Oct. 2, 1891.] 173 [Boas. Vocabularies of the Tlingit, Raida and Tsimshian Languages. Dr. Franz Boas. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, October 2, 1891.) The following vocabularies were collected by the author when studying the Indian tribes of British Columbia, under an appointment of the Com- mittee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, ap- pointed for the purpose of investigating and publishing reports on the physical characters, languages, and industrial and social conditions of the Northwestern tribes of the Dominion of Canada. It was decided that in the report of the Committee a brief comparative vocabulary only should be printed. As, however, the languages of the North Pacific Coast of America are little known, the vocabularies may be found to possess some value. The following alphabet has been used : The vowels have their continental sounds, namely: aas in father; e like ain mate; ias in machine; b as in note ; uas in rule. In addition the following have been used :a,bas in German ; a —aw in law; E= e in flower. Among the consonants the following additional letters have been used : g', a very guttural g, similar to gr; k\ a very guttural k, similar to kr; q, the German ch in Bach ; h, the German ch in ich; q, between q and h ; c=sh in shore; q=th in thin; tl an explosive, dorso-apical I; dl a palatal, dorsal I. ■ ‘ following a consonant designates the u position of the organs of articulation. REPRINTED JAN. 25, 1892, FROM PROC. AMER. PHILOS. SOC., VOL. XXIX. 174 Boas.] [Oct. 2, I. ENGLISH-TLESTGITJ Stikeen Dialect. A. Atlda, name of a place. aurora k-’an(l )yiq(2)k-u(3)wate(4) = fire (1) like (2) out of doors (3) color (4). gyits’o'k. axe CEnqoa/ri. stone, kye'l’6. A above, on top of, ka. Acer tlra/tlre. adam’sappledletu'q(l) kagu'ntle(3) = neck (1)? (2). afraid (aku ti) qell. again detso. ahead ran. Alnus ke'cic. always dj’etlu'k, yuk-a. Anas boschas kindetcune't mov- ing straight up. dypeata kin. histrionica ts’utsk. ancestor acukua. angry k-’ant—wa nuk. anlde k-’6s t’aktl = foot knuckle. Anser t’a/wak-. apron, woman’s, cuqe't’a. dancing, sE/n(l)k-et(3) = ? (1) apparel (2). apparel, wearing, ket. Arctostaphylus uva ursi tinn. arm, hand,, djin. armor, wooden, tlra/tlre ( = Alnus). of parallel sticks, SE'n k-et (see apron). held in mouth, k-’a(l)koe/t(2) = mouth (1). Arnica cordifolia an(l)ka(3)na/gu (8) = town (1) on (3) medicine (3). around, outside, da. I walk around house hit da ya qoa gut. arrow tcune't = moving straight. • double-pointed, tcune't k-’atla/- ke. ashes k-’an ite' =fireplace. Astur atricapillus kyedju'k. B. baby g-ata gua'tsgo (male and fe- male). back dik-. of hand djin kotl. bad tletl wu c k’E = not good. badger nosk. bark gan da = wood around. basket for blankets ne'etl. for berries k-ak‘. bat tsik’redita/n. to bathe dEcutc. baton of shaman wutsag'a'. beach place. bear, black, ts’ek. grizzly, quts. white {polar), caq beard k-’atatsa/re. beaver ts’ikrede'. bed ye'at = something to lay on (Ohilkat). bedroom it. bee gandasa/dji. belly yura'. belt si'gi. berry tlek‘. salmon, wutst’an llek‘. black, gawa'k- (Rubus). dried, atka qsk'. black, t’otc tlek‘ = blackberry. Betula glandulosa tleri's. atta'ri. 1891.] 175 [Boas. bird to'tli. a species of, with red wings, kon. black t’stc (see soot), blanket tl’e. cedar bark, tsatlk k-’d'ti. martin skin, k’oq k-’6'u. Ghilkat, na'qein, Blennius sp., dlut’. blind tlk-scten. blood ci. to blow {wind) do'wanuk to blow uq. blue ts’dyi'qate (ts’o? yiqate colored). jay k’eck‘. board for drying salmon ganire't = smoke place. bone s’ak- (see tall, short), boom s’E'sa 16 s’a'ge=sail in oblique. bow of canoe cskE'. bow sEk-s. boiostring sEk-s na'se = bow guts. box ket, tlak-t. large, tluk-t tlen. bracelet kis. Brachyrhampus marmorata tc’it. braid ca kssi't (ca = head). brains tlak-egi'. breakers lit ra tl’ek- (tit = wave). breast ne'tk-a. breath dEse'uk. brother, elder, unu'q. younger, kik‘. brother-in-law (wife’s brother) kan. brush Hi't’a. for clothing at k-a Hi't’a. Bubo virginianus tsisk‘. Buccinum tl’itlk*. bucket k-‘e'ca. butterfly tletlu'. by and by yidEtqE'nga, tlils’a'. cambium of Tsuga ssk-. Ganace obscura nukt. canoe yak1. Tlingit, sit. Haida, wutsde'. Gardium Nutalli (cockle) g-’atl ka'tsk. cariboo wutsi'H. carpet netlritl’i'ri. to carry in hand ran—tEn. cat due (Chinook). cedar, yellow, qar. young, tlEqrE'te. cedar bark tir. prepared for weaving mate rut. cedar (and spruce') root qat. hat qat ts’aq. Geryle Halcyon tlaqanets’e'. chair kara ki'djet=on top of which one sits. chatterbox k-’a tleyd's = mouth playing (see to lie), cheek wac. chief ank-a'6 (see rich), child gdt’a'. chin leg-. Chiton Sielleri ca'u. - iunicata kor. Circus Hudsonicus qeq. clear, it is, weather, a ka wa qats. cloud guts (see heaven), cloudy k-u tli guts =it is out of doors cloudy. club g-’uts (see crabapple tree), coal t’otc (see black), cold sia't. Golymbus glacialis k-Eg-e'it. column, heraldic (totem post) kote'ra. comb qedo'. common people ica/n (see poor), cone of Ficea ts’otsa'ne. to cook (at—)sae'. copperplate tina'. cormorant