LIBRARY OF THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR HOMOEOPATHY TELEGRAPH JOB PRINT, DUBUQUE, IOWA. LIBRARY OF THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR HOMOEOPATHY A CHARACTERISTIC MATERIA MEDICA PRESENTED IN REVERSE ORDER, BY NICHOLAS BRAY, M. D. COPYRIGHTED BY NICHOLAS BRAY. 1894. TO MY WIFE, LIDDIE GERTRUDE BRAY, whose good counsel encouraged me to give unsparingly the extensive and painstaking research demanded in compiling a work of this nature, this valume is respectfully dedi- cated by the AUTHOR. A TRIBUTE. A tribute of gratitude is due my pre- ceptor, T. G. Roberts, M. D., in token of his high attainments and untiring energy in teaching me and directing my medical edu- cation. I am no less indebted to Prof. A. C. Cowperthwaite, M. D., Ph. D., L. L. D., for his patience and kindness, so necessary, in assisting and encouraging the student in his arduous labors. His elucidative powers as a teacher and distinguished scholarly attainments need no comment. Respectfully submitted. Nicholas Bray. PREFACE. The present volume of materia medica is intended simply to comprise the material of standard authorities in such arrangement that the student or practitioner will find col- lected under each symptom z\\ the drugs which belong to it, thus enabling the pre- scriber to differentiate drugs with certainty. The materia medica is the only work from which a prescription should be made; from this necessity was conceived the arrange- ment of the present volume. It is simply impossible for the prescriber to hold the materia medica in his memory. By the assistance of this volume, he can at least control his case, and with care and a little effort, can arrive at the smg/e and in- dicated remedy. The present undertaking was indeed an herculean task which will be understood only by the serious students and writers of materia medica. The symptoms used are the grand char- acteristic and characteristic to the drugs which correspond with them. The former are in italics. The following prescription, taken from the manuscript, in practice, vvill serve to illustrate the mode of using the work. Mrs. L., aged 53 years, chronic bronchial and laryngial catarrh, also asthmatic. In this case we consult the chapter on the res- piratory organs and carefully interrogate the patient on every symptom in the chap- ter, and each time a symptom is admitted by the patient, each drug corresponding with the symptom receives an underline, or vote. When we have finished we count the votes which are as follows: Aeon. Bry. Puis. Cim. Merc. Phos. Bell. Borax. sn. Nux,v. Rumex. Ars. Ant.t. Kali,c. Lye. Ver,a. Kalm. Ap< Asaf. Crot,t. Cac. Fer. Ipec. Lobel. Lil.t. Stram. Con. Cepa. _______ Sep. Hyos. Dig. Sang. Sec.c. Rhus,t. Op. Brom. Aur,m. Cistus. Ign. Kali.iod. Arum.t. Arg.m. Graph. Plum. Selen. Arg,n. Lach. Kali,b. Hep. Bap. Nat.c. Nux,rr_. Cal,c. Alum. Dros. Spong. Carbo,v. The above shows the number of drugs to be thought of in the case, the number cf votes given to each one, the indicated one, and the percentage of importance of every drug in the case; should there be a tie in a prescription reference should be made to the chapters on "Leading Expressions," "Generalities," "Aggravations," or "Ame- liorations." It requires but a very short time to make a prescription in this way and the prescriber is satisfied, moreover, should the case be difficult to diagnose, the pathogenesis of the selected drug will materially assist in de- termining the pathology of the case. In the present work repetition of symp- toms are avoided as many times, less one, as there are drugs corresponding to the symptom, often saving a page or more in one symptom. In compiling this volume the following authorities were used: Herring, Cowper- thwaite, Farrington, Lippe, Burt, Guernsey, Hughes, Dunham, Arndt, and Transactions of the American Institute of Homoeopathy since 1889. N. BRAY, Dubuque, Iowa. June 15, 1896. INDEX. Mind.............10 Head............ 62 Mouth............118 Nose............150 Face.............180 Larynx and Throat........208 Stomach...........218 Abdomen and Hypochondria .... 236 Stool, Rectum and Anus.....274 Eyes.............312 Urinary Organs........342 Male Organs..........358 Female Organs.........38o Respiratory Organs.......420 Heart and Pulse........458 Neck and Back.........472 Ears.............496 Upper Limbs..........506 Lower Limbs.........536 Generalities..........566 Skin.............602 Sleep and Dreams........618 Chill, Fever and Sweat......630 Aggravations..........660 Ameliorations.........674 Leading Expressions.......680 MIND. i. Great timidity. 2. Great timidity, especially after a fright. 3. Afraid in the dark, fear of ghosts. 4. Delirium, especially at night. 5. Fear of approaching death. 6. Predicts the day of death. 7. Inconsolable anxiety, piteous wailings 8. Complaints and reproaches about trifles. 9. Excessive restlessness, agonized toss- ing about. 10. Variable humor, alternately gay and dejected. 11. Dullness and confusion of mind. MIND. 11 *. Ac, Aur., Bell., Cinch., Ign., Phos., Arg,n., Ars., Bry., Lil,t., Lye, Puis., Alum., Anac, Baryt,c, Psor. 2. Ac 3. Ac, Puis., Ars., Can,ind,, Carb,an., Carb,v. 4. Ac, Ars., Phus,t., Crotal. 5. Aeon., Cim., Agn,c, Ars., Nit,ac, Sec, Apis., Bell., Cac, Can,ind., Gels, Plat., Phyt, Puis. 6. Ac, Apis. 7. Ac, Cicut,v., Ver,a., Cinch. 8. Ac, Nit,ac, Cham., Cinch., Lachnan., Bry., Cham., Mez. 9. Ac, Aeth., Ars., Rhus,t., Camph., Merc, Cupr., Sabad. 10. Ac, Ign., Nux,m.? Phos., Aur., Croc, Plat., Iod., Stram. 11. Ac, Aeth., Cim., Gels., Bap., Nux,v., Phos,ac, Ambr., Arg,n. 12 MIND. 12. Memory weak. 13. Ailments from anger. 14. Dull and dejected. 15. Temper irritable. 16. Thinks she is going crazy. 17. Feels grieved and troubled, with sighing. 18. Mania following disappearance of neuralgia. 19. Incessant talking, changing from one subject to another. MIND. is 12. Graph., Guiac, Ac, Ambr., Anac, Kreos., Lach., Merc, Nat,m., Zinc, Hel,n., Hep., Nux,m., Phos,ac, Amm.c, Arg,n., Am., Ars., Hyper., Lye, Arum,t, Baryt,c, Cal,e, Phos., Bell., Calad., Camph., Rhus,t., Sep., Spig., Staph., Thuy., Mez., Nit,ae, Can,ind., Caust., Cocc, Colch., Crotal., Dig., Fluor,ae 13. Ac, Bry., CJiam., Cistus., Ip. 14. Acet,ae, Cim., Aesc, Agn,e, Flelon. 15. Kali,c, Ign., Acet,ae, Bry., Cham., Nux,v., Aesc, Aeth., Lye, Mere, Nat,m., Op., Petr., Phyt., Plat^ Calad., Cal,p.T Agar., Alum., Arrt,c, Cina, Apis., Ars., Arum,t., Caps, Carbo,v., Asaf., Aur., Bell., Borax, Brom., Cinch., Hep., Caust, Chel., Colch., Coloc, Dibs., Dros., Fer., Hyper., Ip. 16. Cim., Cal,c, Ambr., Can,ind., Merc,v., Chel., Cirpr., Iod. 17. Cim., Ign. 18. Cim. 19. Cim., Lach, 14 MIND. 20. Not disposed to fix the attention on anything. 21. Cannot fix his attention. 22. Delirium, sees cats and dogs, tries to jump out of the window. 23. Great anxiety and restlessness, fol- lowed by violent pains in the head and abdomen. 24. Indifference; disinclined to answer questions. 25. Delirium, with constant raving, tries to get out of bed; great exertion of power. 26. Extreme absence of mind; unable to recollect things. 27. Semi-conscious; cannot comprehend what is said to him. 28. Stupor, delirium and insensibility. 29. Constant muttering delirium, with sleeplessness and restlessness. 30. Great disinclination to mental labor, it fatigues him. MIND. 15 20. Cim., Aeth., Gels., Nux,v., Phos,ac, Aesc, Ail., Bap. 21. Sep., Sul., Aesc, Bap., Caust., Gels., Cim., Aeth., Cac, Nux,v., Phos,ac, Sil., Sticta., Nat,m. 22. Aeth. 23. Aeth. 24. Agar., Phos., Phos,ac 25. Agar., Bell., Hyos., Bap., Sil. 26. Agn,c, Anac, Kreos., Lach., Merc, Nat,m., Nux,m., Phos,ac, Apis., Arum,t. 27. Ail, Bap.,, Rhus., Gels. 28. Ail, Bell,Hyos., Q£.,Crotal.,Rhus,t., Phos., Phos,ac 29. Ail., Agar., Bell, Hyos. 30. Alo., Arux,v., Aur,m. 16 MIND. 31. Disinclined to move. 32. Exhaustion of mind, alternating with mental activity. 33. Time passes too slowly. 34. Changing mood, at one time confi- dent, at another timid. 35. Low spirited. 36. Fear of impending evil. 37. Thinking difficult. 38. Comprehension slow. 39. Listlessness and lethargy. 40. Irresistible desire to curse and swear. 41. Feels as though he had two wills, one commands what the other forbids. MIND. i< 31. Alo. 32. Alo. 33- Alum., Arg,n., Can,ind., Nux,v. 34. Alum. 35.,an., Dios., Alum., Puis., Ambr., Ant,c, Apoe, Lye, Iod., Iris., Lit/., Nat,m., Brom, Calad, Cal,e, Can,s., Merc,v., Merc, bin., Merc,c, Ign., Nat,c, Nit,ac, Plat, Pod., Sil. 36. Alum., Anae, Ars., Ambr., Cal,e, Arg.n., Aeon., Dros., Iod., Sep. 37. Abtm., Ambr., Gels., Phos., CaJ,c, Carb,v., Dig., Tabae, Graph., Mez., Nat,7u., Nux,m., Hell,n., Thuy., Hyos., Nux,v., Oleand., Op., Staph., Ranun. 38. Ambr., Olean.,, Plum, Rhus., Ranun. 39. Amm,c 40. Ana£., Ver.a 41. Anac IS MIND. 42 When walking, anxious as if some one were pursuing. 43. Hypochondriasis. 44. Hallucinations. 45. Child delirious, drowsy with nausea, hot and red face, pulse irregular, feverish heat, cries when washed in cold water, better washed in warm water. 46. Child fretful and peevish, doesn't wish to be touched or looked at. 47. Sulky, do not wish to speak to any one. 48. Loss of consciousness. 49. Sopor, interrupted by piercing shrieks 50. Busy, restless, changing occupation. 51. Awkwardness, lets things fall. 52. Great tearfulness, cannot help crying. 53. Indifference to everything he hears or sees. MIND. '9 42. Anac. 43. Anac, Arn., Ntix,v., Puis., Cac, Caps., Caust., Sabin. 44. Hyos., Stranu, Anac, Can,ind. 45. Ant,c 46. Ant,c, Cal,p., Cham., Cin. 47. Anl,c, Arg,m., Viol,t 48. Phos,ac, Plat., Apis, Bell, Hyos, Op., Arg,n., Am., Camph., Hel,n., Ptds., Sec,c, Pet, Ars., Colch., Gels., Laur., Mur,ac, ATatjn., Nux,v., Stram. 49. Apis., Bell., Can,i7td., Caust., Chel., Graph., Nat,m., Oleander. 50. Apis. 51. Apis. 52. Apis., Ign., Nat,m., Nux,m., Puis. 53. Apis., Phos., Phos,ac, Arn., Berb., Stram., Carbo,v, Cinch., Nat,c, Plum., Sep. 20 MIND. 54. Jealousy, in women. 55. Mania from sexual irritation. 56. Confusion of mind. 57- Impulsive, must walk fast. 58. When spoken to answers correctly, but unconsciousness and delirium returns at once. 59. Stupefaction, loss of sight and hear- ing. 60. Stupor, with involuntary discharge of feces. 61. Fears being touched or struck by those coming toward him. 62. Fear of public places. 63. H opeless and indifferent. 64. Violent attacks of anguish. 65. Ideas flow slowly. 66. Delirium at night with great rest- lessness. MIND. 21 54. Apis., Hyos., Lach. 55- Apis. 56. Sticta., Apoc, Bap., Calad., Carbo, an., Carbo,v., Cepa., Colch., Coloc, Crotal., Cyc, Dulc, Fer., Glon., Gels., Phos,ac, Lye, Nux,m., Sil. 57- Arg,n. 58. Arn., Bap., Hyos. 59. Am, 60. A7'1l. 61. Am. 62. Am., Aeon. 63. Am., Caust. 64. Am. 65. Carbo,v., Cinch., Nux.m., Phos,ac, Rhus., Ruta., Sep., Thuy. 66. Ars., Aeon., Rkus.t Bap. MIND. 67. Sad, tearful, anxious mood. 68. Anguish and despair driving from one place to another for relief. 69. Great anxiety and restlessness at 3 a. m. 70. Fear of death when alone or on going to bed. 71. Ailments from fright. 72. During delirium, boring in the nose, picking at one spot, or on the lips. 73. Hysterical restlessness and anxiety. 74. Unsteady and fickle. 75. Disgust for life. 76. Suicidal tendency. 77. Religious Mania, imagines herself lost 78, Religious mania. 79. Despondent, dejected, unhappy, weeping. 80. Ailments from grief, disappointed love. MIND. 23 67. Ars., Ign., Lye, Nat,m., Nux,m., Puis., Rhus., Asar., Cac, Cyc, Graph. 68. Ars., Aur. 69. Ars., Aeon., Camph., Rhus. 70. Ars. 71. Ac., Gels. ,0p., Hyper. 72. Arum,t. 73. Asaf. 74. Asaf., Ign., Baryt,e, Borax. 75. Aur. 76. Aur., Nux,vM Caps., Cinch., Psor., Sil. 77. Aur. 78. Ars., Aur., Ver,a. 79. Aur., Lye, Nat,m., Nux,m., Puis., Rhus., Chel., Ign., Nat,m., Thuy. 80. Aurv Cal,p. 24 MIND. 81. Gradual vanishing of thought, like when falling asleep. 82. Cannot confine his mind, a sort of wild wandering feeling. 83. Body feels scattered about; tosses about to get the pieces together; cannot sleep because he cannot get the pieces to- gether. 84. Great mental and bodily weakness. 85. Want of self confidence. 86. Afraid of strangers. 87. Child does not want to play. 88. Imagines she is criticised and laughed at. 89. Easily angered but cowardly. 90. Furious rage, disposed to bite, strike and spit at those around her. 91. Rage, disposed to tear things. 92. Violent delirium, loud laughing and grinding the teeth. 93. Afraid of imaginary things. 94. Changes from mirth to fury. MIND. 25 81. Asar. 82. Bap. 83. Bap. 84. Bap. 85. Baryt,c 86. Bary,c 87. Baryt,c 88. Baryt,c 89. Baryt,e 90. Bell., Hyos., Stram., Ver.a., Actea,- spic. Canth. 91. Bell., Ver,a. 92. Bell. 93. Bell., Op., Stram., Ver,a. 94. Bell. 26 MIND. 95. Constant desire to spring out of bed with complete loss of consciousness. 96. Carphologia. 97. Great anxiety, timid and restless. 98. Desire to escape or hide. 99. Disinclined to talk, or fast talking. 100. Stupefaction with congestion to the head and dilated pupils. 101. Memory lively, remembers things long" gone by. 102. Dread of downward motion, with anxious expression, as when in a swing, rocking chair, cradle, or in going down stairs. 103. Indolent. 104. Easily startled by unusual sounds. 105. Great anxiety and sleepiness; anx- iety increased until 11 p. m. 106. Desires mental labor. 107. Great anxiety, mental depression and apprehension. MIND. 27 95. Bell., Agar., Apis., Stram., Hyos. 96. Bell., Hyos., Stram., Phos. 97. Bell., Aeon, Ars., Cinch., Phos., Rhus,t, Samb. 98. Bell. 99. Bell. 100. Bell., Hyos., Op. 101. Bell. 102. Borax. 103. Borax., Cal,e, Cinch., Olean., Sep., Sul. 104. Borax., Coce, Sil, Sep. 105. Borax. 106. Brom. 107. Bry., Aur., Ars., Nat,m., Nux,m., Puis. 28 MIND. 108. Delirium about his business. 109. Sensation in bed as if sinking deep down. no. Patient desires to go home. hi. He believes his disease in incurable. 112. Great anxiety, with palpitation of the heart. 113. Shuddering and dread as evening draws near. 114. Great anxiety and restlessness. 115. Afraid to be alone, especially at night. 116. Exaltation of spirit, with excessive loquacity. 117. Full of fun and mischief, laughs immoderately. 118. Hallucinations and imaginations in- numerable. 119. Anguish with great oppression. 120. Even a short distance seems ex- tremely great. MIND. 29 108. Bry., Hyos. 109. Bry. 110. Bry. in. Cac. 112. Cal,c, Aeon., Cac, Spig. 113. Cal,e, Aeon., Ars., Merc, Rhus,t, Sul. 114. Camph., Aeon., Ars., Rhus,i., Aeth., Stan. 115. Camph. 116. Can,ind., Hyos., Lach., Stram., Op. 117. Can,ind., Crocus., Hyos., Stram. 118. Can,ind., Hyos., Strain. 119. Can,ind. 120. Can,ind. 30 MIND. 121. Consciousness comes and goes every few minutes. 122. Sadness. 123. Anxious and apprehensive feeling at pit of the stomach with oppression of breath and palpitation. 124. Anxiousrestlessness,endingin rage. 125. Constant, complete furious, almost frenzied delirium. 126. Insolent and contradictory mood. 127. Taciturn and obstinate. 128. Easily offended. 129. Home sickness. 130. Home sickness, with flushed cheeks, sleeplessness, hot feeling in fauces. 131. Awakens with fright, screams, and remains full of fear. 132. Disinclination to mental exertion. MIND. 31 121. Can,ind. 122. Crotal., Cupr., Can,s., Ign., Nat,m., Puis., Rhus,t, Abies,n., Ambr., Aur., Cal,c, Clem., Cocc, Croc, Nityac, Petr., Phos,ac, Plat., Iod., Lye, Agn,c, Aeon., Cim., Allium,cep., Caust. 123. Can,s. 124. Canth. 125. Canth., Bell, Hyos., Stram. 126. Canth., Bry., Nux,v. 127. Caps. 128. Bry., Cham., Sep., Caps., Nux,v., Coloc, Cyc, Cocc, Petr., Plat., Staph. 129. Caps., Hell.n., Phos,ac 130. Caps. 131. Caps. 132. Thuy., Spig., Carbol,ac, Nit,ae,, Nux.v., Phyt. 32 MIND. 133. Desires to be alone. 134. Sad and reflective. 135. Avoids conversation. 136. Alternate cheerfulness and melan- choly. 137. Anxiety great. 138, Disinclined to work. 139. Inclined to be silent. 140. Very melancholy. 141. Disinclination for business. 142. Irritable, impatient mood. 143. Whining restlessness; child wants different things and when given refuses them. 144. Child cries, quiet only when carried. MIND. 133. Carbo,an., Hyos., Ign., Rhus,t. 134. Carbo,an., Cyc. 135, Carbo,an., Coloc, Helon. 136. Carbo,an., Crocus. 137. Dig., Aeon., Rhus,I., Aloe., Ars.r Puis., Caust,, Chel., Cicu,v., Cupr., Fluor,ac, Hyper., Nux,v., Psor. 138. Caust., Con., Nux,v., Cinch., Phos.f Phos,ac, Zinc. 139. Lye, Mang., Nux,v„ Caust., Coloc, Ip., Aur., Bell., Cham., Hell,7i., Hyos., Ign., Phos,ac, Plat., Plumb., Sil., Ver,a. 140. Cepa., Nat.m., Nux,m., Ign., Hyper., Puis., Rhus,t, Iod., Nat,c, Psor,, Sil. 141. Con., Cyc, Nux,v., Phos. 142. Cham., Anac, Bry., Nux,v., Hep., Kalic, Coloc, Dulc. 143. Cham,, Bry., Cina., Staph. 144. Chain. 3* MIND. 145. Omits words when speaking or writing. 146. Cannot endure the pain, sensitive to pain. 147. Aberration of mind, singing, per- forming the most grotesque dancing steps, shouting. 148. Quiet disposition, contented, happy. 149. Dull and stupid, mental torpor. 150. Delirium and crying out. 151. Ideas and projects crowd on his mind, especially in the evening. 152. Dislikes all mental and physical exertion. 153. All mental excitement increases the suffering. 154. Constant sad thoughts, takes no notice of anything but herself. 155. Irresistable inclination to sing. 156. Anxiety as if she had committed a great crime. 157. Very sensitive mood, everything worries. MIND. 35 145- Cham., Lye, Nux,m., Thuy. 146. Cham., Coff., Cinch., Aur., Ign Sep., Phyt 147. Cicuta., Hyos., Stram. 148. Cicuta.v. 149- Cicuta,v., Hyos., Op., Hell,n , Nux,m., Phos,ac, Sec.e, Tereb., Zinc. 150. Cina. 151. Cinch., Coff. 152. Cinch., Cyc, Con., Nux,vv Phos , Sep., Sul. 153. Cistus. 154. Cocc 155. Cocc, Crocus., Spong. 156. Cocc, Ign., Ver,a., Cyc. 157. Cocc, Caps., Nux,v. 36 MIND. 158. Startles very easy. 159. Great mental activity. 160. All senses more acute. 161. External impressions, such as bright light, strong odors, etc., make him quite beside himself. 162. Does not wish to see friends. 163. Anger with indignation. 164. Illhumored and morose. 165. Hypochondriacal depression and in- difference. 166. Inability to sustain any mental effort. 167. W7ant of memory. 168. Dullness; difficulty in understanding what he is reading. 169. Averse to being near the people or hearing them talk. 170. Angry and soon repents of it. 171. Anxious, uneasy, sorrowful mood. MIND. 37 158. Cocc, Sep., Sil., Borax.,, Samb. 159. Bell, Coff., Lach., Cinch., Glon. 160. Coff., Cinch., Cupr., Bell, Cham. 161. Colch., Nux,v. 162. Colch., Gels. 163. Coloc, Bry., Cham., Con., Nux,z>. 164. Con., Bry., Coloc, Nux,v., Cyc, Ip., Puis., Rhus,t. 165. Con., Phos,ae 166. Con., Gels., Nux,v., Phos,ac 167. Con.,Anac, Nat,m., Kreos.,Nux,m., Phos,ac, Ambr., Lach., Merc, Plum. 168. Con., Olean. 169. Con., Ign. 170. Crocus. 171. Crocus. 38 MIND. 172. Dullness of the intellect; confused speech, disconnected answers. 173. Music aggravates. 174. Apprehensive, sad, with great de- pression. 175. Mental restlessness when reading, cannot dwell long on one subject, but is con- stantly obliged to change. 176. Anxious depressed mood, with gloomy forebodings. 177. Cannot find the right word for a thing. 178. Inclined to scold without being angry. 179. Quarrelsome mood. 180. Asks for different things, and re- fuses them when offered. 181. Anxiety, with throbbing at the pit of the stomach. 182. Excited by the slightest opposition, it makes him angry. MIND. 39 172. Crotal. 173- Dig., Sabin. 174- Dig. 175. Dros., Senecio,au. 176. Dros. 177. Dulc, Diof., Plum., Lye, Anac, Stram. 178. Dulc 179. Caust., Sul., Dulc, Bry., Chain., ATux,v., Aur., Cainfth., Ign., Lach., Lye, Alerc, Ran,b., Ver,v. 180. Dulc, Ip. 181. Fer,m., Puis., Sep. 182. Fer,m., Aur,m„ Ign., Bry., Nux,v., Olean. 40 MIND. 183. Nervous hysterical feeling. 184. Uncommon buoyancy of mind, fears nothing and is self-satisfied. 185. Dullness of the mental faculties. 186. Irritable, sensitive, desires to be let alone. 187. Ill-humored. 188. Falling down with loss of conscious- ness, and alternate palpitation of the heart, and congestion to the head. 189. Confusion of ideas; cannot tell where he was, well known streets seem strange, way home too long; forgets on which side of the street he lives. 190. Bright, loquacious, great flow of ideas. 191. Sad and despondent. 192. Thinks of death continually. 193. Sad and weeping. MIND. *1 183. Fer,m., Fluor,ac ^84. Fluor,ac. 185. Gels., Ail., Bap. 186. Gels., Coloc, Helon. 187. Arg,m., Am,m., Ars., Asaf., Aur., Bell., Brom_, Cac, Aeon., Fluor,ac, Hep., Cham., Ign., Ip., Lye, Nat,m., Nux,v., Phos., Staph., Sid., Graph., Mercv. 188. Glon., Merc,c, Bry., Nat,m., Olean. 189. Glon. 190. Glon., Nux,m., Valer. 191. Graph., Ign., Puis., Nat,m. 192. Graph., Aeon., Ars. 193. Nat,m., Graph., Ign., Puis., Nux,m., Cac, Nat,m., Plat., SuL, Rhus., Pet., Stan., Aur,m. 42 MIND. 194. Apprehensive, with inclination to weep. 195. Hesitates, unable to make up her mind about anything. 196. Ailments from grief. 197. Excessive anxiety and anguish. 198. Silent melancholy. 199. Must strongly concentrate the mind on what he is doing or the muscles will not act properly. 200. Always better when the mind is oc- cupied. 201. Oversensitiveness and irritability with quick, hasty speech. 202. Complains of imaginary wrongs. 203. Fears being poisoned or sold. 204. Constant muttering, unintelligible chattering or talking. 205. Delirium tremens, with clonic spasms 206. Aversion to light and company. 207. Desires light and company. MIND. 194. Graph., Nat,m., Puis. 195. Graph. 196. Graph. 197. Hel,n. 198. Hel,n., Ign., Nux,m., Puis., Plum. 199. Hel,n. 200. Helon. 201. Hep. 202. Hyos. 203. Hyos. 204. Hyos., Stram. 205. Hyos. 206. Hyos., Carb,a., Ign., Nat,c. 207. Stram., Kreos., Hyos. 44 MIND. 208. Lascivious mania, uncovers the whole body, especially the sexual parts. 209. Sings amorous and obscene songs. 210. Foolish laughter, animated and hur- ried talk. 211. Great nervous depression following wounds. 212. Singing followed by weeping and screaming and gasping for breath. 213. Finely sensitive mood; delicate con- sciousness. 214. Anger followed by silent grief or sorrow. 215. Broods over imaginary troubles. 216. Excessive nervous excitability. 217. Feels constantly as if she had for- gotten something. 218. Impatient. MIND. 45 208. Hyos., Phyt. 209. Hyos. 210. Hyos., Lach., Mere, Stram. 211. Hyper. 212. Hyper. 213. Ign., Sil. 214. Ign. 215. Ign. 216. Iod., Cinch., Coff., Sep. 217. Iod. 218. Ip., Ambr., Ars., Cal.c, Carbo,v., Dros., Dulc, Hep., Hyos., Ign., Lach., Lye,, Nat,m., Nat,e, Op., Phos,ae, Psor., Puis., Sep., Sil, Spong., Sul., Sul,ae, Thuy., Rhus,t. MIND. 219. Easily vexed, or peevishness. 220. Frightened easily. 221. Anxiety with fear. 222. Anxiety and sadness. 223. Anxiety and sadness on waking in the morning. 224. Proud. 225. Thinks herself under superhuman control. 226. Delirium with brilliant eyes. 227. Exalted condition of the brain and special senses; memory improved. 228. Insensibility and complete loss of sensation. MIND. 47 219. Aeon., Aeth., Ars., Bry., Carbo,v., Caust., Cham., Chin., Cocc, Graph., Ign., Iris., Nit,ac, Nux,v., Phos., Puis, Ran,b., Sep., Samb., Thuy., Stl., Staph., Stram., Sul, Zinc, Sulph,ac, Psor., Rhus,t, Mangan., Mur,ac, Nat,a, Nat,m., Olean., Plat. 220. Kali,c, Nit,ac, Aeon., Cal,c, Caps., Carbo,an., Caust., Ign., Kali,c, Lach., Nux,v. Op., Pet., Sabad., Samb., Sil., Sul. 221. Kali,c, Aeon., Gels, Op, Amm,c, Aur.. Cal,c, Caust, Coff., Dig., Graph., Hep., Ver,a. 222. Kali,iod, Ign, Nat,m, Puis, Rhus,t. 223. Lach, Nat,m. 224. Lach., Plat., Stram., Hyos, Ver,a, [p, Arn, Cinch, Cupr, Fer,m. 225. Lach. 226. Lachnan, Bell, Stram. 227. Lactic,ac, Coff, Can,ind, Op. 228. Lauro, Op. 48 MIND. 229. Discontented. 230. Morose. 231. Inclined to weep. 232. Apprehensiveness. 233. Constant hurried feelings, as of im- perative duties and utter inability to per- form them. 234. Difficulty in remembering names. 235. Anxiety through the night. 236. Fear of death with difficulty of res- piration. 237. Desponding. 238. Dejection of spirits. MIND. 49 229. Amm.711., Cina., Kreos., Led, Ign, Puis., Rhus,t., Sil, Sul. 230. Aeon, Arn, Bell, Canth, Caps, Caust, Cham, Hyos, Ign, Led., Lye, Nux,v, Phos, Puis., Sul, Viol,tr., Mag,mur, Merc,v. 231. Aeon., Aur., Bell., Cal,c, Caust., Cham., Coff., Dig., Hep., Ign., Iod., Lye, Nat,m., Nit,ac, Sep, Plat., Puis., Rhus,t., Sul., Nux,m., Merc,bin, Mez. 232. Lil,t, Nux,m., Puis., Hyos., Phos,, Nat,c, Plat, Psor, Rhus,t. 233. Lil,t. 234. Lith, Sul, Lye, Rhus,t. 235. Ars., Bell, Cal,e, Carbo,v., Caust, Cham., Graph., Ign., Merc, Phos., Rhus,t, Vera. 236. Lob, Ars. 237. Lob, Ign., Lye, Ptds., Cal,c, Lach., Std., Ver,a, Nat,c, Nit,ac, Sil, Zinc. 238. Bry., Cal,c, Chin., Lye, Nat,c, Nat,m, Sep., Std., Puis. E0 MIND. 239. Great anxiety as if in the pit of the stomach. 240. Great anxiety, restlessness and ap- prehension, especially in the evening and at night. 241. Answers questions slowly. 242. Delirium with low muttering. 243. Hurried and rapid talking. 244. Intellect weak, stares at persons who talk to him and he does not understand them. 245. Hypochondriac and despondent. 246. Restlessness and anxiety, especially during a thunder storm. 247. Melancholy, depressed, sad and weeping, consolation aggravates. 248. Nervous, excitable, easily startled and frightened. 249. Anxiety about his disease, with fear of death. 250. Absence of mind, cannot think. MIND. 51 239. Lye 240. Merc,v., Aeon, Ars, Cal,c, Rhus,t. 241. Merc,v., Phos., Phos,ae 242. Merc,v., Agar, Ail, Bell, Hyos., Stram, Merc,c, Phos., Sec.c, Valer. 243. Merc,v., Bell, Hyos, Lach, Stram. 244, Merc,c 245. Mez., Nat,c, Nux,v. 246. Nat,c 247. Nat,m. 248. Nit,ac, Kali,c 249. Nit,ac, Ars., Aeon., Cim. 250. Anac, Kreos, Lach, Nat,m, Merc,v, Nux,m. 52 MIND. 251. Thoughts vanish while reading, with tendency to sleep. 252. Incoherent expression in either speaking or writing. 253. Scolding and fault finding. 254. Stubborn mood. 255. Careful, zealous persons, inclined to get excited and angry, or of a spiteful malicious disposition. 256. Oversensitive to external impress- ions, cannot tolerate noise, talking, music, strong odors or bright light. 257. Cannot bear, the least even, suitable medicine. 258. Hypochondriac mood, worse after eating or in persons of sedentary habits, or in those who dissipate, with abdominal suffering and constipation. 259. Complete loss of consciousness, with slow sterterous breathing; insensibility to external impressions. MIND. 53 251. Nux,m. 252. Nux,m, Cham, Lye 253. Nux,v, Bell, Caust, Cor,r, Dulc, Hyos, Ip, Petr, Ver.a. 254. Thuy, Aeon, Arn, Caps, Dig, Dros, Lve, Nit,ae, Phos, Sil, Sul, Bry., Cham., Nux,v. 255. Nux,v. 256. ATux,v., Bell, Colch, Strain. 257. Nux,v. 258. Nux,v. 259. op G4 MINIX 260. Delirius; eyes wide open, glistening, face red, puffed-up; sees frightful and dis- tressing visions. 261. Drunkenness with stupor, as from smoke in the brain; eyes burning, hot and dry. 262. Fretfut and disinclined to think. 263. Delirium, thinks another person lies alongside him or that one limb is double. 264. Quiet. 265. Indifference to life. 266. Complete shamelessness; indiffer- ence to exposure of her person. 267. Illusion; everything around her is very small, and everyone inferior to her in mind and body. 268. Arrogant, proud, haughty. 269. Feels that she is alone in the world and that life is a burden. 270. Physical and mental symtoms al- u.rnate. 271. Delirium, wild with distorted coun- tenance. MIND. 260. Op., Bell, Hyos, Stram. 261. Op. 262. Petr. 263. Pet, Valeri. 264. Phos,ac 265. Phyt, Sil, Thuy. 266. Phyt. 267. Plat. 268. Plat. Lach, Stram. 269. Plat. 270. Plat. 271. Plum. MIND. 272. Imagines he is going to die or be very ill. 273. Mild, gentle, yielding disposition. 274. Anxiety about the heart in the even- ing, even to suicide. 275. Anxiety at night as if from heat. 276. Child demands different things with vehemence and crying. 277. Imagines he is sick. 278. Dullness of all the senses. 279. Great sadness and dejection with much weeping. 280. Depression on waking in the morn- ing. 281. Anxiety, with flushes of heat in the evening. 282. Ideas flow heavily; language com- ing slowly. 283. Fidgety. 284. Compunction of conscience about trifles. MIND. 57 272. Pod. 273. Puis. 274. Puis. 375. Puis. 276. Rheum. 277. Sabad. 278. Sec,c, Stram. 279. Sep, Lye, Nat,m., Plat, Puis. 280. Sep. 281. Ses, Aeon, Puis. 282. Sep. 283. Sil, Aur, Bell, Ign, Puis, Sep, Sul. 284. Sil, Ign. 58 MIND. 285. Quiet fretfulness; answers unwil- lingly and abruptly. 286. Weak memory; especially after sex- ual excesses or onanism. 287. Sexual excitement. 288. Hydrophobia. 289. Water, a mirror, or anything bright excites convulsions. 290. Child on waking is frightened at anything it first sees. 291. Unconscious snoring, jaw hangs down, hands and feet twitch, pupils dilated. 292. Speculations on religion and phil- osophy. 293. Uneasiness and involuntary haste in everything. 294. F^ixed idea of a living animal in tne stomach. 295. Irritable and depressed in spirits. 295. Intellect predominates over the mind. 297. Intellect clouded. MIND. 285. Stan. 286. Staph, Cinch., Phos,ac. 287. Stram. 288. Stram., Bell, Hyos. 289. Stram. 290. Strain., Bell. 291. Stram., Op. 292. Sul, Ver,a. 293. Sul, 294. Thuja. 295. Thuja., Ust, Bry, Nux,v. 296. Valer. 297. Valer. MIND. 298. Comprehension easy. 299- Joyous mood. 300. Despair about his position in society. 301. Insanity from cerebral congestion. 302. Aversion to work. MIND. 298. Valer, 299. Valer. 300. Ver.a. 301. Ver,v, Bell. 302. Cinch, Nux,v, Phos,ac. Zinc *2 HEAD. i. Headache from abuse of tobacco, opium, coffee or alcohol. 2. Heaviness and dull pains in the head. 3. Vertigo with nausea and vanishing o sight. 4. Vertigo when rising from a recumbent posture. 5. Vertigo when rising from a recumbent posture with fainting and pale face. 6. Vertigo en stooping, staggers espec- ially to the right. 7. Vertigo from congestion. 8. Vertigo from anger. 9. Vertigo from fright. 10. Vertigo from suddenly suppressed catamenia. 11. Burning headache as if the brain were agitated by boiling water. 12. Fullness and heavy feeling as if everything would push out of the forehead. HEAD. 63 i. Acet,ae. Ign, Nux,v. 2. Acet,ac, Borax,, Ran, Op, Pet, Sticta,pu. 3. Aeon. 4. Nit,ac, Alum, Aeon, Bry., Cham, Phos., Bov, Rhus,t.. Lye, Puis, Cinch, Cocc, Con, Graph, Nux,v., Guaiac 5. Aeon, Bell, Puis, Sul. 6. Aeon. 7. Aeon. 8. Aeon. 9. Aeon. 10. Aeon. 11. Aeon., Arn, Canth, Hell,n. 12. Aeon., Bry., Sul, Asaf., Olean, Ran, Sang, Sil, Spig, Stan. 64 HEAD. 13. Sunstroke, especially from sleeping in the sun's rays. 14. Sunstroke. 15. Congestion, anxiety, face hot and red. 16. Carotids pulsate strongly. 17. Squeezing in the forehead above the root of nose; feels as if she would lose her reason. 18. Sensation as if the hair stood on end. 19. Scalp sensitive to touch. 20. Fullness and dull aching in the vertex. 21. Rush of blood to the head; or con- gestion of blood to the head. 22. Brain feels too large for the cranium, or headache bursting. HSAD. 65 13. Aeon. 14. Aeon, Bell, Glon. 15. Stram, Aeon, Fer,m, Ail, Bell, Erig, Mer,c, Psor,, Sil. 16. Aeon, Bell., 17. Aeon, Mag,m. 18. Aeon. 19. Sep, Aeon, Bell, Cinch, Nat,m., Nit,ac, Sil, Merc,v., Mez, Nux,v., Bry., Cal,c, Can.ind, Carb,v, Ars, Baryt,c, Fer,m, Kali,i, Lachnan, Rhus,t, Spig, Sul, Sul,ac, Thuy, Zinc. 20. Cim., Lac,ac, Lachnan. 21. Mag,c, Phos, Cim, Bell, Arg,n, Aur,m, Cal,c, Can,s., Ranun, Sang, Spong, Stram, Sul, Ver,v, Mang, Op, Carbo,an, Cyc, Aeon., Fer,m, Glon,Lac,ac. 22. Can,ind, Cim., Glon, Bry., Aeon, Cinch., Nai,m., Nux,v, Coral,r, Merc,v., Sul, Calad, Cal,c, Caps., Puis , Con, Gels, Sang, Sep , Sil. Spig. 66 HEAD. 23. Headache through the whole brain with distinct sense of soreness in occipital region. 24. Dull pressure in the forehead, slight nausea, followed by stitches in the right hypochondrium. 25. Vertigo with confused feeling. 26. Frequent flying pains through the temples. 27. Flushes of heat over the occiput, neck and shoulders. 28. Confusion of the head; brain feels bound up. 29. Vertigo with sleepiness. 30. Inability to hold head erect. 31. Distressing pains in the occiput and nape of the neck. 32. Sensation as if the sides of the head were in a vise. 33. Vertigo as if drunk when walking in the open air. 34. Vertigo as if drunk, reeling. HEAD. 67 23. Cim. 24. Aesc, Bry. 25. Aesc, Apis, Ars, Phos 26. Aesc. 27. Aesc 28. Aeth, Camph 29. Aeth. 30. Aeth, Agar, Cinch, Cupr, Nux,m. 31. Aeth, Bry, Fer,m. 32. Aeth, Merc,v., Kali,i, Nit,ac, Sul., Plat. 33. Agar,m, Mur,ac 34. Led, Puis., Agar,m, Stram, Ars, Aur,m, Cocc, Cinch, Bov, Nux,m., Rhus,t., Hyos, Nux,v., Op., Lye, Mag,m, Mez, Olean, Phos, Ranun. es HEAD. 35. Vertigo when walking in the open air. 36. Headache, dull, especially in the forehead, obliging him to move the head to and fro and to close the eyes as if for sleep. 37. Squeezing in forehead at the root of the nose. 38. Headaches of those subject to chorea. 39. Headaches of those who readily be- come delirious in fever. 40. Sensation of icy coldness on the head. 41. Pain as from a nail in the right side of the head. 42. Great weight in the occiput; head constantly falls backward. 43. Headache, tearing, with pressure in the temples and forehead, worse from motion. 44. Vertigo, with severe headache, face red and hot. 45. Headache dull, heavy across the forehead. HEAD. 6y 35. Agar,m, Ant,t, Cal,c, Sep, Glon, Sul., Aur,m, Led, Arg,m, 36. Agar,m. 37. Aeon, Agar,m., Bap, Kali,b, Cal,c, Hep, Ign, Phyt, Stictap., Zinc. 38. Agar.m. 39. Agar,m, Bell. 40. Agar,m, Ver,a, Cal,c, Laur, Cal,p. 41. Agar,m, Anac, Coff, Ign, Ars, Thuj., Arn. 42. Agar.m, Cinch, Dig. 43. Agn,e. Bell, Spig. 44. Ail, Bell 45. Aesc, Bry., Agar,m, Alo, Ant,c, Calad, Can,ind, Cepa, Cina, Coll, Cyc, Euph, Fer,m, Hyd, Puis., Sang, Hyos, Iris, Lachnan, Lac,ac, Lil,t, Lob, Sep. 70 HEAD. 46. Headache, dull across the forehead, with heaviness in the eyes and nausea. 47. Sense of weight in the vertex with headache. 48. Headaches are worse from heat, bet- ter from cold applications. 49. Headaches are better from heat, worse from cold applications. 50. V ertigo, everything turning in a circle 51. Vertigo with nausea. 52. Vertigo in the morning. 53. Stupor with fear of falling forward. 54. Hair falls off. 55. Heaviness and beating in the fore- head after dinner. HEAD. 71 46. Alo, Nux,v, Pod. 47. Alo, Cac, Sul, Anac, Cina, Cal,c,' Ign, Lye, Phos,ac, Phyt, Plat. 48. Alo. 49. Ars., Sil. 50. Alum, Arn, Bell, Con, Bry., ATux,v., Aur,m. 51. Kali,b, Alum, Lob, Ambr, Ant,c, Calad, Cocc, Dig. 52. Alum, Phos,, Lace, Calad, Dulc, SuL, Lye, Bry., Cham, Nit,ac, Phos, Nux,v, Kreos. 53. Alum. 54. Ambra, Graph., Hep., Nat,m, Lach. Phos, Sep., Ant,c, Cal,c, Merc,v., Lye, Plum, Sec,c, SuL, Ars, Nit,ae, Canth, Fer,m,, Kali,c, Sil, Mag,c, Pet, PJtos,ac, Sep., Thuj, Kali.iod. 55. Amm,c 7a HEAD. 56. Sense of oppressive fullness in the forehead and vertex as if the head would burst. 57. Feeling of lightness in the head. 58. Severe itching of the scalp. 59. Vertigo and fullness in the head, as if it were very heavy. 60. Senses all weak. 61. Dull pressure as from a plug on left side of vertex. 62. Pain, pressive in the temples as from a nail. 63. Vertigo and headache, worse from ascending stairs. 64. Headache, violent after bathing in cold water. 65. Headache as if from a band com- pressing the head. 66. Throbbing in the right side of the forehead. HEAD. 73 56. Amm,c, Aeon, Bry, Nat,m, Arg,n, Arn, Spong. 57. Amm,e 58. Sil, Sep, Amm,c, Bov.. Cal,c,, Caust, Graph , Sid., Sil, Crotal, Merc,p, Nit,ac, Olean, Phos, 59. Amm,m, Bry. 60. Anac 61. Anac, Asaf. 62. Anac, Agar, Arn, Coff, Ign, Calad, Croc, Dios. 63. Ant,c, Cal,c 64. Ant,c, Bry. 65. Mag,c, Plat., Ant.t, Gels, Mt,ac.t Merc,v, SiU., Apis, CarboLae, Puis, Kali,- iod, Stan, Merc,b, Chel, Nat,m, Carbo,v, Cocc, Crotal, Iod, Kali,c, Spig. 66. Ant,t, Bell. 74 HEAD. 67. Pain in the right temple extending downward. 68. Headache with vertigo. 69. Brain feels tired. 70. Child lies in torpor, delirium, sudden shrilling cries, squinting, grinding the teeth. 71. Child bores its head into the pillow. 72. Pain in occiput \a ith occasional sharp shrieks. 73. Chronic meningitis. 74. Vertigo, suddenly, as if a mist were before the eyes. 75. Pressive pain with dullness in the forehead and drawing pressure in occiput. 76. Pressive tearing pains at the tem- poral bones, worse from touch. 77. Headache, left side. 78. Vertigo and buzzing in the ears and general debility of the limbs, and trembling 79. Headache relieved by binding some- thing tightly around the head. HEAD. 75 67. Ant,t, Bry, Mag,m. 68. Apis., Cyc, Ail, Bell. tg. Apis. 70. Apis. li. Apis., Hell,n., Dig. 72. Apis., Dig. 73- Apis. 74- Arg,m. 75- Arg,m, Bry, Can,s, Glon. 76. Arg,m. 77. Chel, Arg,m„ Arn, Ars, Asar, Brom, Bry, Cham, Coff, Anac, Ign, Coloc, Fer,m, Iod, Lach, Hep., Lob, Nux,v, Sars, Sep, Verbas. 78. Arg,n. 79- Arg,n., Sil, Bell., Cinch, Apis, Fer.m, Glon, Mag,m, Puis. 76 HEAD. . 80. Headache worse in the open air. 81. Headache severe in left frontal emi- nence. 82. Head feels enlarged. 83. Fullness and heaviness, which is painful in the head. 84. Boring, cutting almost constant in the bones of the forehead, vertex, temples and face. 85. Itching, creeping, crawling, as from vermin. 86. Vertigo when closing the eyes. 87. Confusion in the head with pressure in the right half of the head. 88. Cutting pain from side to side of the head. 89. Sticking pain in temples and fore- head. 90. Bad effects from falls or blows. 91. Heaviness of the head with buzzing in the ears. HEAD. 77 80. Sep, SuL, Arg.n, Cinch, Cocc, Led, Agar, Cal,c, Glon, Mang, Nux,v. 81. Kali,i, Arg,n, Coloc, Asaf, Bry, Cina, Fer,m, Iod, Kali.b, Lach, Nuxjn,, Sep, Thuj. 82. Lachnan, Arg,n, Cim, Bap, Berb, Bov, Coral,r, Glon., Mang, Nux,m, Ranun. 83. Arg,n, Arn, Bis, Borax, Bry, Dig. 84. Arg.n. 85. Arg,n, Colch, Cupr,m, Cal.c, Cal,p, Ver,a, Can,ind, Can,s, Coloc 86. Arn, Hep, Lach.. Thuj. 87. Arn. 88. Arn. 89. Arn, Con, Fer,m, Mang, Puis, Sil. 90. Arn, Cicut, Cupr. 91. Ars. 73 HEAD. 92. Headache intense, worse trom light and noise. 93. Sensation as if the brain moved and beat against the skull during motion. 94. Pain in the right side of the forehead. 95. Pain in the forehead as if bruised 96. Vertigo when stooping. 97. Pain in skull bones as if broken. 98. Pain, fine, tearing from right side of the occiput through the brain to the fore- head. 99. Headache, right side 100. Tension of the scalp. 101. Vertigo and weak feeling of the en- tire system, especially lower limbs and knees. 102. Headache, dull, heavy, pressive. HEAD. 79 92. Ars, Bell, Cim, Bry, Cac, Sil. 93. Spig, Ars, Hyos., Glon., Rhus,t., Sul,, Bell, Carbo,an. Cinch., Nux,m., Kali,c, Mang, Sil. 94. Ars, Ant,t, Bell, Can,ind, Caust., Coloc, Ign, Squill, Iris, Ranun. 95. Ars. 95. Aur,m, Bell, Aeon, Berb, Puis., SuL, Camp, Carbo,v. Graph, Pet. 97. Aur,m, Brom, Merc,v. 98. Aur,m. 99. Aur,m, Bell, Ars, Ant,t, Cac, Can,ind, Carbo,an, Chel, Coff, Arn, Anac, Ign, Agar, Coloc, Con, Heft., Lach, Lye, Merc.p, Mur,ac, Phyt. 100. Carbo,v, Asar, Caust, Phos, Can,- ind. Iris. 101. Bap. 102. Bap, Con, Gels, Hyd, Dios, Dulc, Gels. B0 HEAD. 103. Brain feels sore, worse from stooping. 104. Headache, feels as if the top would .fly off. 105. Headache, feels dull and bruised in occiput. 106. Apoplexy; vertigo in old people who are childish. 107. Headache, pressing in the vertex, which extends through the head when standing in the sun. 108. Baldness, especially on the crown. 109. Crusta lactea, dry or humid scurf. no. Tumor encysted on the scalp. 111. Vertigo when rising from a stooping position. 112. Vertigo, falling to the left. 113. Vertigo, with vanishing of sight and flickering before the eyes. 114. Vertigo on motion. 115. Vertigo on turning over in bed. HEAD. C1 103. Bap, Cupr, Hell, Eupt,p, Gels., Nux,v, Glon. 104. Cim, Bap, Cham, Carbo,an. 105. Bap, Cim. 106. Bary,e 107. Baryt,c, Bell, Glon 108. Baryt,c, Zinc. 109. Baryt,c, Cal,c, Graph., Hep, Lyc^ Mez, Nit,ac, Viola,t, Olean, Staph, Ust, Sul. no. Baryt,c in. Bell, Pet, Bry, Puis,,. Graph, Sang. 112. Bell, Nux,v, Mez. 113. Bell, Nat,m, Cupr. 114. Bell, Cal,c, Kali,c 115. Bell, Con. 32 HEAD. 116. Vertigo with sensation of hard press- ure on the forehead. 117. Pulsation of cerebral arteries. 118. Throbbing in the brain or pulsating. 119. Fleadache, with pressure any or everywhere. 120. Headache, worse from motion. 121. Headache, jerking, worse from mo- tion. 122. Headache, pressing at the forehead. 123. Headache, stabbing through the tem pies. 124. Headache extending through the eyes. 125. Headache from a draft of air. 126. Headache from having the hair cut. 127. Headache, tearing in forehead and temples, often changing locality. HEAD. 83 116. Bell, Aeon, Gels, Merc,v, Nit,ac, Sul. 117. Bell. 118. Bell, Aeon, Glon., Op, Mang, Cal,e, Iod.. Xux,m, Puis, Psor, Nat,m, Ruta., Sul. 119. Bell, Bry. 120. Bell, Bis, Bry, Sil, Sul. 121. Bell, Ign. 122. Merc,v, Sul, Bell., Caps, Carbo,v, Dros, Lye, Mag,m, Merc,b, Nat.m., Nux,v, Pet, Phos,ac, Phyt, Sabin, Sang, Merc.c, Euph, Sep, Stan, Staph, Ust, Valer, Viola,t. 123. Nit,ac, Kali,c, Bell., Calad, Caust,. Cham, Coloc, Crotal. 124. Bell, Crotal, Dios. 125. Bell, Cinch, Sul. 126. Bell. 127. Berb, Bell, Puis. 84 HEAD. 128. Cold sensation in the right temple. 129. Hair become entangled at the tips and will not separate; if cut off it tangles again. 130. Headache, throbbing through the temples. 131. Headache, right side in the morn- ing, left in the evening. 132. Headache after drinking milk. 133. Headache, pressure in forehead in heat of sun, passes off when in the shade. 134. Scalp tender; covered with an erup- tion; covered with a dirty and offensive dis- charge. 135. Headache, as after a night's dissi- pation. 136. Confusion in the head with drawing in the occiput extending into the neck. 137. Vertigo, as if the head were turning in a circle. 138. Vertigo when rising from a chair. HEAD. 85 128. Berb. 129. Borax. 130. Bell., Borax, Glon., Phos, Stan. 731. Bov. 132. Brom. 133. Brom. 134. Brom. 135. Bry, Nux,v. 136. Bry. 137. Bry., Bell, Con, Nux,v, Arn, Alum. 138. Bry, Sul, Cyc, Kali,b, Phos, Sang. 86 HEAD. 139. Headache, throbbing. 140. Headache from ironing. 141. Headache with nausea. 142. Head numb on the side. 143. Vertigo, worse on motion. 144. Vertigo when ascending a height or looking up. 145. Rush of blood to the head, with heat, face red and puffed. 146. Fullness of the head. 147. Cold feeling on either side of the head. 148. Heaviness in the forehead, worse when reading or writing. 149. Large open fontanelles. 150. Scabs on scalp. HEAD. 87 139. Aeon, Arn, Bry, Glon., Stram, Cac, Calad, Carbo,v, Bor., Camph, Cinch, Fer,m., Hyper, Led, Bell, Lye, Mang, Caps, Cham, Laur, Pet, Puis, Sep, Sil, SuL, Verat,a, Sars. 140. Bry. 141. Borax, Calad, Ip, Iris, Sang, Cocc, Nux,v., Pet, Lach, Phyt, Pod. 142. Calad, Con, Graph, Lach. 143. Cal,c, Sang, Can,s, Gels, Glon, Bry., Lac,ac 144. Cal,c, Cupr, Sang. 145. Cal,c, Bell, Op, Can,s. 146. Cal,c, Glon, Nit,ac, Psor, Rhus,t, Tereb, Ust. 147. Cal,c, Phos, Ver,a. 148. Cal,c 149. Cal,c, Cal,p, S11 150. Psor, Sul, Cal,c, Dulc, Graph., Merc,v., Mez, Nii,ac, Lye, Phyt, Hep., Sep., SuL, Rhus,t. C3 HEAD. 151. Burning on top of the head. 152. Delayed closure or reopening of fontanelles. 153. Throbbing in the occipital region. 154. Vertigo on rising, with stunning pain in occiput. 155. Shaking of the head involuntary, frequent. 156. Violent shocks pass through the brain. 157. Throbbing pain in forehead 158. Aching in the temples. 159. Dull stitches in the right temple. 160. Head feels heavy, looses conscious- ness. 161. Sensation as if drops of cold water were falling on the head. 162. Vertigo when standing, 163. Pressure in the temples with pain. 164. Vertigo when walking, with ten- dency to fall sideways HEAD. 89 151. Cal,c, Cal,p, Merc,b, Pod, Sabad. 152. Cal,c, Cal,p, Sil. 153. Camph, Glon, Bry. 154. Can.ind. 155. Canjnd., Cocc 156. Can,ind. 157. Can,ind, Bell, Cinch.. Dig, Kreos. 158. Can,ind. 159. Can,ind, Coloc 160. Canjnd, Sil. 161. Can,s. 162. Can,s. 163. Sabin, Can.s, Carbo,v, Cham, Fluor,ac, Mag,m, Op, Puis, Squill, Sul, Verbas. 164. Can,s, Caust 90 HEAD. 165. Scales on the scalp, dandruff. 166. Vertigo during the cold stage of in- te4*mitent fever. 167. Bursting headache on coughing, moving the head or walking. 168. Heaviness in the forehead on stoop- ing. 169. Heaviness of the head. 170. Headache, bursting in vertex. 171. Confusion of the head. 172. Headache, dull in occiput 173. Head sensitive to pressure, espec- ially of the hat. 174. Headache, rheumatic or neuralgic, especially of females. HEAD. 91 165. Canth, Mez, Olean. 166. Caps. 167. Caps., Bry, Sep, Bell. 168. Carbo,an, Coloc, Nux,v. 169. Kali,b, Carbo,an, Carbo,v, Lach, Dulc, Hell,n, Hyper, Mag,m, Mang, Nat.m, Caps., Cinch, Olean, Op, Pet, Plumb, Psor, Rheum, Rhus.t, Sabad, Sars, Sec, Tabae 170. Sil, Carbo,an. Kali,iod, Bry, Cinch, Nat.m, Sep, Sul. 171. Cinch, Carbo,an, Am,c, Kreos, Carbo,v, Cepa, Cina, Cocc, Nux,v., Rhus, Puis., Coff, Con, Cyc, Dig, Fer,m, Hyper, Kali,b, Lith, Lye, Nat,c, Op, Phos,ac, SuL, Thuja. 172. Carbo,v., Cina, Cim, Fluor,ac, Gels, Pet. 173. Carbo,v., Nit,ac, Mez. 174. Caul, dm. y2 HEAD. 175. Headaches, dependent on uterine disorder. 176. Vertigo at night in bed. 177. Vertigo on looking fixedly at an object. 178. Throbbing and stitches in the vertex. 179. Headache with coryza. 180. Headache better in the open air. 181. Vertigo after eating. 182. Vertigo with billious derangements. 183. Heaviness of the head, extending into the right side of the neck. 184. Pressure in the forehead extending into the orbits, which pain on moving the eyes. 185. Headache, pressive in the right side. 186. Heaviness in the occiput. 187. Vertigo. HEAD. 9; 175- Caul, Cim., Puis, Lil,t. 176. Caust. 177- Caust. 178. Caust, Hyper. 179- Cepa, Cinch. 180. Cepa, Cim, Puis., Coff, Glon., Mang. 181. Cham, Nux,v. 182. Chel, Pod. 183. Chel. 184. Chel., Bry., Kali.c, Puis. 185. Chel. 186. Chel, Lach, Eupt,p, Mur,ac, Pet., Plumb. 187. Cicut,v, Con., Alum., Aur., Nux,v., Bell, Bry., Plum, Crotal,h, Dios, Gamb, Kreos, Laur, Rhus, See. Squill, SuL, Tarax, Tereb, Phos, Sil. 94 HEAD. 188. Jerking and twitching of the head. 189. Headache in occiput. 190. Headache worse in doors. 191, Headache, stupefying, especially in the forehead, afterwards in the occiput. 192. Headache in the open air. 193. Headache, throbbing after Haem- orrhage. 194. Headache from suppressed coryza. 195. Headache in occiput after sexual excesses or onanism. 196. Sweat profuse on the head. 197. Sweat profuse on the head especially when walking in the open air. 198. Headache oppressive. 199. Headache generally grows worse towards evening and lasts all night. 200. Eruptions on occiput. HEAD. 03 188. Cicut,v, Stram. 189. Cicut,v., Carbo,v, Con, Eupt,p, Hell,n., Lac,ac, Rhus,t, Spong, Squill, Staph, Tabae, Tarax. 190. Cepa, Cim, Puis., Coff, Sep, Sang. 191. Cina. 192. Cina., Sep, Agar, Cal,c, Glon. 193. Cinch. 194. Cinch, Senecio. 195. Cinch., Phos,ac, Staph. 196. Cinch, Sil. 197. Cinch. 198. Cistus, Con, Graph, Nux,v. 199. Cistus. zoo. Clem, Lye, Pet, Sep, Olean, SI 06 HEAD. 201. Eruptions on occiput extending down the neck, moist sore with crawling and stinging itching, often drying up in scales; itching worse when getting warm in bed. 202. Head feels empty. 203. Confusion and stupefaction of head, worse from eating or drinking. 204. Headache as if the eyes were being torn out. 205. Headache, worse after sleep, eating or drinking. 206. Headache worse from riding in a carriage. 207. Headache as if the brain were torn or dashed to pieces. 208. Headache pressive in the occiput. 209. Headache, boring in forehead. 210. Confusion of the head with pressive pain in orbits. 211. Headache from suppressed haemorr- hoids. 212. Headache, worse from stooping. HEAD. 201. Clem, Merc,v. 202. Cocc, Graph, Puis, Stram. 203. Cocc, Nux,v. 204. Cocc, Puis. 205. Cocc, Ign, Coff. 206. Cocc, Kali,c, Pet. 207. Coff, Mur,ac, Ver,a, Co Hyper. 208. Colch, Graph, Tarax, Sil. 209. Colch, Coloc 210. Coloc 211. Coll. 212. Coral,r, Sil. 93 HEAD. 213. Headache in the morning on rising. 214. Headache, boring through the tem- ples. 215. Headache every other morning. 216. Sensation as if falling to the left. 217. Headache, as if bruised. 218, Vertigo on descending. 219. Vertigo on looking at running water. 220. Headache after menses. 221. Headache, throbbing after menses. 222. Heaviness of the head, relieved by profuse emission of watery urine. 223. Vertigo, with blurred vision. 224. Vertigo, worse in the open air. 225. Shocks in the brain synchronous with the pulse. 226. Headache, worse from the heat oi the sun. 227. Headache during menses. HEAD. " 213. Cyc, Bry.. Phos, Psor. 214. Dulc, Coloc, Thuja. 215. Eupt,per. 216. Eupt.pur, Aur, Bell, Stram, Sul., Zinc. 217. Euph, Gels., Ipee, Nux,v, Puis. 218. Fer,m. 219. Fer,m, Sul. 220. Carbo,an, Fer,m. 221. Carbo,an. 222. Gels. 223. Gels., Phyt.. Sabin. 224. Glon, Agar, Cal,c, Sep, SuL 225. Glon. 226. Glon, Bell, Nat.c, Brom. 227. Graph. 100 HEAD. 228. Headache in the morning on waking. 229. Vertigo on waking in the morning. 230. Headache, rheumatic. 231. Stupefied head, hot, heavy. 232. Headache, pressive on one side. 232. Boils on the head and neck. 233. Eruptions on the head, humid, sore, fetid. 234. Nodosities on the head, sore to the touch. 235. Stupefying headache, shakes the head to and fro. 236. Headache, stupefying. 237. Headache, stupefying in forehead. 238. Scalp has pustular eruptions. 239. Headache, frontal, usually over one eye. 240. Bones of the head feel sore. HEAD. 'o* 228. Bry, Graph, Nux,v., Kali,b, Nat,m., Merc,p, Nit,ac 229. Graph, Lach, Alum, Phos, Nit,ae 230. Guaiae 231. Hell,n, Op, Pod. 232. Hep. 232. Hep. 233. Rhus,t, Sil, Hep, Lye, Graph., Merc,v, Nit,ac, Olean, Pet, Staph, Sul. 234. Hep, Psor. 235. Hyos, Hell, Stram. 236. Lye, Laur, Hyos, Op, Ign, Hell,n., Stram, Kreos, Nux,v, Led, Nat,m, Rheum, Senecio, Staph, Vcrbas. 