FRELIGH’S REMEDY POSITIVELY OTJRKB Neuralgia, Rheumatism, (3-out, and Nervous Headache. It la un Internal remedy, carefully prepared according to the preaerlptlon of an eminent pbydrlan. and tho moat aggravated fomi» of theoe painful diaeaaet, for It completely oradicaluH the cauae from the ayalem NEVER FAILS TO CURE READ A FEW TESTIMONIALS. Aiti.koatk, Jaoknon Co., Okkoon, I March 45, '7O. f H. 0. A. Mchpht: Hin: Frallgh'a Remedy came aafo to hand, and an elderly man who wan affected with partial parulyalaand pnina In lilm Joliilh Una been ao fur benefited by a few donee that he deposited a dollar with me thla morning to gel him a bottle, and 1 cneloae you a two dollar bill for two bottler Youra reaped fully, Kiiwakii Wilson. PARTIAL PARALYSIS Ithaca. N. Y., Aug. 40, 1878. 8. O, A. Mukpiit: Hrau Kir:—Mr. stamp and ouraelvea have given It a thorough teat for Hoadacbe It doer the buaineaa well. We have let a good many try It and It give, aaliafactfon. Youth reaped fully. 11. K. A M. C. Jonrb. A THOROUGH TEST FOR IIEADACHK IT UAH NO EQUAL. iWIItTKiiALL, N. Y.. Oct. 81, 1H77. H. 0. A. MURI’HY. Knq ; Aa I have Hald to you hereto- fore that your medielne wan 1 re|>ent again that no medicine I ever lined proved mi much uac to me ah Frellgh's Remedy for Rbeumatlam. * • • • 1 wa* a great sufferer and could not sleep till I found your medicine, and nlnce then and ItnttwMnUli/after ualng it 1 have slept well and nweidly, and cannot nay too much In favor of your remedy. Ueorok C. Torry. Hold by dragglnta. Price One Dollar. ITCIH lINVALUABLE Vosn no Lac, Wi»., March 8, 1878. Mr. S. O. A. Mtrui’iir:—• • * We have *o far Intro- duced It (the Remedy) only to aome of our wealrhie*t lamille*, and they all aar It ha* no equal for Neuralgia and RheumatUm. We fee I confident (bat we will have a big aala for the Remedy. Youra reepectfully, DITTKR A MITCHELL, DrnggUu CUKKH CHRONIC RHEUMATISM | WOULD NOT UK WITHOUT IT A4B Bhoauwat, N. V.. March 18, 1874. 8. O. A. Murphy: Dxar Sin:—• • • • I am happy to aay that your Invaluable remedy baa been of the greateel aervlce to my wife, who ha* been Buffering for *omc week* from Chronic Khciimaliam. She ha* u*ed two bottle* only, and l« mow able to move around a little IMcaae *cnd by bearer two bottle* more. Your*, etc., William Mookk. WALK AULA. H. C., Feb. 15, IK7D. 8. 0. A. M tinpiiv. Die ah Hoc Unclosed pleane find five dollar**. • • • In fact, I would not now he without It, an It In Invalu- able for thoHe who are a (Hided with the diseases which It la Htated to cure. Vouch vi«ry truly, Rrv. J. C. McMahon. Milwaukkk, Win., May 17. 1878. H. o. A Mirni*iir: 0 Dkau Sin:—* ♦ • ♦ I uacd to Buffer terribly from Neuralgia In my tenth, Hd nothing would rellm me until H( mu* one recommended your remedy. since thru I huve b«MB all right, anil whenever an attack *eem* U> bo coming, / enn cheek it inelanlly. Q. C. (Jt'XXAUA. UHKD TO SUFFER TERRIBLY Abrhdkkn, Mine., March 14, 1874. 8. O. A. Mt'RPBY: Knclo*ed y.ui will find five dollar*. for value of wliicli plea*e *end Err Ugh'* Remedy. I Buffered vary much from Neuralgia while In New York recently, and found myeelf much benefited by it. I would like to introduce it Into my practice. Hiwpcclfullv. W. A. fCvAMs. M. 1) “ WILL INTRODUCE IT IN PRACTICK.,, If your druggist does not keep Frellgh’s Remedy it will be forwarded upon tho receipt of one dollar, by S. 0. A. MURPHY, General Apt, U Park Place, New York. 'l WONDER HOW MRS. TONES MANAGES TO KEEP. HER COMPLEXION i SOI PURE AND FRESH, EVERY NIGHT GF HER LIFE SHE IS OUT AT DINNERS OR BALLS, AND IN CONSEQUENCE MUST BE VERY FATIGUED.BESIDES WHEN SHE CAME BACK FROM THE COUNTRY HER FACE WAS VERY MUCH TANNED AND freckled:’-"why,my DEAR.SHEUSES BLOOM 01? YOUTMTHAT IS HER SECRET'*"-" AS YOU ARE MY COUSIN,! DONT MIND LETTING YOU INTO THE SECRET OF MAMMA'S ETERNAL YOUTH WITH ALLHER FORTY AND ODD YEARS.- SHE MAKES FREE USE OF IIAIRDSRIiOOM DrYOUTH (T) tXV I.L women know that it is beauty, rather than genus which all gcncra- tions of im-n have worshipped in the sex. Can it be wondered at, then, that so much of a woman’s time and attention should be directed to the means of developing and preserving that beauty ? Women know, too, that when men speak of the intellect of women, they speak critically, tamely, cooly; but when they speak of the charms of a beautiful woman, both their language and their eyes kindle with enthusiasm, which shows them to be profoundly, if not, indeed, ridiculously in earnest. It is part of the natural sagacity of women to perceive all this, ami therefore employ every allowable art to become the goddess of that adoration. Preach to the contrary as we may, against the arts employed by women for enhancing their beauty, there still stands the eternal fact, that the world docs not prefer the society of an ugly woman of genius to that of a beauty of less intellectual acquirements. The world has yet allowed no higher mission to woman than to be heauti ful, and it would seem that the ladies of the present age arc earning this idea of the world to greater extremes than ever, for all women now to whom nature has denied the talisreanic power of beauty, supply the deficiency by the use of a most delightful toilet article known as the " Hloom of Youth, which has lately been introduced into this country by Ciorok W. Laiki>; a delicate beau- tificr, which smooths out all indentations, tans freckles, furrows, scars, and im- parts alabaster skins, blooming cheeks, and clear, smooth, soft, and beautiful skin. With the assistance of this new American trick of a lady’s toilet, female beauty is destined to play a larger part in the admiration of a man, and the ambition of women, than all the arts employed since her creation. I WAS DREADFULLY AFRAID THAT HORRID FEVER WOULD RUIN MY COMPLEXION FOR LIFE, but Laird's Bxxiqm 0 f Youth HAS SETTLED THAT QUESTION WITH A LOVELY SUCCESS. BOLD BY ALL DRUOOIBTB and FANCY GOODS DEALERS. DEPOT, 83 JOHN STREET, NEWYORK, U.S.