"FUSS!" The Famous Remedy for Rheumatism, A Prompt Dissolver of Uric Acid, Produces Remarkable Cures in Cases Which Have Baffled Some of the Best Physicians The feature which distinguishes "Fuss," the great remedy for rheumatism and uric acid ailments, from every other treatment ever known for these diseases, is the immediate result produced even in exceedingly ser- ious and chronic cases. Were we to tell you, without showing proof, that though you had been suffering from rheumatism for 20 or 30 years, we had a remedy which would demonstrate its remarkable powers in a few days' time, you would probably doubt the truth of it. The average chronic sufferer from rheumatism is a skeptic, and not without good reason. The probabilities are that the chronic sufferer has run the painful gamut of resultless rheumatism remedies, month in and month out, for years; has spent precious time and many dollars in doctors' prescriptions; has been rubbed, pounded, massaged, electrified, sweated, all without result. But the patient who has done all these things to try to get rid of rheumatism has never tried Fuss. WHY OTHER REMEDIES HAVE FAILED Rheumatism has been a "Chinese puzzle" for several hundred years. To this day, many treat it with tonics, blood remedies, alteratives, and the commonly prescribed salicylic acid and morphine of physicians. None of these have solved the problem of the eradiaction of uric acid, the basic cause of rheumatism. Like many of our great discoveries, the wonderful properties of "Fuss" were discovered by accident. Mil- lions of tons of its ingredients are consumed in this country every year for various purposes and very few people outside of the founders of the. Fuss Remedy Com- pany have ever known of their vast curative powers for rheumatism and uric acid ailments. Years were devoted, subsequent to the discovery, to exhaustive tests and to its peculiar action upon the various organs of the body. As a result, its remarkable merit has been thoroughly established; its action thoroughly understood. In results, no other compound has ever equalled it in results and no other remedy possesses the same immediate, lasting ef- fects. "Fuss" is a vigorous cleanser of the liver and kidneys, from which it removes poisons and irritants. It operates on every portion of the body. It invigor- ates muscular action. It takes the stiffness out of the joints. It dissolves the uric acid in the blood and in every part of'the body. LOOK OUT FOR YOUR HEART! Fuss is an unequalled tonic for the heart. Every rheumatic knows or should know, the frequency with which the heart is attacked by rheumatic conditions. No rheumatic is ever safe from a dangerous and sometimes fatal attack of rheumatism of the heart. Fuss is calculated not only to give the heart strength but to save it from the results of rheumatic poison in the blood. No rheumatism treatment is of much value without this all important feature. It is one of the main features of this remedy. "FUSS" A FOE TO URIC ACID Uric Acid, accumulating in abnormal quantities in the system, is considered the cause, not only of rheumatism and other uric acid diseases such as gout and lumbago, but also of many systemic disturbances. The accumulation of uric acid in the blood causes many nervous disorders, such as nervousness, irritabil- ity, melancholy, neuralgia, neuralgic headaches. A certain amount of uric acid is present in every healthy body, so that it is not the mere presence of this acid which gives rise to the various afflictions mentioned, but it is the excess of it which does the damage. This excess causes miserable depression of spirits, pains, despair and in many cases of asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, dyspepsia, diabetes and various fevers and skin diseases. It is necessary then, if a remedy for rheumatism or for any other uric acid disease shall be successful, that it should regulate the accumulation and dispersion of this powerful acid. In this, "Fuss" is distinguished from any other treatment known for these troubles. RAPIDITY OF RESULTS SURPRISING The rapidity with which "Fuss" removes the surplus of uric