as large as cocoa-nuts. Thus, they obviously range from a very conspicuous largeness to a size at which the naked eye loses them. On microscopical examination of cysted kidneys, the same uninterrupted gradation of size is seen to repeat itself. The larger vesicles fill the field of the microscope; the smaller ones diminish progressively, so that scores of them may be in the field at the same time. "A section of cysted kidney, carefully examined with a sufficent magnifying power, may show an astonishing number of these minute vesicles; a number quite dispropor- tionate to that of the larger cysts visible to the naked eye; so that, sometimes, by a single one of the latter class seen on the surface of the kidney, I have found myself guided to a disease which is substantially a vesicular transformation of the ultimate structure of the gland. The smallest cysts are simple nucleated cells, of the same size (or rather within the same limits of size) as the common secretory, or epithelial cells of the gland. From these cells they seem to be distinguished by their very definite outlines, and by their transparent fluid contents: but a step further in micro- scopical analysis shows that the distinction ceases at this point. They show no signs 460 THE SOLIDS. of a specific origin; no germs can be found for them other than might equally belong to epithelial development; it seems as though from the same germs—according, no doubt, to varying influences—healthy gland cells might grow, or these fluid-hold- ing cysts. "Fuller investigation of the specimen reveals the following very suggestive fact: the copious formation of cells occupies the place of tubes, holding their relation to the vascular plexus of the gland; and, as one gets to the periphery of the portion of gland thus transfigured, one finds the broken extremities of the original tubules— some empty and collapsed, others obstructed and often dilated with morbid accumula- tion. In some cases, this obstructive material contains a large proportion of fat, or consists of it almost entirely. " In short, in pursuing the minute anatomy of the cysted kidney, we are conducted back to that same structural change which we found in connexion with sub-acute nephritis, and demonstrably dependent on inflammatory processes; or sometimes we are led to a change in some respects similar to this, associated with what is known as the mottled condition of the kidney. "The pathology of cysted kidney may accordingly be traced in either of two direc- tions; from its first causation, or from its extreme phenomena. Following the latter course, we have ascended to a period in the history of cysts, in which they lie with numberless gland-germs amid the remnants of broken tubules. The unbroken tubules around show no growth of such cysts in their interior; many are distended, it is true, but not with cysts; their distention is of a kind that we have already inves- tigated—inflammatory, or perhaps fatty. From the smallness attained by the cysts, it seems quite obvious to me, that they cannot commence in any transformation of the tubes themselves or of the Malpighian capsules. Accordingly, I find the same theory suggested by this method of inquiry, as when the morbid change had been traced descensively from its causes, viz: that certain diseases of the kidney (whereof sub-acute inflammation is by far the most frequent) tend to produce a blocking up of the tubes: that this obstruction, directly or indirectly, produces rupture of the limit- ary membrane; and that then, what should have been the intra-tubular cell-growth continues with certain modifications as a parenchytic development. "During the growth of the cysts, they frequently exhibit an endogenous formation of cells which line them as an epithelium. "If I am right in my statement of facts, and if my theory of the cyst-growth is sound, then the early stages of the process are certainly points of great interest: for no one accustomed to the interpretation of nature, can doubt the reparative tendency of these acts. The effused gland-germs are the last phenomena of the original dis- ease, and the first of the attempted compensation. The transparent nucleated cysts, with their clear, sharp outlines, are not mere dropsical epithelia; but are organized for secretion into their own cavities, so as at least to withdraw from the blood, if they cannot eliminate from the body, the materials which fill them. " Returning now to the traces of inflammation in an uncontracted kidney, we have yet to ascertain the condition of its blood-vessels. Numbers of the Malpighian bodies are extinct for all purposes of secretion: their vessels obliterated, their cap- sules wrinkled round them; they are dwindled, opaque and bloodless. Sometimes the contraction of the Malpighian bodies is secondary on that rupture of their capil- laries which Mr. Bowman has indicated as the source of intra-tubular haemorrhage; GLANDS. 461 which rupture, of course, may have arisen either in an augmented impulse of the arterial stream which fills them, or in an impeded circulation through the venus plexus into which they discharge themselves. But rupture of the capillaries is not the only cause of atrophy, to which these bodies are liable in the disease under consideration. The vascular tufts may be exposed to injurious pressure from materials accumu- lated in their capsules. Thus, 1 have seen them flattened into a fourth of their natural compass, while the remaining larger portion of the capsule (probably con- tinuous with an obstructed tubule) has been distended with a colourless and transparent fluid. " Such is the minute anatomy of a kidney, which, having suffused from sub-acute inflammation, has undergone, in consequence, no noticeable alteration of volume, although having in its interior a very considerable new development. "If the pathology of the uncontracted kidney be rightly understood, that of the contracted specimen will follow it naturally. It seems to me that, in the mere destruction and absorption of tissues, there is abundant explanation of the shrunken dimensions of a kidney which has passed through inflammatory changes. The tubes have burst, and a great portion of their contents has been removed by absorption; the Malpighian bodies have dwindled to a few; what, then, remains to make bulk? In the uncontracted specimen a false appearance of size is maintained by the adventi- tious cyst-growth, which, I have described as filling the interstices of the organ. But the cysts are so much over and above the real kidney-structure; and if that succulent surplus could be removed, the result, as I have suggested, would be the falling together of wasted textures into a comparatively small compass. The cause of shrinking in the gland is the gradual absorption of spoiled material. This cause operates equally in all chronic cases, and its effects are to be traced in the uncon- tracted, as in the contracted specimen. The main difference between these two lies in the more or less of interstitial cyst-development; the most dwindled are those in which least of the new growth has arisen or has survived. "I see no reason for believing that the interstitial effusion of lymph effects much towards the final contraction of the kidney. There are not wanting, I know, some pathologists who will assert it to be the great agent in the change; and who conceive they have seen the whole process of fibre-formation, according to the most approved foreign cell-theories. But I suspect that the observers of new fibre will often have confounded cause and effect. Coincidently with atrophy of the kidney, there occurs a contraction of the reticular matrix; but that contraction is, probably, consequent on a prior absorption of the intervening tissue. The meslies of the matrix come nearer together, and, in a given space, there is an excess of fibrous tissue, only because the material is withdrawn, which originally expanded that matrix through three times the space it now occupies. "Up to the present point, I have studiously avoided introducing the ambiguous and controversial name of 'Bright's Disease.' And now it will probably be asked, what relation to Bright's Disease is borne by the malady I have treated of? Is it the same thing under another name? This question can be answered in a word, only when it shall have been settled what Bright's Disease really is. The history of the complaint or complaints, included under that title, was, perhaps, originally systematized with too much haste. Starting from dropsy with albuminuria, and noticing that two chief forms of morbid appearance corresponded to that symptom (one, namely, where the 462 THE SOLIDS. kidney was large and mottled; the other, where it was contracted and knobbed, or irregularly granular), pathologists have considered these two forms as representing the extreme stages of one and the same disease. "I must venture to express a doubt as to the justice of this generalization. After investigating both classes extensively, I am convinced that the mottled and the con- tracted kidney do, in almost every instance, belong to different morbid actions; not to different stages of the same. "The mottled kidneys, in an infinitely large proportion of cases, remain large and mottled to the end. "I have now little further to add; with respect to the symptoms of sub-acute inflammation of the kidney, I will make one observation in addition to those already embodied in my paper. The descent of epithelium and its germs with the urine; the presence of albumen there, and sometimes of blood; the little casts of the tubules—sometimes wrought of fibrin, sometimes of compressed epithelium;— these signs belong equally to the sub-acute inflammation and to the scrofulous disease. They are signals simply of renal irritation, whether from one cause or the other, and I suspect they only attend the scrofulous disease at that stage of its progress in which sub-acute inflammatory action is superadded to the primary fatty degeneration. Dr. Johnson's accurate observation has enabled us, under most cir- cumstances, to diagnose the two classes from each other; for, in the scrofulous disease there will be always seen, as he describes, more or less oil entangled in the fibrinous casts, or gorging the cells which descend in the urine; a phenomenon which does not belong to the pure sub-acute inflammation." The following pages embrace the more important portions of Dr. Johnson's communication, which is entitled, "On the Inflammatory Diseases of the Kidney:" "In a paper published in the last volume of the 'Society's Transactions,' I gave some account of fatty degeneration of the kidney, and declared my intention to make the inflammatory diseases the subject of a separate communication. On the present occasion, I purpose to bring before the Society the result of some observations on this very interesting and important subject. " In the paper before alluded to, when referring to the condition of the kidney, which occurs as a consequence of scarlatina, I stated that "it is, in fact, an inflamma- tion of the kidney, excited, like the inflammation of the skin which constitutes the eruption of scarlatina, by the passage through the part of the peculiar fever-poison; and as the inflammation of the skin terminates in an excessive development of epidermis, and a desquamation of the surface, so the inflammation of the kidney excites an increased development of the epithelium which lines the urinary tubules- this material partly accumulates in and chokes up the tubes, while part of it becomes washed out with the urine, and may be detected in large quantities in that fluid by the aid of the microscope. " To the account then given, which I believe to be essentially correct, subsequent observations enable me to make some important additions. "On a microscopical examination, the convoluted tubes are seen filled in different degrees with nucleated cells, differing in no essential character from those which lme GLANDS. 463 the tubes of the healthy gland. The chief difference between these cells, which are the product of inflammation, and those which exist in health, consists in the former being generally of smaller size and more opaque and dense in their texture. It is very interesting and important to observe that, while the convoluted tubes are rendered opaque by this accumulation of cells in their interior, the Malpighian bodies are trans- parent and apparently quite healthy. The straight tubes which form the pyramids also contain an increased number of cells; but there is reason to believe, that these cells are not formed in these portions of the tubes, but that they are lodged there in their passage from the convoluted through the straight tubes; the latter being merely ducts leading into the pelvis of the kidney. Some of the tubes contain blood, which has, doubtless, escaped from the gorged Malpighian vessels lying within the dilated extremities of the tubes. There is no deposit outside the tubes. The essential changes in the kidney are an increased fullness of the blood-vessels, and an abundant development of epithelial cells, differing slightly in general appearance, size, and consistence, from the normal renal cells; this increased cell-development occurring in those portions of the urinary tubules, the office of which, as Mr. Bowman has suggested, is to excrete the peculiar saline constituents of the urine, while the Mal- pighian bodies, whose office is the separation of the water, are unaffected. " The condition of the urine in these cases, is clearly indicative of the changes occurring in the kidney. After the urine has been allowed to stand for a short time, a sediment forms, and, on placing a portion of this under the microscope, there may be seen blood corpuscles, with epithelial cells in great numbers, partly free and partly entangled in cylindrical fibrinous casts of the urinary tubes; and, very commonly, numerous crystals of lithic acid are present. As the disease subsides, which, under proper treatment, it usually does in a few days, the blood, fibrinous casts, and epithelial cells, diminish in quantity, and finally disappear; but traces of the casts and cells are still visible some days after the urine has ceased to coagulate on the application of heat or nitric acid. " The casts and cells which appear in the urine, when the disease is subsiding, are such as have remained some time in the urinary tubes before they have become washed out by the current of fluid poured into the tubes from the Malpighian bodies; many of the cells entangled in these casts have, consequently, become disintegrated and broken up into amorphous granular masses; thus presenting appearances which I shall presently show are characteristic of the casts occurring in cases of chronic nephritis. Such is the morbid anatomy of the kidney, and such are the characters of the urine occurring as a consequence of scarlatina. "To the form of renal disease here described as occurring in connexion with scarlatina, I propose to give the name of ' acute desquamative nephritis? "The next form of inflammatory disease, to which I would direct attention, is one of great interest and importance. Two drawings by Mr. Westmacott represent the disease in two different stages; one represents a kidney in the earlier stage; the other shows a more advanced stage of the same disease. The kidney is never much enlarged; in the earlier stage, the size of the organ is natural, and the structure of the cortical portion appears confused, as if from the admixture of some abnormal product; there is also some increase of vascularity. As the disease advances, the cortical portion gradually wastes; the entire organ becomes contracted, firm, and granular; the pyramidal bodies remaining comparatively unaffected even in the most 464 THE SOLIDS. advanced stages: simultaneously with the diminution in size of the kidney, there is a decrease of vascularity. These changes occur very gradually; the disease is essen- tially chronic, having a duration in most cases of many months, and in some even of several years. It is almost confined to persons who are in the habit of partaking freely of fermented liquors; it is very commonly seen in those who have suffered from gout, and is not, uncommon in those who, having indulged freely in the use of fermented liquors, have yet never had an attack of gout. It is sometimes, but I believe rarely, met with in those whose mode of life has been strictly temperate and abstemious. The symptoms usually attending the disease, are the following:— dropsy, which commonly is not excessive, often coming on only in the most advanced stages, and sometimes being entirely absent throughout the entire progress of the disease. The urine is commonly albuminous: it seldom, however, contains a very large quantity of albumen, and sometimes there is no coagulation on the addition of heat or nitric acid. The urine is sometimes high-coloured and scanty; but in most cases, it is rather abundant, pale, and of low specific gravity—from 1005 to 1010. In some instances, the quantity of urine is much greater than in health, and this increased quantity of urine is secreted by kidneys which are found after death to be contracted to one-third of their original bulk. In urine of such low specific gravity, there is, of course, a deficiency of the solid constituents, while the blood, which is much changed and impoverished, contains an excess of these materials. " On a microscopical examination of the kidney, the nature of the above-mentioned changes is very clearly revealed, and at the same time, the attending symptoms are satisfactorily explained. My account of these phenomena will be rendered more intelligible, if I give the facts and their explanation at the same time. "On placing thin sections of the kidney under the microscope, some of the tubes are seen to be in precisely the same condition as in a case of acute desquamative nephritis: they are filled and rendered opaque by an accumulation within them of nucleated cells, differing in no essential respect from the normal epithelium of the kidney: this increase in the number, and this slight alteration in the character, of the epithelial cells, are the result of the elimination, by the kidney, of mal-assimilated products, which are being continually developed in these gouty and intemperate subjects, and which are not normal constituents of the renal secretion. " There must evidently be a certain limit to the number of cells which can be formed in any one of the urinary tubes; for, although some of the cells escape with the liquid part of the secretion, and so may be seen in the urine, as in a case of acute desquamative nephritis, yet, in many of the tubes, the cells become so closely packed, that the further formation of cells is impossible, and the process of coil-development, and, consequently, of secretion within that tube, are arrested. The cells, thus formed and filling up the tube, gradually decay, and become more or less disintegrated. While these changes are going on in the convoluted portions of the tubes, the Mal- pighian bodies remain quite healthy, the Malpighian capsules for the most part transparent, and the vessels in their interior are perfect. From these vessels water with some albumen and coagulable matter, is continually being poured into the tubes; and, as a consequence of this, the disintegrated epithelial cells are washed out by the current of liquid flowing through the tubes so that, on examining the sedimentary portion of the urine, we find in it cylindrical moulds of the urinary tubes composed of epithelium in different degrees of disintegration, and rendered coherent by the glands/ 41.rj • fibrinous matter which coagulates among its particles. The appearance of these casts are quite characteristic of this form of 'chronic desquamative nephritis.' "There is reason to believe, that when the process of cell-development and of secretion have once been arrested, by the tube becoming filled with its accumulated contents, it never recovers its lining of normal epithelial cells; but, when the disin- tegrated epithelium has become washed away from the interior of the tube, the basement membrane may be seen, in some cases, entirely denuded of epithelium; in other cases, a few granular particles of the old decayed epithelium remain: and again, in other instances, the interior of a tube, which has been deprived of its proper glandular epithelium, is seen lined by small delicate transparent cells, very similar to those which may sometimes be seen covering the vessels of the Malpighian tuft. " It now becomes interesting to ascertain what further change the tube undergoes, after having lost its normal epithelium. It is quite certain that, as a general rule, the Malpighian bodies remain unaffected, both in structure and in their office of secreting the watery constituents of the urine, until the whole of the disintegrated epithelium has been washed out of the tubes. Of this there are two proofs; the first is the fact of a very long convoluted tube having its contents completely washed out, and its basement membrane left quite naked: this could happen only as a consequence of a current of liquid passing through the tube, and there is no known source of such a current but the Malpighian vessels: the second proof is still more convincing and satisfactory, and it is this—that a tube may often be seen entirely denuded of its epithelial lining, and continuous with a Malpighian body, in the interior of which the vessels are quite perfect. " Now, a tube of this kind, deprived of its lining of normal epithelium, has manifestly lost its power of separating from the blood the solid constituents of the urine, while the Malpighian vessels remaining unaffected, the power of secreting water remains. Further, it appears probable not only that the Malpighian body continues to secrete water, but that the whole length of a convoluted tube thus deprived of its proper epithelium, and either remaining naked or lined by delicate nucleated cells, such as those which cover the Malpighian vessels—that the entire length of such a tube becomes a secretor of water, which it abstracts from the portal plexus of vessels on its exterior. This is rendered probable by the appearance of the tube itself; and the probability is still further increased by the fact of the tubes becoming, in some cases, dilated into cysts, which usually contain a simple serous fluid, without any of the solid constituents of the urine. " It has long been supposed that the simple cysts, which are so commonly seen in connexion with some forms of renal disease, are, in fact, dilatations of the urinary tubes. I am not aware that any satisfactory evidence has been adduced in confirma- tion of tins opinion, but there are some facts and arguments which appear to me abundantly sufficient to prove the accuracy of the notion. " ] st. The tubes thus denuded of their epithelium are' often seen much dilated. I have repeatedly seen them three or four times exceeding their normal diameter. In some cases the dilatation is very sudden, so that the tube assumes a globular form, and appears to bulge in the intervals of the fibro-cellular tissue, in which the tubes are packed: in some cases, too, the basement membrane appears thickened in propor- tion to the dilatation of its cavity. Now, this process of dilatation having once com- menced and the lower end of the tube becoming closed by a deposit in its interior, or 30 466 THE SOLIDS. by pressure from without, there is no reason to suppose that the process may not continue until a cyst as large as a pea or a walnut is formed. "2dly. But there are other facts which afford a very interesting and remarkable confirmation of this notion. In a case of simple acute or chronic nephritis, the quantity of oil in the secreting cells of the kidney is very small; sometimes, indeed, none can be detected. But it frequently happens that, after a tube has been stripped of its secreting cells in the manner before mentioned, an accumulation of fatty mat- ter occurs in its interior, the denuded basement membrane becomes scattered over with separate oil globules, and these increase in size until they form masses of fatty matter, having much the appearance of adipose tissue; and such a mass is frequently washed out from the tube, and may be detected in the urine. This occasional filling of the tube with fatty matter is very interesting in connexion with the fact, that in some cases the cysts, which are supposed to be dilated tubes, are also found filled with the same material. In two cases, I have found a cyst as large as a hazel-nut, quite full of oil, presenting all the characters of that seen in the tubes which have lost their epithelium in consequence of chronic inflammation. "The evidence, then, of the simple serous cysts being dilated tubes, is the follow- ing:—1st. That tubes are often seen much dilated and thickened. 2d. As the inner surface of the tubes has the appearance of being endowed with the power of secreting water, so the cysts usually contain a simple serous fluid. 3d. As an accu- mulation of oil occasionally occurs in the tubes, so the cysts are in some instances filled with the same material. 4th. There is no reason to suppose that these cysts have any other origin. It appears probable that the Malpighian bodies could not become dilated into cysts, because an accumulation of liquid within the Malpighian capsule would necessarily compress and obliterate the vessels of the Malpighian tuft and so would cut off the further supply of fluid. " Another change consequent upon the destruction of the cells which line the urinary tubes is, a diminished supply of blood, and a gradual wasting of the tube. I have already shown that there must be a close connexion between an increased development of epithelial cells, and an increased afflux of blood to the part. This is well seen in a case of acute desquamative nephritis, and vice versa, a more or less com- plete destruction of the epithelial cells will be attended by a corresponding diminished afflux of blood, and a consequent atrophy of the part affected. In every kidney which has been the subject of chronic inflammation, there may be seen tubes con- tracted in different degrees, as a consequence of the destruction of their epithelial lining; in some instances, the basement membrane becomes folded, and presents an appearance not very unlike white fibrous tissue. As a consequence of this wasting of successive sets of tubes, there is a gradual diminution in the bulk of the cortical portion of kidney, until, at length, the entire organ becomes small, contracted, and granular. When a thin section of a kidney, thus atrophied, is placed under the microscope, there may be seen an abundance of fibrous tissue; and this has often been described as new fibrous tissue developed during the progress of the disease: whereas it is, in reality, nothing more than the atrophied remains of the basement membrane of the tubes, with the healthy fibrous tissue arranged in the form of a network in which the tubes are packed, and which now appears more abundant in consequence of the wasting of the tubes. "It has already been stated that the Malpighian bodies are unaffected in the GLANDS. 467 progress of this disease; and this is true, in so far as they remain, for the most part, free from any deposit or accumulation in their interior; but they must necessarily be affected by the changes occurring in other parts of the organ. Thus, the destruction of many of the Malpighian bodies is a necessary consequence of the simultaneous wasting of the vessels and tubes which occurs in the advanced stages of chronic nephritis: and, during the progress of the disease, the vessels of the Malpighian tuft will be in a state of more or less active congestion, in proportion to the rapidity of secretion and of cell development in the tubes ; and one consequence 6f this con- gestion of the Malpighian bodies will be the escape of serum into the tubes, and the mixture of albuminous matter with the urine. The quantity of albumen in the urine will be great in proportion as the disease approaches in activity to that form which I have called ' acute desquamative nephritis.' When the disease is chronic and inactive. there may be no albumen in the urine, or, it may be present in quantities so small as not to be detected by the ordinary chemical tests. In such cases, as, indeed, for the accurate discrimination of all forms of renal disease, the microscope will be found an invaluable aid. It must be remembered that the essential change in this disease is a destruction of the epithelial cells in the manner already described; the best evidence of this change being in progress is, the presence in the urine of moulds of the urinary tubes, composed of more or less disintegrated epithelium; and such evidence I have repeatedly obtained, when no albumen could be detected by the ordinary heat and nitric acid tests. " A sufficient explanation has already been given of the small quantity of the saline constituents excreted by the kidneys in cases of chronic nephritis. It is manifest that, if the epithelial cells are the agents by which the solid constituents of the urine are separated from the blood, a deficient excretion of these materials will be a necessary consequence of the greater or less destruction of the epithelial cells. " Before concluding this communication on the inflammatory diseases of the kidney, it appears desirable to allude very briefly to the subject of my last paper, viz: 'Fatty Degeneration of the Kidney;' my object being to show how essentially distinct are the two forms of disease; and, at the same time, to explain the manner in which they are sometimes combined. "For some months past, I have been aware that fatty degeneration of the kidney, occurs in two distinct forms. "In the simple fatty degeneration of the kidney, all the tubes become almost uniformly distended with oil. In a slight degree and in the earlier stages, it is often found, after death, in cases where there is no reason to suspect that it has been pro- ductive of any mischief during life: it is not until the fifty accumulation has attained a certain amount, that the functions of the kidney are interfered with. It is this form of fatty degeneration of the kidney which occurs in animals, as a consequence of confinement in a dark room. In the human subject, although in the earlier stages, it is a very common occurrence, yet in the more advanced stages it occurs less fre- quently than the second form of fatly degeneration. This form of the disease is represented in the 5th figure of Dr. Bright's 3d plate, as well as in the 1st, 2d, 5th, and 6th figures of Rayer's 8th plate. The cortical portion of the kidney, to use the words of Dr. Bright, is soft and pale, and interspersed with numerous small yellow opaque specks. The kidney is generally enlarged; sometimes it is even double the natural size. In some cases, the cortical portion is somewhat atrophied and granular; 468 THE SOLIDS. but neither in this, nor in the first form of fatty degeneration of the kidney, does that extreme wasting with granulation occur, which is so frequent a consequence of chronic nephritis. '•On a microscopical examination, the convoluted tubes are found filled in different degrees with oil; some tubes being quite free, while others are ruptured by the great accumulation in their interior. The opaque yellow spots scattered throughout the kidney, are neither more nor less than convoluted tubes distended, and many of them ruptured by their accumulated fatty contents; just as the red spots are found to be convoluted tubes filled with blood. The cells which contain the oil are for the most part smaller, more transparent, and less irregular in their outline than the ordinary healthy epithelium; they are increased in number, and many of them are so distended with oil as to appear quite black. In parts of the same kidney, there may commonly be seen some of the appearances already described as indicative of desquamative nephritis. This form of disease is very commonly combined with fatty degeneration of the liver; but less frequently than is the first form of fatty degenera- tion of the kidney. " The peculiarities of the second form of fatty degeneration of the kidney result from a nephritic condition of the organ, dependent on the presence of some irritating material in the blood being associated with a tendency to fatty degeneration; this tendency resulting from the presence in the blood of mal-assimilated fatty matter. The nephritic condition is manifest by an increase in the number of epithelial cells; the tendency to fatty degeneration, by a filling of many of these with oil. Although the two conditions are combined in this and in similar cases, it must be remembered that they are essentially distinct in their nature and origin. Each cell which escapes from the kidney carries with it a portion of the morbid material. The oil is in the form of visible globules; while the cells which contain no oil doubtless contain some other material which is invisible, or less readily seen than the oil globules. "I have now distinguished and described four conditions of the kidney: " 1 st. Acute desquamative nephritis; " 2d. Chronic desquamative nephritis; " 3d. Simple fatty degeneration; and" "4th. A combination of fatty degeneration with desquamative nephritis. " The diagnosis of each of these conditions of the kidney, during the life of the patient, is a matter of the greatest importance with reference to prognosis and treat ment; and the diagnosis may be made with ease and certainty by a microscopical examination of the urine. The most recent researches in this country into the patnoWical anatomy of the kidneys are those of Dr Gairdner,* who has evidently devoted to the elucidation of this subject not a little time and atten- tion; and the results of these investigations will now be given in as concise a form as possible. Dr. Gairdner treats of his subject under the three following heads: 1. Exudation; 2. Lesions affecting chiefly the vascular system; and 3. Lesions of the tubes and epithelium—an arrangement which will here be followed. * "Contributions to the Pathology of the Kidney," by William T. Gairdner, M. D.—Monthly Journal of Medical Science, 1848. GLANDS. 469 Exudation. Exudations into the substance of the kidney give rise to a great variety of external appearances, which have been well figured and described in the works of Bright and Rayer. Exudations from the blood-vessels may have their seat in any, or all the tissues of the kidney; their usual situation, however, is in the interior of the tubes, but it also occurs frequently within and around the Malpighian bodies, and in the inter-tubular tissue, the tubes being quite clear; it is also seen infiltrated through all the tissues in the form of a homogeneous mass, which contained within it the whole of the anatomical elements of the kidney. The appearance of the kidney, as altered by the presence of exudation in the tubes, is subject to variations depending on the amount of the deposition, and its partial or general character: one almost invariable effect of the repletion of the tubes, is a corresponding diminution in the fullness of the vessels of the cortical substance, particularly of the Malpighian vessels, and the capillaries surrounding the tubes. This effect is evidently the result of pressure. It is thus evident that Dr. Gairdner does not ascribe the albuminous urine of Bright's Disease to secondary congestion, or rupture of the Malpighian bodies, caused by the distension of the tubes from accumulated fat; and in this particular his views differ from those already cited of Dr. George Johnson. The volume and weight of kidneys containing exudation in the tubes are frequently much increased. The exudation may be diffused throughout the organ, or it may be confined to certain portions of it. " It then tends," writes Dr. Gairdner, " to accumulate in cer- tain sets of the convolutions in which the urinary current is least active. These becoming partially blocked up, and ceasing entirely to secrete, are thrown aside from the outward current of secretion, and become a centre of attraction for further deposit, just as the eddies and still waters at the sides of a rapid stream receive from it the foam and floating bodies brought down from above. In this way, more and more of the adjacent loops of tubuli are filled with the abnormal deposit, and become added to the former nucleus, until the masses of exudation, thus imprisoned within tubules through which no secretion passes, form irregularly rounded bodies in the cortical substance, visible to the naked eye, more or less prominent on the surface of the organ, and usually of an opaque yellowish colour. These are the granulations first described by Dr. Bright." Intra-tubular exudations, including tubercular and cancerous deposits, may be con- sidered under three heads: a, crystalline or saline matters deposited from the urine; b, oleo-albuminous, or granular exudations from the blood plasma; c, exudations forming pus. a. The most common saline deposit met with in the tubes of the kidney is the amorphous urata of ammonia; inasmuch as this salt is a constituent of healthy urine, its presence in moderate quantities is merely a normal post-mortem appearance, the deposition of the salt resulting from the cooling of the urine after death. In some instances, however, it is present in such large quantities, and in these it occasions such an alteration in the appearance of the kidney, that it might, unless discriminated by means of the microscope, be attributed to disease. 