■MMMeM%,: U5t: NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland Gift of The National Center for Homeopathy "rtrts* A POCKET MANUAL, OR REPERTORY OF HOMffiOPATHIC MEDICINE, ALPHABETICALLY AND NOSOLOGICALLY ARRANGED ; ' WHICH MAY BE USED AS THE PHYSICIAN'S VADE-MECU.M, THE TRAVELLER'S MEDICAL COMPANION, OR THE FAMILY PHYSICIAN: CONTAININO THE PRINCIPAL REMEDIES FOR TIIE MOST IMPORTANT DISEASES, SYMPTOMS, SENSATIONS, CHARACTERISTICS OF DISEASES, ETO. " WITH rHE PRINCIPAL PATHOGENETIC EFFECTS OF THE MEDICINES ON THK MOST IMPORTANT ORGANS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE BODY : TOGETHER WITH DIAGNOSIS, EXPLANATION OF TECHNICAL TERMS, DIRECTIONS FOB THE SELECTION AND EXHIBITION OF REMEDIES, RULES OF DIET, ETC., ETC. COMPILED FKOM THE BEST HOMffiOPATHIC AUTHORITIES, BY J. BRYANT, M. P. FOURTH EDITION. PHILADELPHIA: BOEEICKE & TAFEL. 1893. culm INTRODUCTION. THE DESIGN, COMPILATION, AND ARRANGEMENT OF THE MANUAL. The design in the compilation of this Manual has been threefold : first—to furnish Physicians, and especially begin- ners in Homoeopathic practice, with a convenient Vadt Mecum, or work of ready reference, at the bedside of the patient. Secondly : to provide Travellers, who are liable to attacks of illness where it is impossible to procure the ser- vices of a Homoeopathic physician, with a valuable Medical Companion. And lastly, to supply Families, residing at a distance from any Homoeopathic physician, with a work which may be used by them, as a Family Physician in cases of emergency, and for many of the minor ills that flesh is heir to. Yet in reference to the use of this work in families, and by laymen in general, the compiler would remark, that no individuals whose knovdedge of Medicine, or acquaintance with Homoeopathy, is limited to this, or any similar produc- tion, should assume the responsibility of treating severe and dangerous diseases, except in cases of emergency, and then, only until the services of ^Homoeopathic physician can be procured; for neither this Munual, nor any work of live kind ever pub- lished, can supply the place of the intelligent Homoeopathic physician at the bedside of the patient. In the compilation of this Manual, the Materia Medica of Hahnemann, the Manuals of Jahr and Bonninghausen, the Transactions of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, the works of Hartman, Hering, Laurie, and other distinguished Homoeopathic writers and practitioners have been consulted; aad the Principal Remedies, for the most Important Diseases, Symptoms, Sensations, and Characteristics of diseases, have been given, with the Principal Pathogenetic effects of the 4 INTRODUCTION. Medicines, on the most important Organs, and Functions of the Body, with their relative value typographically distin- guished under their respectiye heads; and Alphabetically and Nosologically arranged in the following order, viz : The most important Diseases, Organs, and Functions of the body—General Symptoms and Sensations—Causes and Char- acteristics of diseases, and such Affections as have a Patho- logical name, are given as Primary Heads, and printed in CAPITALS. Under these Primary heads, are given, in Small Capitals, the Symptoms, Causes, Conditions, Con- comitants, Varieties of the Disease, etc., belonging to each primary head. Under these Subordinate heads, which are printed in Small Capitals, are given, in Italics, the variety of Symptoms, Sensations, Causes, Conditions, etc., belonging to each subordinate head; and thus the print, foUowing in the descending order, distinguishes the Subordinate from the Primary heads. A glance at the Manual will show its arrangement, and by bearing in mind its Alphabetical order, it will be easily understood. The Medicines have been divided into three classes, accord- ing to their relative value, as indicated by the print. Those printed in Capitals, are medicines, which, from their patho- genetic, or curative effects, are most frequently indicated for the diseases, symptoms, sensations, etc., under the head of which they appear. Those printed in Italics, are medicines of high relative value, but less frequently indicated than those printed in Capitals. The medicines printed in simple Roman letters, are those which in general, are the least fre- quently indicated, and possess the lowest relative value. Yet too much importance must not be attached to the rela- tive value of the medicines as indicated by the print, as in many cases the Pathogenetic effects of those medicines which are set down as being of the lowest relative value, will be found bearing the nearest resemblance to the Symptoms mani- fested by the disease, and in all such cases, they are medicines of the highest relative value, and are to be selected in prefer ence to those printed in capitals, or italics. ON THE SELECTION OF REMEDIES. The fundamental principle of Homoeopathic practice__the law ok cure—as discovered, demonstrated, and promulgated by the illustrious Hahnemann, and expressed by the maxim " Similia Similibus Curan "_r," is, that " diseases are cured »<{ doses, as the time must necessarily vary according to the nature of the disease and circumstances of the case. Conse- quently much must depend on the judgment and discrimina- tion of the administrator. In acute diseases, the proper interval between the repetition of doses, will, in general, vary from one to six hours, according to the nature of the case, or severity of the disease. In those severe and dan- gerous diseases, which rapidly run their course to a fatal termination, unless arrested in their progress, as Croup, Cholera, etc., it may be necessary at the commencement of the treatment, to repeat the dose at intervals of every ten, twenty, or thirty minutes, until there be a mitigation of the symptoms, when the interval between the doses should be lengthened as the patient improves. In chronic diseases, the proper interval between the repe tition of doses, will vary from twelve hours to as many or more days. Laymen, in prescribing for chronic diseases, should, after the exhibition of the remedy selected, carefully watch the result, and if after the lapse of twelve, or twenty- four hours, no effect of the medicine is discoverable, and the disease remains apparently the same, the same remedy may be repeated at intervals of every twelve, or twenty-four hours ; and if, after several repetitions of the medicine, no effect is discoverable, it should be discontinued, and another remedy selected and exhibited with the same precaution as before. If an improvement follows the exhibition of a rem- edy, no more medicine should be given while the improve- ment continues. Yet when it ceases, and the remaining symptoms still indicate the same remedy, it may be repeat- ed. If, after the exhibition of a remedy, a slight aggravation of tlie symptoms charwteristic of the medicine should speedily follow its administration, no more medicine should be given, but we should patiently await tlie result. If the aggravation has been produced by the medicine, it will soon subside, and be followed by an improvement in the condition of the pa- tient, which improvement should not be interfered with, but permitted to proceed without any more medicine until there is no further progress toward a cure ; afterwards, the same remedy may be repeated, unless some other remedy is more clearly indicated by the remaining symptoms. ]. the medicinal aggravation should be violent, and harass- 8 INTRODUCTION. ing to the patient, it may be necessary to counteract the effects of the medicin-e by a suitable antidote ; afterw ard, when the aggravation shall have entirely subsided, and the same medicine shall still be indicated, it may be repeated, and a severe aggravation guarded against, by administering a much smaller dose. ON THE CHANGING OF MEDICINES. It is necessary that laymen, and beginners in Homoeopathic practice, should guard against a too frequent change of medi- cines. It may be laid down as a general rule, that a medicine which has been carefully selected and exhibited in conformity to the directions herein given for the selection and exhibition of remedies, should not be changed until a reasonable length of time has been allowed for its action, or while it continues to exert a salutary influence ; or until a change of symptoms shall clearly and decidedly indicate some other remedy. The frequent changing from one remedy to another, is a miserable, and most mischievous practice. Yet a remedy should always be changed after a reasonable, length of time has been allowed for its action and we perceive no effect, or when the effect is unfavorable. But respecting this last, care must be taken not to mistake a slight and salutary medicinal aggravation, for an unfavorable effect. A medicinal aggravation may be known by the sudden aggravation of the symptoms after the exhibition of the medicine—and especially of those symptoms which are characteristic of the medicine exhibited ; which ag- gravation will soon subside, and be followed by an improve- ment in the condition of the patient. An unfavorable effect may be known by the gradual and progressive aggravation of the disease, and without its partakitig of the characteristics of the medicine, and without any amelioration in the sufferings of the patient, but rather a continuous increase of suffering, and the manifestation of such symptoms as belong to the more advanced stages of the malady. ON DIET. All articles of diet, and drinks, wliich contain medicinal properties, are strictly prohibited under Homoeopathic treat- ment : as, coffee, green tea, and herb teas of every descrip- tion ; ginger, pepper, vinegar, mustard, allspice, cinnamon, cloves, and spices of all kinds: and every variety of vegeta- ble food of an aromatic or medicinal character; as onions, gar- lic, asparagus, radishes, tomatoes, celery, parsley, parsnips, INTRODUCTION. 9 artichokes, mushrooms, etc.; and every variety of animal food, strong scented, or difficult of digestion; as old smoked meat, bacon, fat pork, sausages, tongue, veal cutlets, rancid butter, strong cheese, and the flesh of all very young animals: in short, every variety of food usually considered objectiona ble, or of a doubtful character for invalids, is strictly prohibit ed under Homoeopathic treatment. In acute diseases, the diet should consist of the most light and nutritious kinds of food; such as toast water, barley water, rice water, panada, arrowroot gruel, and such other light and simple kinds of food as are generally allowed in such cases. When the more violent symptoms of the disease have subsided, and the patient is convalescent, more substan- tial food may be allowed, in moderate quantities, such as beef tea, chicken tea, boiled rice, farina, toast, rice and bread pud- dings, light bread, and biscuits free from soda or pearlash, and not newly baked: and in most cases, where there is neither colic nor diarrhoea, sviect, ripe, and juicy fruits may be allowed in moderate quantities at a time, such as sweet grapes, sweet cherries, and ripe peaches. In chronic diseases, almost every variety of wholesome, nutritious, axtd easily digested food may be allowed, providing it does not answer the description of such kinds of aliments as are above prohibited. As a drink, pure water should be allowed in all cases, except it disagree with the patient, and in such cases toast water, barley water, or rice water should be substituted. RULES TO BE OBSERVED UNDER HOMCEOPATHIC TREAT- MENT. In addition to what has already been said under the pre- ceding heads, it is important, under Homoeopathic treatment, to enjoin the absolute necessity of guarding against all ex- traneous influences which may have a tendency to neutralize or counteract the effects of the medicines—as medicated baths and poultices, the smelling of camphor, hartshorn, cologne, and all kinds of flowers and perfumery. Cosmetics and tooth powders are to be avoided; and all kinds of arti- ficial and mineral waters, distilled and fermented liquors, unless allowed by the physician. The room of the sick should be well ventilated, and be kept free from all odors. Flowers, and plants of every description, should always be excluded fi'om the chamber of the sick. Strong mental 10 INTRODU, TION. emotions, as anger, grief, care, etc., should be guarded against. In short, every variety of circumstance, whether of a physical or moral nature, which might have a tendency to counteract the influence of the medicines, or retard the recovery of the patient, should be carefully avoided. CONCLUSION. In presenting this work to the profession and the public, the Compiler would remark, that he has by much labor, diligent research, and careful comparison, endeavored to compile a large amount of valuable matter, in a correct, brief', and comprehensive manner. Yet it is not pretended that this Manual is a full, complete, or perfect Repertory, or that in its compilation all errors have been avoided, and especially such as regard the true value of the remedies in all cases, as indicated by the print. Yet the Compiler flatters himself that the work will be found in the main, as substan- tially correct as any other of the kind that has yet appeared in the English language; and if the work, as it is, shall be -found to answer the general purposes for which it is intend- ed, and contribute in any degree to the advancement of the interests of Homoeopathy, and the consequent relief of hu- man suffering, the object in its compilation will have been gained. J B. LIST MEDICINES CONTAINED IN THIS MANUAL, WITH THEIR TECHNICAL NAMES, ABBREVIATIONS, AND ANTIDOTES. Note.—In the following list, the Polychrest medicines, or those which have hitherto been most extensively used* are printed in Small Capitals—and the chief of them distinguished by an asterisk : the Sem* polychresls are printed in Italics; and tho3e which have been less ex tensively or seldom used, have no distinction. MEDICINES. ABBREVIATIONS. ANTIDOTES. 1. •ACONITUM NAPELLUS. Aeon. Cam ph. nux-v. 2. .(Ethusa. /Eth. Vegetable acids. 3. Agaricus muscarius. Agar. Camph. coff. puis. 4. Agnus castus. Agn. Camph. 5. Aloe spicata. Aloe. Camph. 6. Alumina. Alum. Bry. camph. ipec. 7. Ambra grisea. Amb. Camph. nux-v. puis. 8. Amrnoniacum. Am. Senega ? 9. Ammonium carbonicum. Am-c. Arn. camph. 10. Ammonium causticum. Am-caus. Dilute vinegar. 11. Ammonium muriaticum. Am-m. Ars. camph. coff. 12. Anacardium. Anac. Camph. coff. 13. Angustura. Ang. Coff. 14. Ani9um stellatum. Anis. ? 15. ANTIMOMUM CRUDI'tf. Ant. Hep. mere. puis. 16. Argentum. Arg. Merc. puis. 17. Arge.ntu.rn nitricum Arg-nit. Merc-c. natr-m. 18. "Arnica Montana. Am. Camph. ign. ipec. 19. * Arsenicum albom. Are. Chin. ferr. kal. 20. Artemesia vulgaris. Art. J 21. A mm vulgaris. Arum. Vinegar. Asafmtida. Asa. Camph. chin. 2:i! Asarum. Asar. Camph. vinegar. 24. Aurum. Aur. Bell. chin. cupr. 25. Aurum fulminans. Aur-ful. V 2& Aurum muriaticum. Aur-mur. Bell. chin. cupi. 27. Baryta carbonicum. Par-c. Camph. dulc. mere. 28 Baryta muriaticum. bar-m. Camph. dulc. mere 29. 'Belladonna. Bell. Camph. coff. puis. 30. Berberis vulgaris. Berb Camph. 12 LIST OF MEDICINES. MEDICINES. ABBREVIATIONS. ANTIDOTES. 31. Bismuth. Bis. Calc. caps, nux-v 32. Borax veneta. Bor. Cham. coff. 33. Bovista. Bov. Camph. 34. Branca ursina. Branc. Camph. acids. 35. Hromine. Brom. Camph. coff. 36. Brucea anti-dysenterica. Bruc. Cham. coff. op. 37. 'Bryonia alba. Bry. Aeon. cham. nux-v. 38. Caladium seguinum. Calad. Carb-v. caps. mere. 39. *Calcarea carbomca. Calc. Camph. sulph. 40. Culcnrea causticum. Ualc-caus. Bry. nux-v. 4L Ualcareii phosphorica. Calc-ph. •! 42. Calendula officinalis. Calend. 5 43. Camphora. Camph. Op. vinegar. 44. Cannabis sativa. Cann. Camph. 45. Cant/iaris. Canth. Camph. 46. Capsicum. Caps. Camph. 47. Carbo animahs. Carb-an. Are. camph. coff. 48. CaRBO VEGETABLES. Carb-v. A is. camph. coff. 4!l. Castoreum. Cist. Camph. op. 50. Causticum. Caus. Coff. coloc. nux-v. 51. *Chamomilla. Cham. Aeon. coff'. nux-v. 52. Cheliilonium. Chel. Camph. 53. *China officinalis. Chin. Ars. puis, sulph. 54. Chiniiium sulphuricum. Chin-s. Ferr? 55. Cicuta virosa. Cic. Am. tab. 56. Cimex lectularis. Cim. 't 57 Cina. Cin. Bry. chin. ipec. :>8. Cinnabaris. Cinn, Chin. op. sulph. 59. ( innamonium. Cinnam. ? 60. Cist us canadensis. Cist. 9 61. Clematis erecta. Clem. Bry. camph. 62. L'oceionella. Coccion. V 63. C01cuius. Cocc. Camph. nux-v. 64. Coffea crudca. Coff. Cham. ign. nux-v. 65. Colchicum. Colch. Croc, nux-v. puis. 66. Colocyntkis. Coloc. Caus. cham. coff 67. Convolvulus. Conv. ? 68. Conium macuiatum. Con. Coff. nitr-sp. 69. Copavie balsamus. Cop. Camph. mere. 70. Corrallium rubrum. Cor. Calc. 71. Crocus sativus. Croc. Bell. op. 72. Crotalus horridus. Crotal. Ars. bell. phos. 73! Croton tiglium. Crot. ? 74. Cuprum metalicum. Cupr. Bell. chin, nux-v. 75. Cuprum aceticum. Cupr-acet. Bell. chin, nux-v. 76. Cuprum carbonicum. Cupr-carb. Bell. chin, nux-v. 77. Cyclamen. Cyc. Puis. 78. Daphne indica. Daph. Bry. dig. rhus. 79. Diaduma. Diad. Merc. eo. Digitalis. Dig. Nux-v. op. 81. Vrosera. Dros. Camph. B2. Dulcamara. Dulc. Camph. ipec. mere. 83. Elaterium. Elat. V 84. Eugenia iambos. Eug. Coff. 85. Kupatorium. Eup. V 86. Euphorbium. Euphorb. Camph. LIST OF MEDICINES. 13 MEDICINES. AB 87. Euphrasia. 88. Evonymus. 89. Ferrum mitalicum. 90. Ferrum accticum. 91. Ferrum carbonicum. 92. Ferrum magneticum. 93. Filix mas. 91. Fluoric acid. 95. Gentiana cruciata. 9ti. (.fiitiana lutetia. 97. (Ginseng. 98. Glonoine. 99. Grannatum. 100. Graphites. 101. Gratiola. [02. Guajacum. 103. i.'ummi gutti. 104. Hteinatoxylum. M5. Hellcborus niger. Iti6. Hepar sulphuris. 107. Hydrocyanic acid. 108. Hyoscyamus. 109. lgnatia amara. 110. Iudigol'era tinctora. 111. Iodium. 112.*1pecacuaniia. 113. Jalapa. 114. .latropha. 115. Kali carbonicum. 116. Kali bichromicum. 117. Kali bromatum. 118. Kali chloricum. 119 Kali hydriodicum. )2(). Kalma latifolia. 121. Kreosotum. 122. Lachesis. 123. Lactuca. 121. Lamium album. 125. Lauroccrasus. 126. Ledum pa/ustre. 127. Lobelia inllata. 128. Lupulus. 129. Lycopodium. 130. Mugnetismus. 131. Magnrlis polus arctus. 132. Mainetis polus australis. 133. .Magnesia carbonicum. 134 Magnesia muriaticum. [X>. Magnesia sulphuricum. 136. Jtfanganum. 137. Menyanthis. 138*Mercurius solubilis. 139. Mercurius subl. corrosivus. 140. Mercurius iodatus. 141. Mephitis putorius. 142. Mezereum. REVIATIONS. ANTIDOTES Euphr. Camph. puis. Evon. •> Ferr. Ars. chin. hep. Fer-acet. Ars. chin. hep. Fer-carb. Ars. chin. hep. Fer-mag. Are. chin. hep. Fil-m. Camph. Fluor-ac. V Gent. ? Gent-lut. 1 Gins. 1 Glon. •> Gran. 7 Graph. Ars. nux-v. Grat. Camph. ? Guaj. Camph.? Gutt. Coff. kal. op. Ha-m. Camph. Hell. Camph chin. Hep. Bell. cham. Hydr-ac. Camph. coff. Hyos. Bell, camph. Ig'n. Camph. cham. puis. Ind. Camph.? op.? Iod. Ars. cham. chin. Ipec. Ani. ars. chin. Jal. Camph.? Jat. Camph. crot. Kal. Camph. coff. Kal-bich. Am-c. Kal-brom. ? Kal-ch. Bell. puis. Kal-hyd. Ars. chin, sulph. Kalm. ? Kreos. Aeon, nux-v. Each. Ars. bell, ph-ac. Lact. Camph. coff. Lara. ? Laur. Camph. coff. op. Led. Camph. Lob. ? Lup. Coff.? Lye. Camph. coff. puis. Mag. Ign. zinc. M ag-arc. Ign. zinc. Mag-aus. Ign. zinc. Magn. Camph. nux-v. puis. Mai;n-m. Ars. cham. Magn-s. Camph. Mang. Cuff. mere. Men. Camph. Merc. Bell. chin. hep. Merc-c. Bell. chin. hep. Merc-iod. Bell. chin. hep. Mi'ph. Camph. Mez. Camph. mere. 14 LIST OF MEDICINES. MEDICINES. ABBREVIATIONS. ANTIDOTES. 143. Millefolium. Mill. ? 144. JUoschus. Mosch. Camph. coff. 145. Muriatis acidum. Mur-ac. Bry. camph. 146. Natrum carbonicum. Natr. Ars. camph. 147. Natrum muriaticum. Natr-m. Ars. camph. 148. Natrum sulphuricum. Natr-s. V 149. Niccolum. Nic. ? 150. Nitrum. Nitr. Nitr-sp. 151. JVitric acidum. Nitr-ae. Calc. camph. hep. 152. Nitri spiritus dulcis. Nitr-sp. ? 153. Nux moschata. N-mos. Camph.? 154. Nuxjuglans. Nux-jug. ? 155.*Nux vomica. Nux-v. Bell, camph. coff. 156. Oleander. Oleand. Camph. cocc nux-v. 157. Oleum animale. Ol-an. Camph. nux-v. 158. Oleum jeeoris morrhuae. Ol-jec. ? 159. Opium. Op. Bell, camph. coff. 160. Paeonia officinalis. Paeon. ? 161. Paris quadrifolia. Par. Camph. coff. 162. Petroleum. Petr. Aeon, nux-v. 163. Petroselium. Petros. ? ]64. Phellandrium. Phel. ? 165.*Phosphorus. Phos. Camph. coff. nux-v. 166. Phosphoric acid. Ph-ac. Camph. coff. 167. Phytolacca decandra. Phytol. Coff. ign. op. 168. Platina. Plat. Puis, nitr-sp. 169. Plumbum. Plumb. Nux-v. op. plat. 170. Podophyllum peltatum. Podoph. Nux-v. 171. Prunus spinosa. Prun. Camph. 172.*Pulsatilla. Puis. Coff. ign. nux-v. 173. Ranunculus bulbosus. Ran. Bry. camph. 174. Ranunculus scleratus. Ran-sc. Camph. coff. 175. Raphanus. Raph. Water. 176. Ratanhia. Rat. ? 177. Rhabarbarv.m. Rheum. Cham, nux-v. 178. Rhododendron. Rhod. Rhus. 179.*Rhus toxicodendron. Rhus. Bell. bry. camph. 180. Rhus radicans. Rhus-r. Bry. camph. puis. 181. Ruta graveolens. Ruta. Camph. 182. Sabadilla. Sabad. Camph. puis. 183. Sabina. Sabin. Camph. 184. Sambucus. Samb. Ars. camph. 185. Sanguinaria canadensis. Sang. ? 186. Sassaparilta. Sass. Camph.? 187. Secale cornutum. Sec. Camph. sol-nig. 188. Selenium. Sel. Ign. puis. 189. Senega. Sen. Bell. bry. camph. 190. Senna. Senn. Cham. 191. Sepia. Sep. Aeon, nitr-sp. 192. Silicea. Sil. Camph. hep. 193. Solanum nigrum. Sol-nig. ? 194. Spigelia. Spig. Aur. camph. 195. Spovgia. Spong. Camph. 196. Squilla. Squill. Camph. 197. Stannum Stann. Coff. puis. 198. Staphysagria. Staph. Camph. LIST OF MEDICINES. 15 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. MEDICINES. Stramonium. Slrontiana. Si;lphur. Sulphuric acid. Symphytum officinalis. Tabacum. Taraxacum. Tartar emeticus. Terebinthiua. Teucrium Theridion. Thuja occidentalis. Tongo. Triosteum. Urtica urens. Valerian. 'Veratrum album. Verbascum. Vinca minor. Viol odorata. Viol tricolor. Zincum metalicum. Zincum oxydatum. ABBREVIATIONS. ANTIDOTES. Strara. Bell, nux-v. Stront. Camph. Sulph. Camph. cham. puis. Sulph-ac, Puis. Symph. ? Tab. Camph. ipec. nux-v. Tar. Camph. Tart. Cocc. ipec. puis. Terb. Camph. canth. Teuc. Camph. ign. Ther. ? Thuj. Cham. coec. puis. Tong. Acids. Triost. 1 Urt. ? Val. Camph. coff. Verat. Aeon, camph. coff. Verb. Camph. Vine. Vegetable acids. Viol-od. Camph. Viol-tr. Camph. Zinc. Camph hep. ign. Zinc-ox. ? POCKET MANUAL, ABDOMEN. Axguish in the Abdomen: Ars. bar-c. bell carb-v. gran. mez. natr-m. plat, plumb, sulph, sulph-ac. Ball in the Abdomen (sensation of a): Bry. kreos. lach Nitr-ac. —Hysterical: Aeon, mang-m. plumb. Burning in the Abdomen : Aeon. arg. Aes. bell. calc. camph canth. carb-an. carb-v. cocc. colch. crotal, eug. euphorb grat. kal. Lach. laur. lye. mag. mere. mez. natr-s. nux-v phel. Phos. pb-ac. plumb, rat. rlius. ruta. sabad. sass Sec. Sep. Sil. spig. stann. tab. tart, verat. —Epigastrium (in the) : Calad. camph. canth. cop. sec. sD zinc. —Hypochondria (left): Alum. cham. chel. graph, grat sulph-ac. tart. terb. —Hypochondria (right): Alum. cham. laur. sulph-ac. terb. —Inguina (left): Ars. grat. kal-hyd. natr-s. ol-an. —Inguina (right): Ars. natr-s. sep. —Left Side (in the): Am-c. graph, sep. — Right Side (in the): Grat. sep. — Umbilical region (in the): Aeon. bov. calc. carb-v. cop kal. kal-hyd. lach. mere. plat, plumb, sabad. Compare: Pains Burning. Coldness in the Abdomen : uEth. alum. amb. arg-nit. an calc. camph. caus. crot. grat. hell. kal. kreos. laur. mag arc. men. petr. phel. phos. plumb, podoph. ruta. sabac? sass. sec. sep. terb. —Epigastrium (in the): Camph. chin. —Hypogastrium (in the): Camph. —Right Side (in the): Oleand. — Umbilical region (in the): Rat. ruta. terb. Congestion in the Abdomen: Aloe. ars. bell. caps, carb-v cham. mere. Nux-v. puis. rhus. Sulph. verat. Contraction of the Abdomen: Am-c. arg. aur. calc. chin con. cupr. lach. nitr-ac. plumb, rhus. sabad. 2* 18 ABDOMEN. Contraction : —Hypogastrium (of the): Con. rhus. — Umbilical region (of the): Plumb. Compare: Retraction. Distension of the Abdomen : Acon. aeth. agar. alum, amb am-c. am-m. ant. arg. arg-nit. am. Ars. asa. aur. aur-mur, bar-c. Bell. berb. bis. bov. bry. calc. canth. caps, carb-an. Carb-v. cast. caus. Cham. Chin, chin-s. cic. Cocc. colch. Coloc con. croc, crotal. crot. cupr. cupr-acet. dig. dulc. gent, gent-lut. gins. gran. Graph, hsem. hep. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. kal-hyd. kreos. lach. laur. lob. Lyc. mag-o.us. inagn. Magn-m. magn-s. men. Merc, merc-c. mez. mosch. Mur-ac. natr. Natr-m. nic. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-jug. nux-v. ol-an. op. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat, plumb, puis, rheum. rhod. rhus. sabin. sang. sec. sep. Sil. spig. squill, stann. stro.m. stront. sulph. tab. thuj. vol. verat. zinc, zinc-ox. —Epigastrium (of the): Acon. eug. hell. mez. natr-m. par. rhod. sep. sulph. stram. tart. —Hypochondria (of the): Bell. cham. ign. —Hypogastrium (of the): Arn. bell. —Inguina (of the): Am-m. natr-s. —Painful: Alum. arg. ars. bar-c. bell. caps, carb-v. cast. caus. Cham. chin, chin-s. cic. gins. gran, kal-hyd. mere. merc-c. mez. op. rhod. rhus. sep. spig. stann. stront. tab. —Sides (of the): Arn. bell. caus. natr-m. zinc. —Tympanitic: Ars. asa. bell, carb-v. Chin, chin-s. colch. coloc. haem. hyos. iod. laur. lyc. nux-v. op. puis, sulph. tart. — Umbilicus (of the): Caps, coloc. gran. laur. nux-v. op. Compare: Enlargement, Flatulence, and Fulness. Emptiness in the Abdomen (sensation of): Arg-nit. ara. arum, carb-an. caus. cham. cin. cocc. coloc. cupr-acet. eu- pltorb. guaj. gutt. hep. lach. mez. mur-ac. oleand. petr. phos. puis. sass. sen. Sep. squill, stann. —Epigastrium (in the): Kal-bich. oleand. —Hypogastrium (in the): Coloc.^ Enlargement of the Abdomen: Calc. caus graph, iod mang. mere. natr. nux-v. sep. staph, sulph. —Children (in): Ars. calc. caus. graph, iod. sulph. — Girls at the age of puberty (in): Calc. graph, iod. lach sulph. — Women from frequent pregnancy (in): Bell. calc. chin, plat. sec. Sep. Excoriation in the Abdomen (sensation of): Ars. Bell, calc. colnc. con. ipec. Nux-v. ran. rat. stann sulph. ABDOMEN. 19 Excoriation : . —Epigastrium (in the): Mang. —Hypochondria (in the): Alum. am-c. ran. sulph. —Side (in the): Arn. Deft Side (in tlie): Colch. Compare : Pain as from Excoriation", and Soreness. Fermentation in the Abdomen (sensation of): Acon. ang. arn. bruc. carb-an. coff. con. gran. hep. lup. mag. magn-m. mur-ac. rhus. sen. strain. —Epigastrium (in the): Anac. croc. —Side (in the): Am-m. Flatulence in the Abdomen : Acon. agn. amb. am-c. am-m. anis. ant. arn. ars. asa. aur. bell. bis. bor. bov. calc. canth. caps, carb-an. Carb-v. caus. cham. Chin. cic. cocc. colch. coloc. con. dig. euphorb. ferr. fer-acet. fer-mag. graph. grat. guaj. hell. hep. ign. ipec. kal. lach. laur. lob. Lyc. mag. magn. magn-m. mang. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-jug. nux-v. oleand. phos. ph-ac. podoph. plumb puis, rheum, rhod. rhus. rhus-r. sen. sep. sil. staph, sulph. tart, verat. zinc. —Epigastrium (in the): Carb-v. graph, lyc. natr-m. nux-v. puis, rheum. —Hypochondria (left): Aur. Cham, euphorb. lyc. nux-v verb. —Hypochondria (right): Euphorb. verb. —Hypogastrium: Acon. aur. chin, coloc. eye. phos. sil. eulph. sulph-ac. ■—Incarcerated: Amb. aur. calc. canth. carb-an. Carb-v. caus. Cham. Chin, chin-s. cocc. euphorb. con. graph, guaj. hep. iod. kal. Natr. Natr-m. lyc. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. pheL phos. plat. Plumb, prun. Puls. rheum, rhod. rhus. sep. siL -spig. spong. stann. Staph, sulph. verat. —Inguina : Cham. lach. —Left Side : Carb-v. Iod. fer-mag. sulph. —Eight Side : AZth. bis. zinc. — Umbilical region: Anac. lach. tar. Fulness in tlie Abdomen: Agar. aloe. ant. arg-nit. asa. asar. bar-c. bry. carb-v. cast. chin. coff. colch. con. croc. crot. gent-lut. Graph, lach. lact. lyc. mag. magn-m. ma.gn-s. Mur-ac. n-mos. nux-v. ol-an. phos. puis. rhod. rhus. sil spong. stann. sulph. tart. terb. zinc. —Epigastrium (in the): Xux-v. —Hypochondria (in the): Acon. chain, eup. ign. laur. po doph. —Hypo>ihondria (left): Acon. 20 ABDOMEN. Fulness: —Hypochondria (right): Acon. eup. laur. podoph. —Inguina (in the): Cocc. —Right Side (in the): Lact. Compare: Distension, Enlargement, and Flatulence Grumbling in the Abdomen : Chin. clem. con. eye. dig. dulc, euphorb. euphr. guaj. Ign. laur. lyc. mur-ac. nux-v. petr puis, rhod spig. —Epigastrium (in the): Oleand. rat. spig. spong. tar. thuj. —Hypogastrium (in the): Oleand. —Left Side (in the): Spig. —>Right Side (in the) : Laur. spig. Compare: Gurgling, and Rumbling. Gurgling in the Abdomen : Calc. carb-an. croc. dig. hell. lyc. mag. mere. Natr-m. nitr-ac. ol-an. plumb, sil. stann. tab. teuc. verat. —Hypochondria (left): Cocc. Lyc. sulph-ac. verb. —Left Side (in the) : Con. kal. —Right Side (in the): Calc. men. sulph-ac. Hardness of the Abdomen : Alum. anac. arn. ars. bar-m. calc. caps. chin. cupr. ferr. fer-acet. Graph, hep. lach. Magn-m. magn-s. Merc. mez. nux-v. op. phos. plumb, puis, rhus. sep. Sil. spig. spong. sulph. —epigastrium (in the): Kreos. stram. val. verat. —Hypogastrium (in the): Graph, sep. — Umbilical region (in the): Bry. plumb, puis. rhus. Heat in the Abdomen: Bell, camph. canth. carb-an. cm. coloc. euphorb. graph, lach. lact. laur. magn. mez. nux-v. plumb, ruta. sass. sen. Sil. sulph. —Epigastrium (in the): Camph sulph. — Umbilical region (in the). Chin. mang. sulph-ac. Compare : Burning, and Inflammation. Heaviness in the Abdomen (sensation of): Ami ars. asa. carb-v. chin. crot. diad. euphorb. fer-acet. gent-lut. graph. hell. Kal. lach. lact. magn. mez. natr. Nux-v. op. rhus. rhus-r. sep. sil. sulph. terb. —Epigastrium : Camph. «rot. n-mos. sulph, —Hypochondria: Acon. n-mos. sulph. —Hypogastrium : Diad. ferr. Indurations in the Abdomen : Ars. calc. chin. lyc. plumb, —Mesenteric glands (of the): Ars. calc. sang. Compare : Indurations of particular organs, and see INDURATIONS. ABDOMEN. 21 Inflammation of the Abdomen : See : ENTERITIS, and PERITONITIS. Jerking in the Abdomen: Ars. cana rhus. —Hypogastrium (in the): Sulph-ac. —Integuments (in the): Guaj. nux-v. ran-sc. Oppression in the Abdomen (sensation of): Arum, erurjir. magn. mosch. sen. —Epigastrium (in the) : Calc-caus. sen. —Hypochondria (in the): Acon. nux-v. —Hypogastrium (in tlie): Calc-caus. con. magn. Pain in the Abdomen (indefinite): Alum. ant. ars. aur- mur. bry. calc. canth. cast. caus. colch. coloc. con. gran. grat. iod. lach. lob. magn. magn-m. magn-s. mez. natr-m. nitr. petr. plat, plumb, ran-sc. sang. sep. sulph. tart. zinc. —Epigastrium: Alum, chin-s. cin. ign. iud. iod. kal-bich. sen. tart. -Glands of the Inguina: Ars. berb. calc. graph.mere. terb. thuj. —Hypochondria: Bor. carb-v. chin, chin-s. cupr. kal. kreos. laur. lob. natr. op. sang. sep. —Hypochondria (left): Bor. brom. chin, chin-s. Ign. lach. natr. phos. rhod. Rhus-r. ruta. sang, stann. —Hypochondria (right): Bar-c. carb-v. chin. lach. laur. lob. natr. op. podoph. sang, stann. —Inguina (left): Lach. rhus. tar. —Inguina (right): Canth. graph, kreos. nitr-ac. rhus. sil sulph-ac. —Left Side : Cast. con. fer-mag. sep. —Right Side : Con. graph, prun. sep. — Umbilical region : Calc. cin. ind. lach. plumb, ran. rhus-r. sep. Pains Aching : Bar-c. carb-v. caus. chin. dulc. iod. mang. mere. mez. nitr-ac. op. ruta. sil. val. -----Epigastrium : Cham. crot. dig. lyc. mag. natr-m. phos. rhod. sep. -----Hypochondria: Calc. carb-v. cocc. cupr. hyos. ign. ind. mang. meph. natr-s. ran. sass. zinc. -----Hypochondria (left): Berb. camph. carb-v. cham. cocc con. mang. rhus-r. terb. -----Hypochondria (right): Bar-c. camph, cham. kal-bich lyc. magn. sep. -----Hypogastrium : Calc. carb-v. Caus. chin, kal-hyd. mag- arc, mere. natr. tab. tart. -----Inguina : Berb. dulc. mere, ran-sc. 22 ABDOMEN. Pains Acting : ----Left Side: Carb-an. carb-v. chin. cupr. nati oleaufl sass. tar. ----Right Side : Calc. natr. prun. sep. ----Umbilical region: Berb. carb-v. cupr. mang. sen. tat Pain as from a Bruise : Ang. arg. aur. carb-v. caus. chin cocc. Coloc. con. hep. ign. led. natr. natr-s. Nux-v. op ran. ruta. samb. sep. stram. verat. ----Hypochondria: Carb-v. chin-s. cocc. cupr. mang. ran. ----Hypochondria (left): Cocc. cupr. ran. sass. stann. ----Hypochondria (right): Cocc. cupr. lyc. mur-ac. ran. ----Hypogastrium : Val. ----Inguina: Am-c. calc. caus. val. ----Integuments : Nux-v. plat, plumb, puis. rhod. sabin sulph. val. ----Right Side: Ang. aur. camph. caus. ----Umbilical region : Rhus. Pains Burning : Acon. caps, plumb, ran. sabad. stann. ----Epigastrium : Arn. caus. mag. ---Hypochondria : Acon. am-c. bell, sulph. tong. ---Hypochondria (left): Acon. caus. cliam. natr-m. ----Hypochondria (right): A con. mur-ac. ----Left Side: Ruta. ----Right Side : Caus. ----Umbilical region : Aur. berb. natr. plumb. Compare : Burning. Pains as from a Cold : Carb-v. caus. Coloc. croc. Dulc. Merc ----Hypogastrium: Coloc. Pains Cramplike, Constrictive : Amb. am-c. anac. ang. arg, Bell. calc. cham. chin. cocc. coff. Coloc. con. eye. dig. ferr. Hep. Hyos. ign. iod. kal. magn. mere. mez. Mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux-v. ol-an. plat, plumb. podoph. prun. rhus. sabin. sass. sulph. ----Epigastrium : Am-c. caus. natr-m. nux-v. puis. ----Hypochondria : Dros. nux-v. rhod. ----Hypogastrium: Am-c. bar-c. bell. cocc. lyc. mag-arc. nux-v. sabin. ----Inguina (left): Laur. nitr-ac. petr. spong. ----Inguina (right): Laur. magn. nitr-ac. petr. sulph-ac. zinc ----Left Side : Laur. mang. mui-ac. nux-v. ----Right Side: Laur. magn. mang. mur-ac. ----Umbilical region: Bell, magn-m. mosch. mur-ac, nitr-ac. phos. plumb, rhus. stann. tab. Compare : Pains Drawing, and Spasmodic. ABDOMEN. 23 Pains Cutting : Acon. seth. agar. aloe. alum. amb. am-m. anac. arg. arg-nit. arn. Ars. asa. asar. bar-c. bell. berb. bov. bry. calc. camph. canth. carb-an. carb-v. cast.'caus, cham. cheL chin. cin. Coloc. Con. crotal. cupr. dig. dros. elat. graph, haem. hep. hyos. ign. kal. kreos. lach. lact. laur. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. mere, mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nic. nitr. Nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. ol-an. op. par. petr. phel. phos. ph-ac. phytol. plumb, puis. ran-sc. rheum, rhus. sabad. sabin. sec. sep. sil. spig. squill, staph, stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. terb. verat. zinc. ----Epigastrium : Ant. asar. berb. calad. calc. cham. con. crot. dig. laur. lyc. magn-m. mere. natr. nic. n-mos. nux-v. ol-an, petr. spong. zinc. ----Hypochondria (left): Berb. bor. kal. kal-bich. mea natr. nic. terb. ----Hypochondria (right): Ang. men. natr. nic. tong. ----Hypogastrium: Agar. ang. bell. cocc. coloc. dig. laur. magn. mere. nic. nux-v. ol-an. phel. puis. sep. Sil. terb. thuj. — —Inguina (left): Am-m. arn. aur. berb. carb-an. par. rheum. -----Inguina (right): Am-m. arn. aur. berb. mere. -----Left Side : Dulc. magn. ruta. sulph. -----Right Side : Con. ruta. ----Umbilical region: Mth. agar. am-m. arg-nit. bov cast, chin-s. ind. iod. ipec. kal-hyd. kreos. laur. mang. mur-ac. nux-v. ol-an. puis, rheum, sass. sil. spig. sulph- ac. tab. terb. zinc. Compare : Pains Shooting, and COLIC. Pains Drawing : Acon. ars. bry. caps. cham. chin. cocc. coloc. con. gran. hep. kreos. lach. led. lob. Lyc. mag-arc. magn-m. magn-s. mang. mez. natr. natr-m. nux-v. plat. sass. squill, staph, verat. -----Epigastrium : Bar-c. hep. -----Hypochondria: Berb. bry. calc. camph. cupr. puis. sulph. teuc. -----Hypochondria (left): Berb. carb-v. coloc. cupr. -----Hypogastrium : Chin. con. val. verat. -----Inguina : Aur. kal. mere. mez. ol-an. plat. _____Left Side: Acon. arg-nit. cupr. natr. nux-v. rhus. sep staph, sulph. — —Right Side: Acon. cocc. cupr. laur. mag-aus. natr. nux-v. sabin. sep. 24 ABDOMEN. Pains Drawing : ----Umbilical region: Ars. con. crot. mang. mez. natr-m nux-v. rhus. Pains as from Excoriation : Ars. bell. calc. coloc. con ipec. nux-v. ran. rat. stann. sulph. ----Epigastrium : Mang. ----Hypochondria (right): Calc. sabad. ----Integuments : Amb. bell. hyos. mea ----Left Side : Colch. hep. Compare : Excoriation, and Soeeness. Pains Gnawing : Ars. calc. canth. cupr. dulc. oleand. plat plumb, ruta. ----Epigastrium : Kal-bich. sen. ----Inguina (left): Lach. ----Sides: Lach. ----Umbilical region : Berb. oleand. ruta. Pains Griping, Grasping : Am-c. Bell. bruc. calc. carb-aa chin. Coloc. con. elat. ipec. kal-bich. magn. phytol. rhus-r. sep. spong. stann. staph, stront. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. ----Epigastrium : Caus. natr-m. nux-v. ----Hypogastrium : Lyc. ----Left Side : Petr. puis. ----Right Side: Bell. petr. ----Umbilical region: Acon. bell. bruc. carb-an. coloc. hep. ign. kreos. lyc. mag-aus. nux-v. petr. stann. Compare : Pains Cramplike, Spasmodic, and COLIC Pains Jerking : Ars. cann. graph, natr-m. ran-sc. rhus. ----Hypochondria: Stann. ----Hypochondria (left): Berb. ----Hypochondria (right) : Val. ----Hypogastrium: Sulph-ac. ----Left Side: Men. stann. ----Right Side : Stann. ----Umbilical region : Berb. Pains Oppressive : Arg-nit. ars. caps. con. ign. op. siL ----Epigastrium : Caps. iod. Compare: Oppression. Pains Piercing, Stabbing: Aloe. arg. ars. cham. cin. coloc dig. mere. natr. nitr-ac. plat plumb, sen. sep tar. ----Epigastrium : Cyc. sen. ----Hypochondria (left): Natr-m. sen. ----Hypogastrium : Arg. sabad. ■----Inguina (left): Coloc. ABDOMEN. 25 Pains Piercing : -----Inguina (right): Arg. -----Left Side : Dig. natr. -----Right Side : Natr. -----Umbilical region : Cin. plat, plumb, sen. tar. Pains Pinching : ^Eth. agar. alum. am-c. am-m. anac. ant ars. aur. bar-c. bell. bis. bor. bov. brom. bry. calc. cann canth. caps, carb-v. cast. caus. Chin. cin. coloc. con cupr. eye. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. graph, grat. guaj. hyos. ign. ind. iod. ipec. lact. laur. lyc. magn, magn-m. magn-s. mere. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nic. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. oleand. ol-an. petr. phel. plumb, puis, ran ran-sc. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabin. samb. sep. sil. spig spong. squill, stann. staph, sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tar. tart. teuc. verat. ----Epigastrium : Bell. bor. cann. caps. caus. cocc. crot. eye. lact. magn-m. mez. n-mos. par. plumb, tong. -----Hypochondria : Am-m. calc. ipec. laur. -----Hypochondria (left): Arg. calc. ipec. laur. mosch. phos. plat. -----Hypochondria (right): Calc. ipec. magn. mosch. sulph. teuc. -----Hypogastrium : Agar. asa. aur. bell, coloc. con. mag arc. men. natr. puis. ran. ruta. sil. sulph. -----Inguina (left): Kal. nic. ol-an. rat. — —Inguina (right): Kal. mere. nic. ol-an. rat. -----Left Side: Bell. cupr. lam: mag-arc. mur-ac. nux-v. plat. rat. spig. staph, thuj. tong. -----Right Side: Bell. laur. magn. mur-ac. natr-m. nux-v phel. plat. rat. ruta. tong. -----Umbilical region: Acon. alum. am-m. bar-c. bry. camph. carb-an. carb-v. crot. dulc. gran, graph, grat. laur. lyc. magn. magn-m. men. mez. mur-ac. natr. nic. petr. plat. ran. rhod. rhus. verat. zinc. Pains Pressive : Arg-nit. coloc. mere. mez. natr-m. rhus-r. samb. staph, tab. tart, verat. -----Epigastrium: Crot. hep. prun. -----Hypochondria: Amb. asa. bor. carb-an. carb-v. cocc. thuj. -----Hypochondria (left): Cham. prun. -----Hypochondria (right): Prun. -----Hypogastrium: Kal-hyd. -----Inguina (left): Cocc. -----Inguina (right): Cocc. lyc. 26 ABDOMEN Pains Pressive. ----Left Side: Arg-nit. asar. ----Right Side : Arg-nit. mere. ----Umbilical region : Anac. tab. Compare: Pressure. Pains Pulsative, in the Epigastrium : Calad. ----Hypochondria : Acon. graph, nux-v. puis. ----Hypochondria (left): Agar. grat. ----Inguina (right): Lyc. ----Left Side : Agar. alum. Compare: Pulsations. Pains Shooting : Arn. ars. asa. bell. bry. carb aa cham, chin. Con. eye. dig. ign. kal. kal-bich. magn-s. mere, nitr-ac. prun. puis. ran. Sulph. tar. zinc. ----Epigastrium : Calad. con. rhus. ruta. ----Hypochondria: Mt\\. agar. alum. asa. aur. berb. bov. bry. calc. carb-v. chin-s. graph, kal. lact. magn-s. puis. ran-sc. rat. sas*. sep. sil. stram. tab. ----Hypochondria (left): Carb-v. laur. magn-m. natr. rat. sass. sep. sil. stann. tab. ----Hypochondria (right): Bry. calc. carb-v. kal-bich. natr. ran-sc. rat. rhod. sep. sil. tab. ----Hypogastrium : Am-c. carb-v. samb. sep. ----Inguina: Kal. kreos. lyc. mere, mur-ac. natr-s. rat. rhus-r. ----Integuments : Magn-m. ruta. samb. ----Left Side: Alum. anac. carb-v. ol-an. samb. sass. stront. sulph. tar. ----Right Side : Colch. con. ol-an. sass. stront. tar. ----Umbilical region : Hyos. kreos. magn-s. plumb, rhus. Compare: Pains Stitching. Pains Spasmodic : Amb. Ars. bry. calc. camph. cham. chel. chin. cocc. con. cupr. cupr-acet. euphorb. graph hep. hyos. ign. iod. kal. kreos. lach. lyc. Magn-m. mosck mur-ac. nux-v. ol-an. petr. phos. ph-ac. plumb. Puls. ran-sc. rhus. sass. sep. stram. Sulph. ----Epigastrium : Crot. spong. stann. tart. val. verat. — —Hypochondria : Mur-ac. ph-ac. rhod. stann. zinc. ----Hypochondria (left): Stann. zinc. ----Hypogastrium : Am-c. bry. camph. carb-v. cham. cocc con. hyos. ign. nux-v. puis, stann. ----Inguina: Canth. dig% ign. — —Umbilical region : Bell, calad. crot. ph-ac. zinc Compare: Pains Cramplike. ABDOMEN. 27 Pains Stitching : Am-c. anac. ang. arg-nit asa. bov. 3alc caus. cocc. fer-acet. graph, laur. natr. nitr-ac. sep. spig. ----Epigastrium : Carb-an. con. eye. nitr-ac. tart. ----Hypochondria: Alum. bry. calc. caus. graph, kal. petr. rat sep. sil. ----Hypochondria (left): Agar. alum. anac. arn. bare berb. caus. con. dig. graph, ipec. magn-m. magn-s. mur- ac. natr. natr-m. phos. ran-sc. sen. sep. spig. sulph-ac. ----Hypochondria (right): Alum. am-m. asa. calc. caus. graph, magn. magn-m. mez. mar-ac. natr. podoph. rhod. rhus r. sep. spig. sulph. ----Hypogastrium : Am-c. calc. coloc. mag-arc. mez. sabin. sulph. tar. ----Inguina : Am-m. ars. carb-an. cocc. con. dig. graph. lyc. natr-s. nic. spig. sulph. ----Inguina (left): Am-m. ars. carb-an. caus. con. dig. grat. ind. lyc. mere, natr-s. nic. sulph. zinc. ----Left Side: Acon. alum. amb. arg-nit. asa. caus. dig. graph, grat. Hep. kal. natr-m. op. ran, sabad. sep sulph. tar. ----Right Side : Acon. alum. amb. bar-c. caus. cocc. dulc kal. kreos. lyc. mosch. nux-v. phel. sabad. stann. sulph. ----Umbilical region : Anac. cin. coff. colch. coloc. crot. dig. nux-v. zinc. Compare : Pains Shooting. Pains Tearing (sharp drawing): Acon. alum. ars. bov. bry. calc. cast. cham. chin. cocc. colch. coloc. cupr. dig. haem. ign. Lach. laur. lyc. magn-m. mere. mez. n-mos. nux-v. phos. plumb, puis. rhus. sec. sil. squill, stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tart. thuj. zinc. ----Epigastrium : Arn. cupr-acet eye. mag-arc. ruta ----Hypocho?idria (left): Berb. carb-v. ----Hypochondria (right) : Alum, carb-v. kal-bich. ----Hypogastrium : Carb-v. con. lach. lyc. natr. verat. ----Inguina (left): Euphorb. lyc. sulph. sulph-ac. ----Inguina (right): Kal. lyc. sulph. sulph-ac. ----Left Side : Cham. crot. kal-hyd. lyc. magn. teuc. ----Right Side: Aur. cham.. cupr. kal. kal-hyd. lach. lyc. teuc. — Umbilical region : Acon. crot. dig. kreos. laur. stram. verb. Compare : Pains Drawing. Pains as from Ulceration : Alum. cann. cham. cocc. kreo*. ----Epigastrium: Cast. 28 ABDOMEN. Pains (as from ulceration): -----Hypochondria : Chin-s. puis. sil. -----Hypochondria (right): Sil. -----Hypogastrium : Bov. nitr-ac. ----Inguina (left) : Am-m. cic. -----Inguina (right): Con. lyc. -----Integuments: Rhus. -----Left Side: Colch. hep. val. -----Umbilical region : Magn. Pains Violent : Ant Ars. bell. brom. canth. cast. cham. chin, chin-s. cic. cin. cocc. coff. Coloc. con. crot. cupr. cupr-acet. dig. kreos. lach. mere. nitr. Plumb, ran. tab. tart. -----Umbilical region : Plumb. Pressure in the Abdomen : Agar. alum. amb. arg-nit. aur. bell. bis. bry. calc. carb-v. Caus. chin. coff. colch. coloc. con. croc, crotal. crot. grat. ign. iod. kal. lyc. maga magn-m. mang. mez. natr. nitr-ac. nux-v. op. par. plat. plumb, rhus. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph, sulph. terb. teuc. thuj. zinc. —Epigastrium : Amb. bry. camph. Caus. cocc. colch. cop. crot. hep. lach. natr-m. nux-v. phel. plumb, rhod. sep. tart —Expansive: Cann. cham. colch. con. euphorb. ign. kal. lyc. ph-ac. sulph. sulph-ac. teuc. zinc. —Hypochondria : Acon. aur. bor. chin-s. crot. mang. mur-ac nux-v. ph-ac. rhod. stann. sulph. terb. verat. zinc. —Hypochondria (left): Acon. amb. aur. bor. calc. carb-v. cham. coloc. dig. iod. natr-m. nitr-ac. ol-an. petr. stann. sulph. tab. terb. zinc. —Hypochondria (right): Acon. amb. aur. carb-an. carb-v. iod. ran. tab. terb. zinc. —Hypogastrium : Amb. ang. arg. bell, carb-v. caus. chin cocc. colch. coloc. cupr. graph, kal. magn. natr-m. ruta. sen. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. teuc. —Inguina (left): Asa. camph. cast, euphorb. gran. guaj. ign. magn. magn-s. —Inguina (right): Asa. cast, euphorb. gran. guaj. ign. lyc, magn. magn-s. rhus. sulph. thuj. —Left Side: Am-m. anac. aur. chin. coff. dig. kal. lyc. magn-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. rhus. sulph. tart. zinc." —Right Side: Amb. aur. chin. coff. cupr-acet. kalm. laur lyc. nux-v. prun. thuj. zinc. —Stone in the Abdomen (as from a): Bell. cole. cocc. cupr mere, mag-arc. nux-v. sabad. sep. spig. Sulph. tart. ABDOMEN. 29 Pee8sure as from a Stone : ----Epigastrium (in the): Caus. mag. Nux-v. iulph. ----Hypogastrium: Bell. ----Umbilical region: Anac. cann. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cin. colch. crot. gent-lut lach. magn. nitr-ac. phel. ph-ac. ran-sc. rheum, sea sil. spig. stann. staph. sulph. teuc. Compare : Pains Pressive. Pulsations in the Abdomen : Acon. aloe. bruc. caps. caus. ign. kal. lach. lyc. mere, natr-s. nux-v. op. plumb, sang sep. stront. tart. —Epigastrium : Calad. cann. kal. oleand. rhus. tart. —Hypochondria : Acon. graph, nux-v. puis. sep. siL —Hypochondria (left): Calc. grat. ran. ruta. sep. —Hypochondria (right): Coloc. ruta. sep. —Hypogastrium: Cin. —Inguina : Sulph. —Right Side : Chin. — Umbilicus (in the): Acon. aloe. Compare: Pains Pulsative. Retraction of the Abdomen. Crot. cupr. cupr-acet. natr. puis. tab. — Umbilicus (of the): Acon. arn. bar-c. natr.plumb. tab. terb. Compare : Contraction. Rumbling in the Abdomen: Acon. am-c. am-caus. am-m. anac. ang. ant. arg. arn. ars. asa. bar-c. bell. bis. bor. brom. bry. calc. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin-s. cic. Coloc. con. dig. fer-acet. gent-lut. graph, grat. guaj. haeia hep. ign. iod. kal-hyd. lach. lact. lob. lyc. mag. mag-arc. magn. magn-m. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. phel. phytol. plat. puis, ran-sc. rhod. sabad. sass. sep. sil. spig. spong. squill, stann. sulph. sulph-ac. tab tart. terb. verat. zinc. —Epigastrium : Ph-ac. plat. —Hypochondria : Hep. verb. —Hypogastrium: Aur. Coloc. eye. sil. Sulph. sulph-ac. — Umbilical region : Anac lach. tar. Compare : Grumbling, Gurgling, and Flatulence. Shocks in the Abdomen. Cann. dros. mag-arc. plat, stana —Left Side (in tlie): Croc. Sorkness, Tenderness (painful sensibility): Acon. aeth. ars. Bell, canth. carb-v. cham. coloc. cupr. eye. fer-acet. haem. hep. hyos. ipec. lach. Merc. natr. Nux-v. plumb, puis. ran. rheum, squill, stann. Sulph. tab. terb. 3* 30 ABDOMEN. Soreness: — Coughing (when): Ars. fer-acet. hyos. verat. —Epigastrium : Hyos. ign. sabad. stann. val. —Hypochondria: Acon, aeth. bell, carb-v. chin. dros. eup m< re. natr. Nux-v. podoph. ran. sulph. —Hypochondria (left): Carb-v. dros. lach. ran. sulph. —Hypochondria (right): Alum, carb-v. dros. eup. mere nux-v. podoph, ran. sulph. —Inguina: Am-m. calc. chin, rhus-r. —Integuments; Acon. bell. bov. canth. hyos. nux-v. puis plumb, tab. —Movement (during): Con. plumb. —Pressure (on) : Bell. mere, nux-v. sabad. sass. — Sides (in the): Carb-an. —Touched (painful when): Am-m. bell, carb-v. cham. cupr eye. ferr. gent-lut. hyos. ign. mere. natr. Nux-v. plumb puis. ran. Sulph. tab. tart. terb. verat. — Umbilical region : Coloc. gent-lut. oleand. Compare: Excoriation, and Pain as from Excoria- tion. Swelling of the Abdomen: Acon. Ars. aur-mur. bar-m, calc-caus. chin. clem, colch. con. eye. dulc. gran, graph. lach. lyc. mere. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. ph-ac. puis. stann. staph, sulph. verat. —Black and blue: ^Eth. —Dropsical: Acon. Ars. asa. Bry. chin, colch. crotal. dig. hell. kal. lach. lact. led. lyc. mere. Prun. sep. squill. sulph. —Epigastrium : Aur. hep. ipec. tart. —Encysted: Cann. chin. —Hard: Bry. lach. puis. —Hypochondria : Acon. aur. bry. chin-s. —Inguina : Am-c. gran. lyc. mere. —Inguinal Glands: Ars. aur. calc. carb-v. clem. Duxc. graph, hep. iod. mere. natr. nitr-ac. nux-v. sil. spong. Staph. Sulph. terb. thuj. —Left Side: Bry. —Right Side : Bry. calc. lach. — Umbilicus (around the): Bry. — Umbilical region : Bry. caus. coloc. gran. prun. puis. Compare : Distension, Enlargement, and Fulness. Tighvness, Tension in the Abdomen : Amb. am. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caps. caus. chin, chin-s. ham. hyos. in *jn-m. mere, mosch. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac ABDOMEN 3] Tightness: nux-v. op. par. petr. phos. puis. sil. 6pig. spong. squill stann. staph, sulph. thuj. —Epigastrium : Caps. crot. mag. natr. natr-m. nux-v. sep. spong. staph, stram. sulph. —Hypochondria: Acon. bell. calc. cham. chin-s. con. dig. graph, lyc. mosch. mur-ac. nux-v. op. puis, rhus-r. sep. staph, sulph. verat. —Hypochondria (left): Acon. bry. chiu-s. dig. eup. lyc. natr-m. op. sulph. verat. —Hypochondria (right) : Acon. bry. chin-s. dig. eup. lyc. nitr-ac. op. sulph. verat. —Hypogastrium: Arn. aur. chin. lyc. rheum. —Inguina : Graph, magn-s. mere. rhus. spig. —Left Side : Tart. zinc. —Right Side : Caus. tart. zinc. — Umbilical region : Chin-s. crot. mere, verat. Trembling in the Abdomen : Ign. iod. Ulceration in the Abdomen : Ars. bar-m. chin. cupr. hep. kreos. mere, plumb. Uneasiness in the Abdomen : Ars. asa. aur. bar-c. bis. carb-an. carb-v. eye. dulc. graph, grat. ipec. kal. mur-ac natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. oleand. plat. sep. zinc. —Epigastrium : Aur. rhus-r. tart. —Hypogastrium:. Tart. — Umbilical region: Oleand. Compare : Anguish. Water in the Abdomen (sensation of): AZth. crot. hell kal. ph-ac. Weakness, atony of the Abdomen: Alum, camph. crot kal. sass. Weakness of the Abdomen (sensation of): Acon. bor. magn-m. oleand. phos. staph, val. —Epigastrium (in the): Ign. lob. nitr. Weight in the Abdomen (sensation of): Am-c. am-m. asa. aur. calc. carb-an. carb-v. graph, hell. kal. lach. lyc. mere. mez. natr-m. nux-v. rhus. sep. Compare: Heaviness. Writhing in the Abdomen (sensation of): Agar. ars. asa. calc. con. dig. euphorb. magn. sabin. sil. sulph-ac. tart, verat. —Painful: Carb-an. crot. dulc. rhus-r. sil. tart. —Umbilical region: Bry. cin. crot. dulc. gran. ign. plat. For other affections of the Abdomen, see under their respectiv > heads, or pathological name. 32 ACNE. ABORTION (miscarriage). Diagnosis. The premonitory symptoms of abortion, are, in general, chilliness, btarifig down, labor-like pains, and discharge of viscous mucus, or blood from the uterus. Abortion generally occurs about the third month of pregnancy: when occurring after the sixth month, it is called premature labor. Precursors of Abortion (for the): Arn. bell. bry. cham. cocc. croc. hyos. ipec. nux-v. plat. puis. rhus. Sabin. Sec. Preventives of, or against a predisposition to Abortion. Asar. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. cham. chin. cocc. croc. ferr. kal. lyc. Sab'in. Sec. sep. sulph. zinc. Sequelae of Abortion (for the): Acon. bell. Chin. croc. cham. ferr. ipec. hyos. plat, sabin. sec. Consult causes, and compare with the particular symptoms, under their respective heads. ABSCESS (a collection of purulent matter in a sac or tumor, resulting from local inflammation terminating in sup- puration). Remedies, In General: Ars. asa. bell. bry. chain, hep. hyos. led. mere. mez. phos. puis. sil. sulph. Chronic : Ars. asa. Calc. carb-v. Hep. iod. lyc. mere, nitr-ac. Phos. Sil. staph, sulph. Liver (in the): Bell. chin, chin-s. hep. kal-bich. Lach. mere. Sil. Lumbar abscess (for): Hep. Sil. staph, sulph. Lungs (in the) : Ars. carb-an. lyc. mere. sep. stann. sil sulph. Lymphatic : Arn. ars. asa. bell. calc. carb-v. dulc. hep. iod lach. lyc. phos. sep. sil. sulph. Resolve (to): Ars. bell. Bry. cham. Hep. Merc. phos. Puls sil. sulph. Suppuration (to promote): Bell. Hep. Lach. led. Merc phos. Sil. sulph. See : TUMORS, and SUPPURATION. ACCOUCHEMENT (child-bearing). See: LABOR, an«J LYING-IN. ACHOR (suppurating pustules ending in a scab). See SCALD HEAD. ACNE (pimples on the face). In General : Alum. ant. ars bell. bor. carb-v. caus. clem. cocc. con. dulc. mere, natr-m nitr-ac. phos. ph-ac. sep. staph, sulph. zinc. Punctata (maggot pimple): Bry. calc. graph, hep. natr natr-m. nitr-ac. sabin. set. sulph. Rosacea (carbuncled face) : Ars. carb-an. calc. cann. cau* kreos. lack led. natr. phos. rhus. sep. sil. verat. AIR. 33 Acne : Young people (acne simplex) : Ars. bell. calc. carb-v hep lach. led. natr. nux-v. ph-ac: sel. sulph. Compare: ERUPTIONS. ADIPSIA (thirstlessness). See : THIRST, Absence of. AFTERNOON (sufferings aggravated in the); In General : Agar. Alum. am-c. ang. ant. arg. asa. asar. aur. Bell. bor. calc. camph. canth. chel. cic. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. dulc. ign. iod. lach. laur. Lyc. mosch. mur-ac. natr. Nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. plumb. Puls. ran. ruta. sass. sel. sen. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. Thuj. val. verat. zinc. AFTER-PAINS (pains in child-bed after delivery); In Gen- eral : Arn. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. Cham. chin. cin. coff. croc. ferr. ign. kal. natr-m. Nux-v. op.podoph. Puls. rhus. Sabin. sec. sep. sulph. AGALACTIA (deficiency of milk); In General : Acon agn. bell. bry. calc. caus. cham. dulc. puis. rhus. zinc. AGONIA (impotence, sterility). See : IMPOTENCE, and STERILITY. AGRIPNIA (sleeplessness). See: SLEEPLESSNESS. AGITATION. See : NERVOUS EXCITEMENT, REST- LESSNESS, A'C AGUE (chill, in intermittent fevers). See : INTERMIT- TENT FEVERS. AGUE in the BREAST. See : MAMMJ3, Inflammation of. AIR. Aversion to the Open air : Agar. amb. am-c. am-m. anac. ars. aur. bell. bry. Calc. camph. caps, carb-an. caus. Cham. chin. cin. Cocc. Coff. coloc Con. dros. ferr. graph. hep. Ign. ipec. Kal. lach. led. lyc. mag-aus. mang. mere, mosch. mur-ac. Natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mosch. nux-v. op. Petr. phos. plumb, puis. rhus. ruta. sel. sep. Sil. spig. staph, sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. val. verat. Desire for the Open air : Alum. amb. am-c. anac. ant. arg. arn. asa. asar. Aur. bar-c. bell. bor. calc. caps, carb-v. caus. Croc. dig. graph, hell. iod. kal. lyc. mag-arc. magn. magn-m. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m plat. Puls. l-hod. sass. sel. sen. stann. stront. sulph-ac. tar. verat. zinc. Relieved in the Open air : Acon. aeth. Alum. amb. am-c. anac. ant. arg. asa. aur. bar-c. bor. bov. caus. colch. Croc graph, hell, hep. kal. lach. lyc. Magn. magn-m. mang. mez, natr. natr-m. nic. nux-v. op. phos. plat, plumb. Puls. ran ran sc rhod. rhus. sabin. sass. sen. sep. spong. stanr, str nt sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tar. tart, verat. zinc. 34 AMAUROSIS. Air : Worse in the Open air: Agar. am-c. am-m. anac. ars. aur bell. calc. Camph. cann. canth. caps, carb-v. caus. chain. chin. Cocc. con. daph. dros. dulc. ferr. guaj. hell. hep. hyos. ign. ipec. lach, mere. mez. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. N-mos. nux-v. petr. phos. puis. rhus. sabad. sel. sea sep. Sil. spig. spong. staph, stram. sulph. sulph- ac. val. verat. See : SENSIBILITY of the Body to the Air ; eral : Acon. am-c. am-m. ant. Ars. asa. aur. bell. bry. calc. camph. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cocc. coff. cupr. ferr. fer-carb. graph, hep. hyos. ign. iod. Ipec. lach, lact. led. lob. lyc. rterc mosch. nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. op. phos. piat. puis. Samb. sang. sen. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. Sulph. tart, verat. Acute : Acon. Ars. bell. bry. cham. chin. Ipec. Lach. lact. lob. mosch. nux-v. op. puis. Samb. sulph. tart Children (in): Acon. ars. bell, camph. Cham. coff. cupr. hep. ign. Ipec. lach. nux-v. op. Puls. Samb. sulph. tart. Chill, or Cold (from a): Acon. Ars. bell. Bry. cham. dulc. Ipec. lach. nux-v. phos. puis. samb. sulph. tart. Congestion of blood to the Chest (from) : Acon. aur. Bell. calc. carb-v. cocc. ferr. mere. Nux-v. Phos. puis, spong sulph. thuj. 16 BACK AND LOINS. Asthma: Flatulent : Ars. asa. caps, carb-v. Cham. chin. hep. nati Nux-v. op. phos. sulph. verat. zinc. Hysterical : Acon. asa. aur. Bell. caus. cham. cocc. coff con. cupr. ign. ipec. lach. Mosch. n-mos. Nux-v. phos. puis strain. Mental Emotions (from): Acon. Cham. coff. Ign. lach Nrx-v. op. phos. Puls. staph, verat. Nkrvous (asthma sicca): Acon. ars. bell. cham. cupr. ipec mosch. n-mos. nux-v. op. puis. samb. stram. sulph. verat. Old persons (in): Ant. ars. aur. Bar-c. camph. carb-v. caus. chin. con. Lach. lact. op. sulph. Pituitous : Ars. bry. calc. chin. cupr. dulc. ferr. hep. ipec. lach. mere phos. pids. samb. sep. stann. tart, sulph. zinc. Spasmodic (cramps in the chest): Ars. Bell. bry. cam. Cocc. Cupr. hyos. lach. lact. mosch. Nux-v. Samb. stann. sulph. tart. zinc. Suppressed Eruptions, or habitual discharge (from): Ars. Bry. carb-v. Ipec. lach. nux-v. phos. samb. sulph, Wigand, or Millar's Asthma (of): Acon. ars. bell. cham. cupr. ipec. lach. mosch. puis. Samb. tart ASTHMA of MILLAR (a disease resembling croup, but dis- tinguished from it by its periodical paroxysms, absence of lever, and pale urine). Remedies, In General : Acon. ars. bell. cham. cupr. ipec. lach. mosch. puis. Samb. tart ATROPHY (wasting of flesh). See : MARASMUS. AUTUMN (sufferings aggravated in). Remedies, In Gen- eral: Aur. bry. chin, colch. mere, nux-v. rhod. rhus. verat. AXILLA (arm-pit). Eruption under the Axilla: Carb-an. carb-v. lyc. petr. phos. Excoriation under the Axilla : Carb-v. graph. Moisture, Oozing, under the Axilla: Carb-an. carb-v. Scurf under the Axilla: Natr-m. Sweat under the Axilla: Bov. bry. carb-v.hep. kal.natr-m. phos. sel. sep. sulph. BACK, and LOINS. Abscess, in the Lumbar region : Chin. hep. Sil. staph, sulph. Boils in the Back : Acon. caus. coloc. mur-ac. sulph-ac thui Compare: BOILS- ' J' Burning in the Back : Carb-an. carb-v. daph. lyc. magn-m mere natr. nitr. sen. sulph. tart. Compare: Pains Burning. Coldness in the Back: Am-m. bell. calc. caps. croc. lach. lyc. natr-m. see sep. sulph. BACK AND LOINS 47 Co '.n ness in the Loins : Carb-v. Cracking in the Vertebrae: Mag. natr. spong. stann. sulph Cramps in the Back: Bry. cic. con. iod. lyc. spong. Crawling in the Back : Acon. alum. anac. arn. caus. graph, lach. natr. ph-ac. ran-sc. sec. —Loins (in the): Ph-ac. sass. stann. —Sacrum (in the): Bor. Curvature of the Spine : Bell. Calc. con. lyc. plumb, puis rhus. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. Drawing in the Back: Am-c. crot. Hep. lach. lact. petr. sen. sulph-ac. teuc. thuj. —Coccyx (in the) : Graph. —Loins (in the): Am-c. calc-caus. colch. con. hep. kal. kreos. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. —Spine (in the) : Cyc. daph. sulph. Eruptions in the Back: Ant. arg-nit. ars. bell. lyc. petr. ph-ac. sep. squill, tab. Compare : ERUPTIONS. Fatigue in the Back (sensation of): Petr. phos —Loins (in the): Arg-nit. Heaviness in the Back (sensation of): Amb. bov. petr. sulph. —Loins (in the): Arg-nit. bell. berb. magn-s. rhus. —Sacrum (in the): Arg-nit. bell. —Stooping (after) : Bov. Herpes in the Back : Ars. lach. zinc. Itching in the Back : Ant. bar-c. cocc. daph. guaj. kal. lyc magn-s. mere nitr-ac. puis, rhus-r. sen. spong. ther. —Coccyx (in the): Graph. —Loins (in the) : Sass. stann. —Sacrum (in the) : Bor. —Shoulders (between the): Arg. nitr-ac. rhus-r. Jerking in the Back: Calc. nitr-ac. stann. —Loins (in the): Chin. rat. —Spine (in the): Bruc. Lameness in the Back : Asar. rhus-r. —Loins (in the): Berb. dulc. kalm. lach. phos. sel. siL —Sacrum (in the): Arg-nit. Compare : Rigidity, and Pains. Numbness in the Back : Sec. —Coccyx (in the): Plat. —Loins (in the): Acon. berb. carb-v. spong. —Spine (in the): Coa Pains, after Exertion,—in the Back: Calc. sulph. ----Loins (in the): Calc-ph. phos. sang, sulph. 18 Back AJND LOINS. Pains: —Inspiration (during): Acon. berb. sass. spig. sulph. -----Loins (in the): Carb-an. croc, sulph. —Lying down (when): Agar. ars. euphorb. nitr. sil. -----Loins (in the): Agar. berb. bry. chin, rhus-r. —Morning (in the): Dros. euphorb. kal. magn-s. ran. -----Loins (in the): Aur. calad. croc, graph, ign. natr-m nic. nitr. nux-v. staph. —Movement (during): Chin. lyc. nitr-ac. petr. phos. spig. stram. -----Loins (in the): Am-c. caus. chin, colch. dig. eup. lyc. nitr-ac. phos. rhus. —Night (at): Arg-nit. carb-an. cham. kreos. lyc. magn-s. ph-ac. staph. -----Loins (in the): Am-m. ang. cham. chin. croc. dulc. kreos. lyc. magn-s. natr-m. nic. nitr. rhus-r. staph. —Repose (during): Am-c. kal. kreos. -----Loins (in the): Alum. am-c. dulc. kreos. rhus. staph. —Rising up (when): Ant. phos. verat. -----Loins (in the): Fer-acet. led. natr-m. petr. phos. staph verat. —Seated (when) : Euphr. lyc. sep. tab. terb. -----Loins (in the): Bar-c. bor. bry. caus. lyre men. tab. zinc. —Sitting a while (after): Led. phos. -----Loins (in the): Led. phos. —Stooping (when): Bov. caps. lyc. par. sass. sulph. ----Loins (in the): Am-c. bor. bry. chel. hep. lyc. men. nitr. ol-an. phos. sulph. — Walking (when): Euphr. phos. sep. -----Loins (in the): Am-m. bry. coff. hep. kal. spong. zinc. Pains (indefinite) in the Back: Acon. anac. arg-nit. asa. bare. bov. caps, carb-an. cham. con. eup. graph, hyos. kreos. lach. lob. lyc. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. par. petr. phos. puis. ran. rhus. rhus-r. sang. sep. spig. staph, sulph. tab. zinc. — —Loins (in the) : Alum. am-c. am-m. arg-nit. asa. aur. Bar-c. bor. bry. calad. Calc. caus. chain, chin. coff. colch. con. croc, crotal. dulc. eup. euphorb. fer-acet. Graph, hep. hyos. Kal. kal-bich. Kreos. lach. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. magn-s. mang. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nic. nitr. nitr-ac. Nux-v. ol-an. petr. phos. ph-ac prun. puis. Rhus-r. sabad. sass. Sep. Sil. staph, sulph. tab. verat zinc. BACK AND LOINS. 49 Pains (indefinite): ----Sacrum (in the): Arg-nit. ign. kal-bich. kalm. lach. mere sang. •----Spine (a\ the): Kalm. lact. sep. Pains Aching in the Back: Am-c. caps. cocc. euphr. kal- bich. lyc. nitr-ac. nux-v. puis. rhod. sulph. terb. ----Coccyx (in the): Iod. petr. sil. zinc. ----Loins (in the): Am-c. aur. berb. carb-v. caus. cocc coff. graph, ign. kalm. kreos. lyc. men. mur-ac. nitr-ac. nux-v. ph-ac. puis. rhod. rhus. rhus-r spong. verat. zinc. ----Sacrum (in the): Carb-v. iod. mea ----Spine (in the): Cann. cin. samb. Pains as from a Bruise, in the Back: Acon. alum. am-m. arn. asar. calc. carb-v. chin. cin. dros. eup. kal. magn. magn-s. mere natr. n-mos. Nux-v. plat. ran. rat. rhod, Rhus. ruta. sabad. spig. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. verat. ----Coccyx (in the): Caus. kal-hyd. ----Loins (in the) : Acon. alum. am-m. ang. arg-nit. arn. ars. asar. aur. berb. bry. calad. caps. chin. cin. cocc. dig. fer-acet. gins. gran, graph, hep. kal. kal-hyd. kreos. lach. lact. magn. magn-m. men. mere. Natr-m. natr-s. nitr. n-mos. Nux-v. phel. phos. plat, ran-sc. rat. rhod. ruta. sabad. sass. staph, stront. 6ulph. sulph-ac. thuj. verat. ----Sacrum (in the): Chin, ruta ----Spine (in the): Spig. Pains Burning, in the Back: Alum. arn. ars. bar-c. carb-an. lach. magn-ra mere nitr-ac. nux-v. ol-an. oleand. phel. phos. rhus. sel. sen. sep. sil. stann. sulph. verat. zinc. ----Loins (in the): Am-c. asar. berb. bor. hep. lach. phos. ph-ac. rhus. sep. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. ----Sacrum (in the): Kalm. sulph. ----Spine (in the): Kalm. Pains Contractive, (cramplike), in the Back: Arn. bruc bry. euphorb. euphr. graph, lact. mez. nitr. ----Coccyx (in the): Kreos. ----Loins (in the) : Bell, kreos. magn-m. men. mere mei tab. ----Sacrum (in the): Bell. mez. Pains Cutting, in the Back: Graph, natr-s. sen. sep. ----Loins (in the): Mez. natr-m. petr. sep. 5 50 Bai;k AND LOINS. Pains Cutting: ----Spine (in the): Lob. Pains Digging, Grubbing, in the Back : Acon. dulc. sep. ----Loins (in the): Arg-nit. kreos. Pains Dislocating, or Wrenching, in the Back: Agar, ara bell. calc. nux-v. phos. puis. rhod. Pains Drawing, in the Back : Amb. anac. ars. bell, canth. caps, carb-v. cham. cin. cocc. dros. Kal. lach. Lyc. mosch. nitr-ac. 'nux-v. ph-ac. rhod. rhus. stram. stront. -----Coccyx (in the): Caus. kreos. -----Loins (in the): Am-c. ang. aur. berb. calc. carb-an. dig. Kal. lach. Lyc. nitr-ac. nux-v. puis, sabin. sil. spong. stram. stront. terb. val. -----Sacrum (in the): Caus. -----Spine (in the): Berb. cin. daph. mosch. stram. Pains as from Excoriation, in the Back: Ca3t. mere sulph-ac. -----Loins (in the): Cast, colch. Natr. sulph-ac. -----Sacrum (in the): Cast. Pains as from Fatigue, in the Back : Cin. coloc. petr. sabad tart. zinc. -----Loins (in the): Am-m. aur. bruc. cin. gran, graph. hep. laur. natr-m, puis. sep. tart. -----Sacrum (in the): Bruc. Pains Gnawing, in the Back: Hell, magn-m. natr-s. ----Coccyx (in the) : Kal. ph-ac. -----Loins (in the): Am-c. canth. magn-m. nic. -----Sacrum (in the): Alum. -----Spine (in the): Bell, natr-s. Pains Jerking, in the Back : Chin. cin. -----Loins (in the): Chin. Pains Paralytic, in the Back: Agar. asar. sil. zinc. -----Loins (in the): Acon. cocc. Natr-m. ran-sc. sabin. sep sil. zinc. -----Sacrum (in the): Arg-nit. Pains Piercing, Boring, in the Back: Cocc. kal-bich. thuj. -----Coccyx (in the): Magn. -----Loins (in the): Merc, natr-m. Pains Pinching, in the Back : Aur. bell. cann. dros. graph. lyc. phos. sil. sulph. zinc. -----Loins (in the): Caus. Pains Pressive, in the Back: Amb. anac. arn. chel. coa mur-ac. natr-m. nitr. sabin. samb. sass. sen. sep. tar verat. BACK AND LOINS. 51 Pains Pressing : ----Coccyx (in the): Carb-an. ----Loins (in the): Berb. bor. carb-an. sabin. samb. spong. tar. Pains Pricking, in the Back : Oleand. plat. spig. Pains Pulsative, in the Back : Chin. mez. ruta. ----Coccyx (in the): Par. ----Loins (in the): Am-c. sulph. Pains Rheumatic, in the Back : Amb. bell, carb-v. graph. mez. puis. ran. rhod. sang, sulph. ----Loins (in the): Lach. nux-v. puis, sulph. Pains Shooting, in the Back : Alum. calc. canth. caus. kal- bich. oleand. par. puis. rhus. sass. sil. spig. sulph. tar. ----Loins (in the): Alum. amb. berb. calc. carb-v. caus. hep. lyc. magn. natr. natr-s. puis. ruta. sil. spig. sulph. tar. ----Sacrum (in the): Calc. zinc. ----Spine (in the) : Bell, sabin. Compare : Pains Stitching. Pains Spasmodic, in the Back: Acon. bry. con. euphorb, euphr. graph, lact. natr. sep. ----Loins (in the): Bell. gran, kreos. magn-m. plat. sil. Pains as from a Sprain, in the Back : Bell, canth. cocc. con. euphorb. kal. ol-an. rhod. rhus. sulph. ----Loins (in the): Arg. arg-nit. calc. canth. hep. mur-ac. petr. rhod. sep. staph, sulph. Pains Stabbing, in the Back: Chin, kal-bich. laur. sil. ----Coccyx (in the): Rhus. ----Loins (in the): Bell, calc-caus. puis. sil. spong. ----Spine (in the): Tar. Pains Stinging, in the Back : Cham. lyc. magn-m. par. ----Loins (in the): Colch. lyc. nitr. Pains Stitching, in the Back: Alum. arn. calc. carb-aa caus. eye hep. kal. lach. lyc. magn. mez. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. par. rat. sabin. stann. sulph. zinc. ----Coccyx (in the): Par. verat. ----Continuous in the Back : Carb-v. nitr-ac. ----Inspiration (during): Calc. carb-an. mez. ----Loins (in the): Amb. arn. bar-c. bry. calad. con. dig. dulc. iod. kal-bich. laur. magn. mere mur-ac. natr. nic staph, sulph. zinc. ------Inspiration (during): Dulc. kal-bich. mere ----Sacrum (in the) : Calc. carb-an. colch. phell. ----Spine (in the): Hell. ruta. stann. Compare: Pains Shooting. 52 BACK AND LOINS. Pains as from a Strain, in the Back: Kal. nux-v. oleand phos. -----Loins (in the): Rhus. Rhus-r. val. phos. Pains Tearing (sharp drawing): Ant. calc-caus. cham. cinn. cocc. colch. lach. lyc. magn-m. magn-s. mang. nitr-ac nux-v. op. ph-ac. plumb, sep. sil. stram. sulph. -----Coccyx (in the): Cyc. mere par. -----Loins (in the): Berb. calc-caus. carb-v. chel. cocc. croc. dig. kal. lyc. mez. natr-m. nux-v. plumb, spong. stram. stront. sulph. -----Sacrum (in the): Calc-caus. -----Spine (in the): Caps. cin. lach. magn. mang. natr-s. sabin. stann. Pains Tensive, in the Back : Arg-nit. hep. mez. natr. sulph. ----Loins (in the): Bar-c. berb. cliin. ign. mez. puis. sass. tar. zinc. Pains as from Ulceration, in the Back: Cyc. kreos. puis. ----Coccyx (in the): Phos. -----Loins (in the): Kreos. natr-s. prun. ----Sacrum (in the): Colch. -----Spine (in the): Carb-an. Pains Violent, in the Back: Alum, canth. kal. nitr-ac. phos -----Loins (in the): Alum, carb-v. dulc. graph, hep. kal kal-hyd. lyc. nitr. nitr-ac. tab. Paralysis of the Back: Sil.—Loins (of the): Natr-m. Perspiration on the Back : Ars. calc. chin, cliin-s. dulc. hep. lach. lyc. natr. petr. ph-ac. sep. sil. verat. Pressure in the Back: Alum. crot. kal. lyc. nitr. petr. puis. sen. stann. zinc. —Loins (in the): Ang. canth. carb-v. chel. graph, lach. nitr. rhus. samb. sep. stann. zinc. —Region of the kidneys (in the): Carb-an. kal. lyc. —Sacrum (in the): Acon. cann. mosch. ol-an. —Spine (in the): Graph, mur-ac. stann. zinc. Pulsations in the Back: Bar-c. chin. lyc. nitr-ac. thuj. —Loins (in the): Caus. coloc. graph, ign. kal. lach. natr-m. sep. —Sacrum (in the): Ign. ol-an. tab. —Spine (in the): Thuj. Rigidity of the Back : Acon. anac. ang. caus. guaj. Kal, Lach. laur. led. lyc. natr-m. nux-v. ol-an. petr. prun. puis, rhus-r. Sep. sil. Sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. ----Morning (in the): Ang. sulph. ----Painful: Caus. lach. led. -----Sitting a while (after): Anac. caus. led. BALANORRHCEA 53 Rigidity of the Back: ----Stooping (after): Bov. — Loins (of the): Acon. amb. am-m. ars. bar-c. bry Caus. cham. kal. lach. laur. led. lyc. petr. prun. puis. 1 heum. rhus. rhus-r. sep. sil. sulph. thuj. ----Evening (in the): Bare. -----Morning (in the): Thuj. -----Painful: Bry. rhus. led. sep. ----Sitting a while (after): Amb. cham. led. —Spine (of the): Calc. carb-v. nitr-ac. Shivering in the Back: Bell. bov. caps. ign. guaj. rhus-r. sep. spong. stann. staph. —Loins (in the): Rhod. Shuddering in the Back: Bell. bov. gent-lut. natr-m. sena zinc. —Loins (in the): Rhod. Shocks in the Back: Cic. —Loins (in the): Croc. dulc. stann. —Sacrum (in the): Samb. —Spine (in the): Plat. Spasms or Convulsions in the Back : Ang. bell, canth.cham. cic. con. ign. iod. ipec. lach. nux-v. op. rhus. stann. stram. Swelling of the Back: Ars. bell. bov. calc. kal. lach, lyc. mang. natr. nitr-ac. nux-v. puis, sulph. —Loins (of the): Arn. bell, carb-v. kal. lach. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. puis. rhus. ruta. sil. staph, sulph. zinc. —Rheumatic : Con. mere. rhus. sulph. —Spine (of the): Calc. sep. Tightness, tension in the Back: Amb. am-c. am-m. ang. calc-caus. coloc. lact. laur. lyc. mosch. natr-m. nic. ol-an. puis, sulph. teuc. —Loins (in the): Agar. am-c. bar-c. berb. carb-v. lach. magn puis. sep. sulph. zinc. Weakness of the Back : Agar. asar. bar-c. lach. nux-v. petr. rhus-r. sil, zinc. —Loins (in the): Ars. asar. calad. eup. mere nux-v. petr. phos. ruta. sep. sil. sulph. zinc. —Spine (of the): Hep. rhus-r. Other affections of the Back and Loins; See : under the head of their Pathological name. BALANITIS (inflammation of the glans penis). Remedies In General : Arn. ars. cann. cupr. led. Merc. natr. plumb rhus. sass. BALANORRHCEA (pseudo-gonorrhoea). Remedies, In Gen 6* 54 BITES. eral : Ant. cinn. chin. Merc. mez. Nitr-ac. nux-v. pefcroa sep. sulph. thuj. Compare: URETHRA, Discharge. BARRENNESS (sterility). Remedies, In General: Aga am-c, Bor. calc. cann. caus. con. croc. ferr. graph. Merc natr. natr-m. phos. plat. ruta. sulph. sulph-ac. Early Catamenia (with too): Calc. phos. plat, sulph-ac. Feeble Catamenia (with too): Am-c. <■■■ n. graph, phos. sulph. Profuse Catamenia (with too): Calc. ferr. mere, natr-m. plat. Retarded Catamenia (with): Caus. con. dulc. graph, sulph. BATHING (sufferings from). Remedies, In General : Am-c. Ant. bell. Calc. carb-v. caus. dulc. mang. mere Nitr-ac. n-mos. phos. Rhus. sass. sep. sil. spig. staph, stront. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. •Cold Bathing (from): Ars. bell, canth. hyos. ign. mere natr. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. puis. Rhus. sass. sep. sulph. Sea Bathing (from): Ant. ars. calc. nitr-ac. Rhus. sep. sulph. BED (sufferings aggravated while in). Remedies, In Gener- al: Amb. ant. ars. bov. calc. caus. cham. coloc. daph. dros. euphorb. ferr. graph, hep. ign. iod. kal. led. lyc. magn. mang. mere, nux-v. phos. puis. rhod. rhus. sabin. sep. sil. spig. stront. sulph. thuj. verat. Compare: WARMTH. BELCHING (eructation). See : ERUCTATIONS. BILIOUS FEVER (febris bihosa). Diagnosis. The symp- toms usually predominant, are,—fulness in the epigas- trium, lassitude, headache, eructation, nausea, and some- times vomiting of bilious matters. Tongue coated yel- lowish, or brown, the bowels costive, or lax, and, in the latter case, the evacuations are often very offensive, and of a greenish, yellowish, or brownish color. The skin is usually hot and dry, and of a yellowish cast. There is generally great restlessness, excessive thirst, and longing for acids. The pulse full, quick and soft, irregular or intermittent. The urine thick, cloudy, and high-colored. Remedies, In General : Acon. ars. Bry. cham. chin, coloc cocc. dig. eup. ipec. Nux-v. Puls. rhus. sulph. tart, verat. Compare: with the particular symptoms. BITES of Animals. Remedies, In General: Arn. sulph-ac. Apply externally a weak solution of the tincture of Arnica. Insects. Bites or Stings of Insects: Acon. arn. bell, calad. camph. Smelling—and bathing the part affected with Camphor,is often of great service. BLADDER. « 55 Bites : Rabid Animals (of). See : HYDROPHOBIA. Venomous Serpents (of;: Am-c. Ars. bell, ind. lach. sea Also, apply dry heat at a distance. See under the head of Hydrophobia. BLACK VOMIT (melaena). Diagnosis. Vomiting and purg- ing of black and tar-like, or brownish matters; accompa- nied with fits of fainting, trembling, anxiety, cold sweats, cold extremities, great prostration, and spasms. The attacks are usually preceded by loss of appetite, pressure in the epigastrium, and violent pains in the pit of the stomach and abdomen, frequently increasing to that de- gree as to produce fainting. The pulse is usually weak, intermittent, and variable. Remedies, In General: Ars. chin. ipec. Nux-v. petr. phos. plumb, sec. Verat. BLADDER. Burning in the Bladder: Acon. berb. Canth. colch. lach. rheum, sep. terb. —Neck of the Bladder (in the): Acon. canth. cham. nux-v. petr. puis, staph. Calculus in the Bladder : Amb. ant. arn. calc. cann. canth. chin. kal. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v.petr. phos. puis. ruta. Sass. sep. sil. thuj. zinc. Catarrh of the Bladder: Amb. ant. calc. con. cop. cann. Dulc. kal. mere nux-v. phos. Puls. Sulph. terb. Constriction in the Bladder: Berb. caps, ph-ac. puis. sass. sep. Fullness in the Bladder (painful sensation of) : Calad. Heat in the Bladder: Acon. herb, canth. colch. Inch, rheum. FLkmorrhagk from the Bladder (haeniaturia): Canth. chin. Lyc. Mez. Mill, nux-v. phos. puis. Compare : URINE, Bloody. Hemorrhoids in the Bladder: Acon. ant. ars. calc. carb-v. colch. lach. Nux-v. Puls. sulph. Inflammation of the Bladder. See : CYSTITIS. Pains Contractive, in the Bladder : Berb. caps, ph-ac. puis. sass. —Drawing : Berb. rhod. —Incisive : Berb. canth. caps. kal. lach. lyc. mang. terb. — 1'ressive: Berb. colch. con. lach. puis. sass. sep. squill tart. —Shooting : Berb. canth. lyc. sulph. tart. ■—Spasmodic : Berb. prun. Compare : Spasms. Paralysis of the Bkdder: Acon. ars. bell. cic. dulc. hyot. lach. laur. lact. mur-ac. nux-v. petr. phos. 56 BLEPHAROSPASMS Bladder: Polypus in the Bladder : Calc. con. ? lyc. ? phos. ? staph. ? Pressure in the Bladder: Acon. aur. berb. chin, colch. con. lach. nitr-ac. ol-an. puis. ruta. sass. Sep. squill, sulph. tart. zinc. Soreness (painful sensibility) of the Bladder : Canth puis. Spasms in the Bladder: Asa. caps. hyos. ph-ac. prun. sass sep. terb. Suppuration in the Bladder : Acon. canth. Compare : Ulcers. Tension and pressure in the Bladder: Tart. Thickening of the Bladder: Dulc. mere puis, sulph. Ulcers in the Bladder : Clem. ran. Weakness in the Bladder: Alum. am-c. magn-m. mur-ac rheum. Other affections of the bladder, See: under the head of their Pathological name. BLEEDING (haemorrhage). See: HAEMORRHAGE; and also, Hemorrhage from the particular organs. BLENORRHCEA (mucous discharge). See: the particular organs, and the Pathological name of the affection. BLEPHARITIS (inflammation of the eyelids). Remedies, In General : Acon. ant. ars. bar-c. Bell. brv. calc, Cham. chin. caus. cocc. Euphr. hep. iod. kreos. lyc. Merc, natr-m. nux-v. Puls. rhus. rhus-r. sep. spig. Staph, sulph. thuj. verat. zinc. Chronic : Ant. ars. bar-c. calc. chin. hep. kreos. led. ol-jee natr. phos. sulph. External Surface : Acon. bar-c. bell. hep. puis. rhus. rhus-r. sulph. Internal Surface : Ars. bar-c. bell. brom. hep. mere, nux-v. sulph. Margins of the Lids : Bar-c. bell. cham. clem, euphr. hep. mere, nux-v. puis, sulph. Styes : Acon. am-c bry. calc. lyc. mere phos. Puls. rhus. sep. Staph, sulph. thuj. BLEPHAROPLEGIA (paralysis of the eyelids). Rem'Jie?, In General : Alum. ars. bell. calc. cupr. dulc. hyos. lach. graph, nitr-ac. op. plumb, rhus. sep. spig. stram. Verat. zinr. BLEPHaROPHTHALMIA (inflammation of the eyelids> See: BLEPHARITIS. BLEPHAROSPASMUS (spasm of the eyelids). Remedies BOILS. 5^ In General : Alum. bell. cham. croc. hep. Hyos. lyc. op rhod. ruta. sen. staph, stram. sulph. BLINDNESS (loss of sight). Attacks of Blindness. Re <- edies, In General : Acon. ant. aur. Bell. calc. cann. caus. cheL chin. cic. Con. croc. dig. gent-lut. Hyos. kal. lyc mere, natr-m. op. petr. Phos. plumb. Puls. ruta. sec. sep. Sil. spig. Stram. sulph. tart, verat. Diurnal (nyctalopia): Acon. Con. nitr. nux-v. phos. sil. strain, sulph. Momentary : Acon. agar. anac. aur. Bell. calc. caus. Cic. con. croc. dig. dros. euphr. gent-lut. hep. Hyos. lyc. mang. Merc, mosch. mur-ac. Natr-m. nitr. nux-v. Oleand. op. Phos. Puls. sec. sil. spig. staph. Stram. sulph. Nocturnal (haemeralopia): Bell. hyos. mere. puis, stram. verat. Periodical: Acon. ant. bar-c. bell. calc. chel. chin. con. croc. dig. euphr. hyos. lyc. natr-m. nux-v. phos. puis. sec. sep. sil. sulph. BLISTERS (vesicles, or filled pustules). See : VESICLES. BLOOD, Congestion of Blood. See: CONGESTION. Decomposition of the Blood: Am-c. am-m. op. Ebullition. Agitation, boiling of the Blood: Acon. amb. am-c. ars. asar. Aur. bar-c. bell. bov. bry. Calc. carb-v. caus. chin. croc. ferr. hep. iod. kal. Kreos. Lyc. mere. mosch. natr-m. nux-v. op. petr. Phos. ph-ac. puis. rhus. sabad. samb. sass. Sep. sil. stann. staph, sulph. thuj. viol-od. Extravasation of Blood: Arn. ars. bry. chin. con. dulc. lach. led. nux-v. rhus. ruta. sulph. Sulph-ac. Obstructed, or Interrupted Circulation (sensation of): Acon. bell. bry. croc. dig. ign. lyc. nux-v. oleand. puis. rhod. sabad. sen. sep. sulph. zinc. Plethora (fullness of blood): Acon. arn. aur. Bell. bry. calc. chin. croc. cupr. dig. dulc. Ferr. graph, hep. Hyos. kal. lach. lyc. mere natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhur sel. sep. sil. stram. sulph. thuj. Sweating of Blood : Arn. calc. chin. clem, crotal. lach. lyc. n-mos. nux-v. Want (deficiency) of Blood : Alum. arn. Ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. Chin. con. cupr. ferr. ign. kal. lyc. mere. natr. natr-m. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabin. sep. siL squill, stann. staph, sulph. val. verat. zinc. BOILS (furunculi). Remedies, In General: Alum, am-c am-m. ant. Arn. ars. aur. Bell. bry. calc. carb-an. chin 50 BONES. Boils : euphorb. graph, hep. hyos. lach. led. Lyc. magn-m. Merc mur-ac. natr-m. nitr. Nitr-ac. n-mos. petr. Phos. ph-ac. rhus. sec. sep. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. Disposition to Boils (against a): Calc. Lyc. nux-v. phos sulph. Groups (in): Am-c. graph. Hep. natr-m. phos. zinc. Large : Calc. Hep. hyos. Lyc. natr. Nitr-ac. phos. Sil. Small : Arn. bell. magn. natr-m. sulph. zinc. Also, See : the Particular Organs: Boils. BONES (affections of the). Remedies, In General : Ant. ang arg. ars. Asa. Aur. bar-c. bell. calc. canth. chin. con. cupi dulc. hep. lyc. mang. Merc. mez. natr-m. Nitr-ac. phos. p>h ac. puis. rhus. ruta. sabin. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. Band around the bones (sensation as of a): Aur. chin, con graph, lyc. mere natr-m. Nitr-ac. petr. phos. Puls. sil Sulph. Burning: Ars. asa. carb-v. euphorb. lyc. 'eerc. phos.ph-ac. rhus. rata. sil. staph, sulph. thuj. Compare: Pains Burning. Caries of the Bones. See : Ulceration, and NECROSIS Coldness in the Bones (sensation of): Ars. calc. lyc. sep zinc. Crooked (incurvation): Am-c. Asa. bell. Calc. ferr. hep. iod. lyc. Merc. mez. nitr-ac. phos. ph-ac. puis. ruta. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. Fractures (to consolidate): Am. asa. calc. lyc. nitr-ac. phos. ruta. sil. sulph. Symfh. Inflammation of the Bones: Acon. ars. asa. aur. bell. bry. calc. clem. con. hep. lyc. mang. Merc. mez. nitr-ac. phos. Puls. rhus. sep. Sil. Staph, sulph, —Periosteum (of the): Asa. bell. chin. mere, ph-ac. puis, sil staph. Necrosis (death of a bone): Ars. Asa. bell. calc. con euphorb. kreos. mere. phos. ph-ac. plumb, sabin. sec. sil sulph. thuj. Pains (indefinite) in the Bones: Am-m. arg. ars. Asa. aur berb. calc. chin. cocc. cupr. cyc. daph. dulc. eup. ferr. kreos lack lyc. magn. mang. Merc. mez. mur-ac. nitr. nitr-ac. phos: Ph-ac. puis. rhus. ruta. sabin. sep. sil. Staph, sulph. —Aching: Am-m. arg. Asa. aur. bar-c. bell. berb. bry. calc. coloc. cupr. cupr-carb. cyc. daph. diad. cup. lach'mang Merc. mez. Nitr-ac. phos. Ph-ac. plumb, rhod, ruta stopli. BONES. 59 Pains : —Bruise (as from a): Agar. am-m. asa. aur. bare. belL bry. calc. chin. cocc. eup. hep. ign. ipec. led. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. phos. puis. rhus. ruta. sep. sulph. verat. —Burning: Arg. ars. Euphorb. zinc. Compare: Burning. — Cramp-like: Ang. aur. bell. calc. ign. mez. oleand. petr. Ph-ac. plat. —Drawing, tearing: Acon. agar. am-m. ang. Arg. arn. asa. aur. bare bell. bry. carb-v. caus. cham. Chin. cocc. coloc. cupr. dros. dulc. hep. Kal. lach. lyc. magn. mang. Merc. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. phos. ph-ac. plumb, puis. Rhod. rhus. ruta. sabin. sep. spig. spong. staph, stront. thuj. verat. zinc. —Flesh was beaten off the Bones (sensation as if the): Bry. dros. ign. kreos. led. nitr-ac. Rhus, sulph, thuj. — Gnawing: Arg. bell. dros. lyc. mang. phos. puis. ruta. samb. staph, sulph. stront. —Jerking: Asa. calc. caus. cham. Chin. cupr. lyc. natr-m. petr. phos. puis. rhod. rhus. sep. sil. val. —Paralytic: Aur. bell. chin. cocc. cyc. dig. led. mez. nux-v. puis. rhus. sabin. Sil. spig. staph, —Piercing, boring: Asa. aur. bell. calc. dulc. hell. hep. lyc. mere. mez. natr-m. puis. rhod. sep. sil. spig. sulph. thuj. —Pricking: Ars. Bell. calc. caus. chin. Con. dros. dulc graph, hell. kal. lach. mang. Merc. Mez. nitr-ac. petr. phos. ph-ac. Puls. ran. ruta. sabin. Sass. Sep. staph. —Scraping, or as if the bones were being scraped: Asa Chin, coloc. ph-ac. puis. Rhus, sabad. spig. —Soreness (as from) : Con. hep. ign. mere ph ac. sep. sil. —Spasmodic: Aur. oleand. Compare: Cramp-like. —Stitching, shooting: Ars. asa. aur. bell, calc. caus. chia con. dros. hell. lach. mere. mez. phos. puis. ruta. sass. sep. Pulsations in the Bones: Asa. calc. carb-v. lyc. mere nitr- ac. phos. rhod. ruta. sabad. sil. sulph. Sensibility (painful) of the Bones: Aur. bell. calc. carb-an. chin. lyc. natr. Puls. rhus. Sil. sulph. —Periosteum (of the): Bell, cltin. mere Ph-ac. puis. rhus. ruta. sil. spig. staph. Softening of the Bones: Asa. bell. Calc. ferr. hep. lyc. Merc. mez. nitr-ac. petr. phos. ph-ac. puis. ruta. sep. sil. sulph. Swelling of the Bones: Asa. aur. Calc. clem. con. daph. dulc. hep. lyc. mang. mere. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-jug. petr. phos. Ph-ac. puis. rhus. ruta. sabin. sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. 60 BRONCHITIS. Bones (swelling): —Periosteum (of the): Ant. Asa. aur. chin. mang. men mez. Pk-ac. puis. rhod. ruta, sabin. sil. staph. Ulceration (caries): Ars. aur. Asa. bell. calc. chin, con euphorb. graph, hep. iod. Lyc. Merc. mez. nitr-ac. petr phos. Ph-ac. puis. ruta. sec. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. —Periosteum (of the;: Ant. Asa. aur. chin. mere. mez. Ph- ac. puis. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabin. sil. staph. BORBORYGMUS (rumbling in tlie abdomen). See: AB- DOMEN, Rumbling, Grumbling, and Gurgling. BRAIN. Concussion of the Brain. Remedies, In General: Acon. am-m. Arn. bell, bry. Cic. dig. hep. ign. mere. nux-v. rhus. ruta. Dropsy on the Brain. See: HYDROCEPHALUS. Inflammation of the Brain. See : ENCEPHALITIS. Paralysis of the Brain (symptoms of): Ars. laur. lyc. lup. zinc. Sensibility of the Brain (excessive): Con. mere nitr-ac. phos. BREAST (external part of the chest). See: CHEST. BREASTS (mammae, female breasts). See : MAMMiE. BREATH, Cold: Ars. camph. Carb-v. chin, mur-ac. rhus. verat. Hot : Acon. ant. asar. calc. cham. mang. natr-m. phos. plat. rhus. sabad. squill, stront. sulph. zinc. Offensive : Acon. anac. arn. Ars. aur. bell. bry. carb-an. Carb-v. cham. chin. cist. croc. dulc. graph, ipec. lyc. Merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. ph-ac. podoph. puis. rhus. rhus-r. sass. sep. sulph. —Puberty (in girls at the age of): Aur. bell. hyos. puis. sep. sil. spig. sulph. Compare : MOUTH. Smell of the Mouth (offensive). BREATHING. See: RESPIRATION, and CHEST; In- spiration ; and Pains during Inspiration. BRONCHIA (ramifications of the windpipe). See: LARYNX. BRONCHIA, and THROAT. BRONCHITIS (inflammation of the bronchia). Diagnosis. Acute bronchitis usually commences with chilliness, fol- lowed by heat, fever, cough, hoarseness, oppressed, and wheezing, whistling, rattling, or bubbling respiration. The cough is generally dry at the commencement, and subsequently succeeded by expectoration of frothy, vis- cous, or blood-streaked mucus. Remedies, In General : Acon. am-c. ars. bell. bov. bry. cham. dros. hep. >pec CALCULUS. 61 Bronchitis : iod. lach. mere nux-v. phos. puis, rhus-r. squill. SroNa sulph. Chronic: Am-c. ars. calc. carb-v. Caus. dulc. iod. hep. lack lact. lyc. maga natr. natr-m. nux-v. Phos. sil, stann. staph. sulph, Compare: CATARRH, COUGH, LARYNX, BRONCHIA, <£c. BRONCHOCELE (goitre). See: GOITRE. BRUISES (contusions). Remedies, In General: Arnica, in- ternally, and the tincture of arnica applied externally. Also: Acon. am-c. arg. calend. caus. cic. con. dros. hep. oleand. phos. puis. rhod. rhus. ruta. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. Glands (of the): Am, cic. Con. dulc. iod. kaL phos. puis. rhus. sil. Joints and Tendons (of the): Arn. con. puis. Rhus, ruta Muscles (of the): Arn. coa natr-m. phos. Puls. rhus. ruta. Periosteum (of the): Arn. con. phos. ph-ac. puis. Ruta. staph. Compare: with the particular symptoms, and See: WOUNDS. BUBOES (inflamed glandular swellings; usually in the groin or axilla: called constitutional in scrofula, specific in syphilis, and pestilential in the plague). Constitutional. See : SCROFULA, and compare : GLANDS. Pestilential. See : PLAGUE; and CARBUNCLE. Syphilitic : Aur. calc. carb-v. hep. Merc, nitr-ac. staph. sil. thuj. BUBONOCELE (inguinal hernia). See : HERNIA. BULIMY (morbid appetite). See : APPETITE. BUNION (inflammation on the ball of the great toe). Rem- edies, In General : Arn. rhus. Sil. BURNS, and Scalds. Remedies, In General: Acon. arn. calc. carb-v. caus. kreos. lach. rhus. sec. stram. urt. Punc- ture the blisters, and app'ly a weak solution of Urtica urens, or kreosote water; or a strong solution of soap, water, and alcohol: or apply a plaster of white soap, or cover the part with raw-cotton saturated with olive-oil. If fever ensue, give Acon. If fright accompany the accident, give Op. a few times. If suppuration ensue, give Hep. Keep the part warm, and prevent the access of air. CALCULUS (stone or gravel. Unorganized concretions found in the body, and most frequently in the bladder, gall ducts, or kidneys). Remedies, In General : Alum 62 CARDITIS. amb. ant arn. calc. cann. canth. chin. kal. lach. led. Lyc mang. men. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. petr. pjhos. ph-ac puis. ruta. Sass. sel. sep. sil, thuj. zinc. Bladder (in the). See: GRAVEL. Gall ducts (in the). See : GALL STONES. Kidneys (in the). See : RENAL CALCULUS. CANCER (carcinoma, a species of malignant tumor or ulcer, which is called schirrus in its incipiency). Remedies, In- General: Amb. ant. Aix. aur. bar-c. bell. calc. carb-an. carb-v. clem. con. hep. iod. kreos. lach. lyc. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos, sep. sil. sulph. Eyes (in the): Ars. ? bell. ? con. ? laur. Face (in the): Ars. bell. clem. con. hep. phos. sep. sil. sulph. Mamm* (in the): Ars. bell. clem. con. hep. kreos. nitr-ac. sil. Nose (in the): Ars. aur. calc. carb-an. phos. sep. sil. sulph. Stomach (in the): Ars. bar-c. lye nux-v. jjtos. verat. sulph. Uterus (in the): Ars. aur. bell. Carb-an. chin. clem, con, graph, kreos. magn-m. nitr-ac. phos. plat. puis, sabin. sep. staph., thuj. Compare: ULCERS, TUMOKS, and ULCERATIONS. CARBUNCLE (anthrax, malignant boil). Diagnosis. A livid, bluish, or blackish, deep-seated, and painful spot or tumor, differing from a common boil in its not having any central core, and from its tendency to terminate in gan- grene, instead of suppuration. Remedies, In General : Am. Ars. Bell. caps. chin. hyos. kreos. lach. lyc. mur-ac. nitr-ac. nux-v. rhus. sec. Sil. tart Gangrenous: Ars. bell, canth, caps. hyos. kreos. rhus. sec. Sil. tart. Infectious : Ars. chin. hyos. puis. rhus. sil. Lice (containing): Ars. chin, mere sulph. See : PHTHI- RIASIS. Malignant Pustule: Ars. bell. chin. hyos. kreoz. mur-ac. rhus. sec. sep. sil. Compare: VESICLES, Gangrenous. CARCINOMA (schirrus, indurated tumor). See: CANCER, CARDIA (upper orifice of the stomach). See: (ESOPHA- GUS. CARDIALGIA (pain in the stomach). See : GASTRALGIA CARDITIS (inflammation of the heart). Diagnosis. Great anxiety ; oppressed and sighing respiration ; fits of faint- ing ; cold extremities; violent fever; quick, soft, small, unequal, and remittent pulse, with a sensation of pros- CATARRH. 63 sure, and great uneasiness in tie precordial region Remedies, In General : Acon. ars. aur-mur. brom. bry. cann. caus. cocc. cupr. dig. lach. phos. puis. spig. spong, sulph. Compare: PERICARDITIS. CARIES (ulceration of bones). Remedies, In General : Ars. aur. Asa. bell. calc. chin. con. euphorb. graph, hep. iod. Lyc. Merc. mez. nitr-ac. petr. phos. Ph-ac. puis. ruta. sec. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. Ear (of the bones of the): Aur. calc. natr-m. nitr-ac. sil. Jaw (of the): Aur. cist, mere sil. No^i: (of the bones of the) : Aur. calc. mere Palate (of the bones of the): Aur. Mkrc. mez. sil Teeth (of the): Kreos. mez. phos. plumb, sep. Staph. CATALEPSY (spasm, with the limbs remaining fixed, as at the moment of the attack, yet without spasmodic rigid- ity, as in tonic spasms). Remedies, In General : Acon. ang. Bell. bry. camph. cham. Cic. hydr-ac. hyos. ign. ipec. laur. led. lyc. mosch. nux-v. Op. petr. Plat, plumb, sec. sep Stram. Compare : SPASMS. CATAMENIA (monthly flux). See : MENSTRUATION. CATARACT (film on the eye, or opacity of the crystalline lens). Remedies, In General: Bar-c. bell. Calc Cann. caus. chin. Con. dig. Euphr. hep. hyos. lyc. mere, nitr-ac Phos. puis. rhus. ruta. sep. Sil. Sulph. Lenticular : Am-c. bar-c. Cann. Caus. chel. con. dig. euphr. hyos. magn. nitr-ac. Phos. Sil. Sulph. Traumatic: Am-c. arn. Con. euphr.puis. ruta. See : EYES, and compare with the particular symptoms. CATARRH (defluxion of mucus). Remedies, Is General: Acon. alum. am-m. arn. Ars. arum, bar-c. Bell. bor. bry. calc. camph. cann. caps, carb-v. caus. Cham. chin. con. Dulc. euphr. graph. Hep. ign. Ipec. kal. kreos. Lach. lyc. magn. Merc. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux-v. petr. phos. Puls. rhod. rhus. sabad. samb. sang, squill, sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. Silpii. tart. zinc. Asthmatic Affections (with): Acon. Ars. bry Ipec. nux-v. lach. sulph. Chest (of the): Acon. ars. bell. bry. camph. carb-v. Cham. dulc. hep. ipec. lach. Merc. Nux-v. phos. Puls. rhus. Sulph. tart. Children (in): Acon. bell. Cham.coff.dros. Ipec nuxv.pula Samb. squill, sulph. tart. Choking: Aeon. Ars. bar-c. bell. Camph. carb-v. chin. Ipec graph, op. puis. Samb. tart. 64 CEPHALALGIA. Catarrh: Chronic : Alum. am-c. ars. anac. calc. Carb-v. Caus. con. dulc graph, hep. kal. kreos. lach. lyc. natr. nux-v. Phos. sep. sil stann. sulph. zinc. Disposition to Catarrh (against a): Bar-c. calc. Carb-v caus. dulc. graph, lyc. Natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. puis Sil. sulph. Epidemic : Acon. Ars. bell. bry. Camph. caus. ipec kal-hyd lach. Merc, nux-v. phos. puis, rhus-r. sabad. sen. spig squill, verat. Fever (with): Acon. Ars. bell. bry. Cham. coff. hep. lach Merc. Nux-v. Phos. puis, sabad. spig. spong. sulph. Old People (in): Ars. aur. Bar-c. carb-v. chin. Lach. Op. tart Suffocative : Ars. bry. Camph. carb-v. chin. Ipec. puis. Samb. tart, verat. Suppressed: Acon. ars. bell. Bry. calc. chin. ipec. nux-v puis. Sulph. Compare : COUGH, CORYZA, and the particular symptoms. CEPHALALGIA (headache). Remedies, In General : Acon. am-c. am-m. Ant. arn. ars. asar. aur. Bell, Bry. calc. caps, carb-v. cham. chin, chin-s. cin. clem. cocc. coff. coloc. con. dulc. ferr. Glon. graph, hep. ign. Ipec. hyos. kal. lach. lyc. Merc, mosch. natr-m. nitr-a«. Nux-v. op. petr. phos. plat. Puls. rhus. sep. Sil, sulph. verat. zinc. Afternoon (in the): ^Eth. asar. Bell, coloc. lach. magn. lyc. sil. stront. Agitation of Blood (with): Phos. Anger (from): Acon. Cham. coff. coloc. mag. Nux-v. op staph, stram. Anxiety (with): Chin-s. phos. lyc. ran. rheum, stront. Arthritic: Arn. ars. aur. Bell. Bry. caus. Coloc. ign. Nux-v. puis. sep. Bad Weather (in): Bry. carb-v. dulc. n-mos. nux-v. phos, Rhod. rhus. Catarrhal: Ars. carb-v. Cham. chin. dulc. ign. Merc. Nux-v. puis, sulph. Coffee (from abuse of): Caus. Cham. cocc. Ign. Nux-v puis, sulph. Cold Air (from): Ars. aur. camph. carb-an. cocc. moscli. natr-m. rhod. Cold Drinks (from): Acon. Ars. bell. bry. cocc. natr. puis rhus. CEPHALALGIA. 65 Cephalalgia : Concussion of the Brain (from): Arn. cic. petr. rhus ruta. Confusion of Sight (with): Ign. natr-m. puis. Stram. Congestive: Acon. am-c. alum. Arn. Bell. Bry. ckin-s. coff. ferr. lach. Merc. Nux-v. Op. Df.akni.ss (with): Chin-s. dulc. stram. Delirium (with): Bell, nux-v. stram. Evening (in the): Am-c. ang. ars. bruc. carb-v. chin-s. croc. eug. euphr. hep. lyc. phos. Puls. rhus. ruta. sang. sep. Sulph. tart. zinc. Fainting (with): Graph, lyc. puis. Stram. Giddiness (with): Anac. ars. caus. chin-s. kal-ch. lyc. nux-v. sang. spig. tart. Heat (from): Acon. am-c. bell. Bry. carb-v. caps. ig>\. natr. sil. Heat of the Sun (from the): Acon. bell. brom. lach. Natr. nux-v. puis. Hysterical : Alum. aur. cham. cocc. hep. ign. magn. Mosch, nux-v. plat. Sep. verat. Intellectual Fatigue (from): Aur. calc. lach. Nux-v Sulph. Intolerance of Light (with): Bell. Euphr. kal. puis. Moaning (with): Ars. bell. Mi'.rcury (from abuse of): Aur. carb-v. chin. hep. puis. sulph. Metallic Substances (from): Aur. hep. puis. Sulph. Morning (in the): Agar. amb. am-c. am-m. ars. aur. bov. bry. calc. calc-ph. carb-v. caus. cham. chin-s. cin. clem. con. croc. eup. graph, hep. kal. lyc. magn. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. Nux-v. petr. Phos. ph-ac. podoph. puis, rheum, sep. Sil. squill, stann. sulph. staph, tong. thuj. zinc. Movement (aggravated by): Acon. agn. am-m. anac. bell. Bry. calc. calc-ph. carb-an. chin. croc. dulc. graph, kal. lob. magn-s. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. plat. puis. rhus. sep. spig. staph, sulph. Moving the Eyes (aggravated on): Bell. Bry. crot. cupr. dig. hep. magn-s. mur-ac. nux-v. op. puis. rhus. Naisea (with): Acon. alum. am-c. bry. calc. carb-v. caps. chin. Cocc coloc. eug. eup. Ipec. kal. lach. mosch, natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. puis, rhus-r. sang. Sep. stann. verat. Nervoi s (megrim): Aeon. agar. alum. amb. am. ars. asar bell. Bry. Calc. caps. caus. cham. Chin. cic. coff. Coloc con. eug. graph, hep. hyos. Ign. ipec. kreos. lact. lyc. magn 6* 66 CEPHALALGIA, Cephalalgia : mosch. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux-v. petr. Phos. Puls. plat. Rnua rhus-r. sabin. Sep sel. spig. sulph. Verat. zinc. Night (at): Alum. am-c. ars. berb. bov. calc. camph. canth. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. con. eug. haem. hep. kreos. Lyc. magn. mere, natr-s. nitr-ac. par. phos. ph-ac. puis, rhus sulph. tart. zinc. Palpitation of the Heart (with): Hep. tart. Pain in the Nape of the Neck (with): Bar-c. bell, carb-v. caus. con. flour-ac graph, kal. lyc. nitr. pjeon. puis, rhus-r. sabin. sang. sil. verat. Pain in One Spot (with): Acon. amb. anac. Bry. dulc. eug. ferr. graph, hep. laur. led. Lyc. mosch. n-mos. plat, ran-sc. sep. spig. staph. Periodical : Aloe. amb. arn. ars. asar. Bell. calc. chin-s. coloc. con. eup. ferr. fer-acet. natr-m. nux-v. rhus. rhus-r. sang. sep. Sil. sulph, —Daily: Bell. bry. calc. coloc. con. lach. magn. natr-m. nux-v. puis. sep. Sil. sulph. —Second day (every): Amb. chin-s. eup. Redness of the Cheeks (with): Lach. nux-v. Rigidity of the Neck (with): Graph, lach. sang, verat. Semi-lateral: Agar. alum. amb. am-m. anac. Ars. asa. asar. aur. bell. Bry. Calc. caps. caus. cham. Chin, chin-s. Cic. cocc. coff. colch. Coloc. con. croc. cupr. dig. dulc. graph, guaj. Ign. kal. lyc. magn. Merc. mez. Nux-v. oleand. ol-an. petr. phos. plat. Puls. ran. rhod. rhus-r. sass. sec. Sep. sil. spong. staph, sulpli. tart. thuj. tong. val. "Verat. verb, zinc Shivering (with): Evon. lach. Mez. natr-s. nux-v. sil. thuj. Sleepiness (with): Bruc. grat. kreos. lach. natr-s. stront. Speaking (aggravated by): Acon. chin. coff. ign. iod. sil. spig. Spirituous Liquors (from): Carb-v. coff. Nux-v. op. rhod. sil. Strain (from a): Amb. calc. lyc. natr. Rhus. sil. Sun (from the influence of the): Acon. bell. brom. bry. lach. Natr. nux-v. puis. Swashing, as of water in the head (with): Acon. Bell. dig. ind. spig. Tobacco (from the use of): Acon. ant. ars. Ign. nux-v pids. staph. Urine (with increased flow of): Eug. chin-s. sel. verat. Vomiting (with): Alum, am-c bry. caps. chin. cocc. coloc CHEST 67 Cephalalgia: con. eug. graph. Ipec. kal. lach Mosch. mez. natr-m nitr-ac. Nux-v. phos. puis. sang. sass. sep. Verat. zinc. Wavering, as if the brain were loose (with): Acon. am-c. ars. bar-c. Bell. calc. carb an. Chin. cic. croc. dig. hyos. kal. laur. magn-s. natr-m. n-mos. Nux-v. rhus. Sep. staph. Sulph. sulph-ac. verat. Weakness, or general debility (with): Chin-s. Also, See : HEAD, Pains, s. Nux-v. oleand. op. petr. phos. plat, plumb, puis rhod. rhus. ruta. sep. sil. staph, sulph, tar. thuj. verat zinc 84 oun1iA Constipation Chronic, or habitual: Alum. am-c. bry. Calc. caus. con dig. graph, kal. lach. led. Lyc. magn-m. nux-v. plumb sep. Sulph. zinc. Consumptives (in): Calc. carb-v. Lyc. nitr-ac. phos. stana sulph. Drunkards (in): Alum. calc. Lach. Nux-v. Op. ruta. suiph. Infants (in): Alum. Bry. lyc. magn-m. Nux-v. Op. sil. sulph. verat. Mercury (from abuse of): Asa. carb-v. hep. nitr-ac. staph. sulph. Old persons (in very): Ant. bar-c. bry. op. phos. ruta. sep. Poison of Lead (from): Alum. op. plat. Pregnancy (during): Alum. Bry. lye Nux-v. op. Sep. sulph. Sea Voyages (during): Cocc. colch. nux-v. petr. sil. Seoentary persons (in): Bry. Nux-v. Lyc. op. plat, sulph. Travelling (when): Alum. bry. carb-v. hep. kal. natr-m. nux-v. op. Plat, plumb, sil. Compare: EVACUATIONS. CONSUMPTION (phthisis). See: PHTHISIS. CONTUSIONS (bruises). See: BRUISES. CONVULSIONS (spasms). See : SPASMS. CONVERSATION (Talking, sufferings from); In Generai Alum. amb. am-m. arn. ars. bell. bor. Calc. cann. chi* Cocc. coff. dros. dulc. ferr. fer-acet. graph, hep. hyos. ign iod. lyc. magn-m. mang. mez. natr. natr-m. nux-v. phoa ph-ac. plat. rhus. rhus-r. sep. sil. spig. Stann. staph sulph. Hearing Conversation (from): Am-c. am-m. ars. magn-m natr. sep. verat. CORNS. Remedies, In General : Am-c. Ant. bry. calc. hep. ign. Lyc. natr. natr-m. nux-v. petr. phos. ran. rhus. sel. Sil. sulph, Aching : Amb. ant. arn. bry. hep. Ign. kal. lyc. natr-m nux-v. phos. puis, ran-sc. rhus. Sep. Sil. sulph. Sensitive, Sore : Agar. arn. bar-c. bry. calc. hep. ign. Lyc. nux-v. puis. ran. rhus. sep. Sil. sulph. CORNU A (horny excrescences). See: EXCRESCENCES CORPULENCY (polysarcia). See: OBESITY, and Com- pare : ABDOMEN, Enlargement of: CORYZA (catarrh, or cold in the head). Remedies, In Gen- eral : Alum, am-c am-m. anac. ant. Ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. Cham. con. dulc. euphr. graph, hep. ign. ipec CORYZA 85 Coryza: lach. lyc. Merc. mez. natr. natr-m. n..r-ac. Ni :. v. phos Pul><. rhus. samb. sel. sep. sil. sulph. zinc-ox. Chronic : Alum, am-c, anac. ars. asa. aur. bar c calc. caus. con. euphr. graph, hep. ipec. kreos. lach. lyc. magn-m. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. puis. sep. sil. sulph. Dry : Am-c am-m. anac. ant. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chain, cor. graph, hep. ign. ipec. kal. kreos. lach. lyc. magn. mang. mere natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux-v. ol-an. Phos. plat. sep. sil. sulph. Dry, and Fluent, Alternately: Alum. am-c. bell, calc caus. euphr. gran. lach. lyc. Nux-v. par. puis. rhod. Dry in the Morning : Calc. carb an. lach. natr-m. nux-v. rhod. Dry at Night: Am-c. caus. euphr. lyc. nux-v. puis. Dry Semi-laterally : Alum, carb-an. n-mos. phos. plat rhod. staph, sulph. i Fluent: Alum, am-c am-m. ant. arg. Ars. aur. bar c. bell bov. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chain, cin. con. dros. dulc. euphr. graph, hep. ign. ipec. kal. kreos. lach lyc. Merc. mez. natr. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. Puls. rhod. rhus. set. sep. sil. spig. squill, staph, tart. zinc, zinc-ox. Fluent by Day Only : Euphr. nux-v. Fluent Semi-laterally : Alum, carb-an. n-mos. phos. plat. rhod staph, sulph. Secretion, Acrid, Corrosive (with): Am-m. anac. Ar.s bor. carb-v. chain, con. ign. lach. lyc. magn-m. Merc. mez. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. puis. sep. sil. sulph. —Bloody : Am-c. ars. bry. caus. chin. cocc. dros. ferr. graph. hep. ipec. kreos. lach. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. puis. sep. sil. sulph. —Burning: Am-c. Ars. calc. cin. cinn. con. kal. kreos. mez. puis, sulph. sulph-ac. —Greenish: Ars. asa. aur. bor. calc. carb-v. ferr. kal. kreos. led. mere. natr. par. phos. Puls. rhus. Sep. sil. stann. sulph. — Grai/ish: Amb. anac. ars. carb an. chin. kal. kreos. Lyc. nux-v. rhus. sen. sep. thuj. —Indurated: Agar. Alum. ant. bry. con. lach. Natr. phos. sep. sil. staph, stront. sulph. thuj. —Mucous: Acon. alum. amb. am-c. am-m. arg. A us. aur bar-c. bell. Bor. bov. bry. calc. cann. caps, carb-an. carb-v caus. chin. cin. con. dros. dulc. euphr. ferr. graph, hep hyos. iod. ipec. kreos. lach. laur. lyc. magn. mang. Merc mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. op. par. petr Phos 8 86 COUGH. Secretion (mucous): ph-ac. plumb, puis. rhod. rhus. sabin. samb. sass. sel. sen sil. Sep. Squill, spig. spong. stann. staph, sulph. sulph-ac thuj. verat. Zinc. —Offensive: Alum. ars. asa aur. bell. Calc. caus. chin, con graph, hep. kreos. led. magn-m. mere. Natr. nitr-ac nux-v. ph-ac. Puls. rhus. sabin. Sep. stann. sulph. thuj. —Purulent: Asa. asar. aur. bell. Calc. cham. chin, cic cocc. Con. dros. ferr. graph, hep. kal. kreos. lach. led. Lyc magn-m. Merc. natr. nitr-ac. nux-v. Phos. ph-ac. plumh Puls. rhus. sabin. Sep. stann. sulph. thuj. zinc. -Thick: Alum. am-m. ant. bar-c. bor. calc. carb-v. caus. graph, kreos. mang. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. par. phos. plumb. Puls. ran. sabad. sel. sep. spong. stann. staph sulph-ac. zinc. * — Viscous : Alum. ars. bor. Bov. cann. canth. colch. iod. kal. magn-m. mez. mur-ac. par. phos. plumb, ran. samb. sen, sep. spong. Stann. staph, zinc. — Watery: Agar. am-m. Ars. bor. carb-an. carb-v. Cham. chin. coff. Graph, ign. iod. lach. magn-m. men. Merc. mez. mur-ac nitr. nux-v. plumb, puis. ran. sep. squill, sulph. — Yellowish: Ant. ars. bor. bry. calc. carb-v. cic. con. graph. hep. kal. kreos. lyc. magn-m. mez. natr. nitr-ac. phos. Puls. sabin. sel. Sep. spig. stann. staph, sulph. thuj. verat. Smell (with loss of): Am-m. carb-an. magn-m. magn-s. mang. natr-m. nitr. puis. rhod. sulph-ac. tart. Sneezing (with): Arg. ars. calad. calc. carb-an. chin. cyc. dros. dulc. kal-ch. kreos. lach. natr-m. nux-v. sep. squill staph, tart. Sore Throat (with): Bell. caus. hep. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. Stoppage of the Nose (with): Alum. amb. am-c. anac. ant. ars. bar-c bell. bry. calc. cann. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. cic. cin. con. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. graph, ipec. kal. kreos. lach. laur. lyc. magn. moqn-m. mang. mere mez. mur-ac natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. JN ux-v. par. petr Phos. plat, plumb, puis. ran. rat. sabad. samb. sep. Sil. spig. spong. stann. staph, sulph. See : NOSE; and other concomitant symptoms, under their respective heads. COUGH. Remedies, In General : Acon. alum. amb. am-m. arg. arn. Ars. asar. bar-c. Bell. bor. Bry. Calc. cann, caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cin. con. cupr. dros. dulc. eupVorb. ferr. hep. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. kreos. COUGH 87 3ough : lach, led. lyc. magn. mere natr. natr-m. nil '-ac n-rnoa Nux-v. ol-an. op. par. Phos. ph-ac plumb. Puls. rhod rhus. rhus-r. ruta. sabad. samb. sen. Sep. sil. spong. squilL Stann. staph, stront. Sulph. sulph-ac thuj. verat. zinc. Dry : Acon. aeth. alum. amb. am-c. am-m. anac. ant. arg-nit Arn. Ars. asa. aur. bar-c. Bell. berb. bor. bov. brom. Bry. calad. Calc. cann. canth. caps, carb-aa carb-v. caus. cham. chin, chin-s. cin. coff. colch. coloc. con. croc. cupr. cupr-acet. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. ferr. graph, grat. hell. fiep. Hyos. ign. ind. iod. Ipec kal. kal-bich. kal-hyd. kreos. Lach. lact. laur. led. lob. lyc. mag. mag-arc maga magn-m. magn-s. mang. Merc. mez. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos Nux-v. oleand. ol-an op. par. petr. phel. Phos. ph-ac. plat, plumb, podoph. puis. ran. rat. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. sabad. sabin. samb. sass. sang. sen. sep. sil. spig. Spong. squill, stann. staph, stram. stront. Sulph. sulph-ac tart. thuj. verat. verb. zinc. Dry in the Evening : Acon. amb. am-c. am-m. ang. ant bar-c. bell. calc. caps, carb-v. caus. cin. colch. cupr. dros euphr. ferr. Hep. hyos. ipec. kal. lach. lyc. mag-arc. magn. magn-m. mere. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhus. sen. Sep. spong. squilL stann. sulph sulph-ac. verb. zinc. Dry in the Morning : Alum. ant. arg. am. bare. bell. bov. bry. calc. cann. caus. chin. cin. dig. graph, ign. kal. lyc. magn-s. natr. nitr. nux-v. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. sep. stann. staph, sulph-ac. thuj. verat. Dry at Night: Acon. amb. am-c. anac. ang. arg. Ars. bell. Calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. Cham. chin, chin-s. cocc. colch. con. dros. eup. graph, hep. Hyos. ipec. kal. lach. mag. mag-are magn. magn-m. mere. mez. nitr-ac. nux-v. ol-an. op. phos. Puls. rhus. rhod. sabad. Sil. spong. squill, stann. stront. Sulph. verat. verb. zinc. Expectoration (with): Acon. agar. alum. am-c. am-caus. am-m. anac ang. ant, arg. arn. Ars. asa. asar. aur. bar-c. bell. bis. bor. bov. Bry. calad. Calc. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin, chin-s. cic. cia cocc colch. coloc. con. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. eup. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph, guaj. hep. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. kal- bich. kal-hyd. kreos. lach. laur. led. Lyc. magn. magn-m, mang. Merc. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. oleand. op. par. petr. Phos. ph-ac. plat plumb, podoph. Puls. raa rheum, rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. 88 COUGH Expectoration (with): sabin. samb. sang. sass. sec. seL sen. Sep. sil. sp%'. spong squill. Stann. staph, stram. stront. Sulph. sulph-ac. tar thuj. verat. zinc. Expectoration in the Evening (with): Alum. ant. arg. arn. ars. aur. bar-c. bell. bov. bry. calc. cann. canth. caus. chin. cin. dig. graph, ign. kal. kreos. Lyc. mur-ac natr. nitr. nux-v. rhod. rhus. ruta. sep. sil. stann. staph, sulph-ac thuj. verat. Expectoration in the Morning (with): Acon. alum. amb. am-c. am-m. ang. ant. arn. aur. bar-c. bell. Bry. Calc. caps, carb-aa Carb-v. caus. cin. colch. cupr. dig. dros. euphr. ferr. Hep. hyos. ipec. kal. kreos. lach. led. lyc. mag. magn. magn-m. mang. mez. mur-ac iiatr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. par. phos. ph-ac. puis, rheum, rhod. rhus. sen. Sep. sil. spong. squill, stana staph, stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tart, verat. zinc. Expectoration at Night (with): Alum. am-m. arn. bell. calc. caus. eup. euphorb. ferr. hep. led. lyc. phos rhod. Sep. Staph. Tart, sulph. COUGH, Barking : Acon. bell. caps. dros. hep. lact. nitr-ac. phos. spong. tart. Compare : Hoarse, and Roigh. Continuous, or constant desire to cough: Acon. alum. arg. bell. caus. chin. cin. colch. coloc. con. cupr. euphorb. heLL hep. ign. kreos. laur. mez. nux-v. puis, ran-sc. samb. sang. sen. sil. spong. sulph. Compare : COUGH from Tickling, &c. Croaking : Acon. lach. ruta. spong. tart. Deep, Profound : Amb. ang. ars. asa. carb-v. dros. hep. iod. lach. magn m. mang. mez. petr. sabad. samb. sel. sil. spong. verat. verb. Dull : Asa. calad. fer-acet. hep. magn. sabad. verb. Fatiguing : Am-c. ang. arg-nit ars. asa. bar-c. bell. brom. calc. croc. cupr. daph. dros. dulc. graph, hep. hyos. ipec kal. kal-ch. lach. lact. led. lyc. mag-arc magn-m. mere. merc-c. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. op. phos. plumb, puis. rhod. sang. sel. sep. sil. spig. squill, stann, sulph. tart, verat. Hacking : Acon. aeth. alum. anac. ang. arg. arg-nit. arn. Ars. asa. asar. bell. bor. brom. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps, carb-v. Caus. chin, chin-s. clem. coff. colch. con. Dros. dulc. eup. euphorb. graph, hell. hep. hydr-ac. hyos. iga iod. kal. kal-hyd. kreos. lach. laur. lyc. mang. mere, mur- ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. rl-an. par. phos. COUGH. SO phytol. podoph. rhus. rhus-r. sabin. sen. sep. sil. squilL stront. sulph. sulph-ac. verat. Compare: Short. Hoarse : Acon. agar. asa. bov. cann. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. cin. eup. graph, hep. ign. kal. kreos. lact, laur. lye mere. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. puis. rhod. saml. tpona stann. sen. tart, verat. verb. Compare : COUGH, with Hoarseness. Hollow : Bell. brom. carb-v. caus. cin. euphorb. ign. kreos. lact. led. magn. mere merc-c nux-v. op. phos. samb. siL spig. Spong. staph, tart, verat. verb. Hooping (like hooping-cough): Acon. amb. anac. ars. asa. asar. bell, carb-v. chin. cin. Con. cupr. Dros. dulc. ferr. hep. hyos. iod. Ipec kal. lach. lact. led. mere nitr-ac. nux-v Podoph. puis. samb. sang. sep. sulph. tart, verat. Loose : Am-c. aur. chin, chin-s. cin. con. graph, lact. natr. phos. podoph. staph, sulph. tart. Compare : Rattling. Panting, sobbing, cough: Mur-ac. phos. rhus. sulph-ac. Periodical : Anac. arg-nit. ars. bell, cocc ipec. lach. nitr. nux-v. sang, sulph-ac. Racking: Ang. ars. arum, carb-v. caus. chin. con. graph. hyos. ign. ipec. kal. Lach. lact. mere. Nux-v. phos. Puls. rhus. sen. sil. Stann. staph, sulph. Compare : Shaking, Fatiguing, and Spasmodic. Rattling : Ang. arg. bell. bry. caus. ipec. natr-m. nux-v puis. samb. tart. Compare : COUGH, with Rattling. Rough, scraping: Acon. brom. carb-an. carb-v. cham. cim. eup. ign. kreos. lyc. magn-m. mere. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac nux-v. rhod. samb. sep. spong. verb. Compare : Hoarse. Shaking : Anac. ant. ars. bell, carb-an. caus. chin. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. lact, led. Lyc. Merc, merc-c. nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. phos. Puls. rhod. rhus. sen. sil. stann. staph. sulph. Short: Acon. arn. ars. asa. bar-c. bell. berb. caps, carb-aa carb-v. Caus. chin. coff. con. cop cupr. dig. dros. euphorb. hell. hep. hyos. ign. iod. kal. lach. laur. mere, mur-ac. Natr-m. nux-v. oleand. plat plumb, rhus. rhus-r. sabad sen. sep. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. Compare: Hacking. Spasmodic : A con. Amb. ant. bell. Bry. calc. carb-v. Chin. cin. coloc con. Cupr. dig. Dros. ferr. Fer-acet. hep. Hyos ign. Ipec. iod. kal. kreos. lach. lact. laur. led. lob. lyc. mag mag-arc. magn. magn-m. mere, natr-m. Nux v. phos. plurnh puis. Samb. sen. sep. sil. strain, sulph. —Drinking (after : Bry. chin. 90 COUGH. Spasmodic: —Eating (after). Bry. chin. dig. ferr. hep. —Evening (in the): Calc. carb-v. natron, stram. —Morning (in the): Carb-v. kal. kreos. puis, stram. sul >h. —Night (at): Bell. bry. hyos. mag-arc magn-m. pnos puis. samb. —Noon (in the after): Bell. bry. Compare: Shaking, Racking, Suffocating, and Vio- lent. Suffocating : Acon. anac. arg-nit. ars. bell. brom. Bry-. carb-an. cham. chin, chin-s. con. Cupr. Dros. hep. ind. iod. Ipec. kal. lach. lact. led. mag. mag-arc. natr-m. nux-v. op. petr. phel. Samb. sep. sil. spig. squill, sulph. tart, verat. zinc —Evening (in the): Carb-an. natr-m. —Morning (in the): Carb-v. kal. kreos. sulph. —Night (at): Bry. cham. chin. mag. sil. Compare : Spasmodic, Hooping, and Violent. Violent : Alum. am-m. anac. ang. ars. arum. asa. bell. bor. brom. bry. calc. calc-caus. cann. carb-an. carb-v. chin. cin. cocc. con. croc. cupr. cupr-acet. daph. dig. dros. eup. euphr. hep. ign. ind. ipec. kal. kal-bich. kal-hyd. lach. led. lyc. mag. mag-are mere. mez. mur-ac. mosch. natr. op. petr. phos. puis. rhod. sel. sen. sep. sil. spig. squill, stann. staph, sulph. tar. tart, verat. Compare : Fatiguing, Spasmodic, and Suffocating. Wheezing : Acon. amb. bell. brom. carb-v. chin. cin. con. cupr. dros. dulc. hyos. ipec. kal-bich. Kreos. lyc. phos. prun. puis. Samb. spong. verat. Whistling : Aeon. laur. spong. COUGH, with Expectoration Acrid : Alum. am-m. anac Ars. carb-v. caus. cham. con. ferr. ign. iod. kreos. lyc. magn-m. mere, natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. puis. sep. sil. sulph. sulph-ac Bitter : Arn. Ars. bry. Cham. chin. con. dros. lyc. mere. natr. natr-m. nitr. nux-v. Puls. sep. stann. verat. Blackish : Chin. lyc. nux-v. rhus. Blood (of pure): Acon. am-m. anac. Arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. canth. carb-v. chin. con. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. Ferr. fer-acet. hep. hyos. Ipec. lach. led. lyc. mag. magn, mere. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. op. Phos. plumb. Puls. rhus. sabad. sabin. sel. sea °en. sil. staph, sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. COUGH. .i. Expectoration of Blood (with): —Acrid: Am-m. ars. canth. carb-v. hep. Kal. Nitr. rhus Sil. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. —Black : Arn. dros. nitr-ac. puis. zinc. Compare : Dark. —Brownish : Bry. calc. carb-v. con. phos. puis. rhus. — Coagulated: Arn. bell. bry. caus. chain, chin. con. croc ferr. hyos. ipec. magn-m. mere nitr-ac. nux-v. ph-ac. Puls. Rhus, sabin. stram. stront. sec, sep. —Dark: Acon. Am-m. Ant. am. asar. bell. bis. bry. canth. cJiam. chin. con. Croc. cupr. dros. ferr. kreos. lyc. magn. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. ph-ac. Puls. sec. sep. squill. sulph. —Pale: Am-c. arn. Bell. bry. calc. carb-v. dros. Dulc ferr. graph. Hyos. ipec. led. mere natr. nitr. phos. rhus. sabad. Sabin. sec. sep. sil. zinc. —Streaked Mucus (of): Acon. am-c. arn. Ars. arum. bell. bor. Bry. canth. caus. Chin. con. crotal. daph. dig. dros eug. euphr. ferr. fer-acet. hep. iod. ipec. lach. laur. lyc. magn-m. natr-m. nitr-ac. op. phos. puis, sabin. sec. sel. sen. sep. sil. spong. sulph-ac. zinc -Viscous, glutinous: Croc. cupr. maga sec. Cold : Bry. cann. nitr-ac. nux-v. Phos. sulph. Difficult : Amb. Ars. aur. bare. bor. bov. bry. cann. canth. carb-an. caus. cham. chin, chin-s. dulc. ferr. ign. kal. kreos. lach. nux-v. par. phos. puis. sen. s'p. stann, staph. sulph. zinc. Disgusting : Arn. bry. calc. chin. con. cop. Dros. kal. lyc. mere. natr. nux-v. Puls. sabad. Sep. stann. sulph. verat. Empyreumatic (having a burnt taste or smell): Bry. nux-v. puis. rhus. squill, zinc. Frothy : Acon. Ars. daph. ferr. hep. lack, nux-v. op. Phos. plumb. Puls. sil. sulph. Gelatinous (jelly-like): Arg. arn. bar-c. chin, chin-s. dig, ferr. laur. Compare : Viscous. Granulated: Agar. chin, kal-bich. lach. mang. phos. sel sep. spong. thuj. Greasy (fatty) taste (havinga): Alum. asa. caus. lyc magn-m. mang. mur-ac. petr. phos. Pcls. rhus. sil. thuj. Greenish : Ars. asa. aur. bor. bov. calc. cann. carb-an. Carb-v. colch. cop. dros. ferr. hyos. kal. kal-hyd. led. Lyc. magn, mang. mere natr. nitr-ac. nux-v. par. phos. plumb Puls. rhus. sep. sil. Stann. sulph. thuj. Grayish: Amb anac. ars carb an chin. cop. dros. 1'1 92 COUGH. Expectoration (grayish): kal-bich. kalm. kreos. lach. Lyc. magn-m. mang. nux-7 Sep. thuj. Herbaceous (herb-like taste): Calad. nux-v. ph-ac. Impossible (being obliged to swallow what has been de- tached) : Amb. arn. cann. Caus. Con. dros. eug. Kai. lach. sep. spong. staph. Indurated : Agar. am-m. ant. bry. con. iod. kal. lach. mang. natr. phos. sep. sil. spong. staph, stront. sulph. thuj. Insipid (flat taste): Am-m. ant. arg. arn. ars. aur. bell. bry. calc. caps. chin. ign. ipec. kal. kreos. lyc. natr-m. par. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhus. stann. staph, stront. sulph, thuj. Metallic taste (of a): Calc. cocc. Cupr. ipec. natr. Milky : Am-c. ars. carb-v. ferr. puis. sep. sil. sulph. Mucous: Acon. amb. am-c. am-m. ang. ant. arg. Ars. arum. asar. bar-c. bell. bis. bor. bov. bry. Calc. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin, chins, cin. cocc. con. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. ferr. fer-acet. graph, hep. hyos. iod. ipec. kal. kal-bich. kreos. lach. laur. Lyc. mag. magn. magn-m. mere mez. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. oleand. op. Par. phel. Phos. ph-ac. plumb. Puls. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sec. sen. sep. sil, spig. spong. Sciuill. Stann. staph, sulph. sulph-ac. tar. Tart. thuj. verat. zinc. Offensive (smelling): Alum. ars. asa. aur. bell. Calc. carb-v. caus. chin. con. dros. ferr. graph, guaj. hep. kreos. led. Lyc. magn-m. mere Natr. nitr-ac. nux-v. ph-ac. puis rhus. sang. Sep. sil. Stann. sulph. thuj. Compare: Putrid taste, or smell. Profuse : Alum. asar. calc. carb-v. chin-s. cic. cin. daph. euphorb. euphr. ferr. fer-acet. graph, hep. iod. kal. kreos. laur. lyc. petr. puis. ruta. samb. sen. sep. sil. squill, stann. sulph. verat. Purulent : Am-c. anac. ars. asa. aur. bell. bry. Calc. carb-an. carb-v. Chin. cic. cocc. Con. dros. dulc. ferr. fer-acet. graph, guaj. hep. hyos. Kal. kreos. lach. led. Lyc. magn. magn-m. mere natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. Phos. ph-ac. plumb, puts. rhus. ruta. sabin. samb. sec. Sep Sil. squill. Stann. Staph, sulph. zinc. Putrid taste or smell (of a) : Acon. arn. ars. bell, bry calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. cocc. con. cupr. dros ferr. iod. ipec. kal. kalm. lyc. mere nux-v. puis. rhus. sep. stann. staph, sulph. ^\lt: Amb. Ars. bar-c. calc. carb-v. chin cocc. con dros COUGH, 93 Expectoration i'salt) : euphorb. graph, iod. kalm. lach. Lyc. magn magn-m. mere. natr. nitr-ac Phos. puis. rhus. samb. Sep. spong stann. sulph. tart, verat. Sour: Amb. ars. bell. bry. Calc. carb-an. carb-v. cham. chin. con. graph, hep. ign. Kal. lach. lyc. magn-m. mere. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. Phos. ph-ac. plumb, puis. rhus. sep. stann. sulph. tar. Sweetish : Acon. alum. am-c. ars. aur. calc. clun. cocc. dig. ferr. hep. kal. kreos. magn-m. nux-v. R,hos. plumb, puts. rhus. sabad. samb. sel. sep. squill. Stann. sulph-ac. zinc. Thick : Acon. am-m. arg. bell. calc. con. dig. ipec kreos. lyc. natr. op. phos. Puls. ruta. sen. sep. sil. squilL stann. sulph. thuj. zinc Transparent : Am-m. ars. chin. ferr. fer-acet. kal-bich. laur. mez. nux-v. petr. sen. sil. stann. Viscous (glutinous): Alum. ant. ars. asa. bor. bov. bry. calc. cann. canth. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cocc. colch. dulc. ferr. iod. kal. kal-bich. lach. magn-m. mez. nux-v. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. plumb, rhus. ruta. sabin. samb. sen. sep. spong. stann. staph, tart. zinc. Watery : Am-c. am-m. arg. ars. carb-an. carb-v. cham. daph. graph, lach, magn. magn-m. mere. mez. mur-ac. nux-v. puis. sep. squill, stann. sulph. Whitish : Acon. amb. am-m. arg. carb-v. chin. cin. con. cupr. fer-acet. hyos. kreos. laur. lyc. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhus. sep. squill, sil. spong. stann. stront. sulph. Yellowish : Acon. alum. amb. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. aut. arg. ars. aur. bare. bell. bov. bry. Calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. cic. con. dig. dros. graph, hep. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. kal-bich. kreos. lach. Lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. natr. natr-m. Nitr-ac. nux-v. op. par. Phos. ph-ac. jilumb. Puls. ruta. sabad. sel. sen. sep. sil. spig. spong. Siaxn. Staph, sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. verat. zinc. COUGH. Abdomen (as if proceeding from the) : Ant. verat. Anguish, or anxiety (with): Acon. cin. coff. cupr. dros. hep. iod. puis. rhus. samb. spong. verat. Asthma, or Shortness of Breath (with): Am-c. alum. Ars. carb-v. Con. cupr. dig. euphorb. Ipec. kreos. lyc. natr-s nitr-ac. n-mos. op. phel. puis. Samb. spig. spong. squill tart. Compare: ASTHMA. Bleeding at the Mouth (with): Dros. ipec. nux-v. Bleeding at the Nose (with): Cupr. dros. ipec mero nux-v. jiuls. 94 COUGH Blueness of the Face (with): Cupr. dros. Ipec. op. samh verat. Burning in the Chest (with): Ant. carb-v. caus. euphorb iod. magn. magn-m. phos. sen. spong. zinc. Burning in the Larynx (with): Aeon, magn-s. phos. spong sulph. Burning in the Stomach (with): Hep. Burning in the Throat (with): Cast, euphorb. ph-ac. Chill (from a): Acon. Carb-v. cham. hep. natr. n-mos. sep sulph. Choking (with): Acon. anac. Ars. bell. dros. Ipec. natr spong. tart. thuj. Cold Air (from): Ars. carb-v. ipec Lach. phos. Com- pare : Open Air. Cold Drinks (from): Am-m. carb-v. sil. squill. Cold Weather (from): Ars. carb-v. caus. lach. rhus. Congestion in the Chest (with): Bell. —Head (in the): Anac. Constriction in the Chest (with): Ars. lach. lact. rhod. rhus. sulph. Constriction in the Larynx (from): Cocc. coff. ipec. magn. nitr-ac. Constriction in the Pit of the Stomach (from): Ign. Convulsions (with): Hyos. Coryza (with): Amb. bar-c. bell. caus. dig. euphr. gran graph, ign. kal-ch. lach. lyc. magn-s. mere. Natr. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. rhus. sang. sass. sep. spig. Spong. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. Cries (with): Aeon. chin. hep. rhus. Samb. sep. Crying (from): Arn. cham. dros. tart. Day only (during the): Am-c. alum. arg. calc. euphr. lach, lyc. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. stann. staph. Deglutition (during): Op. phos. puis. Down in the Throat (as from): Am-c. calc. dros. ign. Drinking (from): Acon. am-m. ars. bry. carb-v. chin, dro.% hep. lach. lyc. phos. Sil. squill. Drowsiness (with): Kreos. Dryness in the Chest (from): Lach. mere. puis. —Chest (with): Bar-c. cop. kal-ch. lach. mere, natr-m. Dryness in the Larynx (from): Cocc. phytoL spong. —Larynx (with): Bry. spong. Dryness in the Palate and Fauces (from): Dros. Dryness in the Throat (from): Carb-an. lach. magn. nux-» petr. puis. sen. COUGH. 95 Dryness : —Throat (with): Alum, kal-ch. lact. mere. petr. phytol puis. rhus. squill, sulph. Dust (a? from having inspired): Am-c. belL calc. cin. dros. Eating (after): ^Eth. agar. am-m. anac. bry. calc. carb-v chin. dig. ferr. kal-bich. lach. nux-v. op. puis. sang. siL staph, sulph. tart. Eating (when): Calc. op. phos. puis. Emaciation (with): Hep. iod. lyc. stann. Evening (in the): Acon. amb. am-c. am-m. anac. ars. bar-c. bell. bov. calc. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. coff. cham. chin. cin. con. crot. dros. eug. eup. fer-acet. hep. ign. ind. iod. ipec. kal. kal-hyd. kreos. lach. lyc. mag. magn-m. magn-s. mere. mez. natr. natr-m. nic. nitr-ac. nux-v. ol-an. par. petr. puis. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. ruta. sang. sep. sil. squill, stann. staph, sulph. verat. zinc. Expiration (during): Carb-v. caus. dros. lach. Fever (with): Acon. con. hep. iod. kreos. lyc. samb. sulph. Headache (with): Amb. am-c. bell. bry. caps, carb-v. caus. con. hep. lach. lyc. mere, natr-m. nitr. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhus. sabad. squill, sulph. verat. Compare : Pains in the Head. Heat (with general): Acon. ars. kreos. lach. natr. Heaviness in the Chest (with): Am-c. calad. kal-bich. Inspiration (during): Con. hep. kal-bich. men. op. squill. sulph. Inspiration Deep (when taking a): Am-m. bell. brom. chin. con. cupr. dulc. graph, ipec. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. squill. Irritation in the Chest (from): Acon. bell, carb-an. dros. eug. euphorb. mag-arc mere. petr. phos. rhus-r. spong. stann. —Larynx (in the): Acon. asar. bry. calad. calc. canth, cocc. coloc. dros. hep. ign. kal-ch. mere mez. par. phos. stront. —Pit of the Stomach (in the): Bry. guaj. lach. natr-m. —Stomach (in the): Bell. bry. mere. puis. sep. tart. —Throat, or Trachea (in the): Acon. amb. asa. bry. calad carb-an. carb-v. chin, chins, cocc. coff. coloc. croc, dros hep. kal-hyd. mere. par. petr. spig. stront. tab. Compare: Roughness, and Tickling. Itching in the Chest (from): Magn-m. phos. puis. —Larynx (in the) : Bell. lyc. nux-v. puis. —I'hroat (in the): Con. mang. nux-v. sil. 96 COUGH. Laughing (from): Arg. chin. dros. phos. stann. Lying down (from): Am-m. Ars. cinn. con. fer-acet. hep Hyos. ipec. lach. magn-s. mere mez. nitr-ac nux-v. petr phos. Puls. rhus-r. sabad. sep. sil. staph, sulph. Lying on the Back (when): Nux-v. phos. Lying on the Left Side (when): Ipec. par. sep. Lying on the Right Side (when): Am-m. carb-an. stann. Meal (after a): ^Eth. agar. am-m. anac bry. calc. carb-v. chin. dig. ferr. hep. kal-bich. lach. nux-v. puis. sang. siL staph, sulph. tart. Midnight (after): Acon. am-c. Bar-c. bell. bry. calc. caus, cham. cocc. hyos. magn. mere mez. nitr. nitr-ac. Nux-v. rhus. tart. Midnight (before): Am-c. bell. grat. hep. kaL nux-v. rhus. stann. Morning (in the): Alum, am-c anac. ang. ant. arg. Arn. ars. aur. bar-c. bov. bry. Calc. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin. cin. crot. cupr. dig. dros. euphorb. euphr. ferr. grat. hep. ipec. iod. kal. kal-bich. kreos. lach. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. mere natr. Natr-m. natr-s. nitr. Nux-v. ol-an. phel. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. sel. sen. squill, stann. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. thuj. verat. Movement (from): Ars. bell. chin. ferr. lach. nux-v. rhus-r. sil. Mucus in the chest (from): Ars. asar. ipec. natr-m. stann. tart. —Larynx or Trachea (in the): Cham, kreos. par. phel puis. Nausea (with): Ars. natr. sep. Compare: Vomit (with desire to). Night (at): Acon. alum. amb. Am-c. am-m. anac. arg-nit. arn. Ars. bar-c. Bell. bor. bry. calad. Calc. caps, carb-an. cast. caus. cham. chin. cocc. colch. Con. cupr. cupr-acet. dros. eug. eup. ferr. fer-acet. graph, grat. hep. Hyos. ign. Kal. lach. led. lyc. mag. mag-arc magn. magn-m. mere. mez. natr-m. natr-s. nic. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. ol-an. op. par. petr. phel. phos. puis. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. samb. sep. sil. spong. squill, staph, stront. sulph. tart, verat. verb. zinc. Noon (after): Acon. am-m. bell. bry. caps. cham. magn. mere natr. nux-v. tart. Compare : Evening. Noon (before): Alum. rhus. staph. Compare : Morning. Obstructed Respiration (from): Euphorb. guaj. hep nitr. Obstructed Respiration (with): Alum. Ars. carb-an. Cupr COUGH. 97 Obstructed Respiration (with): dros. euphr. ipec. led. natr. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. op. puis spig. spong. squill, tart, verat. Compare: COUGH, Suffocating. Open Air (in the): Alum. Ars. lach. natr. nitr. sen. spig. sulph. sulph-ac. Compare: Cold Air (froml. Oppressed Respiration (from): Aur. eup. lyc. Oppression of the chest (from): Cocc. hep." Oppression of the chest (with) : Acon. am-c ars. asa. caus. cocc. con. dros. graph, grat. phos. rhod. rhus. sen. stann. Compare: Heaviness, Asthma, Tightness, and Con- striction in the Chest, Pain (indefinite) in the Abdomen (with): Coloc. con. nux-v. phos. stann. sulph. —Bruise (as from a): Ars. nux-v. — Cutting: Bell, verat Pain in the Back (shooting, or stitching): Merc. puis. sep. Pain (indefinite) in the Chest (with): Brom. bry. chin. cim. cin. con. dig. graph, lact. lyc. magn. mang. mere, mosch. natr-m. nitr. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhus. rhus-r. samb. sang sen. sep. verat. zinc. —Bruise in the chest (as from a): Arn. ferr. magn-m. magn-s. nux-v. sil. verat. zinc. —Burning in the chest: Ant. carb-v. caus. iod. magn-m. puis, spong. zinc. Compare : Burning. —Excoriation in the chest (as from): Arn. calc. Carb-v. caus. lach. lyc. magn-m. magn-s. mere, natr-s. nitr-ac. n-mos, nux-v. Phos. puis. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. Sulph. zinc. Compare: Soreness. —Split Open (pain, or sensation as if the chest would burst, or): Bry. lact. mere, mur-ac. natr-m. zinc. ■—Stitching, or shooting (with): Acon, am-m. arn. ars. bell. berb. bry. calc. carb-an. chin. con. cupr-acet. dros. dulc. ferr. iod kal. lach. mere natr-m. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. petr. phos. puis. rhus. sep. squill, stann. Sulph. zinc. Pains in the Head (with indefinite): Alum. amb. anac. am. bell. bry. calc caps, carb-v. con. cupr-acet. hep. ipec. lyc mere, natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. ph-ac rhus. sabad sep. squill, sulph, verat. —Crown of the head (in the): Sulph. —Forehead (in the): Arn. natr-m. —Occiput (in the): Anac. ferr. mere sulph. —Split Open (as if the head would): Bry. calc caps, hep mere. Natr-m. Nux-v. phos. ph-ac. sulph. 9 98 COUGH. Pains in the Head (with): —Stitching, or shooting: Calc. carb-v. con. mang. mere sulph. zinc. Pains (indefinite) in the Hips (with): Bell. caus. sulph. Pains (indefinite) in the Hypochondria (with): Acon. amb. am-c. arn. ars. bry. con. dros. hell. lach. lyc. nitr-ac. nux-v squill, sulph. verat. —Stitching, or shooting: Am-m. am. Bry. carb-v. caus. chin, crotal. phos. puis. rhus. sep. squill, sulph. Pains (indefinite) in the Larynx (with): Acon. carb-v. caus hep. kal. lach. magn-m. nux-v. —Excoriation (as from): Acon. arg. bry. con. nux-v. sep spong. —Stitching, or shooting: Dros. hep. lyc. phos. —Stinging, or pricking: Nitr-ac. phos. Compare : Pains in the Throat. Pains in the Loins (with): Am-c. mere, nitr-ac. puis, sulph. Pains in the Nape of the Neck (with): Alum. bell. Pains in the Pit of the Stomach (with): Lach. nux-v. sep sil. Pains in the Shoulders (with): Chin. dig. puis. Pains in the Stomach (with): Bell. ipec. lyc. nitr-ac. phos. rhus. Pains in the Throat (with): Caps, carb-an. caus. chin, hep magn-s. nux-v. phos. puis. —Shooting: Hep. kal. mere nitr-ac. nux-v. —Stinging: Nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. Compare : Pains in the Larynx. Periodical : Anac. arg-nit. ars. bell. cocc. lach. nitr. niox-v sang, sulph-ac. Perspiration (with): Arg-nit. carb-an. cim. dig. lyc. natr nitr. rhus. sulph. Pregnancy (from, or during): Con. n-mos. sep. Pressure in the Larynx (with): Lach. Pressure in the Nape of the Neck (with): Bell. Proceeding from the Pit of the Stomach (as if): Bry. guaj lach. natr-m. Proceeding from the Stomach (as if): Bell. bry. mere, puis sep. tart. Rattling in the Chest or Trachea (with): Ang. arg. bell. bry. caus. chain, ipec. natr. natr-m. nux-v. puis, samb sep. squill, sulph. tart. Compare : COUGH, Rattling. Rawness in the Chest (with sensation of) : Arn. calc Carb-v. caus. lach. lyc. magn-m. magn-s. mere, natr-a COUGH. 99 Rawness in the Chest (with sensation of): nitr-ac n-mos. nux-v. Phos. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann Sulph. zinc. Compare: Soreness. Restlessness (with): Acon. coff. samb. Roughness (scraping) in the Chest (from): Con. eup. grat kreos. nitr. ph-ac. puis. Roughness in the Chest (with): Cann. caus. kal. kreos mur-ac. natr-m. ruta. Compare : COUGH, Rough. Roughness, scraping in the Fauces and Palate (from) Dros. Roughness, scraping in the Larynx (from): Bry; dros. hep kalm. laur. mang. Roughness, scraping in the Larynx (with): Bry. dros. hep, kreos. laur. mang. natr-s. Compare : COUGH, Rough. Roughness, scraping in the Throat (from): Amb. bell. caus. con. graph, hep. kal. kal-ch. kal-hyd. kreos. laur. magn-m. nux-v. phos. phytol. puis. rhod. rhus. sabad. sass. sen. stront. tab. Roughness, scraping in the Throat (with): Agar. bov. carb-v. caus. graph, kreos. laur. mang. mur-ac. natr-s. nitr-ac. petr. puis. rhod. Compare: COUGH, Rough. Shocks in the Head (with): Ipec. lach. natr-m. sulph. Shocks in the Stomach (with): Ipec. Singing (from): Dros. stann. Sleep (during): Arn. Bell. calc. cham. lach. mag. mag- aus. mere. sang. sep. verb. Slept (after having): Lach. puis. Smoking (from): Acon. bry. clem, coloc. dros. hell. lach. petr. Soreness of the Abdomen (with): Amb. ars. fer-acet hyos. verat. Soreness of the Chest (with painful sensibility, or): Acon. am-c. ars. bar-c. calc. Carb-v. caus. cin. eup. hep. kal-bich. lach. lyc. magn-m. magn-s. mere. natr. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. Phos. puis. sep. sil. stann. Sulph. Compare: Excoriation, and Pains. Soreness (painful sensibility) of the Larynx (with): Phos. Soreness (painful sensibility) of the Pit of the Stomach (with): Lye Soreness in the Stomach (with): Bry. Stinging in the Throat (with): Nitr-ac. phos. Sulphur Vapor (as if produced by): Ars. asa. brom. bry carb-v. chin. ign. kal-ch. lach. lyc. par. puis. Swelling of the Pit of the Stomach (with): Carb-aa 100 COUGH. Talking (from): Anac. bar-c. caus. cham. chin. dig. hep lach. magn. mang. mere. phos. sil. stann. sulph Tickling in the Chest (from): Ain-c bov. cham. euphorb graph, iod. lach. mur-ac. natr. Phos. ph-ac. puis. rhus. rhus-r. sep. stann. verat. zinc. Compare : Irritation, and Itching. Tickling in the Larynx (from): Acon. anac. ang. arg-nit, arn. bell. calc. caps, carb-an. carb-v. Cham. dig. Dros. Ipec. kal-bich. Lach. lact. laur. lob. lyc. mere, nux-v. oleand. ph-ac. phytol. prun. puis, sabin. sass. sen. sep. spong. stann. staph, sulph. tart. Tickling in the Throat (from): Amb. am-m. arg-nit. arn. asa. bar-c. bor. bov. bry. calc. caus. chin. con. euphorb. graph, iod. kal. kreos. lach. lact. laur. lyc. magn. magn-m. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nic. nux-v. ol-an. phos. puis. rhus-r. sang. sil. tab. verb. Tickling in the Trachea, or Pit of the Throat (from): Arn. ars. asa. bar-c. bell. caps. cham. chin, colch. ferr. hyos. natr-m. nitr. nux-v. puis. rhod. rhus-r. sep. siL squill. staph., tart. teuc. thuj. verat. Tightness in the Chest (with): Ars. con. lach. lact. rhod. rhus. sulph, Compare: ASTHMA, and see: CHEST, Tightness, &c Ulcers in the Throat (from): Lach. Urination (with involuntary): Ant. caps. caus. colch. kreos. natr-m. phos. puis, squill, staph, sulph. verat. zinc. Vomit (with desire to): Caps. dros. hep. ipec. mere petr. ph-ac. puis. ruta. Compare: Nausea. Vomiting (with): Alum. arn. calc. caps. Carb-v. daph. Dros. hyos. ind. ipec. kal. lach. mere, natr-m. nitr-ac nux-v. phos. plumb, puis, sabad. sep. sil. sulph. verat. —Evening (in the): Mez. rhus. —Food (of): Anac. Bry\ dig. dros. ferr. ipec. lact natr-m. ph-ac. puis. rhus. stann. tart. —Meal (after a): Anac. Bry. dig. rhus. —Morning (in the): Kal. sulph. —Night (at): Ipec. mez. puis. Vomiturition (with): Bell. bry. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin. cim. cin. dros. hep. ipec. kal. kal-bich. kreos. magn-m mere. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. puis. sep. squill, stann. sulph. Warm Room (on entering a): Bry. natr. verat. Walking (from): Ferr. hep. lach. natr-m. stront. CROUP. 10J Cccuh : Weakness (with): Stann. verat. Weeping, or Tears (preceded by): Arn. belL Wheezing in the Chest (with): Sen. sep. Compare: Asthma, Rattling, and, See: RESPIRA TION, Wheezing. COUP DE SOLEIL (sun stroke). See : SUN STROKE. COXALGIA (coxagra, ischias, hip-gout). Diagnosis. A pain ful gouty inflammation of the hip-joint, frequently ter minating in suppuration (coxarthrocace). The pahi fre- quently extends upward to the loins, and downward tc the front part of the knee, and is greatly aggravated by motion, and stepping on the affected limb. It is distin- guished from sciatica by the pain being ameliorated by rest, and by its not following the course of the sciatic nerve. Remedies, In General : Acon. arg. ars. asa. aur. Bell. bry. calc. caus. cham. canth. coloc. dig. hep. lach. mang. Merc, nitr-ac. nux-v. puis. rhus. sep. staph, sulph. COXARTHROCACE (coxarius morbus, hip-joint disease). Diagnosis. Chronic inflammation of the hip-joint; which, if unchecked, terminates in suppuration and caries, de- stroying the head of the femur, and producing luxation outward and upward. At the commencement of the disease, the pain is usually felt in the knee, and is some- times mistaken for a disease of that joint, a mistake that should be carefully guarded against. The pain is ag- gravated by motion and pressure, and ameliorated by rest (distinguishing it, from sciatica). The disease is most frequently met with in children. Remedies, In General : Bell. calc. calc-ph. Coloc. hep. lach. mang. Merc, ph-ac. puis. rhus. sep. sil. staph, sulph. CRACKS (chaps, fissures, rhagades). See : CHAPS. CRAMPS (tonic spasms). See: SPASMS, Tonic, and the Particular organs affected. CRITICAL AGE (menoposia). See : MENOPOSIA. CROUP (angina membranica). Diagnosis. Short, difficult, wheezing, whistling, or rattling respiration ; accompa- nied with anxiety, hoarseness, fever, and a rough, croak- ing, barking, wheezing, whistling, or ringing cough. This disease is liable to be confounded with the asthma of Millar; but is distinguished from it by the presence of fever and red urine. Remedies, In General : Acon. am-m. ars. brom. hep. cupr. dros. iod. kal-bich. lach. mosch. phos. samb. Spong. tart. In the majority of cases, Acon, 102 DEAFNESS. Croup: and spong. should be given in alternation, once in fifteen minutes during the inflammatory stage. After the cough becomes loose, give Hep. in alternation with Acon. or Spong. unless some other remedies are more clearly in- dicated. For the hoarseness and cough remaining after an attack of croup, consult: Carb-v. dros. hep. lyc. phos. To overcome a disposition to croup: Lyc. and phos. have been recommended. CRUSTA LACTEA (milk crust). See: MILK CRUST. CYANOSIS (morbus coeruleus, blue disease). Diagnosis. Blue or livid color of the skin, especially of the face and extremities; with difficulty of breathing, especially when exercising. This disease is attendant on malformation of the heart. Remedies, In General : Acon. am-c. ang. arn. ars. aur. bell. bry. camph. cocc. con. Cupr. Dig. Lach. laur. mere natr-m. nux-v. op. phos. puis. rhus. samb. sec. sil. spong. Verat. CYNANCHE (angina, sore throat). See: ANGINA. CYSTITIS (inflammation of the bladder). Diagnosis. Burn- ing pain in the region of the bladder, with heat, tume- faction, tension, and painful sensibility to the touch. Thirst, fever, frequent and painful discharge of hot, red urine, or retention of urine, strangury, and tenesmus. Constipation, hiccough, and vomiting, frequently accom- pany the disease. Remedies, In General: Acon. calc. camph. cann. Canth. dig. graph, kal. lye mez. nux-v. puis. sep. sulph. CYSTOPLEGIA (paralysis of the bladder). Remedies, In General : Acon. ars. bell. cic. dulc. hyos. lach. laur. nux-v. petr. CYSTORRHCEA (catarrh of the bladder). Diagnosis. Dis- charge of mucus with the urine, sometimes accompanied with ischuria, or difficult micturition. Remedies, In Gen- eral : Amb. ant. calc. con. cop. cann. Dulc. kal. mere nux-v. phos. Puls. Sulph. terb. : IYSTOSPASMUS (spasm of the bladder); Remedies. In General : Asa. caps. hyos. ph-ac. prun. sass. sep. terb. i)EADNESS, Paleness, torpor of parts; In General: Acon ars. bell. Calc. caus. Chel. cic. con. hyos. kreos. led. Lyc. nux-v. oleand. phos. plat. puis. sec. sep. zinc. Compare : Deadness, Paleness, or Torpor, of the Par- ticular Organs affected. DEAFNESS (surditis ^ysecoea, difficult hearing). Remedies, DENTITION. 103 Deafnes-, : In General : Amb. am-c anac. ang. ant arn. ars. bar-c Bell. bor. bry. Calc. caps. caus. chel. chin. cic. cocc. con dros. dulc. Graph, hep. Hyos. ign. kal. lach. laur. led. Lyc. magn. mang. mere mur-ac. natr. Nitr-ac. nux-v. op Petr. phos. ph-ac. plat, plumb. Puls. rhus. ruta. sec. sep. Sil. staph, stram. Sulph. verat. verb, zinc See : EARS (symptoms, and conditions of the). Catarrhal : Ars. bell. calc. carb-v. lach. led. mere, nitr-ac. puis. sil. sulph. Congestive: Aur. bell. coff. graph, hyos. mere. petr. phos. sep. sil. spig. sulph. Fevers (resulting from severe illness, or): Arn. caus. mur-ac phos. ph-ac. sulph. verat. Human Voice (difficulty of hearing the): Ars. phos. siL sulph. Measles (resulting from): Ant. bell. Carb-v. cham. hyos. mere. Puls. rhus. sulph. Periodical : Spig. Quinine (from abuse of) : Ars. bell. calc. carb-v. lach. mere ph-ac. Puls. sep. sulph. verat. Small-pox (from): Ant. arn. ars. belL hyos. Merc. puis.' rhus. sil. sulph. tart. thuj. Scarlatina (from): Am-c. bar-c. Bell. bry. cham. dulc. hep. hyos. lach. lyc. mere. rhus. sulph. Suppressed discharge from the Ears (from): Bell. hep. lach. led. mere puis, sulph. Suppressed Cutaneous Eruptions (from): Alum. ant. ars. bell. bry. carb-v. caus. graph, hep. lyc. natr. ph-ac. puis. rhus. sep. staph. Sulph. Swelling, or Hypertrophy of the Tonsils (from) : Aur. bell. iod. mere, nitr-ac. staph. DEBILITY (weakness, prostration). See: WEAKNESS. DEGLUTITION (swallowing). See : DYSPHAGIA ; and LARYNX, BRONCHIA, and THROAT. DELIRIUM (insanity from excitement). See : MIND DELIRIUM TREMENS (mania potu; insanity of drunk- ards ; characterized by fantastic and frightful visions, fear, trembling, desire to escape, anxious, vigilance, (fee). Remedies, In General : Acon. Bell. bis. calc. chin-s. coff. hyos. lach. Nux-v. Op. strain, verat. DENTITION (sufferings from). Remedies, In General. Acon. ars. bell. cal<* Ciiam. coff. ferr. ign. ipec. mere. sulph. 104 DIARRHCEA. Dentition : Agitation, Restlessness (with): Acon, bell. chan. CoFt hyos. Constipation (with): Bry. magn-m. op. nux-v. sulph. Diarrhqja (with): Ars. calc. Cham. ferr. ipec. Merc, sulph Fever (with): Acon. bell. Cham. Coff. mere nux-v. sil. Sleeplessness (with): Acon. Bell. cham. Coff. mere puis Slow, or delayed : Calc. magn. sulph. Spasms and Convulsions (with): Bell. cham. cin. coff. hyos Ign. ipec. mere op. stram. sulph. zinc. Compare: SPASMS. DERANGEMENT (delirium, insanity). See: MLND, Db lirium, Insanity, &c. DERBYSHIRE NECK (bronchocele). See: GOITRE. DIABETES (morbid urinary secretion, as regards quantity, or quality, or both). Remedies, In General : Arn. arg. bar-m. bell, carb-v. led. mur-ac natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. Ph-ac. Compare: URINE. DIAPHRAGMITIS (inflammation of the midriff or dia- phragm). Diagnosis. Pain in the region of the short ribs, extending from the lower ribs to the dorsal verte- bra? ; accompanied with fever, cough, and painful in- spiration as in pleurisy. There is usually great anxiety, restlessness, and painful sensibility of the epigastric region to the touch; and in severe cases obstructed respiration, hiccough, and vomiting. Remedies, In Gen- eral : Acon. Bry. cann. cham. cocc. hyos. ipec. nux-v. puis, verat. DIARRHCEA (morbid looseness of the bowels). Remedies, In General : Acon. agar. alum. am-m. ang. ant. arg-nit. arn. Ars. asa. asar. aur. aur-ful. bar-c. bell. bov. Bry. calad. calc. canth. caps. Carb-v. caus. Cham. Chin, chin-s. cin. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. croc. cupr. cupr-acet cupr-carb. dros. dulc. eup. euphorb. ferr. graph, gutt hell. hep. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. jal. kal. lach. lyc. magn. magn-m. Merc. mez. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. oleand. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. phytol. Puls. ran. rheum, rhod. rhus. rhus-r. sabad. sabin. sang. sen. sep. siL spig. squill, staph, stram. stront. Sulph. sulph-ac. tab tart. thuj. val. Verat. zinc. Alternating with Constipation : Ant. ars. bry. iod. lach. Nux-v. rhus. ruta. sabad. Anguish, Anxiety (with): Aloe. ant. ars. camph. jat. lach. mere verat. DIARRHCEA. 105 Diarrhoea : Children (in): Ant. ars. calc. Cham. chin. ferr. fer-carb ign. ipec. jal. magn. mere, n-mos. phos. Rheum, sec. sep sulph. sulph-ac. verat. Chill, or Cold (from a): Ars. bell. Bry. camph. cham Dulc ipec. Merc, n^mos. nux-v. op. puis, sulph. verat. Chronic : Agn. ars. calc. chin. corf. dulc. ferr. fer-carb graph, hep. ipec. kreos. lach. magn. magn-m. mur-ac nitr-ac. petr. phos. ph-ac. raph. sep. sil. sulph. verat. Cold drinks (from): Ars. bry. carb-v. dulc. n-mos. puis. Colic (with) : Acon. agar. aloe. alum. am-c. am-m. ang, ant. Ars. asa. bar-c. bar-m. bor. bov. bry. camph. cana canth. caps. Cham, chins. Coloc con. crot. dulc. fer-carb. gutt. haem. hell. hep. Ipec Jal. lach. magn. Mero. Merc-c. mez. mosch. natr. natr-m. nux-v. ol-an. petr. Puls. Rheum, rhus. sass. sil. spig. staph, stram. stront sulph. tart. Verat. Colliquative : Ars. bry. Chin. con. ipec. jat. kreos. nitr-ac nux-v. phos. ph-ac. sec. Verat. Consumptives (in): Ars. calc. Chin. Ferr. kreos. Phos. ph-ac. puis. sec. Cries, in Children (with): Carb-v. Cham. Ipec. Jal. Rheum. sena sulph. Damp Weather (in): Dulc. lach. mere n-mos. rhod. rhus. Dentition (during): Ars. calc. Cham. ferr. ipec. niagn Merc. sec. sulph. Disposition to diarrhoea (to overcome a chronic): Calc chin. ferr. graph, kreos. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. sulph. Distension of the Abdomen (with): Ars. cham. colch. ferr fer-carb. graph, ipec. sulph. verat. Drinking (after): Ars. cin. ferr. fer-carb. Compare : Cold drinks (from). Eructations (with): Ant. cham. con. dulc. mere. puis. Evening (in the): Bov. caus. kal. lach. mere Evening Air (from the): Merc, n-mos. Excoriation of the Anus (with): Ars. cham. ferr. lacn. mere. puis. sass. verat. Compare: Evacuations Acrid. Faintxess at Stool (with): Aloe. bor. bruc. dulc. sass. verat, Feeble persons (in): Ars. ca/c. Chin. ferr. phos. ph-ac. sec verat. Flatus (with emission of): Agar. asa. bor. carb-aa chin-a fer-mag. ign. lach. magn. magn-m. sep. staph. Fruits in general (from eating): Ars. chin. lach. pnls.rixK. 106 DIARRHCEA. DlARRHCEA : Headache (with) : Podoph. rhus. Meal (after a): Am-c. Ars. bor. bry. Ch n. Coloo. ferr fer-carb. lach. podoph. verat. Mental Emotions : from Anger: Cham. ioloe nux-v.— from Fright. Ign. ipec. Op. puis.—from Grief: Ign. pjh-ac. staph.—from Joy : Coff. op. puis. Mi: k (from partaking of): Bry. lyc. natr. sep. sulph. Morning (in the): Ant. bov. bry. cop. haam. podoph. verat. Nausea (with): Acon. agar. ant. arn. ars. bell. dulc. graa hell. ipec. lach. mere. phos. puis. rhus. verat. Night (at): Ant. ars. aur. bov. bry. cajjs. caus. cham. chin. cin. dulc. ign. ipec lach. mere, mosch. puis. rhus. sulph. verat. Old people (in): Ant. ars. bry. chin. Phos. ph :c. sec. Pain in the Loins (with): Bar-c. kal-hyd. nux-v. Pain in the Stomach (with): Agar. bell. bry. paeon. Painless : Amb. arn. Ars. aur. bar-c. bar-m. bell. bor. bov. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. cham. chel, chin. cin. clem. cocc. con. dulc. Ferr. fer-carb. graph, hell. Hyos. ign. ipec. laur. lyc. mag. magn. mere mur-ac. oleand. op. Phos. Ph-ac. plat. puis. ran. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. sabin. sass. sec. spig. Stram. stront. sulph. verat. Perspiration (with): Acon. jat. mere Prolapsus of the Rectum (with): Ars. asa. calc. dulc. gran. ign. lach, mere ruta. sep. sulph. Lying-in Females (in): Ant. dulc. hyos. phos. puis, rheum. sulph. verat. Pregnant Females (in): Ant. cham. dulc. hyos. lyc. phos puis. rhus. sep. sulph. Rumbling in the Abdomen (with): Ara cham. chin. ha?m. hep. sec. verat. Scrofulous Subjects (in): Ars. bar-c. calc. chin. dulc. lyc. sep. sil. sulph. Shivering (with): Bare. cast. cop. dig. m>re.puis, sulph. Shuddering (with): Bell. mere. puis, rheum, verat. Tenesmus (with): Acon. aloe. alum. ars. bell. crot. cupr-acet gutt hep. ipec. lach. Merc. Merc-c. natr. natr-m. nitr ac Nux-v. op. rhus. sen. sep. Sulph. —Evacuation (after): Bov. caps. —Evacuation (before): Merc. ~- Violent (with): Acon, aloe. ars. bell. hep. ipec. lach, Merc. Mee,>c. nitr-ac Nux-v. rhus. Sulph. Con> DIARRHCEA. 107 Diarrh(ea : pare: DYSENTERY, and TENESMUS without Evao UATION. Thirst (with): Ars. cham. dulc. ferr. magn-s. Trembling (with): Con. mere. Violent : Arg-nit. Ars. aur-ful. crotal. cupr. cupr-acet. Jai iod. magn-m. mez. tab. Verat. Vomiting (with): Ant. Ars. bell. cham. coloc. cupr. dulc gutt. Ipec. Jat. lach. phos. puis, rheum, sec. sen. stram. tart. Verat. Weakness (with): Ars. bor. bry. chin. con. ipec kal. lach. mere phos. sec. sep. sulph. Verat. DIARRHCEA, with Evacuations Acrid, Burning, Scalding Ant. Ars. chain, chin. dulc. ferr. ign. kal. lach, Merc. natr-m. nux-v. puis. sass. staph, sulph. verat. Bilious : ^Eth. aloe. ars. Cham. chin. cin. dulc. ipec. Merc. Merc-c. nux-v. oleand. phytol. podoph. puis. tart. verat. Blackish : Acon. arn. Ars. aur-ful. brom. bry. camph. chin. coloc cupr-acet. hep. ipec. kreos. mere, nux-v. op. phos. squill, sulph-ac. verat. Bloody : Acon. aloe. arn. Ars. asar. bry. calc. canth. caps. carb-v. cast, colch. coloc. con. cupr. cupr-carb. daph. dros. dulc. graph, hep. ign. iod. ipec. jal. kreos. lach. magn-m. Merc. Merc-c. natr. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. petr. phos. plumb, puis. rat. rhus. rhus-r. sabad. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. val. verat. Bloody Mucus : Arn. ars. canth. caps, carb-v. cast. chin. colch. coloc. dros. dulc. graph, hep. ign. iod. ipec. lach. magn-m. Merc. Merc-c. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. puis. raph. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. sulph. Brownish : Amb. arg. arn. Ars. asa. bor. bry. canth. chin. dulc. kreos. magn-m. merc-c. raph. rheum, rhus-r. sabad. sep. sil. sulph. verat. Cadaverous (smelling): Arn. bis. carb-v. kreos. sil. stram. Changeable (one evacuation differing from another): Puis. Dysenteric: Ars. bell, canth. caps, carb-v. colch.coloc. dig. hep. iod. ipec. kreos. Merc. Merc-c. nitr-ac. nux-v. plumb. rhus. rhus-r. staph, sulph. tart. Fermented (as if): Ipec. sabad. Compare : Frothy. Flocculent : Acon. ars. calc. camph. cupr. dulc. ipec. jat phos. ph-ac. rhus. sec. verat. Frothy : Calc. canth. chin, coloc. iod. magn. mere, natr-a op. podoph raph. rhus. rhus-r. ruta. sulph. sulph-ac. 108 DIARRHCEA. Diarrhoxa (evacuations): Gelatinous (jelly-like): Colch. cupr-acet. hell. rhus. rhus-i sep. Greenish : AZth. arg-nit. Ars. bor. calc. canth. Cham. chin, coloc. crot. cupr-acet. dulc. gutt hep. Ipec. laur magn. magn-m. Merc. Merc-c. nitr-ac. nux-v. Phos ph-ac. podoph. Puls. raph. rheum, rhus-r. sec. sep. stann sulph. sulph-ac. tab. val. verat. Grayish: Acon. ars. asar. bell. calc. carb-v. chin, colch. cop. cupr-acet. Dig. hep. ign. ipec. lach. mere, nux-v. phos. Ph-ac. rhus. rhus-r. see spong. sulph. verat. Involuntary: Arn. Ars. Bell. bry. calc carb-v. chin. cin. colch. dig. hell. hyos. lach. laur. mur-ac. natr-m oleand. op. Phos. Ph-ac. puis. rhus. sec. staph, sulph. Verat. zinc. —Night (at): Am. ars. bry. chin. lach. mere, mosch. puis. rhus. sulph. verat. —Sleeping (when): Arn. mosch. puis. rhus. Motley (mixed up) substances : Cham. mere, n-mos. puis. rhus. sec. sulph. sulph-ac. viol-tr. Mucous: Agar. alum. am-c. am-m. ang. ant. am. ars. asar. bar-c. bell. bor. brom. calc. canth. Caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. Cham. chel. chin, colch. coloc. coa cupr-acet. dig. dros. dulc. ferr. gran, graph, guaj. hell. hep. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. kreos. lach. laur. led, lye magn. magn-m. Merc, uurc-c. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac n-mos. Nux-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. podoph. Puls. rheum, rhod. rhus, rhus-r. ruta. sabad. sabin. sec. sen. sep. siL spig. squilL stann. staph. Sulph. sulph-ac. verat Pitch-like : Ipec. lach. mere, nux-v. Purulent: Arn. bell. calc. calc-ph. canth. chin. cocc. con. iod. kal. lyc. Merc, nux-v. petr. puis. sep. Sil. sulph. Putrid : Aloe. ars. asa. bry. Carb-v. cham. Chin. cocc. coloc. graph. Merc, nitr-ac n-mos. nux-v. par. sec. sep. strain, sulph. sulph-ac. Scanty : Acon. arg. ars. bell, calad. caps, coloc. eug. mere. merc-c. natr. Nux-v. Sour : Aloe. arn. calc. Cham, coloc. dulc. graph, hep. magn. mere. natr. petr. phos. Rheum, rhus-r. sep. sulp>h. Stinking, offensive : Acon. aloe, arg-nit. ars. asa. bry. calc. calc-ph. carb-an. carb-v. cham. chin. cocc. dulc. graplL ipec. lach. mere, nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. ph-ac. plumb. puis. rhod. sep. sil. staph, stram. stront. sidph. sulph-ac. vaL verat. DREAMS. 109 Diarrhiea (evacuations): Undigested (lientery): Ant. arn. ars. asar. bry. calc. Chin. con. Ferr. fer-carb. graph, kreos. men. nitr-ac. n-mos. oleand. Phos. ph-ac. raph. rheum, rhus. sang, sec sil. sulph. sulph-ac. Watery : Acon. agar. aloe. ant. arg. ars. asa. bell. berb. bis. bov. brom. calc. canth. carb-an. carb-v. Cham. Chin. cic. clem. crot. dig. dulc. ferr. fer-acet. fer-carb. gutt. hyos. ipec. jal. jat. kreos. lach. laur. mere, mur-ac. Nux-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. podoph. Puls. ran-sc. Raph. rheum, rhus. rhus-r. sec. spig. staph, stront. sulph. sulph- ac. tart, terb. verat. Whitish : Acon. arn. ars. asar. bell. calc. carb-v. cham. chin, colch. cop. cupr-acet. dig. dulc. hep. ign. ipec. lach. mere, nux-v. phos. ph-ac. rhus. rhus-r. sec. spong. sulph. verat. Yellowish : ^Eth. agar. Ars. asa. aur. bar-m.. bell, bor bov. brom. calc. Cham. Chin. cocc. coloc. crot. dulc ipec. Merc. Merc-c. natr. oleand. petr. phos. ph-ac. plumb. podoph. puis, rhus-r. sec. stront. tab. tart. terb. verat. DIPLOPIA (double vision ; seeing objects double). Reme- dies, In General: Agar. am-c. aur. Bell. cic. con. dig. gins. Hyos. lyc. Natr-m. nitr-ac. oleand. puis. sec. stram sulph. verat. DISLOCATIONS (luxations). Remedies, In General : Acon. am-c. Arn. bry. calc. lyc. natr. natr-m. phos. puis. Rhus. ruta. Compare: BRUISES, and STRAINS. DIZZINESS (giddiness, vertigo). See : VERTIGO. DREAMS; In General : Acon. alum. amb. am-c. anac. arg. arn. ars. asa. aur. bare. bell. bor. Bry. calc. carb-v. cham. Chin. cic. cin. clem, coloc. con. dig. ferr. Graph. hep. hyos. Ign. kaL lach. lyc. mag. Magn. magn-m. mang. mere mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux-v. oleand. op. petr. Phos. ph-ac. plat. Puls. ran. rhod. Rhus, sabad. sass. sep. Sil. spig. stann. staph, stram. Sulph. thuj. val. verat. Anxious, Frightful: Acon. alum, am-m, anac. Arn. ars. aur. bar-c. Bell. bov. bry. Calg. cann. carb-v. caus. cham. Chin. cocc. con. dig. ferr. Graph, hep. hyos. ign. Kal. laur. Lyc. mag. Magn. magn-m. mang. mere, mur-ac natr. Natr-m. nitr. Nux-v. op. petr. Phos. plat. Puls. ran. ran-sc. Rhus, sabad. sass. sep. Sil. spig. stann. stram. Sulph. sulph-ac. Tuuj. val. verat, zinc. 10 no DROPSY. Dreams •. Dead persons (about) : Alum. anac. am. Ars. aur. calc graph, kal. lye Magn. magn-m. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. sass. sulph-ac. Thuj. verb. Disgusting : Am-m. anac. kreos. magn-m. mur-ac. natr-m. Nux-v. phos. puis, sulph. zinc. Falling (about): Am-m. aur. bell. chin. dig. ferr. hep. ign magn-m. mere mez. sabin. sass. sulph. Thuj. zinc. Fire (about): Alum. am-c. anac. ars. bell. calc. croc. Hep laur. mag-aus. Magn. Magn-m. natr-m. phos. spig. stann stront. sulph, sulph-ac. Mind (affecting the): Acon. anac. arn. ars. bry. calc. chin cic. graph. Ign. lach. led. mosch. natr-m. Nux-v. oleand Phos. ph-ac. puis, sabad. sabin. sulph. thuj. viol-tr. Pleasant : Alum. am-m. ant. ars. aur. bar-c. bis. Calc caus. chin. cocc. con. croc, graph, hyos. ign. kal. lach. magn. magn-m. mere Natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. Op. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. Puls. sabad. samb. Sep. sil. spig. stann. Staph, stram. sulph. Viol-tr. zinc. DRINKING (sufferings from). Remedies, In General : Aeon. amb. anac. arn. Ars. aur. bell. bry. caps. cham. Chin. Cocc. coloc. con. croc. cupr. dros. ferr. hep. ign. lyc. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux-v. plumb, puis. Rhus. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. tar. Verat. Chill in the Stomach, after drinking: Sulph-ac. Convulsions: Hyos. Cough from, or aggravated by drinking : Acon. am-m. ars. bry. carb-v. chin. dros. hep. lach. lyc. phos. Sil. squilL Diarrhqja : Ars. bry. carb-v. cin. ferr. n-mos. puis. Eructations : Ars. mez. rhus. tar. Hiccough : Ign. lach. puis. Nausea : Bry. natr-m. nux-v. puis. rhus. teuc. Pain in the Abdomen, after drinking : Ars. bry. ferr. rhus. Sulph. —Chest (in the): Arn. chin. thuj. verat. —Stomach (in the): Acon. ars. daph. ferr. kal. nitr-ac nux-v. ol-an. rhod. sil. sulph-ac. Shivering, or Shuddering : Ars. chin, nux-v. tar. verat. Shootings in the Hypochondrium : Natr. Vomiting : Acon. ant. arn. Ars. bry. cham. chin. Eur. ferr. ■ipec. nux-v. puis. sil. Verat. DROPSY (morbid serous effusion into any of the cavities of the body). Remedies, In General : Acon. am-c. ant. Ars. arn. bare. bell. bry. camph. calc. canth. Chin. Colch. DYSENTERY. Ill Dropsy: coloc. con. conv. Dig. dulc. euphorb. ferr. Hell. hyos. iod. kal. lach. lact led. lyc. mere. mez. nitr-ac n-mos. oleand. op. plumb, prun. puis. rhus. ruta. sabin. samb sen. sep. sol-nig. squill, sulph. verat. Debilitating losses (from): Chin. ferr. mere sep. sulph. Exanthemata (from suppressed): Ars. chin. dig. hell, sulph. Intermittent Fevers (from): Ars. chin. dulc. ferr. mere sulph. Mercury (from abuse of): Chin. dulc. hell, sulph. Scarlatina (from): Arn. ars. bar-m. bell. bry. cann. chia dig. dulc. hell. lyc. mere ph-ac. puis. sen. sulph. Spirituous Liquors (from): Ars. Chin. hell. lach. led. sep sil. sulph. See: ANASARCA, ASCITES, CEDEMA, HYDROCEPHALUS, and HYDROTHORAX. DROWNED PERSONS. See: ASPHYXIA. DRUNKARDS (sufferingsof). Remedies, In General: Acon. agar. ant. arn. ars. bar-c. bell. bor. bov. calc. carb-v. caus. clul. chin. cocc. coff. con. hyos. ign. Lach. led. lyc. natr. natr-m. n-mos. Nux-v. Op. petr. puis. ran. rhod. rhus, ruta. sel. sil. spig. stram. verat. zinc. Inclination for Intoxicating Liquors (against an): Ars. calc Lach. sulph. sulph-ac. Intoxication (during the state of): Acon. am-c. bell, coff nux-v. Op. stram. verat. DYSENTERY (frequent mucous or bloody stools, with fever and tenesmus). Diagnosis. Constipation, with frequent and urgent desire to evacuate the bowels, accompanied with violent tenesmus, fever, pain in the rectum, loins, and abdomen. The stools contain little or no feculent matter, but consist principally of mucus or blood, or both; or of greenish, bilious, brownish, or blackish pu- trid matters. Remedies, In General : Acon. aloe. arn. ars. bar-m. bry. bell. caps, carb-v. cham. chin, colch. coloc. dulc. elat. hep. ipec. kreos. lach. Merc. Merc-c. merc-iod. nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. puis. rhus. rhus-r. staph. sulph. verat. Bitter taste in the Mouth (with): Acon. ars. Bry\ Cham. chin, coloc. ipec. Merc, merc-c. nux-v. nitr-ac puis. rhus. verat. Coated tongue (with): Acon. ars. bell. Bry. carb-v. cham. chin, coloc. ipec. Merc, merc-c. nux-v. Puls. rhus. sulph. Colic (with): Acon. aloe. ars. bell. bry. caps. cham. Coloc dulc. ipec. lach. Merc merc-c. Nux-v. puis. rhus. sulph. 112 DYSPEPSIA. Dysentert : Distension of the Abd Mnen (with): Acon. Ars. bell, cham chin, colch. Coloc. dulc. hep. hyos. lach. Merc, merc-c mur-ac. nitr-ac. nux-v. puis. rhus. sulph. verat. Evacuations—Bilious: Aloe. ars. Cham. chin. dulc. ipec Merc. Merc-c. nux-v. puis, verat. —Blackish: Acon. arn. Ars. bry. chin, coloc. ipec. mere nux-v. verat. —Bloody: Acon. aloe. arn. ars. bry. canth. caps, carb-v. chin, colch. coloc. dulc. ipec. kreos. lach. Merc. Merc-c. nitr-ac. nux-v. puis. rhus. sulph. verat. —Brownish: Arn. Ars. bry. canth. chin, dulc kreos. Merc-c. sulph. verat. —Involuntary: Arn. Ars. bell. bry. carb-v. chin. hyos. lach. mere mur-ac. puis. Rhus, sulph. verat. —Motley (mixed up) substances : Cham. Merc. puis. rhus. sulph. —Mucous : Arn. ars. bell, canth. Caps, carb-v. Cham. chin. colch. coloc. dulc. hep. hyos. ipec. lach. Merc, merc-c. nitr-ac. Nux-v. Puls. rhus. staph. Sulph. verat. —Putrid: Aloe. Ars. bry. Carb-v. cham. Chin, coloc. mere. merc-c. nitr-ac. nux-v. sulph. Heat and Thirst (with): Acon. Ars. bell. bry. caps. cham. chin. dulc. hyos. Merc, merc-c. mur-ac. nux-v. rhus. °ulph. verat. Rheumatic pains (with): Acon. belL bry. cham. mere. nux-v. puis. rhus. sulph. Sensibility (painful) of the Abdomen (with): Acon. ars. bell, canth. carb-v. cham. Coloc. hyos. lach. Merc nitr-ac. Nux-v. puis, sulph. verat. For other indications, see: the particular symptoms, under their respective heads. Notk.—The remedies may sometimes be alternated with advantage, especially Merc, and Sulph., providing both remedies are indicated by the predominant symptoms. DYSECCEA (surditas, difficultv of hearing). See: DEAF- NESS, and EARS, Paralysis, il. staph. suiph. —Nose: Acon. alum. ant. arn. ars. aur. bar-c. Bell. bov. bry. calc. cann. canth. carb-v. Caus. chain, chin. cocc. graph. hep. hyos. Kal. lyc. mere. mez. Natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux^v. phos. Ph-ac. plumb. Puls. ran. Rhus. ruta. samb. Sep. sil. spig. sulph. thuj. Burning in the Face: Acon. am-m. arn. bell. bry. canth. caps. cocc. croc. daph. diad. gran. grat. ign. ind. natr. nux-v. phos. plat. puis. rhus. rhus-r. sabad. samb. sang. stront. sulph. thuj. verat. Chaps, Cracks, Fissures in the Face : Con. sil. —Corner of the Lips (in the): Ant. ign. Merc mez. sil. —Lips (in the): Agar. alum. am-c. am-m. ant. arn. ars. bar-c. bry. calc. caps, carb-an. carb-v. cham. chin, colch. con. croc. dros. gins, graph, ign. kal. lach. Merc. mez. natr-m. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. plat. puts, sabad. sil. sulph. tart, verat. zinc Coldness in the Face (sensation of): Lyc. plat, ran-sc Color of the Face—Bluish : Acon. agar. ang. Ars. aur. bell. bruc. bry. camph. carb-v. cham. cic. cin. crotal. Cupr. dig. dros. fer-acet. hep. hydr-ac. Hyos. ign. ipec. lach. laur. lyc. Op. plumb, samb. spong. stram. verat. ----Eyes (about the): Anac. Ars. calc. camph. cham. Chin. cin. eocc. cupr. ferr. hep. ign. Ipec. lach. lyc. mez. nitr-sp. n-mos. nux-v. Oleand. phos. ph-ac. Rhus, sabad. sabin. Sec. sep. spig. staph, stram. sulph. verat. ----Mouth (about the): Ars. cin. cupr. —Bluish-red: Acon. ang. arg-nit. ars. aur. Bell. Bry. camph. cham. cic. cin. coa Cupr. hep. Hyos. ign. ipec lach. mere op phos. puis. samb. sang, spong. squill, staph stram. verat. FACE. 133 Face (color): —Brownish: Bry. carb-v. Hyos. iod. kreos. nitr-ac. op puis, sec staph, stram. sulph. —Changing—alternately Pale,and Red: Acon. alum. ars. asa. aur. Bell. bov. caps, carb-an. cham. chin. cin. croc. ferr. graph, hyos. Ign. iod. ipec. kaL led. lyc. magn. magn-s. mur-ac. natr. nux-v. oleand. op. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. spig. squill, sulph-ac. verat. — Conner-like : Alum. ars. calc. cann. carb-an. hyos. kreos. led. rhus. ruta. verat. —Earthy, sallow complexion: Ars. bis. bor. bry. canth. Chin, chin-s. cic. croc, crotal. eup. euphorb. Ferr. hyos. ign. ipec. kreos. laur. lyc. magn. Merc, mosch. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. op. phos. plumb, samb. sec. sil. zinc. —Grayish : Berb. carb-v. kreos. lach. laur. —Greenish : Ars. carb-v. lach. verat. —Pale: Acon. aeth. alum. amb. am-c. am-caus. anac. arg- nit. arn. Ars. bell. berb. bis. bor. bov. bry. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. Chin. cic. Cin. clem. cocc. colch. coloc. con. croc, crotal. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. fer-acet. fer-carb. graph. hell. hep. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. kreos. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. mere. mez. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. nitr-sp. n-mos. nux-v. oleand. ol-an. op. par. petr. phel. phos. Ph-ac. plat, plumb, puis, rheum. rhus. rhus-r. sabin. samb. sang. sec. sel. Sep. sil. spig. spong. stann, staph, stram. Sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tart. teuc. verat. zinc. ---Semi-lateral: Acon. arn. bell. Cham, coloc. ign. mosch. nux-v. tab. verat. —Red: Acon. agar. alum. amb. am-c. am-m. anac. arg. arn. ars. asa. asar. aur. bar-c. Bell. bor. bov. Bry. calc. camph. cann. canth, caps. caus. Cham. cheL chin. cic. cin. cocc. coff. coloc. con. croc. cupr. eye dig. dros. dulc. ferr. fer-acet. graph, grat. hell. hep. Hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. kreoe. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. men. mere. mez. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. oleand. Op. par. petr. phos. plat, plumb, puis. ran. rhus. ruta, sabad. sabin. samb. sass. sec. sel. sen. sep. sil. sol- nig, spig. spong. stann. staph. Stram. stront. sulph. tab, tart. thuj. val. verat. viol-tr. zinc. -----Semi-lateral: Acon. arn.belL Cham, coloc. ign. mosch, nux-v. sang. tab. verat. —Red Cheeks: Acon. agar. alum. ars. calc. cann. caps. 12 134 FACE. Face vcolor): cham. chia cocc coccion. coff. coloc. hep. kal. kreos. lach lyc. mere, mosch. mur-ac. nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. phos puis. ran. rhus. sang. spig. sulph. val. —Red Spot on the Cheek: Acon. ars. bry. calc. carb-v. Chin. con. croc dros. dulc. Ferr. hep. iod. kal. kreos. lach. laur. led, Lyo. mere natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. Phos. ph-ac puis. sang, sea sep. sil. spong. stann. stram. Sulph. —Shining, Greasy appearance: Agar. aur. bry. chin. magn. mere Natr-m. plumb, rhus. seL stram. —Spotted: Alum. amb. am-c. ars. bell. bry. calc. canth, Carb-an. colch. croc. ferr. kreos. laur. lyc. mere natr. n-mos. nux-v. op. par. phos. Rhus. ruta. sabad. samb. sec. sep. Sil. sulph. verat. zinc. — Fellow: Acon. amb. ant. arn. ars. asa. aur. bell. bry. calc. cann. canth. carb-v. caus. chain, chel. chin. cin. cocc. Con. croc, crotal. cupr. dig. Ferr. gran, graph, hep. ign. iod. kal. lach. laur. Lyc. mere, natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux-v. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. Plumb, puis. rhus. sabad. sec. Sep. siL spig. Sulph. verat. ----Eyes (about the): Cin. nitr-ac. nux-v. spig. ----Mouth (about the): Nux-v. sep. ----Temples (about the): Caus. Congestion in the Face : Coccion. ind. Stram. Convulsions of the Face: Bell. cham. ign. ipec. laur. lyc op. puis. tart. Compare : Jerking. —Lips, and Mouth (of the): Bell. bruc. cham. Ign. ipec. lyc. mere Countenance Changed. See: Expression of the Coun- tenance. Crawling in the Face (sensation of): Acon. agn. amb. colch. gran. grat. nux-v. ol-an. paeon, plat. ran. rhus. sabad. sec. Desquamation of the Face : Canth. phos. puis. rhus. Distortion of the Face: Acon. amb. am-c. ang. ars. bell. bry. camph. canth. caus. cham. cic. cocc cupr. dulc. graph. hydr-ac. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. laur. lyc. mere, nux-v. Op, plat. puis. ran. rhus. sec. sil. spig. spong. squill. Stram. verat. ■—Mouth (of the): Bell. dulc. lye mere nux-v. op. sec. stram. Dryness of the Lips: Acon. alum. am-c. am-m. ang. ant. arn. bare bell. b"rb. Bry. Chin. con. dig. dros. graa FACE. 135 Face (Lips, dryness of the): hyos. ign. kreos. lach. magn-s. mang. mere, natr-m. natr-a Nux-v. oleand. Phos. plat. rhod. rhus. sep. stram. sulph. tart, verat. Emaciation of the Face : Calc. sep. tab. Eruptions on the Face : Alum. amb. am-c. Ant. ars. aur. bar-c. bell. bov. bry. calc. canth. carb-an. carb-v. Caus. cham. Cic. clem, coloc. con. dulc. euphorb. graph, hep. ign. kreos. lach. led. lyc. mere, mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac nux-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. Rhus. sass. Sep. sil. spong. Staph, sulph. verat. zinc. — Cheeks (on the): Amb. Ant. bell. bov. bry. calc. canth. caus. cham. con. dig. dulc. Kreos. lach, natr-m. oleand. phos. Rhus. sep. sil. spong. Staph, verat. —Chin (on the): Ant. bell. calc. caus. con. graph, hep. kal. kreos. lyc. mere. mez. natr-m par. phos. ph-ac. Rhus. sass. Z. sil. spig. sulph. verat. zinc. „es (about the): Arn. ars. con. hep. mere. petr. sil. spong. staph, sulph. —Eyebrows (in the) : Ars. caus. hell. kal. par. rhus. sel. sep. staph, sulph. thuj. —Forehead (on the): Amb. Ant. bell. bov. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. clem. hep. Kreos. Led. lyc. mur-ac natr-m. nitr-ac. par. phos. ph-ac. Rhus. sass. Sep. sil. staph. Sulph. —Mouth (about the): Alum. am-c. Ars. bell. bov. Bry. calc. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. cic. clem. con. Graph. hyos. ign. Kal. Kreos. laur. led. lyc. magn-m. mere, mez, natr. Natr-m. nux-v. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. Rhus. ruta. sass. sen. Sep. sil. spong. Staph, sulph. thuj. verat. —Nose (on the): Alum. am-c. ant aur. bell, carb-an. caus. clem, euphr. kal. lach. magn. mere natr. nitr-ac. petr. ph-ac. plumb, rhus. sep. sil, squill, sulph. —Temples (on the) : Alum. ant. arg. bell. brv. carb-v. caus. dulc. lach. lyc. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. sulph. Compare : ACNE, HERPES, and ERUPTIONS. Erysipelas in the Face : Acon. Bell, camph. canth. carb-an carb-v. Cham, euphorb. Graph, hep. Lach. Rhus. Rhus-r, sep. stram. sulph. Compare: ERYSIPELAS. Eversion (turning outwards) of the Lips: Beli. mere. Excoriation of the Lips: Alum. am-m. a:s. canth. caua cham. cupr. graph, lyc. mez. natr. —Corners of the Lips (of the): Ant. caus. lyc. mez. Compare : Chaps, Cracks, Fissures, and Exfoliation 136 FACE. Exfoliation of the Lips: Alum. am-m. berb. canth. cham con. kal. mez. mosch. nux-v. plumb, puis. sep. sulph-ac tart. Compare : Excoriation, and Chaps. Expression of the Countenance—Altered: Alum, am-caus ant. ars. bell. bis. camph canth. caus. cham. chin, colch. cupr. graph, hell, hydr-ac. hyos. ign. iod. lach. laur. lyc. nitr-sp. nuy-v. oleand. op. ph-ac. plumb, puis, ran-sc. rhus. sec. sep. sil. spig. spong. strain, verat. —Anxious: Acon. aeth. bell. cupr. spong. tart. —Hrppocratic : Ars. camph. canth. carb-v. cupr. laur. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. sec. verat. Flushes of heat in the Face : Alum. amb. cist. cocc. gran. graph, kal. kal-ch. lyc. phos. teuc. thuj. Compare: HEAT, Transient. Freckles, in the Face: Am-c. ant. bry. calc. carb-v. con. dros. dulc. Graph, kal. lyc. mere mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. n-mos. petr. Phos. puis. sep. sil. Sulph. Hippocratic : Ars. camph. canth. carb-v. cupr. laur. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. see verat. Horripilation (shuddering) in the Face: Arn. puis. rhod. Itching in the Face: Agn. ang. amb. bell. calc. cann. con. fer-mag. gran. lach. natr-m. nux-v. ruta. stront. —Forehead (in the) : Alum. amb. caps. — Whiskers (in the): Amb. calc. sil. Jerking of the Facial Muscles : Amb. arn. bell. cann. cham. ign. iod. ipec. lyc. mere mez. nux-v. op. phos. puis, ran-sc sel. tart, verat. Mouth Open : Ang. ars. Bell, camph. hyos. lyc. op. plumb. puis, squill. Nodosities on the Face : Bry. graph. led. oleand. puis. —Forehead (on the): Cic. con. led. oleand. —Lips (on the): Ars. Compare: EXCRESCENCES. Pains in the Face (prosopalgia): Acon. agar. alum. am-c. am-m. amb. arn. ars. asa. asar. aur. bar~c. Bell. bor. bov. bry. calc. caps. Caus. cham. chin, colch. Coloc. con. dig. dros. euphorb. euphr. gran. grat. guaj. Hep. hyos. kaL kal-ch, kalm. kreos. lach. laur. led. Lyc. magn. magn-m. mere. Mez. natr-m. natr-s. nitr-ac. Nux-v. ol-an. Phos. ph-ac. Plat. puis. ran. ran-sc. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sec. sep. Spig. spong. stann. Staph, stram. sulph. tart thuj. verat. —Aching: Arn. belL chin. mez. natr-m. rhus. ruta. spig stann. staph. —Bruise (as from) : Cor. ruta. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. FACE. 137 Face (pains): —Burning: Acon. agar. ars. carb-v. caus. cham. cist, clem coloc. daph. dros. graph, ign. mez. ol-an. par. phos. ph-ac. rhus. samb. spig. staph, sulph. verat, —Cutting : Bell. bov. calc. carb-v. coloc. evon. rhus. staph. stram. —Drawing : Agar. alum. ars. aur. bar-m. bell, carb-v. caus. cham. colch. dig. graph. Kal. Kal-ch. kreos. magn-m. mez. Nux-v. ol-an. Phos. ph-ac. ran-sc. sep. sil. stann. staph, sulph. tart. val. viol-od. —Jerking : Acon. chin. cin. colch. mang. nux-v. phos. spig. stront. thuj. —Pressive: Anac. arg. bell. berb. bis. bry. caps. hyos. Kal-ch. mere Mez. oleand. plat, sabin. spig. stann. staph. sulph. tart. teuc. verb, viol-tr. •—Semi-lateral: Acon. am-c. am-m. bry. caus. cham. colch. coloc. dros. evon. graph, kreos. lach. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. ol-an. phos. plat. puis. spig. stann. staph, tong. verat. —Shooting, or stitching: Acon. aeth. agar. alum. am-c. ars. bell, berb. carb-an. cham. coloc, con. euphr. evon. graph. hep. kal-ch. lyc. mere phos. rhus. sabin. sil. stann. staph. sulph. verb. —Stinging : Euphr. guaj. mang. par. —Stunning : Asa. Mez. oleand. plat. Verb. —Tearing: Mth. Agar. alum. am-c. am-m. arg. bell. berb. bor. calc. carb-v. caus. chin. cin. colch. Coloc. con. evon. gran, graph, hep. ind. kal. Kal-ch. kreos. led. lyc. Magn. magn-s. Merc, natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. Nux-v. ol-an. Phos, plumb, rhus. ruta. sep. spig. staph, stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac tab. teuc. zinc. —Tensive: Am-c asa. aur. bar-c. bell. caus. chel. coloc. con. gran, graph. Kal-ch. lach. lyc. magn-m. mere ol-an. par. phos. plat. rhus. spig. verat. verb. __Throbbing: Acon. agar. arn. bell. caus. cham. croc. mere. plat, staph, sulph. Paralysis of the Face : Caus. graph, op. —Jaw (of the): Ars. dulc. lach. Perspiration on the Face: Hep. iga mag. mere nux-v. puis. prun. rhus. val. verat. — Cold: Carb-v. nux-v. rhus. verat. Pores in the Face—Black: Dig. dros. graph, hep. nitt nitr-ac. sabad. sabin. sulph. Pricking in the Face : Dros. hep. n-mos. sabad. 12* 138 FACE. Quivering of the muscles of the Face : Amb. op —Lips (of the): Lach. ran-sc. stram. sulph. Roughness of the Face : Alum. rhus. sep. sulph. —Lips (of the): Merc, sulph. tab. tart. —Mouth (around the) : Anac. ars. —Redness (with): Sep. sulph. Scabs on the Face : Alum. ant. Ars. Calc. cic. dale Graps hep. lach. lyc. Merc mez. mur-ac. nitr-ac. petr Rhus, sass. sep. sil. sulph. thuj. verat. — Cheeks (on the): BelL cic. kreos. lach. —Chin (on the): Cic. dulc. graph, mere. sep. — Corners of the Mouth (in the): Bell. ign. nux-v. petr. —Mouth (around the): Calc. graph. — Whiskers (in the): Amb. calc. lach. nitr-ac. Spots on the Face. See: Color of the Face, Red spot on the Cheeks, &c.; also: SKIN, Spots. Swelling of the Face: Acon. arn. ars. aur. bar-c. Bell. bor. bov. Bry. calc. canth. carb-v. caus. Cham. cic. coloc. dig. euphorb. gran, graph, hell. hep. hyos. kal. kal-ch. kal-hyd. lach. laur. lyc. lup. magn. Merc. natr. natr-m. Nux-v. plumb. Puls. rhus. rhus-r. sec. sep. spong. stann. staph. stram. sulph. verat. —Hard: Acon. am-c. arn. ars. bell..cham. —Hot: Acon. arn. bell. bry. cham. mere —Pale: Bov. Bry. colch. hell, nux-v. sep. sulph. —Red: Arn. bell. bor. bry. cham. cic. coloc. kal. kal-ch, lach. mere. natr. oleand. rhus. rhus-r. sulph. Compare : Bloated Face, Erysipelas, . laur. mere. phos. sil. Contraction : Bell. chin. ign. iod. lyc. magn. nitr-ac. nux-v. plumb, puis, sulph. Induration : Amb. arn. Bar-c. bar-m. bell. bry. calc. carb- an. carb-v. cham. chin, cist. clem. Con. dig. dulc. graph, iod. kal. lyc. magn-m. mere nitr-ac. phos. plumb, puis. sil. spong. staph, sulph. thuj. verat. Inflammation : Acon. arn. ars. aur. bar-c. Bell. bry. camph. cham. con. dulc. hep. kal. Merc nitr-ac. nux-v. Phos. ph-ac plumb, puis. rhus. sass. sep. sil. staph. sulph. thuj. Knots, in the Glands: Bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. Clem, con, dulc. graph, iod lyc. phos. rhus. sil. sulph. Pain in the Glands: Acon. alum. am-c. Arn. aur. bar-c. Bell. bry. calc. cann. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin, coloc con. graph, iod. kal. lyc. Merc. mez. nux-v. petr. phos. puis. rhus. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph, sulph. sulph-ac thuj. verat. —Burning: Ars. bell. cann. carb-v. hep. mere. phos. sil. —Contractive: Ign. iod. lyc. magn. nitr-ac. nux-v. sulph. —Cramplike: Ang. bell. calc. carb-v. chin. kal. plat. sil. —Cutting: Arg. Bell. calc. cocc. con. lyc. natr. sep. sil. —Drawing : Arn. bell. bry. chin. kal. lyc. puis. sil. sulph, —Gnawing : Bar-e mez. plat, ran-sc. spong. staph. —Jerking : Asa. bell, calc. caus. clem, natr-m. nux-v. puis —Pinching: Bry. calc. men. rhod. rhus. sabad. stann. —Pressive: Aur. bell. calc. lyc. mere, ph-ac. spong. staph. GLANDS. 149 Glands (pain): —Pricking : Asa. bell. bry. mere, natr-m. phos. puis. sep. spong. —Tearing: Amb. arn. bell, bry. carb-an. carb-v. caus, cham. Chin. dulc. ferr. graph, ign. Kal. lyc. mere mez. nux-v. puis. rhod. rhus. sil. sulph. thuj. zinc. Pulsation in the Glands: Am-m. arn. asa. calc. caus. chain, kal. lyc. Merc, nitr-ac. phos. rhod. sabad. sep. sil sulph. Sensibility (painful)of the Glands: Arn. aur. bar-c belL cham. chin. Con. graph, hep. ign. lyc. Phos. puis. sep. sil. spig. sulph-ac. zinc. Swelling of the Glands: Acon. amb. am-c. arn. ars. asa bar-c. Bell. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. clem. con. dulc. graph. Itep. ign. kal. Lyc. Merc, mere- iod. natr. natr-m. Nitr-ac. nux-jug. nux-v. petr. Phos. ph-ac. plumb. Puls. Rhus. sep. sil. spig. spong. stapdi. Sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. —Bluish: Arn. ars. aur. carb-an. carb-v. coa hep. lach. mang. mere puis. sil. sulph-ac. —Cold: Arn. bell. cocc. Con. dulc. lach. rhod. spig. sulph, zinc. —Hard: Arn. ars. asa. bry. caus. Con. dulc. graph, hep iod. mere phos. puis. rhus. spong. sulph. —Hot: Acon. ant. arn. Bell. bry. calc. carb-an. chin. clem. cocc. hep. kal. Merc. Phos. rhus. sil. sulph. —Inflammatory : Acon. ant. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb- an. carb-v. cham. hep. lyc. Merc, mur-ac. natr. petr. phos. puis. rhus. sass. sil. sulph. thuj. —Painful: Acon. ant. arn. aur. bell. calc. canth. carb-an. carb-v. chin. clem. iod. nitr-ac. nux-v. puis. rhus. sil, spig. staph. Ulceration of the Glands: Amb. ant. ars. bell. calc. carb-an. cham. cist. clem, coloc. con. dulc. graph. Hep. iod. lyc. mere, nitr-ac. petr. phos. sep. Sil. spong. sulph. Ulcers in the Glands: Amb. Ars. aur. bell. calc. canth. carb-an. con. dulc. hep. kreos. mere Phos. Sil. sulph. thuj. —Cancerous: Arn. Ars. aur. bell, carb-an. caus. clem. Con. cupr. dulc. hep. kal. Kreos. lyc. mere nitr-ac. phos rhus. sep. sil. squill. Sulph. sulph-ac. —Spongi/: Ars. Carb-v. caus. clem. con. kreos. lach. mere nitr-ac. sep. Sil. sulph. thuj. Tension, tightness in the Glands: Amb. ang. arn. aur. U:* 150 GONORRHOEA Glands (tension, tightness in the): bar-c. bell. bov. bry. carb-an. caus. clem. con. graph, kal lyc. mere nux-v. Phos. puis. rhus. sep. sil. spong. stront sulph. thuj. GLAUCOMA (opacity of the humors of the eye, with defec- tive retina). See: CATARACT, and EYES. Q LEET (secondary gonorrhoea). See : GONORRHOEA. G LOBUS HYSTERICUS (hysterical choking sensation, as of a ball in the throat). Remedies, In General : Acon. Asa. aur. bell, caus. con. graph. Ign. lach. magn-m. plat. plumb, sep. stram. verat. Compare: HYSTERIA. GLOSSITIS (inflammation of the tongue). Remedies, In General : Acon. ang. arn. ars. Bell, canth. lach. Mero. ph-ac. plumb, puis, ran-sc. sil. Mechanical Injuries (from): Acon. arn. bell, mere ph-ac. GLOSSOPLEGIA (paralysis of the tongue). Remedies, In General : Acon. bell. caus. dulc. euphr. graph, hyos ipec. lach. mur-ac. n-mos. op. stram. GOITRE (enlargement of the thyroid gland). Remedies, In General : Am-c. brom. calc. caus. Iod. lyc. natr. natr-m. nux-jug. Spong. staph, sulph. GONAGRA. (arthritic inflammation of the knee). Remedies, In General : Arn. bry. chin. cocc. iod. lvc nux-v. sulph. Compare : ARTHRITIS, and GONITIS. GONITIS (inflammation of the knee). Remedies, In Gener- al : Arn. ars. calc. cocc. ferr. iod. lyc. puis. rhus. sil. sulph Compare: KNEES, Swelling. Serous Effusion (with): Ant. calc. con. dig. iod. mere. rhus. sil. Sulph. Suppuration (with): Bell. hep. mere. rhus. sil. sulph. GONOCELE (swelling of the knee-joint). See: GONITIS, and KNEES, Swelling. G ONORRHCEA (clap, infectious discharge from the urethra). Remedies, In General : Agn. cann. canth. caps, cinn, clem. cop. dulc. ferr. hep. led. lyc. mere. mez. nitr-ac. petr. petros. sang. sep. sil. sulph. thuj. Inflammatory Period (during the): Cann. canth. mere sulph. Running Discharge from the Urethra.—Greenish: Merc. —Purulent: Cann. canth. cop. mere, nitr-ac sel. —Sanguinolent: Canth. nitr-ac. sulph. —Serous: Cann. mere sulph. —Slimy and Corrosive : Mez. —Thick : Caps, mere seL GUMS. 151 Jonorrhcea—discharge : — Whitish: Caps. seL sulph. — Yellowish: Agn. cop. mere, natr-m. nitr-ac seL thuj. Secondary (gleet): Agn. bar-m. caps. clem. cop. dulc. ferr kreos. Merc, natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. puis. sel. sep! sil Sulph. thuj. GONORRHCEA PSEUDO (false, spurious, not of venereal origin, balanorrhcea). Remedies, In General : Ant. cinn, chin. Merc. mez. Nitr-ac. nux-v. petros. sep. sulph. thuj. Compare: URETHRA, Discharge. GOUT (arthritis). See: ARTHRITIS. GRAVEL (stone, crystalline sediment from the urine, depos- ited in the bladder). Diagnosis. The presence of stone in the bladder is frequently productive of severe pain in the glans, itching in the urethra, painful and difficult urination, sudden stoppage of the stream, with slimy, sandy, or gravelly sediment in the urine ; which is some- times bloody, and especially after rough exercise. Rem- edies, In General : Amb. ant. arn. calc. cann. canth. chin. kal. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. petr. phos. puis. ruta. Sass. sep. sil. thuj. zinc. GRIEF (sufferings from). Remedies, In General : Aur. calc cocc coloc. graph, hyos. Ign. kal. lyc. nux-v. Ph-ac plat. puis. Staph, verat. GREEN-SICKNESS (chlorosis). See : CHLOROSIS. GRIPPE (epidemic catarrh). See : INFLUENZA. GUM-BOIL (parulis). Remedies, In General : Bell. calc. hep mere nux-v. puis. Sil. staph, sulph. GUMS. Bleeding of the Gums: Ant. arg-nit. arum. aur. bar-c. calc. Carb-v. cist. hep. mere, natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. ph-ac. rhus-r. sil. Staph, sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. Excrescences on the Gums: Phos. sil. staph, thuj. Fistula of the Gums: Calc. caus. fluor-ac. lyc. sil. staph, sulph. thuj. Inflammation: Am-c. am-m. bar-c. Bell. bor. chin. hep. Merc mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. siL staph, sulph. Mercurial Affections : Carb-v. Chin. hep. nitr-ac. staph. sulph. Scorbutic Affections (scurvy): Am-c. arg-nit. ars. arum. caps. Carb-v. caus. chin. cist, dulc hep. kreos. mere mur-ac natr-m. nitr-ac. sep. staph, sulph. Swelling of the Gums: Agar. alum. amb. am-c. am-m, ann*. ars. aur. aur-mur. bar-c. bell. bor. calc. caps, carb-an, 152 HANDS. Gums : carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cist. cocc. con. crot graph, hep iod. kal. lach. lyc. mag-arc. magn-m. mere. i«itr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. phel. phos. ph-ac. plumb, sass sep. sil. spong. staph, stront. sulph, sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. Ulceration : Alum, carb-v. kal. lyc. mere, natr-m. nitr-ac staph, sulph. sulph-ac. GUTTA SERENA (amaurosis). See: AMAUROSIS. HAIR, Falling off of the Hair. See : ALOPECIA. Dryness of the Hair: Alum. kal. plumb. Grayness of the Hair : Graph, lyc. ph-ac. sulph-ac. Plaited, Twisted (plica polonica): Bor. branc. lye vine. HANDS, FINGERS, and THUMBS. Burning in the Hands: Bry. lach. natr-s. phos. plat, rhus sang. sec. sep. stann. —Fingers (in the): Agar. alum. bor. croc. kal. mur-ac. natr oleand. plat. sil. —Palms of the Hands (in the): Lach. lye petr. phos sang. sep. stann. Coldness of the Hands: Acon. amb. am-c. bar-c. calc. carb- an. carb-v. cham. chin. cocc. con. dig. gins, graph, iod. kaL lach. men. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac nux-v. phos. ran samb. sulph, tart. —Fingers (of the): Ang. chel. con. ferr. par. sulph. tar. tart. thuj. Contraction of the Hands: Calc. caus. sulph. —Fingers (of the): Calc. carb-an. caus. ferr. lach. nux-v. sep. Chaps, Cracks in the Hands: Alum, ant graph. Hep. mang. mere. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. Petr. rhus. sass. sep sulph. zinc. —Fingers (in the): Merc. Petr. sass. —Joints (in the): Mang. phos. Compare: CHAPS. Cramps in the Hands: Amb. Bell. calc. cann. coloc. graph. sec. stram. —Fingers (in the): Am-c. ars. calc. cann. cocc. ferr. lyc. nitr. nux-v. phos. sec. stann. sulph-ac. Deadness, paleness, torpor of the Hands: Acon. alum. Calc con. lyc. zinc. —Fingers (of the): Am-c. Calc. caus. chel. cic. gins. hep. lyc. mere mur-ac. nitr-ac. par. phos. ph-ac. sec. sulph. tart. thuj. verat. Drawing in the Hands: Amb. ang. arg. caus. clem. kaL magn. mang. natr. nitr-ac. ol-an. rhod. ruta. siL staph sulph. zinc. HANDS. 153 Drawing : —Fingers (in the) Amb. ang. ant. asar. carb-v. coloc. kaL mang. oleand. ol-an. petr. ph-ac. puis. ruta. sil. staph. sulph. verat. zinc. Dryness of the Hands: Anac. bar-c. bell, fer-mag. hep. lach. Lyc. natr. natr-m. ph-ac. sabad. sulph. zinc. —Fingers (of the): Anac. ph-ac. puis. Eruptions on the Hands: Am-m. carb-v. hep. kreos. lach. mere mur-ac. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. —Fingers (on the): Bor. graph, hep. lach. mur-ac. natr. ran. rhus. sass. sep. sil. spig. sulph. Compare : Herpes. Exostosis on the Hands or Fingers: Dulc. mez. rhus. siL sulph. Compare: EXOSTOSIS. Heat in the Hands: Acon. carb-v. cast cocc. lach. led. phos. rhod. rhus-r. stann. —Fingers (in the): Bor. magn. par. —Palms of the Hands : Eup. nux-v. sep. Herpes, tetters on the Hands : Bov. con. dulc. kreos. natr. ran. sass. sep. staph. —Between the Fingers: Amb. graph. —Fingers (on the): Caus. kreos. ran. Itching in the Hands: Anac. berb. gran. lach. mur-ac. plat. ran. sil. sulph. —Fingers (in the): Agar. con. lach. natr. plat. prun. puis. ran. sil. sulph. Jerking in the Hands: Bell. cupr. natr. rheum, stann. sulph. —Fingers (in the): Bry. cham. cic. cin. ign. kal. lyc. mere phos. rhus. sulph. Numbness of the Hands: Carb-an. cocc. croc. gins. laur. lyc. nux-v. phos. rhus-r. sil. spig. —Fingers (in the): Acon. am-c. bar-c. calc. carb-an. cham. dig. iod. kreos. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. par. puis. rhus-r. sass. stram. verat. zinc Pains as from a Bruise, in the Hands: Arn. bis. natr-m. oleand. ruta. ----Fingers (in the): Acon. arn. oleand. ruta. —Boring, piercing in the Hands: Daph. natr. ran-sc. ----Fingers (in the): Daph. hell, sulph. —Burning in the Hands: Bry. Phos. plat. ----Fingers (in the): Agar. alum. 6or. croc. kal. oleand. — Cutting in the Hands : Mur-ac. natr. ----Fingers (in the): Mur-ac. zinc —Drawing in the Hands: Amb. ang. arg. Caus. clem, fer 154 HANDS. Puns (drawing): mag. kal. magn. mang. men. natr. nitr-ac. ol-an. Puls rhod. ruta. sil. staph, sulph. zinc. ----Fingers (in the): Amb. agn. ang. ant. arg. asar. carb-v, kal. mang. oleand. ol-an. petr. ph-ac Puls. ruta. siL staph, sulph. verat. zinc. —Jerking, in the Hands: Anac. chin. mez. natr. puis. ----Fingers (in the): Am-c. anac. chin. men. mez. natr. ph-ac. puis, ran-sc. rhus. staph. —Pressive, in the Hands: Arg. berb. clem. cupr. oleand. ph-ac. plat. puis, ruta, stann. staph, verb. ----Fingers (in the): Arg. oleand. ph-ac. plat. ruta. sabin. stann. staph, verb. —Shooting, in the Hands: Mur-ac. natr. phos. ----Fingers (in the): Am-m. bry. carb-an. daph. hell. kal. Natr-m. nitr-ac. par. ph-ac. sabin. stann. staph, sulph, thuj. zinc. —Spasmodic, in the Hands: Anac. ang. arg. aur. calc cin. coloc. cupr-acet. euphr. fer-mag. mang. men. mere ph-ac. plat. ruta. sil. spig. verb. ----Fingers (in the): Anac. agar. ang. calc. cupr-acet. euphr. magn. men. mur-ac. nitr. oleand. ph-ac. plat ruta. sil. verb. —Tearing (sharp drawing), in the Hands: Amb. arg. ars. berb. caus. chin. cin. colch. graph, kal. led mang. men. mur-ac. natr-s. nitr-ac. ol-an. petr. Phos. puis. rhod. ruta. sel. Sil. stann. staph, stront, Sulph. verb. Zinc. ----Bones (in the): Arg. aur. bell. chin. cupr. natr. sabin. spig. -----Fingers (in the): Acon. agar. agn. amb. arg. aur. carb-v. chin, colch. daph. hell. iod. kal. led. mang oleand. ol-an. ph-ac. plumb, puis. ruta. sabin. sil. stann staph, stront. sulph. verb. zinc. -----Joints (in the): Agn. am-c. arg. aur. berb. dig.#hell kal. lyc. nitr. rheum, rhus. sass. stann. stront. sulph zinc, — Wrenching, in the Hands: Amb. am-c. arn. bov. bry. calc caus. nitr. phos. prun. puis. rhod. ruta. sabin. sea sulph. Paralysis of the Hands: Arg. cann. cupr. ferr. kal. lach, natr-m. nux-v. plumb, ruta. sil. zinc. —Fingers (of the): Calc. calc-ph. magn. phos. Paralyzed (sensation as if): Acon. amb. ang. chin, fer-mag men. mere nux-v. prun. staph, stront. sulph. tab. H^EMATEMESIS. 155 Paralyzed (sensation as if): —Fingers (in the): Acon. asar. aur. carb-v. chin. lyc. dig, evon. kreos. men. par. staph, verb. Perspiration on the Hands: Acon. bar-c calc. con. hep ign. mere natr-m. nux-v. petr. sass. sep. sil. sulph. thuj. zinc. — Cold: Acon. anac. cin. ipec. iod. nux-v. —Palms (on the): Acon. anac. con. dulc. led. mere nux-v. Redness of the Hands : Bar-c. berb. natr-s. phos. —Fingers (of the): Agar. bor. lyc. nux-v. Retractions of the Thumbs: iEth. bell. cham. cocc. hyos. ign. stann. stram. Rigidity of the Hands: Asa. cham. hyos. kreos. mere mosch, —Fingers (of the): Am-c. Carb-an. chin. dros. ferr. gran. graph. helL lyc. natr-m. nitr. petr. puis. rhus. sil. spong. sulph. Roughness of the Hands: Graph, hep. kal. kreos. natr. ph-ac sulph. Swelling of the Hands: Acon. bar-m. bell. bry. Calc. cham. chin. cocc. cupr. dig. ferr. hep. hyos. lach. lyc. mez. mosch. nux-v. Phos. Rhus, rhus-r. sec. spong. Stann. sulph. —Fingers (of the): Agn. am-c. alum. ars. dig. graph, hep. lach. Lyc. magn. mere mur-ac. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. phos. ran-sc. rhus. rhus-r. spong. sulph. thuj. Trembling of the Hands: Agar. am-c. anac. bell. bis. calc. caus. coff. colch. gins. hyos. iod. kal. Lach. laur. led. lyc. natr. natr-s. nitr-ac. op. par. Phos. rhus. sabad. samb. sass. spig. stann. Stram. Sulph. tab. tart. val. zinc. Warts on the Hands: Berb. bor. calc. Dulc. Lach. lyc. natr. Nitr-ac. rhus. sep. sulph. thuj. —Fingers (on the): Lach. lyc. petr. rhus. sulph. thuj. Weakness of the Hands : Acon. ang. arn. bov. canth. