CLINICAL REMARKS ON THE PROCLIVITY OF THE ABDUCTOR FIBRES OF THE RECUR- RENT LARYNGEAL NERVE TO BECOME AFFECTED SOONER THAN THE ADDUCTOR FIBRES, OR EVEN EXCLUSIVELY, IN CASES OF UNDOUBTED CENTRAL OR PERIPHERAL INJURY OR DISEASE OF THE ROOTS OR TRUNKS OF THE PNEUMOGASTRIC, SPINAL ACCESSORY, OR RECURRENT NERVES BY FELIX SEMON, M. D., M. R. C. P LONDON [Reprinted from the Archives of Laryngology, Vol. ii, No. 3, July, 1881] NEW YORK G. P. PUTNAM’S SONS 27 & 29 WEST 23D STREET 188 l CLINICAL REMARKS* ON THE PROCLIVITY OF THE ABDUCTOR FIBRES OF THE RECUR- RENT LARYNGEAL NERVE TO BECOME AFFECTED SOONER THAN THE ADDUCTOR FIBRES, OR EVEN EXCLUSIVELY, IN CASES OF UNDOUBTED CENTRAL OR PERIPHERAL INJURY OR DISEASE OF THE ROOTS OR TRUNKS OF THE PNEUMOGASTRIC, SPINAL ACCESSORY, OR RECURRENT NERVES. By FELIX SEMON, M. D., M. R. C. P., LONDON. THE curious and important fact, which forms the sub- ject of the present communication, is by no means entirely new or unknown. The relatively greater disposi- tion to implication of the abductor filaments was illustrated by Gerhardt1 as long ago as 1863, and by Morell Mac- kenzie,2 in 1868, and alluded to since by Schech,3 Pen- zoldt,4 Burow,5 again by Mackenzie,6 by myself,7 by Bos- worth,8 by Rosenbach,9 and possibly by others. With the only exceptions, however, so far as I know, of Bosworth’s argument—with which I but very partially * Dr. Semon’s MS. was received in December, iBBo. Its publication has been unavoidably so long postponed. This statement is made both as acknowl- edgment of the fact and as apology.—Ed. 1 Studien u. Beobachtungen liber “ Kehlkopflahmung.” Virchow's Archiv, vol. xxvii, p. 88, etseq. (Cases 10, 12, 13.) 2 “ Hoarseness and Loss of Voice.” Cases ig and 20, 8 “ Experimentelle Untersuchungen liber die Functionen der Muskeln und Nerven des Kehlkopfs.” Wurzburg, 1873, p. 44. 4 “ Ueber die Paralyse der Glottiserweiterer.” Deutsches Archiv fur Klin, Medizin, vol. xiii, 1874, p. 107, et seq. 5 “ Paralyse der Muse, crico-arytsenoidei postici, etc.” Berliner Klin, Wochenschrift, 1879, Nro. 33. 6 “ Diseases of the Throat and Nose,” 1880, p. 440. 7 German edition of Mackenzie’s work. Foot-notes on pages 574, 575, 587,629. 8 New York Med. Journal, Nov. 1880, p. 460. 9 Bresl. drztl. Zeitschrift, I, 2, 3, 1880. Reprinted from the Archives of Laryngology, Vol. ii, No. 3, July, 1881. Felix Senion. 2 agree,I—of1—of Rosenbach’s paper (which comes to my knowl- edge only in a short abstract in Schmidt's Jahrbiicher, vol, 188, 1881, p. 134, while I am correcting the proof-sheets of this communication), and of the remarks in the English and German editions of Mackenzie’s recently published “Diseases of the Throat and Nose,” all these allusions are merely incidental, and intended rather to explain, by some hypothesis or other, what is considered a pathological curi- osity, than to come to certain definite and important general conclusions. Although this does not apply to Mackenzie’s later re- marks in his text-book, nor to my foot-notes in the Ger- man edition thereof, yet the form in which they had to be couched in a book of this kind, naturally prevented the subject from receiving the more elaborate consideration from a clinical point of view that it certainly deserves. Its importance is, I hope to show, so great—especially with regard to the diagnosis of diseases of the brain and chest, in which the laryngeal affection plays the role of an important, sometimes pathognomonic symptom—that I consider it not only justifiable, but even very desirable, that this question should be once more and separately brought before those who have the opportunity of either corrobo- rating or correcting my statements and conclusions. The question at issue stands thus : It is well known that, with the exception of the crico- thyroid muscles (the tensors of the glottis), which are sup- plied by the superior laryngeal nerve, all the other laryn- geal muscles, adductors as well as abductors, receive their motor innervation from the recurrent laryngeal nerve.2 But this fact, simple and natural as it seems to be to all of us who are accustomed to look at it as to a self-under- stood matter, nevertheless invites a consideration concern- 1 I think it right to state here that the MS. of this paper was already in the hands of the Editor, when I became acquainted with Dr. Bosworth’s important paper. I have preferred to refer to some of his statements which bear upon (he question under consideration, by making foot-notes under the original text, in- stead of interrupting my own argument by a discussion of controversial points. 3 The thyreo-epiglottici and ary-epiglottici muscles are perhaps partially sup- plied by the superior laryngeal nerve. (Leube, Deutsches Archiv fur Klin. Afedizin, vol. vi, p. 266.) Proclivity to Disease of the Abductor Fibres. 3 ing a very interesting, very important, and wholly unsolved question, viz., as to the manner in which this small nerve accomplishes its most complicated and intricate functions. Quite apart from the delicacy of the mechanism of the vocal apparatus, over which the recurrent nerve, in conjunc- tion with the superior laryngeal nerve, has to preside, the natural question must present itself at once to our mind; In what way are the diametrically opposed functions of opening and closing the glottis accomplished, over which, as far as we know at present, the recurrent nerve alone pre- sides? Are we to believe that the nerve is, in fact, a ho- mogeneous one, but that different stimuli, or stimuli com- ing from different centres, can set up in its root different forces, conducted through the same nerve-fibres, and result- ing at one time in a general involuntary contraction of the abductor muscles, and at another in the almost always voluntary contraction of their antagonists ? 1 Or are we to suppose that, though the nerve is apparently homogeneous, 1 Bosworth states that the action of the glottis-opening muscles is, “of course, purely involuntary, in that it is entirely beyond the control of the will.” This statement seems to me somewhat too absolutely framed. Igo so far with him, that I believe that under normal conditions of breathing this action is quite as automatic as that of respiration in general ; but at the same time I do not see why the more energetic contractions of the abductor muscles, during deep inspira- tion, should not be occasionally quite as much under the control of the will as the act of deep inspiration itself. Why should the wider opening of the glottis in a voluntary deep inspiration be regarded as an exclusively involuntary and reflex movement, following the voluntary act of deep inspiration, and why not as a part of this act itself ? It must not be forgotten that the posterior crico- arytsenoid muscles are striped muscles. This is not the occasion on which to discuss this very interesting physiological question more fully, but I personally am much more inclined to reason as follows : ‘ ‘ In order to understand correctly the movements taking place within the larynx, it should always be remembered that they are not exclusively results of the direct action of the muscles. Dilatation and constriction of the different laryngeal compartments can, up to a certain degree, be produced as well by the elastic membrane of the larynx returning to its former state, after certain muscles, which brought it into a state of tension, have ceased to act. This state of things much resembles that acting upon the thorax during inspiration and expiration.” (Luschka, “ Der Kehlkopf des Menschen,” p. 115. The italics are my own.) Now it seems to me that the state of the glottis, seen with the laryn- goscope, in a quietly-breathing, healthy person (viz., an opening of middle size, but larger than that seen in the dead body, with but very little dilatation in inspiration and equally insignificant constriction in expiration), is the result of a permanent automatic “ half-tension ” (Luschka, I. c., p. 132) of the abductor muscles, superadded to the natural tension of the elastic membrane (which ten- sion alone is best illustrated by the “ cadaveric position ” of the vocal cords, i. e., the state of the glottis seen after death), and that a further contraction of the glottis-openers, involving a greater dilatation of the glottis, might, in ac- cordance with the general laws of the mechanism of respiration, be effected voluntarily or involuntarily, as the case may be. Felix Seinon. 