A repertory OF THE Most Characteristic Symptoms OF THE MATERIA MEDICA. EDITED BY George Wm. Winterburn, Ph.D., M.D Editor of the American Homceopathist PRESIDENT OF THE AMERICAN OBSTETRICAL SOCIETY ; FORMERLY ON CLINICAL MEDICINE, AND PHYSICIAN-IN-CHIEF TO THE MANHATT \N HOSPITAL; FELLOW OF THE AMERICAN AKAD^mS ; MEMBER OF THE ACADEMY OF ANTHROPOLOGY, OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, OF THE AMERICAN INSTI- TUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY, AND OF OTHER LEARNED SOCIETIES, ETC., ETC. NEW YORK: A. L. CHATTERTON & CO. 1886. Copyright by GEO. W. WINTERBURN. 1886. TO THAT EARNEST STUDENT OF THE MATERIA MEDICA, PROF. HENRY C. ALLEN, M. D., THIS EFFORT, TO MAKE'THE STUDY OF OUR ART MORE EXACT, IS DEDICATED, AS A MARK OF THE AUTHOR'S PERSONAL ESTEEM. PREFACE. A very capable, conscientious and experienced physician a member of various homoeopathic societies, said to me not long since, " I don't take much stock in those things;" referrino- to Repertories. I can not understand such a remark, unless it is based upon a mistaken idea as to the purpose a Repertory is intended to serve. It is not a short-track method of practice, and is of value to its possessor only in proportion to his intimate knowledge of the materia medica. In the hands of an illy- equipped physician it is little better than a Greek testament to a Choctaw ; but, as the profound student of the materia medica glances down the page, the apparently meaningless succession of abbreviations conjures up in his mind the pathognomonic pictures which these represent. As a memory refreshener the Repertory is of hourly service to the busy practitioner, and will enable him to select at the bedside with certainty and confidence the true drug similar to the disease-condition before him. s In presenting this pocket-edition key, the compilation of which has steadily progressed during the past four years, the hope is expressed that it may become an incentive to a closer study of the materia medica, and a keener application of these materials to the ordinary day by day practice. We all study the peculiar and unwonted cases now ; but with the means afforded, by the con- venient size of this index, this same carefulness may pervade the prescription for every case, until at last we shall be enabled to prescribe with that unerring certainty with which the skilled marksman plants his bullet in the eye of the target. In order to condense within the briefest possible space the materials of this manual, certain aibit tary signs have been intro- duced as standing for well-known drugs : as clc. for calcarea carbonica, kli. for kali bichromicum, rhs. for rhus toxicodendron, sp. for spongia tosta, pd. for podophyllum peltatum, chm. for chamomilla, and ly- for lycopodium. I hese will look strange at first; but, as the book is intended to be a wade mecurn, they will, after a few days service, become instantly recognized ; and many pages of space have been saved by this arrangement. The suppres- sion of a single letter, as clc. for calc., in all the more frequently recurring drugs has saved from seventy to a hundred lines of type to each letter so dropped. The most painstaking care has been used, both in the prepara- tion of the manuscript to insert only well-authenticated symptoms, IV PREFACE. and in the proof-reading to prevent typographical errors ; but, doubtless, there will arise many just complaints against both author and printer. For these sins of omission and commission we humbly beg pardon, and shall be sincerely grateful for any sug- gestions and corrections which may be made. Nevertheless, this Repertory is not only imperfect, but is meant to be so ; otherwise it would have been impossible to compress it into pocketable size. Indeed, to bring it within its present limits, the equivalent of more than fifty of these pages have been stricken out of the manuscript; simply because it was considered best to present a compact book even at the sacrifice of much good material. Those who desire bulk can find it elsewhere ; this volume is not intended for them. One must use both knowledge and common sense in consulting a Repertory in order to get from it what it is intended to give. As for instance, on page 102, is the rubric, Fulness, sense of, in hypo., sul. ign. chm. This does not mean that sulphur is to be tried first, and if that fails, then ignatia, to be followed perhaps by chamo- milla ; but simply this, that those three remedies have that symp- tom very prominently in their pathogenesy ; that, in the ordinary run of cases, sulphur will be indicated more frequently than ignatia, and this more frequently than chamomilla ; and it also means that when chamomilla is indicated, sulphur is not. Now to know which is the proper one in the present emergency, the char- acteristics of all three remedies must be present in the mind, and this fore-knowlege is to be possessed only by a careful study of the action of drugs, not at the bedside, but in the library. In this sense of hypochondriac fulness, it is easy to choose which of the three remedies is indicated if we know that chamomilla is denoted when the general susceptibility of the patient is so exalted that the discomfort which is really only moderately severe seems to him intolerable ; that ignatia will be demanded when the several pains dr conditions complained of are contradictory or inconsistent with each other, as, for instance, retching relieved by eating ; and sul- phur will cure when the sense of fulness arises from organic mis- chief. The other drugs having this symptom of fulness are, aconitum, antimonium, kreosotum, and podophyllum ; these are less often demanded than the previous three, and very rarely in acute disorders, but when indicated each becomes, in its own place, the only homoeopathic prescription, and the only one capable of effecting a cure. The sacrifice of personal comfort and needed rest, which the compilation of this index has caused, will be abundantly repaid if it fulfills its mission of aiding those who are conscientiously endeavoring to perfect themselves in the healing art. To all such the author sends greeting and a God-speed. G. W. W. St. Valentine's Day, 1886. CONTENTS. PAGE I. General Conditions 7 II. Effects of External Influences 23 III. Chill, Fever and Sweat IV. Mind and Disposition 22 V. Sensorium ,, VI. Sleep and Dreams ' 4g VII. Headache 22 VIII. Scalp 63 IX. Eyes 65 X. Ears 70 XI. Nose 73 XII. Face, Lips, Chin, and Jaws 75 XIII. Teeth and Gums 80 XIV. Tongue and Mouth 84 XV. Pharnyx and CEsophagus 87 XVI. Desires and Aversions go XVII. Complaints during and.after Meals g2 XVIII. Gastric Ailments g6 XIX. Stomach gg XX. Diaphragm, Liver and Spleen Io' XXI. Abdomen and Groin IO2 XXII. Anus, Rectum, and Perineum Io8 XXIII. Stool no XXIV. Kidneys and Bladder II4 XXV. Urethra and Urine I15 XXVI. Male Sexual Organs. ... i2o XXVII. Female Sexual Organs i24 XXVIII. Catarrh 136 XXIX. Larynx and Trachea 13S XXX. Cough 140 XXXI. Expectoration i43 XXXII. Inspiration - I45 XXXIII. Lungs •• 148 XXXIV. Heart and Prmcordia 150 XXXV. External Chest and Mammae i5i XXXVI. Neck, Scapula, and Axilla 153 XXXVII. Back 155 XXXVIII. Upper Extremities 156 XXXIX. Lower Extremities 160 XL. Skin. ■ ■ 167 XLI. Aggravations and Ameliorations 175 XLII. Remedies 179 REPERTORY. I. GENERAL CONDITIONS. Abcess, acute, hep. mere. ars. bell. pul. sul. - chronic, hep. sil. sul. clc^lyc mere. phos. -- fistulous, phos. Abortion, sab. sec. caul. vib. cim. - predisposition, mitch. hell, sep. caul. cim. Aching pain, an. arn. ign. nux stm. bell. chin. ol. ru. Acids, poisoned by, pul. ac. bry Acne, see page 167. Adiposis, clc. sul. an-t. fer. Afternoon complaints, alu. asa. bell. lye. nit-a. nux. phos. pul. sil. thj. zn. Albuminuria, ap. ars. hep. kal. helo. ph-a. Alcohol, poisoned by, nux. Alcoholism, nux. cim. hyd. hyos. bell. op. Anaemia, chin. nux. fer. ph-a. pul. sta. sul. Anasarca, ars. hell. hep. ap. kal. Aneurisms, crb. lach. ly. Anger, effects of, sta. bell. col. ign. chm. cis. plat, Angina pectoris, ars. sp. gio. spig. Annual fluids, from loss, chm pul. clc. sep. sta. Anthrax, poison, ars. lach. Anxiety, see Emotions. Apoplexia, congestive, nux. bell. arn. gio. lach. op. - after eating, ip. nux. pul. - during the fit, nux. bell. op. lach. ac. arn. ip. pul. -from injuries, arn. bell, cocc lach. plb. .- nervous, arn. bell. hyo. Apoplexia, - of drunkards, nux. op. - of the aged, con. op. pul. - serous, arn. chin. ip. - with subsequent paralysis, arn. nux. cocc. bell. an. bar cans. rhs. str. zn. Apparent death, by drowning lach. - by a fall or blow, arn. chin. - by hanging, op. -■ by lightning, nux. - by suffocation, op. ac. bell, coff. -from freezing, ars. crb. ■-■ of the new-born, tart. Appetite, lost, see page, 90. Articular" complaints, bruised feeling, ru. nux. pul. ar. chin, mur-a. sep. - cracking, led. nit-a. rhs. cap cocc. mere. - cramp, an. plat. sul. clc. str. cans. - dropsy, io. mere. sil. sul. - dry feeling, pul. cth. ly. nux - inflammation, see Gout, Swelling, Rheumatism. - laming pains, chin. sta. asa. lach. led. - liable to luxation, agn. crb. con. ly. nit-a. nux. phos. rhs. ru. - pressure, caus. kli. ag. an. arn. led. mere. - soreness, sul. chm. pul. ign. bar. ly. mere. ru. sep. t - sprained, as if, rhs. bry. arn ru. caus. ammc. bar. bell, clc. cocc. con. ign. nat-m. nit-a. phos. pul. - stiffness, rho. lach. rhs. chm sul. 7 8 GENERAL CONDITIONS. Articular complaints, - stinging, bry. kli. sil. agn. amb. asa. clch. hell. mere, bar. bell. bov. clc. erb-a. crb. caus. col. con. drs. kr. grph. hep. mng. nif-a. pul. phos. rho. rhs. sab. sars. sep. spig. sul. sul-a. tax. zn - swelling, see Rheumatism and Gout. - tearing, kli. kr. led. ly. men nat-a. nit-a. nux. phos. rhs sars. sep. sil. sta. stro. sul. - tension, caus. sul. ammc. ang pul. rhs. arn. bry. sep. kli. ly. mag-c. mng. mez. phos. nat-m. nit-a. rho. seneg. sp - ulceration, ph-a. col. clc. sil. hep. phos. sul. - unsteadiness, ac. arn. bry. mez. rhs. - weakness, see Weakness in general. Arsenic, poisoned by, ip. chin, crb. hep. nux. ver. fer. Asphyxia, see Apparent Death. Asthma, see page, 145. Atrophy of scrofulous children clc. sul. ars. nux. chin, bar bell. cin. phos. rhs. Aversion to food, see page 90 Awkwardness, cap. nat-m. sul. . Balannorrhoea, see page 120. Band or Hoop, sense of, an. an bell. chin. con. grph. ign. mere, nat-m. nit-a. nux. phos. plat. pul. sars. sul. Beaten, as if, ac. arn. ru. nux col. rhs. plat. ran. cin.&tM--^ Bed-sore, see page V]O. Biliary calculi, clc. chn. ber. chel. see page 101. Bilious fever, see Remittent. - persons, complaints of, nux bry. chm. ac. mere. chin, arn. cocc. pul. sul. Bites of insects, see page 170. Biting-pricking pain, sep. erb-v. ran-s. nux. zn. sul. Bitter almonds, see Prussic acid. Black, body turning, sec. mere cup. ver. Bladder, seepage 114. Blear-eyed, see page 65. Blennorrhcea, see Discharges Blindness, see page 65. Blood, see Anaemia and Ple- thora. -■ acrid, kli. nit-a. sil. - bright-red, ac. sab. bell. arn. die. hyo. - brown, crb. bry. clc. con. pul rhs. •- coagulated, plat. cbm. bell, arn. rhs. chin. crc. fer. hyo ign. ip. mere, nit-a. nux. ph-a. sab. sec. sep. str. - dark-red, chm. crc. nux. sep pul. sul. -fetid, erb-a. sab. bell. bry. - hot, die. -• offensive, sab. erb-a. bell, bry - pale, watery, fer. crb. grph. bell. clc. cocc. pul. sul. ly. ■- tenacious, crc. - thick, plat. crc. arn. cup. sul. - vessels, diseases, see page 167. - - inflamed, pul. ars. sul. sil. arn. chm. kr. lach. ly. spig -. - swelling of veins, pul. bell arn. chin. crc. nux. fer. grph. hyo. phos. ph-a. sep. sil. sul. thj. telangiectasia, crb. ars. bell. clc. erb-a. sep. plat, crt. lach. ly. mere, nit-a. phos. sil. sul. . varices, amb. pul. sul. crb ham. arn. ars. clc. caus. ly nux. pul. sul. zn. Bloody blisters, ars. sec. - sweat, nux. clc. crt. lach. --tumors, arn. bry. sec. Blotches, tubercles, an-t. clc. ars. caus. die. rhs. hep. nux lach. phos. sil. sul. Blue skin, cam. dig. ver. lach. crb. crt. cup. nux. op. sec. arn. ars. Boils, see page 169. GENERAL CONDITIONS. 9 Bones, affections of, au. phos. sul. sil. ang. ar. ars. mere, nit-a. asa. bell. i>ry. clc. chin. cup. gaj. hep. io. lach - breaking, liable to, clc. mere, sil. sul. asa. ly. mez. phos. - broken, pains as if, cocc. hep cup. pul. ru. sam. sep. bruised, as If the flesh were loose, bry. nit-a. sul. rhs. kr. - caries, clc. plva. siL mere, sul. ang. ars. asa. au. hep. ly. mez. mt-a. rhs. ru. - curvature, clc. sil. sul. mere, ly. bell. hep. io. nit-a. phos plb. pul. rhs. sta. - drawing, chin. sab. zn. -fractures, clc. sil. ly. ru. - inflammation, au. chin, jm- ''•^i^merc. asa. hep. ly. mng. ^'-^^ynit-a. ph-a. pul. sta- suk - interstitial swelling, ph-a. ■lye. sil. clc. asa. mere. sta. su . - mercurial pains, au. mt-a. hep. chm. gaj. lach. ly- su - nightly pains, mere, ly- mng - pain, au. mere, nit-a. bar. a^x.clc. chin. sul. dap. lach. ly phos. ph-a. pul. ru. sil- sta. - periosteal pain, mere. ru. -pressure, ar. bell, bry- cup. dap. rhs. ( --scraping, asa. ph-a. e . aa*. -■ softening, clc. sil. sul- mere. - stinging, mere. sep. pm- e caus. con. , - swelling, au. merc-^b r s. phos. ru. gaj. pul. - tearing, mere. chin. ly. P - crb. ar. - tumors, growths, au. su. pn-a mere. phos. dap- ly- clc.AuZ, Boring pains, mere. hep. clc. die. pul. spig- Brain fag, pic-a. an. sil. - seepage, 45. Bright's Disease, cth. kli. ars phos. ap. Bruised, sensation, arn. bry. ptgf nux. crb. rhs. ph-a. ver. ZiLlh chin. sta. - see Beaten, z^y . Brunettes, ailments of, ac. nit-a. plat. bry. sep. phos. Bubbling, rhe. scil. Buboes, seepage 124. Burning pains, cth. caus. mere ars. crb. bell. ru. rhs. Burns, see Injuries, page 170. Bursitis, sti. afa Burstingpain, bell. igA. caus. ' sep; clc. spig. ran. Calculi, biliary, cses. clc. chel. chin. ber. bell. ars. - renal, hey. ly. sep. ber. Camphor, poisoned by, coff. op Cancer, seepage 168. - of the breast, see page 151. Cantharides, poisoned by, cam. taran. ars. sil. lach. see page 167. Cardialgia, nux. sng. bis. ir. ly. bell. plb. sep. con. see page 150. Cataract, caus. sep. sil. sul. ly phos. seepage,^. Cerebro-spinal fever, bell, cic gel. hey. op. ver. ir. Chagrin, effects of, ac. chm. col bry. sta. -■ with indignation, sta. col. - with vehemence, nux. bry. chm. ign. Chamomile, ailments from, ign. pul. nux. cam. ac. cocc Chancre, see page 120. Charcoal vapors, bov. arn. Chewing motion, lach. chm. Childbed complaints, pul. nux. bell. chm. bry. arn. clc. sul plat. see page 125. Chilblains, ars. rhs. ly. chm. see page 172. Chlorosis, sen. grph. pul. fer.^ sep. clc. ale. crt. sul. ly.-'*^/- Cholera, cam. ver. cap. crb. .. sec. - asphyxia, ars. ver. crb. - asthma, crb. - diarrhoea, ver. ars. sec. - dysuria, cth. -fear, anxiety, ars. ver. ac. ign. - icy coldness, ver. - prostration, chin. ars. fer. - spasms, cup. cam. ver. sec. 10 GENERAL CONDITIONS. Cholera, - vomiting, ip. ver. - vertigo, cam. bell. - typhoid, hyo. rhs. bry. Chorea, ign. cim. ag. cup. fer. Cinchona, ailments from, ip. sul. nux. fer. ars. pul. Cold, effects of, ac. mere. chm. nux. pul. die. sul. -from bathing, rhs. pul. sars. clc. sul. - draught of air, ac. bell, chm chin. sil. sul. - liability to, clc. grph. sil. sep crb. die. sul. kedt-c - worse from, ars. die. rhs. flu Colic, col. chm. nux. ir. plb. see page 104. Concussion, consequences, rhs. cic. arn. bry. con. Congestion, ac. bell. bry. nux. mere, arn, chin. fer. op. sul Consumption, see Phthisis, Marasmus and Atrophy. Constriction, bell. plb. alu. ign. rhs. grph. an. chin, plat, nat-m. pul. sul. Contraction of limbs, caus. clc col. sec. ly. -- of muscles, lach. sep. col. ammc. rhs. Contusions, seepage 170. Contusive pain, ru. arn. con. drs. ol. cic. rhs. pul. plat. Convulsions, see Spasms. Corns, sep. an-t. clc. sil. Corpulence, see Fat. Corroding pain, mere. sil. ars. Coryza, cam. euph. kli. see page 136. - suppressed, ill effects, pul. sul. bry. nux. chin. sil. ars. bell. ip. lach. ammc. Coxalgia, see Joints. Crackling sensation, rhe. Cramp, cam. sec. col. nux. bell caus. cap. cup. - pains, cc>\.. ign. plat. ol. clc. crb. ph-a. , Creepin g like a mouse, sensa- tion, alu. lau. nux. - in limbs, clc. sul. sep. nit-a. bell. Crooked limbs, sec. col. Cross-wise, pains going, ag. clc. lach. nit-a. sil. Croup, ac. sp. hep. kli. io. bro. Cutting 'pain, cth. col. kli. rhs* bell, mur-a. hyo. sul-a. clc. Cyanosis, op. dig. lach. ver. ac. cam. crb. cup. Cystic tumors, clc. grph. hep sil. sul. Cystitis, acute, cam. cth. bell, can. see page 114. - chronic, chin. mere. sul. see page 114. Dandruff, kli-n. bad. all. cth. nat-m. Deadness, of part, clc. nux. chel. pul. sul. Debauches, see Spirits. Debility, ph-a. ars. crb. chin, sta. phos. ip. ver. sul. kli. ly. ammc. nux. caus. arn. lach. rhs. ol. clc. - children, clc. sil. sul. nux. Iy lach. -' chronic, chin. hep. ver. ph-a. ars. nat-a. - evening, asa. caus. eye. - excesses, chin. ph-a. sta. clc. nux. sil. sul. - exertion, after, an. cocc. sep -fluids, loss, chin. ph-a. nux. ip. sul. nat-m. ver. - growing, from, ph-a. sul. - hysteric, ign. mos. sep. - illness, after, chin. ver. hep. - nervous, ph-a. nux. cocc. - onanism, after, ph-a. chin, nux. sta. crb. - old per sons,con. op. bar. - riding, from, cocc. sep. - sudden, ver. ars. ip. crb. - night-watching, from, cim. pul. nux. cocc. crb. Deglutition, complaints, see page &]. Delirium, seepage 45. Dementia, see page 40. Dengue, eup-p. gel. rhs. Diaphragm, inflammation, ac. ly. bry. col. hep. - neuralgia, rhs. bell. mez. - paralysis, bis. nux. zn. - spasm, bell. cup. str. ver. Diarrhoea, see page 110. GENERAL CONDITIONS. 11 Diphtheria, merc-cy. kli. phy. ly. lach. mur-a. see page 87. Discharges, acrid, ars. mere, sul. alii. sil. bor. sep-Oi^-t - bloody, fer. bell. ac. chin, sib mere. sep. pul. - brown, ars. bor. crb. nit-a. sul. -fetid, ars. clc. led. mere, pul sep. stm. sul. -flesh-colored, kr. sab. .- flocculent, ag. kli. sep. - gelatinous, ar. rhs. sei. - grayish, ars. ly. amb. sep. - greenish, mere. mag-c.~ ars. pul. crb. Ly. drs. led. - milky, clc. sil. pul. sep. ■- musty, bor. crb. - purulent, clc. pul. mere. sil. nit-a. phos. sul. ars. kli. asa -puirid, ars. sil. mere. sul. clc pul. hep. - salt, ly.pul. grph. ars. sil. phos. sep. - sour, clc. ir. rhe. sweet, asa. kr .plb. thick, pul. stm. am-m. bar. nat-m. sta. phos. - viscid, ars. bell. can. chm. hep. mere. mez. sam. stm. - watery, sul. mere. ars. pul. grph. lach. rhs. crb. chm. - whitish, phos. asa. pul. bell, mere. clc. sil. clch. - yellow, ly. crb. pul. bell. sul. sil. kr. sep. Dislocations, see Sprains. Distensive pains, ign. spig. op bell. nux. bry. Distention, sense of, cinna. Drawing pains, bry. ly- chm. arn. caus. nux. pul. rhs. crb. sul. mere. an-t. bell, ars. grph. lach. hep. nit-a. Driving one about, pains, ars. at night, mag-c. Dropsical affections, ars. kli. a^chin. hell. sul. ly. dig. led. die. mere, squills, fer. folef - drunkards, ars. chin. rhs. - exanthems, after, ap. kli. hell ars. dig. rhs. sul. - loss of fluid, chin. ter. suh - mercury, abuse, chin. sul. Dry palms, bis. 4z.c > Dull pain, ag. hyo. Dwarfish, bar. Dysentery, see page in. Eating, ailments, after, nux. ars. hep. chin, nat-m. sul. ly. con. caus. an. phos. clc zn. crb. lach. kli. before, io. can. sab. fer. clc. stro. ign. lach. zn. during, ly. pul. sep. cocc. grph. crb. hep. kli. nat-m. Eclampsia, see Spasms. Eczema, see page 166. Emaciation, io. ars. clc. chin, lach. grph. ly. stm. nux. ip sul. nit-a. cin. nat-m. fer. phos. die. sil. ver. - children, clc. sul. hep. nux. chin. phos. rhs. - grief, from, grph. ars. lach. nat-m. stm. amb. bry. mere - partial, bry. phos. plb. - see Atrophy. Emissions, see page 121. Emotions, ailments from, ign. chm. coff. pul. ac. sta. bry^ au. plat. hyo. bell. col. lach - chagrin, chm. ac. sta. bry. col. ign. plat. nux. -fear and anxiety, op. ver. ac ign. hyo. lach. can. -fright, ign. ac. op. coff. bell, lach. pul. - ^ief, ign. sta. ph-a. grph. lach. ars. - indignation, sta. col. - irascibility, col. sta. bry. chm jealousy, hyo. nux. pul. lach -joy, coff. op. ac. crc. - loneliness, cap. mere. ph-a. - mortification, ign. plat. pul. bell. sta. col. au. - unhappy love, ign. hyo. ph-a. ac. au. caus. sta. - suppressed, ign. ph-a. sta. Emphysema, bro. sen. ars. op crb. lob. sep. napthal. Enlarged, as if, ahi. bov. Enteritis, see page 105. Enuresis, sul. bell. caus. squills cin. see page 117. Epilepsy, bell. gio. ag. ign. nux. 12 GENERAL CONDITIONS. Epistaxis, erg. bell, nit-a. fer. phos. Erections, see page 121. Ergotism, cic. cim. sol. 9^.. Eructations, seepage 96.' Eruptions, suppressed, asc. bry. ars. bell. phos. die. ip hep. grph. pul. sul. see page Erysipelas, rhs. bell. ap. see page 168. Erythema, see page 169. Evening complaints, pul. gel. clc. sul-a. ac. ars. sep. mep nit-ai tKi. phos. zn. an. eye lach. hyo. stro. mng. bry. am-m^ die. euph. hell. Tati, clch. mez. ran, caus. mere. Excesses, ailments prom, chin ph-a. cin. sta. clc. con. nux phos. sil. Fainting, mos. cam. nux. ign. ac. lach. op. sep. str. chm. hep. crb. bell. bry. clc. cofl con. ip. ph-a. sil. 3^ -from pain, ac. chm. hep. - - weakness,cPa. chin, nux-m - hysteric, ign. nux-m. chm. mos. cocc. nux. - vertigo, bry. nux. ac. ars. ther. bell. lach. amb. Fat persons, ailments, clc. cap. ^n-t. sul. pul. fc . Fatigue, nux. can. clc. mere, arn. Fear, see Emotions. Females, diseases of, sep. sab. pul. con. val. nux-m. bell, chin. cic. ac. plat. ign. chm mag-c. rhs. asa. stm. amb. Fish-poison, cop. bell. Fistula, see page 108. - lachrymalis, see page 67. Flatulence, see page 96. Flocks, grasping, op. hyo. str. arn. ars. bell. chin. cocc. phos. ph-a. rhs. f -v, Flowing water, crossing or see- ing, fer. Fluids, loss of, chin. crb. nux. sul. cin. lach. ver. Flying apart,pain, bry. bell, ign. mere. nux. sil. sul. clc. caus. con. lach. nat-m. pul. Fontanelles, open, clc. sil. sul. Food, causes trouble, see page 94. Foot-baths, ailments, pul. sil. Forenoon complaints, crb. sep nat-a. nat-m. nux. can, sab Fractures, see page 170. Freckles, see page 169. Fright, effects, ac. ign. op. bell ( ^^-coff. lach. pul. vei jjtyfl Frost-bitten, limbs, see page 169. Frost, consequences, crb. ars. bry. lach. Fungus articularis, sil. an-t. io. sul. Gait, tottering, lach. sul. caus. - stooping, sul. mez. - unsteady, caus. ol. phos. sul. Gangrene, see page 169. Gastric ailments, see page 96. - fevers, see page 34. Glanders, effects, ars. ph-a. sul Glandular affections, io. sp. ly bell. mere. ammc. con. rhs. phos. sul. alm. au. bar. clc. crb. kli. chm. die. grph. hep. nit-a. sil. - atrophy, con. io. chm. - boring, bell. ly. pul. saba. - burning, ars. mere. crb. phos - constriction, io. sp. ign. nux. pul. - contusive pain, con. io. arn. crb. cic. ru. sep. - cramp-pain, clc. crb. plat. - cutting, bell. ly. sep. - diggings c^c' ^c' r^°* - gnawing, mez. ph-a. plat, sp ran-s. sta. - induration, io. sp. bar. chm. con. bell. clc. cle. grph. ly. " phos. sil. sul.A^^. - inflammation, bell. mere. sil. phos. chm. grph. hep. - nodosities, io. die. grph. sil. bry. clc. erb-a. cle. cocc. ly hep. pul. rhs. sul. - pressure, bell. mere. sul. clc. ly. stm. sta. - sore pain, con. ign. sep. zn. mere. nux. - stinging, ign. mere. bell, con sp. GENERAL CONDITIONS. 13 Glandular affections, - suppuration, hep. bell. mere, nit-a. sil. sul. bar-m. lach. clc. ly. sep. - swelling, io. sp. hep. con. die mere, nit-a. phos. sul. chronic, phyt. mere. die. sul. asa. bell. cocc. con. - tearing, chin. mere. arn. bell bry. clc. crb. kh. ly. sil. zn - tension, con. grph. phos. sp. sul. - throbbing, bell. mere. cle. chm. am-m. sil. kli. phos. sab. sul. - tingling, arn. con. mere, rhs sep. sp. - ulceration, phos. sil. ars. bell con. hep. lach. sul. thj. - ulcerative pain, chm. kr. pul mere. am-m. pul. rhs. Gnawing pain, drs. mez. ru. ran-s. Goitre, seepage 153. . Gonorrhoea, gel. can. cth. see page 121. Gout, acute, ac. clch. pul. rho. ac. an-t. arn. ars. bell. bry. clc. chin. fer. hep. nux. - chronic, clc. rho. caus. col. gaj. io. mng. ph-a. sars. sul - contracting, bry. caus. sul. -flying about, pul. arn. nux-m mng. nux. sul. - nodes, clc. rho. agn. an-t. ly crb. grph. - metastatic, ac. bell. nux. sul. sars. - drunkards, nux. ac. clc. sul. - good livers, an-t. clc. pul. sul - workers in water, clc. sul. pul. sars. Growing, ailments, ph-a. sul. Gravel, seepage HJ- Grief, ailments, ign. ph-a. ac. sta. col. lach. Griping, clc. caus. grph. crb. nux. phos. pul. sil. sul. Gums, diseases, crb. mere. clc. bov. nit-a. sta. ph-a. see page 80. Hcematemesis, ip. ham. erg. phos. K., Haematuria, ter. cth. mill, cam seepage 117. Haemoptysis, ac. ip. led. fer. chin. op. arn. seepage 149 Haemorrhage, ip. chin. ham. ac. bell. sab. phos. arn. fer crc. lach. mere, nit-a. nux. pul. sec. sep. sil. sul. Haemorrhoids, ses. ham. al. coll. nux. sul. see page 108. Hammering, phos. Hay fever, sti. sab. ars. amb. Hearing, morbid, see page 71. Heart diseases, see page 150. Heartburn, see page 96. Heated, ailments from getting, ac. crb. an-t. bell. bry. sil. cam. 7W. Heaviness, clc. nat-m. nux. pul. sul. ac. bell. crb. chin, mere. phos. rhs. sep. sil. Heavy feeling, nat-m. sep. chin nat-c. phos. kh. mez. stm. Hectic fever, phos. ars. sul. chin. clc. sil. ph-a. ip. io. Hernia, nux. gel. see page 105. Herpes, see page 169. Hiccough, see page f]. Hoarseness, see page 139. Home sickness, cap. mere, ph-a. cans. sta. Honey,poisoned, cam. coff. Hydrocele, io. au. rho. grph. kli. hyd. see page 122. Hydrocephalus, hell. bell, sul arn. Hydrophobia, bell. lach. cth. hyo. mere. Hypochondria, nux. sep. sul. nat-c. au. bell. clc. chin. Hysteria, ign. nux-m. con. nux. pul. sul. au. mos. bell clc. plat. cans. cic. coco, lach. nat-m. sep. sil. str. Ileus, see page 106. Imbecility, see page 46. Indignation, sta. col. Indurations, sil. erb-a. lach. sep. agn. chm. cle. con. die rhs. sul. crb. - after inflammation, crb. cle. rhs. bell. chin. lach. mag-m sep. sul. 14 GENERAL. CONDITIONS. Indurations, - scirrhus, crb. chm. cle. sil. con. Infants, see Children. Inflammatory affections, ac. bell. bry. pul. rhs. mere, nux. hyo. phos. sul. ars. cth. chm. hep. ip. kli. can. chin. ly. ver. Influenza, ars-i. mere. eup. ku see page 136. Injuries, see page 170. Intermittent fevers, ars. eup. ip. nat-m. ced. see page 35. Intolerable pains, chm. coff. ac. nux. Iodine, poisoning, bell. phos. ars. chin. sul. Irascibility, see Emotions. Iron, ailments from, pul. hep. chin. ip. ars. ver. Itching, see page 170. Jaundice, mere. chin. sul. ac. chm. lach. hep. nux. crc. - chagrin, from, chm. nux. sul lach. - quinine, after, mere. bell, nux. clc. - rhubarb, after, chm. mere. Jealousy, hyo. nux. pul. lach. Joy, see Emotions. Kidneys, see page 114. Labor, see page 135. Lactation, complaints, phyt. bell. dim. pul. mere. sep. sil. clc. bry. - see Milk, page 152. Lameness, rhs. bry. arn. sta. nux. ac. cans. crb. chin, cocc. chm. bell. au. rho. sil Laming pain, rhs. cocc. sta. nux. chin. crb. chm. pul. sab. cap. cin. Laryngismus stridulus, io. bell. sam. mos. Laughing, worse when, ars. bell. crb. stm. Laughter, spasm., ign. ox. zn. Lassitude, see Debility. rjaziness, nat-m. chin. sep. cap. lach. ars. bell. bry. pul. bar. Lead poisoning, op. plat. str. alu. Leucaemia, pic-a. thj. nat-m. ara. nat-p. ip. nux. Leucorrhcea, see page 126. Liver complaints, see page 103. Lockjaw, see page p]. Locomotor ataxia, nit-a. cim sec. alu. clc. kli-c. rhs. Lumbago, see page 154. Luxation, spontaneous, rhs. clc. ly. bry. sul. Lymphatic persons, clc. mere, sul. nit-a. sil. ly. sep. bell, crb. chin. kli. phos. Magnesia, ill effects, chm. pul nux. ars. coff. Mania, see page 40. - a potu, see Spirits. Marasmus, of old persons, con op. sec. bar. phos. Mastitis, bry. phyt. bell. con. Measles, ac. bry. euph. gel. pul. Medicine inactive, op. crb. sul nux. con. ph-a. Melancholy persons, diseases grph. ars. lach. pul. nux. sul. Memory, lost, see page 43. Meniere's disease, sul-a. cic. kli. con. chin. Meningitis, bry. hell. ap. hyp zn. Menses, suppressed, pul. grph ly. ac. bry. sul. con. sep. die. clc. sil. Menstrual headache, sep. plat. ign. cocc. cim. see page 58. Mental disorders, see page 40 Mercury, ill effects, nit-a. crb. hep. sul. au. chin. ly. lach. Mild persons, pul. ign. cocc. bell. sil. Milk, suppressed, phyt. bry. rhs. die. pul. clc. Mind, diseases, see page 35. Miscarriage, see Abortion. Moaning, from pain, chm. Moon, worse at new, sil. ammc dap. - increasing, sil. alu. die. thj. -full, sil. alu. clc. grph. Moon, - changing, sil. alu. sab. clc. Morbus Brightu, see page 115 Morning ailments, hep. rhs. phos. bry. nat-m. clc. nux. am-m. ars. nit-a. alm ammc crb. coff. kli. pet. sul. sep. an-t. cin. gaj. ign. yer. Mortification, ffects, ign. pul plat. bell. sta. - see Emotions. Motion, dread of, bor. bry. cap lach. nat-m. nux. sul. ars. chin. chel. • Mucous membranes, secre- tion increased, euph. pul. die. stm. cap. sul. chin, sep hep. mere, seneg. nat-m. - inflamed, ac. pul. mere. cth. ign. bry. sul. ars. sp. phos. sil. nux^bor. kr. squill. - thickened, mere. pul. die. sul caus. mez. sil. clc. - ulcerated, mere. pul. sil. bell, au. sul. nit-a. ars. phos. Mumps, see Glands, page 71. Mushrooms, ill effects, coff pul. Myelitis, gel. nux. bell. op. zn Nails or plug, sense of, an. ign plat. nux. hep. ru. ol. arn. - diseases, grph. flu. sil. hep. lach. ars. Narcotics, ill effects, coff. crb. pul. mere. ammc. lach. op. chm. nux. bell. Necrosis, see Bones. Nephritis, ter. hep. ap. see page 114. Nervousness, after coffee, ign chm. - from debility, chin. mere. ac. coff. chm. bry. nux. arn. clc. pul. crb. rhs. asa. ip. ign. hep. val. ver. - physical exertion, after, arn rhs. clc. chin. cocc. bry. - mercury, from, nit-a. hep. lach. - narcotics, from, chm. coff. nux. mere. pul. crb. lach. - sedentary habits, from, nux. sul. lach. pul. crb. GENERAL CONDITIONS. Nervousness, - spirits, abuse, nux. pul. bell sul. lach. ac. - night "watching, cim. cocc. pul. nux. crb. sei. chin, bry Nervous temperament, coff. ign. val. chin. nux. ac. cup plat. bell. stm. pul hos Neuralgia, coffee, after, chm pul. mere. coff. chin, rhs - drugs, abuse, crb. chin, arn hep. sul. - sensitive persons, ac. chm. ign. coff. chin. bry. val. ars - plethoric persons,, ac. bell, mere. nux. fer. nat-m. arn. Nightly complaints, after midnight, nux. thj. ars. ign amb. mng. clc. rhs.TTi. - before midnight, ly. sab. pul bry. grph. crb. mur-a. hep Nightmare, see page 50. Nipples, see Mammse. Numb feeling, nux. bry ac ol rhs. chin sul. pul. cheL plat. asa. bell. Numbness of limbs, rhs ly erc pul chin. clc. ph-^ grph. led. pet. si], crb^ kli Nursing, see Lactation Nymphomania, seepaoe Oedema glottidis, ap. * - pulmon, an-t. kli. Oesophagus, seepage^. Old age, complaints, con. au. sec. amb. bar. Onanism, ph-a. nux. sul. sta dig. cim. chin. cocc. Onychia, flu. hep. ran. lach. sil. Ophthalmia, see page 68. Opium, effects, bell. coff. ip. Oichitis, pul. ham. cle. con. see page 124. Ostitis, see Bones. Otalgia, see page 72. Ovaries, see page 135. Oysters, illfrom, pul. ly. Ozcena, au. nit-a. kli. pul. Pains, from above, downward, ag. bar. bry. ph-a. sab. zn. sars. ver. 15 16 Pains, --from below, upward, an. arn ars. bell. chm. clch. con. die. euph. mag-c. rhs. sam. - from zvithin, outward, ar. asa. bell. bry. chin. cen. rhs sab. spig. sp. stm. sul. -from without, inward, an. arn. clc. caus. ign. kli. plat spig. sta. zn. Paralysis, apoplectic, arn. bell, nux. stm. zn. str. lach. - debility, chin. fer. sul. - eruptions, suppressed, caus. sul. lach. ly. die. - rheumatic, rhs. ru. fer. arn. bar. chin. caus. - semilateral, caus. lach. cocc. ar-n. plb. bell. grph.£-Z - spasms, after, cup. sec. bell, caus. nux. cocc. rhs. Parotitis, see Mumps. Pericarditis, ac. spig. kli-c. sul. io. Periodical complaints, ars. ced. ip. chin. ign. cap. sep. nat-m. sep. nux. spig. bry. arn. sab. sul. rhs. crb. an-t Peritonitis, bell. bry. mere, ver. col. op. ars. sul. see page 106. Pernicious fever, ars. ver-v. chin. Petussis, see Whooping Cough. Pharyngitis, see page 88. Phimosis, see page 122. Phlebitis, ham. pul. con. ly. mur-a. ap. Phlegmasia dolens, ham. bry bell. pul. Phlegmatic/^rj6>;zj, pul. cap. nat-m. lach. sen. Phosphorus, poison, nux. coff. sul. alu. bell. Photophobia, see page 68. Piles, see page 109. Plethora, ac. bell. phos. sul. fer. hyo. nux. pul./AZ-c.h Pleurisy, see page 149. F"°umonia, see page 149. P ypi, clc. ly. sta. con. mere, nit-a. phos. ph-a. pul. thj. GENERAL CONDITIONS. Polypi, -fibroid, clc. sta. pul. teu. 1' phos. - gelatinous, clc. io. sta. lx sng. mere, nit-a. thj. - granular, alu. nit-a. thj. ch -■ mucous, sng. sta. thj. mere. phos. Potbellied,&ld women, sep. -young- girls, lach. Pregnancy, pul. sep. ip. nux. ver. bell. bry. hyo. nat-m. pet. plat. sul. Priapism, see page 122. Prolapsus recti, ign. pd. mur-a ind. nux. crb. Prostate, seepage 122. Prussic acid, poisoned, coff. ip nux. Pytalism, see page 83. Pulmonary, see page 148. Purple rash, seepage 172. Putrefaction, lach. Purpura, chin. sng. lach. crt. sul-a. phos. bry. Pyeemia, lach. chin. crt. mos. ars. Pyrosis, see page 96. Quinine, ailments from, see Cinchona. Ranula, see page 83. Rectum, see page 108. Remittent fever, gel. chin. ip. mere. bry. pul. rhs. ars Renal calculi, ly. nux. ber. Rhagades, seepage 172. Rheumatism, acute, ac. bry. clch. rhs. pul. nux. arn. chin. mere. pul. - articular, bry. ac. rhs. arn. chin. cle. sul. - change of weather, in, crb. die. sil. clc. lach. mere, sul - chronic, bry. die. ign. pul. mere. nux. rhs. thj. - contracting, an-t. bry. caus. gaj. lach. sul. -freezing, after, ars. bry. nux clch. pul. - getting wet, after, rhs. clc. pul. sars. sep. clch. sul. - gonorrheal, gaj. cle. dap. ly. mez. phyt. sars. sul. GENERAL CONDITIONS, Sensitiveness, - open air, to, bell. nux. sul. cam. crb-a. coff. - pain to, coff. chm. ac. nux J arn. asa. cocc. ikHff - warm air, to, au5 clc. cocc. ign. ip. rhs. sep. - wind, to, chm. crb. lach. ly. sul. Sensitive temperament, ign. phos. an-t. eup. Sensuous temperament, chin, crb. ip. ver. Septicaemia, lach. ars. tar. sil chin. crb. crt. phos. Sexual organs, see page 12J. Shingles, see Herpes. Ship fever, rhs. bap. op. sec. mur-a. Shock, hyp. dig. arn. Short-sighted, see page 69. Sick-headache, ir. ip. nux> chel. bry. naja. Sight weakness, see page 66. Skull diseases, bone, scrofulitic clc. pul. sil. • exostoses, au. mez. ph-a Sleepiness, pains cause,' ap. nux-m. r Slender persons, sep. amb. nux. phos. Skin, see page. 167. Small oi back, pain, see tia^e 155. * Smallpox, an-t. tart. bap. cin. hyd. lach. sul. Smell, morbid, see page 74. Sneezing, seepage 137. Sonnambulism, cic. phos. bry nat-m. sil. sul. ac. Sore, pain as if, cth. hep. ign. / ar. cic. grph. nux. sep .zn. Sore throat, see page 87. Spasms, cataleptic, chm. ip. plat. str. ag. bell. cic. hyo. mos. ver. -- clonic, bell. cic. cocc. eup. str. hyo. ign. ars. ip. ver. op. nux. chm. arn. hell. - consciousness lost, bell. ign. cin. hyo. cam. plat, lach sil - chorea, ign. cim. ars. bell, cans. ag. cup. nux. cocc. crc. hyo. str. zn. 17 Rheumatism, - laming, arn. fer. ru. bar. - mercurial, crb. hep. chin, gaj. sars. sul. - shifting, pul. arn. nux-m. bry. dap. - taking cold, after, ac. die. mere. bry. sul. - wet weather, in, die. rho. rhs. ver. clc. nux-m. Rhus tox, ill effects of, bry. bell. ars. pul. Rickets, clc. sil. asa. bell. ly. mere. pul. sta. sul. - see Bones, diseases of. Rigidity, limbs, of, set. Roseola, ac. mere. pul. Rupia, kli-i. nit-a. ars. syph. Rush of blood, ac. bell. fer. phos. arn. hep. kli. sep. sul op. bry. pet. amb. ph-a. - at night, bry. sil. Saffron, ill effects, pul. ac. bell plat. Sclerosis, bell. zn. gel. hell con. nux. Scrofula, see Struma. Scurvy, mur-a. kr. nat-m. bap hyd. am-m. mere. sul. sta. Seasickness, cocc. sta. apo. • pet. sul. ars. clch. sep. ther Sedentary life, ill effects, nux sul. ac. Semi-lateral complaints, grph. alu. clc. cocc. nux. pul. die spig. mez. bell. kli. plat. left side, clc. cans. col. lach. mere. pet. phos. sul-a - - right side, cth. caus. sab. stro. zn. Senses, acuteness, au. bell, eup Sensitiveness, acuteness of senses, coff. nux. chm. asa. au. cth. chin. - cold air, to, cam. cocc. au. clc. caus. phos. sep.J^.4u - contact, to, bell. bry. ac. ag. nux-m. tart. - damp air, io, die. rho. mur-a ammc. clc. crb. sep. - draught, to, bell. sul. clc. sil caus. 18 GENERAL CONDITIONS. Spasms, - eclampsia, bell. ign. caus. chm. plat. nux. cic. cin. mag-c. nux-m. - epileptic, bell. cup. gio. clc. caus. ign. ag. nux. op. sil sul. ar-n. cam. plb. str. cin nit-a. stm. hyo. - hysteric, ign. mos. bell. cic. str. cocc. ip. au. stm. - internal, chm. ign. cocc. ip. col. mag-m. caus. mos. cup grph. stm. - tonic, bell. cam. eup. str. lau ang. op. sec. ver. mos. cic. chm. plat. arn. ip. Spasms, accompanied by, - anguish, chm. ign. bell. - apoplexia, hyo. - bloated face, bell. chm. ip. - blue face, cam. ver. cup. - clenching of thumbs, hyo. mere. stm. ign. ars. lach. - closed eyes, hyo. crc. bell, hep. chm. sta. mere. - - mouth, ac. cam. plat. - coldness of limbs, cam. ver. op. - colic, chm. cup. plb. bell, caus. lach. mere. -• cerebral congestion, chin, con nux. - contortion of limbs, bell, cup squil. sec. tart. - contraction of limbs, bell, sec str. bis. - convulsions, cam. cup. ip. caus. chm. drs. rhs. - copious urination, caus. cup. hyo. lach. - cough, chm. drs. cup. ver. - cramps in calves, cup. rhs. - - legs, sec. ip. ign. mos. cup op. nux. - creeping in limbs, bell. sul. - delirium, bell. - diarrhoea, set. cin. bell. cup. zn. chm. - distortedface, bell. cam. die. chm ip. lach. mos. sec. mouth, bell. ly. str. eyes, bell. crb. cocc. cup. ign. hyo. lach. plat. - dyspnoea, cam. op. bell. Spasms, accompanied by, - eructations, kli. ly. sars. -fainting, ign. mos. cam. - froth at mouth, cup. op. cin. - grating of teeth, ac. caus. hyo. coff. - laughing, ign. con. au. clc. - lock-jaw, op. bell. ver. cam. sil. mere. lach. - mental derangement, bell, str. hyo. crc. sep. - motions, violent, clc. caus. cup. hell. hyo. ■- motion of toes, cup. caus. ly. sec. gaj. clc. rhs. sil. -■ nausea, vomiting, ip. pul. ly nux.-cup. cam. - numbness of limbs, op. bell, nux. - palpitation, lach. mere. - paralysis, caus. lach. nux. sec. hyo. ar. - quivering lips, ign. chm. ip. bell. - rigidity of limbs, cam. str. ign. ip. bell. cup. nit-a. ang op. sul. ver. - screaming, hyo. cic. ly. mere cin. caus. nux. - sopor, op. bell, nit-a. ign. sil - staring look, asa. bell. chm. hyo. lau. mos. nux. op. sec sil. sul. tart. - stretching of limbs, bell, cic. cam. sec. str. ip. - throat, of, bell. ign. hyo. nux str. lach. plat. cap. - tingling in limbs, bell. sec. -■ vertigo, lach. - vomiting, see S., nausea. - weakness, clc. cic. con. kli. mere. plb. sec. sep. spuill. - whooping cough, drs. cin. cup - yawning, ign. hep. rhs. - yellow face, cic. Spasms, caused by - anger, ac. ign. cocc. sta. bell sep. pet. - at night, clc. op. sil. kli. - cold bathing, rhs. - drink, bell. hyo. str. - during teething, clc. bell, ign chm. stm.z^c. fear, see Emotions, GENERAL CONDITIONS. 19 Spasms, caused by, -fright, ign. op. hyo. - light, bell. str. - milk, nat-m. ■- open air, nux. erb. sars. - on waking, bell. - taking cold, bell. chm. - traumatic, arn. ang. - worms, mere. cin. hyo. cic. sul. Stone-cutters, for, sil. clc. Straining, ill effects, rhs. nux. clc. arn. bry. sil. cocc. sul. nat-c. sul. sep. ly. grph. - liable to, clc. rhs. sep. sil. grph. erb. kli. nat-m. nat-c Stramonium, ill effects, nux. co IF. Stretching, spasmodic, cam. bell. sec. cic. ip. str. ver. Struma, clc. io. sul. bar. bar-m hep. mere, nux-j. sil. rhs. con. ars. asa. bell. affections of bones, clc. sil. sul. au. ly- mere. phos. pul with consumption and large abdomen, clc. sul. bar. bar-m - with muscular debility and difficulty in learning to walk, sil. sul. bell. clc. - with eruptions, clc. hep. rhs mere. sul. - with glandular swellings, sil. hep. bar. cis. bar-m. mere, stupefying, benumbing pains, chm. cocc. ol. plat. nux. ac pul. rhs. bry. ly. ign- sul. Styes, see page 69. Sulphur, ill effects, pul. sil. mere. Sunstroke, gio. bell. arn. gel. lach. scut, ver-v. Suppuration, hep. sil. mere, pul. sul. lach. asa. Summer-diseases, erb. die. bell. bry. clc. ly. nat-c. pul nat-m. selen. sil. Sweat, bloody, arn. nux. clc. cocc. chm. cle. con. crt. - ill effects of suppressed, ac. chm. chin. lach. sul. bell, bry. die. sil. foot, sil. chm. cup. mere, nat-c. nit-a. pul. rhs. sep. Sweat, - relieves, ac. cal. chm. nat-c. thj. Swelling in general, ars. bell, bry. chm. hep. mere. phos. , pul. rhs. sul. an-t. arn. erb caus. chin. die. lach. led. ly. nit-a. nux. rho. sab. sam. sep. sil. arthritic, ac. bry, arn mere sul. an-t.. bell, chim clch. hep. led. ly. pul. sab. - black, ars. lach. ac. pul. arn. bell. dig. mere. op. ver. - blue, red-blue, bell. lach. ars chm. arn. cth. con. kli. sil. - burning, ars. ac. caus. mere, sul. rhs. arn. bell. bry. ly. lach. phos. pul. - cold, cocc. die. mere. sul. asa ars. con. - cord-shaped, io. die. rhs dn grph. hep. lach. ly. - dropsical, ars. ly. kli. hell, chin. sul. ac. bry. clch. dig die. fer. io. mere. pru. - erysipelatous, see page 76. - hard, bry. bell. rhs. sul. ly. clc. erb-a. chm. chin, grph phos. pul. sep. sil. - inflammatory, ac. ars. bell, bry. hep. mere. pul. rhs. sul. an-t. arn. asa. chin, clch. lach. ]y. nux. phos. - lymphatic, hep. sil. bell. sep. mere. sul. nodosities, phyt. io. hep. thj rhs. ign. clc. die. ly. nit-a. - painter's, cocc. mere. ars. clc. con. - pale, bry. sul. bar. lach. ly. rhs. - rheumatic, ac. bry. nux. rhs mere. arn. chin. sul. an-t. bell. chm. clch. pul. rho. - sacculated, kli. chin. fer. phos - sarcomatous, bar. an-t. sab. - shining, arn. ars. bry. mere, sul. - stinging, ac. bry. nit-a. caus. sep. sul. cocc. pul. - sudden, die. - suppurating, mere. sil. sul. hep. lach. ly. phos. 20 GENERAL CONDITIONS. Swelling, - tense, bry. sul. bell. rhs. -- tingling, arn. sep. - white, of joints, io. sil. an-t. ars. mere. col. kr. rhs. sul. - white, of leg, ars. ly. chin, kli. sul. an-t. bry. mere, sep Spermatorrhoea, see page 123 Spirits, ill effects, nux. ars. op hyo. clc. sul. bell. an-t. crb mere. str. chid. pul. coff. Spleen, see page 102. Splinters, pain as from, nit-a hep. sil. crb. arn. Sprains, dislocations, arn. rhs. ru. bry. clc. ly. agn. pet. ammc. Sprained, as if, rhs. arn. ru. bry. pul. caus. ign. clc. rho nat-m. phos. pet. Spring, ailments, lach. rhs. crb ver. au. U Starting of the limbs, bell, sep. ars. kli. sil. chm. rhs. drs. lach. bry. cup. ign. alu chin. caus. amb. bar. cocc. clc. stro. sul. ffCo-, - at night, in bed, ars. sil. sal. bell. sep. kli. cup. grph. op pul. thj. nit-a. Starvation, effects of, bry. ars pul. ver. chin. an-t. lach. Stiffness of limbs, sep. caus. cap. sul. col. ly. grph. bell, chm. pul. cocc. rhs. pet. Stitching, bry. mere. ac. nit-a sil. cth. gaj. spig. sta. ign. sp. phos. asa. clc. pul- thj. Stomach, see page 99. St. Vitus Dance, see Chorea Sal ammoniac, poisoned by, nit-s. coff. nux. Salt, ill effects, crb. Sarsaparilla, ill effects, bell, mere. Satyriasis, cth. phos. hyo. nux Scarlet fever, ail. ap. bell, rhs lach. - see Scarlatina, page 173. Sciatica, chm. col. dio. rhs. ly Soirrhus, incipient, con. - softening, hyd. - ulcerative, gel. cund. - see page 173. Sycosis, thj. sta. nit-a. ly.>',^> Syncope, cam. amyl. Syphilis, see page 174. Tabes Dorsalis, see page, 156. Taenia, see page, 109. Taste altered, see page 91. Tea, ill effects, chin. fer. thj. Tearing, bry. mere. rho. ly. crb. cans, nit-a. pul. chin, clch. sil. sul. ac. alu. amb. ar. arn. clc . fer. kli. nux. rhs. sars. sep. sta. zn. - crampy, an. ol. plat. clc. men chin, nat-c. - presslire, with, crb. chin, kli ly. s1m. sta. ar. zn. -jerking, chin. pul. gaj. mere rhs. sul. ac. clc. caus. cup. - laming, crb. chin. sta. cin. hell. kli. cocc. sab. sars. - stitching, clc. mere. chin, led. zn. cic. die. euph. gaj. grph. hyo. io. kli. ly. ph-a. mur-a. sab. sta. thj. Tension, as if too short, lach. caus. ammc. col. am-m. bar. con. grph. nat-C. phos nat-m. pul. rhs. sep. sul. Tensive pains, bry. caus. asa. bell. ly. nat-m. nux. pul. Tetanus, bell. cam. cic. ign. ip. op. sec. ars. lach. str. Thirstlessness, pul. sep. cth. mez. fer. eye. sta. hell. Throat, sore, see page 87. Throbbing, whole ' body, pul. S crb. phqs. sil. grph. sep. thj. zn. Throbbing pain, ign. bell. ac. am-m. fer. sep. ars. clc. crb. chm. cocc. kli. nat-m. phos. pul. sil. sul. tart. Tight feeling, ang. Tin, poisoned by, pul. hep. Tingling, ign. sec. plat. arn. ac. cap. chin. kli. ph-a. sep pul. spig. sul. Tobacco, ill effects, gel. pul. nux. cocc. sta. cup. ver. Tongue diseases, see page 84. Tonsilitis, bar. crb. merc-b. hep. ars. see page 87. Toothache, see page 80. GENERAL CONDITIONS. 21 Torn off, sense as if something -would be, rhs. clc. hep. nux Trembling, bell. io. str. clc. cic. op. pul- rhs. sul. alu. "Jdtz^ar-n. arm ars. bry. caus. chin. cocc. kli. mere. sec.2«« - of drunkards, ars. Tuberculosis, ars. clc. hep. io phos. sp- sul. kli. ly. nit-a. pul. sil. stm. Tumors, non-malignant, -. cysts, sil. ap. col. ars. ap. - ovarian, ap. col. lil-t. kli. ars. plat. lach. - hcematoma, arn. con. - glandular, phyt. bry. con. sil. io. bar. lap-a. - lipoma, grph. clc. phos. crc. - semi malignant, - enchondroma, sil. - epithelioma, sil. acet-a. kr. au. - epulis, sil. -fibroid, con. sil. bell. lupus, ars-i. sil. , lymphoma, ars. phos. - malignant, colloid, hyd. erb-a. phos. - encephaloma, ars-i. thj. lach. hydr. nit-a. -fungus hcematodes, ars. phos sil. sta. sep. crb. medullary, sil. nit-a. phos sep. crb. - melanosis, sng. phos. - scirrhus, ars-io. bro. erb-a hyd. au. lap-a. nit-a. - polypi, see Polypns- Twitching of muscles. 10. kit. mez. amb. asa. bell. clc. col grph. men. nat-c. nat-m. plat. sec. sp- - pains, nux. chin. pul. clch. asa. clc. caus. cup. grph. ign. kli. nat-m. nit-a. rhs. Tympanitis, seepage 107. Typhoid diseases, see page 32. Typho-malarial fever, see page 32. Typical complains, ars. chin ip. spig. arn. cap. nat-m. nux. pul. sep. Ulcerative pain, sil. kr. ign. bry. pul. am-m. chm. lach. Ulcers, see page 174. Uneasiness in the limbs, rhs. bell. sep. hyo. mere. sta. arn. ars. bry. chm. chin, nux. ph-a. pul. sil. stm. Uraemia, cth. dig. Urethritis, cth. can-s. - see Inflammation, page 118 Urine, see page 115. Uterine, see page 124. Valerian, ailments, chm. coff, nux. sul. Valve, sensation of, in throat sp. Vapors, noxious, bell. op. sul-a Varicella, rhs. tart. pul. bell seepage 175. Varices, see Blood. Vertigo, see page, 46. Vibrations through the body as from a sound, arn. cle ol Voluptuous pains, lach. Vomiting, see page 98. Walk, difficulty of learning sil. clc. bell. nux. sul Wandering pains, pul. arn< chin, nux-m. rho. sul. Warts, thj. cans. ly. de Washing, dread of, clc. sul. nit-a. sars. ammc. sep. Watching at night, effects from, cim. cocc. nux. pul. gel. ac. bry. chin. coff. Waterbrash, see page 99. Weeping ailments, 'caused by arn. bell. hep. stm. Wetting the bed, see page no Whitlow, see page 171. Whooping Cough, drs. hyd-a coral, cup. see page 143. Whiter complaints, nux. rhs. cam. die. ac. au. bell. bry. crb. clch. ip. pet. ver. Wood, 'workers in, complaints grph. crb. Worm, see page 109. Worn out, see Debility. Wounds, see Injuries. Writer's cramp, gel. cans, bell. sec. Wry neck, rhs. Icn. ly. Yellow fever, cam. ar-n. ars. lach. crt. Zoster, see page 175. II. EFFECTS OF EXTERNAL INFLUENCES. THE SEASONS-HEAT AND COLD. Spring, worse during^., - amb. bell, lach- merc-p. sars. - coryza, all. gel. - cough, ver. - diarrheea. lach. skin disorders, nat-s. - toothache, pul. Summer, worse during - set. ara. nat-m. sars. - coryza, all. gel. - diarrheea, bry. crt. die. kli. lach. nux-m. ol. cena. rhe. rhs. ver. - skin disorders, kli. mur-a. Autumn, worse during - mere. - asthma, chin. ■-■ diarrheea, asc. bap. ip. col. ir. Winter, worse during - ip- PS°r. rhs. - cough, chm. psor. kal. skin symptoms, alum, nux-m. pet. Moon, new or full, worse during am-c. clc. cle. nat-c. sab. sil. sul. cough, sab. - deafness, grph. sil. - leucorrhoea, ere. ly. - skin symptoms, alum, bov. cle. -- spasms, clc. sil. Thunderstorm - worse before, ag. gel. rho. nux-m. hyp. phos. zn. during, nat-c. rho. phos. pet. psor. sil. Warm weather -■ better in, alm. fer. hell, kli-c. mag-c. nit. nux-m. pet. rhs. coryza, clc-p. - - rheumatism, clc-p. salt rheum, jug. - worse in, an-c. bell. bor. clch. lach. sei. asthma, au. coryza, mere. diarrheea, bap. bry. lach. pd. eruptions, bov. frag. ver. kli. Warm weather headache, io. haemorrhoids, nit-a. ' photophobia, sul. prolapsus uteri, kli. ■ toothache, pul. Cold weather - better in, bry. mep. kli. - -■ eruptions, kli. - worse in, ap. fer. kr. lach mag-c. cle. asthma, ap. dig. cough, ap. rheumatism, clc-p. clch crb-s. skin diseases, jug. •vertigo, sng. Dry weather - worse, asthma, chm. - - catarrh, die. - aversion to, erb-a. nux. Wet weather - better in, nux. - worse in, am-c, clc. erg d' fer. gel. mere, mur-a. rhs. asthma, au. con. die nat-s. coryza, mere. diarrhoea, gel. nat-s. dyspepsia, ver. headache, erb-a. gio. phy hoarseness, crb. hyp. ill-humored, al. am-c. neuralgia, ver. rheumatism, pul. rho. nux-m. crb-s. erg. mez. phy. ly. rho. rhs. sars. sngi sore throat, lach. toothache, bor. mere. vertigo, bro. hot and damp, worse crb. ham. ip. mng. W- • asthma, bell. diarrhoea, al. clch. gel. hoarseness, crb. - cold and damp, worse, all. ara. ber. clc. for. merc-p. mur-a. nit. nux-m. rmx. - asthma, ver. - coryza, mag-a. nux-m. cough, crb. 23 24 THE SEASONS. Wet weather - - - diarrhoea, die. nux-m. rho. zin. hoarseness, crb. chel. leucorrhcea, die. rheumatism, ru. rhs. rho. ver. - skin sensitive, nux-m. Changeable weather ■- worse, crb. chm. clch. nit-a. rhs. rmx. sng.'^''*~' asthma, ars. an-c. hyp. cough, lach. phos. rmx. ver. coryza, cam. diarrhoea, ac. bry. rhe. -.- headache, clc-p. nux-m. ran. verb. neuralgia, mag-c. gel. bov. verb. spig. rheumatism, clc-p. erb-s. ber. sng, - warm days, cold nights, aes. mere. - warm to cold, bell. die. chm. phos. ran. sars. crb. ver. -- windy, chm. gel. nux. ■ cough, cap. euph. ly. face ache, rho. headache, chm. hoarseness, nux-m. lachrymation, sul. phos. pul. toothache, grph. vertigo, clc-p. - dry, cold wind, ac. aes. rmx sep. - - coryza, ac. sp. cough, cap. chm. hep. sam. sp. earache, ars. io. headache, mur-a. hoarseness, cup. arum. toothache, ac. vertigo, ac. Water, ill effects of getting wet - agn. all. ap. clc. rhs. sep. - amenorrheea, pul. rhs. - colic, pul. rhs. - cough, nux-m. - headache, die. led. nat-m. rhs. - hoarseness, merc-i - nosebleed, die. Water, ill effects of getting wet - paralysis, nux. rhs. zn. clch. - rheumatism, clc-p. die. pul. merc-i. sars. - zirinary disorders, die. rhs. - urticaria, rhs. Washing, better from - au. pul. psor. - better from cold, ap. for. mep. nat-m. rhs. headache, ac. al. an-t. ars. eye. euph. phos. spig. - hcemorrhoids, al. - - leucorrhcea, alu. - worse from, am-c. bar. ly. nux-m. kr. - -■ asthma, lob. convzzlsions, rhs. diarrhoea, pd. eczema, cle. clc. die. - -■ headache, an-c. cth. nux-m spig. - laryngismus, co If. neuralgia, fer. nosebleed, am-c. arn. chin. kli-C. toothache, sul. - children, dislike, am-c. an-c. sul. Sunlight ■- better in the, an. con. kli. stro - worse, an-c. bell. hyo. merc-S nat-m. cough, an-c. erythema, ac. cth. -- - eye disorders, cam. cle. gio. ign. lit. nat-m. -- -faceache, thj. headache, ac. bar. bell, bro. cac. cad. clc. cam. gio. hip. lach. lil. nat-c. nat-m. nux. nezcralgia, nat-m. sunstroke, ac. gio. bell. vertigo, ac. ag. gel. nat-c. gio. nux. Heat - desire for or relieved by, alu. ars. clc. cap. crl. hep. kr. nux. pet. rhe. rhs. colic, ars-i. chm. grph. pd. sil. coryza, clc-p. HEAT AND COLD. 25 Heat headache, cap. cinn. clch. hyo. ign. kli-c. lach. nux-m. rhs. sil. sta. str. stro. - rheumatism^ caus. nux-m ly. , toothache, bov. ly. mur-a. nux-m. nux. rho. rhs. sul-a. aversion to or worse from, ap, bell. gaj. op. sec. asthma, au. coryza, mere. cough, cap. drs. lau. hyp. eruptions, oet. chel. die. flu. mere. psor. sars. headache, al. an-t. bry. sul. ly. nat-m. ■ neuralgia, mez. kli. - - rheumatism, pul. thj. toothache, amb. arn. bry. gio. grph. hell. mere. ph-a. gio. grph. hell. mere. ph-a. Cold - relieved by, erb-s. op.K^-tt&C headache, an-t. eph. ly. rheumatism, thj. - applications, better from, al. ar. mere. nic. amb. gio. worse, mng. mere. zn. - worse from, ag. ara. arn. ars. au. fag. grph. mep. nux. rhe. rhs. sab.^. albuminuria, die. amenorrheea, die. pul. asthma, mos. coryza, grph. cough, bar. hep. kli-c. lob. nux. sab. ■ deafness, pul. diarrhoea, die. mere. nux. nux-m. - -faceache, mere. headache, die. hyo. mos. nux-m. pul. rhs. sil. str. nausea, cocc. ophthalmia, die. toothache, ac. clc. die. ign. hell, mag-c. nux-m. ph-a. rhs. sul-a. rheumatism, pbyt. nit-a' nux. au. die. nux-m. skin disorders, nit-a. sab. stil. Cold - sensitive to, an. au. bell. chm. grph. hyp. ip. lach. nat-c. coryza, nat-c. nat-m. eyes, mere. head, bar. bell. hyo. kli-c. mez. nat-m. nux. sil. throat, bar. flu. impotence from, mos. - not sensitive, can. - results of taking, ac. ber. rhs cim. chm. die. amennorrhoea, ac. cim. die aral. nux-m. pul. asthma, die. sp. - colic, die. sam. coryza, kli. deafness, viscum. diarrhoea, chm. die. ign. nat-c. dystiria, nit. ■-■ - earache, gel. galactorrhoea, rhs. headache, bell. - •- nausea, cocc. neuralgic, crb. phos. ophthalmia, die. lach. rheumatism, erb-s. clc-n die. gaj. nit-a. rhs. 1 sore throat, die. toothache, crb-ca hin. gel Warm food or drink - desire for or relieved by, ly. ced. ip. cal. chel. cup. sab. colic, ar-n. ert, grph. nux. • cough, nux. sp. headache, ther. ■ toothache, nux. sng. sore throat, alm. gua. sab. - aversions to or worse form, amb. alm. kli-c. sul-a. fer'. ign. ver. zn. asthma, chm. ■ cough, bar. cap. ign. kli-c. mez. stm. diarrhoea, flu. diphtheria, ly. dyspepsia, chin, kli-c. neuralgia, pul. nausea, erg. lob. ver. - - toothache, agn. am-c. an. bar. bry. clc. crb. erb-s. chm coff. drs. kli. lach. mere, nat-m. nat-s. phos. pul. sab. 26 HEAT AND COLD. Cold food cr drink - desire for or relieved by, ai. am-c. an-t. arn. ars. ber. bov. bry. clc. caus. ced. chm chel. chin. cocc. crl. crc. cup. die. jat. mere. asthma, bry. chm. cough, am-m. bar. caus. cup. toothache, bis. bry. cle. coff. pul. sil. nausea, bry. cup. phos. - aversion to or worse from, kr. nux. bro. ced. cal. chel. chill, eup-p. - - colic, Ipt. pul. cough, ac. am-m. crb. dig. hep. ko. ly. sp. sul-a. thuj. ver. headache, gio. kli-c. diarrhoea, ars. fer. nat-s. nux-m. dyspepsia, ar-n. ars. clc-p. ir. mng. nat-c. nausea, an. die. eup-p. ip. ly. nux. pul. rho. rhs. neuralgia, pul. toothache, an-c. ar-n. ars. brom. clc. cin. con. grph. gym. kli-c. mng. mere. pul. nux. sng. sars. spig. sta. bro. clc-c. cin. con. grph. Warm covering - better from, bell. gaj. hell, hep. nux-m. ph-a. rhe. rhs. chill, hip. merc-p. cough, rmx. earache, str. faceache, mez. - - headache, chm. nux. sil. - worse, can. chill, asa. bell. cac. hip. ir. sil. thj. headache, led. rheumatism, am-m. sul. - better from uncovering, can. sei. asthma, fer. ■- - headache, crl. gio. ly. stupor, op. •- worse from uncovering, hell, ph-a. rhe. rhs. Warm covering chill, ac. ag. am-m. ar. arn. bell. bor. chm. chin, chn. cle. sup-p. nit-a. nux-m nux. phos. sil. squil. thj. cough, rhs. headache, bnz-a. sil. pruritus, rmx. still. - worse when undressing, chm. drs. nat-s. ol. pul. rmx. Warm in bed - relieves chill, mag-m. cough, chm. kli. diarrhoea, col. headache, alu. cocc. col. rheumatism, am-c. cans. stil. toothache, ly. - aggravates, amb. euph. led. mag-c. sec. ascarides, teu. asthma, chi. fer. grph. pul. - - colic, val. cough, agn. am-c. an-t. drs. nat-m. nux-m. pul. sep stm. ver. ■ earache, nux. eczema, cle. -• -faceache, chel. gio. sil. headache, ap. ar-n. bell. ly. mere. phos. ■ micturation, pet. - pruritus, alu. crb. cle. fag. ko. mere. mez. pul. sul. zn. rheumatism, led. mere. ver. - - sleeplessness, myr. toothache, ara. chm. cle. grph. lach. mere, nit-a. ph-a. pul. sab. sul. sul-a. Open air - better in, alu. am-m. as. ber. cinn. euph. hell. kli-c.^; merc-i. myr. pte. sars. anxiety, bry. asthma, am-c. bell. can. carb-ac. crb. ip. pot. trif. chill, bry. ip. mag-m. mez coryza, ac. all. clc-p. rho. cough, ar. die. CHILL, FEVER, AND SWEAT. 