34 Boas.] JNo\. 18, Vocabulary of the Kwakiutl Language. Dr. Franz Boas. L (Read before the American Philosophical Society, November IS, 1892.) The Kwakiutl language is spoken on the coast of British Columbia, from Cape Mudge to Douglas and Gardner Channels, excluding Dean Inlet and Benlinck Arm, which are occupied by the Bilqula. The language forms a branch of the Wakashan stock, being affiliated with the Nootka or Aht of the wTest coast of Vancouver Island. The form of these languages reminds us in many respects of that of the Salishan stock, and it may be that a connection exists between both. The Kwakiutl language is spoken in three dialects . the Kwakiutl proper, the Heiltsuk- and the Gyit’araa't. The first is spoken by the tribes of Vancouver Island and of the coast southeast of Rivers Inlet; the second by the tribes inhabiting the coast between Rivers Inlet and Gardner Channel; the last in Gardner and Douglas Channels. It will be found that phonetics and vocabulary of the northern and southern tribes are much alike, while the middle dialect stands more apart. This is probably due to the admixture of Bilqula elements in the central region. The vocabularies contained in the following pages were collected by the author in 1886, 1888, 1889, 1890. As slight differences are found be tween the vocabularies of the various tribes, the tribe from which the words were collected are given. The following abbreviations have been used ; L. for Le'kwiltok-, 1 Himkish, i. Kwakiutl Dialect. K.—Kwakiutl, Tl.—Tlatlasik-oala, J A.—Awi'ky’enoq. ) H.-He'iltsuk-, 5 Heiltsuk- Dialect. G-.—Gyit’ama'l, Gyit’ama't Dialect. The literature of this language is very scanty. The following writings are of importance : W. Fraser Tolmie and George M. Dawson, Comparative Vocabu- laries of the Indian Tribes of British Columbia. Montreal, 1884. G. M. Dawson, Vocabulary in Trans. Royal Soc. of Canada, 1887, ii. A. Hall, A Grammar of the Kwagiull Language, Trans. Royal Soc. of Canada, 1888, ii, pp. 59-105. F. Boas, “Grammatical Notes on the Kwakiutl Language,” in the “Sixth Report of the Committee on the Northwestern Tribes of Canada,” Proc. British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1890. 1892.] 35 [Boas. The Gospel according to Saint John, translated into the Qagull Lan- guage. London, 1834 (by Rev. A. F. Hall). The Gospel according to Saint Matthew, translated into the Qa gutl (or Quoquols) Language. By Rev. A. F. Hall. London, 1882. The following alphabet has been used ; the vowels have their conti- nental sounds : a aw in law. e e in flower. Consonants.—The following consonants require a special description : k*. g'. k, g, ky (kn), gy. This is a series of k sounds beginning with the posterior guttural k\ passing through the ordinary kto the anterior palatal ky. There is a ten- dency in the Heiltsuk* dialect to transform ky and gy into k and g. The distinction between sonans and media is here, as in many other Indian languages, exceedingly difficult, and it may be that to the Indian ear there is no real distinction between both classes. The same is true in the case of labials and dentals, s and c(— English sh) are evidently modi- fications of the same sound ; s is always pronounced with open teeth and post-alveolar position of the tip of the tongue. Thus it obtains a simi- larity with c, while the latter partakes in the same way of the character- istics of s. q, Q, h correspond to k, k, ky, the first being the German guttural ch in ach, the last the German palatal ch in ich, the Q an intermediate sound like ch in the Westphalian dialect. The vowels of the Kwakiutl language are extremely variable, and I have not been able to ascertain satisfactorily the meaning of lengthening and shortening, of apparent contractions and diaeresis. I had, therefore, to confine myself to give the various forms which I obtained from the Indians. We find a series of very indistinct vowels which are not articu- lated, but indicated by position of the mouth. The most frequent among these is u following a terminal k, for which I have used the sign ‘; for instance, in the passive participle —k‘. In compounds, when a syllable follows the —k‘ the uis often articulated. Pauses in words are very frequent, and are almost always accom- panied by an increased stress of the preceding consonant. I have found it impossible in this language to distinguish clearly between consonants articulated with ordinary stress and increased stress, although the latter are undoubtedly found, p. e., ky’e, no. Boas.] 36 (Nov. 18, VOCABULARY. A again, N. he'l’et; e'telis, again in earth. ago, long ago, L. k’aiu'llutl ; H. k aiu'tlutl’ats (—ats, distant, in- visible). agreeable noise, H. aikn’e'kala (aikn, good; —kala, noise), ahead, N. lalak-a, to go ahead; (lak-a, to pass by, from; la, to go; —k-a, reaching) ; La'la- k’ayu'k’oa, name of female = made to go ahead, air, H. na'la. alder, N. tl’a'lromis (tl’a/k's, red; —mis, tree) ; H. G. Ua'kotas {from : red), alive, N. k'o'la ; k'o'lasta, water of life (—sta, water), all, L. k-’a'laue, N. na/qua, H. agy, G. wa'qau ; that is all, L. leoi- k-oa'tla, H. au k'oa'il. alone, N. na'nawa ; na'nawalaqise'- aq’enoq, one who wants to work alone ; N. nEtno'k* (iiEm, one)-, NErad'kuis, the only one on earth ; NEmo'kyustalis, the only one who came up out of earth (—usta, up; —lis, ground) ; NEmo'kua, alone on rock (—a, stone, rock) ; N'Bmo'kuak-ame, all alone on rock (—k'ame, su- perlative) ; NEino'kuitsalis, alone on prairie (—ilsalis, flat open country). to eat, drink, work alone, N. na'qula. along, N. —nta(la). long object, N. —nutsEntala {along side of); k atsnutsEntala, to walk along long object. flat object, N. —unqEntala (—inqe, edge) ; k a'sEnqEntala, to walk along flat object; H, tono'olsa, to walk along plank. to be able to compete with somebody, N. la'kyusta (—usta, up) ; wi'- kyusta, not to be able to get up against (wi, negation; —usta, up) ~to rise opposite to some- body ? about, —uili(la) ; N. tle'kuilila, mov- ing about; lakuilila, camping about, here and there (lEk’u'la, to camp), above, N. L. aiks, aikya ; H. G. aikH ; N. aikyak-au’e, uppermost (—k-aue, farthest in a certain direction) ; L. ai'kyaqala, from above (—aqa, down ; —la, verb, suf.) ; L. aikyakvE'raHit, to look up (—k-E'm, surface of round thing —face; Hit, v. a.)\ tlaq- k-o-it aikn, evening sky=red above; G. au'kyoa, upper side (see On top of); H. ma/tea, to fly above, to abuse one another, H. laa'lk'au. to ache, L. ts’e'nila (see Sick), across, N. —uilla(la); la'lauitlala, or la'laotla, always going across (la—, to go). Adam’s apple, H. k’ok'oqa'oa (—qaoa, neck), adrift (see On surface of water), adze, H. lla'k'oabala (same type as the Pacific Island adze); towai'u (D-shaped handle with blade at- tached to its flat side) ; tle'q- kautl. afraid, N. ky’e'llala ; L. ky’e'tlEn, I am—yH. wo'se; wb'sEno'gua, or lEno'gua wo'silE, lam—. to make afraid, N. ts’E'ntiyim ; ts’E'ntikya, to be—. after, behind, N. E'lsqtle ; la'tlin, E'laqtlitl, I will go after him. afternoon, H. tlkya/qa. 1892. J 37 [ Boas. always, N. —tl ; ama/qutatl, always giving away coppers (ama'qut, to give away coppers) ; ha/qk'o- latl, always giving away blankets (ia'k-ola, to give away blankets) ; hama/lagyilatl, always giving away blankets (ma'le, to dis- tribute blankets ; —gyilis, earth, always) ; baqbaku'latl, always eating human flesh (baqba'k', eating human flesh, from bEk‘, man). N. gyilis, literally : on earth ; hama/lagyilatl, always distribut- ing blankets; wina'lagyilis, always fighting; hamE'lagyi- litlEn, I eat always in house (ham—, to eat; —itl, in house) ; hamE'lagyilisen, I eat always on beach{—is,o7i beach); Nu'tlk'ala- gyilis, always acting foolishly, among, N. H. G. —ak’a ; N. nEq’- ak-a'la, to pull out of a bag; doq’ok-a/la, to look among —; ain’ak'a'la, good among others ; wa'lak’a, to lead Hamatsa around after Tsetsd'eJca; H. le'li’ak’a, to search among; p’epeya'k'a, to feel among ; G. du'mduk-ak-a, to look everywhere among. ancestor, N. gyaiigyila'itl —first of house (gyil, first; —itl, house), anchor stone, H. k’alia/ois (—is, in water) ; G. t’ayaqabu. to anchor; L. mo'koanut, cast an- chor! (see To tie)-, H. tIE me'fl’- enEm, to anchor; G. I’ayaia'q, canoe is at anchor, to angle, L. tla/k'a, H. t’opha' ; to drop hook into water, L. ts’E'qstsnta k-’e'taio. angry, L. e'Eii, N tla'uis ; tlV- tlEspis, expert in anger (—pis, expert) ; H. hai'lala {— angry noise ; —ala, noise)-, hailalak's, angry noise woman {—ks, fe- male) . animal, H. sisa'kwimis ; a certain —, large ear (k-’as, large ; —ato, ear), ankle, L. k'oa'tlk ok-, H. k's'k-u- -nutl {perhaps: foot side), G. k'au'k omatl. antless, L. N. H. wutlE'm. anus, L. pd'laqstee (—qstee, hind part of body), H. ama'kyas. apron, L. tsap {borrowed from Co- mox), G. ss'paqsteya (—qsteya, hind part of body), arm, L. N. a'yaso, H. haia'sd, G. ba/iso. above elbow, N. H. oqsiape' ; skin of —, N. tl’etseape, H. k’uk’utsea'pe. armor made of wood or skin, H. pa'- k*aitEm. armpits, H. da/ddk,ola/tse (—atse, receptacle), to arrange bed, L. heitla'lit ; H. liaile'llatl, to make right, around, N. H G.—isla ; N. awi'sta, around a thing; awista'lis, heista'lis, around the world ; le'- istala, to go around; k-a'tsestala, to walk around; rnaqsista'lisa, making potlatch all around the world (ma'qoa, to give two blan- kets to each ; —lis, earth) ; N. NutlEmistalitsE'mk'a, woman made to go like a fool around the world (no'lo, nu'llEm, fool; —ista, around; —lis, earth; —tsEin, made to;—k*a, woman), H. be'sta, view ; d’oqsista'la, to look around; toe'stala, to go around; gy’eqse'stala, to run around ; G. k-’a/tsistala, to walk around. to arrive, L. lamEti la'kya, 1— ;N. le'mtiH la/kyaatla, when I ar- rived. 38 Boas.] [Nov. 18, arrow, L N. H. W. G. ba'ntlEm ; H. ha'ntlErnpa, arrow point (—pa, point) ; ha'ntlEma'tse, quiver {—alse, receptacle), bird arrow, N. k-o'lok'oaiu. arrow point, H. to ascend river in canoe, H. sia'. to ascend a mountain, N. lagyusta/Ia (la, to go; —usta, up; —la, v. s.), H. na'qa. to be ashamed, L. ma'qls’a. ashes, L. k-ona'i, H. guoe7. white of wood, L. k'oa'tlopEs, H. k-oa'tlom. to roast in ashes, L. a'sa. asked by everybody to give feast, N. wulle't. to assemble, N. hok'ona'kula (—na- kula, motion) ; hbqsta'la, an as- sembly {crowd) running into water (?) (—sta, water) ; kyi'm- k'ona'kula {used in songs only). assistant of HawVnatl, N. ne'qatla, wa'tatla. Hamatsa, N. sa'latlila. aunt, father’s and mother’s sister, N. H. ani's. uncle’s wife, N. apa'tsd {step. mother). autumn, G. gya/lEtngyilis (—gyilis, earth). to awake, v. n., L. ts’i'ait, H. ts’iei't. v. a., H. koia'. axe, L. N. sbpai'u (sdpa, to hew with axe; —aiu, instrument), H. k’okuna'kula (k’o'koa, to hew with axe ; —nakula, motion), stone axe for war {long, sharp stone fastened in a perforated handle), N. DEb’ai'u. back, N. —ikye, —igya, H. G. —egya; N. awx'kye, back; hunchbacked; Is’i'lkigyila, feathers on back {—la, v. s.) : moe'gyint, to carry on back; pEne'gyalitl, to warm one's hack; naMagyiligya, back of day of world {—gyil—, earth); H. osk’ame'gya, back {—sk-am, outside of round thing) ; ts’E'm- legya, dorsal fin ; k’u'tsEme'- gya, skin of back; owe'gyatl- kya'ne, back of hand (—tlkya'- ne,-—skya'ne, hand)-, k’utstse'- gyatlkya'ne, skin of back of hand; owi'gyatltse'tse, instep {—(tl)tsetse, foot). support {lazy seat), N. yi'mk-oas (—as, place), bad, L. N. ia'qsum (i—, negation; —ain, good), H. iakn, G. iaa; N. ia'qp’aqsta, to speak bad of one {—qsta, mouth) ; G. iakne. k-ala, bad noise {—k-ala, noise), bad tempered, H. tlusa'la (—ala, noise), bailer, H. qa'lgyilis. bald headed (see Bare), ba’qus (season when no Tsetsd'ek'a must be held), N. ba'qus. bare, H. tl’ok-; tl’skk-ea', bare headed {—k-ea, head) jll’ok-u's, country bare of plants {—us, outside) ; tl’bqsE'mla, bare mountain {—k’SEm, outside of round thing; —la, v. s.). bark of tree, L. qa'k-’ura, H. qk’um. of cedar, N. Tl. H. W. G lEna's, H. da'deoll (?). to bark, L. N. wo'koa, H. wa'kya ; h. wo'koq ta wa'tse, the dog barks ; N. -wa'wakulitla, barking in house {—itl, in house), barnacle, L. N. qa'ik*. basket, L. Isqa/; N. LEqla/q {a name), basket eater (?). B. baby, N. wi'sa, H. qEnu'q’o, G. qabq {from qap’e', cradle (?)). 39 1892.] [Hoas. basket, small, for fish, N. la'laqam. —— large, for blankets, L. tla/pat, H. ku’e'patse (—atse, recepta- cle). for fish and clams, H. G. ts’Ela'. for berries, H. W. nana'k'Era (nak-a, to drink, the basket is watertight). L. pe'kyoo. bat, making sleepy, from ba'k-’oatlEla, sleepy, baton, used in winter dance, L. N. t’a'uiiaio, H. W. tle'qem ; N. t’abnsala, to beat time (—ala, noise of (?); —sila, to make (?) ); I’a'miatse, master of batons; t’a'miasilala, rhythm; H, tle'- qala, to beat time, baton, H. haua'qala (—ala, noise). of chief, Tl. sik’a'kyano, H. si'kyak-Em. bay, L. awetle'sehi, N. oqtlalis (per- haps only head of bay), H. otso- i's. beach. N. L. —is, —lis ;H. G. —is, —lis ;L. llE'mais, beach ; t’a'tis, lying on beach; N. ok-oma/lis, face of beach (—k-am, facing) ; d’apa'lis, covered by tide (d’apa, to flood) ; ha'lqsiualis, killing on beach at mouth of river (—siuae, river mouth) ; H. uwi's, beach; ai'kyitskolis, flat beach (aikn, good); hana'qlis gyi'loaq, canoe is on beach(ban—, hollow object, canoe) ; G. wo'- qannis, beach; goa'is, to sit on beach; aigyitsui's, flat beach (aikn, good), heavy beams supporting roof, parallel to ridge of house, L. ky ’a/tewan, H. k ’aqa'wa. grizzly bear, N. L. Tl. H. nan ; N. gyi'la; G. San ; N. Nuqnemis name: ne'nEnkas (=bear wo- man) ; nanis, bear in bottom of sea (—is, in sea) ; nanqa, called bear (—qa, called) ; na'nfse, great bear (—tse, great) ; na'n- kama'lis, bear facing beach or earth (—k*am, facing; —lis, beach) ; na'nqtlo, cinnamon bear. skin of grizzly bear, pas’Ena'e. black bear, L. tie, N. tla'e, H. tl'a, G. t’e'Hoa ; N. Nuqnemis name: tl’e'tleka, bear woman, beard, chin, L. hapa'qsteya (hap—, hair; —qste, mouth), H. ha/p- EHsia' (hap—, hair; —ensia, tooth). moustache, L. hapa'qsteya, H. hapqta'e (—qtae, mouth), G. hapEqte (—qte, mouth), to beat time, N, t’a'msEla (see Baton). on beach at marriage ceremony, N. tsa/qa. beaver, L. N. ts’a'oe, Tl. ts’o'koa, ts’a'o, H. G. kolo'n (borrowed from Bilqula) ; H. L. N. ts'a'e- atse, young beaver (—atse, young of—) ; N. Nuqnemis names : d’akj a'lis, he'luniHtasdla. bed, L. ke'nutl, H. k’oai', G. ku'i’- ilas (ku'l’itl, to sleep ; —as, place of). bedroom, N. gyiaiMas, H. k‘we. to beg, N. k-oe'k’oasa ; k-oe'k-oasa- latl, beggar dance, behind, N. dqtle'e ; L. oqtlaksi'tse, heels; alqtlae'istala, coming around last; H. —qt.le ; wala'q- tlek -s,youngest daughter; d’dk •’ - oqtla;la, to look back; goa'qtle, to sit on hind part; kdpaqtla'ut, to break off hind part; G. d’6'- k-,oqtla, to look back; ha'mts’- aqtlee, rest of foot, to believe, N. ne'nky'ek'ala. Bellabella village, H. G-alts. Bella Coola, N. K. H. Bi'lqula. 