ydk-. corpse naru'. c. calf of leg ts’e'yu. Caltha palustris atague'k'e. 176 Boas.] [Oct. 2, cotton goods s’E'sa (see sail). Coitus sp. wek-. council atkaqloa'k. country a'n(e). cousin (father’s sister’s child) at. (mother’s sister’s child) tlak£. (see sister), crab s’a'u. crabapple tree g-’uts. crescent (see moon). cross (minded) k-’an—rao (see angry). crow ts’E'quetl. crown of head ca ki = head top. to cry g-aq. Cychrus longicollis as k-’to yik ca' woman in the woods ; as k-’to = woods, ca = woman. sing; tletl(l)qat(2)ca(3)caqawu (4) = not (1) I (2) on (3) head hair (4) =no hair is on my head. to dream a—djiin. to drink tana'. drum ga'u. dry wa qok. duck g’uts. dust tc’en, k-es’e'dja. E. eagle tc’ak£. black, tc’ak‘(l)ie's(2) = eagle (1) black (2). ear guk. earring djac. east wind nanaqe't. tl’ak'ak*a'q (Chilkat). easy tletl tli tse = not difficult. to eat (at—) qa. ebb tide renatle'n. eggs of lice Hits. elbow t’er. elk tsisk£. Ernpetrum nigrum qitlewu'ts’e. empty aqu'ktle. end ce. Epilobium angustifolium k's'kan na'k£ = deer medicine. ermine da evening qa'na excrement ha'tle. eye wak’. eyebrow ts’e. eyelashes wak- qa qe'q’o. eyelid, lower, wak- tEri. upper, wak* k-a'. D. dagger tsa'g-atl. to dance a—tl’eq. dance of shaman iqt daide'de. dancing apparel tl’eq k-et. danger at sea kutleqe'tlcEn. name of Yeti’s mother, K 5156 teriE't. daughter si (probably child, said by mother). day yigEri' (see noon, to-day). dayliglit k'evva'. dead (na) na. deaf tlk'otl’Eqtc. deer k-oka'n. dentatia te'k-e. difficult tli tse. dish grease g’EkEne'. of mountain goat horn tli'net ts’ik*. dishes nuk‘. dicer ts’uts. to do si, ye—sine'. dog kyell. doll si (see daughter), door k-’aha't. dragon fly tlk’acecqa'wu = no man head-hair. They are said to F. face rE. far (na) tie. far out into the sea dekyi. fast rEsiye'k. fat, for greasing face, rE nets’e'. 1891.] 177 [Boas. father ic. father-in-law ru. fathom wat (see tall, probably length). (from elbow over breast to finger) k-at’e yiq ku wat. (from shoulder over breast to finger) qik ce gu'ntle yiq ku wat. (shoulder to finger of same arm) qik ce yiq ku wat. (elbow to finger of same arm) tcik-e yiq ku wat. feather k-’oa'tl. feather bed k-’oa'tlria't = feather place. to feel, I feel better, ag-a ctuqdenok. fern tsats. to fight g’an. finger tl’ek- (see toe). first, tc’eq. second, tl’ek-(l)tlen(2) = finger (1) great (2). third, trek'(l)g’a/tsgo(2) finger (1) small (3). fourth, wun ka tc’eq (see first finger), fire k'’an. fire drill toutin' (see round, and to turn round), fireplace k’an i'te = fire place. fish, fresh water, bin tak’a'te. a small species, ka’e'ta. fish line kye'u. of kelp, tlEra'ne. fishotter nukceya'n. flood tide dak-nEde'n. flounder tsE'nt’e. to fly de'k-en. foot k-’os. forehead kak‘. fox nagats’e' (borrowed). friend qone'. frog niqtc. in front of k-’e'ye (Chilkat). frost kaqua'n. Fucus vesiculosvs tare'de. fuel gan (k-’an ? = fireV full cawahik. fur seal q’on. G. Oallinago Willsoni gutsre 15tli = heaven bird. gens tan. get up ! ce'ndE ! girl catk‘. to give djet—te. give me to drink ! hahea qa tana7! to go gdd, at. I go to town fin(l)k-’e/ye(3)de (3)qoa(4)gut(s) town (1) in front of (2) ? (8) I (4) go (5) (Chilkat). good (rE) k’E. good-natured (tli) an. grandfather, mother, tlellk*. grandson cqa'nkc. grass sd'uk-. grease eqe'. gull kye'tlEd!7. gutts nase' GutscEtla, Chilkat name = horizon mother. H. jßaida Dekyina' = people far out seaward. hail kads'ts. hair ca qa/wu = head hair. hairdress of shaman k’its. half cu'ro. halibut tcatl. hand djin. jEarelda glacialis yaau'ne. HaricanE'ko = old woman under us, a mythical person. hat ts’aq. war hat, shaman's hat, wak’(l) k et(2) = face (1) wearing ap- parel (3). to haul in si'yik'. 178 Boas.] [Oct. 2. he hu, hole, qsEte'. head ca. head ornament used in dances ca k-et. to hear aq, aqtc. heart tek-. heaven gutSEre' = cloud place. heavy (re) datl, (tli) tse'. heels k-’etak‘. heron tlak‘. herring ra'u. herring rake m'tla (see brush), high water ran k-,Etwadab his to(—ri). hoof ague'ntle. hook, halibut, naq. round, t’eq. horizon k-u gats. gutscE = sky end. horn cede. horse gyuda/n (Chinook) ; dik' ka ra kidjet (Sitka) = back upon sit. house hit. dug out part in centre of, tak-. humming bird tag’atgdya'. hungry, probably; ran : lam hungry qat ran owa ha; it makes us hun- gry haet ran a wu si ha ; if I am hungry qat ran he'ne. kelp cake tlak-a'sk. kettle, wooden, oq’aka/gante. kidneys kaha/go, killer (Delphinus Orca) kylt. knee kylr. kneejoint sa/re. kneepnn ca kmnu'k’o. knife tlta. large, weks, gwa'tla. knothole in a board k ats. to know aqtc = to hear often. CEgdk = to understand. knuckles (djin) kagu'ntl. Kyinastl’ac, name of a man. L. labret g'akb silver nail, k ’annbq (k ’a mouth). large plug, k#’a nd’ak’a'. ladder dzet. Lagobus albus k’etsauwa'. lame tlEk-a'tck. language yuq’atE'ngi (see to speak), large tlen, yek‘ tlige' (?). to laugh (at—) co'uk-. to leave k'owate'n. Ledum palustre ts’ikc’ etldkn. left hand, ts’EtnEqi (djin). leg k^os. of animals atca'kari. above knee k-ats. leggings k-’ds k-et = leg clothing. liar k ’a tle'ye s’a'te = mouth play master. life tsen. light tletl wu dEtl = not heavy. lightning thunder bird opens his eyes. like yiq similar to. Lina sp. raga'n we's’ =:sun lice. lip, upper, k-’a tlo (k*’a —mouth). to listen (at—) sia'q (from aq —to hear). little ga'tsgd. L qat, qatc. ice t’ek-’. icicle k’iri t’e'k’e = above ice. inside lb, g-e. it is inside white a g-e ru. instrument rsre't. island k ’at. ivory cuqdu'k. jaw, lower, q’ats. just a short time ago, resiV. I, J. kelp gic. swimming apparatus of, kutlt’e'. K. 1891.] 