V ■**!* rw OP THE , MEBICAL AND SC? FOR 1 k EXPLANATIONS AVJ) DIRECTIONS. * According to the arrangement of the accompanying blanks, it is intended that they shall be a faithful monthly record of the Diseases, Accidents, &c, occurring in the practice of the Physician and Surgeon in whose hands they may be placed. ■"- In the registration of observations which may be made in reference to medical or surgical cases, it is recommended that the various items of information, as soon as they are obtained, be immediately noted down, in order to secure accuracy in the statistics, in the appropriate columns of the blanks, according as they are designated by their headings. The name of the disease, character of the accident, &c, must be written as distinctly as possible, aud it is requested that the classified nomenclature herewith appended, be consulted as a guide in the registrations. It is desirable that they should be accompanied by remarks or explanatory notes from each individual observer, stating in particular the pathological indications afforded by post-mortem examinations; also, any peculiari- ties that may have manifested themselves during the progress of the disease, either in respect to epidemical or endemical influences, or the marked effects of remedial agents. Accurate diagnosis should characterize evert/ registration. The column assigned to the " Initials of Patient," has been added merely for the convenience of the Physician keeping the registration as a guide in recalling the circumstances of the case. In recording the age of the patient attach simply the letters Y. M. or D. for years, months or days, to the figure designating the age, omitting fractional portions of each, whenever they occur; and under the headings Sex, Color, Civil Condition, Temperate, Intemperate, Termination, Result of Accidents, Result of Anaesthesia, the simple insertion of the figure 1 will be all that is necessary. The columns devoted to the registration of Occupation, Place of Birth, &c, sufficiently explain themselves. In the "Obstetrical Record," under the head of Presentations, it is requested that the subjoined abreviations be employed* It is expected that the blank spaces left for registration of cases, will be amply sufficient as a general rule; but if in any case they should fall short, an extra copy of these blanks may be obtained by application to the Chairman of the undersigned Committee. The monthly registrations for the year ending on the 31st of December, must be transmitted to the Committee on Medical and Surgical Statistics, who will arrange an accurate digest of all the registrations sent them, and present the same at the annual meeting of the State Medical Society. Every statistical table received, will be carefully preserved and deposited with the Secretary of the State Society, from whom it may be obtained by the respective Registrar. It will be observed that the system of registration adopted for 1858, has been somewhat modified in the present blanks, and it is to be hoped that it will be more acceptable to the profession and effective in its operation. J. G. ORTON, Eixgiiamto.n, N. Y. C. B. COVENTRY, Utica, X. Y. M. F. COGSWELL, Albany, X. Y Com. on M,dical and Surgical Slatiitici. 