237. Hyos, Sabad. 238. Ipee, Graph., SuL, Sil, Sep, Hep., Viola,t. 239. Kali,b, Sang. 240. Kali,b, Merc,c, Nit,ac, Phcsae ,G2 HEAD. 241. Headache, extending into the root of the nose. 242. Headache, bursting through the temples. 243. Cold sensation of the head. 244. Headache in vertex. 245. Headache ceases while eating but returns again. 246. Hair turns grey early. 247. Tetter on the scalp. 248. Heat frequently rises in the head with thirst. 249. Headache, left temple. 250. Headache on one side. 251. Constant rotary motion of the head. 252. Bones of the skull has tearing, stinging pains. 253. Throbbing in the vertex. 254. Headache, frontal. 255. Periostium of the skull pains. HEAD. loa 241. Lach, Merc, Iod, Kali,b., Mez. 242. Lach, Sang. 243. Laur, Arn, Cal,c, Phos, Verat.a. 244. Lith, Zinc, Merc, Pet. 245. Lith. 246. Lye, Phos,ac 247. Mag,c 248. Mang. 249. Merc,v, Mez, Rhod, Spong, Stan, Staph, Tarax. 250. Merc,v, Asar, Caps, Cham, Cic, Coff, Coloc, Zinc, Nux,v, Puis, Sep. 251. Merc,v. 252. Merc,v. 253. Merc,b. 254. Merc,c.,'Puis., Sang. 255. Merc,c, Phos,ac 104 HEAD. 256. Bones of the skull painful and sensitive. 257. Headache in temples and sides of head after exertion and from talking too much. 258. Head covered with a thick leathery crust under which pus collects and mats the hair. 259. Vertigo from mental exertion. 260. Headache from the sun. 261. Headache, frontal, when turning the head rapidly. 262. Vertigo, with dullness of the head and flickering before the eyes. 263. Heat in the head, with red face, nausea and vomiting. 264. Eruption on margin of the hair at nape of neck. 265. Headache after eating. 266. Headache pressing, boring, com- mencing in the morning, worse after eating with nausea and sour vomiting toward evening. HEAD. ,05 256. Mez. 257. Mez. 258. Mez., Grapn., Psor, Rhus,t, SuL, Ars, Sil, Merc,c, Ust, Viola.t. 259. Nat,c, Nux,v, Sabad. 260. Nat,c, Bell, Glon, Lach. 261. Nat,c 262. Nat,m, Bell 263. Nat,m. 264. Nat,m. 265. Nux,m, Nux,v. 266. Nux,v. toe HEAD. 267. Pain as from a nail being driven into the side of the head. 268. Bruised feeling in occiput. 269. Swelling, small, painful, on fore- head. 270. Headache, worse in the morning. 271. Cold sweat on forehead. 272. Dullness of the head. 273. Headache from anger. 274. Eczema of the scalp, sore after scratching. 275. Vertigo, worse in the morning. 276. Headache, dull, pressive, frontal, extending to the eyes and root of the nose. 277. Headache, pulsating, sticking and burning in the brain, heat enters the head from the spine. 278. Cold feeling of the occiput. 279. Hair falls off, especially after grief or sorrow. HEAD. 107 267. Nux,v., Am., Coff., Ign , Puis. 268. Nux,v. 269. Nux,v. 270. Nux,v. 271. Op, Ver,a. 272. Cal.c, Caust, Kali.c, Phos, Pet, Nux,v, Op, Phos,ac, Puis, Rhus, Sabad, Sec, Spig, Squill 273. Pet, Lye, Mag.c, Nat,m, Phos, Rhus. 274. Pet, Graph, Lye, Merc.c, Sil. 275. Phos, Alum,, Lach. 276. Phos, Aeon, Bap, Kali.b, Merc,i. 277. Phos. 278. Phos. 279. Phos,ae iGQ HEAD. 280. Brain feels sore 281. Headache, with nausea, worse in forehead, comes every week. 282. Headache commencing in front and extending backward. 283. Numbness of the head, especially the forehead. 284. Formication in one temple, extend- ing to the lower jaw, with a sense of cold- ness on that spot. 285. Head numb any or everywhere. 286. Headache, as if a ball were rising from the throat into the brain. 287. Headache in the mornmg. 288. Headache in the morning with heat in the vertex. 289. Headache alternating with diarrhoea 290. Headache, rolling the head from side to side during detention. 291. Vertigo in the open air with a sense of fullness over the eyes. HEAD. 280. Phy,t. 281. Phyt, Sul. 282. Phyt. 283. Plat. 284. Plat. 285. Plat. 286. Plumb. 287. Pod, Agar, Graph, Hep, Nat,m., Phos,, Sep, Sul, Thuja, Rhod. 288. Pod, Nux,v, Sul 289. Pod. 290. Pod. 291. Pod. no HEAD. 292. Vertigo with headache. 293. Headache, morning, pressing in the forehead and stupefaction. 294. Hair dry, glues together and tangles easily. 295. Dullness of the head and bruised feeling in forehead. 296. Headache from overloaded stomach 297. Headache from overloaded stomach with pastry and fats. 298. Headache with aching pain in the eyes in the evening. 299. Pulsation in the head in the evening. 300. Headache worse from drinking wine. 301. Pain in forehead and temples in bed in the morning. 302. Headache dull. 303. Headache from changing from hot to cold places and vice versa. 304. Headache, especially after a walk. 305. Vertigo on turning the head quickly. HEAD. 292. Psor, Ver,v. 293. Psor, Nux,v, 294. Psor, Graph, Lye, Mez, SuL 295. Puis., Cinch, Sang, Rumex. 296. Puis., Bry, Ipee, Iris, Nux,v. £97. Puis. 298. Puis. 299. Puis, Nux,m. 300. Rhod, Nux,v., Zinc 301. Rhod. 302. Rumex,c, Urt. 303. Ranun. 304. Sabad. 305. Sang, Cal,c 1 12 HEAD. 306. Rush of blood to the head with whizzing in the ears and flushes of heat. 307. Headache occurring in paroxysms. 308. Headache begins in occiput, spreads upwards and settles over the right eye. 309. Headache, with nausea and chilli- ness, followed by flushes of heat extending from head to stomach. 310. Headache with nausea, beginning in the morning. 311. Vertigo ascending from the back into the head, ever inclined to fall forward while stooping. 312. Violent headache, frequently one sided, starting from the occipital protuber- ances extending upward and forward. 313. Headache, rising from the nape of the neck to vertex. 314. Bruised, frontal headache. 315. Head is wet from profuse night sweat. 316. Vertigo on looking down. HEAD. ,13 306. Sang., Aeon. 307. Sang., Cinch., Spig, Coff, Mur,ac„ Ver,a. 308. Sang. 309. Sang. 310. Sep, Nux,v, Nat,m, Sil 311. Sil 312. Sil. 313. Sil, Sang., Ver,v 314. Sil. 315. Sil, Cinch. 316. Spig. 11 * HEAD. 317. Headache in right temple and in- volving the eye. 318. Dull headache on right side of the brain on coming into a warm room from the open air. 319. Headache, neuralgic. 320. Sensation of a round ball in the forehead, setting firmly there even when shaking the head. 321. Headache passes off with much yawning. 322. Headache as if the brain was com- pressed, worse in the forehead. 323. Catarrhal headache before dis- charge sets in. 324. Headache, pressive, frontal, espec- ially in the morning. 325. Gradually increasing and suddenly ceasing headache. 326. Hair becomes dry, lustreless and falls out. 327. Headache, nervous. HEAD. nE 317- Spig. 318. Spong. 319. Staii., Sticta,p. 320. Staph. 321. Staph. 322. Staph. 323. Sticta, pul 324. SuL, Nux,v. 325. 326. Thuj 2 327. Ust, Arn, Bell, Fer,m, M'ux,v., Spig, Sul. "° HEAD. 328. Vertigo, with cold perspiration on forehead. 329. Congestion to the head when stoop- ing. 330. Coldness on vertex as if ice were lying there. 331. Painful sensitiveness of the hair. 332. Headache, frontal, with vomiting. 333. Vertigo in the occiput, falling to the left when walking. HEAD. 328. Ver,a, Op., Tabae 329. Ver,a. 330. Ver,a, Agar, Cal,c 331. Ver,a, Cinch, Fer,m, Sul. 332. Ver,v, Iris, Phyt. 333. Zinc I IS MOUTH. i. Burning, tingling and numbness of lips, mouth and tongue. 2. Dryness of the mouth. 3. Toothache from cold or dry cold winds with throbbing on one side, cheek red, con- gestion to the head. 4. Teeth sensitive to cold air. 5. Bitter taste in the mouth. 6. Tongue coated white or thick yellow white. 7. Copious flow of saliva. MOUTH. ,19 i. Ac, Arum,t. 2. Sep, Kali,iod, Ac, Ail, Ars., Bry., Hyos., Nux,m., Op, Ver,vir, Vib, Sil, Lach, Amm,c, Ant,c, Kalifi., Arg,m, Borax, Canjnd., Stram, Nat,c, Canth, Carbo,an, Caust, Chel, Cinch, Plum, Ver,a, Phos, Cocc, Dulc, Apis., Puis., Fer,m, Hell, Hyper. 3. Ac, Nux,v. 4. Ac, Spig, Agaric, Aur,m. 5. Graph, Cocc, Ac, Bry., Coloc, Cinch., Nux,v., Hep., Puis., Hel, Merc,c, Nat,c,, Nat,m, Nux,m, Sabad, Sep, Ip, Con, SuL, Aesc,h, Aeth, Alo, Amm,c, Ant,c, Ant,t, Apis, Arn, Lye, Pet, Phos, Psor, Mag,c, Cupr, Aur,m, Bap, Ben,ae, Bovista, Cham, Chel. 6. Dios, Ac, Ant,c, Bry., Merc, Nux,v.,. Aesc,h, Kali,b, Puis., Alo, Ars, Chel.y Cinch, Gels, Iod, Stan. 7. Ver,a, Merc,c, Ac, Cinch., Mercjod., Nit,ac, Amm,c, Zinc, Tabae, Arg,n, Arum,t, Canth, Dros, Ipee, Iris., Ust, Kali,iod, Iod., Merc,c, Jabor., Lobel, Merc,bin. 120 MOUTH. 1 8. Breath offensive, 9. Toothache in rheumatic and neuralgic subjects. io. Taste coppery. n. Thick yellow phlegm in the mouth. 12. Taste sweet. 13. Taste metallic 14. Tongue feels as if it had been scalded. 15. Aphthae in the mouth and throat. 16. Mouth and tongue feel as if they had been scalded. 17. Tongue dry. 18. Dryness and constriction of the pharynx as from a stringent drink. 19. Teeth covered with sordes. MOUTH. 121 8. Cim, Alo, Ap, Arg,m., Rhus,t, Sec,c, Sulph,ac 9. Cim, Ant,t. 10. Cim, Aesc,h, Cupr, Lactic,ac, Merc,c, Ust, Vib. 11. Aesc,h, Can,i7id. 12. Aesc,h, Merc,c, SuL, Amm,c, Bism, Bry, Sabad, Cinch, Ipee, Mur,ac, Plum, Puis, Sarsap, Thuja. 13. Aesc,h, Merc, SuL, Alo, Amm,c, Arg,nit, Bism, Can,ind, Coloc, Cupr, Hep, Phyt. 14. Aesc,h, Coloc, Glon, Jabor, Plat, Puis, Sang, Sulph,ac, Iris., Vertv. 15. Aeth, Mercc 16. Ins., Apis, Plat, Puis, Sep, Merc,c, Ver,a. 17. Agaric, Ars., Bap., Bell, Phos, Rhus., Ail., Apis, Chel, Iod 18. Agaric. 19. Ail., Bap, Rhus, Alum, Hyos. 122 MOUTH. 20. Toneue coated white. 21. Taste insipid. 22. Yellow ulcers on the tongue. 23. Aphthae of the mouth. 24. Fetid odor from the mouth. 25. Teeth feel loose and elongated. 26. Swelling and bleeding of the gums. 27. Ranula. 28. Blisters in the mouth. 29. Teeth feel painful. Z,o. Toothache evenings on retiring. MOUTH. 123 20. Kreos, Lactic,ac, A\\.',Ant,e,Merc,c, Ant,t, Arg,nit, Arn, Nux,v., Plum, Pod, Sarsap, Sec,c, Sep, Vib, Merc,c, Lye, Bry., Ars, Ben,ac, Calad,, Cal,os, Carbo,v, Nux,m, Pet, Cinch, Colch, Puis, Sul, Fer, Glon, Hyd, Hyper. 21. Olean, Ail, Borax, Bap, Bry., Puis., SuL, Calad, Chel, Cinch, Cycl, Dros, Fer, Hyper. 22. Alo, Alum, Apis. 23. Thuja, Alo, Ars., Borax., Hyd, Hell, Iod, Merc,c, Nit,ac, Hep, Iod , Kali,- iod, Lach, Plum, Mur,ac, Nat,m, Nux,m, Nux,v, Op, Sulph,ae 24. Pet, Ambra, Am., Hep,s., Iod, Nit,ac, Merc, Stan, Kreos, Anacar, Arg,- nit, Nux,v., Aur,m, Sep, Sul, Baryt,c, Bovista, Bry, Hyos, Ign, Kali,iod, Lach, Mez, Mur,ac, Nux,m, Pod, Puis, Sil. 25. Alum, Carb,a, Merc,c, Nit,ac, Amm,c Ars., Lye, Caust, Hyos, Mag,m, Rhus, Sil. 26. Alum, Merc, Nit,ac, Amm,c, Ant.c, Ant,t, Rhus,t, Ars., Baryt,c 27. Ambra., Merc,c 28. Ambra, Ars, Aur,m, Canth, Carbo,- an, Sul, Borax, Nit,ac, Nux,v. 29. Abra, Ign. 30. Amm,c. ,a4, MOUTH. 31. Tongue and palate dark, red and dry. 32. Redness and inflamation of the inner mouth. 33. Vesicles on the tongue. 34. Painful vesicles in the mouth. 35. Toothache in hollow teeth. 36. Toothache in hollow teeth, worse at night. 37. Toothache in hollow teeth, worse after eating. 38. Toothache in hollow teeth, worse from cold water. 39. Touching the tooth with the tongue pains intolerably. 40. Toothache when inspiring. 41. Much salty saliva in the mouth. 42. Cracks in the corners of the mouth. 43. Lips dry. 44. Lips dry and scurfy. 45. Lips crack and peel 46. Tongue red in streaks. 47. Tongue red and dry in a streak down the middle. 48. Difficult and painful to move the tongue. MOUTH. 31. Bap, Bell. 32. Amm,c, Ign. 33. Amm.c, Amm,m, Ars., Merc,c, RIius,t, Bap, Apis, Baryt,c, Kali.c, Mur,ac, Lye, Sep, Thuj. 34. Anac, , Nit,ae, Kali,c, Nat,m, Mur,- ac. Lye 35- Ant,c 36. Ant,c , Bell, Bovista. 37. Ant,c , Lach., Nux,v, Cham. 38. Ant,c, , Cal,c, Staph, Sul 39- Ant,c 40. Ant,c 4i. Ant,c, Cyc, Merc,c, Sep, Sul. 42. Ant,c, Graph., Lye, Merc, Nit,ac 43- Ant,c, Berb, Canjnd., Ign. 44- Ant,t, Ars. 45- Cham. , Ign, Nux,m. 46. Ant,t. 47- Ant,l, R/ius,L, Arg,nit, Caust., Phos,ac 48. Ant,t. 1 26 MOUTH. 49. Taste salty. 50. Taste sour. 51. Taste decayed. 52. Lips cedematous. 53. Lips hot and red. 54. Dryness of mouth, tongue and throat. 55. Buccal cavity, red and tender. 56. Cannot talk or put out the tongue. 57. Burning in the mouth and throat. 58. Rawness, burning and stinging blis- ters on the edge of the tongue. 59. Tongue swollen. 60. Tongue cracked. 61. Tongue red at tip, swollen, dry, glossy, cracked, sore, ulcerated. 62. Gums tender and bleed easily, but neither painful nor swollen. 63. Tip of the tongue red. 64. Tip of the tongue red and painful, papillae erect and nrominent. MOUTH. 127 49. Ant,t, Bell, Lactic,ac, Merc,c 50. Mag,c, Pet, Ant,t, Arg,nit, Bell, Bism, Cal,os, Cinch, Cocc, Ign., Nux,v., Sep, Nit,ac, Lye 51. Rhus,t, Hep, Ant,t, Arn, Aur,m, Bell, Bovista, Caust, Pod, Thuja, Sep, Hyos, Puis., Cham, Cocc, Fer, Fluor,ac, Gels, Nux,v. 52. Apis, Hep. 53. Apis, Bell. 54. Apis, ATux,m., Bell, Lactic,ac, Senecio,a, Stram. 55. Apis, Bell., Arum,t. 56. Apis. 57. Apis, Merc,c, Ars., Canth, Caps, Ac, Calad. 58. Apis. 59. Apis, Bell, Calad, Cicut,v, Crotal, Gels, LIel,n, Hyd, Merc,c, Thuja. 60. Apis, Bell, Arum,t, Bry, Carb,v, Fluor,ac, Kali,b, Merc, Spig, Bap, Rhus. 61. Apis, Lach. 62. Arg,nit. 63. Arg,nit, Ars, Rhus,t, Phyt. 64. Arg,nit, Ars., Bell, Nat,c. 123 MOUTH. 65. Tongue is remarkably dry with vio- lent thirst. 66. Taste gone. 67. Tongue dry, hard and black. 68. Cannot talk, spasm of the muscles of tongue and throat. 69. Dryness of the mouth with much thirst. 70. Toothache after operations on teeth. 71. Taste slimy. 72. Gums swollen and sore. 73. Gums, beating and tingling in. 74. Grinding of teeth while asleep. 75. Tongue, sides furred, red streak in the middle and red tip. 76. Tongue red, smooth and dry. 77. Tongue dry and brown. 78. Drinks often but little at a time. 79. Unquenchable thirst. 80. Taste bitter after eating. 81. Swelling about the root of the tongue internally and externally. MOUTH. 129- 65. Arg,nit, Ars. 66. Ant,t, Can.sat, Canth, Colch., Sulph,ac, Mag,m, Iris, Merc, Nat,m.t Puis., Sabad, Sang. 67. Arg,nit, Lach, Merc. 68. Arg,nit. 69. Ars., Bry., Arn, Baryt,c, Ac, Bell., Rhus,t, SuL 70. Arn. 71. Arn, Merc, Nux,v, Puis., Sep., Chel, Cinch, Kali,c, Pet. 72. Am., Aur.m, Merc,c, Sil. 73. Arn. 74. Ars, Hel. Hyos, Pod, Can.ind., Cic, Hell, Cina. 75. Ars., Phyt, Rhus. 76. Ars, Bell., Rhus., Kalifi. 77. Ars., Bap, Rhus,t, Bry. 78. Ars., Hyos, Cinch. 79. Ars., Bry. 80. Ars, Bry., Cincli., Col., Nux., Puis., SuL, Carbo,v, Tarax. 81. Ars. 130 MOUTH. 82. Tongue pale, doughy, takes print of the teeth. 83. Gangrene of the tongue. 84. Spots on the tongue which burn. 85. Root of tongue and palate feel raw. 86. Caries of the palatine bones, 87. Gums swollen, sore and bleed easily. 88. Loss of taste with immobility of the tongue. 89. Tongue yellow, brown coating down the centre, edges dark red and shining. 90. Tongue cracked, sore, ulcerated. 91. Smarting, burning pain in tip of tongue. 92. Paralysis of the tongue, 93. Mouth filled with vesicles. 94. Saliva runs out of the mouth while asleep. 95. Dull drawing in the upper right row of teeth, worse at night and from cold air. 96. Gums swollen and painful. 97. Tongue dry, red and cracked. 98. Slimy mouth in the morning when waking with pressing headache. MOUTH. 'si 82. Ars., Hyd, Merc,e, Vib,opul 83. Ars. 84. Ars. 85. Arum.t. 86. Aur,m. 87. Aur,m, Cal,os, Ham, Merc,c, Nil,- ae, Iod, Staph. 88. Aur,m. 89. Bap, Plumb, Phos. 90. Bap, Bary,c, Ben,ae 91. Baryt,e, Cinch, Coloc, Cal,c, Carb,an. 92. Baryt,c, Caust, Con, Gels., Hyos, Nux,m, Op, Plum, Dulc, Lach. 93. Baryt,e 94. Baryt,c, Rhus,t. 95. Bell., Ant,c 96. Bell, Graph, Mere, Sul. 97. Bell, Ail, Rhus,t., Bap, Kali.b. 98. Bell. 132 MOUTH. 99. Thick whitish mucus in the mouth and throat. 100. Teeth feel on edge. 101. Gums sore and bleed easily. 102. Painful white blisters on tip of tongue. 103. Tongue slimy, furred. 104. Toothache relieved by cold water in the mouth. 105. Tongue coated white evenings. 106. Tongue coated white mornings. 107. Gum boil 108. Blisters on the tongue. 109. Tongue red and raw. no. Food has no taste. in. Aphtha in the mouth, with great heat and dryness of the mouth. 112. Cutting pain in the tongue. 113. Scorbutic gums, bleed easily. 114. Toothache while eating. 115. Toothache when smoking. MOUTH. 133 99- Bell 100. Bell, Sulph,ac, Tarax. 101. Berb, Carbo,an, Sep. 102. Berb. 103. Berb. 104. Bism, Coff, Bry, Clem. 105. Bism. 106. Sul 107. Nux.v., Merc,c, Borax, Carbo,an, Carbo,v, Kali,iod. Lye, Sil. 108. Borax, Nux,v, Cham, Nit,ac, Sep, Thuja, Rhus, SuL 109. Lactic,ac 110. Borax, Ign. in. Borax, Hyd, Hell, Iod.. Merc,c, Nit,ac 112. Bovista. 113. Nux,m, Bovista, Carb,an, Merc,c, Nit,ac, Cistus. 114. Carbo,an, Merc, Bry, Kali,c, Kreos, Nat,c, Nux,m, Nit,ac, Olean, Puis, Sabin. 115. Bry, Ign. ,s* MOUTH. 116. Frequent drinking of cold water relieves the bitter taste and the inclination to vomit. 117. Dark brown streak in center of tongue. 118. Teeth feel elongated. 119. Toothache caused by a current of cold air or by cold drinks. 120. Difficult dentition. 121. Tongue, burning pain at tip. 122. Canker sores in the mouth, espec- ially during detention. 123. Retarded detention. 124. Tip of tongue has blisters on it. 125. Taste bitter in the morning with headache. 126. Tongue cold. 127. Lips feel as if glued together. 128. Every food is extremely palatable 129. Stammering and stuttering. 130. Mouth dry, without thirst. 131. Tongue thickly furred with red edges. MOUTH. isa 116. Bry. 117. Calad, Bap. 118. Calad, Bry, Cham, Colch, Kalijod 119. Cal,os., Ant,c, Staph, Sul, Nux,v. 120. Cal,os, Cal,ph, Sil 121. Kali,iod, Sabad., Cal,os, Cal,ph.,, Coloc, Kali,c, Sep. 122. Cal,os. 123. Cal,os, Cal,ph. 124. Cal,ph, Carbo,an, Caust, Cycl, Graph, Merc, Nit,ac, Lach. 125. Cal,ph, Bry., Nuxtv.} Carb,an, Puis., SuL 126. Camph, Ver,a. 127. Can,i7id. 128. Can,ind. 129. Can,ind, Caust,, Stram. 130. Can,ind, Cocc, Nux,7n., Puis., Lye, Nux,v, Phos,ac, Sabin. 131. Canth. 139 MOUTH. 132. Sublingual glands swollen and red. 133. Burning on tip of tongue and raw mouth. 134. Bitter taste every morning. 135. Teeth loose, sensitive on chewing. 136. Lips swollen, burning. 137. Gums bleed easily. 138. Gums become loosened from the teeth and retracted. 139. Gums painfully sensitive when chewing. 140. Tongue coated yellow-brown. 141. Tongue turns black. 142. Tongue raw and sore. 143. Tip of tongue raw and dry. 144. Increased flow of saliva. 145, Tongue dry. 146. Bitter taste before and after eating. 147. Fistula dentalis. MOUTH. 137 132. Canth. 133. Carb,an, Cal,c, Coloc. ^ 134. Carb,an,Nux,v., Cal,ph, Puis., SuL, Sarsap, Bry. 135. Carbo,an. Mere, Nit,ae, Phos, Caust, Cinch, Lye 136. Carbo,an. 137. Carb,v,Mere,Nit,ac, PJios., Nat,m. Crotal, Iod, Lye, Mag,m, Mur,ac, Zinc. 138. Carbo,v, Mere, Nit,ac, Cistus, Merc,c, Phos. 139. Carb,v., Merc, Caust, Phos. 140. Carbo,v, Cina, Cupr. 141. Carbo,v, Cinch, Lach, Lye, Op, Phos, Ver,a. 142. Carbo,v, Nit,ac, Cistus, Merc. 143. Carbo,v. 144. Carbo,v. 145. Sulph,ac, Carbo,v, Chel, Cistus.. Hel,n, Ipee, Vib,op, Ver,a, Phos, Plum, Psor, Ars, Bell, Rhus., SuL, Puis. 146. Carbo,v., Bry., Nux,v., Puis., SuL, C/ieL, Tarax. 147. Caust, Lye, Pet, Staph. 133 MOUTH. 148. Toothache, tearing, stitching. 149. Speechless from paralysis of the organs of speech. 150. Toothache after a warm drink. 151. Toothache on getting warm in bed. 152. Collection of metallic, sweetish saliva. 153. Taste like rancid fat. 154. Tearing pain from right ear to teeth in the afternoon. 155. Teeth clenched, lockjaw. 156. Grinding the teeth. 157. Foam from the mouth. 158. White painful burning ulcers on sides of the tongue. 159. Teeth loose and painful only when chewing. 160. Salivation day and night years after mercury. 161. Toothache throbbing MOUTH. 139 148. Caust, Puis, Cham, Colch, Con, Lach, Nux,v. 149. Caust, Dulc, Gels., Hyos, Nux,m, Con, Crotal, Laur. 150. Cham., Puis. 151. Cham, Merc,e, Clem, Ant,c, Bell, Puis., Sabin, Sul. 152. Cham, Phyto, Phos., Plum., Puis. 153. Cham, Caust, Puis, Kali,iod, Valeria. 154. Chel. 155. Cicuta,v, Ign, Hyos, Laur, Nux,v., Bell, Pod. 156. Cicut,v, Arn, Hell, Cina, Pod, Colch, Hyos, Ars, Ver,a. 157. Cicut,v, Cocc, Cupr, Laur, Hyos, Tabae, Ver,a. 158. Cicut,v. 159. Cinch, Carbo,an, Merc, Nit,ac 160. Cinch, Iod, Nit,ae, Kali,iod. 161. Cinch, Hyos, Merc, Mur,ac, Plat, Rhus,t, Spig, Glon, SuL, Ver,a. ,4° MOUTH. 162. Toothache worse from draught of air. 163. Swelling and induration of the sub- maxitary glands. 164. Taste metallic with loss of appetite. 165. Tongue heavy, stiff and insensible. 166. Inflammation of the mucous mem- branes of the mouth and throat. 167. Profuse flow of saliva, with dryness of the throat. 168. Loss of speech during typhus. 169. Toothache worse from cold; after warm things. 170. Toothache from eating cold things. 171. Tongue yellow along the centre and base with bitter taste. 172. Gums white. 173. Tongue yellow. 174. Tongue swollen and protruded. 175. Salivation, flow bloody or frothy. 176. Saliva and food have a salty taste. 177. Chronic glossitis. 178. Tongue has heavy brown coat mornings. 179. Sides of tongue sore as if burnt. MOUTH. ,41 162. Cinch, Sul, Hyos. 163. Cocc, Cal,c, Iod, Rhus,t, Spong. 164. Cocc, Aesc, Merc, Sul. 165. Colch, Con, Crotal, Lach, Lye 166. Colch. 167. Colch. 168. Colch. 169. Colch. 170. Con, Ant,c, Cal,c, Staph, Sul, Mux,v. 171. Collin. 172. Crotal,, Nux,v. 173. Crotal. 174. Crotal, Lye 175. Crotal. 176. Cycl, Ant,c, Mcrc,c, Sep, Sul. 177. Cupr. 178. Dios. 179. Dios, Coloc, Iris., Plat, Sang., Ver,v. MOUTH. Tip of tongue sore. Accumulation of saliva. 182. Rapid carries of the teeth. 183. Tongue trembles so he can hardly put it out. 184. Toothache from cold drink. 185. Gums swollen. 186. Stomatitis in nursing women and delicate children, especially after mercury or chlorate of potash. 187. Aphthae on the lips. 188. Middle of lower lip cracked. 189. Ulcers in the corners of the mouth. 190. Twitching of the corners of the mouth. 191. Inside of lower lip painful as if sore. 192. While chewing or talking bites the inside of the cheek easily. 193. Dentition difficult, with convulsions. 194. Blisters form on the gums. 195. Lips, dry, cracked, bleeding. 196. Ulcers on inside of cheeks. 142 180. 181. MOUTH. 180. Dios, Hep, Kali,e 181. Staph, Dulc, Aeon, Merc, Nit,ae, Graph, Ign, Ver,v, SuL, Kali,c, Nux,v., Iod., Pet, Phyt, Sec,e 182. Fluoric,ac, Kreos, Staph. 183. Gels, Lach, Lye 184. Graph, Ant,c, Staph, Sul, Hep, Spig. 185. Graph, Bell, Arum., Merc,c,, Nat,m, Nit,ac, Pet, Sabad, Thuja. 186. Hyd. 187. Hyd. 188. Hep, Puis. 189. Hep, Ign, Nit,ac 190. Ign, Op. 191. Ign. 192. Ign, 193- Ign, Ver,v. 194. Iod. 195- Ign. 196. Iris,, Pet. ,4V MOUTH. 197. Tongue feels greasy on rising in the morning. 198. Tongue ulcerated, deep, syphilitic. 199. Viscid saliva in the mouth and upper throat. 200. Vesicles on tip of tongue. 201. Swelling and suppuration of sub- maxillary glands. 202. Viscid salty saliva during pregnancy. 203. Teeth has drawing pains. 204. Humid suppurating eruption around mouth. 205. Lower jaw hangs down. 206. Tongue ulcerated. 207. Accumulation of water in the mouth. 208. Bloody saliva. 209. Teeth feel loose. 210. Teeth become black, carious. 211. Lips slimy and sticky on waking. 212. Burning in mouth extending to the stomach. 213. Teeth sensitive. 214. Tongue feels dry but is not. 215. Sensation as of a hair on the tongue. 216. Tongue dry and stiff, speech difficult. MOUTH. l^ 197. Iris. 198. Kali.b. 199. Kali,b, Merc,c, Pod, Tabae 200. Kali,iod, Nat,m, Lyes 201. Kali,iod. Hep, Sil 202. Kali,iod. 203. Kreos, Merc,c, Puis., Sep, Zinc. 204. Lye 205. Lye, Op. 206. Lye, Merc,e, Mur,ac, Nit,ac, Sil, Thuja. 207. Lye 208. Mag,c 209. Merc,c, Psor, Carbo,an. 210. Merc,c, Staph. 211. Merc,bin.. Mur,ac 212. Mez., Ars, Canth, Caps. 213. Nat,c, Carbo,an, Merc,c, Nit,ae 214. Nat,m. 215. Nat,c, Sil. 216. Nat,m, Phos, Stram. 149 MOUTH, 217. Teeth becomes yellow. 218. Bites the tongue when chewing. 219. Ulcerated spots on inner surface of -cheeks, with sticking pains. 220. Dryness and burning in the mouth and fauces. 221. Taste earthy. 222. Taste chalky. 223. Toothache after eating. 224. Tongue coated thick white. 225. Tongue heavy, speech difficult. 226. Papular eruption in the corners of the mouth. 227. Tongue red. 228. Food, especially bread, tastes bitter. 229. Tongue feels sore, with red tip. 230. Teeth decay early. 231. Gums pain on taking cold water in the mouth. 232. Tongue, sensation as of a hair on front part. 233. Sensation as of a hair on back part of tongue. 234. Sores on gums and roof of mouth. 235. Dribbling of glairy saliva from the mouth. MOUTH. 147 217. Nit,ac, Iod, Thuja. 218. Nit,ac, Ign, Phos,ac, Thuja. 219. Nit,ac 220. Nit,ac, Ars., Canth., Caps, Merc.c. 221. Nux,m. 222. Nux,m. 223. Nux,v, Ant,c, Lach, Staph. 224. Nux,v, Ac, Ant,e, Bry., Puis. 225. Nux,v, Caust., Gels., Lach, Plum. 226. Pet, Sec,c 227. Phos, Rhus,t, Ars. 228. Puis., Bry., Cinch., Coloc, Nux,v., Sul, Nat,m. 229. Rhus,t 230. Sep. 231. Sil. 232. Sil. 233. Kali,b, Nat,m. 234. Sang. 235. Stram 148 MOUTH. 236. Tongue coated white with red tip and borders. 237. Mouth dry, insipid and sticky in the morning. 238. Pain from submaxilary glands to tongue. 239. Tongue covered with a white coat- ing which peels off in patches and are red and tender. 240. Tongue red, smooth and glossy. 241. Bleeding from gums or after extrac- tion of tooth. 242. Flat slimy taste in the morning 243. Tongue red and swollen. 244. Tongue yellow with red streak in the middle. 245. Tongue has brown streak down the centre. MOUTH. 236. Sul 237. Sul. 238. Sulph,ac 239. Tarax. 240. Tereb. 241. Trill 242. Valeria. 243. Ver,a, Bell., Rhus,i. 244. Ver,v. 245. Vib,opul. 150 NOSE. i. Sense of smell very acute. 2. Sense of smell acute especially for un- pleasant odors. 3. Sense of smell sensitive. 4. Epistaxis. 5. Epistaxis, blood bright red 6. Epistaxis, venous. 7. Coryza with sneezing, dry. 8. Coryza with sneezing, fever, thirst and restlessness. 9. Pain, pressive at the root of the nose. 10. Pain, stinging and burning in pos- terior nares and soft palate. 11. Dryness of the posterior nares. 12. Epistaxis when blowing the nose early in the morning. NOSE. 151 i. Aeon., Agar., Anac, Bell., Coff. Colch, Hep, Lye, Aur, Carbol,ac, Graph.. 2. Aeon., Bell., Cham., Colch., Hep., Lycy SuL, Agar, Coloc. 3. Aur, Agar, Coff, Graph, Phos, Sep. 4. Aeon., Bell., Bry., Ambr, Amm,c„ Arg,m, Arnic, Baryt,c, Cannab, Carbo,v., Cina, Cinch, Kreos, Croc, Dros, Dulc,, Hep, Ipee, Kali,i, Led, Lye, Merc,v, Mosch, Nit,ac, Nux,v, Phos, Puis, Rhod. Rhus,t, Sec,c, Sep, Sil, Sabad, Tereb., Spong, Sul, Thuja, Ham., Cac, Caust., Kali,c, Pet, Rumex,c, Spig, Trill, Ver,a. 5. Aeon, Erig, Dulc, Ipee, Dios.„ Kreos. 6. Hant., Croc, Phos,ac, Sec,c, Sulph,ae. 7. Aeon, Euphorb, Arg,m, Cal,c 8. Aeon, Nux,v. 9. Aeon, Kalifi., Merc,iod. Plat, Ant,t.„ Ars, Camph, Ver,a, Cann,s.. Carbo.v, Cinch, Hep, Dulc, Hyos, Phyt, Puis.,. Sticta,p., Thuja. 10. Aesc,h, Aur. 11. Aesc, Nat,m. 12. Agar, Ambr, Bry., Bo 152 NOSE. 13. Discharge, copious, thin, ichorous and bloody from the nose. 14. Congestion of nostrils; secretion sup- pressed. 15. Swelling of the septum of the nose, sensitive to touch. 16. Swelling and hardness of the left alae nasi. 17. Ulcerated nostrils. 18. Catarrh, chronic, nasal, scurfy, sore nostrils and discharge of thick yellow mucus. 19. Blood, dried, collects in the nose. 20. Epistaxis when washing the face in the morning. 21. Discharge of burning water from the nose. 22. Stoppage of nose, mostly at night; must breathe through the mouth, 23. Congestion to the tip of the nose when stooping. 24. Stoppage of the nose, with coryza, soreness, tenderness and loss of smell 25. Smell, illusory, in the morning when rising, as of burning tinder. NOSE. 153 13. Ail., Ars., Arum., Cep., Amm,c, Mez. 14. Ail, Psor. 15. Alum, Ars, Merc,v. 16. Alum, Cistus. 17. Alum,~Ant,c, Aur, Graph, Kali,b, Nit,ac, Puis., Calc,c, Nat,c, Phos, Staph, Thuja, Kali,c, Sep, Coral, Mag,m, Merc,v., Sil. 18. Alum, Baryt,c, Graph, Hep, Hyd, Kali,b, Merc,v, Puis. 19. Ambr. 20. Amm,c, Kali,c 21. Amm,c, A7?im,7ii., Ars., Cep., Merc,c, Hyd. 22. Amm,c, Nux,v. 23. Amm,c. 24. Amm,m, Puis. 25. Anac. 154 NOSE. 26. Smell, illusory, as of pidgeon or chicken dung. 27. Sore, cracked and crusty nostrils. 28. Nose painful when breathing as if from inspiring cold air. 29. Coryza fluent, sneezing and chilli- ness, with loss of taste and smell 30. Swollen nose, red and cedematous. 31. Discharge, thick, white, fetid mucus, mixed with blood. 32. Boils in nostrils, better from cold. 33. Coryza, fluent, with sneezing. 34. Coryza with stupefying headache over the eyes, has to lie down, sneezing, chilliness, lachrymation. 35. Itching on the nose. 36 37 38 39 40 Epistaxis preceded by tingling. Epistaxis from mechanical causes. Epistaxis in whooping cough. Epistaxis in typhoid fever. Epistaxis after washing the face. NOSE. ,55 26. Anac. 27. Brom, Ant,c, Ail, Ant,t, Graph, Kali,b„ Nit,ac, Puis., Ai'um., Alum, Aur, Kali,c, Merc,v, Sep, Sil. 28. Ant,c, Hyd, Psor. 29. Ant,t, Puis. 30. Apis., Rhus,t. 31. Apis, Arg,n. / 32. Apis. 33. Apis, Ars, Euph, Merc,c, Aeon, Gels, Brom, Merc,v, Merc,b, Sang, Mez, Rumex, Cep., Iris, Sep, Spong, SuL 34. Arg,n. 35. Arg,n, Agar, Carbo,v, Spig, Sabad, Sil, SuL 36. Am., Aeon. 37. Arn. 38. Arn. 39. Arn, Rhus,t. 40. Arn, Amm,c ,5e NOSE. 41. Discharge excoriating from the nos- trils. 42. Coryza with hoarseness and sleep- lessness. 43. Coryza, better in the open air. 44. Stoppage of the nose. 45. Sneezing and sleepy, worse at night. 46. Drink passes up through the nose. 47. Picking at the nose. 48. Stoppage of the nose, but moist dis- charge in the morning streaked with blood, during the day yellow thick mucus. 49. Discharge from the nose fetid. 50. Swelling and inflammation of the bones of the nose. 51. Crusts in the nose. 52. Obstruction, sensation as in dry coryza, yet the air passes through. 53. Soreness in the nose especially when touched. NOSE. 157 41. Ars., Ail, Amm,c, Arutn., Cepa., Euph., Lye, Merc,c, Hyd, Kali,b, Lach, Merc,v, Sil, Squil, Ferr, Nux.v 42. Ars. 43. Ars, Puis. 44. Ars, Arum., Aur, Nit,ac, Carbo!,ac, Caust, Nux,v., Coral, Amm,c, Kali,c, Ambr, Amm.m, Cal,c, Carbo,an, Carbo,v, Graph, Ipee, Lye, Nux,m, Sep, Sil, Sul. Spong, Mang, Nat,c, Nat,m, Puis, Zinc. 45. Arum. 46. Arum. 47. Arum., Ci7ia 48. Arum 49. Asaf, Aur, Graph, Puis.,. Nat,c, Thuja. 50. Asaf, 51. Aur, Alum, Ant,c, Graph, Puis. Borax, Kali,b., Sep, Sil, Nat,c, Lach.. Merc,c 52. Aur. 53. Aur., Alum, Merc,v., Dios. 158 NOSE. 54. Pains in the bones of the nose when touched. 55* Smell putrid when blowing the nose. 56. Carries of the nasal bones. 57. Dryness of the nose; obstinate. 58. Discharge of thick yellow mucus. 59. Coryza, nose and upper lip swollen. 60. Swollen at tip of nose, shining, red and burning. 61. Dryness of the nose, internally. 62. Sneezing frequent. 63. Discharge of mucus mixed with blood. 64. Epistaxis with congestion of the head. 65. Boils in nostrils. 66. Swelling of the nose, red and shining, with throbbing and tensive sensation 67. Epistaxis in the morning. HOSE 159 54. Aur, Hep, Alum, Bry, Merc,v., 55. Aur. 56. Aur. 57. Baryt,c 58. Baryt,c, Ail, Puis. 59. Baryt,c, Cal,c. 60. Bell, Borax, Nit,ac, Rhus,t 61. Baryt.c, Bell, Graph, Kalip., Berb, Cann,s, Cal,c, Nat,m, Phos, Sep, Sil, Sul, Lith, Lye, Mang, Mez, Samb, Thuja, Ust, Ver,a. 62. Bell, Cal,c, Carbo.v, Caust, Cina, Aeon, Gels, Sang, Cistus, Crocus, Cyc, Dios, Dros, Euphorb, Iris, Kreos, Nat,m, Sul, Phos, Puis., Sec,c, Senecio, Sil. 63. Bell, Fer,m, Graph, Hep, Thuja, Hyd. 64. Bell 65. Borax, Apis. 66. Borax, Bell 67. Bov, Aeon, Bell, Ham., Bry., Agar, Ambr, Cal,c, Cinch, Carbo,a7t., Fer.m, Rhus,t 160 NOSE. 68. Soreness of the nose and on the margins of the nostrils. 69. Soreness of the nose, swollen with scurfs in it, pain and bleeding on wiping. 70. Coryza severe, right nostril stopped up and sore throughout, later the left. 71. Swelling of the nose with sore pain when touched. 72. Coryza, fluent. 73. Coryza, stopped nose. 74. Swelling of the nose especially at the root. 75* Sneezing without coryza. 76. Exhalations from the nose, fetid. 77. Polypus of the nose. 78. Coryza fluent in a cool room. 79. Epistaxis in the afternoons. 80. Coryza, fluent on sudden change of weather. 81. Epistaxis in the morning preceded by vertigo. NOSE. "» 68. Brom.. Ail., Arum., Cep., Merc,e 69. Brom, Nit,ae 70. Brom, Sil, Alum, Nux,v., Phos. 71. Bry, Alum, Merc,c, Phos., Nit,ae 72. Calad, Dros, Euphorb, Fluor,ac, Kreos., Mang, Merc,v., Aeon, Mez, Nat,c, Nat,m, Puis, Sep, Sil, Sulph,ac 73. Calad, Carbo,v, Merc,c, Psor, Sil,, Spong, Thuja. 74. Cal,c 75. Cal,c. 76. Cal,c, Kreos, Aur, Bell, Graph.,. Nit,ac, Phos, Dios, Merc,v, Puis., SuL 77. Cal,c, Phos, Merc.c, Sang, Sep., Sil, Staph, Cal,p. 78. Cal,p, Puis. 79. Cal,p. 80. Camph. 81. Carbo,an. 162 NOSE. 82. Coryza, scraping in the throat, worse evening, night, and when swallowing. 83. Epistaxis, severe several times a day for weeks. 84. Sneezing, with tickling and crawling in the nose. 85. Coryza, dry, 86. Discharge, watery, copious, from the nose, and lachrymation. 87. Coryza, fluent, profuse, acrid dis- charge, constant sneezing. 88. Coryza, fluent, profuse, acrid, sneez- ing when coming into a warm room. 89. Discharge, ichorous, from the nose; second stage of scarletina. 90. Coryza, fluent, headache, lachryma- tion, heat, cough, thirst, trembling of the hands, worse evening in a warm room. 91. Irritation, to sneeze with crawling, dry heat, stoppage, sensation as if coryza would appear. 92. Tip or nose painful. 93. Epistaxis in the evening. NOSE l6a 82. Carbo,an 83. Carbo,v 84. Carbo,v. 85. Caust, Nux,v., Coral, Dros, Kreos. Amm,c, Amm,m, Bry, Cal,c, Caps, Carb,- an. Graph, Ipee, Nat,m, Phos, Plat, Sul,- ac. Thuja, Mang.. Aeon, Nat,m, Nit,ae Puis, Sabin, Samb, Sep, Sil, Spong, Sticta, Sulph,ae 86. Cepa., Aeon, Euph, Ranun 87. Cepa., Ail., Aur., Merc,v, Sang. Squill. 88. Cepa.,, Nux,v, Puis. 89. Cepa, Ail, Arum. 90. Cepa 91. Cham. 92. Cistus, Rhus.t. 93. Colch 164 NOSE. 94. Pain in septum. 95. Catarrh, fluent, of odorless mucus, looking like melted tallow. 96. Epistaxis, especially at night. 97. Epistaxis of tenacious, thick black blood with cold sweat on the forehead in iarge drops. 98. Bleeding from the nose and all the orifices of the body. 99. Sensation of great congestion of blood to the nose. 100. Irritation of the nasal passages with much sneezing. 101. Discharge of bright red blood from the left nostril. 102. Coryza dry, worse from cold air. 103. Coryza, with sneezing. 104. Coryza with sneezing; aching in every bone. 105. Coryza, fluent, bland, profuse. 106. Coryza, fluent, bland, profuse, with scalding tears and aversion to light. 107. Coryza, worse in the evening and at night. 108. Irritation to sneeze without cold 01 apparent cause. 109. Discharge bloody. NOSE 16 94- Colch, 95. Coral. 96. Coral, Rhus.t. 97. Crocus. 98. Crotal 99. Cupr. 100. Dios, Euph, Cham 101. Dios. 102. Dulc. 103. Eupt,p, Aeon, Sang, Merc.c, Gels. 104. Eupt,p. 105. Euph., Ars, Merev 106. Ei tpit* 107. Euph. 108. Euph, Cham. 109. Lach, Thuj, Mez, Sul. 166 NOSE. no. Discharge, purulent. in. Discharge greenish. 112. Discharge greenish yellow. 113. Discharge slimy. 114. Swelling, inflamation and redness of the nose. 115. Sneezing, chronic. 116. Dryness of the right nostril. 117.. Smell of flowers intolerable. 118. Soreness of the nose internally. 119. Epistaxis, with a feeling of tight- ness across the bridge of the nose and pressure in the forehead between the eyes. 120. Epistaxis, vicarious. 121. Catarrh, with inflamatory swelling of the nose which pains. 122. Discharge of thick white mueus; frontal headache. 123. Discharge from posterior nares thick and tenacious. 124. Coryza, burning, smarting and raw- ness of the nose. 125. Coryza, scanty discharge in the room, profuse out of doors. NOSE. ,67 no. Fer,m, Graph, Thuj, Hyd, Merc,v, Nit,ac, Lach.. Cal,c, Sul, Hep. in. Fer,m, puis, Nat,c, Rus,t, Thuj. 112. Phos, Kali,b, Puis., graph, Merc,v, Sep. 113. Fer,m. 114. Fluor,ac, Bell, Ranun, SuL, Phos. 115. Gamb. 116. Gamb. 117. Graph. 118. Graph., Merc,v., Nit,ae, Kali,b.„ Rhus,t, Sil, SuL, Zinc. 119. Ham. 120. Ham, Bry, Puis, Sep, Lach. 121. Hep, Bell. 122. Hyd, Puis. 123. Hyd, Kali,b. 124. Hyd, Cep, Hyos, Merc,c 125. Hyd. 168 NOSE. 126. Sneezing with fullness over the eyes. 127. Sneezing with fullness over the eyes, dull frontal headache. 128. Ozcena, with ulceration. 129. Cold feeling in the nose from the air. 130. Smell is wanting. 131. Jerking at the root of the nose. 132. Coryza, with the stoppage of the nose and nausea. 133. Ulceration of septum narium. 134. Inflamation purulent of the whole nasal mucous membrane. 135. Inflamation of the nose. 136. Inflamation of the nose inside. 137. Inflamation of the tip of the nose. 138. Discharge tough, stringy. 139. Dryness of the nose, with a feeling of pressure in the nasal bones. 140. Sensation as if the nose were swollen and stiff; must blow out a thick substance but no discharge, feels as if a heavy weight were hanging to it. NOSE. ,69 126. Hyd, Aeon,, Sang. 127. Hyd. 128. Hyd, Sang. 129. Hyd, Ant,c, Psor. 130. Hyos, Psor, Anac, Nat,m, Sil, Mag,m, Merc,c,Rhus,t, Sang, Sep, Sticta, Zinc. 131 132 133 134 135 Sul. 136 137 138 139 Hyos. Ipee Kali,b., Alum, Aur., Nit,ac Kali,b., Graph, Merc,v, Nit,ac, Sil. Bell, Calc.c, Hep, Rhus,t, Sep, Bell, Bry, Nux,v, Sul Sep. Kali,b., Kali,iod. Kali.b. 140. Kali,b. 170 NOSE. 141. Pain in the right side of the nose on blowing it. 142. Swelling and redness of the nose. 143. Smell, offensive before the nose. 144. Catarrh, chronic of old people. 145. Coryza preceded by headache. 146. Scabs in the nose. 147. Epistaxis, in typhus. 148. Swelling of mucous membrane of the nose. 149. Catarrh epidemic. 150. Coryza, in geneal 151. Coryza with cough. 152. Coryza with hoarsness. 153. Coryza with loss of smell. 154. Discharge from the nose yellow. 155. Obstruction of the nose chronic. 156. Obstruction of the nose one sided. 157. Sneezing spasmotic NOSE. »7i 141. Kali.b. 142. Kali,c, Bell, Nit,ac, Rhus,t, Lith, Mag,m, Merc,v, Merc,e ^ 143. Kreos, Cal,c, Puis., Nux,v, SuL, Sep, Thuj, Vera,a. 144. Kreos. 145. Lach, Hyd. 146. Lach, Mcrc,v, Sil, Mez, Nat,m, Sil, Staph, Sticta,p, Thuj, Alum, Ant,c, Puis. 147. Lach, Rhus,t. 148. Lach, Phos. 149. Camph, Merc,v, Nux.v, Rhus,t. 150. Amm,c, Amm,m, Sul, Lye 151. Spong, Thuj. 152. Nit,ac, Petr, Sep, Sang, Thuj. 153. Mag,m, Puis, Ant,t. 154. Phos, Mez, Nat,c, Nit,ac, Puis., Rhus,t, Sul. 155. Con, Sil, Sul 156. Rhod, Sul, Phyt, Staph. 157. Stram, Sul, Nat,c, Nat,m, Rhus,t, Rumex. 172 NOSE. 158. Swelling of the nose. 159. Ulceration of the nose inside. 160. Bones of the nose pain. 161. Catarrh with swelling of the nose and acrid discharge. 162. Coryza with dullness of the head and loss of smell and taste. 163. Taste and smell lost. 164. Pain, soreness and burning in the nostrils. 165. Epistaxis during sleep. 166. Coryza, fluent, corrosive, with much sneezing. 167. Nostrils bleeding scurfy, nose red, swollen and shining. 168. Coryza, nose hot and swollen. 169. Coryza, rawness and smarting the nostrils. 17a Smell diminished. 171. Discharge of nasal mucus through the mouth. 172. Redness of the nose with white pimples on it. 173. Inflamation and swelling of the left side of the nose. NOSE. ,7a 158. Zinc, Arn, Aur, Bell, Bry, Cal,e, Merc,v, Phos, Sep, Sul. 159. Kali,c, Sil, Nat,c 160. Aur, Puis. 161. Lye, Ars, Cepa, Merc,e 162. Mag,m, Nat,c, Puis 163. Mag,m, Ant,t, Puis., Sulph,ac. 164, Mag,m, 165. Merc,v. 166. Merc,v, Nux,v, Spong. 167. Merc,v, Ars, Arum, Pub. 168. Merc,b. 169. Merc,c, Amm,m, Cep, Hyd, Mez. 170. Mez. 171. Nat,e, Hyd, Kali,b, Spig 172. Nat,c 173. Nat,m. 174 NOSE. 174. Soreness of the nose. 175. Coryza with soreness and the bleed- ing of the nose. 176. Tip of the nose red. 177. Stitches in the nose as from a splinter on touch. 178. Discharge, profuse, acrid mucus from the obstructed nostrils. 179. Coryza, fluent in the morning. 180. Coryza, fluent during the day, stopped at night. 181. Coryza, better in the cool air. 182. Pain internally in nostrils as if ulcerated. 183. Itching of the tip of the nose. 184. Scabs on the margins of the nostrils. 185. Swollen nose, internally, dry and stopped. 186. Blood, frequently blown from the nose. 187. Coryza, with inflamation of the throat. 188. Coryza, with inflamation of the throat and dullness of the head. 189. Stoppage of one side of the nose while the other discharges mucus. 175 NOSE, 174. Nat'm, Mez, Thuj. 175. Nit,ac, Brom. 176., Bell, Rhus't. 177. Nit,ac 178. Nux,v, 179. Nux,v. 180. Nux,v. 181. Nux,v, Puis. 182. Nux,v. 183. Pet. 184. Phos, Alum, Cal,c, Graph, Lye, Merc,v, Sul. 185. Phos. 186. Phos. 187. Phos, Merc,v. 188. Phos. 189. Phyt, 176 NOSE. 190. Sensation in the nose and eyes as if a cold would come on. 191. Numbness and crampy pain in the nose and root of the nose. 192. Corrosive sensation on the nose as of something acrid. 193. Soreness and little pustules on the nose. 194. Epistaxis with catarrh. 195. Smell illusory as of old cattarh in the nose. 196. Stoppage of the nose in the morn- ing. 197. Stoppage of the nose in the evening. 198. Stoppage of the nose in a warm room. 199. Coryza, with frontal headache. 200. Coryza, with pale face, chilliness, head confused. 201. Epistaxis, at night. 202. Epistaxis, on stooping. 203. Sniffles of children. 204. Coryza, worse on the right side. 205. Stoppage of the nose with watery discharge. NOSE. 190. Phyt, Cep, Euph. 191. Plat, Aeon, Kali,b, Merc,iod. 192. Plat. 193. Pod. 194. Puis. 195. Puis., Sul. 196. Puis 197. Puis. 198. Puis. 199. Puis. 200. Puis. 201. Rhus,t. 202. Rhus,t. 203. Samb, Nux,v. 204. Sang. 205. Sec,c, Arum, 178 NOSE. 206. Sneezing and sense of burning and fullness in nostrils. 207. Eruption, painful on top of the nose. 208. Swelling and inflamation of the nose. 209. Coryza, dry, worse left side. 210. Soreness in the bones of the nose. 211. Tickling on back of the nose as from a hair. 212. Eruption, herpetic on the nose. 213. Coryza, fluent, with headache and lachrymation. 214. Coryza, with sneezing and lachry- mation. 215. Constant need to blow the nose but no discharge. 216. Catarrh, acute, nasal. 217. Coryza, burning in the open air, stopped up when in the room. 218. Swelling and hardness of alae nasi. 219. Eruption, itching, red, of alae nasi. 220. Nose grows more pointed, seems to be longer. 221. Dryness of the nose; brain affected. NOSE. 179 206. Senecio. 207. Sep. 208. Sep. 209. Sep. 210. Sil 211. Spig. 212. Spig. 213. Spig. 214. Spong, Ars., Cep., Euph, Merc,v. 215. Sticta,p., Kali,b. 216. Sticta, Aeon, Merc,v. 217. Sul. 4* J ^J. A- 11UJ . 219. Thuj. 220. Ver,a. 221. Zinc. 180 FACE. i. Anxious, frightened expression. 2. Cheeks hot and flushed. 3. Face red and pale alternately. 4. One cheek red the other pale. 5. Red and bloated face. 6. Face feels as if growing large. 7. Red face, turns deadly pale on rising. 8. Neuralgia of trigeminus, restless, anxious, screaming. 9. Neuralgia of trigeminus, left side. 10. Wrinkled face as if old. 11. Comedones on face with emaciation. 12. Foolish look. 13. Rush of blood to the face. 14. Epilepsy, makes grimaces and foams at the mouth. 15. Left cheek red during fever. 16. Pale, waxen, emaciated face. 17. Pain in the face as if from rheuma- tism. FACE. iSt i. Aeon, Acet,ac, Cim, Stram, Ver.a. 2. Acet,ac, Bell, Aeon. 3. Aeon, Bov, Brom, Caps, Gels, Ign., Mag,c, Puis, Zinc. 4. Aeon, Cham., Am., Rheum. 5. Aeon, BefL, Op., Acet,ac, Spong. 6. Aeon., Baryt,c. Calfc, Fer.m, Arg,a 7. Aeon, Ver,a. 8. Aeon. 9. Aeon, Spig., Lach. 10. Abrotan, Baryt.e. Arg,n, Cal,c, Hell,n. 11. Abrotan, Sul 12. Absinth. 13. Absinth, Aeon., Bell.. Merec 14. Absinth. 15. Acet,ac 16. Acet,ae, Aesc,h, Ars., A7it,tl Carb,v, Ver,a, Apis, Arg,n, Berb, Borax. 17. Actea,s., Aeon, Ant,t 182 FACE. 18. Twitching of the facial muscles. 19. Redness, itching, burning as from freezing. 20. Itching, corrosive of the cheeks. 21. Erysipelas of left side of the face. 22. Red and hot face covered with a rash. 23. Tension of the skin on the face as though the white of egg had been dried. 24. Flushes of heat in the face. 25. Jaundiced color of the face. 26. Heat in the face during mental ex- ertion. 27. Cracks in the corners of the mouth, painful, like sores. 28. Eruptions on cheeks, suppurating and long lasting. FACE. 183 18. Agar, Cic, Ant,t, Belt, Ign, Nux,v, Cupr, Stram, Laur, Cham, Ipee, Ambr.* Op, Sec,c, Valer, Ver,v. 19. Agar, Colch. 20. Agn,c 21. Agn.c 22. Ail, Bell, Rhus,t. 23. Alum, Bary,c, Calad, Graph, Sulph,ac, Brom, Calad, Viola,tr, Cann,- ind, Mag,c, Phos, Phos,ac, Rheum, Sul,ac 24. Ambr, Cim, Chel, Cistus, Lye, Graph, Stan, Thuj. 25. Ambr, Chel., Crotal, Pod, Arg,n, Iod, Cal,c, Carbo,v, Caust, Hep, Nat,m, Sep, Cinch, Gels, Kali,b, Laur, Mag,m,, Merc,c,, Ars, Bry, Canth, Con, Graph, Kali,c, Lye. Nux,v, Plum, Puis,. Seec, Phos. 26. Amm,c 27. Ant,c, Graph., Lye, Merc,v., Nit,ac Arum,t, Mang, Bov, Phos, Psor, Rhus,t, Sil. 28. A7tt,c, Graph, Mez. 184 FACE. 29. Lips dry and scurfy or cracked. 30. Heat in the face. 31. Cold sweat on the face. 32. Swelling of the face cedematoes. 33. Swollen red and hot face. 34. Pain, burning and piercing. 35. Erysipelas of the face. 36. Pain in the bones of the face. 37. Pain in the right zygoma. 38. Burning and redness of one cheek. 39. Swelling, redness and pain of the right cheek. 40. Swollen lips, heat in the head with cold body. FACE. ,85 29. Ant,t, Ars, Ign, Merc,v, Mez., Mur,ae 30. Ant,t, Bry, Cal,p, Cham, Anac, Arn, Bell, Bov, Cor,r, Hep, Nat,c, Pet, Plat, Sabad, Sul, Tabae, Thuj, Ver,a, Sars. 31. Ant,t, Ars, Ver,a., Tabae, Camph, Cal,p, Carbo,v, Cocc, Rheum, Spong, Ver,v. 32. Apis., Ars, Baryt,c, Bry., Hell,n, Merc,c 33. Apis, Bell., Op, Stram, Nat,c, Rhus.t. 34. Apis.. Ars. 35. Apis., Bry, Camph, Graph, Rhus,t, Hep, Lach, Bell, Canth, Carbo,an, Cham, Euph, Sul,ac, Puis. 36. Arg,m, Aur,m, Cal,c, Colch, Hep, Kali,b, Lye, Mag,c, Merc,p, Mez, Nit,ac, Phyt. 37. Arg,m, Chel. 38. Arn, Aeon, Cham., Ign 39. Arn. 40. Arn. 186 FACE. 41. Swollen face. 42. Sunken face. 43. Hippocratic face. 44. Face expressive of great mental agony. 55. Lips livid. 56. Lips bluish. 57. Lips black and cracked. 58. Lips ulcerated. 59. Cancer of the face and lips with burning pain. to. Chapped lips, nose and face. 61. Heat in the head and face, after- noons, with fluent coryza. 62. Bleeding of lips from picking them. 63. Numb feeling in the bones of the :ace. 64. Swelling of the lower lip. FACE. 187 41. Ars., Canth, Merc.c, Nux,m, Bary,c, Bell, Bov, Graph, Hep, Merc,v, Stram, Phos. 42. Ars., Ant,c, Berb, Cal,c, Cinch, Ipee, Lauro, Mang, Stan, Staph, Arn, Ferr,m, Lye, Op, Phos, Ant,t, Ver,a, Rhus,t, Sec,e 43. Ars., Ver,a., Canth, Carbo,v, Cic, Cinch, Dig, Fer,m, Phos, Phos,ac, Sec,c, Sep, Plum. 44. Ars., Camph., Plumb., Ver,a., Sil 55. Ars. 56. Ars, Carbo,v, Cupr, Iod, Dig, Sec,c 57. Ars. Cinch, Merc,c 58. Ars, Merc,c, Merc,v, Cic, Graph,, Sil, Staph. 59. Ars. 60. Arum., Ant,c, Graph. 61. Arum,t. 62. Arum,t. 63. Asaf, Plat, Caps, Mez, Olean. 64. Asaf, Sang, Sep. 188 FACE. 65. Pain in the left side of the face. 66. Inflamation of the bones of the face. 67. Swelling and pain of submaxillary glands. 68. Eruption, fine on lips, face or fore- head. 69. Dark-red besotted expression of the face. 70. Flushed and hot face. 71. Flushed and dusky face. 72. Pain in articulation of jaws when closing them. 73. Swelling of the upper lip. 74. Shooting pains from maxillary bones to the ear. 75. Prosopalgia, nervous, of the face. FACE. 65. Aur,m, Puis., Carbo,v, Coloc, Mez, Staph. 66. Aur,m, Staph. 67. Aur,m, Arum, Cal,c, Iod, Rhus,t, Baryt,c, Nat,c, Sil, Cinch, Nit,ac, Nux,v, Psor, Hep, Kali,iod. 68. Aur,m. 69. Bap., Bry, Gels, Bell, Op, Hyos. 70. Bap., Aeon., Bell, Ail, Borax, Bry, Carbol,ac, Cocc, Fer,m, Coff.. Gels, Hell.n, Hep, Hyos, Kali.c, Op, Stram, Psor, Sabad, Sul, Tarax. 71. Bap, Chel., Gels, Coloc, Op. 72. Baryt,c, Bry, Rhus,t. 73. Bell, Apis., Bry, Cal.c, Psor., Bry, Merc,v., Cal,p, Hep., Merc,c, Nat,m, Su\ 74. Bell, Cal,c, Hep., Kali,b, Carbo,v. 75. Bell, Puis., Cham, Cinch, Spig, Coff, Iris, Kalmia, Mez, Aeon, Arn, Ars, Aur, Calc,c, Caps, Con, Stann, Staph, Thuj, Ver,a, Nux.v, Phos, Puis.. Stram, Valer, Merc,v. ,9° FACB. 76. Circles under the eyes, blue. 77. Pale earthy color of the face. 78. Pale in the morning after rising. 79. Pale face. 80. Prosopalgia, right side. 81. Bloated face. 82. Eruptions on the face, moist itching scurfy. 83. Eruption on lips and mouth. FACE. 191 76. Berb, Ars., Cinch, Sec,e, Sul, Kali,- iod, Cal,c, Cina, Ipee, Cocc, Fer,m, Nat,c, Nux,m, Phos, Psor, Rhus,t, Staph, Ver,a. 77. Borax, Ars, Cinch, Brom, Cal,c, Cocc, Ign, Lach, Lye, Merc,v, Mez, Op, Sec,c, Tereb. 78. Bov. 79. Cac, Cal,p, Cal,c, Camph, Canth, Carbol,ac, Carbo,v, Hyos, Ipee, Kali,b, Kali,c, Kali,iod, Kreos, Lye, Mag,c, Mangan, Mere,v., Ver,v, Cic, Cina, Cinch, Cupr, Dig, Dulc, Fer,m, Gels, Graph, Hell,n, Hyd, Nat,c, Aeon, Arm, Cham, Iod, Laur, Nit,ac, Nux,v, Olean, Op, Phos, Plat, Plumb, Puis, Sec,c, Sep, Spig, Stann, SuL, Tabae, Tart,e, Ver,a, Nux,m, Phos,ac, Phyt, Spong, Sul,ac 80. Cac, Ver,a. 81. Cal,c, Canth, Dulc, Ipee, Kali,c, Ars, Kreos, Laur, Plum, Spig, Spong, Lye, Merc,v, Merc,c, Amm,c, Ars, Bell, Bry, Cinch, Hyos, Nat,c, Op, Phos, Samb, Spig. 82. Cal,e, Ant,c, Graph., Mez, Lye 83. Cal,c, Ant,c, Graph, Lye, Mez, Amm,c,Mur,ac, Sep, Sil, Mag,m. 192 FACE. 84. Swelling on the upper lip in the morning. 85. Pimples on the face. 86. Pain in the face, especially the upper jaw bone. 87. Cold face. 88. Wearied, exhausted appearance. 89. Drowsy, stupid look. 90. Epression of extreme suffering. 91. Pain in the face. 92. Soreness in the bones of the face. 93. Pain in the right upper maxillary. 94. Twitching of the upper lip. 95. Cold tongue. 96. Pain in the right side of the face. 97. Paralysis of one side of the face. 98. Rheumatism of the lower jaw. 99. Swelling of the left side of the face. 100. Red face FACE. 193 84. Cal,c, Apis, Bell, Cal.p, Psor. 85. Cal,p, Caust, Led, Mur,ac, Nit,ac, Phos,ae. Psor, Sars. 86. Cal,p. 87. Cat7iph., Ver,a., Carbo,v, Cina, Ver,v. 88. Cannjnd, Hyd. 89. Cann, ind. Gels, Hell,n. 90. Canth, Ars., Cocc, Colch, Cupr, Aeth, Mangan., Nux,m, Sil, Sul. 91. Caps, Colch, Coloc, Mez, Agar, Nat,s, Nux,v, Plat, Verbas. 92. Carbo,v, Hep, Kali,b, Nit,ac, Merc,p. 93. Carbo,v. 94. Carbo,v. 95. Carbo,v. 96. Caust, Chel 97. Caust. 