•4$ CHARACTERISTICS i| lll/liJU. mm W. J. HAWKES, M. D. >J .^If- •/ 'f /pf*. JZfu ■•S V - % .A'.C-.)^\ JMaesimund 3artninq yanos Library 19 O^ M- c* * X ———r—1741, Mb & NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland Gift of The National Center for Homeopathy X>' ^>^/0^^7)k y7$^t^ e^^Zir^ C^J77:^T7^. 7^y:, ^k *\fc$& ]¥'7^i%,>. % /*?$&<,' l «-Z:4'ii&£.**'«Vvfcrf (n*M. Desire to escape, with restlessness and nervous / excitement. ^ Delirium; sees frightful figures and visions before the eyes. Spasmodic pains; throbbing headache. Rush of blood to head and face. The acute symptoms of this drug have a striking- resemblance to those of hydrophobia. (35) BENZOIC ACID. Enuresis; urine dark, with strong urinous odor:-£<« enuresis nocturnce of children. ./,,. , Vesical catarrh after suppressed gonorrhoea. Gouty concretions. Prolapsus uteri, with fetid urine. BERBERIS VULGARIS. Pains in loins and hips ; very sensitive to touch in renal region; urine very red. Great pain in back, extending to iliac region. Urgency to urinate ; drawing, stitching pain in bladder. Fistula in ano, with itching of the parts; par- ticularly if complicated with cough and chest symp- toms. An excellent remedy in kidney and bladder troubles. BORAX. Aphthae; child lets go of nipple from pain in mouth. Can not bear downward motion, as in swinging in a rocking chair, or in running down stairs. Pain from the stomach to small of back before menses. Pleuritic pain in right pectoral region. Leucorrhoea white and albuminous, starchy, with sensation of warm water running down the leg. In cases of dentition and catarrhal affections of children. (37) BORAX—(continued). Frequent soft, light, yellow, slimy, stools. Very sensitive to slightest noise; not disturbed by louder ones. Child awakes from a sound sleep when being laid in bed from the nurse's arms—can not bear the down ward motion. BRYONIA ALBA. Delirium; always troubled in sleep, and delirious with the affairs of the day. Sharp stitching pain in chest; can not take a deep inspiration. Stitching, tearing pain, aggravatedby motion. Constipation; stools hard, as if burnt. Motion of jaws more or less constant, as if chew- ing something; lips dry and cracked. (Typhoid fever.) Intermittent fever; chill commences on lips, tips of fingers or toes; great thirst. Desire for things which can not be had, or which are refused when offered. Frequent bleeding of nose when menses should appear; vicarious menstruation. Pain or diarrhoea, aggravated by every hot spell of weather. Puerperal fever; swelling of the breasts. Lochia suppressed, with headache, especially in forehead, as if it would burst; worse on motion. In hydrocephalus, child throws left leg about. Patient feels as though he were sinking down in bed. (39) BRYONIA ALBA—(continued). Dry mouth and lips; drinks large quantities of water. Sitting up in bed causes nausea and faintness. Thirst for warm drinks, which relieves. In typhoid fever the patient resists being moved. Pneumonia; typhoid fever. Wry neck—can not move the head on account of pain and stiffness. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. Feeling as though an iron hand were around the heart, preventing its normal action. Hypertrophy, rheumatism, and palpitation of heart. Palpitation of heart day and night, especially when lying on left side. Heart feels as if clisped and unclasped repeatedly by a strong hand. CALCAREA CARB. Children with dry and flabby skin, large open/on- tanelles, much perspiration on head, which wets the pillow far around where child is sleeping. She is very weakly in general; walking produces great fatigue; vertigo on ascending a height or going up xtairs; is out of breath; has to sit down. (41) CALCAREA CARB.—(continued). Her feet feel as though she had on cold, damp stockings; continually cold in bed. Despairing, hopeless of ever getting well again; tormenting those about him day and night. Menses too often, too profuse and lasting too long; difficult to stop menstruating. The least excitement causes menses to return. Very sensitive to least cold air, which seems to go through and through her. All objects look as if seen through a mist, Bad dreams and horrid visions when closing the eyes. Leuco-phlegmatic condition of scrofulous women. Great longing for eggs, particularly in children in sickness or convalescence. Fear of going crazy, or that people will observe her and suppose her crazy. Can not bear tight clothing around the hypochon- dria; the head and upper part of body sweat pro- fusely. Children self-willed; inclined to grow fat. Scrofulous ulcers, chorea, epileptiform convul- sions, etc., of scrofulous origin. CALCAREA PHOS. Slow formation of bones, Delayed closure or reopening of fontanelles; child can not hold up its head. Children lose flesh; will not stand; do not learn to walk; slow dentition. Osteo-malachia. (43) CAMPHORA. In first stages of cholera and