acid from the body is often very surprising. Cases of 20 and 30 years' standing have been cured in only a few weeks' time. Many patients report a remarkable improvement, eas- ing of pain, and disappearance of swelling from the first few doses. Another instance of its rapid results is that of a suffer- er in Flint, Michigan, who was flat on his back for over five weeks with muscular rheumatism, his limbs so sore he could not touch them. He began taking Fuss on a Friday and on the Monday following he was at his store attending to business, and "has been there every day since," according to his own story. "FUSS" A Discovery of Wonderful Efficacy "Fuss" Has Quickly Cured 20-Year Cases We present to the reader in another part of this cir- cular testimonials from several of our many patients to illustrate the tremendous power of "Fuss." Not only in the promptness of its action is it remark- able, but in the fact that it brings about results without the use of morphine, chloral, cocaine, alcohol, opium, or any stimulant or narcotic whatever. It is therefore, safe for the young and old, men, women and children, and for the weakest system. "Fuss" is easily assimilated by weak stomachs and is in fact a very powerful and effective remedy for stomach disorders such as dyspepsia, eructations and burning sensations. "FUSS" FOR LUMBAGO AND NEU- RALGIA Not only for rheumatism has "Fuss' established its superiority over every other known treatment, but for all uric acid diseases it has proven of equal benefit. In gout, neuralgia and lumbago it may be relied upon im- plicity to correct the cause, relieving the patient prompt- ly of all pain, swellings and the general misery accom- panying these afflictions. Uric Acid in itself is insoluble to a great extent in the blood. To combat it, it must be made soluble by the use of the proper agents. Once in solution with "Fuss" it is rapidly driven from the system, pain and stiffness leave, often dumbfounding the patient with its quick disappearance. START AT ONCE The dangers of rheumatism are many. The deformi- ties it causes are often pitiful. The misery it brings is distressing. The opportunity to cure it is here and now. A day allowed to go by without action is a day lost for- ever. How long are you going to experiment? How many more dollars are you going to spend for doctors' bills. Here you have "Fuss" that costs you $1.00 a bottle, or 6 bottles for $5.00. This should last you from 4 to 6 weeks. Answer this question, would you pay $5.00 for a complete cure? Would you pay $1.00 for qiuck relief? What lasting relief has your well-meaning physi- cian given you at $1 or $2 or more a visit? How many months or years have you been dragging yourself around, spending your life in one long moan? Any season of the year is the season to cure rheuma- tism. Don't wait to see if you "won't get over it in a little while." Don't wait for winter or fall; don't wait for the next spell of bad weather, before you make an- other start at treating yourself. Warm weather never cures rheumatism. Neither diet nor climate nor baths will cure rheumatism. Take a treatment that is scientific, whose action on the body is governed by an unerring natural law. The first bottle of "Fuss" you buy should convince you that your search for a rheumatism remedy is finally at an end, and as you continue taking it and your trouble disappears, you will surely conclude that we have not told the hundredth part of the great good it brings. Begin today,. You need not buy 6 bottles, though we suggest that you do so by all means. If you need one bottle, you need six. A half a cure is almost as negative as no cure at all. Give "Fuss" the opportunity and we feel you will say that it is the grandest remedy for suf- fering rheumatics which you have ever taken or heard of in all your life. "Fuss" is sold by your druggist at $1.00 a Bottle; 6 Bottles for $5.00. If your druggist happens not to have "Fuss" on hand, send your remittance to us, and we will send it to you, all charges prepaid. PREPARED ONLY BY THE FUSS REMEDY COMPANY Flint, Michigan, U. S. A. "FUSS" IS GUARANTEED ABSOLUTE- LY to contain