FSwvk v'i'"- sfo,* &&' £&%'■ ifr.= Efe:£ Eft* ... .,v NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland Gift of The New York Academy of Medicine ■LISSASY OF S/.TCM r:-HABITATION USTnUTE 61 iRV.WIG PLACE (CONNER E. 18 ST.) NHW YORK, N. Y. 1C~'03 Pi-.OiNE (212) 7/7-7980 //<;+** ;7«/ A THE MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN BODY, IN HEALTH AND DISEASE, ILLUSTRATED AVITH NUMEROUS DRAWINGS IN COLOUR. BY ARTHUR HILL II ASS ALL, M. B. Author of a "History of the British Fresh-water Algae;" Fellow of the Linnaean Society; Member o lae Royal College of Surgeons of England; one of the Council of the London Botanical Society; Corresponding Member of the Dublin Natural History Society, &c. WITH ADDITIONS TO THE TEXT AND PLATES, AND AN INTRODUCTION, CONTAINING INSTRUCTIONS IN Mk'UOSCOPIC MANIPULATION. BY HENRY VANAUSDALE, 31. D, IN TWO VOLUMES VOL. II. NEW YORK: SAMUEL S. & WILLIAM WOOD, 261 PEARL STREET. 1855. 55 i ENTERED. ACCORDING TO ACT OF CONGRESS, IN THE YEAR 1851, BY E. C. KELLOGG, IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT COURT OF CONNECTICUT. WvT) FOUNDRY OF PRESS OF SILAS ANDRUS AND SON, p. C. GUTIERREZ HARTFORD. NEW-YORK. INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS, THE WHOLE OF THE FOLLOWING ILLUSTRATIONS ARE ORIGINAL WITH BUT NINE EXCEPTIONS: BLOOD. Corpuscles of man, the red with the centres clear, 670 diam. . . Plate i. Fig. 1 The same, the red with the centres dark, 670 diam. ... " i. " 2 The same, seen in water, 670 diam. . . . . . . " i. " 3 The same, the red united into rolls, 670 diam. .... " i. " 4 Tuberculated condition of the red corpuscles, 670 diam. . . . " i. " 5 White corpuscles of man, in water, 670 diam. .... " i. " 6 Corpuscles of frog, 670 diam........." n. " 1 The same, with the nucleus of the red visible, 670 diam. . . " n. " 2 The same, in water, 670 diam. ......." n. " 3 The same, after prolonged action of water, 670 diam. ... " n. " 4 Nuclei of red corpuscles of frog, 670 diam......" n. " 5 Elongation of red corpuscles of ditto, 670 diam. . . . . " n. " 6 Corpuscles of the dromedary, 670 diam......." m. " 1 The same of the siren, 670 diam........ " m. " 2 The same of the alpaco, 670 diam........" m. " 3 The same of the elephant, 670 diam....... " iv. " 1 The same of the goat, 670 diam. . . . . . . . " iv. " 2 Peculiar concentric corpuscles in blood, 670 diam..... " iv. " 3 Coagulated fibrin, 670 diam........." iv. " 4 The same with granular corpuscles, 670 diam. . . . . " iv. " 5 Corpuscles of earth-worm, 670 diam......." iv. " 6 Circulation in tongue of frog, 350 diam. ....." v. " 1 The same in web of the foot of ditto, 350 diam. . . . . " v. " 2 Corpuscles in vessels of the same, 670 diam...... " vi. " 1 White corpuscles in vessels of the same, 900 diam....." vi. " 2 Glands of tongue of frog, 130 diam....... " vn. " 1 Under surface of tongue of same, 500 diam......" vn. " 2 Red corpuscles of embryo of fowl, 670 diam. . . . . " ix. " ] The same, in water, 570 diam. ......." ix. " 2 Red corpuscles of adult fowl, 670 diam. ....." ix. " 3 The same of young frog, 670 diam........" ix. " 4 The same of the adult frog, 670 diam....... " ix. " 5 The same united into chains, 670 .diam. , . . . . . " ix. " 6 L^/^Y OF SPEECH re;-!\ \ "lOM INSTITUTE 6) IRVING r:.\..:: ^:.V;,\!ER E. 18 ST.),, NEW VCr.K, N. Y. 10003 ■PHQNE (212) 777.7980 , 4 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. DEVELOPMENT OF EMBRYO OF CHICK. The cicatricula prior to incubation The same at the end of first day of incubation . The same at the thirty-sixth hour . The same at the close of the second day The same at the end of the third day The embryo on the conclusion of the fourth day The same at the termination of the fifth day . The embryo of six days old .... The embryo of the ninth day of development. . The same at the eiid of the seventh day, detached Ditto at the end of the ninth day, also detached Plate X. Fig .1 X. " 2 X. (« 3 X. (t 4 X. " 5 X. " 6 X. " 7 X. " 8 X. " 9 X. « 10 X. " 11 MUCUS. Corpuscles of, in their ordinary condition, 670 diam. . The same collapsed, 670 diam...... The same, showing the action of water, 670 diam. The same acted on by dilute acetic acid, 670 diam. The same after the action of undilute acetic acid, 670 diam. The same in process of development, 670 diam. Vaginal mucus, 670 diam. ..... ./Esophageal mucus, 670 diam...... Bronchitic ditto, 670 diam...... Vegetation in mucus, 670 diam...... Mucus of stomach, 670 diam...... Vaginal tricho-monas....... PUS. Corpuscles of laudable pus, 670 diam. The same acted on by acetic acid, 670 diam. The same treated with water, 670 diam. Epithelial scales from pustule, 670 diam. Corpuscles from scrofulous abftcess, 670 diam. Vibrios in venereal pus, 670 diam. .... XI. ' < 1 XI. ' ' 2 XI. ' ' 3 XI. « 4 XI. ' 5 XI. < 6 XII. ' 1 XII. < 2 XII. ' 3 XII. ' 4 XII. " 5 XII. » G XIII. < 1 XIII. ' 2 XIII. ' 3 XIII. ' 4 XIII. < 5 XIII. ' 6 MILK. Globules of healthy milk of woman, 670 diam. The same of impoverished human milk, 670 diam. Colostrum, 670 diam. .... Ditto, with several corpuscles, 670 diam. Globules-of large size, 670 diam. Ditto, aggregated into masses, 670 diam. Pus in the milk of woman, 670 diam. Blood corpuscles in the human milk, 670 diam. Globules after treatment by ether, 670 diam. The same after the application of acetic acid, 670 diam. XIV. ' ' 1 XIV. ' ' 2 XIV. ' « 3 XIV. ' ' 4 XIV. ' 5 XIV. ' 6 XV. • 1 XV. « 2 XV. ' 3 XV. " -1 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Caseine globules, 670 diam. Milk of cow adulterated with flour, 670 diam. Plate xv. xv. SEMEN. Spermatozoa and spermatophori of man, 900 diam. Spermatozoa of Certhia familiaris..... FAT. The fat vesicles of a child, 130 diam...... Ditto of an adult, 130 diam....... Ditto or the pig, with apparent nucleus, 130 diam. Ditto of the same, ruptured, 130 diam. .... Ditto of marrow of the femur of a child, 130 diam. . Ditto, with the membranes of the vesicles ruptured, 130 diam. Crystals on human fat vesicles, 130 diam. .... Fat vesicles in melicerous tumour, 130 diam. Ditto contained in parent cells, 120 diam. .... Ditto after the absorption of the parent cell-membrane, 120 diam. XVI. xvi. XVIII. XVIII. XIX. XIX. XIX. XIX. XIX. XIX. LXIX. LXIX. EPITHELIUM. Buccal epithelial cells, 670 diam..... Cuneiform ditto from duodenum, 670 diam. Ciliary epithelium from trachea of frog, 670 diam. Human ciliary epithelium from lung, 670 diam. Ditto from trachea, 670 diam. .... Tesselated epithelium from tongue of frog, 670 diam. Ditto from tongue of triton, 670 diam. Ditto from serous coat of liver, 670 diam. Ditto from choroid plexus, 670 diam. Ditto from vena cava inferior, 670 diam. Ditto from arch of the aorta, 670 diam. Ditto from surface of the uterus, 670 diam. . Ditto from the internal surface of the pericardium, 670 diam. Ditto of lateral ventricles of brain, 670 diam. Ditto of mouth of menobranchus lateralis, 670 diam. xx. XX. XXI. XXI. XXI. XXI. XXI. XXII. XXII. xxn. XXII. XXII. XXII. XXVI. XXVI. EPIDERMIS Upper surface of epidermis, 130 diam. Under surface of ditto, 130 diam. . . . . Epidermis of palm, viewed with a lens only, Ditto, magnified 100 diam. ..... Vertical section of ditto, 100 diam. Ditto of one of the ridges, 100 diam. Epidermis from back of hand, viewed with a lens A portion of same more highly magnified, 100 diam. Epidermis from back of hand 100 diam. Ditto, viewed on its under surface, 100 diam. Portion of ditto, with insertion of hairs, 100 diam. XXIII. XXIII. XXIV. XXIV. XXIV. XXIV. XXIV. XXIV. XXVI. XXVI. XXVI. 6 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Ditto from back of neck, 670 diam. ......Plate xxvi. Detached cells of epidermis, 670 diam. ...... " xxvi. Cells of vernix caseosa, 130 diam........" xxvi. Cells of ditto, 670 diam........." xxvi. NAILS. Longitudinal section of nail, 130 diam......." xxv. Ditto, showing unusual direction of striae, 130 diam. ... " xxv. Ditto, with different distribution of striae, 130 diam. ..." xxv. Transverse section of nail, 130 diam. ...... " xxv. Cells of which the layers are formed, 130 diam. and 670 diam. . " xxv. Union of nail with true skin, 100 diam......" xxvi. PIGMENT CELLS. Cells of pigmentum nigrum (human), 760 diam. " xxvn. Ditto of the same of the eye of a pig, 350 diam. .... " xxvn. Stellate cells of lamina fusca, 100 diam......." xxvn. Ditto more highly magnified, 350 diam......" xxvn. Cells of skin of negro, 670 diam........" xxvn. Ditto from lung, 670 diam......... " xxvn. Cells in epidermis of negro, 350 diam......." xxvn. Ditto in areola of nipple, 350 diam......." xxvn. Ditto of bulb or hair, 670 diam........" xxvm. HAIR, Bulb of hair, 130 diam........." xxvm. Root of a gray hair, 130 diam........" xxvm. Cells of outer sheath, 670 diam........ " xxvm. Portion of inner sheath, 350 diam........" xxvm. Stem of gray hair of scalp, 350 diam. ...... " xxix. Transverse section of hair of beard, 130 diam. " xxix. Another section of the same, 130 diam. ..... " xxix. Fibres of the stem of the hair, 670 diam. ....." xxix. Apex of hair of perineum, 350 diam. ...... " xxix. Ditto of scalp, terminating in fibres, 350 diam.....• . " xxix. Ditto of same with needle-like extremity, 350 diam. ... " xxix. Root of hair of scalp, 130 diam........" xxix. Another form of same, 130 diam........ " xxix. Hair with two medullary canals, 130 diam. ....." xxix. Insertion of hairs in follicles, 100 diam...... " xxvi. Disposition of hairs on back of hand. ......" xxiv. CARTILA GE, Transverse section of cartilage of rib, 350 diam..... " xxx. Parent cells seen in section of ditto, 350 diam. " xxx. Vertical section of articular cartilage, 130 diam..... " xxx. Ditto of inter-vertebral cartilage, 80 diam......" xxx. Cartilage of concha of ear, 350 diam....... " xxxi. INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Cells of inter-vertebral cartilage, 350 diam......Plate xxxi. Section of cartilage and bone of rib, 130 diam..... " xxxi. Ditto of one of the rings of the trachea, 350 diam....." xxxi. Ditto of thyroid cartilage with fibres, 130 diam. ... " xxxi. Cartilage of ossification, 100 diam. ......" xxxiv. Section of primary cancelli, 350 diam. . " xxxiv. Ditto of same, more advanced, 350 diam. ....." xxxiv. Cartilage of ossification, 350 diam......." xxxiv. Section of cartilaginous epiphysis, 30 diam. ...•." xxxv. Ditto of same, with bone, 30 diam....... " xxxv. Ditto of same, more highly magnified, 330 diam....." xxxv. Section of cartilage and bone of rib, 130 diam..... " xxxv. BONE. Transverse section of ulna, 60 diam......." xxxn. Cross-section of Haversian canals, 220 diam. .... " xxxn. Ditto of same more highly magnified, 670 diam. . . . . " xxxn. Longitudinal section of long bone, 40 diam. .... " xxxn. Parietal bone of foetus, 30 diam. ......." xxxm. Portion of same more highly magnified, 60 diam. ... " xxxm. Spicula of bone of foetal humerus, 350 diam. ....." xxxm. Lamina of a long bone, 500 diam....... " xxxm. Cancelli of long bone of foetus, 350 diam......" xxxm. Section of femur of pigeon fed on madder, 220 diam. ... " xxxm. Section of epiphysis and shaft of foetal femur, 100 diam. ..." xxxir. Transverse section of primary cancelli, 350 diam. ... " xxxiv. Section of cancelli more advanced, 350 diam. . . . . " xxxiv. Ditto of epiphysis and shaft of fcetal femur, 350 diam. ... " xxxiv. Ditto of cartilaginous epiphysis of humerus, 30 diam. ..." xxxv. Ditto of same with bone, 30 diam. ..... " xxxv The same more highly magnified, 330 diam......" xxxv. Blood-vessels and medullary cells ..... " xxxv Section of shaft of fcetal long bone, 20 diam. ....." xxxv Ditto of bone and cartilage of rib, 130 diam. .... " xxxv TEETH. Vertical section of incisor tooth, seen with lens . . . . " xxxvi Tubes of dentine near their termination, 670 diam. ... " xxxvi A not unfrequent condition of same, 670 diam. . ..." xxxvi Tubes of dentine near their commencement, 670 diam. . . " xxxvi Oblique section of tubes of dentine, 670 diam. " xxxvi Transverse section of ditto, 670 diam. ...... " xxxvi Transition of tubes into bone cells, 670 diam. ....." xxxvi Dilatation of ditto into bone cells, 670 diam. .... " xxxvi Section of cementum, 670 diam. ......." xxxvn Ditto of same traversed by tubes, 670 diam. .... " xxxvn Ditto of same showing angular cells, 670 diam....." xxxvn Fungus on section of dentine, 670 diam...... " xxxvn Oil-like globules on section of same, 350 diam. " xxxvn 8 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Section of secondary dentine, 350 diam......Plate xxxvn. Fig. 6 Ditto of bicuspid tooth, seen with lens only....." xxxvn. " 7 Vertical section of enamel, 220 diam....... " xxxix. " 3 Enamel cells seen lengthways, 670 diam. . . . . . " xxxix. '' 4 Cross-section of cells of enamel, 670 diam. .... " xxxix. ' j FIBROUS TISSUE. Longitudinal section of tendon, 670 diam......" xxxix. " 1' Transverse section of same, 670 diam. ..... " xxxix. '' 2 White fibrous tissue, 670 diam........" xxxix. " 6 Mixed ditto, 670 diam........." xxxix. " 7 Yellow fibrous tissue, 670 diam........" xl. " 1 Different form of ditto, 670....... " xl. " 2 Development of blood-vessels, 350 diam......" xl. " 3 Areolar form of mixed fibrous tissue, 330 diam. .... " xl. " 4 Blood-vessels of pia mater, 350 diam. ......" xl. " 5 Development of white fibrous tissue, 670 diam..... " xlih. " 2 Portidn of dartos, 670 diam........." xlih. " 3 Section of corpora cavernosa, slightly magnified .... " xliii. " 4 MUSCLE. Portion of striped muscle, 60 diam...... " xli. " 1 Fragment of unstriped ditto, 670 diam...... " xli. " 2 Muscular fibrilke of the heart, 670 diam......" xli. " 3 Fragment of striped muscle of frog, 350 diam. .... " xli. " 4 Fibres and fibrillae of voluntary muscle, 350 diam. " xlii. " 1 Fibres acted on by acetic acid, 350 diam...... " xlii. " 2 Ditto in different degrees of contraction, 350 diam. ..." xlii. " 3 Union of muscle with tendon, 130 diam. ..... " xlii. " 4 Transverse section of muscular, fibres, 350 diam. " xlii. " 5 Fibres of voluntary muscle of fcetus, 660 diam. .... ' xliii. " 1 Zigzag disposition of fibres, 350 diam. ......" xliii. " 5 Striped muscular fibre and fibrillae, 670 diam. .... " xliii. " 6 NERVES. Tubes of motor nerve, 670 diam. ......." xliv. " 1 The same after the action of spirit, 670 diam. .... " xliv. " 2 The same after the action of acetic acid, 670 diam. ..." xliv. " 3 Portion of Casserian ganglion, 350 diam. ..... " xliv. " 4 Nerve tubes of cerebellum, 670 diam. ......" xliv. " 5 Ditto of cerebrum, with clear cells, 670 diam. .... " xliv. " 6 Varicose condition of ditto, 670 diam. ......" xliv. " 7 Filaments of great sympathetic, 670 diam. ..... » XLV- « j Cells of gray matter of cerebellum, 670 diam. ....