OF THE city of new yok^ PREFACE. This manual is intended to give the members of the College of Pharmacy, and all others who are interested in its welfare, information concerning its history, its work in the past and its objects for the future, and also to embrace a list of those who have been in any way identified with the College since its organization. The laws which affect Pharmacy in this city or have any special bearing upon the work of the College, will be found on pages 12, 13 and 14. A list of all the Officers and Trustees since the Incorporation of the College, its present membership, a complete list of its graduates to April 1873, and its Professors, will be found on appropriate pages. On pages 22-31 will be found a list of Registered Pharmacists and Registered Assistants who have com- plied with the law and passed an examination before the Board of Pharmacy, previous to January 25th, 1873. By reference to pages 40-47 tire reader will find a catalogue of the library. The College now possesses a very valuable collection of standard works in our own and other languages,bearing on all subjects which are in any way connected with our profession. An excellent list of journals in various lan- guages are taken so that all the current scientific litera- ture of the day, which has special interest to Pharmacists, may always be found upon the shelves of our library. PREFACE. By the excellent arrangements just completed on behalf of the College, members and others entitled to the priv- ilege, can have access to the library almost daily. On page 49 will be found further announcements of the arrangements made by the Officers and Trustees to advance the interests of the College and its members. This manual is designed to be a work of reference, and, in binding it, a number of spaces have been added which are intended for attaching the annual circular which the College will hereafter distribute, containing the changes of the year up to the time of its issue, and information of interest to the members. It is hoped, therefore, that this manual will be preserved and prove of service to those for whom it is intended. The committee have had to search the entire records of the College to prepare this little work, and they re- gret that, in spite of their care, a number of errors, chiefly typographical, have occurred. A portion of them are noticed under the head of “ Errata ” page 50. With this brief introduction, the committee issue the book, hoping that their shortcomings may be atoned for by its value to the members of the “ College of Pharmacy of the City of New York.” CHAS. RICE, P. W. BEDFORD, H. A. CASSEBEER, JR. V HISTORICAL NOTICE. The College of Pharmacy of the City of New York, organized March 18th, 1829, was incorporated by Act of the Legislature of this State April 25th, 1831, amended March 6th, 1839, its charter being granted for twenty-five years. Previous to this time, there had been a number of meetings held by some of the leading drug- gists of the day, who agitated the question of a better education of their apprentices. Among those who were prominent, the records name John D. Keese, Henry W. Schieffelin, John L. Embree, Waldron B. Post, Theodore Keese, Oliver Hull, Henry T. Kiersted, Patrick Dickie, Constantine Adamson, John Milhau, James H. Hart, Paul H. Lalouette, James C. Haviland, Lindley Murray, John Torrey, M. D., LL. D., Stephen Brown, M. D., John Carle, Jr., Geo. D. Coggeshall, George N. Lawrence, Wm. L. Rushton, Win. J. Olliff, James S. Aspinwall, and Wm. H. Milnor, as taking a very active part. After securing the Charter of the College and perfecting the organization of a School of Pharmacy, it was decided to purchase an appropriate site on which to erect a building, to be devoted to the interests of pharmaceutical education. After some time, a piece of property was purchased on the corner of Grand and Elizabeth Streets, but the funds were never sufficient to admit of the conversion of the building upon the property to college purposes, much less to erect a new building. In the meantime the School of Pharmacy was started, and though for many years the number of students were compara- tively few, yet the work went bravely on. At one time, the lectures were given in a room in the City Hall, later at 511 Broadway, (where now stands the St. Nicholas Hotel,) for a few years at the New York Medical College Building, and finally, in 1862, it secured rooms in the University Building, where it still remains, occupying now an entire floor of the north wing of the building. The original charter of the College having been granted for twenty-five years, it would have expired in 1856, but, previous to its expiration, a new act of Legistature was procured, which permanently extended the charter. Those opposed to this, sought to destroy it in order to compel a distribution of the value of the College property. HISTORICAL NOTICE. This movement involved the College for several years in a tedious and expensive suit at law, which, however, was decided in favor of the College on every point involved in the issue. This law-suit, owing to its expenses and accompanying cares, crippled the College in its finances, as also its usefulness, for a few years. Owing to the wretched character of many of the drugs received in this port from abroad, the College, early in 1848, directed attention to the serious injury resulting from the use of such medicines, and Mr. John Milhau pioneered the movement which resulted in securing the passage of a law through Congress in that year which prohibited drugs from being admitted into this country from abroad without passing an examination as to their quality. In enforcing this law, it was found that the examiners at the various ports had different views as to the quality which should admit the article as satisfactory, and the Secretary of the Treasury addressed this College in reference to proper uniform standards of quality, by which all the drug examiners should be guided In carrying out the wishes of the government, it was decided to consult with the other Colleges of Pharmacy, and in 1851 a call was issued by this College requesting their co-operation, and that they send delegates to attend a meeting for that purpose. Such a meet- ing was held in this city, October 15th and 16th, 1851, delegates being present from the Colleges of Pharmacy in Boston, Philadelphia and this city ; the delegates appointed by the Maryland and Cincin- nati Colleges sent communications, but were unable to be present. After accomplishing the object for which they met, viz., the establish- ment of some uniform rules for the admission of foreign drugs and chemicals, those present proposed to meet again in larger numbers in 1852, in Philadelphia. The little gathering of some twelve per- sons in 1851, has now become the American Pharmaceutical Associa- tion, with over a thousand members, and a scientific and practical record which marks it as one of the most useful organizations of the kind in the world The Lectures of the College, from its organization until 1867, were always more an expense to the College than an income. The advance, however, in attendance and price of tickets, have for the past few years made it more than self-supporting, and the small classes of its early days have been increased in a most satisfactory manner. The time is not far distant, when the facilities which the College now has will be entirely too limited to accommodate the number of those who desire to benefit themselves by its instruction. HISTORICAL NOTICE. On page 18 will be found a copy of the law passed March 18th, 1871, by which act the Legislature empowered a Board, consisting of four persons, to examine and license all persons in the City of New York who were engaged in conducting the retail drug business, either as principals or clerks. This law ignored our College ; and those who, by a previous law of the State had been the recipients of a Diploma as Graduate in Pharmacy, and thus were authorized as competent persons to dispense medicines, were again compelled to submit to an examination, for which a fee was charged of thirty dol- lars, while to clerks the fee was ten dollars for the same service. This law was passed at the instigation and by the influence of some persons connected with a corrupt body of politicians, who hoped and expected to obtain the salaried positions thus created ; but the Mayor of the city disappointed them, and his appointments were conceded to be much better than had been expected. The injustice of the law, however, aroused the Pharmacists of this city, who organized to ob- tain a better law. An independent organization, called the Druggists7 Union, presented a draft of a law, which they had agreed to, and it was presented to the College in the fall of 1871 for their conside- ration. The College had meantime been preparing a modification of the law, and a conference was had, which resulted in a new draft of a law satisfactory to both bodies, which was presented to the Legisla- ture early in 1872. Through the energy of Senator Weismann, who is a member of the College, an act was passed by the Legislature in May, which, in its main features, corresponded with what was sought by the College and Pharmacists of this city. This law places the control of the practice of Pharmacy, and its proper regulation, where it belongs—in the College of Pharmacy. The Board of Phar- macy is elected from among its members, and is essentially a part of the College itself. The beneficial action of the agitation in regard to the Pharmacy law is to be noticed throughout all the Colleges of Pharmacy in our land, by the increased attendance of students upon their lectures. In this respect, our College has received its full share. The library of the “ German Apothecaries Society77 is now located in the rooms of the College, and its valuable collection of foreign scientific and pharmaceutical works are much more accessible than heretofore. The laboratory of the College occupies the room formerly used for lecture purposes, and will accommodate from forty to fifty students. It has all the necessary conveniences for instruction in Pharmaceu- HISTORICAL NOTICE. deal and Chemical manipulations, and is designed to give practical scientific instruction, in connection with the able course of lectures of the Professors of the College. The greatly increasing duties devolving upon the Treasurer and Secretary, from the large number of members and students now con- nected with the College, have necessitated the employment of an assistant to relieve them from portions of their work. In April, 1813, Mr. Charles Froebel was assigned to those duties, and, in connection with his duties as Instructor in the Laboratory, those desiring to visit the College for any purpose will find him there during the hours mentioned. COLLEGE OF PHARMACY OF THE CITY OF NEWYORK. 44tli Annual Session. iB73> i 874 PRESIDENT. WILLIAM HEGEMAN. VICE-PRESIDENTS. PAUL BALLUFF. WILLIAM NEEUGAABD. M. L. M. PEIXOTTO. TREASURER. THEOBALD FBOHWEIN. SECRETARY. HENBY A. GASSEBEEB, JB. GEORGE C. CLOSE. ISAAC CODDINGTON. DAVID HAYS. EDWARD L. MILHAU. ewen Mclntyre. TRUSTEES. B. H. EEINOLD. CHARLES RICE. DANIEL C. ROBBINS. GEORGE G. SANDS. WILLIAM WRIGHT, JR. GUSTAVUS RAMSPERGER. 2 Committee on the Revision of the Pharmacopoeia PAUL BALLUFF, 655 Sixth F. HOFFMAN. C. RICE. Committee on Non-officinal Pharmacy. PAUL BALLUFF. P. W. BEDFORD. W. HEGEMAN. F. HOFFMAN. C. RICE. Delegates to Pharmaceutical Convention, Richmond, Va. PAUL BALLUFF. F. HOFFMAN. B. H. REINOLD. C. RICE. D. C. ROBBINS. Lecture Committee. E. L. MILHAU, 183 Broadway. M. L. M. PEIXOTTO. B. H. REINOLD. D. C. ROBBINS. G. Q. SANDS. Property Committee. I. CODDINGTON, 15tli St. and Broadway. G. C. CLOSE. D. HAYS. G. RAMSPERGER. W. WRIGHT, Jr. Curators G. RAMSPERGER, 655 Sixth Ave. C. RICE.. Library Committee. C. RICE, Bellevue Hospital. D. HAYS. G. G. SANDS Committee of Inspection. D. C. ROBBINS, 91 Fulton St. G. C. CLOSE. M. L. M. PEIXOTTO. Committee of Reference. B. L. MILHAU, 183 Broadway. E. McINTYRE. B. H. REINOLD. Faculty. C. F. CHANDLER, Ph. D., Pro- fessor of Chemistry. P. W. BEDFORD, Lecturer on Pharmacy. W. De F. DAY, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Botany. Adjunct Instructor. CHAS. FROEBEL, for Analytical Chemistry and Practical Botany. 3 CHARTER. AN ACT to Incorporate The College of Pharmacy of the City op New York. Passed March 20,1856. The People op the State op New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : Section 1. The Charter of the College of Pharmacy of the City of New York, is hereby extended permanently, as follows; I. John Meakim, William J. Olliffb, and all such persons as are now mem- bers of an association in the City of New York, known as the College of Phar- macy, or shall hereafter become members of the same, are hereby constituted a corporation and body politic, in law and in fact, by the name, style and title of the “ College of Pharmacy of the City of New York,” for the purpose of cul- tivating, improving, and making known a knowledge of pharmacy, its col- lateral branches of science, and the best modes of preparing medicines and tlieir compounds, and of giving instructions in the same by public lectures. It may hold real and personal estate to an amount not exceeding twenty thou- sand dollars, and may mortgage and sell its property or any part thereof, by its bonds and mortgages and conveyances, to be executed under the common seal of the said corporation, and acknowledged by its president; and may di- vide its property into shares of stock, transferable as personal property. The said college may also hold such buildings and collections of books, and of the productions of nature and of art, as it may want for the purpose of instruc- tion. 11. The said college may establish by-laws for its government and regu- lation, and for the preservation and application of the funds thereof, not repug- nant to the constitution and laws of the United States or the State of New York ; and shall have power to erect an edifice for their accommodation, and to constitute a faculty or learned body, to consist of such head or heads, and such a number of professors in chemistry, pharmacy, materia medica, and the col- lateral sciences, as they may judge necessary, and, whenever they shall see fit, to remove them or either of them, and to appoint others in their stead; and to do everything needful and necessary to the establishment of said college and faculty. 