CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS AND RULES OF SLiflH®’*. mpital Xraibi&tf School for Worses 1893. PRESS OF THE DENVER MEDICAL TIMES. DENVER, COLO. St. Luke’s Hospital, DENVER, COLO. INCORPORATED 1881 Boated of Panagers. Bishop Spalding, Dean Hart. Canon Marshall. Canon Williams. Canon De Mattos. Rev. W. C. Bradshaw. Judge Hallett. Judge Stone. Hon. C. B. Kountze. Hon. J. B. Grant. Hon. Richard Pearce. (Elected Oct, 19th, 1891.) W. S. Cheeseman, Esq. D. S. Woods, Esq. John L. Jerome, Esq. Joseph N. Baxter, Esq. Henry Hanington, Esq. Joseph Milner, Esq. E. A. Peters, Esq. Col. L. IT. Eicholtz. Milo A. Smith, Esq. Mrs. Henry Hanington. Mrs. J. H. Platt. OFFICERS. President The Right Rev. J. F. Spalding, S. T. D. Secretary J. N. Baxter Esq. Treasure C. B. Kountze, Esq. Chaplain and Superintendent.. .. Rev. D. D. Wallace. COMMITTEES EXECUTIVE. The Right Rev. J. F. Spalding. John L. Jerome, Esq. Mrs. Henry Hanington. Joseph Milner, Esq. Hon. Richard Pearce The Right Rev. TJie Bishop. FINANCE. Hon. J. A. Thatcher. Henry Hanington, Esq. PUBLICATION The Right Rev. The Bishop. Rev. W. C. Bradshaw. Joseph N. Baxter, Esq. medical and Surgical Staff. SURGEONS. Visiting Dr. E. J. A. Rogers. “ Clayton Parkhill. “ O. J. Pfeiffer. Alternates.... Dr. Geo. Miel. “ J. N. Vroom. “ A. S. Lobinger. Consultants. ..Dr. F. J. Bancroft. “ J. W. O’Connor. “ H. Mager. “ L. E. Lemen. “ C. B. Lyman. “ F. H. Lay. “ Grant. “ John Boice. PHYSICIANS. Visiting Dr. S. A. Fisk. “ H. T. Pershing. “ Henry Sewall. Alternate Dr. H. B. Whitney. Consultants.. .Dr. H. A. Lemen. “ A. M. Bucknum. “ Ross. “ P. V. Carlin. “ B. C. Leavitt. " Blickensderfer. “ Edmundson. “ Carl Ruedi. GYNECOLOGY. Visiting Dr. W. S. Bagot. Consultants. ..Dr. Hawkins. “ Collins. “ I. B. Perkins. EYE AND EAR. Visiting Dr. E. C. Rivers. THROAT AND NOSE. Visiting Dr. Levy. OBSTETRICS. Consultants. .Dr. A. K. Worthington. “ Stedman. “ Eleanor Lawney. HISTOLOGIST AND PATHOLOGIST. Dr. E. R. Axtell. NERVOUS AND MENTAL. Dr. Eskridge. DISEASES OF CHEST. Dr. Chas. Denison. RESIDENT PHYSICIAN. Dr. Jas. W. Smith. Training School Department- LECTURERS. Dr. Clayton Parkhill—Anatomy. “ Edmund Rogers—Principles and Practice of Surgery “ O. J. Pfeiffer—Bandaging and Surgical Appliances. “ Henry Sewall -Physiology and Hygiene. “ T. A. Fisk—Practice of Medicine. “ H. T. Pershing—Materia Medica. “ J. T. Eskridge—Mental and Nervous Diseases. “ W. S. Bagot—Gynecology. “ R. Levy—Nose and Throat. “ E. C. Rivers—Eye and Ear. “ A. K. Worthington Obstetrics. Mrs. Elizabeth Minier (Head Nurse)—Cooking. CONSTITUTION AND RULES OF ST. LUKE’S HOSPITAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES. The name of this Department shall be the St. Luke’s Hospital Training' School for Nurses, its object being the education of women in all that pertains to the care and nursing of the sick. I. Candidates for admission must not be under 20 or over 35 years of age. 11. Application for admission must be made in writing to the Superintendent of the Hospital. 111. Candidates shall bring letters of recommendation from two well known citizens and a certificate of health from a physician of good standing and must fill out the Hospital form of application. They will be examined by the Super- intendent and Head Nurse astotheir literary qualifications in the branches of an ordinary common school curiculum and they shall be examined medically as to their physical fitness and will be requested to sign the following form: I hereby declare that I desire to become a member of the St. Luke’s Hospital Training School for Nurses and that I will be governed by all its rules and regulations and shall submit to its decisions. 6 Signed Declaration to be signed before admission to Training School. IV. If received, candidates will be admitted for one month on probation after which they may be admitted as mem- bers of the Training School. V. The instructions given shall extend over a two years graded course divided into three periods of eight months each; nurses shall be advanced from each period by suc- cessful examination and merit. VI. Members of the first period shall be known as Assistant Nurses; of the second period as Junior Nurses; of the third period as Senior Nurses. VII. Assistant Nurses shall acquire a general knowledge of practical nursing and shall be expected to thoroughly ac- quaint themselves with its details as shown in the Hos- pital Nurse Text Book. Junior Nurses shall be instructed in the art of cooking, in elementary Anatomy, Physiology and Materia Medica, in Practical Hygiene and in the ad- ministering of medicines. 7 Senior Nurses are instructed in all that goes to make a thoroughly competent, first-class nurse, including the tak- ing of medical observations and notes, the keeping of records, the general care of those ill with fevers and other continued diseases, the giving of medicines, the adminis- tering of enemas, the use of the catheter, the manage- ment of helpless persons, the care of those suffering from mental and nervous diseases, the prevention of bed sores, the use and manipulation of baths, making and use of bandages, the preparing and application of surgical dress- ings, the prevention of surgical infection, the dressing of blisters, burns, sores and wounds of all sorts, proper ad- ministration of hypodermic injection. The use of fo- mentations and poultices, and the application of splints. The care of women during and after confinement. The handling of infants and sick children. Matters appertaining to the ventilating, heating, clean- ing and disinfecting of the sick room and bed. The pre- paring, cooking and serving of food and delicacies for the sick. VIII. Promotion and graduation are made after examination and with the approval of the Executive Medical Com- mittee, the Superintendent and Head Nurse. IX. Probationers and members of the Training School must live in the Hospital Quarters (board, lodging and laundry free) and be governed in every particular by its rules. 