A REVIEW OF THE RECORDS OF THE PAST YEAR. PUBLISHED JANUARY, 1902. In reviewing the Records of onr Medical Work j in the Past Year (1901) it is a Great Gratifica- tion to us to observe the Largely Increased Num- ber of Sufferers that has been providentially saved from Sickness and Death and restored to Health and Happiness by Our Treatment. For over a Quarter of a Century we have been re- ceiving 'yearly a Great and Ever-Increasing Number of Testimonial Letters from Restored Sufferers in all parts of America, but the Records of the Past Year show that we treated and cured more Patients in 1901 than in any Previous Year of our History. Only a short time ago we published Several Large Install- ments of Remarkable Cures taken from the Numerous Testimonial Letters received by ns during the Spring and Summer of 1901, and to these we now add Another Large Selection of Endorsements chosen from the Additional Testimony that reached us during the closing months of the Past Year. As will be observed these Recent Testimonial Letters relate the Speedy and Thorough Cures of the Most Severe and Complicated Cases, and show clearly the Wonderful Curative Power of Our Treatment { in ail Respiratory Diseases and Allied Dis- orders. From the Reliable Evidence of Re- stored Sufferers given in these pages it is clear that even when Local Doctors are powerless and Patent Medicines useless, Our Method of j Treatment succeeds and invariably effects a1 Speedy, Complete and Permanent Cure. What Our Treatment has so readily accom- plished in the past in these Exceptional Cases of Disease we can assure our Readers it will surely perform in the future in ail Similar Instances, and to all Sufferers whose cases we pronounce curable we can positively guarantee the same satisfactory results. FIVE DOCTORS FAILED, But Patient Was Quickly and Thoroughly Cured by Our Treatment. CONSUMPTION QUICKLY CURED After Local Doctors Had Pronounced Patient's Case Incurable. Sardis, Ky., Nov. 24,1901. The Alpha Medical Institute. Gentlemen:-In 1896, after a long sickness,! became afflicted with Lung Trouble and was treated by live different doctors without success. For a year I constantly grew worse in spite of all that was done. I then begun corresponding with you and commenced your Treatment in April of I 1897. At that time I had about given up all hope j and resigned myself to my fate. My friends said that I would surely die. I used three courses of , your Treatment and was fully cured, and I am still well to-day, four years later. Tour Treat- I ment saved me when everything else had failed, and I now weigh 30 pounds more than I did when I came under your care. I can strongly recommend your Method of Treatment to all suffering humanity, and I be- lieve that it will cure after ordinary measures have failed. Very respectfully yours, J. E. COLLINS. MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL Strongly Endorses Our Method of Combined Local and Constitutional Treatment. Berlin, N. H., Dec. 6,1901. . The Aplha Medical Institute, t GentlemenI am thankful to you and God that I am living today and enjoying the best of health. Eight years ago I was suffering with Lung Trouble which three different doctors pro- nounced Consumption. They said that there was no use taking treatment with the expecta- tion of a cure, and that the best they could do was to relieve my suffering for the short re- mainder of my life. I was reduced nearly to a skeleton and had given up all hopes of evwr'gFiV | ting well. I had been failing for two years, during which time I became the mother of a girl baby which was, and is to this day, a poor, weak, i little thing. It was at this time when all hope i of life had about left me that I consulted you i and decided to try your Treatment. I am glail i to be able to state that your Treatment worked , wonderful results in my case. I commenced to 1 improve at once and in Three Mouths I was ■ restored to perfect health. I have not taken a ' drop of Medicine since and I am now as healthy and rugged as any woman in this city. I have now another child, a baby boy three years old, that is the picture of health. I realize that I owe my life and health to your Treatment and shall praise you as long as I live. I know that your treatment will cure Consump- tion and I will recommend it to all who are afflicted with that dreadful disease. You may publish this letter and I hope that it may be the means of inducing some sufferer to commence the u<e of your Treatment. I am sure that any one who does so will be restored to health and happiness as I was. Yours thankfully, (MRS ) ALBERTHA S. COLE. MRS. ALBERTHA S. COLE, Berlin, N. H. The Alpha Medical Institute, Sycamore & Sixth Sts., CINCINNATI, OHIO. CATARRH OF THE STOMACH With General Debility Quickly and Thoroughly Cured by Our Treatment. REV. WM. T. PA ULL, Ironwood, Mich. ( No. 227 W. Aurora St., / Ikonwood, Mich., Nov. 16, 1901. The Alpha Medical Institute, Gentlemen:-In January, 1888,1 contracted a severe case of La Grippe, which affected my whole system, and every Winter thereafter I would get La Grippe and each attack left me in | a worse condition than before. In 1897 I found I was afflicted with Catarrhal Bronchitis and Asthma. 