POCKET CHARACTERISTICS BY DR. T. F. ALLEN VOL. 1 CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS OF THE Materia Medica FOR THE POCKET. Printed for T. F. ALLEN. Copyrighted, 1894, by T. F. Allen. INDEX. Absinthium, 41. Aconitum, 14, 47, 73, 82, no, 134. Aesculus, 75, 97, 106. Agaricus, 21, 50. Agnus Castus, 24. Ailanthus, 54. Allium Cepa, 22. Aloe, 9, 43, 70,139. Alumina, 28, 56, 84. Ammon. Mur., ri. Anacardium, 102, 114. Antimonium Crudum, 6, 48, 86, 131, 143, 145. Antimon, et Potass. Tartaricum, 4, 34. Apis, 12, 37, 52, 77, 85, 88, m, 117, 125, 127, 146. Apocynum Cannab., 70. Argentum, 13, 68, 76, 135. Argentum Nitricum, 19, 39, 40, 100, 130. Arnica, 5, 10, 36, 65, 71, 96, 99, 101, 124, 129. Arsenicum Album., 1, 2. 7, 15 16, 20, 23, 31, 32, 49, 58, 59, 6r, 72, 83, 89, 91, 93, 94, 104, 108, 112, 116, 121, 126, 132, 138, 149, 150. Arum. Triphyllum, 29, 38, 55, 103, 123. Asafcetida, 8. Asarum, 128. Asclepias Tuberosa, 87. Aurum, 26, 30, 33, 69, 113, 119. Baptista, 51, 98, >22. Baryta Carb., 17, 46, 60, 66,95. Baryta Mur., 120. Bismuth, 74, 141. Bryonia, 27, 42, 44, 53, 64, 90, 92, 1*5,142, 144. Carbo veg., 31. 57,107. Carbolic Acid, 118. Causticum, 25, 78,105, 109, .36, 148. Ceanothus, 147. Cedron, 63. Chamomilla, 18, 62, 67, 81,140. Chelidonium, 45, 133. Cimicifuga, 3, 89, 137. 1 Catarrhal inflammation of eyes with thin, burning-, excoriating discharge (tears), oedematous lids (esp. lower) with a gen- eral cachexia. Arsenicum Album. 2 Pains fine thread-like, burning- ag-g-. soon after midnig-ht, amel. external warmth. Arsenicum Album. 3 Pain in occiput, extends to vertex and down the spine like a bolt; amel. bending- heac[ backward. Cimicifuga. 4 Nausea and vomiting with deathly anxiety, restlessness, cold sweat, feeble heart, faintness. Antimon, et Potass. Tartaricum. 5 Eructations smelling like putrid eggs. Arnica. 6 Horny warts on hands and soles, sensitive. Antimonium Crudum. 7 Fever, periodic, chill short, fever prolonged, sweat moderate or suppressed (rarely long-lasting), during apyrexia great weakness and other characteristic developments. Arsenicum Album* 8 Throbbing over eye, extending to head; agg. night (in syphili- tic iritis.) Asafcetida. 9 Urging- to stool, with discharge only of hot offensive gas, affording transient relief. Aloe. 10 The flesh feels bruised and sore; everything on which one lies seems too hard; bed sores. Arnica. 11 Sciatica, pains agg. sitting and walking, disappear on lying; tendons seem contracted. Ammon. Mur. 12 Tonsilitis, Diphtheria, throat bright red glossy, oedematous, stinging pains, puffiness externally, stupor, drowsiness, no thirst. Apis. 13 Blepharitis marginalis, edges of lids thick and red (no burning as in Alumina). Argentum. 14 Croup, early stage; tosses about in agony, short, dry, hacking cough at end of every expiration. Aconitum. 15 Colic, burning- pain, with icy cold extremities, with restlessness and prostration or with vomiting- and purging-. Arsen. Album. 16 Sleep restless with starting-s and jerkings, sleepless after 1 or 3 a. m. Arsenicum Album. 17 Encysted tumors, esp. of scalp. Baryta Carb. 18 Peevish intolerance; the slightest pain makes one frantic. Chamomilla. 19 Illusion of vision; as if serpents were crawling- over objects, with no mental distress. Argentum Nitricum. 20 Face puffy, cachectic looking'; pale, even cold. Arsen. Album. 21 Burning- and sting-ing-, with redness of the skin as from frost bite," feet or external ears. Agaricus. 22 Acute laryngitis, on coughing hoarse, feeling as though lining of larynx would be torn out, coughing brings tears to the eyes, with fluent coryza, coug'h worse in cold air. Allium Cepa. 23 Gastritis; very sensitive to touch, burning and stinging pains, often extending into chest. Arsenicum Album. 24 Loss of sexual desire and power, with cold, relaxed penis and scrotum. Agnus Castus. 25 Uterine inertia during parturition, with faint-like sinking of strength. Causticum. 26 Melancholia, weeps and prays, long's to die. Aurum. 27 Sensation of a stone or hard lump in stomach after eating (compare Abies nig-.) Bryonia. 28 Constipation, rectum dry inactive, must strain, followed by clear blood. Alumina. 