27 Open air Open air •- - headache, ars. caus. lil. eye symptoms, ai. bnz-a. tab. ac. gio. cim. hell. ip. kal. pul. rhs. ru. sil. sul. til mng. mos. plat. sab.sep. headache, bell, cad. ced. nausea, crc. kli. chm. chin. cocc. coff. con. - worse, cocc. gel. gaj. kr. rhs. lach. mere. mez. sil. asthma, sen. _ menstrualflux, nux-m. --. - coryza, ars-i. carb-a. iod. toothache, ac. alu. pet. pul kli. lit. sul. thj. zin. rhs. sul. cough, chm. mere. sen. vertigo, cocc. gio. lau. pd. sul-a. sars. sul. III. CHILL, FEVER, AND SWEAT. Chill in general, ars. ver. bry. ip. nux. pul. chin. cth. cap. cup. fer. mere. sab. ac. bell, clc. cin. drs. ign. lach. ly. nat-m. nit-a. pet. rhs. sep. -- creeping, bar. chm. rhs. - externally, arn. nux. phos. ign. mere. plat. rhs. ver. - internally, ars. pul. sep. nux ly. clc. lau. - partial, pul. bell. ac. chm. lach. nux. rhs. sul. - semi-lateral, pul. rhs. caus. nux. bar. bell. bry. verb. - shaking, ars. bry. ac. bell, chin. mere. nux. pul. rhs. Chill. Type. - anticipating, nux. chin. ars. bry. - autumn, bry. chin. nux. rhs. ver. - changing, ign. mens. pul. - congestive, arn. nux. bell, cam. ap. op. ver. - irregular, pul. ars. sam. -monthly, sep. nux. - postponing, cin. ign. ip.. . - quartan, ars. pul. sab. mens, ver. io. hyo. - quotidian, nux. elat. cup. gel cap. bry. spig- ver. - tertian, nat-m. mez. nux. bry chin, eup-p. rhs. ars. cth. - yearly, ars. crb. lach. sul. Chill, preceded by - back, aching, pd. ip. crb. - bones, pains, eup-p. nat-m. chin. - bowels, pain, ars. elat. eup-p Chill, preceded by - chest, pain, ars. plan. - colic, chin. - cough, sam. rhs. ap. rmx. - covered, desire to be, eup-p. - debility, ars. chin. - diarrhoea, ars. puls. - drink, desire to, followed by •vomiting, eup-p. - eyes, blue margins, cin. burning, rhs. soreness, eup-p. -face, pale, ars. cin. -fever, nux. ced. ly. - headache, bry. nat-m. ip. - heat, flashes, ly. - hunger, eup-p. - langour, nat-m. - limbs, drawing, nux. pain, eup-p. nux. weakness, nux. - melancholy, ant. ced. - nausea, ip. eup-p. pul. - stretching, nat-m. eup-p. ars. - sweating, nux. sam. - thirst, chin. arn. cap. bry. eup-p. sul. - vomiting, eup-p. pul. nat-m. -yawning, eup-p. ars. nat-m. nux. Chill commences, - abdomen, ap. ign. - ankles, pul. chin. lach. - arms, nux-m. bell. ign. - back, cap. pd. ly. eup-p. sep. - chest, sep. ap. crb-a. -face, caus. ber. kr. - jeet, nit-m. chel. hyo. sep. nux. 28 > Chill commences -fingers, bry. sep. - hands, nux. chel. crb. - knees, ap. - limbs, nux-m. - thighs, thj. - toes, bry. Chill, accompanied by - abdomen, bloated, spig. - abdominal coldness, ph-a. ars pains, ars. coff. sep. mere igt. phos. clc. - anxiety, ac. ver. ars. cap. crb. chin. pul. - appetite, loss of, pyx. bry. led. nux-m. phos. sil. - asthma, mez. - back, pains in small of, ars. clc. kr. lach. nux. sab. ver. - backache, ars. bell. - beside oneself, being, chm. coff. ac. ver. - bitter taste, hep. sp. ars. ■-• bone pains, nat-m. sab. - breath, hot, an. - breathing diff cult, zn. kli-c. gel. ars. cap. pul. nux-m. - bruised feeling, bell. •-- chattering, ac. ars. cam. - chest, pains, ars. bry. rhs. ip pul. nux. - colic, cal. chin. coff. nux-m. - convulsions, cam. hyo. - coryza, an. bry. cal. cap. kli-c mur-a. nux. sp. tart. - cough, clc. kr. phos. rhs. sab. sul. - deafness, chm. - debility, ver. caus. hell. ars. lach. clc. crb. mere. nux. - delirium, ver. - diarrhoea, ver. spig. ars. cal. hyo. lau. phos. sul. - discouragement, chm. an. - drink, aversion to, hell. - drowsiness, cam. nux-m. pul tart. ver. cin. sab. - ear-ache, grph. gum. - ears, heat in, ac. ran. pul. - epistaxis, kr. - eructations, ip. nux. alu. ar-n crb. ran. rhs. sab. - eyes, fixed, ac. pains in, rhs. sen. CHILL, FEVER, AND SWEAT. Chill, accompanied by -pupils contracted, ac. dilated, op. -face, cold, drs. ip. nat. pet. hot, bell. an. arn. ly. clc. chm. nux. ran. sab. pale, cam. pul. bry. ver. ehin. cin. pzffed, bell. red, ars. bry. ly. ran. rhs yellow, ar-n. hell. ign. nat. -- fainting, ac. coff. val. -feet, cold, chin. drs. kr. lach. mere. mez. cramps in, nux. heat, cal. kli-ch. numbness, ly. -- -pain, co. -fingers, numb, stm. wrinkling of, an-c. -forehead, sweat on, ver. - goose-flesh, ver. sab. bar. cth. hell. lau. - hands, blue, sec. ver. gel. cold, chin. drs. mere, mez dead, sep. -• - hot, ip. nux. pul. palms, moist, nic. - hair on end, bar. pul. painful, sep. - headache, nat-m. sep. bry. ac ars. grph. mez. - head, congestion, arn. chn. dullness of, cap. cic. hell, kli-c. led. nat-m. rhs. hot, ac. bry. ip. arn. asa. chin. hell. nux. ver. - heart, palpitation, ph-a. - hoarseness, sep. -joints, pains in, hell. -■ knees, stiff, hep. - limbs, contraction of, cap. heaviness, hell. - lower, hell. chin. v^r. - -pains, ars. ly. nux. hep, - liver complaint, chin. ars. mere. nux. - melancholy, ver. - mouth, dry, arn. rhs. phos. - nails, blue, cocc. nux. pet. - nausea, pul. ver. bry. chin, hep. sab. - otalgia, grph. asa. Chill, accompanied by - panting, cal. - photophobia, hep. -ptyalism, ac. mere. alu. cap. - pulse accelerated, ac. bry. phos. ars. bell. col. hyo. io. pul. mere. sng. sec. sil. sp. _ _ collapsed, ars. sec. crb. kr op. pul. sng. sil. feeble, ars. crb. chin, lach lau. mere. nux. pul. ver. frequent, ac. ars. bry. mere. ph-a. sng. sil. stm. full, ac. cam. col. hyo. lach. nux. op. phos. pul. sam. sng. sec. str. sul. val. hard, ac. arn. bell. bry. cth. hyo. io. nux. phos. pul. sng. sec. sil. sp. sul. imperceptible, crb. ac. ars. con. cup. hyo. op. sec. str. intermitting, ars. nat-m. ph-a. ac. bry. chin. dig. lach. mere, nit-a. nux. op. irregular, nat-m, ars. con mere, nit-a- aca. sec. ac. ant. bry. chin. dig. lach. lau. ol. slow, bell. sec. ver. can. chin. con. cup. dig. lau. op. small, ac. ars. bell. cam. cth. chm. cle. cup. dig. hell. lach. op. phos. plb. pul. sec. sil. str. sul, ver. soft, chin. cup. io. plb. str. crb. lach. ver. strong, ac. bell. mere, hyo op. str. suppressed, ac. crb. ars. kr. op. pul. sng. sec. sil. ■ tense, bell. mez. bry. chm die. • tremulous, mere. str. tart, ars. cic. con. lach. rhs. - restlessness, an. ars. clc. cap. coff. lach. sab. sil. - sensitiveness to cold, eye. mere. - sight dim, chm. obscured, bell. chi. eye. lach. sab. '- sleeplessness, nux, amb, chm cup. pul. CHILL, FEVER, AND SWEAT. Chill, accompanied by .- skin, blue, ars. cam. sec. ver. mere. nux. - - contraction of, par. creeping in, nux. sam. painful, nux. - ■-parchment, ars. io. as. tingling, sam. - spleen, pains, ars. cap. chm. chin. mez. nux. - stiffness, ac. mere. chin. -■ stomach, pains in pit, ars bry. phos. ly. mere. sil. - stretching, cap. ip. mur-a. ■- stupor, cam. bor. op. str. - tenesmus, mere. phos. ■ thirst, bry. clc. cin. nat-m ac. arn. can. crb. chm. chin ign. mez. rhs. ver. - thirstlessness, pul. ars. chin mur-a. nux. rhs. sab. snip- h^i ¥' au' bry' caus- drs' hell. hyo. nux-m. ol. throat, sore, bov. led nux sep. - throbbing in the body, zn. - toothache, grph. - trembling, ac. cin. ami can cocc. pul. tart. L n' - urinate, constant desire ind mep. mere. - vertigo, alu. clc. cap. chin, cocc. phos. pul. rhs. ver - vomiting, ars. cin. pul. chin drs. ign. - water-brash, sil. 'whining, ac. lyc. in ere -yawning, bry. cans. rhs. cal cap. Chill occurring - afternoon, bov. eup-p. ran gel. bry. chin. lach. puh ars. ly. mt-a. nux. phos. bed, in, phos. alu. cth. mere, nat-m. nux. - day and night, sars. - day, all, sil. any time during, ars. kli-c - evening, sep. ly. bov. arn. pul. amine, ars. bry. chin, cin. lach. pet. phos. sta. cap. nit-a. sul. every other, ly. f 29 30 CHILL, FEVER, AND SWEAT. Chill occurring ■- - in bed, ac. alu. bry. amb. ammc. ars. au. bell. ly. mere. nux. phos. sul. - evening, every other, during the pains, pul. --forenoon, nux. nat-m. ars. eye. mag-m. pet. ph-a. - midnight, after, thj. sul. bov chm. cocc. - morning, eup-p. sep. ap. bry drs. chin. mng. spig. pd. -- night, ap. kli-i- tell. sab. sul. ammc. bov. hep. mere, nux never at, chin. - at any time, ars. an-t. - same time every day, ced. gel. cin. cac. -fourteen days, every, ars. clc chin. - at i a. m., ars. pul. sil. 2 a. m., ars. cth. hep. 3 a. m., thj. ced. 4 a. in., arn. am-m. con. 5 a. m., chin. drs. sil. 6 a. m., ver.'nux. arn. 7 to 9 a. m., pd. one day, 12 m. next, eup-p. 8 a. m., eup-p. - ■- 9 a., in., kli-c. nat-m. io a. m., ars. cac. nat-m. pet. rhs. sta. sul. io 30 a. m., lob. cast. 10 to 11 a. m. ars. nat-m. - 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. merc-s to 3 p. m. sil. sul. -■ - II a. m. hyo. ip. op. nuxJW - to 12 a. m., kli-c. kob. 4 a. m. top. m., gels. - 11 p. m., cac. one day, e^p. m. next, clc. 12 m., fer. an-t. elat. ■-• - 1 p. m., ars. cth. lach. - 2 p. m., ars. eup-p. clc. fp. m., chin. ang. ced. ap an-t. 4/. m., pul. ap. nux. ced. 5 p. m., kli-c. ced. nux. 6p. m., kli-c. pet. ced. sil. nux. Ip. in., rhs. gaj. bov. ced - 8p. m., bov. hep. Chill occurring 9 p. m., bov. gel. ph-a ' - - top. m., bov. sab. - - ii p. m. cac. sul. - •- vip. m., ars. cth. caus. - cold, from, ly. sep. -■ drinking, after, ars.chin, nux cap. ver. - epileptic fit, after, cup. - exercise, after, nux. - - during, ars. mere. sul. -• meal, during, see page- fc/v motion, after, nux. - motion, during, nux. coff. asa mere. mez. rhs. sil. spig. - open air, in, ars. chin. nux. pet. alu. ammc. caus. kli-c. mere, nit-a. rhs. ■-pains, after, kli-c. •-pains, during, ars. bry. die. grph. led. ly. mez. nat-m. - room, in, ars. chi. pul.ctv\»z<< - sleeping, after, mere. bry. - stooping, after, merc-c. - sun, in, chi. - uncovering, when, chm. chin, pul. ac. mix.^c4,^U.4<7 - warm stove, near, lach. nux. pul. cth. cin. cocc. sil. -• wet, after getting, sep. Chill, succeeded by -feet, cold, pet. - headache, frontal, nat-m. occipital, drs. - langour, ars. - sleep, ap. nux. ars. mez. - thirst, cim. ars. chin. sab. bar. drs. pul. - vomiting, ly- eup-p. nat-m. bile, eup-p. sour, ly. - sweat, ly. cap. thj. caus. - weakness, ars. - weariness, ly. SWEAT. Sweat, chm- chin. op. rhs. sam sei. ac. ars. bell. clc. crb. caus. cocc. coff. grph. hep. kal. mere, nat-m. nux. phos pul. sab. sep. sil. sta. sul. - affected parts, on, amb. mere stro, tart. CHILL, FEVER, AND SWEAT. 31 Sweat ■- anxious, an-t. arn. clc. cans, chm. cic. fer. grph. mng. mere. mez. mur-a. nat. nit-a. nux. phos. plb. rhs. sep. sp. stm. sul. thj. - biting, chm. con. ip. - smelling of blood, ly. bloody, crt. lach. nux-m. clammy, chm. phos. ac. ars. ly. ver. dap. fer. mere. - cold, ars. cam. chin. ip. sec. ver. bry. can. crb. cin. cup die. hep. hyo. ign. nux. pul. - critical, bry. I - exhausting, bry. erb-a. chin, sam. mere. stm. -fetid, bar. sta. die. grph. hep nit-a. nux. phos. pul. sei. I -flies, attracting, cal. I --greasy, ag. bry. chin, mag-c. mere. str. , - hot, op. chm. str. an-t. bell, bry. chin. hell. lach. phos. itching, op. can. ip. led. mng par. rho. i musty smell, nux. stai.t**^ j onions, smelling of, bov. ' -partial, ars. chm. nux. phos pul. sul. I -parts, of covered, ac. bell. I --pungent, bell. sul. -putrid, str. crb. nux. sta. - semilateral, pul. nux. amb. bar. bry. chm. chin. cocc. flu. ign. rhs. spig. sul. rhe. - ■- left side, flu. I - sour, sep. sil. sul. ars. asa. ly. nit-a. ver.^M*'^*' - spicy smell, rho. - staining, mere. ars. bell, erb-a. grph. lach. inag-c sei. rhe. yelloin, mer. ars. bell, grph. mag-c. rhe. I -stiffening the linen, mere, sei I - urinous, cth. col. nit-a. Sweat accompanied by i - cough, bry. mur-a. rhs. ' -crying loud, an th. - debility, ars. chin. caus. hep. hyo. io. lau. mere. rho. sep •- dry mouth, bry. mag-m. nux ■-fainting, ars. Sweat accompanied -fornication, rho. - gastric ailments, lach. ars. bar. hep. mere, nit-a. nux. sul. ver. - headache, caus. lach. sep. sul - pain in chest, bry. disappear, cala. -pains in the limbs improved ac. nux. ■- pain of the parts on which one lies, nux. -■ - when uncovered, stro. - restlessness, bry. - sleep, sab. ars. mere. op. pul ■-■ sleeplessness, bry. nat-m. an. chm. io. nit-a. rhs. trx. ■- sobbing, bry. - thirst, pul. ars. chm. chin, coff. con. hep. mag-m. mere nat. nat-m. nux. op. phos. rhs. str. ver. - thirst, commencing with, coff thj. ending with, bov. ly. nux. sab. - thirstlessness, ars. crb. eph ign. ip. ly. nux. phos. sep.' - uncovering one's self, dread of, stro. - urine, copious, ac. bell, die phos. Sweat, occurring - side, on affected, amb. air, in cold, bry. erb-a. caus. chin. gaj. nux. - coughing, when, see page. - day time, in, readily, clc. kli. nat. nat-m. sep. sul. chin' ly. sil. ver. - eating, when, see page - evening, in, ars. chm. chin, mor. sul. ver. an. bar. bell, con. mere. nit-a.*sep. - mental labor, during, bor. grph. hep. sep. sul. - midnight, after, mur-a. - morning, chin. nux. phos. sep. clc. hell. mos. nat. nat-m. pul. rhs. stm. - at night, clc. kli. nat. phos. pul. sil. stm. sul. am-b. ars. bar. bry. crb. chin. hep. lach. ly. nit-a. nux. pet. 32 CHILL, FEVER, AND SWEAT. Sweat occurring - exercise, slight, during, clc. kli-c. nat. nat-m. sep. sul. chin. ly. sil. ver. - night, at, clc. kli-c. nat. pul phos. sil. stm. sul. am-m. ars. bar. bry. crb. chin, hep lach. ly. nit-a. nux. pet. ph-a. rhs. sam. sep. sta. ■-pains, during, nat. ac. chm. chin. die. lach. ly- mere. ■- rage, after, cup. - rest, during, an. asa. clc. con fer. ph-a. rhs. sep. sp. sta. sul. sul-a. sitting, when, an. rhs. sep. sta. asa. clc. con. fer. ph-a. sp. sul. sul-a. - sleep, at commencemet of, ars con. mur-a. thj. ver. during, chm. chin. op. pul. ag. bell. euph. fer. hyo nat-m. sei. - talking, when, grph. io. sul. - walking, when, clc. kli-c. nat-m. sil. ag. amb. led. sei. -.-. in open air, caus. chin, nux. bry. erb-a. gaj. FEVER. Fever, commencing with or preceded by - backache, ars. ip. - bone-pains, arn. crb. - cough, clc. ■- drowsiness, rhs. •- ears, buzsing in, ars. -fainting, ars. - headache, crb. ars. bry. nat-m chin. nat. nit. sp. ■- hunger, chin. - malaise, ip. -- restlessness, lach. phos. - sneezing, chm. - thirst, chin. nat. pul. sab. - toothache, crb. - vertigo, ars. bry. - weakness, ars. ip. nat-m. nux lach. rhs. -yawning, clc. sab. Fever, nature of - anxious, ac. ars. pul. chm. ip. nux. phos. str. Fever, nature of - burning, ac. ars. bry. cbm. cocc. hep. hyo. lach. stm. - dry, heat, ars. bry. mere, phos. pul. sul. bell. coff. col. die. hep. ign. lach. sab. sam. sil. sul. val. ver. - externally, ac. ign. rhs. bell, bry. cam. chm. cocc. hyo. mere. op. sil. str. ■-flying, phos. ly. sep. amb. ;5^clc. crb. grph. mere, nit-a. rhs. ru. sil. stm. sul. - heat, feeling of , chin. coff. led stil. sta. asa. chm. nit-a. spig. stm. sul. zn. - internal, ac. ars. bry. hell, ver. arn. bell. mix. pul. rhs - semilateral, pul. rhs. Fever, consisting of - chill, alternating -with heat, ars. bry. clc. chin. mere, nux. asa. bar. bell. cocc. nat-m. phos. ph-a. sab. sil. alternating with heat, then heat, ver. alt equating with heat, then heat and sweat, bry. alternating with heat, then sweat, kli-c. * then heat, ac. arn. bell, hep. nat-m. nux. pul. rhs. spig. sul. cin. bry. phos. ip. - - with feeling of heat, ol. then partial heat, eye. with partial heat, nux. sab with heat, ac. ars. bell, clc. chm. hell. ign. mere, nux. pul. rhs. sep. then heat in the face, amb eye. pet. ■- -- then heat in the head, ip. - ■- with heat, then sweat, grph then heat, then sweat, ars. bry. chin. lach. pul. rhs. sab. ver. then heat with sweat, bell, chm. chin. rhs. sab. op. then heat and partial sweat, hep. then sweat, bry. erb-a ly. caus. rhs. thj. cap. sab. CHILL, FEVER, AND SWEAT. 33 Fever, consisting of with sweat, ly. pul. sab. sul. ars. clc. nux. thj. - heat, then chill, bell. bry. clc. cap. ly. nux. pul. sep. sta. sul. with chill, ac. ars. bell, clc. chm. hell. ign. mere, nux. pul. rhs. sep. externally, chill internally ac. ars. bell. clc. coff. ign. lach. ly. men. nit. nux. phos. sep. sil. sul. . internally, chill externally arn. bry. chin. hell. mere, mos. ph-a. pul. rhs. sab. sp. stm. ver. partial, with cold limbs, bell. chm. nux. pul. rhs. sul ■ of hands and feet, with coolface, rhe. in the face, then chill, clc. sul. in the head, then chill, then heat, str. with cold hands and feet, ammc. arn. au. lach. ran. rho. ru. sab. str. _ then cold hands, clc. with shuddering, ac. bell, chm. hell. ign. mere. nux. sep. rhe. then sweat, ars. chm. ign. ip. rhs. ver. bry. crb. chin, cin. coff. grph. hep. ly. op. nit-a. pul. sp. sta. sul. - --■ with sweat, bell. cap. chm hep. nux. op. rhs. with partial sweat, sul. - nails, blue, cocc. - shuddering, alternately with heat, mere. mos. nux. with heat, ac. bell, chm hell. ign. nux. zn. rhe. with partial heat, ac. nux. - then heat, bell, lau. then sweat, dig. nat-m. Fever, accompanied by -agony, ru. - abdomen, bloated, ars. nux. cup. str. Fever, accompanied by - - anxiety, ac. ars. str. pul. chm ip. clc. nat. appetite, excessive, chin, bry, phos. cin. cic. lost an-t. chin. nux. pul. sab. lach. nat-m. back-ache, rhs. ign. arn. cam. cap. nat-m. - biliousness, ac. bry. chm. chin. cocc. nux. pul. - bitter taste, nux. chin. sep. an-t, pul. arn. col. nat-nu ars. hep. lach. - breaking, difficulty, pul. ars. ip. ac. bry. chin. lach. nux^ phos. sul. - breathing, difficult, crb. ac. an. ars. bor. cam. cocc. ign' ip. ly. mere. phos. ph-a - bruised feeling in the limbs bell, mag-c. rho. sul. in ears, ars. ign. nux. - buzzing in ears, nux. - cheek, red, ac. chm. bell nux. cocc, hyo. sul. chim fer. rhs. - chest, heat in, am-m. - colic, ars. rhs. chm. cic. coff col. pul. cap. val. - congestion of the head, ac bell. bry. cam. nux. phos. ' - constipation, bry. op. clc. ly. nux. ver. nat-m. pul. cal/' - convulsions, rhs. str. - coryza, chin. hep. mere. nux. pul. bell. lach. rhs. sul. - cough, ac. bell. pul. hep. nux. mere. bry. chin. con. drs. ip. kli-c.rhs. sul. ver. - crying, spig. sp. - deafness, chin. rhs. - debility, ars. chin. lach. ip. hyo. ly. ph-a. nat-m. nux. rhs. clc. an. plb. lau. ver. - delirium, ac. bell. hyo. str. ars. bry. op. pul. rhs. - diarrhoea, chin. cin. ip. phos. ph-a. pul. rhs. sul. ver. mere. con. - drowsiness, bell. op. hell, hyo. pul. ars. crb. col. ign. lach. phos. rhs. tan. ver. Fever, with - dulness of head, nux. val. ver ang. ar. ars. bell. bry. chm. ign. phos. puls. sep. - eyes, weakness, nat-m. crb. around, fer. - eructations, an-t. chin, ammc nux. rhs. cic. lach. -face, bloated, ars. bell. cr. ly puls. sil. cold, ip. sp. rhe. pale, ip. cam. pul. sep. cocc. rhs. cin. ly. chin. sp. red, ac. bell. chm. chin, cocc. ign. nux. rhs. sep. str ly. sul. ver. sweaty, pul. sp. sul. val. sweat on forehead, ver. ip mag-m. sars. yellow, ars. cin. nat-m. -fainting, nux. -feet, cold, mere. ac. bro. chin cocc. drs. kr. lach. mez. pet. pul. rho. I'lUj, Ink -food, loathing of, ip. an-t. ars. rhe. ammc. bry. kli-c. - gastric ailments, ip. an-t. pul ars. bell. bry. asa. chm. chin. ign. dig. sul. tart. - grasping at flocks, arn. ars. bell. chin. cocc. hyo. phos. ph-a. rhs. str. sul. - groaning, chm. pul. - headache, nat-m. nux. ac. pul. bell. arn. ars. ign. ly. lach. sul. sab. -jaundice, rhs. chin. an-t. pul. ars. chm. nux. sul. - knees, cold, agn. ■- limbs, jactitation of, ac. bell, chm. cin. coff. lacz. - liver complaints, ars. chin. cap. mere. nux. - mouth, dry, nux. asa. coff. nit-a. phos. ph-a. sab. sep. - nervousness, ac. chm. coff. ign. ten. ars. bell. bry. ly. - otalgia, cala. grph. ign, - back, pains in the, chin. ars. lach. nat-m. bell. caus. ■ small of, pains in the, kli. - bones, pains in the, pul, arn. nat-m. crb. chin. ign. 34 CHILL, FEVER, AND SWEAT. Fever, with - chest, pain in, ac. sen. an-t. ip. ars- chin. lach. mere. - epigastrium, pain in, ars. col nux. chm. ign. mere, nat-m - eyes, pains in, kr. lact. led. rho. sen. leg, pains in, lach, nit. phos. limbs, rhs. nux. chin. cap. nat-m. chm. coff. ver. liver, in, ars. -- palate, hot, die. --palpitations, ac. sep. clc. chin. spig. crt. lach. mere, rhs. sars. sul. - paralysis of brain, ars. col. }y- •- prosopalgia, nux. lact. spig. - rage, bell. ver. - restlessness, ac. ars. chm. coff. lach. bell. mere. rhs. -- skin, red, cth. - sleeplessness, rhs. ammc. pul bor. chin. sec. hep. rho. -- sobbing, bry. ip. - sore throat, bell. mere. con. drs. ph-a. - splenetic ailments, ars. cap. chin. nux. sul. arn. chm. - stomachache, ars. chm. ign. mere, nat-m. nux. coco. col. - stretching, rhs. sab. - stupor, hyo. op. ph-a. pul. ars. cam. chm. die. lau. sep - tenesmus, cap. - thirst, ac. bell. bry. chm. sep hep. nat-m. rhs. sec. arn. clc. chin. hyo. lach. mere, nux. pul. sul. val. ver. - - thirstless, pul. ip. mere, chin. cam. cap. crb. hell, ign. men. chel. fchfc - throbbing, bell. zn. - tongue, coated, an-t. ars. nux pul. col. ign. lach. dry, ars. crt. ly. rhs. lach. nat-m. phos. ru. red, ars. lach. ly. rhs. white, ars. ign. nux. lach. nat-m. mos. op. pul. ru. - toothache, crb. grph. kli. rhs. lach. sta. hyo. /- trembling, ars. an. erb-a. chin sab. zn. cam. plat. sep.7h CHILL, FEVER, AND SWEAT. 35 Fever, with - veins, burning in, ars. - •- swelling of, pul. crb. chin fer. eye. rhs. - unconsciousness, hyo. arn. bell. crb. op. cocc. hell, mur-a. nat-m. ph-a. str. - uncover ones self, desire to, coff. mos. mur-a. nux. op. plat. pul. ver. dread of, pul. chin. coff. lach. mag-c. nux. rhs. sam. - urine, red, ver. nux. - urticaria, ign. rhs. - vascular excitement, sep. fer. phos. ars. bor. mos. ph-a. sars. sta. sul. bell. arn. cocc - vertigo, ac. ars. nux. bry. chin. mere, nat-m. ver. - vomit, desire to, crb. cic. ac. an. ar. ars. bar. bry. chel. cocc. drs. flu. ip. lach. mere nit-a. nux. par. phos. pul. - vomiting, ip. an-t. nux. pul. ars. chin. cin. ign. -yawning, lach. mur-a. nux. ol. ars. bro. cala. cic. caus. cin. lau. nat-m. par. phos. sil. teu. thj. Fever occurring, .- morning, bry. kli. nux. sul. chin. ly. -forenoon, ammc. cic. mag-c. phos. sars. - noon, spig. - afternoon, nit-a. nux. bry. phos. pul. stm. sul. arn. cic - evening, phos. ang. ars. biy. chm. men. mere. ph-a. sul. in bed, bry. cic. pul. rhs. heH. - night, bell. mere. rhs. chm. nux. phos. hep. pul. crb. sep. cic. sta. sul. ver.OMT~< - midnight, before, yer. ■ after, phos. thj. bov. - beer, from drinking, bell. fer. Fever occurring, - bending forward, when, merc-c. - chagrin, after, pet. sep. - coffee, when drinking, rhs. - embrace, after, nux. - motion, after, sep. sp. stm. am-m. cth. caus. nit-a. phos - - during, an-t. bell. bry. led cam. nux. ol. sam. spig. sp. - quinia, abuse, ip. fer. ars. pul -■ sitting, when, sep. alu, grph. mng. phos. val. - sleeping, when, con. die. pet. vio-t. - smoking, when, cic. sep. - walking in the open air, after chin. nux. ammc. am-m. arg. cam. hep. ph-a. rhs. sep. spig. sta. - weather, cold and damp, rhs. die. crb. ver. -- wine, after, crb. nat-m. --• work, during, mere. ol. ■- - during manual, mere. Fever succeeded by ■- back, pain in small of, kr. - bruisedfeeling, ars. sab. - buzzing in the ears, lach. - coldness, ver. - colic, bov. hell. tart. - cough, pul. - creeping in limbs, lach. - debility, dig. chin. helo. - diarrhoea, phos. - dreams, ars. plb. --face, pale, plb. - headache, ars. crb. cic. coff. hep. lach. plb. pul. rhs. - hiccough, ars. lach. - ill humor, sil. - sleep, ars. chm. op. plft rhs. - thirst, ign. an-t. ars. chin, nat-m. nux. rhs. am-m. coff - vomiting, chin. cin. hep. lach and headache, hep. Absent minded, chm. ol. alu. anime, arn. cans, nat-m. nux. sep. Affp Abusive, hyd. hyo. IV. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Airs, high, str. hyo. cup. fer. ly. ver. Activity, (wants to be busy} bar sep. ver. lach. mos. stm. 36 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Acuteness, an. au. coff. Alienation, mental, ars. bell, hyo. lach. nux. op. pul. set clc. crc. cup. mere. plat. - after menstrual suppression, pul. - after paralysis or suppressed eruption, bell. - lying in women, bell. Alone, disposed to be, bell. ign. au. chin, cic. cup. crb-a. con. eye. dig. egn. grph. led. ly. mag-m. men. nux. - worse when, els. phos. str.Ji.^ Alternations of humor, ac. ' ign. bell. plat. crc. str. zn. bor. sep. - anxiety, with indifference, nat-m. jollity, spig. sp. - anger, with gaiety, crc. - complaining, with delirium, bell. - dejection, with gaiety, pet. - disgust of life, with laughter, au. - distraction, with gaiety, sp. - easily startled, with low spirits, zn. -feafulness, with mania, bell. - gaiety, with vexation, caus. sp. crc. hatred of work, sp. ill-humor, nat-m. tart. melancholy, fer. seriousness, plat. sorrowfulness, caus. fer. sep. tearfulness, ac. ign. sp. io want of sympathy, mere. mania, bell. can. crc. indignation, au. ign. crc. cap. groaning and laughter, str. ■ dancing, bell. - hope with dispair, ac. kli-c. - ill-humor with jollity- plat, mere. spig. chin. with gaiety, eye. nat-c. tan. live lines.'. Lyc fenderneis' plat. Alternations of humor, - indifference, with anxiety, nat-m. vexation, chin. irritability, bell, crb-a. - with care, ran. coivar dice, ran. loivness of spirits, zn. wrath, zn. -jollity, with melancholy, zn. • shouting, chin. sorrowfulness, plat. zn. sep. can. nit-a. crc. grph. - - tearfulness, bell. plat. vexation, bor. - laughter with frenzies, hyo. groaning, str. -- - seriousness, nux-m. plat. sorrowfulness, str. - - tearfulness, ac. sep. lyc. an. cap. grph. alu. vexation, str. crc. violence, crc. stm. whining, ver. - mania, with dread, bell. - - disgust for life, bell. gaiety, crc. ac. bell. cans. tearfulness, ac. can. - melancholy, with gaiety, fer. zn. vexation, zn. - quarrelsomeness with gaiety, sp. crc. - with discontent, ran. singing, crc. - singing with anger, crc. distraction, sp. haired of work, sp. - vexation, crc. - sorrowfulness with serenity, sep grph. plat. zn. pet. nit a. - •-gaiety, caus. zn. fer. - - excitement, pet. - anger with gaiety, au. - tearfulness with jollity, plat, bor. - - vexation, bell. - violence with gaiety, au. crc. str. - wrath with gaiety, au. ign. cap. - - quick repentance, mez. crc tenderness, crc. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 37 Amorous, hyos. str. ver. an-c. Op. if rc, < -fits, ac. op. Anthrophobia, nat. amb. hyo. pul. bar,' ly. mere. rhs. Anxiety, ars. bell. clc. caus. chm. coff. mere. nat. nux. phos. ac. oena. arn. au. bar bry. cam. erb-a. chin, coco, con. cup. dig. grph. hell, hep. hyo. ign. lach. lau. ly. nat-m. nat-a. plat. pul. rhs sec. sep. sil. str. sul. ver. - apprehensive of death, ac. ars cocc. nux. au. cup. ip. evil, ars. cocc. coff. ver. ac. nat-m. nux. pet. phos. - driving one about, ars. chm. ac. ammc. bell. bry. clc. crb. grph. hep. mere. sab. - hypochondriac, arn. ars. asa. cala. cth. chm. drs. nat. nat-m. nit-a. phos. ph-a. --paroxysms, chm. sul. cocc. nat. nat-m. plat. arn. ars. phos. sep. sp: - tremulous, chm. nat. ars. crb coff. pul. amb. au. clc. caus ere. cup. grph. lach. mag-c mos. phos. rhs. sars. sep. Anguish, accompanied by - bitter taste, am-m. bell. - breathing, difficult, hep. ac. amb. ammc. an. ars. bor. clc. crb. cocc. io. lacn ly. mt-a. nux. rhs. sil- spig- - colic, alu. am-m. ars. au. bor bov. chm. cup. sep. - debility, ammc. au. ac. agn. alu. ang. ars. bor. clc. erb-a crb. caus. cic. ign. mag-c. nit. phos. rhs. sil. ver. - drowsiness, ars. bor. led. nux. rhs. ■- dyspnoe, ars. kr. plat. sen. - noise in the ear, pul. -face, hot, ac. ar-n. bell. crb. grph. mere. pale, pul. -- - red, ac. sep. sweat, ars. cic. mur-a. nat -fainting, ars. cic. ign. mag-in nit-a. op. ran. Anguish, accompanied by ■-feet, cold, grph. -forehead, sweat, ars. crb. nux phos. sep. - gastric ailments, clc. alu, am-m. ars. bar-m. cup. nit-a. nux. phos. pul. - hands, cold, grph. puh - - hot, crb. trembling, ammc. cic. plat pul. sweat, chm. mere. -- head, congested, ac. crb. lau. mag-c. phos. pul. sul. hot, mag-c. crb. lau. phos sul. - headache, ac. alu. bell. bov. clc. crb. caus. grph. lau. mag-c. phos. pul. ru. sul. - heart, pains in, chm. bar. crb nit-a. rhs, sp. - hysteric, as .'con. - limbs, pains in, ars. bell. - palpitations, chm. pul. clc. nat-m. nit-a. plat. ac. alu. ammc. asp. bor. fer. ign. mos. sil. tart. ver. --pupils dilated, nux. •- sight, obscured, ar-n. sta. - sleeplessness, ars. bell. chm. coff. grph. hep. hyo. mere. - stomachache, bar-m. clc. crb chm. fer grph. mere. - stupefaction, alu. bov. caus. sil. - syncope, ars. - thirst, cup. - timidity, alu. am-m. cth. caus. mere. spig. stro. tab. - vascular excitement, clc. an. bar. bry. ■-vertigo, bar-m. sen. sil. ver. Anguish occurring, - air, in open, an. ar. bell. cin. hep. ign. lach. plat. - alone, when, phos. drs. mez. --■ eJiagrin, after, ly. ver. - crowd, in a, bell. ly. pet, -■ evening, in, ammc. clc. crb. sul. amb. bry. erb-a. chin, coco. grph. ly. mag-c. mere nit-a. nux. phos. rhs. - morning, in, ars. grph. ver. caus. ly. nux. phos. 38 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Anguish occurring - night, at, ars. chin. hep. bell bry. clc. g.ph. hyo. ign. pul. rhs. ver. - noise, causes, caus. sil. - pains, during, ars. nat. caus. -periodical, sep. ars. plat, chm phos. sp. sul. - riding in a carriage, bor. lach - shaving, when, cala. - talking, when, alu. amb. plat - thunder storm, during, nat. nat-m. nit-a. phos. - twilight, at, clc. rhs. - weeping, relieves, tab. grph. dig. - working, when, grph. io. Apathy, hyo. ph-a. str. Apprehensive, clc. hyo. ac. bar. bell. bry. cocc. coff. Arrogance, plat. lach. str. cup fer. ly. ver. Assumption, (importance} hyo str. Autumnal equinox, worse after, str. Aversion to others, flu. -- one's business, to, sep. bro. pul. - laughing, to, amb. - music, to, ac. nux. sab. - playing of children, to, bar. Awkwardness, cap. nat. nux nat-m. an. ip. sul. Barking, bell. cth. Bashful, chin. Begging, {entreating} ars. str. Bellowing, cth. bell. Beside one's self, ac. coff. ign arn. ars. bell. chm. chin, grph. mere. nux. pul. Bewildered by pain, coff. ac. chm. ver. Biting mania, bell. str. cth. cup. sec. ver. Bold manners, ign. op. ac. ag alu. bov. mere. sul. Brooding, eye. alu. arn. au. cth. cap. caus. chm. eph. hell. ip. mez. mur-a. nux. ol. op. sul. Buffoonery, bell. str. hyo. ign. op. lach. cup. mere. Calmness, op. Calumniate, mania to, ip. Carelessness, gel. op. au. Caustiousness, grph. Censorious, ars. lach. ver. cap mere, nat-m. nux. chin, ign Changeable, ign. nux-m. crc. pul. plat. Cheerful, coff. bell. lach. lyc. nat-m. op. plat. str. ver. Cold temperament, plat. sab. scil. Company, dread of female, pul. Confidence, want of self , bar. rhs. an. ang. au. cth. chi. ign. io. lyrokstr. ther. Confounding objects and ideas, sul. clc. can. hyo. nux. plat. Contemptuous, ars. chin, lach plat. par. ip. alu. gaj. ign. Contradict, disposed to, cans, ol. an. arn. ign. cam. fer. lach. mere. ru. Cowardly, bar. Cruelty, an. op. Cunning, bell. Cursing, an. nit-a. crl. Dancing, bell. str. cic. hyo. ac. nat-m. ph-a. plat. Death, {presentiment} ac. bell, lach. nux. zn. plat. sep. Delirium, ac. ars. bell. chm. chin. hyo. op. plb. rhs. str. - cheerful, bell. op. ac. sul. ver. - with coldness, ver. - coldfeet, zn. - constant, bap. - loquacious, bell. str. lach. op cup. plat. rhs. -frightful, op. bell. str. ac. pul. hyo. nux. clc. sil. -furious, bell. op. zn. ac. bry. col. ver. pul. plb. - muttering, bell. hyo. str. cr. nux. .- periodical, sam. - sleepiness, pul. bry. ac. arn. col. - sorrowful, ac. bell. die. ly. pul. - religious, ver. ■- wild, plb. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 39 Deriding, (contemptuous) ars. chin. lach. plat. ip. par. alu. gaj. ign. Deserted, feeling, crb. Desire, for one thing or another, pul. bry. die. ars. chm. chin. cin. ign. ip. rhe. Despondency, ac. clc. ver. ign lach. pul. sul. val. Disconsolate, ac. ars. chm. nux. cofT. sp. str. Discouraged, ac. an. lach. pet pul. sep. ver. au. caus. chm con. lau. ly. nat-m. str. Disputative, caus. lach. cam. fer. mere. Dogs, afraid of, str. chin. Domineer, desire to, ly. Doubtful, ars. au. bar. chin, grph. mur-a. nux. sil. sul. Ecstacy, lach. op. Embarrassed in company, amb Ennui, nat-m. nux. nit-a. plb. alu. bar. con. lach. ly. pet. mag-m. zn. Envy, pul. ars. bry. ly. clc. sep cupidity, ly. pul. an. lach. .^JUlEscape, desire to, bell, bry.^ac. nux- Pu'- str.^4.^ Exaltation, coff. lach. chm. op. ang..vah sab. vio-o. -- nervous, bell. cofl. nux. Express himself, unable to, thj. Fear, bell. clc. op. pul. ammc. ars. bar. chin. lach. phos. plat. sep. str. sul. *£21' - of animals, chin. caus. ryo. str. , - of the bed, can. caus. ly. mere, nat-m. - of the cholera, lach. - of contagion, bor. clc. - of darkness, pul. clc. ly. val. - of death, ac. ars. . bell. lach. mos. plat, hep- ip. pul. rhs - of disease, clc. bor. - of dogs, chin- caus. - of bein^ eaten, str. - of ghosts. ars. pul. sul. ac. crb. drs. cocc. phos. ran. str. zn. - of imaginary things, bell. ■- of being poisoned, hyo. rhs. Fear, - of being sold, hyo. - of solitude, ars. ly. con. drs. kli. ran. - of theives, ars. lach. con. ign mere, nat-m. sil. zn. Fearfulness, ars. bell, erb-a. phos. pul. ver. Fitful mood, ac. bell. crc. ign. plat. str. alu. au. sep. val Fixed notions, au. cic. ign.ari bell, cup. hyo. lach. sil. str Foreboding, see apprehensive. - of death, bell. lach. nux. p]at zn. ars. ly. mos. nat-m. Forgetfulness, con. lach. zn. -■ cannot remember the rMu •word, arn. - dates, flu, ^bat be has said, mur-a Forwardness, nux-m. Fretfulness, ars. bry. crb. chm caus. grph. ign. nit-a. nux phos. ran. sep. sil. sta. ten Frightened easily, ac. bor clc cap. ign. kli.c. lach. nux. op. pet. sab. sam. sil. sul Frivolous, arn. bar. mere, sp Gesticulations, foolish, bell str. cup. hyo. cic. crc. igm lach. mere. op. Grief, ign. sta. alu. ars. caus. lach. ly. ph.a. sep. - undemonstrative, eye. Groaning, ac. bell. bry. chm. ign. nux. lach. rhs. Growling, like a dog, alu. hell, ly- Happy, sul. Hardheartedness, an. crc. ••Haughtiness, plat. str. ly.^. Hatred, (rancor) nat-m. au. mng. nit-a. sul. ag. am-m. an. clc. cic. lach. led. phos Hilarity, crc. tyl. Homesick, ign. bell. cap. ph-a hell. au. erb-a. mag-m. mere, nit-a. sil. Hopeful, fer. Hurried, always, ars. Hurriedness, (hastiness) amb. au. bry. can. erb-a. con. hep. lach. lau. mere, nat-m 40 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Hypochondriac notions, clc. con. ign. lach. nat-m. nux. pul. ac. ars. au. bell. bry. caus. chm. chin. hell. mos. ph-a. plat. rhs. sep. zn. Hysteric mood, ign. au. clc. con. nux-m. nux. phos. pul Ideas, abundant, op. pul. str. chin. sep. clc. vio-o. ly. sul evening, chin. nux. pul. coff. sta. sab. sil. - night, clc. ly. nux. sta. -- confused: cam. -- disconnected, gel. •-facetious, nux-m. sul. - sublime, lach. - unsteady, ac. pul. val. vio-o. Hl behavior, hyo. ly. ver. arn. hell, nux-m. nux. op. phos. Ill humor, phos. sta. sul. ars. am-m. bell. clc. caus. chm. ign. kal. ly. mere, nit-a. nux. pul. sep. - children, an-t. bor. pul. - cloudy weather, al. ■- wet weather, am-c. Illness, apprehensive of, clc. lach. nux. pul. ac. ars. bry ign. nat-m. ph-a. - sense of, body and mind, mere Illusions, bell. op. str. clc. cth. chm. hep. hyo. nux. pul. - abandoned, {as if he were) str. carb-a. - abundance, (thinks he has) sul. - abdomen, sunk, as if, sab. - accosting inanimate objects, str. - as if alone, str. - animals, (he sees) bell. clc. str. sul. pul. ars. clch. op. alu. am-b. am-m. arn. dap. hyo. ly. mag-m. mere, nux phos. sil. sul-a. ver. zn. start out of the ground, str. - bats, (he sees) bell. ■- bed, another person in, crb. nux. op. pet. rhs raised, cth. noise under, bell. clc. cth. clch. - bees, sees, pul. Illusions, - 'biting, bell. cth. cup. sec. - black, het body seems, sul.' - black phantoms, sees, bell, plat. pul. op. am. ars. - brown spotted, as if, bell. - burnt, every thing in the house bell. - business, attending to some, bell. bry. cth. phos. - called, as if, plat. an. drs. kal. thj. - cancer, thinks he has, ver. - captain, thinks he is a, cup. - catching at things or persons, hyo. str. - cats, pul. str. arn. dap. hyo. - caught, fears he will be, bell. - chairs, mending, cup. -- churchyard, visits, bell. str. an. arn. - climbing up the stove, hyo. - clock strike, hears, ph-a. - closes eyes when asked a question, sep. - clothes seem fine, sul. - clouds, hep. mag-m. rhs. - commanding, as if, cup. - corpses, sees, an. ars. bell. kal. mag-c. phos. ph-a. thj - cow dung, lapping up, mere. - cravat, pulling his, an-t. - creeping about the bed, str. - criminal, thinks he is, hyo. - cut through, as if, str. - cyphering, ammc. - date, in regard to, cocc. lack nux. pet. ther. - dead per sons, sees, bell. nux. nat-m. an. ars. cth. hep. op. caus. con. mag-c. - deaf, pretending, ver. - devils, sees, bell. plat. hyo. amb. op. kal. nat-m. - dirt, eating, ver. - dogs, sees, bell. pul. str. arn. clc. ly. mere. sil. sul. ver. double, of being, an. mos. - dragons, sees, op. - drink, as if he would, bell. - eaten, thinks he will be, str. - entering, hears somebody, con - erring about, nux. bell, cth, hyo. str. ver. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 41 Illusions, -faces, sees, amb. ar-n. clc. erb-a. caus. op. sul. -fall, as if things would, hyo. •- fight, thinks he sees a, op. -fire, sees, bell. clc. sp. sul. an. nat.m. phos. rho. rhs. - gestures, ars. hyo. mos. nux. pul. str. ghosts, talks with, bell. str. nat-m. demons, etc., sees, crb. sil pul. alu. ammc. bor. cocc. ign. kal. nat-m. nit-a. sars. groping about, hyo. - hanged people, sees, ars. - harlequin, seems a, hyo. - head and nose seem transpar- ent, bell. - help, calls for, plat. - herbs, gathering, bell. cup. - hide, tries to, bell. pul. ■- hogs, mistaking men for, hyo - home, wants to go, lach. bell. t.c bry. op. ver. - humility of others, plat. - hunter, he is a, ver. - hunts pins, sil. - immovable, sitting, chm. hyo pul. str. - insects, sees, ars. bell. pul. phos. - island, as if on a distant, phos. -journeying, as if, bell. hyo. bro. crt. lach. mag-m. op. nat-m. sng. sil. - labor-pains, ver. - labor, pretends, ver. - lunatic, as if a, an. hyo. - masks, sees, op. kal. •-• measure, weight, nux. - mice, sees, clc. clch. op. mag-s. -- mind and body detached, as if, an. - money, counting, bell. alu. eye. mag-c. zn. - moving, things are, phos. - murder, sees a, clc. •- murdered, thinks he will be, phos. bell. hyo. op. str. ver am-m. ign. kal. lact. ly. mag-c. mere. zn. Illusions, - mutilated bodies, sees, nux. an-t. arn. con. mag-m. sep. - naked, going, hyo. phos. - needles, sees, sil. mere. - noise, hears a, bell. clc. cth. crb. chm. clch. con. mag-ni - nose, takes people by the, mere - numerals, sees, ph-a. sul. - objects, in discerning, sul. clc. can. hyo. nux. plat. - ox, as if riding an, bell. -peacocks, as if chasing, hyo. - people, sees, pul. hyo. mag-c op. rhe. sep. str. bell, mere - perceptions, ars. bell. hyo. str. ver. ac. an. bry. clc' lach. mere. mos. nux. op" rhs. pul. sil. sul. -phantasms, frightful, bell op. str. clc. chin. ly. nux' pul. sil. grph. phos. rhs. - phantoms, sees, bell. op. str nux. pul. rhs. hep. hyo. - - by his side, str. everywhere, sil. mere. - playing with his fingers', clc. - poisoned, fears to be, 'hyo' rhs. 7 - prince, thinks he is a, ver. - pregnant, as if, ver. --pulls her hair, bell. - rabbits, sees, str. - read behind him, hears some one, mag-m. rocks in the air, sees, mag-m - roasted, fears he will bestr. - scorpions, sees, op. - scrotum, swollen, sab. - seized, as if, cth. phos. - shakes, his head, bell. chm. - shoot with a cane, tries to mere. - sight, bell. hyo. op. str. hep. nux. pul. rhs. - skeleton, sees a, op. - slaughtered, fears he will be, str. - small, things look, plat. str. - smaller, things grow, cam. erb-v. nit a. - sold, fears he will be, hyo. - soldiers, sees, bell. bry. arn. 42 MIND AND DISPOSITION, Illusions, - speeches, makes, lach. arn. chm. -- spin, as if he would, str. sars - spittle, licking up, mere. - stamps, ver. an-t. - stomach, corroded or ulcer ated, as if, ign. sab. - stones, taking in one's mouth, mere. - stove for a tree, mistaking a, hy°- - strange land, as if in a, bry. par. ver. plat. - sunken, thinks abdomen is, sab. - tact, an. str. cth. ign. phos. sab. talking, liable to make mis- takes, ammc. cic. caus. chm chin. grph. hep. nat-m. nux ■- taller, things grow, cam. drs nit-a. sul. kr. thinks he is, str. - teeth, pulls at, bell. - thieves, sees, mere. sil. ars. nat-c. nat-m. alu. au. bell, kli-c. mag-c. mag-m. pet. - threefold, body seems, ars. ■-• tongue, puts out, bell. - touches everything, bell. -■ vermin, sees, nux. ammc. mur-a. phos. ars. alu. bov. kli-c. ran-s. sil. - visions, alu. amb. bell. cic. chm. grph. hyo. ly. nat-m. nux-m. op. plat. rho. sep. sil. sp. str. sul. - vivid, op. - voices, hearing, chm. - vow, thinks he fulfils a, ver. -■ walk, hears someone, cth. crb - wash, thinks he will, bell. - water, sees, mere. sep. tart. alu. am-m. ars. bov. dig. fer. grph. ign. io. kli. mag-c mag-m. mep. nat. nit. ran. -- war, as if engaged in, bell, fer. hyo. plat. ran. thj ver - warts on body, mez. - wedding, is at, hyo. alu. mag-m. nat. - wilderness, thinks he is in, str. Illusions, - wolves, sees, bell. - writing, liable to make mis- takes, lach. ammc. cbm. chin. grph. hep. nat-m. nux --young, imagines herself, cic. Imbecility, mere, nux-m^aa^'^ Impatience, sil. die. ip. mere. ly. pul. Imperiousness, arn. cup. ly. str. Impetuosity, bry. crb. nux. zn Impudence, bell. phos. Impulsive, cic. Inability, {mental} alu. ly. ph-a sil. asa. sep. stupefaction, op. nux. ac. plat. rhs. sep. rho. set. cic. fatigue, nat-c. nux. sep. plat. pul. sil. Inattentive, {in studying} bar. alu. asa. bell. caus. chm. kli-c. nat-a. spig. sul. Inconsolable, ac. ars. chm. nux. sul. coff. ver. Indifference, ars. ign. op. sep. I sta. bell. cic. chin. ph-a. sil - does not complain, op. hyo. • unless questioned, then says nothing about his con- dition, clch. - says he is well, arn. - apathetic, bar. bell. chin, ign hell. op. ph-a. - after onanism, sta. - to business, str. arn. flu. sep. Indignation, sta. col. nit-c. Indiscretion, cap. men. pul. Industriousness, ign. lach. dig mos. ver. ac. au. bell. bry. cic. cap. hyo. ip. mag-c. nat-c. stm. sul-a. Inhumanity, op. an. Insensibility, {mental} hyo. ph-a. str. Insipid, demeanor, ac. an. erb-a crb. nux-m. par. Irascible, bry. chm. nux. phos sul. ars. au. crb. caus. nat-c nit-a. pet. Irritable, ac. bry. mere. nux. phos. sul. crb. caus. con. hep. io. kli. ly. nat-m. nit-a MIND AND DISPOSITION. 43 Irresolute, lach. pet. ign. nux. pul. alu. ars. bar. clc. chm chin. cup. dap. fer. hell. io. kli-c. mag-m. mez. nat-m. phos. ru. sul. trx. Irritated, feelings, lach. nux. nat-m. can. con. dig. grph. hep. io. lau. led. mere, nat-a nit-a. pet. plat. sars. sei. sep. sp. stm. sul. sul-a. teu. mind, asa. val. alu. coff. lach teu. ac. chin. hyo. pet. Jealousy, hyo. lach. cam. nux. pul.-7~ - mocking, lach. - rage, hyo. Joking mood, ign. crc. bell, cap lach. men. plat. sars. str. Joyfulness, see hilarity. Joylessness, an. crc. nit-a. phos. see dejection. Kneeling and praying, ars. str Lamenting, ac. nux. cin. lach. sul. ars. ign. mos. phos. Laughter, bell. crc. str. ac. hyo. phos. about serious things, an. spasmodic, au. clc. con. ign. alu. bell. caus. crc. cup. - sardonic, ran-s. sec. zn. Laziness, cap. lach. nux. chin, crt. nat-m. sep. Lively, see mirthful. Loathing, of life, nux. pul. amb. ammc. ars. au. bell. Longing, for death, au. kr. - good opinion of others, pal. - light, sunshine, and society, str. - repose and tranquility, nux. ■- for things rejected as soon as offered, ars. bry. chm. chin die. pul. Looked at, cannot bear being, an -t. • Loquacious, hyo.^str. par. bor io. nvcdiff .tee- • Low spirited, bry. clc. chin, nat-a. sul. pet. phos. rhs. ru. sep. sil. -- during the first menses, hell. Malice, cup, fach. nux. - vindictiveness, nux. an. lach. cth. erb-a. chin. mos. nat-m Melancholy, ars. au. hell. ly. pul. caus. grph. hyo. ign. nat-c. nat-m. nux. plat, rhs sep. sil. sul. Memory, acute, hyo. coff. - weak, alu. an. aur. bov. hep. hyo. lach. lau. nat-m. om nux-m. sep. sta. sul. vio-o' periodically, crb. - -for names, ly. rhs. sul. Mild, temper, ign. ly. pul. sih ars. crc. cup. kli-c. mos Mirthful, bell. crc. str. ac. cup hyo. ign. lach. ly. plat. 1 Misanthropy, am-m. aur. clc. cic. led. phos. stm. Moairing, chm. chin. ip. rhe. cic. ais. bell. cth. cans, cocc. clch. hyo. ign. mere, phos. scil. ver. zn. Morose, pul. vio-t. Murder, mania, plat. hyo. ars chin. hep. lach. str Muttering, bell. hyo. nux. str lach. Naked, desires to be, hvo phos. 3 Obstinacy ign. ly. nux. ammc arn. bell. clc. nit-a. sil. sul Open-hearted, excessively, bor Pangs cf conscience, ars'. sul au. cofl. lach. pul. str. ver Peevishness, ars. bry. caus' chm. mere, nat-m. nuxi phos. sta. sul. ac. au. crb con. grph. hep. ign. nit-ai pet. pul. sep. sil. Petulance, phe. sp. Phlegmatic, see lazy. Plans, making, chin. an. aim coff. ol. Praying, au. bell. pul. str. ver. Precipitancy, ign. pul. bov. cala. cam. kli-c. nat-m. Pride, arrogance, lach. plat, arn. ly. alu. chin. cup. fer. hyo. ip. par. str. ver. Prophesying, ag. Prostration, mental, lach. nux nat-m. con. io. led. sei. Pusillanimous, ac. bry. ign. pul. an. au. bar. cth, chin, kli-c. mur-a. sil. 44 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Quarrelsome, chm ign. lach. ly. nux arn. au. bell. caus. mere. mos. ver. Questions, declines to answer, arn. col. ph-a. eup. ver. Quiet, wants, gel. Rage, hyo. str. ver. set. ars. cth. ly. op. - looks staring, bell. -- violent, bell. - does not know relatives, bell. Rancor, nit-a. Recovery, doubtful of, see illness. Religious {mania,} hyo. lach. pul. str. ars. bell. ly. sul. Reproaches, ars. lach. • Repulsive mood, mere. pul. an-t. lau. thj. clc. crc. hep. ign. led. ly. nit-a. sil. sul. Reserved manner, hell. hyo. ign. mng. mur-a. pul. stm. Restlessness, ac. ars. asa. bry bell. crb. col. die. grph. lach. lau. mere, nit-a. nux. phos. plb. pul. sab. sil. stm Sadness, au. clc. cocc. ign. nat-m. nit-a. pul. an. ars. bry. chin. hyo. lach. mere, nat-a. phos. ph-a. plat, sep sil. sta. sul. Scolding, swearing, nux. an. pet. ver. ammc. bell. bor. ^•^-hyo. ip. ly. nit-a. str. Scrupulous, nux. bar. Self-confidence, an. bar. bry. chin, kli-c. pul. sil. Sensitiveness, excessive, chm. ac. bell. coff. mere. nux. arn. asa. au. clc. chin. pul. phos. teu. val. - temper, ac. ly. crb. caus. arn. ars. cocc. kal. mez. Sensitive feeling, ign. coff. nux an-t. clc. clc-p. ars. cth. con crt. kr. lach. ly. phos. plat. Sentimental, ign. W-c Serenity, coff. crc. Serious mood, alu. cocc. am-c. am-m. ars. au. bell. bor. chm. chin. cin. eup. ign. led. mere, nux-m. ph-a. sta - when seeing ludicrous things, an. Shameless, hyo. ver. str. hell, nux. op. phos. nux-m. Shrieking, bell. caus. chm. ac. bry. coff. ly. sil. Sighing, bry. ign. Silent mood, hell. hyo. ign. pul stm. bell. caus. chm. nux. op. plat. rhe. ver. Silly demeanour, ac. an. ar-n. bell, crb-a. crb. cic. crc. cup. hyo. ign. op. par. sen. Singing, bell. str. crc. teu. hyo sp. ver. Small, things look, plat. str. Sobbing, hell. lob. Solitude, dread of, str. ars. ly. bis. bov. clc. con. mez. - love of, see Alone. Somnambulism, phos. ac. zn. stm. Spitting, bell. can. cup. Start, tendency to, bell. bov. ign. nux. op. str. cap. con. crb-a. caus. kal. lach. pet. nat-m. phos. rhs. sep. sul. Strange, feels, to himself, val. Striking, bell. hyo. str. nat-c. cth. ly. nux. plat. stro. Suicide, {mania} ars. nux. au.a pul. bell. crb. chin. drs. hep. hyo. rhs. spig. str. tart Suspicious, bar. cic. hyo. ly. pul. an. an-t. au. bell. caus. chm. hell. lach. mere. nux. op. ru. sul-a. Swearing, scolding, an. ver- ly Taciturn, ph-a. ver. bell. chm. ign. lach. mag-m. nux. Talking, as if drunk, ly. - hasty, bell. lach. mere. -- improper, hyo. nux-m. - incoherent, lach. rhs. - indistinct, hyo. - nonsense, hyo. - slow, thj. - swallows words, sta. - to self, mos. fy 3^5 Tearing {things} bell. str. ver. Thieves, dreads, lach. Thoughtful, cocc. ign. lach. sep. sta. Time passes quickly, cocc. ther, slowly, ar-n. nux. pal. SENSORIUM. 45 Tranquility, incomprehensible, mor. Uneasiness,. mental, ac. ars. chm. mere. nux. arn. bell, crb. lach. nat-c. rhs. sab. sil. sul. val. Vagaries, fanciful, ag. amb. ang. an-t. lach. nux. sei. Vehemence, bry. nux. crb. caus. drs. hep. ly. Verses, makes, ag. Violent deeds, bell. hyo. str. nat-c. an. bar. chin. cocc. con. hep. lach. ly. mos. nux. plat. stro. zn. Visions, see illusions. Vivacity, coff. hyo. alu. ang. can. chin. crt. cup. eye. nat-c. pet. ph-a. sul-a. val. Volition, deficient, an. ars. bry crc. pul. alu. asa. bar. clc. cin. coff. col. die. ign. ip. kli-c. lau. nat-c. nat-m. op. pet. rhe. Weep, inclination, ac. au. bell clc. caus. chm. coff. dig. hep. ign. io. ly. nat-m. plat pul. rhs. sul. Weeping, spasmodic, au. bell, caus. ign. alu. cin. cup. lach. mos. plb. str. Whining mood, ac. caus. chm. plat. pul. sul. au. bell. clc. cin. coff. grph. ign. ly. nux pet. sep. sta. vio-o. Wit, lach. cap. cocc. crc. sp. Work, desire to, eye. dig. eup. _ sars. ver. - dread of, bell. cap. lach. nat-m. nux. alu. chm. con. nit-a. phos. zn. Yielding, pul. ly. sil. SENSORIUM. Absence of mind, ol. chm. nux. alu. arn. sep. ammc. Affected, (deranged} the head feels, lach. nat-c. nux. pul. sil. sul. au. clc. clch. ly. mos. op. sep. Cloudiness, nux. op. alu. bell, cap. crb. caus. cocc. hyo. kli-c. nit-a. sam. thj. val. Cloudiness, • after eating or drinking, crc bell. beer, con. kli-ch. ■ wine, bov. - dullness, sil. kli-c. phos. clc caus. - evening, sil. -from tobacco, alu. • - in the sun, nat-c. open air, ag. ; relieved, am-m. - like intoxication, bell, rhs pul. ag. cam. grph. cap. K - morning, clc. phos. io. - when walking, cam. - with constipation, ko. cough, rmx. diarrhoea, gel. •-■ - drowsiness, ar. Comprehension, slowness of alu. clc. hell. hyo. natom nux. ol. op sta. bell. lach. ly. nat-c. phos-a. sep. str. Confusion, an. crb. chin. nux. pul. bell. bry. mere, phos Consciousness, lost, op bell hyo str. arn. nux. canu plat. rns. ver. Cyphering, makes mistakes ammc. Delirium, bell. hyo. str op bry. sul. ac. ars. chm. chin cup. lach. nux. phos. sec - anxious, op. str. bell, hyo sil. ac. clc. nux. pul. -fanciful, bell. str. sul. hyo op. chm. grph. sep. sil. Sp.' -furious, bell. bry. op. ac. col. plb. ver. - loquacious, bell. rhs. str. ver lach. op. - merry, bell. ac. op. sul. ver. - muttering, bell. hyo. str. op. nux. • - sad, ac. bell. pul. ■- singing, bell. Dizziness, clc, caus. kli-c. nat-m. phos. io. mere. Dulness, mere. nux. lach. bell, crb. chin, nat-m. pet. rhs. sul. ver. erb-a. cic. hell, phos-a. sep. zn. ac. 46 SENSORIUM. Dulness, - and anxiety, cap. erb-a. cic. nat-m. ■- and apprehension, erb-a. - after coffee, ar-n. excessive exertion, ars. - sleep, clc. crb. ■- during motion, rho. - evening, ammc. ars. bar. clc crb. dig. fer. ip. ly. nux. sars. sil. sp. stm. zn. -from beer or brandy, bell. drinking, cocc. sexual excesses, ph-a. -forenoon, clc. lach. ly. nat-c. sul. sul-a. - in the room, am-m. morning, bell. cle. lact. mag-m. phos. rho. thj. in bed, cap. phos. - night, an. - obliged to lie down, nit-a. teu - open air relieves, am m. bell, die. men. mere. par. nit-a. - when reading, cocc. - sitting, ammc. asa. bell, erb-a caus. mng. mere, nit-a. - smoking, bell. - standing, cic. plb. thj. - stooping, caus. - sunlight, nat-m. nux. ■- suppressed catarrh, ly. ■- thinking, lau. - walking, ang. clc. erb-a. crb. cic. coff. con. drs. kli-c. antm. mt a. sep. sp. trx. apt er, chin. in the open air, ag. crb. caus. ly. ■- wants to lie down, nit-a. teu. - when lying down, mere. - with restlessness, ars. ■ vexation, crb a. - writing, when, lau. Dulness of sense, alu. nat-m. sil. au. clc. hell. hyo. pet. Dizziness, ac. plat. nux. asa. bry. nux-m. sep. rho. tart, clc. set. see vertigo. Forgetful, con. lach. zn. an. bell. bry. hyo. nat-c. nux-m pet. rhs. sil. sta. sul. Gloominess, bry. mere. op. sil caus. nux-m. nux. Imbecility, bell. hell. hyo. lach op. sul. an. nux-m. sep. str. Inability to think, op. hyo. arn. bell. ac. clc. die. lach. lau. nux. ol. phos. ph-a. rhs. stm. sul. ver. Intoxication, nux. op. lach. ag. cam. crb. lau. led. pul. Memory more acute, hyo. an crc. eye. sen. - deficient, au. hep. hyo. lach. nat-m. nux-m. op. sta. sul. an. ars. bell. bry. eye. gaj. hell. ign. kr. ly. pet. rhs. sep. sil. str. ver. Mental weakness, au. lach. rhs. hyo. sta. clc. crb. chin mere. str. sul. nat-m. nux. pul. sil. ver. an. bell. ly. ol. op. ph-a. sep. -from rush of blood, chin, mere. rhs. sul. -from damp air or dwellings, rhs. crb. ver. clc. pul. sil. emotions, ac. sta. op. ph-a • mental exertion, nux. sul. clc. lach. nat-m. sil. au. pul loss op fluids, nux. chin. sul. - in drunkards, nux. clc. op. sul. lach. mere. pul. - after injuring the head, arn. cic. mere. rhs. Reeling sensation, bell, nux-m nux. sul. ars. bry. cam. cic cans. crc. fer. hell. hyo. ly. mag-m. ph-a. pul. sec. sp. str. thj. ver. Sense, acuteness of, an. lach. op. val. con. Stupefaction, arn. bell. hyo. lach. lau. nux. op. ph-a. ver. ac. clc. die. mere. ol. rhs. stm. sul. verb. Stupidity, co'cc. con. hyo. ac. lach. alu. crc. die. hell, ph-a Talking, making mistakes in, chm. nat-m. nux. ammc. clc. caus. chin. con. grph. hep. kli-c. mng. mere. sep. Vertigo, ac. arn. bell. clc. chin con. hep. lach. ly. nux. phos. pul. rhs. sng. sil. sul. set. amb. ammc. bar. bry. Vertigo-continued. crb-a. caus. chm. cocc. hell ign. kli. mere, nat-m. nit-a. - ascendingfrom the back, sil. - as from riding in a carriage, fer. eye. gra. hep. - as if in a circle, con. ar-n. kli. - caused by gastric derangement nux. an-t. pul. ac. arn. chm mere. rhs. - causing one to fall, con. pul. rhs. sil. bell. cic. cocc. sul. - backwards, chin, kli-c. led. ph-a. rho. rhs. spig. sideways, con. sul. can am-m. drs. eph. mez. nux. forwards, cic. grph. rhs. arn. eup. fer. mag-c. nat-m. ph-a. ran. sab. sars. - eruptions, from suppressed, sul. clc. bell. bry. crb. chm hep. ip. lach. phos. -from rush of blood, ac. bed. nux. set. arn. lach. op. pul. - in occiput, chin. zn. eerebellum, zn. forehead, rhe. - like floating, lact. - morning, zn. nervous, nux. am. chin. pul. rhs. chm. cin. hep. mos. - reeling, ars. ly. see reeling. - with turning, con. ol. ar-n. arn. asa. bell. kli. ly. nux. phos. rho. sta. val. ver. in a circle, con. ar-n. kli. Vertigo, accompanied by, - anxiety, bell, caus. mere. nux-m. rho. cap. coff. op. - brain, as if moving, eye. - chest, pain in, sars. spig. - chilliness, phos. clc. cap. grph. - cold feet, sep. hands, sep. - coldness, cap. mag-c. - colic, asa. col. hell. pet. spig. - delirium, bell, nux-m. op. - diarrhoea, phos. str. - dulness, cloudiness of head, nux. aet. bov. cam. cocc. op - ears, buzzing in, chin. pul. nux. ar-n. sen. sep. SENSORIUM. Vertigo, accompanied by - - ringing, sag. - eructations, mag-c. nux-m. pet. sng. sars. eyes, flickering before, am. ol. bell. ign. tart. mez. gauze before, cup. plb. crb-a. lach. cth. sight obscured, ac. bell, nux. cbm. hyo. am. clc. sparks before, mez. bell, ign. - ■- double vision, gel. - - white stars before, alu. -face, hot, an-t. chm. die. pet pale, pul. lach. led. man-c pet. -fainting, bry. nux. chm. erc hep. lach. mag-c. mos. sab. hail as if pulled up, mur-a - head, congestion to, ac. bell. nux, arn. lach. op. puL suk - headache, ac. nux. set. bov." ■ cam. cocc. ign. pul. sep - hearing, difficult, nux. - heat, ang. chin. crc. led. sep - hypochondriac mood, phos. - inverted, things appear, eug. -■ ^gs feel heavy, lact. - loathing, mos. - mouth full of water, mag-c. lockjaw, mos. salivation, phos. - nausea, ac. am. bell. bry. t cocc. clc. chin. ly. nit-a. ■ nux. pul. sul. - nose-bleed, sul. - oppression, lau. - palpitations, plat. sul. - retching, sil. - sadness, phos. - seat seems moving, zn. rising, phos. - shuddering, grph. - sleep, desire for, ang. lau. phos. pul. rho. - stomach, burning in, ang. sng deranged, an-t. nux. pul. ac. bell. arn. chm. kli-c. - stooping, mil. - trembling, dig. crb. die. - vomiting, kli. lach. mos. ther tel. sour, sars. 47 48 Vertigo, accompanied by, - vanishing of sense, lau. nat-m nux. phos. ang. asa. bar. bor. bov. cth. cap. crb-a. caus. chm. chin. con. ip. lach. mag-c. op. plat, ran-s sen. sp. sul. - weakness and thirst, ox-a. - weariness, debility, nat-c. cup. die. io. lau. ol. phos. - weeping, phos. Vertigo occurring, - afternoon, amb. an. phos. sep. stro. sul-a. - ascending, when, clc. bor. con dig. - brain fatigue, after, nat-c. - breakfast, less after, alu. - bridge, crossing a, bar. -- chagrin, after, clc. -- coffee, after, chm. nux. mos. - colic, alternating, ver. - drinking, after, mng. sep. - evening, crb-a. nux. puls, ammc. clc. grph. hep. kli. mere, nit-a. phos. ph-a. plat • in bed, nux. nux-m. pet. rho. sta. - eating, after, pul. nat-m. nux. sul. chm. kli. lach. phos. rhs. sab. sep. - -- before, die. -- - while, au. sil. arn. mag-c. phos. , eyes, when closing, ars. chi. hep. lach. pet. thj. wiping, relieved by, alu. when opening, ac. pul. sng alu.Tfe4*<. - fright, after, op. - head, when moving, sng. ac. ag. ammc. arn. clc. chin, col. grat. nat-m. spig. sta. - kneeling, mng. - lie down, obliged to, asa. au. mos. nat-c. nit-a. op. spig. lying down, when, chm. cin. fer. grph. nit-a. pul. - looking up, caus. cup. grph. plb. sep. A**', - down, ol. around, con. - lying on back, mere. nux. SEWSUK1VM. Vertigo occurring, down, lach. thj. ars. crb-» Crt^con. nat-C. pet. phos. rhs. - morning, nux. bell, crb-a. pul. ag. alu. dim. in bed. nux. pul. crb. lach bor. con. grph. ph-a. - motion, during, am-m. crb-a chin. cup. relieved, mag-m. - night, sul. ammc. clc. crb-a. caus. nat-c. nit-a. phos. sars. sp. zn. - noon, die. phos. stro. - open air, sep. sul. ag. amb. ang. clc. cth. caus. drs. gra kli-c. mur-a. ran. ru. spig. relieved, am-m. gra. mos. nat-c. phos. plb. rho. sul-a. - paroxysms, ag. cup. plat, tart. - reaching high, when, lach. - reading, ammc. ang. arn. gra. par. - rising, when, arn. bell. ac. ars. bar. bry. crb-a. chin, cic. cocc. con. mere, nat-m nit-a. pul. sep. - -from bed, gra. ac. asa. bell. bov. bry. clc. crb. con dig. lau. mere. ol. pet. phos. sab. sel.Oc/ after, chm. nat-m. phos-a rhs. sep; relieved, hell. - when rising from a seat, pul - room, in the, ag. mere, nat-c sul-a. - - when entering, phos. relieved, caus. kr. - sleeping, after, hep. crb. - sitting, pul. sul. ammc. lach. caus. mere, nit-a. . erect, chm. up, pet. - smoking, after, bor. sil. zn. - stairs, going down, fer. - standing, can. caus. eye. ol. ang. au. bor. bry. mng. mere. pet. phos. ph-a. plat, rhs. sab. sars. . - stool, during, ko. - stooping, chm. bar. bry, nux pul. bell. bry. pet. lach. Aoc-. Vertigo occurring, - sunlight, from, ag. - talking, chm. - thinking, pul. ag. ang. - tobacco, rho. - turning about, ag. ip. phos. - walking, arn. bell, nit-a. nux fer. ip. ddA. in the open air, mux. amb. ars. au. clc. cth. drs. grph. led. mere. ol. phos. ru. relieved, zn. bell. after, ammc. clc. an. SLEEP AND DREAMS. Vertigo occurring, - water, crossing, fer. ang. bro sul. - weather, wet, bro. - wine, after, bov. zn. nit-c. - writing, .when, sep. kli-C. mere. ph-a. rho. Words, loss of, thj. con. kli-c £~>nux. pul. Vriting, making mistakes in, lach. crt. nux. ammc. bov. can. chm. chin. grph. hep' nat-c. nat-m. pul. rho. sep' 49 Sleeplessness, ac. coff. bell, nux. pul. hyo. chm. ign. rhs. con. op. mos. sul. chin cin. phos. io. sec. caus. •- after midnight, sil. nux. ars. coff. cal. nit-a. hep. cap. kli-c. ran-s. rho. - and talkativeness, lach. - before midnight, alu. nux. rhs. sep. bry. ang. clc. crb. pul. mere. phos. lach. - but feels refreshed in morning cinna. - goes to sleep with difficulty, wakes late, nat-c. - hysterical, mos. - if not retiring at usual hour, but not sleepy next day, sep - unable to open eyes, crb. lie on left side, clch. - until 4 a. m., am-c. - with convulsions, hyo. - with drowsiness, bell- lach. sep. dap. op. pul. sam. arn. cal. coff. phos. 7'^ - without restlessness, merc-i. - la. m., merc-i. - 2 a. m., coff. kli. mez. grph. - 3 a. m., nux. rhs. sep. kr. clc. bnz-a. sul. mag-c. - 4 a. m., verb- Falling asleep late, ars. bry. clc. crb. chin, kli-c. lach. ly. mere. nux. phos. pul. ran. rhs. sep- stm. sta. sul. - every other night, lach. - when going to bed late, am-c. VI. SLEEP AND DREAMS. Sleepiness., excessive, ac. op* kli-c. set. bov. mos. die. fer* bry. asa. an-t. crb. caus* crc. euph. grph. nux-m* plb. ru. sec. tart. verb, - alternating with sleeplessness lach. - afternoon, rhs. chin. gra. sul. ac. bov. pul. vio-t. - daytime, bell. fer. mag-c. plb sta. dig. am-c. an-t. ver tart. euph. led. bar. clc. lau. nat-c. nux. op. ph-a. pul. rho. sec. zn. -• during thunderstorm, sil. -- evening, nux. ph-a. arn. clc. ang. con. ars. kli-c. lach. sul. sil. crc. thj. -; forenoon, an-t. sab. nat-s. - morning, clc. grph. nux. sep. spig. ag. zn. -■ noon, ag. chin. bry. tab. - relieved by exercise, mur-a. crb. - stupid, nat-m. - sunset, drs. - weakness, from, mez. nat-a. - while working, sul. -- - reading, bro. nat-s. -■ - when smoking, bf. rumbling in bowels, pd. - with delirium, arn. burning in eyes, rho. palpitations, chin. -■ without sleep, bell. sam. chel cala. bor. arn.C^~-* .0 contraction of eyelids, con crc. kli-c. tart. 50 SLEEP AND DREAMS. Sleep prevented by, - after a short nap, phos. - anguish, ars. chin. hep. bell. ign. bry. clc. rhs. pul. chm grph. hyo. ver. phos. - arithmetical figures bofire the eyes, ph-a. sul. - backache, am-m. - bone pains, an. au. mere. - burning in veins, ars. - cold feet, crb. am-m. phos. - convulsions, bell. chm. cocc. ign. sam. rhe. hyo. ip. - delirium, ac. bell. bry. sec. pul. col. arn. sul. - erections, thj. --fear, ars. chin. pul. sul. ac. drs. lach. crb. death, nux. ghosts, ars. sul. pul. drs. cocc. ac. ran. phos. - ideas, crowding, coff. plat, nux. clc. lach. pul. chin. - illusions, bell. chm. sil. clc. nux. mere. pul. sp. sul. - itching of skin, arum. - longing for company, plb. - mirthfulness, coff. pul. ran. ac. hyo. mere. nux. clc. lach ran-s. sep. spig. sul-a. zn. - nervousness, nux. chin. coff. sep. mos. ly. clc. grph. sp. lach. hep. sul. teu. - nightmare, ac. nux. op. pul. con. ammc. sil. sul. -pains in limbs, mere. rho. pul. hep. lach. bell. plb. kli-c. nat-a. ly. phos. in ulcer, sta. - - begin with sleep, lil. -perspiration, ars. ver. -pulsation in head, eye. - sneezing, am-m. -pt anting, ars. bell. chm. nux. ;?'