4 it consists in reality of a bundle of strictly differentiated fibres, bound together simply by a common nerve-sheath, and actually differentiated throughout their peripheral course, in fact having ganglionic centres of their own ? This physiological question, which is no doubt not only of the greatest interest in itself, but, it will be seen, also of the highest importance for the pathological question, which forms the subject of this paper, has scarcely met with its due share of attention. It is simply taken as granted that the recurrent laryngeal nerve supplies the greater part of the motor innervation of the larynx, and here the curiosity of most observers has ceased.1 This is not the occasion to attempt to solve the question from the physiological point of view, but I may state at once that the pathological facts to be communicated later on strongly support the greater probability of the second hypothesis, viz.: that the fibres of the recurrent laryngeal nerve are differentiated in the nerve- centre itself, and only surrounded by a common neuri- lemma. It will be seen that even this hypothesis is by no means sufficient to explain all the pathological phenomena with which we shall have to deal in this paper; but if it be ac- cepted so far, we have at once a locus standi for the rejection of some conclusions concerning the effects of a lesion or disease set up in the centres or in the trunks of the spinal accessory, pneumogastric, or recurrent nerves, which might 1 An incidental allusion to this question will be found in a very interesting annotation in The Lancet, 1878, vol. i, p. 584, and in my reply to it, ibid., p. 630. Schech (/. c., p. 42) believesdt very probable that the abductor possesses, besides those fibres originating from the pneumogastric and accessory nerves, others, which are in some form of relation with the respiratory centre, and are stimulated from this source, but says that this hypothesis has not been proved up to the present. Merkel (“ Stimra- und Sprachorgan,” 1863, p. 154) makes a statement similar to that of Bosworth to be presently quoted, but more guarded. He says, after speaking of some other controversial points in relation to the nervous supply of the larynx: “It is not less doubtful, whether the muscles closing the glottis, on the one hand, and the glottis-openers, on the other, are presided over by specifically differentiated nerves (Magendie, H. Ley), although it seems to me personally at least very probable, that the glottis- openers, which are in a state of involuntary tension, must be presided over by nerves of a different kind and of another origin than the glottis-closers, which are almost entirely under the control of the will.” Bosworth says (/. c., p. 461): “Reasoning from analogy, we are justified in the conclusion, that this glottis-opening function of the larynx is presided over by an independent ganglionic centre, situated in the brain, but which neither physiological experi- ment nor pathological investigation has as yet been able to locate.” Proclivity to Disease of the Abductor Fibres. 5 be very naturally made with regard to the anatomical rela- tions of the single terminal branches of the recurrent laryn- geal nerve. These anatomical relations are as follows ; The recurrent nerve is of considerable length. “ The left is longer than the right in consequence of its being given off much later than the right from the trunk of the pneumo- gastric nerve. It springs from the latter at a very sharp angle, whilst the pneumogastric passes in front of the end of the arch of the aorta; winds round the transverse part of the arch, outside of the ligamentum arteriosum; passes between the aorta and left bronchus to the posterior part of the former; leaves this between the origin of the carotis primitiva sinistra and the truncus anonymus, and ascends in front of the oesophagus in the groove formed by this part and the trachea.” “ The right recurrent nerve is given off from the trunk of the pneumogastric as the latter descends in front of the origin of the subclavia dextra. It winds round the lower and posterior convexity of this vessel, crosses the carotis dextra behind its origin, and ascends behind this vessel, running toward the middle line in the groove formed be- tween the right lateral wall of the trachea and the oesopha- yy i gus. 1 Although during this long course several twigs are given off by the nerve (rami cardiaci inferiores, tracheales and cesophagei superiores), yet it is only when in close proximity to the larynx itself that those branches are sent off which serve as motor nerves to the individual muscles of the organ. These are : a. The posterior crico-arytcenoid nerves. As the trunk of the inferior laryngeal nerve is passing close along the posterior crico-arytsenoid muscle, it gives off two branches, one of which passes above, the other beneath the crico-ary- tsenoid articulation, under the lateral edge of the muscle. The former of these two branches commences to run ob- liquely toward the median line at the border of the lower and middle third, the latter at the border of the middle and 1 This as well as the following anatomical quotations are taken from Luschka, 1 Der Kehlkopf des Menschen,” Tubingen, 1871, pp. 164-166. 6 Felix Semon. upper third of this edge, between the plate of the cricoid cartilage and the substance of the muscle. The first branch having given twigs to the lower half, the second to the upper half of the muscle, both combine and form a small trunk, which becomes visible as the b. Nervus arytamoideus transversus on the upper border of the posterior crico-arytsenoid muscle. This nerve crosses the upper edge of the cricoid plate close to the inner end of the crico-arytsenoid articulation, and distributes its final branches within the transverse arytaenoid muscle, which is thus supplied with nerves from both sides. c. The nervus crico-arytcenoideus lateralis is a slender twig, which is given off by the trunk of the recurrent nerve, whilst passing either across the middle of the muscle of the same name, or under some of its bundles. d. The nervi thyreo- and ary-epiglottici are given off by the trunk at the upper border of the crico-arytsenoid mus- cle. They send forth their extremely slender terminal twigs into the muscles of the same name. e. The nervus thyreo-arytcenoideus is the final branch of the recurrent laryngeal nerve. It descends between the lateral crico-arytsenoid and thyreo-arytsenoid muscles, and is concealed from view midway between the thyroid cartilage and the processus muscularis of the arytsenoid cartilage. In the depth of the gap left between these muscles, the trunk of the nerve splits up, like a brush, into thin twigs, which radiate from below into the substance of the muscle of the vocal cord proper. This description clearly establishes the previous state- ment, viz,, that the individual muscular branches are only given off by the trunk of the inferior laryngeal nerve when close to the larynx. Considering this anatomical fact, and another equally plain one, viz., that the diameter of the trunk of the nerve is a very small one (i mm. when close to the larynx, according to Luschka), it is very tempting to draw at once the conclu- sions alluded to above, viz.: i. That any lesion or disease affecting the nerve from its centre to the spot where it gives off the first branch for Proclivity to Disease of the Abductor Fibres. 7 the posterior crico-arytaenoid muscle, ,must of necessity affect all the laryngeal muscles (with the exception, of course, of the crico-thyroid muscles, and perhaps of the epi- glottidean muscles). 