\vLtttt, ||g-Iatos, %t., OF THE § oituw]! at l)ic JM co \ ai I €o 11 qjc OF |. §. fihanblcr, printer, 306 £ 308 Casino* Start, (tfimb $oilbing.) 1865. ^g ^V©" C H A. K/T e -&, BY-LAWS, &c, 0miX0pat|it^oitalColkge &?i\\*iy PENNSYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. CHANDLER, PRINTER, 806 & 308 CHESTNUT STREET, [GIRARD BUILDING.] 1865. CHABTER OF THE OF PENNSYLVANIA, LOCATED IN THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. An Act to Incorporate the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in G-eneral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That John M. Kennedy, John P. Brock, Alfred R. Potter, Nicholas E. Thouron, Henry Homer, Henry E. Keene, George Burnham, Samuel Anderson, Joseph Grubb, Amos B. Keith, Louis C. Madeira, S. Rodman Morgan, William Colder and S. T. Charlton, and their associates and successors, be and they are hereby created and erected into a body politic and corporate in fact and in law, by the name and style of the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania, to be located in the City of 4 Philadelphia, and by that name shall have perpetual succession, shall be able to sue and liable to be sued, shall have a common seal, shall be capable in law or equity to take, purchase and hold and grant and convey lands, tenements, moneys, goods, chattels and effects, shall have power and authority to make all by-laws necessary or proper for the government and uses of a Medical College, and for the government of the Hospital herein- after mentioned, not contrary to the constitution and laws of the United States and of this Commonwealth; and shall have full power to do all and every other matter and thing for the purposes of this Act, which any corporation or body politic may or can do, provided that the said corporation shall not hold more real estate than may be necessary and proper for the uses, benefit and support of a Medical College and the Hospital hereinafter authorized to be by said corporation erected or provided and established. Section 2. Said corporation shall have power to elect a Pre- sident, Secretary and Treasurer, and all officers necessary for the administration thereof, and to enact by-laws for the govern- ment, admission and expulsion of members and pupils. Section 3. That the capital stock of said corporation consist of Sixty Thousand Dollars, to be divided into three thousand shares of twenty dollars each, and the said coporation shall have authority to borrow money not exceeding in amount at any time fifty thousand dollars, to be secured by bonds and mortgages of the real estate of the corporation. Section 4. Said College shall have power to grant the degree of Doctor of Medicine, and especially of Homoeopathic Medicine, to any such person as shall have attended two courses of medical lectures and completed a course of study, and possess the qualifi- cations usually required of candidates for the degree of Doctor of Medicine in other Medical Colleges in this State, and also a knowledge of Homoeopathy. Section 5. Said corporation shall have full power and autho- rity to raise by loan or otherwise, a sum not exceeding fifty 5 thousand dollars, and to expend the same in the purchase of a lot or lots of ground in said city, and the erection thereon of a suitable building for a Hospital, or to purchase or rent such building for said Hospital, and the said Hospital shall be under the government of the said Medical College. Section 6. That said corporation shall have power to receive and hold appropriations, donations or legacies, either by grant, gift, devise or otherwise, either for the use and benefit of the Medical College or Hospital, provided that when such appropria- tions, donations or legacies, shall be specifically granted or given for the use and benefit of the College or for the Hospital, the corporation shall use or apply the same for the object or institu- tion named in such gift, grant or devise. Section 7. The said corporators named in the first section of this Act, or a majority of them, are hereby authorized to meet on a day to be designated by them at a convenient place in the City of Philadelphia, for the purpose of choosing a President, Secretary, Treasurer and seven Trustees, who shall hold their offices until the day fixed for the next annual election, and in case of failure to elect on that day, they shall hold over until an election shall take place, provided an election be held within three months thereafter, and that the annual elections and other meetings of the corporation shall be held at such times and places and on such notice, as may be prescribed by the by-laws, provided that in the election of all officers each share of stock shall be entitled to one vote. ARTHUR G. OLMSTED, Speaker of the House of Representatives. WM. J. TURRELL, Speaker of the Senate. Approved the 17th day of February, Anno Domini one thou- sand eight hundred and sixty-five. A. G. CURTIX. 