TO OUR MANY FRIENDS! The following is a list of Standard, Meritorious Preparations which we manufacture and which we unhesitatingly recommend to our thousands of friends who have been using our preparations for more than a quarter of a century. These preparations are sold by all Dealers in Drugs. GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC The Original Tasteless Chill Tonic, the Old Standard Reliable Tonic which relieves chills by its General Strengthening Tonic Properties. GROVE’S TASTELESS Chill TONIC is an Exceptionally, Good, General Strengthening Tonie for the Child, the Mother or any of the Family, young or old. When you see how it improves the appetite, brings color to the cheeks and restores vitally and energy, you will then realize its true tonic value. You can soon feel its Strengthening, Invigorating Effect. It is acceptable to the most delicate stomach and does not cause nervousness or ringing in the head. So pleasant even children like it. Perfectly harmless, con- tains no Nux-Vomica or other poisonous drugs. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE TABLETS The First and Original Cold and Grip Tablet, the reputation of which has created a demand for it in every civilized country. It has a larger sale than the combined sales of all other Cold and Grip remedies. There is only one BROMO QUININE. This signature (p „ L, is on the box. When you feel a Cold coming on, Stop It with a few doses of LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE TABLETS which destroy germs, act as a Tonic and Laxative and keep the system in condition to throw off attacks of Colds, Grip and Influenza. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE TABLETS soon relieve feverish headaches caused from colds. A Quinine Syrup Your Children Will Like to Take FEBRILINE is a trade-mark name which designates the first and original Tasteless Syrup of Quinine. A child can take1’ if without getting the bitter taste. Does not nauseate nor cause nervousness or ringing in the head. Each teaspoonful of the syrup** contains two grains of Quinine. When Children Need Quinine, Give Them FEBRILINE. Children take FEBRILINE and never know it is Quinine. It is an Improved Quinine especially adapted to adults who cannot take ordinary quinine. Try it the next time you need Quinine for any purpose. Ask for the V/2-ounce size of FEBRILINE. The name, FEBRILINE, is blown in the bottle. DR. PORTER’S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL The Antiseptic Healing properties of this formula was discovered by Dr. Porter, who was at the time he made this discovery one of the surgeons of the Louisville & Nashville R. R. Co., and the discovery was made because of the many surgical operations he had to perform, and we do not hesitate to say to our thousands of friends that it is a wonderful healing preparation, ft relieves pain and heals at the same time. Heals inflammation quioker than anything we have ever tested. It relieves the pain of a cut and heals it in a very short time. Old Running Sores of twenty years’ standing or longer, have been healed by the use of this preparation, and for Old Ulcers or Sores, special directions must be followed as given below. Wet thoroughly with the Antiseptic Oil a piece of absorbent cotton large enough to cover the Ulcer or Run- ning Sore; lay this cotton which has been wet with the Oil on the Ulcer or Running Sore; then place over the cotton thus applied a piece of tinfoil or oiled silk, and then wrap the bandage over the tinfoil or oiled silk. To heal these Old Ulcers or Running Sores it is necessary to keep the diseased parts thoroughly wet with the oil day and night, and the object of the tinfoil or oiled silk is to prevent the bandage from absorbing the Oil and thus taking it away from the affected parts. The tinfoil or oiled silk, for this purpose, can be obtained at any Drug Store. IT IS ABSOLUTELY CLEAN. This Antiseptic Oil, while it is used for Old Ulcers and for Stock, it is absolutely sanitary and clean, so much so that it is used largely for the mouth, that is for Tender Gums and Sore Throat, and it can be applied to any part of the body for irritated skin or sores of any kind. For Sore Throat, the Antiseptic Healing Oil should be applied with a mop in the usual way. For Sale by all Dealers in Drugs. RAZO OINTMENT—FOR PILES There has been for years an effort on the part of the medical profession to discover some satisfactory treatment for Piles, and PAZO OINTMENT, after many years of use, is conceded to be the most satisfactory treatment offered to the public for Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. It relieves the pain, itching and swelling, and you can get restful sleep after the first application. All druggists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to