111. The officers of the College shall be a president, three vice-presidents, a treasurer, and a secretary, whose respective duties may be assigned by the by- laws, and who shall be elected at the stated meetings in March of each year; and any vacancy that may occur may be supplied by a special election, by the 4 members of said college. There shall also be elected at the stated meeting in March, a board of trustees, consisting of not less than seven members; and the officers of the college shall he also ex-officio members of the board of trustees ; and the said board of trustees, of whom not less than one-third shall constitute a quorum, shall conduct the ordinary affairs of the College of Pharmacy as they may deem fit and proper, and perform such duties as are or may be, from time to time, committed to them by the said college; the acts of the board of trustees, however, to be subject to the revision of the college at each stated meeting. IV. The trustees shall have power to issue certificates of membership, to adopt rules and regulations in the examination of candidates, and the granting of diplomas to those who shall have undergone a satisfactory examination by the trustees, assisted by the professors of the college. Students who have at- tended one course of lectures in any other regularly constituted College of Pharmacy, may be entitled to graduate, after attending one course of lectures in this college, and complying with the other requisitions herein set forth. V. If the annual election for officers of said College, and members of the board of trustees shall not be held on the stated day in March, the said corpo- ration shall not thereby be dissolved, but the officers and trustees shall continue in office until a new election. VI. The corporation hereby created, shall be subject to the provisions, and possess the general powers specified in the third title of the eighteenth chap- ter of the first part of the Revised Statutes; and the Legislature may, at any time, modify, alter, or repeal this act. State of Neic York, Secretary’s Office.—I have compared the preceding with the original law on file in this office, and do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original law. [L. S.] Given under my hand and seal of office at the city of Albany, this seventeenth day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six. N. P, STANTON, Jr., Pep. Secretary of State. AMENDED CHARTER. CHAP. 134. AN ACT to amend an Act entitled “An Act to incorporate the College of Pharmacy of the City of New York,” passed March Twentieth, Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-Six. Passed March 20,1871. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. The first subdivision of the Act, entitled “An Act to incorporate 5 the College of Pharmacy of the City of New York,” passed March Twentieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: William Hegeman, Theobald Frohwein, Isaac Coddington, William Neer- gaard, William Wright, Jr., Edward L. Milhau, Paul Balluff, Henry A. Casso- beer, Jr., Charles Rice, Peter W. Bedford, John Frey, John W. Shedden, George C. Close, David Hays, Augustus W. Weismann, and all such persons as are now members of an Association in the City of New York, known as the College of Pharmacy, or shall hereafter become members of the same, are hei’eby constituted a corporation and body politic, in law and in fact, by the name, style and title of the “ College of Pharmacy of the City of New York”, for the purpose of cultivating, improving and making known a knowledge of pharmacy, its collateral branches of science, and the best mode of preparing medicines and their compounds, and of giving instructions in the same by public lectures; it may hold, purchase, lease and convey real and personal estate to an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, ($100,000), and may mortgage or sell its property, or any part thereof, by its bonds and mortgages and conveyances, to be executed under the common seal of the said corporation, and acknowledged by its president, and may divide its property into shares of stock, transferable as personal property. The said college may also hold such buildings and collections of books, and of the productions of nature and art as it may want for the purpose of instruction and the transac- tion of its business. Section 3. The sixth subdivision of said Act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 6. The corporation hereby created shall be subject to the provisions and possess the general powers specified in the third title of the eighteenth chapter of the first part of the Revised Statutes as far as the same are applicable thereto. Section 3. This act shall take effect immediately. State of New York, Office of the Secretary of State. , oja I have compared the preceding with the original law on file in this office, and do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcription therefrom, and of the whole of said original law. Given under my hand and seal of office, at the city of Albany, this third day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy one. SEAL. DIEDRICH WILLERS, Jr., Deputy Secretary of State. 6 BY-LAWS ARTICLE I. Section I.—lt shall be the duty of the President, or, in his absence, one of the Vice-Presidents, in their order, or, in their absence, of a chairman to he appointed pro tempore, to preside at all meetings of the college, and, in case of an equal division, to have a casting vote. Section 2.—lt shall he the duty of the Treasurer to collect and take charge of all moneys belonging to the College, and to render an account of the same, embracing the items of receipts and expenditures for the preceding year, at the stated meeting of the College in March, and also as often as he may he required by the Board of Trustees. He shall give bond and security, if required, for the faithful performance of his trust, and shall pay no moneys except on the order of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, countersigned by the Secretary. Section 3.—The Secretary shall keep regular minutes of the meetings of the College, and of the Board of Trustees, and note the members present; he shall keep a complete list of the members, and give them, at least two days’ notice of the time and place of the meetings; he shall furnish to all committees a minute of their appointment; he shall notify all new members of their election, furnish them with a copy of the Charter, By-Laws and Code of Ethics, receive their signatures subscribing to the same in a book provided for that purpose, and at the same time collect their initiation fees, which he shall pay to the Treasurer, and report the same to the next stated meeting of the Board of Trustees. Section 4.—The Board of Trustees shall consist of eleven members besides the officers of the College, and shall meet statedly on the first Thursday of every month, at 7 o’clock, P. M., or at any other hour it may deem expedient. The hour not to be changed at any time for a less period than three months. The meetings of the Board during the summer months may be dispensed with at its discretion. Section s.—The officers of the College shall be ex-officio those of the Board of Trustees. Six Members shall constitute a quorum. * Section 6.—The Board of Trustees shall have full power to conduct the affairs of the College, both those appertaining to its finances, and also to the general objects for which it was founded. The whole of the proceedings shall be regu- larly entered on the minutes, together with the ayes and noes (if required by two members) upon all disputed questions, for the inspection of the College at its stated meetings. Section 7.—A1l the proceedings of the Board of Trustees, at its meetings, shall be conducted in the same order, and as closely in conformity with the regulations for those of the College as circumstances will permit. 7 Section B.—By order of the President, or, in his absence, of the officer upon whom his duties may devolve, or at the request, in writing, of five members, specifying the objects in view, a special meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be called; and at such meeting no other business shall be taken up but that for which the meeting was specially called. Section 9.—ln case of the death, resignation, or removal from the City, of a Trustee, the Board shall report his name to the next stated meeting of the College, when his place may be declared vacant, and supplied by the election of another member. Section 10.—The stated meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be open to the ordinary members of the College who may choose to attend, but they shall not interfere with the business before the Board. Section 11.—The Board shall appoint, as often as may be necessary, suitable persons as Professors of Materia Medica, Pharmacy and Chemistry, and of such branches of science as may be useful in the instruction of Pharmacists. It shall also fix the price of tickets, and the remuneration which it may be neces- sary to allow the Professors; the number of Lectures, and the time and place at which they shall be given, and all other matters in any manner connect- ed therewith. Section 12.—A Committee of three members shall be annually elected by the Board, to be denominated the “ Library Committee ”, whose duty it shall be, under the direction of the Trustees, to procure and take charge of such books, papers and specimens as may be found necessary. They may loan the books to any applicant therefor, being a member, graduate, or student of the College, and keep a register of the same, noting the time of delivery and return, and the condition of the books. Section 13.—The Board shall annually elect a standing “ Committee of In- spection,” to consist of three members, whose duty it shall be to examine all drugs and medicines that may be submitted to them, and to report to the Board such unmerchantable or spurious articles as may come within their knowledge. Section 14.—There shall also be annually elected by the Board a standing “ Committee of Reference,” who shall decide all cases of dispute that may arise in the transaction of business between members of this College, which may be referred to them. It shall be the duty of this Committee to receive all complaints which may be preferred against any member for misconduct or malpractice in his business, or for violating any of the provisions of the Code of Ethics, and to report the same with such information as they may possess to the next stated meeting of the Board; and if the Trustees are satisfied that such complaints are well founded, they shall appoint a Committee to remonstrate with the individual; and if he shall refuse or neglect to remedy the evil complained of, the Trustees shall report the case to the next stated or to a special meeting of the College, called by the President at their request, giving the offending member due notice thereof, and at such meeting he may be expelled by a vote of three-fourths of the members present. Section 15.—These Committees shall be elected at the stated meeting in April, or, in case of a quorum not being present, at the first meeting of the Board that may be held thereafter. 8 Section 16.—The Trustees shall annually, in February, appoint a committee t) examine the accounts of the Treasurer, and their report, in writing, shall be submitted to the meeting of the College in March. ARTICLE 11. Section I.—The stated meetings of the College shall be held on the third Thursday of the months of January, March, June and October, at 7 o’clock, p. M. Section 2.—Ten members shall form a quorum. If a quorum shall not be in attendance at the time appointed for a stated meeting, the President, with the written Concurrence of five other members, may call a meeting in its stead, to consider all subjects which would have come before the stated meeting on its regular day had there been a quorum, and the objects of such meeting shall be set forth in the notices issued by the Secretary. Section B.—The business of all meetings shall be conducted in the following order: 1. Minutes of preceding meeting, and of special meetings of the College, held since the last stated meeting. 2. Minutes of Board of Trustees. 3. Report of Standings Committees and of Treasurer; the latter at the stated meeting in March. 4. Report of Special Committees. 5. Communications. 6. Resolutions. 7. Incidental and Unfinished Business. Section 4.—Reports of Committees shall always be presented in writing, and likewise all motions offered, if demanded by any member. Section s.—No motion shall be received unless seconded; and when any question is before the meeting, no motion shall be received unless to amend, commit or postpone, or to adjourn, and the latter shall be decided with out debate. Section 6.—A1l members when speaking shall rise, and address the Chair ; and no member shall speak upon any question more than twice, unless by per- mission of the President. Section 7.—A1l questions of order shall be decided by the Chair, unless an appeal to the meeting be made and seconded, when it shall be decided by the meeting without debate. Section 8.—By order of the President, or, in his absence, of the officer upon whom his duties may devolve, or at the request, in writing, of five members, specifying the objects in view, a special meeting of the College shall be called, and at such meeting no other business shall be taken up but that for which the meeting was specially called. Section 9.—A1l meetings of the College shall be called to order as soon after the hour of meeting as there shall be a quorum present; after which no mem- ber shall leave the room without premission of the President. 9 Section 10.—The College shall at the stated meeting in March of each year, elect a standing Committee of three members “ On the Eevision of the Pharma- copoeia ”, whose duty it shall be to take charge of all papers and communica- tions addressed or referred to them relating to the Pharmacopoeia; and it shall be their duty to report to the College annually, in March, such processes, im- provements, new remedies, and suggestions, as may be found proper to serve as a basis for the decennial revision of the Pharmacopoeia. Section 11.