LABORATORY OF HYGIENE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. THIRTY-FOURTH AND LOCUST STS., PHILADELPHIA. RULES AND REGULATIONS. During the Academic year the Laboratory will be open daily, except on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Unless otherwise announced the Laboratory will not be open for work during the Academic summer vacation. All persons while using the Laboratory are requested to abstain from loud talking, whistling, the wearing of hats, the bring- ing of hats, overcoats, etc., into the working-rooms, and from any conduct calculated to disturb the quiet and order of the Laboratory. Students taking courses in Bacteriology and Hygiene are ex- pected to confine themselves to the Laboratories in which these courses are given. The research rooms are private and are for the use only of those to whom they have been assigned. The Library is open to all students working in the Laboratory. The books and periodicals are, however, not to be taken from the room, and are to be returned to their proper places as soon as read. When work for the day is over, all apparatus must be returned to their proper places and the work-desk cleaned. Apparatus that may be needed beyond that supplied to each student at the beginning of the term, or that*common to the room in which he may be working, can be obtained on 2 application to the Janitor, who will require a receipt for the same. In receiving special apparatus from the Janitor, the student should satisfy himself as to its good condition at the time when received. Tripods, iron stands, filter-stands, hot-air baths and water baths are in each work-room for the general use of those engaged in these rooms. They must never be locked up or carried from one room to another, and must be retained only so long as in actual use. When no longer in use, they must be returned to their proper places. Porcelain crucibles, rubber tubing, rubber stoppers, wire gauze, glass-rods and tubing, beyond that supplied to the student at the beginning of the course, will be furnished only at the expense of the individual needing them. Apparatus not returned will be charged for at a rate sufficient to cover its cost to the Laboratory. Chemicals not supplied to the students, or placed in the Labora- tory for general use, can be obtained upon application to the Instructor. Scraps of paper, cotton plugs and waste substances in general must never be thrown upon the floor; stone jars are pro- vided for the reception of this material. Under no conditions are acids or alkalies to be thrown into the sinks; jars intended for the reception of such waste pro- ducts are placed in each work-room. A board should be placed upon the table under all objects being heated by the gas-flame. Heated objects should never be placed upon the tables or work- desks, but upon small boards provided for the purpose. Gas and water must be turned off when not in use. When not ifl use, microscopes must be retained in their proper boxes. When work is over, the lenses, particularly the 3 Oil Immersion hens, must be carefully wiped with a soft linen cloth kept for the purpose. Under no circumstances is an Oil Immersion Lens to be allowed to remain immersed in oil over a preparation not under examination. Should anything be found wrong with one of the lenses, the atten- tion of the Instructor must be called to it as soon as it is discovered. Cultures of infectious organisms, or tissues from animals dead of infectious diseases, must never be thrown into the sinks or jars, nor allowed to remain upon the desks or tables when not in use, but must be given to the Janitor, who will dispose of them in the proper way. Cover-glass preparations of infectious organisms must always be thrown into a vessel containing concentrated nitric acid and allowed to remain there at least twenty four hours before any attempt to clean them is made. In using the steam sterilizers care must be taken that they are properly filled with water. Injury to the apparatus, from non-observance of this rule, will be charged to the student using the apparatus at the time of its occurrence. Cultures must not be allowed to remain either in the incuba- tors, or incubating chamber beyond the time during which they are actually under observation. Materials for the preparation of culture media and animals that may be needed for experimental purposes, can be obtained from the Janitor at the expense of the student. The price asked will only be sufficient to insure the laboratory against loss. Inoculation experiments upon animals must never be performed without the knowledge and consent of the Instructor, and will be conducted under his personal supervision. 4 Except in special cases all consultations, examinations, or investigations made by the Laboratory are to be paid for. The fee to be arranged according to the circumstances of the case under consideration. All applications for work to be done for hospitals or institu- tions, other than those connected with this University, must be made in writing by the authorities of such insti- tutions, otherwise no attention will be paid to the matter, or if the work is done it will be charged to the individual making the request. A certain amount of work coming within the scope of the Laboratory, will be done free of charge for hospitals and institutions designed for charitable purposes. No cultures of pathogenic organisms will be furnished to any one except on the written order of the Director, and such an order will only be given under very special cir- cumstances, and in favor of persons known to be skilled bacteriologists. Duplicate cultures of non-pathogenic organisms that are in stock in the Laboratory, may be had at the rate of $l.OO per culture. All work that is done in the Laboratory will be considered the property of the Laboratory in so far as its publication is concerned. That is to say, those researches, the nature of which renders them worthy of publication, must meet with the approval of the Director, or Assistant-in-charge, before they are made public. They can then be published over the name of the student by whom they were done, with mention made that the work was conducted in this Laboratory.