«« XLv. " 2 Ditto of same, inner stratum, 670 diam. ..... « xlv. " 3 Caudate ganglionary cells, 350 diam. ....... xlv. " 4 (Spinal cord, Medulla oblongata, Cerebellum.) Ditto from locus niger of cms cerebelli, 350 diam. ... « xlv. " 5 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Ditto from hippocampus major, 350 diam. Ditto from locus niger of crus cerebri, 350 diam. . Pacinian bodies, natural size..... Ditto, magnified 60 diam...... A single Pacinian body, 100 diam. An anomalous Pacinian body .... Two other anomalous Pacinian bodies Cells from corpus dentatum of cerebellum, 350 diam. Plate XLV (t XLV " XLVI " XLVI " XLVI " XLVI a XLVI » XLVI LUNG. Pleural surface of lung, 30 diam........" xlvii Ditto, with vessels of first order, 30 diam...... " xlvii Ditto, magnified 100 diam........." xlvii Section of lung injected with tallow, 100 diam..... " xlviii Casts of air-cells, 350 diam........." xlviii Section of lung injected with size, 100 diam. .... " xlviii Pleural surface of lung, with vessels of second order, 100 diam. . " xlix Section of lung, with air-cells uninjected, 100 diam. ... " xlix Capillaries of lung, 100 diam........" xlix GLANDS. Follicles of stomach, with epithelium, 100 diam. Ditto of large intestine, in similar condition, 100 diam Ditto of same, without epithelium, 60 diam. Termination of follicles of large intestine, 60 diam. Follicles of Leiburkiihn in duodenum, 60 diam. . Vessels of ditto of appendix vermiformis, 100 diam. Ditto of same of stomach of cat, 100 diam. Stomach tubes, cross-section of, 100 diam. Longitudinal view of stomach tubes, 220 diam. . Ditto of the same, 100 diam. .... Villi of small intestine, with epithelium, 100 diam. Ditto, without epithelium, showing lacteals, 100 diam. Vessels of villi in duodenum, 60 diam. Ditto of same in jejunum, 60 diam. Ditto of same of foal, 60 diam..... Solitary glands of small intestine, natural size Ditto of large intestine, slightly magnified . Aggregated or Peyer's glands, 20 diam. Side view of same, 20 diam..... Sebaceous glands in connexion with hair, 33 diam. Ditto from caruncula lachrymalis An entire Meibomian gland, 27 diam. . Illustrations of Mucous glands, 45 diam. Parotid gland of embryo of sheep, 8 diam. . Ditto of human subject, further developed, 40 diam. Mammary gland, portion of, slightly magnified Ditto of same, with milk globules, 90 diam. LI L L L lii LII LI LI LI LXII LI LII LII LIII LIII LIII LIII. LIV. LIV. LIV. LIV. 10 I N D E"X OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Ditto of same more highly magnified, 198 diam. Liver, section of, showing the lobules, 35 diam. . Surface of ditto, showing the intra-lobular veins, 15 diam. Section of liver showing the hepatic venous plexus, 20 diam Vessels of portal system, 20 diam. .... Section of liver, showing inter-lobular vessels, 24 diam. Surface of liver, showing portal capillary system, 20 diam. Ditto, showing both hepatic and portal venous systems, 20 Ditto, with both systems completely injected, 20 diam. . Ditto, with portal vein and hepatic artery, 18 diam. A terminal biliary duct, 378 diam. . Secreting cells of liver in healthy state, 378 diam. Ditto, gorged with bile, 378 diam. Ditto, containing oil globules, 378 diam. Prostate gland, calculi of, 45 diam. New tubular gland in axilla, 54 diam. Tubulus of ditto, 198 diam. . Ceruminous glands, portions of, 45 diam. . Sudoriferous gland, tubulus of, 198 diam. Kidney, tubes of, with epithelium, 99 diam. Cross-section of elastic frame-work, 99 diam. . Ditto of frame-work and tubes, 99 diam. Section of vessels in tubular part of kidney, 33 diam. The same vessels seen lengthways, 33 diam. Tubes with epithelium, 378 diam. .... Corpora Malpighiana of kidney, injected, 40 diam. Uriniferous tubes of a bird, 40 diam. Corpora Malpighiana of the horse, 40 diam. fnter-tubular vessels of surface of kidney, 90 diam. Transverse section of injected kidney, 67 diam. Uninjected corpora Malpighiana .... With capsule, 100 diam. ..... Without ditto, 100 diam. .... Malpighian body, more highly magnified, 125 diam. Afferent and efferent vessels of Malpighian tuft, 45 diam Epithelial cells of the tubes, 378 diam. Testis, tubes of, 27 diam. . ' . Tubes of ditto, more highly magnified, 99 diam. Vessels of thyroid gland, injected, 18 diam. Vesicles of ditto, viewed with a lens only . Ditto of same, magnified 40 diam. .... Ditto of same, showing the structure of their walls, 67 diam Lobes and vesicles of same in their ordinary condition, 27 di Nuclei of vesicles of thyroid, 378 diam. Follicles of thymus, with vessels, 33 diam. Capsule of ditto, 54 diam. ..... Nuclei and simple cells of same, 378 diam. Compound or parent cells of ditto, 378 diam. Spleen, nuclei and vessels of, 378 diam. . diam. Plate INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Supra-renal capsule, plexus on surface of, 54 diam. . . . Plate lxii. Tubes of ditto, 90 diam........." lxii. Nuclei, parent cells, and molecules of ditto, 378 diam. . . " lxii. Vessels of supra-renal capsule, 90 diam......" lxii. Pineal gland, compound bodies of, 130 diam. .... " lxix. Pituitary gland, cells and fibrous tissue of, 350 diam. ..." lxix. ANATOMY OF THE SENSE OF TOUCH, Epidermis of palm of hand, 40 diam. ..... " lxiii. Ditto of back of hand, 40 diam........" lxiii. Papillae of palm of hand, 54 diam....... " lxiii, Ditto of back of hand, 54 diam........ " lxiii. Epidermis of palm, under surface of, 54 diam. .... " lxiii. Ditto of back of hand, under surface of, 54 diam....." lxiii. Vessels of papillae of palm of hand, 54 diam..... " lxiii. Ditto of same of back of hand, 54 diam......." lxiii. ANATOMY OF THE SENSE OF TASTE. Filiform papillae, with long epithelial appendages, 41 diam. Ditto, with shorter epithelial processes, 27 diam. Ditto, without epithelium, near apex of tongue, 27 diam. . Ditto, without epithelium, near centre of same, 31 diam. Filiform and fungiform papillae, without epithelium, 27 diam. Peculiar form of compound papillae, 27 diam. Filiform papillae in different states, 27 diam. Ditto, with epithelium partially removed, 27 diam. Follicles of tongue, with epithelium, 27 diam. Ditto, without epithelium, 27 diam. .... Ditto, viewed as an opaque object, 27 diam. Filiform papillae from point of tongue, 27 diam. Follicles and papillae from side of ditto, 20 diam. Simple papillae, with epithelium, 45 diam. Filiform papillae, with ditto, 18 diam. .... The same, viewed with a lens only .... Side view of certain compound papillae, 20 diam. Simple papilla from under surface of tongue, 54 diam. . Compound and simple ditto from side of tongue, 23 diam. A calyciform papilla, uninjected, 16 diam. Ditto, with the vessels injected, 16 diam. .... Filiform papillae near centre of tongue, injected, 27 diam. Ditto near tip of tongue, injected, 27 diam. ... Simple papillae, injected, 27 diam. .... Fungiform ditto, injected, 27 diam. ..... ANATOMY OF THE GLOBE OF THE EYE. Vertical section of cornea, .">4 diam. ......" lxvii. A portion of retina, injected, 90 diam...... " lxvii. Section of sclerotic and cornea, 54 diam......" lxvii. " LXIV " LXIV " LXIV. " LXIV. " LXIV " LXIV " LXIV. " LXIV. " LXV. It LXV " LXV " LXV. K LXV. " LXV. " LXV. " LXV. " LXV. " LXV. " LXV. " LXVI. " LXVI. " LXVI. " LXVI. " LXVI. ti LXVI. 12 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Vessels of choroid, ciliary processes, and iris, 14 diam. Nuclei of granular layer of retina, 378 diam. Cells of the same, 378 diam. .... Ditto of vesicular layer of retina, 378 diam. Caudate cells of retina, 378 diam..... Cells of the membrana Jacobi, 378 diam. Fibres of the crystalline lens; a, 198 diam. ; b, 378 diam. A condition of the posterior elastic lamina, 78 diam. Peculiar markings on same, 78 diam. Crystalline lens of sheep, slightly magnified Fibres of lens near its centre, 198 diam. . Stellate pigment in eye of sheep, slightly magnified Venae vorticosae of eye of sheep, injected Conjunctival epithelium, oblique view of, 378 diam. Ditto, front view of, 378 diam. .... Ciliary muscle, fibres of, 198 diam. Gelatinous nerve fibres of retina, 378 diam. Cellated structure of vitreous body, 70 diam. Fibres on posterior elastic lamina, 70 diam. Portion of the iris, 70 diam. Epithelium of crystalline lens, 198 diam. . Ditto of the aqueous humour, 198 diam. Hexagonal pigment of the choroid, 378 diam. Stellate pigment of same, 378 diam. . Irregular pigment of uvea, 378 diam. Plate LXVII. Fig. 4 " LXVII. " 5 « LXVII. " 6 (I LXVII. " 7 li LXVII. " 8 a LXVII. " 9 « LXVII. " 10 ti LXVII. " 11 u LXVII. " 12 " LXVII. " 13 ti LXVII. " 14 « LXVIII. " 1 « LXVIII. " 2 a LXVIII. " 3 « LXVIII. " 4 " LXVIII. " 5 " LXVIII. " 6 " LXVIII. " 7 a LXVIII. " 8 " LXVIII. " 9 u LXVIII. " 10 it LXVIII. " 11 a LXVIII. " 12 " LXVIII. " 13 » LXVIII. " 14 ANATOMY OF THE NOSE Mucous membrane of true nasal region, 80 diam. Ditto of pituitary region, injected, 80 diam. .... Capillaries of olfactory region of human foetus, 100 diam. LXIX. " 1 LXIX. ' 2 LXIX. " 12 ANATOMY OF THE EAR Denticulate lamina? of the osseous zone, 100 diam. . Tympanic surface of lamina spiralis, 300 diam. Inner view of cochlearis muscle of sheep ..... Plexiform arrangement of cochlear nerves in ditto, 30 diam. VILLI. Villi of fcetal placenta, injected, 54 diam. Ditto of choroid plexus, 45 diam. LXIX. ' 3 LXIX. < 4 LXIX. ' 5 LXIX. < 6 LXII. ' 4 LXII. ' 9 Plates VIIL, XVII., and XXXVIIL, omitted in the original edition, are likewise nere omitted. The same numbers for the other plates are observed, that the figures in both editions may correspond. The Plates added to the American Edition commence at Plate LXX. PLATES ADDED TO THE AMERICAN EDITION, Corpuscles of lymph, 800 diam..... Corpuscles of chyle, 800 diam. Fat vesicles, injected, 45 diam. .... Transverse sections of hair, 450 diam. Cartilage from finger-joint, 80 diam. . Vessels of synovial membrane, 45 diam. . Injected matrix of finger-nail, 10 diam. Vessels of tendon, 60 diam. ..... Ditto nearer muscular union, 30 diam. Lymphatic gland and vessels, 8 diam. Capillaries and air-cells of fcetal lung, 60 diam. . Ditto of same of child, 60 diam..... Ditto of same of adult, 60 diam. Branchia of an eel, 60 diam...... Mucous membrane of fcetal stomach, 60 diam. Ditto, showing cells and cap. ridges of adult, 60 diam. Ditto with cells deeper and ridges more elevated, 60 diam. Ditto showing gastric villi, 60 diam. Villi of duodenum, 60 diam. Ditto of jejunum, 60 diam. .... Ditto of ileum, 60 diam. .... Muscular fibre of small intestine, 60 diam. Appendix vermiformis, 60 diam. Mucous follicles of colon, 60 diam. Malpighian bodies with uriniferous tubes, of adult, 100 diam. Ditto enlarged as in Bright's disease, 100 diam. Enlarged veins of kidney, first stage of Bright's disease, 100 diam. Ditto of same, another view, 100 diam...... Stellated veins in third stage of same, 100 diam. . Granulation on the surface of kidney, 100 diam. A tube much dilated, 100 diam....... Sudoriparous glands and their ducts, 70 diam. .... Ditto, more highly magnified, 220 diam. .... Plate lxx. " LXX. " LXX. " LXX. " LXX. " LXX " LXXI " LXXII " LXXII " LXXIII " LXXIII " LXXIII. " LXXIII. " LXXIII. " LXXIV. " LXXIV tt LXXIV. a LXXIV. " LXXIV. " LXXIV. " LXXV. " LXXV. " LXXV. " LXXV. " LXXV. " LXXV. " LXXVI. " LXXVI. " LXXVI. " LXXVI. tt LXXVI. tt LXXVII. a LXXVII. 