1 had a Cough more or less all the time and my Heart would palpitate i so that I could not lie upon my left side. After j trying various doctors for more than a year I i began to despair, and I told my wife that I feared that the disease would soon carry me to the grave. In the Spring of 1900 I consulted you, filled out your Question List and came under your Treatment. Briefly stated the result wTas a thorough and permanent cure. I do not now feel any of the old troubles whatever, and I can now enjoy the dreaded Winter weather with new life and pleasure. I think that your Combined Local and Consti- tutional Treatment is the most Scientific and Common-Sense Method of Cure known to Medi- cal Science. If I ever need medical aid either for myself or for any member of my family I will surely call upon you again. I would advise all sufferers to try your Common-Sense Treatment and I will do all that I can to advertise the same. My prayer is that God may bless you with long life, not only as a benefactor to thousands already cured, but for untold thousands to be cured. Your sincere friend, (REV.) WM. T. PAULL. LONG-STANDING CASE. Catarrh, Heart Trouble and Dyspepsia Cured by Three Months' Treatment. MRS. ALICE JCjEA VER, Columbus Junction, Iowa. Columbus Junction, Iowa, Dec. 22, 1901. The Alpha Medical Institute, Gentlemen:-In 1898 I was afflicted with Catarrh of the Stomach and General Debility and was so reduced from suffering that I was almost a physical wreck. I was very weak and could neither eat, sleep or rest as I ought to have done. I formerly weighed 137 pounds, but lost flesh until I weighed only 110. When I com- menced your Treatment I found an improvement within a week and in Two Months I weighed 138 pounds. I was fully cured and found myself able to do more work than ever before in my life. You are at liberty to use this statement if you go desire, and ! will recommend your Treatment whenever I can do so. Thanking you, I remain, i Yours respectfully, L ... (MRS.) ALICE WEAVER. Elmdale, Ind., Nov. 26, 1901. The Alpha Medical Institute. j Gentlemen:-I take great pleasure in letting you know what your Treatment did for me. I had Catarrh, Heart Trouble and Dyspepsia for a great many years, and last March I was 1 taken with a severe pain in the Lungs. I began 'using your Treatment in July and in Three Months I found myself entirely cured. I have ! now no trace of the troubles with which I was afflicted. I do not think that there is any direct or ef- fective way of reaching the Lungs except by ' your Method of Cure, and I shall therefore recommend your Treatment most highly to all sufferers from Lung Troubles. Wishing you the greatest success in your work, I am, Sincerely yours, (MRS.) SARAH A. MILJ' A REVIEW OF THE RECORDS OF THE PAST YEAR. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE LONG-STANDING CATARRH CONSUMPTION AND HEMORRHAGES Quickly Cured of a Complication of Diseases by Our Treatment. With Serious Complications Speedily Cured After Failure of " Catarrh Cures." Cured by Our Treatment after Failure of Local Doctors and Patent Medicines. MR. E. P. FELT, J. P., Alida, Minn. MRS. M. E. CASE, Barre Centre, N. Y. MR. JOHN R. LORD, Sandersville, Ga. Alida, Minn., Dec. 18, 1901. The Alpha Medical Institute. Gentlemen:-Over a year ago I took a Three Months' Course of your Treatment for Asthma, Bronchitis and Catarrh, and I now write to tell you that I am permanently cured. My case was probably as severe and compli- cated a one as any you are likely to come across. I consulted several good local physicians and two first-class specialists, but was unable to obtain relief or a cure. After I commenced the use of your Treatment I did not have a single attack of A sthma, and since I ceased the use of your Treatment I have not had any return of the disease. In a month and a half under your Treatment my weight increased from 168 to 201 pounds. Before taking your Treatment I was so badly afflicted with Asthma that for weeks at a time I could not walk across my room without suffering from shortness of breath. To those who are sick and can get no relief from local doctors, and desire to be cured with- out loss of time or money, I would give this advice: Secure Treatment at once from The Alpha Medical Institute, use it as directed, and follow it up regularly. If you do this and keep clear of quacks you will certainly obtain a cure. In my case it seemed that I got exactly the right kind of Medicine from you. The Treat- ment touched the right spot at once and kept on touching it until the Asthma and other troubles disappeared never to return. As I suffered for sixteen years I certainly ap- preciate the great change in my condition, and I am