40 Boas,] [Nov. 18, belly, L. ta'ikye, H. tky'e, G. tEkn ; H. k’utseqtla'es, skin of ; tlb'qoaqtlali'sEla, sick in —. below, N. pE'n’a, H. oa'poa, esa'- poa; G. au'apba, H. hesa'po-itl, below in house ; wiwunk‘’apo-is, bottom of sea (—wunk-, edge; —apoa, below ; —is, in sea) (see Under). below (down river), N. gua'e (also north), gua'tse. belt of women, L. wusi'kyanEm, H. wan. to bend with hammer, H. mokpta'ut (mokoa', to strike with ham- mer). berries (species unknown), Tl. liaii- tlus ; k-e'qelis ; k‘’Emk‘oale'; k-e'sk-ele'qjk'oa'k-uge'ejk’o'q- k-uls ; nek‘’utl ; si'lEm ; wao- pa'litse ; tle'k-’um; tlinq ; L. ts’e'nina; tsi'k'Cll. black berries, H. cia'k’unatl. cranberries, L. tu'stak’a, Tl. tu'- slik’ua. huckleberries, L. k’oa'tEm, H. koa'- tEm ; L. k’oa'tlmis, bush; k’oa'tqut, eating —, salmonberries, L. k‘’E'mtsuk‘, A. H. kau'lali; H. kau'tlila, country full of berries, sallalberries, N. nEqna'k', eating —. soapberries, N. Tl. nEquski'n ; H, nuqskn, berry soup, dried berries, L. t’e'k-a, H. lEk‘k. to bewitch by putting clothing of a person in contact with a corpse, N. la'pstante, la'pEtanu. by putting clothing in a skull which is heated, N. e'k-a ; per- son who knows to do so, e'k-’e- noq. to counteract the ek a, by re- peating the process, N. dE'gyin- ta ; dE'gyinlEenoq, person who knows to perform this act. bile, H. k-u'lnmas. bill of bird, H. u'itlpa (—itlpa, nose). bird, L. ts’ek, H. ts’e'ko, G. ts’ek‘. humming bird,N. k’waa'kumte. meadow lark (Sturnella magna, neglecta), tlE'ltsEn, N. stsEq- tala. warbler, N. ma'mema. Oregon junto (Junto hye- malis), N. tso'pamale. Ampelis garrulus, N. kyaa'- kyetaqtle. violet-green swallow (Tachy- eineta thalassina), N. ma'matle- kya (ma'tle, to fly, flying around in short cuts). Ammodramus sandwiehensis, N. k‘’e'qegyila. chickadee (Parus rufescens), N. tsotsa'k’a. thrush (Hesperocichla ncevia), N. tsop’ale. Merula migratoria propinqua, N. k-ak‘ala's. Zonotrichia cornata, N. tSEs- k’oa'ne. snipe, N. tsa'tsatlkyawa. Bubo virginianus, N. te'jiten- ialetl, H. tHliini. Nyctea, N. ky’a'saqa. Nyctala acadica, N. bEkue' (soul, ghost). screech owl (Megascops asio Kennicottii), N. nopnop, kyo'- kyokyov flicker (Oolaptes caper satu- rator), N. gu'ltEm. woodpecker (all kinds), N. tla'- tlanaetl. kingfisher (Ceryle aloyon), N. kyetela'we. Corvus caurinus, N. kyiqela'- k‘a; Nuqnemis name: ky’a'- nauek’a ; Tl. ts’eqsa'k’e ; Nuq- nemis name: kuk-ala'k’a ; H. kn’a'k'a. 1892.] 41 [Boas. bird, blue jay, N. ku'ckuc. hawk (various kinds), N. ma'- mane. eagle, bald and golden, N. kue'k‘, H. wik‘, G. ainsto- k'oe'oa. Swainson’s hawk (Buteo Swain- soni), N. t’ot’a/Istl. red-tailed hawk (Buteo borealis calurus), N. a'ukoane. fish hawk (Pandion halicetus, carolinensis), N. ts’eatsek. sandpiper (Greunetes occiden- talis), N. ts’ESQaue'k' Tringa alpina, N. tso'p’apa'la. plover ( Charadrius squatarola), N. tsb'tsEtsa. jEgialitis semipalmata, N. k'a'l’ia. Limosa fedra, N. k'oa/k’oa- k'um. pintail (Dafila acuta), N. we'- wapEs (—wap, water ; —pss, expert= liking fresh water). petrel ( Oceanodroma furcata), N. k-oe'k'oek’oe. gull, L. ts’a'ek'oaam, N. ts’e'- k-oa, H. ts’e'kyela'k'a; N. Nuqnemis name : N. ma'tagyila (making fly (?) ), tsE'nqk’aio. Diomedea albatrus, N. ba'lla. tern (Sterna paradisea), N. biting off from man's head ; k-’a/gyukf, a piece bitten off. Merganser serrator, N. k-6k-6'- os ; Nuqnemis name : k 6k-o'- ts’aqsma'lak'a (as mink's wife)-, tlE'mk’eu (=gummy head). coot ( Oidemia perspicillata), lEk'a'p’ala. scaup duck (Ay thy a marila nearctica), N. tsb'ts’EspEs. loon (Urinator Imber), N. qi/- we. bird, Holboell’s grebe, N. ha'masilalis; Nuqnemis name : ha'maqsta. horned grebe (Golymbus auri- tus), N. k-,au'tak. Brachyramphus maramoraius, N. tegye'gyila. Uria Grylle Galifornensis, N. t’EDQ. cormorant (Phalacrocorax-pela- gicus resplendens), N. la'qlaq. (Phalacrocorax pelagicus robustus), N. tlo'pane; Tl. tlo'- patl. Gepphus Golumba, N. tse'ssa. gray-ruffed grouse (Bombosa umbellus umbelloides), N. ku- ku'mq’a. Dendragapus obscurus fuligi- nosus), N. ho'mhom. pigeon ( Golumba fasciata), N. hamo'. sandhill crane ( Grus mexicana), N. atE'mkule. blue heron (Ardea herodias), N. k^oa'^'cane. oyster catcher (Hcematopus Bachmani), N. gue'guegue. swan (Olor columbianus), N. k-ak-a'uk-. snow goose (Ghen hyberborea), N. tl’e'staq. Anser albifrons Oambeli, N. nE'llai Branta nigricans, N. na'naqa- kEm. Branta Canadensis, N. nEqa'k-. pelican, N. ha'uqaukoa'yatl. Charitonetta albeola (male), N< ll’aa'tle. Charitonetta albeola (female), N. Hu'pe. Mallard duck (Anas boshas), N. tla’tlky’eu. Olangula hyemalis, N. haba'ne. harlequin duck, N. ma'tsena. 42 Boas.] [Nov. 18, bird, golden eye (Olaucionetta clan- gula Americana'), N. kute'na. Spatula clypeata, N. sisdk’ua. Oidemia Deglandi, N. noQup- slala, Tl. k-’amtse'Q. —— Urotrichus Oibsii, N. gya/gy’- apES ; Nuqnemis name : bala- mS/lak'a. (species unknown) Tl. tlE'stlEk-; tla'tsem ; ma'tsene ; ky’i'not, H. kui'nk*; nesna/k*. fabulous birds, N. ba'utlak-a- nus ; ma'kekyu, said to make canoes in woods, to give birth to, L. ma'ybtlam, H. ma'ybtla. biscuit, N. kwa'k’uqsEm ; kwa'k’uq, eating —. to bite, a piece bitten out, N. k-’a- gyuk‘ (k’’amgyuk‘ (?)). black, L. ts’b'tla, H. ts’o'tla, G. ts’u'tlto. bladder, H. te'qatse (—also, recepta- cle). H. wule'tl. blankets, all kinds of, when used, L. nE'q’une, H. k-o'tia, G. tsat- sag’o'etl, H. —oil ; N. ala'- gyim, skin jtlE'k-oqsEm, mar- tin— (tlE'k-Ek',margin) jpElps- lask's'm, mountain goat wool (p’ a; leixi, wool of mountain goat); k-’a'sasqEm, sea otter (k-’a'- sa, sea otter) ; tlo'qsEm, red (tlak-oa, red)-, k-’o'tsEm, black (the ending common to these words is probably —k'SEm, —sEm, —k’Em, related to: out- side of round object,in reference to their being put around the body); k’uta/otl, skin (H. k’utsE, skin; H. —oil, blanket)-, gy’o'- paoas, blanket made of yellow cedar bark; ya'k’elak, another style of the same. H. ma'ms- llk'otl, martin (niEstlk-an, martin) -, ts’atsaqko'll, moun- tain goat wool (ts’ak’, moun- tain goat) ; k-’aka's6tl, sea ot- ter (k-’asa, sea otter) ; te'- qsEm, green —; lla'oqstb, red (tlak'oa, red) ; kye'lqsEm, white ; a/mESEm, black ; tsatsoa'la, skin for children ; yiqtu'mkEna, Ghilcat (yiq—, dance). blankets, lying about, L. k-ui'lk-uela, H. ma'mEtl. in potlatch, N. ie'k'ala. tied around belly, L. sa/qstae (—qsta, end of body), H. sap’a'- qstegyila (—qsta, end of body ; —gyila, to make). to put on blanket, L. k’o'qotlsut (—oil, out of (?) ). to take off blanket, L. k’o'qtsut (—tsoa, in back), to carry load into canoe, It. ma'wa (see To load), carrying something in mouth, N. te'- kuqsta (—qsta, mouth) ; k-e- --tyeqstils, outside (see To bite, —qsta, mouth; —ils, out- side) ; k'etyeqsta/litl, in house. to carry fire, H. pe'n’it (?). to carve meat, L. k'ca'qit; k’oa'tlaio, carving knife, carved figure, N. ky’ek‘. carving knife, L. k'ilk’uatlam, k-ou- tlaid, H. ky’e'olEm. cat, L. ma'matlis (see European), H. ma/qoa. cataract, L. tsE'qoaqala (—aqa, down), H. gy’a'matsEn. cat's cradle {game), N. ts’EtllsE'nu. 46 Boas ] [Nov. 18, to catch salmon in net, A. tlakil, H. k’o'koayot. cause of —, —im ; ia'kmra, cause of evil; e'iknim, cause 0} good; ale'tsim, cause of being firm, cedar, L. tEna'smis (tE'nas, cedar bark; —mis, tree), A. tE'nies, H. de'was, G. koaqtla'. cedar bark ornament for winter dance, N. H. tl’a'kmt (lla'k’oa, red = made red), chair, H. goa'iitsma (goa—, to sit). cheek, N. au'lse, L. o'nutlEme ( null, side of ; —me, face), H. owa'mia (—mia, face)-, N. t’ekyu's, mythical name of deer= strike face, to chew, L. ma'lekuia, H. k’askya'la (gum and food = noise of chew- ing), au'akd {tobacco), chips, k’dk’oaka'oa (k’dk’oa, to hew; —aoa, refuse), chief, N. L. gyi'k-ame (gyi, elder brother, chief; —k'ame, superla- tive) ; gye'qsEm, group of chiefs ; N. he'meskyas, real chief {name of raven ; —kyas, real) ; A. H. liema's, coll, be'mas, G. hai'- mas. chieftainess, chief’s wife who gave her husband at time of marriage much valuable property, N. o'ma ; 6'magyila, to make —; s'mak‘asEmae, chieftainess in face of all; omaqta'latle, chief- tainess on sea (?). chief’s wife who did not give her hus- band much property, N. mo'tsitl (—keeping blankets from floor), chief ’s eldest son, N. tlEO'lEk’ame. chief’s daughter, N. ky’e'tetl. child, N. L. qdnu'k', col. gyi'ngyin- am, H. qond'k', col. s’a'sEm, G. qonu'q. eldest, L. no'lasnEk'Ema'e (ns'- la, elder brother; —k-amae, superlative), H. nola'k atne. second, L. k’a'yae, H. qanke's. third, N. g-au'i, H. g’auioaqtle (—qtle, behind). - youngest, L. tsa'inqe (tsa'ea, younger brother; —inqe, edge of), a'ma-inqe (ama—, small); H. -wala'qtle, youngest son (—qtle, hind) ; wala'qtleks, youngest daughter (—k-s, fe- male). parents with children, N. gyinli'kyE- le. chin, L. pE'nkyutaqsle (pEn, below ; —kyut, opposite;—qste,mouth), H. k-’oa'n, G. gy’uq. chisel, L. kyVmtlaio. to chop, L. N. so'pa ; N. sd'ps’al, to chop in half in house ; sops’a'- Isa, on beach ; sdps’ali'sa, to chop log on beach in half; sd'pE- tl’ane, to chop in many places; so'paio, adze = chopping instru- ment ; H. k’o'koa; k's'kona- kula, adze; k’ok’oaka'oa, chips, clams, L. kya/6ek-’anEm ; large—, mat’a'ne; N. clamshell, gyo'- gwis ;H. clam, ts’e'koa; large —, tseraa'ne. a clean house, N. ku'mnelalitl (—ill, floor). to climb a tree, N. tl’spa'; a mountain, tl’Epusta'la (—usta, up ; —la, v. s.). cloud, L. H. anu'e; N. a'nk'ola, cloudy ; A'nk-olayuk-oa, female making cloudy weather ; a'nk-o- alagyilis, country always cloudy. clover root, N. tlique ; IliQsi'wae, at mouth of river, club, fish —, L. t’E'lusqan, H. lio'tl’- Em. war —, N. kue'qais ; to strike with —, kue'qa. ■ coal, L. ts’o'tlna, H. ts’o'lla. 1892.] 47 [Boas. coat, European, L. kipo' {Chinook), N. da'datsowak‘, H. d’a'datsoa. old style, N. tl’Epe'tsae. cod, red, L. tla'llaqon (lla'k'oa, red), N. ue'ts’e, H. tla'k-o-itk, cod, black, Tl. t’e'Ha, H. ba/tane. cod, Tl. H. na'tlEm, L. kyu'mak' {bon owed from (fatlbltq). sp. (?), H. sitqta'la (—qta, mouth). cold, L. wu'ta, H. t’Ene'k‘, G. t’Ene'q; H. kn’ene's, to feel cold. collarbone, H. k’dtsaqa'oa (—qa'oa, neck). column, heraldic, N. mo'qpik- (mo'q—, to tie; —pik% pole; because blankets are tied to it)', Tl. H. ts’oa'qse(—qse, outside), column, memorial, H. alaqtlE'n. comb, L. qa'k-’Em, H. gy’i'ngyanetl. to comb, L. qa/k-a-it, H. gy’i'ngya. to come, N. gyaq; gyaq’otltsoa, to come out of; omEn gyaqwuli'- tla, 1 come unasked; k’antlo gyaqa'la, when I come back {ob- solete); k-antlo gyaqe'tleto, when I come back ; alqllae'istala, coming around last (—qtla, last; —eista, around); H. nogua a'k’ela, I come here, common man, Tl. H. qa'mala. company, group, H, k-ate'il, col. k-alk-ale'tl, N. —qsEm, gye'- qsEin, group of chiefs companion of Hamats'a, N. sa'la- llila. to conquer, H. ai'knoa ; L. lamEn ai'knaumase, I—thee, constellations, A. kyai'ulla, A. ali'- qua. to cook, L. mEtE'lquit, H. a'mgyila. copperplate, L. N. A. tla'k’oa {—red)\ tla/tlaqsEm, small cop- perplates tied together (—qsEm, group of —). copperplate, woman for whom father plants copperplates in ground, N. sepa'alellilaok-. corner, H. oa'toa, p’Esaai' ; N. goa'ne, to sit in corner, to cough, L. Isqa/, H. lEqoa'. council, N. k’ue'qala (—ala, noise) ; kua/kunqs’ala, to council; H. hasqta'la (—qta, mouth), councillor; N. k’ue'qUas; kue'qala- lagyilis, councillor of his own country. to count, N. ho'sa ; Hosta/lakyimo, people counting objects thrown into water (?) (—sta, water), country, L. t’E'kya, H. tsqams (—dirt), —is ; N. wi'nakuis, country; otsa/lis, flat country, prairie; k-a'ldkwis, crooked country; Gyingina'mis, chil- dren of earth dwarfs ;—gyilis. ,— us (see Outside), H. —us ; tl’o'k'us, country bare of plants ; aq’a'lkus, blood on ground; Ic’au'k ois, place where it is al- ways calm ; —ila, —gyila, prob- ably originally no local meaning (see To make) ; k’a'mtlila, coun- try where deer are found ; waa'- negyila, where herring are found; ts'a'k-gyila, where mountain goat are found (the meaning is probably : catching deer, herring, etc.) ; —enoq, iukue'noq, windy place— know- ing to blow; Gr. —gyilis, gya/- lEmgyilis, autumn, cousin, N. nß'muot; nEnE'muiu- tala, cousins and brothers; N. L. H. no'la, parent's elder broth- er’s or sister’s child —elder broth- er ; ts’a'ea, parent’s younger brother’s or sister’s child younger brother, cover, H. lakk-; tak’k ea'la, cover over head (--k-ea, head ; —la, 48 Boas. ] [Nov. 18, v.) ; ta'k-umt, to cover face with blanket. crab, L. N. b/’d'mis (—is, sea) ; young crab (—tsatse, young). crack in dish, H. koek-oatloa’la. cradle, L. qaa'p, A. qap’e', G. qabq, infant. crazy, N. no'ntsistatl; nontsista'latl, dancing like a madman (—latl, dancing, acting), crooked, L. N. k 6'tlala ; N. k-’o'- k'oigya, with crooked back (—igya, back) ; k'a'lokwis, crooked land ; k-autlanea'la, to walk crookedly, crossbeam over door of house, H. gaitsoa' (—tsoa, inside), crown of head, L. oqtle'n, H. k^’a'. tsoak-e'a (—k-ea, head), to cry, L. N. G. k-’oa'sa. cup, L. koa'asta (—sla, water), H. nak’a'msta (nak-a, to drink; —sta, water), G. nak’ai'u (= drinking instrument), to cut, N. paqa'la, L. paq’it; A. k'oa'la paqa', do not cut; la'qsa, to cut up; la/qsEnt’ae'uoq, one who knows to cutup ; N. sakwa', to cut meat; sakwa's, place where meat is cut; H. qta, qtl- tsiut, qt]a/kyetsut, to carve game ; qo'lltsia, to cut to pieces ; qtlpta/ut, to make a cut in an ob- ject ; k’oqskyana, hand cut off (—skyana, hand), to cut tobacco, L. t’o's’it, H. t’os. forehead) ;H. yiqste'kya, danc- ing apron (—ekya, leg below knee) ; yii'qstensllse, —leggins (—sitse, foot) ; yiqtu'mkena, Chilcat blanket; N. kyi'lkyil- nala, dance at night when novice returns ; N. —latl, Tso'nok-o- latl, dancing like Tsonok/oa; N. ts’a'ek-a ; Tl. H. ts’etsa'ek-a, winter dance (—secrets) ; ts’e'- tsek-a'laiu, song used in winter dance (—ala, noise ; —aid, in- strument) ; ts’e'qpek-, pole used in winter dance; ts’eqpek-’- a/lagyilis, dancing pole in earth ; N. d’E'nts’ik-, Sisiutl dancing pole ; N. lo'quit, war dance (H. to walk) ; Tl. nd'ntlEm, a win- ter dance (—foolish) ; Tl. ia'- tiati, a summer dance ; H. tld- ola'qa, potlatch dance; N. ba'qus, time when no winter dances are held, dancing implements (whistles and masks), N. H. nau'alak’. dancing apron, noise of—, Tl. ts’ok*- oa'la. darling, N. a/ta; pet-daughter, a'tak'a. daughter, second, H. k’auioa'qtlek's; ovdy —, hau'ldsek's (—k-s, fe- male). day, N. L. na'la ; na/laqstala, hav- ing day in month(—qsta,, month); nalaqo'tau, the sold day; na'- lagyiligya, back of day. daylight, N. ha'nitsum, H. Is’e'l- - dead, L. N. H. G. Uel ; N. bile, dead, past, broken; Tlatleisilo'- tle, the dead Tlatleisitl; H. —te, o'mpte, the dead father, deaf, L. N. H. gu'lkum ; N. gu'- IkumqEmtl, mask of deaf man ; H. gulflk’o'tato, deaf on 07ie ear (—ato, ear). D. dagger, long stone—, H. ts’oai'u. Da'gyulk-, N. name of a place, to make a dam across a river, N. tsu'pa. to dance, L. N. H. G. yiqoa'; N. yiqd'eue, dancing cap (—eue, 1892.] 