2. That, on the other hand, any impairment of mobility —if not due to mechanical or myopathic influences I—of1—of a single one or some of the laryngeal muscles seems to point out clearly that the cause of this impairment must be a local one, due to injury or disease of the respective nerve tzvigs. These conclusions, as sketched here, cannot be rejected a priori as unreasonable. The anatomical facts seem to sup- port them strongly, and although it was known at a very early period in laryngological studies that the abductor and adductor muscles could become separately affected,3 yet the possibility has been emphatically denied that such a partial paralysis could be due to either central causes or affections of the main nerve trunks. Navratil,3 the champion of this opinion, expresses himself as follows : “ The question whether, under these circumstances, the paralysis be a central or a peripheral one, can be easily de- cided. Considering that there cannot be any disease-pro- ducing cause in the centre which would act upon the ad- ductors alone, without affecting simultaneously the abduc- tors, any central disease can be excluded with certainty. The same is to be said of the pneumogastric and recurrent nerves, and I dispute Gerhardt’s view, that any pathological cause could affect just that part of the recurrent nerve (the diameter of the entire nerve is very small) from which (?) the narrowing and the tension (?) are effected.4 ” I do not know whether this view is still defended by Nav- ratil, or whether he has any followers in the camp of laryn- 1 See my paper “On Mechanical Impairments of the Functions of the Crico-Arytenoid Articulation,” etc. Med. Times and Gazette, 1880, vol. ii, Nro. 1577 and seq. 2 Gerhardt, “ Studien u. Beobachtungen liber Kehlkopflahmung. ” Virchow's Archiv, vol. xxvii, p. 88. 3 Berliner Klin. Wochenschrift, 1869, pag. 383. 4 It would confuse my subject if I entered upon any discussion of the other very controversial statements made in this quotation and the lines following it in the original. 8 Felix Semon. gologists, but I think it is still held by a great many general practitioners. Yet it is openly fallacious in consequence of the omission of a very simple but very important consideration, viz., that we must distinguish between a complete and an incom- plete as well as between an acute and a gradually progressive lesion of the nerve !1 llt is certainly remarkable that the same omission has led Bosworth to make a statement, in part directly opposed to that of Navratil, but equally inad- missible, viz. : to argue that all cases of what he well terms “primary” par- alysis of the abductor muscles must be of a central nature (/. c., p. 476.). In his argument on this point he says (/. c., p. 475): “ The question arises, does the seat of the original morbid changes which produce the paralysis lie in the nerve-trunks? Ido not see how this view of the subject can be entertained for a moment. Any disease of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which has progressed so far as to destroy its conductivity (the italics are my own), must destroy and paralyze all the muscles which it supplies.” The conclusion of this last sentence would be certainly quite correct and unattackable if the premise were beyond doubt ; but it is just here, in the presumption that the disease in question must be judged from those cases in which it has “ progressed so far as to destroy the conductivity of the recurrent laryngeal nerve,” that I think Dr. Bosworth’s argument is open to criticism. Must a disease affecting a nerve, or a pressure exercised upon a nerve, destroy, of necessity, the conductivity of all its fibres. \ If so, I see no explanation at all for the cases in which, during life, paralysis of one or of both the abductors alone was observed and in which, after death, compression of the trunk or trunks of the recurrent nerves was found. (See Cases 3, 4, 5, g, 16, 17, 20, 22 of the following literary retro- spect.) But the essential point in which I differ from Dr. Bosworth, is that I believe that in such cases it is impossible that all fibres of the nerve should have been destroyed. If they were, we would simply, as he himself justly observes, find trophic changes in all the muscles supplied by the nerve. But here we are in possession of positive facts : During life we find paralysis of the adductors alone ; after death, evidence of compression of the trunks of the recurrent nerves, trophic changes of the abductors only, integrity of the other laryngeal muscles. In other words, clinical observation as well as the results of the. post-mortem examination prove, that none but the abductor fibres can have suf- fered. In the face of such facts it seems to me that any theory which attempts to explain uniformly the pathology of this disease by a presumption of central changes having taken place in all cases entirely collapses. Nor do I think, as is admitted by Dr. Bosworth (/. c., p. 476), that because it is “among the pos- sibilities,” that a pressure may “ discriminate among the nerve-fibres,”—that he is justified in altogether rejecting the possibility of the original morbid changes, which produce the paralysis, ever lying in the nerve-trunks (see above), and this simply on account of the—theoretically—small probability that such a discrim- inating pressure should affect both recurrent nerves in a large series of cases. That such a contingency is rare, is proved by the small number of cases hitherto recorded ; but it certainly has happened repeatedly, and as no theory of central origin would account for these cases, I believe that a theory of a uniformly cen- tral origin of bilateral paralysis of the abductors is untenable, though admitting, at the same time, that in a large proportion of these cases the original morbid changes, which produce the paralysis, are no doubt to be found in the brain. I here take leave of Dr. Bosworth’s important paper. There are several more points in it which invite discussion, but I am afraid that these foot-notes, which are being added to my paper four months after its completion, give it much more of a polemical character than I could have wished. Still, I feel that, with regard to the importance and comparative novelty of the subject un- Proclivity to Disease of the Abductor Fibres. 9 If we have an acute complete lesion, such as is produced by, say transverse cutting of the pneumogastric or recurrent nerves, experiments on animals,1 as well as occasional obser- vations 2 on human beings, have shown beyond doubt that the consequences are such as would be expected theoreti- cally, viz., total loss of the functions of all the laryngeal muscles (with the exception of the crico-thyroid muscles), with the usual results and symptoms. So far, therefore, facts and theoretical conclusions quite agree with each other. Matters, however, become entirely different, if we have to deal with either an incomplete acute or an incomplete grad- ually progressive lesion. The former of these two conditions is certainly an extremely rare one in practice, though it can be easily produced by experiment; the latter, on the other hand, is the form which is not only practically the most important, but almost the only one which occurs in reality. For if we set aside for a moment the rare contingencies in which the nerve centres or trunks suffer from traumatic in- fluences, or in which the centres are suddenly disabled from fulfilling their functions by certain acute poisonous influ- ences, or by the still rarer occurrence of a hemorrhage, or the bursting of an abscess into the floor of the fourth ven- tricle,3 almost all the other causes which can be thought of as occurring in practice are such as belong to the category of slowly progressive and—at any rate at first—incomplete lesions. Implication of the roots of the pneumogastric and spinal 'accessory nerves in central diseases, such as syphilitic processes, progressive bulbar paralysis, disseminated cerebro- spinal sclerosis, locomotor ataxy with final participation of the medulla oblongata; tumors or aneurisms within the der consideration, it would be wrong to take no notice of so important a paper as that of Dr. Bosworth, and as, unfortunately, our opinions do not agree on some important points, I have considered it a duty to offer the reasons for my objections to some of his ideas. 1 Schech, /. c., p. 31, and seq. 2 Fano, “ Schmidt's Jahrbiicher,” vol. xci, p. 19 ; Kappeler, Archiv der Heil- kunde,\B64, p. 271 ; Mackenzie, Brit. Med. Journal, December 24, 1870, and “ Diseases of the Throat and Nose,” p. 433, etc. 3 In the strict sense of the term the last two contingencies might as well be said to belong to the class of “ traumatic ” causes. 