cholera-morbus. Great coldness of skin; yet child can not bear to be covered; weak, shrunken look of skin. Nose cold and pointed; sweating and vomit- ing; watery discharges; anxiety and restlessness. Sudden attacks of diarrhoea and vomiting; cold breath. Cerebrospinal meningitis; contraction of cere- bellum; coldness of whole body. Antidotes nearly all other homoeopathic medi- cines, and must not be allowed in the crude form in the sick room. CANNABIS INDICA. Sensation as though the top of the head opened and shut, or was lifted up. Laughing loudly at trifles; always thinking and studying. Delirium tremens ; mental weakness ; exaggera- tion of time; forgets what she is saying. CANNABIS SAT. In scrofulous eye troubles. Gonorrhoea, with pain from orifice of urethra backward, of a burning, biting character. Inflammatory stage of gonorrhoea. Priapism; chordee; discharge of thick yellow mucus from urethra. Sensation as of fluid dropping from heart. Painful erections. (45) CANTHARIS. Scalds and burns. Intense sexual desire ; nymphomania. Much burning in throat and stomach. Stools like scrapings of intestines; shreddy, red or white mixed with blood, with burning and biting pain when urinating. Constant desire to urinate, passing but a few drops at a time, which is mixed with blood. Tenesmus vesicae after urinating. CAPSICUM. Chill commences between shoulders, going over whole body every day between 5 and 6 p. m. ; chill predominates. Throat smarts and burns as if from cayenne pepper. CARBO VEG. Collapse; cold sweat; cold breath, cold tongue, voice lost; extreme pallor or greenish color of face. Colic from flatulence; abdomen full to bursting. Frequent involuntary, putrid, cadaverous-smell- ing stools, followed by burning in anus, and tremb- ling weakness. CAULOPHYLLUM. " Is said to shorten labor if given several weeks previous to confinement." Extraordinary rigidity of the os; severe spas- modic pains without progress; false pains. Hemorrhage after hasty labor ; uterus lacks tone, and contracts feebly. (47) CAULOPHYLLUM—(continued\ Long-continued, bloody lochia; patient greatly exhausted. Threatened abortion from lack of tonicity of uterus. Profuse menorrhagia, from relaxed uterus; moth- patches on forehead and lace. CAUSTICUM. Aphonia; sudden loss of voice ; paralysis of laryngeal muscles. Cough, with inability to get down low enough to raise the mucus; cold water relieves. Cough causes an involuntary discharge of uriue ; child wetting the bed in first sleep. Epilepsy, chorea and paralysis. Intense sleepiness and yawning, in intermitient fever, with tearing pain in face; dark-faced persons. Warts on nose, face and eyebrows; rheumatism of the face. Heaviness and paralysis of upper eyelids. CHAMOMILLA. Child is excessively fretful, must be carried up and down the room continually; is only then quiet. Peevish and irritable; can't bear pain; can hardly answer one civilly. Child is angry because it can't have what it wants, and, after getting it, petulantly throws it away. Over-sensitive to open air; aversion to wind, par- ticularly about the ears. Long lasting labor-pains; pains shooting upward. Dry, hacking cough; one cheek red, the other pale. D (49) I CHAMOMILL A—(continued). Violent rheumatic pains drive him out of bed and compel him to walk about. Green, watery, corroding stools, smelling like rotten eggs, and containing white particles. Over-sensitiveness after coffee or opium. The best remedy for cross, teething children. CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. Constant pain under lower and inner angle of right shoulder blade. Very apt to have hepatic diseases, with jaundice, and pain in right shoulder. Stools like sheep droppings. Gastric or bilious diarrhoea; stools slimy, grayish, yellow, or watery. Whooping cough; loose, rattling cough, long lasting. Stools soft and very yellow. CHINA. Ailments from loss of vital fluids. Sensitiveness of scalp, worse on alternate days. Painless, undigested stools, with much distention of abdomen. Weakly persons who have lost much blood; ring- ing in the ears and fainting spells. Eructations do not relieve the distressing flatu- lence. Intermittent fever; chill every second day, antic- ipating about three hours each succeeding chill. (&D I CICUTA VIROSA. The letters seem to move when she reads. Puerperal convulsions, with queer contortions of the upper part of the body, and frequent interrup tions of breathing for a few moments. Tearing and jerking in the coccyx during menses. During dentition grinding of the teeth or gums, with compression of the jaws as in lockjaw. Convulsions, with relaxed limbs; or limbs stiff- ened and extended. Eczema capitis, with whitish scurf on chin and upper lip, which are moist. Cerebrospinal meningitis, with complaining, dys- phagia, irregular respiration, violent convulsions followed by cessation of breathing for what seems a long time. Convulsions, chorea, etc., when