50MEXCUTJj|IE OF DISEASES, CLASSIFIED FOR SaTISTICAL PURPOSES. < Endemic and Contagions Diseases. I. Zvmotic oe Epidemic. 1. Cholera. 2. Cholera Infantum. 3. Croup—Spasmodic. Membranous. 4. Diarrhoea. .">. Dysentery. li. Erysipelas. 7. Fever—'Intermittent. Remittent. Enteric or Typhoid. Typhus. 8. Whooping Cough. 9. Influenza. 10. Measles. 11. Scarlatina—Simplex. Augiiiusa. Maligna. 12. Small Pox. 13. Syphilis. U. Thrush. Of Uncertain or General List. II. Sporadic Diseases. Atrophy. Cancer. Debility. Dropsy. (lout. Hemorrhage. Malformation. Scrofula. Sudden Death, cause unknown. III. Of the Xkryi Apoplexy. Cephalitis. Chorea. Convulsions. Delirium Tremens. Epilepsy. Hydrocephalus. Insanity. Paralysis. Tetanus. Brain, diseases of. System. IV". Organs of KKsriRATios. 35. Asthma. 36. UroiuAili-. 37. Tuberculosis. 38. Hydrothorax. 39. Laryngitis. 40. Pleurisy._ 41. Pneumonia. 42. Quinsy. 43. Organs, &c, diseases of. V. Organs of Circulation. 44. Aneurism. 45. Pericarditis. 46. Organs, &c, diseases of. VI. Of the Digestive Organs. 47. Ascites. 18. Dyspepsia. 49. Enteritis. 50. Gastritis. 51. Hernia. 52. Intussusception. 53. Peritonitis. 54. Teething. 55. Ulceration. 56. Worms. 57. Organs, &c., diseases of. 58. Pancreas, diseases of. 59. Hepatitis. 1)0. Jaundice. 61. Liver, discuses of. 62. Spleen, diseases of. VII. Of the Urinary Oruans. Diabetes. Systitis. Calculi. Nephritis. Organs, &e., diseases of. III. Organs of Generation. Puerperal Fever. Rupture of Uterus. Organs, &e., diseases of. [X. Organs of Locomotion. Rheumatism. Joints, &c, diseases of. 73. Hip, diseases of. 74. Spine, diseases of. X. Integumkstari- System 75. Purpura. 76. Skin, diseases of. XI. Old Age. 77. Old Age, death from. XII. External Causes. 78. Drowned. 79. Burns and Scalds, death from. 80. Frozen, death from. 81. Glanders. 82. Heat, death from. 83. Hydrophobia. 84. Intemperance. *5. Lightning. 86. Malpractice. 87. Poisoned. 88. Strangulated. 89. Starvation. 90. Suicide. 91. Still Born. 92. Wounds—Guu Shot, &c. 93. Amputations— Upper Extremity. Lower Extremity. At the Joint. Beyond the Joint. 94. Fractures— Upper Extremity. Lower Extremity. Deformed. Not Deformed. 95. Dislocations— Upper Extremity. Lower Extremity. Reduced. Unreduced. 96. Anaesthesia— By Chloroform. By Ether. By Amylene. Ill effects from. Death caused by. * OBSTETRICAL RECORD.—Under the head of Presentations use the following Abbreviations:— Fur the Vertex.—Left Occipito—Iliac,............................ I.. 0. I. Kiglit Occipito—Iliac,.......................... K. O. I. Occipito—Pubic................................. (). 1*. Oecipito—Sacral................................ (). S. Face.—To the Right Side............................. 1'. H. Left Side,..................................... F. I,. Shoulder.—Kiglit Shoulder. Back Anterior......'........... K. S. K. A. Lett Shoulder. Back Anterior,.................. L. s. B. A. Hight Shoulder, Back Posterior................. R. s. B. P. Lett Shoulder, Back Posterior,................. L. S. B. P. Helvit.—Back to the Lett,.............................. P. B. L. Back to the Right,........""i>-................... P. B. K. Back to the Anterior,.......................... p. B. A. Bade to the Pusterioi....................... V B P 1 J From the County of- JUT IE ID I O-A. !!■ -£LI*riD SUR ________for the Month of__________.