~xpul. sil. sul. ly. grph. hyo." 1 op. sec. lach. sil. stro. ign. -- thirst, bry. clc. sul. rhs. - urination, desire for, thj. - visions, crb. - - as soon as eyes close, clc. disappear on opening them, ap. lach. thj. Sleep, quality of, - anxious, ac. Sleep, quality of, - comatose, an-t. bell. op. pul. bry. hep. con. grph. nux. - deep, sound, bell. op. str. ign tart, nux-m. cup. mere, sec - ■- before undressing, rho. -- - in the morning, grph. nux sul. - light, sei. mere. sul. ars. - long, clc. caus. grph. nux. sep. sul. phos. led. - restless, ars. chm. chin, grph xf kli-c. phos. pul. rhs. rhe. saba. sab. sil. sul. ly. mere. - succeeded by headache, bell, op. - unrefreshing, chin. sep. kr. alu. grph. op. phos. ly. bry During sleep, - affrighted, bell. chm. nux. ars. pul. sil. sul. ac. grph. ly. hyos. mere. lach. nat-a. • op. sec. pet. sam. - abdomen, rumbling in, cup. - anxiety, ac. bell. ars. fer. - biting tongue, mez. zn. ph-a. - begging, from fear, stm. - boring head into pillow, bell, hell. - burning in veins, ars. - called, thinks is, sep. - chewing, bry. clc. ign. sep. - chilliness, bor. -■ clenched thumbs, vio-t. - cold body, amb. - congestion to chest, pul. - -- head, ber. - cough, arn. bell. clc. chm. lach. mere. verb. barking, nat-a. dry, mag-s. - ■- loud, ly. - crying, chm. bell. hep. pul. bry. rhs. rhe. sul. zn. l' -of children, chm. ip. bell, coff. ign. cin. pul. ac. rhe. - escape, desire to, sil. - eyes distorted, chin. hell. op. ph-a. pul. open, bell. op. sam. bry. ip- ign. . - grasping at flocks, ars. with hands, arn. ars. bell, hyo. op. ph-a. rhs. SLEEP AND DREAMS. 51 During Sleep, ■- eyes, pupils turned up, hell. -face, cold and pale, bell. -puffed, op. red, op. str. vio-t. arn. - grinding the teeth, cin. ac. bell. ars. coff. pd. ver.C^ _ groaning, bell. nux. ign chm cin. mur-a. ars. caus. lach. _ hands cold, crb. bell. mere. hot, lach. sta. - headache, chm. mag-s. hiccough, clc. merc-c. - inspiration shorter than ex- piration, cam. -jaw hanging, op. nux. - laughing, alu. caus. kr. ly. sil. sul. and whining, chm. au. with spasms, ign. - mouth open, op. chm. sam. ign. mere. die. _ nose-bleed, mere. sars. grph. - pains, ars. nat-a. mere. au. bell. lach. picking bedclothes, op. ph-a. str. hyo. arn. bell. ars. rhs. respiration intermits, op. obstructed, hep. short, ac. chm. merc. rhs slow, op. chin. wheezing, nux. - shocks, ars. bell. phos. sul. chm. ign. rhs. sam. chin, die. sep. ip. kli-c. op. sil• - shrieking, cin. chm. 'al. sei^ • yt rhe. bell. bov. ap.^'^ k sighing, bell. ars. ip- ory. - singing, bell. ph-a. ere. - sliding down in bed. mur-a. ars. - smiling, ph-a. hyo. ere. - snoring, op. bell. str. rhs. sil cam. crb. arn. clc. cap. chn - sneezing, nat-a. - sobbing, au. cala. hyo. - sonambulism, ac. nux. op. pul. bry. ammc. con. hep. phos. sil. sul- nat-c. - spasms of limbs, bell. tart. - staring, tart. •-starts up and gazes, str. - suffocation, hep. During Sleep, - talking, ign. zn. chm. ars. bar. clc. pul. nux. sul. - thirst, bry. ly. sil. chm. crb. caus. nat-a. sul. - tossing about, ac. chm. ars. bell. cin. rhe. clc. bry. pul. ly. sul. ran-s. - twitching of eyes, rhe. - -fingers, ign. pul. rhs. sul-a. face, rhe. limbs, tart. hyo. ac. rhs. / sep. nat-c. pul. caus. - weeping, ign. chm. pul. nat-a kli-c. nux. nat-m. - whining, chm. ip. ly. Op. pul bell. arn. ars. nux. ph-a. Positions in sleep, - arms over head, euph. nux.C puls. rhe. crossed on abdomen, pul. ' - either side, impossible, ac. fer. mos. phos. ran. rhs. sab - on abdomen, bell. cin. cocc. col. pul. str. one side, bar. phos. clch. - - left side, bar. sab. - impossible, ly. right side, impossible, bry psor. - on back, bry. pul. rhs. - -- intolerable, ly. sul. - hands under head, col. nux. tart, vio-o. - head bent back, bell. clc. cin. sp. low, sp. - knees apart, chm Pddt'l bent, vio-o. - kneeling, str. - legs crossed, rho. stretched apart, chm. - - drawn up, plat. pul. one drawn up, the other stretched out, stm. uncovered, desires, plat. - sitting, ars. cin. ly. rhs. sul. Dreams, of accidents, an. arn. ars. chin. grph. io. kr. led. ly. nux. phos. pul. - about the same object, ign. pet. asa. nat-m. pul. science, ign. 52 SLEEP AND DREAMS. Dreams, - agreeable, alu. au. mag-c. nat-c. nux. op. ph-a. plat, pul. sep. sta. sul. - amorous, ign. kli-c. sta. nux. grph. chin, nat-m. lach. sil cth. ly. ol. phos. pul. sep. an-t. col. con. mere, nat-a. - anxious, chin. sil. rhs. nux. ly. ac. arn. bell. ph-a. caus au. clc. kli-c. mag-c. nat-m nit-a. sul-a. au. ars. cocc. - anxiety on waking, phos. chin. grph. sil. ph-a. sul. - black forms, arn. ars. pul. ■- business, rhs. pul. nux. bry. grph. sil. lach. care, full of, ars. mur-a. nux phos. - clairvoyant, ph-a. - confused, ly. stm. crc. pul. chin. cic. nat-c. ac. alu. bar bry. can. caus. hell. mag. phos. sil. val. after midnight, chin. - cruel, nux. sei. sil - danger, of, an. grph. lach. ars. nit. ammc. chin. con. ign. hep. ly. io. mag-c. nux phos. pul. ran. sul. thj. - dead, burial, etc., phos. thj. mag-c. an. kli-c. ars. ph-a. ammc. arn. au. clc. con. ■- disagreable, op. pul. rhe. nat-m. caus. mag-c. nit-a. - diseases, injuries, nux. kli-c. bor. am-m. kr. sep. clc. an - disgusting, kr. nux. pul. ■- dogs, cats, etc., arn. pul. sul. hyo. mere. zn. - eating human flesh, sol-t. - enemies persue, con. ■- failure of plans, ign. op. dig mos. -falling, chin. dig. thj. •- fanciful, ac. lach. nux. op. pul. sil. ign. sep. clc. hell. ■- fasting, ign. clc. bry. ac. -fire, alu. an. ars. clc. hep. kr mag-c. nat-m. phos. rho. rhs. spig. sp. sul. -- forgets, au. bell. hell. lau. men. mere. plat. spig. stm. Dreams, -frightful nux. chins, grph. ly. bell. arn. kli-c. ac. op. mere. phos. rhs. sil. zn. clc nat-a. sep. thj. cocc. -full of shame, arn. con. led. mur-a. mos. - ghosts, crb. alu. ign. sil. pul. kli-c. - historical, sil. -journeys, rhs. crt. sng. lach. sil. op. - mental exertions, ign. lach. phos. nux. pul. bry. ph-a. - merry, ludicrous, crc. lach. op. asa. coff. phos. -- money, alu. eye. mag-c. zn. - mortifying, ign. mos. rhe. sta. - murder, sgn. gaj. nat-m. sta. pet. - numerous, ly. nux. pul. phos chin, mag-c, sil. sul. alu. bell. grph. clc. ph-a. kr. nit-a. ign. crb. mag-m. chm hep. lach. mere. sep. col. -pins, mere. sil. - quarrels, alu. arn. bar. bry. clc. caus. chm. hep. kli-c. mag-c. mere. nux. phos. ph-a. pul. stm. sta. - raving, nux. sil. clc. grph. con. kli-c. pet. ly. crb. zn. sul. nat-c. op. pul. nat-m. - sad, rhe. ly. sp. ars. grph. - sick persons, clc. rat. - snow, kr. - swimming, io. ly. ran. - shooting, am-m. hep. mag-c. mere. sp. - soldiers, fighting, bry. fer. hyo. nat-c. plat, ran-s. thj. - thrives, mere. sil. nat-c. bell, au. phos. plb. ver. zn. kli-c • thirsty, nat-m. - thunderstorm, arn. ars. spig. - troublesome, rhs. - true, seems on waking, nat-c nat-m. - urinating, kr. lac-c. merc-i-r - vermin, alu. ammc. bov. kli-c. mur-a. nux. phos. sil. HEADACHE. 53 Dreams, - vexations, chm. bry, chin, nat-a. caus. nat-m. mag-c. nat-c. nux. phos. rhe. sep. -vivid, phos. rhs. pul. stm. an. clc. nat-m. pet. ac. ars. bell. bry. crb. cic. cle. ran. sul. mur-a. cocc. col. ly. mng. men. mere. mos. sil. •voluptuous, nux. ol. plat. op. sta. thj. vio-t. - walking, ac. chm. sil. bry. sul. - water, am-m. ars. grph. - worms, am-c. mur-a. nux. phos. Sopor, op. bell. tart. nux. chm lach. pul. ver. an-t. bry. ac caus. crc. hyo. lau. led. mere. mos. nux-m. ph-a. zn - comatose, bell. bry. cam. hell .- coma vigil, op. lach. chm. ars. bell. nux. cocc. hyo. op. rhs. sam. sec. an-t. crc. nux. led. ph-a. pul. lach. feverish, bell. chm. lach. op. str. ac. mere. plb. sec. pul. stupor, op. bell. lach. cam. chm. phos. crb. pul. Waking, difficult, op. chin, nat-a. plat. teu. ru. alu. con. mag-m. can. ly- mur-a ph-a. pul. tart. - dulness of mind, phos. chm. pul. sil. plat. bar. ac. am-m bell. can. dig. grph- kh-c- mez. nux-m. op. rhe. rhs. sei. stm. sta. str. thj. - aggravation of sufferings, bell. lach. nux. - chill in early morning, mur-a - cough, caus. hep. kh-c. nat-c mag-m. stro. tickling, lach. Waking, - erection and desire to urinate sil. hep. - early, nux. nat-a. ars. clc. kli-c. sil. sep. caus. die. sul. mere. amb. chin. crc. grph. ly. mag-c. mep. pru. pul. -frequent, kli-c. pul. ly. rhs. ol. phos. sul. bell. clc. grph. hep. lach. mere, nat-a. nux pet. sab. sam. sei. sil. scil. - late, clc. caus. grph. nux. phos. sul. lach. mag-m. - midnight, am-m. bar. bry. clc. con. grph. lau. mag-c' nat-c. phos. plat. rhs. sen. sil. tart. thj. before, bov. mere, mez mur-a. nat-m. phos. plb. ' ■ afton, nux. alu. ammc grph. kli-c. ly. mag-c. sep^ ■- taste bitter, rhs. bry. putrid, rhe. - thirst, ph-a. sul. ber. - urinate, urgency to, caus. dig hep. sil. tart. - weariness, pd. drs.C^.^,^ Yawning, hep. nux. mng. ly. caus. cin. ign. crc. ol. rhs." ' sta. vio-o. zn. - afternoon, cth. ign. plat. •- chills, mur-a. -frequent, ac. ol. ly. ars. - headache, gio. - lachrymation, sta. vio-o. ign. kr. mep. - morning, ign. nux. vio-o. open air, euph. - shuddering, ol. cin. - spasmodic, hep. ign. rhs. plat sep. nux. - •vehement, hep. plat. rhs. ign - unsuccessful, ly. lach. - without drowsiness, rhs. plat ign. sep. VII. HEADACHE. Morning, nux. grph. thj. phos. ph-a. sep. ag. hep. nat-m. - early, bry. sep. clc. nat-m. nux. phos. caus. sng. chin. - in bed, bry. nat-m. chm. nux clc. kli-c. ly. pul. sul. ag. Morning, with nausea, clc. grph. nat-m. nux. sep. sil. str. sul - rising, am-m. ap. ar. crt. eye. lach. nux. pul. relieved, nux. kr. 54 HEADACHE. Morning, ■-breakfast, during- or after, ly. nit-a. phos. plb. sul-a. relieved, bov. cth. con. - after breakfast, ly. nux-m. ■- forenoon, kli. sep. hep. sab. sei. sil. Afternoon, ac. asa. bell. grph. kli. lach. ly. sil. stro. Evening, pul. eug. rhs. mag-m chm. kli-c. sep. thj. zn. •- in bed, pul. sep. ars. zn. sul. mag-m. phos. Night, ly. sul. hep. mag-c. ars. ber. clc. chm. mere. pul. tart. con. kr. ■- augmented, pul. -preceded by nausea, phos. Midnight, ph-a. fer. hep. at i a. m., pal. - 3 " thj. - 5 " kh-i. - 10 " to 6p. m., ap. - 10 " bor. -- 12 m., ar. - 12 m. to 6p. m., sil. - 1 p. m. to 10/. m., sil. plat, mag-c. - 3/. m., thj. - 4/. m. to 8 p m., ly. hell. - 4/. m. to 3 a. m., bell. Abodomen, from, grph. plb. Aching, see Pressure. Air, in cold, bov. crb. cofi'. fer. kli. nat-m. plat. -- open, nux. clc. spig. caus. chin. ang. ar-n. chel. fer. gra. hep. io. mng. men. sul - warm, worse in, io. Alive in brain, as if, pet. sil. trx. Anger, after, nux. bry. chm. Angry, getting, die. Anguish, lach. amb. an-t. chin plat. stro. Anxiety, erb-a. nat-c. nit-a. plat. ran. ru. sep. tart. Appetite, increased, chin. Apprehension, flu. Arthritic persons, col. nux bell. bry. ign. ip. sep. ver. Ascending from nape of neck, sng. amb. clc. cth. crb. caus. gaj. hell, kli-c. mng. pul. sil. val. Back, as far as, pul. clc. nat-m nit-a. phos. stm. - starting from, sil. clc. sep. Back-ache, saba. sab. ver. Beating pain, bell. Brain, as if bruised, nat-m. - balancing sensation during motion, crt. flu. ly. rhs. - as if pressed together, arn. sta. tart. chin. - ball rising, sense of ac. - band around head, as from, io. chel. mere. stm. eye. ther. nat-a. stm. sul. lau. - bandaging head by, clc. - - relieved, clc. hep. sil. - bathing, after, an-t. clc. pul. - beating, sp. nat-m. nit-a. rho sil. sars. ammc. au. crb. ign. kr. cp. ph-a. rhs. sep. - bed, in, kli-c. -■ - •warm, bell. Below, upwards, pains from, ph-a. mep. rhs. sep. sil. sta Bending forward, from, spig. sta. val. asa. cap. clch. cup dig. mng. mere, mur-a. nit-a. nux. plat. pul. thj. - relieves, bell. can. mng. ver. Big feeling, •with, nat-m. Biting on teeth, crt. Bloated/^Zm/, bell. die. ran-s Blood seems arrested, bar. sul. - blown from the nose, lach. - after loss of, cocc. chin. Bloody saliva, mag-c. Blow, as from a, ag. led. ol. plat. saba, sul-a. tart. val. Blowing nose, when, mur-a. nit-a. sul. Board in forehead, as if, die. ac. cocc. egn. ol. op. sul. Boiling sensation, alu. caus. chin. coff. dig. grph. gra. kli-c. lau. mag-m. mng. mere. sars. sil. sul. Bones, in, au. mere. ar. clc. dap. ly. sil. sta. sul. Boring, sep. clc. die. hep. pul. ang. bell. ign. lau. mag-c HEADACHE. 55 Brandy drinking, from, ign. Bubbling, sul. kr. nux. par. pul. spig. Burning, mere. bry. stro. arn. Wcrb. phos. sep. . Buzzing, kli-c. lact. sars. sp. Candle-light, bry. ere. Carrying, from, nat-c. Catarrh would set in, as if a, nux. crb. chin. hep. bell, lach. mere. sep. pul. - with dry coryza, crc. Catarrhal, headache, nux. sul. ac. chin. cin. mere. ars. crb Chagrin from, bry. chm. ign. nux. col. ly. pet. plat. rhs. Chattering of teeth, crb. Chewing, when, sul. ammc. am-m. phos. Children, in, bell. ac. cap. chm coff. ign. ip. Chilliness, lach. ar-n. nit-a. sil. arn. clc. crb. con. euph hell. mng. mez. nit-a. pet. rhs. stm. sul. thj. Cloth around head, like, eye. Cold, in, gra. - relieved, seneg. - drink, ac. bell. ars. nat-c. pul. -feeling in head, bell. clc. ac. phos. die. arn. mos. • -feet, with, cam. sul. -fingers, with, hell. - hands, with, amb. cam. lact. - getting, hyo. -from taking, Bell. lach. clc. chm. die. nux. pul. - water, sul. - relieves, ars. zn. nat-c. tait. Colic, cin. cup. hep. led. nit-c. nit-a. phos. str. ver. zn. Compression, bry. ign. plat, alu. ph-a. an. bov. crb. sil. chin. cocc. stm. men. mos. Compressing the head, re- lieved by, ar-n. cin. mag-m nat-m. nux. pul. sul. Coffee, by, nux. chm. ign. ly. pul. caus. bell. cocc. hep. Concussion of the brain, from, arn. bell. cic. hep. mere. ph-a. sep. Confused motion and noise, au. plat. alu. ammc. bov. mag-m. pet. zn. with mental confusion, au pet. Congealed, brain as if, phos. - with constipation, bry. nux. op. crt. mere. pul. Constriction, phos. grph. plat an. asa. crb. chin, mere. Contraction, bov. lau. nit-c. par. pet. pul. Contusive pain, alu. Convulsions, with, ver. Cool breath, sense of, ar-n. - when keeping the head, au. Coryza, with, chin. lach. cic. euph. hell. ly. mag-m. nit-a Covering the head, when, led. Cracking, (crackling} ac. ars. clc. crb. chm. coff. con. dig Cramp-like pain, ign. ac. col. ph-a. plat. Crampy sensation, tart, verb ammc. Crowd, in a, plat, mag-c. Crumble to pieces, as if head would, nat-m. Cough, during, nux. arn. kli-c. sul. au. bell. chel. hep. hyo ly.phos-a. sep. spig. Cough, after, stm. Cutting, bell. arn. arg. clc. cth. cap. cans. chin. con. fer. kli. lach. nit-a. pul. ver Daily, nat-m. nux. sil. col. hep lach. mag-m. sep. sul. Day and night, rhs. cans. kr. led. sul-a. vio-t. Daylight, by, sep. Deep in brain, ac. clc. chin, nux. stm. alu. ammc. cth. hyo. lach. mos. nit-c. pet. phos. pru. rho. sars. Deranged stomach, from, pul. rhs. eph. kh-c. Despair, unto, ag. Diarrhoea, with, grph. nit-c. str. Digging, an. clc. plat. spig. ag chin. cle. die. hep. mere, mez. phos. sam. sap. Dimness of sight, with, pul. 56 HEADACHE. Dimness of sight, with, puls. Disagreeable work, when doing, chin. Distance from the skull, as if brain was, sta. Distorted, as if, nat-m. Disturbed spirits, with, sil. Dragging, {sensation) crt. tart. Drawing, ac. bell. clc. nat-m. pul. sep. sul. nux. val. mos - to one side, ang. - to left side, lach. - head to right side, saba. Drawn back, head, cam. chin kr. mur-a. nit-a. - sideways, head being, an. pul sil. Draught of air, by, ac. chin, bell. nux. col. val. Dreams, with, chin. pul. Drinking wine, by, nux. rho. lach. sei. zn. - as from, saba. Driving in a carriage, from, grph. io. kli-c. mep. sul. - relieved by, nit-c. Drowsiness, with, lach. stm. ars. kr. mur-a. nit-c. pul. Dnmkards, in, lach. bar. pul. Dull ache, lach. ag. an-t. clc. die. phos. Dulness of sense, with, hyo. Ears, in region of, bar. mere, ph-a. pul. Eating, when, con. die. grph. mag-m. nat-m. ran. rhs. sab. sec. zn. - after, ars. bry. crb. nux. arn ammc. ly. rhs. sul. alu. coff grph. cth. con.a~^<- -■ relieved, phos. an. con. Effort, when making an, an. mur-a. nat-c. nit-a. amb. Embrace, with desire for an, sep. Emotions, by, bry. chm. coff. ign. kr. nux. op. Empty feeling, pul. Enlargement, sense of, dap. lau. bov. mng. nux-m.^^14 Entering the room, when, ran. lau. mez. nat-m. rhs. saba. Enuresis, with, sei. chin. ver. Epileptic fit, after, eup. Erect, holding head, bar. Eructation, with, clc. crb. io. lach. ly. nat-c. op. sil. Evening air causes, plat. - pul. alu. col. hep. nux. sul. - abating in, lach. nat-m. - relieved, an. mag-c. phos. rhs. Excitement, with, ru. ■- mental, phos. Exerting sight, when, mur-a. par. pul. - relieved, (staring at one point') ag. saba. Exertion, (mental} nux. sul. au. clc. chin. lach. nat-m. Extorting cries, col. sep. an. bov. mag-m. sil. stm. str. Extravasations, arn. Eyes, when closing, nux. sab. - ■- relieves, ip. - with closing of, bell. clc. sep sul. ag. crb. cocc. hep. kr. nat-m. nit-a. nux. ph-a. - involved, bar. bry. cocc. pul lach. sep. sil. an. nux. - when opening, bry. chin, ign coif, mag-c. rhs. sul. relieves, chm. - proceeding from, ac. clch. lach. nux. - when turning, dig. rhs. sep. ■-pain over, crc. left, spig. kli-c. ars. - - right, sng. bell. Fainting, with, str. ly. clc. grph. nat-m. nux. pul. sil. Falling, causes, arn. -forward, {head) pul. clc. par kli-c. plb. ran. sars. sul. when stooping, alu. coff. rhs. ammc. kli-c. bar. crb. dig. gra. kr. nux. saba. Farewell, after a touching, nat-m. Fat, after eating, pul. Fear of death, with, lach. Feeble voice, with, nat-c. nux Flat, pressed, as if, ver. Flatulence, relieved by emis- sion of, cic. - causes, crb. chin, mag-c. nit-a. sul. - relieves, mag-c. HEADACHE. 57 Flickering before eyes, lach. chin. sars. Fly to pieces, as if head would bell. bry. mere. sil. sul. chin dap. hep. lach. nat-m. pul. Forenoon, in, sil. alu. erb-a. con. dig. mag-c. nit-c. sars Forgetful, mez. cap. Forehead, in, ac. ammc. arn. ars. bell. bry. chin. ign. ly. phos. sul. alu. clc. cocc. die. ip. kr. nat-m. nit-a. nux-m. nux. pet. plat, saba Foreign body, as from, con. flu. rho. Fright, by, op. ign. clc. plat. Fulness, ac. bry. mere. dap. sil. ammc. coff. grph. phos Gastric headache, nux. pul. an-t. ip. sul. arn. bry. Girls, in. ac. pul. bell. Gnawing, clc. cth. nat-m. par phos. ran-s. zn. Grating of the teeth, str. Grief, by, ign. ph-a. sta. Griping, sep. mag-m. con. Groaning, with, sil. Grumbling, sul-a. Haemorrhoids, by, nux. Hair as if pulled, ac. mur-a. alu. stm. arn. crb. mag-m. - as if standing on end, arn. ran. - when touching, ag. Hammering, fer. ammc. clc. sul. ars. chin. cic. cle. drs. hep. nat-m. nit-a. phos. rhe Hard hearing, chin. bell. sep. die. ign. cup. - substance, as if by a, ign. mez. nux-m. sil. sta. Hat, by the, crb. Headache, alternating with pain in chest, io. - arising from nape of neck, sng. -- semilateral, in vertex, sul. - with heat of body, hep. bov. chin. kr. sng. sul. Heat in head, ac. arn. bell, bry. sep. sil. sul. dap. lach. mere. am-m. nat-m. bar. >- in vertex, clc. erb-a. cJalf'-d. Heat, - cm ,^'^t - headache from, ac. crb. bell, bry. sil. anime, clc. . Heaviness, ac. bry. arn. ars. mere. bell. ly. crb. sep. chin. die. nat-m. nux. phos sil. pul. stm. sul. cam. chm erb-a. con. lach. pet. Heaving up and down, bell. ly. con. Heavy limbs, crb. sil. Hemicrania, sng. col. nux. sep ars. bell. clc. chin. cocc. asa. chm. bry. ly. ip. sil. Hollow, (empty) feeling, pul. cocc. cup. sep. clc. nat-c. caus. mng. dri^n^. Hoop around head, as from, lau. sul. teu.^*^« ■. Hot cheeks, clc. can. mere. - face, ac. kr. ag. ang. bry. arn. asa. clc. cth. chin, coff. mag-c. gra. lau. men. op. nat-m. phos. nux. plat, ran. saba. sil. stro. sul. trx. - spot on head, crb. Hunger, sil. Hurried speech, lach. Hydrocephalus, acute, bell^ bry. ap. hell. ac. arn. lach. chin. mere. cin. con. hyo.A^ - chronic, hell. sul. ars. crt.^ z^dig. lach. mere. str. Hypochondriac persons, nux. sta. Hysteric, ign. mos. plat. au. sep. bell. val. cocc. hep. mag-c. mag-m. ver. - with ill humor, plat, kli-c. bov. kr. sil. - with impatience,- plat. - with inability to collect the thoughts, mng. crb. chin, crt. eye. kr. mez. nit-a. rhs sars. sil. stm. sul. Inflammation of the brain, bell. bry. hell. sul. ac. cam. crt. hyo. lach. mere. Intermitting pain, ag. an. plat. stm. val. ver. Intoxication, after, nux. crb. pul. rhs. ph-a. nit-a. par. - during, ac. bell. nux. op. pul. rhs. an-t. saba. sab. sil 58 HEADACHE. Irritated, feels, op. sil. Issue through forehead, as if brain would, bell. bry. sil. ac. plat. ammc. caus. kr. sep. mag-m. rho. spig. Jerking, bry. chin. pul. ign. ly pet. phos. sep. sil. Knocked in head, as if, mos. Knocking foot against any- thing, when, bar. sep. sil. Lachrymation, ign. pul. asa. bov. plat. crb. stm. eugen. sameness, with, ars. io. Laming pain, cin. Languor, chin. lach. nux. alu. sil. arn. bov. kr. kli-c. gra. Lascivious dreams, bor. Laughing, when, zn. Lay the head on something, obliged to, con. Laying the hand on the head, when, chin. relieves, con. - head on one side, when, men. - - relieves, grph. nux. Laziness, with, die. lact. lau. ph-a. Lead in the head, as if, sep. sil - poisoning, from, sul. Lemonade, by, sei. Leaning back, when, an. au. ly. mng. spig. stm. val. ■ relieves, bell. bar. rhs. thj ver. - the head against anything, when, can. relieves, bell. -- - on one's arm, when, nat-m relieves, nat-m. drs. sta Leaving the room, when, lau. mng. Load, as from a, mos. spig. thj bell. led. sil. ph-a. plat, rhs Loose feeling in brain, bar. *< nat-m. nit-c. sul-a. ammc. erb-a. kli-c. caus. cic. con. rhs. sta. crc. grph. gaj. Loss of animal fluids, after, chin. nux. clc. sul. ver. - of appetite, with, lach. ac. sei. an-t. nat-m. sen. stm. - of mind, with, ac. amb. cocc mag-c. Lie down, obliged to, nux. con. sei. bry. clc. rhs. pul. phos*. Lying, when, bell. pul. spig. bov. cle. led. ly. mere. nux. phos. rho. stro. - relieves, clc. alu. sep. arn. ign. asa. bell. chin. die. helP - hard, as if from, ph-a. - on back, when, bry. col.&'K^ relieves, ign. ver. - with head low, stro. - on side, ign. - on right side, bro. Maddening pain, ac. io. Megrim, {nervous headache} pul. nux. sng. col. sep. chin ars. clc. cocc. ly. ip. bry. chm. ign. asa. Moaning, with, bell. Motion, during, bry. chin, sul nat-m. ac. sng. ign. ly. spig. phos. ph-a. - relieves, cap. hyo. mag-c. mos. Moved, sense as if brain, bell, ac. chin. ars. »ep. bry. mos stro. kli-c. rhe. Moving the arms, rhs. - eyes, bell. bry. col. - head, chin. bar. mez. sta. relieves, sul. cin. Melancholy, with, sei. Meninges, as if in, hyo. Mercury, after abuse of, hep. au. chin. crb. nit-a. sul. pul Menses, during, kr. plat, grph ign. lach. nat-m. kli-c. - relieves, ver. - after, ly. nat-m. - before, lach. crb. sul. nux-m. clc. fer. hep. io. mere. sil. Milk, by, bro. Music, by, amb. Nail in brains, as if, nux. ign c coff. arn. ly. hep. crb. hell. Nausea, with, sep. nux. sng. ammc. lach. nit-a. sul. ip. bry. clc. pul. kli-c. crb. chin col. ver. crt. stm.^v^-a Neck, as far as, mere, nit-a. chin. grph. sars. Nervous headache,see Megrim Night and day, bor. Noise, by, ign. an. ph-a. spig. clc. con. mere. stm. - in ears, with, pub op. ac. chin. ars. sng. lach. plat. Noon, at, sil. ars. grph. mur-a rhs. zn. * Nosebleed, with, sep. fer. Numb, as if, grph.^d^fla^. - pain as if, plat. grph. Obscuration of sight, with, hyo. str. ign. sil. gra. Occiput, in, nit-a. clc. sep, ign OU sul. kli-c. crb. col. mos. mur-a. pet. mag-m.Cv~^; binding up hair relieves, nit-a - bubbling like boiling water, ind. - burning, rhs. - coldness, die. phos. - compressing, nit-a. - constricting, grph. cam. - drawing, zn. mag-c. arg. - dull, sec. - heat, sul. heaviness, bry. mur-a. nat-m - jerking, stm. thj. pressing, clch. pet. kh-c. rending, ber. zn. am-m. shocks, can. soreness, nux. spasmodic pain, mos. - squeezing, ign. amb. - stinging, ir. vio-t. - tension, grph. mag-c. - throbbing, gio. sep. clc.^C, - tingling, rhs. _ - ulcerating pain, sep. Odors, by, ign. sei. Old people, in, con. bar. Opening mouth, when, sPig' Oppressed breathing, crb. nit-a ran. sep. . , n Orbital region, in, pul. bell, lach. nux. bar. nat-m. ais. caus. sep. ly- SP: hep. ip. ph-a. sei., sul-a. val Orbits, in, dap. ac. ign. lach. lau. zn. mag-c. Pain in chest, lach. - ears, pul. ly- rhs. mere. cth. mos. mur-a. sul. •- face, nux. ac. sil. bry. hep. spig. rhs. lach. kr. thj. - legs, clc. HEADACHE. 59 Fain in legs, feel heavy, nit-a. - lower jaw, cth. bar. crb-a. nit-a. plat. - limbs, lach. ac. crb. sen. - in nape of neck, grph. cans, con. ran. amine, an. bar. bell. bry. crb. ly. mere, mez. mur-a. plb. sab. sil. sp - nose, ly. nux. mez. phos. ac. clc. ign. lach. mere, nit-a^ op. plat, vio-o. -palate, mere, nat-m. - shoulder, cup. small of back, alternating with, bro. - spleen, bor. ' Painful glands, with, ammc. bor. bry. Pale face, with, ac. ver. amb hell, mag-c. ■- fingers, with, ver. Palpitations, with, hep. lach tart. Paroxysmal pains, spio- Pecking, nux. rhs. rm & Peevish mood, plat. an. bov con. kr. mere. thj. Peg, in head, as if, rho. Periodical headache, ars. rhs sul. an. chin. fer. pho's sd' Photophobia, sep. pul. kli-c Piercing pain, can. hell. Ac* Pinching, sep. clc. crb. caus mere. mez. sil. sta. - position changed, relieves mag-c. ' Plug, as from, plat. an. sul-a asa. cocc. hep. kr. oh rhs.' Pressed asunder, as if, bry' nux. nat-m. bell, bov' mere mez. rhs. sta. zn. - in, as if, hell. ign. Pressing, sil. chin, nat-m. an. spig. asa. bar. clc. lach. - against skull, mez. rho. -foot to ground, bell. con. hell ly. sep. sil. spig. Sp. sul. - on head, when, kli-c. cin. pru ag. a.n-t. clc. lach. mag-c. relieves, stm. an. chin .A ■ mng. aim bell, crb-a. ip. mere. mez. ph-a. j>ul. saba. sep. spig. thj.d-h fid,. -• - with cold hand, by, clc. Pressure, s^p. bell, kli-c. nux. bry. ly. ip. lach. an. arn. cocc. nat-m. phos. saba, stm. sul. clc. erb-a. caus. chm. chin. cic. die. fer. ign - downwards, painful, sul. cin con. mur-a. nit-a. nux. ph-a plat. rhs. spig. Prickling, with, au. chin, ph-a vio-o. Ptyalism, with, an-t. sep. Pulled, hair as if, ac. alu. arn. cth. crb. mag-m. phos. stm Pulling, like, lach. Pulsations, bell. op. crb. lach. thj. ign. ph-a. sul. Pushing, with, nat-m. phos. -forward, as if, cth. nit-a. nux-m. nux. rhs. Raising the body, when, nux. ang. ars. lau. nux. relieves, crb. cic. con. nat-c. -- eyes, when, arn. cap. - head., bov. clc. cap. drs. ign. lach. sp. trx. relieves, ign. kli-c. -after stooping, hep. ly. mag-c. mur-a. sul-a. -from recumbent posture, ly. dap. arn. mur-a. relieves, kli-c. stm. Rattling of carriages, by, nit-a Reading, by, clc. sil. au. cin. nat-m. arn. bry. crb. caus. coff. ign. ly. ol. Red cheeks, with, ign. - eyes, arg. -face, ac. nux. op. ign. lach. plat. plb. trx. Reeling, ac. bell. Relieved by laying head on something, bell. ■- tying up hair, nit-a. Rest, (while sitting}, rhs. cap. ly. chin. sta. cic. coff. lach. relieves, sng. hell, kli-c. hep. phos. rho. sta. Restlessness, with, ly. nux-m. rhs. ru. Revelling, as from nightly, nux bry. pul. cocc. clc. chin, sul Retching, with, asa. HEADALHE. Rheumatic headache, ac. mere chin. pul. sul. chm. ly. nux nit-a. spig. bry. sng. phos. Rigid feeling, caus. rhe. Rising from bed, sep. die. ars. asa. pet. relieves, anime, crb. hep. ign. nux. phos. - seat, from, sil. gra. mng. sp. Roaring, ■with, sta. au. pul. sul lach. plat. zn. kr. ph-a. clc Rolling, eugen. Room, in, nux. mag-m. mng. hyo. sep. mos. rho. - relieves, mng. coff. fer. mag-c - 'warm, worse in, arn. Root of nose, above, rhs. ac. nux. bov. ign. phos. tart. Running, by, nat-m. nux. Rush of blood, ac. bry. lach. op. sul. alu. ly. au. kli-c, crb. chin. clc. sep. nit-a. nux. phos. sil. Sadness, with, crt. Screwed together, as if, alu. mag-c. zn. Sedentary habits, by, nux. ac. Semilateral headache, sep. clc. chin. nux. col. ar-n. asa. cic. ign. mere. sil. ly. grph an. spig. sul-a. - left side, lach. asa. chi. ac. alu. an-t. arn. au. clc. cap. chin. col. con. cup. eye. die hyo. mere. rho. sei. spig. - right side, clc. ar-n. nit-a. ph-a. sul-a. ag. bell, bry cth. caus. coff. drs. euph. gaj. ign. ly. mos. mur-a. plb. rhs. sen. sil. squill, val Sensitive persons, coff. ign. ac chm. chin. spig. Sensitiveness, excessive, chin. Sewing, when, pet. Sexual farts involved, bor. Shaking of brain during mo- tion, clc. spig. mng. ly. ph-a. nux. an. cecc. hyo. sep. led. mez. plat. sil. rho. - the head, when, sep. hep. spig caus. nat-m. ly. mng. nit-a sta, rhs, stm. Shocks, nat-m. phos. asa. clc. op. lach. caus. mere. cle. ly. crc. fer. grph. pul. nit-a nux. ph-a. plb. spig. squill. - -with shuddering inface, rho. Sides of head, in, bry. ac. ph-a nat-m. plat. ag. grph. bar. cth. cle. crc. ly. bov. gaj. lau. mag-c. nux. pul. thj. Side on which the head is lying sep. clc. crb. mag-c. ph-a. stm. . on which one is not lying, pul Sitting, when, ly. bry. phos. chin. sta. sul. - relieves, ac. ars. bell. coff. led. mag-m. ver. - erect, hell. ign. rang. relieves, cic. - up, arn. chm. Sense of being smaller, gnu Small pox, after, coff. Small spots, in, ac. ly. Smoke, as if in room full op, agn. Smoking, from, ac. an-t. ign. caus. mag-c. Sneezing, when, kli-c. nat-m. am-m. sul. relieves, clc. mur-a. Sleep, during, chm. dig. fer. mag-c. pet. - relieves, sng. phos. thj. - disturbed by ache, chin. sul. ac. sil. cth. nit-a. - brain seems as if, con. cup. nat-m. Sleeping, after, coff. hep. ign. - with slimy tongue, clc. Spasmodic pains, arn. stm. sars. clc. crb. chin. mos. Spirits, by, nux. crb. pul. clc. sul. ars. chin. op. coff. Split, head, as if, amme.^j Solitude, desire for, an-t. Sore^rtzw, chin. zn. lach. Standing, when, trx. sta. ars. mag-c. sul-a. - relieves, plb. trx. Staring, with, spig- Step, making wrong, an. led. spig- Stiffness of nape of neck, grph nit-a. an-t. sep. bar. lach. mag-c. ph-a. clc. Stitching, ac. bell. bry. caus. mere. pul. sil. sul. con. ign nux. lach. rhs. nat-m. pet. sei. stm. alu. sep. gaj. cth. -• relieves, cin. Stomach, as from, ir. ip. con. alu. crb. mag-m. ii^.c Stone, as from a, bell. can. con. dig. nat-a. Stooping, from, arn. bell. bry. sil. lach. ly. ign. alu. pul.' nit-a. rhe. kr. rhs. sul. -from sitting, con. Stopped, head as if, nat-a. Stormy weather, nux. Stove, near warm, arn. Straining, {lifting} rhs.'clc. sil arn. bry. nat-a. ph-a. - as from, ph-a. Striking against skull, brain seems, during motion, sul. lau. plat. stm. Sun, by the, cam. lach. nat-a gio. sei. bro. euph.K ... ' ' -'relieves, grph. -_ Suppression of sweat, from chm. Sweat on face, mag-c. plat, thi Swashing in head, maun J plat. thj. S Swelling of cheeks, clc. erb-a iy- - eyes, hyo. - glands, bar. mur-a. -- lower jaw, ac. Taciturnity, an-t. con. thj. Talking, by, chin. sil. ac. ign. au. cocc. sar. die. ■- of others, bar. mere. Tea, from, sei. Tearing, bell. chin. nux. pul. ign. ly. arn. mere. sul. ars. sep. clc. lach. sil. nat-m. nit-a. bry. chm. an. - in temples, bell. plat, nat-m. bry. clc. ac. chin. alu. kr. eye. an. pul. lach. mag-c. mere, kli-c. pet. sab. thj. Temperature, change in, crb. 62 HEADACHE. Throbbing, ac. bell. fer. ars. clc. sep. kr. sul. lach. crb. led. pul. nat-m. pet. drs. sil. squill, str. ther. sng. ly. euph. lau. ver. phos. mng. Thin cranium, sense as if, bell, puls. Thinking, by, nux. chin. asa. u. clc. au. cin. ign. dig. par. - relieves, pul. saba. - of the pain, relieves, cam. cic. Thirst, lach. rhs. Tickling, phos. Tinpoisoning, sul. Tingling, rhs. arn. hyo. lau. pul cic. cocc. cup. ph-a. sul. Toothache, with, pul lach. mere. ly. rhs. sep. Touched, when, ac. chin. cup. sta. agn. dap. ar. ip. mez. bov. crb-a. con. nit-a phos. - relieves, asa. col. thj. Torn, brain, as if, nux. chin, rhs. au. bell. ip. pul. ver. ars. ph-a. con. hep. ign. coff. sul. op. Trembling, with, clc. bor. ly. sep. crb. * - tremor, lact. pet. Turning sensation in head, bell. bry. clc. kli-c. pet. rhs saba. sil. - the head, when, hyo. ly. nat-c nat-a. ph-a. - the body, when, nat-m. sil. Twitching in brain, bov. can. Ulcerated, pain as if, sep. bov mag-c. mng. Uncomfortable feeling, cin. Uncovering head, relieves, sul. Undulating motion, lach. fer. hyo. par. pet. -pain, asa. cocc. fer. plat, sep tart. zn. Up-stairs, going, alu. an-t. arn bell. crt. cup. ign. ly. men. mos. par. ph-a. rhs. sul. Vanishing of sense ac. mng. pet. au. pru. mag-c. mos. Vapor- of coal, as from, ammc. nit-c. zn. -- of unclean clothes, crb-a. Veal. by, nit-a. Vertex, in, lach. cm. ly. clc. cans. con. nit-a. ac. agn. nux-m. cup. ver. ran-s. Vertigo, pul. bry. nux. clc. lach. phos. crb-a. caus. ly. chin. cocc. con. rhs. nat-m. sep. nit-a. chm. mur-a. ran. Vice, as in a. pul. cocc. mere, plat. naif ■ -pain as if in, alu. chel. saba. Violent pains, trx. ther. ars. _ cup. hell. ly. sil. Voices, by male, bar. Vomiting, nux. pul. sng. sep. col. ip. lach. ver. kli-c. chin. phos. Waking, on, bry. nux. clc. nat-m. kli-c. chin. chin, ign hep. tart. coff. con. phos. mag-c. mag-m. nit-a. sul. Walking, when, lach. ars. bell caus. nux. sta. hell. chin. - relieves, chin, mag-c. pul. spig. sta. trx. .- in the sun, sei. chin. -fast, bry. clc. chek crt. sep. - in open air, clc. rhs. bell, coff. hell. mng. pul. spig. relieves, sep. alu. crb-a, gra. mag-m. mng. Want of sleep, as from, mag-c nux. Warmth, by, gra. . Washing relieves, mag-c. Water in brain, as from, bell au. ammc. plat. dig. lach. Weakness in head, lach. nat-m Weary feet, with, crb-a. Wedge, as if driven in, rho. Weeping, with, col. plat. fer. kr. phos. ran. sep. Wet weather, by, rhs. crb-a. bry. nux. rho. Whirling sensation, lach. sil. pet. saba. sul. trx. Whizzing, lact. Wild and muddled feeling, nux. an. pul. crb. mere, bell. bry. chin. ph-a. hell, ly. spig. rho. ars. sec. bor. Wind through head, as if, au, - in head, chin, mur-a. headache. 63 Wind through head, rough, mur-a. Within, outward, from, pain either pressing, stitching, etc., bell. bry. chin. sep. sil asa. crb. con. die. kr. lach. lau. mag-m. nat-m. nux-m. phos. ph-a. pru. rho. rhs. saba. sam. spig. sp. stm. Without, inwards, pains, an. kli-c. lau. plat. spig. stm. Worms creeping in head, as if sul. zn. Wrinkling of forehead, sul. gra. vio-o. when, ars. Wrong position, as from, ag. ly. ph-a. Wrapping up, relieves, ma?-m sil. Writing, by, sil. clc. au. ign. kli-c. nat-m. rhs. Yawning, with, ammc. zn. - by, bar. chin. eye. mag-c nux-m. Aching pain, ar. sars. chin. cic. nit-a. ol. ph-a. rho. thj Adheres, scalp, arn Ascending, pain when, hell. Baldness, bar. ly. zn. Blood vessels, swollen, sng. bell. thj. Boils, led. bar. clc. mag-m. mur-a. nit-a. rhs. Bone-pains, au. mere. ar. rho. nit-a. ph-a. Boring/<?/«, ly. - head into pillow, bell. hell. Bruised feeling, hell. ru. pet. ip. rho. Burning, ars. bry. clc. cup. mere. ran. saba. Caries, flu. au. sta. - burning in, ph-a. Coldness, clc. sul. ver. sep. ag chel. lau. Cold, liable to take, bar. crb. led. kli-c. ly. clc. nat-m. Contraction of, nat-m. plat, ran-s. rhs. ■-sense of, crt. chin. plat. ■-forehead, gel. Covering, unbearable, led. - relieves, hep. sil. Convulsions, drawing head back, op. cam. ign. ip. bell, ang. cup. str. cic. nux. • forward, cic. ip. sideways, bell. ly. nux. str. - intermitting, cic. kli-c. sep. Creeping, can. sta, alu. kli-c. ar-n. thj. chin. sil. ran. VIII. SCALP. Cutting, cle. sars. Dandruft, sta. ars. ol. - itching, alu. ma'g-c. Desquamation, see Scales Drawing, rho. thj. sta. - hair, feels, cth. sei. ac. alu rhs. chin. Eruptions, ars. ly. mere, bar clc. ol. sil. hep. nat-m. rhs* sul. ru. crb. led. pet. - burning, cic. mere, oh after scratching, hep - crusty, scaly, ars. ol. bar clc mere. sta. rhs. sul. alu erb-a. grph. hell. hep. kli-c nat-m. mt-a. pet. phos. ph-a. ru. sil. - dry, ars. grph. rhs. bar. clc hep. ly. sup merc> CrP a' cic sep. ol. phos. sta. zn. -fetid, ly. sta. sul. -furfur aceous, alu. mez. ol bry. clc. grph. rhs. sta. -gnawing, eating, mere, rhs - herpetic, rhs. pet. grph. alu* mag-m. - itching, sta. sul. mere. ol. rhs mez. sil. at night, rhs. ol. -painful, hep. ru. ar. bar. -pimples, cle. kr. ar. can. sul. -pushlies, ars. cle. pul. - suppurating, ly. cic. bar-m. rhs. - tuberculous, sil. ar-n. hep. Erysipelas, rhs. grph. lach. eph. bell. pul. 64 SCALP. Favus, {scald head} ly. ars. clc. rhs. hep. sul. bar. erb-a. cic. grph. mere. ol. phos. - creeping, sul. ars. clc. cle. die. grph. sep. - crusty, sul. clc. ars. hep. rhs mere. phos. - humid, clc. rhs. sul. hep. ly. sep. - malignant, ars. sul. hep. mere. phos. bar. bro. clc. - scaly, grph. clc. ol. bry. ly. kli-c. lach. mez. sep. sta. -fine scales, ol. mez. alu. kli-c bry. sta. clc. grph. lach. rhs - large scales, clc. grph. ly. sep sul. ol. cic. led. mere. Fontanelles remain open, clc. sil. -fall in, ap. Fornication, saba. arn. clch. Gnawing, ol. sta. drs. rhs. ru. bar. Hair, bristling, zn. kli. cth. arn - dry, kli-c. alu. ph-a. clc. plb - entangled, flu. bor. ly. nat-m -falls out, grph. kli-c. au. clc nat-m. hep. phos. sul. cth. bar. sep. crb. ign. ph a. sil. behind, crb. sil. phos, the ears, phos. front, nat-m. ars. phos. in patches, io. cth. phos. sides, grph. phos. zn. kli-c • temples, clc. kli-c. ly. nat-m. vertex, ly. bar. sep. grph. zn. - gray, ph-a. ly. sta. ars. grph sul-a, - greasy, ph-a. bry. plb. - painful, chin. ver. ars. nux. amb. sul. when brushed backward, pul. rhs. - pulled, as if, cth. ac. alu. sei chin. rhs. . - withered, ph-a. Heat, bell. bry. chm. col. ver. Itching, {biting}, grph. alu. clc sep. mere, nit-a. phos. sil. sta. sul. am-m. mez. rho. - at night, rhs. ol. x Itching, vermin, as from, c mez. saba. sta. sul. mere. Jerking pain, chm. ag. bry. bry. Lice, saba.S?*^. Loose, detached, sense as if, sng. Mobility, excessive, sep. nat-m sng. sul. Numbness, caus. ang. erb-a. mez. dap. plat. Painful "when touched, nux. chin mere. sta. sul. fer. spig. - pressure of hat, crt. sil. crb. Perspiration, mere. bry. sep. chm. chin, kli-c. pul. bell. - clammy, chm. mere. nux. - cold, mere. bry. ver. cin. hep - evening, sep. clc. - hot, with pains, chm. gio. - night, nat-m. - sour, bry. mere. sil. Pressure, ar. sars. ■-forehead, cic. chin. - temples, thj. ag. Ptyriasis, ol. saba. sul. ars. sta lach. mere. Pulsation, gaj. chel. Rending, crb. ar. sep. - occiput, crb. - vertex, nat-c. Scales, alu. phos. sta. mez. ol. clc. grph. kli-c. lach. -itching, alu. sta. mag-c. Sensitiveness, spig. nux. chin ars. mere, nit-a. sul. Sore,mez. hep. mere. ar. bry. zn - places, clc. bov. nit-a. sng. Stinging. agn. caus. chin. dap. dig. eph. gaj. phos. ph-a. . ran. ru. sars. thj. Swelling, mere. ars. rhs. bell. । grph. dap. Tearing, crb. ly. sep. grph. rhs | Tension, mere. agn. spig. arn. ; _ caus. ars. lach. ru. nr,f. Thinness, sense of, in skull, bell Tingling, rhs. arn. chel. led. clch. ran. saba. Tumors, clc. sil. dap. au. sep. i pet. pul. ru. Twitching, lach. ar. Ulcerated spots, nit-a. Ulcers, small, ars. ru. IX. EYES. Absence of pain, {photophobia with redness') kli. Aching in orbits, cup. bov. Afternoon, worse, alu. cth. con lau. ly. mag-c. nit-a. nux. Agglutination, pul. sta. bry. ign. alu. bar. dig. kli-c. .-• morning, kli-c. chel. - night, crb. ly. euph. sil. crc. mag-m. Amaurosis, bell. clc. chin, dig hyo. mere. phos. sep. str. sul. caus. con. nat-m. op. pul. ru. sil. - incipient, op. bell. clc. caus. chin. cic. con. hyo. mere, nat-m. nit-a. phos. pul. sep Arthritic affections, ac. spig. an-t. pul. bell. clc. sul. bry dig. hep. nux. Asthenopia, chel. ru. cm. rho ar-n. ign. nat-m. Band around eyes, as if, lau. Beating, ars. bry. clc. pet. ac. bell. chm. Big, eyes feel, lach. Biting, sil. bell. kr. ly. sul. lach Black, objects seem, phos. sil. chin. mere, nat-m. au. caus sep. str. nit-a. nux. - color before eyes, phos. sil. bell, kli-c. sep. mag-c. str. Blear-eyed, pul. sta. mere. ac. euph. rhs. spig. str. Blenorrhcea, pul- euph. mere, dig. grph. sen. sul. Blindness, bell. clc. sil. che . dig. euph. hyo. nat-m. phos pul. str. sul. - paroxysmal, phos. sil. eye. sul." ar-n. clc. chel. chm. dig. euph. hyo. pul. sep. - after sunset, bell. Blood-color, objects have a, stro. Blood, exuding, nux. bell. clc. sen. Blood-vessels, distended, bell, mere. ac. spig. amb. sul. ars. ign. lach. ph-a. Bloody spots, nux. bell. sen. clc Blue, objects seem, bell. ly. str- stro. sul. zn. - canthi, sars. - lids, dig. drs. Blurred, when reading, drs. grph. nat-m. sil. chin, dapi bell. hyo. str. Bone pain, hep. nat-m. nit-a phos. ph-a. rhs. sul. Boring, spig. clc. thj. Bright colors, when looking at nux. ph-a. am-m. clc. grph ign. kr. mag-m. mng. Bruised, as if, hep. sul. cun ly. rhs. 1 Burning, ac. ars. bell. bry. clc crb. col. crc. ly. mere, ph-a sul. asa. crt. euph. lach Cancer, lau. bell. clc. ly. sen sil. ars. con. hep. 1' Canthi, mere. sta. clc. ag. alu bell. crb. nat-m. nux. phos' - outer, clc. sul. scil. euph. ign nat-m. 1 S - internal, sta. bell. ag. clc. alu au. crb. caus. cle. con. nux mag-c. pet. phos. pul. ru. Cataract, con. sil. ammc. pul dig. euph. sul. mag-c. phos Catarrhal ophthalmia, ar-n sep. sul. chm. pul. crc. rhs Choroiditis, bell, kli-ch. gel. phos. nux. Ciliary neuralgia, mez. Closing eyes, when, bell, clc . cle.' crc. dig. hell. ly. sep. inclined to, ag. alu. am-m. bar. clc. ly. myg. ph-a. - relieves, au. nit-a. ph-a. Cobwebs, see Gauze. Cold, caused by a, pul. chm. ac die. ars. nux. sul. - air, in, dig. pul. rhs. -feeling, plat. ammc. con. alu ly. clc. kli-c. ly.tf^ - relieves, asa. - water, caused by, sep. mur-a, nit-a. - - relieves, nit-a. 65 66 EYES. Colored, objects seem, bell. au. bor. pul. cam. spig. hyo. kli-c. nux. ver. Condylomata, thj. Congestion, ac. bell. mere, phos. sul. Conjunctiva affected, bell, pul mere. ars. sul. ac. asa. bro. - inter still'ally distended, sul. bell. sen. bro. ar-n. Cornea, affected, sil. can. euph nit-a. hep. mere, nit-a. sen. ars. bell. cic. chin. lach. ru sep. spig. sul. ■- chalk-white, merc-s. - condylomata, ar-n. - grayish, ap. - hazy, ar-n. - opaque, ap. cic. cuve, ■- pustules, mere. ar-n. kli. - specks, can. euph. hep. nit-a. bell. cic. sen. sil. - ulcerated, mere. hep. cle. Crystalline lens, pressure in, men. Cutting, mere. cle. col. mur-a. rhs. spig. ver. Dark spots, mere. sep. nat-m. phos. sil. ag. caus. an. au. con. bar. cic. chin, mag-c. Day-blindness, {nyctalopia}, sil. phos. sul. ac. mere. Dazzled by bright light, ph-a. kli-c. ac. cic. grph. phos. Digging, spig. phos. Dimness, bell. mere. chin, hyo ver. arn. ars. spig. bry. fer Dim sight, ru. sep. ly. con. can sul. ammc. an. bell. cic. caus. chin. crc. hep. ign. kr mere. phos. pul. sil. Diplopia, bell. cic. dap. nat-a. < dig. eph. hyo. ly. ol. pul. Discharge, acrid, grph. mere, nat-m. - - burning, ars. excoriating euph. - bland, pul. - profuse, cic. rhs. zn. - purulent, ar-n. hep. ly."^n^( - stringy, kli. Distant, objects seem, str. cic. an. phos. stm. crb. nat-m. Distorted eyes, bell. hyo. chm. ac. op. cth. cic. eup. lach. plat. sec. stm. str. sul. drunkards, chin. lach. nux. Dry feeling, asa. bar. Dryness, bry. ars. bar. ly. pul sul. rang. sta. ver. zn. Dust, pains as from, ly. -.pain from, sul. -- - with ear troubles, cic. pet nit-a. phos. pul. Ecchymosed, nux. arn. sen. crt. bell. cic. chm. plb. ru. Ectropium, nit-a. ar-n. rhs. mere. ap. Entropium, mere. rhs. sul. sep cic. Eruptions, sta. sul. euph. sen. sp. suppressed, ajter, bry. caus. sul. ars. crb. grph. lach. Erysipelas, lids, hep. - evening, bell. sep. ammc. cic ly. mere, nat-m. pul. am-m sen. asa. rho. sul-a. caus. euph. hyo. lach. lau. mur-a - involving light, ly. ere. hep. alu. Eversion of lids, bell. Exanthems, eye disorder after bell. mere. pul. bry. hyo. sul. hep. Exerting, eyes weak from, ru. bell. spig. crb. - - work, from, nat-a. phos. - the mind, from, cin. Eyebrows, eruptions, cle. cup gaj. kli-c. par. sei. sil. sp. - hairs fall off, ag. plb. sei. - pain, bell. dig. kli-c. - - warts, caus. Far-sighted, sep. cle. pet. con sil. drs. hyo. sul. Feathers before eyes, as if, nat-m. cle. ly. nat-a. sul. Feeble sight, ru. phos. cin. an. bell. cic. chin. sul. ag. au. can. cap. con. ere. dap. drs. hyo. ly. mere, nat-a. nux-m. pul. sep. sil. spig. Fiery appearance, sparks, bry. ly. pul. au. bell. caus. ere. hyo. kli-c. nat-a. nat-m. nux. spig. zn. EVES. 67 Fiery appearance, annoy, mere. Fistula lachrymalis, flu. clc. cheLA^-m., . /Let. Flow of tears, euph. spig. Foreign body, as from a, sul-a ac. mere. sul. cle. phos. - penetrating, sul-a. ac. sul. Fungus hcematodes, sil. bell, ly. clc. sep. - medullaris, bell. with gastric disorders, cap ly. nux. pul. sul. an-t. chin Gauze, {mist}, ru. nat-m. drs. ign. mere. sul. kr. Glaucoma, phos. pul. ar-n. spig. Gonorrhoea, from suppressed, pul. ac. mere, nit-a. sul. thj Gray, objects seem, phos. sil. Greasy, as if, clc. Green, objects seem, dig, phos. Haemorrhage, bell. nux. crb. chm. clc. crt. euph. - after suppressed, bell. clc. ly nux. phos. pul. sep. sul. Hair, as from a, nat-a. pul. ran sng. Half-sight, ly. .- horizontal, au. dg- vertical, caus. ly. nat-m. Halo, bell. cic. con. kli-c. nit-a phos. ph-a. stm. - around the light, cocc. ru. bell. phos. pul. sul. clc. dig - with heart diseases, au. clc. can. dig. lach. phos. pul. Heat, bell. mere. phos. sil. kr. ac. sep. clc. con. op. sul. Heavy feeling, bell. clc. nat-m plat. sep. Herpes, bry. sep. Hypopyon, sil. thj. hep. sul. - in infants, euph. sul. bell, clc. chm. die. mere. pul. Injuries, after, arn. ac. sul. chel. ru. clc. euph. sil. pul. Inverted, objects seem, bell. Iritis, mere, nat-m. bell. au. asa. spig- thj. Itching, sil. clc. sul. alu. pul. bar. ign. kli. mere, nat-m. - canthi, caus. bell. clc. ru. con sta. ly. pul. stro. Itching, lids, clc. sul. Keratitis, euph. sym. arn. sul. - diffuse, mere. ap. can. hep. sep. Lachrymal gland, affected, dc bell. chel. ar-n. pul. ru. sta - sac, swollen, stm. nat-m. Lachrymation, euph. ru. bell < pul. ac. alu. grph. ars. bry clc. nux. sta. hep. ign. Iac£ nat-m. phos. rhs. sul. thi arn. dig. kli-c. kr. ly. nat-a. pet. ph-a. sil. spio- Large, seem too, bell, spig caus T asa- SaJ- Larger, objects seem, hyo. nat-m phos. eph. lau. sta. verb Lids, ac. ars. bell, bry dc caus. chm. crc. dig. hep.' kr. ly. mere. nux. ph-a. pul rhs. sep. spig. sul. r - agglutinated, pul. nux. phos aln. ars. bry. ly. g^ cjc crb. caus. chm. mere. spig. sul. bar. bell. crc. dig. euph hep. mng. nat-m. plb. ft ru. sep. sil. sta. thj. - bulging, pus beneath, ]v - closing, spasmodic, bell str crc. hyo. sep. hep. chm. ars mere, nat-m. phos. sta. sul - contraction, ag. an-t. im cth. Ciff. - dryness, ac. rhs. ver ahi bry. crb. eye. eph. grp^ pet. pul. sars. sul. - enlarged, seem, kli. - everted, bell. mere, pul.^-, - heaviness, nux. chin. sep. sp - herpes, bry. rhs. sep. ' '1 - indurated, sta. spig. thj. bry ran-s. ' 7 - inflamed, ac. bell. ars. hep. chm. pul. ign. nux. sep. sul bry. clc. spig. caus. rhs. dig externally, ac. hep. bell. internally, ac. ars. bell. hep. mere. nux. phos. pul. lower, ars. bry. clc. dig. mere, nat-m. rhs. ru. sen. upper, alu. bry. clc. caus. crc. hep. phos. pul. rhs. sep spig, sta. sul. 68 EYES. ~ . i Lids, oedema, ap. clc. rhs. phelgmonous, hep. mere. lach. margins, clc. euph. hep. grph. kli-c. - opening, difficult, sep. mere. bell. ac. clc. phos. spig. chm -paralyzed, seem, gel. sep. spig. ver. bell, nit-a. str. zn --red, chm. ac. bell. ly. nux. ars. clc. -- rough, kli. - spasms, bell. sil. hyo. crc. hep. chm. cocc. mere, nat-m ru. sta. vio-o.O<zM.-UuA, •- spots, red, cam. sil. - stiff, rhs. spig. ver. - swollen, sul. mere. bell. ars. pul. clc. arn. rhs. ac. nux. sul. bry. chm. dig. ign. kli. kr. ru. str. thj. val. - tubercles, sta. clc. au. bry. ran-s. thj. - ulcerated, euph. clc. spig. sta ly. clch. pul. crc. sil. nux. ign. led. nat-m. rhs. str. Lie down, pains oblige one to, mere. ars. Light, caused by, nux. clc. euph ars. ly. ac. mag-m. mng. ■- relieves, am-m. - artificial, euph. pul. sep. ru. drs. mere. lach. - day-light, nux. grph. mere, sep. ph-a. con. drs. euph. hep. sil. sul. a-c"' - sun's rays, bell. euph. asa. bry. ign. sul. tUv. a«x, i^r Looking at near objects, mag-m - sideways, bar. mag-m. - steadily, crb. mere. ru. plat. - down, relieves, bar. - up, when, sab. ars. pul. sars Loss of fluids, after, chin, cin an. clc. nat-m. nux. sul. Lower lids, sen. ru. clc. bry. ars. mere, col, sep. dig. rhs Luminous spots and colors, spig. clc. nat-m. sil. ammc. bell. bor. cam. chi. hyo. kli nux. pul. val. - vibrations, grph. chm. ly. ther. ammc. caus. io. led. nux. pet. sta. tart. Meibomian glands, dig. pul. Menstrual derangement, with, sep. pul. plat. bell. au. cic. cocc. con. mag-c. nat-m. nux. phos. rhs. str. sul. Morning, early, clc. grph. nux sul. ac. am-m. crb. euph. ign. nat-m. nit-a. pet. phos - in bed, bry. bell. rho. Moving the eyes, when, chin, ars. sul. bry. chm. arn. hep bell. clc. nux. led. nat-m. Muscae volitantes, sep. phos. nat-a. ac. ag. bell. chin, sil Nervous pains in eyes, spig. bell. hyo. chin. ph-a. at night, ars. hyo. sep. crc euph. hep. ign. nux. ac. chm. chin. kli. ly. mere, nat-m. nit-a. sta. sul. Night-blindness, bell. mere, ver. hyo. str. pul. ar-n. Obscuration of sight, nat-m. phos. clc. nux. cic. sil. bry. grph. ly. str. Onanism, by, cin. Open air, worse in, bry. clc. ly. pul. sil. asa. bell. ru. Ophthalmia, ac. bell. euph. clc mere. caus. chm. hep. ars. hep. ign. lach. nux. phos. pul. rhs. sep. spig. sul. an-t arn. chin. col. dig. die. eph grph. ly. nat-c. pet. ph-a. sil. sul-a. thj. val. - acute, ac. bell. chm. die. euph ign. mere. nux. pul. - chronic, euph. sil. hep. nit-a. ars. clc. phos. ly. spig. alu. bor. lach. thj. Orbits, spig. bell. chin. bov. clc plat. hyo. val. - margin, arn. Pale, objects seem, drs. sil. pet. Pellicle over eyes, as if, dap. Photomania, ac. bell. str. am-m. Photophobia, bell. grph. rhs J ph-a. ac. ars. hell.' hep. mere. phos. sil. sul. bar. con. euph. ign. nat-c. nux.J Pinching, crc. nit-a. Pressing, apart, asa. pru. ■- foot to ground, hep. EYES. 69 Pressure, bell. mere. bry. grph sep. sta. ly. clc. crb. chin, cup. ign. lach. nux. rhs. spig. sul. arn. bar. cin. pul. nit-a. ru. saba. ver. zn. -from above downwards, hell ol. -from within outwards, spig. cim. ign. ac. gaj. asa. bell, bry. led. can. cth. con. rhs. nux. pul. ran. sta. val. stitching, nat-c. sil. from without inwards, chin, ag. an. au. bis. clc. ph-a. stitching, bell. Protrusion of eyes, cac. ac. bell. sp. hyo. str. hep. agn. arn. ver. Pterygium, zn. ar-n. clc. ars. ^Ptosis, caus. gel. sep. zn. rhs. 