—The College shall at the stated meeting in March of each year, elect a standing Committee of five members “ On non-officinal Pharmacy”, whose business it shall be to take charge of all papers and communications addressed or referred to them relating thereto, and shall recommend to this College for adoption such formulae as they may deem proper. ARTICLE 111. Section I.—Any adult person who is of correct moral deportment, aud shall have been engaged as a Druggist or a Pharmacist, actively, for the term of four years, either as a principal or clerk, may be admitted as a member of this College in the manner hereinafter set forth. In order to his admission, he must bo proposed, in writing, by two members at a stated meeting of the Board of Trustees, and be balloted for at a succeeding meeting of the same. Three fourths of the votes shall be necessary for his admission. He must pay to the Secretary an initiation fee of five dollars, and sign the By-Laws and Code of Ethics of the College. He shall pay to the Treasurer an annual con- tribution of five dollars, as long as he shall continue a member, or until he shall have paid twelve yearly subscriptions, after which he shall be a member for life. If preferred by the candidate, he may pay fifty dollars on admission, which shall constitute him a life member. Non-resident applicants for mem- bership shall be understood to be only such persons who reside or are engaged in business more than thirty miles from the City Hall of the City of New York, and they shall be required to pay twenty-five dollars in one sum, exclu- sive of initiation fee, and, unless graduates in Pharmacy, shall not be entitled to certificates of membership. Every resident member who is not in arrears, upon the payment of five dollars, shall be furnished with a certificate of mem- bership upon the stipulation in writing by the holder, that the certificate shall bo returned to the College when the membership of the individual shall cease from any cause whatever; and if called for by a vote of two-thirds of a meeting of the Board of Trustees, and refused, a statement of the circumstances, with a copy of his agreement, shall be published at the discretion of the Board. Section 2.—No member who is in arrears six months for his annual contri- bution, shall bo entitled to vote. The annual contribution shall be payable at the stated meeting of the College in March, and shall be collected immediately after. If any member elect do not pay his initiation fee, and sign the By-Laws and Code of Ethics within three months from the date of his election, it shall be considered void; and if he apply again for admission, he must be balloted for anew. Upon the representation of the Treasurer to the Board of Trustees at a stated meeting, any member, who, being in the city, shall have neglected to pay his yearly dues, or who'shall refuse to pay the same for eighteen months. 10 shall be specially notified to attend the next stated meeting of the College to show cause for such neglect; and in case of failure or inability to show wbat shall appear, to the majority of the meeting, a sufficient excuse, his name shall be struck from the roll. Members who remove from the city and do not hold any communication with the College for a term of eighteen months, may be subject to the same process. Section 3.—Each member of the College shall be entitled annually to attend the lectures without charge. His Tickets shall be endorsed accordingly, and shall not be transferable. Section 4.—The College may elect at their stated meetings, on the recom- mendation of the Board of Trustees, as honorary members, Druggists, Phar- macists, Chemists, and men of science, either in this or in any other country, whose labors have added to the general stock of knowledge. From such mem- bers no contribution shall be required. They shall have the privilege of the use of library, and of attending the lectures and meetings of the College. Section I.—Every person upon whom a diploma of this College shall be con- ferred, must be of good moral character, not less than twenty-one years of age, have attended two courses of the lectures delivered in this College, or one course in this College, and one course in some other recognized College of Pharmacy; or, where there is no such College in the locality, in some regular Medical Institution in which the same branches are taught and have been in the employ of some competent Pharmacist or Druggist, at least four years. He shall also be required to produce an original dissertation or thesis on some article of the Materia Medica, or a chemical analysis of some substance con- ducted by himself, which shall be written with neatness and accuracy. ARTICLE IV. The Thesis, together with sufficient evidence that the writer has complied with the other requisitions of the Charter and By-Laws of the College, shall be presented to the Secretary, on or before the first day of March or October, to be by him laid before the next stated meeting of the Board of Trustees, to be given in charge of a committee of not less than three members appointed by the President; and if satisfactory to the committee, the Board shall appoint a time for the examination of the candidate, which shall be conducted under such regulations as the Board may from time to time establish ; and if he shall have passed a satisfactory examination, his name shall be recorded as a gradu- ate in Pharmacy, and his diploma shall be conferred by the President, or some member appointed by him for that purpose, at the next stated meeting of the College, when he shall pay to the Treasurer a diploma fee of five dollars. The names of unsuccessful candidates shall not appear on the minutes, and they shall be entitled to a future examination without additional expense. No alteration shall be made in these By-Laws, unless proposed to the College at one stated meeting, considered at the next, and adopted by two-thirds of the members present. • ARTICLE V. 13 § 5. Said Board shall, with the approval of the Mayor, fix the sum to be paid for such certificates by the persons to whom they shall be issued, and all sums or fees for certificates raised by said Board shall be appropriated to the payment of the expenses and salaries of the members of said Board, or so much thereof as may be necessary, the balance, if any, to be paid into the city trea- sury ; said Board shall cause a true and accurate account of its receipts and disbursements to be kept, and shall once in three months make a return of the amount received and expended to the Comptroller of the City of New York. § 6. The Board of Supervisors of the City and County of Neiv York are hereby directed to fix the compensation which each member of said Board and the Secretary thereof shall receive as they may deem reasonable for the ser vices rendered by them, not to exceed the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars per annum for each Commissioner, and for the Secretary; said Board of Su- pervisors shall also raise annually by tax on the estates real and personal in the City of New York, such sum of money as may be necessary to pay any balance for expenses and salaries of said Examining Board which shall exist after the application as above provided, of the sum or sums of money received for the certificates issued by said first mentioned Board. § 7. This act shall take effect immediately. Examining Board, appointed by Mayor A. O. Hall, organized 18th day of June, 1871. R. Ogden Doremus, M. D., President. Theobald Froh-wein, Treasurer. William Graham, Cornelius M. O’Leary,. M. D. Louis G. Branda, Secretary. AN ACT To regulate tlie Practice of Pharmacy and the Sale of Poisons in the City and County of New York, The People of the State of New Tork, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful from and after the first day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, for any person unless a registered pharmacist, known as a graduate in pharmacy, or as a licentiate in pharmacy within the meaning of this act, to open or conduct any pharmacy or store for retailing, dispensing or compounding medicines or poisons in the City and County of New York, except as hereinafter provided. § 2. Any person, in order to be registered, shall be either a graduate in pharmacy or a licentiate in pharmacy or a graduate having a diploma from some legally constituted medical college or society. § 3. Graduates of pharmacy, within the meaning of this act, shall be those persons who have had at least four years’ experience in stores where prescriptions of medical practitioners have been compounded and who have obtained a diploma from any college of pharmacy within the United States or from some authorized foreign institution or examining board; and licentiates in pharmacy shall be those persons who have had at least four years’ experi- ence in stores where prescriptions of medical practitioners are compounded, and who shall have passed an examination either before the board for the examination of and licensing druggists and prescription clerks in the city of New York, established by an act passed March twenty-eight, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, or before the board of pharmacy to be created by this act, or such foreign pharmacists as shall present satisfactory credentials or certificates of their competency and qualifications to the said board of pharmacy. Junior assistants or apprentices in pharmacy shall not be per- mitted to prepare physicians’ prescriptions until they have become graduates or licentiates in pharmacy. § 4. The members of the College of Pharmacy of the City of New York shall, on the first Monday of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy- two, and on the same day every third year thereafter, at a special meeting held for that purpose, elect five competent pharmacists, three of which shall be 17 § 10. Each and every penalty recovered under this act shall be paid to the trustees of the college of pharmacy, and shall form and be known as the library fund of said college of pharmacy, and shall be expended for the pur- chase of books for the library of said college. t § 11. Chapter two hundred and two of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy one entitled “An act to establish a board for the examination of and licensing druggists and prescription clerks in the City of New York, passed March twenty-eighth eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and all previous acts, and parts of acts relating to the city and county of New York relating to the practice of pharmacy, and the sale of poisons, are superseded by this act, and are hereby repealed. § 12. This act shall take effect immediately. State a! |Jeto |ork, Office of the Secretary of State. ss: I have compared the preceding with the original law on file in this office, and do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of said original law. Given under my hand and the seal of office, of the Secretary of State, at the city of Albany, this thirty-first day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. SEAL. ANSON S. WOOD, Deputy Secretary of State Members of the Board of Pharmacy, elected Monday, the 8d day of June, 1872: Wm. Neehgaaed, M. D., President. Paul Balluff. Theobald Pkohwein. Wm. Manlius Smith, M. D Francis H. Weismann, M. v., Secretary. CODE OF ETHICS ADOPTED OCTOBER 18th, 18 71. Preamble.—The members of the College of Pharmacy of the City of New York, considering it necessary that some mutual understanding should exist in regard to the moral principles guiding them in their profession, hereby agree upon the following Code of Ethics: 1. We accept the U. S. Pharmacopoeia as our standard and guide for all offi- cinal preparations, and recognize a variance from its rules only in exceptional cases, where sufficient authority has proved some other process more reliable to attain the same end. This section is not intended to interfere with the dispensing of Prescriptions or Medicines ordered in accordance with foreign Pharmacopoeias. 3. Although not a legitimate part of our business, custom and the necessity of the times warrant us in keeping the proprietary medicines of the day, yet we earnestly recommend Pharmacists, when called upon for an opinion of their merits, to discourage their use. 3. We discountenance all secret formulae between physicians and pharma- cists, and consider it our duty to communicate such to each other when re- quested. 4. We distinctly repudiate the practice of allowing physicians a percentage on their prescriptions, as derogatory to both professions. 5. We will endeavor, as far as lies in our power, to refrain from compromis- ing the professional reputation of physicians, and we expect the same comity from them. 6. Since the professional training of the pharmacist does not include those branches which enable the physicain to diagnose and treat disease, we should, in all practicable cases, decline to give medical advise, and refer the applicant to a regular physician. 