1892 WATER and AIR Circulation , IN HEATING AND VENTILATING ABRAM COX 5T0VE CO. PH I LA. WATER AND AIR CIRCULATION IN HEATING and VENTILATING. PHILADELPHIA: ABRAM COX STOVE CO. 1892, Copyrighted, 1892, By Abeam Cox Stove Co., PHILADELPHIA. Salutatory SHIS treatise is addressed to all who are in any way interested in the subject of house-heating. We offer it to heating engineers who through this means will learn of the new apparatus we have brought out; they will likewise find in it much of value in their professional work. We also commend it to architects to 2 whom the proper heating of buildings is a very important matter; to plumbers who are more and more entering into the work of house-warming, and finally we address our friends and customers in the furnace trade, many of whom are supplementing their business in hot-air furnaces with the sale and erection of heating apparatus of other kinds. This book, which has been prepared with the greatest care and at much expense of time, labor, and money, contains, we believe, more practical, more reliable, and more complete information than can be found anywhere else. We have endeavored to present the subject of water and air circulation in heating and ventilating in such simple language as to make it equally plain to journeymen, engineers, and architects. It will be noticed in the selection of buildings for illustration, that we have chosen examples to represent the various constructions to which the hot-water system is ordinarily applied. In each case floor plans and elevations are presented, while in the text accompanying the drawings are given all measurements and other information required to install a successful plant in the building illustrated. Rules and formulas are also given by which any intelligent mechanic can determine the number of the circulator to be employed, the square feet of radiation necessary, size and quantity of pipes, etc., required in buildings of similar design and construction. The data made use of have been largely compiled from experiments and tests made on our own premises, and under conditions commonly met in daily practice. They are therefore much more reliable than figures ordinarily given in trade publications, and which are often taken from foreign authors who are unfamiliar with American practice and whose instructions are not suited to the American climate and conditions. We make no mention of the Hovelty Circulator in this place further than to say that while it is new in design it is not an untried apparatus. During the past two years it has been in continuous operation under all possible conditions which have given it the severest test, and as now placed before the public it is a perfect apparatus for liouse-heating. ABRAM COX STOVE CO. Philadelphia, April, 1892. 3 Circulation; JOHN J. HOGAN. HE arrangement of fire and flue surfaces, so as to present the greatest area of each in the most advantageous position to receive heat, is generally thought to be of first importance in designing boilers, but the extent of these surfaces and their || arrangement with respect to the fire is really of little account if their form be not 1 ivy such as to promote circulation. The amount of heat transferred from fire to water is controlled almost absolutely by the velocity of circulation of water within the boiler. THE TRANSFERENCE OF HEAT. As circulation is effected by heat, it is necessary, in examining the subject of circulation, to remember that heat is transferred from one body to another in one of three ways, and in no other way. It is transferred either by radiation, convection, or by conduction. By radiation heat passes from the radiant body to the absorbent body through the intervening medium, as, for example, air, without raising its temperature. The sun gives heat by radiation, and it will be noticed that the rays pass through window-glass, for illustration, warming objects beyond the glass, as, for instance, the furniture in the room, or the floor, without raising the temperature of the glass. The rays of the sun may be passed through a lens in a way to set on fire the object upon which they are focused without raising the temperature of the lens itself. A slab of ice may be substituted for window-glass, and the rays of the sun, passing through the ice without melting it, will still be per- ceptibly warm to the person or will add heat to other objects upon which they may fall. Radiant heat reaches the absorbent in radial lines, i.e., straight lines, and its intensity is inversely as the square of the distance traveled. This is an important fact, because it bears upon the location of the fire with reference to the heat-absorbing surfaces upon which the fire is to act. This principle is illustrated in the accompanying diagram, Fig. 1. Point 2 in this sketch is twice the distance from the candle A of point 1. A unit of surface, say one square foot, placed at the point indicated by 2 in the sketch, receives only one-fourth the quantity of heat that it would if it were placed at 1. At three times the distance, or at point 3, the unit receives only one-ninth the quantity that it would at 1, and so on. The convection of heat is the process of carrying it from one body to another, and is performed by fluids, such as water, gas, or air. It is through convection that heat is carried by steam or water * Copyrighted, 1892, by John J. Hogan, New York. 5 6 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. from a boiler to the radiators, and also from indirect radiators or a turnace by means ot air to the bodies of lower temperature with which the air comes in contact. To transfer heat by convection the fluid which conveys the heat must have motion. It must move from the body of higher tempera- ture to the body of lower temperature. This is an important fact, and should be borne in mind in planning all sorts of heating systems. If in the use of indirect radiators the air-passage is stopped, the useful work at once ceases, and in the same way in steam and hot-water circulation if the flow of the fluid through the pipes is stopped the work of heating is also interrupted. Again, if motion to the fluid in a heater or boiler is stopped, the useful action of the tire is interfered with. Conduction is the transference of heat by direct contact. If a bar of iron be put into a black- smith’s forge and heated at one end to a red heat, it will be found that gradually the temperature of the opposite end will rise. The heat is transferred from the hot end toward the cold end by direct contact of parti- cles in the bar. To still further illustrate conduction, it may be stated that the heat that is given to the tire side of the heating surface of a boiler by radiation from the fire, and by the convection of the gases of combustion, is trans- ferred by conduction to the opposite side of the surfaces, and is there given to the water in contact with them, and in turn is carried oft* by convection- currents as already explained. Fig. i.—Diagram Illustrating the Intensity of Radiant Heat as Influenced by Distance. THE CAUSE OF CIRCULATION. Natural‘circulation is the operation of the law of gravity exerted upon two columns of fluid, as, for example, air or water, when the two columns are of unequal density and are joined at their extremities. The columns may be in separate passages or flues, or they may exist side by side in the same vessel in any number of pairs. The inequality of density is caused by the application of heat to the body of the fluid in one of the columns at some point below its top, or the abstraction of heat from the other. That part of the body which is immediately exposed to the heat is expanded in vol- ume, and is thereby made lighter than the parts which are unexposed to the heat. The expanded and lightened particles are displaced by the colder and denser particles falling by gravity. The latter take the places of the warmed particles, and when they have become warmed are driven forward by still other colder particles falling into their places. This exchange of places of particles, or circulation of air or water, is continuous so long as the two columns are prevented from establishing an equilibrium through an equality of temperature. In other words, circulation goes on as long as heat is communicated to one column or lost by the other. Circulation is the most rapid when the difference in temperature or of density of the two columns is the greatest. This condition is best secured when the column of high temperature and the one of low temperature are confined in separate passages or Hues. This is because the temperatures of the two columns are more easily maintained at the maximum difference, when the opposing columns are ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 7 prevented from mingling. A mixture of tlie particles of the two columns tends to an equalization of temperature. A common example of the equalization of temperature due to the mingling of currents of the two columns is afforded by a kettle of water upon an ordinary cook-stove where the entire bot- tom of the kettle is equally exposed to the action of the heat, as shown in Fig. 2. As heat is im- parted to the water a circulation is established by the expanding water rising to make place for the colder and denser water which descends, but as the opposing currents are unconfined they come into more and more intimate contact until the entire body of water approaches a uniform temperature. With the continuous application of heat to the bottom of the kettle, steam globules form there which, instead of being displaced by the water as they would be with circulation pro- moted by separate ways, are held back by the mass above them. The result of the conflict of currents is an upheaval of water, so that if the kettle has been filled anywhere nearly full in the first place it soon boils over. A familiar illustration of circulation promoted by separate passages, tubes being provided for the ascending column, is afforded by a kind of wash-boiler attachment, which is sold in many parts of the country, a diagram illustrating which is given in Fig. 3. In this A A indicates the boiler, B the fire against the bottom of the boiler, C the base of the attachment which is open at the bottom and perforated along the edge so as to allow the free passage of water within, I) D are two spouts or tubes that extend upward from the base and are provided with curved necks. The water as it becomes heated is forced up these tubes, as shown by the direction of the arrows, by the weight of the descending column which rushes into the holes in the rim of the base already re- ferred to. Particles of steam which are generated after the heat has been maintained for some time co-operating with the weight of the descending column force the water up the tubes D with such power as to carry it above the level E of the water in the boiler. This is an example of assisted circulation. The apparatus here sketched is something that is frequently sold in the trade for laundry purposes. The accelerated circu- lation of water which is secured in it is depended upon to do part of the washing. If the tube were to be carried up straight instead of being bent, as shown in outline at the right, the result would be a spouting into the air. Referring again to the kettle illustration, Fig. 2: If the vessel is so set into the fire-space as to be exposed on the sides as well as on the bottom to the action of the heat, as indicated in Fig. 4, the results described in connection with Fig. 2 are more quickly reached. Again, if instead of a kettle we take a horizontal vessel closed at the top but with ends open and extended upwardly, as shown in Fig. 5, the conflict of currents will be still further illus- trated. AVdien steam forms, as it will by continued application of heat along the bottom and sides, the tendency is to drive the water within the vessel through the upturned ends, and it will thus empty Fig. 2.—Mingling Currents in Boiling Water in a Common Kettle with Fire Applied at Bottom. THE N 0 V E L T Y Cl R C U L A T 0 R. 8 itself if the heat is continued long enough. If in our experiments we employ a vessel of the shape shown in Fig. 6, which has a hollow center, leaving two water columns or legs with the tire applied under each column, the conflict will be the same as in the last instance. It the heat is applied evenly to the two legs, as shown, and is of sufficient intensity and maintained long- enough, it will blow the water all out. If, on the other hand, the same shape is employed and the heat is applied to one leg only, as shown in Fig. 7, circulation will be promoted. The column directly over the fire will be the ascending column, while the opposite, containing the relatively colder fluid, will be the descending column. The hotter the fire, providing the descending column is giving off heat, the more rapid will be the circulation. In this case there is no intermingling of currents of different temperatures, and the maximum difference of temperature between the two columns is realized. It is under such conditions that the utmost rapidity of circulation is secured. In Fig. 8 there is shown a vessel com- posed of three columns, with the fire applied directly under the central column. The con- ditions here shown are favorable to circulation. The central column will be the ascending column because the water contained in it re- ceives the heat of the fire, while the outside columns will be the descending columns because they contain what is relatively colder fluid. If, however, heat be equally applied under the three columns, as shown in Fig. 9, the result will be impeded circulation, because the currents of the respective columns mingle in each of the divisions of the vessel. This is indicated by the broken and twisted arrows shown in the diagram. Fig. 10 shows a vessel with two columns or water-legs with fire applied above the lowest point and to the sides of the legs equally. In this case circulation is impaired by reason of the intermingling currents and because the two columns are of equal density. Extending water-legs downwardly from such a vessel, as is shown in Fig. 9, and applying the heat equally between the legs, as shown in Fig. 11, does not affect the results as last described, but produces mixed and conflicting currents, as indicated by the arrows in Fig. 11. To go back to the original proposition, namely, that the circulation in a vessel is most rapid when the difference in temperature of the two columns is the greatest, and when the two columns of high and low temperatures are confined in separate passages so as to preserve the difference, it follows that the form illustrated in Fig. 19, which affords separate ways for ascending and descending columns and at the same time transfers heat only to the ascending column, must give the most rapid and positive circulation. Pig. 4.—Mingling Cur- rents in a Vessel Exposed to the Fire at Both Bottom and Sides. Fig. S-—Conflict of Currents in a Vessel with Closed Top and Open Upturned Ends. Fig. 6.—Currents in a Ves- sel with Hollow Center, with Heat Applied under Both Columns. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 9 VALUE OF CIRCULATION IN HEATING WATER. Water is a good absorbent, but a bad conductor of beat. A given particle of water very slowly yields the beat that it possesses to the colder surrounding particles. This has been expressed by an eminent writer in the following words: “ Water is so bad a conductor that it is only when there exists perfect freedom of motion among its particles that it acts at all as a conductor of heat, so far at least as regards any practical and useful effect.” Another authority says,— “ The quantity of heat which can be transmitted to water in a given time is only limited by the rate at which it can be carried away from the heating sur- faces by the convection-currents.” Still another quotation from the same authority may be offered in this connection: “ Heat can only be effectively ab- stracted by liquids from heated surfaces by circulation of the liquid, and rapid circulation is essential to rapid abstraction of heat.” Fig. 7.—Vessel with Two Columns, with Heat under One Column only. These peculiarities of water, so far as heat is concerned, may be empha- sized by some easily performed experiments. An illustration of its absorbent capac- ity may be supplied as follows: Form a vessel out of writing-paper or any other paper that does not readily absorb water. Make it water-tight by folding the edges and fastening them in place by pinning near the top of the corners. Partly fill this vessel with water and hold over a flame. This is very readily done by setting the paper vessel on the open work of a gas stove. The gas should be lighted after the paper has been placed in position. Under these circumstances the heat is so rapidly absorbed by the wTater that the paper is not injured by the flame. Water may be even boiled in a paper vessel in the way described without scorching the paper. The inability of water to conduct heat may also be shown by an experiment. Let a combus- tible fluid like alcohol be floated on the surface of water in a vessel. Light the alcohol. It will be Fig. 8.—Vessel with Three Columns, with Fire Applied under the Central Column. Fig. 9.—Vessel with Three Columns, with Fire Applied under all the Col- umns. Fig. ii.—Modification of Fig. 9. Water-legs carried down and fire evenly distrib- uted showing same results. Fig. 10.—Vessel withTwo Columns or Water-legs, with Fire Applied above the Lowest Point and to Sides of Legs Equally. THE NOVELTY CIRC (TLA TOIL 10 found that the latter will be consumed without raising the temperature of the water appreciably, even though the quantity of alcohol so burned is sufficient to evaporate the entire body of water if applied underneath. If applied underneath, the particles of water would take up the heat by convection, resulting in phenomena already given in this chapter. Still another experiment illustrating the inability of water to conduct heat may be described. If into a vessel containing cold water hot water be carefully poured the latter will spread out over the top of the colder water and will give off more of its heat to the air above than to the cold water below. This experiment may be tried in a bath-tub when in the act of bathing. If the water sur- rounding the person is comparatively cold and a small stream of hot water be allowed to flow into the bath-tub, it will be found that the hot water will spread out over the surface of the colder water in a way to produce a stinging sensation where it comes in contact with the person. Agitation of the water, producing currents, will, on the other hand, distribute the heat through the entire body of water. Since motionless water is comparatively incapable of transferring heat, it follows that the tem- perature of a body of water cannot be raised except by bringing each particle into contact with heat- ing surfaces or by mixing together particles of high and low temperature. We have seen in Fig. 2 that with a mingling of particles irregularly performed less advantageous results follow than when separate passages are provided, as illustrated in Figs. 3, 7, 8, and 19. There are, then, two ideas pre- sented : first, of irregular indefinite currents in the body of water in which the hotter particles slowly share their heat with the colder particles with which they mingle, and second, the idea of directed movement by which every particle of water is brought into contact with heating surface and allowed to take up all the heat it is capable of absorbing. When water is warmed chiefly by the mingling of currents the process is accompanied by much friction and consequent loss of energy, or, what is the same thing, waste of heat. Further, as has already been shown, the result of heating water in this manner is the gradual stoppage of circulation with the ultimate effect of forming steam and raising pressure at points where it is not only not desired to have pressure, but where pressure is decidedly harmful. Surfaces which do not promote the direct contact of water with them by reason of the globules of steam formed thereon are relatively feeble transmitters of heat. Under these circumstances heat is transferred to the water by convection, or more correctly speaking, by mingling currents. For this reason the area of surfaces heated in this manner must be necessarily greater than where the water to be heated is brought in direct contact with the heating surface by the proper disposition of the ascending and descending columns. A recent writer on boiler construction discuss- ing this point says,— “ The heating surfaces should be arranged to facilitate the movement of the convection-cur- rents and promote free circulation. This is effected in the best manner when the heat is applied underneath the water to be heated, and when the shape and position of the heating surfaces facilitate the free escape of the heated water in its upward current and the return of the cooler water in its downward current.” It may be accepted as a fact, then, that water is heated most economically by the contact of each particle with heating surface rather than by mingling currents of high and low temperature. A B R A M C OX S T 0 VE C 0 M PA N Y. 11 Circulation which brings the particles of water into direct contact with the heating surfaces is accom- plished by a separation of the ascending column of heated water from the descending column of colder water. This arrangement brings only the particles of lowest temperature into contact with the heating surface, which, by reason of their low temperature, are most capable ot absorbing heat. It is well known that the capacity of water for absorbing heat is in proportion to the difference in temperature between the water and the heating surface. Thus, with fire surfaces at 800° and water in contact with them at 100°, the rate of heat transmission may be expressed as 8 —1 = 7. Again, with water at 200° and with fire surfaces as already given, the rate of transmission would be expressed as 8 — 2=6, or equivalent to one-seventh less. It is apparent from this, that any construction which tends to keep water of high tem- perature against the fire surfaces is a relatively poor heater, because of the comparative inability of water of high temperature to absorb heat. Again, if the heat is sufficient to form steam globules upon the water side of the surface, the absorbtive efficiency is still further diminished. Pig. 12.—Adaptation in Practice of Forms Shown in Figs. 2 and 10. Fig. 14.—Adaptation in Practice of Forms Shown in Figs. 2 and 10. Pig. 13.—Adaptation in Practice of Forms Shown in Figs. 2, 9, and 11. Another advantage following upon the use of two passages, one for the descending column and the other for the ascending column, so arranged as to cause each particle of water to pass over the heating surfaces, is that there is no loss of heat through friction between ascending and descending currents. In other words, there is no retardation of circulation through conflict of currents. Again, there is no chance for the formation of steam on the inside of the fire surfaces, either to the extent of interfering with the transference of heat to the water or of producing pressure. THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. 12 ADVANTAGES OF INDEPENDENT CIRCULATION. The value of independent internal circulation at the heating point, in promoting circulation in a system of pipes and radiators, is next to be considered. In Figs. 2 to 11, inclusive, the effect of heat upon the circulation of a fluid contained in vessels of certain forms has been indicated, so far as cir- culation is confined to the vessel itself. To make a practical application of the illustrations let us Fig. 15.—Adaptation in Practice of Forms Shown in Figs. 4, 5, and 10. Fig. 16.—Adaptation in Practice of Forms Shown in Figs. 4, 5, and 10. Fig. 17.