'Pupils, adhering, clc. nit-a. - contracted, bell. sep. arn. cam chm. chin. cic. cocc. dig. led. mur-a. phos. pul. sil. sul. thj. ver. dilated, bell. op. clc. chin, hyo. cin. nit-a. cic. cocc. distorted, mere. bar. sul. immovable, op. bell. cup. hyo lau. nit-a. str. Pustules, mere. sep. Reading, by, ru. clc. sep. lach. sil. grph. cic. drs. - artificial light, clc. cin. mng mez. nux-m. Red as blood, thj. - objects seem, bell. con. crc. dig. hep. hyo. spig- stro. Redness, bell. ac. sep. an-t. phos. euph. bry. chm. mere spig. grph. nit-a. pul. sil. sp - bloody, ar-n. Rheumatic affections, spig. ac mere. sul. pul. ars. bry. Sand in eye, as if, pul. bell, bry. phos. clc. ign. sul. crb grph. chin. cin. 0^' from, sul. Sewing, by fine, ru. nat-m. bell. -- when, nat-m. ph-a. Sclerotitis, thj. kal. sil. pul. Scintillations see Fiery. Scraping, pul, ly. rhs. Scratching, dap. Scrofulous affections, sul. clc. mere. ars. bell. die. ign. nux. bar. caus. cle. fer. hep phos. pul. rhs. Scurfs, mere. sep. sp. Shadows, before eyes, sen. Shaking head, when, pul. Short-sighted, ph-a. con. ly. nit-a. pet. phos. ru. pul. Smaller, objects seem, hyo. plat str. Smarting, clc. euph. io? ly. nat-m. nux. sul. Smoky, as if, bry. Sore, as if, arn. crb. sep. cre./S Smarting. /3zt , Sparkling eyes, bell. 17y0. Op' str. bry. ac. Spasm, hep. mere. hyo. chm. sta. ere. nat-m. sil. (€4^ 7 Spectacles, intolerable^^.. ~~ Splinter, pain as from, sil. Spots before eyes, sep. kli-c. sil am.m. clc. caus. mere, an Squinting, bell. hyo. alu.' puf Staring look, str. hyo. ph-a' bell. ars. asa. cup. kli-c.' cic. cocc. dig. hep. ign. Stiffness, clc. rhs. spig. Stinging, ars. con. bell, mere clc. pul. ly. col. grph. sen.' sep. spig. ver. bry. dig. euph. hep. nit-a. Stooping, when, drs. ip. sen. val. - blindness, grph. nat-m. when rising from, hep. Streaks, sees, con. ammc. sep. nat-m. bell. pul. Stye, pul. con. sul. fer. sen. grph. sep. rhs. sta. - upper lid, caus. ph-a. alu. •- lower lid, rhs. sen. phos. Suppressed secretions, after chin. eph. hep. ly. pul. sil. Suppuration, euph. cans. kr. nit-a. bro. bell. bry. grph. . hep. mere. pul. sul. Swelling, ac. bell. bry. clc. euph. gaj. mere. pul. rhs. Syphilitic affections, nit-a. au. mere, thj. 70 EYES. Tearing, bry. zn. sen. ars. bell, nux. Tension, sul-a. ly. Thread, as if drawn through, mur-a. Touched, when, bell. hep. chin sul. hell. - relieves, bry. Trichiasis, pul. mere. Turning eyes, when, rhs. spig. ac. sep. cup. pul. ly. Twilight, in, am-m. nat-m. pul. sul-a. - relieves, phos. - blindness, bell. Twitching, clc. nux. bell. crc. caus. io. kr. Ulcerated lids, euph. sul. cle. Spig- Ulcerative pain, drs. kli-c. nit-a. Ulcers, cornea, euph. mere, sul. ars. clc. hep. sil. lach. Upper lids, bry. ign. ly. nux. arn. nit-a. Vanishing of sight, see Obs- curation. Varicose swellings, pul. crb. plb. Waking, on, bell. bry. pul. amb. hell, kli-c. nux. Walking, when, cic. nat-m. sep. - in open air, con. Warm room, worse in, ar-n. Warts, on brow, caus. thj. nit-a Wind blowing upon eyes, sense of, flu. C-urt - caused by, phqs. asa. euph. nat-m. pul. • Winking, crc. euph. Wipe, constant desire to, pul. Writing, when, sep. sil. nat-m. Yellow, objects seem, bell. cth. chin. dig. mere. sep. -■ spots before eyes, ph-a. - gauze, kli. Yellowness of sclerotica, chin mere. dig. ars. bell. con. X. EARS. Auricle agglutinated to head, ol. Behind, ears, bar. clc. grph. hep. ly. mez. ol. pul. sep. Blisters, mep. Blowing nose, when, mng. - stoppage relieved by, mng. Boils, pic-a. sil. sul. - before and behind, bry. Bones, swollen, pul. behind, crb. Boring, bell. spig. au. sil. hell/ - behind, cup. -finger in, mez. Bruising pain, ru. arn. Burning, sng. kr. - inside, cth. jat. right ear, bro. - lobes, saba, nat-c. -frosted, as if, ag. Caries, mastoid, nit-a. sil. au. sta. Catarrh, mere. pul. sul. crb. sil. clc. phos. see Dis- charges. Cerumen, altered, clc. crb. con lach. sei. - black, pul. els. - blood-red, con. - deficient, clc. crb. - discharging, kli-c. ly. mere, nat-m. nit-a. phos. pul. -fetid, crb. caus. au. bov. hep zn. - hard, sei. - increased, con. sei. sen. sil. a thj. - like rotten paper, con. - liquid, am-m. mere. -■ moist, sil. - pale, lach. - papescent, lach. - spoiled, lach. con. - white, sep. lach. con. Closing of ears, as by some- thing in front, clc. nit-a. sul. asa. crb. cocc. led. spig frequently, clc. nit-a. sul. Cold, after a, pul. chm. chin, die. led. mere. sul. EARS. 71 Coldness, mere. ver. lach. plat kli-c. - right, left burning, nat-c. * •, - alternating with heat, ver. Cracking, during motion of jaws, clc. kli-c. grph. nit-a nat-m. pet. - swallowing, when, mng. Creeping, sam. clch. (k/a. Wk. Cutting pain, ars. drs. Dampness, ly. clc. pet. ol. grph. ar-n. see Eczema. - behind, ol. clc. grph. pet. ly. Deafness, catarrhal, pul. chm ac. mere. bell. led. hep. - after discharges, hep. lach. pul. led. bell. mere. exant hems, pul. sul. crb. phos. bell. mere. injuries, arn. quinine, clc. pul. . typhoid, arn. phos. ver. - congestive, bell. mere. pul. caus. grph. sul. phos. sil. - except for voices, ign. . from mercury, nit-a. sta. asa -paralytic, caus. phos. bell. pul. sil. sul. clc. grph. pet, ly. an. mere, nit-a. -periodical, spig. - relieved, when blowing nose, mere. sil. with a crack, sil. if ear-wax is removed, con when riding, grph. swallowing, mere. - sudden, gel. - tonsillitis, with, au. mere, sta. nit-a. Digging pain, see Boring. Discharges, mere. pul. sul. sil. clc. crb. nit-a. chm. con. - bloody, mere. pul. grph. rhs. phos. bry. cic. pet. -purulent, bor. sul. hep. mere pul. crb. au. sil. rhs. bell, bov. clc. grph. - slimy, mere. sul. pul. crb. phos. - suppressed, pul. bell. mere, bry. die. hep. lach. nux. Dragging, chm. bell. nux. drs. '■ pul. sul. arn. die. spig. rho Dryness, grph. pet. Dryness, sense of, phos. Eczema, hep. lach. ly. grph. pul. sul. behind, grph. hep. sta. ly. pul. Eruptions, clc. sil. cic. ol. bar. grph. - behind, ol. grph. bar. sep. clc pul. sta. - in front, cic. ol. ■- lobes teu. pul. tel. --pimple in concha, kr; - vesicular, tel. Erysipelas, pul. Exanthemata, sequela of, pul clch. rhs. men. bell. bry. Excoriation, behind, grph. Exostosis, pul. Fetor, grph. crb. au. hep. bov ol. -■ behind, ol. Fluttering, in, au. bell. clc. grph. pet. sil. spig. Foreign body in, as if, phos. Formication see Itching. Full-moon, during, sil. Fungous growths, mere. Glands, indurated, con. sil. - inflamed, mere. au. kli-c. rhs bell. clc. bro. chm. nux. crb - swollen, kli-c. rhs. mere. clc. bell. con. sil. bro. chm. nux Hard hearing, alternately with normal, au. bell. clc. coff. ly. sep. spig. Hearing, too sensitive, bell, ph-a. lach. ly. nat-a. sepi arm bry. au. coff. evening, kli-c. . ■ Heat, sng. kr. sab. AM, - one ear, alu. crb. ign. \ -• internal, clc. cth. Herpes on lobules, sep. teu. - behind, grph. ol. sep. -■ inside, kr. Hissing, grph. kr. teu. Humming, . am-m. con. bell, pul. grph. io. caus. hyo. Inflammation, external, pul. mere. bell. sul. - internal, bell. pul. mere, nux sul. bry. hep. ly. mag-c. sil - margins, sil. Insensible, mur-a. 72 EARS. Intermittents, after, clc. pul. sul. crb. Itching, pul. sul. ammc. rhs. an. bar. ly. - internally, cap. sep. nux. pul. ru. sam. rhe. •Jerkingpain, pul. rho. spig. pet. Menstrual suppression, after, pul. Mercury, after, see Deafness Music, annoys, ph-a. sep. bry. nit-a. Numbness, plat. 'Otalgia, plan. 44^ .PmI Otitis media, cap. bell. fer. pul mere. tel. clc. ter. - chronic, clc. sil. grph. thj. els. hep. sep. Plug, sense of, an. spig. Polypi, sng. clc. teu. sta. thj. Pulsations, clc. mag-m. spig. dig. phos. Pustule, in, ber. Pressing pain, outward, sil. con. kli-c. bell. mere. Quinine, after abuse of, clc. pul. crb. nux. sul. hep. Redness, pul. alu. - bluish, tel. -- one ear, alu. ign. crb. Reports, in, sil. mng. sta. grph kli-c. zn. nat-a. Rheumatic pains,' pul7 bell, mere. chin. Riding relieves, grph. Ringing, con. led. amb. sil. clc nit-a. Roaring, humming, buzzing, ac. au. bar. bell. bor. bry. crb. caus. chin. con. crc. ly mere, nit-m. nit-a. nux. op. pet. phos. pul. sep. Roughness, in, ol, Rush of blood, phos. Sensitive to music, ly. ph-a. chm. coff. sep. organ, ly. violin, vio-o. - noise, bell. ac. chm. coff. ly. nux. ign. arn. bry. plat, sep. clc. nat-m. spig.^ - speech, ars. phos. ver. Soreness, lach. mere. Soreness behind, grph. Speech seems indistinct, phoS. Stinging, nit-a. bell, kli-c. clc. mere. chm. pul. con. drs. nux. sul. chin. zn. nat-m. sta. ran. sil. spig. -from ■within, sp. con. kli-c. sil. Stoppage, pul. bry. sil. con. mere. ly. mng. compare Cerumen and Catarrh. Sulphur, after, pul. mere. Suppressed eruptions. see Deafness. Suppuration, ammc. crb. see Ulceration. Swollen, pul. sep. an. ly. sil. rhs. mere. - behind, cap. bry. erb-a. -front, bry. - lobule, nit-a. Tearing, chm. bell. pul. mere, sul. plat. arn. chin. zn. clch spig. con. nux. - as if torn out, bell. mere, pul Throbbing, nit-a. sil. clc. sep. mur-a. phos. sep. Thundering, rolling, clc. grph plat. Tingling, cans. bry. nux. bar. bell. pul. kli-c. clc. grph. chin, nat-m. ammc. sil. bor chel. pet. con. men. Tonsils, swollen, sta. au. nit-a. mere. Tumors, behind, clc. - in front, bry. - steatoma, nit-a. Tympanum relaxed, rhe. Typhus, after, phos. Ulceration, mere. pul. sp. ru. alu. kli-c. - left, cam. - right, bov. Voices, hears, chm. Warmth, aggravates,, mere. Water in, as if, sul. Weather, during change of, mng. Wen, on lobe, nit-a. Worm in, as if, rho. Writing, when, sep. XI. NOSE. Anosmia, see Loss of Smell. Beaten, pain as if, hep. bell. Blackness, merc.dJ^^ ffdf Black pores, sul. grph. nit-a. sab. sweaty, grph. Bleeding, see Epistaxis. Blueness of ala, hey. RBone pain, au. merc.A^.a Boring, nat-m. spig. sul. - with fingers, cin. ph-a. sei. " - ■-- until it bleeps, arum Icei < Bruised, as if, arn. bell. cic. hep. vio-o. Burning, cin. bell. pul. au-m. kli-c. - tip, crb a. - spot, io. Cancer, ars. sil. sul. au. clc. - epithelial, kr. Caries, au. mere. Coldness, ver. nux. arn. bell. internally, kli. when inhaling, an-t. Compression, ac. ver. Condylomata, nit-a. Convulsive motion {fan-lfie}, tt- ly. . I'daf. (Pfe- Copper color, ars. erb-a. ver. rhs. can. Cracking, sul. Cramp, plat. zn. - root, zn. arn. hyo. Crusts, grph. sul. bar. crb. sil. nat-m. -- nostrils, ly. clc. sul. lach. alu au. grph. chm. cic. cocc.A^e - beneath, bar. Cutting pain, io. Deadness, nat-m. Desquamation, cth. nat-c. erb-a. crt. - scaly, ars. au. Diggingpain, nat-c. Drawing, thj. rhe. Epistaxis, phos. rhs. crc. ac. arn. mere. bell. pul. chin, nux. sul. bry. sec. can. fer. ip. kr. sab. cin. nit-a. amb. -- alcoholic drinks, after, nux. ac. bell. bry. •- blowing, after, sp. ar. bar. Epistaxis, catarrh, - during, pul. ars. - evening, phos. fer. sul. an-t. drs. grph. - exertion, after, rhs. crb. arn. pul. bry. clc. sul. - exhaustion, chin. sec. crb. cin. fer. -face, p ale, crb. - - hot, grph. -fainting, with, clc. crc -followed by sore nostrils, bry sneezing, ind. ' - head, with congestion to, ac alu. bell. chin. con. crc. - headache, with, alu crb _dlc,ZL^^ a- 1 after, an-t. relieves, bf. - heated, after getting, thj - menses feeble, when,'pul, brv sec. sep. " profuse, ac. sab. clc. crc suppressed, bry. pul. ' - morning, in, ammc nit a * - night, rhs. - one nostril, crc. crb. - - right, kli. -plethoric persons, ac. -pregnancy, during, sep. -putrid fevers, arn. - singing, after, hep. - sleep, during, bry. mere. - stool, during, crb. phos.' - vertigo, with, erb-a. sul' - washing, when, ammc. a / A - weeping, after, nit-a. - worms, with, cin. mere. Eruptions, sul. grph. flu' au bar. sil. crb. sep. -■ at tip, cans. crb. - beneath, bar. sars. - bleeding on touch, mere. - burning, grph. nat-m. - herpes, nit-a. spig. -pimples, ammc. cap. cle. euph. kli-c. lach. pet. plb. filled with pus, cle. euph. plb. --pustules, bro. cle. crt. euph. flu. mere. pet. plb. - vesicles, mag-c. nit-a. plb. sil. 73 74 NOSE. Fetor, nit-a. phos. - urinous, grph. - putrid, grph. Freckles, sul. phos. Fulness, sense of, kli. -at root, gel. Hardness, thj. Heat, kli. nux. sng. Inflamed, bell. au. mere. sul. ars. - in nares, au. mere. sul. alu. lach. pul. ammc. clc. con. chronic, flu. Insensible, naf-m. Itching, cin. spig. bell. sei. -- alee. caus. sei. - in nares, nux. sei. - tip, caus. sil. Loss of smell, sil. bell. nux. sep. pul. caus. phos. sul. - catarrhal, nux. pul. hep. sul alu. clc. mez. nat-m. sep. - odors seem faint, bell, kli-c. nux. pul. - paralytic, nux. bell. hyo. plb op. sep. Mercury, after, au. hep. lach. sul. Numb feeling, asa. nat-m. plat sam. vio-o. Odors, illusory, brandy, of, au - blood, of, sil. nux. - burnt, as if, an. au. grph. nux. sul. horn, of, pul. sponge, of, an. - catarrh, of, pul. sul. grph. - chalk or lime, of, clc. - cheese, of, nux. - coffee, of, pul. - disgusting, cth. men. - eSSsi of spoiled, clc. men. -fetid, bell. phos. sep. au. mere, nit-a. - gunpowder, of, clc. - herring, of, agn. bell. - manure, of, an. clc. ver. -- musk, of, agn. -pitch, of, ars. con. - pus, of, sen. -putrid, of, bell. au. - smoke, of, sul. - snuffers, of, nux. - sour, alu. Odors, sulphur, of, nux. an. ars. clc. grph. - sweetish, au. - tallow, of, val. - tobacco, of, pul. - whiskey, of, au. Paleness, nat-m. - around nose, cin. Pains, nocturnal, bell. lach. - when pressed, am-m. sil. touched, hep. mere. bell. phos. bry. nit-a. Plugs, kli. sep. sil. Polypi, clc. sng. kli. phos. sep pul. sil. teu^^^ ^y-^ Putrid, discharge, au. - acrid, ars. arun. -- bloody, ar-n. ph-a. - green, kli. sep. nux. -yellow, pul. grph. mere. Redness, au. rhs. bell. clc. phos. can. mere. ■- alee, plb. - drunkards, clc. sul. ars. pul, hep.lach. ■- injury, after, arn. - margins, lach. - painful, mere. hep. bell. clc. sul. -- tip, clc. nit-a. erb-a. rhs. - warm weather, bell. - white pimples, with, nit-c. Red spots, ph-a. sil. Rhagades, an-t. - tip, erb-a. Scrofulous affections, clc. hep sul. au. mere. asa. pul. Sensitive to odors, bell. nux. sul. hep. ly. ac. cocc. phos. - acids, drs. - contact, to, am-m. au. sil. - eggs an^fat> deb. - garlic, saba. - nares, in, ag. ammc. -• syrup, sng. - tobacco smoke, bell. Soreness, flu. phos. nux. spig. ^"an-t. zn. ign. mez. lach. Spasms, in alee, amb. - painful, zn. plat. at root, arn. hyo. Splinter, as from, nit-a. Spots, yellow, sep. Stitches, au. bell, nit-a. spig. NOSE. 75 Stitches, tip, nit-a. Sweat, ru. Swollen, arn. mere. au. kli. bell. can. chel. - alee, lach. thj. - dorsum, ph-a. - one side, ere. zn. - tip, bor. clc. sep. sul. Syphilitic affections, au. mere, lach. nit-a. hep. thj. Tension, mere. ran. asa. - alee, thj. - bones, in, thj. - nares, in, grph. - root, at, men. Throbbing, kli. sil. Tickling, spig. zn. Tingling, arn. bor. - nares, in, an. cin. saba. - tip, rhe, mos. Tremulous sensation, chel. Ulceration, pul. sta. chm. sul. -- aloe, pul. - within nares, au. mere. clc. sul. asa. kli. ly. pul. tot--**. ... Ulcers, clc-p. Warmth, sense of, rhe. Warts, caus. Wrinkled, chm. Acne, bell. crb. hep. lach. - rosacea, crb. ars. kr. rhs. ru. ver. alu. clc. can. cic. eph. mez. phos. ph-a. sil. thj. Aged look, hey. Albumen, as if, on the skin, alu. mng. ph-a..sul-a. Altered features, ars. cam. op chin. ph-a. rhs. sp. str. ver. caus. chm. clch. hell. bell, bis. cth. grph. mere. ran. Aneurism by anastomosis, plat Apthae on lips, ip. Arthritis, lower jaw, caus/tXz Blackish face, chin. - around the mouth, ars. chin, ver. Black pores, nat-a. dig. drs. sul. grph. sab. hep. saba. - chin, drs. and upper lip, sul. ■- ulcerating, dig. Bloated, ars. nux. ac. bry. chm M chin. hyo. op. phos. sam. arn. crt. fer. ip. kli-c. pul. sil. spig. sp. sul. tart. around the eyes, ars. phos. fer. mere. pul. rhe. ru. sep - between eyes, ly- lids and eyebrows, kli-c. - over eyes, ly. sep. ru. - under the eyes, ars. phos. bry chm. nux. pul. - lower lip burns, mur-a. Blood-blisters {on lip}, nat-m. Blood-red face, hyo. Blue spots, fer. XII. FACE, LIPS, CHIN, AND JAWS. Blueish face, cup. lach. op. ac ars. bell. chm. ver. ang. dig. hyo. ign. sam. sp. sta. ag. ar-n. au. bry. cam. con hep. ly. tart. cin. - around, the mouth, cin. cup. Blue-red face, ac. ang. chm. lach. eup. pul. ars. au. bell bry. cam. con. hep. hyo. ign. ip. mere. sam. sp. ver. - -- bloated, op. mere. hep. Blue circles about eyes, sec. chin. phos. ars.*S*V-- Boils, led. alu. ammc. crb. mez mur-a. nit-a. sil. -forehead, sep. - chin, hep. Bones, inflamed, au. sta. - pain, hep. cap. merc-i-fl. touched, hep. - swelling, au. sil. temples, spig. Boring pain, mag-c. thj. - cheek, stro. -- corners mouth, mez. ■- lower jaw, saba. bov. • lip, cle. col. -■ upper lip, bro. mez. sul. Brown face, io. red/h^v', bry. op. sta. hyo. io. nit-a. sep. sul. crb. kr. sec. pul. str. ■- when angry, sta. Bruising/ain, ru. Burning pain, ars. rhs. bell. Gance", ars. sil. - lips, con. ars. cle. 76 FACE, LIPS, CHIN, AND JAWS. Cancer, from smoking, con. Caries, {lower jaw}, sil. mere. Change of color, ac. bell, chm cin. crc. ign. nux. ol. phos. plat. pul. spig. squill, sul-a. ver. ars. au. bov. crb-a. chin. fer. grph. hyo. kli-c. lau. led. mag-c. nat-a. op. ph-a. str. zn. alu. cap. Chewing {motion}, ac. bell, bry chm. lach. mos. ver^w^^ Cobweb, sense of, bar. bor. bro. grph. ran-s. Cold-feeling, plat. ly. rams. Coldness, hyo. ver. bis. cic. -painful, ly. - one side, pul. Congestion, str. Contortion, features of, ars. bellchm. sec. str. cam. grph lach. nux. ang. caus. cic. cup. ign. ip. ly. mere. op. plat. rhs. squill, ver. Crusta lactea, grph. rhs. clc. sul. ars. cic. ly. mere. sars. bar. bell. crb. die. sep. Dingy face, lach. sec. phos. compare Gray, Livid. Dark-red face, cam. ver. bar. •''I sec. op. gel. 73 Deathlike face, plb. Discolored spots, sec. Distorted face, cup. str. - lips, bell. op. sec. - one side, die. grph. duZ'k-Hy? Drawing pain in face, sep. ran - chin, caus. Dry lips, bry. am-c. tart. ign. chm. - and black, ac. phos. - tongue, ars. chm. lach. ly. phos. Drunkards, eruptions of, kr. lach. Earthy face, ars. chin. fer. crc. mere.. ly. nux. Emaciation, clc. fer. sei. sep. mez. Eruptions, ammc. an-t. bar. clc. crb. cic. grph. hep. kr. ly. nit-a. phos. rhs. sep. sul au. crt. die. ign. led. mag-m mur-a. nat-m. phos-a. sil. sta. ver. alu. amb. ars. bell Eruptions-continued. bov. bry. cth. crb-a. caus. chm. chel. con. lach. mere, mag-c. nat-c. nux. par. pet - around eyes, ars. hep. mere, sul. clc. con. ig. ol. pet. sil. - chin, an-t. grph. sil. ars, cic. hep. kr. lach. ly. mere, rhs sep. sul. am-m. crb-a. crb. cle. die. sars. comp. Men tagra. -forehead, clc. sep. rhs. upper, ly. ars. phy. - ■- lower, nat-m. ph-a. bry. - in spots, clc. mere, nat-a. - lips, am-c. sep. mur-a. clc. sil. scil. - moist, mere. die. cle. - pimples, mur-a. nit-a. - whiskers, clc. lach. nit-a. ■-yellow, euph. mere. Erysipelas, rhs. crt. lach. bell chm. grph. hep. pul. sep. sul. ac. ars. bry. cam. crb-a eph. mere. ru. sil. - vesicular, rhs. euph. ■- chronic, ter. Flushes, ly. grph. sep.Tu^vu- Freckels, an-t. ly. sul. alu. clc. die. grph. mur-a. pul. sep. Gray face, crb. lach. kli. kr. lau Greasy face, nat-m. plb. sei. thj./^la. Greenish face, ars. crb. ver. -- around eyes, ver. Hair falls out, eyebrows, kli. bell. ag. caus. hell. par. plb. sil. - whiskers, grph. nat-a. clc. ag. amb. nat-c. nit-a. plb. -• moustaches, kli. bar. plb. sei. Hardness {cheeks}, chm. mere. Heat, mere, chin. kli-c. cocc. con. pet. hep. ly. op. pul. sul. ver. ac. an-t. bell. can. chm. grph. lach. rhs. sep. an. arn. gra. mos. nat-a. - burning, arn. bell. bry. gra. plat. saba. ver. -flying, grph. ly. alu. amb. cocc. kli-c. phos. teu. thj. Heavy feeling in face, alu. FACE,' LIPS, CHIN, AND JAWS. 77 Herpes, die. nat m. rhs. bar. -**u^,,crb. chel. con. kr. lach. ly. 7..,^ phos-a. sep. sil. sul. OAut.jnf, - mouth, nat-m. - nose, rhs. snl. Hippocratic face, ars. chin phos. ph-a. crb. nux. sec. ver. chin. sta. see Sunken, Altered. Indurations, bell. con. sil. - sense of, eye. - glandular, face, bry. -- lower jaw, grph. Itching, clc. con. ly. nat-m. alu. chel. agn. amb ammc. an-t. bell. can. kli. lach. nux. ru. stro. Jaw, lower, dislocation, liable to, pet. sta. - caries, sil. - pain, caus. drs. grph. 3S- paralysis, ars. die. lach. ly. op. - stiffness, lach. -- swelling, ac. mere. sil. Leaden face, ars. lach. Lumps, see Induration. Left sided affections, lach. col. grph. sta. Lips affected, ars. bar. my. clc. hell, kli-c. kr. sep. sta. sul. nat-a. nat-m. par. rhs. bell. crb. caus. grph. - black, ars. chin. ac. rhs. ver. -^ytsquill. mere. f-bleeding, ign. mere. bry.crb-a - bloody blisters, nat-m. - blue, ly. ars. ar-n. caus. chin cup. phos. dig. - brown, ars. bry. ol. op. phos sta. - cancer, ars. sil. sul. bell. con. - chapped, ars. crb. chin. ign. mere, nat-m. nit-a. ver. squill, am-m. arn. cap. zn. - deadness, clc. - dry, bell. bry. chin. mere, phos. rhs. sul. ver. ac. ars. con. dig. ign. nux. sep. ' - eruption, ars. sul. bell. bry. clc. caus. hell. ign. rhs. sep sta. am-m. bov. kr. nux. - eversion, bell. mere. 7%^. - indurated, bell. sil. Lips, lower, lach. mur-a. pul. sep. alu. bor. ly. Inez. -pale, cans. fer. hyo. spig. - peeling off, alu. am-m. cth. nux. sep. - red, bar. bell. spig. ■- rhagades, full of, bry. crb-a. ign. mere, nat-m. ver. sil. -• sore, painful as if, ign. ip. ph-a. plat. saba, - scirrhous, see indurated. - sore, excoriated, ars. cth. cans. chm. cup. graph, ly. - stiff, eup. . /ul. , - swollen, ars. bell. clc. hep. nat-c. sil. sul. bov. bry. hell ff+eca. au-m. pul. rhs. sep. - upper, nat-m. nat-c. sul. ar$ ar-n. bov. mere.^.r*^ / - ulcerated, ars. bell. sil. sul. au. kli-c. nat-m. sep. Livid, face, ars. chin. fer. ly. mere. nux. bry. crb. crc. ip kr. lach. sam. ign. mos. Lockjaw, bell. cam. lach. op. mere. ver. arn. cans. hyo. ign. plat. sil. ang.C^it.. Looking, fatigued, chin. fer. phos. sta. ver. ars. ok ph-a - anxious, sp. bell. eup. tart. -■ confused, plb. str. zn. -• desperate, cth. -friendly, str. - out of humor, nrng-c. zn. - suffering, lach. pul. chin, clch. lact. - sad, clch. cup. -- timorous, str. Lupus, alu. ars. grph. mag-c. sta. - of the nose, sil. ars. sep. sta. sul. - extending to mouth, cis. Margins around eyes, ars. chin. nux. ol. ph-a. rhs. sul cocc. eup. ip. ly. saba. sec. sep. sta. ver. an. bis. lach. - - greenish, ver. -■ -yellow, spig. nit-a. nux. Mentagra, cic. sil. an-t. ars. grph. hep. sul. am-m. kr. mere. sars. sep. Mottled face, au. au-m. Morose expression, mag-c. 78 FACE, LIPS, CHIN, AND JAWS. Mouth, eruptions around, ars. kr. nat-m. rhs. sep. sta. bov bry. clc. aus. ign. sul. bell am-m. grph. mere. nux. sil •- bluish, cin. cup. - distorted, bell. ly. str. see Contortion. •- herpes, nat-m. -- open, bell. op. ars. pul. •-- red-skin, around, ign. ip. -yellowness, nux. sep. Mouth, ulcerated corners, bell, am-m. clc. caus. grph. ign. kr. mere, nat-m. sil. hep. sep. phos. zn. compare Lips ulcerated. • Muscular twitching, amb. arn. bell. can. chm. ign. io. ip. lach. ly. mere, mez, op. nux. phos. pul. ran-s. Nocturnal pains, con. led. mag-c. - -- lower jaw, sil. Numbness, cheeks, ol. mez. cap. asa. plat. - chin, asa. plat. - lips, nat-m. ol. eye. -■ about mouth, plat. Old, wrinkled* ar-n. clc. flu.<2*21. Pale face, chin. fer. hell, phos sec. sul. uftjp Paleness, arn. ars. bry. clc. crb. chin. fer. ign. ip. phos pul. rhs. sep. spig. stmTsul tart, ver. an. cam. cth. cic. dig. grph. hyo. 10. lach. lau mag-c. mag-m. nux. ph-a. Paralysis, {of facial muscles') caus. grph. op. - one side, ac. caus. grph. Peeling off, cth. phos. pul. rhs Perspiration, ver. sep. rhs. ars ly. pul. chm. - cheek on which one lies, ac. - clammy, chm. - cold, ver. dig. cam. rhs. -■ - does not lie, thj. ■-■ face only, ign. -■ - during sleep, pru. Pewter color, zn. Pimples, mur-a. nit-a. see Eruptions. Pointed appearance, ars. sta chin. nux. ph-a. rhs. ver. Pressing pain, ver. sta. - cheeks, mez. plat. ol. ar. bis cap. - chin, asa. Prosopalgia, col. con. drs. kli-c. nux. phos. plat. pul. rhs. spig. sta. ac. lach. mez mere. str. thj. ver. - arthritic, caus. - articulation of the jaw, men. - bone pain, mere. phos. spig. alu. ait. clc. caus. chin, con drs. hep. mez. nat-m. nux. sta. am-m. mag-c. nit-a. - boring, bell. bov. eph. mag-c plat. saba. thj. - bruised, as if, nat-a. kli. con sul-a. zn. - burning, bell. chm. rhs. sam grph. col. ign. spig. ver. -■ cold, caused by, phos. - contracting, stm. - contusive, sul-a. zn. - crampy, mez. plat. thj. - cutting, bell. rhs. sta. - digging, plat- col. - drawing, ars. kli-c. hep. sil. rhs. - evening, pul. phos. con. - inflammatory, mere. sta. ac. au. bar. -jerking, spig. nux. phos. - left side, col. grph. lach. non-. -■ lower jaw, caus. drs. grph. - nervous, bell. spig. str. chin, sta. - night, sil. con. led. mag-c. ■- numb, plat. -periodical, spig. - pressure, plat. spig. verb, sta rhs. ol. mez. ar. cap. mere. - pulling, sta. - pulsating, plat. - rheumatic, chin. - right side, spig. con. -- semi-lateral, nux. spig. con. col. phos. nat-m. plat. - stinging, rhs. mere. sta. col. ly. grph. ars. sil. sul. alu. - stupefying, plat. mez. cap. ol. verb.- - tearing, mere. spig. col. mez. phos. nux. hep. cup. alu. con. ammc. crb. chin. ly. Prosopalgia, teeth, in, sta. cup - tension, rhs. caus. phos. bar. au. nep. ver. verb. - throbbing, chm. plat. sta. arn mere. - tingling, plat. - torn, as if, phos. - with weeping, plat. - worse during eating, phos. ■ motion, spig. nat-m. phos. rest, plat. talking, phos. when touched, bry. hep. phos. drs. spig. mere. Purple lips, ars. bar. -face, ap. con. op. pul. - net like on chin, plat. Pustules, mere, nat-a. arn. Quivering lips, cast. lact. Rash, euph. chm. hep. lach. ver. Red spots, sul. sam. fer. bry. mere. au. ly. op. Redness, ac. bell. chm. ign. f-ux hep. ars. hyo. op. nux. chin mere. cocc. col. io. lach. sul ver. str. pul. die. rhs. ly. plat. scil. tart. bry. cap. - around mouth, ign. ip. - coppery, erb-a. rhs. ver. led. ru. ars. nux. •- cheeks, chm. nux. chin, mere stm. cap. ly. phos. clc. sam fer. can. io. kli-c. pul. str. sul. kr. lach. one, ign. bell. chm. nux. ac. arn. ver. sng. - circumscribed, ac. chin. fer. ly. phos. sam. clc. die. stm. io. str. kli-c. sul. kr. lach. pul. (see Red Cheeks.) - purple, bar. - scarlet, bell. Relaxed muscles, op. col. Right side, pain in face, spig. con. Rending (tearing} pains, nat-sf clch. ag. kli-i. bry. led. - cheek, mag-c. phos. set. ar. am-m. nat-s. -- chin, ag. -jaw, rat. ag. bell. mere. Risus sardonicus, bell, ran-s. sol-n. FACE, LIPS, CHIN, AND JAWS. ' Rough skin, grph. sul. ars. rhs sep. an. alu. - around, mouth, ars. an. - as if raw, grph. sul. Scirrhus, bell. sil. Scorbutis, kli. Scurfs, crusts, grph. die. sep. mere. ars. clc. alu. bar. bell - chin, grph. -forehead, mur-a. - lips, sep. Shining {greasy}, nat-m. sei. mag-c. plb. au. rhs. Sickly look, phos. chin. nux. sul. cin. cle. (see Pale, Sunken.) Slimy lips, kli-i. str. ziT. - inmorning, kli-i. Smarting as if by salt, can. Spasms, ign. bell. chm. ip. rhe pul. sil. - cheek, ang. plat. mez. - lips, amb. cans, kli-c. Spots, rhs. sul. fer. sil. ars. clc saba. sam. clch. ly. crb. Stunning pain, mez. plg|, verb Suffering {expression}, pul.lach Sunken face, sec. ars. chin. stm. ver. lach. nux.it*^^' - around eyes, sec. ars. phos. chin. sta. fer. ph-a. cam. ver. cup. lach. nux. sul. cic an. col. eye. drs. Suppuration, hs. Swelling of bones, aur. sil. spig. - of cheeks, bell. mere. pul. arn. lach. nux. sul. chm. kli-c. sep. phos. sta. - one cheek, chm. mere. bell, arn. nux. bry. sep. spig. •- face, bell. rhs. mere. arn. ly. nux. ars. str. sul. bar. lach. phos. ac. bry. chm. clch. col. hell, kli-c. sam. sep. au chin. crt. ip. pul. spig. sp. - glands, mere. clc. sul. bell, ars. bar. pet. die. ly. chin, con. nat-m. sta. kr. sil. sp. cocc. ammc. sul-a. a - lips, bell. bry. sul. arn. & :. - lower jaw, ang. - tipper lip, nat-m. ypr"> 79 80 FACE, LIPS, CHIN, AND JAWS. Sweat on face, crb. ver. pul. rhs. ign. mere. sp. ■- upper lip, ac. kli. nux. Syphilis (crusts), kli. Tenderness of skin, pul. Tension (skint), rhs. phos. bar. vio-t. vio-o. ph-a. Thickening (skin), bell, vio-t. Tingling, clch. rhs. ac. nux. sec. plat. Throbbing pain, arn. sta. - cheeks, in, mag-c. Tubercles, alu. mag-c. Ulcers, con. Veins, net work on chin, plat. - distended, fer. op. - red, lach. Vesicles, euph. rhs. cle. hep. yal. sul. - lips, nat-m. rho. mere. bloody, nat-m. Vesicles, - lips, white, hell. - corners mouth, sen. Warts, caus. sep. kli-c. die. Whiskers itch, clc. kli. Wrinkled face, clc. ly. sep. -forehead, ly. sep. hell. str. rhs. chm. rhe. - lips, am-c. Yellow face, sep. ly. chin. fer. bry. ars. kli-c. clc. ac. spig plb. ver. sul. arn. chm. ip. nux. nat-a. pet. phos. pul. sec. cth. con. grph. cocc. - around eyes, nat-a. spig.®^^« - spots, sep. fer. nat-c. clch. nux. - streak across cheeks and nose sep. - temples, caus. XIII. TEETH AND GUMS. Afternoon, in, mere. pul. nux lach. sul. Ah', cold, sil. nux. clc. sta. mos mere. relieves, pul. nux. sep. worse, mere. bell. sta. hyo sul. chin, nux-m. ■- open, bell. rhs. phos. nux. chin. pet. sul. con. sta. spig caus. relieves, hep. pul. bry. an-t. mag-m. stm. Arthritic see Rheumatic. Asleep, worse, ars. - relieves, mere. Bed, warmth of, mere. bell, pul. chm. ph-a. bry. phos. relieves, ly. nux. ammc. bry. Black coating, chin. P -k . turn, mere. plb. sep. squill. Bleeding gums, phos. mag-m. sep. crb. nux. sta. sul. bov. - when cleaning, kli-ch. - black blood, grph. - ■- coagulated, kr. Bloated face, spig. Bluish gums, ol. sab, - red, con, Bones of face involved, mere, nux. rhs. spig. sul. hyo. Boring, see Digging. Breaking of teeth, sta. lach. Bread, eating, erb-a. Bruised, as if, ign. ly. cans. Bubbling, ly. nit-a. spig. Burning, mere. sng. rhs.A»^-*-> Caries, sep. sil. - roots, mez. thj. Cheek bone, pain in, chenop. Chewing, when, mere. bry. sta nux. crb. ars. hyo. sul. ol. spig. ammc. ar-n. alu. Children, in, chm. ac. mere, bell. clc. sul. ■- teething, chm. bell. cle. ac. coff. ign. cin. fer. nux. sul. Chilliness, pul. mere. Cleaning teeth, -when, crb. grph lach. ly. ph-a. ru. sta. Coffee drinking, nux. chin, ign bell. mere. rhs. pul. coco. - worse from, ign. nux. chm. Coition, after, dap. Cold, air, by, mere. bell. bry. sta. nux. sul. - causes, ac. mere. pul. nux. ign. chm. die. rhs. hyo. sul chin. bell. coff. nux-m. TEETH AND GUMS. 81 Cold, drink, by, pul. mere. sta. sul. chm. nux. relieves, bry. clc. pul. ■- ears, lach. -feeling in teeth, ph-a. nit-a. sep. rhe. -finger5) hands, ars. - hand relieves, rhs. - in the, mere. ars. ph-a. clc mag-c. ag. ther. - relieves, nux. chm. pul. hep. mag-c. rho. - things cause, clc. mere. crb. chm. pul. spig. con. ar-n. - water, mere. nux. clc. bry. sul. grph. sep. an-t. sil. chm bor. pul. mur-a. sta. ttP/f-c. relieves, pul. touching with finger dipped in, chm. Coldness, ver. Congestion to head, ac. pul. chin. au. clc. hyo. - to teeth, ac. bell. mere. Constipation, mere. sta. Contractive pain, crb. Cough, sep. Cracks in gums, plat. Cramp-like pain, crb. chm. plat. an. Crawling, in gums, arn. - teeth, rhs. mur-a. Creaking of teeth when rubbed, sei. Creeping in gums, arn. - teeth, arn. rhs. ac. bar. Cutting pain in gums, par. - teeth, grph. ol. ran. - roots, chm. Damp air, in, nux-m. rhs. rho bar. Decayed, hollow teeth, kr. lach. mere. chin. sta. an-t. - suddenly, mez. - as soon as cut, kr. Dentition, difficult, clc. chm. ign. rhe. kr. Diarrhoea, chm. die. rhs. Digging, boring pain, bell, chm nux. pul. clc. eye. plat. sil. lau. nat-m. sul. Discolored gums, crb. mere, kli, Dislocated, pain as if, pru. nux. arn. mere. Draught of air, by, chin. bell, clc. sep. sul. Drawing pain, gums, ars. cap. nux. sta. in teeth, chm. sep. pul. ly sil. sta. sul. clc. crb. con. kr. lach. mez. Drinking, by, chm. rhs. Drowsiness, sul. Dry mouth, thirst, chin. -- thirstless, pul. Dull, teeth feel, mere. ph-a. die sul. ammc. mez. sul-a. cap. ly. nux-m. au. kli-c. nat-m phos. sep. sil. sta. Earache, bell. pul. Ears, as far as, bell. mere, pul sta. chm. bry. sul. kr. cle. rhs. nux. sei. sul. Early, in bed, mag-c. nux. kli-c lach. kr. Eating, after, bell. bry. nux. coff. sta. ign. chm. sul. ly. kli-c. lach. sil. sab. spig. - ■while, mere. phos. bell. bry. pul. sta. hep. sul. cans. sil. crb. au. kh-c. ly. mag-c. relieves, ph-a. rhs. ammc. nat-a. Elongated, as if, arn. chm. bell. bry. sul. ars. caus. mez. hyo. stm. alu. crb. Evening, worse, pul. mere, ign bell. sul. rhs. nux. an-t. bry sab. sars. alu. hep. sul-a. kli-c. mag-c. phos. - in bed, mere. sul. pul. an-t. mez. ammc. sab. nit-a. chm coff. nux-m. clc. Excresences, gums, sta. Exertion,mental, nux. bell, ign Exfoliation, of teeth, ar-n. sta. lach. Face, as far as, mere. nux. rhs hyo. Fainting, ver. Fetor, gums, grph. - teeth, clc. plb. kli-c. Fistula dentalis, sil. clc. sul. caus. nat-m. str. - incisors, cth. right bicuspid, flu, 82 TEETH AND GUMS. Fruit, eating, nat-c. Girls, in, ac. bell. clc. Gnawing pain, chm. pul. thj. crb. sta. kli-c. Grating the teeth, ars. bell, hyo ly. str. ver. - asleep, ars. in chair, an-t. Forenoon, pul. sul. crb. Gum boil, sil. clc. mere. caus. nat-m. sta. sul. Heavy, teeth feel, sep. ver. Head, as far as, bell. sta. nux. pul. mere. chm. hyo. ars. Headache, lach. thj. pul. ver. Heat of body, lach. sil. ver. Hollow, teeth become, kr. sta. sep. phos. plb. - teeth, ache, mere. sep. nux. an-t. pul. chin. sta. ac. bry chm. bell. coff. con. ph-a. sul. clc. bor. Hot face, chm. grph. stm. - head, ac. au. pul. hyo. Hysteric persons, ign. sep. Incisors ache, ag. clch. kli-c. nat-m. nux-m. rhs. sep. sul Inflamed gums, hep. sul. nux. sep. ammc. nat-m. sil. phos Inhaling, when, bell. nux. sta. hyo. nux-m. sil. caus. phos mere. sep. nat-m. Irritable mood, sep. alu. Itching gums, bell. mere. rho. - teeth, kli-c. lach. sp. zn. Jerking feet, mag.c. ■-fingers, mag-c. - toothache, spig. pul. sil. chm coff. nux. nit-a. cle. bell, bry. chin. hep. kr. rhs. Livid gums, mere. Loose teeth, mere. pul. caus. bry. ammc. nux. stm. alu. ars. crb. rhs. feel, mere. rhs. ammc. nux. caus. pul. sul. alu. stm crb. sta. arn. au. bar. bry. hep. ign. hyo. nux-m. sil. Lower teeth ache, ammc. au. bell. crb. caus. chm. chin, phos. rhs. sab. sta. - jaw paralized, nux-m. Lying, when, ign. cle. •- on painful side, ars. Lying on painful side relieves., bry. -painless side, bry. - relieves, bry. Menses, during, grph. clc. crb. sep. mag-c. amine, dim. Mercury, abuse of, crb. nit-a. hep. sta. sul. Midnight, before, bry. - after, mere. sta. Moaning, with, nux. Morning, worse, mere. nux. ign. phos. sta. pul. bry. chin. sul. ars. kr. tart, lack Moving jaw, nux. chm. Mucus on teeth, mag-c. plb. io sei. - black, chin. - brown, sul. - mornings, io. -- offensive, mez. - yellow, io. plb. Nape of neck, pain, nux-m. Nausea, ver. Neck, as far as, nat-m. Nervous toothache, ac. coff. hyo. bell. spig. nux. ign. Night, at, pui. chm. mere, coff adff phos. bell. sil. sta. sul. bry. grph. chin. nux. ph-a. rhs. sab. mag-c. nux-m. spig. ol ars. cle. hep. pet. eye. clc. Noise, worse by, clc. ★fiknu'd Notching of teeth, lack? pIE7 Numb, teeth are, arn. chin, ign nat-m. pet. plat. CEsopaghus, pain to, nat-m. Painful gums, mere. pul. sta. hep. crb. ars. nux. - jaws, nux. thj. Pale/hr^, pul. spig. ars. Palpitations, spig. Picking teeth, bry. pul. - relieves, ammc. sars. by bleeding, bell. -- strong desire, sei. Pregnancy, sep. bell, mag-c. pul. nux. clc. rhs. sta. nyo. Pressing teeth together, hep. chin, nit-a. ammc. alu. relieves, coff. chin. ars. Pressure, gums, ars. sta. - teeth, ars. sep. crb. sta. caus. nux-m. arn. chin. grph. Prickling, gums, pul. Prosopalgia, spig. hyo. mag-c cle. Ptyalism, mere. bell. die. kli. Pulsations in body, sep. - gums, clc. - teeth, nat-s. Purple line, gums, plb. Pustules, gums, erb-a. pet. Putrid gums, bap. nux. ammc. nat-m. Reading, when, ign. nux. ^Receding, gums, mere. crb. ph-a. cis. sep. rhs. io. an-t. Red face, ac. bell. chm. --gums, nux. hep. sul. ammc. sep. nat-m. erb-a. sil. phos. Rending, see Tearing. Rest, increases, mag-c. - relieves, bry. Restlessness, coff. mag-c. Rheumatic toothache, ac. pul. chin. nux. sul. chm. sta. bell. caus. mere. ly. eye. rhs. arn. hep. sab. Riding, worse, clc. mag-c. Room, in, chm. sul. Roots ache, mere, mag-c. sep. ammc. pul. caus. zn. mez. Rubbing relieves, mere. Salt, by eating, crb. - relieves, mag-c. Scorbutic gums, crb. nat-m. cap. sta. sul. mere. nux. ammc. sep. nit-a. mur-a. sil Semilateral pains, chm. pul. rhs. mere. nux. spig. ign. Sensitive gums, sta. crb. ars. clc. nux. -persons, coff. ac. ign. bell, hyo. nux. spig. - teeth, nat-m. mag. Shifting/aZwj, pul. grph. io. hep. nit-a. Shocks in teeth, bar. spig. bell sep. clc. mere. sul. Sitting, worse, pul. rhs. Sleeplessness, sil. Smooth, teeth grow, phos. sei. Soft, teeth feel, alu. caus. ign. ly. nit-a. nux-m. Softened gums, io. ter. Sordes, hyo. io. sul. ly. plb. arn. mez. alu. chm. nat-c. TEETH AND GUMS. 83 Sore, painful, bell. nux. thj. zn. rhs. crb. grph. sil. sep. ign. lach. sta. - buccal cavity, rho. - gums, mere. Sour tilings, by, ar-n. Spirits, by, ign. nux. ac. Spongy gums, mere. crb. nit-a sta. sul. die. cap. bry. caus ammc. nat-m. sep. ars. kr. kli-c. lach. mur-a. Sticking together, as if, zn. Stiff neck, with, ly. Stinging, see Stitching. Stitching, in gums, pul. - teeth, sep. mere. caus. pul. sul. chm. grph. bell. eye. phos. nux. con. clc. bar. mez. nux-m. sil. rhs. Stretched, nerve seems, pul. col. Sucking teeth, when, ammc. bell. crb. kli-c. nit-a. nux-m - relieves, cle. Supuration, gums, mere. crb. sul. caus. nat-m. sta. Sweat, for ehead, cold, ver. Sweets, by, nat-c. Swelling, gums, clc. bell. ac. hep. mere, chin. nux. sul. caus. ph-a. sta. chm. grph. cis. sep. rhs. phos. ammc. bor. nit-a. phos. sil. around stzimps, sul. nightly, au. mere. painful, nux. sul. -face, chm. mere. ver. - lips, bov. nat-c. -periosteum, sil. Submaxillary glands, chm. sta. sep. mere. crb. nux. Talking, worse, sep. - of others, bry. ars. Tea, by, ign. thj. Tearing, in gums, chin. teu. ars. ly. sars. - teeth, bell. mere. pul. cup. sta. lach. sil. rhs. nux. hyd chin. ag. crb. mur-a. rho. sam. dap. phos. sep. sul. Tender, see Sensitive. Tensive pain, am-m. Thinking, when, nux. Thirst, bell. chin. ver. 84 TEETH AND GUMS. Thirst, dry mouth, chin. throat, bell. Throbbing in gums, sul. •- teeth, ac. bell. chin. spig. sep hyo. sul. pul. kli-c. caus. mag-c. nat-m. nit-a. plat. Thunderstorm, rho. Tingling in gums, arn. - teeth, rhs. mur-a. Tobacco, by, bry. chin. ign. -- relieves, mere, nat-c. Tubercles, gums, clc. ph-a. sta caus. thj. Ulcerated gums, mere. clc. sta crb. sul-a. ly. kli-c. nat-m. - roots, alu. Ulcerative pain, teeth, grph. caus. ly. arn. bell. am-m. Vesicles on gums, nat-m. • bleeding, mag-c. - - burning, mez. bell. Waking, on, bell. nux. crb. Walking, open air, nux. relieves, bov. Wandering see Shifting. Warm drinks, by, mere, chm pul. nux. agn. drs. ■- •- relieve, ly. nux-m. sul. - food, by, bell. bry. pul. chm coff. phos. crb. sil. clc. bar. relieves, nux-m. sul., - room, in, pul. hep. chm. sul phos. Warmth, external, chm. hep. nux-m. -- ■- relieves, mere. nux. rhs. ars. sul. nux-m. kli-c. sul-a Washing, cold, by, mere. clc. sul. Weakness, with, ver. cle. Whining mood, coff. White gums, mere, sta. crb. nit-a. Whole row of teeth, in, mere, sta. chm. rhs. Wind, in, pul. ac. rhs. grph. sil. Wine, by, ign. nux. Women, in, sep. pul. bell. ac. hyo. chm. coff. spig. ign. Yellow teeth, ph-a. ly. nit-a. XIV. TONGUE AND MOUTH. Apthae, bor. sul-a. mere. nux. - easily bleeding, bor. , Atrophy of tongue, mur-a. Biting tongue, liable to, lach. - - asleep, when, ph-a. • • -* - talking or chewing, when, caus. ign. pet. Black tongue, lach. ars. nux. ver. chin. rhs. rh-n%e.. •- coated, see Coating. Blisters, sul. hell. phos. nux. chm. mere. crb. nat-c. clc. - palate, clc. nux. spig. - tongue, hell, nat-m. grph. zn scil. thj. ammc. crb. spig. Blood spitting, fer. phos. ac. chin, arn? sul-a. nit-a. led. - clotted, cth. . , Blue tongue, ars. dig. . - mouth, mere. Brown coated, see Coating. Burning, ver. saba. lach. chm. mez. «... .-palate, lach. cam. ran. sil. Burning, ■- tongue, ph-a. caus. lach. ac.' acr coff. sen.z^.azwjk,' tip, kli-c. eye. nat-c.^»4-^.^ as front pepper, teu. Burnt, palate, sep. >j - tongue, plat. saba. dap. tip, lact. merc-s. fan. Caries of palate, au, mere. sil. lach. Coating on tongue, an-t. mere, rhs. bry. nux. chm. pul. chin. ip. bell. arn. ign. pul sil. sul. tart, ph os. sep. - black, chin. mere. phos. - brown, sil. bell. sab. - bluish-white, gym. - dirty, bry. ly. ol. - gray, amb. pul. tart. arv- green, mag-c. rho ~ - slimy, mere. pul. sul. chin. bell. nux. die. sec. dig. - thick, saba. mere. lach. chm. kli. bry. phos. bell. chin. Coating, w^Z/^/dig. chin. arn. pul. bell. mere. nux. chm. - yellow, col. bry. ip. ver. pul. chm. nux. chin. kli. Cold tongue, bell, ver-^^4/ tip, cup. Contraction, spasmodic, ofy mouth, clc. root of tongue, hyo. Cracked tongue, bell. sul. ver. nux. chm. bar. pul. chin. middle, tip, lach. Cramp of tongue, bor. Cutting in palate, hell. - tongue, bor. Dark-red tongue, bry. Dirty tongtie, see Coating. Discolored tongue, sec. Distorted mouth when talking, cans. Dry mouth, ac. bell. ars. rhs. bry. sul-a. ly. -palate, crb. clc. eye. str. hell sam. .Cd^r. ■- tongue, ac. ars. coff. nux-m. Enlarged, tongue feels, pul. J3a^i-pet. Excrescences in mouth, sta. Fetid, see Odor. Flabby tongue, kr. Fissures on tongue, rap./SwA^ Froth in mouth, hyo. bell. str. ign. can. lau. cup. ver. ag. - bloody, sec. str. - greenish, sec. - red, bell. Gangrene, sul-a. ars. - tongue, ars. sec. Glued up, mouth as if, mur-a. Greasy tongue, ir. Hemorrhage, bell. chin. led. arn. cth. drs. mere. Hair on tongue, as if, nat-m. kli sil. Hairy sensation in mouth, ther. Hard tongue, mere. bar. Heat inmouth, chm. nat-m. crb bro. cle. - palate, cam. die. - tongue, bell. Heavy tongue, bell.plb. mur-a. clch. 'f^, TONGUE AND MOUTH. Indented, tongue, by teeth, Inflamed mouth', ac. bell, mere --palate, clc. mere. lach. au. nux. chin. - tongue, ac. bell. mere. lach. arn. - velum, bell. ac. coff. Itching palate, fer. . Qty - tongue, alu. sul. tip, die. Jerking in tongue, cast. Lumps, tongue, mag-c. under, amb. Mercury, from, au. lach. bell, bar-m. Moving tongue difficult, bell, ly an. mere. clc. see Rigid. Mucus, accumulates, ph-a. bell pul. cans. str. phos. lach. mere. ign. hep. sil. chin, grph. scil. mag-c. - - sense of, eye. Numb, stro. kli-c. bov. - tongue, nat-m. clch. amb. one side, nat-m. Odor from mouth, mere. sil. rhs ars. bell. sul. arn. sil. an. au. pet. grph. erb-a. spig. bry. stm. cam. amb. nux. -• cadaverous, nit-a. - cheesy, au. - earthy, mng. - eating, after, sul. - evening, pul. - garlic, of, pet. . - horse-radish, of, ag. - mercurial, bar-m. ' -- morning, arn. bell, sil. sul. nux. - night, pul. sul. - pitch, of, cth. - putrid, arn. nit-a. mere, ly? <M*pul. grph. - sour, sul. - urinous, grph. Paleness of mucus membrane, eup. Paralysis of tongue, cans, lach euph. bell. grph. nux-m. Peeling of palate, par. f' - tongue, ran-s.' Pimples in mouth, die. - tongue, nux. 85 86 TONGUE AND MOUTH. Saliva, tenacious, ar-n. bell. - thick, nux-m. covo. - viscid, kr. pul. mag-m.A^4bi - watery, kr. pul. mag-m.721*^ - white, ran. -yellow, kli. rhs. gel. t Shining tongue, lach. Skin on tongue, sense of, rhs. Soft tongue, kli. Sore palate, mez. nit-a. lach. nux. - tongue, mere. sil. nux. lach. ph os. crb. ag. - velum, ph-a. Spasm of tongue, chm. Speech, defective, euph. caus. str. bell. lach. nux. mere, op. sul. bov. die. .sec. ver. - difficult, die. lach. str. euph. nux. au. single words, lach. ■-- dumb, bell. hyo. caus. lau. op. die. str. - hurried, bell. lach. hep. ars. mere. - indistinct, caus. bry. ly. -• nasal, bell. ph-a. ly. lach. - slow, ars. sec. - stammering, euph. bell. str. caus. bov. mere. op/'^-*'"''' Stinging in palate, sta. - tongue, nit-a. ac. Stomacace, cap. mere. nux. hell. erb.i^T**- -from cold, die. Suppuration, see Ulceration. Swollen (palate, nux. ap. clc. mere. - tongue, mere. lach. ars. kli-c hell. bell. ph-a. - - one side, clc. lach. sil. - velum, bell. lach. coff. Tingling in mouth, zn. - tongue, ac. sec. zn. Tubercles on tongue, ly. Ulcers on palate, mere. au. kli nux. lach. frenum, ag. Kef* -1 dhafg - velum, ph-a. Ulcerated tongue, mere. cth. ar-n. Vesicles in mouth, rho. mag-c cap. amb. sta. -palate, cle. nat-s. b-fc Protruding, tongue, lach. crt. mere. ap. STuc, Ptyalism, mere, nit-a. die. hep chin. eph. op. sul. bell, hell drs. clch. alu. clc. cth. io. Purple blotches in mouth, plb. - tongue, rap. f Pustules on palate, phos. - tongue, mur-a. Ranula, mere. thj. sta. - gelatinous, mez. nit-a. bluish-red, thj. Raw tongue, kli. gel. (eft side, jac. Red tongue, hyo. chm. rhs. ars stm. bell. . margins, nux. bell. -■ - spots, rap. -- -- tip, rhs. apg, Rigid tongue, lach. euph. Roughness of palate, mez. mag-c. - tongue, sul. papilla erect, ol. crc. Saliva accumulates, phos. nux. pul. ars. ac. sep. sul. bell, clc. mere. lach. chin, nit-a. hep. rhs. an. crb. ly. sen. *■- astringent, par. fa*- acrid, mere. ver. Oru^d;/kc-e - bitter, ars. thj. sul. -■ bloody, nit-a. mere, mag-c. nux. sul. hyo.^*^ - cool, asa. cis. - cottony, pul, nux-m. ' - brown, bis. - diminished, ac. ■- fetid, dig. merc.'^^*<- && -frothy, cth. spig. bry. plb. sul. - hot, dap. - metallic, zn. bis. . - musty, kli. led. - oily, cub. ojul/ . - quality changed, mere. sul. bis. hyo. dig. pul. sab. bry. ars. nit-a. plb. nux. rhs. thj. cth. egn. cam. ar. bell. - red, sab. - salt, sul. * - sour, clc. ign. . ■- slimy, cam. Tt-ei? - soapy, bry. '■'Uad-.^d.^ - sweetish, pul. dig. plb. sab. PHARYNX AND CESOPHAGUS. 87 Vesicles, tongue, am-m. ar. zn. grph. crb. chm. sp. nat-m. White tongue, sep. pul. nux. Withered tongue, kr. Wrinkled palate, phos. bor. Yellow spot sin mouth, ly. lach XV. PHARYNX AND (ESOPHAGUS. Aggravations, early morning, amine. nat-c. clc-p. on waking, lach. cans, clc-p. grph. nat-c. ■-■ blowing nose, crb. - brandy, rhs. - cold air, mere. nux. cis. - empty swallowing, lach. mere - evening, pul. alu. mag-m. sul-a. nat-m. - night, mur-a. mere. pet. cam am-m. - putting out tongue, kli. - talking, ign. die. caus. ar. ly stm. cic. - warm drink, alu. ZivcZ.. food, sul. sil. alu. Abcess, see Ulceration. -- tonsils, small, frequent,pain- ful, plb. Acute sore throat, ac. bell, mere. hep. ign. pul. rhs. - worse evening, pul. alu. sul-a nat-m. mag-m. in wind, con. . Adhesion, sense of, nit-a. Alternating with stoppage of nose, lach. Aneurisms by anastomosis, kli Ball, rising of a, ly. plb. Blood oozes out, kli. Boring, ar. Breath, worse when drawing, ar. hep. Bruised, as if, rhs. - when touched, cic. ^Burning, ars. mere. rhs. nit-a. it/MHach. alu. crb. sen. pul. nux - and stinging, ap. - lessened by sugar, not by water, bell. - (esophagus, kli. sng. nux. Catarrhal sore throat, bell, pul mere. nux. sul. chm. Choking, strangling, phyt. bell ar-n. kr. cth. Chronic sore throat, hep. lach. bar. sul. alu. clc. sta. crb. sep. mng. nux. Cold air aggravates, nux. mere - caused, bell. mere. die. ac. chm. lach. nux. coff. ign. -feeling, ver. lau.Ca^-^. Constriction, bell. str. nux.# alu. cap. sen. ign. ars. ly. - oesophagus, ars. chin. Tinf. Contact aggravates, lach. bell, teu. Contraction, clc. chel. ver. - sense of, bell. arun. alu. sul. ign. cap. plat.^A^hd^ee/,^, Copper-red, kli. Cough causes pain, hep. crb. Crawling in oesophagus, plb. Crumb, as from a, lach. drs. Cuticle, uvula, as if, ars. am-c. Cutting, nat-c. mng. Deglutition aggravates, lach. ign. bell. hyo. str. bry. ac. ly. rhs. cans. drs. nux. tart - drinks return by nose, lach> bell. mere. sil. au. - hot fluids, cannot, phyt. - impeded, cth. lach. mere, bell hyo. str. ac. ly. chm. ars. - impossible, ap. - noisy, cup. lau. - painful, bell. mere. lach. hep bry. pul. rhs. - see Swallowing. - worse during, lach. bell. pul. mere. hep. phos. rhs. sul. bry. cocc. sep. thj. sta. between, ign. nux. sp. cap zn. stm. mez. amb. Diphtheria, merc-cy. sul-a. ly. lach. phy. kli. apis. bap. ars. nit-a. erb-a. ai. cth. - left tonsil, lach./ ? -patches on arches, ap. merc-i-r uvula, kli. 88 PHARYNX AND (ESOPHAGUS. Diphtheria, right tonsil, ly. Distension, oesophagus, sense of op. hyp. ver. Drawing, see Tearing. Dryness, ac. bell. sul. ign. UTphos. sng. nux. mere. sta. chm. clc. pul. sen. rhs bry. ■- crack, as if membranes wotild sng. - day and night, phos. - drinking does not relieve, sng - morning, Icn. pet. am-c. bov sars. ■- mucus abundant, but, pet. - night, phe. cinna. •-painful, lach. mere. - sense of, ly. bry. nux-m. rhs. - thirst, ars. kr. cup. ■ without, cal. ap. mens. - with cough, sen. Dust, as if from, cis. mere. Ears, pain extends to, lach. hep X mere. bell. (daJU.t. t-c, * Erysipelatous, mere. ap. Gangrene, crb. lach. ars. ammc Glandular swelling, bell, mere sep. sul. lach. die. bar. hep Gums swollen, alu. lach. Gurgling when drinking, cup. Jau' Soln. r±lair, sense of a, sil. sul. kli. ars Hawking, sep. phos. ly. kli-c. lach. con. nat-m. rhs. ar-n. mag-m. pet. sen. - constant, arum, nat-c. - does not raise mucus, caus. ■-• with choking, amb. Heat, chm. lau. fer. - - night, cinna. Inflamed (esophagus, cocc. sng ■- tonsils, ac. bell. mere. hep. lach. bar. ly. cth. nit-a. phos. nux. pul. sta. ■- uvula, coff. bell. nux. mere, pul. nat-m. crb. •- velum, ac. coff. mere. bell. . lach. ph-a. nat-m. Injuries, consequences, ac. cic. mere. ign. chm. bell, nit-a. sul-a. con. pul. lach. Itching, spig. sam. ' ..c - periodical, cis. Larynx involved, hep. ac. sp. drs. io. phos. crb. five- Mercury, consequences, lach. thj. hep. nit-a. bell. Mucus accumulates, cap. sen. MrTphos. sul. pul. bell. con. sta alu. clc. ign. kli-c. nux. ly. - bitter, arn. cis. tar. - bloody, sep. flu. ly. - expectorated easily, crb. -frothy, bry. - gelatinous, kli. hyd. ber. .- gray, amb. - green, ars. drs. - lumpy, cep. - mouldy, teu. ■-■ posterior nares, nit-a. thj. euph. zn. - profuse, arum. io. kli. - putrid, ang. - red, thj. - salty, ars. mere, nat-s. phos. sul. ther. - slimy, mere. - soapy, arum. - sour, mag-s. lau. phos. tar. - tenacious, bor. kli-c. eye. pul gra. merc-i-fl. sen. am-m. - thick, mag-c. nux. bry. - tough, pul. sen. mag-c. ph-a. ran. tab. - viscid, ph-a. - white, mag-c. spig. rap. nux. - yellow, kli. rmx. sil. nux. drs •Nares, returned by, food, sil. - - drinks, bell. lach. mere. Nitrate of Silver, after, nat-m TRvacPo feeling, mag-s. (Esophagus, cocc. ars. sng. crb. ■-paralysis, plb. nux-m. Paralysis of deglutition, gel. kli. sec. ap. cam. Plug, sense of, ign. lach. chm. nux. pul. nit-a. nat-m. sul. bell. saba. sep. grph. caus. Pressure, mere, nit-a. cam. alu phos. sep. hep. bry. sul. - worse from, lach. bell. Pulsation, rhs. Rasping, smarting, phos. bar. mur-a. mere. Rawness, mur-a. mag-m. '^.xy Redness, brownish, ly. - burning, io. - dark, ar-n. PHARYNX AND CESOPHAGUS. 89 Redness, puffed and pale, kli. ■-purple, lach. - see Inflamed. - tonsils, bell. ac. chm. pul. nit-a. kli. - uvula, bell. pul. kli. d - varicoses, with, pul. Retro-pharyngeal abcess, sil. hep. bap. Rigid throat, lach. chel. Risings tn oesophagus, asa. - cold, caus. hot, phos. mere. Roughness, scraping, phos. caus. alu. pul. ac. sul. grph con. saba. ars. sta. amb. kli Saliva flows freely, mere, lach , sul. bell. phos. chin. alu. nit-a. rhs. ac. pul. nux. Salt aggravates, drs. Scraping, see Roughness and Hawking. Secretion, see Mucus. Sleeping, worse after, lach. Small spot, affected, lach. Smarting, teu. mez. bar. Sobbing, euph. Softness, sense of, cis. oreness, alu. nit-a. grph. mere. amb. ph-a. mez. ar. - without thirst, pul. Spasm in throat, bell. str. ign. nux. plat. zn. cap. sen. ar-n nat-m. saba. plat. ars. clc. crb. cocc. con. lau. ver. (esophagus, ar-n. str. plat, con. bell. ■-- - palpitations, col. Splinter, as from, nit-a. ar-n. hep., ac. kli. sil. ai^ Hoff Squeezing in oesophagus, alu. Stinging, ac. ign. nit-a. bell, hep. sul. mere. ly. str. bry. nat-m. pul. drs. clc. of**- -■ tonsils, bell. mere, nit-a. Straining caused, clc. ham.arn Stricture, bell. sul. alu. clc. nat-m. pul. drs. Suffocation, bell. hep. Suppuration, see Ulceration. Swallow, desire to, bell. lach. phos. mere. ly. pul. sta. chm. sen. cap. ign. kli-c. -food gets in larynx, kli-c. - imagines cannot, hydroph. ir-pain between shoulders, rhs/a* - painless inability, ctb. - red-hot iron ball, as from, bell. asa. phyt. - suffocation, danger of, bell. Swollen, see Tonsils, Uvula, Inflamed. Syphilitic throat, mere, nit-a. thj. kli. au. lach. Tearing, drawing, io. ammc. ly. ars. zn. teu. - off, sense of, rhs. cans. Tickling, lach. nat-c./or \ - crumb, as from, lach. drs.^«*< Tingling, sen. crb. lach. Tonsils, bell. mere. lach. cth. hep. ammc. chm. nit-a. ly. nux. sta. ign. thj. - indurated, ign. bar. -- suppurating, cth. bell. - swollen, left, lach. ap. bar. right, iy- phyt- SP- bell. Tumors, lach. Twisting, sense, op. hyp. Ulceration, mere. lach. bell, hep. ly. cth. ar. sep. bar. Ulcers, nit-a. lach. mere. kli. ly. alu. sta. bor. ign. clc. nux. sng. io. - chancre-like, ly. kr. - discharging cheesy lumps, kli - glistening, lac-c. - scarlatinous, - - tonsils, mere. ly. lach. ign. au. thj. - velum, crc. Uvula, bell. mere. nux. coff. pul. nat-m. crb. clc. ■-purple, lach. - too long, coff. bro. clc. crc. Varicoses, coll. ham. crb. pul. Velum, coff. mere. ac. bell, lach. ph-a. nat-m. Wart-like excresences, ar-n. XVI. DESIRES AND AVERSIONS. Appetite alternating with an- orexia, alu. lach. - breakfast-time, at, ammc. kli sen. eye. - evening in, grph. arn. - hunger, chin. rhs. nat-m. sil. hell. nux. clc. bry. ign. op. canine, lach. ol. ■- increased, chin. mere. sul. ly nat-m. sep. pet. clc. sil. sta cin. bry. nux-m. - lost, pul. an-t. hep. ars. sul. chin. nux. plat. ammc. bry. eye. sng. rhs. sep. pet. bell an. clc. scil. tart. sil. ign. arn. ac. nit-a. - sudden, when eating, io. caus ly. rhe. plat. - thirst, with, clc. ammc. spig nat-c. zn. phos, Aversion to acids, cocc. pul.S^4 - freer, chin. bell. nux. chm. sng - brandy, ign. , /24a-t. « - bread, kh-c. sul. pul. chin, p. W* nat-m. rhs. ph-a. ly. nit-a. rye, nat-m. ly. nux. and butter, sng. eye. 'a.- broth, grph. arn. - butter, mere. crb. chin. - cheese, chel. ol. coffee, nux. nat-c. rhs. bry. 'x nat-m. bell. -■ cold things, eye. CgLt-f water, str. bell. chin. nux. -■ drinks, cth. str. hyo. bell, ign. cup. cocc. nux. nat-m. lach mere. chin. - eggs, fer. • -fat, pul. nat-m. crb. bry. pet hell. Cf fUU. . -fish, g?ph. zn. , - fruit, bar.jL^ meat, pul. sul. mur-a. nit-a. rhs. sep. ly. ign. sil. pet. saba. mere. crb. - - milk, ign. cin. sep. nat-c. clc" bry. pul. bell. sul. sil. crb. ■c mother's, mere. sil. cin. , - pork, clch. . f^ry. - potatoes, thj.U& , APPETITE AND TASTE. Aversion to puddings, phos. ars. - salt, sei. grph. - snuff, spig. - soup, rhs. chm. arn. <3^ - sour things, fer. sul. bell, cocc - - krout, hell. - sweets, caus. grph. sul.^^--^ - smoking, pul. ign'. clc. nux-j. crb. nux. nat-m. - veal, z.n. ■ - vegetables, mag-c. hell. -■ warm food, sil. ign. bell. clc. ly. grph. - - cannot eat or drink any- thing hot, fer. - wine, lach. ign. ffi Desire for apples, alo.cu^-^ - beer, sul. ac. caus. pet. nux. mere. nat-c.X<v&A. - bitter things, dig. nat-m. - brandy, lach. hep. sul. ars. sep. chin. op. nux. selS/i^. - bread, ars. plb. stro. CZ^.. M - chalk, lime, clay, nit-a. nux. clc. hep. ign.oAi.Jifl^,.-^ - charcoal, cic. con. - cheese, ar-n. - cherries, chin. - coffee, crb. au. con. ars. bry. ang. (Un, Oof., - cold food, ver -^f»drink, ars. die. chm. ver. CA^clc. bov. ol. pul. scil. plb.r^ water, ac. ars. scil. clc. • pul. chin. - cucumbers, an-t. ver. <*-A'*o - - dainties, nat-c. chin. ip./^»- -fat', nux. nit-a. . -flour, things made of, saba. f -fruit, sul-a. ver. - herring, nit-a. ver. - honey, saba, see Sweets. ^U.indefinite, bry. ip. chin. sng. ^^pul. Kat . SU. -juicy things, ph-a. 3' -■ lemonade, sab. - milk, saba. mere. sta. sil. ars rhs. bov. ,6»A'* • - oysters, lach. ap. rns. 90 DESIRES AND AVERSIONS. 91 Desire for onions, cub. dtfa - oranges, cub. - pastry, plb. -pickles, hep. sta. -pungent things, hep. sng. - rags, alu. - raw potatoes, clc. - refreshing things, ph-a^^ - rice, dry, alu.T^*^-. - salt, mep. Cad-u. - smoked things, caus. l^-iaur - sourkrout, chm. - sour, ac. sul. arn. chin. scil. an-t. pul. ars. ver. bor. ign. - starch, nit-a. alu. bry. phos. sep. hep. chm. - sugar, ly. kli-c. ammc. ip. - sweets, chin, kli-c. ly. ip. ammc. - tea grounds, alu. - uneatable things, bry. t- vegetables, mag-c. alu. aon , - vinegar, arn. 'hlefi - Water, ac. ars. scil. clc. chin, plb. saba. cap. zn. pul. - whiskey, ars. lach. sei. spig. - wine, sta. clc. sep. cic. lach. \ bry. ac. hep. / Food tastes dull, rho. - - bitter, chin. nux. bry. col. *c«' chm. pul. sab. cam. stm. - - bread, asa.tele. f. Uni. t2k, - butter, pul. coffee, sab.