98. Caust. 99. Cham. 100. Cic, Cinch, Fer,m., Gels., Lach, Bell., Lactic,ac, Merc,c, Aeon, Bov, Cocc, Hep, Hyos, Nux,v, Op, Plat, Sabad, Stram, Tabae, Bry, Caps, Sep, Ver,v. 194 FACE. 101. Herpes on the face. 102. White and bluish around the mouth. 103. Pain as if the malar bones were being pressed together. 104. Blackish face. 105. Sunken eyes. 106. Sickly appearance of the face. 107. Erysipelas, vesicular of the face. 108. Pain in the left malar bone. 109. Pain in the left articulation of the lower jaw, as if sprained when moving the jaw. no. Expression dejected. in. Bluish face. 212. Faceache and asthma after disap- pearance of tetters in the face. 113. Crusts, thick yellow brown on the face. 114. Eruptions, humid on the cheeks. 115. Stiff sensation in the muscles of the face. FACE. ,05 101. Cic, Led, Psor. 102. Cina. 103. Cina. 104. Cinch, Ars. 105. Cinch, Ars., Ver,a., Nit,ac, Phos, Sec,c, Stann, Staph, Phos, Puis, Spong, Sul. 106. Cinch, Ars, Gels, Kali,c, Lye, Cina, Mang, Nux,v, Sul, Phos, Psor, Rhus,t, Stan. 107. Cist, Rhus,t. 108. Coloc, Coral, Verbas. 109. Coral. no. Cupr, Ars. in. Cupr, Creos, Ars, Cina, Samb, Ver,v. 112. Dulc. 113. Dulc,, Viola,t. 114. Dulc. 115. Gels. 198 FACE. 116. Pale face during heat, sunstroke, congestions. 117. Soreness and cracking of the nostrils and lips as from cold. 118. Pimples on the face, itching moist after scratching. 119. Eczema, moist especially on the chin and around the mouth. 120. Scabs on the face. 121. Distorted face. 122. Boils on lips, chin and neck. 123. Lockjaw with consciousness. 124. Sore sensation on inside of lower lip. 125. Redness and heat of one cheek and ear. 126. Pustular eruption on the face secret- ing a sanious irritating matter. 127. Stitches in the cheek. 128. One cheek hot the other cold. 129. Swelling of face and tongue especi- ally after mercury. 130. Flushes of heat with circumscribed redness of the cheeks. FACE. 197 116. Glon. 117. Graph., Ant,c, Arum. 118. Graph., Hep, Lye 119. Graph., Cal,c, Phos, Lye 120. Dulc, Mur,ac, Psor, Gi'aph., Hep, Mez., Sul, Rhus.t. 121. Hell,n, Bell, Hyos, Lach, Merc,c, Cic, Cupr, Stram, Op, Sec,c, Spig, Ver,a. 122. Hep. 123. Hyos, Cic, Ign. 124. Ign. 125. Ign. 126. Iris, Graph. 127. Kali,c, Kali,iod. 128. Kali,c 129. Kali,iod. 130. Kreos, Sang, Sul. 198 FACE. 131. Ileat and redness of the otherwise pale face. 132. Stiff sensation of the malar bone coming from the cervical glands. 133. Itching of the face. 134. Circumscribed redness of the face. 135. Circumscribed redness of the face with delirium and brilliant eyes. 136. Boils on the forehead. 137. Bones of the face pain, worse at night and at rest. 138. Eruption of the face. 139. Lockjaw, from grandular swelling and pain. 140. Caries of the jaw. 141. Pale anxious countenance. 142. Swoolen lips. 143. Stiffness of the jaws. 144. Twitching of the right check. 145. Lips burn. 146. Inflamatory redness of the face, with flat moist eruptions. FACE. ,99 131. Lach. 132. Lach. 133. Lach, Mez., Nat,m. Agn.c, Cal,c 134. Lachnan, Sang. 135. Lachnan, Bell 136. Led, Hep. 137. Mag,c 138. Mag,m, Viola,t, Amm,c, Amm,m., Ars, Baryt,c, Cal,c, Caust, Cic, Graph, Hep, Lye, Mag,m, Merc,v, Mur,ac, Nit,- ac. Staph, SuL, Nat,m, Rhus,t. 139. Merc,v. 140. Merc,v, Phos. 141. Merc,c 142. Merc,c, Mez, JNit,ac, Bell, Bry., Sul. 143. Merc,c, Sang, Sars, Ver,a. 144. Mez. 145. Mez, Ars., Aeon, Mur,ac, Psor. 146. Mez. 200 FACE. 147. Child scratches the face continually which becomes covered with blood, itching worse at night, tears oft the scabs leaving raw spots on which flat pustules form; the ichor from the scratched face excoriates other parts. 148. Pimples on the forehead and temples. 149. Flushed and hot face when walking in the open air. 150. Scabs on the forehead and temples. 151. Flushed face, comes on suddenly with coma. 152. Lower jaw hangs down. 153. Pain in the cheek bones. 154. Lips cracked. 155. Boils on the face. 156. Yellow blotches on the forehead and upper lip. 157. Freckles on the face. 158. Redness of the left cheek. 159. Face shines as if greasy. FACE. 147. Mez. 148. Mur,ac, 149. Mur,ac 150. Mur,ac, Psor, Viola.t 151. Mur,ac 152. Mur,ac, Nux,v, Op, Lye, Stram. 153. Aeth, Amm,m, Arg,m, Mag,c, Nat,s, Phos, Psor, Spig., Sul, Tabae, Verbas, Zinc. 154. Amm,c, Amm,m, Arn, Ars, Bry., Croc, Ign, Merc.v, Nat,m, Ver,a. 155. Ars, Aur, Baryt.c, Bell, Cal,c Iod, Lye, Merc,v, Nat,m, Nit,ac, Sep.: Sil, Staph, Sul, 156. Nat,c 157. Nat.c, Nit,ac, Nux,m, Lye, Sul. 158. Nat,m. 159. Nat,m, Plum, Thuj. 202 FACE. i6o. Lips dry and cracked. 161. Eruptions, tettery around the mouth. 162. Whiskers fall off. 163. Lockjaw. 164. Pimples on the face from dissipa tion. 165. Lips peel off and are painful 166. Hemiplegia. 167. Jerks in the jaws. 168. Rheumatic pain in the face. 169. Swelling of the cheeks.. 170. Lips dry and parched. 171. Oedema around the eyes and of the lids. 172. Sensation of coldness, crawling and numbness in the right side of the face. 173. Sensation of burning in the face. 174. Lips dry, brown-black. 175. Swelling of lower lip and cracked in the middle. 176. Cracking in articulation of jaw when moving it. FACE. 2oa 160. Nat,m, Zinc. 161. Nat,m, Ant.c, Lye, Graph, Sul 162. Nat,m, Phos,ac 163. Nux,v., Merc,v, Cic, Hyos, Laur, Ign, Plum, Sec,c, Stram, Ver,a. 164. Nux.v 165. Nux,v. 166. Caust, Graph. 167. Cham, Sabaa. 168. Aeon. 169. Arn, Ars, Aur, Cham, Kali,c, Kali,iod, Spong, Stan. 170. Amm,c, Amm,m, Bry.t Cinch. Ign, Tart,e, Phos, Psor, Sul. 171. Phos, Apis., Rhus,t. 172. Plat. 173. Plat. 174. Psor, Ars, Merc.c 175. Puis. 176. Rhus,t. 2°* FACE. 177. Jaw easily dislocated. 178. Fever sores around the mouth. 179. Circumscribed redness of both cheeks. 180. Cheeks livid; in typhoid pneumonia. 181. Paleness of the face with disposi- tion to vomit. 182. Eruptions on face like milk crust. 183. Yellow saddle across the nose and upper part of the cheeks. 184. Yellow spots on the face. 185 186 187 188 189 190 glands Yellow around the mouth. Pimples on the chin, itching. Ulcers on the lower lip. Herpes on the chin. Prosopalgia, mostly left side. Swelling of the submaxillary 191. Thinks the face is elongated. 192. Erysipelas, one sided with menin- gitis. 193. Black comedones on the face. 194. Pale face, death-like, with sick stomach. 195. Pains in the face, relieved by touch. FACE. 177- Rhus,t. 178. Rhust. 179. Sang, Kreos, Sul. 180. Sang. :8i. Sang 182. Sars, Viol,t. 183. Sep. 184. Sep., Fer,m. 185. Sep 186. Sep 187. Sil. 188. Sil, Hep, Graph., Sul. 189. Spig., Aeon. 190. Spong, Cocc, Cal,c, Rhus,t, 191. Stram. 192. Stram 193. Sul 194. Tabae, Ant.t., Ars., Ip. 195. Thuj. 2oe FACE. 196. Pain in the left malar bone, relieved by touch. 197. Nose pointed. 198. Tension in the integuments of the chin, masseter muscles and throat FACEJ 20 196. TIiuj. 197. ISer,a.. Ars., Camph' 198. Verbas. *U8 LARYNX AND THROAT. i. Dry short cough. 2. Rattling of mucus in trachea. 3. Bronchial catarrh. 4. Dryness and burning in fauces and throat. 5. Catarrhal croup, croup of adults. 6. Bronchicectasis and senile catarrh 7. Oedema glottidis. 8. Hoarseness. 9. Rawness and soreness in upper part of larynx. 10. Raw spot over the bifurcation of the trachea. 11. Clergyman's sore throat. 12. Chronic laryngitis of singers. 13. Laryngismus Stridulous. 14. Voice hoarse from overuse. LARYNX AND THROAT. i. Aeon.,8 Bell, Nux,v, Rhus,t, Rumex. 2. Ant,t, Ip, Phos, Stan. 3. Ant,t, Phos, Rumex. 4, Ac, Bell, Ars, Canth, Caps., Apis, Nux,m, Puis, Merc. 5. Ant,t. 6. Ant,t. 7. Apis, Iod. 8. Argent,m, Arum,t, Hep, Senega, Arg,n, Phos, Kali,c, Caust, Kali,b, Spong, Rhod, Sec,c, Sep, Sulph,ac, Ant,t, Thuj, Zinc, Cal,c, Aeon, Carbo,v, Nux,v, Mang, Merc,c, Mez.. Mur,ac. Nit,- ac, Nat,c, Nat,m„ Nux,m, Op, Pet, Phos.- ac. Plumb, Puis, Brom, Bell, Stan, Sul, Iod, Am,c, Am,m, Baryt.c, Bov, Bry, Canth, Caust, Cham, Cinch, Dig.. Dros, Lach, Laur, Lye 9. Argent,m, Caust, Phos, Kalijod, Arg.n. 10. Argent,m. 11. Arum,t, Arg.m., Arg,n, Phos. 12. Arg.n, Argent,m, Arum, Phos. 13. Iod, Cal,ph, Chlor,fumes, Dig., Lach, Op, Spong. 14. Arum, Graph, Selen. 2,0 LARYNX AND THROAT. 15. Hoarsness; returns annually; also after exposure to wind. 16. Hoarsness and aphonia without sore- ness. 17. Rawness of larynx. 18. Throat dry. 19. Rawness of larynx in the evening provoking cough. 20. Tenacious mucus in the larynx. 21. Hoarseness with much tenacious mucus in larynx. 22. Inflamation of larynx. 23. Fibrinous exudate. 24. Laryngial phthisis. 25. Barking cough, awaking after mid- night with pain in the larynx and threatened suffocation. 26. Copious mucus like boiled starch. 27. Roughness in larynx with deep rough voice which fails if he exerts it. 28. Uncertainty of voice. LARYNX AND THROAT. 21» 15. Niccolum. 16. Oxalic,ac. 17. Kalijod, Brom, Rumex, Phos, Rhus,t, Arg,m, Plumbum, Sul, Lach. 18. Lach, Senega, Manganum, Sang, Phyt, Stram, Puis, Nux,m, Merc,c, Bell, Con, Bry, Bap, Can,ind. 19. Brom. 20. Senega, Kali,b, Phos, Arg,n, Lach, Alum. 21. Sambucus, Rumex. Kali.b, Lach, Phos. 22. Spong, Kali,b, Selenium.. Cepa, Bell. 23. Kali,b, Brom, Iod, Acetic,ac 24. Spong, Mang, Carbo,v, Arg,n, Stan, Caust, Dros, Merc,c, Phos, Sulph. 25. Bell. 26. Arg,m, Lach, Nat,c 27. Carbo,v, Caust, Cinch, Phos, Kali.b. 28. Arum, Graph. 2,2 LARYNX AND THROAT. 29. Sensation as if a splinter were lodged in the throat when swollowing. 30. Paralysis of voca. cords. 31. Cold sensation in the larynx with cold feeling when inspiring. 32. Morning aggravations. 33. Evening aggravations. 34. Dry cough from dryness of larynx. 35. Relief from cold drinks. 36. Sensation of constriction of larynx. 37. Tickling in larynx causing cough. 38. Loss of voice. 39. Loss of voice from prolonged loud talking. 40. Hoarseness and roughness of the larynx, with great weakness in the chest. 41. Uvula and fauces dark red. 42. Sensation of a ball rising in the throat. 43. Smarting in the throat when swal- lowing, LARYNX AND THROAT. 213 29. Arg,n, Alum, Hep, Nit,ac, Bry, Cal,c, Bell, Kali,c. Merc,c 30. Caust, Cupr.. Plumb. 31. Brom, Cistus, Rhus,t 32. Caust, Mangan. 33. Phos. 34. Bell, Con. 35. Caust. 36. Bell, Spong.. Hyos, Plum, Stram, Ign, Lach. 37. Bell, Phos, Con, Lye, Puis, Sep, Sang, Rumex,, Hep. 38. Ant,c, Carbo,v, Caust, Phcs. Bell, Arum,t, Brom, Kali,c, Graph,, Selen, Spong, Stan, Sul, Merc,c 39. Phos, Arum,t, Graph, Selen. 40. Stan, Carbo,v, Phos, Sul, 41. Apis, Arg,n, Ail, Bap, Bell,, Phytol, Lach, Merc. 42. Asaf, Lye, Sul, Mag,m, Lach. 43. Barvta.c, Bell, Lach. 2,4 LARYNX AND THROAT. 44. Painful induration of the submax- illary glands. 45. Stitches in the throat when swallow- ing. 46. Pain in the throat extending to the ears. 47. Spasmotic contraction of the oeso- phagus. 48. Painless Hoarseness, mornings. 49. Burning sensation in the throat. 50. Violent catarrhal laryngitis. 51. Swelling of uvula, stinging pains. 52. Sensation of a plug in throat on empty swallowing. 53. Liquids more difficult than solids to swallow. 54. External throat sensitive to touch. 55. Hot drinks aggravate the throat. 56. Pain and soreness wore on left :ade. 57. Painful dryness of throat with mouth full of saliva. 58. Suppuration of tonsils. 59, Pain in throat, worse on empty swallowing. LARYNX AND THROAT. 2 *5 44. Baryta,c, Aur, Cal,c, Iod, Rhus.t Nat,c, Merc,c 45. Phyt, Sul, Merc,c, Cal,c, Bell, Bry, Hep, Kali,c 46. Cal,c, Bell, Bry, Hep, Nux,v., Lach. 47. Cal,c, Bell, Hyos, Stram, Lach, Lye, Plumb. 48. Cal,c, Caust, Carb,v. 49. Canth, Ars, Caps, Merc,c, Mez. 50. Cepa, Arum,t, Caust, Carbo,v., Phos, Cham, Coff, Kali,e, Nux,m, Nux.v, Rhod. 51. Nux,v, Apis, Merc.c. 52. Nux,v, Lach. 53. Lach, Bell, Merc,c 54. Lach, Apis, Bell 55. Lach. 56. Lachj 57. Merc,e 58. Merc,c, Hep, Nit,ae 59. Bell, Lach, Merc,c, Nux.v. 216 LARYNX AND THROAT. Co. Diphtheritic membrane on tonsils and fauces. 61. Throat raw, sore and rough as if scraped. 62. Deep snoring, respration with open mouth. 63. Hoarseness and roughness of the voice or throat. 64. Scraping in the throat. 65. Constriction of the larynx and trachea. 66. Croup. 67. Hoarseness, chronic. 68. Mucus in the throat, can be hawked up. 69. Hoarseness with coryza. 70. Roughness of larynx and trachea. 71. Tingling, crawling in the larynx and trachea. LARYNX AND THROAT. 2n 60. Nit,ac, Phyt, Merc,c, Iod, 61. Nux,v, Caust, Sul. 62. Op. 63. Phos, Spong, Sul,ac, Carbo,v, Caust, Kali,b, Stan. 64. Ver,a, Sul, Arg,n, Rumex. 65. Bell, Calad, Cocc, Hell, Ign, Ip, Nux,m, Plumb, Puis, Spong, Ver,a. 66. Aeon, Hep, Iod, Kali,b, Phos, Samb, Sang, Spong, Ant,t, Lach, Ars. 67. Calc,c, Carbo,v, Caust, Mang, Mur,ac, Phos. 68. Phos, Plat, Sep, Stann, Ant,t, Rhus,t. 69. Dig, Nat,c, Nit,ac, Pet, Spong.. Thuj. 70. Caust, Laur, Mang, Phos, Plumb, Stann, Sulph, Sulph,ac. 71. Arn, Carbo,v, Dros, Stan, Sulph, Thuj. »« STOMACH. i. No appetite. 2. Burning, unquenchable thirst. 3. Desire for beer. 4. Desire for wine. 5. Vomiting of lubrici. 6. Vomiting of bile. 7. Vomiting of green masses. 8. Vomiting of what has been drank. 9. Pressure in pit of stomach as from a stone. 10. Burning in aesophagus from stomach to mouth. 11. Sinking, gone feeling in the epigas- trium. 12. Burning distress in the stomach. 13. Intolerance of milk; it is vomited al- most as soon as swallowed. STOMACH. 219 i. Op, Iris, Ac, Ant,c, Arn, Ars., Alum, Plum, Kah,b., Cal,c, Cinch., Nat,m, Sul., Pod, Nit,ac, Cocc, Bap, Carbol,ac, Ip, Colch, Rhus,t. 2. Sul, Phos,ac, Ac, Bry., Cinch, Merc,c, Sec,c, Nit,ac, Nat,m, Whv&X.,Ars. Ant,c, Bell, Crotal. 3. Ac, Cocc, Phos,ac, Sul, Puis, Pet. 4. Bry, Ac, Puis, Cinch. 5. Ac, Sang, Sabad. 6 .Iod, Kali.b., Iris, Ac, Ars, Pod, Ant,c, Colch, Eupt,Per., Puis, Sec,c, Sep. 7. Ac, Ant,t, Ip, Merc,c, Op. 8. Ac, Ars, Phos. 9. Lith, Op, Sec,c, Ac, Aesc, Ars., Bry., Nux,v., Puis., Cinch, Pet,, Bell, Bis, Brom, Cal,c, Cham, Lye, Fer, Sep, Squill, Zinc. 10. Ac, Ars, Sabad. n. Sang, Gels, Cim, Bapt, Hyd., Ign., Pet, Sep, Stan, Phos, Sul, Calad, Cal,p, Cina, Crotal, Croton,t. 12. Aesc, Ars, Canth, Iris, Phos, Bell, Cal.p, Caps, Carbo,an, Crotal, Dios. 13. Aethusa. 220 STOMACH. 14. Vomiting of curdled milk. 15. Eructations tasting of rotten eggs. 16. Aversion to meat. 17. Sour eructations. 18. Belching, with taste of what has been eaten. 19. Nausea and desire to vomit. 20. Stomach weak, digestion easily dis- turbed. 21. Stomach feels full and sensitive to pressure. 22. Desire for acids. 23. No thirst. 24. Stomach feels overloaded. STOMACH. 221 14. Aeth., Iris. 15. Agar.m, Antj., Arn, Psor., Sep, Cham, Con. 16. Alum, Arn, Carbo,v, Graph., Puis, Sabad. 17. Sil, Phos, ac. Alum, Carbo,v., Nux,v., SuL, Phos, Plum, Ambra, Cal,c, Kali.c, Nat,c, Pet, Psor, Puis, Sep,, Ustl, Zinc. 18. Ant,c, Carb,an, Cal,c, Cinch, Graph., Puis., Ant,t, Phos, Colch. 19. Lobel, Psor, Ant,c,Ars.,Ant,t, Ip., Bell, Carbol,ac, Pet, Sabad, Colch, Cup,m, Hel,n, Hyper, Kali,iod. Sang, Sec,c, Tabae, Tarax, Ver.a. 20. Ant,c, Ars, Puis, Nat,c 21. Ant,c, Ars, Bry., Nux,v, Lye, Nat,m, Bell, Carb,v, Colch, Gels, Merc,c, Phos. 22. Ant,c, Ant,t, Cinch, Hep., Phos, Ver,a, Kali.b, Mag,c, Pod, Sabin, Sep, Stram. 23. Ant.t, Apis, Nux,m, Puis, Hyos, Cinch., Mangan. 24. Ant,t., Rheum, Cinch, Lye, Nux,v, Puis. 222 STOMACH. 25. Vomiting, followed by great languor and drowsiness. 26. Vomiting with great effort. 27. Beating in the stomach. 28. No thirst with the heat. 29. Burning in stomach. 30. Great soreness in pit of stomach when touched. 31. Vomiting with diarrhoea. 32. Stomach so irritable it will not even retain water. 33. Excessive appetite; the more he eats the more he wants. 34. Violent belching. 35. Belching after every meal. 36. Painful swelling of pit of stomach. 37. Stomach distressed after ice cream. 38. Stomach distressed after fruit. 39. Vomiting excited by eating or drink- ;ng. STOMACH. 223 25. Ant,t., Ail, Nux.m, Ip 26. Ant,t, Pet., Ip, Ver,a. 27. Ant,t, Ip, Asaf, Puis, Sep, Arg,n, Cinch, Nat,m, Fer,m. 28. Apis, Puis. 29. Lobel, Mez, Sang, Sec,c, Sil, Sul, Ust, Zinc, Aesc, Cal,p, Caps, Apis, Ars., Ant,c, Bell, Colch., Canth, Con, Carbo,an, Coloc, Iris, Phos, Ver,a, Camph, Cicuta,v, Phos. 30. Apis, Bry, Hyos, Kali,c, Nat,c, Sec.c, Sep, Sil. 31. Apis, Ip. Gamb. 32. Apoc, Ars, Crotal, Sil, Ver,v 33. Arg,m., Lye, Bry, Fer, Merc,c, Cina, Iod, Squill, Stan. 34. Verat,a, Arg,n., Cvrbo,v., Dios. Merc,c, Ip, Phos. 35. Arg,u., Con, Nat,m, Phos. 36. Arg,n, Kali,c 37. Arg,n, Ars, Puis. 38. Ars.. Puis. 39. Ars., Nux,v., Puis., Verat,a, Cyc. 224 STOMACH 40. Vomiting of food. 41. Vomiting of brown substance. 42. Vomiting of blood. [3. Cramps in stomach. 44. Incontrollable desire for alcohol. 45. Hiccough after eating. 46. Eructations, bitter, after eating. 47. Voracious appetite in the morning. 48. Thirst intense. 49. Nausea in the morning. 50. Vomit, sour 51. Pit of stomach convex with the swelling. STOMACH. 225 40. Sang, Sep, Nux,v., Op, Ars, Ac, Phos., Ver,a., Eupt.per, Ant,t, Ip, Pod, Pul, Plum., Graph, Iris, Kreos, Laur., Nit,ac 41. Ars, Phos, Plum. 42. Zinc, Ars, Ham, Hyos, Kali,b, Merc,c, Op, Nit,ac, Phos, Nux.v., Phyt, Stan, Tril 43. Ars, Ac, Ant,c, Cupr, Dios, Lye, Mag.c, Nat.m, Nux,v. 44. Asarum., Carbol,ac 45. Bry, Hyos, Ign. 46. Bry., Cinch, Nux,-v., Cal,c, Cocc, Arn, Puis., Sarsap, Stan. 47. Cal.c 48. Crotal,h., Eupt,per., Cal,c, Ac, Bry., SuL, RLius., Ars., Cham, Hyper, Kali,b, Kali,iod, Cicuta, Cina, Cinch, Op, Coloc, Croc, Dulc, Mag,c, Mag,m, Merc,c, Nit,ac, Plum, Pod, Sil., Stram, Ver,a. 49. Mag,m, Calad, Nux,v, Cal,c, Puis, Carbo,v, Dulc, Pet, Nat,c, Senecio, Sep, Sul. 50. Cal,c, Aethusa, Rheum, Graph, Iris, Kali,b, Nux,v, Sang, Actea,s., Ipee, Pod. 51. Cal,c, Hel,n, Hep, Lye, Ver,a. 226 STOMACH 52. Hungry at 4 p. m. 53. Eating produces bellyache. 54. Drowsy after dinner. 55. Burning in the stomach and rising of water into tne mouth. 56. Pain in cardiac orifk 57. Ravenous appetite. 58. Aversion to fats. 59. Violent, almost constant eructations. 60. Contractive cramp extending into chest with distention of the abdomen. 61. Hiccough at the hour when fever ought to have come. 62. Violent hiccough. 63. Vomiting mucus. , 64. Drinks often but little at a time, 65. Sour eructations after milk. 66. Nausea and inclination to vomit while riding in a wagon. 67. Aversion to food. 68. Motion renews the vomiting. 69. Stomach feels very cold. STOMACH. 22? 52. Cal,ph. 53- Cal,ph. 54- Cal,ph, Staph, Verbas. 55- Cal,ph, Ars. 56. Cannab,ind. 57. Cannab.ind, Fer, Bry, Iod, Arg,m, Nat,m, Nux,m, Pet, Plat, Psor, Sec,c Ver,a. 58. Carbo,v., Puis, Hep. 59. Carbo,v., Cup,m. 60. Carb,v 61. Ars. 62. Cicuta, Nux.v, Hyos, Stram, Sec , Sul,ac, Lye, Bry, Ign, Nat,m, Ver,a. 63. Cina, Ant,c, Dulc,, Ver,v. 64. Cinch, Ars, Hyos. 65. Cinch, Carb.v, Sul 66. Cocc, Nux,v., Pet, Nux,m. 67. Colch, Cocc, Ant,c, Ars, Dulc, Fer, Ip., Nux,v, Puis, Hep. 68. Colch, Bry. 69. Colch, Camph. 228 STOMACH. 70. Vomiting like coffee grounds. 71. Great pain in the stomach. 72. Violent pain in the stomach two or three hours after eating. 73. Sensation as if something alive were jumping in pit of stomach and abdomen. 74. Intolerance of clothing around the stomach and below the hypochondria. 75. Aversion to bread. 76. Vomiting preceded by thirst. 77. Vomiting of food after eating. 78. Vomiting of food about midnight 79. Gnawing sensation in the stomach. 80. Acute stitches in the stomach. 81. Aversion to sweets. 82. Constrictive, griping pain in stomach. 83. Vomiting of black blood. 84. Eructations sweetish. 85. Hungry in the forenoon. 86. Vomiting in the morning. 87. Dread of liquids. 88. The vomiting is renewed by eating. 89. Distressing feeling as though the stomach were hanging down relaxed. STOMACH. 229 70. Con, Secale. 71. Con, Ars, Cocc,, Op, Phyt, Ver,v. 72. Con. 73. Croc, Thuja. 74. Crotal, Cal,c, Lach, Bry. 75- Cyc, Nat,fn., Lye, Nux,v, Puis. 76. Eupt,per. 77. Fer, Ars., Puis. 78. Fer. 79- Gamb, Ign, Lith, Hep, Lach, Phos, Puis. 80. Gamb, Bry, Kali,c,, Ver,a. 81. Graph. 82. Graph. 83. Ham, Phos, Sec,e 84. Plum. 85. Hep, Sulph., Nat,e 86. Hep. 87. Hyos, Bell. 88. Iod. 89. Ip, Tabae wso STOMACH. 90. Pressure and heaviness of the stom- ach after eating. 91. Constant feeling as if the stomach were full of water. 92. Vomiting like that of pregnancy. 93. Gnawing sensation in the stomach, relieved by eating. 94. Stomach distressed after eating. 95. Waterbrash. 96. Nausea in the morning disappearing after a swallow of water. 97. Flatulent belching. 98. Hunger, but little food fills him up. 99. Stomach feels full after eating but little. 100. Constant feeling of satiety. 101. Empty, gone, faint feeling about 11 a. m. 102. Aversion to coffee. 103. Eructations, acrid. 104. Pressure and heaviness in the stom- ach in the evening after eating only a little. 105. Desires meat. 106. Rising, as of a ball, from the stom- ach to the throat. STOMACH. 231 90. Kali,b, Bry, Nux,v., Puis., Led, Cinch, Lye, Sang, Sil, Sul 91. Kali,c 92. Kreos, Nux,m, Kali,c, Puis. 93. Lach, Mag,m, Nat,e 94. Lach, Nux,v., Cinch., Puis., Plat, Rhus, Rumex. 95. Led, Nat,c, Nux,v, Puis., Lobel, Lye, Pod, Sul 96. Lobel. 97. Lob, Carbo,v., Cinch, Phos, Plat. 98. Lye 99. SuL, Cinch, Led, Lye 100. Lye, Cinch. 101. Sul. 102. Lye, Nat,m, Phos,ac, Nux.v. 103. Lye 104. Lye, Cinch, Led, Sul. 105. Mag.c 106. Mag,m, Asaf. ^s2 STOMACH. 107. Burning in the stomach extending into the chest. 108. Excessive appetite, or complete loss of it. 109. Sensation of emptiness of the stom- ach but no hunger. no. Bad effects from a cold drink while overheated. 111. Vomiting of fecal matter. 112. Pain in the stomach an hour after eating. 113. Vomiting, with inclination to slee d 114. Vomiting of pregnancy. 115. Canine hunger with aversion to bread, water, coffee and tobacco. 116. Nausea from tobacco. 117. Indigestion from over-eating. 118. Indigestion from abuse of drugs. 119. Scraped sensation in pit of stomach 120. Regurgitation of food. 121. Constant nausea. 122. As soon as water becomes warm in the stomach it is thrown up. 123. Longs for refreshing and juicy things. STOMACH. °33 107. Mangan, Ars. 108. Merc, Mez, Phos, Plum, Sep. Sil, Sul, Zinc. 109. Mur,ae no. Nat,c, Ars, in. Plum, Op. 112. Pul, Nux,v. 113. Nux,m, Ant,t. 114. Nux.m, Kali.c, Puis, Sep. 115. Nux,v. 116. Nux,v, Ign. 117. Nux,v. 118. Nux,v. 119. Nux,v, Puis. 120. Phos., Al, Ca7'bo,v., A^ux,v., Sul, Puis. 121. Phos, Ant,t, Dig, Ip, Lob, Pet., Plat. 122. Phos, Bism. 123. Phos,ac, Phos, Verat,a. 234 STOMACH. 124. Regurgitation of food which is sour. 125. Stomach feels empty. 126. Eructations tasting like putrid meat 127. Stomach deranged from fats. 128. Desires many things but cannot eat them. 129. Desire for sweets. 130. Bitter taste in the morning. 131. Nausea in back of throat with ac- cumulation of saliva in the mouth. 132. Bitter taste. 133. Nausea after eating, followed by vomiting of bile. 144. Vomiting of drunkards. 145. Every drink chills the stomach un- less mixed with spirits. 146. Vomiting, with cold sweat. 147. Violent empty eructations. 148. Hiccough. 149. Salty taste. 150. Heartburn after eating sweet things. STOMACH. 124. Pod, Phos. 125. Pod, Rhus,t, Sang, Sep. 126. Puis. 127. Puis, Cycl. Tarax. 128. Rheum, Bry, Sang. 129. Sabadil 130. Sil. Bry., Puis., Cinch., SuL 131. Squill 132. Spong, Ars.. Bry., Nux,v., Puis. 133. Stan. 144. Sul,ac, Nux,v, 145. 146. Ver,a., Tabae, Ver,v. 147. Ver,a, Ip, Phos, Mer. 148. Verbas, Cicu, Hyos, Ign, Sul,ac. 149. Zinc, Nat,m, Merc,c 150. Zinc 236 ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. i. Distention of the abdomen. 2. Weak sinking in the bowe> 3. Sensation of emptiness and hunger in the bowels. 4. Lumps, hard in different parts of ab- domen. 5. Bellyache with rumbling in the bowels delirium and diarrhoea. 6. Pressive pain as from a weight in hypochondria. 7. Stitches in hepatic region, hindering respiration. 8. Stitches in the hepatic region. 9. Swollen abdomen, burning hot and sensitive to touch. 10. Meteorism, vomiting, inability to urinate, ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 237 i., Carbo,v., Abrot, Absin, Aco7t., Phos,ac, Alo, Ant,c, Bry, Cmch, Ant,t, Apis., Arg,m, Arg,n, Asaf, Cham, Nux,m, Psor, Sep, Stram, Hep., Tei'cb., Ver,a, Zinc, Bap, Carbo,an. Lye, SuL, Cocc, Cic, Colch, Cyc, Graph., Hel,n, Kali,b, Kreos, Lil,t, Cal.c, Nux.v, Mang, Mur,ac, Nat,m. 2. Abrot, Alo., Cal,ph, Phos, Staph, Sul,ae 3. Croton, Fluor,ac 4. Abrot, Sul. 5. 6. Aeon, Borax, Croton, Camph, Mang. 7. Aeon, Ars.. Bry, Cinch, Kali.c, Cal,ph, Merc.c. Nux,v, Chel, Ran. 8. Con, Ars, Cal,c, Bry, Kali,c Sep, Iris, Kali.b, Mag.c, Aeon, Cinch, Chel, Merc,v, Merc,c, Nat.m, Nux.v, Sulph, Sep, Nit,ac, Sec,c, Zinc. 9. Aeon., Bell, Cupr., Merc.c. 10 Aeon. 238 ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. n Burning and cutting in the bowels, worse from pressure or lying on the right side. 12. Hernia incarcerated with billious vomiting. 13. Colic bends him double. 14. Colic, painter's. 15. Tenderness in the right hypochon- drium. 16. Distress in the liver and epigastrium. 17. Pain, constant, severe from pit of stomach to lower lobe of the liver. 18. Tenderness of the abdomen to touch. iq. Emission of fetid flatus. 20. Congestion of the liver and portal system. 21. Coldness of the abdomen. 22. Swollen abdomen. 23. Colic, succeeded by vomiting, vertigo and weakness. ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 239 n. Aeon. 12. Aeon. 13. Aeon., Caust, Alo, Coloc, Iris, Cinch, Nux,v, Rheum, Rhus.t, Sul, Ver,a, Dios. 14. Alum, Op, Plat. 15. Aesc,h, Bry., ClieL, Merc,c, Cinch. 16. Aesc, Chel., Nux,v. 17. Aesc. 18. Aesc, Aeon, Ver,a, Canth, Bell, Dios, Ferr, Merc,v, Merc.c. 19. Aesc, Bov, Carb,v., Cinch, Mag,c, Plum, Puis, Rhus, Sep, Sil, Staph, Am., Alo., Bry., Graph., Sul, Ars, Cal,ph, Cep, Dios, Mez, Olean, Psor, Zinc, Colch, Caust. 20. Aesc 21. Aeth, Ambr, Tereb, Camph. 22. Aeth, Merc, Cinch, Caust, Iod, Staph, Crotal,h. 23. Aeth. 240 ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 24. Pain in the right hypochondrium. 25. Pressure in the right hypochondrium. 26. Pain in the left hypochondrium. 27. Pressure in the left hypochondrium. 28. Soreness in both hypochondria. 29. Congestion and enlargement of the liver. 30. Rumbling in the bowels. 31. Discharge of much odorless flatus. 32. Pressing in the liver. 33. Stitches in the liver. 34. Swelling of. the abdomen, bluish- black. ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 24t 24. Aeth, Alo, Alum,, Graph, Iris. 25. Borax, Ferr, Graph, Nux,m, Ruta. 26. Aeth, Arg.m, Berb, Dios, Ferr., Ipee, Mez. 27. Borax, Spig. 28. Aeth, Ranun., Sulph. 29. Agar, Ferr, Pod. 30. Agar, Alo, Lye, Sep, SuL, Bry.„ Carb,an, Sul,ac, Ferr, Gamb, Lachn., Graph, Hep, Zinc, Nux,m, Olean, Op, Phos, Phos,ac, Puis., Sabad, Sec,c, Apis, Arg,n, Anac, Ant,c, Nat.m, Oleander, Plum, Sil, Ars, Asaf, Bell, Berb, Caul, Caust, Cep, Cic, Coloc, Croton, Dios. 31. Agar. 32. Ambr, Asaf, Kali,c, Lye, Mag,m.> Nux,v, Ruta, Alo, Berb, Sep, Sil. 33. Aeon, Cal,c, Carbo,v, Caust, Cocc, Kali,c, Chel, Ars., Con, Cyc, Dios, Hep, Lach, Merc,c, Merc,v, Nat,c, Nat,m., Nat,s, Ran, Sul, Tabae, Arn, Berb., Bry.> Cinch, Nux.v, Sep, Cham. 34. Aeth. 242 ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 35. Colic. 36. Cramps in the abdomen. 37. Colic about the navel, twisting, grip- ing, must sit bent forward. 38. Urging to stool with t>a^age only of offensive flatus. 39. Flatus moving about in the abdomen. 40. Discharge of flatus, burning, offen- sive, relieving the pain in the abdomen. 41. Griping before stool 42. Griping with stoc*1 43. Griping after stool. 44. Discharge of loud flatus with the stool. 45. Heaviness in the hypogastrium. 46. Heaviness in the rectum. 47. Pain in abdominal muscles when touched or moved. ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 2 3 35- Asar, Bov, Coloc, Cupr, Euph, Fer.m, Kali.c, Laur, Mez, Nux,v, Ran, Sec,c, Senna, Sil, Sul, Ver.a, Arn, Dios., Ars, Plumb. 36. Bry, Cal,c, Cham, Cocc, Cupr, Euph, Hyos, Ign, Ipee, Kali,c, Mag,c, Mosch,, Nux,v, Puis, Rhus, Sep.. Stann, Stram, Valer, Ver,a, Mag,m. 37. Alo, Caust, Cocc, Iris, Ver,a, Coloc, Dios, Senecio. 38. Alo, Bry. 39. Alo, Lye, Hep, Puis, Carbo.v. 40. Alo. 41. Alo, Ant.t, Coloc, Amm.m, Baryt,c, Bry, Thuja, Ver,a, Rhus.t. 42. Alo, Merc,v.. Ars, Bry, Dulc, Merc,c, Hyd. 43. Alo, Merc,v. 44. Alo, Agar, Thuja. 45. Alo., Asaf, Carbo.v, Con, Kali.c, Laur, Lil,t, Bell, Plat, Sep.. Phos,ac, Ambr, Graph, Hell,n, Op. 46. Alo. Al. Alo, Bap. 244 ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 48. Pain in the region of the abdominal ring as from hernia. 49. Pressing pain around the navel 50. Sensation as if diarrhoea would come on. 51. Abdomen feels as if filled with stones though he has eaten nothing and it does not feel hard. 52. Soreness in the bowels and abdomi- nal walls felt when pressing on them. 53. Pain in both hypochondria. 54. Intestines feels bruised. 55. Peritonitis with exudation. 56. Sick feeling in the abdomen. 57. Distention and pain of the abdomen. 58. Ascites. 59. Bruised pain on left side of abdomen. 60. Soreness in the abdomen. 61. Contraction and tension of the ab- dominal muscles. ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 2^5 48. Alum, Cham, Cocc, Nux,v, Nit,ac, Coloc. 49. Anac, Berb, Sulph. 50. Anf,c, Borax, Bry, Gamb 51. Ant.t. 52. Apis, Bell, Bry, Nux.v, Bap, Ran. 53. Apis., Arg,n, Ars, Camph, Thuja, Zinc 54. Apis., Ferr, Merc.v, Nux,v, Merc,c 55. Apis. 56. Apis. 57. Apoc, Ars, Merc,v., Bell, Aeon., Cupr., Coloc, Bry, Alo, Lye, Hyos, Caps, Cic, Coff, Gamb, Lach, Calc.c, Cinch, Sep. 58. Agn, Ars, Cinch, Colch, Merc, Apoc, Dig, Kali,c, Led, Sul, Fluor,ac, Hel.n. 59. Arg,m. 60. Arg,m, Apis, Bell, Bry, Nux.v, Cupr, Dios, Ferr, Hyos, Squill, Stann, Hep, Ver,v. 61. Arg,m, Cupr, Plum. 246 ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 62. Croaking in the abdomen with hun- ger. 63. Stitches in the left side of abdomen. 64. Flatulency. 65. Distention, tympanitic of abdomen. 66. Swelling, hard, in right side of ab- domen. 67. Pain in abdomen, burning. 68. Pains, cutting in the abdomen. 69. Induration'and enlargement of spleen and liver. 70. Pain in the region of the liver. 71. Pulsations in the abdomen. 72. Burning heat and cutting pain in the right hypochondrium. ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 247 62. Arg,m. 63. Arg.n, Sars, Berb, Ran, Sep., Tarax. 64. Arg,n., Aloes., Carb,v, Lye, Bis., Caust, Cist, Nux,v, Phos, Sil. 65. Arn, Cinch., Aeon, Phos,ae, Asaf, Caps, Carbo,v., Cham, Brom, Hyos, Hyper, Kali,c, Kali,iod, Lye, Phos, SuL,, Coloc, Op, Sec,c, Thuja, Ust. 66. Arn. 67. Ars., Aeon, Canth, Bell, Camph, Laur, Mez, Ran, Sabad, Sep, Ver,a., Cal,ph, Canth, Crotal. 68. Ars, Aeon, Coloc, Baryt,c, Bell, Bry, Canth, Cham, Chel, Merc, Con, Collin, Cupr, Dios, Hyos, Kali,c, Kali,- iod,, Nux.v, Op, Plum, Ran. Sabad, Spig, Ver,a, Viola. 69. Ars. 70. Ars, Bap, Bell, Bry, Chel, Dios., Lith, Psor, Ruta. 71. Asaf., Ign, San 72. Aur. 248 ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 73. Incarcerated flatulence. 74. Heaviness of the abdomen with cold hands and feet. 75. Pain in the gall bladder. 76. Sensitiveness of the right iliac region. 77. Pains, sharp, shooting, in the bowels. 78. Distention and hardness of the ab- domen. 79. Distention and pain in the abdomen, sensitive to touch. 80. Colic, as if a spot in the abdomen were seized with the nails, a griping, clutch- ing, clawing. 81. Tenderness of the abdomen is ag- gravated by the least jar. 82. Colic from gallstones. 83. Pressure and tension in the groins as if hernia would develop. 84. Distention from flatulence after ever^ meal. 85. Pinching in the abdomen witf. diarrhoea. ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 73. Aur, Carbo,v., Cinch, Lye, Cal.c, Canth, Coff, Graph, Iod, Nat,m,, Phos, Puis, Staph, Carbo,an, Kali,c, Sulph. 74. Aur. 75. Bap, Berb, Bell. Dios. 76. Bap, Bell 77. Bap. 78. Baryt,c, Ars., Merc,v., Lach., Cal,e, Chel, Cina, Coloc, Ferr, Graph, Hep, Cinch, Op, Rheum, Sil, Valer. 79. Bell, Aeon., Cupr., Gmoc, Mere, Lach, Merc.c, Op, Phos, Cinch, Puis, Bry, Graph., Hep. 80. Bell, Ipee, Bry 81. Bell. 82. Bell, Berb, Cal.c, Cinch, Lye 83. Berb, Nux,v. 84. Borax., Carbo.v, Cinch, Dios, Mur,- ac, Nat,c, Nux,v., Rhus,t, Nux,m, Lye, Thuja, Zinc. Borax. 250 ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 86 Stinging stitches in hypochondria. 87. Stitches in the right hypochondrium, sensitive on deep inspiration. 88. Stitches in the region of the spleen. 89. Mesenteric glands swollen and hard in children. 90. Feeling as if laced below the hypo- chondria, with trembling and throbbing in the epigastric region. 91. Pressure in the hepatic region with every step. 92. Stitches in the hepatic region during or after stooping. 93. Cramps in abdomen frequent, es- pecially at night or in the evening, with coldness in the thighs. 94. Swelling and pain of the inguinal glands. 95. Pressure, painful, in lower abdomen on physical exertion. 96. Colic about the navel, twisting, griping. 97. Motion in the belly like something alive. 98. Colic, cutting, pinching, followed by diarrhoea. ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 25' 86. Aeth, Carb,v, Kali,c, Sep, Cham. 87. Bry, ClieL. Cinch, Merc. 88. Bry, Arn, Mag,c, Nat,c, Sui,ac, Cinch, Kali,c, Kali,b, Nux,m, Psor, Nat.m, Sulph. 89. Cal.c 90. Cal.c 91. Cal,c, Mag.m. 92. Cal.c. 93. Cal.e 94. Cal,c, Clem., Nit,ac 95. Cal,c 96. Cal.c, Cham, Cina, Coloc, Croton, Dios., Hep., Sabin, Valer, Ver,a. 97. Cal,ph, Croc, Sabad, Alo, Kali,c, Cyc, Sabin, Tarax, Thuja. 98., Nux,m. 252 ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 99. Pain around the navel, relieved by passing fetid flatus. 100. Oozing of bloody fluid from the navel of infants. 101. Burning in the abdomen. 102. Distention and tenderness of the abdomen. 103. Abdomen swollen and tympanitic above, yields a dull sound below. 104. Colic, flatulent. 105. Pain in both iliac regions. 106. Rumbling in the abdomen with a sense of distention. 107. Pain in right lower abdomen. 108. Tearing across pubes and from pudenda to anus. 109. Hard buboes suppurate, or mal- treated cases with callous edges, ichorous discharges, offensive. no. Colic, flatulent, better from passing wind up or down. in. Spasmotic action on the muscular tissues of the intestines from irritation of the motor nerves and from rheumatism. ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDPIA. *»* 99. Cal,ph, Sulph. 100. 101. Camph, Nat,m, Ars, Sabad, Sars. 102. Canth, Bell, Caul, Cham. 103. Canth. 104. Caps, Coloc, Lye, Carbo,v, Caul, Cham, Asaf, Aur, Bell, Cinch, Mez, Nux,v, Phos, Con, Hyd, Kali.c, Puis., Staph, Tereb, Zinc. 105. 106., Cinch, Lye 107. Carb,an, Hyd, Lach, Ver.v. to8. Carbo,an 109. Carbo,an. no. Carbo,v., SuL, Coloc, Lye, Cinch. in. Caul 254 ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 112. Colic, bends her double, worse from eating or tightening the clothes. 113. Colic, griping, in the region of the navel and lower abdomen, with pain in the small of the back as if broken. 114. Flatulence in hypochondria. 115. Pain in the belly from side to side, corresponding to the transverse colon, com- mencing in the right and going over to the left. 116. Sensitiveness of the hepatic region to pressure. 117. Pain across the umbilicus as if the abdomen were consticted by a chord. 118. Spasmotic drawing pains in both inguinal regions. 119. Pain, cramming, pressing traversely across the epigastrium after a meal. 120. Sensation of fullness in the ab- domen not relieved by belching. 121. Fermentation in the abdomen from eating fruit. 122. Pain in hepatic region as from sub- cutaneous ulceration, worse from touch. 123. Swelling and hardness of the liver. 124. Enlarged spleen. 125. Discharge of much flatus. ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 255 112. Caust. 113, Cham, Bell. 114. Cham, Nux.v, Carbo,v. 115. CHam. 116. Chel, Clem, Iod, Lye, Mag,m, Nux,v, Sep. 117. Chel., Plutu., Pod, Tabae. 118. Chel 119. Cina. 120. Cinch. 121. Cinch 122. Cinch, Aesc, B/y., Chel, Merc. 123. Cinch, Phos, Sul, Nux,v. 124. Cinch, Ars, Caps, Ign, Iod, Phos. 125. Cinch., Alo., Carbo,v, Agar, Graph.. Kali,c, Olean, Dios, Phos, Lye 256 ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA 126. Colic, flatulent, especially after eat- ing and at night. 127. Sensitiveness of both inguinal regions. 128. Emptiness and sensation of hollow- ness in the abdomen. 129. Constrictive pinching in the epigas- trium taking away the breath. 130. Spasmotic, flatulent colic about midnight, passing flatus without relief, worse from coughing. 131. Colic, griping. 132. Griping, pinching in abdomen. 133. Colic, worse from motion. 134. Colic, worse at intervals of five or ten minutes. 135. Sensation as if the intestines were squeezed between stones. 136. Isolated deep stitches in the ovarian regions. 137. Coffee or tobacco smoke relieves the pain in the bowels, every other food or drink aggravates. 138. Stitches extending from the ab- domen to the right side of the chest. ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 126. Cinch, Coloc, Dios. 127. Clem. 128. Cocc. 129. Cocc. 130. Cocc. 131. Colch, Bry, Coloc, Chel, Merc, Gamb, Graph, Puis. 132. Amm.m, Asaf, Euph, Hell.n, Ign, Lye, Merc, Nat,m, Spig, Sul,ac, Cyc, Ipee, Ins, Chel, Hyd, Ran, Staph. 133- Coloc. 134- Coloc, Cupr, Dios.. Hep 135. Coloc, Nux.v. 136. Coloc 137- Coloc, Fer.m 138. Con. 258 ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 139. Pain, cutting, in the abdomen be- fore emission of flatus. 140. Pain in abdomen as if diarrhoea would set in. 141. Bellyache. 142. Distention of the abdomen with griping pain about the navel. 143. Swashing in the intestines as from water. 144. Spasmotic movements of the ab- dominal muscles. 145. Intussusception of the bowels, with singultus, violent colic, stercoraceous vomit- ing and great agony. 146. Pain, cutting, in the stomach and region of the gall bladder. 147. Constant distress in the umbilical and hypogastric regions with cutting colicky pains at short intervals in the stomach and small intestines. 148. Pain in inguinal regions extending to the testicles. 149. Pain in hypochondria when cough- ing or when touched. 150. Colic as from taking cold. 151. Swelling of the inguinal glands from a cold. ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 259 139. Con, Iris, Kali.iod, Carbo.v. 140. Con, Dulc, Alo, Lil,t 141. Con, Bell, Cham, Nux,v, Puis., ^er.a, Sec.e 142. Croton, Coloc, Gamb. 143. Croton, Hell,n, Phos,ac 144. Cupr. 145. Cupr. 146. Dios. 147. Dios., Coloc. 148. Dios. 149. Dros. 150. Dulc, Merc, Nux.v, Camph, Samb. 151. Dulc, Merc. 2eo ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 152. Soreness in hepatic region. 153. Tight clothing around hypochon- dria oppressive. 154. Colic flatulent at night. 155. Pain in the small of the back and liver all day. 156. Spleen large after intermittents. 157. Pain pressing in the region of the spleen and left arm. 158. Pain, pinching, in the abdomen im- mediately after eating. 159. Stitches in the left hypochondrium. 160. Burning in the left hypochondrium. 161. Stitchesin the right hypochondrium. 162. Glandular swelling of the groins. 163. Swelling and suppuration of the inguinal glands. 164. Pain, cutting, in the hypogastrium extending to the testicles. 165. Catarrh, intestinal, followed by ul- ceration. 166. Sharp pain in the region of the spleen with dull pain and burning in the stomach and bowels. ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 261 152. Eupt.per, Apis, Bry, Merc, Chel, Pod, Lye , Bell, Sep. 153. Eupt,per, Cal,c, Carb.v, Graph, Lach, Kreos. 154. Fer, Aur,m, Nux,m. 155. Ferr. 156. Ferr, Iod. 157. Fluor, ac. 158. Gamb, Graph, Kali,b, Rhus.t. 159. Graph, Spig 160. Graph. 161. Graph. 162. Graph, Cal.e, Merc, Nit,ac, Iod, Clem, Staph, Thuja, Nat,c, Rhus,t, Sil. 163. Hep, Mere, Cal.c,, Thuja. 164. Hyd. 165. Hyd. 166. Hyd- ^62 ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 167. Sticking in umbilical region during inspiration. 168. Colic, griping, in the umbilical region. 169. Colic, first griping, then stitches, in one or the other side of the abdomen. 170. Distention of the hypochondria. 171. Swelling and induration of the spleen. 172. Left hypochondrium hard and pain- ful to pressure. 173- Pain, pinching, in both hypochon- dria and in pit of stomach. 174- Pain, cutting, from left to right with every movement. 175- Stitches in the abdomen extending to the spine. 176. Gastro-intestinal inflammation cramps here and there, worse in calves and inner part of thighs. 177. Distention and heat of the abdomen immediately after eating a little. 178. Cold feeling in the intestines and abdomen. 179- Stitches in the lower abdomen. 180. Swollen liver. ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 263 167. Hyos. 168. Ign. 169. Ign. 170. Ign, Carbo,v, Nux,v 171. Ign, Ars. 172. Iod. 173. Ipecr Bell 174. Ipee 175. Kali,b. 176. Kali,b. 177. Kali,e, Cinch, Lye, Nux,v., Puis. 178. Kali,c, Kreos, Pet, Phos, Sars, Sec.e 179. Kali.c, Spig, Zinc, Bry, Mag.s, Sulph, Ant.t, Verbas. 180. Kali.c, Lye, Merc, Cinch, Nat,m, Nux,v, Sec.c, Sil. 254 ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 181. Swollen epigastrium, hard and sen- sitive. 182. Constriction of the hypochondria. 183. Full feeling as if having eaten too much. 184. Colic, like labor pains. 185. Drawing from anus to umbilicus. 186. Empty feeling in the abdomen. 187. Sensation of heaviness in the left side of the abdomen. 188. Accumulation of flatus here and there in the hypochondria and abdomen re- lieved by eructations. 189. Distention of the abdomen with profuse emission of flatus with relief. 190. Colicky pains relieved by green stools. 191. Hardness and pain in the hepatic region. 192. Hardness and enlargement of the liver. 193. Cutting in the umbilical region dur- ing deep inspiration. 194. Swollen in the region of the liver, sensitive, cannot lie on the right side. 195. Chronic atrophy of the liver. ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 269 181. Kali.c. 182. Kreos, Aeon, Lye, Cac. 183. Kreos, Lye 184. Kreos, Sabin. 185. Lach. 186. Lach, Cocc,, Stann, PJios., Sep. 187. Lye 188. Carbo,v., Lye 189. Mag,c, Alo, Lye, SuL, Coloc, Carbo,v. 190. Mag,c. 191. Mag,c 192. Mag,m, Nux,v, Phos, Sulph. Cinch. 193. Mangan. 194. Merc, Bry, Chel., Nux,v. 195. Merc, Phos. 266 ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 196. Icterus complete. 197. Pressure on the abdomen as from a stone. 198. Bowels shake as if loose on walking. 199. Bruised pain in the abdomen, es- pecially in ccecal region and over trans- verse colon. 200. Pain dull in the region of the spleen. 201. Pressure in the abdomen. 202. Pressure in the left side of the ab- domen. 203. Burning and heat in the abdomen. 204. Stitches in the hepatic and splenic regions. 205. Colic, griping, immediately after eating. 206. Pinching pain in the right side of the abdomen. 207. Inguinal hernia. 208. Femoral hernia. 209. Inguinal hernia strangulated. ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 267 196. Merc, Chel, Nux,v, Con, Dig, Iod, Plum, Sec,c 197. Merc, Ars, Bry, Puis., Nux,v, Ant.t, Verbas. 198. Merc 199. Merc,c. 200. Mez. 201. Ambr, Arg,m, Bis, Calc,c, Caps, Caust, Cinch., Cupr, Euph, Plat.. Sep, Sulph, Tereb, Zinc. 202. 203. Mez, Aeon, Ars., Canth, Calc,c, Phos, Camph, Laur. 204. Nat,c, Nat,m., Sulph. 205. Nat.c, Coloc, Psor. 206. Nat.m. 207., Alum, Nux.v, Aur,m, Cham, Cocc, Lye. Sil, Sulph,ac, Ver,a , Zinc. 208. Nux,v. 209. Nux,v, Op, Tabae 268 ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 210. Inguinal hernia painful. 211. Inguinal hernia of children. 212. Rumbling in the left side of the abdomen. 213. Enlarged liver. 214. Enlarged spleen. 215. Stitches in the region of the liver, worse from contact or motion. 216. Throbbing pain in the liver. 217. Rumbling in the abdomen in the morning. 218. Twitching in the abdominal muscles. 219. Colic, cutting, with nausea and diarrhoea. 220, Pressing and bearing down of the abdomen. 221. Constricted sensation of the ab- domen. 222. Colic, with abdomen retracted to the spine as if drawn in by a string. 223. Constriction of the intestines, navel violently retracted and recti muscles hard and knotty. 224. Excruciating pains in the umbilical region shoot to other parts of the body and abdomen, relieved by pressure. ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 269 210. Sil, Nux,v, Alum,, Sul,ac 211. Aur, Nit,ac, Nux.v. 212. 213. Nux.m, Sec,c 214. Nux,m, Phos, Cinch. 215. Nux,v, Bry, Cinch. 216. Nux.v. 217. Nux,v. 218. Nux.v 219. Pet. 220. Plat, Cim, Bell., Lil,t, Puis., Sep., Sabin , Sec,c, Sulph. 221. Plat, Coloc, Plumb. 222. Plumb., Chel., Pod, Tabae, Alo. 223. Plumb. 224. Plumb. 270 ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 225. Lacerating pains at the umbilicus and epigastrium. 226. Heat in the bowels with inclination to stool. 227. Fullness with pain and soreness in the right hypochondrium. 228. Pain in transverse colon at 3 a. m. followed by diarrhoea. 229. Griping in the abdomen with urg- ing to stool 230. Bruised sore feeling in hypochon- dria and abdomen, worse on side lain on, when turning and when beginning to move. 231. Rumbling, with sensation of empti- ness in the abdomen. 232. Colic with convulsions. 233- Spots, brown, on the abdomen. 234. Cutting and pinching in the ab- domen with constipation. 235. Pain, dull, pressing in the region of the liver. 236. Distention of the abdomen, pro- trudes here and there as from the arm of a foetus. 237. Croaking in the abdomen as if - an animal were crying in it. 238. Sensitiveness of the abdomen to touch. ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. -'» 225. Plumb. 226. Pod. 227. Pod. 228. Pod. 229. Rheum. 230. Rhus,t. 231. Sars. 232. Sec,c 233. Sep. 234. Sil. 235. Sul, Aeon, Ars, Bry, Cal,c, Chel, Cinch, Kali.c, Merc, Nux.v, Sep. 236. Thuja. 237. Thuja, Coloc. 238. Ver.a, Aeon., Bell., Coloc 72 ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 239. Pain, cutting, in epigastrium. 240. Enteritis. 241. Hardness of the abdomen. 242. Rending, tearing in the abdomen. ABDOMEN AND HYPOCHONDRIA. 273 239. Cham, Lye 240. Aeon, Canth, Mez, Nux/v, Puis, Ver,a. 241. Ars, Op, Sep, Sil 242. Cham, Caps, Mag.m, Phos 374. STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. I. Food passes undigested. 2. After suddenly checked diarrhaea. 3. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation. 4. Constipation. 5. Piles, protruding, they burn from touch or stool. 6. Diarrhoea, liquid or undigested, with swelling of legs and feet. 7. Diarrhoea, in the last stages of ab- dominal typhus. 8. Hemorrhage from the bowels. 9. Constipation and hemorrhoids. 10. Watery stools. 11. White stools with red urine STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 275 i. Abrotan., Acet,ac, Arn, Ars, Cinch., Con, Ferr, Nit,ac, Mag,c, Oleand.. Cal.c, Pod., Bry, Ante, Phos, Iris, Kreos. 2. Abrotan. 3. Abrotan., Iod, Cim, Ant,e, Nux,v, Pod, Bry, Lach, Nat.m, Cupr. 4. Abrotan., Ambr, Amm.c. Bell, Bry., Cal,c, Carbo.v, Cocc, Amm,m, Ars., Can.s, Kali.b, Mag.c, Mez, Coloc, Coll, Ferr, Psor, Rumex, Sec, Thuja, Con, Graph, Kali.c, Lach, Laur, Lye, Nat,m, Nux,v., Op., Phyt, Plat, Plumb, Sabad, Sil, Staph, Sulph., Ver,a, Zinc, Aeth. Alum, Phos. 5. Abrotan., Aesc, Caust, Kali,c, Lye 6. Acetic,ac. 7. Acei,ae 8. Acetic,ac, Amm.c, Ant.c, Borax, Merc. Merc.c, Apis., Ars., Ham, Sec , Op. 9. Absinth, Hyd., Nux,v., Sulph. 10. Aeon, Ant.c, Ars., Cinch., Pod., Croton., Arn, Cham, Op, Pet, Cina, Colch, Cupr, Cyc, Valer, Cinch, Ferr, Hyos, Nux.v.. Rhus, Sec.c, Aeth, Ail, Ant,t, Apis., Arg,n,, Berb, Asaf, Cal.c, Cina, Iris, Kreos, Lach. 11. Aeon. 276 STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 12. Stool like chopped herbs in summei complaint. 13. Stool black, fetid. 14. Stool bloody and slimy. 15. Stool, scanty, loose, frequent with tenesmus. 16. Itching in anus at night from seat worms. 17. Dysentery or diarrhoea during hot days and cold nights. 18. Diarrhoea, billious, of infants. 19. Constipation, chronic. 20. Constipation for several days. 21. Stool dark, thin, fetid, frequent. 22. Hemorrhoids of the anus. 23. Hemorrhoids of the rectum. 24. Dry uncomfortable feeling in the rectum as if it were filled with sticks. 25. Soreness, burning itching and full- ness at the anus. 26. Hemorrhoids like ground nuts, pur- ple. 27. Hemorrhoids burn 28. Hemorrhoids with aching lameness or shooting in back. STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 277 12. Aeon. n. Aeon, Ars., Graph, Sec. 14. Aeon, Ail, Merc, Merc,e, Nux.v, Pet, Puis, Arg,n, Bell, Bap, Canth, Carbo,v. Iris,, Colch. 15. Aeon, Bap, Ars, Carbo,v. 16. Aeon, Ars, Cina, Graph., Spig. 17. Aeon. 18. Aeon. 19. Bry, Caust, Graph, Lye, Nux.v, Plumb, Sulph, Ver,a. 20. Con, Sulph, Thuja. 21. Cim, Ars, Ail, Sec. 22. Anac, Baryt,c, Pod, Ars, Nux.v. Sulph. 23. Calc,e, Coloc, Phos, Graph. 24. Aesc, Graph. 25. Aesc 26. Aesc 27. Aesc, Ars,, Caust, Kali.c,, Puis. 28. Aesc. *78 STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 29. Stools hard, dry, passed with diffi- culty. 30. Stool black. 31. Stool bloody. 32. Diarrhoea, bright yellow. 33. Stool soft, light yellow. 34. Diarrhoea greenish. 35. Diarrhoea, green, slimy. 36. Diarrhoea with tenesmus. 37. Stool grass-green, billious. 38. Diarrhoea in the morning after rising. 39. Diarrhoea after meals. 40. Diarrhoea with rumbling in the bowels. 41. Diarrhoea with crampy colic and passing wind. 42. Stool passes involuntary with the urine. 43. Stool frequent, watery, expelled with great force. STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 27y 29. Aesc, Bry., Caust, Cocc, Graph., Lye, Nux,v., Sil, Sulph., Kali,iod, Kreos., Mag.m, Nat,m, Amm,m, Alum., Pul. 30. Ars, Bry, Cinch, Lept, Sulph,ac, Verat,a, Brom, Aeon, Camph, Plum. 31. Canth, Ipee", Merc, Nat,c, Nit,ac, Phos, Puis, Rhus,t, Sulph, Ant,t, Benz- ac, Arn, Carbo,an. Lye, Nux,v, Sep. 32. Aeth, Chel, Alo., Apis, Arg.n, Borax, Iris, Colch, Pod, Sulph,ac. Thuja. 33. Borax, Aeth, Chel, Brom, Cocc, Colch, Coloc 34. Aeth, Agar, Apis, Asaf, Cal,ph., Iris, Kali,iod, Kreos, Croton,t, Nat,e, Cupr, Phos, Pod, Sec 35. Amm.m, Ars.. Merc. 36. Aeth, Merc, Bov. 37. Agar, Ipee, Mag,c, Phos. 38. Agar, Alo., Pod, Rumex., Sulph., Lil,t, Thuja. 