SWANSON'S Magnetic Capsules THE GREATEST NERVE REMEDY EVER DISCOVERED. Builds Up Ihe Entire Nerve System Restores the Magnetic Forces. Gives Health, Strength, Vigor and Vitality to the Weak and Nervous. MAKES STRONG, HEALTHY MEN ANB WOMEN A POSITIVE CURE FOR ALL NERVOUS DISEASES. Sleeplessness, Hypochondria, Melancholia, Nervous Head* ache, Nervous Indigestion, Dizziness, Fainting Spells, Failing Memory, Nightmare, Lost Nerve Power, Heart Weakness, Nervous Prostration and all other mental and physical dis* eases resulting from a weakened condition of the nervous system, Personal magnetism is that unseen nerve force or power that leads and succeeds in every walk of life and will continue to do so forever. It is simply that power which creates confidence, controls and manages the great successes in the financial, commercial and social world. Look over the list of men and women who are leaders in the great business enterprises today. Examine those in your own community who are held in the highest esteem and whose judgment and ability are acknowledged superior to that of others. Who are they ? They are men and women who invariably possess what is known as "personal magnetism," nerve power and force enough to draw others to their assistance in the furtherance of business or social success. Doubtless you have often asked yourself why this man or that woman has became so powerful. Why that man made a success in a certain line of business, while another, evidently just as hard a worker and just as honest and conscientious, made a complete failure. Stop for a minute and think of the two men. One has had the power to make friends, to draw to himself those whom he needed to build up his business. In other words he possessed that "personal magnetism'* of which we read so much at the present time. The other man was weak, nervous, diffident in the meeting of people, unable to control himself on account of his nervous, excitable nature, and consequently unable to control or attract others. No man or woman who is weakly and nervous can possess much "personal magnetism." It is the strong, healthy person whose nervous system is in perfect condition that enjoys life, and who invariably succeeds in whatever he or she may undertake. A pleasant smile for everyone 1 A happy disposition I Cheerful and hopeful under the most trying circumstances 1 Such a person you may depend upon it has a strong, healthy nervous system. Such a person is welcome everywhere. You are glad to have them call at your home, glad to h«ve business transactions with them, glad to recommend them to your friends, etc. Why ? Simply because they possess a certain magnetic power-that strong nerve force that makes you have confidence in them, and even makes you feel more cheerful, r When you meet such people you begin to realize that your own life can be made almost what you desire, if you will only get your nervous system into its proper condition. A TIMELY WARNING. If you are suffering from a nervous disease of any nature, send for a box of Swanson's Magnetic Capsules and begin taking them at once. Don't put it off or think you'll soon wear out that nervous feeling. That's the mistake thousands of people have made, only to regret it when they found themselves complete nervous and mental wrecks. Of all the diseases known to humanity, the most dreaded and dangerous is that which affects the nerve system. It saps your very life, destroying all the pleasure of living, making life for yourself and those around you a curse instead of a blessing. It weakens the intellect and soon totally unfits a person to associate either socially or in a business way with others. Look at our Hospitals, Sanitariums and Insane Asylums today. You know what they are filled with: Nervous Wrecks. Men and women who have simply neglected to take care of their nerves and are today paying that fearful penalty which is certain to overtake any who permit their nerve system to run down. TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOUR NERVES. ■Ro one can afford to take any chances when they find themselves becoming wornout, despondent or sleepless. It is merely a signal for help coming directly to you from the nerve system, an appeal or cry of distress that you should heed without any delay. Sleeplessness is often the result of overworked or over-excited nerves and only too frequently is the rapid road to insanity. When you begin to lose sleep you can depend upon it your nerves are in a bad condition and they require immediate attention. A delay may mean years of mental torture. This has been the case with other people and you should profit by their sad experience. Seldom a day passes but you hear of some man who has become a complete nervous Wreck-who has been obliged to give up his business and whose life has practically been ruined-all because his nerves were not given attention at the proper time. You read and hear of such cases time and time again. Will you profit by their awful experience? Try a box of Swanson's Magnetic Capsules. They will quiet the nerves and give you refreshing sleep. Don't wait. Waiting can only result in longer suffering. Common sense will tell you this is true. Remember, the nerve system is the most delicate and sensitive part of the body; it reaches every portion, and any impairment of that organism is certain to result in a diseased condition of the brain as well as the entire body unless given attention. The first sign of any nervous ailment should be sufficient to convince you that they demand a remedy that will quiet and restore them to their normal condition as quickly as possible. Swanson's Magnetic Capsules will do it and do it more effectually than any other preparation for the nerves that has ever been compounded. A perpetual strain on the nervous system, no difference of what nature, is certain to cause a breakdown unless they are cared for and quickly restored to