14 INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Mucous membrane of gall-bladder, 50 diam.....Plate lxxvh. Transverse section of muscles of the tongue, 45 diam. ..." lxxvii. Terminal vessels in cornea, 45 diam. ..... " lxxviii. Cornea of viper, showing its vessels, 45 diam. " lxxviii. Choroid coat of fcetal eye, 45 diam....... " lxxviii. Ciliary processes of eye of adult, 45 diam. ....." lxxviii. Mucous lining of unimpregnated uterus, 35 diam. ... " lxxviii. Ditto of impregnated uterus, 35 diam. ......" lxxviii. Tuft of placenta, 60 diam........" lxxix. Papillae of gum, 45 diam........." lxxix. Ditto of lip, 45 diam. ........ " lxxix. Blood-vessels in mucous membrane of trachea, 45 diam. . . " lxxix. Ditto of buccal membrane, 60 diam......" lxxix. Ditto of mucous membrane of bladder, 60 diam....." lxxix. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES PLATE I. The figures in this plate are magnified 670 diameters. THE BLOOD OF MAN. Fig. 1. The human red blood corpuscle, showing its natural form and appearance when brought fully into focus, in which case the centre always appears light. Scattered over the field will be seen one or two white corpuscles. 2. The same, with the centre dark, in consequence of the object not being brought fully into focus. 3. The same in water, in which the red globules lose their flat- tened and discoidal form, becoming circular, and presenting a smaller surface to view; the white corpuscles at the same time, and under the influence of the same agent, are seen to have increased considerably in size. 4. The same, united into rolls, as of miniature money in appearance. 5. The same, showing the peculiar granulated and vesiculated appearance which they so frequently present under such different circumstances. 6. The white corpuscles of the blood, in water, in which they enlarge considerably in dimensions, often appear nucleated, and after long immersion, burst. \ J. NST1TUTB, $1 IRVING :: 'V *" =-18 ST.)] ^ ML"/ ' ; -03 PHONE \-^i ;,-/-7980 Plate I. W 9 ^ ^ ^ (f* <5 ef © V ft tt #- * H Miller i el E C Kello«.lith. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE II. The.figures in this plate are magnified 670 diameters. THE BLOOD OF THE FEOG. 1. The blood corpuscle of the frog, both red and white, with the nucleus of the former seen indistinctly. 2. The same, with the nucleus distinctly visible, the difference arising from the greater length of time during which the latter has been removed from the system. 3. The same, in water, showing the change of form which the red blood corpuscle, as well as its contained nucleus, under- goes in that fluid, and also the enlargement of the white corpuscles. 4. The same, showing the effect of the prolonged action of water on the red corpuscles; the nuclei are now not merely circular, but most of them have become eccentric, and certain of them have escaped altogether from the mem- branous capsular portion of the corpuscles, which and the nuclei are seen lying side by side as distinct structures. 5. The nuclei, separated from the capsule by the action of acetic acid. 6. Shows the extraordinary deformity and elongation of which the red blood corpuscles are susceptible when subject to any extending force, or even to lateral pressure. In the figure, the extension has been exerted on the corpuscles by means of the filaments which fibrin in coagulating runs into, and a portion of one of which may be seen uniting the corpuscles. 3 1 Plate II ~ * ^ •*% ■*y< "•■■* j *# $ % ■cs N? «£v "V '-'X \ H Miller del EC Relief Ink 20 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE III. The figures in this plate are magnified 670 diameters. For the blood from which the figures contained in this plate were made, as well as some of those of the following plate, I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Ogilby, the Secretary of the Zoological Society, who, on my application to him, promptly and courteously forwarded to me the permission requisite to enable me to obtain it. Fig. 1. The red and white blood corpuscles of the dromedary; in water, the former became perfectly spherical. 2. The same, of the Siren. 3. The same, of the Alpaco. Plate III. :\ >\-- -' # *.*': ^ i o V. . V ^ r r i^° fc ^ j «0 ^ ^ O ,*~ 0 ' 8 P* / „s - C y ■ A <__\ : c- V" A 1 ■ - «l r i ■ 1 N - f , v-" •'" ' R M-.iir.-del E.C Ktliots nth I* 0 EXPLANATION of the plates. 21 PLATE IV. The figures in this plate are magnified 670 diameters. 1. Represents the blood corpuscles of the elephant, red and white, which are the largest hitherto discovered among the mammalia. 2. Exhibits the blood corpuscles of the goat, both red and white, which are among the smallest as yet made known in the class to which they belong. 3. Peculiar concentric corpuscles, taken twenty-four hours after death from a polypus contained in the heart of an old man. 4. A portion of fibrin, removed from a small cavity situated beneath the buffy coating formed on some blood which had been abstracted from a woman, the subject of epileptic fits, and for which she was bled; it exhibits the granular and fibrous structure, which the spontaneously coagulable element of the blood invariably assumes in solidifying. 5. A portion of fibrin, constituting the buffy coat, and which formed a thick membrane on the surface of the blood abstracted from the woman already alluded to; it exhibits more clearly the fibrous construction of the fibrin, the fibres being rendered more apparent by the action of corrosive sublimate, and also some of the white corpuscles which are found usually in such abundance in the so-called inflamma- tory crust. All false membranes have a constitution pre- cisely similar. 6. Blood corpuscles of the earth-worm in various states; those contained in the lower half of the circle represent them as they appear in the liquor sanguinis, or plasma, in which most of the corpuscles speedily assume a stellate form, as do those of most of the invertebrate animals, and in which state they bear a close resemblance to the hispid pollen granules of the order Composites; the stellate form of the 22 explanation of the plates. corpuscles is speedily followed by their considerable enlarge- ment, rupture, and disaggregation; the corpuscles repre- sented in the upper half of the circle have been acted upon by water, in which they quickly lose their radiate aspect, swell, increase to two or three times their original dimen- sions, exhibit their contained molecules more clearly, and which may frequently be seen in a state of the greatest activity; finally, the corpuscles become deformed in shape and burst. It may here be remarked, that the blood of most of the Invertebrata is colourless, arising from the fact of their blood containing but one form of corpuscle, the colourless blood corpuscle. In the Annelida, indeed, the blood is red; the colouring matter, however, is not contained in the corpuscle, but in the plasma. Plate.. II fO-: .^: a*- ^ m H. Miller, del. ECKelioaelitK 24 explanation of the plates. PLATE V. The figures in this plate are magnified 350 diameters. Fig. 1. Exhibits the circulation in a portion of the tongue of the frog, the larger vessel is seen to be accompanied by a nerve, as is usually the case, and in all the vessels are shown the red and white corpuscles, with their differences of form, size, structure, colour, and position; the general direction and appearance of the muscular fibres, are likewise indicated. 2. Represents the distribution of the smallest capillaries in the web of the foot of the frog, in which it is seen that the blood corpuscles circulate only in single series, the pigment cells, cellular tissue of the parenchyma, and the beautiful hexagonal and nucleated tessellate epidermis are likewise exhibited. 1 Plate V. H VMler del E C.Kflicjj .--'» 26 EXPLANATION OF THE PL AT E S . PLATE VI. Fig. 1. Is a more highly magnified representation of the circulation in the capillaries of the web of the foot of the frog; in it the white and red corpuscles as well as the epidermis are more clearly defined; two of the white corpuscles are seen to be of an oval form, resulting from compression between the red blood discs and the walls of the vessels. This figure is magnified 670 diameters. 2. Exhibits a portion of a larger vessel also taken from the web of the foot of the frog; in it the white corpuscles are^seen to have collected in considerable quantity, as they are fre- quently observed to do after long exposure of the web to the action of the air; two cells or globules of a very peculiar structure are likewise figured; these open on the surface, and possibly are mucous crypts. This representation is magnified 900 diameters. 4 1 Plate, VI. H M: r de. E.t.".'V.V.^.Lt>. 28 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE VII. Obs.—It is scarcely necessary to observe, that the comparative anatomy figures are introduced in this work for the purpose of illus- trating, in a more satisfactory manner than could be otherwise accomplished, certain points, especially the more obscure ones, con- nected with human anatomy. These figures should, therefore, by no means be regarded as taking the place of any of those which should illustrate human anatomy, and not one of which, deemed to be of importance, will on any account be omitted; they should be deemed not as substitutes, but as additions to the original design of the work, and which cannot but enhance very considerably its value. Fig. 1. Represents a portion of the under surface of the tongue of the frog, magnified 130 diameters, and on which are seen, first, numerous glands, mostly spherical, and traversed by a tor- tuous vessel, in which the blood corpuscles are tossed about as it were in a vortex; and, second, mucus crypts, the apertures of which are apparent. Donne" has observed these bodies, but believes them to be formed by nervous loops, and appears to have overlooked the orifices alluded to: these I found to be figured in a drawing of the tongue of the frog, sent me by Dr. Waller, but unaccompanied by any explanation. Fig. 2. A portion of the same, magnified 500 diameters, showing the incurrent and excurrent vessel of the gland, the mucous crypts, and the net-work formed by the epithelium. 1 Piatt VII H 'Miller, E C Kellogg lith EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 29 PLATE IX. The figures in this plate are magnified 670 diameters. DEVELOPMENT AND DISSOLUTION OF THE RED BLOOD CORPUSCLE. Fig. 1. Represents the development of the red blood corpuscle of the embryo fowl, on the third day of its growth, obtained from one of the vessels of the area vasculosa: this is seen to be of many different sizes, the smaller being scarcely a third the volume of the larger discs, and consisting of but little more than a nucleus and an envelope. Numerous molecules are likewise visible, scattered over the field. Fig. 2. The same, in water. Fig. 3. The red blood corpuscles of the adult fowl, mostly in different stages of dissolution; the larger and deeply coloured cor- puscles represent the fully-developed discs; the larger and pale ones, with the distinct nuclei, those the dissolution of which has just commenced; the smaller and colourless ones, red blood discs in advanced stages of dissolution, the sole remains of which at length is the nucleus, also represented in the figure. Fig. 4. The red blood corpuscle of the young frog in different stages of development. First, it is seen as a small and granular body of a circular form; secondly, it assumes an oval shape, but still retains its granular constitution, and but little exceeds its former dimensions. In this its second stage of develop- ment, it is still colourless: it soon, however, grows in size, and acquires a greater or less degree of colouration; so that when it has attained one-half or two-thirds of its size, it is nearly as deeply coloured as the full-grown blood disc: the colourless granular nucleus and the coloured and perfectly smooth outer portion of each globule are not at first distinctly EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. separated from each other, the former being at its origin rather large, and without any defined margin: it soon, how- ever, shrinks in size, and assumes a regular oval shape. Crescentic bodies, occasionally met with in the blood of the frog, and probably of vegetable nature, are also represented in the figure. 5. The red blood corpuscle of the adult frog, in different stages of dissolution. In examining a drop of the blood of a full- grown frog, a much greater uniformity in the size of the red blood discs will be observed, than exists in that of the very young animal, fewer corpuscles being in process of develop- ment in the former than in the latter. 6. Blood corpuscles of the adult frog united into chains, an arrangement which appears to be intimately connected with the coagulation of the fibrin. H Miller de E C Kelloiso hth EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 31 PLATE X. The figures'in this plate are magnified 670 diameters. DEVELOPMENT OF THE E3IBRT0 OF THE CHICK. 1. The appearance of the cicatricula in the yolk prior to incubation. 2. The same at the end of the first day of incubation; the halones are now distinctly visible, as also the area pellucida, and nota primitiva, or first rudiment of the young chick. 3. The same at the termination of the thirty-sixth hour of incu- bation ; the halones have become more marked and expanded, the nota primativa larger, and traces of blood-vessels are now for the first time distinctly visible in the germinal membrane. 