COPYRIGHT 1902 BY E. S. MAYO 's DRUG NEWS Our Motto-"Get Well, Stay Well." Published by ( Your Name and Address'). November, 1902 Latest Fashion Notes. Your Object and Ours. 'T'HERE is little if any change in the cut of porous plasters from last season. Except for evening wear they are not quite so decollete. TN a hundred different ways we make it an object for you to spend your drug store money here. This is our study day and night. Your object is to get medicines, toilet articles and sick-room appliances that are pure, care- fully made, the right thing for the purpose, and to buy them at prices that represent the lowest margin at which we can afford to carry them in stock and purvey them to you Our object is to enable you to exactly carry out your object. Every article coming into our store is bought with care and thoroughly inspected. If a flaw in quality is found in it-solid, liquid or fluid- back it goes to the manufacturer. It is never offered for sale. We have no " job lots" in our business. Grades and qualities there are in some things of course, but whether you could detect it or not, a 50-cent article, alone or in compound, is never passed over our counter at the valuation of $1.00- or at any other price above its actual grade. It pays to deal with us. The Greenwood cough is coming in with the cold weather. It is, for the most part, worn negligently about the throat and chest, and is much met with at church aud theatre, where it often interferes with the enjoyment of the party sitting next to it. It is not popular among sen- sible people, and should be discouraged. Corns are still on the feet of the 400 who have rot tried our excellent corn solvent. Some of the most fashionable headaches ex- tend well down over the ears, and are not infre- quently set off with a touch of neuralgia. The effect is striking ; but ladies who use our head- ache powders find it impossible to follow the prevailing style in this respect. WINTER STYLES. SOME NEW THINGS IN DARK FUR. THE Cod Liver Oil. Drug News, POR over a hundred years Cod Liver Oil has been doing a great work for humanity. As far back as 1766 it was employed in the treat- ment of rheumatism and gout; and in 1841 it came into general use in Great Britain for chronic cutaneous eruptions, pectoral com- plaints, and in all cases where there was im- paired assimilation and nutrition. In pulmon- ary consumption it is of supreme value, but its use should be continued from four to six weeks before looking for decided results, although the favorable change often occurs earlier. Some idea of the extent of its employment may be gathered from the fact that off the coast of Norway about 40,000,000 codfish are taken annually. By various processes the oil is ex- tracted from the livers of these fish, giving, as may be supposed, different grades distinguish- able mostly by their color and odor. It has the characteristic smell of shoe leather (much of it is used in leather finishing) but this odor becomes less offensive in proportion to the purity of the oil - the purity being indi- cated for the most part by its lightness of color. The best brands come from Norway, and it is this choice imported brand which we sell so much of and which has gained such an enviable reputation. Published Monthly 'or the mutual benefit of our patrons and ourselves. Also for those who are not now our regular customers, but will be on better acquaintance. Entered in Every Household Hereabouts as First Class Matter. E-ditorial. ''J7HE main province of this little paper is to tell the truth. In every neigh- borhood where there are several drug stores there is generally one that is, on the whole, the best. They may all be good, but there must be a difference, and there can be only one best. We do not propose to say anything about the others but we desire to give you some insight into our ideas - the aims, ambitions, methods which direct the conduct of our business (and the truth is always good enough for us) and if you conclude, as we believe you will, that our store is worthiest of your confidence, then we shall be pleased to have you transfer your patronage from the second best-or third best-to us. It Does. Cod Liver Oil is remarkable for its ease of assimilation. Weak constitutions are nearly always the result of poor nutrition, the digestive organs failing to take in the much needed fatty substances from ordinary food. Cod Liver Oil is a short-cut remedy for all this. It is readily absorbed, at once builds up the scanty tissue, and restores vigor to the whole system. Those who have used our oil in past seasons need not be told of its excellence. Those who are not familiar with Cod Liver Oil in general, and the superiority of our imported brand in particular, are cordially invited to try it in all cases where its use is indicated. Please remember this : if any customer leaves our store in any way dissatisfied with his purchase and "keeps mum'' about it, he does us a double injustice- for he lays the foundation in his own mind for suspecting our good faith, and he de- nies us the opportunity to right the wrong if there be any. Therefore, be frank at all times and let us build up a mutual confidence that shall be also to our mutual profit. CatcKing Cold. 