49 [Boas. death, N. wanumgyila ; wa'lagyila, making die {only in song) (we, 7iegation (?) ; —gyila, to make), decayed tooth, Tl. Nae'nsHE (—she, tooth). deer, L, N. k-e'was, t’ekyu's (= struck against cheek), k-e'- Husiala (Nuqnemis name), H. G. k'a'mela ; k’a'mtlila, where always deer are found. JDelphinus Orca, L. N. ma'q’enoq {=pursuing secretly), A. H. G. ha'lq’enoq {—killer), dentalia, N. a'llEla. to descend river, H. ina/lusEla (see Fast; —tusEla, down river), to descend mountain, H. kninkqa. to desire, H. mESEIa'. to dip, N. tse'ii’it. dirt=earth. N. d’E'kya, H. tEk-’um, N. nE'sa, tsE'sa. dish of earthen ware, H. qa'lk'oa. dish, small grease —, N. H. ts’Epa/- tse, G. da'qtla. large, N. tlo'k-oe. to dive, H. ta/s’it, la'sela ; —head- long, A. tsasta'ak'a. to divide, N. waqsi'stant (waq, both); N. matls’alltla, to divide in half in house (matl, two; s’al, in half; —itl, in house), dog, L. N. Tl. H. wa'tse, G. wa'ls ; N. wa'siis, eating dogs, dolphin, Tl. tistawu'lk. do not! N, k’oa'la. door, L. t’E'iiila, Tl. t’e'g-a, H. tl’- apE'm. down, —aqa ; N. le'k’aqala, to drop ; k-a'ssqala, to walk down ; nEk- a'qala, to heat time in slow mea- sure ( straight down); akyai'- aqala, from above; L. IsE'qoa- qala, cataract; Walas’aqa', name of a dance {— great from above); H. soa'qot, to take down; iiue'llaqals, to fall down ; Hue'- llaqitl, to fall down in house; la'qa, to go downward ; tq’oa'qa, to jump down; d’o'k-oaqala, to look down; G. la'qa, to go downward; d’o'k'oaqa, to look down. to look down, L. pEnk'E'mnit (pEn, below ; —k'Em, outside of round thing ; —Hit, v. a.), downriver—, N.H.G.—tus(Ela);N. latu'sEla, canoe descends river ; lalusEkVgyilis, to walk down river (—gyilis, land), sunrise ; Heitlatd'sEla, coming down river {name of K d'nigyilak' in L.); A. toatusEla'gyilis, sunrise ; ina'iusEla, canoe descends river ; G. la'tus, to go down river, down {feathers), H. k-os. to draw breath, H. tlnui't. to dream, H. ky'a'tlae. drifting at sea, N. tse'tsa {log of driftwood on which a person stands); tsena'yo, drifted out of river; H. p’uqola'k'tle, a log adrift (—tie, on sea); knkie'i, many things adrift (k-’ai'nEm, many); ya'k-oe, driftwood adrift; ya'k-ois, driftwood on beach; k’a'lkue, body adrift (k’alk—, body); k-au'qo-it, canoe drifts away, to drill, H. sele'ui. to drink, L. na'q’it; N. na'nak’a, trying to drink; nak’E'lkun, I— often {—Elk, expert; —un, I); nanikVmalsa, wanting to give every one to drink; na'k'atse, bucket{—ntse,receptacle); H.na'- k*a, to drink; naqps, nak’E'lk, drunkard {—qs, —Elk, expert); nak'a'msta, cup {—sta, water); na'k'am, bucket; nana'k’Em, watertight basket; G. na'k’a, to drink ; na'k’aio, bucket, drowned, G. p’EQue. 50 Boas.] (Nov. 18, drum, L. N. A. H. G. mEna'tse ; N. ina'memitsila, taking care of drums. drummer. N. mi'mla (=: striking), G. minilis. to dry salmon, H. ko'll’a ; ks'las, where salmon are dried, drying frame, H. ka'l’io. dried salmon, H. qatn’a's. to dry, N. ts’o'sa ; ts’o'tet, fish just beginning to get dry ; ts’o'lEmit, coll. ts’d'ts’olEin, salmon, half dry; H. tso'sa, dry; tss'sk-ea, to dry head(—k-ea, head) ; G. ts’u'sa, dry; Iso'seius, thirsty, to dry, L. lE'nmuit. dry, L. k’aqo'la. dull, L. ie'iapa (—bad point), G. p’aspE'luqpa (—pa, point), dwarfs, N. gyingyina'iiEmis (= chil- dren of country). # blowing on land ; ts’eqpek-’a'- lagyilis, dancing around danc- ing pole in earth, east, N. mElla's (L. southeast), H. nElk‘; N. metla'lanuk*, having east wind, to eat, N. ha'niH’it ; leiheii ha'nm’it he'i’eta, I eat again; banm’i'- lEn, lamenting ; hama’i'ilEn, I am going to eat; ha'msa, to eat; lia'maa, trying to eat ; hama'pullEii, I pretend to eat ; na'quamkH liama'pa, all eat; lia'mk'olisEii, I eat together with —; hamaa'k', eaten; hamE’lk, pi. hEhe'mElk, eating much ; ha- niE'lkun, I eat often ; (—Elk, ex- pert); hamasaia'lagyilis, look- ing for food all over world; ham- E'lagyilitlEn, [eat continually in house ;H. ha'msa, to eat; ha'm- sps, ha'mtsilk, eater; ha'm- ats’a, trying to eat; ha'mEH’it, to take water and spit it out again ; liamasa'oa, rests of food (—aoa, refuse); G. ka'mspis, hamdzi'lEk, eater; hamdzai'6, spoon; ha'mstoa, to eat walking; Hi'mpda, to know to eat; ha'm- ts’aqtlee, rest of food; ha'm- ts’imas, food, toeatmeat, N. k-’ak-ek atsa'- la, always wanting to eat meat; k’atsa'la, sound produced by peo- ple eating meat; N. wa'sus, to eat dog flesh ; bEqba'k*, to eat hu- man flesh ; baqbaku'latl, always eating human flesh ; kwa'k’uq, eating biscuit; nEqna'k-, eating sallalberries; lEqla'q, basket eater (?) ; g-oa'tgmt, eating huckleberries; k-’e'kyes, to eat much (k-’e'nEtn, much, many; —es, to partake of); G. k’a;- ikES, to eat much, ebbtide, L. g-a'isaqala, H. tl’o'pn’it. E. eagle, L. kii'ik, H. wik‘; wi'kuilak*, painted eagle (—ilak‘, made). whiteheaded, N. mo'meqpa (molcoa, white; —pa, point), ear, L. N. p’E'spaya, H. G. p’Espe'- yo ; N. (awa)to'e; ts’Eua'tola, ear is tick; H. —atoa; waqsoclE'- toa, both ears; k-oa'k-oatoa, perforations of ears ; mo'koato, coll, mu'mkoato, earring ; U’s- - ear is sick; kulnk’o'- tato, deaf on one ear. earth, dirt, I*. tsqEms, H. tsqams, N. —is ; N. beista'lis, around the world (—eista, around); e'lelis, again in earth; nEinn'. kwitsalis, alone on flat ground; —gyilis ; kue'qalalagyilis, coun- cilor of his own country, of earth; a'nkoalagyilis, his land cloudy; tla'ilaegyilis, whale 51 1892.] [Boas. eclipse of sun, N. nEk’E'k' (=swal- lowed!). egg, L. ts’e'k’uno; N. ts’e'kuat, egg-island ; H. k’E'lqamin. edge, N. —nqe ; makyinqelis, at end of a row on beach ; gj’o'q’Enqe, house on edge; kasEnqEntala, to walk along a plank; oqsE'- nqe, one side of a flat object; NomasE'nqelis, oldest of all; wu'nqe, edge of a flat object ; waqss'nqe, both sides; wa'q- SEnqelis, one on each side; ama-i'nqe, smallest ( small at edge) ; H. tqu'ncqaut, to jump along; wiwu'nk’apoig, bottom of sea (—apoa, under ; —is, in sea); tsa'inqe, youngest child (ts’a'ea, younger brother) ; G. wu'nk’q, edge of flat object, eight, N. ma'tlguanatl, H. yu'- tquaus, G. yutqa's, eighteen, N. matlguanatlagyu, H. yukquau'sgyu, G. yuduqoas- gi'u. eighty, H. yutqsukaus, G. yuduq psnkya'sk’a'pd. elbow, H. G. tla'koane. joint, H. aae'. eleven, N. nE'mayu, H. mEne'egyu, G. na'qugi'u. elk, L. 116'eIs ; Nuqnemis name: HEnd'Elo (=foolish) ; H. tlao'ls (—ls, outside (?) ) ; G. wudzi'H. empty, L. lo'pitl, empty house ; lo- pnepUd, you have no teeth in mouth (—ne, tooth) ; H. Idpqs, canoe (—qs, in canoe) ; lo'- pitl, house ; lo'pes, inside of man empty hungry ; 15u'- xnlsoa, dish (—tsoa, inside) ; lopla', a hole, a piece missing, end of anything, N. ma'qpe. enough, N. wi'k’assla, not to have enough; we'k*’as, idem, (we, negation); wi'Emk’asEla'sdqtis, with whicluhe teas not satisfied (in song). to enslave, N. k-’a'k'akwis (k-'a'kyu, slave). to enter, Tl. gya'qtsoa (iryaq—, to come ; —tsoa, into) ; H. la'tsoa (la—, to go), to be envied, N. he'nakyala (—kyala, noise), ermine, H. gy’i'lEm. European, G. H. k-’smnsl'ua (k-’om—,rieh;—irsiua, at mouth of river) ; H. k-’omHsiuakyala, language of white man. evening, L. (sa'koa, G. p’a'ncquit. to examine, H. d’o'k'oa (see To see), expert, N. —pEs ; tl’E'tlEspES, an- gry ; laqt’otpEs, expert in break- ing coppers ; H. naqps, drunk- ard; koiipis, sweating ; hamsps, eater; G. ha'inspis, eater. , —Elk, N. hamE'lk, eater; hamE'lkun, I eat often; H. nak'E'lk, drunkard ; ha'mtsilk, eater ; G. hamdzi'lEk, eater, to extinguish, L. kii’i'lqit, H. kn’i'lqa- eye, L. N. k a'yak's; k'ayakesak’os, thy eyes; N. (osto'e) eye; gyis- to'e, something in eye; eikir- soqsto'e, with pretty eyes; H. k-ks, eye ; —qsloa ; ha'paqstoa, eyelashes (hap—, hair) ; k’oa'- qsto, one eyed; ba'koanEmqs- toa, pupil of eye ( man in eye) ; tl’oqstoa'le, eye is sick ; wunk’- e'qsioa, lower eyelid (—edge of eye). eyeball, L. k-EpElu'qstoe (—sloe, eye), H. k-a'pEle'. eyebrow, L. a'an, H. aaini's, G. aa'niu. eyelashes, L. ha'pelik* (hap—, hair); ha'paqstoa (—eye hair), eyelid, L. k-EpElu'qstoe (?) (—stoe, eye)-,"EL. owe'kyatltoa, upper ; wunk-’e'qstoa, lower—. Bias 1 52 [Nov. 18, F. to fall to pieces, N. tle'aa. to fall, L. te'q’it ; te'qtlala, to fall into fire {—qtlala, flames), to fall into water, L. Ela'ts'o. river falls, L. kyo'lla. family, H. mane'ma (see Gens), famous, N. ts’e'lloala; Ka/laile {name), explained as : famous, far, N. k-oe'k- ; L. k-oe'sala, it is far; k-oe'k-got, far away on other side {—sot, on other side); K-oe'k-sot’enoq, people on the far other side ; k-oe'sotE'nqelis, far other side, end of world {—Enq, edge; —lis, land); k-iu'sEtla, to go far off; H. que'sala, far. farthest. N. —k-aua ; be'benak-aua, the lowest; e'kyak-aua, above; aolak-oak-aaa'so, speaking in lowest tones; nano'akaua, the wisest one. to fart {said of male and female), H. wa'qua. fast, N. x'na ; i'uak-ame, the fastest one; we'aala, slow (we—, nega- tion); G. ba'lagyilis. father, N. omp, H. au'mp, G. apf; N. 6'mpl g,dead father ; N. ad- dressed: ats, ats; addressed by children; da'da. father-in-law, mother-, son-, daugh- ter-in-law, L. N. H. nEgu'mp. fathom and subdivisions : fathom, L. pa'il’it, H. pa/ll’a ; one fathom, o'p’EnkEi; two—, ma'tlp’Enkn. Uft elbow to fingertip of right hand, H. k-aseta'k-. left shoulder to fingertip of right hand, H. aso'tqa-int. middle of chest to fingertip of right hand, H. aso'd’apot (—apoa, breast). ■ right shoulder to fingertip of right hand, H. k’a'i ot fawn of deer, H. d’ophe'wa. face, L. H. k'’6'k-nme ; L. N. —me, tFe'sEme, skin of face; L. k'oatE'meya, scar on face; o'nutlEme, cheek (= side of face) ; me'maatlEme, two faces ; H. —me, —ma; U’bqoma'le, face sick; k’u'sme, skin office ; ulk'ma'lrt, face bleeds ; ovva'mia, cheek ; ts’o'lsoqma, to wash face ; G. kaitlkyutEme, right side of face (—kyut, opposite). facing, N. —k-am; ok-am alls,/acj/igr beach; ha'nk-amalis, canoe in front of beach ; a'tlk-am, hind side of man, box {=facing back- ward) ; a'llk-amala, house fac- ing woods ; Na'nk-amalis, bear facing icorld ; kua'k-amatla, facing ricer mouth ; k'ok dma'- lis, canoe lying on side in front of beach; L. tlask-ama'tlin, I stand facing sen (—tie, surface of water) ; H. osk-ame'kya, back (—ekya, back). See also N. sintle'k'am, face of Sintlae; minstek-E'mt, to strike face. It would stem that —me designates: face; —k-am, an action per- formed with the face. See also Outside of round object, face, upper part of, N. —tEm ; gyi'ls- gyiltEin, the long-headed ones, to fall down from an elevated posi- tion, H. Hue'tlaqitl, in house (—aqa, down ;—ill, in house)-, mie'ilaqals, outside (als, out- side) ; Hue'tlta, to fall into water, to fall, to roll down hill, N. k-’u'mna ; k-’omEne'te, explained as : ev- erything falls upon him. to fall down {walking), H. kn'ains’- e'mm. to fall, L. kui'nals. to fall {tree), L. la'n’it, H. kuila'q’it. 53 1892. J [Boas. to fear somebody, N. wa'lipolo. feared, N. gyi'lEm; gyi'lEmkyas, the one really feared, to feast, N. k-ui'las ; kui'lastEms, place where feasts are regularly held; k'o'lsElas, people going to a feast. to give a feast, L. tle'la. feathers, N k-a'mqua ; k-a'mquaq- stalis, feathers on mouth on beach. N. H. ts’i'lkEm, coll. ts’Elts’E'- Ikn ; ts’i'lkyEmpa, feathers on top. wing —, L. p’E'tlEm. to feel, N. H. p’e'Hula; ia'knis p’e'nula'so, bad to feel; H. p’epeyo'k'a, to feel among (—ak-a, among), to fell a; tree, H. lla/k'ama. fellow, L. kya'gyiqa (?) ; —151; N. gyo'uklot, tribe {—village fel- lows). fern, L. sa'kuam {Pteris aquilina); root, L. sa'kum. H. k e'stEm. to f etch fire, L. A. a'noa ; L. acano a'llEn, lam going to —; L. ane'ka, to fetch fuel, few, L. li6'latlpela/o(—petao small), to fight, to make war, N. qo'mEllEla. to fight, L. kau'q’uit. against each oilier, H. ts’e'katla. always fighting, wina'lagyilis. fighting place, lia'koqtEms. fin of whale, L. lla'kya(—egya, back). dorsal fin of fish, H. Is’E'mte- gya (—egya, back). anal —, H. tEintEmua'tse. .pectoral —, H. k’a'lk’alk'Em. to find something unexpectedly, N. H. tlo'k-oala ; this term is used es- pecially for meeting a supernatu- ralbeing; tlo'k’oe, what is found unexpectedly, to find while walking, N. k’akasky- ina/la (see To walk)-, in songs: tayukuina'la. hand and fingers, L. k-oa'k-oaqtsane (—lsane, hand), H. k( a'k-oaq- skya'ne (—skyane, hand), G. Hinnaqsky’a/ne (—sky'ane, hand). first finger, L. ts’e'mala, H.G. ts’Ein. second —, L. ns'la {—elder brother), H. k-’om. G. k-'a'qte. third—, fourth —, L. kn’er, H. kn’e'ta, G. kyida'. finger ring, L. k'e'k’alEqtle, G. k e- k'Etgy a'ne. fir, L. iaiaqpa'lamis (—mis, tree), H. ane'oas {—fuel (?) ), fire, N. ne'k'ala ; nek-ala'la ni'kye, mountain is on fire; L. N. Is'k oill, fire in house; —qtlala, fire, flames; o'qilala, flames; tu'qtlala, to jump into fire; Lanutlala, kettle on fire (han—, vessel); k’antlalatse. great fire (k-ai, much; —P-e, large); te'qtlala, to full into fire; H. qiu'llEla, fire; lEgni'las, fire- place (—ill, in house; —as, place); iqtla/lis, to jump into fire; G. qiilik< a'ge, fire; k’aiiitlala, large fire; iqtla'la, to jump into fire; Qu'llqulla, lightning ; kna'kilaloda'lse, ket- tle {—atse, receptacle), fire drill, L. a'nEk‘, A. ano'kn, H. ano'k. base of fire drill, H. apo'k {used with ear wax), firm, immovable, N. a'latle ; ale's, immovable in ground; ale'tl—, in house ; ale'tsEm, firmness, first, N. gyil ; gyilgyila'itl, ancestor (—first of house) ; gya'lamus- tala, salmon beginning first to ascend the river; H, gya'la ; gya'lu’it, first time. Boas.] 54 [Nov. 18, fish, H. ma'gyiUs (see mea', salmon ; —gyilis, earth—all). sp (ft), Tl. t’o'iop. sp (?), TL qd'ltsus. fishline, L. H. k’unE'in. for deep sea, L. makia'tioe, H. ms'lEk. fist, L. k,’oe'k,otsE/mae. fire, N. H. sky’a, G.sikyo'q;— round objects, sikya'sk-Em ; long ob- jects, sikyatsq. fifteen, N. H. skyVgyu, G. sikya- gu'u. fifty, H. sky'a'ksuk, G. sikyapenk-’- a/popena flagstaff, N. sEnile'p’iq (—p’iq, pole). flat land, N. A. otsa'lis, N. Nehio- kuisia'lis, alone on flat, open land. flee, L. H. topeatse. floodtide, L. in'nak-oa, H. iq’oit. to flood, N. d’a'i a ; d’apali's, cov- ered by tide; d’apE'ls, to flood ground outside of house floor of house, N. —itl, H. w ill. flower, L. k-oa'san. sp. (?), a white —, H. k-oi'k. sp. (?). red and blue —, H. mals’e'kola. to fly, L. tlana/k-ua, H. nia'iEla ; ina'iea, to fly above something ; ma'taput, to fly below (—poa, below) ; ma'ilmatEm, wings, foam, N. aa'owe ; a'watse, large foam (name of a place), fog, It. p’s'lqEla, H. a'nk-oala, G. a'nq’auk-oe (see Cloud), food, H. lia/mts’imas(ham—, to eat); ha'mts’aqtle'e, rest of food, foolish, L. nEno'ls, N. no'ntlEm, iiEno'lo; nolo'k-ame, greatest fool (mythical name of porcu- pine) ; Noloyuegyilis, fool in middle of canoe on earth; Nu- tlEmistalitsE'mk-a, female, all around foolishness (—isla, around ; —tsEm, —ness ; —k-a, female —made to walk around, everywhere like a fool) ; Nil llk'alagyilis, always acting like a fool; NuilnutlEli'kya, high- est of all fools ; Nu'llalla, sim- ilar to a fool; Nu'tlamo, born a fool; No'ntlEingyila, mak- ing foolish, foot and leg below knee, N. gyukoiu', L. gyu'koae, H. kokue', G. gyu'gne. N. H. G. (oq)si'tse ; 6'pa- ts-etf-e, foot of an object; L. ts’oqtsoqsi'tse, hoofs; oqtlak- si'tse, heel; H. amEa'iltsitse, skin of heels; yii'qsteHsltse, dancing leggins; k'uk’utsl'isa, skin of feet; G. dzuqdzuqdzitsa, dancing leggins. forehead, N.