470 THE SOLIDS. Under the microscope, the urate of ammonia presents the appearance, when within the tubes, of a fine molecular shading which entirely obscures the nuclei; the dis- tinguishing character of this deposit is its ready solubility in the dilute acids, as the acetic or nitric. In one case Dr. Gairdner detected the presence of crystals in the tubes, which, from their appearance and colour, he entertained little doubt were of uric acid, although, from their minute quantity, they could not be submitted to chemical examination. In this case the urine was of low specific gravity, and albuminous, although there was no apparent exudation within the substance of the gland. b. Dr. Gairdner includes under the term " oleo-albuminous exudations from the blood plasma," those exudations which are fatty in their nature, as well as the inflam- mation globules, granular corpuscles, or exudation granules, and corpuscles of differ- ent writers. The facts connected with the presence of fatty exudations in the kidney, have been almost exhausted by the excellent reasearches of Dr. Johnson; one additional fact of interest has been added by Dr. Gairdner. This observer finds that the fatty granules or globules are not confined to the epithelial cells, but also that they may be freely disseminated throughout the tubes: the tubes containing the fatty granules sometimes appear distended, at other times smaller than natural, as if they had con- tracted around the fat. It is probable that the presence of the fatty globules in the tubes results from the rupture and disorganization of the cells which first contained them, and that, there- fore, their location in the tubes themselves indicates a more advanced condition of this form of renal disorganization. c. The occurrence in the cortical substance of deposits of pus is not very uncom- mon : their most usual form is that of small abscesses, rarely exceeding the size of a pea, and frequently much smaller; sometimes confluent, and irregularly disseminated throughout the cortical substance. The granular (oleo-albuminous) form of exudation is frequently found occupying the tubes of the kidney, and occasionally also within the capsules of the Malpighian bodies: when in large quantity in the latter situation, the tuft of vessels becomes compressed, shrunk, and, in most cases, invisible. Under the heading " Partial distribution of the oleo-albuminous exudation," Dr. Gairdner describes, in the following terms, a peculiar pathological condition of the kidney:—" I have already described the formation of granulations as dependent on the accumulation of deposit in particular groups of tubules in the cortical substance. In such cases, however, the affection is probably, at first, general; they are very dif- ferent from the form now to be described, in which the deposit is quite limited in extent, and isolated. " There are occasionally met with, on removing the capsule from the surface of a kidney, irregular patches, of a paler colour than the rest of the organ, sometimes a little elevated, sometimes depressed below the general surface. Their boundary is quite abrupt, and they are frequently surrounded by a well-marked rose-coloured areola, extending more or less into the surrounding substance. On making a section of these patches, they are found to penetrate into the cortical substance, and some- times even a certain way into the pyramids. The vascular areola, when present, extends round them in every direction, and is found, on examination, to consist of GLANDS. 471 highly-injected Malpighian bodies and capillaries, with or without extravasation; the colour of the patches varies from yellowish-gray to gamboge-yellow: their con- sistence is generally firm. On microscopic examination, they present a large amount of exudation, varying from the molecular to the large granular form. In some cases the tubes may be seen filled with exudation; in others they appear to be in great part obliterated. In one case I found the Malpighian bodies quite free of exudation; they preserved their usual arrangement, and were readily discoverable by a simple lens on the surface of the section. The parts of the kidney not involved in the deposit, generally present no abnormal appearance." Lesions affecting chiefly the Vascular System. Variations in the vascular condition of the kidney may, and frequently do exist, totally unconnected with organic change: thus, this organ, like all other vascular structures, may be either in a hyperemic or anaemic state; and these conditions may affect either the entire vascular system, or they may be local only, or they may involve respectively the venous or arterial vessels. The veins of the kidney are dis- posed chiefly in two situations, viz: on its surface, and in the substance of the pyramids, the cortical substance containing but few veins. On the surface the larger vessels follow a somewhat stelliform arrangment, while the capillaries'them- selves form a mesh-work, the meshes describing small pentagonal or hexagonal spaces, in each of which a single convolution of a tube is situated. The state of these vessels is subject to much variation; they may be in an anaemic condition, and scarcely visible, or they may be gorged with blood; in some instances this engorgement is general, and in others it is confined to the stelliform vessels just referred to. These conditions, as already observed, may be totally unconnected with disease; when, however, there is great irregularity of injection, amounting to marbling of the sur- face, and great increase in the size of the stellar vessels, these are generally pathological, and result either from partial obliteration of the venous net-work, or of the extrusion of the blood from it, through over-distention of the loops of tubuli which form the intervening pale spaces. " The engorgement of the capillaries and Malpighian tufts gives rise to two condi- tions: first, a generally diffused heightened colour of the cortical substance; and second, increase and greater distinctness of the vascular striae, running from the base of the pyramids to the external surface. This latter species of injection often exists to a great extent, without any corresponding injection of the rest of the kidney, and in some instances the red points composing the striae are so much increased in size as to form considerable petechiae (one line in diameter, or upwards), in which case the petechiae usually extend to the surface, occupying the intervening spaces of the venous polygons above mentioned. This appearance was supposed by Rayer to occur from simple hypertrophy and vascular injection of the Malpighian bodies; but Bowman,* who has shown that the Malpighian bodies do not exist on the surface of the kidney, has also given a better explanation of such petechias, which he holds to arise from rupture of the Malpighian tuft, with extravasation of blood into the surrounding tubes. He argues that the petechiae are of irregular form, and of much larger size than the Malpighian bodies have ever been observed to acquire. He gives, * Philosophical Transactions, 1842. 472 THE SOLIDS. also, a figure representing the occurrence of a similar appearance, from artificial injection, at the surface of the kidney. In this figure the loops or knuckles of the tubuli are seen filled with injection, presenting themselves at the surface, and sur- rounded by the venous net-work." The correctness of this explanation cannot be doubted; and it is therefore evident that the occurrence of these petechiae must be considered as invariably morbid. The anaemic condition of the kidney, when the result of disease, is generally accompanied by increase in the size of the tubes from contained secretion; and it is the pressure of these on the surrounding vessels that occasions their empty condi- tion, and, in some instances, even obliteration. The vessels of the Malpighian tufts * likewise become involved, and the Malpighian corpuscles themselves, thereby altered inform, from being globular they become angular and compressed. Under the heading, "Congestion followed by permanent obliteration of the Capillaries," Dr. Gairdner has described a lesion of the kidney, which he has desig- nated by the term " waxy degeneration!'' in contra-distinction to the "fatly degeneration^ " The appearances most characteristic to the naked eye of this form of lesion, are those so admirably figured and described by Rayer as the second form of his 'nephrite albumineuse.' The kidneys are generally increased in size, sometimes very remarkably so. Their consistence varies: they are sometimes more flaccid than in the natural condition, but always preserve considerable tenacity. The surface is either quite smooth, or more or less depressed and furrowed. The venous vascu- larity assumes, to a considerable extent, the stellate form; the polygons are mostly absent; and the extreme irregularity and abruptness of distribution of the superficial veins gives to the surface a variegated or 'marbled' appearance, which is quite characteristic of this stage of the affection. (See Rayer, Plate, VI. figs. 2, 3. 5; Bright, Plate II. fig. 1.) Occasionally, also, amid this unequal injection, there are to be found scattered petechiae, indicating recent extravasations of blood into the tubes. On section, the cortical substance has considerable volume, and presents a smooth, glistening, almost semi-transparent appearance, which cannot be better distinguished than by the term waxy. It may partake in a slighter degree of the variegated character of the surface; more commonly it is of uniform appearance, and of a yellowish or fawn-colour, sometimes verging into a pale flesh tint. The vascular striae of the cortical substance are generally to be traced by a more or less distinct injection, and a few injected Malpighian bodies, or petechiae of extravasation, are sometimes dispersed through the section. (See Rayer, Plate X. fig. 3.) In other cases, a little further advanced, both the striae and the Malpighian bodies are nearly destitute of blood. (Rayer, Plate X. fig. 1; Bright, Plate II. fig. 1.) The pyramids frequently retain their normal vascularity; sometimes, however, they are of a pale colour, and their bases are indistinctly marked—a condition which indicates the progress towards a further disorganization. " When a kidney in this condition is carefully and minutely injected, the greater proportion of the cortical substance remains impervious; the injection however, can frequently be made to penetrate as far as the cortical striae, and even to some of the Malpighian bodies. (See Rayer, Plate X. fig. 2; Bright, Plate II. fig. 3.) GLANDS. 473 "From these circumstances it is obvious, that the lesion above described consists in an obliteration or obstruction of the capillary system of vessels throughout the organ, and a partial obliteration of the veins on its surface. There is also every probability that this condition is secondary to one in which there is a high degree of congestion of the organ. The extravasations, the occasionally injected Malpighian bodies, and the highly injected though partially distributed stellar veins, leave no doubt that the state of congestion described as the first form of albuminous nephritis by Rayer, is really the antecedent of the present or second form. "To any one who is familiar with the marbled and waxy kidney here described, there can be no difficulty in recognising a further stage of the same lesion, in which the organ is perfectly pale, both on the surface and on section, with the exception, perhaps, of a very few stellated superficial veins. The kidney in this stage (the transition to which seems to be represented in Rayer, Plate VI. fig. 4) is still heavy and voluminous; it acquires additional firmness and elasticity, and assumes much of the general appearance of a true non-vascular texture. It varies from a light yellow to a fawn-colour, which extends to the pyramids, the bases of which become still more confused and intermingled with the cortical substance than in the marbled kidney. The capsule is frequently more firmly adherent to the external surface than in health. "From the pale and yellow appearance of the kidney in this stage, it is very apt to be mistaken, even by a practised eye, for an extreme degree of the fatty degenera- tion. A well-marked example, indeed, will hardly give rise to this error, if attention be directed to the degree of firmness of the organ, the peculiar lustrous character of the cut surface, and the entire absence of. the opaque granulations of Bright, or of that dull tint which distinguishes the excessive degrees of the fatty disease. The appreciation of these characters is, however, more difficult where, as sometimes happens, exudation is also present; and the distinction which has escaped the acute observation of M. Rayer, has undoubtedly been overlooked by many other observers. "The microscopic characters of this lesion are chiefly negative. There is not unfrequently an entire absence of exudation; indeed, in the most marked cases of the lesion, I have seldom found even the slightest trace of any abnormal deposit. Occasionally, however, there is a very minute quantity of fatty exudation In the tubes, generally in very small granules, and scattered throughout the organ. The tubes are either natural, or in the advanced stages pass into some of the states hereafter to be described. The capillary vessels surrounding the tubes are not visible, and in their place there is fibrous tissue, which in this form of lesion always appears some- what exaggerated. The Malpighian bodies are also frequently seen in process of obliteration, and surrounded by dense capsules of fibrous tissue. The epithelium is frequently altered in character, but its changes follow no fixed rule. "The absence or scantiness of exudation, taken in connexion with the extent of degeneration appreciable by the naked eye, are amply sufficient characters to distinguish this lesion from the extreme stages of the fatty disease." 474 THE SOLIDS. Lesions of lite Tubes and Epithelium. Some of these lesions have been already described under the head of exudation; but there are others which are not less important than those formerly alluded to, and which are very frequently found in connexion with them. Imperfect Development of the Epithelium Cells and Nuclei—The epithelium cells and nuclei vary in size and characters within certain limits even in healthy kidneys; the nuclei less so than the cells themselves; but in all kidneys, whether healthy or diseased, the nuclei which are most closely adherent to the basement membrane are less perfectly circular, and of considerably smaller size, than those lining the tubes and surrounded by complete cell-walls. Those acquainted with the normal anatomy of the kidney will be able to determine the limits of variations in the epithelium and nuclei compatible with a state of health. In very many pathological conditions of the organ, the nuclei occur in various places almost wholly devoid of cell-walls. They may be more abundant or more scanty than usual; and often appear in great profusion, huddled together in con- fused masses, and mixed with shreds of membrane and amorphous molecular matter, not soluble in acetic acid. This appearance of debris, which no doubt results from disintegration of the cell-walls, most frequently occurs in kidneys which are abnor- mally soft and large, and from the cut surface of which an unusually large quantity of turbid whitish juice may be scraped. Such softened and altered kidneys occur frequently in fever and other diseases. A more unequivocal pathological change (often occurring along with the above) is the small size and altered form of the nuclei throughout the organs, these not being more than half the usual size, and always destitute of cell-walls. Sometimes they float scattered and solitary in the field of the microscope; at other times, they appear aggregated together either by two's or three's, or-in much greater numbers, the connecting medium being a transparent and filmy substance, the nascent or undeveloped cell-membrane which has separated from the basement membrane, along with the half-developed or young nuclei above described. These aggregations of young nuclei are sometimes mingled with the amorphous debris of effete epithelium, or with granules and molecules of oleo-albuminous exudation, or of lithate of ammonia, which communicate to them a dark and confused appearance: not unfrequently, also, these masses, when freed from the tubes, retain more or less of their form, and present so exactly the appearance of the casts of the tubuli seen by Franz Simon, and many other observers, in the urine, as to leave no doubt of their identity with these bodies. Desquamation of the Epithelium.—The changes above described are generally accompanied by an extremely rapid generation of nuclei, which are separated from the basement membrane in an imperfect state, and carried away along with the urine, in which they may be readily detected. In some cases of desquamation of the epithelium, it is scarcely possible to recog- nise any departure from the usual condition of the kidney, either with or without the GLANDS. 475 assistance of the microscope. The degree of vascularity is very various in different specimens, and the epithelium thrown off is so quickly resupplied, that there is no very observable change in the microscopic condition of the tubules. In one very intense case, in which ten pounds of very watery urine, loaded with an epithelial sediment, were,passed daily for some weeks before death, the kidneys were small, flaccid, and bloodless; many of the tubes were quite full of nuclei closely heaped together; some of the nuclei were under-sized; the cells, when entire, were much compressed and angular. In an another instance, where urine was passed in large quantity and full of epithelial debris, during the last two months of life, the kidneys were found in an opposite condition, viz: large and congested, and with a firmness and smoothness of section like the first stage of the waxy degeneration formerly described. In this case, the condition of the tubuli was in most parts quite natural; in some, however, there was extravasated blood, and in others the epithelium had accumulated in abnormal quantity. In both these cases there was imperfect develop- ment of the epithelium, but cases have occurred to me in which this character was by no means well marked: the crowding of the tubes with nuclei, although frequently found in the earlier stages of desquamation, is not invariably present; and the tubes were even seen to be gorged with epithelium in a case where none had been separated from the urine for weeks before death. So long, therefore, as the epithelium is freely regenerated, the kidneys may present a tolerably healthy appearance, even on minute examination: after prolonged disease, however, further changes take place; the epithelium becomes more sparingly gener- ated, and is thrown off in the coherent masses above described, leaving the basement membrane in portions bare, or with a few scattered oval nuclei, much smaller than those cast off, adhering to its inner surface. In the microscopic examination of organs in this condition, there are frequently seen films of such exceeding delicacy and transparency as to be only visible by very careful management of the light: they preserve the shape of the tubules, and contain no nuclei or structures of any kind. Similar films are occasionally seen in the sediment of urine. They are probably thrown off from the denuded basement membrane. " Obliteration of the Tubes.—The basement membrane, which, with the few closely adherent oval nuclei above described, is now the sole remaining structure of the tubes, soon undergoes a change. It loses the cylindrical form proper to it in the fresh and natural kidney, and becomes flattened by the pressure of the surrounding parts. Its cavity is thus obliterated, and what was a tube assumes the appearance of a transparent riband, dotted here and there with small oval nuclei, which, when seen at the edges, appear to be enclosed between two layers of membrane. These riband-shaped portions of membrane appear to present considerable tenacity and elas- ticity ; by their greater density, and by the constant presence of the small oval nuclei so often mentioned between their layers, they are in most cases readily distinguished from the delicate films which have been referred to above. They are very various in diameter, but are always inferior in this respect to the normal tubes; and they appear to break up spontaneously into smaller portions, each of which contains from one to six or more nuclei: these portions are of various sizes; they are usually broadest in the middle, and taper to a point at both ends. The smallest of them contain only a 476 THE SOLIDS. sin«rle nucleus, and present an appearance in every respect like that of young fibres of areolar texture, or those fusiform cells, which have been called fibro-plastic. I think it probable that the whole of the diseased basement membrane ultimately splits up into fibres of this kind. While these changes are proceeding, the capillary vessels, which have ceased to be subservient to secretion, are usually obliterated: the conse- quence of this double obliteration of vessels and tubes is a considerable degree of atrophy in the diseased parts; and as the atrophy takes place at first chiefly in the cortical substance, great irregularities of the surface generally supervene: thence arises the appearance so well described and figured by Dr. Bright (Plate III. fig. 2), in which, from the atrophy of the cortical substance, the bases of the pyramids 'are drawn towards the surface of the kidney.' " When oleo-albuminous exudation supervenes on the above derangement of the tubes, or when desquamation supervenes on the former (circumstances which I con- ceive to be of very common occurrence), the exudation most commonly takes the form of the granulations of Bright, which are deposited chiefly in the diseased tubes; and the atrophy proceeding around these, they become salient, and the surface generally irregular, giving rise to the tuberculated state of the surface so common in all the later stages of the granulated kidney. (Bright, Plate III. fig. 1; Rayer, Plate VII. fig. 6. Plate IX. fig. 8.) As the atrophy, however, proceeds, the granu- lations are gradually absorbed; and when the kidney has become extremely con- tracted and irregular, they often in part disappear. "The atrophied portions of the kidney are usually ex-sanguine, and of a tawney or drab colour: they have considerable hardness and toughness. Examined microscopic- ally, they appear to consist of fibres and fusiform cells in great abundance, and more or less granular exudation, according to circumstances. According to Henle, Eichholtz, Gluge, and others, these fibres are in great part new formations; Johnson and Simon consider them as nothing more than the compressed parenchyma of the gland, from which all the other normal elements have disappeared. I look upon them as formed in great part by the breaking up of the basement membrane of the tubes (as above described), as well as from the parenchyma and obliterated capillaries. It is not improbable, however, that in addition to these elements, some new fibrous tissue is formed. " The extreme stage of the atrophied kidney is nearly the same, whether exuda- tion have existed or not. "Microscopic Cyst-formation.—It occasionally happens, on examining the section of a kidney with the microscope, that we see, scattered through some parts of the section, a few small clear vesicles, of nearly circular or oval form : they are either of a very pale straw-colour, or nearly colourless, and are perfectly clear and translucent, with a very distinct shadowed margin, which causes them to stand out in bold relief from the other textures composing the section. Their diameter is usually from one- fortieth to one-fifteenth of a millimetre, but in this respect they vary considerably; sometimes they appear to lie in the tubular areolae, and at other times to be uncon- nected with these. Very rarely they have appeared to contain a few granules ; most commonly, even when there is granular exudation around them on every side, they contain nothing but clear fluid. Their refractive power is not so great as that of GLANDS. 477 oil, while it is much greater than that of the spherical cells of the tubes: hence their distinct and characteristic shadowed outline. " These bodies (which, however, have never appeared to me to present distinct nuclei) are probably the same with the 'nucleated cells or vesicles' described by Mr. Simon as resulting from the extravasation of the epithelial cells into the inter-tubular tissue, and as progressively enlarging, so as to form the cysts visible to the naked eye, which are so common in diseased kidneys. To these structures he attaches great importance in the pathology of the kidney, conceiving them to be the invariable result of the desquamative disease when of long standing; the kidney being, in Mr. Simon's opinion, changed more or Jess into an aggregation of microscopic cysts, which either undergo absorption, and lead to atrophy of the organ, or increase in size, and monopolize its texture. Thus, according to Mr. Simon, the serous cysts so common in the kidney result from an enormous development and hypertrophy of extravasated epithelium cells, which assume the character of the vesicles he describes, and acquire the power of increase and endogenous development. " Whether the bodies described by me above, are the same with the vesicles of Mr. Simon, I have some difficulty in determining: but they are the only objects I have seen which correspond at all closely with his description; unless, indeed, it were possible to suppose, as Dr. Johnson appears to hint, that he may have mistaken the normal disposition of the tubuli for a cystic structure. " However this may be, I am satisfied that the vesicles above described are excep- tional productions, and by no means invariably connected, as Mr. Simon describes his vesicles to be, with the progress of the desquamative degeneration. They are seen in comparatively few cases: on referring to four, of which I have drawings or memoranda, I find two to have been congested and waxy kidneys, with slight exuda- tion; one to have been a soft and desquamating kidney, also with slight exudation; and one a granular kidney with numerous cysts, from the size of a pea to that of a hazel-nut. On the other hand, I have examined organs in every stage of desquama- tive disease without finding these bodies, the production of which cannot therefore be an essential step in the degeneration and atrophy of kidneys so affected. " The origin and progress of these vesicles is very obscure. It is not improbable that, as Mr. Simon asserts, they are transformed into the larger cysts visible to the naked eye: though I confess that I have not been able to trace the intermediate steps of their progress in a satisfactory manner. On the other hand, their origin from extravasated epithelial cells seems exceedingly improbable; indeed, I have already stated, that I do not think the epithelium ever becomes extravasated. Moreover, the vesicles in question have all the appearance of being formed iviihin the tubes, although they afterwards become separated from them. " From the occasional appearances of alternate distention and constriction pre- sented "by the tubes when undergoing obliteration, I am induced to believe that cysts may be formed by the occlusion and isolation of portions of tube which have not yet lost their power of secretion. Whether the vesicles in question are formed in this way, can only be determined by close and repeated observation ; and I have not been able to obtain demonstrative evidence on this point. " The larger cysts in the kidney present very strong evidence of being formed in connexion with the secreting membrane. In one instance, I found their inner surface 478 ' THESOLIDS. to be lined at some points with tessellated epithelium, in the form of pentagonal or hexagonal flattened cells, with circular nuclei; in another case, there were oval nuclei without any distinct cells, and a large number of free oil globules of consider- able size. The existence of oil in these cysts has also been observed by Dr. Johnson. Other products of secretion are also occasionally found. On one occasion I found several cysts in a kidney, otherwise healthy in appearance, which contained a turbid ochrey-coloured liquid, presenting under the microscope numerous minute crystals of uric acid. Mr. Simon mentions having found on two occasions xanthic oxyde in considerable proportion. I have more than once observed them to contain blood in large quantity; and I have likewise found them full of a matter like stiff glue. " The occurrence of cysts in kidneys presenting a generally healthy structure is so frequent, as to lead to the idea that they must be in such cases the result of disease which has been arrested before any considerable disorganization has taken place. Many of the cases of partial atrophy of the kidneys figured by Rayer are probably due to the rupture or obliteration of these cysts. " Before leaving the subject of cyst-formation, I may state, that in one instance I have observed the Malpighian capsules to be occupied by distinct cysts.* " Dilatation and Thickening of the Tubes.—This condition, although by no means a very frequent one, is important, as being characteristic, so far as I have observed, of the extreme stage of what I have called the 'waxy degeneration.' I have scarcely ever seen it unaccompanied by entire obliteration of the vessels, and by enlargement and increased density of the kidney. The organ has the dense resistant feeling of fibro-cartilage, and both cortical and tubular portions have the light yellow colour, and the appearances described above as those of the waxy degeneration in its last stage. The striae of the pyramids appear to radiate indefinitely towards the surface, and meet the cortical substance in digitations, instead of being marked off by a sharp semi-circular line, as occurs in the healthy kidney. When examined with a simple lens, or even the naked eye, the pyramidal striae are seen to pursue an unusually sinuous course: this is peculiarly the case where they pass into the cortical substance. "Moreover, the pyramids are unusually broad at the bases; and the length of the straggling digitations is sometimes so great, that I have measured fully an inch and a half between the extreme end of the striae and the corresponding papilla. Never- theless, the cortical substance is not usually diminished in quantity, being developed to a great extent between the pyramids. " This condition I have ascertained to proceed from dilatation and thickening of the tubuli uriniferi throughout the organ. The dilated tubes are usually twisted and varicose, as may be seen by inspecting a section of the pyramids with a low power. When examined with a higher power, the section presents an appearance very similar to some tumours (of the fibrous or fibro-cysted kinds), viz: a number of compressed areolae, enclosed by fibrous tissue, and presenting an appearance of irregular con- centric rings, of various distinctness, (an effect apparently due to the peculiar refrac- * Obs. In one case of cystic disease of the kidneys which fell under the notice of Mr. Quekett, the formation of the cysts evidently commenced in the corpora Mal- pighiana beneath the capillary plexus.—A. H. H. GLANDS. 479 tion of light by the thickened membrane.) The nuclei are obscured or invisible owing to the thicknass of the intervening wall, but nevertheless exist in considerable numbers. The Malpighian bodies and capillaries are usually obliterated. The kidney nas in fact become, like the tumours whose structure it resembles, a true non- vascular texture. "The explanation of the peculiar extension of the pyramidal striae towards the surface in these cases, is to be found in the fact that, even in the normal condition the convoluted tubuli have a general disposition from the bases of the pyramids towards the surface, in the direction of the striae of the cones. This is evident from the facility with which the gland tears in that direction; although in the normal state this disposition is masked by that of the vessels, which, passing in straight lines through the cones, break into a complicated net-work of capillaries at the bases of the pyramids. In the present lesion, the vessels having disappeared, and the course of tubes being strongly marked, their disposition towards the surface becomes mani- fest, and the abrupt line of demarcation between the cortical and pyramidal substance, caused by the presence of the vessels, is obliterated." CONCLUSION. With the view of enabling the reader to place the foregoing observations in relation with the descriptions found in systematic pathological works, Dr. Gairdner subjoins the following short remarks on the principal physical characters usually ascribed to diseased kidneys: "Increase of Size and Weight: Hypertrophy.—Enlargement of the kidney occurs chiefly in consequence of three conditions:—1st, from sanguineous engorgement; 2d, from distention of the tubes by secretion or exudation; 3d, from permanent dilatation and thickening of the tubes. Of all these causes, the second is by far the most common. The last is characteristic of the waxy degeneration formerly described. "The quantity of liquid in the tubes is, at all times, subject to so much variation, that it is difficult to say what amount of increase of weight may be thereby occasioned without the existence of any positively morbid condition. It is not very uncommon to find kidneys, otherwise not differing from the healthy standard, about double the usual weight, or between seven and eight ounces each. I have more than once found them to weigh nine ounces each, with very slight marks of disease. When the weight much exceeds this, it is probable it arises from the rare combination of vascular and tubular engorgement. " In kidneys containing oleo-albuminous exudation, the greatest increase of size is attained, when the exudation is universal, and unaccompanied by desquamation. "Cystic degeneration of the kidneys, dilatation of the pelvis and ureters (Hydro- nephrose, Rayer), &c., also give rise to great increase of size and weight. " Diminution of Size and Weight: Atrophy.—This condition sometimes occurs to a certain extent, in emaciated subjects, without any disorganization, owing to the 480 THE SOLIDS. diminished activity of secretion. More frequently, however, it is the result of sepa- ration of the epithelium, followed by contraction and obliteration of the tubular structure. " Atrophy, from this cause, is liable to supervene in all other varieties of renal lesion, except the waxy degeneration, which appears to lead to a permanently hyper- trophied condition of the organ. In kidneys enlarged from exudation, the occurrence of desquamation and its consequences is frequent; and the diminution of size in such cases is often not followed by a return to the natural condition, but by perma- nent atrophy. li The course of all disorganizing diseases of the kidney is to produce first, enlarge- ment, and then contraction of the organ. In the extreme stages of the atrophy which results from exudation, exudation is often nearly absent. When exudation, therefore, even in very sparing quantity, accompanies a contracted condition of the kidney, there is a probability that it has been abundant at some former period. " Irregularities of Surface: Tuberculated and Granulated Kidneys.—The smooth- ness of the surface in the kidney is destroyed either by unequal dilatation or unequal contraction of the tubili of the cortical substance. The former takes place in the waxy degeneration ; the latter, in the desquamative processes. " The most frequent irregularities of surface are formed in connexion with the granulations of Bright. These are invariably formed when exudation is deposited in kidneys tending to the desquamative lesion; and, as this runs its usual course, the granulations become prominent from the destruction of the tubes around them. An extreme degree of the irregularities thus produced, constitutes the tuberculated kidney. " The puckering and partial atrophy occasionally seen in kidneys, otherwise not morbid, or comparatively slightly diseased, are probably, in many instances, the result of the obliteration of cysts. "The more remarkable changes in colour and consistence are described very fully in many parts of the preceding memoir." On reviewing the whole of the preceding observations, Dr. Gairdner is induced to regard the following conclusions as especially important in relation to the pathology of renal diseases: "1. By far the greater part of the pathological lesions of the kidney arise from, or are connected with, the exudation of oleo-albuminous granules into the interior of the tubes and epithelial cells. " 2. The oleo-albuminous exudation is, probably, often preceded, and, certainly, occasionally accompanied, by vascular congestion; but when the quantity of exuda- tion is considerable, more or less complete depletion of the vascular system invariably occurs. This is a secondary result of the obstruction of the tubuli uriniferi. " 3. The oleo-albuminous exudation occurs in two chief forms, viz: first, universal infiltration of the tubes throughout the organ; and, second, infiltration of peculiar GLANDS. 