IMALE W,WILLIAMSn KIIOJKEOl'AI eraFan ASHINGTON J mic pharmacy,^ 1007 II St., S. W. 2 Washington, D. C. S C. V. DORMAN, Prop. 5 flfcSEJM 0 <7 JMaesimund /TS ±s yanos Library s •£ 19 O^ m. ^ *. ------174 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland Gift of The National Center for Homeopathy DISEASES Females and Children: AND THEIR HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT. CONTAINING ALSO A Full Description of the Dose of each Medicine. by WALTER WILLIAMSON, M.D., PROFESSOR OF MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS IN THE HOMOEO- PATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOURTH EDITION. PHILADELPHIA: BOERICKE & TAFEL. 189 7. LIBRARY OF THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR HOMOEOPATHY {'NIA/T PREFACE. A few years since, several of my personal friends, having expressed a wish to have some instructions con- cerning the diseases of females, and the conduct to be observed during pregnancy, labour, and confinement; and also directions for the management of new-born infants, in accordance with the principles of our school; I was induced to prepare for the press, a short treatise an the Homoeopathic treatment of the diseases of females and children. Several subjects and diseases were in- troduced which were not contained in works published before that time. The first edition is now exhausted, and the call for a second, is accompanied with a request to include the general diseases incident to childhood and youth. Those additions have been made in the present edi- tion, and the dose, repetition, and mode of administra- tion, affixed to the indications for each remedy. The book is not written for criticism, but in the hope that it may be useful in the treatment of the various diseases mentioned, it is offered to the public. AUTHOR. (3) DIET. ALLOWED. Pure water, toast water, gum arable water, weak, tlack tea, cocoa and plain chocolate. Panada, gruel, arrow-root, tapioca, sago, and farina; fresh milk, sweet cream, good butter, and soft boiled eggs ; water crackers, light bread and plain biscuit, at least one day old; puddings made of wheat, rye, corn, rice, or stale bread. Potatoes, tomatoes, beets, peas, beans, squashes, cauli- flower and asparagus. Beef, mutton, good ham, farm-yard fowls, small game, and oysters; fresh perch, rock fish, and small creek fish ; salted shad and salmon. Soup of beef, mutton, and farm-yard fowls; thickened with rice, barley, or wheat flour ; and seasoned with a little Bait. Sugar, salt, and molasses in small quantities ; ripe fruit, possessing little or no acidity, in its season, and plain pre serves made of the same. If any of the above articles should disagree, on account of constitutional peculiarity or the nature of the disease, they ought to be avoided. FORBIDDEN. Coffee, green tea, spiced chocolate, vinegar, lemonade, all vinous, fermented and distilled liquors, mineral waters, (6) 6 DIET. acids, spices, aromatics, perfumery, tobacco, snuff and segars. All kinds of pastry, cheese, buckwheat cakes, short cakes, doughnuts, egg plant, cabbage, turnips, parsnips, carrots, onions, radishes, horse-radish, salads, celery, parsley, greens, cucumbers, pickles, highly-seasoned sauces, soups, and broths, all kinds of nuts, acid and unripe fruits. Fresh pork, scrapple, sausages, mince pies, fried oysters, smoked meat and fish, salt mackerel, veal, turkeys, geese, ducks, lobsters, crabs, catfish, eels, &c. All domestic medicines, herb teas, &c.; as well as the external use of camphor, hartshorn, cologne water, bay rum, vinegar, turpentine, &c. Hot bread and warm cakes, as well as bread and cakes raised with soda, salaeratus, pearl-ash, fermenting pow- ders, &c. Fruit, boiled vegetables, fresh fish, oysters, eggs and chicken soup, should not be eaten in cases of colic, cholera morbus, diarrhoea or dysentery. CONTENTS. PART I. DISEASES OF FEMALES. PAGI Menstruation,.................................................................... 13 Too tardy appearance of the Menses,........................,........... 15 Chlorosis; or, Green Sickness,............................................. 20 Suppression of the Menses,.................................................. 24 Painful Menstruation,......................................................... 31 Menstruation too soon,....................................................... 35 " " late,........................................................ 36 " " scant,...................................................... 37 " " copious,................................................... 38 u " short,...................................................... 40 " long,....................................................... 41 Cessation of the Menses,..................................................... 43 Leucorrhoea,..................................................................... 47 Prolapsus Uteri; or, Falling of the Womb,............................ 61 Inflammation of the Labia and Vagina,................................. 65 Regimen during Pregnancy,................................................ 56 Disorders of Pregnancy,..................................................... 58 Vertigo and Headache,....................................................... 60 Morning Sickness, Ac,....................................................... 64 Pruritus,.......................................................................... 66 Heartburn and Waterbrash,................................................. 63 Constipation,..................................................................... 71 Diarrhoea,........................................................................ 72 Toothache during Pregnancy,.............................................. 74 Pendulous Abdomen,......................................................... 76 Varicose Veins,................................................................. 77 Haemorrhoids, or Piles,...................................................... 80 (7) 8 CONTENTS* MOB Pain in the Right Side,...................................................... 83 Cramps,.......................................................................... 84 Incontinence of Urine,........................................................ 84 Painful Urination,.............................................................. 86 Sleeplessness,.................................................................... 87 Mehincholy,...................................................................... 88 Fainting and Hystoric Fits,................................................. 90 Miscarriage and Flooding,................................................... 91 Breasts,........................................................................... 96 Remedies immediately before Labour,.................................... 98 Labour,............................................................................ 99 Ineffectual Pains,............................................................... 101 After Delivery,.................................................................. 102 Weakness after Delivery,.................................................... 103 Flooding after " ..................................................... 105 Puerperal Convulsions,....................................................... 106 After-Pains,...................................................................... 108 Of the Lochia,.................................................................. 110 Inflammation of the Womb or Metritis,................................. 112 " " Ovaries or Ovaritis,................................ 114 Coming of the Milk,........................................................... 116 Sore Nipples,..................................................................... 119 Gathered Breasts,............................................................... 120 State of the Bowels,........................................................... 121 Retention of Urine after Delivery,........................................ 122 Duration of Confinement,.................................................... 123 PART II. TREATMENT OF CHILDREN. Reception at Birth,............................................................ 127 Asphyxia; or, Apparent Death of New Born Infants,............... 129 Washing the Child,............................................................ 130 Dressing the Navel,............................................................ 136 CONTENTS. 9 PAOH Of the Meconium,.............................................................. 131 Lock Jaw of Infants,......................................................... ±32 Putting the Child to the Breast,........................................... 133 Regurgitation of Milk,........................................................ 134 Elongation of the Head,...................................................... 135 Hiccough or Singultus,........................................................ 135 Inflammation of the Eyes,................................................... 135 Sniffles,............................................................................ 138 Sore Mouth,...................................................................... 139 Jaundice,......................................................................... 140 Of the Gum,..................................................................... 141 Retention of Urine in Children,........................................... 142 Profuse Urination,............................................................. 142 Constipation,..................................................................... 143 Diarrhoea,........................................................................ 144 Colic,.............................................................................. 145 Crying of Infants,.............................................................. 147 Restlessness and Wakefulness,............................................. 148 Swelling of the Breasts,...................................................... 149 Excoriations,..................................................................... 151 Scurf on the Head,............................................................ 152 Crusta Lactea, or Milk Crust,............................................... 153 Scald Head, or Tinea Capitis, or White Ring Worm of the Scalp. 155 Infantile Erysipelas,........................................................... 157 Dentition,......................................................................... 159 Spasms or Convulsions,....................................................... 164 Summer Complaint,............................................................ 170 Atrophy,----....................................................................... 175 Rupture or Hernia,............................................................. 177 Soreness behind the Ears,................................................... 178 Running from the Ears,...................................................... 179 Hordeolum or Stye,............................................................ 180 Nocturnal Urination,.......................................................... 181 Prolapsus Ani,.................................................................. 182 Weaning,......................................................................... 183 Leucorrhoea of Children,.................................................... 187 10 CONTENTS. PART III. GENERAL DISEASES. PAOl Catarrh, or Cold in tho Head,............................................... 191 Simple Fever, Inflammatory or Synochal Fever,..................... 193 Brain Fever,..................................................................... 195 Infantile Remittent Fever,.................................................. 197 Rachitis, or Rickets,.........................................t................. 200 Bold Hives, Nettle Rash, or Urticaria,................................... 202 Ringworm, or Herpes Circinnatus,........................................ 205 Prickly Heat, or Heat Spots,...............................................: 206 Scarlet Rash,................................................................... 208 Scarlatina, or Scarlet Fever,................................................ 210 Measles, or Rubeola,.......................................................... 215 Chicken Pox, or Varicella,................................................... 217 Varioloid,........................................................................ 218 Small Pox, or Variola,....................................................... 220 Cynanche Trachealis, or Croup,............................................ 225 Asthma of Millar,.............................................................. 229 Pertussis, or Hooping Cough,............................................... 230 Hydrocephalus, or Dropsy of the Head,................................. 234 Scrofula,.......................................................................... 236 Worms, or Worm Fever,...................................................... 239 Mumps, or Parotitis,.......................................................... 242 Sore Throat, or Quinsy,...................................................... 244 Dysentery,....................................................................... 247 Vaccination,..................................................................... 25C PART I. DISEASES OF FEMALES. DISEASES OF FEMALES. The female constitution, especially after pu- berty, possesses distinctive peculiarities, independ- ent of the influence of habits and of education. And these peculiarities extend to the moral as well as the physical being. The particular organ- ization of the female subjects her to. many dis- eases, as well as physiological changes not of a morbid character, from which the male is exempt. The object of the present chapter is to treat of some of the most common of those diseases, de- rangements, and changes. MENSTRUATION. When this function is performed in a healthy manner, no change of consequence is perceptible in the general feelings; although increased suscep- tibility of the nervous system sometimes attends it. The first approach of this change is generally marked by a reserve in the manners; a more erect (13) 14 DISEASES OF FEMALES. carriage; a change in the voice; expansion of the chest; enlargement of the breasts, &c. The quantity differs very much in different indi- viduals—the average quantity is perhaps from four to six ounces. When perfectly healthy it does not coagulate, and the stain is very difficult to wash out. In quite young females, or those who menstruate too soon, the quantity is generally smaller and more mixed with mucus; sometimes nearly white, and merely streaked with red. The duration of a menstrual period varies in different persons from two to seven days; the average is about five days. It usually returns with great re- gularity in a state of health every twenty-eight days, except in girls who menstruate precociously; and again when approaching the period of its final cessation, or the change of life, as this stage is called. The above account may be considered a brief outline of healthy menstruation, and any consi- derable deviation therefrom, especially if it affect the general health, should be corrected by appro- priate medical treatment. Derangements of men- struation are generally referable to insufficient clothing, fault in regimen, or improper action of the mind. DISEASES OF FEMALES. 