the patient is suddenly thrown into all sorts of strange shapes. CINA. Very cross and irritable (children); screaming out in sleep; turbid urine. Variable appetite; desire for sweets. Constantly digging and boring at the nose; worms; paleness about the mouth; blue semicircles under the eyes. Santonine cures when this remedy seems indicated and fails. (53) COCCULUS INDICUS. Nausea from riding in a carriage or boat; sea- sickness, often brought on by looking at a boat in motion. Vertigo, increased by sitting up in bed or by motion of a carriage. Cutting and rubbing in the abdomen as of sharp stones; dysmenorrhcea. Weakness of lower limbs during pregnancy and menstruation. Nausea and vomiting, with depression of spirits. Nausea of pregnancy made worse by riding. COPFEA CRUDA. Wide awake condition; mental faculties and senses unusually active, wakefulness at night, will see and hear more readily. Nervous affections at climacteric period. Headache as if a nail were driven into brain, or as if the brain were torn or dashed to pieces. Ecstacy, full of ideas, quick to act; no sleep on this account. Headache from unusual activity of mental faculties. COLOCYNTH. In sciatica, drawing, tearing, rheumatic pain in legs; the nerves around hip joint and acetabulum suffer most severely. Violent colic, causing the patient to bend double, with restlessness, moaning and lamenting. Dysentery ; stools watery, bloody and slimy ; great pain in bowels, causing patient to bend double. (55) I COLOCYNTH—(continued). Arnenorrlura; intense pain in ovaries, causing patient to bend double. Colic so distressing that patient seeks relief by pressing the corner of table or head of bed post against the abdomen. CONIUM MACULATUM. Vertigo, particularly when lying down or when turn- ing over in bed. Weakness of memory, especially in old men ; atrophy of glandular system from lack of use. Cough, with sensation of dry spot in larynx ; cough coming in violent paroxysms, especially at night. Pain in, breasts during menstrual period. Much difficulty in voiding vrine; it flows, then stops, then flows again. Induration of breasts and testicles. Aversion to light, without inflammation of eyes; on opening the lids hot tears spurt out. Induration of mammae and testicles in persons of cancerous tendency. CREASOTUM. In uterine hemorrhage the blood is profuse and dark; then for a few days a bloody ichor with pun- gent odor and very corrosive; then changes back to the black blood, and so on. (57) / C RE ASOTUM—(continued). In lochial disorders the discharge is very offen- sive and excoriating; it almost ceases to flow, then freshens up, then "again almost disappears, and again returns. Intermission of the flow in all affections of the female generative organs; acrid, offensive, biting nature of the discharges. CROCUS SATIVA. Sensation as if something the size of a fist were rolling around in the abdomen, as where the loetus is very active. Dysmenorrhceic blood very black and stringy; dysmenorrhcea. CROTON TIGLIUM. Sore nipples; when the child draws on the nipple a pain which is excruciating runs through to the corres- ponding scapula. All troubles of the mammae, when this pain runs through to scapula when the child nurses. Prurigo, with intense itching, relieved by gentle scratching. Colic, with sudden and expulsive diarrhoea, im- mediately after nursing. Sudden, forcible stool, followed by great pros- tration. (59) CUPRUM METALLICUM. Whooping cough ; long lasting, suffocating, spasmodic cough; cannot speak; breathless; blue face; rigid; stiff; spasmodic twitches; unconscious; vomiting after regaining consciousness. Clonic spasms, beginning at one point and spreading; epileptic convulsions, preceded by draw- ing in of left arm; limbs abducted ; convulsions coming on during sleep. Terrible cramps in abdomen aud legs. When drinking, sounds as if water were running out of bottle; cold water relieves cough and vom- iting. Long lasting and cramping after-pains, especially in women who have had several children. Amenorrhcea; dysmenorrhoea; violent cramps in chest and abdomen, causing nausea and vomiting; piercing shrieks; great distress. Cholera morbus, with cramps in abdomen and calves of legs. DIGITALIS. All heart troubles accompanied by an irregular or intermittent pulse; pulse small and slow. Function of kidneys suspended; red sand in the urine; burning and great pain in urinating. Weak, irregular pulse when lying down or at rest. Rheumatism; congestion of lungs; great weak- ness of chest; can not bear to talk. Hollow cough, causing violent beating of carotid arteries. (61) DROSERA. Whooping cough, worse after midnight; feeling as of constriction in larynx, chest and hypochon- driac region; cough worse from drinking; vomiting first of food, then of mucus. Clergyman's sore throat where constrictions exist; constriction and crawling sensation in larynx; cough aggravated