___...........1859. DISEASES, ACCIDENTS, *c. INITIALS PATIENT Male. Female. While. Black. CIVIL CONDITION. Single'. Married. Widowed OCCUPATION. PLACE OF BIRTH. TERMINATION. Disease, ij Recuv'd. Died G-IOj^-JLi STATISTIC? Si. Registered by....................._______............__.............. ------31. D., Residence,. RESULT OF ACCIDENTS. Deforra'd Deform'd | lleduced. R„duced RESULT or ANAESTHESIA. OBSTETRICAL RECORD. Age of Presen. Lahor. I ""'ural. Artificial, REMARKS AND EXPLANATORY NOTES. From the County of- MEDICAL AND S U FL ______—for the 31onth of__.____________ 1859. INITIALS PATIENT Male. Female. While. Black. CIVIL CONDITION. Single*. Married. Widowed OCCUPATION. PLACE OF BIRTH. TERMINATION. Disease, jj Recbr'd. Died. GIOAL STATISTICS. Registered by.....................__.............._...............__........................... -~M. D., Residence, RESULT OF ACCIDENTS. Deform'd r. i? ,, I induced. „ V . wu* Deform'd "UV,U^«M' Roduced. RESULT or ANAESTHESIA. OBSTETRICAL RECORD. Natural. I Arlineial. ^^f' REMARKS AND EXPLANATORY NOTES'. lUEEIDIO AH* AND S TJ FL From the County of- fer the 31onth of- 1859. IMM.iSEM. ACCIDENTS, *c. CIVIL CONDITION. Single'. Married. Widowed OCCUPATION. PLACE OF BIRTH || jifl D-™ TERMINATION. ; Recuv'd. Died, GrlOAL STATISTICS. Registered by....................______________.....-.....---.......----M. D., Residence,. RESULT OF ACCIDENTS. RESULT o» ANAESTHESIA. OBSTETRICAL RECORD. Deform'd De;-U Artificial. E'g" REMARKS AND EXPLANATORY NOTES. lUEEDIO AIj AND SUR From the County of- for the 3Ionth of- 1859. D1SKASES ACCIDENTS, Jtc CIVIL CONDITION. Single1. Married. Widowed TERMINATION. OCCUPATION. PLACE OF BIRTH Disease, j! Recov'd. GIOAL STATISTICS. Registered by . . _____________M. D., Residence,. RESULT OF ACCIDENTS: RESULT 01 ANAESTHESIA. OBSTETRICAL RECORD. REMARKS AND EXPLANATORY NOTES. lUEESDIC AH* AND SITIFL From the County of for the 31onth of_ 1859. DISEASE*. ACCIDENTS, 4c. Male. Female. While. Black. CIVIL CONDITION. Single. Married. Widowed TERMINATION. OCCUPATION. PLACE OF BIRTH C3rICA.IL. STATISTICS. Registered by..........._____________________.....---M- D., Residence,. RESULT OF ACCIDENTS. Deform'd „„;.„„„,,, i lUduaed. | Rodul.ed. RESULT o» ANAESTHESIA. OBSTETRICAL RECORD. Age of Presen- REMARKS AND EXPLANATORY NOTES. From the County of- ME3DIOAL AND S IT I=L ________for the Month of__________.___............1859. DISEASES, ACCIDENTS, 4c. INITIALS PATIENT Male. Female. While. Black. CIVIL CONDITION, Single! Married. | Widowed j. OCCUPATION. PLACE OF BIRTH TERMINATION. Disease. ['. RecuVd. Died GrlCAH. STATISTICS. Registered by ................._.............._..........._.._........... -------31. D., Residence,. RESULT OF ACCIDENTS, Deforra'd De^,ln,j j Ucdueed. RX°ed RESULT or ANAESTHESIA. Success- ( III fnl. I Effects. OBSTETRICAL RECORD. No. of I Age of Presen- Sen of Hoursiiii. I „ , PregJcy | Patient. talion. Child. Labor, j-Munral. Anioeial. Ergot REMARKS AND EXPLANATORY NOTES. From the County of ME3DIOAL AND S U JE*. ________for the 3Ionth of_____________..............1859. 1 DATE OF ATTACK. INITIALS op AGE. PATIENT SEX. COLOR. CIVIL CONDITION. OCCUPATION. PLACE OF BIRTH. E g P"a II TERMINATION. | DISEASES, ACCIDENTS, 4c. Male. Female. While. Black. Single'. Married. Widowed Duration ofll Disease, jj Recov'd. Died. GICAIj statistics. Registered by.........................._............