29 Fluent coryza or an acrid ichorous discharg-e from nostrils, with sore excoriated nostrils and chapped face. Arum. Triphyllum. 30 Inflammation and ulceration of cornea with great photophobia and bone pains. Aurum. 31 Threatening heart failure and collapse with faintness, coldness with desire for air, especially to be fanned. Carbo veg. 32 Urine scanty, hot; may be suppressed; often dark, albuminous, with general dropsy, etc. Arsen. Album. 33 Boring pain in nasal bones with fetid ozaena. Aurum. 34 Loose rattling- cough and respiration with cold sweat, inability to expectorate, threatening suffocation and faintness. Antimon, et Potass. Tartaricnm. 35 Extreme thirst, wants but little drink at a time, or fears to take but little on account of the irritable stomach. Arsen. Album. 36 Emission of very foul flatus. Arnica. 37 Diarrhoea painless; stools thin, yellow or bloody, burning in anus, it seems to remain wide open. Apis. 38 Constant picking or boring into the nose till it bleeds. Arum. Triph yllum. 39 Eyes intensely inflamed, lids and conjunctiva swollen, with profuse purulent discharge. Argentum Nitricum. 40 Acute urethritis, meatus swollen, everted with stinging pains; excessive discharge, purulent. Argentum Nitricum. 41 Epileptic seizures; a number of convulsions follow each other with little intermission (palliative, mainly). Absinthium. 42 Sharp pains, agg. motion, amel. rest, warmth and pressure sufficient to keep painful part quiet (amel. lying on painful side). Bryonia. 43 On attempting- to pass only gas, thin feces escape; is unable to distinguish the presence in rectum of feces from gas. Aloe. 44 Cough dry, agg. coming into a warm room. Bryonia. 45 Soreness and pain in the region of the liver and at lower angle of the rt. scapula and in right shoulder, with yellow skin, etc. Chelidonium. 46 Slow and imperfect development, mental and physical. Baryta CarK 47 Pains become intolerable, they drive one almost crazy, with agonizing restlessness. Aconitume 48 Eructations tasting of the ingesta. Antimonium Crudum. 49 Suffocation, chest feels constricted by a hoop, with asthmatic attacks. Arsenicum Album. 50 Chorea-like twitchings, amel. when warm in bed. Agaricus. 51 With fever, portions of body seem separated, they can not be collected. Baptisia. 52 Fever without thirst, with sleepiness, worse from 3 to 5 p. m. Apis. 53 Vomiting- food, but not drink, (reverse of Bismuth). Bryonia. 54 Scarlatina, livid rash, in spots, color returns slowly after pres- sure, with stupor or delirium, sordes on teeth, great weak- ness, stools, thin, offensive or bloody. Ailanthus. 55 Lips, tongue and buccal cavity sore, raw, cracked and bleeding. Arum Triphyllum. 56 Blepharitis marginalis with thickening, dryness and burning. Alumina. 57 Recurrent nose-blood, with pale face, faintness, feeble pulse, coldness, with desire to be fanned. Carbo veg. 58 Facial neuralgia, fine lines of burning pain, as from red-hot needles. Arsen. Album. 59 Stomach very irritable, the least food or drink causes intense distress, with efforts to vomit, and an evacuation of bowels. Arsenicum Album. 60 Tonsilitis, threatening- suppuration, can swallow only liquids. Baryta Carb. 61 False membrane on throat, dry or wrinkled, with exhaustion, restlessness, burning thirst, etc. Arsen. Album. 62 Metrorrhagia, dark, clotted, paroxysmal, uterus sensitive, legs painful (see disposition). Chamomilla* 63 Intermittent, supra-orbital neuralgia (usually one-sided), especially accompanying a malarial attack. Cedron. 64 Suppressed menstruation with hemorrhages from nose, throat or other parts. Bryonia. 65 Stool involuntary during- fever, putrid or dark-bloody, or acrid, and foul. Arnica. 66 Lipomata esp. about neck. Bartya Carb. 67 One cheek red and hot, the other simultaneously pale and cool. Chamomilla. 68 Grey, gelatinous, mucus like clear starch, is expectorated from the larynx, the upper part of which feels sore and raw on coughing. Argentum. 69 Chronic metritis, uterus large and hard, with prolapsus, bruised pain. Aurum. 