6 Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth Harrisburg, March 3, A. D. 1865 1 Pennsylvania, ss. I do hereby certify, that the foregoing and annexed is a full, true and correct copy of the original Act of the General Assembly, entitled "An Act to incorpo- rate the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsyl- vania," as the. same remains on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the Secretary's office to be affixed, the day and year above written. W. H. ARMSTRONG, Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth. 7 At a meeting of the Corporators held on the 29th day of April, A. D. 1865, in the City of Philadelphia, the Charter was unani- mously accepted and adopted; and at the same meeting the College was duly organized by the unanimous election of the following gentlemen as Officers and Trustees thereof. OFFICERS. President. ALFRED R. POTTER. Secretary. HENRY E. KEENE. Treasurer. RICHARD S. BROCK. Trustees. M. W. BALDWIN, GEORGE BURNHAM, JOHN PENN BROCK, S. RODMAN MORGAN, NICHOLAS E. THOURON, T. S. ARTHUR, LOUIS C. MADEIRA. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees held on the 10th day of May, A. D. 1865, the following By-Laws, prepared by the Board, were unanimously passed and adopted. B Y-L.AWS. ARTICLE I. The Board of the Corporation shall consist pf the President, the Secretary and the Seven Trustees, who shall be elected annually, on the first Monday of March, by the Stockholders, and in such elections each share of stock shall be entitled to one vote, which may be given in person or by proxy. ARTICLE II. The Stated Meetings of the Board shall be held on the first Mondays of February, May, August and November, unless otherwise directed by the Board, and adjournments of such meetings may be made when necessary. ARTICLE III. Five members of the Board shall be necessary to form a quorum for the appointment of the Faculty of said College, for the enacting, altering or repealing By-Laws, for disposing of money or other property exceeding one thousand dollars in amount or value, and for the appointing of Annual Committees; but for the transaction of ordinary business, four members shall be a quorum. ARTICLE IV. The Board shall appoint the Faculty of the College, and a Hospital Committee of three persons, a Committee on Finance 9 of three persons, and a Committee on Buildings of one person; and it shall be the duty of said Committees to make report of their proceedings, in writing, semi-annually, on the last Monday of February and August, and oftener, when required by the Board. ARTICLE V. The Board shall, by election, fill all vacancies in the Board which may happen by death, resignation or otherwise, and the officers so elected shall continue in office until the next Annual Election; and the Board shall, by appointment, fill any vacancies of the Faculty of the College, or of any of the Committees, which may happen by death, resignation or otherwise. ARTICLE VI. The Board shall have power to make all rules and regulations necessary or proper for the uses of the Medical College and Hospital, and to make all By-Laws necessary to carry into effect any of the powers granted by the Charter of the College; Pro- vided, that no By-Law shall be altered, amended or repealed, and no new By-Law shall be made or adopted, except by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the Board, and each member of the Board shall be notified in writing, ten days preceding the meeting of the Board, of any proposed alteration, amendment or repeal, of any By-Law, or of any addition thereto. ARTICLE VII. The Board shall confer Medical Degrees upon such persons only as shall be recommended by the Faculty of the College; and the Commencement, for the conferring of Medical Degrees, shall be held annually, in the month of March. ARTICLE VIII. The Secretary shall attend the Board at their meetings. It shall be his duty to keep fair minutes and records of their pro- 10 ceedings, to issue notices to the members of all meetings, to prepare, or cause to be prepared, all Diplomas, at the expense of the College, to cause the seal of the Institution to be affixed thereto and to attest the same, to furnish the Faculty of the College with a copy of every regulation and rule which shall be made by the Board respecting the College and Hospital, and he shall perform all the reasonable and customary duties inci- dent to office of the Secretary of the Board. ARTICLE IX. The Treasurer shall give security, to be approved by the Board, in the sum of ten thousand dollars. He shall, upon the full payment to him of twenty dollars for each share of stock of the corporation, issue certificates therefor, signed by the President and Secretary, and countersigned by him. He shall receive all moneys paid by the Students to the Dean of the Faculty, all donations made to, rents, interest, moneys and other revenues belonging to the Corporation. He shall, out of the revenues received by him, first pay all expenses, interest and such other outlay as the Board may direct, and six per cent. upon all stock paid in full and for which certificates shall have been issued, and then divide the surplus equally among the seven Professorships of the Faculty, namely, Institutes and Practice of Medicine, Pathology and Diagnostics, Materia Medica, Obstetrics, Diseases of Women and Children, Surgery, Anatomy, Physiology and Chemistry. He shall pay all claims against the Corporation, upon warrants signed by the Committee on Finance, or when directed by a resolution of the Board, and shall take and keep proper vouchers for such payments. He shall prepare and sub- mit to the Committee on Finance, on the last Monday of Febru- ary and August in every year, a correct statement of the receipts and expenditures of the preceding half-year, and of the funds remaining in his hands. He shall deposit all money received on account and for the use of the Medical