their normal condition. Our organism contains myriads of nerves in such a delicately constructed network throughout the whole body and so closely allied to every organ in it, that any derangement of the nerves is bound to react on the entire physical and mental system, causing some weakness which will sooner or later result in months if not years of suffering. iThe causes of nervousness are almost too numerous to mention; overwork, too close application to study, continual confinement to the home, dissipation, worry, too much excitement and dozens of other similar causes will soon bring the nerves to a condition which totally unfits a person to enjoy life. pains in the head, dizziness, unpleasant dreams, nervous indigestion, constant weariness, irregular heart action, etc., are some of the symptoms which should be taken as a warning of graver nervous diseases to follow. NERVOUSNESS The rush and excitement of business and social life at the present time has resulted in more cases of this form of nervous trouble than any other, and nothing is more wearing or ex- hausting on the whole system. Passing a sleepless night is tormenting and weakening, it leaves you unable to properly cope with the day's work, and eventually destroys your self-confidence, your head aches, you become nervous, excitable and irritable. Sleeplessness has become a national disease in America. People in every walk of life are afflicted with this nervous ailment, and it is the direct cause of more suffering than almost anything else. It affects every organ of the body. It weakens the.brain functions, causing uncertainty and unreliability of action. Instead of arising in the morning refreshed and cheerful, you are wornout, tired, weak and have a continual dread of deciding any business question for fear your judgment will be incorrect. Swanson's Magnetic Capsules act directly on the nervous system, curing sleeplessness and restoring the nerves to their normal condition. They have never failed to quickly cure even the most severe case. SLEEPLESSNESS (INSOMNIA) This is simply one form of nervous ailment that is very closely allied to melancholia. « A person affected by this disease of the nervous system has lost all control of his nerves and is often mentally unbalanced at times, and utterly in- capable of controlling his thoughts relative to his health and has a deadly fear of any trivial departure from perfect action of the organs of his body. While awake they are in a continued state of fear, and in sleep are disturbed by horrible dreams, often awaking suddenly with thoughts of brain softening, insanity, etc. Abuse of the sexual system will precipitate the appearance of this par- ticular disease and is sometimes the cause of its origin. The loss of nerve power or nerve force weakens the whole body, causing the temporary loss of strength, vigor and vitality. If you feel yourself approaching this condition, begin at once to build up your nerve system. People afflicted with this ailment are usually the subjects upon which the unreliable medical companies and "fake" physicians prey. C. O. D. schemes, threats and other methods are used to extort money from persons suffering with this nervous trouble. Beware of all such companies; no one who has an honest, meritorious remedy need adopt such plans to sell their medicine. A strong, powerful nerve restorative is what is needed and we know from hundreds of tests that Swanson's Magnetic Capsules are invaluable in a case of this kind. HYPOGHONDR A LOST NERVE POWER Those who suffer with this nervous depression fee) that life is a failure Their whole existence, mentally and in every other way, is overwhelmed and oppressed by gloomy thoughts. They may have no real cause for worry, sorrow or sadness whatever, and yet their condition is the most pitiful, the more so because their misery in most instances leads them to the feeling that they can never be cured and often the result is suicide. The nervous system of people suffering with melancholia has undergone a strain which it could not stand and has become weakened to such an extent that they are left in this fearful mental condition. The nerves demand a tonic, something that will give new force and strength. No other remedy in the world will give such quick relief as Swanson's Magnetic Capsules. They will quiet the nerves and build them up to a natural, healthy condition. MELANCHOLIA DIZZINESS FAINTNESS FAILING MEMORY An unsettled state of the nervous system is the cause of most fainting spells, dizziness and other similar morbid conditions which make a person feel weak and give that swimimng sensation in the head so that it seems as if everything around was whirling, the limbs give way and loss of consciousness occurs. Nerves in that condition require immediate attention, as such symptoms are in- variably a warning of coming brain diseases. Heaviness of the head, failing memory, embarrassment of speech or in the meeting of people are all indications of a weakness of the nerves. Get the nervous system in good condition by using Swanson's Magnetic Capsules and all these troubles are certain to disappear. With the nerves strong, the brain becomes active, the mind bright and all feelings of faintness and dizziness are overcome. HEART WEAKNESS Very few of the thousands of sufferers from heart weakness have any organic heart trou- ble. In almost ninety per cent of the cases the entire cause comes from some nervous dis- order. This has been proven time and again by the fact that when the nerves are re- stored to their proper condition, the heart invariably performs its functions in a natural, satisfactory manner, and the heart trouble completely disappears. Heart weakness is dangerous and much to be dreaded, for when allowed to continue its course it is often fatal. More sudden deaths occur from heart disease than anything else, and there is no doubt but many of these people could