A Few of Many Testimonial Letters. Canton, Baltimore County, Md., December 2d, 1904. Radium Radia Company, 13 West 26th St., N. Y. City. DEAR SIRS:-"I received the package of your wonderful remedy Radium Radia for which 1 thank you. I am rubbing the Liniment every night, this is the third night for me to use it, and am able to walk around all right again. I put my shoes on for the first time in eleven months. I am starting to work on Monday for the first time in one year from the horrible suffering and swelling in my feet. Thanking you very much for sending me the great remedy." Yours very truly, DAVID EVANS. Law Office of Allen R. English, Tombstone. Ariz., Jan. 5th, 1905. RADIUM RADIA CO., New York City. GENTLEMEN:-" 1 feel that it is not only due you, but to the public, or that part of it which suffers from Rheumatism, to declare the benefit 1 have received from the use of Radium Radia. My elbow and arm were absolutely useless, and the pain I endured made sleep poor, and even rest, impossible; and one so suffering has many "sure cures" recom- mended; indeed, every person whom one meets has a "cure," but having tried many of these so-called '' sure cures " I lost confidence in them all, but fortunately ran across an old friend whom I knew would not recommend anything of an experimental nature. Well, suffice it to say, I used one bottle of your remedy with most satisfactory results and have since had no affliction of the member treated by it. I thank you most sincerely, and give you this testimonial that others similarly afflicted may become acquainted with the fact that there is a chance for relief, if not permanent cure, by the use of your wonderful discovery. Very respectfully, ALLEN R. ENGLISH. 522 Bradbury Building, Los Angeles, Cal., January 5th, 1905. Radium Radia Company, 13 West 26th St., N. Y. City. GENTLEMEN:-"I have been troubled more or less with Lumbago for a number of years, and have never been able to find any medicine that would relieve me until my attention was called to your Radium Radia, and 1 am pleased to say that since using it I have had no trouble at all. From this fact I can but attribute the cure to the use of your medicine." Yours truly, C. E. CRARY. Los Angeles, Cal., December 22d, 1904. RADIUM RADIA Company, New York City. GENTLEMEN:-" The soreness occasioned by my late fall while riding Heick- meister at Ascot, yielded most marvelously to your remedy after a few treatments with generous application. The same fall at other times has had me suffering for all of two weeks. There is no other rub that has a look in with yours." Yours sincerely, GENE HILDEBRAND, Celebrated Jockey. s. Los Angeles, Cal., January 10th, 1905. RADIUM RADIA COMPANY, New York City. GENTLEMEN:-" It affords me great pleasure to speak in the highest terms in praise of your wonderful rub; the lads that are scheduled to box before the Century Club use it in preference to anything that has thus far been introduced." Yours respectfully, T. J. McCARE Y, President Century Athletic Club. Los Angeles, Cal., January 10th, 1905. RADIUM RADIA Co.. New York City. GENTLEMEN:-" You can with pleasure quote me as being thoroughly impressed with the merits of your grand Liniment; a wrenched shoulder and a bruised knee that I sustained last season were given immediate relief with one application, while in a week the injuries had entirely disappeared." Yours truly, A. R. KNABENSLINE, Air Ship Aeronaut. Los Angeles, Cal., December 18th, 1904. Radium Radia Co., New York City. GENTLEMEN:-" I consider the pronounced success of the Los Angeles Ball Team in a measure due to the great merits contained in your valuable Liniment. A good rub and application after each game found the players as frisky as a bunch of colts; in future the team will never be without it." Yours sincerely, JAS. F. MORLEY, President Los Angeles Ball Club. Los Angeles, Cal., January 3d, 1905. Radium Radia Co., New York City. GENTLEMEN:-" Your Liniment has done wonders for me; my muscular system is at present without a flaw, and your wonderful remedy has been an invaluable ally in attaining my present tip-top condition." Cheerfully yours, CHAS. KID MCCOY