College and Hospital, in such bank as may be designated by the Committee on Finance, 11 to his credit as " Treasurer of the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania ; " and all checks drawn upon such bank shall contain the name or names of the person or persons to whom the money so drawn is to be paid. He shall keep regular books of accounts of all receipts and expenditures, and the debts and credits of the Corporation, one of which books shall contain all receipts and expenditures of the College only, and the other of said books shall contain all receipts and expenditures of the Hospital, which books shall, at all reasonable times, be open to the inspection and examination of the Committee on Finance, or of any member of the Board. And generally, he shall faithfully perform all duties concerning the estates and revenues of the Corporation, which may be necessary to the prudent and economi- cal management thereof, and may be required by the Board or by the Committee on Finance. ARTICLE X. The Faculty of the College shall have power to make all rules and regulations necessary or proper for the government of each professorial department of the College, and for the admission, government and expulsion of Students, and to adopt such rules as may promote the welfare and usefulness of the College, which rules and regulations shall be subject to these By-Laws, or others which may be established by the Board, and subject to the approval of the Board. The Faculty shall, in conjunction with the Committee of the Hospital, make all neces- sary rules and regulations for the government of the Hospital, and for the admission and treatment of patients therein. And the Faculty shall appoint one of their own members to act as Dean, who shall arrange and conduct the business of examining the candidates for Medical Degrees, and who shall receive and pay over forthwith to the Treasurer such money as shall be paid by the Students or Graduates. 12 ARTICTE XI. It shall be the duty of the Faculty to make reports to the Board at their Stated Meetings in February, May, August and Xovember, upon the state of the Medical Department, stating the names and residences of such Students as have been admitted into the College, with suchj-emarks as they may deem expedient. ARTICLE XII. The Committee on the Hospital are authorized to solicit subscriptions, donations or gifts, for the said Hospital, and upon the receipt by them of any subscription, donation or gift, they shall forthwith pay the same to the Treasurer, and all moneys paid by the Treasurer to said Committee shall be for the exclusive use of the Hospital, and the Committee shall render to the Board quarterly accounts of the receipts and expenditures of the Hospital. The Committee shall appoint seven Lady Managers, who shall have charge of the domestic affairs of the Hospital. The Lady Managers shall be authorized to solicit and collect subscriptions, and disburse the same in the mainte- nance and support of the Hospital; and they shall render to the Committee monthly accounts of the receipts and expenditures. ARTICLE XIII. Any stockholder who shall hold fifty shares of stock may, upon relinquishing all claim to interest for any year, have the right to enter one Student to attend all the lectures in such year, without any fees or charges. ARTICLE XIV. The President shall be a member, ex-officio, of all Committees. FACULTY. At the same meeting the following gentlemen were unanimously elected the Faculty of the College, and have since accepted. Institute and Practice. C. HERING, M. D., No. 114 North Twelfth Street. Materia Medica. AD. LIPPE, M. D., No. 1204 Walnut Street. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. H. N. GUERNSEY, M. D., No. 1431 Arch Street. Special Pathology and Diagnostics. C. G. RAUE, M. D., No. 120 North Tenth Street, Surgery. P. WILSON, M. D., No. 1105 Filbert Street. Anatomy. Physiology. J. H. P. FROST, M. D., Bangor, Maine. Chemistry. LEMUEL STEPHENS, M. D., No. 1105 Filbert Street. The followiug gentlemen have been appointed by the President on the following Committees. ■ <»» •--------- Committee on Finance. MESSRS. BROCK, MADEIRA AND MORGAN. Committee of the Hospital. MESSRS. BROCK, ARTHUR AND BURNHAM. Committee on Buildings. NICHOLAS E. THOURON. 15 The Financial Committee of the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania, located in the City of Philadelphia, have been directed to present the Charter, By-Laws, and the names of the officers and Faculty, with the view of obtaining subscriptions to the stock of the Institution. The College has been duly organized with an able and active corps of Professors. The capital stock of the Corporation consists of sixty thousand dollars, divided into three thousand shares at twenty dollars each. It is designed that the investment shall yield six per cent, per annum. The earnings of the Faculty will also be pledged for that purpose. The funds derived from the stock-will be applied to the pay- ment for the suitable buildings purchased, and the balance towards the necessary arrangements for conducting a Medical College. By article 13th of the By-Laws, the holder of fifty shares of stock is entitled to send one student for tuition to the College, free of charge, as long as he relinquishes his claim to receive interest on the stock. JOHN PENN BROCK, LOUIS C. MADEIRA, S. RODMAN MORGAN, Finance Committee. Philadelphia, June 8, 1865. 7