7. The growing demands of the age require that those who follow the pro- fession of pharmacy should be educated up to a higher standard; therefore, we consider it our duty, individually and collectively, to encourage the advance- ment of knowledge in our profession generally, and particularly by stimulating our assistants to attend the lectures of the college, and by aiding and assisting them to do so. 8. Considering it expedient that some rule be adopted to enforce the provi- sions of our Code, we hereby agree, if any just cause of complaint of its violation he found against a member of this college, to bring the case before a special or the next general meeting of the college, when the accused, after being heard in his own defense, may be expelled by a two-thirds vote. LIST OF MEMBERS. Amend, Bernh. G., cor. 18th St. and 8d Ave. L Aspinwall, Jas. 5.,86 William St. Atwood, H. W., Broadway near 13th St. Balluff, Paul. 655 Sixth Ave. Bassett, Francis M., cor. Court and Atlantic Sts., Brooklyn, N. Y. L Bedford, P. W„ 10 Gold St. Bendiner, S. J.. 44 Amity St. L Berrian, Geo. W., Andover, Mass. Best, John, Bischoff, A. S., 84 First Ave. Boettcher, Otto, cor. 34th St. and Third Ave. Branda, L. G., 208 Broadway. L Brice, J. 8., L Brigham, W. (non resident) San Francisco, Cal. Brhnelow, Thomas, 450 Third Ave. Bruechert, Charles, 131 West Broadway. Buchholtz, C. G., 714 11th Ave. Burghoff, F., 77 Ave. B. Burke, J. J., 77 East Broadway. Button, J. M., 42d St. and Sixth Ave. L Calle, Peter de la, Cuba. Campbell, Samuel, cor. 28th St. and Eighth Ave. Carey, Henry, cor IGth St. and Third Ave. Carle, John, Jr., 153 Water St. Cassebeer, G. A., 191 Bowery. L Cassebeer, H. A., 57 Fourth Ave. Cassebeer, H. A. Jr., 57 Fourth Ave. Caswell, John R. 1094 Broadway. Chambers, Benj. F., 466 Grand St. Christy, W. S., New Brighton, (S. I.) N. Y. L. Clark, W. N., Close, Eldridge W., Bellevue Hospital. L Close, G. C., cor. Smith and Scher- merhorn Sts. Brooklyn, N. Y. L Coddington, Isaac, cor 15th St. and Broadway. L Coggeshall, George H., Bowery Savings Bank. Conklin, Abel M., cor 34th St. and Sixth Ave. Cottle, J. F., 594 Sixth Ave. L Currie, John H., 110 East 29th St. Curtiss, C. G, cor. Smith and Schermerhorn Sts, Brooklyn, N. Y. . L. Dalrymple, C. H, (non resident,) Morristown, N. J. Davis, Benj. H., 466 Grand St. L Davis, R. J., Fulton St., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Dege, Geo. F„ 288 Third Ave. Dehuhoff, H. L. P., 108 Varick St. L Delluc, Francis, 635 Broadway. Diedel, Henry, 375 Third Ave. Diller, L. L.,‘423 Fourth Ave. Ditman, A. J., 10 Astor House. Dung, Albert C., cor. Canal St. and Bowery. L Dnpuy, E., Brooklyn, N. Y. Eager, Peter, 120 Hudson St. Eberhardt, J. H., 54 Canal St. Ehrman, Francis, 38 Sixth Ave. Eimer, Charles, cor. 18th St. and Third Ave. L Faber, John, cor. 55th St. and Sixth Ave. L Fish, Henry F., Fisher, William, 327 Bleecker St. L Fougera, Edw., 30 North William St Frank, Hermann F., 44 Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn, N. Y. Freiberger, W. F., Frey, John F., Bellevue Hospital. Frohwein, Max, 76 Columbia St. L Frohwein, Richard, Elizabethport, N. J. Frohwein, Theobald, 218 Stanton St. . W T Gardner, R. W., Jersey City, N. J. L Gellatly, W. A., 170 William St. L Giles, W. M., 189 Sixth Ave. Goetting. George, cor. 45th St. and Third Ave. Graham, Wm., 17th St. and Fourth Ave. Green, Wm. H., Wilmington, N.C. L Grieve, F. J., Milledgeville, Ga. L Griffith, Albert R„ Oil City, Pa. Griffiths, J. M„ 374 Grand St. Haas, Fred., 268 Fourth Ave Haecker, Alex. C., cor. Eighth St. and Ave. D. L Hallock,Jas. C., Hammer, Bernli., 27 Canal St. Hays, David, 207 Division St. L Green, T. T. 20 L Hazard, Rowland N., 24th St. and Broadway. Heberling, G., 695 Seventh Ave. L Hegeman, Wm., 303 Broadway. Heydenreich, F. V., 169 Atlantic Ave. Brooklyn. Heyl, Adoiph, 787 Eighth Ave. Higgins, J. J., 308 Delaney St. Hinckley, Charles E., San Fran- cisco, Cal. Hoffman, F., 64 Sixth Ave. Hohenthal, C. F. L., 783 Third Ave. Homann, Rudolph, 63 Division St. Hooper, G. L., 103 Sixth Ave. L Howarth, Davis, (non resident,) Andover, Mass Ihlefeld, C. H., 715 Eighth Ave. Imhoff, Henry, 189 East Broad- way. Jones, John, L Kiersted, Elenry T., Broadway near 48th St. Kimmel, Henry, 65 Ave. A. L King, Jas. T. (non-resident,) Mid- dletown, N. Y. Kitchen, C. W., Brooklyn, N. Y. Knecht, Emil, Knight, Walter, 390 Ninth Ave. Koechling, Chas. E., 717 Broad- way. Koechling, Hugh R. F., 717 Broad- way. Krehbiel, Gustavus, 245 East Houston St. Kress, Oscar, 779 Seventh Ave. Krollpfeiffer, H., 893 Grand St. Landauer, Henry, 69 Rivington St. L Lawrence, Geo. N., Ijehlbach, P. Fred., 200 Tenth Ave. L Levy, Uriah H., Lins, EL, cor. 20th St. and 2d Ave. L Lobstein, J. F. D., Sag Harbor, N. Y. Loss, Francis H., 257 Broome St. Louis, T., 113 Ave. A. Lutkin, James J., 846 Broadway. Lyster, John L., 31 East Houston St. MacMahan, T. J., 138 Sixth Ave. Mclntyre, Ewen, cor. 18th St. and Broadway. McNeil, C. W., 183 Broadway. Magnus, L., 69 Eidridge St. L Maisch, John M., Ph.D., Philadel- phia, Pa. Marsh, C. Albert, 135 th St. and Third Ave. Martin, John, 769 Sixth Ave. Mercein, J. R., Jersey City, N. J. Mettenheimer, W., Pli. D., 780 Third Ave. L Milhau, Edw. L., 183 Broadway. L Milliau, Jolin, 183 Broadway. Miller, Charles, cor. 15th St. and First Ave. L Molwitz, Ernst, 948 Sixth Ave. Monell, Chas. E., 3 First Ave. Muchinore, W. F., Astoria, N. Y. Naum aim, Louis, 81 Barclay St. L Neergaard, Wm., 1183 Broadway. Ollitf, Jas. H., 469 Fulton Ave- nue, Brooklyn. Olliffe, W. M., 6 Bowery. Olivet, F., 933 Second Ave. Osmun, C. A., 13 Seventh Ave. Otto, Charles EL, 157 Prince St. Overton, Timothy F., 905 Eighth Ave. Paul, J. M., cor. 13th St. and Sixth Ave. Peixotto, M. L. M., 686 Sixth Ave. L Penfold, John, Pfaff, E. C. J., 570 Eighth Ave. Phingsten, Oustav, 900 Second Ave. Philippi, Eugene, 433 Second Ave. Puchta, C., 346 Delancey St. L Quackenbush, 8., 703 Greenwich St. Ramsperger, Gustav, 655 Sixth Ave. Reichardt, F. Alfred, 402 Fourth Ave. Reinold, B, EL, cor. 41st St. and Third Ave. Remig, Fred’k G., 407 Sixth Ave. Reyer, A. L., 2163 Third Ave. Rheinboldt, Herman, 337 Sixth Ave. Riccius, A., Fourth St. and Ave. C, Rice, Charles, Bellevue Hospital. Rice, Lucien M., 91 Fulton St. Riederer, Ludwig, 131 West Broadway. Rohhins, Daniel C., 91 Fulton St. Roberts, Morris, cor. Pacific Ave. and Maple St., Jersey City, N. J. L Romero, Juan D., (non resident.) Ruprecht, L. G. W., 38 Ave. B. Sands, George G., 769 Sixth Ave. Sayre, T. H., 737 Sixth Ave. Schaffer, J. Le Grand, cor. Fourth Ave. and Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Schlimbach, Charles, 123 Seventh St. Schmeltz, Hugo, 7 Greenwich Ave. Schmidt, P. Henry, 154 Third St. 21 Schmidts, F. H., cor. 11th St. and Fifth Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y. Schreiber, Gustavus A., 1582 Third Ave. Scofield, Jas. L., cor. Bleecker and Wooster Sts. Seay, W. W., 58th St. and Second Ave. L Shedden, John W., 368 Bowery. Sidley, John, 758 Eighth Ave. Skelly, J. J., cor. Broome and Broadway. Smith, C. 8., Newark, N. J. L Spangenberg, F., 1165 Broadway. Staebler, Richard, 914 Third Ave. Starr, Thomas, 313 Ninth Ave. Tapken, Theodore, Greenpoint, N. Y. Thayer, B. 8., San Francisco, Cal. Toussaint, F., 130J Essex St. Troell, William, 360 East Houston St. Vogel, Richard, Guttenberg, lowa. Yonder Emde, R., 323 Bowery. Voss, Henry, cor. Whipple St. and Flushing Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y. Wanier, George S., 407 Eighth Ave. L Watson, William J., Brooklyn, N. Y. Weaker, William Henry, 110 th St. and Broadway. Weiland, John, 579 Eighth Ave. Weinmann, O. C., 178 Seventh Ave. L Weismann, A., 257 Broome St. Weismann, A. W., 257 Broome St. Welling, Samuel G., New Ro- chelle N. Y. Wenck, Geo. J., 881 Sixth Ave. L Westerfield, J. H„ 170 William St. Wisnowski, John, 728 Ninth Ave. Wohlfarth, Justin, 720 Third Ave. L Wright, William Jr., 29 Liberty St. Zakrzewski, Otto, cor. 34th St. and Second Ave Zitz, F. J., 1240 Broadway. Those marked with L are life members, Attfield, John, London, England. Brady, Henry 8., Hew Castle on „ one, England. Chandler, Chas. P., Ph. D., Colum- bia College, N. Y. hristison, Bobert, Edinburgh, Scot- land. pfane, Henry, London, England, hluckiger, F. A., Ph. D„ Berne, Switzerland. Oraham, Israel J., Philadelphia, Pa. Oriscom, John H., M. D., New York. Honorary Members. Hager, Hermann, M. I)., Berlin, Ger many. Hanbury, Daniel, London, England. Moore, J. Farris, Baltimore, Mary- land. Procter, William, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa. Smith, Daniel 8., Philadelphia, Pa. Squibb, E. R., M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. Thurber, George, Hew York. Wittstein, G. C., Ph. D., Munich, Germany. Adamson, Constantine. Ashfield, Alfred. Bradhurst, John M. Canavan, John. Coon, Walter S. Cushman, Alex. i)acey, John. Dodd, John B. Hodge, John P. Duryee, Joseph W. Esterbrook, R. B. Field, Hickson W. {Honorary.) Pish, Henry F. Fogt, P. Gabandan, A. W. Deceased Hart, Jas. H. Haviland, Jas. C. Hegeman, F. A. Hull, Oliver. Hunn, Freeman. Keese, Jolin D. Lawrence, Edward. Loines, J. B. Martin, John. Maxwell, Jas. T. Mayer, Ferd. F. Meakim, John. Miller, J. M. Milnor, Wm. H. Muspratt, Sheridan, Prof. (Eonorar'i Members Murray, Lindley. Olliffe, Wm, J. Place, Frederick. Preterre, Pierre Nap’n. Purcell, J. Rushton, Wm. L. Sing, J B. Smith, James W. Snowden, Joim. Sonillard, Bernard. Tlioelen, Adolpli. Terry, Jolm, M. D., L.L. D. {Honorary.) Townsend, Jas. B. Townsend, Walter B. Weber, Ferdinand. Registered Pharmacists. To January 25, 1873. PROPRIETORS. Ainslie, John, 154 th Street. Alexander, Otto, 1386 3d Ave. Allen, John H., 313 Ist Ave. Amend, Bernard, 205 3d Ave. Andrus, G. N., 278 Bth Ave. A. Armstrong-, Charles, 584 Grand St. Armstrong:,Wm.D., 28 & 30 Fulton St. Arnold, John Allen, M.D.,39 Water St. Atwood, Hermon W., 846 Broadway. B. Bail, Peter, 74 Ist Ave. Balluff, Paul, 655 6th Ave. Balser, Gustav, 137 Ave B. Bandtlow, Paul C. 446 E. Houston St. Baranowitz, Julius, 398 Grand St. Barg, Alexander Moritz, Bowery and E. Houston St. Beach, James G., 533 Hudson St. Becker, C. F., 165 Rivington St. Becker, John, M.D., 88 Forsyth St. Becker, Win. L., 234 Spring St. Becker, Wilhelm, 44 Amity St. Belknap, Ahel W., Bth Ave. & 51st St. Bender, Abram H. 2334 3d Ave. Bendiner, Samuel, 44 Amity St. Bernett, Hermann, 8 Norfolk St. Berry, G. H., 978 Bth Ave. Bischof, Albert, 34 Ist Ave. Blackburn, Robert, 116 Bth Ave. Blackslee, Edwin G., 343 3d Ave. Boettcher, Otto, 508 3d Ave. Bowles, Joseph A,, 1050 3d Ave. Boyd, David, 68 B. Broadway. Boyd, H., 431 Bth Ave. Boyken, John W., 387.J Bowery. Brandis, Hermann M., M.D., 537 Pearl St. Breakell, James A., 288 9th Ave. Breeves, Otto, 19 Rivington St. Brettman, F. J., 533 Hudson St. Brimlow, Thomas, 450 3d Ave. Brown, Edwin P., M.D., 258 6th Ave Brown, Valentine, 583 9th Ave. Bruchert, Charles, 131 W. Broadway Brunswig, Ludwig-, 105 3d Ave. Buchhinder, Bernhard, 56 Ave. B. Buchholtz, Charles 714 11th Ave. Burghof, P. W., 77 Ave. B. Burke, J. J., 77 E Broadway. Burmann, Carl, 108 Spring St. Button, Jedediah M., 43d St. & 6th Ave. c. Campbell, Samuel, 361 Bth Ave. Cassebeer, George A., 191 Bowery. Casseheer, Henry A., 57 4th Ave. Caswell, John R., 1099 Broadway. Carey, Thomas W„ 167 3d Ave. Chambers, Thomas, 576 Hudson St.f Chasteney, Edward, 104 3d Ave. Chemnitz, Mathew, 734 2d Ave. Clayton, 124 Avenue A. Close. Eldridge W., Charity Hospital Coddington, Isaac, 70 Union Place. Coddington, James, 70 Union Place. Cole, Theodore, 350 E. 23d St. Condie, James, 198 9th Ave. Coney, Alexander K., 930 Bth Ave. Conklin, Ahel M., 1275 Broadway. Conway, James F., 43 E. Broadway. Cools, Charles, 22 S. sth Ave. Cooper, Robert, M.D., 346 Ist Ave. Cooper, S, 8., 303 Hudson St. Corcoran, Jeremiah J., 119 Bowery. Corinth, Charles P., 508 Bth Ave. Cottle, J. T., M.D., 6th and 35th St. Cox, Charles 8., Bth Ave. and 12th St. Cranmer, Charles C., M.D., 488 Hud- son St. Crawford, Henry V.. 120 Hudson St. Crawford, Joseph G., 286 7th Ave. Cunz, Charles, 851 6th Ave. Cunz, Fred. W. L., 3d Ave. and 77th St. 23 D. Dakin, Angus W., 81 Bleecker St. Darbey, Wm. J., 1055 3d Ave. Davis, Benjamin, 466 Grand St. Davis, Thomas E., 543 3d Ave. Dege, E. S., 283 3d Ave. Dehnhoff, Hermann, 108 Varick St. De Lackner, Alexander, 891 3d Ave. De Lavergne,George W., 368 6th Ave. Delluc, Francis, 635 Broadway. De Marbais, Thomas E., 430 Hudson St. Devlin, John, 309 Ave. A. Dibblee, Henry E., 46 Greenwich St. Diedel, Henry, 375 3d Ave. Diller, Luther Y., 423 4th Ave. Ditman, A. J., 10 Astor House. Dodd, Charles 8., 108 4th Ave. Dietrich, August, 744 10th Ave. Doetschmann, Julius, 515 9th Ave. Doherty, Joseph, Ave. A. and 16th St. Dougherty, Patrick F., 259 Ave. A. Drandorff, Julius, 18 Ave. A. Drischler, Francis, 755 9th Ave. Drescher, August, 439 9th Ave. Duerer, Martin, 33 Clinton St. Dung, Albert C., 61 Bowery. Dunlap, George, M.D., 248 Ave. B. Dyer, Benjamin W., 460 4th Ave. Eager, Peter, 120 Hudson St. Eayrs, F. S., 656 Greenwich St. Ebeling, John, 227 Ave. A. Eberhardt, John H„ 54 Canal St. Eckstrom, Gustav, 965 Ist Ave. Ehlers, E. J., 134 Greenwich St. Ehlers, Meno, 74 Ave. A. E. Ehlers, William, 116 Delaney St. Ehrmann, Charles, 38 6th Ave. Eimer, Charles, 205 3d Ave. Eisenlord, Alonzo, 131 Bth Ave. Ellert, Theodore, 696 3d Ave. Elz, Charles, 135 B. Houston St. F. Faber, John, 990 6th Ave. Harwell, Darius G., 683 Broadway. Fassin, Charles, M.D., 40 Grand St. Feeney, James, Stapleton, Staten Island, N. Y. Fenner, George W., 1285 Broadway. 1 estner, Bernhard, 1126 3d Ave. I euerabend, Theodore, 361 Allen St. Fischer, John M., 422 7th Ave. Fischer, Wm., 311 Christopher St. Fitz, Charles, 185 Orchard St. Flint, Edward, 328 Bth Ave. Formel, Jules F., 425 6th Ave. Fougera, E. C.,30 North William St. Franklin, J., M.D., 172 Cherry St. Freeman, Wm. 8., 226 9th Ave. Prey, John, Bellevue Hospital. Friderici, F. W., Stanton, corner Forsyth Sts. Pridrich, J., M.D., 421 Pearl St. Fritsch, Gerhard, 665 11th Ave. Frohwein, Max, 76 Columbia, corner Rivington Sts. Frohwein, Theobald, 218 Stanton, cor. Pitt St. G. Goldman, Henry, 427 Greenwich St. Golichowski, Wm., 59 Ist Ave. Gormley, James, 821 10th Ave. Gorringe, Walter E., 26 Cherry St. Goulburn, Thomas, 1438 3d Ave. Graham, William, 4th Ave. corner 17th St. Griffith, John M., Grand and Norfolk Sts. Groll, Charles, 99 Lewis Street. Grundmueller, Joseph, 9th Ave. near 62d St. Guden, Wm., M.D., 179 Ave. B. Gaden, August Theod., 274 Court St., Brooklyn. Gartz, Adolf, 505 9th Ave. Gartz, Hermann, 321 Broome St. Gassin, Joseph R., 171 Bleecker St. Gebhardi, Carl P. A., Ist Ave. and 85tb St. Gehrhard, Charles, 1132 2d Ave. Hermann, 1527 3d Ave. Gill, George, 461 7th Ave. Goecke, August, 557 lltli Ave. Goetting, George, 720 3d Ave. 24 H. Haecker, Alexander C., 11l Ave. A. Hammel,E.,B6 3d St., Williamsburg.