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cin. cupr. hell. kal. mere, natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. plumb, sil. stann. sulph. tab. zinc. -Fingers (of the): Amb. carb-v. nitr. par. rhus. sil. HANG-NAILS (agnail): Remedies, In General : Calc.merc. Natr-m. rhus. sabad. stann. Sulph. II /EMALOPIA (effusion of blood in the eye). Remedies, In General : Bell. cham. chin-s. lach. nux-v. H^EMATEMESIS (vomiting of blood from the stomach). Diagnosis. Vomiting of blood, or blood mixed with mucus or the contents of the stomach. The disease is 156 HAEMORRHAGE HiEMATEMESIS : usually accompanied with great anxiety, nausea, and tumefaction in the epigastric or precordial region, with discharge of black coagulated blood by stool. Some- times there is pain in the region of the stomach, fever, cold sweats, fits of fainting, great prostration, small weak intermittent pulse, and hippocrafic countenance. This disease, which sometimes occurs periodically, may result from suppressed menstrual, or habitual hasmor- rhoidal discharges, or from scirrhus, or other serious affections of the stomach. Remedies, In General : Acon. am-c. ant. Arn. ars. arum. bell. bry. calc. camph. cann. canth. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cic. cupr. dros. Ferr. hep. hyos. iod. Ipec lach. led. lyc. mere mez. nitr-ac. nux-v. op. Phos. plumb, puis. rhus. sec. sept. sil. stann. sulph. verat. HEMATOCELE (effusion of blood in the scrotum. It is distinguished from Hydrocele by its greater weight and firmness, its want of transparency, and obscure fluctua- tion). Remedies, In General : Arn. clem, nux-v. puis. rhus. sulph. zinc. HEMATURIA (haemoiThage from the bladder). Remedies, In General : Canth. chin. Lyc. Mez. Mill, nux-v. phos. puis. Consult causes, and Compare : URINE Bloody. HEMOPTYSIS (coughing up, or spitting of blood from the lungs). Remedies, In General: ^Icora. am-c Arn. ars. bell. bry. carb-v. Chin. croc. dig. dulc. Ferr. hyos. Ipec. lach. led. lyc. mere mill. nitr. nitr-ac. phos. puis. rhus. sep. sil. staph, squill, sulph. sulph-ac. Compare: COUGH with Expectoration of Blood ; and HEMORRHAGE Pulmonary, 4c HEMORRHAGE (bleeding). Remedies, In General : Acon. ant. arn. ars. asa, bar-m. Bell. bry. calc. canth. carb-v. cham. Chin, chin-s. cinnam. croc. diad. Ferr. hyos. Ipec. mere Mill, mosch. nitr-ac. nux-v. Phos. puis. rhus. Sabin. sec. sep. sulph. vine Active : Acon. arn. Bell. bry. chin. Croc. ferr. hyos. Ipec. lach. phos. puis. Sabin. sec. sep. Blood—Coagulated (with): Ara bell. caus. Cham. chin. con. croc. ferr. hyos. ign. ipec. kreos. mere nitr-ac. nux-v plat. puis. Rhus, sabin. sec. sep. sil. sulph. —Dark: Ant. arn. bry. cham. chin, cocc Croc. cupr. iga kreos. lach. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. plat. puis. sec. sep stram. sulph. HEMORRHOIDS. 157 HEMORRHAGE (blood) : —Pale : Arn. ars. Bell. bry. calc. carb-v. d.xos. Duic. ferr Hyos. ipec. led. mere phos. rhus. sabin. sec. stront —Thick: Croc, kreos. lach. plat, nux-v. puis, stram. — Viscous: Croc. cupr. magn. sec. Debility (arising fromj: Arn. carb-v. Chin. croc. ferr. ipec phos. ph-ac. puis. rhus. sec. sep. staph, sulph. Injuries Mechanical (from): Arn. carb-v. chin. croc, diad hep. lach. phos. ph-ac. sulph. sulph-ac. Pulmonary : Aeon. arn. ars. bell. bry. carb-v. Chin. Ferr. hyos. ipec. Mill, nitr-ac. nux-v. op. pihos. puis. rhus. see squill, sulph. —Serious, and extremely dangerous cases (in): Acon. carb-v. Chin. ipec. op. phos. puis. rhus. Uterine (metrorrhagia) : Acon. arn. Bell. bry. calc carb-an. carb-v. Cham. Chin, chin-s. cinnam. Croc. ferr. hyos. ign. Ipec. mill, nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. plat. puis. Sabin. sang sec. sep. sil. sulph. verat. —Accouchement, or Miscarriage (after): Acon. arn. Bell. bry. Cham. chin, cinnam. Croc. ferr. hyos. Ipec. nitr-ac plat, puis. Sabin. sec. — Critical Age (at the): Bell. lach. nux-v. puis, sabin. sec —Gushing at Intervals : Cham. chin. puis, sabin. sec. — Offensive, fetid: Bell. bry. cham. croc, sabin. sec. —Passive, in debilitated persons: Arn. carb-v. chin. crcc. ipec. mill. phos. puis. sec. sep. sulph. verat. —Placenta after delivery (with adherence of): Bell. ipec. puis. sec. —Serious and Extreme cases (in the most): Cham. Chin. ipec. nitr-ac. sec. Wounos (from): Am. carb-v. croc. hep. Lach. Phos. ph-ac. Bulph. sulph-ac. For other Haemorrhages, see the Particular Organs affected, or the Pathological name of the Haemor- rhage. HEMORRHOIDS (piles). Diagnosis. Tumefaction or en- largement of the veins and cellular tissue of the rectum ; usually attended with itching, tickling, burning, smart- ing, or shooting pains, and frequently accompanied with constipation, pain in the back, loins, and sacrum; and sometimes with flushes of heat, congestions of blood, colic, tenesmus, and urinary difficulties. Remedies, In General : Acon. aloe. alum. am-c. am-m. anac. ant. ars. bar-c. bell. bor. calc. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. 14 15c< HEAD. Haemorrhoids : cham. chin. cim. coloc. cupr. ferr. Graph, hep. ign. Kal. Lach. led. lyc. magn. mere mill. Mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac Nux-v. petr. phos ph-ac. podoph. Puls. rhus. sabin. sep sil. stana staph, stram. Sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. verat. zinc Anus (in the): Am-c. anac. ant. ars. bar-c. carb-v. caps caus. coloc. Graph. Kal. lyc. Mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac nux-v. phos. Puls. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. verat. Bleeding : Acon. am-c. ant. ars. bell. bor. caps, carb-v cham. ferr. Kal. lach. mill. Mur-ac. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. puis. sep. sulph. Bleeding freely, during Evacuation : Am-c. calc. carb-v. mur-ac. nitr-ac. phos. ph-ac. sulph. Bleeding Profusely (haemorrhage): Acon. bell. calc. cham. hep. ign. Ipec. Mill, nitr-ac. phos. Ph-ac. sulph. Bluish and Swollen : Carb-v. mur-ac. Burning : Ant. Ars. calc. caps, carb-an. carb-v. cham. lach. lyc. mur-ac. nux-v. sulph. sulph-ac. Chronic : Calc. caus. carb-v. graph, lach. lyc. nitr-ac. petr. Nux-v. Sulph. Cracks, and fissures (with): Ant. caus. cham. graph. Mucous discharge (with): Ant. bor. caps, carb-v. colch. graph, ign. kal. lach. mur-ac. nitr-ac. nux-v. puis, sulph. sulph-ac. Painful : Ars. carb-v. caus. cim. coloc. graph, grat. lyc. mur-ac. nux-v. phos. Ph-ac. Pains in the Loins (with): Acon. bell. caps, carb-v. cham, hep. nux-v. sulph. Protruding : Caus. hep. lyc. phos. Ph-ac. Puls. Sep. Sulph. Rectum (in the) : Ars. bor. Calc. caus. cim. coloc. hep. lyc. nux-v. Phos. ph-ac. sep. sulph. Shooting pains (with): Ars. bar-c. ign. kal. lach. mur-ac. natr-m. nux-v. puis, sulph. Swollen ; Calc. caus. caps. Carb-v. coloc. Mur-ac. nitr-ac. puis, sulph. Suppression of Haemorrhoidal flux: Calc. carb-v. nux-v puis. Sulph. Ulcerated : Cham. hep. nitr-ac. sil. V esica (in the): Acon. ant. ars. calc. carb-v. colch. lach Nux-v. Puls. sulph. Also, see: ANUS, and RECTUM, Pains, 4c. HEAD. Agitation in the Head: Bell, mere B u.l mounting into the Head (sensation as of a): Acon 'gn. lach. plumb, sep. HEAD. 159 Head : Band around the Head (sensation as of a): Eth. lot mere sulph. Bewildered, Confused: Acon. agar. arg. arg-nit. asa Bell. bry. calc. camph. cann. caps, carb-v. caus. cham. cic. cocc. con. gent-lut. graph, grat. lull. hyos. kal. kal-ch lact. laur. mere mosch. natr-m. Nux-v. Op. phel. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. sep. spig. teuc. thuj. val. verat. Boiling water in the Head (sensation as of): Acon. ind. Burning in the Head: Acon. arg. arn. belL bry. canth. caus. dulc. eug. graph, baem. hell. mang. mere, nux-v. phos. rhus. sabad. sep. spig. verat. Bury the Head in the Pillow (disposition to): Bell, hell verat. Coldness in the Head (sensation of): Acon. arn. belL Calc. dulc. laur. mosch. phos. sep. sulph. verat. val. Congestion in the Head. See : CONGESTION. —Morning (in the): Lyc. —Night (at): Puis. —Speaking (when): Coff. —Stooping (when): Acon. bell. lach. sen. sep. verat. Constriction in the Head: Acon. anac. am. asar. camph. cic. cocc. graph, grat. hyos. natr-m. par. stann. sulph-ac tart, verat. zinc-ox. Crawling in the Head: Arg. colch. cupr. hyos. plat. Rhus. sulph. Dulness in the Head: Acon. amb. anac. arg. asar. aur. bell. calc. carb-v. chin-s. cic. cocc. cor. dulc. fluor-ac. hell. kal. kal-ch. lact. magn-m. mez. nux-v. par. ph-ac. phytoL podoph. tab. tart. teuc. Compare : MIND, Dull. Emptiness in the Head (sensation of): Arg. carb-v. chin-s. Cocc. cor. cupr. gent-lut. gran. Puls. sen. Eruptions on the Head: Alum. arg. ars. bar-c. bar-m. berb. calc. carb-an. cic. clem, fer-mag. graph, hep. kal. kreos. lyc. mere mez. .natr-m. nitr-ac, oleand. petr. rhus. rhus-r. ruta. sen. sep. sil. staph, sulph. sulph-ac. —Dry : Bare, mere rhus. sulph. —Eating, corroding : Merc. rhus. —Itching: Merc. Mez. oleand. rhus. sil. staph. —Moist: Bar-c. clem, graph, hep. mere oleand. sil. staph. —Offensive, fetid: Lyc mere Staph, sulph. —Painful: Arg. bar-c. gran. hep. ruta. —Purulent: Cic. lyc. mere. rhus. staph, mlph. 160 HEAD. Head : Excoriation of the Head: Bov. nitr-ac Expansion of the Head (sensation of): Am-c. Arg-nit Bell bry. calc. caps. cor. daph. Ign. Nux-v. oleand. phel. sep, Sil. spig. sulph. Fluctuation in the Head: Acon, asa. aur. Bell, carb-aa cic. dig. hep. hyos. ind. lach. magn-m. nux-v. rhus. sep. squill, sulph. sulph-ac. Compare : Water, and Wavering, 4c Fullness in the Head: Acon. am-c. am-m. Bell. Bry. calc. carb-v. cast. chin. Daph. mere petr. rhus. Rhus-r. spong. sulph. Giddiness : Acon. bell. calc. camph. gent-lut. lach. lact. mosch. nux-v. phel. phos. puis. sep. stram. Compare : VERTIGO. Heat in the Head: Acon. amb. am-c. am-m. am. aur. bell. bry. calc. camph. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin. daph. haem. hell. hyos. lact. laur. lob. magn-m. mere. natr. nitr-ac. n-mos. ol-an. phel. phos. plumb, ran. rhod. ruta. sep. sil. stram. stront. sulph. tab. tart. Heaviness in the Head: Acon. arn. ars. Bell. bry. calc. camph. Carb-v. cast. cham. chin. dulc. eup. hell. ipec. lach. lact. laur. men. mere natr-m. nitr. Nux-v. oleand. op. par. ph-ac. plumb, prun. puis. rhus. Rhus-r. sep. sil. stann. staph, sulph. tab. Intoxicated (sensation as if): Acon. arg. arg-nit. bell. camph. caps. cham. chin-s. cic. cor. graph, grat. laur. lup. lye Nux-v. Op. Puls. rhus. sec. sep. stram. verat. Itching in the Head: Agn. Graph, lach. mere mez. nitr-ac. oleand. ol-an. phos. ran. rhod. sen. Sep. sil. staph, sulph. Jerking in the exterior of the Head : Agar. bry. cham. hell. Lumps on the Head: Calc. daph. hell, nux-v. petr. puis. rhus. ruta. sep. sil. Pains in the Head—Aching: Acon. anac. ant. arg. arn. ars. asa. aur. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin. cic. clem. cocc. cupr. dig. dulc. eug. ferr. fer-acet. fer-carb. ign. ipec. kal. lach. lact. lyc. mere men. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. paeon, petr. phos. phytol. podoph. plat. ran-sc. rhus. rhus-r. sang. sep. stann. sol-nig. sulph. zinc. —Bruise (as from a): Agar. alum. am-m. anac. ang. ars, Aur. belL camph. carb-an. caus. cham. Chin. coff. con. cupr. euphr. hell. hep. ign. iod. ipec. kal. mere Mur-ac. Nux-v. phos. ph-ac. Puls. rhus. sep. stann. sulph. Verat. zinc. HEAD. 161 Pains in the Head as from a Bruise: -----Cranium (in the): Hell. ipec. petr. rhod. ruta. -----Occiput (in the): Euphorb. graph, hell. kal. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. sil. zinc. —Burning: Acon. arg. arn. belL bry. canth. caus. dulc eug. haem. hell. mang. mere, nux-v. phos. rhus. sabad. sep spig. verat. — Cramplike, Constrictive : Acon. amb. anac. ang. arn. asa. calc. camph. cann. carb-v. chin. cocc. coloc. colch. graph. ign. ipec. lach. laur. mere mez. mosch. natr-m. n-mos. nux-v. petr. phes. ph-ac. plat. puis. sep. stann, stram. Bulph. val. verat. zinc. —Digging: Agar. am-m. bell. bry. calc. cocc. dulc. hep. ign. laur. magn. mere. mez. nux-v. ph-ac. plat puis, sabin samb. sep. spig. stann. staph, tart. zinc. —Drawing: Acon. agar. ars. bell. bor. calc. caps, carb-v. cham. cin. Coloc. croc. ferr. gran. guaj. kaL kreos. lach. lact. magn. mang. men. Merc. Mosch. natr-m. nitr. Nux-v. ol-aa petr. puis, ran-sc. rhod. rhus. sabin. sep. Compare : Tearing. —Hammering, Beating: Acon. ars. aur. bell. bor. bry. calc. carb-v. cham. clem. cocc. dros. euphr. ferr. Fer-acet. ign. kreos. lach. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. op. petr. phos, plat. puis, sabad. sen. sep. sil. stram. sulph. zinc. Compare: Throbbing. —Jerking : Amb. anac. arn. bell. bry. calc caus. cham. Chin. ign. kal. lyc. mag. mag-aus. magn. magn-m. mur-ac. nitr-ac. Nux-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. plumb. Puls. sep. siL sulph. thuj. —Semi-lateral: Agar. alum. amb. am-m. anac. arn. Ars. asa. asar. aur. bell. Bry. Calc. caps caus. cham. Chin. chin-s. Cic. cocc. coff. colch. Coloc. con. croc. cupr. dig. dulc. graph, guaj. Ign. kal. lyc. magn. Merc. mez. Nux-v. oleand. ol-an. petr. phos. plat. Puls. ran. rhod. rhus-r. sass. sec. Sep. sil. spong. staph, sulph. tart. thuj. tong. val. Verat. verb. zinc. —Shooting: Acon. am-c. arg. arn. ars. bar-c. Bell. berb. bor. bruc. bry. calc. camph. canth. caps, carb-v. Caus. cham. cin. coloc. con. cyc. daph. dig. eup. euphorb. even. grat. guaj. hep. ign. ind. ipec. kal. lach. lyc. magn. magn-m. magn-s. mere mill, mur-ac. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nic. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. ol-an. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. plumb, puis. rat. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. sabin. sass. sel. sep. Sil. spig 14* 162 HEAD. Pains in the Head: ^ squill, stann. staph, stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tar. tart thuj. tong. val. verb. zinc. —Spasmodic : Acon. Ang. arg. arn. ars. calc. carb-v. Coloc eug. ign. mosch. natr. nux-v. petr. ph-ac. Plat. ran. rheum, sass. squill, stann. tar. Compare : Cramplike. —Split Open (as if the head would): Am-c. ant. Bell. bry. calc. caps. cast. cham. Chin. daph. fer-acet. hep. ign. kreos. lach. mere natr. Natr-m. natr-s. Nux-v. oleand. puis. rat. sep. sil. spig. spong. sulph. sulph-ac. Compare with: Fullness. —Spots (in small): Acon. amb. anac. Bry. dulc, eug. ferr. graph, hep. laur. led. Lyc. mosch. n-mos. plat, ran-sc. sang. sep. spig. staph. —Stupefying, Stunning : Acon. ars. asar. bell. Bov. calc. cic. cin. con. Croc. cupr. Cyc dros. Dulc. evon. gran. Hell. Hyos. iod. kal. laur. Led. lyc. magn-m. men. mez. mosch. natr-m. oleand. Phos. podoph. ruta. sabad. sabin. staph. sulph. tar. tart. thuj. val. verb. zinc. —Tearing (sharp drawing): Agar. anac. arn. aur. Bell. bry. caps. cham. cin. colch. coloc. Con. ign. Lyc. mag. mere. mosch. natr-m. nic. Nux-v. ol-an. paeon, phos. ph-ac. plumb. Puls. rhus. ruta. s.amb. sep/ Sil. spig. stann. staph, sulph, zinc. —Tensive: Acon. ars. asa. berb. calc. camph. cann. carb-v. caus. cic. clem. dig. graph, magn-m. mang. men. Merc. mosch. nitr-ac. Puls. rhod. sabad. stront. sulph. —Throbbing: Acon. ars. Bell. bor. bry. calc. camph. cann. caps, carb-v. cast. cham. cocc. dros. Eup. euphr. ferr. fer- acet. grat. ign. Kreos. lach. laur. mang. mez. mill. natr. natr-m, nitr-ac. n-mos. oleand. op. par. Petr. phos. puis. rheum, rhus. rhus-r. ruta. sabad. sabin. sang. sass. sen. Sep. Sil. spong. stann. stram. Sulph. ther. tong. Verat. zinc. — Vice, or tight Band (as if compressed by a): Cic. cyc. iod. laur. magn-s. mere natr-m. nitr-ac. plat. puis, sabad. sass. stann. sulph. Pulsations, Throbbing in the Head: Alum. asar. Bell. carb-v. chin-s. graph. Kreos. lact. oleand. op. plumb, puis. rhus. sep. sil. spong. sulph. Shocks in the Head : Acon. bell. caus. croc, mere mur-ac natr. natr-m. nux-v. ph-ac. samb. sep. spig. stann. sulph-ac Soreness, sensibility of the Head : Alum. amb. am-c, Ars. bar-c. bov. calc. caps, carb-an. carb-v. Chin. crot. eup HEART. 163 Head (soreness, sensibility of): ferr. fer-acet. lach. mere. mez. mosch, nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v par. sang. sass. sel. sil. spong. sulph. thuj. Verat. Torpor of the Head (sensation of): Carb-an. caus. graph magn-m. ol-an. plat. thuj. Trembling, or shaking of the Head : Alum. Cocc. hell, iga lact, Sep. tab. Tart. Veins Swollen, in the Head •. Bell. sang. Thuj. Vertigo. See : Giddiness, and VERTIGO.' Vibration in the Head: Grat. hep. lyc. nux-v. sass. sil. stront. verb. Water in the Head (sensation of): A con. asa. aur. Bell. carb-an. dig. hep. hyos. ind. ph-ac. rhus. squill. Wavering, Movement,—as if the Brain were loose : Acon. am-c. ars. bare. Bell. calc. carb-an. chin. cic. croc. dig. graph, hyos. kal. laur. magn-s. natr-m. n-mos. Nux-v. rheum, rhus. sep. staph, sulph-ac verat. Weakness of the Head (sensation as of): Amb. arn. ars. graph, iod. phos. ran. stram. sulph-ac. thuj. For other affections of the head, see their Pathological name. HEADACHE (cephalalgia). See : CEPHALALGIA. HEARING. Acute: Acon. agar. alum. arn. ars. aur. bell. calc. chin. cocc. coff. colch. con. hep. kal. lach. lyc. mur-ac. natr. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. sep. sil. sulph. verat. Sensibility of the auditory nerves : Acon. alum. am-c. anac. ang. arn. ars. Aur. bell. bry. calad. calc. camph. canth. caus. cham. Chin. cin. cocc. Coff. colch. con. graph. hell. hyos. iod. kal. lach. Lyc. magn. mere mur-ac. natr. nux-v. oleand. ol-an. petr. petros. phos. ph-ac. plumb puis, sabad. sen. Sep. sil. spig. sulph. thuj. verat. zinc. For other si/mptoms and conditions of the hearing, see. DEAFNESS, EARS, and SENSIBILITY of the BODY to Noise, 4c. T.EART. Aneurism Cordis (dilatation of the heart). Rem- edies, In General: Amb. arn. ars. cann. Carb-v. caus. dig. ferr. graph, guaj. Lach. lact. Lyc. natr-m. puis. rhus. Spig. s-ulph. tart, verat. zinc. Congestion in the Heart: Acon. aur. bell, cocc. coff. dig. Lyc. nitr-ac. op. plumb. Puls. Sulph. Contraction, or constriction in the Heart (sensation of' Ang. asa. calc. kal. Excoriation in the Heart (sensation of): Maga Heat in the Heart ("sensation of): Croc. rhod. 164 HEAT. Heart : Hypertrophy (morbid growth of the heart): Ars. brom iod. lact. spig. verat. Inflammation of the Heart. See : CARDITIS. Oppression at the Heart: Cann. cast caus. cupr-acet magn-m. spig. viol-tr. Palpitation of the Heart. See : PALPITATION. Polypus in the Heart: Brom. lach. staph. ? Rheumatism of the Heart: Acon. ars. Bell. bry. carb-v caus. colch. dig. Lach. nux-v. puis. Spig. tart, verat. Spasms in the Heart: Arn. haem. lach. laur. nux-v. Trembling in the Heart: Bell, camph. daph. nitr-ac n-mos. rhus. spig. staph. For other symptoms, and Affections of the Heart, see: under the head of CHEST ; and their Pathological name. HEARTBURN (pyrosis, water-brash). Remedies, In Gen- eral : Alum. amb. am-c. arg. asar. bell. Calc. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin. Con. croc. daph. dros. graph, hep. ign. iod. kal. lach. lact. lob. Lyc. mag-arc. magn. mang. mere natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nitr-sp. n-mos. Nux-v. par. petr. phos. podoph. puis, sabad. sep. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. val. verat zinc. Meal (after a): Am-c arn-m. calc. chin. Con. croc. iod. Lyc. mere, natr-m. Nux-v. sep. Sil. Sulph. Compare with: REGURGITATIONS, 4c. HEAT, In General : Acon. anac. arn. ars. bar-c. bar-m. bell. bis. bov. Bry. calc. camph. canth. caps, carb-v. caus. cham. chin. coff. con. cor. dulc. ferr. graph, hep. hyos. ign. ipec kal. lach. lyc. magn. mang. Merc, mosch. mur-ac. natr-m, nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. op. par. petr. Phos. ph-ac. plumb. puis, ran-sc. Rhus, rhus-r. sabad. samb. sep. sil. spig, spong. stann. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. terb. thuj. zinc. Anxiety (with) : Acon. anac. arn. Ars. bell. bov. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. coff. con. cyc. dros. graph, hep. hyos. ign. ipec. laur. lyc. magn. Merc, natr-m. nitr-ac nux-v. op. petr. Phos. ph-ac. plat, plumb. Puls. rhus. ruta. sep. spig. spong. stann. stram. suljyh. thuj. verat. Dry : Acon. anac arn. Ars. bar-c. bell. bis. Bry% calc. camph. cann. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cocc. coff. colclu coloc. con. cupr. dulc. gran, graph, hell. hep. hyos. ign. ipec. kal. Lach. lact. led. lyc. Merc. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos, nux-v. op. Phos. ph-ac. prun. Puls. rhod. rhus. rhus-r HEAT. 165 Heat : Babad. samb. sec. sep. sil. spig. spong. Squill, stann staph, stram. stront sulph. thuj. zinc. External : Acon. agar. amb. anac. arn. Ars. asa. Bell. bis. bov. bry. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps, carb-v. caus. cham. cic. cocc. colch. coloc. cor. cupr. dig. dulc. eup. euphorb. ferr. hell. hep. hyos. Ign. iod. kal. lach. laur. lyc. mang. mere mur-ac. natr. nitr. n-mos. nux-v. op. phos. ph-ac. plumb, puis. ran. rhod. Rhus, sabad. samb. sass. sec. sel. sen. sep. Sil. sol-nig. spig. spong. stann. staph, stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. verat. zinc. Internal: Acon. alum. amb. am-c. anac. ant. arg. am. Ars. asa. asar. bar-c. Bell. bis. bov. Bry. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps, carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin. cic. cin. cocc. coff. colch. con. cor. cupr. dulc. euphorb. graph, hell, hep. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. lach. lyc. magn. magn-m. mere mez. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. op petr. phos. Ph-ac. plumb, puis, ran Rhus, rhus-r. ruta. Sabad. samb. sass. sec. sen. sep. sil, spig. squill, spong. stann. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. verat. zinc. Semi-lateral : Alum. amb. anac. arn. bar-c. bell. Bry-. caus. cham. chin. cocc. croc. dig. ign. lyc. natr. nux-v. par phos. ph-ac. plat. Puls. rhus. sabad. spig. stann. stram. sulph. '.'hirst (with): Acon. am-m. anac. ant. arn. Ars. asar. bell. bis. bov. bry. calad. Calc. canth. caps, carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cocc. colch. con. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc Hep. hyos. iod. ipec. kal. laur. lyc. magn-m. Merc. mez. mosch. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis, ran-sc. Rhus, rhus-r. sabad. Sec sep. sil. spig. spong. staph, strain, stront. Sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. val. verat. Tiuustlessness (with): Acon. amb. anac. ang. arg. ara Ars. asa. bell. bry. calc. camph. canth. caps, carb-v. cham. chel. chin. cic. cin. cocc. coff. con. cyc, diad. dig. dros. euphorb. Hell. hep. ign. ipec. kal. lach. laur. led. magn. mang. men. mere mosch. Mur-ac. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. N-mos. nux-v. oleand. op. phos. ph-ac. plumb. puis, rheum, rhus. ruta. Sabad. sabin. Samb. sass. sej>. spig. squill, staph, stram. sulph. tar. val. verat. Transient : Acon. agn. alum. amb. am-c. arn. ars. asa. bar-c. bell. bis. bor. bry. calc. cann. carb-an. carb-v. cham chia cocc. coccion. croc dig. Graph, hep. ign. iod. kal. 1(56 HECTIC FEVER. Heat (transient): laur. Lyc. magn. mere natr. nitr-ac. nux-v. ol-an. op petr. Phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. ran. rhus. ruta. sabad. samb sang. sen. Sep. sil. spig. spong. Stann. staph, sulph sulph-ac. tart. Thuj. val. zinc. Vital Heat (want of): Alum. ars. chel. Con. hydr-ac. led. Lyc. natr-m. phos. puis. ran. sep. sulph. verat. HEATED (sufferings from getting). Remedies, In General : Acon, am-c. Ant. bell. Bry. camph. carb-v. coff. dig. eu- phorb. hep. ign. ipec. Kal. mere natr-m. n-mos. nux-v op. sep. sil. staph, thuj. zinc. Fire (from the heat of a): Acon. ant. bell. bry. camph. euphorb. kal. magn-m. mere puis. sil. zinc. Sun (from the heat of the): Acon. agar. Ant. bell. brom. Bry. camph. canth. clem. hyos. ipec. lach. magn-m. Natr. nux-v. puis. sel. sulph. val. zinc. Compare with the Particular sufferings, under their respective heads. HEAVINESS (sensation of). Remedies, In General: Acon. amb. am-c. asa. bar-c. bar-m. bell. bis. Calc. carb-an. carb-v. chin. cocc. croc, graph, hell. ign. kal. kreos. laur. lyc. magn. mere mez. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. n-mos. Nux-v. oleand. op. par. phos. ph-ac. plumb, puis, rheum. Rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sep. Sil. spig. spong. stana staph, sulph. thuj. verat. zinc. Limbs (in the): Acon. agar. alum. anac. ant. Arn. asa. aur. bar-c. bar-m. bell. bry. calc. cann. caps. carb-v. caus. cham. Chin. cin. cocc. con. croc. dig. dulc Ferr. Fer-acet. ign. ind. iod. kal. kal-bich. kreos. lach. led. lyc. mere mez. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux-v. paeon, par. petr. phos. ph-ac. plumb. Puls. rhod. Rhus, rhus-r. ruta. Sabad. sabin. sep. sil. spig. spong. squiU. stann. staph, stram. sulph. thuj. verat. zinc. Compare with—Heaviness of Particular Organs ; and with: LASSITUDE,4c. HECTIC FEVER (fever preceding, or attendant on pul- monary phthisis). Diagnosis. A slow continuous fever, characterized by preternatural and remittent heat, greatly accelerated pulse, flushes of heat, circumscribed redness of the cheeks, burning in the hands and feet, night sweats, lateritious urine, cough, oppressed respira- tion, and emaciation. Remedies, In General : Acon ars. bell. calc. Chin. cocc. con. cupr. hep. iod. ipec. kal HEPATITIS. L67 Hectic Fever : lach. lyc. mere nux-v. Phos. ph-ac. puis. sep. sil. stana staph, sulph. verat. zinc. Compare: PHTHISIS; and see—the Particular symptoms, under their respective heads. HELMENTHIASIS (worm disease). See: WORM FE- VER, and WORMS. HEMERALOPIA (nocturnal blindness). Remedies, In Gen- eral : Bell. hyos. mere puis, stram. verat. HEMICRANIA (pain on one side of the head). See : CE- PHALALGIA, Semi-lateral. HEMIOPIA (defective vision, only half of the object seen). Remedies, In General : Aur. calc. caus. lyc. mur-ac. natr-m. HEMIPLEGIA (semi-lateral paralysis). Remedies, In Gen- eral : Agar. alum. anac. arg. arn. bar-c. bell. calc. carb-v. caus. chel. chin, chin-s. cocc. colch. cyc. dulc. graph, guaj. hyos. kal. kal-hyd. lach, laur. mez. mur-ac. natr-m. nux-v. oleand. phos. ph-ac. plumb, rhus. sabin. sang. sass. spig. staph, stront. sulph-ac. zinc. HEPATIC SPOTS (maculae hepaticae). Remedies, In Gen- eral : Ant. con. hyos. lyc. mere. natr. nux-v. sep. sulph. HEPATITIS (inflamniation'of the liver). Diagnosis. When the inflammation is seated on the outer surface or con- vex side of the liver, there is severe pain in the right hypochondriuin, accompanied with burning, or stitches, which extend to the shoulder and sternum, and some- times even to the right foot. The pain, and the short dry cough attendant on the disease, is increased by in- spiration, and the patient finds it impossible to lie on the right side. When the inflammation occupies the concave part or substance of the liver, the patient com- plains of a sensation of pressure rather than of pain in the region of the liver, and finds it difficult or impossi- ble to lie on the left side. In this case the biliary sys- tem is more affected, and the countenance sometimes assumes a complete jaundiced appearance, with bitter taste in the mouth, vomiting, and high-colored urine. In either case, the right hypochondrium is bloated, hot, and painful on pressure ; with dry skin, hard quick pulse, thirst, high-colored urine, and the usual signs oi inflammatory fever. Remedies, In General : Acon. ara bell. Bry*. calc. canth. cham. chin. kaL lach. magn-in. Merc. Nux-v. puis. sec. sulph 168 HERPES. Hepatitis : Chronic : Alum. amb. arn. asa. aur. bry. calc. carb-v. chin cocc. con. dig. ign. kal. lach. lyc. magn-m. mere natr natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux-v. phos. podoph. puis. sep. sil. Sulph. HERNIA (rupture). Remedies, In General : Acon. am-m. ars. aur. bell. cham. clem. cocc. lach. lyc. magn. nitr-ac Nux-v. Op. sil. Sulph. sulph-ac. verat. Children (in): Aur. cham. Cocc. Nux-v. op. nitr-ac. sulph- ac. Verat. Femoral (crural hernia) : Nux-v. Inguinal : Alum. am-m. asar. Aur. carb-an. cham. chia clem. cocc. coloc. guaj. ign. lach. Lyc magn. nitr-ac nux-v. op. petr. plumb, rhus. sil. spig. staph, sulph. Sulph-ac thuj. Verat. Scrotalis (scrotocele): Magn. magn-m. Nux-v. op. petr Strangulated (incarcerated): Acon. Nux-v. op. sulph. Umbilical (exomphalos) : Aur. cham. gran. Nux-v. siL sulph. / d. Ventralis (hypogastrocele): Am-c. caps. HERPES (tetters). Remedies, In General : Agar. alum. amb. Ars. bor. Bov. bry. Calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. Clem. Con. cupr. Dulc. Graph, hep. iod. kal. kreos. lach led. Lyc. mang. mere. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. oleand. ol-jec. Petr. phos. ph-ac ran. Rhus. sass. Sep. sil. spong. stana staph. Sulph. verat. zinc. Burning : Amb. Ars. bov. bry. calad. calc. carb-v. Caus. clem. con. dulc. hep. lyc Merc. mez. puis. rhus. sep. sil staph, sulph. Circular Patches (ringworm): Calc caus. clem, magn natr. sep. sulph. Corroding : Bare calc. carb-v. clem. con. dulc. Graph, grat. hep. lyc. mere natr. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. ph-ac rhus. sev Sil. staph, sulph. Dry : Ars. bar-c. bov. calc. clem. dulc. graph, kreos. led. lyc. magn. mere nitr-ac. petr. phos. ph-ac. rhus. sass. Sep. Sit. staph, sulph. verat. Furfuraceous (bran-like): Am-c. Ars. aur. bov. bry. Calc cic. dulc. graph, kreos. led. lyc. mere. phos. sep. Sil. sulph. Humid (moist): Alum. ars. bov. calc. carb-v. cic. clem. con. dale. Graph, grat. hep. kal. kreos. lach. lyc. mang. mere nitr-ac petr. Rhus. sep. sil. staph, sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. Itching : Agar. alum. amb. am-c ars. bov. bry. calc. caus Clem. con. dulc. graph, kal. lach. led. lyc. magn-s. mere. HIPS. 169 Herpes : mez. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. ran. rhus. Sep. siL staph, sulph. verat. Pricking : Ars. bar-c. bell. bry. clem. con. graph, hep. led. lyc. mere. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. phos. puis. ran. rhus. sep. sil. spong. staph, sulph. thuj. zinc. Red : Am-c. bry. cham. cic. clem. dulc. led. lyc. magn. mere petr. ph-ac. rhus. staph. Compare: ERUPTIONS, Milliary, Scarlet. Scabby : Alum. ars. calc. cic. clem. con. dulc. graph, hep. lyc. mere mur-ac. phos. ph-ac. ran. rhus. sass. sep. staph sulph. Scaly : Ars. aur. clem. cupr. dulc. hep. led. lyc. magn. mere oleand. phos. plumb, rhus. sep. staph, sulph Scurfy : Alum. ars. bar-c. bov. Calc cic. clem. con. dulc. Graph, hep. kal. led. Lyc magn. mere. mez. mur-ac. oleand. phos. ran. rhus. sass. sep. sil. staph. Sulph. zinc. Spreading : Ars. bor. calc. caus. cic. clem. con. dulc. graph. grat. hep kal. mang. mere natr. petr. rhus. sep. sil. staph. sulph. viol-tr. Suppurating : Ars. bell. cic. clem. con. dulc. hep. lyc. magn. mang. Merc natr. natr-m. petr. plumb. Rhus, s.-tss. Sep. sil. staph, sulph. thuj. verat. zinc. Yellowish: Agar. ars. cic. cupr. dulc. hell, kreos. led. lyc. mere. natr. nitr-ac. sep. sulph. Whitish: Agar. Ars. bov. bry. ipec. phos. sulph. val. Compare with ERUPTIONS; and Herpes, on the particular organs or parts of the body. HERPES SQCAMOSIS (psoriasis). See: PSORIASIS. HICCOUGH (singultus). Remedies, Is General : Acon. agar. Am-m. ang. bell. bor. bry. carb-an. cic. cocc colch. cupr. Cyc. dros. euphorb. graph. Hyos. Ign. lyc magn-m. mere natr. n-mos. Nux-v. op. phos. plumb, puis. ran. ruta. samb. sel. siL spong. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. verat. verb. zinc. Drinking (after): Ign. lach, puis. Eating (after): Alum, carb-an. cyc. graph, hyos. ign. lyc. magn-m. mere. natr. phos. sep. zinc. Pain in the Stomach (with): Magn-m. rat, teuc. Spasmodic: Bell. cic. Nux-v. ran. stram. tab. Violent : Am-m. Bell. cic. lyc. nic. Nux-v. rat. stront teuc verat, HIP-JOINT DISEASE. See: COXARTHROCACE. HIPS and THIGHS. Boils on the hips, hams, or buttocks: 15 170 HIPS. Hips (boils): Aur-mur. calc. hep. lach. magn. nux-v. ph-ac. petr. sep, sil. Compare: BOILS. Burning in the Hips: Bell, carb-v. hell. rhus. val. —Thighs (in the): Bor. euphorb. rat. rhus. Cramps in the Hams: Calc. cann. pason. phos. —Hips (in the): Coloc. ph-ac. —Hughs (in the): Asar. cann. hyos. ipec. mere petr. rhus. sep. Dislocation (spontaneous) of the Hip-joint: Coloc. Eruptions on the Hams: Ant. nux-v. sel. thuj. —Thighs (on the): Merc, nux-v. petr. thuj. Herpes on the Hams: Ars. graph, natr. natr-m. nic. petr. phos. sulph. —Thighs (on the): Clem, graph, a ere natr-m. petr. staph. zinc. Inflammation of the Thighs: Natr-s. sil. Itching in the Thighs: Bar-c. calc. magn. nitr-ac. thuj. Lassitude in the Thighs : Agar. ang. am. ars. bry. croc. sass. Pains as if Bruised, in the Hips: Acon. am-c. natr-m. ph- ac. puis, rhus-r. ruta. sang, sulph. ----Thighs (in the): Acon. am-c. ang. camph. caus. cocc. guaj. gins. hep. kreos. led. men. mere nux-v. ph-ac. plat. puis. sang. spig. staph, sulph. val. —Burning, in the Hips: Bell, carb-v. hell. rhus. val. ----Thighs (in the): Bor. euphorb. rat. rhus. — Cramplike, in the Hips: Ang. carb-v. Coloc. ruta. ----Thighs (in the): Carb-v. coloc. cyc. mur-ac. ol-an. ph- ac. plat. ran. ruta. val. verb. —Drawing, in the Hips: Ars. bry. calc. carb-v. cham. chel. con. evon. natr-m. par. plumb, rhus. ruta. stann. terb. ----Thighs (in the): Anac. arn. bar-m. bry. caus. chain. colch. dulc. iod. kreos. rnang. mez. mur-ac. Natr-m. nux-v. ol-an. puis. ran. rat. rhus. ruta. sabin. samb squill, stram. terb. val. zinc. —Jerking, in the Hips: Mang-m. mez. puis. ----Joints of the Hips (in the): Nux-v. puis. ----Thighs (in the): Ang. cinn. mang. mez. natr. puis. rat. rhus. val. —Limping (which cause): Bell, carb-an. dros. kal-hyd, nitr-ac. Compare: LAMENESS, limping (spontaneous) —Paralytic, in the Hips: Arg. Cham. chel. dros. evon. led plumb. HOARSENESS. 171 Hips (pains, paralytic): ----Thighs (in the): Carb-v. jham. chin, colch. dros. ferr, guaj. —Pressive, in the Hips: Arg. asar. fer-mag. stann. ----Thighs (in the): Anac. asar. guaj. kal. led. oleand ph-ac. sass. sil. verb. —Shooting, or Stitching in the Hips: Bell. bry. calc. Carb- an. coloc. evon. ferr. hell, kal-hyd. mere, natr-m. rhus. rhus-r. sabin. sep. sil. sulph. ----Joints of the Hips (in the): Acon. am-m. arg. calc-caus. ferr. Merc, nux-v. rhus. sil. thuj. ----Thighs (in the): Calc. carb-an. kreos. mang. mere nux-v. piumb. rhus. samb. sep. sil. spig. tar. —Tearing (sharp drawing), in the Hips: Am-m, ars. calc camph. carb-v. ferr. kal. magn-m. mere par. ph-ac. rhus. sep. stann. ----Thighs (in the): Alum. aur. camph, cham. chin. clem. dulc. ferr. kal. magn-s. mez. mur-ac. nux-v. ol-an. plumb, rat. rhus. sabin. sep. sil. terb. zinc. — Wrenching, dislocating, in the Hips: Am-m. arg. bar-c. calc cans, euphorb. Ign. ipec natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. puis. rhod. rhus. sen. sulph. Paralysis of the Hips: Verat. —Thighs (of the): Acon. aur. chel. cocc. sulph. Perspiration on the Thighs: Carb-an. nux-v. thuj. Rigidity of the Hips : Acon. bar-c. bell, rheum, rhus. 6taph —Thighs (of the): Graph, mere natr-m, rhus. Shocks in the Hips : Bell. —Thighs (in the): Sep. Shortening of the Tendons of the Hams : Am-m. ars. graph. lach. natr. natr-m. sulph. —Hips (of the): Am-m. carb-v. coloc. —Thighs (of the): Berb. carb-v. magn-m. ol-an. plat. puis. Torpor of the Thighs: Euphr. ferr. graph, mere nux-v. plat. Trembling of the Thighs : Anac. lach. Weakness of the Thighs: Acon. ars. chin. gins. guaj. mere. mur-ac. nux-v. oleand. plat. puis. Ruta. staph. HIVES (vulgar name for croup, also applied to certain cuta- neous eruptions). See: CROUP, and ERUPTIONS. HOARSENESS (morbid roughness of the voice). Remedies, In General : Acon. amb. ant, ars. arum. bare. Bell, bov brom. bry. calc camph. carb-an. caps. Carb-v. caus. chain. chia cupr. dros. dulc. eup. graph hep. kal. lach. lyo 172 HOOPING-COUGH. Hoarseness : Mang. mere natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. oleand petr. Phos. plumb, puis. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. samb. sel. sep. sil. Spong. stann. staph, stront. Sulph. tar. thuj verat. verb. Catarrhal : Bell. calc. caps, carb-v. Cham. dros. Dulc. hep laur. mang. mere. natr. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. puis. rhus. samb. Sulph. tart. Chronic : Arum. aur. bar-c. calc. Carb-v. Caus. dros. dulc. hep. iod. kreos. mang. petr. phos. rhus. sil. sulph. Cold Damp Weather (from): Bell. Carb-v. dulc. Sulph. Croup (remaining after): Bell, carb-v. dros. hep. phos. tart. Evening (in the): Alum. Carb-v. caus. chin-s. lach. nux-v. sulph. Measles (resulting from): Bell. bry. carb-v. dros. dulc. sulph. Morning (in the): Ars. bov. calc. Carb-v. caus. dros. natr-m. nux-v. phos. sulph. Nasal Catarrh, coryza (with): Ars. bell, carb-v. caus. dig. graph, kal. natr. nitr-ac petr. phel. phos. sep. spig. spong. sulph. thuj. Sore Throat (with): Bell, calc-caus. carb-v. nitr-ae. phos. sulph. Speak Loud (with inability to): Am-c. carb-v. cupr. dig. graph, hep. lach. natr. nipr-ac. par. phos. puis. sep. sulph. Speaking (after): Carb-v. staph. Sudden Hoarseness : Alum. arum, n-mos. Walking in the Wind (from): N-mos. Compare : VOICE, Rough, 4c. HOME-SICKNESS (nostalgia). See: NOSTALGIA. HOOPING-COUGH (pertussis, chin cough). Diagnosis. Par- oxysms of violent, convulsive, suffocating cough ; attend- ed with a whistling or hooping inspiration, and frequently terminating in vomiting of food and mucus. In severe cases, during the paroxysm, the face becomes livid and swollen, and blood frequently escapes from the mouth and nostrils, and there seems to be an entire cessation of respiration, as if from spasm of the lungs. The parox- ysms usually occur every two or three hours, and in some cases more frequently, and are generally' worse during the night, and every other day. During tlie in- terval between the paroxysms the chest and respiration ire entirely free, and the patient, except being weak, jxhib.ts no apparent symptoms of disease. Pathologists HYDROCEPHALUS. 173 Hooping-Cough : distinguish three stages in the wurse of this asease, viz.: the febrile or catarrhal; the nervous or convulsive ; and the adynamic or stage of debility; which last is charac- terized by longer intermissions between the paroxysms, but increased prostration of strength Remedies, In Geneual : Acon. amb. anac. arn. Bell. bry. carb-v. cham. chin-s. cin. cupr. Dros. dulc. ferr. hep. iod. Ipec kal. lach. lact. led. mere nitr-ac. nux-v. op. phos. puis. samb. sep sulph. tart, verat. Catarrhal, or Irritative stage : Acon. Bell, carb-v. cham. dulc. hep. Ipec. mere nux-v. puis. tart, verat. Convulsive Stage : Anac. bell, carb-v. cin. Cupr. Dros. iod. Ipec lact. mere nux-v. op. puis. tart. Verat. Debility (stage of): Arn. carb-v. cham. dulc. hep. puis. sep. sulph. tart, verat. Compare : with the Particular symptoms under the head of COUGH, VOMITING; 4c. HORDEOLUM (stye). Remedies, In General : Acon. am-c. bry. calc. hep. lyc. mere phos. Puls. rhus. sep. Staph. sulph thuj. HOUSEMAID'S KNEE (inflammation and painful swelling of the knee, resulting from the effects of kneeling, or in- jury of the bursa mucosa). Remedies, In General: Am. con. phos. puis. rhus. ruta. sil. HYDRARTHRA (dropsy of the knee-joint). Remedies, In General : Ant. ars. bry. calc. con. dig. iod. mere rhus. sil. Sulph. HYDROCELE (dropsy in the scrotum). Remedies, In Gen- eral : Arn. ars. chin. con. dig. graph, hell. hep. mere nux-v. puis. rhod. sil. sulph. HYDROCEPHALUS (dropsy of the brain). Diagnosis. The usual symptoms of hydrocephalus are, drowsiness, stupidity, squinting, dilated pupils, grinding of the teeth, sudden starts, grasping at the head, fits of screaming, delirium, and sometimes deep sopor. The eyes are usually red, and void of expression, or have a peculiar staring look, with trembling of the pupil. The patient frequently manifests a disposition to remain in a recum- bent posture, or to lean the head forward, or sideways, as if for support; or to lie on the face and bury the head iu the pillow. This disease is frequently preceded by and bears a near resemblance to encephalitis; and is most frequently met with in children, and especially in 15* 174 HYDROTHORAX. Hydrocephalus: those with large heads and open fontanels. Vomiting with constipation of the bowels, is a distinctive sign of hydrocephalus, a symptom not usually met with in other affections of the head. Remedies, In General : Acon. ant. arn. ars. Bell. bry. cin. con. dig. Hell. hyos. lach. mere op. ph-ac. stram. sulph. tart, verat. Chronic Hydrocephalus : Ars. hell, sulph. tart. HYDROPHOBIA (a disease resulting from the bite of a rabrd animal, characterized by dread of water, and the impossibility of swallowing fluids; even the sight or noise of water produces indescribable anxiety, convul- sions, and madness). Remedies, In General : Bell. canth. hyos. lach. mere stram. Also, use a warm va- por bath, and other means to promote profuse perspnra- tion. Preventives (as): Bell. lach. hydrophobine, and the appli- cation of dry heal at a distance, in the following manner, viz.: Hold a red-hot iron or live coal directly over and as near the wound as can be borne without too great pain, or without burning the skin, having previously smeared the surface around the wound with a little oil, grease, soap, or saliva, which must be renewed when- ever the skin becomes dry. Continue the action of the heat upon the wound until shuddering is produced, or for the space of an hour; and carefully remove whatever exudes from the wound. HYDROPHOBIA SPURIOUS (dread of water). Remedies, In General : Am-c. calc. nitr-ac. sass. sep. sulph. HYDROPS (dropsy). See : DROPSY. HYDROSARCA (anasarca). See : ANASARCA. HYDROTHORAX (dropsy in the chest). Diagnosis. This disease is characterized by oppressed respiration, espe- cially during motion, and when lying down ; with aux- iety, and sensation of suffocation, as from want of air. Also, short cough, dry skin, scanty and high-colored urine, weak and intermittent pulse, and as the disease progresses, oedema of the feet and lower extremities. Sometimes on motion, a fluctuation of the water in the chest may be heard by auscultation. In the latter stages of the disease there is often an impossibility of lying down on account of the oppression, and the pa- tient is compelled to retain a sitting or standing posture. Re? edies, In General : Am-c aur. arn. Ars. bry. carb-v HYPOCHONDRIUM. 175 Hydrothorax : colch. Dig. dulc. hell. kal. lach. lact. lup. mere sang, sea spig. squill. HYPEROITIS (inflammation of the palate). Remedies, I» General : Acon. aur. 6ar-c. bar-m. Bell. Calc. Chin coff. lach. Merc, nitr-ac. Nux-v. sil. HYPOCHONDRIASIS (a nervous disease characterized by lowness of spirits, nervous and spasmodic affections. It is called hypochondria in the male, and hysteria in the female). Remedies, In General : Anac. arn. arum. aur. Calc. chin. Con. lach. lyc. magn-m. Mosch. natr. natr-m. Nux-v. phos. ph-ac. puis, sep. sil. staph. Sulph. tart. Compare with MIND; and: HYSTERIA. HYPOCHONDRIUM (the region under the false ribs). Anxiety, anguish, malaise, in the Hypochondria : Aloe. bell. cham. phos. ph-ac. Compare: CHEST, Anguish, anxiety, in the Pre- cordia. Burning in the Hypochondrium : Alum. cham. sulph-ac. terb. —Left Hypochondrium (in the): Chel. graph, sulph-ac tart. terb. —Liver (in the): Acon. am-c bell. bry. kal. lach. mere stann. terb. —Region of the Liver (in the): Am-c. crotal. stann. —Right Hypochondrium (in the): Laur. sulph-ac. terb. —Spleen (in the): Bell. ign. sec. ----Region of the Spleen (in the): Iga Compare: Pains Burning. Distension of the Hypochondrium : Bell. cham. ign. —Region of the Liver (in the): SiL Compare: Fullness, and Flatulence. Drawings (painless) in the Hypochondrium : Bry. —Left Hypochondrium (in the): Coloc. —Liver (in the): Bry. lact. —Region of the Liver (in the): Sep. sulph. —Spleen (in the): Sulph. Enlargement of the Liver: Ars. bar-c. calc. cann. caus, chin, chin-s. graph ign. iod. lach. laur. lyc. Magn-m. mere n-mos. nux-v. sil. sulph. —Spleen (of the): Agn. ars. brom. Chin, chin-s. ign. iod. sulph. Compare : Swelling. Excoriation in the Hypochondrium (sensation of): Alum am-c ran. sulph. 176 HYPOCHONDRIUM. Excoriation (sensation of): —Liver (in the): Acon. am-c. calc carb-an. kal. lyc. sabad sep. Compare: Pains as from Excoriation. —Spleen (in the): Asar. ran. Flatulence in the Hypochondrium : Aur. Cham, euphorb, lyc. nux-v. verb. —Left Hypochondrium (in the): Aur. Cham. lyc. nux-v. —Right (in the): Euphorb. verb. Fullness in th-e Hypochondrium : Acon. cham. eup. ign. laur. podoph. —Left Hypochondrium (in the): Acon. —Region of the Liver (in the): Chin-s. eup. laur. —Right Hypochondrium (in the): Acon. eup. laur. podoph. Gurgling in the Left Hypochondrium : Cocc. Lyc. sulph-ac. verb. Hardness in the Hypochondrium: Bor. bry. —Liver (in the): Ars. calc. cann. chin, chin-s. graph, lyc. magn-m. mere, nux-v. sil. sulph. —Spleen (in the): Agn. ars. chin, chin-s. iod. ign. sulph. Compare : LIVER, and SPLEEN, Induration. Heat in the Liver (sensation of): Aloe. kal. sabad. Heaviness in the Hypochondrium (sensation of): Acon n-mos. sulph. —Liver (in the): N-mos. ph-ac. sulph. tab. —Region of the Liver (in the): N-mos. Induration of the Liver: Ars. bell. calc. Chin, chin-s. clem. con. graph, iod. laur. lyc. Magn-m. mere n-mos. nux-v. plumb, puis. sil. sulph. —Spleen (of the): Agn. ars. brom. Chin. ign. iod. magn-m. sulph Inflammation of the Liver: Acon. arn. bell. Bry. calc canth. cham. chin. kal. lach. magn-m. Merc. Nux-v. puis. sec. sulph. —Chronic: Alum. amb. arn. asa. aur. bry. calc. carb-an. chin. cocc. con. dig. ign. kal. lach. lyc. magn-m. mere. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux-v. phos. podoph. puis. sep. sil. Sulph. —Spleen (of the): Acon. agn. arn. ars. bry. caps. Chin, igu nux-v. sulph. Jerking in the Hypochondrium : Lact. mosch pule. —Liver (in the): Sep. —Right Hypochondrium (in the): Lact —Spleen, or Region of the Spleen : Calad. Oppression in the Hypochondrium: Acon, nux v. HYPOCHONDRIUM. 177 H rrocnoNDRiuM: Pains (indefinite) in the Hypochondrium: Boi carb-v. chin, chin-s. cupr. kal. kreos. laur. lob. natr. op. sang. sep. — Carriage (when riding in a): Bor. lach. sep. —Left Hypochondrium (in the): Bor. brom. chin, chin-s Ign. lach. natr. phos. rhod. Rhus-r. ruta. sang, stann. —Liver (in the): Alum. ars. bry. carb-v. caus. cim. plumb. sel. —Region of the Liver (in the) : Amb. bry. chin-s. graph rhus-r. sep. tab. val. — Right Hypochondrium (in the): Bar-c. carb-v. chin. lach. laur. lob. natr. op.podoph. sang, stann. --Spleen,, or Region of the Spleen (in the' : Bry. lach. — Walking (produced or aggravated by): Ign. sep. Pains Aching in the Hypochondrium : Calc. carb-v. cocc. cupr. hyos. ign. ind. mang. meph. natr-s. ran. sass. zinc. —Left Hypochondrium (in the): Berb. camph. carb-v. cham. cocc. con. mang. rhus-r. terb. —Liver (in the): Calc. carb-an. carb-v. clem. con. lact. natr-m. nux-v. —Region of the Liver (in the): Calc. lyc. magn-m. ruta sep. —Right Hypochondrium (in the): Bar-c. camph. cham, kal-bich. lyc. mang. sep. —Spleen, or Region of the Spleen (in the): Chin-s. Pains Boring in the Left Hypochondrium : Natr. sen. —Jlegion of the Liver (in the): Con. natr-m. ph-ac. sulph —Spleen (in the): Chin, ph-ac. Pains as from a Bruise in the Hypochondrium: Carb-v. chin-s. cocc. cupr. mang. ran. —Left Hypochondrium (in the) : Cocc. cupr. ran. sass. stann. —Liver (in the) : Carb-v. kreos. laur. —Region of the Liver (in the): Clem, lact, —Right Hypochondrium (in the): Cocc. cupr. lyc. mur-ac ran. Pains Burning in the Hypochondrium: Acon. am-c bell. sulph. tong. —Left Hypochondrium (in the): Acon. caus. cham. natr-m —Liver (in the): Acon, bry. kal. lach. mere, nux-v. stann. ■—Region of the Liver (in the): Acon. crotal. kal. lach mere ph-ac. —Right Hypochondrium (in the): Acon. mur-ac. —Spleen (hi the): Bell. ign. sec. Compare: Burning. 178 HYPOCHO-NDRIUM. Hypochondrium : Pains Contractive in the Hypochondrium: Dros. nux-v rhod. —Diaphragm (in the): Stann. —Region of the Liver (in the): Lyc. sep. —Region of the Spleen (in the): Clem. Pains Cutting in the Hypochondrium: Acon. ang. chin. con. kal. natr. nic. ran-sc. tong. —Left Hypochondrium (in the): Berb. bor. kal. kal-bich men. natr. nic. terb. —Liver (in the): Acon. ang. carb-an. lach natr. natr-m. plumb, ran. —Region of the Liver (in the): Carb-an. crotal. lach. ran. —Right Hypochondrium (in the): Ang. men. natr. nic tong. —Spleen (in the) : Clem. chin, natr-m. ph-ac. ran-sc. Pains Drawing in the Hypochondrium: Berb. bry. calc, camph. cupr. puis, sulph. teuc. —Left Hypochondrium (in the): Berb. carb-v. coloc. cupr. —Liver (in the): Kal. lach. natr-m,. sabad. —Region of the Liver (in the): Con. lach. natr-m. —Spleen (in the): Berb. cupr. sulph. Pains as from Excoriation in the Hypochondrium: Alum. am-c. calc. ran. sabad. sulph. —Liver (in the): Acon. calc. carb-an. kal. lyc. sabad. —Region of the Liver (in the): Am-c. calc. sep. —Sphen (in the): Asar. ran. Compare: Excoriation (sensation of). Pains Pinching in the Hypochondrium : Am-m. calc. ipec. laur. —Left Hypochondrium (in the): Arg. calc. ipec. laur. mosch phos. plat. —Region of the Liver (in the): Lyc. natr-m. —Right Hypochondrium (in the): Calc ipec. magn. mosch sulph. teuc. —Spleen (in the): Fluor-ae Pains Pressive in the Hypochondrium: Amb. asa. bor. carb-an. carb-v. cocc. thuj. —Left Hypochondrium (in the): Cham. prun. —Liver (in the): Carb-v. chin. dig. kreos. lyc. magn-m, natr-m. nux-v. —•Region of the Liver (in the): Amb. asa. cocc. dig. kreos. nux-v. prun. thuj. '—Right Hypochondrium (in the): Prun. HYPOCHONDRIUM. 179 ♦. ins Pressive : —Spleen (in the): Ign. kal-ch. ol-an. stann. suiph. Pains Pulsative in the Hypochondrium : Acon. graph nux-v. puis. — Left Hypochondrium (in the): Agar. grat. —Liver (in the): Natr-s. nux-v. sep. sil. —Spleen (in the): Grat. ran. ruta. Fains Shooting in the Hypochondrium: Eth. agar, alum, asa. aur. berb. bov. bry. calc. carb-v. chin-s. graph. kaL lact. magn-s. puis, ran-sc. rat. sass. sep. sil. stram. tab. —Left Hypochondrium (in the): Carb-v. laur. magn-m. natr. rat. sass. sep. sil. stana tab. —Liver (in the) : Acon, am-c. asar. bry. calc. canth. carb-v. caus. chin. cocc. con. hep. kal. kreos. lact. lyc. maga magn-m. mere, mosch. natron, natr-s. nux-v. ol-an. phos. ph-ac. plumb, ran. ran-sc. rat. sep. sulph. tab. zinc. —Region of the Liver (in the): Acon. agar. berb. calc. carb-v. mosch. natr. nux-v. ran. sep. —Right Hypochondrium (in the): Bry. calc. carb-v. kal-bich. natr. ran-sc. rat. rhod. sep. sil. tab. —Sj>/< en (in the): Am-m. arn. bry. carb-v. chin. con. crot. daph. hep. ign. lach. lact. magn-s. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr. ol-an. ph-ac. ran-sc. rhod. sass. sel. sep. sil. stana sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. Compare : Pajns Stitching. Pains Spasmodic in the Hypochondrium: Mur-ac. ph-ac rhod. stann. zinc. —Diaphragm (in the): Lyc. natr-m. —Left Hypochondrium (in the): Stann. zinc. —Right Hypochondrium (in the): Zinc. Pains Stinging in the Hypochondrium: Eth. giaph. —Liver (in the): Bry. —Region of the Liver (in the): .-lew?, kreos. magn-m. mere nux-v. ol-an. phos. stann. __Spleen, or Region of the Spleen (in tlie): Ol-an. stann. Pains Stitching in the Hypochondrium: Alum. bry. oalc. caus. graph, kal. petr. rat. sep. sil. —Inspiration (during): Agar. anac. chin. kal. rhus-r. __Left Hvpochondrium (in the) : Agar. alum. anac. am. bar-c berb. caus. con. dig. graph, ipec. magn-m. magn-s. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac phos. ran-sc. sen. sep. spig. sulph-ac —Liver (in the): Acon. agar. berb. bry. kal. lach. lact. lam lvc. tab. —Region of the Liver (in the): Acon. agar. calc. carb-v. 180 HYPOCHONDRIUM. Pains Stitching : caus. chin. cocc. con. hep. kal. lyc. natr-m. natr-s. nitr-ac nux-v. phos. ph-ac. puis, sabad. sep. spong. sulph. tab zinc. —Right Hypochondrium (in the): Alum. am-m. asa. calc caus. graph magn. magn-m. mez. mur-ac. natr. phel. rhod rhus-r. sep. spig. sulph. —Spleen, or Region of the Spleen (in the): Agar. Am- m. anac. arn. aur. bry. calad. chin. crot. daph. Hep. lach. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. ph-ac. ran-sc. rhod. sulph. zinc. —Stooping (when): Calc. kal. — Walking (when): Arn. hep. natr-s. rhod Compare: Pains Shooting. Pains Tearing in the Hypochondrium : Kal-bich. teuc. —Left Hypochondrium (in the): Berb. carb-v. —Liver (in the): Carb-v. caus. con. —Region of the Liver (in the): Con. zinc. —Right Hypochondrium (in the): Alum, carb-v. kal-bich. Compare: Pains Drawing. Pains Tensive in the Hypochondrium: Con. nux-v. puis. sep. sulph. verat. —Region of the Liver (in the): Calc. nux-v. Pains as from Ulceration in the Hypochondrium: Chin-s. puis. sil. —Region of the Liver (in the): Chin, chin-s. sil. —Right Hypochondrium (in the): Sil. Pressure in the Hypochondrium: Acon. aur. bor. chin-s. crot. mang. mur-ac. nux-v. ph-ac. rhod. stann. sulph. terb. verat, zinc. —Left Hypochondrium (in the): Acon. amb. aur. bor. calc carb-v. cham. coloc. dig. iod. natr-m. nitr-ac. ol-an. petr. stann. sulph. tab. terb. zinc. —Liver (in the): Acon. aloe. amb. am-c. anac. arn. ars. asa. berb. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin. con. dig. kal. kreos. lact. laur. lyc. magn-m. n-mos. nux-v. ol-an. phos. ph-ac plumb, ran-sc. ruta. sabin. sep. stann, sulph. tab. terb, thuj. zinc —Region of the Liver (in the): Acon. agn. aloe. am-c. arn. berb. calc. carb-an. chin, coloc. dig. iod. kreos. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. ol-an. ran. ruta. sep. stann. sulph. tab. thuj. zinc. —Right Hypochondrium (in the): Acon. amb. aur. carb-aa carb-v. iod, ran. tab. terb. zinc. HYPOGASTRIUM. 181 Hypochondrium (pressure): —Sjilan, or Region of the Spleen (in the): Bor. calad. crot ign. kal-ch. kreos. ol-an. stann. sulph. Sensibility (painful) of the Hypochondrium: Acon. aeth bell, carb-v. chin. dros. eup. mere natr. Nux-v. podoph ran. sulph. —Left Hypochondrium (of the): Carb-v. dros. lach. ran. sulph —Liver (in the): Acon. aeth. alum. bry. dig. Merc, natr-s. Nux-v. —Region of the Liver (in the): Bry. carb-an. chin, dig eup. iod. Mekc. natr-s. Nux-v. phos. sel. sil. —Right Hypochondrium (in the): Alum, carb-v. dros. eup. mere nux-v. podoph. ran. sulph. —Spleen, or Region of the Spleen (in the) : Natr-m. —Stooping (when): Alum. —Tight Clothes (to): Calc. carb-v. caus. crotal. eup. lach Nux-v. —Touch (to the): Acon. bry. carb-an. carb-v. chin. cupr. dros. iod. natr-s. Nux-v. op. ran. sil. Shocks in the Hypochondrium: Acon. chin-s. lact. nux-v. stann. val. —Coughing (on): Rhus-r. —Liver (in the): Croc. val. Swelling of the Hypochondrium : Acon. aur. bry. chin-s. —Liver (of the): Acon. ars. asa bar-m. calc. cann. Cion. chin-s. lact. mere, n-mos. nux-v. sil. sulph. Compare : Enlargement. —Spleen (in the): Agn. ars. chin, chin-s. ign. iod. lact ruta. sulph. Tightness in the Hypochondrium: Acon. bell. calc. canth cham. chin-s. con. dig. graph, lyc. mosch. mur-ac. nux-v. puis, rhus-r. sep. staph, sulph. verat. —Left Hypochondrium (in the): Acon. bry. chin-s. dig. eup. lyc. nitr-ac. op. sulph. verat. —Liver (in the): Bry. caus. lyc. —Region of the Liver (in the): Aloe. bry. calc. carb-v. chin-s. lyc. magn-m. natr-m. sulph. —Right Hypochondrium (in the): Caus. tab. zinc —Spleen, or Region of the Spleen (in the): Chin-s. nitr-ac rhod. sulph. For other affections of the Hypochondrium, see their Pathological name. HYPOGASTRIUM (the lower part of the abdomen, below lfi 182 INDIGESTION Hypogastrium : the umbilical and above the pubic region). See: AB DOMEN. HYPOGASTROCELE (ventral hernia). See: HERNIA. HYSTERIA (a nervous disease, frequently dependent on some uterine irregularity). See : HYSTERICS, HYPO- CHONDRIASIS, and MIND. HYSTERICS (passio histeria, hysteric fits). Diagnosis. Attacks of hysteria, occurring in paroxysms, usually preceded by anxiety, weeping, great depression of spirits, shortness of breath, palpitation of the heart, and fre- quent discharge of pale watery urine. During the par- oxysm there is frequently a variety of nervous phenom- ena ; as spasms, hiccough, choking, alternate fits of laughter and crying, delirium, foaming at the mouth, spasmodic clenching of the jaws, 4c Relief generally ensues with eructations, followed by deep sighing and sobbing respiration. The attacks are often excited by mental emotions, especially in persons subject to hysteria. Remedies, In General : Acon. amb. am-c. anac. arn. ars. asa. Aur. bell. bry. calc. caus. cham. Cocc. Con. cyc. graph, hyos. Ign. iod. ipec. lach. laur. lyc. Magn-m. mez Mosch. Natr. natr-m. n-mos. Nux-v. phos. Plat, plumb. puis. rhus. sel. sep. stann. staph, stram. sulph. tart. Val. verat. zinc. Compare with the Particular Symptoms, under their respective heads. ICHTHYOSIS (fish-skin disease ; an eruptive disease, form- ing rough, scaly excrescences on the skin). Remedies, In General: Ant. coloc. hep.plumb, ran. sulph. zinc. ICTERUS (jaundice). See: JAUNDICE. ICTERUS ALBUS (chlorosis). See : CHLOROSIS. ILEUS (iliac passion, cohc in the smaller intestines, charac- terized by vomiting of foecal matters). Remedies, In General : Acon. bell. bry. nux-v. Op. Plumb, thuj. IMPETIGO (pustular eruption). See : ERUPTIONS. IMPOTENCE (weakness of sexual power, generative disa- bility). Remedies, In General : Agn. ant. 6ar-c. Calad. calc camph. conn. caus. chin. Con. graph, hep. hyos. ign. kal. lach. Lyc. magn. mosch. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac n-mos. petr. phos. Sel. sep. sulph. INCUBUS (nightmare). See : NIGHTMARE. INDIGESTION (sufferings from). Remedies, In General Acon. Ant. arn. ars. bry. Ipec. carb-v. chia coff hep* nux-v. Puls. sulph INFANTS. 183 Fndigestion : Acids (from): Acon. ant. Ars. Carb-v. hep letzli. natr-m puis. sep. sulph. sulph-ac Children (in): Bar-c. calc. chin. Ipec lyc. nux-v. Puls. sulph. Fat Pork (from): Ant. ars. Carb-v. ipec. natr-m. Puls. sep. Ices (from): Ars. carb-v. natr-m. n-mos. puis. Potatoes (from): Alum, coloc. sep. verat. Salt Food (from): Ars. calc. carb-v. dros. lyc. nux-v. Tainted Fish (from): Carb-an. carb-v. chin. puis. Tainted Meats (from): Ars. bry. carb-v. chin, ph-ac. puis. Compare: DYSPEPSIA, and see the Particular sufferings, under their respective heads. INDISPOSITION (feeling unwell); In General: Acon. agar. alum. amb. ant. arg. arg-nit. ars. asa. bor. bry. calc. camph. caus. cham. chin. cic. Con. croc. hep. ign. ipec. lyc. magn-m. mang. mere mosch. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux-v. op. petr. phos. plat. puis. rhus. ruta. sabad. sen. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. stram. sulph. thuj. verat. INDOLENCE (want of energy, dread of exercise). Reme dies, In General : Acon. alum. am-c. Ars. asar. bar-c bry. chel. Chin. cocc. dulc. guaj. lach. kal. lyc. magn-m. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. plumb, sep. stana tart. thuj. zinc. Heaviness (with): Acon. asa. calc. chin. ign. kal. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. ph-ac. sep. sil. spong. stann. Meal (after a): Asar. bar-c. chin. phos. thuj. Morning (in the): Carb-an. natr. natr-m. nux-v. verb. Compare with: HEAVINESS, and LASSITUDE. INDURATIONS (hardening of viscera). Remedies, In Gen- eral : Alum, am, ars. bar-c. Bell. bry. calc. carb-aa carb-v. cham. Chin. Clem. con. dulc. ferr. graph, iod. kal. lyc. Magn-m. nux-v. phos. plumb, puis. rhod. sang, sep sil. spong. staph, sulph. Compare : with Indurations of Particular organs. INFANTS. Acidity of the Stomach and Bowels: Bell. calc. Cham. magn. nux-v. puis, rheum, sulph. Asthma : Acon. ars. bell, camph. Cham. coff. cupr. hep. iga Ipec. lach. nux-v. op. Puls Samb. tart, sulph Colic : Acon. anis. bell. Cham. calc. caus. cin. coff. coloc ipec. jal. n-mos. nux-v. puis, rheum, senn. staph. Constipation : Alum. Bry. lyc. magn-m. Nux-v. Op. sil sulph. verat 184 INFLUENZA Infants: Convulsions : Bell. Cham. cin. hyos. Ign. ipec. op. paeoc stram. sulph. zinc. Coryza : Carb-v. cham. dulc. Nux-v. samb. sulph. Crying : Acon. Bell. Cham. cin. coff. coloc. jal. rheum, sena Excoriation : Ant. bar-c. bor. calc. Cham. chin. Graph, ign lyc. mere sep. sil. Sulph. Fontanelle continuing open too long: Calc. sil. Ischuria (difficult urination): Acon. Camph. nux-v.puis. Jaundice : Cham. chin. con. Merc, nux-v. sep. sulph. Red Gum (infant rash) : Acon. cham. Bry. rhus. sulph. Regurgitation of Milk: Bor. cin. cham, lach. Sil. Restlessness : Acon. Bell. bor. Cham. cin. Coff. nux-v Sleeplessness : Acon. Beill. cham. Coff. nux-v. Op. Sore Eyes : Acon. bell. bor. cham. dulc. euphr. mere sulph. Weakness of the Joints (muscular weakness): Bar-c. belL Calc. caus. lach. lyc. nux-v. sil. staph, sulph. Compare the above with the particular affections, un- der their respective heads or pathological name. INFLAMMATION (heat, redness, swelling, pain and pulsa- tion in a part. It may be either acute, sub-acute, or chronic; common or specific, healthy or unhealthy; phlegmonous, erysipelatous, or gangrenous; internal or external, 4c.). Remedies, In General : Acon. ant. am. ars. asa. aur. bar-c. Bell. bor. Bry. calc. camph. cann. canth, cham. cocc. euphr. hep. hyos. ipec. kal. lyc. Merc. nitr. nitr-ac. Nux-v. petr. Phos. plumb, puis. ran. rhus. sil. staph, sulph. See: the Particular Organs affected, or the Patho- logical name of the inflammation. INFLAMMATORY FEVER (synocha). Diagnosis. Chilli- ness at the commencement of the attack, followed by burning heat, great thirst, hard, strong, quick pulse, dryness of the skin, mouth, and tongue; red, scanty urine, and constipation. The respiration, and all the symptoms, increase or decrease in unison with the pulse. Remedies, In General : Acon. ars. Bell. Bry. cann. cham. chin, coloc. coff. hep. hyos. ipec. kal. lach. lyc. mere mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. puis. rhus. sec. sep. sulph. verat. INFLUENZA (grippe, epidemic catarrh). Diagnosis. In addition to all the usual symptoms of a cold and catarrh, such as slight fever, cough, coryza, lachrymation, pains in the limbs, 4c, there is oppressed respiration, and great INTERMITTENT FEVER. 185 Influenza: prostration of strength. Remedies, Is General: Acon. alum. arn. Ars. bell. bry. caus. camph. ipec. kal-hyd. mere, nux-v. phos. puis. rhus. rhus-r. sabad. sen. spig. sgui/l. stram. verat. INSANITY (mania, mental derangement). See : MIND. INSECTS (bites, and stings of): See: BITES of Insects. INSENSIBILITY of the Body. Remedies, In General: Bar-m. cic. cupr-acet. hydr-ac laur. oleand. op. ph-ac stram. Compare with: DEADNESS, NUMBNESS and TORPOR. INSOLATION (coup de soleil). See : SUN-STROKE INSPIRATION (inhalation). See: CHEST, Inspiration, and Pains, during Inspiration. INTERMITTENT FEVER (fever and ague). Diagnosis. Paroxysms of fever, usually commencing with a chill followed by heat, and terminating in sweat. The par- oxysms usually occur every twenty-four hours (quo- tidian), or forty-eight hours (tertian), or seventy-two hours (quartan), and in some cases at intervals of seven days (octana?). Sometimes the paroxysms occur twice within the above-named periods, and are called double quotidian, tertian, or quartan, 4c. The period between the paroxysms is called the apyrexia, during which the patient is usually free from fever and suffering. Reme. dies, In General: Acon. alum. am-m. anac. ant. arn. Ars. asar. bell. bov. bry. calc. canth. caps, carb-v. caus. cham. Chin, chin-s. cim. cin, clem. cocc. coff. coloc. con. croc. daph. dig. dros. elat. Eup. ferr. graph, hell. hep. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. lach. laur. led. lyc. mag-aus. men. mere mosch. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. Nvx-v. oleand. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. plumb, podoph, puis. ran. rhod. Rhus, rhus-r. sabad. samb. sec. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph, stram. stront. sulpjh. tart. thuj. Appearance of the Fever, or commencement of the attack. —Afternoon (in the): Alum. am-m. ant. arn. ars. asar. bell. bov. bry. caus. cham. chin, chin-s. cim. cin. coff. daph hep. ign. lach. men. natr. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. puis. ran. rhus. rhus-r. sabad. spig. spong. stana staph, stram sulph. thuj. verat —Evening (in the): Acon. am-m. anac. ars. bell. bry. calc caps, carb-v. chin, chin-s. cim. cin. daph. graph, hell. hep. hyos. kal. lach. lyc. mere, nitr-ac. nux-v. op. petr. ph-ac 16* 186 INTERMITTENT FEVER. [ntermittent Fever (appearance of the fever): puis. ran. rhus. rhus-r. sabad. spig. spong. stann. staph sulph. verat. —Forenoon (in the): Ars. bell. bry. calc. cham. chin chin-s. dros. kal. men. natr. natr-m. op. petr. rhus-r sabad. staph, sulph. —Morning (in the): Am. ars. bell. bry. caus. calc. cham chin. cin. con. coff. eup. ferr. graph, hell. hep. kal. men natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. op. phos. ph-ac. podoph. puis rhus. sep. sil. stann. stram. sulph. tart. thuj. —Night (at): Am-m. ars. bell. caus. con. hyos. ign. lyc natr. nitr-ac. nux-v. op. petr. phos. puis. rhus. sabad. spig spong. stram. sulph. tart. thuj. Chills Predominant : Alum. am-m. anac. arn. ars. belL bry. calc. caps, carb-v. caus. cham. chin, chin-s. cim, cin cocc. coff. daph. dig. dros. eup. graph, hell. hep. hyos ign. ipec. kal. led. lyc. men. mere natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v op. petr. phos. ph-ac. plumb, puis. ran. rhus. rhus-r sabad. samb. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph, stram. sulph. tar. thuj. val. verat. —A Itemating with Heat: Am-m. ars. bell. bry. calc. caus. cham. chin. cocc. kal. lach. lye mere, mosch. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. spig. stram. sulph. tart. verat. —Chills, then Heat: Acon. alum. am-m. ant. arn. ars. bell. bry. caps, carb-v. caus. cham. chin, chin-s. cim. cin. coff. cyc. dros. eup. graph, hell. hep. hyos. ign. ipec. kal. lach. lyc. men. mere natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhus. rhus-r. sabad. sec. sep. spig. stram. sulph. —Chills, with Heat: Acon. anac. ars. bell. bry. calc. cham. chin, chin-s. cocc. coff. ign. kal. lach. mere. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. phos. plumb, podoph. puis. rhus. sabad. samb. sep. sulph. staph, thuj. verat. — Chills, then Heat, then Sweat: Am-m. ars. bry. caps, caus. cham. chin, chin-s. cin. dig. dros. graph, hep. ign. ipec. kal. lach. lye natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. op. phos. plumb. podoph. puis. rhus. sabad. sabin. samb. sep. sil. spong staph, sulph. verat. — Chills, then Heat, with Sweat: Acon. alum. bell, bry cham. chin. cin. dig. graph, hell. hep. ign. ipec. kal. rrerc. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. op. phos. puis. rhus. sabad. cpig, stann. staph, sulph. tart, verat. —Chills, then Sweat: Am-m. bry. caps. caus. cham. dig INTERMITTENT FEVER. 187 Intermittent Fever (chills predominant): hell. hep. lye natr-m. nux-v. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. rhus sabad. sep. spig. thuj. verat. —Chills, with Sweat: Ars. calc. led. lyc. nux-v. petr. puis sabad. sulph. —Chills, or Coldness, External: Acon. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. caus. chin. hell. ign. mere mosch. nux-v. phos. plat. puis. rhus. rhus-r. sabad. sec. sep. spig. spong. staph verat, — Chilh, or Coldness, Internal: Acon. ars. bell. bry. calc caps, carb-v. caus. chin. hell. hep. ign. ipec. kal. lach. laur. lyc. men. mere natr-m. nux-v. pihos. plumb, puis. rhus. sep. sil. thuj. verat. Heat Predominant : Acon. ars. bell. bry. calc. cham. chin, coff. con. graph, hell. hep. hyos. ign. ipec. kal. lyc. mere natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. puis. ran. rhus. sabad. samb. sep. sil. spig. spong. stram. sulph. thuj. —Heat, Alternating with Chills, or Shuddering: Acon. ars. bell. bry. caus. cham. chin. cocc. hep. lach. mere mosch. nux-v. rhus. sep. sulph. —Heat, then Chills: Bell. bry. calc. caps. caus. chin, iga lyc. men. mere natr-m. nitr-ac nux-v. petr. phos. puis. sep. stann. staph, sulph. thuj. —Heat, with Shivering: Acon. anac. ar.s. bell. cham. cocc. coff. coloc. hell. ign. ipec. lyc. mere nitr-ac. nnx-v. puis. rhus. sabad. sulph. thuj. zinc. —Heat, then Shuddering: Caps. hell, natr-m. puis. rhus. sulpli. —Heat, with Shuddering: Acon. arn. ars. bell. brv. calc. caps. cham. dros. hell. ign. lach. mere nux-v. puis. rhus. sep. spig. zinc. —Heat, then Sweat: Am-m. ars. bell. calc. carb-v. cham. chin, chin-s. coff. hell. ign. nux-v. op. petr. puis, ran-sc tart. __Heat, with Sweat: Alum. am-m. bell. bry. caps, chain chin, chin-s. cin. con. hell. hep. ign. ipec. mere nux-v. op. phos. puis. rhus. sabad. spig. staph, stram. sulph. verat. Shuddering Predominant : Acon. ars. bell. bry. calc. caps. caus. cham. chin. cin. cocc. coff. graph, ign. ipec. kal. lyc mere, mosch. natr. nux-v. puis. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. staph. sulph, verat. —Shuddering, then Chills: Ars. bry. ipec. lach. verat. —Shuddering, then Heat: Bell. bry. carb-v. cocc con 188 INTERMITTENT FEVER. Intermittent Fever (shuddering predominant): graph, hydr-ac. ign. lach. laur. mosch. nux-v. sep. staph sulph, —Shuddering, with Heat: Acon. bell. cham. hell. ign. nux-v —Shuddering and Chills, then Heat, then Sweat: Chin-s. —Shuddering, then Sweat: Bry. caps. caus. clem, dig graph, natr-m. rhus. Sweat Predominant : Calc. carb v. cham. chin, chin-s. con ferr. hep. mere, nitr-ac. nux-v. op. phos. ph-ac. puis, rltus sabad. samb. sep. sil. stann. stram. sulph. thuj. —Sweat, then Chills: Carb-v. hep. nux-v. sulph. —Sweat, then Chills, then Sweat: Nux-v. Thirst during the Chills : Acon. arn. bell. bry. calc. caps carb-v. cham. chin, chin-s. cin. eup. hep. hydr-ac. ign. ipec. kal. lach. led. mez. natr-m. natr-s. nitr. nux-v. plumb. podoph. puis. rhus. sabad. sep. spong. stann. sulph. thuj, verat. —Heat (during the): Acon. am-m. anac. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. caps, carb-v. cham. chin, chin-s. cin. eup. hep. hyos. ipec. lach. mere, natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. op. petr. phos. podoph. puis. rhus. sabad. sec. sep. sil. spig. stana stram. sulph. tart, verat. ■—Sweat (during the): Acon. anac. arn. ars. cham. chin. chin-s. coff. con. hep. mere nux-v. rhus. sabad. Type,—Tertian: Alum. anac. ant. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. caps, carb-v. cham. chin, chin-s. cim. cin. dros. eup. ferr. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. lyc. mez. natr-m. nux-v. podoph. puis. rhus. sabad. staph, sulph. verat -----Double tertian: Ars. chin, chin-s. dulc. n-mos. nux-v rhus. rhus-r. — Quartan: Anac. arn. ars. bry. carb-v. chin-s. cim. cin. slem. eup. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. lyc. natr-m. nux-v. podoph. puis. rhus. rhus-r. sabad. sulph. verat. ----Double quartan: Bell, chin chin-s. graph, puis. spig. squill, sulph. — Quotidian : Acon. alum. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. caps. carb-v. chin, chin-s. cin. con. dros. eup. graph, hyos. ign. ipec. kal. lach. lyc. natr-m. nitr. nux-v. op. petr. podoph puis, ran-sc. rhus. rhus-r. sabad. spig. stann. staph, stram. sulph. tart, verat. ----Double Quotidian: Bell. chin, chin-s. graph, eup stram. For other concomitant symptoms, see under their re spective heads. ITCHING. 189 Intermittent Fever: Note.—In the treatment of intermittent fevers it is advisable to j^iva the medicine as soon as the patient has recovered a,little from the attack, and agnin two hours before the usual time of its return. INTERTRIGO (excoriation, chafing). See: EXCORIATION. INTESTINES (the bowels). See: ABDOMEN. INTROSUSCEPTION (a portion of intestine falling into an- other, and becoming strangulated). Remedies, In Gen- eral : Acon. nux-v. Op. Plumb, thuj. Compare : ILEUS. INTOXICATION (suffering from). See: DRUNKARDS. IRITIS (inflammation of the iris). See : OPHTHALMIA. ISCHIATICA (neuralgic pain in the hip). See : SCIATICA. ISCHURIA (difficult urination). Sue : URINATION. ITCH (scabies, psora). Diagnosis. An eruption of pointed vesicles with a reddish margin, attended with an intol- erable itching, aggravated by the heat of the bed. On their first appearance they are filled with a limpid fluid, which subsequently degenerates into scabs, either dry, moist, or suppurating. The eruption appears first be- tween the fingers, on the wrists, and bends of the joints, and frequently extends over the whole surface of the body. It is contagious by contact, and its duration is indefinite. Remedies, In General: Amb. ant. ars. bry. calc. canth. carb-an. Carb-v. Caus. clem. con. cupr. dulc. graph, hep. lach, led. lyc. mang. Merc. mez. natr. petr. ph-ac. sel. Sep. sil. staph. Sulph. verat. zinc. Bakers' Itch : Calc. dulc. graph, lyc. rhus. sulph. Bleeding : Calc. dulc. Merc, sulp/u Dry : Calc. caus. clem. cupr. dulc. led. lyc. Mekc. petr. ph-ac. Sep. Sil. staph, sulph. verat. zinc. Fat: Ant. caus. clem. cupr. kreos. Merc. sel. sep. squill. sulph. Moist : Carb-v. caus. clem, graph, kreos. lyc. mere sep. staph, sulph. Pustulous : Ant. calc. caus. carb-v. kreos. lyc. mere ran. sep sulph. tart. Suppressed : Ars. carb-v. Caus. chin. hep. mere, nitr-ac. sel. sep. sulph. tart. ITCHING (prurigo, pruritus). Remedies, Is General: Acon agar. alum. amb. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. ant. arg. arn. ars asa. aur. bar-c. bell. bor. bov. bry. calad. calc. canth. caps carb-an. carb-v. Caus. chel. chin. cic. clem. cocc. coff. colch coloc. con. croc. crot. eye dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. graph lbO JAWS. Itching guaj. hep. hydr-ac. hyos. ign. iod. ip x. kal. kal-ch kreoa lach. laur. led. Lyc. mag-are magn. mang. men. Merc mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. par. petr phos. ph-ac. plat, plumb. Puls. ran. rheum, rhod Rhus rhus-r. ruta. sabad. sass. sel. sep. sil. spig. Spong. squill. Staph, stram. stront. Sulph. sulph-ac. tar. ihuj. val. verat viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. Compare with Particular Organs—Itching; and see. ITCH, and SKIN,—Pains Biting: 4c JAUNDICE (icterus). Diagnosis. Yellow color of the skin, varying from a pale yellow to a dark brownish or black- ish yellow (icterus niger). It is first perceptible in the white of the eyes, and is attended with more or less derangement of the digestive organs and functions, as loss of appetite, flatulence, nausea, constipation, and sometimes pressure, tension, and pain in the hepatic region. The stools are hard, whitish, or ash-colored, and the urine of a deep yellow, or saffron color. Remedies, In General: Acon. amb. ant. ars. aur. bell. bry. calc. canth. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cocc. Con. croc. dig. ferr. hep. ign. lach. lyc. magn-m. Merc, nitr-ac. nux-jug. Nux-v. op. phos. plumb, puis. rhus. sang. Sep. spig. sulph. verat. Anger (from): Acon. Cham. ign. lach. Nux-v. verat Children (in): Cham. chin. con. Merc, nux-v. sep. sulph. Cinchonia (from): Bell. calc. Merc, nux-v. sep. Mercury (from): Chin. hep. lach. nitr-ac. sulph, JAWS. Caries of the Jaw : Aur. cist, mere sil. Cracking, creaking, snapping of the Jaw: Caps. ferr. led. natr-m. petr. puis. rhus. sulph. Dislocation of the Jaw (easy): Petr. staph. Hanging down of the Jaw: Ang. ars. Bell, camph. hyos. lyc. op. plumb, puis, squill. Opening of the Jaw (difficult): Caus. colch. kal. mere ther. Pains in the Jaws, Arthritic : Caus. spig. —Boring : Bov. ind. magn. sabad. thuj. —Burning: Acon. caus. daph. mag. staph. —Digging, Grubbing: Mag. magn. plat. thuj. —Jerking: Acon. colch. mag. magn. spig. —Lancinating: Acon. bell. berb. carb-an. euphr. mag sabin. thuj. —Pressive: Berb. cupr. mag-arc. spig. —Shooting: Acon. berb. carb-an. sabin. sil. thuj. JOINTS 191 Jaws (pains): —Tearing (sharp drawing): Agar. bell. berb. bov. gran ind. mag. mere plumb, puis. tong. viol-ol. Paralysis of the Jaw: Ars. dulc. lach. Retraction of the Jaw: Alum, bell. Rigidity of the Jaws: Caus. colch. sang. ther. Shocks in the Jaws: Cham, mag-arc Spasms of the Jaw (trismus): Acon. ang. Bell. biy. camph. canth. cham. Cic. cupr. hyos. ign. lach. laur. mere nux-v. op. phos. plat, plumb, rhus. sec. stram. verat. Throbbing in the Jaws: Bell. cham. plat. JEALOUSY (sufferings from). Remedies, In General: Hyos, ign. lach. nux-v. ph-ac. JERKS in the Body or Limbs: Alum. Amb. ang. arn. ars. asa. bar-c. bar-m. bell. bry. calc. caus. cham. chin. cic. cin. cocc. colch. con. Cupr. cupr-acet. dulc. graph. Hyos. Ign. kal. kal-ch. lach. mere mosch. natr-m. natr-s. n-mos. nux-v. op. petr. plat. puis. rhus. sec. sil. sol-nig. spig. squill. staph Stram. stront, Sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tar. tart. zinc. Compare: Jerks in the particular organs, and See: MUSCLES, Jerking ; SPASMS, and STARTS. JOINTS (affections of): Remedies, Is General: Acon. am. amb. am-c ant. arg. arn. aur. bell. bov. bry. caps, carb-aa carb-v. Caus. chin. cocc. coloc, dros. ferr. graph, hell. hep. hyos. ign. iod- Kal. Led. Lyc. mang. mere, natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhod. Rhus. ruta. sabin. Sep. sil. spig. stann. staph, stront. Sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc Cracking, Snapping of the Joints: Acon. ang. ant. brom. brv. calc. camph. Caps. cham. chin, chin-s. cocc. con. croc. ipec. Led. lyc. mere natr-m. Nitu-ac. nux-v. Petr. phos. puis. rhus. sabad. sel. thuj. sulph, zinc. Creaking, Squeaking of the Joints: Caps. ferr. led. natr-m. petr. puis. rhus. sulph. Dislocation (easy) of the Joints: Am-m. calc. Carb-an. carb-v. con. Natr. natr-m. petr. phos. rhus- sil. ruta. Dryness in the Joints (sensation of): Canth. croc, lyc nux-v. ph-ac. puis. Gnawing in the Joints (sensation of): Am-m. dros. dulc magn. mang. Ran-sc. stront. zinc. Jerking in the Joints: Bell. bry. natr-m. puis. sil. spig spong. sulph-ac. verat. Pains in the Joints,—Arthritic: Ant. Arg. arn. asa. bare bell. Bry. calc. canth. carb-an. Caus. cocc. Colch. ferr (92 JOINTS, Pains— -Arthritic (in the): graph, hyos. ign. Kal. Led. mang. Merc. mez. natr. natr m. petr. phos. puis. Rhus. Sabin. sass. sep. Spong. stana Staph, stront..sulph. thuj. zinc. .—Bruise (as from a): Agar. arg. Arn. aur. bell. bov. carb- an. carb-v. caus. cham. Chin. con. cupr. dig. dros. ferr kal. mag. mang. mosch. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux-v phos. ph-ac. Puls. rhus. ruta. sep. spig. thuj. verat. — Cramplike: Acon. anac. Ang. arn. aur. bell. bry. Calc. caus. cocc. colch. dulc. hyos. lach. led. lyc. mere. Oleand. phos. Plat, plumb, rhus. sec. spig. spong. stram. sulph. verat. —Drawing in the Joints: Acon. amb. am-c. arg. aur. bov. bry. calc. Caus. chin. cist. con. graph, hyos. ign. Kal. lach. led. lyc. Merc, mur-ac natr. natr-m. Nitr. nux-v. petr phos. puis. rhod. Rhus, rhus-r. ruta. sabin. sass. sep. spig. spong. staph. Stront. Sulph. thuj. Zinc. — Gnawing in the Joints: Am-m. dros. dulc. magn. mang. Ran-sc. stront. zinc. —Paralytic: Am-c. arn. asa. aur. bov. caps, carb-v. chin. Euphorb. kal. lach. led. lyc. mez. natr. natr-m. petr. phos. plumb, puis. rhus. ruta. sabin. sep. stann. Staph, stram. stront. val. verat. zinc. . —Pricking: Arg. am. asa. bar-c. bell. bov. bry. Calc. carb-v caus. cocc. coloc. con. dros. ferr. graph. Hell. hep. ign. Kal. led. lyc. magn-m. Mang. Merc. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr. nux-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. rhod. Rhus. rhus-r. sabin. sep. Sil. spig. spong. stann. staph, stront. sulph. sulph-ac. Thuj. val. zinc. —Shooting: Acon. arn. asa. aur. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. chin. colch. dros. Hell. hep. ign. kal. kreos. lach. led. magn. mang. Merc, mur-ac. natr. Nitr. nux-v. phos. puis. rhod. Rhus, rhus-r. sabin. sep. sil. spig. staph, stront. Sulph. sulph-ac thuj. zinc. -Sprain (as from a): Acon. agar. amb. avi-c. ang. ant. Arn. 6ar-c. bov. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. chin. con. euphorb. graph. Ign. kal. led. lyc. mag. mag-aus. mang. mere. mez. mosch. natr. Natr-m. nitr. nux-v. oleand. petr. Phos. ph-ac. plat Puls. ran. rhod. Rhus, rhus-r. ruta. sabin. sep. spig. staph Sulph. zinc. —Tearing (sharp drawing): Acon. agar. amb. am-c. anac Arg. arg-nit. arn. ars. asa. aur. bov. bry. Calc. carb-v Caus. chin. cist. cocc. con. ferr. graph, hep. ign. iod. Kal. kal-ch. kal-hyd. Led. lyc. mang. Merc mur-ac. natr KNEES. 93 Joints (pains, tearing, in the): natr-m. Nitr. nux-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhod. RhiiJ. rhus-r. ruta. sabin. samb. sass. sep. sil. spig. spong. stana staph. Stront. Sulph. thuj. zinc. Rigidity of the Joints: Acon. aeth. ang. ant. ars. aur. bell. bruc. Bry. canth. caps, carb-an. Caus. chel. chin. cocc. coloc. dros. graph, hell. ign. kal. lach. lyc. mang. mere natr-m. nux-v. ol-an. Petr. phos. plumb, puis. rhod. Rhus. rhus-r. ruta. sabin. Sep. sil. stann. staph, sulph. sulph-ac terb. thuj. tong. zinc. Swelling of the Joints. See : TUMORS, NODOSI- TIES, 4c. Weakness in the Joints: Acon. agar. anac. Arn. aur. bell. bor. bov. bry. Calc. caus. Chin. cocc. cupr. dig. euphorb. graph, iod. Kal. lach. led. Lyc. mang. Merc, mur-ac natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. petr. phos. plat. puis. Rhus. Sep. sil. stann. staph. Sulph. thuj. val. verat. zinc. Compare: with the Particular Organs, under their respective heads. JOY (sufferings from excessive). Remedies, In General ■ Coff. croc. natr. op. puis. KIDNEYS (indefinite affections of the); In General : Acon ' alum. bell. bor. cann, Canth. clem. cocc. colch. hep. Kal. lyc. mere nitr. Nux-v. puis, ran-sc. sulph. thuj. zinc. Inflammation of the Kidneys. See : NEPHRITIS. Pains—Aching in the Kidneys: Berb. calc. —Drawing : Berb. cann. chin. clem. kal. kal-bich. n-mos. —Cutting, incisive : Canth. clem, mere n-mos. —Pressive: Carb-an. kal. lyc. nux-v. ran-sc. terb. thuj. zinc —Shooting, or stitching: Acon. aeth. bell. berb. carb-an Canth. chin, hep. kal. kal-bich. nitr. ph-ac. ran-sc. sulph zinc. Soreness (painful sensibility) in the Kidneys : Alum, cann cocc. colch. nux-v. plumb. For other Affections of the Kidneys, See : their Patho logical name. KING'S EVIL (scrofula). See: SCROFULA. KNEES. Bending, Knuckling of the Knees (easy): Acon arn. bare. bry. cann. chin. clem, lach lyc. nitr-ac nux-v puis. ruta. stann. stram. sulph. Compare : JOINTS, Weakness. Cracking of the Joints of the Knee : Am. bry. camph. cocc led. nux-v. petr. puis. ran. sulph. thuj. Heaviness, Lassitude hi the Knees: Anac. asar. berb. cann 17 194 LABOR PAINS Knees (Deavuu e.\ busitude in the): coa gran, ujos. lach. mere natr-m. nitr-ac n-mos. dW» rhus. ruva saw. stann. sulph. verat. Inflamxaticn ci" the Knees. See : GONITIS. Numbness of the Knees: Carb-v. lach. Pains (indefinite) in th; Knees : Acon. am. calc-ph. cann. gins, kal-ch. kalm. nitr ae zinc. —Aching, or as from a Bruise : Arg. ars. berb. camph led. nitr-ac. phos. plat, staph, verat. —Cramplike : Arg. bry. carb-v. led. ol-an. puis. —Drawing : Alum. anac. asar. bry. caus. cham. chin, cocc cupr. gran. iod. magn-m. natr-m. phos. puis. rat. sabin. sep. stann. staph, zinc. —Shooting: Acon. am. ant. arg. bar-c. bov. bry. calc gran. hell. kaL kal-ch. laur. mere nitr-ac. nux-v. ol-an. petr. plumb, puis. rhus. sabad. sass. sep. sil. spig. staph, sulph. sulph-ac. verb. —Tearing : Acon. arg. arg-nit. arn. bell. bry. calc. calc-caus. chin. cocc. con. gran. iod. laur. led. lyc. mang. mere phos. plumb, puis. rat. sass. sep. sil. stann. sulph. zinc Paralysis of the Knees: Chel. Rigidity of the Knees: Am-m. ant. ars. bry. carb-v. coloc. graph, helL hyos. ign. lach. led. lyc. mere mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. ol-an. petr. phos. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. sang. sass. sep. spig. stann. sulph. Shocks in the Knees : Mag-aus. sulph-ac. verat. Shortening of the tendons of the Knees : Am-m. bell, carb- an. carb-v. caus. con. graph, lach. led. mez. natr-m. nux-v. ol-an. petr. phos. rhus. rhus-r. ruta. samb. sulph. verat. Swelling of the Knees: Acon. bry. calc. chin. cic. cocc. dig. ferr. iod. led. lyc. mur-ac. nux-v. puis. rhod. rhus. sass. sep. sil. sulph. Tension, Tightness in the Knees : Am. arn. berb. bry. calc. caps. con. crot. dig. euphr. hell. led. mere nux-v. ol-an. petr. puis. rhus. rhus-r. stann. sulph. tart. zinc. Trembling in the Knees : Anac. bell, chin-s. lach. laur. led. mang. nux-v. puis. ruta. stram. verb. Weakness of the Knees: Amb. am-m. anac. arn. aur. bar-c chin, chin-s. cupr. ferr. fer-carb. lach. led. mosch. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. petr. phos. podoph. plat. puis. ruta. sabad. sep. staph, sulph. sulph-ac. tart. LABOR PAINS. Pains Ceasing during Labor: Arn. art bell, camph. cham. chin. cocc. ign. kal. natr-m. n-mos, nux-v. %?. plat. Puls. ruta. Sec. sep. sulph. LARYNX, BRONCHIA, AND THROAT 195 Labor Pains : Painful : Acon. arn. art. bell. Cham. cocc. Coff. con. ' r >* n-mos. nux-v. op. phos. plat. puis. sec. Sep. sulph. Spasmodic : Art. asa. Bell. bor. Bry'. calc. caus. Cham, ch cocc. coff. Hyos. ign. ipec. kal. kreos. n-mos. nux-v. oj Puls. sec. sep. stann. stram. zinc. Strong (too): Art. bell. Cham. cocc. Coff. con. lyc. nux-t phos. sec. Sep. sulph. Weak (ineffectual): Arn. art. bell, camph. cham. coff. ign kal. natr-m. n-mos. nux-v. Op. plat. Puls. ruta. Sec. sep sulph. Also, see : PARTURITION, and LYING-IN. LACTATION (suckling). Dyspepsia, or Gastralgia during Lactation : Calc. carb-an. Carb-v. cham. chin. cocc. coa nux-v. phos. ph-ac. puis. ruta. sep. sil. sulph. Also, See: MILK, LYING-IN, and other affections and sufferings during Lactation, under their respec- tive heads. LAMENESS (spontaneous). Remedies, In General : Arn Bell. calc. coloc lyc. Merc. puis. rhus. sulph. zinc Compare with: COXALGIA. LAMENESS. See : RHEUMATISM, and Rigidity of Par- ticular organs, dec. LARYNGITIS (inflammation of the larynx). Diagnosis. Acute Laryngitis bears a strong resemblance to Croup, but is distinguished from it by the constant disposition to hawk in order to clear the larynx, rather, than the involuntary and violent cough attendant on croup There is usually present, hoarseness, laborious respira- tion, extreme sensibility of the larynx to pressure, diffi- cult and painful deglutition, fever, thirst, hard quick fiulse, and in some cases spasmodic contraction of the arynx during the act of swallowing, which is sometimes attended with danger of immediate suffocation. Reme- dies, In General : Acon. bell, canth. carb-v. cham. dros. Hep. ipec. iod. lach lact. laur. mere nux-v. phos. puis. sen. Spong. Chronic: Ars. bell. calc. carb-v. Caus. cist. dros. hep. Iod. kal-bich. kreos. laur. mang. mere mosch. nitr. nitr-ac nux-v. par. Phos. puis. rhus. sen. spong. stann. sulph verat. zinc. LARYNX, BRONCHIA, and THROAT. Ball rising into the Throat (sensation of a): ^isa.belL coa ign. lach. lob. lyc. magn-m. Plumb, sep. sulph. verat. I«f6 LARYNX, BRONCHIA, AND THROAT. Larynx, Bronchia, and Throat : Burning in the Larynx: Am-m. ars. canth. cham. graph lach. mere mez. par. phos sen. spong. tong. —Throat (in the): Acon. arn. Ars. arum. asa. Bell, bis bov. bruc. camph. canth. Carb-v. cast. Caus. cham. cheL crot. euphorb. graph, guaj. gutt. hyos. ign. iod. lach. laur. lob. lyc. magn. mere mez. nitr-ac. oleand. ol-an. par. Phos. puis. ran. ran-sc. rhod. rhus-r. sabad. sec. spong. squill. sulph. verat. Choking : Acon. amb. asa. bar-c. Bell, canth. chel. cocc. graph, kreos. lach. nic. nux-v. ol-an. ran-sc. Rhus, sabin. spong. verat. Constriction of the Larynx: Ars. asa. bell, calad. camph. canth. cham. cocc. dros. hell. ipec. lach. laur. mosch. n-mos. nux-v. ol-an. plumb, puis. rhus. sass. sil. spong. verat. —Throat (in the): Acon. alum, am-caus. ars. bare. Bell. calc. cocc. chel. crot. gran. hyos. ign. iod. lach. laur. lyc. mere mez. natr-s. ol-an. ph-ac. plat, plumb, ran-sc. rat. rheum, rhod. rhus-r. sabad. sass. sen. stram. sulph. verat. Crawling, creeping in the Larynx (sensation of): Carb-v. colch. dros. iod. lyc. thuj. Dryness in the Larynx: Ars. caus. dros. kal-hyd. lach. magn-m. mang. mez. par. Phos. puis. sen. Spong. sulph- ac zinc. —Throat (in the): Alum. anac. ant. Ars. asa. Bell. bruc. Bry*. calad. cham. chin. cinn. Cist. cocc. con. crot. cupr hep. hyos. kal-hyd. kreos. lach. lob. lyc. magn. magn-s. mang. men. Merc. natr. natr-s. n-mos. ol-an. op. petr. phel. Phos. rhus-r. sabad. sang. sass. sec. sel. sen. sep. squill, staph, stram. stront. sulph. tar. verat. zinc. Excoriation, Rawness in the Larynx: Ant. arg. bov. bry caus. graph, iod. lach. puis. sil. sulph. — Throat (in the): Amb. alum. am-c. arg. ars. asa, bar-c Bell. bry. camph. carb-an. Carb-v. Caus. cist, graph, hep. ign. kreos. Lach. lyc. magn. mang. Merc, mur-ac. nitr-ac, nux-v. Phos. ph-ac. plat. Puls. rhus. rhus-r. ruta. sen. sep. sil. stann. staph, sulph. thuj. zinc. Hawk (frequent inclination to): Alum. ang. bell. cast. cin. iod.kal-hyd.sabad. Compare: LARYNGITIS, Chronic Hawking up of Mucus : Alum. am-m. ant. aur. bis. carb-an. carb-v. Caus. cin. eug. fer-acet. dros. hep. iod. Kal. lam, lyc. magn. natr-m. par. petr. Phos. ph-ac. plat. rhus. seL sen. Sep. stann. tar. teuc. thuj. LARYNX, BRONCHIA, AND THROAT. 197 Larynx, Bronchia, and Throat (hawking up of mucus); —Morning (in the) : Alum. amb. ang. caus. cin. kal. natr-m nux-v. petr. Phos. rhus. sep. Compare : with Mucus, and Mucous Expectoration Hoarseness. See : HOARSENESS, and VOICE. Inflammation of the Bronchia. See: BRONCHITIS. Inflammation of the Larynx. See: LARYNGITIS. Inflammation of the Throat. See : ANGINA, 4c. Mucus in the Larynx and Bronchia : Alum. amb. am-c. ang. arg. ars. arum. aur. bare. bell. bov. calc. Camph. canth cann. carb-v. caus. Cham. chin. cin. croc. cupr. dig. dros. graph, hyos. iod. kal. lach. lyc. natr-m. nux-v. oleand phos. plumb, samb. sen. sep. squill, stann. staph, sulph, tart, zinc —Throat (in the): Alum. amb. am-m. ang. arg. arn. ars asar. bell. bor. bry. carb-an. carb-v. cast. caus. colch. dig graph, grat. kal. lach. magn. magn-s. natr ol-an. petr phos. plat. puis. ran. rhus. rhus-r. sass. sen. sep. sil. spig stann. tar. zinc. Compare: COUGH with Expectoration of Mu cus, 4c Mucous Expectoration—Difficult to Expectorate: Alum am-m. aur. bor. camph. canth. cist. dig. ferr. fer-acet. kal lach. magn. mere staph. —Easy: Arg. carb-v. dig. stann. —Grayish: Amb. arg. ars. dros. lyc. thuj. —Greenish: Ars. cann. colch. dros. lyc. mang. phos. sep stann. sulph. —Salt: Ars. lyc. natr. phos. puis. sep. spong. sulph. —Sanguineous : Alum. arum. bis. bry. bor. chin. eug. ferr. Fer-acet. iod. lach, magn. natr-m. op. phos. sabin. sep. —Sour: Calc. kal. lach. lam. magn-s. nux-v. phos. puis. sulph. tar. —Thick. Acon. alum. am-m. arg. bell. calc. kreos. lam. magn. plumb, puis, stann. sulph. —Transparent: Ars. ferr. fer-acet. plumb, sen. sil. — Viscous (glutinous): Alum, ang. ant. ars. asar. bell, bor, cann. caps. cham. chin. ferr. kal. lach. magn. nux-v. ol-an phos. ph-ac. plumb, puis. ran. rhus. sass. sen, spong stann. staph, zinc. — Whitish: Amb. am-m. arg. bell. lyc. riux-v. phos. sep. spong. sulph. — Yellowish: Am-m. ars bis. calc. carb-an. carb-v. cast dros. iod. kal. lyc. magn. mere natr. phos. puis. sen. scjk 17* 198 LARYNX, BRONCHIA, AND THROAT. Larynx, Bronchia, and Throat (mucous expectoration). spig. spong. stann. staph, sulph. sulph-ac. th-y. verat zinc. Pains in the Throat—Drawing: Caps. laur. plat, plumb stann. staph, zinc. —Excoriation (as from): See: Excoriation. —Incisive, Cutting in the Larynx: Arg. canth. mang. nitr puis. —Shooting in the Larynx: Bar-c. bor. canth. cist. dros. nitr ac Phos. thuj. ----Throat (in the): A con. alum. am-m. bar-c. Bell. Bry. carb an. caus. cham. chin. cist, fer-mag. graph, hep. ign. kal. lach lye magn. mang. Merc mez. natr-m. nitr. nitr- ac nux-v. par. petr. phos. ph-ac, Puls. rhus. rhus-r. sabin. sass. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. —Splinters in the Throat (as from): Acon. calc-caus. cupr. hep. ign. nitr-ac. —Suffocation (with danger of): Bell. hep. lach. sen. —Tearing (sharp drawing) in the Throat: ^Eth. ars. colch teuc. zinc. Paralysis of the Epiglottis: Acon. —Gullet (of the) : Ars. bell. caus. cic. cocc. con. ipec. kaL lach. n-mos. plumb, puis. sil. Plug, or Lump in the Larynx (sensation as of a): Ant. arum. Bell. dros. kal. lach. rhus-r. spong. sulph. ■—Throat (in the): Amb. am-c. bar-c. Bell. calc. cham. chel. Graph, hep. Ign. Lach. led. Lob. Merc. Natr-m. Nux-v. ol-an. par. plumb, ruta. sabad. sabin. sep. spong. sulph. Roughness, Scraping in the Larynx: Alum. bell, bov brom. carb-v. chin. dig. dros. graph, gutt. hep. kal. kal hyd. kreos. lact. laur. led. lyc. magn. mang. mere nitr nitr-ac. nux-v. Phos. plumb, puis. rhus. sen. sil. spong Sulph. verat. —Throat (in the): Aeon. amb. am-c. am-caus. ant. arg. ars. bell. bor. bov. calc. carb-an. Carb-v. cast. Caus. cheL cocc. con. croc. dig. dros. graph, grat. Hep. iod. Kreos. lach lact. led. magn. mang. men. natr. n-mos. nux-v. ol-aa par. Phos. plat. puis. rhod. rhus-r. sabad. sass. sen. sep. spong. squill, stann. staph, stront. Sulph. Sulph-ao. tab. teuc. thuj. tong. verat. zinc. Soreness (painful sensibility) of the Larynx, and Throat Acon. Arg. Bell. bor. bry. camph. caus. graph, gutt. hep. LAUGHTER. 199 Lary,.^, Bronchia, and Throat (soreness): L-vi. Lach. mang. mere nitr-ac. phos. ruta. spong. sulph sulph-ac. tart. —Speaking (when): Bell. bry. hep. nitr-ac phos. sulph. —Touched (when): Bell, chin s. gutt. hep. Lach. spong. Compare: ANGINA, LARYNGITIS, 4c Spasms in the Larynx : Ant. laur. men. nux-v. verat. —Throat (in the): Ars. Bell. calc. coloc. con. graph, hydr- ac. Lach. Laur. natr-m. nux-v. plat. ran. rat. sass. Stram. zinc. Splinters in the Throat (sensation of): Acon. calc-caus. cupr. hep. ign. nitr-ac. Swallow (frequent desire to): Alum. Bell. caus. coa lach. Merc, rhus-r. sabad. staph. Swelling of the Larynx: Lach. laur. spong. sulph. —Throat (of the): Arg. ars. Bell. calc. carb-v. caus. colch. hep. ign. ipec. lach. Merc nux-v. petr. plumb, puis. rhus. sabad. sabin. sang, stann. sulph. tar. verat. —Tonsils (of the): Alum. am-c. arum. aur. 6ar-c. Bell. calc. canth, cham. hep. ign. Lach. lyc. Merc, natr-s. Nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. rhus-r. sep. stann. sulph. thuj. Tickling in the Larynx: Am. amb. brom. carb-an. carb-v. cham. cin. colch. con. croc. cupr. ferr. iod. kal. kal-bich. lact. led. magn. mere nux-v. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. spong. stann. sulph. zinc. —Throat (in the) : Alum. arum. cist. dros. lach. Tightness in the Bronchia: Ars. asar. calad. carb-v. cham. hell, ipec lach. laur. mosch. n-mos. ol-an. phos. puis. rhus. verat. —Larynx (in the): Ars. bell, calad. camph. cham. ipec lach. laur. mosch. puis, spong. verat, — Throat (in the): Ars. asar. bell. cham. cocc. hell. lach. plumb, sass. sil. spong. verat. Ulceration of the Larynx : Calc. kal-bich. Ulcers in the Throat: Aur. bell. ign. Lach. lyc. Merc nitr-ac sang. thuj. Weakness in the Larynx (sensation of): Canth, caus. For other symptoms, and analogous affections of th« Larynx, Bronchia, and Throat,—See—under the head of COUGH, or the Pathological name of the affection. LAUGHTER (sufferings from). Remedies, In General: Acon. - -s. bell. bor. carb-v. chin. kaL mang. phos. plumb. stann. 200 LEGS Laughter: Sardonic (risus sardonicus): Calc. cupr. ran-sc. sol-nig zinc-ox. Spasmodic (hysterical): Acon. alum, anac bell. calc. cic con. croc. cupr. hyos. natr-m. n-mos. phos. plat, strain. verat. zinc-ox. LASSITUDE (languor). Remedies, In General: Aeon. alum, amb am-c. Anac ant. arn. ars. asa. berb. bov. bry. Calc Carb-v. caus. Chin. cocc. coff. colch. con. cupr. dig. dulc. ferr. gran, graph, grat. hyos. ign. iod. kal. lach. lact. laur. led. lob. Lyc. magn. magn-s. mere mur-ac. natr. Natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. oleand. op. petr. phel. Phos. Ph-ac. ran. rhus. sel. sen. sep. sil. Spong. stann. stram. sulph. tab. tart. terb. val. verat. Consult Causes,—and compare with: HEAVINESS, INDOLENCE, and WEAKNESS. LEGS. Atrophy (emaciation) of the Legs: Berb. bruc. chin. sel. Compare: EMACIATION. Boils on the Legs: Calc. magn. nitr-ac. petr. sil. Burning in the Legs: Agar. anac. bor. kal. led. lyc. nitr-ac. phos. ph-ac. prun. tar. Coldness of the Legs: Amb. bell. cic. ipec. led. nitr-ac. nux-v. op. plumb, rhus-r. sep. sil. tab. Convulsions in the Legs: Cupr. hyos. ign. ipec. mosch. nux-v. sec. squill. Compare: SPASMS. Cramps in the Legs: Amb. anac. ars. Calc. carb-an. carb-v. coloc. graph, hyos. jat. rhus-r. sass. sec. sep. sil. stram. verat. — Calves of the Legs (in the): Alum. amb. am-c anac. arg. ars. bar-c. bov. bry. Calc. camph. cann. carb-an. carb-v. Cham. coff. con. cupr. euphr. ferr. graph, hep. hydr-ac hyos. jat. lach. lye magn. mere natr. nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. petr. rhus. rhus-r. Sec. Sep. sil. staph, sulph. tart, verat. —Morning in bed (in the): Bov. bry. magn. nitr-ac. —Night (at): Amb. bry. carb-v. Cham. lyc. magn. magn-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. rhus. sec. sep. staph, sulph. —Seated (when): Oleand. poeon. rhus. — Walking (when): Lyc. nitr-ac. sep. Crawling in the Legs: Bell. bov. caps. kal. ol-an. plat rhod. sabad. sec. sulph. —Calves of the Legs (in the): Sulph. zinc. Deadness, Paleness, Torpor of the Legs: Am-m. graph. Eruptions on the Legs: Bor. lach. mere nux-v. ph-ac. rhus-r thuj. LEGS. 201 Legs: Erysipelas on the Legs: Acon. bor. calc. natr. rhus. rhus-r sulph. zinc. Compare : ERYSIPELAS. Heaviness of the Legs: Agar. alum. amb. ang. arg-nit. arn. bell, calc carb-v. chin. clem, coloc. ferr fer-acet. graph, ign. iod. kreos. magn-m. mere natr. natr-m. nitr- ac. nux-v. petr. phos. plat. puis. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sec. sep. spig. spong. stann. staph, sulph. sulph-ac. thuj verat. Compare: WEAKNESS. Inflammation of the Legs : Acon. bor. calc. natr. Itching in the Legs: Bis. calc. caus. lach. lyc. rhus-r —Between the Legs : Bar-c kal. natr-m. petr. Jerking in the Legs: Amb. am. am-c. bar-m. cic. ign. ipec lyc. natr-m. nux-v. op. plat, squill, stram. stront. sulph. Numbness of the Legs: Acon. alum. amb. ant. aur. bov. calc. carb-v. chin, graph, iod. kal. lyc. nux-v. oleand. petr. ph-ac. plat, plumb, rheum, rhus-r. sep. sil. spong. sulph. thuj. verat Pains in the Legs—Aching, or as from a Bruise: Acon, agar. ang. arn. asa. bar-c. berb. bry. calc. camph. carb-aa carb-v. caus. cic. cist. cocc. con. crot. cupr. cupr-acet. eup. lach. lact. led. lyc. mang. mere. mez. mosch. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. phos. ph-ac. plat, plumb. puis. ran. rhod. rhus-r. ruta. sep. sil. staph, sulph. tart verat. , —Burning: Anac. ars. bor. carb-an. Carb-v. dig. euphorb. kal. led. lyc. mez. phos. ph-ac. plat, plumb, puis, sabin. sep. —Cramplike: Anac. ang. bry. camph. caus. cin. euphr. gins. iod. led. lyc natr. ph-ac. —Drawing : Acon. agar. am-c. anac. Bar-c. bry. calc. canth caps, carb-an. Caus. chain, chin. con. dulc. ferr. kal. lach. lea. magn. Merc. mez. mur-ac natr. Natr-m. natr-s. ol-an. phos. puis. rat. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. sep. sil. spong. stana staph. Sulph. thuj. verat. zinc —Paralytic: Am-m. carb-v. cham. chin. cin. colch. mosch natr-m. nitr. ruta. sass. stront. sulph. verat. —Pressive: Anac ang. kal. Led. natr. natr-m. ph-ac sase, stann. verat. —Shooting: Ant. bry. carb-an, chin, coloc. dros. kreos. lech mere nux-v. par. rheum, rhus. rhus-r. sass. sep. sidph, thuj. —Tearing (sharp drawing): Amb. am-m. ars. aur. 6ar-c. bell. bry. calc. calc-caus. camph. canth. caus. cham. chin. 202 LEGS Legs (pains in the): chin-s. cin. colch. coloc. croc. dulc. guaj. kal. lach. led. lyc mere. mez. mill, natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. ol-an. par. phoi ph-ac. rat. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. sabad. sass. sep. sil. spig spong. stann. stront. sulph. tart. teuc. tong. verat. zi'nc. Paralysis of the Legs : Bell. bry. chin. Cocc. iod. laur. lyc natr-m. nux-v. oleand. op. Rhus. sec. sulph. verat. zinc. Rigidity of the Legs: Acon. alum. anac. bell. bruc. bry. calc. caps. cham. ck. cupr. dig. ferr. lyc. mang. natr-m nux-v. ol-an. petr. plat. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. sass. sel. sep. spong. sulph. terb. thuj. tong. zinc. Shocks in the Legs: Op. phos. plat puis. sep. Shortening of the tendons of the Legs: Bar-c. bov. caus. led. mez. natr. natr-m. puis. sil. zinc. Spots on the Legs—Blackish, and Painful. Nux-v. —Bluish : Kreos. lach. sulph. —Burn (like as from a): Cyc lach. — Gangrenous: Con. hyos. sec. —Red, and Burning: Lyc. ph-ac —Red, and Painful: Lyc. sulph. Swelling of the Legs: Acon. ars. bor. Bry. calc. colch. con. dulc. graph, iod. kal. Lach. Led. lyc. mere natr. nux-v. phos. puis. rhus. rhus-r. sep. sil. sulph. —Inflammatory: Acon. calc. iod. led. puis. rhus. sil. sulph. —Dropsical: Chin, chin-s. kreos. led. mere puis, sulph. —Red: Acon. am c. ant. arn. bry. carb-v. chin. hep. lach natr. nux-v. petr. puis, sabin. sass. sil. stann. thuj. —Shining : Acon. arn. ars. bry. mere sabin. sulph. — White : Ars. bell. calc. graph, iod. lyc. mere nux-v. rhus. sulph. Tension in the Legs: Anac. bar-c. bor. bry. calc-caus. caus. cham. coloc. ign. mang. mez. plat. puis. rhus. sulph. — Calves of the Legs (in the): Alum. anac. bar-c. berb. bry. caus. cupr. ign. kreos. mur-ac. nux-v. puis. rhus. sabad. val. zinc. Torpor in the Legs: Alum. am-m. carb-v. graph, kal. nux-v. op. puis. sec. sil. sulph-ac. Compare : Numbness. Trembling of the Legs: Amb. anac. ars. bar-c Bell, brv, canth. carb-v. cic. coloc. iod. led. lyc. nux-v. plat, puis ruta. Compare: HIPS,THIGHS, and KNEES,Trembling■ and also: TREMBLING of the Limbs. Uneasiness, Inquietude in the Legs: Anac. ars. bar-c LEUCORRHCEA. 203 Legs (uneasiness in the): carb-v. caus. chin. con. croc. ferr. graph, kal. lyc. magn meph. mere mosch. natr-m. nitr-ac. plat. sep. sil. sulph. Weakness of the Legs : Agar. am-c. am-m. anac. arg-nit. aur. bar-c. berb. bry. chin. dig. euphorb. gins. magn. magn-m. mere mosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr. nux-v. oleand. ol-an. op. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. Rhus-r. ruta. sang, sec sil. staph, sulph. tab. thuj. Compare the foregoing symptoms, with other analo- gous affections under the head of KNEES, HIPS and THIGHS, 4c And for other affections of the Legs, see—their Pathological name. LEPROSY (lepra). Diagnosis. This disease is character- ized by thick, rough, swollen, disorganized skin, with rose-colored tuberosities, or large white spots, with scaling of the epidermis; or the skin is covered with crusts or scabs, discharging from intermediate places a thick, fetid, or corrosive ichor. In Lepra Orienta/is, which is infectious, the whole surface of the body is cov- ered with crusts, scabs, and corrosive ulcers, with ex- cessive pains, and entire destruction of the whole cutane- ous system. Remedies, In General : Alum. ars. carb-an carb-v. caus. cupr. graph, natr. petr. phos. sep. sil. staph. sulph. zinc. Compare: ERUPTIONS. LETHARGY (continued sleep or stupor). See : SLEEP. LEUCOMA (white speck on the cornea). Remedies, In Gen- eral : Ars. aur. Bell. calc. Cann. chel. cin. Euphr. hep. lvc. magn. nitr-ac. Puls. sep. sil. LEUCORRHCEA (fluor albus, whites). Remedies, In Gen- eral : Acon. agn. Alum. amb. am-c. am-m. ars. bor. bov. Calc. cann. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin. cocc. con. dros. ferr. fer-acet. graph, hep. iod. ipec. kal. kreos. lam. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. mere. mez. mill. natr. natr-m. nitr, nitr-ac. nux-v. ol-an. p>etr. phos. ph-ac. phytol. Puls. ruta. sabin. sass. sec. Sep. sil. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc Acrid, Corrosive: Alum. Am-c. anac. ars. bor. bov. calc. carb-an. carb-v. cast. cham. chin. Con. dulc. Ferr. fer- acet. ign. kal. kreos. lam. lyc. Merc, natr-m. nitr-ac Phos. ph-ac. prun. puis. ran. Sep. sil, Sulph. sulph-ac. ' Bloody : Alum. ars. canth. carb-v. chin. cocc. con. cop. kal kreos. lyc. nitr-ac. sep. sil sulph-ac. Brownish : Am-m. cocc. nitr-ac. Greenish : Bov. carb-v. lach. mere, natr-m. nitr-ac. puLs. sep. 204 LICE MALADY Leucorrhcea : Itching : Alum. anac. Calc chia kal. kreos. mere, ph ac sabin. sep. Menstruation (after): Alum. bov. graph, kreos. nitr-ac. ph-ac. puis. ruta. sil. sulph. —Before: Alum, bar-c. calc. carb-v. chin, graph, kreos. lach. phos. puis. ruta. sep. sulph. zinc. —During : Alum. chin, chins, eocc. graph, lach. puis, zinc Milky : Am-c. calc. carb-v. con. ferr. fer-acet. graph, lyc phos. Puls. aabad. sep. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. Mucous: Alum. amb. am-m. bell. Bor. bov. calc. carb-an. carb-v. cocc. con. ferr. graph, kreos. Magn. mere mez. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. puis, sabin. sass. sep. stann. sulph. thuj. zinc. Nocturnal: Amb. caus. natr-m. Offensive : Chin, kreos. natr. nitr-ac. nux-v. sabin. sep. Pain (colic) in the Abdomen (with): Alum. am-m. bell con. dros. kal. lyc. magn. magn-m. mere natr. natr-m. puis. rat. sep. sil. sulph. zinc. —Loins (in the): Kal. magn-s. nitr. Pus-like : Calc. chin. cocc. cop. ign. kreos. Merc, nux-v. sep, Reddish : Alum. cocc. lyc. nitr-ac. sep. Slimy : Am-m. 6or. bov. calc. graph, magn. mez. natr-m nitr-ac. nux-v. ol-an. phos. puis, sabin. sass. sen. stann sulph. zinc. Smarting : Alum. am-c. ant. carb-an. cham. Con. fert fer-acet. hep. magn. mere natr-m. phos. sep. sulph. Spasms in the Abdomen (with): Ign. magn. magn-m. Thick : Amb. ars. bor. bov. carb-v. cast, chia cop. magn-m magn-s. natr. natr-m. podoph. Puls. sabin. sep. zinc. Transparent : Alum. am-m. bor. bov. mez. natr-m. peti plat, podoph. stann. Viscous (glutinous) : Acon. 6or. bov. mez. phos. sabin stann. Watery : Alum. am-c. ant. carb-an. carb-v. cast, cham chin. Graph, fer-acet. kal-.hyd. magn. merc-c. mez. nitr ol-an. puis. sep. sil. sulph. tart. Whitish : Carb-v. graph, kreos. magn. natr-m. nitr. puis sulph. Yellowish : Acon. alum. ars. bov. carb-an. carb-v. cham gran. kal. kal-bich. kalm. kreos. lyc. mere natr. nux-v ph-ac. plat. prun. sabin. Sep. stann. sulph. LICE MALADY (morbus pedicularis). See: PHTHIRI ASIS. LOCKJAW. 205 LIENTERY (passages of undigested food). See: DIAR- RHOEA, Undigested Substances (with Evacuation of). LIGHTNESS of the Body (sensation of). Remedies, In Gen eral : Asar. lact. stram. LIMBS. See : LEGS, ARMS, 4c LIMPING, lameness. See: LAMENESS. LIPPITUDO (inflammation of the tarsi of the eyelids.) Rem- edies, In General : Acon. euphr. gran, mere puis. rhus. spig. staph. LIPS. For the Symptoms, and Affections of the Lips, See : under the head of FACE, or the Pathological name of the affection. LITHIASIS (gravel). See : GRAVEL. LIVER. Abscess in the Liver : BelL chin, chin-s. gran. hep. kal-bich. Lach. mere Sil. Enlargement of the Liver: Ars. bar-c. calc. cann. caus. chin, chin-s. graph, ign. iod. lach laur. lyc. Magn-m. men n-mos. nux-v. sil. sulph. Induration of the Liver : Ars. bell. calc. Chin, chin-s. clen con. graph, iod. laur. lyc. Magn-m. mere n-mos. nux-i plumb, puis. sil. sulph. Inflammation of the Liver. See : HEPATITIS. Torpor of the Liver : Sang. For other Symptoms and Affections of the Liver, See, under the head of: HYPOCHONDRIUM ; and the Pathological name of the affection. LOCHIA (discharge from the womb after parturition). Ab- normal Lochia : Bell, carb-an. chin. hep. rhus. sabin. sec Offensive : Bell. Carb-an. chin, sabin. sec. Profuse : Bry. calc. croc hep. plat. puis. rhus. sec. Protracted : Bry. calc. chin. croc. hep. plat. rhus. Sec. Sanguinolent : Chin. rhus. sec. Scanty : Bell, coloc. hyos. nux-v. plat. sec. verat. Serous (watery): Bell. Carb-an. rhus. sec. Suppressed : Acon. bry. coloc. dulc. hyos. nux-v. op. plat Puls. sec. verat. zinc. LOCK-JAW (trismus, tetanus). Diagnosis. An attack of this disease is generally preceded by a stiffness in the back of the neck, and lower jaw; sometimes there is difficult deglutition and oppressive tightness of the chest, with impeded respiration, previous to the setting in of spasm. As the disease advances the muscles be- come spasmodically contracted, and the jaws closely and firmly set (trismus). The body is generally drawn 18 206 LUPUS. Lock-jaw : backward (opisthotonos); or, as is sometimes the case, the body is bent forward (emprosthotonos) ; or to one side (pleurosthotonos); and finally, the head, trunk and extremities become spasmodically and rigidly extended; or drawn backward, forward, or on one side, as the case may be, with frightful distortions of the countenance. If the disease is not arrested, the spasms (which do not continue unremittingly,) become more and more severe, and death generally ensues about the fourth day from the commencement of spasms. Remedies, In General : Acon. ang. arn. ars. Bell. bruc. bry. camph. canth. caus. cham. Cic c«wr. hydr-ac. hyos. ign. lach. laur. mere nux-v. op. phos. plat, plumb, rhus. sec. sol-nig. stram. verat. See : OPISTHOTONOS ; and Compare : SPASMS. LOINS (lower part of the back). See : BACK, and LOINS. LOVE (sufferings from unhappy or disappointed). Reme- dies, In General : Aur. caus. Hyos. Ign. nux-v. ph-ac. sep. staph. Compare : MIND. LUES VENERA (syphilis). See : SYPHILIS. LUMBAGO (rheumatic pain in the loins;. Remedies, In General : Acon. bell. bry. caus. kal-bich. lyc. mere Nux-v. puis. Rhus, rhus-r. sep. sulph. Compare: BACK and LOINS, Pains. LUNGS. Abscess (vomica) in the Lungs : Ars. carb-aa chin. lyc. mere sep. stann. sil. sulph. Inflammation of the Lungs. See: PNEUMONIA. Paralysis of the Lungs: Aur. bar-c. carb-v. chin, hydr-ac. Lach. laur. op. phos. sen. tart. Compare: ORTHOPNCEA. Trembling in the Lungs: Sabin. Ulceration of the Lungs: Am-c. ars. calc. carb-an. cn»n. dros. hyos. kal. laur. led. lyc. nitr-ac. phos. plumb, ruta. sep. sil. stann. sulph. For other symptoms and affections of the Lungs, See: under the head of CHEST, and COUGH; or the Pathological name of the affection. LUPIA (a wen, or encysted tumor). Remedies, In General : Am-c. am-m. bar-c. Calo. daph graph, hep. k-al. nitr-ac. plumb, phos. sabin. Sil. sulph. zinc. Compare : WENS and TUMORS. LUPU^S, Noli me tangere (a tuberculous, corrosive ulcera tif 1 of the face, nose, 4c). Remedies, In General MALACIA 207 Lupus: Alum. ars. calc. cic. clem, mere rhu- sep. sil. staph sulph. LUXATIONS (dislocations). See : DISLOCATIONS. LYING-IN (confinement after parturition). After Pains (excessive): Arn. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. Cham. chin. cin. coff. croc. ferr. ign. kal. lyc. Nux-v. op. podoph. Puls. rhus. Sabin. sec. sep. sulph. Colic : Arn. bell. bry. carb-v. Cham. chin. hyos. lach. nux-v podoph. puis. sep. verat. Compare : COLIC. Constipation : Bry. natr-m. Nux-v. op. plat sulph. Convulsions: Bell, cham. Cic. cocc. Hyos. Ign. ipec. plat stram. Compare: SPASMS. Debility : Calc. chin. kal. nux-v. ph-ac. sulph. verat. Diarrhoea : Ant. dulc. hyos. phos. ph-ac. puis, rheum, sulph verat. Compare: DIARRHOEA Falling off of the Hair : Calc. graph, lyc. Natr-m. phos sep. staph, sulph. Compare: ALOPECIA. Hemorrhage. See : HEMORRHAGE Uterine. Lochia. See: LOCHIA. Mammae (breasts). See : MAMMAE. Mental Emotions : Acon. bell, cupr-acet. plat. puis, verat. Compare: MIND. Milk. See : MILK, MILK FEVER, 4c Nipples (papilla?). See: NIPPLES. Placenta Retained : Bell, canth. cham. Puls. op. sabia Sec. sep. For other affections of Lying-in women, See: under their respective heads, or Pathological name. MACULE (spots, marks, blemishes). See : SKIN, Spot*. MADNESS (mania, insanitv). See: MIND. MAGRUMS (chorea, St. Vitus' dance). See : CHOREA. MALACIA (depraved appetite, desire for strange, or partic- ular things). Remedies, In General : Arn. ars. bry. caus. chin. cic. hep. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac nux-v. petr. phos. sulph verat. Acids (desire for): Ant. arn. ars. bor. bry. cham. con. dig. hep. ign. kal. lach. phel. phos. puis, sabin. sec. squill. stram. sulph. verat. Bitter things (desire for): Dig. natr-m. Brandy (desire for): Acon. ars. chin. hep. mere nux-v. op puis. sel. sep. staph, sulph. sulph-ac. ther. Bread (desire for): Ars. ferr. magn. natr-m. plumb- stront Chalk, Lime, or Earth (desire for): Nitr-ac. nux-v. 208 MAMME. Malacia : Charcoal (desire for): Cic con. Coffee (desire forx: Ang. ars. aur. bry. caps, chia cokh con. gran, n-mos. sel. Fat food (desire for): Nitr-ac. nux-v. Fruits (desire for): Alum. chin. gran. ign. niaga sulph-ac verat. Milk (desire for): Ars. aur. bry. calc. chel. lach. mere nux-v phel. ph-ac. raph. rhus. sabad. sil. staph Pickles (desire for): Hep. puis. Salt food (desire for): Calc. carb-v. caus. con. meph. nitr- ac. phos. verat. Sugar (desire for): Am-c. carb-v. kal. lyc. natr. Sweetmeats (desire for): Am-c. carb-v. chin. ipec. kal. lyc. magn-m. natr. rhus. sabad. sulph. Undetermined (indefinite) things (desire for): Bry. chin. magn-m. puis. sang. ther. verat. Vegetables (desire for): Alum. magn. Wine (desire for): Acon. arg. bry. calc. chin. cic. hep. lach. mere puis. sel. sep. spig staph, sulph. ther. MAMME (female breasts). Abscess in the Mammae: Hep mere phos. sil. sulph. Atrophy (wasting) of the Mammae: Kal-hyd phos. Cracks, Rhagades : Caus. graph, sulph. Erysipelas : Bell, carb-an. phos. rhus. rhus-r. sulph. Excoriation : Arn. calc. caus. cham. graph, ign. lyc. mere nux-v. puis. sep. Sulph. Induration : Bell% carb-an. cham. clem. con. graph, nitr-ac. phos. sep. sil. sulph. Inflammation : Bell. Bry. carb-an. carb-v. con. hep. mere phos. siL sulph. Nodosities in the Mammae : Bell. Carb-an. clem. con. coloc, graph, lyc. nitr-ac phos. puis. sep. sil. sulph. Pains in the Mammae—Burning, and piercing : Phos. —Drawing, and Shooting: Kreos. —Excoriation (as from) : Nux-v. sang. zinc. —Rheumatic: Bry. phos. —Shooting: Kreos. phos. sang. sep. —Stinging : Con. natr-m. —Suckling the child (when): Bor. Smallness (unusual) of the Mammae : Iod. n-mos. Suppuration of the Mammae : Hep. kreos. mere, phos, sil. Swelling (inflammatory) o"f the Mammae: Bell. Bry. calc con. graph, hep. lyc. mere. phos. puis, sabin. sil. sulpb. MEAL 209 Mamm/E : Ulceration of the Mammae: Hep. phos. sil. sulph. Compare the foregoing with analogous affections: and See: other diseases of the Mammae, under the head of their Pathological name. MAMILLE (nipples). Sec: NIPPLES. MANIA (madness, insanity). See: MIND. MARASMUS (atrophy, emaciation). Remedies, In General : Alum. amb. am-c anac. ant. Ars. Bar-c. bell. bry. Calc. canth cham. Chin, chin s. cin. clem. cocc. con. cupr. dulc. ferr. fer-acet. graph, hep. ign. Iod. ipec. kal. lach. Lyc. magn. mere natr. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. plumb, puis. rhus. sass. sec sep. sil. spig. Stann. staph, stram. stront. Sulph. verat. Children (of scrofulous): Arn. ars. bar-c. bell. Calc. cham. chin. cin. hep. iod. lach. magn. Nux-v. petr. phos. puis rhus. sil. stann. Sulph. Compare: SCROFULA. Dorsalis (atrophy of the spinal marrow): Calc. carb-v caus. chin-s. nux-v. ph-ac. sulph. Senilis (in aged people): Bar-c. con. op. phos. sec. Consult causes, and compare with the particular symp toms; and See: PHTHISIS, SCROFULA, and TABES MESENTERICA, 4c. MASTURBATION, Onanism (sufferings from). Remedies, In General : A nac. arg. ars. Calc. canth. carb-v. Chin. cin. cocc. con. kal. lyc. mere natr-m. Nux-v. phos. Ph-ac. puis. sel. Sep. sil. spig. Staph. Sui.ph. Atrophy' of the Spinal Marrow (tabes dorsalis) from mas- turbation : Calc. carb-v. caus. chin-s. nux-v. ph-ac. sidph. Inclination for Masturbation (against an): Ant. Calc. carb-v. chin. cocc. mere plat. phos. Sulph. MEAL (sufferings after, or during a). Anguish, Anxiety, after a Meal: Asa. carb-v. fer-mag. hyos. kal. nitr-ac nux-v. thuj. viol-tr. Dysuncea, oppressed respiration, 4c: Ars. carb-an. cham. chin. lach. mere n-mos. nux-v. phos. puis, sulph. zinc Burning in the Hands : Lyc. phos. sulph. Confusion in the Head: Bell. cocc. cor. grat. hyos. men natr-m. nux-v. petr. ph-ac. sulph. Congestion in the Head : Petr. sil. Diarrhcea : Am-c. Ars. bor. bry. Chin. Coloc ferr. fer- carb. lach. podoph. verat. Compare: DIARRHCEA. Distension of the Abdomen : Agn. amb. anac. ant. arg. ara 18* 210 MEAL. Meal (distention of the Abdomen after): asa. bar-c. bell. bor. bry. calc. carb-an. Carb-v. cast, cans cham. Chin. con. croc dig. dulc. fer-acet. fer-mag. graph hep. ign. kal. Lach. lact. lyc. mang. mere. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. phos. ph-ac. plat. prun. puis, rhus sep. Sil. spong. sulph. thuj. zinc. Eructations : Ars. bry. calc. camph. carb-v. chin. con. ferr. lach. mere, natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. phos. puis. sass. sep. sil. sulph. thuj. verat. zinc. Fainting after a Meal: Nux-v. ph-ac. sulph-ac. Headache after a Meal: Am-c. arn. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. cham. chin. cinn. graph, hyos. kal. lach. lyc natr-s. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. phos. puis. rhus. sep. sulph. —During a Meal: Graph, natr-s. ran. Heartburn after a Meal: Am-c. am-m. calc. chin. Con. croc. iod. Lyc mere natr-m. Nux-v. sep. Sil. Sulph. Heat (general) after a Meal: Bell. calc. fer-mag. nitr-ac. phos. sep. viol-tr. —Hands (in the): Lyc. phos. sulph. —Head (in the): Lyc nux-v. Hiccough after a Meal: Alum, carb-an. cyc. graph, hyos. ign. lyc. magn-m. mere natr. phos. sep. zinc Hypochondriacal Humor after a Meal: Anac. chin. natr. nux-v. puis, zinc Intoxication, Cloudiness of the Head : Bell. cocc. cor. hyos. Lassitude : Alum. anac. ant. asar. bar-c. calc. chin. con. clem, fer-mag. lach, nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. rhus. Sulph. thuj. Compare : INDOLENCE after a Meal, Loathing, disgust after a Meal: Alum. ipec. kal. sass. Nausea after a Meal: Alum. am-c. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. con. cyc. dig. graph, grat. kal. lach. lyc mere Natr-m. Nux-v. ol-an. petr. phos. Puls. rhus. sep. si', stann. sulph. verat. —During a Meal: Ang. bell. bor. caus. cic. cocc. colch. dig. ferr. fer-acet. kal. magn. nux-v. ol-an. puis. ruta. verat. Pains in the Abdomen after a Meal: Alum. amb. am-c. anac. ant. arg. arn. Ars. bell. bor. bov. bry. calc. oarb-v. cast. caus. chel. chin, chin-s. cic. coloc. con. crot. dig, grat. ign. iod. kal. lach. lyc. nux-v. ol-an. petr. phos. plat puis, rheum, rhus. sil. staph, sulph. zinc. —Chest (in the): Arn. asa. bov. chin. grat. lach. natr. nitr. phos. thuj. rerat zinc. ----During a Meal: Led. magn-m. ol-an. MEASLES. 211 M . (pains after a): Hepatic, after a Meal: Bry. graph, lyc Limbs (in the): Lach. meph. - -Stomach (in the): Acon. Ars. bar-c. bell. bry. calc calc ph. carb-v. Coloc daph. hell. lyc. phos. puis, rhus-r. sep stront. tart. Peevishness after a Meal: Kal. natr. puis. Perspiration after a Meal: Con. nitr-ac. sep. —During a Meal: Carb-anHcarb-v. natr-m. nitr-ac. Pituita (flow of water like mucus from the stomach) afte* a Meal: Am-m. calc. natr-m. sil. sulph. Compare: HEARTBURN. Pulse quick, or intermittent, after a Meal: Natr-m. Redness of the Face, after a Meal: Arum. lyc. nux-v. sil. Regurgitation after a Meal: Am-c. asa. Bry. con. dig. ferr lach. mere natr-m. Nux-v. phos. puis. sass. thuj. verat —During a Meal: Merc. phos. sass. Shiverings after a Meal: Caus. kal. nux-v. sil. sulpdi. Shuddering : Am-m. rhus. Sleepiness after a Meal: Acon, anac. agar. arum. asa. aur. bov. calc. carb-v. chin, cic, croc. cyc. graph, kal. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. ol-an. petr. phos. ph-ac. rat. rhus. ruta. siL sulph. verb. zinc. Thirst after a Meal: BelL bry. graph. Uneasiness after a Meal: Am-m. bar-c. chin. cinn. lach n-mos. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. rhod. sulph. Vertigo after a Meal: Cham. kal. Lach. magn-s. Nux-v. petr. Puls. rhus. sulph*. Vomiting after a Meal: Am-c. anac. Ars. calc. ferr. Fer- carb. iod. hyos. ipec. lach. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux-v. phos. puis. sep. sil. stann. sulph. tart, verat. —Food (of): Ars. calc. ferr. hyos. lach, natr-m. nux-v. phos. puis. ruta. tart. Compare : VOMITING of Food. Water-Brash (pituita) after a Meal: Am-m. calc. natr-m. sil. sulph. Compare : Heartburn. Weakness, debility, lassitude: Alum. anac. ant. asar. bar-c. calc. chin. con. clem. dig. fer-mag. lach, nitr-ac nux-v. phos. rhus. Sulph. thuj. Compare the foregoing sufferings, with analogous af- fections, under their respective heads. MEASLES (morbilh). Diagnosis. In Measles, the premoni- tory symptoms, or stage of irritation, is ushered in by symptoms of a common cold or catarrh ; with sneezing, short, dry cough, redness and lachrymation of the eyes, 212 MEMORY Measles : intolerance of light, fever, and sometimes headache This stage of the disease lasts for three or four days, when an eruption of small red spots, of one or two lines in diameter, make their appearance; generally, on the face, neck, and arms first, and finally extend over the whole surface of the body. The second stage of the disease, or stage of florescence, also lasts for three or four days, with a greater or less degree of intensity of the above-named symptoms; when the eruption turns pale, and disappears with a bran-like desquamation of the epidermis, in the same order in which it sprang up. The last stage, or stage of desquamation, generally commences about the ninth or tenth dayr of the disease, and lasts for several days. This disease is characterized by critical perspiration, and urine, during the stage of desquamation ; and in some cases by diarrhoea, which is considered a salutary crisis. The disease may be simple and benign, or complicated, malignant, and dangerous. Remedies, In General : Acon. ars. bell. bry. carb-v. chin. coff. dros. dulc. hyos. ign. ipec. magn. mere nux-v. op. phos. ph-ac. Puls. rhus. rhus-r. stram. sulph. tart, verat. Cerebral Affections (with): Ars. Bell. hell, mere puis, Stram. Facilitate the Eruption (to): Acon. coff. Puls. sulph. tart. Gastric derangement (with): Bry. cham. ipec. nux-v Puls. verat Photophobia: Acon. Bell, euphr. phos. puis. rhus. sulph. Retrocession of: Ars. bell. Bry. caus. hell. ipec. phos. puis. sulph. Septic, or Malignant: Ars. carb-v. hyos. magn. mur-ac. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhus. sec. sulph. sulph-ac. Typhoid Symptoms: Bell. chin, nux-v. phos. ph-ac. puis. Rhus, rhus-r. sulph. sulph-ac. verat. MEGRIM (hemicrania). See: CEPHALALGIA. MEL.ENA (morbus niger). See: BLACK VOMIT. MELANCHOLY. See: HYPOCHONDRIASIS, and MIND MEMORY—Impaired, Weak. Remedies, In General : Acoa Alum. Anao. ars. Aur. bare. bell. bov. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. colch. con. cyc. dig. graph, guaj. hell. hep. hydr-ac. hyos. ign. kal. kreos. lach. laur. Lyc. mere. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. oleand. petr. plat, plumb, puis. rhus. sabia sel. sep. sil. spig. staph, stram. sulph. sulph-ac. Verat. verb, viol-od. Zinc. MENSTRUATION. 213 Memort: Lost: Anac. Bell. bry. camph. con. graph. Hyos. lyc-. natr-m. op. petr. puis. rhus. sel. sil. stram. sulph. Verat Strong, Quick: Acon. anac. aur. Bell. coff. croc. cyc. Hyos. lyc. op. phos. MENINGITIS (phrenitis). See : ENCEPHALITIS. MENOPOSIA (critical age of women). Remedies, In Gen- eral : Cocc. con. graph, kal. Lach. puis. ruta. sang. sel. sep. sulph. Compare with the particular sufferings, under their respective heads. MENORRHAGIA (excessive menstruation). See: MEN- STRUATION. MENSTRUATION (catamenia, monthly flow of women). Before the Proper Age : Amb. bell. Calc canth. carb-v Cham. chin. cocc. croc. ferr. hyos. ipec. kal. lyc. mere nitr- ac. Phos. puis. rhus. Sabin. sec. sep. Sil. sulph. Delay of the First Menses (amenia): Am-c. aur. calc. Caus. cic. cocc. con. dig. dulc. ferr. Graph, guaj. Kal. lyc magn. natr-m. petr. phos. Puls. sabin. Sep. sil. Sulph. val. verat. Early (returning too soon): Alum. amb. am-c. am-m. arn, asa. asar. bell. bor. bov. bry. Calc canth. carb-an. Carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cin. cocc. colch. con. croc. hep. ign. iod. ipec. kal. kreos. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. mosch. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. ol-an. petr. Phos. ph-ac. phytol. Plat, plumb, prun. puis. rat. Rhus. sabin. sang. Sec sep. sil. spong. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. verat. zinc. Feeble (small in quantity): Acon. Alum. Am-c. asa. Bar-c. carb-v. caus. cic. cocc. colch. Con. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. ferr. fer-carb. Graph, ign. Kal. lach. lyc. Magn. mere natr-m. nux-v. petr. phos. Puls. sabad. sass. sep. sil. staph. Sulph. Late (too): Acon. am-m. arn. aur. bell. bov. bry. calc carb-an. Caus. cham. chel. chin. cic. cocc. colch. Con. croc Cupr. dig. dros. Dulc. ferr. Graph, guaj. hep. hyos. iga iod. Kal. lach. Lyc magn. mag-arc Magn. magn-m. mere. Natr-m. petr. phos. ph-ac. Puls. rhus. sabad. sabin. sass. sec. Sep. Sil. spig. staph, stram. stront. Sulph. val. verat. zinc. Long (continuing too): Acon. am-c ars. asar. bar-c. belL bry. calc. canth. caus. chin. cin. coff. croc Cupr. dulc. ferr. grat. ign. kal. kreos. Lyc. mere N \.tr-m. nitr. Nux-v. ol-aa 214 MENSTRUATION. Menstruation (continuing too long): phos. Plat. puis. rat. rhus. sabad. sabin. Sec sep. Sn. sulph. Painful: Acon. amb. Am-c. am-m. ars. asar. bar-c. bell. berb. bor. calc. carb-v. cast. caus. Cham. chel. chin. Cocc. coff. con. cupr. gran, graph, mosch. hyos. ign. kal. kreos. lach. laur. lyc. magn. magn-m. mere natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. petr. phos. plat. Puls. sabin, sass. sec. sep. sil. spong. stann. stram. sulph. verat. zinc. Profuse : Acon. agar. aloe. alum. amb. am-m. arg-nit. ars. arum. Bell. bor. bov. bry. Calc. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin. cin. croc. dulc. Ferr. hep. hyos. ign. Ipec. kreos. laur. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. mere mosch. mur-ac. natr-in, nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. op. phos. ph- ac. phytol. Plat. prun. puis. rhod. rhus. sabad. Sabin. samb. Sec sep. sil. stann. Stram. sulph. sulph-ac verat. zinc. Short (duration too): Alum. Am-c. bar-c. carb-an. con. dulc. euphr. graph, iod. lach. magn. mere phos. plat. Puls. rhod. ruta. sabad. sass. sil. sulph. Suppressed : Acon. aloe. alum. am-c. agn. ars. bar-c. bell. bor. brom. bry. calc. Caus. cham. chia cocc. coloc. Con. croc. cupr. dig. Dulc. ferr. Graph, hyos. ign. Kal. kalm, lach. Lyc. magn. mere mez. mosch. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. op. phos. plat, podoph, Puls. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sang. sec. sep. Sil. staph. Stram. stront. Sulph. val. verat. zinc. MENSTRUATION. Anguish, or anxiety during menstrua tion (with): Bell. ign. mere plat, sulph. —Before: Con. kreos. natr-m. stann. sulph. Bleeding at the Nose (with): Natr-s. sulph — -Before menstruation: Lach. sulph. verat. —Suppressed menstruation (from): Bry. Diarrhoea (with): Am-m. verat. —Before menstruation: Lach. sil. Discharge (menstrual)—Acrid, corrosive : Am-c. ars. bor bov. canth. carb-v. graph, hep. Kal. natr. natr-s. nitr. rhus. sass. Sil. sulph. —Brownish : Bry. calc. carb-v. con. puis. rhus. —Dark Colored: Acon. am-c. ant. arn. asar. bell. bis. bry. canth. carb-v. Cham. chin. cocc. con. Croc. cupr. ferr. graph, ign. kreos. lach. lyc. magn. magn-m. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. ol-an. plat. puis, sabin. sang. seL sep. stram. MENSTRUATION. 215 Menstrjation (discharge): —Coagulated: Arn. bell, canth. carb-an. caus. Cham. chin. con. croc. ferr. hyos. ign. ipec. magn-m. natr-s. nitr-ac Plat. puis. rhus. sabin, sec. sil. sulph. — Offensive: Ars. Bell. bry. carb-an. carb-v. chain, chia croc ign. kal. phos. plat, sabin. sec. sil. sulph. — Pale: Arn. Bell. berb. bor. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v dulc. ferr. graph. Hyos. ipec. led. mere phos. prun. puis rhus. sabad. sabin. sec. stront. sulph. zinc. —Red (bright): Bell. calc. carb-v. dulc. ferr. hyos. ipec. nitr-ac. sabin. sulph. —Thick: Arn. carb-v. croc. cupr. graph, n-mos. plat. puis. sulph, — Viscous (glutinous): Croc. cupr. magn. magn-m. puis. sec. — Watery: Bell. berb. fer-carb. graph, kal. phos. prxm.puls sabin. tart. Eructations before menstruation : Kreos. lach. magn. Expectoration of blood (with): Phos. Face—Bloated during menstruation : Chin, graph, sep. —Bluish, after menstruation : Verat. —Pale, during menstruation: Cast. caus. magn. magn-m, Puls. sec. Fainting (with): Berb. ign. nux-v. Headache (with): Alum. berb. bor. calc. carb-v. cast graph, ign. kreos. lach. lyc. natr-m. natr-s. nux-v. phos. plat. puis. sang. sep. sulph. verat. —Before: Alum, calc carb-v. cupr. graph, natr-m. puis. Sulph. verat. Heat in the Head (with): Calc. ign. Humming in the Ears (with): Bor. kreos. verat. Leucorrhcea (with): Alum. chin, chin-s. cocc. graph, lach plat. puis. zinc. —After : Alum. bov. graph, kreos. nitr-ac. ph-ac.puis, ruta, sil. sulph. —Before: Alum, bar-c. calc. carb-v. chin, graph, kreos. lach, phos. puis. ruta. sep. sulph. zinc. Melancholy (with): Am-c. natr-m. sep. sulph. —Before : Caus. lyc. natr-m. stann. Nausea (with) : Am-c. ars. bor. calc. carb-v. graph, lya nux-v. puis, verat. —Before: Kreos. magn. puis, verat. Pains in the Abdomen (with): Alum. Am-c. am-m. ars. bell. calc. carb-v. cast. cocc. con. gran, graph, ign. kreos. 