<!Zv>^ meat, pul. cam. milk, pul. isfd , tobacco, cocc. ' wine, pul. fed > dry, ru. kv bread, ph-a. rhs. earthy, chin.T.^.ZU.^*^.. fiali insipid, chin. str. clc - beeff ip. 4^ ~ metallic, ammc tobacco, kli. nauseous, scil. putrid, mos. igma^Xw. »- beer, flu. . meat, pul. flu. salt, crb. %c 4^4. sour, tar. nux. clc. pul. chin. ^'<4 • . "3^ • ■ beer, pul. bread, bell, id.. „ , Food tastes sour, butter, pul. - - milk, nux. sweetish, pul.'^vvi butter, sng. p <Z./t -. - - tobacco, kli. . Hunger, ly. nux. lach. chin, sul pul. sep. grph. bry. clc. ign sil. cin. bell. crb. pet. - after beer, nux. » eating, phos. cin. ly.Cl**K.Ai - canine, io. chin. saba, cin.^ spig. sul. hyo. phos. con.®' ly. clc. mere. sta. ver. sil. hep. kli-c. op. rhs. - constant, mere. bov. - deficient, phos. alu. -- evening, ign. -false, sen. au. - gnawing, io. lach. •-• immoderate, sul. grph. crb. . gaj.Iy. -- insatiable, bell. mere. - morning, an-t. clc. saba. - night, chin. sei. bry. . - voracious, cin. ver. chin, sep mere. Indigestion, sul. clc. an. mere nux-m. crb. grph. nit-a. ly. chin. zn. ign. bar. stm. Loathing, pul. an-t. nux. ip.o< ^Mach. bry. ac. mere. drs. sep chin. cocc. caus. ol. hep. ly ? -• after beer, nux. -- - eating, ip. -- when eating, eye. tart. Satiety, sudden, while eating, ign. mag-c. thj. eye. rho. nux. nat-m. con. Taste lost, pul. ly. bell. phos. sil. kr. am-m. nux. an. ver. hep. kli-c. clc. mag-m. alu. Taste altered, acrid, rhs. bro. - astringent mur-a. ar-n. - bad, mere. bry. pul. sep. nux kli-c. ars. clc. zn. nat-m. - bitter, nux. pul. mere. chm. arn. chin. ly. ammc. ars. sul. ac. sp. cal. bell, nat-m. ip. crb. nit-a. die. sta. bry. rhe. ver. lach. after eating, pul. ly. morning, bry. bar. ly. crb - bloody, ip. zn. sil. fer. kli-c. ammc. sab. nat-c. alu. 92 DESIRES AND AVERSIONS. Taste altered, cheesy, phos. •-■ coppery, cup. kli. - disgusting, saba. •-• earthy, chin. ip. ign. hep. nux-m. can.^-wi, -fetid, val. an. spig. 1 -greasy, pul. caus. rhs. ■- herby, nux. pul. ver. - insipid, ac. bell. chin. ign. pul. bry. nat-m. sta. pet. mag-m. cap. arn. - metallic, mere. nux. rhs. agn lach. ammc. clc. kli. cocc. - milky, au. . , * . t- musty, led. - oily, sil. mng. -pepper mint-like, ver -pungent, scil. ran. eye. pul. ■--pus-like, pul. , - rancid, amb. ip. --salt, mere. sep. ther. zn. ars crb. lach. pul. ly. phos. ver -- salt and sour, flu. cup. - slimy, dig. pul. nux. mere. .rhs. phos. ly. rhe. chm. pet - soapy, io. - sour, phos. sul. bell. nux. chin, kli-c. mere. pul. clc. am-m. lach. nat-m. ph-a. stm. sep. grph. '^ospoiled eggs, like, arn. pul. x- mere. nux. ac. bry. ver. pet ■ M rhs. nat-m. bell. sul. phos. - sweetish, chin. saba. mere. W plb. bell. phos. stm. dig. scil. ip. bry. nit-a. sul-a. Taste altered, tallow, like, val. . - wine, like, sen. Tastelessness of food or drinks cor. str. clch. kli. pul. bry.O ru. sen. vio-t. fer. staZ^^J Thirst, ac. ars. bell, nat-m. phos. mere. chm. sul. sp. ammc. sec. an. sil. chin, sep bar. scil. die. sul. clc. ver. str. ph-a. op. nit-a. nat-c. kli. ign. crb. au. mag-c. ol. - appetite lost, ammc. clc. spig nit-a. - aversion to drinking, with, bell. cth. hyo. str. nux. -- easily quenched, ars. - evening, thj. bov. mag-c. sep nat-m. zn. - lost, cam. hell. pul. sep. mng bell. chin. plat, nux-m. hsuL - morning, sep. drs. bry. - night, sul. bell. bry. clc. sil. rhs. nit-a. mag-c. - violent, bell. ars. ac. sil. chm mere. scil. ver. crb. nit-a. ph-a. sec. sp. die. chin. kli. Thirstlessness, gel. pul. sep. m. eye. bov. ap. sam. tab.£*» - in dropsy, ap. - with in clination to drink, ars Voraciousness, sep. zn. mur-a - eats often, cocc. but loses flesh, io. XVII. COMPLAINTS DURING AND.AFTER MEALS. Acids, see Sour food. Alcoholic drinks, from, nux. lach. ars. pul. hell. op. crb. sul. hyo. sil. clc. rho. ly. rhs. an-t. chin. ign. chel. mere, nux-m. sei. str. zn. Beer, from, nux. sul. pul. bell, rhs. sep. fer. coLCe^-oA"*'* - headache, rhs. bell, - hunger, nux. - loathing, mur-a. - nausea, ars. - rush of blood, sul. - vomiting, fer. mez. Brandy, from, nux. lach- ars' op. clc. ign. sul. Bread, from, sep. chin. sul. mere. caus. ph-a. bry. pul rhs. nat-m. bar. sta.<KvJ["-v - ernctations, bry. - nausea, zn. - sour taste, bell. - stomachache, zn. sul-a. - vomiting, nit-a. Butter, from, ars. crb. chin, hep. nit-a. pul. sep. Cabbage, from, ly. pul. bry. pet. chin. Chocolate, from, bry. caus. ly pul. Coffee, ign. chm. mere. cth. nux. cocc. - anguish, chm. nux. ign. - breathing., labored, chm. -- colic, chm. ign. nux. col. bell - cough, cap. - headache, nux. chm. - heartburn, clc-p. - hernia, as if, nux. ill-humor, clc-p. nausea, nux. sleeplessness, nux. •- stomachache, chm. nux. cocc. relieves, col. chm. - vertigo, clc-p. Deranged stomach, from over- eating, pul. ip. an-t. nux. arn. bry. crb. hep. • colic, pul. hep. nux. ■ diarrhoea, pul. ip. nux. coff. - -fever, bry. an-t. cap. -■ -flatulence, crb. chin. nux. pul. gastralgia, an-t. pul. ip. headache, bry. nux. pul. arn. crb. ip. ac. ~-■ rash, ip. bry. pul. Digestion weak, nux. sng. pul. sul. chin. lach. bry. hep. _ rhs. arn. crb. nat-m. mere. Drinking, after, ars. nux. fer. chin, sul-a. crb. nat-c. cth. mere. pul. bell, nat-m. sil. ■- bone pains, hell. - breathing, labored, nux. an. - chill, ars. chin. nux. cap. - cloudiness, cocc. - colic, ars. nux. sul. chin. rhs. nat-m. fer. ver. -'convulsions, bell. hyo. str. - diarrhoea, cap. -flatulence, nux. fer. chin, ver cocc. ■- headache, ac. - hiccough, ign. pul. bell. - hypochondria, pain in, nat-c. - nazisea, nux. teu. - vomiting, ars. fer. sil. pul. cin. ver. nux. arn. DURING AND AFTER MEALS. Eating, when, crb. grph. sep. phos. kli-c. pul. nat-m. hep ly. sil. anime, mit-a. cocc. bar. ph-a. ver. bor. nux. - bloat, c on. -■ chilliness, euph. ran. - colic, ars. - dizziness, amine, ol. ■- eructations, nat-c. --fainting, nux. - gulping tip food, phos. mere. - hot head, nux. -• nausea, pul. kli-c. ver. fer. crb. bar. - stomachache, sep. -■ - when swallowing, bar. - swfl crb. mt-a. nat-m. in face, nat-m. about head, nux. -■ thirst, ammc. - vertigo, ammc. sil. Eating, after, nux. hep. nat-m * chin. sul. ammc. kli. an. ars. lach. sep. ly- sil. clc. con. nit-a. zn. kli-c. phos. 7^ . -- anus, pain in, ly. - bone-pains, hell. -- chilliness, sul. tar. - colic, ars. caus. pet. col. sul. crb. bry. cic. io. pul. ign. nux. chel. phos. -■ diarrhoea, chin. fer. ars. lach ver. col. - distension, fulness, chin, lach grph. crb. kli-c. sil. phos. - drowsiness, nux. chin, phos.. lach. sil. pul. crb. nat-m. clc. nit-a. rhs. grph. ph-a.. eye. an. ere. - dullness of head, nux. - eructations, bry. sil. ars. pul. sul. bar. nat-m. nux. lach. clc. phos. mere. plat. sars. acrid, nux-m. - bitter, bry. chin. - -- empty, phos. nat-m. sul. ver. ran. -food, taste of, bry. ran. sil sul. thj. - - loud, clc. - -- sobbing, eye. - -- sour, crb. -face, hot, nux. red, ly. nux. siL 93 94 Eating, after, -flatulence, chin. sul. crb. pul. lach. nux.' - gulping up food, bry. lach. asa. ver. phos. - hands, hot, phos. ly. - head, hot, nux. ly. - headache, nux. crb. ly. rhs. chin. ars. sul. ammc. coif, kli-c. con. nat-c. - heartburn, nat-m. ammc. sil. con. - heat, phos. clc. nux. vio-t. - heaviness, lach. - hiccough, ver. mere. eye. hyo •- hypochondriasis, an. chin, nat-c. nux. .- ill-humored, kli-c. pul. - indolence, phos. chin. lach. nux. - loathing, nux. ip. - malaise, nux. chin, nux-m. - mouth, acid, sep. crb. sil. phos. - nausea, pul. nux. sul. sil. ver grph. nat-m. pet. phos. sep chm. mere. eye. rhs. ars. ■-pulse, irregular, nat-m. •- sadness, pul. - sore throat, lach. •- stomachache, chin. pul. nux. ars. sul. lach. kli. plat. bry. chm. ph-a. sil. bar. crb. cic sep. zn. mere. plb. - sweat, nit-a. sul-a. ■-■ --face, vio-t. chm. - vertigo, nux. pul. lach. nat-m sul. - vomiting, ars. nux. phos. fer sul. arn. sep. ip. lach. sil. dig. clc. hyo. pul. ver. stm. food, ars. phos. fer. nux. pul. lach. clc. - Water-brash, sul. sil. clc. - weak feeling, nit-a. chin. thj. sul. - weary feeling, nux-m. ph-a. from, pul. clch.^« .4*4 - nausea, clch. -■ vomiting, fer. Farinaceous food, from, sul. - diarrhoea, nat-s. Fat, from, pul. sul. crb. ip. chin, nat-m. sep. tar. eye. DURING AND AFTER MEALS. Pat, eructations, crb. - headache, pul. - heartburn, nat-c. - nausea, pul. crb-a. Pishj/rwz, crb-a. chin. --poisonous, cap. bell. crb. - spoiled, crb. chin. Plour, from, pul. bry. sul. Pood, flatulent, from, chin, bry crb. - raw, ru. Fruit, from, pul. ars. ver. bry. chin. sep. - diarrhoea, pul. ars. chin. - stomachache, bor. -- toothache, nat-c. Herrings, from, ly. flu. Ice, from, ars. pul. crb. bry. bell. nux. Indigestion, in coffee drinkers, nux. ign. cocc. pul. chm. - drunkards, nux. lach. crb. sul. ars. chin. pul. - emotions, after, nux. ign. bry chm. ph-a. - excesses, after, nux. sul. ph-a clc. - hypochrondriacpersons, nux. nat-c. sul. sta. con. ver. clc - hysteric persons, ign. sep. pul nux-m. bell. con. - injuries, after, arn. rhs. chel bry. - loss of fluids, after, chin, sul crb. nux. lach. ru. - mental exertion, after, nux. arn. pul. lach. ver. cocc. - mercury, after abuse, hep. au lach. crb. sul. - old people, cic. bar. chin, crb nux-m. nux. - overloaded stomach, an-t. pul ip. nux. ars. -pregnancy, during, ip. nux. sep. con. nat-c. pul. pet. - quinine, after, ip. fer. nux ver. ars. crb. pul. lach. - sedentary persons, nux. sul. - tea, causes, thj. fer. - watching, after, cocc. nux. crb. sng. Lemonade, from, sei. - nausea, relieves, eye. DURING AND AFTER MEALS. 95 Meat, from, pul. clch. clc. sep. fer. sil. tl 44- in • •- smell causes nausea, clch. Melons, from, zn. Milk, from, sul. bry. nux. clc. ly. nit-a. : - bloat, crb. con. - colic, bry. - diarrhoea, ly. sul. bry. - eructations, sul. -flatulence, crb. sul-a. - nausea, clc. - sour taste, nux. Mother's milk, from, sil. Onions, from, thj.aA<Xc.^W, Oysters, from, pul. ac. ly. Pastry, from, pul. Pepper, from, chin. ars. Pork, from, pul. clch. crb. drs. sep. Potatoes, from, alu. - colic, col. •- diarrhoea, col. Pungent food, cough, sul. Salt, from, crb. Smoking, pul. chin. nux. ign. sp. phos. sta. •-■ breathing, oppressed, tar. - colic, ign. bor. -- cough, pul. - debility, cle. hep. ■- eructations, sei. ■- headache, mag-c. an-t. •- heartburn, tar. sta. •- mouth, bitter, eph. -- nausea, phos. ign. --palpitations, phos. •- sweat, ign. - toothache, ign. chin. bry. - vertigo, zn. bov. sil. - vomiting, ip. Sour food, from, sta. hep. lach ac. nux. sep. sul. rhs. ars. crb. ph-a. nat-m. clc. - chest affected, bell. - chill, ver. - chronic consequences, clc. sep cans. - colic, sta. drs. -■ diarrhoea, sta. nux. an-t. bry -feverishness, lach. -flatulence, ph-a. crb. *- headache, bell. - heartburn, sng. nux. Sour food, rash, rhs. bell. scarlet, bell. rhs. - water brash, phos. Sourkraut, diarrhoea, from, pet. Spirits, see Alcoholic drinks. Strawberries, from, sep. ox-a,G Sweets, from, chm. ign. sei. mere. - eructations, sta. ph-a. - heartburn, zn. - vomiting, fer. ^e^from, chin. fer. sei. kli. ] coff. - eructations, ru. - headache, sei. - heartburn, kli. - stomachache, fer. Tobacco, from, ign. sta. gel. sp. eye. sep. an-t. ip. thj. - bitter taste, ign. asa. - colic, bor. - cough, sul-a. bro. drs. - diarrhoea, chm. pul. bro. relieves, col. - eructations, sei. - giddiness, bov. - headache, mag-c. an-t. - heartburn, sta. - hiccough, lach. amb. ru. - nausea, ign. euph. phos. ip. an-t. sei. - neuralgia, sep. - perspiration, ign. - vomiting, ip. Turnips, from, pul. bry. Veal, from, sep. ip. - headache, nit-c. Vegetables, from, cup. hell, bry. nat-c. ars. ver. Vinegar, from, crb. ac. ars. hep. sul. - colic, al. relieves, pul. asa. Water, causes, sul-a. mere, pul rhs. chin. ars. - colic, tar. - cough, sul-a. rhs. ars. - diarrhoea, relieves, phos. sep cans. ap. pul. bry. Wine, from, lach. nux. coff. op. clc. zn. ly. sil. crb. sul. - headache, nux. rho. sil. - vertigo, nat-c. XVIII. GASTRIC AILMENTS. Acidity, clc. pul. chin. nux. phos. sul. crb. arn. chm. ly kli-c. nit-a. stm. nat-m. fer. sul-a. ph-a. tart. pet. io. grph. ip. lach. bell. amb. Biliousness, mere. nux. chm. ac. sep. pul. ver. bry. chin, sul. cocc. ign. an-t. col. ars Chamomile, from, pul. nux. Children, in, bry. ip. mere, bell. pul. nux. sul. Coffee, from, chm. cap. - drinkers, in, nux. chm. ign cocc. mere. sul. Cold, from, ip. cocc. ■-from eating ices or fruit, ars. pul. crb. S^c. . Deranged from overeating, an-t pul. ip. nux. tart. bell. ars. Diarrhoea, with, ars. ip. ver. _ phos. lach. bell. tart. col. Drinking, after, ars. ver. pul. sil. bry. nux. arn. chin, fer rhs. chm. ac. Drunkards, in, ars. nux. op. crb. lach. Eating, after, ars. bry. clc. eye dig. lach. mere, nat-m. nux phos. pul. sil. sul. ver. crb. ammc. con. fer. hyo. ly. sep nit-a. zn. stm. pet. nat-c. kli-c. io. grph. chm. an. - during, pul. kli-c. mere. ver. fer. crb. dig. mag-m. sar. -- - relieves, sep. phos. saba. Emotions, chm. col. nux. bry. ac. Eructations, nat-m. crb. bry. an-t. nux. hep. con. arn. sul. thj. stm. verb. chin, alu ver. bell, kli-c. mere, mur-a sep. sta. pet. grph. caus. - bitter, nux. an-t. sep. chin, pul. arn. bell. ver. scil. gra mere, sul-a. thj. bry. burning, io. ph-a. cth. - constant, lach. sul. con. - empty, sul. con. bry. hep. crb nux. lach. caus. phos. sep. ver. ammc. bell. sta. mere, kli-c. nat-c. rhs. ru. sab. -fetid, sul. Eructations, -food, tasting of, pul. crb. sil. an-t. con. phos. ammc. chin amb. thj. nat-m. ly. chel. ■- greasy, crb. ■- ineffectual, phos. caus. con. amb. sul. crb. pul. - loud, belching, con. pet. - nauseous, sep. cin. -painful, phos. sep. pet. cocc. saba, crb-a. - putrid, mere. nux. - rancid, thj. - relieves, lach. - salt, sta. - sobbing, eye. - sour, sul-a. nat-m. chm. crb. alu. nux. ly. phos. amb. pul kli-c. ph-a. zn. io. asa. chin Eructations accompanied by breathing impeded, gra. - chest pain, zn. - colic, chm. - hawking, cup. - improvement, lach. - nausea, cocc. - stomachache, phos. - throat constricted, nux. caus. Eructations occurring, - drinking, after, tar. ars. mez - eating, when, nat-c. pet. ol. sar. after, nat-m. bry. chin, ars. crb. ver. phos. lach. mere. nux. sil. clc. thj. sul. fat, crb. meat, ru. - hysteric persons, ru. - milk, after, nat-m. sul. chin, zn. - morning, early, val. ere. - night, lach. sul. - smoking, sei. Evening, in, pul. phos. eye. an. sil. Pat, from, pul. crb-a. sep. drs. eye. thj. nit-a.^*4-^, ,1)^- Fluids, after loss of, chin. crb. ru. clc. nux. Heartburn, clc. sul-a. cap. nat-m. am-c. saba. zn. amb io. ly. crc. 96 Heartburn, continually, lob. ■-meals, during, mere. - sugar, from, zn. Heated, after getting, sil. bry. Heavy food, after, io. Hiccough, ign. ac. str. hyo. Cg-y nux. pul. stil. bov. bell, bry am-m. mag-m. nux-m. sep. coff. clc. ars. cup. mur-a. nit-a. ver. grph. merc.4^rf -painful, teu. - spasmodic, nux. str. bell. - violent, nux. ly. cic. Hiccough occurring, - breakfast, after, zn. - drinking, after, lach. - eating, while, mere. teu. -• - after, ver. hyo. eye. mere - evening, in, sil. - motion, causes, crb. - night, ars. - smoking, sng. lach. an-t. pul^ Loathing, gra. sen. rat. mag-c. sec. lau. asa. - beer, after, mur-a. nux. - meals, after, ip. sars. - night, rat. Mental effort, nux. arn. pul. sul. ver. crb. ip. Mercury, after, hep. crb. sul. chin. from, clc. sul. Morning, early in, dig. sul. sil. nux. grph. an. crb. arn. kr. bar. ly. phos. chm. lach. Mucous disorders, pul. sng. chin. mere. sul. cap. bell, ip. ver. rhs. Nausea, jp._aii.-t. nux. tart. sul. jgk-^ nat-m. hep. crb. sil. ver, ign. grph. an. caus. phos. sta. alu. arn. bell. bry. chin dig. lach. mere. ph-a. ru. sep. stm. sul-a. sec. nit-a. pet. kli. cup. amb. bar. kr. - afternoon, in, ran. •- air, in open, ang. bell. relieved, ly. - breakfast, after, chm. before, ip. - coffee, after, chm. cap. cold, effects of, cocc. GASTRIC AILMENTS. 97 Nausea, - constant, frequent, ip. nux. crb. sil. ly. nat-c. kli. ver. scil. mag-m. ph-a. - drinking, when, nux. - __ relieves, phos. - eating, after, nux. pul. sul. ver. sep. rhs. grph. phos. nat-m. eye. ars. chm. when, kli. ver. pul. fer. crb. cocc. relieves, sep. kli. phos. - eggs, odor of, clch. •- evening, in, pul. eye. - eyes, when closing, ther. -fat, causes, pul. erb-a. drs. sep. - - asfrom, eye. tar. - injuries, after, rhs. bry. arn pul. chel. - milk, from, l- morning, early, ip. nux. sil. an. ver. grph. crb. arn. dig kli. sep. phos. - motion, ars. pul. kli. erb-a. - noise, fright, ther. ign. - riding, from, cocc. pet. sul. nux-m. sep. sta. - spitting, when, led. - throat, felt in, ph-a. - walking, when, kli. in air, alu. - wine, from, an-t. Nausea accompanied by, - anguish, kli-c. ign. - backache, pul. - bitterness in mouth, bell. - chilliness, sng. pul. kr. - colic, pul. cup. - dyspnoea, sng. - ears, humming in, ac. - eructations, cocc. ac. spig. --face, pale, pul. - - gray, mag-m. hot, sng. red, ver. -fainting, ar-n. bov. ly. . - hunger, spig. mag-m. - loathing of food, with, bell, hell. lau. ■- lying down, when, ars. ph-a. - thirst, ver. - waley in mouth, flow of, pet, - A A 1 I 98 GASTRIC AILMENTS. Night, at, ars. rhs. sul. chin, phos. nux. ^.Pregnancy, during, ip. nux. .^IWcocc. sep. con. pul. ars. pet i'yrosis, see "Waterbrash. Regurgitation, food, crb. phos nux. lach. sul. ly. bry. tart, clc. grph. pul. sars. sul-a. zn. bell. ign. hep. mere. - acrid, can. ars. tart. - bitter, arn. sars. gra. nux. teu. - bloody, nux. ।-drinks, of, sul.hws, <£^4 -food, of digested, phos.' sul. ly. chm. bry. ign. lach. con thi. fer. nux. mag-m. cth. * green sub stance, ars. grph. - milk, of, ly. tart. - rancid, mere. - salty, sul-a. - slimy, arn. > - sour, phos. sul. grph. ly. nat-m. - sweetish, ac. plb. >■ - watery, plb. gra.CWc-^**.6nv, -yellow substance, cic. Regurgitation occurring, - drinking, after, mere. - -- milk, clc. crb. ly. ■- eating, lach. ver. bry. nux. sars. asa. fer. - night, cth. - stooping, when, cic. - walking, mag-m. Retching, ip. bell. nux. arn. stm. mere. plb. bry. asa. tart. op. saba. zn. nat-m. -- bread causes, chin, nit-a. Riding, swinging, cocc. pet. fer bor. clch. sil. ly. sul. Smoking, after, pul. nux. ip. sei. sta. ign. mere. Sour food causes, crb. ac. ars. hep. lach. sul. nat-m. Sweets, meic. zn. ac. Swinging, see Riding. Vomiting, ars. ip. pul. nux. ver. chm. arn. bry. sec. sep lach. mere. ly. caus. cin. bell. ign. kli. nat-m. nux-m sil. tart. sul.G y - acrid, ip - albuminous, ars. jat. ip. ver. Vomiting, - bilious, an-t. nux. chm. pul. ars. ac. chin. bry. sep. phos ip. cin. lach. ver. mere, drs coff. bell. ly. sul. col. ign. - black, ver. ars. chin. nux. ip. phos. clc. pet. sul. plb. stains, ar-n. -■ bloody, fer. ac. arn. phos. ip. pul. stm. ars. bell. clc. hyo. - bluish, cup. ■- brown, ars. bis. - drank, what has been, ars.-f T^jver. sil. hyo. phos. ip. cin. -foecal, op. plb. bry. sul. bell. -food, of, nux. phos. sul. ars. ip. pul. sil. sep. dig. cle. bry chm. sec. fer. grph. hyo. -frothy, ver. Text. - gelatinous, ip. - green, ars. ver. pul. lach. plb col. ac. pet. - milk, sam. set. -pitch-like, ip. - salt, io. sil.^muz-cru .Stif. - slimy, pul. die. bell. drs. sul. ip. ars. mere. an-t. chm. bor. cin. ign. gaj. cin. dig. - sour, chm. phos. pul. sul. (tote*- nux. ars. bell. chin. fer. tart, sul-a. caus. bor. ph-a. ■- sweetish, kr.^**^ •{hi? ft**-. - urinous, op. -^violent, cup. lach. ver. tart, ars. nux. bell. plb. io. mos. - watery, caus. drs. bry. bell, ip. jat. sul. - white, see Albuminous. - worms, cic. ac. -yellowish, ars. kli. Vomiting accompanied by - agony, ars. - anguish, sng. kli. - backache, pul. - chilliness, pul. ■- convulsions, op. cup. --diarrhoea, ars. ver. ip. bell. 1 phos. col. lach.^v^-c, - drowsiness, tart. - eructations, mur-a. nit-a. -fainting, clc. -foetid breath, ip. -face, pale, pul. GASTRIC AILMENTS. 99 Vomiting accompanied by ■- stomachache, ars. cup. nux. phos. ver. ip. dig. ac. op. - sweat, ip. kli. sul. cold, cam. o. - thirst, ip. - weakness, ver. ars. ip. Vomiting occurring, - drinking, after, chin. ver. ars. sil. fer. chm. bry. nux. - drunkards, ars. nux. lach. op. sul. - eating, after, ars. phos. nux. sul. pul. fer. dig. ac. sep. arn. ver. sil. hyo. ac. ip. • when, pul. rhs. - evening, pul. - morning, early, nux. lach. ars. drs. mos. - motion, after, ars. bry. nux. ver. ther.<^^<- - night, at, pul. ars. fer. phos. nux. sul. chin. sil. Vomiting occurring, - pregnancy, during, ip. nux. con. nat-m. pul. cocc. sep. nux -m. pet. ars. ver. - riding, swinging, cocc. pet . fer. ars. clch. - improper food, from, pul. ip. an-t. nux. bry. sul. - stooping, after, ip. - sucking, after, sil. - worms cause, cin. sul. mere, ac. pul. ip. nux. Waking, lach. Waterbrash, clc. sep. crb. pul sul. nux. ars. nit-a. rhs. nat-m. bar. ip. ly. bell. pet. - acids, after, phos. - alternate days, ly. .- drinking, after, sep. nit-a. - eating, after, sil. sul. - evening, in, eye. - morning, sul. - night, grph. crb. Wine, nux. an-t. pul. crb. Worms, cause, cin. sul. ac. pul mere. ip. nux. crb. lach. XIX. STOMACH. Aching, kli-c. ign. con. mere, bell. nux. sul. sep. Acrid feeling, hep. Adhesions, as from, hep. Alive in, sense of, crc. sng. Anguish, with, chm. nux. crb. spig. -from, ars. chm. cup. nux. ver. coff. sec. cic. str. Animal fluids, chin. crb. nux. Anxious feeling, jat. ars. sec. caus. str. Atony, of, bell. Backache, with, bor. Balancing, sense of, ph-a. Beaten, as if, euph. asa. Bending double, kal. -; - relieves, chm. Biting in, mos. str. Bitterness in, cup. - mouth, ly. Bloated, ars. kli. nux-m. Boring, nat-s. sep. ars. Breathing, see Dyspncea. Bruised, as if, nux. asa. Burning, ars. phos. cic. lach. nux. sep. cam. crb. sul. dig bry. cap. euph. zn. sec. cth mere. lau. nit-a. - causing hunger, grph. -- with vomiting, jat. Cancer, ly. phos. ars. con. Chagrin, chm. sta. Chilliness, with, pul. Choking, nux. Clawing, sul-a. cocc. erb-a. nux Coffee, from, nux. chm. ign. - relieves, chm. Cold feeling, phos. rhs. chin, cap. ars. sp. clch. lau. bar. - drinks relieve, phos. --from, crb. ly. caus. sul-a. Colic, with, cup. col. -■ with spasms in chest, sep. ver Constriction, nux. sul. nit-a. sep. alu. plat. phos. Corrosion, sense of, io. nux. Cramp, kli-c. an-t. grph. pul. nat-m. cic. hyo. caus. stm. Crawling in, lact. pul. 100 STOMACH. Crying, with, chm. Cutting, clc. nat-c. - towards spine, sep. Debility, clc-p. nat-m. saba. Despair, with, an-t. Diarrhoea, pul. stm. Distension, ly. rat. hell. -■ before eating, crc. - sense of, mng. Dragging in, sense of, mere A/ Drawing pain, bry. Drunkards, in, nux. sul. lach. crb. Dyspnoea, nux-m. phos. rhs. nux. _ Eat, must, grph. / Emotions, chm. col. nux. crb. ' Empty feeling, ign. ip. kid'Ll; Eructations, ars. stm. mag-c. - evening, pul. sep. ly. phos. crb. Extension, sense of, mng. Fermentation, in, crc. Flatulence, crb. lach. Fright, after, crb. Full feeling, kli-c. chin. nux. lach. kli. nux-m. dap. phos sul. dig. ly. pet. rhe. hell, gra. arn. bar. Fulness, sense of, arn. gra. ly. phos. eye. Bov. cast. hell, mos. nat-s. rhe. - as from undigested food, ko. Gangrene, kli. sec. Gastralgia, nux. crb. pul. ac. sul. cocc. bell. clc. stm. bis. ammc. bry. con. ign. ly. sep nat-c. sil. nux-m. mag-c. lach. grph. dap. chin. chm. caus. an-t. ar-n. cup. pet. -- coffee, from, chm. nux. ign. - drunkards, nux. crb. ■- emotions, from, chm. col. nux - hysteric persons, ign. gra. mag-c. -- loss of fluids, caused, chin, nux. crb. - menstrual derangements, cause, pul. ly. clc. cocc. profuse, clc. ly. scanty, pul. - portal congestion, nux. crb. .- salt, from, crb. Gastritis, bry. nux. ars. pul. ip ver. chel. bell. hyo. an-t. Griping, sil. phos. nux. pul. nat-m. sul-a. caus. clc. Groaning, moaning, with, nux. ars. Gurgling, flu. kli-i. an. lob. verb. mens. - when drinking, thj. cin. lau. cup. Heat, sense of, ars. sep. chin, of- - head, with, caus. Hunger, stm. Hypochondriasis, nux. nat-c. cocc. Hysteric persons, ign. cocc. nux. mag-c. Induration in, nux. con. bar. Inflammation, ac. cth. bry. nux. sng. ap. sec. Jumping, sensation of, crc. Lying-in women, in, chin. crb. cocc. Menstrual disturbance, with, pul. cocc. chm. nux. ly. Morning, early, nat-m. an. sta nux. Nausea, dig. ars. nux. crb. stm nat-m. sul. ip. mere. Night, at, phos: grph. nux. crb sul. chm. ar-n. Numb fingers, with, ly. Numbness, sense of, cast. Nursing women, in, crb. chin. Over-eating, causes, pul. bry. nux. an-t. crb. chin. Pain in chest, with, arn. sul. - stomach, clc. nux. arn. bry. ver. spig. of. Palpitations, with, nux. Periodical pain, ly. ign. hyo. Pressed upon, when, ly. bry. sil. nux. nat-m. pul. Pressing foot on ground, when, bry. Pressure, ly. nux. rhs. sep. bis nat-m. chm. sil. sul. phos. grph. crb. bell. hep. ign. gra. cic. mere. plat. ars. bar. clc. caus. die. ip. lach. fer. nat-c. plb. sta. rho. - stone, as from, nux. ign. chm lach. mere. sep. spig. Pulsation, see Throbbing. STOMACH. 101 DylorliS, hardness of, kr. Qualmishness, mag-c. feeling, ip. Restlessness, cth. Rolling, rumbling, phos. crc. verb. hell. caus. Sensitiveness to contact, sul. .of nux. bry. clc. ly. lach. hep. to pressure of clothing, ly. bry. nux. clc. sul. hep. spig Softening of, clc. kr. ver. Sore, pain as if, nux. bry. lach Spasms, ang. Stitching in, sep. rhs. nit-a. bry clc. kli-c. Straining, after, rhs. bry. arn. Stricture, as if, nux. phos. Swallowing, when, bar. Swelling of, sul. ly. clc. nat-m pet. hep. Swelling, sense of, bry. Throbbing, ol. pul. nux. asa.<* Idigg-c. 'hdf-v. 1 Touched, when, phos. sul. bar nux. ars. bry. clc. nat-c. spig. mere. cup. Twisting sensation, nat-m. Ulcerative pain, crb. nat-m. rhs. Violent pains, ars. ver. cup. phos. hell. lach. plb. ip. Vomiting, ip. ars. ver. nux. cup. phos. op. bry. pul. dig - relieves, hyo. Walking, while or after, sep. clc. phos. Water, as if full of, mil. phe. Weakness, sense of, ign. dig. Wrong step, when taking, bry XX. DIAPHRAGM, LIVER, AND SPLEEN. Abcess in liver, sil. lach. Aching in hypo., kli-c. nat-c. Anguish, sense of, in hypo., chm. ph-a. sta. Band around hypo., sense of, ly con. lach. Beaten, see Bruised. Biliary calculi, sil. clc. hep. chin. lach. Bloated, see Distension, and Swollen. Blood boils, hypo., nux-j. Boring pain, in hypo., sen. - liver, ammc. Breathing, when, bry. asa. sei. aga. ran-s. •- pain in liver, bry. sei. - spleen, aga. Bruised, sense of in hypo., ran. crb. cup. cocc. - liver, cle. crb. lact. - spleen, sars. Burning in hypo., mere. bry. ammc. bell. ac. - diaphragm, asa. - liver, stm. lach. kli-c. mere. - spleen, cean. sec. ign. bell. Calculi, see Biliary. Compression in diaphragm, op - liver, ars. Constriction in diaphragm, nux. asa. - hypo., dig. con. ac. Contact, from, bry. ly. sep. cle. mag-m. chin. - pain in liver, bry. sep. chin, crb. aga. Contraction in diaphragm, mez. asa. - hypo., nux. - liver, cth. Contusive pain in liver, kr. Cramp in diaphragm, ly. nat-m - hypo., zn. stm. ph-a. rho. ly. - liver, ph-a. - spleen, stm. Cutting in hypo., ang. zuvi. - liver, crb-a. lach. f ~ spleen, verb, fl Digging in hypo., teu. pul. clc. -• liver, saba. Distension, hypo., ign. bell. - liver, sil. - spleen, io. Drawing pain in hypo., clc. pul. teu.^cui^. c«w-.e. - liver, bry. nat-m. con. - -■ spleen, cup. sul. Dull pain in liver, chin. 102 DIAPHRAGM, LIVER, AND SPLEEN. Early morning, pain in liver, bry. sta. con. - spleen, am-m. Evening, pain in spleen, mag-c Flatus, pain in spleen from, mep. Fulness, sense of, in hypo., sul. ign. chm. - liver, kr. Gangrene, liver, sec. Gnawing in liver, ru. Gurgling, in hypo., ly. - spleen, verb. Hardness of hypo., bor. chin, bry. - liver, clc. nux. sul. ly. chin, mag-m. ars. sil. mere. cap. - spleen, cap. ars. cean. sul. agn. chin. ign. nux-m. Heat in liver, saba. Heaviness, sense of, in hypo., nux-m. sul-a. - liver, nux-m. ph-a. - spleen, sul. Hepatitis, see Inflammation. Hoop around hypo., as if, con. !y- Induration, see Hardness. Inflammation, diaphragm, - liver, chin. bry. mere. ac. bell. chm. lach nux. sul. nat-m. an. ly. pul. acute, ac. mere. bell. nux. lach. chm. sul. ■ chronic, nux. sul. ly. an. mag-m. cap. lau. sil. --spleen, chin. bry. sul. cap. ar. ign. arn. nux. acute, chin. ac. ars. bry. nux. chronic, sul. cap. ars. chin ign. mez. Insensibility in spleen, ars. Jerking pain in hypo., pul. Liver, affections, mag-m. ly. nat-c. au. sep. lach. sul. sil alu. lau. mere. amb. clc. cap. chin. grph. nat-m. pul nux. nux-m. see Inflam- mation. Lump, sense of, liver, tab. spleen, sul. Motion, during, mere. sep. zn. bry. ran. ang. Motion, pain in liver, mere, bry. nux. ang. spleen, ran. Oppression in hypo., nux. Painfulness of hypo., mere, chin. hyo. kli-c. - liver, nux. mere. chin. - spleen, nat-m. Perspiration, see Sweat. Pinching in hypo., ip. --liver, ly. nat-m. Pressing asunder in hypo., clc. Pressure in diaphragm, vio-t. - hypo, kli-c. an. chin. sul. zn. - liver, crb. sul. ac. dig. nux. sep. kr. •- spleen, stm. nat-c. nit-a. sul. bov. ign. - causes pain in liver, saba, sei -- -- spleen, ign. Prickling in spleen, ru. Pulsation, see Throbbing. Quinine, abuse of^wca. sul. cap ars. clc. lach. pul. Rending, see Tearing. Rheumatoid pains in liver, mep. Riding when, pain in liver, sep spleen, bor. lach. Rumbling in spleen, verb. Scraping sensation in liver, saba. Sensitiveness in hypo., chin mere. hyo. kli-c. - liver, chin. nux. mere. - spleen, nat-m. Shocks in hypo., stm. nux. - liver, ere. val. Sitting, when, pain in liver, . am-m. ru. Softening of liver, kli. lach. Sore pain in liver, crb. ly. arm - spleen, asa. ran. Spasm of diaphragm, stm. bell Spasmodic pain, diaphragm,, ly- - hypo., stm. ph-a. mur-a. - liver, ph-a. zn. - spleen, stm. Spleen, affections, arn. ceam ars. sul. chin. ign. cap- mez. agn. bry. see Inflam' mation.^^xj. Sprained, liver as if, kli-c. ly* ABDOMEN AND GROIN. 103 Stitches, in diaphragm, spig. vio-t. - hypo., sep. kli-c. rho. - liver, chin. crb. mere. sep. cans. sul. nux. bry. pul. spleen, arn. nat-m. con. crb. am-m. nat-c. zn. Stooping, pain in diaphragm, ly. nat-c. liver, cle. kli-c. ly. spleen, rho. Sweat on hypo., ir. Swelling of liver, clc. nux. mag-m. sul. chin. mere, cap - spleen, cap. ars. cean. nux-m agn. ign. Tearing in hypo., teu. Tearing in liver, con. Tension in hypo., chm. ac. ly clc. bry. crb. lach. nux" - liver, nux. caus. mag-m. - spleen, rho. nit-a. Throbbing in hypo., grph. pul ■- liver, nux. sep. - spleen, ru. gra. Tightness, sense of, in hypo., ly. clc. hep. bry. nux. Ulcerative pain in hypo., pul. ■ liver, sil. Uneasiness in liver, al. Walking, when, pain in liver, sep. mag-m. hep. spleen, arn. sei. lach. Warmth, sense of, liver, saba. ■' Aching in abdomen, chm. pul. nux. ver. bell. Acid, see Sour. Adhesion, sense of, sep. - as if navel adhered to intes- tines, verb. Alive, sense as of, in abdomen, Cog's. eeec. thp nux. mere. saba. -Anguish, sense of, ars. crb. bell - with, ars. ver. crb. phos. chm mere. plat. sec. rhs. sep. ly. Anus, with pain in, verb. Anxiety, with oppressive, mos. . bell. Arthritic pains, dap. Ascites, ars. kli-c. dig. clch. sul. led. chin. agn. see Dropsy. - glandular troubles cause, mere. - sacculated, can. - pubes, fold over, clch. Backache, with, pul. nux. sul mag-m. chm. ammc. clc. kr. caus. kli-c. phos. nat-m Bali, rising of a, mag-m. plb. ar-n. ac. Bearing down, inguinal, teu. •- sides of abdomen, phos. Beaten, see Bruised. Bending double relieves, bell, col. rhe. gra. Beside one's self, cofl', ac. ign. nux. XXI. ABDOMEN AND GROIN. Blowing nose, when, cth. Blue nails, with, sil. Bloated, see Distension, Dropsy, Swollen. Blood congestion to abdomen, mere. lact. nux. chm. - stagnation, nux. Boring, cin. sen. sep. tar. - epigastrium, sen. - hypogastrium, saba. - sides, par. Bounding in abdomen, crc. Brandy, causes, ign. Breakfast, after, phos. nux. grph. Breath, when drawing, bry. sei. dig. sul. Brown spots, sep. Bruised, sensation, nux. p. . sul. col. hep. - groin, val. - hypogastrium, val. - integuments, nux. sul. sab. plb. val. - right side, cam. Bubbling in abdomen, ph-a. hell. tar. Burning, ars. phos. sec. ver. lach. ph-a. ac. cth. sep. lau - epigastrium, cal. cam. cth. chm. - hypogastrium, ph-a. cam. -- integuments, sei. - left side, sep. . 104 ABDOMEN AND GROIN. Burning, navel, sep. mere. ac. Bursting pain, an. sep. coff. val. - walking, when, lach. Catamenia, see Menstrual. Chagrin, causes, chm. sta. col. Children, especially, chm. rhe. cin. nux-m. sta. bell. coff. sil. caus. cic. ac. Chill, begins in abdomen, cic. Chilliness, ars. mere. pul. - with, pul. ars. mere, mag-c. fer. kli-c. clch. -follows, kr. Clawing in abdomen, col. zn. sep. fU^. - epigastrium, mos. - navel, stm. Coffee, causes, nux. ign. - relieves, col. y Cold feeling in abdomen, cic. K&~c. sep. pet. phos. sars. - causes, pul. nux. mere. chm. chin. col. Colic, col. bell. pul. nux. chm. ign. ars. phos. sec. chin, ly coff. mere. cocc. hyo. sul. cup. rhe. ver. - chagrin, from, chm. col. sta. - children, in, chm. rhe. cin. nux-m. coff. caus. bell. - cold, causes, col. nux. pul. mere. chm. •- flatulence, causes, col. nux. bell. sul. pul. chm. crb. ly. cocc. ly. grph. phos. ver. - gastric, pul. nux. bell. bry. hep. sul. derangements, from, an-t. pul. nux. bell. bry. crb. sul ■- hcemorrhoidal, nux. pul. sul. lach. sec. crb. col. - inflammatory, ac. bell. mere, hyo. chm. phos. bry. ars. - intussusception, causes, op. thj. plb. nux. sul. - lead, op. bell. plat. alu. chm. -- menstrual, pul. caul. bell, cocc. nux. ■- pregnant women, pul. sep. nux. chm. bell. ver. -puerperal women, chm. arn. pul. nux. hyo. Colic, - spasmodic, col. ign. chm. nux mag-m. ip. coff. hyo. bell. - traumatism, causes, arn. rhs. bry.lach. - worm, cin. mere. ac. sul. cic. nux-m. hyo. Collapsed abdomen, euph. Congestion, al. see Blood. Constipation, with, alu. plb. con. nux. sil. ly. op. bry. sep. nat-m. sul. crb. bell. Constriction of abdomen, col. plat. bell. plb. verb. Contact is painful, rhs. sep. arn. ly. mere. crb. nux. sul. pul. cup. sil. ars. hyo. Contraction of abdomen, rhs. lach. plb. - hypo., con. rhs. - integuments, ar. saba. - sense of, nux. hep. bell. sul. Convulsions, cic. cup. sec. Corsets, wearing, relieves, pul Cramp in the calves, with, cup cam. col. - pains, see Colic. col. bell. nux. ip. pul. cam stm. chm. ars. bry. val. io. cic. cocc. fer. mur-a. mag-m Crawling sensation, cam. mag-m. Creeping in abdomen, die. Cutting pain in bowels, col, ars cv^The. mere. pul. nit-a. hep. sul. an-t. mag-m. yer. sec. nux. ly. alu. con, nat-m. pet. sep. sta. chel. sul-a. lau. sp. sil. lx) ••i'. a Deranged digestion, causes, pul an-t. bell. nux. crb. hep. bry. sul. Despair, pain causes, coff. Diarrhoea, with, mere, put chm. rhe. tart. col. sul. ver ars. nux. phos. spig. lach. Difficult breathing, with, crb. pul. sul. chin. chm. Digging in abdomen, sng. rhs. stm. val. - epigastrium, sep. - umbilicus, con. Distension, see Dropsy, Swollen. ABDOMEN AND GROIN. 105 Distension, sense of, sep. ign. val. Downward, see Pressure. Drawing in the abdomen, when val. - breath, when, bry. sei. ■- pain, mag-m. lach. . inguinal, kli-c. thj. plat. Drinking, after, nux. pul. sul. • f^Cver. ars. fer. chin. crc. Dropsy, ars. hell. chin.Tuh agn. kli-c. die. scil. asa. pru. mere. bry. io. sep. Drowsiness, morning, nux. phos. alu. nit-a. chm. crb. c at sunrise, chm. Empty feeling, sep. cocc. lach. Enteritis, ac. cth. rhs. bell.pul chm. ver. see Inflam- mation. Eruption on abdomen, nat-c. - herpes zoster, grph.. cth. rhs. thj. - ringworm, tel. „ - see Spots. Erysipelas, grph. Exostosis, au. Extension, sense of, val. ign. sep. Eyes, margins about, with, cin mere. chm. nux. Falling, something in abdomen, as if, plb. Fat food, causes, pul. chin, clch Flabbiness, see Empty. Flatulence, grph. crb. chin. Xu phos. nux. pul. ign. hep. lach. sil. nat-m. sul. clc. chm. ph-a. kli-c. ip. nit-a. 'Pff asa. bell, nux-m. cap.^r^-A . - accumulates, crb. chin. grph. zn. .- emission of, phos. grph. crb. chin, kli-c. ly. mng. ag hell, nit-a. plb. caus. deficient, ly. sil. nat-c. difficult, hep. ly. sil. frequent, grph. crb. phos. chin. ver. nit-a. ag. cth. ol. plb. kli-c. caus. mere. • loud, teu. lach. caus. zn. - -painful, con. - violent, ver. Flatulence, -fetid, crb. pul. sul. arn. plb. asa. grph. sil. caus. ars. clc - garlic, smelling like, asa. phos. mos. - hot, ac. chm. phos. sta. zn. - inodorous, bell. amb. ly. - putrid, arn. ol. crb. sul. ars. pul. - sour, nat-m. - spoiled eggs, like, sul. tart, arn. teu. coff. - evening, pul. rho. - night, crb. sul. ■-pressure relieves, bell. ■- see Colic. Flatulence accompanied by -• anguish, nux. - asthma, pul. crb. Fulness, sense of, nux. sul. mur-a. an-t. crb. crc. chin. Gangrene of abdomen, plb. Glands, see Inguinal. Globus hystericus, mag-m. Gnawing, plat. die. ol. - hypo., au. Griping in abdomen, sep. col. ip. zn. - epigastrium, mos. - navel, stm. Grown fast, sense as if bowels and navel had, verb. , Haemorrhoids, from, nux. pul sul. lach. crb. col. Hard body, sense of, moving in abdomen, bor. JXeAi Hardness of abdomen, grph.; ^H^phos. arn. crb. sil. pet. ars.* Heat in abdomen, sil. < - navel, sul-a. , Hernia, nux. sul-a. mag-c. ly. au. sil. am-m. ver. cocc. op rhs. chm. sta. phos. clc. - children, of, nux. an. -femoral, nux. -flatulent, cap. ammc. - incarcerated, sul. ac. op. nux lach. - inguinal, au. nux. cocc. op. am-m. mag-c. clc. chm. ly. phos. nit-a. pet. col. pain as from, au. - scrotal, nux. mag-m. - umbilical, nux. 106 ABDOMEN AND GROIN, Heavy feeling, grph. nux. hell kli-c. sep. lach. op. sul. - after drinking, asa. - epigastrium, nux-m. - inguinal, crc. clc. Hypochondriac persons, nux. nat-c. stm. chin. gra. clc. Hypogastrium, sep. ly- bell. chin. bry. cans. amb. crb. Hysteric persons, in, ign. nux. cocc. stm. mag-m. mos. val Induration, see Hardness. Inflammation, ac. bell. bry. lach. nux. chm. mere. hyo. ars. col. rhs. coff. nit-a. ■- bowels, ac. bell. mere. lach. rhs. col. bry. nux. hyo. - peritoneum, ac. bell. bry. chm. hyo. nux. Inflation, see Distension, Swollen. Inguinal glands, mere. au. hep nit-a. sul. sta. io. sil. thj. die. grph. clc. ars. cle. - drawing pain, mez. thj. die. - induration, cle. au. die. - inflammation, ac. sil. mere. -jerking pain, cle. - soreness, mere. grph. - suppuration, hep. sul. mere. au. nit-a. phos. syphilitic, mere. au. erb-a thj. nit-a. - swollen, die. sil. hep. cle. sul mere, grph. au. crb. ars. clc. io. nit-a. thj. phos. - tension, die. Injuries, from, arn. chel. rhs. bry. crb. lach. Insensibility, ars. Integuments, bry. nux. bell. col. rhs. drs. sep. - itching of, bell. pet. pul. con mere. sul. Intussusception, op. thj. plb. nux. sul. Inward pressure, inguinal, thj ign. Labor -like pains, chm. pul. kr sul-a. Lameness, with, crb. Large abdomen, sul. nux. clc. pul. grph. io. sep. nat-c. ly bar. mng. ars. caus. rhs. Large abdomen, - children, in, sul. clc. bar. ly. ars. nux. pul. -fat, from, clc. sul. ly. bar. cap. pul. an-t. ars. - girls at puberty, lach. - old women, sep. plat. ben. -parturient women, col. sep. Lead, workers in, op. ar-n. plat. bell. Leucorrhcea,7zzzz'/z, pul. mag-m sep. kr. helo. Lumbar region affectea, arn. pul. chin, crb a. sep. col. Lump, sense of, sul. rhs. - umbilicus, spig. Lying on abdomen, relieves, clc phos. ammc. Lying-in see Parturient. Menstrual derangements, cause pul. cocc. bell. sul. nux. sec Mesenteries affected, sul. clc. nux. ly. bar. pul. ars. Motion, during, pul. thj. nux. mere. - relieves, col. Movements in abdomen, crc. saba. thj. rhs. Nausea, with, ip. ars. nux. tart. con. ver. an-t. nat-m. Neuralgia in caecum, mag-c. ars. nux. Noises, see Rumbling. Numbness in abdomen, sng. Oppression, sen. mag-c. con. mos. eph. Outpressing pain, clch. Pain in bladder, lach. cth. pru. - chest, sng. phos. ly. nux. plb cap. bell. crb. sul. - eyes, euph. - legs, col. dio. sec. cop. Painful, as if sore, bell. ars. nux. ip. phos. asa. con.druf - epigastrium, mng. - inguinal, sul-a. - integuments, bell. - sides, arn. left, clch. Parturient women, chm. sep. arn. pul. nux. col. hyo. Pendulous abdomen, sep. io. pd. crc. plat. bell, nat-c. ABDOMEN AND GROIN. 107 Peritoneum, ac. bell. bry. nux. hyo. Phthisis, see Tuberculosis. Pinching in abdomen, nit-a. mere. ly. chin. sul. sil. crb. clc. bell. spig. rhs. sul-a. ign. nux. nat-m. ran. Pot-bellied, see Large. Pregnant women, pul. sep. nux chm. ver. bell. Pressure causes, sam. cin. an. sars. - relieves, bell. - in abdomen, grph. phos. clc. bell. sep. caus. kli-cA^'/^M ■-• - downwards, lach. die. ' - to groin, grph. sul. phos. Protrusion of various parts of abdomen, ign. sense of, ign. Pustules in groin, pul. Red spots on abdomen, sep. saba lach. bell. Redness of abdomen, rhs. Resting, when, bov. ~~ relieves, pul. ip. Retracted abdomen, cup. pul? umbilicus, plb. chel. nat-c.' Rhagades, hep. sep. sil. sul. Riding, when, sep. bor. crb. hep. Rigid left side of abdomen, nat-m. Rumbling, phos. crb. bry. an-t chin. ver. sep. nat-c. pul. sul. ign. nat-m. sec. lach. col. ag. con. nit-a. sars. sil. eye. arn. cth. ol. ly. hell. Rush of blood, sul. nux. cap. crb. mere. pul. ars. Sensitiveness, ac. hyo. nux. pul. sul. chm. cth. - groin, grph. - integuments, bell. nux. pul. -painful, hyo. pul. sul. ac. chm. - pressure, to, mere. -- umbilicus, phos. - walking, when, ran. Sides of abdomen, in, ign. bry. caus. asa. chin. crb. sul. Sneezing, causes, cth. bell, chm Softening of mucous membrane of intestines, kli. Sore, see Painful. Sour food caused, ph-a. Spasms, col. ign. chm. nux. hyo. bell, mag-m. pul. cocc ip. stm. phos. cup. Spots on abdomen, phos. sep. cth. bell. lact. saba. - brown, sep. ■- red, sep. lach. - yellow, phos. sep. cth. Stitches in abdomen, sep. sul. nat-c. mere, nit-a. chm. bry spig. kr. verb. - inguinal,\y. kli-c. mere. Stones, as if rubbing together in abdomen, col. Stooping, when, cocc. pru. relieves, bell. Straining, caused, rhs. arn. Sweets caused, ign. Swollen, sep. bell. crb. ars. mere. grph. phos. clc. chin sil. sul. rhs. bry. dig. arn. ly. ac. coc. hyo. io. lach. mag-m. mur-a. nat-c. sng. nux-m. caus. cap. - evening, rho. - epigastrium, hell. - groin, am-m. - hypogastrium, bell. - morning, nit-a. rho. -painful, chm. stm. bell. caus. bar. spig. mere. - sides, caus. nat-m. zn. - spots, in, bell. plb. - tympanitic, chin. nux. erg. A crb. col. sul.Ti-LA^., Tearing, chm. ly. sec.'lacK ' - groin, sul-a. eph. - integuments, in, sam. - navel, str. Tension, sil. mere. crb. nux-m. ver. kli. sec. caus. 4? - epigastrium, nat-c. - navel, ver. Tingling, stm. gra. caus. Torn off, feeling as if would be, rhs. Trembling abdomen, io. Tremor in abdomen, ign. rhs. Jlit 108 ABDOMEN AND GROIN. Tuberculosis, clc. sul. hep. ars. phos. chin. rhs. nit-a. cin. bar. io. kli-c. ly. sil. Tympanitis, see Swollen. Ulceration of bowels, mere, kli. bap. hep. lach. phos. Ulcers in bowels, kli. ar-n. - above navel, external, ars. Ulcerative pain, in abdomen, nit-a. bell. kr. ar-n. - groin, am-m. cic. -- integument, rhs. Umbilicus, ph a. plb. kr. bry. bell. chin. rhs. sul. Varices, inguinal, ber. Veins distended on abdomen, sep. Vexation, after, col. Violent pains, col. ars. plb. cup. chm. bell. Vomiting, ip. ars. tar. nux. sec ver. cup. Warmth, relieves, ars. sil. Water in bowels, sense of, hell ph-a. (Qr-^ - drinking, from, teu. ere. Waterbrash, sil. sul. bry. Worms, cin. mere. ac. cic. sul nux-m. hyo. Yellow skin, spots, sep. phos. cth. - hands, sil. Ascarides, ac. fer. ign. mere, sul. .JaA. Beating in rectum, lach. Biting pain in . rectum, ph-a. die. Blackness of rectum, mere. Bleeding from anus, ammc. phos. sep. mere. crb. nux. an. lach. pet. thj. sars. con. - black, an-t. black fluid, els. - bright-red, mere. zn. - clotted, str. - constant dripping, no blood with stool, ko. - dark, bloody fluid oozes, ap. Boils onperinceum, an-t. Boring in rectum, val. Bruise-like pain in, lact. Burning, anus, ars. crb. mere, sul. cap. sep. pul. cocc. nit-a. mur-a. kli-c. adr, - as from pepper, cap. ■- perinceum, thj. •--rectum, sep. ars. nat-m. clc. pul. con. sul. Clawing in anus, phe. Closed, as if anus were, lach. plb. Cold water, as if, dropping from anus, can. Condyloma, see Fig-warts. Constriction of anus, nux. perinceum, sep. XXII. ANUS, RECTUM, AND PERINEUM. Cracks in anus, grph. cep.R.7X Cramp in rectum, kli. kr. Dampness, at anus, nitra. bar crb-a. •-■ perinceum, crb. - rectum, sep. an. Darting from perineum to rectum and genitals, bov. Drawing, anus, eye. - reetzim, mng. rho. kr. Eating, after, pain in anusfy. Eruption, anus, clc. kli-c. ly. -r- burning, cle. -• herpes, nat-m. - itching, ly. pet. -pustules, am-m. - vesicles, crb. Excoriated, ars. ammc. pul. grph. sars. ign. nux. sp.-S^-t* Fig-warts, nit-a. thj. Fistula, clc. sil. sul. eausAXA'-c j Gnawing, anus, sp. Haemorrhoids, ham. clc. nux.^ ars. pul. sul. ammc. grph- nat-m. lach. an. kli-c. cans, mur-a. nit-a. plb. amb. an-t bar. col. ly. phos.££4. Aftr - bleeding, ac. bell. ham. ip- phos. sep. clc. pul. chin. - blue and swollen, mur-a. crb. ■--burning, clc. ars. sul-a. lach-1 -- cracked, chm. - cutting, lach. ANUS AND RECTUM. 109 Haemorrhoids, - inflamed, ars. pul. nux. sul. mur-a. chm. ac. - itching, ac. sul. nux. - moist, bor. ■-painful, ars. grph. crb. nat-m -protruding, sep. clc. ph-a. caus. - rectum, within, nux. clc. ly. phos. caus. sep. col. lach. 1 - stinging, sul-a. - suppressed, nux. sul. pul. crb - swollen, pul. crb. nux. grph. mur-a. clc. sul. - ulcerated, pul. chm. nux. Heat in rectum, con. Herpes, anus, nat-m. ■-perinceum, pet. t Itching at anus, nit-a. thj. bar. mere. sul. clc. zn. ac. sep. phos. amb. caus. nux. sil. £*• teu. crc. ammo. ign. ly. an. rectum, sep. nux. sil. sul. Jerkingpains up rectum, sep. Mucus from rectum, grph. sep. phos. mere. chin. rhs. an-t. kli-c. pet. nux. asa. clch. Open, anus constantly, phos. Paralysis, anus, sei. lau. grph. -- sphincter, gel. phos. bell. Plug, sense of, anus, kli. •- - rectum, an. Pressure, anus, nux. •- rectum, nux. Prickling at anus, lact. Prolapse of rectum, ign. mere, pd. sul. nux. ars. asa. ru. - urinating, when, mur-a. Rasping in anus, gra. an-t. - rectum, nat-m. Rending, clch. - rectum, in, sep. up, chm. thj. kli-c. ph-a. Retraction of anus, plb. Rhagades, agn. grph. chm^Uy Rumbling in rectum, mng. Rush of blood, sep. sul-a. Smarting, see Excoriated. Soreness, anus, sul. mere, hep erb-a. sep. nit-a. - perinceum, crb. rho. - thighs, between, grph. sul. ly cans, nat-c. hep. rho. Stinging, anus, in. sep. nat-m.. crb. if • -perinceum, nat-c. alu. - rectum, sep. phos. pul. nat-m Stricture of rectum, bor. cam- Sweat, perinceum, hep. Swelling, anus, hep. grph. nux. sul. Tenesmus, cap. mere. rhe. ars sul. nux. ip. nit-a. lach. clc hep. phos. hell. clch. ac. lau. sep. rhs. zn.Z Tension, anus, ly. - rectum, sep. Tingling at amis, teu. ign. ere. plat. - rectum, saba. Torpor of rectum, chin. ver. nux. kli-c. hep. alu. thj. Ulcer of anus, sars. - as if, eye. Worms, complaints caused by, ac. cin. mere. sul. grph. clc. ign. spig. nux. saba. - see Ascarides. -- colic, with, spig. cic. cin. ac. mere. sul. - diarrhoea, with, mere. cin. spig. - emaciation, cin. sul. spig. clc grph. ly. -fever, with, ac. cin. mere, lach: bell. sil. - hunger, with, spig. cin. chin. - lumbrici, ac. cin. mere, saba spig. cic. - moon, at full, clc. sul. chin, fer. - taenia, mere. sul. mag-m. clc grph. pul. nux. stm. crb. A' XXIII. STOOL. Abdomen distended, with con- stipation, bell. Acids cause diarrhoea, sta. bry an-t. nux. Acrid, excoriating, ars. mere, pul. chin. ver. fer. chm. Albuminous, nat-m. dio. Alternating constipation and fc diarrheea, phos. an-t. bry. nux. lach. op. ru. nat-m. Anus sore from diarrhoea, mere sars. Autumnal diarrhoea, mere, sul crb. ars. die. bry. Ash-colored, dig. asa. Bilious, mere. chin. pul. ars. chm. phos. ip. cin. .Black, blackish, ars. mere, cam fOtsa.1- ip. ver. chin, sul-a. cup Blood-streaked, thj. nux. scil mag-m. Bloody, mere. rhs. ars. ip. pul. sul. chin. sep. nux. cap. ly. phos. nit-a. sul-a. hep. fer. - and Mucus, mere. hep. sul. ars. dap. ip. pul. ign. cap. rhs. pet. - black, cap.^<-*^ - decomposed,, led. ft'W., - streaked, sul. clch. Bowels torpid, see Constipa- tion. Brown, chin. ver. sul. sec. arn Burning, mere. lach. ars. Burnt, as if, bry. Cadaverous, crb. Cathartics, constipation after, op. nux. lach. ru. an-t. Chagrin causes diarrhoea,, ph-a ign. sta. Chocolate, like, ars. lach. Chronic constipation, bry. nux plb. lach. sul. op. grph. nat-m. ly. kli. caus. - diarrhoea, phos. grph. sul. clc. kr. nit-a. chin. fer. ars. ph-a. sep. hep. Clay-colored, see Pale, Light- colored. Cold causes diarrhoea, die. bry. mere. ver. bell chm. sul. nux. pul. nux-m. Cdlic with constipation, kli. • diarrhoea, col. chm. rhe. ars. mere. sul. pul. spig. cth. ip rhs. an-t. ign. nux. pet. stro mez. hep. bar. can. Constant discharge, ap. phos Constipation, ly. op. bry. sep. nux. sul. pul. mere. can. lach. plat. ammc. caus. kli. nat-m. plb. thj. sta. clc. gaj. an-t. kr. ru. sil. zn. sars. mag-m. kli-c. grph. crc. gra. con. sei. - emissions, with, thj. ■- habitual, with hard stool, bry ly. nux. sul. clc. grph. sep. caus. nat-m. sil. lach. con. - indurated liver, grph. - intussusception, as from, op. thj. plb. nux. sul. ■- lead, workers, op. plat. alu. - lying-in women, see Puer- pural. - old persons, see Elderly. - see Pregnancy. - - Sedentary. -• sweat, with, bell. - torpor of bowels, from, chin, nux. ver. hep. sta. kli-c. thj alu. ign. nat-m. op. grph. bry. sul. crb. - traveling, when, plat. alu. op Copious, pd. teu. Corrosive, mere. ars. grph. sul Damp air causes diarrhoea, rho lach. die. Delaying, sep. chin. sta. rhs. lach. erb-a. rho. Dentition causes diarrhoea, mere. chm. sul. clc. ars. ip. Diarrhoea, chm. pul. chin. ars. ver. rhe. die. mere. fer. sul ip. sec. tart. spig. col. sep. bry. an-t. ph-a. nux. stm. cap. grph. clc. rhs. - see Acids. - autumnal, mere. sul. crb. ars die. bry. - children, see Infants. ■- chillness,with, pul. mere, sul - see Chronic. 110 ^arrheea, cold air causes, mere. - drinks, ars. crb. pul.^fc ' -- see Cold. - coldness with, spig. -- see Colic. - constipation, alternating, an-t phos. op. rhs. lach. ru. bry - consumptiv e persons, see Phthisis. , zsc&p. At - crying, in infants, with, chm rhe. ip. sul. crb. •- constant, sul. au. - damp air, causes, lach. rho. die. debilitating, chin. ip. ver. sec ph-a. ars. nux-m. see Dentition. deranged stomach, pul. ip. an-t. nux. bry. crb. sul. drinking causes, cap. ars. nux eating, after, chin. fer. lach. emotions, from, gel. chm. ign col. eructations, with, mere. evening air causes, mere. - see Exanthems. foecal, pul. ars. mere. rhe. sul. mur-a. cin. chm. - see Fright. fruit, after eating, pul. ars. chin. - grief, causes, ign. heat of body, with, mere. ' mercury, after, hep. nit-a. crb. sul. chin. - milk, ly. sul. bry. ■ morning, early, pd. bry. sul. flu. cop. of. - nausea, with, ip. ver. mere, ars. - night, at, chin. ars. pul. chm mere. sul. cap. arn. rhs. ver - old people, see Elderly. - pain in limbs, with, rhs. ■ lumbar, with, pul. - painless, ver. pul. ars. ph-a. fer. sul. chin. -pregnancy, during, sep. an-t. phos. sul. revelling, after, nux. crb. ' rhubarb, after, chm. pul. mere. col. STOOL. 111 Diarrhoea, - scrofulous persons, in, clc. sil sep. die. ly. ars. - heat of body, -with, mere. - suddenjoy, after, coff. ac. op - see Lienteria. - mercury, after, hep. nit-a. crb. sul. chin. - sore anus, with, mere. sars. . - spring, in, die. crb. mere. - summer, in, ars. ir. mere, die bry. crb. •- sweets, cause, ar-n. - tenesmus, with, mere. sul. nux. ars. rhe. cap. rhs. lach - tobacco causes, pul. chm. - vomiting, with, ip. ver. cup. bell. ars. rhe. kli. die. tart. - warm weather, causes, lach. - weakening, see debilitating. - weakly persons, in, chin. fer. ph-a. Difficult, alu. chin. bry. nat-m nux. bar. crb. an-t. sil. lach ammc. kli-c. nit-a. ign. thj. - easier when standing, cans. - though soft, chin.#c4, ■- as if sphincter contracted, gel Drunkards, constipation in, nux. lach. op. clc. sul. - diarrhoea, nux. crb. Dry, stm. kr. nit-a. mng. Dysentery, mere. rhs. ars. sul. bell. sta. clch. pul. cap. crb ip. kli- nit-a. chm. Eggs, like stirred, chm. rhs. pul. mere. lach. Elderly persons, constipation, op. phos. an-t. bry. lach.' sul. rhs. - diarrhoea, phos. sec. bry. rhs nux. ais. lach. an-t. op. ru. Emotions cause diarrhoea, gel. 0/ chm. ign. col. pul. Every other day, sul. kli-c. clc. nat-m. con. Exanthems, after, diarrhoea, pul. ars. ph-a. mere. sul. Fermented, ip. Fcecal, rhe. io. cans, mur-a, alu. coff. - black, Ipt. bro. ir. cam. - brown, asa. bry. rhe. kli-c. - cream-colored, gel. 112 STOOL. Foecal, dark, bap. first, last white, ms. - gray, dig. kli-c. - oily, io. - hin, gum-g. nat-s. bap. sng. chel. ir. ol. ign. ■- white, pd. bell. cop. - yellow, al. ph-a. hep. ap. pd. gel. rhs. bor. Fcetid, crb. sul. chin. sil. ars. clc. mere. pul. nux-m. sul-a nit-a. gaj. sep. scil. Flocculent, ver, ip. ars. Fluid, see Liquid. Foamy, clc. rhs. chin. sul. col. mere, mag-c. Frequent, soft, phos. grph. sul. nit-a. clc. die. ph-a. kr nat-m. chin. ars. Fright causes diarrhoea, ver. op an-t. Fruit, eating, causes diarrhoea, pul. ars. chin. rho. lach. Gastric disorders cause diar- rhoea, pul. ip. an-t. nux. bry. crb. sul. Gelatinous, rhs. kli.z2&> 44/ Grayish, mere. ph-a. Greasy, caiis. t. Greenish, chm. pul. mere. ars. phos. die. ip. ver. stm. cup. Gushing, with flatulence, j^t. > <rl^uiat-s. pd. crt. gra. thj.6d*n Hard, ly. bar. Tach. an-t. fau. mag-m. mere. plb. sul. nux sep. clc. op. sil. rhs. bry. alu. cam. crb. con. gaj. pet sp. sul-a. ign. hep. sen. Headache with constipation, nux. con. ver. , Hot, chm. sul. clc-p. Infants, constipation of, nux. op. bry. ly. sul. - diarrhoea, chm. mere. ip. sul rhe. bor. mag-c. sul-a. ir. ars. col. hep. ver. Involuntary, sec. op. chin, rhs arn. hyo. bell. ph-a. ver. selm phos, clc, mur-a, ars. - moving, when, ap, - night, at, arn. - sleep, during, rhs. arn. pul, •- urinating, when, mpr-a. Involuntary, - when coughing or sneezing, scil. passing flatus, ol. al. ph-a Joy, sudden, causes diarrhoea, coff. ac. op. pul. an-t. ver. Large-sized, bry. nux. clc. kli-c. zn. stm. grph. mere, ign. mag-m. sul-a. thj.^f Lead poisoning, see Constipa- tion. Lienteria, chin. fer. phos. ol. bry. mens. ph-a. sul-a. rhs. clc. arn. bor. Liquid, ver. ars. chin. ip. sec. arn. phos. clc. cic. crb. - black, ars, scil. str. - brown, grph, nux. mag-c. - dark, op. - greenish, crt. - -gray, mt. - red, rhs. - reddish-yellow, ly. -yellow, nat-s. nux-m. ir. Lumpy, mag-m. op. lach. sil. alu. sul. bar. pet. sep. mng. stm. caus. plb. spig. thj. verb. grph. nux. mere. Milk causes diarrhoea, ly. sul. bry. sep. nat-c. Mucus, bloody, mere. col. cap. ars. nux. mt. al. rhs. -■ brown, crb. ars. nux. - dark like molasses, ip. -frothy, io. - gelatinous, kli. rhs. clch. al. hell. - granular, phos. - green, ip. chm. pul. die. ap. | bell. bor. bry. sul. phos. pa. mag-c. mere, clc-p. ai'S - liquid, green, lau. pale, crb. red, rhs. cin. - slimy, mere. bor. ap. rhs- nux. col. arn. bell. - stringy, sul-a. - tenacious, cap. hell. asa. crt. - transparent, rhs. - watery, io. -- white, die. io. hell. chm. ph-a cocc. - - like popped corn, ein. STOOL. 