19881�37 744 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland Gift of The National Center for Homeopathy fanning "Panes tibrary 191 4^ * ■;74 £&/ omceo ^ Gi £ Gt.il. fytco^- Ste. >- REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS BEGINNING WITH "SENSATIONS AS IF" BY A. W. HOLCOMB, M. D. CHICAGO Medical Advance Company 1894 NIA REPERTORY OF SYMPTOMS BEGINNING WITH "SENSATION AS IF." A. W. HOLCOMB, M. D., KOKOMO, IND. INNER HEAD. Sensation as if—current of air rushed.through the head—Aur. Met. '' Air—air forced itself into the frontal sinuses— Zinc. " Air—air was in the head—Benz. Ac. '' Air—head was filled to bursting with air—Lyss. '' Alive—every thing in the head were alive—Petr. '' Ball—ball of fire in the forehead—Caust. " Ball—ball of pain was in the forehead—Lac. Depl. '' Ball—ball in the forehead—Staph, Lach. '' Ball—ball rising from throat into the brain— Plb. ' < Ball—small lead balls rolling around in brain —Lyss. '' Bands—two iron bands were holding temples— Bufo. " Band—head was tied with a band—Bios, MERC. " Band—band above the eyes — Chbl., Kali Phos. '' Band—head enclosed in band, which at times crushed head—Carb. Ac. " Band—band an inch wide drawn from temple to temple—Helon. " Band—tight band across forehead—Bapt. Ind. Medorr., Sang., Sul., Tart. em. Band—band about the head — Cinnab., Iris. Osm., Tereb., Variol., Xanth. Band—band tied around head above ears pressing above ears—Am. Br. The Medical Advance. Band—pressing band in root of nose, and over and around ears—Thesid. Band—hat-band drawn from temple to temple —Chloral. Bandage—head was bandaged—Merc. Balancing—brain was balancing to and fro— Chenop., China. Beating—brain beating against the skull—Sul. , Ars. Board—heavy board lying on r. side of head— Jamb. Eug. Board—board across the head—Cocc. Board—board pressing through whole head— Zing. Big—head was big as a bushel—Gels., Paris. Blown—head was blown up—Spong. Blood—all blood rushed to the. head—Cinch., Fer. Sul., Glon. Verat. Blood—all blood rushing into head and ears— Amyl. Nit., Millef. Blood—all blood collected in the head—Elaps. Blood—all the blood rushed into the occiputs— Oleum An. Blood—all the blood had left the brain—Ox. Ac. Bored—brain was being bored out—Tuberc. Body—a hot body descended into the forehead —Kali c. Body—a blunt body forced slowly into right temple—Cocc. Bolt—a bolt run through the head above tip of ears—Dulc. Bolt—a bolt from temple to temple tightly screwed—Ham. Bound—head was bound up—Cepa., Gymnoc. NIT. AC, Spig. Bound—head was tightly bound—Spig. Broad—forehead was very broad and high— Cund. Bubbling—something bubbling in the brain— Berb. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 5 Sensation as if Burst—brain would burst skull—Lach. " Burst—brain would burst and fallout—Puls. Burst—forehead would burst—AM. C., BRY. Calc C, Fer. Met., Lac. Can., Nat. C, Nat. S., Sang. '' Burst—right parietal bone bursting—Zinc. Burst—head would burst from inward blows— Stan. " Burst—head would burst—Bry., Cham., Daph Euphr., Mag. Mur., Nat. Mur., Nux M. Verat., Verat. Vir. '' Burst—temples would burst with coughing— China. " Bubble—a bubble burst in forehead and run around to left side—Form. R. '' Button—a convex button pressed on left side of head—Thuj. '' Break—skull would break from pain—Cact. Gr. Hep. Cast—a cast fitted over head and pressing down—Lyss. '' Circled—pain circled through head and around crown—Medorr. " Compressed—brain was compressed—Bell., Cham. 1' Compressed—brain was compressed from both sides—Kali Iod. Staph. " Compressed—occiput compressed externally and internally—Staph. '' Compressed—forehead compressed from margin of orbit to temple—Can. Sat. " Compressed—temples were compressed—Con. " Compressed—head was compressed—Bry. Camph. Coloc. Cocc. " Constricted—temples were constricted—Puls. " Constricted—brain was constricted by a liga- ture—Cocc. " Constricted—brain was constricted on all sides by pressure—Tar ax. The Medical Advance. as if Contracted—skull at vertex became contract- ed—Kali Bi. Contracted—brain contracted and head grew smaller—Grat. Contracted—brain was contracted—Plat. Cloth—brain enveloped in a cloth—Cycl. Cord—brain was constricted by a cord—Cocc. Cord—head bound with a cord especially at occiput—China. Crushed—articular eminences of frontal bone violently crushed and pinched together with pincers— Verbas. Crushed—forehead crushed by violent concus- sions—Arn. Crushed—temples would be crushed together- Caul. Crack—head would crack on coughing—Puis. Crawling—something crawling on top of brain— Lac Fel. Cut—brain was cut to pieces on stooping—Nice. Cut—head cut off at septum and middle of forehead—Chel. Cut—part of the right side of the head was cut off—Lach. Cracking—mental plates cracking in head— Merc, Phel. Driven—bones of skull were being driven asun- der—Lyc. Driven—head were driven asunder—Caust., Ran Bulb. Dashed—brain were dashed to pieces__Nux V. Distending—brain was distending at center— Ind. Distended—head were being distended from within out:—ARN. Stront. Detached—something had1 become detached in head—Con. Dissolving—brain were dissolving—Calc. C. Drawn—nerves of head were drawn up tightly —Cocc. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 7 Sensation as if Drawn—all nerves of head were drawn up— Camph. '' Drawn—head were drawn upward—Camph. '' Drawn—temple would be drawn in—Asar. '' Drawn—every thing drawn together from with- in the head—Jamb. Euj. ' * Electric—brain was shaken by electric shocks at night—Ast. rub. " Electric—shock of electricity passed through the head—Hell., Cepa. '' Electric—electric current passed from head into limbs—Ailan. " Electric—strong shock of electricity began in head and extended to all parts of body— Mag Phos. ■' Electric—electric current shooting rapidly from one part of head to another—Sang. • < Electric—electric shock from right temple to left occiput—Iris. Electric—electric machine snapping in occiput —Calc, C. Electric—fine electric sparks in vertex—Carb. ae. ' Extended—vertex extended upward—Lachn. ■' Expanded—brain expanded—Cup., ars. —Glon. Expanded—head was expanded—Nux M. Expanded—brain would expand were it not for cranial bones—Kali. phos. " Exploded—Something had really exploded in brain—Phos. Elongated—head became suddenly elongated— Hyper. Empty—head was empty—Carbo. V., Cor. rub. PHOS. AC, NuxM., Sinap. Empty—occiput was empty—Hell., Sul. Enlarge—brain would enlarge or distend at temples and occiput—Coc. sept. ■' Enlarge—cerebellum enlarged—Dulc. Enlarge—head would be enlarged—Ran. b. ' Enlarge—occiput was enlarged—Medorr. The Medical Advance. as if Enlarge—head was enlarged—Arg. Nit. Ars. iod., Bov., Comocl., Diad., Dulc, Mauoin Plat., Meph., Sul. Fall—brain would fall forward—Berb., Carb. ac, Grat, Guarea. Fall—Forehead was falling outward—Chel., thuj. Fall—Frontal bone would fall out—Cochl. Fall—Piece of forehead would fall out—Nux ,V. Fall—Head were falling off—Sil. Fall—Head would fall in all directions—Can- sat., con. Fall—Everything would fall out of skull on stooping—Bry. Fastened—occiput fastened to pillow and broken off from rest of skull—Chel. Fell—something fell forward in occiput when stooping—Ant-tart. Fell—something heavy fell into forehead— Nux V. Fell—brain fell into forehead—Laur. Fell—brain fell toward left temple—Nat Sul. Fell—something fell forward in the brain—Dig., Mag. Sul. Fell—brain fell to and fro toward side he stoops—Am. C, Sul. ac. Flattened—forehead was flattened by pressure. —Cor rub. Fluid—fluid rushing through head from right to left—Lil. Tig. Fluid—head was filled with fluid—Coff. Forced—Brain forcing itself out at root of nose —Am. C Forced—skull would be forced asunder on both sides from without—Nux V. Forced—parietal bones were forced asunder— Cor. rub. Forced—brain would be forced out through right nostril—Borax. Forced—Brain was forced forward—Sil. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 9 as if Forced—pressure in occiput would force brain out at forehead—Caps. Full—skull too full on vertex—Helon. Full—head was 'too full—Calc. C, Con., Daph., Nat. Phos. Full—brain was too full—Caps. Full—brain was too full and pressed outward —Bry. Front—front half of brain would come through forehead—Medorr. Foreign—foreign body in right half of brain— Con. Fog—brain was wrapped in a fog—Petr. Gimlet—gimlet thrust in right temple—Pids. Gimlet—gimlet boring in left temple—Culex. mus. Glass—brain was made of glass and shattered at a blow—Dig. Gnawing—something gnawing in occiput, tem- ples and ears—Led. Gnawing—mouse gnawing in occiptal protu- berance—Zinc. Gnawing—something gnawing at base of brain— Nat. Sul. Gone—Top of head was gone—Mez. Growing—head was growing externally—Lac. Def. Grasped—brain grasped by a hand and twis- ted—Mur. ac Hammer—he had been hit with hammer on top of head—Sars. Hammer—struck on occiput with hammer— Tarent. Hammer—little hammers beating in head— NAT. MUR. Hammer—invisible hammers striking on back of head—Lyss. Hammers—hammers striking head from with- in outward—Psor. 10 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Hammer—hammer beating in vertex from with- in—out., vine. M " Hat—couldn't get hat on his head—ars. met. " Handkerchief—handkerchief tied around the head—CARB. V. " Hanging—he was hanging head downward— Glon. Hanging—head was hanging by piece of skin at nape—Sil. Hard—hard substance pressing on brain in frontal region—Stil. '' Heavy—something heavy pressing on temples —Iodof. !' Heavy—head got heavier and heavier—Calc. ars. Heavy—something heavy sinking down into head— Nux. V. Heavy—brain was too heavy and too large__ Form. R., Glon., Hell.,Mag. Phos— Higher—left side of forehead higher than the right—Cund. Hollow—head was hollow—Arg. met, Cocc, Mancin., Polyg., Puls. Hollow—occiput was hollow—Staph. Hoop—tight hoop of iron around head__ Tuberc Hoop—head was in a hoop—Merc. Ice—ice had lain on occipital protuberance__ Pod. Ice—ice were lying in upper occiput—Calc Phos. Ice—ice on head—Verat Alb. Knife—occiput pierced with a knife at every pulsation—Con. Knife—penknife sticking in temples—Fer. Met. Knife—knives went tearing around in brain— Thuj. Knife—forehead, eyes and ears were stabbed with knives—Thuj. Knife—Knife sticking in forehead__Tereb Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 11 Sensation as if Knife—Knife drawn through head transversely —Arn. •' Knife—knives stitching in occiput—Nat Mur. Knife—knife plunged into the head—Nux M. Knife—knife stabbing from temple to temple— BELL. Knife—knife thrust from occiput to forehead —Gels. Knocked—parietal bones were being knocked to pieces—Thuj. 'i Laced—laced together in cerebellum and gla- bella—CAMPH. ' Laced—head and neck had been laced in— Glon. " Large—head was too large—Apis, ARN., Caps., Kali Iod, Lactuc. Lith. C. Cor. rub., Nat. C, Rau. B. Rau. La, Rhus. R., Sil., Zing. " Large—forehead as large again and pressed out—Nux M. Large—brain was too large—Ars. Met., Hell., Lac. ac. '' Large—head were growing larger—Merc. " Large—head larger than body ; large as a church—Nux V. 1' Large—head grew large during stool—Cobalt. " Large—brain was not large enough for the space—Stoph. " Lead—lead in occiput—Lach., Mur. Ac, Petr. '' Living—something living were in the brain— Hyper. " Live—head were teeming with live things whirling around it;—Sil. " Lifted—bones of forehead were lifted up by blood vessels—Bell. '' Lifting—head were lifting off— Ustil. " Lifting—brain was boiling over and lifting cranial arch—Can. ind. 12 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Lever—lever applied to force head asunder— Bell. " Lightning—lightning run from body up into head—Form. R. ■' Liquid—a liquid fluctuating in brain on exer- tion—Arn. , Curare, (see water). '' Load—a heavy load on vertex—Ind., Plat. , Sul., Zinc. " Loose—something loose in head, turning and twisting toward forehead—Kali c. '' Loose—brain was loose—Bar. C., Bry., Carb. ac, Caust., Cic. v., Croc, Cycl., Dig., Hyas, Lactu., Laur., Mur. ac, Nux M., Rhus T., Xanth. '' Loose—brain was detached and loose—Guaic. " Loose—something loose diagonally across top of head—Kalm. lat. ,, Lump—lump fell forward in forehead—Cham. ,, Lump—large heavy lump in brain— Con. '' Lump—brain was rolled up in a lump—Arn., Cocc. '' Lump—brain was in one lump—Ant. Tart. " Mashed—brain were mashed—Ip., Phos. ac Sep. '« Moved—something moved in waves to the head —Glan. Moved—something moving in forehead—Lyss. '' Moved—brain moved when standing—Rheum. " Moved—brain was moving in cranium, or as when one is riding in a wagon with eyes closed—Cycl. '' Nail—nail thrust into right side of head—Agar. Nail—nail pressed in occiput and point pierced brain—March. '' Nail—nail driven into left side of head—NAT MUR. '' Nail—nail driven from within out, in vertex— Thuj. Nail—nail driven in on one side of occiput— Puls. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 13 Sensation as if Nail—nail pressed into brain—Nux V. '' Nail—nail sticking in top of head—Nice. '' Nail—nail driven into head over nose—Igt. " Nail—nail pressing in vertex — Form. R., Hell. '' Nail—nails in temples and root of nose, meet- ing at edge of hair at top of forehead— Gymnoc. (Sawyer). •' Nail—nail driven out through side of head— IGT. ;' Nail—nail driven into side of head near left eye—Am. Brom. '' Nail—nail thrust into temple—Arn. " Nail—plug or nail pressing in one half the brain—Hep. " Nail—nail driven into head—Coff., Ptel., Ruta. Gr. 1' Needle—needle pierced through into brain over right eye—Igt. " Needle—thousand needles pricking in the brain—Tarent. " Needle—needle stitch in left temple—Tarax. '' No—there was no head—Cocc. " Off—head was off the shoulders—Puls. <' Off—top of head would come off—Cup. Sul., Cobalt., Syph. < < Off—top of head about to be taken off—Xanth. ' < Off—top of head lifted off—Dias., Lac Defl . ' < Off—top of head were blown off—Cham. <1 Off—top of head would fly off—Bapt. < < Off—top of head would fly off from downward motion—Sanic. 1' Open—top part of head was open and without covering—Arum Tri. " Open—top of head would open—Nat. Phos— " Open—temple and vertex opened and shut— Can. Sat. " Open—top of head opened and shut—CAN. IND. The Medical Advance. Open—top of head opened and shut and calvar- ium was lifted—Can. Ind. Open—occiput opened and shut like a door— COCC Open—head opened and pain shot into abdomen on swallowing—Lyc Oscillating—brain oscillating to and fro—Lyc Points—there were three points of tension, in center of each hemisphere and cerebellum, —seemed as if tearing pain would break, when suddenly they relaxed and a bubbling sensation passed from center to circum- ference, when reached pains "began again— Medorr. Pin—pin sticking in the brain—Nux V. Pieces—head would drop to pieces if shaken— Glau. Pieces—head would fly to pieces if she moved —Coff. Pieces—head would fly to pieces with cough— BRY., CAPS., Rumex. Plug—pointed plug pressing inward in temple— ASAF. Plug—plug being driven into occiput and temples—Hep. Plug—plug was thrust quickly by increasingly severe blows into the head—Lul. ac. Plug—plug pressing on right side of forehead— Jac. Pressed—brain were pressed out at forehead— Am a, Berb., BRY., Cup. Met. Kreas. Rat. Pressed—brain was pressed to forehead—Bell Cup. Ass. Pressed—braimwas pressed into a ball—China. Pressed—brain was pressed together from both sides and forehead—China. Pressed—contents of head pressed into forehead and root of nose—Zing. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 15 as if Pressed—something would be pressed out at forehead—China. Pressed—forehead was pressed in—Nux V., Stann. Pressed—head pressed down with a weight— Merc-peren. Pressing—board pressing through whole head —Zing. Pressed—vertex and sides of of head pressed together—Glon. Pressed—blood pressing down on head—Con. Pressed—something pressed skull asunder— Bry. Pressed—some one forcibly pressing head— NIT. AC. Pressed—something pressing upon head—Sars. Pressed—everything would press out and burst skull—Sil. Pressed—something firm was pressing against occiput—Cast Equi. Pressed—temples would be pressed out—Igt. Pressed—fingers pressing on back of head— Meph. Pressed—skull would be pressed outward by sharp plug—Prun. Pressed—something hard pressing on surface of brain—Coff. Pressed—brain was being pressed against skull —Calc Phos. Pressure—pressure on occiput would force brain out at forehead—Caps. Pumped—something pumped into brain—Glon. Pushed—skull pushed upward—Fer. met. Puffy—head was puffy—Berb. Rolling—something rolling in the head, with burning in it coming out of eyes—Jamb. eug. Rolling—brain rolled around in skull—China. Rocked — something rocked and swayed in brain—Bell. 16 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Revolving—brain revolving on an axis—Nux V., Rob. " Rod—iron rod thrust from right eyebrow to lower part of occiput—Syph. " Rope—rope around head drawn tighter and tighter—Nat. Mur. '' Rose—brain rose and fell at every step—Bell. '' Screw or screwed—pain screwed in side of head —KALIIOD. Screw or screwed —brain and zygoma were screwed together—Euphorb. Screw or screwed—head was screwed together Coloc, Daph., Mag. Sul., Plat., Cocc Screw or screwed—screw driven in right tem- ple—Nat. Sul. Screw or screwed—head was screwed asunder —Thuj. " Screw or screwed—forehead screwed together —Sul. " Screw or screwed — right side of head was screwed together—Millef. Screw or screwed—something working in top of head and of screwing from behind forward —Plb. Screw or screwed—temples were screwed in— Plat. Screw or screwed—temples were screwed to- gether—LYC. Screw or screwed — head was screwed up — Atrop., Glon. Screw or screwed—head was being screwed apart at temples—Cast. equi. Screw or screwed—both sides of head were be- ing screwed together—Zinc. Screw or screwed—occiput was screwed in— Am. Mur. Screw or screwed—parts were screwed together in muscles of back part of head—Rhus. T. Screw or screwed—screw behind each ear com- pressing head—Ox. Ac. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 17 as if Separated—bones of head separated—Arg. Nit. Separated—head separated from the body— Daph., Psor. Separated—head would separate—Dolich. Separate—vertex separated from rest of body, or she could lift it off—Therid. Shattered—forehead were shattered—Stann. Shaken—brain was shaken in the skull—Bell. Smoke—smoke passing through the brain with a heating pain—ANTHRAC Smoke—smoke in the brain—Op. Small—head were smaller—Igt. Small—skull was too small for the brain— GLON. Sound—sound hurt brain—Kali Phos. Sound—sound came through forehead and brain —Sul. Sore—brain was sore and collided with skull— Sil. Split—forehead would split—Olean. Split—forehead would split in median line from nose to vertex—Vacc. Split—top of head would split—Nat. Sul. Split—head would split—Am. Mur.,Asar., Ast. Rub., Calc. Ars., CALC C, CAPS., Cochl., Oleum Jac., Nux V., Sarrac. Split—skull had been split—Carb. Ac Split—head and teeth were soldered together— Lyss. Squeezed—head had been squeezed flat—Man. CIN. Squeezed—head squeezed between two beams —Salic Ac. Squeezed—brain was squeezed and relaxed al- ternately—Colc C Stirred—brain was stirred with a spoon—Iod. Stone—stone pressing in forehead — Bell.. Cham. Struck—brain struck against skull on moving —Rob. 18 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Stretched—skull was stretched—Samb. " Swelling—head were swelling—Bapt, Berb., Rhus. T. '' Swollen—head was swollen—CEDRON., • Aeth., Cepa. '' Swollen—head above the eyes were swollen— Tuberc. '' Substance—foreign substance in the brain—Iod. '' Swashing—brain were swashing about in top of head—Carb. Ac '' Swashing—brain were swashing about in fore- head—Cina. ' Swashing—brain swashing around in head— Rhus. T. " Tearing—cats tearing brain to pieces—Ars. " Tight—brain was too tight—Kali. Br. '' Tight—something tightening in head—Medorr. " Tape—tape drawn tightly from ear to ear— Anac. " Tape—tape around head—GELS., Iod., Nit. Ac. " Thick—head was so thick, it was a strange head—Thesid. Threads—threads being drawn through head and trunk—Meph. '' Through—everything would issue through fore- head—Bell., Bry., Glon., Verbas. Torn —brain were torn — Am. Mur., Coff., Mur. Ac., Rhus T., Staph. , Verat. , Alb. , Canth. Torn—mastoid process would be torn out. Torn—brain would be torn to pieces—Hyper. '' Torn—forehead would be torn out—Hep. '' Torn—head would be torn off when sneezing— Bell. '' Torn—sutures of skull were being torn open— Bell. " Tornado—tornado in the head—Carb. Ac. " Transparent—skull were transparent—Bell. " Thin—skull were quite thin—Bell., Paris. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 19 Sensation as if Turned—head would be turned wrong side out on raising up—Baryta Carb. '' Turned—anterior half of brain were turning in a circle—Bism. '' Vise—base of brain crushed in a vise—Nat. Sul. " Vise—contents of head were in a vise—Alu- mina. '' Vise—forehead were in a vise—Puls. '' Vise—head was seized in a vise—Cocc '' Vise—head was in a vise — Cocc., MERC., Nat. Mur. " Vise—head was in a vise from ear to ear over vertex—NIT. AC. '' Vise—head compressed in a vise — Baryta C, Cact. Gr. , Ratanhia. ' < Vise—temples were in vise—Dios. '' Vise—chin and vertex were in a vise—Daph. " Vapor—vapor spread from throat through head—Amyl Nit. " Water—warm water running up from nape of neck—Glon. " Water—cold water poured on head—Cup. Met. ' < Water—water wobbling in brain—Hep. Sulph <' Water—water pipes bursting in brain—Sil. ' < Water—head full of boiling water—Robinia. << Water—boiling water in side of head on which she lies—Mag. Mur. '' Water—waves of water from occiput over ver- tex to forehead—Sil. " Water—water gushing forward in head on stooping—Ars. Met. " Water—water in forehead—Plat. ' < Water—head was full of water swashing—Asaf. Bell., Hep., Hyos., Samb. << Water—head wrapped up in warm water— Cepa. ' < Water—water splashing in left hemisphere on walking—Carbolic Ac 20 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Water—water dropping in cranium—Chin. Sul. ' < Water—water gurgling behind upper portion of frontal bones—Asaf. " Water—brain was moved by boiling water— Aeon. '< Watch—watch ticking in temples—Chelidon. " Wave—wave beating on spot on right side of head—Zinc. Wave—waves of pain rolled up against frontal bone—Sep. " Wave—brain was beating in waves against skull—China, Glon. '' Wedge—wedge would be pressed in occiput— Bovista. " Wedge—wedge pushed from occiput to fore- head at each respiration—Palad. '' Wedge—every beat of heart was striking wedge in head—Calc. Ars. " Wedge—head split open with a wedge from outside to within—Lachnauth. " Weight;—weight pressed upon the brain at every step—Menyanthes. " Weight—weight lying in brain in forehead— Palad. Weight—weight pressing on head from above downwards—Phos. Ac " Weight;—no weight in the head—Thramb. " Weight;—heavy weight were in head—Arn., Moschus. " Weight—weight in occiput—Luna, Syph. " Weight—weight jolting in occiput at every step—Bell. '' Weight—tremendous weight falling on vertex__ Sil. " Wheel—mill wheel whirling in the head__ Chin., Sul. '' Whirling—something from chest up to brain— Cac Gr. " Whirling—brain whirled round and round__ Sabad. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 21 Sensation as if Wind—head was open and the wind went through it— " Wind—stream of wind from chest to head— Millef. ' < Wind—cold wind blowing through head—Nat. Mur. Wind—wind blowing through skull on shak- ing head—Cor. Rub. " Wobbled—brain wobbled and struck against side of head—Nux M. '' Working—something working in top of head, a screwing from behind forward—Plumb. "SENSORIUM." " Air—he was walking in air—Aur. Mur., LAC. CAN., Nat. Mur. 11 Air—flying or swimming in air—Calc. ars., Valer. 