—Adaptation in Practice of Forms Shown in Figs. 9,10, and 11. adapt tlie forms to the heating of water for warming purposes in connection with a system of pipes and radiators. What is shown in Fig. 12 is adaptation in practice of the forms shown in Figs. 2 and 10, and may be described as a drop-tube boiler. Each drop-tube, it will he noticed, is equivalent to the kettle shown in Fig. 2. The diaphragm or partition which separates the column of water in the drop-tube into two parts does not sufficiently destroy the equilibrium between the two columns to establish vigorous circulation. Whatever circulation takes place in the tube is a local circulation which is entirely nullified when the particles rise to the top of the tube and are compelled to inter- mingle with those in the body of water around the mouth of the tube. Excessive firing in this form ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 13 will ultimately stop circulation and blow the water out of the tubes by the formation of steam in their extremities. Whatever heat is given off by the tire to the water-legs at the sides of the boiler results in the same action as was described in connection with Fig. 10. Circulation is impaired by mingling currents. Fig. 13 exemplifies in boiler construction the features of circulation illustrated in Figs. 2, 9, and 11. The columns of water over the fire in this case receive heat equally, which, as we have shown, is opposed to circulation. This is still further proved by the fact that boilers of this kind, when used for steam purposes, frequently prime and produce very wet steam. Inas- much as the heat is given equally to the several water-spaces around the fire, the result produced is the same as that illustrated in Fig. 9, and again illustrated, so far as the water-legs and side- passages are concerned, by Fig. 11. The design of boiler shown in Fig. 14 results from an ' effort to increase the surfaces within the fire-pot. Fire ascends in the central column, and, striking the crown-sheet, produces the Fig. 18.—Adaptation in Practice of Forms Shown in Figs. 9,10, and 11. same results as shown in the case of the pot in Fig. 2. Again, whatever heat is given oft' at the sides has the same action as was explained in con- nection with Fig. 10. Tho result is that the entire body of water is heated by mingling currents. In Figs. 15 and 16 are shown adaptations in practice of the forms shown in Figs. 4, 5, and 10. The water passages have tire beneath and around them, as shown in Fig. 4, and are liable to blow out by the formation of steam, as illustrated in Fig. 5, and as described in connection with that figure. There are also water-legs which, although not connected at the bottom, as shown in Fig. 10, contain motionless water which cannot be brought into circulation by the heat as applied. Steam boilers having water-legs of the type shown in Figs. 15 and 16 are noted Fig. 19.—Diagram of Circulating System. 14 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. for the accumulation of sediment in these parts, which fact is still turther proof of the lack of circu- lation therein. Boilers of this design, with small increase of tiring, produce steam in the sections immediately next to the tire, thus maintaining the water in them at temperatures relatively higher than that of the upper sections, producing pressure opposing the inflow of the return water, and im- peding the circulation of the entire system. Figs. 17 and 18 exemplify forms of construction illustrated in Figs. 9, 10, and 11. There is the equivalent of the central column shown in Fig. 9 and two outside columns, but free circu- lation is not possible because the heat is equally applied under the three columns. The water-legs contain motionless water for reasons explained in the last instance, and as shown in Figs. 10 and 11. With the impaired internal circulation that is shown in all these examples, the warmed water can never rise freely. It follows, then, as in the case of the kettle in which the excess of temperature resulted in boiling over (Fig. 2), pressure is gener- ated at the return opening, the effect of which is to retard the general movement of the water contained in the system. What is variously called the “belt principle,” “ positive circulation,” “continuous circulation,” etc., shown in Figs. 15 and 16, being the development of the principles explained in Figs. 4 and 5, in which there is no provision whatever for internal circulation, the general movement of the water is toward the points of discharge into the flow pipe, but it comes into interference continually with the colder water in the upper passages which is endeavoring to find its proper place at the bottom of the boiler. The result, at best, is a feeble and embarrassed advance. In addition to the retarding of the water by the conflict of currents, the narrowness of the passages with which these boilers are ordinarily provided also tends to produce pressure at the return opening. To quote one of the greatest authorities upon boiler designing: “ When water-spaces are so cramped that the ascending and descending currents cannot flow separately, circulation cannot take place, and the water is put into a state of perturbation.” By this is explained the curious fact that with certain forms of waterways increased applica- tion of heat not only does not increase circulation in the system, but actually stops it so that the pipes and radiators are at a lower temperature with a forced tire than with a moderate fire. In Fig. 19 is shown a diagram of a circulating system. It illustrates the application of the principles of rapid independent internal circulation in the heat source, as exemplified in Figs. 3, 7, and 8. In this the effect of rapid firing is found to be a vastly increased circulation in the entire sys- tem instead of the retarded movement which occurs in all other forms. The higher the temperature at B and B, the greater is the velocity of descent in the columns D and E E. It is easier for the water to descend through E E than to ascend and overflow at P, because in absorbing heat at B' no pressure is produced to resist or impair the descent in E E or D. At D' the temperature of the water from E Fig. 20. —Adaptation in Practice of Figs. 3, 7, and 8. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 15 is increased by mingling currents from D, but at B' the heat is taken up by the water directly in contact with the fire surface. Fig. 20 exemplifies the practical application in a working apparatus of the form shown in Figs. 3, 7, and 8. In this design the heat is applied only to the ascending column of water, and the outside descending columns are comparatively cold. Though separated from the ascending columns they have continuous communication with them at the intersection of the cross passages, thus inviting the easy descent of any particles of water in them or in the cross passages which may be of relatively low tem- perature. It will be observed that the outside column is provided with a series of downward project- ing tubes, so arranged as to deliver descending particles of water from each section at a point some- what lower than the portions in the same sections which receive the greatest heat from the fire. This construction results in the separation of the ascending and descending columns and is a mechanical means of maintaining a condition of inequilibrium between the two columns. It also results in such a disposition of the twTo columns of water as to produce a line of greater resistance in the direction of the descending column and of less resistance in the direction of the ascending column so far as would be affected by the generation of steam in the event of hard firing. This arrangement of parts in turn, referring now to the cross passages in combination with the tubes extending downwardly in the outside or cold columns, serves to separate and sort the particles of water in a way to keep the hotter particles in the center or ascending column, and allow free passage of the colder particles in the direction of the descending column. The only conflict from mingling currents that can occur in this type of boiler is in the limited space of the cross passages, and here they result in separating particles of unlike tem- perature and conducting each class to its own appropriate place in the hoiler without impairing or retarding the circulation of the boiler as a whole. The Novelty Circulator TWO views of the Xovelty Circulator are presented herewith, one the exterior appearance, and the other a vertical section showing the grate, fire-brick linings, water ways, etc. There are also presented views of the parts of which the circulator is composed. Referring to the latter, it will be seen that there are five in all, namely: the ash-pit, the fire-brick lining, the fire-box, the intermediate section, and the top section. The ash-pit, which is of liberal height, contains the grate and is provided with doors of ample capacity for removing ashes. These doors, in turn, carry Fig. 2i.—Exterior View of the Novelty Circulator. Fig. 22.—Vertical Sectional View of the Novelty Circulator the draft-doors, which are lifted with latches and adapted to be set as circumstances require. The center of the grate is of the anti-clinker variety, and is of such a form as to be revolved by a crank in a way to dump ashes, throw down clinkers, and that, too, without danger of dropping the tire. The outside part of the grate is arranged to shake by means of the shaking-arm shown in the cut. All the shaking may be done while the ash-pit and clinker-doors are closed, thus avoiding all dust. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 17 The shell of the fire-brick lining is a circular frame joined at intervals by vertical partitions. The bricks occupy the spaces between these vertical partitions, and are put in place from the outside, an arrangement of parts permitting the exchange of an old brick for a new one without drawing the fire. This feature of construction is peculiar to this ap- paratus, and is of great advantage. The bricks are held in place by hollow frames of cast-iron. The frame which holds the front brick is hinged, and is so arranged as to form a door, and gives access to the fire for cleaning, stoking, etc. It is provided with a bracketed shelf, which carries the lining-brick when the door is swung. The fire-box (A) is a casting containing two annular water-spaces around the fire, the inner one of which is con- nected by radial inclined arms with the central water way immediately over the center of the fire, while the other is con- nected with two outside water ways in the lugs or projections at the sides. The return water of the system enters the outer annular space at the back of the fire-box and passes around to the front, at which point the division between the two annular spaces is cut away. The central water way and the two outside water ways join corresponding parts in the section above, and thus provide a separate passage for the ascending and descending columns respectively. The intermediate section (B) of the Novelty Circulator contains an annular water-space or water-jacket connected with the central column by radial arms, the spaces between the arms forming smoke passages. From the annular water- space lugs are extended at the sides which connect with corresponding lugs on the sections above and below. The radial arms in this section are so disposed as to be staggered over those of the fire-box, thus presenting their surface to the radiant heat of the fire. Further, the opposite sides of this section are unlike; that is, the number of radial arms is odd, not even, and it is adapted to be used either face to the front. Where there is more than one intermediate section used they are reversed, thus continuing the staggered order mentioned. The central water way joins the corre- Fig. 23.—The Sections Composing the Novelty Circulator. THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. 18 sponding part of the fire-box below and of the section above. The top section (C) of the Novelty Circulator is very much like the intermediate section just described, except that the radial arms are replaced by a continuous water way connected with the central ascending water way and also with the two outside descending water ways in the lugs already referred to. All three of the water- sections, namely, fire-box, intermediate section, and top section, communicate freely through the central ascending water way and through the two outside descending water ways. The several sections of the Novelty Circulator are joined together by means of nipples in the outside water ways, as clearly shown in the sectional view. No bolts are used. The nipples project downwardly in the water ways, as will be seen by an examination of the view just referred to, in a manner to afford additional safeguard against the mingling of currents of different temperatures. In the arrangement of water ways it will be seen that the Novelty Circulator completely answers the requirements of perfect circulation. It also meets the demands of good design, such as large direct fire surface, ample flue area, accessibility of flue surfaces for cleaning, easy water ways, and vertical circulation. It goes still further than this, for in the completeness of its adherence to natural laws this apparatus realizes an ideal development. This becomes manifest by an examination of the sectional view, and is thoroughly proven by its performance. In operation the water in the fire-box is always lower in temperature than that in the upper sections. This is due to the rapidity of the internal circulation. The result is the most economical working, because the relatively cooler water is always kept against the fire surface, thus taking up the maximum of heat. By reason of its rapid and powerful circulation the Novelty Circulator can be depended upon to perform satisfactorily under conditions which render other forms of hot-water heating apparatus entirely inoperative. It circulates water in a system on the same level with the boiler, with an open expansion tank, as low as five feet above the top of the circulator, and with all the radiating surface below the top of the circulator, and much of it below the fire-box. This is a feat quite beyond the power of any other construction now known. To what do these things point? Not to the discovery of a new principle, but to the proper application of principles that are as old as nature,—principles which all designers of liot-water boilers have recognized in some degree, but to the realization of which none have previously found the key. These principles may be briefly stated as follows: The separation of the ascending from the descend- ing columns and providing each with proper ways, the maintenance of the greatest difference of temperature between them, and prevention of equilibrium by difference in the levels of the columns. The operation of the Novelty Circulator may be briefly described as follows: With the parts arranged as described, and a tire built upon the grate, circulation begins instantly. Particles of water in the bottom of the central column immediately over the tire become rarified and are driven forward by the weight of the colder columns at the sides of the boiler pressing downwardly and through the passages. As the particles of water which have become warm or rarified leave the fire surface and start in their upward course, their places are filled with particles of colder water advancing through the inclined water ways leading to the central column. In turn particles of water which become heated in the water ways of the several sections are similarly driven toward the central column ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. through the free passages and upward in that direction. At the same time particles of colder water from the exterior columns advance into their places. As the heat of the tire increases, the circulation becomes more rapid. Connections between sections, both central and at the outside, are such that complete circula- tion is maintained in each section independent of all others, and also in the whole apparatus as a unit. The downwardly projecting nipples in the exterior columns in combination with the inclined water passages in the sections, and the central column, serve to prevent an equilibrium between the two columns. The water of relatively low temperature is always at a lower level than the warmer water, both in the individual sections and in the apparatus as a whole, and at the same time it is in im- mediate contact with the tire surfaces. By reason of the descending water ways which contain water relatively cool, being at the exterior of the circulator, combined with the central ascending passage directly over the hottest fire, all crossed or mixed currents of various temperatures are avoided. Hard firing only drives the circulation; in no case can it impede circulation. Steam serves to rarity or lighten the central column, and when produced against the fire surfaces moves forward instantly. It never remains in a way to retard heating, and if pressure should be generated it would exert its force in the direction of the least resistance, which is upward in the central passage, thus still further promoting circulation. 20 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. Dimensions, Ratings, and Prices. THE Novelty Circulator is manufactured under patents granted to the Ilogau Engineering Company, and is supplied of the sizes and di- mensions shown in the table on the opposite page. The annexed diagram affords a key to the principal dimen- sions. Each circulator has one How and one return pipe only, which are always of like diameters. Ratings are given for each size circulator of both direct and indirect surface. The Novelty Circulator under all ordinary con- ditions of piping and distribution of radiation is fully guaranteed to supply the radiating surface given opposite the several sizes in the table on page 21. Diagram Key to Dimensions. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 21 TABLE OF DIMENSIONS, RATINGS, AND PRICES OF THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR, NUMBER. Letter in Diagram 1* 2* 3* 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Height in inches Diameter in inches Width over all in inches. Diameter of ash-pit at base in inches Height of ash-pit in inches Diameter of fire-box in inches Width of feed-door in inches Height of feed-door in inches Height from floor to cen- ter of return in inches.. Diameter uf flow and re- turn in inches Diameter of smoke-pipe in inches A B C D E F G H K r \ V 43 22 32i 24 13i 16 11 8 22i 4 7 484 22 0-2 24 18* 16 11 8 22i 4 7 53J 22 32i 24 13* 16 11 8 22i 4 7 -144 24i 35 27 14 19 12 «* 23 4 7 50 24i 35 27 14 19 12 8* 23 4 7 551 241 35 27 14 19 12 8* 23 4 7 47 27i 38 30i 14f 22 13* 9 24 4 8 52f 27| 38 30i 14f 22 13i 9 24 4 8 584 27i 38 30i 14f 22 13i 9 24 4 8 50 314 42 35 15| 26 14 9§ 25| 5 9 56 31* 42 35 154 26 14 9* 254 5 9 62 31i 42 35 154 26 14 9* 254 5 9 364 46i 40 15i 30 14i 9* 26 6 9 594; 364 46i 40 15i 30 14* 9* 26 6 9 65f 864 46i 40 15* 30 14i Q1 26 6 9 551 40i 50i 44i 16 34 15 10 27 6 10 62i 404 50i 44i 16 34 15 10 27 6 10 691 404 50i 44i 16 34 15 10 27 6 10 RATING IN SQUARE FEET OF DIRECT RADIATING SURFACE. 250 80C 350 350 425 500 500 625 750 750 950 1150 115014001650 1650 1950 2250 RATING IN SQUARE FEET OF INDIRECT RADIATING SURFACE. Prices, F.O.B., Phila. 185 200 285 235 285 335 335 420 500 500 630 770 770 935 1100 11001300 . - 1500 I87.5C 100 112.50 120. 135. 150. 155. 180. 205. 210. 240. 270. 280. 320. 360. * In course of construction. Illustrative Examples. FOR the purpose of showing how the Novelty Circulator may be advantageously installed, we present a number of illustrative examples indicating the runs of pipes, quantity of radiating surface, position of radiators, and other features of interest to steam-fitters, builders, house- owners, and architects. These examples include (1) a cottage residence, (2) a suburban mansion, (3) a city residence, (4) a railway station, (5) a church and school, and (6) a city office. Elevations, floor plans, and sections are given in each instance with enough of constructive details to make every feature of the work easily understood, while the text contains a description with reasons for everything that is done. In the calculations of surfaces frequent references are made to the rules given further on in the book. In thus presenting the examples before propounding the methods of calculation, we bring to the attention of the reader the need of definite and reliable rules and formulae, now for the first time presented, and at the same time avoid tiring him with pages of tabular work preceding the illustrations. Tables and rules at best find their largest use as references. In each case we have been careful to refer specifically to the rule employed in a way we trust to bring the reader into pleasant acquaintance therewith. KEY TO THE PLANS AND REFERENCES. Double or parallel lines indicate Flow Pipes. Single heavy lines indicate Return Pipes. Broken lines indicate Air Pipes from radiators, coils, and flow pipes. RAD.—“ Radiator.” RAD. 44 —“Radiator with 44 square feet of surface.” RAD. 7 44D'—“ Radiator No. 7 with 44 square feet of surface.” RAD. 16 32D'—“ Radiator No. 16 with 32 square feet of surface.” (Nos. 7 and 16 in such instances refer to the numbers of the rooms in the tables.) REG.—“ Register.” W. REG. or W. R.—“ Warm Air Register.” W. REG. XI 8 x 10.—“ Warm Air Register 8x10 inches in room No. 11.” W. D. or AY. A. D.—“ Warm Air Duct.” D. W.—“Duct for Warm Air.” W. D. 5 x 21.—“ Warm Air Duct 5 x 21 inches.” C. D. or C. A. D.—“ Cold Air Duct.” CIR. REG.—“ Circulating Air Register.” 22 ABRAM CON STOVE COMPANY. 23 E. REG. or E. R.—“Exhaust or Exit Register.” (Exhaust Register” refers to the register connected to the ventilating flue and near the floor. “ Exit Register” refers to the register connected to ventilating flue and near the ceiling.) E. I). or E. A. D.—“Exhaust or Exit Air Duct.” V.—“ Ventilating Shaft.” F. —“Flow Pipe.” F. M.—“ Main Flow Pipe.” R.—“ Return Pipe.” R. M.—“ Main Return Pipe.” V£—“ f-inch Valve on Radiator.” G. V.—“ Gate Valve.” G. V. F.—“ Gate Valve on Flow Pipe.” A. A".—“Angle A7alve.” A. V. R.—“ Angle Valve on Return Pipe.” S. P.—“ Smoke Pipe.” T. —“ Thermometer.” EX. TAXK.—“ Expansion Tank.” EXP. PIPE.—“ Expansion Pipe.” Heating and Ventilating Cottage Residence with the Novelty Circulator, No. 8. Fig. 24.—Perspective View (Reproduced from Carpentry and Building by Permission). TN Fig. 24 is given the perspective of a typical cottage residence. Fig. 25 is a sectional longitudinal elevation in which the location of the radiators is shown, and in which the relative positions of the warm-air and exhaust or exit registers are indicated. The inclination of the main flow and return pipes in cellar, and the vertical lines of pipes connecting radiators on second floor to main pipes in cellar, are also shown. The height of the expansion-tank above the circulator is indicated, as well as the location of the emptying or blow-off cock. Fig. 26 is a plan of cellar. The double lines 24 ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 25 denote the flow pipes, and single heavy lines the return pipes. The latter lines are only seen in a few places in this plan, as the return pipes, where not indicated, are the same as the flow pipes and pass under them. ABDD give the location of the air pipes from the indirect radiators. The position of the main cold-air duct is also shown. Fig. 27 is a plan of the first floor, and Fig. 28 a plan of the second floor. The location of radiators and registers on each floor is shown. The dotted lines indicate the floor-beams and the proper Fig. 25.—Sectional Longitudinal Elevation of Cottage Residence Showing Location of Circulator, Position of Radiators, etc. Scale % inch to the foot. location for trimmer-beams so as to provide space for the passage of heating pipes and ducts to radiators and registers respectively. Fig. 29 is a sectional elevation giving an enlarged view of air ducts and air pipes from indirect radiators at A, B, and I), details in hath room, and location and connections of expansion-tank. Fig. 30 shows emptying-valve and discharge to sewer. 26 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. Fig. 26.—Plan of Cellar of Cottage Residence. Scale % inch to the foot. Fig. 27.—Plan of First Floor. Scale % inch to the foot. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 27 Table I shows the contents, surfaces, and proportions of the apparatus, while Table II gives the surfaces in radiators proportioned. In proportioning the quantity of surfaces required in radiators by the rule used in Table XIV, the temperature of the water in radiators may be taken at from 160° to 180°. Sufficient surface will be obtained by so doing. The surfaces in the indirect radiators and direct radiators on first floor, except those in pantry and kitchen, are proportioned with the temperature of water at 160°. The radiators in pantry and kitchen, and all on the second floor, are proportioned upon the basis of the water being at a temperature of 180°. The rooms with the latter temperature of water require less heat relatively than the other apartments, and by this change in the calculation less surface in the radiators is given. The surface in the bath room is proportioned with the temperature of the water Fig. 28.—Plan of Second Floor of Cottage Residence. Scale % inch to the foot. iii radiator at 160°, and in order to provide for an increase of temperature, which is sometimes desirable in hath rooms, a special multiplier is given in the foot-note. The location of radiators and registers is governed by several considerations. Provision for their location in planning the house should be made so that their presence will, as far as possible, remain unobserved. Such locations for them should be obtained in a way to avoid excessive lengths of pipes or ducts, and the introduction of numerous bends or turns. Where direct radiators are used they should be placed so that the most exposed wall will receive as directly as possible the heat given off by radiation. Warm-air registers should be located so as to produce warm-air currents near the exposed walls, and they should he at a higher level than the exhaust registers. Exhaust registers should be placed so as to cause the currents of air to tend toward the exposed walls, and 28 T1IE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. they should be as near the level of the floor as possible. Exit registers should be as near the ceiling as possible, and arranged to cause the currents of heated air to flow toward the exposed walls. These registers are only opened when it is desired to allow the heated air to escape. The location of radiators and registers just suggested cannot always be secured in practice, as is illustrated in the cottage residence. In the parlor, warm register II is located on the inside wall. As there is no cellar of any depth beneath this room, it is more convenient to locate the indirect radiator in the manner shown. The registers in the dining room and bed room A are also on inside walls on account of convenience of location. The exhaust and exit registers in the parlor and bed room A are near exposed walls, while the register in the dining room is in an inside wall. The direct radiators are as far as possible located near exposed walls, except the radiator in the back hall, which is placed near the inside walls on account of want of space. The pantry, Xo. VI, and toilet on first floor are heated by the flow and return pipe connection to the radiators in rooms above on second floor. The area of the warm- air flue is dependent on the velocity of the air, which velocity is due to the difference in temperature of the air in the room, and at the indirect radiator and the relative height of the flue. Under the usual conditions the natural velocity to the first floor is about 1J to 2 feet per second, and as the height is greater to the second and other floors the velocity in- creases to 2§, to 3J, and even to 5 feet per second. The cubic contents of the parlor are 1930 feet, and, as seen in Table 11, the air in this room is changed twice each hour, therefore 1930 x.053 (see Table XXVIII) = 102.29 square inches, the area of the warm-air duct. The warm-air duct, 21 x 5 inches, is equal to 105 square inches, which multi- plied by 1.33 is 139.0 square inches, the area of the opening for warm-air register; that is, a 10 x 14 Fig. 29.—Sectional Elevation Showing Air Ducts and Air Pipes, also Details in Bath Room, with Expansion Tank, etc. ABB AM COX STOVE COMPANY. 29 inch register. The exhaust and exit registers are found to he 9x14 inches by multiplying the area of warm-air due by 1.2, which is equal to 126 square inches. The warm-air due to bed room A on second door is ascertained by multiplying cubic contents in feet, 1800 x.032 (see Table XXVIII) = 57.6 square inches. The warm-air due therefore is made 4x15 inches = 60 square inches. The register openings are found as already explained. The area of the fresh or cold-air duct is obtained by multiplying the area of the warm-air duct by .8. For the parlor the cold-air duet is equal to 105 x .8 = 84 square inches. Since inches diameter equals 86.6 square inches, it is therefore used. (See cellar plan, Fig. 26.) The main cold-air duct is equal to the area of all the cold-air ducts. As shown in Fig. 25, sectional elevation, cottage residence, the main dow and return pipes are inclined from the circulator to the radiator and vertical rising lines. This necessitates air-emission cocks or valves on each direct radiator and air pipes ABDD on indirect radiators, Figs. 25 and 29. The air cocks on direct radiators are opened when dlling the system, and the advantage of the air pipes on the indirect radiators is the prevention of all air accumulations without necessity of operating air cocks. These air pipes are con- nected to vertical rising dow pipe to radiators Xos. X and XIII, second door (see Fig. 28), which pipe is continued to the top of the ex- pansion tank, Figs. 25 and 29. To the return pipe from radiator Xo. XIII is connected the ex- pansion pipe shown in Figs. 25 and 29. The overdow pipe from the expansion tank may dis- charge into a funnel attached to pipe connected to overdow from the bath tub, or this pipe may be continued to the cellar and discharge into some convenient sink. By the arrangement de- scribed separate pipes from the expansion tank to the cellar are avoided, and the system is at all times freely open to the atmosphere so as to prevent air accumulations. The area or size of dow and return mains is ascertained by multiplying the total surface in radiators in square feet, 516 x .015 (see “Sizes of Flow and lieturn Pipes ”) = 7.74, which is approximate area. Since 3J-inch pipe has an area of 9.88 square inches, and is the nearest to the approximate area, we use it for both dow and return mains. The size of the expansion tank is ascertained in the manner explained under “ Expansion Tanks.” Square feet of surface in system 516 x .03 = 15.48 gallons capacity of expansion tank, or 516 x 7 = 3612 cubic inches capacity of tank. The entire system, as shown, contains approximately 220 gallons, which at 212° will approximately expand °f its volume, or about 9J gallons or 2194 cubic inches. Therefore the space above the water-line in tank when the apparatus is cold and below the Fig. 30.—Emptying-Valve and Discharge into Sewer. 30 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. overflow opening should not be less than 2194 cubic inches. The rest of the space obtained by using the multipliers as above is necessary, especially when a ball-cock is attached to the water-supply pipe. By the arrangement of pipes shown, the water, on entering the system through the valve on water-supply connection to the expansion tank, passes down the expansion pipe into the vertical TABLE I —COTTAGE RESIDENCE. CONTENTS, SURFACES, PROPORTIONS, ETC., OF HOT-WATER APPARATUS. 0 in © SECOND FLOOR. FIRST FLOOR. —f * 3 (_U t—* t__* J—4 j E- p 0 c p d : © : EL U) s —L 1 «>3 C —I i—i »—i i—i I oc 4-1 4-1 44 44 44 Contents in cubic feet. © O- 4^- o to CO o co 05 oo 4- 4- 44 co co A 05 4- CO 0 rg- -I 01 CO oo o O' 4- o oo oo I to CO co Cl 0 OO 44 co —1 o o —i 4- O' 44 4- o O '05 1 Cn oo 4-i O O' 44 CO 0 h-i o ® p 2. p t—i 00 o oo oo oo 44 h-i CO 05 p-i 05 h-l GO t-a H-1 CO co i—i 4-1 00 44 to h-l f—1 44 l—l 4- CO Exposed wall exclu- sive of glass surface, square feet. H © co —t 44 44 05 —J Oi 4- —i 05 05 to 4-1 05 05 co CO 05 CC O © J2 to oo ! 1-1 [ to 44 1—1 CO to to ! 05 O' to to to IO Glass surface, square feet. r*“ oo to 05 O' O' O' 4— co 4- i 05 O' o 05 44 05 05 05 CC 3 P, *-♦5 ©CO © 42 44 05 to M l—i co to O' 4- co to O' I—i 05 44 co 4- 4- CO 1 Equivalent to glass in square feet.* CO M 44 CO O' to l—i O' 4— ! oo to oo 44 —J 00 O' Cj 0* ►© P to to M M 44 to to to i—i 1—1 h-l to 1-4 44 to h-l Lineal feet of exposed wall. r Cn to o O' 44 co to co O' 4- co OO 44 O' O' 0-' —r co Cl e _ — •C to 44 1—1 co to t—‘ to to 4- to -i to 4- 4- 4- :atii fac dial coil uar e< t. >1 © 05 Cn CO oo o o 4- h-l 4- 44 00 P|w 44 44 Hh hh. -4 Diam. flow and return pipes to radiators. co o CO 05 to co 4- 4- to to to I 05 CO CO 4- —Jl to co to IO Proportion of contents to surface in radiators —+■ -b CO O' -J O C71 —b o 4-1 c O' 44 IO 4- 4-. P no fc( 4- O' O' S q-g o‘S X X X 1*4. r~ 4- p 44 O' -J oc to © £*B “ 2 in P , © P LO C 05 05 co co l—l 0 Area of warm-air pipe Cn o O O' in square inches. to h-l 44 Velocity of air per sec- O' in O' ond in feet. 1 to 1 to to Changes of air per hour p 5\q to 00 h-l 0 0 K-E'g.3 S.O CO X X X 2-2 2 S p 3 F © tj w © —1 o 44 to 44 4- ® ® » B W © a 5-or? 7 © P • Pi »“»5 1 4^ CO 1 *—1 4- h-i 4- to 1 00 h-l 4- 4- 1 Area of exhaust or exit to 1 4- 4- 00 4- 4- 1 flue in square inches. M.OQ P P .© to -T CO CO S' sli-S o X X X F © •-* CO — 1-4 l—l © 7, © - © o to 4- ? 00 h-i h-l [ Cold-air duct or fresh- ti? j air inlet in inches diam gjfi 1 O' O' -T 00 Area of cold-air duet a ®.S ?gr«? a © h-l Cn 1 F5 io p to Oi 00 O' p O' i or fresh-air inlet in inches. return, and thence to return main R M and through pipe N to bottom of circulator, and as the water fills the system the air passes up the vertical flow pipe to the air pipe into the expansion tank, which is open to the atmosphere through the overflow pipe, thus freeing the system of air. An extra pipe from the top of the expansion tank is sometimes carried outside the roof to allow the ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 31 vapor to escape. Such a pipe is not necessary in a well-arranged system, as the water in the expan- sion tank should not be heated to the extent of giving off vapor or steam. The emptying-valve and discharge shown in Fig. 30 should be placed on the lowest pipe hT, Fig. 25, in the system. The pipe from this valve should be open and discharge in sight, and it should not be connected directly to any waste or sewer pipe, so that any leakage through it may be easily observed. This valve need not be large. In ordinary residences f-inch to 1 inch in diameter is ample, while inches to inches in diameter is necessary only on large systems. TABLE II—COTTAGE RESIDENCE. SURFACES IN RADIATORS PROPORTIONED. ROOMS. Sq. ft. of glass and its equiva- lent in exposed wall. Multi- pliers. Cubic feet of air cooled per hour by glass. Contents of rooms in cubic feet. Changes of air in rooms per hour Total number of cubic feet of air to be warmed. Multipliers. Sq. ft. of surface required in rooms to warm air from 0 to 70°. ! Remarks. 1 i i f 1. Front hall 40 X 75 = 3000 -f- (155/ x 1) = 4557 X .0092' ; 42 i 2. Parlor 46 X 75 = 3450 + (1930 X 2) = 7310 X .0114,? 83 Indirect. DC 0 3. Sitting room 40 X 75 - 3000 + (1449 X 1) = 4449 X .0092' = 41 o -1 L. 4. Dining room 38 X 75 = 2850 + (1681 X 2) = 6212 X .0114 = 70 Indirect. i- 5. Toilet 7 X 75 = 525 + ( 105 X 1) = 630 X .0092 = 6 DC u. 6. Pantry 11 X 75 = 825 + ( 360 X 1) = 1185 X .0072 = 8 7. Kitchen 68 X 75 = 5100 + (1391 X 1) = 6491 X .0072 = 47 - 8. Back hall 26 X 75 = 1950 -f ( 735 X 1) = 2685 X .0092 = 25 10. Alcove 35 X 75 = 2625 + ( 480 X 1) = 3105 X .0072 = 22 . o 0 11. Bedroom A 41 X 75 = 3075 + (1800 X 2) = 6675 X .0114 = 76 Indirect. _J Li. 12. “ B 51 X 75 = 3825 + (1644 X 1) = 5469 X .0072 = 40 Q Z 13. “ C 22 X 75 = 1650 + ( 954 X 1) = 2604 X .0072 = 19 o o 14. “ D 35 X 75 = 2625 4- (1005 X 1) = 3630 X .0072 = 26 U) 15. Bath room 9 X 75 = 665 + ( 384 X 1) = 1049 X .0092* = 12 Use 1.25 for multiplier to raise to 80°. Heating and Ventilating a Suburban Mansion with two Novelty Circulators, No. 12. RIG. 31 is the front elevation, while Fig. 32 is a sectional elevation in which the course of the ven- tilating tines is indicated by dotted lines. Rectangular figures, near each of which is the letter R, denote the positions of the exhaust and exit registers. The position of the expansion tank is shown with its connections to and from flow, return and air pipes in bath room on second floor. The vertical return pipes at hack of circulator are shown away from center in order to make clear the flow-pipe connections. The chan- nel for return pipes from radiators on basement floor is denoted by dotted lines below the level of floor. Fig. 33 is the basement plan. Double lines in it indicate the flow pipes, single heavy lines the return pipes, dotted lines the air pipes, while double dotted Fig- 3'-—Front Elevation of Suburban Mansion, lines denote the location of chan- nel under floor of basement for return pipes from radiators on basement floor. The positions of the direct radiators in the servants’ lavatory and dry room are also shown. Fig. 34 is the ground or first-floor plan. The direct radia- tor in bath room and coil in lava- tory, with the surface in each in square feet, are shown. The posi- tions of the four vertical lines of flow and return pipes to radiators Fig. 32.—Sectional Longitudinal Elevation. Scale -jL inch to the foot. ABEAM COM STOVE COMPANY,. 33 on chamber floor are indicated by circular points: in corner of landing in entrance ball leading to den; in closet oft' maid’s room, leading to chamber V; in library near door to dining room, leading to nursery; and in butler’s pantry, leading to bath room and chamber IV; and also to air and expansion pipe connections to expansion tank. It will be observed that the warm-air registers in the library and morning room are on the floor. This position is made necessary because there is no provision for ver- tical ducts in the walls. The warm-air registers being at as great a distance as possible from the exhaust register, the Fig. 33 — Plan of Basement. Scale -fg inch to the foot. arrangement will give satisfac- tory heating results. If the warm-air register on the floor were put near the exhaust register in the wall and above it, the heated air would pass directly out through the ex- haust register. In the en- trance hall two air-circulating registers are placed in the floor, through which the air within the house may be cir- culated when the damper in the main cold-air duct is closed. Fig. 35 is the chamber floor plan. All the apart- ments are heated by direct radiation except chambers I, Fig- 34- —Plan of First Floor. Scale jg inch to the foot. 34 r HE N 0 V EL T Y Cl R CUE A TO R. II, and in. The halls are heated from registers on floor beneath. In the design of this house no provision was made for the ventilation of the nursery or bath room. In the bath room the expansion tank is placed convenient to the vertical rising lines to which it is connected. Fig. 36 gives details of radiator connections in basement at K in bath room. Fig. 37 shows ele- vation of connection in basement at M to radia- tor in servants’ lavatory. Figs. 38 and 39 give de- tails of air ducts at E F and D E, as well as con- nections to radiator in dry room. Fig. 40 is an ele- vation in basement in laundry looking toward heater room. The circu- lator, main flow and return pipes are shown, as well as the air-pipe connections and radiator at K in bath room, and Fig. 41 shows the double connection of an air pipe at P. Table Ho. Ill gives the contents, surfaces, and propor- tions, while Table Ho. IV shows the radiators proportioned. In proportioning the surfaces in radiators for heating the two apartments in basement and all the apartments on ground or first floor, the temperature of the water is taken at 160°, and the same temperature is used in estimating for the bath room on chamber floor. The temperature used in calculating the rest of the surface, both direct and indirect, is 180°. The location of the registers has already been referred to, and an examination of the places will indicate that there is little room for selection. The direct radiators on the chamber and ground floors have been arranged as far as practicable near the exposed walls. The radiator in the nursery is placed so as to simplify the piping. This room, it will be observed, projects out over the library bay window. The vertical lines to this Fig* 35-—Plan of Chamber Floor. Seale fig- inch to the foot. Fig* 3 * O © q tzi o to w 02 g W g w w l-1 0 q t"1 H W M l-1 © JO < © q P 0"? © P S* s : P 3 © pr © : p • 3 © p £- S’ © q © & p B* £ p 5T P 0 ?r O2 q P & P •q I—1 U|M U|M CO 1—4 05 Or 0 0* 4- IC Cn OO M|M CD 05 CO 00 4- O 07 0 Cfl co CO cn tc tc 4- IC tc —l 4c 00 O q’ © co q 72 *© P Q 42 07 Ox Ox o< 1C 4— 4- oo 00 4c —4 4- 0 r g g.g g a p N © cc CO 1—4 k—i r-c co I q M 1 © P ® ® 0 ® ,2 ffi 3 w S M 1 o5 1C 00 07 07 CD 70 -7 4- C~x Cl ~7 0 pj © Q P 1 o o o 0 0 O 0 O O 0 0 O' 0 ! * • © *-*5 l—i rf^lco >Hco i—1 k—4 l—i l—i 44co 1—1 l—l l-c c cc 1—4 k—l k—i l-c —1 —4 —l Diam. flow and return j pipes to radiators. | rf^jM ►H*-4 »*+-• ►H*—1 rfHw iWc u|c 4*|m U|(C hClr- *+- s 'CO 4- ox 1C 4- CO ic co tc IC cc tc tc l-c H—4 tc tc co co tc 05 Proportion of contents to surface in radiators.! •“ LC —F- CO o OO I—i oo 05 CO CO 00 05 0 co CD -* * o H W y y b r/4 y w td X X Pj td b td to y 0 hd b b a a a X © p P s? E P^ & £ © p- p : p <5 p p- & p p P P P, o $ P S' © P- P © P o- P P E 5* P £.* O. © : cr £- 0 0 OK? © © a- P : j © o g room O O B P © © 3 © © © © © B room p © P 3 $ o : 3 : room © © 3 < P © *< <*? p © © : © : ? s (J) “ : © © B 5 cr 83 B 4-*- (-J IO h-i p to i-i co co to to co co co to to O oo CD p p 4- 00 CD IO IO Ol —T 4- i—i Ol 1 o Ol to —f p Oi Ol Oi 44 co co Contents in cubic feet. 00 co 4- i—i 4- d i-i oo p Ol 4- ro CO O Cl p-l -4 —r CO -7 Ol -7 to 0 to 1 p Ol ID O o O t—i to oo Oi o o o o p o o 0 0 to Ol Ol 0 Ol 44 4- GO 1 o £ l—l l—l pa Exposed wall exclu- o5 o Ol 4- CD co co 03 to Ol 03 4- 03 4- to CO GO 03 GO to 00 4- co ! sive of glass surface, CD o CD 03 o 03 oo <-a -a to Ol Ol 00 03 03 CO 4- O “7 —7 co LO square feet. © 00 co Ol P 44 p M i—i co co 4- 1-1 pa 4- 1—1 4-1 4- pa Cn 44 44 0 Ol 1-4 44 O co 4-1 Glass surface, square Or 4- OO '00 00 tO 00 cc CD 00 Ol CD to CD 03 GO Ol GO GO C71 03 to Oi to to CO CD 1 C3 to to to ha to 4- 4- C71 to to Ol to IO Oi to —7 to 44 0 03 44 44 44 CO 44 Equivalent to glnss in 1 P- O O co oo l—l 03 Ol CO 4- 4- 03 p to O -7 co 03 44 Cn Oi 03 GO to to =3 to H-a h-i ua pa 4-1 4-1 to 44 to Lineal feet of exposed oo LO -I to Cl Oi CD 03 CD l—l 03 GO CD 4- Ol CO GO co 4- co Ol pa \Y !ll l • © k9|M v V ' PCO IC|P U|H £- O to £ 3 b 03 CD l—l to co CO Pi 3-1 4— 44 03 4- O iQ 4- to o IC IO Cn CD O - r O p r p © s* P IO P PH N-.WJ © 4- CD h-A —i 44 —1 to © ff ® B W 3 oa HK co —7 o Ol 4- co GO © Q P © o o o o O 0 O 0 1 I C 44 rt^co tHco thjco 44 iWco i4fco ,i-i 3-1 P*iCO 44 pa 44 ’—l Diam. flow and return | *?. rtp P|P 4|M Up M4—1 4p ►hjM pipes to radiators. ; i co 4- to co 4- CO co to co co co to co co 44 to pa to 44 J Proportion of contents | —f- 4- oo o o oo co 03 oo Cn 4- 0 —r Oi 03 00 O ) to surface in radiators. to 1 tp '~A—' „ b 1 i—i 4-1 4-1 44 44 44 CO p 5 X C i X 03 tO X X 03 X -7 X 03 X GO 03 X X onsions of rrn-air pipe inches. 4— 4- Ol P 03 03 03 03 03 CD i -7 4- 03 4-1 to 44 CD 4- 44 CD CO to Area of warm -air pipe j '00 O O GO to to to 4- in square inches. co to 44 44 44 —4 Velocity of air per sec- i co hO|H bS|M kO|M Up bc|p ond in feet. to to to to to to 44 "1 Changes of air per hour, i to 1° to 1 f A 4 td 1 44 -4 44 to PK < 0 M O X l—l o X 4-1 GO O X X 4- X 44 44 0 X 4- X -4 P to X X 4-1 i—i © “So? © P »“4 P 03 CO Ol Ol O 03 O 0 P S’55' s £ l+- CD CD CD 44 O O pa j Area of exhaust or exit 00 .03 -03 00 GO p | flue in square inches. l—i to to 1 4-1 to 1 44 to 1 44 to 1 44 to S- S 5 2Jg* B b2.£0® 03 1 1-1 03 4- CD CD X p X oo o X X X X P- P‘ X X 4-1 44 44 44 1-4 © £5 ai 0 to 03 03 to O to to 03 '-A-' to n Diameter of cold-air j Ol tt>|M oo —7 O 44 0 44 44 0 to P P O Ol duct or fresh-air inlet j in inches. -7 00 CO Ox CO 03 Cn 1-4 —7 -4 ' —T —7 Area of cold-air duct 1 or fresh-air inlet in I 03 CO o GO CO 03 00 co OO p square inches. | ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 45 of adding more to the coils. Each room that is ventilated has a separate ventilating flue. One flue should not be used for two rooms. The warm-air flues or ducts are calculated with the following velocities in feet per second : 1| feet to the first floor, 2J feet to the second floor, 3 feet to the third floor, and 3J feet to the fourth floor. The areas of the warm-air flues or ducts are ascertained by using the multipliers given in Table XXVIII. The cubic feet of air in the hall, changed once in each hour, 12202 X .0266 = 324.5 square TABLE VI.—CITY RESIDENCE. SURFACES IN RADIATORS PROPORTIONED, ROOMS. Sq. ft. of glass and its equiva- lent in exposed wall. Multi- plier. Cubic feet of air cooled per hour by glass. Contents of rooms in cubic feet. Changes of air in rooms per hour. Total number of cubic feet of air to be warmed. Multiplier. Sq. ft. of surface required in rooms to warm air from 0 to 70°. Remarks. ' Halls. 135 X 75 — 10125 + c L2202 X 1) = 22327 X .0114 = 254 Indirect. E 0 0 Dining room 118 X 75 = 8850 + ( 3575 X 2) = 16000 X .0114 = 182 Indirect. -1 Pantry 16 X 75 = 1200 + ( 550 X 2) = 2300 X .0114 = 26 Indirect. 0) E Parlor 65 X 75 = 4875 + ( 3575 X 2) =12025 X .0114 = 137 Indirect. Conservatory 105 * 47 Direct. E Bed room 76 X 75 = 5700 + ( 2210 X 1) = 7910 X .0072 = 58 Direct. 0 U. Bath room 23 X 75 — 1725 + ( 510 X 1) = 2235 X .0072 = 16 Direct. Q Zo Library ~j 77 X 75 5775 + ( 3850 X 2) = 13475 X .0114 = 154 Indirect. s Book room j Nursery 57 X 75 = 4275 + ( 1430 X 1) - 5705 X .0072 = 41 Direct. E Nurse’s room 26 X 75 = 1950 + ( 720 X 1) = 2670 X .0072 = 19 Direct. 0 -l k. - Bath room 21 X 75 = 1575 + ( 540 X 1) = 2115 X .0072 = 15 Direct. 0 E Bed room 54 X 75 = 4050 + ( 2250 X 2) = 8550 X .0114 = 97 Indirect. Hall room 44 X 75 = 3300 + ( 1275 X 1) = 4575 X .0072 = 33 Direct. e (" Servants’ room 48 X 75 = 3600 + ( 988 X i) = 4588 X .0072 = 33 Direct. 3 •*- .. 25 X 75 = 1875 + ( 812 X 1) = 2687 X .0072 - 20 Direct. Bath room 16 X 75 = 1200 + ( 451 X 1) = 1651 X .0072 = 12 Direct. 3 1 2 ! Play room 28 X 75 = 2100 + ( 1710 X 2). = 5520 X .0114 = 63 Indirect. * Surface obtained by dividing by 2.19 as per Table XX. inches, requiring two flues, one 36 by 6 inches, and one 18 by 6 inches. The cubic feet of air in parlor, 3575, to he changed twice in one hour X .053 = 189.4 square inches, requiring two flues each 16 by 6 inches == 96 square inches, or a total of 192 square inches. The play room on fourth floor contains 1710 cubic feet of air, which is to be changed twice in one hour, 1710 X .0228 = 38.98 square inches, requiring a flue 4 by 10 inches = 40 square inches. The sizes of the registers in warm-air and ventilating flues can be readily ascertained by reference to Table XXIX. 46 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. The size of main flow pipe is equal to 1224 (which is the square feet of surface in radiators) multiplied by .015 (see “Sizes of Main Flow and Return Pipes”)= 18.36 square inches, which is the approximate area. The area of a 5-inch pipe being 19.9 square inches, this is the size for main flow and return pipes. Fig. 50-—Section II to J Fig. 52.—Elevation at M. DETAILS IN BASEMENT. Fig. 51.