CIEOULAE OF THE IteWiwto Iwiaitw JMm! lav ||wsw. The Trustees of the-Washington Training School for Nurses desire to cull the attention of a Benevolent public to the notice of the within announced effort of the Managers to organize a Loan Exhibition for the benefit of that Institution, and desire to submit the following statement; The Incorporated Society known as the Washington Training School for Nurses was formed and chartered in this city in 1877 for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a school for the proper and free education of Nurses. Needing funds they have resolved, as may be seen by this circular, to hold an attractive Loan Exhi- bition, in the hope of being thus enabled to place the institution on a permanent and more prosperous basis by establishing a Home for the Nurses. The third course of systematic lectures on the art of nursing is in progress by an able faculty of physi- cians to a class of earnest students in this school. It is presumed at this day no argu- ment is required to convince the public of either the necessity of the nurse or the benefit to humanity of such a calling as the trained nurse, or for the support of an in- stitution where such may be thoroughly educated. The office or profession of the Trained Nurse is not only one of eminent usefulness, but one which to the deserving will bring reputation and emolument. As no person is exempt from the liability to be sick or to depend on others for care and attendance at such times, it is alike the duty and the interest of all to give en- couragement and material aid in the success of this Institution. Individuals can do this by becoming contributing members of the Society and by loaning whatever of industry or ornament which they possess that may add to the attractiveness of the exhibition ; and the public at large can further the object by patronizing the Exhibition when it is opened. The city of Washington is known to be rich in the possession of many gems of art and manufacture and articles of vertu of exquisite beauty, not to mention the many relics of Washington and the Revolution of great historic value which are possessed here but rarely seen and their very existence known to only a few. The success of the Loan Exhibition and the founding of a Nurse’s Home will be assured, if the managers can succeed in getting even a small part of these rareties brought together for the inspection and gratification of a generous public. In the interest of the Washington Training School for Nurses, this appeal is made to all persons in the District having articles which are in themselves curious, beautiful in art, or possessing historic associations which endear them to the connoisseur and lover of his country, and which come within the classification and scope of any of the several committees named in this circular, and they are solicited to grant their use so as to enlarge and enrich the collection at the coming Loan Exhibition. Zealous and efficient committees for selecting and collecting the best material to embellish the several departments, have been formed from among our leading citi- zens, whose names and established characters for disinterested charity gives assur- ance of good taste, responsibility, and ultimate success. The committees and friends of the Loan Exhibition are confident that, with the sympathy and active co-operation of our people, they can make the exhibition not only large but so rare and attractive that every resident, whether citizen or sojourner, may be induced to pay it frequent visits. _ It is expected that the Exhibition will be in readiness to be opened to the public in a central location about the middle of January. Each committee or department will have a room to itself in which to display its rareties. Any person having articles of the character above indicated, and willing to patronize this movement by lending them, will