- Hammer, Bernkard, 27 Canal St. Haran, Bernard, 97 Bayard St. Hart, Geo. W., 203 Elm St. Hartnett; Eugene, 9 Bible House. Hasse, Louis, 44 Ave. A. Hatch, Isaac S., 250 4th Ave. Hays, David, 207 Division St. Hayunga, George A., M.D., 500 Canal Hazard, Herbert, 1094 Broadway. Hebberling, Gottfried, 495 7th Ave. liegeman, William, 203 Broadway, Hemke, Otto, 92 Greenwich St. Hepburn, J., M. D., 51 Bth Ave. Heydenreich, F. W., 30 N. William St. Heyl, Adolf, 787 Bth Ave. Higgins, James S., 206 Delaney St. Higgins, John J., 239 Ist Ave. Hill, Augustus, 21 Ave. D. Hill, Hermann M., 22 Greenwich Ave. Hillgenbocker, Wm., Ist Ave. near 77th St. Hoffmann, Diedrich, Manhattanville. Hoffmann, G. F., 64 6th Ave. Hohenthal, Chas. D. 857 3d Ave. Hohnholz, Diedrich, 168 Ave. A. Hollander, Aladar, 3d Ave. corner 10th St. Homann, Rudolf, 63 Division St. Hooper, George L., 102 6th Ave. Howell, Wm. S., M. D 144 Spring St. Hugart, Alexander, M. D., 537 9th Ave. Hunt, Wm. 198 9th Ave. Hunter, Wm. C., M. D., 255 6th Ave. Hurd, Ellison, 2d Ave. and 120 th St. I. Ihlefeld, Conrad, 715 Bth Ave. Ihlefeld, John A., 715 Bth Ave. Imgard, Julius, 866 6th Ave. Imhof, Henry, 189 E. Broadway Jackson, A. J., 2140 3d Ave. Jackson, Phils., 262 3d Ave. Jaeger, Henry, 187 Rivington St. Jahl, E„ M. D„ 227 Ave. A. Jameson Samuel L., 294 10th Ave. J. Jewitt, Levi, 357 W. 14th St. Johnson, Edward L., 10th Ave. and 157 th St. Johnson, Luther A., 263 W. 125 th St. K. Kaiser, Charles, 2178 2d Ave. Kalish, Julius, 409 Grand St. Kalk, Fr., Broadway and 127 th St. Keating, John L., 208 Varick St. Keeler, J. A., M.D., 243 South sth Ave. Kendall, John H., 703 Greenwich St. Kennedy, Ewen C., 209 Bleecker St. Kessler, Charles, 623 2d Ave. Khuen, Charles, 67 Forsyth St. Kiersted, Henry, 1507 Broadway, Kiersted, Henry T., 1507 Broadway. Kimball, Henry S., 382 Ist Ave. Kimmel, Henry, 65 Ave. A. King, Jr., John, 4th Ave. and 127 th St. Kirchhoeffer, Geo. W., 603 2d Ave. Kirscht, August, 874 3d Ave. Kleemann, Charles, 197 Lexington Ave. Klippert, Charles A., 2260 3d Ave. Knapp, Peter 8., 362 Hudson St. Knight, Walter, 390 9th Ave. Knox, Thomas, 58 Carmine St. Koechling, Charles E., 717 Broadway. Koechling,Hugh F.R., 717 Broadway. Koellner, Joseph, 445 2d Ave. Krehbiel,Gustavus, 243 E.Houston St. Kress, Oscar, 781 7th Ave. Krollpfeiffer, Henry, 393 Grand St. Kuhles, Philip, 1642 3d Ave. Kunz, Richard E., 606 3d Ave. L. Later, Julius, 874 3d Ave. Landauer, Henry, Rivington and Allen Sts. Lange, Hermann, 754 3d Ave. Law, John, M.D., 68 E. Broadway. Lawes, William H., 259 Bth Ave. Lehlbach, Paul F., 482 W. 22d St. Lewis, James C., 527 Greenwich St. 25 Lewis, Wm. H., 537 Greenwich St. Lins, Henry, 845 3d Ave. Litteil, N. L., 157 7th Ave. Lomes, Win. H., 451 6th Ave. Loss, Francis H., 357 Broome St. Louis, Theodore, 113 Ave. A. Ludwig, Carl August, 157 Greenwich St. Lunitz, Emil, 50 Centre St. Lyster, John L., M.U., 81 E. Houston St. McDonough, James, 300 Ave. B. McCormick, P. A., 399 Madison St. McHaffey, Thomas J., 113 Roosevelt St. Mclntosh, J. M., 48 6th Ave. Mclntyre, Ewen W., 878 Broadway. McMahon, Thos. J., 138 6th Ave. McNair, David, 43 Madison St. Magnus, Louis, 67 Eldridge St. Mancha, J. L. 44 Broome St. Mann, Ferdinand, 94 Bth Ave. Marsh, C. A., 3806 3d Ave. Martin, Henry S., 10th Ave. and 155 th Sts. Maurer, John, M.D., 109 Broome St. Meeker, Wm. H. K„ 579 Bth Ave. Menzics, Alexander, 637 Bth Ave. M. Mettenheimer,Wm.,Ph.D.,7Bo 3d Ave. Metz, Hermann, 207 E. Houston St. Michaelis, Charles A.. 39 Lewis St. Michel, Fred. L„ 183 Canal St Middleton, Nelson, 59 McDougal St. Mielke, John, 30 2d Ave. Milhau, Edward L., 183 Broadway. Miller, Charles, Ist Ave. and 15th St. Miller, John, 61 W. Houston St. Minor, Cyrus S., 153 Greenwich St. Mittendorf, W. F., 368 4th Ave. Molwitz,Henry E„ 793 3d Ave. Molwitz, Henry L., 948 6th Ave. Monell, Charles E., 3 Ist Ave. Moorehead, Joseph, M.D., 357 Ist Ave. Moreton, Henry, M.D., 153 Grand St. Mueller, Gustav, 393 7th Ave. N. Rash, Gains H., 17 3d Ave. R aunxann, Frederic A., 137 Grand St. cor. Bowery. Rauniann, Louis, 205 William St. R eergaard, William, M. D., 1183 Broadway. Newill, Walter D., 150 Soutli sth Ave. Nietsch, A. F., 165 Eivington St. Nockin, A. 333 Bth Ave. o. Oats, John K., 177 Allen St. G’Brien, John, 816 3d Ave. O’Dowd, James, 92 W. 4th St. olifte, William M., 6 Bowery. Olivet, Ferdinand, 933 3d Ave. Oppermann, Julius, 384 E. Houston, cor. Bowery. Osmun, Charles A., 7th Ave., cor. 12th St. Ottiwell, David J., 346 Broome St. Otto, Anton, 339 10th Ave. Otto, Charles H., 157 Prince and 263 William Sts. Ould, Elisha R., 2d Ave. and 110 th St. Overton, Timothy F., 905 Bth Ave. p. Paepke, Hermann, 211 6th Ave. Parkin, William Boyd., 421 Bth Ave. Passmore, Edward, M.D., 596 3d Ave. Pfingsten, Gustav, 900 3d Ave. Philippe, Eugene, 433 2d Ave. Ploeger, E., 337 Greenwich St. Prohen, Carl, 183 Hester St. Primer, Joseph M., 613 9th Ave. Puchta, Charles, 346 Delaney St. Putman, W. 8., 394 9th Ave. Putney, A. L., 170 Yarick St. Paul, James L., 168 6th Ave. Peisotto, Moses L. M., 686 6th Ave. Petrie, John, 337 9th Ave. Pfaff, Edward, 570 Bth Ave. Q Quee, James, 634 Hudson St. 26 R. Eadloff, Wm„ 374 7th Ave. Eambo, John, 782 2d Ave. Eamsperger, Gustav L., 655 6th Ave. Eeccius, Adolf, 53 Ave. C. Eecknagel, Julius, 557 11th Ave. Eeichardt, F. A., 403 4th Ave. Eeineck, Philip H., 33 Jackson St. Eeinold, Bernhard, 689 Bd Ave. Eeyer, A. L., 3163 3d Ave. Eeynolds, Charles S., Charity Hos- pital. Eice, Charles, Bellevue Hospital. Eicker, Wm. 8., 353 6th Ave. Eicker, Wm. H., 353 6th Ave. Eidley, E. W., 2364 4th Ave. Eiederer, Ludwig, 131 W. Broadway. Eiegel, Louis, 144 W. Broadway. Ritter, Thomas, 24 Old Slip. Rodenburg, R. C., 305 Ist Ave. Roessler, Bernhard, 231 E. Houston. Rogers, Arthur S., 193 Spring St. Rohlffs, Ernest, Delaney cor. Suffolk. Rosenberg, George, M. D., 93 Bowery. Rosenmiller, Ludwig A., 172 Bth Ave. Rothe, Otto, 783 10th Ave. Rothenberg, Louis, 3d Ave., cor. 75th St. Ruppert, Frederic, 115 St. Mark’s Place. Rupprecht, 28 Ave B. Rushton, John C., 1117 Broadway. Rushton, Frederic V., 11 Barclay St. Ryan, John, 423 2d Ave. S. Salambier, Joseph, 480 Hudson St. Sanborn, Eugene 8., 304 4th Ave. Sands, George 8., 769 6th Ave. Sands, Robert A., 188 Bowery. Sawin, E. A., 680 Bth Ave. Sayre, F. H., 814 6th Ave. Schaubhut, John H., 841 9th Ave. Scheide, William, 339 9th Ave. Schlimbach, Charles, 122 7th St. Schmelz, Hugo, Ph. D., 7 Greenwich Ave. Schmidt, Paul H„ 154 3d St. Schnakenberg, Armin, 420 sth St. Schoenewald, Bernhard, 570 Bth Ave. Schoenrock, Ferdinand, 623 2d Ave. Schreiber, C. A., 1532 3d Ave. Schur, Charles, 1010 3d Ave. Seay, William, 1101 2d Ave. Sellheim, Hermann, 135 Clinton & 165 Rivington Sts. Selzer, Isaac, 403 Hudson St, Seward, David, 3d Ave. cor. 71st St. Shedden, John W., 363 Bowery. Shiels, George E., 896 Broadway. Sidley, John, 868 Bth Ave. Smith, Charles J., 976 2d Ave. Smith, J. W., 369 Broome St. Smith, Reid, 505 9th Ave. Smith, T. 186 Grand St. Smyser, E. M., M. D., 224 7th Ave. Spangenberg, Ferdinand, 1160 Broad- way. Staebler, Richard, 988 3d Ave. Stager, Isaac R., 29 Whitehall St. Starr, Thomas, 313 9th- Ave. Steiger, Charles, 348 10th St. Steward, William S., 2298 3d Ave. Stock, H., 849 7th Ave. Stoddard, Freeman, 274 10th Ave. Stoff, B. L„ 583 10th Ave. Straus, Emil G., Ph. D., 505 9th Ave, Stringer, John, 343 4th Ave. Stuart, Chs. John, 19 Sullivan St. T. Theall, Elias F., 47 Eutgers St. Thomas, L. C., 502 Grand St. Thombury, Thomas, M. D., 340 E. 9th St. Thum, August, G. J., 402 Broome St. Thurman, Washington M., 438 Canal St. Toal, David, M. D., Ave B. and 18th St. Tomlinson, Chs. G., W. 100 th St. Toussaint, George F., 1301 Essex St. Troell, William, 860 E. Houston St. Tscheppe, Adolf, 1010 3d Ave. Tuthill, S. Y., 869 Bth Ave. Upham, Selah 8., 991 Bth Ave. Urban, Adolf, 493 10th Ave. U. Utley, E. J., 143 Bth Aye. V. Yallierc, Henry, 63 Oliver St. Valliere, John, M. D., 63 Oliver St. Jan der Emde, Reinhold, 338 Bowery. Van der Smissen, G., 1386 3d Ave. Yan Keuren, Cornelius, 753 Green- wich St. Yollmar, Fred. H. V., 33 Rivington St. W. Wade, Charles H., 138 9th Ave. Walsh, F. L„ 313 E. 16th St. Walter, C., cor. W. 4th St. VVanier, Frank, 866 6th Ave. Wanier, George S., 407 Bth Ave. xxrard, John E-> M. I)., 47 Cherry St. VV atson, Horatio J„ 136 Bowery. Weaver, Wm. A., Broadway and 110 th St. Weher, Joseph, 1045 3d Ave. and 1808 3d Ave. Wedel, August, 147 Ist Ave. Weed, Linus, 301 7th Ave. Wemmann, Oscar, 173 7th Ave. Weismann, Augustus W., 357 Broome fct., 1045 3d Ave. and 1808 3d Ave. s, Edward U„ 3350 3d Ave. ' eltewitz, William, 97 Ist Ave. Wendler, Emil A. E., 6 Carmine St. Wenk, George J., 381 6th. Ave. Werner, F. G.. 439 9tli Ave. Wlieeler, Geo. H., 113 Cherry St. White, Philip, 103 Gold St. Wieland, John, 641 Bth Ave. Wienholtz, Chs. H., York and Main Sts., Brooklyn. Williams, John E. L., 381 Bleecker St. Wisnowski, John, 733 9th Ave. Withers, Russel, M. D., 365 Bleecker St. Wood, James, 8337 3d Ave. Woodman John W., M.D., 171 Bleeck- er St. Wuertz, Maurice, M. D., 63 Spring St. Y. Young, Wm. H., M. I)., 683 7th Ave. z. Zackrzewski, O. E. L„ G23 3d Ave. Zitz, F. J., 1340 Broadway. 28 Registered Assistants. To January 25, 1873. Abrams, L. W. Alexis, Jules. Allen, Henry. Alsberg, Hermann. Ambler, Starr H. Andrew, Edward H. Anderson, Alfred. Angelo, Theodore C. A. Aockerhlum, Fred. Arndt, Aschenbrand, Carl. Asher, Henry. B. Bacon, Robert. Baker, A. M. Bamford, James. Banker, Charles. Barbicke, Carl. Barker, Calvin T. Barker, Charles. Bartels, Ernst. Bartlett, Charles P. Bartlett, Wm. H. Barrey, James. Bates, Louis A. Baxter, Henry C. Bayerhoff, William. Beck, Prank. Becker, John. Beggs, E. J. Beley, Alfred. Bell, Charles H. Benedict, George B. Benson, Zach. P. Best, John. Bigelowe, Clarence 0. Boalt, William L. Bohlig, Ernst. Borewski, Constantine. Boyken, Adolf. Boylston, John W. Branda, Louis Gaston. Brandenberg, John. Brandt, William F. Bradtke, Francis. Bredemeier, Charles. Brown, Albert. Brown, John E. Budd, Louis R. Burdge, Jacob W. Burke, Michael J. Burns, Patrick J. Burrows, Thomas B. Burt, T. F. Buttles, H. W. Bywater, Alfred. Cadey, Horace. Caille, Augustus G. Calnek, Morris. Camp, Walter W. Campbell, Colin. Carey, Henry. Carter, Maugham. Carey, F. Chambers, Benjamin. Clarke, John. Cohen, L. S. Collins, James. Conrad, William. c. Corcoran, Peter. Corindt, John. Coulter, B. T. Cox, Mathew B. Crouch, Leslie. Gumming, Henry John Daab, Jacob. Dawson, John W. De Garmo, William B. Degenhard, Charles. De Loughry, Peter. Denhard, Charles E. DehnhofF, A. L. Dibblee, James E. Dower, Andrew J. De Smedt, A. E. D. De Smedt E. J. Doepfner, Otto. Dunlap, George. Dunn, John O’Connor. E. Ehrhardt. Emmel, Louis. Engels, August. England, Howard. Evans, George A. Evans, Joseph F. Falke, William. Pancher, George L. Pessler, Charles. Fiddeke, E. Fiederer, Otto. Finch, Luzon J. Fitzgerald, Joseph. Flagstaad, Fred. C. C. Flanagan, Adam C. Fleischer, Robert E. Flewitt, Chas. H. Flynn, James W. Foster, Ed. C. Franz, John Gi. r. Fraude, Conrad C. Freiberger, Frederic. Fritsch, Fred. Frost, Thomas. Fruh, Alfred. Fuerstenwae rther, J, B. Fuller, David L. 29 Gr. Gannon, John. Gerken, Henry. Giller, Charles. Gillig, Otto. Gillon, Hugh. Gilman, William H. Gleerup, Maurice. Gleim, Adolf. Gooding, Chs. J. Graham, M. Graverend, Raymond. Graumam, Louis. Gregorius, George. Greiffeld, Edward. Greiner, Otto. Greis, Frederic. Griffin, T. A. Griggs, Ahram. H. Haas, Frederic. Haase, Fritz Angelo. Halm, H.Theodore, M.D. Harding, Richard B. Hart, Emanuel J. Hart, Francis X. Hart, George W. Hasenohr, Henry. Hazard, Rowland X. Heerhrandt, jr., Gustav. Heitler, Carl. Henes, Edwin. Henes, William. Hepworth, Mathew G. Heukendorf, Peter. Hill, Francis H. Hirsemann, Gotthard. Hoelger, Richard F. Hogan, Patrick F., M. Holden, Albert. Holl, George. Hooper, Samuel. Howard, A. F. Hull, T. Hunt, Charles E. Hupfeld, 0. A. H. Israels, Salomon P. I. Jantze. Theodore. JTay, George W. enssen, Christian. J ensen, Jens. J. Johnson, George A. Johnson, John R. Jones, Frank S. Jones, John. Joagnell, Gustav J. Jud, Fridolin. Jungmann, Julius. Junk, Frederic. Keane, Jam.es J. Heller, Fritz. Hmzelbach, Richard K. Lissam, Warren S. Hleefeld, Wm. S. V. K. Kraemer, Theophilus, Krapf, William. Krehbiel, Hermann. Krieg, Frederic. Kroeter, Emanuel. Kneuper, George. Koestler, Henry. Kopp, Christian. Korfmann, John. Kostka, Victor. L. Salvador J. Lake, Franklin. Lascar, Ferdinand. jatham, Thomas. Lewicky, S. H. Lxljeskold, E. L. Linn, Wm. Beair. Lins, Otto Charles. Linton, Thomas. Lion, John H. Lohmann, Henry F. H. Lucas, Albert. Ludkin, James W. Lustig, David. Luthin, J. R. Lynagh, Bernard. Lynch, D. V. McArthur, John T. McAuiiffe, John C. McCann, Bernard. McCormick, John. McKann, B. T. McLaren, A. M. D. McLoughlin, Edw. M. McXiel, Charles W. Maes, George. Main, Thomas F. Mann, Hermann. Malzi, Valentine. Marsh, Samuel. Massey, Wm. M. Materne, Charles Fr. Matthews, Samuel B. Matte, Alplions G. May, Thomas R. Mechthold, Fritz. Meinert, August. Mermen, John. Meschenmoser, Wm. Metz, Hugo. Meumann, Paul, Meyer, Rudolph. Meyersfield,Hermann B. Miller, William. Mills, Robert J. Milne, Charles. Minor, A. M. Minor, Edward H. Momberger, Henry. Moore, Charles A. Moore, P. E. Morris, Edw. L. Morrison, Edward. Morrison, Thomas. Mortimer, William G Moser, George D. Muehlenbach, Robert, Mulford, David H. Mulligan, Ambrose. Murphy, John. Murphy, William. 30 N. Nafew, James W. Nathan, Pincus. 'Naumam, jr., P. Neubert, Charles. Nichols, William W. Noelte, Rudolph. Norcross, Charles P. Nores, S. W. Norman, Charles F. Nowlan, Thomas P. o. Oakes, James. O’Byrne, Thomas G. O’Connor, Daniel. O’Grady, Joseph. o’Halloran,Justo Pastor Ohm, Bernhard. O’Reilley, James F. p. Pabst, Charles. Parise, John A. Parker, Thomas T. Parshall, George H. Patterson, Wm. J. Payne, Alexander. Peabody, Van. S. Perck, C. R. P. Perrine, N. H. Perry, Frank Y. Petermann, John F. Philbrook, George W. Piercey, E. S. Piercey, W. A. Plath, Ernst. Plumb, Charles S. Porter, Charles. Porter, Wm. C. Preterre, Pierre E. Price, Charles T. Price, Henry S. Price, Joel D. Quirk, Dennis J. Q Bauch, F. Rees, John. Reder, Henry. Redfield, James H. Rheinholdt, Hermann. Richter, Paul. Riehl, John. Ridgeway, Wm. P. Ringler, Charles F. Roemheld, Fred. Roberts, Morris. Roderick, Albert. Rogers, Arthur H. Rogers, Arthur. R. Rogers, Edward H. Root, Henry G. Rosenmiller, Adolphus Ruetemann, A. Rutenick, Albert. Ruzeck, Adolf. S. Samostz, Oscar. Sander, Josepli. Sands, Richard Henry. Schaeffer, Ernst R. Schaffer, John Le Grand Scherpig, Win. Schlensner, Charles F. Schmelz, Henry. Schrader, Frederic. Schulte, Francis. Schulte, Otto. Schultz, Carl W. Scott, H. T. Scruton, Charles Riggs. Searls, Wm., M. D. Sech, Arthur. Seelbach, Gustav. Selss, J. Seyfarth, Otto. Siellava, M. Simon, Theodore. Simmons, Joseph. Shields, Wm. J. SkelleyT, James T. Slade, E. Slocum, Thomas A. Smith, Albert C. Smith, Edward. Smith, P. G. Smyth, Charles W. Spencer, Eugene W, Spies, Otto 0. F. Staudenbau, Henry. Stein, Max. Stevens, L. F. Stirling, Charles IST. Stohlmann, Wm. T. Stoughton, Dwight G. Stutterheim, H. E. R. Strattford, Wm. H. Sumner, Samuel H. Swoboda, Charles. Syvarth, H. J. P. T. Taiber, Frederic. Taylor, George P. H. Taylor, John William. Townsend, Jeremiah. Truelson, Christian. Tuffs, E. Tuma, Bruno Yalk, Francis. Vauderberg, J. V. Yogel, William. w Waite, Irving S. Walker, Arthur D. Walker, David 8., M. D. Walker, James E. Wareing, James. Ward, Amasa D. Ward, Charles. Warren, Henry. Watson, Jewett. Weaver, James. Weber. Weidenkampf, Wm, Weismann, Ed. J. Wendler, Bernhard. Wenzel, Wm. Weyli, Robert G. White, Arthur. Whitney, Wm. H. Wiherley, Charles F. Williams, John. Wilson, Robert 8., M.D Wilson, William. Woerner, Peter C. Wohlfarth, Justus. Woods, Clement. Woyski, Carl Yon. Wright, Samuel P. Z. Zahn, Rudolph B. Zethraeus, Frederic. Zinke, Armin. Zoeller, Victor. OFFICERS OF THE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY OF THE CITY OF NEWYORK, SINCE ITS COMMENCEMENT. 