10 Felix Semon. skull, pressing on the spinal accessory nerve; tumors of the neck ; aneurism of the carotids ; goitres, cancers, gummata ; aneurisms of the arch of the aorta, or the subclavia dextra ; mediastinal tumors pressing on the trunk of the pneumo- gastric nerve; tumors of a similar nature and position pres- sing on the trunk of the recurrent nerve ; and in addition to these, carcinoma of the oesophagus, pleuritic adhesions im- plicating the right recurrent nerve close to the apex of the right lung in phthisis, and large pericardial exudation (Baumler), are all processes, which may lead to lesions of the motor innervation of the larynx, and different as they are from each other in nature and in progress, yet have one point in common, that if they implicate these centres or these trunks, the implication is a comparatively slow and gradual one. The small size of the nerves does not alter this fact. Of course a smaller nerve will be more quickly implicated by a carcinoma, or suffer earlier from a pressure exercised upon it, than a large one ; but at all events there must be some time in which a small nerve as well as a larger one begins to experience the effects of the disease-producing cause encroaching upon its functions. The question now presents itself: What are the early symptoms in such cases ? Here we may consider the two hypotheses introduced at the commencement of this paper. If we believed that all the fibres of the recurrent nerve were identical and not differentiated, but that differ- ent stimuli coming from either the same or from different centres, could be transmitted through them, it seems to me that in every case in which there is an incomplete impair- ment affecting the roots or trunks of the spinal accessory, pneumogastric, or recurrent nerves, we could reasonably ex- pect one and the same sequence only, viz. : diminution of ALL the functions of ALL the laryngeal muscles suppplied with motor fibres by the recurrent laryngeal nerve, and this dimi- nution in proportion to the number and strength of the fibres disabled by the disease-producing cause. In other words, every paralysis of the recurrent nerve, unless acute and complete from its commencement, ought to begin with Proclivity to Disease of the Abductor Fibres. 11 loss of the adductive as well as of the abductive power, and this equal impairment should progress pari passtt with the disablement of the still conducting fibres, until at last, all of them having become devoid of conducting elements by some external cause or internal retrogressive metamorphosis, the stage of complete paralysis of the nerve with immobility of the corresponding vocal cord in the cadaveric position is attained. Now I must say, that although for several years past this question has interested me very much, and although I have been seeking a case in which the symptoms should develop in this way, I have not been able to find a single one, while during the same time I have seen several cases in which the paralysis developed under my eyes, and in which the prog- ress was different. Yet lam not disposed to dispute, after the fashion of some writers of the day, the possibility of an occurrence, for the sole reason that it never occurred to myself, and I am quite ready to believe that a paralysis of the recurrent nerve which finally becomes complete, can manifest itself during its beginning and progress by the symptoms sketched above. But what I wish most decidedly to contradict is the proba- bility of the hypothesis first alluded to, by which such an oc- currence could be explained, viz.: that the fibres of the nerve are all identical, and that different stimuli can be transmit- ted through all of them, exciting at one time the action of one set of muscles, at another the action of their antagonists. No doubt this hypothesis explains why and how in such a hypothetical case of gradually progressive paralysis the action of all the laryngeal muscles should gradually become weaker, and more and more insufficient; but on the other hand its own indefensibility becomes clear from the consid- erations already alluded to. If in reality all the fibres of the recurrent nerve were identical, the loss of some of them by any pathological pro- cess must, as I have tried to explain, zinder all circumstances be followed by the same consequences. The intensity of these consequences might vary according to the number of the disabled fibres, and perhaps according to the rapidity 12 Felix Semon. of the pathological process ; but in all cases the differences could only be quantitative, never qualitative. In other words, if this hypothesis were correct, it would not admit of a single exception to the rule. A single ex- ception, a single good observation, proving that in a case of gradually progressive paralysis of the roots or the trunks of the accessory, pneumogastric, and recurrent nerves one set of laryngeal muscles was either before their antag- onists or even exclusively paralyzed, annihilates the entire hypothesis of the homogeneousness of the fila- ments of the recurrent nerve, for if they were really homo- geneous, the laryngeal muscles could never be separately affected by a lesion involving the trunk of the nerve itself. Now we have not one, nor a few, but many cases on record, in which clinical observation and the post-mortem examination have actually shown that, although the disease- producing cause acted upon the whole nerve-trunk, yet one set of laryngeal muscles only became affected, or one much more than the other, so that it is sufficient to refer to any of the text-books of laryngology or to the medical journals of the last decade; moreover, I have but little doubt, that almost every reader of this paper has observed if not pub- lished cases of this sort as occurring in his own practice. I do not think that there is any possibility of reconciling this positively ascertained fact with the theory of the homogeneousness of the recurrent nerve, and I therefore believe that this theory must be completely given up. The second hypothesis appears the more probable, and one a priori harmonizing much more with the complexity and delicacy of the vocal functions of the laryngeal muscles, viz. ; that the filaments of the recurrent nerve are strictly differentiated throughout the course of the pneumogastric nerve and even possess ganglionic centres of their own. The adoption of this hypothesis at once gives a clue to the explanation of the frequent clinical observations, that in cases of intrinsic nerve disease as well as of external mis- chief to the nerve, and in cases of central as well as of peri- pheral lesion, one set of the muscles is earlier affected than the other or even exclusively. If, for instance, a dis- Proclivity to Disease of the Abductor Fibres. 13 seminated sclerotic affection of the brain should happen to affect those ganglionic centres only which form the nu- clei of the abductor filaments of the recurrent nerve ; if a tu- mor of the neck should happen to press on those nerve- fibres only which supply the crico-arytaenoideus lateralis, the thyreo-arytsenoideus, and the arytsenoideus proprius muscles,I—it1—it would not need further explanation to prove that in the first instance we would see, laryngoscopically, the vocal cords not in the cadaveric but in the phonatory position, because the posterior crico-arytsenoid muscles only were paralysed, and that, on the other hand, in the second instance we would see the glottis widely open, and meet with complete aphonia in consequence of the inability of the solely paralysed adductor muscles to bring the vocal cords together for the purpose of phonation. In each of the two cases this state of things could remain stationary (viz.: if the pathological process occasioning the paralysis came to a standstill), or could lead to complete paralysis with its con- sequences (viz. : if the antagonistic centres or fibres, which were left free at the beginning, became also affected later on). I find myself thus far in complete accord with v. Ziemssen who, although not entering upon any discussion on the mo- dus operandi of these gradual and incomplete paralyses, ex- presses himself as follows:3 “ Paralysis of individual branches of the recurrent, which go to the laryngeal muscles and to the mucous membrane of the trachea and the larynx, may arise through incomplete lesions of the trunk of the recurrent; for instance, when it is exposed to unequal pressure, or when, for any other cause, the nerve-filaments are affected in an unequal degree by degenerative changes. This generally takes place at the beginning of a severe lesion of a nerve, gradually lead- ing to complete paralysis of conduction—for instance, owing to aneurism or carcinoma—and we can therefore al- most always distinguish between an initial stage of incom- plete paralysis—now more pronounced in one muscle, 1 This example has been chosen only for the sake of an illustration. It will be shown hereafter that, so far as I know, no such case has thus far been re- ported. 