PACTS NOT Fancies AH TOLD BY CURED PATIENTS OF Health Specialist SPROULE TRADE BUILDING, BOSTON. XVa DIZZY SPELLS GONE Had Catarrh for Years. Fat and Healthy Now December 3, 1905. Dear Friend Doctor : I will write you a few lines to let you know that I am feeling well, and can work and eat and drink just like I did a few years ago, feel healthy and fat. I was down to 98 pounds and I gained up to 114 again under your treat- ment. I used to have the dizziness so bad I would tumble over. I had the catarrh all through me, in my stomach, and my head and throat. I will praise your medi- cine to all the sick that I can help along, and they may write to me and ask me if they want to. Of course I will answer them the way my case was and tell them that you cured me.. I remain, Ever your true friend, Mrs. JOHN BISHNO, Harper, Kansas. R. F. D. No. 2. CONTRACTOR HAD CATARRH FOR FOURTEEN YEARS Dear Dr. Sproule: I am perfectly cured of Catarrh. After trying every medicine to be found, and treating with nearly twen- ty different doctors during the past fourteen years without success, I at last found a complete cure by answer- ing your “ad” in the paper. I was so bad that I was ashamed to sit near others, though I had paid out money enough to have purchased a farm. If I had got your remedies first and paid you £500.00, I would be money ahead. My work keeps me out of doors in all kinds of weather, and you can know I am well, for I have charge of 52 men and 15 horses. No more Catarrh for me. Yours with thanks, ALLEN E. KINNER, 760 Lion St., Dunkirk, N. Y. Deafness Cured in 20 Days Health Perfect Now October 25, 1906. Health Specialist Sproule, Dear Friend:— Thanks to you, I am all right and well. I want to refer to you a very bad case of deafness, one of my friends You can correspond with him yourself and tell him that I recom- mended you to him, and that you cured my deafness in 20 days. I want you to wear that feather in your cap for me. I used your remedies as I said, for 20 days strictly according to directions and the result was, I can hear as well as ever I did. I shall be pleased to have you use my name in any way you like, and I appre- ciate very deeply what you have done. When you took my case, I could not hear my watch tick at all and my ears felt as if they were plugged with cotton. I had been in this fix several years. My trouble came on gradually, so I think the quick cure was the more remarkable. I am 67 years of age. Thanking you again for all you have done, I am, Yours truly, U. N. ATKINSON, Kenedy, Texas. Karnes Co.