—eoe, L. o'kweoe, fore- head ; aikya'oe (—good fore- head) ; k’oatse'oe, scar on fore- head ; ts’eqe'ne, dancing cap (ts’ek-a, secrets) ; Tl. yiqd'eoe, dancing cap ; tl’esi'oe, skin of—; in'siaae, wolf's head mask for Tloikonla; oku'iatle, f'orehead on sea (—lie, on sea) ; H. G. tak-e- -ioa', forehead; H. k-’a'keioa, glabella (=notchinforehead(‘.!)); qape'ioa, head presser (qape, cradle) ; U’a/k'oeioa, headring of cedar hark (tl’ak-ok-, red) ; tloqeioa'la, forehead is sick, forest, L. a/tlEn (= inland, behind), H. ki a's. foundation, N. ky’a'k'atla; ky’a/k-a, on stone (—a, stone) ; ky’a;- kds, house founded in water (—is, in water), pile dwelling, to founder, L. wuns’it. four, N. H. mu, G. muQ. fourteen, N. H. mu'agyu, G. mua- gi'u. ISC2.J 55 [Boa?. forty, H. mok suk, G. mopEn k ’a'- pdpEna, N. Mamo'sk'iiniEE'n- koa, carrying four round ones, fox, white-tailed (?), H. mok-’uqt (mo'koa, white; —qt, end of body). fragment, N. —lses ; qua'kunatSES, of canoe ; qa'lk-oatsE?, of di»h. those free from Tsetsd'ek-a, N. k-ue;- k-utse. my friend! N. k’ast. to frighten, N. liawi'naila. to be frightened, L. ts’E'tlkya. frog, L. Tl. wok-’a’c, H. atsi'. front, H. tl'as—; tl'a-k-am, of box, man (—sk-am, outside sur- face) ; tla/satse, painted front of box; tla/sanoa, of house, island, round object, fuel, L. lE'k-oa; fireplace, lE'k-oitl (—fire in house), fall, L. H. G. k o'ula ; H. k-o't’auq gis ha'mhimisa, this box is full of food. to make fun of somebody, N. aa'mt- lala. to make fun of somebody's icords, N. gna'k'wala. funnel for mending kelp bottle, N. ts’ets’EqumEi-a'wae. furscal, L. N. qa'oa. future, L. N. —tl ; — wife; qua'kunatl, canoe that is mak- ing. man), la'lenoq (—enoq, peo- ple), H. loa'tl ; N. lolo'ilalall, ghost dance (—latl, dance), giant, N. he'itse {—the great one; —tse, great), gills, L. H. g’u'ntse. girl {about twelve years old), L. kya- ya'lam (= little woman), H. g’anE'mo. to give, N. ts’a, H. tsoa'. glabella, H. k-’akeioa' (k ’ak—, notch.; —eioa, forehead), to gnaw, N. ky’a'pa, H. gy’a/p’etso. to go, L. N. la—; lo'otlto, out of canoe (—ollt, out of canoe); laqta'la, —out seaward; la'lao- tla, always going across ; laqs, into canoe {—qs, in canoe); le'istala, around {—ista, 'around); latu'sela, canoe goes downriver; latu'selagyilis, walk- ing down river; G. Ilia'll, to enter {—ill, in house); laqs, to go into canoe; H. laai'il, to enter {—itl, in house); laai'ila, to carry into house ; laq-I'ua, to go through ; la'qa, to go downward (—aqa, down); leinakula, to go moving towards an object {—na- kula, motion); toua', to walk : toisoa', —over a plank ; tokoia', over a pile of planks. N. g-o'lsElin laq John, 1 am going to John. to go to look for , N. —uiala ; qoa'qoakuia'la, —canoe; lia/- nailaiala, canoe to go to buy a canoe ; liamasuia'lagyilis, always going about to look for food, go on ! L. wekia'a. god, L. k-ants’o'urap (= our father); k-ants amiqala'soe {whom we praise). good, L. N. aikn, H. G. ain ; N. aiuaka'la, good among others : G. game of hoops, N. gya/nae, A. gya'- nat ala. game (children stand in a tii cle around one who tries to make the others laugh by tickling them), A. Qua'ni. gens, N. nEm’e'mut. ghost, L. N. bakuine'i (from bakus, 56 Boas.] [Nov. 18, e'igyillala, good on water; ia'qsum, had; ia'knim, cause of evil; e'ikHim, cause of good (luck, etc.); eiknsoqsto'e, with pretty eyes; eiky’es, sand (r= good bench); aiHp’aqsta, to speak good of one; H. aiknits- kolis, good, flat beach; iakH, bad; G. ainpa, good taste; ainp’a'la, good smell; aigy itsui's. sand ( good beach), good-by! L. ala'kyasla, H. wile'- Hseqa. goose, L. nE'qak-. grandfather, L. N. H. g-a'gEmp (g-ag-a's, thy—), G. g’ag a'p. grandson, N. L. ts’o'qiema (ts’6'- qtlEma (?) ), H. ts’o'qtlEma. granddaughter, N. ts’o'qtemakas (ts's'qtlEmak as (?)) ( k as, female), H. ts’o'qtlEinak-s (—k-s, female), to grasp, L. k-’o'etatl, N. da'u’it, H. iqsEine'. grass, H. ky’e'lEm; N. ky’e'tokwis, grassy place, grave, L. tegja'ya, H. tsuwi'k1, A. ala'k-. of chief, A. tk’ale'exn. in tree, H. ky’a'kqlailak' (see Foundation). graveyard, A. H. al’aia's (—as, place of), great, N. —tse ; ea'tse, great man; he'itse, giant; Na'mse, great bear; na/katse, the great wise one; (see Large); H. k-’ale'- kyas, really great (see Many), great among —, N. NEinke's’anatl, the greatest among the Nimkuh; gyeqsEins’anatl, the greatesi among the gye'qsKm. great-grandparent, N. lie'lus. great grandchild, N. li e 'l5 g'w in e (m.), he'logwinek-as (/.), H. llellau Istoa. great-great-grandfather, N. eVos. grease of olachen, H. tle'na. grebe, N. k-’s'taq. green, L. tiE'nqa, H. te'qa ; te'qsEni, green blanket, ground, N. —gyis. grouse, L. hdmliom (?), Tl. ma'k'o- als, H. mkyEls (—als, in woods (?) ). group of, N. —qsEm ; tia'lloqsEm, copperplates tied together; gye'q- SEin, a group of chiefs, to grow, N. k-’( a'qa. gum, L. k'oali'ku, Tl. H. k-ole'H. gun, L. ha/nllEin (see Arrow), N. lia'natlaiala, to go to buy a gun, G. kyidai'o. gutis, H. ts’ei'E'm. Gyimanoitq, G. Qana'ks’iala. Gyitamat, H. G. Qaisla'. Gyitamat language, G. awi'kyala, = correct noise. H. Haida, H. Haida, G. Qa'edaq. to hail, L. tsi'lqa, N. tsi'lqmis, H. tsE'Jqpis (= knowing to —), G. tSE'lqa. hair, L. sa'ya, G. H. si'a, L. N. H. hap—; L. liapa'qsteya, heard (= mouth hair); ha'pelik-, eye- lashes ; liapa'mtso, in arm- pits ; liapEHsia', chin heard tooth hair); H. hapta'e, heard (= mouth hair); lia'paq- stoa, eyelashes ; lia/mtsoa, —in armpits (—tsoa, inside); G. Im'biliH, eyelashes, half, L. nek’o'ioi (see Middle), H. k-’a'ns-e, N. so'ps’al, to cut in half; sops Visa, to cut in half in woods; sops’ali'sa, to cut in half on beach ; matls’ali'lla, to dicide into two haloes in house. 1892.] 57 [ltoas. half breed, N.ma'matl’atse {—young of white man), halibut, L. N. H. p’o'e. dried, H. d’a/los. fabulous, N. nEinHa'likyo. haliotis, L. N. A. H. ai'Htsum ; N. Ainisuma'lillilak', made in house; Aimsumk'amlitl, cov- ered with in house; al’ehi- isEm, real (?); A. Aintsutn- k’anak‘. Hamats'a, N. ha'mats’a, H. lani's. hammer, N. liky’ai'o. ——, stone, L. N. pE'lpElk, H. p’a'- yoq, qa/utse ; p’a/yoq t’e'sEm- a/qa, the hammer is of stone, hand {and fingers), L. k'oa'qoaq— tpane, H. k’oa/k'oaqskyane {hands)-, haia/so, G. ha'isu ; L. N. tsana, tsane ; k-Em- qotltsa'na, left ; tl’e'stsane, skin of —; hedilkyults’a/na, right— (= rigid opposite hand); k-’utsa'ne, scar on —; t’at’i'q- tsana, to scratch —; H. G. —kyane; k’uk’uskya'ne, skin of hands; ha'itlkutkyane, right —; k’oqskya'na, to cut off—; alnskyana'la, blood on —; owe'gyatlkya/ne, back of —; palf’allkya'ne, palm of—; G. Hinnaqskya'ue, fingers; k-’e'- k’Etgya'ne, ring, to hang over rope, v. n., L. k-a'q’uit. —— v. a., N. ke'noa ; k’e'us, wash line {= place of hanging)-, k-’e- Hustal, woman hanging wash {—usta, up). one’s self, L. nio'kuaqot (moq, to tie (?); —aqa, doicn). to hang on to nail, L. te'kuitl; N. tek'uqsla'e, something hanging down from mouth, to make happen, N. k-oe'gyilisa. happy, H. aikyek Ela' (see Good), hard, L. p’e'isa. harelda glacialis, H. a'anak-. harpoon for salmon, L ale'winoq, k-atlaya (k-atla'yd (?) ), H. ts’- a'kyEm. double point of —, H. kqpa = notch point. shaft of—, H. ina'siull. sealing harpoon, N. masto. hat, L. N. tlEtE'mtl (—Eratl, head cdver), H. k a'it; N. gye'k aintl, chief’s hat {—gye, chief)-, yiq- u'mtl, head mask {— dancing head cover)-, H. ll’E'kyimtl, wooden hat for war. to hate (see Envy), N. tle'selasue, the hated one; ha'inakyalaso, the hated one ; be'nakyala, to hate, to slander (?). hau-hau, H. ha/okdiaok'. to have, N. aqno'kuate, he has it; —nuk, having; Metla'lanuk, having east wind; Koamlano'- kun v, having smoke = who always gives away smoke, head, L. qums, H. G. hamle ; H. —k-ea ; k’usk-ea, skin of head ; ll'oqk’ea/le, head is sick; tak-- k-ea'la, head cover; k-’a'tsoa- k ea, crown of —; tso'sk’ea, dried head. to cut off head, L. k a'n’it ; L. N. k-a'gyik‘, head cut off; N. qaue'k% head cut off. head ring of cedar hark, Tl. k-age- ma'la tla'k'oq, H. ll’a'k-oeioa (—eioa, forehead); N. Yiquma'- lakilak*, made to u«e head dress, head presser, H. qape'ioa (qap’e, cradle; —eioa, forehead), head, top of a thing, N. s'qlle. of river, N. ogyeqtde of land, cape, N. o'kuitEme ; O'kuitEmalis, on beach, to hear, H. ha/umetl, k'a'uwatEla ; k-a'wat’Es, with good power of hearing. 58 Boas.] [Nov. 18, heart, L. no'k-e, N. na'k-ae, H. wa'stEma. heaven, Tl. lo'ua, na'la, A. lEua' ; N. lE'uagyila, heaven maker, name of the raven, heavy, H. goio'k*. heel, L. oqtlaksi'tse (—silse, foot), H. oqtla'tlmoa. hemlock, L. tlE'nEk-, Tl. koa'q, H. lo'k-oas. hermaphrodite, H. koa'lk*. herring, L. H. wa'ne; H. waa'ne- gyila, where herring use to come. roe, fresh and dried, H. aa'nt. rake, L. tleia'ib to hew with axe, L. N. sd'pa ; so'paio, axe (—aio, instrument); H. k’o'- koa. to hide, L. wu'na, high, L. N. ai'ky’a, H. aiky'e (see Above). high water, L. t’E'tEpEme; H. iqoe't, it is flood ; iqume', it is high water, hill, gently sloping, L. aiknineu (see High), to hit, L. k'’a'pa. to hold by ear, N. ni'sa. hole, L. ko'qsoala, N. gua'qoe ; H. gua'p, torn, no piece missing; Idpla', a piece missing (see Emp'y). hoof. L. ts’oqtsoqsi'tse (—silse, foot; distributive), H. kskina'll. hook, L. k*’e'taio, tla'k’aio, H. k-a'- tlaio, ak-s. horn, H. wutlE'm. house, L. N. Tl. gyo'k ; N. gyigyo'- qtse, large house; gyoqsi'wae, house at mouth of river ; gyoq’- Enqe, house on edge ; gyoqtEms, village site; gyogyokonullEin- ala, houses on both sides; H. gok‘; Gk gyu'kuila, to make —; gyuqtlis, house at mouth of river; gyuQStais, house is in water; gyok, also : winter village, house with many slips, Tl. tss'ya- yuk-. TI. —tsEins, o.natsE'ins, large house. on piles, N.ky’a'k’is = founded in water. housefellow. G. wa'oitl. inside of —, house floor, —ill ; N. ts’ai'llEla, to run into house; to'witl, to jump—; d’o'quiila, to look —; wa'wakuliila, to hark ; k'eiyeqsta'lill, carry- ing in month in house ; md'tsiil, chief's wife keeping from floor blankets; ku'mHelalitl, clean house ; lE'k’oill, fire —; han- i'tl, kettle on floor ; d’o'k’oitlila, to look into —; 15' pill, empty —; laai'ila, to carry into—; laui'tl, to enter ; G. g’oa'itl, to sit in—; ■wa'oitl, house mate, humming bird, H. koa'kumta. hundred, G. skyoq bEgua'num = five men. hungry. N. L. po'sk'a ; pssk-anlotl, 1 am to you; H. G. po'es (—es, inside of man)-, N. pawe'- tsit, one whom the hungry ask for food. to hunt deer, H. k a'k'araela (see Deer). to hurt one's foot. L. ia'lelkoa. hunting box for canoe, N. o'tsaqs (—qs. in canoe), husband, L. H. tla'wunEm. I. I, N. H. G. no'gua ; N. yin. ice, L. N. H. G. tl’oq. Indian, N. ba'k’um, G. bEgua'num (=r men). of inland, N. La'qolis, N. H. a'tlasimiu (a'lla, inland). 1892 ] [Boa*. infant, N. wi'sa, G. qabq (see Cra- dle). inland, N. a'tla ; atla'leuoq, inland people = wolves, inside, N. otsa, olso'; la'tsut, gyi'- tsot, to put flat object into a box ; llE'nqtsut, to put long object into a box ; ni'lqtsut, to put blanket, shirt into a box ; k'apa'tltsut, to put round thing into a box; aqtsu't, to pat anything into a box; kya'iso, it is in box, lit closed ; kyetso'mo, kya'iaqlle- mo, it is in box, lid opened; hapa'mlso, hair in armpits; ts’intsa'la, headache; Tl. gya'- qtsoa, to enter; H. o'tsoa, in- side; gye'tsot, to put into; tuq- tsoa, to jump into; lou'ixxtsoa, empty inside; la'isoa, to enter ; ba'ixxtsoa, hair in armpit. a second thing inside a larger one, N. lxe'l’6; hel’utsa'ls, a small house in a larger one ; Ixe'- I’utsb.a small lake in a larger one. of mouth, N. awetlqa'de. of salmon, birds, N. awitse'. of man, H. dwa'qte, N. —is; se'ilis, snake in belly; H. —is; lope's, hungry {= inside empty). corner, N. o'ne. instep, H. wi'gyallsi'tse = back of foot. instrument, N. H. —aio. interstices of fingers, H. dwaqts’Esa'- wa. inventor (see Councilor), N. kue'q’- enoq ; Kuekuaqa'oe, great —. to invite, N. a'etsesta, to invite all around to feast; k’o'stxtses, to invite guests arriving in canoes to land. island, L. N. makya'la, distr. maa'- mkyala; me'mkumlis, islands opposite village ; H. tl’ekya'e. at low water peninsula, H. weq- tlai's. J. jaw, lower, H. wunk’euqte (= edge of mouth). joint. H. aqak^’E'm. blue jag, L. ku'ckuc, H. koa'elEqs. joint, H. kqta {notch (?) ). juice of berries, L. saa'k-, H. k-oe- le's. to jump, L. N. tu'q’uit; N. tu'qwuls, to jump upon ground ; to'witl, into house ; tu'qsia, into water; tuqtla'la, into fire ; H. tqua'lut, towards ; tqlla'- lis, into fire; tqu'neqaut, along; tq’oa'qa, down; iq’o'iltsna, out of; tqsi'oa, through; tqso'steoa, —up; iqsta, into water; tqtsoa, into; G. tqul't; tqtla'lis, into fire ; tqsta, into water. {salmon), G. t’a'lema. K to keep on, to continue, N. ia'la. kelp, L. papok-oa'nim, H. wa'wate. kettle, N. barn'll, on floor; ha'r nntlala, on fire {—Htlala, fire)-, H. G. gy’aHtlalo'talse (—alse, receptacle). wooden, L. k-’d'latse (—atse, receptacle), H. ky’etla'tl, G. kyeba'tse. to kick, L. koa'c’it; H. k’a'naqEit, with toes; tse'qoit, with heels. killed, N. ky’e'lagyuk'. to kill, H Elq, tlatlala', N. halqa ; halai'o, means of killing ; lialq- siua'lis, killing on land at mouth of riser ; ha'lq’ainoq, murderer; ha'lqagyilak', made to kill; halqabo'e, killing underneath, killer whale, L. N. TI. ma'q’enoq ( knowing to pursue secretly), A. ha'lqaainoq. H. G. ha'lq’- Boas.j [Nov. 18. enoq (—murderer); H. ha'iq’- aind'qmlak'oe, killer kettle; lia'iq’ailakI,painted killer whale, kindly, N. e'ikyala ( good noise ; see Happy) ; k-ek-ak-a'lis, a dance sail to mean: every one kind to him. knife for cleaning skins, L. ky’au- ■wai'6, H. k-auwai'o. fish knife, H. k'qtsEm. pocketknife, H. qtai'o, G. k-et- k'ta. large, L. gy’a'qola, G. ts’u'tla. of hawinalatl, k-’a'ntlaio. stone knife, H. nEbai'o. knot on tree, N. k-6'k'oa ; k-sk-oq- p’e'kye, on lower part of tree (= knot on shinbone ; —p’e'kye, shinbone), to know (see To hear), L. k-’a'tlam, N. k-a'la ; k’a'lamdll, he it; k’a'lak’olits, the world knows; H.k •’ao'ilno'gua, I know it. ldo not know, H. Ho'ta. knowing everything on earth (see Story), nu'qnemis (see Wise. Name of the animals in myths), knuckle, H. ok-oia'. give fifty blankets to each in pot- latch ( to make large); aws'- gysq, large house; Tl. s'mas ; omatSE'ms, large house; G. as'mas, H. k-’e'kyas, k-’aie'- kyas (= really large, much); k-’etsoa', large water; k-,eti- tla'li, large fire ; N. k-’e'qtlala, large fire ; k-’aHtlalatse, place of great fire ; (k-’e'kyena, many on drifting log), large, N.