113 Mucus, - yellow, chm. rhs. bor. ap. cub. ign. pul. Musty, col. Odorless, rhs. hyo. Painless diarrhoea, pd. ph-a. bap. bov. hep. bis. scil. fer. hyo. mph. kli-c. •P'h. Papescent, rhe. pul. bell. sul. phos. cin. sil. rhs. an-t. clc. lach. chin. mez. Phthisis, diarrhoea in, phos. clc. chin. fer. ars. Pitch, like, ip. lach. lep. mere, nux. sars. Pregnancy, constipatio n during, nux. sep. op. bry. ly. alu. -- diarrhoea, sep. an-t. phos. sul. pet. hyo. ly. die. rhe. Puerpural women, constipation, nux. bry. op. plat. sep. an-t -- diarrheea, an-t. die. hyo. rhe Purulent, mere. lach. cth. sil. arn. clc. kli-c. bell. sep. pul. io. sul. Putrid, crb. chin. ars. sul. sep. nit-a. mere. grph. nux-m. sil. chm. sec. pul. ip. sul-a. Rushing out with force, jat. ver. ars. sec. ip. nux- de. nat-c. sul. ziu/ chin. grph. dap. arn. sep. tdeMfj ■ mag-m. sil. ars. lach. chm. bar. mere. ru. sen. Sedentary habits cause con- stipation, nux. bry. sul. plat Slimy, mere. bell. chin. sul. phos. chm. pul. hep. crb. rhs. die. ip. sep. tart. ru. sec. ph-a. cap. io. ign. pet. hell. grph. fer. Shining, caus. Size, large, bry. kli-c. sil. grph ign. sul-a. thj. - small, mere. bov. sep. mur-a caus. sul. soft, grph. Skinny, cth. ■ 44< Soft, pul. sep. chin. phos. sul. ac. zn. rho. gaj. caus. kli-c am-m. mur-a. ammc. lau. Sour, ir. rhe. hep. clc. mere, grph. mag-c. sep. chm. sul. Spring, in, diarrhoea, die. crb. mere. Stool accompanied by, - anguish before, kli-c. during, ver. after, caus. - backache, pul. - abdomen, bloated, ly. - blood, plios. mere. thj. sep. nux. ars. crb. con. an. sars. afterward, ly. sab. alu. - bruised feeling after, clc. -■ burning in anus, mere. pul. lach. -■ chilliness before, mere. -■ •- after, mez. - colic, before, mere. rhe. ver. asa. after, ar. rhe. kli. cth. during, ars. ign. mere, sul. an-t. ver. nat-m. chm. bov. crb. spig. nux. - languor after, clc. phos. nit-a -■ mucous discharge, mere, kli-c sul. nux. clch. pet. : after, mere. asa. - nausea, before, rhs. -■ - during, pd. mere. pru. after, ac. - nervousness, before, clc. after, nit-a. - pain in abdomen, during, ars cap. mere. sul. nat-m. nux. pul. crb. chin, nit-a. in rectum during, mere, sul. pul. ars. caus. ru. col. nat-m. col. ign. - after, pul. -prolapsus, pd. nux. ign. mere lach. sul. after, mere. pd. tenesmus, ars. sul. rhs. mere, nux. clch. ac. bro. - - after, mere. rhe. ip. -- weak feeling, after, clc. -yawning, before, ver. sul. ly. Sugar causes diarrhoea, ar-n. Tenacious, lach. ars. cans.'7 Tobacco causes diarrhoea, pul. chm. Traveling causes constipation^ phyt. op. ign. plat, alu. 114 STOOL. Undigested, chin. fer. chm. ol phos. bry. arn. ip. mere, lach. ver. sul. ars. nux. con - night, at, chin. fer. Unperceived, passes, clch. pul. sul. Urging, nux. mere. thj. rhe. lach. sep. con. sil. arn. ly. bar. ign. rhs. stm. kli. ver. caus. cap. crb. grph. nat-m •- ineffectual, nux. ly. ign. sep. nat-c. cap. con. lach. sil. nat-m. kli-c. arn. rhe. sul-a. nit-a. stm. Warm weather causes diarrhaa lach. Watery, sec. ars. fer. ph-a. chin. ip. ac. chm. clc. dig. hell. lach. nat-m. nux„ pet. rhs. sul. ver. hyo. . - black, ars. kli. ver. cam.^X**^' Watery, colorless, ap. - dark. nux. plb. - flaky, cup. phos. ver. -frothy, kli. mag-c. gra. - green, pd. mag-c. pul. gra. scum, mag-c. mere. - white, ph-a. chel. -yellow, nat-s. chin. clc. thj. gra. rhs. eye. die. chm. White flocks, ver. ip. - -streaked, rhs. Whitish, chin. ac. phos. pul. mere. sul. cin. chm. ars. an-t. rhs. cop. caus. dig. hep, ign. nux. sp. ver. clc. - grains, phos. - like tallow, mag-c. Yellowish, mere. die. ip, chin ars. chm. clc> rhs. - streaked, rhs. XXIV. KIDNEYS AND BLADDER. As if a ball were rolling in bladder, lach. Bladder, particularly, cth. pul grph. sul. mere. die. clc. ph-a. can. nux. ly. ars. cam sep. hell. dig. mez. Burning in bladder, sep. rhe. clch. lach. - kidneys, hep. hyd. bell. Catarrh of bladder, pul. die. an-t. nux. sul. phos. sep. Closed, bladder, as if, op. sen. Cplic, renal, nux-m. zn. ber. 4x^5 ind. sar. 'yc. CT blfrvtx - with vomiting and brick dust sediment, ocim. Constriction of bladder, cap. pul. ph-a. sar. Contact causes pain, in bladder cth. pul. Contracted kidney, cle. Cramp in bladder, pru. - kidney, sul. ocim. Cutting in bladder, ly. cth. cap mng. kli-c. lach. - kidneys, cth. mere. cle. nux-m Cystitis, see Inflammation. Diabetes, ph-a. uran-n. hell, au. bar. sul. mere, nat-m. Drawing in bladder, rho. ■- kidneys, cle. nux-m. ter. Foreign body in kidneys, as from, nux. Pull, bladder as if, calad. without desire to urinate, stm. calad. pal. after urinating, ru. con. clc. Griping in bladder, ly. Inflammation of bladder, cth. can. cam. nux. dig. pul. ac neck, cth. can. pul. ac. dig c nux. cam. ly. sul. - kidneys, bell. ter. pul. can. nux. cth.ly. Pain across kidneys, phyt. -from kidney to hip, cannot straighten, ox-a. - kidney, as if torn, mez. Painfulness of kidney, can. ahi ber. nux. hell. cep. plb. zn. Paralysis, ars. hell. lau. neck, ars. cans. die. hyo. lach. after parturition, str. ars. caus. Polypi of bladder, clc. sta. sng- thj. KIDNEYS AND BLADDER. 115 Pressure in bladder, nit-a. sep. con. scil. lach. --kidneys, kli-c. ran-s. thj. zn. ter. Pulsation in bladder, cth. Relaxation of bladder, mur-a. Rending in kidney, cth. ber. Softening of kidney, kli. Soreness in kidney, zn. cinna. hip-m. - left, bnz-a. - right, phyt. - of bladder, when touched, cth. pul. . Spasm of bladder, cap, sep. ph-a. sars. asa. cle.AuaaLJ^ - - neck, tenesmus from, arn. Stinging in bladder, cth. ly. sul tart. - kidneys, bell, kli-c. ph-a. zn. hep. cth. Stone, can. sars. ly. phos. ru. an-t. clc. Suppuration in bladder, cth. - kidneys, pul. cth. kli. Swelling, neck of bladder, pul. Tearing in bladder, chen. Tenesmus of bladder, nux. can pul. mere. cth. vio-t. cap. - vesica, cth. sar. cap. vio-t. mur-a. clch. lach. mere, nit-a. pul. rhs. Oae- - ameliorated when walking, afternoon, lit. Tension in bladder, tart. Thickening of bladder, die. Throbbing in bladder, cth.*?^.^ - kidneys, cth. Twitching in kidneys, cth. Ulcer in bladder, ran. W alking, when, fain in kidney, clc. Weakness of bladder, caus. rhe. mag-m. Worm, feeling in bladder, as of, bell. XXV. URETHRA AND URINE. Acrid, bor. mere. hep. caus. io can. arn. kli-c. sng. phos. thj. clc. rhs. ver. Ammoniacal, nit-a. crb. asa. stro. mos. Blackish, col. After micturation, - abdomen, sfasms of, nat-m. - bladder, pressing in, ber. ru. Cth. chin. as if full, dig. Spasm in, asa. pul. tW- - blood discharge, hep. zn. - desire continues, bor. ru. cac. lau. clc. con. gaj. - dribbling, thj.ftk^wc.x'. bloody, hep. - glands,pain in, an. - loathing and nausea, cast, dig - mucus, discharge of, ph-a. mux. - os coccygis, pain in, kli. - prepuce, itching in, mez. - residuary urination, sei. hep. thj. lach. nat-c. - shuddering, plat. After micturation, -- spermatic cord, pain in, lit. - tenesmus, scil. ang. - urethra, itching in, cle. ly. nux. cop. -■ -pain in, boy. biting in, bov. cop. burning in, nit-a. mere, thj. can. cth. kli. cle. led' mag-m. sen. zn. violent, the last drops cause, cle. sensation as if a drop remained, kli. stinging, ber. kli. con. mere. viscid fziid discharged, nat-m ■- weakness, nux. Before micturation, abdomen, cutting in, sul. - back, pain in, ly. - bladder, pain in, lit. - -pressing, nux. chin. con. - neck, nux. - burning, ber. nat-c. rho. can. sen. zn. chel. 116 URETHRA AND URINE. Before micturation, - hips, burning in, die. -- nausea, dig. - urethra, biting and itching, cop. - ■- burning, cth. ber. cop. sen. can. dig. - - cutting, bry. cth. dig. itching, cop. nux. - weakness, nux. Biting in, thj. pru. teu. Bloody urine, ip. can. arn. pul phos. cap. mere. ars. mez. sep. can. cth. sec. zn. scil. clc. con. ly. nux. sul.>3^*25 Brown, clch. phos. bry. drs. arn. bell. lach. pul. sul. pet mere. tart. kr. clc. ars. dig. Burning, in, can. sul. sep. clc. mere. sta. ■- urine, mere. Cat's urine, odor like, bor. vio-t. Cloudy urine, amb. caus. mere ph-a. Sng. pet. thj. bry. Cold, urine, nil-a. ag. Copious emission, ph-a. kr. dap. crb. pul. spig. mere, led. mur-a. nat-m. sul. ol. cth. amb. col. gaj. scil. phos nat-c. cle. euph. ar. bell, sen. rhe. verb. - at midnight, coff. Crawling in, pet. Cutting, in,- ph-a. dig. an-t. mere. lach. sep. Dark urine, sep. bry. clch. ■ ~ mere. arn. sul. tart. sta. ip. *■ * 'hep. chin. nux. pul. cap. Dilation of orifice, cop. Diminished emission, ac. cth io. clch. mere. nux. dig. hyo. plb. ver. rhs. bell.can crb. grph. sul. str. lau. op. sta. sec. kr. ru. caus. die. Discharge, from, can. mere, cap. thj. pul. agn. sars. sul. nit-a. die. hep. nat-m. nux. - bloody, see Haematuria. -pus, of, can. mere. cth. sars cap. thj. sul. - slimy, cap. pul. die. hep. mere. can. sul. nit-a. nat-m - thick, mere. - viscid, ag. Discharge, - watery, can. mere. -- yellowish, can. agn. mere, thj. Drawing, in, pul., rich. zn. Dribbling, see Emission. - sensation of, thj. lact. Drop running along urethra, sense of, thj. lact. - sensation of, at zipper part, kli. - •- in fossa, thj. cep. During micturation, - bladder, burning, al. nux. rhe cutting, cth. - - pressing, her. lach. asa. hep. spasm, asa. stinging, nat-m. - blood discharged, cr. mux. - colic, ac. ver. - genitals, female, pain in, thj. ■ - burning between labia, kr. soreness in vagina, kr. - ■- and s m ar t i ng in vulvce, nat-m. glans, penis, pain in, ac. an. case. ox-a. - - kidneys, pain in, her. rhe. seminal ducts, pain in, cle. bell. - drawing in, cle. cap. cth. bell. - os coccygis, pain in, grph. - stomach, pain in, lau. - stool, involuntary, ' - thighs, pain in, ber. - urethra, itching in, ly. - -pain in, zn. clch. ber. see Burning, Cutting, and the various sensations. Dysuria, cth. can. nux. die. mere. pul. sul. arn. bell, ac cam. clch. phos. nux-m. str. hep. ly. sta. dig. ars. au. sar. con. hyo. - catarrhal, pul. die. nux. ac. bell. mere. - concussion, after, cic. pul. rhs. arn. -fright, after, op. bell. ac. hyo. ver. URETHRA AND URINE. 117 ■Dysuria, - inflammatory, cth. nux. can. pul. mere. ac. bell. die. - menstrual disorders, with, pul. ph-a. cocc. nux. - paralytic, ars. hyo. caus. die, cin. lact. -pregnant women, of, pd. ph-a con. cocc. sul. - spasmodic, nux. op. pul, bell caus. ign. cth. - stimulants, after, nux. pul. lach. sul. hep. ars. -■ stone, with, ly. sars. phos. nux. can. sep. - stricture, pet. cle. sul. die. rhs. •-wet, apt er getting, pul. sars. alu. sul. Eggs, smelling like spoiled, dap Emission of urine, ■- difficult, bell, nux-m. - dribbling, clc. kli-c. sei. sil. nat-c. pet. - drop by drop, cth. nux. die. sul. •-frequent, scil. ph-a. ly. kr. mere. bar. nit-a. rhs. sta. sil. caus. lach. op. spig. bry kli-c. cle. au. led. mur-a. - infrequent, bell. mere. op. str. lau. sec. ars. clch. plb. au. cth. nux. cam. ru. chin. - interrupted, clc. caus. die. con. zn. pul. sul. - involuntary, bell. cin. sep. pul. hyo. sul. arn. rhs. caus nat-m. crb. ru. zn. lau. kr. mag-c. ly. ver. coughing, caus. scil. zn. nat-m. phos. pul. ver.SUA day and night, caus. night, at, see Wetting the bed. oozing, pet. rest, during, rhs. sitting, when, pul. standing, when, bell. - nocturnal, see Wetting the bed. -painful, cth. cam. nux. sul. nux-m. die. sta. bell. caus. • passing flatus, when, pul. sul. Emission of urine, - scanty, can. ru. pul. nux. clch. hell. op. cth. lau. mere ac, dig. crb. rhs. ph-a. io. am-m. led. sp. drs. kli-c. nat-c. ar. men. tart. ver. - suppressed, sec. cth. ver. lau op. bell. str. plb. hyo. clch. grph. kli. nux. ru. hell, dig - -■ -walking, caus. arn. ru. Enuresis, str. hyo. ver. ac. scil. bell. mere. - colic, -with, ver. - diarrhoea, -with, pul.Wa^f; - - languor, clc-p. - lumbar pain, with, ph-a. weakness, -with, pul. -- nocturnal, bell. sep. ars. sil. nat-m. arn. caus. sul. scil. grph. pul. rhs. clc. nux. cin -• sleep, during, pul. ly. sars. cth. bell. nux. can. sep. hep phos. sil. see Wetting the bed. - sweat, ac. bell. - thirst, bell. ver. Foetid urine, nit-a. gaj. pul. mere. crb. ars. sul. phos. cup. die. sen. str. pet. Frothy urine, ly. sp. Glued up, feels, bov. Gonorrhoea, acute, can. mere, sep. cth. con. nit-a. thj. - chronic, can. agn. nit-a. sep. mere, nat-m. nux. sul. cap. - orchitis, with, au. pul. ac. ham. rho. agn. nit-a. - stricture, cle. can. ar-n. pet. sul. r - suppressed, effects of , pul. agn cle. nit-a. rheumatism, dap. sars. cop. testicles, in, cle. ar. rho. ocim. Gravel, ly. sars. phos. sep.ru. zn. can. an-t. clc. Greenish, ars. rhe. can. ru. kli-c. ' Griping, in, ly. Heematuria, cth. can. pul. arn mere. hep. ip. chin. mez. ars. sul. an-t. clc. - burning, with, pul. 118 URETHRA AND URINE. Haematuria, - constipation, with, ly. - gonorrhoea, after, can. .cth. pul. - injuries, after, arn. rhs. pul. con. - nausea, with, ip. -pain in bladder, pul. ip. kidneys, pul. cth. ter. ly. sul. - eruptions, suppressed, after, sul. clc. ars. con. Inflammation of, can. nux. ac mere. cth. pul. sars. Insensibility in, mag-s. Involuntary, sep. pul. caus. e/ am-c. sen. crb. sul. sil. kr. nux. cin. nat-C. see Wet- ting the bed. - asleep, when, grph. caus. cin bell. first sleep, sep. Paw - early morning, am-c. Irritation of, ar-n. chen. Ischuria, nux. pul. can. cam. bell. str. ly. zn. cth. sul. ac op. plb. con. dig. hyo. arn. - inflammatory, cth. nux. can. pul. ac. mere. die. sars. - painful, pul. cth. au. -paralytic, ars. caus. hyo. die. lach. cin. - spasmodic, nux. op. cth. pul. ign. bell. Itching, in, sul. thj. ber. sep. cth. cop. mez. an. - with desire to urinate, col. - fossa, pet. Jerking in, nat-c. phos. Milky urine-, ph-a. crb. die. Mucus, discharge of, mere, agn. sars. sab. thj. nat-m. - albuminous, pet. - bloody, cth. nit-a. - dark red, cub. - green, mere. ko. -painless, can. ■-purulent, mere. can. nit-a. cop. cth. clc. sars. thj. - slimy, die. nat-m. hep. can. mere. - thick, can. pul. cap. milky, can. fer. cap. nux. - viscid, bov. phos. ag. dig. Mucus, - watery, can. mere. copitus, thj. - yellow, mere. pet. cop. nat-m ag. cam. thj. Narrow, urethra feels, dig. grph. bry. Numbness, in, mag-m. - want of power, thj. Opalescent, urine, pul. Pale urine, col. au. sul. phos. sta. pul. mur-a. nit-c. ph-a- Pinching in, ly. Pressure in, teu. clch. pul. -- relieved by pressing on glands cth. Pulsation in penis, cop. - urethra, mere. cth. Pungent urine, bor. clc. Purulent discharge, cth. nit-a- cle. can. sab. sars. nux. cap Red, reddish, urine, ac. clch. i nux. arn. mere, scil, can.; sep. bell. crb. sul. ver. tart- bry. hep. pul. an-t. ip. kli- ■ phos. drs. sul-a. ■- as blood, coff. sep. clc. Redness of orifice, hep. gel. I sul. see Inflammation. Retention, ac. cth. ly. str. arn ru. ars. pul. dig. sec. ver. I - new-born, in, ac. hyo. bnz-a-1 - painful, cth. pul. crt. ac. arn ; au. with pressure on bladder, hyo. au. - typhus, after, zin. Rolling, like a ball, in, lach. Sandy, ly. sars. pet. zn. nu^' can. phos. clc. Sediment, bloody, ly. sul-a. sep cth. die. ph-a. pul. - brick dust, ly. phos. chin- pul. arn. sep. lach. val. sen nat-m. cth. am-m. - clay, like, sul-a. zn. sep- ' am-m. - cloudy, ph-a. nit-c. caus- seP thj. amb. bry. mere. - earthy, mng. t -flocculent, can. sen. mez. mere. nit-a. - gelatinous, ph-a. pul. - granular, ly. zn. sars. sep- URETHRA AND URINE. 119 Sediment, gray, sp. - purulent, can. - sandy, ly- sars. clc. nux. zn. sep. pet. phos. sil. clc. - slimy, die. pul. nat-m. mere, ars. cth. con. sen. nux. crb. strong smelling, flu. - thick, cam. sul. - white, ph-a. sep. hep. spig. rhs. clch. die. nit-a. -yellow, chm. bar. lach. sul-a. zn. sp. cup. chin/W- Smarting in, bor. teu. ber. phos. sec. nat-c. Sour tirine, amb. mere. Stinging, in, cth. mere. lach. Stream feeble, chm. bell. mere. - interrupted, cle. die. caus. con. kli-c. ph-a. pul. sul. zn -- thin, grph. cam. sam. - scattering, can. - slow, cam. plat. mere. Strangury, cth. sta. pul. euph can. nux-m. ph-a. die. mag-s. str. clch. zn. cop.^^. - to urinate must get on knees and press head against floor pareira. Stricture, cle. pet. sul. pul. crb nux. rhs. -- spasmodic, nux. pul. cth. - sense of, ar-n. bry. grph. dig Swelling of, nit-a. ar-n. led. rhs. cop. - orifice, cop. -posterior part, pul. Tearing in, ru. clch. Tenacious urine, ar. cth. kr. cup. Tension in, phos. Thick, urine, con. - becoming, sen. col. Throbbing in, cth. mere. Tingling, pet. Tumor in, lach. Turbid urine, mere. cin. rhs. caus. bry. grph. sul-a. ph-a - while passing, cin. saba. die. chin. mere. sep. crb. can. pul. ign. phos. lach. chin. Twitching in, nat-c. phos. Violets, smelling like, nux-m. Urging to urinate, cth. bell. ly. pul. nux. ac. bry. caus. crb grph. kli-c. rhs. sab. 'sars. sta. dig. sul. kr. sep. sp. clch. stm. arn. bar. cap. hell, mur-a. nit-a. gaj. cic. nat-c. cocc. thj. - abdomen, burning in, lack. -- afternoon, in, bell. - bladder, -with, fain in, flu. sul-a. rho. pul. - colic, with, pul. - copious emission, with, nat-m ar. bell. crb. kr. rhs. stm. hell, mur-a. nit-c. sam. - coffee, causes, ign. - day and night, mere. - evening, saba. -face, pale, with, ph-a. - groin, pain in, rho. - heat, feeling of, ph-a. - incontinence, with, ph-a. pul. ign. rhs. nit-a. bell. chin, ru. scil. mere. bry. clc. - ineffectual, cth. nux. dig. pul sul. caus. sep. cam. kli-c. - lumbar region, pain in, lach. - morning, early, amb. - night, at, pul. ars. cin. bell, sep. nat-m. sul. sil. arn. caus. nux. grph. clc. rhs. alm. ru. bry. hep. - perinceum, pain in, tart. - scanty emission, can. nux. sp dig. pul. ru. sta. mere, rhs* crb. sul. io. led. men. caus. - thirst, ph-a. ver. Watery urine, see Pale. Wetting the bed, cin. pul. bell, caus. sep. rhs. sul. sil. con. pet. ars. am-m. hep. early part of night, sep. White and turbid, con. can. chin. eye. Whitish, cin. ph-a. mere, sub nit-a. mur-a. con. au. phos. Yellow urine, rhe. chm. zn, amb. bell. ip. chin. lach. sars. arn. ign. sam. clch. led. mag-m. ver. XXVI. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Abcess inpenis, bov. Amorousness, hyo. str, flu. op. ver. an-t. Aversion, see Embrace. - women, to, ammc. Balannorrhoea, mere. thj. sep. nit-a. nux. mez. sul. chin. Bearing down sensation, col. asa. Biting in glans, nux. -prepuce, pul. nux. - scrotum, ran-s. Bloating of, calad. see Swollen Blotches on, ly. Bruised, as if, rho. clc. arn. nat-c. con. dig. -penis, arn. -- scrotum, kli-c. - testicles, con. arn. at- nat-c. dig. Burning in glans, ars. nux. tart, vio-t. - penis, mere. •-prepuce, ars. clc. mere. nux. sul. - seminal vesicles, amb. - testicles, plat. sta. Chafed, glans, nat-c. -prepuce, sil. calad. ign. mur-a -- scrotum, pet. sul. plb. arn. zn ■- thighs, between, bar. hep. ly. pet. rho. Chancre, mere, nit-a. kli. sep. nux-j. thj. sul. Coition, aversion to, agn. ly. rho. kli-c. cle. can. - burning when semen is dis- charged, kr. Coldness of penis, mere. agn. sul. - prepuce, sul. - scrotum, cap. mere. Condylomata, thj. nit-a. cin. mil. euph. ly. ph-a. - glans, sta. nit-a. ph-a. --prepuce, nit-a. sab. ■ edge, psor. •- burning, ph-a. - oozing, nit-a. thj. ■-wzv/sab. euph. Constriction of prepuce, mere, can. sul. nit-a. sep. thj. rhs Contraction of spermatic cord, nux. alm. - testicles, nux. plb. mere, alm Crab-lice, saba. Cracks in glans, kli-c. ars. mos - prepuce, mere. sul. Cramp in testicles, sp. grph. Cutting in glans, ly. owr- -penis, ol-a. - testicles, sep. ber. ter. ph-a. Dampness of glans, thj. nit-a. mere. sep. chin. sul. nux. - scrotum, pet. thj. sil. sul. - thighs, between, pet. bar. Drawing in glans, io. kli-c. ly. - penis, kli-c. rho. ran-s. - spermatic cord, nux. pul. mere. cle. mng. - testiclesffxA. mere. rho. zn. thj. sta-T^ Drawing-up of testicles, zn. thj. pul. col. bell. men. plb. Dryness of glans, calad. - prepuce, sil. ign. mur-a. nat-c Embrace, ailments, caused by or accompanying an, sep. clc. ag. kli-c. ph-a. bov. chin. nux. pul. grph. sei- nat-c. alu. crb. mere. sta. - aversion to, ly. kli-c. phos. rho. agn. backache, mag-m. - ■- bruised feeling, sil. colic, flatulent, during, grph. dimness of vision, kli-c. dulness in head, clc. bar- dry mouth, nux. emission, without, kli-c- lach. ly. grph. calad. egn. -feeble, clc. phos. fl11' zn. ly. - - - quick, phos. zn. plat- sei. con. crb. sul. calad. br° insufficient, plb. ag. - slow, lach. clc. flu. falling asleep during, f' bar. heat, feeling of, nux. ill-humor, pet. sil. irritability, pet. sil. mental languor, sep. 120 MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 121 Embrace, aversion to, nausea, mos. perinceum, pain in, alu. urethra, pain in, cth. - prepuce drawn back, calad. -penis relaxed, during, nux. - emission, after, nat-m. sweat, after, ag. nat-c. egn. thrill deficient, plat. an. calad. toothache, after, dap. vertigo, bov. vomiting, mos. weakness, pet. kli-c. ag. con. sep. clc. sei. - desire for, abnormal, phos. lach. cth. chin. sep. mos. crb. nat-m. pul. stm. see Sexual desire excited. ~~ -- without erection, lach. sul. Emissions, sep. ph-a. con. sul. pul. nux. ly. crb. ammc. stm. phos. chin. pet. caus. sil. zn. kli-c. nit-a. thj. clc. bell. fer. led. an. bloody, led. mere. caus. ■ daytime, in, grph. cth. lach. arn. deficient, kli-c. ly. clc. nat-m frequent, crb. ph-a. con. ly. chin, kli-c. phos. pul. stm. ammc. caus. nit-a. pet. sep -- dreams, with lascivious, alu. crb. kli-c. bor. gra. clc. au. ■- onanism, causes, ph-a. nux. sep. pul. chin. --painful, mos. sars. cle. nat-c - penis, with relaxed, con. sei. bell, calad. - sleeping, while, sul. sta. caus erb-a. ther. Emissions followed by, - anxiety, oppressive, crb, - constipation, thj. - dull feeling in head, bov. clc sil. ■- eyes, weakness of, kli-c. ■- limbs, coldness of, nux. ■-paralysis, sense of, in brain, sil. - sweat, lach. - weakness, chin. ph-a. kli-c. crb. nux. ly. lach. Erections, abnormal, cth. phos nat-m. nux. grph. sil. pul. sep. zn. nat-c. plat, nit-a. can. chin. col. ign. op. ph-a thj. sta. mere, kli-c. - deficient, agn. con. kli-c, grph. caus. hep. ly. lach. morning, early, grph. - excited easily, ly. nux. phos, sab. - evening, in, phos. -feeble, too, hep. bar. sei. - insufficient, con. - morning, in, nux. cap. bro, - night, at, cth. nat-m. pul. zn nat-c. mere. au. thj. plat. - painful, cth. can. nux. thj. nat-c. ign. - sexual desire, without, ph-a. flu. - short, too, con. clc. - stool, when at, ign. urging to, zvith, th j. -■ strong, too, zn. kr. cth. phos. sab. - toothache, with, dap. Eruption on glans, sep. pet. rhs. calad. ly. bry. lach. -- hairs, kli. lach. sil. - penis, grph. ph-a. ■-prepuce, hep. nit-a. sep. sul. caus. ph-a. die. au. grph. sil. mere. rhs. sars. - thighs, between, pet. nat-m. clc. Erysipelas of scrotum, ars. mere. Excoriation of glans, sab. nux lach. - penis, bor. cic. arn. can. - prepuce, sab. chm. nux. pul - scrotum, zn. teu. ph-a. ran-s con. - thighs, between, hep. rho. Falling off of hair, nat-m. sei. rhs. nit-a. nat-c. bell. hell. Fetid smell of, sul. nat-m. sar. Flaccidity of glans, ag. - penis, mere. pru. Fullness, sensation of, sper- matic cord, flu. Gangrene of, ars. cth. rhs. lau 122 MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Glans, affections of, particular- ly, mere, nit-a. thj. sep. mez. nux. chin. sul. caus. alu. ly. lach. nat-m. nat-c. Gnawing in testicles, plat, ph-a Gonorrhoea, see chapter xxv. Hair, falling off of, nat-m. zn. nat-c. rhs. sei. Hanging down of testicles, nit-a sul. chin. clc. pul. Hardness, see Induration. Heat,feeling of', sul-a. Heaviness of the testicles, nat-c ammc. Hernia scrotalis, nux. mag-m. lach. as if, lach. Herpes, die. pet. hep. ph-a. nit-a. sep. sul. - prepuce, sep. caus. nit-a. hep. die. ph-a. mere. sul. sil. - scrotum, pet. nat-m. clc. - thighs, between, pet. nat-m. Hydrocele, rho. grph. sil. pul. sul. arn. ly. nux. - like a bladder filled with water, dig. Impotence, see Sexual power unable. Induration of glans, can. sul. - prepuce, lach. mere. sul. --prostrate gland, io. - spermatic cord, ph-a. sp. - testicles, cle. rho. agn. au. mere. ham. sp. io. sul. con. right, ar-n. Inflammation of glans, can. mere, nat-c. rhs. sars. ars. - penis, ac. mere. can. plb. - prepuce, mere, nat-c. nit-a. -prostrate, pul. thj. io. agn. can. mere. - scrotum, ars. plb. ph-a. ■- spermatic cord, pul. nux. -- testicles, pul. ham. cle. au. con. sta. mere. ly. zn. nux. nat-c. nit-a. see Swollen. gonorrhoea, from, mere. au. pul. ham. cle. nit-a. agn mumps, from, mere. pul. nux. Itching of glans, mere. can. sil. mng. euph. ars. - hairs, kli-c. crb. kli. sul. Itching, penis, nit-a. ign. can. -prepuce, can. vio-t. euph. caus. nit-a. - scrotum, pet. grph. sei. sta. pru. mag-m. - spermatic cord, mng. - thighs, between, crb. pet. Jerking in penis, mez. -• spermatic cord, mng. plb. Lasciviousness, crb. cle. phos chin. cth. sep. lach. pul. nat-m. mos. str. ver. stm. grph.ign. con. Moisture of frenum, ph-a. - scrotum, sil. pet. zn. nat-c. - thighs, between, hep. ly. bar. rho. crb. Nodosities in glans, bell. Numb feeling, amb. Painfulness of testicles, sep. rho. ph-a. sp. nat-c. zn. ammc. phos. sei. sil. Paraphimosis, merc-c. Penis, affections of, principally, cth. can. sep. mere. nux. sul. zn. phos. nit-a. con- crb. alu. cap. grph. sta. ly- kli-c. caus. sab. nat-m. clch clc. sil. nat-c. Perspiration, sep. calad. au- Icn. thj. -- nocturnal, bell. ■-- scrotum, nat-s. rho. sil. dap- ign. thj. - thighs, between, cinnab. Phimosis, sul. mere. can. nit-a thj. sep. rhs. sab. - penis grows smaller, pru. Pimples on, grph. lach. ly. sil' Pinching in glans, ac. Pollutions, see Emissions. Prepuce, affections of, mere, nit-a. ph-a. sul. mez. cam thj. sep. ars. nux. ly. sil- ign. lach. caus. chin. rho. Pressing towards, col. asa. Pressure in penis, vio-t. - spematic cord, sp. sul. - testicles, pul. au. sp. ham- bis. saba. Priapism, cth. nux. nat-m. sib rhs. nat-c. pul. grph. plat' sta. nit-a. kli-c. col. Prostate, enlarged, bnz-a. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 123 Prostate, indurated, io. thj. cop. - inflamed, sec. ap. ly. zn. eye agn. -pressure in, ol-a. -- swollen, io. thj. can. Prostatic fluid, discharged, pet clc. ph-a. sep. hep. sul. alm nit-a. - emotions, cause, con. - stool, during, sep. hep. sil. alm. sul. - urinating, while, sep. an. clc nat-c. hep. sul. Pulsation in penis, cop « Pustules among hairs, kli. penis, on, bov. Red spots on glans, lach. crb. sil. arn. prepuce, rhs. nit-a. Redness of glans, mere. can. ars. calad. penis, can. prepuce, mere. can. cle. sil. sul. ~~ scrotum, pet. pul. mere. arn. _ thighs, between, pet. Relaxed, parts are, agn. calad ~~~ penis, mere. Retracted prepuce, nux. Rhagades on glans, ars. ^■prepuce, sul. mere. Satyriasis, cth. nux. phos. mere, nat-m. sul. str. hyo. Scrotum, affections of, particu- larly, pet. rhs. thj. sul. ph-a. cle. pul. sil. grph. nat-m. ars. crb. plb. arn. Semen, bloody, caus. led. mere -frothy, mur-a. - inodorous, sei. -- odor, strong, lach. -- watery, sul. mur-a. sep. led. Seminal discharge, see Emis- sion. Sensitiveness of prepuce, sab. - testicles, sep. au. ign. arn. zn Sexual desire deficient, ly. kli-c. grph. nit-a. clc. hep. lach. ign. stm. bell. ■- diminished, bell. op. flu. sp. excessive, cth. sul. nat-m. sil nux. str. grph. hyo. ly. rho plat, nat-c. pul. alu. kli-c. Sexual desire, - erection, feeble, 'with, sei. grph. men. ag. ammc. - priapism, cth. nat-m. nux. plios. rhs. sil. nat-c. grph. pul. col. kli-c. nit-a. plat, sta. ph-a. thj. - satyriasis, cth. mere. nux. sul. phos. nat-m. - powers, feeble, bar. clc. sep calad. - - unable, ly. nat-m. sul. can calad. chin. con. mur-a. nux-m. grph. col. hyo. lach - - after a cold, mos. Shrivelling of scrotum, rho. cap. ar-n. Shrinking of penis, ar-n. ly. ign. al. - scrotum, with cold and pain- ful testicles, her. -■ testicles, hydroph. Shuddering, sense of, in scro- tum, zn. Sore, as if, glans, sab. nux. lach. - penis, bov. cic. arn. can. - prepuce, chm. pul. nux. sab. - scrotum, zn. con. teu. ph-a. ■-■ thighs, rho. hep. Soreness of penis, sep. caus. mere. chm. crb. nux. sul. grph.ly. rho. .- scrotzim, sul. nat-c. zn. plb. ■- thighs, between, grph. caus. sul. hep. ly. rho. nat-c. Spasmodic pain in penis, grph - testicles, sp. Spermatorrhoea, cth. phos. x sul. lup. dio. gel. dig. - stool, during, ph-a. Spots on parts, sil. crb. arn. Stinging in glans, mere. rho. - penis, vio-t. mere. thj. mez. - prepuce, ars. euph. pul. - scrotum, mere. sul. thj. -• testicles, sta. caus. rho. arn. Sweat on scrotum, sil. dap. sep thj. nocturnal, bell. - thighs, between, hep. Swelling of epididymus, sul. -frenum, sab. . 124 MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Swelling, glans, can. mere, nat-c. rhs. thj. one side, spig. •- penis, can. mere. arn. cup. dorsum, sab. -prepuce, mere. sul. can. thj. rhs, grph. calad. vio-t. -prostate, pul. thj. ■- scrotum, sep. ph-a. plb. arn. sam. - testicles, cle. pul. ham. au. io. rho. dig. zn. con. sp. mere. ly. chin, kli-c. sta. nat-c. arn. nit-a. ars. bor. gonorrhoeal, mere. au. pul cle. nit-a. traumatic, arn. ham. pul. con. zu. agn. Tearing in glans, kli. eph. .-penis, mez. cle. - spermatic cord, clch. pul. bell -• testicles, sta. pul. eph. Tension of glans, kli-c. grph. arn. -penis, kli-c. arn. - scrotum, arn. ■- spermatic cord, can. sul. Testicles, affections of, particu- larly, cle. au. pul. ham. mere, nit-a. rho. arn. sp. nux. sul. io. con. agn. ly. zn. sep. crb. ign. Thickening of epidydimus, sul. - prepuce, sul. lach. - scrotum, cle. rhs. Thinner, skin of scrotum be- comes, lach. Throbbing in glans, rho. -penis, cop. - spermatic cord, am-m. Tingling of glans, spig. mere, tart. - scrotum, ac. sei. - spermatic cord, mere. euph. - prepuce, ph-a. mere. Turning sensation in testicles, saba. Twitching in penis, mez. - spermatic cord, mng. plb. Ulcers on glans, mere. sep. sul nit-a. herpetic, hep. sep. thj. sul nit-a. mere. die. grph. au. - syphilitic, mere. kli. nux-j. nit-a. sep. -prepuce, mere, nit-a. thj. sep ph-a. cans. sul. grph. die. Ulcerative pain. ign. amb. Voluptuousness, plat, ang- grph. amb. Warts, thj. nit-a. sars. ly. ph-a sta. nux. sab. - bleeding, thj. - cauliflower, thj. nit-a. ly. - dry, thj. nux. sars. sul. -flat, thj. nit-a. sars. - humid, nit-a. thj. - itching, thj. euph. -painful, sab. euph. - sore, sab. Wasting of testicles, kli-j. iO' agn. caus. cap. zn. XXVII. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Abortion, miscarriage, predis- position to, helo. ale. clc. sab. kli-c. caul. bap. sul. - threatened, caul. vib. tri. sep pul. ip. ap. kli-c. clc. sab. ■- second month, kli-c. ap. -- third month, sec. sab. "rr-off -fifth month, sep. Abortion caused by, - concus sions, arn. - cystitis, cth. -- cold or dampness, die. rhs. Abortion caused by - emotions, gel. -fright, op. ac. gel. •-grief, ign. Abortion with, - congestion to icterus, bell- nux. - leucorrhoea, profuse, sep. fer. clc. - spasms, hyo. ip. chm. Aching, mng. sab. clc. ign* FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 125 Amenorrhoea, pul. grph. sep. fer. ac. bry. sul. die. sil. con kli-c. phos. nat-m. cocc. ly. chm. clc. bell. ammc. - cold, from «^>ul. nux-m. sep sul. -fright, ac. ly. op. ver. -younggirls, pul. sul. grph. caus. kli-c. sep. Aphthae on pudendum, crb. Bloating of uterus, ly. phos. Blood, congestion of , to uterus, bell. sec. chin. nux. sul. plat bry. mere. hep. crc. sab. •-discharge op acrid, kr. crb. sil. nat-c. ■ bad smelling, bell. crc. kr. chm. crb. sil. caus. sab. blackish, crc. chm. pul. bell. chin. bry. nux. plat, sep. sul. lach. kr. mag-c. -- - bright-red, ip. hyo. bell, sab. - ■- coagulated, chm. ip- chin, sab. zn. mag-m. pale, watery, crb. grph. pul. sul. plat. ly. clc. nit-a. --pitch, like, mag-c. - slimy, cocc. pul. sul-a. ■- sour smelling, sul. - thick, pul. crc. plat. cup. arn mos. nux-m. mag-c. - viscid, crc. mag-m. iW* . ■- watery, see pale. Bruised, as if,internally, bar-m Burning in pudendum, crb. sul cth. am-m. clc. -: vagina, thj. sul. chm. ly- hyo Cancer of uterus, kr. grph. ars erb-a. sep. clc. mere. lach. bell. sul. thj. Confinement, disorders during pul. bell. clc. bry. arn. rhs nux. chm. plat. ac. coff. ver hyo. ign. sil. lach. sec. col. zn. mere. op. eye. ' - after-pains, too strong or long, coff. arn. chin, rhs. nux. sab. clc. pul. ign. bell, sep. ru. kli-c. colic, chm. bry. sep. arn. pul bell. hyo. nux. - constipation, nux. bry. plat, an-t. op. ly. alu. Confinement, - diarrhoea, rhe. an-t. hyo. die - eclampsia, plat. ign. eye. hyo bell. str. - hair fallen out, clc. nat-m. sul. ly. - inflamed, bell. phyt. sil. phos bry. mere. con. arn. - see Lochia. mania, see Nymphomania. - milk deficient, clc. phyt. pul. caus. bry. bell. chm. ac., fever, ac. coff. bry. bell. igg, see phlegmasia. - moral disorders, plat, bell., pul. ver. - phlegmasia alba, rhs. arn. sil. bell. clc. sul. io. -pot-bellied, sep. col. - puerperal fever, rhs. ver-v. bry. nux. ac. bell. chm. col - sleeplessness, coff. ac. ign. bell. mos. op. hyo. nux. pul - sore nipples, arn. sul. phyt. grph. bry. chm. clc. sil. ly.' pul. nux. caus. - sweat, bry. ac. chin. sul. ver. - weakness, kli-c. clc. sul. chiii nux. ph-a. Contact at the os tincce is pain- ful, chin. Contractive pain, nux. sep ign. thj. sab. Cutting in the os tincce, pul. Deformity of the os tincce, nat-c Digging in pudendum, con Drawing pain, rhs. mos.'sab ly- - uterus, pul. Dryness of vagina, ly. bell sng. - sterility, with, bor. clc. phos, can. mere. caus. sul-a. con ' ammc. grph. agn. nat-m. embrace, aversion to, caus. nat-m. pet. kli-c. - desire for, kr. fer. - swelling of parts, after, kr. - thrill, without, fer. - tubercles on os tincce, after, sul-a. kr. Eruptions on pudendum, sep. mere, grph, die. pet sul. ang. con. 126 FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Flatus from vagina, sng. ly. bro. Globus hystericus, lach. plb. Gnawing itching at pudendtim ly. kli-c. Heat at pudendum, sep. kr. crb nux. mere. Herpes, die. pet. caus. see Eruptions. Induration of uterus, sep. erb-a con. bell. au. sta. mag-m. chin. cle. cocc. rhs. phos. Inflammation of ovaries, bell, lach. mere. plat. ham. die. sab. con. chin. pul. cth.^yn) - uterus, nux. bell. ac. chm. lach. sec. rhs. coff. mere. - vagina, mere. ■-vulva, sep. nux. mere. clc. Itching of pudendum, sil. crb. clc. sul. sep. con. nat-m. kli-c. kr. plat. ly. nit-a. ang Labor, see Parturition. Labor-like pains, pul. coff. sec chm. nux. bell, nux-m. arn. Leucorrlicea, acrid, kr. sep. bor. am-c. pul. sab. crb. phos. lach. ars. nit-a. mere. fl nat-m. an-t. see Corrosive • bland, changed from, ran. brown, offensive, nit-a. - ■- burning, mag-s. bor. con. pul. erb-a. - -greenish, mere, nat-m. erb-a. nit-a. • smarting and blistering, phos. washing with cold water relieves, alm. yellow, stiff stains, leaving kr. ■- albuminous, bov. hyd. alm. bor. pet. am-m. plat. ust. - biting, an-t. erb-a. ■- black, ere. offensive, chin. - bland, mere. kr. caul, see mild. - blistering, phos. - bloody, cocc. tri. bar. crb. chin. ph-a. nux. see flesh- colored. ■ black clots, discharge of, chin. Leucorrlicea, - bloody, dark and thick, nux-m feetid, sab. mucus, bar. crb. zn. serum, alternating ■with pus, chin. stool, during, nux. ulcer ation, from, kr. ar-n. urinating, when, cth. - bluish, amb. - brown, sec. nit-a. lil. offensive, sec. nit-a. •- - slimy, am-m. - - apt er urinating, am-m - brownish, sil. lil. sec. nit-a. - burning, bor. erb-a. kr. sul. con. mag-s. see acrid, corrosive. -- cervical, clc. hyd. - clear, pd. au. - coagulated, dropping in masses when walking, bov. foetid, chin. mixed with acrid fluid, an-t. - -purulent, mere. - constant, thj. mag-m. ham. - corrosive, sil. bor. ars. erb-a. io. sng. clc. ly. phos. con. alm. bov. kr. sab. mere, ign see acrid, burning, -rC- green andfeetid, crb-ac. profuse, alm. yellow, lil. - cream-like, pul. tri. sec. clc. - dark, kr. ere. nux-m. - debilitating, clc. stm. helo. kr. con. - discharge eats holes in her linen, io. feels like warm water as it passes, bor. - like white of, bov. clc-p. am-m. bor. pet. - excoriating, kr. bor. sng. phos. bov. ars. erb-a. sil. clc alm. con. sab. io. chm. ign. - - perinceum, lil. thighs, caust. an-t. sab. sul. ■-flesh-color, nit-a. alm. sep bar. - fluid, rust colored, pd. -feetid, see offensive. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 127 Leucorrhoea, --greenish, mere. crb. nat-m. nit-a. carb-ac. • water, sep. walking, while, nat-m. - gushes, in, grph. ly. cocc. - ichorous, kr. sab. cinna. bloody, kr. - intermittent, clc. kr. mag-m. con. -jelly-like, sab. sec. sep. - linen, eats holes in, io. ■ stains brown, lil. -green, lach. bov. thj. •- - --yellow, erb-a. nux. kr. chel. agn. stiffens, alm. kli. lach. kr. - lumpy, see coagulated. - menses, flowing like the, caus kr. mag-s. -■ - smelling like, caus. - meat washings, like, nit-a. cocc. bf. - mild, bland, painless, caul, alm. mere. kr. sep. phos. ran. plat. nux. in the beginning, after- wards corroding and smarting, ran. - milk, like, clc. sil. phos. crb. sep. pul. kr. con. sab. sul-a excoriating, crb. ~ with swelling of labia, pul - mucus, sep. caul. pul. sul. grph. zn. sar. pd. alm. crb. mere. lach. sab. con. nit-a. see albuminous, eggs, white o/- v acrid, con. mag-c. phos. - - bloody, kr. crb. bar. sep. zn. - on rising in morning, kr. ■- sensation as if menses would appear, sul-a. - urinating, when, cth. - - bluish lumps, amb. -.- brown, then white, then bloody, die. ■- urination, after, pain- less, am-m. ■ corrosive, sul-a. ■-foetid, sep. * flocks, mere. Leucorrhoea, flesh-color, nit-a. flocks, mere. sep. greenish, nit-a. jelly, sab sep. - •- eggs, white of, bov. clc-p. bor. am-m. mez. - zvhen walking, drops in clots, bov. • - sensation as of warm water, bbr. lumpy, amb. bov. sep. profuse, caul. ropy, hyd. sab. kli. crc. nit-a. see ropy. shreds, kli. -■ - tenacious, kli. hyd. bov. ac. - - - brown, then white, then bloody, die. thick, pul. bov. orb. bor. con. pd. nat-m. amb. - bluish, amb. transparent, pd. white, bov. pul. bor. con. crb. nat-m. thin, white, grph. ol-a. transparent, pd. alm. sul-a nat-m. stm. viscid, hyd. an-t. white, pul. bov. amb. grph ol-a. bor. mag-c. crb. acrid, con. - - bluish, amb. - - ■- thick, bov. pul. crb. bor. con. nat-m. - thin, grph. ol-a. -- - viscid, an-t. -yellow, sep. sul. nux. -• odorless, pul. - offensive, foetid, sec. kr. sng. chin, nit-a. sep. sab. nux. ar. carb-ac. aral. ust. ammonia, like, am-c. cheese, like old, hep. - - corn, like green, kr. menses, like, caus. pungent, kr. putrid, sec. sep. kr. mur-a ph-a. nat-c. sweetish, mere, clc-p. -paroxysmal, see intermittent. - painless, see mild. -paste-like, bor. 128 FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Leucorrhoea, -pitch-like, sab. - profuse, clc. sil. ph-a. nat-m. alm. helo. grph. con. am-c. ham. caus. lach. cocc. acrid, alm. sil. am-c. day only, alm. gushes, in, cocc. grph. ly. sil. clc. when bending or squat- ting, cocc. - - menses, flowing like, caus. kr. mag-s. - and having same odor, caus. morning, when rising, grph. - - night, at, caus. - purulent, mere. ign. chin, alm sep. cinna. ■- pus-like, mere. sep. ar. an-c. alternating with bloody serum, chin. - reddish, see bloody and flesh- color. - ropy, kli. hyd. crc. sab. nit-a strings, in, nit-a. crc. ■ long yellow, kli. thick, tenacious, hang- ing from os, hyd. - rose-color, see bloody and flesh-color. - running to feet, alm. (Awe': - scanty, mag-c. pul. grph. sar - serous, helo. chin. kr. grph. - ■- bloody, alternating with pus, chin. • mixed with purulent fluid, cocc. - - profuse, helo. shreds in it, hyd. fer. - slimy, see mucus. smarting, phos. sil. chm. sul con. stm. an-c. ' salt, as from, sul. smell, without, see odorless. smelling like ammonia, am-c. cheese, old, hep. corn, green, kr. menses, caus. pungent, kr. putrid, sec. sep. kr. see offensive. sweetish, mere, clc-p. Leucorrhoea, - staining the linen brown, lil. green, lach. thj. bov. yellow, crb-a. nux. agn. sep. kr. thj. chel. - starch, like, bor. sab. - sticky, as s. - stiffening the linen, alm. kr. lach. kli. - stringy, see ropy. - tenacious, kli. hyd. bov. phyt when walking, especially, bov. yellow, thick, hyd. - thick, pul. au. crb. sep. kli. hyd. pd. bov. io. bluish, amb. - cream, like, pul. sec. tri. dropping out when stand- ing, ars. bov. milk, like, con. purulent, mez. ropy, see ropy and tena- cious. transparent,.-^^., - -white, con. pul. au. yellow, hyd. crb. io. ars. kli. - thin, grph. an-c. crb-a. ol-a. sul. fer. nit-a. kr. sil. acrid, am-c. pul. crb-a. hemps or plugs, am-c. pus, mixed with, am-C. biting, crb-a. bloody, chin. worse when sitting, an-t brown, nit-a. burning, crb-a. sul. pul. am-c. greenish, sep. nit-a. profuse and offensive, as. ichorous, sec. kr. sab. milky, pul. crb. sil. offensive, sec. sep. sab. scanty, mag-c. watery or slimy, instead of menses, phos. white, grph. mucus, ol-a. yellow, sep; sul. - transparent, pd. alm. sul-a. agn. stm. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 129 Leucorrhoea, profuse, flowing daytime only, alm. - uterine, clc. hyd. io. con. au. phyt. tri. carb-ac. - vaginal, sep. ly. cth. hyd. mag-m. - virulent with frequent mis- carriages, bap. - viscid, bov. hyd. kli. stm. phos. - washings of meat, like, nit-a. cocc. - water, like, nit-a. mag-c. see thin. - white, pul. fer. bor. clc. ol-a. crb. am-m. grph. mere, bov sars. nat-m. cth. - •- egg, like, bor. am-m. bov. mez. pet, plat. -_yellow, hyd. lil. sep. ac. ph-a crb. chm. nux. alm. ars. kr. kli. ly. ap. ar-n. bright, excoriating, lil. dark, sticky, excoriating, ses. thick, ars. crb. drops out when stand- ing, ars. - water, sep. sul. Lips of vulva, diseases of, con. sil. clc. sep. nat-m. ■ thj. mere. nux. kr. grph. bry. kli-c. ammc. sta. Lochia, acrid, carb-ac. bap. kr sil. sep. lil. water, con. - black, crc. and clotted, crc. kr. plat. - bloody, bry. ac. rhs. clc. sil. becomes again, clc. rhs. kr sil. erg. child suckles, whenever, sil - -- intermittent, rhs. - brown, sec. crb. putrid, crb. - cadaverous, str. - clotted, bell. crc. plat. cim. kr - dark, chin. sec. crc. ust. kr. foetid or cheesy, chin. offensive, lumpy, kr. stringy, crc. thin, sec. ust. Lochia, - excoriating, lil. crb-a. sep. kr. plat. crc. rhs. - foetid, sec. carb-ac. sep. crb-a bap. lach. chin. - hot, feels, bell. - ichorous, crb-a. rhs. sec. - intermittent, kr. clc. plat, rhs. - light, clc. sul. - lumpy, cim. kr. - milky, clc. pul. - mucus, con. pul. sul. white, con. pul. profuse, pul. - offensive, sec. kr. sep. carb-ac rhs. crb-a. bell. bap. -painless, sec. - pale, clc. pul. - - then bloody, clc. -passive, caul. - profuse, plat. erg. con. rhs. crc. sen. ust. gushes, in, plat. nymphomania, with, plat. protracted, clc. plat. crc. ust. rhs. chin. excoriating, crb-a. kr. lil. ■- protracted, clc. plat. crc. rhs helo. hep. chin. tri. ■-- - exhaustion, with, bap. rhs sul. ust. ■ menstruate freely, in women who, clc. passive oozing, caul. - purulent, mere. - red, deep, ac. bry. clc. chin, sil. - reappears, rhs. clc. kr. helo. erg. ■ when she begins to go about ac. - scanty, nux. pul. str. ac. sec. - --■ milky, pul. offensive, nux. - suppressed, bry. sec. nux. ac. bell. chin. hyo. cim. pul. col. ver. str. -- - abdomen sensitive, ac. bell - tympanitic, col. aral. aches andpains, with, chm aching in back, with, bry, anger, from, col, 130 FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Lochia, ■ colic, with, col. chm. chin cold, or dampness, from, die. cim. convulsions, with, hyo. mil. - - diarrhoea, with, chm. chin col. - - diminution of milk, pul. die. mil. zn. - - distress in head, ac. face, flushed, bell. fever, with, ac. mil. - - fright, from, op. ign. - - grief, from, ign. headache, ac. bry. bell, cim. as if it would burst, bry. • head, distress in, ac. rush of blood, ac. cim. bell. • hysterical symptoms, with ign. plat. chm. str. hyo. pul. nux. ver. • lips, dry, bry. mental disorders, with, bell. hyo. str. mouth, dry, bry. •-milk, suppressed, pul. die. mil. zn. nymphomania, plat. zn. ver. rheumatic pains, cim. bry caul. rhs. - ■- tympanitis, col. aral. toothache, chm. chin. uterus, inflammation of, bell. sec. - -vexation, from, chm. col. - thin, ust. sec. erb-a. rhs. cim dark, sec. ust. - viscid, ere. - watery, rhs. ust. sec. erb-a. cim. - - acrid, con. mixed with clots, cim. - white, pul. sep. sul. - worse from least exertion, ust motion, bry. erg. • bloody, lochia returns, erg. - - night, at, mere. Lochia, suckling causes discharge of blood, sil. Menses before proper age, elm sil. phos. an-c. sab. pul. chm - delayed, pul. grph. fer. io. ly con. sil. mag-c. caus. kli-c. nat-m. lach. cocc. sen. sul. •- flowing, afternoon, more, ly. daytime only, caus. pul. ham. eye. coff. - - intermittent, chm. pul. lach. kr. sec. lactation, during, sil. clc. bov. morning, more, bov. only, bov. erb-a. sep. moving about, only, lil. sec ~ night, ceases, caus. ham. pul. more, am-c. am-m. bov mag-c. zn. pain, in ab sconce, only, mag-c. plb. pregnancy, during, kr. rhs cocc. plat. nux. - ■- returns aft er having ceased, clc. kr. ust. nux. lach. tri. - excitement, from, clc. amb. - - over-exertion, tri. - new moon, at, nux. sitting, more when, cyc.hn^ standing, more when, am-c stool, during, hep. -- - walking, only, lil. sep. - irregular, sep. cocc. kr. io. lach. eye. - late, see delayed. .-periods, discharge between, clc. bell. bov. chm. cocc. coff. ip. bry. arn. --premature, returning too soon sil. mag-c. am-c. kli-c. clc. erb-a. con. bov. kr. phos. thj. bell. cth. bry. stm. rhs tri. zn. sul-a. mur-a. ph-a. nit-a. ars. ver. ust. amb. an-t. chm. cinna. coff. ign. io. ip. mos. nux. plat, sab. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 131 Menses, profuse, sep. sil. mag-c. (tea am-c. bell, cinna. mng. eye sab. tri. bov. clc. crb. phos stm. rhs. bor. ag. amb. chm Cth. kr. cocc. mur-a. sul-a. nit-a. nux. ru. ust. an-t. ars coff. ign. mos. io. ip. zin. -protracted, clc. ph-a. qutedy. sep. kli-c. kr. sil. sab. rt«^plat. phos. crc. nux. sul-a. scanty, lil. con. ars. thj. sil. am-c. sep. phos. mng. short duration, mag-s. am-c. an-t. nux. plat. sep. thj. con. -premature during menopause, ru. con. nux. cocc. chlorosis, with, eye. dropsy, with, ars. sen. ap. hysteria, with, ign. coff. chm. cocc. con. plethora, with, bell. clc. phthisis, zvith, kli-c. phos scrawny women, sec. scrofulous zoomen, sec. ■ thin women, phos. - profuse and protracted, sab. plat. phos. crc. kr. sul-a. kli-c. ust. sep. nux. clc. coff short duration, lach. plat. sil. thj. concussions, after, arn. delay, after, lach. dancing, after, crc. excitement, after, crc. fright, after, ust. lactation, during, clc. sil. -: -■ menopause, at, lach. nux. sep. night, at, am-c. mag-c. zn riding, after, am-c. stool, at, ly. io. ' walking, when, lil. sab. crc. am-c. -protracted, continuing' long, ly. fer. sil. clc. phos. ust. kli-c. sul-a. ph-a. sab. plat. - retarded, see delayed. first menses, sul. pul. grph nat-m. caus. kli-c. - -profuse, phos. kli-c. caus. Menses, - scanty, sul. pul. grph. alm. lil. kli-c. fer. caul. con. sil. sep. sars. mng. mag-c. ber bov. nux. bar. - short, too, grph. lach. die. ber. alm. euph. bar. nat-m. - suppressed, see Am e n O r - rhaea. - vicarious, bry. ham. phos. kr Menstrual discharge acrid, burning, corrosive, excoria- ting, crb. sil. lach. rhs. sul. nat-s. pet. caus. - black, sec. mag-c. ol-a. nux. sng. pul. -■ brown, bry. con. - coagulated, chin. crc. ip. plat ust. sec. eye. pul. zn. str. cocc. fer. bell. arn. black, crc. sec. chin. ust. sab. chm. fer. cocc. offensive, bell. crc. sec. - dark, crc. kr. ust. sei. nux. sng. chin. sec. pul. nux-m. plat, mag-c. lil. eye. chm. bell, cinna. fer. grph. ign. lach. ol-a. bry. cocc. -- foul, offensive, sec. kr. crb. bell. crc. chm. ign. lil. sil. lochia, like, lil. semen, smells like, str. pungent, kr. kli-c. sour, sul. - hot, bell. , -pale, fer. die. ber. alm. bov. sul. , like watery ink, sec. -pitch, like, cac. cocc. - red, bright, bell. ip. caus. arn. sab. 4 ddf with coagula, arn. bell, sab. - stringy, crc. - thick, sul. nux-m. crb. mag-c cac. , -- viscid, pul. mag-c. crc. Menstruation, ailments be fore, - abdomen distended, ly. as if clutched by a hand, bell. eruption on, like bee' stings, ap. 132 FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Menstruation, ailments be- fore, - ■- heaviness, as from a stone, pul. colic, in, pul. col. chm sep. crc. bell. caus. cramps, in, cup. pul. chm -- doubling her up, col. • labor-like, sep. bell, bov. cin. - •- pressure in, sep. - •- tenderness of, lach. - anxiety, nat-m. nux. - backache, asa. caul, nit-a. rhs nux-m. - bladder, cramps in, caul, nux - bruisedfeeling, con. lach. - canine hunger, mag-c. --cheeks, swelling of, kli-c. phos. - chilliness, sil. ly. kli-c. kr. - -- of special parts, in parox- ysms, sil. -- chin, eruption, die. - cholera-like symptoms, am-c. - colic, see abdomen. •- constipation, sil. - convulsions, cup. - coryza, mag-c. - depression, mental, au. clc. - diarrhoea, am-c. bov. sil. ■- dread of downward motion, bor. fresh air, nux. - ears, buzzing in, bor. kr. ringing in, fer. - epistaxis, bry. sul. ver. xan. - eructations, chin. - exhaustion, cocc. - extremities fidgety, zn. -face, pale, pul. - - red, dark, gel. -fear, full of, ac. -frenzy, ac. - genitals distended, sense of, sep. pres sing towards, crc. chin plat. - groins, pain in, an-t. - pressure in, erb-a. - gums swollen, phos. •- haemoptysis, pul. -- head, congestion to, ac. ap. gio. Menstruation, ailments be- fore, heaviness, ign. humming, in, kr. - headache, throbbing, bell, bor - hoarseness, grph. mng. - hysteria, mos. plat. hyo. - irascibility, chm. nux. - kissing, mania for, vex. - labia, itching of, mere. ■- laughter, hysterical, hyo. loud, nux-m. - liver, pain in, pul. - loquacious, ver. - malaise, ly. - mamma hand, con. sp. painful, con. sng. clc. secrete a milky fluid, eye. swollen, clc. con. - melancholy, ly. nat-m. pul. - nausea, ip. pul. - nose-bleed, bry. sul. ver. - nymphomania, str. •- ovarian pains, lach. ap. -perinceum, soreness of, sep. -pudendum, itching, grph. painful, ere. - rash on chin, die. - shuddering, sep. - sighing, ign. - suicidal tendency, au. - umbilicus, pain in, kr. ip. - urination, burning, cth. frequent, alm. sul. - urticaria, die. - weakness, coco. - weeping, pul. - yawning, pul. Menstruation, ailments during, - abdomen, sensation as of something alive in, ere. eye bloated, nic. cocc. ly. bruised, feels, ham. sul. cannot bear clothing tight, ly. clc. nux. lach. - - cramps in, col. grph. pul. chm. caus. cim. cocc. con. nit-a. kli-c. nux. empty, feels, phos. -fermentation, sense of, phos. cramp in muscles of, plat. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Menstruation, ailments during, - cheeks, swollen, kli-c. phos. - cheerfulness", flu. - chest, congested, ac. constricted, cac. spasms in, cocc. - chilliness, phos. am-c. pul. clc. kr. - colic, sep. pul. col. bell, phos plat. cim. lach. am-c. bor. coff. lach. cocc. grph. - constip ation, nux. bry. sep. sil. grph. - convulsions, bell. cim. hyo. cup. plat. - crying and screaming, chm. - dejection, au. - diarrhoea, bov. Wm., a with vomiting and cold sweat, ver. - drops things, ap. - epistaxis, bry. sul. - eruptions, grph. kli-c. pet. - exhaustion, ars. crb. ver. - exposes person, hyo. -fainting, ign. lach. cocc. -feet burning, crb. chm. suL cold, clc. sil. -fever, afternoon, phos, night, nat-m. - groaning, cocc. - hemoptysis, pul. - hemorrhoids, crb. am-c. headache, bry. igri. gio. pul. nux. phos. plat. grph. - hoarseness, grph. sp.^ - hot and thirsty, chm. - impatient, chm. nux. - improvement of temper, stm. eye. - indifference, sep. rho. - irritability, bry. nux. sul. chm. - kidneys, pains in, ber. - labia, burning, crb. kli-c. kr. sil. itching, pet. kr. kli. amb. cans. con. nodes, on, mere. - lachrymation, phyt. - langour, helo. - lassitude, ign. mag-c. nux. - mamme, pains in, con. phos. 133 Menstruation, ailments during, pains in, sep. pul. nux. plat. bell. col. phos. lach. sec. chm. kli-c. coff. bor. am-c. bro. caus. grph. nat-s better from exercise, sul. - hot, moist applica- tion, nux-m. when flow becomes free, sul. lach.^U^ - knives, as if cut with, phos. lach. - everything would be torn, grph: -• vulva, as if contents would be pressed out, sep. bell. lil. nat-c. pd. -- bearing down, bell, sep plat. chm. nat-c. pd. lil. compelling her to cross her legs, sep. -- cutting, phos. cocc. - driving to despair, coff. griping, col. bov. cim. kli-c. lab or-like, cim. sep. chm. bell. lach. sec. gel. as. con. nat-c. - spasmodic, col. nux. caul. cup. chm. plat. cocc. tearing, grph. vomiting, with, ver. pinching, bor. plat. bell. weakness, phos. - acid mouth, ly. - alarm, full of, ac, - alone, desires to be, eye. - amelioration of all complaints zn. - anguish, bell. .- anus, burning, ber. crb. - - prolapsus, au. pd. backache, bell, kli-c. phos. nux. am-m. bladder, cramp in, caul. - blindness, momentary, sil. - blue, everything looks, sil. - breathing obstructed by pains, sep. - catarrh, kli-c. mag-c. - cheeks, redness of, ac. one, other pale, chm. 134 FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Menstruation, ailments during, - mania, sep. str. - morning sickness, grph. - numbness, general, plat. - odontalgia, chm. clc. sta. - semen, body smells of, str. - sexualinstinct without energy sep. - shivering, phos. pul. sep. -- sleepy all the time, phos. but cannot sleep, bell. op. •- talk, does not want to, am-c. fatigues her, crb. stm. - - hurriedly, sul-a. - thirsty, ver. ■ and hot, chm. - tired all the time, thj. eye. - tremulous sensation, sul-a. - urethra pains after urinating sars. - vertigo, con. ac. clc. gio. crb -■ warmth, worse in, pul. - weakness, helo. io. lach. ver. nux. Menstruation, ailments after - abdomen, bearing down in, chm. as if menses would re- appear, kr. ly. plat. -- - spasms in, kr. - aggrav ations of all c om- plaints, kr. - aversion to coition, phos. caus with dryness of vagina, nat-m. - backache, kli-c. ver. -- bladder, burning in, caus. - colic, with diarrhoea, ver. - desire for sexual intercourse, plat, sul-a. kr. - debility, alm. erb-a. chin, phos. tremulous, chin. -feel damp, as from wet stock- ings, clc. offensive, sil. -flatus from vagina, ars. - groin, pains in, bor. plat. - gums swollen, phos. ■- impatience, nat m. - mamma swollen and secreting eye. ba-A- Menstruation, ailments after, - nausea, during sexual inter- course, sil. - pelvis, stitches in, kr. • burning in, kr. -pruritus, ph-a. nat-m. kli. fer. - weakness out of proportion to blood-loss, ip. excessive, chin. alm. Metrorrhagia, active, ac. bell, ip. ■- black, sec. crc. pul. chm. fer. coagulated, chm. pul. crc. liquid, sec. - ■- offensive, kr. sec. chm. crc stringy, crc. - bright-red, ip. bell. sab. clc. arn. - -- aggravated by motion, crc. sab. - - continuous, ip. hyo. ■-■ -feels hot, bell. -paroxysmal, bell. with clots, sab. arn. - coagulated, chin. pul. fer. chm. crc. sab. dark, chm. par oxy smal, pul. - comes suddenly, and goes as suddenly, bell. - continuous, ip. hyo. ham. - dark, sec. bry. nux-m. fer. crc. plat. - .- with coagula, chm. pul. sab. crc. -- frequent returns, kr. nux. sul. ■-gushes, in, chm. ust. pul. - intermittent, kr. pul. sul. - offensive, sec. bell. chm. crc. - passive, ham. sec. ust. -profuse, bell. clc. sab. chm. arn. sec. continuous^ ip. - offensive, kr. gushes, sab. - sudden, bell. - stringy, crc. - thick, nux-m. Milk-fever, see Confinement Miscarriage, see Abortion. Moles, discharge of, cth. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 135 Nymphomania, plat. phos. str. ver. hyo. cth. nat-m. bell. pul. nux. fire* Utadas Ovaries, diseases of, cth/ap. bell. lil. lach. chin. mere, col. die. plat. con. sta. thj. kli-c. sab. au. ars. ly. mez. Parturition, ailments during, sec. pul. chm. arn. coff. nux rhs. op. kli-c. nux-m. ign. - after-pains, rhs. arn. pul. coff. chm. sab. clc. nux. sep - deficient pains, pul. op. sec. bell, kli-c. sep. nux. chm. - hcemorrhage, plat. ere. bell, chin. ip. fer. sab. chm. - placenta adhering, sec. pul. bell. ■- spasmodic pains, coff. nux. pul. bell. chm. nux-m. sep. - spasms, convulsions, ver-v. gel. bell. ign. hyo. cic. chm cocc. ip. Phlegmasia alba, see Confine- ment. Pimples at pudendum, grph. mere, Polypi, uterine, clc. sta. thj. nit-a. Pregnancy, ailments during, colic, chm. pul. sep. nux. bry. arn. bell. hyo. - constipation, bry. nux. sep. iy- . - convulsions, spasms, chm. ign. cic. bell. hyo. ip. - diarrhoea, an-t. sul. phos. sep die. pet. - gastric disorders, nux. ip. pul. con. ars. sep. - headache, pul. bell. nux. ver. cocc. bry. sep. ac. .- hunger, canine, sep. nux. pet nat-m. Pregnancy, .