4. The same at the close of the second day; the pulsation of the heart and the vessels of the area vasculosa are clearly visible; within them the coloured corpuscles may be seen circulating. 5. The same at the end of the third day of development; the area vasculosa has now extended itself to two or three times its former dimensions. 6. The embryo on the conclusion of the fourth day; the head, the eye, and the budding of the allantois are now seen in addition to the parts previously noticed. 7. The embryo at the termination of the fifth day; the wing and the foot have made their appearance; the limits of the area vasculosa cannot now be seen, it extending over two-thirds of the surface of the egg; after this and the following day, the periods of its complete development, the area suffers an arrest of growth, and the vessels contract and carry but little blood, until at length they are entirely obliterated. The allantois has on this day attained a considerable size. and its further growth proceeds with the utmost rapidity. 32 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Fig. 8. The embryo six days old with the allantois separate*! from the area vasculosa and the yolk, &c. Fig. 9. The embryo of the ninth day of development, seen through the allantois, which now invests nearly the entire surface of the yolk, and beneath which the collapsed and faintly coloured vessels of the area vasculosa may still be discerned. The purpose fulfilled by the distribution of such innumerable vessels in the membrane of the area vasculosa, and subse- quently in the allantois, is but temporary, and is doubtless connected with respiration, the blood in these vessels being submitted to the influence of the oxygen of the air, which enters the egg through the pores contained in its shell; the vital fluid is thus regenerated and afterwards reconveyed to the embryo itself, from which it first proceeded. At the completion of the development of the chick, the allantois undergoes the same obliteration of its vessels which the area vasculosa previously suffered. Fig. 10. The embryo at the end of the seventh day of development Temoved from its membranes. Fig. 11. The same at the end of the ninth day, also separated from its membranes. Such is a brief sketch of the marvellous development of the embryo of the chick. PUu- X. H Miller del E.CKellDgg.Mi 34 E \ 1'L.W A T ION OF T II E PL A T K rf . PLATE XI. The figures in this plate are magnified 670 diameters. MUCUS. Fig. 1. Mucus corpuscles of their ordinary size, form, and appearance. Fig. 2. The same collapsed, owing to the density of the fluid in which they are contained; these corpuscles are capable of resuming the circular form by the addition of water. Fig. 3. Represents the action of water on the mucus corpuscles, in which they increase very considerably in dimension, the nucleus which is usually single becoming at the same time more distinct. Fig. 4. The same acted on by very dilute acetic acid, under the influence of which the originally single nucleus becomes divided into two parts, the portion of the corpuscle external to these remaining granular. Fig. 5. Exhibits the action of undilute acetic acid, under which the nucleus becomes divided into from two to five or even more parts, the enveloping portion of the corpuscle losing its granular texture, and appearing perfectly smooth and transparent. Fig. 6. Mucus corpuscles in process of development, expressed from the cavity of a gland situated in the mucous membrane linins; the upper portion of the rectum of a child who died of English cholera. 5 PlatxXI. H. Miller, del 'Kellogg.lith. 30 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XII. The figures in this plate are magnified 670 diameters. MUCUS. Fig. 1. Represents an example of vaginal mucus obtained during parturition, and containing blood corpuscles. Fig. 2. Is a representation of oesophageal mucus. Fig. 3. Exhibits the mucous corpuscles contained in some bronchitic mucus, and obtained from a patient labouring under chronic bronchitis. The mucus was ropy and tenacious, and many of the corpuscles were rendered of an oval form by the pressure exerted upon them by the filaments, of which the fluid portion of true mucus is constituted. Fig. 4. Vegetation contained in the same mucus as that from which the previous figure was made. Fig. 5. Mucus from the stomach. Fig. 6. Is a representation of the vaginal tricho-monas of Donne\ copied from the atlas appended to the "Cours de Micro- scopic" It may here be observed that the above is the only instance of a copied figure being introduced into this work, and that in no case where it is possible to procure subjects for original drawings, will copied ones be admitted. Plate. jUj. & & E C.Kellotglith 38 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XIII. The figures in this plate are magnified 670 diameters. PUS. Fig. 1. Is a representation of an example of laudable pus formed on a granulating surface on the arm of a child, the consequence of a burn. In this figure, one or two oil globules are likewise introduced. Fig. 2. The same acted on by acetic acid, and showing the compound nuclei. Fig. 3. Pus corpuscles treated with water, many of them exhibiting but a single nucleus. This example of pus was obtained from a pustule formed around the root of the nail, and induced by a prick received during dissection. Fig. 4. Epithelial scales remarkable for the great size of their nuclei, and obtained from a small pustule situated beneath the nail of one of the fingers, and which pustule was also the result of a prick received in dissecting. Fig. 5. An example of pus obtained from an old scrofulous abscess: the corpuscles in it are seen to be mostly broken up into the primary molecules of which they are constituted. Fig. 6. An example of venereal pus, showing the peculiar animalcules described by Donne. The whole of the figures contained in this and the two preceding I l.itfs illustrate human microscopic anatomy. • Plate XIII. 40 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XIV. The figures in this plate are magnified 670 diameters. MILK. Fig. 1. The globules of the healthy milk of a woman. Fig. 2. The globules contained in impoverished human milk, which are seen to be smaller in size and fewer in number than in ordinary milk. Fig. 3. An example of colostrum, on the first day, obtained from a young woman aged nineteen, delivered of her first child, and showing the size and arrangement of the ordinary milk glob- ules, as well as the structure and appearance of the peculiar colostrum corpuscles. Fig. 4. The same colostrum of the same age, containing a greater number of the colostrum corpuscles. Fig. 5. The same colostrum, on the same day, exhibiting the great size of the cream globules, which appear frequently to pre- sent rather the aspect of oil than that of true milk globules. Fig. 6. The milk globules aggregated into masses, as occurs in cases of engorgement of the breast. P'ate, XIV Miiiei E C .Mingy .lift. • 42 EXPLANATION OF T II C I* L A T E 8 . PLATE XV. The figures in this plate are magnified 670 diameters. MILK. Fig. 1. An example of pus in the milk of woman. Fig. 2. The same of the blood corpuscles in human milk. Fig. 3. The appearance of the milk after treatment by ether. Fig. 4. The same after the application of acetic acid. Fig. 5. Caseine precipitated from the filtered serum by acetic acid. Fig. 6. A specimen of the milk of the cow in which adulteration with starch was revealed by treatment with the iodide of potassium. For many of the examples of human milk upon which my observa- tions were made, and from which several of the figures were prepared, I am indebted to the kindness of Dr. Robert Barnes, District Surgeon to the Queen Adelaide Lying-in Hospital. 6 PlcUe. X «., o ~ v rJ i* #.' 4^0 cvj ^,^ .« J" >£ uo-vVV -n 0 Z U. ^ a ft*/' - ,»f 9- IP>IO 3 PP^IM H YlX9^?d 50 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XX. The figures in this plate are magnified 670 diameters. Fig. 1. Buccal epithelial cells in different stages of development, from their earliest condition, in which they bear the form of mucous corpuscles, to their fully developed state. For a representation of the epithelial cells of the vagina and oesophagus, see Plate XII. jigs. 1 and 2. Fig. 2. Cylindrical or cuneiform epithelial cells, taken from the duode- num of a child seven days old: those of the adult are in every respect identical; the group of angular cells at the inferior part of the figure represents the summits of the cuneiform epithelial cells. 7 1 PlateXX. "?«' y tap w i£ Xl ■m# '^^ys^ki. i-.ty w** $Ft» ^*i J&X-r % '-^s» *f S; &t y V >.#• H. Wilier del E.^Kellood.hth EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 51 PLATE XXI. The figures in this plate are magnified 670 diameters. Fig. 1. Ciliary epithelium from the trachea of the frog: it will be seen that the form of the cells is very different from that of mammalia. Fig. 2. Human ciliary epithelium contained in the fluid expressed from a portion of lung taken from its extreme periphery, and apparently consisting of air cells alone. It is mixed up with cells of tesselated epithelium. Fig. 3. Human ciliary epithelium from the trachea; both side and end views of the cells are given. Fig. 4. Tesselated epithelium from the tongue of the frog. Fig. 5. Tesselated epithelium from the tongue of the Triton: the nuclei are seen to be very large, their great size affording an illustration of the law which has already been announced, viz: that all the corpuscular elements of the animal organi- zation, whether those of the epithelium, the glands, cartilages or muscles, stand in relation with the dimensions of the blood discs; where these are large, the other corpuscles are formed on a similar relative scale. It is probable that the law admits of extension, and that all the elements of the animal structure bear a relation in size to the red blood discs. Mr. John Quekett made the interesting observation, some time since, that the relative size of the lacunas of bone corresponded with that of the blood corpuscles, a further illustration of the accuracy of the law referred to. Wishing to test the truth of this law in as satisfactory and conclu- sive a manner as possible, I applied to Professor Owen for a specimen 52 EXPLANATION O F T 1! H 1' L A T E S. of the Siren or Proteus, animals remarkable for the dimensions of their blood discs, and that gentleman kindly placed at my disposal an example of the Meno-branchus lateralis, a member of the same perenni-branchiate group, and the blood corpuscles of which "are rather larger than those of the Proteus, but not so large as those of the Siren." In this animal I found, as I had anticipated, that the soundness of the law was fully maintained. The law announced would doubtless be cited by those physiologists who entertain the idea that all the corpuscular elements of the animal fabric proceed from the red blood disc, as a proof of the truth of their theory, against which, however, I conceive that sound and conclusive arguments may be urged. 1 Pla/eXXI. y*$> :.f \ y .?;?%■ ^f>t- ?0 \. w '&}* 3^$- ". Tt Miller del E.C.Kellog§.hth 54 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. ALL THE FIGURES IN THIS PLATE ARE HUMAN. PLATE XXII. The figures in this plate are magnified 670 diameters. Fig. 1. Tesselated epithelium from the serous coat of the liver; from some of the cells the nuclei have escaped. Fig. 2. Ditto from the choroid plexus; the spines described by Henle as proceeding from the angles of the cells must be of unusual occurrence, as I have never yet seen them. Fig. 3. Ditto from the vena cava inferior in different stages of devel- opment, from the white corpuscle of the blood upwards. Fig. 4. Ditto of the arch of the aorta; some of the cells are seen to have lost their nuclei. Fig. 5. Ditto from the surface of the uterus of a woman who died suddenly during lactation. Fig. 6. Ditto from the internal surface of the pericardium. PIttcXJJI Millr-v.dei. £ l.'Kellood. lith 56 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXIII. Fig. 1. Upper surface of epidermis, raised by means of a blister from over the region of the heart of a woman: it exhibits the cellular constitution of the epidermis, the papillae and apertures of the sebaceous and sudoriferous glands. 130 diameters. Fig. 2. The under surface of the same, exhibiting the infundibuliform processes of the epidermis sent down to the sebaceous and sudoriferous glands. 130 diameters. 1 Plate XXJII. ~\ -M L.y^ yy *:K ■m>- 7 n ^i-^'^p -Oj '-» \ "Hfe. 'j^ H Miller del i. CXellogg lift. 11 I • ! 