15 TOO TARDY APPEARANCE OF THE MENSES. The absence of this discharge alone, so long as the general health does not suffer, is not sufficient reason for the administration of medicine. It is some- times delayed in our latitude until the eighteenth year, without any evil consequences resulting. It generally, however, occurs at the age of fourteen or fifteen years. Carefully avoid taking all nos- trums, herb teas, essential oils, or other forcing medicines, for the purpose of bringing it on. But when all the visible signs of womanhood have ap- peared, with the mental and moral changes that usually take place at the period of puberty, and the menses do not yet show themselves, especially if periodical pains in the hips, loins and back oc- cur, attended with a sensation of weight and ful- ness in the lower part of the abdomen, with bearing down, the aid of medicine may with propriety be called in to relieve the sufferer. A long catalogue of additional symptoms occasionally occurring at this period might be enumerated as calling for treatment: such as fulness about the head, giddi- ness, flushed face or sallowness, bleeding at the nose, buzzing in the ears, palpitation of the heart, constriction of the chest, shortness of breath on going up stairs, hardness and soreness in the breasts drawing and numbness in the lower limbs, 16 DISEASES OF FEMALES. lassitude, feeble pulse, fainting fits, hysterical symptoms, coldness of the limbs, swelling of the ankles, swelling of the abdomen, nausea, colic, constipation, leucorrhoea, &e. The causes which impede menstruation may be very remote and obscure, or they may be imme- diate and apparent. As the notices of disease in the present treatise are necessarily short and con- fined to the most prominent points, the cases treated of under this head will be selected from those of the most frequent occurrence, and of the simpler forms. Recommending those arising from occult causes, or depending on some organic de- rangement, to the management of a judicious ho- moeopathic physician. When the general health is but slightly affected by the apparent delay of this important function, a well ordered regimen is frequently all that is necessary to bring about the " change." Let the diet be simple but nutritious ; consisting of easily digestible articles in due proportion from the ani- mal and vegetable kingdoms; avoiding com- pounded cookeries, high seasoning and spices, as well as the use of tea and coffee, and all stimulat- ing drinks, such as eider, porter, beer, wine, spirits, &c. Let her pursue a regular course of exercise: such as walking in the open air in suitable weather, riding on horseback or in an open car- DISEASES OF FEMALES. 17 riage; taking a share in the duties of housekeep- ing, &c.; being careful to avoid fatigue or excessive exercise, and exposure to a draft of air when in a state of perspiration. Sedentary habits and too close application to study are very injurious. Cul- tivate cheerfulness of disposition, and endeavor to promote it by choosing such pastimes as will at once amuse and divert the mind. Pay proper at- tention to dress—let the clothing be seasonable and changed to suit the variations of the weather; protect the feet and lower limbs against cold, and carefully avoid exposure to wet and dampness. The medicines chiefly employed in the cases alluded to above, are—Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bry- onia, Gocculus, Cuprum, Lachesis^ LywpooUnm, Plios- pJwrus, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulphur and Verairum. Arsenicum, if the face is pale and swelled in the morning on rising, with swelling of the feet in the evening, and a sensation of heat in the circula- tion with prostration of strength. Dose.—Three globules night and morning for a week, or until improvement takes place. Belladonna, if bleeding of the nose, redness of the face, injected eyes with dread of light attend, or if there be a full pulse, dark redness of the face, and giddiness after stooping. Aconite may be given alternately with Belladonna. . 18 DISEASES OF FEMALES. Dose.—Four globules three times a day until relief is afforded, or the two remedies may be given in alternation. Bryonia, if, in place of menstruation, bleed- ing of the nose occurs. Lachesis and Lycopo* dium may also be given in similar cases. Dose.—Six globules every morning, for several mornings in succession. Cocculus, if there should be a complication of nervous affections, contracting pinchirig pains in the lower part of the abdomen, with oppressed respiration and groaning. Dose.—Six globules every night until better. Cuprum, is indicated when the patient is threat- ened with spasms, or has cramps in the lower limbs, with screaming, nausea, and vomiting. Dose.—Four globules three times a day until relief is affordod. Lachesis, is applicable when symptoms of suffo- cation attend, and all the sufferings are aggravated after sleep; also, if there be fainting fits and con vulsions. Dose.—Three globules night and morning. Phosphorus, in females of a delicate form, with light complexion and lively disposition, weak chest and a predisposition to disease of the lungs, expectoration of blood in small quantities, or dys- peptic symptoms alternating with rheumatic pains. Dose.—Six globules every other night. DISEASES OF WOMEN. 19 Pulsatilla, if there be pain in the abdomen and across the back, giddiness, fulness about the head and eyes, paleness of the face, with occasional flashes of heat; roaring in the ears, or partial deafness; coldness of the hands and feet, with predisposition to general coldness; hysterical symptoms, alternate laughing and crying; nau- sea and vomiting; sour taste in the mouth after eating; discouragement and sadness; palpitation of the heart; soreness of the breast; loss of appe- tite, with desire for acids, and aversion to exer- cise. The unpleasant sensations frequently change from one place to another, or are felt on but one side of the body at a time. She feels better dur- ing exercise, and in the open air; generally worse in the evening and before midnight, and is fatigued in the morning. Dose.—Six globules every afternoon until improvement is ovi- dent, or until the menses make their appearance. Sepia, if, in addition to many of the abovo symptoms, there should be a yellow streak across the nose and on the cheeks in the form of a sad- dle. It should be given at night: twice in suc- cession. Dose.—Four globules at night for several nights in succession. Sulphur, if neither of the above remedies should answer the purpose, and there be a sensation of 20 DISEASES OF WOMEN. heat in the interior of the brain ; great religious depression; emaciation; want of appetite, with sickness after eating ; vertigo ; palpitation of the heart, and shortness of breath on going up stairs, worse when standing; to be given at night, as above directed for the other remedies. Dose.—Four globules at night as directed for Sepia. Veratrum, if there be cold hands and feet, with a tendency to diarrhoea. Dose.—Six globules night and morning until relieved. CHLOROSIS, OR GREEN SICKNESS. On account of the very common occurrence of this disease about the period of puberty in fe- males, and the uniform attendance of suppressed or vitiated menstruation consequent upon it, the affection itself is frequently looked upon as the result of such derangement. This state of the system, however, has been witnessed in females of mature age, and even sometimes in males, having a lymphatic temperament and delicate constitu tion. Any of the causes which so frequently produce derangement of the female economy may give rise to this disease. The most common exciting causes are cold and exposure to dampness; seden- tary habits, want of exercise and fresh air; pow- DISEASES OF WOMEN. 21 erful emotions of the mind, disappointment and chagrin; errors in diet, food not sufficiently nour- ishing, and the too free use of acids and stimu- lating drinks. As the disease under consideration is a com- plicated one, and one of very serious import, involving the all of health, none but a qualified physician should attempt its treatment, if the services of one can be obtained. The medicines that are generally sufficient in this affection, are: Bryonia, China, Conium, Fer- rum, Kali carb., Lycopodium, Nalrum murn Pulsa- tilla, Sepia, and Sulphur. Bryonia, if there is congestion to the head, bleeding of the nose or oppression of the chest, chilliness in alternation with dry burning heat, tongue coated, with pressure and fullness in the region of the stomach. Dose.—Three globules, dissolved in a teaspoonful of water, every six hours until better, and then not so often. China, where there is much debility, with feel- ing of soreness and hard swelling of the thighs with pressure toward the genital organs, con- gestion to the head, and bloated face with pro- trusion of the eyes, heartburn, or vomiting of sour mucus. Dose.—Six globules in a spoonful of water night and morning. 22 DISEASES OF WOMEN. Gonium. Abdominal spasms, with discharge of a white acrid mucus from the vagina, causing a burning sensation; nausea and vomiting, with coldness of the feet, and pain as if from soreness in the lower part of the back. Dose.—Six globules three times a day until relief is afforded. Ferrum metallicum. Giddiness during motion, aching pain in the stomach, countenance pale, lips pale and bluish, menses scanty and flesh colored, emaciation and debility, swelling of the hands and feet, urine clear, with much chilliness. Dose.—Threo globules night and morning for a week, or until a favorable change takes place. Kali Carbonicum, if the menses have been sup- pressed, and there is pain in the abdomen with soreness of the pudendum, or the menstrual dis- charge has an acrid pungent smell, pale greenish urine, aching in the head, with ill humor, face pale, with faint, lifeless eyes. Dose.—Three globules twice a day for several days, and if im- provement takes place, then discontinue it for a few days, and re- sume again if necessary. Lycopodium, bloatedness of the abdomen; cold- ness of the feet, with heaviness of the limbs; urine dark and burning, with sandy sediment; sleep restless and full of fancies; heaviness in the head; DISEASES OF WOMEN. 23 face pale, with blueness around the eyes; and swelling of the limbs. Dose.—Six globules every morning for a week, dissolved in a tablospoonfulof water, and if no change takes place, another remedy must be selected according to the symptoms. Natrum Muriaticum, in obstinate cases, when there is retention of the menstrual discharges, or profuse leucorrhoea, with discharge of a transparent white, thick mucus, or greenish leucorrhoea, with yellowness of the face, headache, and congestion of blood to the head. Dose.—Six globules night and morning; in other respects the same as Lycopodium. Pulsatilla is one of our most prominent remedies in this disease, especially if it is attended with de- rangement of the digestive organs; often shifting from one place to another; complexion sallow; difficult breathing; coldness of the hands and feet; nausea, with inclination to vomit; acrid leucorrhoea, with discharge of thick, white mucus; cough, with expectoration of thick mucus; periodical expecto- ration of dark clotted blood; hunger, with aver- sion to food. It is best adapted to females of a mild disposition. Dose.—Four globules in a dessertspoonful of water night and morning for a week, then pause eight days, after which the course may, if necessary, be repeated as before. 24 DISEASES OF WOMEN. Sepia, discharge of yellowish leucorrhoea with itching in the vagina; soreness and redness of the labia ; oppression of breathing, with rush of blood to the head; violent headache, as if the head would burst; urine turbid, with brick-dust sediment; pain in the small of the back, with pain in the thighs as if bruised. Dose.—The same as directed for Pulsatilla. Sulphur is one of the most valuable remedial agents that can be employed in this disease, espe- cially if the patient is afflicted with any constitu- tional taint; it is especially indicated if there should be pressive pain in the back of the head, extending to the nape of the neck, with determina- tion of blood and humming in the head; distension of the stomach and abdomen; irregular bowels; breathing difficult; great fatigue, especially of the limbs; great tendency to take cold; sadness and melancholy, with frequent weeping. Dose.—Six globules night and morning, until amelioration or ehango takes place. SUPPRESSION OF THE MENSES. By suppression of the menses, is understood the suspension or temporary cessation of this discharge, after it has been well established, by some inciden- tal cause. Cold is the most common cause of this DISEASES OF WOMEN. 25 obstruction, as it is the one to which females are the most liable, on account of the little care they take of themselves at the menstrual period. Sud- den and powerful emotions of the mind, particu- larly grief and despondency, may also produce it, but next after the first mentioned cause is the ma- licious practice of eating pickles, drinking vinegar, and putting the feet in cold water during the flow, for the purpose of aresting it. Disease of the chest and of the liver, rheumatism, and inflammation of the organs concerned, may also give rise to sup- pression. Any of these causes may act so as to produce the result during the flow, when the men- ses are about to appear, or during the interval. If the menses are suddenly suppressed during the flow or just as they are about to appear, especially if cold be the cause, the symptoms are apt to be much more violent than as if the obstructing cause were applied in the interval. In the worst cases are seen frightful attacks of spasmodic pains in the stomach and bowels, often attended with retching to vomit, headache, flushed face, wild delirium, convulsions, hysteria, palpitation of the heart, dif- ficulty of breathing, &c. This state of things is sometimes followed by fever and local inflamma- tions. When suppression of the menses is the effect of causes operating in the interval, the evil consequences do not arise so suddenly, nor are they 26 DISEASES OF WOMEN. so alarming: yet, after the lapse of two or three months, the' enfeebled state of health evinces the no less certain result. The subject becomes pale, languid, and debilitated; loses her appetite and ambition; looks sickly and dejected; is affected with swelling of the feet and ankles; nervous symptoms set in; palpitation of the heart, short- ness of breath, flatulency, &c, and leucorrhoea winds up the unhappy train. In persons predis- posed to consumption and some other serious dis- eases, suppression is particularly prejudicial and demands the earliest attention. The medicines generally required in the treat- ment of this affection are Aconite, Bryonia, Pulsa- tilla, Sepia and Sulphur. But Belladonna, Chamo- milla, Graphites, Kali carb., Lycopodium, Platina and Vemtum are sometimes necessary. Aconite, if the suppression be the result of the direct application of cold, and be attended by con- gestion to the head or chest; redness of the cheeks; sickness, faintness or giddiness on rising from a recumbent position; shooting and beating pains in the head, with delirium or stupefaction; fulness of the pulse; impatience—worse from motion; cold gives relief, but heat aggravates the suf- ferings. Dose.—Six globules every six hours in a iableipoonful of water until relieved. DISEASES OF WOMEN. 27 Bryonia, if there be swimming in the head, with heaviness and pressure towards the forehead, worse after stooping, and aggravated by motion ; bleed- ing of the nose ; dry cough; shivering during the pains; heat on the head; pain in the pit of the stomach after eating; bitter and sour eructations ; regurgitation of food after eating with a good ap- petite ; constipation; drawing pains in the lower part of the abdomen; pain in the back; the suffer- ings are increased by motion and by touching; this remedy is particularly adapted to unmarried females. Dose.—Three globules in a spoonful of water at intervals of twelve hours, until decided amelioration or change for the bettor. Pulsatilla is the principal remedy in this disease, especially when it has been caused by exposure to dampness or cold air, and the subject have an amiable disposition with a tendency to sadness and tears; the headache is generally on one side only, with shooting pains extending to the face, ears, and teeth; palpitation of the heart; suffocation; cold- ness of the hands and feet; flashes of heat; nausea and vomiting; tendency to diarrhoea; pressure in the lower part of the abdomen; frequent urina- tion, and leucorrhoea. Dose.—Three globules in a spoonful of water night and morning for a week, (unless change should sooner occur,) then wait eight days, after which it may, if necessary, be repeated as before, until roliof is obtained. 28 DISEASES OF WOMEN. Sepia, is also a very important remedy, es- pecially in females of a delicate constitution and sallow complexion; the symptoms are often re- lieved by exercise, and aggravated by rest; great liability to take cold; disposed to melancholy; morning headache; throbbing in the head; ver- tigo ; bearing down in the lower part of the ab- domen, with heat and sensitiveness ; leucorrhoea ; colic; pains in the limbs, as if they had been beaten; pain in the loins. Dose.