179 [Boas. liver ti’ok-. long ku wa't, ye—ku wat (see fathom). ku dare't. long ago tc’otla/k. a long time (de) tc’ak'. loon cuwa'n. louse wes’. low water ran uwa tla. lungs kyegu'. Lupinus ka'ntak". Lycopodium clavatum k’o'kan si'gi = deer belt. moon, last crescent, rare ka/nakis. morning ra k’e'naen ; ts’s tat = blue night. mortar t’ek-’a ria'ti = pounding place; ka qE'guaret = rubbing upon place. mother atli'. mother-in-law can. mould tlaq. mountain goat towe'. horn tline'tl. mouse, shrew, kag’a'k-. kuts’i'n. mouth k-’a. much tleq. mud ts’eH, k-utlk. mussels rak. my aq ( ri). M. to make si. man k-a, tleingi't. many kdoq. men k-u ciri tihe'n. things at ciri tihe'n. married, baptized, hin qErodowate' = face put into water. martin k’sq. mashed kaqE'k'tl. mask wuk- katadu'k = face not per- forated. mast sE'sa (to) a'serrsail in tree. master s’a'te. of the upper world Tahi't. mat, made of cedar bark, g-atc. match, rubbed cedar bark, g’atc. may be—gutl. meat dlir. medicine nak‘. Mergus sarrator hin yikag'u' = water rim. midnight tatsri'n (tat = night). mind to rub mink tlenik’u'qu. month dis. moon dis. new, ka'wakis=:all out. first crescent, wutsik e'n. half, dis cu'ro. full, dis ran ra'wawEt. nail qak1. naked kßtldarE'k. navel ko'utl. neck dletu'q. necklace s’ak1 set = bone necklace. nephew (sister’s child) k-atlk‘. (brother’s child) g-itVmchild. net g e'wu. news neg. night tat. no tlek‘. noon yigEri'. north wind is blowing qdn do- wanu'k. nose tld. ornament tlo n nas. of shaman, wak' k-et face ornament. nostril 115 lorn tli. not tletl. nothing tlek‘. now he'idEt, ya'ridEt. N. 0. oak duk*. oar aqa kdarE't = long paddle. 180 Boas.] [Oct. 2 oblique s’a'ge. oesophagus llekatcu'q’o. Oidemia perspicillata k-aq. • sp. kite ka ru wing on white. Olachen sak. old man can. woman ca'wat can. on top of ka. I put it on top of, akayiqa'o. one eyed tlecauwa'k-e. to open one's eyes tl’ik*. to open a salmon tlag'E'ts. opposite kikii'. otter kucta. people kucta k-a=: otter man. our ha (—ri). outside da. the house ku. owl, white, k‘ak!. plate made of slate tEts’e'k. point tlo. Polygonatum tlek'wa hinte water berry. Polyporus as tak-a'di = tree biscuit. poor ica/n, k-’anickide'q. porcupine qatla g,E/tc = hair sharp. porpoise tcltc. post gadz’. to pretend to be rich (tc’E) ck-’a— tli nek‘. to be hungry (tc’E) to—ran s ha. to be a Tsimshian Ts’otsqE'nqc —tlie'q. puffin qeik. Q. quiver gue'tl. R. P. rabbit g aq. racoon s’aq. rafter kaqret. rain se'u. rainbow kiteqanaga/t = many col- ored wing. it is raining (dag) sete'n. raspberry tlek‘ we'de. rattle, made of puffin beaks, djin kaqE'ta (djin hand), djekaq- E'ta. shaped like a skull, cecd'q. raven yeti. razor k-areyi'qa. to recover from sickness (wu) neq (see to save), red k-’an yiq ate = fire-like color. reeds tlak-ridze. n&’ts’ok-. Bibes qahewu'. rich ank‘a'6 (see chief), ridge of house s’ersto'. right hand cirEneqi (djin). ring, finger, tl’ek- kakis = finger on ring (see bracelet). to paddle adlqa'. paddle aqa'. to paint neguo'tl; kE—CEHi't (see brush). painter neguo'll s’a'te = painting master. paint, black, for face, t’otc = soot. red, for face, tlek. palate ky’e’k tlEn. palm of hand djin t’ak' (see plant). Parmdia s’e'qone. Parus {titmouse), k-a torn' = man’s mind. perforation of nose tlo to ru tli. pestle (upon) pounder; (ka) qe'gua = (upon) Aibber. Pica Hudsonica ts’eg-e/ne. to pick guk. pipe ts’ek- da ket = smoke around box. place for something rere't, ria'ti. plant of foot k-’os t’ak (see palm), plate k*’eye't = something in front of (Chilkat). 1891.] 181 [Boas. ring, foot'k',bs ka kis = footon ring rock (small island) n5. roof % an, hit ka = house-top. rotten ll’ok-. round toutlcan (see to turn round), to rub with pestle ka—tlEqEk'tl. skull ca s’ak- = head bone. of a corpse ca k'Eqa'go. sky, clear, akawaqa'ts. gutsErß = cloud pla9e. slave gd'uq. to sleep ta. sleepy (te) ta owaha'. small ga'tsgo. to smell tsine'ky. smoke ts’ek-. to smoke sk-a da ts’ek- = mouth around smoke. smoke hole gat, gan. roof of smoke hole gane'tle. snail tak-. snake tl’ut tla'k-. snow diet. it is snowing ara kawa dan. son g'itV (probably child, said by father). son-in-law kan, seq’u'q (?). song of shaman iqt k-,a ci'ree. soot t’olc. Sorbus kEltcane't. soup, made of berries, qu'ktle. south wind is blowing rE'ndeu do'wanuk. sparrow-hawk gano'k. ter speak yug’a—ten, rEka'. Spermophylus Parryi tsatlk‘. spider k-asest’a/n. spirit yek‘. spoon citl. large bailer, cm. short, cE'ca. sprout wuts. squid nak‘. used for bait nsq nak‘. squirrel kanatltsa'k. a small species, tlk-oqwe'tsa. to stand gya. stand