39. Agar, Asar, Cinch, Coloc, Ferr.» Ver,a, Alo., Brom, Pod, Rheum 40. Agar, Alo, Iris, Puis. 41. Agar, Coloc, Ail, Croton,t. 42. Ail, Hyos., Mur,ac, Alo. 43. Ail, Sec, Croton.t 2so STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 44. Heat, soreness and heaviness in the rectum. 45. Burning in the rectum. 46. Burning in rectum and anus. 47. Burning in anus. 48. Itching in anus. 49. Itching and burning in anus. 50. Weakness of sphincter ani. 51. Prolapsus of rectum. 52. Stool mucus. 53. Stool urgent at 6 a. m. 54. Urging to stool with passing .t urine. 55. Urging as if with diarrhoea but only hot flatus passes with great relief. STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 281 ■ 44. Alo. 45. Alo., Ars, Sulph., Sepia, Caic.c, Chel, Mez, Psor. 46. Carbo,an, Ars., Canth, Caps, Merc.c,, Iris., Phos, Rheum, Sulph. 47. Carbo,v, Sepia, Sulph., Berb, Ars., Arum,t, Calc,c, Caps, Canth, Iris, Kali.c, Pod, Sil, Zinc. 48. Ambr, Amm,c, Carbo,v, Caust, Croc, Ign, Lye, Kali,c, Dios, Mez, Spig, Staph, Thuja, Nux/v, Sil, Sep, Zinc, Sulph., Anac, Ant,c,, Cham., Chel, Cina., Alum, Ars, Graph., Sep, Nat.c, Nit,ac, Urtica. 49. Alo, Ars, Canth, Sulph., Alum, Cina, Graph., Berb, Puis, Sep. 50. Alo. 51. Dig, Ign, Lach, Lye, Merc, Pod, Sep, Sulph, Ferr, Gamb, Graph. 52. Asar, Borax, Caps, Carbo.v, Chel, Cinch, Colch, Dulc, Graph, Hell,n, Merc, Nux,v, Phos, Rheum, Rhus.t, Sec,c, Sep, Stann, Sulph, Alum, Ant,c, Spig, Nit,ac. 53. Alo., Agar, Pod., Rumex., Sulph. 54. Alo. 55. Alo, Eupt.per. 282 STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 56. Urging to stool with a sensation as of a plug wedged in between the symphysis pubis and the os coccygis. 57. After stool sensation as if more were in the rectum. 58. Stool involuntary with escape of flatus. 59. Stool passes without exertion. 60. Weakness while at stool. 61. Stool with lumps of jelly-like mucus. 62. Stool lumpy, watery. 63. Hemorrhoids protrude. 64. Hemorrhoids protrude like a bunch of grapes. 65. Hemorrhoids with heaviness in the rectum. 66. Inactivity of the rectum. 67. Even soft stools require great strain- ing. 68. No desire and no ability to pass stool until there is a large accumulation. 69. Excoriation in the anus after an evacuation with contraction of the rectum and constriction of the anus. 70. Spools hard and knotty like sheep dung. STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 2S3 '>. Alo., Anac, Caust, Hep, Thuja. 57. Alo., Nux,v., Lye 58. Alo., Phos,ac 59. Alo., Apis. 60. Alo. 61. Alo., Hell, Rhus.t, Colch., Sep. 62. Alo., Ant,e, Cal.c, Cinch, Pod, Lye, Con, Senec. 63. Alo., Cal,c, Lach, Puis., Sil, Amm.c, Mur,ac, Kali,c, Lye,, Nux.m. 64. Alo., Mur,ac. 65. Alo. 66. Alum., Camph, Op., Sep, Anac, Carbo,v, Mur,ac, Nux.m, Sil 67. Alum., Carbo,v, Cinch, Anac, Nux,m, Calad,, Nat,c, Hep, Ign., Rhod, Tarax. 68. Alum., Mag,m 69. Alum, Nat,m. 70. Alum., Op, Plumb, Mag.m, Chel, Kali.c, Sep., Mang. 284 STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 71. Stools hard and knotty like sheep dung with cutting in the anus followed by blood. 72. Constipation of nursing children. 73. Frequent ineffectual effort for stool. 74. Ineffectual efforts for stool. 75. Stool loose, preceded and followed by cutting in the abdomen. 76. Discharge of blood after stool 77. Rending, tearing in abdomen. 78. Burning in the rectum during and after stool. 79. Diarrhoea with soreness of the anus, pustules form near it. 80., Stool hard and crumbling, expelled with great effort. 81. Stool has glassy tough mucus in it. 82. Moisture from the rectum. 83. Urging for stool, but with the effort the desire passes away without an evacu- ation. 84. Diarrhoea, worse from vinegar or other acids. 85. Diarrhoea, worse from overheating. 86. Diarrhoea, worse after cold bathing. STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 28S 71. Alum.. Merc, Nux,v., Nat,m. 72. Alum, Op, Nux,v, Ver,a. 73. Ambra, Nux,v., Con, Nat.c, Nit,ac, Sit, Sulph., Colch, Rheum. 74. Anac., Caust, Ign, Merc Nat,c,Nat,m, Sep, Stann, Sulph, Sulph,,- ac, Bov, Caust, Kali.c, Con, Nux.v, Kreos, Lachnan, Lye 75. Amm.c 76. Amm.c, Ambra, Anac, Merc. 77. Cham, Caps, Mag.m, Phos. 78. Amm,m, Alo., Ars, Sulph., Lach, Con, Staph. 79. Amm,m. 80. Amm,m., Nat,m., Aesc, Bry. 81. Amm,m,. Caust. 82. Anac, Cal,c,, SIL, Carbo,v. Merc,c, Baryt.c, Ferr. 83. Anac. 84 Ant.c, 85. Ant.c. 86. Ant,c 286 STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 87. Diarrhoea, worse in the early morn- ing. 88. Diarrhoea, worse at night. 89. Stool too large and hard. 90. Pain in the rectum during stool. 91. Sore feeling in the rectum daring stool as if an ulcer had been torn open. 92. Mucous piles pricking and burning. 93. Discharge of mucus continually from anus. 94. Diarrhoea, acrid. 95. Diarrhoea, bloody. 96. Diarrhoea, Slimy. 97. Diarrhoea and vomiting. 98. Diarrhoea, fetid. 99. Stitches in the rectum. 100. Diarrhoea, with a feeling of rawness in the anus. 101. Worm complaints. 102. Ascarides. STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 2S7 87. Ant.c, Ars, Nux,v., Sulph., Rumex, Phos, Alo, Apis, Tereb. 08. Ant,c, Ars, Dulc, Ign, Puis, Rhus,t, Sul. 89. Ant,c, Bry., Apis, Cal,c, Sulp/i., Kali,c, Ver,a. 90. Ant,c, Kreos, Nit,ac. 91. Ant,e 92. Ant,c. 93. Ant.c 94. Ant.c, Ars, Merc, Sulph., Merc.c, Carbo.v., Lept, Op, Iris., Alo., Eupt.per, Hyd, Canth. 95. Ant.t,, Canth, Merc, Coloc, Trill. 96. Ant.t, Canth, Caps. 97. Ant,t, Ipee 98. Ant,t, Benz,ac, Borax, Ars, Bap. Cal,ph, Op, Asaf, Lith, 99. Ant.t, Calph, Caust, Lye, Mag.c, Alo, Mez, Croc, Ign, Phos, Sil, Sul 100. Apis. 101. Cic, Cina, Ferr, Nux,m, Spig, Sil, Sec,c, Merc, Sep. 102. Cal,c, Cina, Ferr, Ign, Mag.s, Spig, Sulph, Teucr, Valer, Carbo,v, Merc, Sep. 288 STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 103. Diarrhoea, copious. 104. Diarrhoea, blackish-brown. 105. Diarrhoea, greenish-yellow mucus. io5. Stools occur with every motion of the body as if the anus were constantly open. 107. Stool soft and pappy, mixed with serum. 108. Stool scanty. 109. Stool scanty, soft, with frequent urging. no. Stool dry, like sand, after dinner. hi. Diarrhoea witW constant pain in the left side of the stomach. 112. Stool, green mucus. 113. Stool greenish. 114. Stool, fetid mucus. 115. Stool, green mucus with vomiting of mucus. 116. Stool like spinach in flakes. 117. Diarrhoea as soon as he drinks STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 28£ 103. Apis, Arg.n,, Aur, Ran, Arn, Asaf, Iris, Coloc, Dios, Gamb, Ver.a. 104. Apis, Asaf, Camph, Merc,c, Psor. 105. Apis, Puis., Mere, Sulph., Gamb., Pod, Tabae 106. Apis. 107. Apis. 108. Apoc, Bell,, Calad.. Merc, Merc,c, Tereb, Kali,e 109. Arg,m, Camph. no. Arg,m. in. Arg,m. 112. Arg,u., Ars, Bell.. Ip., Puis., Merc, Sulph., Apis, Aur, Psor.. Sep, Tabae, Tereb. 113. Arg,n, Amm.m, Aeth, Ars, Phos., Puis, Sep, Sulph,, Merc, Merc.c, Valer. 114. Arg,n., Ars. 115. Arg.n. 116. Arg.n, Ver.a. 117. Arg,n, Alo., Croton,t. Pod. Coloc, Ferr., Cina 290 STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 118. Diarrhoea in children from eating sugar. 119. Straining and urging to stool with scanty evacuations. 120. Stools contain lumps like chalk. 121. Stool involuntarv. 122. Paralysis of the sphincter ani. 123. Paralysis of the intestinal canal. 124. Contraction of the anus. 125. Contraction of the rectum. 126. Hemorrhoids, bleeding. 127. Diarrhoea in children. 128. Stool profuse, watery, light colored, offensive, exhausting, with characteristic urine. 129. Urging to stool frequent!*/. 130. Stitches in anus, STOOL. RECTUM AND ANUS. 291 118. Arg,n. 119. Bel' 120. Bell, Hep., Poet., Cal,c. 121. Bell, Ars., Hyos., Am., Cinch, Laur, Nat,m,, Sec,c, Sulph, Carbo.v, Op, Rhus.t, Coloc, Crotal, Phos, Hyos, Ver,a. 122. Bell, Gels, Graph, Hyos, Phos, Sec. 123. Phos. 124. Bell, Borax, Croton, Ign, Mang, Plumb, Sec,c, Thuja, Chel, Sulph, Op, Colch. 125. Alum, Borax, Cact, Cal,c, Cocc, Coloc, Ferr, Lach, Nat.m, Nux,v, Plumb, Sep. 126. Aeon, Bell, Ferr,, Kali.c,, Coll, Eng, Ham., Phyt, Rhus.t, Sul. 127. Bcn:~,ae, Aeth, Cham, Hep, Nux.m, Rheum, 128. Beuz,ae 129. Berb, Arg.n, Hyos, Ign, Nat.c, Ran, Rheum, Sulph, Cal,c, Merc.c, Dios. 130. Berb.., Carbo.v, Sep, Sulph, Kali.c, Lachnan, Mang, Con, Croc, Puis, Thuja. 292 STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 131. Tenia. 132. Diarrhoea. 133. Diarrhoea, chronic 134. Diarrhoea, painful. 135. Diarrhoea, painless. 135. Dysentery. 137. Herpes around the anus. 138. Diarrhoea, brown. 139. Diarrhoea, green, in infants, pre- ceded by crying. 140. Diarrhoea in the morning, painless. 141. Stool, first hard and difficult, last thin and watery. 112. Diarrhoea with cutting pains. STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 131. Calc.c, Felix, Graph, Plat, Puis, Sabad, Sil. 132. Ant.c, Arn, Bry, Cal.c, Cham, Cinch, Coloc, Cupr, Hep, Ign, Ipee, Kali,- c, Laur, Mag.c, Mag.m, Merc, Merc.c,, Nux.m, Nux.v, Phos,, Puis, Rheum, Rhus,t, Sec,c, Senna, Sep, Sulph, Ant,t, Ver,a, Lactic,ac, Ars, Crotal. 133. Mag,m, Plumb, Rhus.t, Kali.b, Kali.c, Nat.m, Pet, Phos,ac, Ars, Cinch, Phos, Sec, Ver.a. 134. Rheum, Rhus,t, Ver,a, Ars, Merc, Croton,t. 135. Cinch, Hyos, Lye, Pod, Stram, Sulph, Ars, Con, Ign. 136. Canth, Caps.. Colch, Coloc, Hep, Ipee, Merc, Merc.c, Nux.v, Sulph, Kali.b, Crotal, Aeon, Alo, Arn, Ars, Bap, Carbo.v, Cinch, Ferr, Lach, Zinc, Rhus.t. 137. Berb, Nat.m. 138. Borax, Ars, Arum,t, Lach, Merc., Mez, Rheum, Sep. 139. Borax, Coloc, Merc 140. Borax, Pod., Sulph., Alo, Rumex. 141. Bov, Cal.c, Lye 142. Bov, Asaf, Merc,c, Coloc, Coll, Cupr, Canth. 29+ STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 143. Stool followed by tenesmus and lurning in anus. 144. Hemorrhoids, blind, painful, with black stools. 145. Stool followed by burning in the anus. 146. Stool offensive, pasty, or billious and acrid. 147. Stool difficult to expel. 148. Stool involuntary at night. 149. Diarrhoea resembling brown yeast. 150. Dysentery with ischuria. 151. Diarrhoea of dark bloody mucus with sore bruised feeling in the abdomen. 152. Tenesmus and burning in the rec- tum and anus. 153. Stool and urine involuntary. 154. Stool dark, bloody. 155. Stool bloody water. 156. Prolapsus ani. 157. Diarrhoea like dirty water. 158. Anus red and sore. 159. Diarrhoea watery-brown, with eruc- tations of food. 160. Pain, dull, pressive in perineum. 161. Stool thick, papescent, brown, fetid. 162. Stool nothing but slime STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 143. Bov, Merc,e, Gamb. 144. Brom. 145. Bry., Ars., Canth., Calad, Lil.t,. Mur,ac, Iris, Merc, Tereb. 146. Bry., Merc,c 147. Calad, Alum., Carbo.v, Cocc, Ign.^ Kali.c, Mag.m, Merc, Olean, Pet, Plumb, Rhod, Ruta, Thuja, Nux.v, Pet, Coll, Pod, Phos, Plat, Psor, Sars, Sil, Zinc. 148. Am., Hyos., Rhus,t. 149. Am., Sabad. 150. Arn. 151. Arn. 152. Ars, Alo, Alum, Canth, Cina.,, Iris, Merc, Gamb, Pod. 153. Ars, Hyos. 154. Ars. Crotal. 155. Ars, Trill. 156. Ars, Pod, Mur,ac, Ign , Ars. 157. Ars, Senec 158. Ars. 159. Arum.t. 160. Asaf. 161. Asaf, Ars, Lept, Lap. 162. Asaf. 296 STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 163. Discharge of fetid flatus. 164. Colic before stool. 165. Colic with stool. 166. Stool preceded by cutting in the abdomen and stitches in the rectum. 167. Stool frequent, small, thin, dark, offensive and acrid. 168. Diarrhoea, exhausting, fetid. 169. Stool papescent with much mucus. 170. Stool dark, brown mucous and bloody with tenesmus and typhoid tendency. 171. Stool all blood. 172. Stool contains hard lumps. 173. Stool scanty, pasty. 174. Stool smelling like rotten eggs. 175. Stool fetid. 176. Stool smelling souri STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 297 163. Asaf, Aesc, Bov, Carbo,v., Cinch, Mag,c, Plumb, Puis, Rhus.t, Sep, Sil, Staph, Am., Alo., Bry., Graph.. Sulph., Ars, Cal,ph, Cep., Dios, Mez, Olean, Psor, Zinc, Colch, Caust, 164. Asar, Alo, Ant,t, Coloc, Amm,m, Baryt,c, Bry, Thuja, Ver,a, Rhus.t, Amm.c, Lilt, Mag.c, Gamb, Pod, Psor, Rheum, Merc, Rumex. 165. Alo, Merc, Ars, Bry, Dulc, Hyd, Merc,c, Gamb, Phyt, Rheum, Rhus,t., Cham, Coloc. 166. Asar. 167. Bap, Ars. 168. Bap, Ars, Pod., Sec. 169. Bap, Sil. 170. Bap, Ars, Rhus,t. 171. Bap, Canth. 172. Calad, Carbo,an. Pet, Con. 173. Calad. 174. Cal,c, Cham, Sulph,ac, Psor. 175. Ars, Asaf, Carbo,v, Coloc, Graph, Op, Puis, SiL, Sulph,, Sec, Lept. 176. Cal.c, Cham., Graph, Hep, Mag.c, Merc, Nat,c, Rheum, Sulph, Pod, Am., Sen. 298 STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 177. Hemorrhoids protrude and cause pain during stool. 178. Bleeding from'the rectum. 179. Heavy feeling in lower part of the rectum. 180. Cramp in the rectum. 181. Sore feeling in anus, worse outside, with stitching, burning and throbbing. 182. Diarrhoea during dentition. 183. Colic and diarrhoea from taking cold. 184. Diarrhoea like rice water. 185. Discharges absent; body cold. 186. Cholera-like discharges. 187. Pain constrictive in anus. 188. Pain in perinaeum as if from the neck of the bladder. 189. Shivering after stool 190. Stool like scrapings from the intes- tines. 191. Stool blood and mucus. 192. Hemorrhoids burning and itching. 193. After stool thirst; after drink shiv- ering. 194. Diarrhoea bloody with tenesmus. 195. Cholera infantum with putrid dis- charges like foul eggs. STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 2" 177. Cal,c, Alo, Lach, Mur,ac, Puis. Sil, Sulph,ac. Thuja. 178. Cal,c 179. Cal,c, Alo, Can,s. 180. Cal,c, Croc. 181. Cal,ph. 182. Cal,c,, Coff, Dulc. 183. Camph, Coloc, Dulc, Merc, Sang. 184. Camph, Ferr, Ver,a. 185. Camph. 186. Camph, Ars., Cupr., Verat,a., Tabae 187. Can,s, Lach, Mang, Cocc, Ign, Nat,m. 188. Canth. 189. Canth, Merc. 190. Canth, Colch., Phyt. 191. Canth, Merc,c, Coll, Iris, Phyt. Pod, Puis, Sabin, Sulph, Sulph,ac 192. Caps, Sulph, Graph. 193. Caps. 194. Caps, Merc.c, Canth, Coloc, Coll, Gamb. 195., soo STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 196. Hemorrhoids much swollen; burn on walking. 197. Fissura ani with burning. 198. Soreness in anus. 199. Stitches in rectum and anus. 200. Moisture from the rectum, acrid, corrosive. 201. Bleeding from anus. 202. Burning in the rectum after stool. 203. Diarrhoea with pain in the abdomen. 204. Hemorrhoids with stinging pain. 205. Itching and stitching in the rectum. 206. Pressure in the rectum. 207. Hemorrhoids, blind. 208. Stool white. 209. Stool frothy, foamy. 210. Stool pappy, papescent. 211. Itching in the rectum. STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 301 196., Caust, Kali.c. 197. Carbo,an, Nat,m, Nit,ac, Graph. Phyt, Rhus,t. 198. Carbo,an, Bayta,c, Sulph., Kali,c, Sep, Staph, Thuja. 199. 200. Carbo,v. 201. Carbo, v. 202. Carbo.v, Ars., Canth, CaPs., Merc,c, Sulph. 203. Agar, Ant.c, Asaf, Bov, Bry, Canth, Cham, Coloc, Merc, Merc.c, Mez, Nux.v, Olean, Pet, Puis, Rhus.t, Sulph, Ver.a. 204. Caust.. Apis, Ars, Baryt.c, Carbo,- an, Kali.c, Nat.m, Sulph,ac. 205. Caust, Nat,m, Graph. 206. Caust, Croton,t„ Cyc, Puis, Bell. 207, Cham, Brom, Nux,v, Sulph., Ant,c, Caps, Ferr, Ver.a, Coll, Rhus.t. 203. Aeon, Colch, Dig, Hep, Ign., Puis, Rhus.t, Sulph, Bell, Cina, Cinch, Kreos. 209. Coloc, Mag.c, Merc, Iod. 210. Agar, Arn, Calad, Euph,, Rheum, Rhod, Sil, Sulph, Ant.t, Iod. 211. Chel, Cic, Croc, Dios, Ign, Sabad. 802 STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS, 212. Stool pasty. 213. Stool slimy. 214. Stools liquid, frequent. 215. Diarrhoea debilitating. 216. Diarrhoea from eating fruit. 217. Diarrhoea, cadaverous smelling. 218. Diarrhoea, bloody mucus with straining. 219. Burning in rectum and anus after .stool. 220. Dysentery, stool consisting of brown frothy water. 221. Dysentery, bloody with painful pressure, urging and tenesmus. 222. Dysentery every year, periodical. 223. Constipation, stool scanty and lumpy, followed by burning and pressure in the anus. 224. Diarrhoea watery, gushing in the morning. 225. Diarrhoea yellow, watery. 226. Burning in anus during and after stool. 227. Beating in the anus as with little hammers. 228. Tormenting, urging in the rectum but not for stool STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 3oa 212. Chel, Merc, Plat, Merc,pro, Sil, Valer. 213. Chel, Pet, Sec. 214. Cicut. 215. Cinch, Phos, Con, Sec, Sep., 216. Cinch , Cistus, Ars. 217. Cinch, Kreos. 218. Iris, Coloc, Merc. 219. Iris., Eupt,per. 220. Kalifi., Ars., Rumex. 221. Kali,b, Merc, Nit,ac, Gamb. 222. Kali,b. 223. Kali.b. 224. Kali.b, Pet, Dulc, Iod, Thuja. 225. Kali,iod. Coll, Croton.t, Dios, Dulc, Gamb. 226. Lach, Ars., Canth., Merc, Nat,m, Sulph, Olean. 227. Lach. 228. Lach. 804 STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 229. Constipation obstinate. 230. Constipation from lead poisoning. 231. Constipation with induration of liver. 232. Stool profuse, black, tar-like, fetid. 233. Pressure in the rectum with almost constant desire for stool. 234. Morning diarrhoea very urgent, can't wait a moment. 235. Diarrhoea, morning, billious, offen- sive. 236. Rectum contracted and protrude during stool. 237. Stools green and frothy like the scum of a frog pond. 238. Stool with white floating lumps like tallow. 239. Stool scanty, dry, crumbling. 240. Ineffectual urging to stool continu- ously with tenesmus. 241. Chilly between stools. 242. Colic and tenesmus before, during and after stool. 243. Corosive ichor oozes from the anus excoriating the parts. 244. Persistent tenesmus and cutting colicky pain. 245. Stool dark green, billious, offensive. 246. Diarrhoea watery, gushing. STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 3°6 229. Zinc. 230. 231. Lach, Alum., Plum., Nux,v.} Op., Alum, Op., Plat. Graph. 232. 233- Leptan., Ars. Lil,t. 234. Sulph. 235- Lil,t, Pet, Dios, Aloe, Pod, Rum, Lil.t, Eupt.per. 236. Lye 237- Mag,c 238. Mag,c 239-240. Mag.m, Gamb, Nux,v, Sep, Zinc. Merc, Colch., Caps., Coloc. 241. 242. Merc, Rheum. Merc, Coloc, Coll, Cupr, Rheum. 243- Merc.c, Carbo.v. 244. Merc,c 245- Merc,c, Ars. 246. Pod. Nat,c, Croton,t, Ail, Gamb, Phos, 300 STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 247. Constipation with sensation of con- traction of the anus. 248. Stools hard, dry. Assuring the anus. 249. Burning in anus after a hard stool, 250. Diarrhoea, painless, watery. 251. Sticking in the rectum and spas- motic constriction of the anus during stool. 252. Stool, black offensive blood. 253. Diarrhoea undigested or like chop- ped eggs, with loss of appetite and great sleepiness. 254. Hemorrhoids with sticking, beating or pressive pain in the rectum and anus after stool, after a meal and after mental exertion. 255. Stool hard. 256. Stool hard with constipation. 257. Stools involuntary after a fright. 258. Diarrhoea black and offensive. 259. Cholera infantum with stupor, snor- ing, convulsions. 260. Asiatic cholera, typhoid symtoms or after too much camphor. 261. Retention of stool from paresis of the intestines. STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 3Q1 247. Nat,m., Nux,v. 248. Nat.m,, Pet. 249. Nat.m. 250. Nat.m, Ars., Cinch., Pod., Croton,tN Hyos, Ant.c, Ferr. 251., Graph. 252. Nit,ac, Ars. 253. Nux.m. 254. Nux,v. 255. Agar, Cocc, Con, Hep, l. ir, Mag,m, Nux,v, Pet, Plum, Sil, Sulph, Verb, Bry., Caust, Graph, Nat,m, Ver,a, Plat. 256. Bry., Cocc, Con, Graph, Kah.c, Lye, Nit,ac, Nux,v, Sil, Staph, Ver,a, Pet, Coll, Fluor,ac, Guiac, Puis, SuL 257. Op, Gels. 258. Op, Ars, Sep 259. Op. 260. op. 261. Op. 308 STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 262. Diarrhoea during the day preceded by colic. 263. Diarrhoea yellow, watery, gushing. 264. Diarrhoea with quantities of small white shreddy particles. 265. Diarrhoea with great discharge of wind. 266. Stool followed by weakness and trembling. 267. Bleeding from the anus and other outlets of the body. 268. Flatulence followed by urgent de- sire for stool. 269. Diarrhoea alternately yellow and greenish. 270. Diarrhoea or dysentery from damp cold weather. 271. Stool hard and scanty, expelled with great effort. 272. Diarrhoea after sudden emotions, grief, fright, bad news. 273. Stools lumpy, united by mucous threads. 274. Stools clay-colored. 275. Paralysis of the rectum. 276. Diarrhoea, stool scanty, frequent. 277. Pain in the rectum after stool. 278. Painless, debilitating diarrhoea. 27Q. Diarrhoea, not debilitating. STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 3°9 262. Pet. 263. Cistus, Croton,t, Gamb, Pod, Thuja. 264. Colch. 265. Coloc, Alo., Croton.t, Ferr, Pod, Lye, Sang, Staph.., Thuja. 266. Con., Phos, Ars, Cinch. 267. Crotal, Ham. 268. Croton.t, Alo. 269. Dulc. 270. Dulc. 271. Gamb, Nux.v, Sep, Sil, Staph, Sul. 272. Gels, Ign, Phos,ac, Op. 273. Graph. 274. Hep., Bell, Cal.c, Pod. 275. Hyos. 276. Hyos. 277. Ign., Nat,m. 278. Phos, Cinch, Pod. 279. Phos, Phos,ac, Puis. 8,0 STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 280. Diarrhoea, chronic, painless, of un- digested food. 281. Diarrhoea, gray or whitish gray. 282. Diarrhoea watery, with whitish yel- low and cheesy masses. 283. Constipation, faeces slender, long, dry, hard and tough like a dog's, voided with difficulty. 284. Diarrhoea yellow and offensive. 285 Diarrhoea with vomiting. 286. Diarrhoea with mealy sediment. 287. Diarrhoea, watery at night. 288. Diarrhoea brown and watery. 289. Diarrhoea brown and slimy. 290. Diarrhoea some hours after mid- night or driving the patient out of bed early in the morning. 291. Dysenteric stools with colic, strain- ing and tenesmus. 292. Pain in small of back during stool with tenesmus. 293. Diarrhoea with intestinal catarrh and nephritis. 294. Diarrhoea of mucus and water. 295. Condylomata about the anus. 296. Diarrhoea, violent, painful, copious, with profuse perspiration 297. Dysentery. STOOL, RECTUM AND ANUS. 3M 280. Phos, Cal.c, Cinch., Pod. 281. Phos., Phos,ac, 282. Phos. 283. Phos. 284., Asaf. 285. Aeth, Ant.c, Ars, Bell, Cocc, Cupr, Dulc, Ip, Lach, Phos, Stram., Ant.t, Ver.a, Phyt. 286. Pod. 287. Puis. 288. Rmnex., Ars., Kali,b. 289. Sec. 290. Sulph., Agar, Alo., Rumex., Pod. 291. Sul, Merc, Nux.v. , 292. Tabae. 293. Tereb. 294. Tereb. 295. Thuja. 296. Ver.a. 297. Aeon, Alo, Arn, Ars, Bap, Canth., Caps, Carbo,v. Cinch, Colch, Coloc, Ferr,ph., Kali.b., Lach, Merc, Nux,v, Rhus.t, Sulph. 8,2 EYES. i. Violent acute inflammation of the eyes in the earlier stages. 2. Intense burning, pressing, shooting pains especially on moving the eye-balls. 3. Conjunctivitis resulting from foreign bodies in the eye. a, Conjunctivitis from ingrowing eye- lashes. 5. Conjunctivitis from exposure to cold dry winds. 6. Sensitive to light, especially sunlight. 7. Light dazzles the eye. 8. Eyeballs feel enlarged as if coming out of the sockets. q. Lids hard, red, swollen, feel tense, hot, dry, sensitive to the air. 10. Intense aching pains in the eyeballs. 11. Dilated pupils with dark spots before the eyes. 12. Eyes feel heavy and dull 13. Painful aching of the left eye. 14. Flickering before the eyes. 15. Pupils dilated. EYES S13 I. Aeon., Bell 2. Aeon, Spig, Sul. 3. Aeon. 4. Aeon, Borax. 5. Aeon, Dulc, Hyd, Sep. 6. Aeon, SuL, Bell, Arg.n, Euph, Graph, Caust, Nux.v, Cinch, Lith. 7. Aeon, Bell., Merc.c, Graph, Sil, Stram. 8. Aeon. 9. Aeon, Calad. 10. Cim, Aloes., Spig., Bry, Chel, Ruta, Asaf. 11. Cim. 12. Aesc, Aeth. 13. Aesc, Agar. 14. Aesc, Cycl, Ant.t, Borax, Caust, Merc,v., Phos, SuL, Lye, Ign, Sep, Nat.m, Thuja. 15. Dulc, Aeth , Ail, Bell, Hyos., Op., Strain., Gels, Cina , Con.,, Sec,c, Vev,v., Coff, Croc, Gaaiac, Lactic,ac, Led, Plum, Sang. si* EYES. 16. Pupils dilated and insensible. 17. Eyes brilliant and prominent. 18. Scrofulous ophthalmia. 19. Edges of the lids inflamed and ag glutinated at night. 20. Inflammation of the meibomian glands. 21. Twitching in the eyelids. 22. Twitching in the eyeballs. 23. Spasms, with aching in the left eye- ball. 24. Weak feeling in the eyes without having exerted them. 25. Vibrating spectra with vertigo. 26. Black spots, motes or mists before the eyes. 27. Narrowing of the face between the syeiids. 28. Eyes suffused and congested. 29. Startled look when aroused. 30. Pain deep in the orbits, worse on the ■ight side. 31. Yellow rings moving before the eyes. EYES. 315 16. Cicut., Bell, Hyos., Op., Stram., Dig, Hell,n, Merc,c, Phos, Phyt. 17. Aeth, Hyos., Bell., Stram., Ail, Op, Canth, Ver,a. 18. Aeth, Bap, Pod, Cistus, Hyd. 19. Aeth, Alum, Cal.c, Lye, Merc,v., Puis., Sil, SuL, Ant.c, Nat.m, Hep, Gamb, Dios, Cham, Zinc. Thuja, Aur, Euph., Graph., Kali.b, Dig, Borax, Rhus.t, Ail, Mag,m, Kali.c, Mag.c, Psor, Sep, Stan, Staph. 20. Aeth, Dig, Puis, Rhus.t, Sul. 21. Agar, Ign, Lachnan, Lacticac, Plat. 22. Agar, Ign. 23. Agar. 24. Agar. 25. Agar. 26. Agar., Sul,, Cycl, Phos., Sep, Sil, Carbo.v, Lye, Nat,c, Merc,v., Sep. 27. Agar. 28. Ail, Cepa. 29. Ail, Aeth, Hyos., Bell. 30. Aloe, Cim, Spig. 31. Aloes. 316 EYES. 32. Compelled to partly close the eyes with pain in the forehead. 33. Burning and pressure in the eyes. 34. Dim sight, obliged to wipe the eyes constantly which relieves. 35. Burning of the eyes with photophobia after sleep. 36. Eyes thickened. 37. Burning and dryness of the eyes. 38. Pain in the eyes as if they had been closed too firmly. 39. Itching in the eyelid as if a stye would form. 40. Dull pressure on the upper border of the right orbit. 41. Vision indistinct. 42. Pupils contracted. 43. The light appears to be surrounded by a halo in the evening. 44. Inflammation and redness of the eye- lids. 45. Soreness of outer canthi. 46. Injection of the vessels of the con- junctiva. EYES. 317 32. Aloes. 33. Alum, Ars, Caust, Kali.b, Aeon, Merc.v, Sul, Olean, Ranun. 34. Alum, Croc, Puis, Euph. 35. Aeon, Alum, Bell, Lye, Ant.c, Sul. 36, Alum, Puis., Graph. 37. Alum, Ars., Aeon, Asaf, Asar, Bell., Caust, Mang, Mez, Rhod, Ver.a. 38. Ambra. 39. Ambr, Caust. 40. Anac. 41. Anac, Ant,t, Baryt,c, Caust, Phos, Gels, Chel, Cinch, Cocc, Colch, Coloc, Con., Croc, Cupr, Lith, Merc,v, Nat,c, Sec,c, Ver,v. 42. Anac, Op., Hyos, Merc,c, Phos, Phyt, Ver,a, Squill. 43. Anac 44. Ant,e, Arg,m, Graph., Merc,c,Lyc, SuL, Calad, Euph., Merc.v. 45. Ant.c, Graph. 46. Ant.t, Can.ind, Aeon., Bell, Cepa, Kali,iod, Arg.n, Merc,c, Mez, Nux.v, Stram 318 EYES. 47. Eyes feel tired. 48. Inclination to close the lids tightly 49. Burning, stinging, shooting pains. 50. Eyelids swollen, red and cedematous. 51. Upper lid hangs like a sack over the eye. 52. Inflammation of the eye with intense photophobia and increased lachrymation. 53. Squinting of the eyes. 54. Swelling and redness of the margins of the lids. 55. Itching of the eyelids and corners of the eyes. 56. Ophthalmia with intense pain, worse in a warm room. 57. Photophobia. 58. Gray spots and serpent-like bodies moving before the vision. 59. Conjunctivitis, acute, granular; con- junctiva congested, discharge profuse, muco- purulent. 60. Canthi red, caruncula swollen, clus- ters of red vessels extend from inner canthus to the cornea. 61. Ulceration of the cornea in infants. EYES. 319 47. Ant.t. 48. Ant.t, Merc,v, Mez: 49. Apis, Tarax, Ars, Thuja. 50. Apis., Ars., Phos, Kah,c, Kali,iod. 51. Apis, Kali,c, Rhus,t., Ars., Kali.iod. 52. Aeon., Apis, Ars, Bell., Euph., Merc,c, Graph, Sul. 53. Apis, Hyos, Viola. 54. Arg,m, Ant.c, Graph., Lye, Merc.c, Sul, KalCb., Merc,v. 55. Arg,m, Sul, Carbo,v, Caust, Nux,v, Pet. 56. Arg,m, Puis. 57. Lye, Aeon, Arg.n, Bell., Ant.t, Ars, Cim, Arum, Tarax, Merc,c, Euph, Graph, Con, Cal,p, Cinch, Nux.v, Zinc, Nat.m, SuL, Eupt.per, Merc,v., Gamb, Hell.n., Led, Psor, Croton, Hep, Ign, Kah,b, Kali.c, Lactic,ac. 58. Arg,n. 59. Arg,n, Merc.c, Hyd. 60. Arg,n., Kali.iod. 61. Arg.n. 320 EYES. 62. Profuse purulent discharge from the lids. 63. Margin of upper lids painful when the lids moved as if they were dry and sore. 64. Inflamed eyes from mechanical in- juries. 65. Inflammation of the eyes and lids with severe burning pain. 66. Feeling as if sand were in the eyes. 67. Feeling as of sand in the eyes, morn- ings. 68. Conjunctiva looks like a piece of raw beef. 69. Throbbing in the eyes, with every throb a stitch. 70. Trembling of the upper eyelid. 71. Pain in the head, nocturnal throb- bing. 72. Ulceration of the cornea, extensive, superficial, with burning, sticking pains from within outward; rest and pressure relieves. 73. Pains boring over the eyebrows. 74. Sees things double or mixed. 75. Objects appear divided horizontially, can see only the lower half. 76. Can see only the left half of an ob- ject. EYES. 321 62. Arg.n, Merc.c 63. Arn. 64. Arn. 65. Ars, Alum., Caust, Clem, Mag.m., Sil. 66. Ars., Caust., Ign, Nat,m., Phyt, SuL, Zinc,, Hep, Thuja, Lith., Puis, Rhus,t,5^. 67. Nat,m., Ars, Caust., Ign, SuL, Sil, Hep, Puis, Rhus.t, Sep. 68. Ars. 69. Ars. 70. Ars, Arum. 71. Asaf. 72. Asaf 73. Asaf. 74. Aur., Bell, Cicnt, N/t,ae, Phyt, Stram, Cycl, Gels, Plum 75. Aur. 76. Lye, Lith. *22 EYES. 77. Redness of the sclerotica, like blood. 78. Lachrymation constant. 79. Bones of the eye feel sore and bruised. 80. Eyeballs feel sore and lame on mov- ing them. 81. Gauze, mist, fog or veil before the eyes. 82. Inflammation with sensation of dry- ness of the eyes. 83. Pupils dilate and contract in quick succession. 84. Eyes red, swollen, distorted. 85. Lids feel stiff. 86. Bright sparks and flashes of light be- fore the eyes. 87. Everything looks red. 88. Halo around the light mostly red. 89. Green halo. 90. Pressure in the right eyeball from before backwards and from below upwards. 91. Thickened mucus in both canthi. 92. Inflammation of the right eye at the external canthus, with irregularity of the lashes. 93. Stitches through the left eye. 94. Lachrymation of the right eye with swelling of the lachrymal eland. EYES. 77. Aur, Thuja, Bell. 78. Aur, Euph. 79. Aur. 80. Bap, Cim, Bry, Cinch, Chel, Cupr, Spig., Rhus,t. 81. Baryt.c, Caust, Phos, Carbo,an, Merc,v., Euph., Sid., Puis., Croc, Rhus.t, Hyos, Pet, Phos, Ranun, Nat,m, Laur. 82. Baryt,c, Caust, Mag,m. 83. Baryt.c, Hell,n. 84. Bell., Stram. 85. Bell, Rhus,L, Kalmia. 86. Bell, Cycl, Glon, Kali.c, SuL, Agar, Caust, Merc,e, Phos, Sep, Sil, Thuja, Nat,c, Psor, Valer. 87. Bell, Hep, Hyos, Valer. 88. Bell 89. Phos. 90. Bismuth. 91. Bismuth. 92. Borax. 93. Brom, Senecio. 94. Brom, Sil. 324 EYES. 95. Burning and lachrymation of the right eye. 96. Pufhness of the right upper lid. 97. Pain in the left eyeball, worse on moving the ball 98. Burning in the eyes. 99. Aching in the eyeballs. 100. Eyeballs sore and sensitive to pres- sure. 101. Sensation as of a small foreign body in the eye. 102. Lachrymation profuse. 103. Burning or stitches in the inner canthi. 104. Objects appear too bright and glit- tering. 105. Eyes fixed, staring, distorted. 106. Staring look. 107, Jerking at the outer angle of the eye and eyelid. 108. Glimmering before the eyes. 109. Pressure from behind the eyes for- ward. EYES. 325 95. Ars, Bry. 96. Apis, Bry, Kali.c. 97. Bry., Spig. 98. Ars, Aeon, Calad, Con, Ruta, Sul, Graph, Zinc, Apis, Crotal, Merc.c, Gamb, Fer,m, Coral, Croc, Iod, Kali,b, Mag,m, Mangan, Nat,m, Nux,v., Ran, Sil, Sticta, Valer. 99. Alo, Calad, Cim, Chel, Asaf, Spig, Bry, Ruta, Ustil 100. Calad, Hep. 101. Aeon, Cal.c 102. Cal.c, Euph, Merc,c, Cepa, Croton, Fer, Graph, Ars, Merc.v, 103. Cal.c 104. Camph, Cycl. 105. Bell, Camph, Hyos., Stram., Glon, Laur, Sec.c, Ver.a. 106. Bell, Camph, Hyos, Stram, Can,- ind, Canth, Cicuta, Colch, Hel.n. 107. Canjnd. 108. Canjnd, Kalmia. 109. Can,sat, Glon. 323 EYES. no. spasmodic drawing sensation in the eyes. in. White of eyes dirty yellow. 112. Objects appear yellow. 113. Orbital neuralgia over the right eye. 114. Muscles of the eye pain when look- ing up. 115. Short-sighted from overtaxing the eyes. 116. Itching in the margins of the lids. 117. Light obscured as from a thick fog. 118. Inflammation with burning, sting- ing and photophobia. 119. Itching of the eyes. 120. Itching and burning in the inner canthi. 121. Inclined to close the eyes, lids seem heavy. 122. Paralysis of the upper lids. 123. Eyes swollen in the morning. 124. Pain pressing in the orbital region. 125. Pains, neuralgic, in and above the eye. 126. Aching or pain in the eyeballs, worse on moving the eyes. EYES. 327 no. Can,sat. in. Canth, Cinch, Chel, Pod, Iod, Plumb, Con, Crotal 112. Canth. 113., Coloc. 114 Carbo.v. 115. Carbo.v. 116. Carbo.v, Cal,c, SuL, Caust, Mez, Sep, Staph. 117. Caust., Nux.v, Phos, Puis., Cycl., Gels., Kali,c, Canth., Merc.v, SuL, Kali.iod, Lach, Sars, Ranun. 118. Caust. 119. Cepa, Caust, Cal,c, Sid,, Gamb, Kali.b, Zinc. 120. Caust, Ars, Gamb, Ruta. 121. Caust., Con, Ambr, Carbo.v, Gels., Nat.c, Mez, Op, Sep, Plum. 122. Caust., Gels., Plumb, Sepia, Zinc, 123. Cham. 124. Cham, Cupr, Hep. 125. Chel. 126. Chel, Cim, Bry., Kalmia, Spig., Plumb, 323 EYES. 127. Blind spot before the eyes; larchry- mation when looking at it. 128. Pupils dilated and insensible. 129. Pupils first contracted, afterwards dilated. 130. Objects appear to approach and recede. 131. Stitch above the eye. 132. On rising from the bed black be- fore the eyes, dizzy and faint, relieved by lying down. 133. Bruised pain in the eyes with in- ability to open them at night. 134. Power of vision increased. x35- White spot on cornea. 136. Eyes half open. 137. Inflammation of the eyes. 138. Painful pressure in the eyeballs, worse on stooping. 139. Pain in the eyes. 140. Pain, sharp, in the right eye. 141. Lachrymation acrid. 142. Weakness and dazzling of the eyes with general debility. 143. Ulcers on the cornea. EYES. S29 127. Chel 128. Cicut, BelL, Hyos., Op, Stram, Dig, Hel,n, 129. Cicut. 130. Cicut. 131. Cina. 132. Cina 133. Cocc. 134. Coff. 135. Colch. 136. Colch, Op. 137. Colch, Hep, Mag,m, Sep, Spig., Zinc 138. Coloc. 139. Coloc, Sars, Spig, Cim, Alo. 140. Coloc. 141. Kreos, Kali.b, Coloc, Euph., Ars., Merc.c, Hyd, Ign, Led, Merc.v, Mez, Nux,v, Nat,m. 142. Con, \a<\. Con, Hep, Flyd, Nat,c, Cal,c, Sil, Sul. 830 EYES. 144. Sluggish adaptation of the eye to varied range of vision. 145. Inclined to press the lids tightly to- gether from time to time. 146. Twitching in the upper lid 147. Sore burning in the eyes after reading. 148. Blue circles around the eyes. 149. Blood exudes from the eye. 150. Pressure and oppression above the eyes. 151. Opacity of the cornea. 152. Keratitis pustulosa, with eruption on the lids and face. 153. Convulsive and restless movement of the eyes. 154. Itching in the eyes towards evening. 155. Dimness of vision and spots before the eyes. 156. Burning of the eyes and flickering of the light on attempting to read. 157. Objects appear either green or yel- low. 158. Eyes weak, sore and smarting. 159. Soreness of the eyeballs. 160. Pressure on the eyes with lachry- mation. EYES. 331 144. Con. 145. Croc, Euph, Mez. 146. Croc. 147. Croc, Euph., Pet, Ruta. 148. Crotal, Berb, Ars., Cinch, Sec,c, Sul, Kali.iod, Cal.c, Cina, Ipee, Cocc, Fer, Nat.c, Nux.m, Phos, Psor, Rhus.t, Staph, Ver,a. 149. Crotal. 150. Crotal. 151. Croton, Colch, Euph, Merc.c, Sil, Sul, Hep, Hyd, Arg.n, Nit,ac 52. Croton. ;53. Cupr. [54. Cupr, Puis. [55- Cycl, Mcrc,e, Sul. 156. Cycl. 157. Dig 158. Dios. 159. Eupt.per, Cim, Bry, Hep. 160. Euph. 332 EYES. 161. Sensation as though a hair hung over the eye and must be wiped away. 162. Spots, vesicles and ulcers of the cornea. 163. Itching and burning in the eyes, compelled to wink and wipe them frequently. 164. Dimness of sight and vertigo. 165. Amaurosis of congestive origin. 166. Pupils dilated, eyes rolled upwards. 167. Objects dance with every pulsation. 168. Intolerance of light with redness of the eyes and lachrymation. 169. Heaviness, dryness, pressure and heat of the lids. 170. Styes on the lower lids with draw- ing pain. 171. Sensation of swelling and protru- sion of the eyes, the lids seem too short to cover. 172. Swelling of the eyes and around them. 173. Inflammation of the eyes and lids; sore to the touch, lachrymation. 174. Aching of the eyes from bright day- light when moving them. 175- Spasmodically closed eyelids. 176. Pain, smarting, in external canthus. 177. Pain pressing in the eyeballs, feel bruised when touched. 178. Stitches in the eyes. 179. Dry mucus in the lashes. EYES S33 161. Euph. 162. Euph.. Merc.c, Sil, Sul 163. Euph, Croc, Puis., Sul, Rhus.t. 164. Gels. 165. Gels. 166. Glon, Bell. 167. Glon. 168. Aeon, Bell, Euph, Merc,c, Sul., Graph, Kali,b. 169. Graph, Aeon, Merc,c 170. Graph, Lye, Puis. 171. Guaiae, Phos,ac, Plum, Spig 172. Guaiae, Rhus,t., Ars. 173. Hep, Merc.v. 174. Hep. 175. Hep, Merc.c, Merc,v. 176. Hep. 177. Hep. 178. Nat.c, 179. Graph. 334 EYES. 180. Blindness before the eyes on rising up after sitting bent over. 181. Thick mucus discharge from the eyes. 182. Opthalmia, catarrhal. 183. Obscuration of sight; near-sighted. 184. Objects appear too large. 185. Objects appear too small. 186. Objects appear too distant. 187. Inflammation of the eyes with yel- low discharge. 188. Pustules on conjunctiva. 189. Pustules on the cornea. 190. Burning and stitches in the eyes. 191. Pain in the eyes while reading. 192. Soreness of the external canthus with burning pain. 193. Photophobia, lachrymation. 194. Chemosis. 195. Heat, burning and lachrymation of the eyes. 196. Swelling of the eyelids and their margins. 197. Dimness of vision; black flickering before the eyes. 198. Pain, sticking, drawing in and above the eyes. 199, Blue rings around the light. 200. Yellow spots before the eyes. 201. Bright sparkling eyes with delirium. EYES, S35 180. Hep. 181. Hyd, Hep, Merc.c, Puis. 182. Aeon, Dulc, Hyd, Senecio, Sticta. 183. Hyos, Nit,ae 184. Hyos., Nux,m., Plat. 185. Hyos, Plat. 186. Nux.m. 187. Kali.b. 188. Kali.b. 189. Kali.b, Merc.v,, Sil, Sul 190. Kali.c. 191. Kali,c, Ruta., Lith. 192. Kali,c 193. Aeon, Bell, Merc,v., SuL, Kali,c 194. Kali,iod, Arg,u. 195. Kreos, Aeon, Ars, Merc,c, Merc,\ 196. Kreos, Puis., Staph, SuL, Thuja. 197. Lach. 198. Lach. 199. Lach. 200. Lachnan. 201. Lachnan, Bell, Stram. 336 EYES. 202. Pressing as from dust in the eye with discharge of white mucus. 203. Full, bursting feeling in the eyes with headache. 204. Inflammation of the eyes with itch- ing in the canthi, redness and swelling of the lids. 205. Pain in the eyes as if they were dry. 206. Styes on the lids. 207. Ulceration and redness of the lids with acrid lachrymation. 208. Eyelids pain on motion. 209. Pupils much dilated or contracted. 210. Inflammation of the eyes with swol- len inverted tarsi. 211. Heat, burning, redness and pressure in the eyes. 212. Eyes forcibly drawn together on attemp^.ng to use them. 213. Excessive photophobia and acrid lachrymation. 214. Pain behind the eyeballs as if they would be forced out. 215. Edges of the lids covered with thick crusts or pustules. 216. Twitching of the left upper lid. 217. Inflammation of the eyes and lids with photophobia. 218. Ulcers on the cornea with stinging pains. 219. Letters and stitches run together. EYES. 202. Lachnan. 203. Lactic,ac 204. Lye 205. Lye, Mez., Nux,m., Staph. 206. Lye, Graph, Puis., Staph, Sil. 207. Lye, Merc,v, Sul 208. Mangan. 209. Mangan. 210. Merc,v., Borax, Merc.c. 211. Merc.v, Aeon, Ars, Sul, Mez. 212. Merc,v. 213. Merc,c, Ars., Euph., Led. 214. Merc,c 215. Merc.v, Merc.c, SuL 216. Mez. 217. Nat.c, Aeon, Bell, Merc.v. 218. Nat.c 219. Nat,m., Sil, Canjnd. 338 EYES. 220. Eyes give out on using them. 221. Inflammation, redness and lachry- mation. 222. Pressure in the eyes on looking intently. 223. Inflammation of the eyes after syphilis or the abuse of mercury. 224. Pressure and stinging in the eyes. 225. Inflammation with swelling, red- ness in the whites and pressive, tensive pain. 226. Ecchymoses. 227. Smarting, dry sensation in inner canthi in the morning. 228. Itching with inflammation and stick- ing in the eyes. 229. Yellow spots on the whites of the eyes. 230. Hypopion. 231. Lachrymation profuse in the open air. 232. Dark before the eyes in the morn- ing on rising. 233. Itching, biting, burning in the lids and canthi in the evening. 234. Cramp in the lower lid, followed by profuse lachrymation. 235. Lachrymation as soon as the least pain is felt in some other part. 236. Margins of the lids red. EYES. 339 220. Nat.m, Phos, Ruta., Sep. 221. Nat.m, Aeon, Bell, Merc,v, Sil 222. Natpz. 223. 224. 225. Nux,v, Sep. 226. Nux.v, Arn. 227. Nux,v. 228. Pet. 229. 230. Plum.- 23 *Wc. Sul. Sabad. 232. Puis, Dulc. 233. Puis. 234. Ruta. 235. Sabad. 236. Sabad, Valer. 340 EYES. 237. Burning dryness in the eyes fol- lowed by copious lachrymation. 238. Lachrymation morning and even- ing. 239. Heat and dryness of the margins the lids with much itching. 240. Ulcere, spots and opacities of the cornea. 241. Pain in the eyes deep in the sockets:. 242. Pustular swelling of the left inner canthi. 243. Chalazae on the eyelids. 244. Total blindness transient. 245. Bright light or brilliant objects cause convulsions. 246. Inflammation of the eyes or lids with swelling, redness, itching, burning and sweating. 247. Dryness of the eyes in a room. 248. Ulcers and pustules on and around the cornea. 249. Inflammation of the eyes chronic. 250. Ulceration of the margins of the lids. 251. Dryness of the lids. 252. Burning in the eyes and lids in the morning and evening with dryness and pressure. EYES. 341 237. Sang, Ars., Euph. 238. Sep. 239. Sep, Staph., Sul. 240. Sil, Euph,, Sul, Hep, Merc,c 241. Spig, Cim, Alo. 242. Stan. 243. Staph, Graph. 244. Strain. 245. Stram. 246. SuL, Aid,c, Arg.n, Calc.c, Graph. 247. Sul. 248. Sul, Hep,, Sil. 249. 250. Sul, Graph., Merc.c. 251. Ver,a. 252. Zinc, Ars, Alum, SuL 2 URINARY ORGANS. i. Passes large quantities of pale urine. 2. Diabetes mellitus. 3. Painful, anxious urging to urinate. 4. Micturition painful, difficult, drop by drop, frequent desire. 5. Urine scanty and burning. 6. Urine dark, red, turbid or brown. 7. Retention or suppression of urine. 8. Brick-colored sediment in urine. 9. Haematuresis.- 10. Sensitive in the renal region. 11. Frequent, scanty urination. 12. Brown sediment in urine. 13. Thick mucous sediment. 14. Painful urination. URINARY ORGANS. i. Acet,ae, P/ios,ac, Cim, Aeth, Alo, Ambr., Arg.m, Arum.t, Bell, Bis, Can,- iud., Crotal, Ham, Helon, Ign, Nat,m., Phos, Sars, Squill, Staph, Tereb, Gels. 2. Acet,ae, Arg.m, Tereb, Thuja., Sulph,ac 3. Aeon., Borax, Nux,v., Puis. 4. Aeon., Apis, Canth, Bell, Merc.c, Nux,v. 5. Aeon., Cim.. Aesc, Ant.t, Canth. 6. Aeon, Aesc, Ant.t, Chel, Ap, Arn, Bry,, Caust, Hep, Kreos, Merc, Op, Phos. 7. Aeon, Apis, Hyos, Stram., Apoc, Ars, A rum,I., Aur. 8. Op, Ac, Aeth, Arg.n, Arn, Lye, Cinch, Nat.m, Phos, Bell, Carbo.v, Kreos, Sep, Dig, Hyos, Lobel, Nux.v. 9. Aeon., Cim., Am., Ars. Canth, Colch., Ham, Phos., Cac, Merc, Merc.c, Mez,, Op, Puis, Sec,c, Sul. 10. Aeon, Cim, Aesc 11 Aeon, Aesc, Canth., Coloc, Dig, Bell. Clem, Apis, Graph, HeL, Mere, Nit,ae, Dros, Eupt.per, Hyos, Lil.t, Mag,mur., Nat,c, Pet, Sars, Staph. 12. Aesc, Berb, Ambr. 13. Aesc, Aeth, Aur, Benz,ac, Berb., Equis, Hyd. 14. Aesc, Aeon, Canth, Merc,c, Dulc, Fluor,ac. 344 URINARY ORGANS. 15. Pain in kidneys. 16. Pain in bladder with frequent calls to urinate. 17. Emission of prostatic fluid. 18. Pain in the bladder. 19. Urine turbid. 20. Burning when urinating. 21. Frequent urging to urinate. 22. Cannot urinate without straining. 23. Urine scanty, red sediment, in arthri- tic affections. 24. Frequent micturition at night URINARY ORGANS. 345 15. Rhus, Aeth, Arg.n, Arn,, Berb, Tereb,, Can.ind, Canth, Cep, Colch, Eupt.pur, Helon, Kali,b, Lach, Nux.v. 16. Aeth, Ant,c, Canth. 17. Agn.c, Kali.c,, Spig. 18. Agn.c, Alum, Amm,c, Ant,c, Ant,t, Am., Bell, Cal,ph, Canth, Cep, Chel, Clem, Eupt.pur, Equiset, Fer.m, Gels, Lith. ^ 19. Dulc, Ambr, Arg.m, Aur, Bell, Camph, Colo, Sabad, Sul, Graph, Can,- sat, Canth, Cham, Cina, Cinch, Nat.m, Sarsap, Sep, Zinc. 20. Nux,v, Alo, Ant.c, Ant.t, Ca7tth., Can,saL, Apis, Arg.n, Aeon., Ars. Bap, Cac. Cal.c, Camph,, Caust, Cep, Clem, Cole, Con, Dulc, Equis, Helon, Lach, Merc.c. 21. Alo, Amm.m, Ant.c, Aur, Borax, Ruta, Cac,, Canth., Merc.c, Carbo.- an, Dulc, Eupt.pur, Equis, Fer.m, Ham, Kali.b, Lye,, Phyt, Sep., Squill. 22. Alum. 23. Alum. 24. Ambr, Bor,, Amm.c, Cal.c, Con, Dig, Graph, Kali,e, Pod, Tereb. URINARY ORGANS. Frequent urination. Involuntary urination at night during 27. Frequent and profuse urination at night. 28. Clay-like sediment in urine. 29. Involuntary urination 30. Urine has a strong odor. 31. Urine scanty. 32. Profuse urination at night. 33. Has to wait a long while for urine to pass. 34. Retention of urine from exertion. 35. Paralysis of the bladder. 36. Frequent and profuse urination. 34-Q 25- 26. sleep URINARY ORGANS. 25. Valer, Cal.c, Cinch, Graph, Lil.t, Sep., Squil 26. Mullen oil, Amm,c, Arg,n., Am., Cans , Cup, Puis., Thuja, Sul, Bell, Gels., Graph, Canth, Hep, Kreos, Verbas, Tereb, Nat.c, Pet, Pod, Rhus, Ruta, Sep. 27. Amm.m, Lith, Sang, Sars, Spig, Sul. 28. Amm,m. 29. Ver,a,, Ant.c, Apis, Argp,, Ars., Bell, Hyos., Nat,m, Zinc, Phos,ac, Caust, Cicuta/v, Op, Stram, Dulc, Puis., Pod, Eupt.pur, Fer,m, Merc,, Staph. 30. Viol.t, Ant.t, Benz,ac, Nit,ac, Apis, Aur, Cal,c, Kreos, Sul,, Coloc, Dros, Kali.b, Lith., Nat.c, Sep. 31. Apoc, Arn, Ars., Arum,L, Aur, Bap, Camph, Canth, Cham, Cinch. 32. Arg.m, 33. Am., Can.sat, Hep,, Puis. 34. Arn. 35. Ars, Aur, Bell, Caust, Gels, Hyos, Arn, Cupr, Nux.v, Sec.c 36. Nat.c, Lith, Ars, Bell, Bis, Cepa, Apis, Arg,m, Puis., Thuja, Verbas, Viola.tri, Apoc, Mangan, Arg.n, Phos,- ac, Cina, Dros, Fluor,ac, Rhus, SuL, Mur,ac, Guaiae, Ign., Iod, Kreos, Lactic,- ac. Sabin. 343 URINARY ORGANS. 37. Uraemia. 38. Albuminuria. 39. Urine brown and has a pungent odor. 40. Spasms of bladder during and after urination. 41. Urine dark red, scanty. 42. Suppression of urine. 43. Dribbling of urine. 44. Catarrh of the bladder. 45. Urine has a white sediment. 46. Urinary calculi in rheumatic sub- jects with fetid urine. 47. Sore pain in the back, drawing when stooping; dull pain in the kidneys, loins stiff, right knee swollen. 48. Dysuria seniles; bladder irritible; urine fetid and scalding. 49. Burning pain in the bladder. 50. Cutting and burning in the urethra. 51. Pain from kidneys into bladder and urethra. 52. Urine blood-red. URINARY ORGANS. S49 37. Ars. Amm.c, Arum, Can.ind, Cupr, 38. Ars., Cep, Crotal, Gels, Flelon, Merc,c, Phos, Phyt, Plum., Tereb. 39. Asaf, Benz,ae, Iod. 40. Asaf, Gels, Lith. 41. Bap, Bry, Aeon, Colch, Dig, Equis,, Ham, Hel, Kali.b, Lith, Plum, Sang, Squil, Thuja. 42. Crotal, Eupt.pur, Merc.c, Aeon, Hyos, Stram., Pod, Bell, Ver.a. 43. Bell,, Can,sat, Can.ind, Helon, Hep, Nux.v, Pet, Plum, Staph, Caust, Stram. 44., Canth, Dulc, Hyd, Lach. 45. Phyt, Phos, Cal.c, Canth, Colch, Graph, Kali.b, Sep, Hep. 46. 47. Bcnz,ac. 48. Benz,ac 49. Berb., Aeon., Ars., Canth., Cham. 50. Berb, Can,sat., Canth.,, Equis, Sul. 51. Berb, Cham. 52. Berb, 850 URINARY ORGANS. 53. Smarting in urethra after urinating. 54. Scalding urine in infants. 55. Urine dark. 56. Unsuccessful urging to urinate. 57. Retention of urine. 58. A white glairy mucus may be squeezed from the urethra. 59. Burning and scalding or stinging pain in urethra before, during and after micturition. 60. Inflammation of the kidneys and bladder. 61. Inflammation of the kidneys; feet swollen. 62. Urethra feels inflamed and sore to touch along its whole length. 63. During erection tensive pain. 64. Stream of urine is forked. 65. Purulent discharge from the urethra. 66. Urinates so easily he is not sensible Df the stream. 67. Spasmodic pain in the liver and right kidney. 68. Either great quantities of urine or none. 69. Interrupted flow of urine. URINARY ORGANS. 351 53. Borax, Canth., Lil.t, Mag.m, Nat.m, Can,sat. 54. Borax., Aeon, Canth. 55. Cal.c,, Cantti, Carbo.v, Aeon, Cinch, Dros, Lach, Sabad. 56. Camph, Can.ind, Canth, Nux,v., Caps, Dig, Plum, Sars, Sec.e 57. Sars, Camph, Aeon, Hyos, Ver.a, Can,sat., Sec,c, Canth, Caps, Bell, Op., Rhus, Sabin, Sul. 58. Can,ind, Nat.m,, Sul. 59. Can,ind.,. Can,sat., Canth., Caps,, Staph, Con, Ant.t. 60. Can,sat. 61. Thuja. 62. Can,sal, Arg.n, Nat.m. 63-64. Can,sat. Can,sat, Canth, Rhus. 65. Caps, Nit,ac, Nat,m, Merc.c, Sars. 66. Caust, Arg.n. 67- Chel. 68. Cicut,v. 69. Clem, Con., Hep. S52 URINARY ORGANS. 70. Pus-like sediment in the urine. 71. Bloody urine with strangury. 72. Urine green-yellow from bile. 73. Strangury. 74. Diabetes insipidus. 75. Pain in the right kidney. 76. Profuse urination which relieves the headache. 77. Paralysis of the sphincter vesicae. 78. Incontinence of urine in nervous children. 79. Urine has a fetid odor. 80. Urine contains gravel or small cal- culi. 81. Weariness, languor and weight in the region of the kidneys. 82. Ador urinae. 83. Urine dark with floating dark specks like coffee grounds. 84. Diabetic urine. 85. Inflammation and redness of the orifice of the urethra. 86. Dull aching in the region of the kidneys. 87. Sudden irresistable desire to urinate. 88. Incontinence of urine in the aged. 89. Diminished secretion of urine with thirst. URINARY ORGANS. 70. Clem, Hyos, Kali.c 71. Colch, Ars, Canth. 72. Crotal 73- Dulc, Helon, Plum, Tereb. 74- Eupt.pur. 75- Equisetum, Helon, Lobel, Nux,v. 76. Gels. 77- Gels. 78. Gels. 79. Guaiae, Hyd, Kreos., Pet. 80. Ben,ac, Lye 81. Helon. 82. Thuja, Rhus, Ham, Hep, Ign, Kali.c, Lil.t, Lith, Can,sal, Mere, Mur.- ac, Nat.c, SuL, Nit,ac, Aeon, Ars., Canth.% Con, Pet, Sep. 83. Hel, Puis, Sabad. 84. Helon, Plum. 85. Hep, Can,sat, Sul. 86. Hyd, Benz,ac. 87. Ign, Kreos, Merc, Stram, Sul, 88. Iod, Sec.c 89. Kreos. URINARY ORGANS. 90. Urine frequent, foaming, black. 91. Backache relieved by passing urine. 92. Urine can only be passed by bear- ing down with the abdominal muscles. 93. Gonorrhoea with phymosis or chan- croids. 94. Tenesmus of the bladder. 95. Albumen in urine; after Diphtheria in morbus Brightii. 96. Paraphimosis. 97. Gonorrhoea. 98. Urine is cold when passed. 99. Urine scanty, dark-brown, smelling like horse's urine. 100. Frequent scanty urination at night. 101. Urine like milk, even coagulating. 102. Urine acid and albuminous. 103. Dull pain and soreness in the region of the kidneys, more on the right side and connected with heat. 104. Morbus Brightii. 105. Necrotic cystitis from decomposed urea. 106. Difficult urination, passes in drops. 107. Scanty urination and no thirst. 