481 sets of tubules: the rest remaining free, or nearly so. In the latter mode arise the granulations of Bright. " 4. There is no essential anatomical difference between the exudations in the kid- ney, which are the result of chronic processes, and those which have been considered as the result of inflammation. " 5. The capillary vessels of the kidney are subject to spontaneous obliteration (unaccompanied, in the first instance, by any visible lesion of the tubes), giving rise to the peculiar affection which I have called the waxy degeneration. This oblitera- tion of the vessels is probably, in all cases, preceded by a stage of congestion. " 6. The consequence of the waxy degeneration is thickening and varicose dilata- tion of the tubuli throughout the organ. " 7. The tubes of the kidney are subject to contraction and obliteration, in conse- quence of the desquamation of their epithelium; a condition resulting in atrophy, and complete disorganization of the organ. "8. The desquamation of the epithelium occurs very frequently in all the other dis- eased conditions of the kidney. When sufficiently long-continued and extensive, it produces contraction, and this indifferently, whether exudation be present or not. It is sometimes accompanied by vascular congestion in every stage of its progress. " 9. The earlier stages of the exudations can only be discovered by means of the microscope. The progress of the waxy degeneration, on the contrary, is best traced by the unaided eye. The desquamation of the epithelium is only to be discovered with certainty by means of the microscope, and is particularly apt to escape attention, under all circumstances, if the kidney only, and not the urine, be looked to. It results that careful investigation, both by the microscope and the naked eye, both of the kidney after death and the urine during life, are indispensable, to enable the patholo- gist to determine with exactitude the presence or absence of disease." I have been induced to dwell thus largely on the microscopic pathology of the kidney: first, on account of the great importance and interest attached to the lesions of that organ; secondly, from the great number of interesting facts which the microscope has already brought to light in reference to its pathology; and, thirdly, in the hope of inducing other observers to follow out more completely the inquiry which has already led to such successful and striking results. 31 482 THE SOLIDS. KIDNEY. [The anatomy of the kidney may be in part studied by dissection of recent specimens under water. The structure, however, is more readily made out after injection, and this is best performed after removal from the body. An injection by either set of vessels almost always passes into the others. Hence an injection by the artery frequently fills partially the tubule uriniferi and the veins. It will be exceedingly difficult to limit the injection to the terminations of the vessel injected; many trials, however, will enable one to judge how much force is necessary to fill only the set of vessels desired. When three colours can be successfully employed, the best arrangement will be found to be—red or blue for the arteries, yellow for the veins, and white for the urinary tubes. When it is required to fill the three sets of vessels with one injection, the artery must be first injected, and the urinif- erous tubes farther filled from the ureter. It may be here stated, that for practise in making fine injections, the kidneys of sheep, pigs, &c, will be found the organs most suitable for that purpose. They are easily obtained, are sufficiently difficult to inject, and do not require a very large amount of material. Injections of the kidneys are best preserved in Canada balsam without heat, after being cut in slices, and dried. Cells may be used or not, according to the thickness of the specimen. Plate LXXV. fig. 5, Malpighian bodies and their relation to the urinif- erous tubes. fig. 6, The same enlarged, as in the first stage of Bright'g disease. Plate LXXVI. fig. 1, Enlarged veins of kidney. " fig. 2, The same ; another view. " fig. 3, Stellated condition of veins. " fig. 4, Granulation on the surface of the kidney. " fig. 5, A tube much dilated.] GLANDS. 483 TESTIS. The testis, the last of the tubular glands in the human subject, agrees more closely in structure with the sudoriferous and ceruminous glands than with the kidney; there being this in common between the three first mentioned, viz: that the tubes, of which they are principally constituted, are convoluted, and are not enclosed in a dense frame- work of fibro-elastic tissue, as is the case with those of the kidney. The testis, is invested by a tunic of white fibrous tissue; this sends down, into the substance of the gland, numerous dissepiments, which divide the tubes of which it is composed into parcels, each of which may be called a lobe. The tubes of the testes are remarkable for their large size, great tortuosity, and exceeding and ready extensibility. (See Plate LX. figs. 1.4.) When viewed as opaque objects, the tubes appear of a delicate and semi-transparent whiteness; and, when seen by transmitted light, they are almost black; this arises from the fact of the interception of the luminous rays by the cells contained within the tubes. The membrane of the tubes is totally distinct from that of most other tubular glands; it is very thick and fibrous, being constituted of a well-marked form of nucleated fibro-elastic tissue. (See Plate LX.fig.4.) The constitution of the tubes of elastic tissue explains satisfactorily their ready extensibility and variable diameter; this variation, in specimens prepared for microscopic examination, is very obvious, and arises from the displacement of the contained cells, occasioned by unequal external pressure; where these cells are accumulated in the greatest number, there the tubes are thickest; and where there are but few cells, or even where the tubes are destitute of cells, they are thinnest, and frequently even entirely collapsed. These facts show that the tubes are highly expansive; and there is no doubt that their diameter varies, during life, in accordance with the amount of seminal fluid contained within the testis; this expansive property being especially designed to allow of the accumulation of that fluid within the semeniferous organ. The tubes of the testis contain a vast number of granular cells of various sizes (see Plate LX. fig. 4), some being several times larger than others, especially in the testis of the adult. Most of these cells contain but a single nucleus; in others, however, and these the larger 484 THE SOLIDS. cells, there are as many as from two to seven, or even more, distinct nuclei. (See Plate XVI. fig. 1.) In the testes of a child, the granular cells present great uniformity of size, and contain, for the most part, but a single nucleus. These cells, as in other tubular glands, form a regular epithelium on the walls of the tubes, the central channel being free; this arrangement is very evident in the tubes of immature testes; but far less so in those of the adult organ; the manipulation to which the latter are subject, when being prepared for microscopical observation, readily displacing the cells. It is in these cells, according to the observations of numerous observers, that the spermatozoa are developed. For further particu- lars on the development of the spermatic animalcules, see the article "Semen." The tubes of the testes are loosely bound together by bands of fibrous tissue; it is this tissue which contains the tortuous blood- vessels with which this organ is so copiously supplied. That the tubes are not furnished with a distinct external envelope, like those belonging to the kidney, is proved by the fact that they admit readily of being separated from each other, as also of being drawn out to a great length: this last circumstance shows the extent to which the tubes are convoluted, the few anastomoses which take place between them, and their extraordinary elasticity. VASCULAR GLANDS. The vascular glands all agree with each other in the abscence of excretory ducts or channels for the discharge of their secretion, a deficiency which involves as a necessary consequence the reception of the secreted fluids by the blood-vessels. From the differences in the size and structure of these several glands, it is very doubtful whether any other resemblance besides that just pointed out exists between them, and it is most probable that each has a separate purpose to fulfil in the animal economy. THYMUS. The thymus, although usually spoken of and described as a single organ, is in reality double, and consists of two distinct glands united to each other in the middle line by cellular tissue only. Each separate adult thymus is constituted of numerous, probably GLANDS. 4Q5 some hundred follicles, which vary in size from a pin's head to, in some cases, that of a pea, and the walls of which are made up' of mixed fibrous tissue. These follicles are usually more or less rounded, but sometimes polygonal in shape from pressure; they are loosely held together by fibrous tissue, and by the blood-vessels which supply them; they each contain in their interior a cavity which is more or less filled with a milky fluid. (See Plate LXI. fig. 8.) Several of these follicles open into each other and into a common receptacle or "pouch," and this last again opens into the internal cavity of the gland, the face of which is thickly studded with similar openings. On its exterior each follicle may be seen, even without injection, to be invested with a very beautiful plexus of blood-vessels, represented in Plate LXI. fig. 8. When unravelled by the removal of the inter-lobular cellular tissue, the whole gland is seen to consist of a straight tube, with the follicles arranged around it in a spiral manner. The central cavity, "reservoir of thymus," is lined by a delicate mucous membrane, which is raised into ridges by a layer of ligament- ous bands situate beneath it; these proceed in various directions, and encircle the apertures of the pouches: their use is to keep the lobules together, and to prevent the injurious distention of the cavity. The whole organ is enclosed in a dense capsule of fibrous tissue, the blood-vessels contained in which are remarkable for their disposi- tion in three's, an arrangement which is not uncommon in the capsular investments of glands. (See Plate LXI. fig. 7.) The "milky fluid" contained in the follicles and reservoir is made up, to a great extent, of an immense number of granular nuclei, as well as numerous cells of large size, which do not appear hitherto to have been either described or figured in a satisfactory manner, and which are probably to be regarded in the light of parent cells. (See Plate LXI. fig. 10.) Many of these cells contain several granular nuclei, each of which is surrounded by one or more concentric lamellae; they thus resemble the cartilage cells found in the inter-vertebral substance, and also certain species of Microcystis, a genus of Fresh-water Algae. Mr. Simon, in his " Prize Essay," makes the following observations on the above-described cells:—" In specimens taken from animals past that period of life when the thymus is most active, I have found cells 486 THE SOLIDS. in which these dotted corpuscles occupied the relation of nuclei. The cells are at first little larger than the corpuscles themselves, and contain a perfectly pellucid material; but as they grow, their contents become molecular, and they develope themselves into perfect fat cells, which lie in the cavities of the glands, and in some instances completely fill them. During the period in which these cells are being developed, the application of acetic acid to the preparation as it lies under the microscope shows them to have great affinity to embryonic cells; for the acid dissolves the cell-membrane completely away, and leaves the nucleus of the cell (the dotted corpuscle) unaffected by its action." Lining each follicle, Mr. Simon has detected a delicate and homo- geneous structure, which he has termed the " limitary membrane :" this structure is identical with the basement membrane of Bowman, and is probably common to all glands, especially the follicular ones. Mr. Simon has likewise described a lobular arrangement of the fol- licles. The structure of the gland resolves itself, he says, "into masses ranged round an axis. Each mass constitutes a sort of cone of glandular substance, its apex pointing to the axis or mesial line of the gland; its base directed to the surface, where it presents innumer- able vesicles; while its intermediate part contains those successive branchings of the follicle which terminate superficially in the vesicu- lar form." THYROID GLAND. The anatomy of this gland is best studied in a specimen which has undergone a slight enlargement of its several parts; a portion of such a gland, when viewed with the inch object-glass, bears so close a resemblance to a mass of fat, that, except by a practised miscroscopist, it would be impossible to distinguish it therefrom with such a low power; even when viewed with the half-inch, the illusion would scarcely be dispelled, and it is only on the application of the quarter- inch glass, that misgivings would begin to be entertained in reference to its identity with fat. The resemblance borne by a portion of thyroid gland thus slio-htly enlarged by disease to a mass of fat, arises from the form of the ves- icles or closed cells of which the gland is composed, and from the manner in which they reflect the light, the centre of each vesicle being clear and bright, and the circumference dark and almost black; here, however, the resemblance ceases, as the thyroid vesicles are most satisfactorily distinguished from fat globules by their larger size, the fibrous texture of their parietes, and the nature of their contents. GLANDS. 487 Such is the general character and appearance of a portion of thyroid examined microscopically; the entire gland, however, consists of two lobes, which are placed one on each side of the trachea, and which are connected with each other by a narrow slip, or isthmus of the gland, and these lobes are further divisible into numerous lobules, many hundreds to each lobe. Now, it is these lobules which, so far as the descriptions hitherto given of this gland are to be understood, have been regarded and described as the membranous cavities of the thyroid (see Plate LXI. fig. 1), the true and ultimate cellular structure being in general overlooked. Thus the lobules are further divisible, each into many small cavities, the ultimate divisions of which the gland is susceptible. (See Plate LXI. figs. 2, 3, 4, 5.) These in the slightly enlarged gland are circular, and comparable to fat vesicles (see Plate LXI. figs. 2, 3); but in the gland in its normal state, they are compressed and angular, being also very liable to be altogether overlooked, their size and form being indicated only by certain light-coloured spaces traversing the lobule. (See Plate LXI. fig. 5.) Over the surface of each lobule, the blood-vessels form a plexus, from which branches proceed inwards, encircling the vesicles much in the same way as the blood-vessels do the fat corpuscles. (See Plate LXI. fig. 1.) The cavity of each vesicle is perfectly distinct, and does not com- municate with that of any other of the vesicles by which it is surrounded: the fibrous tissue, however, of which its walls are so evidently composed (Plate LXI. fig. 4), does communicate with and run into that of the neighbouring vesicles, at certain points, however, only. These fibres may frequently be traced from the wall of one cell into that of another; and it is this fibrous union of the vesicles which renders it impossible completely to isolate any one of the cells, and accounts for the fact, that when the vesicles are broken up with needles, they are entirely reduced to fibrous tissue. The contents of the vesicles consist of a fluid, containing numerous granular nuclei of a rounded or oval form, as well as of a few perfect cells, two or three times larger than the nuclei, and the granules contained in which are very large, presentingan oily aspect; between these two extremes of size, other cells intermediate are met with: the larger are evidently parent cells. (See Plate LXI. figs. 9 and 4.) The fluid of the vesicles contains a good deal of oil, which, when the gland is slightly decomposed, is apt to collect in them in the form of one or two large circular discs. 488 THE SOLIDS. The increase in the size of the gland in goitre is due to an increased development of the vesicles and of their contents. It is evident that each vesicle contains all the elements of the gland, and that the entire organ is made up of an assemblage of many thou- sands of such vesicles or glands. (See Plate LXI. fig. 2.) SUPRA-RENAL CAPSULES. The supra-renal capsule bears some resemblance in structure to the kidney, being divisible like it into a cortical and medullary substance. It is made up of numerous simple and cylindrical tubes, closed at both ends, and formed of structureless basement membrane; these tubes are disposed in a vertical manner, one extremity forming the surface of the organ, and the other extending in an opposite direction, as far as the inner cavities or lacunae situated in the centre of each supra-renal capsule. (See Plate LXII. fig. 3 a.) These tubes enclose elements of three kinds; first, innumerable circular particles or molecules, which reflect the light strongly, and which are of an oily nature; of these the greater part is free in the tubes, but a lesser proportion is enclosed in certain of the cells which are met with in the tubes; second, granular nuclei in large quantities; and, third, parent cells of considerable size, containing each several nuclei intermingled with, and in part very frequently obscured by a considerable number of the bright molecules previously referred to. These parent cells do not appear to have been hitherto characterized with any degree of precision. (See Plate LXII. fig. 3 b.) The differences between the cortical and medullary portions of the supra-renal capsule, depend principally upon the irregular disposition of the tubes in the latter, the plexiform arrangement of the vessels, and on the presence of numerous parent cells containing more or less of colouring matter in their interior. It is these cells which impart to sections of the gland the dotted appearance so commonly observed in its medullary portion. (See Plate LXII. fig. 3.) The vascular distribution in the supra-renal is very simple. . On the surface of the organ we have a very beautiful plexus of capillaries, the pentagonal and hexagonal meshes of which lie in the intervals between the extremities of the tubes; in the tubular part the vessels both veins and arteries run, in straight lines between the tubules, terminating, on the one hand, in the plexus on the surface, and, on the other, in the central plexus. (See Plate LXII. figs. 1. 5.) The supra-renal is an organ which varies greatly in different sub- GLANDS. 489 jects; in some the proportion of granules is much greater than in others ; in others again, the central lacunae are occupied with a whitish-looking substance, which, on examination, is found to consist of granular nuclei arranged in irregular masses, but in which some- times we can detect a tubular disposition: in these cases we encounter from without inwards, three substances; cortical, medullary, and then lastly, the central substance just described. The capsule of the supra-renal is often laden with fat, which totally obscures the plexus on the surface of the organ. The parent cells, when filled with oily molecules, bear a close resemblance to the cells of a sebaceous gland, between which and the supra-renal capsule one would hence be disposed to suspect a degree of affinity. SPLEEN. The spleen consists of a fibro-elastic capsule which sends down from its inner surface septa, which penetrate the organ in all direc- tions, and divide it into compartments; of an immense assemblage of blood-vessels which compose its chief substance, and which impart to it the character and appearance of an erectile tissue; and, thirdly and lastly, of a small quantity of secreting structure, consisting of nuclei only, and which appears to lie in the intervals between the blood- vessels.* (See Plate LXII. fig 2.) The above comprehends all that can be readily made out of structure in the spleen: the examination, however, of this organ is by no means satisfactory or easy on account of the impossibility of fully injecting it, a difficulty which arises from causes but imperfectly understood. ' Dr. Julian Evans, however, describes a very elaborate structure and arrangement of the tissues in the spleen, as will be seen from the perusal of the following abstract of his paper, taken from the third edition of Carpenter's "Principles of Human Physiology." " According to the account of Dr. Julian Evans.f whose researches appear to have been more successful than those of any other anato- mist, the spleen essentially consists of a fibrous membrane, which constitutes its exterior envelope, and which sends W^TZuK directions across its interior, so as to divide it into a number of minute cavit rsor lacunae of irregular form. These splenic lacuna corn- muilicl freely with each other, and with the ^™^™\^ are lined by a continuation of the lining membrane of the latter, *See Med. Chir. Rev. No. X. p. 28. \Lancet, April 6th, 1844. 490 THE SOLIDS. which is so reflected upon itself as to leave oval or circular foramina by which each lacuna opens into others, or into the splenic vein. The lacunae, whose usual diameter is estimated by Dr. E. at from hall to one-third of a line, are generally traversed by filaments of elastic tissue, imbedded in which a small artery and vein may be frequently observed; over these filaments, the lining membrane is reflected in folds; and, in this manner, each lacuna is incompletely divided into two or more smaller compartments. There is no direct communi- cation between the splenic artery and the interior of the lacunae; but its branches are distributed through the inter-cellular parenchyma (which will be presently described); and the small veins which collect the blood from the capillaries of the organ convey it into these cavities, from which it is conveyed away by the splenic vein. The lacunae may be readily injected from the splenic vein with either air or liquid, provided they are not filled with coagulated blood; and they are so distensible, that the organ may be made to dilate to many times its original size with very little force. This is especially the case in the spleen of the Herbivora; for the spleen of a sheep weighing four ounces, may be easily made to contain thirty ounces of water. That of man, however, is less capable of this kind of enlargement. According to Dr. Evans, the lacunae of the spleen never contain any thing but blood: and he notices that a frequent condition of the human spleen after death, which is sometimes described as a morbid appear- ance, consists in the filling of the lacunae with firmly coagulated blood, which gives a granular appearance to the organ. "The partitions between the lacunae are formed, not only by the membranes already mentioned, but by the peculiar parenchyma of the spleen; which constitutes a larger part of the organ in man, than in the Herbivorous Mammalia. It presents a half-fluid appearance to the eye; but when an attempt is made to tear it, considerable resistance is experienced, in consequence of its being intersected by what appear to be minute fibres. When a small portion of it is pressed, a liquid is separated: which is that commonly known as the Liquor Lienis, or splenic blood; which is usually described (but erroneously, according to Dr. E.) as filling the lacunae of the spleen. This liquid, when diluted with serum, and examined under the microscope, is found to contain two kinds of corpuscles—one sort being apparently identical with ordinary blood corpuscles, and the other with the globules character- istic of the lymph, and abundant in the lymphatic glands. The remaining fibrous substance consists entirely of capillary blood-vessels GLANDS. 491 and lymphatics, with minute corpuscles, much smaller than blood corpuscles, varying in size from about l-6000th to l-7000th of an inch, of spherical form, and usually corrugated on the surface. These lie in great numbers in the meshes of the sanguiferous capillaries; and the minute lymphatics are described by Dr. E. as connected with the splenic corpuscles, and apparently arising from them. Lying in the midst of the parenchyma, are found a large number of bodies, of about a third of a line in diameter, which are evidently in close con- nexion with the vascular system; these have been long known as the Malpighian bodies of the spleen, after the name of their discoverer; but since his time, their existence has been denied, or other appear-, ances have been mistaken for them. "According to Dr. E., they in all respects resemble the mesenteric, or lymphatic glands in miniature, consisting as they do of convoluted masses of blood-vessels and lymphatics, united together by elastic tissue, so as to possess considerable firmness: and they further cor- respond with them in this—that the lymph they contain, which was quite transparent in their afferent lymphatics, now becomes somewhat milky, from containing a large number of lymph globules." Dr. Handfield Jones has noticed the occurrence of certain peculiar corpuscles in the spleen of various animals, including that of fishes, mammals, and man; these corpuscles he describes as follows:* "In the spleens of various animals there may often be seen a number of minute corpuscles of a yellow colour, varying from a dark to a pale hue; they occur sometimes singly, but mostly in groups, which I have sometimes thought were aggregated, especially along the larger blood canals. These groups are made up of corpuscles of very various size; they do not appear to have any special connexion with the surrounding substance, which occasionally, however, has a decided yellow tinge. "In the animal series, I have found these corpuscles most highly developed in fishes. In the human subject, they are rarely to be found. I have, however, observed them distinctly in six instances, in one of which they were very large and numerous. In most of the cases in which they were found, there had been considerable inter- ruption to the respiratory process. The spleen was generally much enlarged, soft, and of rather a pale colour, quite an opposite condition to that often observed in cases of'Bright's Disease,' where the organ * Medical Gazette, 1847, p. 141. 492 THE SOLIDS. is found small and contracted: in such spleens I have never found any of the yellow corpuscles." For a description to the Pineal and Pituitary glands, placed in the classification under the heading "Vascular Glands," the reader is referred to the Appendix. ABSORBENT GLANDS. The absorbent system of vessels is divisible into lacteals and lym- phatics, the glands attached to the former being called mesenteric, and those to the latter, lymphatic glands. The lacteal absorbents commence in a plexiform manner in the villi of the small intestines, while the lymphatic absorbents originate all over the body, in the same manner, in each of the several tissues and organs of which it is composed: they are minute, delicate, and transparent vessels, remarkable for their uniformity of size, a knotted appearance due to the presence of numerous valves, the dichotomous divisions which occur in their course, and their separation into several branches immediately before entering a gland.* In the mesentery, the lacteals become variously coiled and knotted, these aggregations of coils, together with fibrous tissue and blood- vessels, forming the mesenteric glands; the lymphatic glands have a similar structure and origin, being placed in certain determinate regions of the human body. The lymphatics which enter a gland, or the afferent lymphatics, vary in number from two to six; they divide at a short distance from the gland into several smaller vessels, and enter it by one of the flat- tened surfaces: while those which leave it, or the efferent lymphatics, escape from the gland on the opposite, but not unfrequently on the same surface; they also consist, at their junction with the gland, of several small vessels, which unite after a course of a few lines, and form from one to three trunks, often twice as large as the afferent lymphatics. The afferent lacteals and lymphatics, as they enter the gland, become somewhat dilated; and the epithelium, in place of forming a single layer of flattened cells firmly adherent to the walls of the tubes, consists of several layers of rounded and glandular cells, which are very readily displaced. These cells are doubtless more or less concerned in the elaboration f See the Article "Lymphatic System," by Mr. Lane, in the Cyclopedia of Anatomy and Physiology. GLANDS. 493 of the fibrin of the chyle; and there is much reason to believe that from time to time the more mature cells become detached from the walls of the lacteals. and are conveyed along with the chyle into the blood, where they become the white or granular corpuscles of that fluid. Such is a very brief outline of the minute anatomy of the mesen- teric and lymphatic glands. This is probably the most fit place to introduce a few remarks on the structure of the villi themselves, the chief agents in the absorp- tion of the chyme, and the parts in which the lacteals themselves take their origin. The Villi of the Intestines. The villi exist in the whole extent of the small intestines, but it is in the lower part of the duodenum and the whole of the jejunum that they are best developed, and the lacteals most readily detected. Several distinct structures have to be noticed and described enter- ing into the constitution of each villus: these are the epithelium resting upon the outer surface of the villus, the basement membrane, the intra-villous nuclear contents, the fatty intra-villous contents, the blood-vessels of the villus and its lacteals; these several parts will be described in the order of their enumeration. The epithelium investing the villi (see Plate LII. fig. 1), is of the conoidal variety, already fully described and figured. It not merely clothes the villi from base to summit; but also the inter-spaces between them, as well as the numerous follicles of Lieberkuhn, situated in the whole length of the small intestines. According to the observations of Professor Goodsir, this epithelium is shed on each recurrence of the process of chymefication, the cells first absorbing the partially elaborated chyme, effecting a further elaboration of it, and finally becoming ruptured and dissolved, set free the fluid absorbed, at the same time adding their own substance to augment its amount and nutritive qualities. The accuracy of this view is in the main admitted by most observ- ers ; Professor Weber and Dr. Jones, however, do not consider that the shedding of the epithelium is necessary to enable the villi to per- form their function; and the latter observer makes the following remarks on this point: " I have certainly seen the villi clad with their epithelium when the lacteals have seemed to be every where filled with chyle: however, I think there can be little doubt that, when the absorbing process is most actively performed, the villus does throw 494 THE SOLIDS. off its protecting covering; certainly, this is the case in a great number of instances."* The basement membrane of the villi is a continuation of that of the general surface of the mucous membrane, and is, as far as has yet been ascertained, perfectly structureless. The granular, or, more correctly speaking, the nuclear contents of the villi have been noticed by several observers. (See Plate LII. figs. 1, 2). Dr. Jones, however, in the communication already referred to, has pointed out the fact that the nuclear and granular contents of one villus are continuous with those of another, and that the granules and nuclei form a continuous stratum lying beneath the basement membrane, extending not merely from villus to villus, but also throughout the large intestines, where it is very easily seen in the spaces between the follicles. Professor Goodsir has described these granular nuclei, as enlarging during the process of absorption, and as forming a number of enlarged and very evident cells at the apex of the villus. These supposed cells, however, are nothing more than oil drops, usually of a brown colour, and of various sizes. (See Plate LII. fig. 2.) At this con- clusion I arrived many months since, and gave a figure of these oil drops in the villi in the 13th Part of the Microscopic Anatomy, pub- lished in April, 1848; and I am glad that Dr. Jones entertains a similar opinion of their nature. I may at the same time remark, that the cells delineated in the original figure given by Professor Goodsir, have all the characters of oil drops, being round, smooth, and reflect- ing the light strongly. The use of these oil drops in the villi is by no means evident; they are formed, in all probability, by the cohesion of the smaller oily granules which are scattered throughout the villi during the process of absorption, and which contribute so greatly to their opacity; in the end, they are most probably absorbed by the lacteals. Notwithstanding, however, the non-existence of the peculiar cells described by Professor Goodsir, the leading idea of that observer of the elaboration of the chyme within the villus is still correct, the agents in this work being the nuclei already described. The presence of these nuclei throughout the whole length of the villus seems to point to the inference that it is not the apex only which absorbs. Each villus is copiously supplied with blood-vessels; an artery * Medical Gazette, Nov. 17th, 1848. GLANDS. 495 ascends one side of the villus, a vein descends along the opposite side, and between these two principal vessels a very complicated and beau- tiful plexus of capillaries is extended. (See Plate LI. figs. 3, 4, 5.) The lacteals are described as originating in the villi in a plexiform manner. In the rabbit I have observed a very curious construction of the villi, their surfaces being studded with numerous mucous follicles; the portion of intestine exhibiting these characters was most probably taken from near the junction of the large and small intestines; and 1 have little doubt but that the villi of the human intestine, in a corres- ponding position, would exhibit the same combination of the struct- ural peculiarities of both small and large intestines. The anatomical characters of the mucous membrane of the stom- ach, and large intestines, have already been described. (See page 339. et seq.) 49G THE SOLIDS. VILLI OF INTESTINES: [The villi of the intestines can only be examined satisfactorily after injection, and the removal of the epithelium. They may be seen, but not so well, in the recent intestine, after the epithelium and mucus have been well washed off, on examination under water with a low power. In the fowl and dog, as in many other animals, the villi are longer than in the human subject. The intestines may be injected with the other chylopoietic viscera from the vena portae, or they may be injected alone from the superior and inferior mesen- teric vein, or any portion of the intestinal canal may be isolated by applying ligatures above and below the portion to be injected, containing the intestine and mesentery, and the pipe of the syringe then placed in the largest mesen- teric vein discoverable in the isolated portion. After the injection has set, the intestine must be placed in water, to allow the epithelium to become detached, and the mucus removed. It will be sometimes necessary to wash the internal coat of the intestine with water from a syringe. These injections are best preserved in cells and in fluid. Sometimes it will be found desirable to preserve longer portions of intestine than can be contained in cells of the usual size; for this purpose, the built- up cells already described will be of service, as they can be made of almost any size. When the villi are long and well filled, the vessels are sometimes beauti- fully shown in transverse sections, mounted in balsam without heat. Plate LXXIV., fig. 5, Villi of duodenum. " " fig. 6, Villi of jejunum. Plate LXXV., fig. 1, Villi of ileum. " " fig. 2, Muscular fibre of small intestine.] ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 197 ART. XXII.—ORGANS OF THE SENSES. TOUCH. Papillary Structure of the Skin. The sense of Touch is the simplest as well as the most universally diffused of the senses, it not merely extending over every portion of the external surface of the body, but also over certain of the internal mucous surfaces, as those of part of the mouth, nose, &c. Over the general surface of the body this sense exists under the form of common sensation; and it is only in certain parts, as on the palmar and plantar surfaces of the hands and feet, that it becomes so highly developed as to assume the importance of a distinct sense, and to deserve the name of Touch. This sense has its seat in the papillary structure of the skin, and the degree of the development of this structure, as shown by the size and number of the papillae, is always proportionate to the degree of perfection of the sense: thus, the papillae over the general surface of the body are much less numerous and less perfect in form than they are in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. The papillae in the natural state are of course invested by the epidermis, which indeed conceals them to a great extent from view; this requires to be removed by maceration before their form, size, and arrangement can be clearly ascertained. After the removal of the epidermis, it will be seen that the papillae on the general surfaces of the body do not follow any definite arrange- ment, but are scattered here and there without apparent order, more or less thickly according to the degree in which the part of the integu- ment upon which they are seated is endowed with sensation, but every where they are less numerous than on the palmar and plantar surfaces of the hands and feet. (See Plate LXIII. fig. 4.) On the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, the papillae are arranged, as may be seen with the naked eye, in lines or ridges, each ridge being made up of two rows of papillae in single file, and between each pair of which a further line of separation may be traced: such is the general disposition of the papillae in each ridge; the ducts of the sudoriferous glands pass through its centre and between the rows of papillee, the number of these glands and ducts to that of the papillae being in the proportion of one to four. (See Plate LXIII. fig. 3.) 