up! gyida/n ! star k'utaq’a'renaha. to steal ta'o. to steer yuru tlaa'. steering-paddle rEdi'ga. S. sail s’E'sa (see cotton goods), salmon qat. humpback, teats. spring, g'at. hooknose, tl’o'uk. dog, thitl. white, t’a. dried, alk-’eci qsk (qok = dry). salt etl qok = dry sea. sand tl’e'u. satiated cawa hik. to save neq. Saxidromus s’o'uk? gatl. scraper ni'ts’a. searEk'a'k, etl. heavy, agowata'n. seal tsa. sea lion tan. sea otter yuqtc. to see ten, sete'n, tli ten. septum tlo t’aka'. shaman iqt. 1 shark tuts'. sharp tlag’E'ts. sheep, big horn, djE'nu. sheets s’s'sa ka re'gse. shell sp. ? ie's. Cik-’a' tluto', a point near Sitka. shoe titl. shore line hin k’a'co (hin = water). short ku wall. shoulder qikea'. sick nek‘. y sinew, thread, tas. to sing (at—) ci. sister, elder, tlak. skin douk. 182 Boas, j [Oct. 2, stern of canoe gyikkak Sticta puhnonara acakare'ci. stockings tl’eg’u'n. storm ara odetek stone thE. stout ku tla. straight, upright, kin de term. ahead ran de term. stomach yuruk stop crying c’itlk’E'tl. storehouse in the woods tCEtI. stranger f auya't. strawberry cak‘. street de. strong (rope, etc.) tli wu's. (man) tli tse'n (see life). summer kmta/n. sun (ra) gan. the sun is shining (dag) gan. sunset re anani'H. sunrise ky’e anani'H. swan g'uk'tl. sweat far. sweat-lodge qar. sweet tli uukts. sweetheart tserik to swim randaf E;tc. Tlingit tleiogi't. tobacco g’antc. to-day ia'yigEri. toe k-’os tl’ek = foot finger. together wucten—ta. we laugh, at to ta co'uk-. to-morrow sere'nk-. day after, sere'nk- tliraakEte'n. tongue tl’ot. tooth oq. town an (see country), trap ie'q. tree k-ats. tribe na. the heavenly, k-e'wa k a/oqa/wo. Tringa ayahi'a. trout k-’oa't. trunk k'6'uk’ok-. Tsimshian Ts’otsqE'n. Tsuga rEn. to turn round toutl (see round, fire- drill). to turn back, on foot, k-uq k'atudaa't. k'aqudigu't. • in canoe, k'uqritlak the tide turns ara kan didak twins write kikrE'de two together opposite. T. tail tl’et. tall (ye)—s’ak- ku wat = bone long. temples wak-co' (wak- = eye). then adaqafo. their hasto (—ri). they has, haste. thief Wo s’a'te = stealing master. thin qun. thine i(—ri). to think of somebody su—s’et’E'n. Thou woek woe'tc. thumb go'uc. thunder, thunderbird, net!. tide hat. tired (wu ti) que'tl. Tlaqkdic, Chilkat name = perpet- ual man’s father. U. Ulva k-’atc. unde (father’s brother)sa/ni. (mother’s brother) kak. up de ki. uvula nul’ari. Y. Vacdnium Vitis Idma negu'n. uliginosum ts’ik’a'qkk ovalifulium kanafak Valeriana tltcanisla'kk vein ts’ikc. vertebra dik- s’ak- = backbone. very leq, site'. 1891.] 183 [Boas. Viburnum acerifolium k'Eqwe'q. village, winter, tak’ane'. summer, k-,uta'n. voice sek. wing of nose tlogutc. winter tak (see year), to wish sigd', gacu'. wolf g'6'utc. woman ca'wat. a man, who is in the habit of eloping with women, ca s’a'te woman master. woodpecker gan da da gug‘ = wood around (= bark) around pick. worms tl’uk-. wrist djin t’ak'tl. W. to walk gsd, at. wall gy’iri'. warm (rs) t’a'. warrior g-’an s’a'te = fighting mas- ter. water him wave tit. we ohan, oha'nc. weak tletl wu tli tsen = not strong. west wind sa'naq. wet (ti) tl’sk-. whale yar. whistle t5 uq siret —into plow place. while ru, tied yiq ate' = snow-like color. widow, widower, hxtltsatseca'wat. willow tc’atl. wind ky’etlca'. icing kite. Y. to yawn akye't. year tak (see winter), yellow kyetl ha'tle yiq ate dog ex- crement-like color. yes a. yesterday tatgE (see night). ■ day before, tatgE tliraaks't. you riwa'n, riwa/ntc. young ga/tsgs. man rEdE'k1. your ri (—ri). 11. ENGLISH-lIAIDA. Skidegate Dialect. (Note.—The words followed by a K. are Kaigani dialect.) A. all tlo'qan. Alnus ka'ac (borrowed from Tling- it) K. always wa gye'na. Anas boschas tha K. clypeatn Hit. histrionica k-,E'cg’utk. ancestor tlsta de tsi'nga = long ago my grandfather. ankle gy’atl t’ams'l = leg knuckle. another k-a'lro.' Anser tlgyitgu'n. antlers nacafiare. above gi. it is, ca e'tsi, to accompany g-ak’a'it. Acer tlk-atlk (borrowed from Tling- it) K. adam’s apple k-agE'n sku'tse=lung bone. adze qot’a'. afternoon ssn ta'tsera ga'ista. again I'seS. alive qai'ntnga. 184 Boas.] [Oct. 2 antlers, many pronged, g‘at g’oa'qa gig-’a'nrai = deer’s manifold antlers. anus k’ase'. apparel, wearing, gya. apron of woman dlgyitgyiflgya (dl t’a'tse). apron for dances k-’antsetlqa/gya (gya = wearing apparel). Arctostaphylus uva ursi dinq (bor- rowed from Tlingit) K. arm below elbow Hi, Hiad. above elbow ni tlrx. armor, wooden, for breast, tcidlkit. for belly, k-’antsellqa/gya (see apron). made of sea lion skin, k‘’et’x't (k-’et = sea-lion). armpits sk-ut. Arnica cordifolia nit haua/c. arrow, with bone or metal point, ts’x'- talEn. blunt, for birds, k-’u'ngal. ashes dltE'tlqet. aunt (mother’s sister) ao —mother. (father’s sister) sk-an. aurora g'Ol qalga da'nt’atl. axe gyeil dsao. basket qin. bat k,’atltsoqa/la. baton of shaman t’ask-‘. beach gyitl. bear, black, tan. grizzly, qo'ots (borrowed from Tlingit). polar, ha'l’un. beard sk-’e'6re(n). beaver ts’En. bed theida/n = sleep instrument. beetle ;hansk-ead K. =face dirt. before this ku'nrasta. belly tatl. belt (dl)dsga'wa K. berry g-an(a); ban (a) K. cranberries dla'e. dried, g-an hid g-ata. boiled, g-an galE'nsEl. birch atta'ri (borrowed from Tling- it) K. bird qet’e't. a bird with red wings sdxadtset K. black (tl)k-atl, (s)k-atl. black cod skdl. bladder k‘og'E'n sk’an. blanket gya'atk. Ghilkat, nadain (borrowed from Tlingit). Blennius sp. thacx'n K. blood g-ad. blue go tlratl. blue jay tl’E'njut. body, the whole, tea'ne. to boil, gan ; qoa'tlta. boiled food galE'nsEln. bone skfi'tse. bow tlk'edt. bowstring tlk'edt t’a/tse. box g‘sta, da'ota. bracelet, copper, Halslgyad brain k'as’E'ntsEn, katlEdxts’En. to break down qu'ndata. the sea breaks (heavily) g'adu g'u'n- gE (yu'En). B baby k-a'qa (see weak), back skua7e, gyi'nguta. vertebra gj i'nguta sku'tse backbone. of house na stlEn = house back. of hand sl’b'na. bad da(ranga). bald head skaqa/s. ball, to play at, gut kitl kVtsu. played with seal meat, qst at gut kitl kVtsu. bark of Isuga Hi; had K. of other trees k-’odse. basket, small,-for berries, k-’adtas. large, for berries, k-’e'gu. 5891.] 185 [Boas. breast k'an. brothers and sisters k-’a'tlqa. brother ta (said by sister). elder brother gua/i (said by brother). younger brother da'(drEn) (said by brother). second brother guctnEfi k'atleqa- gas(?). third brother guct la'na(?). brother-in-law k-ea'=: sister’s hus- band (said by man). tlE'nara = sister’s husband (said by sister). Bubo Virginianus gutgune'st K. Buccinum ckElsk' K. bucket g-a'na. bush tikyi/n(ra). butterfly stlak-a'm. buttocks k-’atltso. button blanket gun la'ngo gya'atk. by and by k’oa'i. Circus Eudsonica do;hatlaga' K.= catching bird(?). cirrostratus k'ue'au. cirrus ia'n tse'tla ('a'n = cloud). clams ska/e, ky’u. clothing, to wash , tada'n tsi'gyida. cloud ian. coat djit’i'sku. red cod sk-an. small codfish sta/etae. large codfish ska'enan. cold qui'. colored tlratl. many, aqa'i tlia'tla. Colymbus glacialis tail. come! (used with the imperative) ha'la ! the winter is coming ta'da g'i/lga. cone of pine ctl’ack’E'mal. to cook by means of heated stones sitl; gya'galan. copper plate t’a'o. cormorant ky’a/lau. cotton wood tl’al. Coitus sp. k-’al. tl’a/ma. cousin sk an = father’s sister’s and mother’s brother’s daughter. usqu'n— mother’s brother’s child. lEta'n = father’s sister’s and mother’s brother’s son. Mother’s sister’s child = brother. Father’s brother’s son = brother.- Elder or younger brother are used according as cousin is elder or younger than self. crab k,’uct’a'n. crabapple k'e'iq. tree k’e'yintl. cranberry ta. crane, and Gallinage Wilssoni, dEI (borrowed from Tlingit) K. crazy dladlgua (see land otter). c. calf of leg gy’atl k-a'u=:leg muscle. Caltha palustris nil gi tlEgEn med- icine above swim. canoe tld'u. Gardium Nutalli chilhie'i K. catfto'us (Chinook). cedar, yellow, c-.hatla'n K. young, ts’6 gyit e. blanket la/aial. bark, used for making mats, gyie't. cedar root dle'in. Ceryle Halcyon k’ut’u'n K. cheek, lower part of, ts’i'ta. upper part of, ts’i'ta. chief (nEn)etlqagida'. head-chief, la'na a'ora = town mother. child gyit’(e). chin tlka'e. Chiton tunicata crhe'it K. Stelleri t’a. Boas.] 186 [Oct. 2, crow k’a/ltsEda. crown of head tl’El k’a'tse. to cry sk’a'yetl. to cut off {neck) (qil)k-’e'tl. E. eagle g-6t; :hot K. eagle Mack :hot tlratl K. eagle gens gyitena'(c). ear gyu. opening of ear ka/lle. earth, ground," (see island) tlga. earthquake tlga iddEn. east wind k'Vratsg'a. to eat ta. to eat together ua/ras. ebb tide gyitlrani'tl. edge of box cIeS. upper edge of blanket si'dE. egg k-a'u. lice eggs djac. elbow Hi tsEgui' elk tci'cku. Empetrum nigrum diacka'wa. to enter Iradl (see to walk). ermine tlEk-, tlqa. evening seu Hi. excrements kwa'rau. eye qa'ng(e). eyebrow skia'tse. eyelashes qa'nga dlt’a gutce. eyelid qa'nga g-a'al = eyelid. D. dagger Ir’a'otl. to dance Hia'fl. {shaman's) dance (sk'a/g-at) wikat- sd. dancing leggins gy’atl gya ~ leg dancing ornament. daiiger at sea c:ha/noakEn K. daughter-in-law dzirona/n. daicn seu gitlEnga (no'kua). day sEn. all day long see sg-a/sg'o. it is daylight k’a'dega. dead g-’st’utl. deer g’’at. Delphinus O'ca sk-a/g-a ; chan K. (see shaman), dish k-a'itla = wide open. carved on both sides k'a'itla k-o'la=:dish forehead. dog qa. dog fish k-’a'qata. dog salmon ck’sk. doll gyit; gEde's (children’s lan- guage). dolphin sk'ul; k-’an. door gy’u ; stEn. in heraldic column gy’u qa'l = door hole. do%vn {feathers) tE'nrd ; g-E'nrd. dragon fly de'gua t’a'ma/i = sun louse K. ; ma/mats’ikye (bor- rowed from Tsimshian). to drink qutl. drum ga/udjau. dry g-’a'(ga). duck qa/qa. dusk aga'lgua. dust, dirt, sk'ead. face qang(a). fall tea'nut k-arat (see winter), to fall over k’a. to fall from esg’oe'. far dzlnsa. fat tlk d'na. father (said by man) k-ufi. (said by woman) qat. father-in-law k’o'ne (see son-in-law), fathom Hi rodlagi't (ni arm). half, di ky’e'ore dlog’e'ta^ my median line of body fathom. (measure from left shoulder to top of finger of right hand), sk'al dlo (sk-al = shoulder). F, 1891.] 