very thankful for what your Treatment did in my case. Wishing that you may live long to enjoy the blessings that you so richly deserve, I am, Yours truly, E. P. FELT, Barre Centre, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1901. The Alpha Medical Institute. e Gentlemen: As I have been cured by your , Treatment I take pleasure in writing you this .1 Testimonial at the present time. I had Catarrh for fifteen years and tried all - kinds of different "Catarrh Cures " without suc- i. cess. I was scarcely able to breathe through my (1 nose and had dreadful headaches the greater 0 part of the time. I was also afflicted with Heart e aud Kidney Troubles and my Blood seemed to e be turning to water. I felt weak and tired all f the time, and if I did a day's work one day I 3 would have to rest the next. I kept growing r worse constantly until my mother said that I 1 would not live a month longer unless something j was done at once. She then sent for your Treat- i ment and it helped me from the start. I fol- t lowed it up regularly and was cured and made a sound woman in every respect. I can truthfully f state that I never felt better in my life than I do - at present. s I would advise an sufferers to commence your > Treatment at once, and persist in its use until I restored to health. > I will recommend your Treatment at every opportunity and do all that I can to induce >. patients to consult you. Thanking you for my recovery and trusting i that my testimony may prove of benefit to the i afflicted, I remain, Yours very truly, (MRS.) M. E. CASE. Sandersville, Ga., Nov. 18, 1901. The Alpha Medical Institute. Gentlemen :-For nearly t>veniy years I was a great sufferer from a complication of troubles, and my system seemed to be completely under- mined. I had Lung Trouble with Hemorrhages and Dyspepsia and Bowel Trouble. I. had chills and fever and coughed day and night. I also had sore throat, and pains in chest- and shoulders. I tried several doctors and all kinds of patent medicines and derived very little if any benefit from them. When everything else had failed a friend advised me to try your Treatment, and I did so and was restored to good health. I do no not think that I will ever need any more Medicine, but if I do I will certainly call upon you for Treatment. I will recommend your Treatment to all sufferers in my community. I believe that if a case is curable at all a reg- ular and sufficient use of your Treatment Will effect a thorough cure. With many thanks for what you have done for me, and wishing you continued success in treating the sick, I am, Very sincerely yours, JOHN R. LORD. SEVERELY COMPLICATED CASE Thoroughly Cured by Our Treatment when Patient was a Physical Wreck. THREE MONTHS' TREATMENT Effects a Complete and Permanent Cure of Serious Lung Disease. Osterhout, Pa., Nov. 29, 1901. The Alpha Medical Institute. Gentlemen:-It is with deep gratitude to God and your Treatment that I now pen these lines. I am cured and it is now six months since I ceased the use of your Treatment. Three years ago I was confined to my bed with Lung Troubles and Hemorrhages. My Liver was in a very bad condition and for a whole week I would be sick at my Stomach. For years I had Dyspepsia and had to be very careful what I ate, and even then I suffered with pains in my Stomach. My Heart was in such a bad condition that often I had to lie down. J was also afflicted with Kidney Trouble, Neuralgia and Eczema. In fact, I was almost a physical wreck. Two years before I was taken with Hemorr- hages. I nursed my sister, who died of Tuber- cular Consumption, and I think that probably I contracted the disease in this way. I can state with deep gratitude that I am stronger to-day than I have been since I was a child. I am feeling well in every way and able to take care of a large family. Thanking you most sincerely f8r your Treat- ment and past kindnesses, I am, Gratefully yours, (MISS) ELLA C. MENGER. N. B.-Mr. .E. P. Felt, whose Testimony ap- pears above, is one of the most prominent and reliable citizens of Alida, Minn., and enjoys the entire confidence and respect of the community in which he lives. As evidence of his standing1 and responsibility we need only mention that he is a Justice of the Peace and a Notary Public, and also holds the offices of Town Clerk and School Clerk of Alida. Any statement made by Mr. Felt needs no verification and can be safely accepted by ail. Deweyville, Texas, Nov. 19, 1901. The Alpha Medical Institute. Gentlemen:-In reply to your kind letter in- quiring about my present condition I am glad to be able to state that I am enjoying good health. I feel better now than for twelve years before using your Treatment and hope to continue so. Before using your Treatment I suffered for a long time with Lung Trouble and was very sick for about eight months. By the grace of God I found your Treatment and it cured me. I com- menced your Treatment in March, and after using it for Three Months I was restored to good health. When I began to use your Treatment I weighed only 100 'pounds but now I weigh 125. I have felt no return of the disease and I believe that my cure is a permanent one. I am recommending your Treatment to the afflicted in my locality, and if I ever happen to need medical aid again I will certainly order your Treatment. Praying that God may ever abundantly bless you for your good works, I remain, Yours very sincerely, W. H. THOMASON. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. English, Ind., Nov. 30, 1901. To Whom It May Concern:- This is to certify that I was an invalid for years with Lung- Disease, and that, after local doctors had failed to help me, I was cured by Treatment from the Alpha Medical Institute. The Medicines sent me by the Institute helped me from the first dose and I was soon thor- oughly restored to health. (MRS.) SARAH A. WELLMAN. A REVIEW OF THE RECORDS OF THE PAST YEAR. CATARRH AND DYSPEPSIA Cured by Our Treatment After All Other CURED AT SIXTY-FIVE. ADVANCED CONSUMPTION CURED After Patent Medicines and Local Doctors Had Absolutely Failed. Remedies Had Failed. Br chitis, Dyspepsia and Heart Trouble Over- come When Case Seemed Hopeless. Wood Station, Ga., Dec. 2, 1901. The Alpha Medical Institute. Gentlemen:-It has been about a year since I was cured by your excellent Treatment and I realize that I am still gaining strength. For many years I suffered from Catarrh and Dyspepsia, but I feel no symptoms of these dis- eases since taking your Treatment. I can truth- fully state that your Medicines cured me after all other remedies had failed. I have been recommending your Treatment to sufferers everywhere and will always continue to do so. I am sure that there is nothing else so good for Lung Diseases as your Treatment. I enclose you one of my photographs which you may publish if it will be of any assistance in placing your Treatment before the public. Yours truly, JOHN CRUCE. MR. JOHN CRUCE, Wood Station, Ga. Dublin, Texas, Nov. 19,1901. The Alpha Medical Institute. Gentlemen:-I am sixty - live years of age and before I used your Treatment I suffered for ten years with Bronchitis. I tried many patent medicines but the Cough grew worse and became very troublesome. My Stomach was so impaired that I could take but little food, my Heart flut- tered, and my Circulation was bad. These Dis- orders, with my Cough, kept me so restless that 1 could get very little sleep, and I soon found myself in a very precarious condition. When I had just about given up hope of ever getting any better I received your circulars and read of the wonderful cures effected by your Treatment. I resolved at once to take a Course of your Treatment as a last resort, and I am thankful indeed that I did so. Your Treatment thoroughly cured me of all the Diseases from which I suffered and made me feel younger and stronger than for many years. My improvement was somewhat slow at first but increased as the cure advanced until I was fully restored to health. I will ever feel grateful for your services in my case, and will recommend your Treatment to all sufferers. Yours truly, (MRS.) H. M. PARKS. MRS. H. M. PARKS, Dublin, Tex. JfjR. JAS. W. DEPEW, Summit Hill, Ohio. Summit Hill, Ohio, Dec. 4, 1901. The Alpha Medical Institute. Gent lemen :-Your Treatment has proved to be the greatest blessing to me, and I can not speak too highly of its merits. It cured me of Con- sumption about eight years ago, and thank God I was cured to stay cured. It was in 1881 that Consumption laid its terri- ble grip upon me, and seemed unable to shake it off. I tried several physicians, good ones they were, and used various patent medicines, but all without success. For about two years I suffered all the agonies of sickness, almost death itself, but at last I found your Treatment. * I had used your Treatment only One Month when I began to feel a change for the better, and 1 continued its use for Five Months and was thoroughly cured. When I commenced your Treatment I weighed only 113, but now I weigh 155 pounds and am in excellent health. I feel that had it not been for your skill and medical Treatment I would not have been here to-day, and I have only one advice for sufferers from Lung Diseases, and. that is to try The Alpha Medical Institute. Trusting that my testimonial may reach the afflicted and do much good, I remain, Very truly yours, JAS. W. DEPEW. ENCOURAGEMENT FOR WOMEN. Interesting Story of a Life Saved when Death Seemed at Hand. Denver, Ark., Nov. 13, 1901. The Alpha Medical Institute. GentlemenI am happy to be able to state that I am'still well and have enjoyed good health ever since I was cured by your Treatment. I can never speak too highly of your Treatment for the cure of Consumption and Female Weak- ness. Had it not been for your Treatment I would not be alive to-day, but, as it is, I am en- joying the best of health and am with my family and friends. In 1888 I had LaGrippe in