—Elevation at L. The size of the expansion tank is ascertained by the use of the multipliers in Table XXV. Thus 1224 by .025= 30.6 gallons, or 1224 by 5.75= 7038 cubic inches or 30.4 gallons. The location of the expansion tank is in the bath room on fourth floor, and its connections are similar to those in cottage residence. Air-emission valves are necessary on all the direct radiators, on the coil in bath room, on third floor, and on coil in conservatory, which is composed of lj-inch pipes. The other coils do not require air cocks, as the manner in which they are connected to the vertical lines permits the water to displace the air and allow it to pass up the vertical pipes to expansion tank. The indirect radiators are provided with air pipes and arranged to allow the air to pass to the vertical flow and return pipes which are connected, as already shown and described, to expan- sion tank. Fig- 53-—Elevation at K, Heating a Railway Station with the Novelty Circulator, No. 14. FIG. 54 is a sectional elevation, and Fig. 55, immediately under it, is the plan. The circulator is located in the kitchen, on the same floor and level as the radiators. The main flow pipe passes vertically upward above the ceiling and inclines up from the circulator to the main tee at A to which the air pipe is connected. From this point all flow pipes incline toward the radiators. The main return pipe inclines from the radiators to the emptying-valve beneath the circulator. The position of the expansion tank is shown above the ceiling. It is placed as high as possible. The air pipe from the tee on main flow is connected to the upper part of the tank above water line, and the expansion pipe to the bottom of tank. This latter pipe is there connected directly to the lowest pipe of the main return. The flow pipes to all the radiators are connected to the top of the radiators. It will be observed that in filling the apparatus the water-supply enters the expansion tank and passes down the expansion pipe to the return and up the return into the radiators to the flow pipes, forcing the air to the highest point at A, where it finds vent through the air pipe into the expansion tank. By this arrangement the use of air cocks on the radiators is dispensed with. The overflow pipe from the expansion tank passes downward and discharges through an open end into sink in kitchen. This pipe maybe used as an air pipe to expansion tank, if the latter is closed on the top. The main flow pipe at A is continued in two parallel branch main pipes, which each have sub-branches to two and three radiators. By this arrangement a more uniform distribution of the temperature is induced. There is one main return pipe, to which the sub-branches are connected. The relative positions of circulator in kitchen and expansion tank above ceiling are shown. Fig. 56 gives enlarged view of fittings and pipes at A on flow main. It will be observed that a hole for the air pipe is provided on the top or highest point of the main tee. The full size of the main pipe is continued in each of the branches to the elbows, where the reduction to the size of the branches is made after the change in direction has been given to the currents. Fig. 57 shows the arrangement of fittings used at B and similar connections on flow main to branches. The central opening on tee in main branch is the same size as the other openings of tee. The sub-branch from the 3-inch main branch is connected by a 3-inch nipple into a 3 to 2-incli reducing elbow; on the 2-inch sub-branch is a 2-inch tee with 2-inch nipples in each outlet to radiator. One of these outlets is reduced by a reducing coupling to lj-inch pipe which connects to two radiators, and the other outlet on the run is reduced by an elbow 2 to 1 inch, and connects to one radiator. * In this system, which is an open one, the circulator is on the same level as the radiating surface, and therefore a larger size of circulator is used than would otherwise be needed. SECTION THROUGH A. B. Fig- 54-—Railway Station. Sectional Longitudinal Elevation. STREET Fig- 55-—Plan of Railway Station. Scale inch to the foot. PLATFORM ABEAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 49 Fig. 58 is branch flow pipe, at C, to one radiator. In the 3-inch branch main an even 3-inch tee is used, the outlet being the same size as the run. In the outlet is a 3-inch nipple with a reducing-coupling 3 to 1 finch, the size of flow pipe to radiator. This is preferable to using a bushing in tee 3-inch to lfinch, or a tee with an opening reduced to If inch. The arrangement of fittings shown gives an opportunity for a reduction in the velocity of currents when a change of direction takes place, and tends to produce a more uniform distribution of temperature than where small openings are used. In Fig. 59 the connections to a cross-fitting in main return pipe at D are shown. The 2-inch return main from radiators in baggage room enters the back of the cross on the run, and is connected to the latter by means of a bushing 3-inch to 2-inch, and flows in a direct course to the 3-inch main. The two side branch returns are connected to the cross by 3-inch nipples, and reducing couplings 3-inch to 2-inch and 3-inch to lfinch. By this enlargement of the space with the use of the 3-inch nipples in place of a 3 x 2-inch cross, or bushings, the velocities of the currents are reduced before change in the direction takes place. Fig. 60 is another connection of branches to main return pipe at E. The fitting is a 4finch cross, one end of the run being reduced to 4-inch. The side outlets are reduced by 4J to lfinch bushings to connect to lfinch branches. Bushiug may be used instead of 4finch nipples, and reducing couplings lfinch to lfinch in such an instance as this on account of the relatively small area of the lfinch branches to the internal capacity of the lfinch cross and bushings. The full- size lfinch cross with bushings is more desirable than a reduced fitting; that is, a cross lfinch on the run with lfinch side outlets. These are examples of the manner in which fittings and connections may be arranged to obtain the most satisfactory results. Fig- 56,—Detail of Main Flow at A, Fig- 57-—Detail of Branch Flow Pipe at B. 50 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. TABLE VII.—CONTENTS, SURFACES, PROPORTIONS, ETC., IN HOT-WATER HEATING APPARATUS IN A RAILWAY STATION. ROOMS. Contents in cubic feet. Exposed wall exclusive of glass surface. Square feet. Glass surface in square feet. Equivalent to glass in square feet.* Lineal feet of exposed wall. Heating sur- face in radiators or coils in square feet. Direct. Dimensions of flow and return pipes to radiators in inches. Proportion of contents to surface in radiators. 1. Kitchen 2520 310 96 127 29 2. Dish room.... 784 74 24 31 7 3. Serving room 784 74 24 31 7 4. Passage 784 5. Dining room 6048 312 192 223 36 208 11and 1 31 6. Halls 3465 90 64 73 11 80 1 43 7. Depot master’s room 560 52 18 23 5 20 1 28 8. Dining-room office 1568 169 27 44 14 44 1 35 9. Telegraph office 1008 84 42 50 9 44 1 22 10. Gents’ toilet 1596 169 27 44 14 36 1 44 11. Gents’ waiting room 6804 370 176 213 391 12. Ladies’ waiting room 6804 370 176 213 39 492 1|and 1 31 13. Ticket office 1463 150 60 75 15 14. Passage 490 15. Ladies’ toilet 1197 90 36 45 9 36 1 33 16. Baggage room 7511 685 239 307 66 216 1 ¥ 34 17. Mail room 1260 98 28 38 9 36 1 35 Totals 44646 3097 1229 1537 309 1212 33f * On the basis that 10 square feet of exposed wall equals 1 square foot of glass t Average. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 51 TABLE VIII.—RAILWAY STATION. SURFACES IN RADIATORS PROPORTIONED ROOMS. Sq. ft. of glass and its equiva- lent in exposed wall. Multi- pliers. Cubic feet of air cooled per hour by glass. Contents of rooms in cubic feet. Changes of air in rooms per hour. Total number of cubic feet of air to be warmed. Multipliers. Sq. ft. of surface required in rooms to warm air from 0 to 70°. Remarks. 4. Passage ' 5. Dining room 223 X 75 = 16725 + ( 6832 X 1) = 23557 X .0092 = 208 Direct. fi 73 X 75 = 5475 + ( 3465 + ( 560 X 1) x 1) = 8940 X .0092 = 82 Direct. 7. Depot master’s room 23 X 75 = 1725 = 2285 X .0092 = 21 Direct. 8. Dining-room office 44 X 75 = 3300 + ( 1568 X 1) = 4868 X .0092 = 45 Direct. 9. Telegraph office 50 X 75 = 3750 + ( 1008 X 1) = 4758 X .0092 = 44 Direct. 10. Gents’ toilet 44 X 75 = 3300 + ( 1596 1) = 4896 X .0092* = 35 Direct. 11. Gents' waiting room ' 12. Ladies’ waiting room-. 13. Ticket office 14. Passage 501 X 75 = 37575 + (15561 X 1) = 53136 X .0092 = 492 Direct. 15. Ladies’ toilet 45 X 75 = 3375 + ( 1197 X 1) = 4572 X .0092f = 37 Direct. 16. Baggage room 307 X 75 = 23025 + ( 7511 X 1) = 30536 X .0092| = 219 Direct. 17. Mail room 38 X 75 = 2850 + ( 1260 X 1) = 4110 X .0092 = 38 Direct. * Use additional multipl ier .78 to raise to 60°. tUse additional multiplier .88 to raise to 65°. 1 Use additional multipl ier .78 to raise to 60°. In proportioning the surfaces in the radiators the temperature of the circulating water has been taken at 160°. This is especially desirable in a railway station, as a larger extent of surface Fig. 58.—Branch Flow Pipe at C. Fig. 59.—Main Return at D, is necessary on account of the exposed condition of the rooms and the continuous opening and closing of the doors. Again, in a railway station of the kind illustrated the rooms are only 52 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. occupied by a few during the greater portion of the time, so that it is more satisfactory to have a certain nortion of*surface at a low temnerature than a smaller quantity of surface at a high temperature with a corresponding condition of tem- perature in the furnace of circulator. The radiators are located, so far as possible, near the doors and exposed walls, and each radiator is fitted with one valve on return pipe. The sizes of flow and return pipes are given in accordance with rule explained under “ Sizes of Main Flow and Return Pipes.” 1216 square feet of surface X .015 = 18.24 square inches. Since the area of 5-inch pipe is 19.99 square inches, it is the one used. The size of the expansion tank is ascertained by use of multipliers given under “ Expansion Tanks.” 1216 square feet of surface in radiators X .025 (Table XXV—A) = 30.4 gallons, or 7022 cubic inches; or 1216x5.75 (Table XXV—B) = 6992 cubic inches, the internal capacity of the expansion tank. The emptying valve is on the lowest pipe of the return main below circulator. (See Sectional Elevation.) Fig. 6o.—Detail of Main Return at E. Warming and Ventilating a Church and School with Two Novelty Circulators, No. 17. BIG. 61 is a perspective view of the church and school, the smoke or ventilating flues being concealed by the towers and roofs. Fig. 62 is a sectional transverse elevation. In this the posi- tion of the circulators is shown, as well as the inclination of the main flow and return pipes by double light lines and single heavy lines respectively. The dotted lines indicate the main cold-air duct. The location of the indirect radiators near the side walls is seen, as well as the connections of warm-air ducts from indirect radiators to warm-air registers. The position of the exhaust or ventilating register in steps of platform is indicated, and dotted lines denote its connecting exit-air duct to ventilating flue. The height of the expan. sion tank is shown in class room (see I, Fig. 65,) with its overflow, supply, and expansion pipe connections. In the ventilating flue V, the height of the heating coil, also of the air pipes and of the damper, is shown. These parts are the same in the other or front ventilating flue. Fig. 63 is a sectional longitudinal elevation. The two circulators appear in this view, as well as the main cold-air and air-circulating ducts. The position of the expansion tank is shown, and the warm-air registers in auditorium are seen be- neath each window. Fig. 64 is a plan of basement. In this plan the location of the circula- tors, the smoke pipes, the main flow and return pipes and branches with sizes, the indirect radiators with surfaces in each, the cold- and warm-air ducts with the dimensions, the exit-air ducts and ventilat- ing flues, and the air-circulating ducts are all distinctly shown. By the use of the air-circulating ducts provided, the air within the building can be at first heated, and when the building is not occupied it may be kept warm without taking in cold air or fresh air. The latter need only be used when ventilation is recpiired. The air-circulating ducts are fitted with four doors, two of which are shown Fig. 61.— Perspective View of Church. Benj. D. Price, Architect, 54 THE NOVELTY CIBCULATOB. closed against the 72 by 27-inch main cold-air duct, the third is closed at the 42 by 27-inch exit-air duct, and the fourth is at the 54 by 36-inch exit-air duct. By opening the four doors communication is made between the exit-air register and the cold-air ducts, and by closing the two dampers in the upper part of the ventilating flues and the damper in cold-air duct at the cold-air inlet the exit and entrance of air into the building ceases, and, as the air is heated, the circulation is up through the warm-air ducts, and down through the exit-air ducts into the cold-air ducts to indirect radiators. When the air in the building has become heated by this plan and ventilation is needed, the doors in Fig. 62.—Sectional Transverse Elevation. Scale yg inch to the foot. the circulating ducts are closed, and the dampers in ventilating flues and at cold-air inlet are opened. If it is desired, the air in basement can be allowed to circulate through the building. The flow and return pipes are arranged so that either or both circulators can be used. The surfaces heating the auditorium form one portion of the system and those heating the lecture and school rooms another portion. This is accomplished by the introduction of a valve on each return main near circulator. Continuous circulation passes through each main flow pipe through the heating surfaces in the ventilating flues. The return from these surfaces in the small ventilating flue near circulators is connected directly to the circulators. Fig. 65 is plan of main floor. The position of the warm-air registers is indicated by the letters W R, the exhaust or exit-air registers by letters E R. The latter registers are in the floor, ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 55 excepting three and the one in the steps to platform. The three registers are placed as low as pos- sible and the warm-air register in auditorium between the vestibules is placed as high as possible beneath the window. Direct radiators heat the two vestibules. Fig. 66 illustrates the connections to direct radiator in vestibule. This radiator has double flow and return pipes. The object of this arrangement is to secure heat in this radiator with either portion of the system in use. A is flow pipe from auditorium main, B flow pipe from lecture-room main, D return pipe to auditorium main, E return pipe from lecture-room main. When the valve on main return of auditorium portion is closed, the circulation will be through the auditorium and lecture- room flow main and through the lecture-room return main to circulator. When this valve is open and the other closed on lecture-room return main, the circulation is through the two main flow pipes and the return main of the auditorium portion. Fig. 67 gives details of heating surfaces in front or large ventilating flue or shaft. A is audi- torium main flow, A1 auditorium flow to coil in ventilating flue and air pipe, B is lecture-room flow, Fig. 63.—Sectional Longitudinal Elevation. Scale inch to the foot. Bl lecture-room flow to coil and air pipe. C provides continuous circulation in return main of either portion, D auditorium main return, D1 auditorium return from coil, E lecture-room return, E1 lec- ture-room return from coil. Air pipes extend above the coil and the level of expansion tank. Fig. 68 and Fig. 69 are elevations and a plan of the heating surfaces and connections of expan- sion tank in and near the back or small ventilating shaft. A1 and A are air pipes extending above the level of the expansion tank from the coil in ventilating shaft. B1 is flow pipe from and air pipe to lecture-room main, B flow pipe from and air pipe to auditorium main. C1 and C are return pipes of coils to the top of which is connected the expansion pipe D; the other ends of these pipes R1 and R are connected direct to circulators; that is, between the circulators and the gate valves on the main return pipes. E is the water-supply pipe to expansion tank. It is passed up through the ventilating shaft, as well as G, the overflow pipe, in order to be concealed from view in class room. The end of 56 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. overflow pipe is open and discharges into a sink in cellar and can be used as an air pipe to expansion tank if the latter is covered. From the details of connections described and illustrated in Figs. 68 and 69 it will be observed that a continuous circulation is secured in the main flow pipes. This is done in order to assist in maintaining a low temperature in whichever portion of the system is not in use. Fig. 64.—Basement Plan. Scale inch to the foot. The air emission from the direct radiator is provided for by air cocks or valves. The arrange- ment of the main flow pipes provides for the continuous escape or emission of the air from the indirect radiators. The points A1 and B1, Fig. 67, are respectively the highest points on the front end of the auditorium and lecture-room flow pipe. The points F1 and F, Fig. 69, are the highest points on the back main flow pipes of the lecture room and auditorium respectively. The main flow pipes incline upward ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 57 from the circulator to the points just mentioned where they are open to the atmosphere through four air pipes. The branches from the main flow to the indirect radiators incline from the flow main to the radiator. This is shown in Fig. 70, where the point A A is higher than the point B B and the point C C higher than D D. The return main has its inclination downward toward the circulators and parallel to the main flow pipes. Fig. 65.—Plan of Main Floor. Scale A inch to the foot. The expansion tank is located as shown in class room I. Its contents are found by multiplying the square feet of surface in radiators 2502 by .02 and the product is the contents, namely 50 gallons, or 2502 by 4.5 = 11,259 cubic inches, or 48.7 gallons. (See Table XXY.) Fifif. 70 ffives details of the cold and warm-air ducts and the relative inclinations of the flow and return mains and branches. The point F is higher than the point A A on the flow pipe at back 58 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. of basement; the pipe at F connects to coil and air pipe in the back or small ventilating shaft, A A and D D are higher than E E on the central or main flow pipe and G G on the central main return. The levels at A, B, C, and I) on the branch flow and return pipes have been described. The warm-air ducts have a short part horizontal. This is necessary in order to keep the casing of the radiator out from the window of basement. Preferably the passages of warm-air ducts should be vertical and as straight as possible. To the casing of the indirect radiators are connected the cold- air duct and an air-mixing passage or duct, Each of these is fitted with damper, as shown. By reversing the levers on these dampers the cold-air duct damper will be kept closed and the air-mixing damper open, or either may be adjusted so as to be partially open or closed. Fig. 66.—Connections to Direct Radiator in Vestibule. Fig. 67.—Front Ventilating Shaft. In proportioning the surface in radiators in church and school rooms, the temperature of the water has been taken at 180°. Such buildings do not require as much heat relatively as dwellings, on account of the number of people assembled in them. As soon as such places are occupied the tem- perature increases, and provision should be made to meet this addition to the temperature. It is there- fore desirable not to provide too much surface in the radiators, but preferably to make arrangements for quick heating up with a relatively small amount of heating surface and a proportionate increase in the temperature of the water. In quickly heating up, the circulating-air ducts will be found econom- ical and useful, and with the proper use of the air-mixing dampers the temperature of buildings heated in the manner described will be under perfect control. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 59 TABLE IX.—CHURCH AND SCHOOL ROOM. CONTENTS, PROPORTIONS, SURFACES, ETC. w -I- * o H o < ® 3 o ® 3 *T H o 3 ® •-* > P £ o p" *-< t7 ® o S’ o p* >-* 0 *Q p ◄ ® 2 £ *< < ® O 3 3 o ® © O ® ®* P J-. ® cr ® cr P Jtj Hfc ® S1 S1 £ 3 o o g O s in ® —t O'* C7* to CO cr* -i GO 1 Exposed wall exclu- sive of glass surface, 00 ID ID 05 4- 4- ! square feet. —1 1—L ID 05 —A —a Glass surface, square LD o 4- On 00 4- —i feet. X 00 o O ID 4- O ID h—l 1 eo l—l ID 4- M *-A Equivalent to glass in & 05 H-5 05 CD —> —t -1 square feet.* l—l o —i —r ID 4- 1 P CO ! 05 12 CO 4- CT5 Lineal feet of exposed ® o 1 CO 05 On ■05 O'* ID wall. P a P, M h—l ■2 p !T to ct* t^ 05 4- ID OO o P O 3-- S- t—P ® *-* >o O to 3 P *-* tD 05 —5 CD CD -5 05 -4 Di CO ID ® 3 q 3j 3 0Q % o s O O o o o N ' 0s o O' ID "1 71 Proportion of contents —f- O o 05 to surface in radiators. crq 05 On P 00 GO IO 1 3 - ~>i CS>? 5° *>|K OT> 3" X X X /< ® ® a s. p.B o 45. 05 4- 4- LD 05 LD O M ID M 3'!’- * > M M 4- 4- CD 00 00 - 3 'O 3 P —J On LD 00 O* o , e o -f—r CD h- Velocity of air per sec- LD LD LD LD ond in feet in warm- air flue. 1 i—i tO|K LD 05 LD || Changes of air per hour. Oj O* ID .S.0 o i I 1 3 -s S-3* LD 05 4- LD ID 4- . 3 3 ® 3 2 oW?S X X X X P^co*^ LD LD ID —5 ® jJ'a o O ID o Ow 05 h-* * ® -.S-> 3 r 4- 1-5 ID CO ® c 05' tO 05 o SS^e* CD 05 05 to <—> o* 5° a -bH- 5-5 05 4- ?* 2,5 to —1 1 LD ID g«: 1 O 45- LD 4- 45- X X X X X ® -t W P ». -a tD ID ID -• g§ ID O CD o O 90 On O'* 05 On Heating surface in ex- haust flue in sq. feet. 05 1 4^ 05 LD O O'* 1 4- LD —i 00 X Size cold- duct fresh- inlet inch* X X X ID r« p ■S.S5-S, 05 OO —L o b 05 7“ O'* 1—l 05 t—A t—A 4^ 05 M.S‘ 3 OO g-o s4i*!a CD CD - I 05 -H- On 05 ID 05 fg ® rT • • b "4- P#° ®.0 -i TABLE X.-CHURCH AND SCHOOL ROOM. SURFACES IN RADIATORS PROPORTIONED Square feet of glass and ROOMS. its equiva- lent in exposed wall. Multipliers. Cubic feet of aii- cooled per hour by glass. Contents of rooms in cubic feet. Change Total number •of. of air in cubic feet rooms 0f ajr |)e per warmed, hour. Multipliers. Square feet of surface to each room required to warm air from 0 to degree indicated in next column. Remarks. Class room No. 1 171 X 75 =12825 +(11646 x 2 ) = 36117 X.009 = 325 Indirect for 70°. Lecture room 174 X 75 =13050 +(29970 X 3 ) =102960 X.009 x.78 = 722 Indirect for 60°. Class room No. 2 11 — X 75 = 8400 +( 4950 X 2 ) = 18300 X.009 = 164 Indirect for 70°. Auditorium 497 X 75 =37275 +(70642 X li) =143238 X.009 X.78 = 1005 Indirect for 60°. Tower vestibule —67 X 75 =20025 4 ( 3456 x 1 ) = 23481 X.0072 X.78 = 132 Direct for 60°. Central vestibule 110 X 75 = 8250 + ( 2590 XI)--- 10842 X.0072 X.78 = 60 Direct for 60°. 60 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. TABLE XL—PROPORTIONING MAIN FLOW AND RETURN PIPES IN CHURCH AND SCHOOL. ROOM HEATED. Square feet of surface supplied. Multipliers. Approximate area of pipe. Square inches. Actual area of pipe. Square inches. Size of pipe- Nominal inside diameter. First Main: Class room I and ventilating flue 355 .015 5.32 4.78 2| in. Lecture and school rooms, etc 1384 .015 20.76 19.99 5 “ Lecture room, etc 879 .015 13.18 12.73 4 “ “ “ 729 .015 10.93 12.73 4 “ “ “ “ 579 .015 8.68 7.38 3 “ “ “ 429 .015 6.43 7.38 3 “ Class room II, vestibule, etc 279 .015 4.18 4.78 91 “ -2 Second Main: Auditorium and ventilating flue 365 .015 5.49 4.78 91 <( "2 Auditorium, etc 525 .015 7.87 7.38 3 “ Auditorium, vestibule, and ventilating flues 1272 .015 19.08 19.99 5 “ “ 747 .015 11.20 12.73 4 “ “ 577 .015 8.65 9.88 H “ “ 417 .015 6.25 7.38 3 “ “ “ “ “ “ 289 .015 4.33 4.78 91 u *2 QUANTITY OF AIR TO BE PASSED THROUGH VENTILATING FLUES PER HOUR, AND AREAS REQUIRED. Class room I cubic contents X 2 changes = 23,292 cubic feet of air per hour. Lecture room “ “ X 3 “ = 89,910 “ “ “ Class room II “ “ X 2 “ = 9,900 “ “ “ Auditorium “ “ X 1J “ =105,963 “ “ “ Total, 229,065 cubic feet of air per hour. 229,065 cubic feet of air at a velocity of 3 feet per second X .0133 = 3046 square inches area in openings to vertical ventilating flues. Openings to vertical ventilating flues. 1 opening 18 inches X 17J inches = 315 square inches. 1 “ 30 “ X 27 “ = 810 “ 1 “ 54 “ X 36 “ =1944 “ Total in three openings, 3069 square inches. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. CHANGES OF AIR IN ROOMS RELATIVE TO VENTILATION, CUBIC CONTENTS OF ROOM AND QUANTITY OF AIR PER HOUR BEING KNOWN. Class room I is furnished for forty occupants, who each require an average of 600 cubic feet of air per hour. 24,000 cubic feet of air per hour 600 X 40 =^rwxa—u- x. ■ ■ = 2.06 11,646 cubic feet of air in room the number of times the air in room should be changed per hour. Lecture room is arranged to seat 200 persons, who each require an average of 400 cubic feet of air per hour. 400 X 200 = CVCfe11a!rPerhOnl= 2.66 29,970 cubic feet of air 111 room the number of times the air in room should be changed per hour. Fig. 68.—Elevation and Plan of Back Ventilating Shaft. Fig. 69.—Elevation at Lower Part of Back Ventilating Shaft. Class room II is to seat 20 occupants, and 450 cubic feet of air per person per hour should be provided. ™ 9000 cubic feet of air per hour _ 450 X 20= -Tr-r A.n.n.. = 1.81 4950 cubic feet of air m room the number of times the air in room should be changed per hour. Auditorium seats 300 occupants, for whom 350 cubic feet of air per person per hour should be provided. o£A \/ Qun 105,000 cubic feet of air per hoar 1 AQ 70,642 cubic feet of air in auditorium the number of times the air in room should be changed per hour. “Air required for Ventilation,” in chapter on “Air,” 62 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. PROPORTIONING WARM-AIR DUCTS. THE VELOCITY OF AIR IN FEET PER SECOND AND THE NUMBER OF TIMES THE AIR IN ROOM IS CHANGED, PER HOUR, BEING KNOWN. Class Room I.—11,646 cubic feet in room X.04 (multiplier*) = 465.8 square inches 2 ducts 6 X 40 inches = 480 square inches area. Lecture Room.—29,970 cubic feet in room X.06 (multiplier*) = 1798.2 square inches 5 ducts 8| X 42 inches = 1785 square inches. Fig. 70.—Details of Cold and Warm-Air Duets. Auditorium.—70,612 cubic feet in room X-03 (multiplier*) = 2119.2 square inches. 6 ducts 8| X 42 inches = 2142 square inches. ClassRoom II.—4950 cubic feet in room X.04 (multiplier*) = 198 square inches. 1 duct 6 X 33 inches = 198 square inches. * See Table XXVIII for multipliers. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 63 In this case the velocity is taken at 2 feet per second and the air is changed in the auditorium 14 times per hour, in class rooms I and IT 2 times per hour, and in lecture room 3 times per hour. PROPORTIONING WARM-AIR REGISTERS, THE AREAS OF WARM-AIR DUCTS BEING KNOWN. Class Room I.—480 X 1.33 = 638 square inches. 2 registers 24 X 16 inches = 768 square inches. Lecture Room.—1785 X 1.33 = 2374 square inches. 5 registers 26 X 20 inches = 2600 square inches. Class Room II—198 X 1.33 = 263 square inches. 1 register 14 X 22 inches = 308 square inches. Auditorium.—2142 X 1.33 inches = 2849 square inches. 6 registers 26 X 20 inches = 3120 square inches. The register sizes taken are somewhat larger than the figures show to be necessary, but are preferred because larger openings tend to reduce the velocity of the air at its entry into the room. See “ Air ” and rules therein. PROPORTIONING HORIZONTAL EXHAUST AND VENTILATING DUCTS, IN WHICH THE VELOCITY OF THE AIR DOES NOT EXCEED 3 FEET PER SECOND. Class Room I.—11,646 cubic feet of air in room X.0266 (multiplier) = 310 square inches. 1 duct 18 X inches = 315 square inches. Lecture Room.—29,970 cubic feet of air in room X.0399 (multiplier) = 1195 square inches. 4 ducts 30 X 10 inches = 1200 square inches. Class Room II.—4950 cubic feet of air in room x.0266 (multiplier) = 131 square inches. 1 duct 22 X 6 inches = 132 square inches. Auditorium.—70,642 cubic feet of air in room X.0199 (multiplier) = 1406 square inches. 3 ducts 12 X 27 inches =972 square inches. 1 duct 12 X 42 inches =504 square inches. 1476 The air is changed twice per hour in the class rooms, three times in the lecture room, and one and one-half times in the auditorium. For multipliers see “ Air ” and rules therein. PROPORTIONING REGISTERS TO EXHAUST AND VENTILATING DUCTS WHEN THE VELOCITY IN THE LATTER EXCEEDS THE VELOCITY IN THE WARM-AIR DUCTS. Class Room I.—315 square inches area of exhaust and ventilating duct X 1.5 = 472 square inches. 1 register 24 X 20 inches = 480 square inches. 64 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR Lecture Room.—1200 square inches area of ventilating ducts X 1.5 = 1800 square inches. 4 registers 24 X 20 inches = 1920 square inches. Class Room II.—132 square inches area of ventilating duct X 1.5 = 198 square inches. 1 register 12 X 19 inches = 228 square inches. Auditorium.—1476 square inches area of ventilating ducts X 1.5 = 2214 square inches. 3 registers 24 X 20 inches = 1440 square inches. 1 register 60 X 12 inches = 720 square inches. 2160 See “ Air ” and rules therein. PROPORTIONING FRESH OR COLD-AIR DUCTS, THE AREAS OF WARM-AIR DUCTS BEING KNOWN. Class Room I.—465.8 square inches area of warm-air duct X.8 = 372 square inches. 1 duct 18 X 20 inches = 360 square inches. Lecture Room.—1798 square inches area of warm-air duct X.8 = 1438 square inches. 5 ducts 42 X 7 inches = 1420 square inches. Class Room II.—198 square inches area of warm-air duct X.8 = 158 square inches. 1 duct 20 X 8 inches = 160 square inches. Auditorium.—2119 square inches area of warm-air ducts X .8 = 1695 square inches. 6 ducts 46 X 6 inches = 1656 square inches. See “ Air ” and rules therein. VERTICAL VENTILATING FLUES. Each flue is 60 feet high. The small hue is 30 X 12 inches = 360 square inches = 2.5 square feet. The large hue is 54 X 12 inches =648 square inches = 4.5 square feet. Total vertical hue area 1008 square inches = 7 square feet. At a velocity in vertical hue of 10 feet per second 229,065 cubic feet of air will be discharged in one hour through a hue area of 916 square inches, or 6.36 square feet. 229,065 X.004 = 916.2 square inches. (See Table XXVIII in “ Air.”) To maintain a velocity of 10 feet per second in a ventilating hue 60 feet high, calculate as follows : Velocity squared = 10 X 10 = 100 divided by constant A 5.375 (see Table XXX) = 18.6° excess of temperature required in ventilating hue above outside temperature. Therefore if the tem- perature of the air in the ventilating hues is 50°, and the external atmosphere 30°, a velocity a little in excess of 10 feet per second is maintained in the ventilating hue. As the outside temperature decreases, the velocity in hue increases. These are the velocities and proportions of temperatures and areas necessary to simultaneously ventilate the school rooms, lecture room, and auditorium. ABEAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 65 To ventilate the school rooms and lecture room at one time, and the auditorium at another, since all the apartments may not be used at the same time, reduces the velocity in the ventilating flues to a great extent. The school rooms and lecture room require 123,102 cubic feet of air per hour through ventilat- ing flue of 1008 square inches area, 1008 123,102 = .0081, which in Table XXVIII indicates that the velocity in a flue of this area is 5 feet per second. The velocity squared, 5 X 5 = 25 5.375 (see Table XXX) = 4.6°, which is the excess of temperature required above that of the outside temperature to maintain a velocity of 5 feet per second. For the auditorium the calculation may be thus given : = .0094,which indicates a velocity according to Table XXVIII of feet per second. The velocity squared, 4.25 X 4.25 = 18.06 5.375 = 3.54°, which is the excess of temperature required above that of the outside atmosphere. To use the large ventilating flue only for the school rooms and lecture room requires a velocity of 7J feet per second, and an excess of temperature of 10|° above that of the outside atmosphere. The calculation is as follows: T2ETfr2 = *0052, or a velocity of 7\ feet per second. (See table XXVIII.) 56 7 5 The velocity squared, 7.5 X 7.5 = 5,875(constant A, Table XXX) = 10-5° excess of temPerature' HEATING SURFACE IN EXHAUST OR VENTILATING FLUES. It is an advantage to place a small quantity of heating surface in the ventilating Hue in order to heat the surfaces of the flue so that the temperature of the air exhausted from the rooms will not be quickly reduced on entering the ventilating flue. This heating surface also tends to create a velocity at the flrst application of heat to the system, and prevents tendency to down currents by irregular winds. An approximate way of proportioning this heating surface is to divide the surface of the sides of the flue in square feet by 12; the result will be the square feet of heating surface. The large flue in the church and schools measures 11 lineal feet in its side walls, which multiplied by 60 feet its height equals 660 square feet of surface in walls, and this divided by 12 equals 55 square feet of surface in heating pipes. The surface required in the small flue is thus ascertained : 7 X 60 = — 35 square feet in heating pipes. To ventilate the school rooms and lecture room in the summer time it will he necessary to increase the temperature of the air from these rooms about 5° above the temperature of the outside atmosphere. Taking the temperature of the rooms at the same temperature as the outside atmos- phere, say 70°, 123,102 cubic feet of air is to be raised 5°. The surface required in ventilating flues to heat this quantity of air 5° may be thus ascertained: Multiply the weight of a cubic foot of air at 70°, .0748 pounds (see Table XXII), by the specific heat of air, .238 (see Table XXXII); the result is .0178 unit of heat necessary to raise 1 cubic 66 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. foot 1°. The increase of temperature 5° multiplied by .0178 gives .089 unit of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 cubic foot of air 5° in 1 hour. The cubic feet of air to be heated are 123,102, which X .089 = the total number of units of heat per hour, 10,956. One square foot of surface with water at 160°, and surrounding air 75°, will approximately emit 127.5 units of heat per hour. Hence 10,956 divided by 127.5 equals 86 square feet of heating surface necessary in flues to maintain a velocity of 5 feet per second. It therefore appears that with 90 square feet of surface in ventilating flues an adequate ventilation may be had in the summer time. To maintain a velocity of 10 feet per second with an excess of temperature in the flues of 20°, which is more desirable than 5°, in order to ventilate all the building at one time in the summer, will require a greater quantity of surface, which may be ascertained as follows: Weight in pound or cubic foot of air at stated temperature [■ X specific heat of air X -j Number of degrees difference between 1 air in flue and outside atmosphere J j Cubio feet of air to be l heated per hour , X Number of square feet required in heating surface. Units of heat emitted approximately per square foot of surface Substituting figures in this formula, we have the following as the calculation for ventilating the entire building: .0748 X .238 X 20 X 229,065 r1Q , — L— — 518 square feet of heating surface. ((160-90) X 2.25) = 157.5 1 The heating surface should be placed at the base of the Hue, or extended up from the base, preferably to putting this surface at the top of the Hue. The number of heat units emitted per 1° difference between temperature of surface and temperature of air is increased with the increase in volume of air. Warming and Ventilating a City Office, using the Novelty Circulator No. ii.* Fig. 71.—Floor Plan of City Office. Approximate scale Jg- inch to the foot. SHE premises herein referred to are the offices of the Iron Age, Metal Worker, etc., Nos. 96- 102 Reade street, New York, in which the Novelty Circulator was installed in October, 1890. Gas is used as fuel, and nothing could better demonstrate the practical economy of the Novelty Circulator than the experience of the two seasons which have passed, and the small cpiantity of gas required. The premises have been abundantly and thoroughly warmed, and yet the consumption of gas through ordinary winter weather has averaged as little as 500 feet per day, and in the severe weather of January, 1892, it averaged less than 800 feet per day. (See Metal Worker, January 80, 1892.) * In this system, which is an open one, the circulator is on the same level as the radiating surface, and therefore a larger size of circulator is used than would otherwise be needed. 68 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. Fig. 71 is floor plan, indicating the manner in which the space is apportioned to the various oflice requirements. The position of the circulator is shown to be nearly central. The distribution of the heating surface in the pipes and coils is also given. The blow-off or emptying pipe and water supply pass between the beams and beneath the floor from the heater to the west wall, and these are the only two pipes connected with the system which are not between the floor and ceiling of the floor heated. Fig. 72 is an elevation of the apparatus to larger scale, and shows the relative levels of the circulator, the floor main, the coils, and the one radiator employed, the return main, and the expansion tank. This view is taken in the west room looking east. By referring to the numbers of the coils they can be readily located on plan, Fig. 71. The distance of each coil from circulator is given. It will be noticed that one coil is no less than 74 feet away, and that the upper pipe of all the coils is about level with the return inlet on heater. It will also be observed that the circulation passes directly through the flow mains and not to the tank, thus heating the surfaces by circulation Fig. 72.—Sectional Transverse Elevation Showing Circulator, Coils, etc direct from the heater without having the temperature of the water reduced in a tank, as is sometimes done to assist circulation in the return pipes. The location of the gas meter is shown, through which city gas is passed to the fire-box of the circulator and used as fuel. By this use of gas all the inconvenience, dust, and labor of coal tires is dispensed with, and the cost in this instance, as already mentioned, scarcely exceeds coal and the accompanying expense of handling and storing, removing ashes, etc. Fig. 73 shows No. 5 coil on partition. The flow and return connections are seen coming through the partition. Fig. 74 is section through ventilating duct which passes along the outside walls, the top forming an extension to the window-sills and the sides forming supports for the coils and pipes as shown. Fig. 75 shows the manner of connecting coils Nos. 9 and 10 to the 2-inch flow and return pipes. Fig. 70 gives the manner of connecting coil No. 12 and others of the same kind, ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. Fig. 77 shows details at A (Fig. 71) of the blow-off, water supply, and return main. The waste tank below the door is also shown. This tank is made necessary on account of the trimmer beam over which the blow-off* pipe and overflow pass, as in the installation of this work no beams were allowed to be cut. When emptying the system the water flows out until the level of the bottom of the pipe over trimmer beam is reached. The plug in blow-off is then opened, and the rest of the water flows into the waste tank, from which it is removed by hand pump and pail. In Fig. 78 are shown details at F in the plan, indicating the relative positions of main flow pipe, air pipe, expansion pipe, and expansion tank. Fig* 73*—Coil Xo. 5 on Partition. In proportioning the surfaces in coils and radiators for this office the external temperature was taken at zero, and the internal temperature at 70°. The east office contains in actual space, exclusive of halls and elevator shaft, 26,373 cubic feet of air, 572 square feet of exposed wall, and 352 square feet of glass. Taking the wall at a ratio of 20 square feet of its exposed surface as equivalent in cooling effect to one square foot of glass, the calculation is 352 -f- 28 = 380 square feet of glass and its equivalent. This multiplied by 75, a constant = 28,500 + 26,373 = 54,873. Multiplying this in turn by .0072 constant for water temperature of 180° = 394 square feet of heating surface in coils. 70 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. The west office contains 27,003 cubic feet of space exclusive of stairways, 680 square feet of exposed wall, and 352 square feet of glass. Taking the wall at the same ratio to glass as in the east office the figures are 352 + 34 = 386 square feet of glass and its equivalent. This multiplied by 75 = 28,950 + 27,003 = 55,953. This in turn multiplied by .0072 = 403 square feet. To this 15 per cent, more surface was added on account of the space being divided into several small compartments and therefore more difficult to heat, making the surface required in coils 463 square feet. The surface actually installed is as follows: East office, 274 square feet in coils and radiator, and 135 square feet in 2-inch flow and return pipes, making a total of 409 square feet, which is equal to a proportion of 1 square foot of surface to 64 cubic feet of space. In the west office there are 290 square feet in coils and 177 square feet in 2- and 3-inch flow and return pipes, making a total of 467 square feet, which is equal to a proportion of 1 square foot of surface to 58 cubic feet of space. The east and west offices together contain a total of 53,376 cubic feet of space, and have 876 square feet of direct heating surface in coils, radiators, and pipes, which is equal to a proportion of 1 square foot of heating surface in coils, etc., to 60 cubic feet of space. The entire system contains 350 gallons of water. The expansion tank has a total capacity of 31 gallons, and below overflow a capacity of 24 gallons. This rather large capacity was provided on account of the shape of the tank. Fig. 74.— Section Through Ventilating Duct. Fig. 75.—Detail of Coils Nos. 9 and 10. Fig. 76.—Detail of Coil No. 12. To more fully describe this system, which is uncommon in hot-water heating practice, the specification of the work, and in accordance with which the apparatus was installed, is appended. It is of use here also as a specimen of short specifications, which are at the same time inclusive and descriptive,—something much needed in hot-water heating work. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 71 SPECIFICATION of certain pipes, valves, and fittings, etc., to be erected on third floor at 96, 98, 100, and 102 Reade street, Kew York. Fig- 77-—Details at A of Blow-off Waste Tank, etc, The pipes are to be arranged as shown on plan, Fig. 71. From top of heater a 6-inch vertical flow pipe is to be connected to elbow (6 inch). In this pipe there is to be a flange union and a hole tapped (f-inch pipe) for thermometer at T. The pipe will be about 4 feet from heater to elbow. From elbow 6-inch pipe leads to 6-inch tee as shown on plan; the top of this tee is to be tapped (lj-inch pipe), F, Fig. 71, for air-vent. For 3 feet on north side of tee the 6-inch pipe is to be 72 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. continued (see plan) to flange union, one flange for 6-inch pipe and the other tapped eccentrically for 3-inch pipe, so that the top of 3-inch pipe will be level with top of 6-incli pipe, and on south side to tee H, Fig. 71. These 6 and 3-inch pipes are to be level from end to end, and about 30 inches from ceiling. At each end, B and C, Figs. 71 and 72, there are to be vertical 3-inch pipes about 7 feet long, at the lower end of which pipes there are to be 3-inch tees, 2-inch on the run, to be reduced by nipples and reducing couplings 3-inch to 2-inch at C, south end, a 3-inch to 2-inch reducing elbow may be used in place of one reducing coupling. On the north side, B, the center of this tee is to be 24f inches from the floor (new floor), and on the south side, C, 26 inches from the floor (new floor). At these levels 2-inch mains continue, without any inclination whatever, to the east as far as coils Xos. 14 and 15, and to the west as far as reducing coupling to coil Xo. 6 and point marked D. MAIN RETURN PIPES From coils Nos. 15 and 16 on the south side the 2-inch return pipes begin and incline at C where the 3 x 2 x 2-inch tee is 3-inch to center above floor and from coil No. 14 on the north side and point marked II, the 2-inch return pipes begin and incline to B, where the center of the 2 x 2 x 3-inch tee is 2f inches above the floor. From B and C the main returns are of 3-inch pipe and incline to A, where the center of the 3-incli pipe is 2 inches above the floor. Between A and B is a flange union. At A (see Fig. 77) a 4-inch tee receives the 3-inch return mains and a vertical 4-inch pipe goes upward to level of opening in the circulator. The under side of this 4-inch tee is tapped (f-inch pipe) for blow-off or emptying pipe and water supply f-inch connection. In the 4-inch between elbow and heater is 4-inch tee with lf-inch outlet for expansion pipe; there is also a flange union, and the top of pipe is tapped (f-inch pipe) for thermometer marked T on plan. Fig. 78.—Details at P of Air Pipe, Expansion Tank, etc. BRANCH FLOW PIPES. The branch flow pipes to coils Nos. 4 and 5, Fig. 73, are 2-inch pipe perfectly level with 2-inch main with 2-inch elbows, nipples, and eccentric reducing couplings. The 1 f-inch flow pipes to coils ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 73 Nos. 6 and 7, also to Nos. 9 and 10 (Fig. 75), and Nos. 14, 15, and 18, are level and connect to main by 2-inch nipple and eccentric reducing couplings. These couplings are used so that the top of all flow pipes are level. The coils Nos. 1, 2, 3, 8, and 11, and also No. 12 (Fig. 76), and Nos. 13, 16, and 17, are connected to 2-inch mains by 2-inch tees, facing down, with 2-inch nipple and 2-inch to lf-inch reducing elbows, and coil No. 19 by lf-inch pipe. BRANCH RETURN PIPES. The lowest pipes of coils Nos. 14 and 15 are connected to 2-inch main return pipe by 2 to lf-inch eccentric couplings, so that the under side of lf-inch and 2-inch pipes will be level. The lowest pipes of coils 4 and 5 are connected to 2-inch branch return pipes by 2-inch to lf-inch reducing elbows. The lowest pipes of coils Nos. 9, 10, and 18 are connected to 2-inch main returns to tees 2 x 2x lf-inch, and coils Nos. 1, 2, 3, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, and 17 are connected to 2-inch main return by tees 2 x 2 x lf-inch, with outlet facing horizontally. The position of these tees will be about 6 inches beyond return bends so as to allow for valve. Coil No. 19 is connected bj" lf-inch pipe to 2 x If x lf-inch tee. RADIATORS AND COILS There are to be nineteen return bend coils, as shown on plan, and of the sizes given, of lf-inch pipe, and also one radiator 45 inches high with 45 square feet of surface of the “Perfection” pattern. VALVES. Six coils Nos. 