187 [Boas. feathers, pubis, g-a/u. female sexual organs ka'u; tso'u (children’s language). a certain festival gya/ist. gag’ue'ta. to fight ra/Hilla. together gutg-an la'nitla. figure k-’eda. finger si finger. first, sli k’ua'ns (sli = hand). second, yak-’ola'na. • third, qeiga/us weak. fourth, sli go'uts (sli —hand). fire-drill tlk'a'k’e. fireplace k-ae'qet. firewood ts’a/uo. fish tcitl. fresh-water, tc’e'na. salt-water, sk-’a/llan. fish knife ta/g-atao. fish line of kelp, tlgai. fish otter ts’owu'lEkb fish roe ha’e. fish trap, bottle-shaped, sk’aia'o. fish trap, large, gyi'rau. flat g-a. flesh gyerk. fleshy gyeia'ulgd'u. flood tide ga/etlinit. fly de'idEn. fog ia'n(Enga). food ga ta'. foot st’a'e. footprint sl’a sel. forehead k-ul. forenoon sEnga'e. fox naga'tse (borrowed from Tling- it). frame tlk-a. my friend ta'que. frost g-alE'ngudatl. to fry citl. on stones citl g-uta' = fry stone. Fucus vesiculosus t’al (borrowed from TUngit) K. fur seal k-’oa'n. Gr. gambling sticks ssn. to give e'ista. to go k-a, i'sk-as, gEnd’anht (?). let us go ha'la d’a'lEn gEnd’ani't s’an. good la. grandchild t’agyE'n. grandfather tcin. grandmother nan. grass k-’an. gravel sqat’E'ldan. green gan tlratl yellow ; g-6tlratl = hlue. greenstone (jadeite) dlk'a tlo'u. gull ck-’in. gums ts’En k-’ul = teeth skin. gun dzl'gu. Gyins : ha'noa (the wife of Neu- kyilstlas). H. Haida qa'eda. hair k-as k-’e'tl=:head hair. 'dress of shaman gyietl. half y a/ko. moon k-un genEroa'e. halibut qa'ko, ;hak‘ K. hnlloh! ai'dinga ! hand sli, sla'e. Harelda glacialis a'ngange. harpoon k-’a. line k-’a tl’a/tse. point of salmon harpoon k’udE'nkyil. hat da'dzEn. ring da/dzEn ski'lga. he la. head k-’a/tse. ring of red cedar frar&tEntlgyi- k-a'ldE. to hear gu'dEn. heart tek’o'go. her la. heels st’a kose' (st’a = foot). 188 Boas.] [Oct. 2, to help etlwa. heraldic column gya'ran = standing upright. herring !'nan. it is high water skua/ga (rilgEn). hipsk-atlu/] sku'tse (sku/tse=bone). hook, for fishing halibut, ta/o. iron hook stil ta'o. hole qal. hoof of deer g-’at st’a/gun (st’a = foot). horizon kmeHdzi'nrau. horn (see antlers), horse gyiida/n (Chinook). house na. dug out part in centre of, da'a. front na qan = house face. humming-bird qEktgyia' (borrowed from Tlingit) K. hungry k’hie'ta. husband tlal. Iddney tca/e. to kill te'aqan. knee k-’ulo'. pan k-’ulo karan. joint gyal kmld’E'ngo^leg joint. knife sqa/u. made of shell taqa/5. to know u'nseda. 1 do not know a/ya. knuckle d’amE'l. Kushtaka (otter people) gEgyil't K. L. lake su. La/nas = the town, place near Rose Point. lance tcea'tl. land tlga. land otter sdlgu. large yu'an. to laugh k‘a. leaf dlk‘VSgual. Ledum palustre hi'lk'agen K. =: mouse neck. left hand sla/negi sla/e. leg, above knee, thil. below knee, gy’atl. dancing leg gins gy’a/tlgya = leg wearing apparel. leg of table tlga. lid of box la/uta k'a'al = box lid. to lie k-’6rat, ketlnida'n. liar k-’srat lia'era = lie master. lightning sqet gauldan. to like stat’E'l. Lina sp. djuwet’ama/e. line tl’a/tse. lip, upper, h’o'tsequn. lower, k’o'uta. • liver tetl’Elkul. lobe of ear gyu st’a'e —ear foot. long sk’’a, dzin. ago tlsta. loose cuva/c. 1. /de(a), tla'(a). ice g-al(sia). indeed? oilja? Indian of the interior ts’ak's, inside k-a'tlek, na'gust K. instrument tan. interstices between fingers sli iatk-ase'. intestines k‘ es. imitation to autumnal festival la'gyinem. iron ire'ts. island gua/e. K. K-atlsnskui'n, name of a place. kelp tlk-< a'ma. cake qa'eda gu'lra = Haida tobacco. kettle ck-,EI. wooden boiler, ck’El gan. wooden, ta'utaqai; sk’a'lgal. 1891.] 189 [Boas. lost ga'u. louse t’am. low water tse'qoa, lungs k-a/genske'ga (see adam's apple). Lupinus gE'ndd. Lycopodium clavatum g-’at dldsga/- wa = deer belt. lynx tlgyan da'udja'e (tlgyau = forest). mosquito ts’era'ltEquan. mother a' 6. mother-in-law dzirona/n (see daugh- ter-in-law). mountain t’e'is; tldera'u. goat ky’idire. sheep mat’ (borrowed from Tsimshian). mouse ka'gan. tslgul a'ora (a'ora = mother). mouth qell’e'. mud team muscle k-a'u. Mytilus edulis dial K. M. to make da, gym, g-otlra. man e'tlinga, k-’EI. ga ; for instance, k-’oa'laga = raven gens man. many sko'l (only referring to men). k’oa'n (referring to any thing including men). yu'an (referring to any thing including men). martin k-'o'u. mask uitca'ngo. master Ira/era. mat Iguc. meat gyeri'. median line of body ky’eo're. medicine nil. midnight g-al ya'ko. mind gu'dEn. mine tenE'nga; na/ra. moccasin st’a tlk’u'nkye (st’a foot). moon k-’un. new, k-’un ihaidogEn. first crescent, k-’un k-eqatlg-a = the moon opens his eyes. last crescent, k-’un ihailoda'l- gsn. begins to be full k-’un g’aisgd- gidga. is shining k-’undlan. more i'sEn. morning SEn ae'qEn. mortar da'ro. N. Na eku'n, Rose Point. nail sli g’u'n==hand nail. naked k-oona/nd. nape ts’e'kye. navel sgil. near a/qan. neck qil. needle sin. nephew (man calls his sister’s child) nad. (man calls his brother’s child) gyit- (woman calls her brother’s child) usqu'n. (woman calls her sister’s child) gyit. net a'qat. night gal. it is, g'a/lga. nipples tl’E'nwai. no gad'ano. Nontlem qaleta'. noon SEn ta'tsera. north wind k-’auuste' ga, qu'stcga. nose kun. nostril kuntsqul. not gEin. notch of arrow