70 Sensation of a plug wedged between the symphysis pubis and coccyx. Aloe. 71 Stupor or muttering delirium with involuntary discharges, in a low type of fever. Arnica. 72 Diarrhoea, stools small, frequent, (often brown or black), thirl preceded by colic, followed by extreme exhaustion. Arsenicum Album. 73 Extreme anguish with restlessness and thirst, with fever and bounding pulse or with collapse, feeble pulse, cold sweat, etc. Aconitum. 74 Indigestion with burning pain, extending to spine (not around tha sides), worse after eating, transiently relieved by cold drinks. Bismuth. 75 Hemorrhoids purple, sore, feeling- of sticks in anus, pain in sacral region and hips. Aesculus Hippocastamim. 76 Viscid, grey, jelly-like mucus is easily hawked up from the pharynx, which is raw and sore. Argentum. 77 Urine scanty, dark, albuminous, with stupor, no thirst, dropsical symptoms. Apis. 78 Ptosis, a sensation of heaviness in the upper lid, often with burning- dryness in the eyes. Causticum. 79 Dropsy; thirst, stomach irritable, inclined to vomit; scanty urine, weak irregular pulse. Apocynum CannaK 80 Uterine and ovarian pains seem to extend upwards to the ribs or in various directions (false labor pains). Cimicifuga. 81 Whining restlessness; the child wants various things but pushes them away, is quiet only when carried about. Chamomilla. 82 Acute affections caused by fright; such as vertigo, congestive headache, suppressed menses, even jaundice. Aconituni. 83 Face sunken, drawn, pale, ashy grey, with cold sweat (with abdominal diseases). Arsenicum Album. 84 Conjunctivitis with dryness, burning- and smarting, worse in inner canthus. (Compare zinc.) Alumina 85 Skin red, inflamed, often in blotches, with stinging pain, in- tolerable biting or itching'(urticaria, erysipelas, erythema). Apis. 86 Tongue thickly coated white (with craving for acids), very cross disposition. Antimonium Cnidutii. 87 Intercostal pains, shooting" or cutting, extending downward, with soreness, amel. by bending forward. Pleurodynia or true pleurisy. Asclepias Tuberosa. 88 Erysipelas of face, hot, bright swelling, with stinging pains, drowsiness, delirium, et cetera. Apis. 89 Dyspnoea, from a sense of constriction in air passages, agg. after midnight, agg. lying down in bed. Arsenicum Album. 90 Stitches in the sides, agg. motion, breathing, amel. by lying on painful part. Bryonia. 91 Extreme restlessness with prostration, with anxiety or fear, or anguish. Arsenicum Album. 92 Frontal headache agg. stooping, jar on rising from bed morn- ings, extends into upper jaws. Bryonia. 93 During chill hovers over fire, no thirst, during fever thirst for small quantities (cold water causes chilliness) restlessness, dry, hot skin ; sweat follows later, without relief of dis- tressing symptoms. Arsenicum Album. 94 Tongue dry, brown or red, with indented edges, with thirst. Arsen. Album, 95 Chronic indurated and swollen tonsils (esp. r. tonsil); liable to inflame. Baryta Carb. 96 A sore bruised feeling in the uterus after parturition (or with prolapsus). Arnica. 97 Rectum seems dry and filled with small sticks. Aesculus Hippocastanum. 98 Diarrhoea exhausting, fetid, usually dark, often bloody, at times involuntary during a low fever. Baptisia. 99 Putrid odors from the mouth. Arnica. 100 Excessive flatulent distention of the stomach (with nausea and vomiting-), violent g-astritis, threatening- ulceration, et cetera, (toxic, from alcohol). Argentum Nitricum. 101 Fear of being touched by persons coming towards him. Arnica. 102 Loss of memory, especially after protracted fevers (typhoid). Anacardium. 103 Voice hoarse, uncontrollable, now deep, now high. Arum Triphyllum. 104 Eruptions dry, scaly with burning- and itching-, ag-g-. scratching-. Arsenicum Album. 105 Hoarseness and aphonia from weakness or paralysis of the vocal cords. Causticum. 106 Pain and lameness in sacrum and hips with rectal symptoms. Aesculus Hippocastanum. 107 Flatulent distention of stomach and abdomen with heartburn, acidity and weakness. Carbo veg. 108 Burning- pain in rt. ovary. Arsen. Album. 109 Reverberation of voice or other noise in the ear. Causticum. 110 Headache ; like a boiling of hot water in the brain. Aconitum. 