32 498 THE SOLIDS. The arrangement just described can be well seen on the palms of the hands by the aid of a lens, even while the epidermis is still attached to the cutis; the ridges are seen to be disposed here and there in beautiful curves, some abruptly coming to a termination, and others dividing into two distinct ridges, this disposition enabling them to adapt themselves more accurately to the varying nature of the surface over which they are extended: along the middle of each ridge, the apertures of the numerous sudoriferous glands may be seen for the most part crossed in the direction of the diameter of the ridge by a faint groove, which indicates the line of separation of the papillae into pairs. (See Plate LXIII. fig. 1.) Each papilla appears to consist of a prolongation of basement membrane, and contains in its interior granular and nuclear contents and a single looped blood-vessel, (see Plate LXIII. figs. 3. 7): these points of structure are all made out readily enough; the chief difficulty consists in the determination of the manner in which the nerve fila- ments, with which the papillae are undoubtedly supplied, terminate in them. On this subject, Messrs. Todd and Bowman* have the follow- ing observations:—"In regard to the presence of nerves in the papillae themselves, we can affirm that we have distinctly traced solitary tubules ascending among the other tissues of the papillae- about half way to their summits, but then becoming lost to sight, either by simply ending, or else by losing the white substance of Schwann, which alone enables us to distinguish them in such situations from other textures. Thin vertical sections of perfectly fresh specimens are essential for this investigation, and the observer should try upon them the several effects of acetic acid and solution of potass. In thus describing the nerves of the papillae from our own observations, we do not deny the existence of true loop-like terminations as figured by so respectable an authority as Gerber; but neither do we feel entitled to assent to it. . . . We incline to the belief that the tubules, either entirely or in a great measure, lose the white substance when within the papillae." Messrs. Todd and Bowman further observe, in reference to the structure of the papillae:—" Within the basement membrane it is difficult to distinguish any special tissue, except by artificial modes of preparation. A fibrous structure, however, is apparent, having a more or less vertical arrangement; and with the help of solution of potass, filaments of extreme delicacy, which seeem to be of the elastic kind, are generally discoverable in it." * Physiological Anatomy, p. 412. ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 499 The blood-vessels of the papillae consist of single loops; each of these is made up of an artery and a vein: the former, derived from the arterial plexus of the cutis, ascends the papilla on one side, and on reaching its summit gradually merges into the vein which descends along its opposite side, and terminates in the venous plexus of the cutis. In an injected preparation, and where the villi are large, the turn of the loop is seen to be very abrupt, the two vessels, the artery and the vein, coiling round each other, and resembling a piece of twine which has been bent upon itself and afterwards twisted in a spiral manner. This disposition of the vessels seems intended to delay somewhat the passage of the blood through the papillae. (See Plate LXIII. fig. 7.) The thickness of the epidermis which so closely invests the papillae, does not appear to have any direct relation to the sense of touch: thus, over the general surface of the body, where this sense exists only as common sensation, the epidermis is very thin, while over the palmar surface of the hands it is very thick; the epidermis must not be too thick, however, even in this situation, as is shown by the fact, that where it has been greatly thickened by manual labour, touch is totally obscured. The density of the epidermis in certain situations is evidently due to pressure, and may be explained by the fact that such pressure induces an increased determination of blood to the part, which is followed by increased nutrition and development. Between the sense of touch and the number of sudoriferous glands, there would appear to be a certain relation: thus, on the palmar aspect of the hands, where this sense exists in its highest perfection, the number of sweat glands is very great. The use of these glands in this situation in such increased numbers, may readily be conceived to be to keep the epidermis in a moist and flexible condition, whereby impressions would be more readily con- veyed to the papillae and more distinctly felt, the acuteness of the entire sense being thus greatly augmented. The epidermis is very accurately adapted to the papillae, so that when detached and viewed upon its under surface, it is seen to con- tain exact impressions of each and all of them; it is in this manner that their form, size, number, and arrangement are best studied, and it will then be noticed that, in all these particulars, considerable variations exist. (See Plate LXIII. figs. 5, 6.) 500 THE SOLIDS. PAPILL/E OF SKIN: [The papillae of the skin may be examined in their recent state on detaching the epidermis after slight maceration: the papillae may then be viewed in thin transverse sections of the skin, as directed in the prepara- tion of the sudoriparous glands. The loopings of the vessels investing the papillae, can only be seen after injection. In some cases of very success- ful minute injection of the whole body, the capillaries of the skin will be found filled; but this success is rare, except in fcetal subjects. Injections of the skin may sometimes be made of one extremity—as one arm, or a hand or foot. In these attempts, the injection must be made by the vein. When success is obtained, those portions of skin that show best the papillae, and these will be found on the palmar surface of the hand and fingers, may be preserved in cells with fluid. Other portions should be allowed to dry, and transverse sections made and mounted in balsam.] ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 501 TASTE. Papillary Structure of the Mucous Membrane of the Tongue. The mucous membrane of the tongue, the principal, if not the sole seat of the sense of taste, is divisible, like the skin, into a chorium, a papillary structure, and an epidermis or epithelium. The chorium is a firm and tough membrane, formed of mixed fibrous tissue, and containing in its substance the blood-vessels and nerves, arranged in a plexiform manner, from which the papillae are supplied: to its under surface the extremities of the mascular fibres of the mus- cles of the tongue are firmly attached; this arrangement imparts to the whole organ a considerable power of movement and of nice adaptation. The papillary structure, which is the real seat of the sense of taste, is constituted of an immense number of papillae, which occasion a somewhat flocculent appearance of the whole surface of the tongue. The papillae are divisible into simple and compound, and the latter again into filiform, fungiform, and calyciform; besides these several compound forms, however, others exist of no very definite shape, but approaching more or less closely in their characters to either the fungiform or calyciform papillae. The simple papillae exist principally on the sides and under surface of the tongue, but also, though more sparingly, on its upper surface, as between the filiform papilae, in the space around the base of each fungiform papilla, and for a short distance behind the calyciform papillae, and to either side of them. (See Plate LXV. fig. 10.) They vary somewhat in size, form, and structure in different situa- tions ; in general they are much pointed at their extremities: behind the calycform papillae they are obtuse and pyriform in shape, (see Plate LXV. fig. 11,) while on the under surface of the tongue their extremities are very frequently perforated, and they appear to serve the double purpose of a papilla and mucous follicle. (See Plate LXV. fig- 2.) They each consist of, in addition to their epithelial investment, a laver of basement membrane, a single looped blood-vessel, filaments of nerves, and granular and nuclear contents. (See Plate LXV. fig. 6, and Plate LXVI. fig. 5.) The compound papillae are confined to the upper surface and edges of the tongue, and do not extend, except for a short distance at the 502 THE SOLIDS. sides, over the space bounded in front by the calyciform papillae, and behind by the epiglottis. This chain of papillae forms* the extreme boundary of the space over which the sense of taste extends, the surface behind it being smooth, non-papillary, and exhibiting numerous open- ings of mucous glands; thus then it would appear we have a true gustatory region. Each compound papilla is made up of numerous simple papillae, arranged differently in the case of the three forms of these already enumerated. The filiform papillae are by far the most numerous, being more than in the proportion of twenty to one; when freed from epithelium they are seen to be more or less cylindrical in form, and to consist of a variable number of simple papillae, from sixteen to twenty or more to each, arranged in a single circular series, forming the top and margin of the cylinder. (See Plate LXIV. fig. 3.) The sides of the simple papillae are more or less united together, but the tips are free and pointed, some more so than others. The length of the cylinder which each filiform papilla describes, the degree of acumination of the apices of the secondary papillae, and the extent of these which is free, vary in accordance with the position of the papillae on the tongue. The circular disposition referred to is best seen in the papillae placed near the tip and sides of the tongue, for in those situations the sec- ondary papillae are short, blunt, and nearly of equal lengths. (See Plate LXIV. fig. 3.) In the centre of the organ the simple or second- ary papillae are much longer, and more slender, so that they fall together and variously intermix with each other, and thus it is that the circular disposition in them is usually more or less concealed from view. (See Plate LXIV. fig. 4.) This disposition of the secondary papillae includes of course, as a consequence, a corresponding arrangement of the blood-vessels, (a single looped vessel proceeding to each,) and of the nerve filaments, which are in like manner arranged in circles. (See Plate LXVI. fig- 4.) The centre of each filiform papilla is hollowed out, and is to be regarded as a large mucous follicle, and thus the comparison of these papillae to a cylinder is rendered almost complete. (See Plate LXIV fig- 3.) We shall presently see that the same circular arrangement extends ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 503 to the filiform epithelial appendages hereafter to be described, and one of which corresponds to each secondary papilla.* The fungiform papillae are seated principally on the tip and sides of the tongue, at least they are most evident in those situations, and around each a space or shallow fossa, dotted with numerous simple papillae, may be observed; they are distinguished from the filiform papillae by which they are surrounded, by their form, being narrow at the base, and dilated near the summit, by being clothed all over with simple papillae, which are usually a good deal compressed in form, and by the tenuity of the epithelium, destitute of filiform append- ages, which covers them, and which allows of the blood in the vessels being seen through it. (See Plate LXIV. fig. 5.) At the edges of the tongue, and at the sides behind the calyciform papillae, compound papillae exist, which bear some resemblance to the fungiform papillae, of which they may be described as modifications; they differ from ordinary fungiform papillae, however, in being sessile and simply rounded; in the form of the simple papillae which clothes them, and which usually are not compressed, but swollen at the extremity, or pyriform. (See Plate LXV. fig. 11.) The calyciform papillae bound the true gustatory region posteriorly; they are seven or eight in number, and arranged in two rows, which meet behind in the foramen caecum, and enclose a V-shaped space, the concavity of which looks forward. They each consist of a depression or cup, out of which a large papilla, sometimes more or less adherent to the rim of the cup, arises, and the level of which it but little exceeds; the central papilla, as well as the sides and margin of the cup, are closely set with very many simple papillae, which are short, obtuse, and dilated at their extremities. » A calyciform papilla, perfectly freed from epithelium, and with all the secondary papillae visible, forms a very beautiful object. (See Plate LXVI. fig. 1.) The foramen ccecum usually contains one and sometimes two large papillae, similarly clothed with secondary papillae, and according as it includes one or two papillae, it is to be regarded as a single or double modified calyciform papilla. In front of the calyciform papillae, in some tongues, a number of larcre and irregular papillae exist, invested with secondary papillae * The form and structure of the filiform papillae, as above detailed, was first described by me in the Lancet of 3d March, 1849. 404 THE SOLIDS. similar to those of the calyciform papillae, but not, like the latter, seated in cups. On the edges and under surface of the tongue numerous mucous follicles are observed: it is sometimes, however, difficult to distinguish between these and simple papillae, in consequence of the latter being frequently perforated in the centre, and thus combining the charac- ters of both follicles and papillae. (See Plate LXV. figs. 1, 2, 3.) The epithelial investment of the tongue adheres very closely to the papillae, and generally requires one or two weeks' maceration for its complete removal; even then, in but few instances in the human sub- ject, can it be removed in entire pieces, it in most cases crumbling away into its constituent cells. It adapts itself accurately to the papillary structure of the tongue, and is of sufficient thickness to conceal effectually the simple papillae, whether these exist by themselves or constitute by their aggregation the compound papillae. For the satisfactory study of the papillae, therefore, it is absolutely necessary that the epithelium should be entirely removed. The epithelium of the tongue presents all the characters of the epidermis of the skin, consisting, like it, of numerous layers of large and nucleated cells, those forming the outer layers being flattened and membranous, while the deeper-seated cells are rounded and granular. (See Plate LXV. fig. 6.) The thickness of the epithelium of the tongue in the human subject varies very considerably in different cases, and would appear to be much affected by disease; it in some cases even being entirely absent. It is thickest over the simple papillae, which are usually entirely concealed by it; over the fungiform and calyciform papillae it is very thin and delicate, while over the filiform papillae it is prolonged into long filiform processes, which correspond in number and arrangement with the secondary papillae themselves. (See Plate LIV. fig. 1, 2.) These filiform appendages vary much in length, being very short upon the sides and near the tip of the tongue, but three or four times as long near its centre (see Plate LIV. fig. 1,2); at the very tip they are often entirely wanting, the papillae in this situation presenting the appearance of large open follicles with slightly spinous rims. (See Plate LV. fig. 4.) Each filiform process is constituted of flattened epithelial scales, which lie in the direction of their length, and frequently contains a canal in its centre. ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 505 Tubular nerve filaments, terminating in loops, have been discovered in the fungiform and filiform papillae, but not hitherto in either the simple or calyciform papillae, although nerve filaments, in some form or other, doubtless exist in these also. The internal minute structure of the three principal forms of com- pound papillae requires a careful and searching examination, with a view to the determination of their respective functions. From a con- sideration of their outward configuration, they would all appear to be well adapted to receive gustatory impressions. The fungiform papillae seem to be so by their prominence and the delicacy of the epithelium by which they are invested, the calyciform papillae also by the tenuity of their epithelial covering and by their cupped form, and the filiform papillae, by reason of the cavity which occupies the centre of each, and the regular disposition of the secondary papillae around this. An additional, and to my mind, indeed, an almost conclusive reason in favour of the subserviency of the filiform papillae to the reception of gustatory impressions, is derived from the consideration that they cover nineteen-twentieths of the mucous membrane of the tongue; and it is but natural to suppose that the principal portion of this is destined to the discharge of the function for which it has so evidently been designed. The filamentary papillae have generally been considered to be ill adapted to the reception of gustatory impressions, in consequence of the character of the epithelial processes in connexion with them; and it has been supposed that they are to be regarded as tactile rather than gustatory organs. This opinion has, however, been entertained in the absence of a full knowledge of the real form and structure of these papillae, as already shown. It has occurred to me that these filamentary processes act as absorbents of the nutrient juices, and that collectively they constitute an absorbent surface of considerable power, conveying directly to the papilla those fluids, and keeping them in contact with the papillae for a time, thus prolonging the duration of the gustatory impression. This idea would appear to gather confirmation from the fact that it is in these filamentary epithelial prolongations that the variable coating known as the fur of the tongue has its seat. SMELL. Structure of the Mucous Membrane of the Nose. The anatomical characters of the mucous membrane of the nose 500 THE SOLIDS. differ in different regions; for a short distance within the anterior nares, the mucous membrane presents many of the characters of the skin, it being divisible into chorion, papillary structure, and epider- mis; the papillae resemble in every respect those of the sense ol touch, and the epidermis consists of flattened epithelial scales analo- gous to those of the same structure in the skin. This, the commence- ment of the nasal mucous membrane, may be called the tactile region of the nose, and it is abundantly furnished with hairs, which guard the entrances of the nares, and the roots of which are in con- nexion with the ordinary sebaceous glands of the hair follicles. Higher up the mucous membrane of the nose, losing its papillae and scaly epithelium, becomes thick and soft, and presents more completely the ordinary appearances of a mucous membrane; imbedded in its substance are numerous mucous follicles of large size, having but small apertures, which are best seen thickly studding the surface of the membrane after slight maceration and the removal of the epithe- lium. Between and around these the blood-vessels are disposed, the veins being particularly large, and forming a very evident plexus, each mesh of which corresponds with a follicle. (See Plate LXIX. fig. 2.) The large size and considerable numbers of the mucous follicles explain the copious secretion which proceeds from this portion of the mucous membrane, when suffering from irritation, while the venous plexuses sufficiently account for the disposition of this part to hemorrhage. This is by far the largest of the three nasal regions, and may be denominated the pituitary; the epithelium which clothes it is of the ciliated kind, and several of the cavities in connexion with the meatuses are invested by a similar epithelium, as the frontal and sphenoidal sinuses, the antrum maxillare, and the Eustachian tubes. In the sinuses, however, the mucous membrane, losing its follicles, becomes much reduced in thickness, and presents the characters of a fibrous rather than of a mucous structure. Still higher up in the nose we come upon the third region, which has been particularly defined and described by the authors of the Physi- ological Anatomy as follows, under the name of the olfactory region: " The olfactory region is situated at the top of the nose, imme- diately below the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, through which the olfactory nerves reach the membrane; and it extends about one-third or one-fourth downwards on the septum, and over the supe- rior and part of the middle spongy bones of the ethmoid. Its limits ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 507 are distinctly marked by a more or less rich sienna-brown tint of the epithelium, and by a remarkable increase in the thickness of this structure, compared with the ciliated region below; so much so, that it forms an opaque soft pulp upon the surface of the membrane, very different from the delicate, very transparent film of the sinuses and lower spongy bones. The epithelium, indeed, here quite alters its character, being no longer ciliated, but composed of an aggregation of superposed nucleated particles, of pretty uniform appearance through- out; except that in many instances a layer of those lying deepest, or almost deepest, is of a darker colour than the rest, from the brown pigment contained in the cells. These epithelial particles, then, are not ciliated; and they form a thick, soft, and pulpy stratum, resting on the basement membrane. The deepest layer often adheres after the others are washed aw7ay. On looking on the under surface of this epithelium, when it has been detached, we observe projecting tubular fragments similar to the cuticular lining drawn out of the sweat-ducts of the skin, when the cuticle is removed after macera- tion. In fact, glands apparently identical with the sweat-glands exist in this region in great numbers. They dip down in the recesses of the sub-mucous tissue, among the ramifications of the olfactory nerves; and their orifices are very easily seen, after the general brown coat of epithelium has been detached, lying more or less in vertical rows; the arrangement is probably determined by the course of those nerves beneath. They become more and more sparing towards the limits of the olfactory region. The epithelium of these glands is bulky, and, like that of the sweat-glands, contains some pigment. As the duct approaches the epithelium of the general surface, its wall becomes thinner and more transparent, and in its subsequent course upwards, it is difficult to be traced, for it does not appear to be spiral, or its par- ticles to differ from those which they traverse. We have sometimes seen rods of epithelium, apparently hollow, left projecting from the base- ment membrane, after the brown epithelium has been washed away, and these are perhaps portions of the excretory ducts of these glands." In the propriety of the discrimination of this region, and in the accuracy of much of the description of it given above, the author fully concurs. He does not, however, hesitate to affirm that no glands at all analogous to sweat-glands exist in it; the membrane of this region is indeed thickly studded with mucous follicles, apparently in no respect dissimilar to those of the pituitary region, except that they are smaller in size, and more delicate in structure. 508 THE SOLIDS. The chief characteristics of the olfactory region consist, then, in its glandular epithelium, in the presence of pigment cells lying be- neath this, in its more delicate structure, in the presence of gelatinous nerve filaments, and in a somewhat different arrangement of the blood-vessels. (See Plate LXIX. fig. 1.) In the sheep this region is rendered almost black by the presence of very many pigment cells which are of the stellate form. Mr. Quekett pointed out, some years ago, the very curious fact that the blood-vessels of the olfactory region of the human foetus, and that of mammalia in general, are disposed in loops, the convexity of each of these presenting a decided dilatation. (See Plate LXIX. fig. 12.) Much interest is attached to the existence of these loops, since they appear to indicate the presence of true papillae in the seat of smell of the mammalian foetus; if such be the case, however, it is very cer- tain that neither the papillae nor loops exist in the olfactory region in the adult condition of the nasal organ. The most rigorous search has failed to detect the presence in the olfactory region of cells, which could be decidedly pronounced to be nervous or ganglionic. The nerves of the nose are the first pair, branches of the fifth, and motor filaments from the seventh pair. The first pair are, doubtless, the proper nerves of smell, while the fifth gives common sensibility to the nose. The olfactory lobes are prolongations of the white or fibrous por- tion of the brain, and consist, like it, of slender tubular nerve fila- ments, intermixed with the delicate transparent cells, described in a previous division of this work. " The olfactory filaments are from fifteen to twenty-five in number, and passing through the apertures of the cribriform plate, may be seen invested with fibrous sheaths derived from the dura mater, upon the deep or attached surface of the mucous membrane of the olfac- tory region. They here branch, and sparingly reunite in a plexiform manner, as they descend. They form a considerable part of the entire thickness of the membrane, and differ widely from the ordinary cerebral nerves in structure. They contain no white substance of Schwann, are not divisible into elementary fibrillae, are nucleated, and finely granular in texture; and are invested with a sheath of homogeneous membrane, much resembling the sarcolemma, or, more strictly, that neurilemma which we figured from the nerves of insects in a former volume. These facts we have repeatedly ascertained, and ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 509 they appear to be of great importance to the general question of the function of the several ultimate elements of the nervous structure, especially when viewed in connexion with what will be said on the anatomy of the retina. We are aware that some anatomists deny the existence of the white substance of Schwann as a natural element of the nerve fibre in any case, pretending that it is formed by artificial modes of preparation. We hold it to be a true structure, but how- ever that may be, these nerves never exhibited it, however prepared. They rather correspond with the gelatinous fibres. Now, there is no kind of doubt that they are a direct continuation from the vesicular matter of the olfactory bulb. The arrangement of the capillaries in well-injected specimens is a convincing proof of this, as these vessels gradually become elongated on the nerve assuming a fibrous charac- ter as it quits the surface of the bulb; and, further, no tubular fibres can ever be discovered in the pulp often left upon the orifices of the cribriform plate after detachment of the bulb. It must be remembered that a few tubu • nbres from the nasal nerve of the fifth here and there accompany the true olfactory filaments; but these only serve to make the difference more evident by contrast."—Physiological Anatomy. VISION. Structure of the Globe of the Eye. The structure of the several appendages of the globe of the eye: as the eye-lids, with their lashes, and Meibomian glands, the caruncula lacrymalis, the lachrymal gland, muscles, &c, have already been fully described in previous sections of this work ; we have now to enter upon the description of the numerous parts which compose the essen- tial portion of the organ of vision, the globe of the eye; each of these may be examined in much the same order in which they would natu- rally present themselves to the notice of an ordinary dissector, and which would be somewhat as follows : Sclerotic and cornea; cho- roid, ciliary processes, and iris ; retina; crystalline lens; hyaloid membrane, &c. Sclerotic. The sclerotic is composed, to a great extent, of white fibrous tissue, intermixed with a small proportion of a nucleated form of elastic tissue. These tissues are disposed in a laminated manner, the fibres of one layer crossing those of another more or less at right angles;—an arrangement evidently designed to render this the protecting tunic of the eye more firm and unyielding. The inner surface of the sclerotic 510 THE SOLIDS. is rough, and connected with the choroid by the lamina fusca of that membrane, to be described hereafter. The nutrition of the sclerotic is provided for by small vessels which ramify on its outer surface, and which are sparingly continued into its substance. Anteriorly, the sclerotic is strengthened by the tendinous expan- sion of the four recti muscles, known as the tunica albuginea, or white of the eye. Cornea. The cornea, although in a state of health as clear as crystal, yet possesses a complicated and beautiful organization, plainly demon- strable with the aid of the microscope. Notwithstanding also the definite line of demarcation by which the limits of the cornea and sclerotic are marked out, these two parts are yet inseparably united to each other; this indissoluble union depend- ing upon the circumstance of the existence of a structural connexion between them, the nature of which will shortly be rendered evident. The cornea is clearly divisible into four, and, according to some observers, even five laminae. These are, reckoning from before backwards, conjunctival epithelium, cornea proper, posterior elastic lamina, and the epithelium of the aqueous humour; the fifth layer has been described in the " Physiological Anatomy" under the title of the "anterior elastic lamina." These several layers will be separately noticed, and in the order mentioned. (See Plate LXVII. fig. 1.) The conjunctival epithelium forms a distinct membrane of appre- ciable thickness, and capable of separation as such shortly after death. It consists of several layers of super-imposed cells, which partake of many of the characters of ordinary epidermic scales or cells. Those cells which constitute the outer or more superficial layers are large, flat, and membranous; while those nearest to the cornea proper, and which appear to rest directly upon it, are baton-shaped, and disposed vertically to the surface of the cornea. (See Plate LXVIII. figs. 3. 5, and Plate LXVII. fig. 1.) After death this epithelium becomes whitish and opaque, and it then forms the film of the eye. The second lamina, according to the observations of the author, is the cornea proper; and it is this which constitutes the principal bulk of that structure. Externally, the cornea proper is firm and dense in texture, but becomes more lax and soft gradually as we approach the interior; it is ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 511 this external and firmer portion which exhibits the lamellar arrange- ment so generally described, the fibres following a less regular course internally, and being separated by wider intervals. The tissue of the cornea has been recently described as a peculiar modification of the white fibrous element of the sclerotic. It would appear, however, that the fibrous tissue of which it is constituted is of a kind totally distinct from that which enters so largely into the composition of the cornea proper; a conclusion derived from its examination, for which we might be prepared, simply by the consider- ation of the very opposite physical characters of the two parts, the sclerotic and cornea, the former being white and opaque, and the latter clear and diaphanous. If we tear up with needles a small portion of the sclerotic, and examine it with the microscope, we then see that it is made up, for the most part, of bundles of wavy and distinct fibres, presenting scarcely a nucleus, and reflecting a yellowish hue; if now we carry our examination still further, and apply acetic acid to these bundles, they swell up, the fibres becoming indistinct, and finally converted into a jelly-like substance. On the other hand, if we submit a portion of the cornea to the same examination, and the same treatment by acetic acid, we shall encoun- ter different appearances and results. In the first place, we shall not perceive distinct and separate bundles of fibrous tissue free from nuclei, but we shall merely notice an indistinct fibrous character in the mass, with here and there elongated nuclei imperfectly seen; on the application of acetic acid, however, the fibres become much more evident, and multitudes of nuclei are brought into view. Thus, then, it is evident that the tissue of the cornea is something more than a modification of the white fibrous element of the sclerotic. The nucle- ated fibres just described are often, in the neighbourhood of the nuclei themselves, expanded and membraneous; and it is remarkable that they do not lie in direct apposition with each other, but interlace in such a manner as to describe elongated spaces, several of which are extended in the same line. These spaces are oval in the cornea, and round in that portion of the sclerotic where the two structures are in connexion with each other.* (See Plate LXVII. fig. 3.) * A subsequent examination of the cornea renders it necessary that the views above expressed of its structure should be modified to some extent. I find that a considerable amount of a tissue, very closely resembling the white fibrous tissue of the sclerotic, does enter into the construction of the cornea; in sections, however, 51-: THE SOLIDS. This arrangement was first pointed out by the authors of the " Physiological Anatomy," and is thus described by them. " On the cornea proper or lamellated cornea, the thickness and strength of the cornea mainly depend. It is a peculiar modification of the white fibrous tissue, continuous with that of the sclerotic. At their line of junction, the fibres, which in the sclerotic have been densely inter- laced in various directions, and mingled with elastic fibrous tissue, flatten out into a membraneous form, so as to follow in the main the curvatures of the surfaces of the cornea, and to constitute a series of more than sixty lamellae, intimately united to one another by very numerous processes of similar structure, passing from one to the other, and making it impossible to trace any one lamella over even a small portion of the cornea. The resulting areolae, which in the sclerotic are irregular, and on all sides open, are converted in the cornea into tubular spaces, which have a very singular arrangement, hitherto undescribed. They lie in superpose planes, the continuous ones of the same plane being, for the most part, parallel, but crossing those of the neighbouring planes at an angle, and seldom communicating with them. The arrangement and size of these tubes can be shown by driving mercury, or coloured size, or air into a small puncture made in the cornea. They may also be shown under a high power by moistening a thin section of a dried cornea, and opening it out by needles." In addition to the above it may be remarked, that the spaces may be seen' without injection, or any other preparation, even in perfectly fresh eyes. In vertical sections of the cornea, after the application of acetic acid, the nucleated fibres in its outer or denser portion are seen to follow the curved form of the cornea itself, while in its inner and softer part they are variously disposed; horizontal sections of the cornea, even taken from the surface, exhibit a curved and interlaced arrange- whether treated or not with acetic acid, this tissue is scarcely to be traced, the nuclear form of fibrous tissue already described, and which is so very abundant, being alone visible, and appearing to constitute the entire of its substance. If, however, a small piece of the inner and softer part of the cornea be torn up with needles, and then examined, bundles of fibrous tissue, very analogous to those of the white fibrous form, will be plainly seen; these are of considerable diameter, reflect a greenish shade, and are, in many parts, transversely straited, each filament bearing a resemblance to a minute Conferva; they are rendered nearly, though not quite, invisible by the action of vinegar. Considered altogether, the cornea resembles very closely, in structure, a tendon, which also contains a very large quantity of a similar nuclear fibrous tissue. ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 5:3 ment of the fibres; fibres, also nucleated, pass from the surface of the cornea deeply into its substance: the use of these is doubtless to assist in preserving its convexity. (See Plate LXVII. fig. 1.) The posterior elastic lamina is the third layer of the cornea; it is a perfectly transparent membrane of appreciable thickness, so that it may be readily recognised with the unaided sight, and is but slightly attached to the cornea proper. It is usually described as structureless, and in most cases it certainly is so; but in the human eye it frequently exhibits peculiar markings, portrayed in Plate LXVII. figs. 11, 12. These, however, would appear to proceed from definite inequalities of the surface, rather than from any distinct fibrous or cellular tissue; nevertheless, the appear- ances observed are remarkable, and worthy of record. This lamina preserves its transparency even in boiling water and acetic acid; and a further peculiarity is, that although it may be torn in any direction, it is so hard that it can be bitten through only with difficulty. It extends to the margin of the cornea only, where it comes into connexion with certain elastic fibres to be described hereafter. The epithelium of the aqueous humour is the fourth layer of the cornea: this is of such delicacy and tenuity as to be readily over- looked; it consists of angular cells which form a tessellated epithelium, and rests upon the posterior surface of the elastic lamina above described. (See Plate LXVIII. fig. 11.) This epithelium is doubtless concerned in the secretion of the aqueous humour, but it does not appear to extend beyond the limits of the elastic lamina. The fifth layer, to which reference has already been made, is the anterior elastic lamina, which is described in the third part of "Physi- ological Anatomy,"* as follows: " This is a transparent homogeneous lamina, coextensive with the front of the cornea, and forming the anterior boundary of the cornea proper. It is a peculiar tissue, the office of which seems to be that of maintaining the exact curvature of the front of the cornea; for there pass from all parts of its posterior surface, and in particular from its edge, into the substance of the cornea proper, and sclerotic, a multitude of filimentous cords, which take hold, in a very beautiful artificial manner, of the fibres and mem- branes of those parts, and serve to brace them and hold them in their rio-ht configuration. These cords, like the elastic lamina of which they are productions, appear to be allied to the yellow element of the areolar tissue. They are unaffected by the acids. The anterior elastic 33 514 THE SOLIDS. lamina sustains the conjunctival epithelium which covers the cornea, and is very probably a representative of the basement membrane of the mucous system, as it occupies the corresponding position in regard to the epithelium." The writer has made diligent and repeated search for this lamina, or for any structure resembling it, without success, however; and he has no hesitation in asserting his disbelief in the existence of any membrane in the slightest degree analogous to the posterior elastic lamina in the situation indicated: he is not prepared, however, to deny the presence of an exceedingly thin layer of structureless basement membrane, although of this even he has not yet discovered any evidence, but conceives it possible that it may exist. Its detection has been attempted in several ways; namely, by vertical and hori- zontal sections, and by the use of reagents, but to no purpose. In a representation of a vertical section of the human cornea, given in the "Physiological Anatomy," this anterior elastic lamina is represented as being three or four times the thickness of the posterioi lamina, so that there ought to be but little difficulty in its detection, were it present on the face of the human cornea. The "elastic cords" mentioned would appear to be nothing more than the nucleated fibres, already described as passing in a curved manner from the surface of the cornea, and extending deeply into its substance. (See Plate LXVII. fig. 1.) Choroid. The next membrane met with, in the usual order of dissection, is the choroid: this adheres intimately to the sclerotic in the neighbour- hood of the larger trunks of the venae vorticosae; but more slightly in the intervals between, being united to it only by the lamina fusca. The choroid forms a thick membrane, externally of a chocolate- colour, flocculent and rough, but internally of a bluish-black colour, and smooth ; its substance is made up of numerous blood-vessels, and of an immense quantity of pigment in connexion with a peculiar form of fibrous tissue. The tissue of which the choroid is composed, has been hitherto stated to resemble the fibrous tissue of the sclerotic: this is not the case, however, as indeed might have been inferred from the ease with which it tears, especially in the course of the vessels, and the absence of bundles of fibres on the torn and divided margins: the fibrous element of the choroid is of a peculiar kind, to be more fully described hereafter, and unlike any other form existing in the human body. ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 515 The blood-vessels of the choroid are usually described as forming two layers, and this they may be fairly considered as doing, although the two lamellae are not perfectly distinct from each other, being con- nected by numerous blood-vessels which pass between them. These laminae may be designated in general terms separately as arterial and venous; the inner or arterial lamina, known as the tunica Ruyschiana, consists of a dense and beautiful plexus of vessels, which are so closely applied to each other as scarcely to leave any inter- vening spaces or meshes. (See Plate LXVII. fig. 4.) The main arteries which supply this tunic, and the veins which carry off its blood, leave it by numerous points on its outer surface only; the veins are particularly large and numerous, and disposed in beautiful curves, whence they are called vence vorticosce. (See Plate XLVIII. fig. 2.) Before leaving the choroid, they converge to form four or five principal trunks which enter the sclerotic; the arteries, fewer in number and much smaller in size, run between the veins. An immense number of granular nuclei are visible in the walls of the venae vorticosae. Stellate Choroid Epithelium.—Such is the distribution of the blood- vessels of the choroid: the next most important element in its consti- tution are the pigment cells; these exist in vast quantities, and make up much of its substance; they are of various forms and sizes; but being furnished with two, three, or more arms or radii, they may be aptly termed stellate. The nucleus in each cell is large and particu- larly clear, appearing almost like a hole in its centre: this is owing to the absence of the colouring matter contained in each cell in that situation. The existence of the stellate form of pigment cells in the human subject appears to have been generally overlooked: it was described and figured in Parts VII. and VIII. of the Microscopic Anatomy, pub- lished in February and March, 1847, and its arrangement in rows was at the same time pointed out; its position in the choroid, as well as its structure, have since been examined with more care, and with the following results: This pigment is situated beneath the tunica Ruyschiana, and in the intervals between the venae vorticosae, which it accurately fills up, some of the arms of the cells, as well as occasionally a few of the scattered cells, intrenching upon the veins: thus, then, its disposition is a counterpart of that of the venae vorticosae, the dense rows of cells exhibit the same curves, the same mode of branching, and viewed 516 THE SOLIDS. altogether with a low object-glass in the eyes of some animals, as the sheep, nothing can exceed the beauty and elegance of the object thus presented to our examination. (See Plate LXVIII. fig. 1.) With regard to structure, it is remarkable that each radius, or arm of the cells is prolonged into a colourless fibre, in the course of which several other cells may be included. (See Plate LXVIII. fig. 13.) This structure is best seen in the lamina fusca, the fibres of which are all of this nature, and are exceedingly diaphanous, often mem- branous, much disposed to curl up, and unaffected by distilled vinegar, beyond undergoing a degree of contraction. All the fibres met with in the choroid, except those entering into the constitution of the blood-vessels, are of this peculiar nature. The inner surface of the choroid is so smooth as to convey the impression of the existence of a distinct membrane: of this, however, no satisfactory evidence has yet been obtained, although portions of membrane apparently devoid of structure, have been seen on the margins of torn portions of the choroid. If a membrane does really exist in this situation, it is possible that it is nothing more than the vessels of the tunica Ruyschiana united into a membrane by the fibres above described. Hexagonal Choroidal Epithelium.—On the inner surface of the choroid a layer of cells of a regularly pentagonal, or hexagonal form, filled with pigmentary granules, exists; these cells are so coherent that they form a distinct layer, much more evident in the eyes of some animals, as the sheep, and pig, than in those of man. (See Plate LXVIII. fig. 12.) This layer extends over that peculiar structure common to the eyes of many quadrupeds and fishes, the tapetum lucidum; but in that situation its component cells are of smaller size, and almost entirely deprived of colouring matter. In albinoes the colouring matter is deficient, not only in the cells of tapetum lucidum, but also in those of the hexagonal and stellate choroidal epithelium. The tapetum lucidum is a layer of fibrous tissue implanted upon the choroid, possessing the remarkable property of refracting un- equally the rays of light which fall upon it, and hence its brilliancy and metallic lustre: acetic acid destroys to some extent this pecu- liarity; the stellate pigment is continued behind the tapetum lucidum, which singular and beautiful structure acts as a concave reflector, its use being to economize light, and to cause the rays to traverse the ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 517 retina a second time, by which means animals possessing it, are enabled to discern objects in a light which would be insufficient for the purpose, in the absence of such a provision. The description of the choroid now given, includes that portion of it, only, which corresponds to the retina, and which ceases at a line known as the ora serrata; about the eighth of an inch behind the margin of the cornea, in front of this line as far as the iris, the choroid is known as the ciliary body; this is covered behind by a layer of non-striated muscular fibre, the ciliary muscle (see Plate LXVIII. fig. 4), and from it the ciliary processes descend. Ciliary Processes.—These processes, usually reckoned at about sixty in number, are received into corresponding folds or plaitings of the hyaloid membrane, called the secondary ciliary processes, and which, taken altogether, form a circle around the crystalline lens, named after their discoverer the Zone of Zinn: they are each composed of numer- ous blood-vessels, (see Plate LXVII. fig. 4), fibrous tissue, irregular pigment cells; and "on their inner surface is a tough colourless lamina, composed of ill-defined nucleated cells continuous with the border of the retina, but clearly not composed of nervous matter, by means of which they are immediately connected with the hyaloid membrane." The iris may be regarded as an extension of the choroid, although it does not exhibit all the anatomical characters of that membrane; it is made up of a considerable quantity of pigment cells, of blood- vessels, and of fibres of unstriped muscle. (See Plate LXVIII. fig. 9.) The pigment cells constituting the posterior layer of the iris, and called uvea, are irregular in size and form, as are those also situated among the fibres of the iris; upon the varieties in the colouring matter contained in these last, many of the differences observable in the iris of different persons and animals depend. (See Plate LXVIII. fig- 14.) The muscular fibres of the iris in the human subject, are of the unstriped kind, and follow two courses, a radiating and a circular; in birds, however, the radiating fibres consist of striped muscular fibres, and they surround immediately the pupil; the one set of fibres dilates the pupil, the other contracts it. The blood-vessels of the iris are very numerous, and are derived chiefly from the two long ciliary arteries, which, on approaching the iris, bifurcate and form an arch around it, whence pass inwards a number of branches which form loops near the pupillary margin. "On the anterior surface, near the pupil, a vascular circle marks 518 THE SOLIDS. the line from which in the foetus the membrana pupillaris stretched across in front of the pupil. This membrane at that early period divides the posterior from the anterior chamber, and receives from several parts of the circular vessel last mentioned, small branches, which approach the centre, and then return in arches, after inoscula- ting sparingly across the central point." The membrana pupillaris is almost absorbed at birth. The iris, according to the authors of the Physiological Anatomy, "is attached all around at the junction of the sclerotic and the cor- nea, so near indeed to the latter, that its anterior surface becomes continuous in the following manner with the posterior elastic lamina. This lamina, near its border, begins to send off from its anterior sur- face, or that towards the laminated cornea, a net-work of elastic fibres, which stretch towards the border, becoming thicker as they advance, until at length the entire thickness of the lamina is expended by being converted into them. These fibres then bend backwards from the whole circumference of the cornea, to the circumference of the front of the iris, and are there implanted, passing in this course across the line of the anterior chamber, and through the aqueous humour. They are seen more easily in some animals than in others, forming a regular series of pillars around the anterior chamber." It would appear, however, that these fibres, which may be readily detected in the human eye, should rather be described as proceeding from the sclerotic, and passing, some on the anterior surface of the elastic lamina, and others on the front of the iris, thus assisting in uniting these parts to that tunic; it is very doubtful whether they have any structural connexion with the posterior elastic lamina. (See Plate LXVIII. fig. 8.) The ciliary nerves pierce the ciliary muscle on their way to the iris. Retina. We come in the next place to the description of the most interest- ing and important of the many structures which enter into the com- position of the globe of the eye, namely, the retina. This membrane may be regarded as the expansion of the optic nerve, to which certain other structures are superadded, and, like most of the other mem- branes of the eye, is divisible into distinct lamellae; these, reckoning from without inwards, are, tunica Jacobi, or "stratum bacillosum," the granular or nuclear layer, the ganglionary layer, the vesicular layer, the fibrous expansion of the optic nerve, and, lastly, the vascular expansion of the arteria centralis retinae. ORGANS OF THE SENSES, 49 The tunica Jacobi is composed of a single stratum of cells of very remarkable form. They are minute in size, several times longer than broad, having their long axes disposed vertically to the general surface of the retina, and they each consist of a body or head of a more or less globular or oval shape, and of a prolongation or tail, four or five times longer than the head, and not more than a third of its diameter. By their coherence these cells form a distinct membrane, the heads of the cells all being directed one way, namely, towards the surface of the choroidal epithelium, and the tails disposed in an opposite direc- tion. Although these cells adhere together with sufficient firmness to constitute a distinct membrane, it would appear that they possess a certain power of movement upon each other, for it is only on such a supposition that we can explain satisfactorily the fibrous appearance which this membrane frequently presents when viewed in extenso. (See Plate LXVII. fig. 9.) The tunica Jacobi, although certainly not a nervous structure, is yet properly enumerated as one of the layers of the retina, since it never adheres, on the removal of the latter to the choroidal epithelium, but always to the second or granular layer of the retina itself: on account of its extreme frailty and delicacy, this membrane is only to be satisfactorily studied in extremely fresh eyes. A few hours after death the cells separate from each other, and the heads of the cells become disjointed from the tails, so that in the course of a short time not a vestige of the membrane remains. Each cell of the stratum bacillosum bears not an inexact resemblance to a human spermatozoon, than which it is, however, less considerable in size. The granular layer consists not of granules merely, as the name implies but of numerous nuclei imbedded in granular matter, and each of which contains several dark spots which reflect the light strongly. This layer is of considerable thickness, and is described in the "Physi- ological Anatomy" as being divided into two, of which the inner is much the narrower, by a pale stratum which can only be seen by very careful manipulation. The nuclei of which it is composed bear much resemblance to those which occur in the convolutions of the W, and are most probably of the same nature. (See Plate LXVII. figs. 5 6.) The next is the ganglionary layer: this appears to have been hitherto altogether overlooked; its discovery supplies a desideratum in the anatomy of the eye, and clearly shows the really nervous char- acter of the granular and vesicular strata of the retina, which many persons have been much disposed to doubt. 520 THE SOLIDS. This layer is exceedingly thin and delicate, hardly indeed to be con- sidered as a distinct stratum, but yet consisting of numerous caudate ganglionary globules, in every respect similar, in point of structure, to those which have been described as occurring in so many of the ganglia of the human brain. These caudate cells differ considerably in size, but yet are all referable to one of two standards, the larger very much exceeding the smaller in dimensions. (See Plate LXVII. fig. 8.) It is in the human retina only that these cells have as yet been detected. The fourth or vesicular layer lies immediately on the outer surface of the fibrous layer: the cells composing it are several times larger than the nuclei of the granular layer; a few of the most external of them are granular and nucleated, but the majority, and these the larger cells, are clear and transparent as water, perfectly globular, and without appreciable nuclei. The cells of the vesicular layer resemble very closely the delicate cells which have been described in a previous part of this work, as found in the fibrous portions of the human brain. (See Plate LXVII. fig. 7.) The fibrous gray layer is best seen and most strongly marked in the retina, near to the optic nerve. If a portion of this membrane be cut off and spread out upon glass, it will be seen to present, viewed with the inch or half-inch object-glass, a number of parallel or rather radiating flattened bands, two of which occasionally divide or bifurcate. If, in the next place, these bands or bundles, having been separated somewhat from each other by means of needles, and as much of the granular layer which so obscures them washed away with a camel's- hair brush as possible, be then examined, they will each be observed to present a fibrous appearance; and,on a prolonged and careful exami- nation, it will become apparent that they are made up, first, of a small quantity of nucleated fibrous tissue; and, secondly, and principally, of gray gelatinous nerve fibres. (See Plate LXVIII. fig. 6.) That these gelatinous fibres constitute the principal portion of the fibrous layer of the retina, and that no tubular nerve fibres exist in the retina itself, are points upon which not the smallest doubt can be entertained. Of the reality of the transformation of the tubular into the gelatinous nerve filament; that is, the conversion of a tubular, unbranched, and unnucleated structure into a branched and nuclear tissue, great mis- givings might be well entertained; an attentive study of the structure ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 521 of the fibrous gray layer of the retina renders it very difficult, however, to deny the reality of such a structural transition. The vascular lamina is the last of the layers of the retina: it would appear to be entirely distributed upon the inner surface of the fibrous layer; for, if we take a perfectly fresh eye, and spread the retina out with its inner surface upwards, we can readily see the larger blood- vessels filled with blood corpuscles, and having the fibrous layer situ- ated immediately behind them. (See Plate LXVII. fig. 2.) The optic nerves consist of several bundles of nerve tubules: these are very slender and brittle, and interspersed with delicate globular cells; in these last two particulars, these nerves correspond with the white fibrous portions of the brain. The transparent media of the eye are the vitreous body and the crystalline lens with its capsule. Vitreous Body. The vitreous humour is enclosed in a perfectly structureless and exceedingly delicate membrane, called the hyaloid membrane: this does not enclose the whole of the vitreous humour, but is deficient behind the crystalline lens, it being inserted into the side of the capsule of that body. From all points of the inner surface of this membrane fibres proceed; these interlace with each other in such a manner as to form a cellated structure. The size and structure of these cells may be readily seen with an inch or half-inch object-glass; and the best view of them is obtained in the neighbourhood of the zona ciliaris. (Plate LXVIII. fig. 7.) Granular nuclei of large size are seen on the walls of the cellated spaces; these are most probably concerned in the secretion of the vitreous humour. That these several cellated spaces communicate with each other, seems proved by the fact that if the hyaloid mem- brane be ruptured, the whole of the vitreous humour will gradually escape through the aperture. A layer of cells of large size, and of such extreme transparency; as to be discovered only with great difficulty, are described in the "Physiological Anatomy" as situated on the hyaloid membrane, between it and the retina: these have not fallen under the observation of the writer. The vitreous body, then, consists of the hyaloid membrane, cellated fibrous structure, the zone of Zinn, and of the vitreous humour. 5C2 THE SOLIDS. Through the centre of tnis body a branch of the central artery of the retina passes in early life, destined for the posterior part of the capsule of the lens. Crystalline Lens. The crystalline lens is composed of capsule and body. The capsule is formed of a thin lamella of elastic tissue, much thicker before than behind, but in all essential particulars similar to the poste- rior elastic lamina of the cornea. The manner in which it is attached to the hyaloid membrane has been already pointed out; it now remains to observe that the cellated fibres of the vitreous body are also inserted into its posterior part. It is perfectly closed on all sides, so that in the adult condition of the eye neither vessels nor nerves pass through it to the lens. The body of the lens, transparent and jelly-like as it appears to the unaided sight, is yet full of elaborate and elegant structure. It consists of very many layers of concentric lamellae of flattened fibres, which radiate from the centre, and are disposed in a parallel manner with reference to each other; the fibres, however, have a more complicated arrangement than this, as will be evident from what follows. In the Mammalia in general, there are visible on the front surface of the lens, when this has slightly lost its transparency, three radiating grooves or lines, the points of which terminate at about one-third from the border of the lens. On the opposite surface of the lens there exist three similar lines, occupying an intermediate position. From these lines the fibres pass from the one surface on to the other; thus a fibre which starts from the point of one of the lines in front, passes over the border of the lens, advances midway between two lines on the opposite surface, and is inserted in the angle of division of those lines; another fibre starting from between two lines in front, is lost on the extremity of a line situated posteriorly : the rest of the fibres occupy positions intermediate to these. If, in the next place, we bear in mind the fact that these lines, seen on the surface of the lens, are but the edges of planes which pass through the centre of the lens, affording points of divergence, and concourse for all the fibres, deep as well as superficial, we shall readily comprehend what, without this explanation, would have appeared an intricate arrange- ment; and we shall perceive why it is that the lens, when hardened in spirit, or boiled in water, is prone to separate into concentric lamellae, and into three triangular segments. From the above arrangement it ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 523 results, also, that all the fibres, whether superficial or deep-seated, decrease in width as they approach the centre of the lens on either surface, and also that the superficial are longer and larger than the deeper seated. (See Plate LXVII. fig. 13.) The edges of the fibres are most beautifully toothed and dovetailed together, as was first pointed out by Sir David Brewster. This toothing is best seen in the eye of fishes; it is also clearly manifest, although on a smaller scale, in the fibres of the lens of most mammalia and of man. (See Plate LXVII. fig. 10.) On the surface of the lens beneath the capsule, and occupying the space between these, a delicate epithelium exists, very similar to that on the posterior elastic lamina. (See Plate LXVIII. fig. 10.) After death, this space is occupied by a small quantity of fluid, the liquor Morgagni. Beneath this epithelium, again, other small oval granular cells are encountered; from these possibly the fibres of the lens take their origin. The lens is of less density externally than internally; this, is also one of the results of the peculiar form and arrangement of the fibres. In the adult eye, the lens is entirely destitute of blood-vessels, although during its development in the foetus it is copiously supplied with them. THE ORGAN OF HEARING. Elaborate as is the organization of the ear, it yet presents less to interest the microscopical anatomist, than many other of the organs which enter into the composition of the human fabric. The ear is divisible into three portions—the limits of each of which are well defined—an external, a middle, and an internal: the external portion is an apparatus for the collection of sound; the middle is designed for its conveyance to the internal, or true and essential division of the organ of hearing. The External Ear. The external ear consists of the expanded part or auricle, and the external meatus. The Auricle.—The auricle presents several eminences and depres- sions manv of which have received distinct names; it is made up of integument, cartilages, and fat; the integument is thin and delicate and is furnished with but few sebaceous glands; the cartilages are of 524 THE SOLIDS. the fibrous kind, and are three in number—the larger forming the pinna, being separated from that of the tragus and anti-tragus, by grooves filled up with fibrous tissue; lastly, the fat is situated chiefly in the lobe of the ear. Ligamentous bands bind the auricle to the bone, while its movements are effected, in part, by muscular fibres which pass between the prominent parts of its constituent cartilages, but mainly, by three small muscles of the striped variety, and each of which, has received a distinct name. The Auditory Canal.—The auditory canal consists of two parts— a cartilaginous and an osseous; the first is formed by the prolongation inwards of the cartilages of the auricle; these form a tube, deficient at the upper and back part, where the place of cartilage is supplied by a fibrous membrane; this tube is inserted into the auditory pro- cess of the temporal bone; the osseous part of this canal is formed by the auditory process already alluded to; this process in the adult is nearly three-quarters of an inch long, and to its outer margin the tympanum is attached, the bone being grooved for its reception: in the foetus, the auditory process is a detached ring of bone, into which, however, the tympanum is inserted. The orifice of the meatus is defended by hairs, the bases of which are in connexion with sebaceous glands; still further inwards, but limited to the cartilaginous part of the passage, the ceruminous glands are encountered: these have already been described. According to some observers, muscular fibres exist in the external meatus, which becomes shortened by their contraction. The Middle Ear. The middle ear consists of the tympanum, tympanic cavity, and the ossicles with their muscles. The tympanum, or tympanic membrane, is divisible into three laminae—an external or cuticular, a middle or fibrous, and an internal or ciliated; the external is a continuation of the cuticle which lines the external meatus, and may be separated as a distinct membrane: the fibrous tissue, of which the internal lamina of the tympanum is composed, is strong and dense, and is arranged in a radiated manner; into this the handle of the malleus is inserted: the blood-vessels which supply the tympanum pass along the handle of the above-named bone, and follow the same radiated course as the fibres themselves; the inner and third lamina is composed of cells of ciliated epithelium, similar to those lining the tympanic cavity. ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 525 The tympanic cavity is lined by a fibrous membrane, divisible into two layers; the fibres entering into the composition of one of these, follow a longitudinal course, while those of the other layer are circularly disposed; these fibres are, for the most part, nucleated, and would appear to be of the elastic kind: in the longitudinal layer, the fibres are disposed in bundles, and are possibly contractile: on the surface of this membrane, and lining immediately the tympanic cavity, is a layer of ciliated epithelium, continuous on the one hand with that of the tympanic membrane; and on the other, with that clothing the interior surface of the Eustachian tube. Posteriorly, the tympanic cavity exhibits the openings of the mastoid cells; anteriorly, the orifice of the Eustachian tube may be noticed, while the internal wall of the tympanum presents two orifices which communicate with the internal ear: these are the fenestra ovalis, leading into the vestibule; and the fenestra rotunda, opening into the cochlea. The whole length of the tympanic cavity, is traversed by a chain of three bones, united to each other by muscles of the striped kind; one extremity of this chain is attached, as already noticed, to the tympanum, while the other, formed by the base of the stapes, is in connexion with the fenestra ovalis. In the tympanic cavity of the ear of the sheep cells, containing pigment, may very generally be observed; among these, I have noticed the occurrence of numerous delicate transparent cells, similar to those of the white substance of the brain and spinal marrow. The Internal Ear or Labyrinth. The internal ear, which is the essential portion of the organ of hearing, consists of three parts: the vestibule, the semi-circular canals, and the cochlea; these are cavities imbedded in the petrous bone, communicating with the tympanic cavity on the one side, by the fenestras ovalis and rotunda; and on the other, with the internal audit- ory canal. The dense bone immediately surrounding these cavities is termed the osseous labyrinth, in contra-distinction to the membranous labyrinth contained within them. The description of the form, &c, of the osseous labyrinth belongs rather to descriptive than to general or microscopic anatomy, and therefore will not here be entered upon. The osseous labyrinth contains a fluid which has been called the perilymph, from its surrounding, though in the vestibule and semi- circular canals only, a hollow membranous apparatus—the membran- ous labyrinth, which itself contains a fluid, the endolymph. 526 THE SOLIDS. The following account of the structure of the spiral lamina ; of the cochlea; the cochlear muscle; the cochlear nerves; the membran- ous labyrinth; the vestibular and auditory nerves, is copied from the " Physiological Anatomy:" Of the Structure of the Spiral Lamina of the Cochlea.—"We shall term the two surfaces of this lamina, tympanic and vestibular, as they regard, respectively, the tympanic or vestibular scala. The osseous portion of the spiral lamina extends more than half way from the modiolus towards the outer wall, and is perforated, as already described, by a series of plexiform canals, for the transmission of the cochlear nerves; these canals, taken as a whole, lie close to the lower or tympanic surface, and open at or near the margin of this zone. The vestibular surface of the osseous zone presents, in about the outer fifth of its extent, a remarkable covering, more resembling the texture of cartilage than any thing else, but having a peculiar arrange- ment, quite unlike any other with which we are acquainted. Being uncertain respecting the office of this structure, we shall term it the denticulate lamina (Plate LXIX. fig. 3), from a beautiful series of teeth, forming its outer margin, which project far into the vestibular scala, and in the first coil, terminate almost on a level with the margin of the osseous zone, but more within this margin towards the apex of the cochlea. They thus constitute a kind of second margin to the osseous zone, on the vestibular side of the true margin, and having a groove beneath them, which runs along the whole lamina spiralis, in the vestibular scala, immediately above the true margin of the osseous zone. The intervals between the teeth, are to be seen on their upper surface, on their free edge, and also within this groove, so that the teeth are wedge-shaped, and their upper and under surfaces, traced from the free edge, recede. The free projecting part, or teeth of the denticulate lamina, form less than a fourth of its entire breadth, and in the remainder of its extent, it appears to rest on the osseous zone; seen from above, after the osseous zone has been rendered more transparent by weak hydro-chloric acid, rows of clear lines may be traced from the teeth at the convex edge, towards the opposite or concave edge of the lamina These lines appear to be a structure resembling that of the teeth themselves, and they are separated from one another by rows of clear, highly refracting granules, which render the intervals very distinct. These intervals are more or less sinuous and irregularly branched. ORGANS OF THE SENS-ES. 527 " The denticulate lamina, thus placed on the vestibular surface of the osseous zone, is above, and at some distance from the plexus of the cochlear nerves, which lies near its tympanic surface. The vesti- bular surface of the osseous zone, including the denticulate lamina, is convex, rising from the free series of teeth towards the modiolus. " In the groove already mentioned, there is a series of elongated bodies, not unlike columnar epithelium, in which the nuclei are very faint. "These bodies are thick and tubical at one end, and taper much towards the other. They are united in a row, and it is possible they may have some analogy to the club-shaped bodies of Jacob's mem- brane. We can assign them no use. "Continuous with the thin margin of the osseous zone is the mem- branous zone. (Plate LXIX. fig. 4.) This is a transparent glassy lamina, having some resemblance to the elastic laminae of the cornea, and the capsule of the lens. A narrow belt of it, next the osseous zone, is smooth, and exhibits no internal structure, while, in the rest of its width, it is marked by a number of very minute straight lines, radiating outwards from the side of the modiolus. These lines are very delicate at their commencement, become more strongly marked in the middle, and are, again, fainter ere they cease, which they do at a curved line on the opposite side. Beyond this, the membranous zone is, again, clear and homogeneous, and receives the insertion of the cochlearis muscle. The inner clear belt of the membranous zone is little affected by acids; it seems hard and brittle. The middle or pectinate portion is more flexible, and tears in the direction of the lines. The outer clear belt is swollen, and partially destroyed by the action of acetic acid. Along the inner clear belt, and on its tympanic surface, runs a single, sometimes branched vessel, which would be most correctly called a capacious capillary, as it resembles the capil- laries in the texture of its wall, but exceeds them in size. It is the only vessel supplied to the membranous zone, and seems to be thus regularly placed, that it may not mar the perfection of the part as a recipient and propagator of sonorous vibrations." Of the Cochlearis Muscle.