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, and 18, the radiator and circulating pipes are to have gate valves of the Rensselaer pattern and the other coils are to have ordinary angle valves, with hard seats. Valves are to he nickel-plated and fitted with keys; in all, fourteen (14) angle valves and eleven (11) gate valves. CIRCULATING PIPES. At the points marked E E E (see Fig. 71) there are to be f-inch pipes between the flow and return pipes. On these pipes are to he the f-inch gate valves above mentioned. The flow pipes are to be connected to these pipes E by 2 x 2 x 1 f-inch crosses, and If to f-inch bushings, and 2 x f-inch tees on the return connection. At D and TV the circulating pipes for heating ventilator shafts are to he placed as shown on plan. CONNECTIONS, BRACKETS, AND HOOK PLATES At flow and return end of each coil are to be means of disconnection, either right and left couplings and nipples, or other approved methods. On the circulating pipes right and left couplings are to he used. 74 TIIE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. The 3-inch main flow pipe is to be supported on brackets of approved pattern from wall. Single 2-inch hook plates are to be used on the 2-inch flow and return mains and branches where nec- essary. Hook plates 4, 5, 6, and 8 pipes high are to be used on the coils, and the coil pipes are to be level and kept on the same vertical center line as the 2-inch pipe by the use, if necessary, of a neat wood filling piece to be supplied by contractor. All hook plates are to be screwed to the wood casing and partitions which will be provided for the purpose. FINISHING PLATES. Where the flow and return pipes pass through the office partitions, wall plates or casings at each side are to be provided; these arc to be for 2-inch and lf-inch pipes. HOLES IN WALLS. At B two holes for 2-inch flow and return pipes are to be cut and the same number at C and H through 16-inch walls. At B near ceiling a hole through main wall tor air pipe is to be cut, and near C in 8-inch wall in elevator shaft two holes for 2-inch pipes are to be cut. These holes when the pipes are in are to be neatly fitted up and finished at each side round the pipes. BLOW-OFF. Connection between main 4-inch return tee and waste pipe is to be made with f-incli pipe and f-incli gate valve. The waste pipe will have a 1-inch tec on it to receive blow-oft and it will be below the 4-incli main tee. (See Fig. 77.) OVERFLOW. The overflow of 1-inch pipe is also to be connected to tee on waste pipe and to 1-inch outlet on reducing elbow (2-inch to 1-inch) on bottom of expansion tank. (See Fig. 78.) EXPANSION TANK. The location of this tank is shown on plan by dotted lines, directly above heater. It is to be placed as near ceiling as possible. The main 6-inch x 3-inch flow pipes are to be at least 6 inches below it. It is to be fitted with a ball and cock which is to be connected to the water-supply pipe (f-inch) which is near the circulator. The tank is to have a 1-inch pipe overflow connected to waste as above described. The expansion pipe is to be connected to bottom of tank of If pipe to tee on 4-inch main return pipe. To this expansion pipe the f-inch air pipe from 6-inch tee on main flowr is to be connected to the outlet of a horizontal If x If x f-inch tee, the position of this tee to be such as ABRAM COX STOVB COMPANY. 75 to cause tlie f-inch pipe to incline down from it to the |-incli elbow on nipple in 6-inch tee. From this tee (1| x 1J x|-inch) is to be a l]-inch elbow with IJ-incli pipe to elbow (1|) on bottom of tank. This pipe is to incline up to elbow on bottom of tank. (See Fig. 78.) The tank is to he of plate-iron or cast-iron, and bottom and top are to he properly stayed. The top is to have opening with cover of sufficient size to get at ball cock for repairs, etc. The joint of this cover to be tight. The joint of 1-inch air pipe to top of tank is also to he tight. The dimen- sions of the tank inside are 32 inches long by 30 inches wide. A height of 5 inches is necessary for expansion of water. To edge of vertical overflow pipe (2 inches) the height will be 6 inches and to under side of top of tank 7| inches, making the tank measure 32 inches long, 30 inches wide, and 7J inches deep with a pocket or drop from bottom of tank 4J inches by 16 inches long by 8 inches wide for ball of supply cock, making the greatest depth of tank 12 inches. To the bottom of this drop or pocket the expansion pipe is to be connected and at the lower part of the pocket near the bottom and near the top of tank a water gauge with glass is to be fitted. In addition to the supply through ball cock in tank, there is to be a f-inch supply with gate valve already specified, through emptying pipe to 4-inch tee on return main pipe. (See Fig. 77.) Under this contract the expansion tank furnished with the pipes and fittings as described, is to be provided and placed in position with all requisite supports from wall to partition. PROTECTION FROM FIRE. Wood-work near pipes is to be protected in accordance with the rules and regulations which apply to steam pipes of the Fire Department and Board of Fire Underwriters of New York. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP. All the materials described and referred to in this specification and the accompanying plan and details are to he supplied, placed in position, and left in complete working order. The entire apparatus is to he tested by the contractor, who is to make all joints tight. The workmanship is to be of the best kind, and all levels are to be accurately adhered to and carried out. Supply and Emission of Heat JOHN J. HOGAN. IN order to ascertain the number of square feet of surface in radiators or pipes required to heat a definite space or an apartment, some of the enclosing walls of which are exposed to the exterior atmosphere and have windows, it is necessary to know the cooling effect of such exposed surfaces. The quantity of heat required to warm incoming air, and the loss of heat through such surfaces, may be closely approximated through the assistance of tables and formulas here given. The quantity of air to be warmed can be definitely ascertained, and knowing its temperature, the quantity of heat needed to warm it the requisite number of degrees, is readily determined. The heat given off by each square foot of surface at certain temperatures under given conditions has been approximately determined by experiment. When these data are known it is not a difficult matter to ascertain the quantity of surface in radiators required for direct radiation. In deciding the surfaces required for indirect radiation, attention is necessary to other points, in addition to the loss of heat through glass and walls, the air to be warmed, and the heat given oft' by each square foot of surface. An examination of Table XII shows that the temperature which the incoming air has to acquire to provide for the loss of heat through glass, etc., is greater than is possible in hot-water circulation, if the quantity of incoming air is less than half the quantity of air cooled. Under such circumstances more air must be admitted at the lower temperature. To admit more air proper provision is necessary in the ventilating flues to allow the air to ascend freely from the radiators. This is especially desirable in well constructed and tightly finished buildings where there are no openings left near windows or doors through which the heated air may escape. Any one of the following tables or forms may be used to ascertain the quantity of surface required in direct or indirect radiation. It will be observed that forms 1, 2, and 3 give more definite results than forms 4 and 5, which are mere approximations. From Table XII it is apparent that a square foot of indirect radiating surface does relativelv less heating than a square foot of direct radiating surface when the incoming air is less than the quantity ol the air cooled by glass and exposed wall. When the quantity of air passing over the surfaces of the indirect radiator is greatly in excess of the air cooled by the exposed walls and glass, the average temperature within the casing of an indirect radiator is low, and each square foot of * Copyrighted, 1892, by John J. Hogan. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. surface does more effective beating than the same surface in a direct radiator. It is therefore evident, in designing an indirect beating apparatus, that particular care should be taken to provide a circulation of air through the indirect radiators. TABLE XII.—TEMPERATURES OF AIR IN CASINGS OF INDIRECT RADIATORS WHEN TEMPERATURE OF AIR IN ROOM IS 70° FAHR. AND TEMPERATURE OF EXTERNAL ATMOSPHERE IS ZERO* Proportion of incoming air to quantity of air cooled by glass and its equivalent. Temperature of air in casing at bottom of radiators. Temperature of incoming air in casing at top of radiators required to offset cooling effect of walls and windows. Internal tempera- ture of air in room. Total tempera- ture of air in casing at top of radiator required to offset cooling effect of walls and windows. Average tem- perature of air in casing. DEGREES FAHR. .25 0 280° + 70° = 350° 175° .5 0 140° + 70° = 210° 105° .75 0 93.3° + 70° = 163.6° 81.8° 1. 0 70° + 70° = 140° 70° 2. 0 35° + 70° = 105° 52.5° 3. 0 23.3° + 70° = 93.3° 46.6° • 4. 0 17.5° + 70° = 87.5° 43.75° 5. 0 14° + 70° = 84° 42° 6. 0 11.6° + 70° = 81.6° 40.8° 7. 0 10° + 70° = 80° 40° 8. 0 8.75° + 70° = 78.75° 39.37° 9. 0 7.75° + 70° = 77.75° 38.87° 10. 0 7° + 70° = 77° 38.5° For the purposes of this treatise, rules and directions for proportioning surfaces in radiators under various specified conditions may be arranged in five forms or propositions: (1) General For- mulae ; (2) Proportioning Surfaces in Radiators to Glass, Exposed Wall, and Cubic Contents of Apart- ments; (3) Surfaces required to Warm Incoming Air; (4) Proportioning Surfaces in Radiators to Cubic Contents of Apartments, and (5) Proportioning Surfaces in Radiators to Lineal Feet of Exposed Wall. ♦Copyrighted, 1892, by John J. Hogan. 78 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. FORM i.—FORMULAE FOR PROPORTIONING RADIATING SURFACES* DEFINITIONS. Reference letter or constant. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Square feet of glass and its equivalent in exposed wall Number of degrees of difference between outside and inside temperatures Cubic feet of air cooled per square foot of glass (1.279 per minute Hoodi per hour for each degree of difference in tem- perature between the inside and outside atmosphere 1.279 X 60 minutes Thermal capacity of one cubic foot of air at 0 = weight of one cubic foot of air at 0 or .0864 X specific heat of air or .238 Loss of heat through glass and its equivalent in exposed wall in units of heat per hour Cubic feet of air to be warmed per hour Units of heat required to warm air per hour G. X D. X 76.74 X .02056= H. U. G. D. X .02056 XC. = H. U. A. = (1. = 1). = 76.74 = .02056 = 11. U. G. = C. = H. U. A. 8. Degress of heat to be added to air in rooms in indirect heating to overcome cooling effect of glass and exposed wall .... d .02056 X C. = A. D. 9. 10. 11. Inside temperature of room or apartment in degrees Fahr Total heat of incoming air in degrees Fahr A. D. + 1. T. = T. 11. Outside temperature = 1. T. = T. H. = 0. T. = A. T. 12. Average temperature of air in degrees Fahr. within the casing of indirect radiators tp T. H.-f-O. T. . m tp u i T. H.— O.T. A If above zero = A. I. If below zero =-= A. I. 13. 14. 15. = R. = 11. U. D. = H. U. S. Temperature of surface of radiators in degrees Fahr Heat units emitted per square foot of surface of radiator for each degree of difference between the temperature of the surface of radiator and the internal temperature of room or apartment (I. T.) for direct radiation or the average temperature of air within the casing (A. T.) for indirect radiation . Heat units emitted por square foot of surface of radiators per hour R.— I. T. X H. U. D.= H. U. S. for direct radiation. R. — A. T. X H. U. D. = H. U. S. for indirect radiation. 16. H. U. Gr. + H. U. A. a I? o u t> =Square Feet of Surface Required iv Radiator. xl. IJ. te. 17. For direct radiation H. U. D = 1.6 to 1.8. 18. For indirect radiation when the quantity of air to be warmed does not exceed three times the quantity of air to be cooled by glass and exposed wall, H. U. D = 1.3 to 1.5. 19. For indirect radiation when the quantity of air to be warmed exceeds three times the quantity of air cooled by glass and exposed wall, H. U. D. = 1.6 to 2.5. 20. When the air is forced through radiators mechanically by means of fans, blowers, etc., H. U. D = 3 to 7. * Copyrighted, 1892, by John J. Hogan. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 79 FORM 2.—PROPORTIONING SURFACES IN RADIATORS TO GLASS, EXPOSED WALL, AND CUBIC CONTENTS OF APARTMENTS* Multiply the square feet of glass and its equivalent by 1.25 and the resulting product by 60. This gives the cubic feet of air cooled per hour by the glass. To this add the cubic feet of air to be warmed per hour, which may be the cubic contents of the room, multiplied by 1, 2, 3, or 4, depend- ing on the number of times it is proposed to change the air, and the result will be the total cubic feet of air to be warmed per hour. Multiply the total cubic feet of air to be warmed per hour by the units of heat required to raise 1 cubic foot of air to the required temperature, as given in Table XVI, and divide this product by the number of units of heat per square foot per hour emitted from radiators according to Table XIII. The result is the square feet of surface required in radiator. TABLE XIII—UNITS OF HEAT PER SQUARE FOOT OF SURFACE PER HOUR EMITTED IN DIRECT AND INDIRECT RADIATORS (APPROXI- MATE).! A. B. c. Average temperature of water in radiators in degrees Fahr. Units of heat emitted approximately per square foot per hour by direct radiators, the temperature of room being 70°. Units of heat emitted approximately per square foot per hour by indirect radiators to maintain incoming fresh air in room at 70°, when the quantity of air to be warmed does not exceed three times the quantity of air to be cooled by glass and exposed wall. Units of heat emitted approximately per square foot per hour by indirect radiators to maintain incoming fresh air in room at 70°, when the quantity of air exceeds three times the quantity of air to be cooled by glass and exposed wall. 140° 115° 92 174 150° 135° 109 198 160° 155° 126 222 170° 177° 143 247 180° 199° 161 274 190° 222° 179 301 200° 246° 198 330 0 O 'M 270° 217 418 * Copyrighted, 1892, by John J. Hogan, t Copyrighted, 1892, by John J. Hogan. 80 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. FORM 3.—SURFACES REQUIRED TO WARM INCOMING AIR. The foregoing rule may he simplified as follows : The square feet of glass and its equivalent mul- tiplied by 75, (1.25 X 60) equals the number of cubic feet of air cooled by the glass and its equivalent in exposed wall per hour. To this product add the cubic feet of air to be warmed per hour and the sum is the total work to be done expressed in the number of cubic feet of air to be warmed per hour. The total number of cubic feet of air to be warmed per hour when multiplied by the multiplier in Table XIV opposite any desired temperature of water in the radiators, and in the column for direct or indirect radiation, gives as the product the required number of square feet of surfaces in radiators, when the external temperature is 0 Fahr. and the temperature of the apartment warmed 70° Fall. TABLE XIV.—MULTIPLIERS FOR ASCERTAINING SQUARE FEET OF SURFACE REQUIRED IN RADIATORS* External temperature 0 Fahr. Temperature in apartment 70° Fahr. Average temperature of j water in radiators in degrees Fahr. Indirect Radiation. Direct Radiation. When the quantity of air to be warmed does not exceed three times the quantity of air to be cooled by glass and exposed walls, the When the quantity of air to be warmed exceeds three times the quantity of air to be cooled by glass and exposed wall, the Square feet of surface in radiators = total number of cubic feet of air to be warmed, multiplied by, Multiplier A. Multiplier B. Multiplier C. 140° .0123 .0155 .0082 150° .0106 .013 .0072 160° .0092 .0114 .0064 170° .0081 .01 .0058 O O 00 r—i .0072 .009 .0052 190° .0064 .008 .0047 200° .0068 .0072 .0043 210° .0053 .0066 .0034 For other temperatures, see Table XXI. ♦Copyrighted, 1892, by John J. Hogan. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 81 FORM 4-—PROPORTIONING SURFACE IN RADIATORS TO CUBIC CONTENTS OF APARTMENTS. External temperature 0 Falir. Internal temperature 70° Fahr. Temperature of water in radiators 160° Falir. Description of Apartments Direct Radiation. Indirect Radiation. Warmed. One square foot of surface in radiators, heats. 25 to 35 cubic feet. 30 to 45 “ 15 to 25 cubic feet. 20 to 30 “ Dwelling apartments on second and upper floors Dwelling bath rooms 15 to 25 “ 10 to 20 “ Dwelling halls 20 to 30 “ 15 to 25 “ School rooms, offices, etc 30 to 60 “ 25 to 40 “ “ Factories, stores, etc 45 to 70 “ 25 to 40 “ “ Auditoriums, churches, etc 80 to 100 “ 50 to 80 “ RELATIVE COOLING EFFECT OF GLASS AND WALLS APPROXIMATELY STATED FOR PRACTICAL PURPOSES. One square foot of glass will cool 75 cubic feet of air one degree per hour for each degree of difference of temperature between the external and internal atmospheres. The cooling effect of 10 square feet of exposed wall, 8 to 12 inches in thickness, is equal to one square foot of glass. The cooling effect of 15 square feet of exposed wall, 14 to 26 inches in thickness, is equal to one square foot of glass. The cooling effect of 20 square feet of exposed wall, 28 to 38 inches in thickness, is equal to one square foot of glass. LOSS IN UNITS OF HEAT PER SQUARE FOOT OF GLASS PER HOUR FOR A DIFFERENCE OF i° BETWEEN THE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL AIR.* Window glass, single 1.57 Window glass, double 83 Glass of large surface as in conservatories, greenhouses, etc 1.05 * Copyrighted, 1892, by John J. Hogan. 82 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. FORM 5.—PROPORTIONING SURFACES IN RADIATORS TO LINEAL FEET OF EXPOSED WALL IN APARTMENTS.* EXTERNAL TEMPERATURE o FAHR. INTERNAL TEMPERATURE 70° FAHR. RULE FOR DIRECT RADIATION. Multiply the number of lineal feet of exposed wall by 7 for apartments having a height of 10 feet or under, and to the product for every addition to the height of 2 feet or fraction thereof, add one (or fraction of one) and divide the sum by 3. The result will be the number of square feet of surface in radiator. a. For apartments with one wall exposed, or in which the exposed walls do not exceed two- fifths of all the surrounding walls, add one-fifth of the length of the exposed wall to the lineal feet and proceed as above stated. b. For entrance halls of rectangular form, multiply the width of the exposed wall or end by the height of the hall and by .9 and the result will be the number of square feet required in radiator. RULE FOR INDIRECT RADIATION. Multiply the number of lineal feet of exposed wall by 11 for apartments having a height of 10 feet or under, and to the product for every addition to the height of 2 feet or a fraction thereof add 1, (or a fraction of 1) and divide the sum by 3. The result will be the square feet of surface for indirect radiation. a. For apartments with one wall exposed, or in which the exposed walls are less than two- fifths of all the surrounding walls, add one-fifth of the length of the exposed wall to the lineal feet, and proceed as above stated. b. For entrance halls of rectangular form, multiply the width of the exposed end by the height of the hall and by 1.4, and the result is the number of square feet of indirect radiating surface. TABLE XV.—MULTIPLIERS FOR ASCERTAINING THE SURFACES IN RADIATORS PER LINEAL FOOT OF EXPOSED WALL.f External temperature 0 Falir. Internal temperature 70° Falir. HEIGHT OF ROOMS. 10 FT. 12 FT. 14 FT. 16 FT. 18 FT. 20 FT. | Direct. Indirect. Direct. Indirect. Direct. ; Indirect. Direct. i Indirect. Direct. 1 Indirect. ■ Direct. i Indirect. I 7 11 8 12 9 14 10 15 11 17 28 12 18 11 17 12 18 18 20 14 21 15 16 24 For intermediate heights allow proportionately. For other differences of temperature, see Table XXI. * Copyrighted, 1890, by David Williams, t Copyrighted, 1890, by David Williams. ABRAM CO A' STOVE COMPANY. 83 TABLE XVI.—UNITS OF HEAT REQUIRED PER HOUR TO HEAT ONE CUBIC FOOT OF AIR AT DIFFERENT TEM- PERATURES. Temperature of external air. Temperature of air in room. 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° Units of heat required per hour. 0 degrees 1.028 1.234 1.439 1.645 1.851 10 .805 1.007 1.208 1.409 1.611 20 “ .59 .787 .984 1.181 1.378 30 .385 .578 .77 .963 1.155 40 .188 .376 .564 .752 .94 TABLE XVII—LOSS IN UNITS OF HEAT PER SQUARE FOOT PER HOUR THROUGH EX- POSED WALL FOR A DIFFERENCE OF 1° BETWEEN THE EXTERNAL AND IN- TERNAL AIR WHEN ALL SIDES OF ROOM ARE EXPOSED. TABLE XVIII.—LOSS IN UNITS OF HEAT PER SQUARE FOOT PER HOUR THROUGH EXPOSED WALL FOR A DIFFERENCE OF 1° BETWEEN THE EXTERNAL AND IN- TERNAL AIR WHEN ONLY ONE WALL OF THE ROOM IS EXPOSED. Thickness of wall in inches. Brick. Thickness of wall in inches. Stone. 41 .231 6 .261 9 .191 12 .234 14 .159 18 .212 18 .14 24 .194 27 .111 30 .179 36 .092 36 .166 Thickness of wall in inches. Brick. Thickness of wall in inches. Stone. 4* .371 6 .453 9 .275 12 .379 14 .213 18 .324 18 .182 24 .284 27 .136 30 .257 36 .108 36 .228 84 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. TABLE XIX—SURFACES REQUIRED IN HEATING PIPES OR RADIATORS TO MAINTAIN VARIOUS TEMPERATURES IN CONSERVATORIES, THE EXTERNAL TEMPERATURE BEING 0 FAHR* Temperature of house in degrees Fahr. Units of heat lost per square foot of glass per hour. Units of heat required to heat one cubic foot of air per hour from 0 Fahr. Temperature of water in heating pipes. 140° 160° 180° 200° Ratio of heat units emitted per square foot of heat- ing surface in pipes, approxi- mated. Square feet of surface in heating pipes or radiators required per 100 square feet of glass. Ratio of heat Square feet units emitted of surface per square in heating foot of heat- 1 pipes or ing surface radiators in pipes, required per approxi- 100 square feet mated. of glass. Ratio of heat units emitted per square foot of heat- ing surface in pipes, approxi- mated. Square feet of surface in heating pipes or radiators required per 100 square feet of glass. Ratio of heat units emitted per square foot of heating surface in pipes, ap- proximated Square feet of surface in heating pipes or radiators required per 100 square feet of glass. A. B. C. D. E. D. E. D. E. D. E. 40 44 .822 207 23 251 19 318 15 367 13 45 47.25 .925 195 27.5 249 21.5 298 18 358 15 50 52.5 1.028 183 32.5 234 25.5 284 21 341 17.5 55 57.75 1.130 172 38 222 29.5 273 24 328 20 60 63 1.234 157 45.5 207 34.5 251 27.5 318 23 65 68.85 1.336 145 53.5 195 39.5 249 31 298 26 70 73.5 1.439 132 133 183 45.5 234 35.5 284 29 75 78.75 1.542 123 72.5 172 52 222 40 273 32.5 80 84 1.645 111 86 157 61 207 46 251 36.5 85 89.25 1.747 99 102 145 70 195 52 249 40.5 B = A X 1.05 average loss in units of heat per square foot of glass per hour for the difference of 1° Fahr. C = 0.238 specific heat of air X .0864 weight of 1 cubic foot of air at 0 in pounds X A, number of degrees difference between internal and external temperatures. D = approximated ratio of emission of heat in units from heating surfaces of pipes or radiators by contact of air per square foot per hour at various differences of temperatures. E = B— -jy-X 7) X 100. 7 = proportion of space in cubic feet to 1 square foot of glass. When this proportion is increased to 8, add 4 per cent, to the surface in pipes, and when increased to 9 add 8 per cent, to the surface in pipes. When 4-inch pipe is used, add 7.5 per cent, to the actual surface obtained in the foregoing tables. •Copyrighted, 1892, by John J. Hogan. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY, 85 TABLE XX—GLASS SURFACE AND ITS EQUIVALENT, IN PROPORTION TO HEATING SURFACES IN PIPES, RE- QUIRED TO MAINTAIN VARIOUS TEMPERATURES IN CONSERVA- TORIES, EXTERNAL TEMPERATURE BEING 0 FAHR * TABLE XXI—RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF SUR- FACES FOR DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES.! Temperature of external atmosphere. Temperature of air in rooms. Degrees Fahr. 60° 65° 70° 75° 80° 30° Falir. (above) .39 .48 .57 .67 .78 25° 44 44 .46 .54 .64 .74 .86 20° 44 44 .52 .61 .71 .82 .94 15° u 44 .59 .68 .78 .89 1.02 10° u 44 .65 .75 .85 .97 1.09 5° u 44 .72 .82 .92 1.04 1.17 0 u 44 .78 .88 1. 1.12 1.25 5° Fahr. (below) .85 .95 1.06 1.19 1.33 10° 44 44 .91 1.02 1.13 1.26 1.41 15° 44 44 .97 1.09 1.21 1.34 1.48 20° 44 44 1.04 1.15 1.28 1.41 1.56 25° 44 44 1.11 1.22 1.35 1.49 1.64 30° 44 44 1.17 1.29 1.42 1.56 1.71 35° 44 44 1.24 1.36 1.49 1.64 1.79 40° 44 44 1.30 1.43 1.56 1.71 1.88 45° 44 44 1.37 1.5 1.63 1.79 1.95 50° 44 44 1.43 1.56 1.7 1.85 2.03 Temperature of air in house. Temperature of water in heating pipes. 140° 160° 180° 200° Square feet of glass and its equiva- lent proportioned to one square foot of surface in heating pipes or radiators. 40° 4.33 5.25 6.66 7.69 45° 3.63 4.65 5.55 6.66 50° 3.07 3.92 4.76 5.71 55° 2.63 3.39 4.16 5. 60° 2.19 2.89 3.63 4.33 65° 1.86 2.53 3.22 3.84 70° 1.58 2.19 2.81 3.44 75° 1.37 1.92 2.5 3.07 oo o o 1.16 1.63 2.17 2.73 00 Cn 0 .99 1.42 1.92 2.46 For other temperatures, see Table XXI NOTE TO TABLE XXI. When the quantity of surface required for zero external and 70° internal temperature is ascer- tained by any of the preceding rules, the surface necessary for other external temperatures varying from 30° above to 50° below zero and internal temperatures varying from 60° to 80° above can he ascertained by decreasing or increasing the surface in the proportion given in Table XXI, zero externally and 70° internally being unity. * Copyrighted, 1892, by John J. Hogan, t Copyrighted, 1891, by David Williams. 