58 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXIV. STRUCTURE OF EPIDERMIS. Fig. 1. A portion of the epidermis of the palm of the hand, magnified with a simple lens, showing the direction of the rugae in that situation, and the arrangement of the apertures of the sudoriferous glands. Each of the ridges figured is made up of square compartments, the divisional lines of which run at right angles to the ridges, passing across the apertures referred to. These several compartments again are indented on their under surface with the papillae of the sensitive skin. Fig. 2. A portion of the same, magnified 100 diameters. Fig. 3. A transverse section of the ridges of the epidermis of the palm of the hand, showing a side view of the apertures of the sudoriferous glands, their spiral ducts, the thickness of the epidermis in the situation mentioned, its composition of super-imposed layers of cells, and its mode of connexion with the true skin. 100 diameters. Fig. 4. A longitudinal section of one of the ridges, magnified to the same extent as the previous figure, viz: 100 diameters: in this the composition of the thickened epidermis of adherent layers of cells is better seen, and the difference in the form of the superficial and deeper seated cells may also be observed. Fig. 5. A portion of the epidermis removed from the back and outer part of the hand, showing the disposition of the folds in that situation, the arrangement of the papillae, the disposition of the hair follicles and hairs, and the apertures of the sudorif- erous and sebaceous glands. Magnified with a simple lens. Fig. 6. A piece of the same, magnified 100 diameters, showing that each line is a furrow or groove, a provision which allows of a very great extension of the epidermis. 8 s Jj if pi i-& 2 Pt/jte. XXII 14 v fr * 'i-.V-. &■■- \y i£j N.illf'.-.del ad nat •W. E C Kcllo^ nth 60 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXV. STRUCTURE OF NAILS. Fig. 1. A longitudinal section of the nail of the middle finger, magni- fied 130 diameters, showing the direction of the striae or laminae of cells of which the nail is composed, and which usually pass from above downwards and forwards. In the section shown in the figure, the obliquity of the striae is but slight; the under surface of the nail is distinguished from the upper by its smooth outline. Fig. 2. The same, in which the striae are disposed more obliquely, but in a contrary and unusual direction; viz: from above downwards and backwards. 130 diameters. Fig. 3. Other longitudinal sections, in one of which the striae run, almost vertically. 130 diameters. Fig. 4. A transverse section of nail, magnified to the same extent as the former figures; in it the striae are parallel to the surface, and are less strongly marked. Fig. 5. The detached cells of which the super-imposed layers of nails are composed; the smaller cells are magnified 130 diameters, the larger 670. Fig. 4. Plate XXVI. represents the peculiar and beautiful manner in which the nail and the papillary layer of the true skin are united. 1 Plate,XXV. % >: & r * ^' m sm.fl y %. -%, ^ x^^~^k .^C^V ^ s> v '^ *tt.l ^ }{ Millcr del ad nat L CKelloea lith EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 61 PLATE XXVI, STRUCTURE-OF EPIDERMIS, ETC. Fig. 1. A portion of epidermis taken from the back and outer part of the hand, magnified 100 diameters, and viewed on its upper surface, showing the elevations by which it is marked, and which are produced by the papillae of the true skin. Fig. 2. The same viewed on the under surface, showing the depres- sions occasioned by the papillae. The number of apertures of the ducts of the sudoriferous and sebaceous glands is, in reference to that of the papillae, about one of the former to six or seven of the latter. 100 diameters. Fig. 3. A portion of epidermis, magnified 100 diameters, removed from over the pubis of a woman, and displaying the apertures of the hair follicles, and the manner in which the hairs issue from them. Some of the follicles contain but a single hair, others two or even three: it is probable that this last is the normal number of hairs enclosed in each follicle wherever situated, but which in the adult is not generally encountered in consequence of the continual removal to which hairs are subject. It is about the apertures of the hair follicles that the scurf is formed, and concerning which a very erroneous notion prevails, viz: that it is constituted of desquamated epidermis. Scurf does not in the least exhibit the structure of epidermis, but simply consists of the inspissated secretion of the sebaceous glands, and many of which, opening into the hair follicles, account for its collection around their orifices. Fig. 4. A transverse section of the nail of the middle-toe of an adult, magnified 100 diameters, showing its lamellated structure, 62 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. and the mode of its connexion with the papillary layer of the dermis by mutually inter-locking processes. This mode of union is excessively firm, and is precisely that employed by carpenters, and known by the appellation of "dovetailing." Fig. 5. A portion of epidermis removed from the back of the neck by means of a blister, and magnified 670 diameters. The younger cells are seen to be filled with a straw-coloured fluid, the serum extracted through the agency of the vesicant. Fig. 6. a. Some detached cells of epidermis, obtained by scraping the sole of the foot, magnified 670 diameters. Cells in a similar state exist beneath the nails, around the nipple, and on the surface of the body of new-born children where the creamy scum formed by them and inter-mingled with fatty matter poured out by the sebaceous glands has been named Vernix caseosa. (See c.)—b. Cells of some, magnified 130 diame- ters.—d. Cells of epithelium from the mouth of the Meno- branchus lateralis: they are introduced for the purpose of showing the accuracy of the law of the relation in size of the several elements entering into the composition of the animal frame.—e. Two or three epithelial cells of the lateral ventricles of the brain. I have recently ascertained that the epithelium of the frontal sinuses is as stated, ciliated. I cannot help suspecting, however, that it is not in all cases so. No amount of care has succeeded in the detection of ciliary epithelium in the ventricles of the brain. The epi- dermis of tritons and frogs consists of hexagonal, translucent, and adherent cells, containing distinct granular nuclei. 4L m ^ ;?" :%* 4 64 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXVII PIGMENT CELLS. Fig. 1. Pigment cells and granules taken from off the inner surface of the choroid membrane of the human eye, magnified 670 diameters. Fig. 2. The pigment cells of the inner surface of the choroid of the eye of the pig, magnified 350 diameters. Fig. 3, Displays the linear and branched disposition of the stelliform pigment cells of the lamina fusca of the eye of the pig- A similar disposition of these cells also exists in the human eye, but in light-coloured eyes is not strongly marked: the branches commence on the posterior part of the lamina, miscalled fusca, since in some instances it is jetty black, are at first thick and closely arranged; as they approach the anterior part of the eye, however, they diminish in size, and are separated by distinct intervals. This figure is magnified 100 diameters. Fig. 4. a. Human stelliform pigment cells of the eye, magnified 350 diameters, b. Pigment cells of the skin of the negro, enlarged 670 diameters, c. Pigment cells from the lungs, magnified to the same extent. Fig. 5. A portion of the epidermis of the negro, magnified 350 diame- ters, and, viewed on its under surface, the pigment cells are seen to be collected principally in the furrows which exist between the papillae, the depressions produced by which are also represented in the figure, Fig. 6. A portion of the epidermis removed from the areola around the nipple of a woman recently delivered, and also viewed upon its under surface. It is seen to differ solely from the epidermis of the negro in the smaller number of pigment cells contained in it. 350 diameters. Obs. Pigment cells and granules frequently exist in the fibres of the external surface of the sclerotic of some animals, as the pior; and it is probable that in some instances they may be found in those of the eve of man. nr *■ * v! H Miller, del ad nat E C Kellogg, I 66 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXVIII. STRUCTURE OF HAIR. Fig. 1, Shows the structure and depth of implantation of the entire root of a hair of the scalp, magnified 130 diameters: it dis- plays the two sheaths which include the stem, and its dilated extremity, the bulb, and which is seen to rest upon a distinct cellular vesicle; the outer sheath completely surrounds the base of the hair, and cuts it off from all direct vascular sup- ply; the vessels, however, which nourish the hair are seen to ramify on the external surface of this sheath, which is also observed to be surrounded by fat vesicles, the root hav- ing passed through the thickness of the skin, and imbedded itself in the sub-cutaneous and fatty cellular tissue. Fig. 2. The root of a gray hair forcibly removed from the scalp; in this the outer sheath is seen to be broken off just above the place at which the stem begins to dilate into the bulb; a similar rupture almost invariably occurs in the outer sheath of all hairs, whether coloured or uncoloured, which are forcibly uprooted. The contrast between the coloured and the uncoloured hair is striking. 130 diameters. Fig. 3. The cells of which the outer sheath is composed, magnified 670 diameters. Fig. 4. A portion of the inner sheath, seen on its inner surface, and magnified 350 diameters; this is lined with a layer of elon- gated and nucleated cells; the outer portion of this sheath is distinctly fibrous, the fibres being formed out of the cells, the nuclei of which become absorbed: the inner surface also exhibits transverse markings, the impressions of the scales of the stem of the hair. Fig. 5. Some of the pigment cells, of a multitude of which the bulb of the hair is composed: magnified 670 diameters. Plate- XXVIII 'v*? * i.«f; "'-,v;.'i'p;J'|iQ.» ) fiymi 5 ■:^%yy '~aa> '■?. ? Av £X ^i if ■i:y fit f #Cjh *¥ V. /i .^ ■is- X-] y ^\, a Vi..er a, E.C Kellcf;* lith. 68 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXIX. STRUCTURE OF HAIR. Fig. 1. A portion of the stem of a gray hair of the scalp, magnified 350 diameters, showing the medullary canal, the fibres of the stem, and the outer imbricated scales. Figs. 2, 3. Transverse sections of hairs of the beard: magnified 130 diameters. Fig. 4. The fibres of the stem of a hair, magnified 670 diameters. It is most probable that these fibres originate in the same way as those of the inner sheath, viz: in nucleated cells. Figs. 5, 6, 7. Apices of hairs: figs. 6 and 7 represent the points of two hairs of the scalp, magnified 350 diameters; and fig. 5 that of one of the perinaeum. All hairs taken from this region, as well as those of the axilla, present similar obtuse extremities, which probably result from the constant friction to which they are subject in those situations. Figs. 8, 9, represent the roots of two hairs of the scalp, removed with the comb; the sheaths, vesicle, and lower portion of the bulb having remained behind. All hairs removed with the comb and brush present the same appearances, that of fig. 8 being by far the most common form: magnified 130 diameters. Fig. 10. A hair from the whisker, magnified 130 diameters, and con- taining two medullary canals. Plate VVX \'M m ■ak*; ^ 10 :ii f« H Miller. d«, ad in t: "un..;c :.t • 70 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXX. STRUCTURE OF CARTILAGE. Fig.l. A transverse section of the cartilage of a rib, magnified 350 diameters, showing the perichondrium and the compressed cells of the margin of the cartilage. It is most probable that it is in the space between the perichondrium and the external surface of the rib that the chief development of new cells takes place. Fig. 2. A transverse section of the same, showing the parent cells, which are situated more deeply in the cartilage of the rib. 350 diameters. Fig. 3. A vertical section of the articular cartilage of the head of the first phalanx of the second finger, including also a portion of the bone, the cancelli of which contain numerous bone cells, and the spaces between which are filled with fat vesicles: magnified 130 diameters. Fig. 4. A vertical section of the outer part of an inter-vertebral car- tilage, including a portion of the bone. But few corpuscles, and these for the most part calcified, occur in the outer part of these cartilages: the medullary cells of the bone are seen to be filled with fat vesicles, granular nucleated cells, and effused blood corpuscles. It sometimes happens that a layer of true articular cartilage is formed on the surface of the bone, and then the fibres of the fibro-cartilage take their origin from it, and not from the bone itself: 80 diameters. Plate, XZ'I y, :m :\ >: ^ I rs\. I_____i_ M-a. -I ;.i :a Att-y--' n \ HMilln del ad nat. E.C !.;-]m4§ lith 72 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXXI. STRUCTURE OF CARTILAGE. Fig. 1. A thin transverse section of the cartilage of the concha of the ear: magnified 350 diameters. Fig. 2. The cells of the centre of an inter-vertebral cartilage in the different stages of their development. 