RULES GOVERNING NURSES OF THE PHILADELPHIA HOSPITAL. DETRE & BLACKBURN, PRS., 35 N. SEVENTH ST., PHILA. RULES FOR THE NURSES OF THE Philadelphia Hospital Traiqing School. A graduate nurse is placed in charge of every department of the Hospital, and her orders are to he strictly and res- pectfully obeyed by the pupil nurses under her charge. The pupil nurses on night duty are subject to the orders of the Night Superintendent, to whom they are directed to apply in all cases of difficulty. Charge nurses and the Night Superintendent are enjoined to enforce perfect punctuality and propriety of deportment, and any disregard of either, on the part of the pupil nurses must be at once reported to the Chief Nurse. Any com- plaint which either a graduate or pupil nurse may have to make, is to be referred to the Chief Nurse at her office, between the hours of twelve and two. Rule I. All nurses are expected to remain standing when speak- ing to the Resident Physicians, and while they are in the Wards. They are forbidden to loiter in the hallways or on the landings with the physicians, or to talk and laugh loudly when passing through the corridors to their work. The nurses are in no case allowed either to pass along or to remain on the fire-escapes and the staircases leading to them. Rule 11. 2 Rule 111. All nurses are earnestly desired, and also required, to treat the patients with the utmost gentleness, and under no circumstances to engage in any argument or dispute with them. Rule IY. No nurse is allowed to employ herself with any sort of needlework for her own use when on duty in the Wards, or to read any book, save one of a professional character. Rule Y. The nurses are not allowed to employ any inmate in any way for their own personal service; this restriction includes all doing of needlework, washing, and carrying messages, either outside the institution or to different parts of it, ex- cept in cases of extreme emergency. Rule VI. The nurse in charge of each department will make out the day passes for her assistant nurses, and will bring them to the Chief Nurse’s office at be signed. A written list of the nurses requiiing extra or evening passes must be given by the charge nurses to the Chief Nurse, between twelve and two. These passes will be written by the Chief Nurse, and all nurses receiving them will he re- quired to report themselves, on their return, to the Night Superintendent. Rule VII. Nurses, when their hours of duty are over, are required to return at once to their quarters in the Training School. No nurse is allowed to visit any other department than that in which she is engaged, without leave from the Chief Nurse, 3 or to enter any Ward in her own department without per- mission of the graduate in charge. No nurse will leave her room without uniform. Rule VIII Nurses are not allowed to have friends to visit them in the Wards, or to take them round the Hospital without permission; nor can they be permitted to leave their duty to see them. Visitors will be expected to remain in the nurses’ sitting room till the friend whom they have come to visit is off duty. Friends of the nurses will not be al- lowed to remain in the Hospital during the night, or to partake of meals in the dining it>om without the permission of the Superintendent. Rule IX. Nurses must conform strictly to the uniform worn in the Hospital. No colored neck ribbons, or embroidered aprons and caps, or bustles, jewelry or watch-chains to be worn. A small bow of dark blue ribbon to be tied to the watch. Sleeves reaching above the elbows, to be worn by pupils— only graduates to wear the shorter sleeve. Shoes should be perfectly noiseless. Gowns must not be made with any sort of ruffling which can collect dust. Rule X. All nurses engaged in the Maternity Wards must wear gowns made of light blue gingham. Rule XI. Every nurse will be provided with a washing book. She is not to send a greater number of articles to the laundry than those allowed by the printed list. Any bundle of clothes incorrectly entered, or with any article unmarked, will be returned to the owner unwashed. 4 Rule XII. Nurses who are unable to go on duty in the morning, must at once communicate with the Night Superintendent. No nurse will be allowed to go off duty without reporting herself to the Chief Nurse. Rule XIII. The nurses of the Training School, when sick, are attend- ed by one of the Resident Physicians, appointed for this purpose by the Physician-in-Chief, and they are allowed to consult no one but him as to their health, and only with the permission of the Chief Nurse. The nurses are not allow- ed to obtain medicines or drugs of any sort which have not been prescribed for them from the drug-store, nor are they to take medicines or drugs from the Wards for their own use. No sick nurse will be allowed to remain in her own dor- mitory; but will be required to move at once into the