—tse; gyo'ktse, large house; gyig\o'qtse, distr. large houses; Qiia'Quaku'natse, large canoes; K. K’d'titse, large one pointing to earth. last, H. wala'qtle (—qile, hind) (see Daughter). to laugh, H. da'ilila; datltsE'm, laughter; G. da'tla. Haunch canoe, L. wiqstEn q iQ,ua'- kun. lazy. N. L. k'’a'msa ; L. k'’a'msEn, lam —; K. —on top ; H. kysk-as. to lead hamats’a around after Tsdr- ek'n, N. wa'lek’a. leaf, L. paa'k- ; paa'k'inis, maple (= leaf tree); H. meme'eqllao, G. qa'k’um. to learn, N. g a'golla ; g ag'otla'- numa, I come to learn (see To hear), to leave, L. pa'o. left. L. k-Emqotitsana (—tsaoa, hand), H. k'EmEqa'ot ; k’EinE- qa'otlna, left side of body (—na, body); G. adzgyut (—gyut, op- posite). leg below knee, N. o'p’ekye, —p’e- kye ; k-’ok-oqp’ekye. swelling on shinbone; H. k-’o'spegya, tl’e'll’egya. above knee, L. omitsa'qste (—nuts, side ; —qste, bottom), H. asa'notsEqtle (—ndls, side ; L. labret, H. k’a'tqtala (—qla, mouth), lake, L. tsa'lati, H. g’a'us. lame, H. d’E'mkoa. lance, N. wi'llpa (—pi, point), land, N. —gyas, —lis, —gyilis, H. wa'q’uis. to land, h. H. la'gyilis (= to go to land), L. a'tlesten qua'k’un, the canoe lands, language (see To speak), H. Hsiuakya'la, white man's lan- guage (noise); G. awi'kyala, Ggit'amat language = correct noise. large, L. N. wa'las; wa'lasila, to 61 1892.] I Boas. —qtle, hiad), —;amo ; koak1- ta'maluk, having splint in leg ; k’uk’usqta'mo, skin of legs above knee; G. kyukgota'moa, knee, leggins, H. te'tslqts’oa ; G. dzudzu- qtsi'tsa, dancing (tsitsa,/oo«). let us not! N. koa'lanits. lid of box, N. kok'etaya'no, gyi'- SEqstal, to lie down, L. kuli'tl (—itl, in house)-, H. ka'lkuitl, lying person, to lie down to sleep, H. la'Hstaill (—itl, in house), to lie on back, L. netle'tso, N. d’e'- kyatla ; D’eikya'la, lying on back on sea; d’e'intlala, lying on back in fire, to tell a lie, N. tle'lkoala, H. k e'- ik-us. light, N. na'k-ula ; na'qnaikya, day by day (?); Naqnaaisilad'k’oa, making the earth always lighted ; Na'qnaikyim, making light; naqnaais, earth being always lighted ; na'k'oatlaid, means of giving light; Na'qnaikyimgyi'- lak‘, made light maker, to light fire, L. H. lEk-ue'la. light (not heavy), H. k’us. lightning, L. llEne'quit, G. qu'lt- quta (see Fire), lips, H. sali'qte (—qte, mouth), liquid, L. ia'qa. to listen, N. H. k-a'watEla, G. k-a'- tEla (see To hear), liver, H. ll’Egye's. to load canoe, L. ma'wa, N. mo'qsEla (—qs,in canoe), H.la'qsut (—ut, v. a.), G. wa'mrcqsut; wa'md- tltut, to unload (—6llt, out of canoe ; —ut. v a.), to lock. L. j a/k'Eint, locked, L. k'oe'llk ient. log, N. t’Ena'e (?); H. ya'k'oe, drift- wood; p’aqoai, a log always drifting on same place. long, L. N. gyi'lta ; N. gyilta'la, river; gyilte'ill, house; gyi'lsgyiltEm, long-headed peo- ple ; H. G. gyilt. mouth of long shape, N. ts’e'k-- alla. in composition with numerals, N. H. G. —tsq. long ago, L. H. k'aiu'ilutl ; H. k*ai- u'tlutl’ats, in reference to invis- ible objects, to look, L. N. H. G. dd'quit ; N. doq’ok-ala, among; do'- quitla, into house; ddqtsas- taitlEla, he was —ing into house; doqsEmainllak, I after; H. doqoqlla'la; back (—qtla, hind;—la, v.); dok'oitlila, —in- to house ; dok'oaqala, down ; doqsistala, —all around; dsq- sostewala, up ; G. dumdu'k’- qk-a, among. up, L. eikyak'E'mmt (= to make face up), G. na'lEla. down, L. pEnk'E'mmt (= to make face down). along, H. koe'k’a (—k'a, reach- ing towards), loon, H. ba'tla. to lose, H. tekoso't. loud, N. ha'sEla (see Council), H. ia'ky’ekda (= bad noise), louse, It. k en, H. ga'ina. to louse, h. k-’u'lla. low, H. nE'qwas. low voice, N. ao'lak*ula ; ad'lak-- oak-awaso, the one speaking with lowest voice (—k'awa, extreme ; —ss, participle), low, the lowest house of a row along river, N. gua'pe. low water, It. ky’a'ts’aias, H. tl’o'- palis. lungs, H. qu'sa. lynx, K. wa'lasHE (= large tooth) (—she, tooth). 62 Boas. ] [Nov. 18, M. maple, L. paa'k-mis (= leaf tree), married, H. ha'isk'. marlin, L. N. tlE'k’Ek-, Tl. tla'k'ik1, H. mE'stlk’an. martin blanket, N. tlE'k oqsEm, H. ma'mastlkotl. mask, L. N. H. yi'qamtl (yiq—, dance ; —amtl, head cover); H. ba'lqarall, killer whale mask (ba'lqa, to kill); HM'uae, small wolf's mask fur Tidkoala, worn on head (—luae, forehead)-, nau'alak- (general term for danc- ing implements). mast, L iau'apEk-, H. yai'uaspek', G. yu'p’iq {windpole), mat of bleached cedar bark, N. gyi'- tsus, diagonal, L. N. G. tie'we, H. tle'oa ; tle'Huila, to make mat. diagonal with black stripes, N. tsa'tsaeuq. for salmon, N. yipelo'. of bulrushes, N. kule'e. strands parallel to rim, N. tsa'- kuitl. me, N. gja'qEn. meat, L. Ells. medicine, L. pata'E, H. e'qsa. to mend, N. hai'atlila {— to make right)-, Hai'allilakas, mending woman. to meet, N. kyi'mk'a (—k-a, reach- ing towards), H. ba'ko, to melt, ice melts, L. ya'qetla tldq. menses, H. e'qenta. middle, N. na'k'aualis ; na'k'olleua, the one; na'k-elta, on water; na'k'otleoisEn sna/la, middle of sky; nak'6'yuille, ■— in something on sea; L. na- k’e'kie, midnight; nEk a'la, noon; N. gyu'iue, the middle one; gyu'iulis, middle one of all; o'yue, the middle one in canoe; noloyuegyilis, fool in middle of canoe on world. made of—, N. —lses; t’e'sumlsEs, made of stone, to make, N. H, gyila; N. d'ma- gyila, to make chief lainess ; he'iligyilik-ala, always wanting to cure (lieitl—, right); fla'ntim- gyila, death; ha'mgyila, to feed; lE'wagyila, heaven maker; ha'lqagyilak*, made a murderer; K-oe'gyilak‘, made a whale; T’e'sumgyilak', made stone; k-oe'gyilisa, to make something happen; —ila ; tE'msila, to beat time; H. a'mgyila, to cook; —guila; go'guila, to make house; w’i'guilak', painted eagle; —ila ; lialq’ailak1, painted killer whale; lle'Huila, to make mat; G. gyu'- guila, to make house, to make fire with fire drill, H. SEla'. man {homo), N. H. bEgua'num ; N. bEg’u'g,maM inwoods; buql a'k‘, eating human flesh ; baqbaku'l- atl, always eating human flesh ; Baqbakualanusi'wae, always eating human flesh at mouth of river; bEgya'sit, widower ; ba'- guala, to talk {man); ba'bakum, youth; H. bEgna'nuuikyaso, a real man; bgua'la, to talk {man); bgope's, a talker, man {vir), H. G. we'sEm; Bilqula's "we'sEm, a Bilqula man. enoq, N. hiqs’Entae'noq, who knows to cut up. many (see Much, Great, Large), N. k-’e'nEm; k’e'kyes, eating much; k-ak ’e'ky’ein, I try to eat much ; k-ayE'nkui, many in hand; k-aai'ie, many in him; k-’e'kyeua, many on a log of driftwood; k-’ai'uq, precious; H. k-’ai'nEm; k-’aiutla'la, much fire; kykie'i, many things adrift; k’e'kyals, large. meat, L. Ells. I 63 [Boas. midnight, L. nak-e'kie (see Middle), H. k-’a/ikya, G. k-’a'sk-amiya (k-’a'slisa, noon), mild, N. iantlEme'll, made (in song), milt, H. d’E'lgyirn. mink (Putorius vison), L. N. mEtsa', Tl. H. ko'na, G. kuna'q; N. KaeH, in tales (probably bor- rowed from the Coast Salish k a'iq); N. K. Tl. name in myths: tle'sElagyila, sun maker, to mins, L. tie'k-oa. monster in sea, L. ia'knim (= cause of evil), H. ia'kais (=. evil in sea). moon, L. mu'k’ola, A. H. no'si, G. gyidzb'a ; A. in myths Kye'lo- yak ame the first one. morning, L. na'a’it (= light), H. wi'oil, k’oa'k-aaiMa, G. na'q- k'oa. mortar, H. mEkoa'tse (—atse, recep- tacle), mosquito, H. k-’a'eqa. mother, L. W. abE'mp, H. G. abo'uk, N. L. at (said by children), H. ma'ma (said by children). motion, N. H. —nakula ; N. ma'ua- kula, to swim (= fish motion) ; K-’smEna/kula, getting rich; H. leina'kula, to go toward; tlana'kula, bark breaker; k’okEna'kula, axe (see To hew); k'eina'kula, to go straightahead. to go far off moving, k-ui'sEtla (see Far), mountain, L. ni'kye (borrowed from Nootka (?) ), A. k-'6k-s, H. g’b'guis, G. wawe's. with snow on top, H. nask’Km- a'la (na'e, snow; —sk’Em, round thing). goat, L. mE'lqtlo, H. G. ts’ak-; ts’a'k-gyila, where many —. mountain kid, H. meniE'ntl. blanket, L. N. pElpElaskE'm, H. ts’atsaqka'ull. talloio, N. ia'sEk*. mouse, N. L. gyigya'tsk-, A. tsa'mi, H. askyii'nek-qs (female), mouth, L; N. A. H. G. sums; N. —qste, tl’e'tsEqste, skin of (a'oaqste, mouth)-, ak-aqstalis, with open mouth on beach (ak-—, open mouth) ; pE'nkyutaqsle, chin ( below opposite mouth); te'kuqsta, carrying in mouth; na'laqstala, carrying day in mouth; k'amquaqstalis, feath- ers in mouth on beach; ha'paq* steya, beard; ekyut’eqsleu, palate (= above opposite mouth); H. —qtae ; ba'pqlae, mus- tache; silqta'la, a cod; basq- ta'la, council; saliqie, lips; k’atqta'Ja, labret; po'qlae, oesophagus; qtlqta'e, pipe stem ; tl’oqta'la, sick at—; agya'qlala, to scold. open mouth, N. ak-—; a'ketl, —in house; ak-aqslalis, with open mouth on beach, inside of mouth, L. N. —ellqa'oe ; N. tretseilqa'oe, skin —; wa'- •pellaqo'ya, saliva; H. tl’6qoe- tlaqaua'la, sick —. mouth of river, N. a'siwe ; —slwae ; banasi'wae, canoe at—; gyb'q- si'wae, house at —; tliqsi'wae, clover root at—; tsaisupatsi'wae, river month dammed up; ha'lq- slualis, killing on land at mouth of river; H. K-’omusiwa, Eu- ropean (rich at mouth of river); G. wasia's ; gyuQtlis, house at—; N. kwa'k emalla, facing mouth of river; kwa'kyutis, shorter one of two points at mouth of river (compare: gua—, north ; guape, the lower one on Boas.] [Nov. IS, river; —kyut, opposite; —is, land). to put into mouth, N. k-’a'sEla; woqsEm k-’a'sEla, from both sides. mouth full of water, N. hama'la (see To eat). to move, change home, N. k‘o'stis. to move head while dancing, N. qua/- nek-a ; gye'sEla {in songs.) to move wildly, to boil {water), N. p’o'leqola. murderer, N. kue'qagyila {—killing with club) ; ky’e'Jaky’enoq. muskrat, kyila'k‘. needle, L. k-,Ena'is, H. k’oa'qpa (—pa, point). for macerating bark, A. H. tl’akoa'ne. nephew, L. N. tlole', H. tlo'El. nest of bird, H. siwa'tse (—atse, re- ceptacle) ; k-Elqaila'ts-e. net {various kinds), A. tlakim, qa'- utEin, N. gyigy’e'tlEm, H. yik’qk-, nettles, N. is’E'ntsEnqtlEm. new, L. a'tltsEm. news, N. is'e'tlwala (see Famous), to nibble, L. k-’eni'ttsao. niece, L. N. tlole'k-as. night, L. k'a'nutl, H. nekk, G. g a'- nuil ; L. nsk-e'kie, midnight, nine, N. H. G. muwd's. nineteen, G. mduasgi'u. ninety, G. m6pEnkyask-’a'popEna. no [i, wi, ky’e], N. wi, not; ky’e, ky’e'us, no, none; wi'lole, none {obsolete); wi'Emk- ’asEla'soqtis, with what he was not satisfied; wi'k’as, wi'k*’asEla, not to have enough; wi'utl, not to get what one wants; we'kyae, not quite full {—kyae, top of box) ; wi'- tsEm, not in time; wxo'sukuila, making that there is no time to escape; ia'qsum, bad; H. ky’e, no; iakn, bad; G. we'ilimas, weak. it is not right, N. o'tsatla. noise, N. H. -—ala ; N. ba'quyala, summer song (ba'qus, time when no ts’etsd'ek'a is held) ; ts’e'- k’ala, ts’etsd'eka song; k-oe'- k-oaqala, raven’s voice ; ha/sEla, loud; kua'kunqs’ala, council; baua/q’ala, baton; sa'oltala, noise of falling objects ; tleana'la, noise of falling to pieces; qK'- nl’ala, to snore; dE'nqEla, to sing ; H. tlnsa'la, bad tempered ; tle'qala, to beat time; bai'lala, N. nail of finger, L. N. G. ts’E'mts’Em, H. is’Emts’E'mk-ame. name, N. tle'qk’am ; to— ; tlailikela/lait, every one —s him ; a/nkoaqtlas? what is your ? tlek-atE'ntlas Na'ntse, my name is Nd'ntse. nape, L. a/wape, H. k'oa'knkEne. narrow, L. ama'pitoq t’e'Hila, nar- row {small) road, navel, L. k’EtEld'k-oitse, H.po'k-tse, G. pE'tsdze. near, L. H. nEqoa'la. • nearly, ha'lsEla —; ha'lsEla'min we'tsEm, I was nearly not in time. neck, L. k-’s'k-’6n; N. bqtlaa'toe, posterior part; bqa/oe ; —qaoe, anterior part; H. k-’ok’’6/ne ; —qaoa ; petsEqa/oa, wind pipe ; k-’otsaqaroa, collar hone; k’o- k’oqa/oa, Adam’s apple ; tl’ak’- qa'oa, neckring of bark; tlo'- qoaqaola, is sick ; skyena, posterior part; tlo'qoaskye- na'la, is sick. neckring of Bd1 mats’ a, Ti. tla'k’ak-, A. k-’a'lamoll. 1892.] 65 [Boas. to scold ; ke'q’ala, noise of saw ; G. G ue'tala, Tsimshian lan- guage ; H. —k’oala; N. tss'- k-oala, noise of dancing apron; ao'lak'ula, low voice ; gyd'qgyo- k-oala, noise of breaking; H. aiks’ek'ula, good noise; G. Heiltsa'koala, Heiltsuk lan- guage ; N. H. G. —kyala ; N. lie'ikyala, noise; kuraleqkyala, noise; ts’e'koikyala, voice of gull; ha'inakyalaso, hated; H. k-’omiisiuakyala, white man’s language; ky’e'kyala, wooden trumpet; G. awi'kyala, correct language, noise, N. H. ku'nqula ; N. Ku'm- kumleqa'tse, name of rocks near Ft. Rupert noise place; H. kunqla'lis, noise place, noon, L. iiEka/la, H. k-’a/ek-ea, G. k-’a/slisa. Nootka Sound tribe, N. Tse'qtlis’atq. north, N. gua'e, gua'lse ; guae'noq, northern tribe ; H. atl’E'l. north wind, Tl. qaio'tl, A. yuya/la- nok*. nose, L. ni'nts’as, H. nmak, G. Huma'q, N. —itlpe ; L. kwa'- w itlpe, perforation of septum ; N. tl’e'tsitlpe, skin of —; H. —ill pa ; u'itlpa, bill; tloqoetl- pe'le, nose is sick ; tlE'nk-oitlpa, point of ; k’oa'k'oitlpa, per- foration of septum, nose ornament, Tl. kyu'kuis. upper part of nose, H. owak-a'ois. nostril, H. iiknts’as (see Nose), not, N. ky’e, G. ky’u. notch, N. k-aq ; k-aqaqlla', with two points; H. k'aqde, notch of ar- row. novice in forest, N. gyi'egyila (:—making chief)-, d’e'k'Ematla; tse'tlEla, after his return from the forest. 