stlqu' tse. now (a)uwTia't. Boas.] 190 [Oct. 2, O. to piss tse'gEn. plant of foot st’a k-ara'u (st’a foot). poker kyitsqEla'ngd. Polygonatum ct’a'u ha'na—witch- craft berry. porcupine :hatlgßts (borrowed from Tlingit) K. porpoise skul. to possess (tla) da, k-e'i, (de) ran. post, in house, k-’stg-a'ngs. potlatch wa'tlqatl. pregnant, she is, 1 tail gyit’e' (gyit’e' = child, 1 tail = her belly). puffin k'oqE'n ; kmana' K. pupil of eye qa'nge 1 tan kare'i. oak tca'nan. oar adl dzi'nda = paddle long. ocean si. oesophagus tl’Elqo'ts’El. Oidemia perspicillata c’i'ndEtl K. Oidemia sp. .ga'oq K. olachen ca'u. old k-’a'i. clothing k-’u'lzu. ■ man nsn k-‘a'ia. on gud. top of u'nse, gi. one squn, sqa'sgo, sqoa'nsEn. open k-a. to open one’s eyes k-e'qatlg-a. another one gyina k-’a'lrs. outside :hadssi K. owl, white, k’ak‘ (borrowed from Tlingit) K. Q. Qoia g-a'ndla:= Raven water, a river on Queen Charlotte Islands. quartz tlk-a k-’a'tse (tlk-a = stone). quiver ts’italE'n dara'o = arrow box. paddle adl. to paint k’otla'no. red paint for face (qan) ma'tsa. black paint for face (qan) k-,a'tsa. palate se'ingatse. palm of hand sli k'a'ran (sli = hand). Parmelia k’altsdele'dja. partridge, ptarmigan ; cka'u. Parus tathla'nsgyet. penis tsi'tsi. people qa'edqa. perforation of nose kun qal = nose hole. of ear gyu qal = ear hole. pestle da'rao ; da'rad ts’En. petticoat ca'ata Igyegyia'qa = wo- man’s petticoat. pile of fuel ts’a'nd sqa. pillar, erected in commemoration of deceased, qat. pipe qe'tbm g-a'euda'6 = mouth smoke box. P. R. rafter ts’an sk’a'get. rain dadl. rainbow ta'wEl. rain wind (generally east) qe'u. raspberry ban gyit’e' = berry small. rattle, raven, sisa'. shaman’s, dlkura hitaga'ngo. puffin beak’s, tIE hitaga'ngo. skull-shaped, k-’el hitaga'ngo. raven qoia' ; yeti (borrowed from Tlingit) K. gens k-’oa'la(c). to recover from sickness nga'istl; Igila. red sqet. reed k-’an tl’akida'=: grass wide. rib qe'we. Eibes ha'iwa (borrowed from Tling- it) K. ; k-’etgua'n K. 1891.] 191 [Boas. ridge of house, formed by a long board, tlgi'tlai. > of upper part of ear gyu tlkmn = ear ridge. of nose kun tlkmn = nose ridge. right, it is all right, tE'mqEn. hand sqolgyila/na. river k’a'ura. to roast fish dlgu. roof na u'na = top of house. inside of, na k’ara'n. rope of spruce roots km'ntla. of cedarbark kma'e. around food box taut iya'ngre. rotten s a'ga ; gu'nraga. round gas, g-e (see full moon). Bubus. Vacctnium uliginosum, han ha'nlas = berry sweet. to run k’a'nit. sea otter k o'u ( (?) see martin). to see k’in, k’ea'n. self tldo, a'gsn. septum kun tE'ngare. to sew tl’El, gya 11’eI. shaman sk’a/g’a. shark k’’at; k’’a/qata a'ora = dog- fish mother. she la. sheath of dagger k’aotl k’’al = dag- ger skin, shells, burned and chewed with to- bacco, gua/ga. ship k-’e'i. short k-’odza/5. shoulder sk’al. sick st’e. sinew qa/e. to sing sqala'n, k’atsa's. sister, djas (said by brother). sister-in-law. tlE'nara (brother’s wife, said by brother and vice versa). tsi'nga (brother’s wife, said by sister and vice versa), to sit k’’au'6. skate sqa/na. skin k-’al. skull k-a sku'tse = head bone. sky kmie' k’ara'n. slate tlk’a s’a/ga —stone rotten (soft). slave qaldE'nga. to sleep t’ei. sleep tlk’’ag-a. sling tsawu'n. small gau gE'tsd. to smell sku'ngudEn. smoke g’a'eu ; gyinedt. hole gyinada'i. snail ct’E'la K. snake si'ga. snipe ayahl'a. snow d’ara/o. son-in-law k o'ne. soot k’ayu'cian. soul catcher k-’angitlkigya = breast dancing ornament. s. saliva tl’an. salmon tcln. a small species, c:hoa/gank K. hooknose, tai. humpback, ts’it’a'n. white, ta'un. smoke-house for, ta/na na/i. weir, nia'i (the centre occupied by the fish trap gyirau). berry sk’a/uran. salt ta/nga g-a/ga = dry sea. sand tas. Saxidromus squalidns ky’u. scalp k’as’E7!. scared tlqua/k’a. scraper of deer bone gyitsrate'sko. scrotum k’’utle k’’al = testicle skin. sea ta'nga. far out into the, siako. seal qst (borrowed from Tsimshian). sea lion k’et, k-ae. hat sqa'tse dadzEn. armor made of the skin of, k-’og-agya'. 192 Boas.] [Oct. 2, berry soup ac. to speak kyetlkul. to somebody so'ta. spear shaft kit’u'. to throw spear kit. sparrow hawk skya'mskun. Spermophylus Parryi tsatlk‘. spider k-’utlsia'n. spike of pine gia/. spoon sla'gul. large spoon sla'gul g-ania'lo, sla'gul g-anE'l. spring k-’in rad, k-’in re'da (k ’in = summer). sprout ck-’a'u K. squall t’a'tso kme'we (t’a'tsd = wind). squid nil K. squirrel da'sqa ; gEtltsa'k K. to squirt yi'ltEn. to stand gya'ran. star k-’e'hsao. shooting star k-’e'itsao kwa'rau star excrement. starfish sk-’a'am. to steal k-’s'tlta. stomach gy’e'lse. stone tlk-a, g-sta'. storehouse in forest gya'c hala'n, storm qastl. story k-’a'eg-an. strawberry hil daha'n. street gy’u. strings for tying up blanket, handle, (dl)t'a'ts(e). strong dakuya'. stump of tree, a fallen trunk, k-’a'qo. summer k-’in, k-’in ya'ko. sun dzidlg'oe. suspensor of dagger k-’a'otl t’a'ts. swan titl’u'n. sweet ha'ulas. sweetheart k-’atai'ra. to swim (bird, wood) tlEgE'n. T. table gala da/n =it eat instrument. tail of bird, whale, ky’i'ta, sky’ea'd. offish st’a'i = foot. to talk kyetlkul. talker