86 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. TABLE XXIL—WEIGHT OF DRY AIR. Fahr. Weight per cubic foot, pounds. Fahr. Weight per cubic foot, pounds. Fahr. Weight per cubic foot, pounds. Fahr. Weight per cubic foot, pounds. Fahr. Weight per cubic foot, pounds. 0° .0864 24° .0821 48° .0782 72° .0746 142° .0659 1° .0861 25° .0819 49° .078 73° .0745 152° .0649 2° .086 26° .0817 50° .078 74° .0743 162° .0638 3° .0858 27° .0816 51° .0776 75° .0742 172° .0628 4° .0855 28° .0814 52° .0774 76° .0741 182° .0618 5° .0853 29° .0813 53° .0773 77° .0739 192° .0609 6° .0852 30° .0812 54° .0772 78° .0738 202° .06 7° .085 31° .0809 55° .0771 79° .0736 212° .0595 8° .0848 32° .0807 56° .0769 80° .0735 250° .0559 9° .0846 33° .0805 57° .0767 81° .0734 300° .0522 10° .0845 34° .0804 58° .0766 82° .0733 350° .049 11° .0843 35° .0802 59° .0765 83° .0731 400° .0461 12° .0842 36° .0801 60° .0763 84° .073 450° .0436 13° .084 37° .0799 61° .0762 85° .0728 500° .0413 14° .0838 38° .0797 62° .0761 86° .0727 600° .0376 15° .0837 39° .0796 63° .0758 87° .0725 -a o o o .0338 16° .0835 40° .0794 64° .0757 88° .0724 o O o 00 .0315 17° .0833 41° .0793 65° .0756 89° .0723 900° .0292 18° .0831 42° .0791 66° .0754 90° .0721 1000° .0268 19° .083 43° .0789 67° .0752 92° .072 20° .0828 44° .0788 68° .0751 102° .0707 21° .0826 45° .0786 69° .075 112° .0694 22° .0824 46° .0784 70° .0748 122° .0684 23° .0822 47° .0783 71° .0747 132° .0671 TABLE XXIII-VOLUME OF AIR AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES. Fahr. Volume. Fahr. Volume. Fahr. Volume- Fahr. Volume. 0° .933 55° 1.047 130° 1.204 240° 1.433 5° .943 60° 1.058 140° 1.224 250° 1.453 10° .954 65° 1.068 150° 1.245 275° 1.505 15° .964 70° 1.079 160° 1.266 300° 1.558 o O CM .975 75° 1.089 170° 1.287 350° 1.662 25° .985 80° 1.099 180° 1.308 400° 1.765 30° .996 85° 1.11 190° 1.329 450° 1.87 32° 1. 90° 1.121 200° 1.349 500° 1.974 35° 1.006 95° 1.131 210° 1.37 550° 2.078 o o 1.0113 100° 1.141 212° 1.374 600° 2.183 45° 1.027 110° 1.162 220° 1.391 700° 2.391 50° 1.037 120° 1.183 230° 1.412 1000° 3.016 Flow and Return Pipes 50 proportion pipe areas to radiating surface the use of multipliers is convenient. When the surface to be supplied exceeds 2500 feet, multiply the number of square feet by .01 for indirect radiation, and by .008 for direct radiation, and the product gives the approxi- mate area of pipe in square inches. The actual size of the pipe will be the pipe which has the area nearest to that found by the calculation. TABLE XXIV.—SIZES OF FLOW AND RETURN PIPES APPROXIMATELY PROPORTIONED TO SURFACE IN RADIATORS.* Size of pipe. Nominal diameter, inches. Mains. Branches and Risers. Square feet of surface in indirect radiators in cellar or basement. Square feet of surface in direct radiators on one or more floors. Average. Square feet of surface in radiators on first floor, or 10 ft. to 15 ft. above level of fire in circulator. Square feet of surface in radiators on second floor, or 15 ft. to 25 ft.above level of lire in circulator. Square feet of surface in radiators on third floor, or 25 ft. to 35 ft. above level of fire in circulator. Square feet of surface in radiators on fourth floor, or 35 ft. to45ft. above level of lire in circulator. 1 40 45 50 1 50 75 80 85 n 100 135 110 120 135 150 it 135 220 180 195 210 230 2 225 350 290 320 350 370 2* 320 460 400 490 525 550 3 500 675 620 650 690 730 3| 650 850 820 870 920 970 4 850 1100 1050 1120 1185 1250 4J 1050 1350 1325 1400 1485 1560 5 1350 1700 6 2900 3600 7 3900 4800 8 5000 6200 9 6300 7700 10 7900 9800 11 9500 11800 12 11400 14000 ♦Copyrighted, 1892, by John J, Hogan, 88 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. P'K- 79*—Diagram of Vertical Lines of Pipe Proportioned to Obtain Uniform Temperatures. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 89 When the surface to be supplied does not exceed 2500 feet, multiply the number of square feet by .015 for indirect radiation, and by .011 for direct radiation, and the product gives the approximate area of pipe in square inches. The size of pipe to be used will be that having area nearest to the figures given by the calculation. These rules are applicable where 2-inch and larger pipes are used. In Fig. 79 are diagrams of vertical lines of pipes proportioned to the surfaces in radiators from TableXXIV. The object of these proportions is to attain as uniform a temperature as possible in all radiators on all floors at the same time. The use of reducing fittings is illustrated in these diagrams. It is generally more desirable to supply the circulation to radiators on the first floor direct from the horizontal main pipe in cellar, as shown in “Line B,” than from the lower part of the vertical line, as shown in “Line A.” By maintaining the side opening at the same area as the “run” the velocity of the current is diminished at the moment a change in direction takes place, on account of the increased space within the fitting. To accomplish this, reducing couplings and reducings elbows are used. To ascertain the actual and exact size of tlie expansion tank, the internal cubic capacity, or capacity in gallons, of all the pipes, radiators, coils, and boiler in the apparatus has to he determined. If the water in the system is raised to a temperature of 212° Fahr., its volume will he increased by 2-tj, or 4|- per cent, of its bulk; and this is the least space that may be provided. In practice, the actual size of the expansion tanks is much larger, as when the system is tilled there are generally several inches of water in the tank, so that its level is noticeable in the glass water-gauge. Above this level, space for the expansion of the heater water is provided, and it is desirable that some height be added, so that the overflow pipe and air pipe may be connected to the expansion tank in such manner that the greatest increase of volume in the water will not cause overflow into either of these pipes. The actual size of the expansion tank may therefore be from 6 per cent, to 8 per cent, of the internal capacity of the entire apparatus. The calculation of the internal capacity of the pipes, radiators, coils, and circulator will be assisted by the use of the table (XL1I), which gives the capacity of pipes. The length of the pipes is to be taken from center to center of fittings, and 5 per cent, added to provide for the larger internal diameter of elbows, tees, and couplings. The internal capacity of radiators varies. Some are equal to 1-inch pipe, others to and lj-inch pipe per square foot of surface. To the capacity of these two items is to be added the capacity of the circulator. In order to dispense with the calculations just described, the use of the multipliers is suggested as a ready means of obtaining sizes of expansion tanks. (See Table XXY.) EXPANSION TANKS 90 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. TABLE XXV—PROPORTIONING EXPANSION TANKS* A.—To ascertain required capacity of expansion tank in gallons. B.—To ascertain required capacity of expansion tank in cubic inches. For heating apparatus having less than 1000 square feet of surface in radiators. For heating apparatus having from 1000 to 2000 square feet of surface in radiators. For heating apparatus having over 2000 square feet of surface in radiators. For heating apparatus having less than 1000 square feet of surface in radiators. For heating apparatus having from 1000 to 2000 square feet of surface in radiators. For heating apparatus having over 2000 square feet of surface in radiators. Multiply the sq uare feet of surface in radiators by .03 .025 .02 Multiply the square feet of surface in radiators by 7. 5.75 4.5 TABLE XXVI—SIZES OF EXPANSION TANKS PRO- PORTIONED TO SURFACES IN RADIATORS.f Surface in radiators. Capacity of tank (approximate). Capacity of tank (approximate). 225 square feet. 7 gallons. 1575 cubic inches. 320 44 44 10 44 2240 4 4 4 4 475 44 44 15 44 3500 4 4 4 4 675 44 44 20 44 4725 4 4 4 4 <350 44 4 4 26 44 6050 4 4 4 4 1100 44 44 28 44 6325 4 4 4 4 1350 44 44 34 44 7763 4 4 4 4 1900 44 44 48 44 10925 4 4 4 4 2600 44 44 52 44 11700 4 4 4 4 3800 44 U 76 44 17100 a a 5000 a 44 100 44 22500 a a 6500 44 44 130 44 29250 a a 8000 << a 160 44 36000 u a 9500 44 44 190 44 42750 a u 11500 44 44 230 44 51750 4 4 4 4 — — u- — TABLE XXVII—INCREASE IN VOLUME OF WATER AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES. 1 ncrea.se of Percentage temperature of water of increase in from volume. Proportion of increase in volume. 39° to 100° .0068 1-148 39° “ 110° .0089 1-112 39° “ 120° .0114 1-88 39° “ 140° .0166 1-60 39° “ 160° .0231 1-43 39° “ 180° .0303 1-33 39° “ 200° .0382 1-26 39° “ 212° .044 1-23 ♦Copyrighted, 1892, by John J. Hogan. + Copyrighted, 1892, by John J. Hogan. Air FOIi each Fahrenheit degree of change in its temperature air expands or contracts * or .002088 of its volume. faking o2 f alir. as unity and multiplying the number of degrees below or above this tcmpeiature by .002088, the result is the contraction or expansion, as the case may be, of the volume of air. The volume of air at 32° Fahr. is 7 per cent, greater than at 0 Fahr., at 70° 15 per cent, greater than at 0 Falir., and at 120° 20 per cent, greater than at 0 Fahr. At 0° Fahr. 11.574 cubic feet of air weighs 1 pound. At 32° “ 12.39 “ “ “ « At 62° “ 13.14 At 70° “ 13.35' “ “ “ « At 120° “ 14.66 “ “ At 0 Fahr. .02056 unit of heat will raise one cubic foot of air one degree in temperature. From this we derive the following: .02056 X 70° = 1.439 units required to heat one cubic foot of air from 0 to 70°. .02056 X 65° = 1.336 units required to heat one cubic foot of air from 5 to 70°. .02056 X 60° = 1.233 units required to heat one cubic foot of air from 10 to 70°. Specific gravity of water = 1. Specific gravity of air= .001293 under one atmosphere. Volume of water = 1. Volume of the same weight of air at 32° = 773.283. AIR REQUIRED FOR VENTILATION. Each adult requires from 250 to 300 cubic feet of air per hour in sparsely occupied rooms. In theaters, assembly rooms, churches, etc., provision should be made to admit from 400 to 1500 cubic feet of air per hour for each person, and where prolonged sittings take place this quantity should be increased to 2000 cubic feet per hour per person. In school rooms children should be provided with 600 cubic feet and grown persons 1200 cubic feet of air per hour, unless the space is crowded, and then the quantity should be increased. In enforcing the Massachusetts law the chief of the district police requires 30 cubic feet of fresh air per minute for each pupil, or 1800 cubic feet per 92 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. hour. This requirement represents the most advanced American practice. From 2000 to 3000 cubic feet of air per hour per occupant is required in hospitals and workshops. Each cubic foot of gas burned for illumination will consume from 8 to 12 cubic feet of air per hour. In indirect radiation in dwellings the air in the rooms should be changed at least twice every hour. Less frequent changes may be provided in halls and other buildings, dependent of course on the quantity of air required for ventilating purposes. By dividing this latter quantity by the cubic contents in feet in the apartment, the number of times the air is to be changed each hour is ascer- tained. Thus : . . . . , | . Cubic feet of air per hour required for ventilation. Xumber of times air is to be changed per hour = mr-—?—z—2?— —---a— 0 r Cubic feet of contents of apartment. ASCERTAINING THE AREA OF WARM-AIR FLUES. To ascertain the area of warm-air flues in square inches when the velocity of air in flue in feet per second is known, multiply the contents of the room in cubic feet by the number in the column, which gives the required number of changes of air in Table XXVIII. TABLE XXVIII-WARM-AIR FLUES.* Velocity in flue in feet per second. One change of air per hour. Two changes of air per hour. Three changes of air per hour. Four changes of air per hour. Five chnnges of air per hour. 1* feet. .0266 .053 .079 .106 .133 2 « .02 .04 .06 .08 .1 2* U .016 .032 .048 .064 .08 3 U .0133 .0266 .0399 .053 .066 81 u .0114 .0228 .0342 .0457 .057 4 u .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 4* u : .0089 .0178 .0267 .0346 .0445 5 u ; .008 .016 .024 .032 .04 H u { .0073 .0146 .0219 .029 .0365 6 a .0066 .0133 .0198 .026 .033 6J u .0061 .0122 .0183 .0244 .03 7 U 1 .0057 .0114 .0171 .0228 .028 7i U I .0053 .0106 .0159 .0212 .26 10 a .004 .008 .012 .016 .02 * Copyrighted, 1892, by John J. Hogan. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. The velocity ot the air in main vertical ventilating Hues should not be less than 6 feet per second. The velocity in horizontal exit ducts from apartments to main ventilating tine should not exceed 3 feet per second. The velocity of the incoming air at registers should not exceed 3 feet per second, and if the velocity in Hue exceeds this it may be reduced at the register by enlarging area of register beyond that of Hue. In a dwelling room the air may be moved with the temperature at 60° to 70°, at a velocity of 2\ to 3| feet per second. It should not be permitted to exceed a velocity of 5 feet per second. In proportioning warm-air hues for dwellings the velocity to first floor may be estimated at 1J feet per second, to second floor 2| feet per second, and to the upper floors at 4 feet per second. The areas of fresh or cold-air inlet hues or ducts are equal to the areas of the warm-air hues or ducts multiplied by .75. TABLE XXIX—DIMENSIONS OF REGISTERS FOR WARM-AIR AND VENTILATING DUCTS. Size of opening. Inches. Nominal area of opening. Square inches. Effective area of opening. Square Inches. Opening to admit body of register. Inches. Extreme dimensions of register face. Inches. 6x10 “* 60 40 6| X 10 7|xl2 8x10 80 53 8 x 10 9f x Ilf 8x12 96 64 8 x 12 9f x 13f 8x15 120 80 8 x 15 9f x 16f 9x 12 108 72 9 xl2i lOf xl3f 9 x 14 126 84 9 x 14 11 x 16 10 x 12 120 80 10 x 12 Ilfx13i 10 x 14 140 93 lOJxWi 12f x16^ 10x16 160 107 I 10 x16 12 x 18 12x15 180 120 12^x151 13ixl6f 12 x 19 228 152 12£x 19± 14f x 21 14 x 22 308 205 14± x 22 16ix 24i 15 x 25 375 250 15fx 25i 17|x 27f 16x20 320 213 16^x20| 17|x 22* 16x24 384 256 16fx 24i 18f x 27 20x20 400 267 20£ x 20£ 22f x 22f 20 x 24 480 320 20 x 24 22f x 26 20x26 520 347 20ix 26£ 22|x28^ 21 x 29 609 403 20| x 29 23f x31i 27 x 27 729 486 27 x 27 29ix 29i 27x38 1026 684 27 x 38 29fx 40f 30x30 900 600* 30f x 30f 32f x 32f 94 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. PROPORTIONING AREAS OF WARM-AIR FLUES TO SQUARE FEET OF SURFACE IN INDIRECT RADIATORS. Proportions sometimes used in practice are as follows: For each square foot of surface in indirect radiator 2 square inches in warm-air Hue to first floor. For each square foot of surface in indirect radiator square inches in warm-air Hue to second floor. For each square foot of surface in indirect radiator 1 square inch in warm-air Hue to third and other Hoors. Cold-air ducts have one-quarter less area in square inches than warm-air flues. VENTILATING FLUES AND CHIMNEYS. The following rules for ascertaining the velocity of air currents at various temperatures in ventilating Hues and chimneys will he found useful: If the height of a chimney in feet he multiplied by 43 and divided by 480, the result will he the constant A which appears in Table XXX. Height in fe6t X 43 = Constant A. 4oU In this equation 43 equals the accelerating force of gravity (32.2 feet per second) multiplied by 2 and divided by the coefficient of friction .5 plus 1, thus : 32.2 X 2 _64.4_ .5 + 1 1.5 The square root of the product of the difference in degrees of temperature between the inside and outside atmosphere multiplied by A (as given in Table XXX) equals the velocity of draft in Hue in feet per second, thus: VTHfference in degrees of temperature X A = the velocity of draft in feet per second. TABLE XXX—THE CONSTANT “A” IN VENTILATING FLUES AND CHIMNEYS.* Height of chimneys in feet. 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 Constant “A.” 2.687 3.134 3.582 4.031 4.472 4.923 5.375 5.822 6.269 6.716 7.164 8,062 8.956 9.847 10.750 11.610 12.513 ♦Copyrighted, 1892, by John J. Hogan. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. Again, the velocity in feet per second squared and’ divided by A (as given in the table) equals the difference in temperature in degrees between the inside atmosphere and the outside atmosphere necessary to maintain the velocity, thus: Velocity in feet per second2 ,.rt, . . = ditterence in temperature in degrees. The following formula is also of frequent use: Cubic feet of air discharged per second „ _ —=f^i——t— ■ ■ , — area ot flue in square feet. V elocity m teet per second. TABLE XXXI.—SIZES OF SMOKE FLUES IN CHIMNEYS FOR HOT-WATER HEATING SYSTEMS* Diameter in inches. Area in square inches. Area in square feet. Square of approxi- mate area, in inches. 50 FT. HEIGHT OF CHIMNEY. 60 FT. 70 FT. 80 FT. Surface in radiators in square feet. 90 FT. Contents of building to be heated in cubic feet. 9 63.6 .44 8x8 800 1000 up to 40,000 12 113. .79 11x11 1200 1400 1600 40,000 to 60,000 15 176.7 1.23 14x14 1800 2200 2600 60,000 to 100,000 18 254.4 1.78 16x16 3000 3400 3800 100,000 to 150,000 21 346.3 2.4 19x19 4200 4600 5000 150,000 to 300,000 24 452.3 3.14 22x22 6000 6500 7000 7500 200,000 to 450,000 27 572.5 3.97 24x24 8000 8500 9000 10000 300,000 to 600,000 30 706.8 4.9 27x27 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 400,000 to 800,000 33 855.3 5.93 30x30 14000 15000 16000 17000 500,000 to 1,000,000 30 1017.8 7.06 32x32 17000 18000 19000 20000 600,000 to 1,250,000 * Oopyrighted, 1892, by John J. Hogan. No flue, whether for fresh air, warm air, foul air, or smoke should be less than 32 square inches in area. Heat SHE quantity of heat which it is necessary to impart to 1 pound of water at 32° Fahr., to raise its temperature 1°, is sufficient to raise 769 pounds 1 foot high in 1 minute. This is termed the mechanical equivalent of heat. A unit of temperature is 1° Fahr., or yly part of distance between freezing point, 32,° and boiling point, 212°, on Fahrenheit scale. A unit of heat (British thermal unit) is the quantity of heat required to raise 1 pound of water 1° Fahr. in temperature. A French calorie, or unit of heat, is the quantity of heat required to raise 1 kilogramme (2.204 pounds) of water 1° centigrade (1.8° Fahr.) in temperature. A French unit of heat is equal to 3.96832 British units. Degrees Fahr. equal degrees centigrade, multiplied by 9 and divided by 5, plus 32, thus: Degrees Fahr. = Degrees Cent. X 9 5 + Degrees Cent, equal degrees Fahr., less 32 multipled by 5 and divided by 9, thus J Decrees Fahr. — 32 X 5 Degrees Cent. = —5 Degrees Cent. X 1.8 + 32 = Degrees Fahr. Degrees Fahr. — 32 1.8 = Degrees Cent. The melting point of ice is 32° Fahr. and 0° Cent. The boiling point of water is 212° Fahr. and 100° Cent The specific heat of a body is its capacity for heat, or the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of the body 1° Fahr., compared with that required to raise the temperature of a quantity of water of equal weight 1°. The unit of heat (B. T. U.) is that which is required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1° from 32° to 33° Fahr., and the specific heat of another body is expressed by the quantity of heat, in units, necessary to raise the temperature of 1 pound weight of such body 1°. The specific gravity of solids and liquids and of gases and vapors is their relative weight or density, water being taken as unity, at atmospheric pressure, and a certain temperature, say 62°, as in Table XXXII. It will be noticed in Table XXXII that the specific heat of water increases with the temperature. The increase being so little, 1T37 per cent, at 212°, it is usual to consider the specific heat uniform at all ordinary temperatures for practical purposes. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. Specific heat. Specific gravity. One cubic foot. Weight in pounds. One cubic inch. Weight in pounds. AVater at 30° Fahr 1. .9999 62.38 .03610485 Water at 39° Fahr 1. 1. 62.39 .03610842 Water at 62° Fahr 1.0004 1. 62.32 .03606 Water at 212° Fahr 1.013 .9585 59.76 .03461322 Ice at 32° Fahr .504 .93 57.96 .03354 Cast-iron .1298 7.087 441.6 .2556 Wrought-iron .11379 7.788 485.3 .2809 .0955 6.861 427.6 .2474 Copper .0951 8.607 536.4 .3104 Tin .0569 7.291 454.4 .263 .0314 11.352 707.3 .4094 Pine wood .65 .483 30.1 .01742 Oak wood .57 .777 48.42 .02802 .19768 2.76 172. .0995 Burnt clay or brick .185 1.841 114. .0664 Air at 62° Fahr .238 .001293 .0761 Vapor of water (steam) Steam at 212° Fahr .475 .000805 .000621 .0475 Cubic feet of air at 62° Fahr. in 1 pound. =13.14. TABLE XXXII—SPECIFIC HEAT AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Water with perfect freedom of motion is the best absorbent of heat, excepting mercury. The effects of heat may be summarized: Water boils (under atmospheric pressure, 14.7 pounds absolute) at 212° Falir. Mercury “ “ “ “ at 676° u Sulphur “ “ “ “ “ 838° “ Cast-iron melts (maximum) at 2786° “ “ “ (minimum) “ 1920° “ Wrought-iron melts (maximum) at 3945° “ “ “ (minimum) “ ...: 2730° “ Zinc melts at 773° “ Copper melts at 1996° “ Tin “ “ 442° “ Lead “ “ 612° “ Iron red-hot in daylight at 1272° “ “ “ in the dark 800° “ 98 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. Lowest luminosity of iron in the dark at 635° Fahr. Steel becomes dark blue at 600° Steel “ purple at 530° Steel “ brown at 490° “ Steel “ faint yellow at 430° Water freezes at 32° “ Sea-water freezes at 28° Heat of a common fire 790° TABLE XXXIII.—EXPANSION OF BODIES BY HEAT. EXPANSION FOR 1° FAHR. In length. In volume. Water 40° to 212° .0002519 Ice—17° to + 30 .0000843 .000253 Cast-iron .000006167 .000018501 Wrouglit-iron .000006689 .000020067 Zinc .000017268 .000051806 Copper .000010088 .000030264 Tin .000013102 .000039307 Lead .000015876 .000047628 Brick .000003057 .00000917 The use of Table XXXIII is simple. For example, the temperature of a wrought-iron pipe is increased 200° above the temperature at which it was when placed in position, and its length is 120 feet. Then 120 X 12 = 1440 inches X .000006689 (found in column opposite wrought-iron) = .00963 X 200° increase of temperature = 1.926, or nearly 2 inches is the additional length to the pipe when heated. A system of heating contains 1000 gallons of water at 40° Falir., and is to be heated to 200°. The form by which to ascertain the increase in volume of water at the high temperature is 1000 X .0002519 = .2519 X (200 — 40) 160° = 40.3 gallons. TRANSMISSION OF HEAT. Heat is transmitted by radiation, by contact of air, and by conduction. From the heating pipes or radiator heat is transmitted by radiation to the walls, floors, ceiling, furniture, and other solid bodies which have surfaces of a lower temperature than the temperature of the pipes or radiator. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. From the heating pipes or radiators heat is transmitted to the air by contact, if the air is of a lesser temperature than that of the surfaces of the pipes or radiators. From the water within the heating pipes or radiators heat is transmitted by conduction to the external surfaces of the metal forming the heating pipes or radiators. The heat transmitted to the walls and ceilings by radiation is lost through them by conduction, when the temperature of the sides of the walls or ceilings affected by radiation is greater than the temperature of the outer side of the walls or ceilings. The heat transmitted to the surfaces of furniture and other bodies by radiation is absorbed by conduction until their surfaces have attained a higher temperature than the air when these surfaces transmit heat to the air by contact and to the walls, if of a lower temperature, by radiation. The power of the air to absorb heat by contact with heated surfaces is owing principally to the extreme mobility of its particles, the disturbed condition of the air when in contact with these surfaces, and the rapidity of its motion over the heated surfaces. Air without motion absorbs and conducts heat slowly. Air cannot be appreeiabl}7 heated directly by radiant heat, but only by contact with heated bodies. When the heating pipes or radiators are enclosed, as in the case of indirect radiators, the walls of the case being approximately of the same temperature as the heating surfaces, heat is given off by contact only to the air passing through. The radiating and heat-absorbing powers of bodies are equal. The reflective power is inversely as the radiating power. 