1825-30. John D. Kcese. 1831. H. H. Schieffelin. 1833-34. Bindley Murray. 1835-46. Constantine Adamson. PRESIDENTS 1851-53. Geo. D. Coggeshall 1854-60. John Meakim. 1861-65. Henry T. Kiersted. 1866-68. John Milhau. (1846.) 1869. George C. Close. 1870-72. William Hegeman. 1846-50. John Milhau. FIRST. VICE-PRESIDENTS, 1839. H. H. Schieffelin, Jolm L. Embree, Waldron B. Post. 1880. H. H. Schieffelin, W. B. Post, J. L. Embree. 1831. Bindley Murray. J. L. Embree, C. Adamson. 1832-84. C. Adamson, Oliver Hull, H. T. Kiersted. 1835. Oliver Hull, H. T. Kiersted, Jas. H. Hart 1830-38. Oliver Hull, J. Milhau, Jas. H. Hart.' 1889. J. Milhau, -0. Hull, Jas. H. Hart. 1840. Jas. H. Hart, O. Hull, J. Milhau. 1841-43. J. Milhau, 0. Hull, Jas. H. Hart. 1843. Jas. H. Hart, O. Hull, J. Milhau. 1844. O. Hull, J. Milhau, Jas. H. Hart. 1845. O. Hull, J. Milhau, G. D. Coggeshall. 1846 i Milhau, jO. Hull, \G. D. Coggeshall. (0- Hull. (Geo. H. Coggeshall, ”(J. H. Currie. 1847-48. O. Hull, Geo. I). Coggeshall, ffm. L. Rushton. 1849-50. O. Hull, Geo. D. Goggeshall, J. H. Currie. 1851. J. H. Currie, J. Meakim, O. Hull. 1853. J. H. Currie, Wm. L. Ruston, O. Hull. 1853. J. H. Currie, Wm. J. Olliffe, J. Meakim, 1854. J. H. Currie, Geo. D. Coggeshall, Wm. J. Olliffe. 1855. Wm. J. Olliffe, Geo. D. Coggeshall, Eugene Dupuy. 1856. Wm. J. Olliffe, E. Dupuy, Thos. T. Green. 1857. Wm. J. Olliffe, E. Dupuy, John Canavan. Fupuy, Wm. J. Olliffe, John Canavan. 18-’)9. H. T. Kiersted, J. Canavan, E. Dupuy. 1860- H- T. Kiersted, Wm. Hegeman, J. Milhau. iQAo Milhau, Wm. Hegeman J. Meakim. 1863. J. Milhau, J. Meakim, J. Carle, Jr. 1863. jJ- Meakim, j Isaac Coddington. 1Q„, (J. Milhau, (Geo. C. Close, (Isaac Coddington. J- Milhau, Isaac Coddington. i G- C- Close’ Wm. Neergaard, Btr°' ki lose’ Wm. Neergaard, Isaac Coddington. 1868. Wm. Neergaard, Gr. C. Close, Isaac Coddington. 1869. \ Neergaard, jJ. Milhau, jA. W. Gabaudan. IQW (Wm. Neergaard, (J. Milhau, (Theobald Frohwein 1 heo. Erohwein, Isaac Coddington, Wm. Neergaard. JSo w Seer-aard> Tlieo- Frohwein. I. Coddington. 1873. Wm. Neergaard, Isaac Coddington. Paul Balluff. SECOND. THIRD. 33 TREASURERS, 1829-30. Theodore Keese. 1831. Wm. N. Clark. 1832-33. Jas. C. Haviland. 1834—36. Wm. L. Itushton. 1836-40. Chas. L. White. 1841-56. Jas. S. Aspinwall. 1857-67. Thos. T. Green. 1868-72. Wm. Wright, jr. SECRETARIES, 1829-31. Oliver Hull. 1832-33. Marshall C. Slocum. . 1884. Jas. H. Hart. 1835-36. Geo. D. Coggesliall. „ 1837. Jas. C. Halleck. 1838-39. Wm. H. Milnor. 1840-41. Geo. D. Coggeshall. 1842-46. J. Meakim. 1847. J. Snowden, (resigned) 1847-50. Wm. H. Milnor. 1851-52. B. W. Bull. 1853-54. F. A. Hegeman. 1855. Jas. T. Maxwell. 1856-59. Geo. W. Berrian, Jr. 1860-69. P. W. Bedford. 1870. E. L. Milhau. IWI j E. L. Milhau, (res.) 18 ‘ ' (H. A. Casseheer, Jr. 1872. H. A. Casseheer, Jr. TRUSTEES, Allcock, Thos. 1846. Aspinwall, Jas. L. 1840. Balluff, Paul, 1868-70-71. Bedford, P. W. 1870-71-72. Berrien, Geo. W., Jr. 1855. Brigham, Wm. 1842-45. Bull, B. W. 1853-54. Button, J. M. 1867. Canavan, J. 1854-56-61. Carle, John, Jr. 1832-41-60-61-63- 65-68. Casseheer, H. A. 1846-50. Casseheer, H. A., Jr. 1869-71. Clark, Wm. N. 1832-34. Clay, Wm. 1840-41. Close, Geo. C. 1862-63-70-72. Coddington,Isaac. 1854-56-03-69. Coggeshall, G. D. 1832-34-37-39- 42-44-56-66. ■ Comstock, L. C. 1832. Crumble, J. 1835-42. Currie, J. H. 1833-43-48-56. Cushman, Alex. 1853-58-60. Bascey, J. 1846-50. Bavies, Roht. J. 1846-53. Delavergne, Geo. W. 1857-58. Bung, Alb. C. 1872. Bunn, A. G. 1869. Btipuy, Eugene. 1847-49-51-54-59 Everett, Hor. 1842-45. Faber, J. 1856-57. Fisher, Wm. 1855. Fraser, Ed. A. 1859. Frey, J. 1866-67-69-71. Frohwein, Theobald, 1864-69. 1873, Jan. to March. Gabaudan, Arth. W. 1863-68. Graham, N. B. 1838. Green, Thos. T. 1841-47-55-68. Gridley, Jun. 1852-56. Guion, Geo. L. 1883. Guthrie, C. B. 1851. Hallock, Jas. C. 1836-42-46. Hart, Jas. H. 1831-33. Haviland, Jas. C. 1831. Hays, David D. 1864-65-68-72. Hegeman, Fred. A. 1855-58. Hegeman, Wm. 1846-48-51-54-56- 57-59. Hurd, Marc. 1837-41. Kiersted, Henry T. 1831-37-42-45- 57-58-68. Krehhiel, Gust. 1866-67 Lanman, D. T. 1838-39. Lawrence, Ed. N. 1832-38. Lewis, Jas. S. 1835-37. Lindsay, Wm. F. 1855. Maxwell, Jas. T. 1853-54-56-59. Mayer, F. F. 1864-67. Mclntyre, E. 1873, Jan. March. McLean, Ed. A. 1834. Meakim, John. 1839-47-50-52. Merrick, T. B. 1849-55. Milhau, Ed. L. 1861-62-69-72. Milhau, John. 1832-35-57. Milnor, Wm. H. 1840-42. Mower, Jr. E. 1851. Murray, Lindley. 1835-86. Neergaard, Wm. 1859-65. Norrill, Jas. T. 1839. Olcott, C. M. 1834-35. Olliffe, Wm. J. 1843-52. Peixotto, M. L. M. 1872. Penfold, Wm. 1840. Place, Fred. 1831. 34 Qnackenhnsh, B. 1839. Ray, Jas. H. 1881. Reinold, B. H. 1866-68. Rice, Chas. 1870-72. Robbins, Ban. C. 1872 Rushton, F. Y. 1858. Rushton, Win. L. 1831-38-38-43- 45-49-51-(f 53.) Shedden, J. W. 1861-71. Shipley, Alf. J. 1859-60. Slocum, Marsh, C. 1834-42. Smith, Jas. W. 1835-37. Snowden, John. 1842-46. Sonillard, Bern. 1838-42 (f). Southwick, G. W. 1861-63. Spangenberg, Ferd. 1863. Townsend, Walt. B. 1831. Tyler, C. E. 1858. Weismann, Aug. 1848-45, Weismann, Aug. W. 1869-72. Westerfield, J. H. 1862-63. White, Cbas. L. 1884-36-41. Wbiting, Franklin. 1836-37. Wilson, Geo. F., M.B. 1852. Wright, Win., Jr. 1859-67. PEOFESSOES OF THE COLLEGE OF PHAEMACY Of the City of New York, since its commencement. LECTURERS ON CHEMISTRY. John Torrey, M.8.L.L.8. W. H. Ellet, M. D. L. B. Gale, M. B. J. H. Griscom, M. D. Lawrence Reid, Esq. R. Ogden Dorexnus,M.D. P. F. Mayer, Ph. B. A. H. Everett, Esq. A. M. Edwards, Esq. Clias. F. Chandler, Ph.D. ADJUNCT LECTURERS ON CHEMISTRY AND TOXICOLOGY. I. R. Chilton, M. D. B. L. Budd, M. D., I. Waltz, Ph. D. LECTURERS ON MATERIA MEDICA. Stephen Brown, M. B. J. Smythe Rogers, M.B. B. W. McCready, M. B. B. Canavan, Esq. George Thnrber, Esq. John M. Maisch, Ph. D. F. F. Mayer, Ph. B. F. E. Engelhard!, Ph. B W. Be F. Bay, M. B. LECTURERS ON PHARMACY. P. WAndover Bedford, Esq. E. R. Squibb, M. D. Wm, Manlius Smith. M. D. ADJUNCT LECTURERS ON BOTANY. C. E. McClellan, M. D. 0. Hull, Esq. Rev. J. F. Holton. P. V. Leßoy, Esq. 35 LIST OF GRADUATES. j- Adamson, John C. 1844. Ambler, Starr H. 1873. Arze, Frederick. 1867. Ayres, Chester D. 1873. ■1 Bailey, Lafayette. 1838. Ball, William. 1860. Ballard, John W. 1870. Beach, Jaines G. 1866. Bedford, P. Wend over. 1858. Berrian, George W., Jr. 1855. Best, John. 1865. Brandt, Wm. F. 1871. Brettman, Fred’k J. 1870. Briggs, Alanson T. 1873. Brigham, Wm 1835. Buceta, Ransom. 1865. Bull, Buckland W. 1845 Bung, Theo. M. 1871. Caille, A G. 1873. Calan, Henry. 1841. Canavan, George 1860. 4 Canavan, John. 1848. Carr, John. 1833 Carter, Charles. 1858- Clark, Nathaniel. 1840. Close, Geo. C. 1831. Coddington, James. *1833. Coggeshall, Josias H 1841. Colby, Ferris W. 1865. Combs, Richard F. 1853. Coveil, T. Jefferson. 1869. Creuse, Jules L. A. 1861. Cunningham, George P. 1868. f Cushman, Alexander. 1847. f Dascey, John. 1844. DelaCalle, P. 1873. De Leon, Thos. D. 1870 Domas, John M. 1870. Downing, Thos. K. 1837. Dupuy, Eugene. 1839. Dunn, John A. 1867. Eberhart, John H. 1867. Ehlers, John H. 1867. Elderkin, John. 1834. Essig, G. 1873. Ethridge, Frank. 1865. Evans, George A. 1869. Everett. Horace. 1837. Fairbrother, Charles M. 1860. Fairchild, John. 1841. Falke, Wm. 1873. Figueroa, Joseph F. 1864. Figueroa, Raphael. 1858. f Fogt, Francis. 1859. Forbes, Victor B. 1873. Formel, J. J. 1873. Fougera, Edmund C. 1856. Frohwein, Maximillian. 1865. Froliwein, Theobald. 1863. Frost, T. R. 1873. Gannon, John. 1873. Garribrance, Thomas E. 1853, Goode, Benjamin W. 1873. Graverend, Raymond. 1837. Green, Thomas T. 1836. Green, Wm. H. 1838. Hallock, Allen C. 1837. Hallock, James C. 1834. Hamilton, George A. 1856. Hasslocher, John B. 1878. Hatch, Isaac S. 1843. Hays, Benjamin E. 1861. f Hegeman, Adrian. 1843. Hegeman, Wm. 1837. Henes, Edwin. 1871. Henes, Wm. F. 1873. Higgins, James S. 1863. Hilton, James. 1837. Hinsdale, Samuel, Jr. 1888. Holland, Henry. 1851. Holzhauer, Charles. 1873. \ Hopper, Josiah. 1835. Jones, F. S. 1873. Kalish, Julius. 1873. f Kennedy, Robert C. 1865. Kimmel, Henry. 1863. Kissam, Warren S. 1873. Krehbiel, Gustavus. 1863. Krehbiel, Herman. 1866. Kuehn, Albert F. G. 1873. Lake, Wm. W. Jr. 1831. Lai or, Wm. 1861. Lehn, Lewis, 1860. Lewis, James S. 1833. Loines, John. 1839. Loines, Wm. H. 1836. Main, Thos. F. 1871. Martin, Eugene. 1861. Master, David, Jr. 1873. Matras, John T. 1833. Mauch, Joseph. 1871. Mayer, Emil. 1873. McClosky, David W. 1844 Mclntyre, Ewen. 1847. 36 Mclntyre, Byron P. 1871. •(■ Mead, John. 1836. f Meakim, Alexander. 1886. f Meakim, John. 1836. Meschenmoser, W. 1873. Meyer, Jos. 1873. Mietsch, Adolphus. 1849. Milhau, B. L. 1856. Morgan, James F. 1861. Merge, Benjamin. 1873. Morse, Henry C. 1868. « Muir, Wm. 1870. Musgiller, Fred’k C. 1867. f Neergaard, Wm., Jr. 1869. Nolan, Patrick. 1854. Osborne, Hampden. 1868. Pabst, C. 1873. Parsons, Henry L. 1846. Peraza, Domingo. 1873. Petermann, John F. 1873. Peyron, John B. 1861. Phillips, George W. C. 1869. £ Plessner, Paul. 1868. Plumb, Chas. S. 1870. Porter, Henry C. 1871. Pressinger, Augustine. 1861. Prewitt, Chas. S. 1870. Purdy, David M. 1839. Putman, Mary C. 1863. Rafael, Enrique. 1870. Ranis, Thos. B. 1870. Rano, Chas. O. 1866. Ribas, Sebastian. 1870. Rice, Lucien M. 1866. Riegel, Louis. 1871. Riker, Wm. B. 1845. Ringler, C. F. 1873. Robbins, Chas. A. 1873. Robbins, Daniel C. 1836. Roberts, Joseph. 1845. Roche, James. 1854. Rothe, Wm. G. 1873. Rogers, John. 1867. Romero, Juan D. 1855. Rubio, Felix G. 1855. Runyon, Edward W. 1873. Sams, Alexander B. 1836. Samson, Proctor C., Jr. 1851. Sanderson, Robert T. 1837. Sands, George G. 1864. Schleussner, Charles F. 1873. Schreck, Ernst A. 1873. Schwartzel, Joseph A. 1871. Scott, Horatio. 1861. Seelbach, Gustavus. 1873. Shearer, Edgar T. 1873. Shieis, George E. 1851. Sing, John B. 1847. Skelley, James J. 1864. Slipner, Nicholas. 1873. Smith, Chas. B. 1863. Smith, James W. 1833. Smith, Robert B. 1847. Snelling, Alonzo F. 1868. f Snowden, John, 1841. Snowden, Thomas. 1847. Southwick, George W. 1838. Stohlman, Wm. F. 1870. Starr, Thomas. 1870. Syvarth, Henry. 1873. Thurman, Washington M. 1831. Tittle, George A. 1846. Trenard, Julius. 1855. Tucker, John H. 1873. f Vail, Addison. 1837. Vanderbeugle, John. 1873. Van Namee, Eugene C. 1873. Villaverdi, Emilio. 1864. Vogel, Richard. 1867. Wall, Charles E. 1854. Ward, Samuel. 1843. Watson,-Jewett W. 1873. Waugh, George J. 1863. Weber, Joseph. 1871. Weberly, Chas. H. 1873. Weeks, Eugene I. 1866. Weinmann, Oscar C. 1860. Wengel, W. 1868. Weismann, Augustus W. 1863. Wheeler, Walter G., Jr. 1871. White, Philip A. 1844. Wienges, Conrad. 1871. Wright, Wm., Jr. 1854. Xigues, Emilio. 1865. t Deceased. REG APITUL ATIO N, 8 Graduates in 1831. 4 “ “ 1832. 1 “ “ 1833. 2 “ *• 1834. 2 “ “ 1835. 7 “ “ 1836. 8 “ « 1837. 4 " “ 1838. 3 “ « 1839. 1 “ “ 1840. 4 “ “ 1841. 3 “ “ 1843. 0 “ “ 1843. 4 “ “ 1844. 3 “ “ 1845. 2 “ “ 1846. 5 “ " 1847. 1 “ “ 1848. 1 “ “ 1849. 0 « « 1850. 3 “ « 1851. 1 “ 1853. 1 “ “ 1853. 4 Graduates in 1854. 4 « “ 1855. 3 " “ 1856. 0 “ “ 1857. 3 “ « 1858. 1 “ “ 1859. 5 “ « 1860. 8 “ « 1861. 3 “ “ 1863. 6 « « 1863. 4 “ « 1864. 7 “ “ 1865. 5 “ “ 1866. 7 “ “ 1867. 6 “ “ 1868. 4 “ “ 1869. 12 « « 1870. 12 “ « 1871. 9 « “ 1873. 33 « « 1873. i Total, 198 graduates, 38 List of Graduates, 43d Course, with Place of Nativity, Name of Preceptor, and Subject of Thesis. Ambler, Starr Hoyt, Danbury, Conn. Carl & Strong, Jalap. Ayres, Chester Derby, Williamsport, Pa. Rhubarb. Briggs, Allanson Tuthill, City of New York, Dr. B. M. Briggs, Carbon, Carbonic Acids and the Carbonates. Falke, William, do Chas. Rice, Arsenic and its Compounds. Forbes, Victor Eugene, Rochester, N. Y., W. H. SchiefFelin & Co., Sexuality of plants. Gannon, John, City of New York, John Murphy, Iodide of Potassium. Goode, Benjamin Whitfield, Thompston, Ga., W. B. Laird, Alcohol. Hasslocher, John Benjamin, Bedford, L. I., G. Balser, Lime. Henes, Wm. Frederick, Milwaukie, Wis., School of Mines, Botanizing rationally. Holzhauer, Charles, Germany, W. A. Canover, Chemically pure Acids. Kalish, Julius, North Housack, N. Y., J. Kalish, Iodide of Potassium. Kissam, Warren Sharp, City of New York, P. A White, Cinchona Bark. Kuehn, Albert T. G., Pittsburgh, Pa., Eimer & Amend, Animal and Vegetable Life. Master, David, Jr., London, England, Ischeppe & Schuner, Sulphurous Acid. Mayer, Emil, City of New York, Hermann Lange, Honey and Wax. Meschenmoser, Wilhelm, Germany, Fermentation. Meyer, Joseph, Williamsburg, L. I., Samuel Cahn, Iron and Scale preparations. Morje, Benjamin, City of New York, Pharmaceutical N otes. Peraza, Domingo, Porto Rico, I. G. Shields, Fermentation. Petermann, Joseph Frederick, City of New York, B. Homan, Emulsions. Robbins, Charles Albert, Brooklyn, L. I., McKesson & Robbins, Propylamin. Eothe, William George, City of New York, Dr. E. R. Squibb, Ground Cream of Tartar as found An the market. Runyon, Edward W., Chicago, 111., Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner, Rheum palmatum. Schleussner, Charles Frederick, Germany. Becker & Gellheim, Cinchona Barks. Schreck, Ernst Albert, Matamoras, Mex., C. A. Ludwig, The Fever Bark. Seelbach, Gustavus, Germany, Dr. Guden, Morphia. Shearer, Edward Young, Dillsbury, Pa., W. H, Schieffelin & Co., Cinchona. Slipner, Nicholas, Albany, N. Y., Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner, Veratria. Syvarth, Henry, Germany, Chas. Cuuz, Poisons and Antidotes. Vanderbeugle, John, Cincinnati, 0., J. F. Cottle, Arsenic. Van Namee, Eugene Clinton, Watertown, N. Y., Weber Bros., Opium. Watson, Jewett Webster, Rochester, N. Y., Balluff & Ramsperger, Analysis of Urine. Weberly, Charles Henry, Morrisania, N. Y., W. H. Lawes & Co., Fluid Extracts. 