0. obsidian (?), Tl. tsk-uls. ocean, N. H. tl’a'sak" ; tlask-e'noq, people of—; tla'tlasik'oala, those on —; L. a/owekH, foam (?). oesophagus, H. pd'qtae (see Mouth), often, N. —pEs ; ddk-ula'psEntlak-, I see him ; ts’Eqk-’a/pESEn, 1 am sick; —Elk-; ts’Eqk-’- E'lEk'En, I am sick (see Ex- pert). oil, L. k’Els, H. tle'na, olachen, N. H. Ua'qun ; H. tsa'quila, where —is always dried; N. ts’E'mt’Ek-, half dry; wkol’En. old man, N. k-’u'liak*, L. no'mas ; N. Nomasß'nqelis, the oldest on earth (—Enq, edge)-, 18., no'mas. old woman, L. N. H. tlEkua'ne. old, L. k-e'ioll. old (iinanimate objects), N. k-a'tla (see Long ago). O'mamis, name of a place, onf 1) long object, N. G. o'kyena ; N. k-’e'kyena, many on log ; G. • goa/kyena, to sit on long object. (2) flat object, N. o'tsue ; k-a'sEltsue, to walk ; goa'- tsaoas, settee ; H. o'tsoa; totsoa', to walk over plank; goa/tsoa, to sit on plank ; goa'lsaitl, to sit on bed in house ; G. k a'ltsoa, to walk on plank. ■ (3) round object, N. ok’une. (4) a pile (on surface), H. —tlala; dla'qolatlEla, to stand on planks; goa/latlEla, to sit on planks, once, L. nß'mp’ana. one, N. nEmo'k'; NEmo'kuis, the only one; NEmo'kyustalis, the only one who came up out of ground ; H. mEn ; G. noq ; misk-Em, one round object; raitsq, long object; mi'ii- 66 Boas.] [Nov. 18, Eqtla, cup ; mEntsq, twenty {one man), one another, N. G. —ap; N. raak-- a'p, to throw —; G. alqa'p, to kill —. one eyed, H. k’oa'qstb. only, N. 6'ma, open, N. ak-—; ak'sla/la, open box; aka'tla, open mouth; a'k’etl, open mouth in house; aqstu't, to open. opposite, N. —kyut ; nEqkyu'tis, the one outside; nEqkyu'ta, rocky place {—a, stone) ; nsq- kyu'titl, in house ; kwakyu'- tis, the shorter one of two points at mouth of river ; L. pE'nkyu- taqsle, chin {— below opposite mouth) ; e'kyut’eqsteu, palate {— above opposite mouth) ; hei- tlkyuttsana, right hand {=right opposite hand) ; K,’omkyu'tis, rich one opposite on land; H. —kot ; hai'tlkotlna, right side of body ; liai'llkotkyane, right hand; G. —kyut, adzkyut, left side, orator, G. ba'llEqtEqs. ornament of ear, H. mo'koato, distr. mu'mkoato ( ato, ear; mok, tied (?) ). other side of, L. N. apsut, —sut; k-oi'sut, far other side, otter, L. Tl. qu'mti, H. k’u'la ; G. kutlsk-’e'qta ; H. ky’a'ma, young. overhanging, N. tla'k-’anuk. our, N. sins. outside, N. H. —us, is ;N. bEg’u's, man in forest; aq’a'lkus, blood on ground outside; H. country bare of plants ; N. H. lis, Els ; N. tu'qwuls. to jump upon ground outside ; kuk- Hals, to fall—; d’apE'ls, to flood ground; L. la'vvils, outside; tsEqtsEtk-oa'ls, swamp ; H. cl’d- k-olisEla, to look out of house; k’usE'ls, wolf, out of, L. N.—otlt ; 16'otlto, to go out of canoe ; k’o'qolltsut, to take off blanket; H. —btltsoa ; tqo'tltsoa, to jump ; so'lltsdt, to take out of box ; gyaq’otltsoa, to come—. outside of house, H. G. —aqse; ts’oa'qse, heraldic column; go- a'qse, to sit —; G. goa'qse, to sit ; ky’a'taqsut, to paint—. outside of whole body, N. o'gwitae. outstretched legs, N. ile'is {—Cormo- rant Island), over, N. —tlane; km'tsellane, to walk over log ; G. —llna ; k-a'- tlna, to walk over log. owl, H. tHtnni. p. 'paddle, L. siwa'io, H. g’au'ma. to paddle, L. N. se'quit; N. he'- mEnatlEn se'qoa, I always ; H. g’au'sa. pain ceases, N. o'mal’et. to paint,!,, ky’a'ta ; ky’a'taio, brush, pencil; H. ky’a'ta ; ky’a't’e- noq, painter; ky’a'taqsut, to paint outside of house; ky’a'tl- SEmt, to outside of house ; ky’- a'tgyot, inside of box. paint, white for face, L. katE'q. red for face, L. kmms, H. gums. black for face, H. ts’o-'tsEtlEmk. palate, L. e'kyuteqsten {—above op- posite mouth), palm of hand, H. pak ’atlkya'ne (—kyane, hand), panther, L. mami's, K. bEte', H. natl’ai'a, G. maya's. parents of twins, N. yikwi'tl. part of, N. —k-tis. 1892.] [Boas. participle, N. —so ; —sue, the one, who —. passive, —k‘; k'Vmgyik*, bit- ten; hamaa'k', eaten, parting of hair of woman, L. kn’e'- Hita ; H. partridge, L. k’uku'm. to pass by, to go past, N. la'k-a (la—, to go ; —ka, reaching toward); ts’e'k'oe, passage, passage where travelers meet, N. kyi'mkit. past, N. —teis; qua'kunateis, broken canoe ; H. —otlte ; gyil’okd'lle, broken canoe. P'd'tsis, name of place, to pay, L. k'6'na. to peel off cedar bark, L. A. si'nga. pelvis bone, H. kwa'kolEqtle (—qtle, hind). pencil, L. ky’a'taib (= painting instrument), penis, N. oqsak'a/oe ; moqsak'a'oe, with tied —. people, L. ba'k’ura, H. bEgua'num ; N. —enoq; Tlask-’e'noq, peo- ple of ocean; ma'q’enoq, pur- suing secretly; H. ha'Jq’enoq, murderer; H. —itq, K-6'k’aitq, Witle'tq. perfect, real, N. aowi'la, rough sea ; G. awrkyala, correct language, perforation, N. H. koa— ; L. koa's- koane, of ear; koa'witlpe, of nose (—itlpe, nose)-, H. koa'koaihoa, of ears (—athoa, ear); koa'koitlpa, —of nose, pestle, H. mEkoa'ib. pilloic, L. k’e'i'nutl, H. k'ai'notl. pine, L. qa'qumis (—mis, tree), A. a'nnit. ;)ipe, L. H. wa'q’atse (= smoke re- ceptacle), G. k’a'k-patse (k-ak'- pa, smoke), pipe stem, L. tla'noe, H. qtlqta'e (—qta'e, mouth). to pity, N. waiatimtEntla'soq, I him; wa'iatigyilak', not pity- ing any one. place, N. —lis; iua'lis, ivhere always wind. N. —us, as, —las ; k’e'us, wash line (drying place); kn’e'- tokwas, grassy —; k'o'lsElas, where always feasts are given ; sakwa's, cutting place ; gy’6'l6- tas, porpoise place ; goa'tsaoas, settee (sitting on place); H. le- gui'las,'fire —; alaea's, grave- yard; G. tl’eMas, store (selling place); kuTilas, bed (sleeping -)• N. —at; ts’e'kuat, egg island. H. —eles ; tleae'les, store. H. —a'se, tlq’ea/se ; hanea'se s gy’iloa, place of canoes in woods; gy’iloaaia'se,—of canoes on beach. H. enoq ; koe'saenoq, where always snow; iblaenoq, where always wind. where ahcays something happens, lEtns, N. k-oa'iastEms, where always whales ; gyu'qtEms, vil- lage site; k'ui'lastEms, feasting place; lia'k-oqtEms, fighting place ; G. —tEma ; gyu'qtEma, village site, to plait a braid, L. k'Vsk'Elqtle, H. k-’a'tla. platform of canoes, H. ha'wanak-k'. of house, L. pa'eitl, H. cnsaua- i'tl (—ill, in house), to play, N. abntla; bama'llala, women —. point, —pa; N. wi'tlpa, lance; Ts’i'lkyEmpa, feathers on top ; mo'meqpa, white headed ; gua'- pe, lowest house on river; ma'qpe, end ; awi'tlpe, of land ; ope, point; ma'tilpe, point of Md'- tagyila; ainpa,sharp—; ie'inpa. 68 Boas.] [Nov. 18, dull (= bad 'point') ; k-’o'm- pigyilis, richest inland; gyo'- k'opasila, house at point; e'i- gyispalis, sand point; H. kcobn- pa-ut, to break off—; tlE'ak-oill- pa, point of nose ; ha'nllEinpa, of arrow ; goa'pa, to sit on —; SE'msEmspa, tSisiutl (= mouth at both ends); G. ssi'ixpa, sharp; paspE'luqpa, dull. poison, N. wa/lagyila(insong=mak- ing people die), A. H. au'qsole. pole, —psk-; N. iau'apEk-, mast (= wind pole); sEnlle'pEk-, flag staff; ts’e'qpEk-, dancing pole; moqpEk’, heraldic column {= tie pole, to which blankets are tied); ba'mspEk-, hamats'a pole; H. yai'uaspEk', mast ( wind pole). pole for roasting salmon, H. tl’o'm- sano. of tent, H. tl’a/qsEm. poor, N. wa'natle. porcupine, N. me'nite, H. nut, G. nula'k'ame (= greatest fool). porpoise, N. gy’d'lot; gy’o'lotas, place; H. tl’a'tlEla, G. gyi'- titl. post of house, L. tlam, H. ts’o'witl (—ill, in house). carved, H. te’iiitsoe'tl. potato, L. k'as. potlatch, L. N. ia'k'oa; ia'k-ola, what is given in —; Haaqkola'- tlEmek-a, woman always giving away presents in potlatch ; ha'q- kolatl, always distributing blankets; p’asa', to distribute blankets; p’asa'gyila, to make potlatch ; p’e'p’ayala, to prom- ise to distribute blankets; ma/qoa {in songs), to give ten blankets to each guest; ma/qoagyila, to give a feast during which ten blankets are given each guest; ma'qola- gyilis, maqsista/lisa, to give ten blankets to each person of all tribes of the world ; tla'qolelem, to give feast during which twenty blankets are given to the opposite gens; wa/lasila (= to make great), to give feast during which fifty blankets are given to guests ; la'ql’ut, to give a feast to the opposite gens; la'qi’dtpEs, one who always —; xna/le {obsolete), to distribute blankets ; bama'la- gyilatl, always distributing blan- kets ; ama'qut, to give away copperplates or other objects, a pile of objects; araa/qulatl, al- ways giving —; H. iu'na, pot- latch; tloola'qa, dance; tli- E'nq, time of —; Tl. kuilJa/- qalus, potlatch, potlach, notice to friends that a pot- latch will be given, N. tle'lala, H. tlea'la. invitation to potlatch, L. N. tle'la, H. tle'lla. powder, L. ts’o'laio. to praise, N. a'miaqa ; a'miaqet, the one praised ; H. k’antsamiqala'- soe, God {— our praised one) ; N. tsElo'k'a (see Famous), precious, N. Ic’ai'uq. to pretend, N. —bulla; bama/bullEn, I to eat; me'qabullEn, 1 to sleep. pretty, N. aikya'oe ( good fore- head); G. aikxi s bEgua'num, a man, puffin, H. owi'tlpa (—itlpa, nose), to pull, L. kixVmiHit. to pull canoe into water, L. wkquil, H. lluqsla/ul (—sta, water; —ut, v. a.). to pull out from among, N. nEq’ak-- a/la (—ak-a, among), to pull out hair, L. k’ula' ; k’ulai's, tongs. 1892.] 69 [Boas. pupil of eye, L. ts’a'ts’olik’, H. ba'koanEmstoa (~manin eye), purpose, N. he'numa; —numa; k-,ak-ol]a/numa, I come to learn, to pursue, L. k'a'k’enit. secretly, N. ma'qa ; ma/q’enoq, killer whale (= knoicing to —). pus, L. tl’op. to push canoe into water, H. tlqsta'ut (—sta, water), to push canoe ashore, H. tlqsiali'sa, tlqsia'ut. to put, N. muqtsa'la, —round thing into box (muq—, round thing; —tsa, into ; —la, v.); muqwi'l- SEla, round thing outside on gr?wnd;sEß’atlts’ut, ky’alsa'la, long thing into box ; lEq’a'tl- tsut, to blanket into box ; H. gyetsoa'la, something long that has been into box. to put on blanket, N. k-’oqtsa/la, H. k-o'tiß’it. hook into water, L. ts’E'qstEnt. rafters, L. pu'qbala, H. dwau'tlt’a (running from ridge to side (running length- tcise, horizontally over the last named). rain, L. H. G. iu'koa; H. iukue'noq, rainy country; iukoaila, it is raining. rainbow, L. aai'ntlala, H. muisa/k‘. to raise, L. tla'H’it. herring rake, L. tletai'6. rapids, L. ts’a'la. rattle, L. N. Tl. H. ia'tEn ; N. kiuV- qatEn, tlokoala rattle, raven, L. N. k-oa'wina ; k-oe'k-ua- qala, raven’s cry; H. go'e, G. ga'aq ; N. le'labalis, flying from one end of world to the other; lE'wagyila, heaven maker, to reach towards, N. H. —k-a; N. la'k’a, to go past; Iroa'k-a, to surpass ; kyi'mk'a, to meet; H. koe'k’a, to look along ; tsE'k’a, to throw toward; tsEk'a'nut, to throw at —. to reach, N. k-’o'tis, reaching to earth. real, N. H. —kyas ; N. gyilEmkyas, really feared; he'meskyas, real chief; bEgua'numkyasb, •—man ; ku'nquakyaso, what a thunder! H. k-’e'kyas, large, receptacle, L. N. H. G. —atse ; L. N. wa'qatse, pipe; mEna'tse, drum; na/k'atse, bucket; ts’Ep- a'tse, small dish; N. a'watse, foam place; k-’o'latse, wooden kettle; H. lia'ntlEinatse, quiver; siwa'tse, nest; k,,Elqaila/tst“, nest; da'ddk-ola'tse, armpits; te'qatse, bladder; kn’c'patse, large blanket basket; tEngua'tse, grease box; kn’ElqsEma'lse, white blanket box; okwala'lse, woman’s working box; mEna'tse, drum; ts’ Epa' tse, dish; gy ’antla - Q. Qd'eqaes, name of tribe. Qd'isla, name of tribe. Qd'eas, N. name of extinct tribe, quail, Tl. kui'lkau. quartz, A. N. qu'ela. quick, L. ha'nakue, H. balakyelak's; ha'lakEla, to work —; he'aala, to walk —; i'na, fast, quiet, N. lEnu'llroatla, omatatla'la. quilt, H. makHia'. quiver, H. ha'ntlEmatse (= arrow receptacle). quotalive, N. —lawe. R. raccoon, L. Tl. N. H nia'yus ; Nuq- nemis name, mayusosla'layilak'; A. kue'k-ql. 70 Boas.] [Nov. 18, 16'tatse, kettle; G. k'a'k'patse, pipe; gyeba'tse, icooden kettle; gy’aratlalo'tatse, kettle, to recover one's property, N. e'toqa. red, L. N. H. tla'k'oa ; L. tla'k'oa- lae'kir, evening sky; tla'qsEm, red blanket; H. lla'oqsto, blanket; red cedar- bark head ring (—eioa, fore- head) ; tlak’qa'oa, red cedar bark neck ring (—qaoa, neck); tla/- k-otas, alder; G. tla'qstd, red blanket; L. N. A. tla'k'oa, copper. relatives, L. lla/la, L. N. natlEm- wivvut. L. N. H. —smp; gagE'mp, grandfather ; nEgu'mp, father- in-law; L. N. aps'mp, mother; omp, father; gy’imp, sister-in- law; H. au'mp, father; qtlEinp, uncle ; G. -ap ; gaga'p, grand- father ; apf, father, refuse, H. —aoa ; hamasa/oa, rest of food; k’ok’oaka'oa, chips {= refuse of chopping) ; kekeqa'oa, sawdust; —qtlee {hindpart (?)); ha'mts’aqtle'e, rest of food, to return, L. e'tsecta ; N. k*antlo- gyiaqa'la, when I return {old form)-, k'antlogyiaqedleto {new form). to take revenge, L. k-’ese'to. rib, L. N. k'E'lEin, H. ha/kya (—kya, back (?) ). rich, N. ; k-’o'matlan, lam—; richest on earth; K*’6/mkyu/tis, the richer one opposite; K*’omk-’- omkili'kya, richest of all; K’6- mo'k'oa, rich; K-’omEna'kula, getting rich ; K*’s'm6yue, rich one in middle; H. K-’omnsiwa, European■ {rich at mouth of river (?)). right, N. he'itlala, it is —; he'ilkyut, right side; heilkyutlEnutlEme, right side of face ; heitla'lit, to arrange bed; he'iligyila, to cure, to mend; heili'gya, shaman; H. ha/itlkot, right side ; haile'- tlatl, to cure; haile'kya, sha- man ; G. ha/itlkyut, right side ; hailikyala, shaman, right, it is not right, N. 6'tsatla. rim, N. H. oe'sta (see Around). hollow rim of lid of box, N. lia'- lek to rise, L. laq ai'kyeta ko'anila, smoke rises {= goes up)-, ktiaq- pa'lla it, river—; N. la'luse’a/- gyilis, sun rises ; A. toatusEla'- gyilis, sun rises (see Down river). river, N. H. wa, G. wap (= water), road, L. t’e'nila ; G. k-’a/iliovva, to walk on —. to roast salmon, H. tl’o'pa ; L. tl’o'- puk‘, roasted salmon, robin, N. Tl. H. ku'ltEin. to rock cradle, L. te'kula. rock, N. —a; wi'nak’oa, rocky place (see Stone), roe {unlaid), L. H. d’E'lgyim (H. k-’u'tE (?)). {laid), H. d’afo'k. salmon roe, L. k’e'ui, H. kai'ne. to roll up a thing, N. le'k-oa, L. kH’i'lHSEmt {to ivind a ball of string), roof, L. sod'k*. roof boards, H. ha/was. roots, N. L. tl’o'pikH, H. tl’o'kum. edible, L. md't’aqsten, qa'tEiu (=niee,n, (fatlbltq), ts’a/kyus ; Uiqsi'm, clover root; A. qo'kum, Indian rice ; t’d'qsots. rope of seaweed, H. sa'nap’at. rope, L. ts’a'eqan, H. ts’a'iq. large, heavy, N. ta'tuwiqoll. of cedar bark, L. mo'koanoe, H. milk*. 1892.] 71 [Boas. rope of skin, H. k'o'tse (see Skin). of spruce roots, L. tl’o'pikH, H. tl’o'kum (see Root). of cedar twigs, L. tlE'nakya. rough sea, N. p’o'lek'ola/mas, mak- ing sea rough; auwl'la ; auwi- lakyitlanuk, having rough weath- er and sea ; H. lla'qola. to speak with rough voice, N. tla'la- wulak'ula. round, L. ki'lnsEm, H. lo'qsEm; lo'qsEmltl, round thing on floor; N. muk'ola, moon (= round thing put down)-, pa/k'aqtlemo, round thing is in box. ■ outside of round thing, —k'am, —k'Em,—sEmjli.pEnk’E'niHit, to look down (pEn—, down; —k'Em, outside of round thing, face; —nit, v.)