'T'HIS is the season for catching cold. Some people seem determined to catch cold at all times - they are constantly "chasing it.'' That is, they don't pay proper attention to the changing of underclothing with the change of season - or they bundle up too much, keeping themselves in a sort of continuous perspiration which is about as bad. In any case, a bottle of our Cough and Cold Cure is the best possible investment-always reliable, always helpful. Our prescription trade shows a steady growth each month. It is the important part of our business. Our stock of drugs and chemicals is very complete, and our system of compounding perfect. The Clinical Thermometer. Smoke Up ! ■'TT'HE average normal temperature of the hu- man body is 98.4. In children it averages a little higher than in adults and a little higher in the female sex than in the male. The temperature is also nearly a degree higher in the afternoon and first part of the night than in the early morning hours. It falls from a little after midnight to six or seven in the morning and then again gradually rises till midnight. Consequently if the temperature is taken at 5 P. M and again at 10 P. M., and is found to have risen nearly a degree, it would not indicate any increase in fever. A rise of two degrees in children is very common from the most insignificant causes and in itself need excite no alarm. The clinical thermometer has the degrees and fractions of a degree marked on the glass stem, and should be self-registering and have a mag- nifying face. A little arrow marks the normal point. A Chemico-Nautical Stanza. A yachting party, becalmed all day, Ate to pass the time away. And when they all had indigest- ion, one of them searched the medicine chest. Some Soda Bicarb, came to light, Which raised the wind and fixed things right. A beggar, sadly in need of a pair of trowsers, figured out that physicians had to wear pretty good clothes and would be most likely to have some to give away. Seeing a doctor's sign, he rang the bell and the door was opened by an elderly sweet-faced lady. " Madame," he said, " I am very hard up and have called to see if I could obtain a pair of the doctor s cast-off trowsers." Smiling, the old lady replied- " I am the doctor." & Mayor Low of New York, driving about the Berkshire Hills, saw a mile-stone indicating the distance to Stockbridge as 4 miles when he knew positively it couldn't be over 3. " What is the matter with that mile stone?" he asked, turning to the driver. ''Oh, nothing," was the reply. ''The mile- stone is all right only it's in the wrong place." To TaKe the Temperature. After shaking the index down below the arrow, place the bulb in the mouth under the tongue and tell the patient to close the lips, holding the thermometer in place five minutes, or place it in the arm pit, bring the arm across the chest so as to imbed the thermometer deeply in the folds of skin and keep it there five or six minutes. To take an infant's temperature, oil the bulb and insert it about an inch into the rectum. The temperature in the rectum is a little higher than in the mouth or arm pit. 0 Lady-" Have you Specific No. io?" Druggist-" Sorry, madame, but we're just out of No. io." Lady-" Never mind - two bottles of No. 5 will do as well." aS? Strange paradox : some girls who don't fancy work do fancy work. The Pulse. A. Cold C\it. The pulse is due to the movement of the blood within the arteries, and as the movement is caused by the contraction of the heart, the character of the pulse is modified by the condi- tion of the heart and also of the blood vessels. The average pulse rate in the adult is about 76 beats per minute, but it varies greatly accord- ing to age. At birth it is 130 to 140 ; during the first year, 115 to 130; during the second year, 100 to 115 ; third year, 95 to 105 ; from 7th to 14th, 80 to 90 ; from 14th to 21st, 75 to 80 ; from 21st to 60th, 70 to 75 ; and in old age 75 to 80. To Count the Pulse. Place the finger over the radial artery at the wrist and count the beats for fifteen seconds, then multiply by four. The result is the num- ber of beats per minute. "Isay, Jimmie, airi tyou de big chump not to wait till after the Jeshble to get that toothache /' ' IF YOU ARE NOT STRONG, AND DREAD THE COLD WEATHER You cannot make a Better Friend than OUR COD LIVER OIL. Frail people, thin people, those who feel keenly the rigors of Winter instead of enjoying healthfully the snappy cold which is normal to the season and the climate, should fortify their systems against these weak- nesses. It can be done with Cod Liver Oil, well known to be a marvel- ous up-builder of tissue - and tissue is what you want! Remember, there are many inferior Cod Liver Oils on the market, and that ours is THE PUREST NORWEGIAN BRAND, having the unpleasant taste and odor reduced to a minimum, yet retain- ing all its remarkable efficacy for the purposes named. Give it a trial. It's a great friend and helper to thousands-it will help you ! Our albite Pine expectorant, For COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT and CHEST, is also now in season. It is very carefully prepared and gives relief in every case. Wholly safe to take-doesn't upset the stomach. CURE THAT COUGH before it gets worse. Many a milder one has had an epitaph at the other end of it. Perhaps you are keeping other people awake nights, too. ( Change this name if you call it something different.} Whenever you see this on a Prescription you are to Remember to bring to us at once to be filled. It is there also to remind you that if you do bring it to us it will be (Reliably Dispensed and for a Reasonable Charge. (Your Name and Address in Full.}