111 Burning- stinging pains in ovary (esp. rt.), extend down thigh. Apis. 112 Heart's action irregular, weak, rapid (irritable heart). Arsenicum Album. 113 Boring- pains in base of the skull with periostitis. Aurum. 114 Irresistable desire to curse and swear. Anacardium. 115 Melancholia with incessant talking-, mental and physical rest- lessness, changes subject and changes place constantly. Cimicifuga. 116 Unhealthy ulcers, even gangrenous, with burning, foul dis- charge. Arsenicum Album. 117 Inflammation of eyes (cornea and conjunctiva) with puffy lids and chemosis, hot gushing lachrymation. Apis. 118 Dull frontal headache as if a tight band were stretched across forehead from temple to temple. Carbolic Acid. 119 Boring- bone pains at night with despair (periostitis.) Aurum- 120 Fatty degeneration of the arteries (aneurism). Bar. Mur. 121 Palpitation with tremulous weakness after stool or after excite- ment, must lie down, but ag-g-. lying- on back. Arsen. Album. 122 Fever with tremulous weakness, restlessness, muttering delirium, diarrhoea, generally offensive exhalations. Baptisia. 123 Lips sore, chapped, cracked and bleeding-; the patient constantly picks them. Arum Triphyllum. 124 Whooping- cough, with Ecchymosed eyes; child cries before coughing (dreads the hurt of coughing). Arnica. 125 Fever without thirst, with sleepiness, agg. 4 to 5 p. m. Apis. 126 Diarrhoea, caused by ice-water, ice-cream or after anything- cold taken when overheated. Arsenicum Album. 127 Stupor with sudden shrill cries, with symptoms of meningitis. Apis. 128 Extreme hyperesthisia, scratching- on linen or silk is insupport- able. Asarum. 129 Head feels too large, as if distended by something within (as if elongated Hypericum). Arnica. 130 Diarrhoea, after drinking-; chronic D. long after emotional shock ; stools green mucus or watery, may be bloody, even with tenesmus; gastric and abdominal distress amel. by evacuating gas. Argentum Nitricum. 131 Constipation alternates with watery diarrhoea containing- undi- gested food, agg. acids. Antimonium Crudum. 132 Suicidal mania. Arsen. Album. 133 Cough with pain in the lower part of the rt. lung and in rt. shoulder, with a sore liver, jaundice, etc. Chelidonium. 134 Painful, anxious urging to urinate, micturition, guttatim, with burning, hot, scanty, even bloody urine. Aconitum. 135 Pain in 1. ovary and small of back extending to the front and downward with prolapsed uterus. Argentum. 136 Involuntary micturition, when coughing, or at night during sleep ; usually is not conscious of the urine passing through the urethra. Gausticum. 137 Delirium, loquacious, constantly changing- the subject, with physicial restlessness. In general suspicious or frightened and tremulous. Cimicifuga. 138 Fluent coryza, thin discharge corroding the lips (often alter- nating with feeling of stoppage at bridge of nose). Arsenicum Album. 139 Hemorrhoids, sore and hot, with fullness and dragging in the rectum. Aloe. 140 Diarrhoea, evacuations of green mucus, or white and yellow mucus, as if chopped ; color changeable, often of undigested food ; usually very offensive (during dentition, after taking cold, etc., see disposition). Chamomilla. 141 Ill overloaded stomach vomiting of large amounts of liquid rarely of solids. Bismuth. 142 Joints swollen, hot, shiny, red, painful on motion, amel. by warm wraps. Bryonia. 143 Peevish and fretful ; the child cries when touched or even looked at. Antimonium Crudum. 144 Stools, hard, dark, dry as if burnt. Bryonia. 145 Nails grow slowly, become horny and split. Antimonium Crudum. 146 Conjunctivitis with swollen everted lids. Apis. 147 Deeply seated pain in the left hypochondriac region with en- largement of the spleen. Ceanothus. 148 Cough deep and hollow with rawness in trachea down to bifur- cation of bronchi; cough agg. by talking and warmth of bed (sang.) amel. by sips of cold water. Causticum. 149 Neuralgia of tongue, pains like red-hot needles. Arsen. Album. 150 Cough dry, caused by suffocative sensation in larynx, preceded by restlessness and anxiety, usually worse evening and night, must sit up ; agg. by drinking, cold air, and lying on back. Arsenicum Album.