by warmth and lying down. Cough comes in violent paroxysms at intervals of about four hours. DULCAMARA. Congestion of mucous membrane, resembling a bad cold; troubles from taking cold in low, damp places; violent coryza, better from rest, worse from motion, and renewed by slightest exposure. Diarrhoea from taking cold in damp places or damp weather. Nettle rash, with much itching; after scratching it burns; increases in warmth, disappears in cold; with gastric fever. All the symptoms aggravated by a cool change of the weather. Can not find the right word for a thing. EUPATORIUM PERF. In intermittent fever the chill comes about 7 to 9 a. m. one day, and at noon next day. With the chill bone-pains, backache, gaping, stretching, throbbing headache ; bitter vomiting at the close of ihe chill; drinking hastens chill and causes vomiting. During heat increase ol headache; moaning; " a swallow of water makes him shiver." Duringapyrexia jaundiced skin, great weakness; slight chill and profuse sweat, or shaking chill and little or no sweat. Break-bone pains. (63) EUPATORIUM PURP. Chill at different times of day, every other day; before the chill, bone-pains in the arms and legs. No thirst, or thirst for acid drinks; chill begins in lumbar region, and extends over the body; nausea as the chill leaves. During the hot stage, which is long lasting, much thirst, bone-pains, and hunger as the heat is passing off. Chilly when changing position ever so little during the sweat; during the apyrexia vertigo, with a tendency to fall to the left. FERRUM. Menses too soon and too profuse; ringing in the ears; fiery red face; menses intermit, and are very pale. Diarrhoea worse mornings; bad sleep before mid- night. Ashy pale or greenish face; with pains or other symptoms the face becomes bright red. [Have cured intermittent fever where these face symptoms were prominent.] GELSEMIUM. Fever without thirst; wants to lie still, with in- flamed tonsil on right side. " Goose flesh" over whole body. Cerebrospinal meningitis; head drawn back and to one side. Muscular paralysis and spasms, with sensation as of a wave from uterus to throat. Right-sided headache; pain over right orbit, with flushed face and injected sclera. Diarrhoea, aggravated and caused by excitement; every little excitement causes diarrhoea. B (65) / GLONOINE Headache worse on stooping; complaints from sunstroke. Terrible crushing, sinking headache. Slow and irregular pulse, when heart palpitates rapidly, with a purring noise in region of heart. GRAPHITES. Eruptions; oozing out of a thick, honey-like fluid, especially behind the ears. Burning, circumscribed round spot on top of the head. Unhealthy looking skin; every injury suppurates and throws out a honey-like fluid. Mastitis in all cases where there are many old cicatrices from former ulcerations; milk can scarce- ly flow. Phlegmonous erysipelas of head and face, with burning, tingling pain. Constipation; stools large, difficult and knotty. Unwholesome abscesses; with constipation, es- pecially in young females made up of too much unhealthy adipose tissue. Tinea and eczema-capitis in children, when there exudes the peculiar honey-like fluid. HELLEBORE. Greedy drinking of water. Soporous sleep; great stupidity. Motion of jaws as if chewing something. Scanty red urine, with sediment like coffee grounds. Wrinkled forehead, with cold sweat. Involuntary whirling around of arm or leg. Head rolling from side to side on pillow, with screams; typhoid meningitis. Tubercular meningitis. (67) HEPAR SULPHUR. Fetid diarrhoea, the child smelling sour ; sour ex- halation from body. Stomach inclined to be out of order ; longing for sour or strong tasting things. ^i*Sd^\i if"*^- <2^'*-» Extreme sensitiveness of skin to cold^air, me least exposure bringing on cough. Croupy, choking, strangling cough, brought on by exposure to dry west winds. (Aeon.) Ulcers have a bloody suppuration, smelling like old cheese. Sensation as of a fish bone in the throat. Can not bear to be uncovered ; coughs when any part of the body is uncovered. Sweats day and night without relief. Unhealthy skin. Croup, with choking, strangling cough. HYPERICUM. Indysmenorrhoea the menses delay, with a sensa- tion in region of uterus as of a tight bandage. Leucorrhoea, with delayed menses; palpitation of the heart; pressure in the small of the back, and heaviness in the lower part of the abdomen; leucor- rhoea in children, milky and corroding. In threatened lockjaw from wounds in soles of feet, palms of hands or fingers; convulsions after every slight injury or concussion. Bad results from injury to tissues freely supplied with sentient nerves, as laceration of ends of fingers HYOSCYAMUS. Jerking of muscles; staring eyes; foolish laughter Picking at the bed clothes. Immodesty; will not be covered, kicks the clothes off. Absurd, boisterous laughing and talking. Hacking cough at night. (69) IGNATIA