3 Cyclopaedia (English edition), vol. vii, p. 948. Felix Semon. again in another,—and the stage of total paralysis.” Simi- lar views are held, I believe, by the majority of laryngolo- gists, whilst the question has not met with any special con- sideration at the hands of the medical profession at large. It would seem, then, that the earlier symptoms in cases of incomplete, slowly progressing paralysis entirely de- pended upon the question, zvhich fibres have been acci- dentally first attacked by the pathological process occa- sioning the paralysis, and the natural conclusion would be that we sometimes should expect early lesion of the abduc- tors, at others of the adductors. This is, I believe, the general point of view accepted at the present time by laryngologists, and from this point of view it is easily understood, why those who have met with cases of bilateral paralysis of the abductor muscles, the cause of which was to be traced not to some local or myopathic, but to some central or nerve-trunk lesion, should have looked upon their cases as mere pathological curiosities, and should have tried to explain by more or less ingenious hypotheses, why in their individual case the pathological process, although acting upon the whole of the nerve, should have affected the abductor filaments only. Now I do not wish to augment the number of these hypotheses by the addition of a new one of my own, but simply to state distinctly and separately once more the following fact, previously proclaimed by Morell Mackenzie and myself : “ The occurrence of an isolated paralysis of the abductor filaments of the recurrent nerve in cases in which the roots or trunks of the spinal accessory, pneumogastric, and recur- rent 7ierves are injured or diseased, is not an isolated patho- logical curiosity. There is a distinct proclivity of the abduc- tor fibres to become affected, in such cases, either at an earlier period than the adductor fibres, or even exclusively.” A statement like this can only be proved in the following way: I must bring forward a comparatively large number of clinical observations and post-mortem examinations, show- ing that isolated paralysis of the posterior crico-arytaenoid muscles was the result of disease or injury to the centres Proclivity to Disease of the Abductor Fibres. 15 and nerve-trunks, or that at any rate the paralysis of these muscles was earlier, and respectively more developed than that of their antagonists, and this number must not be com- pensated for by an equal or approximatively equal number of observations proving the occurrence of a primary affec- tion of the adductor fibres under similar circumstances. I proceed to the first part of my proof and quote some cases belonging to the first category. Case 1 (Gerhardt1). Chronic disease of the brain of doubtful nature. The left vocal cord immovable in the median line. Case 2 (Gerhardt2). Probably encephalitic process in the left half of the brain. Right vocal cord immovable in the median line. Case 3 (Gerhardt3). Tuberculosis pulmonum. Incomplete paralysis of the left posterior crico-arytsenoid muscle. Post-mor- tem examination : left pneumogastric nerve completely imbedded in thickened connective tissue and bent backward by some swol- len lymphatic glands. The corresponding recurrent nerve inti- mately connected with a melanotic lymphatic gland. The left posterior crico-arytsenoid muscle in a state of fatty degeneration and atrophy. The adductors on the same side also degenerated, but not to such a degree as the abductor. Brain and medulla oblongata healthy. Case 4 (Mackenzie4). Paralysis and atrophy of the abductor of the left vocal cord., caused by pressure of a malignant tumor of the thyroid gland on the left recurrent nerve. Duration six years (!) Left vocal cord fixed in median line. Post-mortem examination : Cancerous tumor two inches in breadth, reaching from the arch of the aorta to the cricoid cartilage, which had “ completely incorpo- rated the left recurrent nerve just where it passes up beneath the upper border of the arch of the aorta. The left crico-arytsenoideus posticus was completely atrophied, only a few pale thin fibres could be seen at its lower and inner part, whilst it fellow was large and well nourished.” Case 5 (Mackenzie6). Paralysis of the abductor of the left vocal cord caused by aneurism of the arch of the aorta pressing on the left recurrent nerve. Left vocal cord fixed near the median 1 L. c., p. 307, case x. 2 L. c., p. 309, case xii. 8 L. c., p. 310, case xiii., and postscript, p. 318. 4 “ Hoarseness, Loss of Voice,” etc. Case xxix, p. 39. 5 Ibidem. Case xx, p. 41. 16 Felix Semon. line. Post-mortem examination ; Aneurism of the arch of the aorta. “ The left recurrent nerve was traced from its origin from the vagus round the arch of the aorta, as far as the sac of the aneurism, with which it became incorporated and could not be followed further.” The left posterior crico-arytsenoid muscle was completely atrophied, only a very few thin, pale fibres being apparent. Case 6 (Semon1). Boy, set. 15. History of fit and uncon- sciousness 7 years previously, after which he stammered for a con- siderable time. Voice has ever since remained hoarse. Left vocal cord immovable in the median line. After protracted elec- tric treatment slight improvement in mobility. Case 7 (Semon2). Woihan, get. 55. Aneurism of the first part of the arch of the aorta, of the innominate and of the carotis communis dextra. The abductive power of the right vocal cord, which stands nearly in the median line, is much diminished, and the paresis of the right abductor became more complete during the short time the case was under observation. The patient soon gave up attending the hospital. Case 8 (Semon3). Woman, set. 40, Fibrous nodulated struma. The abductive power of the left vocal cord much dimin- ished. It stands close to the median line. Injections of tinct. iodi into the goitre produce a considerable diminution in the size of the tumor, but the mobility of the left vocal cord does not improve, although later on the local applications, electricity, and subcutaneous injections of strychnia are made use of. Case 9 (Riegel4). Chronic pneumonia, bilateral paralysis of the abductors. Boy, get. 6, Duration of the laryngeal symptoms, from the beginning until the death of the patient, three years. Result of the post-mortem examination : Both recurrent nerves imbedded in dense connective tissue ; only the posterior crico- arytgenoid muscles in a state of atrophy and fatty degeneration, the other laryngeal muscles healthy. Microscopic examination of the recurrent nerves shows, above the points of adhesion, atrophy and fatty degeneration of the majority of the filaments ; but on both sides still a number of normal, well-preserved fibres is found. Case 10 (Penzoldt5). Tertiary syphilis. Repeated apoplectic attacks. Bilateral paralysis of the abductors. Woman, set. 61. 1 Unpublished. 4 Berlin. Klin. Wochenschrift, 1872. Nos. 20 and 21, and 1873, No. 7. 3 Unpublished. 3 Unpublished. 5 “Deutsches Archiv fur Klin. Medizinßd. xiii, p. 107. Proclivity to Disease of the Abductor Fibres. 17 Duration of the disease, 1 months. Death. Result of post- mortem examination : Roots of both pneumogastric and accessory nerves strangely thin and in a state of gray discoloration. (Similar changes in other cerebral nerves.) Both posterior crico-arytcenoid muscles pale, brownish-red. The left pneumogastric and recurrent nerves somewhat slender and of a grayish color. Microscopic ex- amination of these nerves shows the majority of the primitive fibres as normal, but between them there are filaments which are distinctly broader than normal, and the neurilemma of which is in a state of distinct fatty degeneration. The interstitial connect- ive tissue is augmented and contains a great quantity of fat cor- puscles. Case ii (Paul Koch1). Compression of both recurrent nerves by enlarged bronchial glands. Bilateral paralysis of the abductors. Girl, set. 24. Diagnosis per exclusionem. Case 12 (Mackenzie2). General paralytic symptoms. Bilateral paralysis of the abductors. Man, set. 44. General paralysis affecting both extremities 16 months before admission. Bilateral paralysis of the posterior crico-arytsenoid muscles. No change in the laryn- geal muscles during the three months he was under observation. Case 13 (Mackenzie3). Cerebrospinal symptoiris. Bilateral paralysis of the abductors. Repeated epileptic attacks, involuntary motions, and oozing away of the urine. Nearly complete immo- bility of the vocal cords in the phonatory position. Duration of the laryngeal symptoms not distinctly ascertained. Death. No post-mortein examination. Case 14 (Mackenzie4). Syphilitic disease of the brain. Bi- lateral paralysis of the abductors. Manifold evidence of central disturbance. Seizures, nausea, vomiting, pains, and loss of coordi- native muscular power in legs, loss of eyesight, vertigo. Partial paralysis of the posterior crico-arytsenoid muscles. Fifteen years previously primary venereal sore, followed by eruption. lodide of potash speedily improved all the symptoms. Case 15 (Mackenzie5). Imperfect paralysis of the right leg. Bilateral paralysis of the abductors. Dyspnoea for several years. Sudden death. No post-mortem examination allowed. Case 16 (Mackenzie6). Pressure oti both recurrent nerves by aneurisms. Bilateral paralysis of the abductors. Man, set. 51. 