1' Air—he were hovering in air like a spirit, when walking in the open air—Asar. " Air—he was being lifted high in the air— Hyper. " Air—she was floating in the air—Nux M. '' Bed—bed was bouncing patient up and down— Bell. ({ Balancing—balancing himself to and fro— FER. MET. " Board—board was before the forehead—Bell. " Break—she would break if she lay too long in one position—Pyroz. •< Coming—stairs or ground coming up to meet him—Pic. Ac. '' Corner—part of head fitted into each corner of room—Can. Ind. " Different—two entirely different trains of thought influenced him at same time—Lyss. '' Dissolving—brain were dissolving and she was going crazy—Calc C «' Divided—she was divided into halves and left side did not belong to her—Sil. The Medical Advance. Double—she had a double existence—Can. Ind. Drawn—head were forcibly drawn backward— Chel. Drawn—head were drawn forward—Sang. Falling—she was falling from a height—Mosch. Fly—she must fly away—Bell., Verat. Alb. Fly—head flying round and round—Eup Purp. Fly—he was light and could fly—Camph. Glass—body made of glass and easily broken— Thuj. Going—going rapidly, as on a fast sailing boat— Light—she was very light on walking—Spig., Thuj. Light—so light she could float in the air— Mancin. Move—objects moved backward and forwards —Carb. Ac. Move—everything moving from side to side— Cic. Vir. Move—head was moving in all directions— Eup. Purp. Move—objects moved around him—NUX V., SEP. Move—head was moving up and down—Zinc Pass—could not pass a.certain point on walking without falling—Arg. N. Person—she existed in another person—Pyrog. Person—she was one person while lying on one side and some other person when lying on the other—Pyrog. Pieces—he was in several pieces and could not get them adjusted—Phos. Motion—bed was in motion—Lac. Can. Pushed—head suddenly pushed forward—Fer. Phos. Raised—raised from the ground and could fly— Can. Ind. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 23 Sensation as if Reeling—all objects were reeling—Bry. •' Rising—her chair was rising—PHOS. 'i Rocked—she were being rocked—Bell. ;' Rocked—he were rocked when lying down and closing eyes—Calad. " Self—there were a second self outside of patient—Bapt. :' Sinking—she was sinking deep down in bed— Bry. " Sinking—bed was sinking from under her— Kali. Carb. '' Somebody—she was somebody else—Can. Sat. " Someone—someone were back of him—Brom., Medorr. '' Someone—someone by his side doing the same thing—Ars. " Something—he would see something if he turned round—Brom. " Something—something drawing round in a circle and she could not hold head straight —Lyss. " Swayed—objects around him swayed to and fro—Bell., Form. R, <' Swayed—bed was constantly swaying back and forth—Zinc " Swing—in a swing—Merc '' Swing—Swung to and fro in a swing—Ignatia. '' Swing—head was swung from behind forward— Palad. " Surroundings—surroundings or self tottered— Anac. " Turn—everything turning round—Mag. C. " Turn—surroundings turning him in a circle— Am. Carb. '■<■ Turn—he was turned backward and around— Angustur. '' Turn—turning in a circle—ARG. NIT. '' Turn—turning in a circle when stooping—Aur. Met. " Turn—brain were turning around—Bry. 24 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Turn—head were turning in a circle—Bry. " Turn—house were turned upside down—Bufo. " Turn—things were turning with her—Alac, Arn., Calc. C, Fer. Met. '' Turn—he had turned in a circle a long time— Puls. ■' Turn—one were being turned around—Bry. Turn—bed was turning in a circle—Con. " Turn—everything turning in a circle—Bell., CHEL., Cycl., Verat. A, Zinc '' Turn—he were turned about so rapidly that he perceived a current of air produced by the motion—Moschus. " Turn—occiput were turning around—Iberis Am. '' Wavering—brain was wavering—Phos. '' Wavering—he stood on wavering ground—Sul. " Whirling—room were whirling—NUX V. ' Whirled—everything in the head whirled around—Viol Od. " Whirled—brain whirled round and round— Sabad. "OUTER HEAD." " Air—head were surrounded with hot air— Ast. Rub. " Air—draught of air across the forehea— Laur. " Adherent;—scalp was adherent to bones of skull—Sinap. " Ant—head was in an ant's nest—Mez. Ant—ants crawling over scalp in spots—Bar. C " Band—India rubber band stretched tightly over head from temple to temple—CARB. AC Band—hat band drawn across forehead from temple to temple over eyes, and burning ring around each eye—Chloral. Band—rubber band stretched over head—Coca. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 25 Sensation as if Band—rubber band stretched over forehead— Lil. Tig. '' Board—board lay upon head—Calc , C. " Board—board pressing against forehead— Dulc, Plat. '' Board—board across forehead—Kreas. '' Board—board bound on back of head, more on left side— '' Board—board strapped across forehead—Rhus. T. " Blister—blister had been applied to frontal region—Sul. " Bound—temples were bound—Lith., C. '' Bristled—hair on head bristled—Zinc " Broken—bones of skull were broken—Aur. Met. '' Cap—cap was on the head—Pyrog. '' Cap—skin of head and face covered with a cap —Berb. " Cold—cold, wet cloth in left temple—Gamb. '' Cold—someone touched him with cold thumb in small spot on forehead—Arn. '' Cast—cast fitted over the head and pressing down—Lyss. '< Contracted—skin of forehead was spasmodi- cally contracted—Arn. " Contracted—muscles of forehead and eyes were contracted—Bell. " Contracted—skin of head was contracted— Carb., V. '' Contracted—whole side of head was contracted —Canst. " Contracted—skin in center of forehead con- tracted—Gels. ' < Contracted—Scalp from back and forepart of head was contracted to vertex—Sanio. " Cord—cord frequently drawn and tightened as if to cut head in two—Masch. <. Cord—bound by a tight cord in frontal region —Mercd., Fl. 26 The Medical Advance. Sensation as it Creeping—something creeping in scalp of ver- tex—Nat., Sul. 1' Crawling—something crawling on top of head —Cup., Met. " Cushion—head was in a cushion and someone was pushing two fingers in at occiput—Sil. " Drawn—smething drawn down tightly over skull—Arg., No. 1 < Drawn—scalp were clutched and drawn to one point of a circle—China. '< Drawn—nerves of head were drawn up tightly —Cocc Drawn—scalp drawn tightly over skull—Coc, Co. " Drawn—skin of forehead drawn into folds— Graph. " Drawn—scalp draw together at one spot— Zinc. " Eiectric—electric schock in the head—Carb., Va. Electric—fine electric sparks in vertex, chang- ing to a prickling—Carb., Ac. Electric—gentle electric shock in scalp— Cench., Cont. Electric—electric sparks in left temple—Spig. Electric—bunch of hair on right side of head was electrified—Vesat., Alb. Fast—skin on forehead had grown fast—Sabin. Grasped—hair was grasped roughly—China. Glue—glue had dried on forehead—Aluma. Hammer—hammering with flat instrument on head—Am. C Hair—hair was rising up on left side of occiput —Cocco. Hair—hairs of head were in motion—Carb. V. Handkerchief—handkerchief tied around head on taking hat off—Carb. , V. Hand—touched on forehead by an icy cold hand—Hyper. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 27 Sensation as if Hand—hand pressed on left parietal bone which was sore—Kali., Ars. •' Hard—hard substance pressing on skull— Staph, '■ '■ Hard—hard body large as an egg behind each ear—Graph. Hard—head lying on something hard—Mancin. Hat—he had his hat on—Calc., Sul. Hot—scalp was hot and cold at the same time Verat., Alb. '' Ice—ice on vertex—Sep. let!—ice in vertex—VERAT. ALB. Ice—ice on top of head—Arn., Sep. Ice—pieces of ice laying against various parts of head—CALC. C. ; Ice—posterior half of head lay on ice—Cast., Equi. Insects—insects causing itching on occiput or behind ears—Sep. Insects—insects crawling from occiput to fore- head—Zinc. " Knife—knife like stitches just above right temple—Verbas. r Knife—knives being thrust into the brow— Lach. 1' Lice—lice on scalp—Caps. Loose—flesh were loose on cranium—Sul. Loose—scalp loosened from head back to nape —Calc C Nail—pricking in head and other parts with a nail—Ascl. Tub. <; Needle—ice cold needles touched head or pierced it—Agar. Needle—needles were being stuck in forehead— Caul., Cepa. Needle—needles sticking in middle of vertex— Cic. Vir. Needle—needles stitching in left temple— Staph. Needle—fine needles stitching in vertex—Staph. The Medical Advance. as if Needle—needle stitcking in left side of fore- head—Verbas. Needle—bones in vertex repeatedly pierced with a needle—Thuj. Photographers—head rested in photographer's head-rest—Nat. Ars. Pins—hair pins sticking into her head—Kali., Phos. Pins—pins pricking in forehead externally— Aur. Met., Calad. Pins—pins and needles in forehead—Stram. Pithy—head were pithy—Graph. Pressed—top of head pressed against the wall —Sul. Pressed—temple were pressed by thumb—Bapt. Pressed—lower part of head pressed like an elastic body—Rene. Ac. Pulled—roots of hair pulled upward—Arg. N. Pulled—hair pulled out or electric shock in occiput—Arn. Pulled—hair was pulled—Alum., Mog. C, Phos. Pulled—pulled by hair of vertex—Aeon., Ind., Mag. Mur., Mur. A. C, Sul. Pulled—someone pulling lock of hair upwards on vertex—Cauth. Pulled—hair was being pulled out—Caps. Pulled—upper part of skull was being pulled up with half of the brain—Cundurango. Pulled—scalp and occiput pulled down tight— Hell. Pulled—someone pulling hair on back of head —Kali Phos. Rose—scalp suddenly sore—Polyg. Scraped—bones of head were scraped—Phos. Ac. Seized—parts over zygomatic arch seized with pincers—Puls. Something—something running and crawling in hair—Cast. Equi. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 29 Something—something very lightly drawn over on temples and forehead—Bar. C. Something—something struck behind right ear and pushed it forward on stroking hair on occiput—Ars. Sulph., Flav. Sore—sore spot on right side of head if hair is touched—Ambra. Stand—hair would stand on end—Am. C Stand—hair standing on end on vertex—Spong. Stood—hair stood on end—Acon., Bar. C, Carb. V., Cham., Chel., Dulc, Mur. Ac, Salic. Ac. Strap—strap drawn tightly across forehead— Carb. V. Stone—stone or lump on top of head—Phel. Stretched—skin of forehead tightly stretched over skull—Can. Ind. Sweat—ice cold sweat on forehead, but none there—Glon. Swollen—skin of forehead was swollen—Stann. Tight—skin of forehead was too tight—Phos. , Medorr. Tight—scalp was too tight—Stront. C Tied—parts tied together close to occiput— Plat. Torn—nerves on right side of forehead and temple were being torn out with fine instru- ments—Spig. Water—drop of cold water had fallen on right frontal bone—Croc. Water—waves of water beating on the skull— Vig. Water—large quantity of cold water poured on head—Tarent. Water—drops of cold water falling on head— Can. Sat. Weight—heavy weight pressed head down on pillow—Merc. I. Fl. "Wood—piece of wood lying across back of head—Psor. 30 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Wood—head were made of wood—Petr. " Wind—cold wind blowing on head—Laur., Meny., Petr. '' Wrinkled—scalp wrinkled up and kept tighten- ing—Zinc. EYES. " Air—cold ah' rushing through the eye—Croc. '< Air—hot air streamed out of eyes—Kreos. " Air—lids open and cold air blowing on right eye—Sul. << Air—cold stream of air blowing out of eyes— Thuj. '' Agglutinated — eyelids were agglutinated— Caust. '' Band—a narrow band drawn tightly across the eyeball—Lac def. " Ball—eye was a ball of fire—Merc, Ruta., Sep. " Blood—too much blood in the eyes—Millef. " Blood—blood forcing its way out of eyes— Lact. ac. Blood—all the blood run into eyes upon stoop- ing—Fer. Phos. '' Body-foreign body in the eye-BoRAX., Gels. , Sul., Thuj. '' Body—foreign body caused pain in the eyes— Nat. Mur. ,, Body—foreign body under the lids—Merc, Coc C ' < Body—foreign body in right outer canthus— Sul. Ac. '' Bound—eyes were tightly bound by a cloth— Puls. '' Breathed—corner breathed upon—Plb. '' Burst—eyes would burst—Nux V. " Cinders—sharp cinders in left eye—Dulc. Cloud—cloud over left eye—Corn. Fl. '' Cloud—cloud before eyes—Lachn. Cloud—white cloud passed over eyes—Sanic. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 31 Sensation as if Cobwebs—Cobwebs before the eyes—Agar. " Closed—something forcibly closed the eye— Cocc. '' Cloth—pain rubbing eyes with woolen cloth— Stann. " Compressed—eyeballs were compressed from both sides—Viola. Od. " Cord—eyes drawn together by a cord—Zinc. 1 • Cover—looking through a gray cover—Sil. " Crawling—something crawling in the eyes— Nat. Sul. " Crushed—eyeball were crushed—PRUNUS. " Constricted—eyes were constricted—Chloral. " Cutting—something cutting in lower lid— Nux. V. '' Cutting—sharp body cutting lower lid—Merc '' Deep—eyes lay deep in the head—Zinc. " Dragged—both eyes "were being dragged back into the head by a string—Paris, Sil. " Drawn—left eye were drawn backward and forward—Spig. '' Drawn—eyeball was clutched and drawn back a moment—Sanic. " Drawn—eyes were drawn deep-into the head— Aur. Mur., Ars. " Drawn—eyes were drawn back—Ast. rub., Hep., Mez. " Drawn—eyeball drawn tightly backward— Cham. '' Dust—vision perceived through dust on cornea —Cocc. '< Dust—dust in the eyes—Lachn. '' Dust—dust under the lower eyelid—Phos. < • Dust—dust in right eye—Lac. Fel. '' Elevation—lid passed over an elevation on bulb of eye—Symph. " Enlarged—eyes were enlarged—Pulex. Irrit. <' Expanded—eyeballs expanded—Senega. '' Extended—eyes extended back into the head— Lac. Fel. 32 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Fall—eyes would fall out on stooping—Coloc , Broin. '' Fall—eyes would fall out of head—Cham. , Igt. ; Sep. " Feathers—feathers before eyes—Alum., Nat. C. '' Feathers—feathers came from corner of eye— Merc. '' Feathers—feathers on eyelashes—Spig. ' < Film—looking through film—Lac. Can. '< Fire—fire came out of eyes and tears came out of them in streams—Jam. Enj. 1' Fire—fire darting out of eyes when walking in the sun—Dulc. 11 Fire—eyelids were on fire—Phyt. " Fire—fire was streaming from eyes—Clem. Fog—objects seen through a fog—Camph., Igt.,, Lach., Lyc, Merc Sol., Morph. Sul., Sars., Vine. M., Zinc. Fog—saw through fog or smoke with right eye—Kali. C " Fog—sees everything through fog on closing eyes and pressing on ball—Bar. C '' Forced—brain and eyes were forced forward— Sil. '' Fringe—something like a fringe falling down over eyes—Con. '' Gauze—saw objects through gauze—Calc C, Caust., Cina. 1' Gauze—gauze before eyes in morning—Bar. C. '' Gauze—looking through white gauze—Ars. Gauze—gauze before the eyes—Dulc , Kreos. , Nat. Mur., SUL. Gauze—gauze spread over left eye—Sars. " Glass—eyeball rubbed against spiculae of glass—Sul. Glued—outer canthus were glued up—Colch. '' Hair—hair in left eye—Tarent. " Hair—hair were in the eyes—Sang. Hair—a hair hung over the eyes—Euphr. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 33 Sensation as if Hair—hair was between the eyeballs and lids— Cocc. C '■' Jumping—eyes were jumping out of his head —Gels. " Knife—knife thrust between ball and socket and turned about—Chin. '' Knife—knife sticking in the eye—Viburn. '' Knife—knives sticking in the eyes—Lach. Knife—eyes pierced with knives—Chel. " Knives—knives sticking in right eyeball— Colc, Sul. " Large—eyeballs too large—Chloral., Daph., Lyc, Mez., Nat. Mur., PARIS., Phos. Ac, Plb., SPIG. Large—right eyeball larger and more protruded than left:—Como. Cl. '' Large—eyes were larger than usual—Como. Cl. " Large—left eyeball so large lid would not cover it—Chel. '' Large—eyes were too large for orbit—Ap. j " Lattice—looking through fine lattice—Lyc " Lead—lids were of lead—Nat. Sul. " Lead—eyebrows and lids were of lead—Lac. Fel. ' < Loose—eyes were lying loose in socket—Carb. Ac. " Membrane—membrane over the eyes—Canst. " Membrane—membrane extended across the eye—Daph. " Mist—white mist before the right eye—Lac. Fel. " Mist—mist before the eyes—Arg., Form. R. Graph., Lactn., Millef., Thuj. " Mist—mist before eyes in morning—Merc. Per. ' < Moving—right eye moving about while lying on left side—Lac. Fel. " Moving—eyes moved involuntary—Calc C '' Mucous—cornea covered with much mucous— Euphr. '< Needle—needle thrust into right eyeball—Spig. The Medical Advance. if Needle—hundred needle points suddenly thrust into lid— Verat. Alb. Needles—fine needles sticking in right lower and left upper lid—Zinc. Needles—needles stinging in the eye—Calc C Caust. Net—net before the eyes—Chin. Sul. Net—net swimming before eyes—Carb. Ac. Obscured—objects were obscured—Cact. Gr. Opened—eyelids opened wider so that field of vision seems enlarged—Fluor. Ac. Out—eyes were pulling out of head to one side or another when closed—Medorr. Out—both eyes would be forced out of head— Ham. Out—eyes would be forced out when pressing on the throat—Lach. Out—eyes were coming out of their sockets— Acon., BELL. Paper—white paper obscured vision—Bell. Pieces—left eye would fly to pieces—Spig. Paralyzed—eyeballs were paralyzed—Cocc Press—something pressing on the top of eye- balls moving down and outward—Camo. Cl. Press—eyeballs pressed from above downward —Coloc, Sinap. Press—something pressing around in the eye —Cist. Press—eyeballs pressed against sides of orbits —Card. Mar. Press—eye would be pressed into head—Bapt., Puls. Press—eyes would be pressed asunder—Asar., Prun. Press—eyelids and balls pressed by a weight— Corn. Cir. Press—eyes were forcibly pressed out—Daph. Press—right eye pressed from behind—Fluor. Ac. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 35 Sensation as if Press—left eye pressed asunder, then out of orbit—Led. Pressed—eyes were pressed in on reading— Kali. C '' Press—eyes pressed forward—Gymnoc. Press—lids and eyes were pressed down—Hell " Press—weight pressed down into the eyes— Phos. '' Press—eyes would be pressed down—Sul. '' Press—right eye were pressing out—Zing. Press—pin sticking in eyeball if pressed upon —Sinap. " Particle—a particle in left external canthus— Ignatia. " Pepper—pepper in the eyes—Jam. Euj. " Protrude—eyes would protrude—Fer. Met., Hep. " Protrude—eyes protruded and she stared at everything—Medorr. " Projecting—eyes were projecting—Paris. '' Pulled—eyes were pulled in head—Paris. " Pulled—somebody pulling eyes from within outward—Glon. '' Pulled—something pulled tightly over the eyes —Phos. " Pulled—eyes were pulled outward -from the nose—Con. " Raise—he could not raise upper lid—CAUST. " Ring—burning ring around each eye—Chloral. '' Room—eyes had no room in orbits—Ars. " Rotated—eyes were spasmodically rotated— Sec. C " Rubbed—eyeballs rubbed against the lids— Sul. " Pressed—eyeballs were pressed out;—Bry. Iber. Am., Ignatia, Guarca,, Phos., Psor. , Puls.,Medorr., Merc C, NUX V. ,Sabin., SANG., Seneg., Spig., Stram., Thuj. 36 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Salt—salt between upper lid and ball—Verat Alb. " Salt—salt in the eyes—Canth., China., Nat. Mur., Nux V., Sul., Verat. Alb. ' < Sand—grain of sand in outer cauthus of eye— Con. '< Sand—sand had got in eyes on reading—Cina. ' < Sand—sand in the eyes, with tears—Chel. '' Sand—grain of sand under upper lid—Calc C. '' Sand—sand in the left inner cauthus—Aeon. " Sand—sand rolling around beneath the lids— Ignatia, Medorr. ' Sand—grain of sand in right eye—Sep. " Sand—sand thrown violently into the eye— Tereb. " Sand—fine sand under the eyelids—Thuj. '< Sand—grain of sand in left eye—Zing. " Sand—sand in the eyes—Apis., Apoc, Can. Sat., Carb. V., Caust., Bry., Dig., Euphr., Fluor. AC, Grat., Hep., Kali. Bi., Kali. Mur., Kali. Phos., Kobalt, Sed. , Merc., Op., Petr., Phyt. , Pic. Ac., Psor., Puls.,Myric.,Nat.Mur.,Nat. Phos., Nit. Ac, Luna., Rhus. T., Sil., Spig., S\JL.,Syph., Ust. Ur., Zinc, '' Sieve—looking through a sieve—Puls. '' Soap—soap in the eyes—Seneg. " Skin—skin before the e\-es—Ratanhia. " Skin—a skin drawn over the eyes—Apis. '' Skin—skin came half way down over right eye — Caust. ' < Smoke—eyes were filled with smoke—CHINA, Valer. '' Smoke—eyes had been full of smoke—Kali. Phos. '' Smoke—wood smoke in the eyes—Nat. Ars. '' Smoke—smoke before the eyes—Gels. " Smoke—biting smoke in the eyes—Croc " Smoke—room was filled with smoke—Croc. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 37 as if Short—eyelids were too short laterally—Lac Def. Something—something were in the eyej-I>. 92 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Alive—something alive jumping in chest— Croc " Balls—hot balls dropped from each breast through to back, rolling down back, along each limb and dropping off at heels—follow- ed by balls of ice—Lyc '' Band—band around chest—Lobel. , Phos. " Band—band constricting chest transversely— Zinc. '' Band—rubber band drawn around right lung— Culex. Mus. '' Band—band encircling chest at line of pleura —Cap. '' Band—chest encircled in a tight band—Pic. Ac. " Bladder—bladder hung in left chest—Aur. Met " Blood—blood forcing its way into the finest vessels of the lungs—Zinc. ' • Blood—blood rushed from heart into chest and would burst out above—Spong. " Body—foreign body rising from uterus to chest—Raph. " Body—broad body with many points were pressing upward in chest and dorsal mus- cles of left side—Spong. '' Bound—throat and chest were bound together —Ars. '' Bound—chest were bound—Cact. G. '' Breath—each breath would be the last—Apis. '' Breath—breath would be taken away from rid- ing rapidly down hill—BORAX. '; Breath—breath remained stopped between the scapulae—Calc. C '' Breath—breath would leave her on lying down —Lac C. '' Breath—breath was stopped at pit of stomach —Rhus. T. '' Bubbling—something bubbling and boiling in chest—Lachn. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 93 Sensation as if Burst—something would burst in chest— Rhus. T. '' Cask—chest was a big empty cask—Phyt. '' Clogged—lungs were clogged—Phos. " Compressed—chest were compressed—Cact. G. '' Constricted—everything in chest were tightly constricted—Plat. Constricted—upper portion of-both lungs were constricted—Coca. " Constricted—tight waistcoat:constricted chest —Lycop. '' Constricted—lungs constricted and tied up in bundles—Dig. '' Constricted—walls of chest were being con- stricted—Dig. '' Contact—lungs came in contact with the back —Sul. " Contents—chest deprived of its contents— Stan. " Cord—cords pulling from suprasternal fossa, downwards and sideways—Apis. " Cords—ligated with cords around chest and waist in morning—Arg. Nit. " Cotton—lungs stuffed with cotton—Kali. Bi. '' Crowbar—a crowbar were pressed tightly from right breast to left until it came and twis- ted in a knot about the heart—Tabac. ' • Cut—chest cut to pieces—Kali. Iod., Zinc. 1 " Distended—something in chest were being distended which could not be completely distended—Bry. " Drawing—chest were drawing together—Py- rogen. " Drawn—left breast drawn toward back by a string—Croc. <' Drawn—left lung drawn up in hand and then let loose—Medorr. '' Drawn—left lung drawn to right side—Medorr. '' Drawn—chest were drawn together—Nux V. 94 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Drawn—something tight drawn around right lower chest—Culex. Mus. " Drawn—sternum gradually drawn toward spine—Syph. " Drops—falling drops in chest—Thuj. " Dropped—something had dropped down in chest—Bar. C. << Dry—everything in the chest were dry—Merc '< Dust—inhaling dust—Ip. '' Dust—dust in the lungs—Hepar. " Dust—dust in the throat and larynx—Calc C " Dust—one were inhaling dust—ARS. '' Empty—chest were empty—Vine M. ' < Enlarged—calibre of chest enlarged ten fold —Phyt. " Ether—having inhaled ether—Glon. " Eviscerated—chest were eviscerated—Phos. '' Expand—something should expand but would not—BRY. " Expand—root of lung could not expand— Chrom. Ac " Feces—feces ascended to chest—Lach. '( Feather—feather swaying to and fro in bron- chia—Rumex. " Fell—something fell forward in thorax on turning on right side—Sul. <• Fire—from coals of fire from chest to shoul- der—Lach. (( Fluid—fluid bubbling in middle lobe of right lung—Tell. (< Fluid—fluid dropping in left chest—Puis. '' Food—food lodged in chest—Am. M. " Full—thorax was full—Medorr. '' Full—lower part of chest too full and tight in morning—Puls . " Full—chest were too full of blood—Calc C Lil. Tig. 1' Full—chest were to full and not enough room in it—Caps. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 95 as if Full—chest were too full—Lyc Puls. Girdle—tight girdle hindered breathing—Chel. Grating—something grating in chest upon in- spiration—Eup. Pur. Grown—something had grown fast in the chest—Sul. Hanging—everything in chest was hanging clown—Crot T. Half—chest could only be half filled—Dig. Hoop—chest were bound by a hoop—Ars. Hollow—chest were hollow—Ars. Aspar. Chin. Crot T., Sep. Hollow—chest were hollow and cold—Zinc Hot—she had something hot inside the chest —Spong. Hypertrophied—all tissues in chest were'dry- pertrophied—Chlor. Ice—lump of ice in right chest—Sul. Iron—hot iron had been run into chest and a hundred weight put on it—Naja. Iron—bar of iron around the chest—Arg. Nit. Knife—knife thrust in right chest—Corn. Fl. Knife—dull knife thurst into chest between fifth and sixth ribs—Dulc. Knife—knife thrust into left chest—Stan. Knife—knife thrust into top of left lung— Sep. Knife—knife plunged into chest:—Nux M. Knife—knife in chest—Sumbul. Knives—knives cutting in chest—Psor. Knives—knives thrust into chest—HYDRAS. Knives—two knives going toward each other in chest—Kali. C Laced—chest were laced—Glon. Load—she had a load on upper part of lungs— ARS. Loose—everything in chest were too loose, .short or wabbling about—Spig. Lump—lump in chest—Ambr. The Medical Advance. if Lung—a piece of lung would come out on coughing—-Mag. Sul. Lying—during sleep someone was lying on him —Pyrog. Mass—hard mass collected in the lungs— Sticta. Mucous—lungs were full of mucous—Lyc Mucous—respiratory passages filled with mu- cous—Copaiba. Narrow—chest were too narrow—GRAPH., 01. an., Seneg. Narrowed—cavity of thorax narrowed—Agar. Needle—red hot needle burning in upper part of chest—01. An. Needle—needle sticking in left- chest—Spig. Peppermint—he had inhaled peppermint— Sanic. Pieces—chest would fly to pieces—Lactuca Vir., Sul. Pins—pins and needles under sternum—Kali. Bi. Plug—plug of mucous moving in chest—Coc C Pressed—chest pressed inwards from both sides—Bell., Cina. Pressed—lungs pressed against spine—Laur. Pressed—lungs were pressed up into the throat —Lach. Pressed—something were being pressed away from sternum—Kalm. Pressing—ribs pressed against lungs—Iris. v. Pressing—chest oppressed by some one pressing upon it with hand—FER. M. Prevented—something in chest prevented ex- halation when talking or coughing—Dros. Pulled—something pulled from spleen into chest—Borax. Pushed—lungs pushed back to spine—Seneg. Raw—chest were raw inside—Gamb. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 97 Sensation as if Rivet—rivet from upper part of left lung to scapula—Sul. '' Ruptured—inner and lower third of right lung were ruptured—Chlor. Screwed—chest screwed together—Glon. '' Short—chest was too short—Lars. " Sinking—lungs were sinking down—Bad. '' Small—chest were too small—Igt. " Smoke—inspiring smoke or pitch—Bar. C. Nat. Ars. " Smoke—lungs full of smoke—Bar. C " Something—something size of fist were in chest and throat—Cic V. '' Sore—her breath was fanning a blistered sore in the lungs—Medorr. '' Stick—dull stick pricking in right chest—Pal. '' Sternum—sternum lying too close and oppress- ed breathing—Cina. '< Stone—heavy stone in chest—Alum. " Strapped—chest was strapped—Ailan. '' String—string pulling in right breast—Sumbul. ' < Stuck—all air cells stuck together—Ailan. " Stuffed—chest was stuffed—Lach. '< Sulphur—he had inhaled sulphur fumes— Lycop. 1' Suspended—all internal organs suspended from chest—Lil. Tig. '( Tied—lungs were tied with a thread—Kali. Mur. '' Tearing—something tearing in chest;—Spig. " .Tearing—something was tearing away in lungs —Nit. Ac. ' Tight—garments too tight about chest-Millef., Nux V. ' Tight—clothes were too tight around chest— —CAUST. Phos. < < Tight—lungs were too tight;—Nat. M. i Torn—something torn loose under sternum on coughing—Phos . i Torn—heart and breast were torn to pieces— Hyos. 98 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Torn—lungs were torn out—Elaps. '' Torn—something torn loose during inspiration —Berb. 1' Torn—everything torn in chest—Psor. " Torn—something torn loose in chest—NUX V. '' Torn—something would be torn out of chest by cough—Rhus. T. '' Turned—something turned round in chest— Stram. < < Vise—front of chest had been compressed in vise—Helon. '' Water—hot water were floating in chest—Hepar. (' Water—drops of hot water in left chest- -Hepar . ' < Water—boiling water poured into chest—Aeon. '' Wave—cold wave in the chest—Camph. '' Wave—hot wave like steam moving through abdomen and chest—Lyss. '' Wave—left lung moved in waves—Dulc '' Weight—heavy weight in chest—Lactuc. OUTER CHEST AND MAMMAE. '{ Air—air streamed from the nipples—Cycl. " Ants—ants were running Over chest—Mez. '' Band—iron band encircled chest—C ACT. GR. '' Band—narrow band drawn tightly around lower third of chest—Chlorum. " Beaten—chest had been beaten—APIS. " Breast-bone—an instrument passed through the breast-bone—Calc Phos. " Close—Sternum lying too close and oppressed breathing—Cina. ' < Cord—cord tied tightly around lower part of chest^CACT. GR. '' Cloths—she had wet cloths applied to anterior wall of thorax only when walking in open air—Ran. B. " Crushed—sternum was being crushed in— Kreos. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 99 Sensation as if Dislocated—one rib had been dislocated and snapped back again—Calad. " Drawn—skin on chest was drawn up—Syph. " Drop—mammae would drop off—Cast. Eq., Iod. " Electric—fine electric sparks on sternal end of right clavicle—Carb. Ac. " Enlarged—mammary glands enlarged—Sep. '' Fleas—fleas biting between mammae—Phos. Ac. '' Feel—she could feel every muscle and fibre in the right side—Sep. 1' Grasped—sternum was grasped—Sil. " Heavy—something heavy resting on chest— IOdof. " Hoop—chest were bound with a hoop—Ars. " Insects—insects crawling over left mammae— Ant. T. '' Knife—knife thrust through side and back— Ran. B. 1' Knife—knife plunged into right side—Can. " Lead—chest would be crushed by mass of lead—Plat. " Lice—Lice on chest—Led. '' Load—heavy load on chest—Elaps., PHOS., Stront. C, Verat V. ■ " Load—heavy load lying on chest all night— Ars. Met. '' Load—load pressing in front on chest—Carb. Ac. '< Needles—needles stitching in left mammae— CON. ' Needles—stitches with needles and small spot between left nipple and axilla deep in— Calad. ' Pressing—sternum pressing inward—Rhus. T. '' Pressing—ribs pressing against lungs—Iri s. V. " Pricking—ribs were broken and points prick- ing the flesh—Sep. " Rolled—Chest were rolled up—Carb. V. 100 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Rose—hard induration in breast rose higher— Carb. An. '' Sink—chest walls would sink in—Ptelia. '' Splinter—splinter in pimples on sternum—Am. C. '' Stone—a stone lying on chest—Viol. od. " Stove—heat from hot stove on external chest —Lach. '' Stone—Stone pressing at lower sternum—Lil. " String—left breast drawn toward back by a string—Croc. " Tearing—something tearing below left nipple —Ran. B " Tongs—left mammary region torn with red hot tongs—Chin. Ars. " Torn—thoracic walls anterior to heart were torn away—Cereus. Bon. " Torn—sternum were torn to pieces—Dig. " Torn—breasts were torn toward body—Bufo. ' < Vise—front of chest had been compressed in a vise—aching—Helon. '' Weight—a weight on chest in region of ster- num—Chloral. " Weight above curiform cartilage—Nat. Phos. " Wind—wind in cellular tissues above nipple of right breast—Merc. I. Fl. HEART, BLOOD VESSELS AND PRECARDIA. " Alive—Something alive struggling about heart '' Alive—something alive running in heart—Cycl. —Cast. Eq. <' Ascending—heart was ascending to throat— Pod. <' Band—narrow band encircling body and lying upon the heart—Phos. " Band—heart were hanging by bands tightly drawn around it—Kali. C '' Beating—heart ceased beating and then gave one hard thump—Aur. Met. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 101 Sensation as if Belching—something in heart prevented belch- ing—Calc. Ars. Blood—all blood went to heart—Lil. Tig. Blood—blood rushed from heart to chest and would burst out above—Spong. '' Bound—heart bound together and could not beat—Asaf. Bound—heart bound down or had'nt room enough—CACT. GR. Bubble—lump or bubble started from heart and forced through the arteries—Nat. Phos. " Burst—heart and veins would burst at night— Am. C. '' Cap—cap over the heart—Zinc. " Cavity—cavity where heart ought to be— Medorr. '' Clutched—heart were clutched—Cact. Gr. '' Cold—blood running cold through the veins— Rhus. T. '' Compressed—a pressure came from stomach and compressed the heart—Nat. M. " Contracted—heart were being contracted— Glon. <' Crowbar—crow bar were pressed tightly from right breast to left till it come and twisted in a knot about the heart—Tobac. " Crushed—breast were being crushed—Spig. 1' Drawn—heart and ovary were drawn up togeth- er—Naja. '' Electric—electric sparks from heart to front of neck—Graph. " Enlarged—heart were enlarged—Meadorr, Py- rog. SUL. " Filled—heart filled the chest—Ceuch. Cont. " Fluttering—bird's wings, fluttering in heart— Cact. Gr. '' Full—heart too full or swoolen—Asaf. '' Grasped—heart violently grasped and relaxed alternatively—Lil. Tig. '< Grown—heart had grown fast—Rhus. T. 102 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Grasped—something grasped the heart—Nux M. " Hand—heart grasped by an iron hand—CACT. GR., Iod. Hand—hand grasping base of heart—Iodof. Hanging—heart hanging by a thread and every beat would tear it off—Lach. Hot—blood was boiling hot^in veins—Medorr Hung—heart hung by a thread—Lyc Jerked—blood would be jerked out of veins— Nux V. Jumped—heart suddenly jumped out of its place—Merc. i. fl. Knife—knife cutting up and down in apex of heart—Lac Def. Laced—heart were tightly laced—Merc. Peren. Large—heart too large for containing cavity— Lach. Large—heart were too large—Bufo., Pyrog. Lump—lump or bubble started from heart and forced through arteries—Nat. Phos. Lump—a throbbing lump inside the heart— Cup., Sul. Marble—marble pressing from epigastrium to heart—Kalm. Moving—reptile moving in cardiac region— Cact. Gr. Needles—needles pricking in region of heart— Asa, Tub. Needles—needles were crosswise in ventricles —Iber. Am. Needles—needles pricking in heart—Lyss., Maucin. Pressing—something were pressing against heart—Eup. Pesf. Right side—heart were on right side—Sinap. Right side—heart were on the right side and were being squeezed—Borax. Ruptured—cardia was ruptured—Calend. Screwed—heart was screwed together—Naja. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 103 if Shot—shot were rolling through arteries—Nat. Phos. Small—heart was in too small a place—Eup. Perf. Squeezed—heart were suddenly squeezed—Arn Squeezed—heart were squeezed together—IOD. Squeezed—heart were squeezed by a hand— Spig. Squeezed—heart was squeezed—Tarent. Squeezed—heart would be squeezed off—Nux M. Still—circulation stood still—Gels., Lyc Still—heart stood still—Aur. Met., DIG., Sep. Still—heart were suddenly standing still— Argent. M. Stone—great stone laid upon the heart—Cereus. bow. Stone—cold stone in the heart—Petr. Stopped—heart suddenly stopped beating fol- lowed by heavy throbbing—Rumex. Stopped—heart stopped frequently—Lil. Tig. Stopped—heart had stopped—Ant. Rub. Chin., Ars., Luna. Stopped—heart stopped beating—Cic V. Stop—heart would stop beating if she moved— DIG. Stop—heart would stop if she stood still— GELS. Strained—heart had been strained—ANT. TAR. Suspended—heart suspended from ribs when lying on left side—Kali. C. Swollen—heart swollen lying on left side— Ang. Tired—heart were tired—Pyrog. Torn—heart had torn itself loose and were sway- ing to and fro by a thin thread—Dig. Turned—heart turned over—Cact. Gr. Turned—heart turned over and forward— Camph. Turned—heart were turning around—Aur. Met. 104 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Turned—heart turned over and ceased beating for a while—Lach, '' Turned—heart turned and twisted -around— Tarent. '' Vacuum—vacuum at heart:—Chrom. Ac. " Vibrating—all blood-vessels in body were vibrating—Phel. " Vise—heart squeezed or grasped in a vise— LIL. TIG. '' Watch—pulse felt like tick of watch—Ambr. '' Water—hot water running through veins—Ars., Rhus. T. " Water—blood was cold water—Verat. Alb. " Water—hot water or. oil running through veins all night long—Syph. '' Water—heart beating in water—Sumbul. '' Water—cold water dropped from heart—Can. S. '' Water—heart were drowned in a basin of water —Bufo. '' Water—heart were working in water—Bor. '' Weighed—something heavy weighed heart down —Cham. '' Whirled—heart whirled around first one way and then the other—Cact. Gr. HYPOCHONDRIUM. Ball—ball going to and fro under ribs—Cup. Met. Ball—ball in left hypochondrium—Brom. Band—constricting band round hypochondrium —Con. Band—waist constricted by a tight band—Coc Band—band around hypochondrium—Arg, Met. Band—tight band around waist—Hydras., Nux V. Band—broad band of discomfort around waist— Dulc. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 105 Sensation as if Body—passage of small body size of a pea through a narrow canal on posterior side of liver from right to left:—Card. M. '' Body—hard body rolling in right hypochondria —Op. " Bruised—liver were bruised—Alum. " Burst—liver would burst open—Nat. Sul. '' Cord—cord drawn round body at diaphragm— Lycop. " Distended—spleen were distended—Helon. " Fluid—some hot fluid running through the splenic vessels—Viburn. '' Fluid—fluid bubbling in right hypochondrium —Pyrog. " Gnawing—dogs gnawing in region of li/er— Lycop. '' Hole—there was a hole in his side—Stan. " Knife—knife stabbed in hypochondria—Nice. " Laced—laced below the hypochondria—Calc C. " Living—something living moving about in the right hypochondria—Ind. Met. '' Needles—needles pricking her in thfc side—Fer. Iod. '' Needles—pricking of needles in right side of body with headache—Lach. '' Poking—some one were poking him with fingers in various parts of body, especially in dia- phragm—Ind. Met. '' Pressed—something pressed out in lower part of the chest—Valer. '' Pressed—diaphragm pressed between two mill stones from before back—Ipec. 1' Pulled—something pulled spleen into chest— Bor. " Pushed—diaphragm were pushed forward— Anthrax. Snake—snake creeping over whole region of short ribs on left side—Murex. 106 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Something grown fast in region of left lower ribs—Thuj. " Something—something dragging over to left side when lying upon it.—Mag. Mur. " Something—something smooth gliding from right to left hypochondrium—Daph. '' Sore—sore spots inside left hypochondrium and iliac region—BROM. ' < Stitches—stitches in right side of diaphragm— Asaf. '' Strap—strap as wide as the hand drawn tightly around the waist—Sep. " Tight—something tight around hypochondria —Luna. " Tape—tape tied around the waist—Sil. " Torn—something torn away in the spleen— Ambr. " Torn—something torn loose in the left hypo- chondria—Berb. " Touched—something touched him very gently on both sides—Bapt. '' Water—bottle of water in left hypochondrium ^ shaking up and down in carriage—Cench. Con. " Wave—hot wave like stream moving through abdomen and chest—Lyss. " ' Weight—heavy weight in hypochondrium— Zinc NECK, BACK AND SACRAL REGION. 1' Air—soft air blowing through the back—Sec. C '' Air—warm air streamed up spine into the head —Ars. 1< Air—cool air blowing on the back—Camph. " Air—cold air spreading from the spine over the body. —Agar. " Asleep—lumbar region was asleep—Berb. V. " Band—a band passed through small of back and everything was constricted—PULS. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 107 Sensation as if Battery—galvanic battery applied to spine— Agar. " Bent;—spine was bent back—Mag. C ,, Bound—nape of neck tightly bound—Plat. " Break—back would break—Alum., BELL. '' Breaking—cords were breaking in back of neck —Lyc " Breaking—back were breaking—Bell. " Broken—back were broken, sitting, lying or standing—Carb. An. '' Broken—neck was broken, head turned to left —Chel. '' Broken—small of back was broken—Cham. " Broken—back was broken—Clem. " Broken—small of back was broken only at night—Fer. Iod. '' Broken—small of back broken to pieces—Staph " Bubbling—something bubbling in muscles of back and arms—Petros. " Coals—hot coals between scapulae—Lyc '' Compressed—skin of neck compressed between fingers—Spong. " Contract—back would contract, backward— Brach. Rep. 1' Cord tied tightly around the neck—Lach. " Crawling—insects crawling on back and shoulders—Osm. " Creeping—insects with cold claws creeping in region of right kidney—Medorr. '' Creeping—ants creeping along the spine—Agar. :< Cutting—pain cutting head off from body— Phys. '' Crust—sharp crust sticking in middle of spine on swallowing food—Caust. " Damp—damp clothes on spine—Tuberc. " Dislocated—cervical vertebrae were dislocated —Ang. " Dislocated—neck was dislocated—Calc C " Drawn—shoulders would be drawn together— Carb. V. 108 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Drawn—back was drawn backward—Lil. Tig. '' Dryness—dryness of coccygis—Agar. " Fall in—dorsal spine would fall in while sitting —Bar. C 1' Falling—hips and small ot back falling to pieces —Trill. '' Fire—clothes were on fire, in lumbar region— Ars. Iod. " Fluttering—something fluttering in region of kidneys—Chim. Um. '' Gimlet—gimlet running into spine—Lyc " Gliding—vertebrae in lumbar region gliding over each other—Sanic., Sul. " Grasped—neck was grasped on lying down—- Glon. '' Hammer—struck with a hammer in the back —SEP. 1' Hand—an icy cold hand laid between scapulae —Sep. '' Hot—hot iron thrust through lower vertebrae —Alum, '' Ice—a piece of ice lying on back, between shoulders—Lachn. ' • Ice—lying on ice—Lyc " Insects—minute insects or hairs on chin— Chloral. " Instrument—pointed instrument thrust into scapula—Spang. Iron—iron bar pressing on small of back— Elaps. tron—red hot iron moved along close to left side of neck—Phel. Knife—knife thrust through side and back— Ran. B. '' Knife—knife thrust through the back—Pyrog. '' Knife—knife sticking in back through loins— Igt, ' Knives—knives pierced between scapulae— Nat. Sul. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc 109 Sensation as if Knives—knives pierced in sacrum—Nat. Sul. '' Knocked away—small of back had been knocked away—Arg. M. '' Ligature—ligature around neck prevented re- turn of blood from the head—Glon. " Load—heavy load hanging between scapulae —Carb. Sul. 1' Loose—flesh was loose on lower part of back. —Lyc Moving—heavy body moving down in small of back—Bar. C '' Nail—nail sticking in lumbar region—Berb. V. ' • Needles—blunt needles sticking in left side of neck—Tarax. 'c Needles—muscles of left side of face from fore- head to neck and axilla were pierced with red hot needles—Spig. •' Needles—pins and needles pricking on skin of forehead, neck and arms—Cepa. Perspiration—wet with cold perspiration be- tween the shoulders—Lachn. Pieces-—back is in two pieces—Sanic. ' Plaster—adhesive plaster near inner margin of right scapula—Zinc. i Plug—plug in back when lying down—Carb. V. '' Pressed—bones in back were pressed asunder —Berb. V. " Pressed—muscles of neck were pressed upon by a dull edge or tight cravat—Asar. '' Pressed—small of back were pressed inward from both sides—Kali. C. '' Pressed—thumb pressed upon the back—Meny. " Pressing—stone pressing between scapulae— China. t 1' Protrude—tumor would protrude on turning —Calc C. 1' Pulp—back was turning to pulp and all power going—Colch. 1.10 The Medical Advance Sensation as if Pulled—someone pulled down on cords of neck —Sil. Pulling—something pulling upward from tip of coccyx—Lil Tig. Quicksilver—quicksilver moved up and down the spinal cord—Phos. Running—mouse running up arms and back— Sul. Running—something running or creeping in right shoulder blade when urinating—Hep. Screwed—small of back was screwed in—Zinc. Seized—neck was seized by a hand—Grat. Shirt:—he wore a stout flannel shirt—on skin of back—Fer., Sul. Short—back was too short to allow stooping__ Phys. Small—neck was too small and tired—Chim. Space—vacant space in region of sacrum— Culex. Mus. Splinters—large splinters pushed into the back —Agar. Split—back would split and fall apart—Lyss. " Stiff—cervical vertebrae were stiff—Calc C Sticking—something sticking in spine—Jamb. Euj. Stove—sitting with back to hot stove__Dulc. Swoolen—coccyx was swoolen—Syph. Tape—tape prevented circulation of blood in shoulder—Sabad. '' Tendon—tendon along shoulder to neck__Crot. Hor. Tied—neck constricted or tied with a napkin__ Chel. " Tight—something tight about the neck—Dios. Torn—vertebrae being torn apart on stooping —Chel. Twisted—piece of flesh twisted out under left scapula—Corn. Fl. '' Vise—small of back was in a vise—Kali lob. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. Ill Sensation as if Water—cold water poured down the back-—with headache—Alum. •' Water—cold water dropping down the back— Caps. '' Water—cold water running down back—Agar. PULS., Stram., Zinc. •' Water—cold water poured over the back—Anac. Water—cold water trickling down the back— Ars. ' Water—water spurted on the back—Lyc '' Water—stream of ice water from between the scapulae to sacrum—Variol. Water—boiling water poured over small of back and through pelvis— Verat. V. •l Water—water dropped out of bottle in lumbar region—Medorr. Water—toot water creeping through back from below upwards—Nit. Spr. Dulc. " Weight—hundred weight on nape of neck— Rhus. T. 1' Weight—great weight on nape of neck and shoulders—Paris. •' Weight—weight lying upon the cervical muscles —Vine. M. Weight—weight in small of back—Kali. C 1' Weight—weight tugging at oscoccygis-ANT. T. Wind—cold wind blowing on parts between scapulae—Caust. 1; Wires—wires twanging in left side of face and neck—Kali Bi. Wood—a piece of wood across the back, press- ing outward—NUX M. UPPER EXTREMITIES. Air—air passing from shoulder joint to fingers —Fl. Ac Alive—something alive in shoulder joint, with gurgling, especially about midnight;—Berb. V. 112 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Alive—something alive crawling* under skin on tips of fingers—Sec. C '' Alive—something alive running in the arm— Igt, " Arms—he was crowded with arms and legs— Pyrog. " Arm—arm did not belong to her—Igt. ,, Balls—small balls coursing along through hands and feet:—Zinc. " Bands—bones of upper and lower extremities surrounded by tight bands—Con. " Bands—bands tied around different parts of arms and legs—China. " Beaten—flesh beaten loose from bones—Thuj. '' Beaten—had been beaten in all the limbs after exertion—Agar. " Blood—all blood rushed to hands—Nux M. '' Blood—blood ceased to circulate in the arms— Phod. '' Brier—brier sticking in end of finger—Sul. " Bubbling—something bubbling in elbow joints —Rheum. " Bubbling—something bubbling in left upper arm—Colch. " Bubbling—something bubbling in muscles of back and arms—Petros. " Burnt—left forearm was burnt near wrist— Agar. " Burst—hands would burst—Viburn. < Chopped—joints were being chopped with an ax—Phyt. <' Coal—red hot coal on arms and shoulder—Phos. Ac. '' Coal—coals glowing in small spots on face and hands—Caust. " Cord—cord drawn tightly around upper arm, causing pain in lines of constriction—Alum. " Crazybone—crazy bone had been struck— Cinnab. Repertory of Symj)toms, Etc. 113 Sensation as if Crushed—bones in left forearm were crushed —Gymnoc. 