—Six globules in a tablespoonful of water every other day, continuing the same for some time, until amelioration takes place. Sulphur, if the person has been subject to erup- tions ; disposition to stiffness in all parts of the body; want of strength; faintness; exhaustion from conversation ; sensitiveness to the open air; disposition to sleep; the heat of the bed aggra- vates the pains at night; confusion of the head; vertigo on rising up; headache on one side or over the eyes, or in the back part of the head, ex- tending to the back of the neck; heat in the head; heaviness of the head; dimness of sight; sour- ness of the stomach; waterbrash; pressure in the stomach; voracious appetite; constipation, with ineffectual efforts at stool; abdominal pains; leu- corrhoea, with itching; pain in the loins; weariness and fatigue in the limbs. Dose.—The same as directed ;or Sepia. DISEASES OF WOMEN. 29 Belladonna, if it should occur without any particular exciting cause, and be attended with fulness of blood, and violent throbbing of the arteries of the head and neck. Dose*—Three globules every twelve hours, until amelioration or change takes place. Chamomilla, great sensitiveness of the abdomen, pain in the small of the back, extending down the thigh, diarrhoea, with greenish or white stool, de- sire to vomit, yellow coated tongue, and bitter taste in the mouth. Dose.—Six globules night and morning. Graphites, in cases where there is either total suppression, or where the discharge is very scanty, the blood black, or watery and pale, headache, nausea, pain in the chest, swelling of the feet and legs. Dose.—Six globules night and morning. Kali Carbonicum, when the oppression has oc- curred in an apparently healthy female, and the arrest of discharge can be traced to no special cause. Dose.—Tho same as of Graphites. Lycopodium, where suppression is caused by fright, attended with dryness of the vagina, bloat- 30 DISEASES OF WOMEN. edness of the abdomen, - heaviness of the limbs, chilliness, nausea and swelling of the feet. Dose.—Six globules night and morning. Platina, painful pressure towards the genitals with drawing headache, drawing in the abdomen before the menses make their appearance, with cutting pain and cramps, great sensitiveness of the parts. Dose.—Six globules dissolved in a tumbler half full of water, and take a teaspoonful of the solution every four or six hours, according to circumstances. Veratrum, if menstruation is preceded by ver- tigo ; bleeding at the nose; great thirst; buzzing in the ears; pain in all the limbs ; colic affecting the whole abdomen; redness and heat of the face; palpitation of the heart; pain in the small of the back; heaviness of the limbs. Dose.—Four globules three times a day until relief is obtained, or the symptoms require another remedy. K menstruation has been checked by fright, vexation, or other emotions of the mind, give Aconite, Coffea, or Lycopodium. If the suppression have connection with rheu- matic pains about the shoulders and chest, and the subject be predisposed to consumption, send for a physician without delay. DISEASES OF WOMEN. 31 PAINFUL MENSTRUATION. Women are liable to this disease during every part of their life, between the commencement and the cessation of menstruation. Cold, and the im- proper treatment of other diseases, are the most prolific sources of this derangement. The pain sometimes begins several hours or even days before the flow commences, at other times the evacuation comes on regularly and continues for a few hours, then diminishes, or ceases entirely, with a great deal of suffering. The pains may continne for a longer or shorter period ; frequently under appro- priate treatment the flow returns, and continues to the end of the period without interruption; some- times the pains continue to the end of the period without shortening the time or lessening the quantity. At other times the pains continue until a membranous substance is expelled, and a healthy discharge continues, or the evacuation ceases with the expulsion of the membranous body. In some cases through sympathy, the breasts become sen- sitive, tumid, and occasionally extremely painful. The pains of difficult menstruation are of two kinds, viz.: the intermitting expulsive pains re- sembling those of labor, and the constant aching pains in the loins, hips and limbs, like those which often precede regular menstruation. 32 DISEASES OF WOMEN. The remedies are: Aconite, Belladonna, Calcarea, Chamomilla, Cocculus, Cojfea, Nux vomica, Pulsa- tilla, and Veratrum. Aconite, if febrile symptoms are present, such as accelerated pulse ; thirst; quick, hurried breath- ing ; headache; restlessness; congestion to the head or chest; faintness and giddiness—worse on motion. Dose.—Dissolvo twelve pellets in six teaspoonsful of water, and take a toaspoonful every hour until tho sufferings are relieved. Belladonna, if the pains precede the flow, with violent congestion to the head, and confusion of sight; frightful visions; screaming; disposition to bite and tear everything; redness and bloated- ness of the face; pain in the back; strong bearing down in the lower part of the abdomen, as if the parts would fall out. Dose.—Six globules dissolved in a teaspoonful of water, and re- peated every four or six hours until better. Calcarea carb., if there be boring headache, which is aggravated by every moral emotion; coldness on the head; toothache; breasts swollen and painful; colic, with shiverings ; cuttings in the abdomen ; leucorrhoea; spasmodic pains in the loins. After the period is past, if the membranous substance spoken of above should have been discharged, give a dose of Calc. on two successive evenings, and DISEASES OF WOMEN. 83 again, four or five days before the return of the next menstrual period, give two doses more in the same way. Chamomilla may be given, if the pains resemble labor pains, with pressure from the small of the back towards the front of the abdomen and down- wards ; colic, with tenderness of the abdomen when touched; discharge of a dark color and coagulated. Dose.—Four globules every two hours, until the pain is relievod. CooculuSj if there be abdominal spasms; flatu- lency ; nausea and faintness; pressive colic, and cramps in the chest. Dose.—Six globules every four hours, until the pains are alle- viated or the symptoms require another remedy. Cojfea, if there be great nervous excitement, and anguish with the sufferings; exceedingly painful colic, with fullness and pressure in the bowels, with spasms which extend to the chest; delirium; wringing of the hands; grinding of the teeth; screaming; coldness over the whole body; numb- ness and stiffness; groaning and difficulty of breathing. Dose.—Put twenty globules in six teaspoonsful of water, and take a teaspoonful every four hours. Nux vomica relieves the writhing pains in the abdomen, when accompanied with nausea; pain 34 DISEASES OF WOMEN. as if bruised in the bones in front; spasms in the womb with pressure downwards, and heat; nausea and fainting; restlessness; stitches in the right side; frequent desire to urinate. Nux vom. is indicated when the menses are preceded by draw- ing pains in the muscles of the back of the neck, and in excitable or passionate persons. Dose.—Six globules three times a day, nntil improvement takes place. Pulsatilla will remove a heaviness resembling a stone in the abdomen, with violent pressure in the lower part, and in the small of the back, at- tended with drawing and numbness down the thighs; vomiting of sour mucus; shiverings, with paleness of the face ; pressure to stool, with inef- fectual efforts; frequent desire to pass water, and leucorrhoea. Dose.—Four globules dissolved in a tablespoonful of water every six hours during the discharge, until improvement takes place. Veratrum, when the menses are preceded by headache and attended with diarrhoea; excessive weakness; humming in the ears; constrictive sen- sation in the throat; icy coldness of the nose, hands, and feet. Dose.—Six globules every four or six hours, until decided im- provement or another remedy is required. DISEASES OF WOMEN. 35 MENSTRUATION TOO SOON. Belladonna, when the evacuation comes on be fore the time, is too copious, and is of a bright red color; discharge of fetid coagulae; nocturnal sweat on the chest; thirst; confusion of the sight; beating headache ; puffiness of the face; colic, and violent bearing down pains. Dose.—Six globules two or three times a day, according to circum- stances. Calcarea carb. is appropriate, when the evacua- tion is preceded by swelling and sensitiveness of the breasts, headache, colic, shiverings and leu- corrhoea ; during the flow there are cuttings in the abdomen, toothache, bearing down, leucorrhoea, and enlargement of the veins. Dose.—Four globules night and morning. Tgnatia, is very effectual where the menses re- turn every two weeks, and are attended with hysterical symptoms; nausea and fainting; gene- ral chilliness; paleness of the face; failing of the sight; the patient cannot bear the light or noise; the abdomen is distended and hard; the pains are of the cramp-like compressing kind. Dose.—Six globules twice a day. Ipecacuanha is suitable, where the patient is ex- 36 DISEASES OF WOMEN. cessively weak, uneasy, and has a dislike to all food; the discharge copious, bright red, and co- agulated. Dose.—Four globules three times a day, dissolved in a teaspoon ful of water. Natrum mur. should be given, when the monthly period is preceded by moroseness and irritability ; the evacuation is too profuse, and continues too long; is attended with sadness, headache, and an inclination to lie down. Dose.—Dissolve about twenty globules in a tumbler half full of water, and take a teaspoonful every four hours. MENSTRUATION TOO LATE. Kali carb. may be given, when there is constant bearing down, and still the menses do not appear, in young girls. Dose.—Four globules three times a day until relief is obtained. Lachesis, when the commencement of the flow is attended with violent pains in the small of the back, and subsequent spasms in the abdomen, and beatings in the head. Dose.—Three globules, repeated at intervals of from four to six hours. Phosphorus, if the patient has a delicate form; is predisposed to disease of the chest, and is trou- bled with dyspeptic symptoms ; during menstrua- DISEASES OF WOMEN. 37 tion, lancinating headache, spitting of small portions of blood, shiverings, lassitude and fever. Dose.—Four globules night and morning. Pulsatilla, where the menses are very irregular, sometimes coming too soon, at other times too late, and frequently too feebly; sometimes the discharge is too dark or mixed with mucus, again it is pale and watery; the sufferings also are va- rious : nausea and vomitings, shiverings and pale- ness of the face, shooting pains, bearing down, constipation, &c, are frequently met with before, during, and after the period. Dose.—Six globules twice a day, commencing several days beforo the expected arrival of tho monthly period, and continuing it until the discharge has been fully established. Sulphur is frequently necessary when other rem- edies fail, and where sick-headache precedes, at- tends, or follows menstruation. The reader is referred to the preceding sections on " tardy ap- pearance " and " suppression" for many of the symptoms of this important medicine. Dose.—Dissolve twelve globules in six teaspoonsful of water, and take a teaspoonful every three hours until relief is obtained. MENSTRUATION TOO SCANT. The remedies recommended for this particular irregularity, are: Kali carbonicum, Lachesis, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, and Sulphur. 38 DISEASES OF WOMEN. Inasmuch as the characteristic symptoms of these remedies are to be found in the preceding sections of this chapter, it is not necessary to re- peat them here. The reader is respectfully referred to them there. The remedy which corresponds most acurately with the whole group of symptoms, is always the most appropriate one. Administration, the same as in the preceding article. MENSTRUATION TOO COPIOUS. Belladonna, when the catamenia are too copious, and return too soon, with violent pressure down- wards, as if something would escape, accompanied with pain in the small of the back ; where the im- moderate flow has been caused by exertion, or lifting something during the period. Arm, also, may be given when that is the cause. For other symptoms of Bell., see what is said under it when the menses return too soon. Dose.—Six globules two or three times a day, according to cir- cumstances. Calcarea carb., after other remedies apparently well adapted to the case have been given without effect, give Calc. carb. for two mornings in succes- sion at the next period. See some of the symp- toms of this remedy under "Menstruation too soon." DISEASES OF WOMEN. 39 Dose.—Twelve globules dissolved in half a tumbler of watir, and a teaspoonful given every two or three hours, as the circumstances require. Chamomilla will prove beneficial if the discharge is dark and clotted; flowing at intervals, accoin panied by pain and dull griping, which passes from the small of the back towards the abdomen; to which symptoms may be added, thirst, coldness of the extremities and fainting. Dose.—Six globules three times a day until amelioration or change. China, sallowness; general weakness, with great tendency to perspire; dulness; swelling of the lower extremities; confusion of the head, with buzzing in the ears ; faintness; the discharge may be either watery, or coagulated, gushing out at in tervals, accompanied with cramplike pains in the lower part of the abdomen. Dose.—The same as directed for Chamomilla. Ipecacuanha, where the discharge is profuse and continued; attended with paleness, thirst, and con- stant desire to lie down, with great prostration. Dose.—Three globules every four hours until improvement mani- feets itself. Nux vomica, when menstruation is too copious, and returns before the twenty-eighth day; when it lasts longer than four days, stops and returns. 40 DISEASES OF WOMEN. In such cases allow no coffee, wine, cider or brandy; no mince pies, or any thing stimulating, for several months. Dose.—Six globules night and morning until decided amelior- ation. MENSTRUATION TOO SHORT. Most of the remedies mentioned under menstru- ation "too soon" and "too scant" may be given with advantage in this aberration, when the attend- ing symptoms correspond. When the period of menstruation is rendered too short by accidental causes, look under " suppression " for the remedy. Bryonia, Lachesis, Phosphorus, Platina and Pul- satilla are the principal remedies in this irregularity. Bryatiia, pain and uneasiness in the abdomen, as if the menses would appear; suppression of the menses, or violent pain in the back and limbs, and headache during menstruation; constipation, with hard, dry stool. Dose.—Four globules three times a day until improvement takes place, or the symptoms require another remedy. Lachesis, menstruation scanty and delayed ; be- fore menstruation vertigo and headache; violent pain in the abdomen during menstruation, with beating in the head; costiveness, with burning in the abdomen. Dose.—Six globules three times a day until amelioration or change. DISEASES OF WOMEN. 41 Phosphorus, menses too early and scanty, or too late, with pain in the back and abdomen, as if bruised; stitches from the vagina to the uterus; frequent desire to urinate previous to, and after the menses; coldness of the hands and feet. Dose-—Six globules two or three times a day according to cir- cumstances. Platina, cramps upon the appearance of the menses; great sensitiveness of the parts, or the menses appear too early ; anxiety in the abdomen, with pain in the small of the back, as if broken. Dose.—Six globules night and morning, dissolved in a teaspoon. ful of water. Pulsatilla, before the menses, chilliness and yawning; during the menses, pain in the stomach, chilliness and paleness of the face, with urging to stool; pain in the small of the back, extending down the thighs, with discharge of thick, dark, clotted, or else pale and watery blood, flowing by fits and starts. Dose.—Four globules three or four times a day until relief is ob- tained. MENSTRUATION TOO LONG. Aconite, when there are congestions to different parts of the body with shooting pains, especially about the heart and in the head; full and hard 42 DISEASES OF WOMENi pulse; desire to be in the cool air; the patient is worse in a warm room; the discharge is bright red, and for the most part fluid, but coagulates readily. Dose.—Six globules twice a day, for several days in succession during the period, and to be repeated several days previous to the next menstrual period. China, paleness of the face; dark-colored under the eyes; obscuration of sight, or black spots before the eyes; roaring in the ears; pulsation in the head and neck; nocturnal headache; sleepless- ness or disturbed sleep; nervous excitability; fre- quent desire to pass water; pains like labor; weakness and heaviness in the limbs; swelling of the feet. Dose.