350 diameters. Fig. 3. A longitudinal section of the cartilage and bone of the rib of an adult, showing the mode of union between the two: magnified 130 diameters. Fig. 4. A transverse section of one of the rings of the trachea; in these the cells are so closely aggregated that but little room is left between them for inter-cellular substance: 350 diameters. Fig. 5. A transverse section of the thyroid cartilage of a young man, eighteen years of age, in which fibres analogous to those of the fibro-cartilages have made their appearance: 130 diameters. Plate ZZ7X E C Keller .uh ^r S*&r*£&ls 4a*A &> , ■ fij ■ ca 1 ] I 74 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXXII. STRUCTURE OF BONE. Fig. 1. A transverse section of ulna, magnified 60 diameters, showing the Haversian canals, the difference in the size of those sit- uated on the outer and inner portions of the section, the systems of the lamellae by which each canal is surrounded, and the bone cells placed between the lamellae. Fig. 2. Cross-section of Haversian canals, magnified 220 diameters, showing the lamellae, and the bone cells with their anasta- mosing canaliculi more distinctly. Fig. 3. The same, still more highly magnified, viz: 670 diameters. Fig. 4. Longitudinal section of long bone, magnified about 40 diame- ters, showing the Haversian canals, seen lengthways, the direction of the lamellae and the bone cells. 10 pia/* xxxn 6582 76 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXXIII. STRUCTURE AND. DEVELOPMENT OF BONE. Fig. 1. Parietal bone of human foetus, aged about two months, mag- nified 30 diameters. Fig. 2. A portion of the same, magnified 60 diameters, showing the bone cells in process of development, some of which are seen lying loose in the spaces between the spicula, and which were destined, eventually, to become included in the ossific deposition. Fig. 3. Spicula of bone of a fcetal humerus, showing the gradual deposition of the bony matter in the meshes of fibrous tissue, and altogether independently of cartilage, magnified 350 diameters. Fig. 4. Lamina of a long bone, magnified 500 diameters, drawn from a preparation kindly placed at the author's disposal by Dr. Sharpey, by whom the structure figured was first described. Fig. 5. Cancelli of one of the long bones of a human foetus, magnified 350 diameters, showing the vast numbers of granular cor- puscles which the medullary cells of bone of every age con- tain, but which are especially abundant in foetal bones; the larger cells are magnified 750 diameters. Fig. 6. Cross-section of the femur of a pigeon, fed for twenty-four hours upon madder. This drawing was made from a beau- tiful preparation belonging to Mr. Tomes, and lent me by that gentleman. Magnified 220 diameters. Plate. XXXI 11. T^yy \.y VA " '*?-< ^ *A « ^"\ e«S^v>v, ,;Vi 78 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXXIV. DEVELOPMENT OF BONE. Fig. 1. Longitudinal section of the epiphysis and a portion of the shaft of a foetal femur at the ninth month, magnified 100 diameters, and showing the columnar arrangement of the cartilage cells, together with the increased size of the lower cells, and the invading spicula of the newly-formed bone. Fig. 2. Transverse section of primary cancelli, magnified 350 diame- ters, showing the included nuclei of cartilage cells contained in the medullary cells or spaces. Fig. 3. Transverse section of primary cancelli, magnified to the same extent as the last figure, in a more advanced stage of their formation, many of the first formed cancelli or septa having been absorbed, as well as the cell wall of the cartilage cor- puscles themselves. Fig. 4. Longitudinal section of the epiphysis and a portion of the shaft of a foetal femur at the ninth month, magnified 350 diameters. Plats-xxxn a ,** r ** I • &^- - *■*? £*'■& ¥*:•, -' ®^yJm «• ^:.;w-% 3 * ^ A <§• i|: 1 * >»l ^stes^S *P * »£ Mi m-f*'> V 3* - •Q p [# s 71 i agf^a * 0 • I @ if \ %JH| ^T" 1 &^/0%jp 1? ^ffa Jz^^Ps > * >&$yM # vSyf I ^ jJ ^ lit* 84 O flBr • a ft sty § H rtjy R Miller deladnaf E .C.Kelbgg.hrti. 80 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXXV. DEVELOPMENT OF BONE. Fig. 1. A transverse section of the cartilaginous epiphysis of the lower end of humerus, magnified 30 diameters, showing the aper- tures of the canals by which it is traversed. Fig. 2. The same in connexion with the bone: in this figure it will be observed that there are fewer canals, that these are of larger calibre, and that the cartilage cells are disposed around them in a radiate manner in groups. 30 diameters. Fig. 3. One of the apertures of the canal, more highly magnified, 330 diameters, showing more clearly the arrangement of the cells around it, the contents of the canal being granular corpuscles and blood-vessels, as well as the fact that the inter-cellular spaces nearest to the opening are the last to become con- verted into bone: in most of the medullary spaces of the second tier, the granular corpuscles have already made their appearance, the cartilage cells having been removed by absorption. Fig. 4. The blood-vessels of the medullary cells of a young bone near the epiphysis injected. For the specimen from which this . figure was drawn I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Quekett, of the Royal College of Surgeons. Fig. 5. Transverse section of the shaft of a fcetal long bone, displaying the fact that in foetal bones there are no Haversian canals such entirely consisting of medullary cells. 20 diameters. Fig. 6. Transverse section of the rib of an adult, magnified 130 diam- eters, passing obliquely through the junction of the cartilage with the bone: in the upper part of the figure the cancelli are seen, including the terminal portions of the lowest tier of cartilage cells. Play & xxxv. k^» a* a-?a a a ! 4>%^ ? a*^ rj[)y A~. j;/j vKA.1 : f A£V^ A \£>.^ :A^-A I^A .Q-Ad. « ^ W rv ;-$*"=: :AA' ■*\ If Miller del.ail nat. E C K-lloie.lith 82 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXXVI. STRUCTURE OF TEETH. Fig. 1. Vertical section of incisor tooth, magnified with a lens only, and showing the three constituents of which every human tooth is composed, viz: superiorly, the enamel; inferiorly, the cementum; and in the centre, the dentine, traversed in the midst by the medullary cavity. Fig. 2. Tubes of the dentine, showing their ordinary mode of termi- nation in connexion with the cementum, magnified 670 diameters. Fig. 3. A not unfrequent condition of the tubes of the dentine, show- ing their repeated division, and their connexion with bone cells near their termination. 670 diameters. Fig. 4. Tubes of the dentine near their commencement from the pulp cavity seen lengthways: one of the tubes, may be observed to divide in a diachotomous manner. 670 diameters. Fig. 5. Oblique section of tubes of the dentine. 670 diameters. Fig. 6. Transverse section of ditto. 670 diameters. Fig. 7. Displays the breaking up of the tubes of the dentine into bone cells: this occurs principally near the terminations of those tubes which pass towards the cementum, and not of those which run towards the enamel: this condition does not pre- sent itself in every tooth. 670 diameters. Fig. 8. Tubes of the dentine, midway between their origin and their termination, dilated into bone cells. 670 diameters. This figure is taken from a specimen kindly lent me by Mr. Tomes. 11 PloXr. XXXVI. -~a*'*s> as © yy i "a- ;<£••« a .■.,?»,, c' ,A' "W Hi/' r £ C Kellogg, lith 84 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXXVII. STRUCTURE OF TEETH. Fig. 1. Section of cementum, magnified 670 diameters; internally, but really near the outer margin of the cementum, some imperfectly developed bone cells may be observed, each surrounded by a clear space, having some resemblance to a cell wall; externally, and bordering upon the dentine, a closely aggregated layer of still more imperfectly formed bone cells are seen. Fig. 2. Section of same traversed by tubes, continuations of those of the dentine. 670 diameters. Fig. 3. Section of cementum, showing a number of small angular cells, and which may frequently be observed in that portion of the cementum which lies near to the dentine. 670 diameters. Fig. 4. Oblique section of healthy dentine, over the surface of which a fungus has developed itself. It is no uncommon circum- stance to meet with sections thus completely invested with a similar fungus; I have seen several such. 670 diameters. Fig. 5. Oblique section of dentine, in which numerous bright globules, having a resemblance to oil globules, are observed to be present. 350 diameters. Fig. 6. Section of secondary dentine, and which also contains Haver- sian canals. This drawing was made from a preparation belonging to Mr. Tomes. 350 diameters. Fig. 7. Transverse section of bicuspid tooth, showing the presence of an Haversian canal in the cementum, magnified with a lens only. This drawing has also been made from an inter- esting preparation, the property of Mr Tomes. 2 Pla.lt xxxvn K Miller del E C.Kellogg.lith 86 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXXIX. STRUCTURE OF TENDONS, TEETH, AND FIBROUS TISSUE. Fig. 1. Longitudinal section of a tendon, showing the presence in it of nucleated fibres of elastic tissue; these are best seen after the application of acetic acid, but may be clearly recognised without the employment of that reagent. 670 diameters. Fig. 2. ^Transverse section of same, from which it becomes evident that the fibres are branched. 670 diameters. Fig. 3. Vertical section of enamel, magnified 220 diameters. The enamel cells thus lowly magnified give the section a fibrous appearance. Fig. 4. A portion of enamel, magnified 670 diameters, and showing the enamel cells still more clearly. Fig. 5. Transverse section of enamel, showing the hexagonal form of the enamel cells. 670 diameters. Fig. 6. Inelastic fibrous tissue, magnified 670 diameters. Fig. 7. Mixed fibrous tissue: the threads of the elastic fibrous tissue may be recognised by their tortuous course and more defined outline. 670 diameters. Plcute, XXXIX. W^^xxx^y% w <-y mm ymy I I ll^MlfMX W Wm'/m li Miller, del. Z '.' K^Icol; yh • • 88 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XL. STRUCTURE OF FIBROUS TISSUE. Fig. 1. Example of elastic fibrous tissue in its ordinary form, taken from the crico-thyroid membrane, and magnified 670 diameters. Fig. 2. Form of elastic tissue, constituting the elastic coat of many blood-vessels of medium calibre. 670 diameters. Fig. 3. This figure illustrates various stages in the development of blood-vessels. At first, a transparent and tubular membrane is surrounded by a single coil of elastic tissue; subsequently, other coils and filaments appear, the filaments principally take a longitudinal direction on the tubular membrane, but some also pass circularly around this; these threads are nucleated, and belong to the second form of elastic tissue, and which is elsewhere encountered in the human organization, as in tendons, the dartos, &c. 350 diameters. In h the threads are shown separately. Fig. 4. A peculiar areolar form of mixed fibrous tissue, magnified 130 diameters, and principally encountered in the great omentum. Fig. 5. Blood-vessels from the pia mater. All the smaller vessels pre- sent a similar structure, their coats being formed of nucleated filaments of elastic tissue. 350 diameters. Plate,. XL. N y ^y '' / fH A A >SfSS A^C# -. ^ ! /// v A ^ Si d A, \\ I" V / il If A A -*• iff ' y #? -^ v^^k yy, •'_____jj__i______,___(i_j__2o H.Killer -lei 90 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XLI. STRUCTURE OF MUSCLE. Fig. 1. A portion of the surface of a striped muscle, magnified about 60 diameters, showing the distribution of the blood-vessels ■ and fat globules. Fig. 2. A fragment of unstriped muscle; the fibres, with their nuclei.. in one-half of the figure are less distinct than in the other, the filaments in the second half having been submitted to the action of acetic acid. 670 diameters. Fig. 3. Muscular fibrillae of the heart; previous to the action of acetic acid, they are observed to be transversely striped; this reagent, however, obliterates the stripes, and reduces the fibrillae to the same condition as those of unstriped muscle. 670 diameters. Fig. 4. A fragment of the muscle of the frog, showing the distribution of the capillary vessels and nerves; the tubules of these last are observed to terminate in ganglion-like bodies situated between the muscular fibrillae. 350 diameters. 12 Plate XLI. 2 3 hi-;yMiiT:y^-yy yy x x'........~' SH'MA i\ /life. :\;'1 # If IW M Xy \.\ y wWe- u ff A M Millpi-.dH E C KdWo hth 92 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XLII. STRUCTURE OF MUSCLE. Fig. 1. Muscular fibres and fibrillae of a voluntary muscle; in one of the fibres the fibrillae have given way, thus allowing the sar- colemma to become apparent. This figure, as well as most of the remaining figures on this plate, are all magnified about 350 diameters. Fig. 2. Voluntary muscular fibres acted upon by acetic acid, which brings clearly into view a number of granular nuclei; these nuclei are contained in the fibrilloe, many of which are unstriped, and two of which are represented in the figure separately. 