108. Pressure on the bladder as if always full. 109. Vesical irritability depending on gouty diathesis. URINARY ORGANS £55 90. Lach. 91. Lye 92. Mag,m. 93. Merc. 94. Merc,c, Canth., Caps, Colch, Puis, Rhus, Sars, Tereb. 95. Merc,c 96. Merc,c 97. Hyd., Mere, Merc.c, Can,sat. Puis, Thuja. 98. Nit,ac 99., 100. Phos. 101. Phos, Phos,ac 102,. Phyt, Phos, Plum., Merc,c. 103. Phyt, Tereb. 104. Phos, Plum. 105. Plum. 106. Plum, Sabin. 107. Puis. 108. Ruta, Squill, , Zinc. yog. Sabin. 356 URINARY ORGANS. no. Urine bloody and albuminous. in. Urging to urinate, especially in the evening. 112. Urine pale and watery. 113. Itching in the urethra. 114. Urine smells of violets. 115. Urine scanty and bloody. 116. Discharge of yellow-green pus. 117. Frequent urination with great thirst and hunger. 118. Constant urging to urinate. 119. Can only pass water while sitting bent backward. URINARY ORGANS. 857 no. Sabin. in. Sabadil 112. Sec.c, Nat.m,, Staph, Ign., Hep, Gels. 113. Sul. 114. Tereb. 115. Tereb., Ars., Canth., Colch, Ham, Phos. 116. Thuja, Hyd., Merc. 117. Ver.a. 118. Ver.a. U9. Zinc. 853 MALE ORGANS. i. Hydrocele of children. 2. Sexual desire increased, 3. Sexual desire with relaxed penis. 4. Complaints after sexual debauches. 5. Sexual desire lessened, almost lost. 6. Penis so relaxed that voluptuous fancies excite no erections. 7. Penis small and relaxed. 8. Erections feeble without sexual desire. 9. Impotence with gleet. 10. Discharge yellow urethral. 11. Gleet, with loss of sexual desire or erections. 12. Sexual desire lost, organs shriveled. 13. Itching of the genitals. 14. Coition painful, uretha sensitive at the orifice. 15. Soreness, pain, swelling, hemorr- hages, etc, resulting from mechanical in- juries. 16. Phimosis from friction. 17. Emissions with relaxed penis. 18. Emissions nightly, very weakening and frequent. MALE ORGANS. I. Abrotanum. 2. Nat.m, Puis, Sabin, Sil, Stan, Aeon, Baryt, Agar, Can.ind, Canth, Cinch, Croc, Dios, Ferr,, Graph, Hyos., Mez, Op, Phos, Nux.v, Plat, Plum,, Staph, Stram, Ant.c, Cal,c. Coff, Ign, Iod, Lach, Merc, Nat,c 3. Agar, Agnus,c, Arg.n, Baryt, Con., Calad, Phos,ae 4. Agar., Cinch, Phos, Phos,ac 5. Agnus., Sulph., Merc, Clem, Dios. 6. Agnus. 7. Agnus., Arg.n, Can.ind. 8. Agnus. 9. Agnus., Sulph. 10. Agu., Hyd., Puis. 11. Agnus. 12. Arg.n, Ign. 13. A.gnus, Croton., Hep. 14. A.rg.n. 15. Arn. 16. Arnica. 17. Absinth, Gels, Cinch,, Graph, Nat.c 18., Cinch, Aur.m, Gels, Phos, Phos,ae MALE ORGANS. 19. Emissions followed by great debility and lassitude. 20. Emission followed by pain and weakness in the thighs. 21. Emission of prostatic fluid when straining at stool. 22. Emmissions nightly with erections. 23. Emissions of prostatic fluid from a relaxed penis; melancholy with suicidal mania. 24. Emissions nocturnal. 25. Emission even while frolicking with a woman. 26. Discharge of prostatic fluid on every change of emotion, without voluptuous thoughts, with itching of the prepuce. 27. Emissions without dreams. 28. Emission of semen during stool. 29. Emissions nocturnal without erec- tion. 30. Emissions bloody. 31. Emissions nocturnal with lascivious dreams. 32. Emissions nightly from high living. 33. Emissions involuntary. 34. Emissions seminal. MALE ORGANS. S61 19. Agar, Cinch,, Staph, Hyd, Kali.c, Cal.c, Lye 20. Agar. 21. Agnus, Sil, Ars, Hep. 22. Aur.m, 23. Arum. 24. Calad, Dios., Cinch,, Ferr., Puis, Phos, Sil, Dig. 25. Con. 26. Con. 27. Con. 28. Gels, Hep, Sil, Agnus. 29. Graph. 30. Merc 31. Nux,v, Rhod, Viol,t. 32. Nux,v. 33. Sul, Cinch, 34. Alum, Arg.m, Bell, A.ur, Cal,c, Cinch., Con, Nux.v,, Puis, Sul, Agnus, Calad, Camph, Dig, Dios, Gels, Lye, Nat,m, Nat,ph., Phos, Selen, Sep. 62 MALE ORGANS. 35. Emissions seminal, frequent. 36. Pain in testicles, bruised. 37. Pain in testicles increased by friction on walking. 38. Pains, pressive or bruised, when rubbing or touching the right testicle which is swollen. 39. Pain in spermatic cord, dragging or lancinating, extending into the testicles. 40. Painful erections without sexual de- sire. 41. Pain in the penis when walking as if sore or burnt. 42. Pain, pressive, dragging, in the tes- ticles when standing. 43. Painful swelling of the glans. 44. Pain, pressive, bruised, in the right testicle. 45. Painful, inflamed and swollen tes- ticles. 46. Pain in testicles drawing to sper- matic cord. 47. Pain, itching, corrosive, in the scro- tum, worse on walking. 48. Testicles swollen and hard. 49. Testicles cold, swollen, hard and painful MALE ORGANS. 36a 35. Am.c, Bov, Con, Kali.c,, Plum, Puis, Sep, Staph. 36. Aeon, Arg.m, Arn, Clem, Cocc, Dig., Hep, Rhod., Thuja. 37. Arg.m. 38. Aur.m. 39. Berb, Ham., Merc, Puis. 40. Calad. 41. Can,sat. 42. Can,sat, Berb. 43. Canth. 44. Caust, Aeon, Arg.m. 45. Clem., Rhod., Spong. 46. Clem, Spong, Zinc, Nux.v. 47. Croton,t. 48. Aeon, Agnus, Aur, Iod, Con,, Arg.n, Merc, Nux,v, Caust, Rhod. 49. Agnus, Aeon, Con, Iod. 36* MALE ORGANS. 50. Testicles indurated. 51. Testicles relaxed. 52. Testicles dwindling. 53. Testicles swollen. 54. Testicles feel cold. 55. Testicles swollen with soreness and tearing pains. 56. Testicles drawn up, swollen and painful. 57. Testicles drawn up, either one or the other. 58. Testicles affected by suppressed gonorrhoea. 59. Testicles inflamed. 60. Hydrocele caused by a bruise. 61. Swelling and pain of the spermatic cord. 62. Swelling and gangrene of the genitals, painful 63. Glans blue, red, swollen and cracked. 64. Llerpes preputialis, chronic. 65. Scrotum oedematous. 66. Swelling of the right testicle with pain. 67. Itching of the scrotum 68. Ulcers of the scrotum. MALE ORGANS. S65 50. Aur.m, Aeon, Con, Clem, Agnus, Arn.. Iod, Rhod. 5:. Camph, Agnus, Con, Sulph, Clem. 52. Caps. 53. Con, Aeon, Agnus, Ham, Puis., iod, Phyt, Arn, Aur, Clem, Dig,, Nux,v, Rhod, Spong. 54. Merc, Berb, Caps.. Sul. 55- Puis. 56. Rhod., Clem. 57. Zinc. 58. Agnus, Puis, Canth, 59. Bell, Clem, Con,, Nux,v, Puis, Spong, Zinc 60. Am. 61. Arn. 62. Ars, Merc.c, Canth, Laur. 63. Ars. 64. Ars. 65. Ars., Graph, Rhus.t. 66. Aur,m. 67. Aur.m, Croton, Nat,m, Pet, Sil, Sul, Rhod. 63. Aur,m. 366 MALE ORGANS. 69. Inginal glands suppurate. 70. Sexual ability diminished. 71. Sweat of the scrotum. 72. Genital organs weak and cold, relaxed. 73. Impotence with mental depression. 74. Genital organs swollen and puffy. 75. Swelling of the scrotum. 76. Inflammation of the prepuce, fraenum and orifice of urethra with a little yellow pus beneath the fraenum and glans. 77. Sexual desire with retarded erection and too early emission of semen during coition. 78. Coition followed by weakness. 79. Sexual desire absent. 80. Impotence. 81. Chordee. 82. Erections not caused by amorous thoughts. 83. Erections painful 84. Itching in the glans penis. MALE ORGANS. 69. Aur,m. 70. Bary.t, Agnus, Nux.v,, Sul, Berb, Caps, Ust, Calad, Ign, Sep. 71. Pet, Sil, Sul, Baryt, Rhod, Thuja. 72. Berb, Caps, Dios, Agnus, Camph, Gels, Mur,ac, Sul 73. Calad. 74. Calad. 75. Calad, Puis., Clem. 76. Calad, Corral,r. 77. Cal,c, Nat.c 78. Cal.c, Kali,c, Agar, Cinch., Phos,ac, Staph., Lye 79. Camph, Ign, Plum, Agnus, Arg,n, Graph, Kali.c, Lye, 80. Camph, Agnus,, Caps, Cinch, Agar, Ferr, Graph, Hyos, Lye, Merc, Arg.n,, Op, Plum, Psor, Calad, Cal.c, Cann.s, Coloc, Con,, Nux.m, Selen, Sul. 81. Camph. 82. Can,ind, Canth. 83. Can.ind, Canth., Can.s, Merc, Nux.v, Kali.c, Puis, Thuja. 84. Can jnd, Mez, SuL, Thuja. 308 MALE ORGANS. 85. Penis swollen without marked erec- tions. 86. Glans and penis dark red. 87. Discharge from urethra purulent like cream. 88. Discharge of blood and semen dur- ing coition. 89. Consequences of excessive seminal losses. 90. Swelling of the right half of the scrotum. 91. Right spermatic cord sensitive, tes- ticle drawn up. 92. Ulcer on glans and inner surface of the prepuce red, flat, exuding a yellow mois- ture. 93. Eruption vesicular on the scrotum and penis. 94. Perspiration fetid on genitals. 95. Gonorrhoea suppressed. 96. Gonorrhoea with constant sticking together of the meatus. 97. Gonorrhoea suppressed, followed by rheumatism or orchitis. 98. Gonorrhoea, second stage; thick yellow discharge. 99. Gonorrhoea after abuse of copaiva and cubebs. 100. Gonorrhoea, chronic cases, with urethral itching. MALE ORGANS. 369 85. Cann,s. 86. Cann,s, Ars. 87. Caps. 88. Caust, Merc. 89. Cinch, Agar, Nux.v.,, Staph. 90. Clem., Puis. 91. Clem., Rhod., Zinc, 92. Corrall.r. 93. Croton.t, Rhust. 94. Dios,, Sul 95. 96. Camph. 97. Gels. 98. Hyd, Agn, Puis, 99. Nux.v. 100. Pet. ° MALE ORGANS. 101. Gonorrhoea. 102. Gonorrhoea followed by swelling and induration of left testicle. 103. Gonorrhoea with discharge'of thick fetid pus. 104. Gleet with offensive urine. 105. Gleet, profuse, milky. 106. Gleet with yellow discharge. 107. Gleet with watery, bloody discharge. 108. Gleet. 109. Gleet, chronic, yellow discharge. no. Emission of prostatic fluid. in. Emission ^of prostatic fluid with urine. 112. Emission during coition too quick,- too early. 113. Hydrocele. 114. Increased sexual desire in old men. 115. Perspiration on genitals. 116. Coition without discharge. 117. Itching and moist eruptions on the scrotum. 118. Impotence with aversion to coition. 119. Swelling, oedematous, of the prepuce and scrotum. MALE ORGANS. 101. Phyt, Cinnab, Lye, Merc, Mez, Nat.c, Nat.m,, Nux.v, Sep, Sul, Thuja. 102. Rhod. 103. Sil. 104. 105. Ferr. 106. Fluor,ac, Sulph, Hyd, 107. Mur,ae 108. Phyt. 109. Psor. no. Anac, Bell, Hep, Lye, Nat,c, Nit,ac,, Puis, Sel, Sep, Sul, Staph, Thuja, Zinc. in. Hep, Nat.c, Sep, Sul. 112 113 Arn, 114 H5 Sul. 116 117 Lye, Phos, Plat, Sul, Zinc. Fluor,ac. Graph, Puis, Rhod, Sil, Nux,v, Sulph. Fluor,ac Gels, Ham, Merc, Thuja, Sil, Graph, Psor. Graph., Hep., Rhus. 118. Graph. 119. Graph. MALE ORGANS. 120. Hydrocele, left side, with herpetic eruptions on scrotum. 121. Varicocele. 122. Sexual desire with feeble erections. 123. Chancre-like ulcers on the prepuce and glans. 124. Excoriation and humid soreness on the genitals and in fold between scrotum and thighs. 125. Syphilis secondary. 126. Erection during stool 127. Itching and soreness of the prepuce. 128. Sexual desire excessive or deficient. 129. Swelling of the testes and spermatic cord. 130. Penis inflamed and swollen. 131. Sexual desire diminished, testicles atrophied. 132. Penis small, cold, relaxed. 133. Itching of the prepuce. 134. Soreness between the scrotum and thigh. 135. Sensation of weakness in the geni- tals with burning and drawing in spermatic cord extending to the glans. 136. Ulcers on the glans with a cheesy base. 137. Chancroids. 138. Phimosis. MALE ORGANS. 873 120. Graph. 121. Ham. 122. Hep, Nux,m. 123. Hep, Merc, Nit,ac, Phytol , Phos.- ac. 124. Hep, Graph, Rhus, .Merc, Pet. 125. Hep, 126. Ign. 127. Ign. 128. Kali.c,, Op, Sil. 129. Kali.c 130. Kali,iod. 131. Kali,iod. 132. Lye, Agn, Baryt., Berb, Caps, Sul. 133. Lye, Con. 134. Lye, Nat,c, Hep., Baryt, Cinn, Pet, Rhod, Sul. 135. Mang. 136. Merc. 137. Merc, Hep, 138. Merc, Nat.m,, Sul, Calad, Rhus.t. MALE ORGANS. 139. Swelling of penis and testes. 140. Chancres phagadenic, secreting a thin ichorous pus. 141. Swelling and heat of the penis. 142. Swelling of scrotum and testes. 143. Coition incomplete, erection weak, emission speedy. 144. Glans penis easily becomes sore. 145. Sexual irritability with physical weakness. 146. Chancres on glans and prepuce looking clean but exuding an offensive moisture. 147. Swelling and inflammation of the genitals. 148. . Swelling of the glans. 149. Pain, dragging, in the testicles. 150. Pain, neuralgic, of the testicles. 151. Painful inflammation and swelling of the glans and prepuce. 152. Pain, fine, stitching, in penis and glans. 153. Pain, stitching in prepuce. 154. Pain from anus to testicle. 155. Pain in testicles and especially epididymis on touch. 156. Pain contusive in testicles. 157. Pain in testicles extending to ab- domen and thighs. 158. Pain in left spermatic cord extend- ing to testicle. MALE ORGANS. 375 139. Merc.c, Ars. 140. Merc.c. 141. Mez, Arn. 142. Mez. 143. Nat,c, Cal.c 144. Nat.c 145. Nat.m. 146., Merc. 147. Plumb. 148. Ars, Merc, Rhus. 149. Gels. 150. Ham, Ust, Staph, Rhod. 151. Merc 152. Mez, Spig. 153. 154. Rhod. 155. Rhod. 156. Rhod., Argpi., Spong, 157. Rhod. 158. Senecio,a. MALE ORGANS. 159. Pain, bruised, pressive in testicles. 160. Pain in the left testicle when walking. 161. Pain, stitching, in the penis. 162. Sycotic excrescences on the glans. 163. Sycotic excrescences "on the glans, bleeding when touched. 164. Vesicles on the prepuce becomes covered with scabs. 165. Erections violent at night. 166. Ulcers deep, fistulous, irregular, ragged. 167. Chancres after mercury. 168. Hair falls off the genitals. 169. Sexual desire easily excited. 170. Consequences of sexual excesses. 171. Sexual desire increased with fre- quent erections and pollutions. 172. Itching and humid herpes on the scrotum. 173. Irresistible desire for coitus. 174. Impotence after excessive excite- ment and onanism. 175. Lascivious, strips himself, sexual mania. 176. Sexual organs weak. 177. Sexual organs weak with onanism and little sexual desire. 178. Herpes preputialis. 377 MALE ORGANS. 159. Spong., Aeon, Argpi., Rhod. 160. Staph i6r. Sul 162. NU,ac.t Thuja., Staph,, Psor. 163- Nit,ac 164. Nit,ac 165. Nit,ac, Graph, Plat, Sil, Zinc. 166. Nit,ac 167. 168., 169. Nux,v, Phos, Canth, Plat. 170. Nux.v. 171. Op, Nux.v, Phos. 172. Pet, 173. Phos, Canth, Nux.v. 174. Phos, Cinch, Staph, 175. Phos, Hyos. 176., Agar, Agnus, Baryt, Con, Phos, Sulph, Mag.c, Nit,ac 177. Phos. 178. Phos,ac MALE ORGANS. 179. Syphilis, primary and secondary. 180. Chancres on penis. 181. Ulcer on the glans with swelling and heaviness of testicles. 182. Aversion to coition. 183. Erysipelatous swelling of glans and prepuce. 184. Scrotum becomes thick and with intolerable itching. 185. Prostate gland enlarged and feels hard and swollen to the touch. 186. Itching and moisture of the scrotum. 187. Swelling of the spermatic cord. 188. Dyspnoea toward the end of coition. 189. Sexual power increased. 190. Inflammation, swelling and redness of the prepuce. 191. Prepuce chafed and sore. 192. Crab-lice. 193. Coition followed by night sweats. 194. Condylomata. 195. Erections too strong. 196. Erysipelatous inflammation of the scrotum. 197. Priapism. MALE ORGANS. 179. Phyt, Merc, Nit,ac 180. Phyt, Merc, Nit,ac 181. Psor. 182. Psor, Rhod, Agnus, Cann, Clem, Kali.c, Lye, Rhod, 183. Rhus.t. 184. Rhus.t. 185. Senecio,a. 186. Sil, Pet, Sul. 187. Spong. 188. Staph. 189. S tl, Phos. 190. Sul, Thuja. 191. Calad, Ign,, Nux.v, Sil 192. Sabad. 193. Agar. 194. Lye, Nit,ac,, Sabin, Staph, Thu/a. 195. Canth, Phos, Puis. 196. Ars, Puis, Rhus,t. 197. Clem, Coloc, Graph.. Nat,c, Nat,m. Plat, Phos, Puis. FEMALE ORGANS. i. Menses suppressed from fright. 2. Menses suppressed from vexation. 3. Menses suppressed from cold. 4. Hemorrhage, uterine. 5. Hemorrage, uterine; much excitabil- ity, giddy, cannot sit up, fear of death. 6. Vagina dry, hot and sensitive 7. Hemorrhage, uterine; blood bright red. 8. Suppressed lochia 9. Suppressed lochia, skin hot and dry, milk scanty, abdomen inflated and sensitive. 10. Ovaritis from suddenly checked menstrual flow. 11. Abortion impending from emotion. 12. Menses delayed or suppressed. 13. Hysterical or epileptical spasms dur- ing menses. 14. Pains in uterine region shoot from side to side. 15. Pains bearing down in uterine region and small of back; limbs feel torpid. 16. Dysmenorrhoea, rheumatic. 17. Leucorrhoea with sensation of weight in the uterus. FEMALE ORGANS. 381 i. Aeon, Lye 2. Aeon. 3. Aeon, Dulc, Cim., Puis., Senecio. 4. Aconite, Ham., See, Ip., Bell, Bry, Cal,c, Caul, Phyt, Ferr, Sabin, Trill., Cham, Cinch., Coff, Croc, Ferr, Hyos, Ign, Iod. Millef, Nux,v, Plat, Puis, Sabin., Sil, Stram.. Erig, Helon. 5. Acoi 6. Aeon., Bell., Lye, Sulph, Nat.rm, Sep. 7. Aeon, Bell, Ham., Ipee, Trill 8. Aeon, Cim, Dulc, Hyos. 9. Aeon., Secc, Bell. 10. Aeon., Cim. 11. Aeon. 12. Cwrc., Puis., Caul, Sulph. 13. Cim. 14. Cim, Cal,p. 15. Cim, Puis., Alo, Sep. 16. Cim. 17. Cim, Sep. 882 FEMALE ORGANS. 18. Pregnancy is accompanied with nausea. 19. Pregnancy is accompanied with false labor-like pains. 20. Parturition with "shivers" in the first stage. 21. Parturition with rigid os. 22. Puerpural mania. 23. Burning in mamma. 24. Itching and irritation of the genitals. 25. Itching of the pudenda before mens- truation. 26. Itching of the nipples with a mealy coating. 27. Prolapsus uteri after menses. 28. Itching, soreness and swelling of the labia. 29. Itching, swelling and burning of the pudenda. 30. Itching of the genitals with strong sexual desire. 31. Itching of the genitals worse from contact of urine. 32. Itching, soreness and moisture of the external genitals. 33. Leucorrhcea thick, dark yellow, cor- roding. FEMALE ORGANS. 383 18. Cim. 19. Cim, Gels., Sec, Bell 20. Cim. 21. Cim, Bell, Gels., Caul 22. Cim, Hyos., Ver.v, Bell, Plat, Stram. 23. Cim. 24. Agar, Amb., Con, Kreos., Nat.m,, Canth., Merc, Sulpha Calad. Carbo.v, Pet, Sep, Sil, Thuja 25. Graph. 26. Pet. 27. Agar,m. 28. Ambr, Coll, Merc, Carbo.v. 29. Am,c, Ars, Canth, Kreos, Merc, Sulph. 30. Canth, Agar, 31. Merc. 32. Pet. 33. Aesc, Ars, Sep. 384 FEMALE ORGANS. 34. Leucorrhoea with aching and lame- ness in the back. 35. Leucorrhoea transparent. 36. Leucorrhoea of bloody mucus pre- ceded by colic. 37. Leucorrhoea profuse, acrid, running down to the feet during the day. 38. Leucorrhoea acrid, corrosive, with burning in the genital organs. 39. Leucorrhoea brown, slimy. 40. Leucorrhoea profuse, yellow, thick. 41. Leucorrhoea corroding.' 42. Leucorrhoea before menses. - 43. Leucorrhoea profuse, greenish, thin and offensive. 44. Leucorrhoea white, thick as paste. 45. Leucorrhoea like milk. 46. Leucorrhoea like milk with itching and burning. 47. Leucorrhoea with mettrorhagia dur- ing climacteric. 48. Leucorrhoea staining the linen yel- low. 49. Leucorrhoea thin in the morning on rising, not through the day. 50. Leucorrhoea with red sore places, 51. Leucorrhoea thick yellow. FEMALE ORGANS. 34- Aesc 35- Agn.c, Alum., Agar, Am,m., Borax.t Bov, Cal,c, Phos, Mez, Cal,p, Pod. 36. Alo. 37. Alum. 38. Alum, Con, Iod., Kreos, Mercr Phos, Puis. 39. Am,m. 40. Ars, Hyd, Kali.b, 41. Ars, Alum, Kali.c, Carbo,v. Con., Kreos., Cham, Lye, Mag,c, Merc, Mez., Bov, Sil, Phos, Puis., Sep,, Zinc. 42. Calc ^3. Asaf. 44. Borax, Con. 45. Cal,c, Con, Lye, Puis., Sep., Sulph,* ac, Kreos. 46. Cal,c, Carbo,v. Con, 47. Cal.c 48., Kreos. 49. Carbo.v 50. Carbo.v, Helon. 51. Carbo.v, Hyd, Nat.c, Kali.b. ss6 FEMALE ORGANS. 52. Leucorrhoea profuse. 53. Leucorrhoea watery, acrid. 54. Leucorrhoea yellow, smarting, acrid. 55. Leucorrhoea instead of, or before the menses with uterine spasms. 56. Leucorrhoea. 57. Leucorrhoea thick, milky, with con- tractive labor-like pains. 58. Leucorrhoea with weakness and paralyzed sensation in the small of the back. 59. Leucorrhoea, profuse, of thin white mucus with weak back. 60. Leucorrhoea with atony and anaemia. 61. Leucorrhoea, tenacious, ropy, thick yellow. 62. Leucorrhoea, corrosive, purulent, pre- ceded by labor-like pains. 63. Pains, bearing down. 64. Pains in the hypogastrium as if the menses were coming on. FEMALE ORGANS. r 57 52. Caust, Nat,m, Graph, Sil, Suit H, Trill 53. Cham, Kali.iod, Puis. 54. Cham, Kali.c, Ars, Lil, Alum Kreos, Sulph. 55. Cinch. 56. Alum, Ambr, Am.m, Berb, Borax, Cal.c, Carbo.v, Caul, Graph, Helon, Kali.b, Kreos, Lil, Murex, Merc, Nat.c, Phos, Sabin, Sec.c, Sil, Sulph, Nat.m, Sep, Ars, Hyd, Puis., Gamb, Am,c, Carbo,an, Caust., Cinch, Cocc, Con, Lye, Mag.c, Mag.m. 57. Con. 58. Con. 59. Graph. 60. Helon. 61. Hyd, Kali.b. 62. Ign, Mag.c 63. Agar., Alo., Bell, Cinch, Nux.v, Plat., Sep., Sulph,, Asaf, Cim, Caul, Puis., Lil., Nat,m, Croc, Graph, Nat,c, Pod, Sil, Ust. 64. Alo, Cim, Caul., Puis., Sang, Croc FEMALE ORGANS 65. Pains in the loins with fullness and heaviness in the uterine region. 66. Pain in the left pectoral region ac- companied by enlargement of the right ovary and cough. 67. Pain and sensitiveness in the right ovarian region during menses. 68. Pain, sharp, cutting, stinging in the swollen ovary. 69. Pain in the left ovary and loins. 70. Pains, burning, lancinating with hemorrhage. 71. Pain in the back during menses. 72. Pain in the sacral region during menses. 73. Pain, neuralgiac, of vagina. 74. Pain, neuralgiac, of the uterus 75- Pains, cutting from abdomen into vagina. 76. Pains, burning, lancinating in ovaritis. 77. Pains of labor too weak or ceasing. 78. Pains after labor too long. 79. Pains with burning and soreness in the vagina. 80. Pains cutting and stitching in geni- tals during coition. FEMALE ORGANS. S89 65. Alo, Hyos. 66. Apis. 67. Apis. 68. Apis. 69. Arg.m. 70. Ars. 71. Am,m, Kali,c, Cim, Puis. 72. Am,c, Am.m, Nat.c, Phos. 73. Cal,c, Kali,c, Sep. 74. Bell, Cham, Kali.c, Plat, Puis, Sabad, Sep. 75- Ars. 76. Bell, Apis., Con.. Canth. 77. Bell, Gels, Caul. Ust, Cim, Cann, Gels, Puis. 78. Bell, Gels, Arn, Puis, Sulph.,, Cham, Coff, Nux.v.^ 79. Berb., Rhus,t. 80. Berb. soa FEMALE ORGANS. 81. Pains from the stomach to the small of the back before menses. 82. Pains in the left breast. 83. Pain in the left ovary. 84. Pains stitching in ovaries on deep inspirations. 85. Pains, cramp-like of the uterus. 86. Pain in mammary glands as if sup- purating. 87. Pains of labor deficient, spasmotic 88. Pains drawing from small of back forwards; griping and pinching in uterus, followed by discharge of clotted blood. 89. Pains tearing in the legs. 90. Pain, cramp-like, in the left ovarian region. 91. Pains, sharp, labor-like in the uterine region, extending to the back and hips. 92. Pains of labor wanting, os dilated, complete atony. 93. Pain in the epigastrium during menses. 94. Pain and soreness in the ovaries. 95. Pain in the back with irritation of the vagina. 96. Menses too early and too profuse. FEMALE ORGANS. 391 81. Borax 82. Borax, Apis, Con, Sit 83. Brom,, Coloc. 84. Bry. 85. Calad, Caul., Pod, Con, Ign., Mag.m. 86. Cal.c, Merc, Phyt, Sil 87. Caul, Gels, Cim, Bell, Kali.c. 88. Cham 89. Cham, Cim, Puis. 90. Coloc 91. Gels., Cim, Sec, Hyo? 92. Gels, Caul. 93. Graph. 94. Ham, Cim, Apis, Bell, Lil. Sep. 95. Llelon. 96. Alo, AmV, Amm,c, Cal.c . Nux,v., Arg.n, Ars., 1 « ,orax, Bron: , Bry, Canth, Carbo an "^o.v, tret Ipee, Mag.m., M a m.. Phos V os,ac, Phyt., Pic ..jcio, ~u., Ver.a, Zx.z 392 FEMALE ORGANS. 97. Menses scanty, pale and painful. 98. Menses followed by exhaustion of mind and body. 99. Menses accompanied by cholera-like symtoms. 100. Menstrual blood blackish, in clots, fetid. 101. Menstrual discharge acrid, makes the thighs sore. 102. Menses accompanied by fatigue. 103. Menses too early with pain in ab- domen and small of the back. 104. Menses accompanied by a bloody discharge from the bowels. 105. Menses too scanty and too late. 106. Menses dark blood. 107. Menses too copious. 108. Menses too early. FEMALE ORGANS. 393 97. Alum, P/ios., Berb, Graph 98. Alum, Am,c,, Cocc. 99. Am.e 100. Am.c, Croc, Cycl, Ign, Plat. 101. Am.c, Sulph, Kali,c 102. Am,c, Carbo,an, Cocc, Ars, Alum, Brom, Cinch. 103. Am.m, Kali.c, Nux.m. 104. Am.m. , 105. Arg.n, Graph, Mag.c, Puis, Cim, Sulph., Senecio, Sep. 106. Ars, Bis, Canth, Lach, Nux.v. Croc,, Sep. 107. Ars, Bell, Cal.c, Canth, Carbo.v, Caust, Chel, Cinch, Cina, Croc, Hyos, Lye, Mag.m, Merc, Mosch, Nux,v., Phos, Plat, Sabin., Samb, Sec.c, Sil, Sulph,, Ver.a, Can.ind. 108. Ambr, Am.m, Ars, Bov, Bry, Cal.c, Canth,, Carb.v, Caust, Cham, Cina, Cocc, Croc, Kali.c, Laur, Led, Mag.m, Mag.s, Nat.m, Nux.v, Olean, Pet, Phos, Plat, Rhod, Rhus,t, Sil, Sulph, Sulph,ac, Ver.a, Cac, Caul, Ign, Kali,b, Lach, Zinc. 304 FEMALE ORGANS. 109. Menses too late. no. Menses retarded first time in young females. hi. Menses too scanty. 112. Menses suppressed. 113. Menses preceded by hysterical cramps. 114. Menses preceded by headache. 115. Menses preceded by hysterical fits. 116. Menses accompanied by abdominal cramps. 117. Menses accompanied by pale face 118. Menses accompanied by headache. 119. Pain, stitches in the ovarian region when pressed. 120. Painful stitches from the navel to the uterus. 121. Painful tearing stitches in the mamma. 122. Pains, bearing down, relieved by pressure against the vulva. 123. Pain in the region of the ovaries. 124. Pain in the right ovary. FEMALE ORGANS. 109. Caust, Graph, Iod, Kali.c, Mag.c, Nat.m, Nat.s, Puis, Cim, Con, Sulph. no. Cal.c, Caust, Graph, Kali.c, Puis., Sulph., Nat.m. hi. Alum, Am,c, Con, Graph, Kali.c, Lye, Nat.m, Phos, Sil, Sulph, Baryt.c, Cyc 112. Agn.c, Bry, Con, Dulc, Gels, Graph, Kali.c, Lye, Nat.m, Nit,ac, Nux.m.,,^/5., Rhod, Sep, Sil, Sulph, Ver,a, Zinc, Cim., Brom, Cycl, Aeon, Caul 113. Hyos. 114. Sulph, Ver.a. 115. Hyos. 116. Cocc, Con, Graph, Puis, Nux.m. 117. Mag.c, Mag.m. 118. Lye, Plat, Hyos, Kali.b.. Sulph. 119. Ambr. 120. Ipee 121. Kali.c, Bry. 122. Lil. 123. Pod. 124. Pod, Bell S93 FEMALE ORGANS. 125. Discharge of blood between the periods. 126. Discharge of blood between the periods at every little incident as after a hard stool or after a walk. 127. Discharge thin, whitish, offensive, instead of menses. 128. Discharge of lochia offensive, feels hot to the parts. 129. Discharge of flatus from the vagina. 130. Discharge of bloody serum alter- nating with pus. 131. Discharge, uterine, blood, black fluid, fetid. 132. Discharge of lochia profuse and long lasting. 133. Inflammation erysipelatous of the breasts. 134. Enlargement of the right ovary. 135. Dropsy of the ovaries. 130. Dropsy of the uterus. 137. Abortion during the early months. 138. Coition painful, followed by bleed- ing from the vagina. 139. Prolapsus with ulceration of os or cervix. 140. Sore nipples. 141. Soreness of pudenda after labor. 142. Sexual desire increased with in- voluntary discharge of mucus. 143. Metrorrhagia after abortion. FEMALE ORGANS. 897 125. Ambra., Cac, Bell, Bov, Cham. Cocc, Hep. 126. Ambr. 127. Ars. 128. Bell, Aeon. 129. Brom,, Lye 130. Cinch. 131. Sec,c 132. Trill, Caul 133. Sulph, Rhus.t 134. Apis., Bell. 135. Apis. 136. Apis. 137. Apis, Sabin, Sec.c, Thuja. 138. Arg.n. 139. Arg.n, Hyd. 140. Arn, Graph, Phyt, Helon. 141. Arn. 142. Ars. 143. Plat, Caul, Cinch, Erig, Sabin. 898 FEMALE ORGANS. 144. Metrorrhagia after delivery. 145. Nymphomania. 146. Swelling and inflammation of the genitals. 147. Prolapsus and induration of the womb. 148. Suppressed sexual desire with de- layed thrill. 149. Swollen breasts, tender, painful red. 150. Weakness and distress in the region of the uterus. 151. Pressure upwards over mons veneris 152. Mammae sore to touch. 153. Menses bright red blood. 154. Menses thick, decomposed, dark red blood. 155. Menses gray mucus or blood. 156. Menses accompanied by pains or stitches in the groins. 157. Menses with discharge of mem- branous shreds. 158. Menses preceded by spasms. 150. Menses suppressed with bleeding of the nose. 160. Menstruation painful 161. Menses profuse and dark colored 162. Menstrual blood thick and offensive. FEMALE ORGANS 399 144. Plat, Sabin., Caul, Cinch, Erig. 145. Bell, Canth, Nux.v, Phos, Plat., Puis, Ver.a, Asaf, Sabin, Stram, Cinch. 146. Asaf, Canth, Mere. Merc.c, Carb.v. 147. Aur. 148. Berb. 149. Bry, Merc, Sulph, Rhus.t. 150. 151. 152., Bry, Cham, Con, Phyt, Zinc. 153. Bell, Hani., Ipee, Brom, Sabin. 154. Bell. 155. Berb. 156. Borax. 157. Brom, Cycl 158. Brom. 159. Bry, Ham, Puis, Sep. 160. Cac, Cim., Cham, Cupr, Nux.v, Caul, Cycl, Puis. 161. 162. Carbo.v. 400 FEMALE ORGANS. (63. Menses suppressed with spasm of uterus. 164. Menses too late but profuse; no dis- charge at night, offensive and causes itch- ing of pudenda. 165. Menses accompanied by colic and diarrhoea. 166. Menses too late, too profuse and last too long, 167. Menses too early with abdominal cramps and colic. 168. Menses suppressed with cramps jn the chest and fainting nausea. 169. Menstrual blood black, clotted, 170. Menses preceded by rash. 171. Menses accompanied by rash. 172. Menses too pale. 173. Menses with morning sickness. 174. Menses vicarious. 175. Ulcers of the uterus or breasts; stinging, burning edges; smelling like old cheese. 176. Menses accompanied by convulsive twitching of the hands and feet. 177. Menses accompanied by prolapsus uteri and hemorrhage. 178. Menses accompanied by giddiness and nausea. 179. Menses too early, too profuse and long lasting. FEMALE ORGANS. 40t •163. Caul, Cim,, Puis. 164. Caust. 165. Caust. 166. Chel, Ferr 167. Cocc. 168. Cocc 169. Cycl, Am,c, Croc, Ign, Plat., Cham, Puis, Ust, Sabin., Zinc. 170. Dulc. 171. Kali,c, Dulc. 172. Graph, Puis., Bell, Phos, Rhus.t 173. Graph, Kali,c, Nux,m, Puis, Sep. 174. Ham, Bry, Puis, Phos, Sulph. 175. Hep. 176. Hyos. 177. Ipee 178. Kali.b. 179. Kali.c, Bell, Cal.c, Nux,v., Phos. Sabin., Kreos, Mez, Nat.m FEMALE ORGANS. 180. Menses suppressed with dropsical effusion. 181. Menses with urging to urinate. 182. Menses with labor-like pains. 183. Menstrual cramps relieved by the flow. 184. Menses too profuse and long lasting. 185. Menstrual flow more profuse dur- ing the night. 186. Dysmenorrhcea membranous. 187. Dysmenorrhoea congestive. 183. Dysmenorrhoea neuralgic. 189. Dysmenorrhoea obstructive. 190. Puerpural fever with putrid symp- toms. 191. Ulceration of the cervix uteri. 192. Ulceration and induration of cervix uteri. 193- Uterus feels congested with fullness and tension in the hypogastric region. 194- Abortion pains feeble, irregular, spasmotic 195- Uterine contractions intermittent. 196. Lochia protracted from atony of the uterus. 197. Aversion to coition FEMALE ORGANS. *°3 180. Kali,e 181. Kali,iod. 182. Lach, Cim, Caul, Puis., Nux.m. '83. Lach. 184. Lye, Sec.c, Am.c, Ars, Cal.c, Kali.c, Nux,v. 185. Mag.c. 186. Cal.c, Brom, Cycl, Borax, Bry, Canth, Gels , Cham, Vib. 187. Cinch, Croc, Hep, Merc, Nux.v, Apis, Bell, Caul, Thuja, Vib. 188. Gels, Cim, Apis, Caul, Cocc, Lil.t, Vib, Xanthox. 189. Caul, Lil.t, Sep, Vib. 190. 191., Hyd, Hep, Zinc. 192., Con, Ars. 193. Caul, Cim, Alo.t Bell, Puis. 194. Caul. 195. Caul, Sec. 196. Caul. 197. Caust, Helon, Nat.m. *°* FEMALE ORGANS. 198. Llemorrhage of the uterus, blood clotted, with severe labor-like pains. 199. Metrorrhagia, blood dark, fainting. 200. Nymphomania of lying-in women. 201. Indurations of the uterus. 202. Indurations of the ovaries. 203. Induration of the breasts. 204. Soreness and swelling of the breasts before menses. 205. Shriveling of the breasts with in- creased sexual desire. 206. Shriveling of the breasts. 207. Dysmenorrhoea caused by piles and constipation. 208. Metrorrhagia of dark viscid, stringy, clotted blood. 209. Metrorrhagia from slight motion. 210. Lochia suppressed from cold. 211. Metrorrhagia with irritation of the rectum and bladder. 212. Metrorrhagia with prolapsus uteri. 213. Pregnancy accompanied by drowsi- ness. 214. Hemorrhage from the uterus with labor-like pains in the abdomen and glow- ing heat in the face. 215. Pregnancy accompanied by cramps in the abdomen and legs. 216. Pregnancy accompanied by diplopia 217. Prepmancv with weakness. FEMALE ORGANS. 403 198. Cham, Croc 199- Cinch. 200. Cinch, Plat., Ver.a, Zinc. 201. Con., Aur,, Iod, Bell, Cinch. 202. Con., Iod. 203. Con., Merc 204. Con. 205. Con. 206. Con, Iod. 207. Coll. 208. Croc. Cycl.,'Tgn., Plat, Sabin. 209. Croc, Erig, Sec,c, Sabin, Ambr. 210. Dulc, Cim,, Aeon, Puis. 211. Erig. 212. Erig. 213. Gels, Nux,m. 214. Ferr, Bell 215. Gels. 216. Gels 217. Gelr 4°3 FEMALE ORGANS. 218. Pregnancy with convulsions. 219. Pregnancy with morning sickness. 220. Metrorrhagia, passive flow, venous blood. 221. Vaginitis. 222. Vaginitis with soreness. 223. Prurigo of the vulva. 224. Phlegmasia alba dolens. 225. Dysmenorrhoea. 226. Sexual power lost. 227. Soreness and weight of uterus with melancholy. 228. Dragging, aching and weakness in the sacral region with prolapsus. 229. Prolapsus with constant, fetid, bloody discharge, also with ulceration. 230. Inflammation aphthous of the vulva and vagina, curdy secretion. 231. Abortion threatened from atony. 232. Ulceration of the os. 233. Ulceration of the vagina. 234. Lascivious, uncoyers the sexual parts. 235. Convulsions puerpural 236. Suppression of the milk. 237. Mammae dwindles away and be- comes flabby. 238. Burning between the pudenda on urinating. FEMALE ORGANS. 4-07 218. Gels, Hyos. 219. Graph, Kali.c, Nux.m, Puis, Sep. 220. Ham. 221. Ham, Plumb, Helon. 222. Ham, Merc, Carbo.v. 223. Ham, Canth, Helon. 224. Ham. 225. Aeon, Cim, Caul, Caust, Cham, Cocc, Coloc, Cycl, Gels, Ign, Mag.m, Nux.v, Puis, Nat,m. 226. Helon. 227. Helon. 228. Helon. 229. Helon. i 230. Helon. 231. Helon. 232. Hyd. 233. Hyd, Arg.n, Nit,ac, Con, Sulph. 234. Hyos. 235. Hyos, Bell. 236. Hyos, Aeon, Agar, Puis, Rhus.t. 237. Iod, Con. 238. Kreos.. Sep. 408 FEMALE ORGANS. 239. Soreness between the pudenda also between the thighs with burning, biting pains. 240. Region of the womb will not bear contact even of the bed clothes. 241. Hot flashes during climacteric period. 242. Burning in the vagina during and after coition. 243. Prolapse of the vagina. 244. Leucorrhoea with back-ache. 245. Leucorrhoea having the odor of green corn. 246. Leucorrhoea leaving a brown stain. 247. Leucorrhoea bloody. 248. Leucorrhoea after stool or after uterine cramps. 249. Leucorrhoea worse at night.* 250. Leucorrhoea, greenish discharge. 251. Leucorrhoea itching, burning after scratching. 252. Leucorrhoea thick yellow putrid. 253. Leucorrhoea offensive; green mucus; flesh colored. 254. Leucorrhoea burning. 255. Leucorrhoea itching. 256. Leucorrhoea mucus. 257. Leucorrhoea with swollen vulva. 258. Leucorrhoea instead of the menses. 259. Leucorrhoea mucous. FEMALE ORGANS. 40£ 239. Kreos. 240. Lach. 241. Lach, Sang. 242. Lye 243. Merc, Nux.m, 244. Kali.c. 245. Kreos 246. Lil. 247. Lye 248. Mag.m. 249. Merc. 250. Merc, Nat.m, 251. Merc, Alum, Con, Phos, PuK 252. Nat.c, Sabin, Puis, Sep. 253. 254. Cal.c, Con, Canth, Kreos, Kali.c, Puis, Sulph, Phos, Alum, Merc. 255. Cal.c, Alum. 256. Zinc, Alum. 257. Puis. 258. Senecio. 259. Thuja. FEMALE ORGANS. 260. Leucorrhoea excoriating after the menses. 261. Menstrual discharge, glutinous, thick, acrid, black. 262. Menses with cramps extending to the thighs. 263. Menses too early and too scanty. 264. Menses too profuse with colic. 265. Menstrual cramps. 266. Menses too profuse with anxiety and colic. 267. Amenorrhoea. 268. Menses with pain in the back. 269. Menses irregular in time and quan- tity. 270, Menstrual blood thick and dark. 271. Menses with bearing down pains, worse in the morning. 272. Menses with morning nausea. 273. Menstrual cramps with discharge of clots. 274. Menses pale with colic, nausea and diarrhoea. 275. Menses with bearing down pains. 276. Menses suppressed after getting the feet wet. 277. Menstrual flow worse in the day. 278. Menstrual flow light colored and acrid, causing biting pain in the vulva. 279. Menses thick, dark and excoriating. FEMALE ORGANS. 4n 260. Zinc, Puis. 261. Mag.c 262. Mag.m, Puis 263. Mang., Phos, Sep, Sil. 264. Mere 265. Cocc, Con, Graph, Puis, Kux.m. 266. Merc 267. Aeon, Actea.sp, Apis, Bell, Cal,c, Gels, Glon, Lye, Phos, Puis. 268. Nux.m, Puis. 269. Nux,m, Senecio. 270. Nux,m, Puis, Ign, Sul, Am,c 271. Nux,v, 272. Nuxjv., Puis. 273. Nux.v, Caul, Sec.c. 274. Phos. 275. Plat, Puis., Cim, Caul, Alum. 276. Puis. 2J7. Puis. 278. Rhus.t 279. Sulph, Am.c 41 2 FEMALE ORGANS. 280. Menses too profuse after exhaustion by exercise. 281. Menorrhagia from atony of the uterus. 282. Menses suppressed with despair of salvation. 283. Menstrual disorders with cerebral congestions. 284. Menses last too long. 285. Menses suppressed for a long time. 286. Pains, ovarian, cutting from right to left. 287. Pain in the liver during menses. 288. Pain, bearing down, with nausea in the morning. 289. Pains, uterine, expulsive. 290. Pains, tearing, in the genitals. 291. Pains of labor ceasing. 292. Pains of labor false. 293. Pains of labor spasmotic 294. Tingling, prickling, voluptuous sen- sation. 295. Sterility with menses retarded. 296. Sterility with menses too profuse. 297. Prolapse of the uterus. 298. Ulcers of the genitals. 299. Excrescences syotic, moist, bleeding and offensive. FEMALE ORGANS. 280. Trill. 281. Ust, Caul, Cinch. 282. Ver.a. 283. Ver.v, Bell. 284. Aeon, Nat.m, Nux.v, Phos, Plat., Sec.c, Sil. 285. Lye 1 286. Lye 287. PJios,ac 288. Puis., Nux,v. 289. Sec,c, Caul. 290. Phos. 291. Bell, Kali.c, Op, Puis, Sec.c. 292. Bell, Op, Puis. 293. Bell, Hyos, Op, Puis. 294. Plat. 295. Caust, Graph. 296. Cal.c, Nat.m, Sul 297. Aur.m, Kali.c, Lil.t, Cham, Nux.v, Puis, Rhus.t, Sec, Sabin, Sep. 298. Arg.n, Ars, Asaf, Lach, Lye, Merc, Nux.v, Puis, Sil. 299. Thuja, FEMALE ORGANS. 300. Metrorrhagia and the climacteric. 301. Inflammation of the left ovary, worse at each menstrual nisus. 302. Constant aching in the uterus. 303. Tendency to abortion. 304. Hemorrhage, post-partum, from a flabby atonic condition of the uterus. 305. Dysmenorrhoea with vomiting and purging, or exhausting diarrhoea and cold sweat. 306. Puerpural convulsions. 307. Irrisistible sexual desire at night. 308. Puerpural fever. 309. Soreness of thejpudenda. 310. Sterility. 311. Sterility from excessive sexual de- sire. 312. Sterility with menses too profuse and too early. 313. Suppuration of the breasts. 314. Inflammation of the breasts. 315. Vulvitis. 316. Ulcers of the genitals with putrid discharge, sensitiveness and weakness. 317. Pressing and bearing down in the genitals, has to sit down to prevent pro- lapsus. FEMALE ORGANS 300. Trill, Ustil 301. Thuja. 302. Ust. 303. Ust, Sep, Zinc. 304. Ust, Caul. 305. Ver.a. 306. Ver.v. 307. Zinc. 308. Aeon, Bell, Bry, Cham, Coloc, Hyos, Puis, Rhus,t. 309. Carbo,v, Graph, Hep, Merc, Pet. 310. Agnus, Am.c Cal.e Cann,sat. Con. Graph, Hyos, Phos, Sep, Sulph.. 311. Phos, Cann,sat. 312. Cal.c, Nat.m, Sulph. 313. Merc, Con, Hep, Phyt, Sil, Phos, Lach, Sul. 314. Merc.c, Phyt, Hep, Merc, Sil, Sul, Con. 315. Merc.c. 316. 317. Nat.m, Bell, Plat., Lilt, Sep. FEMALE ORGANS. 318. Ulcers of the vagina burning and itching. 319. Excrescenses on cervix uteri. 320. Congestion of blood to the genitals. 321. Burning in the genitals. 322. Inflammation of the labia. 323. Inflammation of the ovaries. 324. Inflammation of the uterus. 325. Metrorrhagia frequent and profuse. 326. Mamma has fistulous openings with offensive discharge. 327. Meteoristic distension of the uterus. 328. Mammary gland has hard, painful nodosities. 329. Painful sensitiveness and constant pressure in mons veneris and genital organs. 330. Sensation as if the menses would come on. 331. Prolapsus uteri with bearing down pain. 332. Prolapsus uteri, limbs tend to go to sleep; ineffectual urging to stool 333. Milk suppressed. 334. Lochia becomes white like milk. 335. Inflammation erysipelatous of the external genitals. 336. Metrorrhagia, blood dark and clot- ted. FEMALE ORGANS. 417 318. Nit,ac, Con, Sulph. 319. 320. Cinch, Croc, Hep, Merc, Nux.v, Sec. 321. Ambr, Carbo.v. 322. Ambr, Sep, Thuja. 323. Apis, Ars, Lach, Canth, Aeon. 324. Aeon, Bell, Canth, Coloc, Nux.v., Puis. 325. Phos, Aeon, Ham, Ipee 326. Phos, Sil, Phyt. 327. PLios,ac. 328. Phyt. 329. Plat. 330. Plat. 331. Pod, Puis., Sep., Arg.n, Con. 332. Puis. 333. Puis, Agnus, Hyos, Rhust, Aeon., Sec.c 334. Puis. 335. Rhus.t. 336. Sabin., Croc, Ust, Ign, Cyc. 4,3 FEMALE ORGANS. 337. Metrorrhagia from loss of tone in the uterus. 338. Congestion of uterus and right ovary, sensitive to touch. 339. Abortion not followed by uterine contraction. 340. Dysmenorrhoea with urinary suffer- ings. 341. Itching of the nipples which bleed and seem about to ulcerate. 342. Painful sensitiveness of the sexual organs, especially when sittine. 343. Itching of genitals with papular eruption around them. FEMALE ORGANS. 337. Sabin., Caul. 338. Sec.c. 339. Sec, Caul. 340. Senecio. 341. Sep, Graph. 342. Staph. 343. Sulph, Merc 420 RESPIRATORY ORGANS. I. Breathing difficult. 2. Hoarseness with laryngial irritation. 3. Lining membrane of larynx and trachea covered with a fibrinous exudation as in true croup. 4. Hissing, rattling in the throat. 5. Hoarseness 6. Hoarseness, catarrhal 7. Larynx sensitive to touch. 8. Larynx sensitive to inspired air as if raw. 9. Laryngitis with inflammatory fever, also with suffocative spasms. 10. Croup, awakening in the first sleep, agony, tossing about, dry short cough. 11. Croup after exposure to dry cold winds. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. i. Abies.nig, Abrot, Aeon, Aeth, Ant.c, Apis, Arn, Ars., Brom, Cac, Calad, Calc.p, Camph, Caps, Carb.v, Chel, Cina, Glon, Nux.v, Phos.,, Sec, Sil, Squill, Cicut.v, Colch, Corral, Crotal, Euph, Fer., Hep., Iod, Kali.b, Kalmia, Kreos, Laur, Asaf., Croton., Led, Lye, Merc.c, Nat.c 2., Hep, Kali.c, Spong, Merc, Merc.c, Rhus.t, Sul. 3., Kali,b, Brom, Iod. 4., Kali.b, Rumex., Samb. 5. Aeon., Caust., Kalifi., Phos., Spong., Arg.m, Arg.n, Aur, Ars, Bell., Brom., Bry, Carbo,v., Calc.p.. Hep., Chel, Crotal, Cupr, Dig, Dros, Dulc, Eupt.per, Fer, Iod., Lach, Lye,, Nux.m, Pet, Phyt, Verbas. 6. Cepa, Arum, Caust., Carbo,v., Phos., Euph, Aeon., Hep., Ver.v, Verbas. 7. Aeon, Lach, Spong. 8. Aeon, Spong, Arg.n, Kali,wd. , 9. Aeon. 10. Aeon. 11. Aeon., Hep, Spong. RESPIRATORY ORGANS 12. Croup with loose rattling cough. 13. Cough dry, hoarse, loud. 14. Croup, membranous. 15. Cough, awakening with danger of suffocation. 16. Child grasps its throat every time it coughs. 17. Expectoration of bright red blood. 18. Haemoptysis, the blood comes up with an easy hawking or slight cough, anxiety, palpitation, quick pulse, stitches in the chest. 19. Can lie only on the back. 20. Stitches in the chest with cough. 21. Lancinating pains through the chest, with dry heat, difficult breathing, often violent chill. 22. Breathing short, 23. Oppression of the chest when mov- ing fast or ascending. 24. Pressure and burning under the sternum. 25. Cough at night dry, short. 26. Tickling in the throat with cough. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 12. Hep. 13. Aeon., Spong, Hep, Bell, Nux,v. 14. Iod, Brom, Kali.b. 15. Aeon, Lach, Bell. 16. Aeon, Iod. 17. Aeon., Dulc, Led. 18. Aeon, Sec. 19. Aeon, Merc. 20. Aeon., Bry., Kali,e, Merc, Phos.,. Borax., Puis., Rhus, Sep, Squill, Sul 21. Aeon. 22. Aeon, Ant.t, Arn, Bell,, Phos, Kreos, Ars, Lach, Lye, Rhus, Sil, Stan, 23. Aeon, Am.c, Cal,e, Ars., Cac, Arg.n, Merc,, Sep, Ver.a, Stan. 24. Aeon. 25. Cim, Alum, Hyos., Fu\s.,Lye, Merc. Phos, Pet, Con.. Sul. 26. Cim, Phos., Am.c, Am.m, Arn, Calad, Cal.c,, Hep, Rumex., Sang., Sep., Baryt.c, Nux.v, Cep, Dios., Ipee, Kali,c, Lactic,ac, Sil. 424 RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 27. Pains in the sides of the chest, worse from motion. 28. Short cough increased by swallowing or breathing deeply. 29. Raw feeling in the chest. 30. Stitches in the region of the heart. 31. Cough violent in isolated attacks, ending in sneezing. 32. Sudden convulsive coughs, worse in forenoon or during the day. 33- Oppression and constriction of the larynx. 34. Violent oppression of the chest. 35. Oppression of the chest morning and evening. 36. Breathing hurried, irregular, heavy. 37. Cough dry, hacking. 38. Cough continues dry, hacking, with vomiting and arrest of breathing. 39. Cough dry at night with dryness of the throat. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 27. Cim, Bell, Bry., Merc, Phos. 28. Aesc,h. 29. Aesc, Ambr, Phos., Rumex., Arum.t, Carbo,v, Gamb, Graph, Hyd. 30. Laur, Kalmia., Kali,c, Spig., Kreos, Lil 31, Agar, 32. Agar. 33. Agar, Aeon, Lach, Ant.c, Apis, Bell, Brom, Puis, Calad, Carbo,an, Caul, Cocc, Asaf., Dros, Mang, Psor, Ver,a. 34. Agar, Ars., Phos., Antf, Am,c, Am,m„ Bap, Carbo.v, Sulph, Bed, Cal.c, Cann.i, Cann.s,, Cepa, Fer., Nux,v, Ipee, Led, Lob., Lye, Puis, Rhus, Ver.v. 35- Sep. 36. Ail, Ant.t, Aeon, Ars, Apis, Phos. 37. Ail, Apoc, Arn, Borax, Bry, Carb,- an, Cep, Coff, Hyper, Lach, Nux.v, Rumex, Psor, Zinc, Can.s. 38. Alum., Ipee 39. Alum, Sul. +2Q RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 40.' Cough with involuntary emission of urine. 41. Cough dry from dryness of the larynx. 42. Cough dry in the morning. 43. Cough violent, spasmotic, with fre- quent eructations and hoarseness. 44. Cough at night from irritation in the throat. 45. Cough every evening with pain under the left ribs. 46. Cough, whooping, paroxysmal, but without crowing inspiration. 47. Cough violent in the morning about 3 or 4 o'clock. 48. Cough short, asthmatic, from irrita- tion of the larynx, with painful sensation of spasmotic contraction of the chest. 49. Cough with expectoration of bloody phlegm. 50. Cough at night when lying on the back. 51. Cough worse from eating. 52. Cough worse from cold drinks. 53. Cough worse when lying down. 54. Cough with expectoration of blood following an itching in the throat. 55. Coughing and gaping with drowsi- ness. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 427 40. Alum, Caust., Colch. 41. Bell., Con., Dros, Lachn, Sang, Sul. 42. Alum, Cal.c, Puis, Cinch, Rhus, Sil. 43. Ambra. 44. Ambra, Hyos, Am,c, Cal,c, Cham, Cinch. 45. Ambra. 46. Ambra, Sticta. 47. Am.c, Dros, Kali,c 48. Am,a 49. Am.c, Borax, Crotal, Ipee, Merc.c. Phos, Dig, Zinc. 50. Am,m, Nux,v, Phos. 51. Am,m, Cinch, Nux,v, Hep, Thuja. 52. Am,m. 53. Am,m, Con.. Plyos., Puis., Sep., Sil, Sulph, Mez,, Psor. 54. Am,m. 55. Antf, Op. 3 RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 56. Cough loose and rattling. 57, Cough from laughing. 58. Cough with rawness and soreness in the larynx. 59. Cough short, loose by day with ex- pectoration of thick white mucus like boiled starch, easily raised. 60. Cough evenings, tobacco smoke be- comes intolerable. 61. Cough in children produced by weeping. 62. Cough from tickling in the larynx. 63. Cough excited by smoky sensation as from vapors of sulphur. 64. Cough, dry spasmotic or hollow hoarse, worse at night. 65. Cough, barking, deep. 66. Cough, barking, waking after mid- night with threatened suffocation. 67. Stooping causes a stitch from left side of abdomen to middle of chest. 68. Talking increases the soreness in the chest. 69. Lifting aggravates or produces sore- ness of the left chest. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 429 ^56. Apoc, Arg.m, Arg,n, Arum.t,, Caust, Dulc, Ipee, Phos, Senecio. Ant.t. 57- Arg,n., Cinch., Dros., Phos. 58. Arg,m, Arg.n, Kali.iod, Phos., Rumex., Sul. 59. Arg,m, Stan. 60. Arg,n, Ign, Dros 61. Am. 62. Ars, Am,c, Bell, Cal,c, Dros, Ign, Rhus., Rumex., Sang., Baryt.c, Am.m, Phos., Brom, Caps,, Coloc, Cyc, Hyd, Hyos, Ipee, Kalmia, Lye, Op, Puis., Sep, Hep, Sticta. 63. Ars, Cinch, Ign, Lye, Baryt.c, Brom. 64. Bell, Dros, Hyos., Ign, Spong. 65. Bell, Dros, Spong., Verbas, Hep.,' Iod, Kali.iod. 66. Bell. 6,. Alum. 68. Alumina, Kali.c. 60. Alum, Rhir RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 70. Expectoration salty. 71. Sensation of pressure in the chest. 72. Wheezing in the chest. 73, Oppression of breathing from anx- iety of the heart with flushes of heat. 74. Oppression of the chest. 75. Hoarseness with burning in the larynx. 76. Burning at small spots on the chest. 77. Oppression and stitches in the chest. 78. Pressure, dull, in the right side of the chest. 79. Pressure in the chest. 80. Loss of voice. 81. Voice uncertain. 82. Loss of voice trom getting over- heated. 83. Voice weak. 84. Violent spasms of the larynx and pharynx as if the throat were filled with a plug. 85. Suffocated and oppressed, cannot get air, has to sit up in bed. 86. Breath short from suppressed expec- toration. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 431 70. Ambra, Carbo,v., Lye, Phos., Sep.- Cal.c, Stann, Can.s, Graph, Nat.c 71. Ambra. 72. Ambra, Carbo.v, Ant,t., Ipee, Cinch, Kali.b, Spong. 73. Ambr, Acott. 74. Am,c, Am.m, Chel, Cinch, Cist, Cocc, Coff, Colch, Coloc, Corral, Lach,, Nux.m,, Zinc, Sang, Sticta, Verbas. 75. Am.m, Apis, Merc. 76. Am,m. 77. Am.m, Aur, Carbo,v, Euph. 78. Anac. 79. Gamb, Kali.c, Nux, Fer., Phos, Plum, Sang, Sil, Ver.a. 80. Ant,e, Carbo,v., Caust., Phos., Brom. Arum, Puis, Cupr, Kali.c, Hep. 81. Arum. 82. Ant,c. 83. Ant.c, Ars, Canth, Sec. 84. Ant.c, Spong, Lach. 85. Ant,t, Aeon., Ars., Samb, SuL, Puis.. Cinch. 85. Autj., Carbo.v, Ipee, Cmch, Dulc 932 RESPIRATROY ORGANS. 87. Breathing relieved by expectoration. 88. Rattling of phlegm in the chest. 89. Chest full of phlegm but cannot raise it. 90. Chest feels as if beaten or bruised. 91. Hoarseness, especially of singers and speakers. 92. Raw spot over the bifurcation of the trachea. 93. Soreness of the larynx, worse morn- ings. 94. Stitches in the right chest when stooping. 95. Stitches in the region of the heart extending to the small of back. 96. Pains in the left side of the chest, full feeling of the chest and short of breath. 97. Stitches in the left side of the chest. gS. Stitches in the chest. 99. Stitches in the chest, right side, ex- tending to the back on sneezing and cough- ing. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 87. Ant,t. 88. Ant,t., Ipee, Phos., Stram., Apoc, Cac, Camph, Cham, Cinch, Samb, Dulc, Hyos, Stan., Senecio, Sep. 89. Ant.t. 90. Apis, Arn., Cinch, Sil, Eupt.per.,, Nat.c, Phos., Nux,v., Stan. 91. Arg.m, Arg,n, Aur, Phos, Arum.t. 92. Arg,m. 93. Arg.n. 94. Am.c. 95. Anac 96. Apis. 97 Apis, Arn, Bry, Aeth, Cinch., Croc, Kreos, Lil, Kali.c, Stan, Lye, Olean. „ A 08. Aeon, Bry., Kali,c, Phos Arn, Merc SuL, Borax, Puis, Canth, Caust, Cham, Chel, Con, Croton, Dios, Gamb., Hyos, Kali.iod., Kalmia, Mez, Nat.c, Sil. Sep, Squill, Valeria, Verbas. 99. Merc, SuL, Kali.c, Bry. 4 RESPIRATORY ORGANS. ioo. Stitches in the right chest. 101. Pains, oppressive, aching, in the chest. 102. Pain, pressive, in the chest between the shoulders. 103. Pain, crampy, pressive in the chest in the region of the diaphragm. 104. Stitches in the chest on deep breathing. 105. Pain in the chest relieved by pres- sure. 106. Stitches in the chest worse from motion or deep breathing. 107. Pain throbbing in chest. 108. Pain in the chest on sitting. 109. Pain in the trachea. no. Pain in the chest. in. Pains transient in the chest, blood- spitting persons who flush easily and get epistaxis, dyspnoea, palpitation. 112. Pain in the larynx with desire to cough. 113. Stitches in right chest extending to the back on sneezing or coughing. 