—■" At its outer or convex margin, the membranous zone is connected to the outer wall by a semi-transpa- rent structure. This gelatinous-looking tissue was observed by Breschet, and is, indeed, very obvious on opening the cochlea; but we are not aware of any one having hinted at what we regard to be its real nature. The outer wall of the cochlea presents a groove, :>:s THE SOLIDS. ascending the entire coil, opposite the osseous zone of the lamina spiralis, and formed principally by a rim of bone, which, in section, looks like a spur, projecting from the tympanic margin of the groove, the opposite margin being very slightly or not at all marked. This groove diminishes in size towards the apex of the cochlea. It gives attachment to the structure in question, by means of a firm dense film of tissue, having a fibrous character, and the fibres of which run lengthwise in the groove, and are intimately united to it, especially along the projecting rim. From this cochlear ligament, the cochlearis muscle passes to the margin of the membranous zone, filling the groove and projecting into the canal, so as to assist in dividing the tympanic and vestibular scalae from one another, and thus forming, in fact, the most external or the muscular zone of the spiral laminae. Thus the cochlear muscle is broad at its origin from the groove of bone, and slopes above and below to the thin margin in which it ter- minates, so that its section is triangular, and it presents three surfaces, one towards the groove of bone, and one to each of the scalae. The surface towards the vestibular scala is much wider than that towards the tympanic scala, and presents, in a band running parallel to and at a short distance from the margin of the membranous zone, a series of arched vertical pillars with intervening recesses, much resembling the arrangement of the musculi pectinati of the heart. (Plate LXIX. fig. 5.) These lead to, and terminate in, the outer clear belt of the membranous zone, which forms a kind of tendon to the muscle. This entire arrangement is almost sufficient of itself to determine the mus- cular nature of the structure. If its fibres were of the striped variety, no doubt would remain: but its mass, evidently fibrous, is loaded with nuclei, and filled with capillaries, following the direction of the fibres, and in almost all respects it has the closest similarity to the ciliary muscle of the eye. "The capillaries of the ciliary muscle are derived from vessels meandering over the walls of the scala before entering it, and those from above and below do not anastomose across the line of attach- ment of the membranous zone; thus indicating that the continuation of this zone enters as a plane of tendon into the interior of the muscle, dividing it into two parts, and receiving the fibres in succession. " The scalae of the cochlea are lined with a nucleated membrane, or epithelium, which is very delicate, and easily detached, usually more easily seen in the vestibular than in the tympanic scala, and in manv animals containing scattered pigment" ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 52Q Of the Cochlear Nerves.-" These enter from the internal auditory meatus through the spirally arranged orifices at the base of the modiolus and turn over in succession into the canals hollowed in the osseous zone of the spiral lamina, close to its tympanic surface. In this distribution, the nervous bundles sub-divide and reunite again and again, forming a plexus with elongated meshes, the general radiating arrangement of which may be readily seen through the substance of the bone when it has been steeped in diluted hydro-chloric acid. (Plate LXIX. fig. 6.) Towards the border of the osseous zone, the bundles of the plexus are smaller and more closely set, so as at length almost to form a thin uniform layer of nervous tubules. Beyond the border, and partially on, or in the inner transparent belt of the mem- branous zone, these tubules arrange themselves more or less evidently into small sets, which advance a short distance, and then terminate much on the same level. These terminal sets of tubules are cone- shaped, coming to a kind of point ere they cease. The white sub- stance of Schwann exists in them throughout, but is thrown into varicosities, and broken with extreme facility, and they are inter- spersed with nuclei, so that it is very difficult to discover the precise disposition of the individual tubules. They seem to cease, one after another, thus causing the set to taper; and at least it appears certain that evidence of loopings, such as have been described by some, is wanting. In the cochlea of the bird, however, we have seen at one end, a plexiform arrangement of nucleated fibres ending in loops; but this is a peculiar structure. "The capillaries of the osseous zone are most abundant on the tympanic scala, in connexion with the nerves now mentioned, and form loops near the margin, with here and there an inosculation with the large marginal capillary already mentioned." Of the Membranous Labyrinth.—" This has the same general shape as the bony cavities in which it lies, but is considerably smaller, so that the perilymph intervenes in some quantity, except where the nerves passing to it confine it in close contact with the osseous wall. Its vestibular portion consists of two sacs, viz: a principal one of transversely oval figure, and compressed laterally, called the utriculus, or common sinus, occupying the upper and back part of the cavity, in contact with the fovea semi-elliptica, and beneath this a smaller and more globular one, the sacculus, lying in the fovea hemispherica, near the orifice of the vestibular scala of the cochlea, and probably communicating with the utriculus. 34 530 THE SOLIDS. " The membranous semi-circular canals have the same names, shape, and arrangement as the osseous canals which enclose them, but are only a third of the diameter of the latter. As the osseous canals open into the vestibule, so the membranous ones open at both ends into the utrijculus, there being, however, a constricted neck between this sac and the ampullated extremity of each canal. The auditory nerve sends branches to the utriculus, to the sacculus, and to the ampulla of each membranous canal. These nerves enter the vesti- bule by the minute apertures before described, and tie down, as it were, both the utriculus and sacculus to the osseous wall at those points, the membrane being much thicker and more rigid at those parts. The branches to the ampulla of the superior vertical and the horizontal semi-circular canals, enter the vestibule with the utricular nerve, and then cross to their destinations, while that to the ampulla. of the posterior vertical canal, traverses the posterior wall of the cavity, and opens directly into the ampulla. " The wall of the membranous labyrinth is translucent, flexible, and tough. When withdrawn from its bed and examined, it appears to present three coats—an outer, middle, and internal. The outer is loose, easily detached, somewhat flocculent, and contains more or less colouring matter, disposed in irregular cells, exactly resembling those figured at page 35, from the outer surface of the choroid coat of the eye. We have not found a true epithelium on this surface. The middle is the proper coat, and seems more allied to cartilage than any other tissue; its limits are well marked, it is transparent, and exhibits in parts, a longitudinal fibrillation; treated with acetic acid, it presents numerous corpuscles or cell nuclei. Where it is thinnest, it has a near resemblance to the hyaloid membrane of the eye. The internal coat is composed of nucleated particles, closely opposed, and but slightly adherent; the nuclei are often saucer-shaped, and when seen edgeways have the uncommon appearance of a crescent. They easily become detached, and fall into the endolymph. Minute arteries and veins, derived chiefly from a branch of the basillar accompanying the auditory nerve, enter the vestibule from the internal meatus, and ramify on the exterior of the membranous labyrinth, apparently bathed in the perilymph. A beautiful net-work of capillaries, forcibly remind- ing the observer of that belonging to the retina, is spread out on the outer surface, and in the substance of the proper coat. These vessels have the simple homogeneous wall, interspersed here and there with cell nuclei, that characterizes the capillary channels in many ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 531 other situations. There is an abundant net-work of capillaries in the interior, of the utriculus and sacculus, about the terminal distribution of the nerves, which evinces the activity of the functions of these parts. " The membranous labyrinth, or its simple representative, the audit- ory sac, contains in all animals, either solid or pulverulent calcareous matter in connexion with the termination of the vestibular nerves. This has been called by Breschet otolith or ear-stone, when solid, as in the osseous fishes, and otoconia or ear-powder, when in the form of minute crystalline grains, as in Mammalia, birds, and reptiles; but the former term may be conveniently employed to designate both varieties. In the Mammalia, including man, it is found accumulated in small masses about the termination of the nerves, both in the utriculus and sacculus, and we have found it also sparingly scattered in the cells lining the ampullae and semi-circular canals. In the vestibular sacs it appears to be entangled in a mesh of very delicate branched fibrous tissue, in connexion with the wall, and it is most probably held in place by cells within which, according to Krieger,* its particles are deposited. It has a regular arrangement, and is not free to change its place in the endolymph. Otolithes consist always of carbonate of lime." Of the Vestibular Nerves.—" In consequence of the thickness of the wall of the membranous labyrinth where the nerves enter, and the presence there of the calcareous and fibrous matter, it is- not easy to ascertain with certainty the precise manner in which the nerves terminate. In the utricule and saccule, they appear to spread out from one another as they enter, and then to pass, some to mingle with the calcareous powder, others to radiate for a small extent on the inner surface of the wall of the cavity, where they come into connexion with a layer of dark and closely-set* nucleated cells, and presently lose their white substance. We have seen a fibrous film on the inner surface of these parts, which we are disposed to consider as formed, like the inner surface of the retina, by the union of the axis-cylinders of the nerve tubes, but confirmatory observations are required. Those that traverse the calcareous clusters have appeared to us in the most lucid views we have succeeded in obtaining, to terminate by free, pointed extremities, without losing their white sub- stance. In the frog this has been evident enough. " The nervous twigs belonging to the semi-circular canals do not * De Ololilhis. Berol, 1840. 532 THE SOLID?. seem to advance beyond the ampullae, in which they have a remark- able distribution—entering them, as Steifensand has well shown, by a transverse or forked groove, on their concave side, and which reaches about a third round. Within this, the nerve projects so as to form a sort of transverse bulge within the ampulla. Their precise termina- tion can be best seen in the osseous fishes, and has been described by Wagner to be loop-like. We believe we have seen this mode of termination, though certainly never so plainly as the figure given by this excellent author would indicate; and we may add that we have found free extremities to the nerve tubes, as well as loopings, in the ampullae of the cod. The difficulty in these cases of ascertaining the exact truth arises from the curves formed by the nerve tubes in proceeding to their destination, and which are liable to be mistaken for terminal loopings." Of the Auditory Nerves.—"At the bottom of the meatus, the portio mollis divides into two branches, one to the vestibule and semi-circular canals, the other to the cochlea. " The vestibular nerve divides into three branches;—the largest is uppermost, and penetrates the depression which is immediately behind the orifice of the aqueduct of Fallopius to be distributed to the utriculus, and to the ampullae of the superior vertical and horizontal semi-circular canals. The second branch of the vestibular nerve is distributed to the sacculus; and the third to the posterior vertical semi-circular canal. "The cochlear nerve penetrates the funnel-shaped depression at the bottom of the auditory canal, and proceeds from it through the numerous foramina, by which its wall is pierced in a spiral manner. to the lamina spiralis of the cochlea. "The mode of distribution of these nerves has been already described. " The labyrinth receives nerves from no other source but the portio mollis, unless we suppose the portio intermedia to consist of filaments from the facial which accompany the ramifications of that nerve into that part of the ear." ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 533 EYE. [Little need be said with regard to the methods of studying the anatomy of the eye, farther than the directions already given. The sclerotic and successive lamina of the cornea, can only be well seen on careful dissection; for this purpose, fresh eyes are necessary, and the dissection should be made under water. The arrangement and size of the tubes of the cornea, may be seen by driving mercury or air into a slight puncture. A thin section, dried and opened with needles under water, will also exhibit them. Acetic acid is a valuable assistant in minute dissection of these structures. The vessels of the choroid membrane and of the ciliary processes are best observed after injection; a fcetal subject will here offer the best chance of success when the injection is made by the umbilical vein. To examine the tunica Jacobi, Quain and Sharpey state that it may be raised from the surface of the retina by injecting air or introducing mercury beneath it, when under water. The retina should be examined in the freshest possible state. Wagner recommends white rabbits as subjects; the pigmentary matter of the choroid coat offering no obstacle to accurate observation. Dr. Hannover, of Copenhagen, states that the vitreous body is best studied in the eye of the horse, after having been hardened in chromic acid. In man, he found the vitreous humour to be arranged, as it were, in arched slices or wedges, the arches turned outwards, and the angles converging towards the axis of the eye like the wedges of an orange. If the sections are horizon- tal, they resemble the slices of an orange cut from pole to pole: if perpen- dicular, they resemble one cut at right angles to the preceding direction. This arrangement is more clearly seen in infants than in adults. Dr. Hannover was unable to decide whether the membrane between these segments is single and common to both, or whether each segment is furnished with a membrane of its own.* Plate LXXVIII., fig. 1, The terminal vessels in the cornea of the eye of the pig. « » fig. 2, Cornea of viper, showing its vascularity. « « fig. 3, Choroid coat of foetal eye. tt « fig. 4, Ciliary processes of the eye of an adult.] * Dublin Quarterly Journal, May, 1848. APPENDIX, Pituitary Gland. The pituitary body, inasmuch as it presents the usual characteristics of glandular structures, would be more accurately denominated the pituitary gland, a term which conveys its real nature. The pituitary gland, in the absence of an excretory duct—unless indeed the infundibular process attached to it is to be considered as such—would appear to be allied to the vascular glands, while in some other respects it resembles the ganglia of the sympathetic, which also are glandular organs. ' It consists of two lobes, an anterior and a posterior, which differ from each other in size, colour, and consistence; the former is con- siderably the larger of the two, is of a yellowish gray colour, and of much firmness and density; while the latter is gray and soft, and scarcely differs in consistence from the gray matter of the cerebrum. As the two lobes differ in colour and consistence, so are they some- what different in structure also; the anterior or denser lobe is made up of numerous granular cells, very various in form and size, and many of which are in some cases of very considerable dimensions; these cells lie in meshes of fibrous tissue, which separate and parcel them out, each of the larger cells occupying separately an entire mesh. (Plate LXIX. fig. 8.) The posterior lobe differs from the anterior in the smaller size of its cells, and the less amount of fibrous tissue which enters into its composition. The pituitary gland is connected with the brain by means of the infundibulum, the small extremity of which is attached to the superior concave surface of the gland, and is united principally to the posterior lobe, which it also resembles in structure, containing very many granular cells in its parietes. This gland resembles a ganglion of the sympathetic in the large size of its cells, and in the arrangement of its fibrous constituent; 536 APPENDIX. but differs from it in the irregular form of the cells, and in the absence, so far as has been yet ascertained, of tubular nerve fibres. Pineal Gland. Notwithstanding the interest which exists in the minds of most persons in reference to this body, and which has arisen in conse- quence of the strange physiological speculations of which it has been the subject, its structure yet does not appear to have been examined with that amount of care which has now been bestowed upon most of the other organs which enter into the constitution of the human fabric; not, however, that its organization is uninteresting or difficult to be understood; for this, while it is complex and singular, yet admits of easy determination. The chief bulk of the pineal gland, is made up of innumerable minute granular cells, which, when carefully examined in a perfectly fresh subject, are seen to be of the caudate form, the rays of the cells being exceedingly delicate and slender, and apt, therefore, to be entirely overlooked. Imbedded in this cellular matrix, and, for the most part, collected in the centre of the organ, there may be noticed numerous particles of stony hardness of various sizes, and mostly of a rounded form, and the larger of which are plainly visible to the naked eye. Of these bodies, I have never encountered any satisfactory description; thev are not, as generally considered, mere inorganic and earthy particles, but structures of a definite and complex organization, constituting an essential element in the composition of the pineal gland. When viewed with the half or quarter-inch object-glass, the larger of these bear much resemblance to masses of fat, each being composed of numerous distinct and aggregated lesser pieces, or particles which reflect light strongly, and it is in this circumstance, as well as in their large size, that the resemblance borne by these bodies to masses of fat consists. (Plate LXIX. fig. 7.) In the natural condition, these bodies are hard and brittle; after, however, the application of dilute nitric acid, they become soft, the earthy matter being dissolved away, and nothing remaining but their animal constituent; this, if the acid employed has not been too strong still retains, to a great extent, the size, form, and appearance of these bodies, previous to its action, and will now readily be seen to exhibit a cellular structure, a cell corresponding to each of the bright con- stituent pieces above described. If, however, the acid employed be APPENDIX. 537 somewhat stronger, these bodies undergo a singular change in form and appearance, the cellated spaces become almost lost to view, and these compound structures assume the characters of large and spher- ical cells exhibiting numerous concentric lamellae. The earthy matter, then, is contained in these cells or cellated spaces; the acid dissolves this away, and the entire body becomes so soft, as to admit readily of being torn to pieces with needles; in this state, its structure may be easily determined, and is seen to consist of membranous elastic tissue. These bodies originate in exceedingly small and bright circular discs, which, when seen with the quarter-inch object-glass, are less in size than the head of a pin; in these appear first, one, and, afterwards, other divisions, indicating the compound and cellular character, which they ultimately more completely exhibit. The earthy matter entering into their composition consists of phos- phate of lime, a small portion of phosphate of magnesia, and a trace of carbonate of lime. Minute sandy particles have been described connected with the choroid plexuses, and that portion of the velum inter-positum which invests the pineal gland; whether these bodies are of the same nature as those occurring in the gland itself, I am unable to say, not having myself detected them in either of the above situations. These bodies, which are almost peculiar to the human subject, are stated not to occur in the pineal gland, until after the age of seven years. In addition to the above described essential elements of every fully formed human pineal gland, I encountered on one occasion two large round cells or bodies, containing dark nuclei of a compound charac- ter; these appeared to be some modification of the sabulous bodies already described. The pineal gland is copiously supplied with blood-vessels, is trav- ersed sparingly with delicate nerve tubules, and contains a small quantity of an exceedingly slender form of fibrous tissue, which possibly proceeds from the caudate cells already noticed. The Pia Mater. The pia mater, the vascular membrane of the brain, is composed of fibrous tissue and blood-vessels; over the surface of the brain and its convolutions, this membrane is delicate and highly vascular, while over the spinal marrow, it is thicker and less freely supplied with vessels. 53 S APPENDIX. In the ventricles, this membrane forms the choroid plexuses and velum inter-positum; in the former, it is thrown up into numerous processes or villi, each of which is furnished with a large looped blood-vessel, and its outer surface, like the villi of the intestines, is clad with a very evident epithelium. (Plate LXIX. fig. 9.) This epithelium, according to many observers, is of the ciliated kind; the cells composing it, are polygonal somewhat flattened, and, as Henle* long since noticed, furnished at their angles with spinous processes; these are only to be seen in perfectly fresh subjects, and it is probable that in some cases, they have been mistaken for cilia; not, however, since the fact has been attested by several witnesses, that I would deny the existence of ciliary processes on the cells of this epithelium. The Pacchionian Glands. The Pacchionian Glands are found among the vessels of the pia mater on the edges of the cerebral hemispheres, and are described as granulations composed of an albuminous material; they push before them the arachnoid membrane, project into the longitudinal sinus, and, in cases, even occasion absorption of the parietal bones, lying imbedded in little pits or recesses. They are stated not to occur in early life, and they are frequently absent in the adult. I have encountered on the surface of different portions of the pia mater, usually near to the sulci of the convolutions, little masses or bodies of two forms, apparently very distinct; in the first, these were opaque and whitish, and consisted of a capsule of fibrous tissue, enclosing a number of minute granular cells; in the second, the masses appeared to lie free among the vessels of the pia mater, and each broke up readily on being touched into several other smaller granulations of the same character: these, examined with the micro- scope, were seen to be made up of numerous dark-looking bodies, very irregular in form and size, and which appeared to be of a fatty nature. Observations on the Development of the Fat Vesicle.f "When the difficulty of determining the exact structure of the fat vesicle is considered—a difficulty arising from the extreme tenuity of its cell-wall, and the opacity of its contents—it is scarcely surpris- * Anat. Gen. t. L p. 233. fBy the Author.—Lancet, January 20th, 1849. APPENDIX. 539 mg that we should yet be without any consistent account of the modes of development and growth of the fat vesicle. "This hiatus in the structural history of that peculiar animal tissue, fat, the present brief remarks are intended in some measure to fill up. " When the little fatty masses which are met with so abundantly in the neck, in the neighbourhood of the thyroid and thymus glands, as also in some other situations in a foetus nearly or quite arrived at maturity, are examined, it will be observed, by the use of a lens only, that these masses are each composed of a number of distinct and opaque bodies of various sizes, presenting a smooth outline, having a more or less rounded or oval form, and held loosely together by fibro- cellular tissue, the extension of which forms the envelope which invests each of these bodies. It will also be further noticed that each mass of fat is supplied with one or more blood-vessels, and that these break up into numerous lesser branches, one of which goes to each of the previously-described bodies, being conveyed to it by the con- necting fibrous tissue; and that, having reached this body, it undergoes a further sub-division, the branches extending over its entire surface. "In continuation of these observations, it will be remarked, that each of these peculiar bodies bears a close resemblance in its general aspect, to a lobe of a sebaceous gland—a resemblance, which, as will be seen almost immediately, extends even to its internal structure. "If a number of these bodies be torn into fragments with fine needles, and be examined with a half or quarter-inch object-glass, it will be observed that the cavities of some of them are filled with cells of a large size, and which again are occupied with numerous globules of various dimensions, presenting many of the characters of oil globules, but being of greater consistence. (Plate LXIX. fig. 10.) These cells, save by their somewhat, larger size, it is impos- sible to distinguish from the perfect cells of sebaceous glands; so complete indeed is this resemblance, that at first sight I did not hesitate to regard them as belonging to some sebaceous gland, and which I was much astonished to encounter in such a situation. Others of these peculiar bodies, which may be termed 'fat cysts,' contain a mixture, in variable proportions, of these compound cells and of free globules, which, however, it is to be observed, are generally of larger size than those contained within the compound or parent cells. Lastly, others of these bodies enclose no compound cells, but are filled with globules of still larger size. (Plate LXIX. fig 11.) "Now, the curious part of this history is, that it is these globules 540 APPENDIX. which go on increasing in size, and, bursting the envelopes which contain them, ultimately become what are ordinarily regarded as the true fat vesicles. "In the article Fat, in an early number of the 'Microscopic Anatomy,' I noticed the fact, that the fat vesicles of children are not so large as those of the adult; this fact it then appeared to me had an evident relation to the growth of the fat vesicle, and it suggested the idea that the fat corpuscle was of very slow growth, not attaining its full dimensions until near the,adult age; and that it was permanent in its character, enduring throughout life. This idea gathers increased weight, and, indeed its correctness is rendered almost certain, by the additional observations just cited on the development and growth of the fat vesicle. "It would appear, therefore, taking into consideration all the fore- going particulars, that the principal development of fat vesicles takes place in the advanced foetus, and in the early years of life (for I now remember having met with 'fat cysts' in the great omentum of children of five and six years of age, although at the time of observ- ing them I did not know their nature and meaning), that what are usually regarded as the true fat vesicles or cells, are first contained in parent cells, and lastly, that they are slow in their growth, and persistent throughout life. "I infer also further, from the foregoing facts, that the ordinary fat vesicles are incapable of acting as parent cells and of reproducing their like; an inference which might be fairly entertained on other grounds, viz: the difficulty, not to say impossibility, of detecting nuclei in them, and the absence of those granules among their contents which are so characteristic of true cells, and which there is so much reason to believe are the real germs of the future generations of cells. " From comparative observations it would appear that the develop- ment and growth of fat proceed at different rates in different localities of the same body, it being more advanced in one situation than in another; and also in the same parts in different children of the same age; so that an exactly similar condition of things to that which I have described as existing in the masses of fat which occur in the region of the neck in the mature foetus, must not in all cases be looked for. " The structural resemblance which I have shown to exist between fat cells in an early condition of their development, and the cells of sebaceous glands is most interesting, the latter appearing to be, in fact, simply fat in a rudimentary and imperfect state of its development." APPENDIX. 541 On the Structure and Formation of the Nails. Since the publication of the article contained in this work on the structure of nail, some further observations by Mr. Rainey, on the same subject, have appeared; the more important of these are con- tained in the following extracts :* "The object of this paper is to show that the nails consist of at least two distinct structures; one proper to them, the horny structure, and the other the cuticular one; and also, that their matrix possesses one set of vessels expressly for the secretion of the horny part of the nail, and another set for the formation of the cuticular por- tion; and that besides these, there are other vessels, differing in their characters and arrangement from the preceding, and probably intended to furnish a material, inter- mediate in some of its properties between horn and cuticle, and destined to blend these together, and thus to preserve their union during the growth and protrusion of the nails. However far this idea may be correct, -the anatomical fact of there being these three different arrangements of vessels is indisputable." Structure of the Nails. "If a thin vertical section be made lengthways through a finger-nail from its poste- rior to its anterior or free margin, the external or dorsal surface of that portion of it which was lodged in the groove between the matrix and the semi-lunar fold of skin projecting from the dorsum of the finger, is seen covered by a thin layer of cuticle, which extends backwards as far as its posterior border, which is generally jagged and uneven, and forwards upon its dorsum. This portion of cuticle is immediately con- tinuous with that overhanging the root of the nail, and although it is not inseparably blended with its horny substance, yet it is sufficiently adherent to be carried forward with it during its growth, and to remain intimately attached to its dorsal surface until it is worn off by friction or some other mechanical cause. The palmar surface, near to its free border, is also seen covered by cuticle, which in like manner divides into two parts, the one becoming continuous with the cuticle covering the end of the finger; the other passing backwards along the palmar surface of the nail as far as the lunula, where it imperceptibly terminates. This portion of cuticle gradually diminishes in thickness as it extends backwards, and is more intimately connected with the horny part of the nail than was the cuticle on its dorsal surface. Between these layers of cuticle the proper or horny matter of the nail can be distinguished, presenting fine, nearly parallel, and generally semi-elliptical lines, with their con- cavity looking in different directions in different parts of the same section, and also a multitude of darkish-looking corpuscles, when viewed by transmitted light, of various forms and sizes. These compose the substance of the horn of the nail, and the lines are the cut edges of the laminae of which it is made up. The horny part of the nail does not increase in thickness after it has extended beyond the lunula, the apparent * " On the Structure and Formation of the Nails of the. Fingers and Toes." By G. Eainey, Esq., M. R. C.L.—Transactions of the Microscopical Society, March, 1849. 542 APPENDIX. increase of the nail anterior to this point being derived from the cuticle formed upon the anterior part of the matrix." The Matrix of the Nail. "A mere inspection, even in the living subject, of the parts situated beneath the nail, is, in consequence of its transparency, sufficient to give a general idea of the relative vascularity of the various parts of its matrix The upper part of the matrix is seen to present a pale, semi-lunar space, called the lunula. The greater part of the lunula is concealed by the semi-lunar fold of integument which projects over it; but extending a little below this fold, the lower portion of the lunula is visible, presenting a curved border, with its convexity looking downwards. Immediately below the lunula, and circumscribing its inferior limit, the matrix has a reddish colour, which gradually becomes fainter towards the free margin of the nail, but which deepens considerably where the nail becomes detached from the integument. "When the matrix is fully injected and the nail removed, the part corresponding to the lunula presents several rows of convoluted capillaries: the individual convo- lutions have different degrees of complexity, from a simple loop (a little twisted round itself,) to a complex tuft of vessels. These rows have their direction from above to below; they are all slightly curved, being concave towards the median line of each nail, and the most external ones are nearly parallel with its lateral margins. These, being the vessels which secrete the horny part of the nail, may be called the horn-vessels. Superiorly these vessels are separated from the rich plexus on the fold of integument which overhangs the nail, by a fibrous and almost non-vascular groove, in which the free border of the nail was lodged, and where the cuticle covering its root terminates. A few vessels, however, pass across this groove from the horn- vessels to the plexus just mentioned. Interiorly the horn-vessels communicate with quite a different arrangement of capillaries, which run in a more straight course, and are much more crowded together than the horn-vessels. These vessels run nearly parallel with one another, in a direction from behind forwards, and being very near together, render this the most vascular part of the matrix, and produce that redness immediately below the lunula upon which the form and degree of dis- tinctness of its lower border is dependent. Just below these vessels the surface of the matrix begins to be raised into numerous plications or folds, passing directly for- wards, and increasing in depth as they approach the free extremity of the nail, where they become continuous with the raised lines observable on the ends of the fingers. These plica? consist each of a fold of basement membrane, enclosing a series of loops of vessels. At first these loops are small and simple, but they become larger and more complex, as they advance towards the end of the finger, where they are con- tinued from the ridges of the matrix of the nail into those of the skin ofthe finger, in which they are generally very complex. When the nails are in situ, these ridges are received into corresponding grooves in their inferior surface. Near the part of the matrix where the plicae commence, several distinct circular or oval openings are sometimes seen passing for some depth beyond the surface, and appearing like fol- licles or lacunae. These are frequently closed by the opposition of the adjacent plicae, and thus their presence is rendered doubtful, but they can be seen very dis- tinctly either when some of the material which they contain has been recently removed or still remains within them in the form of whitish, globular masses. The situation APPENDIX. 543 of these lacunae, where the openings themselves are not apparent, can be dis- tinguished by the plexus of capillaries in their vicinity, in the areola? of which their openings are situated." On the Ganglionic Character of the Arachnoid Membrane. The following extracts contain the more important portions of Mr. Rainey's observations "on the Ganglionic Character of the Arach- noid Membrane of the* Brain and Spinal Marrow:" * " The first idea which suggested to me the resemblance of the arachnoid to the sympathetic, was from the examination of a piece of the former taken from the infe- rior and lateral part of the medulla oblongata, when I observed, at the meeting of two of the chords situated between the arachnoid and pia mater (called by Magendie ' Tissu Cellulo-vasculaire sub-Arachnoid'), a triangular body of the form and general appearance of the ganglion, very similar to such as I had seen in small animals. " This resemblance appeared more striking on observing a branch going from the chord connected with this body to the arachnoid membrane, along which it ran for a considerable distance, dividing and sub-dividing in its course, in the manner of a nerve; the successive sub-divisions becoming more and more minute, and at the same time interlacing and enclosing small areolae filled with corpuscular matter. These corpuscles were so blended with the ultimate filaments of this chord as to render indistinct their exact mode of termination. " Such was the connexion of one extremity of one of these chords. The next point to be determined was the structure to which the other extremity of the same chord had been attached. As, in this case, it had been separated from its connexion, this could only be ascertained by examining similar chords in other portions of mem- brane. This examination being made, I found that the end in question terminated either on an artery or on a cerebro-spinal nerve. In the former case, a chord, as soon as it comes in contact with an artery, divides into branches which ramify upon it, and run along its external coat, just as, to all appearance, the branches of the solar plexus do on the small arteries supplying the viscera in the abdomen. If the cerebral artery be rather large, and situated between the arachnoid and pia mater, some of the branches going from a chord form upon it a plexus, and others proceed onwards to the vessels of the pia mater. " In some instances a chord passes from an artery to the arachnoid without dividing in its course, as just described; but more frequently, on approaching the latter, it sends off three or four large branches, which pass to different parts of the. mem- brane, and ramify in it, as before explained; however, sometimes one of these branches either itself expands into a large dense plexus, or joins other branches to form one, from which plexus two, three, or more chords pass into the substance of the arachnoid. The shape of these plexuses is either square or triangular, according to the number of branches which join them, and the number they give off. Besides consisting of interlacing fibres, they also contain corpuscular matter. « The arachnoidal extremity of some of the chords connecting the vessels with the * Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, 1846. 