_.._............ -.......----31 D., Residence,. RESULT OF ACCIDENTS, Deforra'd d.^^.j | UedlKMl. Uoiacei RESULT o» ANAESTHESIA. OBSTETRICAL RECORD. ■Natural. An REMARKS AND EXPLANATORY NOTES. From the County of lUEESDIC AH- AND S U R ________for the 31onth of__.___________...........1859. CIVIL CONDITION. TERMINATION. DISEASES, ACCIDENTS, 4c. White. Black. OCCUPATION. PLACE OF BIRTH. I E 3 Disease, ij Recuv'd. G-ICAIL. STATISTICS. Registered by......................_________________________31 D., Residence,. RESULT OF ACCIDENTS. Deform'd Deform,d i Ucducal. | Roduced. RESULT o» ANAESTHESIA. ' ! Edicts. D«*' OBSTETRICAL RECORD No. of Age of I Presen- Pregn'cy Patient. talion. Natural. Anificiak .ErS?} REMARKS AND EXPLANATORY NOTES. lUEEDIC AH. AND S U R From the County of-------------____________for the 31onth of__________•___...... .1859. DATE OF ATTACK. LMTIALS PATIENT AGE. SEX. COLOR. | CIVIL CONDITION. OCCUPATION. PLACE OF BIRTH. EJ h II TERMINATION. II , 4c. Male. Female. While. Black.. Singlet Married. Widowed Duration ofll Disease. |j Recov'd. Died. II GIOAL statistics. Registered by...........................___ ___ . ........----M. D., Residence,. RESULT OF ACCIDENTS. Dcform'd Defor,„,,i | itedoced. Roduced, RESULT o» ANAESTHESIA, OBSTETRICAL RECORD. Natural Artificial. -Er REMARKS AND EXPLANATORY NOTES. From the County of ilVEEDIC AI-. AND S U ZFH ________for the Month of__________•_..1859. DISEASES, ACCIDENTS, 4c ?iX^,,(iF op Male. Female While. Black. CIVIL CONDITION. OCCUPATION. PLACE OF BIRTH TERMINATION. C3rICA.Il. STATISTICS. Registered by......................__________________________M- &•> Residence,. RESULT OF ACCIDENTS. RESULT oir ANAESTHESIA. OBSTETRICAL RECORD. Natural. Artificial, -Er£?! REMARKS AND EXPLANATORY NOTES. JVIEDIC AH* AND S U H. From the County of_________________________for the Month of_____________ 1859. DATE OF ATTACK. INITIALS | PATIENT i! i SEX. COLOR. CIVIL CONDITION. OCCUPATION. PLACE OF BIRTH. Il fa H---------------,r TERMINATION. 1 DISEASES, ACCIDENTS, 4c. Male. Female. While. Black. Single1. Married. Widowed Duration ofll 1 ' Disease. , RecOT'd. j Died. i| GrlCAH. STATISTICS. Registered by......................._........_......_............___.....................-.......----31 D., Residence,. RESULT QF ACCIDENTS. rm'd r..N.™.i.i i induced. I „..J RESULT o» ANAESTHESIA. OBSTETRICAL RECORD. Natural. lArtificiali REMARKS AND EXPLANATORY NOTES. From the County of- MEDICAL AND S U 1=8. ________for the Month of__________,_____ 1859. DISEASES. ACCIDENTS, 4c. INITIALS PATIENT. CIVIL CONDITION. TERMINATION Male. Female While. Black. OCCUPATION. PLACE OF BIRTH. G-ICAH. STATISTICS. Registered by................_ ___...........---------31 D., Residence, II RESULT OF ACCIDENTS. RESULT or ANAESTHESIA. OBSTETRICAL RECORD. || Deform'd | DeN°m,d J Uedaaed. j R^^ Success- | III Death fill. | Effects. | L,eam' No. of Age of Pregn'cy Patient. Presen- Sexof Child. Houn, ui 1 .. Labor. ' Natural. Artificial. Ergot Used? REMARKS AND EXPLANATORY NOTES. From the County of- MEDICAL AND SUR ________for the 3Ionth of__________,___ 1859. DISEASES, ACCIDENTS, 4c T ILMTIALS PATIENT. CIVIL CONDITION. TERMINATION. Male. Female. White. Black. OCCUPATION. PLACE OF BIRTH GICAL STATISTICS. Registered by.........