Relieve, Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. (OVER) GROVE’S TASTELESS WORM SYRUP A safe and Effective Preparation for all forms of worms in children. It is an excellent tonic for pale and delicate children and will aid in building up frail and delicate constitutions. This is exactly the same as GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC with the proper amount of Santonin added, making it both a Worm Medicine and General Tonic combined. Ail children afflicted with worms have bad blood and need a general tonic, and therefore, a worm medicine combined with a general tonic is better for the child than the worm medicine alone. In GROVE’S TONIC WORM SYRUP, they get Santonin, the standard remedy for Worms, and at the same time, they get the tonic properties of GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. As you know the value of GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC in the home as a general tonic we are sure that this combination of a general tonic and worm medicine will appeal to you. Just as pleasant to take as GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. GROVE’S BABY BOWEL MEDICINE This valuable and harmless Baby Medicine is composed of the following: BISMUTH, LIME, PEPSIN AND CATECHU WITH PURE SIMPLE SYRUP Bismuth is healing to the mucous membrane of the stomach; the Lime neutralizes the acid where there is a sour stomach* the Pepsin digests any indigestible food that may be in the stomach, and the Catechu acts as a mild astringent to control the bowels where there is a disposition to Dysentary, Diarrhoea, Flux or Sick Stomach. GROVE’S BABY BOWEL MEDICINE is not a patent medicine. We give the ingredients and tell the effect of each ingredient, so that you can judge for yourself. SPECIAL NOTICE.—This preparation does not contain Morphine or Opium in any form and we don’t advocate the giving of Opiates unless it is absolutely necessary. RELIEVES For Dyspeptics who are AIDS SOUR STOMACH Troubled with Sour Stomach DIGESTION It Relieves Stomach and Bowel Trouble and is Just as Good for Adults as for Children We have numerous letters on file from parties claiming that this preparation relieved their babies of Chronic Dysentery, where everything else had failed and where they had been troubled in this way for several years. Children like to take it. LAX FOS WITH PEPSIN A Syrup Tonic-Laxative for HABITUAL CONSTIPATION. It is not only an Excellent Laxative which absolutely relieves HABITUAL CONSTIPATION, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Sallow Complexion, Jaundice, but it has the advantage over other laxatives of being a Tonic and Laxative combined and does not debilitate or weaken the system. It stimulates the liver and regulates the bowels, and to overcome Habitual Constipation, it should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days. LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN is not a Secret or Patent Medicine, but is composed of the following old-fashioned roots and herbs in palatable form: PEPSIN, CASCARA BARK, BLUE FLAG ROOT, RHUBARB ROOT, BLACK ROOT, MAY APPLE ROOT. ACTS OIV THE LIVER Any physician will approve this formula and will verify our statement that May Apple Root is the only vegetable known to medical science that acts on the liver very much like Calomel, without the nauseating effect of Calomel or the risk of salivation. Therefore, the May Apple Root Extract in this mixture is good for any of the family who are bilious, whether it is the Child, the Mother or the Father. LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN does not Force Nature, it Helps Nature. A Healthy, Normal Condition is restored by its gentle action and stimulating and strengthening effect. HAYES’ HEALING HONEY Is a Cough Syrup of superior merit. Wonderfully effective in the treatment of Coughs, Colds and Spasmodic Croup. It also relieves Ordinary Sore Throat by its soothing, healing effect. If the cough is deep-seated and the Head or Chest is Sore, a penetrating salve should be applied as this greatly helps any cough syrup in curing coughs and colds. For this purpose A FREE BOX OF GROVE’S O=PEN=TRATE SALVE is enclosed with every bottle of HAYES’ HEALING HONEY. This is the only Cough Syrup on the market with which this additional treatment is given. The salve is also very valuable as a Germicide for the Nose and Throat. You get both remedies for the price of one. Sold by all Druggists. If your Druggist should not have it in stock, he will order it from his nearest Wholesale Druggist. A large box of GROVE’S O=PEN=TRATE SALVE can be purchased separately, for 35c and if you are unable to get it from your druggist, send 35c in postage stamps to Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., and it will be sent to you by Parcel Post. PARIS MEDICINE COMPANY Manufacturing Chemists ST. LOUIS, MO. LONDON, ENGLAND COVER)