39 Average duration of Apprenticeship, seven years. Average age, 23.6 years. Highest marks that could he awarded, 750. Highest mark of student receiving College Prise of 100 Dollars, 727. Highest mark of student receiving College Prize for second best General Examination, consisting of Microscope, 722. Total marks awarded at Examination, 20,665. Average marks awarded at Examination, 626.21, or 83 per cent. Parents of Students were. Merchant, 6; Manufacturer 1; Clergymen 3>' Miller 1; Cooper 1; Clothier 1; Brewer 2 ; Bookseller 1; Shoe Dealer 1 ; Cabinet Maker 2 ; Shoemaker 2 ; Laborer 2 ; Musician 1; Tailor 2 ; Artist 1; Lawyer 1; Secretary of Court 1; Physician 2; Druggist 1; and Pharmacist 1. The Six Prizes offered to the Graduating Class were awarded to Charles Frederick Schleussner, the First Prize of One Hundred Dollars, offered by the College to the student who shall have passed the most satisfactory general examination. William Frederick Hexes, the Second Prize of a complete and valu- able Microscope, ottered by Mr. Dundas Dick to the next best. Ernst A. Schreck, the prize of Fifty Dollars, ottered by the College to the student showing most proficiency in Toxicology. Edward W. Runyon, the prize of Fifty Dollars, ottered by Theobald Frohwein, Esq., for proficiency in Chemistry. Joseph Meyer, the prize of Fifty Dollars, offered by Dr. W. DeF. Day for proficiency in Botany and Materia Medica. John Yanderbeugle, the prize of Fifty Dollars, offered by the Alumni Association for the best Thesis. 40 LIST OF STUDENTS, 43d COURSE. Aldridge, W. H. Ambler, Starr H., with Carle & Strong, 153 Water Street. Angarica, J. P. Angarica, W. G. Armstrong, Charles H. Ayres, Chester D. Barney, John W., M. D., Hospital Steward, U. S. A. Basora, A., (Chemistry), with Walsh- Saussol. Beck, A., with D. W. Smith, M. D. Bentz, John. Biedenfeld, Th. v., with C. A. Proben, 183 Hester Street. Boalt, Wm. L., with D. G. Farwell. Bond, Joseph R., with M. L. M. Peixotto. Bolton, E. 8., with Lazell, Marsh & Gardner. Booth, Clarence F., with W. Barker, M.D. Boyken, Adolph, with H. A. Cassebeer Braun, Louis, with T. Frohwein. Briggs, Alanson T.,with B. M. Briggs, M.D. Broas, John S., with B. H. Merimer, 129 Pavonia Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Buchhop, Louis, with J. Doetchmann, 515 Ninth Avenue. Cassebeer, R. 8., with W. Metten- heimer, 780 Third Avenue. Chambers, Oscar F., with A. T. Olm- stead, M.D. Cheatham, Lovredß., with McKesson & Robbins. Cherry, James 8., with E. W. East- wood. Clausius, Max, with T. Hoffmann. Cook, Alta F., (Chemistry), with McKesson & Robbins. Davern, James N., with John Frey. Dougan, J. Wilbert, with Caswell, Hazard & Co. Eichwort, Lewis. Engel, Chas. A., with John Miller. Engel, H. Adolphus, with G. Balser. Eshman, Clerpens, with M. Dreshler. Faber, Sidney, with A. W. Faber. Fakler, William, with Wedemeyer & Otto. Falke, William, Bellevue Hospital. Fassett, Frank N., with W. L. Little. Fischer, George, with A. Urban. Forbes, Victor E., with W. H. Schieffe- lin & Co. Flint, R. J., with E. Flint, Frost, W. A., with S. Y. Tuttle, 52d St. and Eighth Ave. Gage, R. S., with Tarrant & Co. Gale, Augustus H., with W. Gale., M. D. Gannon, John, Randall’s Island. Goode, B. W., with W. R. Laird. Griessman, M. C., with F. J. Zitz. Griffith, W. H. Gronwaldt, F., with Wm. Boyken. Grossmann, Carl H.,with W edemeyer & Otto. Haainski, A. Hassloeher, John B. Henes, Wm. Fred. Hill, George, with A. Hill. Hoagland, Wm. J., with Day, Hoag- land & Stiger. Holzhauer, Charles, with W. A. Can- over, Hummel, Herman, with F. Hoffmann. Hussa, J. M., with 0. Kempf. Hupfeld, Henry, with G. Plingsten. Jarvis, Wallace, Kalish, Julius. Kreven, S., with F. L. Michel. Kimple, John, Jr., with A.W. Faber. Kirsten, Adolph, with Dr. Kirsten. Kissam, W. P., with P. A. White, 102 Gold St. Knapp, George, with G. Krehbiel. Kuehn, Albert F. G., with Eimer & Amend. Kuehne, R., with A. Semrad, 128 Washington St., Hoboken, N. J. Lagerstedt, Axel., with E. R. Squibb. M. D. Law, John M., with Law & Boyd. Lindsay, Chas. B. Lins, Charles E., with H. Lins. Loeffler, George F., with G. Goetting. Lukens, Anna. Lynch, P. W., 91 Fulton St. Lyons, Albro, Jr., with P. Guignon. McCarty, Wm. McCord, James J., with Peter Eager. Master, David, Jr., Mayer, Emil, with H. Lange. Mayer, Sol’m. L., (Chemistry) with McKesson & Robbins. 41 Meschenmoser, Wilhelm. Mayer, Joseph, with G. Schwab. Mills, B. H., with Ritter, M. H. Minor, C. W., Avith Robinson & Son. Mitzenius, Charles, with J. M. Fisher. Mook, A., Avith G. Krehbiel. Morje, 8., Avith Samuel Calm. Nadler, F. C., Avith A. Havenstein. NeAvsum, Frank. O’Brien, William S., 216 East 20th St. O’Niel, Henry M., with Th. Cole, 350 East 23d St. OrCutt, Wm., Avith Heydenreich Bros. Over, E. W., (Chemistry) with J. & I. Coddington. Parsons, Harry, Avith Wm. P. Much- more. Peraza, Domingo, with G. E. Shiels. Perry, Chas. J., with A. Hudnut. Petermann, John F.,Avith R. Homann. Pollard, Ennina H. Pope, Wm., (Chemistry.) Post, William H. Preston, Chas. H., (Chemistry) Avith McKesson & Robbins. Priutz, G.H.,Avith E. R. Squibb, M.D. Reuter, Richard .with F. A. Schmidts. Robinson, Chas. E., with Fraser & Lee. Bobbins, C. Albert, 91 Fulton St. Rogers, Edw. H., (Chemistry) with A. Rogers. Rothe, Wm. G., 36 Doughty St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Runyon, E. W., with Lazell, Marsh & Gardner. Rupprecht, Joseph. RutkoAvski, Herman Rohr, with Win. Ehlers. Sagarra, John, Avith John Miller. Sands, James G., Avith G. G. Sands. Schleussner, C. P. Schreck, E. A., with C. A. LudAvig. Seelbach, Gustavus, with W. Guden, 179 Ave. B. Shearer, Edgar Y.,with W.Schieffelin & Co. Slipmen, Nicholas,Avith Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner. Smith, Albert C.,AvithWm.J.Watson, Williamsburgh, L. I. Smith, R. C., with A. B. Sands & Co. (deceased.) Stammler, Charles, with G. Thun. Stevens, James T., Avith McKesson & Robbins. Striker, Charles W.,Avith A.J. Tartiss. Syvarth, H., with C. Cuntz. Thornhill, Richard R., Avith Hoyle & Ewig. ToAvnsend, Wm. J., Avith Dr. Collins. Yanderbeugle, John,Avith J. M. Cottle. Van Namee, E. C. Vetter, Phillip J., with J. B. Eckel. Watson, JeAvett W., Avith Ballutl’ & Ramsperger. Weidenfeld, Joseph, (Chemistry) with H. E. MoliAvitz. Werner, P. G., Avith F. G. Werner. Weberly, Charles H., Avith W. H. Lawes & Co. Yatman, John L., NeAvark, N. J. Zoeller, R. G., with A. Zoeller. Zollhoefer, Geo., Avith Reed, Cormick & Andrus, 198 Fulton St. Matriculants who do not appear on the Treasurer’s Books, 43d Course. Faucher, Ernst. Foster, E. D., with Hegeman & Co. Gilliland, E. T. Hand, Otto, with Dr. Friederich. lies. M. W. Kadlec, L., with Speidel. Korfmann, John, with Miller & Co. Olmsted, M. S., with S. Jackson. Pendleten, C. O. Plant, A., with J. Plant. Pratt, C. T. Riehl, John, with T. Louis. Ross, W., with J. F. Cottle. Samostz, 0., with Spangenberg & Boettcher. Schonher, J. S., with T. W. Vangies- sen. Slayton, H. L. Tapping, A. 0. Watson, W. J. Woigand, Wm„ Avith Kohler. Wells, Ephraim S. KKC APITIJX ATION, Students who attended full course 136 “ “ “ Chemistry only .... g “ “ matriculated, but as yet not paid Treasurer - 30 Total, 154 Many young men have availed themselves of the instructions offered by our College, but being unable to pay, it was thought best by the Trustees not to debar them from attending the Lectures. 42 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY. CHEMISTRY, GEOLOGY, NATURAL HISTORY, &c., &c. Accum, F. Essay on Cliemical Reagents. Phila,, 1807. Attfield. J. Chemistry : General, Medical and Pharmaceutical. Phila., 1871, Barif, T. S. Introduction to Scientific Chemistry. Lond., 1873. Bernays, A. J. Notes for Students of Chemistry. Lond., 1870. Berthollet, C. L. Laws of Chemical Affinity. Balt., 1809. Bischoff, G. Elements of Chemical and Physical Geology. Vol. 1. L0nd.,1854. Black, J. Elements of Chemistry. 3 vols. Phila., 1807. Blair, D. Grammar of Chemistry. Phila., 1833. Blowpipe. Practical use of. N. Y., 1858. Bodemann & Kerl. Treatise on Assaying. N. Y., 1868. Boerhave’s Chemistry. Translated by P. Shaw. 3 vols., 4to. Lond., 1753. Bowen,Eli. Coal and Coal Oil; or, the Geology of the Earth. Bvo. Phi1a.,1865 Bowman, J. E. Hand-Book of Medical Chemistry. Bvo. Lond., 1855. Braude, Wm. T. Manual of Chemistry. Bvo. N. Y., 1839. Buckland F. F. Geology and Mineralogy. 3 vols., Bvo. Lond., 1858. Cavallo, T. Elements of Natural and Experimental Philosophy. 8 vols., Bvo. Phila., 1813. Chaptal, M. J. A. Chemistry. Bvo. Phila., 1807. Comstock, G. L. Conversations on Chemistry. Bvo. Hartford, 1833. Crookes, Wm. Select Methods of Chemical Analysis. Bvo. Lond., 1871. Dana, J. F. Epitome of Chemical Philosophy. Bvo. Concord, N. H., 1835. Dana, Jas. D. System of Mineralogy. Bvo. N. Y., 1868. Dodd, B. Dictionary of Manufactures, Mining, &c., &c. Bvo. N. Y., 1869. Elahoratory Laid Open. Bvo. Lond., 1758. Ewell, J. Plain Discourses on Chemistry, &c., &c. Bvo. N. Y., 1806. Fourcroy, A. F. Elements of Chemical and Natural History. 3 vols., Bvo. Edinh., 1800. Pownes, G. Manual of Elementary Chemistry. Bvo. Phila., 1871. Presenius, C. R. Qualitative Analysis. Bvo. Lond., 1859. Fresenius, C. R. Quantitative Analysis. Bvo. Lond., 1860. Galloway, W. Second Step in Chemistry. 18mo. Lond., 1864. Gmelin, L. Hand-Book of Chemistry 18 vols. and ind., Bvo. Lond., 1847-73. Graham, Th. Elements of Chemistry. 3 vols., Bvo. Lond., 1857. Henry, Wm. Epitome of Chemistry. Bvo. N. Y., 1808. Horsley, J. The Toxicologist’s Guide. 18mo. Lond., 1866. Johnston, J. F. W. Application of Chemistry to Geology and Agriculture. Bvo. N. Y., n. d. Joyce, J. Dialogues on Chemistry. N. Y., 1818. Kay-Shuttleworth, U. J. First Principles of Modern Chemistry. Bvo. Lond., 1870. Knapp. Chemical Technology. 3 vols., Bvo. Lond., 1855. Lawrence, W. Physiology, Geology, and Natural History of Man. Bvo. Salem, 1838. Lehmann, C. G. Physiological Chemistry. 3 vols., Bvo. Phila., 1855. Lucas, C. Essay on Waters. 3 vols., Bvo. Lond., 1756. Macquer, M. Theory and Practice of Chemistry. 3 vols., Bvo. Lond., 1755. 43 Magendie,F. Researches on tlie use of Prussic Acid. 16mo. New Haven, 1820. Makins, G. H. Manual of Metallurgy. Bvo. Lond. Marshall, J. Remarks on Arsenic. Bvo. Lond., 1817. Miller, W. A. Elements of Chemistry. 8 vols., Bvo. Lond., 1860-1869. Mitchell, J. Manual of Practical Assaying. BvO. Lond., 1854. Mitchell, J. The same, ed. by Crookes. Bvo. Lond., 1868. Natural History of the State of New York. 4to. Albany. “ “ Agriculture. By E. Emmons. 4 vols. “ “ Geology. By Jas. Hall. 1 vol. “ “ Geology. By W. M. Mather. 1 vol. “ “ Palaeontology. By Jas. Hall. 5 vols. “ “ Zoology. By J. E. de Kay. 3 vols. Nicholson, Wm. First Principles of Chemistry. Bvo. Lond., 1790. Orfila, M. P. Traite' des Poisons. 2 vols., Bvo. Paris, 1814. Paris, J. A. Elements of Medical Chemistry. Bvo. Lond., 1825. Parkes, Sam’l. Chemical Catechism. Bvo. N. Y., 1818. Parkes, Sam’l. The same. Bvo. N. Y., 1821. Parkes, Sam’l. Rudiments of Chemistry. Bvo. N. Y., 1824. Parnell, E. D. Applied Chemistry. Bvo. N. Y., 1844. Persoz, J. Traite de I’impression des tissues, vol. 4., Bvo. Paris, 1846. Rcimann, M. Aniline and its Derivatives. Bvo. N. Y., 1868. Ronald & Richardson. Chemical Technology. 4 vols., Bvo. Lond., 1855. Schoolcraft, H. R. Lead Mines of Missouri. Bvo. 1819. Seaman, Yal. Mineral Waters of Saratoga. 12mo. N. Y., 1809. Sharpies, S. Chemical Tables. Bvo. Cambridge, 1866. Slater, J W. Manual of Colors and Dye Works. Bvo. Lond., 1870. Steel, J. H. Analysis of Mineral Waters of Saratoga and Ballston. 12mo. Albany,lBl9. Taylor, A. S. Treatise on Poisons. 12mo. Lond., 1859. Thomson, Thos. System of Chemistry. 4 vols., 4to. Phila , 1818. Tucker, Benj. Grammar of Chemistry. 12mo. Phila., 1823. Turner, Ed. Elements of Chemistry. 12mo. Phila., 1828. Ure, A. Dictionary of Chemistry. 2 vols., Bvo. Phila., 1821. Watts, H. Dictionary of Chemistry. 6 vols., Bvo. Loud., 1863-1872. Webster, J. W. Elements of Chemistry. 12mo. Boston, 1827. Wittstein, C. G. Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 16mo. Lond., 1853. Woehler, E. Analytical Chemists’ Assistant. Ed. by Lieber. Bvo. Phila., 1852. Wohler, F. Organic Chemistry. Ed. by Remsen. Bvo. Phila., 1873. Wormley, T. G. Notes on Chemical Reactions of Alkaloids. (Pamphlets). Bvo. 1859-1860. BOTANY, MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. Barton, W. P. C. Medical Botany of U. S. 2 vols., 4to. Phila., 1818. Bentham, Geo. Hand-Book of British Flora. 2 vols , Bvo. Lond., 1865. Benthanx & Hooker. Genera Plantarum. Yol. 1, Bvo. Lond., 1862-67. Bigelow, J. Boston Flora. Bvo. Boston, 1814. Bigelow, J. Materia Medica; sequel to U. S. Pharmaccepia. Bvo. Boston, 1822. Carsons, J. Illustrations of Medical Botany. 5 vols., fol. Phila., 1847. Clarke, L. L. Seaweeds of British Coast and Channel Islands. 16mo. Lond., 1865. Culpepper, N. Complete Herbal. 4to. Lond., 1824. De Candolle, A. Laws of Botanical Nomenclature. Bvo. Lond., 1868. Eaton, A. Botany of North and Middle States of America. Bvo. Albanv 1822. 44 Eberle, J. Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 3 vols., Bvo. Balt, and Phila., 1834. Edwards, 11. M., and Yavasseur, P. Materia Medica and Pharmaceutics. Bvo. Phila., 1839. Ettinghausen, C. Physiographic der Medicinalpflanzen. Bvo. Vienna, 1863. Flora der Wetterau. 3 vols., Bvo. Frank!., a. M., 1800. Frank, J. Pflanzen-Tahellen. Bvo. Leipzic, 1870. Galpine, J. Compend. of British Botany. 18mo. Salisbury, 1806. Grisebach, A. H. R. Flora of British West India Islands. Bvo. Lond. ,1864. Henry, S. Medical Family Herbal. Bvo. N. Y., 1814. Hill, J. Family Herbal (of England). Bvo. Bungay, n. d. Hooker, J. D. Niger Flora. Bvo. Lond., 1849. Lambert, A. B. Illustration of the Genus Cinchona. 4to. Lond., 1831. Lee, Jas. Introduction to the Science of Botany. Bvo. Lond., 1810. Lee, Jas. The same. Bvo. Edinb., 1796. Lewis, Win. History of the Materia Medica. 2 vols , Bvo. Dublin, 1769. Lewis, Wm. Same. 4to. Lond., 1761. Lindley & Moore. Treasury of Botany. 3 vols., 13mo. Lond., 1870. Locke, J. Outlines of Botany. Bvo. Boston, 1819. London. Encyclopaedia of Plants. Bvo. Lond., 1866. Mann, H. Catalogue of the Phaenogams of U. S. Bvo. Cambridge, 1868. Mcrat, et De Lens. Dictionnaire de la Matiere Medicale. 4 vols. Bvo. Paris, 1831-4. Murray, J. Materia Medica and Pharmacy. Bvo. N. T., 1838. Pereira, J. Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Bvo. 2 vols. Phila., 1853. Pomet, General History of Drugs. 3 vols. in 1, 4to. No title. Porcher, F. P. Cryptogamic Plants of U. S.. Bvo. N. Y., 1854. Pursch, Fred. Flora Americae Septentrionalis. 3 vols. Bvo. Lond., 1814. Rafinesque, C. S. Medical Flora of U. S., Bvo. Phila., 1830. Royle, J. F. Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Bvo. Lond., 1847. Royle, J. F., & Headland, F. W. Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Bvo. Lond., 1868. Smith, Jas. E. Grammar of Botany. Bvo. N. Y. 1833. Sowerby, J. E. Ferns and Fern Allies of Great Britain. Bvo. Lond., 1859. Stille, A, Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 2 vols. Bvo. Phila., 1860. Thornton, R. J. Grammar of Botany. 16mo. N. Y., 1818. Torrey, J. Flora of the Northern and Middle U. S. Bvo. N. Y., 1836. Wakefield, P. Introduction to Botany. Bvo. Phila., 1818. Weddell, M, H. A. Histoire Naturelle des Quinquinas (34 plates and text.) fol., Paris, 1849. Zanoni, Giac. Istoria Botanica. fol. Bologna, 1675. Zollickofter, Wm. Materia Medica of U. S. Bvo. Best. 1819, PHARMACY, PHARMACOPEIAS, PHARMACOGNOSY, &c. Chevallier et Richard. Dictionnaire des Drogues. 5 vols., Bvo. Paris, 1837. Christison & Griffith. Dispensatory. Bvo. Phila., 1848. Code des Medicaments, ou Pharmacopee Frangaise. 4to. Paris, 1819. Dispensatory of the Royal College of Physicians. Bvo. Lond., 1760. Dispensatory of the U. S. Ed. by Wood & Bache. 13th ed.) Bvo. Phila., 1873. Duncan, A. Edinburgh New Dispensatory. Bvo. N, Y. 1818. Ellis, B. Medical Formulary. Bvo. Phila., 1839. Formulae Selectae. Bvo. N. Y. 1818. Houlton, Jos. Formulary for New Remedies. Bvo. N. Y. 1839. 45 King, J. American Dispensatory. Bvo. Cincinn., 1859. Murray, Carlos. Tratado de Faimacia y Farmacognosia. Bvo. Buenos Ayres, 1866. Murray, Carlos. Apuntos para la Historia de la Farmacia Argentina. Bvo. Buenos Ayres, 1867. Paris, J. A. Pharmacologia. 2 vols., Bvo. N. Y. 1825. Pharmacopee Frangaise, (Codex). Bvo. Paris, 1837. Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians. Bvo. Lond., 1824. Pharmacopoeia, British. Bvo. Lond., 1864. Same. Bvo. Lond., 1867. Pharmacopoeia Chirugica. 12mo. Phila., 1818. Pharmacopoeia Belgica Nova. Bvo. Brussels, 1854. Pharmacopoeia Germanica. Bvo. Berlin, 1872. Pharmacopoeia of India. Bvo. Lond., 1868 Pharmacopoeia of Guy’s Hospital. Bvo. Lond., 1818. Pharmacopoeia of the New York Hospital. Bvo. N. Y. 1816. Pharmacopoeia of the U. S. Bvo. N. Y. 1830. Pharmacopoeia of the U. S. Bvo. Bost., 1828. Pharmacopoeia of the U. S. Bvo. Phila., 1851. Pharmacopoeia of the U. S. Bvo. Phila., 1873. Redwood, Supplement to the Pharmacopoeia. Bvo. Lond., 1857. Squire, P. Companion to the British Pharmacopoeia of 1867. Bvo Lond., 1867. Thacher, Jas. American New Dispensatory. Bvo. Bost., 1821. Vavasseur, M. E. Nuevo Formulario Pratico de Hospitales. 16mo. Barce- lona, 1835. Virey, J. J. Traite de Pharmacie. 2 vols., Bvo. Paris, 1823. Year Book of Pharmacy, Bvo. Lond., 1865. Same. Bvo. Lond., 1872. MEDICINE, SURGERY, &c. Beck, Th. R. Elements of Medical Jurisprudence. 2 vols., Bvo. Albany, Begin, L. J. Treatise on Therapeutics. Bvo. N. Y. 1829. Catalogus Bibliothecae Medicae Cornelii H. a Roy. (14939 Nos). Vol. 1-4., Bvo. Amsterd., 1830. Cooke, C. T. On the Efficacy of White Mustard Seed. Bvo. N. Y.. 1827. Cooper, Sam’l. First Lines of Practice of Surgery. Bvo. Lond., 1822. Cooth, J. L. van. Medicina Externa. 3 vols. Utrecht, 1834. Cullen, Guil. Synopsis Nosologiae Methodicae. Bvo. Edinb., 1795. Cullen, Wm. Treatise on Materia Medica. 2 vols., Bvo. Edinb., 1789. Cullen, Wm. Practice of Physic. 2 vols., Bvo. Phila., 181 G. Elliot, Sir J. Medical Pocketbook. 16mo. Troy, 1803. Ferriar, J. Medical Histories. 4vols.ini. Bvo. Phila., 181 G. Good, J. M. Study of Medicine. Vol. 5., Bvo. N, Y., 1827. Harris, Th. M. Minor Encyclopaedia. 4v015.,8v0. Boston, 1803. Hooper, R. Physician’s Vademecum. Bvo. Albany, 1809. LeClerc. The Complete Surgeon. From the French. Bvo. Lond., 1827. Lobb, Th. General Medical Principles. Bvo. Lond., 1753. Nightingale, Flor. Notes on Nursing, Bvo. N. Y., 1860. Orfila, M. P. Treatment of Poisoning. 12mo. Lond., 1818. Parr, Barth. London Medical Dictionary. 2 vols., 4to. Phila., 1819. Pereira, J. Physician’s Prescription Book. IGmo. Phila., 1871. Reece, Rich. Medical Guide. Bvo. Lond., 1817. Richerand, A. Elements of Physiology. Bvo. Phila., 1808. 46 Roberts, L. J. M, Precis Historique de I’Epidemie a Marseilles. Svo. Mars., 1828. Shaw, Pet. Practice of Physic. Svo. Lond., 1735. Sprengel, Kurt. Histoire de la Medicine, vols., 4-9., Svo. Paris, 1815-20. Stearns, Sami. American Herbal, or Materia Medica. 12mo. Walpole, 1801. Tiedeman, Fred. Treatise of Comparative Physiology, vol. 1., Svo. Lond., 1834. Townsend, Jos. Physician’s Vademecum. 12mo. 805t.,1805. Treatise on Swain’s Panacea. Svo. Phila., 1825. Yought, J. G. Treatise on Bowel Complaints. 12mo. Rochester, 1823. JOURNALS, TRANSACTIONS, REPORTS, &c. American Journal of Pharmacy, vol. I—l 7. Phila., 1835-1851. Same. Phila., 1851-1873. American Journal of Science and Arts, (Silliman’s). 4 vols., Bvo. 1819-29- 30. American Medical Gazette. 4 vols., Bvo. N. Y. 1856-59. Same. 2 vols., (parts). N. Y, 1860-61. American Medical Monthly. 4 vols. N. Y. 1861-62. American Medical Times. 6 vols. 1860-63. Braithwaite’s Retrospect. 18 vols., (part 1-40). Bvo. Index to same. Bvo. N. Y. 1857. Chemical News. 4 vols., 4to. N. Y. Druggist’s Circular and Chemical Gazette, (incomplete). Journal de Pharmacie. Bvo., vol. 16. Paris, 1830. Journal of Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, vol. 1-6., Svo. Phila., 1825- 34. Journal of Science and Arts. vol. 1-5., Svo. N. Y. 1817. Journal and Transactions of Maryland College of Pharmacy. 2 vols. (parts) Bvo. Balt., 1859-61. Medico Chirurgical Review. 5 vols., Svo. Medical Register. 12mo. N. Y. 1869. New York Journal of Pharmacy. Bvo.. 3 vols. N. Y. 1852-54. New York Medical Gazette, vol. 1., Svo. N. Y. 1842. New York Medical Journal, vol. 1., Svo. N. Y. 1830. (Odd numbers of various Medical Journals). Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions. Svo. 16 vols. Lend., 1841-59. Same. 1 vol. Lond., 1860. Pharmaceutical Times. 2 vols., 4to. Lond., 1847-48. Pharmacist, The Chicago. Svo. Chic., 1870. Proceedings of American Pharmaceutical Association. Svo. Phila., 1852-1853 -72. Peixotto, D. L. New York Medical and Physical Journal, vol. 2. N. Y. 1829-30. Report of Committee on Patent Medicines. 41 copies. 16mo. N. Y. Report of Commissioner of Education for 1871. Svo. Washington, 1872. Report (14th) of Regents of Univeristy of N. Y. Svo. Albany, 1861. Scalpel, The. 4 vols., Svo. N. Y. 1849-51. Transactions of American Institute. Bvo., 12 vols. N. Y. 1846-57. Transactions of N. Y. State Med. Eclectic Society, vol. 4. Svo. Albany, 1870. Transactions of the Med. Society of the State of N. Y. Bvo., 5 vols. Albany, 1858-62. MISCELLANEOUS. Franklin, Beni., works of. 6 vols. Bvo. Plula., 1809. Gregory, G. Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. 3 vols., 4to. Pkila., 1816. Griscom, J. A Year in Europe, 2 vols., Bvo. N. Y. 1833. Laws relating to the direct and excise taxes. Bvo Washington, 1863. Maps to accompany Andrew’s Report to House of Rep. Washington. Maps to accompany Message and Doc. . 1856-57. Matthews, J. M. Bible and Man of Learning. Bvo. N. Y. 1855 Pazos, Don Vine. Letters on the United Provinces of South America. Bvo. Lond., 1819. Clark, H. J. Mind in Nature. Bvo. N Y. 1865. Darby, W. Geographical Description of Louisiana. Bvo. N. Y. 1817. Emporium of Arts and Sciences. 5 vols., Bvo. Phila., 1813. ADDENDA. Ledebour, C. F. Flora Rossica. 4 vols., Bvo. Stuttgardt, 1841. Koch, W. D. J. Synopsis der Deutschen und Schwcizcr Flora. 2 vols., Bvo. Frankf., a. m. 1837-38. Henkel, v. Dounersmarck, Nomenclator Botanicus. Bvo. Halle, a. s. 1821. Hooker, J. D. Handbook of the New Zealand Flora. Bvo. Lond., 1867. Steudel, E. T. Nomenclator Botanicus. 2 vols. in 1. Stuttgardt, 1841. Der Apotheker. Ed. by Himmelman (Monthly). Apothekerzeitung. Ed. by Heppe & Kohlmann. (Weekly). Ardriv der Pharmacie. Ed. Ludwig. (Monthly). Pharmaceutische Centralhalle. Ed. Hager. (Weekly). Pharmaceutische Wodrensdrift. Ed. Vorwerk. (Weekly), Pharmaceutische Zeitung. Ed. Mueller. (Semi-weekly). Journal of the Chemical Society. (Monthly). Anualen der Chemie und Pharmacie. (Monthly). Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie. (Monthly). Recueil de Pharmacie. (Monthly). Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. (Monthly). OBITUARY. PROF. JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D. Prof. John Torrey, the distinguished botanist and chemist, of Columbia College, President of the Torrey Botanical Club, and Honor- ary Member of this College, died Monday Evening, the tenth of March of this year, at his residence in Fiftieth Street, in his seventy- seventh year, after a lingering illness of a pulmonary character. John Torrey was born in this city in 1796, and after leaving school attended the lectures of the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons, receiving his medical diploma in 1818. In 1824, he was appointed Professor of Chemistry, Geology and Mineralogy in the Military Academy of West Point. In 1827, the College of 48 Physicians and Surgeons in this city induced Dr. Torrey to accept their Professorship of Chemistry, which chair he occupied with great success until 1855. In 1828 and 1829, he was Professor of Chemistry in this College. In 1880 he also became Professor of Chemisty and Natural History in the College of New Jersey, at Princeton, and only relinquished it in 1854, when he was appointed by the govern- ment Chief Assayer in the United States Assay Office in this city. During his long life, Prof. Torrey became celebrated in the scientific world, and was considered in Europe to be the foremost of American botanists. His first work was a catalogue of the plants to be found in a radius of thirty miles around New York, published in 1819. The following is a list of his later works : Flora of the Northern and Middle States, 1824. Compendium of the foregoing work, 1826. Gyperacece of North America, 1836. Flora of the State of New York, two vols., 1843-44. Botanical Reports of the Various Land Exploring Expeditions of the United States, from 1822 to 1858. Appendix to Dr. John Lindleifs Introduction to Botany, 1831. He also edited, with Dr. Asa Gray, the Flora of North America. In 1860, Prof. Torrey presented to Columbia College, of which institution he had long been a trustee, his extensive and valuable herbarium and his entire botanical library. Although of advanced age, Prof. Torrey was, until recently, quite active, and, in addition to his many duties as a scientific man, added those of Treasurer to the New York Society of Cincinnati. HICKSON W. FIELD Hickson W, Field, an honorary member of this College and a prominent merchant of this city, well-known in commercial circles thirty years ago, died in southern Europe last February. He was one of the first gentlemen to subscribe towards a fund for establish- ing a College of Pharmacy in this city. CHARLES SEAMAN REYNOLDS. Charles Seaman Reynolds, a member of this College, died in this city, on the 11th of February, of this year. Mr. Reynolds was born on the 30th of August, 1829, at Reading, Berks ; he acquired a knowledge of his business while in the employ of Messrs. Glaisyer & Kemp, at Brighton, Sussex, England ; came to the United States in 1863, and became a member of tliis College in July, 1870. Although never an officer of this institution, he always took great interest in its welfare and was one of the most constant attendants at its meetings. THE PROSPECTUS OF THE COLLEGE of PHARMACY CITY OF NEWYORK, OF THE For 1873, is now ready, and contains the programme for the Summer Classes, and for the annual Winter course of instruction, viz.: Summer Classes for Laboratory Practice in Pharmaceutical and Chemical Manipulations, and Chemical Analysis, From 9 A. M. till 1 P. M., daily, except Botany days, during June, July, and August, in the Laboratory in the College Rooms. The instruction will be suited to the requirements of and progress made by each student. TERMS. —One month, daily attendance, Sio; two months, $l7; three months, $24; or one day, weekly, for three months, $10; two days, weekly. $l7; three days, weekly $24, No charge for apparatus or reagents; everything necessary being furnished gratuitously by the College. The Summer Class in Botany will receive practical instruction in that useful and interesting study, by EXCUR- SIONS AND LECTURES, on Wednesdays, from May 11 to June 14, and from August 13 to September 10, inclusive. TERMS, $B. The Annual Course of Lectures, two of which courses are necessary for graduation, on the usual branches of ‘‘Chemistry, Pharmacy. Materia Medica and Botany,’7 will commence October 6, 1873, and continue till March 6, 1874, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, beginning at 7 o’clock, and ending at 9.30. These Lectures will be abundantly illustrated by experiments, no pains being spared to render them interesting and instructive. THREE PRIZES—SIOO, $75, and $5O, respectively, are offered to the three TERMS for the course, $36. The matriculation ticket is $2. members of the graduating class, passing first, second, and third best, at the annual examination in March. The Laboratory will be open for Practice in Pharmaceutical and Chemical Manipulations AND CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, Daily, during the course, (October 6 to March 6), from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. TERMS.—For one month, daily, $l2; two months, $2O; three months, $2B; four months, $36; five months, $44; or students may enter for one, turn, or more days a week. No charge for apparatus or reagents. For tickets, prospectus, or further information, address or apply to H. A, CASSEBEER, JR„ Secretary* 50 ERRATA. PAGE. 19. L Davis, R. J. (deceased.) Diller, L. J., read Diller, L. Y. 20. L Howarth, Davis, read Howartb, David. L Levy, Uriah H. (deceased.) 21. L Watson, William J. (deceased.) Christison, Bobei’t, read Christison, Robert, M.D. Moore, J. Farris, read Moore, J. Faris. Dacey, John, read Dascey, John. Hunn, Freeman, read Hunn, Freneau. Sonillard, Bernard, read Souillard, Bernard. 35. Arze, Frederick, read Arze, Frederick C. Formel, J. J., read Pormel, J. Z. Green, Wm. H., 1838, read Green, Wm. H., 1868. 36. Ranis, Thomas 8., read Rains, Thomas B. Rogers, John (deceased.) 38. Kuehn, Albert T. G., read Kuehn, Albert F. G. 40. W. A. Canover, read W. A. Conover. Kissam, Wrn. P., read Kissam, W. S. 41. Ardriv der Pharmacie, read Archiv, etc. Pharmaceutische Wodreusdrift, read Ph. Wochenschrift 48. 4th line, Chemisty, read Chemistry.