216 MENSTRUATION. Menstruation (with pains in the abdomen): lach. laur. lyc. magn. mere. natr. nux-v. phos. plat. Puls sabin. sass. sec. sil. stann. stram. sulph. zinc. ----Before: Alum. am-c. bar-c. bell. calc. caus. cham. graph, lach. nitr. plat. puis. sec. sep. ----Commencement (at the): Am-c. am-m. cast, graph lyc. phos. puis. sec. ----Spasmodic: Am-c. bell. calc. carb-v. cham. cocc. coff. con. cupr. chin, graph, hyos. ign. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. plat. puis, sabin. sec. sep. sulph. Pains in the Back (with): Am-c. am-m. ars. bell. calc. caus. graph, kal. lach. lyc. magn. magn-m. nux-v. phos. plat. sabin. sec. sep. ----Before : Am-c calc graph, phos. plat. sec. sep. spong. Pains in the Chest (with):' Berb. graph, lach. puis. ----Before: Chin. Pains in the Legs (with): Amb. bry. con. graph, sabia Sep. stram. sulph. verat ----Before : Lach. phel. Pains in the Liver (with): Ph-ac. puis. ----Before : Con. n-mos. puis. Pains in the Loins (with): Am-c Am-m. ars. berb. bor. calc. carb-v. cast, caus, kal. kreos. lyc. magn. magn-m. natr. phos. plat. puis. rat. sabin. sulph. ----Before: Am-c. bell, graph, mang. nitr. puis. ----Commencement (at the): Am-m. asar. lach. Pains in the Mammae—Before : Calc. con. Pains in the Stomach (with): Bor. puis. sass. sulph. ----Before: Lach. puis, sulph. Palpitation of the Heart (with) : Alum. ign. iod. phos. sep. —Before : Cupr. iod. spong. Pressure on the parts (with) : Am-c. bell. con. nitr-ac. n-mos. plat, sabin. sep. Shiverings (with): Bell, kreos. mang. nux-v. phos. puis. —Before : Calc. lyc. puis. Spasms (with): Acon. bry. cham. chin. cocc. coff. cupr graph, ign. lach. magn-m. natr-m. nux-v. plat, pulsi sabin. sec. Spasms (Abdominal) : Cham. cocc. con. cupr. chin, graph hyos. ign. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. plat. puis, sabin. sep sulph. —Before : Bell, carb-v. cham. hyos. nux-v. sulph. zinc Spasms (Hysterical) : Lach. puis. —Before: Hyos. kreos. MILIARY FEVER, 217 Menstruation : Swelling of the Feet (with): Graph, lyc. ph»:. Toothache (with): Am-c bar-c. calc. carb-v. cham. graph hyos. lach. magn. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. puis. sep. —Before: Bar-c. sulph. Vertigo (with): Verat. —Before : Calc kal-bich. lach. pids. verat. Vomiting (with): Ars. carb-v. lyc.puis. —Before: Kreos. puis. — Commencei.-ient (at the): Phos. Weakness, debility (with): Calc. caus. graph, ign. iod. magn. nux-v. puis, ol-an. phos. sec —Before : Iod. n-mos. phel. MENTAL EMOTIONS. See : MIND ; and the Particular Emotions, under their respective heads. MERCURY, QuickL-ilver (sufferings from). Remedies, In General : Ant. arg. arn. ars. asa. Aur. bell. bry. calad. calc. Carb-v. chin. cih. clem. cocc. colch. cupr. dulc euphorb. ferr. graph, guaj. hell. Hep. iod. Lach. led. lyc, mez. natr-m. Nitr-ac. nux-v. op. ph-ac. puis. rhod. rhus. sass. sel. sep. sil. spong. Staph, stram. Sulph. thuj. val. zinc. Compare with the Particular sufferings, under their respective hep.ds. MEROCELE (crural Hernia). See : HERNIA. METEORISM (atmospheric distension). See: TYMPANI- TIS ; and the Particular organs distended. METRALGIA (uterine spasmodic pain). See: UTERUS, Spasms. METRITIS (inflammation of the womb). Diagnosis. Tu- mefaction, tension, and heat, with burning, pricking, and shooting pains in the hypogastric region ; with heat and pain in the vagina ; and painful sensibility of the parts, and particularly of the os uteri, to the touch. It is usu- ally attended with dysury, ischury, tenesmus, and con- stipation ; and with a greater or less degree of fever, according to the severity and extent of the inflamma- tion. Remedies, In General : Acon. ars. Bell, bry canth. cham. chin. coff. ign. lach. mere Nux-v. plat. puis. rhus. sec. METRORRHAGIA (uterine haemorrhage). See: HAEM- ORRHAGE Uterine. MICTURITION (urination). See: URINATION. MILIARY FEVER (miliary eruption attended with fever). 19 218 MILK CRUST Miliary Fever : Diagnosis. An eruption of innumerable, transparent white, purple, or scarlet vesicular elevations, appearing on all parts of the body, and especially on the chest. The eruption is preceded by fever, sour smelling per- spiration, dry cough, anxiety, oppressed respiration, and frequently accompanied with sighing and moaning. The fever, and the preceding symptoms, usually subside after the eruption makes its appearance, but sometimes continue, and even increase in severity, after the erup- tion has come out. It usually terminates by a slight desquamation of the epidermis. Remedies, In General : Acon. am-c. ant. arn. ars. bell. Bry. carb-v. caus. cham. cocc. coff. dulc. hyos. Ipec. lach. led. Merc. mez. nux-v. ph-ac. puis. rhus. sulph. verat. MlLK (lactae, fluid secreted in the female breasts). Bad in quality: Arn. bell. Bor. carb-an. cham. cin. lach. mere puis, rheum. Sil. Deficient in quantity (aglactia): Acon. agn. bell. bry. Calc caus. cham. dulc. puis. rhus. zinc. Excessive Secretion (galactorrhoea): Acon. Bell. bor. Bry. Calc. chin. con. phos. Puls. rhus. stram. Plow of Milk, at a time different from that of Lactation: Bell. bor. bry. Calc. rhus. Metastasis to Abdominal Organs: Bell. bry. cham. puis. rhus. OffensI7e to the Child: Bor. cham. cin. lach. Merc. Sil. Suppression of Milk : Acon. bell. bry. calc. caus. cham. coff. dulc. mere Puls. rhus. sulph. Vomiting of the Child, after Nursing: Bor. cham. cin. lach Sil. Weaning the Child (to stop the secretion of milk when): Bell. bry. calc. Puls. rhus. MILK FEVER (fever attending the secretion of milk). Di- agnosis. Chilliness, heat, and thirst; with quick, weak, and variable pulse; and in some cases, anxiety, op- pressed respiration, headache, and pain in the back, which sometimes extends into the breasts. There is usually, in this disease, evening exacerbation, followed by perspiration, and amelioration towards morning. Remedies, Is General : Acon. arn. belL Bry. chain. Coff. dulc. mere puis. rhus. MILK-CRUST (milk scab, tinea faciei; occurring in infants). Diagnosis. An eruption of small whitish pustules in MIND 219 Milk Crust : clusters on a red ground, appearing first on the face, cheeks, and forehead, and sometimes spreading over the whole surface of the body, accompanied by an intolera- ble itching. The pustules soon become yellow, and bursting, form into thin yellowish crusts or scabs, which in some cases are increased in thickness and extent so as nearly to cover the whole face as with a solid scab. The disease is sometimes attended with considerable swelling and inflammation. Remedies, In General : Acon. ant. ars. bell. calc. cic. graph hep. led. mere mez. natr-m. Rhus, rhus-r. sass. sep. staph, sulph. Viol-tr. MILK-LEG (phlegmasia alba dolens). Diagnosis. A large, white, and rapidly formed leuco-phlegmatic and very painful swelling of the leg and thigh ; sometimes extend- ing over the whole pelvic region. This disease is anal- ogous to puerperal fever, and has been denominated puerperal fever without the peritoneum. It usually happens within the first fortnight after parturition, and lasts from eight to fourteen days, and terminates by res- olution, or the formation of lacteal abscesses, or death by gangrene. Remedies, In General: Acon. ant. arn. ars. bell. Bry. calc. chin. iod. lach. Lyc. mere nux-v. puis. Rhus, sabin. sep. sil. sulph. MIND (moral and mental emotions). Remedies, In General Acon. alum. am-m. anac. ang. ant. ars. Aur. bar-c. Bell. bov. bry. calc. cann. canth. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. Cic. clem. cocc. coff. con. croc cupr. ferr. graph, hell. hep. Hyos. Ign. iod. ipec. lach. Lyc. men. mere, mosch. Natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. op. petr. Phos. ph-ac. Plat. Puls. rhus. sel. Sep. sil. stann. staph. Stram. sulph. val. Verat. Absence of Mind: Acon. agn. am-c. anac. am. bar-c bell bov. caus. Cham. chin. cocc. daph. graph, hell. ign. kal. kreos. lach. Lyc mere mosch. natr-m. n-mos. nux-v. oleand. op. ph-ac. plat. Puls. rhus. Sep. sil. sulph. thuj. verat. Amattveness : Ant. calc. canth. chin. con. graph. Hyos. ign. lach. lyc. mere mosch. natr. natr-m. nux-v. op. phos. Plat. plumb, puis, sabin. sel. sil. staph, stram. Verat. Anxiety, Anguish: Acon. alum. amb. am-c. am-m. anac. arg. arn. Ars. aur. aur-mur. bar-c. bar-m. bell. berb. bry. calc. camph. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. Cham, chin, chin-s. cic. cocc. coff. con. cupr. cyc. dig. dros. evon. fluor- ac graph. helL hep. Hyos. ign. iod. ipec. lam. lach. laur 220 MIND Mind (anxiety of): lyc mere mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. op, petr. phos. ph-ac. Plat, plumb. Puls. Raph. rhus. ruta, sabad. samb. sec. sen. sep. sil. spig. spong. squilL stana stram. sulph. verat. zinc. Bold, Daring: Acon. bov. calad. ign. mag-arc mez. natr. op. phel. puis, spong. squill, tart, verat. Comprehension Difficult : Alum. amb. anac. ars. aur. bar-c bell. calc. cann. cham. chin, colch. con. cyc. Hell. hep. hyos. ign. laur. Lyc. men. mere. mez. mur-ac. Natr. Natr-m. n-mos. nux-v. oleand. Op. petr. Ph-ac. plat. ran. rhus. ruta. sabad. sec. sel. Sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. stram. sulph. thuj. verat. zinc. Consciousness Lost : Acon. arn. ars. bar-c. Bell. bry. calc camph. canth. cham. Cic. cocc. con. cupr. hell. Hyos. kal. lach. laur. lyc. mere mosch. mur-ac natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. oleand. Op. ph-ac. plat, plumb, puis. rhus. sec. Stram. verat. Delirium : Acon. agar. anac. arn. ars. aur. Bell. Bry\ calc. camph canth. cham. chin, chin-s. cic. cin. coloc. coa croc. cupr. cupr-acet. dulc. Hyos. ign. iod. lach. lyc. mere n-mo? nux-v. Op. phos. ph-ac plat, jdumb. puis. rhu3. sabad. sec. Stram. sulph. sulph-ac. verat. Despair : Acon. amb. arn. ars. Aur. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin. cocc. con. graph, hyos. Ign. lyc. mere natr. nitr. nitr-ac nux-v. ph-ac. plumb. puis. rhus. sec. sep. sil. stann. sulph. tart. thuj. verat. Dull, Heavy, Languid: Acon. agar. alum. am. amb. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. ant. arg. arn. ars. asa. asar. aur. bar-c. bell. bis. bov. brom. bry. calad. Calc calc-caus. camph. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. Chin, chin-s. cic. cim. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. croc. dig. euphr. ferr. fluor-ac graph. Hell. hep. hyos. ign. iod. kal. kal-ch. kreos. lach. laur. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. men. mere mez. mosch. mur-ac. natr. Natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. N-mos. Nux-v. oleand. Op. Petr. phos. ph-ac. plumb, puis, rheum rhod. Rhus, rhus-r. ruta. sabad. sabin. sass. spig. sec. seL sen. Sep. Sil. spong. squill, stann. staph, stram. Sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. val. verat. zinc. Ecstasy : Acon. agar. ang. ant. bell. cham. lach. nux-v, oleand. Op. Phos. ph-ac. plat, plumb, puis, stann. stram. sulph. verat. Excitement: Acon. agar. alum. amb. ang. ant. ars. bell cham. chin. cocc. Coff. hyos. ign. lach. lyc. mere mur-ac MIND. 221 Mind (excitement of): nux-v. Op. phos. plat. puis, stram. sulph ulph-ac val verat. Fear, Apprehension: Acon. alum, am-c anac. ang. Ars. bar-c. bell. Bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. Caus. chin-s. cocc coff. con. daph. dig. graph, hep. Hyos. kal. lach. laur. lye nitr-ac. nux-v. op. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis, sulph. sulph-ac verat. zinc. Fear of Death : Aeon, agn. anac. Ars. bell. bry. calc. cocc. cupr. graph, ipec. lach. mosch. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. plat. puis. raph. rhus. sec. squill, stram. verat. vine Fretful, Peevish: Acon. alum. am-m. anac. ant. arg. ars. aur. bell. bry. calc. caps. Cham. chin. cin. cocc. cyc. fluor- ae graph, hep. ign. ipec. kal. led. lyc. mere mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. ph-ac plat. Puls. ran. rheum. rhus. sass. sen. sep. sil. spong. stann. staph, stram. Sulph. verat. viol-tr. zinc. Gayety : Acon. alum. ang. arn. aur. bell. cann. caps, carb-an. Coff. con. Croc cupr. cyc. ferr. fluor-ae hyos. ign. iod. lach. lyc. natr. natr-m. Op. phos. ph-ac. plat. sass. sen. spong. stram. tar. val. verat. verb. zinc. Gloominess : Agn. amb. anac. ars. asar. Aur. bell. bov. bry. calc. caus. clem. cocc. con. cupr. dig. gran, graph. hell. hyos. Ign. ind. kal. kreos. lach. lyc. mere natr. Natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. rhus. sec. sel. sen. sep. sil. stann. staph, stram. sulph. verat. viol-od. zinc. Grief: Alum. am-m. ars. aur. bell. calc. caps. caus. cocc Coloc. con. cyc. graph, hyos. Ign. kal. lach. lyc. natr natr-m. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. rhus. Staph, stram verat. Hypochondriacal: Amb. agn. anac. arn. ars. asa. Aur. bell. bov. bry. calc. cann. caus. cham. chin, cocc Con euphr. gran. grat. graph, hell. hyos. ign. iod. lach. lyc magn-m. mez. Mosch. Natr. natr-m. n-mos. Nux-v. op petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. rhus. sabin. sel. sen. sep stann, staph, stram. sulph. val. verat. viol-od. zinc. Illusions (fantastic) of the Senses : Acon. amb. anac. aur. Bell. bry. calc canth. carb-v. caus. chin. cic. cocc. coff. croc. hell. hep. hydr-ac. hyos. ign. kal. lach. lyc. magn-s. mere nux-v. Op. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. rhus. sabad samb. sec. sep. sil. stann. staph. Stram. sulph. val. verat zinc Imbecility : Anac. ant. arn. ars. aur. bar-c. Bell, calc 19* 222 MIND. Mind (imbecility of): cham. cic. con. dulc. hell. Hyos. ign. laur. lyc. lup. mere mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. n-mos. nux-v. op. par. ph-ac. plumb, puis. ran. sabad. sec. sel. sep. sol-nig. staph, stram. verat. Indifference : Alum. am-m. anac. arn. ars. bell. bis. cham. chin. cic. cocc. Con. cyc. dig. hell. ign. ipec. kal. laur. lyc. mere mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-sp. nux-v. op. Phos. Ph-ac. plat. Puls. rhod. Sep. sil. staph stram. sulph. viol-tr. zinc. Irritable : Acon. am-m. anac. arn. ars. aur. bell. bor. bry. calc carb-v. Cham. chin. cocc. Coff. con. cupr. ferr. graph. hep. hyos. ign. ipec. kal. lach. lyc. mere natr-m. Nux-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. ran. sel. sen. sep. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. teuc. verat. zinc. Laughter : Acon, alum. aur. Bell. calc. caus.. cham. cic. con. croc. cupr. hyos. ign. lach. natr-m n-mos. phos. plat. puis. Stram. sulph tar. verat. verb. Life (loathing of): Amb. am-c. ant. ars. Aur. bell, carb-v, kreos. lach. mere natr. nux-v. phos. plumb, sep. sil. spig. staph, sulph-ac. tart. thuj. Loquacity : Ang. bov. coff. croc. eug. grat. hyos. iod. lach. meph. op. par. sel. strain, tab. tar. teuc. verat. Madness, Insanity: Acon. aeth. agar. anac. ant. arn. ars. aur. Bell. calc. cann. canth. cic. cocc. con. croc. cupr. cupr- acet. cupr-carb. dig. Hyos. ign. lach. led. lyc. mag-aus. mere. natr. n-mos. nux-v. oleand. op. phos. Plat, plumb. puis. rhus. sec. sep. Stram. sulph, Verat. zinc. Maliciousness : Acon. agar. Anac arn. ars. aur. Bell. caps. canth. cham. cic. coloc. hyos. lach. lyc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux-v. par. phos. plat. sec. Stram. verat. Mistrustful: Anac. ant aur. bar-c. Bell. caus. cham. Cic. dig. dros. hell. Hyos. lach. lyc. men. mere nitr-ac. nux-v plumb. Puls. staph, sulph-ac. Obstinacy: Am-c. arn. bell. caps. cham. chin. cupr. dros. guaj. kreos. lye mere nux-v. nitr-ac. p>hel. ph-ac. sil. spong. stram. sulph. Passionate : Acon. anac. Aur. bar-c. Cham, coloc. croc. fluor-ac graph, hyos. ign. kal. lyc mere mez. mosch. mur-ac natr. natr-m.. Nux-v. oleand. petr. phos. plat. puis. ran. sabad. sen. sep. stann. Staph, stront. sulph verat. Raving : Mth. ars. Bell. bry. camph. canth. cham. cin. cupr Hyos. lach. mere n-mos. nux-v. Op. plat. puis, plumb Stram. sulph. verat. MORNING. 223 Mind : Sadness, Melancholy : Acon. agn. amb. asar. Aur. belL bov. bry. calc. carb-an. caus. cham. chin. clem. cocc. coff. con. croc. daph. dig. graph, hep. Ign. iod. kal. lach. laur. lyc. men. mez. mur ac natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. ol-an. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. rhus. sabin. sec. sep. spig. staph, stram. sulph. verat. viol-od. zinc. Variableness : Acon. agn. alum. arn. ars. asa. aur. belL bov. cann. caps, carb-an. caus. con. croc. cyc. ferr. hyos, Ign. iod. kal. laur. mere natr-m. n-mos. op. phos. Plat. puis. sass. stram. sulph. sulph-ec. tart. Val. zinc. For other affections of the Mind, see under the head of their Pathological name. MISCARRIAGE (abortion). See : ABORTION. MOLES (small wart-like excrescences on the body). Reme- dies, In General: Calc. carb-v. graph, petr. ph-ac. siL sulph. sulph-ac. MOON CHANGES (worse when the). Remedies, In Gener- al: Alum. am-c. calc. caus. cupr. dulc. graph, lyc. natr. sabad. sep. sil. sulph. thuj. MOON is FULL (worse when the). Remedies, In General. Alum. calc. cyc. Graph, natr. nitr. sabad. sil. spong. Sulph. MOON is NEW (worse when the). Remedies, In General : Alum. am-c. calc. caus. cupr. daph. dulc. lyc. sabad. sep. Sil. thuj. MORAL EMOTIONS. See: MIND; or the Particular emotions under their respective heads. MORBILLI (measles). See : MEASLES. MORBUS CCERULEUS (blue disease). See: CYANO SIS. MORBUS COXARIUS. See : COXARTHROCACE. MORBUS NIGER (melaena). See : BLACK VOMIT. MORBUS PEDICULARIS. See : PHTHIRIASIS. MC tNING (worse in the). Remedies, In General: Acon. agar. alum. amb. am-m. anac. ang. ant. arg. am. ars. Aur. bar-c. bell. bor. bov. bry. calad. Calc. cann. caps, carb-an. Carb-v. caus. Chel. chin. cic. cin. clem. cocc. coff. con. Croc. cupr. daph. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph, grat. guaj. hell. hep. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. kal- bich. kreos. lach. led. lyc. mag. mag-are mag-aus. magn magn-m. meph. mere mez. natr. Natr-m. Nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. oleand. op. par. petr. Phos. ph-ac. plumb, podoph. ran. rheum. Rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin, sass, 224 MOUTH, PALATE, AND TONGUE. Morning (worse in the): sel. sen. sep. sil. spig. squill, stann. staph, strain, sulph. sulph-ac. tar. tart. thuj. val. verat. verb, viol-od. zinc. MORNING SICKNESS. See: PREGNANCY. MORTIFICATION (death of a part). See : GANGRENE MOUTH, PALATE, and TONGUE. Bleeding from the Mouth: Arn. bell, canth chin. dro« ferr. led. lyc. nux-v. Compare: GUMS Bleeding. Blueness of the Month: Merc, sabad. —Tongue (of the): Ars. dig. mur-ac. sabad. Burning in the Mouth : Asa. asar. calc. carb-v. cham. cupr mez. natr-s. nux-v. plat, sulph. verat. —Palate (in the): Cinn. dulc. ign. natr-s. sen. —Palate and Throat (in the): Camph. Carb-v. squill. —Tongue (in the): Acon. ars. arum. bell. calc. hyos. magn-m, natr-s. ol-an. phel. ph-ac. prun. rat. rhus-r. sabad. sen sulph. verat. Burnt (sensation &s if the mouth were): Magn-m. sa- bad. —Tongue (in the): Daph. hyos. Merc. plat. puis, rhus-r. sabad. sang. Clamminess of the Mouth: Am. berb. chin-s. crot. grat. nic. n-mos. prun. Compare: TASTE. Coldness in the Mouth (sensation of): Verat. —Tongue (of the): Ars. bell, camph. carb-v. hydr-ac. laur. sec. Verat. Dryness in the Mouth: Acon. alum. am-c. anac. ang. ant. arg. arg-nit. arn. ars. asa. bar-c. bar-m. Bell. berb. Bry. calc. cann. carb-an. carb-v. cast. caus. Cham. chel. chin. cinn. Cocc. coa euphorb. hyos. kal. lach. laur. lob. Lyc. Magn. magn-m. magn-s. mere mur-ac. natr-s. nitr-ac n-mos. nux-v. oleand. ol-an. op. par. petr. phel. phos. ph-ac. plumb, puis, ran-sc. rat. rhus. rhus-r. ruta. sabad, sass. sec. sen. sep. sil. squill, stram. sulph. tab. verat —Adipsia, thirstlessness (with): Bell. cann. carb-v. cocc euphorb. lye n-mos. nux-v. ph-ac. sabad. —Morning (in the): Alum. amb. bar-c. berb. calc. carb-t magn. natr-s. ol-an. par. puis. sen. spig. sulph. —Night (at): Am-c. ang. calc. caus. cinn. cocc. magn magn-m. nux-v. phel. rat. —Thirst (with): Acon. arn. bry. canth chel. cinn. kreos. laur. natr-s. nitr-ac op. petr. rhus. sec. sulph. tab. —Tongue (dryness of the): Arg-nit. Ars. bar-c. bar-m Bull. Bry-. calc. carb-an. Cham, daj, h. dulc. hyos. iod. kal MOUTH. PALATE, AND TONGUE. 225 T< pngue (dryness of the). lach, Merc, n-mos. nux-v. par. phos. plumb, rhus. rhus-r. sep. spong. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. verat. Excoriation of the Mouth: Bell, chin-s. dig. kal. lach. mere nux-v. phos. —Palate (of the): Lach. mez. nitr-ac. nux-v. ph-ac. —Tongue (of the): Agar, carb-v. dig. kal. mere nit ■ ac. nux-v. rhus-r. sep. sil. Excoriation in the Mouth (sensation as of): Agar. alum. amb. am-c. asar. aur-mur. bis. caus. dig. ph-ac. sabad. —Palate (in the): Agar. alum, carb-v. caus. mur-ac par. ran-sc. thuj. —Tongue (of the) : Alum. amb. arn. asar. caus. graph, ol-an. rhus-r. sabad. Frothing at the Mouth: yEth. agar. Bell, eamph. canth cham. cic. cocc. colch. cupr. hyos. ign. lach. laur. par. plumb. sec. stann. Stram. verat. Inflammation of the Mouth: Acon. am-c. bell, canth. iga lach. Merc, nux-v. Compare : STOMACACE. —Palate (of the): Acon. aur. 6ar-c. bar-m. Bell. Calc Chin. coff. lach. Merc, nitr-ac. Nux-v. sil. —Tongue (of the): Acon. ang. arn. ars. Bell, canth. lach. Merc, ph-ac. plumb, puis, ran-sc. sil. — Uvula (pendulous part of the palate): Bell. calc. coff. mere, natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. Nux-v. puis, sabad. sen. sulph. — Velum-palaH (the soft palate, or curtain of the palate): Acon. bell. coff. Merc, nitr-ac nux-v. phos. ph-ac. Mucus in the Mouth: Alum. ang. asar. Bell. calc. caps. caus. chin. cupr. ign. magn. Merc, n-mos. Nux-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. plumb, puis. sel. rhus. squill, sulph. teuc. —Tongue (on the): Bell, chin-s. cupr. dulc lach. Merc n-mos. ph-ac. puis, rhus-r. sulph. verb, viol-tr. Opening the Mouth (difficulty in): Caus. colch. kal. mere ther. Painful Soreness of the Tongue : Rhus-r. sabad. sang. Paleness of the Buccal cavity of the Mouth : Chin-s. —Tongue (of the): Acon. agar. amb. anac. ang. ars. berb. dig. fer-carb. gran, kreos. lach. mere natr. nux-v. oleand. Phos. Paralysis of the Organs of Speech: Canth. caus. graph plumb, stram. —Tongue (of the): Acon. anac. bar-c. bell. caus. cocc. dulc euphr. graph, hyos. ipec. lach. mur-ac. n-mos. op. stram. Pustules on the Palate : Phos. 226 MOUTH, PALATE, AND TONGUE. PuSTIfLES : —Tongui (on the): Mur-ac. Compare : Vesicles. Redness of the Buccal cavity : Am-c. bell. ign. —Tongue (of the): Am-caus. ars. bell. bry. chain, gins, hyos lach. nux-v. ran-sc. rhus. rhus-r. stann. sulph. verat. -----Margins of the Tongue (of the): Bell, nux-v. rhus-r -----Tip of the Tongue (of the): Rhus-r. Rigidity of the Tongue : Berb. bov. colch. con. euphr. hell hydr-ac. lach. mere natr-m. Roughness of the Mouth: Berb. carb-v. cyc. dig. phos. —Palate (of the): Magn. mez. —Tongue (of the): Ang. bell. bry. carb-v. coloc. croc, dulc magn-s. oleand. par. rhus-r. sulph. Saliva (accumulation of) in the Mouth: Acon. alum. amb. am-c. anac. ant. arg. asar. bar-c. Bell. bis. bor. bov. bry. calc. camph. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin, chin-s cin. colch. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. graph, hell. hep. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. kreos. lach, laur. lyc. magn-m. Merc, mur-ac. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. ol-an. par. petr. Phos. plat, plumb, puis. ran. rat. rhod rhus. rhus-r. sabad. sass. sen. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph. stiam. sulph. tar. tart. thuj. verat. zinc. —Bitter: Ars. calc-caus. kalm. sulph. thuj. —Clam/my: Arg. bell. berb. camph. cann. eug. lob. —Dryness in the Mouth (with sensation of): Colch. kaL plumb, rhod. —Frothy: Berb. bry. canth. eug. phel. plumb, sabin. spig. sulph. —Metallic taste (of a): Bis. cim. lob. ran. zinc — Offensive smell (of an): Dig. mere —Salt: Euphorb. hyos. kal-hyd. phos. sep. sulph verat. —Sanguineous: Arg. ars. arum, canth. cham. hyos. kal- hyd. magn. mere, nux-v. rhus. staph, sulph. thuj. —Sour: Alum. calc. calc-ph. ign. lact. natr-s. podoph stann. sulph. tar. verat. —Sweetish: Alum. dig. gran.phos.plumb, puis, sabad. —Thick: Bell. bis. gent, n-mos. — Watery : Asar. kreos. lob. magn-m. mag-aus. puis. — White: Ol-an. ran. sabin. spig. Salivation. See : Saliva (accun? alation of): —Dryness in the Mouth (with sensation of): Colch kal plumb, rhod. —Nausea (with): Euphorb. puis, verat —Night (at): Nux-v. rhus. MOUTH, PALATE, AND TONGUE. 227 Salivation : —Shuddering (with): Arg. euphorb. Smell from the Mouth—Offensive : Acon. Agar. alum. amb. am-c. anac. arn. ars. Aur. bar-c. bar-m. bell. bry. carb-an. Carb-v. cast. cham. chin. croc. cupr. dulc. ferr. graph, hyos. iod. ipec. kal. led. lyc. Merc natr-m. Nux-v. petr. ph-ac. podoph. rhus-r. sabin. sep. siL spig. strain. sulph. val. verb. zinc. —Evening (in the): Puis, sulph. —Meal (after a): Cham, nux-v. sulph. —Morning (in the): Arn. bell. iod. nux-v. puis. sil. sulph. —Night (at): Puis, sulph. —Puberty (at tlie age of): Aur. bell. hyos. puis. sep. sulph. Sore Mouth. See: APHTHyE, STOMACACE, GUMS, Inflammation, Ulcers, Vesicles, Excoriation, 4c. Soreness (painful sensibility) of the Tongue: Rhus-r. sabad. sang. Swelling of the Buccal cavity of the Mouth: Am-c. bell. cim. lach. Merc. sep. — Glands under the Tongue (of the): Bar-m. n-mos. staph. tab. ----Salivary : Bar-m. thuj. —Palate (of the): Bar-c. bar-m. calc. chin. Nux-v. —Tongue (of the): Anac. ars. arum. Bell. calc. canth. cast. chin. con. dig. dulc. hell. kal. kal-hyd. lach. Merc ph-ac plumb, see sil. stram. thuj. ----Papillae (of the): Bell. ----Semi-lateral: Calc sil. — Uvula (of the): Bell, calc. coff. iod. mere natr-s. Nux-v. sen. siL sulph. Taste in the Mouth. See : TASTE. Torpor in the Mouth (sensation of): Amb. bov. ind. lyc magn-s. stront. verat. —Tongue (in the): Amb. ars. bell. bor. colch. hyos. lyc mere, natr-m. n-mos. puis. ----Semi-lateral. Natr-m. Trembling of the Tongue: Ars. bell, mere Ulcers in the Mouth : Agn. alum. ars. aur. bov. Bor. dulc hep. Iod. kal-hyd. Merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. op. petr. ph-ac. plumb, sil. staph, thuj. zinc. —Palate (on the): Aur. lach. mere nux-v. sil. —Salivary glands (on the): Acon. bell, mere. —Tongue (on the): Agar. ars. bov. chin. cic. dig. dros graph, kal-hyd. mere mur-ac natr-m. Nux-v. op. verat. 228 MOVING Mom h, Palate, and Tongue : Vesicles in the Mouth: Amb. bar-c. calc. caps, carb-an cham. kal. magn. mere mez. natr. natr-m. nux-v. rhod spong. staph, sulph. —Burning: Amb. am-m. arg. bar-c. bry. magn-s. mang. mere natr-m. nux-v. spong. sulph. —Painful: Kal. natr-m. nux-v. puis, sulph. —Palate (on the) : Calc. carb-v. nux-v. phos. sil. spig. —Smarting: Arg. natr-m. nux-v. rhod. snong. sulph. —Tongue (on the): Am-c. am-m. ant. arg. bar-c. berb. bry. calc. caps, carb-an. cast, graph, hell, kal. lyc. magn. magn-s. mang. mez. natr-m. nux-v. spong. sulph. Whiteness, Paleness of the Tongue: Acon. agar. amb. anac. ang. ars. berb. dig. fer-carb. gran. kal. kreos. lach. mere. natr. nux-v. oleand. Phos. For other affections of the Mouth, Palate, and Tongue, See : their Pathological name. MOVE (Worse on beginning to). Remedies, In General: Asar. Bry*. calc. Caps, carb-v. caus. chin. cocc. Con. cupr. Euphorb. ferr. lach led. lyc. nitr-ac. petr. phos. plat. plumb, puis. rhod. Rhus. Rhus-r. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sil. thuj. MOVED (Worse after having). Remedies, In General: Agar. am-c. anac. ars. cann. carb-v. caus. cocc. croc. dros. hyos. kal. mere nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. plumb, puis. rhus. rhus-r. ruta. spig. spong. stann. staph, stram. val. zinc. MOVEMENT (Sufferings increased by). Remedies, In Gen- eral : Acon. agn. am-c. anac. arn. asar. Bell. berb. bov. Bry. calc. camph. cann. caps, carb-an. cham. chin. cic. cocc. colch. coloc. croc. cupr. dig. euphorb. graph, guaj. hell. hep. iod. ipec. kal. laur. Led. mere mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. oleand. petr. phos. plumb, ran. sass. sec. sil. spig. squill, stann. staph, sulph-ac. verat. zinc. Relieved by Movement (sufferings): Acon. agar. amb. am-m. arg. ars. asa, aur. bar-c. caps. chin, coloc. con. cyc. dros. Dulc Euphorb. Ferr. grat. ign. kal. kal-hyd. kreos. Lach. lyc. magn. magn-m. men. mere mosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr. op. phel. ph-ac. pjlat. puis. rhod. Rhus. Rhus-r. ruta. samb. sen. sep. stann! stront. sulph. tar. thuj. val. verat. MOVING (dread of). Remedies, In General: Acon. alum. amb. am-c anac. arn. ars. asar. bar-c. bell. bry. Calad caps. caus. chel. cin. cocc. con. cupr. cyc. dig. dulc. graph MUMPS. 229 Moving (dread of): Guaj. ign. Lach. lyc mere mez. mur-ac. natr. Natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux-v. op. phos. ph-ac. puis. sep. stann. tar. thuj, zinc. Moving the part affected (inclination to keep): Acon agar. amb. arn. ars. bry. cana Canth. cham. Chin. coff. coloc. cupr./ ant. ars. aur. bor. calc. caus. con. dig. Graph, hep. mere natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. par. puis. ran. rhus. sabad. sep. Sil, squill. Sulph. Bluish : Aur. chel. cocc. Dig. natr-m. nux-v. petr. sil. Brittle: Alum. ant. Graph, sabad. sil. sulph. Deformed : Alum. ant. Graph, sabad. sep. sil. sulph. Discolored : Ant. ars. graph, mur-ac nitr-ac. sulph. Exfoliating : Ant. ars. hell. mere, see squill, thuj. Growing into the Flesh: Colch. graph, sil. sulph. Painful: Ant. caus. Graph, mere nitr-ac Puls. sil. sulph NAUSEA 233 Nails Soreness of the Nails: Calc. graph, hep), mere natr-m. nux-v. petr. sep. sil. squill, sulph. L'lcerated : Alum. ant. ars. bell. calc. con. graph, hep. lyc mere, natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. Puls. ran. rhus. Sil. Sulph. Yellow : Amb. ant. ars. aur. bell. bry. carb-v. cham. chin. Con. ferr. ign. mere nitr-ac. nux-v. plumb. Sep. spig. sulph. NARCOTICS (sufferings from). Remedies, In General : Acon. agar. am-c. Bell. bry. camph. canth. carb-v. cham. chia cocc. Coff. colch. cupr. dig. ferr. graph, hyos. Ipec. Lach. lyc. mere, mosch. natr. n-mos. Nux-'v. op. phos. puis. rhus. sen. sep. staph, val. verat. NAUSEA (qualmishness, sickness at the stomach). Reme- dies, In General : Acon. agar. alum. amb. am-c. anac. ant. arg-nit. arn. Ars. asar. aur. bar c. bar-m bell. bis. bor. bov. brom. calc-caus. camph. cann. caps, carb-an. carb-v. Caus. cham. chel. chin. cic. cin. cocc. colch. con. croc, crot, cupr. cupr-acet. cupr-carb. cyc. Dig. dros. dulc. gent. graph, gutt. hell. hep. hyos. ign. Ipec jat. kal. kal-bich. kreos. Lach. laur. led. Lob. lyc. magn. magn-m. mere. mez. mosch. mur-ac Natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. Nux-v. oleand. ol-an. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. phytol. plat, plumb, podoph. Puls. ran. rheum, rhus. rhus-r. sabad. samb. sang. sass. sec. sen. sep. sil. spig. spong. squill, stann. staph, stront. Sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tar. tart. ther. thuj. val. Verat. zinc, zinc-ox. Abdomen (in the): Bell. bry. cic. cocc. cupr. eye hell. hep. ipec. lach. irragn-m. n-mos. par. phos. puis, rheum, samb. sil. stann. staph, val. Anxiety (with): Bry. dig. ign. Kal. mere nitr-ac. plat. tar. Tart, verat. Chest (as if proceeding from the): Acon. anac. arg. asa. bry. croc, mere nux-v. par. rhus. sec. staph. Colic (with): Agar. cupr. cupr-carb. gran. ipec. mere. mosch. puis, rheum, tab. verat. Drinking (after): Bry. lach. natr-m. nux-v. puis. rhus. tei.c Eructations (with): Ars. cocc. con. ipec. mosch. petr. sep. spig. sulph. Headache (with): Acon. cocc. nterc. nux-v. ran. sil. tar. tart, . Compare: CEPHALALGIA with Nausea. Hunger (with): Hell, magn-m. oleand. phos. spig. val. Meal (after a): Alum. am-c. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. con. cyc. dig. graph, grat kal. lach. lyc. mere 20* 234 NECK AND NAPE OF THE NECK Nausea (after a Meal): Natr-m. Nux-v. ol-an. petr. phos. Puls. rhus. sep. sil stann. sulph. verat. —During a Meal: Ang. bell, bor. caus. cic. cocc. colch. dig ferr. fer-acet. kal. maga nux-v. ol-an. puis. ruta. verat. Morning (in the): Alum. anac. arn. bar-c. bry. calc. carb-v caus. cham. cic. dig. Graph, hep. kreos. lach. lyc. magn-m natr-m. Nux-v. petr* phos. rhus. sep. Sil. spig. squill staph, sulph. Night (at): Calc. Carb-an. carb-v. con. eye eug. nitr. phos. Puls. ran. rhus. sulph. ther. Pain in the Stomach (with): Am-c. ars. dig. gran, grat mang. mere natr-m. puis, sabin. sec. stann. sulph. tart. Riding in a Carriage (when): Bor. Cocc. lyc. n-mos. petr Sep. sulph. Shiverings (with): Ars. bor. calc. gran. mez. nitr-ac puis sabad. sulph-ac. Throat (as if proceeding from the): Acon. anac. arg. ars aur. bell. chin. cupr. Cyc ferr. mere nitr-ac. oleand. Ph-ac Puls. rhus. sass. spig. squill. Stann. staph, sulph tar. val. Trembling (with): Ars. mez. nitr-ac. sulph. NAUSEA MARINA (sea-sickness). Remedies, In General Ars. Cocc. ipec. kreos. n-mos. nux-v. Petr. sep. sil. sulph. Tab. NAVEL RUPTURE. See: HERNIA Umbilical. NECK, and NAPE of the NECK. Abscess in the Neck: Coloc. natr-m. sep. Contraction in the Neck, and Nape of the Neck : Asar. Drawing in the Neck: Bell. chin, coloc. magn-m. ph-ac. rat sabin. squill. ■—Nape of the Neck (in the): Amb am-m. bell. cann. cast chin. con. cyc. lyc. magn. ruta. sep. staph, terb. Enlargement of the Neck: Con. iod. phos. Eruptions on the Neck: Bry. clem. lach. lyc. ph-ac. puis. spig. —Nape of the Neck (on the): Ant. bell. berb. caus. clem. mez. petr. sec. sep. sil. staph, tart. Glands of the Neck—Indurated: Bar-c. Carb-an. clem. con. dulc. graph, kal. sil. spong. —Inflamed: Acon. bar-c. bell. bry. cham. con. kal. Merc nitr-ac. phos. sil. sulph. —Painful: Alum. am-c. arn, Bell. calc. caus. Lyc Mebc nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. spig. spong. NECK AND NAPE OF THE NECK. 235 Neck (glands of the): —Smelling: Acon. am-c. arn. bar-c. Bell. bry. calc. carb-an. cham. clem. con. dulc. graph iod. Kal. Lyc. Merc Nitr- ac. nux-v. Phos. puis. sil. spig. spong. Staph, sulph. Herpes on the Nape of the Neck: Caus. clem, graph, lach lye petr. sep. Sulph. Jerking in the Neck: Alum. ant. carb-v. cm. nitr-ac. phos. rhus. tart. » —Nape of the Neck (in the): yEth. chin, ph-ac. tar. Lameness in the Nape of the Neck: Cin. spig. Numbness in the Nape of the Neck: Dig. plat. spig. Pains (indefinite) in the Neck: Bell. brom. hell. lach. puis. rhus. sang, spong. sulph. zinc. —Nape of the Neck (in the): Am-c. bry. daph. graph. kaL lach. lact. lyc. mosch. natr-s. par. petr. podoph. puis. rhus. sabad. sil. spig. zinc. Pains Aching in the Neck: Bell. ign. rhus. sabin. spong. staph. ----Nape (in the): Acon. agar, bar-c. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. cyc. guaj. natr-m. petr. puis. ran. rhus. sabin. sang, staph. thuj. Pains as from a Bruise in the Neck: Ang. arg. crotal. hep. sabin. ----Nape (in the): Acon. agar, natr-m. nux-v. sabin. thuj. Pains Burning,in.the Neck : Caus. grat. ol-an. phel. stront. ----Nape (in the): Bar-c. mere Pains Contractive in the Neck: Am-m. ant. asar. ph-ac plat. zinc. ----Nape (in the): Ant, natr. Pains Cutting in the Neck: Samb. ----Nape (in the): Dig. graph. Pains Dislocating (wrenching), in the Neck: Calc. cinn. ----Nape (in the): Agar. calc. cinn. nic. Pains Drawing in the Neck: Amb. am-m. carb-v. coloc. cyc. dulc. lyc. magn-m. staph. ----Nape (in the): Am-c. arg. asa. berb. bov. carb-v. cast kal. natr. natr-m. n-mos. nux-v. puis. spig. sulph. terb. Pains as from Fatigue in the Neck: Men. ----Nape (in the): Ang. men. natr-m. zinc Pains Jerking in the Neck: Anac. ant. carb-v. cin. met natr-s. nitr-ac puis. rhus. sulph. tart, thuj ----Na/>e (in the): yEth. chin. tar. Tains Paralytic in the Neck: Cyc, ----Xape (in the): Natr. sii. sulph. verat. 236 NECK AND NAPE OF THE NECK. Neck and Nape of the Neck : Pains Rheumatic in the Neck: Bry. carb-v. mez. squill staph. ----Nape (in the): Acon. ant. asa. berb. bor. bry. carb-p. graph, mez. puis. ran. rhod. sang, sulph. Pains Shooting in the Neck: Am-m. carb-v. cupr. hep. kal mere samb. sass. tar. zinc. ----Nape (in the): yEth. bar-c. bry. caps, carb-v. magn-s. natr. sass. stann. tar. zinc. Pains Spasmodic in the Neck: Ant. arn. asar. lach ph-ac. ----Nape (in the): Ant. arn. asar. natr. Pains as from a Sprain in the Neck: Cinn. sang. ----Nape (in the): Ars. natr-m. nic. nitr. rhus. sulph. Pains Stabbing in the Nape of the Neck: Bar-c. cocc graph, puis. tar. Pains Stinging in the Neck: Merc. ----Nape (in the): Magn-s. nic Pains Stitching in the Neck: Canth. cin. graph, guaj. hep natr-m. sass. staph. ----Nape (in the): Acon. canth. caus. dulc. graph, ign. magn. mere natr. natr-s. par. sep. sulph. Pains Tearing in the Neck: Agar. am-m. berb. canth carb-v. cupr. graph magn. mez. mosch. natr. natr-s nitr. sel. zinc. ----Nape (in the): yEth. agar. berb. camph. canth. carb-v. chin, graph, ign. kal. magn. magn-m. natr. nux-v. oleand. rat. sass. stront. sulph. zinc. Pains Tensive in the Neck: Arg. arn. chel. cupr. dulc. magn-m. rhod. sep. ----Nape (in the): Berb. camph. con. puis. rhod. sulph. Pains as from Ulceration in the Neck and Nape: Puis. Paralysis of the Neck: Lyc. Perspiration on the Neck: Ars. bell. clem, euphorb. kaL mang. nitr-ac. nux-v. ph-ac. sulph. Pimples on the Neck: Carb-v. hep. lyc. —Nape of the Neck (on the): Bell. berb. carb-v. hep. lye nitr. Pressure on the Neck: Cyc. lach. magn. ph-ac. —Nape of the Neck (on the): Amb. anac. bar-c. cupr. cyc. guaj. laur. natr-m. ol-an. par. phos. staph. Rigidity (stiffness) of the Neck: Acon. am-c. am-m. anac ars. bell. berb. brom. calc. caus. cham. cic. cocc. coloc croc. dig. ferr. hell. laur. lyc men. mere mez. natr-m. nitr-ac NECROSIS. 237 Ieck (rigidity of): par. petr. ph-ac rhus. rhus-r. sel. sil spong. squill, sulph tab. thuj. zinc. —Painful: Hell, lye mez. natr-m. rhus. —Nape of the Neck: Acon. am-m. anac. ant. ars. Bar-c Bell. berb. bov. bry. calc. calc-caus. caps. Carb-v. Caus. dig. dros. dulc. graph, guaj. hell. ign. Kal. kal-bich. lach. laur. Lyc. magn. mang. men. mere mez. Natr. natr-m. nitr. Nitr-ac nux-v. ol-an. Phos. plat. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. sang. sec. sel. Sep. sil. spong. squill, sulph. thuj. verat. zinc. -----Morning (in the): Ang. bell. bov. -----Painful: Acon. arg. bell. bry. caps, carb-v. dros. mez. phos. rhus. -----Rheumatic : Bell. bry. verat. Soreness (painful sensibility) of the Neck: Lach. sulph-ac. —Nape of the Neck : Chin-s. lach. sang. Spasms in the Neck : Asar. spong. —Drinking (after): Am-m. Swelling of the Neck: Ars. bell. brom. calc. caus. chin-s. cic. con. croc. iod. lach. lyc. mere, mur-ac. nitr-ac. nux-v. pihos. puis. sep. sulph. —Nape of the Neck: Bar-c. Bell. calc. con. mere puis. sep. Tension (tightness) in the Neck : Ang. bar-c. bov. bry. chin. cic. coloc. dig. graph, iod. lach. lact. natr-s. nitr-ac. par. ph-ac. rat. rhod. rhus. spong. staph, zinc. —Nape of the Neck: Am-m. bar-c. bry. calc-caus. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin. dig. graph, kal. magn-s. natr. nic. ol-an. par. plat, plumb, puis. rhod. rhus. sass. spong. staph, stront. sulph. zinc Weakness in the Neck: Arn. cocc. cyc. kal. lye nitr-ac. par. staph, tart, verat. —Nape of the Neck (in the): Acon. bry. caps. cyc. par. plat. sil. stann. staph, zinc. For other affections of the Neck and Nape of the Neck; See : under the head of their Pathological name. NECROSIS (death of a bone). Diagnosis. In acute necrosis there is generally a widely diffused and extensive inflam- mation, and swelling of the part affected ; attended with severe pain, fever, restlessness, and other phenomena of inflammatory action. As the disease progresses, sup- puration ensues, and the matter sooner or later finds its way to the surface, frequently forming a number of sinuses. An examination with a probe through an open- 238 NETTLE RASH. Necrosis : ing discovers the bone to be the seat of the disease, which might otherwise be mistaken for an extensive phlegmonous abscess. In chronic necrosis the symptoms are less severe, and the disease much longer in coming to a crisis, and, in some cases, difficult of recognition. Remedies, In General : Ars. Asa. bell. calc. con. euphorb. kreos. mere phos. ph-ac. plumb, sabin. sec. sil. sulph thuj. Compare: BONES, Ulceration, 4c NEPHRALGIA (acute pain in the kidneys). See: KID- NEYS, Pains, 4c NEPHRITIS (inflammation of the kidneys). Diagnosis. Severe pressing, pungent pain in the region of the kid- neys, following the course of the ureters to the bladder; with dysuria or strangury ; and when both kidneys are affected (which is rarely the case), with an entire sup- pression of urine. The urine is hot and high-colored ; and in the male subject, the testicle on the affected side is swollen, painful, and drawn up, and the foot on the same side is often numb, and sometimes spasmodically affected. Nausea, vomiting, severe colic, and tenesmus, usually accompany the disease. The pains are aggra- vated by motion, or by lying on the back or side affected. Remedies, In General : Acon. alum. arn. bell, berb, Cann. Canth. colch. cyc. dig. hep. kal. lyc. mere Nux-v puis. sass. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Remedies, In General: Acon. alum. amb. am-c. arn. ars. asar. aur. Bar-c. bell. bruc. cole carb-v. cham. Chin, chin-s. cocc. coff. con. cupr. dig. hep. hydr-ac hyos. ign. laur. lyc magnm. mere Mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. Nux-v. Phos. ph-ac. plat. Puls. rhus. rhus-r. sel. sep. Sil. stann. staph, sulph. val. verat. NERVOUS EXCITEMENT. Remedies, In General : Acon. alum. amb. ang. bar-c. Bell. bruc. calc. Cham. chin. cic. Coff. colch. cupr. dros. ferr. graph. Hyos. ign. iod. kreos. mag. mere mosch. Nux-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. puis, rhus sep. sil. staph, stram. sulph. verat. NETTLE RASH (urticaria, an eruptive fever). Diagnosis. Large reddish spots or patches in the skin, whitish in the centre, and attended with itching, burning, or stingiug pain. The spots disappear in the warint.1', and reaj.j.-ar in the cold, and frequently change their location. The eruption is usually preceded by fever, restlessness, op NIGHTMARE. 239 Nettle Rash : pressed respiration, and derangement of the digestive functions. It frequently assumes a chronic character inasmuch as it generally has its origin in an arthritic, scrofulous, or syphilitic dyscrasy. Remedies, In General Acon. am-m. ant. ars. bell. Bry. calc. carb-v. Caus. chin. con. Dulc. hep. ipec. lyc. mere mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. ohos. puis. Rhus, rhus-r. sass. sec. sep. sil. Sulph. verat. urt. Chronic : Am-m. Ars. bar-c. bell. bry. Calc carb-an. carb-v. Caus. chin. con. Dulc. Hep. kal. kreos. Lyc mez. natr-m. petr. ran. rhus. rhus-r. sil. sulph, NEURALGIA (inflammation or pain in the nerves; tic dolo- reux). Remedies, In General : Acon. agar. arn. Ars. aur. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. caps. caus. cham. chin. coff. Coloc. con. hep. hyos. ign. kal-ch kalm. kreos. lach, lyc. magn. mere. mez. Nux-v. phos. plat. Puls. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. ruta. sabin. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph, sulph. thuj. val. verat. verb. zinc. Compare : PROSOPALGIA; FACE, Pains ; and Pains in the Particular Organs affected; and also, See: PAINS IN GENERAL; and consult causes and con- ditions of aggravation or amelioration, 4c. NIGHT (worse at night). Remedies, In General : Acon. amb. am-c. am-m. ang. ant. arn. Ars. asa. Aur. bar-c. bell. bis. bry. calc. camph. cann. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. Cham. Chin. cic. cin. clem. Colch. Con. croc cupr dros. dulc. eug. euphr. Ferr. Fer-acet. graph, grat. hell. hepi. hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. kal-hyd. Kreos. lach. led lyc. Magn. Magn-m. magn-s. Mang. Merc mez. mur-ac natr. natr-m. natr-s. nic. Nitr-ac. n-mos. oleand. op. par. phos. plat, plumb, puis. ran. rheum, rhod. rhus. sabad. sabin. samb. sec. sel. sep. Sil. spig. spong. staph. Stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. verat. NIGHTMARE (incubus). Diagnosis. A condition in sleep in which the sufferer experiences a sensation of weight or pressure on the chest, impeding respiration, and pro- ducing great anxiety and anguish ; or he fancies himself in great danger or difficulty, from which he strives in vain to extricate himself, until he finally succeeds in ut- tering a cry or moving, by which the painful state is terminated." Remedies, In General : Acon. alum. am-c. bell. bry. cin. con. daph. hep. kal. lyc mez. natr-m. nitr ic Nux-v. Op. phos. Puls. ruta. sil. sulph. vaL 240 NOSE. NIPPLES (mamillae). Burning in the Nipples: Cic. graph sulph. Compare: Inflammation. Excoriation of the Nipples: Arn. calc. caus. Cham. Graph, ign. lyc. mere nux-v. phos. puis. sep. sil. Sulph. Induration of the Nipples: Agar, sulph. Inflammation of the Nipples : Phos. sil. sulph. Itching in the Nipples : Agar. petr. sulph. Swelling of the Nipples: Lyc. me»c. Ulceration of the Nipples: Cham, mere sil. sulph Vesicles on the Nipples : Graph. NODOSITIES (nodes, morbid excrescences). Arthritic : Ant. arn. bry. Calc. caus. colch. coloc. graph hep. led. Lyc. mang. mere ph-ac. puis. Rhod. sass. Staph. sulph. Mammae (in the): Bell. Carb-an. clem. con. colch. graph, lyc. nitr-ac. phos. puis. se$>. sil. sulph. See : EXCRESCENCES ; TUMORS ; and the Par- ticular Organs—Excrescences, or Pathological name. NOISE (worse from). Remedies, In General : Acon. alum. am-c. anac. ang. Arn. aur. Bell. bor. bry. calc. cann. carb-an. caus. cham. chin. Coff. colch. con. ign. ipec. lyc. magn-m. mang. mere natr. nitr-ac. Nux-v. ph-ac. plat. puis, sabad. sep. sil. spig. stann. ther. zinc. Compare HEARING; and SENSIBILITY of the Body to Noise. NOLI ME TANGERE (lupus). See: LUPUS. NOSE. Bleeding from the Nose. See : EPISTAXIS. Burning in the Nostrils : Ars. canth. hep. kal. led. magn-m. nitr-ac. phel. rat. stann. sulph. tab. Coldness of the Nose : Arn. bell.' plumb, verat. Congestion of blood in the Nose : Am-c. cupr. samb. Coryza, catarrh. See : CORYZA. Cracks, rhagades in the Nostrils: Alum. Ant. aur. bor. calc. Graph, kal. lach. lyc Merc, nitr-ac. puis. sep. Sil. sulph. Desquamation of the Nose : Ars. aur. carb-an. natr. Dlscharge of Pus from the Nose: Alum. am-c. ars. asa. Aur. bell. calc. cic. cin. con. graph, hep. lach. lyc. magn-m. Merc, nitr-ac. petr. ph-ac. puis. rhus. sulph. thuj. Com- pare : CORYZA ; and OZyENA. Dryness in the Nostrils : Agar. ant. amb. ars. bar-c. belL berb. bry. Calc. cann. cim. cor. crot. dros. gran, graph. gutt. hyos. ign. kal. lach. lact. magn-m. meph. mere. mez. NOSE. 241 Nose (dryness in the nostrils): natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. ol-an. petr. Phos. rhus. rhus-r. sea sep. sil. spig. Sulph. tab. verat. zinc. Eruptions on the Nose : Alum. am-c. ant. aur. bell, carb-ari caus. clem, euphr. kal. lach. magn. mere natr. nitr-ac. petr. ph-ac. plumb, rhus. sep. sil. squill, sulph. —Below the Nose: Caps, squill. —Interior of the Nose (in the): Magn. phel. sil. —Point of the Nose (on the): Caus. clem, nitr-ac. sil. spong. Excoriation of the Nostrils : Agar. alum. am-c. Ant. berb. bov. graph, ign. kal. Lach. Magn-m. mang. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. ol-an. phos. sil. squill, zinc. Herpes on the Alae Nasi (wings) of the Nose: Nitr-ac. spig. Inflammation of the Nose : Aur. aur-mur. bell. bry. calc. canth. hep. mere. ran. rat. rhus. sep. sil. stann. sulph. —Nostrils (in the): Agar. bry. canth. cham. cist, lach, mang. phel. ran. sil. stann. sulph. —Point of the Nose (of the): Natr. Sep. sulph. Itching in the Nose: Agar. am-c. arn. bor. Carb-v. cm. gran, ign. mere nux-v. ol-an. rat. sabad. sel. sen. spig. Pains in the Nose—Aching : Am. ars. aur. bell, colch. hep. led. mere natr-m. sil. thuj. verat. —Burning : Bell, carb-an. hep. magn-m. nic. nitr-ac. sulph. —Excoriation (as from): Am-c. bor. cic. colch. hep. kaL Magn-m. nux-v. rhus. rhus-r. squilL —Gnawing: Aur. berb. sil. —Shooting : Bell. ind. nitr. Nitr-ac. spig. —Touched (when): Agar. am-c. am-m. aur. bell. bry. hep. led. magn-m. mere natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. rhus. sil. Polypus in the Nose : Arum calc. phos. puis. sang. sep. sil. staph, teuc. Pressure on the Nose (sensation of) Agn. asa. magn. mere oleand. ruta. Redness of the Nose : Alum. aur. aur-mur. bell calc. cana chin. hep. kal. magn-m. mang. mere, natr-m. nic. phos. ran. —Margins of the Nostrils (of the): Lach. —Point of the Nose (of the): Calc. carb-an. nitr-ac. rhus. sil. Scabs on the Nose: Carb-an. carb-v graph, nitr-ac. ph-ac sep. sil. —Nostrils (in the): Alum. ant. aur. bor. calc. cin. graph 21 242 NOSTALGIA Nose (scabs in the nostrils). h«p. kal. Lach. lyc. Magn-m. nitr-ac. phos. ran. rat, sass. sil. staph, sulph. Thuj. Compare : Ulceration. Smarting in the Nose : Ang. aur. bry. euphorb. graph, kal. ran-sc. sabad. spig. Compare: Pains as from Excoriation. Smell. See: SMELL. Stoppage of the Nose : Agar. alum. amb. am-c. am-m. anac. ant. arg. arg-nit. ars. aur. bar-c. bell. brom. bry. calad. calc. camph. cann. carb-an. Carb-v. cast. caus. cham. chel. chin. cic. cin. con. crot. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. Graph, grat, guaj. hep. iga iod. ipec. Kal. kal-hyd. lach. laur. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. mere mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. natr-s. Nitr-ac n-mos. Nux-v. ol-aa op. par. petr. phel. Phos. ph-ac. puis. ran. rat. rhod. rhus. sabad. sabin. Samb. sass. sel. sep. Sil. spig. spong. stann. staph, strain, sulph. sulph-ac. tab. teuc. thuj. tong. verat. verb. zinc. Compare : CORYZA with Stoppage. Swelling of the Nose : Alum. am-m.am.ars. aur. aur-mur. bell. bov. Bry. calc. cann. canth. carb-an. cocc. graph. hep. ign. kal. lyc magn-m. mere, natr-m. petr. phos. puis. ran. rhus. Sep. Sulph. thuj. Zinc. —Alee nasi (of the): Aur-mur. lach.phel.magn-m. natr-m. sulph. thuj. —Bridge or back of the Nose (of the): Kal-bich. ph-ac. —Nostrils (of the): Am-c. bell, canth cocc. lach. natr-m. nitr. zinc. —Pomt of the Nose (of the): Bor. calc. kal, sep. suJph. —Semi-lateral: Aur-mur. cocc. croc, natr-m. zinc. Tickling in the Nose: Arg. carb-v. cin. gran. kalm. ol-aa puis, sabad. spig. teuc. Torpor, numbness in the Nose (sensation of): Asa. plat. samb. Ulceration in the Nose: Cham, kal-bich. staph, sulph. —Nostrils (in the): Alum. arn. aur. bry. calc. cocc. graph. ign. Kal. lach. Lyc. mang. magn-m. mere mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. petr. phos. Puls. sep. sil. staph, sulph. tart. Vesicles in the Nose : Magn. nitr-ac. plumb, sil. For other symptoms and Affections of the Nose—See : CORYZA ; or the Pathological name of the affec- tioa NOSTRILS (the passage through the nose). See : NOSE. NOSTALGIA (home-sickness). Remedies, In General : Aur. caps, carb-an. hell. ign. men. nitr-ac. ph-ac. sil. Compare • MIND ODONTALGIA. 243 NOTALGIA (back-ache). See : BACK, and LOINS, Pains. NUMBNESS. Remedies, In General: Acon. alum. amb. am-c. am-m. anac. arg. asa. aur. bar-c. bry. calc Carb-an. Carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin. cic. cin."Cocc. croc. dros. euphorb. Graph, guaj. hyos. ign. iod. Kal. led. Lyc mag- arc, magn-m. mere, mosch. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat, plumb, puis. rhod. rhus. sec. sep. Sil. spig. spong. stram. sulph. teuc. thuj. val. verat. Compare with: DEADNESS ; and see the Par- ticular Organs affected. NYCTALOPIA (night vision; diurnal blindness). Remedies, In General : Acon. Con. nitr. nux-v. phos. sil. strain. sulph NYMPHOMANIA (uterine furor). Diagnosis. Excessively increased or insatiable sexual desire—overpowering reason, and degenerating into rage and madness. Reme- dies. In General: Bell. Canth. chin. con. graph, hyos. lach. mere nux-v. phos. Plat. puis. Verat. zinc. OBESITY (corpulence, excess of fat). Remedies, In Gen- eral : Agar. ant. Calc. capjs. clem. cocc. con. cupr. ferr. hyos. lyc. lup. natr. puis. sil. sulph, DDONTALGIA (toothache). Remedies, In General : Acon. agar. alum. amb. anac. ant. arg. arn. aur. bar-c. Bell. bor. bov. Bry. calc. canth. carb-v. caus. Cham. Chin. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. hell. hyos. ign. kal. kreos. lach. lyc. Mag-arc. magn. magn-m. Merc. mez. Natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac n-mos. Nux-v. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. plumb. Puls. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. sabad. sabin. sen. Sep. sil. spig. Staph, stront. Sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. Arthritic : Acon. arn. bell. bry. caus. cham. Chin, colch. hep. lyc. magn. mere nux-v. phos. puis. rhod. sabin. Staph, sulph. verat. Carious teeth (in): Ant. bar-c. Bell. bor. bov. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. chain, chin. coff. clem. hep. hyos. kal. lach. lyc. mag. Mag-arc. mag-aus. magn. magn-m. mang. Merc. Mez. Natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac nux-v. par. phos. ph-ac. plat. Plumb, puis. rhus. rhus-r. sabad. sabin. sel. Sep. siL spig. Staph, sulph. sulph-ac. Tar. thuj. verat. zinc. Coffee (from abuse of): Bell. Cham. caus. cocc. Ign. ipec. lyc. mere nux-v. puis. rhus. sep. sulph. Cold or chill (from a): Acon. bar-c. belL Cham. chin. coff. dulc hyos. ign. Merc, n-mos. a x-v. phos. puis. rhod. rhus sulph. Cold damp air (from): Ant. calc. carb-v. colch. dulc. lach 214 ODONTALGIA. Odontalgia vfrom coid damp air): lve mere nitr-ac. N-mos. nux-v. puis. rhod. Rhus. ruta. sen. spig. staph, stront. sulph. verat. Cold (Aggravated by): Agar. ant. arg-nit. ars. calc. carb-v con. hell. hep. kal. magn. mang. mere nitr. ph-ac. rhod. sil. spig. sulph. —Air (by): Alum. bell. bry. calc. caus. chin. hyos. mag- arc mere natr-m. nitr. n-mos. nux-v. petr. phos. rhod. sabin. sass. sel. sep. sil. spig. staph, sulph. — Water (by): Ant. bar-c. bor. bry. calc. carb-an. cast. cham. graph, lach. mere mur-ac. n-mos. nux-v. puis. spig. staph, sulph. Cold (Relieved by): Bry. clem, natr-s. nux-v. puis. sep. —Air (by): Natr-s. nux-v. puis. rhus. sep. — Water (by): Amb. bry. clem. magn. puis. Cold drinks (from): Ant. bry. carb-v. cham. mag. mere mosch. nux-v. puis. rhod. sil. staph, sulph. Oongestive : Acon. aur. bell. calc. cham. chin. hyos. ign, phos. plat. puis, sulph. Constipation (with): Bry. cocc. lyc. mere nux-v. op. plumb. sil. staph, sulph. Diarrhosa (with): Cham. dulc. n-mos. puis. rhus. Eating (after): Ant. bell. bry. chain, graph, ign. lach. mag- arc natr. natr-m. nux-v. sabin. spig. stana staph. Eating (when): Arg-nit. aur. bell. bry. canth. carb-v. caus. cham. cocc. euphorb. graph, hep. ign. kal. lach. lyc. magn. magn-m. m,erc. natr. nux-v. phos. puis, sabin. sep. sil. sulph. Evening (in the): Alum. am-c. anac. ant. ars. bar-c. bell. bov. bry. cham. graph, hep. kal. lyc. magn. magn-s. mang. mere mez. natr. nitr-ac n-mos. petr. phos. ph-ac. puis. rat. rhus. rhus-r. sabin. sass. sulph. sulph-ac. Exasperation (with): Acon. ars. cham. nux-v. staph. Females (in): Acon. bar-c. bell. calc. carb-v. cham. chin. coff. hyos. ign. magn. mere n-mos. plat. puis. rhus. sabin. sel sep. spig. staph. Heat (aggravated by): Amb. anac. ang. bar-c. bell. bry. . calc. carb-v. cham. coff. graph, hell. hep. lach. mag-arc magn. mere, n-mos. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhod. rhus. sabin. sil. sulph. —Relieved by: Ars. bov. kal. kal-hyd. lach. lyc. magn-s. mur-ac. natr. n-mos. nux-v. rhus. sulph-ac. Lactation (during): Bell. bry. calc. carb-v. cham. Chin coi dulc. mere nux-v. ph-ac. puis. sep. sil. staph ODONTALGIA. 245 Odontalgia : Menstruation .during): Am-c. Dar-c calc carb-v. cham. graph, hyos. lach. magn. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. puis. sep. Mercury (from abuse of): Ant. bell, carb-v. chin, colch. cupr. hep. lach. nitr-ac. puis. sil. staph, sulph. Molars (in the): Alum. am-c. arn. aur. bar-c. bell. bor. bov. Bry. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. Chin. clem. cocc. coccion. coff. colch. con. croc, euphorb. graph, hell. hyos. ign. iod. kal. Kreos. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. meph. mere mez. natr. nitr. nitr-ac n-mos. nux-v. oleand. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat, plumb, puis. rhus. sabad. sabin. sen. sep. sil, staph, stront. sulph. Zinc. Morning (worse in the): Bry. ign. hyos. lach. mere, nux-v. phos. puis. ran. staph, tart. Nervous : Acon. ars. bell. cham. chin. coff. hyos. ign. mag- arc magn. mez. nux-v. plat. sep. spig. sulph. verat. Night (worse at): Amb. am-c. anac. ars. bar-c. bell. bov. bry. calc. chain, chin. clem. coff. gran, graph, hell. hep. kal. lyc. magn. mere. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. oleand. petr. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhod. rhus. sabin. sep. sil. spig. staph, sulph. Open Air (worse in the): Amb. bell. calc. chin. con. natr-m. n-mos. nux-v. petr. phos. rhus. sabin. sep. sil. spig. staph. sulph. —Relieved by : Natr-s. nux-v. puis. rhus. sep. Pains extending into the Ears : Ars. bry. cham. hep mere nux-v. puis. sep. staph, sulph. —Eyes (to the): Calc. cham. mag-arc. puis. spig. —Face (into the): Am-c. bry. clem. hyos. magn. mere mez. nux-v. puis. rhus. sil. spig. sulph. —Gums (into the): Ars. bell, carb-v. chin. hep. hyos. mag- arc mere nux-v. puis, staph, sulph. —Head (into the): Ant. ars. bry. cham. hyos. mere mez. nux-v. puis. rhus. sulph. Paleness of the Face (with): Ars.puis. spig. Pregnancy (during) : Acon. alum. bell. calc. cham. hyos, n-mos. nux-v. puis. sep. staph. Rheumatic : Acon. arn. bell. bry. caus. cham. chin. hep. mere nux-v. puis. rhus. staph, sulph. verat. Salivation (with): Daph. euphorb. mere phos. puis, rhus-r. stront. Semi-lateral : Calc. Cham. chin, coloc. ign. Merc, mez, nux-v. ph-ac. plat. Puls. rhus. spig. Staph, sulph. Shiverings (with): Daph. euphorb. lach. mere puis sulph 21* 246 OEDEMA Odontalgia : Swelling of the Fa.-e (with): Arn. ars. bell. bry. carb-v cham. lach. iye mag-arc. mere, nux-v. petr. puis, sep staph, sulph. Swelling of the Glands under the Jaw (with): Carb-v cham. mere nux-v. sep. staph. Swelling of the Gums (with): Acon. bar-c. bell. calc. cham chin, carb-v. hep. mag. mag-are mere natr-m. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. rhus. sep. staph, sulph. Touch (Aggravated by the): Ars. bell. bor. bry. chin, eu- phorb. ign. magn-m. mez. natr-m. nitr. n-mos. nux-v. ph-ac. puis. rhod. sep. staph. Under Teeth (in the): Agar. alum. amb. am-c anac. arg. am. aur. bar-c. Bell. bor. bry. calc. canth. carb-an. carb-v. Caus. Cham. chin. coff. colch. con. dros. euphorb. graph. hell. hep. hyos. kal. kreos. laur. lyc. Mag-arc. maga magn-m. mang. mere mur-ac. Natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. petr. phos. plat. Plumb, puis. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sass. sen. sep. sil. spig. spong. Staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. verat. verb. Zinc. Upper Teeth (in the): Acon. agar. alum. Am-c. am-m. ang. aur. bell. bor. bry. calc. canth. carb-an. Carb-v. caus. cham. Chin. coff. colch. con. euphorb. graph, hell. hyos. kal. Kreos. lyc. mag-arc mag-aus. magn. magn-m. mang. mere mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis, ran-sc. rhod. rhus. sabad. sen. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph, sulph. sidph-ac. thuj. verat. zinc. Warm in Bed (worse on getting): Ant. cham. hep. mere p>hos. ph-ac. puis, sabin. Warmth of a Room (worse from the): Ant. cham. hep. rnag-are magn. nux-v. puis. Also, see—and compare: TEETH Pains, 4c EDEMA (tumefaction; dropsical swelling of single parts). Remedies, In General : Am-c. ant. Ars. aur. bar-c bell. bry. Chin. dig. dulc. ferr. Hell. kal. led. lyc. mere. phos. plumb, puis. rhod. rhus. sabin. samb. squill, stram. sulph. Animal Fluids (from loss of): Ars. calc. Chin. ferr. kal. phos. puis, squill, sulph. Mercury (from abuse of): Ant. aur. bell. Chin, colch. dulc. hell, nitr-ac. puis. Sulph. Quinine (from abuse of): Ars. Ferr. puis. sep. sulph. verat. Compare : DROPSY : and See : the Particular organs affected. OPHTHALMIA. 247 OESOPHAGITIS (inflammation of the gullet). Diagnosis. Sensation of burning heat in some part of the oesopha- gus (seldom through the whole length of the gullet), attended with painful and difficult deglutition, and accompanied with a greater or less degree of fever, according to the severity and extent of the inflamma- tion. Remedies, In General : Acon. arn. ars. Bell. bry. canth. carb-v. cocc. euphorb. hyos. Merc. mez. rhus. rhus-r. sabad. tart. OESOPHAGUS (the gullet, or passage leading from the pharynx to the stomach). Contraction of the Oesopha- gus : Ars. bry. nux-v. phos. rhus. sulph. tart. Paralysis of the GCsophagus : Ars. bell. caus. cic. cocc. con. ipec. kal. lack. laur. n-mos. plumb, puis. sil. Also, See : LARYNX, BRONCHIA, and THROAT ; and DYSPHAGIA. OMENTITIS (inflammation of the omentum). See : PERI- TONITIS. ONANISM (masturbation). See: MASTURBATION. OOPHORITIS (inflammation of the ovaries). Diagnosis. Pain in the ovarian region, sometimes of a severe char- acter, in other cases it is felt only on pressure. In a high degree of inflammation there is a perceptible cir- cumscribed swelling of the part, attended with fever, headache, gastric derangement, hot feeling of the vagina, diminished secretion of urine, and a greater or less dis- turbance of the nervous system. Remedies, In Gen- eral : Acon. ars. aur. bell. Bry. Canth. con. Lach. nux-v. plat, staph, sulph. OPHTHALMIA (inflammation of the eyes). Remedies, In General : Acon. alum. amb. anac. ant. am. ars. asar. aur. bare. Bell. bor. brom. bry. calc. camph. cann.canth. caps. caus. Cham. chin. cinn. clem. cocc. coff. coloc. con. croc. crot. cupr. dig. dulc. euphorb. Euphr. ferr. gran. graph. Hep. Ign. iod. ipec. kal-bich. kreos. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. Merc. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux-v. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. plumb. Puls. ran. rat rhod. rhus. rhus-r. sen. sep. sil. Spig. stann. staph, stram. stront. Sulph. sulph-ac tar. teuc. thuj. verat. zinc. Chronic : Alum. ars. aur. Bar-c. bor. calc. cann. caus. chin. clem. dig. dulc. euphr. ferr. graph, hep. kreos. lach. laur. lyc. natr. nitr-ac. petr. phos. rhus. sep. sil. spig. Sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. verat. Fatigue of the Eyes (from): Bell, carb-v. ruta. spig- sulph 248 OTALGIA. Ophthalmia: Infants (in): Acon. belL bor. cham. dulc. euphr. me re sulph. Scrofulous : Ars. aur. Bar-c bell. Calc. caus. cann. chia clem. con. dig. dulc. euphr. ferr. graph. Hep. ign. iod. kreos. lyc. mere merc-iod. natr. natr-m. nux-v. ol-jec. puis. rhus. sep. Sulph. Syphilitic: Aur. Merc. Nitr-ac. puis, sulph. thuj. Traumatic : Acon. am. calc. euphr. uitr-ac petr. puis. ruta. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. OPISTHOTONOS (retrorsal convulsions; head bent back- ward in tetanus). Remedies, In General : Ang. Bell. cic. cupr. ign. ipec. nux-v. Op. rhus. stann. stram. OPIUM (sufferings from). Remedies, In General : Am-c. bell, camph. coff. hvos. ipec. mere. natr. nux-v. Compare with: ^NARCOTICS. ORCHITIS (inflammation of the testicle). Remedies, Lt General : Acon. am. ars. aur. cann. clem. cupr. lyc mere. natr. nitr-ac. nux-v. plumb, puis. rhus. sass. spong. Mechanical Injuries (from): Arn. con. puis. rhus. ruta. zinc. Metastasis in Mumps (from): Arn. aur. clem. Nux-v. Puls. zinc. Suppressed Gonorrhoea (from): Aur. cann. clem, mere nitr-ac. Puls. sulph. ORTHOPNEA (difficult respiration). Remedies, In Gen- eral : Am-c. Ars. aur. bar-c. bell. bry. carb-v. cupr. chin. graph, hep. hyos. ign. Ipec. lach. lact. lyc. nux-v. op phos. puis. samb. Sulph. tart, verat. Children (in): Ars. camph. chin. Ipec. puis. Samb. tart. Old persons (in): Ars. aur. Bar-c. carb-v. con. Lach. Op. sec. Paralytic: Ars. Bar-c carb-v. chin, hydr-ac. Lach. laur op. sen. tart. Compare: ASTHMA, CATARRH, and RESPIRA- TION. OSCHEOCELE (hernia in the scrotum). See : HERNIA. OSTITIS (inflammation of a bone). See : BONES. OTALGIA (earache). Remedies, In General: Ant. ara Bell, bor. bry. calc. Cham. chin. dros. dulc. hep. maga mere nux-v. Puls. spig. sulph. thuj. Chill (from a): Bell. Cham. chin. dulc. nerc. puis, sulph. Inflammatory : Bell. bry. calc cham. magn. mere, nux-v Puls PAINS IN GENERAL 24S Otalgia : Rheumatic: Arn. Bell. bry. chin. hep. Merc, nux-v. Puls. spig. sulph. Compare : OTITIS ; and EARS Pains, 4c OTITIS (inflammation in the ear). Remedies, In General : Acon. Bell. bor. bry. calc. canth. cham. chin. hep. Merc nux-v. Puls. sulph. Compare: EARS Inflammation, Pains, 4c. OTORRHG3A (discharge from the ear, chronic otitis). Rem- edies, In General: Alum. anac. asa. aur. bell. bor. brom. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cic. colch. con. graph, hep. kaL lach, lyc. Merc natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. phos. Puls. rhus. sel. sep. sil. spig. Sulph. Acute Otitis (after): Bell. calc. mere puis. sil. sulph. Catarrhal : Bell. calc. carb-v. Merc. Puls. sulph. Measles (after): Bell. Carb-v. lyc. Puls. mere sulph. Mercury (from abuse of): Aur. asa. Hep. Nitr-ac sil. sulph. Scarlatina (after): Bell. hep. lyc. mere Puls. nitr-ac. sulph. Small-pox (after): Bell, carb-v. hep. mere puis. rhus. sulph. Suppressed : Bell. bry. dulc. mere nux-v. phos. Puls. sulph. Compare: EARS Discharge, 4c. OVARIA (female testes). Dropsy in the Ovaria: Bell. dulc. mere sabad. Induration of the Ovaria : Chin, graph, lach. plat, staph. Inflammation : Acon. ars. aur. bell. Bry. Canth. con. Lach. nux-v. plat, staph, sulph. Pains in the Ovaria: Bell, canth. lach. podoph. staph. Swelling of the Ovaria: Am-m. graph, lach. sulph. Ulceration in the Ovaria: Asa. aur. lach. mere plat. staph thuj. OVARIAN DROPSY (encysted hydatid tumors in one of the ovaria, sometimes acquiring great size). Reme- dies. In General : BeU. dulc. mere sabad. OVARITIS (inflammation of the ovaria). See: OOPHORI- TIS. OZENA (purulent discharge from the nose). Remedies, In General: Alum. am-c. ars. asa. Aur. bell. calc. cic cia con, graph, hep. lach. lyc. magn-m. Merc, nitr-ac. petr. ph-ac. puis. rhus. sulph, thuj. Syphilitic : Asa. aur. hep. lach. Merc. Nitr-ac. sulph. thuj. Compare: CORYZA: BONES Ulceration, 4c PAINS IN GENERAL. Aching Pains: Acon. agar, alum 250 PAINS IN GENERAL. Pains in General (aching pains): amb. am-m. ang. arg. Arn. ars. asa. Aur. bar-c Bell. berb. bov. bry. calc. camph. cann. Caps, carb-an. Carb-v caus. Chin. cin. cocc. con. Cupr. cupr-acet. cupr-carb. cyc. Daph. diad. dig. dros. dulc. eup. ferr. graph, guaj. hell. hep. Ign. kal. lach. led. Lyc. mag-arc magn. magn-m. mang. Merc. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. ran. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. Ruta. sep. Sil. spig. spong. stann. Staph, stront. sulph. thuj. vera' zinc. Biting : Agar. amb. ant. arg. asar. bell. bry. calc. camph. canth. carb-an. Carb-v. caus. cham. chin. clem. con. dros. dulc. graph, hell. hep. ign. Kal. lach. lyc. magn. mere. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. petr. phos. ph-ac. puis. ran. Ran-sc. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sel. sen. sep. siL spig. stann. staph. Sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. val. Zinc. Bruise (as from a): Acon. alum. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. ant. Arg. Arn. ars. asa. asar. aur. bar-c. bell. bov. Bry. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps, carb-v. caus. Chin. Cic. Cin. cist. Cocc. coff. Con. croc. cupr. cyc. dig. dros. dulc. hell. hep. Ign. iod. ipec. kal, Kreos. lach. led. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. mere mez. mur-ac. natr. Natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. oleand. par. phos. Ph-ac plat. Puls. ran. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. Ruta. sep.Siuspig. spong. stann. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. thuj. val. Verat. viol-od. zinc. Burning : Acon. agar. am-c. ant. arg. am. Ars. asa. bar-c. bell. Bry. calc. camph. Canth. carb-an. Carb-v. Caus. cham. chel. chin. cic. cocc. colch. con. cupr. dig. dulc. Euphorb. euphr. graph, hep. ign. ipec. kal. kal-hyd. kreos. lach. led. lyc. magn-m. mang. Merc, mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux-v. petr. Phos. Ph-ac. plat, plumb. puis. ran. ran-sc. Rhus, rhus-r. ruta. Sabad. sabin. sec. sen. Sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph stram. stront. Sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. verat. zinc Cramp-like : Acon. agar. Amb. anac. Ang. arg. arg-nit arn. ars. asa. asar. aur. bar-c. Bell. bov. bry. Calc. camph. cann. canth. caus. cham. Carb-v. chin, cic Cin. cocc. Coloc. con. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. graph, hep. hyos. Ign. ipec. kal. kal-hyd. lach. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. mere mez. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac nux-v. Oleand. op. par. petr. phos. Ph-ac. Plat, plumb, puts. ran. rhod. rhus. ruta. sec. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann staph, stram. sulph. verat. zinc. PAINS IN GENERAL. 251 Pains in General : Cutting : Alum. amb. ang. ant. arg. arn. ars. asa. bell. berb. bov. bry. calad. Calc cann. Canth. caps. cast. caus. cheL chin. cin. clem, colch. Coloc. con. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. graph, hyos. ign. Kal. lach. laur. lyc. magn-m. mangs Merc, mur-ac Natr. natron. Nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. plumb, puis. ran. rheum, rhus. ruta sabin. samb. sass. sen. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph, sulph sulph-ac. thuj. val. verat. Drawing. See: Tearing. Dull: Agar. anac. ant. asar. bis. bov. bry. calc. canth. carb-v. caus. chel. Chin. clem. cocc. con. cyc. dros. dulc. ferr. hell. Hyos. ign. laur. led. lyc. mere mosch. natr natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. ph-ac. plumb, puis. rhod. rhus. sabad. sass. sen. sep. sil. spong. squill, stront. sulph- ac. thuj. verat. Excoriation (as from) : Acon. alum. amb. am-m. anac. Arg arn. ars. asa. aur. bar-c. bell. bov. bry. calc. cann. canth. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cic. cin. clem, colch. con. dig. dros. euphorb. Graph, hep. Ign. iod. kal. kreos. lach. lyc. magn-m. mere mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat, plumb, puis. ran. rhod. rhus. sabad. sen. Sep. sil. stann. staph, sulph. Sulph- ac thuj. verat. Zinc. Gnawing: Agar. alum, am-c am-m. arg. ars. asa. bar-c. bell, calad. calc. cann. canth. caus. cham. chel. cocc. con. cupr. dros. graph, hell. hep. iod. kal. kreos. lach. laur. lyc. magn mang. mere mez. nux-v. oleand. par. phos. ph-ac. Plat. puis. Ran-sc. rhod. rhus. ruta. sen. spig. spong. staph, stront. sulph. thuj. verat. zinc. Jerking : Agar. alum. amb. anac. arg. arn. ars. Asa. asar. aur. Bell. bry. Calc. camph. canth. carb-v. caus. Chin. cin. clem. cocc. colch. con. cupr. graph, hyos. ign, ind. kal. laur. lyc. mang. mosch. mere mez. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat, plumb. podoph. Puls. ran. rat. rheum, rhod. rhus. sep. si), spig. spong. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. vol. verat. zinc. Labor-pains (like): Acon. ant. am, art. asa. bor. bov. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. Cham. chin. cin. cocc. coff. con. croc. cupr. ferr. fer-carb. graph, hyos. ign. iod. ipec. kal. Kreos. lach. lyc magn. magn-m. mere mosch. mur- ac. n»,tr-m. n-mos. Nux-v. op. phos. ph-ac. Plat, podoph. Puis. rhus. ruta. sabin. Sec. Sep. stann. sulph. thuj. zinc 252 PAINS IN GENERAL. Pains in General : Oppressive : Ant. ars. bell. bov. bry. calc. caus. cham. chin cin. cocc, coff. colch. con. hyos. ign. kreos. magn. Mosch natr-m. nux-v. plat, plumb, puis. rhus. sabad. sen. sep spig. staph. Paralytic : Acon. amb. am-m. anac. ang. ant. ars. asa. asar. aur. bar-c. bell. bis. bov. bry. calc. caps, carb-an. carb-v caus. cham. chel. Chin. Cin. Cocc. colch. coloc. con. croc. cyc. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph, hell. hyos. Ign. kal. led. lyc. magn-m. mere mez. mosch. natr. natr-m. nitr. nux-v. op. oleand. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. Plat, plumb. Puls. rhus. ruta. sabad. Sabin. sec. sen. sep. sil. stann. staph, stront. sulph. val. verat. zinc. Piercing (boring): Agar. alum. anac. ang. arg. arn. asa, aur. Bell. bis. bor. bov. calc. canth. carb-v. caus, chin. cin. clem. cocc. dros. dulc. euphorb. Hell. hep. ign. kal. lach. laur. lyc. magn. magn-m. mang. mere mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. oleand. petr. phos. ph-ac. plumb, puis. ran. Ran-sc. rhod. rhus. sabad. sabin. sen. sep. sil. Spig. stann. staph, stront. sulph. tar. zinc. Pinching : Acon. alum. am-c. anac. ant. arg. arn. asa. bell. bry. Calc. cann. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. Chel. chin. cin. Cocc. con. croc. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. graph. hyos. Ign. iod. ipec. kal. lyc. magn-m. Men. mere mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. oleand. par. petr. phos. plat. puis. ran. Ran-sc. rhod. rhus. ruta. Sabad. samb. sen. sep. spig. spong. Stann. stapih. stront. sulph. thuj. verat. zinc. Pressing : Acon. agar. alum. amb. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. arg. arn. ars. asar. aur. Bell. bis. bry. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. Chin. cin. clem. cocc. colch. coloc con. cupr. cyc. dig. dros. euphorb. graph, hell. hep. hyos. Ign. iod. kal. lach. led. lyc. magn. men. mere mez. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr- ac. n-mos. nux-v. oleand. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. plumb, puis, ran-sc. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabin. sass. sen. Sep sil. spong. Stann. staph, stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tar thuj. val. verat. Zinc. Pricking : Acon. alum. amb. am-m. anac arg. Arn. ars, Asa. bar-c. Bell. bov. Bry. calad. Calc. cann. Canth. caus. chel. Chin. cocc. colch. coloc. euphr. ferr. graph, hell. Ign. kal. laur. magn-m. mang. Merc. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. Nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. par. phos. plat. Puls. ran ran-sc. Rhus, rhus-r. ruta sabad. sabin. sass. sel. sep. sil PAINS IN GENERAL. 253 Pains in General (pricking): spig. spong. stann. Staph, stront Sulph. sulph-ac Tar Thuj. val. verat. zinc. Pulsative : Acon. alum, am-m. anac. arg. ars. asa, aur Bell. bor. bry. Calc. caps, carb-v. chain, clem. cocc. dros, dulc. eup. ferr. fer-acet. ign. iod. kal. Kreos. lach. lyc Mag-aus. magn. magn-m. mez. natr. Natr-m. nitr-ac. oleand. op. par. petr. Phos. plat. Puls. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sass. sen. Sep. sil. spong. stann. stram, sulph. tart. thuj. verat. zinc. Siu.qting, or Stitching : Acon. aeth. am-c. am-m. ang. ant. Arn. ars. asa. aur. bell. berb. Bry. Calc. cann. camph canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. cham. chin. cin. clem, colch. con. daph. dig. dulc. evon. ferr. gran, graph, guaj. ign. Kal. kal-hyd, kalm. Kreos. laur. led. lyc. magn. mang. men. mere. mez. mosch. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nic. nitr. nitr-ac nux-v. oleand. par. phos. plat Puls. raw. ran-sc. rat. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. ruta. sang. sass. sen. sep. sil. spig. Squill, staph. Sulph. tab. tar. thuj. tong. val. verat. verb viol-tr. zinc Tearing (sharp drawing): Acon. agar. alum. amb. am-m. anac ant. Arg. arn. ars. asa. aur. bar-c. bell. berb. Bry. calc camph. cann. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. Caus. cham. chel. Chin. cic. cin. cocc. colch. coloc. con. cupr. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph, guaj. hell. hep. hyos. ign. Kal. kal- hyd. lach. led. Lyc. magn. magn-s. mang. Merc. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. Nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. phos. ph-ac plumb. Puls. rat. Rhod. Rhus, rhus-r. sabin. sass. sen. sep. Sil. spig. spong. stann. Staph, stront. Sulph. sulph- ac. tar. thuj. val. verat Zinc Ulceration (as from): Alum. amb. am-c. Am-m. arg. arn. ars. asa. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. cann. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cic. cocc. cupr. cyc. dig. graph, hep. ign. kal. kreos. Lach. laur. magn. magn-m. mang. mere mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v Phos. ph-ac. plat. Puls. Ran. rhus. ruta. sec. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. verat. zinc. Violent (insupportable): Acon. alum. arn. Ars. calc-ph canth. cham. chin. cocc. Coff. Coloc con. crotal. cujir cupr-acet. ind. iod. lach, laur. mere nitr. nux-v. op. petr phos. plumb, ran. sec. tab. tart. Wandering : Arn. ars. asa. bell, calc-ph. chin, daph, ign kal-bich. lach. lact. mang. n-mos. nux-v. plumb. Puis rhod rhus. Rhus-r. sabin. sass. sec. sep. sulph, val. zinc. 9.2, £54 PALPITATION OF THE HEART. Pains in General : Compare the foregoing with: Pains in the Pcrticulai Organs. PAINTER'S COLIC (lead colic). See: COLIC. PALATE (back part of the roof of the mouth). Inflamma- tion of the Palate: Acon. aur. bar-c. bar-m. Bell. Calc Chin. coff. lach. Merc, nitr-ac ^ivx-v. sil. Inflammation of the Velum-paliti (soft palate): Acon bell. coff. Merc, nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. Inflammation of the Uvula (pendulous part of the soft palate): Bell. calc. coff. mere natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. Nux-v. puis, sabad. sen. sulph. Ulceration of the Palate: Aur. bar-c. bar-m. bell. calc. lach. mere ph-ac. sil. Ulceration of the Velum-paliti : Dros. ph-ac. Vesicles in the Palate: Calc. carb-v. nux-v. phos. sil. spig. For other Affections of the Palate—See: MOUTH, or the Pathological name of the Affection. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. Remedies, In Gen eral : Acon. amb. am-c. ang. ant. arg-nit. ars. asa. aur. bar-c. bar-m. Bell. berb. bov. brom. bry. calc. camph, carb-v. caus. cham. Chin. clem. cocc. coff. colch. con. cupr. dig. ferr. gran, graph, hep. hyos. ign. Iod. kal. kalm. lach. laur. Lyc mag-arc mag-aus. magn. magn-m. Merc mez. mosch. mur-ac. narr. Natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. oleand. op. par. petr. Phos. ph-ac. plat, plumb. Puls. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. ruta. sabad. sabin. sass. sec. sel. sen. Sep. sil. Spig. spong. staph, stront. sulph, sulph-ac. tab. tart. thuj. val. Verat. viol-od. zinc. Anxiety (with): Acon. ang. ars. aur. bell. bry. Calc. camph. cann. cham. chin. cocc. croc. cupr. dig. graph, kal. Lach. laur. lyc. magn. mere mosch. natr. Natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. Phos. plat, plumb. Puls. rhus. ruta. sass. Spig. epong. staph, sulph, tart. thuj. Verat. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc, zinc-ox. Asthmatic Sufferings (with): Acon. amb. am-c. ars. aur. bell. calc. cann. lach. nitr-ac. phos. rhus-r. puis. spig. verau Congestion of Blood (from): Acon. aur. Bell. coff. ferr lach. nux-v. op. phos. puis, sulph. Debilitating Losses (from): Ars. calc. carb-v. Chin. ferr. kal. nux-v. ph-ac. puis. sep. staph, sulph. Evacuation (after an): Caus. con. grat. tart. Exertion (after physical) • Am-c. asa. iod. natr. nitr-ac podoph. thuj. sep. sulph. PARALYSIS. 255 Palpitation of the Heart : Fainting (with): Acon. am-c. lach. n-mos. sen. Fear (from): Acon. coff. ign. nux-v. Op. puis, verat. Fright (from): Acon. coff. nux-v. Op. phos puis, verat. Heat in the Face (with): Acon. bell, nitr-ac. Intellectual Labor (during): Ign. stajth. Lying on the Left Side (when): Ang. bar-c. brom. graph. natr. natr-m. puis. tab. Mkal (after a): Bruc. Calc camph. ign. lyc. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. puis. Morning (in the): Carb-an. ign. kal. lach. lyc. nux-v. phos. Movement (during; : Gran, graph. Natr-m. nitr-ac. par, staph. Nausea (with): Arg-nit. bov. lach. nux-v. phos. puis. thuj. Night (at): Arg-nit. ars. calc. dulc. ign. lyc. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac puis, sulph. Pain in the Heart (with): Agar. ign. lach. Paroxysms (in): Ars. aur. lyc. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. puis. Seated (when): Carb-v. magn-m. phos. rhus. spig. Stairs (when going up): Bell. natr. nitr-ac. sulph. thuj. Suppressed Eruptions (from): Ars. bry. caus. lach. sulph. Trembling (with): Bov. lach. lyc. puis. sep. Trembling of the Heart (with): Bell. calc. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac n-mos. spig. staph. Violent : Aug. ant. arg-nit, Ars. Aur. bar-c. bell. bis. brom. bry. calc. canth. carb-an. con. graph, grat. hep. magn-m. natr. natr-m. nitr. oleand. phos. Puls. rhus. sec. sen. sep spig. staph, sulph. tart. thuj. viol-od. PALSY (local paralysis). See': PARALYSIS. PAMPLEGIA (general paralysis). See: PARALYSIS. PANARIS (felon, whitlow, panaritium). See: FELON. PARALYSIS (loss of motion, or sensation, or both). Reme- dies, In General : Acon. amb. anac. arn. bar-c Bell. bruc. brv. calc. Caus. chel. chin, chin-s. Cocc. colch. con. Dulc hyos. lach. laur. led. lyc. natr-m- Nux-v. oleand. op. Phos. plumb, puis. Rhus. ruta. sang. sec. sep. Sil. stann. stram. sulph. zinc. Apoplexy (from): Anac. arn. bar-c. bell. con. lach. laur. stann. stram. zinc. Debilitating Losses (from): Bare. calc. carb-v. Chin, chin-s. ferr. lach. nux-v. sulph. Semi-lateral (hemiplegia): Agar. alum. anac. arg. ara bar-c. bell, calc carb-v. caus. ci^el. chin, chin-s. cocc. colch 25G PERICARDITIS. Paraivsis (semi-lateral) : cyc. dulc. graph, guaj. hyos. kal. kal-hyd. lach. laur. mez mur-ac. natr-m. nux-v. oleand. phos. ph-ac. plumb, rhus. sabin. sang. sass. spig. staph, stront. sulph-ac. zinc. Compare with: Paralysis of Particular Organs; also, consult causes; and see the concomitant symptoms, under their respective heads. PARAMENIA (dysmenorrhea). Sec: MENSTRUATION. PARONCHIA (whitlow, felon). See : FELON. PAROTID GLANDS (salivary glands beneath the ear). Induration of the Parotid Glands: Am-c con. sil. Inflammation of the Parotid Glands : Aur. bell. calc. Cham. Kal. Merc, nitr-ac. rhus. Pains Shooting in the Parotids: Bell. ign. mere puis. Swelling of the Parotids: Am-c bar-c. bell. calc. carb-an. carb-v. Cham. cocc. con. dig. ign. iod. Kal. lach. Merc nitr-ac. Rhus. sil. PAROTITIS (inflammation of the parotid glands). See: MLTMPS. PARTURITION (act of child-bearing). Spasms or Convul- sions during parturition: Bell. cham. chin-s. Cic. cin. cocc. Hyos. ign. ipec. plat, stram. For other affections during or after Parturition, See: LABOR, and LYING-IN. PARULIS (gum-boil). Remedies, In General : Bell. calc. hep. mere nux-v. puis. Sil. staph, sulph. PEMPHIGUS (vesicular eruption, with or without fever). Diagnosis. An eruption of vesicles, varying in size from a split pea to a walnut, filled with a serous fluid, and resembling blisters arising from a scald. The disease may be attended with fever (acute pemphigus), which generally lasts for several days, when the vesicles, hav- ing arrived at maturity, burst, and form into scabs, of a whitish or light brown color, or pass into painful and protracted ulcerations. The disease, when unaccom- panied by fever (chronic pemphigus), may continue for months, or years, in which case new vesicles continue to form successively as the older ones disappear. Remedies, In General: Bell, canth. carb-v. cic. clem. dulc. graph. hep. lach, ran. Rhus, rhus-r. tart, sulph. Chronic: Ars. bell. cic. clem. dulc. graph, hep. kal. kreos. lach. mere natr. phos. ran. rhus. rhus-r. sep sil. staph, sulph. PERICARDITIS (inflammation of the pericardium). Diaq- PERITONITIS 257 rrrsnv.RniTis: y,osis. Burning, pricking, or shooting pain in the region of the heart, frequently extending into the shoulder, and sometimes into the arm. The pain is increased by deep inspiration, and by pressure over the precordial region. The respiration is accelerated, laborious, and often irreg- ular, especially on moving. There is usually a high dfr gree of inflammatory action, with accelerated and vari- able pulse, great anxiety, restlessness, and frequent fainting. The patient finds it difficult or impossible to lie on the left side, and generally obtains the greatest relief from lying on the back. Remedies, In General: Acon. arn. ars. bell. brom. bry. cann. crot. kal. lach. phos. spig. sulph. Compare with : CARDITIS ; and the Particular symptoms, under their respective heads. PERIODICAL (sufferings). Remedies, In General: Acon. Alum. amb. anac. ant. am, Ars. aur. bar-c. bell. bov. bry. calc. canth. caps, carb-v. Chin, chin-s. cim. cin. clem. cocc. colch. cupr. diad, dros. ferr. graph, hyos. ign. ijuc kal. lach. Lyc. mere natr. Natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac Nux-v. petr. phos. plumb, podoph, puis. ran. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. sabad. samb. sass. sec. sep. sil. spig. staph, sulph, val. verat. zinc. lERIPNEUMONIA (inflammation, including both the lungs and pleura). Diagnosis. This disease is usually ushered in by a chill, followed by heat, fever, oppressed, short, hurried, and painful respiration: with a short, dry, and continuous cough, at the commencement, excited by deep inspiration, or by speaking. The cough is afterwards followed by expectoration of viscous, lumpy, and tena- cious mucus, generally of a brownish or brick-dust color ; in some cases, however, pure blood is expectorated, in- dicating a very high degree of inflammation. In this form of inflammation of the chest, both pain and oppres- sion are present, the pain being more or less severe and of a stitching character, as the pleura or surface of the lungs is more or less the seat of inflammation. Heat, thirst, high-colored urine, hard, quick, wiry pulse, and other symptoms of inflammatory action are always pres- ent. Remedies, In General : Acon. bell. Bry. chia mere phos. puis. sen. squill, sulph. Compare with: PLEURISY, and PNEUMONIA. PERITONITIS (inflammation of the peritoneum). Diagnosis. 0 0* 25S PERSONS. Peritonitis : Painful tumefaction and tension of the abdomen, with excessively painful sensibility to the touch or pressure. Heat, thirst, high-colored urine, small, quick, wiry pulse, and sometimes vomiting, obstinate constipation, and ischuria, are present, with other symptoms similar to those of enteritis. Remedies, In General: Acon. ars. Bell. Bry. canth. cham, coff. cocc. coloc. hyos. mere Nux-v. rhus. tart verat. Compare: ENTERITIS, and PUERPERAL FEVER. PERSONS. Aged Persons (medicines especially suitable for): Amb. am-c. aur. bare, camph. con. lact. lyc. op. phos. ph-ac. sec. Bilious : Acon. arn. Ars. bell. Bry. cann. Cham. chin. Coloc. con. cupr. dulc. hep. ign. ipec. kal. lach. lye mere natr-m. Nux-v. oleand. petr. phos. plumb. Puls. sec. sep. sil. stann. stram. sulph. tart thuj. verat. Children: Acon. amb. ant. bar-c. Bell. bor. bry. Calc caps. Cham. chin. cic. cin. cocc. coff. con. croc. cupr. dros. hell. hep. Hyos. ign. iod. ipec. lach. lyc. magn. Merc. natr. n-mos. nux-v. puis, rheum, sabad. Sil. spong. stann. staph. sulph. verat. Choleric : Acon. ars. aur. bry. Cham. cocc. Coloc. cupr. hep. kal. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux-v. phos. Plat. puis. sep. stann. Staph, stram. sulph. verat. Debilitated : Am-c. arg. ars. bar-c. bell, calad. Calc. camph carb-v. caus. Chin, chins, cin. con, ferr. iod. kal. lyc. mere natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. petr. phos. Ph-ac. plumb, puis. ran. rhus. sel. Sep. sil. stann. Staph, sulph, verat. zinc. Drunkards : Agar. anac. ant. arn. ars. bar-c. bell. bov. calc carb-v. chel. chin, chin-s. cocc. coff. con. hyos. ign. Lach. led. lyc. natr. natr-m. n-mos. Nux-v. op. puis. ran. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sel. sil. spig. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. verat. zinc. Female : Agar. amb. am-c. am-m. asa. bar-c. Bell. bor. bry. Calc. camph. canth. Caps. caus. Cham. chin. cic. clem. Cocc. con. croc. dig. ferr. graph, hyos. ign, iod. ipec. kal. lach. led. magn. magn-m. mang. mere mosch. natr. n-mos. Plat, plumb. Puls. rhus. rhus-r. sabad. Sabin. sec. sen. Sep. sil. spong. sulph. val. Fleshy : Agar. am-m. ang. ant. asa. bell. bry. Calc camph Caps. cham. chin. clem. cocc. coloc. con. croc. cupr. dig Ferr. graph, guaj. hyos. ipec. kaL lach. lyc. mere natr PERSPIRATION. 259 Persons(fleshy): oleand. op. plumb, puis, sabad. sen. sil. spig. spong, sulph. Lean : Amb. ant. Ars. bar-c. bry. cham. chin. clem, cupr ferr. graph, ign. ipec. lach. lyc mere, natr-m. nitr-ac, nux-v. ;>/ General: Ars. chin. lach.mere oleand. sabad. staph, sulph PHTHISIS (consumption). Diagnosis. In the early stage of the disease, the most prominent symptoms of pulmo- nary phthisis are, dry cough, oppressed respiration, shortness of breath, emaciation, greatly accelerated pulse, hectic fever, and burning in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. As the disease advances, night-sweats supervene, the cough becomes more ha- rassing, with expectoration of mucus, or pus, with in creased emaciation, and prostration of strength. In the later stages of the disease, the bowels (which in the early stage of the disease are usually costive) generally become relaxed, and severe attacks of diarrhoea ensue, which, with oedematous swelling of the feet and lower extremities, are harbingers of approaching dissolution. Remedies, In General: Acon. amb. am-c. am-m. arn. ars. bell. bry. Calc. carb-v. caus. Chin, chin-s. con, cupr. dros. dulc. ferr. graph, hep. iod. Kal. Kal-hyd. kreos. lach. laur. led. Lyc mere natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. ol-jee petr. Phos. ph-ac. Puls. rhus. samb. sang. sep. sil. spong. Stann. sulph. sulph-ac. verat. zinc. Consult Causes,—and Compare with the Particular symptoms, under their respective heads. PHYMOSIS (morbid contraction of the prepuce). Reme- dies, In General : Acon, arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. caps hep. lach. mere nitr-ac. rhus. sabad. sulph. thuj. Children (in): Acon. calc. mere sulph. Mechanical Injury (from): Acon. arn. rhus. Poisonous Substances (from): Acon. bell. bry. camph Uncleanliness (from): Acon, mere, sulph. PHYSOMETRA (inflation of the uterus). Remedies, In Gen- eral : Lyc phos. ph-ac. sang. Compare: ABDOMEN, Distension of the Hypogastrium, PILES (haemorrhoids). See : HAEMORRHOIDS. PITYRIASIS (dandriff; bran-like spots, chiefly on the head). Remedies, In General : Alum. Ars. bry. Calc con. graph, hep. led. lyc. Phos. rhus. sep. staph, sulph. PNEUMONIA. 263 PLACENTA (the after-birth) Retained : Bell, canth. cham Puls. op. sabin. Sec. sep. PLAGUE (pestes bubonica, Levantine plague). Diagnosis. Malignant inflammation and swelling of the cervical, parotid, axillary, and inguinal glands (pestes bubonica), accompanied with petechia, or dark gangrenous spots, resembling carbuncles; which, with the buboes, pass rapidly into sphacelus. The disease is attended with violent fever, headache, anxiety, cerebral affections, nausea, vomiting, evacuation of fetid matters, and the highest degree of prostration. Remedies, In General : Ars. bell. bry. carb-v. Chin. hep. kreos. lach. nux-v. rhus. sil. sulph. verat. PLETHORA (fullness of blood). See BLOOD Plethora. PLEURISY (inflammation of the pleura). Diagnosis. Severe stitching pain in the side of the chest, increased by inspi ration, and attended with anxious and difficult respira- tion, hot skin, dry tongue, hard quick pulse, and other symptoms of inflammatory fever. Cough is not a con comitant of simple pleurisy ; and when present, it indi- cates a bronchitic, or pneumonic complication. Remedies, In General : Acon. arn. Bry. carb-an. chin. hep. kal. kal-hyd. lach. mere nux-v. phos. squill, sulph. Compare with PNEUMONIA, PERIPNEUMONIA, ami PLEURODYNIA. PLEURODYNIA (bastard pleurisy ; a rheumatic affection of the pleura, or intercostal muscles, attended with stitching pains, increased by inspiration, as in pleurisy) Remedies, In General: Acon. Arn. bry. nux-v. puis. sabad. sulph. PLICA POLONIC A (morbid plaiting or matting of the hair). Re-medies, In General : Brane bor. lyc. vine. PNEUMONIA (inflammation of the lungs). Diagnosis. Chilliness, followed by heat, fever, and oppressed, short, and hurried respiration; with a distressing, short, and continuous dry cough at the commencement,—after- wards attended with expectoration of lumpy, viscous mucus, generally of a rusty or brick-dust color, or, in a very high degree of inflammation, of pure blood. In uncomplicated cases of Pneumonia, the patient com- plains of oppression, rather than of pain, as in Peripneu- monia. The cough is excited by speaking, and by every deep inspiration. The pulse is liable to great varia- tions but is usually full, strong, and quick, or in a higl» 264 POISONS. Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs): degree of inflammation, hard and wiry,—yet in the high est degree of inflammation, it may become weak, small, and soft, in consequence of the obstructed circulation of the blood through the lungs. The tongue is usually parched, red, or dark colored, with thirst, high-colored urine, and other phenomena of inflammatory fever. Remedies, In General : Acon. arn. ars. bell. Bry. cann. canth. caps. chin. hyos. lach. lyc. mere nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. op. Phos. ph-ac puis. rhus. sabad. sang. sen. sep. squill sulph. tart, verat. First Stage (stage of active inflammation): Acon. bell. Bry. cann. canth. caps. Phos. Second Stage (red hepatization): Acon. bry. lach lye Phos. Sulph. tart. Third Stage (suppurative): Ars. chin. hep. laur. Lyc. mere Phos. puis. Compare with the Particular symptoms, under their respective heads. PNEUMONIA NOTHA (asthenic pneumonia, as occurring in aged people; characterized by oppressed respira- tion, weak, quick pulse, loose cough, with mucous or blood-streaked expectoration, and great prostration of strength). Remedies, In General : Acon. am-c. am-m. arn. ars. bar-c. bell. cham. Ipec. laur. Merc, nux-v. phos. puis. tart, verat. PNEUMONIA TYPHOID. Diagnosis. Pneumonia, charac- terized by typhoid symptoms:—as weak, quick pulse— brown, parched tongue—offensive breath—dry or clam- my skin—with expectoration of dark-colored bloody mucus—excessive debility, and tendency to putrid dis- solution. Remedies, In General : Arn. ars. bell. bry. hyos. ipec. op, phos. ph-ac. puis. rhus. sang. sen. sulph. Compare with the Particular symptoms, under their respective heads. Note.—For the Sequela of Pneumonia, in general: the principal remedies are : Am-c. lach. Lyc. phos. Sulph. PODAGRA (gout in the feet). See : ARTHRITIS. POISONS. When it is ascertained that poisonous substances have been taken into the stomach, we should immediate- ly endeavor to cause their ejection by vomiting, or neu- tralize their effects by antidotes. Vomiting should be excited by drinking large quantities of tepid water, putting the finger down the throat, or by tickling the POISONS. 265 Pjisons : throat with a feather; or by placing snuff or mustard mixed with salt upon the tongue; or by mixing a tea- spoonful of powdered mustard and two teaspoonsml of salt in a tumbler of water, and let the patient drink it at a draught, and follow its administration by copious draughts of tepid water. If these means fail, or cannot be made use of, give injections of tobacco smoke. The Primripal Antidotes, most safely administered, where the kind of poison is unknown, are: sugar and water ; or white of eggs—especially if there be violent pains in the stomach and bowels; or strong coffee, if the patient be dull, stupid, giddy, delirious, or raving; or soap-water in large quantities, where there is reason to suppose the poison to consist of mineral or corrosive acids, and the patient complains of a sour, burning, acrid taste, or acrid scalding heat in the mouth, throat, and stomach, with acute pains in the stomach and bowels. Soap-water should never be administered in case of poisoning by alkaline substances, such as potass, soda, lime, etc. Acids (mineral or vegetable corrosive acids). Give : Tepid soap-water in large quantities ; or a spoonful of magnesia in half a tumbler of water, and repeat it every time the vomiting is renewed ; or give wood ashes, soda, or alka- lies dissolved and administered in warm water. After the vomitings and pains have subsided, give mucilagin ous drinks for several days. Alcohol. Give : Milk and mucilaginous drinks; or dis solve three drops of ammonia in a gill of sugar-water, and give a teaspoonful once in 15 minutes; if these fail, give strong coffee, or nux-v. Alkalies. Give: Acids. Mix two tablespoonsful of vine- gar in a tumbler of water, and give a tablespoonful once in 10 minutes; or give lemon-juice, vegetable acids, and mucilaginous drinks and injections. Ammonia, Salts of Ammonia, Spirits of Sal Ammoniac, Pot- ash, Pearlash, and Soda. Give: Acids. See : Alkalies. Alum. Give : Tepid soap-water ; or sugar-water, until co- pious vomiting is produced; afterwards—puis., or verat Antimony'. Give: Strong coffee; or a decoction of gall- nuts ; or oak-bark; and mucilaginous drinks. Arsenic. Give: Soap-water in large quantities; or white of eggs in water ; or sugar and water ; or milk in large 23 266 POISONS poisons (arsenic): quantities; 01 the liquid acetate of iron; or iron rust, in a solution of sugar-water; or fresh-drawn blood, in proportions of two spoonsful of blood to each graiD oi arsenic. Baryta. Give: Glauber salts dissolved in vinegar, and diluted with water ; afterwards—camphor by olfaction. Bitter Almonds. Give : Strong coffee, in large quantities ; or liquid ammonia, by gentle olfaction; or mix a few drops of ammonia in a tumbler of water, and give a tea- spoonful every 15 minutes. Camphor. Give: Strong coffee, in large quantities, until vomiting is produced; afterwards—op. every hour until the symptoms subside. Cantharides. Give : White of eggs in tepid water, and mucilaginous drinks; and at the same time let the patient inhale camphor by olfaction, and bathe the parts which are most affected with a solution of the spirits of camphor. Caterpillars. For inflammations caused by the hairs of caterpillars getting into the skin, apply bandages satu- rated with the spirits of camphor. Cobalt. Give: Soap-water; or white of eggs; or sugar and water ; or milk in large quantities. Copper, Verdigris (acetate of copper). Give: White of eggs; or sugar, either with or without water; also— milk, and mucilaginous drinks. Corrosive Sublimate. Give : White of eggs; or sugar- water; or milk in large quantities ; or wheat-flour starch dissolved or boiled in water. Tlie white of eggs is the principal remedy, and may be given in alternation with sugar-water. Gas, generated by burning Charcoal, or Limestone ; Fixed Air, Choke Damp (carbonic acid gas). Employ: Vine- gar, by applying it to the nose and mouth, and by bathing and rubbing with the same. If a state of as- phyxia has been produced, use the means recommended for asphyxia from gases and noxious vapors. For gas generated in deep privies, or from the offals of animals (sulphuretted hydrogen gas), chloride of lime is the best antidote. Where such gas has been inhaled, dip a sponge in a weak solution of chloride of lime, and hold it before the nose and mouth of the patient. If this r emedy is not at hand, use vinegar and water in equal POISONS. 267 Poisons (Gas): parts, by sprinkling the face, and holding a sponge dipped in the «ame before the mouth and nose of tie patient, and occasionally moisten the mouth with the same. Glanders. For the effects resulting from contact with the glanders of horses, give : Phosphoric acid. If this fail, give : Ars.—afterwards rale, or sulph. The dose is not to be repeated while the patient improves. For glanders in horses, Aeon., ars., and rhus. have been rec- ommended. Hartshorn (ammonia, cornu cervi). Give: Acids. See: Alkalies. Honey (Poisonous). Give : Camphor by olfaction, and at the same time, strong hot coffee. Insects (Poisonous). For the bites and stings of poisonous insects, bathe the part injured or most affected with camphor ; or, if practicable, hold the injured part to the fire, until the pain ceases; and give : Acon. arn. bell. calad. or camph., in accordance with the particular symp- toms. Iodine. Give: Starch-water, starch-paste, or wheat-four paste, and mucilaginous drinks. Lead. Give : Epsom salts (sulphate of magnesia), dis- solved in warm water, and drank freely; or white of eggs, or soap-water, or milk, and mucilaginous drinks. After the salts, or soap-water, give mucilaginous injec- tions. Liver of Sulphur. Give : Vinegar and water ; or lemon- juice and water; or oily and mucilaginous drinks and injections. Lunar Caustic (nitrate of silver). Give: Common table salt dissolved in water, and drank in large quantities; afterwards—mucilaginous drinks. Mezereon. Let the patient inhale spirits of camphor by olfaction; afterwards give: Bry. mere or rhus., accord- ing to the remaining symptoms. Muriatic Acid (spirits of salt). Give: Soap-water; or magnesia dissolved in water ; or powdered chalk in water ; afterwards—bry. and mucilaginous drinks. Persons ex- posed to the vapor of this acid should smoke tobacco, or take a piece of sugar saturated with rum, brandy, or al- cohol, in the mouth. Muscles, and Poisonous Fish. Give: Powdered charcoal in sugar-water, and let the patient inhale camphor, by 268 POISONS. Poisons (muscles): olfaction; afterwards give—coffee. If these fail to afford relief, give sugar-water in large quantities; and if this proves ineffectual, administer a weak solution of vinegar and water. Mushrooms (Poisonous). Provoke vomiting by copious draughts of cold water, and give charcoal mixed with olive oil. If these means fail, let the patient gently in hale hartshorn; and for the remaining symptoms give coffee. Nitrate of Potash (salt petre). See: Salt Petre. Nitrate of Silver (lunar caustic). See : Lunar Caustic Nitric Acid (aquafortis). See: Acids. Opium, or Laudanum. Give : Strong coffee ; or vinegar and water: afterwards—Bell., camph, ipec, mere, or nux-v., according to the remaining symptoms. Phosphorus. Excite vomiting as quickly as possible ; af- terwards, give strong coffee; and after this, a spoonful of magnesia; and after the magnesia nux-v. may be ser- viceable. Pink (spigelia). Give : Camphor by olfaction, and strong coffee. For the consecutive effects give—Merc. Poison of Fat. Give : Acids, such as lemon-juice, or vine- gar and water, and occasionally a cup of strong black tea, or coffee. If the patient gets tired of the acids give sugar from time to time in alternation with the acids. If the bowels are constipated, use mucilaginous injec- tions; if they produce no alvine evacuations, give bry., and afterwards, phosphoric acid. Prussic Acid (hydrocyanic acid). Give: Strong coffee in large quantities, and let the patient gently inhale the spirits of hartshorn ; or mix a drop of hartshorn in half a tumbler of water, and give a teaspoonful of the solu- tion every five or ten minutes. If hartshorn is not at hand, let the patient smell of camphor, or vinegar. Also, give coffee in injections. Rhubarb (rheum). Give: Cham., coloc, mere, nux-v., or puis., in accordance with the symptoms. Saffron. Give: Coffee until it excites vomiting; after- wards, op., every hour, until all the symptoms disap- pear. Salt Petre (nitrate of potash). Give : Melted fresh butter in tepid water, until vomiting is produced; afterwards, mucilaginous drink* mi large quantities. POLYSARCIA 269 Poisons : Seoale Cornutum (ergot, spurred rye). Bruise garden nightshade (solanum nigrum) in cold water, and pour hot water upon it, and let the patient inhale the vapor. Stramonium (thorn-apple). Excite vomiting as speedily as possible, and give: Strong coffee ; or vinegar ; or lemon- juice, in large quantities. Sulphates of Copper, Iron, and Zinc. Give: Tepid sugar- water, or white of eggs in water, until vomiting is pro- duced ; afterwards, mucilaginous drinks. Sulphuric Acid (oil of vitriol). See : Acids. Sulphur. For the affections caused by the vapor of sul- phur, give: Puis. For chronic affections from abuse of sulphur, give: Chin, mere nux-v. puis. sep. sil. Sumach; or Poison Ivy. For the inflammatory err>tion caused by contact with either of these vegetable.-, yive: Bell., or bry., and bathe the part affected with salt and water, or a decoction of bean leaves. Tartar Emetic (tartrate of antimony and potash). Give : Strong coffee ; or a decoction of gall nuts; or oak bark ; and mucilaginous drinks. Tin. Give : White of eggs ; or sugar ; or milk; or sugar- water ; and afterwards, puis. Toads. If the poison of toads has been taken into the stomach, give : powdered charcoal in milk, or oil. If dangerous symptoms appear, let the patient inhale the spirits of nitre by olfaction ; and afterwards give: Ars. Vegetable Poisons. The olfaction of camphor, or the use of strong coffee, are the principal antidotes for vegetable poisons in general. Narcotic plants require strong coffee, or vinegar diluted with water. Corrosive vege- table poisons, or those which produce violent pains in the stomach and bowels, require: Soaj>-water ; or milk; and afterwards, mucilaginous drinks. Venomous Bites, or Stings. See: BITES ; HYDROPHO- BIA ; and Insects (Poisonous). , Yerdigris (acetate of copper). See : Copper. Vitriol— White, Blue, or Green. Give: Tepid sugar-water in large quantities; or white of eggs in water; and after copi- ous vomiting has been produced, give mucilaginous drinks. Nunc.—The principal items in the foregoing article on''Poisons" have been collected chiefly from the writings of the distinguished Dr. Constantine Hering, of Philadelphia. POLYSARCIA (corpulency, excess of fat). See : OBESITY 270 PREGNANCY. POLYPUS (soft pear-shaped tumors in the cavities of the nose, uterus, die). Remedies, In General : Arum. aur. bell. Calc. con. graph, hep. lyc. mere mez. natr-ra nitr-ac. petr. Phos. ph-ac sang. sil. Staph, sulph. sulph- ac. thuj. Bladder (of the): Calc. con. ? lyc ? phos ? staph ? Ear (in the): Calc. staph. Heart (in the): Brom. lach. staph. ? Nose (in the): Arum. calc. phos. puis. sang. sep. sil. staph teuc. Uterus (in the): Calc. phos. plat. sec. staph, thuj. Note.—According to the observations of Jahr, '* one dose of Calc. if allowed to act, will remove the polypus from the nose or uterus in from four to seven weeks; whereas a repetition of the dose, even of the same solution, was attended with unpleasant consequences." POLYURIA (diabetes). See : DIABETES. POLLUTIONS (morbid seminal discharges). Remedies, In General: Alum. amb. am-c. anac. ant. arg. arn. ars. aur. bar-c. bar-m. bell. bis. bov. calad calc. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. Chin. clem. Con. dig. ferr. Kal. led. Lyc magn. mag-arc mere mosch. natr. nitr-ac. n-mos. op. petr. Phos. Ph-ac. plat, plumb, puis. ran. ruta. sass. Sel. sep. sil. stann. staph, sulph. tar. thuj. verb. zinc. Flaccidity of the Penis (with): Aur. bell, calad. con. nux-v. sabad. sel. Nocturnal Emissions (excessive): Amb. bar-c. bell. calc. carb-v. caus. Chin. con. graph, kal. lyc. mere nux-v. phos. Ph-ac. puis. Sel. Sep. stana Sulph. Onanism (caused by): Calc. Chin, nux-v. phos. Ph-ac puis. sel. sep. staph. Sulph. Prostatic Fluid (efflux of): Agn. anac. aur. calc. Hep. ign. lyc. Natr. nitr-ac. ph-ac. puis. Sel. Sep. sil. staph, sulph. thuj. Sanguineous (bloody semen): Caus. led. mere PREGNANCY (diseases from). Bulimy: Con. magn-m. natr m. nux-v. petr. sep. sil. verat. Also, See : MALACIA. Colic: Arn. bell. bry. Cham. lach. Nux-v.puis. sep. verat. Constipai ion : Alum. Bry, lyc. Nux-v. op. Sep. sulph. Convulsions: Bell. cham. chins. Cic. cocc hyos. ign. ipec plat. Diarrhoia : Ant. cham. dulc. hyos. lyc. phos. puis. rhus. sep. sulph. Dyspepsia : Ars. con. ferr. ipec. lach. nux-v. phos. puis Dysuria : Cocc. coa nux-v. ph-ac. puis, sulph. PROSOPALGIA. 271 Pregnancy: Headache : Acon. bell. bry. cocc. nux-v. puis. plat. sep. Metrorrhagia : Arn. bell. Cham. croc. ipec. plat. Sabin Sec. Mind (affections of the): Acon. bell. lach. mere plat, puis, stram. Nausea : Acon. ars. cast. cocc. con. fer-carb. ipec. kreos. lach n-mos. nux-v. petr. phos. puis. sep. verat. Pain in the Side : Acon. cham. puis. Pains in the Small of the Back (violent): Kal. Toothache : Acon. alum. bell. calc. cham. hyos. n-mos. nux-v puis. sep. staph. Varices : Arn. ars. carb-v. graph lach. Lyc Puls. sulph. zinc. Vomiting : Acon. ars. cast. cocc. con. fer-carb. Ipec kreos. Lach. natr-m. n-mos. Nux-v. petr. phos. puis. sep. verat. PREPUCE (foreskin of the penis). See: SEXUAL OR- GANS (MALE). PRESBYOPIA (farsightedness). Remedies, In (General: Alum. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. cans. con. dros. hyos. lach. lyc. mez. natr. natr-m, nux-v. petr. Sep. Sil. spig. sulph. PRIAP1SMUS (strong involuntary erections). Remedies, In General : Agar. cann. Canth. coloc. graph, mere Natr. natr-m. nitr-ac Nux-v. phos. plat. Puls. rhus. sil. thuj. PROLAPSUS (falling down) of the Anus or Rectum: Ant. ars. calc. colch. gran. Ign. lach. lyc. Merc, mur-ac. Nux-v. Podoph. ruta. sep. Sulph. ther. Uterus (of the): Aur. Bell, cafe cann. chin. ferr. gran. lyc. mere n-mos. Nux-v. plat. Podoph. sabin. sec. Sep, stann. Vagina (of the): Aur. bell. ferr. gran, kreos. Merc, nux-v. stann. PROSOPALGIA (neuralgic pains in the face ; tic doloreux). Diagnosis. Paroxysms of distressing and sometimes verv violent pains* in the facial nerves, particularly in the region of the zygomatic process; frequently extend- ing to all parts of the face, and sometimes into the ears, the orbits of the eyes, and head. In severe cases there is often a spasmodic distortion of the facial muscles. The attacks sometimes appear periodically, and are of indefinite duration. Remedies, In General : Acon. agar. alum. am-c. am-m. amb. ang. arn. Ars. asa. asar. aur, bar-c. Bell. bor. bov. bry. calf caps. Caus. cham. .-Uin, 272 PTYALISM. Prosopalgia : colch Coloc con. dig. dros. euphorb. euphr. gran grat guaj. Hep. Hyos. kal. kal-ch. kreos. lach. led. Lyc. mcgn. magn-m. mang. mere Mez. natr-s. nitr-ac. Nux-v. ol-an. Phos. ph-ac. Plat. puis. ran. ran-sc. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sec. sep. Spig. spong. stann. Staph, sulph. thuj. verat. Compare with : FACE Pains ; and NEURALGIA. PROSTATITIS (inflammation of the prostate gland). Reme- dies, In General: Ang. aur. cann. mere puis, sulph th uj. PROUD FLESH (fungus, sponge-like excrescences; unhealthy granulations in wounds, ulcers, uls. thuj. Compare : with the Particular Organs affected. PULSE. In General ; Feeble, weak : Ars. bar-c. berb. camph. cann. carb-v. chin. con. dig. hydr-ac. lach. laur. lob. mere nux-v. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. rhus. rhus-r. sep. sulph-ac. tart, verat. Full : Acon. arn. asa. bar-c. Bell. bry. camph. canth. cheL chin. cocc. colch. coloc. con. cupr. Dig. ferr. hep. Hyos. ign. iod. lach. led. mere, mosch. nitr. nux-v. ol-an. op. petr phos. ph-ac. puis, ran-sc. sabin. sep. sil. spig. Stram. sulph tart, verat. vine Hard : Acon. a3th. arn. ars. bar-c. Bell. bis. Bry. canth. cham. Chel. chin. cin. clem. cocc. coloc. cupr. dig. dulc. ferr. hep. hyos. ign. iod. led. mere mez. mosch. nitr. Nux-v. op. petr. phos. ran. sabin. sec sen. sep. sil. spig spong. Stram. sulph. verat. vine zinc, zinc-ox. Imperceptible : Acon. Ars. cann. Carp v. cocc. con. cupr 274 PURPURA HEMORRHAGICA. Pulse (imperceptible): hydr-ac. iod ipec. kalm. lach. laur. mere op. phos. ph-ac plat. puis. rhus. sang. sec. sil. stann. stram. sulph. sulph-ac tart. Verat. zinc. Intermittent: Acon. agar. alum. ang. ars. bis. bry. caps. carb-v. Chin. cim. crotaL Dig. hep. hyoa. kal. kal-ch. lach, laur. mere mur-ac. Natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. op. Ph-ac plumb, rhus. samb. sec. sep. stram. sulph. verat. zinc. Irregular : Acon. aeth. agar. ang. ant ars. bry. canth. caps. carb-v. cham. Chin. con. Dig. hep. hydr-ac. hyos. kal. lach. laur. mang. mere mur-ac. Natr-m. nux-v. oleand. op. ph-ac. plumb, rhus. sang. sec. sep. sol-nig. stram. sulph. verat. zinc-ox. Less than the Pulsations of the Heart : Agar, cana dig. dulc hell. laur. nitr. sec. verat. More than the Pulsations of the Heart : Acon. arn. rhus. spig. Quick : Acon. aeth ant. arn. ars. asa. bar-c. bell. Bry. camph. canth. cham. chin, chins, cin. cocc. colch. coloc. con. croc. crot. cupr. dig. hep. hyos. ign. Iod. ipec kal. kal-bich. kal-ch. kal-hyd. lach. led. lyc. mag-are mag-aus. men. Merc. mez. mosch. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. par. petr. Phos. Ph-ac podoph. plumb, puis. ran. ran-sc. rheum. rhus. Rhus-r. sabin. samb. sec. sen. sep. Sil. sol-nig. spong. Stann. staph, stram. sulph. sulph-ac. val. verat. zinc, zinc-ox. Slow : Agar. ant. arn. ars. bell. berb. brom. camph, cann. canth. chin, chin-s. cic. colch. coloc. con. cupr. dig. hep. hyos. ign. kal. kalm. lact. laur. lup. mere mosch. mur-ac. nitr. op. podoph. par. petr. phos. puis. rhod. rhus. samb. sec. sep. sil. spig. squill, stram. thuj. verat. Small : Acon. aeth. agar. am. arn. ars. asa. aur. bell. bis. bry. camph. cann. Carb-v. cham. chin, chin-s. clem. cocc. cupr. cupr-carb. Dig. dulc. guaj. hell. hyos. iod ipec. kal. kreos. lach. lact. laur. mere mur-ac. natr-m. nitr. nux-v. op. phos. ph-ac. plat, plumb, puis. rhus. rhus-r. sabad. samb. sec. sen. Sil. sol-nig. spig. stann. staph. Stram. sulph. sulph-ac thuj. val. Verat. zinc, zinc-ox. Trembling : Amb. ang. Ars. aur. bell. Calc. camph. cic. cin. cocc. dig. iod. kreos. Lach. mere np.tr-m. n-mos. rhus. ruta. sabin. sep. Spig. staph, stram. PURPURA HEMORRHAGICA (morbus hosmorrhagicua maculosis werlh >fii). Diagnosis. Dark bluj or purple soots in the skin, of various sizes resembling petechias RAPHANIA. 275 °URPURA HEMORRHAGICA : accompanied with frequently returning haemorrhages from the nose, gums, palate, and other organs of the body. The disease is attended with great prostration, but no fever. Remedies, In General : Arn. bare. Bry. kreos. lach. led. nux-v. phos. rhus. sec. sil. Sulph-ac. PUSTULES (pimples containing pus). See : VESICLES. PYROSIS (heartburn). See : HEARTBURN. QUININE (sufferings from). Remedies, In General: Arn. ars. asa. bell. bry. calc. caps. Carb-v. cin. Ferr. hell. ipec. lach. mere. men. natr. natr-m. ph-ac. Puls. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. tart, verat. QUINSY (cynanche tonsillaris). Diagnosis. Inflammation and swelling of the throat and tonsils, attended with difficult deglutition, and sometimes impeded respira- tion ;—also, fever, strong quick pulse, red eyes, and florid countenance ; and in severe cases delirium. Remedies, In General : Acon. bar-c Bell. calc. canth. cham. hep. ign. lach. led. lyc. Merc, nitr-ac. nux-v. plumb, puis. sep. staph, sulph. Compare with ANGINA, and the symptoms under the head of LARYNX, BRONCHIA, and THROAT; ifce RABIES (hydrophobia). See: HYDROPHOBIA. RACHITIS (rickets). Diagnosis. The characteristics of this disease, are, flaccidity of the muscles, with weakness of the limbs, and enlargement of the epiphysis of the bones, and especially those of the wrists. As the dis- ease progresses, the limbs, spine, sternum, ribs, and pel- vis become distorted; and finally a slow fever super- venes, and cough, oppressed respiration, and marasmus ensue. The disease generally manifests itself in children of from one to two years of age, and especially in such as are distinguished by great development of the head and precocity of the mental faculties. Remedies, In General : Ars. asa. bar-m. bell. calc. lyc. mere mez. nitr- ac. petr. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhus. sil. staph, sulph, RAXULA (frog tongue ; a salivary tumor under the tongue). Remedies, In General : Amb. calc mere thuj. RAPHANIA (ergotism ; a disease said to be caused by eat- ing spurred rve). Diagnosis. The disease in the acute form is usually premonitated by giddiness, foul tongue, eructations, nausea, vomiting, tremor and formication of the limbs; after which the attack sets in with cold chills. 276 REMITTENT FEVER. Raphania : followed by great heat, unquenchable thirst, violent fever, anxiety, headache, and delirium, frequently attend- ed with paroxysms of convulsions or violent tonic spasms. The fever frequently assumes a putrid character, with petechia?, which is sometimes followed by dry gangrene. In the chronic form of this disease, the symptoms are similar to the above described phenomena, but not as violent, and are attended with marked remissions and exacerbations. Remedies, In General : Acon. ars. bell. chin. cin. colch. cupr-acet. hyos. op. plat. rhus. sec. sil. Sol-nig. stram. RASH (eruptive disease). See : the several varieties under their respective heads or Pathological names. REACTION. Want of Reaction in the System. Remedies, In General: Carb-v. Camph. laur. mosch nitr-ac. op. sulph. RECTUM (lower portion of the intestines). See: ANUS, and RECTUM. RED-GUM (strophulous, infant rash). Remedies, In Gen- eral : Acon. Bry. cham. rhus. sulph. REGURGITATION (rumination, merycismus). Remedies, In General : Asa. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. chin. ferr. ign. ipec. lyc. mere Nux-v. phos. puis, sulph. sulph-ac. Acrid, Rancid : Ars. mere sulph-ac tart. Compare : Sour, and Scraping. Bitter : Am-c. arn. ars. carb-v. cic. graph, ign. nux-v. puis. sass. sulph-ac. Bloody : Nux-v. sep. Drinks (of): Merc, sulph. sulph-ac. Eating (after): Am-c. asa. Bryt. con. dig. ferr. lach. mere natr-m. Nux-v. phos. puis. sass. thuj. verat. Food (of): Am-c. bell. Bry. ferr. graph, ign. Lach. lyc. magn-m. natr-m. Nux-v. Phos. podoph. puis. Sulph. teuc. thuj. Greenish : Ars. graph. Milk (of): Calc. carb-v. lyc. tart. Scraping in the Throat (with): Am-c. cann. Carb-an. natr. Sour : Ars. calc. calc-caus. Carb-v. con. dig. graph I xch lyc. mang. mere Natr-m. Nux-v. petr. Phos. puis, sasa sep. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. Sweetish: Merc.plumb, sulph-ac. Compare with : HEARTBURN; and DYSPEPSIA. REMITTENT FEVER (fever with variations, but no com- RESPIRATION. 277 Remittent Fever . plete intermissions ; and may be either inflammatory or congestive, gastric or hepatic, bilious or malignant yellow fever, «te). See : FEVERS BILIOUS, GASTRIC, &c, and (as in all cases) select the remedies in accordance with the Totality of the Predominant Symptoms. RENAL CALCULUS (stone in the kidneys, nephritic cal- culi). Diagnosis. Renal calculus is productive of per- manent or periodic pains, and pressure, in the region of the kidneys, with more or less disturbance of the urinary secretion, and severe attacks of colic and vomiting. Ne- phritic colic is distinguished by the violence and sudden occurrence of the pains in the region of the kidneys or bladder, spreading over the whole abdomen, and accom- panied by vomiting and crying, and affecting sympa- thetically the testicle and leg of the side diseased. In addition to the above-named symptoms, it is sometimes productive of severe spasms, and especially after the ♦tone has been dislodged, and during its passage through the ureters, when the pains are often of a most excru- ciating character. Remedies, In General: Alum. am-c. amb. ant. calc. canth. chin. kal. Lyc natr-m. nux-v. phos. puis. ruta. Sass. sep. sil. tab. thuj. zinc. Compare : NEPHRITIS ; and See : KIDNEYS, and GRAVEL. REPLETION (fullness of blood). See : BLOOD Plethora. REPOSE (sufferings Aggravated during). Remedies, In General : Acon. agar. alum. am-c. am-m. arg. ars. asa. asar. Aur. bis. bov. bruc. Caps. cham. cin. coloc. con. eye dros. Dulc. Euphorb. Ferr. hyos. ign. kal. kal-hyd. kreos. Lach. Lyc. magn. magn-m. men. mosch, mur-ac. natr. natr-s. nitr. op. ph-ac. plat. Puls. rhod, Rhus, rhus-r. ruta. sabad. samb. sen. sep. sil. stann. stront. sulph. tar thuj. Val. verb, verat. Mitigated by Repose: Acon. anac. ant. arn. asar. bar-c Bell. bor. Bry. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-v. cocc. coff. Colch. coloc. croc. cupr. dig. graph. hell. hep. kal. laur. Led. mere natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. oleand. petr. phos. plumb, ran. sabad. sass. sec. sel. spig. squill, staph, stram. sulph-ac. verat. RESPIRATION (act of breathing). Anxious : Acon. aeth anac. arn. Ars. aur. bell. bry. camph, cham. cin. coff. colch. eup. hep. ign. Ipec. kreos. lach. lact. laur. lob. nitr ac nux-v. oleand. op. Phos. plat, plumb, prun. puis. rhus. 24 278 RESPIRATION. Respiration (anxious): samb. sec. spig. spong. squill, stann. stram. tart. thuj. verat. viol-od. Cold (breath): Ars. camph. Carb-v. chin, mur-ac. rhus verat. Deep : Acon. am-c. ant. aur. aur-mur. bell. Bry. calc. camph, caps. chin. cocc. croc. cupr. dig. dros. 'euphorb. hell. ign. Ipec kal. lach. lob. mosch. mur-ac. n-mos. nux-v. oleand. Op. plat prun. ran. rhus. sec. Sel. sen. Sil. stann. stram. Fetid (breath): Acon. anac. am. Ars. aur. bell. bry. carb- an. Carb-v. chain, chin. cist. croc. dulc. graph, ipec lyc. Merc, natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. ph-ac. podoph. puis. rhus. rhus-r. sass. sep. sil. spig. sidph. Hot (breath): Acon. ant. asar. calc. cham. mang. natr-m. phos. plat. rhus. sabad. squill, stront. sulph. zinc. Irregular : Acon. Ang. asar. bell. bruc. camph. cham. cic. cin. cocc. cupr. dros. ign. iod laur. led. mosch. Op. puis. sec. sep. verat. Loud : Acon. alum. arn. ars. bell. bruc. bry. calc. cham. chin. cin. cocc. dros. dulc. ferr. graph, hep. hyos. ign. kal. kal-bich. lach. laur. lyc. mere mur-ac. natr-m. nux-v. op. phos. puis. rhus. sabad. samb. sep. sil. spong. squill, stann. stram. sulph. verat. Compare : Snoring. Moaning: Acon. ars. bell. bry. calad. cupr. hydr-ac. lach. mur-ac. sol-nig. squill, stram. Obstructed : See: CHEST Respiration Obstructed. Oppressed: Acon. agar. alum. amb. am-c. am-caus. anac Arn. Ars. asa. Aur. bare. Bell. bor. brom. Bry. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cic. cin. cocc. colch. con. croc. crot. cupr. cyc. dig. dros. dulc. eup. euphorb. ferr. fer-carb. gent-lut. graph, grat. hell. hep. hydr-ac. hyos. ign. iod. Ipec. kal, kal-hyd. kalm. kreos. Lach. Lact. laur. led. lob. lyc. mere mez. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. op. par. petr. Phos. plat. prun. Puls. ran. rat. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. samb. sass. sec. sen. sep. sil. sol-nig. spig. spong. squill, stann. staph, stram. Sulph. sulph-ac. tart. thuj. val. Verat. viol-od. zinc. Panting : Acon. ant. arn. bruc. bry. camph. caps. chin. cin. cocc. euphorb. helL ign. ipec. laur. natr. nitr-ac. op. phos. plumb, prun. puis. sec. sel. sil. stram. Quick (short): Acon. amb. am-c. am-caus. am, ars. asa. aur bar-c. Bell. bov. bry. calc. camph. cana canth RESPIRATION 279 Respiration (quick): carb-an. Carb-v. cast. caus. cham. chin, chin s. cic cin cocc. coff. coloc. con. Cupr. cupr-acet. cyc. dig. dros. eu phorb. euphr. ferr. hep. hyos. ign. Ipec. kal. kal-bich kalm. lach. lact. laur. led. lob. lye mere mez. mosch natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. Phos. ph-ac. plat, podoph. plumb, puis. ran. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sass. sec. sen. Sep. sil. spig. spong. squill, stann. staph, strain, sulph. tart, verat. zinc. Rattling : Acon. alum. am-c. am-caus. anac. ang. arn. ars. Bell. bry. calc. cann. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cin. cocc. con. croc. crot. Cupr. ferr. Hep. hydr-ac. hyos. Ipec. kal. kal-bich. lach. laur. led. Lyc. mere natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. op. petr. phos. prun. jnds. sabin. samb. sen. sep. spong. squill, stann. stram. su/jdi. tart. Sighing : Acon. ant. arn. ars. bar-c. bell. Bry. Calad. carb-an. cham. cin. cocc. cupr. Ign. Ipec. kal. lach. laur. mere mur-ac. nitr-ac. nux-v. op. phos. plumb, puis. ran-sc. sec. sil. spong. squill, stann. strain, sulph. ther. Slow : Acon. agar. arn. asa. aur. Bell. bruc. bry. camph. caps. cast, chin, cic. coff. Con. croc. Cupr. dig. dros. hell. hep. hydr-ac. hyos. ign. ipec. kal. lach. Laur. mosch mur-ac. n-mos. nux-v. oleand. Op. par. phos. plat, plumb. ran. rhus. ruta. sec. sel. sen. sil. sp,ong. squill, stann. stram. zinc. Snoring: Arn. cham. chin-s. hep. hydr-ac. lach. laur. lyc. natr-m. Op. petr. samb. stann. strain, sulph. Compare : Loud. Sobbing : ./Eth. ang. asa. bry. calc. led, op. sec. Suffocation (paroxysms of): Acon. ant. Ars. aur. belL bry. calc. camph. cann. carb-an. carb-v. cham. chin. coff. con. cupr. cupr-acet. cyc dig. dros. ferr. graph. helL Hep. Ipec lach. lact. led. lyc. mere mosch. n-mos. nux-v. op. phos. plat. puis. Samb. sec. sen. spig. spong. stann. stram. sulph. tart, verat. Variable: A con. Ang. asar. Bell, camph. chia cic. cin. cocc. CurR. dros. ign. iod, ipec. laur. led. mez. mosch. Op puis. ruta. sec. sep. verat. zinc. Want of Breath, Shortness of Breath : Am-caus. Ars. belL brom. bry. carb-v. chin. con. cyc iod. kal. lact. lam. lyc Merc, nitr-ac. ph-ac. puis. sep. st:mn. Compare: Op pressed Respiration, «te Wheezing : Amb. ars. bell, calad. calc carb-an. carb-v. cham. chin. cin. crot. cupr. graph hep. ipec. kal, kal-bich 280 RHEUMATISM. Respiration (wheezing): natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. phos. sabad. samb. sen. spong stann. sulph. For other symptoms, and conditions, of the Respira- tion, See : CHEST, Respiration, render any particulai description unnecessary. Remedies. In General: Acsi. ant. arn. ars. / 'I. Bry. calc-ph. camph. canth. caus. chain. 6* RUBEOLA. 2 SI Rheumatism : chin. clem, colch. coloc. daph. dulc. ferr. guaj. hep. ign kal. kal-bich. lach. lyc. mere n-mos. nux-v. phos. podoph. Puls. rhod Rhus. Rhus-r. ruta. sang. sass. sep. spi"\ squilL stann. sulph. tart. thuj. val. verat. Acute: Acon. ant. arn. ars. bell. Bry. camph. cham. chin. colch. dulc. ign. lach. mere nux-v. puis. rhus. rhus-r. sang. sulph. Articular—with swelling: Acon. ant. arn. bell. bry. chin clem, colch. hep. mere nux-v. phos. rhod. rhus. sang. sulph. Change of Weather (from a): Ars. bry. calc. carb-v. dulc. mang. mere n-mos. phos. rhod. rhus. sil. sulph. Chill (from the least): Acon. bry. calc dulc. mere sulph. Chronic: Asa. bry. calc-ph. Caus. clem, colch. dulc. hep. ign. lach, lyc. mere Phos. puis. rhus. Sulph. thuj. verat. Fever (with): Acon. arn. ars. Bell. Bry. cham. chin. coff. dulc. ign. mere nux-v. puis. rhus. rhus-r. sang, sulph. Wandering Pains (with): Arn. asa. bry. calc-ph chin. daph. mang. n-mos. nux-v. Puls. plumb, rhod. Consult causes, and see : conditions of aggravation, and compare with the symptoms, under the head of the organs affected. RHEUMATIC FEVER. See: RHEUMATISM. RHINITIS (inflammation of the nose). See: NOSE In- flammation. RHINORRHAGIA (epistaxis). See : EPISTAXIS. RIGIDITY (stiffness) of the Body ; In General : Ang. bar-m. Bell. caps. cham. con. Cupr. Ipec. lach. magn. plumb. Stram. sulph. terb. Limbs (of the): ^Eth. ang. ars. bruc. bry. carb-an. carb-v. Cupr. hydr-ac. lach. lye mere Nux-v." petr. phos. rhus. sass. terb. thuj. verat. —Spasmodic : Hell. sang. Stram. Compare with: SPASMS Tonic; and Rigidity of the ARMS. LEGS, JOINTS; RHEUMATISM, &c. RICKETS (rachitis). See : RACHITIS. RIGOR (chilliness). See: COLDNESS, INTERMITTENT FEVER, Chills, «£c RINGWORM (herpes circinatus). Remedies, In General: Calc. caus. clem. mang. natr. sep. sulph. ROSE RASH (rubeola). See : RUBEOLA. RUBEOLA (rose rash). Diagnosis. Eruption of red spots, somewhat resembling but considerably larger than niea- 24* 282 SCALD HEAD. Rubeola: sles, in thf middle of which groups of little vesicles ap pear. Thj eruption is usually preceded by fever and sore throat, and continues for four or five days, when it disappears with desquamation, as in scarlatina. This disease is sometimes followed by dropsical accumu- lations, and occupies an intermediate place between scarlatina and measles. Remedies, In General: Acon. bell. Buy. carb-v. coff. ipec. mere phos. Puls. rhus. sulph RUPIA (a vesicular eruption degenerating into scabs). Rem- edies, In General: Alum. bor. graph, hep. kal. mere nitr-ac. petr. rhus. sil. staph, sulph. tart RUPTURE (hernia). See : HERNIA. SACRUM (posterior bone of the pelvis). See: BACK and LOINS, &c. SALIVATION (increased flow of saliva). See: MOUTH, Saliva, and Salivation. SALT RHEUM (a disease of the skin). Remedies, In Gen- eral : Graph, hep. lyc. petr. sil. staph. SARCOCELE (fleshy tumor of the testicle). Remedies, In General: Ang. aur. clem, graph, lyc. nux-v. puis. rhod. sulph. thuj. SARCOMA (any fleshy tumor). See : TUMORS. SATURNINE COLIC (lead colic). See : COLIC. SATYRIASIS (excessive sexual desire). Remedies, In Gen- eral: Ant. calc. Canth. carb-v. chin. hyos. lach mere. natr-m. nux-v. phos. plat. puis, stram. sulph. verat. SCABIES (itch, psora). See : ITCH. SCALDS (injuries from hot fluids). See : BURNS, die SCALD HEAD (tinea capitis, crusta lactea, ringworm of the scalp). Diagnosis. Eruption of little pustules in the hairy parts of the head, sometimes appearing in circular patches, and attended with violent itching and the se- cretion of a viscous, fetid matter, which forms into scabs. The eruption usually becomes confluent, and the patches uniting with each other, form into thick, hard, and ex- tensive incrustations. The disease is communicable through the use of the same comb, brush, or towel used by the patient; and the contagion should be carefully guarded against among children. Remedies, In General : Ars. Bar-c brom. calc. cic. dulc. graph. Hep. lyc. oleand. ol-jee phos. Rhus. sass. sep. Staph, sulph. vine Dry' (furfuraceous): Ars. bar-c bar-m. Calc. hep. phos. rhut sep. sil. staph Sulph. SCIATICA. 