1 “Anna/es des Maladies de I Oreille et du LarynxlB7B, Nos. 6 and 7. 2 “ Diseases of the Throat and Nose,” vol. I, page 428. 3 Ibidem, p. 429. 5 Ibidem, p. 429. 4 Ibidem, p. 429. 6 Ibidem, p. 443. Felix Semon. Death. Result of post-mortem examination ; “ One very large aneurism, commencing in the ascending aorta and involving the innominate and right subclavian artery, pressed, at its upper and outer part, on the right recurrent nerve and slightly on the right pneumogastric nerve. The second smaller aneurism involved the under and posterior surface of the descending portion of the arch of the aorta, and slightly pressed on the left recurrent nerve.” Both posterior crico-arytsenoid muscles in a state of atrophy and fatty degeneration. The other laryngeal muscles healthy. Case 17 (Mackenzie1). Pressitre on both recurrent nerves by cancer of the oesophagus. Bilateralparalysis of the abductors. Man, set. 67. Death. Post-mortem examination ; Both recurrent nerves passed into a cancerous growth, originating from the oesophagus. Their exit from this mass could not be traced. The abductor muscles were found to be greatly reduced in size and presented signs of fatty degeneration. The other muscles of the larynx were healthy with the exception of the left thyro-arytsenoid muscle, which showed signs of molecular transformation. Case 18 (Mackenzie3). Pressure on both recurrent nerves by an enlarged thyroid gland. Bilateral paralysis of the abductors. Boy, set. 15. Duration of the laryngeal symptoms, four months. The treatment of the bronchocele resulted not only in a cure of this affection, but also in restoration of the function of the paralyzed abductor muscles. Case 19 (Mackenzie3 and Semon4). Pressure of an aneurisyn on both recurrents, and compression of the nerves by dense connective tissue. Bilateral paralysis of the abductors. Man, set. 60. Duration of the laryngeal symptoms, till death, six months. Post-mortem ex- amination : Hypertrophy of the heart, aneurismal dilatation of the first part of the aorta, chronic pneumonia, and enlargement of the bronchial glands, which were enveloped in abundant firm connec- tive tissue which compressed both recurrent nerves. Atrophy of both abductors ; the other laryngeal muscles were apparently healthy. Case 20 (Semon5). Aneurism of the arch of the aorta press- ing on both recurrent nerves. Incomplete but progressive paralysis of the abductors. Man, set. 51. Only complaint dyspnoea and pe- 1 Ibidem, p. 4^3. 8 Ibid., p. 444. 3 Ibid., p. 444- 4 “ Transactions of the Clinical Society,” vol. xi, 1878, p. 149. 5 Alluded to in “ German edition of Mackenzie’s work,” foot-notes, pp. and 72°> and by Dr. W. M. Ord, in “ St. Thomas’ Hospital Reports,” vol. x, 1880, p. 131. Proclivity to Disease of the Abductor Fibres. 19 culiar alteration of voice beginning three months before he came under observation. Incomplete bilateral paralysis of the abduc- tors, more marked on the left than on the right side, progressing, during the two months which elapsed before the death of the patient took place, almost daily tinder my eyes, At the time of the patient’s death the left vocal cord remained immovable in the median line, while the right still moved slightly outward. [At the same time the level of the left vocal cord was lower than that of the right, and its inner border slightly excavated.] Death from rupture of the aneurism into the oesophagus. Post-mortem exam- ination : Large, curiously formed aneurism of the upper and poste- rior part of the arch of the aorta, beginning at the commencement of the convexity formed by the vessel when passing from the ascending into the transverse part, and extending over two-thirds of the transverse part. The left recurrent nerve is firmly impli- cated for a considerable distance by the wall of the aneurism. It does not, however, to the naked eye1 seem to be atrophied in its parts situated above the aneurism, but, on the contrary, somewhat swollen and congested. The right recurrent nerve is pressed upon at the point where it is given off by the right pneumogastric nerve, and in the very beginning of its course by that part of the aneurism projecting to the right. The nerve is apparently not changed. The left posterior crico-arytsenoid muscle is so completely atrophied that but a few thin, pale, and yellowish fibres are seen at its inner insertion ; the right is also atrophied, but to a considerably less degree. The other laryngeal muscles are appar- ently normal, with the exception of the left crico-thyroid muscle, which is considerably discolored and atrophied. The left superior laryngeal nerve is intact.2 Case 21 (Semon3). Disseminated cerebrospinal sclerosis. Bi- lateral paralysis of the abductors. Gait of the character of loco- motor ataxy ; numbness of (now) both legs ; incontinence of urine ; slight left facial paralysis ; slight nystagmus ; inequality of the pupils,—of late ; numbness of the mucous membrane of the upper lip. The laryngeal paralysis, which has remained unchanged ever since the beginning of the observation, /. e., 2 f years ago, preceded all the other symptoms for nearly two years ! 1 Unfortunately no microscopical examination was made. 2 Was, in this case, the motor innervation of this muscle derived from the re- current nerve instead of the superior laryngeal ? (v. Ziemssen, I. c., German edition, p. 445.) 3 “ Transactions of the Clin. Soc.,” 1878, vol. xi, p. 146, 20 Felix Semon. These two facts, viz., the permanence of the bilateral par- alysis of the abductors only, and the long interval between the appearance of this and any of the other symptoms, made me, when I first published this case, nearly three years ago, disinclined to believe in a causal connection between the laryngeal and the other symptoms.1 But the case has ever since been before my mind, and has, in fact, led me to the considerations of which the present paper is the outcome. Having convinced myself that bi- lateral paralysis of the abductors only might be the result of a central lesion affecting the roots of the accessory and pneumogastric nerves (Cases 10, 12, 13, 14), and that a lesion affecting the roots or trunks of these nerves and of the recurrent nerve, might result in such an isolated paraly- sis, which remains stationary for a long time and does not necessarily lead to retrogressive changes of the other laryn- geal muscles, I cannot refrain longer from admitting that this is most probably a very unusual case of multiple cerebro- spinal sclerosis, in which the first and for a long time the only symptom was bilateral paralysis of the abductors.2 Case 22 (L. Weber3). Bilateral paralysis of the abductors after typhoid fever. Tracheotomy. months later, pneumonia and nephritis. Death. Post-mortem examination : Besides other changes in different parts of the body, tracheitis and purulent peri-tracheitis were noticed. Both recurrent nerves were found to have been embedded entirely in this purulent infiltration. The nerves did not show any considerable changes to the naked eye, with the exception of appearing somewhat flattened ; microscopically, the only change to be detected was the diminished volume of some of the axe-cylinders. The abductor muscles themselves appeared perfectly healthy to the naked eye and under the microscope. 1 See The Lancet, vol. i, 1878, p. 630. 