350 diameters. Fig. 3. This figure represents particulars in reference to muscular contraction; in a, a fibre is shown which has been placed upon the stretch, the striae in it are observed to be somewhat distant, b represents the same fibre in a state of normal and ordinary contraction; the diameter of the fibre is seen to be much greater and the striae closer, c, the torn extrem- ity of a fibre immersed in water prior to the total extinction of its irritability, and which is observed to be very greatly contracted; the difference of distance between the striae in the contracted and uncontracted portions of the fibre is very remarkable, d, a fibre which still retained its irritability immersed in water; this has caused the fibre to curl up, to become irregular and undulated; the transverse striae have disappeared, the longitudinal markings at the same time being more apparent; in e the extremity only of the fibre has been immersed in water. Fig. 4. Shows the great variety in the size of the fibres of a muscle the form of the extremities of the fibres, and the mode of union between these and the tendon. 130 diameters. Fig. 5. Transverse section of muscular fibres and intervening capilla- ries. 350 diameters. Plate, XLH. ti V.'H'.T.ael £CKellog«.lith. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 93 PLATE XLIII. Fig. 1. A portion of a voluntary muscle of a fcetus about three months old, magnified 670 diameters, presenting numerous nuclei, some of which are imbedded in the fibres, and others lie between them. At this early period the fibres are formed of but few fibrillae. The small size of these fibres in comparison with those of the adult, and which are represented in fig. 6, is worthy of note. 670 diameters. Fig. 2. Illustrates the development of the inelastic form of fibrous tissue from nucleated and granular cells. This figure was also taken from a foetus at about the third month. 670 diameters. Fig. 3. A portion of dartos, magnified 350 diameters, showing the different structures which enter into its composition, viz: the blood-vessels, the bands of elastic fibrous tissue, and lastly, the bundles of inelastic fibrous tissue. Fig. 4. A transverse section of a portion of one of the corpora cavern- osa penis, showing the apertures of the vessels or cells of which they are principally composed, as well as the walls of those cells which are formed, not of nucleated elastic tissue, but of branched and reticular elastic filaments. This figure is magnified only a few diameters. Fig. 5. Muscular fibres of voluntary muscle, disposed in a zigzag manner; this disposition was formerly considered to be nor- mal, and to be that assumed by the fibres of every muscle in a state of contraction, a view which is certainly errone- ous; it is encountered in a greater or less degree in all fried and roasted meats. 350 diameters. Fig. 6. Striped muscular fibres, magnified 670 diameters. It will be seen from the figure, that the surface of each fibre is raised 94 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. into ridges with a narrow space intervening between each ridge, and further, that the ridges are marked out into quad- rangular spaces, each of which corresponds with a division of the fibrillae themselves. Now, this form of the surface of a striped fibre is especially interesting, from the fact of its enabling us to afford a satisfactory explanation of the nature of the striae themselves. The most recent explanation given of the formation of the striae of the voluntary muscular fibre, and which has been generally adopted, is, that it depends upon the circumstance that the lines on the fibrillae are placed so as exactly to correspond with each other, and that thus a number of smaller lines concur to form a larger one, the stria of the entire fibre. Such an exact arrangement of the lines on the fibrillae there is little doubt does really exist, but it is yet insufficient to explain all the characters pre- sented by the muscular striae. Thus, although the striae are usually strongly marked and broad, yet they have no certain characteristics, either as to position or appearance. In what way then is the muscular stria produced? A careful exam- ination of a recent muscular fibre, with an object-glass of the one-eighth of an inch focus, will satisfy the observer that the muscular stria is not a thing of shape and substance itself, but a mere shadow, caused by the ridges into which the surface of the fibre is raised, and which sometimes falls on one side the ridge, sometimes on the other, and frequently in the groove which runs between the ridges, according to the direction of the light, and the focus in which the object is viewed. Of the correctness of this explanation it does not appear to me that there can be a shadow of doubt. See Appendix to vol. i., page 547. Plate, XLIII. \ V? w yym E.C. Kellogg, lith. 94 s G'S EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XLIV. STRUCTURE OF NERVES. Fig. 1. Tubes of a motor nerve. The space between the two lines on each margin indicates the thickness of the white sub- stance of Schwann. The waved tube represents the appearance presented by the nervous tubules, when sepa- rated from each other in water. 670 diameters. Fig. 2. The same in spirit, showing the nucleated threads of which the neurilemma is made up. 670 diameters. Fig. 3. The same in acetic acid, which breaks up the semi-fluid con- tents of the tubes into globules resembling those of oil. 670 •diameters. Fig. 4. Portions of Casserian ganglia, magnified 350 diameters. In one of the figures, the ganglion corpuscles are naked; in the oth^r, they are invested with a nucleated capsule. Fig. 5. Nerve tubes of the white substance of the cerebellum, mixed up with the clear cells described in the text as forming a considerable portion of the white substance of the cerebrum, cerebellum, spinal marrow, and nerves of special sense. 670 diameters. Fig. 6. Nerve tubes of the white substance of one of the hemispheres of the cerebrum, mixed up with the peculiar cells already referred to. 670 diameters. Fig. 7. Tubes of the cerebrum in a varicose condition. 670 diameters. Plate XLIV IivvIiIXm^Av ffi^rofic ^n^^^m lit^fj^Bvf) 1 f(rtwMft¥ ij Z C Kello 102 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XLVII. Fig. 1. The pleural surface of a portion of lung, magnified 30 diam- eters. This figure conveys an accurate idea of the form and great abundance of the air cells. Fig. 2. Pleural surface of a section of lung, showing the distribution of the vessels of the first of the three orders of sizes mentioned in the text. 30 diameters. Fig. 3. Ditto of lung, magnified 100 diameters. The vessels in this are not injected, but are represented as they appeared in a section which had become slightly dried. Plate XLVII. 3 -. .-. \ ■:~Jyk k. *J LJ •vyiS? 1 •: a/ \ ^lli si W&j* I -^^^^^H^H ^W ■ yw. Ipl^^* ^X^0^^M. - '\A •^ vdQ] c*-!#^ ^JLaj ^ vi ^^g2| \. ..^ ■:■*- agy \^P\f ^iini JP ;$ ^1 ^QP||L *§S K.C.Kellogg.lith . 104 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XLVIII. Fig. 1. A section of lung from beneath the pleural surface, magni- fied 100 diameters, injected with tallow. Fig. 2. Casts or models of the air cells, magnified 350 diameters, representing the variety in size and form of these cells, as well as the shape and number of the openings of com- munication. Fig. 3. Deep section of lung, injected with size: the majority of the cells are observed to be filled with the casts tipped with colouring matter: other cells may also be seen without casts: these have evidently been cut across, exposing to view the ciliated epithelium which lines them. 100 diameters. T Plate XLVIII '-\y y y.y\ y^;y yy^t a yxi y y Aafe HV ^4 E.C.Kello«u hth 106 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XLIX. Fig. 1. A portion of the pleural surface of the human lung, with the vessels of the second order injected. Magnified 100 diameters. Fig. 2. A section of the human lung, showing the natural appearance and form of the air cells as seen without injection, also exhibiting numerous particles of the conoidal ciliated epithe- lium which lines them. 100 diameters. Fig. 3. Capillaries of the human lung. Magnified 100 diameters. The drawing was made from a very beautiful preparation injected by Mr. Quekett. 14 i Plate XLIXl ■ y-C vUcvy ^r E.C.Kelloos.htl 108 EXPLANATION OF T 1! t PLATES. PLATE L . Fig. 1. Follicles of the stomach, as they appear when lined with conoidal epithelium. 100 diameters. Fig. 2. Ditto of large intestine in a similar condition. 100 diameters. Fig. 3. Cross-section of stomach tubes, magnified 100 diameters. The tubes are parcelled out into sets only when about to pierce the follicles into which they open; and it is rare to get a good view of them thus disposed in bundles, each of which corresponds to the base of a follicle. Fig. 4. Longitudinal view of stomach tubes, magiiified 220 diameters, showing the spheroidal or glandular epithelium with which they are lined, as well as the dilated extremities in which they terminate. Fig. 5. Ditto, magnified 100 diameters. Fig. 6. Follicles of the large intestine without epithelium, and cut off, so as to admit the passage of light through them: when not thus shortened, their apertures appear dark, in consequence of the non-transmission of the light. 60 diameters. Fig. 7. Terminations of the follicles of the large intestine. Magnified 60 diameters. Plate L. ' -■^V/&"***?i^ S^,*Wi?AA ^t^C.^;,^^# If llr ' L4^-#%dS^» &•**• A>^*; >^JA fe'v?^^K E C Kellogg.lith 110 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE LI. Fig. 1. Blood-vessels of the follicles of the appendix vermiformis injected. Magnified 100 diameters. Fig. 2. Blood-vessels of the follicles of the stomach of a cat, beautifully injected. The drawing was made from a preparation of Dr. Handfield Jones. 100 diameters. Fig. 3. Villi of the upper part of the small intestine1, magnified 60 diameters. Drawing made from a preparation of Dr. Jones. Fig. 4. Ditto, from the lower portion of the same. 60 diameters. Fig. 5. Ditto of the foal, injected white and red, the arteries being red and the veins white. Magnified 60 diameters. Draw- ing made from a preparation presented by Professor Hyrtle, of Prague, to the London Microscopical Society. Fig. 6. Solitary glands of the large intestine in a case of cholera in a child. Magnified with a lens only. » PU;;^^-JriJ "Hs- xzpM '■ -Jxx\. V ^. /*.y • 116 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE LIV. Fig. 1. A portion of the parotid gland of an embryo of the sheep, four inches long, showing it in the very earliest condition of its development in which it can be traced; the follicles, although arranged in clusters, are yet separate and independent of each other. After Muller. Magnified 8 diameters. Fig. 2. Shows a further development of the parotid gland in the human subject; in this figure the follicles are closely aggre- gated in clusters, each cluster representing a miniature lobule. 40 diameters. Fig. 3. A portion of mammary gland filled with milk globules. 90 diameters. Fig. 4. A section of liver, showing the form of the lobules and the arrangement of the secreting cells. The light spaces in the centre of the lobules indicate the position of the central hepatic veins. 35 diameters. Fig. 5. A portion of mammary gland, but slightly magnified. Fig. 6. Ditto, more highly magnified, showing clearly both its small granular secreting cells and the milk globules. 198 diam- eters. Ph/tf. TJ\ ' Os- ^(yy)-- yrf*y*~yx:-yy. $K?/ , p ^S^-- **& 6 aa> >Qb &&&?' lO:: E CKellogfhih 118 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE LV. Fig. 1. A portion of the surface of the liver, showing the lobules and the intra-lobular hepatic veins. The injection has filled only the larger vessels, and has scarcely penetrated to the capillaries. 15 diameters. Fig. 2. Section of liver, in which the hepatic venous system has been very completely injected, and the portal (in yellow) only slightly so. The communication between the vessels of different lobules is also well shown. Drawing made from a preparation of Dr. Handfield Jones. 20 diameters. Fig. 3. Would appear to be a portion of the portal system; the injec- tion was thrown in from the ductus communis choledochus. When introduced in this way, this system always becomes irregularly filled; and the lobules are not circumscribed as when the injection enters directly by the portal vein. 20 diameters. Fig. 4. A section of liver, in which the inter-lobular portal vessels are shown. The injection in this case also fills only the principal vessels, and has not extended to the capillaries. 24 diameters. 120 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE LVI. Fig. 1. A portion of the surface of the liver, in which the portal cap- illary system has been injected. 20 diameters. Fig. 2. Section of liver, in which both the portal vein and the hepatic artery have been injected, the red vessels indicating branches of the hepatic artery. The drawing was made from a very perfect injection, kindly lent me for the purpose by Mr. Quekett. 18 diameters. Fig. 3. A portion of the surface of the liver, in which both the hepatic and portal venous systems are well shown, each being dis- tinct. Drawing made from a preparation of Dr. Handfield Jones. 