-, eikyak'E'mnit, to lookup; N. s'sqEme, outside of round object; mamosk-amEE'n- koa, carrying four round ones ; Aintsumsk-amlitl, covered with haliotis in house; lo'sEmuit, to uncover face ; kua/kuqsEm, bis- cuit; H. nask'Ema'la, moun- tain with snow on top; ta/k’umt, to cover face ; tl’a'sk am, front of box; o'sk'ame, outside of round thing; ts’e'koisk'Em, wash bowl; goa'sk'amils, to sit outside on round thing ; ll’o'q- SEmla, mountain bare of plants; qau'sEmt, to wash canoe ; alnsi- ma'la, blood on a round thing, to run, N. ts’ae'tlEla, —into house ; H. gy’eqsesta'la, around (—ista, around); gy’e'qoalut, towards. river, N. tsina/la, H. tse'iiEla. sail, L. ia/oapEm, H. yai'uastEm ; yai'uatsk, hoisted; G. yai'- vvadzEm (from: wind), saliva, L. wa'petlaqo'ya (= water in mouth). salmon, H. G. mea' ; H. ma'agyila, where always salmon; H. G. mame'a, to catch—; H. mame'- asilas, where always houses on beach for catching salmon; N. ma/wa, salmon trap. dog salmon, L. k'oa'qnis ; H. goa'qanis. spring salmon, L. sa'ts’Etn, H. liai'sEn, G. k aps. cohoes salmon, Tl. tsawu'n, G. tsu'En. sockeye salmon, N. metli'k-. spJ Tl. hanu'n ; sp ? A. tlo- qo'lamis. humpback salmon, N. G. ky’- a'pe. hooknose salmon, H. was, G. mima'q’i. to catch salmon, L. wa/yala. salmon, split, L. t’a/lEk'. dried, L. ky’o'loq, H. qam’a's. roe, dried, H. k’akiik. salmon berry bush, L. (—mis, tree), salt, L. tEmsH ; tE'mp’a, salt taste (—p’a, taste), sand, N. eiky’es (—good beach); ei- gyispalis (see Sea), sand point on beach ; G. aigyitsui's. satisfied, N. niE'ntlee, H. pa'nk'la (see Stout), to save, N. na'la. saw, H. keqseyai's ; keq’a/la, noise of ; kekeqa'oa, sawdust, to say, N. nekHsewe'tikn, they to me. scalp, H. kunuqtle'e. scar, L. k'oa —; k'oate'oae, on forehead; k’oatsa'ne,— on hand; k'oalE'miga, on cheek. sacred object, N. k-a'mina. sad, L. tsiqe'la na'k-oe (—heart is sick). s. Boas.] [Nov. IS, to scold, H. agya'qtala (—qta, mouth). to scratch, L. tla/qa, t’al’i'qtsanak (—tsana, hand), sea, L. H. tEmsq, G. dEtnqs (?), L. ao'waky (foam (?) ). in sea, —is ; N. tsa'ekis, secret in water; k-’a'mis, crab; H. ia'knis, monster —; k-a'lkun- tsis, body on bottom of sea. on sea, N. —tie ; nak'o'yuitle, middle of something on sea. sea egg, large, L. mEse'k% H. ts’B- kiii'tse. small, L. Tl. H. a'mtEm. seal, L. N. me'kuat, ditr. me'em- koat; meme'koatk‘, eating —; A. H. G. sagu'm. young, L. kHE'miasto, H. wu- le'q. sealion, L. N. G. tle'qen, H. mau'- akya; mau'akyantEM, sealion island. young, H. k‘ta. sea monster, H. La'nalratse {—canoe receptacle), sea otter, N. H. k-’a'sa ; N. k-,a/sas- qEm, blanket; H. k-’aka/- sotl, blanket; G. a'ngusta. young, H. tsi'sa. sea snail (holothuria), Tl. H. a'las. seaweed, dried, H. tllf’ast. to search among, H. le'll’ak'a (—ak-a, among), secret, N. ts’e'k-a. to see, N. do'k-oala ; d’o'qtsas, seer (shaman seeing soul of dying person); G. do'k’ula ; H d’o'- kda. self torture ceremonial, N. hawi- na'tl, to sell, N. la'qoyd, la'qut; laqotado, something sold, semiliquid, L. k’E'nkya. to send, H. ia'pa. settee, N. goa'tsoas (= sit in place). seven, N. a'tlibu, G. mallo's ; masE- mo's, round objects; mats- k'o's, —long objects ; matlqtla'- us, caps, seventeen, G. matla'sgiu. seventy, G. matlpßnkyask-’a'ps- - to sew. L. k’a'na ; k-’a'nais, thread; H. gV na ; g’anama'las, thread, shadow, L. gyagu'mas. shaft of double headed harpoon, H. ma'siutl. to shake, v. a., L. ia/winelitl, qoa/- yusEla,N. k-ua'yakula(—akula, motion (?) ) ; na'natlis, shaking his greatness (song). , N. —nila, —Hula; ya'iawinila, ya/winila, shaking himself (host at tsetsd'ek'a). shaman, N. Tl. paqa'la, L. N. nau'- alalf, he'ilikya (only when con- juring disease = mender), H. tsa'ek’a, haile'kya, G. haili- gyila. shame, H. ma'Hts’a. shark, H. k-oa'k*oina. sharp, L. a'inpa ( good point), G. ssi'Hpa. to sharpen, L. t’e'n’it. sheets, L. wa'taio, H. (—egya, back), shellfish, H. kyaoe'k’am. shinbone, N. —p’ekye, o'p’ekye ; k-’ok-oqp’e'kye, knot on lower part of tree (see Leg below knee), shirt, L. k-’ESEna'e. shoe, L. t’e'paio, H. k-e'naq. to shoot, L. ha'ntlitl, G. ka'ntla ; ba'nllEin, arrow gun. shore, far from —, L. tla'ilasatl (see Ocean). to go close to shore, L. la'gyilis (= to go landward), short, N. tsE'kua ; IsEkua'la. short river; ts’e'tsakuila, to shorten life ; L. tsskuE'qst, a man ; 73 1892.] [Boas. tsu'qpitu, short (—pitu, small)-, H. ts’Ek*; qa'pno, a —man; N. nEtna/lis, short lived, shoulder, L. tla/stlale, H. G. o'quina. shoulder-blade, L. pa'lots, H. tla'k-’- otEn. to show one’s teeth, L. ni's’it. to shred cedar bark. A. tsqa. a shrew, H. tlusEla'k's (k-s, woman), to shut door, L. kH’E'mimt. sick,N. L. ts’e'nila; ts’e'nila na/k'oe, heart sick = sad; ts’ena'tola, ear is —; ts’iutsala, headache (= sick inside)-, ts’E'qkan he- menatlama, I am continually sick; ts’Eqk-’E'lkEn, ts’Eqlr’a'- pESEn, lam often sick; H. tl’dqoa'la; tl’dqoatoa'la, ear is —; tl’dqoetl’aqaua'le, mouth inside—; tl’oqk'ea'le, head—; tl’oqoetlpe'le, nose —; tl’oqo- ma'le, face —; tl’oqstoa'le, eye—; tl’oqoaqa/ola, throat—; tl’oqoaskyena/la, neck near nape—; tl’oqeioa'laj/ore/iead—; tldqoaqtlali'sEla, inside belly—; tldqoapo'ala, on chest—; tldqo- ala'so, in chest —; tl’dqta'la, mouth —; tl’oqoana'la, all over —; tloqoa'la s gyl'lsm, tongue —; G. ia'ku. sick eye, N. g’ogurae'k’Eno. side of a thing, o'nutae ; a'llanutse, one behind the other; H. asa'- notsEqtle, leg above knee (side of hind part). • N. onutlEinala ; heilkyotlEnu- tlErae, right side of face ; gua'- nutlEme, sitting at side of —: gyogyokonutlEinala, house on each side of—; gyo'gykdnutlEm- ala, something . side of a flat thing = edge, H. onaqe'. sinew, L. H. ad’s'm. to sing for pleasure, L. sa'lala, H. ne'noya, G. ha'na ; ha'nqto'a, while walking. to sing to dance, N. clE'nqEla, L. k-’E'mtEu (?). singing master, N. na'k-at, da/k’ola, H. lia'ats’as, distr. haia'nts’as ; the three assistants of singing master, N. gua'nutlEme ( sitting at side). to sink angle, L. ts’E'qstsnta k’e'taio. river sinks, L. kyo'tla. Sintlae, N. ancestor of a gens ; sin- tle'k'am, face of—; sintle'pEk-, flagstaff, sinus of hair, H. tsi'kyE. Sz'siutl, Jabulous double-headed snake, N. H. si'siull, H. sE'm- SEmspa (= mouth at each end), sister calls sister, L. N. DEme'mak'as (—k-as, woman), H. mEiiu'- yak’s (—k's, woman), sister, elder, L. N. H. G. nd'la. younger, L. N. H. G. ts’a'ya. brother calls sister, L. N. H. G. wa'- k-oa. sister-in-law, N. H. gy’imp. to sit, N. H. G. goa—; N. goa'qsala, in canoe; goa'goagyilitl, —in middle of house ; goa'ne, in corner of house ; goa'goagilelas, sitting down in house without back support; goa'tsaoas, settee; gna'nullEme, sitting alongside ; H. goa/tsaitl, —on bed; goa'- sk’amitl, inside a thing; goagoa'k-ill, on top of; goa'- Isoa, —on fl'it thing ; goa'latla, to sit on planks; gra/latlEla, sit- ting down on chair, on planks ; goa'qtoa, on top, point of a thing; goa'pa, on point, front end ; goala', on stone ; goa'gyena, on long thing; goau'ioa, on point of a thing; goa'qtlae, —on hind end; go- a'qtis, —on beach; goa'sk'am- Boas.] [Nov. 18, ils, on round thing outside ; goa'luqtleas, —on roof; goa'qs, in canoe ; goa'ntEma, settee ; goa'qse, outside of house ; G. goa'itl, in house; goa'qtoa, on top of, on point; goa'kyena, on long object; goa'sk'am s I’e'sEm, on stone ; goa'itlo- wa, under cover. six, G. k-’Etlo'q ; — round ones; k-,Ella'tsq, long ones; —cups, sixteen, G. k-’a'tlagiu. sixty, G. k-’atlapEnk‘’a'p6pEna. skales, H. gau'm. skillful boatbuilder, H. a'tl’Eskio. skin, L. N. tl’es ; tl’e'siape, of upper part of arm ; tl’e'tsepoe, of chest; tl’e'tsEqtle, of crown of head ; tl’e'sEme, of face; tl’e'tsillpe, of nose; tl’esi'ue, —of forehead ; tl’e'- tsane, of hand; tl’etsetlqa'oe, of inside of mouth ; tl’e'tsEq- ste, of mouth; H. k’u'tsE ; k’uk’uskya'ne, of hands; k’utsEine'kye, —of back; k’a's- me, of face; k’ulsikyatlkya'- ne, —of back of hand ; k’uk’ut- sea'pe, of upper part of arms; k’uk’usqta'mo, of legs above knee; k’utsepo'a, of chest; k’uk’utsi'tsa, of feet; N. k’uta'otl, skin blanket; G. tl’es. of heels, H. amea'tltsitse. to skin, L. sa'p’a. skull, L. qa'nik-. skunk, H. ia'qp’ala (= bad smell), sky, N. lo'ua, na'la ; nena'lanuk, changing (having) weather ; H. lEwa'. slabs of wood sewed to hand of hawin- atl, N. se'quitEm. slave, L. N. If’a'kyu, H. G. k-’a'no ; N. k'’ak’akuista'- lista, making slaves all around. slave, a whole tribe enslaved, N. e'iall- Ela (in song), to sleep, L. N. me'q’it; meqabu'tlEn, I pretend to —; ky’e'sEu rae'q’- eqsta, Ido not want to —; H. gy’a'tla ; gy’atle'qsle, wanting to —; G. ku'l’itl ; ku'l’ilas, bed. sling, Tl. yE'nku’aio. slow, L. oya ; H. G. we'nala (—not fast), to walk —; aua'kya, to work —. small, N. L. ama'E; atna'Enqe, smallest ( edge of small)-, ama'pito, small; amamemEne'q, small things (—inEneq, small distr.). s., —pito; N. tsuqpito, short; gyokpitu, house. distr., —mEneq ; N. gyokmE- neq, houses; QuakunamEne'q, boats. smallest, —Enqe (= edge)-, ama'- Enqe, smallest; ts’elseqk’E'nqe, dancers. smallpox, N. tlEma'e (~ boil), ia'- knim (cause of evil), to smell, L. me'ssla ; N. ainp’ala, good —; H. ainp’ala is we'sum, good smelling man; ia'np’ala, skunk (~ bad smell); ua'qp’ala, of smoke; G. nu'mk'ata. smoke, L. N. koam'la ; Kuanilano'- kmae, who has most smoke (i. e., always giving feasts)-, H. ua'- qEla ; ua'qpis, smoker; ua'qp’- ala, smell of —; uaqoaqtoa, smoking in walking; uaqoaq- a'qtis, smoking on beach; uaq- a'lse, pipe; G. k-ak-pa, to smoke; k-ak-paqtoa, in walking; k-ak-patse, pipe. hole, L. qsatla, H. waqa'wa. smooth; N. k-e'tsis, —beach; k-e'- tsitl, house floor, snail, L. k-oa'ts’Ek1, H. k’oa'tas. snake, L. N. se'illEm ; se'ilis, in 1892.] [Boas. belly; H. si'tlEm, G. k’a'k'El- k'oa. to sneeze, L. asni'sit. to snore, L. qE'nt’ala. to snow, L. H. G. k’ue'sa ; H. k’ue'- su\n<)(i, where it is always snowing, snow {on ground), L. G. ne'e, H. na'e ; nask'Ema'la, mountain with snow on top. soft, L. tElk-. sole of foot, H. t’e'pEin. solemn, N. beku'ra ; Be'bekumlisila, making solemn in house, something in eye, N. gyisto'e. son'{see Child), H. bau'llse, only—; wala'qtle, youngest (—qtle, hind)-, no'lak'ame, eldest —; g’au'ioa, second —. chief’s eldest son, N. lleo'ls- k’ame. son-in-law, L. nEgu'mp. song, N. ts’e'k'ala, winter song (= Tsetsa'ek’a, noise)-, baquya- la, summer song {— Ba'qus noise)-, ; tsa'qatla, in quick measure, soring, N. k-’ana'tla. sorcery (see To bewitch), soul, N. bEgua'e, bsq’una'e (bEg—, man). sour, N. sa'k’a, H. ts’e'qp’a (—p’a, taste). span, L. patl, H. bp’E'nkn. spark, L. anope'q’it, H. pe'gyak’ala. spark spirits, N. mEnakutl. to emit sparks, L. tlE'msa. sparrowhawk, H. t’i'Htegus. to speak, male, N. ba'guala, H. G. bgua'la (= man’s noise)-, bgd'- pES, good speaker. , female, N. G. k-a'kyala, H. k’kyala (= woman’s noise)-, k'kyape's, good speaker. N. in'k^’antal; ia'k’’egyatlE]a, to deliver oration; ia'k-’anlenoq, orator. to speak with rough voice, N. tla'la- wulak’ula, good of one, N. ai'np’aqsta (aia, good; —p’a, taste; —qsta, mouth (?)); ia'qp’aqsta, to bad of one. N. ba'sak'awasue, trying to speak loud; eiwa'la, to speak about one’s wishes {song), to spear, L. sekya', spider, L. yi'k-a. A. H. bauma'qa. spike {of spruce, etc.), A. kn’a'ma- mo, H. mame'Em, to spin, L. xne'ta, N. k-’Emk'a'. spindle, N. Hi'lp’aqsto. to spit, L. kux'c’it. to split, N. kue'q’it, kua'qsant. wood,N. tlE'mii’it, H. koa'k-—; koak■ta'maluk, splint in thigh. canoe splits, N. ho'uqoa. cedar bark, L. pE'q’it, A. pa/sa. salmon, L. t’a'lek-, H. ky’e'a. spoon, N. ts’e'qtla, large —; H. g’otai'6, made of mountain goat; ky’a'tsenakq tsya/laio, large —; G. Ixamdsai'o {— eat- ing instrument), spring of water, L. ts’E'tHEla. of year, H. G. ’wxa'gyxoa. to spudder, L. tsEo'quit. squid, N. t’a'k-oa ; k-ak'b'mis,—in cheek; t’a'ek-stl, where squids are eaten ; H. tk'oa. sp. (?), N. ky’i'nut. squirrel, L. taml'nas, Tl. mal, H. tsa'mi. to stand up, N. tlla'uis ; diask-aiTia'- tlin, I facing sea ; dla'witl, in house; dla/qoe, proper place of each gens in feast; H. dlaau's,— outside; dla'qolatlEla, on top of a long thing ; dla7 • auwitl, in house. to stay at home, N. riEk-a'; nsk e's, always ; Nak's'mgyilisila, al- ways staying in their own country. Boas.] 76 [Nov. 18, star, L. t’o'l’s ; ama/qemis ist’o't’o, shooting —; H. t’o'toa, G. hI- Hik-Edzo'a. starfish, L. N. k-atsk\ steady. L. t’a/aq. to steal, N. L. gyild'lla ; L. gyilo'- tlik’, thief; N. gyilo'lle, on sea. steamer, N. he'k'ayala, H. qu'lteala (= fire inside). to steer, H. tla'lanila; L. tlin’it, canoe, pressing paddle from canoe; tlo'k'umH, —pressing paddle towards canoe, stem of canoe, L. a'kyiue. to step on something, N. t’e'patla. stepchild, L. k'oao (?), N. wawa. stepmother, H. a'patso. stern of canoe, L. N. s'qtle ( = hind part). stick for spreading salmon, H. tla'- qEm. “stick shoe,” N. k-’a'k'anas. stomach, I». na/lfapoe, H. po'qums. stone, L. N. H. G. t’e'sum ; N. t’e'- sumtsEs, made of ; t’e'sum- gyilak', made—. N. H. —a ;N. nEqkyu'ta, oppo- site rocky place ; kya'k-a, found- ed on stone; nErao'k'oa, alone on rock; wi'uakua, rocky place; H. goala', to sit on —. to stop a water course, N. tsu'pa; tsatsupatsi'wae, stopped mouth of river. store, H. lleae'les ( buying house)', tle'ilks, storekeeper ; G. tl’e'las, tl’e'lgis, storekeeper, stores of dry salmon, L. heitle'laio. story, N. nu'yam, distr., nu'nim ; nu'qnemis, name of all animals in myths, stout, L. pEntle'is. straight, L. N. nEk’a'la; nEk a'qala, slow measure rhythm straight down)-, H. k-e'inakula, straight ahead; N. hayim (in song). strait, H. wuna/t’hus. strap of basket, L. Ir’a/tlin, H tEna'qotl. to strike with fist, N. mia’l't; raiH- stek'E'rat, —face ; miH’i'kyent, back ; mi'nila, drummer ; H. mesa'; minpla/ut, to bend by striking with fist; G. minl'lls, drummer. against, N. t’in’a'tlEla. H. a'lqa, G. alqa ; alqa/p, one another. with palm, H. tla/sa. a dog. H. watse'la. with hammer, H. mdkoa' (see To bend). strong, L. N. tlo'k’uimis ; tlo'kum, cause of strength ; G. lloq. sturgeon, TI. H. k'da'is. to suck, H. tsa'ma ; tsa'mamis, to suckle, sugar, L. e'kyisila. summer, L. he'ianq, H. G. hai'nq ( anq, time of), sun, L. tle'sEla, N. a/ta, —as deity; H. G. tle'Hsioala. .sunrise, N. loatusElagyilis ; H. lat- usElagyilis (= goes down river on earth) ; G. k-’ekyo'ia. sunset, L. la'peta, G. la/is. superlative, L. N. H. G. —k'ame ; N. i'Hak'ame, fastest; gye'- k ame, greatest chief; no'lok’E- mae, greatest fool ; no'lasnEk-E- -maE, eldest child; nEmo'k-oa- k-ame, all alone on rock; H. no'lak’ame, eldest child, supernatural, N. H. tlokoa'la. to support, N. tla'tEla ( = to make stand) ; tla'lamin, supporter, surface of sea, N. H. —tie ; cllas- k'ama'tlin, I stand facing sea ; gyilo'lle, to steal on sea ; tlatla- sik o'tlikn, here is a canoe with Tlatlasik'oala ( ke, present; —lie, on sea)-, H. k’auk’oausE- 77 1892.] [Boas. la'k-tle, canoe drifting to and fro; ma'tlela, to swim; G. baneil wa'paqe, canoe on water, to surpass, N. ka a'lr’a. to swallow, N. nEk-ola'laqom ; nElr- E'k‘, swallowed ( = eclipse of sun)-, H. k-’u'nquit. swamp, L. tsEqtsEk-oa'ls (—als, out- side), na'nila. sweat, N. k's'sa ; H. k-s'npis, sweat- ing. to sweep, H. ky’e'tla. sweet, L. Tl. ainp’a ( good taste), sweetheart, L. wa'tela. when always high swell, H. t’o'qElis. to swim, N. ma; L. ma'nakula {= fish motion)-, L. lE'mselaio (?) ; H. ma/tlEla {man, =swim- ing on surface)-, mama'lama, children trying to swim ; H. k’ola'la {fish), G. k’oa'la {fish). temples, pElnutlEma/e ( = thin side of face), H. pa/spEle' (see Ear). ten, G. k-’a'po ; k,’a'p’usk-Em, round ones ; k’’e/putsq, long ones; k apo s bEgua'num, two hundred, thick, L. wok. thief, L. gyil’o'tlik-. thin, L. pE'lpilb ( —pit6, small)-, k a'llais {person), things lying about, L. t’a't’its, H. /mame'kyas. to think, L. gye'gyek-a. thirsty, L. na'k-’eqst ( =wanting to drink), H. tso'setlqta ( dry mouth), G. tso'sEins, na'k’abu. thirteen, G. yuduqgi'u. thirty, G. yuduQpEnk-’a'pspEna. thorn, N. k-’a'k-ane. Thou, L N. so'wa, yutl ; H. k-qso, k’qsoa'eoa ; G. yi'qsd. thread, L. k’a/naio ( = sewing in- strument), H. g’a'uEma'las. three, G. yudu'Q; yudu'qsEm, round ones; yudu'tsq, long ones. thrice, N. yu'duqp’ana. throat, H. (see Neck), through, H.