—Six globules night and morning, dissolved in a table- epbonful of clear water. Ignatia is serviceable if the dischage continues too long; and the next period is attended with hysterics, yawning, and choking. Dose.—The medicine should be given on the fourth day of mens- truation, and repeated in a day or two, and repeated again on the fourth day of the next menstrual period. Nux vomica, when the menses return too soon, and continue too long; giddiness, constipation, nausea and faintness; the symptoms are generally worse in the morning; dragging about the loins, with DISEASES OF WOMEN. 43 bearing down in the pelvis; cramp-like pains in the abdomen, extending downwards to the thighs. Dose.—Dissolve twelve globules in half a tumblerful of water, and take a teaspoonful every three hours until relief is obtained. Platina, discharge thick and black, or slimy; pressure on the lower parts, with increased sensi- bility ; menses too early, with diarrhoea, or pro- fuse flow with drawing pains in the abdomen. Dose.—Four globules dissolved in a teaspoonful of water, three times a day. Sulphur will frequently change this state of the system, by giving a few doses of it after menstrua- tion is over, and repeating it again a few days be- fore the next period. CESSATION OF THE MENSES. The "change of life," or the "critical stage," as the period of the decline of the menses is called, generally occurs at or about the age of forty-five years. With ladies who have indulged them- selves at the table and been fond of their ease, generally this change is apt to take place a little earlier; while with those who have led more indus- trious and even laborious lives, it may not come quite so soon. It sometimes occurs as early as thirty six, and even earlier; and, on the other hand, 44 DISEASES OF WOMEN. it has been postponed in some instances until the woman has passed fifty, and even much later. When this period of life is approaching, the menses become more or less irregular, both as to the time of their recurrence and the quantity dis- charged—they may either return too soon, or the interval be more protracted than usual. The quan- tity discharged may likewise vary from the regular amount—be very small by itself, or largely mixed with* mucus, or be very profuse, amounting to a true hemorrhage. The flow frequently appears suddenly, at an unexpected moment, continues for an hour or two, and then stops, without any of the ordinary symptoms of suppression following. Sometimes the progressive course of this change in the female economy is so gradual, and free from constitutional disturbance, that the woman passes through it before she is aware of her al- tered condition; until she realizes that her menses have ceased, and with them many of the frailties incidental to menstruation have disappeared. Her health is confirmed, and frequently she becomes more fleshy than she ever was before. Others, less fortunate, are afflicted with vertigo, headache, flashes of heat, nervousness, paleness and debility; frequent passage of limpid urine in large quanties, or high colored in small quantities; pain in the lower part of the abdomen, back and hips, DISEASES OF WOMEN. 45 running down the thighs with a kind of creeping sensation; heat in the lower part of the stomach and back; piles are apt to be troublesome, and some- times take on a vicarious office; swelling of the lower limbs; tumidity of the abdomen, which subsides from time to time without the ordinary symptoms of flatulency. Pruritus (violent itching of the private parts) is not uncommon at this period. Not every case of slight irregularity at this period of life should be interfered with by medi- cine, especially if the discharge be diminishing in quantity. A well ordered regimen, however, is important in every case—the diet should be simple and digestible, consisting chiefly of vegetable arti- cles ; total abstinence from everything stimulating should be strictly observed; exercise in the open air in suitable weather; bathing,, and the use of the flesh brush, should be duly attended to. Sleeping in heated rooms should generally be avoided, and a matrass is better than a feather bed. In many instances it would be proper to wear flannel or silk next the skin. In all cases avoid unnecessary exposure, and guard against the injurious effects of the common vicissitudes of the weather, by suitable attention to dress. Tonics, and the so-called strengthening medi- cines, are always injurious at this period, and therefore should be assiduously avoided. 46 DISEASES OF WOMEN. Kemedies. Lachesis, Pulsatilla, Bryonia, Coc cuius, Ignatia, Sepia, and Sulphur. Lachesis, scanty, delaying menses, with in- creased leucorrhoea, or if the menses are too pro- fuse, attended with vertigo and headache; or lacerating pain in the abdomen, with costiveness. Dose.—Four globules every third night, or it may be used in alternation with Pulsatilla, with much benefit Pulsatilla, suppression of the menses, with nausea and vomiting, chilliness, coldness of the feet, heaviness in the abdomen as if from a stone, fullness of the face, pressure in the bladder and rectum, burning pain in the abdomen. Dose.—The same as directed for Lachesis. Bryonia, pinching in the abdomen as if the menses would appear; suppression of the menses with bleeding at the nose, lacerating pain in the limbs and small of the back, with discharge of dark red blood. Dose.—Six globules every night, dissolved in a teaspoonful of clear water. Cocculus, suppression of the menses, with spasms in the abdomen, anguish, oppression of breathing, menstruation painful, with discharge of coagulated blood. Dose.—Four globules every other night until amelioration or change. diseases of women. 47 Ignatia, menstruation scanty, with discharge of black coagulated blood, which has a putrid odor, abdominal spasms, heaviness and heat in the head, languor and faintness. Dose.—Twelve globules dissolved in three tablespoonfuls of water, and a teaspoonful every six hours. Sepia, before the appearance of the menses, violent colic with faintness; the discharges are scanty, shuddering over the whole body, pain in the limbs as if bruised, abdominal spasms, with pressing downwards. Dose.—The same as directed for Ignatia. Sulphur, burning as if in the uterus, menses too late, with pain in the abdomen and small of the back, thirst and dry tongue during the menses, discharge Of bloody mucus from the vagina. Dose.—Four globules dissolved in a teaspoonful of water twice a day, until improvement takes place. LEUCORRHQUA. This disease (frequently called "Whites") con- sists of a discharge of unhealthy mucus from the private parts, and is most liable to affect females between the age of puberty and the final cessation of the menses. Occasionally we observe it in little children, and sometimes also in women who have passed the change of life. 48 DISEASES OF WOMEN. Women of a nervous temperament, with a re- laxed habit of body, weak chest, and hereditary predisposition to it, are the most frequent subjects of this disease. The exciting causes of this com- plaint generally, are difficult labors; irregularity of the menses; the employment of purgative me dicines; tight lacing; late hours; the immoderate use of tea, coffee, and spices; limited exercise; and sometimes the neglect of necessary ablutions. In children, the most common exciting causes are ne- glect of cleanliness, seat worms, and the local ap- plication of some irritating matter. Those who are subject to it at all, are liable to have the dis- charge most abundant before and after menstrua- tion, and during pregnancy. The secretion may be small or very abundant, and may vary just as much in quality as it does in quantity; in the be- ginning, it frequently seems to be nothing more than an increase of healthy transparent mucus, but after a while it assumes a more dense con- sistency, and gelatinous appearance, or becomes thin, milky and acrid; after longer continu- ance it may become purulent, and acquire a yellow color; it is often greenish, and sometimes has a brownish hue. The discharge does not al- ways pass away continuously, but often irregularly, by emissions. After this discharge has continued for a longer DISEASES OF WOMEN. 49 or shorter time, the concomitant symptoms make their appearance: such as constant pain in the back and loins; bearing down in the abdomen; aching in the hips; coldness of the extremities; paleness of the face; dejection of spirits; loss of appetite; eructations; nervous symptoms; neu- ralgies, &c. Leucorrhoea is so often complicated with serious diseases of the womb and adjacent parts, that the best interests of the sufferer require the earliest attention to its treatment, and the most diligent use of the means calculated to remove it. Many now mourn with fruitless grief over their unfortu- nate neglect of this disease in its incipient and more manageable state. On the first intimation of the approach of the complaint, the subject of it should endeavor to correct the predisposing causes, and, as far as in her power lies, avoid all the exciting causes. The remedies recommended in this place are: Aconite, Calcarea carb~, Cocculus, Pulsatilla, Sepia, and Sulphur. Aconite, if the discharge be excessive, viscous, or yellowish; heat, and a sense of fullness in the parts internally: the application of anything cold gives relief, especially if the patient have been subject to acute attacks of rheumatism. 50 DISEASES OF WOMEN. Dose.—Six globnles nigbt and morning, until improvement 01 change is manifested. Calcarm carb., with itching and burning, com- ing on before the menses; the discharge is milky, and often passes when making water; attended with shooting through the parts, and falling of the womb; leucorrhoea after lifting; whitish corrosive leucorrhoea of young children ; especially applicable to females of a lymphatic constitution, light com- plexion, and inclined to be fat, and who are sub- ject to copious menstruation, which returns too soon. Dose.—Four globnles every morning, dissolved in a teaspoonful of water, until decided amelioration or change. Cocculus, leucorrhoea before and after menstrua tion; discharge of sanguineous' mucus during pregnancy; leucorrhoea like the washings of meat, with colic and flatulency. Dose.—Three globules once a day until relief is obtained, or change should occur requiring another remedy. Pulsatilla, when the discharge is thick, like cream; sometimes corrosive; attended with pruritus near the change of life; before, during, and after men- struation ; when occasioned by fright; and, in young girls, before menstruation is well estab lished. Dose.—Dissolve six globules in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning, and continue it for several days, then discontinue its DISEASES OF WOMEN. 51 use for several days, after which it may be again repeated as before, if necessary. Sepia, leucorrhoea with excoriation of the parts; bearing down; frequent urination; yellow, or greenish, fetid discharge; inflation of the abdo- men ; yellowness of the face—this remedy is not always admissible during pregnancy. Dose.—Four globules every night, until improvement or change manifests itself. Sulphur in obstinate cases of leucorrhoea, with scalding urine; whitish, or yellowish and corro- sive; after repelled eruptions, or imperfectly cured rheumatism. Dose.—Six globules two or three times a week, and continued for some length of time. PROLAPSUS UTERI. {Falling of the Womb.) The chief predisposing cause of this displace- ment is a relaxed condition of the system, which may be natural, or induced by habits of indul- gence in idleness and high living. The immediate causes of the mischief may be various; as, getting up too soon after confinement; leucorrhoea; falls; injuries from lifting heavy weights; long con- tinued coughs; severe pukings ; tight lacing, &c. An eminent physician remarked in 1831: "I will 52 DISEASES OF WOMEN. ' venture to say, that, of late years, since the pre- posterous custom of pressing the waist into as narrow a space as cords and steel springs can bring it, has been so general, there are more in- stances of prolapsus and leucorrhoea among young females than at any former period, when the ab- domen was a little better accommodated with room." (Eberle.) But as fashion has changed the mode of dress considerably for the better, in this particular, since the doctor wrote the above, we may expect to see fewer cases of the diseases mentioned, arising from that cause, in the future. The symptoms may be mild for a long time in the commencement of the disease, and be consid- ered rather as an annoyance, than the occasion of much suffering. There is generally more or less bearing down, dragging about the groins, pain in the back and loins, pressure low down in the pel- vis, a benumbing sensation shooting down the limbs, nervous feelings, with a sense of faintness, and many other exceedingly distressing symp- toms. Every case does not present this long catalogue of ailments, but many cases do present them in great numbers, and in an aggravated form. In some severe cases, the woman has great diffi- culty in rising to her feet, and if she attempts to walk, has to lean forwards and support herself by placing her hands on her thighs. A very obscure DISEASES OF WOMEN. 53 and troublesome symptom of pain in the left side, close under the ribs, sometimes attends this dis- ease. The sufferings are aggravated by the erect position, and nearly all of them subside after ly- ing down. To the above enumeration of difficulties, must be added the constant discharge of mucus, more or less unhealthy, and very generally a more abundant and frequent discharge of the menses. These two drains upon her system in conjunction with the general weakness, consequent upon unin- terrupted suffering, reduces the woman's strength very much, and unless relieved, will destroy her health entirely. For the cure of this disease, we have very fre- quently to employ mechanical means; namely, the "supporter," or the "pessary." But in many cases we can succeed with medicine, and a well regulated regimen. The affection itself is some- times symptomatic of other curable diseases. Let the patient avoid the provoking causes as far as she can, adhere to the homoeopathic diet, and take one of the following remedies every night for a week; namely, Belladonna, Caharea carb., Nux vomica, Sepia, and Podophyllum. Belladonna, intense pain in the small of the back, great pressure in the lower part of the ab- domem, as if its contents would issue through the 54 DISEASES OF WOMEN. genital organs, suppression of stool and urine and heaviness of the limbs. Dose.—Six globules every night for a week, and if no improve nient, the next remedy which is most applicable to the symptoms of the case, must be used in the same manner. Caharea carbinica, heaviness and painful wea riness of the limbs, oppressive pains with stitches in the abdomen, contracting pain in the abdomen, drawing pain in the abdomen, extending down- wards towards the genital organs. Dose.—Four globules every night, until amelioration or change. Nux vomica, prolapsus caused by lifting or straining, with hardness and swelling of the mouth of the womb, or burning pain, desire to urinate, constipation, with ineffectual urging to stool, attended with bearing down or forcing pains. Dose.—Three globules in a tablespoonful of water, repeated every six hours until amelioration or change. Sepia, painful stiffness in the region of the uterus, oppression of breathing, induration of the neck of the uterus, contractive pain in the vagina, violent pain in the abdomen, extending as far as the umbilicus. Dose.—Four globules every night until amelioration or change. Podophyllum pelt, pain in the region of the ovaries of a numb-aching character, fullness and DISEASES OF WOMEN. 55 soreness in the abdomen, the pain extending down the thighs. Dose.—The same as directed for Nux vomica. After taking one remedy and then suspending all medicine for a week or more, still adhering to the diet, if the symptoms have not abated, take one of the other remedies named in the same way, and wait as before. But if the symptoms do im- prove, take nothing so long as they are better, and if they return, take the last medicine once or twice more. In order to discriminate between the remedies recommended as well as you can, com- pare the symptoms of each remedy. INFLAMMATION OF THE LABIA AND VAGINA. This disease often occurs in newly-married fe- males, and developes itself in painful, red, hard, dry, burning and sensitive swelling of the labia. Diffi- cult and tedious labors are also frequently the cause of this inflammation; if it arises from this cause, it will readily yield to the external application of a lotion of Arnica, in the proportion of one part of Arnica tincture, to eight parts of water,—a few globules of Arnica may also be given internally Should fever and inflammatory symptons present themselves, Aconite should be given until relief is obtained. Dose.