20 diameters. Fig. 4. A section of liver, in which both the portal and hepatic venous systems have been completely injected from the portal vein. 20 diameters. 122 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE LVII. Fig. 1. A terminal biliary duct, copied from a drawing of Dr. H. Jones. 378 diameters. Fig. 2. Secreting cells of the liver. The group lettered a represents the cells in the usual condition in which they are met, when submitted to observation: in b, the cells are gorged with bile, while in c, they contain numerous fat or oil globules. 378 diameters. Fig. 3. Concretions or calculi from the prostate gland. 45 diameters. Fig. 4. a represents an hitherto undescribed form of tubular gland oc- curring in the region of the human axilla in close connexion with the large sudoriferous glands which are there met with. 54 diameters. It differs from these last, however, in several particulars, but principally in the smaller calibre of the tubes, and the presence (clearly shown by the action of acetic acid) of innumerable nuclei in the walls of the tubes, and of which these would appear to be principally constituted. In 6 and c, the differences in the size and structure of the tubes in the two glands are shown, b and c 198 diameters. Fig. 5. Ceruminous glands. I cannot detect the slightest difference between these glands and ordinary sudoriferous glands, with which, it would appear, they must be considered to be iden- tical. 45 diameters. 16 XX y- .&4£y ,y3g£> ^UA$$M% x:y?miSmmk E ? Kellogg li'h 124 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE8. PLATE LVIII. Fig. 1. Tubes of the kidney, showing their general character, and but slightly magnified. 99 diameters. Fig. 2. Cross-section of the elastic frame-work in which both the secreting tubes and the Malpighian bodies are enclosed. 99 diameters. Fig. 3. Cross-section of both the elastic frame-work and the secreting tubes themselves. 99 diameters. Fig. 4. Oblique section of the veins contained in the tubular part of the kidney, showing their arrangement in sets. 33 diameters. Fig. 5. The same vessels seen lengthways. 33 diameters. Fig. 6. Secreting tubes of the kidney, in different conditions: in one, the cells are seen to form a regular pavement epithelium; in a second, the central canal, along which the urine, secreted by the Malpighian bodies and cells of the tubes, flows, is shown; in a third, the cells are irregularly disposed, and this is generally found to be the case in the tubes of the central part of the kidney, and when the kidney is not perfectly fresh; in a fourth, there are no secreting cells, and the structureless basement membrane of the tubes alone remains. 378 diameters. Plate. LVIII. 3 w WW IP® ^ ^ Wa|^ ^? f;'-? * -. :y^ ■ S'- XX '^30.y £$>: v-5^ w - v. ■ __--yy> 'teriixXy x&s&i *ixx yxy* yx E l'.Kellogg hth 126 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE LIX. Fig. 1. Longitudinal section of kidney, showing the corpora Mal- pighiana. Magnified 40 diameters. Fig. 2. Uriniferous tubes of a bird {Gallus indicus), showing their pinnatifid arrangement. Drawing made from a preparation of Professor Hyrtl, in the possesion of the Microscopical Society of London. 40 diameters. Fig. 3. Corpora Malpighiana of the horse. Drawing made from an injected preparation by Professor Hyrtl. 40 diameters. Fig. 4. Vessels of the surface of the kidney. The capillaries are situ- ated in the interstices between the tubes. 90 diameters. Fig. 5. A transverse section of the kidney, more highly magnified, showing the convoluted vessels of the corpora Malpighiana, as well as the capillaries which encircle the uriniferous tubes. 67 diameters. Plate LIX Miller ( £.U. Kellogg, hth s- US EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE LX. Fig. 1. Tubes of the testis, slightly magnified, showing their general appearance and arrangement. Fig. 2. Uninjected corpora Malpighiana. a is enveloped in its own proper capsule, while in b this has been removed. Magnified 100 diameters. Additional observations have convinced me that these complicated bodies are invested, in addition to the thick elastic covering spoken of in the text, with an inner and much thinner membrane; and that it is this which is to be regarded as the proper Malpighian capsule. This cover- ing, I conceive, is conveyed to each Malpighian body by the afferent artery, from which it is reflected over the Malpighian dilatation and plexus of vessels; and it may often be seen as a distinct structure, partially separated from the other con- stituents of a Malpighian body. The frame-work of elastic tissue, which invests on every side the tubes and Malpighian bodies, is every where continuous by its outer surface, that of one tube with that of the neighbouring tubes, and that of the Malpighian body is also continuous with that of the tubes which surround this Malpighian body. On the other hand, the proper and thin Malpighian capsule is smooth on its outer surface, and not connected by this surface with any other structure, save the afferent and efferent vessels along which it is continued. This general continuity of the elastic frame- work is well shown in Plate LVIII. fig. 2. Fig. 3. A. a Malpighian body, more highly magnified, displaying innumerable small oval and granular cells. The majority of these, I am now disposed to think, are contained in the walls of the vessels constituting the Malpighian plexus. The figure b is after Bowman, and shows the afferent artery and the efferent vein of the Malpighian tuft; also, the connexion of the tube with the Malpighian body itself; c, loose epithelial cells of the tubes. 125 diameters. Fig. 4. Tube of the testis, more highly magnified, displaying the innumerable granular cells which fill the tube, as well as the structure of the tube itself. 99 diameters. PXzy XX e (.:■;- 130 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE LXI. Fig. 1. Vessels of thyroid gland. 18 diameters. Fig. 2. Vesicles of slightly enlarged thyroid, viewed with a lens only. Fig. 3. Ditto of same, magnified 40 diameters. Fig. 4. Ditto of same, magnified 67 diameters, showing the fibrous structure of their walls, and their cellular and nuclear contents. Fig. 5. Lobes and vesicles of thyroid, magnified 27 diameters, as seen in a gland in its ordinary condition. Fig. 6. Granular nuclei of vesicles of thyroid. Magnified 378 diameters. Fig. 7. Two follicles of thymus gland, magnified 33 diameters, show- ing the plexus of vessels which invests them. Fig. 8. A portion of the capsule of thymus, magnified 54 diameters, showing the ternary disposition of the vessels. Fig. 9. Granular nuclei and simple cells with fibrous tissue of thymus. Magnified 378 diameters. Fig. 10. Compound cells of thymus. Magnified 378 diameters. 17 Plate LXI. HMillev.del. E OKeUood.lith 132 EXPLANATION OK THE PLATES. PLATE LXII. Fig. 1. Granular nuclei, blood-vessels, and fibro-elastic tissue of spleen. • Magnified 378 diameters. Fig. 2. Plexus of vessels on the surface of supra-renal capsule. Mag- nified 54 diameters. Fig. 3. a. Tubes of supra-renal capsule. 90 diameters, b. Nuclei, parent cells, and molecules of the same. 378 diameters. Fig. 4. Vessels of the fcetal portion of the placenta. Magnified 54 diameters. These are seen to terminate in the villi in loops. Fig. 5. Ditto of the supra-renal capsule, showing the plexus on the surface of the organ, the long inter-tubular vessels, and the central plexus. 90 diameters. Plate LXII E C Kellogg, hth 134 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE LXIII. Fig. 1. Epidermis of palm of hand, magnified 40 diameters, showing its disposition in ridges, and the apertures of the sudoriferous glands. Fig. 2. Epidermis of the back of the hand, magnified to the same extent, showing its furrows, hairs, and apertures of sudorif- erous ducts. Fig. 3. Papillae of palm of hand. Magnified 54 diameters. Fig. 4. Ditto of back of hand. Magnified to the same extent. Fig. 5. Epidermis of palm of hand, seen upon its under surface, showing pits or depressions for the reception of the papillae, and the ducts of the sudoriferous glands. Magnified 54 diameters. Fig. 6. Epidermis of the back of hand, viewed upon its under surface as a transparent object, and showing depressions for the papillae and the ducts of the sudoriferous glands. Magnified 54 diameters. Fig. 7. Blood-vessels of the papillae of the palm of the hand, a single loop corresponds to each papilla. Magnified 54 diameters. 8. Ditto of the back of the hand. Magnified 54 diameters piatr.Lxm. v » \ I* i * { *1 ; * 4 f I J * -I * * * .1 * ■£ *■ , X -' V i"^" 15 >hfi*«—y V ■..;. ".••'' EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. it; 3 PLATE LXXVII. Fig. 1, represents a magnified view of a vertical section of the skin under a power of seventy or eighty diameters: g, g. Sudo- riparous glands imbedded in fat vesicles; d. the ducts of the same passing in a flexuous course through the areolar tissue to de, the dermic portion of the skin; two of these ducts are represented cut across. On the right, a duct is represented cut open at its upper part, and its parietes are seen to be continuous with the basement membrane of the papillae which bound it on each side, assuming as it approaches them an infundibular form. Between the same two papillae may be seen the lowest portion of the epidermic part of a duct, at first very indistinctly, and without any defined continuity of structure with the duct below—gradually assuming a spiral form, and having the scales of which its walls are composed, arranged parallel with the axis of the passage. The other ducts are seen dipping down between and behind the papillae; at n, may be seen the nuclei on the basement membrane of the papillae, which at nc are developed into a layer of nucleated cells, forming the lower stratum of the epidermis, ep, through which one complete sudoriferous pas- sage, p, may be seen passing to the surface, together with portions of others. The spaces between these passages have been cut away in the preparation, by which the direction of the scales of the epidermis not in the vicinity of a passage are seen to be horizontal, but variously inclined where situ- ated in its vicinity. After Rainey and Ralph. Fi<*. 2, is a magnified view (220 diameters) of the dermic part; d, the dermic portion of a duct cut open at its upper part, also EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. with the basement membrane of the papillae on each side continuous with it; p, the epidermic portion of the duct between the papillae, exhibiting a scaly structure almost at its commencement; n, nuclei on the basement membrane, at nc, developed into nucleated cells, and forming together the lower part of the epidermis; above which, at ep, may be seen the commencement of the scaly layer of the epidermis; p, three papillae with a vascular loop in each. After Rainey and Ralph. 3. Mucous membrane of the gall-bladder; from an injection by Dr. Jno. Neill, of Philadelphia (see page 358). 50 diameters. 4. Transverse section of the muscles of the tongue. The fibres are of the striped variety, but are not here sufficiently mag- nified to show the lines. 45 diameters. Plate LXXVII. mixyy- mmyi'x. t......v... _ f: t^iV1 :^x-yy}y^x ."I w. .#38 nc---1--"- a% - ^ ^y ----«» - nc ■n— ■'^C; & AA; % -----TI A\,v.V . 1. ^«. ^s^y~^. #. ■■ Aft :? X '"% I)y ' '--^ p ^^S^, >^ '' ;!X- Xf*pr-j ■: yy^y "^^■'XX&Xt _^ E C KeDogg.liHi 166 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE LXXVIII. Fig. 1. The terminal loopings of vessels in the fcornea of the eye of a pig. 45 diameters. Fig. 2. The conjunctival epithelium of the cornea in the eye of the viper, showing its vascularity. In animals that cast their skin, this lamina is shed with the cuticle of the body. In the human eye, this lamina is not vascular. 45 diameters. Fig. 3. Vessels of the choroid coat of the foetal eye, near the ciliary processes. 45 diameters. Fig. 4. Ciliary processes of the human adult eye, showing their form of origin. From an injection by Dr. Jno. Neill, of Philadel- phia. 45 diameters. Fig. 5. Mucous lining of the unimpregnated uterus of the sow. 35 diameters. Fig". 6. Mucous lining of the impregnated uterus of the same animal, showing how the rugae become developed during gestation. 35 diameters. ;U' LXy. W.Ji.L.dw. E.C Keiiofij.lith 0 168 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE LXXIX. Fig. 1. A tuft from the fcetal portion of the human placenta. 45 diameters. Fig. 2. Papillae of the gum: a portion of the tooth is represented to exhibit the manner in which the papillae surround it. From an injection by Dr. Neill. 45 diameters. Fig. 3. Papillae from the lip: these are observed to be rather longer and more prominent than in the gum. From an injection by Dr. Neill. 45 diameters. Fig. 4. The arrangement of blood-vessels, in the mucous membran* of the trachea. 45 diameters. Fig. 5, shows the vascularity of the buccal membrane. 60 diameters. Fig. 6, shows the vascularity of the mucous membrane of the bladder. 60 diameters. LXXIX '*'■. ' :^x£ '■■$&■ %