kyetlkul Ira'era = talking master. tattooing gyida'. temples near eyebrow skya'ts qota. tragus gye'lsEnta're. testicles k-’utle'. there es’. therefore k'Vgan. thicket tlkyan ts’igE'nga yu'an. thief 'k'biUa, Ira'era steal master. thing gyi'na. thirsty k-’ado. thorn da'a, da'nga. thread gy’etla'o. to throw with stones tsa wa'nga (see sling), thumb sli k’use'. thunder he'lan ; kaqe'gEl. tide koa'kia'. the tide turns koa'tlk'at Ita'ra. Tlk-agi]t = beach; Skidegate. toad tlkyan k’ost’an = forest crab. tobacco gul. toes st’a k'VSge =foot finger. to morrow da'rgatl. tongue t’a'ngEl. tongs, for taking stones out of fire, tlk-a tso = stone tongues. too g-e'dEn. tooth dz’En. molar tooth dz’En k-a'tsk-ul. town la'na. tree k-et, k-a'e. trout ta'tl’at. twice sting En. twins ntsa'ta qe'g-a stin. TJlva Ir’atc. uncle (father’s brother) k'uu** father, TJ. 1891.] 193 [Boas. unde (mother’s brother) k'a. unmarried man dlHian. woman sk’En ka'nda. whistle sk’a/na. white g-’a'da. man ire'ts qa'etra = iron man. • k-’EI g-ada/a=man white. who gyi'sto. why go'gusg’ano, g’a/tlEntla/5. wide tlakid '. wife dj’a. wind lalsa/6. seaward, tatsa/o sg-a. catpaw, tatsa/o sk^ada'lga. landward, tatsa/dgltl. increasing in strength t’atse'lga. wing ne'i; st’a/run. winter ta/da ; stn ga'rat. to wish sta'tEl. witchcraft ct’a/u K. wolf go'utc ; ho'utc (borrowed from Tiingit) K. woman dj’a'ata. woodpecker clotsg'ada/n. wood tlkyan. worm cik; sk'a'ra. wrist Hae k-’old’E'ngo =arm joint. Y. Vaccinium ovalifolium titan Vitis Idaca sk-a/uran gyit’e'^ salmon berry small. valley tl’a/dan. vein g-a'i nsg'ere'=blood vein. Veratrum gua/iga K. Viburnum acerifolium tla'e K. W. to walk ka. wall na ta gul=: house side. warm ky’e'ina. warp qa'i. warrior gutl’i'sta. ra/nitlta Ira'era = fighting master. to wash tin. one s hands sltla/nEn. wasp sral, c:hal K. water g-andl. wave g-a/eu. we etl, t’alE'ngua. weak k-aqa(ga')- weft k-’oda'i. wet rEdzi'gKn. whale kun. fabulous, with five fins, wask-. what gosu, gog’us. where gyinu'. Y. year ta/da (see rcintei). yellow g’an tlratl. yes a; o; a/nga. yesterday da'rgall tlga/e. day before yesterday sta g-al stifi- ge'lgen = two nights ago. you, pi. dalE'n. young gyi'tg'e ; itE'rEn. 111, ENGLISH-TSIMSHIAN. A adze of stone tasErEm lap = adze of stone. to adopt SEwula'isk = make rela- tive. afraid has, pi. Isbas. afternoon tla da/otl gya'muk. above Isqa'. to accompany stsl. across tsag-a'. Odom’s apple sia'uq 194 Boas.] [Oct. 2, again tla(l)gyik(3) =perfect sense (1) then (3). against tqal. (hostile) lEbi'lt. ago, a few days, g’E'rdata. a few weeks, gyetqa'utq. a year, long ago, gye k’a'otl (k’a'otl = year). long, tla'gyigyat. air ha. all tqa'ne. to allow Enaoq (see to consent). 1 allow him to come Ena'yo dsm k'a'edEks. also di. always tla'wula. ancestor, female, nag’an tse'eskaim (see grandmother). male, nag-an yetkmm (see grandfather), and (connecting nouns, etc.) ditl, g’antl. - (before words designating hu- man beings) dis, g’ans. (connecting sentences) ada. angry llo'onte. animal ie'ts’Esk. ankle hEmho'm. to answer dilEmaqtl. antlers qaqa'ns. arm an’o'n. above elbow lEbEo'n. armor of elk skin k-,Etla'n. to arrive batsk. arrow haua'l. bird arrow, t’e'es. to ascend a river g-’a'la. to ascend a mountain maqtl. ashes OE'nEk-sEk-. ashore tss'rEn. to ask kEi’E'taq. Asuwa'lgyat (a fabulous monster belonging to the gens Kan- ha'da, raven) gyat person. at (referring to distant objects) ga, gasga. at (referring to present objects) da. aunt (mother’s sister) = mother. (mother’s brother’s wife)nEkta/. (father’s brother’s wife) na'os. autumn kso'ot. axe, European, gyegya/otk= length- wise fastened. stone, daliE'rEs. B. baby, male, gyine'es. female, wok-’a'uts=: without labret. back k-’a'o. backward gyi'lEks. bad hada'q. to bail ts’e’yuk. bailer ha(l)ts’e'yuksa(3) = instru- ment (1) bailing (3). bark, match, gyimst. basket, Jor berries, iu'sEl. for fish, tSEla'. of cedarbark, for carrying household goods when traveling, do'otlk. to be ne, nene'. bear, black, o'l. grizzly, mEdi'ek. fabulous (?) white, mEsVI. gens, gyispotuwE'da. beard emq. to beat time k’ansp’a'. beaver sts’al. because (a)wul. bed halela'tlk. bee ap (borrowed from Tinne). beforehand gn'ldEm. behold ! rakstana' ! belly bEn. to belong to wald. below gyeek. berries, dried, gEne'gu (atl). Bilqula Lalgyime'l. bird ts’o'wots. 1891.] 195 [Boas. bird, all flying animals, lEpa'yeky. black t’o'otsk. paint for face qto'ots. blackberries nuVe. blanket gus. white, gus maks. sea otter, gus ptlon. Ghilcat, gus(l)naikyi'm(2) gya/muk(3) = blanket (1) sun (8) ; naikyim, evidently from na'qin, Tlingit. blind su'Ens. blood itle'. blue kuskua'sk. boards in bottom of canoe ktsa/oks. bone sa'yup. book sa'wuns. boom t’uksitle'. boots ts’a/oqs (see foot). on both sides laqaq. bow haukta'k. of canoe gyits’a/iq. bowstring te'es. box for food k-alEi'rEnk-. for blankets qpe'is. boy woratlk. brain wunEg'a'us (see head), branch ane'is, pi. anane'is. of river lots’ar. ts’a'tle. bread ana'e. breast k-a'yek-. breath ksEnatlk. &r^yetsaja(l)k,ane/qs = across (1). to bring da k-a'edsks (da = at, come). &ro