—Four globules every three hours. 56 DISEASES OF WOMEN. Mercurius may be used, should the inflammation assume a lymphatic character, with much indura- tion of the parts. Dose.—Six globules three times a day. Belladonna, if the disease assumes an erysipe- latous appearance, with an internal feeling of full- ness, tension, and burning pain. Dose.—The same as directed for Aconite. REGIMEN DURING PREGNANCY. During the period of gestation a woman should consider, that her most trifling actions may exert a great influence on the future physical, and, we may add, moral and intellectual condition of a being bound to her by the most endearing ties—■ a being that has a right to expect from her, as its parent, so far as it lies in her power to give, a sound constitution. Therefore, to realize such an object, it becomes the duty of a mother to pay every possible attention to her diet, dress, and exercise. Diet. With regard to diet, she should observe the greatest simplicity, and abstain from all stimu- lating food and drinks, as well as everything else that has a tendency to increase the irritability of the system—such as the immoderate use of coffee, tea, &c. She should also avoid taking too large DISEASES OF WOMEN. 57 an amount of nourishment of any kind; for na- ture seems to have instituted nausea and vomiting for the purpose, in part, of preventing excessive fullness. The occasion of pregnancy ought not to be made the apology for the free indulgence of a wayward, or a voracious appetite; as indigestion colic, and even convulsions, in some instances, have been the sad consequences of such indul- gence. The unnatural use of chalk, magnesia, charcoal, roasted coffee, &c, is to be deprecated. Dress. The dress should be strictly suited to the season, and so arranged as not to produce un- necessary pressure on any part of the body ; even the garters should be worn loosely. Tight lacing is very hurtful: it must be evident to the plainest understanding, that serious injury to the Health of both mother and child must often result from a continual and forcible compression of the ab- domen, while nature is at work in gradually en- larging it for the accommodation and development of the foetus; and, no doubt, there are many who owe their deformities to the vanity or fastidious- ness of their mothers. Exercise. With regard to exercise, here let us say, that it is indispensibly necessary to health during the term of pregnancy. The most useful kind of exercise is walking in the open air; for this calls into action more of the muscles of the 58 DISEASES OF WOMEN. body than any other exercise suited to the state of pregnancy. Such exercise must not, however, interfere with the process of digestion; and, there- fore, the most suitable time for it is two or three hours after a moderate dinner, or, during warm weather, towards evening—care being taken to avoid the dampness of the night air by returning home early. The passive exercise of riding in a carriage falls short of the object in view, and the violent exercise of riding on horse-back exceeds it, besides the liability to fright and accident which besets this mode, and renders it objection- able. Too long walks, going out in slippery weather, dancing, hastily running up stairs, lifting heavy weights, &c, should be carefully avoided. Abortion and premature delivery are frequently the consequences of imprudence. The air she breathes should be pure; and, therefore, if possi- ble, she ought to select a large and well ventilated bedroom. Intense anxiety about anything, severe study, and night watchings, are decidedly in- jurious. DISORDERS OF PREGNANCY. Although the state of pregnancy is perfectly natural and perfectly healthy, yet in consequence of the existence of latent diseases in some con- stitutions naturally, the artificial disorders pro- DISEASES OF WOMEN. 59 duced in others by improper medical treatment, and sometimes from accidental causes, it often happens that this condition is attended by many deviations from health; which it may be well to notice, together with the best means of removing them. Notwithstanding the universally admitted tend- ency to plethora, and general fullness of the system during gestation, the preposterous idea of depletion being necessary to get rid of that full- ness, must not be entertained. Hear what Dr. Dewees says on the subject of bleeding in certain cases: " To women who are in the habit of miscarrying, this proscription of indiscriminate bleeding is particularly important, especially as it is the remedy almost universally resorted to for its relief; than which, in very many instances, nothing can be more preposterous or improper. We know ourselves to be justified in saying, it has very often produced the evil it was intended to prevent." (Dewees on children, p. 28.) The state of nervous excitation incident to preg- nancy is susceptible of successful treatment; and, Under judicious management, the storm, which sometimes seems to threaten the safety of the pa- tient, can be so directed as to give a new impetus to the current of life, and render the woman more healthy than before. 60 DISEASES OF WOMEN. We shall now proceed to notice some of the disturbances which take place during pregnancy, and point out the treatment of such of them as call for medicine. VERTIGO AND HEADACHE. Sometimes as early as the second week, but generally in the third week after conception, a strange sensation of fullness or heaviness is felt in the head, attended with dullness, and a disinclina- tion to active employment. If these feelings in- crease, the sensation of lightness of the head follows, with vertigo, especially in the morning giddiness, with blindness after stooping; scintilla tions before the eyes; sleepiness, or its opposite headache, with weight on the head or in the back of the neck; disposition to fall forwards when stooping; palpitation of the heart; general ner vousness, &c. With the above symptoms in many cases at this early period may be noticed a fastid ious state of the stomach; variable, and, on the whole, diminished appetite; the smell of food while it is cooking becomes disgusting; provi sions as they are exhibited in market excite nau- sea ; articles of diet in common use, of which the patient may have been fond, becomes offensive; and articles that she could not eat before are now taken with avidity. It is remarkable that these DISEASES OF WOMEN. 61 likes and dislikes are not the result of actual ex- periment, but arise from a capriciousness of taste, which decides the matter before the article has been tasted at all. The tongue is occasionally coated yellow, with slightly increased redness along the middle towards the point, or the whole tongue is whitish, and enlarged. The mouth fills with tasteless saliva. Perhaps no single case of pregnancy is attended with all the unpleasant symptoms above men- tioned, a few only being present in each case, and even those may be so mild as to attract but little notice, and in some instances the woman enjoys uninterrupted health throughout the period of gestation. Aconite, vertigo on rising from a seat, often, as if intoxicated, causing one to fall; faintness on rising from a recumbent posture, with dimness of vision; congestion of blood to the head, with throbbing and pressure in the forehead; stupefy- ing pains in the head ; eyes red and sparkling, with intolerance of light; black spots before the eyes. This remedy is chiefly applicable to pleth- oric persons, with a florid complexion and neivous temperament. Dose.—Three globules dissolved in a teaspoonful of water every two or three hours, until relief is obtained. Belladonna, vertigo, with staggering and trem 62 DISEASES OF WOMEN. bling; stupor, with loss of consciousness ; fullness of the head, with whizzing in the ears and danger of falling; intolerance of noise; heaviness, and pressure on the head, or in the forehead, above the eyes; expansive pains in the head, with violent beating of the carotid arteries; injected eyes— quivering of the lids, and redness of the face; sparks before the eyes; objects appear double. The symptoms requiring the use of Belladonna are generally worse in the morning, and the patient dislikes to move. Dose.—Dissolve twelve globules in half a tumbler of water, and take a teaspoonful every one or two hours according to circumstances. Nux vomica, vertigo, and bewildered feeling in the head; giddiness, with cloudiness of the eyes and buzzing in the ears; tearing, drawing, and jerking pains in the head; periodical pains; suf- ferings about the head, of almost every descrip- tion, during pregnancy: accompanied with consti- pation, disgust of food, with insipidity, or acid, bitter, and putrid taste in the mouth. Well suited to persons of a quick, hasty disposition, and especially to such as lead sedentary lives and are addicted to the use of coffee. The sufferings are generally worse in the morning, after exercise, and on coming in from the open air. Dose.—Six globules every night before going to bed, and if no improvement, repeat it again in the morning. DISEASES OF WOMEN. 63 Opium, vertigo on rising up; vertigo with stu- pidity, as after a debauch; imperfect sleep, with lethargy and puffed face; illusions of the imagi nation. Dose.—Four globules, dry, upon the tongue, or dissolved in a tea- spoonful of clear water, every three hours, until amelioration or change. Platina, headache that increases gradually and then diminishes in the same way; headache caused by vexation or a fit of passion; spitting of taste- less or sweetish saliva; sufferings of nervous and hysterical females, which are aggravated during repose and relieved by motion. Dose.—Four globules morning and night. Pulsatilla, vertigo, worse after stooping, with momentary blindness, staggering and danger of falling; one-sided headache ; pulsating and shoot- ing pains in the head; sympathetic headache, arising from the stomach; headache every other day: the sufferings are frequently attended with numbness of the limbs—are generally worse in the evening and before midnight. Pulsatilla is particularly adapted to the sufferings of good- natured people, of a gentle disposision. Dose.—Dissolve twelve globules in half a tumbler of pure water and take a teaspoonful every two or three hours, until relief ia ob- tained. 64 DISEASES OF WOMEN. MORNING SICKNESS, Ac. This common, but often times very distressing concomitant of pregnancy, usually begins about six weeks after conception, and continues with more or less violence until the sixteenth week. After this time it generally abates, but in some instances it returns from slight provocations to the end of gestation. Nausea and vomiting com- monly take place as soon as the patient rises from her bed, and very often continue to harrass her for two or three hours through the morning. After considerable straining and gagging, a mouthful of tough mucus is thrown up, which at times is so sour as to set the teeth on edge. There is rarely any food ejected, but occasionally bile is discharged in considerable quantities. In this connexion may also be noticed the spit- ting of frothy saliva, and the more profuse saliva- tion, which sometimes attend pregnancy. The frothy saliva, which causes the spitting, is very white and tenacious; when it falls upon the floor it assumes a circular shape, and hence the woman is said to be spitting " fippennybits." In some cases the salivation is very profuse, and attended by heartburn and waterbrash. Remedies. Arsenicum, Ipecacuanha, Natrum mu- riaticum, Nux vomica, and Pulsatilla. diseases of women. 65 Arsenicum is useful, when there is excessive vomiting after eating or drinking, with attacks of fainting, great weakness, and emaciation. Dose.—Four globules in a teaspoonful of water after each spell, or repeated at intervals of six hours, until four doses have been given, and afterwards once a day until amelioration or change. Ipecacuanha, violent vomiting with pains in the pit of the stomach; coated tongue; vomiting of bile; vomiting, with thirst; loss of appetite, and looseness of the bowels. Dose.—Six globules twice a day, until amelioration -or change. Nalrum rnuriaticum, in obstinate cases, with water- brash; clawing in the pit of the stomach, which is painful to the touch; acidity of the stomach • sali- vation ; loss of taste and appetite. Dose.—Four globulus morning and night until improvement takes place. Nux vomica, vomiting, with vertigo, restlessness, and ill humor; vomiting of sour mucus; bitter taste in the mouth ; continual nausea; heartburn^ waterbrash,- hiccup; painful sensibility, with pressure in the pit of the stomach as if caused by a stone. Dose.—Threo globules in a tablespoonfal of water, every night at bed-time, until improvemeat manifests itself j bat if »o improve- ment shows itself in forty-eight hours, consider the next remedy. Pukatilfa) tongue coated white; insupportable 66 DISEASES OF women. nausea, with desire to vomit; vomiting of sour mucus and food; nausea rising into the throat and mouth; eructations, acid, bitter, or with the taste of food; bitter or sour taste in the mouth after eating; nausea after eating; salivation; water- brash ; hiccups; pulsations in the pit of the stomach; frequent inclination to pass water. &c. Dose.—Six globules twice a day. PRURITUS. During the early months, but sometimes not until a later period of pregnancy, women are subject to a very troublesome and distressing itching of the vulva, or private parts. In almost every case of pregnancy there is an increase of the secretion of mucus of those parts, and in • some instances, there is an acridity of the secretion, which gives rise to this complaint. An aphthous efflorescence, similar to the thrush of infants, occa- sionally incrusts the inner surfaces of the labia and adjacent parts in this disease; sometimes the affection penetrates to considerable depth in the direction of the womb. In other instances the aphthous condition is not present; but, in place of it, there is a great deal of irritation of the same parts, which assume a copper color, and present a number of slight abrasions. From the whole of the parts laboring under this peculiar irritation a diseases of women. 67 vitiated watery discharge seems to be almost con ■ stantly oozing; the accumulation of which is at tended with the most indomitable itching. This disease is not confined to the state of pregnancy, but may attack a female at any time; she is most liable to it, however, during gestation, and at the decline of the menses. Frequent ablutions with water are very import- ant for the comfort of the patient, and, at the same time, conducive to her recovery. The principal remedies are: Bryonia, Carbo vege- tabilis, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea, and Magnesia muriaticum. Carbo vegetabilis, itching or burning; soreness of the pudendum; pain as from excoriation of thtf pudendum, with leucorrhoea—it is peculiarly adapted, to. the aphthous variety of eruptions. Dose.—Six globules twice a day until relief is obtained. Silicia, great irritability and sensitiveness of the skin, itching of the pudendum, with discharge of painful smarting leucorrhoea, or discharge of milky fluid, from the womb, which causes violent itch- . ing of the parts. : . Dose.—Six globules twice a day, until four doses arer taken, and then wait a week. • Bryonia and Lycopodium are applicable in case of dryness and heat in the parts. 68 DISEASES OF WOMEN. Lycopodium is also applicable when there is a milky ichorous discharge, with or without the ex- pulsion of wind from the parts. Pulsatilla is suited to every variety of the dis- ease, especially if it occur at the period of the de- cline of the menses. Sepia, violent itching, with inflammation and swelling of the labia ; corrosive leucorrhoea, with bearing down, and excoriation about the parts. Dose.—The above remedies should be given the same as directed for Silicea, always selecting the remedy in accordance with the symptoms. Magnesia muriaticum, when the irritation is at- tended with a thick leucorrhoeal discharge, occa sionally streaked with blood. Dose.