- low spirits, pul. bell. str. ver plat. ac. ' - spots on face, sep. con. fer. nit-a. - urinary disorders, pul. ph-a. cth. gel. nux. cocc. ■- varices, pul. crb. ly. Prolapsus of uterus, nux. sep. bell. clc. lil. kr. au. mere. Puerperal fever, see Confine- ment. Pustules on pudendum, bry. mere. Gangrene of uterus, sec. Retention of menses, see Amenorrhcea. Scirrhus, see Induration. Sensitiveness of parts, nux. sta. mere. - os uteri, chin. Sexual desire excited, plat, ver bell. str. chin. Soreness of pudendum, crb. sep. amb. sul. anime. - thighs, between, grph. sep. caus. ly. rho. hep. - vagina, kli. hyo. Spasms, uterine, cocc. ign. nux cic. pul. con. plat. sep. Stinging in uterus, bov. phos. plat. - vagina, ars. mur-a. nit-a. phos. Swollen ovaries, ap. lach. lil, grph. - uterus, nux. bell. sep. ang. cth. sec. - vagina, kli. mere. - vulva, sep. crb. mere. Ulcers on os tinea, thj. nit-a. - pudendum, sep. nit-a. thj. grph. Warts, thj. sec. XXVIII. CATARRH. Acrid, ars. mere. sng. ai. pul. nux. mez. am-m. Better in open air, cep. pul. •- cool air, kli. - morning, bell. pul. cep. I ■- when covered, hep. Bloody, phos. pul. thj. kli-c. nux. sul. sep. bell. fer. sab. chin. dap. bry. Boring and picking at nose, arum-t. Breathing, difficult, with, ip. ars. sng. bry. nux. Burning, ars. sng. ai. mere, pul am-m. chm. mez. sul. Caries of nasal bones, au. Chest, oppression of, with, ip. ars. bry. sng. nux. clc. sul. Chilliness, with, pul. mere, chm. Cold in head, at commencement, cam. nux. -- epidemic, mere. / - new-born infants, nux. Colic, with, clc. ac. Corners of mouth cracked, with an-c. Coryza, ars. pul. nux. die. chm mere. lach. ammc. hep. sul nat-c. sam. ign. bell. euph. ip. sep. zn. alm. an. bry. drs. ly. grph. sil. nit-a. - chronic, sil. clc. nat-c. grph. pul. cans. - cold, after a, mere. hep. bell, lach. nux. ip. die. ars. chm - constant, sil. clc. nat-c. - dry, sul. nux. ammc. clc. lach phos. bro. sil. crb. bry. ly. mag-c. nit-a. plat. caus. hep ign. pul. grph. chm. spig. alternating with fluent, euph. nux. - evening, calad. fluent in open air, thj. daytime, nux. euph. early morning nux. nat-m. one nostril, stm. plat, alm. nights, nux. cans. Coryza, every other day, nat-c. -feverish, mere. spig. nux. ac lach. hep. sep. -fluent, mere. pul. sul. die. nit-a. chm. ars. ly. hep. sil. bell, ip- scil. cep. euph. drs early morning, nux. evening only, sil. headache ceasing, lach. Hable to, sil. clc. sul. grph pul. -- suppressed, chin. pul. ars. bry. bell. ac. nux. cin. sul. chm. lach. mere. eye disorders, bell. pul. ign. euph. nux. lach. mere. chest, inflammation, nux. bry. sng. headache, with, chin. nux. bell. chm. sul. cin. ac. crb. lach. with difficult breathing, ip ars. bry. sng. nux. sul. - wet, after getting, pul. sep. rhs. ) - wine, caused, flu. Cough, with, nux. mere. pul. . chm. sng. bell. sul. sp. cup Crusts tinged with blood, kli. - elastic, ly. - greenish, sep. - hard slime, grph. - closing nostrils, kli-c. Diarrhoea, with, chin. sng. pul mere. chm. sul. ip. hep. Drowsiness, with, gel. bell. Dry mouth, nux. Dryness of nose, sil. clc. sul. grph. amb. sep. bry. mere, phos. pet. nat-m. zn. spig. bell. can. nit-a. - burning, kli. sng. - night, at, nux. sil. - open air, an-t. Ear-ache, with, pul. bell, mere lach. Eczema behind ears, with, sep grph. -- below nose, rhs. Eruptions about mouth, mere, bell. hep. ars. lach. sul. 136 CATARRH. 137 Erysipelatous nose, with, bell Extremities, pains in, with, ac. pul. bry. sep. hep. chin Eyes, affections of, euph. pul. cep. bell. ign. chm. lach. nux. mere. sill. sta. hep. Fauces, dry, with, bell. - glistening, phos. - painful, sil. - inflamed, pain when swallow- ing, gel. Foetid, sil. clc. sul. pul. nat-c. led. nit-a. grph. mag-m. Fetor from nose, with, bell. Fever, with, mere. ac. spig. nux. hep. nat-c. lach. sep. Foul, pul. stm. sep. grph. Gelatinous, dig. lau. Greenish, pul. bor. phos. thj. nat-c. ars. stm.ly. crb. kli-c Headache, with, bell. chin, ac nux. ars. ly. cin. phos. grph bry. chm. ign. caus. - despondency and, ly. - discharge suddenly dries, when, lach. - earache and, eye. - forehead, in, hyd. lach. nux. -- frontal sinuses, in, bell, lach •- occiput, in, sep. - stupefying, ar-n. .- throbbing, bell. Heat, with, mere. nux. spig. lach. ac. hep. ars. - in head, nux. ly. Hoarseness, with, sp. die. ign chm. sng. mere. sep. dig. lach. thj. sul. euph. Humming in ears, with, pul. mere. ac. hep. Illusions of smell, like pigeon dung, or burning tinder, an - burnt hair, grph. - dung, rotten eggs or gun- powder, clc. - old cheese, nux. Lachrymation, with, euph. chin. sng. ars. Lassitude, with, ars. Limbs, see Extremities. Mucus in nose, increased, io. euph. Mucus in nose, discharge of, without coldy phos. chronic, phos. an. plugs from, sil. sep. scurfs from, sep. sil. alm. nat-c. bry. Nausea, with, ac. Nervousness, with, ac. nux. ign. Nose-bleed, with, ars. pul. nux mere. chin. Nostrils, sore, with, ars. mere, chm. sul. phos. pul. sng. lach. nux. hep. nit-a. mng. Oozing of watery fluid, pul. Otalgia, see Earache. Paleness of face, ars. Photophobia, with, mere, pul ars. Purulent, sul. clc. pul. con. sil crb. chin, nat-c. phos. ly. hep. sep. nit-a. sta. fer. drs Reddish, scil. bry. Redness of face, ac. bell. - one cheek pale, chm. Sensitiveness to noise, bell, nux. Smell, loss of, with, pul. nux. nat-m. sul-a. rho. Sneezing, kli-c.- rhs. con. sil. clc. nat-m. arn. sta. tart. - excessive, con. kli-c. sil. - ineffectual, sil. nat-m. ac. - spasmodic, str. - violent, rhs. Snuffles, in warm damp weather, kli. Stoppage of nose, kli. bry. phos. grph. caus. nux. sil. clc. sul. nat-c. kli-c. sam. nit-a. ly. thj. pul. nat-m. mag-c. con. chel. an-t. crb. amb. au. sep. cin. lach. sta - in a warm room, pul. - one nostril, sul. rho. - when reading aloud, verb. ■- with watery discharge, ars. nux. Swollen nose, pul. clc. - bleeding, rhs. - painful, io. to touch, phos. Taste, loss of sense, with, pul. nat-m. 138 CATARRH. Tenacious, bov. hyd. stm. phos plb. an-t. cth. ran. nux. zn. sam. sta. clch. Thick, pul. sul. ru. sta. kr. sil. hyd. kli. Thirst, with, chm. ars. mere, hep. lach. Thirstlessness, with, pul. Throat, sore, with, bell. mere, ac. lach. hep. ign. die. Ulcerated nostrils, au. phos. kli. grph. clc. pul. Upper lip stiff like wood, with, euph. Upper lip swollen, clc. Urination, frequent, with, clc. - scanty, ac. Watery, ars. mere. crb. lach. mur-a. sul-a. bov. grph. Winning, with, pul. spig. Wrhite, crb. sul. pul. phos. ly. ar. kr. sep. spig. Yawning, erb-a. Yellow, drs. bry. pul. sul. crb dap. clc. sp. ru. sep. stm. nit-a. con. mere. thj. sta. Yellow-green, kli-c. phos. Acrid feeling, chenop. Aphonia, caus. gel. sul. bar. bell. phos. an-t. crb. mere, sp. drs. hep. bro. lach. plat - ,old and damp, in, crb. sul. - night, at, erb-a. crb. - overheated, when, an-t. -- talking, from, sp. rmx. crb. Ball, sense of a, lach. Blood hawked out, saba. zn. Body, as of a soft, in, drs. Bronchial disorders, bry. asc. ac. sul. rhs. nux. chm. mere bell. die. phos. sp. stm. drs hep. verb. spig. scil. ip. ign euph. lach. sil. Bronchitis, bry. phos. asc. ac. sp. pul. drs. chin. bell. - children, asc. ac. drs. bry. bell. chm. clc. ip. sul. after measles, crb. drs. pul. nux. bry. ign. die. coff - elderly persons, phos. stm. kr bar. con. sul. crb. Bruised, as if, rmx. ru. Burning in, ars. am-m. mere, chm. - when lying down, sen. Clear the throat, constant desire to, crt. Cold, feeling of, when drawing breath, ar. rhs. Constriction in, lach. bell. ip. hell. lau. cocc. pul. plb. - walking, rhs. . - when lying down, and at night, pul. XXIX. LARYNX AND TRACHEA. Contractive pain in, bro. io. ph-a. thj. - after vexation, sta. - when speaking, drs. Contasivepain in, ru. Croup, ac. sp. hep. lach. ci$>. phos. sng. tart. --premonitory stage, ac. hep. sp. drs. - paralysis of lungs, tart. ars. mos. - recurrence, to prevent, phos. ly. - sequala, hep. drs. phos. crb. arn. bell. Cutting pain, ar. cth.^iVKc .Iku Drawing in, bor. Dryness of larynx, sp. pul. ars sen. ar. zn. caus. phos. rho - trachea, drs. sp. verb. phos. mez. nat-m. Exudations in, sp. kli. bro. hep. see Croup. Flapping in larynx, lach. Food^ts into, ar. Heat in, kli. an. io. - when exercising in open air, an-t. Hoarseness, crb. drs. sp. phos sul. hep. caus. pul. chin, mng. die. sam. bry. bell, nux. kli. verb, nat-c. nux-m nit-a. sul-a. sil. rhs. kr. cap stm. nat-m. sep. io. chin, lach. clc. sta. - catarrh, after, crb. drs. phos caus. mng. sul. LARYNX AND TRACHEA. 139 Hoarseness, - catarrhal, chm. die. mere, drs. crb. pul. sam, nux. rhs phos. hep. mng. sul. - chilliness, with, pul. mere. - chronic, caus. crb. phos. sul. hep. mng. pet. sil. rhs. drs. - cold, after a, die. chm. crb. bry. - coryza, with, chm. pul. sp. sep. thj. sng. die. mere, dig lach. ign. sul. nat-c. pet. - cough, with, mere. chin. drs. bry. nux. rhs. sam. sp. sul. kli. hep. phos. mng. nat-c. - croup, after, hep. phos. crb. drs. evening, crb. lach. hep.A^' ^*. in bed, nux. - measles, after, crb. drs. bry. die. gel. - morning, io. crb. nux. bpv. nat-m. gif*'3 in bed, alm. - reading aloud causes, verb. - singing, when, ar. - sore throat, with, crb. nit-a - stoppage in ears, with, men. pul. - walking against wind causes, nux-m. - warmth of room, from, bry. -- wet weather, sul. Hot vapor rising from throat, rhs. Huskiness, bell. pul. verb, nat-m. caus. grph. teu. bar immc. lach. bar. crb. ver. -^amination, acute, ac. bry. V bell. nux. phos. chm. mere, hep. pul. lach. ip. sp. drs. nit-a. ars. tart. crb. - chronic, clc. phos. io. crb. sul ars. caus. nit-a. ar. kr. stm kli. sil. ar-n. led. mng. die. - ulceration, with, phos. crb. ars. clc. nit-a. ar. hep. caus kr. sp. drs. Itching in larynx, flu. - trachea, amb. nux. Lacerating pain, bov. ign. Movement up and down of larynx, ly. Mucus accumulates, pul. stm. sen. clc. sul. drs. ly. ar. io. tart. nux. sep. ars. nat-m. - hawking up, Sep. phos. hep. plat. ly. kli-c. teu. - rattling of, ly. op. tart. sul. bell. an. nat-m. pul. kli. pet stm. sep. lau. cup. chin. Numbness, sensation of, ac. Obstruction, sensation of, sp. lob. mng. verb. - as if narrow, impeding respi- ration, alm. Painfulness, bell. cis. hep. - small spot, hep. Paralysis of epiglottis, gel. Piercing pain in larynx, nit-a. phos. chm. kli-c. ■- trachea, kli-c. nit-a. Plug, sense of a, lach. kli-c. bell. an-t. Polypi, kli. sng. Pressure, crt. zn. Pulsation, lach. Rattling, tart. ip. caus. sanr. lau. hyo. Raw feeling, stm. pul. sul. ar. kb-4*^4 Rending sensation, sta. Roughness, phos. caus. stm. pul. mng. kr. grph. alm. nux-m. kli. sen. nat-c. sta. clc. lau. amb. crb. Scraping in larynx, saba. - trachea, kr. amb. Scratching, grph. lau. - small spot, hep. Sensitiveness, bell. hep. sp. bro. phos. lach. sng. nit-a. contact, to, lach. sp. bell, nep coughing, when, bell. ar. bro. sng. singing or talking, when, ar. Smoke, sensation of, bar.t Sore, pul. stm. ar. kli. io. see Raw.-So^ - when talking', ar. Spasm op air passages, ip. lach sam. hell. mos. pul. cocc. nux. plb. lau, - at night, ol-a. - on expiration, chel. Stinging, nit-a. phos. Stoppage, sense of, sp. verb. 140 LARYNX AND TRACHEA. Suffocation, pain with danger of, bell. hep. lach. sen. Swallows constantly while talking, sta. Talking aggravates, arg. Tickling, ac. phos. chm. sep. lach. nux. io. nat-m. ip. sta stm. mere. ars. ver. sp. sen teu. nat-c. kli-c. crb. bro. bov. ammc. caus. clch. led. Tingling, arn. stm. crb. drs. thj. - at night, ly. Voice, changeable, ars. lach. - croaking, ac. - crowing, ac. chin. cin. 'sp. drs. hep. sam. - deep, drs. bar. sul. chin. io. - extinct, caus. bell. sul. bar. phos. crb. mere. sp. drs. with sensitive nostrils, an-t -feeble, caus. bell. cth. phos. hep. ver. pul. crb. sec. ign. ly. chin, sp, op, sta. Voice, -- giving out, sp. drs. alm. -- hollow, drs. bell. sp. caus. phos. bar. ver. sam. crb. - husky, grph. sp. caus. see Huskiness. - nasal, an. mere. bell. ly. alm lach ph-a. - high pitched, str. bell. cup. stm. - rough, phos. mng. bry. drs. bell. sp. rhs. sam. caus. sul. sil. mere. chm. cap. nat-c. pet. die. lach. - shrill, str. - tremulous, cth. Ulceration, clc. phos. ars. crb. nit-a. hep. kr. caus. drs. sp Ulcerative pain, kli. crb. Weakness, cth. caus. - inability to speak long, ph-a. - when reading aloud, eye. Wheezing, hep. XXX. COUGH. Abdomen painful, bell. nux. pul. ver. Abdominal ring painful, nux. ver. cocc. Anguish, with, ac. coff. Arising from chest, phos. nux. stm. cocc. pul. eph. mere. - larynx, ac. chm. sp. hep. ip. lach. arn. sta. kli. sng. rhs. stm. calad. bry. sep. sen. - stomach, bry. - throat-pit, ign. chm. Arms, with fain in, dig. Asthmatic, hep. sam. as. sul-a kli-c. Autumnal, ver. Back, small of, pain in, with, ammc. kli. Barking, sp. hep. bell. drs. nit-a. phos. - evening, nit-a. Bleeding from mouth, with, drs. ip. nux. - chronic, rhs. sul-a. - clotted, rhs. brown, bry. Bleeding, nightly, fer. - with suppressed menses, pul. Breathing, see Stoppage. Bruised, pain as if, with, nux. Burning in air-passages, sp. Cachectic persons, phos. stm. nux. Catarrhal, nux. pul. bry. ac. rlis. dim. mere. bell. phos. die. verb. ars. spig. ciq. ip drs. crb. ign. sep. cans, t n Chest, oppression of, with rho. grph. rhs. cocc. am me gra. - pain in, ac. bry. pnos. ly. Stm. pul. sul. bell. drs. crb. sil. zn. mag-m. io. chin, kli-n. pet. sep. nit-a. lach. ars. bor. fer. nat-m. Chronic, ly. io. nat-m. sp. drs. bell. sul. phos. Clear, ringing, cep. ars. ac. str Coffee causes, cap. Cold, in the, crb. hep. sil. lach. scil. phos. caus. am-m. - air causes, lach. phos. ars. * < COUGH. 141 Cold, ■- after taking, pul. sep. bell, die. chm. crb. nux-m. -from getting, hep. Concussive, stm. ign. crb. pul mere. hyo. an. nux. lach. sil. cup. sul. caus. phos. kli-c. con. ip. chin. Consciousness, loss of, with, cin. Continual, sp. sul. bell. ly. ign phos. nat-m. -• irritation, the longer he coughs the worse it is, teu. ign. Croup-like, bro. Crowing, sam. drs. sp. cin. chin. hep. ru. - inspiration, with, crb. Crying, causes, arn. chm. tart, drs. Of. - after, hep. - with, hep. cin. bell. arn. Cutting pains, with, kli-n. Day-time, only in, euph. ammc phos. kli-c. lach. bell. stm. clc. bry. kli-n. Deafness, with, sen. chel. Debility, with, ver. Deep, verb. stm. ver. saba, hep Drinking, when, hep. bry. ars. chin. lach. scil. - anything cold, scil. Dry, ac. ign. hyo. chm. ip. bry coff. lach. sp. hep. nux. pet bell. sep. phos. sul. cin. sen plat. stm. kr. nux-m. arn. sta. scil. ars. clc. con. drs. io. nit-a. pul. rhs. caus. bor - evening, sul. hep. ph-a. sep. ars. - morning, sul-a alm. an-t. with expectoration only in, sep. phos. bry. pul. ammc. hep. scil. mag-c. sul-a. alm crb. fer. mng. nat-m. - night, saba. grph. pul. nux. chm. ars. sul. sil. clc. pet. mag-m. verb. mere, erb-a. ac. mez. bell. ver. and day, sp. ly. ign. - hoarse, ac. drs. sp. hep. cin. stm. ign. nux. kr. verb, caus. nit-a. erb-a. Ear, pain in, with, cap. Eating, after, nux. bry. tart, ars. pho& pul. hep. clc. sta lach. crb. sil. - relieves, fer. Emotions cause, drs. Erethism, vascular, with, arn. Eructations, with, sul-a. ver. amb. • Evening, vnthe, pul. mere, ars clc. hep. cap. nit-a. drs. kr. sep. crb. stm. io. ly. kli-c. - in bed, ars. mere. hyo. nat-m pul. stm. pet. kr. clc. verb, nit-a. drs. crb. Every other day, ly. an. - third day, an. Exhausting, chel. Eyes, painful, with, lach. Fatiguing, ;mx. sng. Feather-dust, as from, in throat, ign. chin. ars. pul. clc. First cough the most violent, an-t. Fly to pieces, as if par ts would, bry. nux. ly. sul. Foreign body, in larynx, as from, bell. Frequent, sng. lob. Gasping, begins with, crl. Groin, pain in, with, bor. Hair on tongue, as from, sil. Hands, sweat on, with, tart. Headache, with, bry. nux. sul nat-m. bell. mere. pul. saba caus. scil. clc. amb. cap. hep. arn. sep. lach. Heated, when getting, thj. nux-m. Hernia, as if with, ver. Hips, pain in, with, bell. caus. sul. Hollow, bell. drs. hep. sp. sta. nit-a. ign. phos. cin. sam. caus. spig. verb. kr. tart. - paroxysmal, hyo. nux. bell, cin. ver. drs. ip. pul. ign. crb. ac. ars. mere. sul. chm coff. nat-m. cup. an. fer. Hypochondria, pain in, with, fa/Lbry. nux. drs. lach. phos. "^fsep. ly. ars. nit-a. hep. Incessant, rmx. cup. 142 COUGH. Infrequent, mux. au. Intermittent fever, from sup- pressed, eup. Larynx, painful, with, ac. hep. arn. sp. bell. ar. phos. lach Laughing, when, phos. chin. Loose, without expectoration, con. phos. Lying down, when, hyo. pul, sul. mez. saba. sep. ip. phos sil. nit-a. con. - back, on, phos. kli. nat-m. ammc. - head low, with, am-m. p- left side, ip.^* - - right side, Morning, in the, chin. kli. alm ars. sul. pul. nux. euph. nat-m. io. caus. ly. mep. Moving about, when, fer. bry. lach. phos. stm. chin. sil. ars. drs. nux. see Walking Nausea, with, drs. bry. sep. ver. kli. ip. cap. Night, at, ac. hyo. bell. mere, pul. sep. grph. kli-c. chm. ars. drs. pet. sil. verb. nux. bar. sul. cap. ign. nat-m. am-m. clc. clch. ver. phos. kr. lach. caus. hep. an. arn mag-m. chin. ly. crb. tart. - during sleep, clc. mere. lach. chm. verb. arn. nit-a. - midnight, before, rhs. stm. see Evening. • - ■- about, bell. - ■- after, nux. bell. Nose-bleed, with, drs. nux. mere. pul. ip. Occiput, pain in, with, mere, an. Open air, causes, phos. kli-n. ars. sul-a. rhs. sul. Palpitations, with, pul. kli-n. arn. clc. - and panting, cin. drs. ver. cup. hyo. pul. die. mur-a. sul-a. ip. kr. Periodical, ars. lach. - every day, at same hour, ly. saba. -- painless, barking, without expectoration, str. Phlegm, accumulated, from, kr Pressure in chest, with, sub bor. sil. io. Pytalism, -with, bell. lach. Racking, lach. stm. arn. nux. sul. mere. pul. ly. ign. die. am-m. ver. crb. hyo. mez. Raising from recumbency, from lach. Rattling of mucus, ip. tart, nux. bell. chm. nat-m. kli. Rawness in chest, with, phos. arn. sng. kr. Reading, when, stm. nux. Retching, with, drs. nux. kr. hep. crb. sul. pul. chin. Short, ac. coff. lach. caus. chin mere, nat-m. ars. plat. sul. ign. bry. hep. sep. rhs. sp. pet. grph. bell. lau. nit-a. Shrieking, with, sam. chin, sep. Sides, pain in, with, bry. ac. scil. bell. pul. mere. phos. kli-c. ve'r. chin. amb. kli-n. Singing, from, stm. Sitting long in same position, ph-a. Sleep, during, clc. mere. lach. chm. verb. arn. nit-a. - after, lach. Smoking, from, lach. ac. col. Sneezing, with, bell. -■ after, bell. hep. Sore throat, with, ac. phos. mere. hep. sng. ign. sp. nux kli-c. crb. chin. ars. nit-a. ly. caus. cap. see Larynx. Soreness in chest, with, phos. stm. crb. sul. bell. caus. sep nit-a. ar. nat-m. Soundless, drs. Sour things, when eating, con. Spasmodic, hyo. ip. crb. bry. cin. nux. pul. bell. drs. sul. fer. mere. cup. clc. ac. kli-c io. kr. ign. sil. ver. -- afternoon, bell. - night, hyo. bell. as if palate was too long, hyo. - children, in, especially, bry. Spasms of chest, with, lach. ars. sul. Stairs, going, from, kli-n. COUGH. 143 Stiffness of body, ip. Stimulants, when taking, stm. bor. Stitches in back, with, sep. pul mere. - chest, bry. bell. sul. ars. ver. saba. ammc. pet. bov. nit-a kli-c. rhs. sep. cap. phos. Stomach, pain in, with, bry. ars. sep. thj. sng. Stoppage of breath, with, tart, cup. op. cin. nux. drs. ars. ip. bell. sil. kr. nux-m. pul. spig. hep. crb. ac. lach. Suffocative, jp.. cup. cin. drs. op. sil. chin. bry. sep. crb. nux. sul. hep. caus. ars. sam. nux-m. lach. spig. tart. chm. crb-a-T^^.^-W", - children, in, especially, sam. sul. bry. - evening, erb-a. -- night, bry. Sulphur, as from vapor of, ign ars. pul. chin. lach. Sweat on forehead, with, tart. Talking, from, stm. lach. chin mere. Testicles, pain in, with, zn. Throat-pit, painful, nux. Tickling in air-passages, lach. chm. sep. nux. io. sta. ac. nat-m. stm. sp. phos. ip. kli. yer. teu. arn. con. bor. caus. nat-c. bro. cup. sen. kli-c. crb. bov. fer. dig. - evening, rhs. - morning, thj. Touching throat, when, lach. Trembling, with, phos. Trumpet tgned, verb. Tubercles in lungs, as from, phos. Ulcerative pain, with, sil. clc. kli. kli-c. sul. phos. Urination, with, cans. scil. nat-m. coc. kr. phos. Vehement, clc. phos. mez. crc lob. cocc. Vertigo, with, kli. clc. Vomiting, with, drs. tart. rhs. nux. bap. bry. pul. crb. sul ip. ver. ph-a. lach. sep. hep kr. sil. fer. chin. saba. clc. - ingesta, of, bry. ip. nux. tart ph-a. drs. fer. Walking, when, ars. kli-n. fer nat-m. lach. sul-a. - ofen air, in, kli-n. ars. phos. sul-a. rhs. sen. Warm in bed, when getting, nux-m. Waterbrash, with, bry. Wet, when getting, pul. nux-m Wheezing, kli-c. drs. cin. sp. kr. pnos. mur-a. Whistling, bro. kr. lau. Whooping cough, drs. cin. ip. ver. hep. euph. crb. bell. - catarrhal stage, ac. die. pul. ip. nux. - spasmodic stage, drs. cin. crb kli-c. ver. - sequalce, pul. arn. crb. hep. die. Whiter, chm. ac. XXXI. EXPECTORATION. Acid, see Sour. A^rid. caus. mere. alm. sil. ars pul. am-m. Albuminous, sen. bar. lau. chin. stm. fer. mez. Balls, in shape of, stm. ar-n. sil Bitter, nux. pul. chm. ars. mere. Blackish, chin. ly. nux. rhs. Blood-streaked, chin. ars. dap sep. bor. sen. Bloody, ac. phos. ip. fer. bry. led. arn. sep. pul. ly. sul. sul-a. clc. sec. lau. ars. con chin. die. rhs. drs. ammc. bor. op. sil. nit-a. - mucus, chin. fer. bry. ac. ars bell. dap. arn. bov. Bluish, kli, Brickdust, like, phos. Brownish, crb. Catarrh, odor of, ign. 144 EXPECTORATION. Catarrh, tasting like old, pul. bell, sul. phos. ign. nux. Cold, rhs. mere. phos. crl. - grayish-green, rhs. -• tasting flat, bry. Copious, die. scil. pul. sep. sul euph. kr. stm. sil. kli. sam. - yellow mucus, cac. Coppery taste, cup. lach. Corrosive, io. daytime, only in, grph. clc. sul. nux. pul. ars. chm. saba Dense, kli. Difficult to detach, lach. sen. chin. ars. sul. - to raise, after detached, sep. arn. caus. Disgusting, drs. Easy, stm. coc. - after each cough easier, asp. Eating, after, sep. Evening, only in, grph. cin. arn. sta. - bloody, nat-c. sep. - in bed, profuse, nux-m. ■- scanty and offensive, ign. Eat, tasting like, mag-m. Foetid, sil. clc. pul. sul. nat-c. led. grph. Flocculent, sul. stm. Frequent, euph. sep. pul. sen. stm. Frothy, ars. ac. phos. fer. pul. Garlic, smells like, ars. Gelatinous, lau. dig. Granular, phos. Gray, ly. ars. sep. amb. Greenish, ars. crb. stm. mag-c pul. ly. sul. phos. drs. thj. bor. nat-c. led. sil. mng. Hawked up, sep. phos. plat, teu. par. - expectoration after, euph. Herby tasting, ph-a. - and odor, gel. Herring, taste like, an. Insipid, sta. ign. chin. par. bry clc. Jelly, like, lau. dig. Loose, sng. kr. ar. ver. lach. Lumpy, arn. hep. ko. osm. caib-ac. ' -'-c. Membranous, sp. kli. bro. hep. Menses, bloody, during, phos. Metallic, cup. rhs. ip. zn. Milk, like, ars. sul. - smell, drs. sp. - taste, phos. Morning, only in, alm. sep. nux. bry. hep. pul. sul-a. fer. mng. scil. phos. crb. mag-c. nit-a. mur-a. ph-a. Musty, bor. Night, only at, bell. sep. caus. tart. clc. ly. hep. led. -- thick mucus, eye. Offensive, sng. nat-c. clc. sep. < -- taste, pul. mere. drs. ip. stm Pale, kli. Polypus-like substances, kli. Purulent, sil'. clc. sul. nit-a. ly. kli-c. phos. chin. bell. sep. nat-c. crb. rhs. sta. drs. pul Putrid, pul. grph. stm. sep. crb. chm. arn. bell. fer. Reddish, scil. bry. Rusty, phos. bry. sng. Salty, ly. bar. nat-c. phos. sep. ars. pul. Scanty, stm. phos. pul. fer. ap sng. phyt. Slimy, crb. die. mere. chin, ars. pul. sen. sul. phos. sep stm. dap. bry. sil. jp. ly. bell. thj. nit-a. zn. kli. clc. kr. op. tart, nat-m. Sour, phos. nux. clc. Stringy, kli. ar. hyd. sti. Sweet, clc. stm. phos.?W. Swallowed, must be, caus. arn. kli-c. sp. nux-m.ZxcZ. d Tasteless, die. ap. par. Tenacious, kli. sil. chin. Thick, sul. ru. ac. kr. pul. kli. sng. am-m. sil. op. sta. clc. ar. phos. au. bell. Tobacco, tasting like, pul. Transparent, sil. Viscid, can. sta. par. stm. phos Watery, crb. ars. mere. lach. bov. ly. chin. fer. dap. chm White, ac. pul. sul. crb. ar. phos. kr. ly. sep. am-m. Yellowish, bry. drs. crb. pul. sul. sep. clc. nit-a. stm. thj kr. dap. sta. ru. phos. Air feels cold on inspiring, lit. An^ety, with, ac. bell. phos. bry. stm. pul. ars. chm. si^ plat. rhs. lach. arm Sam'S Arsenious vapors, from, hep. ip. cup. mere. Ascending stairs, etc., mere, nux. sep. nit-a. Asthma, elderly persons, of, . op. lob. lach. au. bar. con. crb. an-t. caus. chin. sul. - catarrh, after, cam. ars. nux ip. chin. pul. sam. •- chest, congestion to, causes, ac bell. phos. nux. sul. sp. mere. ac. - children, ac. bell. ip. sam. nux. mos. chm. ars. coff. nux-m. tart. pul. ign. cup. ■- cold, from a, die. ip. ac. bell, bry. chm. - emotions, caused by, ign. chm nux. sta. ac. ver. - mineral vapor,from, hep. ip cup. mere. ars. kli. cam. -flatulence causes, nux. sul. crb. chin. op. chm. zm ver. - hysteric persons, in, mos. ign nux. str. coff. ac. nux-m. au. cup. pul. bell. ip. con. ~ menses, during, pul. cocc. cup. bell. nux. mere. sep. - millari, sam. ac. ip. mos. - spasmodic, cup. lach. kli-c. nux. hyo. bell. zn. sam. cocc. mos. stm. ars. sul. str Breath cold, ver. crb. --foetid, crb. au. sul. nux. ip. mere, nat-m. sep. chin, bry I str. arm pul. ars. spig. coff ' - hot, ac. chm. rhs. stro. nat-m clc. saba. - offensive, nux. mere. die. ip. - putrid, arn. ars. au. - sour, nux. Breathing, anxious, ac. bry. bell. kr. ars. ip. stm. hep. scil. sp. pul. phos. arn. chm rhs. sam. plat. str. crowing, chm. lach. - deep, op. ip. bry. lach. cap. sul. au. an-t. cup. sil. XXXII. INSPIRATION. Breathing, • - difficult, phos. bell. ars. sul. lach. 'o. kr. cam. kli-c. crb nat-c. alm. hyo. tart. hell, eye. arm cic. er. kli. nux. -feeble, phos. bell. ol. lau. ver hep. - groaning, bell. - hissing, ar-n. - hurried, ac. bell. bry. ly. sul phos. nux. hep. sep. cim crb. cup. sp. pul. ip. chm. sam. ars. rhs. sil. - irregular, bell. ang. op. cup. ign. chm. lau. cin. led. pul. - loud, phos. chin. sp. scil. cbm cocc. nux. ign. hep. nat-m. ■- mouth open, scil. - painful, chin. Tor'll. - panting, arm calad. bry. phos sil. ip. nit-a. str. chm. bell. - rattling, ly. chin. op. hep. tart. sul. cup. bell. pul. an. stm. nat-m. hyo. nux. lau. ars. cin. pet. ip. - short, ac. bry. sep. bell. ip. crb. arm sil. chin. pul. plat lach. cup. mos. com - sighing, ip. bry. ign. ac. op. str. sil. cocc. sec. - slow, op. bry. bell. lau. cam. ol. nux. cup. ign. ip. cap. sp. hep. mos. - snoring, op. arm lach. sul. chm. jiat-m. - sobbing, sec. - spasmodic, cup. lach. dff - wheezing, sam. hep. sp. lach cup. Burning on top of head, with, kli-c. - redness of face, hep. one cheek, kli-c. Cardialgia, chm. Catarrh, after, cam. nux. ip. ars. pul. chin. Chagrin, from, sta. ign. Chest symptoms alternate with rheumatism, led. Children, in, ac. bell. ip. nux. sam. mos. nux-m. coff. chm ars. op. tart. pul. ign. cam 145 146 INSPIRATION. Chilliness about noon, with, kli-c. - constant with flushes of heat, stm. - in open air, hep. Coffee, from, bell. Cold, after a, die. ip. ac. bell, bry. chm. -from the, ars. bry. crb. pul. pet. - air*, worse in, pul. ars. pet. - drink, causes, thj. - feeling, with, ars. Colic, with, ign. nux. chin, cap cocc. pul. chm. spig. Debility, ars. lach. as from, eye. Deep, ran. dig. cap. cast. Icn. chin. thj. - with sense of emptiness in chest, pot. Diarrhoea, with, sng. die. - exhausting, ars. -painless, fer. - and night sweats, nit-a. Difficult, bry. cic. ign. sen. ran bell. crb. hell. ip. phos. ign. clch. nux-m. cast. sul. ver. Dizziness, with, chm. Drinking, from, thj. Dyspnoea, nux. sam. ars. lach. ip. kli-c. phos. stm. cup. sul. pul. fer. sep. drs. nit-a. spig. nat-c. nat-m. kli-n. led. chin. dig. grph. scil. caus. am-m. clc. - lying down, ars. . - head low, sp. Eating, when, dig. lau. con. sil stm. nux. rhs. led. - after, pul. sul. lach. chin, phos. zn. - relieves, sta. Emotions, caused by, ign. chm nux. sta. ac. ver. Evening, in, ars. sul. grph. stm. sep. - in bed, ars. grph. chin. Expectoration, with copious, sep. - suppressed, sep. Expirations forcible, bell. cap. chm. ign. str. Feather-dust, as from, ign. chin. ars. pul. teu. clc. Flatulence, causes, nux. sul. crb. chin. chm. op. zn. he^ Flying pains in chest, with, fer Hectic fever, with, fer. ly. Hiccough, with, pul. Hot/ac^, kr. pul. stro. ■- feeling all the time, sul. Hysteric persons, in, mos. ign nux. nux-m. bell. str. coff. pul. cup. au. ip. ac. con. Inspiration difficult, nux. expiration rapid, ign. chin , - effected by two distinct efforts led. Leucorrhoea, with, clc. Loss of breath, going up stairs, clc. io. - dizziness, with, clc. - weakness, with, io. Loud breathing through nose, clc. Lying, when, dig. phos. kli-n. asa. left,. - back, on, phos. sil. relieved, bor. - head low, with, pul. chin, kli-a. hep. clch. - side, on, crb-a. sen. sul. saba pul. plat. left, spig. sound, stm. - - sick, bov. clc. ly. saba, sul Melancholy, with, caus. lach. Morning, in, phos. crb-a. tart. - in bed. con. - sweats, io. Mortification, caused by, ign. sta. Motion, during, phos. ars. stm Mouth, when anything gets before the, lach. Mucus accumulates, and causes sen. chin. Night, at, ars. pul. nux. chm. crb. fer. clc. grph. mere, sen. dig. alm. sei. ammc. - sweats, sng. ly. and diarrhoea, cim. offensive, nit-a. profuse, sil. sul. Noisy breathing, bell. chin, ign nux. rhe. cap. mag-s. INSPIRATION. 147 Noisy expiration, nux. op. tart. - - puffing, chin. rattling, clc. -■ - snuffing, mag-s. "wheezing, nat-m. - spasm of glottis, as from, kal Nose, with dryness of, cth. Obstructed, see Stoppage. - throat, in, chm. cocc. - night, at, kli-c. stm. ■-palpitation, with, nit-a. pul. Open air, worse, ars. ly grph. sen. nux. - relieved, bell. Oppression, with, lach. sep nux. arn. phos. chm. grph. cr. ars. sta. ol. rhs. sul. kr. nux-m. ly. bell. die. nat-m. con. sam. ign. asa. crb. thj. sen. plat. ip. cup. ver. pul. Pains, during the, pul. Pain in chest, with, ac. bry. sul scil. bell. sep. nit-a. chin, saba. can. clc. erb-a. kli - hypochondria, nux. chm. ign - liver, sep. - lumbar region, nux. pul. ■- pit of stomach, nux. rhs. str. chin. saba. mos. spig. - scapula, ru. fer. - side, bry. ac. bell. scil. mere. - spleen, arn. ru. - stomach, phos. sng. Paleness, with, kh-c. - after exertion, hep. -- with frequent flushings, clc. Paralysis, tart. Ian. bar. ars. People, elderly, in, lach. an. op bar. con. cam. crb. caus. Pressure of clothes, cause, bry. ly. hep. nux. clc. sul. caus. Puffiness of upper eyelids, with kli-c. - around eyes, phos. Pupils dilated, with, bell. Raising the arm, when, spig. Running, caused by, sil. caus. Rush of blood, caused by, ac. bell. nux. phos. sul. an. sp. mere. clc. fer. Sadness, with, caus. lach. Shortness of breath, ac. bry. cans. lach. sep. arn. crb. mere., sul. ars. ip. nit-a. nat-c. 'nat-m. ph-a. ammc. bell. ly. pul. sil. plat. zn. nux-m. chin. bov. an. ru. Snoring, cbm. hep. op. sul. ly arn. Standing, when, sep. Stertorous, tart. lau. arn. op. bell. an. cup. Stool, during, rhs. Stone-cutters, in, sil. clc. hep sul. ars. ip. Stoppage of the breath, clc. ars. sul. bry. sil. pul. stm. op. am. phos. led. cans. an. sam. ru. plb. Straining by lifting, after, rhs clc. sul. Suffocativeparo.xsyms, sp. ip. tart. hep, ars. lach. op. ac, crb. chin. sam. grph. nux. io. cup. ign. sec. drs. cam. - catarrhal, ars. tart. ip. chin, cam. sam. pul. crb. -- children, in, ac. chm. sam. ip. tart. mos. - elderly persons, lach. op. bar chin. ars. crb. - paralysis of lungs, from, op. lach. tart. grph. crb. bar. Sulphur, as from vapor of, ars ign. pul. chin. lach. Swallowing, when, bell. Sweat, with, ars. lach. nux. Talking, sul. drs. Thirst, with, lach. bry. ac. ars Throat dry and burning, with, sul„ Tightness of chest, bry. phos. nux. ars. sep. cap. ly. sars die. vio-o. ru. op.rho. sul-a led. euph. dig. lach. kli-c. drs. amb. clc. cic. can. pul. pet. ign. clch. lau. spasmodic, cup. zn. mos. plb op.led. Touching the throat, when, bell. lach. sp. hep. Turning the neck, bell. sp. hep. Upstairs, when going, mere. Vehement, bell. cap. chin, ign str. 148 INSPIRATION. "Walking fast, when, sil. caus. Want of breath, with, io. ip. sep. nit-a. - as from rapid running, hyo. -• when exercising, ars. talking, ph-a. Weakness in chest, can scarcely talk, stm. - and languor, general, bap. - with emaciation, io. Weeping, with, cup. sam. rhs. Wheezing, sam. chin. - evening in bail, nat-m. Whizzing in ears, with, pul. nux. Worse from any change of weather, die. 4 to ip. m., ly. warmth, crc. cold, phos. hep. XXXIII. LUNGS. Abcess in, kli-c. Adhering, pleura as if, eph. mez. Adhesion of lungs, after in- flammation, ran. Air cannot penetrate, sense of, crt. Alive, as of something, in, crc. led. Anxiety, sense of, ac. bry. nux spig. nux. phos. seneg. erb-v. Ascending stairs, etc., aggra- vates, nux. sep. zn. sp. Bloated, feeling as if, thj. Blood, congestion of, to, bell, sep. phos. am-c. rho. chin, sp. seneg. nit-a. sul. after exertion, sp. - - night, at, pul. Boring in chest, bro. Bounding in chest, crc. Bruised, as if, arn. ly. ran-s. kr. - sides, ac. - sternum, ac. Burning in chest, phos. ars. crb sul. ly. bry. ammc. pul. seneg. kr. spig. chm. cth. pul. saba. sep. plat. Bursting fain, rhs. mur-a. zn. - after coughing, lact. Chilliness zn chest, bry. nat-c. - evening, ars. Clawing/zrnz, sam. stro. Clucking sound in chest, cin. Cold aggravates, rhs. saba. - air causes pain, pet. crb. rhs saba. bry. Cold feeling in chest, ars. sul. crb-a. left side, nat-m. - when taking, ac. die. nux. bry. pul. crb. rhs. chm. sul Constriction, sense of, lach. mos. hyo. cup. str. nux. ars cocc. cam. kli-c. ip. stm. caus. sp. alm. grph. clch. phos. sta. plb. spig. rho. ign. chm. asa. crb. Consumption, see Phthisis. Cracking in chest, sab. - sternum, clc-p. Cramp in chest, plat. ph-a. cin. seneg. Cutting pain, spig. kli-c. stm. die. clc. pul. ru. sab. Deep breathing aggravates, bry. ac. clc. rhs. Detached, sensation as if vis- cera were, bry. Digging pain, die. cin. Distended sensation, ol. Dropsy, see Hydrothorax. Dryness, pul. fer. zn. Empty feeling in chest, stm. ol cocc. calad. - after coughing, stm. calad. Evening aggravation, pul. crb. kli-c. nit-a. Fulness, sense of, sul. ly. mos. clc. rhs. Gangrene, lach. Gnawing pain, ru. ran-s. Gurgling when breathing, cin. mur-a. LUNGS. ^H^morrhage, ac. ip. phos. chin. arn. fer. pul. nit-a. ham. erg. nux. drs. ign. - excessive, ac. ip. chin. op. - sequalce, crb. chin. ars. sul. ign. coff. Hollow, see Empty. Hydrothorax, ars. kli-c. lach. hell. dig. spig. ammc. mere ly. scil. crb. stm. ctd. Jerking pain, dap. stm. ere. nat-m. val. trx. Jumping sensation, ere. Languor, jw Weak. Laughing causes pain, stm. Lightness, sense .of, when breathing, stm. Lump in chest, sense of, sul. Lying aggravates, nit-a. - left side, ac. phos. sil. ly. bry sep. pul. - right side, stm. sen. Motion aggravates, ac. sen. phos. clc. sep. grph. Nocturnal pains, chin. ars. sul chm. mere. pul. die. nit-a. amb. ru. sp. alm. mag-m. rhs. phos. pet. Painfulness of chest, sng. phos Paralysis of lungs, crb. op. lach. ip. tart. ars. nux. hyo. sam. bar. -after catarrh, tart. ars. cam. chin. ip. pul. crb. sam. sul. - children, ac. sam. tart. ip. sul. - congestion, from, ac. phos. sam. ip. bell. bry. chin. op. nux. ars. Perforation, sense of, lob. Phthisis, clc. sil. hep. kli7c. c, phos. stm. ly. sp. io.~jpul. fer. nit-a. sep. sul. nat-c. ars. chin. kr. drs. crb. ph-a nat-m. led. con. die. lau. - acute, sul. hep. ly. lach. fer. mere. - incipient, sul. hep. phos. sp. clc. nit-a. kli-c. ly. crb. stm - second stage, sil. clc. kli-c. hep. sp. ly. phos. sep. sul. bro. nit-a. stm. io. nat-c. Phthisis, stone-cutters, in, sil clc. hep ly. Pleurisy, bry. asc. ac. arn kli-c. scil. lach. sul. Pleurodynia, cim. arn. bry asc. pul. chin. sul. Pneumonia, ac. ver-v. phos sng. sul. bry. rhs. scil. can -first stage, ac. ver-v. bry. - second stage, sng. phos. sul. -■ third stage, sul. phos. lach }y- - chronic, neglected, ly. sul. ai ammc. lach. ars. phos. ch - typhoid, arn. ver. op. ars. ij rhs. bry. Pressure in chest, sep. nux. c sul. ars. phos. stm. cocc. s bell. lach. spig. sng. an; sta. zn. kli. mos. nux-n grat.' asa. mag-m. - sides, chin. plb. crb. con. Rasping pain, crb. Rawness, an. Rising, worse when, bry. ac. Rheumatic pains, arn. ch nux. bry. ac. chin. pul. si Rush of blood to, ac. bell, m phos. sul. au. scil. chin, t Singing aggravates, stm. Sitting aggravates, rhs'. C' phos. drs. spig. <* 4- Sore, pain as ij, stm. crb. 1 sen. lach. stro. tart, c -- sternum, led. Spasmodic motion of chest, ; Spasms in chest, cup. str. ca ip. hyo. nux. cocc. sp. k caus. grph. fer. spig. clc. Squeezing sense of, ph-a. pl Stitches in chest, ac. bry. s arn. rhs. phos. chin, f 'pg bell, nat c. sil. scil. can. lach. ol. pet. nux. nat-m - left side, lach. phos. ten. Pfi sta. seneg. plb. mur-a. ] - righV^de?'sep. chin. < mere, kli-c. Ce ( - sternum, con. sul. ol. 1 ars. ru. die.. Stooping aggravates, sil. Swelling, sense of, mere. 150 LUNGS. Talking aggravates, sul. stm. bry. led. can. Tearing/am, spig. clch. Tension in chest, zn. plat, stm, bell. phos. nat-m. sul-a. dig clch. pul. nux. sep. ign. sil. Trembling in chest, spig. amb. Ulcerative pain, drs. sta. pul. spig. - sternum, drs. Velvety feeling, tart. Warm room, in a, worse, bry. Weak feeling in chest, clc. sul. sng. stm. ph-a. sp. io. sil. - after expectorating, stm. talking, clc. sul. stm. ph-a Weak, when singing, sul. Weight in chest, sense of, pul, lach. phos. scil. kr. nux-m. bor. sep. ly.-Svc^ XXXIV. HEART AND PR2EC0RDIA. Accelerated beat, tart, amine sab. cup. zn. Aneurisms, lach. crb. ly. clc. spig. grph. caus. rhs. Angina pectoris, gio. ami. cca. ag. kli-c. ox-a. tab, sp dio. lact. hep. Anxiety, chm. ars. dig. caus. pul. nux. coff. mere. Apex, pain in, kli. Boring in prcecordia, seneg. cin ^X^miur-a. fid. Constriction in frcecordm, ar. . clc. kli-c. , Cramp in prcecordia, kli-c. Drawing inprcecordia, bell, rhs nux-m. Empty feelingin prcecordia, sul Feeble beat, dig. Heart as if on right side, bor. Heat inprcecordia, op. Hypertrophy of heart, bro. io sp, kli. kal. Imperceptible beat, dig. Inflammation of heart, ac. bry pul. lach. can. caus. spig. Intermitting beat, dig. sep. kli-c. nat-m. chin. ph-a. ars lach. ac. bry. op. Irregular beat, spig. nat-m. lau ars. arn. Jerking beat, dap. arn. , -• inprcecordia, dap. flu. nat-m. Noir-synchronous with pulse, dig. spig. kli-c. nat-m. ac. can. arn. ver. Palpitations, ac. spig. ly. sep. chin. sul. clc. io. phos. pul. nat-m. pet. kli-c. bry. coff. bell. ars. cans. au. ign. nux ru. ph-a. asa. cocc. lach. op - anxious, ac. dig. spig. pui. ly. ru. nat-m. caus. nat-c. zn. nit-a. ol. - ascending stairs, etc., thj. nit-a. nat-c. bell. - audible, spig. thj. can. dig. bell. - bending forward, when, sul-a spig. - chest-pain, zvith, ign. -■ cough, with, lach. - dyspnoea, with, spig. pul. au. bry. ac. - eating, after, ly. crb. - 'emotions, cause, pul. -- irregular, nat-m. kal. - menstrual period during, cup - morning, in, kli-c. - motion, during, grph. nat-m. phos. sta. - nausea, with, nux. thj. dh- nigkt,'at, pul. clc. phos. ars. nit-a. ign. ly. sil. - oppressive, see dyspnoea. - violent, bell. pul. spig. ars. phos. bry. Painfulness in prcecordia, thj. nat-m. can. lach. Polypi in heart, lach. clc. sta. Pressure in prcecordia, chm. pul. nux. Purring in prcecordia, spig. HEART AND PRACORDIA. 151 Revolving' of heart, sensation of, tart. Rheumatism of heart, lach. (r/ac. cans. spig. bry. pul./&/n Rush of blood to heart, pvl. sui phos. ly. nit-a. Slow beat, lau.C*<v^ f 'stitches in prcecordia, spig. rhs. arn. cans. kr. Strong beat, too, dig. chin, mur-a. tart. sab. Tension in, prcecordia, zn. Trembling beat, ars. spig. clc. iach. kli-c. nat-m. phos. rhs - inprcecordia, bell. spig. nit-aA Valvular affection, cac. gel. MAsJau. dig. sp. zn. bro. lil. arn' Weak feeling in prcecordia, sng XXXV. EXTERNAL CHEST AND MAMM2E Abcess in mamma, sil. phyt. phos. hep. Aphthae, bleeding, of nipples, bor. Atrophy of mamma, io. con. nit-a. chm. - nipples, sars. Biting pain in mamma, led. Bleeding from nipples, sul. sep Blood extravasated on chest, lach. Blueness of skin over clavicles, lach. phos. Bluish ulcerations on mamma, lach. phos. Bluish-red mamma, kr. Boils on mamma, phos. am-c. mag-c. Brown spots, sep. crb. Bruised, muscles as if, rho. arn cim. ar-n. calad. Burning in mamma, phos. - nipples, grph. sul. Cancer of mamma, sil. ars. cle con. bell. kr.J^. Caries of sternum, con. Chilliness, spig. cic. ran. Cicatrices, grph. Contact painful, alm. grph. Contracting pain, str. ver. left mamma, when c hi Id nurses from right, bor. Cramp, ar. Darting in right mamma, gra. Deformed nipples, mere. Drawing pain, stro. crb. - in mamma, kr. CLef-t, -- left nipple, til. zn. Erect, nipples, lach. Eruption, ly. plb. sta. hep. rhs stro. lach. bov. - bleeding, kr. - burning after scratching, gra - chicken-pox, like, led. - itching, kli-c. sta. - miliary, led. sta. tart. - moist, oozing, ly. - on mamma, grph. -- - nipples, blisters, corrosive grph. - painful, ly. to touch, ph-a. hep. - pustules, hep. - smarting, hep. - stinging, hep. - vesicles, grph. Erysipelas of mamma, phos. ap. chm. sul. crb-a. ■- lying-in women, crb-a. Fistulae in mamma, phyt. sil. phos. Flabby mamma, io. chm. Fullness of mamma, during lying-in, bry. G-alactorrhoea, see Milk. Hepatic spots, ly. sul. Herpes, pet. sta. - mamma, cans. die. Indurations in mamma, con. phyt. sil. crb-a. grph. phos sul. bell, nit-a. arn. chm. - traumatic, con. arn. crb-a. - nipples, bry. Inflammation of mamma, bell, bry. sul. phos. sil. hep. - nipples, sil. phos. clc. sul. Itching, led. bov. sta. ly. sep. crb. stm. con. 152 CHEST AND MAMMAE. Itching, mamma, alm. con. - nipples, sul. pet. ag. Lactation, disordered, phyt. mere. bell. clc. sil. sep. chm pul. bry. phos. rhe. die. rhs. kli-c. crb. chin. con. nux. ph-a. sta. zn. - cold caused, die. bell. pul. chm. ac. mere. sul. - emotions caused, chm. coff. bry. ac. - nursing aggravates, fer. sil. - weaning, after, pul. clc. bry bell. Lancinating pain, sab. io. ol. clc. Milk, abundant, too, clc. pul. bell. bry. bor. rho. rhs. - bad, sil. cin. mere. chm. bor. phyt. pul. nux. rhe. bitter, rhe. - cheesy, chm. - deficient, agn. die. clc. zn. pul. rhs. caus. indurated mamma, die. agn. chm. feeble women, rhs. caus. clc. men. pul. robust women, bry. ac. chm. bell. -fever, ac. coff. bry. bell. rhs. - suppressed, bry. pul. die. rhs bell. ac. sul. clc. -- thick, bor. - thin and salty, erb-a. - - blue, lach. - watery, pul. stringy, kli. - yellow, rhe. Nodosities on mamma, burning ^ly. Painful mamma, rhe. pnos. - nipples, grph. sul. Perspiration on chest, nit-a. chin. ph-a. euph. mere, drs - reddish, arn. Pimples, tubercles, rhs. lach. stro. plb. hep. sta. - nipples, grph. Pores black, drs. Pressing pain, ly. Pustules, led. hep. stro. Rash, led. bry. sil. sta. Red spots, led. saba. bell. ip. ' Retraction of nipples, sars. Rhagades, sul. grph. - mamma, caus. sul. grph. - nipples, grph. Rheumatoid pains, arn. cim. crb. nux. - mamma, bry. phyt. Scabs on nipples, ly. Scaly eruption on mamma, pet - nipples, ly. Sensitive mamma, grph. -- nipples, grph. rhe. sng. zn. Shivering of mamma, dig. Smallness of mamma, nux-m/ Sore nipples, arn. sul. chm. ign pul. clc. ly. grph. caus. sep sil. mere. nux. - pain as if, cic. zn. phos. led. Spasm in pectoral muscles, ang cic. str. ver. Sprained, as if, arn. Stitches in mamma, sep. io. con. kr. sng. rhe. phos. Swelling of mamma, bry. bell, mere. sil. hep. erb-a. phos. - pad-shaped, ar-n. -- nipples, ly, mere. Tenderness of mamma, ran-s. mos. bell. clc. bry. - nipples, grph. mil. - sternum, zn. - when pressed hard, nux. mos mere. Tension, io. ly. eph. ol. mez. sars. Ulceration of mamma, sil. kr. phos. mere. -- nipples, mere. sil. chm. Vesicles, grph. Wasting, dwindling, of mam- ma, io. kli-i. nit-a. con. ars - nipples, sars. White spot on nipple, nux. Wrenching pain, arn. Yellow spots, phos. ars. XXXVI. NECK (Including Nape), SCAPULA, AND AXILLA. Aching in clavicles, rho. - nape, bar. Bloated neck, con. Boils in axilla, ph-a. ly. bor. - on neck, sep. nat-m. - over scapular, led. nux-j. am-m. Bones, pain in, neck, bar. bell. - as if flesh was loose, kli. Boring pain in nape, bar. Brown spots in axilla, thj. Bruised feeling in nape, aga. zn. nux. caus. hep. - pain in neck as if, crt. sab. - scapular as if, nat-m. Burning pain in axilla, kli-c. spig. caus. zn. nat-m. crb. - in nape, mere. ammc. ign. clc -pain, in neck, caus. gra. stro. over scapular, sul. io. Bursting pain tinder right scapula, seneg. Congestion to neck, collar too tight, gio. Constriction in nape, die. Constricting pain in neck, io. sep. fer. die. Contortion, hyo. Cramp-likepain in nape, arn. thj. sil. Crampy feeling in neck, zn. plat. io. men. Creeping pain in axilla, bry. mez. in nape, lact. in neck, sp. Cutting pain in axilla, sul-a. kli-c. nape, dig. - - over scapular, sul-a. rhs. Dampness in axilla, crb. -■ over scapzilar, lach. Dragging pain in axilla, mng. Emaciation of neck, nat-mdLc Eruption on nape, sil. pet. crb nat-c. caus. - on neck, ly. an-t. pul. sta. ver scil. - over scapular, mere. pul. ly. ammc. Erysipelas from nape to face, grph. Excoriation in axilla, crb. --pain as from, mez. Glands in axilla affected, sil. hep. clc. sul. io. crb-a. sta. nit-a. ph-a. ph-a. sep. kli-c am-m. nat-m. rhs. bell. - of the nape affected, bar. clc. sil. ammc. phos. hell. pet. sta. phos. sul. mur-a. io. - of neck, affected, bell. mere. a^r sil. clc. nit-a. crb-a. lach. ammc. ly. arn. phos. sta. '^•^grph. mag-m. caus. sp. ^^'^spig. nat-c. kli-c.MA Goitre, io. sp. ly. clc. kli-c." nat-c. ammc. nat-m. sta. amb. hep. caus. - constrictive feeling in, io. - hard, io. sp. -jerking pain in, ly. - movements, as from some- thing alive, in, sp. - painful, io. plat. - pressing pain, nat-c. - split, as if it world, sp. - tensive pain, io. - throbbing, io. ly. - tickling, plat. Grasped, nape feels as if, ly. Greasiness of neck, thj. ap. ly. Heat in nape, ign. lach. Herpes in axilla, sep. ly. crb-a - on nape, sep. pet. ly. caus. - on neck, sep. cocc. io. crb. stm. Itching in axilla, spig. an. phos - of nape, sep. alm. - of neck, alm. pul. an. thj. rhs Jerking pain in nape, sep. ph-a cap. mag-c. caus. Lameness of nape, spig. nat-c. Larger, neck grows, io. phos. Livid spots on nape, ly. Lumps, see Nodosities. Nodosities in axilla, phos nit-a. - on nape, zn. caus. an-t. 153 154 NECK AND AXILLA. Nodosities on nape, zn. caus. an-t. - on neck, lach. ign. mur-a. ly. phos. - over scapular, scil. am-m. Numb feeling in nape, dig. plat spig. Pain in axilla, grph. clch. ver. Painful, neck, lach. cocc. clc. ph-a. Palsy of neck, ly. Pimples, ly. pet. sep. nat-m. crb-a. phos. - on nape, sil. arn. crb. kli-c. sta. Pinching pain in neck, phos. ly caus. Pressing pain in axilla, chel. teu. led. asa. sta. over clavicles, bis. au. ma^-m. in nape, nat-m. an. lau. crb. in neck, ol. lach. sp. crb sil. alm. over scapular, chin, seneg arn. clc. sab. Pulsations in axilla, die. Rash on nape, sec. caus. mez. - on neck, bry. Rasping pain in neck, eye. grph Redness of neck, ver. io. Rheumatoid pains in neck, bell pul. mez. scil. Rush of blood to neck, kli-c. Scabs in axilla, nat-m. Scurfs in axilla, nat-m. Sensitiveness of axilla, kli-c. - of neck, lach. an-t. Soreness in axilla, mez. teu. zn. - of neck, bry. Sore, nape painful as if, bry. dig. ph-a. Spasms in neck, flu. Spots on nape, crb. Sprained, nape as if, ag. sul. kli-n. - neck as if, sars. ■- scapular as if, rho. Steatcoma on nape, bar. Stiffness of nape, nat-c. bell, phos. bar. sep. caus. nit-a. Stiffness of nape-continued, kli-c. clc. sil. nat-m. rhs. ign. sec. an. lau. kli-n. cap. - of neck, bry. bell. ly. mere. ^t4»ammc. cans, nat-m. dig. lau - over scapular, bell. Stinging in clavicles, sars. gaj. - pain in nape, bar. stm. alm. sta. pul. trx. ang. sep. nat-c - pain in neck, nat-m. cocc. sta. Stitches in axilla, sta. men. • Stitching pain over scapular, ammc. kli-n. an. zn. thj. kli-c. bell. hep. mur-a. lau. Streak, red, swollen, around neck, mug. Sweat in axilla, sep. pet. hep. nit-a. kli-c. sul. - on nape, sul. nit-a. - on neck, bell. Swelling in axilla, bar. - of nape, bell. bar. pul. sep. clc. - of neck, bell. lach. kli-c. ly. sars. nat-c. tearing, drawing, kli. am-m. Tearing pain in axilla, clch. chin. in clavicles, mez. chm. am-m. - drawing, pain in nape, nux. ly. sul. crb. rho. pul. asa. plb. cam. kli-c. Tearing pain in scapula, caus. rhs. ly. asa. chm. ph-a. sil. lach. nat-c. plb. stm. Tensive/am in axilla, teu. au spig. zn. in neck, bry. bar. caus. in scapula, bar. clch. sep. nat-c. Tension in nape, nat-c. con. caus. thj. sul. Throbbing in neck, bell. - in scapula, mere, kli-c. phos. bar. Tumors in axilla, pet. - on nape, sil. - on neck, grph. Twisted neck, hyo. caus. ars. - by spasm or paralysis, hyo. caus. ars. NECK. 155 Twisted, contraction, caus. ars Twitching/«m in axilla, die. val. Ulcerative pain innape, pul. Ulcers on neck, lach. Weakness of nape, plat, nit-a. Weary, pain in nape as if, zn. tart. Weight in nape,-, sense of, phos cap. pet. Yellow spots on neck, io. XXXVII. BACK. Abcess on back, sil. sul. sta. Aching in sacrum, ign. mere, clc. nux. rhs. pul. sul. kli-c op. cth. grph.***<•■« /tn. - coccyx, kli. Backache, in general, sep. pul clc. sul. kr. lach. sil. nux-m ly. kli-c. mag-c. bov. arn. zn. plat, nat-m. sul-a. str. mur-a. mere. ammc. bar. phos. ver. cth. asa. cap. BeatingyWw, bar. pul. Blisters on back, clc. Boils, sul-a. caus. flu. mur-a. Boringthj. cocc. Breathing obstructed by pain, can. Broken, sacrum feels, phosA^,/ Bruised, as if, nux. ver. chin; nat-m. am-m. str. ag. drs. -pain as if, dorsal, ru. - as if, lumbar, ru. ac. men. Bubbling sensation, pet. Burning pains, erb-a. nit-a. sul in lumbar, bar. nit-a. Chilliness, sep. Coldness, rhs. sec. am-m^M Cracking pain in cervical, sul. Cramp-like pain, euph. Creeping sensation, nat-c. in dorsal, arn. Curvature, dorsal, clc. sil. sul. rhs. pul. sta. ly. Cutting pain, sep. - - in lumbar, die. Debility, sepse of, in lumbar, ag. Digging pain, sep. die. ac. Emaciation of, tab. Eruptions, sep. crb. scil. sei. nat-m. zn. ph-a. - on lumbar, cle. Erysipelas around waist, mere rhs. Gnawingpain, cth. phos. stro. mag-m. dorsal, bell. Heat, mere. sul. con. flu. - in lumbar, ber. Herpetic spots, sep. Immobility, alm. Itching, nit-a. caus. alm. an-t. ly. sil. Jerkin % pain, chin. Lameness, ag. Opisthotonos, str. rhs. ign. cth. op. chm. cic. ip. stm. Pinching pain, ly. Pressure, sep. zn. cap. ly. pet. kli-c. crb. grph. caus. pet. - in dorsal, crb. - in lumbar, nux. ly. kli-c. Pulsation in dorsal, thj. mez. Rheumatoid pain, ly. nux. hep sul. nat-m. crb. bry. lach. sep. kli-c. sil. op. cth. cap. fer. cocc. chm. Sore, cervical region, as if, con Spasms, ip. Spots, sep. zn. Sprained, as if, pet. sul. ag. Stiffness, nux. sep. crb. sil. sul. kli-c. led. cap. ly. lau. - in lumbar, ac. Stinging pain, ol. mur-a, ar. sars. pul. thj. rho. zn. clc. hep. kli-c. clch. plb. val. -• - in dorsal, phos. bell. sab. in lumbar, ign. sil. lach. ph-a. ly. plb. sul, Sweat, chin. ph-a. pet. Swelling, sta. - in dorsal, pul. sil. - in lumbar, sta. sil, ly. Tearing pain in dorsal, mos. ly. zn. str. lumbar, nux. pul. stro. 156 UPPER EXTREMITIES. Tensive pain, zn. nat-m. nat-c. lau. con. sul. in lumbar, amb. Ulcerative pain in lumbar, kr Warmth, sense of, crb. Weakness, lach. ag. Weary, nat-m. sul. -pain in lumbar as if, cin. > WeiSht, sense of, sep. pet. sul. phos. crb. lumbar, ar-n. XXXVIII. UPPER EXTREMITIES. Arthritic nodes on fingers, ly. grph. on wrist, clc. Awkwardness of fingers, sil. clc. phos. Beating pain, thj. lach. sil. in elbow, thj. crt. rhs. Bleed, hands liable to, alm. Blisters on elbow, sul. - on hands, hep. cle. rhs. sep. - on thumb, hep. nat-c. ph-a. sep. lach. -■ on wrist, rhs. Bloated fingers, nat-c. Blood accumulates in fingers, sensation of, rhs. - congested to hands, sense of, lach. phos. Blotches, nat-m. - like mosquito bites, on fingers hep. - as from nettles on hand, hep. stm. sul. Bluish skin, sep. bis. Boils, sil. mez. - on forearm, clc. - on hands, clc. ly. - on thumb, kli-n. - on upper arm, zn. Bone-pain, in elbow, ly. amb. - in fingers, flu. dap. crt. - in hands, crb. au. ph-a. lach ph-a. chin. mere. stm. mng nat-c. sab. chel. bell. sta. phos. mez. kli-n. zn. teu. Bone swelling, phyt. rhs. sul. Boring pain, nux-m. in finger joints, hell. in upper arm, cth. in wrist, hell. Brittle skin of hand, nat-c. nat-m. Bruised, as if, ver. arn. zn. crc. phyt. - pain as if, in elbow, ru. cans hep. - upper arm pains as if, cocc. sep. cup. phos. thj. mez. ■-pain in wrist, ru. Burning pain, lach. bry. sul. pul. in elbow, mere. plat. .- fingers, ag. lach. teu. cans. ol. nat-c. sul. kli-c. forearm, sul. rhs. zn. grph. in hands, phos. cth. lach. pet. hep. nux. stro. - shoulder, rhs. - wrist, stro. -fingers feel as if, sil. Callosities on hands, grph. Carbuncles on fingers, lach. Chilblains on fingers, sul. pet. pul. ly. sul-a. - on hands, stm. zn. nit-a. Chilliness, sense op, in fingers, ammc. ly. kli-c. Coldness, rhs. die. ammc. ru. kli-c. - °ffingers, sul. - of hands, ver. io. lach. sul. । caus. spig. nux. chin. crb. Contraction in elbow, nux. -- of fingers, crb. mere. stm. drs. - - tendons, caus. Contusive pain, drs. -■ - in elbow, drs. plat. Contusive pain in fingers, ru. caus. Convulsive motions, ign. bell, op. cocc. saba, caus, Convulsive - movement of fingers, ign. chm kli-c. caus. ly. sta. 'Copper spots on hands, nit-a. Cracked skin, sil. ,- - hands, pet. alm. zn. sul. grph. lach. mag-c. kr. sil. •Cramp-like pain, ly. ammc. ( chin. bell. mere. sec. rholk*^ - - elbow, saba. fingers, ver. grph. ign. arn. eye. phos. mng. nux. clc. ars. sta. an. cin. crb. drs. euph. kli-c. shoulder, ly. -feeling in wrist, clc. plat. an. - elbow, kr. sp. " hands, clc. amb. grph. ly. can. euph. plat. saba. au. - thumb, mere. sp. Crawling sensation^ ign. bell, lach. Creeping sensation, bell. sul. kli-n. sec. '■ hands, ru. Wosftt-, thumb, teu. -pain in elbow, cth. mere. Curvature, an-t. ly. sec. -fingers, ru. clc. grph. phos sil. nux. Cutting pain, an. elbow, mur-a. con. bell. fingers, stm. pet. Deadness, sense of, ammc. nat-m. •- fingers, hep. clc. sul. ver. ph-a. kr. caus. Debility, cic. ammc. - hands, crb. Diggingpain, rho. erb-a 1 upper arm, nat-m. Distensive feeling, chin. pet. bell. (Dislocated, wrist pains as if, arn. clc. ammc. caus. rho. ' lach. crb. pul. stm. lau. - hands, mere. lach. ^ryness offingers, flu. sil. f hands, ly. ■ Eczema on fingers,, sil. lEmatiation of hands, grph. sei । Eruptions, ph-a. kli. rhs. tart, cth. . ??Ek EXl RkM}; IES. Eruptions, - elbow, sab. mere. phos. die. hyo. am-m. sta. zn. . -fingers, cle. hep. >rhs. grph. nit-a. ph-a. kli-c. plb. nat-m -forearm, caus. zn. ly. - hands, crb. mere. spig. rhs. ars. kr. ly. sul-a. bov. hep. nit-a. mur-a. ip. kli-c. zn. - shoulder, zn. kli-c. - upper arm, die. sep. led. kli-c. - wrist, rhs. am-m.^yi.Zke/. Erysipelas, rhs. pet. - hands, grph. Flesh as if beaten, bry. drs. ign Gangrene, ran. Gangrenous blisters on hands, sec. Gnawing pain in elbow, mag-c upper arm, cth. Grasping, when, anything, chm Griping pain in shoulder, ign. Hanging down, when, thj. Heat, clc-p. ru. grph. -feeling of, in Ungers, mag-c. - sensation of, in hands, sep. crb. phos. ly. . SxxZ Heaviness, nat-m. alm; am-m. sil. phos. stm. ammo. caus. bell. crb. ■-■ sense of, in upper arm, teu. Herpes, die. phos. - elbow, sep. cup. -fingers, nit-a. grph. caus. ■- forearm, mere. - hands, die. zn. ip. Hot water, sense of, coming through arms, rhs. Impression of tools remain a long while on fingers, mere bov. Induration of cellular tissue op forearm, sil. Inflammation, an-t. pet. ran. -fingers, sil. ran. mag-c. - hands, cup. ■- tendons of elbow, an-t. -• thumb, sars. Inflexibility of finger joints, sil. cle. Itch on elbow, lach. 158 UPPER EXTREMITIES. Itching, caus. bov. pul. lach. phos. - elbow, ol. spig. lau. -forearm, ag. rho. ly. mere, spig. eye. zn. an. con. ran. - thumb, cocc. - tipper arm, lau. ly. ol. Jerking/am, ly. lach. bry. cic bell. stm. ign. chin. op. nat-c. caus. thj. - -- fingers, sul-a. phos. mere, an. cin. ly. cic. ign. shoulder, sul. ly. thumb, sul-a. sta. upper arm, an. arn. cup. Laming pain in forearm, kli-n. die. stro. wrist, ru. kli-c. Lameness, alm. nat-m. ver. nux. bell. chm. io. plat. ly. bro. chin, seneg. am-m. cin die. cocc. kli-c. -forearm, sil.' - shoulder, lach. - thumb, kli-c. - upper arm, sta. teu. Languor, io. clc. sil. kli-c. phos lach. alm. mere. stm. Ligaments of shoulder pain as if torn, nux. Lying on, when, pain, amb. sil Moi'ning, early, pain, mag-m. ammc. nux. - in bed, io. mag-m. kli-c. ign. pet. Moving arms, when, pain, die. ere, Nails, affections of, sil. hep. grph. lach. crt. sul. sep. kli-c. caus. con. sul-a. alm. nat-m. phos. io. ly. mere, stm. clc. kli-n. pul. hell. Night, at, pain, ars. mere, nux ign. clc. ar-n. Nodosities, ars. phyt. - elbow, mur-a. - shoulder, crt. phos. Numb feeling in thumb, stro. Numbness, amb. kli-n. ign. ac kli-c. chm. -fingers, nat-m. ly. bar. io. ammc. clc. nit-a. chm. mos as if dead, phos. caus. sp. sec. Numbness, - hands, ly. ru. crb. •-• thumb, kli-c. - tipper arm, kli-c. Pain in shoulder, rhs. bell. ly. mag-c. sul. kli-c. lau. nit-a. phos. nat-c. lach. sil. rho. crb. stm. thj. zn. sta. stro. Painfulness of elbow-joint, ly. hep. mere, kli-c. an-t. rhs. cans. ver. sep. pul. bell, clc Paralysis, rhs. nux. clc. sep. cocc. chin. fer. ly. bell, tart - rheumatic, fer. chin. Paralysed, hands feel, mere, zn. crb. Pimples, see Eruptions. - on thumb, kli-c. lach. ly. ther Pinching pain, ip. Pressing pain, bell. - elbow, ar. ru. verb. - shoulder, bell, nat-c. nit-a. sil. ly. mag-c. lau. - tipper arm, mur-a. clc. led. teu. stm. sta. tar. - wrist, nit-a. ar. Pustules, kli. rhs. - elbow, sul. -fingers, zn. sar. Rash, sul. tart. - elbow, zn. - wrist, led. Redness, bell. saba. -fingers, nux. ag. rho. ly. thj. mur-a. lau. mag-c. ran. Rhagades on fingers, pet. flu. kli-c. bar-zz^./^r -- hands, pet. sul. - thumb, sars. - wrist, sul. Roughness of fingers, pet. lau -■ hands, alm. nit-a. hep. Rush of blood to, sil. Sweat on fingers, sul. ■-• hands, clc. sul. sep. nit-a. sil. cep. ign. palms, clc. flu. nux. hell, rhe. Swelling, ars. bell. sul. clc-p. crt. rhs. an-t. - elbow, hep. ver. lach. mere pul. -- fingers, lach. am me. hep. led rhs. mur-a. ol. nit-a. phos. UPPER EXTREMITIES. 159 Stiffness in -forearm, sul. caus. sep. ly. nux. - hands, rho. bell. lach. bry. cocc. stm. chm. clc. rhs. fer dig. hep. nux. sec. - thumb, led. nux. - upper arm, bry. sep. sul. - wrist, euph. lach. crb. mere. Stagnant blood, sense of, rho. Steatoma in elbow, hep. Stiffness, nux. ammc. kli-c. caus. men. chm. - elbow, ly. kli-c. - hands, mere. kr. zn. - wrist, sep. ru. pul. ph-a. ly. chel. sab. sul. Stigmata, saba. - elbow, phos. -fingers, lach. - hands, sul, Stinging pain, cocc. phos. rho. phos. sab. shoulder, lach. kli-c. ly. grph. phos. thj. plb. zn. sta zipper arm, bry. fer. thj. caus. arn. mng. cocc. asa. Stitching pain in fingers, lach. caus. zn. con. sil. ol. pet. nat-c. mag-m. am-m. crb. stm. ly. spig. - -- forearm, caus. an. thj. mere. thumb, ign. pet. sta. sars. lau. wrist, ru. hell. alm. nat-m scil. mng. bry. sil. rho. bov Scurfs on elbow, sep. -forearm, alm. - hands, sep. sars. Scarlet redness, bell. lach. Shaking, mere. bry. Shocks, jerks, cic. arn. ly. nux Shortened, sense as if, in elbow caus. lach. Sleep, going to, ly. bar. mag-m kli-c. amb. sil. phos. grph. cup. pet. sul. caus. cocc. Sore, pain as if, phos. nux. elbow, crt. plat. fingers, kli-c. hands, rhs. nit-a. thumb, sp. mez. Soreness of fingers, grph. Smarting of fingers, as if raw mere. zn. Splinter infinger,fain as from sil. Spots, cup. nat-m. saba. sul. - elbow, sep. -fingers, ph-a. con. plb. nat-m -- hands, nit-a. nat-c. sep. zn. io. drs. nat-m. saba. - upper arm, plat. rhs. - wrist, pet. kli-c. Sprained, shoulder as if, amb. mag-c. - thumb, pains as if, grph. sul. phos. lau. - upper arm pains as if, rho. - wrist pains as if, arn. ru. clc ammc. caus. rhs. rho. ign. erb-a. con. stm. sul. Tearing pain, nux. sep. caus. mere. bell. lach. thj. clc. sil ly. cocc. hep. kli-c. chm. io stm. bry. cin. nit-a. nat-c. cap. rhs. seneg. elbow, sul. chin, kli-c. ly. mag-c. io. cth. arg. alm. zn nat-c. kli-n. stro. bov. am. fingers, ly. crb. ver. lach. alm. sil. nit-a. sab. teu. stro clch. au. sta. sul. spig. led. kr. gra. mere. ars. bell, plb forearm, ar. crb. die. sars mt-c. alm. kli-c. sta. pul. cth. an. eye. mur-a. teu. - - hands, pet. crb. led. cth. lach. kli-n. ammc. chin, gra shoulder, bell. rhs. ly. sul io. crb. kli-c. mag-c. clc-p. hep. rho. zn. stm. phos. kli-n. mur-a. bor. caus. lau amb. stro. nat-c. thumb, bar. teu. cle. sep. amb. stm. sul. lau. kli-n. - •- upper arm, mur-a. fer. zn crb. stm. plb. caus. cth. sta con. ly. alm. rho. phos. au. bell. sars. rhs. kli-n. mag-m wrist, crb. ru. pul. caus. rho. zn. sul. gra. kli-c. sep. lach. mez. phos. nit-a. bar. bov. kli-n. chin. chel. clc. gaj. stm. sab. Tension, sep. an. chin. mng. - elbow, pul. 160 UPPER EXTREMITIES. Tension in fingers, phos. - shoulder, kli-c. - wrist, mng. Throbbing myfw^rr^rb.am-m Tickling sensation in fingers, sep. ran-s. -fingers, nat-m. sil. clc. rho. teu. sec. ran. sep. alm. Trembling, sil. bry. amb. hyo. -fingers, stro. - hands, ars. lach. kli-c. phos. sul. hyo. an. nux. io. led. nit-a. caus. bis. nat-c. ph-a. nat-m. rho. zn. thj. - - drunkards, ars. nux. sul. Tumors on fingers, con. lach. led. Twitching of muscles in upper armf^sx. val. men. asa. cocc Ulcers, little, on hand, sil. drs. - upper arm, lach. ■-fingers, ars. ly. sep. mng. ran Ulcerative pain, thj. - - fingers, sil. caus. sars. kli-c. - -- thumb, caus. nat-c. Veins on forearm, swelling of the, rho. pul. - swelling, of hands, op. lau. phos. stro. Vesicles on fingers lach. saba. watery, plb. pul. Warts, sep. caus. sul. nit-a. -fingers, sul. lach. -forearm, clc. - hands, thj. clc. rhs. phos. lach. die. -- thumb, lach. Weakness, kli-c. an. ly. clc. sul. bell. phos. rho. chin, bro. plat. caus. sab. stm. -fingers, sil. crb. - thumb, sil. Writing, bad effects of, in thumb, kli-c. mur-a. phos. XXXIX. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Abcess on heel, lach. Aneurism at knee, crb. Arthritic pain, ac. sul. bry. clc. sab. arn. ars. feet, ac. sul. arn. bry. sab ars. clc. sil. grph. led. --■ -■ knee, nux. sul. bry. pul. arn. sep. chin. ly. Bandaged tightly, knee feels as if, au. - - legs feel as if, stm. Beating pain, bro. Blackness of feet, sec. an-t. Blisters on ankles, sei. -feet, ars. zn. phos. caus. lach. con. - heel, sep. lach. caus. pet. phos. nat-c. - nates, ol. bor. -■ soles of feet, sul. from walking, kli. - toes, ars. grph, pet. nit-a. sul. Blotches, sul. - legs, lach. as from nettles, au. ■- thighs, zn. Blow, hip pains as from a, ru* kli-c. Blue skin of thighs, bis. Blueness of legs, con. Boils on calves, sil. -feet, str. - heel, clc. - hip, nit-a. - knee, nat-m. nux. - legs, mag-c. - nates, ph-a. ac. hep. - thighs, sil. nit-a. pet. sep. ly. nux. ign. hyo. cocc. Bone-pains, men. phyt. crt. mag-m. -feet, mere. cup. sta. chin. ru. spig. zn. bis. teu. stm. bell. - heel, crt. cap. - hip-joint, kr. ol. ru. - legs, ly. bar. chin, kli-c. •-■ thighs, cth. pul. ru. - toes, mez. sep. Boring pain in heel, pul. zn. hip, mere. - knee, cth. mag-c. soles of feet, tar. toes, ran-s. LOWER EXTREMITIES. 161 Bruised, pain as if, clc. caus. - ankles pain as if, crt. - feet pain as if, mag-c. - heel pains as if, ign. cocc. led. cap. am-m. - hip pains as if, lach. sep. ru - knee pains as if, ars. hep. led nit-a. grph. con. ver. can. - legs feel as if, phos. clc. chin - thighs pain as if, nit-a. plat. ru. ammc. cup. grph. hep. pul. spig. lau. dvfr. Burning pain, kli-c. feet, grph. nat-m. clc. sec bov. mez. ly. nit-a. sil. hep. ign. mag-m. str. nat-c. pul heel, kli-n. ign. - hip, crb. rhs. sep. caus. knee, ly. rhs. thj. sul. tar. legs, ars. ly- cr^ tar. an. ag. fifty soles of feet, clc. an. amb. cup. nux. mag-m. cth. ly. hep. grph. crb. sil. ph-a. - thighs, phos. bov. crb. zn clch. chin. mez. eph. - toes, ag. pul. ly. bor. kli-c Callosities on heel, ly. - legs, lach. - soles of feet, sil. Chilblains, nux. thj. nit-a. sul. rhs. pul. nux-j. nux-m. clch ammc. kli-c. cocc. Chilliness of feet, drs. am-m. ly. col. - legs, kr. chin. Cold feeling in hip, mere. Coldness, nit-a. sep. nux-j. sul crb-a. - calves, ph-a. stro. -feet, sil. lach. phos. con. ver. am-m. sul. caus. grph. ly. mur-a. ol. plat, kli-c. clc. pet. nat-c. ars. crb. sep. zn hyo. ign. sab. mere. sars. - heel, sep. - knee, col. pul. . - legs, sil. pul. amb. led. arsiu^x - thighs, rho. mere. - toes, sul. bro. Contraction in calves, ly. sul. -feet, caus. plb. - knee, ru. nit-a. scil. zn. tendons, ru. Contraction of soles of feet, plb. nux. - thighs, ip. ru, - toes, clc. grpli. nux. hyo. Contractive sensation in calves sil. kli-c. -feeling in hip, lach. - pain in knee, ru. nat-m. lack grph. sul. ly. ver. rhs. - sensation in thighs, kr. lach! sab. sp. Contusive pain, kli-n. rho. toes, ru. Convulsions, men. ip. ign. ly. caus. ars. Cracked skin of toes, lach. Cracking in knee, caus. Cramp in calves, sec. ver. cam nat-c. euph. nux-j. clc. ly. nit-a. sep. dim. sil. zn. cup fer. caus. sul. pul. nux. con ars. ol. rhs. phos. ign. coff. led. mag-c. crb-a. pet. - - at night, chm. sep. nux-j. bry. -feet, ly. pet. hep. caus. crb. - legs, clc. crb. col. - nates, rhs. - soles of feet, ammc. pet. nux/ clc. sil. crb. sep. fer. hep.£w.< - thighs, hep. sep. mere. pet. * hep. - toes, ly. nux. fer. clc. ign. sep kli-c. sul. Crampy feeling, clc. euph. ars^ grph. amb. heel, caus. teudo-achilles, can: - pain in feet, nat-c. ang. nat-m. - - hip, col. bell. legs, clc. hep. nit-a. grph. col. mere. men. nates, rhs. - - soles of feet, nat-c. nux.< thighs, ip. mere. hep. sep pet. clch. asa. can. plb. Cramp-pain, men. plb. sul-a. Crawling sensation in legs, sep^ Creeping in calves, nux. - sensation in feet, sep. die. arn rho. phos. stm. legs, ign. plat. rho. 162 LOWER EXTREMITIES. Creeping sensation, soles off eet, sep. mag-m. kli-c. toes, sul. plb. hep. sep. caus. lach. clch. Cutting pain in legs, bell. die. thighs, drs. Dampness of thighs, sul. Dead, toes as if, sec. eye. Deadness of feet, clc. nux. rhs plb. ph-a. Dislocated, knee pains as if, lach. Dry feeling of soles of feet, phos. Dryness of the knee-joint, nux. Emaciation, ar-n. sei. -feet, io. plb. Eruptions, hyo. sta. - ankles, grph. sul. - calves, sep. caus. pet. - hip, pet. sul. - knee, hep. led. thj. saba. - legs, pet. sta. - nates, bor. thj. - thighs, pet. lach. phos. mez. rho. can. kli-c. mng. pru. sei. zn. sul. - toes, pet. grph. lach. ph-a. sul. Erysipelas of feet, die. -- on legs, sul. hep. clc. bor. Fetor of feet, sil. sep. Frozen, heel pains as if, sab. « pul. Gangrene of feet, tart. sec. an-t Giving away of knee, caus. arn chin. bry. chel. sul. bell. Gnawing pain in ankles, plat. Gout, rhs. bry. col. led. clc. caus. sep. an-t. nux. sta. clch. pul. bell. sul. lach. sp cth. hep. ars. grph. ly. Griping pain in hip, lach. Hardness of knee, led. - legs, grph. Heat, sul. -feet, nat-m. phos. crc. ign. alm. sul. - thighs, sul. - toes, bor. Heaviness, clc. alm. bell. sul. pul. lach. sul-a. io. crb. zn. stm. ly. kli-n. Heaviness, - legs, fer. bell. ly. rhs. ver. sep. stm. lau. mag-m. duI. - thighs, zn. rho. bell. Herpes, cle. sta. - on ankles, pet. nat-m. - calves, pet. kr. die. grph. erb nat-m. ars. phos. - legs, lach. kli-c. ars. •- nates, bor. cans. - toes, alm. Horny places on feet, an-t. ■-■ skin on toes, grph. Humming sensation in feet, ol. legs, ol. pul. soles of feet, ol. Inflammation of ankles, mng. - knee, mere. cle. sul. sil. bry. ly. nux. bell. io. rhs. chin. effusion, with, sul. io. clc. mere. sil. lymphatic, io. clc. sul. ly. sil. ars. rheumatic, bry. nux. sul. arn. ly . led. pul. suppurating, sil. mere, sul hep. bell. white and swollen, ly. bry pul. an-t. rhs. sab. ■- toes, nit-a. thj. pul. Insensibility of legs, pul. am-m Itching, zn. dap. ly. sil. caus. nit-a. - ankles, ol. ph-a. rhs. - calves, ip. rhs. phos. mez. ly. eye. sab. -feet, caus. bov. lach. clc. ign bell. - heel, sta. phos. - knee, ly. caus. rhs. sp. mng. asa. sul. - legs, lach. sab. die. clc. kli-c. ag. - nates, caus. ther. pru. - soles of feet, nat-c. ol. alm. zn. amb. - thighs, rho. spig. ol. phos. zn caus. stm. nit-a. bar. grph. - toes, nux. ag. Ischiaticpain, pul. col. dio. bell. sep. ly. arn. rhs. nux. Jerking pain, ign. ip. pul. mere ly. nat-m. stro. ankles, pul. LOWER EXTREMITIES. 163 Jerking pain in calves, nit-a. phos. feet, sep. phos. ip. chn. knee, caus. mez. legs, ly. ars. an. soles of feet, kli-n. thighs, plb. chin. cap. sul nat-c. mng. Jerks in feet, phos. - knee, pul. -- thig hs, euph. Lameness, sep. crb. nat-m. sil. ag. - sense of, in feet, par. phos. mez. chm. eph. - hip, chm. ar. led. ver. ly. - knee, chin. crb. kli-c. sul. - legs, men. cocc. ag. mos. - thighs, euph. clch. chm. ag. kli-c. chel. nux. lau. zn. Languor, ammc. ip. clc. sul. lach. caus. con. phos. stm. - sense of, in feet, ere. led. zn. fer. caus. bov. plat. ign. - - knee, nat-m. asa. con. pul cup. ly. caus. ru. sp. chin. legs, zn. plat. pul. bry. bell. sep. rhs. kli-n. thighs, kli-c. chm. bry. chin. ph-a. caus. Limping, spontaneous, caus. mere. bell. rhs. clc. pul. sul ly. bry. col. zn. Lying, pain in hip, when, ly. sep. rho. -■ on nates painful, sul. Menses, pain in hip, during, Mottled skin, caus. Moving hip causes pain, mere kli. sul. Muscular twitching, teu. sil. caus. clc. mng. plat. thighs, nux. kli-c. asa. Nails, diseases of, grph. caus. sep. teu. crb. sul. nux. clch Nocturnal pain in hip, mere. Nodosities on calves, pet. thj sei. - knee, chin. pr* - legs, au. stro. A/aA'.,' - thighs, ip. chin, kli-c. nux. Numb feeling in calves, sil. hip, lach. clc. sta. knee, clc. grph. plat. Numb feeling in soles of feet., bry. Numbness, nhx. alm. clc. sul-a' -feet, ph-a. con. ars. plat, rhs - heel, ign. caus. - soles effect, sep. sta. - thighs, grph. euph. - toes, plb. Paralysis, rhs. nux. cocc. bell, bry. chin. -feet, ol. chin. plb. ars. - legs, ac. ars. ■- thighs, chel. Peeling off, skin, offeet, die.' - legs, ag. Pinching pain in calves, hyo. feet, hyo. Pressure, kli-c. - ankles, grph. ign. led. - calves, an. nat-c. stm. -feet, led. mur-a. ol. - heel, stm. kli-c. ru. - hip, saba. arn. zn. sep. led. caus. - knee, mag-m. sul. bis. sp. thj led. ar. alm. chel. - legs, ph-a. - nates, zn. cup. io. - soles of feet, grph. ol. hell, kli-c. - thighs, sil. nit-a.. dig. sp. ol. an. stm. Prickling in feet, sep. Psoritis, ac. pul. rhs. bry. nux Pustules on thighs, lach. - toes, eye. Rash on legs, nat-m. - thighs, nux. Red streaks on knee, rhs. Redness of ankles, ph-a. hep. -feet, bry. pul. - legs, nux. - nates, hyo. - toes, crb. ag. mur-a. nit-a. bov. Restlessness, grph. crb. sul. nit-a. con. ars. lach. phos. nux-j. caus. ammc. -ffeet, bar. arn. cup. crb. nat-c^ phos. knee, sense of, an. - legs, mep. plat. sep. chin, crb. hep. Rhagades on feet, hep. 164 LOWER EXTREMITIES. Rhagades on heel, ly. - toes, lach. Roughness of skin about knee, kr. Scurfs on legs, sab. - toes, sil. Sensitive toes, clc. Sensitiveness, painful, of knee, cth. •- soles of feet, alm. clc. hep. . ign. kli-c. Sa**. ^Z. Sitting is painful, clc. an-t. sil. an. bar. ag. to nates, sul. hep. Sleep, limbs go to, sep. clc. alm an-t. crb. sil. ly. grph. sul. kli-c. bov. amb. lact. - feet gone to, sep. nat-c. sil. caus. kli-c. plb. zn. nat-m. ly. cocc. lau. col. eph. - knee feels as if gone io, crb. kli-c. pet. cth. - legs gone to, x\xo. nux. mng. chin. ign. sp. mos. ammc. ■- thighs gone to, cth. cocc. Soft, toes growing, led. Sore, pain as if, plat. chin, mng. - ankles pain as if, plat, mur-a -feet pain as if, ph-a. nat-c. plat. §*£ - heel pains as if, ign. - pain in hip as if, cic. pul. - soles of J eetpain as if, crt. - thighs feel as if, caus. ly. sul kli-c. rho. phos. - toes as if, grph. nat-c. ly. ars. erb-a. ran. Soreness, grph". hep. ly. - in the bend of the thigh, caus sul. rho. coff. -- hip, pet. sep. bov. - nates, nit-a. Cep*-r - toes, grph. erb-a. nat-c. Splinter, heel pains as from a, pet. Spots, nat-c. sul. hyo. an-t. - on ankles, sul. - calves, sars. con. -feet, ars. - hip, rhs. - knee, pet. rhs. - legs, clc. phos. zn. stm. ly. chel. Spots on - thighs, mur-a. grph. eye. - toes, nat-c. Sprained, pain as if, rhs. - heel as if, mere. - hip pains as if, caus. nat-m. ip. arn. hep. chm. chin, bar. clc. - knee pains as if lach. ip. sta nat-m. - toes as if, ammc. Stagnant, sense in legs as if the blood were, zn. lact. Standing is painful, euph. ag. - knee is painful when, arn. cup. plat. ■-- - to soles of feet. ere. Stiffness, clc. alm. rhs. ign. sep. kli-c. -- ankles, sul-a. -feet, led. - hip, bell. chm. ■- knee, bry. sep. phos. ly. grph col. lach. ign. am-m. nit-a. kli-c. an. caus. led. sil. plb. pet. hell. an-t. stm. nux.^24o - legsfer. ran. - thigh, cic. grph. chm. bry. - toes, sul. Stigmata on thighs, grph. Stinging pain, nux. caus. ars. mere. Stitching pain in ankles, sil. pul. ol. thj. mere, kli-c. ign rhs. tar. calves, grph. sta. am-m. sil. - - feet, nit-a. bry. phos. chin* mur-a. kli-c. nat-m. amb. heel, grph. nit-a. ammc. nux-j. rhs. pul. hep. ran. sp. sep. sab. hip, lach. caus. ars. am-m phos. rhs. kli-c. bry. plb. kli-n. hell. mng. grph. bell. knee, bry. led. clc. lach. pet. bov. sep. cocc. caus. mur-a. thj. plb. zn. spig. rhs. mere. cth. arn. bell, agn. men. lau. nat-m. - legs, bry. erb-a. ag. gaj. nates, bry. pru. lau. LOWER EXTREMITIES. 165 Stitching, soles of feet, nat-c. bry. ign. phos. bor. ol. sep. nux. spig. ph-a. sul. tar. - thighs, sil. clc. sep. bry. caus. ol. spig. sp. zn. rhs. die. erb-a. mng. lau. sars. Stitching pain in toes, kli-c. ly. cap. sil. ol. caus. zn. hep. bry. ver. ran. Sweat, hep. ars. -feet, sil. clc. ly. sul. mag-m. sep. bar. crb. scil. cup. kli-c nat-m. ammc. ph-a. drs. zn nux-j. thj. lach. grph. pul. nit-a. pet. sab. saba. coff. cold, ly. scil. drs. nit-a. hep. mere. - -fetid, bar. nit-a. nux-j. sep. grph. sil. kli-c.4^<- - sitppressed, sil. nit-a. sep. nat-m. cup. rfiix-j. - soles of feet, nit-a. plb. saba. - thigh, thj. - toes, eye. tar. Swelling, ly. sul. io. mere, ars con. - sense of, pru. - of ankles, hep. asa. mng. led stm. fl* ■ -* • 1**'*-' - calves, chin. mez.TW. •- feet, ars. chin. lach. rhs. fer. 7^ phos. bry. ammc. led. sil. ph-a, grph. nat-c. kli-c. sep pul. samb. stm. grph. sul. stro. asa. 10. ver. sec. zn. crt. kr. op. sars. caus. chm erb-a. nit-a. dig. ■- heel, mere. con. - knee, bry. led. io. clc. sil. pul nux. sul. cocc. rho. phos. lach. mur-a. chin. sep. arn. hep. rho. mag-c. - legs, lach. bry. sep. nux. pul die. kli-c. rho. crt. grph. au mere. led. ly. clc. sil. clch. - soles of feet, ly. kli-c. chm. - ■- sense of, clc. - thigh, chin. glandular, ph-a. - toes, crb. grph. dap. sul. ph-a nit-a. mur-a. erb-a. mere, nat-c. thj. sab. Swollen, knee feels as if, nit-a Swollen, knee, dropsical, sul. io. cic. sil. mere. * inflammatory, bry. nux. arn. sul. ly. clc. sil. •- - rheumatic, bry. nux. sul. pul. arn. ly. chin. scrofulous, io. clc. sul. sil. ly. ars. white, sul. ly. bry. rhs. ars. sab. pul. an-t. mere, io clc. sil. sep. bell. Tearing pain, rho. bry. lach. cans. pul. bar. sil. ly. sul. zn. crb. ars. grph. nux-j. alm. nat-m. stro. crt. kr. arn. agn. mere. ph-a. nit-a ver. bell. con. chin. Tearing pain in ankles, nux. die. rho. phos. sp. led. lach ars. hep. amb. alm. cam. stro. kli-n. caus. pul. calves, caus. sil. zn. nat-c. an. bry. agn. mng, sta. alm mur-a. cth. ag. grph. val. feet, lach. nit-a. bov. hep, caus. spig. chin, nux-j. str, teu. cth. ign. ly. grph. sil. nat-m. clch. drs. nat-c. sul. heel, par. kr. erb-a. mez. am-m. ly. col. ign. an. hip, chm. mere. lach. sep. crb. caus. mag-m. clch. led con. fer. kli. ly. hep. rhs. die. alm. cth. agn. stro. tart knee, caus. ly. phos. sil. clc. sul. pul. bry. lach led. erb-a. mur-a. stro. con. zn. kli-c. chm. sep. sars. rho. rhs. chm. cle. ar. an. io. pet. grph. lau. mere, mag-c kli-n. spig. clch. legs, bry. erb-a. caus. sil. fer. sep. nat-c. kli-c. lach. ars. ammc. rho. crb. bar. an-t. grph. phos. rhs. zn. pul. nit-a. eph. nates, zn. bar. nat-m. chin - - soles of feet, hep. kr. nux. cup. hyo. kli-n. phos. - tendon-achilles, sab. grph. zn. alm. 166 LOWER EXTREMITIES. Tearing pain in, thigh, nat-m. clch. nux. mez. sep. plat. chin. ly. zn. grph. die. stm. cocc. cth. pul. rhs. phos. sab. mag-c. gaj. kli-c. sars. nit-a. io. eph. cap. bry. hep. toes, mag-m. sars. thj. cth caus. plb. ru. ly. grph. Tendons of knee painful, ru. nat-m. lach. hell. Tension, caus. phos. erb-a. bar - ankle, ly. - calves, bry. nat-m. an. sul. kli-c. sep. pul. nux. alm. -feet, bry. pul. plat. sars. - hip, rhs. lach. ly. bell, nat-m - knee, led. con. bry. lach. crb. nit-a. caus. nux. rhs. grph. sep. mez. zn. mag-c. sul. - legs, bry. ign. am-m. grph. - soles of feet, sul. - thigh, rhs. kr. mere. sab. pet crb. mag-m. - toes, ol. plat. Tetters on thigh, grph. mere, nit-a. mur-a. Throbbing in heel, nat-c. - hip, crt. hep. - toes, mur a. asa. plat. Tickling in soles of feet, sil. Trembling, lach. pul. caus. ly. mere. -feet, mag-m. zn. con. ver. - knees, ol. led. chin. nux. ■- legs, plat. cam. Tubercles on nates, hep. Tumors on thigh, mere. Ulceration, pain in hip as from subcutaneous, pru. clc - in hip, ph-a. sul. clc. sil. col. hep.rhs. zn. - on nates, verb. Ulcerative pain, phos. kli-c. • ankles, nat-m. feet, bry. ly. caus. heel, am-m. hip, pul. c legs, pul. io. soles of feet, ign. phos. amb. bar. kli-n. spig. cth. grph. pul. ly. Ulcers, sil. crt. mere. - on ankles, flu. sei. Ulcers, feet, ip. phos. - heel, sep. nat-c. ars. - knees, ph-a. - legs, sil. crb. ars. ph-a. clc. lach. ly. bar. ip. sta. - soles of feet, sep. ars. - toes, ars. pet. grph. Unsteadiness, nux. rho. stm. - of knees, aril. nux. crb. bry. ac. pul. Urticaria on hip, sul. Vacillation, bry. io. ver. Varices on legs, caus. pul. fer. col. grph. Varicocele, clc. zn. Vibratory feeling in legs, pul. Walking is painful, grph. caus mere. nux. sul. lach. - causes pain in ankles, caus. pul. eye. calves, nit-a. ly. nux-j. mag-m. erb-a. nat-c. -feet, bry. amb. crb. grph. ang. heel, grph. nit-a. nux-j. stm. zn. r- hip, ph-a. sam. stm. - knees painful •when, bry. crb caus. clc. spig. rhs. plat, sp mur-a. mere. cocc. pet. - pain in legs, when, clc. con. soles of feet, phos. ly. pul amb. clc. bar. zn. led. con- teudo-achilles, when, mere toes, when, ars. caus. ly. grph. Warty excrescences on toes, spig. Weak feeling infeet, ign. crc. Weakness, aim. sul. ru. stm. ol. caus. nux. kli-n. eye. zn - of hip, ar. chin. mng. sep. - knees, tart. lach. nux-j. nit-a Co-* sep. mere. caus. sil. pet.M. - leg, ag. tar. thighs, mur-a. caus. plat. ag. Weary, feet pain as if, alm. - soles of feet pain as if, nux. - hip pains as if, cin. - knees pain as if, sul. ver. Abcesses, sil. nit-a. sep. mere hep. Acne, kli-br. kli-c. kli-i. kli. bell, nux-j. ph-a. led. con. gran. chel. sul. rob. crb. - comedones, sei. nat-c. sep. sul nit-a. - drunkards, crb. led. nux. ars - indurated, rob. io. egn. hep. ber. an-c. ■-punctata, sul. drs. sei. nit-a. sab. - rosacea, ars. rhs. kr. ru. erb-a - young persons, in, bell. crb. sul. Alopecia areata, phos. nat-m grph. vin. ars. clc. kli-c. Anasarca, ars. chin, kli-c. ap. sul. apo. ly. mere. clch. dig. sep. rho. scil. fer. led. - drunkards, of, sep. ars. ly. -fright from, ac. Anidrosis, kli-i. set. plb. phos. nat-c. Anthrax, ars. sil. anth. lach. arct. phyt. chin. crb. sec. Atrophy, cocc. grph. sab. sul. - nails, sil. Baker's Itch, see Eczema. Baldness, see Alopecia. Barber's Itch, see Tinea. Bites or Stings, see Injuries. Biting pain, pul. led. bov. crb. ly. clch. sp. am-m. bry. ran-s. sul. nux. Black, sec. nit-a. an-t. Blood oozing from skin, lach. phos. -■ blisters, ars. sec. au. black, lach. ar-n. brown, nit-a. mez. ly. crb phos. Bloodvessels, aneurisms, crb. lach. ly. pul. - inflammation, ac. ham. chm. bell. sep. pul. ars. sul. - varices, pul. ham. sul. clc. grph. mur-a. ars. caps, crb phos. sep. sul-a. ign. Boils, see Furuncle. Bricklayer's Itch, see Eczema. XL. SKIN. Bromidrosis, sil. pet. con. sta. grph. ly. nit-a. Bubbling in skin, clc. Bullae, rhs. cth. grph. die. cle. sep. cans. ars. sul. mere, nit-a. hep. sil. Burning, ars. lach. phos. mere bell. cap. sil. cans. sul. mez die. ac. rhs. hr. clc. amb. arn. ign. hep. scil. pul. op. kli-c. nat-c. nux. Burns, see Injuries. Burnt, pain as. if, ars. caus. sec. sul-a. Callosities, grph. sil. phos. rhs an-t. lach. Cancer, see Epithelioma. Carbuncle, see Anthrax. Chapped, see Rhagades. Chicken-pox, an-t. sol-m. tart pul. rhs. led. Chilbains, see Pernio. Chloasma, ly. sep. pet. gua. lau. nux. an-t. Chromidrosis, nux. Cicatrices, become painful, nit-a. sil. orb. phos. -■ breaking again, lach. sil. crt. nit-a. crb. Clamminess, mere. ver. chm. chm. ph-a. phos. bry. io. Clavus, see Corn. Coldness, ars. ip. plat. sec. rhs ver. sul. ru. Comedo, sei. bar. see kene. Condylomata, thj. nit-a. ly. ph-a. sta. cinna. sul. nux. - bleeding, thj. - dry, sars. -flat, thj. sars. sul. - pedunculated, ly. - split, thj. nit-a. ly. - suppurating, thj. Corns, sil. clc. sul. an-t. ly. sep nit-a. arn. pul. rhs. ammc. ign ph-a. nat-c. bov. rho. - boring pain, sep. sil. ran-s. -■ burning in, sep. bry. sul. - horny, an-t. ran. - inflamed, sep. ly. sil. rhs. pul. sul. 167 168 SKIN. Corns, - sensitive,painfully, clc. ign. an-t. nit-a. arn. sil. bar. sul - stinging, bry. sep. ly. sil. sul rhs. clc. pul. -• tearing pain, ly. clc. sil. sep. sul. - ulcerative pain, bov. ammc. Crawling, creeping, sensation, rho. saba. rhs. sta. sec. sul ar. Cyanosis, ac. dig. Cystic tumors, grph. clc. kli-c. nit-a. Damp skin, mere. pel. clc. ly. grph. sul. die. kr. sep. crb. cle. sil. bry. caus. ph-a. rhs Dermatolysis, am-b. sta. erb-a Desquamation, am-c. mez. au bell. sep. bov.^'-A *0^-- ■- after scratching, drs. - palms, am-c. V Dingy color, sec. ars. phos. fer. mere. io. plb. Dry skin, bry. chin. sul. io. clc odl kli-c. sec. nit-a. lach. ars. hyo. ly. ac. bell. chm. die. ip. sep. phos. amme. grph. canna, arn. mere. saba. sp. nux-m. clch. nat-c. coff. Dysidrosis, cle. nat-s. Ecchymoses, arn. crt. lach. sul-a. ru. chin. sec. see Purpura. Ecthyma, ars. mere. tart. kli. sil. Eczema, die. mere. phos. bell, ac. crb. rhs. cle. ars. au. Elephantiasis, myr. sep. an. iicy. Ephelis, ver. rob. kli-c. bf. Epithelioma, thj. sep. ars. Eruptions, acute, pul. mere, rhs. bry. bell. sul. phos. ac - blackish, ars. rhs. bell, mur-a nit-a. crt. lach. sec. sil. - burning, ars. mere. crb. hep. sul. cap. bell. lach. rhs. sil. sta. bry. caus. kr. ly. - chronic, grph. sep. clc. hep. sul. ars. sil. ol. nit-a. rhs. bor. ammc. cle. bar. ly. .- confluent, cic. Eruptions, - dry, sil. clc. mez. sep. bar. ver. sta. mere. led. cup. - excoriated, painful as if, grph. mng. pul. hep. ph-a. zn. mere. drs. clc. sul. pet. caus. ar. clch. -flat, ph-a. sep. nat-c. sil. ammc. lach. bell. ly. - granular, ars. crb. hep. - grape-shaped, clc. ■- hair follicle, center of, kli. - horny, an-t. grph. ran. - itching, mez. rhs. ol. nit-a. clc. sta. an-t. mere. bry. ver. caus. ag. led. ign. -• miliary, ag. - moist, sep. clc. sul. mere, cle. rhs. cic. die. sta. ars. crb. ol. mez. nit-a. pet. sei. - painful, phos. mere. bell. ly. hep. lach. pul. chin. arn. sul. ver. sep. chin. an-t. sil. - painless, hell. stm. hyo. cocc ol. ph-a. sec. con. -peeling off, led. sep. phos. sta. ammc. ol. mere. au. die. cup. - rhagades, grph. ly. sep. pet. sars. rhs. hep. mere. clc. - scaly, ars. sul. die. phos. sep sil. bry. cle. mere. grph. col. ol. pul. kr. led. - small, hep. crb. grph. ph-a. nat-m. - stinging, mur-a. sil. ly. sta. eye. led. rhs. vio-t. plat. - suppurating, sul. rhs. mere, cle. hep. cic. sep. die. an-t. - tensive pain, with, rhs. phos. arn. caus. - whitish, ars. bry. pul. -yellowish, mere. cic. ag. sep. nit-a. Erysipelas, rhs. ap. bell. ac. lach. mere. hep. sep. pul. grph. arn? bry. chm. nit-a. - gangrenous, crb. lach. ars. sec. chin. sil. - phlegmonous, rhs. bell. mere, pul. lach. grph. hep. - vesicular, rhs. sep. lach. ars. grph. pul. sul. - wandering, pul. bell. rhs. SKIN. 169 Erysipelas, - watery, rhs. ars. hell. chin, sul. Erythema, ac. bell. chi. ust. chel. mez. ars-i. - nodosum, rhs. arn. pte. Exanthems, bronchial catarrh with, pul. bry. - chest disorders, bry. ip. phos sul. - diarrhoea, chin. mere. pul. sul. ver. - dropsy, hell. ars. ap. sul. apo arn. ph-a. dig. -- ear disorders, pul. bell. sul. - eyes, affections of, bell. phos. sul. - fever, ac. bell. bry. coff. rhs. mere. typhoid symptoms, str. hyo bell. hell. bry. rhs. Excrescences, fleshy, sta. thj. nit-a. mere. - horny, an-t. ran. sul. - see under various names, as Warts, etc. Pavus, see Tinea. Fibroma, ly. clc-a. Fig-warts, see Condylomata Flaccid skin, clc. io. sec. ver. cocc. cup. ly. chin. Formication, sec. rhs. nux. arn. clch. caus. spig. saba, kli-c. plat. pul. ran. Frambcesia, kli-i. mer-i-r. Freckles, an-t. nat-c. ly. clc. pul. alm. sep. phos. Fungus articularis, sil. io. an-t bry. lach. con. zn. kr. ars. -- hcematodes, ars. phos. erb-a. sep. crt. sil. nit.a. - medullaris, bell. phos. sul. sil. Furiincle, sul. bell. arn. hep. nit-a. ph-a. nux-j. clc. rhs. phyt. phos. sil. - large, sil. nux. nit-a. sep. ly. - small, arn. sul. bell, mag-c. zn. nat-m. Ganglion, sil. ammc. phos. Gangrene, sec. lach. ars. sil. chin. bell. sul. crt. eph. sab Gangrene, - cold, ars. sec. lach. sell. sil. sul-a. eph. ' - hot, ars. ac. bell. sab. - moist, chin. hell. phos. Gangrenous blisters, ars. cam. sec. ran. Gnawing pain, ol. agn. sta. ly plat. ver. ru. bar. ran-s. sp led. eye. ph-a. rhs. pul. Greasy skin, mere. bry. Green color, ars. crb. ver. Grocer's Itch, see Eczema. Guineaworm disease, ars. mere. Hair, dryness of, kli-c. ph-a. -falling off, see Alopecia. - turning gray, ph-a. ly. - greasy, bry. plb. - stiff, ph-a. Hangnails, rhs. clc. sul. ly. Hard skin, an-t. sep. rhs. grph die. sil. cle. phos. - callous, grph. an-t. sep. sil. phos. - horny, an-t. grph. ran. sul. -■ parchment-like, ars. ly. - thickened, die. sep. an-t. rhs. cle. grph. sil. Harsh skin, sec. hyo. Healing, difficult, bar. pet. crb7 grph. rhs. chm/yz^. Sdf Herpes, burning, ars. crb. cans - gray, sul. - itching, cle. rhs. sep. mere, clc. ars. nit-a. ol. bov. ran. sil. sul. flu. sta. - malignant, ars. - moist, die. ly. sep. mere, clc grph. kr. cle. rhs. - pustular, sul. mere. kr. ars. pul. an-t. tart. - rhagades, with, grph. ly. sep sul. hep. clc. sil. pul. rhs. - scaly, ars. bry. sul. phos. sep clc. die. led. ly. sil. cle. kr. ol. ph-a. nit-a. mur-a - spreading, sep. ly. ars. grph. sta. - suppurating, sep. cle. rhs. cic. - dry, bry. ver. sep. ars. clc. led. rhs. mere. sta. 170 SKIN. Herpes, •- tearing pains, with, cle. nit-a pul. ly. sep. clc. sil. - whitish, ars. bry. grph. ly. zn. - yellowish, die. sul. ly. mere, cup. sep. Hirsuties, ly. Horny skin, an-t. sil. bov. sul. grph. ran. - Hydroa, kli-i. kr. mag-c. Hydro-adenitis, ph-a. phos. nit-a. Hyperidrosis, bell. jab. chin, bap. clc. lac-ac. Hypertrophy, grph. die. an-t. cle. sil. sul. clc. ars. sep. rhs. ran. thj. kr. phos. Ichthyosis, ars-i. thj. phos. plb. col. Impetigo, grph. clc. sul. rhs. bov. mur-a. die. bell. sep. ly. cic. sta. mere. cle. con. -figurata, an-t. kh. tart. eph. -purulent, mere. clc. sul. - scaly, die. Inactivity of skin, kli-c. ph-a. ly. con. an. Indurations, erb-a. io. bar. sep. die. cle. sil. Inflammation, ac. bell. chm. mere. lach. pet. phos. sul. bry. hep. sil. Injuries, arn. sul-a. lach. ham con. hep. ru. pul. rhs. sil. cic. phos. caus. bry. - bedsores, arn. sul-a. chin, crb - bites, bell. lach. ars. ammc. sen. ■- bleeding, nat-c. nit-a. easily, phos. kr. crt. chin, sul-a. lach. arn. crb.. - traumatic, arn. sta. sul-a. lach. crc. pul. - burns, urt. cth. caus. kr. crb ars. lach. ac. str.?/du^ - contusions, arn. sul-a. con. pul. - cut, caused by a, sta. arn. sul nat-c. - ecchymoses, arn. sul-a. phos. ru. crt. lach. rhs. - extensive, caus. sep. nat-c. Injuries, -fall, caused by a, arn. rhs. con. bry. cic. - gangrenous, sil. ars. chin, lach. bell. - inflamed, ac. chm. pul. sil. hep. arn. sul-a. - itching, sul. -painful, nat-c. caus. -■ - becoming again, nit-a. nux nat-m. - shot-wound, arn. sul-a. eph. plb. - small, rhs. thj. clc. sep. sars. - splinter, caused by, nit-a. sil. hep. arn. - stab, caused by, arn. lach. crb nit-a. cic. - stings, caused by, arn. bell, ac - suppurating, hep. mere. sul. bell. chin. - swelling, with, arn. rhs. bry. pul. - throbbing, bell. chm. pul. hep mere. Interbrigo, clc. chm. mere, pet. hydr. grph. Itch, see Scabies. Itch-like eruptions, sul. mere, sei. sep. hep. - bleeding readily, mere. sul. - dry, mere. sul. crb. hep. sep. caus. lach. ver. - moist, mere. sul. caus. crb. kr. sep. - pustular, ly. sul. cle. caus. rhs. kr. sep. -■ vesicular, sul. crb. mere, sep nat-c. lach. ver. Itching in bed, crb. nux. sta. mere. thj. chm. pul. cocc. eye. plat. zn. --- when getting warm, mere pul. cocc. - burning, ars. nux. rhs. cic. bry. ag. mere. cap. saba, eph. igm spig. amb. calad. - creeping, sil. sp. sta. - day-time, ly. -■ evening, in, rhs. pul. nux. am-m. sta. ars. ph-a. eye. mere. rho. plat. - gnawing, ly. ru. agn.. - morning, sta. sp. SKIN. 171 Itching, - night, ars. ver. pul. vio-t. zn phos. chm. - stinging, bry. sta. rhs. drs. thj. sp. spig. ru. - sweating, while, chm. rhs. op. - tingling, rho. rhs. scil. saba, pul. plat. chin. chel. - undressing, while, pul. cocc. -- voluptuous, mere. Jaundice, mere. chin. ac. sul. nux. lach. chm. crc. hep. rhs. nit-a. clc. ars. dig. cup - anger or chagrin, from, chm ac. nux. chin. - mercurials, after, chin, lach hep. sul. - quinine, after, mere. bell, nux. clc. - rhubarb, after, chm. mere. Keloid, flu. grph. nit-a. sab. Lentigo, kli-c. sul. pet. nit-a. ly. Leprosy, hyrocotyle. sec. Leucoderma, ars. sul. nit-a. zn. Lichen, die. cocc. cic. ly. bry. mur-a. nat-m. Lupus erythematous, io. sep. ap. hey. els. - serpiginosus, ars. grph. ly. sil. cle. sep. mere. -perforans, sta. ars. sep. nit-a - vulgaris, ars. grph. hey. sta. gua. cis. Maculae, see Spots. Measles, gel. ac. pul. asc. sul. bry. phos. coff. mere. rhs. -- incubation, pul. bry. -- sequalce, bry. phos. pul. ars. rhs. sul. drs. - suppressed, bry. pul. rhs. cup Miliaria, bry, ars. led. rap. Milium, clc-i. sta. tab. Mite disease, led. Moles, sep. ly. crb. grph. thj. sil. phos. - elevated, sep. thj. crb. plat. -flat, con. phos. sul. sep. nit-a Molluscum sebaceum, sil. teu. clc-a. ly. nat-m. kli-i. Morphcea, phos. Nails, blue, chin. nux. dig. au. nat-m. sil. - brittle, sil. 'alm. sul. grph. - burning, cans. - discolored, nit-a. grph. mur-a - distorted, grph. sep. sil. sul. -falling of, grph. mere. sec. - grooved, sil. saba. - hangnails, sul. clc. rhs. ly. - hcemorrhage under, crt. --ingrowing, sul. teu. caus. sil. - painful, grph. caus. an-t. sil. mere, nit-a. sul. - pressure, sars. - roughness, sil. saba. - splinter, pain as from, nit-a. hep. sil. sul. - split, sil. scil. - spots, nit-a. sep. sil. -■ stitching, nit-a. ph-a. hep. sil clch. ly. sul. - thickening, grph. sil. - ulcerative pain, grph. pul. kli-c. hep. am-m. nit-a. rhs -yellowness, sep. con. sil. nit-a mere. nux. sul. Numb skin, ol. sec. nux. ac. ph-a. an. amb. pul. sul. Naevus, crb. thj. clc. cund. Nettle rash, see Urticaria. Onychauxis, grph. Onychia, flu. arn. Onychogry phosis, grph. sil. Onycho-mycosis, see Tinea. Painful skin, nit-a. ph-a. sil. crb. mere. hep. clc. nux. ver. ars. ip. sul. thj. lach. bell. con. rhs. nat-m. ly. cth nat-c. sep. nux-m. coff. Pale skin, sul. clc. sep. crb. pul cam. hell. plat. cocc. chin, nat-m. nit-a. phos. fer. sec. spig. lach. kli-c. ign. Parchment skin, ars. chin. ly. sil. Paronychia, nat-s. phyt. hep. am-c. nit-a. an th. mere, str grph. lach. ir. Papulae, ac. die. sul. bry. mere nat-m. nit-a. sep. clc. sil. cocc. rhs. mur-a. con. op. Pedlar's Itch, see Eczema. Peeling off of skin, die. mere, cle. sep. grph. 172 SKIN. Pemphigus, rhs. cth. die. ars. ?<uv.^thep. ran. lach. bell. caus. Pernio, cth. ars. urt. bell. pet. ver-v. pet. sul. Petechae, bry. arn. sul-a. phos. ars. rhs. chin, see Purpura. - elderly persons, con. bry. sec rhs. ars. sul-a. - scorbutic, sul-a. crb. ars. nux mere. kr. nit-a. phos. Phagedenic blisters, pet. .sil. ars. grph. sul. clc. nat-c. chm. sep. nit-a. kli-c. mag-c Phthiriasis, ol. mere. Pimples, an-1. sep. pul. bry. caus. nit-a. ars. sta. Chm. ph-a. mere. bell. ac. zn. Pityriasis, ars. flu. clch. kli-a. Prairie Itch, rmx. Proud flesh, see Ulcers. Prurigo, sep. nit-a. clc. ac. rhs grph. op. bry. con. pul. caus. phos. nux. Psoriasis, sul. nat-a. ars-i. ars phos. mere. die. cle. sep. ran. grph. rhs. - children, sul. die. ly. cic. - inveterate, cle. sul. rhs. pet. mere. clc. ars. au. hep. grph Purpura, crt. phos. lach. ars. sec. chin. rhs. ham. ter. ery arn. sul-a. bry. chi. io. kli-h. mere. cup. sng. led. rheumatic, bry. rhs. led. ac mere. arn. nux. Pus, mere. sil. ars. hep. asa. crb. nit-a. caus. pul. sul-a. - brown, bry. con. rhs. crb. --fetid, chin. crb. mere. sil. asa lach. sul. ars. hep. kr. ly. ph-a. sep. nux. - gelatinous, fer. arn. chm. ar. - gray, caus. sil.' - green, mere. pul. caus. sil. rhs. crb. - ichorous, rhs. ars. sil. mere, crb. nit-a. sng. asa. kr. clc. - tenacious, con. - thin, sil. asa. sul. caus. rhs. pul. - watery, asa. mere. sil. caus. ars. scil. rhs. grph. pul. Pus, - yellow, sep. phos. crb. bry. ars. sta. clc. sil. sul. cic. kr nit-a. cle. ru. mere. nux. Pustular eruptions, an-t. mere, die. tart. sul. th j. ars. cie. pul. rhs. bry. arn. nit-a. pet am-m. cle. bell. hyo. mez. kr. mag-m. zn. cth.ly.sep. hep. sil. eye. sars. spig. sec Rash, ac. mere. ip. bry. an-t. die. bell. chm. pul. sul. ars tart. coff. rhs. - chronic, sta. amine, sars. mez cle. crb. sul. - infants, in, ac. bry. ip. - lying-in women, bry. ip. Red skin, ac. bell. chm. ph-a. bry. sep. rhs. chin, eph.pul sul. rho. arn. phos. ars. hep grph. ly. die. asa. Rhagades, clc. ly. mere. pul. chm. hep. sul. alm. pet. sil. sars. eye. rhs. arn. nit-a. zn. mng. nat-m. - bleeding, sil. sul. sars. pet. mere. - mercurial, nit-a. hep. erb-a. - syphilitic, mere. - ulcerated, mere. chm. sil. clc nit-a. sul. - water, caused by working in, clc. sep. hep. sul. - winter, in, pet. sul. Rhinoscleroma, clc-p. gua. rhs-r. Ring-worm, sep. tel. kli. plan, cic. tart. Rosacea, pet. erb-a. rhs. bell, arr-br. cur. Roseola, see Erythema. Rough skin, sep. clc. io. bell, grph. rhs. sec. merc/ne^ Rubeola, ac. bell. pul. bry. sul coff. mere. phos. nux. Rupia, pet. ars. mere. sul. sep. grph. chm. nit-a. hep. clc. - syphilitic, mere. Salt-rheum, see Eczema. Sarcoma, bar. sab. clc. hep. an-t. sul. Scabies, sul. SKIN. 173 Scarlatina, bell. bry. ap. arum ars. ai. sul. cup. zn. rhs. kli. lach. clc. nit-a. ph-a. mur-a. erb-a. hyd. crb. cam - gangrenous, ars. am-c. arum ai. - suppressed, bry. phos. sul. cup. Scarlet eruptions, bell. mere, sul. am-c. hep. phos. ere. ars. crb. hyo. - rash, die. ac. bell. sul. bry. coff. Scirrhus, sil. con. ars. kr. io. grph. erb-a. cle. sep. thj. ly. cic. phos. sta. Scleroderma, an-t. rhs. ber. alm. Scleriasis, else. hyd. phos. stil Scratching, after, biting pain, sul. - bloody oozing, mere. phos. sul. lach. chin. - blotches, lach. die. hep. clc. caus. ly. - burning, mere. ol. sul. sil. ars. calad. - dampness, sei. kli-c. - ecchymoses, phos. mere. sul. - gnawing, ol. ly. - itching, worse, calad. pul. - - in a new place, eye. ign. sul-a. - soreness, ol. sep. - swelling, mez. sul-a. rhs. - thickening of skin, rhs. lach. sep. Scrofuloderma, hep. clc-i. ther Sebaceous cyst, kli-i. bar. bro Seborrhcea, plb. rap. bf. bry. nat-m. Sensitiveness of skin, lach. crb. sil. clc. nat-m. bell, ver ars. chin. asa. nit-a. pet. ammc. ph-a. thj. con. ter. ign. spig. ag. ip. nux. ly. led. cth. mag-c. sep. mos. Shingles, see Zoster. Soreness of skin, ars. sul. chm grph. sep. pul. ign. mere, chin. hep. pet. clc. sul-a. kr. mng. ru. caus. nux. ly. - pain as front, ign. pul. sep. hep. grph. sul. Spots, bry. sep. ly. phos. sul. nat-c. con. saba, nit-a. ars. sul-a. nierc. hyo. rhs. ol. crb. clc. sta. grph. lach. -■ blue, fer. am, phos. bell, nux lach. - brown, sep. con. phos. ars.^ crb. sul. nit-a. hyo. pet.J^t.< -■ burning, ars. mez. kli-c. ip. rhs. chel. am-m. mere. sul. - claret-colored, sep. - confluent, bell. cic. - gangrenous, crt. lach. sep. --green, con. ars. - hepatic, ly. an-t. Ian. sal. sep nit-a. mere. crb. phos. nux -• itching, led. sul-a. sep. srh zn. nit-a. io. grph. nat-m. - mole-like, sul. clc. thj. pet. crb. ph-a. sil. sul-a. -■ mottled, crb. thj. nat-m. - red, bell. phos. arn. kli-c. mere. sep. lach. ars. rhs. sul-a. saba, nux-j. cocc. turning pale in the cold, saba. - red-brown, nit-a. - scarlet, bell. mere. ammc. ip eph. ars. phos. hyo. - sore, painful as if, fer. hep. ph-a. - white, sil. sul. sep. nat-c. alm mere. ars. --yellow, sep. con. sul. phos^ thvunArn. fer. pet. ru. nat-c."'^*>. Splinter, pain as from, hep. nit-a. Steatoma, clc. nit-a. sul. hep. bar. grph. sab. - suppurating, clc. Striated marks, crb. hep. saba bell. rhs. eph. Strophulus, chm. bor. led. sul mere. rhs. Sudamina, bry. am-m. urt. Suppuration, hep. mere. sil. sul. lach. pul. asa. phos. nit-a. ars. rhs. chm. clc. ly. crb. chm. die. mng. au. cth - benign, hep. sil. sul. pul. mere. phos. bell. - excessive, sul. sep. hep. asa. chin. mere. sil. 174 SKIN. Suppuration, - malignant, sil. phos. mere, asa. hep. kr. crb. nit-a. - suppressed, hep. lach. sil. Sycosis, hep. merc-p-r. cereus-s. Syphilitic zilcers, mere, nit-a. cinna. au. erb-a. thj. sep. nux-j. phos. cle. sars. lach. - after mercury, nit-a. au. thj. io. ph-p. nux-j. lach. Telangiectasia, thj. crb. cond Thick skin, die. sil. rhs. an-t. grph. sep. cle. mere. Tinea favosa, kli-c. bro. phos. mez. ly- sul. - tricophytina, sep. tel. - versicolor, sep. nat-a. Tingling, ac. sec. arn. rhs. clch nux. mere. ran. saba. spig. sep. caus. kli-c. Trichiasis, bor. Trichoclasis, nat-m. Tubercular eruptions, sul. sil. mez. phos. die. clc. ars. rhs caus. lach. pet. sep. erb-a alm. thj. mag-c. con. grph. Unhealthy skin, chm. sil. sul. hep. pet. bor. ly. sta. bar. alm. mng. grph. nit-a. Ulcerative pain, sil. chm. thj. am-m. bry. mag-m. pul. rhs. chin. mng. grph. ign. sep. sul-a. mur-a. cic. Ulcers, arthritic, bry. chin, ly pul. nit-a. ip. - black, mur-a. lach. ars. sil. sec. ip. sul. ^-bleeding, phos. lach. ars. sil. nit-a. ph-a. hep. ly. pul.&w/ - bluish, con. sec. lach. ver. - burning, crb. mere. sil. mez. rhs. sul. pul. ars. phos. nat-c. chin. ly. -- cancerous, ars. con. kr. sil. bell. grph. au. lach. cle. clc ■-confluent, sul-a. arn. con. ars. lach. ip. - chronic, sul. sil. hep. ph-a. pet. cup. nit-a. chel. mere. - creeping sensation, rhs. cle. .con. sep. sul. - cutting pain, bell, mur-a. sil. drs. cle. Ulcers, - deep, mere, nit-a. lach. asa. bell. sep. sil. clc. ly. drs. -fetid, sil. ars. sec. mere. crb. ly. sta. rhs. con. - fistulous, clc. sil. phos. nit-a. crb. ly. cans. sul. pet. ru. -fiat, mere, nit-a. thj. lach. sei. ars. sep. sil. asa. bell, pul. ph-a. pet. --gangrenous, kli. sil. bell. sul. sec. kr. - gnawing pain, sta. drs. plat, ran-s. pul. - gray> ars. cans. mere. sil. --green, ars. rhs. pul. au. mere - hard, lach. sil. ly. mere. sul. pul. caus. crb. - herpetic, crb. lach. phos. sul. sep. caus. mere. pul. sil. ars. rhs. asa. - inflamed, phos. mere. hep. chm. ars. sil. rhs. mez. ru. sul. bell. pul. bry. - itching, rhs. ars. ly. hep. sil. pul. bov. sep. ph-a. - mercurial, nit-a. hep. au. sul sep. crb. lach. ly. - painful, crb. grph. hep. ars. sil. sab ly. ph-a. arn. nit-a lach. sep. pul. - painless, ph-a. sep. lach. ars crb. - phagedenic, ars. sil. crb. mere. caus. nit-a. lach. pet. ly. lach. cle. chel. scil. sta. ran-s. rhs. sep. grph. - pressure, with, grph. sil. - proud flesh, with, sul. pet. sil. chm. kr. ars. mere, lach - putrid, sul-a. mur-a. mere, hep. ars. eye. sil. bor. clc. nit-a. ph-a. ly. chin. chel. -■ raised edges, with, mere, sep pet. hep. ars.. sil. pul. sul. -- sarcomatous, sab mere. hep. ars. nit-a. thj. - scorbutic, sul. crb. lach. ars. mur-a. mere. sta. -scrofulous, clc. sil. sul. mere, ly. ars. nux-j. phos. - scurfy, ars. rhb. sul. clc. sil. mere. ph-a. ly. sep. led. cic - shaggy, ph-a. SKIN. 175 Ulcers, smarting, sul. pul. dig. led. ly. grph. rhs. bell. mere. - spongy, cle. pet. sil. lach. mere. phos. erb-a. ars. sep. ' spotted -white, mere. lach. sil. nit-a. ars. thj. hep. - stinging pain, bry. ly. nit-a. pet. sil. sul. mere. swollen, rhs. mere. sep. sil. : kh-c. con. pul. bell. syphilitic, mere, nit-a. thj. i - tearing pain, sep. ars. ly. sul clc. sil. eye. ■ tensive pain, con. sp. sul. rhs phos. caus. lach. "- throbbing, sul. cle. asa. clc. ly. mere. torpid, crb. ph-a. op. sul. varicose, crb. pul. ham. caus ly. sul. lach. wart-like, ars. C- worms, containing, sil. ars. mere. Urticaria, die. rhs. hep. cop. ly. ars. crb. pet. sep. pul. mez. nat-m. cle. bell. ver. sul. bry. ign. chronic, clc. ly. Varicella conoides, tart. pul. an-t. sep. Varicella, -papulosa, pul. ^.n-t. tart, rhs - pustulosa, ac. rhs. led. bell. tart. ip. - vesiculosa, rhs. pul. sil. Varicoses, see Blood-vessels Variola, meland. vario. sul. bap. ap. ars. thj. Verruca, thj. caus. ly. Vesicles, rhs. cth. eph. sep. ars. sul. bry. phos. mere. - herpes, mere. bell. rhs. ars. ac. hep. die. burning, rhs. phos. pet. hard, an-t. thj. inflamed, nat-c. caus. sil. inveterate, caus. - pedunculated, sab. thj. ly stinging, clc. sul. suppurating, clc. hep. caus. nat-c. thj. - ulcerated, nat-c. sil. Washerwoman's Itch, see Eczema. Whitow, see Panonychia. Wounds, see Injuries. Wrinkling of skin, sec. clc. ver. cam. sep. sars. ph-a. Xanthoma, sep. Zoster, rhs. cth. grph. kal. ars zuph. XLL AGGRAVATIONS AND AMELIORATIONS. (Compare with Chapters I. and II., and with the special symptoms under each organ or part of the body.) Anger, aggr., ac. chm. ign. plat nux. sta. col. Anxiety, aggr., ac. ign. nux. ars. Slowing the nose, aggr., au. hep. pul. spig. mere. arn. clc. kli. sul. amel., mng. sil. mere. stm. Changing the position, aggr., cap. eph. pul. crb. fer. ly. phos. sam. con. ' amel., ign. val. ars. chm. ph-a. zn. Cold sweat, amel., nux Complaints aggr., w h e n, thinking of them, ox-a. alm nit-a. hell. ran. bar. spig. - amel. etc., cam. hell. cic. mag-c. Contraction, aggr., au. ol. ign Coughing, aggr., bry. pul. ip. rhs. drs. phos. nux. arn. bell. scil. sul. ars. cap. after, cin. hyo. phos. sep. Drinking, aggr., cth. bell, lach str. hyo. cin. phos. 176 AGGRAVATIONS AND AMELIORATIONS. Drinking, - after, aggr., rhs. ars. chin, nux. sil. cocc. ver. nat-m. bry. pul. hep. teu./a^X<£ - -- amel., phos. sil. bry. Eating, aggr., kli. nit-a. crb-a con. am-c. ly. fer. pul. hep - amel., an. ign. lach. zn. cap. chel. spig. - after, aggr., bry. nux. sep. ly. kli. clc. caus. sil. phos. con. sul. chin. pul. eye. Erect position, aggr., kli. ly. col. clch. ign. rhe. mere. - amel., dig. tart. agn. rhs. sul sam. ars. cic. Eructations, after, aggr., chm phos. lach. rhs. plb. zn. sep - - amel., crb. ly. an. grph. ign. dig. nit-a. nux. sul. Exertion of body, aggr., rhs. ■ arn. bry. ars. ru. sil. zn. rhe - amel., sep. ign. cth. stm. sil. nat-m. Expiration, aggr., spig. pul. clch. sep. io. drs. ol. sta. - amel., ac. bry. rhs. sab. men scil. Fasting {or before eating}, aggr., io. sta. clc. crc. sep. spig. verb. chel. lach. - - amel.., nat-m. chm. con. dig. ph-a. zn. Flatus, passing, amel., ly. nux. sta. pul. ign. chm. crb. rho chm. ver. Fright, aggr., ac. ign. op, pul. bell. nux. ' Grief, aggr., ign. ly. Hungry, when, aggr., io. kli. spig. au. rhs. ol. caus. grph Indigestion, ailments from, ip nux. an. pul. bry. sta. crb. nat-c. - aSSr'i c°l* Inhaling, aggr., an. sil, mere, sep. bell. sta. spig. - cold air, aggr., caus. nux. hyo. mere. hep. rho. sep. au. rhs. ars. Inspiration, aggr., ac. bry. rhs sab. men. scil. arn. bor. ly. sp. kli. chm. cap. Inspiration, - amel., ign. spig. clch. lach. , ol. chin. pul. stm. Intoxication, ailments from, nux. op. hyo. str. bell. cim. hyd. crb. Jealousy, aggr., hyo. ign ap. ph-a. lach. Joy, aggr-t coff. op- Laughter, aggr., bor. phos. plb. stm. crb. chin. Love, unhappy, aggr., hyo. ign f coff. phos. sta. Lying down, aggr., ars. au. cap ; chm. con. drs. eph. fer. ly. men. plat. pul. rhs. sam. amel., bry. clc. nux. arn. cth. clch. nat-m. scil. Manual labor, aggr., nat-m.! lach. sil. bov. ver. am-m. Mental labor, aggr., ign. clc. nux. sep. ly. an. lach. ol. sta. clch. saba. amel., nat-c. fer. crc. Moving, aggr., bry. bell. led. nux. clch. phos. calad. crb-a grph. hell. spig. chel. dig. . - amel., rhs. rho. eye. die. au. A*-Xsam. eph. cap. con. ly. pul sep. ph-a. mag-m.^vw Reproaches, aggr., op. sta- ign. col. ph-a. Respiration, aggr., bry. spig-1 clch. sep. rhs. mur-a. kli- saba. pul. nit-a. mag-c. sei- am-m. an. sul. clc. Resting, aggr., rhs. eye. die- pul. sam. au. cap. con. eph fer. ly. tar. - amel., bry. bell. clch. led. nux. arn. dig. mere. ip. pho? spig. nat-m. hell. grph. cam agn. rhe. coif. Rising from bed, aggr., bry. lach. con. crb. cocc. ac. rho ph-a. ign. hep. chm. ly. rhs - amel., pul. sep. die. au. cap- fer. ign. led. sam. ars. -from a seat, aggr., rhs. ly- spig. con. cap. phos. pul. bell. sep. bry. chin. fer. pet ol. sta. caus. - amel., die. ign. mag-c. ver- sep. pul. AGGRAVATIONS AND AMELIORATIONS. 177 Sitting, aggr., rhs. pul. verb, die. eye. cap. plat. ly. con. vio-t. ter. lach. mag-m. ru. - amel., bry. nux. clch. scil. rhe. - doubled up, aggr., dig. sam. phos. ars. tart. scil. am-m. amel., col. kli. rhe. clch. bell. ign. mere. ly. Sleep, aggr., bell. chm. op. str hep. sul. pul. sil. - amel., am-m. sam. phos. hell calad. - after, aggr., lach. str. op. fer arn. sul. amel., phos. ars. sep. nux. clch. Sorrow, see Grief. Speaking, aggr., ph-a. stm. chin. sul. nat-m. rhs. sei. an. clc. can-s. nat-c. cocc. mng. phos. arn. io. hep. spig. ver. sars. chm. - amel., fer. Spoken to, aggr., chm. ars. gel. nat-m. rhs. Stool, before, aggr., mere. ver. rhs. chm. die. nit-a. caus. - during, aggr., ars. mere, sul chm. pul. ver. spig. cap. hep. phos. - after, aggr., nux. caus. sei. phos. cth. chin. Stooping, aggr., bry. sep. clc. am-c. mng. clc. spig. bor. ru. val. kli. drs. cap. ip. teu. grph. hep. plb. col. sen. men. thj. - amel., clch. hyo. can-s. ran. tart, vio-t. Swallowing, aggr., hep. bry. mere, nit-a. rhs. sep. pet. - amel., ign. led. sp. arn. cap. fach. Sweating, aggr., ars. mere, rhs. sep. bry. op. chm. str. cans. sul. ver. pul. ip. mng - amel., cup. bov. calad. ly. clc. - after, aggr., chin. ph-a. sep. mere. pul. clc. sul. crb. io. phos. ars. sil. kli. con. amel., rhs. chm. ol. hep. cth. grph. bry. thj. Touched or looked at, does not want to be, an. chm. ars. cin. Unpleasant topics, talking about, aggr., au. ol. ign. Urinating, before, aggr., bor. col. nux. pul. arn. rhs. - during, aggr., cth. ly. ph-a. pul. alm. hep. mere. thj. - after, aggr., cth. col. nat-m. hep. mere. thj. zn. ru. pul. cap. chm. arn. bov. Vomiting, after, aggr., ars. ip cup. pul. sul. bry. ver. plb. gpLjg- amel., dig. sec. sng. pul.<® nux. .Cvtx.c. Walking, aggr., bry. led. bell, nux. clch. arn. spig. agn. can. coff. grph. dig. io. hell - amel., rhs. sam. die. au. cap saba. con. Wrath, see Anger. Yawning, aggr., kr. sars. rhs. cin. ign. nux. caus. arn. mur-a. phos. grph. men. - after, amel., sta. crc. REMEDIES. A-ac. Acetic acid. / Ab. Absinthum. 2. Ac. Aconitum. 3 Aca. Acalypha. ^Es. TEsculus. 3 4£t. Asthusa. 4 Ag. Agaricus. 7 Aga Agave. ? Agn. Agnus. 7 Ai. Ailanthus. Al. Aloe. // Ale. Aletris. / All Allium cepa. ) All-s. Allium sativum. / ¥ Alm. Alumina. /S' ■ Ain. Alnus. Alu. Alumen. Amb. Ambra. Am-b. Ammonium bromatum. / Amc. Ammonium carbonicum., Am-cau. Ammonium caust. i I Am-m. Ammonium muriat. * i Ami. Amyl. 2 5 A mmc. Ammoniacum. 2 s- An. Anacardium. x 6' An-c. Antimonium crudum.^t An-o. Antimonium oxidum.-n An t. Antimonium tartaricuim Ang. Angustura. 7 Anth. Anthrakokali. 3 6 Aph. Aphis, I Ap. Apis. 5 X ' Apo. Apocynum.3 3 Ar. Argentum metallicum. 3 4 Ar-c. Argentum cyanidum. 33 Ar-n. Argentum nitricum. 3 4 Ara. Aranea. 3 7 Aral. Aralia. 3 4 Arn. Arnica. 3 't Ars. Arsenicum album. Ars-i. Arsenicum iodatum. Art. Artemesia. Arum. Arum maculatum. Arum-t. Arum tryphyllum. Arun. Arundo. J As. Asafretida. x Asa. Asarum. Asc. Asclepias. ¥ £ Asp. Asparagus. 7 Ast. Asterias. ■S'0 Au. Aurum. 5'/ Au-m. Aurum muriaticum. Bad. Badiaga. J? 3 Bap. Baptisia. ¥ Bar. Baryta carbonica. 5*3 Bar-m. Baryta muriatica. 3' Bell. Belladonna. 5'7 Ber. Berberis. Bf. Bufo. * 7 Bis. Bismuthum. 40 Bnz-a. Benzoicum acidum. < Bor. Borax. & X Bov. Bovista. 4 3 . Bro. Bromium. 4 Bry. Bryonia. 6 ? Ca. Cainca. Cac. Cactus. 6 7 Cad. Cadmium. C? - Calad. Caladium. Cal. Calendula. 7 0 Calo. Calotropis, 7/ Cam. Camphora. 7 Can. Cannabis indica. Can-s. Cannabis sativa. 7 f Cap. Capsicum. Carb-ac. Carbolic acid. 7 Case. Cascarilla. Cast. Castoreum. 7 Caul. Caulophyllum. Cans. Causticum. 180 REMEDIES. Cea. Coca. Cch. Cochlearia. Ced. Cedron. Cent. Centaurea. Cep. Allium cepa. / . Chel. Chelidonium. / Chim. Chimaphila. Chi. Chlorum. Chm. Chamomilla. Chin. China. Chro. Chromium. Cie. Cicuta. , Cim. Cimicifuga. Cin. Cina. /< Cinn. Cinnabaris. Cis. Cistus. /< Clc. Calcarea carbonica. / Clc-a. Calcarea acetica. Ai Clc-ca. Calcarea caustica. / Clc-p. Calcarea phosphorica. / Clc-s. Calcarea sulphurica. z, Clch. Colchicum. Cie. Clematis. z Co. Copaiba. / j Coc. Coccus. ; y Cocc. Cocculus. /. Cod. Codeinum. / Coff. Coffea. / Col. Colocynthis- Coll. Collinsonia. Com. Comocladia. Con. Conium. Cmx. Cimex. Cr. Crotalus. z< Crb. Carbo vegetabilis. Crb-a. Carbo animalis. Crc. Crocus. Crl. Corallium. Crt. Croton tiglium. j t i Cth. Cantharis. Cub. Cubebs. Cup. Cuprum. Cup-a. Cuprum aceticum. Cup-c- Cuprum carbonicum. Cup-n. Cuprum nitricum. Cup-s. Cuprum sulphuricum. Cyc. Cyclamen. Dap. Daphne. if , Dig. Digitalis. I eDio. Dioscorea. Die. Dulcamara. Dor. Doryphora. Drs. Drosera. Egn. Eugenia. Else. Elaeis. Eph. Euphorbium. Epi. Eupion. Els. Elaps. Erg. Erigeron. Ery. Eryngium. /Ery-m. Eryngium maritinum. t_Euo. Euonymus. Eup. Eupatorium perfoliatum. Eup-p. Eupatorium purpureum. ~ Euph. Euphrasia. Fag. Fagopyrum. Fer. Ferrum. Fer-a. Ferrum aceticum. । Fer-m. Ferrum muriaticum. JFer-ma. Ferrum magneticum. Fil. Filix. Flu. Fluoric acid. For. Formica. Frag. Fragaria. Gaj. Guajacum. Gam. Gambogia. Gel. Gelsemium. ^Gin. Ginseng. / Gio. Glonoine. > Gna. Gnaphelium. Gos. Gossypium. Gra. Gratiola. . Gran. Granatum. Grph. Graphites. Gu. Gutti. Gua. Guarea. Gym. Gymnocladus. Ham. Hamamelis. Hey. Hydrocyanic acid. 3Helo. Helonias. Hell. Helleborus. zHep. Heparsulph. Hyd. Hydrastis. Hur. Hura. yHyo. Hyoscyamus. (> Hyp. Hypericum. flgn. Ignatia. Ind. Indigo. REMEDIES. 181 In. Inula. Io. lodum. /TO , Ir. Iris versicolor. / • - Jac. Jacaranda. / Jal. Jalapa. Jat. Jatropha curcas7 Jug. Juglans cinerea/^6 Jug-r. Juglans regia, Jun. Juncus. /F7 Kal. Kalmia. /?> " Kin. Kino. Kli. Kali bichromicum. fid Kli-br. Kali bromatum. I Kli-c. Kali chloricum. V Kli-c- Kali carbonicum/^ Kli-i. Kali iodatum. / 7't • Kli-n. Kali nitricum., Ko. Kobaltum. Kr. Kreosotum. - Lach. Lachesis. " Lact. Lactuca. ( J1 Lau. Laurocerasus. Lc. Lacticum acidum.2 Lcn. Lachnantes. Led. Ledum. 2 3 " Lep. Lepidium. 2. Lil. Lilium tigrinum. 2 Lin. Linaria. Lit. Lithium carbonicum2tf 7 . Lob. Lobelia inflata. 2 o2 Ly. Lycopodium. Lyc. Lycopus. Lyp. Lycopersicum. Lpt. Leptandria. Lup. Lupulus. 21'- Mag-c. Magnesia carbonica.^/^ Mag-m. Magnesia muriatica.2-0 Mag-s. Magnesia sulphuricaPA Man. Mancinella. 2/7 Mar. Marum verum. - Men. Mentha, -2 /'f Mens. Menyanthes. Mep. Mephitis. Merc. Mercurius vivus.i 2 2.. Merc-c. Mercurius corrosivus^^j Merc-i-fl. Mercurius iod. flavtls^v Merc-i-r. Mercurius iod. rubem Merc-s. Mercurius solubilis. ^ii Merc-su. Mercurius sulphuricus. ^21 Meri. Mercurialis. 22^ Mez. Mezereum. .222 Mil. Millefolium. 2 3o Mitch. Mitchella.' Mng. Manganum. _ Mos. Moschus. Mur-a. Muriaticum acjdum 2 C> Mux. Murex. ~~ Myr. Myrica. 0,6 Nat-a. Natrum arsenicum. 23/ Nat-b. Natrum bromatum. 22 Nat-c. Natrum carbonicum.-^3 ' Nat-m. Natrum muriaticum. Nat-n. Natrum nitr. 2*/ / Nat-p. Natrum phosphoricum.2y Nat-s. Natrum sulphuricum. 2.1/ Nic. Niccolum. Nit-a. Nitricum acidum. 2^^ Nit-d-s. Nitricum dulc- spiritus.-2 Nux. Nux vomica. Nux-j. Nux juglans. Nux-m. Nuxmoschata. Gina. CEnanthe. 2.2^ Ol. Oleander. 2.6 / Ol-a. Oleum animate. 2 S' ' Ol-j. Oleum jecoris aselli. 2 £ 3 Op. Opium. 2 2^ Osm. Osmium. -2 6"* Ox-a. Oxalicum acidum- 2. Co Pa. Paullinia. 2 ' Paeon. Paeonia. 2 '2~ Pal. Palladium. Par. Paris quadrafolia. 5. * Pd. Podophyllum. -Z 6 3' Pet. Petroleum. 2. Petm. Petroselinum. 2& / Ph a. Phosphoricum acidum. C Phe. Phellandrium. £ C Phos. Phosphorus. 2 Phy. Physostigma. 2 y / Phyt. Phytolacca. 2^2 Pic-a. Picricum acidum. Pin. Pinus sylvestris. 2 7 y Plan. Plantago. 2 Plat. Platinum. Plb. Plumbum. £ ? 2 Pol. Polygonum. Pot. Pothos. Pru. Prunus. ? o 182 REMEDIES. Psor. Psorinum. - Pte. Ptelea. Pul. Pulsatilla. Py. Pyrus. Ran. Ranunculus bulbosus. Ran-s. Ranunculus scelerattis.^ Rap. Raphanus. Rat. Ratanhia. Rhe. Rheum. Rho. Rhododendron. Rhs. Rhus toxicodendron. Rhs-r. Rhus radicans. - Rhs-v. Rhus venenata. Rmx. Rumex crispus. 333 Rus Ruta. Sab. Sabina. Saba. Sabadilla. Sam. Sambucus. Sap. Saponaria. Sars. Sarsaparilla. ~ ' Scil. Scilla. Sec. Secale. Sei. Selenium. Sen. Senecio. F Sep. Sepia. - 5 Sil. Silicea. Sin- Sinapis. Sn. Senna. Sng. Sanguinaria. Sol-m. Solanum mamosum. Sol-n. Solanum nig- Sol-t. Solanum tuber, aegrotans. Sp. Spongia. Spig. Spigelia. . Spir. Spiranthes. Sta. Staphisagria. Stil. Stillingia sylvatica. PSti. Sticta. Stm. Stannum. Str. Stramonium. 'Stro. Strontium. Sul. Sulphur. Sul-a. Sulphuric acid. Sul-i. Sulphur iodatum. Sum. Sumbul. :Sym. Symphytum. ^Tab. Tabacum. ^an. Tanacetum. ^Tar-e. Tartarus emeticus. °Tar. Tarentula. 'Tax. Taxus. Tell. Tellurium. 5Ter. Terebinthina. Teu. Teucrium. 'Ther. Theridion. • Thj. Thuja. Thl. Thlapsi. Til. Tilia. Ton. Tongo. 'Tri. Trillium. Trif. Trifolium. Tro. Trombidium. Trx. Taraxacum. Up. Upas. Urt. Urtica. Ust. Ustilago. Uv. Uva. Vai. Valeriana. Ver Veratrum album. Ver-v. Veratrum viride. Verb. Verbascum. ?~Vin. Vinca. Vio-o. Viola odorata Vio-t. Viola tricolor. 3 O' ' Vip-r. Vipia red. Vip-t. Vipia torv. J Xan. Xanthoxylum. Zin. Zingiber. JS^F Ziz. Zizia. JJ' /' Zn. Zincum. 3 c 0 Zn-o. Zincum ox. J Zn-s. Zincum sulphuricum.