confer a favor on the managers by addressing a note or postal card to a member of some one of the committees, stating what they are willing to lend and where it may be seen. . Through the liberality of a lady friend of the Training School for Nurses, a Prize of $20.00 has been offered for the best essay in prose, or a poem, (in either case not exceeding one hundred lines), on “Trained Nurses, Their Work and Reward.” The award will be made at the close of the Exhibition, which will terminate with the celebration of a Martha Washington Costume Tea Party. J. M. TONER, President of the Society. 'LOAN EXHIBITION 3#asfetngton iraiiiittg for ptoses, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE WASHINGTON, D. C., 1881. PATRONS. Mrs. President HAYES. Mr. W. W. CORCORAN. COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT, On the part of the Society. J. M. TONER, M. D., President. VM. LEE, M. D., Secretary. THOMAS ANTISELL, M. D. FLODOARDO HOWARD, M. D. ROBERT REYBURN, M.D. JOS. TABER JOHNSON, M.D. JAMES S. BEALE, M. D. Mrs. JANE C. HITZ. Mrs. S. A. MARTHA CANFIELD. Mrs. A. M. GANGEWER. , A. S. SOLOMONS. P. J. MURPHY, M.D. Mrs. T. L. TULLOCK. S. A. H. McKIM, M. D. I. Painting, Sculpture and Engraving. SPECIAL. COMMITTEES. Mr. f b. mcguire. Mrs. V. R. HOXIE. Miss JULIET EMBRY. Mrs. T. L. TURLOCK. Miss JESSIE KENNEDY. Mr. A. S. SOLOMONS. Cod. I. EDWARDS CLARKE. Mr. S. H. KAUFFMANN. Mr. THOS WILSON. Mr. GEORGE CASILEAR. Hon. Mrs. WM. CLAFLIN. Mr. WM. MACLEOD. 11. Ceramics and Glass-Ware. Mrs. b. ogle tayloe. Miss H. B. LORING. Mrs. R. WALLACH. Mrs. A. M. MURRAY. Miss BALLIE SCHENCK. J. S. BEALE, M. D. Mrs. GEO. M. ROBESON. Mrs. GBOFFROY. Mrs. F. B. McGUIRE. Mrs. MARY B. NEALY. Miss ALICE RIGGS. Mrs. M. S. LOCKWOOD. 111. Antiques and llric-a-JBrae, Mrs. GEN. RICKETTS. Mrs. Cod. BARBOUR Miss RISLEY SEWARD. Miss M. WAITE. Mrs. J. T. JOHNSON. Mr. A. ADBE. Lieut. R. L. HOXIE. Mrs. JANE C. HITZ. Mrs. S. T. WYETH. Mrs. Senator McPHERSON, Hon. Mrs. H. S. NEAL. Mrs. A. M. GANGEWER. Mbs. A. L. WOODBURY. 2 IV. Arts of Uncivilized Races. Major J. W. POWELL, Prof. S. P. BAIRD. Mr. W. J. HOFFMAN. Mr. JAMES STEVENSON. Mr. G. BROWN GOODE. D. W. PRENTISS, M. D. Major A. IT. NICKERSON. Col. GARRICK MALLERY. Mr. WM. STICKNEY. JOS. TABER JOHNSON, M. D. Mr. J. D. McCHESNEY. \. Appliances for the Comfort of the Sick. P. J. murphy, w. D. Mrs. S. A. MARTHA CANFIELD. Mrs. JANE C. HITZ. J. S. BILLINGS, Surg. U. S. A. W. W. GODDING, M. D. D. L. HUNTINGTON, Surg. U. S. A, A. H. WITMER, M. D. K. C. YARROW, M. D. Miss C. HENRY. A. F. A. KING, M. D. Works of Art. VI. Japanese and Chinese T. ANTISELL, M. D. D. KINDLEBERGER, Med. Insp. U. S. N. Miss F. G. CHILDS. Miss M. L. CHILDS. W. 0. CANFIELD, U. S. N. Mrs. W. A. WIDNEY. Miss A. ANTISELL. Mrs. S. A. MARTHA CANFIELD. VII. Miniature Portraits. Miss M. H. DODGE. Miss A. C. SNYDER. Mbs. H. D. COOKE, Jr. Mrs. M. NICHOLSON. FL. HOWARD, M. D. VIII. Embroidery and Needle-Work. Mrs. ROSS RAY. Mrs. Gen. CRANE. Miss J. TURNBULL. Miss JULIA SCHENCK. Mrs. E. P. QU ALTHOUGH. Mrs. Dr. PRENTISS. Mrs. S. H. KAUFFMANN. Mrs. P. H. HOWE. Miss MIRIAM PHILLIPS. Miss AGNES KENNEDY. Mrs. Commodore KENNON. Mr. W. W. CORCORAN. IX. Washington and Revolutionary Relics. Mrs. Gen. EMORY. Hon. Justice COX. Mk. THEO. F. DWIGHT. Mrs. T. L. TULLOCK. J. M. TONER, M. D. Mrs. MONTGOMERY BLAIR. Mr. j. c. mcguire. Mrs. ALBERT BACON. Mrs. Lieut. DUTTON. Mrs. Cart. STORY. Mrs. Gen. HAINES. Miss E. B. JOHNSTON. X. Education avid Literary Rarities. JOHISI EATON, Comm’r of Education. Hon. J. DENT. Mrs. T. S. CHILDS. Mrs. LUCY TREMAIN. Mr. J. O. WILSON. CHARLES WARREN, M. D. Mrs. S. A. MARTHA CANFIELD. R. REYBURN, M. I). XT. Reception and Classification of Exhibits. Mr. b. f. mcguire. Mrs. GEO. M. ROBESON. Mrs. Gen. RICKETTS. Major J. W. POWELL. THOMAS ANTISELL, M. D. Miss M. H. DODGE. Mrs. ROSS RAY. Mrs. Gen. EMORY. P. J. MURPHY, M. D. JOHN BATON, Com’r Education.