___..............__............______---31 D., Residence,. RESULT OF ACCIDENTS. | Deform'd RESULT oir ANAESTHESIA. OBSTETRICAL RECORD. Hours ill .... , !?„„«, Labor. Natural. [Artificial, ■?'«?' REMARKS AND EXPLANATORY NOTES. From the County of- MEDICAL AND SUR ________for the Month of_____________..............1859. DISEASES, ACCIDENTS, 4c. INITIALS PATIENT Male. Female White. Black. CIVIL CONDITION. OCCUPATION. PLACE OF BIRTH. |. E 3 la I'ERMINATION. GICAL STATISTICS. Registered by.......................__........___..............___..........____..........---31 D., Residence,. RESULT OF ACCIDENTS, Deform'd DeJ-„rm,d j UeduCBl. Rgd RESULT of ANAESTHESIA. OBSTETRICAL RECORD. REMARKS AND EXPLANATORY NOTES. iueedic ah. and stxi=*. j vrom the County of ._ . for the Month of 18c 9. DATE OF ATTACK. INITIALS PATIENT AGE. SEX. COLOR. CIVIL CONDITION. OCCUPATION. PLACE OF BIRTH. |s H Avenue Duration o | TERMINATION. || DISEASES, ACCIDENTS, 4c. Mole. Female. While. Black. Single/. Married. Widowed , Recov'd. Died, j: GrlCAH. STATISTICS. Registered by.............................._.....................___..............................----31 D., Residence,. RESULT OF ACCIDENTS. RESULT o» ANAESTHESIA. OBSTETRICAL RECORD. No. of Age of Presen- Sej of Hours in | ,. ...... Erzot Pregn'cy Patient. talion. Child. Labor. Natural. Artificial. ^r|?J REMARKS AND EXPLANATORY NOTES. From the County of- MEDICAL AND S ITU ________for the Month of-—___________ 1859. DISEASES. ACCIDENTS, 4c ?^ir.?F 'op " AGE All AUK pAT]ENT Male. Female. White. Black. CIVIL CONDITION. OCCUPATION. PLACE OF BIRTH. | E ; TERMINATION G-ICAL STATISTICS. Registered by 31 I)., Residence,. RESULT OF ACCIDENTS, i| Deform'd De£,,d.| ilouucl. j^™^ RESULT o» ANAESTHESIA. OBSTETRICAL RECORD. Success- [ III REMARKS AND EXPLANATORY NOTES. From the County of- lULEDICAL AND S U H. for the 31onth of__._________ 1859. DISEASES, ACCIDENTS, 4c. INITIALS PATIENT Male. Female. While. Black. CIVIL CONDITION. OCCUPATION. PLACE OF BIRTH. ,, E3 !i |g I'EUMINATION. GrICAL STATISTICS. Registered by......................._........___.............___.......................-.....-----31 D., Residence,. RESULT OF ACCIDENTS. rm'd n.N"' ,.. i Uoiluced. I „J RESULT of ANAESTHESIA. OBSTETRICAL RECORD. Natural. I Artificial, REMARKS AND EXPLANATORY NOTES. lUEEDICAL AMD SIT From the County of- -for the Month of_ 1859. DISEASES, ACCIDENTS, 4c. DATE OF LNJTIAI.S Male. Female. White. Black. CIVIL CONDITION. Single1. Married. Widowed OCCUPATION. PLACE OF BIRTH. | E 3 Average II___ TERMINATION. ; Recov'd. Died. GICAL STATISTICS. Registered by ..........._......................__........._____ ----M. D., Residence,. RESULT OF ACCIDENTS. Deform'd Def„° „,„, Heduce*. Rwlttced. RESULT of ANAESTHESIA. OBSTETRICAL RECORD. Natural, Artificial. ErS?: REMARKS AND EXPLANATORY NOTES :medical and sur From the County of\ ..for the 31onth of_ 1859. SEs ACCIDENTS, 4c LN1TI\I.^ PATIENT While. Black. CIVIL CONDITION. Single1. Married. Widowed OCCUPATION. PLACE OF BIRTH TERMINATION. ilecor'd. Died. GICAL STATISTICS. Registered by ......._ _ __ ~~~ ----M- D., Residence,. RESULT OF ACCIDENTS. Deform'd Dl!£° „,d, Reduced. Rodu<.e ft 1 "1