—Six globules night and morning. A wash made of a solution of borax in water, applied locally two or three times a day, will tem- porarily remove the troublesome symptom of itching in a short time. HEARTBURN AND WATERBRASH. These affections generally go together, and may attack a woman during any part of the period of • gestation. They may come on in the early months, and accompany the morning sickness, &c.; but generally they come on later in the term, and are most troublesome after quickening. DISEASES OF WOMEN. 69 The patient complains of heat in the stomach, extending upwards; it is frequently attended with very acid eructations. There is usually a cramp- like sensation in the pit of the stomach ; rising of a tasteless or bitter fluid, which is sometimes hot, and so acrid as to excoriate the throat and mouth. The symptoms are worse after eating, and water frequently turns sour, and is regurgitated imme- diately after drinking. Remedies. Nux vomica, Phosphoric acid, Pulsa- tilla, Sulphur, Caharea carb., and Alumina. Nux vomica, acid, bitter, or sour eructations, with nausea and vomiting ; feeling of weight in the pit of the stomach; desire for chalk or earth; constipation; also when it is brought on by the too frequent use of spiritous liquors; bitter or putrid taste in the mouth, with vomiting of food in the evening. Dose.—Dissolve twelve globules in a tumbler half full of water, and take a toaspoonful every two, three, or four hours, aocording to circumstances. Phosphoric acid, sour eructations; constant nau- sea ; dryness and soreness of the throat; eructation caused by the use of acids; vomiting of food; loss of appetite; accumulation of viscid mucus in the mouth, after taste of food, and nausea after eating. Dose.—Four globules three times a day, until, amelioration of change. 70 DISEASES OF WOMEN. Pulsatilla, sour, bitter, bilious eructations after a meal; frequent gulping up of a bitter fluid; vomiting; eructations tasting of the food; nausea while eating, with aversion. Dose.—Dissolve twelve globules in a tumbler half full of wator, and take a teaspoonful every four hours until better. Sulphur, sour risings, with much acidity of the stomach ; nausea, with desire to vomit; sour vom- iting, or vomiting of the food taken; flat, or putrid taste in the morning on rising, with com- plete loss of appetite, and continual thirst. Dose.—Four globules three or four times a day, according to the violence of the case. Caharea carbonicum, waterbrash from taking milk; burning in the throat; bad taste in the mouth, which is metalic or sour; loss of appetite, with acidity of the stomach; aversion to food; frequent eructations after eating. Dose.—The same as directed for Pulsatilla. Alumina, gulping up of sour mucus, with burn- ing in the throat; frequent eructations—bitter, ran- cid, burning, acrid or sour; qualmishness in the stomach; nausea, with inclination to vomit. Dose.—Six globules every four or six hours, according to cir- cumstances. DISEASES OF WOMEN. 71 CONSTIPATION. Constipation is a very frequent attendant upon pregnancy. Exercise, a diet composed chiefly of vegetables, and drinking freely of cold water, will generally relieve it. But if these are not sufficient, give Bryonia, Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Opium, or Sulphur. Bryonia is useful where constipation occurs in warm weather, or where it arises from disordered stomach; hard, tough stool, or dry, as if burnt, with protusion of the rectum, and burning after stool, and is accompanied with determination of blood to the head. Dose.—Six globules night and morning until relief is obtained Lycopodium, when there is difficulty in passing stool, with ineffectual urging and distension of the abdomen; inactivity of the rectum; small stool, followed by painful accumulation of flatulence. Dose.—Six globules every night until decided amelioration or change. Nux vomica, when constipation is caused by taking heavy, indigestible food; inactivity of the bowels, from sedentary habits; ineffectual urging to stool; difficult stool, with burning in the anus; constipation, with rush of blood to the head. Dose.—Six globules night and morning until decided improve- ment or change. 72 DISEASES OF WOMENT. Pulsatilla, when constipation is brought on by the too great use of rich or fat food, as pork pastry, &c; or there is an alternation of costive ness and diarrhoea, with painful pressing in the back. Dose.—The same as directed for Nux vomica. Opium, where there is constipation caused by torpor of the intestines, brought on by the abuse of cathartics; hard stool, with discharge of small, hard balls; loss of appetite; suitable for persons of a strong plethoric habit. Dose.—Four globules night and morning until decided ameliora- tion or change. Sulphur is best adapted to cases of chronic con- stipation ; especially if accompanied with piles, and the stools are hard and difficult; or lumpy, with burning pains in the anus and rectum. Dose.—Six globules evory night until relief is obtained. DIARRHOEA. Diarrhoea is not so common as constipation- during pregnancy, but is much more injurious. It should not be suffered to continue long, lest it lead to something more serious. It frequently depends on some accidental cause, on the removal of which, the diarrhoea ceases spontaneously. The best remedies are: Antimonium crudum, Dul- camara, Lycopodium, Sulphur, and Phosphorus. DISEASES OF WOMEN. 73 Antimonium crudum, where there is a disposi- tion to diarrhoea, or diarrhoea from taking cold; diarrhoea at night, with discharge of mucus from the rectum, which is protruded during stool; or when the diarrhoea is alternate with constipation, or if the discharges are watery and very offensive. Dose.—Four globules every three hours until relief is obtained. Duhamara will promptly afford relief if the attack has been brought on by sudden suppression of perspiration or chill, and the discharges are slimy, or sour smelling, with colic, especially in the summer season. Dose.—Six globules every two hours until amelioration or change. Lycopodium, diarrhoea with colic; pale, fetid stools, with burning; stools followed by spasms of the abdomen; haemorrhage from the rectum, with soft stools; cutting in the rectum. Dose.—Six globules every four hours until amelioration or change. Sulphur, diarrhoea after a cold, with chilliness, colic, and distension of the abdomen; discharges brown, green, or watery; fetid or sour smelling stools; burning during stool; discharge of undi- gested food with stool. Dose.—Six globules three times a day until relief is obtained, or the symptoms indicate another remedy. 74 DISEASES OF WOMEN. Phosphorus is suitable in obstinate cases, where the discharges are painless, involuntary, and wa- tery, soft and pupescent, or green, black, and un- digested. Dose.—Four globules overy four hours until relief is obtained. TOOTHACHE. Toothache is most common in the early months of pregnancy, and is sometimes one of its first symptoms. It is liable to occur at any time during the term, and usually comes on in paroxysms after longer or shorter intervals. It may attack one or more decayed teeth, or a perfectly sound tooth; or shoot along the jaw without locating in any particular tooth. The pain partakes of the nature of neuralgia. Consult a physician before having teeth extracted under such circumstances. The most successful remedies are: Aconite, Bel- ladonna, Cdharea carb., Chammomilla, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, and Staphysagria. Aconite, in congestive toothache, if there is in- tense redness of the cheek; congestion of the head; great restlessness, and throbbing pain in the face, with burning heat; and is aggravated by all kinds of stimulants. Dose.—Six globules every hour until amelioration or change. Belladonna, tearing or cutting pain in the gums DISEASES OF WOMEN. 75 and teeth, as if ulcerated; worse at night, espe- cially after lying down; face hot and red ; worse from the contact of food, or in the open air; cheeks swollen; dryness of the mouth and throat, with great thirst; burning and redness of the eyes. Dose.—Six globules every two or three hours . according to cir- cu instances. Caharea carbonica, toothache, with congestion of blood to the head; worse at night, with beating pain or soreness; aggravated by anything warm or cold, and by the least noise. Dose.—Six globules dissolved in three tablespoonfuls of water, and a teaspoonful every hour until reliof is obtained. Chammomilla, violent drawing or beating pains, which appear intolerable, especially at night; irritable mood, with hot swelling of the cheeks; painful swelling of the gums, aggravated by the use of coffee; pains, with heat and redness, espe- cially of one side of the face; restlessness and great weakness. Dose.—Four globules every one or two hours until relief is ob- tained. Nux vomica, applicable to those who lead a se- dentary life, or of a lively, choleric temperament; the pains extend to the head and ears; aggravated by the use of spiritous drinks; better in the air; swelling of the glands of the neck; renewal of 76 DISEASES OF WOMEN. the pains at night; swelling and sensitiveness of the gums. Dose.—The same as directed for Chammomilla. Pulsatilla, applicable to persons of a mild, quiet, and timid disposition; where the pains extend to the ears, and' wander from one side to the other, with jerking pains, as if the nerves were put upon the stretch and suddenly loosed again; face pale; heat in the head, with chilliness of the body, ag- gravated by any thing warm; relieved by the use of cold water and fresh air. Dose.—Four globules every one, two, or three hours, as circum- stances may require. Staphysagria, gums painful, pale, ulcerated, and swollen, bleeding easily; pain in all the teeth; pains worse when chewing, or after drinking any- thing cold. Dose.—The same aa of Pulsatilla. PENDULOUS ABDOMEN. Females who have borne many children are liable to this deformity of the abdomen, especially where there is a disposition to corpulency, and where proper attention has not been paid to the bandage in previous confinements. Eemedies. Rhus toxicodendron and Sepia. Rhus toxicodendron, where there is considerable DISEASES OF WOMEN. 77 relaxation of the abdominal muscles during preg- nancy, and also after confinement. Dose.—Six globules every night Sepia will be found useful, especially where there is a tendency to this affection, with a sense of weight in the abdomen. Dose.—Six globules every night. VARICOSE VEINS. This disease consists of a dilatation and disten sion of the veins. It is not confined to a state of pregnancy, but may exist at any time in the female, and occasionally is met with in the male sex. Still the disease is so frequently met with in women during pregnancy, that it may be con- sidered as a disease almost peculiar to this state. It rarely occurs in a first pregnancy; and when it appears for the first time, it does not commonly occur until after the period of quickening; but in subsequent pregnancies it is apt to take place in the early months. Varicose veins generally appear first about the ankle, and are frequently confined to the leg be- low the knee; but occasionally the veins of the entire lower extremity are involved. The affec tion may be confined to one limb, or both may be included. Oedema, or general swelling of the feet 78 DISEASES OF WOMEN. or lower limbs, may attend this complaint or exist without it. The enlarged veins are generally superficial, and at first assume a reddish hue, but afterwards a bluish or leaden color, and the larger ones become very much knotted; they get larger when the pa- tient stands on her feet, or suffers the limb to hang down, and the swelling decreases when she lies down. When moderate it is not painful, but if it con- tinues to increase it may become so, and ulti- mately the veins may burst, and the blood be effused beneath the skin, or poured out externally. As the disease is produced by a mechanical cause, after delivery, the pressure being removed, the veins very soon regain their natural size and the swelling disappears. If the distension is great, and the disease be very painful, rest in the recumbent posture will be ne- cessary. If the woman is obliged to be on her feet much, she will find great relief from having the limb bandaged, or wearing the laced stocking. If the bandage or laced stocking is used, it should be applied in the morning, when the veins are least distended, beginning at the toes and progressing upwards. - • < In addition to the above mechanical means the following medicines may be given with advantage, DISEASES OF WOMEN: 79 namely: Aconite, Lycopodium, Nux vomica, and Pul- satilla. Aconite, heaviness in the limbs, with lameness of the joints, as if they were bruised; lacerating pain in the muscles of the legs; standing becomes painful; all the pains increase by standing or moving about. Dose.—Twelve globules dissolved in a tumbler half full of watery and take a teasponful every four hours. Lycopodium, drawing pain in the limbs, as if bruised, with tension and stiffness; large, red, hot patches, painful and burning, extending from the knees to the ancles; worse at night, with heat and dryness of the skin. Dose.—Six globules dissolved in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning. Nwcc vomica, weariness and unsteadines of the limbs; coldness, with frequent dartings from the feet to the thighs; painful tension in the muscles,, as if too short; blue spots in the legs,, as if ecchymosed, with tensive pain; or if there is con- stipation or hemorrhoids. Dose.—Six globules in a teaspoonful of water, morning, noon, and night. Pulsatilla, if the swelling is red and hot, with excessive pain and inflammation; unsteadiness: and weakness in the knees, with blueness of the; 80 DISEASES OF WOMENi entire veins of the legs, extending from the knees to the ankles. Dose.—Four globules three times a day, either dry on the tongue, or dissolved in a little water. HEMORRHOIDS OR PILES. Although this disease is not by any means pe- culiar to pregnancy alone, yet it often arises in persons while in this state who are not subject to it at any other time, from the pressure of the gravid uterus and a torpid condition of the abdominal viscera. Piles consist of one or more small vascular tu- mors about the anus. When severe, they enlarge to the size of marbles, and form a cluster like a com- pact bunch of grapes, of a purplish hue, and are very painful and sensitive to the touch. When they oc- cupy the lower part of the rectum within the anus, they are called inward piles; and when they pro- trude, they are called external piles. If there is no discharge from them, they are called blind piles; and when there is a discharge from them, they are called bleeding piles. A patient, who is liable to piles, or somewhat afflicted with them, should neither sit too much, nor stand on her feet long at a time, but take plenty of exercise, drink freely of cold water, and abstain from all rich food and stimulating drinks. DISEASES OF WOMEN. SI During a paroxysm of suffering from them, it will be expedient for her to lie down, and choose for herself the easiest position. As a local appli- cation, place a folded napkin wet in cold water next to them, and lay a dry one folded in like manner over it, and repeat the process as occasion may require. Any animal oil, or a mucilage made by soaking quince-seeds in water, and applied, will frequently give temporary relief; but for more permanent benefit, we must resort to one or more of the following medicines, according to the symp- toms, namely: Aconite, Belladonna, Ignatia, Nux vomica, and Sulphur. Aconite is applicable when there is bleeding, with cutting or pricking pains, and pressure at the anus; fullness in the abdomen, with tightness and colic; and pain in the small of the back, as if it was broken. Dose-—Six globules dissolved in a wineglassful of water, and a teaspoonful three times a day until relief is obtained, or the symp- toms indicate another remedy. Belladonna, when the bleeding continues for several days, with itching of the anus, and soreness when walking; tumors large, with bearing down: pain in the back, as if it would break. Belladonna is especially indicated if the patient have taken sulphur in large doses, under old school treatment in previous attacks. 82 DISEASES OF WOMEN. Dose.—The same as directed for Aconite. Ignatia, constipation, with ineffectual efforts at stool; body comes down; protrusion of the piles during a laxative evacuation, with discharge of bloody mucus; painful pressure after stool; con- tractive feeling in the anus; itching and crawling in the anus. Dose.