no morphine, opium, chloral, cocaine, ether, chloroform, or the derivatives of any of these. It con- tains no alcohol or other stimulant; no narcotic or poi- sonous drugs of any kind such as are unfortunately found in many treatments for rheumatism. Fuss is safe for the weakest system, and is easily as- similated by the weakest stomach'. It is ideal in every feature, prompt in action, safe, always reliable and won- derfully effective. Fuss is guaranteed to the U. S. Government by the Fuss Remedy Co., under the Pure Food & Drugs Act of June 30, 1906. Serial No. 4560. HOW TO STOP CONSTIPATION THAT GOES WITH RHEUMATISM Nearly every case of rheumatism is accompanied by constipation. In most cases this constipation has become almost second nature. For this reason the sufferer, laps- ing inert into a dangerous habit, loses the sense of im- portance in having the bowels move regularly, at least once a day. Constipation is a dear friend of rheuama- tism; they nearly always travel together. The more chronic and severe your constipation, the more deep- seated and stubborn will your rheumatism be. This does not mean if you move your bowel a great deal that you can cure rheumatism, but that it is abso- lutely necessary that your bowels should be regular in order to bring about a cure. How can you regulate your bowels? This has been asked by thousands of people. There are not many things which will do it. The few things which will do it must be in proper combination, and the uric-acid condi- tion of the body must also be considered. Realizing the importance of such a careful combination of ingredients, we have prepared those remarkable little policemen for the boweL,-"Fuss" Family Pills. They cry "move on," and keep the crowd moving, in an order- ly regular manner. There is no more effective bowel regulator than "FUSS" FAMILY PILLS 25c at your druggist. Constipated folks often do many foolish, unscientific and really injurious things to their bowels. They are not supposed to know, but should know the damage done by the ordinary cathartic. Plainly stated, there is a natural fluid in your 30 feet of bowels which nature puts there to aid bowel movement. When you take such bowel shockers as salts, aloes and other violent workers you sluice out this natural juice. The result is that the next movement is made much more difficult, and you get a real case of constipation. Violent bowel movers do not "Fuss" A Reliable Remedy of Rare Power History of "Fuss" Reads Like an Exciting Novel cure, but cause constipation. Every dose aggravates the trouble, and then disgusted, you abandon your bowels to their own fate. So constipation overlaps constipation and uric acid and other poisons become dammed-up in the blood. We urge you to use "Fuss" Family Pills because of the remarkable results they have produced, coaxing the bow- els into a splendid regularity instead of shocking and partially paralyzing them into submission for the time being. You will learn to appreciate "Fuss" Family Pills just as you appreciate the difference in foods. You will feel the difference. They help wonderfully the action of "Fuss." Take "Fuss" and "Fuss" Family Pills together. When you buy a botle of "Fuss," buy a box of "Fuss" Family Pills at the same time. Without the use of "Fuss" Family Pills a satisfactory result is not so sure. If you have liver trouble, indigestion, dyspepsia, ma- laria, dizziness, drowsiness, kidney disorders, sallow or pimply skin, poor blood or lack of vitality, you will find them of remarkable efficacy. Time or climate will not affect their curative powers. Safe for children. "Fuss" Family Pills sold by your druggist at 25 cents, or sent by us by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. PROOF IN BLACK AND WHITE Many of the cures brought about by Fuss would appear to be almost unbelievable were not the proofs so fre- quent and overwhelming. We present a few ordinary cases below. They are worth reading. REMARKABLE CHANGE WITHIN 20 HOURS. Mr. Enos Kingsley, of Flint, Mich., the well-known Ladies' Tailor, says: "I had rheumatism for several weeks, my limbs were swollen badly and I was flat