541 APPENDIX. arachnoid of the cauda equina expands, close to the membrane, into a large oblong and rather oval bulb, the axis of which is occupied by a continuation of the chord, extremely convoluted, and bent upon itself; while, inferiorly, its fibres are blended with those of the membrane. " The chords which pass from the vessels of the pia mater, at the upper portion of the brain to the arachnoid, terminate in the latter by fibres having a stellate arrange- ment. There are also some large triangular plexuses like those at the base of the brain, from which branches descend between the convolutions to the vessels within the sulci. " In the lower animals, as in the sheep, in which the cerebral convolutions are small, the stellate fibres are the best seen. They can even be distinguished by the naked eye, appearing like minute opaque points. At their centre, the fibres of which they are composed, seem to be blended into an irregular confused mass, from which other fibres radiate, and lose themselves in the cerebral surface of the arachnoid. Some fibres go from one stellate body to another, and others can be traced into the coats of the vessels: these latter are by no means numerous. Branches also descend (still having somewhat the stellate disposition) between the convolutions to the deep-seated vessels; these filaments are much more numerous upon some vessels than upon others, and they do not appear to extend so far as the capillaries, no fibres of any kind being visible upon this system of vessels. " It appears, from what has been stated, that the disposition of the ramifying fila- ments of the arachnoidal chords, and the form and size of the gangliform plexuses connected with them, bear some proportion to the number and size of the vessels in their vicinity. Hence, about the base of the brain, where the branches of the arteries are large, the plexuses are also large, and of an irregular shape, while on its upper surface, where the vessels are comparatively small, and more equal in size, and have a more uniform distribution, the plexuses are also smaller, more numerous, and more regular in their shape and volume. " Besides the plexuses situated in the course of the chords of the arachnoid, there are others which are more intimately connected with its cerebral surface, and which, in some situations, appear to compose the entire thickness of the membrane. " In these plexuses, the filaments interlace very much in the same manner as the nerves do in the plexuses of the cerebro-spinal and sympathetic systems. A chord, for instance, when traced into one of them, will be observed to break up into its com- ponent filaments, the adjoining bundles of which interlace, yielding to one another one or more bundles, and the chords which emerge from the plexuses deriving their component filaments from different bundles: these bundles and their component threads, during their interlacing, will be seen to preserve their individuality. " When a chord going from the arachnoid, terminates on a cerebral nerve, it divides in the same manner as an artery, some filaments ascending and others descending along with the nerve tubules. In some instances this extremity terminates in a sort of membranous expansion, which encloses several nerve tubules." Mr. Rainey, in the next place, enters upon the consideration of the nature of the above-described apparatus of ramifying chords and plexuses, and arrives at the con- clusion, derived from their relations and intimate structure, that they are composed essentially of gelatinous or sympathetic nerve filaments. APPENDIX. O i.J "In the chords of the arachnoid (he writes) I could distinguish three different kinds of filaments, all which exist in the branches of the sympathetic. "One species, generally considered the most characteristic, is the nuclear fibre described by Henle ; it is a flat, clear fibre, with oval, nearly equi-distant nuclei, and each having its long axis corresponding to that of the fibre. I have found these fibres in the arachnoid, but they are very rare. I have seen such going from the arachnoid to the coat of the internal carotid, the trunks being blended with the mem- brane, and the branches connected with the artery. I also found, that as the fibres branch off from these trunks, and intermix with others, they lost their nuclei, became more pale and clear, and differed in no respect whatever from the other fibres of the membrane. Besides, I have seen these fibres in other parts of the membrane, and they exist chiefly on the exterior of the larger chords. This species of fibre I have also found to be very uncommon in the smaller branches of the nerves confessedly sympathetic, especially in those most remote from the ganglia and larger trunks. The next kind of fibre is one consisting of bundles, for the most part rather smaller than nerve tubules, of very minute wavy filaments, intermixed with small particles of granular matter, having no definite form, size, or position in respect to the filaments. Some of the chords of the arachnoid are made up entirely of fibres of this description; in others they exist chiefly on their surface, being most abundant near their attach- ment to the arachnoid, upon which they are continued. This kind of fibre exists abundantly in all the branches of the nerves undoubtedly sympathetic; and also, more or less, in those connected with the ganglia. The third kind of fibre occurs in the form of roundish, though sometimes flat chords, composed of extremely minute wavy filaments, either collected or not into bundles, but apparently interwoven some- what together, so that, generally, a filament of only an inconsiderable length will admit of being detached mechanically from the rest, and, when thus separated, its breadth is very unequal, and its contour ill-defined. These filaments are often totally destitute of granular matter. " This last species of fibre is very common among the chords composing the plex- uses of the arachnoid; it is also sometimes situated in the centre of the larger ones, surrounded by the second species of fibre; this can be detached mechanically, and exhibited separately under the microscope. "In the nerves obviously sympathetic, this kind of fibre exists in considerable abundance in those branches of the solar and other plexuses which are most remote from the ganglia. "Thus far my observations have been confined to the structure of the fibres of the arachnoid, and their supposed use. I will now consider the corpuscular or ganglionic part of this membrane. Some of the plexuses on its cerebral surface have the inter- stices formed by their interlacing fibres, completely filled up with small roundish corpuscles, about the size of blood-discs; while, in others, these fibres are covered with irregularly-oval masses of them. On this surface, also, in various situations, there are well-defined round or oval bodies, having in their centre a granular nucleus surrounded by fibrous tissue, intermixed with more or less corpuscular matter. Some of these bodies are connected to the fibres of the arachnoid by a very fine thread others are situated at the conflux of two or more fibrous chords, and their diameter varies from that of two to seven blood corpuscles. They are generally solitary and not numerous; but as they have been present in the arachnoid of every human subject which I have examined (a number exceeding twenty), they cannot be 546 APPENDIX regarded as accidental or adventitious. At present I cannot decide as to their nature or office, not having seen any thing which they exactly resemble in other parts of the body; at any rate, they look more like small ganglia than any thing else I have seen. "Besides these corpuscles, which, as before stated, exist on the cerebral surface of the arachnoid, I have met with some of a very different character, situated in its sub- stance, though nearer to the cranial than to the cerebral surface. The most ordinary appearance which these present, when seen by transmitted light, is that of a section of an urinary calculus made through its centre, appearing, like it, to be made up of concentric layers. When viewed by reflected light, these bodies seem to be vesicu- lar, and filled with fluid, the quantity of which appears to diminish as the number of layers increases, so that those in which the laminae have extended as far as the centre, are almost flat. Although the most frequent form of these bodies is circular, yet some are oval; occasionally they are connected with a fibre of the arachnoid, in such a manner as to resemble small Pascinian corpuscles. One remarkable fact con- nected with these bodies is, that they occur in the arachnoid of almost every subject which I have had an opportunity of examining, and that no part of the membrane is exempt from them; generally they are solitary, and very sparingly distributed; but sometimes they are in clusters. I have found them in the internal Pacchionian glands mixed with granular matter, and the same kind of fibre as exists in most parts of the arachnoid membrane. Their diameter varies from 75,000 to 39,800ths of an inch. I have observed on some parts of the arachnoid, in the vicinity of a cluster of these bodies, cavities of a similar shape and size, from which the corpuscles them- sel es appear to have been dislodged. From this circumstance, as well as from the general aspect of these bodies, they seem to me either to be structures altogether adventitious, or the result of an abnormal deposition in diseased corpuscles. The tendency which they may be observed to have to coalesce when several smaller ones occur together, evident by the obliteration of those portions which seem pressed against one another, and the union of the remote segments to form a single outline enclosing an area whose figure clearly indicates the number of corpuscles which have united to form it, proves them to be something more than mere earthy deposits, such as are sometimes found in the choroid plexuses, or even than mere scrofulous tuber- cles. Vogel has found bodies similar to these in the choroid plexuses; in these, and in the pia mater, Dr. E. Harless has also seen them, and given a very minute account of their structure in a number of Miiller's Archives, 1845. This author seems to think that their seat is in the arteries, and that they are somewhat allied to ossification of these structures; but their occurrence in all parts of the arachnoid, in some of which there are Drobably no vessels, is opposed to this view." Mr. Rainey regards the corpuscles constituting the epithelium of the choroid plex uses as ganglionary, and details his reasons for this opinion; these, however, canno< be admitted to be decisive on this point. "As respects the supply of vessels and cerebro-spinal nerves to the arachnoid, I may observe, that the arteries are few, but rather large, almost sufficiently so to receive a small injection tube; (I have preparations of these;) and that cerebro-spinal nerves may be traced into its visceral portion, and, with the microscope, their tubules (can be seen running along with the arachnoid fibres, into which they appear, from the gradual loss of their tubular contents, to degenerate." APPENDIX. 547 Structure of the Striped Muscular Fibrilla. At page 358, doubts were expressed as to the correctness of the view entertained by Drs. Carpenter and Sharpey, in reference to the structure of the striped muscular fibrilla. At that period, the author had not seen any of Mr. Lealand's preparations, on the examination of which, the above-named gentlemen founded their opinion; he has since, however, been favoured by Dr. Carpenter with the examination of his own specimen, and this would certainly appear to bear out fully their opinion of its cellular constitution. Structure of the Bulb of the Hair. Further opportunities of examination have satisfied the author that the vesicle which he has described as forming a portion of the bulb of the hair has no existence, and that this rests immediately upon a compound vascular and nervous papilla. The Synovial Fringes. The synovial fringes consist of branched and elongated threads or filaments, which taper to a point, and each of which is supplied with one or more, according to its size, contorted and looped blood-vessels; these, however, do not reach the whole length of each thread, but terminate at one-third or one-half its length. It is in the termina- tions of these filaments, according to the observations of Mr. Rainey, that those cartilage-like bodies sometimes found loose in the joints, especially the knee-joint, are first formed. The threads or filaments of which the synovial fringes are constituted are of such length and so much branched, that they might, at first sight, be mistaken for those of some conferva of the genus Cladophora. On the Anatomy of the Sudoriparous Organs. Mr. Rainey* describes the duct of the sudoriparous glands as con- sisting of two distinot portions, an epidermic and dermic. The epidermic portion is of a conical form, the base being directed towards the surface, and the apex situated in the midst of the cells which form the deep layer of the epidermis; it is constituted of cells which are flattened and elongated, and the long axes of which are "On the Minute Anatomy of the Sudoriparous Organs." By G. Rainey.—Roy* Med. and Chirur. Society. See Lancet, 1849. 548 APPENDIX. disposed in the direction of the length of this portion of the duct: below, near its termination, the cells are thicker and less flattened. The dermic portion of the duct is also of a somewhat conical shape, its base being in like manner directed upwards, and its parietes being continuous with the basement membrane of the dermis; this portion, therefore, is of a totally different structure from the former; it is described by Mr. Rainey as being lined by a layer of epidermic scales, which get gradually indistinct towards the gland, and its upper or expanded part as receiving the termination of the epidermic division of the duct. This description of the duct of the sudoriparous gland, so far as I have been able to follow it, would appear to be in its main particular correct, it consisting, as stated, of two portions, an epidermic and a dermic; the former is scarcely to be regarded, however, as any thing more than an appendage to the dermic part, which is the true duct, it being little more than a definite channel through the epidermis. It seems to me, however, to be incorrect to describe the epidermic portion of the duct as commencing in the deep layer of the epidermis; it extends beyond and far deeper than this, for it lines the whole length of the true duct, and this not merely with loosely aggregated cells, but these are so united together as to form a distinct tubular mem- brane, which by maceration may be exhibited as such (see Plate XXIII. fig. 2); the epidermic cells become, in fact, continuous with those of the sudoriparous gland itself. Mr. Rainey has noticed the fact that the secretion of the sudoripa- rous glands in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, where the sebaceous glands are entirely wanting, is of a greasy character; from this circumstance he draws the conclusion that these glands secrete both sweat and sebaceous matter, the former in their more active state, the latter in their less active condition. It is only in the hands and feet, where the epidermis is thick, that the epidermic portion of the sudoriparous duct assumes importance. INDEX, Adams, Mr. On the calculi of the prostate 437 Addison, Dr. His belief in the existence of a nucleus in the red blood disc . . .93 Views on the structure of the red blood cor- puscle . . . . 94 Observations on the white corpuscles of the blood......103 Further observations on the same . 106.111 His opinion that milk, mucus, and bile are the visible fiuid results of the first dissolution of the cells.....100 His opinion that the white corpuscles are the foundations of the tissues and the special secreting cells. . . . .107 On the presence in increased quantities of the white corpuscles in the hard and red basis of boils and pimples, and in the skin in scar- latina, ......109 His opinion that mucous and pus globules are altered colourless blood corpuscles . 170 His opinion that out of the white corpuscles of the blood, all other corpuscles met with in the body are formed . . . 177 On the action of liq. potass, on pus . 189 On epithelial scales in the air cells of the lungs 397 On tuburcles of the lungs . . . 4(12 Aggregated or Peyer's glands . . . 414 Albinoes, state of pigmentary cells in . 287 Hair of . . . . . -302 Albinus. The first describer of the nail . 283 Alcohol and Water . . . .50 Allen, microscope of . • • 33 Alpaco, blood of . . • • ^ Alumina, acetate of . . .57 Ancell. On the increased quantities of white corpuscles in the blood in inflammatory Andral and Gavarret.' On the mammillated appearance of the red blood discs . . 138 Important researches on the pathology of the blood . • • .142 Andral, A. G. Camus, and Lacroix. On the Pacinian bodies . • • • 3|G Annelidas, blood of . • • ™ Arachnoid Membrane . 54.1 Ganglionary, character of . . • 543 Area Vasculosa . • • • • ^ Arteries, injection of . • • ' ia Asphaltum Cement . • • 4J Axilla. New tubular gland in. Plate lvii. Axillary glands. Structure of . . 130 Baly. His opinion that the white globules are red blood corpuscles in process of formation 11J Barry, Dr. His belief in the existence of a nucleus in the human red blood discs . 93 Views on the structure of the red blood cor- ^ Views3on the white blood corpuscle . 107 His opinion that the tissues are formed by direct apposition of the blood corpuscles . 107 His discoveiy of spermatozoa on the ovary 233 Bat. Hair of . • • • • "I Bear. Spermatozoa of • Beclard. On the disappearance of the fat vesicle 201 Becquerel and Kodier. Researches on the blood 158 Berzelius. Analysis of healthy ui ine . .246 Bidder. On the peripheral distribution of the gelatinous nerve filaments . . 382 On the structure of the kidney . . 450 On the structure of the Malpighian body . 451 Bile.......242 Epithelium in . . 243 Cell-like bodies in . . . .243 Corpuscles of liver in 243 Meconium ..... 243 Birds, fat of . . . . . 255 Malpighian bodies of . . . 404 Bischoff. His discovery of living spermatozoa in the rabbit eight days after intercourse 227 His discovery of spermatozoa on the ovary itself 233 On the structure of the kidney Blood .... Definition of . Red blood Colourless blood Composition of . Coagulation of without the body Death of . Quantity of in the body Blood of annelid* Clot .... Coagulation of blood within the vessels after death ...... Motling of Fluid state of after death Globules of . Red White Venous and arterial blood Causes of inflammation Exciting cause . Proximate causes Pathology of blood Blood in the menstrual fluid Transfusion of blood .... Importance of a microscopic examination of the blood in criminal cases Corpuscles, preservation of '• size of . Examination of .... Stains, how detected by the microscope Bone. Structure of Cancellous structure Lamellae of . Medullary cells of . Communications of Contents of . Canalicular structure of Haversian canals of . Contents of ditto Arterial and venous Haversian canals Lamellae ... • • Number and arrangement of ditto . Structure of ditto Bone cells Differences of opinion as to nature of . Form of .■• • 450 79 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 81 86 85 87 88 89 100 134 140 140 140 142 100 100 104 , 170 79 . 109 104 317 . 317 317 317 . 317 318 . 318 318 . 319 319 . 319 320 . 320 321 . 321 321 550 INDEX. PAGE Bone. Canaliculi of ... 322 Size of bone cells in different animals . 322 Development of ditto .... 329 Comparison of to stellate pigment . 330 Marrow of bones .... 322 Periosteum of ditto .... 322 Vessels of ditto . . . . 323 Nerves of ditto .... 324 Growth of ditto . . . . .324 Development of ditto . . . 325 Intra-membranous form of ossification . 325 Intra-cartilaginous form of ditto . . 320 Formation of medullary cavity . . 330 Ditto of medullary cells . . . 331 Ditto of Haversian canals . . . 332 Accidental ossification . . . 332 To make sections of . . . 334 Bowerbank, Mr. On the size of the human blood disc ..... 91 Bowman, Mr. On the lining membrane of the Fallopian tubes .... 413 His doubts as to the existence of a lobular bil- iary plexus ..... 423 His opinion that the series of secreting cells represent the continuance of the biliary ducts . . . . . .430 On the ciliated epithelium at the neck of the Malpighian dilatations . . . 444 His opinion that the afferent vessel of the Malpighian tuft pierces the dilated extremity of the tube .... 444. 451 On the termination of the renal artery on the Malpighian bodies . . . 440 On the uses of the Malpighian body . . 447 Branchiostoma Lubricuni . . .80. 110 Breschet. On the presence of Pigment in the membranous labyrinth of the ear of mam- malia ...... 287 On imbibition of cartilages . . 312 On the communication of the medullary cells of bone ..... 317 On a system of osseous canals in flat bones . 3J9 Brewster, Sir David, on the fibres of the crystal- line lens . . . . .523 Bronchial glands .... 419 Bronchial tubes . . ... 395 Structure of . . . . . 395 Larger tubes ..... 395 Smaller ditto ..... 395 Mucous membrane of . . . .390 Epithelium of .... 39j Muscular fibre-of . . . .390 Brunner's glands . . . 420,421 Structure of .... 421 Distribution of. (Vide mucous Glands.) Brunner's microscope . . . .31 Bruns. On the membrane lining the cavities of the true cartilages .... 307 On the nature of bone cells . . 321 Buccal glands ..... 419 Buffy Coat of Blood, conditions favourable to the formation of ... 85 Built-up cells . . . .55 Cabinets for objects . . . .64 Cadaveric rigidity .... 300 Canada balsam. Method of mounting objects in 02 Camelidas. Blood of . .90 Of dromedary . . .91) Of alpaco. . . . . .90 Of vicugua ..... 90 Of llama......90 Capybara, blood of . . .92 Carnivora, blood of . . . .92 Carpenter, Dr. On the structure of the striated muscular fibrilla .... 358 On the analogy between striped and unstriped muscular fibres .... 309 On the analogy between certain cartilage cells and certain algae .... 314 PAGE Cartilage. General structure of . . . 306 Division of into true and false . . 306 True Cartilages . . . .306 Enumeration of ... . 306 Structure of ..... 306 Matrix of.....306 Cavities of .... . 307 Primary cells of ... . 307 Secondary cells of ... . 308 Nuclei of.....309 Distinction of cartilage into true and false or fibro cartilages, to some extent artificial Conversion of true into fibro cartilage Union of true cartilage with ligament Fibru-cartUages . . Structure of ... . Cells of ... . Fibres of . Enumeration of Nutrition of cartilage Pericondrium of Vessels of cartilage Pathology of . Ossification of Ulceration of . Atrophy of ... . Growth and development of cartilages Of the cells .... By division of ditto . By cytoblasts .... By parent cells Comparison of cartilage cells to certain algae Growth and development of the inter-cellular substance ..... By a deposit of new layers . By thickening of the walls of the cavities Enchondroma Uses of cartilage.... To examine .... Caruncula Lachrymalis, structure of Cat. Bulb of hair of . Blood vessels of stomach of Cells. Thin glass Drilled . . . Tube ..... Built-up ..... Gutta-percha .... Cements. Asphaltum Canada balsam Compound .... Gum Arabic .... Japarmer's gold size Marine glue .... Sealing-wax .... Cerebellum, ganglion cells of arbor vitae Ditto of corpus dentaium Ceruminous glands btructure of Charriere's syringe Chevalier's microscope . . , Chromic acid Chyle ..... Analysis of . Molecular base of Granular corpuscles of Chylous blood .... Oil globules of chyle Minute spherules of Coagulum of . . Serum of .... Nature of . . . Contrasted with lymph . . Colour of in thoracic duct . Examination of . . . Cilia..... Circulation, capillary In embryo of the chick &c. . (Extremities of young spiders, fins of fishes, gills of tadpole and newt, tail of water-newt, ■web of frog's foot and tongue of frog.) INDEX. PAGE . 81 81 . 82 82 . 82 83 83 83 83 84 551 Clot. Formation of Ditto in blood after freezing ' . ' Constitution of . Uength of time for formation o'f . . Characters of in health and disease . iJitto in diseases of a sthenic character . unto ot in diseases of an asthenic character ooftemng of fibrum Buffy coat of clot Mode of formation of . Adherence of red corpuscles in'rolls hi clot of inflammatory blood Conditions favourable to the formation of clot Cuppuig ot . To what owing . Condition of red globules in Colostrum. Corpuscles of Disappearance of ditto . Colostrum corpuscles peculiar to the human subject . . _ 203 Purgative qualities of colostrum 203 Division of pregnant women into three classes founded on its characters . . 207 Comparetti. On the presence of pigment in'the membranous labyrinth of the ear of mam- malia . . . 287 Compressor, the . .30 Coppin, Mr. J. On the circulation in the tongue ot the frog Corpora Wolffiana .'.'.' Corpuscles. Of the blood. Red corpuscles ' . Colouring matter of . Uses of . Causes of colour of . Iron in Origin of ....'. Phases of the development of . . Final condition of Blood globules of reptiles, fishes, and bird's . Ditto of Camelidae .... Ditto of the embryo of fowl . . Ditto of young frog .... Blood corpuscles, dissolution of Blood corpuscles of adult fowl Ditto of tritons and frogs Effects of reagents on the red corpuscles . Modifications the results of different external agencies ..... Ditto the effect of commencing dessication Ditto the result of ^composition occurring in blood abandoned to itself, without the body 139 Ditto the effect of decomposition in the blood within the body, after death . . 139 Effects of certain remedial agents upon the constitution and form of the red blood . 102 Effects of iodine on ditto . . .163 Peculiar concentric corpuscles in blood 121, 122 White corpuscles of blood. Number of Size of .... Form of . Structure of . Nucleus of ... . Properties of . Position of in capillaries Motion of in ditto Uses in connexion with secretion Uses in connexion with nutrition . Aggregation of in capillaries . Increased quantities of in disease . Processes by which they may be separated from the red globules Origin of ... Opinions concerning Different names for .... (" Central Particles " of Hewson; " Escaped Nuclei;" " Parent Cells " of Barry; " Tissue Cells " of Addison ; " Fibrinous Globules " of Mandl; "Granule Cells" of Wharton Jones; " Exudation Corpuscles " of Gerber; "Lymph Corpuscles" of Miiller.) PAGI . 174 174 . 175 176 . 176 176 177 Of Mucus. Structure of . Nuclei of, single and compound I orm of . . ' Size of . . Properties of Nature of Identity of with the pus corpuscle ' Mucous corpuscles, young epithelial scales ' 179 4.,tf' Uentllyof 5U8 wiln mucous corpuscles 183 Natuie, origin, and formation of pus corpus- C16S , # # lfid Cowper's glands . ' 42n' 4«, Creosote ... '57 Crustacea, fat of •".".' '255 Crusta Petrosa . . " 30c Cruveilhier, on the calculi of the prostate . ' 437 Davy, Dr. On the increased quantities of white corpuscles in the blood in inflammatory affections ..... 109 On the presence of spermatozoa in the fluid of the urethra after stool in a healthy man 236 Death. Signs of . . . . 86 Real and apparent . . . .' ' 86 Coagulation of the blood, the most certain sign of . . . . . .87 Delia Torre. On the annular form of the red blood disc . . . . .93 Donne. His disbelief in the existence of a nucleus in the red blood disc . . . .93 On the increased quantities of white corpus- cles in the blood in disease . . 109 Opinions in reference to the blood globules . 110 His opinion that the white globules are red blood corpuscles in process of formation 112 His observations on the conversion of milk globules into white corpuscles . .112 On the transition of white globules to red cor- puscles . . . . . 113, 114 Reasons in favour of the opinion that the red globules are formed out of the white 115 Opinion of, as to the cause of the maimnilaled appearance of the red blood disc . 138 Vaginal tricho-monas of . . .181 Vaginal vibrios of . . . 182 Opinions as to the nature of pus globules 86 Venereal vibrios of . . . . 194 On cheese globules .... 196 The discoverer of colostrum corpuscles . 201 His statement that the colostrum corpuscles are soluble in ether .... 202 On the recurrence of colostrum . . 204 Condition of milk after confinement, in con- stant relation with its state during gestation 207 His division of pregnant women into three classes, founded on the characters of the col- ostrum during the last months of gestation 207 Lactoscope of . . .211 On the formation of butter . . . 215 His detection of the spermatozoa in the vagi- na on the second day . . . 227 Double decomposition. Injections by . 44 Drilled Cells ".....54 Dromedary. Blood of ... 90 Dry Way. Method of mounting objects in the 59 Dujardiu. On the human spermatozoon 223, 224 His statement that spermatozoa lived thirteen hours in the testicle after death . . 227 Ear, structure of. See Hearing, organ of . 523 Eble. On the hair at its full term of development 298 On nerves in the bulb of the hair of the cat 304 Elephant. Blood of . . • -92 Malpighian bodies of 418 Enchondroma ..... 315 Epidermis. Form, size, and structure of cells of 277 Correspondence of to epithelium . . 277 Disposition of •••'?!? Ditto of lines on the surface of . .278 Effects of water on . . . .279 INDEX PAGE Epidermis of white and coloured races . . 279 Destruction and renewal of . . . 279 Uses of . . . . . .280 Pathology of . . • . . 278 Mr. Rainey's description of . .281 Examination of . . . 281 Epithelium. Constitution of . . 204 Distribution of ... 205 Different forms of ... 205 Tesselated variety .... 205 Form of cells of . . . . .203 Size of ..... 200 Structure of . . . . .200 Distribution of ... 207 Conoidal variety ..... 207 Form and size of cells of . 207 Structure of .... . 208 Naked conoidal variety . . -208 Distribution of . . . . . 208 Ciliated variety .... 208 Distribution of . . . . . 270 Development and multiplication of epithelium 271 Nutrition of dito Destruction and renewal of ditto Uses of . . . Methods of examination of Epithelial Tumours Ether, injections Eustachian glands . Evans, Dr. Julian. On the structure of the spl Eye. See Vision Dissection of . Fat. Vesicles of . Contents of ditto Form of ditto Size of ditto . Colour of ditto . Consistence of ditto Structure of ditto Distribution of fat Quantity of Disappearance of Uses of . Distinction of fat vesicles from oil globules Development of the fat vesicle Examination of Fibrin. Softening of . Fibrillation of Fibrous Tissue Wliite Fibrous Tissue Enumeration of parts constituted of Morphous form of . Amorphous form of Condensed form of . . . Reticular form of . Areolar form of . . . Structure of Action of acetic acid on Yellow fibrous tissue Enumeration of parts constituted of Structure of . . . Varieties of . Pecuiiar arrangement of Mixed fibrous tissue J\Tuclear form of fibrous tissue Development of white fibrous tissue Ditto of yellow fibrous tissue . Fishes. Bone cells wanting in bone of Fluids. Organized Lymph Chylo Blood . i Mucus Pus . Semen Unorganized . Saliva . ■ Bile . Sweat 272 272 . 273 275 . 275 43 . 419 een 489 . 509 533 . 254 254 . 254 255 . 255 255 . 255 259 . 200 261 . 202 262 . 538 203 . 83 353 . 340 346 . 340 347 . 347 347 . 347 347 . 347 347 . 348 349 . 348 349 . 350 353 . 349 352 . 352 322 . 60 67 ' 67l 79 . 171 183 . 218 240 . 241 242 . 243 PAGR Fluids. Unne . 2-i5 Pancreatic fluid 250 Lacrymal ditto . . 250 Gastric ditto .... 250 Preparation of . 50 For mounting objects 56 Alcohol and Water . 56 Goadby's Solutions . 56 Acetate of Alumina . 57 Creosote .... 57 Glycerine . 57 Canada balsam 57 Salt and Water . . 57 Naphtha .... 58 Chromic acid . 58 Method of mounting objects in 59 Follicles. Of stomach . 410 Of small intestines . 410 Of Lieberkuhn . 410 Of large intestines . 410 Form of . . . . 410 Epithelium of 410 Blood-vessels of . . 411 Follicles of uterus 413 Of P'allopian tubes . 413 Of vagina .... 419 Of oesophagus . . 418 Of neck of uterus 418 Of vesicula seminalis . . . 418 Of Schneiderian membrane 419 Forceps, dissecting . 33 Cutting .... 34 Frog. Tongue of. Mode of exhibition of . 126 Gall Bladder. Structure of . . .429 Gallinae. Spermatozoa of ... 220 Gastric juice ..... 250 Gelatine, injections with . . . .48 Gerber. On the relation between the size of the blood globules and the capillaries . 92 His belief in the existence of a nucleus in the red blood disc . . . . .93 On the structure of the spermatic animalculi of the guinea-pig . . . 223 On the stellate bodies observed in decomposing fat vesicles ..... 259 His description of the epithelium of the ven- tricles as a tesselated cjliated epithelium 271 On nerves in the bulb of«the hair of the guinea-pig . . * . . 304 On the nature of bone cells . . 330 Gerlach. On the structure of the kidney . 450 On the structure of the Malpighian capsule 451 Gingival glands ..... 420 Glands. Definition of . . . .406 Classification of . . . . . . 408 a. Unilocular glands . . . 410 Follicles of stomach . . . .410 Ditto of large intestines . . .410 Ditto of Lieberkiihn . . . .410 Stomach tubes .... 412 Fallopian and uterine tubes or follicles 413 Solitary glands ..... 413 Aggregated or Peyer's glands. . . 414 b. Multilocular ditto .... 414 Sebaceous ditto .... 414 Meibomian ditto .... 410 Glands of the hair follicles . . .416 Caruncula lachrymalis . . . . 418 Glands of nipple . . . .418 Ditto of prepuce .... 418 Mucous glands .... 418 Labial ditto . . . . .419 Buccal ditto . . . . .419 Tonsillitic ditto . . . . .419 Lingual ditto .... 410 Tracheal ditto . . . . -419 Bronchial ditto . . . .419 Palatine ditto ..... 419 Pharyngial ditto . . . .419 INDEX. Glands of uvula Ditto of Eustachian tubes Brunner's glands Cowper'B ditto Gingival ditto . Uterine ditto . Vaginal ditto Lenticular ditto c. Lobular ditto . Salivary ditto Mammary glands Liver . Prostate gland . ' . d. Tubular glands . Sudoriferous ditto Axillary ditto Ceruminous ditto New tubular gland in axillae kidneys Testis . . . ' g. Vascular glands . . ' . Thymus gland . Thyroid gland . , Supra-renal capsule Spleen /. Absorbent glands . Lacteal or mesenteric glands Lymphatic glands Villi of intestines Glass slides . Cells . . " . Thin . . . ' . ' Instruments for cutting Globules of milk . Goadby's solutions . . , Goat. Blood of . Goodsir. On the general development of the teeth ..... On the classification of glands On the epithelium of the villi . On the cells developed during absorption in ditto ..... Grallae. Spermatozoa of . Gruby and De la Font. M.M. On blood discs in chyle ..... Gueterbock. His opinion that the colostrum corpuscles axs true cells . . . 202 Guinea-pig, spermatozoa of . . . 219 Gulliver, Mr. Observatipns on the molecular base of the chyle in the blood . . 69 On the lymphatics of the spleen . . 71 On the ctiaracters of the blood discs in the chyle 71 His opinion in favour of Hewsoii's views of 72 90 91 PAGE . 419 419 420, 421 420,421 . 420 420 420 420 422 422 423 423 430 437 437 441 441 441 483 484 484 480 488 489 492 492 492 493 51 54 51 52 197 50 92 553 PAGK the thymus . On the blood of the vicugna and llama On blood corpuscles in states of disease On the relation in the size of the blood cor- puscles among the mammalia, and that of the animal from which they proceed . 95 On the dimensions of the rod blood discs of the elephant, capybara, and napu musk-deer 9: His disbelief in the existence of a nucleus in the red blood discs ... 9; His measurement of the human colourless blood corpuscle . . . .101 His observations on the presence of white cor- puscles in the blood in unusual quantities in inflammatory affections . . . 10S His opinion that the white globules are red blood corpuscles in process of formation . 112 His opinion that blood discs are the escaped nuclei of the white corpuscles . . 117 On the blood of birds after a full meal . 118 On concc ntric corpuscles in the blood, which he has styled " Organic Germs," or " Nucle- ated Cells ".....122 Gum Arabic cement .... 51 Guilt. His statement that the fat vesicles in lean animals contain serosity, and not grease 261 Glycerine . . . • . .57 Gutta-percha cells .... 