114. Pain in the larynx hindering speech. 115. Pains in the chest with coughing, relieved by external pressure. 116. Pains in chest as from weakness. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 435 ioo. Merc, SuL, Borax., Bell, Ars, Asaf, Calad, Bry., Kali,c, Canth, Chel, Con., Lachn,, Merc.b, Merc,c,, Sang, Zinc. 101. Asaf, Carbo.v. 102. Bell, Cim, Bry, Mere, Phos, Bis. 103. Bis. 104. Borax, Bry., Con, Kali,c, Phos., Puis, Aeon, Rhus. 105. Borax, Con. 106. Bry., Cim, Borax, Bell, Merc, Phos, SuL, Cal,e, Aeon, Kali.c, Spig. 107. Caps. 108. Cinch. 109. Cist. no. Dios, Fer, Chel, Colch. in. Ferr. 112. Iod 113. Merc, SuL, Kali.c, Bry. 114. Phos. 115. Phos. 116. Phos,ac, Stan., Plat, Sul. 433 RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 117. Pain in the larynx on touching it. 118. Painful soreness and buring in the chest. 119. Raising the voice causes cough. 120. Expectoration purulent mixed with blood. T2i. Expectoration bloody. 122. Expectoration of mucus with a sweetish taste. 123. Expectoration, mucus. 124. Expectoration yellow-green. 125. Expectoration of bitter mucus. 126. Expectoration of blood from cough- ing in the morning. 127. Expectoration frothy, thin, scanty, with streaks of blood. 128. Expectoration salty. 129. Expectoration of tough stringy mucus. 130. Expectoration purulent. 131. Expectoration of small round lumps from the throat. 132. Expectoration yellow. 133. Expectoration gray. 134. Expectoration greenish. RESPIRATORY ORGANS 437 117. Spong, Aeon, Lach. 118. Zinc. 119. Arg.n. 120. Arg.n, Dros, Cinch, Lye, Phos., Plum, Sep, Sil 121, Arn, Nux.v, Cal,c, Dig, Ferr, Ipee, Lye, Merc,c, Phos., Stan,, Trill. 122. Cal,c, Stan. 123. Carbo.v. 124. Carbo,v, Kali,b, Kali.iod. 125. Cistus 126. Ferr. 127. Ferr, Phos.' 128. Graph, Lye, Ambr, Cal.c, Carb,v., Phos., Sep, Nat.c, Spong, Stan. 129. Kali,b., Phos., Sil, Snong. 130 Kali.c, Cinch, Dulc, Lye, Phos, S/L, Led, Nat,c, Nit,ac, Sep, Carbo.v, Staph, Trill 131. Kali.c 132. Lye, Cal.c, Puis,,, Sil, Spong, Stan. 133. Lye, Stan. 134. Nat.c, Psor, Sil, Stan. 438 RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 135. Expectoration rust colored. 136. Expectoration difficult. 137. Expectoration black clotted blood. 138. Expectoration profuse. 139. Expectoration lumpy. 140. Suffocative spells in the evening on lying down. 141. Air passages seem constricted; asthma. 142. Constriction of cnest with anxfety and restlessness evenings. 143. Chilliness in interior of chest even- ings. 144. Tenacious mucus in the chest. 145. Burning in the chest. 146. Constriction of the chest, spasmotic. 147. Dyspnoea, must take a deep breath, cannot get air enough. 148. Dyspnoea on waking. 149. Catarrh suffocative in old people. 150. Impending paralysis of the lungs. 151. Soreness of the chest when cough- ing. 152. Burning in the right chest. 153. Cold sensation in the larynx with cold feelinji when inspiring. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 43& 135. Phos, Kali.b., Rhus.t. 136. Psor, Puis. 137. Puis, Nux,v. 138. Sep, Ambr, Lye, Sil, Stan. 139. Sil. 140. Ars. 141. Ars., Ign, Calad, Cham, Ipee, Lach, Aeon, Apis, Phos, Laur, Led, Thuja. 142. Ars. 143. Ars. 144. Ars, Ant,t., Kali,b., Bry, Nux.v., Cac, Cann.s., Carbo.v, Rumex. 145. Ars, Carbo,v., Hyd, Kreos, Nux.v, Lach, Aeon, Sang, Spong., Sul. 146. Asaf, Croton., Ign., Laur., Aur., Nux.v, Sars. 147. Aur, Ars., Ant.t, Phos. Cal.c, Cal,p, Ign, Sec,c, Cann.ind, Bap, Carbo,v. Caust, Croc, Dig., Sang. 148. Bap, Spong. 149. Baryt. 150. Baryt. 151. Baryt,c, Arn, Eupt.per, kali.c., Sil, Apis, Cinch, Spong., Stan. 152. Bell. 153. Brom., Cist,, Corral, Hyd, Lith. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 154. Inspiration deep, forcible, from time to time; sighing. 155. Scraping and rawness in the larynx, provoking cough. 156. Cough with sudden paroxysms of suffocation on swallowing. 157. Cough excited by coming into a warm room from cold air. 158. Cough dry as if coming from the stomach. 159. Cough dry as if coming from the stomach with sticking pains under sternunv 160. Cough with crawling upward in the throat with expectoration of mucus. 161. Cough, spamotic, with copious ex- pectoration of mucus. 162. Cough in the morning with yellow- ish expectoration. 163. Cough from sensation of a plug in the throat. 164. Cough excited by eating. 165. Cough during detention. 166. Cough rough with scraping under the sternum. 167. Cough dry, hacking, in the evening after lying down. 168. Cough expels an offensive breath from the lungs. 169. Cough in the morning. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 441 154. Brom, Glon, Ign., Cal.p, Sec, Lach.,, Op, Plat, Fer., Nux,v, Phos., Cal.c, Sec,c, Squill. 155. Brom, Carbo/v, Cham, Nux,v., Lach, Dros., Graph, Aeon, Caust, Phos. 156. Br out. 157. Bry., Nat.c, Ver.a. 158. Bry, Sepia. 159. Bry. 160. Bry. 161. Cac. 162. Cal.c, Puis., 163. Cal.c 164. 165. 166. Cal.c, Kali.b, Mez, Nux,v, Cinch. Calp. Cannjnd., Ambr, Phos., Rumex., Rhus., Sang. 167. Caps, Hyos., Dros, Con., Sep., Sil, Sulph., Mez, Nux,v, Rumex., Puis., Sticta. 168. Caps, Croc, Sang. 169. Carbo,an, Chel, Kali.b, Nat.c, Nux,v. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 170. Cough, spasmotic, hollow, involun- tary, rough, from crawling in the throat or itching in the larynx. 171. Cough in paroxysms with sore sen- sation in a streak down the trachea. 172. Cough relieved by drinking cold water. 173. Cough preceded by shortness of breath. 174. Cough from inhaling cold air. 175. Cough dry during sleep. 176. Cough, racking as in consumption, with much expectoration. 177. Cough in the morning as from irri tation of dust. 178. Cough hoarse in the evening. 179. Cough whooping from irritation in the throat. 180. Cough from talking. 181. Cough from touching the larynx. 182. Cough from stitches in the throat. 183. Cough dry, hacking, spasmotic. 184. Oppression of the right side of the chest. 1185. Cannot lie in the horizontal position. 186. Constriction of the chest. ' RESPIRATORY ORGANS *43 170. Carbo.v, Caust, Sang. 171. Caust. 172. Caust. 173. Caust. 174. Cepa, Aeon., Cinch, Hep, Phos. 175. Cham. 176. Chel, Sticta. 177. Chel, Cina. 178. Cina. 179. Cina, Dros, Ipee 180. Cinch.y Phos., Psor, Dros., Nux.w Hep, Mang. 181. Cinch, Lach. 182. Cist. 183. Coff, Cim, Alum, Hyos., Lycs Croc, Dig,, Dros, Ign, Rhus, Zinc. 184. Bry. 185. Cac 186. Cac, Ars., LiL, Phos., Caps,,, Cham, Cicut, Cupr, Dig, Glon, Heil.n, Hyper, Kali.c, Lob., Mag.rn, Merc, Merc.b, Merc.c, Mez., Puis, Stan, Stram, Sul, Ver.a RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 187. Congestion to the chest which pre- vents lying down. 188. Sensation of constriction in the chest with oppressed breathing. 189. Rash on chest, very itchy. 190. Whistling in the larynx after lying down. 191. Hoarseness painless mornings. 192. Chest painfully sensitive to touch and inspiration. 193. Must hawk or hem to clear the voice. 194. Contraction of chest and difficult breathing in the evening until 10 p. m. 195. Breathing stertorous. 196. Hoarseness in the morning. 197. Hoarseness worse in the morning. 198. Hoarseness worse evenings. 199. Roughness of the larynx with deep rough voice if he exerts it. 200. Aphonia mornings. 201. Chest feels weak and tired. 202. Soreness of the chest. 203. Dry sensation in the air passages. 204. Breathing short when talking or walking. 205. Laryngial catarrh. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. *45 187. Cac, Phos. 188. Cac, Hyos, Spig, Stram, Asaf., Ign. 189. Calad. 190. Cal.c, Spong. 191. Cal,c, CausL, Carb.v. 192. Cal,c, Arn, Eupt.per. 193. Calc.p. 194. Calc.p. 195., Op. 196., Caust, Coffee, Phos., Nat.m. 197. Caust., Nux.v, Mang. 193., Carbo.v, Caust.,'ATux,v. 199. Carbo,v., Caust, Cinch, Phos, Kali p., Fer. 200. Carb,v, Caust., Phos. 201. Carbo,v., Stan., Sulph., Hep, Puis, Spong, Kali,c,. Plat, Phos. 202. Carbo,v, Alum, Caust, Arn, Baryt, Gamb., Hyd, Nux,v., Psor, Puis, Cham. , 203. Caust, Mang. 204. Caust, Dros, Sul. 205. Ccpcy. 446 RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 206. Hoarse, rough voice. 207. Haemoptysis with subsequent sup- puration of the lungs. 208. Contractive tension of the right side of the chest. 209. Offensive sickly odor of the breath. 210. Feels as if he could not expand the 1 tings. 211. Full feeling of the chest. 212. Asthmatic attacks. 213. Bruised feeling in the larynx while inhaling. 214. Chest and throat symptoms worse from talking. 215. Cough, spasmotic, occurring in paroxysms. 216. Cough with interrupted, almost sup- pressed, breathing. 217. Cough fatiguing with bloody mucus from the nose. 218. Coughing spells follow each other so violently he can scarcely get his breath. 219. Cough at night. 220. Cough dry, spasmotic, with incli- nation to vomit. 221. Cough hacking in the evening. 222. Cough with soreness and heat in the bronchia, flushed face and tearful eyes. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 206. Cinch, Carbo,v., Kalip., Kreos, Mang, Merc, Aeon, Phos., Caust, Spong., SuL, Puis. 207. Cinch. 208. Cocc 209. 210. Croc, Caps., Sang. Croton, Asaf 211. 212. 213. Croton. Cupr, Cicut, Spig. Dros, Kali.iod. 214. Dros. 215- Corral, Ipee 2l6. Cupr., Ipee 217. Cupr. 218. Dros. 219. Dros, Graph, Hyos., Nux.v, Con., Puis., Sep., Sil. 220. Dros, Ant,t., Ipee, Hep, Kali.c, Kreos, Nat.c, Puis. 221. Caust, Eupt,per, Hep, 222. Eupt,per. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 223. Cough, hectic, from suppressed in- termitent fever. 224. Cough from irritation of the larynx followed by pressure beneath the sternum. 225. Cough on rising in the morning with much mucus. 226. Cough worse wnen moving. 227. Cough spasmotic from tickling in the trachea after eating. 228. Cough with catarrh and pressure under the sternum. 229. Cough from deep inspiration. 230. Cough tickling with taste of blood or sulphur. 231. Cough from being uncovered, or from any part of the body becoming cold. 232. Cough dry, spasmotic on lying down, disappears on sitting up. 233. Coughing produces continued irri- tation to cough. 234. Coughing spells followed by sleepi- ness. 235. Cough whooping with nose bleed, vomiting, blue in the face, becomes rigid. 236. Cough hoarse, metalic 237. Cough in the evening on lying down. 238. Cough worse after sleep 239. Cough from open air. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 449 223. Eupt,per, Cinch. 224. Euph. 225. Euph. 226. Ferr. 227. Ferr. 228. Ferr. 229. Graph, Kali,b. 230. Ham. 231. Hep., Rhus. 232. Hyos., Puis., Sang 233. Ign. 234. Ign, Ant.t. 235. Ipee 236. Kali.b. 237. Kali.c, Hyos., Sep, Con, Puis., Rum., Sulph.. Nux.v, Dros, Mez, Nat.c, Sil 238. Lach. 239. Lach. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 240. Cough with a whistling sound as if the membranes were dry. 241. Cough hollow, racking, with puru- lent expectoration. 242. Cough dry, day and night, with pain in the region of stomach. 243. Cough spasmotic, at night, with tickling in the throat. 244. Cough dry, evening and night, with burning and soreness in the chest. 245. Copious mucus in the throat. 246. Haemoptysis. 247. Hydrothorax. 248. Weakness of the larynx and chest, cannot speak a loud word. 249. Dyspnoea with wheezing weight and anxiety around the praecordia. 250. Chokes easily when eating. 251. Shortness of breath in the morning. 252. Sudden sensation from neck to larynx. 253. Larynx sensitive, cannot bear any- thing around it. 254. Dryness of the throat. 255. Coryza fluent and sore throat. 256. Emphysema of the lungs. 257. Roughness, rawness and scraping in the chest. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 240. Laur. 241. Led. 242. Lye. 243. Mag,m, Hyos. 2AA. Mag,m, Spong. 245. Euph., Nat.c, Arg.m, Lach, Stan, Hyos, Nat.m, Ant,t, Ipee, Phos. 246. Aeon, Cinch, Fer, Ham, Sab,, Ipee, Trill. 247. Helln, Ars. 248. Hep, Puis, Spong., Stan. 249. Ipee 250. Kali.c. 251. Kali.c. 252. Lach. 253. Lach, Apis, Aeon, Spong. 254. Bell,, Con, Bry, Bap, Can.ind, Lach, Mangan, Senega, Sang, Phyt, Stram, Puis, Nux.m, Merc, Spong. 255. Merc. 256. Merc, Am.c, Carb.v. 257. Nux,v., Cham. 452 RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 258. Respiration deep, snoring with open mouth. 259. Oppression of the chest at night. 260. Aphonia from prolonged loud talk- ing. 261. Rawness of the larynx. 262. Hoarseness and roughness of the voice or throat. 263. Suppuration of the lungs. 264. Short of breath, anxiety and palpi- tation when lying on left side. 265. Hoarseness and scraping rawness in the larnyx, with roughness and soreness in the chest. 266. Brown spots on the chest. 267. Yellow spots on the chest. 268. Dyspnoea with stitches in the chest, worse during inspiration. 269. Voice hoarse and croaking, high, fine, squeaking, indistinct. 270. Roughness and scraping in the throat with much mucus in the chest, causes cough. 271. Congestion of the chest active. 272. Cough deep, without expectoration ceasing on lying down. 273. Cough from tickling in the upper chest. 274. Cough with pain in chest and small of back. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 453 258. Op. 259. Pet. 260. Phos, Arg,m, Arg,n, Arum,t. 261. Phos., Aeon, Ambr, Lach, Plum., SuL 262. Phos., Carbo,v., Nux,v., Phos,ac, Spong, Sul, Aeon, Caust, Kali,b., Stan, Sil, Hep, Rhus, Sul,ac 263. Phos. 264. Puis., Spig. 265. Rhus,t, Rumex. 266. Sep. 267. Phos, 268. Squill 269. Sir am* 270. Sul, Cham.. Nux,v. 271. Aeon., Ver,v. 272. Mang. 273. Merc, Hyos, Phos, Mez, Nux,v, Baryt,c, Psor, Rhus., Rumex, Stan. 274. Merc, Bell, Bry,, Phos. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 275. Cough with hoarseness and rawness of the chest. 276. Cough; violent, dry, worse when entering a warm room. 277. Cough with bursting pain in the forehead. 278. Cough worse at night. 279. Cough on becoming warm in bed. 280. Cough in the morning, with expec- toration of dark blood. 281. Cough with bursting headache. 282. Cough with soreness of the chest 283. Cough worse evenings, and at night. 284. Cough worse in changing from warm to cold air. 285. Cough worse from lying on the left side. 286. Cough dry from tickling low down in the chest. 287. Cough with copious expectoration. 288. Cough dry, short, spasmotic, with purulent or bloody expectoration. 289. Cough dry, fatiguing, morning and evening, with oppression of the chest and rough throat. 290. Cough with circumscribed redness of the cheeks. 291. Hiccough. 292. Cough incessant from low down in the chest where there is a sore pain. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 45JJ 275. Mez, Caust., Nux,m., Phos 276. Nat.c, Bry., Ver.a, Phos. 277. Nat,e, Bry., Nux,v. 278. Nit,ac, Phos. 279. Nux,m. 280. Nux,v., Puis, 281. Nux.v, Bry, Nat,m. 282. Phos., Arn, Caust, Nux,v., Stram., Puis. 283. Phos, Nux,v, Puis., Rhus, Stan. 284. Phos, Ars. 285. Phos. 286. Phos,ac, Spong, Lach. 287. Phos,ac 288. Plum, Cinch, Dulc, Kah.c, Lye, Phos, Sep, Sil. 289. Rhod. 290. Sang. 291. Sec, Cic, Nux,v, Hyos, Stram. 292. Spong. RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 293. Cough wheezing, asthmatic. 294. Cough better from eating or drink- ing. 295. Cough producing soreness in trachea and chest. 296. Cough, deep, hollow, occurring in shocks. 297. Cough with much expectoration, bluenessof the face and involuntary micturi- tion. 298. Cough before and during menses. RESPIRATORY ORGANS «* 293. Spong, Ipee, Lach. 294. Spong. 295. Stan, Caust, Nux.v. 296. Ver,a. 297. Ver.a, Alum, Caust., Colch, Puis, 298. Zinc. HEART AND PULSE. Oppression about the heart. Palpitation of the heart 3. Palpitation with anxiety. 4. Feeling of fullness at the heart, pulse hard and strong. 5. Stitches in the heart 6. Constriction of the chest, in pericar- ditis. 7. Heart disease with numbness in the left arm. 8. Pulse full and hard. 9. Pulse full and hard in fever. 10. Pulse small and irregular in asthma. 11. Pulse quick, hard and small in peri- tonitis. 12. Heart's action ceases suddenly with impending suffocation. 13. Pain in the region of the heart. 458 1. 2. HEART AND PULSE. i. Aeon, Ant.t, Bell, Bry, Coll, Glon, Graph, Phos. 2. Sec.c, Aeon., Cac, Cal.c, Cim, Aesc, Aeth, Spong., Ant.t, Ars., Spig., SuL, Arg.m, Arg,n, Bell, Tabae, Ver,a., Benz,- ac, Bry, Can,sat, Carbo.v, Cham, Colch, Con, Crotal., Fer,m, Glon, Lye, Ign, Iod., Kali.c, Kalmia., Lil, Nat.m. 3, Aco7i., Spig., Ars., Aur, Cal,c, Camph, Glon, Graph, Nat.m, Olean.., Phos., Puis, Sul. Zinc. 4. Aeon. 5. Aeon, Arn, Bry., Cac, Kali,c, Spig., Nat,m, Can,ind, Dios, Glon, Lachn, Lil,t., Kreos, Mag,m, Mur,ac,, Sang, Zinc. 6. Aeon. 7. Aeon., Rhus.t, Dig, Kalmia. 8. Aeon., Bell, Ver,v, Bap, Bry, Fer.m, Graph, Mez. 9. Aeon. 10. Aeon, Ars. 11. Aeon. 12. Cim. 13. Cim, Arg.n,, Iod, Cac, Lil, Lith. HEART AND PULSE. 14. Pulsation of the heart can be felt all oyer the body. 15. Palpitation of the heart on sitting, disappearing on motion. 16. Pulse almost imperceptible. 17. Pulse rapid, weak, irregular. 18. Pulse full and slow. 19. Great precordial anxiety with vomit- ing. 20. Great precordial anxiety, 21. Pressure under the sternum. 22. Hydropericardium. 23. Heart beat intermits. 24. Feeling of fullness around the heart. 25. Frequent spasmotic action of the heart, especially when lying on the back, but no pain. 26. Pain in the region of the heart as if squeezed. 27. "Strain of the heart," as from run- ning. 28. Fatty degeneration of the heart. 29. Pulse intermits. 30. Angina pectoris HEART AND PULSE. 4Q1 14. Aesc, Glon, Lil 15. Mag,m, Rhus. 16. Aeth, Aeon, Ant,t, Ars, Camph, Carbo.v, Can.sat, Crotal, Gels, Kalmia, Rhus.t, Tabae, Terebinth. 17. Ant,L, Ars., Aeon, Asaf, Crotal, Kalmia.. Lach, Mur,ac, Olean, Rhus.t. 18. Ant.t, Can.ind,. Dig, Op, Spig. 19. A nit. 20. Iod, Aeon, Ars, Rhus. 21. Am., Phos. 22. Ars., Colch, Apis, Lye 23. Arg,m.,Arg,n., Dig, Nat,m., Carbo.v, Con., Kali.c. Merc,c 24. Arg.m, Arg,n, Asaf, Coll. 25. Arg.m. 25. Arn,, Cactus., Lil, Iod, Lach, Lith, Dig. 27. Am. 23. Am.' Kalmia., Phos. 29. Arn, Benz ac, Glon., Merc,c, Kali.c, Nat,m., Mez, Con, Dig.,, Sec.c, Tabae, Ver,a. 30. Ars., Arn, Kalmia,. HEART AND PULSE. 31. Nervous palpitation, with small pulse, from over-exertion or suppression of discharges in women. 32. Nervous palpitation of the heart. 33. Pain in the heart extends down the left arm to the fingers. 34. Cardiac asthma. 35. Pulse weak. 36. When riding or walking palpitation compels him to stop. 37. Throbbing of the carotid and tem- poral arteries. 38. Gout affecting the heart. 39. Cramp around the heart. 40. Pulse full, hard and rapid 41. Dull heavy pain, worse from pres- sure. 42. Dyspnoea. 43. Endocardial murmurs. 44. Heart beats irregular, either too slow or too fast. 45. Tremulous pulsation of the heart 46. Palpitation with dyspnoea. 47. Great precordial anxiety. 48. Palpitation worse while walking. 49. Palpitation of the heart, awaking irom sleep. 50. Pain in the heart with dyspnoea. HEART AND PULSE. 463 31. Asaf. 32. Asaf, Cocc 33. Aur.m, Cac 34. Aur,m. 35. Aur,m., Cac, Can,sat, Carbo,v, Fer,m, Gels, Kalmia., Mangan, Spig. 36. Aur,m 37. Bell, Glon. 38. 39. Bry. 40. Bry, Cal.c, Colch, Fer,m, Phos, Spong, Aeon, Bell, Ver,v, Stram, Sul. 41. Cactus. 42. Cac, Colli, Apis. 43. Cac. 44. Cac, Dig, Gels, Glon, Lach., Laur, Rhus.t. 45. Cal.c, Crotal, Lach, Lachn, Laur, Rhus,t, Staph. 46. Camph. 47. Camph., Aeon., Ars. 48. Kali,iod, Merc, Stram. 49. Can,ind, Dulc, Merc, Sep. 50. Can.ind, Lach. 464 HEART AND PULSE. 51. Sensation as if drops were falling from the heart. 52. Pulse very slow. 53. Pulse small and wiry. 54. Palpitation with congestion to the chest and face. 55. Heart disease following acute rheu- matism. 56. Cardiac hyperaesthesia. 57. Irritation of the cardiac nerves. 58. Functional disturbance of the heart. 59. Faintness. 60. Sensation as though the heart stood still. 61. Heart's action feeble. 62. Feeling as if the heart would stop beating if she did not move about. 63. Purring noise in the region of the heart when lying. 64. Sensation like an electric shock from the heart to the neck. 65. Palpitation with anxiety and op- pressed breathing. 66. Rheumatic pains in the region of the heart. 67. Flypertrophy of the heart. 68. Cramp-like pain in the praecordial region causing pain with anxiety. 69. Palpitation with numbness of the left arm. HEART AND PULSE. 465 51. Can,in d 52. Canjnd., Dig., Op, Can,sat, Fer, Kalmia., Laur. 53. Cham, Cina, Cinch, Colch.. Dig., Dulc, Lachn. 54. Cinch, Aeon. 55. Colch. 56. Collin. 57. Collin. 58. Collin. 59. Collin, Aeon. 60. Dig. 61. Dig, Gels. 62. Gels. 63. Glon. 64. Graph. 65. Kalmia., Aeon, Ars., Spong. 66. Kalmia., Rhus, Spig, Lach. 67. Kalmia., Rhus. 68. Lach. 6q. Lach. HEART AND PULSE. 70. Cyanosis neonatorum. 71. Feels hot around the heart. 72. Dull pressive pain in the region of the heart. 73. Feeling of a load or weight in the left chest. 74. Heart feels as if alternately squeezed and relaxed. 75. Rheumatic soreness in the region of the heart. 76. Pains in the heart before and at time of menses. 77. Valvular deficiencies, worse from mental agitation, which causes a trembling and fluttering of the heart. 78. Accelerated pulse with cold face and feet. 79. Palpitation of the heart, strong, ir- regular, trembling without normal sounds. 80. Sudden shocks at the heart and in the left side of the chest from above down- wards. 81. Pulse irregular, soft and weak. 82. Palpitation of the heart on thcs'ight- est exertion. 83. Palpitation of the heart, worse at night, with fear. 84. Palpitation worse on going up stairs. 85. Palpitation worse when lying on the left side. 86. Fluttering motion of the heart. HEART AND PULSE. 70. Lach. 71. Lachn, Puis, Ver.v. 72. Lil,L, Cac, Iod, Lith, Dig, Oiean. 73. Lil. 74. Lil 75. Lith. 76. Lith, Lil 77. Lith. 78. Lye 79. Mangan, 80. Mangan. 81. Mangan, Op, Phos, Stram, Tabae 82. Merc, Staph, Phos, Sil 83. Merc 84. Nat.c, Nat.m, Sul. 85. Nat.c, Nat.m, Phos, Puis. £6. Nat.m, Lil.t, Nux.m. HEART AND PULSE. 87. Palpitation, with fainting, followed by sleep. 83, Pulse weak, small, slow. 89. Palpitation on lying down after din- ner, after eating, from coffee, from protrac- ted study. 90. Blowing sounds of the heart. 91. Palpitation in young persons grow- ing too fast. 92. Palpitation after grief. 93. Palpitation after self abuse. 94. Pulse irregular. 95. Catching pain in the cardiac region, better for a time from pressure of the hand. 96. Palpitation after dinner. 97. Palpitation with menstrual irregu- larities. 98. The beat of the pulse felt in the pit of the stomach. 99- Chest and heart feel weak after a walk. 100. Pulse rapid and small 101. Pulse suppressed. 102. Palpitation after mental emotions. 103. An occasional hard thump of the heart. 104. Palpitation while sitting. 105. Pulse small, hard, rapid. 106. Palpitation violent, visible and au- dible. HEART AND PULSE. 469 87. Nux.m. 88. Nux.m. 89. Nux,v. 90 9i 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Phos. Rhus.t, Sil, Spig, Ver.a. Puis. Puis, Nux.v, Sep. Puis. Puis. Rhus.t. 100. Secc. 101. Sec.c 102. Sep. 103. Sep. 104. Sil' 105. Sil, Tereb, Ver.a. 106. Spig., Glon, Thuja, Ver,a. '° HEART AND PULSE. 107. Nervous palpitation with intermit- ent pulse. 108. Palpitation violent, with gasping respiration; awakens after midnight with suffocation, great alarm and anxiety. 109. Agina pectoris. no. Aneurism of aorta. in. Palpitation worse from motion. 112. Palpitation in paroxysms at night. 113. Palpitation with anxiety and rapid audible respiration. 114. Palpitation with chorea. 115. Palpitation in the anaemic, agony, legs cold, difficult breathing, better at rest or lying down. 116. Heart beats loud and strong with great arterial excitement. HEART AND PULSE. 471 107. Spig. 108. Spong, 109. Spong., Cim, Arg,n, Ars. no. Spong in. Stram. 112. Tabae 113. Ver,a. 114. Ver,a. 115. Ver,a. 116. Ver. v. 472 NECK AND BACK. i. Pain, tearing, in the nape of the neck. 2. Pain in the neck extending to the right shoulder. 3. Painful stiff neck, worse on motion. 4. Pain, bruised, between the shoulders. 5. Pain, tearing, in scapulae. 6. Pains in the sacrum. 7. Pain in the spine. 8. Pain, rheumatic, in the muscles of the neck and back. 9. Pain, aching, in the lumbar and sacral regions, down through the hips and thighs, with heavy pressing down. 10. Pain, tearing, in small of back and hips when walking. 11. Pain, aching, between the shoulders. 12. Pain in occiput and nape of neck ex- tending down the spine. 13. Pain in the back, as after continual stooping. 14. Pain along the spine when stoop- ing. 15. Pain, aching, along the spine and limbs. 16. Pain in the spine, caused by every turning motion of the body. 17. Pain, bruised, in back with soreness. NECK AND BACK. 473 i. Aeon., Carbo.v, Graph, Sul. 2. Aeon, Gels. 3. Aeon, Agar, Rhus.t, Cal,e, Phos., Gels, Bry. 4. Aeon, Rhus/., Alum. 5. Aeon, Berb. 6. Abrot, Absinth, Bap, Cham, Ign, Lith, Phos, Baryt, Bry, Graph, Kali.c, Lye, Puis, Sep, Sil, Sul, Zinc 7., Aeon, Cim., Agar., Bell, Berb, Caps, Cina, Glon, Nux.m. 8. Cim., Carbo.v, Colch, Puis, Guiac, Sang. 9. Cim, Aesc 10. Aesc. 11. Aesc. 12. Aeth. 13. Agar, Arn, Cinch, Dulc, Puis., Bap. 14. Agar., Chel 15. Agar., Am,m. 16. Agar. 17. Alum, Arn, Ars, Bry, Cinch. *7-o NECK AND BACK. 18. Pain, burning, in lower part of spine 19. Painful stiffness of the neck. 20. Painful stiffness of the small of the oack. 21. Pain, bruised, in coccyx. 22. Pain, dull, stitching in the left scapula. 23. Pain, bruised, in sacrum. 24. Pain, bruised, in the small of the back. 25. Pain in the small of the back 26. Pain, dull, in the region of the kid- neys. 27. Pain, bruised, in the small of the back with stiffness and lameness. 28. Painful pressure and tension in the lumbar and renal regions. 29. Pain in the small of the back, worse from motion. 30. Pain, rheumatic, in the back, can hardly turn in bed. 31. Pain in the glands of the neck. 32. Pain in the neck on turning the head. 33. Stiffness in the back. 34. Stiffness and retraction in the muscles of the neck and back. 3^. Stiff neck from cold air. NECK AND BACK. 475 18. Alum. 19. Am.m, Aeon, Agar, Caust, Mez. 20. Am.m, 21. Am.m,, Carbo.v, Caust, Cistus, Kali.iod, Ruta, Sil, Sul. 22. Am,m. 23. Arn. 24. Ars, Arn, Bry, Berb, Cal.c, Cham, Cina, Cinch, Kali.iod, Graph, Psor, Bell., Nux,v, Sul, Cupr. 25. Baryt, Bell., Cim, Alo, Nat,m, Kali,c, Plat, Nux.v, Kali.b, Lye, Puis., Psor, Carbo.v, Coloc. 26., Caust, Phyt. 27. Berb, Ruta, Sil, Rhusf, Led. 28. Berb, Caust. 29. Bry,, Sil. 30. Calad, Rhus.t. 31. Cal.c 32. Cal.c 33. Aeon, Rhusf, Carbo.v, Chel, Sul. 34. Cim., Rims,I. 35. Cim, Dulc, Nux.m. 6 NECK AND BACK. 36. Stiffness in the nape of the neck. 37. Stiffness between the shoulders, ex- tending to the neck. 38. Stiffness of the neck, rheumatic 39. Stiffness in the spinal column be- ginning in the coccygis. 40. Stiffness in the back and hips, aching severely. 41. Stiffness in the small of the back. 42. Stiffness and drawing in the muscles of the right side of the neck. 43. Stiffness of the neck.v 4a. Stiffness of the nape of the neck with headache. 45. Stiffness, rheumatic, of the entire left side of the back, painful only on motion. 46. Stiffness of the neck, head drawn to one side. 47. Stiff neck from taking cold. 48. Stiffness of the back in the morning. 49. Stiffness of the neck, rheumatic, with painful tention on moving. 50. Stiffness and pain in cervical and upper dorsal muscles, NECK AND BACK. 36. Agar, Aeon, Rhus.t, Anac, Ars, Bap, Baryt, Cal.c, Coloc, Chel., Graph, Ign, Kali.c, Lach, Kali.b, Phos,, Pet, Bell, Bry, Caust, Dulc, Hell.n, Lye, Mag.c, Plat, Rhod, Sec, Sep, Spong, Staph. 37. Agar. 38. Rhus.t, Chel, Cim, Cal.c, Cal,p, Puis, Rhod. 39. Ars. 40. Bap. 41., 42. Bry. 43. Chel, Wye., Lachnan., Rhusf, Nux.v. Phyt, Spong, Squill, Sul. 44. Glon, SiL. Chel, Ign, Rhus.t. 45. Guiac 46. Lachnan. 47. Nux.v. 48. Phyt, Sil 49. Rhus.t, Aeon, Cal,e, Phos., Gels. 50. Zinc NECK AND BACK. 51. Numbness in small of back, extend- ing into the legs. 52. Inflammation of the spine. 53. Burning in the sacral and lumbar region. 54. Coldness between the shoulders. 55. Swelling and inflammation of the cervical glands. 56. Bruised sensation of the back and small of back. 57. Sticking in small of back on breath- ing. 58. Cracking in cervical vertebras on moving the head. 59. Throat and neck emaciate rapidly during summer complaint. 60. Swelling of the glands of the neck and axillae 61. Neuralgia of the neck and back. 62. Softening of the spine 63. Glands indurated in the right side of the neck. 64. Spine sensitive to touch. 65. Spine, cervical vertebrae, sensitive to touch. 66. Spine affected from sexual excesses. 67. Spine in the dorsal region sensitive to pressure. 68. Lumbago. NECK AND BACK. 479 51. Aeon, Berb, Sec,c 52. Aeon, Rhus,t 53. Lachnan. 54. Lachnan. 55. Merc, Baryt., Cal,c, Iod, Bell. 56. Merc, Ruta, Spig, Ver,a, Arn, Ars, Bry. 57. Merc 58. Nat,c, Sul 59. Nat.m. 60., Baryt, Cal.c, Iod, Staph. 61. Nux,% 62. Phos. 63. Phyt. 64. Cim, Agar., Phos, Hyper. 65. Arn. 66. Nux.v. 67. Phos., Agar. 68. Phyt, Cal.c, Calc.flu, Kali.c, Led, Nux.v, Pet, Rhus.t.. Ruta, Sec, Staph, Sul, Valeri. 480 NECK AND BACK. 69. Tensive, numb sensation in nape of neck near occiput. 70. Numbness in sacrum and coccyx while sitting. 71. Glands of neck swollen and sensitive. 72. Curvature of the upper part of the spine. 73. Swelling and pain of the glands of the throat, neck and axillae. 74. Nape of neck feels weary from writ- ing or any exertion. 75. Abscess on the back. 76. Curvature of the dorsal vertebra. 77. Goitre. 78. Heat in the back of the head extend- ing down the back. 79. Back gives out when walking. 80. Muscles of the back feel bruised. 81. Sensation as if ants were crawling along the spine. 82. Lumbago alternating with heaxlache. 83. Pressure and heaviness in the sacral region while sitting, better from motion. 84. Coldness in the back, especially be- tween the shoulders. 85. Muscles of the cervical region weak, they do not support the head. 86. Weakness of the small of the back. 87. Burning along the vertebrae to the left side. NECK AND BACK. 69. Plat 70. Plat. 71. 72. Psor. Puis, Rhus,t. , Cal,c 73. Staph , Merc. , Cal.c, Iod, 74. Zinc 75. 76. 77. Spon Sil, Staph, Sul. Cal.c, Puis, Sil, Sul Brom, Cal.c, Iod, 3*. Kali ,c, Nat,cs 78. Cim. 79. Aesc. 80. Agar, Arn. 81. Agar, 82. Alo. 83. Alo. 84. Am.m, Puis, Ruta. 85. Ars, Cocc, Ver.a, Plat, Cim, Alo.r Kali,c, Nat.m, Con. 86. Ars., Eupt, Psor, Sil, Zinc. 87. Asaf. 482 NECK AND BACK. 88. Changes position often, the bed feels so hard, worse part in the region of the sacrum. 89. Swelling of the glands of the neck and occiput. 90. Soreness of the last dorsal and first lumbar vertebrae. 91. Soreness in sacro-iliac symphysis as if separated oc broken, 92. Soreness of the muscles of the back and limbs. 93. Burning in the right scapula. 94. Back bent backward like an arch. 95. Sweat easily on the neck and back. 96. Scrofulous swelling and suppuration of the glands of the throat. 97. Scrofulous ulcers on the back. 98. Spasmotic constriction of the spine, worse on motion. 99. Back lame in the morning. 100. Neck stiff, back painful, loins lame, after taking cold. 101. Coldness in the small of the back. 102. Beating in the nape of the neck and occiput. 103. Trembles in the back during fever. 104. Tightness around the neck. 105. Shuddering and feyerish chill in the back. NECK AND BACK. "*03 88. Bap. 89. Baryt., Cal,c, Iod, Bell, Ign. 90. Bell. 91. Cal.p, Aesc. 92. Carbol,ac, Arn, Bap. 93. Carbo.v. 94. Cicut., Nux.v, Op, Canth, Cham. Ign, Ip.. Rhus.t, Stram. 95. Cinch. 96. Cistus, Cal,c, Iod. 97. Cistus. 98. Cocc 99. Dios, Kali.b. 100. Cim, Dulc. 101. Dulc. 102. Eupt.per, Chel 103. Eupt.per. 104. Glon. 105. Guiac 434 NECK AND BACK. 106. Burning and heat in the dorsal region. 107. Burning and aching, tired feeling in lumbar and sacral regions. 108. Soreness in the muscles of the neck. 109. Spinal meningitis with convulsions, jerks of muscles. no. Consequences of spinal concussion. in. Goitre with hardness. 112. Swelling and induration of the cer- vical glands. 113. Swelling of the glands of the neck. 114. Stitches in the muscles of the back. 115. Stitches from the back through to the chest. 116. Stitches, sharp, in the left lumbar region. 117. Stitches and tension between the scapulae. 118. Sticking, tensive, in the right loin only on inspiration. 119. Stitches on the left side of nape of the neck. 120. Stitches in the small of the back. 121. Stitches and tearing in right scapulae on breathing. 122. Stitches in the neck and back of head. 123. Violent pulsation in small of back. NECK AND BACK. 48' 106. Helon, Lye, Phos, Ars, 107. Helon. 108. Hyd. 109. Hyos. no. Hyper. hi. Iod, 112. Iod, Baryt., Cal.c, Kreos, Sil 113. Kreos, Baryt., Cal.c, Merc, Hep, Iod, Lye, Sil, Puis, Bell, Bov,, Cham, Dulc, Kali,c, Nit,ac, Sul 114. Asaf. 115. Bry 116. Caust. 117. Colch, Hyper,, Nux,v, Psor. Viol.t 118. Coloc 119. Guiac 120. Hyper, Puis. 121. Kali.c 122. Nat.m. 123. Nat.m. 436 NECK AND BACK. 124. Lameness in small of back on rising. 125. Stitches in the back, worse on motion 126. Aching in the back and hips. 127. Aching in the back, worse while sit- ting or lying. 128. Aching in the back and uterine pains. 129. Aching in the loins. 130. Aching in the back. 131. Aching in the nape of the neck. 132. Aching and tired in the small of back. 133. Aching in the sacrum. 134. Backache while riding in a carriage. 135. Backache as if bruised. 136. Stitches in the shoulder blades, back and small of back. 137. Aching in the back of the neck and shoulders. 138. Sticking pain in back and small of back when sittine and walking. 139. Stitches in the scapulae. 140. Stitches in the back. 141. Stitches in the sacral region. 142. Pains and lameness in loins and back. 143. Pain, rheumatic, and stiffness of the neck. NECK AND BACK. 124. Nat.m. 125. Rhus.t. 126. Bap, Phyt, Sep. 127. Berb., Rhus.t. 128. Cal,c, Cim, Puis, Helon. 129. Cina, Phyt, Senecio, Sil. 130. Dios, Helon, Asaf, Kali.b, Kali.c, Bell, Nat,m, Nux,v, Nat,c 131. Guiac 132. Hyd., Sep. 133., Phyt, Sil, Cal.c, Ign, Lach, Merc, Nux,v., Puis, Rhus,t, Sul. 134. Nux.m. 135. Psor, Bell, Nux.v. 136. Sul. 137. Ver,v. 138. Zinc 139. Am,m, Anac, Nit,ac, Phos, Sul. 140. Alum, Bry, Hep, Lye, Nit,ac, Spig, Sul. 141. Bry,, Puis, Sul. 142. Cal.c, Rhus,L, Lach, Senecio. 143. Calc,p., Rhus.t, Puis, Colch. NECK AND BACK. 144. Pain, cramp-like, of the neck, first one side and then the other. 145. Pain across the shoulders and back, must stop, cannot walk erect. 146. Pain in the loins, kidneys and ab- domen with extreme pain on urinating. 147. Pain in the loins with constant de- sire to urinate. 148. Pain, jerking, tearing in the right cervical gland. 149. Painful, swollen and indurated glands of the neck. 150. Painful, sharp drawing across the small of the back, sensitive to every step. 151. Pain, drawing, in the back. 152. Pain in the right cervical muscles. 153. Pain beneath the right shoulder blade 154. Pain in the right shoulder. 155. Pain in the coccyx. 156. Pains tearing, jerking in the middle of the spine. 157. Pain, pressing, between the scapulae. 158. Pain, bruised, in the small of the back, worse from motion. 159. Pain, drawing, in the nape of the neck. 160. Pain, paralytic, in the small of the bacL NECK AND BACK. 48S 144. Calc.p. 145. Can.ind. 146. Canth. 147. Canth. 148. Caps. 149., Borax, Cal.c, Carbo.v, Baryt, Graph. 150. 151. Cham, Chel, Ars, Canth, Caps., Cinch, Hep, Kali.c, Lye, Sul 152. Chel. 153. Chel., Pod, Aesc, Ruta, Zinc. 154. Chel. v 155. Cicut, Kali.iod, Lach, Phos, Sil. 156. Cina. 157. Cinch, Guiac, Nux.v. 158. Cinch. 159. Cistus, Am.c, Carbo.v, Cinch., Puis, Rhod, Staph 160. Cocc NECK AND BACK. 161. Pain, tensive, drawing, in the left cervical muscles, worse on motion. 162. Pain, drawing, internally in 4he region of the right scapulae. 163. Painful lassitude in the small of back and lower extremities in the evening. 164. Pain, dull, in the nape of the neck ' 165. Pain, sharp, in the back. 166. Pain, deep, cutting, in the right loin, transiently disappearing on pressure. 167. Pain, aching, in the back as from a bruise. 168. Pains, myalgic, in the neclL 169. Pains from the spine to the head and shoulders. 170. Pain from head to neck. 171. Pains and inability to walk after a fall on the coccyx. 172. Pains, violent, on moving the neck or arms, after a fall 173. Pain in coccyx while sitting. 174. Pain, sharp, in the region of the kidneys. 175. Pain, drawing, in the small of the back. 176. Pain, pressing, in the small of the back. 177. Pain, tearing, in the lumbar muscles, impeding respiration. 178. Pains in small of back, like labor pains, or as if back would break. NECK AND BACK, *81 161. Coloc 162. Coloc. 163. Coloc. 164. Dios. 165. Dios. 166. Dulc. 167. Eupt.per, Arn, Bry, SuL, Ruta. 168. Gels, Aeon. 169. Gels. 170. Guiac 171. Hyper. 172. Hyper. 173. Kali.b, Pet. 174. Kali.b. 175. Kali.c, Lach, Puis. 176. Kali.c, Kali.iod. 177. Kali.c. 178. Kreos, Cim, Puis., Nat.m, Alo, Bell, Nux.v, Caul, Nux.m, Kali.c. NECK AND BACK. 179. Pain in the nape of the neck. 180. Pain in small of the back extending into the shoulders. 181. Painful stiffness in the back and loins on rising from a seat. 182. Pains, dull, in the sacrum. 183. Pain, tensive, in the nape of the neck and occiput. 184. Pain in back and right side from congestion of the liver. 185. Pains, rheumatic, in the muscles of the scapula. 186. Pain in the small of back after walking. 187. Pain in back, relieved by lying on something hard. 188. Pain in the back and small of the back. 189. Pain between the scapula. 190. Pain, tearing, in the nape of th, neck and back. 191. Pain in the back and small Of the back as if broken. 192. Pain, burning, between the scapula. 193. Pa'n in small of back when rising from stooping. 194. Pains in small of back extending to the groins and limbs. 195. Pain, sticking, in the nape of the neck and back. NECK AND BACK. 49£ 179. Lachnan, Ruta. 180. 181. Led, Berb., Rhus,t., Staph. 182. Lil,t, Aesc, Puis. 183. Lye 184. Lye 185. Mez. 186. Nat,c 187. Nat,m, Rhus,t. 188. Nit,ac, Pet, Sec,c, Cim, Bell, Nux.v, Puis., Sep. 189., Phos, Puis, Sep, Sil, Sul. 190. Nux,v. 191. Nux.v.. Cim, Alo, Bell, Kali,c, Nat,m, Plat, Phos, Staph. 192. PJios ig^m Pnos- 194. Plat, Sabin. 195. Puis. NECK AND BACK. 196. Pains, bruised, in small of back, worse at rest and in rainy weather. 197. Pain, shooting, from back to pit of stomach. 198. Pain in shoulders and back as from a sprain. 199. Pain, bruised, in small of back, better from motion or from lying on some- thing hard. 200. Pain in the back as if sprained. 201. Pain, bruised, in small of back, especially when stooping or rising from a seat. 202. Painful drawing in sacrum, coccyx and thighs, while sitting. 203. Pain in the left lumbar region, worse on standing or sitting. 204. Pain, bruised, also weakness, in small of back when walking. 205. Pain in the back. 206. Pain, cramping, in the neck. 207. Pain, drawing, in the neck. 208. Pains, drawing, in the sacral region. NECK AND BACK. 196. Rhod, Rhus.t. 197. Rhod. 198. Rhus.t, Aeon. 199. Rhus.t, Nat,m. 200. Sul, Puis., Rhus.t. 201. Sul, Rhus.t 202. Thuja. 203. Valer. 204. Zinc. 205. Agar, Arn, Mag.c, Merc, Nux.m., Nux.v, Phos, Ruta., Ver.a. 206. Asaf. 207. Carbo.v, Rhod. 208. Am.c, Cinch, Sul 3 EARS. i. Great sensitiveness to noise. 2. Roaring in the ears. 3. External ear hot, red and swollen. 4. Pain in the right ear. 5. Redness, burning and itching of the ears as if they had been frozen. 6. Eustachian tubes obstructed. 7. Earache. 8. Discharges of pus from the ear. 9. Humming in the ears. 10. Deafness. 11. Deafness from concussion. 12. Sound before the ears, as from a strong wind. 13. Ears dry. 14. Inflammation of the ear. EARS. 407 i. Aeon., Bell, Lye, Cim, Ars, Aur, Borax., Bry, Con, Ign, Iod, Lye, Mur,ac, Nat,c,, Sang, Sep, Sil. 2. Sul, Aeon, Cinch, Bell, Lyc> Agnus,c. Alum, Aur, Borax, Bry, Cal.c, Can.ind, Carbo.v, Caust, Cepa, Chel, Con, Hyd, Lach, Merc, Op, Phos, Puis., Sang, Sep, Sil. 3. Aeon, Apis., Bell, Puis., Cham.f Borax. 4. Aeon, Aur, Bell, Colch, Hep, Lye, Graph., Bry, Caust, Chel, Merc.b, Rhod., Zinc 5. Agar.m. 6. Alum, Lach, Merc, Nit,ac 7. Anac, Bell, Puis., Chat7t., Borax., Can,ind, Merc, Cepa, Colch, Dulc, Nat.c.,, Sep, Sil, Zinc. 8. Am.c, Ars, Aur, Borax, Cal.c, Carbo.v, Hep, Hyd, Kali.b, Merc.c, Nat.m, Psor., Sep, Puis. 9. Anac, Am.c, Cinch, Con, Dulc. 10. Apis, Ars, Bell, Borax, Cinch, Cocc, Dulc, Glon, Iod, Led,, Nat.c, Nat.m, Pet, Sul 11. Arn. 12. Ign, Led, Gels. 13. Arn, Aur, Caust. 14. Merc. Merc.c 4-38 EARS. 15. Carries of the mastoid process. 16. Right parotid swollen and painful. 17. Earache, left side, from throat. 18. Itching in the ears. 19. Pain in the ears with sore throat. 20. Inflammation of the middle ear. 21. Adhesions in the middle ear. 22. Deafness more in the left ear. 23. Membrani tympani purplish and bulging. 24. Pain more in the left ear. 25. External meatus dry and sensitive. 26. Eustachian catarrh. 27. Deafness after the abuse of quinine 28. Roaring in the ears as from rushing of water. 29. Painful inflammatory swelling of the parotids. 30. Throbbing and fullness in ears. 31. Painful swelling behind the ear. 32. Catarrhal deafness. 33. Pain behind the left ear. 34. Swelling of left parotid. 35. Deafness from dryness of the ears or from absence of cerumen. 36. Direction of sounds cannot be lo- cated. EARS. 15. Aur., Caps,, Sil 16. Baryt.c, Bell, Bry. 17. Lithium. 18. Baryt.c, Sul, Sil, Hep, Ign, Merc.b, Nux.v. 19. Lach. 20. Bell, Hep., Tellur. 21. Iod. 22. Borax. 23. Hyd, Pet. 24. Borax, Cham, Guiac, Kali.b, Ars, Sul. 25. Nux.v. 26. Nux.v, Pet. 27. Cal.c 28. Cham, Cocc, Gels, Thuja. 29. Cal.c Aur, 30. Can.ind. 31. Caps, Carbo an, Nit,ac, Aur, Lach, Hep, Sil 32. Caps, Gels, Lach. 33. Aur., Caps, Squill. 34. Manganum. 35. Carbo.v, Graph, Lach. 36. Carbo,an. BOO EARS. 37. Otorrhoea following measles or scarletina. 38. Deafness from abuse of mercury. 39. Sounds re-echo in the ears. 40. Ears feel stopped. 41. Ringing in the ears. 42. Ears discharge a thin offensive pus. 43. Parotids swollen. 44. Excoriating discharge from the ears. 45. Tetters on and around the ear. 46. Burning pain in the auricles. 47. Hearing more acute. 48. Ears feel stopped up when blowing the nose. 49. Earwax increased in quantity and of unnatural color. 50. Otorrhoea of the scrofolous. 51. Stitches in and around the ears. 52. Nervous deafness. 53. Sudden transient loss of hearing. 54. Audible Pulse. 55. Various kinds of tinnitus aurium. 56. Both tympana covered with a white coating but not perforated. 57. Moist sore places behind the ears. 58. Earwax increased. EARS. fcOi 37. Carbo.v, Lye 38. Carbo.v,, Staph. 39. Caust, Nux.v, Phos, Merc, 40. Chel, Crotal.h, Glon, Puis. 41. Cinch., Cal.c, Merc, Nux.v, Sul.t Clem, Con, Glon. 42. Cistus, Caust, Graph, Merc,, Thuja. 43. Cistus, Con, Dulc, Rhus.t, Sep, Sil 44., Lye, Aur, Graph, Hep., Merc, Nit,ac 45. Cistus, Caust, Psor, Sep. 46. Clem. 47. Coff, Op., Sec.c 48. Con. 49. Con. 50. Con', Puis, Cal.c. 51. Con, Kali.c, Graph,, Puis.. Dulc. 52. Crotal.h, 53. Gels. 54. Glon. 55. Graph, Lach, Nat.m, Pet, Puis. 56. Graph. 57. Graph., Cal,c, Hep, Pet, Lye, Sil. 58. Hep, Merc,b, Pet, Sil. 502 EARS. 59. Polypus of the ears. 60. Fullness of the ears with deafness and crackling when blowing the nose or swallowing. 61. Swelling of parotid and neighboring glands. 62. Pulsation in ears. 63. Painful cracking in the ear when masticating. 64. Difficult hearing, especially of the human voice. 65. Roaring in the ears with difficult hearing. 66. External ears raw, red, oozing. 67. Throbbing pain in the ear at night. 68. Discharge of bloody pus from the ears. 69. Discharge of thick yellowish pus from the ear. 70. Earache accompanied by soreness, swelling and heat of the ear. 71. Tickling in the ears. 72. Burning of the ears; cheeks red. 73. Earache with headache, singing in the ears and vertigo. 74. Deafness after cholera. 75. Chronic suppuration of the middle ear. 76. Otorrhoea, the discharge offensive, watery and curdy. 59- Lye, Pet, Phos, Cal.c 60. Mangan, Graph. 61. Merc.b. 62. Merc.c, Nat.m , 63. Nat.m, 64. Phos, Sil, Rhus.t. 65. P/ios,ac, Merc, Cal.c, Secalc, Sul. 66. Psor. 67. Puis, Rhus.t. 68. Rhus.t 69. Pul 70 Puis., Bell, Borax, Cham. 71. Sabadil 72. Sang. 73. Sang. 74. Sec,c , 75- Sil. 76. Sil. BO EARS. 77. Stoppage of the ears, which open at times with a loud report. 78. Hardness of hearing preceded by acuteness of hearing. 79. Purulent, offensive otorrhoea, worse in the left ear. 80. Catarrhal discharge every eighth •day. EARS. eo5 77- Sil 78. Sul. 79. Sul. 80. Sid. 500 UPPER LIMBS. i. Aching from shoulder joints to elbows. 2. Aching in fingers, first right then left side. 3. Aching in the limbs. 4. Aching in the left forearm. 5. Aching in bones of forearm, wrist and hands. 6. Aching, bruised, sore feeling in the limbs. 7. Aching pain, rheumatic, of the left arm. 8. Aching as from a bruise in os humeri. 9. Aching, tired limbs with catarrh. 10. Aching in the right shoulder and arm. 11. Stitches and painful beating under nail of left thumb. 12. Stitchesin the shoulders. 13. Stitches in the left arm. 14. Stitches in the left shoulder. 15. Stitches in the upper limbs. 16. Stitches in the muscles of the arms. 17. Stitches in the joints of the arms, hands and fingers. 18. Stitches in the hands and fingers. 19. Pricking and coldness of finger tips. 20. Numb sensation in the fingers. 21. Limbs emaciated. UPPER LIMBS 5°7 i. Abrot 2. Abrot 3. Cim, Gels; 4. Carbol,ac 5. Dios. 6. EupLper., Arn, Cinch^ Hep, Sil. 7. Ham. 8. Hep. 9. Hyd. • 10. Nit,ac, Phy* 11. Am,m. 12. Asar, Led, 13. Berb. 14. Kalmia. 15. Ran. 16. SabadiL 17. Sars. 18. Verbas, Zinc. 19. Abrot. 20. Abrot, Anac, Apis, Baryt, Cicut, Dig, Fer, Hep, Iod, Kali.c, Lach, Lye, Cham, Phos, Sul, Am.m, Am.c, Chel, Cal.c 21. AJbrot. 6os UPPER LIMBS. 22. Trembling in the limbs. 23. Lame sensation in wrists and hands. 24. Numbness of the left arm—can scarcely move the hand. 25. Formication in arms, hands and fingers. 26. Arms hang powerless as if paralyzed by blows. 27. Creeping in the fingers. 28. Cold hands. 29. Cold sweat in palms. 30. Heat of palms. 31. Motion constant, irregular, of the left arm. 32. Soreness, muscular. 33. Rheumatism of the belly of the muscles. 34- Trembling of the fingers when writ- ing. 35- Cold sweat on the hands, 36. Nails blue. 37- Pricking, swollen feeling of the hands after washing them. 38. Right arm powerless. UPPER LIMBS. 509 22. Absinth, Ant.t, Con, Cocc, Gels, Merc, Stram, Hyos, Hyper, Iod, Merc.c, Mez, Nux.v, Op, Rhus.t, Sec, Sil, Spong. 23.,, Ruta. 24. Aeon,., Bap. 25. Aeon, Rhus,l, Sec. 26. Aeon, Alum. 27. Aeon. 28. Aeon, Ambra, Dros, Gels, Iod, Merc, Op., Camph, Ver,a., Plum, Sep, Sil, Zinc., Ip. 29. Aeon, Rheum. 30. Aeon, Fer, Gels, SuL, Lach, Pet, Phos. 31. Cim. 32. Cim., Am y 33- dm, 34. Cim, Cinch, Cal,c, Nat.m, Zinc, Olean.., Sabad. 35. Cim. 36. Aesc, Cinch, Ver,a. 37. Aesc. 38. Aesc, Am,c, Am.m. ° UPPER LIMBS. 39. Trembling of the hands. 40. Itching, burning, redness and swell- ing of the hands and fingers as if they had been frozen. 41. Gnawing beneath the finger nails. 42. Burning in the arms and fingers. 43. Rhagades worse in winter and from washing. 44. Nails brittle or thick. 45. Drawing in the fingers and thumb. 46. Cramp in the right arm. 47. Rhagades of the hands. 48. Inflammation of the finger-ends, whitlow. 49. Swelling of the axillary glands. 50. Dry feeling of the hands. 51. Warts on the hands. 52. Finger nails crushed, grow in splits, and like warts with horny spots. 53. Cracking in the elbow joint on mov- ing it. 54. Cold, moist hands. UPPER UMBS. 51 1 39. Sul, Ant,t, Zinc, Agar., Phos, Am.c, Ars, Cal.c, Caust, Lach, Led, Mere, Cocc, Con, Gels, Stram., Nat.c, Op, Plum, Psor, Sabad, Sil, Bell, Hyos, Thuja,, Iod, Nux,v. 40. Agar, Croc, Nux.m, Sul. 41. Alum. 42. Alum, Agar. 43. Alum. 44. Alum,, Graph., Ant.c, Sabad, Sil, Thuja. 45. Ambra, Olean. 46. Am.c 47. Am.c, Graph., Hep, Ham, Ars, Kreos, Mang, Nat.m, Pet, Rhus.t, Sars.. Sul 48. Am,c 49. Am.m, Kali.c, Lach, Lye, Baryt, Sil, Puis, Rhus.t. 50. Anac, Lye 51. Anac, Dulc, Nat.c, Nat.m,, Rhus,t 52. Ant.c. 53. Ant.c, Am.c, Kalmia 54. Ant.t. UPPER LIMBS. 55. CEdema of the hands. 56. Rheumatism of the shoulders. 57. Lame feeling in the scapulae. 58. Pressure under the right scapulae, painful on moving. 59. Bruised, weary feeling of the arms. 60. Sprained feeling in joints of the arms and wrists. 61. Cramps in the fingers of the left hand. 62. Drawing, jerking and tearing from tips of fingers into shoulders. 63. Hands and lower half of forearm dark and livid. 64. Burning ulcers on tips of fingers. 65. Tingling in the fingers. 66. Twitching of the muscles of the arms. 67. Soreness and stiffness of shoulders. 68. Shooting pressure on top of left shoulder. 69. Weakness of the left arm. 70. Paralyzed feeling of the upper ex- tremities. 71. Paralytic feeling in middle joint of the right index finger. 72. Numbness and prickling of the hands. 73. Lame, heavy feeling in the arms. 74. Paralytic weakness in the right arm. UPPER LIMBS. 6I3 55- Apis. 56. Apis, Guiac 57.* Apis. 58. Apis. 59. Arn.. Cim, Bell, Berb, CaljC, Cep., Ham, Nat,c, Zinc. 60. Arn.. Rhod, Ruta. 61. Arn. 62. Ars, Bell. 63. Ars. 64. Ars. 65. Ars, Ran. 66. Asaf, Rheum, Tarax. 67. Bap. 68. Bell. 69. Bell, Cal,c,, Dig. 70. Bell, Cupr, Graph, Iod, Nat,m., Nux.v, Phos., Plum, Puis, Sep, Sil 71. Bell. 72. Bell, Carbo,an, Colch, Hyos. 73. Berb, Cal.p, Phy.t, Sabad. 74. Bis. UPPER LIMBS. 75. Lame, tearing pressure in the right forearm, better from motion and touch. 76. Swelling of the right elbow joint with stitches. 77. Rash on forearm. 78. Prickling in palms of hands. 79. Arms go to sleep. 80. Cramps in the arms. 81. Swelling of finger joints. 82. Paralysis of the lower limbs and right arm. 83. Soreness of the muscles of the right arm. 84. Hands go to sleep. 85. Burning of right shoulder. 86. Bruised pain in both elbows. 87. Pain in shoulders. 88. Pains, tearing, in shoulder, elbow, wrist and fingers. 89. Pains, rheumatic, of the joints with heat and swelling. 90. Pain in the muscles, worse from motion. 91. Pain in the right scapulae. UPPER LIMBS. 