on my back in bed, helpless, and could not sleep nights. I started to take Fuss at noon and slept well all night. The next day I was up for my meals and the day following I walked down town. I never saw or heard of anything like Fuss. It has cured me and I gladly recommend it to others. It is certainly wonderful." THREE BOTTLES DOES WONDERS. O. K. Herndon, Maryville, Mo., writes: "This may certify that I have taken Fuss for rheuma- tism and I believe it is the best remedy for this disease in the market today. I have been to Mt. Clemens three times and St. Louis once within the past fifteen years, but did not receive much relief. Last October a friend told me to try Fuss. I have taken three bottles this winter and I am now 100 per cent, better than I have been for fifteen years." CURED AT 87 OF A 14 YEAR CASE OF RHEUMA- TISM. Mrs. Mary E. Thorn, 605 Pine St., Owosso, Mich., writes: "I deem it my duty to send you this unsolicited testi- monial in regard to FUSS, your Famous Cure for Rheu- matism. I am 87 years old, have been an invalid for a sufferer of chronic rheumatism for 14 years. I tried everything I could hear of, but obtained no relief, until I finally tried FUSS, when, within three days after I commenced its use, I was free from aches and pains and slept well nights which I had not done for a number of years. Aside from being crippled with this terrible dis- ease, I cannot see but that I am as well as ever. I feel so satisfied that I am indebted to your medicine for curing me that I cannot refrain from asking you to publish my experience, for the benefit of all who may be suffering from that dreadful disease, believing as I do, that FUSS will certainly cure them if they give it a fair trial." FLAT ON HIS BACK; GETS HIM OUT OF BED IN 3 DAYS. Mr. J. C. Cole, the leading tailor of Flint, Mich., says: ''I was in bed with muscular Rheumatism for more than five weeks, my limbs being so sore I could not touch them. I heard about FUSS and started to take it on Friday. The following Monday I was at my store at- tending to business and have been there every day since. Fuss cured me and I know it will cure others." • THREE BOTTLES DID WHAT DOCTORS, DRUGS AND SPRINGS FAILED TO DO. Modesto, Calif., Aug. 27th, 1907. Fuss Remedy Company, Flint, Mich. Gentlemen:- "For several years I suffered with Inflammatory Rheu- matism during which time I tried doctors, drugs and mineral springs without relief. I got a case (1 doz. bottles), of your "Fuss" and took three bottles which cured me completely. The balance of the case I distributed among my afflicted friends who have taken it with the same results." Respectfully yours, J. W. Goldsworth, Modesto, Calif. FIVE WEEKS OF DOCTORING FAIL. ONE BOTTLE OF FUSS STARTS CURE. The Fuss Remedy Company, Flint, Mich. Gentlemen :- I wish to add my testimonial, as to the effectiveness of Fuss Remedy as a cure for rheumatism, to the many which you undoubtedly have already received. I have been a sufferer from rheumatism since I was a child, having had a number of attacks of inflammatory and sciatic rheumatism. On August 31, of this year, I was compelled to leave my employment on account of a very serious attack which affected my legs and hips, and for five weeks was under the care of two of our most reputable physicians. At the end of the five weeks I was compelled to use crutches and could see no im- provement in my condition. As what seemed to me to be a last resort, I purchased a bottle of your remedy, having seen it advertised locally, and after having taken one bottle began to see an improvement. I continued to use your remedy until now I have finished the four bot- tles and I find myself almost entirely cured. Should you desire to use this testimonial, I cheerfully give my consent to same. Yours very truly, Max W. Presser. "Fuss" Is Governed by An Unerring Scientific Law Guaranteed to Comply with the Pure Food and Drugs Act, June 30, '06 Serial No. 4560 HOW TO USE FUSS. The size of the dose and the manner of taking .Fuss is entirely governed by the severity of the disease and the peculiarity of the patient. It is not possible to give exact directions