2 Whilst correcting the proof sheets of this paper, I find that Dr. Hering, of Warsaw, related at the International Congress of Laryngology, held last year at Milan, a case of paralysis of the posterior crico-arytssnoid muscles, “ followed nine months afterward by symptoms of labio-glosso-pharyngeal paralysis of bul- bar origin, which there was every reason to believe was due to syphilis.” (These Archives, vol. i, 1880, p. 388.) The shortness of the communication does not, of course, permit of any definite conclusions being drawn ; but even from this short report the case appears to belong to the category under consid- eration, and to be very similar to the one just referred to. a Berl. Kli7t. Wochenschrift, Nro. 29, 1880, p. 412. Proclivity to Disease of the Abductor Fibres. 21 We have here then a considerable number of clinical observations, many of them authenticated by the discovery on the post-mortem table of anatomical changes correspond- ing to the symptoms observed during life, and proving that pathological processes, implicating the nerve-centres or the nerve-trunks themselves, are frequently manifested by actual changes in the abductor fibres and muscles, either exclusively or better developed than in the antagonistic muscles. I need not say that the above list by no means claims to be complete. It seemed to me that it was only necessary to show that isolated paralysis of the abductors in consequence of causes affecting centres or trunks was not an accidental curiosity, but occurred comparatively often. lam sure that it would have been easy to augment considerably the above list,—especially as far as unilateral paralysis of a posterior crico-arytaenoid muscle from cen- tral or nerve-trunk lesions was concerned,I—had1—had I made an extensive search through the literature of laryngeal paral- ysis. But I considered this the less necessary, because the number of 22 cases becomes important and considerable, if compared with the number of cases in which a central or trunk lesion of the nerves under consideration was found to have led to isolated paralysis of the adductors. For it must not be forgotten that I have thus far only ful- filled one part of my task : I have shown that in many cases disease of the centres or pressure upon the trunks can lead to isolated paralysis of the abductors. The question now is: Is the number of these cases covered by a similar number, in which, under the same circumstances, the adductors only became affected ? The answer to this question is simple and will, no doubt, be surprising to many readers of my paper; Not only have I never seen such a case, but in the whole range of laryngeal literature, which is known to me, I have been unable to find a SINGLE case, in which primary organic 3 1 I remember in my own hospital practice, several, at least three more cases of aneurism of the aorta with phonatory position of the left cord, of which I have no notes at hand. 2 I purposely say “ organic ” disease of the brain, or nerve-trunks, because it is a most remarkable fact, that the so-called “ functional” neuroses show, on the 22 Felix Semon. disease of the brain or of the nerve-trunks was proved by clinical observation or the result of the post-mortem exami- nation to have been the cause of isolated paralysis of the ad- ductors!1 I must say that I was not a little astonished, when I reached this result. The laryngeal literature, however, is already so large that it is not impossible that a few cases of this sort might have been described of which I have no knowledge;3 but even if this were so, I think that I have proved the proclivity of the abductor fibres of the recurrent nerve to become affected sooner than the adductor fibres, or even exclusively, in cases of undoubted central or pe- ripheral injury or disease of the roots or trunks of the pneumogastric, spinal accessory, or recurrent nerves. The next question—if the fact has been established— would naturally be as to the cause of this curious pro- clivity. To this question it is very difficult, at the present, to give an answer satisfactorily explaining all the condi- tions under which an isolated paralysis of the abductor muscles can take place. If the theory of the uniformly central origin of this paral- ysis, as supported by Bosworth, were correct, the presump- tion of the existence of an independent ganglionic centre for the abductors (as suggested by Mackenzie, myself, Bosworth, and others) would be sufficient to explain its cause. Any degenerative change, or, in a few cases, sudden functional disturbance taking place in the brain, under different influ- ences, if limited to these ganglia, would clearly lead to iso- other hand, quite as strange a predilection for ajfecting the ADductors only, as the “ organic ” lesions for the Adductors ! Although there are a few cases of hysteri- cal paralysis of the «Muctors on record (Frankel, Guttmann, Biermer, Burow, Schreiber, Mackenzie-Semon), yet the immense majority of cases of “hysterical paralysis,” hitherto recorded, concern the adductors (and tensors) only. 1 To avoid all possible mistakes, I beg to state distinctly that I speak of such cases only in which isolated paralysis of the adductors could be traced to a “primary" lesion of the roots or trunks of the accessory, pneumogastric, and recurrent nerves! Such cases are not known to me. But I have no doubt that cases have occurred (or could be imagined), in which an originally local affection (such as a carcinoma) affected, in consequence of its anatomical situation, at an early period, the adductor fibres and muscles only, and, implicating in its later stages the entire recurrent nerve, led to paralysis of all the laryngeal muscles. 8 I earnestly hope that this paper will serve in eliciting contributions corrob- orating or rectifying, as the case may be, my statements, from those who have had and have the opportunity of seeing cases in point. Proclivity to Disease of the Abductor Fibres. 23 lated paralysis and atrophic changes of the abductors. Of course there would still remain the question why the centres for the abductors are so often the seat of such de- generative processes, in preference to the common centre or to the probably-connected centres of the adductors (if it be supposed that each of those, as well, has a ganglionic centre of its own). Several answers might be given to this question, contribu- ting to, if not affording, a solution. In the first place, the very fact just mentioned, viz. : the mutual cooperation and probably existing anatomical connec- tion of the adductor centres, offers an explanation why they should be longer and more effectually protected against dis- ease-producing influences, to which the unsupported and isolated centres of the abductors would earlier succumb. (See also Penzoldt, /. c., p. 120.) Even if one or some of these adductor centres were diseased, it would by no means be improbable that the remaining healthy ones would act vicariously for them. That this suggestion is not a purely theoretical one, but that the mechanism of adduction of the vocal cords is actually endowed with a sort of compensatory tendency, is shown by the fact that, in paralysis of an entire recurrent nerve, with consequent immobility of the affected cord, in the cadaveric position, the contraction of the adduc- tors on the healthy side, in very many cases, is so excessive, when phonation is attempted, that the healthy vocal cord crosses the median line to join its diseased fellow. Another explanation might perhaps be found in the fact that the activity of the abductors, although, I believe, not entirely beyond the control of the will, is certainly much more automatic than that of the antagonists, and that, hence, perhaps, its power of resistance against disease-pro- ducing causes is less. Finally, attention is to be drawn to the very remark- able fact, that this proclivity of the abductor centres to suc- cumb to central causes of disease is quite analogous to the similar proclivity of the extensor muscles of the extremities to become sooner affected than the flexors, or even exclu- sively, in diseases of central origin, e.g., in lead paralysis. (See also Rosenbach, /. c.) 24 Felix Semon. But as I have shown that the theory of a uniformly central origin of the disease is untenable in the face of the authenticated cases of paralysis and degeneration of the muscles in consequence of disease of, or pressure upon, the nerve-trunks, even the existence of an independent centre would not account for the