—Six globules night and morning, until amelioration or change manifests itself, or another remedy should be required. Nux vomica is applicable for both blind and bleeding piles, attended by constipation, and fre- quent ineffectual efforts at stool, with a sensation as if the anus were contracted or closed; burning and pricking pain in the tumors; itching in the anus ; colicky pains in the abdomen; determina- tion to the head; frequent painful urination; worse after mental labor and after a meal. Parti- cularly adapted to persons of sedentary habits, and who use much coffee. Dose.—Four globules dissolved in a teaspoonful of water, night and morning. Sulphur, when there is alternate constipation and diarrhoea; sensation of excoriation, with itch- ing and burning at the anus; frequent protru- sion of the tumors; fullness of the head; sour stomach; dyspepsia; painful urination; moraine diarrhoea, with bearing down and protrusion of DISEASES OF WOMEN. 83 the rectum. In obstinate cases, give Nux vomic? and Sulphur alternately, night and morning. Dose.—Six globules night and morning. PAIN IN THE RIGHT SIDE. After the fifth month of pregnancy, some women are attacked with a deep-seated pain in the right side under the ribs. The sensation is that of con- stant aching, attended with heat. The patient cannot sit long at a time. The pain gets easier after being in bed for an hour or two at night. It generally leaves at the beginning of the eighth month. Short women, particularly in their first pregnancies, are most likely to suffer from this complaint. Remedies. Aconite, Chamomilla, and Pulsatilla. Aconite, drawing pain in the side, extending to the navel, aggravated by stooping; pressure in the region of the liver, which is very sensitive to the touch, with oppression and arrest of breathing. Dose.—Three globules every four hours, until relief is manifest. Chamomilla, aching pain under the ribs, causing oppressed breathing, especially after taking coffee; abdomen hard and distended. Dose.—Disssolve twelve globules in three tablespoonfuls of water, and take a teaspoonful every two hours: Pulsatilla, sticking pain in the region of the 84 DISEASES OF WOMEN. liver, especially when walking; spasms and lace- rating pain in the abdomen of pregnant females; increase of pain in the side during pregnancy. Dose.—The same as directed for Chamomilla. CRAMPS. This very annoying affection is mostly worse about the fourth and fifth months, and again to- wards the end of pregnancy. Cramps may attack the muscles of the abdo- men, the back, the hips, and the lower extremities, For cramps in the muscles of the abdomen, taka Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Nux vomica, or Pulsatilla. When they attack the back; take Ignatia, Opium, or Rhus toxicodendron. Hips, Colocynth, Graphites, or Stramonium. Thighs, Hyoscyamus. Legs, Caharea carbonica, Chamomilla, Nux vomica, if after midnight, or Sulphur, if in the evening. Feet, Caharea carbonica. Dose.—Dissolve twelve globules in a wine-glass of water, and take of the solution a teaspoonful every half, one, two, or three hours, according to circumstances. INCONTINENCE OF URINE. This very distressing complaint may occur at any time during pregnancy, but perhaps is most common during the early months. If the inclina- DISEASES OF WOMEN. 85 tion is not attended to immediately, the urine is discharged involuntarily. The urine is frequently very acrid, and possessed of a strong odor. Remedies. Belladonna, Cina, Pulsatilla, Silicea, and Stramonium. Belladonna, frequent and copious emission of urine, especially at night; inability to retain the urine from relaxation of the neck of the bladder, without desire to urinate; urine pale and watery, or yellow and turbid. Dose.—Four globules every six hours, until relief is obtained. Cina, frequent desire to urinate, with copious emission; also, involuntary emission of urine at night. Dose.—The same as directed for Belladonna. Pulsatilla, frequent desire to urinate, with draw- ing in the abdomen; spasmodic pain in the neck of the bladder; urine watery and colorless. Dose.—Six globules three times a day. Silicea, desire to urinate, with smarting in the urethra, and copious emission. Dose.—Six globules every night, until four doses are taken. Stramonium, urine profuse, with involuntary emission. Dose.—Six globules three times a day. 86 DISEASES OF WOMEN. PAINFUL URINATION. This concomitant of pregnancy is relieved by Cocculus, Phosphoric acid, Pulsatilla, Nux vomica, or Sulphur. Cocculus, desire to urinate, with scanty emission, and pains in the urethra. Dose.—Four globules three times a day. Phosphoric acid, desire to urinate, with burning pain and scanty emission; anguish and uneasiness before micturition. Dose.—The same as Cocculus. Pulsatilla, ineffectual urging to urinate, with difficult emission, and drawing in the abdomen; after urinating, pain in the neck of the bladder. Dose.—Twelve globules dissolved in half a tumblerful of water, and a teaspoonful every two or three hours. Nux vomica, painful ineffectual desire to urinate, with discharge drop by drop; burning and lace- rating pain in the neck of the bladder. Dose.—The same as directed for Pulsatilla. Sulphur, violent desire to urinate, with dis- charge by drops; requiring great efforts to pass urine. Dose.—The same as dir acted for Pulsatilla. DISEASES OF WOMEN. 87 SLEEPLESSNESS. Towards the latter end of pregnancy, many women, to use their own expression, become so fidgety at night, that they cannot sleep. This condition is often attended with sleepiness; but just as sleep is approaching, the limbs jerk, or restlessness suddenly comes over the patient, and she is obliged to move, which dissipates for a little time the disposition to sleep. Some can sleep well enough in the daytime. Air and exercise, not carried to the extent of producing fatigue, are the best preventatives. Belladonna, Coffea, Hyoscyamus, Lycopodium, Nux vomica, and Opium, are the best remedies. Belladonna, sleeplessness at night, with drowsi- ness, restlessness, and tossing about; starting as in a fright, especially when on the point of falling asleep; frequent waking, with difficulty of going to sleep again. Dose.—Six globules dissolved in a tablespoonful of water, before going to bed. Coffea, restless sleep the whole night; weariness; nervousness; waking, with starting, owing to agi- tation of body and mind. Dose.—Dissolve twelve globules in a tumbler half full of water, and take a teaspoonful every two, three, or four hours, ac- cording to circumstances. 88 DISEASES OF WOMEN. Hyoscyamus, sleeplessness from nervous irrita- tion; or, as if caused by fright, starting from sleep. Dose.—The same as directed for Coffea. Lycopodium, drowsiness; restless sleep; light sleep, full of fa'ncies; starting in the sleep, with jerking of the limbs. Dose.—Six globules dissolved in a tablespoonful of water, to bo taken before going to bed. Nux vomica, constant disposition to sleep; drow- siness after meal; light sleep at night, with fre- quent waking; violent starting on going to sleep. Dose.—The same as directed for Coffea. Opium, drowsiness, with great inclination to sleep; starting in the sleep, with jerking in the limbs; restless sleep, with moaning and groaning; or sleep full of dreams. Dose.—Six globules dissolved in a tablespoonful of water, night and morning. MELANCHOLY. Under this head may also be included, Despon- dency, Hypocondriasis, Loumess of Spirits, &c. It is not my intention here to enter upon a long detail of symptoms, but I would make a lump job of it by saying, that the unfortunate subject of this un- happy state of mind always looks on the dark DISEASES OF WOMEN. 89 side of the picture, and sees everything through an unfavorable medium. She seems to realize in her own feelings every unpropitious symptom she ever heard of, and is even afraid that something still worse awaits her. Gossips and injudicious friends frequently unwittingly contribute to this morbid state of feeling, by relating an account of accidents and unhappy issues which perhaps never occurred. Aconite, if the fear of death be predominant, and if the unhappy state of mind have been caused by fright. Dose.—Three globules dissolved in a teaspoonful of water, three times a day until relief is obtained. Aurum, melancholy, with desire for death; irre- sistible desire to weep; anguish of mind which prompts one to commit suicide; despondency; weakness of the memory and intellectual faculties. Dose.—Six globules dissolved iu half a tumbler of water, and a tablespoonful to be taken every three or four hours. Belladonna, great agitation and inquietude at night; fearfulness, with inclination to run away, or hide; fear of ghosts; involuntary laughter; disposition to laugh and sing, or to become furious with rage; dread of exertion; illusions of the senses; frightful visions, &c. Dose.—The same as prescribed for Aconite. 90 DISEASES OF WOMEN. Pulsatilla, sadness and tears; oppressed with a multitude of cares; distress in the pit of the stomach; sleeplessness, headache, and heartburn; she sits in a taciturn mood, folds her hands upon her lap, and says foolish things; moroseness, with repugnancy to conversation. Dose.—Four globules three times a day. Sulphur, depression of spirits, with great con- cern on the subject of religion; despair of salva- tion ; forgetfulness of proper names, and especially of words when about to speak them; disposition to get angry. Dose.—Six globules dissolved in a tablespoonful of water, night and morning. FAINTING AND HYSTERIC FITS. These affections may take place at any time during the period of gestation, but they are most apt to occur about the time of quickening. Ro- bust women may have them, but such attacks are generally confined to the nervous and delicate. The patient first feels a sensation of languor, with inclination to yawn; everything appears to turn round; her sight becomes obscure; buzzing and ringing in the ears; her face turns pale; she sighs and becomes insensible. There are no con- vulsive motions, no choking with noise in the DISEASES OF WOMEN. 91 throat, and no biting of the tongue as in epileptio fits. They may be caused by fright, anger, and alarm of any kind, and sometimes they occur without any external exciting cause. Aconite, Chamomilla, or Ignatia, if they are caused by a fit of passion or fright. Dose.—Dissolve six globules in a wineglassful of water, and give a teaspoonful every ten or fifteen minutes, according to circum- stances. Belladonna, when there is determination of blood to the head, with flushed face; heat of the head, with coldness of the extremities. Dose.—The same as above directed for Aconite. Ignatia, when there is severe headache; nausea and fainting; chilliness, with paleness of the face; the patient can bear neither light nor noise; dis- tension of the abdomen. Dose.—If the spells are protracted, or recur repeatedly, dissolvs twelve globules in three tablespoonfuls of water, and give a tea- spoonful every five, ten, or fifteen minutes until relief is obtained. Pulsatilla, when there is a disposition to shed tears, and in persons of great nervous susceptibility. Dose.—The same as directed for Belladonna. MISCARRIAGE AND FLOODING. On account of the very intimate association of 92 DISEASES OF WOMEN. these two diseases of pregnancy, I have concluded to give their treatment conjointly. If they were treated of separately, there would be frequent re- petition of the same symptoms. Abortion may frequently be prevented even after flooding and labor pains have commenced; and, in cases where this cannot be done, the suffer- ings of the patient may be very much mitigated, and the evil consequences partially avoided. It may occur at any period of gestation, but is most frequent at the third month. If it occurs after the sixth month, it is called premature labor. It may result from accidental causes, constitutional predisposition, or some latent disease. Arnica, if it is caused by a blow; lifting heavy weights; overreaching: a fall; or any other violent concussion; when pains, which bear down heavily, or real labor pains make their appearance, with a mixed discharge from the vagina. Dose.—Twelve globules dissolved in half a glass of water, and a teaspoonful to be given every half, one, or two hours; or, if the case is very urgent, it may be repeated every ten or fifteen minutes until amelioration or change. Belladonna, when there are violent pressing pains, with tension in the whole abdomen, parti- cularly low down, with the feeling as if the private parts would fall out, which is characteristic for Belladonna; pain in the small of the back, as if DISEASES OF WOMEN. 93 it would break; the patient is pale and restless, or her face is flushed, and she is stupid; heat about the head; thirst; palpitation; the discharge is neither very dark, nor very bright red. Dose.—The same as directed for Arnica. Bryonia, the discharge is of a dark color, in large quantities, with pain in the small of the back; headache, particularly in the temples, as if the head would burst; especially if constipation attend. Dose.—Three globules dissolved in a teaspoonful of water every one, two, or threo hours, according to circumstances. Chamomilla, when there are violent pains going from the back around the stomach, resembling an inclination to evacuate the bowels, or pass water; the oains are periodical, like labor pains, and each one is followed by a dark and coagulated dis- charge; much thirst; and coldness of the extre- mities. Dose.—The same as directed for Bryonia. China is very important in the most dangerous cases of flooding; when heaviness of the head, gid- diness, loss of consciousness, and drowsiness ap- pear; sudden weakness; coldness of the extremi- ties; fainting; paleness of the face; convulsions of the mouth; contortions of the eyes; the face and 94 DISEASES OF WOMEN. hands turn blue; single jerks pass through the whole body; the discharge passes by starts, and may be either thin and bright red, or dark and coagulated; the cramp-like contraction is attended with a painful sensation of bearing down towards the anus, and the discharge is increased at every pain. During the administration of this remedy, cloths dipped in vinegar and water may be ap- plied to the lower part of the stomach. After- wards a little wine and water may be given. China always answers well for the debility, and other troublesome symptoms which sometimes remain after the flooding has ceased. Should there be colicky pains, with frequent inclination to pass water, and sore tension of the abdomen afterwards, give Aconite. Dose.—The same as directed for Arnica. Hyoscyamus, when there are spasmodic affec- tions of the whole body, or jerking of single limbs, sometimes caused by stiffness of the joints and loss of consciousness, attended with a light red discharge, which is worse during the spasms and at night. The pains resemble labor pains, with drawing in the thighs, and small of the back ; heat over the whole body, with quick, full pulse, with fullness of the veins on the back of the hands and in the face; great uneasiness; excessive DISEASES OF WOMEN. 95 liveliness; trembling over the whole body; numb ness of the limbs; darkness before the eyes; de- lirium, and twitching of the sinews of the wrists. Dose.—Dissolve twelve globules in a wineglassful of water, and give a teaspoonful every one, two, or three hours, according to the Beverity of the symptoms. Ipecacuanha, when the threatened miscarriage is attended with spasmodic affections, without loss of consciousness; copious flooding; the discharge flows without interruption, but is worse during motion, with cutting pains around the navel, and great pressure downwards; chills, and coldness of the body; internal heat rising towards the head; great weakness, and inclination to lie down. Dose.—The same as directed for Bryonia. Nux vomica, threatened abortion, particularly about the third month; spasmodic pains, accom- panied with ineffectual urging to stool; the pains are accompanied with nausea, and sometimes faint- ness ; strong bearing down, with frequent inclina- tion to pass water, and heat in the private parts; discharge of mucus. Dose.—The same as directed for Hyoscyamus. Platina, when the discharge is dark, thick, and sometimes coagulated; the pain in the back draws towards the groins, with pressing down internally to the private parts, which are excessively sens* 96 DISEASES OF WOMEN. tive. Particularly applicable where mental emo- tions are the cause. Dose.