515 75- Bis. 76. Bry. ~ 77. Calad 78. Calad, Rhus,I. 79. Calad, Cal.c, Cham, Lye, Graph, Nux.v, Phos, Sec, Sep, Sil, Sul, Stram, Ver,a. 80. Cal.c, Cupr, Sul, Olean, Sec. 81. Cal.c 82. Can.ind. 83. 84., Cocc, Fer, Graph, Kali,c, Mez,, Phos, Sec, Sep, Sil, Sul 85. Carbo.v. 86. Carbo.v, Cycl, Puis. 87. Absinth, Fer, Hyper, Kali.iod, Led,, Nux.v, Phyt, Puis, Rumex. 88. Aeon, Ambra, Asaf, Coloc,, Mag.m, Puis, Bry, Led, Rhus.t., Staph, Sticta.p, Colch, Caul. 89. Cim, Bry. 90. Cim. 91. Aesc, Chel. 5,6 UPPER LIMBS. 92. Pain drawing in muscles of left arm and forearm. 93. Pain as from a sprain in the shoul- der. 94. Pain in the left shoulder joint, tearing. 95. Pain and swelling of the axillary glands. 96. Pains, tearing, in the shoulder. 97. Pains, rheumatic, in the shouldei joints. 98. Painful beating in middle of left arm. 99. Pain, cramp-like, in the metacarpo- phalangeal articulations. 100. Pains, arthritic, in the fingers. 101. Pains, drawing, in arms, fingers and their joints. 102. Pain, as from dislocation, in the right shoulder. 103. Pains, drawing, in the arms. 104. Pains, bruised, in the balls of the thumbs. 105. Pain, drawing, lame, in left wrist. 106. Pains of the left shoulder. 107. Pains in the arms with hard, swollen axillary glands. UPPER LIMBS. 5l7 92. Agar, Bell, Carbo,y 93. Alum, Mang. 54. Ambra.. Graph. 95. Am,c. 96. Am,c, Ars, Berb, Lye, Mez, Alum, Ambr, Am.m, Bell, Bry, Fer.. Mang, Merc, Puis, Rhus.t, Sul, Thuja, Zinc. 97. Am.m, Calc.p,, Kali.b,, Mag.m, Sul. 98. Anac, Kali.c 99. Anac. 100. Ant,e, Guiac, Sep, Cim. ^ 101. Ant.c, Puis, Bry., Led, Rhus.t, Staph. 102. Ant.t 103. Apis, Bap,, Sec, Fer, Mang,, Nux,v., Olean, Plat, Rhod., Sep, Staph, Thuja, Zinc 104. Arn. 105. Asaf, Carbo.v. 1 106. Bap, Coloc, Dios, 107. Baryt, Sil. 51 3 UPRER LIMBS. 108. Painful drawing in metacarpo- phalangeal articulation of the middle left finger. 109. Pain in the wrist after exertion with the hand. no. Pain, tearing, metacarpal bones or right index and middle finger. in. Pain, fine, tearing, in finger tips of right hand. 112. Painful tension and pressure in the right shoulder when at rest. 113. Pain and lameness of wrists on every motion. 114. Pains, sticking and swelling of finger joints. 115. Pains, stitching, in the fingers when writing. 116. Pain in shoulder with headache. 117. Pain and lameness of the right wrist. 118. Pains, as if ulcerated, around the finger nails. 119. Pains, tearing and stitching, in the arms. 120. Stiffness of the fingers from gout 121. Stiffness of fingers, pain on motion. 122. Stiffness of the arms. 123. Stiffness of the shoulder joint 124. Stiffened and inflamed hands and fingers. 125. Stiffness of the fingers. UPPER LIMBS. 108. Bell. 109. Berb no. Bis. in. Bis. 112. Bry. 113. Bry, Aeon, Cal,c, Eupt,per, Rhus.t. 113. Bry, Colch. 115. Bry. 116. Calad. 117. Cal,c, Aeon, Bry, Rhus.t, Eupt,- per, Carbo.v. 118. Calc.p. 119. Canth, Cyc, Lye 120. Agar., Carbo,an. 121. Caul, Olean. 122. Cham, P'er, Ham. 123. Cupr, Ham. 124. Cupr, Spong. 125. Fer, Nat,m,,, 52o UPPER LIMBS. 126. Stiffness of the upper limbs. 127. Pains, tearing, in the fingers of the left hand. 128. Pain, rheumatic, of the finger joints. 129. Pains, transient, in the arms and legs. 130. Pains, drawing, in the joints of arms and hands. 131. Pains in the wrists. 132. Pains, drawing, in the finger joints. 133. Pains in the arms, worse from motion. 134. Pains, paralytic, jerking, tearing, in the bones of the upper limbs, increased by touch. 135. Pains, tearing, in the muscles and joints. 136. Pains, paralytic, in the arms. 137. Pains, rheumatic, of the arms, ex- tending into finger joints. 138. Pains, rheumatic, in upper limbs. 139. Pain on moving the arm as if it would be easily dislocated. 140. Pains, tearing, in wrists and elbows. 141. Pain, bruised, paralytic, of the left arm. 142. Pain in the wrists as if dislocated. 143. Pain in the arms. UPPER LIMBS. 521 126. Ham, Phos,ac, Zinc. 127. Carbo,v. 128. Caul, Actea,s, Led, Kali,b, 129. Caul. 130. Caul. 131. Caul, Hel,n, Sil. 132. Caust, Caul, Sul. 133. Cham, Guaiae 134. Cinch. 135. Colch, Kali.c, Lye, Bry, Coloc, Merc, Puis., Led, SuL, Nat,c 136. Colch. 137. Colch, Bry, Caul., Guaiae, Mang. 138. Coloc, Bry, Led, Lye, Merc, Gels, Cim, Rhus,t, Guaiae, Kali,b, Kalmia. Lac,ac, Nat.c.,, Phyt, Ran, Ant,c, Mez, Rhod, Sul, Ant,t, Ver,a. 139. Croc. 140. Cyc 141. Dulc 142. Eupt.per, Aeon, Bry,Cal,c, Rhus.t. 143. Fer, Valeria. 522 UPPER LIMBS. 144. Pain in the right upper limb from shoulder to finger. 145. Pain in the left index finger. 146. Pain, sharp, sticking, at the root of the right thumb-nail. 147. Pains, neuralgic, in the upper limbs. 148. Pains, tearing and stinging in the limbs. 149. Pains, rheumatic, in the left upper limb. 150. Pains in the finger joints, 151. Pain as if dislocated in the shoulder, hip and knee. 152. Pains in the joints, worse from motion. 153. Pains in the left elbow 154. Pain, bruised, in the bones. 155. Pain, sharp, tensive, in the right shoulder. 156. Writer's cramp. 157. Swelling and redness of the fineer join ts. 1158. Twitching in the arms and fingers. 159. Swelling of the back of left hand. j6o. One hand cold, the other warm. 161. Swelling, arthritic, with heat of hands. 162. Hands alternately hot and cold. 163. Swelling and suppuration of the axillary glands. 164. Bruised, sore feeling of the shoul- ders. UPPER LIMBS. 144. Fluor,ac 145. Fluor,ac. 146. Fluor,ac 147. Gels. 148. Apis, Guiac 149. Guiac 150. Hel,n, Iris. 151. Ign. 152. Ign. 153. Iod, Ars, Fer, Kali.b 154. Ipee, Ruta. 155. Iris. ^56. Caust. 157. Cham, Lye, Phyt. 158.. Cic, Cupr, Cistus^Rheum. 159. Cinch. 160. Cinch,, Ipee 161. Cocc, Hep., Sabin. 162. Cocc 163. Coloc, Hep, Sil, Rhus,t 164. Con. 524 UPPER LIMBS. 165. Cracking in the wrist-joint. 166. Nails yellow. 167. Weakness of the limbs. 168. Lameness of the right arm. 169. Paralytic weakness of the left arm. 170. Twitching in the right shoulder only when at rest. 171. Herpes on arms and hands. 172. Sweat in the palms. 173. Arthritic nodosities on the fingers. 174. Raw, moist places between the fingers. 175. Arthritic pains followed by con- traction of the limbs. 176. Hands hot. 177. Varicose veins. 178. Varicose ulcers with stinging. 179. Phlebitis of the vessels of the ex- tremities. 180. Ulceration around the nails. 181. Arms move continually except when asleep. 182. Thumb drawn in on the palm. 183. Offensive sweat in axilla. 184. Itching in the palms. 185. Twitching of the hands. 186. Numbness and crawling of the hands and feet. 187. Numbness of the left arm. 188. Jerking of the limbs on falling asleep. UPPER LIMBS. 525 165. Con. 166. Con, Sil 167. Cupr. JGels., Graph, Guiac, Kalmia, Lach, Merc, Merc.c, Nux,v, Pet, Sil. 168. Cyc, Fer. 169. Dig. 170. Dros. 171. Dulc 172. Duk. 173. Graph, Led, Staph, Cal,c, Dig. 174. Graph., Hel,n, 175. Guiac. 176. Guiac, Phos, Sec, Stan. 177. Ham, Puis., Zinc. 178. Ham. 179. Ham. 180. Ham,'Hel,n. 181. Hel,n. 182. Hel.n 183- Hep, Sid. 184. Hep, Kali,e, Ambr. 185. Hyos, Bell, Stram, Plum. *86. Hyper. 187. Hyper. 188. Ign. 526 UPPER LIMBS. 189. Jerking, convulsive, of the arms and legs. 190. Jerking in the deltoid muscle. 191. Numbness and crawling in the arms at night in bed. 192. Paralytic weakness of the upper limbs. 193. Pressure of the left arm. 194. Stiffness of the elbow joint. 195. Stiffness and puffiness of the joints. 196. Stiffness, lameness and pain on first moving after a rest. 197. Stiffness, swelling of the limbs and joints after sprains, overlifting or over- reaching. 198. Stiffness, arthritic, and swelling of the wrist. 199. Finger tips feel as if ulcerated. 200. Convulsions of the arms. 201. Numbness of the arms in the morn- ing on waking. 202. Scaling off of the finger nails. 203. Cramps in the hands and fingers. 204. Swelling and redness of the arm to the shoulder and covered with vesicles. 205. Finger ends powerless, cannot hold anything. 206. Trembling of the right hand. 207. Jerking sensation in the finger joints. UPPER LIMBS. 527 189. Ign, Stram, Iod, Merc, Op, Cic, Bell, Hyos, Plum, Sec, Squill 190. Ign. 191. Ign. 192. Kali.c, Nat.m, Stan, Sul, Verat.a. 193. Kalmia. 194. Ham. 195. Lye 196. Rhus,t. 197. Rhus.t 198. Sabin. 199. Sars. 200. Sabad, Stram, Bell, Cham, Iod, Op. 201. Mag.m. 202. Merc 203. Merc, Olean, Ruta, Sec.c 204. Merc,c 205. Mez. 206. 207. Mez. Nate 628 UPPER LIMBS. 208. Hang-nails. 209. Sprained, lame feeling of the shoul- ders. 210. Numbness of the right arm. 211. Numbness of the limbs. 212. Weariness and relaxation of the limbs after taking open air exercise. 2*3. Weakness of the limbs after loss of fluids. 214. Wrist drop. 215. Weakness of the joints. 2i6\ Herpes^on the limbs. 217. Swelling and redness of the joints. 218. Swelling and redness of the joints with- stinging pain. 219. The parts on which he lays go to sleep. 220. Swelling of the hands. 22j. Swelling of the fingers. 222. Eruption on palms of hands and fingers. 223. Pains, rheumatic, in elbow and wrists. 224. Pains, tearing, in the left shoulder. 225. Pains in the elbows. 226. Pains, tearing, darting, or gnawing, periosteum involved, worse at night, after mercury or syphilis. 227. Pain in the left arm. 228. Pain in the left wrist. 229. Pain in the left thumb as if sprained. UPPER LIMBS. 208. Nat.m, Sulu Thuja, Rhus.t. 209. Nat.m. 210. Nit,2C 211. Nux,m, Op, Plat. 212. Nux,v. 213. Phos,ac, Cal.c, Cinch, Phos. 214. Plumb. 215. Psor. 216. PsorM Sul 217. Puis, Bry. 218. Puis, Apis. 219. Puis, Aeon, Rheum, Rhus,t 220. Rhus,t 221. Rhus,t 222. Ran. 223. Kali.b. 224. Kali.c, Merc.c. 225. Kali.c, Kreos, Lye, Nat.c 226. Kali.iod, 227. Aeon, Rhus.t, Kalmia. 228. Kalmia. 229. Kreos. 530 UPPER LIMBS. 230. Pain, bruised, in the limbs. 231. Pains, rheumatic, in the joints of the upper limbs. 232. Pain in periosteum of phalanges on pressure. 233. Pains in the fingers. 234. Pains, rheumatic, in the right shoul- der. 235. Pains in the bones of the arms at night 236. Pain in right shouldei. 237. Pain, bruised, in finger-nails when touched. 238. Pains, drawing, tearing, in the limbs, shift rapidly from place to place. 239, Pain in all the joints during motion. 240. Pains, rheumatic, drawing, tearing, in all the limbs. 241. Pains, rheumatic, drawing, tearing, in all the limbs, worse at rest and in rough weather. 242. Pains, drawing, tearing, in the periosteum, worse at night at rest, and in change of weather. 243. Pains in the limbs and joints in cold damp weather. 244. Pains, drawing, tearing, worse at night, mostly in the wrist, and joints of the toes, red, shiny swelling. UPPER LIMBS. 230. Kreos, Arn, Nat.m, Nux.v, Phos.- ac, Aeon, Croc, Ver.a, Ruta. 231. Mang. 232. Led, Bry, Puis, Rhus.t., Led. Spig-, 233-234- Lobel Lye 235- Lye, Mez, Merc 236. 237- Mez. Pet. 238. Puis. 239. Rheum. 240. Rhod, Aeon, Col, Led, Bry, Lye, Merc, Sul, Zinc, Cocc. 241. Rhod.., Rhus,t Puis, 242. Rhod, Rhus.t. 243. Nux,m, Rhod, Rhus,t 244. Sabin. 532 UPPER LIMBS. 245. Pain, cramp-like, and lameness of the hand after slight exertion. 246. Painful shocks, galvanic-like, through the lknbs. 247. Pain, as if bruised, in the hand. 248. Pain, as if bruised, in the wrist 249. Pains, drawing, of the hands. 250. Pains, drawing, of the wrists. 251. Pains, drawing, of the fingers. 252. Pains, tearing, in the arms. 253. Pain as from paralytic weakness of the hands. 254. Rheumatism of the small joints. 255. Contractions of the hands, feet, fingers and toes. 256, Limbs become cold, pale and wrinkled as after being a long time in hot water. 257. Numbness, insensibility and cold- ness of the limbs, especially tips of fingers and toes. 2^S. Burning of the hands and feet. 259. Fuzzy feeling in the limbs. 260. Gangrene of the limbs. 261. Eruption, itching in bends of elbows. 262. Sweat, profuse of the hands. 263. Twitching of the muscles of the left shoulder. UPPER LIMBS 245. Sil. 246. Valer, Ver,v. 247. Ruta. 248. Dros. 249. Caust.,, Sul. 250. Asar. 251. Asar. 252. Ambr, Am.m, Arg.m, Canth, Caust, , Cina, Cocc, Colch, Led, Nat,c, Phos,ac, Puis,, Thuja, Zinc 253- Actea,s. 254. Aciea,s., Caul, Led. 255- Sec.c 25,6. Sec,c 257. Sec,c 258. Sec.c, Ars, Sul 259. Sec,c. 260. Sec,c, Ars. 261. Sep. 262. Sil. 263. Spong. 534. UPPER LIMBS. 264. Swelling of the hands and feet in the evening. 265. Carphologia. 266. Twitching of the tendons, subsultus tendinum. 267. Weakness and trembling of the limbs. 268. Cramps of the fingers. 269. Arthritic nodosities of the wrist. 270. Coldness of the arms. 271. Deadness of the handsj 272. Boils on the arms. 273. Heaviness of the arms. 274. Numbness of the arms. UPPER LIMBS. &aa 264. Stan. 265. Stram, Hyos. 266. Stram., Hyos, Kali.iod. 267. Sul 268. Ver,v, Graph, Lye 269. Cal.c, Led. 270. Bell, Led., Op, Plumb. 271. Cal,c, Thuja., Zinc 272. Calrc, Mez., Sil. 273. Alum., Fer, Puis, Sil, Stan. 274. Cham, Croc, Kali,c, Lye, Mag.m., Nux,v., Sil. 536 LOWER LIMBS. i. Pains, drawing, tearing, in all the joints and in the thigh. 2. Pain, rheumatic, in joints, with heat and swelling. 3, Pains, tearing, in the toes, worse from walking. a. Pain in the sole of foot when stepping. 5. Pain, drawing, in the left hip. 6. Pain, tearing, in front of thighs when sitting. 7. Painful tension in hamstrings when walking. 8. Pain, sprain-like, in groin, hindering erect position. 9. Painful, drawn, stiff, feeling of the knees. 10. Painful dull pressure in the thighs. 11. Painful drawing in tibia. 12. Pain, tearing, petosteal, along the limb to big toe. 13. Pains, tearing, in the right foot. 14. Pains in the legs when resting. 15. Pains, rheumatic, in limbs. 16. Painful throbbing in great toe. 17. Pain, drawing, in left leg. 18. Pain, stitching, in knees. 19. Pain, as if bruised, in legs. 20. Pain, sprain-like, in the hips. LOWER LIMBS. 537 i. Aeon, Bry, Rhus.t, Puis, Cist, Rhod. 2. Cim, Bry., Hyper. 3. Agnus.c 4. Alum, Ant.c, Ars, Cyc, Led, Lye, Sul, Phos, Canth, Ign, Sil, Cal.c 5. Am,m, Arn, Coloc, Hep. 6. Am,m. 7. Am,m, Ant,t, Ruta. 8. Am,m. 9. Anac. 10. Anac. 11. Anac, 12. Ars, Rhod. 13. Ars. 14. Ars, Rhus.t. 15. Ant.c, Berb, Calad, Colch, Coloc, Bry, Led, Lye, Merc, Kali,b, Kalmia, Lith. 16. Asaf. 17. Baryt.c. 18. Baryt.c, Bry. 19. Bell, Berb, Kreos, Arn, Ruta. 20. Arn, Ign. 538 LOWER LIMBS. 21. Pain, bruised, in the thighs when walking. 22. Pain in right calf as if bruised. 23. Pain, sprain-like, in tarsal joint 24. Pains, arthritic, in foot and toe^. 25. Pains, tearing, along the bones. 26. Pain, ulcerative, of the right leg, with pain in kidneys and swelling of right knee. 27. Pain in the knees. 28. Pains in the calves. 29. Pain, bruised, in instep, with swell- ing and heat. 30. Pain, as if sprained, in the feet 31. Painful, tired feeling, as from over- exercise. 32. Pains flying in different parts. 33. Pains, tearing, in the limbs. 34. Pain in hip. 35. Pain in left shin-bone. 36. Pain, paralytic, drawing, from ab- domen to left leg. 37. Pain, drawing, in hip, extending to thigh. LOWER LIMBS. 539 21. Arn, Hep. 22. Arn. 23. Arn. 24. Arn,, Dulc, Graph, Guiac, Led, Lith, Nux4m, Sep, Puis, Rhod, Rhus,t. 25. Bell. 26. Benz,ac 27., Caps, Cist, Cupr, Dios, Hep, Hyp, Kali,c, Lach, Led, Mag.m, Mang, Sil. 28. Bry, Tarax. 29. Bry., Ars, Puis. 30. Bry. 31. Cal,c, Arg.n, Cinch.,,, Guiac, Nat.c, Nux.m, Agar, Psor. 32., Rhusp, Caul, Colch, Iris, Kalmia. 33. Canth, Caps, Carbo.v, Bry, Col, Lye, Merc, Kali.iod, Kalmia, Nat.c, Nit,ac 34. Caps, Dios, Fer, Kali.iod, Mag.m., Sul, Valeri. 35. Carbol,ac 36. Carbo,v. 37. Carbo.v. 54-0 LOWER LIMBS. 38. Pains, drawing, in the joints of legs and feet. 39. Pain in the great toe. 40. Pain in periosteum with paralytic weakness. 41. Pain in bone of thigh as if perios- teum had been scraped. 42. Painful lameness of the legs. 43. Pain, cramp-like, in hip. 44. Pain, drawing, in the right thigh. 45. Pain in the left knee-joint. 46. Pain in the ankle. 47. Painful swelling of the feet. 48. Painful weakness of the ankle. 49. Pains in lower limbs. 50. Pain, sciatic, right side. 51. Pain, as if dislocated, when walking, in right ankle. 52. Pain in the right hip. 53. Pains in thighs while sitting. 54. Painful drawing in the limbs with heaviness and stiffness. 55. Pains, tearing, in the limbs, worse from motion. 56. Pains, drawing, in the limbs. 57. Pain, bruised, in the knee. 58. Pain in bunions, external application. 59. Pain, tearing, in tendo achillis and calf, worse on motion. 60. Pains, arthritic, chronic LOWER LIMBS. 541 38. Caul, Rhod. 39. Caust, Hep, Phos,ac, Sabin, Ranun, Sil. 40. Cham. 41. Cinch, Phos,ac 42. Cocc 43. Coloc. 44, Coloc. Cyc, Verbas. 45. Coloc. 46. Cupr. 47. Dig, Ars. 48. Dios. 49. Dios, Gels. 50. Dios, Iris. 51. Dros. 52. Dros, Hyd, Kali.b, Led 53. Dulc. 54. Fer, Sec 55. Guiac 56. Hep, Nat.m. 57. Hep. 58. Hyp. 59- Ign. 60. Iod. LOWER LIMBS. 61. Painful corns. 62. Pains in the bones of lower limbs. 63. Pain, as if sprained, in shoulder, hip and knee. 64. Pain, sciatic 65. Pain, tearing, in right tibia. 66. Pain in tips of toes on walking. 67. Pains, tearing, in periosteum, worse at night, after mercury or syphilis. 68. Pains, rheumatic, of the kne*. 69. Pain, sticking and swelling, of the knees when walking. 70. Pain, sprain-like, in the ankles, worse on motion. 71. Pain, tearing, in middle of right thigh. 72. Inability to move. 73. Lameness and soreness of the limbs. 74. Drawing in the ankle-joint. 75. Dead cold feet. 76. Weak and weary limbs. 77. Swelling, oedematous, of feet and legs. 78. Tired feeling in lower limbs during rest. 79. Weakness and numbness after sit- ting. LOWER LIMBS. 5 3 61. Iod, Nat,m, Rumex., Sil, Sul. 62. Ipee, Ruta, Mez, Merc, Puis. 63. Ign. 64. Iris,vers, Kali.b, Kali.iod, Lach, Phyt, Plum, Puis, Sep, Sil. 65. Kali.b. 66. Kali.c. 67. Kali.iod, Mez, Merc. 68. 69. Led, Bry. 70. Led., Arn, Bry. 71. Lye 72. Abrot. 73. Abrot. 74. Abrot. 75. Abrot, Lye 76., Agar, Arg.n, Cinch, Bry, Calad, Cal,c, Cal,ph, Dig, Merc, Merc.c, Sul. 77., Ars, Apis, Colch, Iod, Kreos, Lye, Rhod, Zinc, Rhus.t. 78. Aeon, Rhus,t. 79. Aeon., Rhus.t. 544 LOWER LIMBS. 80. Cramps in the calves. 81. Unsteadiness of the knees. 82 Cold feet. 83. Soreness, muscular. 84. Rheumatism of the belly of the muscles. 85. Trembling of the limbs. 86. Uneasiness and restlessness of the limbs. 87. Weakness of the lees. 88. Twitching of the gluteal muscles, 89. Itching, burning and redness of the toes. go. Heaviness of the right foot. 91. Heaviness of the limbs. LOWER LIMBS. 545 80. Aeon, Cal.c, Camph, Nux,v, Sil, SuL, Alum, Ambra, Anac, Ars,,, Caust, Cham, Cupr, Ver.a, Fer, Graph, Hep, Merc.c, Nat.c, Plum, Nit,ac 81. Aeon. 82. Aeon., Am.c, Ars, Cist, Cupr, Gels, Hep, Hyos, Ipee, Merc, Merc.c, Nat.c,, Nux.m, Olean, Op, Camph, Ver,a., Phos, Plum, Rumex, Sep, Sul, Sil. 83. Cim., Arn. 84. Cim. 85. Cim, Calad, Cicut, Cinch, Cist, Cocc, Con, Gels, Merc, Stram., Hyos, Hyper, Iod, Merc,c, Mez, Nate, Nat.m., Op, Rhus.t, Sec, Sul 86. Cim, Am.c, Ars., Rhus.t, Calph, Graph, Lach, Mag.m, Natm, Zinc, Plat. 87. Aesc, Arg,n, Nux.v, Ars, Bry, Cicut, Cocc, Gels, Guiac, Hyd, Hyper, Kalmia, Lach, Led, Nat.c, Nat.m, Olean, Op, Plum, Rhus.t, Ran, Staph. 88. Agar. 89. Agar, Apis, Alum, Nux.m, Nux.v. 90. Agn.c 91. Alum., Ambra,, Cham-, Cinch, Gels, Kali,b, Mag.m, Merc, Nat.c, Nux.m, Puis.. Rhus.t, Sabad, Sec, Sep., Sil, Zinc 646 LOWER LIMBS. 92. Nates go to sleep when sitting. 93. Weariness of the legs when sitting. 94. Cramp-like tension in thighs and legs. 95. Trembling in the knees. 96. Numbness of the heel when stepping, 97. Itching of the soles of feet. 98. Swelling and redness of the great toe and foot. 99. Drawing tension in the legs when at rest. 100. Paralyzed feeling of the knees 101. Numbness of the legs while at rest. 102. Calosities on the soles. 103. Feet go to sleep on sitting down. 104. Toes and feet feel too large and stiff. 105. Twitching in the muscles of the legs. 106. Swelling and caries of tibia and bones of feet. 107. Paralyzed feeling of the limbs. 108. Limbs feel unnaturally light. 109. Dull pressure in the right hip. no. Sweat of feet foetid. in. Phlegmasia alba dolens. 112. Cracking or sense of dryness in the knee joint. 113. Gouty nodosities. LOWER LIMBS. 547 92. Alum. 93. Alum., Rhus,l, Ars. 94. Alum, Sul. 95. Alum, Mang, Olean, 96. Alum. 97. Ambra. 98. Am.c, Arn. 99. Am.m 100. Anac, Aur, Cocc. 101. Ant.c, Hyper. 102. Ant.c 103. Ant.t, Cocc. 104. Apis. 105. Asaf. 106. Asaf, Hep., Kali.c, Merc, Mez.,, Lach, Sil, Sul. 107. -Aur, Cal.c, Dig, Graph, Nux.v, Rhus/., Sep, Sil, Stan, Ver.a. 108. Asar, Mez. 109. A.sar. no. Baryt, Nit,ac, Sil, Sep, Lye, Pet, Plum. in. Bell 112., Caust, Cocc, Con, Ign, Nux.v. 113., Led, Nux,v. S43 LOWER LIMBS. 114. Tension in the ankle on motion. 115. Swelling and heat of the feet. 116. Weakness and trembling of the legs after coition. 117. Limbs go to sleep* 118. Paralysis of the limbs 119. Corns painful to touch. 120. Feet go to sleep. 121. Cramps in soles of feet 122. Cramps in the soles of the feet after lying down. 123. Paralyzed feeling of left leg. 124. Numbness of the limbs. 125. Bruised feeling in the limbs. 126. Rheumatism of the small joints. 127. Soreness of the joints with weak- ness. 128. Burning in the soles 129. Burning in soles, puts them out of bed. 130. Spasmotic distortion of the limbs. 131. Swelling and heat of right knee. 132. Sensation as if garter were too tight and leg would become stiff and go to sleep. 133. Swelling, arthritic, of the feet LOWER LIMBS. 649 114. Bry. 115. Bry. 116. Cal.c, Cinch, 117., Carbo.v, Graph, Hyp, Merc,c, Sep, Sil, Sul, Stram, Ver.a. 118. Can,ind., Cocc, Nux,v, Olean, Op, Sec, Zinc. 119. 120., Psor. 121. Carbo.v, Sil, Fer, SuL, Hep, Nat,c 122. Carbo,v, Sul. 123. Carbo.v. 124. Carbo.v, Cinch, Graph, Nux.m, Nux.v, Op, Plat, Sec. 125. Carbo.v, Caust, Cepa. 126. Caul, Actea.s, Led, Cinch. 127. Cham. 128. Cham.. Cal.c, Sil, Cupr, Mag.m., Mang, Psor, Lach,, SuL 129. Cham, Sul. 130. Cic, Cina. 131. Cinch. 132. Cinch. 133. Cinch, Guiac. 550 LOWER LIMBS. 134. Inflammatory swelling of the knee. 135. Cramps in lower limbs. 136. Chilblains. 137. Cramp in the left calf. 138. Weakness and trembling of the right thigh. 139. Weakness of the knees. 140. Exostosis of the upper part of right tibia, with bluish red spots, suppurating lumps. 141. Swelling of lower limbs to the knees. 142. Limbs fatigued from light exercise. 143. Chafed between the limbs. 144. Smarting soreness between the nates. 145. Herpes in hollow of knees. 146. Aching in the limbs. 147. Aching pain in left shin-bone. 148. Aching, drawing, in the left foot. 149. Aching, bruised, soreness of limbs. 150. Aching of limbs with catarrh. 151. Aching pains in the shin-bones. 152. Aching pains in the legs, must change position frequently. 153. Aching of nates when sitting. 154. Stitches in the right thigh. 155. Stitches in outer side of right thigh only when sitting. 156. Stitches in hips extending to knees LOWER LIMBS. 551 134. Cocc, Iod. 135. Colch, Cal.c, Camph, Nux,v, SuL, Rhus.t, Sec. 136. Colch, Agar, Zinc,, Puis. 137. Coloc. 138. Con. 139. Cupr, Dios, Plat. 140. Dulc 141. Fer, Ars, Led, Graph, Hyos, Dig. 142. Gels. 143. Graph., Merc 144. Graph, Merc, Sep. 145. Graph, Nat.m, Psor. 146. Cim, Gels, Bap, Rumex. 147. 148. Coloc. 149. Eupt,per., Arn, Cinch. 150. Hyd. 151. Lach. 152. Rhus,t. 153. Staph. 154. Sep. 155. Bell. 156. Bry. 552 LOWER LIMBS. 157. Stitches in left hip when sitting. 158. Stitches, periodical, in left thigh. 159. Stitches in the right calf when sitting. » 160. Stitches in the left hip. 161. Stitches with drawing and tension in the thigh. 162. Stitches in the hip joints. 163. Stitches in the sole of the right foot. 164. Stitches, cramp-like, in the left foot. 165. Stitches and stiffness of the knees. 166. Stitches in the right hip. 167. Stitch-like pain in the knee-joint when standing. 168. Stitches in the left heel when stand- ing. 169. Stitches in the lower limbs. 170. Stiffness, painful, of the knees. 171. Stiffness of the legs. 172. Stiffness and tension in hollow of knee. 173. Stiff feeling of the limbs. 174. Stiffness of the ankles. 175. Stiffness and numbness of the thighs. 176. Stiffness and pain of the joints of the lower limbs. 177. Stiffness of the feet, heavy and weary. 178. Stiffness and swelling of the knees. 179. Stiffness and tension of the legs. LOWER LIMBS. 553 157. 158. Dros, Tarax. 159- Dros. 160. Hell.n. 161. Mang. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. Merc.c, Nat.m. Nat.c Nat.m. Rumex. Rumex. 168/ > Ranun. 169. 170. 171. 172. Sars. Bry., Hell.n, Sul Carbo.v. Caust, Nat.m, Am,m, Nux^, Sul. 173-174-175- Cyc. Dros, Sul. Graph. 176. Lactic,ac, Rhas.t. 177- Led. 178. Lye 179. Mang. 551. LOWER LIMBS, 180. Stiffness, rheumatic, of the knee. 181. Stiffness and paralyzed sensation of the joints with swelling, from sprains, over- lifting or over-stretching. 182. Stiffness, lameness, pain on first moving after rest, or on rising in the morn- ing. 183. Burning and crawling in the heels. 184. Thick and crippled nails. 185. Soreness and sprained feeling of hip-joint when walking. 186. Swelling of the knee, ankles and feet. 187. Cracks in the feet. 188. Ulcers, irritable, indolent or scrofu- lous of the legs. 189. Twitching of the feet. 190. Spasmotic contraction of toes on walking. 191. Cramps in the anterior parts of the thighs. 192. Cannot walk, spine affected. 193. Numbness and crawling in the limbs. 194. Fuzzy feeling of the feet. 195- Jerking of the limbs on falling asleep. 196. Subsultus tendinum. 197. Convulsive jerking of the lower limbs. 198. Heaviness of the feet. 109. Sweat of feet corrosive. LOWER LIMBS. 555 180. Phos. 181. Rhus,I. 182. Rhus,t. 183. Graph. 184. Graph, Ant,c 185. Hep, Arn. 186. Hep, Ars, Apis, Dig, Rhus,t. 187. Hep. 188. Hyd. 189. Hyos, Bell, Stram., Phos. 190. Hyos. 191. Hyos. 192. Hyper. 193. Hyper. 194. Hyper, Sec,c I9S l£n- 196. Iod, Stram, Hyos, Kali.iod. 197. Ign, Stram, Ipee, Mere, Nat.c, Op, Cic, Bell, Hyos, Plum, Sec.c, Squill. 198. Ign, Nat.m, Led. 199. Iod. LOWER LIMBS. 200. Cramps in thighs at night. 201. Jerking in the muscles of the thighs, 202. Ulcers on lower extremities. 203. Swelling of the feet red-bluish, painful. 204. Heaviness of the feet, tired. 205. Swelling of the ball of great toe, painful on stepping. 206. Synovitis of the knee. 207. Soreness, inner side of left thigh, biting, itching, soreness extending to the genitals. 208. Swelling of the feet. 209. Cramps in the calves at night. 210. Cold damp feet. 211. One foot hot, the other cold. 212. Ulcers, chronic, on lower extremities with nightly burning, itching and tearing. 213. Sweaty feet. 214. Rheumatism of the feet. 215. Rheumatism shifts from joint to joint. 216. Burning in the nates. 217. Ulcers on the legs which bleed easily and become putrid. 218. Cracking in right knee on rising in the morning. 219. Throbbing and crawling in both heels. LOWER LIMBS. 200. Ipee, Kali,c, Sul. 201. Kali,c 202. Lach, Ars, Lye,, Rhus, 203. Lach. 204. Led., 205. Led. 206. Led. 207. Lye 208. Lye, Merc, Plum, Stan. 209. Lye, Mag,m,, Cal.c, Nux,v., Sul. 210. Lye, Calc, Sil, Merc 211. Lye 212. Lve 213. Mag.m, Pet, Thuja , Niltac, Sep., Sil, Sul. Zinc. 214. Mang, Phyt. 215. Mang. 216. Mer 217. Merc. \ 218. Mez 219. Nat.c C33 LOWER LIMBS. 220. Pains, drawing, tearing, in all the limbs. 221. Pains, rheumatic, drawing, tearing, in all the limbs, worse at rest and in rough weather. 222. Pain in the left big toe. 223. Pain, tearing in hip and knee, worse at night. 224. Pain, jerking, in hip-joint and knee 225. Pains in bones of feet. 226. Pain in hollow of knees on motion. 227. Painful swelling of the knee. 228. Pain in the periostium of the tibia 229. Pains bruised in all the joints in the morning. 230. Pain in tibia at night. 231. Pains in the limbs, especially in the muscular parts of the thighs, worse even- ings and at night. 232. Pain in the hip as if dislocated. 233. Pains, boring in the heels toward evening. 234. Pain in all the joints on motion. 235. Pain, pressive, in the hollow of the left knee extending to the heel. 236. Pains, drawing, tearing, in perios- teum, worse at night, at rest, and in cold damp weather. 237. Painful tension in hip and knee joints when sitting, when rising from a seat or after over-exercise. LOWER LIMBS. 559 220. Lye, Bry, Coloc, Merc, SuL, Rhod, Aeon, Led, Puis, Zinc, Cocc, Spig. 221. Rhod, Rhus.t, Nux.m. 222. Mang. 223. Merc. 224. Mez, Puis. 225. Mez, Ruta. 226. Nat.e 227. Nux.v., Puis. 228. Phos, Zinc 229. 230., Phyt, Merc 231. Plumb., Puis. 232, Puis., Thuja. 233. Puis., Zinc. 234. Rheum. 235. Rheum. 236. Rhod., Rhusp. 237. RJiusp. 500 LOWER LIMBS. 238. Pains, bruised, in the joints of the limbs. 239. Pains in the ankles after a sprain cr dislocation. 240. Painful, bruised feeling in anterior of thighs. 241. Pains, drawing, tearing, in the ex- tremities, worse at night. 242. Pains, drawing, in thighs. 243. Pains, tearing, stitching, in the hips and thighs. 244. Pains, suppurating, in the hip joint. 245. Pain, bruised, drawing, tearing, in the limbs. 246. Pains, drawing,, on dorsum of right foot. 247. Pain, sudden, in right knee. 248. Pains, arthritic, of the hips. J49. Pain in the toes; gout. 250. Gout in the wrists and ankles. 251. Easy dislocation and spraining the ankle. 252. Ulcer on heel from blisters. 253. Blisters on tips of toes as if scalded. 254. Tension in the calves while walking. 255. Lameness of the ankle joint. 256. Chilblains of the toes. 257. Cracking of the ankle while walking. 258. Arthritic inflammation of the knee. LOWER LIMBS. C6l 238. Ruta., 239. Ruta. 240. Ruta, Sabin. 2A\. Sabin, Staph. 242. Ranun. 243. Sil. 244. Sil, Staph. 245. Sul, Bry, Coloc, Led, Lye, Merc 246. Tarax. 247. Verbas, 248. Ars, Asaf, Bell, Aur, Cal.c, Canth, Cham, Coloc, Hep, Merc, Nux.v. Puis, Rhus.t. 249. Arn, Led, Sabin, Sul 250. Abrotan., Actea,s., Caul. 251. Nat.c 252. Natx. 253. Nat.c 254. Nat.m. 255. Nat.m. 256., Agar, Puis., Zinc. 257. 258. Nux.v. 562 LOWER LIMBS. 259. Numbness in the soles, as if asleep, when walking. 260. Eruptions of the legs, itching, burn- ing and moist. 261. Chilblains of the heel. 262. Eruptions between the toes. 263. Cramps in the soles of the feet at night. 264. Swelling of the tibia. 265. Heaviness in the hollow of the knees. 266. Feet swollen in the evening. 267. Weakness of the limbs after loss of fluids. 268. Rheumatism, chronic, of the left hip. 269. Tension in the thighs. 270. Weakness of the joints. 271. Trembling of the feet. 272. Herpes of lower limbs. 273- Varices of lower limbs. 274. Swelling of the knee painless. 275- Cramps in lower limbs in the even- ing after lying down. 276. Swelling, redness, heat and inflam- mation of the feet. 277. The limbs on which he lies fall asleep. 278. Weariness of the thighs as after exertion. LOWER LIMBS. *«* 259. Olean. 260. Pet. 261. Pet, Agar,, Zinc 262. Pet, Cal,c, Camph, Nux.v,, Sep. 263. Pet, Sul. 264. Phos. 265. Phos. 266. Phos. 267., Cal.c, Cinch , Phos. 268. Phyt. 269. Plat. 2,70. Psor. 271. Psor. 272. Psor, Sul. 273. Puis., Ham, Zinc. 2T1A. Puis. oris. Puis, SuL 2TI&. Puis, Bry. 277. Rheum, Rhus,t. 278. Rheum, Sars. 564 LOWER LIMBS. 279. Joints of limbs feel sprained. 280. Legs densely covered with a rash, small red pimples. 281. Contractions of feet and toes. 282. Cold, pale and wrinkled limbs. 283. Crawling and tingling in the limbs. 284. Burning of the feet. 285. Gangrene of the limbs. 286. Cramp-like tension of the calves. 287. Swelling and redness of the feet. 288. Foetid feet without sweat evenings. 289. Ingrowing toe-nails. 290. Cramps in the calves of the legs and soles of feet, principally at night. 291. Sticking in the knee and tibia. 292. Burning in the toes. 293. Cramps in the legs, fingers and toes. 294. Galvanic-like shocks in the limbs. 295. Cramp-like pressure in the sole of the right foot on standing, disappears on walking. 296. Itching of the thighs and hollow of knees. LOWER LIMBS. 5G5 279. Rhod, Rhus.t. 280. Rumex. 281. Sec.c 282. Sec. 283. Sec, Aeon. 284. Sec, Ars, Sul. . 285. Sec, Ars. : 2E6. Sil, Sabad. : 287. Sil 288. Sil. 289. Sil' 290. Sul., CaLc, Camph., Fer, Nux,v.,, Sil, Cham. 291. Sul. 292. Tarax. 293. Ver.v. 294. Ver.v. 295. Verbas. 296. Zinc. GENERALITIES. i. Rhumatic inflammations of the joints, bright red, shining. 2. Swollen joints, sensitive to contact. 3. Lameness and numb feeling in the affected parts. 4. Great weariness and prostration. 5. Sensitive to the least draft of cold air. 6. Drawing, tearing pains here and there 7. Bruised pains in different parts. 8. Stinging pains in many parts. 9. Restless and tossing about. 10. Weakness, trembling and spasmotic action of the muscles. 11. Nervous, shuddering, tremor all over the body. 12. Alternate tonic and clonic spasms. 13. Tonic and clonic spasms. 14. Epileptic and hysterical spasms. 15. Sharp, lancinating pains in various parts with ovarian or uterine irritation. GENERALITIES. 567 i. Aeon. 2. Aeon, Bry. 3. Aeon, Agar.m, Arn. 4. Puis, Aeon, Cinch., Aesc.h, Alum.t Sul, Ambr, Ars., Amm.c, Ant,t., Arn, Bry., P/ios., See, Fer, Ben,ac, Calad, Cal,c, Camph.. Canth, Carbol,ac, Carbo.- an, Carbo.v, Laur, Colch, Croc, Fer.m., Graph, Helon, Iod, Lob, Merc,v., Mur,acy Nat.c, Nat.m, Phyt, Plum. 5. Aeon, Cocc, Nux.v, CincLi., Aur., Coff. 6. Aeon, Rhus.t, Puis, Graph, Verbas., Bry, Kali.c. 7. Aeon, Arn. 8. Aeon., Apis. 9. Aeon., Ant.t, Ars., Rhus,L, Apis., Bap., Bell, Caust., Cupr, Lachnan, Phos.- ac, Sec, Stram, Tabae, Aeth, Camph.y Merc,v. 10. Cim, Arg.n, Cal.c, Merc,c, Cinch. 11. Cim., Agar,m, Dros, Graph, Plat., Puis, Stram. 12. Cim. 13. Apis. 14. Cim, Nux.m 15. Cim. ess GENERALITIES. 16. Left side affected most. 17. Bruised feeling of the whole body as if sore. 18. Paralytic feeling in the arms, legs and spine. 19. Paralytic weakness. 20. Stretching and yawning. 21. Fullness in various organs as if thev contained too much blood. 22. Epileptiform spasms with clenched thumbs. 23. Great weakness. 24. Faintness. 25. Faintness on sitting up. 26. Paralysis of the upper and lower limbs. 27. Pains relieved from motion. 28. Involuntary movements, while awake 29. Spasms. 30. Convulsions with coldness. 31. Cramp in hands and feet. GENERALITIES. 16. Cim, Caps, Cina, Croc. 17. Cim, Arn, Cinch, Merc,v, Ruta, Bap, Sil, Staph, Ver.a. 18. Aesc.h. 19. Bell, Cocc, Crotal, Rhus,L, Ver.v. 20. Aesc.h, Cina, Croc, Ars, Nux.v, Cham, Rhus,t, Puis, Squill, Verbas. 21. Aesc,h. 22. Aeth. 23. Phos, Hel.n, Aeth, Anac, Cocc, Bap, Camph, Fer.m, Ars, Ipee, Sec, Kali,iod, Cinch., Nit,ac, Sil, Stram, Psor, RhuSyt., Staph. 24. Apis, Ars, Canth, Carbo.v, Caust, Coloc, Dig., Hyd., Merc,p, Nux.m, Sul, Plum. 25. Aeon, Bry. 26. Agar.m, Phos, Plumb, Zinc 27. Agar.m. 28. Agar.m. 29. Sec, Agar.m, Cim, Cicut,v., Ambr, Amyl,n, Ver,a, Ant.c, Arg.n, Ars, Bell., Camph, Cal,c, Stram., Ver,v, Canth, Cham, Cina, Dig, Hel.n, Lach, Cupr, Nux,m, Plum. 30. Hell.n. 31. Agar.m. GENERALITIES. 32. Starting and twitching on falling asleep. 33. Sweat profuse from slight exertion. 34. On every little cold she is much worse. 35. Burning, itching and redness of various parts as if frost bitten. 36. Symptoms appear diagonally, viz: pain in right arm and left leg. 37. Itching on any part of the body tem- porarily relieved by scratching. 38. Backache. 39. Prostration, with perspiration. 40. Sensation mostly on small spots. 41. Arms and legs go to sleep easily. 42. Twitching of the muscular parts. 43. Sensitiveness to the open air. 44. Sensitive to cold air. 45. Right side more affected than the left. 46. Aversion to being washed. 47. Pressing pain in different parts. 48. Sensation as of a hoop or band around a part. 49. Takes cold easily. GENERALITIES. 571 32. Agar,m, Bell., Hyos., Stram. 33. Agar,m, Sep, Sil, Ambr. 34. Cal,c 35- Agar,m. 36. Agar. 37. Agnus,c. 38. Alo, Cim, Bell, Nux,v, Puis. 39. Alo., Cinch. 40. Cal,c 41. Ambr. 42. Ambr, Agar, Cicut., Ign, Stram., Cham, Hel.n, Cupr, Hyos, Iod, Kali,c, Merc,c, Op, Zinc. 43. Amm,c, Cocc, Sep, Sil, Anac, Cal,c, Aur, Nux,v, Pet, Rhus,t, Rumex., Plep., Sul 44. Aur, Cinch., Cocc, Sep, Sil, Baryt, Mez., Nux.m, Hep, Rhus.t, Sabad. 45. Amm.c, BeiL, Cal,c, Caust, Coloc, Lith. 46. Amm.c, SuL 47. Anac 48. Anac, Cac. 49. Anac, Bell, Bry, Cal.c, Dulc, Aeon, Cham,, Nux,v, Kali,c, Natm, Phos, Sil., Nit,ac, Pet, SuL 572 GENERALITIES. 50. Tendency to grow fat. 51. Rheumatic pains with gastric symp- toms. 52. Mucous membranes generally af- fected. 53. Cannot bear the heat of the sun. 54. Collection of synovial fluid in the joints. 55. Tired, bruised feeling. 56. Lassitude with trembling. 57. Epilepsy from fright. 58. Epilepsy. 59. Loss of voluntary motion. 60. Strength sinking greatly. 61. Emaciation. 62. Hysteria with much trouble about the throat. 63. Bone pains 64. Bone pains worse at night. 65. Oversensitive to all pain. 66. Alternate laughing and crying. GENERALITIES. 578 50. Ant.c, Caps, Fer,m. 51. Ant.c 52. Ant.c 53. Ant.c, Glon. 54. Ant.t 55. Apis, Rhus,L, Baft., Cinch., Am., Led, Merc, Ranun, Ruta, Sabad. 56. Apis., Are,n, Bap, Dios, Gels,, Merc,v., Merc,c, Nat,m, Nux,v, Sep, SuL, Ver,a. 57. Arg,n, Gels, Op, Stram. 58. Plum, Ars, Bell, Cal,c, Camph, Cicut, Sec, Stram, Cina, Cupr, Hyos, Lach, Mag,c 59. Arg.n. 60. Arn, Ars. Camph, Colch, See, Ver,a., Crotal, Dig., Bry., Phos, Hyos, Laur. 61. SuL, Ars, Fer, Arg.n, Phos., Iod.; Nat,m., Graph, Lye. Nit,ac, Nux,v, Op, Plum. 62. Asaf. 63. Aur,m, Caust, Ipee, Mang, Merc,v.% Sabad. 64. Merc,, Cinch, Staph. 65. Aur, Cham., Ign, Coff., Sepia. 66. Aur, Ign., Nux,m., Phos, Aeon. GENERALITIES. 67. Nervous weakness. 68. Excessive sensibility of all the nerves. 69. Sick all over. 70. Numbness, prickling and paralytic feeling all over. 71. Great weakness of mind and body in the old. 72. Pains come and go suddenly. 73. Over-excitability of all the senses. 74. Pains suddenly change their locality. 75. Symptoms in the sick go from left to right and from below upwards. 76. Weakness of the joints. 77. Cough with extremely viscid expec- toration. 78. Hands and feet tired. 79. Intolerance of clothing around the waist. 80. Itching of the coccyx. 81. Tettery people. 82. Symptoms worse from motion. 83. Drawing, rheumatic pains in various parts. 84. Affections of the right hypochon- drium. 85. Throbbing sensation all through the body. 86. Strained easily; cannot lift much. 87. Weak and sick for several days after coition. GENERALITIES. 67. Aur. 68. Asar., Cinch., Coff, Cim, Calad, Caps., Nux,v, Merc.v. 69. Bap, Arn, Cinch, Mez. 70. Bap, Colch. 71. Bar,c 72. Bell, 73. Bell, Coff., Cinch., Cham. 74. Ben,ac, Kali,b, Led, Puis., Cham, Colch. 75. 76. Bov. 77. Bov, Phos, Kali.b. 78. Bov. 79. Bov, Cal.c, Lach. 80. Bov. 81. Bov. 82. Bry, Glon. 83. Bry, Coloc, Led, Puis., Mang, 84. Bry, Bell, Cocc. 85. Calad, Glon, Puis, Sep, 86. Cal.c, Rhus,t. 87. Cal,c 578 GENERALITIES. 88. Exhaustion in the morning, can hardly go up stairs. 89. Tendency in young persons to grow fat. 90. Tired on going up stairs. 91. Children do not learn to walk, or lose the ability. 92. Curvature of the spine to the left. 93. In broken bones, where they fail to heal. 94. Limbs are cold. 95. Cramps of the calves 96. The whole body is cold. 97. Diarrhoea with colicky pains. 98. Sleeplessness. 99. Affections of the ball of the foot or under the toes. 100. Tired easily. 101. Night sweats. 102. Breath cool 103. Menses too early. 104. Scurvy. 105. Parts on which he lies feel bruised. 106. Sensitive to pain. 107. Peevishness. GENERALITIES. 88. Cal.c 89. Cal.c, Caps, Fer.m. 90. Cal.p, Cal.c 91. Cal.p, Sil. 92. Cal.p. 93. Cal.p. 94. Camph, Ars, Cup, Ver.a. 95. Camph, Aeon, Cal.c,, Nux.v., SuL, Sil. 96. Verbas, Camph, Tabae, Carbo.v.,, Cupr, Nux.m, Op. 97. Camph. 98. Camph. 99. Canth, 100. Nat.m, Lye,, Crotal., Fer.m, Ars., Cinch., Gels., Nux.m, Psor., Ruta, Sep. 101. Kali.c, Plios,ae, Carbo,an., Sil, Caust, Iod, Cinch., P/ios.. Stan. 102. Carbo,v. 103. Carbo.v. 104. Carbo.v. 105. Caust, Bap, Arum, Ruta., Arn., Sil/ 106. Cham., Aur., Cinch., Coff, Ign.. Sep. 107. Cham, Cal.c, Phos, Borax. GENERALITIES. 108. Convulsions with loss of conscious- ness, distortion of limbs and body. 109. Convulsions with opisthotinous. no. Tonic spasm renewed from the slightest touch. hi. Twitching of the limbs. 112. Epilepsy with consciousness. 113. Urine milky and turbid. 114. Convulsions; child becomes sud- denly stiff; gurgling noise from throat to abdomen. 115. Special senses too acute. 116. Numbness of the parts on which he lies. 117. Oppression of all parts of the body as if clothing were too tight. 118. Pains with lameness or weakness of affected parts. 119. Paralytic weakness, with pain in the back. 120. Feels too weak to talk loud. 121. Would like to scratch or rub the part but it is too sensitive. 122. Physical excitement through men- tal exaltation. 123. Hands tremble if he tries to hold them. 124. Fainting from sudden emotions. 125. Convulsions from over-excitement. 126. Mental irritability. GENERALITIES. 579 108. Cic, Agar, Bell. 109. Cic, Nux.v., Op. no. Cic, Stram. hi. Cina, Cal.c, Ign, Stram. 112. Cina, Nux.m. 113. Cina. 114. Cina. 1 115. Cinch., Bell, Cham., Coff, Cupr. 116. Cinch. 117. Cinch. 118. Cinch. 119. Cocc. 120. Cocc, Stan. 121. Coff. 122. Coff. 123. Coff. 124. Coff 125. Coff. 126. Coff., Aeon., Aurum., Cham., ATux,v. 680 GENERALITIES. 127. Sudden and extreme prostration. 128. Muscles inclined to cramp. 129. Sudden loss of strength whi/e walk- ing. 130. Exhaustion and faintness as if paralyzed. 131. Sick and faint early in the morning in bed. 132. Swelling of the glands with pain. 133. Sensation as of something living were jumping in various parts. 134. Bleeding from different parts. 135. Extremities inflamed and gangre- nous. 136. Hands tremble 137. CEdematous swelling of the whole body. 138. Haemorrhage from all the orifices of the body. 139. Yellow color of the whole body. 140. Nervous trembling with great acuteness and sensitiveness of the senses. 141. Clonic spasms accompanying brain affections. 142. Metalic taste. 143. Spasms of children during de- tention. 144. Worse from bending double. 145. Better from bending double. 146. Better on rising and walking. GENERALITIES. 127. Graph. 128. Colch, Ars., Camph, Sec, Coloc, Cupr, Stram., Zinc. Ver,a.% 129. Con. 130. Con. 131. Con. 132. 133- Con. Croc. 134. I3S Croc, Cinch. Crotal, Ars, Lach. 136. 137. Samb. 138. Crotal. Crotal, Apis, Ars, Merc,c CrotaL , Apoc, 139. 140. Crotal., Chel, Iod, Pod. Cupr, Cham., Cinch., Coff. fi4i. Cupr, Bell, Hell,n., Hyos, Stram. 142. 143. Cupr., Rhus.t. Cupr, Cal,c. 144. 145. 146. Dios. Coloc. Dios. GENERALITIES. Worse on rising and walking. Affections of the left side of the Face appears bluish-red. Dropsical swelling after suppressed by damp cold air. Paralysis from suppressed erup- 147 148 back. 149 150 sweat 151 tions. 152. Disease brought on by exposure to damp or cold. 153. Perspiration fetid. 154. Affections of the left lower ex- tremity. 155. To be thought of in young, weakly persons. 156. Old cicatrices become red around the edges and itch. 157. Irritability of mind and body. 158. Complete relaxation and prostra- tion of the whole muscular system, with entire motor paralysis. 159. Great weakness and prostration. 160. Painless pulsation in the whole body. 161. Puerperal convulsions with great cerebral hyperaemia. GENERALITIES. 582 Coloc. 148. Dros. 149. 150. Cupr. Dulc 151. Dulc. 152. Dulc. 153. 154. Dulc Fer,m. 155. Fer,m 156. Fluor,ac 157. 158. Gels. Gels. 159. Ver,a, Stan, Glon, Ars., Bry.y Cinch., Phos., Hyd., Zinc, Sul,ac, Fer,m., Sec, Ign, Kali,b, Kreos, Nux,m, 7abacr Phos,ac, Plat, Sabin, Sang, Sep., SiLy Squill. 160. Tereb, Glon., Graph, Puis., Sep., Zinc 161. Glon. GENERALITIES. 162. Congestions, blood tends upwards, vessels pulsate, veins enlarge. 163. Great emaciation, especially of the suffering parts. 164. Sudden dropsical swellings. 165. Fainting from slight pains. 166. General exhaustion. 167. Sensitiveness to the open air with chilliness and frequent nausea. 168. Swelling and induration of the glands. 169. Glands inflame, swell and sup- purate. 170. Caries of the bones. 171. Rheumatic swelling with heat, red- ness and sensation as if sprained. 172. Caries of the bones, especially after mercury. 173. Secretions from mucous mem- branes increased, tenacious, ropy. 174. Subsultus tendinum. I75- Opisthotonous. 176. Body rigid as in tetanus. 177. Epilepsy; falls suddenly to the ground, with shrieks and convulsions, .end- ing with sopor and snoring. 178. Veins expanded and puffed up. 179- Consequences of shock or fright. GENERALITIES. 585 162. Glon. 163. Graph, Led, Plum. 164. Hel,n. 165. Hep., Nux,m. 166. Hep, Phos,ac. 167. Hep. 168. Merc,v, Graph, Cal,c, Baryt.c, Iod, Nat,c, Merc,p. 169. Hep., Merc, Sil, Graph, 170., Asaf, Hep.. Kali,c, Mez, Staph, Aur.m, Kali.b. 171. Hep. 172. Aur, Mez. 173. Hyd, Kali.b. 174. Hyos, Kali.iod, Stram., Tereb. 175. Angust, Bell, Ign, Hyos., Op., Cic, Nux.v. 176. Hyos, Ipee, Nux.v. 177. Hyos, Op. 178. Hyos. 179. Hyper, Ign, Op, Gels. 589 GENERALITIES. 180. Prevents lockjaw from wounds in the soles and hands. 181. Convulsions from blows or con- cussion. 182. Injuries to parts rich in sentinent nerves, especially fingers, toes and matrices of nails. 183. Lacerations when intolerable, ex- cruciating pains show the nerves are se- verely involved. 184. Next to the nervous tissues the joints are effected. 185. Convulsive twitching, especially after fright or grief. 186. Convulsions alternating with op- pressed breathing. 187. Convulsions during detention. 188. Paralysis after great mental emo- tion or night-watching. 189. Pressing pain from in to out like from a hard pointed body. 190. Frequently changing position at night in bed. 191. Hysterical debility and faintingfits. 192. Pain in small circumscribed spots. 193. Body rigid, followed by spasmotic jerking of the arms. 194. Haemorrhages bright red. 195. Dropsy of internal parts. 196. Pains fly rapidly from one place to another. GENERALITIES. °67 180. Hyper, 181. Hyper, Ign. 182. Hyper. 183. Hypeu 184. Hyper. gn. Gels, Op, Stram. gn. gn. gn. gn. gn, Rhus.t. gn, Nux,m. gn. pec. pec. pec. [85. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193- 194- 195- 196. Kali.b,, Led, Puis. GENERALITIES. 197. Bones feel bruised. 198. Diphtheritic formation on mucus membranes, also plastic exudation of ropy, stringy mucus. 199. Frequent exhaustion and weariness. 200. Sticking, stitching pain. 201. Enlarged or atrophied glands. 202. (Edematous infiltration of tissues. 203. Swelling of bones. 204. Rheumatic pains all over the body. 205. Faintness in the morning when rising earlier than usual. 206. Excoriation of mucus surfaces. 207. Weakness of the whole body in morning on rising. 208. Great physical and mental exhaus- tion in mornings. 209. Fainting with pain in the heart, nausea, pale face, vertigo. 210. Affected parts look bluish. 211. Restless tossing about, with moan- ing in children with sore throat 212. Great inclination to lie down, es- pecially after eating. 213. Rhumatic pains, first in the left side then in the right 214. Feels bruised in the morning after waking. 215. Slight touch intolerable GENERALITIES. 197. Kali,b. 198. Kali,b. 199. Kali,c 200. Kali,c, Bry.,, Verbas. 201. Kalliod, Cal,c, Graph, Hep, Iod. 202. Kali,iod, Apis, Apoc, Ars, Dig, Crotal, Rhus,t, Led. 203. Phos,ac, Staph, Kali.iod, Asaf, Hep, Merc.c, Mez, Kali,b, Phyt 204. Kalmia. 205. Kreos. 206. Kreos, Hyd. 207. Lach., Nux,v,, Staph. 208. Lach. 209. Lach. 210. Lach. 211. Lach. 212. Lach. 213. Lach. 214. Lach. 2i> Lach. 6PO GENERALITIES. 216. Obliged to wear clothes loose, can't bear the contact. 217. Weakness as from exercise, with rheumatic pains in the bones. 218. Red spots or blotches on various parts of the body, particularly the thighs and lower extremities. 219. Want of energy of the vital powers and want of reaction. 220. Painlessness with the ailments. 221. Heat of bed intolerable, wants to uncover. 222. Before menses symptoms worse on the left side, after menses on the right. 223. Desires open air. 224. Rheumatic pains in shoulders and limbs in general. 225. Attacks of spasms and hysterical weakness. 226. Weakness of the body as if coming from the stomach. 227. Uneasiness in the evening in bed on closing the eyes. 228. Arthritic pains in the joints, worse at night. 229. Involuntary trembling of the volun- tary muscles, hands and tongue. 230. Breath and whole body smells foul. 231. The whole body feels bruised with soreness in all the bones. 232. Glandular swellings with or without suppuration. GENERALITIES. 69i 216. Lach. 217. 218. Lactic, ac 219. Laur, Caps, Carb.v. 220. Laur. 221. Led. 222. Lith. 223. Lye, Puis. 224. Mag,c, Ranun. 22S Mag,m, Asaf. 226. Mag,m. 227. Mag,m. 228. Mang, Merc 229. Merc,v. 230. Merc,v. > 231. Merc,v., Arn. 232. Iod, Cal.c, Merc.v, Hep., Graph., Nit,ac, Mercc, Baryt 592 GENERALITIES. 233. Cannot lie on the right side. 234. Cannot lie on the left side. 235. Lies on the back with knees bent up. 236. Drawing pains in exostosis at night. 237. Drawing pains in periostium. 238. Ulcers which perforate or become phagadenic 239. Has troublesome itching over the whole body, worse nights, especially while in bed. 240. Body feels very light. 241. Hot jerking stitches in various parts of the body. 242. Joints feel bruised and weary as if they would give way. 243. Constant chilliness over the whole body. 244. Tearing pains in limbs during rest, better from motion. 245. Weakness of the thighs, causing a tottering gait. 246. Joints feel bruised. 247. Extremities cold. 248. Sensitiveness to damp weather. 249. Paralysis of tongue and sphincter ani. 250. Mental and physical exhaustion. 251. Muscles, especially of the thighs and arms, painful on motion as if the flesh was loose. GENERALITIES. 233. Merc,v. 234. Phos. 235. Merc,c. 236. Merc,v. 237. Merc,c, 238. Merc, Ars. 239. Merc.p. 240. Mez, Asar, Stic,p. 241. Mez. 242. Mez. 243. Mez, Puis. 244. 24s 246. Mez, 247. 248. 249. 250. Nat.m. 251. Nat.m. *94 GENERALITIES. 252. Stitches and sticking-pains, as from splinters, especially on touch, in all parts of the body. 2^3. Frequent drawing pains in almost all parts of the body, suddenly appearing and disappearing. 2S4- Great weakness and fatigue, feels as if he must lie down after the least ex- ertion, with sleepiness. 255. Great debility with oversensitive- ness of all the senses. 