for all cases. Some persons are very susceptible to the action of medicine and should begin the use of Fuss with less than one teaspoonful and gradually increase. FOR ACUTE OR INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM AND SCIATICA-Take one teaspoonful every two (2) or three (3) hours, and as soon as the acute pain is relieved reduce the dose slightly. After the acute symptons have disappeared continue the use of Fuss for two or three weeks, three (3) or (4) times a day. FOR CHRONIC RHEUMATISM-Take one teaspoonful three (3) or four (4) times a day. FOR RHEUMATIC GOUT-Take one teaspoonful three (3) or four (4) times a day. FOR RHEUMATISM OF THE HEART-Follow the general rules and avoid head symptons by reducing the dose when they appear. FOR KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLE-Take one tea- spoonful three (3) or four (4) times a day for a month or' two. NOTICE- If the bowels are constipated they must be kept open by some mild laxative. We recommend our special prepared laxative called Little Fuss Makers. A nice laxative in a mild way; cures constipation, and a general alterative; builds up the weak organs and doesn't effect the strong ones. If nausea occurrs add one teaspoonful of whiskey or brandy with each dose of Fuss. IMPORTANT-If the use of this medicine should cause an unpleasant feeling in the head, or ringing in the ears or deafness, it is no cause for alarm; on the contrary, it shows that the medicine has taken a hold of the disease. To avoid them, reduce the dose. It will not be necessary for the patient to take the full dose at all times to get relief; it will only take a little longer to secure a permanent cure. The above dose is for adults only. For children commence with a small dose and gradually increase. Fuss should be taken at all times followed by a drink of water. Ask your druggist for FUSS, or sent, express prepaid on receipt of $1.00, or six bottles for $5.00. FUSS REMEDY CO., FLINT, MICH. COMMENT ON EMPLOIE " FUSS." On dérige la quantité de la dose et la manière de prendre Fuss entièrement par la sévérité de la maladie et par la particularité du ma- lade. Il n 'est pas possible de donner des instructions précises pour tout cas. Quelques personnes sont très sensibles à l'action de la médécine; et doivent commencer l'emploi de Fuss avec moins d'une cuillerée et l'augmenter peu à peu. Contre le Rhumatisme aigu ou inflammatoire et la Sciatique.- Prenez une cuillerée toutes les deux ou trois heures et ausitôt que la douleur aigue est soulagée, diminuez un peu la dose. Après que les symptômes aigus disparaissent continuez l'emploi de Fuss pendant deux ou trois semaines, trois ou quatre fois par jour. Contre le Rhumatisme chronique.-Prenez une cuillerée trois ou quatre fois par jour. Contre la Goutte rhumatique.- Suivez les règles générales et évitez les symptômes de la tête en diminuant la dose quand ils apparaissent. Contre le Mal de Reins ou du Foie.- Prenez une cuillerée trois ou quatre fois par jour pendant un ou deux mois. Avis.- Si les boyaux sont constipés il fftut les garder ouverts par un doux laxatif. Nous recommandons notre laxatif particulièrement pré- paré, nommé Petit Fuss. Un bon laxatif d'une manière douce guérit la constipation et est un altérant général; il affermit les organes faibles n'endommage pas les forts. Si la nausée vient, ajoutez une cuillerée de whiskey ou d'eau-de- vie, à chaque dose de Fuss. Important.- Si l'emploi de cette médécine occasionne une sensation désagréable à la tête, ou si les oreilles tintent ou que la surdité vienne, il n'y pas lieu de s'alarmer ; au contraire cela montre que la médécine a saisi la maladie. Pour les éviter, diminuez la dose entière, en tout temps pour obtenu du soulagement. Il ne faudra qu'un peu plus longtemps pour obtenu une guérison permanente. La dose ci-dessus n'est que pour les adultes Pour les enfants-commencez par une petite dose et augmentez la pa> degrés. On doit prendre Fuss toujours suivi par un verre d'eau. Demande» le Fuss à votre droguiste ou bien il vous sera envoyé affranchi à recep- tion de $1.00. FUSS REMEDY CO. FLINT, MICHIGAN. JAK UŽYWAÓ "FUSS" Wielkoáó dawki i sposób užycia "FUSS? zawisla jest zupelnie od stády um choroby i wlaáciwoáci pacyen- ta. Nie jest možebnem podaó przepis na wszystkie. Niektóre osoby bardzo szybko poddají sig dzialaniu le- karstw, lecz nie powinny zažywaé "FUSS" w mniejszej dawce jak mal$ lyžeczkg, poczem coraz wiçcej. Na uporczywy reumatyzm i áciatykg-wež jedntj pelntj lyžeczkg od kawy co 2 Jub 3 godziny i skoro ból ustanie, pomalu zmniejszaj dawkg Gdy ból przeminie, užywaj "FUSS" przez 2 lub 3 3 lub 4 raz>- dziennie. Na chroniczny reumatyzm-wež lyže- czkg 3 lub 4 rázy na dzien. Na podagrg- wež 3 lub 4 rázy na dzien jedntj, lyžeczkg. Na bole w$- troby i nerek wež jedn$ lyžeczkg 3 lub 4 rázy na dzien przez jeden lubdwa. ÚWAGA.-Ježeli kiszki s% zatkané, musi na nie dzialaé jakié árodek Polecamy nasz áro- dek zwany "FUSS". Lagodny árodek i przyjemny, leczy zatwardzenie i ogólne oslabienie, wzmacnia slabé organa i nie oslabia silniejszych. Ježeli masz mdloáci, wež z každ$ doza/ FUSSU" lyžeczkg sznapsa lub wódki WAŽNE-Gdyby užywanie tego lekarstwa mialo sprawiaé nieprzyjemne uczucie w gtowie lub dzwonienie w uszach, niema potrzeby obawiaé sig, lecz przeciwnie, pokazuje to, že medycyna pomogla chorobie. Ažeby u- tych nieprzyjemnych uczuó, zmniejsz dawkg. Pa cyent nie bgdzie potrzebowal braé calej dozy za každým rázem, aby wiedzieó skutki, trochg dlužej užywaj tego a bgdziesz wyleczony, Powyžsza doza jest tylko dla do- roslych. U dzieci zaczynaj mahj dawktj a potem stop- niowo wigcej. Przy zažywaniu "FUSS" naležy popió wod$. Poproá swego aptekarza o "FUSS" albo' pošlej $1.00 to ci przyšlemy. FUSS REMEDY CO., Flint, MlcH. SSte nct'idu djcn ift. Tie GJrofce ber Tofig unb bie Wrt, einjunetpnen, h)W> tooilftanbig beftimmt bon ber fênttoidlung unb ®efáí)rlict)tcit ber hraiittjcit. iff unmoglid), für aile galle beftimmte 33orfd)t:iften ju geben. ®ei bie überljaupt illbneigung gegen 'JJlebijin Ijaben, follte man mit ineniger alg einen Tljeelbffel boll beginnen unb all= mat)Iid) bag Quantum bergriifctrn. gtir aluten ober plotjlid) auftretenben Stfyeumatigmug unb §iifl; fdjmerjen nefyme man einen Tljeelbffel boll allé 2 ober 3 Stunben unb fobalb ber Sdjmerj nad)laf)t, rebujicrc man bie Tofig allmaljlid). 91ad)bem bie Rranfljeitserjdjeinungen berfcl)tounben finb, fatjre man mit bem ©ebrauri) bon ,,gu&§" nod) 2 ober 3 ÜBodjen fort unb aioar 3 ober 4 mal jeben Tag. 1 53ei djronifdjen (beraltetem) 9ll)eumati§mu§ ober @id)t nehrne man ebenfallg 1 Tljeelbffel boll 3 ober 4 mal jeben Tag. 33ei §er}=9tl)eumatiêmuë folge man bie allgcmetne IRegel unb ber= ringere bie Tofig, fobalb eg bcffer toirb. Íliereuí unb Seberleiben ioeidjen balb, ioenn man 3 big 4 mal am Tage je einen Tljeelbffel nimmt unb ungefaíjr 1 big 2 Utonate lang bamit fortfiiljrt. Olotij: SLBenn ber 2eib oerffopft ift, mufj er nibglid)ft balb mieber offen gcíjaíten toerben buri) ein milbeg illbfütjrmittel. TfJir empfeljlen unfer fpejiell für biefen Qinerf praparicrten, fogenannten „Cittle gug§ SRaterg", ein borpig'id;eg 'Jltitiel jum îlbfüijren auf burdjaug milbem ©ege. ®g turiert fBerft'opfu ag unb allgcmeine grfdjopfung, traftigt bie iranien Crgane in turner jeit. 2Benn ungern genommen, fo fiige man einen Tfyeeloffel IBljigit) ober SBra-itbi) ijinju. 2S i d) t i g ! galig fid) beint Sebraudje biefer 9Jlebi)in gunadjft ein unangeneljmeg ©efitfjl im Jïopf einftelíen follte ober Oijrenfaufen, braud)t man nid;t beiorgt 3 it fein, im (ftegenteil: bag bemeift, bafj bie 5lrjnei im SSegriff ift, bie firantljeit ju bertreibcn. SDlan iann in biefem galle and) bie Tofig etmag berringern. Gg ift nitfjt notioenbig für ben ipgtienten, immer bie bolíc Tofig 311 net); men, eg inirb bann nur étions íangfamer mít ber 53efferung borangetjen. Tie bigger genannte Toftg ift nur für (Frioad)fene. 9?ei ňinbern beginne man mit ïleineren üuantitaten unb gcbe erft allmalig mel)c Stetg follte man nad) bem Ginncljmen bon „gugg" einige Sd)lua SBaffer trinien. , gragt fřitren Truggiften nad) ,,guf)" ober fenbet $1.00 (einen Tob (ar), bann erf)altet portofrei bag TRittel bon ber FUSS REMEDY CO., Flint, Mich SENT EXPRESS PREPAID ON RECEIPT OF $1.00, OR SIX BOTTLES FOR $5.00