—The same as directed for Bryonia. Administration. On the first appearance of the premonitory symptoms of miscarriage, the patient should keep quiet or go to bed, release her mind from care, avoid exciting conversation, and live on a light diet. Select the remedy according to the symptoms, and if better in a few hours, or the next day, repeat it as often as it becomes necessary But if no improvement follow in a short time, select another remedy. If better, take nothing more so long as the improvement continues; if the symptoms return, repeat the last remedy once more before selecting another. If the symptoms are urgent, or the flooding severe, dissolve about ten pellets in a wineglassful of water, and take a teaspoonful every half hour, or not so often, ac- cording to the necessity of the case, increasing the interval as the symptoms improve, and discon- tinue the medicine when the flooding ceases. BREASTS. A great deal of suffering from sore breasts after delivery, may be saved by paying a little atten- tion to them, for a few months previous to con- finement. Women are most liable to suffer in this «ray with first children. During the progress of DISEASES OF WOMEN. 97 gestation, especially with first children, and in quite young women, the breasts increase very much in size, the areola? assume a darker color, and the nipples become enlarged, and project more than they had done previously. This change in the size and condition of the nipples is often attended with some pain, and a great deal of tenderness Excoriation, inflammation, cracks, branny exfolia- tions, and very minute abscesses around them, are the most common diseases to which the nipples are liable during pregnancy. For two or three months in the latter part of pregnancy, the whole breasts should be well bathed with cold water every morning, and ren- dered perfectly dry afterwards, with crass towels For simple excoriation, or tenderness of the nipples, they may be washed two or three times a day with water, containing a few drops of the tincture of Arnica, or with brandy. In some instances a little tincture of the myrrh may be added to the brandy with advantage. For the other diseases of the nipples above mentioned, the following medicines should be administered internally, according to the indications. Remedies. Chamomilla, Sulphur, Silicea, Gra- phite*, Belladonna, and Mercurius vivus. Chamomilla, if the nipples be highly inflamed, and ache like toothache. 98 DISEASES OF WOMEN. Dose.—Four globules dissolved in a teaspoonful of water, three or four times a day. Sulphur, for burning, itching, swelling, cracks, branny eruption, and the minute abscesses or pimples around the nipples. Dose.—Twelve globules dissolved in a wineglassful of water, and a teaspoonful of the solution three times a day. Silicea, if ulceration has taken place, and there are symptoms of hectic fever present. Dose.—The same as directed for Sulphur. Belladonna, if the breasts are hard and swollen, with shooting or tearing pains, and of an erysipe- latous redness, which diverges from a central point like rays. Dose.—The same as directed for Chamomilla. Mercurius vivus, after Belladonna, if the erysi- pelatous inflammation should not be checked, and the breasts remain hard and painful. Dose.—The same as of Belladonna. REMEDIES IMMEDIATELY BEFORE LABOR. Aconite may be given if there is much vascular excitement or fever, with hot and dry skin. Dose.—Four globules every two hours until amelioration takea place. Belladonna, where there is a redness of the face, DISEASES OF WOMEN. 99 pulsation of the arteries of the head, and a con^ gestive state of the brain. Dose.—The same as given for Aconite. Remedies most valuable in tedious and compli cated labors : Coffea, Aconite, Chamomilla, Bella- donna, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, and Sepia. Coffea will be found of great service where there is great restlessness, or where the pains are very violent, and occur in rapid succession. Dose.—Six globules every ten, fifteen, or twenty minutes, as the case may require. Aconite may be used if the patient has been ad- dicted to the use of coffee, or it may be used in alternation with Chamomilla. Dose.—Four globules every hour until relieved. Belladonna will be useful where labor is pro tracted beyond the usual time, owing to rigidity of the parts, or where there is no disposition in the parts to relax, and when the pains are insufh cient. Dose.—The same as prescribed for Coffea. LABOR. The process of giving birth to a child is called labor. The average duration of gestation is thirty- nine weeks. There are three cardinal points, from which, if they occur at the usual time and 100 DISEASES OF WOMEN, in regular succession, a correct "reckoning" may be kept, and the time of labor fixed with con siderable certainty. 1. The time of the last period of menstruation. 2. The commencement of morning sickness- six weeks after conception. 3. Quickening at half way—one hundred and thirty-five days from quickening to labor. More- over, the stomach gets lower after the eighth month, and the woman is smaller around the waist the last month of her pregnancy, than she had been for six weeks previously. Labor is ushered in by a few premonitory signs. One very common and very good one is looseness of the bowels, sometimes for a day or two before. Various nervous symptoms, such as agitation with- out cause, disposition to shed tears without dis- tress, in other instances lowness of spirits, occa- sionally precede labor. Flying pains through the stomach, with frequent inclination to pass water, and finally, a discharge of mucus tinged with red, technically called " a show," takes place. Then come pains at intervals of longer or shorter dura- tion, and frequently rigors or trembling without coldness. Were it not for the acquired habits of civilized life, the process of child-bearing would be divested of much of the suffering and danger which now DISEASES OF WOMEN. 101 bo commonly attend it, as almost to lead us to consider them natural concomitants. It is al- most unattended with pain among savages. It would not be wise, neither is it necessary to re- turn to savage life in order to get rid of the ills of child-bearing; but let the women in civilized life pay more attention to the natural means, both moral and physical, of developing their whole be- ing—live more usefully and less artificially, than they now do, in deforming themselves in order to make what they call a "fine figure," and in a few generations, many of the difficulties which now exist will have disappeared. It is not intended here to go into a minute de- scription of the process of labor, nor to give any specific directions for its management, as I cannot suppose that any sensible person, who is not quali- fied, would have the temerity to undertake the care of a case, unless placed under very peculiar circumstances. Some of the deviations from the natural course, however, may be noticed, with their appropriate treatment. INEFFECTUAL PAINS. Chamomilla, when there is over-excitement, and excessive sensibility to pain; and anguish, and discouragement, with tossing about. Dose.—Twelve globules dissolved in half a tumblerful of water, 102 DISEASES OF WOMEN. and a teaspoonful of the solution every flftoen, twenty, or thirty minutes, according to the circumstances of the case. Coffea, if the pains are excessively violent, with great mental and general nervous excitement, and over sensitiveness. Dose.—Three globules every half, one, or two hours, to allay the nervous excitement. Nux vomica, when the pains are irregular, and the labor does not seem to progress; drawing in the back and thighs, with pressure downward, and constant inclination to evacuate the bowels and to pass water. Dose.—The same as prescribed of Chamomilla. Opium is especially suitable in women of a full habit, if the pains suddenly cease, and determina- tion to the head, with redness and fullness of the face, with a state of stupor, take place. Dose.—Three globules dissolved in a teaspoonful of water every half, or every hour, as the case may require. Pulsatilla, if the pains are too weak, and too far apart, or, if they become weaker, as from inac- tivity of the womb. Dose.—Six globules dissolved in a wineglassful of water, and give a teaspoonful every half, or one hour, according to the circum- stances of the case. TREATMENT AFTER DELIVERY. A patient should not be disturbed immediately DISEASES- OF WOMEN. 103 after delivery, except so far as is absolutely neces- sary in the application of the bandage, and to ren- der her situation as comfortable, otherwise, as circumstances will admit of. She should be allowed to rest for an hour or two, and then if no unfavorable symptoms be present to forbid it, she may be "put to bed." If she complain of general soreness, from violent, or long continued exertion, give her two doses of Arnica, internally, three or four hours apart, or, if that should not be sufficient, give Rhus in the same way. If she eomplain of much soreness or pain, locally, Arnica may be applied externally, in the form of lotion, prepared by mix- ing twenty drops of the tineture in a tumblerful of water. Coffea, if she cannot sleep from nervous excite- ment, with restlessness and tossing about. Dose.—Three globules dissolved in a teaspoonful of water every hour, until sleep is obtained. WEAKNESS AFTER DELIVERY. Weakness after delivery may be caused by the loss of fluids, prostration of the nervous system, or exhaustion from protracted labors. Remedies. China, Aconite, Coffea, and Veratrum. China is particularly indicated when the weak ness arises from loss of blood, and is attended with sensitiveness of the nervous system, sallow coun- tenance, and predisposition to dropsy. 104 DISEASES OF WOMEN. Dose.—Six globules every four hours. Aconite, where there is nervous weakness, with restlessness and want of sleep; it may be fol lowed by Coffea, if necessary. Dose.—Four globules every two or three hours. Veratrum, where the restlessness is accompanied with great prostration of strength, faintness from motion, &c. Dose.—The same as given for China. Remedies which may be required soon after de- livery: Nux vomica, Chamomilla, Dulcamara, Bry- onia, Sulphur, and Sambucus. Nux vomica, prostration followed by a dry heat or chilliness, then again sweat. Dose.—Six globules every two hours. Dulcamara, where there is sudden suppression of perspiration brought on by exposure to a draught of air, or a sudden chill. Dose.—Six globules every two hours. Chamomilla may be used, if there should be colic, with a relaxed state of the bowels, with great ex- citability and restlessness. Dose.—Twelve globules dissolved in half a tumbler of water, and and a teaspoonful given every hour. Bryonia, profuse perspiration, with red face; or DISEASES OF WOMEN. 105 moist and clammy skin, with severe headache; sleeplessness, with tossing about; flashes of heat, and suppression of the lochia. Dose.—Six globules every hour. Sulphur may be used in similar cases, or where Bryonia has not afforded entire relief. Dose.—The same as Bryonia. Sambucus, excessive perspiration, brought on by keeping the room too warm, or from the use of stimulating drinks. Dose.—Six globules every hour. FLOODING AFTER DELIVERY. Belladonna, when the flooding is attended with violent pressure downwards in the internal organs, as if they would be forced out, and pain in the small of the back. Dose.—Four globules dissolved in a teaspoonful of water every half hour, until relief is obtained. Chamomilla, if the discharge take place at inter- vals, with pains running round the abdomen ; con- stant thirst; paleness of the face, and coldness of the extremities. Dose.—The same as directed for Belladonna. China, when the same symptoms exist as are enumerated under Chamomilla, and, in addition thereto, vertigo, dullness of the senses, desire 106 DISEASES OF WOMEN. for fresh air, and fainting. This remedy is also suitable for the debility and want of energy, after the flooding has ceased. Dose.—Dissolve twelve globules in a tumbler half full of water, and give a teaspoonful every half, one, two, or three hours, as the circumstances of the case may require. Ipecacuanha^ when the discharge is bright red, and constant, with cutting pains in the middle of the abdomen; bearing down; nausea, with great prostration of strength, and a desire to be fanned Dose.—The same as directed for Belladonna. PUERPERAL CONVULSIONS. Diagnosis, this disease generally comes on sud denly, about five days after delivery, with violent pain in the abdomen, great distension and sensi- tiveness, so that the patient cannot bear the slight- est touch, not even the weight of the bedclothes, pulse much accelerated; great thirst; lowness of spirits, with vomiting; urgent desire for stool, and suppression of the secretions, &c. Treatment. Cuprum, Chamomilla, Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium, Ignatia, Ipecacuanha, and Cicuta. Cuprum, convulsive movements and distortions of the limbs, with rigidity and bending back- wards ; vomiting, with pains in the abdomen; loss of consciousness; blueness of the countenance; DISEASES OF WOMEN. 107 frothing at the mouth; biting of the tongue, or clenching of the jaws, with jerking and twitching of the extremities. The paroxysms frequently come on during sleep. Dose.—Dissolvo twelve globules in six teaspoonfuls of water, and give a teaspoonful every ten minutes. Chamomilla, for spasms characterized by con- vulsions of the extremites; acute pain of a cutting character in the lumbar region; distended abdo- men , red, bloated face; great sensibility of the nervous system. Dose.—Eight globules may be dissolved in a few teaspoonfuls of water, and a teasponful given at intervals of ten, fifteen, or twenty minutes, according to the urgency of the symptoms. Belladonna, convulsive movement of the facial muscles; congestion of blood to the head, with restless tossing about; dark red, hot, and bloated face; or pale, cold face, with shuddering between the paroxysms; ineffectual bearing down; or the spasms excited by the least touch, or contradiction. Dose.—Four globules every fifteen or thirty minutes, according to circumstances. Hyoscyamus, when the spasms are more severe, bluish color and bloatedness of the face; loss of consciousness; oppression of the chest; involun- tary emission of urine, with stertorous breathing, or clenching of the thumbs. Dose.—The same as given of Belladonna. 108 DISEASES OF WOMEN. Stramonium, convulsions of a similar character, with frightful visions; laughter; lamentations; convulsive movements of the extremities; pale, worn-out appearance. Dose.—Six globules every ten, twenty, or thirty minutes, according to circumstances. Ignatia, loss of consciousness, with involuntary screams of laughter; and jerking of the limbs, with frequent yawning and sopor. Dose.—The same as Belladonna. Ipecacuanha, spasmodic convulsions, with con- stant desire to vomit; and thirst, with pale, bloated face. Dose.—Six globules every half hour. Cocculus, spasms brought on by some external injury. Dose.—Same as for Ipecacuanha. Cicuta, convulsions, with distortions of the ex tremities, with pale, or yellowish complexion. Dos?.—Six globules every fifteen, or thirty minutes, according to circumstances, AFTER PAINS After pains rarely occur with first children, and generally, they are but slight until the third or fourth. Some women never have them of any ac- count, and others have them severely in every DISEASES OF WOMEN. 109 confinement. Something may be done towards preventing them, by patience and a little judicious management on the part of the practitioner during labor. But frequently they occur after the most skillful management. Arnica, if a sensation of soreness accompanies the pains, with pressure on the bladder, and re- tention of urine. Dose.—Six globules every hour, or two hours. Belladonna, for the kind of bearing down so characteristic for Belladonna, and so often men- tioned, with fullness about the head, and strong inclination without the ability to sleep; also, ten derness and fullness of the abdomen. Dose.—Twelve globules dissolved in a little water, and a tea- spoonful of the solution may be given every one or two hours, as the case may require. Chamomilla or Coffea, if nervous excitement, with restlessness and tossing about, prevail. Dose.—The same as directed for Belladonna. Nux vomica, when the pains are aching, and more of the colicky kind, with violent contrac- tions of the womb, and sometimes followed by nausea. This remedy is always suitable for ex- citable and hasty persons. Dose.—Three globules dissolved in a teaspoonful of water, every 00, . 155 Whites, see Leucorrhoea, . 47 Womb, falling of the . . 51 Womb, inflammation of the . 112 Worm-fever, . 239 Worms, or worm-fever, . 23fl THE END. vr 3\ 4£,T, ,