its worst form and it settled on my Right Lung. I tried various doctors and many patent medicines but rapidly grew worse. I was confined to my bed half the time, and everybody said that I could not live long. When I had quit the use of all medicine and given up to die, I heard of your Treatment and was influenced by my husband and friends to try it. I commenced the use of your Treat- ment in August of 1897, and at that time weighed only 108 pounds. When I had used your Treat- ment for Three Months I was fully cured and weighed 125 pounds. I now weigh 137 and never felt better in my life, and I feel that I owe it all to your Treatment. I will praise your Treatment to everyone who needs medical aid, and I can recommend it specially to weak women. It overcomes bleed- ing from the Lungs, shortness of breath and tired feelings, and renders the use of supporters and appliances quite unnecessary. After you use it you feel like a new person through and through. My prayer is that God may spare you for many years to come and that you may save the lives of many others as you have saved mine. With thanks for your great services, I remain, Very truly yours, (MRS.) ELLA L. ROBERTSON. SEVERE ASTHMA CURED. Patient Has Experienced No Return of the Disease in Two Years. Jeffersonville, Vt., Dec. 16, 1901. The Alpha Medical Institute. Gentlemen:-It is with pleasure that I now write you to let you know that your Treatment permanently cured me of Asthma in its worst form. It is two years since I used your Treat- ment and the disease has not returned. I was so bad with Asthma that I had to sit up nights and inhale various preparations in order to get my breath. Still nothing that I used did more than give me temporary relief until I found your Treatment which thoroughly cured me. I will at all times recommend your Treatment to sufferers from Lung Diseases, and I trust that my letter may be the means of inducing some sufferer to come to you for medical aid. Wishing you long life and success in your good work, I remain, Sincerely yours, (MRS.) E. B. WHITCOMB. KIDNEY DISEASE AND CATARRH Quickly Cured by Our Method After Patient Had Spent Fortune Elsewhere. Slatonville, Ark., Dec. 4, 1901. The Alpha Medical Institute. Gentlemen:-Y ou have saved my life and cured me of all the diseases from which I suf- fered. For years I was afflicted in the Head, Throat, Lungs and Kidneys, but now I am free from all these troubles. It would be impossible for me to tell how much I suffered or to praise your Treatment enough for what it did for me. Before using yo<r Treatment I spent hundreds of dollars upon patent medicines and local phy- sicians, and I also purchased " Catarrh Cures" and ''Kidney Cures," but all to no avail. Finally I came across your Treatment and was quickly and thoroughly cured. I can heartily recommend your Treatment to all sufferers, and I will always do so at every chance. Wishing you a long and successful career in treating the afflicted, I remain, Your grateful patient, (MRS.) RACHEL WALKER. Adrian, Mo., Dec. 27, 1901. The Alpha Medical Institute. .Gentlemen:-This is to certify to the fact that I was cured of Consumption by your Treatment. I am sure that I would have died had I not taken your Treatment when I did. Ever since I have used my influence with other sufferers to induce them to try your Treatment. I will always CURED OF CONSUMPTION. recommend your Treatment to others, and I will speedily answer any inquiries from sufferers who desire to know more about my case. Thanking you for my cure by your Treatment, I remain, Your grateful friend. (MRS.) M. L. D. HOL WELL. A REVIEW OF THE RECORDS OF THE PAST YEAR. Saved from the Grave by Our Treatment A Remarkable Cure of a Severe and Complicated Case When Many Remedial Measures Had Failed. Chicago, III., Nbv. 19, 1901. The Alpha Medical Institute. No. 3018 Lasalle St. Gentlemen:-With regard to your inquiry concerning my health I can state that I am cured. I feel better now than at any time in the last thirty years and I am still improving. I have no trace of any of my former ailments. I was afflicted with bad health in some form since early child- hood, and when I commenced your Treatment I had Catarrh of the Head, Neuralgia of the Heart, Disease of the Lungs, Dis- orders of the Kidneys and Blood, and Asthma. I was going to my grave very fast and I told my wife so. Everything that I could try did me little or no good until I found your Inhaler. This Instrument, together with your other Treatment, was the first thing that did me any good, and I do not think that I could have been cured without it. Your Treatment surely saved me from the grave. I send you photographs taken before and after I used your Treatment which will show better than I can state what your Treatment has done for me. With sincere thanks for your Treatment and attention to my case, I am, Very respectfully yours, D. DUBUISSON. BEFORE TREATMENT. D. DUBUISSON, Chicago, Ill.esr AFTER TREATMENT. ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. CATARRHAL CONSUMPTION CURED STORY OF A WOMAN'S CASE. Cured by Our Method of Treatment after Local Doctors Had Failed. A Typical Case, Showing How Catarrh Developes Into Consumption. Cured of Catarrh, Heart Disease, Female Weak- ness and Nervous Prostration. Patricksburg, Ind., Jan. 1,1902. I The Alpha Medical Institute. Gentlemen:-It is about two years since I was cured by your Treatment and during that time I have had better health than for ten years previous. Before using your Treatment I suffered eight years with Catarrh of the Head and Stomach and Kidney Disease. Finally my Lungs became af- fected and began spitting blood. I coughed constantly day and night and became confined to my bed. When I commenced your Treatment I did so as a last resort and neither my husband nor myself expected that I could be cured. When I hid used your Treatment only two weeks I felt an improvement in my case, and I then knew that 1 was going to get well. We now never tire of telling what your Treatment did for me for we feel that our children would have been left motherless had it not been for your wonderful Treatment. Thanking you for my cure and wishing you success, I remain, Your grateful friend, (MRS.) R. B. TOLIVER. MRS. KATE GAFFNEY, Brookline, Mass. MRS. LIZZIE CARLETON, Hammond, Pa. Brookline, Mass , Nov. 29,1901. The Alpha Medical Institute. Gentlemen:-I suffered greatly for eleven years with Asthma and Bronchitis. 1 coughed i more or less all the time, but the least draught or dampness would throw me into a paroxysm of coughing and wheezing. I used to raise great : quantities of phlegm and mucus, and grew worse month by month. I was very miserable, and tried several local doctors, but got no perma- nent relief from them. I therefore gave up all hope of ever getting well again. I happened, however, to see one of your books about this time, and after a good deal hesitation I de- cided to try for health once more. Under your Treatment I improved from the first, but ceasing it too soon I contracted cold and had a relapse. I then sent for another Course of your Treat- ment, and this thoroughly cured me. It is about a year since I ceased the use of your Treatment, and there is no sign of my trouble returning. I have no cough, shortness of breath or other symptoms of my former sickness, and seem to be permanently cured. I snnd this letter of encouragement for the benefit of sufferers, and I hope that it may induce some one to try your Treatment. Yours truly, (MRS.) KATE GAFFNEY. No. 124 Cypress St., Cured by Our Treatment When Local Doctors Were Powerless. SEVERE NASAL CATARRH Hammond, Pa., Nov. 24, 1901, The Alpha Medical Institute. Gentlemen:-I am sure that I can never ex- press the gratitude that I feel for what your Treatment did for me in the short space of Three Months. For several years I was treated by a number of skilled physicians, but derived little or no benefit. I had Catarrh in the worst form, my Heart would give out at the least exercise, and I was badly afflicted with Female Weakness. My Nerves were greatly weakened, and my Sys- tem seemed to be breaking down. With such a severe complication of ailments I scarcely hoped for a cure. Under your Treatment, however, I was quickly restored to health, and I can truth- fully state that I never felt better in my life than I do at present. I feel that I owe my health and life to your Treatment, and I would advise all sufferers to give your Medicine a trial. From experience it will be found that your Treatment is all that it is recommended to be. I would specially advise ladies who suffer as I did to consult The Alpha Medical Institute, and I can assure such that thev will And relief and a cure. With thanks for your Treatment in my case I will close, wishing you continued success. Yours very truly, (MRS.) LIZZIE CARLETON. Raymilton, Pa., Dec. 30, 1901. The Alpha Medical Institute. Gentlemen:-I suffered for years with Catarrh ! of the Head in its worst form and I was hardly ever without Headache. My Nostrils were so badly obstructed with scabs that breathing was difficult, and when the obstructions were re- moved bleeding would follow. The accumula-! tions in my 'I hroat caused a great deal of hawk- ing and coughing. I tried several doctors hut none of them did me any good. At last my father heard of your wonderful Treatment and procured it for me. It helped me at once and I continued its use and was fully cured. I now feel and look like a different girl and I can truthfully state that your Treatment will do all that you claim for it. I know what it did for , me and I will recommend it to all who suffer | from Catarrh and similar troubles. Four years have passed since I was cured by j your Treatment and find no traces of the disease i returning. With heartfelt gratitude, I remain, Your sincere friend, (MISS) MARY A. WIKE. I The Alpha Medical Institute, Sycamore and Sixth Streets, CINCINNATI, OHIO,