—sioa; (Qsi'oa, to jump—; laqsi'oa, to go —; maqso't, to throw —. to throw, N. mii'k'a ; maka/p, one another; mak-’a'io, stick of shaman for throwing (—ing, in- strument), ma'mak'a, trying to —; maq’e't, to drop; H. maqsu't, to through ; maqss'- slut, up ; maqtla'lisa, into fire; ma/k’ak’a, among; mak-a'neqant, along; ma'- qautlts’ot, out of; ma'qtsot, into; raak'a'qot, down; G. ma'quit. into canoe, N. lEkya's; ia'la- kyutse, throwing every one into canoe. T. tail of quadruped, L. bats’E'qstee (—qste, bottom), H. ha'ts’iqte (—qte, bottom)-, N. nu'naqste, of wolf ( = wolf’s end). of bird, H. na'kyaqtlae (—qtlae, hind). of fish, L. ts’a/sne, H. ts’ane't. of ichale, H. t’ek'aqtc' ; white tailed fox, mo'k-’uqt ( = white tailed)-, A. kue'qt, raccoon, to take, N. aq’e't. tall, L. gyi'llEqst (gyi'la, long), H. noa'kila. tallow, N. k’a'tsek ; H. tl’a'tai, gs'- luk-, —of mountain goat, taste, N. H. —p’a ;G. N. ainp’a, sweet; L. lE'mp’a, salt; H. ts’e'qp’a, sour—. tear, L. koa'kuistoe ; tse'tsaokula, to weep, to tease, N. me'illa. to tell, L. ne'tlaso ; myths, N. no'sa. Boas.] 78 [Nov. 18, to throw,“to throwsong outof canoe,” k-’anxt’Emd'tltut (k-’a/mtEm, song ; —otlt, out of canoe ; —ut, v. a.), {i. e., a singer in the canoe which goes to a feast greets the host with a song). into water, H. Hue'tltaut {man, animal), ts’aqsta'ut (a stone, —sta, water), to throw, H. ts’Ek'anu't, towards ; ts’aqsxaa'lsa, —ashore ; ts’Eqa'- litlila, into house, to throw copper, paddle, board {flat objects (?) ) into house, N. sEpa- alitlEla. thumb, L. N. k'6'ma, H. k-o'na, G. k-auna' ; H. kona'Hsxtse, big toe (—nsitse, foot), thunder, N. ku'niqua ; ku'nuatsla, noise of—; ku'nquakyaso, what a—! G. lu'qlisla. thunderbird, L. N. Kunkuuquli'kya, N. ts’o'na; ku'n’oas, homeof—. tide {current), H. ts’a'la. to tie, N. moq ; md'qpEk1, heraldic column {pole to which [blankets] are tied), L. xno'quit; N. moq- salra'o, with tied penis; G. muk. time of, —Enq; L. he'ianq, summer; tsawu'nq, winter; H. tliE'nq, pohatch ; hai'nq, summer ; tsa- wu'nq, winter ; G. Ixainq, sum- mer ; tsonq, winter. to be on time, N. he'ilts’a (see Right); wi'ts’a, not on time; mo'sukuila, making that there is no time to escape, tired, N. nia'nxEntleas, making him —; mE'ntl’et, tired of eat- ing certain things ; H. tla'Jaso. Tlame'latse, N. house in which tse- tsd'ek-a is held, tobacco, L. N. H. lla'uk’. to-day, L. qoana'laq, H. goa'k-’Ela- ioq. itoes, N. k’oa'k'oasitse (—sitse, foot), H. k'oa'k'oaHsitse (—nsitse, foot). big toe, H. k’ona'nsitse, ( thumb of foot), together, N. k-’a'peg-atl gya'qEn, they will come together to me; k,’a'peg,awasllis, they will come together to you. N. ha'mk'olisEn, I eat with you. N. gyinlikyEle, ‘parents with children. N. nEma'la, A. we'wauk’ua'si. to-morrow, L. tlE'nstla, H. tla'ns- llals. day after to-morrow, H. tli'nse- llals. tongue, L, H. G. gy’i'lEm. tongs, for pulling out hair, L k’ulai'o (= pulling instrument). for taking stones out of fire, L. ts’e'stlala (—llala, fire); H. k'oe'sten. tooth, L. N. H. G. gylgy ; N. gyi'- gyatlsn, I have —ache; gyx'- sEqstal, cover of box ( teeth around (?) ). N. (oHwe), —He ; k’aqne, hav- ing lost a tooth (= notch tooth); nae'nsae, with decayed teeth; lopnepito, you have no teeth; H. —Hsia ; tse'tsensia, having lost a tooth; le'k-’ensia, having lost all teeth; lia'pensia, chin beard ( hair tooth), top of—, L.N.H.—qtle; L.ma'kyaq- tlaowe, top of tree; k-’a'msiqtle, lazy on top; U’e'tsEqtle, skin of crown of head; H. ga'luqtleas, to sit down on top of—. N. —oqtoe, H. G. —qtoa ; H. goa'qtoa, to sit on —. a pile, N. oky’e ; okuyalis, on top of apile on beach ; o'magya- lis, highest of all (?); H. —koia, —kyxoa ; tokoia', to walk over a 1892.] 79 [Boas. pile of planks; goau'ioa ; G. goa'gyioa, to sit on a pile, top of basket, box, N. —kyae ; we'- kyae, not quite full; H. ky’a't- gyot, to paint inside of box. torch, H. and. to touch, N. llo'pala; ma'kyapala, almost; makyitle'sela, al- most touching roof, towards, H. —alut; tqua'lut, to jump —; gy’e'qoalut, to run —. town, N. gyok-, H. gb'kula {—houses), trail (see Road), N. la'qso, to walk on —; H. to'wi. trap for fish, N. mo'e ; ma'muqsila, taking care of—; G. a'mala. trap for game, A. kapaio, la'um. to travel, N. e'iowa ; se'qoa, in canoe; k-une'sta, about (—esta, around); K'unesta'la- gyilis, always traveling about, tree, L. tla'qilos, A. kma'as, H. lEk’oa' {—fad); koaaiyb'kmla, lEk'oa'gyila, country full of trees. L. N. —mis ; k-’oa'tlmis, sal- mon berry bush; qa'qumis, pine; paa'qmis, maple {— leaf tree)-, iaiaqpa'Jamis, fir; tl’a/qomis, alder (= red tree), to tremble with hands, dancing, L. qo'leqola. tribe, N. H. le'lk-olatle, N. G. gyo'- uklot; H. go'uklot (= village community). to troll, H. k-’e'ma, do'koa. to be troubled, N. no'tla, tsinaqua'la {in song), trousers, L. k-qsis. trout, L. N. km'la, quitla'la, H. tk'a'ne ; gdle'sle, speckled—. trumpet, N. ts’e'kokyala, H. ky’e'- • kyala (—kyala, noise), to try, N. wa'Hsala, let us try ! ha'- maa, trying to eat; na'nak-a, trying to drink ; kwa'na, to try ; H. ha'mats’a, trying to eat. Tsetsd'ek'a {winter dance), N. tse- tsa'ek’a (= the secrets). house in which is held, tlame- a'tse. host giving —, ye'winila (= shaking himself). Tsimshian, N. H. Gue'tEla {—north people)-, H. Atla'itq, a tribe liv- ing west of the Qae’qaes -, Mes- ma'mint, tribe of MeUak'dhtla ; Gue'tEla, language. Tsbnb'k-oa, a fabulous woman (ts’s'- na, thunderbird; —6'k-oa, fe- male (?) ). turned upside down, H. k'pe'tla; k'pe'ila-ill, in house (see To capsize). to turn round, L. k’ui'sk’Emn’it (—k’Em, face)-, mE'ls’it. tide turns, H. ts’a'ista (—sta, water), twelve, G. matlgi'u, twenty, G. mEntsq. twice, L. ma'llp’aua. twig, L. ma'mee. twins, N. tl’a'Jeatse ( atse, young), two, N. mall ; Ma'lsEmEnk'olawis, always carrying two round ones in each hand; G. mald'q; ma's Ems, round ones, two hundred, G. k apos bEgua'- nuin ( = ten men). TJ. ugly, N. iakya'oe { = badforehead), unde, N. kmle' (addressed), H. qtlEmp. to uncover face, L. lo'sEranit (—sbib, face), H. t’E'Jk-Emtl (—k 'Em, face), under, N. pEix’a ; pEn’a'tse, lower side; be'benak-aua, the lowest; —aboe, underneath; aoa'boe, underneath; lialqabo'e, to kill 80 Boas.] [Nov. 18, ; H. oa'poa ; wunk'a'poa, bottom, lower side (= edge un- derneath)-, esa/poa, lower side ; rna/taput, to fly under; toa'put, to walk under cover, unexpected, N. k-’oe'Hil’a'astl, hap- pening unexpectedly, to unload canoe, N. mo'tltola ; H. wa'motllut ( otlt, out of canoe), unsteady, L. gyE'tEla. to untie, N. k’ui'tla; k'ui'tlaqala, to untie from trees (—aqa, down). upper part of river, N. na'lae ; ue'l- - house highest up river ; ne'- nelgyas, country highest up river; ne'ltse, up river, up, N. —usta ; lagyusta'la, to ascend; NEmokyustalis, the only one coming out of ground ; k-’e'nus- tal, washerwoman ( = hanging up); gyalamustala, salmon first ascending river; tl’Epustala, to ascend mountain ; gya'qusta, to come up ; tsu'Hustut, to hold up; wi'kyustoa, not to be able to hold up against; k-asustala, to walk up ; H. G. —osteoa ; la'kosteoa, to walk up; d’oqsostewala, to look up ; tqsoste'oa, to jump up. to turn upward, H. d’a’lek'eila. to urinate (male), H. ku’E'lk'oa. to urinate (female), H. aia'sa. urine, H. kniloqpe's. useless, N. gyokk-’a']aam,—house-, H. a'mlla ; a'mtlask'am, a strumpet, uvula, H. mE'smßS. virgin, N. ky’ea'la. to visit, N. e'wak’itq, whom every- body visits, volcano, A. tlumqama'qis. to vomit, L. ha'qo it, N. lid'k'oa; hauk'ua ! vomit! w. waistcoat, k^’e^sawok1. to walk, N. k-a'sa ; k-a'sEltsue, on flat object; k’a'tsetlane, on log; k-a'seqala, down; k-a'tseslala, around; k-a'- sustala, up; k-asEnqEntaia, along edge; k atsnutsEntala, along long object; k-ak-asky- ina'la, and find; L. la'tlEii k'a'sat, I—; k'ak'sa/lagyilis, walking together ; k-aullanea'la, to walk meandering; G. k’a'tl- towa, on road ; k-a'ldzoa, on plants; k'atlna, over log ; ka'tsistala, —around. G. latus, to walk down, river; la'qa, down; ia'kmiwa, up. N. tayukuina'la, and find; tayok'oa'lagyilis, walking to- gether; H. tono'olsa, —along ; toa'put, —underneath ; A. lo'- quit (N. = war dance). G. si'q’uit, up river. on trail, N. ts’e'k’oa. N. uauqsa'yo, liauqsa'lo, on trail; hoqsta'la, into water (—sta, water). H. uaqoaqtoa', to smoke walk- ing; G. lia'msloa, to eat walk- ing ; ha'nqtoa, to sing walking ; k’a'k'paqloa, to smoke walking. softly, N. sE'ltala. wall, L. tsa'k’am ; N. gyok'opa'sila, —at point; H. gauwi'm. wanting to, L. N. —eqst; me'q’eqs- tEn, 1 want to sleep. Y. vein, H. haia'speatsee. vertebra, H. k’o'tso (see Bone), village, N. gyoq, H. gok‘, G. gyoq ; N. gyoqlEms, G. gyo'qlEma, village site. 81 1892.] [Boas. not obtaining what one wants, N. wi'ull. icar, N. hd'utld, to go to ; H. ts'e'kyatla. dance, N. tb'q’uit (see To walk). warm, N. ts’E'lqua ; ts’E'lQnat, place where it is warm; H. ks'- qoa, G. ky’u'qula. to warm one’s back, L. pEne'kyalitl (—ekya, back), warrior, N. ■winae'noq ; a'listalits, great (perhaps victorious), to wash, L. tetek'Emn’it, face (—k-Em, face)-, la/asta, —body (= to go into water; la, to go ; sta, water) ; tsE'ntsEnk-oa, hands; H, ts’o'tsoqma, qau'- SEint, face (—sum, face) ; ts’o'qoeta, body ; muqsta', body (—sta, water)-, ts’o'k-oa. hands ; dei'seta, —with cedar branches ; ky’i'lpa, clothing. washbowl, H. ts’e'koisk'Em (—k-Em, round). watchman, L. k-’a'kala (see To hear). water, L. N. wa'p, H. waa'm. N. H. G. —sta ; N. k-’ola'sta, water of life; tsuqsta, to jump into —; koa'asta, cup; H. llqsta'ut, to push canoe into ; tqsta, to jump into ; nak’a'm- sta, cup (= drink water)-, G. gyuqsta/is, house in—. is, in sea, N. k-’atsi's, bottom of sea; na'uis, bear in sea; H. k'alia/ois, anchor stone. on water (see Surface). wave, L. k-Ele'e ; aquma'le, breaking wave; H. ganE'mala. we inclusive, L. N. nd'guamEQts, H. no'guants, G. nogua'nis. we exclusive, N. G. no'guanuq, H. nogua'ntk1. weak, G. we'llimas (= not strong). weasel (Putorious), N. gyegyi'lEin (= climber). weather, N. na'la; nena'lanuk, having (i. e., being able to change —). to weave basket, L. yi'p’a. —— cedar bark mat, Tl. ky’e'ta ; ky’e'tamitl, weaving frame ; H. lle'Huila. rush mat, L. 6'ta. wedge, N. tlE'mkyaio, A. tla/nut. weir for fishing, N. ms'a, A. ko'lem, G. ma'meas. west, H. qa'is ; qa/eqae, western peo- ple. whale, N. H. G. k-’o-i'm ; N. k-oe'- gyilak‘,made a —; k-oa'iastEms, place of whales. TI. t’oto'sk’amis (a. p. (?) per- haps star face in sea), whetstone, L. t’e'kyaio. whirlpool, L. k-o't’is (—is, in sea), whirlwind, L. halo'pek-a. whiskers, N. hapqste'e (= mouth hair), to whistle, N. bo'uqoa. whistle, N. mEtse's, —of hd'mats’a: ts’e'kokyala, trumpet; A. k-oa'- k-’omolaku'la, of me'itla; ky’e'kyala, trumpet; k’os, —of tloola'qa; te'qatsk,—oftsd'ek a; H. Hue'k'oa, small. white, L. mEla', H. mo'k-oa, G. rno'qsto. white blanket, H. kye'lqsEm. who is that? A. ak-oiqk-au. wide, N. le'qd ; le'qois, widebeach. widow or widower, mourning, N. aa'msila, G. g’oa'itlowa (= sit- ting in house). widow, N. bsky’S/sit (= without man). widower, N. k‘Eky’a'sit (= without icoman). wife, N. G. ganE'm ; N. gaiiE'mtl, future —; H. g’auE'm. Boas.] 82 wild, lid'mats' agrowing—, N.Qua'sa. wind, L. ia/la; ia'oapsEixi, sail; iau'apEk-, mast; H. G. iua'la ; H. iua/lis, place where always wind; iakuaspsk-, mast; iai'- uaslEtn, sail ; iai'uatsk, hoisted sail; G. iai'uatsEm, sail; iu'p’iq, mast. north wind, N. tsa'k’oa, H. tsak’oa'la. windpipe,H.petsEqa'o (—qao, neck), wing, H. ma'tlmatEm (see To fly). first feathers of—, L. p’E'llEtn. hind feathers of —, L. ts’E'l- kHim. winter, L.N. tsawa'nq, H. tsawu'nq, G. tsonq (—anq, time of), wise, N. no'k-at; na/k-atse, the great wise one ; no'k*ams, born wise; nano'ak'aua, the wisest one; H. no'ak -aua, the wisest one. to wish, N. a'Hula. wolf, L. a'tlanEm (see Inland); N. Nuqnemis name, Nun; Nunkye'- qtoe, chief of—; Mamalelck ala, ole'kyin, H. k’uss'ls, G. asila', tl’EsyEgumi'H. wolverine, N. wa/gigya, na't’bee. woman, L. tsEta'q. L.N.k-aky—; N. G. k-a'kyala, woman speaks ( woman’s noise)-, N. k-aqk-ekya/la, is always talking; H. k-ky—; k'kyala, woman speaks; k’ky- ape's, female talker. N. —k-as; —k-a; nEme'mak-as, sister; k-ok-otsaqsEma'lak'a, Koskimo woman ; hai'allilak-as, mending woman (=female sha- man)-, ts’b'tlemak’as, grand- daughter; a'tak-a, pet daughter; ne'nenk-as, bear woman; H. —k s; mEnu'yak-s, sister; tlnsE- la'k-sa, shrew; ts’o'qtlEmak's, granddaughter; g’auioa'qilek-s, second daughter; liau'ldsek-s, only daughter. woman, N. H. —aqsEm ; N. Nim- k'ea'qsEm, Nimkish woman; Gua'gulaqsEm, Kwakiutl wo- man; H. Awi'wiky’a'qsEm, Awiky’e'noq woman; Bi'bilqu- la'qsEm, Bilqula woman ; k-oe'- k-oeHtenoqa'qsEin, K-oehtenoq woman; Tlatlasik-oa'qsEm, Tla- tlasik oala woman; Heiltsok-o- a'qsEm, Heiltsuk1 woman, N. H. —uk'oa, —ok-oa, —in navies; N. A'nk’oalayu'k'oa, making it cloudy ; Lalalf’aiyu'- k-oa, made to go ahead of all; Tsono'k'oa, thunderbird wo- man ft) H. Tlaletlilayo'k-oa. womb, H. ma'eotlatse. wonderful! Tl. N. sa'kyas, aui'la ( real), wood on beach, L. k-’e'qatl. dried, A. kya/p’as. damp, A. ts’e'mos. woodpecker, red-winged, L. sa/kmla, Tl. tla'tlanitl, L. tla'tlanEe'k-, H. tla'tlapekn. wool of mountain goat, L. p’a/lEm ; pElpEla'sk'Em, blanket of—. wool and fine hair, H. kya'tltEma. word, N. wa'tldEm. world, N. wFnakuis. [Nov. 18,1892. Y. to yawn, L. ha'nila. yellow, H. te'qa. yes, H. la'a, G. kyaa/. yesterday, L. tla/nsutla, H. tla'ntse. day before yesterday, H. tla/- ntseedsa. yew tree, Tl. H. tls'mk’a. you, H. k-aek-soa'ea, G. yii'qso. young man, L. N. ba/bakum, N. he'itla. young of—, N. H. —alse ; N. ma'- matlatse, half breed ( young of European); crab ; H. tsaea'tse, —beaver.