8 To enable all the members of the school to be properly uniformed an allowance from the Hospital funds is granted to each nurse. This shall be $8 per month to As- sistant and Junior Nurses and $l2 a month to Senior Nurses. X. XL Didactic lectures and practical instruction shall be given by members of the Medical and Surgical staff who will also give such individual instruction as is deemed neces- sary. The Head Nurse shall, under supervision of the Super- intendent and the Medical Staff, be the head of the Train- ing School and shall issue all rules and regulations and enforce their observance by the nurses. She shall also personally instruct the nurses individually and in classes each week using such text books as are adopted by the staff. She shall be assisted in the school by the'division nurses who shall, under her, have the supervision of the work done in their divisions and shall give such practical and personal instruction as shall be directed by the Head Nurse. XII. XIII. If, during the course of instruction, any member of the School shows herself, in the opinion of the Medical Staff, Superintendent and Head Nurse, unfitted or unable to be- came a competent nurse, she shall De so informed and ad- vised to resign her position in the school. In the event 9 of her not resigning she may be dismissed by the Super- intendent acting under the Executive Committee and Board of Managers. Any member of the School guilty of violation of the rules or of anv disgraceful conduct may be dismissed from the School by the Superintendent with the approval of the Executive Committee and of the Board of Managers. Any person so dismissed shall forfeit all rights in and claims against the Hospital. XIV. All members of the Training School shall perform such duties as are assigned to them, in or out of the Hospital, by the Head Nurse, and shall be at all times subjecttothe rules and regulations of the Training School and Hospital. XV. XVI. House rules shall be made by the Superintendent and Head Nurse subject to approval of the Executive Com- mittee of the Board of Managers. A certificate of graduation shall be granted each nurse who qualifies at the end of the course, signed by the Pres- ident of the Board of Managers, the President of Medical and Surgical Staff, the Superintendent and Head Nurse. XVII. XVIII. It is the duty of the Medical Staff to make suggestions and recommendations for the alteration or amendment of these By-Laws, to be acted upon by the Board of Mana- gers when by them deemed desirable. RULES FOR NURSES. 10 I. Nurses on day duty must be in the dining room for breakfast at 7 a. m., and on their landings by 7.30 a. m., in time to take the night report. Night nurses must be at breakfast by 7.45 a. m., and must be in their landings by 7.30 p. m., week days, and on Sunday at 7 p. m. 2. The head nurse on each landing shall be held re- sponsible that those patients, whether in wards or rooms under her charge, are visited every half hour at least, and shall see that the physicians have a nurse with them while visiting their patients. It is also her duty to see that the landing is never without a nurse. 3. Nurses are prohibited from talking to patients re- garding their medical attendant or of the disease, death or condition of other patients in the Hospital. 4. Nurses are forbidden to take anything from the drug room or operating room without permission from the apothecary or the Superintendent. They must leave their orders in the drug room to be sent to them by com- pounder when ready. 5. Nurses are not permitted to loiter on their landings or in the halls, or to visit other landings or go to base- ment without permission. 6. Nurses on duty must not leave their division without permission from the nurse in charge. 11 7. Each nurse will be allowed one afternoon a week for recreation, and one hour each day. A vacation of two weeks each year while in Training School is allowed. 8. All nurses employed regularly in the Hospital must wear the uniform. 9. Nurses must not be out after 9.30 p. m., without special permission from the Head Nurse or Superintendent. 10. All lights must be out in nurses’ quarters at 10 p. m. 11. All nurses entered in the Training School are bound to attend the lectures except on a written excuse signed by the Head Nurse and counter-signed by the Superin- tendent. 12. No nurse is allowed to go off duty in case of sick- ness unless on certificate of one of the visiting staff who will be called by the Head Nurse or Superintendent. 13. Nurses are not permitted, under any circumstances, to dispute any order given by the Head Nurse. Such breach of discipline will be sufficient cause for dismissal from the Training School and Hospital. 12 QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED BY APPLICANTS FOR ADMISSION TO ST. LUKE’S HOSPITAL TRAIN- ING SCHOOL FOR NURSES. 1. Name in full? 2. Present address? 3. Name, address and occupation of parents. To what church, if any, do you belong? 4. Are you married, single woman or widow? 5. What has been your occupation? 6. Date, place of birth? 7. Height? 8. Weight? 9. Where educated and to what extent? 10. Are you strong and healthy? 11. Are your sight and hearing perfect? 12. Have you any physical defects? 13. Have you children, how many, their ages, how pro- vided for? 14. Where, if any, was your last situation, how long were you in it? 15. Have you read and do you clearly understand course, rules and regulations of the Training School?