1' Drawn—shoulders would be drawn together— Carb. V. Electricity—electric current passed from head to limbs—Ail. '' Electricity—fine electric sparks on sternal end of right clavicle—Carb. Ac. '' Electricity—fine electric sparks on middle of left hand—Carb. Ac. " Electricity—electric shock in arms and shoulder—Phyt. " Electricity—galvanic current passed through extremities—Polyg. '' Electricity—electricity pricking in fingers and hands—Ptel. " Enlarged—hands were enlarged—Lyc. 1' Fire—arms were on fire—Iris. V. '' Fleas—fleas running over right arm—Lyss. '' Fly—left shoulder would fly to pieces on cough- ing—Rhus. T. " Fractured—left shoulder were fractured— Chel. '' Hairs—hairs on back of hands and fingers— Aloe. " Hand—clawing from a hand around elbow— Caust. 1' Hanging—something heavy hanging on upper arm—Sul. '' Heat—gentle heat passed from stomach to and through arms to fingers, then hands appear- ed as if dead—Con. ' < Ice—bones were of ice—Diad. " Insect:—an insect crawling on neck, shoulder and hands—Lac. C '' Knife—stabbing with a blunt knife below head of humerus from within out—Bell. " Knife—dull knife sticking in flesh between right thumb and forefinger—Verbas. " Large—hands were too large—Clem. Hyos 114 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Larger—thumb and index finger were larger when grasping anything—Caust. '' Larger—right arm larger than whole body— Cup. Met. < Lead—arms were filled with lead—Sil. '' Lightning—right shoulder had been paralyzed by a stroke of lightning—Igt. 1' Loose—flesh were loose on thighs and arms— Nat. M. '' Loosened—hands and feet loosened in joints —Stram. 1' Mouse—mouse crawling under skin of fore-arm —Igt ' Mouse—mouse running up arms and back— Sul. '; Needle—pricked with needle in middle finger— Crfp. Met. 1' Pins—pins pricking skin of forehead, neck and arms—Cepa. ' < Pins—pins pricking point of fingers—Rhus. T. '' Piercing—cutting instruments piercing all the joints—Vespa. '' Pressing—some one pressing on left shoulder by the clavicle—Rhus. T. '' Pulled—joints of right finger being pulled out of socket—Sil. '■' Pulled—nail of left fore finger being pulled out—Phos. Separated—all parts of limbs were separated from each other—Stram. 1' Splinter—splinter in finger—Sil, Nit. Ac. 1' Splinter—a thousand splinters in left elbow— Agar. '' String—string tied around arms—Nux M. '' Struck—joint of elbow had been struck—Calc. Ph. Suppurating—finger tips were suppurating— Sil. " Swollen—hands, head and face were swollen —Ail. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 115 Sensation as if Swollen—finger joints were swollen—Calc C '' Swollen—hands and fore-arms greatly swollen —Diad. '' Tendon—tendon along right shoulder to neck — Crot. Hor. " Thick—hands too thick and clumsy—Mancin. '' Torn—flesh of left arm torn from bone—Ant. T. 11 Torn—shoulder joint would be torn asunder— Mez. '' Turned—arms and feet were turned outward— Graph. '' Vise—first phalanx of left thumb in a vise— Phos. 1 < Wasp—sting of wasp at knee and elbow—Arg. M. '' Water—cold water running from clavicle down to toes in a narrow line—Caust. " Water—drops of cold water sprinkled on back of hands on going into open air—Berb. V. " Water—ice water poured on the arms—Lyss. '« Water—cold water poured over one side from shoulder to thigh—Verbas. '« Water—hands were held in hot water—Rhus. T. <« Weight—heavy weight were hung to arms— Chel—Curare. " Weight—weight resting on shoulders—Hep. Sul. " Wind—cold wind blowing on left arm—Ast. Rub. '' Wires—very fine wires or fibres pulling and in continual motion down both arms from elbows to hands—Coc " Wood—arms made of wood—Dulc. '< Worms—worms crawling in all the fingers— Gossyp. '' Wrenched—right arm below elbow was wrench- ed—Ars. Met. 116 The Medical Advance. LOWER EXTREMITIES, Sensation as if Air—hot air going through knee joints—Lach. " Air—cool air blowing on lower extremities— Lil. T. " Air—legs floating in air—Sticta. '' Alive—something alive in legs causing twitch- ing—Berb. V. ' < All over—legs were all over side walk—walking —Kali. Br. 1' Ants—ants crawling on lower limbs—Ast. Rub. '' Ants—ants crawling on feet—Dulc. '' Ants—foot were on ant hill—Salic. Ac. " Balls—small balls coursing through arms and legs—Zinc. " Balls—hot balls dropped from each breast through to back and rolling down back, along each limb and drop off at heels, follow- ed by balls of ice—Lyc " Bandaged—legs were bandaged—Anac, Aur. Met. " Bandaged—knee was bandaged—Ars. " Bandaged—calves were too tightly bandaged —Nat. P. " Band—band about the knees—Nux V. " Band—joints encircled by band or ring—Lyc " Band—bones of upper and lower extremities surrounded by tight bands—Con. '' Band—band tied around different parts of arms and legs—China. '' Band—band around calf of leg or pantaloons too tight there—Card. M. " Beaten—flesh beaten loose from bones—Thuj. '' Beaten—had been beaten in all limbs—after ex- ertion—Agar. '' Beaten—feet had been beaten—Ant. T, (' Belong—limbs did not belong to her—Agar. " Blister—blisters on toe—Zinc. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 117 Sensation as if Bound—right gastrocnemius muscle swollen, flattened and broadened and something bound upon it—Luna. Brittle—right hip and thigh were brittle as well as short and small—Calc. C Broken—left thigh broken in the middle—111. An. Broken—bones across instep were broken— Lac Def. Broken—sacrum was broken—Ang. " Bubbling—something bubbling from knee to heel—Rheum. " Chopped—joints were being chopped with an ax—Phyt. " Circulation—circulation in legs suspended— Lactuc. " Claw—bird's claw were clasping knee—Can. Ind. " Contracted—sinews of sole were contracted— Berb. V. ' < Cord—cord tied around leg under knee—Alum. '' Cord—cord around leg midway between hip and knee—Am. Br. " Cord—cord tied around hips—Cench. Cont " Crawling—something crawling up legs under skin from feet to uterus—Tarent. '' Crawling—fly crawling in one or the other limbs —Euphr. '' Crawling—something crawling in soles of both feet—Caust. '' Crawling—crawling and warmth in sole of foot —Berb. V. " Dislocated—hip joint was dislocated—Ang. PULS. " Dislocated—metatarsal bones were dislocated —Bell. " Dislocated—ankle bones were dislocated—Bry Calc ph. " Dislocated—shoulder joint were dislocated— Agar. 118 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Dislocated—femur were dislocated on sitting down—Ip. '' Dislocated—right thigh bone was dislocated— Aspar. 1 Drag—she had to drag a heavy burden on step- ping out—Chel. " Drawing—tendon drawing from sole of right foot through bones of leg—Crot. Hor. '' Drawn—thighs were drawn together—Can. Sat. " Electricity—electric sparks from left hip to head—Dios. ' Electricity—galvanic current passed through extremities—Polyg. '• Electricity—electric current passed from head into limbs—Ail. '' Enlarged—legs were enlarged—Cedr. " Fall—loins in limbs about to fall asunder— Therid. < < Fire—fire coursing through body from left foot to head—Zinc 1' Flea—flea were biting above knee—Pal. " Flea—flea bite on inner side of right knee— Zinc. " Full—limbs were full and distended—Chin. 1' Given way—muscles and ligaments in hips had given way—Arg. M. " Gnawing—dogs gnawing flesh and bones of limbs, deep in—Nit. Ac '' Going—feet going up and feet remained still— Phos. Ac. '' Grasped—left limb severely grasped above knee —Chim. Um. " Grasped—someone grasped anterior part of right knee—Nux M. 1' Grown—nail had grown into flesh of right great toe—Mar. Var. " Heels—heels were crowding through the boots —Eup. Pur. << Ice—bones were of ice—Diad. " Icy—icy cold spots on the thigh—Berb. V. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 119 Sensation as if Iron—hot iron went into ulcer on right little toe—on raising foot—Cocc. Iron—femur fastened to osimominata by iron clamps—Coloc Iron—hip joint were fastened by iron clamps —Coloc Knife—bones of lower limbs scraped with a knife—Phos. Ac. Knife—knife pierced calf of leg and blood trickled down—Nat. C Knife—knife suddenly thrust from pudendum into right thigh—Croc. '' Large—toes were too large—APIS. " Large—left foot as large as whole body— Daph. Larger—knees were larger—Merc C Lead—feet were filled with lead—Nat. M. ' • Lead—lead were in limbs—Valer. Lead—several pounds of lead in each tibia— Lyss. Lead—limbs were of lead—Bry. Lead—lead were hanging on legs—Agar. Legs—he was crowded with arms and legs— Pyrog. Loaded—feet were loaded—Ind. Met. " Long—toe nails too long and broken—Lyss. " Long—left leg too long, on standing—Kreos. " Long—leg was too long and drawn downward * —Ast. Rub. " Longer—legs were longer than common— Stram. " Loose—flesh was loose on thighs and arms— Nat. M. " Loose—toe nails were loose—Apis 1' Loosened—hands and feet loosened in joints— Stram. " Loosened flesh was loosened from bones of hip joint—Zinc. " Marrow—loosing marrow of bones—Carb. V. " Mouse—mouse running in lower limbs—Sep. 120 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Mouse—mouse running through limbs or from solar plexus to stomach—Sil, '' Nails—tacks or nails pricking in heels—Puis. '' Nails—blunt nail shooting in at root of nail of great toe—Sul. Needle—needle thrust into forepart of right big toe—Ran. Sc '' Needles—needles stitching in sole of right foot —Nat. C Needles—thighs were pierced with needles— * Plb. Needles—soles of feet and palms of hands punctured with needles—Syph. '' Needles—needles pricking in feet—Kobalt. " Needles—pricked in feet with needles—seem pethy—Hyper. Needles—needles pricking on feet and legs— Cup. Sul. Pic Ac 1' Out—knee was out of joint—Arg. M. Arn. '' Pieces—hips and small of back falling to pieces —Trill. Pierced—lance pierced through inside left an- kle joint—Verbas. Piercing—cutting instruments piercing all joints —Vespa. Pinched—heels had been pinched with too narrow shoes—Chel. '< Pinched—big toe being pinched off—Meph. Pins—pins sticking in feet—at beginning of chill—Eup. Perf. " Pins—feet were full of pins—Doryph. " Pins—pins pricking in heels—Spong. Pins—walking on pins—Nit. Ac. " Pins—stepping on pins—Rhus. T. " Plug—dull plug pushing in ankle joints—Lac C Pulled—hip bones were pulled from their sock- ets—Agar. '' Pulled—hairs on first phalax of .big toe were pulled—Bapt. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 121 Sensation as if Pulled—nerve was pulled in left sole—Arn. '' Pulled—big toe was pulled out—Prun. '' Pulled—joints of toes were being pulled out of their sockets—Sil. ;' Pushing—"pushing out" on a spot large as the hand on inner side of right thigh—Pulex. Irrit. '' Ripped—right knee were being ripped with a knife—Bar. C " Sawed—someone sawed bones of extremity with dull saw- -Syph. " Scraping—something scraping over long bones —Ars. " Scratched—soles of feet scratched by toothed instrument—Zinc. " Separated—all parts of limbs separated from each other—Stram. " Severed—lower limbs severed from body and belonged to somebody else—Op. 1' Short—thigh were too short—Berb. V. '' Sockets—head of femur was forced out of sock- et:—Pal. (< Soft—soles of feet were too soft—when walk- ing—Carb. V. " Spikes—he trod on a number of spikes which penetrated soles and run upwards through limbs to hips—Con. Ind. " Squeezed—thigh was squeezed—Kali. Iod. '' Skin—hard skin drawn over tips of fingers of left hand—Staph. ' < Stagnated—blood was stagnated in left leg— Zinc. '' Steps—she could take ten steps as easy as one when walking—Pulex. Irrit. '' Sting—sting of wasp at knee and elbow—Arg. M. *' Stockings—she had on cold damp stockings— CALC. C, Igt. " Stockings—legs encircled in elastic stockings— Pic. Ac. 122 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Stockings—she had on damp stockings—Puis. " Stones—heavy stones were tied to knees— Verat. A. '' Stabbed—stabbed in the heel—Eup. Perf. " Splinter—splinter in heel—Petr. " Splinter—splinter of bone sticking in right fibula just above outer malleolus—Asaf. " Swollen—limbs were swollen—GrAic. '' Swoolen—knee were swoolen—Carb. V. " Tight—clothes were tight on limbs, after walking—China " Tight—skin of ankles were tense—Rhus. T. '' Tight—garters were too tight—CHINA. '' Tied—tied tightly below knees—Ant. C. '< Torn—metatarsal bones torn apart, when tread- ing—Carb. V. <« Torn—left hip would be torn from her—sudden pain—Caust. 