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D« 1832 KALOR^MX WASHINGTON 9, * * G-C BIRDSALL.M D 1832 Ka^orAMa Hoad Washington 9, d. a REPERTORY TO THE MORE CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS OF THE MATERIA MEDICA ARRANGED BY CONSTANTINE LIPPE, A.M., M.D>: Cnfyrighted iKyq by Constantine LiH^mtr_^^. . ^ obRary OF THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR HOMOEOPATHY NEW YORK. STEAM PRE^S OF BEDETJ, & BROTHER, 3RD Avenue 175TH Street TO Doctor CONSTANTINE HERING, OF PHILADELPHIA, PA., IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED. r. Dros. Euph. Ferr. Graph. Grat. Kal.-c. Kali-nitr. Led. Lye. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Mosch. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nice. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux. Op. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Ruta.-WW.Sass. Sail. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Staph.Stront. Sulph. Tart. Thuj. Valer. Verat. Anx ety timid, Alum. Atnm-m. Calad. Calc. Canth. Caust. Cina. Mgn-s. Meny. Merc. Nice. Phell. Sep. Spig. Stront. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Tart. Verat. — fearful, Amm-c. Aur. Calc. Caust. Cocc. Coff. Big. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lach. Mgn-s. Meny. Sulph. Verat. — by thoughts, excitable, Calc. — compelling rapid walking, Arg. — by weeping, relieved, Dig. Graph. Tabac. — in chest, Phosp. — of conscience, Ferr. — in pregnant women, Con. Anxiety, in the morning. Alum. Anac.Ars. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Graph. Igt Ip. Lye Nitr-ac. Nux. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Veiat. — 3AM., Ars. — in the forenoon, Ran-b. ------afternoon, Ai th. Amm-r. Bell. Bov. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg.Vlrxx-c. Ntr-c. Nitr. Nux. Phosp-ac.Puis. 'I abac. -------evening, Ambr. Ars. Bry. Calad. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cocc. Dig. Dro*.Graph.//V/Wr.Kali-jod. Laur. Lye. Miiti-c. Meic. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. ---------relieved, Amm-c. ---------in he \,A mbr. Ammc. Ars.Ba?-c. Carb-veg. Caust. Cocc. Graph. Hepar. Laur. Lye. Mgu-c. Mgn-m. Nitr. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Stront. Sulph. Verat. ----twilight, Ambr. Ars. Calc. Carb-veg. Disr. Laur. Nux. Rhus. Sep. ----niglit. Aeon. Alum. Arn Ars. Bell. Calc. Cannab.Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Dig. Ferr. Graph. Hepar. Hyosc. /gt. Kali-c. Lvc. Mgn-c. Merc.Ntr-m.Nitr-ac.Nux.Peir. P/.o p. Pib. Puis. Ran-sc. Rh wj-.Sep.Sil. Sulph. Verat. Zinc. — periodical attacks, Ars. Cham. Cocc Nti-c. Ntr-m. Phosp. Plat. Sep. Spong. Sulph. Anxiety, when alone, Bros. Mez. Phosp. — in chi'dren, Horax. Calc. Kali-c. — on awaking. Amm-c. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Con. Graph. Igt Ip. Lye. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Sep. Sil. Sulph. — in company, in a crowd, Bell. Lvc Petr. Plat. ' ' — on falling asleep, Calc. Lye — from noise, Caust. Sil. I. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Anxiety when riding in a caniage, Borax. Lach. ----sitting, Caust. Graph. ----rising fioin sitting. Verat. ----speaking, Alum. Ambr. Plat. — during a itorm, Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Phosp. ----walking, Anac. Arg. Arg-n. Bell. Cina. Hepar Igt. Nux. Piat. Staph. -------rapidly, Staph. ----the approach of others, Lye. — during mental labor, Ntr-c. — from meditation, Aeon. Ars.Calc.Camph. Cham. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sec-c. Verat. — in open air, Cina. ---------relieved, Laur. Mgn-m. — after vexation Lye. Veiat. — hypochondriacal, Amm-c. Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Calad. Canth. Cham. Dros. Kali-chl. Mosch. Nir-m. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Phosp-ac Valer. — hysteiic, Asa-f. Con. — tremulous, as if death were near, Ars. Bell. Ntr-c. Plat. Psor. Puis. Sass. Tart. — with pains in abdomen, Ars.Aur. Cham. Cupr-ac. — burning in stomach and coldness of body, Jatr. —■ congestion, Calc. — dyspnoea, Ars Creos. Hydroc-ac. Plat. Seneg. — head iChe, Aeon. Alum. Bell. Bov.Calc. Carb-veg Caust. Graph. Laur. Mgn-c. Phosp. Puis. Ruta. Sulph. — head sweat of, Ars. Carb-veg. Nux. Phosp. Sep. — with pain at heart, Nux. Spong. ----pressure at, tearing in loins and restlessness. Rhus. -------palpitation, Aeon. Aur. Calc. Cham. Dig. Ferr. Igt. Lvc. Mosch. Ntr-m. Nux. Plat. Puis. Ruta. Spig. Tart. Verat. — heat, Alum. Arn. Ars. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Chin. Dros. Grat. Hepar. Mgu-c. Mgn-m. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puis. Ruta. Sep. Spong. — humming in ears, Puis — shuddering. Bell. Calc. Carb-veg.Ntr-c. Plat. Puis. Tabac Verat. — perspiration. Ars. Graph. Nux. — pupils dilated, Nux. — syncope, Ars. — tremor, Ars. Plat. Puis. Sass. Tart. — weakness, Amm-c. — with nausea, Bar-m. Graph. Nux. Puis. Apathy, mental, Hyosc. Phosp-ac. Stram. Apprehensions, Aeon. Amm-c. Bar-c. Bell. Brv. Calc. Caust. Chin. Clem. Cocc. Coff. Dig. Glon Graph. Hell. Hepar. Hyosc. I> 1. Kali c. Kali-jod. Lach. Laur. Mgn-r. Mgn-s. Merc Meny. Nice. Op.Sulph.Sulph-ac. Tabac. Verat. Arrogance, Alum. Arn. Chin. Cupr. Ferr. Hyosc. Ip. Lach. Lye. Par. Plat. Stram. Verat. Assumption of importance, Cupr. Ferr. Hyosc. Lvc. Strum. Verat. Avarice, envy, Ars. Biy. Calc. Lye. Ntr-c. Puis. Sep. Aver-ion to company, (compare Love of solitude,) Amir. Bai-c. Caib-veg. Ntr-c. ----everything, Nux. Therid. Thuj. ----laugh, Alum. Ambr. ----life, Ambr. Amm-c. Ant. Ars. Aur. Bell. Beib. Carb-vig. Creos. Lach. Merc Ntr-c. Phosp. Plumb. Sep.Sil. Staph. Sulph-ac. Thuj. ----his business, Brom. Fluor-ac. Kali-c. Puis Sep. ----menial labor, Agar Chin. Graph.Iod. Kali-b. Nitr-ac. Nux. Oleand. Par. Petr. Plb. Scill. Selen. Spong. Staph. Sulph. ----others, Amm-m.Calc.FIuor-ac.Stann. ----friends and society, Anac. Con.Ntr-c. Ntr-m. ----music, Cham. Phosp-ac. Tabac. ----play, in children, Bar-c. ----being spoken to, Ntr-m. Sil. Autumnal equinox, state of mind worse after, Stiam. Awkwaidness, Ambr. Anac. Apis. Bov. Caps. Ip. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Puls.Sass. Sulph. Barking. Bell. Canth. Bashful, Chin. Begging, entreating, Ars. Stram. Bellowing, Bell. Canth. Bewildered, during paroxysms of pain, Aeon. Cham. Coff. Verat. Biting, Bell. Bufo. Canth. Cupr. Hydroph. Sec-c. Stram. Verat. Blindness, pretended, Verat. Blood, cannot look at, or a knife, the most horrid thoughts take possession if one does, Alum. Boldness. Aeon. Agar. Alum. Bov. Calad. Igt. Merc. Op. Puis. Sulph. Buffoonery, Bell. Cic. Croc. Cupr. Hyosc. Igt. Lach. Merc. Op. Stram. Calmness, Op. Calumniate, desire to, Ip. Caprice, Aeon. Bell. Calc. Caps. Croc. Lvc. Meic. Nitr-ac. Nux. Puis. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Carelessness, Aur-m. Gels. Op. Carphologia, picking the bed clothes, Arn. Ars. Bell. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Hep. Hyosc. Iod. Mur-ac. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Stram. Sulph. Cats, imagines, Puis. Stram. Cautiousness, Graph. Cen^oriousness, Ars. Guaj. Nux. Sep. Verat. Chairs, as if repairing, Cupr. 4 I. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Changeable humor, Aeon. Agn. Alum. Arn. Ars. Bell. Cannab. Caps. Carb-an. Chin. Croc Cupr. Cycl. Ferr. Gels. Igt. Iod. Kali-c. Merc-cor. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Phell Phosp. Plat. Puis. Sass. Seneg. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Valer. Zinc. Cheerful, Brom. Carb-an. Croc. Cupr. Ferr. Gum-gutt. Ox-ac. Verb. Zinc. Childish behaviour, Aeon. Anac. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Croc. Igt. Nux-m. Par. Seneg. Chin feels too long, Glon. Choler, Aeon. Anac. Aur. Bar-c. Bry. Cham. Coloc. Croc. Hyosc. Igt. Mez. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Oleand. Petr.Phosp. Plat. Ran-b. Seneg. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Verat. Clairvoyance, Aeon. Phosp. Stann. Coldness of disposition, Plat. Sabad. Scill. Company avoided, Ambr. Anac. Aur.Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Caib-an. Carb-veg. Chin. Cic. Con. Cupr. Cycl. Dig. Eugen. Gels. Graph. Hyosc. Igt. Kali-c. Lach. Lye. Mgn rn. Mang. Ntr-c. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Stann. — desired, Ars. Bism. Bov. Calc. Con. Lye. Mez. Phosp. Sep. Stram. Comprehension difficult, Agn. Ambr. Cham. Con. Hell. Lye. Mez. Ntr-c. Nux-m. Oleand. Zinc. — of what is heard, Cham. Ntr-c. ---------read, Agn. Ntr-c. Conceals himself, Ars. Bell. Cupr. Hell. Puis. Stram. Condescension, Ars. Croc. Igt. Lye. Mosch. Puts. Sil. Confidence, want of self-, Aur. Conscience alarmed, Amm-c. Ars. Bell. Cocc. Coff. Cupr. Dig. Igt. Merc. Nux. Puis. Ruta. Sil. Stram. Verat. Zinc. Conscientiousness, Ars. Cliam. Cycl. Hyosc. Igt. Lye. Puis. Sil. Sulph. ' Contemptuous humor, Alum. Ars. Chin. Guaj. Igt. Ip. Lach. Par. Plat. Puis. ----worse than in open air, or when sun shines in a room, Plat. Contradiction, Anac. Arn. Aur. Camph. Caust.Ferr. Grat. Lach. Lye.Merc.Ntr-c. Nux. Poth. Ruta. — intolerable, Aur. Igt. Nice. Oleand. Contrary humor, everything is disagreeable, Acjn. Alum. Ambr. Ant. Ars. Aur. Bell. Calc. Caps. Caust. Con. Croc. Hep. Igt. Ip. Lact. Led. Mgn-c.Mgn-m. Merc Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Sanib. Sass. Sil. Spong. Sulph. Course of thinking, slow, Carb-veg. Chin. Ip. Meny. Nux-m. Phosp-ac.Rhus.Ruta. Sep. Thuj. Cowardice, Bar-c. Cow-dung eating, Merc. Creeping about in bed, Stram. Criticise disposition to, Ars. Guaj. Lach. Nux. Sep. Sulph. Verat. Cruelty, Anac. Croc. Op. . Crying out, Ant. Arn. Bell. Borax. Cham. Chin. Cina. Ip. Samb. Sep. Verat. — suddenly, Apis. Ars. Hyosc. Lye. Stram. Cursing, Anac. Cor-r. Lye. Nitr-ac. Nux. Puis. Verat. Dainties desire for, Calc. Chin. Ip. Kali-c. Mgn-m. Ntr-c. Petr. Rhus. Dancing, Aeon. Bell. Cic. Con. Hyosc. Ntr-m. Phosp-ac. Plat. Stram. Tabac. . Darkness, state of mind worse in, Calc. Carb-an. Caust. Plat. Rhus. Stram. Valer. . Deafness, pretended, Verat. Death presentiment of, Aeon. Ars. Bell. Calc. Canth. Cupr. Kali-c. Lach. Lye. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Nux. Plat. Sep. Staph. Veiat. Zinc. Defiance, Aeon. Anac. Arn. Canth. Caust. Guaj. Lye. Nux. Spong. Dejection, Aeon. Alum. Anac. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bare. Bell. Bov. Biom. Bry. Calad. Calc. Canth. Caust. Chelid. Chin. Colch. Coloc. Creos. Crotal. Cupr. Cycl. Daph. Dros. Elaps. Llat. Graph. Hep. Hydroc-ac. 11is. Iod. Lac-can. Lach. Laur. Lvc. Mang. Merc-jod. Merc-sulph. Merc. Mez. iVtr-c. Nti-m. Ntr-nitr. Nice. Niir-ac. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Pod. Psor. Rhus. Rumex. Ruta Sabin. Sass. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Verat. Viol-tr. — in the evening, Creos. Mgn-c. Puis. Zinc. — caused by pain, Sass. — in open air, Aeth. Sabin. — affer being, angry, Plat. — when alone, Bov. Delirium, Aeon. Aeth. Agar. Anac. Ant. Am. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Canth. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cina. Coloc. Con. Cioc. Cupr. Dulc. Hyosc. Igt. Iod.. Kali-c. Lach. Lachn. Lye. Merc. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Par. Petr. Phosp. Plb. Pod. Puis. Rheum. Rhus.Sabad.Samb.Sec-c.Spong. Stram. Sulph. Verat. — cheerful, laughing, Aeon. Bell. Op. Sulph. Verat. — frightful. Aeon. Bell. Calc. Coloc. Hyosc. Nux. Op. Puis. Sil. Stram. — fuiious, Aeon. Bell. Bry. Colch. Coloc Op. Plb. Puis. Verat. Zinc. Delirium, loquacious, Bell. Cupr. Lach. Op. Petr. Plat. Rhus. Strain. Verat. — muttering, Bell. Crotal. Hyosc. Nux. Strain. Tar. — sorrowful, Aeon. Bell. Dulc. Lvc. Puis. — with eyes open, Cham. Coff.' Coloc Verat. — sleepiness, Aeon. Arn. Bry. Coloc Puis. I. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 5 Cact. Ntr-c. Calc. Arn. Calc. Sil. Sulph. Staph. Cieos Igt- Sulph. Ferr. Delirium of same subject, all the time,Petr. — periodical, Samb. — constant, Bapt. — with coldness, Verat. — cold feet, Zinc. — during the pains, Dulc. Verat. — at night on awaking, Aur. Bry Carb-veg. Colch. Dulc. Merc. Par. — when falling asleep, Bell. Bry Camph. Chin. Gels. Guaj. Igt. Meic Pnosp. Phosp-ac. Spong. Sulph. — wild, Plb. — religious, Verat. Deserted, feeling himself, Carb-veg. Despair, Aeon. Aloe. Alum. Ambr. Ars. Aur. Bov. Brom. Bry. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Chelid. Cupr. Graph. Gum-gut. Hell. Hep. Hydroc-ac. ' Igt. Iod. Kali-b. Lach. Lye. Ntr-c. Nitr Nitr-ac. Petr. Psor. Puis Tart. Valer. Verat. — of others, Aur. -■ — about ruined health, Calc. — of recoveiy, Aeon. Bry. Kali-c. Nux. Sil. ----his soul's welfare. Lye. Puis. Destruction of las things, Mcrc-jod. ----clothes (insane), Sulph. Tarant -------cuts them up, Veiat. Dictatorial conduct, Camph. Caust. Lach. Lye. Merc. Discontentedness, Alum. Amm-c. Amm-m. Ang. Arn. Aur. Bell. Bisui. Calc. Carb-an. Caps. Caust. Chin. Cic. Cina. Cinnab. Coloc. Con. Creos. Cupr. Hep. Igt. Kali-c. Ntr-c. Par. Petr. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puts. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Spong. Staph Sulph. Discouragement, Aeon. Ambr. Anac. Arn. Ars Aur. Bell. Camph. Canth. Carb an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Coloc. Con. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Graph. Hep. Igt. Iod. Ip. Lach. Laur. Lye. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Op. Petr. Phosp-ac. Plb. Pod. Psor. Puis. Tart. Therid. Thuj. Verat. Zinc. Disesteem of one's self, Agn. Disobedience, Aeon. Amm-c. Amm-m. Arn. Canth. Caps. Caust. Chin. Dig. Guaj. Lvc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Spig. Sulph. Viol-tr. Despise, disposition to, Ars. Ip. Distrust, Anac. Ant. Arn. Bar-c. Bell. Caust. Cham. Cic. Dros. Hell. Hyosc. Lach. Lye. Merc. Nux. Op. Plb. Puis. Ruta. Sulph-ac. — of futuritv, Anac. Caust. Dogmatical,' Camph. Caustv Ferr. Lach. Lvc. Merc. Dog's, afraid of. Chin. Stram. Doubtful of recovery, Aeon. Bry. Calc. Igt. Kali-c. Lach. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sep. Sulph. ----his soul's welfaie, Ars. Aur. Bell. Croc. Dig. Hyosc. Lach. Nux. Puis. Selen. Stram. Dreaming while awake, Aeon. Ang. Arn. Ars. Bell. Cham. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Lach. Merc. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Sil. Stram. Thuj. — about futurity, poetical, Oleand. Ecstacy, Aeon. Agar. Ant. Bell. Lach. Op. Phosp. Stram. Embarrassed, Hyosc. Sulph. — incompanj', Ambr. Caib-veg. Emotions predominated over by intellect, Viol-od. Ennui, Alum. Bar-c. Con. Lach. Lye. Mgn-m. Ntr-c. Nux. Pttr. Plb. Zinc. Enw, Ars. Bry. Calc. Lye. Ntr-c. Puis. Sep. Escaping, fleeing from home, Aeon. Bell. Bry. Cocc. Coloc. Cupr. Dig. Hyosc. Lach. Merc. Puis. Stram. Verat. Exaltation, excitement, A(0n. Ambr. Anac. Ang. Arn. Asa-f. Bell. Bry. Camph. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Creos. Cub. Cycl. Hydroc-ac. Hyosc. Iod. Kali-c. Kobalt. Lach. Meph. Millef. Nir-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-jug. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Sabad. Seneg. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Teucr. Valer. Viol-od. Zinc. Exaltation of fancy, Alum. Agar. An*. Bell. Cannab. Chin. Coff. Lach. Mur-ac. Op. Ox-ac. Phosp. Sabad. Stram. Sulph-ac. Valer. Verb. Viol-od. — in company. Pal lad. Sep. — nervous, Bell. Coff. Nux. Expression, deficiency of,. Con. Crotal. Kali-c. Nux. Puis. Thuj. Extravagance, Amm-c. Bell. Caust. Chin. Croc.Tod. Petr Phell. Phosp-ac. Plat. Stram. Verat. Eyes, frivolous closing of, on being ques- tioned, Sep. Faces, sees, Ambr. Arg-n. Calc. Carb-an. Caust. Op. Sulph. ----grotesque,Ambr.Calc.Carb-an.Caust. Op. Sulph. Fancies objects around him will fall, Hyosc. Fanaticism, religious, Selen. Sulph. — philosophical, Sulph. Fatigued, Led. Lye. Merc. Nux. Sass. Sulph-ac. (compare Fatigue, under Generalities.) Fatigued by reading, Sil. -------and writing, Cannab. Sil. — by the pains, Sass. ----vexation, Zinc. Faultfinding, disposed to, Ars. Ip. Fear of death, Aeon. Agn. Alum. Anac. Ars. Asa-f. Ant. Bapt. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cocc. Coff. Cupr. Dig. Graph. Hell. 6 I. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Hep. Ip. Lach. Lob. Mosch. Ntr-m. Niir-ac. Nitr. Nux. Phosp. Plat. P>or. Puis. Raph. Rheum. Sail. Sec-e. Stiam. Tabac Tarant. Veiat. Fear of culera, Lach. ----disease and miserj-, Borax. Calc. Iris. Lach. ----darkness, Bapt. Calc. Lvc. Puis. Valer.' ----futurity, Anac. Bar-c. Bry. Caust. Cnelid. Con. Dig. Dros. Dulc Graph. Grat. Ka.i-c. Mang. Ntr-c. Ntr-m Puis. bpig. Staph. Tait. ----heart disease, Lac-can. Lach. ----of being devoured, Stram. ----apjtlexy, Fluor-ac. Piiosp. ----being murdered, Op. Piiosp. Stram. ----water, Hyosc. ----going in a crowd, Aeon. ----menial derangement, Aeon. Alum. AinOr. Calc. Lac-can. Lil-tigr. Merc. Phosp. Thuj. ----misfortune. Ant. Calc. Clem. Fluor-ac. Graph. Lath. Nux. ----of being poisoned or sold, Bell. Bry. Hyosc. Rhus. ----solitude, Ars. Hyosc. Lvc. Stram. ----spectres, Aeon. Ars. Carb-ve*. Cocc. Dros. Puis. Ran-b. Sit ph. Zinc. -------in evening, Puis. Ran-b. ------y- at night, Ars. Carb-veg. Chin. Sulph. — in the evening. Calc. Carb-an. Caust Dros. Kali c. Lvc. Merc. Phosp. Puts. Ran b. Valer. Verat. — at night, Amm-c. Ars. Bell. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Con. Dros. Graph. Hep. Ip. Lach. Lye Merc. Ntr-c Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Puis. R'ius. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Zinc. Fearfulness, Aloe. Alum. Amm-c. Ansr. Ars. B.ir-c. Bell. Beib. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Caust. Chin. D:os. Iijt. Lach. Mgn-c. Nice. Op. Phosp. Plat. Psor. Puis. Ran-b. Sec-c. Sep. Spig. Spong. Sulph. Valer. Verat. Fiduely, Aur. Bell. Igt. Puis. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Fire, wants, to set things on, Hep. Flin»ing, throwing himseof about, Bell. Canth. Hyosc. Stram. Fondness, Aeon. Anac. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Igt. Nux. Par. Seneg. Foolish behaviour, Bell. Cic. Croc Cupr. Hyosc. Igt. Lach. Merc. Nux-m. Op Strain. Tanac. Verat. Forgetfulness, Aeon. Alum. Amm-c. Anac. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calad. Calc. Cinnab. Colch. Con. Croc. Cycl. Graph. Guaj Gvmnoc. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Lach. Merc Mosch. Ntr-m. NTix-m. Oleand Petr. Phosp. Plat. Rhod. Rhus. Sil. Spig. Staph. Stiam. Stront. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. Viol-od. Zinc. — of the word when speaking, Arn. ----tune and place, Meic. ----what he Ins said, Mur-ac. ----of dates, Fluor-ac. ----worJs, Bar-c Lye. Pod. ----names, Guaj. Sulph. — when awake, distinct recollection dur- ing half sleep. Selen. — on awaking, Stann. — in the morning, Phosp. Fretfulness, Aeon. Aeth. Amm-c. Amm-m. Ang. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Berb. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Cinnab. Chin. Cocc. Coloc. Con. Cor-r. Croc. Cycl. Dros. Eugen. Evon. Ferr. Graph. Hydioc-ac. Igt. Ip. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Led. Lvc. Meic. Mur-ac. Ntrc. Ntr-m. Nitirac. Arux. Oleand. Par. Petr. Phell. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Ran-b. Sabad. Sabin. Scill. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Tart. Teuer. Thea. Verat. Verb. Zinc. — about trifles, Meph. Nir-m. Nitr-ac. Scill. — in open air, Aeth. — foienoon, Ran-b. — bad effects tiom, Cist. Frightened easily, Aeon. Alum. Aner. Ant. Arn. Bell. Beib. Borax. Calc. Cannab. Caps. Carb-an. Caust. Cham. Cic. Cocc. Con. Graph Igt. Kali c. Kali-jod. Lach. Led. Meic. Ntr-c. Nir-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Op. Petr. Phosp. Plat. Rhus. Sabad. Samb. Sep. Sit. Spong. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Therid. Verat. . Fury, Aeth. Agar. Ars. Bell. Camph. Cannab. Canth. Cupr. Hyosc. Lye Merc. Mosch. Nitr-ac. Plb.Sabad.Sec-c.Seneg. Sol-nig. Strain. Verat. . Gestures foolish, Bell. Cic. Hyosc. Mosch. Nux-m. Sep. Stram. Verat. Gloominess, Anac. Aur. Bov.Caust.Cham. Chin. Con. Dig. Graph.L d.Meny. Pi tr, Plb. Rheum. Rhod. Stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Tar. Verat. Viol-od. Zinc. Godlessness, want of religious feeling, Anac. Coloc. Gossiping, Hyosc. Verat. Gravity, Cannab. Euph. Grat. Led.Nux-m. Sulph-ac. — at things laughable, Anac. . Grief, Alum. Amm-m. Ars. Bell. Calc. Caust. Coloc. Cycl. Graph. Hyosc. Igt. Lach. Lye. Ntr-m. Nux. Op. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sep. Staph. Verat. . Grief about his condition. Staph. — for the future, Ntr-c. Ntr-m. . — undemonstrative, Cycl. Groaning, Aeon. Alum. Amm-c. Bell. Bry. Cham. Cic. Cocc. Colch. Coff. Cupr. Graph. Hell. Igt. Merc. Nux. Puis. I. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Sass. Scill. Sep. Stram. Tart. Groaning childicu, Milltf. Growling like a bear, Mgn-m. ---------dog, Alum. Hell. Lye. Hanging, sees persons, Ars. Happy, Sulph. Hardheartedness, Anac. Croc. Hastiness, Ambr. Ars. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Cannab. Carb an. Con. Hep. Lach. Laur. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Sep. Stiam. Sulph. Sulph-ac Viol-tr. — in mental labors, Ambr. ----talking, Bell. Hep. Halied of offenders, Agar. Amm-c. Anac. Aur. Calc. Cic. Lach. Led. Mang. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Stann. Sulph. Haughtiness, Alum. Arn. Caust. Chin. Cupr. Ferr. Hyosc. Ip. Lach Lye. Par. Plat. Strain. Verat. Head, believes it to be transparent and speckled brown. Bell. — foolish shaking of, Bell. Cham. Help, calling for, Plat. Hesitation, Aur. Bare. Chin. Graph. Mez. Mur-ac. Nux. Puis. Seneg. Sil. Sulph Thuj. Hilarity, Aeon. Arn. Aur. Cannab. Caib an. Coff. Cioe. Ferr. Fluor-ac. Gum-gut. Laehn. Merc-cor. Ntr-m Nux-m. Sass. Seneg. Spong. Tabac. Tar. Tnerid. Verb. Zinc. — at noon, Zinc. Heme, will j.o, Lelitvfs himself not to be at. Bell. Bry. Lach. Op. Verat. Homesickness, Aur. Bell. Caps Carb-an. Hell. Igt. Merc. Nitr-ac. Phosp-ac. Sa< ch. Sil. — with rednes. Carb-veg. Caust. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Dig. Ferr. Graph. Hyosc. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux. Puis. Ruta. Sil. Stiont. Sulph. Verat. — of corpses, Anac. Ars. Bell. Canth. Hep. Ntr-c. Nux. Op. ----ciphers, Phosp-ac. Sulph. — dead, that is, Apis. Lach. — of devils, Ars. Bell. Cupr. Dulc. Hyosc. Lach. Plat. Op. Stram. Sulph. — of disease of his own body, Sabad. ----dogs, Bell. Puis. Stram. — double, of being, Anac. Mosch. — enemies, pursued by, Dros. — excited, Coff. — fighting, sees persons. Op. — of fires, Bell. Calc. Hep. Spong. Sulph. ----forms, Carb-veg. Cic. Hell. Nitr-ac. Stram. Sulph. -------black, Bell. Op. Plat. Puis. -------frightful, Bell. Op. Stram. -------rising out of the earth, Stram. ----fowls, Stram. ----geese, Hyosc. ----greatness of his own body, Plat. Staph. ----harlequin, Hyosc. ----headless body, Nux. ----heads, of having two, Mosch. -------hearing footsteps,Canth.Carb-veg. -------a bell, Phosp-ac. -------some one come in at the door,Con. — horses, Mgn-m. Zinc. — humility and lowness of others, Plat. Staph. — hunts pins, Sil. — hunter, of being a, Verat. — insects, sees, Bell. Puis. — insults imagines, Igt. Nux. Puis. — island, on a distant, Phosp. — knocking under the bed, Calc. Canth. — larger, parts of the body to be, Alum.Op. — longer, things to be, Berb. Camph. Creos. Dros. Nitrac. Sulph. — mice, Calc. Cole . Op. — people, sees, Hyosc. Mgn-c. Op. Puis. Rheum. Sep. Stram. — presence of others, strangers, Mgn-s. — proud, Plat. Stram. Verat. — pregnant, of being, Verat. — riches, of, Sulph. — rocks, Mgn-m. — scorpions, Op. — scrotum swollen, Sabad. — soldiers, Bell. Bry. Ntr-c. — some one in bed, Petr. — speaks to inanimate objects, Stram. — thieves, Ars. Merc. Sil. — transaction -jf business, Cupr. — threefold body ol having, Ars. — vexations and offences, Cham. Chin. Dros. — vivid, Op. — warts on body. Mez. — water, Hep. Merc. Tart. — young girl, imagines herself a, Cic. Imbecility, Aeon. Anac. Ant. Ars. Bell. Hyosc. Laur. Lye. A/ere. Ntr-c. Nux-m. Op. Par. Phosp-ac. Plb. Sabad. Sil. * Sol-n. Stram. Impatience, Ambr. Ars. Calc. Carb-veg. Dros. Dulc. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Ip. Lach. Lye. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Op. Pallad. Phosp-ac. Psor. Puis. Sep. Sil. Spong. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Imperious, Am. Cupr. Lye. Stront. Impetuosity, Aeon. Anac. Bry. Carb-veg. Cham. Croc. Hep. Kali-jod. Led. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Oleand. Phosp. Rheum. Sep. Stront. Zinc. I. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Impudence, Bell. Phosp. Impulsive, Cic. Inability to express oneself, Bell. Cannab. Lach Lac-can. Lvc. Nux. Puis. Thuj. — for mental labor, Aeon. Alum. Asar. Laur. Lye. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Phosp-ac. Selen. Sep. Sil. Sol-m. Spig. Spong. Staph. Therid. Thuj. -----from stupefaction in the head, Aeon. Aeth Asar. Calc. Chin. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Plat. Rhod. Rhus. Sep. ----fatigue, Calc. Colch. Ntr-c. Nux. Plat. Puis. Sep. Sil. — to reflect, think, Aeon. Alum. Calc. Cycl. Lac-can. Laur. Lye. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Phosp-ac. Selen. Sep. Sil. Sol-m. Spig. Thuj. Inattention, Alum. Ang. Amm-c. Amm-m. Bar-c. Bell. Bov. Caust. Cham. Kali-c. Merc. Ntr-m. Nux. Oleand. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puis. Sep. Sulph. — when learning, reading, etc., Alum. Asar. Bar-c. Bell. Caust. Cham. Coff. Kali-c. Ntr-c. Spig. Sulph. Inciting others, Hyosc. Inconsolable, Aeon. Ambr. Ars. Cham. Coff. Nux. Spong. Stiam. Sulph. Verat. Inconstancy, Asa-f. Bism. Igt. Op. Indifference, Ambr. Amm-c. Anac. Apis. Arg-n. Arn. Ars. Bell. Berb.Bism.Calc. Cannab. Caps. Cham. Chin. Cic Cina. Clem. Cocc. Con. Croc. Crotal. Cycl. Dig. Euphr. Gymnoc. Hell. Igt. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lach. Lvc. Meny. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m.Nitr-ac.0/.Phosp. Phosp-ac. Phvt. Plat. Prun.Puis.Rheum. Rhod. Sabin. Scill. Scc-c. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Veat Verb. Viol-tr. — does not complain, Hyosc. Op. ---------unless questioned, then says nothing of his condition, Colch. — says he is well, Arn. — no desire, no action of will, Hell. — respecting his business, Arn. Fluor-ac. Sep. Stram. — to relations. Hep. Plat. Phosp. Sep. — apathetic, Amm-c. Anac. Bar-c. Bell. Chin. Con. Hell. Igt. Laur. Mez. Ntr-c. Op. Phosp-ac. Plat Sep. — after onanism, Staph. Indignation, Coloc. Ntr-c. Staph. Indiscretion, Caps. Meny. Puis. Indolence, Amm-c. Caps. Chelid. Chin. Cocc. Croc. Crotal. Dig. Guaj. Lach. Ntr-m. Nux. Oleand. Phosp. Plat. Rheum. Sep. Sulph. Teucr. Inhumanity. Anac. Op. Injuring, mutilating one's self, Ars. Insanity, madness, Aeon. Aeth. Agar. Ant. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Canth. Cic. Croc. Crotal. Cupr. Dig. Dulc. Hyosc. Igt. Kali-o. Lach. Led. Lye. Ntr-m. Nux.m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Plat. Plb. Puis. Sabad. Sec-c. Seneg. Sep. Stram. Tart. Tereb. Verat. — alternating with stupor, Op. — to dispute, Camph. — loquacious, Par. Stram. — with pain in abdomen, Canth. Cupr. ----appetite with loss of, Verat. ----blood with discharge of, Merc. ----breathing wiih oppression of, Merc. ----chilliness, with, Calc. ----coldness of skin, with, Crotal. ----cough with, Bell. Verat. ----emaciation, with, Sulph. — — face wiih heat of, Verat. -------redness, Calc. Op. -------paleness. Croc. Merc. Verat. ----feet, stamping of, Verat. ----with fright caused by, or anger, Plat. ----headache, Croc. Verat. ----heat, Bell. Verat. ----larynx pains in, Canth. ----look wild, Cupr. ----mouth distortion of, Phosp-ac. ----obscuiation of sight, Croc. ----opthalinia, Croc. Op. ----perspiration following, Cupr. ----ptyalism, Verat. ----pulse quick, Ars. Crotal. Cupr. ----sleep during, Phosp-ac. ----trembling, Ars. ----vomiting, Cupr-ac. ----vertigo, Nux-m. ----wantonness, Hyosc. Stram. Verat. — of drurikaids, Ars. Bell. Calc.Carb-veg. Chin. Coff. Dig. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Lach. Merc. Ntr-c. A'ux. Op. Puis. Stram. Sulph. Insensibility, mental, Hyosc. Phosp-ac. Stram. Intellect predominates, over feeling, Viol-od. Irascibility, Amm-c. Arn. Br}'. Caps. Carb-veg. Caust.Cham.Graph. Ip.Kali c. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac.Nux. Petr.Phosp. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. Irresolution Alum. Ars. Bare. Calc. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Cupr. Daph. Ferr. Graph. Hell. Igt. Iod. Kali-c. Lach. Mgn-c. Me/,. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Ruta. Sulph. Tar. Irritability, .Icon. Aeth.Amm-m.Anac. Ang. Arg. Arn. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Bufo. Cact. Calm. Calc. Canth. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc.Cocc-c. Coff. Colch. Coloc. Con. Creos. Cupr. Dulc. Elaps. Ferr. Graph. Grat. Hep. Hydroph. Hyosc. Igt. Iod. Ip. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lach. Lachn. Led. Lye. Mang. Mgn-s. M.re. Merc-sulph. Mez.Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Rumex.Ruta.Sacch. Sang. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. IO I. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Strain. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Teucr. Valer. Verat. Irritability nervous, Asar. Lach. — from contradiction, Igt. — justifiable, Staph. — in cloudy weather, Aloe. — — wet weather, Amm-c. Jealousv, Apis. Camph. Hyosc. Lach. Nux. Puis' — mocking, Lach. — with rage and delirium, Hyosc. Joyfulness, Cannab. Carb-an. Croc. Meny. Zinc, (compare Hilarity.) — in evening or noon. Zinc. Joylessness. Aeon. Alum. Amm-c. Anac. Calc. Cannab Cham. Coloc. Croc. Dros. Ip. Laur. Lye. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Ol-an. Phosp. Prun. Sabin. Sil.Tabac. (compare Dejection.) Kleptomania, Ars. Bry. Kali-c. Lye. Nux. Puis Sep. Sulph. Kneeling and praying, Ars. Stram. Lamenting, Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bism. Brom. Calc. Chin. Cina. Igt. Lach. Mosch. Nux m. Nux. Phosp. Sulph. Laughing, Aeon. Aloe. Alum. Aur. Bell. Cic. Con Croc. Hyosc. Igt. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Ran-sc. Strain. Sulph. Tar Veiat. Verb. — immoderate, improved, Croc. — involuntary,- Phosp. — sardonic, Ran-sc. Sec-c. Sol-n. Zinc. — at serious things, Anac. Ntr-m. — spasmodic. Aeon. Alum. Anac. Asa-f. Aur. Calc. Caust. Cic. Con. Croc. Cupr. Igt. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Phosp. Plat Stiam. Verat. Zinc. — andwiepirg alternately. Alum. Arn. Borax. Caps. Graph. Lye. Phosp. Puis. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Verat. — aversion to, Ambr. — never smiles, Alum. Locality, errors of, Br}'. Lach. Par. Valer. Verat. Loses his way in well known places, Glon. Longing for death, Aur-m. Creos. ----the good, opinion of others, Pallad. ----light, sunshine and society, Stram. ----repose and tranquillity, Nux. ----things rejected as soon as offered, Ars. Bry. Ciiam. Chin. Dulc. Puis. Look fixed on one point, staring, Cannab. Cic. Creos. Guaj. Hell. Hyosc. Igt. Mez. Ntr-c. Ran-b. Looked at, children cannot bear to be, Ant. Ars. Cham. Loquacity, Aloe. Arg. Ars. Bell. Borax. Bov. Canth. Caust. Coff. Croc. Cupr Eugen Glon. Grat. Gum-gut.Hyosc.Iod. Kali-jod. Lach. Lachn. Mgn-c. Meph. Ntr-c. Op. Par. Selen. Stann. Strain. Tabac. Tar. Teucr. Therid. Thuj.Verat. — talks to himself, Rhus. ----about murder, incendiarism, rats, Calc. Love, disappointed, Hyosc. Igt. Phosp-ac. ----with jealousy, anger and incoherent talk, H> osc. ----silent grief, Igt. Phosp-ac. Malice, Aeon. Anac. Ars. Bell. Canth. Caps. Carb-an. Chin. Cupr. Guaj. Hyosc. Lach. Mosch.Ntr-c.Nitr-ac. A ux. Par. Petr. Plat. Strain. Mania a potu, Ars. Bell.Calc. Cannab-inb. Coff. Dig. Hell. Hyosc. Lach. Nux. Op. Puis. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Meditation, Amm-m. Cannab. Canth. Chin. Cic. Clem. Cocc. Creos. Hell. Hyosc. Igt. Laeh. Mez. Ntr-c. Phosp. Phell. P,b. Ran b. Rhus. Sabad. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Melancholy, Aeon. Agn. All-cep. Alum. Anac. Ars. Asar. Aur. Bell. Berb. Cact. Calc. Caib-an. Caust. Chin. Clem. Cocc. Croc. Cupr. Cycl. Dg. Dios. Graph. Hell. Hyosc. Igt.'lud. Iod.Kali-c. Laeh. Lye. Merc. Nir-c. Atr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux m. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sec-c. Selen. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Staph. Strain. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Tilia. Verat. — religious, Ars. Aur. Bell. Igt. Hyosc. Lach. Nux. Psor. Puis. Selen. Sil. Stram. Memory, acute Anac. Aur. Bell. Coff. Croc. Cycl. Hyosc. Op. Phosp. Seneg. — loss of, Anac. Bell. Bry. Camph. Con. Graph. Hyosc. Kali-c. Lac-can. Lath. Laur. Lvc. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Petr. Puis. Selen. Sil Staph. Stram. Verat. ----weakness, of, Aeon.Alum. Anac.Ars. Aur. Bare. Bell. Berb. Borax. Bov. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Clem. Colch. Con. Creos. Croc. Cycl. Dig. Graph. Guaj. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Lach. Laur. Lye. Merc. Merc-cor. Mez. Murex. Nir-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Nux-m. 0!eand. Op. Petr. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Verb. Viol-od. Zinc. ----for business, Creos. Hyosc. Kali-c. Phosp. Sabin. Selen. Sulph. ----what is heard, Hyosc. Lach. Mez. ----letters, when reading, Lye. ----proper names, Anac. Croc. Guaj. Oleand. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. ----what one has read, Guaj. Hell. Phosp-ac. Staph. -------has happened, Graph. Ntr-m. Sulph. -------one has just spoken, Arn. Bar-c. Carb-an. Colch. Hell. Hep. Merc. Mez. Rhod. Sulph. Verat. Memory, weakness of, sudden and period- ical, Carb-veg. I. MIND AND DISPOSITION. II Memory, weakness of, for things, names. Lye. Rhus. ------------thought. Cocc. Colch. Hyosc. Ntr-m. Staph. -------words, Bar-c. Lvc. Mental derangement from abuse of alcohol- ic drinks, Ars.Calc. Hep Nux.Op.Stram. — dulness. Alum Amm-c. Ant. Ars. Bell. Calc. Cham. Cycl. Graph. Hell. Hyosc. Lach. Laur. Lye. Mez. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nice. Arux. Oleand. Op. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Ran-b. Rheum. Rhus. Sil. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Thuj. Mental relaxation, prostration, fatigue, Aur. Calc. Colch. Lach. Lye. Mosch. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Arux. Op. Puis. Rhus. Selen. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stann. Sulph. Mild temper, Ars. Calad. Cic. Cocc. Croc. Cupr. Igt. Kali-c. Lye. Mosch. Puis. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Mind, absence of, Aeon. Agn. Alum. Amm-c. Anac. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Bov. Calad. Caust. Cham. Chin. 'Colch. Creos. Daph. Elaps. Hell. Igt. Lac-can. Lye. Mgn-c. Mosch. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux-m Nux. Oleand. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Verat. ----periodical attacks of, shoit lasting, Fluor-ac. — acuteness, Anac. Asa-f. Aur. Coff. Op Verat. Viol-od. — diminished power of, over body, Hell. — oppression ot, Evon. Giaph. Iod.Ran-b. — as if separated from the body, Anac. Misanthropy, Amm-c. Anac. Aur. Bar-c. Calc. Cic. Hvosc. Led. Lye. Ntr-m. Phorp. Plat. Puis. Stann. Mischievous, Cupr. Lach. Nux. Mi-placing words, Alum. Amm-c. Arn. Bov. Calc. Cannab. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Con. Crotal. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Kali-c. Lac-can Lach. Lye. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Puis. Rhod. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Mistakes in calculating, Amm-c. ----time, Cocc. Lach. Nux. Petr. Therid. ----measure and weight and gives wrong answers, Nux. ----speaking, Amm-c. Calc. Caust. Cham. Chin. Con. Graph. Hep. Kali c.Mang. Merc. Ntr-m. Nux. Sep. Sil. ----writing, Amm-c. Bov.Cannab.Cham. Chin. Crotal. Graph. Hep. Lach. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Puis. Rhod. Sep. Moaning, Aeon. Bell. Cham. Cic. Cina. Coff. Colch. Graph. Hell. Igt. Merc. Mur-ac.Scill.Stram.(compare Groaning.) Mocking. Ars. Chin Ip. Lach. Plat. Par. Monomania, Aeon. Carb-veg. Igt. Nux-m. Puis. Sil. Stram. Thuj. Moral feeling, want of, Anac. Bism. Con. Hyosc. Laur. Op. Sabad. Morose, Aeon. Arn. Bell. Bism. Canth. Caps. Caust. Cham. Clem.Colch.Coloc. Cieos. Evon. Hyosc. Igt I p. Lach. Led. Lvc. Mgn-m. Mang Mur-ac. Nux. Phosp. Prun. Puis. Rheum. Rhod.Sang. Sass. Sep. Stann. Sulph. 'Ihea. 'ihuj. Veib. Viol-tr. Zinc. Murder, inclination to, Ars. Chin. Hep. Hyosc. Lach. Stram. l0^^ Murdered, dread of being, Op. Phosp. Stiam. Murmuring, Apis Bell. Hyosc. Lach. Lye. Phosp-ac. Stram. Muttering, Bell. Hyosc. Lach. Nux. Stram. Naked, desires to be, Hyosc. Phosp. Obstinacy, Aeon. Alum. Amm-c.Arn.Bell. Calc. Caps Dros. Is>t. Kali-c. Lye. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Sil. Spong. Stram. Sulph. Zinc. Offended humor, Merc. Offended easily, Aeon. Alum. Ars. Aur. Bov. Calc. Caps. Carb-veg. Caust. Cina. Cinnab. Cocc. L3'c. Plat. Puis. Sass. Sep. Sulph. Verat. Openheartedne-s, Bov. Oppression, Carb vesr. Iod. Laur. Tabac. Overrating him-elf, Lach. Plat, (compare Pride.) Peevishness, Aeon. Aeth. Agar. Alum. Amm-c. .4mm-m. Anac. Ant. Ars Asar. Bar-c. Bell. Bism. Borax. Bov. Bry. Cole. Cannab. Canth. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cina. Clem, Cocc. Colch. Coloc. Con. Creos. Cupr. Cycl. Dig. Eugen. Evon. Graph. Giat. Hep. Hydroc-ac Igt; Ind. Ip. Kali-c. Lacli. Lact. Led. Lye. A/ang. Merc. Mez. Mgn-c. Mgn m. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr. Nux. Oleand. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Sabin Samb. Sass. Scill. Sil. Spong. Stann. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Teucr. Thuj. Tong. Verat. Verb. Zinc. — in evening, Mgn-c. Puis. Zinc. ----morning, Amm-c. ----open air. Aeth. Sabin. Pertinacity, Caps. Dros. Stram. Petulency, Phell. Spong. Phlegmatic, Caps. Puis. Sabad. Seneg. (compare Indolence.) Play, indisposition for, in children, Bar-c. Pleased with his own taking, Par. Possessed, condition as if, Anac. Hyosc. Positiveness, Caust. Lach. Praying. Aur. Bell. Puis. Stram. Verat. Precipitation, hurry, Ars. Bov. Calad. Camph. Igt. Kali-c. Ntr-m. Puis. Prediction of day of death, Aeon. Pride, Alum. Arn Chin. Cupr. Ferr. Hvosc. Ip. Lach. Lye. Par. Plat. Stram. Verat. Projects, forms, Anac. Ang. Chin. Coff. Oleand. 12 I. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Prophecying, Aeon. Agar. Prostration of mind, Cannab. Con. Dig. Graph. Hep. Iod. Lach. Laur. Led. Lvc. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. .Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr. Plat. Sass. Selen. Seneg. Sep. Spong. Stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Teucr. Zinc. Pursued, fancies he is, Anac. Bell. Pusillanimity, Aeon. Alum. Anac. Ang. Aur. Bar-c. Bry. Canth. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Igt. Kali-c. Lye. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr. Phosp. Puis. Ran-b. Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Verb. Zinc. Quarrelsomeness, Aeon. Alum. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Camph. Caust. Cham. Croc. Crotal. Dulc. Ferr. Hyosc.Igt. Kali-jod. Lach. Lye. Merc. Mez. Mosch. Nice. Ntr-s. Nux. Ran-b. Ruta. Sacch. Sep. Verat. — in afternoon, Dulc. ----forenoon, Ran-b. ----evening, Amm-c. Ntr-m. Questions, declines to answer, Ambr. Arn. Coloc. Euphr. Phosp-ac. Verat. Quiet, wants to be, Gels. Rage, Ars. Bell. Canth. Cham. Cupr. Hyosc. Nitr-ac. Stram. Verat. — after insults. Sang. Stram. Rancor, Nitr-ac. Rashness, Caps. Meny. Puis. Reason, loss of, Ambr. Anac. Ars. Asa-f. Aur. Bell Bry. Caps. Caust. let. Lach. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Petr. .Phosp-ac. Spong. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Recollection difficult, Berb. Iod. Mez. Thuj ((.ompare Obstupefaction, in next section.) — vivid. Croc. Relations, ignorance of his, Bell. Hyosc. Meic. Verat. — mocking his, Sec-c. Religious affections of the mind, Ars. Aur. Bell. Croc. Dig. Hyosc. Igt. Lach. Lye. Nux. Puis. Selen. Sil. Strain. Sulph. — feeling, absense of, Anac. Coloc. Repentance, quick, Croc. Oleand. Reproaches, Aeon. Ars. Caps. Chin. Igt. Lach. Lye. Ntr-m. Nux. Sep. Verat. Repugnance, aversion to others, Amm-m. Aur. Calc. Fluor-ac. Stann. — to his business, Crom. Puis. Sep. ----music, Aeon. Nux. Sabin. Resentment, long after insults, Nitr-ac. Reservedness, Alum. Aur. Bell. Bism. Calc. Caps Carb-an. Caust.Cham.Chin. Clem. Coloc. Cycl. Euph. Euphr. Grat. Hell. Hvosc. Igt. I p. Lach. Lye. Mgn-c. Man*. 'Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. 01 an. Op. Petr. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Puis. Rheum.Sabad.Sabin.Spong. Stann. Verat. Resistance, Caps. Nux. Restlessness, Aeon. Aeth. Aloe. Ambr. Amm-c. Apis. Arg. Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Aur. Bell. Bov. Biy. Calc. Camph. Canth. Caps. Carb-veg.Cham.Chin.Cinz. Coloc. Con. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Graph. Hyosc. Igt. Iod. Ip.Kali-c. Kobalt. Lachn. Lach. Lam. Laur. Lye. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Mez Mosch. A tr-c. Nux.O?.Phosp.Phosp-: c.Plb.Prun.Puts. Rheum. Rhus. Sibad. Samb. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Sol-m. Spig. Stann. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Thuj. Verat. — when alone, Mez. Phosp. — with short breathing and dysphcea.Prun. — sensation as if everything in abdomen was constricted, Mosch. — fear of future, Bry. — hysterical or hypochondrical, Asa-f Valer. — ending in rage, Canth. — in evening, Carb-veg. Laur. Merc.Nux. Phosp. — at night, (compare Sleep.) ----driving one out of bed, Graph. ----with tossing in bed, Aeon. Cham. Cina. Ferr. Merc. ----wants to go from one bed to the oth- er, Ars. Bell. Calc. Cina. Cham. Hyosc. Mez. Rhus. Sep. Verat. — during mental occupation, Ambr. Ntr-c. — in open air, relieved, Laur. — during a thunder storm, Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Phosp. r> . t r* v r. Revenge, Agar. Lach. '( ^U*.-Ci^tA *<***u*. % Rudeness, Ambr Eugen. Hell. Ilyosc.Lyc. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Stram. Verat. Running about, insane, Bell.Canth.Hyosc. A'ux. Stram. Verat. Rhyming. Agar. Rises sardonicus, Ran-sc. Sec-c. Sol-n. Zinc. Sadness, Aeon. Agn. Ambr.- Amm-c.Anac. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bov. Bry. Cact. Calc. Cannab. Carb-an. Caust. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Clem. Cocc. Coff. Con. Croc. Dig. Ferr. Graph. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Ind. Iod. Kali-c. Lact. Lam. Lye. Mgn-c. Mgn-s Meny. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-nitr. Nitr-ac. Nux. Oleand. Ol-an. Petr. Phell. Phosp. Phosr-ac. Plat. Puis. Ran-sc. Rhod. Rhus. Sec-c. Sil. Spig. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Tabac. Verat. Viol-od. Vihl-tr. Verat. — when alone, Bov. — by consolation, increased, Ntr-m. ----complaining, relieved, Tabac. — in the evening. Ant. Ars. Bar-c. Bov. Calc. Carb-an. Cast. Creos. Dig. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Kali-c. Lact. Lvc. Murex. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Plat. Ran-sc. Ruta. Seneg. Sep. Stiam. Verat. Zinc. ----bed, Ars. Graph. Stram. Sulph. ----relieved, Amm-c. — noon. Zinc. I. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 13 Sadness, forenoon, Amm-c. Ant. Cannab. Graph. Phell. — morning, Alum. Carb-an. Lach. Nitr-ac. Petr. Phosp. Plat. — of pregnant females, Lach. — in a room, Plat. Rhus. ----sunshine, Stram. — walking in the open air, Ant. Coff. Con. Phosp-ac. Sep. Sulph. Tabac. Scolding, Bell. Caust. Cor-r. Dulc. Hydroph. Hyosc. Ip. Nux. Petr. Verat. Viol-od. — without being angry, Dulc. — with the pains, Cor-r. Scrupulousness, Aur. Bar-c. Chin. Graph. Nux. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. — anxious, Ars. Igt. Sulph. Self-confidence, want of, Anac. Ang. Aur. Bar-c. Bry. Canth. Chin. Igt.Iod. Kali-c. Lye. Mur-ac. Oleand. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Stram. Tabac. Therid. — contradiction, Anac. — control, want of, Lach. — willed, Calc. Dros. Senses vanishing of, Aeon. Agar. Agn. Alum. Anac. Arn. Ars. Aasa-f. Aur. Bell. Bov. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Caust. Chelid. Cic. Con. Dulc. Hyosc. Kali-c. Lach. Laur. Led. Lye. Merc. Mosch. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Nux. Oleand. Ol-an. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Ran-sc. Rhod. Rhus. Sec-c. Sil. Stann. Stram. Staph. Sulph. Tart. Verat. Zinc. Sensibility of mind, Ang. Ant. Ars. Calc. Cannab. Canth. Coff. Con. Crotal. Creos. Iod. Igt. Lach. Lye. Nux. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Samb. Seneg. Sep. Sulph. Viol-od. — excessive, Arn. Cocc. Coff. Nux. (com- pare in Generalities.) Sensitiveness, Aeon. Alum. Anac. Ang. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bov. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Cina. Cocc. Colch. Dros. Iod. Hep. Kali-c. Lach. Lye. Mgn-c. Mez. Ntr-c. Nitr. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puis. Samb. Sass. Seneg. Sep. ■ Spig. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Viol-od. Sentimentality, Aeon. Calc. Cast. Coff. Igt. Lach. Serenity, Bell. Coff. Croc. Lach. Laur. Lye. Ntr-m. Op. Petr. Phosp. Plat. Seneg. Spig. Stram. Verat. Zinc. Seriousness, Alum. Ambr. Amm-m. Ars. Aur. Bell. Borax. Cham. Chin. Cina. Euphr. Igt. Led. Merc. Nux-m. Phosp-ac. Spig. Staph. Sulph-ac. Shamelessness, Hell. Hyosc. Mosch. Nux. Op. Phosp. Stram. Verat. Shrieking, Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bell. Borax. Bry. Canth. Caust. Cham. Coff. Cupr. Hyosc. Igt. Ip. Lye. Nux. Plat. Puis. Rheum. Seneg. Sep. Stram. Verat, — for aid, Plat. — in children, Bell. Borax. Cham. Cina. Coff. Ip. Jalap. Rheum. Senna. Sighing, Bry. Hell. Igt. Lach. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Silence, Aur. Bell. Carb-an. Caust. Cham. Euph. Euphr. Hell. Hyosc. Igt. Ip. Lye. Mang. Mur-ac. Nux. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Sil. Verat. Singing, Aeon. Bell. Cocc. Croc. Cupr. Hipp. Hyosc. Mgn-c. Ntr-m. Op. Phosp. Plat. Spong. Stram. Tabac. Teucr. Therid. Verat. Sits quite stiff, Cham. Hyosc. Puis. Sep. Stram. ----still, Cham. Puis. — as if wrapped in deep, sad thoughts and notices nothing, Cocc. Slanderous disposition, Amm-c. Anac. Ars. Bell. Borax. Hyosc. Ip. Lvc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr. Sep. Stram. Verat. Smaller, things appear, Plat. Stram. Sobbing, Hell. Lob. Softness, gentleness, Ars. Igt. Solicitude, Aeon. Alum. Amm-m. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Calad. Calc. Caust. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Dig. Euph. Graph. Igt. Iod. Mgn-s. Meny. Merc. Mur-ac. Nice. Phell. Ran-c. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Stront. Sulph-ac. Tart. Tabac. Verat. Zinc. — about domestic affairs, Bar-c. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. ---------want of, Citr-ac. ----futurity, Anac. Ant. Arrv Bar-c. Bry. Caust. Chelid. Cic. Con. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Lach. Mang. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Psor. Spig. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Tart. Thuj. ----health, Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bry. Calc. Igt. Kali-c. Lac-can. Lach. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Psor. Puis. Sep. Staph. Sulph. ----his soul's welfare, Lye. Puis. Sulph. Solitude, aversion to, Ars. Bism. Bov. Cadm. Calc. Clem. Con. Droc. Lye. Mez. Phosp. Sep. Stram. Verb. — love of, Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Chin. Cic. Cinnab. Cupr. Dig. Elaps. Eugen. Graph. Hyosc. Igt. Kali-c. Lach. Led. Lye. Mgn-m. Meny. Ntr-c. Nice. Nux. Rhus. Sep. Stann. Somnambulism, Aeon. Alum, Bry. Ntr-m. Op. Petr. Phosp. Rheum. Sil. Stann. Zinc. Sorrow, Aeon. Alum. Amm-c. Amm-m. Anac. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Caust. Chelid. Cic. Dros. Graph. Igt. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr. Nux. Op. Phosp-ac. Puis. Spig. Stann. Thuj. — of futurity, Anac. Arn. Bar-c. Caust. Chelid, Cic. Con. Dig. Dros. Dulc, 14 I. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Kali-c. Lach. Mang. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Spig. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. Sorrow in evening, Ars. Dig.Graph.Kali-c. -------in bed, Ars. Graph. ----morning in bed, Alum. — night, Dulc. ----and day, Caust. Sorrowful thoughts and reflections at night, Caust. Spirituous liquors, mental derangements from, Ars. Bell. Carb-veg. Chin. Coff. Dig. Hell. Hyosc. Lach. Merc. Ntr-c. Nux. Op. Puis. Strain. Sulph. Spitting, Ars. Bell. Cannab. Cupr. Hyosc. Merc. Stram. Starts, Ang. Con. Kali-c. Ntr-m. — from least noise, Borax. Kali-jod. Sabad. — when touched, Kali-c. Striking, Bell. Canth. Hyosc. Lye. Ntr-c. Nux. Phosp. Plat. Stram. Stront. — in children, Cina. Stubborn, Aeon. Arn. Caps. Dig. Dros. Lye Nitr-ac. Phosp. Sil. Sulph. Suicide, disposition to commit, Ambr. Amm-c. Ars. Aur. Bell. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Creos. Dros. Hep. Lach. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Psor. Puis. Rhus. Sec-c. Sep. Spig. Stram. — sly disposition for, Aur. — by drowning, Ant. Bell. Dros. Hell. Hyosc. Puis. Sec-c. Verat. ----hanging, Ars. —-—shooting, Ant. Aur. Carb-veg. Hep. Nux. Puis,. ----throwing himself from a height, Bell. Superstitious, Con. Suspicious, Bar-c. Bell. Cham. Dros. Hell. Hyosc. Lach. Lye. Merc. Op. Puis. Talk, improper, Hyosc. Nux-m. Talking, slow, Thuj. — quick, hasty, Ambr. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cocc. Hep. Lach. Merc. Thuj. Verat. — about the faults of others, Ars. Verat. — incoherently, Lach. Rhus. — indistinctly, Hyosc. — like a drunken man, Lye. — nonsense, with eyes open, Hyosc. — swallows his words when, Staph. — of animals, battles, Bell. —to himself, Mosch. Talk, disinclination to, Aeon. Agar. Ambr. Amm-m. Arg. Arn. Arn. Ars. Bell. Berb. Bry. Cact. Calc. Cannab. Caust. Cham. Chin. Clem. Cocc. Coloc. Cycl. Dig. Euphr. Grat. Hell. Hipp. Igt. Ip. Lach. Lye. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Meny. Merc. Mez. Murex. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nice. Nitr-ac. Nux-jug. Nux. Ol-an. Ox-aC. Petr. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Rheum. Sacch. Sabin. Sil. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Thea. Thuj. Tong. Verat. Viol-od. Viol-tr. Zinc. Tearing things, Bell. Hyosc. Stram. Verat. Teeth, desires to pull out his, Bell. Temerity, Op. Tenderness, Croc. Terror, Aeon. Calc. Carb-an. Kali-c. Murex. Phosp. Sabad. Samb. Thieves, dread of, Ars. Con. Igt. Lach. Merc. Ntr-m. Sil. Zinc. Thinking, difficulty of Alum. Amm-c. Aur. Bell. Berb. Calc. Carb-veg. Cochlear. Con. Dig. Hell. Hydroc-ac. -#jwc\Lach. Lact. Lye. Meny. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Ahix'. Oleand. Op. Petr. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Therid. Thuj. -------with chronic dulness of mind and sensation as if a board were press- ed against the head, Calc. ---------dullness of head, Sulph. — inability for, Aeon. Alum. Cycl. Hell. Hydroc-ac. Laur. Lye. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Phosp-ac. Selen. Sep. Sil. Sol-m. Spig. Thuj. Thought, confusion of, Amm-c. Ars. Asa-f. Borax. Cannab. Carb-an. Chin. Con. Lact. Laur. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux.Phosp-ac. Sulph. Verat. — difficult connection of, Amm-c. Asa-f. Borax. Caps. Chin. Lact. Laur. Ntr-c. Nux. Phosp-ac. Sulph. Verat. — flow of, Agar. Alum. Ambr. Anac. Ang. Ars. Borax. Bry. Calc. Canth. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Coloc. Con. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Kali-c. Lach. Lye. Nitr. Nux. Oleand. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Sep. Spong. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Verb. Viol-od. Viol-tr. Zinc. — deficiency of, Alum. Amm-c. Aur. Calc. Caust. Hell. Hyosc. Ip. Lach. Lye. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Oleand. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Thuj. Verat. — instability of, Aeon. Berb. Chin. Lye. Nux-m. Staph. — vanishing of, Anac. Asar. Borax. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Canth. Carb-an. Cham. Coff. Creos. Cupr. Evon. Guaj. Hell. Hep. Iod. Kali-c. Lach. Merc. Mez. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Ol-an. Puis. Ran-b. Rhod. Staph. — slow flow of, Alum. Amm-c. Aur. Calc Chin. Dig. Hell. Hyosc. Lach. Lye. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Nux. Petr. Rhus. — fixed immovable, Iod. dwells upon unpleasant subjects, Benz-ac. Thoughtfulness, profound meditation, Amm-m. Cannab. Canth. Cham. Cic! Cocc. Igt. Lach. Ntr-c. Phosp. Plb Rhus. Sabad. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Thoughtlessness, Agn. Alum. Ambr I. MIXD AND DISPOSITION. 15 Amm-c. Amm-m. Anac. Asa-f. Bell. Bov. Cannab. Canth. Caust. Cham. Cic. Clem. Coff. Creos. Croc. Cupr. Evon. Guaj. Hell. Igt. Kali-c. Lach. Merc. Mez. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Spig. Valer. Verat. Zinc. Time seems to pass too quickly, Cocc. Therid. ------------slowly, Arg-n. Nux. Pallad. Timidity, Aeon. Alum. Anac. Ang. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Canth. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Igt. Kali-c. Lye. Mgn-c. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Phosp. Puis. Ran-b. Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Verb. Zinc. Unconsciousness, Aeth. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Cham. Cic. Cocc. Colch. Cupr. Hell. Hyosc. Kali-c. Lach. Laur. Lvc. Mgn-c. Merc. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Oleand. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Sec-c. Stram. Tabac. Tart. Verat. — sudden, Kali-c. — from congestion of blood to the head, Bell. Hyosc. — with deep heavy sleep, preceded by tingling in head and limbs, Sec-c. ----loss of speech and motion, Laur. — in forehead, somnolency (eyes closed), Phosp-ac. — cannot open the oyes, Gels. — with vertigo, Nux-m. — in the afternoon, in a warm room, with sleepiness, Puis. — and drowsiness in head, on rising in the morning, Rhod. — with tingling in head and pains in limbs, better from motion, Rhus. ----tingling in head and pains in limbs, worse from motion, Sec-c. ----pressure in eyes and obscuration of sight, Seneg. ----vanishing of sight and hearing and convulsive motions of head, Stram. Verses, writes, Agar. Ant-cr. Vexation, ( compare Fretfulness.) Vehemence, Aur. Bry. Camph. Carb-veg. Caust. Hep. Hyosc. Led. Lye. Merc. Ntr-m. Nux. Sep. Visions, Bell. Berb. Bry. Carb-veg. Dulc. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Kali-c. Mgn-m. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux. Op. Phosp. Samb. Stram. Sulph. — frightful, Bell. Bry. Op. Puis. Stram. Vivacity, Alum. Ang. Cannab. Chin. Coff. Crotal. Cupr. Cycl. Gels. Glon. Hipp. Hyosc. Ntr-c. Petr-c. Phosp-ac.Sulph-ac. Verat. Walks fast, Arg-n. Wandering talk, Aeon. Aeth. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cina. Coloc. Cupr. Dulc. Hyosc. Igt. Kali-c. Lach. Lye. Merc. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Plat. Plb. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Sabin. Sec-c. Spong. Stram. Sulph. Verat. ----of business, Bry. Hyosc. ----at night, Aur. Bell. Bry. Coloc. Dig. Op. Rheum. Sep. Sulph. Wanting pastime, Plb. Weariness of life, Ambr. Amm-c. Ant. Ars. Bell. Berb. Carb-veg. Creos. Grat. Lach. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Plb. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Verat. Wearisomeness, Aeon. Aeth. Alum. jAmm-m. Anac. Ant. Arn. Ars. Asar. Bell. Bism. Bov. Bry. Calc. Cannab. Caps. Carban. Caust. Cham. Chin. Clem. Cocc. Colch. Coloc. Con. Creos. Cupr. Cycl. Dig. Evon. Graph. Grat. Guaj. Hep. Igt. Ind. Ip. Kali-c. Lach. Led. Lye. Mang. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nux. Oleand. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puis. Ran-b. Rat. Rheum. Rhus. Sabin. Samb. Sass. Scill. Sep. Spong. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Teucr. Thuj. Tong. Verb. Viol-tr. — in the evening, Mgn-c. Puis. Zinc. -------morning, Amm-c. -------open air, Aeth. Sabin. Weep, inclination to, Aeon. Alum. Amm-c. Apis. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Berb. Borax. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cast. Caust. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Cina. Coff. Coloc. Con. Creos. Dig. Graph. Hep. Igt. Iod. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lac-can. Lach. Laur. Lye. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Meny. Merc. Mez. Mosch. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stann. Stram. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Verat. Viol-tr. — when addressed, Staph. — after rage, Arn. — in day time, Caust. ----children, Ars. Bell. Borax. Camph. Caust. Cham. Cina. Coff. Graph. Hyosc.Igt.Kali-c. Lye. Nitr-ac. Puis. Rheum. Seneg. Sil. -------when touched, Ant. Cina. Tart. ----evening, Amm-c. Calc. Carb-an. Graph. Kali-c. Kali-chl. Lact. Lye. -------relieved, Amm-c. Cast. ----morning, Amm-c. Borax. Carb-an. Creos. Prun. Puis. Spong. — at night, Alum. Amm-c. Bar-c. Borax. Calc. Carb-an. Caust. Cham. Cina. Con. Igt. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lye. Mgn-c. Merc. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Spong. Stann. Tabac. Thuj. i6 I. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Weep inclination to, by music excited, Creos. Graph. Ntr-nitr.Ntr-s. Nux. Thuj. ----during sleep, Alum. Calc. Carb-an. Caust. Cham. Con. Igt. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lye. Mgn-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Stann. Tabac. Thuj. Weeping, whining, Alum. Ars. Bell. Br. Canth. Carb-an. Caust. Cham. Cic. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Cupr. Graph. Hell. Hyosc. Igt. Ip. Kali-c. Merc'. Mez. Ntr-m. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Ran-b. Rheum. Samb. Scill. Sep. Sil. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Verat. Zinc. — and lamentation with hoarse voice, Brom. — at night, Amm-c. Anac. Arn. Ars. Bry. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cina. Hyosc. Igt. Ip. Lach. Lye. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rheum. Sulph. Verat. — during sleep, Caust. Cham. Chin. Igt. Lach. Nitr-ac. Nux. Will, want of control of, Apis. Wildness, Aeon. Mosch. Op. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Tabac. Tart. Wit, Caps. Cocc. Croc. Lach. Spong. Words, deficiency of, Anac. Caps. Cham. Nux. Phosp-ac. Thuj. Work, inclination to, Cic. Dig. Euphr. Sass. Verat. ----with heat and tremor, Psor. — disinclination for. Agar. Aloe. Alum. Amm-c. Amm-m. Anac. Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Bar-c. Bell. Borax. Cadm. Calc. Calc-ph. Caust. Cham. Chin. Clem. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Coloc. Con. Croc. Cupr. Cycl. Dig. Dros. Evon. Graph. Hyosc. Igt. Iod. Ip. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lach. Lact. Laur. Mgn-im. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-jug. Nux. | Oleand. Par. Petr. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Rhod. Rhus. Rumex. Ruta. Sabad. Sass. Scill. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Tabac. Tar. Teucr. Therid. Tong. Verb.Viol-tr.Zwzc. ----mental, Agar. Chin. Cinnab. Colch. Kali-b. Iod. Nitr-ac. Par. Petr. Ran-sc. Rumex. Scill. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Teucr. ----desire for, Brom. Kobalt. Therid. ----complaints from, Lye. Ntr-m. Yielding, pliable mind, Lye. Puis. Sil. 2. Sensorium. CLOUDINESS, GIDDINESS, VERTIGO. Cloudiness, Bell. Bry. Calad. Cocc. Crot. Lact. Laur. Mgn-m. Merc. Nux. Op. Phell. Rheum. Samb. Valer. — dull, Amm-m. Bism. Calc. Caust. Cycl. Dig. Iod. Kali-c. Lye. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Merc. Ntr-m. Ol-an. Pa;on. Phosp. Ran-b. Samb. Sil. Staph. Tart. Verat. — with cough, Rumex. — like intoxication, Agar. Alum. Ant.Arg. Aur. Bell. Berb. Bov. Bry. Camph. Cannab. Caps. Caust. Cham. Cocc. Cocc-c. Con. Cor-r. Creos. Croc. Eugen. Gels. Graph. Hydroc-ac. Hyosc. Kali-b. Kali-c. Laur. Led. Lye. Mez. Mosch. Nux-jug. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Rheum. Rhod. Rhus. Sec-c. Sil. Spig. Stram.Thuj.Tong.Valer.Verat. — with diarrhoea, Gels. -------delirium, craziness or insensibili- ty, Nux-jn. — in the morning, Agar. Alum* BelLBism. Calc. Carb-an. Cham. Graph. Iod. Mgn-m. Merc. Phosp. Verat. r-~. — __ evening, Sil. — after eating and drinking, Bell Cocc. Croc. :— in open air, Agar. --------relieved, Amm-m. — after scratching behind the ear, Calc. — in the sun, Ntr-c. — from tobacco smoking, Alum. — when walking, Camph. — from a little beer, Coloc. Con. Kali-chl. ---------wine, Bov. Con. Cor-r. — with drowsiness, Arg. Tong. ----hard stools, Kobalt. — tremor, Calc. Dizziness, confusion, indistinctness. Aeon. Aeth. Alum. Ambr. Ang. Arn. Asar. Bell. Bism. Bry. Calc. Caps. Caust. Chin. Cor-r. Croc. Croton. Diad. Dig. Dros. Hipp. Hyosc. Iod. Kali-b. Kali-c. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Meny. Merc. Mez. Ntr-m. Ntr-nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Ol-an. Op. Par. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Puis. Ran-b. Rheum. Rhod. Rhus. Samb. See-c. Selen Seneg. Sep. Spig, cf&^yt^ us&i^ u^^£/Lc^c^ -^^c ^t^- ^U^tte^t>o<^. City. tA^C§.y) 2. SENSORIUM. 17 Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Therid. Thuj. Tong. Valer. Verat. Viol-tr. Zinc. Dizziness in the occiput, Ambr. Carb-an. Plb. Sec-c. Tong. — on one side, Sulph-ac. — like a board before the head, Calc. Cocc. Dulc. Plb. — as from coryza,Berb. -------fatigue, Ntr-m. — gloomy, Ang. Arg. Calad. Clem. Dig. Meny. Merc. Mez. Ntr-m. Nitr. Nux. Op. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rheum. Samb. Thuj. Valer. — long continued, Calc. — as if muddled. Agar. -Anac. Ant. Ars. Asa-f. Bry. Cor:r. Euphr. Ferr. Meny. Mercurial. Nux Puis. Sec-c. Seneg. Staph. Tabac. Thuj. Verb. Viol-od. Viol-tr. -------nailed up, Aeon. ^g. Apis, Jatr Ten.'"" ?'