100 THE NOVELTY Cl 11 CULATOII. TABLE XXXIV—HEAT UNITS IN WATER AND WEIGHT OF WATER IN POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT. Temperature Fahr. Heat units per pound. Weight, pounds per cubic foot. Tempera- ture Fahr. Heat units per pound. Weight, pounds per cubic foot. Tempera- ture Fahr. Heat units per pound W eight, pounds per cubic foot. Tempera- ture Fahr. Heat units per pound. AVeight, pounds per cubic foot. 32° 0. 62.38 110° 78.11 61.89 145° 113.28 61.28 179° 147.53 60.57 35° 3. 62.42 112° 80.12 61.86 146° 114.28 61.26 180° 148.54 60.55 40° 8. 62.42 113° 81.12 61.84 147° 115.29 61.24 181° 149.55 60.53 45° 13. 62.42 114° 82.13 61.83 148° 116.29 61.22 182° 150.56 60.50 50° 18. 62.41 115° 83.13 61.82 149° 117.30 61.20 183° 151.57 60.48 52° 20. 62.40 116° 84.13 61.80 150° 118.31 61.18 184° 152.58 60.16 54° 22.01 62.40 117° 85.14 61.78 151° 119.31 61.16 185° 153.59 60.44 56° 24.01 62.39 118° 86.14 61.77 152° 120.32 61.14 186° 154.60 60.41 58° 26.01 63.38 119° 87.15 61.75 153° 121.33 61.12 187° 155.61 60.39. 60° 28.01 62.37 120° 88.15 61.74 154° 122.33 61.10 188° 156 62 60.37 62° 30.01 62.36 121° 89.15 61.72 155° 123.34 61.08 189° 157.63 60.34 64° 32.01 62.35 122° 90.16 61.70 156° 124.35 61.06 190° 158.64 60.32 66° 34.02 62.34 123° 91.16 61.68 157° 125.35 61.04 191° 159.65 60.29 68° 36.02 62.33 124° 92.17 61.67 158° 126.36 61.02 192° 160.67 60.27 70° 38.02 62.31 125° 93.17 61.65 159° 127.37 61. 193° 161.68 60.25 72° 40.02 62.30 126° 94.17 61.63 160° 128.37 60.98 194° 162.69 60.22 74° 42.02 62.28 127° 95.18 61.61 161° 129.38 60.96 195° 163.70 60.20 76° 44.03 62.27 128° 96.18 61.60 162° 130.39 60.94 196° 164.71 60.17 78° 46.03 62.25 129° 97.19 61.58 163° 131.40 60.92 197° 165.72 60.15 80° 48.04 62.23 130° 98.19 61.56 164° 132.41 60.90 198° 166.73 60.12 82° 50.04 62.21 131° 99.20 61.54 165° 133.41 60.87 199° 167.74 60.10 84° 52.04 62.19 132° 100.20 61.52 166° 134.42 60.85 200° 168.75 60.07 86° 54.05 62.17 133° 101.21 61.51 167° 135.43 60.83 201° 169.77 60.05 88° 56.05 62.15 134° 102.21 61.49 168° 136.44 60.81 202° 170.78 60.02 90° 58.06 62.13 135° 103.22 61.47 169° 137.45 60.79 203° 171.79 60. 92° 60.06 62.11 136° 104.22 61.45 170° 138.45 60.77 204° 172.80 59.97 94° 62.06 62.09 137° 105.23 61.43 171° 139.46 60.75 205° 173.81 59.95 96° 64.07 62.07 138° 106.23 61.41 172° 140.47 60.73 206° 174.83 59.92 98° 66.07 62.05 139° 107.24 61.39 173° 141.48 60.70 207° 175.84 59.89 100° 68.08 62.02 140° 108.25 61.37 174° 142.49 60.68 208° 176.85 59.87 102° 70.09 62. 141° 109.25 61.36 175° 143.50 60.66 209° 177.86 59.84 104° 72.09 61.97 142° 110.26 61.34 176° 144.51 60.64 210° 178.87 59.82 106° 74.10 61.95 143° 111.26 61.32 177° 145.52 60.62 211° 179.89 59.79 108° 76.10 61.92 144° 112.27 61.30 178° 146.52 60.59 212° 180.90 59.76 Miscellaneous Data. RAVITY or gravitation is downward pressure or weight. All bodies possess this property proportionate to their various degrees of density. The force of gravity is an accelerated velocity which heavy bodies acquire in falling freely from a state of rest. The velocity that a body will acquire in one second of time is equal to 32.2 feet, the distance fallen being 16.1 feet; therefore the velocity in feet that a body will acquire is equal to 32.2 feet mul- tiplied by the number of seconds occupied in falling; or it is equal to the square root of the product of the distance in feet multiplied by 32.2 X 2. TABLE XXXV—PRESSURE OF WATER IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH FOR EACH FOOT IN HEIGHT. Feet in height. Pressure per square inch. Feet in j height. Pressure per square inch. Feet in height. Pressure per square inch. Feet in height. Pressure per square inch. Feet in height. Pressure tier square inch. Feet in height. Pressure per square inch. ! Feet in ; height. Pressure per square inch. 1 .43 21 9.09 41 17.75 61 26.42 81 35.08 101 43.75 121 52.41 2 .86 22 9.53 42 18.19 62 26.85 82 35.52 102 44.18 122 52.84 3 1.3 23 9.96 43 16.62 63 27.29 83 35.95 103 44.61 123 53.28 4 1.73 24 10.39 44 19.05 64 27.72 84 36.39 104 45.05 124 53.71 5 2.16 25 10.82 45 19.49 65 28.15 85 36.82 105 45.48 125 54.15 6 2.59 26 11.26 46 19.92 66 28.58 86 37.25 106 45.91 126 54.58 7 3.03 27 11.69 47 20.35 67 29.02 87 37.68 107 46.34 127 55.01 8 3.16 28 12.12 48 20.79 68 29.45 88 38.12 108 46.78 128 55.44 9 3.89 29 12.55 49 21.22 69 29.88 89 38.55 109 47.21 129 55.88 10 4.33 30 12.99 50 21.65 70 30.32 90 38.98 110 47.64 130 56.31 11 4.76 31 13.42 51 22.09 71 30.75 91 39.42 111 48.08 131 56.74 12 5.2 32 13.86 52 22.52 72 31.18 92 39.85 112 48.51 132 57.18 13 5.63 33 14.29 53 22.95 73 31.62 93 40.28 113 48.94 133 57.61 14 6.06 34 14.72 54 23.39 74 32.05 94 40.72 114 49.38 134 58.04 15 6.49 35 15.16 55 23.82 75 32.48 95 41.15 115 49.81 135 58.48 16 6.93 36 15.59 56 24.26 76 32.92 96 41.58 116 50.24 136 58.91 17 7.36 37 16.02 57 24.69 77 33.35 97 42.01 117 50.68 137 59.34 18 7.79 38 16.45 58 25.12 78 33.78 98 42.45 118 51.11 138 59.77 19 8.22 39 16.89 59 25.55 79 34.21 99 42.88 119 51.54 139 60.21 20 8.66 40 17.32 60 25.99 80 34.65 100 43.31 120 51.98 140 60.64 the novelty circulator. The space in feet fallen through is equal to 16.1 multiplied by the square of the number ol seconds. The force of gravity is a cause of retarded and ol accelerated motion: ascending an in- clined plane, the force of gravity retards the motion; descending an incline plane, the torce ol gravity accelerates the motion. TABLE XXXVI.—CAPACITIES OF ROUND AND SQUARE TANKS Diameter of Round Tank and side of Square Tank in feet and inches. ; CIRCULAR TANK. SQUARE TANK. Cubic feet. Gallons. Cubic feet. Gallons. 1 .7845 5.8735 1 7.4805 1-6 1.7671 13.215 2.25 16.8311 2 3.1416 23.494 4 29.922 2-6 i 4.9087 36.7092 6.25 46.7531 3 7.0686 52.8618 9 67.3245 3-6 9.6211 73.1504 12.25 91.63 4 12.5664 93.9754 16 119.68 4-6 15.9043 118.9386 20.25 151.47 5 19.635 146.8384 25 187. 5-6 23.7583 177.6740 30.25 226.27 6 28.2744 211.4472 36 269.28 6-6 33.1831 248.1564 42.25 316.03 7 38.4846 287.8032 49 367.52 7-6 44.1787 330.3859 56.25 420.75 8 50.2656 375.9062 64 478.72 8-6 56.7451 424.362 72.25 540.43 9 63.6174 475.756 81 605.88 9-6 70.8823 530.086 90.25 675.07 10 78.54 587.353 100 748.05 11 95.0334 710.697 121 955.08 12 113.0976 848.189 144 1077.12 13 132.7326 992.627 169 1264.12 14 153.9384 1151.212 196 1466.08 15 176.7150 1321.545 225 1683. 16 201.0624 1503.625 256 1914.88 17 226.9806 1697.451 289 2161.72 18 254.4696 1903.025 324 2423.52 19 283.5294 2120.346 361 2700.28 20 314.16 2349.414 400 2992. 21 346.3614 2590.229 441 3298.68 ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 103 COMPARATIVE VALUE OF BOILER AND PIPE COVERINGS. (From the Metal Worker.) A mass of each material to be experimented upon, 1 inch thick, was carefully prepared and placed on a perfectly fiat iron plate or tray, which was then carefully maintained at a constant tem- perature of 810° Fahr. The heat transmitted through each non-conducting mass was calculated in pounds of water heated 10° Fahr. per hour. The author summarized his results in two convenient tables, which are given below : TABLE XXXVII—BOILER AND PIPE COVERINGS: VARIOUS SUBSTANCES. 3 p 3 cr o p Substance 1 inch thick (in mass); heat applied, 310° F. Pounds of water heated 10° F. per hour through 1 square foot. Solid matter in 1 square foot 1 inch thick, parts 1000. Air included, parts 1000. 1 Hair felt 11.4 189 957 2 Cotton felt 10.6 75 930 3 Jute felt 13.2 162 921 4 Linen felt 11.7 64 753 5 Loose cotton felt 9.3 17 990 6 Carded cotton 8.1 16 987 7 Rabbit-hair “ wool” 7.1 43 912 8 Poultry feathers 6.2 44 976 9 Cork powder 13.6 66 931 10 Sawdust powder 14.2 141 793 11 Asbestos powder 47.9 67 961 12 Fossil meal 52.1 78 910 13 Plaster of Paris 36.2 371 598 14 Calcined magnesia 14.7 24 979 15 Compressed calcined magnesia..- 53.4 291 711 16 jFine sand 66.3 533 473 TABLE XXXVIII.—BOILER AND PIPE COVERINGS: PREPARED MIXTURES. 52! £ B cr ® Prepared mixtures for covering steam pipes, etc. Pounds of water heated 10° F. per hour by 1 square foot. l Ciay, dung, and vegetable fiber paste 39.6 2 Fossil meal and hair paste 10.4 3 Fossil meal and asbestos powder 26.3 4 Paper pulp, clay, and vegetable fiber 44.6 5 Paper pulp alone 14.7 6 Stag wool, hair, and clay paste 10.0 7 Asbestos fiber, wrapped tightly.— 17.9 8 Coal ashes and clay paste wrapped with straw 29.9 104 TEE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. TABLE XXXIX-DIMENSIONS OF ELBOWS AND COUPLINGS FOR WROUGHT-IRON PIPE * ELBOWS. COUPLINGS. inside diameter Center to Depth of of pipe External Length in inches. end in end in inches. inches. diameter in C E O D D in inches. inches. 1 u 4 1 2 Ill 4 1 1 5 a8 4 1JT If1 if 4 1 7 91 2 5 8 2 m 4 2 9£ “4 5 8 9 3 Z1 6 2 2f 3J 5 8 2H 9 5 2* 3 4 l 3^2 2ff 3 4f ItV 4^V 3 3* 3f 4 4 4| 3* 4 41 *8 6 4 SeV 3| 41 4f 6* 4 4* 3| 5 4f n 4 6* 3|f 6 2 8f 4 3ff 7 6* 10 4 8|| 4 5 M 6 8 6f 11 4 9t76 4t96 9 10|f 4 10 14 6i 11 13M 6± 12 * Copyrighted, 1892, by John J. Hogan. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 105 TABLE XL—DIMENSIONS OF STANDARD WROUGHT-IRON PIPE Nominal inside diam- eter. Inches. Actual diameter. Inches. Thickness. Inches. Circumference. Inches. Length of pipe in feet per square foot of surface. Area. Square inches. Inside. Outside. Internal. External. Inside. Outside. Internal. External. l 8 .27 .4 .07 .84 1.27 14.15 9.44 .06 .12 1 4 .36 .54 .08 1.14 1.69 10.50 7.07 .1 .22 3 8 .49 .67 .09 1.55 2.12 7.67 5.65 .19 .35 1 2 .62 .84 .10 1.95 2.65 6.13 4.5 .3 .55 3 4 .82 1.05 .11 2.58 3.29 4.63 3.63 .53 .86 1 1.04 1.31 .13 3.29 4.13 3.67 2.9 .86 1.35 H 1.38 1.66 .14 4.33 5.21 2.76 2.3 1.49 2.16 1* 1.61 1.9 .14 5.06 5.96 2.37 2.01 2.03 3.83 2 2.06 2.37 .15 6.49 7.46 1.84 1.61 3.35 4.43 2* 2.46 2.87 .20 7.75 9.03 1.54 1.32 4.78 6.49 3 3.06 3.5 .21 9.63 10.96 1.24 1.09 7.38 9.62 31 3.56 4. .22 11.14 12.56 1.07 .95 9.83 12.56 4 4.02 4.5 .23 12.64 14.13 .94 .84 12.73 15.9 4.5 5. .24 14.15 15.7 .84 .76 15.93 19.63 5 5.04 5.56 .25 15.84 17.47 .75 .62 19.99 24.29 6 6.06 6.62 .28 19.05 20.81 .63 .57 28.88 34.47 7 7.02 7.62 .30 22.06 23.95 .54 .5 38.73 45.66 8 7.98 8.62 .32 25.07 27.09 .47 .44 50.03 58.42 9 9. 9.68 .34 28.27 30.43 .42 .4 63.63 73.71 10 10.01 10.75 .36 31.47 33.77 .38 .35 78.83 90.79 11 11. 11.75 .37 34.55 36.91 .34 .32 95.03 108.43 12 12. 12.75 .37 37.7 40.05 .32 .3 113.09 127.67 13 13.25 14. .37 41.62 43.98 .29 .27 137.88 153.94 14 14.25 15. .37 44.76 47.12 .27 .25 159.48 176.71 15 15.4 16. .28 48.48 50.26 .25 .24 187.04 201.06 16 16.4 17. .30 51.52 53.41 .23 .23 211.24 226.98 17 17.3 18. .34 54.41 56.55 .22 .21 235.61 254.47 TTIE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. TABLE XLI.—WEIGHTS, CAPACITIES, AND THREADS OF STANDARD WROUGHT-IRON PIPE* Nominal inside diameter. Nominal weight per lineal foot. Number of threads per inch. Size to drill for thread. Length to thread. Length of pipe contain- ing one cubic foot. Length of pipe contain- ing one gallon. Contained gallons per lineal foot. Contained cubic inches per lineal foot. Continued pounds of water per lineal Inches. i Pounds. Inches. Inches. Feet. Feet. foot. i 8 .24 27 2 1 64 9 3 2 2500. 336.6 .0029 , .686 .024 1 4 .42 18 2 9 6 4 3 8 1385. 184.8 .0054 1.249 .044 3 8 i .56 18 1 9 3 2 7 T6 751.5 100.8 .0099 2.299 .082 1 .84 14 2 3 3 2 1 2 472.4 63.2 .0158 3.657 .132 3 4 1.12 14 1 5 1 6 9 1 IT 270. 36.1 .0277 6.399 .23 1 1.67 Hi 1_3_ 1 1 6 8 166.9 22.3 .0448 10.352 .373 It 2.64 Hi 115 L 3 2 11 TF 96.25 12.8 .0777 17.952 .648 1* 2.68 Hi 12 3 13 1 6 70.65 9.4 .1058 24.456 .883 2 3.61 Hi 9 3 t 42.36 5.7 .1742 40.26 1.454 01 5.74 8 2f 1 30.11 4.02 .2484 57.396 2.072 3 7.54 8 3i 1 19.49 2.6 .3837 88.656 3.202 3i 9. 8 3f 41*6 14.56 1.95 .5136 118.644 4.285 4 10.66 8 H H 11.31 1.51 .6612 152.76 5.517 41 12.34 8 4| H 9.03 1.2 .828 191.268 6.908 5 14.5 8 £ 5 °T6 H 7.2 .96 1.0388 239.988 8.668 6 18.76 8 6 5 °T6 if 4.98 .66 1.5007 346.668 12.521 7 23.27 8 73 ' 8 ii 3.72 .49 2.0123 464.844 16.79 8 28.18 8 «3 °8 if 2.88 .38 2.5998 600.468 21.688 9 33.7 8 qi 9 if 2.26 .3 3.3056 763.596 27.58 10 40.06 8 1013 XUTS if 1.8 .24 4.0954 946.056 34.171 11 45. 8 1.5 .2 4.9366 1140.36 41.189 12 49. 8 1.27 .17 5.8748 1357.08 49.017 13 54. 8 1.04 .139 7.1625 1645.56 59.762 14 58. 8 .9 .12 8.2933 1913.76 69.125 15 62. 8 .77 .102 9.7163 2244.48 81.07 16 8 .68 .091 10.9734 2534.88 91.559 17 8 .61 .081 12.2394 2827.32 102.122 * Copyrighted, 1892, by John J. Hogan. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 107 Sizes of pipes. Yi inch. % inch 1 inch. 134 inch 1J4 inch 2 inch. 2)4 inch 3 inch. 3V, inch. 4 inch. 434 inch. 5 inch. 6 inch. 7 inch. 8 inch. J-2 inch 1. 1.7 2.8 4.9 6.6 11. 15.6 24. 32. 41. 52. 65. 94. 123. 167. 1. 1.6 2 6 3 8 6 2 8 9 13 8 18 •>q :40 ‘-17 - i 1 inch 1. 1.7 2.3 3.8 5.5 8.5 11. j • 14. 18. 23. 33. i -. yo. 44. 57. ll4 inch 1. 1.3 2.2 3.1 4.9 6.6 8. 10. 13. 19. 25. 33. 1)4 inch 1. 1.6 2.3 3.6 4.8 6.2 7.7 9.7 14. 19. 24. 1. 1.4 9 9 2.9 3.8 4.7 5 3 8.6 6. 11 14 1. 1.5 2. 2.6 3.3 4.1 8 10 1. 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.7 3.9 5 2 6 7 1. 1.2 1.6 2. 2.9 3 9 5 1. 1.2 1.5 2.2 3 3 9 1. 1.2 1.8 2 4 3.1 1. 1.4 1 9 2.5 1. 1.3 1.7 1. 1.2 1. Internal areas of pipes. .3048 .5333 .86271.496 2.038 3.355 4.783 7.388 9.887 12.73 15.93 19.99 28.88 38.73 50.03 TABLE XLII—EQUALIZATION OF PIPE AREAS. TABLE XLIII—INCHES IN FRACTIONAL AND DECIMAL PARTS OF A FOOT. Inches. Fraction of foot. Decimal part of foot. Inches. Fraction of foot. Decimal part of foot. 1 1 1 2 .0838 6* 1 3 "24 .5417 u A .125 7 A .5833 2 % .1667 A 44 .625 01 -2 A .2083 8 A .6667 3 X .25 84 A .7083 8* A .2917 9 A .75 4 /3 .3383 9J 1 9 ¥¥ .7917 4* A .375 10 5 ¥ .8333 5 5 TT .4167 101 74 .875 H A .4583 11 11 1 2 .9167 6 V* .5 11* 2 3 ¥1 .9583 108 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. TABLE XLIV-DECIMAL EQUIV- ALENTS OF FRACTIONS OF AN INCH. 1 FT of ill) inch = .015625 1 FF U b 4 — .03125 1 TF U 44 — .0625 3 FT U 44 = .09375 i U 44 = .125 F + FT U 44 = .15625 1 1 8 1 IF u 44 = .1875 1 i 3 8 1 3F u 44 = .21875 1 ¥ u 44 = .25 l 4- i 4 r ff u 44 = .28125 1 _L i 4 1 TF u 44 = .3125 1 _L_ 3 ¥ t FF u 44 = .34375 3 8 u 44 = .375 3 1 1 8 ~i FF u 44 = .40625 3 1 1 8 1 IF u 44 — .4375 3 1 3 8 T FF u 44 — .46875 1 2 u 44 = .5 2 + fV u 44 = .53125 2 + TF u 44 = .5625 i + F3F 44 44 = .59375 5 8 44 44 = .625 5. 1 1 8 1 FF 44 44 — .65625 5 11 F ~r TF 44 44 = .6875 5 1 3 F I FF 44 44 — .71875 3 ¥ 44 44 = .75 A _L_ 1 ¥ ' FF 44 44 = .78125 A _L 1 4 ! 1 6 44 44 — .8125 A 1 3 4 TFF 44 44 = .84375 7 8 44 44 = .875 F H FT 44 44 = .90625 F + TF 44 44 = .9375 1 _L 3 8 r ft 44 44 = .96875 1 inch ~~ 1. TABLE XLV-RECORDED TEMPERATURES STATION. No. of months fire is required. Mean temp, of fire mos. A v reage No. of degrees temp, to be raised. Max. No. of degrees temp, t" be raised. Min. temp, of fire mos. 7 6 35° 35° 87° — 17° 89° 31° 72° 2° 7 37° 33° 81° — 11° Buffalo, N. Y 8 35° 35° 83° — 13° Burlington, Vt 7 32° 38° 90° — 20° Chicago, 111 7 35° 35° 90° — 20° Charleston, S. C 8 52° 18° 47° + 23° Cincinnati, 0 7 42° 28° 77° — 7° Cleveland, 0 7 38° 32° 83° — 13° 7 35° 35° 90° — 20° 8 28° 42° 108° — 38° 7 41° 29° 88° — 18° 26° + 44° 6 37° 33° 90° — 20° 6 42° 28° 80° — 10° 5 39° 31° 68° 2° 8 37° 33° 95° — 25° 44° + 26° 7 40° 30° 76° - 6“ Philadelphia, Pa 7 40° 30° 75° — 5° Pittsburgh. Pa 7 39° 31° 82° — 12° Portland. Me 8 33° 37° 82° 12° Portland, Ore 6 43° 27° 67° + 3° San Francisco, Cal 4 53° 17° 34° + 36° St. Louis, Mo 5 37° 33° 86° — 16° 7 5 25° 45° 102° 73° — 32° Washington, D. C 40° 30° — 5° Wilmington, N. C 4 50° 20° 55° + 15° ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANY. 109 WEIGHTS AND VOLUMES. One United States gallon contains 231 cubic inches. One United States gallon weighs 8.33 pounds. United States gallons multiplied by .13367 equals cubic feet. United States gallons multiplied by 231 equals cubic inches. Cubic feet multiplied by 7.48 equals United States gallons. Cubic inches multiplied by .04329 equals United States gallons. One cubic foot of water at 62° weighs 62.321 pounds. One cubic inch of water at 62° weighs .03606 pounds. A column of water one foot or 12 inches high equals .433 pound pressure per square inch. A column of water 2.3093 feet or 27.71 inches high equals one pound pressure per square inch. A column of water 33.947 feet high equals 14.7 pounds pressure per square inch, which is the pressure of the atmosphere at the level of the sea. A column of water 100 feet high produces a pressure on the base of 43.3 pounds per square inch. One cubic foot of ice at 32° weighs 57.96 pounds. Water is at its maximum density at 39.33° Fahr., or 4.107° cent. Wrought-iron : One cubic foot = 480 pounds. One square foot 1 inch in thickness = 40 pounds. Square bar 1 inch by 1 inch 1 foot long = pounds. 3.6 cubic inches = 1 p>ound. Weight of wrought-iron X .92= weight of zinc. Weight of wrought-iron X .93 = weight of cast-iron. Weight of wrought-iron X 1.01 = weight of steel. Weight of wrought-iron X 1.15 = weight of copper. Weight of wrought-iron X 1.47 = weight of lead. Weight of wrought-iron X 1.08 = weight of brass. Cubic inches X -26 = pounds of cast-iron. Cubic inches X .278 = pounds of wrought-iron. Cubic inches X .283 = pounds of cast-steel. Cubic inches X .322 = pounds of copper. Cubic inches X .410 = pounds of lead. THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. TABLE XLVI.—COMPARISON OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. UNITED STATES AND BRITISH IMPERIAL GALLONS. Cubic inches in one gallon. Weight of one gallon in pounds. Gallons in one cubic foot. 231. 8.3311 7.4805 277.274 10. 6.2321 LIQUID MEASURES. United States gallon. British imperial gallon. French litre. Cubic metre. 1. .83 3.77 .0038 1.19 1. 4.53 .0045 .26 .22 1. .001 8.3311 lbs. 10 lbs. 2.204 lbs. 231 cubic incites. 277.27 cubic inches. 61 cubic inches. LINEAR MEASURES. Inches. Decimals of inches. F eet. Metre. 1 2.54 centimetres. 12 1. 30.475 36 3. 91.425 2 5 6T .39 .0328 1 centimetre = .01 3.9376 .328 1 decimetre = .1 39f 39.376 3.28 1 metre = 1 SQUARE OR SURFACE MEASURES. Square inches. Decimals of square inches. Square feet. Square metre. 1 5 5 T¥TTff .155 .001076 1 square centimetre. 15| 15.5 .1076 1 square decimetre. 1650 rVjy 1550 47 10.76 1 square metre. 1 square inch. 1 square inch. .00694 6.45 square centimetres. 1 square foot. 9.3 square decimetres. CUBIC OR SOLID MEASURES. Cubic inches. Decimals of cubic inches. Cubic feet. Cubic Metre. 6 1 Toutr .061 .0000353 1 cubic centimetre. 61-21T 61.05 .0353 1 cubic decimetre. 61061^ 61051.3 35.32 1 cubic metre. 1 cubic inch. 1 cubic inch. .000578 16.38 cubic centimetres. 1 cubic foot. 28.32 cubic decimetres. 1 pound avoirdupois = 0.45 kilogramme. 1 kilogramme = 2.204 pounds avoirdupois. General Directions THE Circulator and all flow and return pipes which arc not used for heating should be covered. The emptying or discharge-valve should be at the lowest point in the system; the outlet from it should be open to view and should not be connected to a sewer pipe. The end of the overflow pipe from expansion tank should be open to view, and discharge into sink or other open receptacle. Where overflow pipe is connected to expansion tank, a tee, open on top end of vertical run, should be used instead of an elbow. The expansion tank should be placed as high as possible above the Circulator. An automatic supply of water to a system by means of a ball cock in expansion tank or other device is desirable. As few valves as possible should be used on hot-water heating systems, and they should be of the gate or angle pattern. Direct radiators may have one valve on either flow or return connection according to convenience. Direct radiators should have an air cock or air valve where the pipes are not arranged to prevent air accumulations. The flow and return pipes should be arranged so as to prevent air accumulations by being directly connected with main air pipe. Main flow pipes are preferably inclined up from Circulator to radiators, but they may be inclined down toward radiators, dependent on the position of the air outlet pipe. Main return pipes are inclined down toward Circulator or emptying or discharge-valve. One main flow pipe and one main return pipe with short branches are preferable to numerous small flow and return pipes from Circulator to each radiator, as the latter method reduces the tem- perature of the water before entering the radiators, introduces an unnecessary number 'of joints, occupies much space with pipes, is more costly, and is not needed to assist circulation where a well- designed heater is used. Indirect radiators should have air pipes in preference to air valves, or the pipes should be arranged so that the radiators can free themselves of air through the flow pipes without using air pipes, air cocks, or air valves. Indirect radiators need no stop valve on either flow or return pipes, as the regulation of the heat from them is controlled by the register valve, and dampers in air-mixing flue and cold-air ducts. Provision may be made for the application of thermometers on the main flow and return pipes near the Circulator by means of' inserted copper or brass caps screwed into the pipes or fittings 112 THE NOVELTY CIRCULATOR. and in which the thermometers may be applied as desired. Fixed thermometers screwed into the pipes are not desirable. Fittings, tees, elbows, etc., on flow pipes should not have their openings reduced by the use of bushings. Reducing fittings may be used, but it is preferable, especially with tees, to make the reduction with a nipple and reducing coupling. The casings for indirect radiators may be of tin, wood, or galvanized iron. In all cases the casing should be made as tight as practicable. Galvanized iron by itself is not as desirable a material for a radiator casing as when used in combination with wood or other covering because it transmits heat too readily. An indirect radiator and casing should be connected to only one warm-air flue or duct. A single warm-air flue or duct should not supply registers on different floors. Warm-air pipes should be of tin or galvanized iron. Warm-air pipes in exposed positions or in external walls should be constructed double or pro- tected so that there will be but little loss of temperature to the heated air in its passage to the apart- ment to be warmed. The cold-air duct to each casing should be fitted with a damper and connected to a by-duct or air-mixing duct which should also have a tight-fitting damper. These dampers should have levers attached by which they can be adjusted readily and held in any desired position. Cold-air ducts are made of wood tongued and grooved, and also of galvanized iron; the latter material is preferable. These ducts should be made air-tight so that the air from the cellar or base- ment in which they are located will not be drawn into them and allowed to pass up into the apart- ments warmed. The cold-air duct should be connected to an air chamber which should surround the cold-air inlet opening. In this chamber there should be a baffle or some device to prevent the velocity of the wind affecting the air in the ducts and casings. The cold-air opening should be fitted with a damper easily adjusted and accessible; outside this damper the cold-air inlet opening should be fitted with a screen of wire mesh. A separate ventilating flue should be provided for each apartment in dwellings. One or more ventilating flues or shafts should be provided in all buildings that are occupied and required to be warmed. Ho indirect heating system is complete or satisfactory without proper arrangements for ven- tilation. Ventilation is the most important part of a well-designed indirect heating apparatus. The circulation of air is as much needed as the circulation of water in an indirect beating system. Ventilation is as necessary to health as heat,