have been cured and restored to perfect health had they been given the proper treatment. The trouble has been that the action of the nerves upon the heart is not thoroughly understood by some physicians and often the stomach and lungs are treated, while in reality the whole cause of the suffering lies in a deranged condition of the nervous system. Doubtless your own personal experience has been sufficient to convince you how quickly the heart is affected by any nervous trouble. A sudden shock or fright that makes you nervous will cause the heart to increase or decrease its action at once. Heart troubles, such as fluttering, shortness of breath, sharp pains in the left side, spots before the eyes, difficulty in breathing, etc., are a few of the symptoms which point directly to some nervous trouble that has already affected the heart. While not dangerous at the first, if not promptly treated they are followed by the most fatal forms of heart disease. If you have any of the symptoms mentioned, your nerves demand attention, they need a tonic that will at once strengthen and build them up. Swanson's Magnetic Capsules are the best remedy for these nervous heart disorders, because they a quick cure by going directly to the cause of all the trouble, the nerves, restoring them to a strong, healthy condition. NERVOUS PROSTRATION This terrible condition of the nervous system is the result of a steady strain or sudden shock to the nerves that has shattered and weakened them to such an extent that the sufferers in most cases lose all control of themselves. They can't sleep. They d®n't want to see anyone. They are unable to attend to any business, social or home duties. They are so weakened that they frequently give way to their feelings and will cry incessantly for hours over some trifling affair that in reality amounts t® nothing at all. They are subject to the most painful headaches and are irritable, excitable and gloomy, Their awful mental suffer- ings are beyond description. They imagine they can never become well again, and are often almost insane through fear that the Insane Asylum will be the end of it all. People in this condition require a nerve tonic or, nerve builder, a remedy that will at once quiet and strengthen the nerves. Swansen's Magnetic Capsules will enable you to obtain refreshing, restful sleep, and at the same time build up the whole nervous system. Used as directed, they cannot fail to restore yeu to perfect health, strength and vigor. A FEW WORDS OF GADTION TO WOMEN. It is a lamentable fact that women are the greatest sufferers from nervous troubles. The feminine system is more easily affected and run down than that of a man, and no woman can be cheerful, bright, happy and capable of attending to her social, household or other duties if her nervous system is weak. Only too frequently are women treated by physicians for some organic weakness when the direct cause of their trouble is a breakdown of their nervous system. If the nerves are properly treated and strengthened to their normal concHtien, nature will correct the other accompanying diseases and they will be restored to health and happiness. Very few women are free from some form of nervous trouble, caused by too close confinement to the home on account of housework, the care of the children or the continued and almost ceaseless watching day and night of the baby, that de- light of the mother's heart, for whose happiness she would willingly forfeit her own life if necessary. For her children's sake, if for no other reason, a woman should be very careful not to sacrifice her nerves. A weakly, nervous, excitable mother cannot expect her children to be of a happy disposition, nor strong and healthy. Married women are by no means the only ones to suffer from nervousness, but girls who are earning their living in the factory, as clerks, dressmakers, etc., or who overstudy in their anxiety to succeed in school, very frequently break down under the nervous strain. If you feel yourself becoming weak, excitable, irritable, gloomy and depressed, or wornout in any way, don't allow it to continue. It can only bring sadness and sorrow to yourself and those who are near and dear to you. Nervousness means sleepless nights, then follow the lusterless eyes, the sallow complexion, loss of vigor and sprightliness and all the attributes of beauty and attractiveness. Take warning and build up your nerves before they ruin your health and destroy your happiness. No woman need despair of being cured of nervousness if she will give Swanson's Magnetic Capsules a faithful trial. They will soothe, calm and quiet the overwrought, weakened nerves, producing perfect repose and refreshing, natural sleep. They build up the shattered nerves, giving new life-and vitality to the whole system. SWANSON'S MAGNETIC CAPSULES WILL CURE ALL NERVOUS AILMENTS. They are not a stimulant, but a nerve builder, the most powerful and effective com- bination of nerve-restoring vegetable and her-bal remedies known to medical science. Absolutely harmless, yet quick in their action. They assist nature in rebuilding the nerves, and do it in a natural way, not causing the nerves to feel stimulated only while they are being taken, as do some nerve medicines, but gradually restoring the entire nervous system to a perfectly healthy condition. PRICE, $1.00 PER BOX; PREPAID. NOTICE.-One box of Swanson's Magnetic Capsules are sufficient for a month's treatment of ordinary cases of nervous trouble. F°r ordinary cases ®f nervousness take one Capsule in the morning UlnEU I lUllOi before breakfast and one Capsule in the everting about one-half hour before retiring to bed. For severe cases or cases of long-standing, take as above directed and also take one Capsule about fifteen minutes before your mid-day meal. Prepared only by the SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO. 160 to 164 Lake Street, Chicago, U. S. A.