infir- mary. Nurses in the infirmary are to receive no visits save by the permission of the nurse in charge of the infirmary, nor is any article of food to be brought to them without leave. Rule XIY. Rule XV. Nurses are positively forbidden to remove food or table furniture from the dining-room without permission of the Housekeeper, and no article of food from there or from the kitchen is to be taken to the dormitories without an order from her. Nurses are not allowed to enter the kitchen or the drug store, with the exception of nurses in charge of a depart- ment. Rule XVI. 5 Nurses on night duty will be supplied with a lunch, which includes tea or coffee. They are forbidden to leave the department, when they are working, to join other nurses, nor are they permitted to supply the resident phys- icians with any meal under any circumstances. Every night nurse, at the commencement of her term of night ser- vice, will be supplied with a set of plates, cups, etc., and no others will be issued to her. These table requisites are on no account to be left in the Wards, and the dinner nap- kins are to be returned every morning to the Night Super- intendent, who is made responsible for them. No day nurse is allowed to take a meal with the night nurses, without written permission from the Chief Nurse. Eule XYII. As much bedroom furniture as is possible is provided for each of the nurses, and they are not allowed to exchange this with other nurses, or to appropriate any article of fur- niture from other parts of the Hospital to their own use. Eule XVIII. Every nurse is expected to retire to her own room at 10 P. M., and all lights are to be turned out at 10.30. After this time perfect silence is to be observed. This rule has been made to secure the comfort of the greater number of the nurses, and must be strictly enforced. Eule XIX. Eule XX. The-chambermaids have orders to empty the slops, and to sweep and scrub the floors of the dormitories. The nurses are expected to make their own beds, and to dust and keep their rooms in order. They are directed not to throw the rind of fruit, hair, or any solid substance into the basins or other vessels. Con- stant repairs of the water-closets and drains are required, 6 and in every case the pipes are found stopped up in conse- quence of neglect of this rule. The taps of the baths must not be turned on and the water allowed to run while no one is in the hath room, and nurses are asked to consider the comfort of their companions by not slopping the water on the floor, allowing it to run over, or leaving sponges, soap, or towels in the bath room. Rule XXI. The hours for meals, classes and duty must he strictly observed, and nurses exceeding the time allowed on an eve- ning pass will be deprived of this indulgence for a certain time. Every nurse will he required to serve two weeks, during her term of service, in the extra diet kitchen. TIME TABLE. Day Nurses. Night Nurses. Rise 6.00 A. M. Rise 4.30 P.M. Breakfast 6.30 “ Supper 5.00 “ Wards 7.00 “ Wards 8.30 “ Dinner...12.00—12.30 Leave Wards 8.00 A.M. or 12.30—1.00 P. M. Breakfast 8.00 “ Wards...l2.30, or 1.00 “ Recreation 9.30 A. M. to Recreation, 1.30—3.30 or 3.30—5.30 “ 12,30 P. M., or 4.30 to Supper 5.00—5.30 7.30 P. M. or 5.30 —6.00 “ Wards....5.30, or 6.00 “ Every night nurse is re- Leave Wards 8.30 “ quired to take seven hours’ Bed 10.00 “ continuous rest. RULES FOR THE HEAD WARD NURSES PHILADELPHIA HOSPITAL. OF THE The nurses in charge of the various departments are ex- pected to accompany their respective patients to the store at the time when the shoes are distributed. In preparing the requisition for shoes, the original ad- mission must be taken from the Card, and not from the Ward Register. If a patient is unconscious when admitted, and friends should visit him or her, particular inquiry should he made as to the name and address of such friends; and the Physi- cian-in Chief shall he notified immediately, so that a record can be made, in order that they can be officially informed in case of death. All money or other valuables belonging to the patients shall be delivered to the Physician-in-Chief, who will de- posit the same with the Superintendent for safekeeping. The census and all requisitions for supplies must be sent to the office of the Physician-in-Chief not later than nine o’clock, A. M. All orders for special diet and whiskey must le ordered by the visiting medical officer. The nurses are prohibited from administering any med- icine which has not been ordered in writing upon the medicine chart. 8 The nurses are not allowed, under any circumstances, to administer a hypodermic injection. The nurses will he held responsible for the condition of the instruments under their charge. Whenever it is necessary to transfer a patient for treat- ment to the Clinic or Battery Booms, the nurse in charge of the department must always accompany the patient.