AMARA. Silent grief; suppressed griei. Spasmodic laughter and grief. Patient is full of grief. Frequent involuntary sighing, with sensation of goneness or emptiness in pit of stomach. Every time he stands still during a walk, he coughs. Headache increased when smoking tobacco or taking snuff, or from being where another is smok- ing. During the chill, thirsty; external warmth pleas- ant; during the fever heat no thirst; external warmth very unpleasant. Spasmodic affections of children consequent on being put to bed soon after punishment. Headache as if a nail were driven out through the side; relieved by lying on it. Amiable disposition if feeling well; every little emotion disturbs the patient. Full of suppressed grief; seems to be weighed down by it; broods over imaginary troubles. Ailments from grief, or suppressed mental suffer- ings. Bad effects from disappointed love, and from the use of tobacco. IODIUM. In debility and exhaustion as after labor; so pros- trated that even talking causes perspiration. In marasmus the child has a brownish face, and copious papescent stools; and seems better after eating. Leucorrhoea so corrosive that the skin and linen are affected. Cancer of the uterus, with uterine hemorrhage at every stool, with cutting in the abdomen, and pains in the loins and small of the back. (71) IODIUM—(CONTIN UED ). Great weakness during the menses, especially on going upstairs; long-lasting uterine hemorrhages; dwindling away of the mammae, especially in scrof- ulous persons. In cancerous tendency or affections one of the best remedies. Goitre. Pulsation in all the arteries; the sensibility of the nervous system is greatly increased. In croup there is pain in the chest and larynx, with wheezing and sawing respiration; child grasps the larynx; child pale; coldness of the face in very fleshy children; the voice is deep, hoarse and rough. IPECACUANHA. Stools grassy green, with nausea and griping; pinching pain about the umbilicus. Great nausea with all troubles. Metrorrhagia; blood bright red and continually flowing; great nausea. Phlegm rattling in chest, sometimes vomited up in young children. Distressing feeling in the abdomen, as though the stomach were hanging down relaxed. Stools as if fermented, as green as grass, with nausea and colic. Stooping causes patient to vomit. During haemorrhage from the womb patient breathes heavily. Backache; short chill; long fever; mostly heat with thirst, headache, nausea, cough and sweat last With every movement a cutting pain, almost con stantly running from left to right. Vomiting, thirst, sweating, and bad breath. NAUSEA. (73) JALAPA. Painful and liquid stools of children. Child " good " all day; screaming, restless and very troublesome at night. KALI BICHROMICUM. Diphtheria; tough, stringy, ropy mucus; patches dotted here and there on tonsils; pain shooting up into the ear. Headache in frontal sinuses; biting pain on bridge of nose; better from pressure. Bladder-like appearance of the uvula, with much swelling, but very little redness. Leucorrhoea, stringy, ropy. All secretions from mucous membranes are ropy and tough; whooping cough, with tough expecto- ration. KALI CARBONICUM. Stitching pain in all diseases, especially in lower border of right lung. Cough aggravated at 4 a.m.; awakes with stitch- ing pain and cough. When walking, feeling as though she must lie down and die; in nausea of pregnancy. Wakes about 4 a. m. with cough and stitches in chest, and stitching pains in chest. KALMIA LATIFOLIA. Pulse slow and weak, scarcely perceptible; cold- ness and weakness of lower limbs. The more rheumatism there is about the heart, the more is this remedy indicated. Mitral insufficiency, especially after rheumatic arthritis. Rheumatism has been suppressed. Has a most wonderful action in valvular deficien- cy, following rheumatism. (75) LACHESIS. Haemorrhoids; especially in drunkards, and in women at the climacteric, with pain darting up into the rectum every time they sneeze or cough. Always worse after sleep; great mania and loquac- ty; suspicious even of friends. Typhoid fever; whites of eyes orange colored; trembling of the tongue, which catches on the teeth when protruded. Extreme intolerance of pressure about the abdo- men ; clothes are too tight. Diphtheria, beginning on the left side and extend- ing to the right; dark, purplish appearance, with stringy mucous discharge; intolerance of the least pressure about the throat. For all troubles at climacteric period this remedy has no equal. Suddenly something runs from the neck to the larnyx, and interrupts;breathing completely; it wakens patient at night. (Spasm of the glottis.) Uterus does not bear contact and has to be re- lieved of all pressure, frequent lifting of the clothes, as they cause uneasiness in abdomen; no tender- ness. Chills at night and flashes of heat by day. Much pain of an aching kind in shin bones. A