origin of this latter class of cases. What, then, is the explanation of these cases ? There would be no difficulty, certainly, in explaining the phonatory position of the vocal cord or cords, in cases of undoubted nerve-trunk lesion, if this phenomenon were limited to a comparatively short and early period of the primary disease, in cases of on the nerves. Before any pressure disables any fibres of a nerve, it acts in the manner of a mechanical irritation. Schech’s beautiful ex- periments on animals have proved1 the following fact: “ If the recurrent nerve or the pneumogastric nerve is irritated, the result is; a position of the vocal cords in the median line (phonatory position) in consequence of the preponderance of the adductor muscles.” In other words, we have the same phenomenon as if the adductors alone were irritated. But this explanation holds good only for the earliest stages of a pathological process encroaching upon the nerve-trunks. Why does the phonatory position of the vocal cords continue in the later stages? Why do we see during life, or find at the post-mortem table, evidence of retrogres- sive changes in the posterior crico-arytaenoid muscles only, in cases of long duration (Cases 3, 4, 6, 9, 15, 21) and of un- doubted grave implication of the nerve-trunks (Cases 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22)? Under all circumstances, we must, in order to understand these cases, keep one indispensable premise before our minds, although we may, in the present state of our knowledge, not always be in the position of actually proving it, viz.; that in all these cases it is impossible that the conductivity of all fibres of the nerve-trunk should have been destroyed, how- ever complete and long-existing the complication of the XL. c., p. 33. Proclivity to Disease of the Abductor Fibres. 25 nerve-trunk, in the morbid process, seemed to be! Riegel’s case of involvement of both recurrent nerves, in dense con- nective tissue (No. 9 of the retrospect), is an excellent proof that, if the microscopic examination of the com- pressed nerves is made with sufficient care, it will be found, doubtless in all such cases, that a number of normal, well- preserved fibres still exist. And yet in his case the duration of the laryngeal disease was three years ! It is thus conclu- sively shown that neither intensity of the morbid process nor long duration of the disease involve, of necessity, total de- struction of the nerve-trunk, and we can fairly draw the inverse conclusion that, if we see, during life, isolated paral- ysis of the abductors, or find them, after death, in a state of atrophy and fatty degeneration, in cases of undoubted affec- tion of the nerve-trunks themselves, the very limitation of the morbid changes to this one set of muscles, proves that the conductivity of the nerve cannot have been destroyed in its entirety. (See Cases 4 and 17 of the retrospect.) Again, if this explanation be correct, we find ourselves confronted by the same question which we considered after the explanation of the cases of central origin, viz.: What is the cause of this curious proclivity of the abductor filaments to become affected sooner than the? adductor fibres, or even exclusively, in cases of affection of the whole nerve-trunk} Several hypotheses might be made and have been made to explain this peculiar proclivity, viz.: 1. That the anatomical distribution of the fibres of the recurrent nerve may be a concentrical one, and that the ab- ductor fibres may be situated in the periphery of the nerve, i. e., most exposed to all external injuries. 2. That there may be a specific vulnerability of the abductor filaments, or—what would amount practically to the same thing—that even in cases of partial disablement of the adductor filaments, the remaining healthy adductor fibres might conduct all the nerve-force emanating from the adductor centres, to the adductor ftiuscles. 3. That possibly the adductors receive an increment of nerve-force from the superior laryngeal nerve. However, all these hypotheses are open to certain ob. 26 Felix Semon. jections, and none of them seems to me to offer a really sat- isfactory and plausible explanation. But at the same time I do not believe that an expla7iation is the thing we want at present. In the face of the comparative novelty of the subject and of all the difficulties connected with this question, I would rather believe that the time has not yet come when we can venture to give an explanation, but that, before all, by numerous further contributions, the fact should receive further corroborative evidence, that: There is a proclivity of the KQductor fibres of the recurrent nerve to succumb to pathological influences affecting the roots and trunks of the motor ?ierves of the larynx. Quite apart from the great intrinsic anatomical and phys- iological interest of the question, its affirmative reply would entitle us to lay down the following practical rule: Immobility of one or of both the vocal cords in the phonatory position—if not occasioned by mechanical impair- ments, or myopathic affection—invites to a consideration of all the possibilities which may produce paralysis of the entire recurrent nerve ; immobility in the position of deep inspiration—if not occasioned by mechanical impairments, or myopathic affection—is much more likely to be due to either a functional or a local neurosis, i. e., an affection produced by local disease of the adductor twigs of the re- current nerve. ARCHIVES OF LARYNGOLOGY EDITED BY LOUIS ELSBERG, M. D., NEWYORK, IN CONJUNCTION WITH J. SOLIS COHEN. M. U.. PHILADELPHIA, FREDERICK J. KNIGHT. M. D. BOSTON, GEORGE M. LEFFERTS, M. D., NEWYORK, Piid Dr. J. Bdeckel, Strassburg ; Prof. Burow, Konigsberg; Dr. Foulis, Glasgow; Prof. Ger- iiardt, Wurzburg; Dr. Heinze, Leipzig; Dr. Koch, Luxembourg; Prof. Krishaber, Paris; Prof. Labus, Milan; Dr. Massei, Naples; Dr. Morell Mackenzie, London; Prof. Oertel, Munich ; Dr. Smyly, Dublin ; Prof. Voltolini, Breslau, and Prof. Zawerthal. Rome. It is believed that the time has come for the publication of a journal devoted to the specialty of Laryngology. So much has been achieved in this department of Medicine during the last twenty years, that in the regard of both the profes- sion and the lay public it has acquired recognition and a certain amount of inde- pendence. In the further advance in every right direction the Archives are in- tended to give important aid. None of the existing medical journals can occupy its place ; it competes with none. and supplements all. It is to be a bond of union between the specialists themselves, and also between them and the general profession. Such a means of communication and interchange of ideas, constitu- ting at the same time a depository of contributions of permanent merit and a mirror of the progress of the specialty as reflected in a comprehensive digest of periodical and other literature in every part of the world, cannot fail to be of value from a scientific as well as a practical point of view. The scope of the Archives embraces Human and Comparative Morphology and Physiology of the Throat, and Pathology and Therapeutics of Throat Diseases, in the widest signification of these terms. All contributions are original. The contents are arranged in three departments, which are I. New Contributions to Literature, viz., a. Leading articles, comprising Monographs and accounts of cases with re- marks. b. Clinical Notes, being a briefer record of interesting cases. c. Society Transactions, i.e., Reports of the proceedings of Laryngologial Societies, or of matters relating to Laryngology occurring in other societies and not previously published. 11. Report of Contemporary Literature, viz., a. Reviews and Notices of Books and Pamphlets. b. Digest of the Literature of every part of the world. 111. Miscellany, viz., News Items Editorial Announcements and Answers to Correspondents,—the latter being planned particularly for communication between specialists and gen- eral practioners. The Archives of Laryngology is handsomely printed in large octavo form, each number containing 96 pages, and the articles are fully illustrated wherever their subjects render this desirable. It is issued quarterly, at the price per number of $l.OO, and the subscription per year of $3 00 G. P. PUTNAM’S SONS, 182 Fifth Avenue, New York. London. N. TRUEBNER & CO., 59 Ludgate Hill, Paris. J. R. BAILT.IERE, 19 Hautefeuille.