283 Scald Head : Moist (humid): Ars. bar-c. bar-m, calc. cic. dulc. graph, hep Lyc. oleand. Rhus. sep. Staph, sulph. vine Compare with: ERUPTIONS ; and in the selection of a remedy special reference should be had to the constitutional symptoms of the patient, as the dis- ease usually has its origin in a scrofulous or some other constitutional dyscrasia. SCARLATINA (scarlet fever). Diagnosis. Fever, with greatly accelerated pulse, attended with soreness and pain in the throat; scarlet redness of the skin, particu- larly in large, smooth, and glassy spots (genuine scarlet fever); or miliary-like eruption, in scarlet patches of an indefinite size (scarlatina). The eruption generally ap- pears within one or two days from the commencement of the attack, and usually continues for five or six davs, when it disappears with desquamation of the epidermis. Such are the usual pathognomonic symptoms ; yet the disease affords many anomalies, and is one of the most de- ceitful of all eruptive diseases. It is of an erysipelatous character, and sometimes very malignant; and is subject to metastasis to the brain, ears, eyes, &c.; and is very apt to be followed by dropsical accumulations. Reme- dies, In General : Acon. am-c. arn. ars. bar-c. Bell. bry. calc. camph. canth, carb-v. caus. cham. coff. con. croc. dulc. euphorb. hep. hyos. ipec. lach. mere nitr-ac. phos. ph-ac. rhus. sang, stram. sulph. zinc. Angina : Acon. bar-c Bell. caps. Merc. phos. sulph. Angina Malignant: Am-c Ars. carb-v. kreos. lach. sulph. Coma Somnolentum : Bar-c. bell. lach. op. phos. stram. zinc Malignant : Am-c. Ars. bar-c. bell. hyos. lach. phos. mur-ac rhus. sec. Pulmonary Spasms (with): Bell. ipec. op. Retrocession of the Eruption : Bry. phos. ph-ac. sulph. Sleeplessness : Acon. bell. coff. hyos. mere phos. Strangury' : Acon. camph. canth. con. nux-v. rhus. Vomitings : Acon. ars. bell. ipec. nux-v. verat. SCARLET FEVER (scarlatina). See: SCARLATINA. SCIATICA (neuralgic pain in the sciatic nerve). Diagnosis. Pain in the region of the hip-joint, frequently extending to the knee, or even to the foot, accurately following the course of the sciatic nerve. In severe cases there is rigidity and contraction, impeding the motion of the foot. Remedies, In General : Acon. ars. bry. cham. Coloc coa 284 SEMI-LATERAL. Sciatica : hep. ign. kal. kal-bich. mang. mez. Nux-v. phos. Puls rhus. staph. Compare with: NEURALGIA, and RHEUMATISM. SCHIRRUS (hard glandular tumor, often ending in cancer). See : TUMORS, GLANDS, and CANCER. SCROFULA (struma, king's evil; a constitutional malady characterized by chronic glandular swellings, ulcerations, and various morbid phenomena, particularly of the lym- phatic and glandular systems). Remedies, In General : Amb. am-c. Ars. asa. Aur. aur-mur. Bar-c. Bell. brom. bry. Calc. carb-an. carb-v. chin. cin. cist. cocc. Con. dulc ferr. graph, hep. ign. Iod. kaL kreos. lach. Lyc. magn. mang. Merc, merc-iod. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. ol-jec. petr. phos. puis. ran. Rhus. sep. Sil. staph Sulph. verat. Compare with the particular affections, and symptoms under their respective heads. SCROTUM (the sac enclosing the testes). See : HEMAT- OCELE, SCROTOCELE, HYDROCELE, and SEXU- AL ORGANS (MALE). SCROTOCELE (hernia in the scrotum). Remedies, In Gen- eral : Magn-m. Nux-v. op. petr. SCURVY (scorbutus). Diagnosis. Spongy, livid, swollen, itching, and bleeding gums, with putrid breath, loose- ness of the teeth, pale, bloated countenance, livid spots on the skin, swelling of the extremities, weak respira- tion, and excessive debility. As the disease progresses there are frequent attacks of haemorrhage from the mouth, nose, gums, and other organs, with increasing de- bility, fits of fainting, pains in the bones, ulcers on the feet and lower extremities, and sometimes gangrene and sphacelus ensue. Remedies, In General: Amb. am-c. am-m. ars. arum. aur. bar-c. bry. caps, carb-an. Carb-v, caus. con. hep. iod. Merc. Mur-ac. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. Nux-v. phos. ruta. sep. Staph, sulph, sulph-ac. Mouth (in the). See: GUMS, and STOMACACE. SEA-SICKNESS (nausea marina). Remedies, In General: A rs. Cocc. ipec. kreos. n-mos. nux-v. Petr. sep. sil. sulph. Xab. SEMI-LATERAL (sufferings). Remedies, In General: Agar. Alum. am-c. am-m. Anac. arg. arn. asa. aur. bar-c. bed. bov. bry. calc. canth. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin. cin. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. croc. cyc. dig. dros. dulc euphorb. ferr. graph, guaj. hell. hep. hyos. ign. iod. Kal, SENSIBILITY OF THE BODY. 285 Semt-lateral (sufferings): lach. laur. led. lye mag-are mag-aus. magn. magn-m mang. men. mere mez. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr- ac. n-mos. nux-v. oleand. par. petr. phos. Ph-ac. Plat, plumb. Puls. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. sabad. sabin. sass. spig. stann. staph, stront. sulph Silph-ac. tart. thuj. verb, zinc SENSIBILITY of the BODY (excessive). Remedies, In Gen- eral : Acon. agar. ang. arn. ars. Asar. aur. bar-c. bell.calc. Canth. carb-v. cham. Chin. cin. cocc. Coff. cupr. hep. ign. kreos. lach. lyc. mag-aus. mere nitr-ac. Nux-v. phos. puis. stann. staph, sulph. val. verat. Change of Weather (to a): Ars. bry. calc. carb-v. colch. dulc. graph, mang. mere, nitr-ac. N-mos. petr. Phos. ran. Rhod. Rhus, rhus-r. sil. sulph, verat. Cold (to): Acon. agar. am-c. ant Ars. asar. aur. bar-c. bell. boy. bry. calc. Camph. caps, carb-an. carb-v. Caus. cham. chin. cic. clem. cocc. coff. colch. con. dig. Dulc. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyos. ign. kal. lach, lyc. mang. mere mez. Mosch. natr. natr-m. N-mos. nux-v. petr. Phos. rhod. Rhus, rhus-r. ruta. Sabad. samb. sep. sil. spig. spono-. stront. sulph. verat. Cold Air (to): Agar. am-c. anac. ant. ars. Aur. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. Camph. caps, carb-an. carb-v. Caus. cham. cocc. coff. colch, Dulc ferr. gins. hell. hep. hyos. ign. ipec. Kal. lach. lyc. mang. mere men. Mosch. natr. natr-m. N-mos. Nux-v. petr. Phos. ph-ac. rhod. Rhus. ruta. Sabad. Sep. sil. spig. Stront. verat. Cold and Dry Weather (to): Alum. ars. Asar. bell, bor bry. carb-v. Caus. cham. Hep. ipec. laur. mez. nux-v. phos. sabad. sep. sil. spong. sulph. zinc. Cold and Wet Weather (to): Agar. Am-c. ant. ars. bor. bry. Calc. carb-an. carb-v. cham. chin. clem, colch. cupr. Dulc. ferr. lach. lyc. magn. mang. mere. natr. nitr-ac, N-mos. phos. jjuls. rhod. Rhus. ruta. sass. sen. sep. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. verat. Damp Air (to): Am-c. ant. aur. Calc carb-an. carb-v. Dulc. Lach. lyc. mang. Merc, mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. N-mos. puis. rhod. rhus. ruta. sen. sep. stront. sulph. verat. zinc. Noise (to): Acon. anac. am. aur. Bell. bry. calc. carb-aa cham. chin. Coff. colch. con. ign. ipec. lyc. magn. mang. natr. Nux-v. ph-ac.plat, sabad. sep. sil. spig. stann. zinc. Open Air (to the): Agar. bell. calc. camph. caps, carb-an, carb-v. caus. chain, chin. cin. Cocc. coff. coloc. Con. ferr. mez. magn-m. mosch. 280 SEXUAL ORGANS (FEMALE). Sensibility of the Body' (to the open air): mur-ac natr. nitr-ac. N-mos. Nux-v. oleand. Petr. phot plumb, puis. Rhus. ruta. sabad. sel. sep. Sil. spig. Sulph Pain (to): Acon. rt^rar. am-c ant. arn. ars. asar. Aur bar-c. bell. bry. camph. canth, cast. Cham. chin. cin. cocc Coff. colch. con. cupr. dig. hyos. ign. kal. lach. lyc. mag arc. magn. Natr. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. petr. Phos. ph-ac puis. sep. sil. spig. val. zinc. Stormy Weather (to): Ars. bell, carb-v. chain, chin, con euphr. lach. lye mur-ac. natr. N-mos. nux-v. phos. plat puis. Rhod. rhus. sulph. Sultry Weather (to): Bry. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. chin dulc. mang. mere natr. natr m. nitr-ac n-mos. nux-v petr. phos. rhod. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. verat. Warm Weather (to): Acon. amb. ant. asar. aur. bell. Bry calc. camph. carb-v. cham. cocc. dros. iod. ipec. lach. led lyc natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. plat. Puls. sec. sen. sel sep. thuj. Wind (to the): Ars. bell, carb-v. Cham. chin. con. graph lach. Lyc natr. nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. Phos. plat, pula Sulph. sep. sil. thuj. Wind Currents (draughts of air): Acon. anac. Bell, calc caps. caus. chain, chin. hep. ign. kal. mere natr. nux-t puis. rhus. sel. sep. Sil. sulph. Wind Easterly (to): Acon. asar. bry. carb-v. caus. cham Hep. ipec. nux-v. sabad. sep. sil. Spong. Wind Westerly (to): Alum. asar. calc. carb-v. caus. dulc hep. lach. mix v. rhod. rhus. sabad. spong. verat. Wind Northerly (to): Acon. ars. asar. carb-v. caus. hep nux-v. sabad. sep. sil. spong. Wind Southerly (to): Ant. asar. bry. carb-v. nux-v. pula rhod. sil. sulph. SEXUAL EXCESSES (sufferings from). Remedies, h General: Agar. anac. ars. bov. calad. Calc. carb-v Chin, chin-s. cin. con, iod. kal. mere mosch. natr. natr-m Nux-v. petr. phos. Ph-ac. plumb, puis. sel. Sep. sil. spig Staph, sulph SEXUAL ORGANS (FEMALE). Burning in the Sexua Organs: Amb. am-c. carb-v. kal. kreos. lyc. mere Nux-v sulph. thuj. — Uterus (in the): Calc.—Os-Uteri (in the): Bry. — Vagina (in the): Berb. cham. kal. lyc. sulph. — Vulva (in the): Carb-v. kal. kreos. lye nitr-ac. sulph. Congestion in the Sexual Organs: Aloe. Bell. bry. chin SEXUAL ORGANS (FEMALE). 287 F. male Sexual Organs (Congestion in the): croc hep. lam. mere mosch, nux-v. plat, sabin. Sec sulph. Distension of the Uterus, as from gas: Lyc. phos ph-ac sang. r Dryness of the Vagina: Bell. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. Eruptions on the Sexual Organs— Corrodina: Nux-v. —Itching : Nux-v. sep. —Pimples (of): Graph, mere tart. —Pustules (of black): Bry. —Running : Sep.— Vesicular: Graph. Excoriation of the Sexual Organs: Carb-v. caus. graph. hep. kal. kreos. mere rhus. Sep. thuj. Heat in the Sexual Organs: Kreos. mere, nux-v. sep. Herpes in the Vulva: Dulc. petr. Inflammation in the Vulva: Bell. Merc, nux-v. sep. sulph. Itching in the Sexual Organs: Am. am-c calc. Carb-v. Con. kal. kreos. lyc. mere natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. plat. Sep. sil. staph. Sulph. thuj. Pains,—Burning: Carb-v. cham. lyc. mere nitr-ac. —Drawing: Mosch. phos.—in the Uterus: Puis. —Excoriation (as from): Amb. berb. kal. rhus. thuj. —Shooting: Calc. con. kal. kreos. lyc mere puis. sep. —Smarting: Chum. con. kreos. mere staph, thuj. —Spasmodic: Ign. kreos. Nux-v. sec. sulph. thuj. Pressure on the Sexual Organs: Asa. Bell. bry. calc. Cham. chin, coloc. con. croc, ipec kal. mosch. natr-m! nux-v. plat. sep. sulph. Sensibility (painful soreness) of the Sexual Organs: Kal. kreos. mere nux-v. staph, zinc. Spasms (uterine): Bell. caus. chain. Cocc. con. hyos. ign. magn. magn-m. natr. natr-m. Nux-v. Puls. sec. sep. stana Swelling of the Ovaria: Graph, lach. — Os Uteri (of the): Canth. sec. — Uterus (of the): Canth. nux-v. sec. — Vagina (of the): Merc. Nux-v. — Vulva (of the): Am-c bry. carb-v. coloc kreos. lach. mere podoph. sep. thuj. Ulcers (aphthous) in the Vulva: Carb-v. Varices (tumid veins): Calc. carb-v. lyc. nux-v. zinc. Warts on the Os Uteri: Sec. thuj. For other affections of the Female Sexual Organ*__ See: VAGINA, UTERUS, VULVA, or the Patho- logical name of the affection. 288 SEXUAL ORGANS (MALE). SEXUAL ORGANS (MALE). Atrophy of the Testicles Ant. caps, kal-hyd. Burning in the Sexual Organs: Amb. anac. ars. berb. bo* calc. cann. canth. caus. kreos. nitr-ac. puis. sep. sulph. —Glans penis (in the): Ars. berb. nux-v. sep. viol-tr. —Penis (in the): Berb. gran. —Prepuce (in the): Ars. calc. sulph. —Scrotum (in the): Euphorb. gran. plat. —Testes (in the): Berb. staph. Chaps, Cracks, Fissures in the Glans Penis: Ars. kaL —Prepuce (in the): Arn. kal. mere. sep. Sulph. —Penis (in the): Arn. kal. mosch. —Scrotum (in the): Arn. —Testes (in the): Sulph. Coldness of the Sexual Organs: Agn. calad. cann. caps. — Glans penis (in the): Berb. —Prepmce (in the): Berb. sulph. —Scrotum (in the): Caps, mere Contraction of the Prepuce (phymosis): Acon. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. caps. hep. lach. mere nitr-ac. rhus. sabad sulph. thuj. —Spermatic Cord (of the): Berb. nux-v. —lesles (in the;: Alum, nux-v. plumb. Emission of Semen. See: POLLUTIONS. —Absence of (no emission): Calad. graph, lyc. —Energy (without): Calc con. natr-m. phos. sel. —Speedy: Berb. carb-v. con. lyc. plat, zinc —Tardy: Calc. eug. lach. lyc. zinc. Emission or Efflux of Prostatic Fluid : Agn. am-c. anac aur. calc. Hep. ign. lyc. Natr. nitr-ac. ph-ac. puis. Sel. Sep. sil. staph, sulph. thuj. —Evacuation (during): Anac. con. calc. sel. sil. sulph. —Flaccidity of the penis (with): Aur. bell. — Urinating (when): Anac. calc. Hep. lach. sulph. Erections : Agar. alum. anac. aur. calc cann. Canth. caps. carb-v. chin. clem, coloc. con. euphorb. graph, hep. ign. kal. lach. lyc. mag-arc. magn-m. Merc, mosch. N«atr. natr-m. Nitr-ac Nux-v. op. par. petr. Phos. ph-ac. plat plumb. Puls. ran. rhus. sabin. sen. sil. staph, sulph-ac. tar. Thuj. zinc. —Absence of (no erections): Agar. Calad. camph. Con. graph, hep. kal. Lyc. Nitr-ac. Sel. —Painful: Cann. Canth. hep. kal. mere, Natr. puis thuj. SEXUAL ORGANS (MALE). 2R9 Male Sexual Organs (erections): —Strong: Agar. cann. Canth. coloc. graph, mere. Natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux-v. phos. plat. Puls. rhus. sil. thuj. — Weak, Feeble: Agar. agn. bar-c. con. hep. lyc. sel. sulph Eruptions on the Glans penis : Bry. lyc. rhus. sep. sil. —Penis (on the): Graph, ph-ac. —Prepuce (on the): Graph, ph-ac, sep. sil. —Scrotum (on the): Caus. petr. ph-ac. rhus. sep —Thighs (between the): Petr. Erysipelas in the Scrotum: Ars. bell, mere rhus. rhus-r. Excoriation in the Glans penis : Natr. —Prepuce (in the): Alum, calad. natr. nux-v. sil. —Scrotum (in the): Arn. natr. petr. plumb, sulph. —Thighs (between the): Bar-c. hep. lyc. petr. sulph. Flaccidity of the Sexual Organs : Agn. calad. hell. Gangrene of the Sexual Organs : Ars. canth. chin. laur. Herpes in the Sexual Organs : Dulc. petr. sass. sep. sulph —Prepuce (on the): Aur. dulc. hep. nitr-ac. ph-ac. sep. sulph, —Scrotum (on the): Amb. cocc. dulc. petr. natr-m. nitr-ac sulph. Impotence : Agar. agn. ant. bar-c. Calad. calc. camph. cann. caus. chin. Con. graph, hep. hyos. ign. kal. lach. Lyc. magn. mere mosch, mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. phos. plumb. Sel. sep. sulph. Induration of the Testes: Aur. clem. cocc. graph, rhod. spong. sulph. Inflammation of the Sexual Organs: Ars. canth. mere staph. —Glans penis (of the): Arn. ars. cann. cupr. led. Merc natr. plumb, rhus. sass. — Penis (of the). See : ORCHITIS, and Swelling. —Prepuce (of the): Cann. mere. natr. nitr-ac. sulph. —Scrotum (of the) Ars. ph-ac. plumb, rhus-r. —Spermatic cord (of the): Bell, nux-v. puis. —Testes (of the): Aur. bell. Clem, mere nitr-ac. nux-v. Puls. staph. Itching of the Sexual Organs : Magn-m. natr-s. sep. —Glans penis (in the): Ang. ars. cann. caus. euphr. mere nux-v. sep. sil. —Prepuce (in the): Ars. cann. caus. mere nux-v. puis. siL —Scrotum (in the): Aur. caus. cocc. kaL magn-m. petr puis, rhus-r. sel. sep. —Testes (in the) • Merc, nux-v. •25 290 SEXUAL ORGANS (MALE), Male Sexual Organs (itching of): —Thighs (between the): Carb-v. petr. — Voluptuous : Euphorb. mere staph. Oozing from the Scrotum: Petr. sil. sulph. —Thighs (between the): Bar-c. carb-v. hep. petr. Pains—Aching in the Testes: Arg. aur. berb. calc coco con. natr. puis, sabad. sep. squill, sulph. zinc —Burning, in the Glans penis : Ars. berb. viol-tr. ----Prepuce (in the): Ars. calc. mere nux-v. sulph. ----Scrotum (in the): Euphorb. gran. plat. -----Testes (in the): Berb. staph. —Drawing, in the Glans penis: Iod. kal. lyc. -----Penis (in the): Kal. ol-an. ran-sc. rhod. zinc. -----Spermatic cord (in the): Berb. clem. Merc, nitr-ac, puis. zinc. -----Testes (in the): Agar. berb. chin. clem. cocc. Mercs natr. nitr-ac. ol-an. puis. rhod. terb. thuj. zinc. —Gnawing, in the Testes : Ph-ac. plat. —Shooting, in the Glans penis: Ars. Euphorb. lyc. mere mez. pjh-ac. sulph. -----Penis (in the): Mez. ol-an. sep. sulph. thuj. ----Prepuce (in the): Ars. euphorb. mere puis. -----Scrotum (in the): Fer-mag. mere sulph. thuj. -----Spermatic cord (in the): Berb. sulph. thuj. -----Testes (in the): Bell. caus. mere rhod. staph —Smarting, in the Glans penis : Berb. lach. nux-v. -----Penis (in the): Arn. berb. -----Prepuce (in the) : Cham, nux-v. puis. -----Scrotum (in the): Berb. ran-sc. zinc. -----Testes (in the): Berb. —Tearing (sharp drawing), in the Glans penis: Euphorb. kal. -----Penis (in the): Kal. mez. -----Spermatic cord (in the): Bell, colch. puis. -----Testes (in the): Euphorb. puis, staph. Perspiration on the Sexual Organs: Calad. mere sep thuj. —Fetid: Natr-m. sulph —Scrotum (on the): Calad. daph. ign. sep. sil. thuj. Relaxation of the Testes : Nitr-ac. sulph. Retraction of the Penis : Berb. —Prepuce (of the): Bell, coloc. nux-v. prun. sulph. —Testes (of the): Euphr. plumb, zinc. Sensibility (painful) of the Sexual Organs: Cocc. verat SEXUAL ORGANS (MALE). 291 Male Sexual Organs (painful sensibility of): —Testes (of the): Am. aur. cocc. ol-an. phos. ph-ac. sep zinc. Sexual Intercourse,—A version to: Ang. clem. kal. lyc. —Desire (excessive sexual): Alum. Canth. phos. plat puis. — Weakness after : Agar. calc. kal, petr. sel. sep. sil. Swelling of the Sexual Organs : Ars. chin. lyc. plumb. —Dropsical: Ars. chin. lyc. mere plumb. See : HYDRO CELE. — Glans penis (of the): Ars. cann. cor. natr. rhus. thuj. —Inflammatory : Ars. Compare : Inflammation, &c. —Penis (of the): Arn. ars. cann. canth. cinn. cupr. kreos lact. led. mere plumb, rhus-r. —Prepuce (of the): Calad. cann. cinn. cor. graph. Merc natr. nitr-ac. rhus. siL sulph. thuj. viol-tr. —Scrotum (of the): Arn. ars. bar-m. brom. cauth carb-v clem, graph, mere ph-ac. plumb, puis. rhus. rhus-r. samb sep. -----Dropsical: Arn. ars. dig. hell. puis. rhod. sil. See • HYDROCELE. —Testes (of the): Agn. arn. ars. Aur. bar-m. canth. chin. Clem. con. dig. iod. kal. lyc. mere mez. natr. nitr-ac. nux-v. ol-an. ph-ac. Puls. rhod. Spong. staph, sulph. zinc ----Dropsical: Arn. ars. graph, lyc. nux-v. puis. rhod. sil. sulph. Compare with : HYDROCELE. ----Hard : Agn, arn. mere nux-v. ph-ac. sabin. spong. ----Hot: Arn. kal. puis. ----Painful: Arn. aur. canth. mere, nitr-ac. ol-an. nux-v. Compare with : Inflammation. Thickening of the Scrotum : Clem. rhus. —Epididymus (of the): Sulph. —Prepuce (of the): Lach. Torpor in the Sexual Organs (sensation of) : Amb. berb. — Glans penis (in the): Berb. Ulcers in the Glans penis: Merc, nitr-ac. sep. sulph. —Prepuce (in the) : Cans. cor. mere nitr-ac. sulph. thuj. Weakness of the Sexual Organs and Functions : Agn. ant bar-c. Calad. calc. camph. caus. chin. coff. coloc Con. dig. ferr. Graph, hep. ign. iod. kal. lach. Lyc. maga mang. men. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. phos. ph-ac. Sel. sep. sil. sulph. thuj. zinc. Compare : Impotence. For other affections of the Sexual Organs (male), See —under the head of their Pathological name. 292 SHOULDERS. SHINGLES (herpes zoster zona). See : ZONA. SHIP FEVER (typhus petechiahs). See : TYPHUS FE- FER, PETECHIA, and compare with the Particular symptoms, under their respective heads. SHIVERINGS, In General : Acon. aeth agn. alum, amb. am. am-c. am-m. anac. aut. arg. arn. Ars. asa. asar. aur. bar-c. berb. bor. bov. bruc. Bry. calc. calc-caus. calc-ph. camph. cann. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. cast. caus. cham. chel. Chin, chin-s. cic. cim. cin. clem. cocc. coff colch. coloc. con. crot. cyc. daph. dig. dros. euphorb. evon. gins. gran, graph, grat. gutt. haem. hell. hep. hydr-ac ign. iod. ipec. kal. kal-ch. kal-hyd. kalm. kreos. lach. lact. led. Lob. lyc. mag-arc, mag-aus. magn. magn-m. magn-s. mang. men. Merc, merc-c. mez. mosch mur-ac. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. ol-an. petr. phel. phos. ph-ac. plat, podoph. Puls. ran. ran-sc. rheum, rhus. rhus-r. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sass. sec. sen. sep. sil. spig. spong. squill, staph, stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tab. tar. tart. teuc. thuj. verb, verat. viol-od. zinc. Compare with: SHUDDERINGS, COLDNESS, and Shiverings in Particular Organs. SHOCKS (sensation of). Remedies, In General : Amb. Ang. ars. bell. cast. cham. cic. cin. colch. con. croc. Cupr. dulc graph, ign. ipec. hyos. kal. kreos. laur. Lyc. mag. mag-are natr. natr-m. natr-s. nux-v. op. phos. plat. puis. ran. sil. staph, stront. sulph. sulph-ac tart. thuj. verat. zinc. Compare with: Shocks in the Particular Organs. SHOULDERS. Burning in the Shoulders: Carb-v. rhus. —Between the Shoulders : Bry. lyc. mere sidph. —Left Shoulder (in the): Rhus-r. sil. —Right Shoulder (in the): Cann. carb-v. iod. —Scapula (in the): Cann. iod. laur. sil. Coldness between the Shoulders: Am-m. sep. Cracking in the Shoulder joints : Chin-s. tart. thuj. Drawing (painless) in the Shoulders: Amb. am-m. dulc grat. kal. mang. natr. sep. staph, sulph. zinc. —Between the Shoulders: Bell. grat. kreos. natr. stann. —Joints of the Shoulder (in the): Agar. amb. am-m. staph —Scapuhe (in the): Chin. rhus. sen. stann. Eruptions between the Shoulders: Ant. ars. caus. lach ph-ac. Heaviness in the Shoulders (sensation of): Calc graa natr. puis, sulph. thuj. —Between the Shoulders : Ang. gran, mea SHOULDERS. 293 Shoulders: Jerking in the Shoulders: Ang. Lyc. sulph, —Between, the Shoulders : Phel. —Joints of the Shoulders : Spong. —Left Shoulder (in the): Mosch. spong. —Scapulae (in the): Chin. Lameness in the Shoulders : Amb. gran. —Joints of the Shoulders: Lact —Left Shoulder (in the) : Lach. lact. stront Pains (indefinite) in the Shoulders : Cast. cist. lact. sep. —Between the Shoulders: Anac. calc-caus. nitr-ac. rhu& ther. —Inspiration (during): Am-m. sulph. —Joints (in the): Magn-m. natr. natr-m. nux-v. puis. —Left Shoulder (in the): Haem. rhus-r. —Right Shoulder (in the): Brom. lach. magn. rhus-r. sang. —Scapula (in the): Lach Pains—Aching in the Shoulders : Asa. nitr-ac. ph-ac. staph. sulph. -----Between the Shoulders : Arn. calc. puis, ran-sc. sulph. -----Joints (in the) : Calc. crot. staph. -----Left Shoulder (in the): BelL kal-bich. sen. staph. -----Right Shoulder (in the): Calc. cupr. nitr-ac. -----Scapula? (in the): Arn. bell. cin. cupr. sen. Pains as from a Bruise in the Shoulders: Acon. cann. coloc. con. croc, crotal. gran. hep. ign. kal. laur. natr-m. nux-v. sulph. verat. -----Between the Shoulders: Acon. am-m. bar-c hell. magn-s. sep. sulph. -----Joints (in the): Acon. cic. dros. ign. kal. lyc. natr. nux-v. -----Left Shoulder (in the): Nitr-ac. -----Right Shoulder (in the): Arn. cic. kal. lye -----Scapula (in the): Arn. gran. hell. kal. mere ran. sil. Pains Burning in the Shoulders : Carb-v. rhus. -----Between the Shoulders: Sulph. -----Left Shoulder (in the): Amb. bar-c. natr-m. sil. zinc. -----Right Shoulder (in the): Bar-c. caus. laur. lyc. sen. sulph -----Scapula; (in the): Alum. bry. carb-v. lyc. sen. sulph verat. Pains Cramplike in the Shoulders: Arg. magn. -----Between the Shoulders: Graph, guaj. viol-tr -----Scapula (in the): Arg. Pains Drawing in the Shoulders: Amb. am-m. b d. bry 25* 294 SHOULDERS. Shoulders (pains drawing in the): carb-v. cast. cupr. dulc. hep. iod. kal. laur. mag~-m, mang. natr. puis. rhod. sep. sulph. -----Between the Shoulders: Anac. ars. bell. bor. calad. calc. chin. con. hep. lob. nux-v. sep. sil. -----Joints (in the): Amb. am-c. lach. magn-m. natr. sep. sulph. ----Left Shoulder (in the): Cocc. -----Right Shoulder (in the): Am-c. con. euphorb. kaL natr. sulph. -----Scapula (in the): Acon. berb. caus. cham. cocc. kal. ruta. sep. sil. sulph. Pains as from Excoriation in the Shoulders: Aur. cic. con -----Right Shoulder Blade (in the) : Coloc. Pains Jerking in the Shoulders: Arg. chin. mez. natr ph-ac. puis. ran. tar. -----Joints (in the): Sil. sulph. -----Left Shoulder (in the) : Asa. -----Right Shoulder (in the): SiL Pains Piercing in the Shoulders: Laur. -----Between the Shoulders: Laur. natr-s. nitr. — —Joints (in the): Laur. -----Left Shoulder (in the): Laur. -----Scapula (in the): Phos. Pains Pressive in the Shoulders: Anac. cor. gran, hep, laur. led. natr. nitr-ac. sen. staph, sulph. -----Between the Shoulders: Anac. carb-an. sen. -----Right Shoulder (in the): Laur. Pains Rheumatic in the Shoulders: Bry. calc-ph. grat. iga kal-bich. lye nux-v. phos. prun. puis. rhod. rhus-r sang. sep. sulph. zinc. -----Between the Shoulders: Bell, calad. camph. dros. lob, ran. rhod. rhus. val. verat. -----Joints (in the): Am-m. ign. puis. ran. -----Left Shoulder (in the): Bor. calc-ph. graph, iod. ol-aa sabin. teuc. -----Right Shoulder (in the): Amb. nux-v. phos. sang. -----Scapula (in the): Amb. asa. graph, ol-an. rhod. val. Pains as from a Sprain in the Shoulders: Amb. asar. berb, caps, mur-ac. rhus. ruta. sep. tart. — —Between the Shoulders : Bell, canth. carb-an. petr stann. — —Joints (in the): Asar. berb. caps. mang. mur-ac natr-m. puis, sabin. sr»in' •**""* SHOULDERS. 295 Shoulders (pains as from a sprain in the): -----Left Shoulder (in the): Mur-ac. kal. sep. -----Right Shoulder (in the): Phos. sabin. staph. -----Scapula (in the): Asar. kal. nux-v. Pains Stinging in the Shoulder Blades : Ferr. mur-ac. nitr. Nitr-ac par. -----Between the Shoulders : Nitr. Nitr-ac. nux-v. par. Pains Stitching, or Shooting in the Shoulders: Amb. asar. bry. dulc. graph, iod. kreos. lach. laur. led. lyc. natr. nitr-ac phos. zinc. -----Between the Shoulders: Acon. alum. anac. berb. bov. camph. cann. canth. carb-v. cocc. colch. con. hep. lach. lyc. mez. natr. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. par. phos. plumb. puis. ran. sass. sep. sil. stann. zinc. -----Joints (in the): Ferr. iod. kreos. lyc. mere sil. sulph. thuj. -----Left Shoulder (in the): Am-m. asa. bry. calc. cupr. graph, mosch. natr. ran-sc. sep. -----Right Shoulder (in the): Asa. bell. hep. phos. ran. sil. thuj. -----Scapula (in the): Alum. am-m. ang. bell. calc. camph cupr. ferr. graph, hep. iod. mur-ac. par. phos. sep. sil. sulph, zinc. -----TJirough from the Shoulder to the Chest: Sulph. Pains Tearing (sharp drawing), in the Shoulders: Alum. amb. am-c. bell. bor. bry. carb-an. carb-v. cast, colch. evon. Ferr. graph, iod. kal. lach. laur. Lyc. Magn. magn-m. magn-s. mang. Merc natr. natr-m. nitr. par. phos. puis. rat. rhod. rhus. sil. staph. Sulph. thuj. zinc. -----Between the Shoulders: Anac. bor. calc. canth. caus. cocc. ferr. lach. men. natr. petr. plumb, rhus. sep. -----Joints (in the): Amb. carb-v. ferr. led. Lyc magn-m. Merc, stann. Sulph. zinc. -----Left Shoulder (in the): Amb. calc. kal. kal-bich. led. magn. phos. rhod. sep. stann. -----Right Shoulder (in the): Agn. carb-v. dulc. magn, magn-m. mang. Merc natr. rhod. stann. ----Scapula (in the): Acon. berb. phos. sep sil. stann zinc. Pains Tensive, in the Shoulders: Croc. sil. sulph. zinc. -----Between the Shoulders : Alum. ang. sep. zinc ----Left Shoulder (in the) : Sep. — —Right Shoulder (in the) : Euphorb «— —Scapulce (in the): Led. sep. sil. 296 SHUDDER INGS. Shoulders: Pains as if Wrenched or Dislocated, in the Shoulders Agn. croc. Ign. Magn. mur-ac. thuj. ----Between the Shoulders: Bell, nux-v. ----Joints (in the) : Agn. amb. croc Ign. mez. mur-ac natr-m. ruta. sabin. thuj. ----Left Shoulder (in the): Mur-ac. ----Right Shoulder (in the): Bar-c. coloc. Magn ----Scapula (in the): Bar-c magn. nux-v. Pressure on the Shoulders: Anac. bell. bor. carb-an. led magn. natr. phos. sep. staph, sulph. verat. —Between the Shoulders: Arg-nit. bry. calc. graph, laur. sen. ----Stone (as from a): Chin. —Joints of the Shoulders (in the) : Led. sabin. staph. —Left Shoulder (in the): Led. natr. rhus. stann. —Right Shoulder (in the): Agn. laur. nitr-ac ran. —Scapula (in the): Caus. laur. rhus. sen. Rigidity of the Shoulders: Natr. staph. —Between the Shoulders: Ang. beU. kal. —Joints (in the): Kal-bich. staph. —Right Shoulder (in the): Acon. euphorb. —Scapula (in the): Led. Tension in the Shoulders : Bry. cic. euphorb. kal. kal-hyd. —Between the Shoulders : Alum, carb-an. colch. kreos. laur. magn-s. natr. sil. sulph. zinc. —Joints (in the): Bov. euphorb. lyc. —Left Shoulder (in the): Laur. —Right Shoulder (in the): Euphorb. lyc. —Scapula (in the): Bar-c. colch. coloc. sabad. sil. zinc. Throbbing in the Shoulders: Sil. tar. thuj. Weakness in the Shoulders: Acon. asar. carb-v. ferr. plat For other affections of the Shoulders, see—under the head of their Pathological name. SHUDDERINGS; In General : Acon. agar. alum. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. ant. arg. arn. Ars. asa. asar. aur. bar-c. Bell. bor. bov. brom. bry. calad. calc. calc-ph. camph. cann. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. c/iam. chel. chin. cast, chin-s. cin. cinn. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. croc. cyc. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. evon. ferr. gent, graph. guaj. haem. hell. hep. hydr-ac. hyos. ign ipec kal. kal-ch kal-bich. kreos. lach. lact. laur. led. lyc. mag-arc mag-aus. magn-m. magn-s. mang. men. Merc. mez. mosch. mur-ac natr. Natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. op. par. phos. SKIN. 297 Shudderings : ph-ac. plat, plumb. Puls. ran. rat. rheum, rhod. Rhus ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sass. sec. sen. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph, stram. sulph. tar. thuj. verat. verb. viol-od. zinc. Compare with : SHIVERINGS ; INTERMITTENT FEVER ; and Shudderings in Particular Organs. SICK-HEADACHE. Remedies, In General : Acon. am-c. bry. cocc. con. eug. eup. Ipec. kal. mosch. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux-v. puis. Sang. Sep. verat. Compare : CEPHALALGIA with Nausea, -v. cham. colch. con. hep. hyos. kal. lach. lyc mang. Merc mez. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. ph-ac. Puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. thuj. verat. Itching : Acon. arn. caus. colch. con. lach. mere nux-v. puis. Rhus. sec. sep. sulph. Pale: Ant am. ars. bar-c. bell. Bry. calc chin. con. dig. ferr. graph, hell. hep. iod. kal. kreos. lach. Lyc. mere. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. plumb, puis. rhus. sabin. sep. sil. spig. Sulph. Pricking : Acon. arn. ars. Bry. canth. Caus. chin. cocc. con. graph, lach. led. mang. mez. nitr-ac. nux-v. Puls. rhus. sep. sulph. thuj. Spongy : Ant. ars. bell. calc. Carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. clem, graph, iod. kreos. Lach. mere petr. Phos. ph-ac. rhus. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. thuj. Suet-like (steatoma): Agar. ant. Bar-c. Calc. graph, hep. kal. nitr-ac. sabin. sil. spong. sulph. Wens (indolent, or encysted tumors): Am-c. am-m. bar-c. Calc daph. graph, hep. kal. nitr-ac. plumb, phos. sabin. Sil. sulph. zinc. See: ABSCESS ; EXCRESCENCES; and other Tu- mors and Swellings, under the head of their Path- ological name. TYMPANITIS (abdominal emphysema). Remedies, In Gen eral: Ars. asa. bar-c. bell, carb-v. Chin, chin-s. colch. coloc. ha3ia hyos. iod. laur. lyc. nux-v. op. puis, sulph. tart. Compare: ABDOMEN Distension, and Fullness TYPHUS FEVER (febris nervosa). Diagnosis. Slight chills followed by heat, lassitude, giddiness, and in some cases trembling and fits of fainting, are the usual precursors of typhus fever. The head and nervous system seem particularly affected ; hence, drowsiness, stupor, and de- lirium are frequently present, and in some cases, spasms and convulsions. The pulse is often very changeable__ sometimes full and slow, but usually quick, soft, small, and weak. The pulse does not harmonize with the respiration as in inflammatory fevers. The tongue is usually thickly coated, and the mouth parched and dry, with but little thirst. The skin is usually hot and drj, ULCERS. 329 i'yi-hus Fever : but in some cases, the parched and burning skin is suc- ceeded by profuse, clammy, and debilitating perspira- tioa The urine is sometimes red, and sometimes pale, or brown, or bloody, or turbid, or cloudy, and sometimes deposits a copious sediment. In short, changeability and discordance of symptoms, with slow fever, nervous affections, and great prostration, are the predominant characteristics of Typhus Fever; the symptoms varying according to the virulence or the variety of the disease, or as the cerebral, abdominal, or pulmonary symptoms predominate. Remedies, Is General: Acon. am-c. arn. ars. 6ar-c. Bell. Bry. camph, carb-v. cham. chin, chins. cocc. daph. dig. gran. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. lyc. mere mur-ac. natr-m. nux-v. op. phos. ph-ac. puis. Rhus. Rhus-r sec. spig. staph, sulph. sulph-ac val. verat. Abdominalis : Acon. arn. ars. Bry. canth carb-an. carb-v. Chin, chin-s. hyos. kreos. mere, merc-c. nitr-ac. n-mos. Phos. ph-ac. puis. Rhus, rhus-r. sulph. tart, verat. Cerebralis : Acon. Bell. Bry. cupr-acet. Hyos. lach. lyc. mere nux-v. op. ph-ac. rhus. rhus-r. stram. Pulmonalis : Arn. ars. bell. Bry. carb-v. chin. hyos. lach lyc. phos. Rhus, rhus-r. sulph. Compare : with the Particular Symptoms, under their respective heads. ULCERATIONS. Remedies, In General: Ant. ars. asa. bell. bor. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. clem. con. graph. Hep. kal. lach. lyc. mang. Merc, nitr-ac. petr. phos. ph-ac. Puls. rhus. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. Chronic : Ars. asa. Calc carb-v. Hep. iod. lyc. mere Phos. puis. Sil. staph, sulph. ULCERS (sores secreting pus, or other morbid matters). Remedies, In General : Ant. Ars. Asa. aur. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin. clem. con. cupr. graph, hep. kreos. Lach. led. Lyc Merc, mur-ac. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. plumb. Puls. ran. rhus. sabin. sec. sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. thuj. Blackish : Ars. Asa. bell, carb-v. caus. con. euphorb. lach. plumb, rhus. sec. sil. sulph. Bleeding : Arn. Ark. asa. bell, carb-v. caus. con. hep. hyos. kal. lach. Lyc mere natr-m. nitr-ac. Phos. ph-ac. puis. sec. sil. sulph. Bluish : Arn. ars. asa. aur. carb-an. carb-v. con. hep. Each 330 ULCERS. Ulcers : Burning: Amb. Ars. asa. aur. bell. bov. bry. carb-an Carb-v. caus. cham. clem. con. graph, hep. kreos. lach. Lyc. mang. Merc. mez. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. phos. plumb, puis. ran. Rhus. sec. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. Cancerous : Amb. Ars. arum. aur. bell, carb-an. carb-v. caus. clem. con. dulc. Hep. kreos. lach. mere nitr-ac. phos. rhus. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. Deep: Ant. ars. asa. aur. bell. Calc. carb-v. clem. con. hep. lach. lyc. mere mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. petr. phos. ph-ac Puls. rhus. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. thuj. Elevated Edges (with): Ars. Asa. bry. carb-an. caus. clem. hep. lach. lyc. mere nux-v. petr. phos. puis. ran. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. thuj. Fetid : Am-c ars. asa. aur. bar-m. bell. calc. carb-v. caus. chin. con. graph. Hep. kreos. lach. lyc. mere mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. ph-ac. rhus. sec. sep. sil. staph. Sulph. Fistulous : Ant asa. aur. bell. Calc. Carb-an. carb-v. caus. con. hep. lach. Lyc. mere nitr-ac. petr. phos. puis. rhus. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. thuj. Gangrenous: Am-c. Ars. arum. asa. bell, carb-v. chin. con. euphorb. hep. kreos. Lach. mere Plumb, ran. Sec Sil. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. Hard : Arn. Ars. asa. aur. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v caus. cham. chin. cic. clem. con. cupr. graph, hep. lach. Lyc. mere mez. natr. nux-v. phos. plumb. Puls. ran. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. Inflamed: Acon. ant. Ars. asa. bry. calc. cham. colch. con. Hep. hyos. lye Merc mez. natr. nitr-ac. phos. Puls. rhus. Sil. staph, sulph. Insensible : Ars. bor. calc. carb-an. carb-v. con. euphorb. iod. lach. laur. Lyc. nitr-ac. oleand. op. ph-ac. plumb, sec. sep. sil. sulph. Itching : Alum. amb. ant. ars. bell. bov. calc. canth. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. clem, graph. Hep. lach, Lyc. mere mez. nitr-ac. phos. ph-ac. Puls. ran. rhus. sep. Sil. staph. sulph. Painful : Alum. amb. am-c. anac. ang. ant. Arn. ars. Asa aur. bare bell. bov. bry. calc. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cic. clem. cocc. colch. con. croc. cupr. dig. dulc. euphorb. graph. Hep. hyos. iod. kal. kreos. lach led. lyc mere mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. plumb, puis. ran. rhus. sabin. sec. seL eep. sil. staph sulph sulph-ac. thuj. verat. ULCEUS. 331 Clcers (painful): —Biting: Ars. bell. bry. calc caus. colch. Euphorb. graph lach, led. lyc. mere mez. natr. petr. ph-ac. Puls. ran. rhus. ruta. sil. staph, sulph. sulph-ac. —Boring • Aur. bell. caus. chin. hep. kal. natr. natr-m. ran sc. sep. sil. sulph. thuj. — Gnawing: Bar-c. bell. cham. kaL led. lyc. mang. mere mez. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis, ran-sc. rhus. Staph, sulph thuj. —Incisive, cutting pains : Bell. calc. dros. graph, lyc. mur ac. natr. ph-ac. rhus. sep. sil. sulph-ac. —Jerking: Asa. aur. bell. calc. Caus. cham. chin, cupr, graph, lyc mere natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. Puls. rhus. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. ■—Pricking: Alum. ant. Ars. asa. bar-c. bell. bov. bry. calc carb-v. chain, chin. clem. con. graph, hep. lyc. mang. Merc mez. mur-ac. natr. Nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. phos. Puls. ran. rhus. sabin. sep. Sil. staph, Sulph. thuj. —Shooting : Ars. bell, calc chin. clem, graph, hep. lyc. mez, nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. puis. rhus. ran. sep. siL sulph. —Smarting : Bell. bry. chain, graph, hep. mez. puis. rhus. sep. sil. staph, sulph. —Tearing (sharp drawing): Ars. bry. calc. canth. clem. graph. Lyc. mere nitr-ac. nux-v. puis. rhus. sep. sil. staph, sulph. Painless : Amb. ara ars. aur. bar-c. bell. bry. carb-an cham. chin. cic. cocc. con. graph, hell. hep. hyos. ign. lach laur. led. Lyc. mang. mere nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. oleand. op. phos. Ph-ac. puis. ran. rhus. sec. sep. sil. staph, stram sulph. verat. Proud Flesh (with): Alum. ant. Ars. bell, carb-an. carb-v cham. clem, graph, lach. mere petr. phos. Sep. Sil. staph. sulph. thuj. Putrid : Am-c. Ars. asa. aur. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. chin, graph. Hep. kreos. lyc. mere Mur-ac. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhus. sabin. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. Red Areola (with): Acon. arn. Ars. bell. bry. calc. cham. cocc. cupr. Hep. hyos. lach, lyc. mere nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. plumb. Puls. ran. rhus. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. thuj. verat. Scabby : Ars. bell. bov. brv. calc. carb-an. clem. con. graplu hep. lyc. mere puis. rhus. sep. sil. Sulph. Serrated Edges (with): Hep. lach. Merc, ph-ac. sil. staph. sulph. thuj. 332 ULCERS U LCERa: Spongy : Ant. Ars. bell. calc. Carb-an. carb-v. caus. ch.uu clem. con. graph, iod. kreos. Lach. mere nitr-ac nux-v petr. phos. rhus. sabin. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. thuj. Spongy Edges (with): Ars. carb-an. caus. clem. lach. lyc mere petr. phos. ph-ac. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. thuj. Suppurating Discharge—Blackish : Bry. chin. lyc. sulph. —Bloody : Arn. Ars. Asa. bell, carb-v. caus. con. Hep. hyos. iod. kal. kreos. lach. lye Merc. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhus. ruta. sabin. sec. sep. sil. sulph. sulph-ac thuj. —Brownish: Anac. ars. Bry. calc. carb-v. con. puis, rhus sil. —Corroding : Am-c. ang. Ars. bar-m. bell. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. clem. con. cupr. graph, hep. iod. kreos. lach. lyc. Merc. mez. natr. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. puis. ran. rhus. sang. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. sulph-ac. —Fetid: Am-c. ars. asa. aur. bar-m. bell. calc. carb-v. caus. chin. con. graph. Hep. lyc. mere mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac ph-ac rhus. sec. sep. sil. staph. Sulph. —Grayish: Amb. ars. carb-an. Caus. chin. lyc. mere sep. sil. thuj. — Greenish : Ars. asa. aur. carb-v. caus. clem, kreos. lach. mere nux-v. phos. puis. rhus. sep. sil. stapih. —Profuse : Arg. ars. asa. bry. calc. canth. chin, graph, iod. lyc. mere. phos. ph-ac. Puls. rhus. sabin. Sep. sil, staph, sulph. —Scanty: Ars. bare. bell. bov. Calc. carb-an. clem. cupr. dulc. graph, hep. hyos. Lach. led. lyc. mere. petr. phos. plat, plumb, puis. rhus. sep. sil. staph, sulph. verat. —Thin: Am-c. ars. Asa. aur. bar-m. bov. calc. Carb-v. Caus. chin. cic. clem. con. graph hep. kal. lyc. mang. Merc, mur-ac, nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. plumb, ran. Rhus. sang. sep. sil. staph, sulph, tart. thuj. — Viscous: Arg. arn. bar-c. bov. cham. con. Merc. mez. phos. sep. sil. staph. — Whitish: Am-c. ars. calc. carb-v. lyc. puis. sep. siL sulph. — Yellow: Acon. amb. am-c. ars. aur. bov. bry. calc. carb-v caus. cic. clem. con. dulc. graph, hep. iod. kreos. lyc mang. mere natr. nitr ae nux-v. phos. Puls. rhus. ruta. sec. sep. sil. staph, sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. Swollen : Acon. arn. ars. aur. Bell. bry. calc. carb-v. caus cham. cic. con. dulc. graph, hep. iod. kal. lyc. Merc natr. URETHRA. 333 Ulcers (swollen): nitr-ac nux-v. phos. Puls. rhus. sabia Sep. Sil. staph, Sulph. ULITIS (inflammation of the gums). See : GUMS. UNEASINESS, Anxiousness (sensation of). Remedies, In General : Acon. amb. arg. am. Ars. bar-c. bell. bor. bry. calc. camph, canth. carb-v. Caus. Cham. chel. chin. con. crot. eug. graph, grat. guaj. haem. iod. Ipec Kreos. lob. lyc. magn-m. mang. meph. mere mosch. natr. natr-m. n-mos. Nux-v. petr. Ph-ac prun. Puls. sabad. sabin. sen, sep. sil. Stann. sulph. tar. verat viol-tr. Evening (in the): Am-c am-m. carb-v. Caus. magn. magn-m. mere natr. natr-m. nux-v. I^imbs (in the): Bell, carb-v. caus. cham. Chin. iod. magn. Merc, nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. Op. plat. prun. puis. ruta. Sep. sil. squill, sulph. Compare with MIND ; and RESTLESSNESS. URETHRA (canal of the bladder). Burning in the Urethra: Amb. ant. Ars. berb. bry. Calc. Cann. canth. clem Colch. cupr. kal. mere Natr. nitr-ac. nux-v. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. prun. puis. sep. sen. staph. Sulph. terb. thuj. — Urinating (when): Ant. ars. berb. Calc camph. Cann. canth. caps. caus. chain. Colch. cupr. dig. dulc. ign. kal. Lach. hep. magn. mere. Natr. natr-s. nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. ol-an. phos. ph-ac. prun. puis, sabad. sass. sen. sep. staph, sulph. sulph-ac. tart terb. thuj. verat. zinc. — Urination (after) : Berb. canth. con. mere natr. natr-s. puis, sea teuc. thuj. zinc. Discharge of Blood from the Urethra: Am-c arn. calc. canth. caps. caus. chin. con. euphorb. hep. lyc. mere Mez. Mill, nux-v. phos. plumb, sulph. zinc. Compare: URINE, Bloody. Discharge of Mucus: Agar. ant. calc. cann. canth. dulc ferr. gran. hep. kal-hyd. mere. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. puis. sass. sep. sulph. thuj. Discharge of Pus : Cann. canth. caps. clem. con. cop. ipec. mere, nitr-ac nux-v. sabin. sass. Itching in the Urethra: Alum. amb. arn. berb. bov. canth cop. ign. lyc. mez. natr-m. nux-v. ol-an. sep. sulph. thuj. Pains—Burning in the Urethra: Camph. caps, mere nux-v. ol-an, par. phos. ph-ac. prun. Compare with : Burning. —Cutting : Berb. canth. cups, colch. con. dig. gran. lach. lyc mere. sep. zinc. —Drawing : Cinth. colch. natr. petros. puis, sulph. zinc 334 URINATION. Urethra (pains in the): —Shooting : Berb. bry. canth. caps, colch. con. cupr gran lach. lyc. mang. mere par. petr. sep. Sulph. thuj. . gran. led. nitr-ac. rhus. For other affections of the Urethra,—see: GONOR- RHCEA ; or the particular affection under the head of its Pathological name. URETHRITIS (inflammation of the urethra). See : GON- ORRHOEA ; and GONORRHGEA-PSEUDO. URINATION. Desire to urinate—Frequent : Acon. alum. am-c. anac. ant. aur. Arg. arn. Bar-c. bell. bor. bov. bry. calc. cann. canth. caps. Caus. chel. chin. cic. cin. clem. cocc. coff. colch. con. cop. dros. euphr. graph, hell. hyos. ign. iod. kal. kreos. lach. led. lye magn-m. mang. Merc. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. natr-s. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. oleand. ol-an. petr. petros. phos. ph-ac. puis. Rhus. ruta. sabad sabin. samb. sass. sec. sel. sen. sep. sil. spig. spong. Squill, stann. Staph, stram. sulph. tar. tart. thuj. val. verb, viol-tr. Desire Ineffectual : Acon. agar. anac. arn. ars. aur. bell. bor. camph. cann. Canth. caps, carb-v. caus. chin. cic. clem. colch. coloc. con. cop. Dig. dulc. graph, hell. hep. hyos. kal. lyc. mere mur-ac. Nux-v. petr. petros. phos. ph-ac. plumb, prun. puis. ruta. sabki. Sass. sec. sep. sil. spong staph, stram. sulph. verat. Desire Urgent : Acon. agar. alum. am-c. ant. arg. arn. ars. bar-c. bell. berb. bor. Bry. calc camph. cann. canth, caps. carb-an. Caus. cham. chin. cic. colch. coloc. con. cop. dros. euphorb. graph, guaj. hell. hep. hyos. iga kal. kreos. lach, led. lyc. magn. magn-m. men. mere, mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux-v. ol-an. petr. petros. phos. Ph-ac. phy- tol. plumb, prun. Puls. rat. rhus. ruta. sabad. Sabin. samb. sass. sec. sel. sep. sil. spig. spong. Squill, stann. Staph stram. Sulph. tab. tar. tart. thuj. verat. verb, viol-tr. zinc Drops (discharge in): Ant. arn. ars. bell, camph. cann Canth. caps. caus. chin. clem, colch. coloc. con. cop. dig URINATION, 335 Ck i nation (discharge in drops): dros. dulc. euphorb. graph, hell. led. mag-aus. mere n-mos. nux-v. op. petr. ph-ac plumb, puis. rhus. ruta sabin. sec. siL staph, stram. Sulph. thuj. Frequent : Am-c. anac. ant. arg. aur. Bar-c bell. bov. bry calc. cann. cast. Caus. chel. cic. clem. cocc. coff. con. cupr. Daph. euphr. hell. ign. Kal. kal-hyd. Kreos. lach. led. lyc. Merc mur-ac natr. natr-m. nitr. Nux-v. oleand. petr. phos. ph-ac. plumb, puis. Rhus. Rhus-r. ruta. sabia samb. sass. sec. sel. sen. sil. spig. spong. Squill, stann. STAPa Sulph. thuj. val. Interrupted : Agar. bov. caps. caus. Clem. Con. dulc. kal. led. op. ph-ac. puis, sulph. thuj. zinc. Involuntary (enuresis): Acon. am-c. arn. ars. bare, bar-m. bell. bry. calc carb-v. Caus. cham. chin. cic. cin. cocc. con. dig. dulc ferr. graph, hyos. ign. kreos. lach. laur. lyc. mag- aus. magn. mere mur-ac. Natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. podoph. Puls. Rhus. ruta. sen. sep. sil. spig. stram. Sulph. tab. tart, verat. zinc. Involuntary at Night (during sleep) : Acon. am-c. arn. ars. Bell. bry. calc. carb-v. Caus. cham. chin. Cin. con. dulc. graph, hep. hyos. ign. kal. kreos. lyc. mere natr. natr-m. nux-v. op. petr. podoph. Puls. ruta. Rhus. sen. sep. Sil. spig. stram. Sulph. Compare : Nocturnal. Nocturnal : Alum. Am-c. am-m. anac. ars. bor. Calc. carb-v. coff. con. daph dros. Graph, hep. Iod. kal-hyd. lach. mag- aus. magn-s. mere natr. Natr-m. nux-v. petr. ph-ac. podoph. rhus. rhus-r. sang. sen. sep. sil. spig. squill. Sulph. sulph-ac tart. thuj. Painful (dysuria): Acon. arn. ars. berb. calc. camph. Cann. Canth. caps. cinn. colch. con. dig. Dulc. graph, hep. kal. lach. lyc. mere mez. natr. n-mos. Nux-v. phos. ph-ac. prun. puis. rhus. sass. sep. staph, sulph. tart. thuj. verat. zinc. Pains—Burning (with) : Ant. ars. berb. Calc. camph, Cann. canth. caps. caus. cham. Colch. cupr. dig. dulc. ign kal, Lach. hep. magn. mere Natr. natr-s. nitr-ac. n-mos. Nux-v. ol-an. phos. ph-ac. prun. puis, sabad. sass. sen. sep. staph, sulph. tart, terb. thuj. verat. zinc — Cutting (with): Ant. cann. canth. caps. con. cupr. dig. hell, n-mos. ph-ac. sen. staph, sulph. —Smarting (with): Canth. carb-v. cin. cop. ign. lyc. nitr-ac magn. mere nux-v. phos. Sep. Profuse : Acon. alum. am-c. ang. ant. Arg. ars. arum, bar-e. 336 URINE. Urination (profuse): bar-m. bell, bis. bry. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin. cic. coff. clem, coloc. Daph. euphr. guaj. hyos. ign. iod. kal-hyd Kreos. led. mere Mur-ac. natr. nitr. phos. ph-ac. puis Raph. Rhus. Rhus-r. ruta. sabin. samb. sass. sel. sen. Spig. spong. Squill, stram. sulph, ther. thwj. val. verat. Verb, viol-tr. zinc. Scanty: Acon. agar. am-c. anac. ant. arn. ars. bell. bry. camph. cann. Canth. caps, carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin. chin-s. cic. cocc. coff. Colch. coloc. con. cupr. cyc. Dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. graph. Hell. hep. hyos. iod. ipec. kal. kreos. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn. men. mere natr. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. plumb, puis. rhus. Ruta. sabad. sass. sec. sen. sep. sil. stann. Staph strain, sulph. verat. Seldom: A con. agar. arn. ars. aur. bell. bry. camph. cann canth. carb-v. chin, colch. coloc. cupr. dig. dulc. graph. hell. hep. hyos. ipec. laur. led. mez. nux-v. op. par. plumb puis. rhus. ruta. sec. sel. sep. squill, stann. staph, stram stront. sulph. sulph-ac. verat. Suppressed (retention of urine, ischuria): Acon. arn. ars aur. bell, camph. cann. Canth. caps, carb-v. chin. cic. colch, coloc. con. cupr. dig. dulc. graph, hep. hydr-ac. hyos. lach. laur. lye mere nitr-ac. Nux-v. Op. plumb, prun. puis. rhus. sabin. stann. stram. sulph. tab. tart, verat. zinc. Tenesmus (with): Acon. ant. arn. ars. calc. camph. Canth. caps, colch. coloc. con. Dig. dulc. euphorb. graph, hyos. kal. lach. mere mur-ac. Nux-v. ol-an. plumb, prun. Puls. ruta. sabad. sass. sec. sep. sil. staph. URINE. Bloody : Acon. amb. am-c arn. ars. berb. calc. camph. cann. Canth. caps, carb-v. chin, coloc. con. dulc. hep. ipec. lyc. mere mez. mill, nitr-ac. nux-v. op. phos. Puls. sass. sec. sep. squill, sulph. tart. terb. thuj. zinc. Burning : Acon. alum. Ars. bry. camph. cann. Canth. caps. carb-an. cham. colch. Dig. dulc. hep. iod. kal. kreos. lyc Merc, nitr-ac nux-v. phos. ph-ac. sec. sep. squill, thuj verat. zinc. Corrosive : Amb. arn. calc, cann. canth. Caus. cham. clem graph. Hep. ign. iod. kal. kreos. laur. Merc natr-m. par. rhus. sass. sen. tart. thuj. verat. , Dark (high-colored): Acon. am-m. ant arn. ars. asa. Bell. berb. Bry. calc. cann. canth. carb-v. caus. chin. CoLca coloc. con. daph. Dig. dulc. graph. helL hep. ipec. kaL kal-hyd. lach. lob. lyc. mag-arc Merc natr. nitr-ac. n-mos URINARY SEDIMENT. 337 Urine (dark): aux-v. op. petr. phos. phytol. plat, plumb, puis, rheum rhus. rhus-r. sass. sel. Sep. sil. squill, staph, sulph. sulph- ac. Tart. val. verat. Fetid : Agar. amb. ars. bor. calc. carb-an. carb-v. coloc. cupr. daph. Dulc guaj. kreos. mere natr. nitr-ac. petr. ph-ac. rhod. sep. sulph. viol-tr. Flocculent : Cann. Canth. cham. kal. lach. mere Mez. nitr. sass. sen. squilL zinc. Frothy : Chin-s. lach. laur. lyc. sen. spong. Gelatinous : Arg. berb. canth. Coloc. cupr. kreos. ph-ac. Greenish: Ars. aur. camph. chin. iod. kal. magn. ol-aa rheum, ruta. verat. Milk-like : Aur. berb. cann. chin. cin. dulc. hep. iod. mere mur-ac. Ph-ac rhus. sulph. Mucus (mixed with): Ant. aur. bry. calc. cann. canth. carb-v. caus. chin. cin. coloc con. dulc. hep. mere mez. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. petr. ph-ac. puis. sass. sen. sulph. val. Pale : ^Eth. alum. anac. ang. aur. bell. berb. bis. calc. canth. carb-v. caus. chel. chin. cocc. colch. coloc. Con. dig. dulc. hep. ign. iod. kal-hyd. lach. laur. mur-ac. natr-m. Nitr. nux-v. ol-an. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. rhod. rhus. sass. sec. squill, stram. stront. sulph. zinc. Purulent (mixed with pus): Cann. Canth. caps. clem. con. kal. lyc. nitr-ac. puis, sabin. sass. sep. sulph. Turbid : Alum. amb. anac. ant. ars. aur. bell. bry. cann. canth. carb-v. cham. chin. Cin. colch. coloc. Con. cupr. cyc. dig. dulc. hep. ign. ipec. kal. kreos. lach. Merc. mosch. mur-ac. natr. phos. ph-ac plumb, puis. rhus. ruta Sabad. sass. sen. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. thuj. val. verat. zinc URINARY SEDIMENT, Bloody: Acon. arn. calc. Cann. Canth. caps, coloc. con. dulc. lyc. mere mez. phos. Ph-ac Puls. sec. Sep. sulph. Sulph-ac zinc. Clay-Colored: Am-m. anac. canth. chins, cor. ign. kal. mang. ol-an. sass. sep. sulph. Zinc. Cloudy : Amb. am-m. bry- caus. carb-v. chin. kal. laur. lob. mere nitr. ol-an. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat, rat sass. sen, thuj. vaL zinc. Flocculent : Cann. Canth. cham. kal. lach. mere Mez. nitr. sass. sen. squill, zinc. G ravelly' : Alum. amb. am-c. ant. arn. calc. cann. canth chin, chin-s. kal. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. petr phos. puis. ruta. Sass. sep. sil. thuj. zinc 29 338 UVULA Urinary Sediment : Grayish : Berb. con. hyos. led. mang. spong. Purulent: Cann. Canth. caps. clem. con. kaL lyc nitr-ac puis, sabin. sass. sep. sulph. Reddish: Acon. alum, am-c am-m. ant. arn. belL berb. camph. cann. canth. carb-an. chia chin-s. coloc. dapa dulc. fer-mur. graph, ipec. kal-bich. lach. laur. lob. lyc. mang. mez. Natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mos. nux-v. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. Puls. ruta. sass. sel. sen. Sep. sil. squill, sulph. thuj. val. Whitish : Alum. am-c. bar-c. bar-m. bell. berb. calc. canth caps, colch. coloc. con. dulc. graph, hep. hyos. kreos. nitr-ac oleand. petr. Phos. ph-ac. Rhus. sep. spig. spong. sulph. val. zinc. URTICARIA (nettle rash). See: NETTLE RASH. UTERINE HAEMORRHAGE. See : HEMORRHAGE. UTERUS (womb). Cancer in the Womb: Remedies, In Gen- eral: Ars. aur. bell. Carb-an. chin. clem. con. graph kreos. magn-m. nitr-ac. phos. plat. puis, sabin. sept, staph. thuj. Induration of the Uterus: Aur. bell, carb-an. chin, iod magn-m. plat. sep. staph. Inflammation of the Uterus: Acon. Bell. bry. canth. cham. chin. coff. ign. lach. mere Nux-v. plat. puis. rhus. sec. Irritable Uterus: Bell. calc. cham. cocc. con. kal. kreos. natr-m. plat. sep. sulph. Polypus in the Uterus: Calc. phos. plat. sec. staph, thuj. Prolapsus of the Uterus: Aur. Bell. calc. cann. chin. ferr. gran. lyc. mere n-mos. Nux-v. plat. Podoph. sabin. sec. Sep. stann. Putrefaction of the Uterus: Chin, kreos. sec Spasms in the Uterus: Bell. caus. cham. Cocc con. hyos. ign. natr. magn. magn-m. natr-m. Nux-v. Puls. sep. stann. Swelling of the Uterus : Canth. nux-v. sec. Ulceration of the Uterus: Ars. aur. bell, mere nitr-ac. staph. thuj. For other affections of the Uterus, see: SEXUAL ORGANS (FEMALE); or the Pathological name of the affection. UVULA (the pendulous part of the palate). Elongation of the Uvula: Croc dulc. iod. kal. mere. plat. Inflammation of the Uvula: Bell. calc. coff mere natr-s. I -. nitr-ac. Nux-v. puis, sabad. sen. sulph. VERTIGO. 339 Uvula: Swelling of the Uvula: Bell. calc. coff. iod. mere natr-s. Nux-v. sen. sil. sulph. VAGINA (the parts between the vulva and the uterus). Induration of the Vagina: Sep. Inflammation of the Vagina: Merc. Swelling of the Vagina: Merc, nux-v. For other affections of the Vagina, see : SEXUAL ORGANS (FEMALE); or the Pathological name of the affection. VARICELLA (chicken-pox). See : CHICKEN-POX. VARICES (tumid veins). Remedies, In General : Amb. Arn. ars. calc. carb-v. caus. ferr. graph, kreos. lach. lyc. natr-m. nux-v. Puls. sil. spig. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc Pregnant Women (in): Arn. ars. carb-v. graph, lach Lyc. Puls. sulph, zinc. VARIOLA (small-pox). See: SMALL-POX. VARIOLOID (modified small-pox). See: SMALL-POX. VEINS. Burning in the Veins: Ars. bry. hyos. op. rhus. verat Coldness in the Veins (sensation of): Acon. tart. Distended : Acon. alum. am-c. arn. ars. bar-c. Bell. bry. calc. Chin. cic. coloc. con. croc. Ferr. graph. Hyos. lach lyc. natr-m. nux-v. op. phos. ph-ac. puis. sang. sass. sep, spig. spong. staph, sulph. Thuj. Compare: VARICES. Inflammation of the Veins : Acon. lach. Tart. Marbled appearance of the Veins: Carb-v. caus. plat Thuj. Pulsation in the Veins: Acon. anac. ars. Bell. bov. calc. canth. carb-an. carb-v. clem. con. cupr. Graph, hell. hep. ign. iod. kal. kreos. mere natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux-v. phos. plumb, puis. rhus. sabin. sel. Sep. stront. sulph. thuj. zinc. VELUM PALATI (the soft palate). See : PALATE. VENEREAL DISEASE (syphilis). See: SYPHILIS. VERMES (worms). See : WORMS. VERTEBRAE (the bones of the spinal column). See: SPINE. VERTIGO (dizziness). Remedies, In General : Acon. agar. amb. anac. ant. arg. arg-nit. arn. ars. aur. Bell. bov. bry. Calc camph. cann. carb-an. caus. cham. chin, chin-s. Cic. cin. cocc con. croc. cupr. dros. ferr. hep. hyos. ign. ipec, lach, lact. laur. lyc. lup. mag. mere mosch. natr-m. ~ios. Nux-v. oleand. op. petr. Phos. ph-ac. prun. Puls, 340 VERTIGO. Vertigo : ran. Rhus Rhus-r. sang. sec. sep. sil. sol-nig. spig. sti am, sulph. thuj. val. verat. zinc. Air (in the open) : Amb. ang. ars. calc. dros. nux-v. puis ran. sep. sulph. Anxiety (with): Bell. caus. lach. lob. mere nux-v. rhod. Ascending a hill, or elevation (on): Bor. calc. sulph. Congestion to the Head (from): Acon. am. Bell, carb-v. Chin. ferr. hyos. lach. mere mosch, Nux-v. op. phos. puis. rhus. sil. sulph. Confused Sight (with): Acon. anac. arg. ars. calc. carb-v. cham. cic. hep. hyos. laur. mere Nux-v. oleand. puis sabad. stram. zinc. Evening (in the): Ars. carb-an. hep. kal. lach. magn. natr-s. nitr-ac Nux-v. phos. plat. Puls. rhus. staph, sulph. Fainting (with): Cham. croc. hep. Lach. magn. Mosch, Nux-v. sabad. sulph. Compare : FAINTING, with Vertigo. Gastric Derangement (from): Acon. ant. ars. bell. cham. lyc. mere Nux-v. petr. Puls. rhus. sil. sulph. Headache (with): Acon. arg-nit. ars. Bar-c lach. nitr-ac phos. puis, stram. Compare : CEPHALALGIA, with Giddiness. Heaviness in the Head (with a sensation of) : Acon. camph. chin. cupr. laur. magn-m. rhod. spong. Humming in the Ears (with): Carb v. nux-v. puis. sen. Loss of Consciousness (with): Acon. ars. Bell. bor. bov. hep. Lach. laur. mosch. Nux-v. Meal (after a): Cham. kal. Lach. magn-s. Nux-v. petr. Puls. rhus. sulph. Morning (in the): Am-c. bell, carb-an. caus. cham. con. Graph, kal-bich. Lach. magn. natr-m. nitr-ac. Phos. puis. Rhus. sep. sulph. Moving the Head (on): Acon. anac. arn. calc carb-v. hep. kal. sang. Nausea (with): Acon. am-c. Ant. arn. ars. Bar-c bell. calc-ph. carb-an. carb-v. chin. cocc. fer-acet. fluor-ac gran. hep. lach. lob. lyc. mere mosch. nitr-ac. phos. puis, sabad. sil. sulph. ther. Nervous Affections (from): Amb. arn. bell. cham. chin. hep. mosch. nux-v. phos. puis. rhus. Rising from a recumbent posture (when): Bell. bry. chaia cr** gran, graph, natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. puis. rhus. VOICE. 311 Vertigo : Rising from a Seat (when): Acon. arn. asar. bry. con. kal- bich. laur. petr. puis, sabad. sulph. thuj. Stooping (from): Acon. bar-c. bell. bry. carb-v. caus. chins fer-carb. hell. led. lyc. Nux-v. ol-an. Petr. ph-ac. plumb Puls. sil. sulph. ther. Weakness (with): Bell. berb. lach. nitr-ac. sang, sulph. zinc. Whirling Vertigo: Acon. anac. Arn. asa. Bell. bry. caus. cic. cupr. hydr-ac. kal-bich. laur. lyc. mur-ac. natr-m. Nux-v. phos. puis. rhod. ruta. val. verat VESICLES (blisters or filled pustules). Remedies, In Gen- eral : Am-c. am-m. ant arg. Ars. bar-c. bell. bry. calc. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. Cic. clem. cocc. con. dulc. euphorb. graph, hep. Hyos. kal. kreos. Lach. mang. Merc natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. petr. Phos. ph-ac. plat, plumb, puis. Ran. ran-sc. Rhus. Rhus-r. sabad. sabin. sass. sec. sel. sen. sep. sil. spong. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. Tart. thuj. verat. zinc. Blood (containing): Ars. aur. bry. canth. natr-m. sec. 1 sulph. Bluish : Ars. bell. con. lach. ran. rhus. sec. sil. Corroding (phagadenic): Am-c. bar-c. bor. calc. caus. cham. clem. con. Graph, hep. kal. lach. led. lyc. magn. mere mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. par. Petr. phos. plumb. Rhus, rhus-r. sep. Sil. staph, sulph. Gangrenous : Ars. bell, camph. carb-v. kreos. lach. mur-ac. phos. rhus. sabin. sec. sil. v'OICE. Aphonia, or defect of Voice. Remedies, In Gen- eral : Amb. ant. ars. bar-c. Bell. calc. cann. carb-an. Carb-v. Caus. cham. chin. Dros. Hep. iod. kal. lach. mang. Merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. Phos. puis. rhus. sep. spong. stann. sulph. verat. Bass Voice : Anac. chin. dros. iod. laur. par. sulph. Croaking : Acon. ars. '•in. Lach. ruta. Crowing : Cupr. stram. Deep : Arn. bar-c chin. Dros. iod. par. Failing (giving out): Dros. spong. Feeble : Am-caus. ang. ant. bell. brom. Canth. caus. chaia chin. Hep. ign. lach. laur. lyc. op. puis, rhus-r. sec. spong. stann. staph, tab. verat. Hissing : Caus. phos. Hoarse. See: HOARSENESS. Hollow : Acon. bar-e cham. carb-v. caus. chir P"K>s. hep, 29* 342 VOMITING. Voice (hollow): iod. ipec. laur. led. lyc. op. samb. sec. spig. SroNG stann, staph, stram. tart. Verat. Loss of Voice : Ant bar-c. Bell. calc. cann. carb-an. carb-v. Caus. chin, cic cupr. dulc. hyos. lach, laur. Merc, oleand. Phos. plat, plumb, stram. sulph. tart, verat. Nasal : Bell. bry. lach. mere ph-ac. staph. Rough : Alum. amb. ant. ars. bell. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. dros. eup. hep. iod. kreos. lach. laur. mang. men. phos. plumb, puis. sen. spong. stann. stront. sulph. Trembling : Acon. ang. ant. ars. canth. ign. mere verat. VOMICA (abscess in the lungs). Remedies, Is General: Ars. carb-an. chin. lyc. mere sep. stann. sil. sulph. Compare with : COUGH Expectoration, r intermittent. As the disease advances unchecked, the symptoms become more violent—the vomiting and purg- 352 ZONA. Yellow Fever : ing incessant—the prostration excessive—the features contracted—the pulse sinks—the evacuations become black, or bloody—purple spots make their appearance— and death closes the scene. Remedies, suggested, or recommended to be selected, in accordance with the predominant symptoms: Aeon. / arn. ? ars. ? bry. ? carb-v. ? chin. ? crotal. hydr-ac. ? ipec. ? mere ? mur-ac. ? nux-v. ? phos. ? tart, verat. ? YOUNG GIRLS (affections of); at, or near the age of Pu- berty. Congestion of blood to the Head: Acon. Bell. bry. calc. chin. coff. ferr. mere nux-v. op. Puls. sulph. Enlargement of the Abdomen: Calc. graph, iod. lach. sulph. Delay of the first Menses : Am-c. aur. calc. Caus. cic. cocc dig dulc. ferr. Graph, guaj. Kal. lyc. magn. natr-m. petr. phos. Puls. sabin. Sep sil. Sulph. val. verat. Offensive Breath : Aur. bell. hyos. puis. sep. sulph. Premature Menstruation : Amb. bell. Calc. canth. carb-v Cham. chin. cocc. croc. ferr. hyos. ipec. kal. lyc. mere nitr- ac. Phos. puis. rhus. Sabin. sec. sep. Sil. sulph. For other affections at, or near the age of puberty, See : their Pathological name. ZONA (herpes zoster, shingles). Diagnosis. Clusters of vesicles, forming in the shape of a belt or zone—most commonly at the waist, yet sometimes on other parts of the body. The eruption usually extends about half way around the body, in the form of a belt, and attend- ed with itching, smarting, biting, pricking, or burning pains. Acute attacks of this disease are attended with fever, nausea, headache, foul tongue, restlessness, and accelerated pulse. The disease in its chronic form is less severe, but more obstinate and difficult of cure. Remedies, In General : ,4rs. bry. caus. Graph. Merc natr. puis. Rhus. seL sil. sulph. tart. Compare with: ERUPTIONS, HERPES, and the n-vncomitant symptoms, under their respectn e heads (fi^WW v *>" "