tormenting, constant urging in the rectum, not for a stool. Catamenia at the regular time, but too short and feeble. Pains in uterine region; increase at times more and more till relieved by a flow of blood from the vagina; after a few hours or days the same again, and so on. Ulcers, carbuncles, boils, etc., when they present a dark, purplish appearance. _^ (77) LEPTANDRA. Griping, but not straining, after stool. Stools look like tar, mushy, with a weak feeling in stomach and great distress in liver. Liver troubles, with tarry stools. LILIUM TIG. Flabby, weak, atonic condition of uterus and ovaries; dragging-down feeling, better from pres- sure below; pain going from one groin through to the other, then down the leg. The heart feels as though it were pressed between two flat, hard substances; the pain ceases, begins again, and again ceases. A full, distended feeling of all parts of the body. Headache running up back of head; says she, will go crazy. LYCOPODIUM. All symptoms worse from 4 to 8 p. m.; pain in back relieved by urinating; red sand in the urine. Sudden repletion in dyspepsia. Much rumbling of wind in left hypochondriac region. Dyspepsia. Chill from 4 to 8 p. m. Pale, dirty, unhealthy complexion; child cries before urinating. Diaper stained reddish yellow, sometimes red sand on diaper. Sense of satiety after eating very little. Fan-like motion of alae nasi. MAGNESIA CARB. Green, watery diarrhaea, occurring regularly every three weeks ; the stools seem like the green scum on a frog pond; sometimes white masses like tallow are found floating in the green stools; sharp pain in abdomen before stool. (79) MAGNESIA CARB—(continued). Much sour taste and sour vomiting during preg- nancy; all the symptoms aggravated every third week; roughness or stinging in throat, with desire to vomit. Every effort to menstruate is attended with sore throat, which subsides only on the appearance of the menses. MAGNESIA MUR. In gastric derangement of pregnancy there is a continual rising of white froth in the mouth; eruc- tations tasting like onions. Constipation of large difficult stools which crum- ble as they are voided. Great excitement at every menstrual period, and a pressing down in the iliac region ; hysterical; with constipation—large, crumbling, difficult stools. MERCURIUS. All complaints worse at night, with much sweat, which does not relieve. Mumps, diphtheritis, tonsil- itis, etc., with great salivation; dirty, flat, unhealthy looking ulcers on tonsils, pharynx, etc.; tongue red, with dark spots, or a dirty white color. Syphilitic rheumatism, worse nights, with much sweat about thighs, which does not relieve; gonor- rhoea, greenish discharge; haematuria; chordee; phy- mosis; deep, unhealthy, ragged-edged sores. Terrible racking cough, worse nights; salivation, with bad breath. Dysenteric stools; " the more blood in stools the more you should think of Merc"; tenesmus, worse nights ; sweating does not relieve. Clammy cold night sweats drive him out of bed. Morning sickness, with salivation so profuse that it wets the pillow in sleep. Complaints increase during sweating. F (81) MERCURIUS—(CONTINUED). During every menstrual period anxiety, red tongue with dark spots, and burning, salty taste in the mouth ; sickly color of the gums; teeth set on edge. Leucorrhoea, always worse at night; itching, burn- ing, smarting, corroding, with rawness. NATRUM MCJRIATICUM. Irregular intermission of the beating of the heart and pulse, especially when lying on left side. Every morning pressing aud pushing toward the genitals has to sit down to prevent prolapsus. When the throat and neck of children emaciate rapidly, particularly during summer complaint. Headache as if bursting; beating, or stitches through to the neck and chest; with heat in head, red face, nausea and vomiting before, during and after catamenia, or during the fever stage, decreas- ing gradually after the sweat. Hangnails; the skin around the nails dry and cracked. After all kinds of cauterizations with nitrate of silver. After bodily exertion an itching nettle-rash ap- pears. Frequent dreams of robbers in the house, and on awaking will not believe the contrary till search is made. Losing flesh while living well. Blisters like pearls upon the lips in intermittent fever. Constipation, with sensation of contraction of the anus; difficult expulsion of stool; fissuring,the anus; with flow of blood leaving a sensation of much soreness in the anus. Great aversion to bread, of which she was once very fond. Intermittent fever; chill at about 10 a. m., on a ternate days. Old, chronic, badly treated cases of ague. Desire for salt. (83) NITRIC ACID. Sensation as of a splinter in the throat after abuse of mercury. Very strong smelling urine, like horse urine. Hemorrhage from the bowels in typhoid and other diseases. Secondary and tertiary syphilis after abuse of mercury. . Hemorrhage after abortion