55 Haidlen. Inorganic components of milk of cow, according to Hair. Form of . Size of .' Structure of . Ditto of-root of . Ditto of bulb of Ditto of sheath of Ditto of shaft of Ditto of cortex of Ditto of fibrous layer of Ditto of medullary canal of Ditto of follicle of . Growth of hair . Regeneration of Nutrition of Distribution of Number of hairs in different situations Erection of . Colour of . Gray hair Properties of hair Hairs'of different animals (Of the musk deer, sable, mouse, Uses of hair . Transverse sections of Sections of, to mount Hair Follicles. Glands of Distribution of Structure of Binary arrangement of Steatozoon folliculorum Havers. Glands of Haversian canals Hearing. Organ of External ear Auricle, structure of Cartilages of Muscles of Auditory canal . Cartilaginous part of Osseous ditto Sebaceous glands of Ceruminous ditto Muscular fibres in Middle ear Tympanum . Structure of Tympanic cavity Structure of membrane of Openings into Ossicles and muscles of Transparent cells in . Pigment cells in . Internal ear . . Osseous labyrinth Membranous ditto Perilymph Endolymph . Structure of the spiral lamina Denticulate lamina . Membranous zone Structure of the cochlearis muscle Cochlear ligament Aluscular zone Epithelium of scalae Structure of the cochlear nerves Of the membranous labyrinth Utriculus Sacculus . Membranous semi-circular canals Otolith Otoconia Of the vestibular nerves Of the auditory nerves . Hedgehog. Structure of spines of Henle, M. Theory of the changes of the colour of the blood Opinions as to the nature of the white corpus- cles of blood, lymph, chyle, mucus, and pus 178 195 . 291 292 292 . 292 293 . 293 294 . 294 295 . 296 297 . 298 298 . 299 30U . 300 301 . 301 302 . 302 303 bat, martin) 304 304 . 305 305 . 416 416 , 416 417 , 417 200 318 523 523 523 523 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 324 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 523 525 525 525 526 526 527 527 528 528 528 529 529 529 529 530 531 531 531 532 304 136 of the cochlea 554 INDEX. rr i „■ . . PAOE Henle. His opinions as to the structure of the milk globules . . : : 197 On the application of acetic acid to the milk globules ..... 199 His opinion that the colostrum corpuscles are aggregations of granules in a mucoid sub- stance .... 202 On the structure of spermatozoa . .223 On the membrane of the fat vesicle . 250 On the nucleus of the fat vesicle . . 257 On the stellate bodies observed on decom- posing fat vesicles . . . 259 On the presence of fat in the blood after re- peated bleedings .... 262 On the absence of epithelium in the bursae 205 His description of the epithelium of the ven- tricles as a cuneiform ciliated epithelium . 271 On the position of the pigment granules in the cells ..... 288 On the fibres of the fibrous layer of the hair 295 On the medullary canal of hair . . 290 On the membrane of the cavities of true car- tilage ......307 On the arrangement of the cells of articular cartilage ..... 308 On certain large cells, presenting in their in- terior a cavity in the cartilage of the epi- glottis ......311 On the increase of the inter-cellular substance of cartilages by the thickening of the mem- brane of the cavities . . . 314 On the structure of the lamellae of bone . 320 On the nature of bone cells . . 330 On the structure of the inter-tubular substance of dentine. ..... 337 On a peculiar arrangement of the fibres of elastic tissue .... 350 On the disposition of gelatinous nerve fibres 380 On the proportions-of gelatinous nerve fila- ments in different nerves . . 382 On the arrangement of the gelatinous nerve filaments in ganglia . . . .383 On the development of nerve cells on the sur- face of the convolutions of the brain . 390 On the epithelium of the choroid plexuses . 538 Herbivora. Blood of . . . .92 Hewson. On the lymphatics of the spleen . 71 His opinion that the thymus is an appendage to the lymphatic system, chyle globules, or the corpuscles of the thymus . . 72 His belief in the existence of a nucleus in the red blood disc . . . : 93 Hodgkin. His disbelief in the existence of a nucleus in the red blood disc . . 93 Haematine . . . . . .95 Hooke. On the hair . . : . 290 Horner, Professor: On the axillary glands . 441 Hunter. On the persistence of fat vesicles . 201 Huschke. On the structure of the kidney . 450 Inflammation. Causes of Exciting cause . Proximate cause Injections. Minute Objects of Of arteries Of Veins Syringes used in By Swammerdam's Syringe By Charriere's ditto Materials used in With turpentine With ether . By double decomposition Of one set of vessels With gelatine With fresh milk Introduction 140 140 140 38 38 39 40 40 40 41 42 42 43 44 48 48 48 27 49 91 116 175 PAGE Jacobi. Experiments in fertilizing the ova of a carp ..... 234 Japanner's gold size .... Johnson, Dr. G. On fatty degeneration of the kidney .... 454,40" On the inflammatory diseases of ditto . 40; Jones, Mr. Wharton. On the presence of a nu- cleus in the blood disc of the lamprey . On the mulberry or granulated appearance of the red blood disc • . .94 On the structure of the red blood corpuscle 95 Opinions concerning the white blood corpuscle 111 Observation on the blood corpuscle, consider- ed in its different phases of development in the animal series .... On the nuclei of mucous corpuscles . On the brown pigment of the membranous labyrinth of the ear of man . . 287 Ou the tubular character of the gelatinous nerve filaments .... 382 On the structure of the ganglion caecum in the dog ...... 382 Jones, Dr. Handfield. Reasons for his non-belief in the existence of a lobular biliary plexus 425 His investigations as to the terminations of the biliary ducts .... 420 On the arrangement of the hepatic cells in connexion with secretion . . . 427 On the union and consolidation of the hepatic cells .... Description of the active and passive condi- tions of the lobules of the liver Ou the development of the liver . On the calculi of the prostate . On the peculiar corpuscles in the spleen . On the epithelium of the villi . On the granular substratum in ditto On oil drops in ditto .... 427. 42e 434 437 491 493 494 494 Kidney. Secreting apparatus of . . 442 Tubes of......442 Tubes of, in cortical part . . . 442 Tubes of, in medullary part . . . 442 Basement membrane of . . 443 Frame-work for the lodgment of tubes . 443 Malpighian dilatations . . . 443 Vessels of ..... 443 Capsules of . ... . . 444 Epithelium of the tubes . . . 444 Ditto of Malpighian dilatations . 444 Ditto of neck of Malpighian dilatations . 444 Vascular apparatus of kidney . . 444 Renal artery ..... 444 Renal vein ..... 445 Inter-tubular plexus .... 445 Portal vein ..... 445 Portal system ..... 445 Afferent vessel of Malpighian tuft . 445 Efferent vessel of Malpighian plexus . . 445 Malpighian body, structure of, when complete 447 Malpighian bodies of birds and reptiles . 448 Size of ..... 448 In elephant and birds .... 418 Development of the kidney . . . 449 True capsule of the Malpighian tuft . . 452 Pathology of the kidney . . . 453 To inject......482 Kiernan. His description of the biliary ducts, and of the lobular biliary plexus . 424 On the acini of the liver . . . 424 Kieser. On the pigmentary membrane of the eye 286 Kolliker. On the absence of internal organs in spermatozoa ..... 225 On the development of spermatozoa . 231 On non-striated muscle .... 371 On the structure of the kidney . . 450 Labial glands Labelling slides, method of Lachrymal fluid .419 63 250 INDEX. PAGK Lachrymal glands . . . .423 Lacteal or Mesenteric glands . . .492 Lactoscope . . . . .211 Lallemand. On the development of spermatozoa 230 Lambotte. His disbelief in the existence of a nucleus in the red blood disc . . 93 Lamina fusca, pigment cells of . . . 288 Lampenhoff. Ou living semen in the vesiculie seminales of dead men . . 227 Lamprey. Blood of . . . .91 Lane, Mr. Analysis of chyle . . 68 On blood discs in the chyle . . .71 His belief in the existence of a nucleus in the red blood disc .... 93 Views on the structure of the red blood cor- puscle . . . . .95 Llama. Blood of . . .91 Lealand and Powell. Microscope of . . 2'J Letheby, Dr. H. On cell-like bodies in the bile 243 On the calculi of the prostate . . . 437 Leeuwenhoek. The first to describe the blood globules in different animals . . 89 The discoverer of milk globules . . 197 His discovery of living spermatozoa in the uterus and Fallopian tubes of a bitch, seven days after connexion . . 227,233 On the discovery of spermatozoa . . 218 On the spermatozoa of the ram and rabbit 223 The discoverer of epithelium cells in the mu- cus of the vagina .... 204 The first to observe that the epidermis was composed of scales On the haii- Lenticular glands Liebig. On the condition of iron in the blood Liq. potass., action of, on pus Liston, Mr. His disbelief in the existe: nucleus in the red blood disc Lingual glands . Liver .... Secreting apparatus of Lobules of Form of Size of Union of Inter-lobular fissures Inter-lobular spaces . Follicles, or acini Biliary ducts . Lobular biliary plexus . Doubts concerning . Mode of termination of Structure of . Secreting cells . Structure of . Linear and radiated disposition ot Union of . • • First secretion of bile in central celts Active and passive conditions of "~ of the liver Dissolution of membrane of Gall bladder . Structure of Vascular apparaUts of liver Hepatic veins Central-lobular veins Sub-lobular veins Portal veins . Inter-lobular veins Lobular capillary plexus Hepatic artery • Pathology of liver . Development of . Prostate gland Structure of Epithelium of Calculi of Increase of in old age Injection of Locus Niger. Ganglion cells of 290 420 98 106,188 ce of a 93 419 423 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 425 425 420 420 420 427 427 427 427 the lobules PAGE Lungs. Aeriferous apparatus of . . 395 Bronchial tubes .... 395 Air cells . . . . . .396 Form of . . . .390 Size of ...... 397 Structure ..... 396 Communications of ... . 396 Models of . . . .397 Epithelium of . . . . .397 Vascular apparatus of 398 Arteries . . . . . .398 Veins .... .398 Capillaries . . . . .398 Natural inflation of lungs . . . 398 Artificial ditto.....398 Mr. Rainey on epithelium in the air cells of 404 Of birds......404 Injection of . 405 Lymphatics. Structure of . . .76 Valves in . • . .77 Lymphatic glands. Structure of . . . 492 Lymph ...... 67 Analysis of . . • . .08 Coagulum of . . . . .08 Granular corpuscles of . . . .09 Serum of . . • 09 Examination of . . . . .76 Lymphatic system. Structure of lymphatics 07 Ditto of lacteals . . . . .68 Ditto of lymphatic glands . . . 492 Ditto of mesenteric glands . . . 492 Thoracic duct .... 08 Blood in lymphatics of spleen . . •70 Madder. In bones of animals fed with . 324 Magendie. His disbelief in the existence of a nucleus in the red blood disc Experiments of, on the blood Malpighi. The discoverer of the red globule Mammary Glands. Structure of Efferent ducts of ... Milk globules in follicles of Follicles of Existence of mammary gland in the human mole ...•• 423 Epithelium of . • • • ■ 423 Degeneration of mammary glands in age . 423 Lacteals of.....423 Man. Spermatozoa of ... 21J Mandl. On the blood of the dromedary and alpaco . . • ■ • .90 His belief in the existence of a nucleus in the red blood disc .... 93 His opinion that the formation of the nucleus of the blood corpuscles of reptiles takes place subsequently to the removal of the blood from the system • . .124 Opinion as to the nature of pus and mucous globules . 1™ Opinion as to the structure of milk globules 197 On the structure of the fat vesicle . . 257 On stellate bodies observed in decomposing ^ fat vesicles . Marine glue . • . • Martin. Structure of hair of Materials used in injections . . Mayer, E. H. On the nature of bone cells Medulla Oblongata. Ganglion cells of Menobranchus. Bone cells of . Meibomian glands Number of Form of • Structure of • •.■_...' Meckauer. On the structure of cartilage Microscope. Of Allen Brunner • Chevalier . Oberhauser . Pike & Sons . . • ■ Powell & Lealand . 93 153 88 423 423 423 423 259 50 304 42 330 377 321 416 416 416 416 311 33 31 30 30 33 29 556 INDEX. PAGE Microscopes. Of Ross . . . .29 Smith & Beck ... .30 Spencer . . . . . .31 Microtome . ... 34 Milk. Inorganic components of . . 195 Organic constituents of 195 Analysis of .... 209,211 Serum of . . . .190 Cheese globules of . . . . 196 Fatty ditto ot . .- . .197 Form, size and structure of . . 197 Opinions of observers as to the structure of 197 Action of boiling water, boiling alcohol, the alkalies, acetic acid, and aether on . 200 Colostrum of . . . . 201 Patholagy of milk .... 203 Milk of unmarried women . . . 206 Ditto of women previous to confinement . 206 Ditto of women who have been delivered, but who have not nursed their offspring . 208 Milk in the breasts of children . . 208 Different kinds of milk . . . .208 Relative proportions of the elements of milk in woman, the cow, the goat, and the ass 209 Good milk . . . . .210 Poor milk ..... 212 Rich milk . . . . .213 Adulteration of milk . . . 213 Formation of butter .... 214 Milk abandoned to itself . . . 215 Penicillum glaucum in . . . . 216 Medicines in milk .... 217 Injections with milk . . . .48 Mitscherlich. Observations on the saliva 241 Mondini. On the pigment of the eye . 286 Mounting objects. Method of . . .56 The dry way ..... 59 In Canada balsam with heat . . .60 As opaque ..... 63 Mouse. Spermatozoa of . . . . 219 Structure of hair of . . . . 314 Mucus. General characters of . . . 171 Ditto of true, false, and mixed membranes 172 Corpuscles of . . . . 174 Mucus of different organs . . . 179 Vaginal and uterine ditto . . . 180 Effect of acid mucus on the teeth . . 180 Tricho-monas in vaginal mucus . . 181 Vibrios in ditto . . . .182 Distinctive characters of mucous and pus . 186 Mucous Membranes. True or compound 172 False or simple and mixed . 172, 418 Compound. Alimentary canal from cardia downwards ..... 419 Gall-bladder, oesophagus, vagina . 419 Neck of uterus, vesiculse seminalis . .419 Simple. Eustachian tubes . . . 419 Trachea, bronchial tubes, and bladder 419 Unimpregnated uterus .... 419 Mixed. Mouth and nose . . . 419 Mucous Glands. Structure of . . 420 Follicles, epithelium, and membrane of 420,421 Miiller. On blood discs in the chyle . . 71 On the quantity of blood in the system . 80 On the coagulation of blood after freezing 81 On the blood of the frog . . .82 His belief in the existence of a nucleus in the red blood disc .... 93 His verification of the white globules in the blood of a frog . . . .100 On spermatozoa .... 223 On the terminations of nerves in the mem- brana nictitans .... 385 On the kidney .... 450 Muscle. Voluntary . . . .354 Involuntary ..... 354 Of animal and organic life . . . 354 Striped and unstriped . . . 354 General structure of muscle . . . 355 Of unstriped muscular fibrilla . . 355 Muscle. Nuclei of unstriped fibrilla M uscular structure of the heart Of striped muscular fibre . . Size and form of Size of, in foetus and adult Cause of striation of Differences of opinion as to Lacerti, or bundles of fibres Structure of fibrillae of fibres . Nuclei of ... . Situation of, in the fibre Sarcolemma Cleavage of fibre Blood-vessels of muscles Nerves of ditto .... Union of muscle with tendon . Muscular contraction . . . Active and passive contraction of muscle Zigzag disposition of the fibres in . Approximation of the striae in Increase in the diameter of the fibre in Rigor Mortis .... Muscular sound Developments of muscle, three stages of Differences of opinion as to striation Kolliker. On non-striated variety of . Examination of Muscular rigidity. A sign of death Musk Deer. Structure of hair of PAGK . 355 350 . 357 357 . 357 358 . 358 357 358,547 359 . 3: 9 355, 359 . 361 355, 361 . 301 362 . 303 303 303 . 305 305 . 306 306 . 367 358 . 371 375 . 87 304 Nachet. Microscope of ... 31 Nails. Structure of . . . .282 Development and Pathology of . . 283, 284 Modification of in the animal kingdom . 285 Regeneration and Examination of . . 285 Mr. Rainey on the structure and formation of 541 Naphtha . . . . . .58 Napu Musk Deer. Blood of . . .92 Nasmyth Mr. On the constitution of the inter- tubular substance of dentine . . 337 On secondary dentine . . . 337 His opinion that the cementum passes over the entire surface of the enamel of the tooth 338,344 On the development of dentine . . 341 Nasse, Professor. On the adherence of the red corpuscles in rolls 84 On a mottled appearance characteristic of in- flammatory blood . . . .85 His opinion that the white globules are red blood corpuscles in process of formation 112 On the milk globules .... 200 On the speedy disappearance of colostrum corpuscles in women who have borne many children ..... 203 Needles. Dissecting . . . .35 Nerves. Cerebro-spinal system . . 376 Sympathetic ditto .... 380 Structure of nerves .... 370 Uf cerebro-spinal system . . . 376 Secreting, or cellular structure of . . 376 Disposition of . . . . 376 Granular base and cells of . . . 376 Caudate ganglion cells and distribution of . 377 Globular ganglion cells. Distribution of . 378 Of the tubular structure . . . 378 Of the cerebrum and nerves of special sense 378 Of cerebellum and spinal cord • . . 378 Of posterior root of spinal nerves . . 378 Of sympathetic system and motor nerves 378 Varicose dilatation of the tubes . . 378 White substance of Schwann in . . 379 Neurilemma ..... 379 I Axis cylinder ..... 380 Globules of white substance of brain . 380 Ditto of spinal marrow, and nerves of special sense ...... 38') Of sympathetic system . . . 38.) Structure of nerves of . . . . 380 Gelatinous nerve fibres of . . . 38J Where best seen .... 3bl INDEX, N n PAGK serves Proportion of nerve fibres in different 381 Structure of ganglia . . .381 lubular and gelatinous nerve fibres in . 383 Arrangement of . . . .383 Ganglion globules and nerve fibres in . .384 Origin and termination of nerves . . 384 Origin in ioops ..... 384 In ganglion cells . . . .385 Termination in loops . . .385 In definite extremities . . . 386 Blood-vessels of nerves . . . 384 Pacinian bodies .... 380 Development of nerve fibres . . . 388 Ditto of ganglionary cells . . .389 Regeneration of nervous matter . . 390 Researches of M. Robin . . .291 Examination of ..... 394 Nesbitt. The first to distinguish between the two forms of ossification . Neurilemma .... Nipple, glands of ... Nose. Structure of mucous membrane of. See Smell 325 379 418 . 505 99, 108 Nutrition, corpuscular theory of Oberhauser. Microscope of . .30 Objects of minute injections ... 38 Oesophagus. Muscular fibres of, striped and unstriped ..... 360 Omnivora. Blood of . . . .92 Opaque objects. Methods of mounting . 63 Organs of the senses. Touch . . 497 Taste . . . . . .501 Smell and Vision . . . . 505 Hearing ...... 523 Owen, Mr. His disbelief in the existence of a nucleus in the red blood disc . . 93 On the development of dentine . . 341 Pacini. On the Pacinian bodies . . . 386 Pacinian bodies. Situation and structure of 386 Inner system of capsules of . . 387 Termination of nerve in 387 Inter-capsular ligament of . . . 387 Varieties in form and structure of Pacchionian glands. Situations and forms of Palatine glands .... Palmipedes. Spermatozoa of Pancreatic fluid .... Papillae of skin .... Examination of ... Pappenheim. On the structure of the kidney Passeres. Spermatozoa of Pathology. Of the blood . Of the red corpuscle Increase of in plethora . Decrease of in anaemia Increase of, under the influence of recovery and certain medicinal agents Effects of disease on the white corpuscles . Deficiency of fibrin in fevers, typhus, small- pox, scarlatina, and measles . Increase of fibrin in inflammatory affections, as pneumonia, plueritis, peritonitis, acute rheumatism . ■ . • • 148 Condition of the blood in hemorrhages . 151 Decrease in the normal portion of albumen 154 Becquerel and Rodier's pathological researches on the blood . . • • .158 Blood in ecchymoses . . . 161 Of milk. Persistence of, in the condition of colostrum . Recurrence of colostrum . Influence of retention of milk Pus and blood in milk The milk of syphilitic women . . . The milk of women in case of the premature return of the natural epochs Of the semen . Of the urine . Pathology. Of albuminous urine . 247 Fibrinous, fatty, chylous, and milky ditto 248 Excess of mucus in ditto . . . 249 Blood in ditto ... . 249 Pus in ditto ..." ' 250 Of epidermis . . . 278 Of nails . . . . ' 28-1 Of pigment cells ... 286 Of cartilage ... 31 j Of the luvgs. Emphysema . . 399 Asthma and pulmonary apoplexy . . 400 Pneumonia and tubercles . . 401 Of liver. Secreting apparatus . . 432 Biliary and fatty engorgement of cells ' . 432 Vascular apparatus. Anaemic condition of lobules ...... 433 First stage of hepatic venous congestion . 433 Second stage of ditto .... 433 Nutmeg or dram-drinker's liver . . 433 Portal venous congestion . . . 433 Hydatids and cysts in liver . . . 434 Of the bile ..... 433 Of kidney. Fatty condition of . . 452, 407 Pathology of "Bright's disease," according to Toynbee ..... 455 Sub-acute inflammation of the kidney . 457 Cystic disease of ditto . . 458, 405 538 419 220 250 498 500 451 219 142 142 143 144 146 146 147 Inflammatory diseases of the kidney Acute desquamative nephritis Chronic ditto ..... First and second form of fatty degeneration Exudation, and ditto within the tubes a. Crystalline or saline deposits . b. Oleo-albuminous exudation c. Exudations in the form of pus Exudation within the Malpighian bodies Exudation in the inter-tubular tissue Partial distribution of the oleo-albuminous exudation ..... Lesions affecting chiefly the vascular system Congestion followed by permanent oblitera- tion of capillaries of cortical substance Waxy degeneration .... Lesions of the tubes and epithelium . Imperfect development of cells and nuclei Desquamation of the epithelium Obliteration of the tubes Microscopic cyst formation Dilatation and thickening of the tubes Conclusion ..... Of thyroid gland. Condition of, in goitre . Paint injections . • • Peyen. His analysis of the milk of woman Pearson. On the colouring matter of the lungs and bronchial glands Peligot, M. His observations on milk retained for a long time in the breast Peyer's glands . . . . • Pharyngeal glands Pia mater. Structure of . Choroid plexuses and velum inter-positum of 538 Villi, blood-vessels, and epithelium of . 538 Pig. Fat vesicles of . Bulb of hair of . Pigment Cells. Structure and situation of Pathology of and freckles Cells of the choroid . Of the iris and ciliary processes Of the lamina fusca . Pigment cells in the skin Ditto of outer surface of choroid Pigment granules Examination of Pike and Sons. Microscope of . Pineal Gland. Caudate cells of Compound and calcareous cells of Earthy matter of Blood-vessels and nerve tubules of Pipettes . • • Pituitary gland. Lobes of 462 463 464 467 409 469 470 470 470 470 470 471 472 472 474 474 474 475 476 478 479 488 42 209 287 204 414 419 . 537 254 304 286 287 288 288 288 289 289 289 290 33 536 536 536 537 37 535 558 INDEX. PAGE Pit'y glands. Structure and infundibulum of 585 Comparison ot, to a ganglion . . . 535 Porcupine. Bulb of spines of . . 304 Powell and Lealand. Microscope of . .29 Preparation of objects .... 37 Prepuce, glands of .... 418 Preservation of objects ... 49 Prevost and Dumas. Their observations of liv- ing spermatozoa seven days after connexion 233 Experiments on the semen . . . 234 Proteus. Blood globules of . . . 123 Shape of bone cells of . . . . 321 Purkinje. On the vibratile epithelium of the ventricles . . . . .271 Purkinje and Valentin. On ciliary motion 269,270 Pus. General characters of . . . 183 Distinctive characters of pus and mucus . 186 Action of liq potass, and sol. anion, on pus 106,188 Distinctions between certain forms of pus and mucus ...... 190 Detection of pus in blood . . .191 False pus.....192 Metastatic abscesses .... 193 Quekett Mr. His disbelief in the existence of a nucleus in the red blood disc . . 93 His opinion on the mammillated appearance of the red blood disc . . . 139 On bone cells ..... 322 On the calculi of the prostate . . 437 On looped blood-vessels in the olfactory re- gion of the foetus .... 508 Quevenne, M. On the cheese globules . 196 On the milk ditto . . . .200 Rainey, Mr. On epidermis . . . 281 On trie structure and formation of the nails 541 On the ganglionic character of the arachnoid membrane of the brain and spinal marrow 543 On healthy air cells .... 397 On sudoriparous glands . . . 439 On lungs of birds .... 404 On the structure of the sudoriferous glands 547 On the synovial fringes .... 247 Ram. Spermatozoa of 223 Rapaces. Spermatozoa of 220 Rapp. On nerves in the bulb of the hair of the seal, porcupine, &c. . . . 304 Rat. Spermatozoa of . ' 223 Rees, Dr. G. O. Analysis of lymph . . 68 His belief in the existence of a nucleus in the red blood disc . . . .93 On the structure of the red blood corpuscle 95 On the urine of persons taking cubebs, &c. 247 Reichart. On the kidney . . 450 Reptilia. Blood globules, form and size of . 123 Structure of . . . . .124 Action of water on ... . 124 Ditto of acetic acid on 123 White globules of . . .125 Plastic properties of red ditto . . 125 Fat of reptiles . . . . .255 Malpighian bodies of 426 Respiration. Corpuscular theory of .99 Rhinorceros. Blood of ... 92 Rigor .Mortis ..... 366 Robin, M. C. Researches on the nervous system 391 On the axillary glands . . . .441 Rodentia. Hair of . . . .304 Ross. Microscope of . . .29 Sable. On the medullary canal of hair of 296 Ou the structure of the hair of . . 304 Salamander. Spermatozoa of . . 223 Saliva. Amount of ... 241 Mitscherlich's observations on .241 Solid constituents and salts of . . . 241 Acetic acid in .... 241 Admixture of saliva with mucus . .241 Uses of.....242 PAGE Salivary Glands. Structure of . . . 422 Follicles and form of, in embryo . . 422 Salt and water . . . . .57 Sarcolemma ..... 355 Scalpels for dissection . . . .33 Scansores. Spermatozoa of . . . 223 Scarpa. On the presence of pigment in the membranous labyrinth of the ear of Mam- malia ...... 287 Scherer. On pigment cells in the bile . 243 Schuliz. Observations on the action of oxygen and carbonic acid on the form of the blood corpuscles .... 136,137 Ditto of iodine on ditto . . . 1G3 Schumlansky. On the structure of the kidney 450 Schwann. On the membrane of the fat vesicle 256 On the nuclei of the fat vesicle . . 256 On the motion of the pigmentary granules in the cells of the choroid . . . 288 On the membrane lining the cavities of true cartilage ..... 307 On the nature of bone cells . . 330 On the tubular nerve fibre in the early stages of its development .... 382 Sebaceous glands. .... 414 Distribution, secretion, and cells of . • 415 Structure of ... 416 Sequin. On the amount of fluid passing off by the skin.....243 Semen. Characters of . . ■ 218 Spermatozoa .... 218 Pathology of semen . . . • 234 Application of a microscopical examination of the semen to legal medicine . . 237 Sharpey, Dr. On the structure of the lamella of bone......320 On intra-membranous ossification . . 325 On the striated muscular fibrilla . . 358 Sidall. On the increased quantities of white cor- puscles in the blood of the horse in influenza 109 Siebold. On the absence of internal organs in the spermatozoa .... 225 On the development of spermatozoa . 230 On living ditto in the uterus and fallopian tubes eight days after connexion . . 233 Simon, M. Organic constituents of human milk, according to . . . 195,209 Analysis of sweat .... 244 Simon, Mr. On the thymus . 73, 485, 486 On sub-acute inflammation of the kidney 457 Siren. Blood globules of" . . . 123 Bone cells of ... ■ • 32] Skey. On the size of muscular fibres of the heart ..... 35C Skin. See Touch.....497 Smell. Structure of mucous membrane of nose ..... 505 Tactile region ..... 506 Epidermis, papillae, and hairs of . . 506 Sebaceous glands of . . . 506 Pituitary region .... 506 Epithelium, and mucous follicles . . 505 Blood-vessels of ... . 506 Olfactory region. Position of . . . 506 Characters, epithelium, and glands of . 507 Pigment cells and blood-vessels of . . 508 Looped ditto of in foetus . . . 508 Gelatinous nerve filaments of . . . 508 Olfactory lobes and filaments . . 508 Smith and Beck. Microscope of . .30 Spallanzani. The discoverer of the white glo- bules in the blood of salamanders . 100 I Experiments on frogs with spermatized water 234 Spencer. Microscope of • .31 Spermatophori ..... 228 Spermatozoa ..... 218 Form of (in man, the rat, the mouse, guinea- pig, in birds, tritons, and salamanders) . 219 Size and structure of . . . 220,221 Motions and mode of progression of . .225 INDEX. 559 Spermatozoa. Duration of motion . . 220 affects of reagents on . . . .227 Development of .... 229 Spermatozoa essential to fertility . . 232 Condition of, in hybrids . . .233 Spinal Chord, gauglion cells of . . . 377 Spleen. Structure and capsule of . . 489 Blood-vessels and secreting structure of . 489 Dr. Jullieu Evans on ... 489 Dr. Jones on .... . 491 Peculiar corpuscles in 491 Lymphatics of . . . . .70 Solids. ...... 253 Fat . . . . . .254 Epithelium ..... 264 Epidermis ..... 277 Nails ...... 282 Pigment cells . . . . .286 Hair ...... 291 Cartilages . . . . .306 Bone ...... 317 Teeth . . . . . .335 Cellular or fibrous tissue . . . 346 Muscle ...... 354 Nerves ..... 376 Glands . . . . . .406 Solitary Glands. Distribution and structure of 413 Orifices of ..... 413 Follicles of Lieberkhun . ' . 414 Supra-renal Capsule. Structure and tubes of 488 Molecules, granular nuclei, and parent cells of 488 Differences in medullary and cortical portions 488 Vascular distribution in . . 488 Capsule of ..... 489 Steatozoon Folliculorum . . . 403 Stomach Tubes. Arrangement of . . 412 Form, structure, and epithelium of . 412 Existence of in the duodenum . . 412 Modification of, near the pylorus . . 412 Sudoriferous Glands .... 437 Distribution and structure of . . 437 Tubes and ducts .... 438 Secreting cells, number of . . . 438 Mr Rainey's description of . . 439 Examination of ... . 440 Structure of, according to Mr. Rainey . . 547 Swammerdam's syringe ... 40 Sweat. Quantity of . . . .243 Scales of epidermis in . . . 244 Solid constituents and analysis of . . 244 Crystals in . . . .244 Pathology of.....245 Synovial Fringes . . . .547 Syringes used in injections . . .40 Table of magnifying powers . Taste. Structure of mucous membrane of tongue Chorium and papillae of Simple and compound .... Filiform, and fungiform . . 502, Variety of ditto, and calyciform Foramen caecum Mucous follicles and epithelium of Filiform appendages of Gustatory region of Teeth. General structure of . Dentine . Modifications and tubes of . Secondary formation of, in cavity of tooth Constitution of . • • • Ditto of inter-tubular substance, according to Nasmyth . • Ditto, according to Henle . Peculiar globular formation in . Cementum . • . • • • Bone cells, and Haversian canals of . Hexagonal and granular layers of . Dentinal tubes in • • • • Cementum and dentine, modifications of each other • PAGE Teeth. Enamel. Fibres and cells of . 338, 339 Form and arrangement of ditto . . 339 Pulp of tooth. Structure of . . .339 Development of teeth. General particulars of 339 Formation of dentine and dentine pulp . 341 Membrane of ditto, Formation of enamel 342 Enamel pulp. Cells of . . . .342 Formation of cementum and cementum pulp 343 Caries of the teeth .... 344 Tartar ou ditto . .".*.' 345 To make sections of . . . 345 Testis. Structure, tubes, and cells of . 483 Thoracic duct . . . . ,68 Fluid, red colour, and composition of . 70 Blood and granular corpuscles in . 70,71 Thymus. Follicles of . . . .484 Structure of .... 485 Limitary membrane and lobular arrangement 486 Blood-vessels, and reservoir-of . . . 485 Mucous membrane and capsule of . . 485 Blood-vessels in, and milky fluid of follicles of 485 Granular and nucleated cells of . . 73.485 Thyroid. Vesicles of . . .486 Structure, lobules, and blood-vessels of . 487 Nuclei and cells of ... . 487 Todd and Bowman, Messrs. On two forms of Haversian canals .... 319 Experiments ou bone cells, suggested by 322 Their opinion that the nuclei of cartilage cells become developed into bone cells 328 On the granular blastema in cancelli of bones 329 330 347 356 358 359 360 363 309 379 385 411 412 420 498 On the nature of bone cells On the structure of white fibrous tissue On the muscular structure of the heart On " sarcous elements " On the nuclei of striated muscular fibre On the striated muscular fibre . On muscular contraction On the development of muscle On the neurolemma On the occurrence of gelatinous fibres in parts where their nervous character is indubitable 382 On the termination of nerves in loops in the papillae of the skin and tongue . On the epithelium of the stomach cells On a modification of the follicles and stomach tubes near the pylorus Opinions as to the mucous glands On the termination of the nerve tubules in the papillae of the tongue On a fibrous structure in the papillae of tongue 498 On the olfactory region . . . 500 On the olfactory filaments . . . 508 On the tubular structure of the cornea proper 512 On the anterior elastic lamina of cornea . 513 On the membrana pupillaris . . . 518 On certain elastic fibres attached to the pos- terior elastic lamina . . . 518 On the granular layer of the retina . . 519 On a layer of cells situated on the hyaloid __ membrane . Tomes, Mr. On the development of bone His lectures on teeth Description of granular layer of cementum On the development of dentine On the cells of the cementum pulp On the spaces between the fibres of newly- formed enamel On tubes of carious dentine Tongue. Structure of. See Taste Ditto of frog . . • ■ Tonsillitic glands . Touch. Seat of Papillae of . Epidermis of . Distribution and arrangement of Structure and basement membrane of Nuclear contents of Blood-vessels of • ■ Nerves of and fibres in 521 328 330 337 341 343 343 345 501 126 419 497 497 499 497 498 498 499 11)8 560 INDEX, Toynbee. On the structure of Malpighian body 453 On the corpus Malpighianum . . 453 On the pathology of " Bright's disease " . 455 Tracheal glands . . . .419 Tricho-monas ..... 181 Troughs for dissection . . 36 Tube cells . . . . . .54 Turpentine injections .... 42 Turpin. His opinion that the milk globules con- sist of two vesicles enclosing fine globules and buttery oil ... . 197 His idea that the fungus, penicillum glaucum, was developed from the milk globules . 216 Urine. Specific gravity of 245 Analysis of . . . . 240 Solid organic constituents of, viz: mucous oor- puscles and epithelial scales . . 246 Spermatozoa in . . . . . 246 Pathology of.....246 To examine ..... 252 Uterine glands ..... 420 Uterine and Fallopian tubes . . 413.419 Spheroidal epithelium of . . . 413 Vaginal glands ..... 420 Valentin's knife .... 35 Valentin. On quantity of blood in the system 80 On the supposed stomach of spermatozoa 223 On the spermatozoa of the bear . . 224 On fhe development of spermatozoa . 230 On the ciliated epithelium of the ventricles 271 On the occurrence of pigmentary ramifica- tions in the cervical portion of pia mater 287 On the disposition of nucleated or gelatinous nerve fibres ..... 381 On the termination of nerves in pulp of teeth 385 On the structure of the kidney . . 451 Valentin and Schwann. Their researches on the development of muscular fibre . . 369 Valves in lymphatics .... 77 Veins, injection of. . . . .40 Vibrious, vaginal .... 182 Ditto venereal ..... 194 Vicugna, blood of . . .90 Villi. Of the intestines, distribution of . 493 Structure and epithelium of . . 493 Basement membrane and nuclear contents of 494 Oil-drops in and blood-vessels of . • 494 Lacteals and peculiar form of . . . 495 Examination and injection of . . 496 Of the pia mater .... 538 Vision. Structure of globe of the eye . 509 Sclerotic. Structure of . . . . 509 Tunica albuginea and vessels of . . 510 Cornea. Structure and laminae of . • 510 Conjunctival epithelium and cornea proper 510 Posterior and anterior elastic lamina . . 513 PAGE Vision. Epithelium of aqueous humour . 513 Choroid. Blood-vessels of . . 514,515 Tunica Ruyschiana, venae vorticosae . 515 Stellate choroidal epethelium . , . 515 Lamina fusca .... 516 Hexagonal choroidal epithelium . . 516 Tapetum lucidum .... 516 Ciliary and second ciliary processes . . 517 Zone of Zinn, iris, and uvea . . 517 Membrana pupilaris and retina . . 518 Tunica Jacobi, granular and ganglionary layer 519 Vesicular, fibrous gray, and vascular ditto 520,521 Optic nerves, vitreous body, vitreous humour 521 Hyaloid membrane .... 521 Crystalline lens, capsule, body and fibres of 522 Structure and arrangement of ditto . . 522 Vogel. His opinion the mucous corpuscles are formed externally to the blood-vessels . 177 Ditto as to the nature of pus and mucous globules ..... 184 On the stellate bodies observed on decompos- ing fat vesicles .... 259 Volkman and Bidder. On the origin of gelatin- ous filaments from the ganglia of the sym- pathetic . . . . .382 Wagner. On the blood of the lamprey . 91 His belief in the existence of a nucleus in the red blood disc . . . .93 His opinion that the white globules are red blood corpuscles in process of formation 112 On the milk globules . . . .200 On the structure of human spermatozoa . 224 His supposition that the motions of spermato- zoa were produced by a ciliary apparatus 226 His observation of spermatozoa in motion at the end of twenty-four hours . . 227 On the development of spermatozoa . . 229 On the degeneration of the testes of birds during winter .... 232 On spermatozoa in male hybrids . . 232 On the coloration of the iris of birds . 255 On the development of nerves . . 388 Waller, Dr. A. On the tongue of the frog . 126 Williams, Dr. T. On the air cells of the lungs 396 Willis. His translations of Wagner's Physi- ology .....388 Wilson, Mr. Erasmus. On the anatomy of epi- dermis . . . . .280 On structure of the striated muscular fibrilla 358 Calculation of extent of sudoriferous system 438 Withoff. On the number of hairs existing on different surfaces of the body . . 300 Young. His disbelief in the existence of a nu- cleus in the red blood disc . . .93 Zinn, zone of 517 THE END. J <.',v. t o .^ ^ ,..n' i.^ G V- ■*«►., m V #