2^6. Stitches in jerks through the whole body. 257. Fainting fits after walking in the open air. 258. Spasms renewed by the slightest touch. 2^9. Clonic spasms. 260. Paralysis from apoplexy, alcohol, sexual excesses. 261. Inclined to stupor, 262. General insensibility of the nervous system, no reaction. 263. Bed feels so hard she cannot lie on it. 264. Ulceration of the mucous mem- branes, especially of the mouth, with ten- dency to putresence. 265. Discharges and exhalations foetid 266. Limbs go to sleep and become stiff. 267. Cr^^king and arthritic stiffness of the joints. GENERALITIES. 5G5 252. 253. Nit,ac, Nux,v. 254. Nux,m. 255. Nux,v., Cinch. 256. Nux,v., VaJeria. 257. Nux,v 258. Nux,v., Stram. 259. Nux,v, Op. 260. Nux,v, Op. 261. Op, Nux.m, Phos, Caust, Croc 262. Op, Carbo,v. 263. Op., Bap., Arn. 264. Bap. 26s Bap. 266. Pet 267. Pet 596 GENERALITIES. 268. Haemorrhages from various organs and parts of the body. 269. Small wounds bleed much. 270. Painful heaviness of the whole body. 271. Body numb with prickling sen- sation. 272. Disinclination to do anything. 273. Glands swollen, painless. 274. Periosteal inflammation. 275. Muscles feel sore. 276. Painful numbness here and there. 277. Dull pushine pains as from a plug. 278. Hysterical, spasmotic affections of women and children. 279. Anaemia, Paralysis, anaesthesia, hyperassthesia. 280. Arthralgic and neuralgic pain. 281. Entire lack of perspiration. 282. Pain under right shoulder-blade. 283. Debility after acute disease. 284. Heaviness of the whole body. 285. Feeling of discomfort in the morn- ing after rising, disappearing on moving about. 286. Child smells sour even if washed regularly. 287. Symptoms ever changing. 288. Suffers during cold weather and northeasterly winds. 289. Great languor. GENERALITIES. £Q7 268. Phos., Ham., Croc, 269. Phos. 270. Phos. 271. Phos. 272., Nux,v., Cinch. 273., Iod., Phyt. 274., Staph. 275. Phyt, Aeon., Rhus,t, Bry. 276. Plat 277. Plat., Anac 278. Plat, Asaf., Ign. 279. Plum. 280. Plum. 281. Plum. 282. Pod., Chel. 283. Psor., Cinch., Sul. 284. Puis., Rheum., Sabin., Ranun., Zinc. 285. Puis. 286. Rheum. 287. Puis. 288. Rhus,t. 289. Hyd., Gels., Rumex., Ranun., Sabad. Sang., Sticta,p. 563 GENERALITIES 290. Restless in the evening. 291. Hands and feet bloated and blue. 292. Symptoms appear first on the right then on the left side. 293. Want of vital warmth. 294. Whole side of the body on which he lies is painful, as if ulcerating, with chilliness on uncovering, thirst and flushes of heat to the head. 295. Itching and sticking in various parts. 296. Extreme exhaustion and heaviness of the body after slight exertion, with great anxiety, nausea, pale face, and difficult breathing. 297. Excoriation in the bends of the limbs. 298. Faintness in going down stairs. 299. Pains commence lightly, increase gradually to a high degree and decrease again as slowly. 300. Chilliness of the whole body. . 301. Night sweats has a mouldy, putrid smell. 302. Weakness of the whole body, es- pecially of the knees, when walking. 303. Limbs sore as if bruised and as if they had no strength. 304. Sleepy and tired after eating. 305. Muscular pains while sitting. 306. General bruised sensation when walVino:. GENERALITIES. 599 290. Rumey 291. Samb. 292. Sabad. 293. Sil., Led., Sep. 294. Sil. 295. Sil. 296. Spong. 297. Squill., Graph., Mang. 298. Stan. 299. Stan. 300. Stan., Hep. 301. Stan., Nux/v., Staph. 302. Staph. 303. Staph., Am., Cinch. 304. Cal.p., Staph., Verbas. 305. Staph. 306. Staph. GENERALITIES. 307. Suppression of secretions and ex- cretions. 308. Convulsions from the sight ot bright dazzling objects, from water, touch or being spoken to. 309. Choreaic convulsions. 310. Drawing pains in the spine. 311. Standing is the most disagreeable position. 312. Cannot walk erect; stoop-shoul- dered. 313. Unsteady gait; tremor of the hands. 314. Extreme weakness and exhaustion with sensation of tremor all over the body without trembling. 315. Pains appear gradually and cease suddenly. 316. Cold, clamy sweat all over the body. 317. Trembling of the whole body. 318. Extreme weakness, chronic. 319. Rheumatic pains during wet weather 320. Rheumatic pains worse in warmth of the bed. 321. Spasms with convulsions of limbs. 322. Attacks of pain with delirium or driving to madness. 323. Convulsive twitching and contor- tions of the muscles of the neck, fingers and toes. 324. Pain seems to be just under the skin. 325- Jerking through the whole body during sleep. GENERALITIES e01 307. Stram, 308. Stram. 309. Stram., Agar., Cim., Cic, Hyos., Ign., Laur. 310. Stram. 311. Sul. 312. Sul. 313. Sul. 314. 315. 316. Tereb., Tabae, Camph., Ver,a. 317. Ver.a., Coloc 318. Ver,a. 319. Ver,a., Rhus.t 320. Ver.a., Merc 321. Ver.a. 322. Ver,a. 323. Ver,v. 324. Zinc 325. Zinc 602 SKIN. i. Red, shining, hot swelling. 2. Violent pains of the skin. 3. Dark miliary rash. . 4. Rash of measles and scarlet iever. 5. Spots like flea bites. 6. Erysipelitas inflammation. 7. Skin dry and hot 8. Eruption of miliary rash in dark patches, most on forehead and face. 9. Malignant scarletina. 10. Severe itching of the skin. 11. The itching of the skin is worse on becoming heated and in bed. 12. Tettery eruptions. 13. White herpetic spots. 14. Eruptions very itchy. 15. Eruptions like boils. 16. Horny excrescences. 17. Smooth warts. 18. Measle-like eruptions. SKIN. 603 i. Aeon., Apis., Arn., Bell. 2. Aeon., Bell., Bry. 3. Aeon., Apis., Clem. 4. Aeon., Apis., Bell., Puis., Rhus.t. 5. Aeon., Con., Ant.c, Apis., Arn., Led., Ars., Crotal, Dulc, Phos., Sec 6. Aeon., Arn., Bell., Apis., Rhus/., Canth.,, Urt. T Aeon., Bell., Apis., Dulc, Gels., Kali,b., Lye, Stram. 8. Ail. 9. Ail, Apis. 10. Oleand., Phos., Alum., Apis., Ars., Aur,m., Cal,c,, Sul., Psor., Rhus,t,, Caust., Cistus., Con., Cupr., Gamb., Graph., Sep., Kali.b., Lach., Led., Merc, Merc,p., Nat.c 11. Sep., Alum., Bov.,, Dulc, Kali,b., Led., Merc, Puis., SuL, Clem., Mez., Psor., Merc.p. 12. Alum., Bov., Cal.c, Cistus., Merc, Phos,ac, Phyt., Rhus.t., Ranun.. Sars., Sil., Staph. 13. Anac, Thuja. 14. Anac, Ars., Croton.t, Dulc 15. Ant,c, Arn., Brom., Carbol,ae, Crotal. 16. Ant,c, Arg.n. 17. Ant.c. 18. A7tt,c.J, Coff., Puis., Apis., Bap., Bell., Dros., Gels., Kali,b., Rhus,t 604 SKIN. 19. Thick eruptions like pox, often pus- tular, as large as a pea. 20. Pustular eruptions leaves bluish-red marks on the face. 21. Painful pustular eruptions on geni- tals and thighs. 22. Eruptions Jail to appear and convul- sions set in. 23. Varicella. 24. Vesicular eruptions, 25. Boils on the face and on the arms. 26. Ecchymoses- 27. Skin sensitive to touch. 28. Fine papular eruption on the face. 29. Stinging, burning, prickling, smart- ing of the skin. 30. Scarlet rash, or like it 31. Papular eruption, hard. 32. Nettle rash, or like it. 33. Carbuncles with burning, stinging pains. 34. Large white wheals on the skin. 35. Skin pale, waxy, almost transparent 36. Bluish-black eruption. 37. Erysipelatous bed sores. SKIN. 6°5 19. Ant.t 20. Ant,t., Kali.iod. 21. Ant,L, Croton,t, Hep. 22. Ant,t. 23. Ant.t., Stram. 24. Ant.t, Ars., Brom.,, Merc, Rumex., Ranun. 25. Brom. 26. Arn., Crotal., Phos., Sec, Sul., 27. Apis., Bell., Pet 28. Aur,m. 29. Apis., Brom., Cal.p., Dros., Nat,m., Plat., Puis,. Rumex.. Urt 30. Aeon., Apis., Bell, Arum.t, Coff., Mez.,,, Phyt., Stram., Rhus,t. 31. Merc,p. 32. Apis., Ars., Bap., Bov., Bry., Cal.c, Carbo.v., Crotal.h., Dulc, Hep., Kreos., Led., Lye, Nat.m.,, Psor., Puis., Rhus.t., Urt. 33. Apis., Ars.,, Sil. 34. Apis. 35. Apis. 36. Arg,n., Ars., Lach. 37. Arg.n., Arn. ooe SKIN. 38. Skin oedematous. 39. Dry scaly eruptions. 40. Gangrenous appearance of sores. 41. Pimples burn. 42. Eruption delayed or suddenly re- cedes. 43. Variola, pustules sink, grow livid. 44. Cancers with burning pain. 45. Ulcers with high hard edges. 46. Ulcers sensitive to touch. 47. Ulcers bleed easily. 48. Ulcers grow black. 49. Ulcers deep, affecting the bones. 50. Ulcers after abuse of mercury. 51. Fatty tumors about the neck. 52. Swelling and induration of the glands. 53. Skin humid, eczema. 54. Warts. 55. Phlegmonous erysipelas. 56. Burning sensation of the skin. 57. Variola. 58. Urticaria during profuse menstru- ation. SKIN. 6°7 38. Apis., Am. 39. Ars.,, Cal,p., Phos., Phos,ae, Staph. 40. Ars., Carbo,v., Kreos., Lach., Sil., Sec, Bis., 41. Ars., Bov. 42. Ars., Bry., Camph. 43. Ars., Rhus,t. 44. Ars. 45. Asaf., Sul. 46. Asaf., Hep., Mez. 47. Asaf., Hep., Merc, Mez., Sul., Nit,acf Phos. 48. Asaf., Carbo,v., Lach. 49. Aur.m. 50. Aur.m.,, Sars. 51. Baryt,c 52. Baryt.c, Hep., Graph., Iod., Cal,c 53. Baryt,c, Bov., Cal.c, Graph., Hep., Lye, Merc, Cistus., Clem., Dulc, Mez., Pet, Rhus,t 54. Baryt.c, Thuja., Ant,c, Arg.n., Bov., Dulc, Euph. 55. Bell, Apis., Crotal, Rhus.t., Sil. 56. Ars., Bap., Phos. 57. Bap., Hyd., Ars., Merc, Rhus,t, Sec, Sil., Thuja. 58. Bell. 608 SKIN. 59. Red scabby eruption on thighs and bends of knees, appears with hot weather and with full moon. 60. Tetter on back of hand. 61. Skin yellow. 62. Red feverish spot on cheek over malar bone. 63. Erysipelas of the joints, 64. Elevated red stripes on the tibia with severe itching and burning after rub- bing. 65. Scurfy pimples on border of free edge of lower lip. 66. Unhealthy ulcerative skin, even small wounds suppurate. 67. Many small warts appear here and there. 68. Rhagades on hands and fingers from working in lime or water. '69. Burns before blisters form. 70. Skin dry. 71. Sequelae of measles. 72. Vesicular eruption, itching severely better after rubbing, leaving a burning pain' 73- Pimples on the face. 74- Folds of the skin become raw and ulcerated SKIN. °09 59- Bov. 60. Bov. 61. Bry., Cal.c, Cham., Cinch., Crotal.h., Fer,m., Hep., Iod., Merc,, Phos., Plum., Pod., Chel., Nux.v., Con., Dig., Sec.c 62. Bry. 63. Bry. 64. Cal.c 65. Cal.c. 66. Cal.c, Graph., Hep., SuL, Cham., Pet., Plum., Sil., Borax. 67. Cal.c 68. Cal.c 69. Canth. 70. Camph., Graph., Iod., Kali.c, Nat,c,, Plum. 71. Camph. 72., Rhus,t 73., Ant.t, Gels., Led., 74. Carbo.v., Sep., Sul. no SKIN. 75. Itching, moist tetter on the neck. 76. Pimples on tip of nose. 77. Eruption on hands as large as peas. 78. Old Ulcers. 79. Moist eczema, worse from wet ap- plication. 80. Itching, milliary eruption. 81. The miliary rash appears slowly or turns dark. 82. Painful swelling and induration of glands. 83. Tingling here and there as after being frosted. 84. Tetters moist. 85. Eruption recedes with convulsions. 86. Skin withered, flabby. 87. Scratching the itchy skin produces burning. 88. Eruptions sore to the touch. 89. Itching rash in bends of knees and elbows. 90. Eczema spreading by means of new pimples appearing just beyond the old parts. 91. Infantile intertrigo. 92. Pustular eruption, especially on hands and face. 93. Papular eruptions, especially on the forearms. 94. Ulcers, dry, deep, edges overhang. 95. Herpes on the face, itching. SKIN. 3'! 75- Caust., Clem. 76. Caust. 77. Cicuta,v. 78. Cistus., Cupr., Graph., Kreos. 79. Lye, Clem 80. Clem, 81. Lact 82. Clem., Cal,c, Iod. 83. Colch., Agar,m., Crotal.h 84. Con., Dulc, Cupr., Graph., Mez., Phos,ac, Sep. 85. Cupr. 86. Fer.m., Iod., Nat.m. 87. Gamb., Mez., Alum., SuL, Merc, Sep., Staph., Rhus.t. 88. Hep. 89. Hep., Nat,m. 90. Hep. 91. Hyd., Graph., Ign., Lye 92. Iris., Croton,t, Kreos., Graph. 93. Kali,b. 94. Kali.b. 95. Kali.c, Kali.iod. 612 SKIN. 96. Itching intensified toward evening. 97. Sore spots become fungoid, dark red, brownish. 98. Carbuncles with purple surround- ings. 99. Old scars break open and bleed. 100. Dark red blotches here and there. 101. Vascular tumors. 102. Rhagades in bends of joints. 103. Eruption of watery vesicles. 104. Ulcers with lardaceous base, mar- gins everted like raw meat. 105. Ulcers superficial and wide spread. 106. Primary and secondary syphilis. 107. Round coppery-red spots showing through the skin. 108. Zone-like girdle from back around the abdomen, with much itching and ten- dency to suppurate. 109. Pustular eruptions. no. Hunterian chancre. hi. Severe and stubborn eczema of the sweating parts of the body. 112. Condylomata. 113. Rash of secondary syphilis. 114. Ulcers phagedenic. 115. Milk crust in children of syphilitic taint. 116. Thick scabs covering the pus. 117. Skin rough and scaling here and there. SKIN. 61 96. Kreos. 97. Lach. 98. Lach.. Rhus,t. 99. Lach. 100. Lye, Manganum. 101. Lye. 102. Manganum., Sul. 103. Mere 104. Merc, Phyt. 105. Merc 106. Merc, Nit,ac, Merc.b. 107. Merc. 108. Sil., Merc. 109. Merc, Merc.b., Rhus.t., Sep., SiL no. Merc,b. hi. Merc,c 112. Mercc,,, Thuja. 113. Merc.c 114. Merc.c, Sil. 115. Merc,p. 116. Mez. 117. Mez. 614 SKIN. 118. Vesicular erysipelas. 119. Scabby or scurvy eruptions. 120. Ulcers painful, putrid, scurfy. 121. Blood boils. 122. Eruption of pimples forming, scurfs on forehead, outer ear and hands. 123. Herpes with yellow rings or sup- purating. 124. Frost bites. 125. Eruption bleeding, oozing out a fluid, forming scabs. 126. Ulcers with stinging pain and proud flesh. 127. Polypi. 128. Psoriasis on knees and elbows. 129. Ulcers fistulous. 130. Variola in typhoid state, eruptions do not fill with pus, but degenerate into large blisters, which burst and leave the sur- face excoriated. 131. Warts, indented, pedunculated, 132. Ulcers like carbuncles with coppery circumference. 133. Barber's itch. 134. Boils. 135. Ulcers syphilitic. 136. Gangrene. 137. Itch. 138. Tuburculosis. 139. Skin greasy, dirty, with vellow blotches here and there. SKIN. 615. 118. Mez.,.Rhus,t. 119. Mur,ac 1 120. Mur,ac 121. Mur,ac, Nat.m.,, Phos. 122. Mur,ac 123. Nat.c. 124. Nit,ac, Rhus.t., Puis. 125. Oleander. 126. Pet., Carbo.v., Nit,ac, Sil. 127. Phos. 128. Phos. 129. Phos. 130. Phos,ac 131., Staph. 132. Phos,ac. 133. Phyt.; apply the tincture locally. 134. Phyt., Psor., Sep., Sil. 135. Phyt., Merc, Nit,ac 136. Plum., Sul,ac, Sec,c, Ars., Carbo.v. 137. Psor., Sil. 138. Psor. 139. Psor. 616 SKIN. 140. Fine red eruption forming small white scales. 141. Crusty eruptions all over. 142. Pemphigus. 143. The change from a warm room to the cold air brings out a rash. 144. Rhagades, deep, burning. 145. Shriveled skin. 146. Formication over the whole body. 147. Sensation of something creeping under the skin. 148. Varicose ulcers. 149. Brown spots. 150. Acne. 151. Ulcers in scurvy. 152. Burns. 153. Smallpox before vesicles form. 154. Voluptuous itching and tingling with burning or soreness after scratching. 155- Vesicular and herpetic eruptions with much itching and burning. 156. Skin blue, purple, cold, with cold sweat. SKIN. 617 140. Psor. 141. Psor. 142. Rhus.t, Sep., Sil., Thuja. 143. Sarsap. 144. Sars., Graph., SuL 145. Sars. 146., Sec. 147. Sec 14 * Sec 149. Sep., Sul., Thuja. 150. Sil. 151. Staph. 152. Si ram. 153. Stram. 154. SuL 155. SuL, Croton.t., Merc, Rhus,t 156. Ver.a. 18 SLEEP AND DREAMS. i. Sleepless and restless, tossing about. 2. Sleeplessness obstinate. 3. Sleep restless. 4. Sleep unrefreshing. 5. Dozing of the child after vomiting spells. 6. Dozing of the child after stool. 7. On falling asleep rolling of the eyes or slight convulsions. 8. Cannot sleep at night. 9. Sleep restless with anxious" dreams. 10. Frequent violent starting out of sleep with great fear afterwards. 11. Night-mare every night; heart di- sease. 12. Somnolence with the blood ov-vf- carbonized. 13. Sleepy during the day, mostly in the forenoons. 14. Sleepy in the afternoon and evening. 15- Sleepy in the early evening. SLEEP AND DREAMS. 619 i. Abrot., Absinth., Aeon., Bry., Kreos., Led., Rheum., Rhus.t., Squill., Stram. 2. Cim., Coff., Op., Aur., Bap. 3. Cim., Arg.n., Bry., Caust., Cham., Cina., Cyc, Sul, Dulc, Aeon.,, Gels., Hyos., Ign., Kali.iod., Lach., Lactic.- ac,, Plum., Pod., Puis., Sabin., Ranun., Sil, Spig. 4. Cim., Am.c, Ant.c, Arg,n.,Arn., Op., Cinch., Laur., Bell, Brom., Calad., Lach., Cocc, Dig., Ferr.,, Mag.m., Nat,m., Nit,ac, Nux,v., Phos., Plum., Sabad., Sep., Zinc. 5. Aeth., Ant.t. 6. Aeth., Nux.m. 7. Aeth. 8. Ambr., Merc.c, Nat,m., Valer. 9. Ambr., Ars., Bap., Cyc, Graph., Mur,ac, Op., Zinc. 10. Am.c, Aeon., Ars., Bell, Bry., Hyos., Ant,c, Apis., Agar., Stram., Sep., Sil. 11. Am.c 12. Am.c 13. Ant,c,, Pod., Sep. 14. Bov., Puis. 15. Ant,c,, Hep. SLEEP AND DREAMS. Talking during sleep. Great sleepiness. 18. Shocks and jerks in sleep. 19. Yawning. 20. Screams during sleep. 21. Inclined to sleep but cannot from nervous restlessness. 22. Prevented from falling asleep by fancies and images hovering^ before his imagination. 23. Yawning and chilliness. 24. While answering, falls into a deep sleep before finishing. 25. Frequent starting in and from sleep. 26. Sleep restless, uneasy, with moan- ing. 27. Yawning and stretching. 28. Awakened by intense bone pains. 29. Sleeps well till 2 or 3 a, m., then restless until morning. 30. Dreams, anxious, vivid, waking with a start. 620 16. 17- SLEEP AND DREAMS. 621 16. Ant.c, Ambr., Cham., Rheum., Aeon., Rhus.t 17. Ant,L, Apis., Nux,m., Arn., Bell., Calad., Cal.p., Can,ind., Caust, Merc, Mez., Opn, Plum., Thuja., Cim., Coll., Ver.a., Bap. 18. Ant,t, Zinc, Canjnd. 19. Antf^ Apis., A.s., Bell., Bry., Caps., Chel., Euph., Gels., Graph., Hep., Ign., Plat., Puis. 20. Apis., Zinc. 21. Apis., Bell., Coff., Gels. 22. Arg.n. 23. Arg.n. 24. Am., Bap., Hyos. 2S Ars-, Agar., Am.c, Bell, Bry., Hyos., Stram., SuL, Bism., Cham., Cina., Dulc; Euph., Graph., Hep., Merc.c, Nit,ac, Puis. 26. Acs., Lye, Puis., Bell, Aeon., Calad., Carbo,an. 27. Ars., Cal,p., Caust., Merc.c, Nat.m. 28. Aur. 29. Bap 30. Absinth., Abrot., Aeon., Ars., Bell, Hyos., Cim., Am.c, Bry., Ant.c, Can.s., Caust. 622 SLEEP AND DREAMS. 31. Dreams of being in trouble. 32. Dreams vexatious, anxious, and talking in sleep. 33. Dreams vivid, frightful, anxious. 34. Dreams voluptuous, with erections and profuse seminal emissions. 35. Night-mare. 36. Dreams lascivious. 37. Dreams of corpses and funerals. 38. Dreams vivid about events of the previous day. 39. Dreams confused, senseless, after midnight. 40. Dreams confused, frightful. 41. Anxious dreams of fire. 42. Dreams the same thing over all night. 43. Dreams of robbers, vivid, frightful. 44. Dreams anxious when lying on the left side. 45. Awakens often at night; feels too hot; soles of the feet burn. 46. Sleepy but cannot sleep. 47. Cannot get his accustomed morning nap. SLEEP AND DREAMS. 623 31. Cim., Alum., Arg.n., Gels., Hyos., Led. 32. Ambr. 33. Arn., Aur., Puis., SuL, Bell, Bry., Bap., Calad., Cal.c, Can.ind., Can.s, Cinch., Graph., Kali.c, Mangan., Nat.m., Nux,v, Phos., Psor., Rhus,t, Rheum. 34. Can.ind., Oleand., Phos,ac, Sil., Staph. 35. Am,c, Can.ind. 36. Can.s., Can.ind., Bism., Hyos., Lach., Phos., Phos,ac, Sil., Viola.t 37. Chel. 38. Cicuta.v. 39. Cinch. 40. Croc, Ruta., Sil, Spig, Tarax. 41. Hep. 42. Ign. • 43. Psor, Arn, Bell., Puis., Sulph., Aur. 44. Thuja. 45. Baryt.c. 46. Bell, Cham, Lach, Op., Gels, Nat.m, Samb. 47. Bism. SLEEP AND DREAMS. 48. Sleep restless, through lascivious dreams, with or without seminal emissions. 49. Sleep more than usual; wakes fre- quently. 50. Wakes uncommonly early, 3 a.m.; cannot fall asleep again for two hours on account of heat in the whole body, es- pecially in the head, with sweat on thighs. 51. Child cries out during sleep as if frightened by a dream. 52. Yawning and drowsiness with the respiratory troubles. ^53. Sleepy during the day. 54- Starts in fright before falling asleep. 55. Sleeplessness. 56. Sleepy and tired during the day. 57. Sleepy mornings, hard to arouse. 58. Late falling asleep in the evenings. 59- Yawning and irresistible drowsiness all day. 60. Sleep restless, full of dreams. 61. Sleepy during the day, sleepless at night. SLEEP AND DREAMS. <8. Bism. 49. Borax. 50. Borax. 51. Borax., Hyos, Stram. 52. Brom, Ant.t. 53. Bry., Ant,t, Apis, Merc, NiaX,v, Nux,m., Phos., Sep, Cinch, Colch, Graph, Mag.m, Nat,m, Ruta, Sabad. 54. Bry, Agar, Ars., Bell., Hyos., Stram, 55. Calad, Gels, Graph, Kali.iod, Lach- nan., Merc, Cim, Cinch, Coff, Op, Phos. 56. Cal,c, Graph. 57. Cal.c,, Lye,, Nux.v, Sep, Apis, Euph. 58. Cal,c, Graph, Mag.m, Nat.c,, Phos, Puis., Ranun, 59. Cal.p, Nux,m., Chel, Kali,c, Kreos, Lye, Nat.c, Nux.v, Nat.m, Spong,Tarax. 60. Caps,, Carbo.v, Ferr, Kali.c, Lach, Lachnan, Lye, Ars, Sabad, Spig., Spong, Nat.c 61. Carbo.v, Nat,m, Plum, Psor, Staph. SuL 629 SLEEP AND DREAMS. 62. Waking frequently with sweat all over; feels refreshed. 63. Sleep restless, tossing about, with cries and lamentations. 64. Sleepless from crowding of ideas. 65. Sleepless with pressive pain in the head, anxiety on waking. 66. Sleepy after eating. 67. Sleepless from night watching, from business thoughts. 68. Sleepless from anxiety and restless- ness. 69. Sleeplessness from excessive mental and physical excitement. 70. Waking frequently. 71. Sleepless after midnight. 72. Excessive and drowsy fatigue with restless sleep at night. 73. Weary in the morning. 74. Sleeplessness without inclination to sleep. 75. Short sleep suffices and refreshes him. 76. Sleepy in the afternoon. 77. Sleep deep, with convulsions. 78. Wakeful and lively in the evening. 79- Crying or laughing in sleep. 80. Sleep soporous in typhoid and ex- anthematous fevers. 81. Restless on closing the eyes. SLEEP AND DREAMS. 627 62. Cicut.v. 63. Cina, Aeon, Nat.m,, Stram. 64. Cinch,, Hep, Nux,v. 65. Cinch. 66. Cinch, Kali.c, Nux.v, Sil, Nux.m. 67. Cocc. 68. Cocc, Plat. 69. Coff., Cim, Plyos., Op. 70. Dig,, Puis, Ruta, Ranun. Spig, SuL, Viola,t. 71. Euph, Kali,c, Mag.c, 72. Ferr. 73. Ferr, Guaiae 74. 75. 76. Guaiae, Bov. 77. Hyos. 78. Lach., Valeri. 79. Lye 80. Lye, Phos, Op. 81. Mag.m. SLEEP AND DREAMS. 82. Sleepless from grief. 83. Wakes too early in the morning. 84. Sleepiness with all complaints, par- ticularly with pains. 85. Sleepy in the early evening, sleep- less at night. 86. Awakens at 3 a. m, falls into a dreamy sleep at day break, from which he is hard to arouse, and then feels tired. 87. Sleeps mostly on the back 88. Sleeps with loud snoring. 89. Sleepless with acuteness of hearing which keeps her awake. 90. Awakes at night with difficulty of collecting his senses. 91. Drowsy eyes, half closed, moaning and whining, especially in children. SLEEP AND DREAMS. 629 82. Nat.m. 83., Nux,v., 84. Nux,in. 85. Nux.v. C5. Nux,v. 87. Nux.v. 88. Nux.v., Laur, Op., Arn, Sul, Rheum, Stram. 89. Op. 90. Plat. 91. Plum. 630 CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. i. Skin cold. 2. Fever with night sweats. 3. Perspiration profuse. 4. Fever high; rheumatism. 5. Fever, hectic, with chilliness, after influenza, marasmus. 6. Fever in autumn with swollen liver and spleen. 7. Fever with thirst, hard, full and fre- quent pulse, anxious, impatient, inappeas- able, tossing about in agony. 8. Fever, intermiteni; chill about 3 p. m, worse in the warmth, from the slightest motion, with heat of the face and hands. 9. Fever, typhoid form, especially enteric 10. Fever, hectic; emaciation. 11. Fevers, intermitent 12. Fevers, typhoid. 13. Fevers, traumatic. 14. Fever, typhoid and cerebral forms. 15. Fever, typhus, in the beginning, when the so-called nervous symptoms pre- dominate; Bap. causes the sweat to break out and relieve. 16. Fever, typhus; critical sweat on fore- head and face. 17. Fever, intermittent quotidian, which occurs at the same hour daily. 18. Fever, intermittent, with congestion to the head, flushes in the face, suppressed urine, pain in the bladder, lancinating in the heart. CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT* °31 i., Camph, Cupr, Dig., Hel,n, Sec, Stram. 2., Sulph. 3., Cinch, Ant,t 4. Abrot. 5. Abrot. 6. Absinth 7. Aeon. 8. Apis 9. Apis. 10. Arn, Carbo.v. ir. Am., Bry, Glon, Ipee 12. Am., Bap, Gels, Lye 13. Arn. 14. Bap. 15. Bap. 16. Bap 17. Cac, Cina. 18. Cac. 632 CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 19. Feverish, skin hot and dry. 20. Fever, heat with violent burning. 21. Fever generally without thirst. 22. Fever daily at the same hour. 23. Fever commences in the morning with pain, trembling, weakness and sore- ness. 24. Fever heat, with drowsiness, languid, wants to lie still. 25. Fever, typhoid, when so-called ner- vous symptoms predominate. 26. Fever accompanying catarrhal con- ditions. 27. Chilliness on slight movement or from being uncovered. 28. Chilliness ascends from the feet to the chest. 29. Chill with internal heat, anxiety, red cheeks. 30. Chilliness in the evening. 31. Chilliness and trembling over the whole body. 32. Chill with thirst 33. Chilly in the morning, 34. Chilly with heat and redness of one cheek. 35. Shivering over the whole body and head, with heat in the head, a redness and heat in the face. CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 633 19. Calad, Coloc, Dulc, Aeon., Ars., Bry., Bell, Merc,c, Spong. 20. Caps., Aeon, Ars. 21. Carbo.v, Puis., Sabad., Apis. 22. Cina, Caa 23. Eup.per. 24. Gels. 25. Gels. 26. Hep. 27. Aeon, Arn, Coff, Eup.pur, Nux.v. 28. Aeon. 29. Aeon, Ign, Ipee. Mez, Verat,a. 30. Am.c, Am.m, Arn, Carbo.v, Merc, Phos., Ign, Puis.,, Gels, Hep, Lye, Sep, Sul. 31. Ant.t, Chel. 32. Apis, Bry, Carbo.v, Dulc, Ign. 33. Arn, Graph, Merc, Spig. 34. Arn. 35. Am., Ars. CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 36. Shivering over the whole body and head, with heat in the head ai*i redness of the face and heat; cool hands; hips, back and arms feel bruised. 37. Chilly after every sleep. 38. Chill felt worse in the pit of the stomach. 39. Shuddering, without thirst, worse in the open air. 40. Chilliness, worse in doors. 41. Sweat suppressed with bad effect. 42. Sweat profuse, hot. during sleep. 43. Sweat, cold, clammy, over the whole body. 44. Sw^at without thirst. 45. Sweat sour or offensive. 46. Sweat with unquenchable thirst. 47. Sweat on the covered parts. 48. Sweats easily. 49. Sweat oily. 50. Sweat profuse from the slightest ex- ertion. 51. Sweat profuse in the morning. 52. Sweats, night, or "night sweat". CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 633 36. Arn. 37- Arn. 38. Arn. 39. Ars. 40. 41. Aeon. 42. Aeon, Cinc/i., Phos. 43. Ant.t, Ars., Cham, Dig, Merc, Sec, Verat,a., Hel.n, Hep, Camph., Merc,c, Phos.. Tabae, Tereb. 44. Apis. 45. Arn, Ars, Me7'c, Bry, Carbo,v, Colch, Dulc, Carbo,an., Sil,, Graph, Hep, Mag.c, Nat.m, Nux,v. 46. Ars. 47. Bell, Cham. 48. Bry, Graph, Hep, Sep. 49. Bry, Merc, Lye, Mag.c 50. Cal,c. Ambr, Mere, Phos., Sep, Sil, Cocc, Hep., Led, Lye, Nat.c, Nat.m, Psor, Rhus.t, Sul, Valer. 51. Cal.c, Rhus.t, Am.c, Chel, Cocc, Lachnan, Nat.c, Nit,ac, Nux,v, Puis, Sep, Sul. 52. Cal.c, Cinch., Merc, PLios.,, Sil, SuL,, Coloc, Eup.pur, Graph, Hep., Lach, Led, Mag.c, Nat.m, Nit,ac, Samb, Sep, Stan, Valer, Zinc. CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 53. Sweat profuse, night, on single parts. 54. Sweat profuse, sticky, standing out in drops on forehead. 55. Sweat exhausting, profuse. 56. Sweat on scalp and forehead. 57. Sweat cold on forehead, nose and hands. 58. Sweat profuse and debilitating, es- pecially at night. 59. Heat, dry in bed. 60. Heat of head only, or of face only; body cold. 61. Heat, internal, with cold hands and feet. 62. Heat, internal, burning, dry. 63. Heat dry evening and at night with thirst and frequent drinking of but a small quantity at a time. 64. Heat on the face after dinner, with anxiety and sleepiness, without thirst. 65. Heat and dryness of the whole sur- face with occasional chills mostly up and down the back. 66. Heat at night, burning in the legs preventing sleep. 67. Heat, face red, pulse accelerated, delirium. 68. Heat, intense within and without sweat only on head. ' 69- Heat, followed by sweat, mostly on CHILL FEVER AND SWEAT. 637 53. Cal.p. 54. Can,ind. 55. Carbo.v, Cinch.,, Aloe, Psor, Phos., Sil, Samb,, Ver.v. 56. Cham. 57. Cina, Verat., Tabae, Camph, Ars, Ver.v. 58. Cinch., Phos.,, Sil, 59. Arn. 60. Arn. 61. Arn, Ars. 62. Ars., Aeon., Bry, Puis. 63. Ars. 64. Asaf. 65. Bap. 66. Bap, Led, Sul. 67. Bell. 68. Bell. 69. Bell. 638 CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 70. Heat of the face, head and hands, with cold legs and feet. 71. Heat, flushes, frequently, especially at night. 72. Heat, internal, at night, especially in hands and feet. 73. Heat in the head and face. 74. Heat in the evening after lying down. 75. Heat, burning of the face, glowing redness of the cheeks, thirst for cold drinks. 76. Heat with dryness of the mouth and lips, which are burning, red face, headache. 77. Heat, general, with distended veins. 78. Heat, burning and redness of the cheeks. 79. Heat, dry, at night with great thirst. 80. Heat of the feet. 81. Heat of one hand, coldness of the other. 82. Heat and burning in the back. 83. Heat general with nausea. 84. Heat in general; flushes of heat; waves of heat upwards. 85. Heat flushes with sweat. 86. Heat of the whole body in the after- noon without thirst. 87. Heat and redness, external, without internal heat. 88. Coldness of the body, dry skin, alternate with cold sweat. CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 6" 70. Calad. 7i. Cal.c, Lach. 72. Cal.c 73- Cham, Aeon, Bell, Cina. 74- Chel. 75. Cina., Bell. 76. Cinch, Bell. 77. Cinch, Puis. 78. Aeon, Bell, Cocc 79. Colch, Aeon, Ars, Bry, Sul. 80. Sec, Ars, Lach, Led, Sul, Nat.c 81. Dig. 82. Dulc. 83. 84. Glon. 85. Hep. 86. Ign., Puis 87. Ign. 88. Ars. 640 CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 89. Chill and heat intermineled. 90. Chill, internal, with external heat. 91. Chill in the forenoon not relieved by anything. 92. Chill with blue nails and lips. 93. Chills run over the body, from time to time. 94. Chilly going into the open air. 95. Chills over the back and lower limbs. 96. Chills of phthisis, high fever, drow- siness, chills at 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. 97. Chill in the evening, mostly on arms, with heat of head. 98. Chill and heat alternating. 99. Chill commences on the lip and on tips of fingers and toes. 100. Chilly even in a warm room. 101. Chilliness internally. 102. Chilliness general. 103. Coldness of the face, nose and hands after dinner. 104. Chill begins in the back with thirst, worse after drinking. 105. Chill begins in the back. 106. Chilliness and shivering after every Jrink. CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 64t 89. Ars, Gels, Olean, Ver,a., Bry, Puis. 90. Ars, Am., Bell, Coff, Dig, Hel.n., Ign. 91. Ars. 92. Ars., Eup,pur., Nux,v. 93. Asaf,, Puis. 94. Bap., Caps, Cham, Hep, Merc, Sep. 95- Bap. 96. Bap. 97- Bell, Gels. 98. Bell., Cal.c, Cocc, Merc, Cham., Dig., Ign, Lachnan, Phos,ac, Sabad., Sang., Sec. 99. Bry. 100. Calad, Colch, Nux,v, Puis., Sep, Sil. 101. Cal,c, Nat.m., SuL, Puis. 102. Can.ind, Colch, Coloc, Hel.n., Camph, Mez, 103. Can.ind. 104. Caps. 105. Caps, Eup,pur., Lach., Eupper. 106. Caps., Tarax, Cinch. 642 CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 107. Chill followed by sweat, or by heat, with sweat and thirst. 108. Shivering in the evening with weari- ness. 109. Chill generally with thirst, cold hands and feet, mostly evenings. no. Coldness over the whole body with burning heat of the face and eyes and hot breath. in. Chill of the posterior part, with heat of the anterior part of the body, and vice versa. 112. Shivers, slight, alternating with heat, creep over the back and abdomen. 113" Chill with shivering and shaking, even near the warm stove, with hot cheeks, no thirst. 114. Chill, internal, violent, with icy-cold hands and feet and congestion of blood to the head. 115. Chills fugitive in the back, tendency to sweat on covering up. 116. Sensation as if there were a second self outside of him in typhoid. 117. Cold limbs, feet very cold, hot head. 118. Coldness of the back and icy cold hands. 119. Shiverings frequently, with creeping 120. Loss of animal heat. 121. Sweat, copious, sour, suddenly com- ing and going in rheumatism. CHILL, FEVER 107. Caps. 108. Carbo.v. 109. Carbo.v. no. Cham. 1:1. Cham. 112. Cham. 113. Cina, Cinch. 114. Cinch. 115. Cinch. 116. Bap. 117. Bell, Gels 118. Cac. 119. Cal.p. 120. Can,ind, Sil, 121. Colch. AND SWEAT. 643 Sep, Led., Olean. D^ CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 122. Sweat wanting, intermittents. 123. Cold feet. 124. Cold extremities. 125. Chill with heat and redness of the face. 126. Chilliness with pains. 127. Chilliness throughout the night and morning; trembling and nausea from least motion; intense aching and soreness in back and limbs; more shivering than the degree of coldness warrants. 128. Chill followed by vomiting of bile. 129. Chill every other day. 130. Chill different times of day. 131. Chilly when changing position dur- ing sweat. 132. Chilliness, languid aching in back and limbs every afternoon, 4 to 5 o'clock. 133. Chill begins in the hands; chills running up the back; hands and feet cold. 134. Chill, shaking with pains. 135. Chills, febrile, at night, aggravating the pains. 136. Chill about 6 or 7 p. m. 137. Chill, shaking, with redness of the face. 138. Chill in the back relieved by warmth. 139. Chill with thirst; desires external warmth; during the heat no thirst CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. e*5 122. Colch 123. Croton.t, Hel.n, Lach. 124. Dig., Gels, Nat,c, Nat.m, Rhus,t, Squill, Tabae 125. Dig. 126. Dulc, Eupt.pur, Puis. 127. Eupt.per 128 Eupt.per. 129. Eup.pur, Ipee, Lach. 130. Eup.pur. 131. Eup.pur. 132. Gels. 133. Gels, Lach. 134. Hel.n. 135. Hep. 136. Hep. 137. Ign. 138. Ign, Ars, Kali,c. 139. Ign. 646 CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 140. Chill short, fever long. 141. Chill every other day at 11 a. m. 142. Chill, fever and sweat with frontai headache. 143. Cold feeling with moist sticky skin. 144. Chill creeping over the back in the evening. 145. Chill in the back. 146. Pulse small, hard, rapid and ir- regular. 147. No thirst during chill or heat; after heat, violent thirst. 148. Thirst increased during sweat. 149. Thirst before and during the chill and heat. 150. Thirst during chill and heat. 151. Exhalations, offensive, constantly from the body. 152. Aversion to uncovering, while in bed. 153. Apyrexia; stitches about the liver j languor, emaciation, sallow complexion, loss of appetite, fever blisters on lips. 154. Sweat on the side on which he lies. 155. Sweat suppressed. 156. Sweat profuse, mostly on face and chest. 157. Sweat of feet offensive. 158. Sweat cold, clammy, towards morn- ng, temperature unchanged. CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 140. Ipee, Lye, Valer. 141. Ipee 142. Ipee, Nat,m. 143. Lachnan. 144. Lye 145. Mag.c, Sul. 146. Cinch. 147. Cinch. 148. Cinch. 149. Eupt,per. 150. Eup.pur. 151. Hep. 152. Mag.c. 153. Nat.m. 154. Cinch. 155. Colch, Dulc 156. Glon. 157. Graph, Sil, Baryt, Nit,ac, Lye, Pet, Plum. 158. Hel,n. 648 CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 159. Sweat very little or only on the face. 160. Sweats freely, especially after mid- night. 161. Sweat copious, acid. 162. Sweaty feet. 163. Sweat warm on hands and feet. 164. Sweat waking from sleep with itch- ing over the whole body. 165. Sweat with thirst from 12 p. m. until morning. 166. Sweat stains the linen yellow. 167. Sweat with all complaints but gives no relief. 168. Sweat cold with great pain. 169. Sweat profuse, offensive, at night— every other night. 170. Sweat cold, clammy, on the face 171. Sweat, cold, over the whole body, especially on the head and forehead. 172. Sweat profuse at night and in the morning. 173. Sweat on palms of hands. 174. Sweat one sided. 175. Sweat from warm drinks. 176. Sweat on the forehead during the evening heat. 177. Sweat cold at night on the breast, back and thighs. 178. Sweat, clammy, on the hands. 179. Sweat, cold, over the whole body. CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 649 159. Ign. 160. Lachnan. 161. 162. Lactic,ac. 163. Led. 164. Led. 165. Mag.m. 166. Merc, Thuja. 167. Merc. 168. Nat.c 169. 170. Nux,y, Camph, Ver,a. 171. Op, Camph., Verat,a. 172., Cal,c, Cinch., Merc, Sil, 173. Psor. 174. Puis. 175. Rhus.t. 176. Sars. 177. Sep. 178. Spig. 179. Spig, Stram, Ant.t, Ars, Cup, Dig, Verat.a. 650 CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 180. Fever, gastric, billious or typhoid forms, with gastric disturbances; jaundice and great debility following. 181. Fever, intermittent, when gastric symptoms predominate 182. Fever, intermittent, after abuse of quinine. 183. Fever, intermittent, recurring every spring or after suppression in previous fall by quinine. 184. Typhus with stupefaction, murmur- ing, delirium, subsultus-tendinum, meteor- ism, constipation. 185. Fever, hectic, especially of children. 186. Heat intense, after chill, with sleep. 187. Heat and burning thirst. 188. Heat of the head, cheeks red and burning. 189. Fever in the evening, with shiver- ing over the body, stretching, headache, and pains in the limbs. 190. Fever, remittent, sometimes with brain symptoms. 191. Feverish, feels sick, anxious, starts easily, trembles, breath short and hot. 192. Fever evenings, burning face, cold extremities. 193. Fever 2 to 3 p. m. daily, with cir- cumscribed red cheeks. 194. Fever, typhus, with characteristic headache. CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 651 180. Hyd, Cinch. 181. Ipee 182. Ipee, Lach.. Nat.m. 183. Lach. *84- Lye 185. Merc. 186. Mez. 187. Nat.c, Aeon., Ars., Bell, Bry. 188. Op, Phos.. Stram. 189. Rhus,t. 190. Rhus.t. 191. Sabad. 192. Sabad. 193- Sang. 194. Sang. 652 CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 195. Fever with violent heat in the head. 196. Fever worse at night. 197. Heat, anxiety, red face, weeping, inconsolable. 198. Heat, burning, dry, with shivering and pain, when the least uncovered. 199. Fever violent, skin dry and burning hot, especially the head and face 200. Fever with full, hard, frequent pulse 201. Febrile shivering down the neck. 202. Plot knees with cold nose. 203. Heat, burning, one side of the face. 204. Heat flushes. 205. Heat followed by chill. 206. Burning in palms of the hands and soles of feet. 207. Heat with red face; after heat cir- cumscribed redness of both cheeks, worse on right side. 20S. Burning in the limbs, hands and feet. 209. Heat, internal, at night, with night sweat. 210. Heat attacks, at night. 211. Heat with violent headache and thirst, chilliness over the back, and sweat in axillae and soles of feet. 212. Heat flushes, with perspiration on the hands. 213. Heat, especially at night, with ex- cessive thirst. CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 653 195. Bell, Sil, Stram. 196. Sil. 197. Spong., Aeon. 198. Squill. 199. Aeon., Bell, Strain. 200. Ver.v, Aeon., Bell. 201. Zinc. 202. Ign. 203. Ign. 204. Ign, Lach,, Lye, Nit,ac, Puis, Sang, Cal.c, Sep, Sil, SuL 205. Iris. 206. Lach, SuL, Lachnan. 207. Lachnan, Sang. 208. Led, Sul. 209. Mag,c 210. Merc, Cinch, Phos. 211. Nat,m. 212. 213. 654 CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 214. Heat precedes the chill and is re- newed after the chill. 215. Heat, dry, which does not tolerate covering. 216. Heat, burning, of body, even when bathed in sweat; wants to be uncovered, bed feels too hot. 217. Heat internal. 218. Heat general in the evening. 219. Heat, evenings; delirium, great thirst followed by profuse sweat. 220. Heat intolerable, dry, burning, even- ing or night, without thirst. 221. Heat with dread of uncovering. 222. Heat with desire to uncover. 223. Heat, burning sensation in face, with moderate warmth of the body and icy cold feet, without thirst. 224. Heat, flying from head to stomach. 225. Heat, anxious, afternoons and even- ings. 226. Heat ascends to the head and face. 227. Hot red face, with cold feet. 228, Heat worse evenings, and when eating. 229. Chilliness every evening, disappears after going to bed. 230. Chill from 4 to 8 p. m. even near the hot stove. 231. Chilliness from the slightest ex- ercise. CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 214. Nux,vs 215. Nux.v. 216. Op. 217. 218., Psor, Sarsap. 219. Psor. 220. Puis., Ign.. Phos. 221. Samb. 222. Led. 223. Samb, Sabad. 224. Sang. 225. Sep, Sul. 226. Sep. 227. Stram. 228. Valer, 229. Mag.m. 230. Mag.m, Lye 231. Merc.c, Cal,c, Hep., Lye, Phos., Sil, Sep, Spig. 656 CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 232. Cold with no desire for warmth. 233. Cold hands and feet, head hot, or hands and feet hot and cold cheeks. 234. Chill predominates. 235. Chilliness over the whole body with heat in the forehead, pressure in root of nose, and violent thirst. 236. Chill, 10 to 11 a. m, beginning in the feet or small of back; blue nails, thirst, bursting headache, nausea and vomiting. 237. Chill afternoon and evening on lying down. 238. Chilly with internal heat. 239. Chilliness and shivering over the whole body with blueness of the skin, es- pecially the hands and nails. 240. Cool body, head hot. 241. Chill at night alternating with heat. 242. Coldness of the limbs; of the knees, at night in bed. 243. Constant chilliness, worse evenings. 244. Chill in the back and heat in the anterior part of the body. 245. Chill, afternoon or evening, return- ing at the same hour, often without subse- quent heat. 246. Chill runs from below upwards. 247. Chill with hot head, don't want to be covered. 248. Chill and fever; no reaction; con- stantly sinking. CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 657P 232. Mez. 233. Nat,c 234. Nat.m, Bry.,, Sabad. 235. Nat.m. 236. Nat.m. 237., Nux.v. 238. 239. Nux.v. 240. Op. 241. Phos. 242. Phos. 243. Puis., Phos., Rhus.t. 244. Rhus,t. 245. Sabad. 246. Sabad, Sars. 247. Stram. 248. Sul. 653 CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 249. Cold extremities with warm body. 250. Chilliness after eating or drinking. 251. Chilliness with nausea. CHILL, FEVER AND SWEAT. 659 249. Tabae, Squill. 250. Tarax, Caps. 251. Ver,v. 660 AGGRAVATIONS. i. In the evening and night. 2. When lying on the left side 3. When lying on the back. 4. After going to bed. 5. When rising from bed. 6. In the morning after rising from bed. 7. In a warm room. 8. Indoors. 9. From tobacco smoke. 10. In the morning. 11. At night. 12. On beginning to exercise. 13. During menses. 14. From walking. AGGRAVATIONS. i. Aeon., Am.c, Anac, Ant.c, Gamb, Merc, Merc.c, Merc.p,, Psor. 2. Aeon, Puis. 3. Aeon, Arg.m, Phos. 4. Aeon, Ant.t, Arum.t, Cham, Con, Dios, Ipee, Lye, Euph, Agar. 5. Aeon, Colch, Fluor,ac, Iod, Rhus,t, Ver,a, Ver.v. 6. Guaiae 7. Aeon, Ambr, Cepa, Hyos, Puis. 8. Calad, Euph, Plat, Spong. 9. Aeon. 10. Staph, Thuja, Valer, Cim, Aesc, Aeth, Agar, Ail,, Alo, Alum, Am.c, Anac, Ant.c, Apis, Arg.n, Arn, Arum,t, Aur, Baryt.c, Cal.c, Cal.p.. Caps, Carbo,an, Carbo.v, Caust, Cham., Chel, Cinch, Cistus, Sil, Ambr, Can.ind, Croc, Euph, Fer,, Graph, Hep, Ipee, Kali,b, Kali.iod, Kreos, Lach,, Nux,v., Rhod, Ran, Sang, Sep. 11. Cim, Aeth, Agar, Ambr, Ant.t, Apis, Arg.n, Ars., Camph, Can.ind, Carbo.v, Cham, Cina, Cistus, Colch, Con, Dios, Dulc, Fer, Graph, Hep, Iod, Iris, Kreos, Led, Lil, Mag.c, Mang., Mez,, Phyt, Plumb, Puis, Sil, Spong, Staph. 12. Caps, Lye, Rhus.t. 13. Cim, Sec, Zinc, Hyos. 14. Aesc, Iod, Cinch, Gels, Nit,ac 62 AGGRAVATIONS. 15- From motion. 16. Breathing deeply. 17- After eating. 18. From swallowing. 19. On rising from a seat. 20. From nursing. 21. After sexual excesses. 22. In the cold air. 23. From mental application. 24. From the sun's rays. 25. Before a thunder storm 26. From heat. 27. From hot damp weather. 28. In the afternoon. 29. In the evening. 30. While standing. AGGRAVATIONS. 15. Cim, Aesc, Alo, Alum, Ant,c, Ant,t, Apis, Arg.n, Cal.c, Cinch, Cham, Bry., Colch, Coloc, Fer, Glon, Guaiae, Iris, Led, Merc.c, Merc.p, Mez, Nat.c, Nux,v., Ran, Sang, Sil, Spig, Stan., Ver,v, Bell, Camph. 16. Aesc, Aeth, Spie. 17. Aesc, Aeth, Agar, Alo, Am,c, Ant.t, Arg.n, Caps, Cinch, Coloc, Hyos., Kali,b, Lach, Lye, Nat.c, Nux.m.. Puis, Sep, Ars, Cal,c, Fer, Nux,v.,', Can.ind, Cocc, Con, Ign, Ant,c 18. Aesc, Hep, Stram. 19. Aeth, Anac,, Rhus.t. 20. Aeth. 21. Agar, Sep, Staph. 22. Agar, Ars, Aur, Cal.c, Camph., Cham, Dulc, Hep, Kali.iod, Rumex, Sec 23. Agar, Colch, Nux,v. 24. Agar, Ant,c, Bell, Lach, Nat,m. 25. Agar, Pet, Rhod. 26. Aloe, Fer, Led, Nat,m, Op, Zinc 27. Aloe, Carb.v. 28. Aloe, Apis, Bell, Chel, Iod., Senecio, Thuja. 29. Alo, Alum, Brom, Cal.c, Cal.p., Caps, Carbo,an, Carbo,v, Caust., Cepa., Cistus, Coloc, Euph, Guaiae, Hyos, Ipee, Iris, Lach, Mez, Plat, Puis., Rumex., Ran, Sep, Sul, Ver.v. 30. Aloe,, Sul. 664 AGGRAVATIONS. 31. In the open ait 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 46 47 During the day. In winter. At new moon. At full moon. On alternate days. From eating cold food. From eating potatoes. From eating soup. From warm drinks. From reading or talking loud. From lying down. From music. From ascending, From stooping. From stormy weather. While at rest 48. After midnight 49. From wine. 50. After bathing. 51. From touch. 52. After drinking. AGGRAVATIONS. 31. Alo, Am.c,, Caul, Caust, Kreos, Lach, Merc.c, Nux,v., Pet, Psor, Sul, 32. Alum. 33- Alum. 34. Alum, Sil. 35. Alum, Cal.c 36. Alum, Cinch. 37. Alum. 38. Alum. 39. Alum. 40. Ambr. 41. Ambr. 42. Ambr, Arn, Cham, Plumb, Puis, Rumex. 43. Ambr. 44. Am.c, Cal.c, Spong. 45. Am.c, Dios. 46. Am.c 47. Am.c, Dulc, Rhod., Rhus.t, Arn, Aur, Coloc, Con, Dulc, Fer,, Iris, Kali,c, Kali.iod, Kreos, Mag,c, Merc.p, Phos,ac, Plat, Ruta, Samb, SuL, Thuja, Zinc. 48. Ars., Bell, Cal.c, Gels, Rhus,t, Sul. 49. Ant,c, Glon, Arn, Gels, Op, Zinc. 50. Ant,c, Nux,m, Sul. 51. Ant.c, Arg.m, Cinch, Cupr, Hep, Ign, Mez, Nit,ac, Nux,v., Spig, Staph, Stram, Sul. 52. Ant.t, Ars, Caps., Cinch, Coloc, Fer, Hyos, Nux,m, Plumb, Ver,a. 660 AGGRAVATIONS. 53. From damp cold weather. 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 From warmth. At noon. From cold food. From cold drink. From cold bath. From lying with head low. From northwest wind. While sitting. 62. When thinking of symptoms. 63. From drafts of air. 64. From sudden changes from warm to cold weather. 65. From hot weather. 66. While drinking. 67. Left side most affected. 68. From cold. 69. During and after coition 70. From milk. 71. From artificial light. 72, From getting wet in the rain. 73. In the dark. 74. From coffee. 75. From liquor. AGGRAVATIONS. 53. Ant.t, Nux.m, Rhod, Dulc, Ruta, 54- Apis, Ant.t, Arg.n, Iod, Sec. 55- Arg,m., Carbo,v. 56. Arg,n, Ars, Kreos. 57- Ars. 58. Ars, Kreos. 59- Ars, Spong. 60. Arum.t. 61. Asaf, Baryt,c. Con, Fer,, Gamb, Guaiae, Lye, Mag.c, Mag.m, Nat,c, Ruta, Sep, Tarax, Zinc. 62. Baryt.c. 63. Bell, Cinch. 64. Bell, Dulc. 65. Bell. 66. Bell, Cocc. 67. Brom. 68. Cal.c, Cal.p, Camph, Caps, Carbo,- an, Cham, Kali,b, Kali,c 69. Cal.c 70. Cal,c, Cinch. 71. Cal,p. 72. Cal,p, Nux,m, Rhus.t. 73. Camph, Stram. 74. Can.ind, Ign. 75. Thuja, Can,ind, Ign, Lach, Nux.m, Op, Ran, Led. 668 AGGRAVATIONS. 76. From tobacco. 77. In changes of weather. 78. From overlifting. 79. During sweat. 80. During sleep. 81. From external pressure. 82. On looking intently on an object 83. From fruit. 84. From mental excitement. 85. From sleeping. 86. From talking. 87. From riding in a carriage. 88, From anger. 89. From vomiting. 90. In the evening after lying down. 91. From wet weather. 92. From noise. 93. From warmth of the bed. 94. From shaking or jarring the parts. 95. On becoming cold. 96. During and after menses. 97. From suppressed menses. 98. On beginning to walk. 99. On waking in the morning. 100. In the morning about 2 or 3 o'clock. 101. From cold weather. 102. From acids. 103. From extremes of temperature. 104. From heat, especially heat of bed. AGGRAVATIONS. 76. Can.ind, Cham., Gels, Ign., , Thuja. 77- Carbo.v, Gels,, Mang, Ranun, 78. Carbo.v. 79- Cham, Op, Sec. 80. Cham, Hep, Op. 81. Cina, Iod. 82. Cina. 83. Cistus, Puis, Ars, Cal.p. 84. Cistus, Coloc 85. Cocc, Cham, Lach, Ver,v. ,, Op. 86. Cocc, Fer, Nat.c, Stan. 87. Cocc, Nux,m, Pet, Psor. 88, Coloc 89. Cupr. 90. Dios, Ign. 9L Dulc, Rhus,t, Gels, Merc, Mez. 92. Fer., Sang, Spig. 93- Gels, Puis., Sul, Thuja. 94- Glon. 9S Graph,, Kali,c, Kreos, Sec 96. Graph. 97- Graph 98. Graph. 99- Ign. 100. Kali.c, Pod. 101. Kreos, Mag.c 102, Lach, Merec 103, , Lach, 104 . Led, Merc. 670 AGGRAVATIONS. 105. From loss of self-control. 106. From 4 to 8 p. m. 107. From moistening the parts. 108. During perspiration. 109. In the cold evening air. 110. In the fall with warm days and damp cold nights. in. During exercise. 112. From lying on the right side. 113. From fat food. 114. In the forenoon. 115. During a thunder storm. 116. While lying down, especially in the morning or evening. 117. At 10 a. m. 118. After exercise. 119. From change of temperature. 120. In dry weather. 121. Before midnight. 122. From lying on the back or on the left side. 123. From warm food. 124. From uncovering. 125. Every other evening 126. From ice cream. 127. From northeasterly winds. 128. From light. 129. From uncovering the head. 130. On turning the eyes. 131. When descending. 132. From loss of fluids. AGGRAVATIONS. 67 1 105. Lil. 106. Lye 107. Lye, Baryt.c. 108. Merc 109. Merc. 110. Merc in. Merc. 112. Merc. 113. Merc.c, Puis. 114. Nat.c, Thuja. 115. Nat,c, Pet, Phos. 116. Nat. Sil. 151. Spig. 152. Spong 153. Squill 154. Stan. 155. Staph. 156. Sticta,p. 157. Stram. 158. Sul. 159. Sul,ac. LEADING EXPRESSIONS. 160. Deathly nausea, vertigo, pallor, cold sweat, intermittent pulse. 161. Acts upon the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and the liver. 162. Its chief action is upon the kidneys. 163. Wart-like excrescences on mucous and cutaneous surfaces. 164. Acts upon mucous membranes and upon the capillaries, especially of the uterus. 165. Acts especially upon the skin. 166. Acts especially on the female gen- erative system. 167. Symptoms partake of an hysterical character. 168. Choleraic conditions. 169. Its depressing influence on the heart and circulation. 17a Hoarse dry cough. 171. Acts especially on the skin, giving rise to impetigo and eczematous eruptions. 172. We may think of this remedy in nervous exhaustion. LEADING EXPRESSIONS. 160. Tabae 161. Tarax, 162. Tereb. 163. Thuja. 164. Trill. 165. Urt.ur. 166. Ust. 167. Valer. 168. Verat.a. 169. Verat.v. 170. Verbascum. 171. Viola,t. 172. Zinc. o .;.£«: v<«Vr V.