or confinement, with violent pressure, as if everything was coming out at vulva; with pain in small of the back, through the hips, and down the thighs. NUX MOSCHATA. Sudden hoarseness from walking against the wind. While eating, soon satisfied; headache from eat- ing a little too much. Greatly troubled with dryness in the mouth and throat while Sleeping; always awakes with a very dry tongue, but without thirst. Cough when becoming warm in bed. Menorrhagia; blood thick and dark; with such as have had catamenia very irregularly. During the menses great pressure in the back from within outward, abdominal bearing down, and drawing into the limbs. NUX VOMICA. With very particular, zealous, careful persons in- clined to get excited and angry, or of a spiteful, malicious disposition. Can not keep from falling asleep in the evening while sitting, hours before bedtime. Nose running during the day; at night stopped UPAwakes at 3 a. h, lies awake for hours with a rush of thoughts ; falls asleep in the later morning with troublesome dreams, and gets up more tired than in the evening. (85) NUX VOMICA—(CONTINUED). Frequent and ineffectual desire to defecate, or passing small quantities of faeces at each attempt, with a feeling as if not done. Hypochondriasis, with studious men, sitting too much at home, with abdominal complaints and costiveness. Dyspepsia. Head feels distended; headache of drunkards; food lies like a stone on stomach; much sour belching. Bad effects from sedentary habits, coffee, rich food, late hours, etc. OPIUM. Colic from lead (in paints, pipes or otherwise). Delirious talking, eyes wide open, face red, puffed "P- . , . After a fright with fear continuing; convulsions, or the head hot, and twitching around the mouth. Nervous and irritable; passes nothing from the bowels but hard black balls. Unrefreshing soporous sleep, with eyes half open; snoring during inspiration and expiration. Fancies he sees bugs, spiders, bats, etc. Sleepiness, with acuteness of hearing; clocks striking and cocks crowing at a great distance keep patient awake. Stertorous breathing, with purplish face and con- tracted pupils. PHOSPHORUS. Constipation, the faeces being slender, long, nar- row, dry, tough and hard like a dog's, and voided with difficulty. Slight wounds bleedmuch; haemorrhagic diathesis. As soon as the water becomes warm in the stomach, it is thrown up. (67) PHOSPHORUS—(CONTINUED). Dry tickling cough in the evening, with tightness across the chest; expectoration in the morning. Frequent diarrhoea during cholera time ; gushes forth as from a hydrant ; has no control over sphincter ani. Tall, slender (slim) women. Pain in the chest with coughing, relieved by external pressure. Cough worse coming from a warm room into the cold air. v Trembling of the whole body while coughing. Can not talk on account of pain in larynx. Threatened softening of brain. Phthisis. Pneumonia. Brain fag. PSORINUM. Psoric constitution; lack of reaction after disease; scrofulous skin eruptions, with tendency to suppu- rate. Stools very offensive, like rotten eggs or carrion; similar to Lachesis. Complete despair of recovery; gives up all hope; thinks he will die. Good to begin treatment of asthma, hay fever, etc. PULSATILLA. Mild, gentle and yielding disposition; cries at every- thing; is sad and desponding; weeps about every thing; can hardly give her symptoms on account of weeping. Menstrual colic, with great restlessness; tossing in every possible direction. Catamenia too late and scanty, or suppressed, particularly by getting feet wet. Thirstlessness with all complaints; rarely violent thirst. (89) ( PULSATILLA—(continued). Stomach disordered from cakes, pastry, rich food, particularly fat pork. Coryza, fluid or dry, with loss of smell and taste; sore nostrils, later a yellowish-green discharge. Wandering pains shift rapidly from one part to another; also with swelling and redness of joints. Wetting the bed; particularly in little girls. Relieved in the open air, worse on retiring to a close and warm room; feels sick on entering a warm room. Bad taste in the mouth, especially early in the morning, or nothing tastes good, or no taste at all. Diarrhoea, with varying stools; no two stools alike. Fat food disagrees, and is so obnoxious the men- tion of it disgusts. All evil results from menses becoming irregular from getting feet wet. RHUS TOX. Lameness and stiffness and pain on first moving after rest, or on getting up in the morning ; relieved by continued motion. Complaints after getting wet in a rain while over- heated. Mumps on left side. A dry, teasing cough, coming on first before the chill, and continuing during the chill, in intermit- tent fever. Pains as if sprained; ailments from spraining or straining, lifting, particularly from stretching arms high up to reach things. Putting the hand from under the bed covers brings on the cough. Restless at