1' Torn—periasteum torn off the tibia—Mez. " Turned—arms and feet were turned outward— Graph. " Twisted—three toes on left foot would be twisted off—Throm. '' Twisted—knees would be twisted off—Zinc. '« Twisted—knees would be twisted around—Zinc. 1' Ulcerated—heels were ulcerated—Am. C. '' Vise—parts about hips were screwed in a vise —Coloc. " Water—limbs plunged into boiling hot water —Culex. Mus. " Water—feet were in cold water up to knees— Meny. " Water—water trickling over joints, in open air—Nat. M. " Water—Cold water poured over one side from shoulder to thigh—Verbas. " Water—Feet stood in cold water up to ankles —Sep. " Water—Standing in cold water over ankles— Lyc Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 123 Sensation as if Water—Feet were in cold water—Gels. Water—Cold water running from clavicle to toes in narrow line—Caust. Weight—Heavy weight in each instep—Arn. Weight—Weight hanging to left tibia—Spong. Weight—AYeight hanging to lower extremities —Verbas. Weight—Heavy weight were hanging to feet— Rhod. Weight—Heavy weight on crest of ileum— Kreos. Wind—Cold wind made knees cold—Cimex. Wind—Cold wind blowing from heel to pap- • liteal space—Helon. Wood—Feet were made of wood—Plb. Wood—Legs were made of wood—Arg. N. Nux V. Phos. Rhus. T. Thuj. Wood—Soles were made of wood—Ars. Wood—Bones were made of heavy wood— Crot. Hor. Wrapped—Thighs were too tightly wrapped— Plat. SKIN Alive—Something alive beneath skin of abdo- men—Spong. " Ants—Covered with ants—Zinc. Ants—Ants crawling over the surface—Pic. Ac. Biting—Fleas biting her—Arg. M. Mar. Var. 1 < Bitten—Bitten by bugs—Syph. " Blood—Blood would start through the skin— Amyl. Nit. ' < Cord—Thin cord lay under the skin—Euphorb. Crawling—Millions of insects crawling on him —Mez. " Crawling—Insects rapidly crawling over skin —Dulc. 124 The Medical Advance Sensation as if Creeping—mice creeping underneath skin— SEC. C. " Fleas—fleas on skin—Nice. " Fleas—fleabites itching here and there over body—Merc Ice—piece of ice had touched the skin—Carb. Ac. '' Ice—skin touched from time to time by icicle —Caust. '' Fecal Matter—fecal matter passed out through skin, itching—Graph. " Needles—ice-cold needles pricked all over— Agar. " Needles—pricked with needies in different places— Chel. " Needles—needle-like stitches in skin of throat —China. " Needles—needle pricking in skin—Apis. '' Needles—needles sticking all over body—Dulc. , Culex. Mus. '' Needles—skin pricked with needles or fleabites — Thuj. " Needles—skin pierced with red-hot needles— Vespa. Pasted—skin was pasted on—Agar. '' Pin—pin pricking skin of abdomen—Kali. Ph. '' Pin—pins were sticking in stomach—Igt. '' Rolled—loose flesh in pit of stomach rolled up in coughing—Staph. '' Running—something running between skin and muscles—Am. Mur. Sparks—sparks of fire falling on different parts of body—SEC. C. Stiff—skin swollen and stiff—APIS. '' Stung—an insect flitted over skin and stung it —Chlorum, " Tightened—skin was tightened over whole body—Graph. '' Vermin—vermin running over body—Aloe. " Wind—wind blowing out the skin—Cup. Met. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc 125 GENERALITIES. Sensation as if Air—a cold air blowing on covered parts— CAMPH. 1' Air—a cool air blowing on uncovered parts— Mosch. 1' Air—walking on air—LAC. C. Air—suspended in air—Sep. Air—in a hot atmosphere—Puls. Air—legs floating in the air—Sticta. " Air—she was floating in the air—Sticta. Air—air just in front of her was hot—Sul. " Ants—ants running through whole body—ly- ing down—Cist. Ants—ants crawling over body after pollution —Phos. Ac. Ants—ants biting over whole body—Gamb. Bed—did not touch bed on lying down—LAC. C " Belong—limbs did not belong to her—Agar. Biting—fleas biting over whole body—Nat. C " Bitten—skin bitten by insects—Lycopus. 1' Boiling—blood was boiling—Chim. " Board—lying on a board—Bapt. Break—she would break if she lay too long in one position—Pyrog. " Burst—body would burst—Coff. [' Cord—cord for ligament about the part—Alum. " Covered—she covered the whole bed—Pyrog. 1' Creep— he would creep into himself—Cimex. '' Crowded—he was crowed with arms and legs— Pyrog. 1' Crushed—marrow of bones were being crushed —Coloc. " Damp—sheets were damp—Lac Def. " Die—he would die on going to sleep—Lach. " Electric—from pricking of electric shocks over body—Xanth. '' Electric—electric shock of whole body on doz- ing off to sleep—Arg. M. 126 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Empty—whole body was empty or hollow— Kali. C. i < Fall—all his limbs would fall from him—Merc (i Fire—fire was darting through muscles—Mez. " Flame—small flame burning here and there— transient—Viol. Od. < ( Glass—body was made of glass—Thuj. " Grown—inner parts grown together—Rhus. T. '' Halves—she was divided into halves and left side did not belong to her—Sil. " Handkerchief—ice cold wet handkerchief caused chill—Berb. V. '' Harpoon—harpoon sticking deep in and being drawn on—Vespa. 1' Hoop—hoop or band around part—ANAC. i' Ice—he had moustaches of ice—Lach. << Ice—pointed ice touched or pierced the body —AGAR. (< Joint—all bones were out of joint—Medorr. " Large—bed was not large enough to hold him —Sul. " Larger—body was growing larger and larger— Plat. " Larger—parts were growing larger or swollen —Kali. Br. " Legs—legs were all over the sidewalk—Kali. Br. " Light—body was light, when walking—Thuj. " Light—body was very light—Mez. " Mouse—mouse creeping about in muscles— Bell. " Mould—mould were forming from sweat—Sil. " Needles—thousand needles sticking all over body—Cann. S, (' Needles—needles pricking in the bones—Kali. Bi. " Needles—red hot needles pricking—Lith. C " Needles—thousand needles pricking skin from within out—Lob. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc 127 Sensation as if Noise—every noise penetrated whole body__ Therid. 1' Pepper—cayenne pepper sprinkled on parts— CAPS. Pins—pricking of pins on right side of body with headache—Lach. Quicksilver—living quicksilver were in differ- ent parts of the body—Agar. Railroad—she were in a R. R. car, moving and jarring her—Sang. 1' Reading—someone were reading after her and she must read faster and faster—Mag. Mur. 'l Scattered—scattered about the bed—BAPT. '' Scraped—perosteum scraped with a dull knife —China. " Scraped—bones were being scraped—RHUS. T. '' Small—room was too small—Cycl. " Smaller—everything was smaller—Plat, Something—something in muscles were drawn back and forth—Nux V. '' Something—something passing down right side of body and up the left—Chim. ' < Splinter—splinter was in various parts—ARG. N. " Splinter—splinter sticking in parts—Nit. Ac. " Stairs—stairs or ground coming up to meet him—Pic. Ac. '' Steps—she could take ten steps as easy as one —Pulex. irr. " Stiff—marrow of bones were stiff—Ang. " Stung—bee had stung her in various parts of body—Gels. " Stung—bee had stung her—Apis. " Stroked—being stroked with a hand all over body—Carb. V. '' Suction—bound down to bed by a sort of suc- tion—Sars. '< Sweets—body was made of sweets—MERC. 128 The Medical Advance. Sensation as if Tall—very tall—Stram. '' Taller—he had grown taller—Pallad. " Thicker—single parts became thicker and lar- ger—Cann. Ind. " Think—he cannot think outside of himself— Crot. T. " Tight—clothing too tight—Arg. M. " Torn—muscles were being torn from their at- tachments—Form. R. " Torn—all the bones in the body were being torn to pieces—Ip. '' Torn—torn and pulled into threads—Plat. " Torn—nerves were violently torn—Zinc. 1' Trembling—she were trembling, without tremb- ling—Sul. Ac, Zinc. 1' Vapor—burning vapor emitted from all parts of the body—Fl. Ac £ < Vibrating—all blood vessels 'in body were vi- brating—Phel. '' Water—drenched with water—Mez. '< Water—warm water between flesh and bones— Ox. Ac " Water—immersed in hot water—Phos. " Water—hot water running through tube of nerve—Tereb. '' Water—hot water poured over one—Sep. " Water—dashed with cold water—Mag. C, Sabad. 1' Water—she had just plunged into cold water —Lyss. 1' Water—cold water pouring over parts—Led. " Water—water poured over him—Ant. T, " Water—dashed with cold water over body— China., Rhus. T. '' Water—cold water poured over one—Bar. C, Cimex., MERC. '' Water—she had been drenched with hot water —Calc C, Puis. " Wires—whole body caged in wires—Cact. Gr. Repertory of Symptoms, Etc. 129 Sensation as if Wood—parts of whole body were made of wood—Kali. Nit. ERRATA. (An unusually large number of typographical errors have crept into this Repertory. Most of them, however, being of a minor nature, like the substitution of an "n" for "u," "r" for "s" and "a" for "o." In all these cases the printer could not determine from the copy the correct letter to use, and the proofreader was not sufficiently acquainted with the abbrevi- ated forms to notice the error.—Editor.) Page 104, 2d line should be Therid. 107, 23d ! ( " Carb. ac. 25th EE " Cup. ars. 108, 2d El " Mancin. 110, 2d El " Vine. M. 111. 17th Ei " Ran. B.—Ran. Sc. ' 28th ee " Staph. 112, 13th EE " Hyos. 25th IE " Glon. 33d f E " Mosch. 113, 28th Ei " Dios. 114. 17th E< " Glon. 27th IE " Sul. ac. 34th EE " Cup. ars. 118, 22d El " Therid. 31st IE " Canth. 180, 20th II " Lachn. 27th El " Thromb. 181, 2d EE '• Sanic. 27th EI " Pyrog. 185, 32d El " Caust. 36th EE " Sanic. 38th EE " Mosch. 40th El " Merc-j-fl. 183, 4th .'1 " Cup. Met. 8th EI " Arg. N. 14th II " Cocc. 20th II " Carb. V. 22d II " Carb. ac. 24th II " Cench. Cont. 27th II " Verat. Alb. 34th II " Cocc. 187, 8th EE " Calc. Sul. instead of Cole. Sul. 10th EE " Verat. Alb. 17th El " Cast. Equi. 188, 17th EE " Benz. Ac. 21st EC " Mag. C. 24th El " Mur. Ac. 26th El " Canth. 189, 5th El " Ars. Sul. fl. 32d EE " Dig. 192, 2d El " Brom. 12th 11 " Jam. Enj. 130 The Medical Advance. 193,11th EE II 16th 11 11 I7th 11 11 20th II [I 27th 11 II 33d 11 i! 194, 24th 11 .1 242, 22d 11 11 25th 11 II 246, 40th 11 II 247, 4th 11 ii 251, 5th II 11 21st II El 252, 7th II II 23d II II 254, 25th II 11 261, 6th II IE 262, 6th K Ei 16th El II 263,1st II II 264, 6th It II 265, 6th II II 267,13th II II last II 11 268,12th II 11 272,15th II 11 319, 26th 11 11 320, 6th 11 II 323,10th 11 II 324, 4th 11 II 327, 26th 11 II 332, 21st 11 (I 333, 26th El 11 374, 5th II 11 99, 20th 11 II 101, 34th II II 102, 23d II II 29th II 11 33d II II 35th II II 103, 17th 11 II 22d II II 108, 28th II 11 110, 14th II II COLOC C0M0CL. COMOCL. Op. Caust. Lactu. COMOCL. Led. Urt. Ur. Lob. inf. Dros. Ars. Met. Bor. Cench. Cont. Mag. C. Irid. Senecio. Cup. M. Lach. Verat. Alb. Pulex. irrit. Dolich. Sep. (instead of Lep.) Cist. Therid. Mancin. Mancin. Chin. ars. Valer. Coloc. Ictodes. Cench. Cont. Pulex. irrit. Mancin. CON. Cench. Cont. Cup. Sul. Ascl. tub. Mancin. Eup. perf. Cereus. bon. Ast. rub.—Chin. ars. Spong. Per. Sul. i 0-- 0> J 3 /"a-c-t. cA^—s^ ZlA*. fyfYva&~f 7<^cu m^w*( 7 n^^. Ki^^tf f3lrmk- -Ytyi^^U. Cy»J( ^ u^^