CATALOGUE OF INDIGENOUS AND FOREIGN MEDICINAL R00T.S, HERBS, BARKS, FLOWERS, SEEDS, &C, PRESSED IN POUND, HALF LB. AND OZ. PACKAGES OR IN BULK. ALSO A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, FEOM THE LABORATORIES OP Messrs. Keith & Co., N. Y., and Wm. S. Merrill & Co., 0. SHAKERS AND TILDEN'S EXTRACTS, AT THE MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. Together with many Officinal Preparations, made according to King's Eclectic Dispensatory, expressly for Physicians. ALL THE ARTICLES MENTIONED IS THE CATALOGUE ARE RELIABLE. Orders from Physicians, Druggists, and others punctually attended to, and sent to all parts of the United States, by addressing Dr. WM. ARMSTRONG, 722 Market Street, Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA: COLLINS, PRINTER, 705 JAYNE STREET. 1859. CATALOGUE. Common names. Abscess root, Aconite leaves, Aconite root, Powdered. Agrimony, Alder Bark, Black, Alder Berries, Black, Alder, Red or Tag, Alder, Striped. Alum root, Angelica leaves, Angelica root, Angelica seeds, Angustura Bark, Anise seed, Anti-Bilious Powder, Apple, Peru. Appletree bark, Arbutus, Trailing. Archangel, Arnica flowers, Arnica root, Arse-smart. Ash Bark, Prickly, Powdered. Ash berries, Prickly, Powdered. Ash Bark, White, Ash Mountain Bark, Asparagus root, Asthma weed. Aven's root, Botanic names. Per lb. Polemonium reptans, 1 00 Aconitum napellus, 75 it •' 1 00 Agrimonia eupatoria, 50 Prinos verticillatus, 30 Alnus serrulata, 30 See Witch Hazel. 30 Heucheria acerifolia, 50 Angelica atropurpurea, 30 50 (« << 50 Galipea officinal, 75 Pimpinella anisum, 30 See Thorn Apple. 40 Pyrus malus, 40 See Gravel Plant. 50 Angelica Archangelica, 50 Arnica montana, 50 T) GOLBEST PERFUMERIES, MANUFACTUKED AT THE Rochester Chemical Works, Rochester, N. Y.* WOOD WORTH & BURNELL, Proprietors. The following list comprises a part of the most important articles now offered to the trade, to which additions are con- stantly being made, as the wants of the public require. We call attention to our Handkerchief Extracts, from German and French Recipes. In delicacy and persistency of odor, they are surpassed by none in the world. Our Flavoring Extracts stand unrivalled. Our Colognes, Odors, Oils, and Pomades are varied, rich, and very desirable :— FLAVORING EXTRACTS. Lemon, Cinnamon, Vanilla, Ginger, Bitter Almond, Cloves, Nutmeg, Nectarine, Rose, Celery, Raspberry, Banana, Pine Apple, Cochineal, Orange, Pear, Peach, Cherry. Strawberry, HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS. New-mown Hay. Magnolia, Honeysuckle, Mousseline, Jonquil, Heliotrope, Musk Bouquet de Chantilly, Patch'ouley, Bouquet de Caroline, Verbena, ' Dady Slipper, West End, Violet, Jockey Club, Melle Fleur, Upper Ten, Orange Blossom, White Lily, Nereoly. Sweet Briar, Citronelle, Sweet Clover, Lavender, Sweet Pea, L'lac, Roge Wild Flowers, Rose'Geranium, Wild Rose. Pink, 24 NEW PERFUMES. Stolen Kiss, Ocean Telegraph, Frangipanni, Kissed-me-Quick, Bouquet Rose Bud, Busy Bee, " May Queen, " Opera. FOR THE TOILET. Ext. Spring Flowers, Ext. Summer Flowers, Ext. Winter Blossom, Ext. Ambros. Perfume, Ext. Oriental Perfume, Odor Opening Flowers, Odor Wild Flowers, Ext. Imperial Perfume, Ext, Fren. Upper Ten, Ext. Germ. Upper Ten, Ext. Ital. Upper Ten. Ext. Amer. Upper Ten. ODORS. Odor of Musk, Odor of Rose. Queen of Flowers, Bridal Wreath, Ladies' Toilet, Fanny Fern, Bay State, Monument, Victoria, COLOGNES. Lady Pierce, Jenny Lind, Mountain Flowers, Prairie Queen, Morning Dew, Italian Hocks, Minim. FOR THE HAIR. Mitchell's Hair Tonic and Bears' Oil, Beautifier, Mount Vernon Hair Oil, Rose Oil, Mosaic Hair Oil. POMADES, &c. German, Jenny Lind, Victoria, Mount Vernon. Imperial, Oriental, Rochester, Huile de Rose, Ambrosial, « Bgf All the articles embraced in the above list are war- ranted equal, if not superior, to any in the market, and will be furnished to Merchants and Dealers at the lowest prices. Dr. Armstrong is agent for Philadelphia.