night; has to change position fre- quently. Pain running down the limbs in streaks with every evacuation. (91) RHUS TOX—(CONTINUED). Soreness as if beaten in the hypochondric region, and still more of the abdomen; worse on the side on which he lies; worse when turning, and when be- ginning to move. Aching in left arm, with disease of the heart. Rheumatic paralysis. Muscular rheumatism of left side; sciatica, left side. RUTA GRAVEOLENS. Wrists feel as if sprained, stiff; worse in wet, cold weather. Eyes ache and feel strained from fine sewing or reading, particularly by gaslight. Bruises and other mechanical injuries to bones and periosteum. SAMBUCUS. Attacks of suffocative cough in children, coming on about midnight, with crying or dyspnoea; hands and face turn blue. Dry beat during sleep, profuse perspiration on awaking. Nose perfectly dry and stopped up, child has diffi- culty in breathing; sniffles. SEPIA. Yellow saddle across the nose; also yellow spots on the face. Pain in the uterus and bearing down; crosses the limbs to prevent protrusion. Unpleasant feeling of lump in rectum; constipa- tion of pregnancy. Aversion to occupation ; indifference to her family; irritable and easily offended; memory weak; uterine troubles. Putrid urine, which deposits a pinkish sediment which adheres tenaciously to vessel. (93) SILICEA. Ailments following vaccination, abscesses, etc., even convulsions. Always great costiveness immediately before and during catamenia. Increased menses, with repeated paroxyoms of icy coldness over the whole body. Want of vital warmth even when taking exercise. Yielding mind, faint-hearted, anxious mood. The head is wet from sweating, paiticularly at night; likes wrapping up. Foot-sweat, with rawness between the toes; also complaints after checking it. Difficult expulsion of soft stools, they seem to slip back. Scrofulous subjects, with great coldness of body and sweaty feet. STAPHYSAGRIA. Styes, nodosites, chalazae on the eyelids, one after the other, sometimes ulcerating. Sensation as of a round ball in the forehead, firmly fixed there, even when shaking the head. Sleepy all day long, awake all night; body aches all over. Cough only in the daytime, or only after dinner particularly after eating meat. When the mind has been dwelling too much on sexual subjects. Teeth turn black, or show dark streaks running over them; gums ache. After every morsel of food or mouthful of drink bellyache and tenesmus; during dysentery in sum mer. (95) \ SULPHUR. Heat in the soles of the feet, or cold feet, with burning soles; wishes to find a cool place for them, or puts them out of bed. Child dislikes to be washed. Heat on top of head; flushes in face; feet cold. Hot flushes with spells of f aintness, or passing off with a little moisture and faintness or debility. Irresistible drowsiness in the daytime, and wake- fulness the whole night. She feels suffocated; she wants doors and windows open. Burning in the vagina; patient is scarcely able to keep still. Very red lips, particularly with children. Both the flow of urine and the discharge of faeces are painful to the parts over which they pass. Diarrhoea some hours after midnight, or driving out of bed early in the morning. Weakness in the chest during the evening while lying down. Comedones; black pores of the skin, particularly in the face. Sick headache periodically; once a week, or two weeks; heat on vertex. Voluptuous itching; scratching relieves; burning afterward. Does not walk erect; stoops or bends forward in walking and sitting. Gone, empty feeling in stomach about 11 a. m. Haemorrhoids, with itching. One of our best remedies in scrofulous persons. (97) VERATRUM ALB. Neck too weak to hold up the head ; particularly children with whooping cough. While in bed, face is red; after getting up it be- comes pale. Despairs of her salvation ; with suppressed cata- menia. Chilliness on top of head as if ice was lying there. Dysmenorrhcea with vomiting and purging, or exhausting diarrhoea with cold sweat. During wet weather pains in the limbs, getting worse in warmth of bed, better in walking up and down. Cold sweat on forehead. [Have seen apparently hopeless case of croup cured when the cold sweat on the forehead was the guiding symptom. H.] Cholera-morbus, vomiting and purging at the same time. VERATRUM VIRIDE. Dangerously high temperature. Reduces tempe- rature from 104° to 102° in a few hours. Child trembles, jerks, and seems as if going into convulsions. Convulsions after scarlatina, with dilatation of pupils, and sleeplessness. Continual jerking or nodding of the head. Cerebral congestion, with a tendency to convul- sions in children. Great activity of arterial system. Puerperal mania following convulsions. To be thought of in all conditions where there is rapid pulse, very high temperature, or a tendency to erratic, convulsive movements. (99) / ^9 ay": ?&*■; [&*■} tffi®& t& &&■■»