.<«/.&* — dolefulness, wv — ears, hardness of hearing, Dulc. Grat. Stram. ----buzzing in, Aeon. Ars. Dulc. Lact. Murex. Puis. Sulph. ----hammering, Spig. ----heat of, Lye. ----stinging, Borax. Croton. Merc. Rhus. — epilepsy, after, Cina. Cupr. — cpistaxis, Alum. Ant. Bry. Cadm. Carb- an. Coff. Dulc. Sep. — eructations, Arg-n. Calc. Graph. Lye. Ntr-c. Nux. Phosp. Sil. Sulph. — evening, fever, Led. Lob. — eyes, bloatedness, Rheum. ----congestion of blood, Alum. ----contraction of lids, Agar. Bell. Nitr. Ntr-m. Oleand. Sep. Sulph. Tart. ----dazzling in sun, Euphr. ----downward pressure, Carb-an. — — heat, burning, Ambr. Bov. Eug. ----obscuration, dulness.Arg. Cycl. Gels. Grat. Igt. Kali-b. Meph. Mur-a'c. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Puis. Raph. Sass. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Zinc. ----pain, Ambr. Bism.Bry. Carb-an.Cina. Cocc. Croc. Croton. Eugen. Kali-c. Hipp. Led. Lye. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Psor. Puis. Seneg. Sil. Stam. -------as if torn out, Cocc. ----■ — with the pain, the eyes become smaller, Aloe. -------in back part of eyes, Kobalt. ----pressing the eyes out, Aeon. Lachn. ----running with water, lachrymation, Eugen. Igt. Osm. Puis. Spong. ----sparks, Eugen. Lach. Psor. Spong. Viol-od. ----spasm, Viol-od, ----stinging, Puis. — eyelids, twitching of, Millef. ----drawing of, Bell. Creos. — face, heat of, Aloe. Ang. Calc. Calc-ph. Cannab. Chenop. Creos. Diad. Ferr. Gels. Lob. Ntr-m. Nux.Rhus. Stront. ----pain, Lye. Sil. Tong. ----pale, Aeon. Ambr. Alum. Hell. Phosp. Verat. ----redness, Aeon. Bry. Calc. Cannab. Creos. Ferr. Glon. Igt. Kali-jod. Mgn-s. Plat. Rhus. Spong. Stront. Thuj. ----yellow, Lach. — feet, cold, Bufo. — fingers, coldness of, Hell. ----paleness, Verat. ----tearing, occasional, Nitr. — flatulency,Calc-ph. — forgetfulness, Caps. — fretfulness, Kali-c. Kali-jod. Sil. Stann. Thuj. Tong, — giddiness, vertigo, Aeon. Anac. Arg-n. Ars. Calc. Canth. Cupr. Cycl. Ferr. Gels. Hep. Hipp. Hydroc-ac. fc' Kali-b. Kali-chl. Kalm. Lach. Lob. Lye. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Meph. Merc. Ntr-c. Nice. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Prun. Psor. Puis. Sang. Sep. Spig. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Tabac. Tart. — after headache, Merc-sulph. — hands cold, Benz-ac. — heat, general, Calc. Cor-r. Merc. Ntr-s. — heaviness of limbs, Sil. — hunger, Elaps. — jaws, tremor of, Carb-veg. — impulse to run hither and thither," with, Ars. Coloc. —■ indifference, Puis. — indolence, Calc-ph.Lact. — insanity, fear of, Ambr. — irritability, Bell. Berb. Calc-ph. Creos. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lac-can. "Meph. Nux. Stann. Thuj. Tong. — lie down necessity to, Bell. Bry. Calc. Con. Ferr. Lach. Lye. Mosch. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Petr. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sass. Selen. Sil. Sulph. ----unable to remain, Coloc. Accompaindin limbs, pains as if beaten in, Aeon. — low spirits. Agar. — moaning, with, Ars. Bell. — nape, numbness in the, Spig. ----pain. Puis. Verat. -------when raising the head. Senna. ----stiffness, Arg. Graph. Lach. Mgn- c. Nitr. Spig. Verat. — nausea, Aeon. Alum. Amm-c. Ant. Arg. Arn. Benz-ac. Borax. Bry. Calc. Camph. Caps. Carb-veg. Caust. Cic. Chin. Cocc. Coloc. Con. Cor-r. Croc. Dros. Eugen. Eupat. Glon. Graph. Hep. Igt. Ip. Iris. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lac-can. Lach. Mgn-c. Meph. Mosch. Ntr-c. Nir-m. Nitr-ac Nux. Petr. Phosp. Phyt. Plat. Puis. Ran-b. Sang. Sass. Sep. Sil. Stann. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Tabac. Therid. Verat. Zinc. — with inclination to vomit, Alum. Arg. Ars. Calc. Camph. Cocc. Con. Grat! Igt. Tabac. ----and vomiturition, Stann. ----vomiting, Arn. Bar-m. Brv. Cadm. 3- HEAD. 33 Caps. Chin. Cimex. Cocc. Con, Creos. Eugen. Graph. Iris. Ip. Jatr. Kali-c. Lach. Me/.. Mosch. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Sang. Sass. Sep. Therid. Verat. Zinc. ----of bile, Nice. Sang. ----sour, Nux. Sass. — olfactory nerves sensitiveness of, Phosp. — pains in heart extend to head, Lith. — palpitation of heart, Bufo. Hep. Tart. — perspiration, general, Merc. Ntr-s. ----cold, Graph. ----in forehead warm, Glon. ---------cold, Verat. ----on head, Aeon. — precedes headache, Ferr. — photophobia, Euphr. Kali-c. Puis. — restlessness, Cadm. Cor-r. Lye. Par. Prun. Ruta. — rheumatic pains and stiffness of limbs. Sang. — pain in right shoulder-joint, Lach. — shuddering, Berb. Evon. Hell. Jatr. Lach Mgn-s. Mez. Nux. Puis. Sil.Thuj. Adhesion, sensation of, Am'. Berb. Ascending steps, pain when, Hell. Baldness, Bar-c. Fluor-ac. Lye. Zinc. Beaten, sense on head, as if, Hell. Ip. Petr. Ruta. ----on occiput, Hell. Bent forward, the head, Lach. ---------when walking, Sulph. Biting (see itching). Blood vessels distention of, Bell.Sang. Thuj. Boils, Hell. Led. Merc. Nux, Petr. Puis. Ruta. Sep. Sil. — painful, Hell. Hep. Kali-c. Merc. Mez. Nux, Puis. — — to touch, Ars. Hep. Kali-c. Ruta. — by tearing on the spot, preceded, Ruta. — burning, biting, sensitive to touch and cold, Ars. — sleepiness, Bruc. Creos. Gels. Hipp. Lach. Ntr-s. Nitr. Ran-b. Stann. Stront. — sneezing, Gels. Kali-chl. — stomach, burning in, Jatr. Sang. ----pain at, Benz-ac. Verat. -----— pit of, Arg. ----vitiated, Nux-m. Puis, (compare Generalities.) — talk, to, disinclination, Thuj. — taste bitter, Creos. — thirst, Cadm. Cham. Cupr. Eugen. Hipp. Nice. — toothache, Rhus. — trembling of body, Borax. — unconsciousness, Arn. Bell. Carb-veg. Cocc. Cycl. Kali-b. Puis. Sabin. Sil. —'■ urinal discharge, increased, Cinnab. Eu- gen. Gels. Selen. Verat. — weakness, Agar. Alum. Chin. Creos. Lob. Lye. Nux. Sil. Sulph. ----in back, Pallad. — weariness, Berb. — weep, disposition to, Ars. Creos. Plat. Ran-b. — suppurating, Calc. Kali-c. Bones, pain in, Aeon. Ant, Arg. Aur. Canth. Cina. Cinnab. Ip. Kali-b. Mez. Nitr-ac. Phosp-ac. Rhod. Ruta, Staph. ----as from air blowing, Aeon. ----as if beaten, Ip. ----as if constricted by a tape, Nitr-ac. Sulph. ----drawing, Canth. Nitr-ac. Phosp-ac. Rhod. Ruta. ----when lying, Aur. ----pressing, Arg. Nitr-ac. Rhod. Staph. ----as if separated, with increased tem- perature, Arg-n. ----stinging as from a sharp needle, Kali-b. ----as from swelling, Ant. ----tearing, Arg. Merc. Rhod. ----tension and stinging, Merc. Ruta. 4. Scalp. 34 4. SCALP. Bones, pain when touched, compelling one to cry out, Cupr. ---------pain in, increased, Mez. — swelling of, Aur. Sulph. Boring pain, Lye. — with the head in the pillows. Apis. Bell. Hell. Sulph. Bruising pain, Ars. Bar-c. Ferr, Hell. Ip. Mez. Petr. Rhod. Ruta. Burning, Ars. Bry. Coloc. Croton. Cupr. Lvc. Merc. Ol-an. Ran-b. Sabad. Staph. Tabac. Viol-tr. — to eyes extending, Spig. — on forehead, Clem. Coloc. Cupr. Diad. Meny. Sabad. Spig. — on temples, Croton. Cupr. Spig. — on vertex, Cupr. Ntr-m. Caries, Aur. Nitr-ac. Staph. — with burning pains, Phosp-ac. Chills on the scalp, Agn. Ambr. Merc-cor. Sep. Stann. Stront. Sulph. Verat. — on the part effected, Kali-jod. — commence on scalp. Mosch. Circumference of the head, great in chil- dren, Calc. Sil. Coldness on scalp, Agar. Calc. Iris. Sabad. Sep. Sulph. Verat. — sense of. Aeon. Agar. Ambr. Arn. Bell. Calc. Cannab. Chelid. Lach. Laur. Mosch. Phosp. Verat. ----on forehead, Cinnab. Merc. — one sided, Ruta. — circumscribed parts, in, Sulph. — from nape proceeding, Chelid. — from vertex down to sacrum, when head- each is over, Laur. Contraction of scalp, Ntr-m. Plat. Ran-sc. Rhus. — in skin of forehead, Gels. — sense of, Carb-veg. Chin. Plat. Sulph. Covering is intolerable, Led. — relieves, Hep. Psor. Sil. Creeping, sensation of, Arg-n. Bar-c. Cannab. Staph. Cutting pain, Clem. Sass. Daily pain of scalp, Ntr-c. Dandruff, Ars. Alum. Calc. Graph. Kali-c. Lac-can. Lach. Mez. Oleand. Phosp. Staph. Thuj. — itching, Alum. Mgn-c. Staph. ----in rainy weather, Mgn-c. Distortion of head, Camph. Cupr. From draft of air, pain. Aeon. Drawing pain, Canth. Chenop. Chin. Graph. Lact. Mgn-m. Meny. Nitr-ac. Petr. Phosp-ac. Puts. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Sass. Sep. Staph. Thuj. — to face extending, Mgn-m. — to glands of throat, Graph. ----to teeth, Graph. Mgn-m. Petr. -— on temples and forehead, Petr. Like drops of water, falling on the head, Cannab. Enlargement sense of, Arg-n. Berb. Bov. Cor-r. Daph. Dulc. Ind. Mang. Meph. Ran-sc. Therid. ----in occiput, Dulc. Eruption in general, Arg. Bar-c. Cic. Hep. ■ Lye. Merc. Mez. Nitr-ac. Petr. Puis. Seneg. Sulph. Sulph-ac. — burning, Cic. Merc. Oleand. ----after scratching, Hep. Oleand. Vinca. — crusty, Dulc. Ferr-m. Lye. Mez. Rhus. Sil. Thuj. — dry, Ars. Bar-c. Merc. Psor. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. — eating away the hair, Dulc. Merc. Rhus. — fetid, offensive, Hep. Lye. Merc. Psor. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Vinca. — herpetic, dry, Rhus. Thuj. — itching, Ars. Clem. Ferr. Hep. Merc. Mez. Oleand. Rhus. Sil. Staph. Sulph. — itching at night, Oleand. Rhus. — knots, lumps, Graph. Hep. Sil. — thick leather like crusts, thick and white pus under hair glued up, elevat- ed white scabs looking chalky, Mez. — moist, humid, Alum. ' Bar-c. Clem" Creos. Graph. Hell. Hep. Lye. Merc. Mez. Nitr-ac. Oleand. Psor. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Vinca. — painful, Arg. Bar-c. Clem. Graph. Hep. Lac-can. Lachn. Merc. Mez. Ruta. — periodical every year, Rhus. — like pimples, Arg. Clem. Creos. Hep. Lac-can. Led. Mez. Psor. Sep. — with pus filled, Ars. Berb. Clem. Puis. — scaly, Clem. Oleand. — sore, smarting. Hep. Ruta. — suppurating, Bar-m. Cic. Lye. Rhus. ----greenish, Rhus. ----yellowish, Merc. — tinea, Alum. Ars. Bar-c. Brom. Calc. Carb-an. Chelid. Cic. Creos. Graph. Hell. Hep. Kali-c. Lye Merc. Ntr-m. Oleand. Petr. Rhus'. Ruta. Sep. Sit. Staph. Sulph. Vinca. ----with liquid stools, Psor. ----dry, Dulc. Mez. — — moist, Sil. ----white, Thuj. ----to touch painful, Hep. Ruta. Erysipelas, Ars. Bell. Euph. Lach. Rhus. Fontanels open, in children, Calc. Calc- ph. Cupr. Merc. Sep. Sil. Sulph. — fall in, Apis. Formication, Arn. Chelid. Colch. Led. Ran- b. Rhus. Sabad. Tabac. Furrows on forehead, Cham. Hell. Lvc. Rheum. Rhus. Sep. Stram. Furuncles, Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Kali-c. Led. Mgn-m. Mur-ac. Nitr-ac Rhus. Gnawing sensation, Bar-c. Berb. Meny. Hair, bristling, Arn. Canth. Dulc. Lachn. Spong. Zinc. — dry, Alum. Hipp. Kali-c. Plb. Psor. Asar. Par. Canth. Sulph. Hair flabby, Phosp-ac. — flaxen, Phosp-ac. — gray, Graph. Lye. Phosp-ac. Sulph-ac. — greasy, Bry. Phosp-ac. — falling out, Amln. Amm-c. Ant. Ars. Aur. Bar-c. Bov. Calc. Carb-an. Carb- veg. Con. Creos. Cycl. Ferr. Ferr- m. Fluor-ac. Graph. Hell. Hep. Hipp. Igt. Kali-c. Lvc. Mgn-c. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Osm. Par. Petr. Phosp-ac. Phosp. Plb. Sass. Sec-c. Selen. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Zinc. -----from the eyebrows, Kali-c. Plb. Selen. -----mustaches, Plb. Selen. -----whiskers, Graph. Kali-c. Ntr-m. Phosp-ac. Plb. -----sides of head, Calc. Graph. Merc. Phosp. -----occiput, Carb-veg. -----in lying in women, Calc. Lach. Ntr- m. Sulph. — painfulness of. Alum. Ambr. Calc. Caps. Chin. Ferr. Mez Sulph. Thuj. Verat -----when brushed backwards, Puis. Rhus -----after scratching, Caps. -----as if pulled, Aeon. Alu Chin. Ind. Rhus. Selen. -----to touch, Ambr. Chin. Cinnab. Ferr. Mez. Sep. Sulph. Heat, Aeon. Aloe. Alum. Arn. Bell. Borax. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb-an. Carb- veg. Coloc. Con. Dig. Dros. Graph. Lach. Laur. Mgn-c. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr- ac. Phosp. Sep. Sil. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Tart. Verat. — on forehead, Cham. Diad. Euphr. ----with cold cheeks, Bell. — of part affected, Kali-jod. Immobility, Arn. Berb. Itching, Agar. Agn. Amm-c. Amm-m. Alum. Anac. Ant. Arg-n. Bar-c. Berb. Bov. Calc. Calc-ph. Caps. Cham. Coloc. Con. Cycl. Dros. Fluor-ac. Gels. Graph. Grat. Kali-c. Kobalt. Lach. Laur. Led. Lvc. Merc. Mez. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Oleand. Ol-an. Phosp. Puis. Ran-b. Rhod. Ruta. 4£**,"ZSabad. Selen. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Vinca. Zinc. — on forehead, Graph. Sep. Sulph. — in evening, Agn. Berb. Carb-yeg. Rhod. — at night, Oleand. Rhus. — biting, Agn. Led. Mez. Puis. Ran-sc. Rhod. Tnuj. — burning, Ars.. Berb. Hep. Lvc. Mez. Sabad. Sil. __gnawing, Agn. Bar-c. Caps. Oleand. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Staph. Thuj. __after scratching increased, Merc. Phosp. Thuj. ----with pain, Caps. Ran-b. Merc. Igt- Thuj. . Lye. Cupr. Hj_________________________35 ----changing the place, Berb. Cycl. ----rasping, Oleand. — in sleep, Agn. — stinging, Berb. Cycl. Sep. Jerking painful, Agar. Bry. Cham. Croton. Hell. Knitting the brows, Rheum. Viol-od. Lice, Psor. Sabad. Lumps, tubercles, Calc. Daph. Hell Petr. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. — painful. Hell. Nux. Puis. Ruta. — suppurating, Calc. Kali-c, In lying pain, Aur. Thuj. When masticating pain in temples, Motions convulsive, Camph. Cupr, Sep. Stram. — distortion, Cupr. — drawn to one side. Camph. Cina Hyosc. — jerks, Alum. Cic. Cina. Samb. Sep. — opisthotonos, Bell. Camph. Cic. Dig. Hep. Igt. Nux. Sep. Stram. — shocks, Cic. Kali-c. Sep. — involuntary when writing, Caust. — sinking of head backwards, Chin. Dig. — on turning head, cannot easily turn it back again, Cic. When opening the mouth, pain in temples, Ang. Movememt of scalp, Evon. Ntr-m. Sang. Sep. When moving the head, pain, Cupr Hell. Muscles twitching of, Arg. Lach. Nocturnal pain, Led. Ntr-s. Thuj. ----with chilliness and chattering of teeth, Ntr-s. Numbness, sense of, Ang. Berb. Caust. Mercurial. Mez. Petr. Plat. Painfulness of scalp, Ars. Carb-a. Carb-veg. Caps. Ferr. Lith. Ntr-s. Petr. Rhus. Sass. Tart. Thuj. from pressing of Nit Selen. hat, Bar-c Chin. Nitr. Sil. Bell. Creos. Nux. Staph. Carb-a. Agar. Carb-veg. Crot. Nitr-ac. Sil- — from scratching, Bar-c. Caps. — in small spots, Aloe. — from strain in loins, Ambr. — from touch. Agar. Ambr. Arg. Ars. Bar-c. Bov. Bufo. Chin. Cinnab. Cupr. Ferr. Merc. Mez. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Par. Petr. Rhus. Selen. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. Perspiration, Aeon. Anac. Ang. Ars. Bell. Berb. Bry. Bufo. Calc. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cina. Coloc. Dig. Graph. Guaj. Gum-gut. Hep. Kali-c. Lach. Led. Merc. Mez. Mosch. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr- ac. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Pod. Puis. Raph. Rheum. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Tart. Valer. Verat. — in evening, Calc. Sep. 36 4. SCALP. Perspiration at night, Coloc. Ntr-m. — on forehead, Chin. Croton. Hep. Lachn Led. Nux. Sabad. Stann. Tart. — clammy, Cham. Merc. Nux. — cold, Benz-ac. Bry. Cina. Cocc. Colch Croc. Dig. Hep. Lachn. Merc Cjp. Puis Verat. — — on forehead, Aeon. Carb-veg. Chin Cina. Dros. Ip. Kali-c. Staph. Verat — hot, with the pains, Cham. Glon. ----on forehead. Croton. Tart. — when walking, Led. ----in open air, Graph. Guaj. Nux. — half of head and face, cold to touch, Nux — only, hair wet, Rheum. — all over except head, Thuj. — and side on which he does not lie, Nux Sil. — oily greasy, sour smelling, Bry. — only, and palms of hands, and much turbid urine, Phosp. — semilateral, Nux. — in sleep, Calc. Merc. Pod. Sil. — during sleep, with coldness of flesh in dentition, Pod. — sour smelling, Bry. Merc Sil. — stooping, when, Berb. Plica Polonica, Bov. Creos. Lye. Psor. Vinca. Pressing pain, Arg. Nitr-ac.Oleand.Phosp- ac. Rhod. Sass. — on forehead, Cic. Chin. — on temples, Agar. Thuj. From pressure external, pain, Agar. Arg. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Croton. Nitr-ac. Sil. Prickling, Croton. Hell. Sabad. Pulsation, Chelid. Guaj. Like pulled by thehair, pain, Aeon. Alum. Canth. Chin. Iod. Rhus. Selen. Ouivering between the eyebrows when reading, Ang. Raising frequently the head from the bed, Stram. Rending, tearing, Arg. Bry. Carb-a. Carb-veg. Chenop. Graph. Lye. Ntr-c. Ntr-s. Ol-an. Rhod. Rhus. Sass. Sep. Viol-tr. — on forehead, Carb-veg; Ntr-c. — from limbs originating, Carb-veg. — on occiput, Carb-veg. — on the side, Carb-a. Kali-b. — to teeth and glands of throat, extending Graph. — on vertex, Ntr-c. Rhagades after scratching, Oleand. Rheumatic pain, Graph. Guaj. Staph. Rolling of head, Bell. -------in difficult dentition, Pod. With a rough, wind pain, Nux. Rubs the forehead, Verat. Scabs, scrufs. on scalp, Ars. Bar-m. Bov. Bi v. Calc. Carr)-a. Chelid. Graph. Hep. Ntr-m. Oleand, Petr. Rhus. Ruta. Sil. Straining, Caust. Swelling sense of, Aeth. Berb. Guaj. Dig. compare Enlargement. ----wlien entering a room, Aeth. — of scalp, Ars. Bell. Bov. Cham. Cupr. Daph. Lach. Merc-cor. Rhus. Sep. ----painful, Daph. ----purplish red, with redness of face, Cupr. ----semilateral, Daph. — inflammatory, suppurating, or becom- ing carious, pain on external pressure or when lying on them, Nitr-ac. To take cold liability, Bar-c. Calc. Carb- veg. Hyosc. Kali-c. Led. Lye. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp. Rhus. Sep. Sil. ----from having the hair cut, Bell. Glon. Tenderness, sensitiveness of scalp, Agar. Ars. Bov. Calc. Carb-a. Carb-veg. Chin. dot. Iod. Merc-sulph. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-m. Petr. Phosp. Rhus. Sass. Selen. Sil. Spong. Stann. Tar. Tong. Zinc. compare painfulness. — of temples, Nux-m. ----vertex, Scill. Tension, Agn. Ang. Apis. Arn. Asar. Berb. Caust. Lach. Lam. Merc. Nitr-ac. Ol-an. Phosp. Ran-sc. Ruta. Spig. Stront. Tar. Viol-od. — on forehead, Carb-an. Evon. Par. Phosp. ----with wrinkles, Grat. ----temples, when masticating, Ang. ----vertex, Carb-an. Throbbing in temples, Guaj. Pod. Tightness of scalp, Carb-an. Caust. Hell. Merc. Lam. Spig. — sense of, Agn. Bell. Berb. Bry.Caust. Viol-od. Thinness of skull, sense df, Bell. To touch painfulness, Agar. Ambr. Arg. Ars. Bov. Chin. Cinnab. Cupr. Ferr. Mez. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-m.W Par. Petr. Puis. Sil. Spig. Thuj. com- pare Pressure. Sulph. Scraping sensation, Lye. Shuddering, Seneg. Smarting after scratching, Oleand. Soreness, sense of, Alum. Ambr. Arg. Bell. Bry. Dros. Ntr-m. Nux. Ol-an. Par. Petr. Rhod. Staph. Zinc. Sore spots on head, Bov. Spasmodic pain, Bell. Stiffness of muscles of forehead, Jatr. Stinging, stitches, Agn. Berb. Caust. Chin. Cinnab. Daph. Dig. Euphr. Guaj. Ol- an. Phosp-ac. Phosp. Prun. Ran-b. Sass. Staph. Thuj. — at 3 P. M. Staph. — in forehead, Chin. Euphr. — on sides of heads, Phosp. — in temples, Dig. Euphr. Guaj. Thuj. When stooping pain on head, Hell. 5. EYES AND SIGHT. To touch painfulness, increased by, Agar. Bry. Mez. Sass. When touching the hair pain, Agar. Ambr. Chin. Cinnab. Ferr. Mez. Puis. Rhus. Tremor of head, Alum. Aur. Bell. Calc. Cocc. Hyosc. Igt. Kali-chl. Lith. Lye. Sep. Tabac. Tart. Tumors, Calc. Hell. Nux. Petr. Puis. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Twitching, on scalp, Agar. Bry. Hell. Ulcers small, Ruta. 37 Ulcerous pain, Petr. Rhod. Rhus. Sulph- ac. Zinc. By walking pain increased, Graph. Sass. Warmth sense of, Verat. Weakness of head, Arn. Caust. Chin. Cupr. Rhod. Spong. Viol-od. -------with falling backwards, Camph. Chin. Dig. Rhod. Viol-tr. -------------forwards, Cupr. Viol-od. -------------sideways Spong. From wrong lifting pain, Amb 5. Eyes and Sight. Aching pains in orbits, Bov. Cupr. Par. Ph. Agglutination, Agar. Alum. Apis. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cham. . Dig. Euph. Graph. Igt.Kali-c. Led. Lye.Mgn-c. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Spig. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. — in the morning, Caust. Chelid. Dig. Graph. Kali-b. Kali-c. Mgn-c. Mang. Millef. Nice. Nux. Phosp. Psor. Sass. — at night, Alum. Amm-c. Ang. Ant. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Bov. Br)'.Calc. Carb-veg.Cast. Cham. Chelid. Cic. Croc. Creos. Dig. Euph. Euphr. Ferr. Graph. Gum-gut. Hep. Igt. Kali-c. Led. Lye. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Ol-an. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Rat. Rhod. Rhus. Sass. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Tar. Thuj. Verat. Amaurosis, Aur. Bell. Calc. Caust. Chelid. Cic. Con. Dig. Dulc. Euphr. Gels. Guaj. Hyosc. Ntr-m. Op. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Zinc. (compare Paralysis of optic nerve.) — incipient, Bell. Calc. Cannab. Caps. Caust. Chin. Hyosc. Merc. Ntr-m. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Spig. Sulph. Tart. Anxious look, Aloe. Arn. Nux. Arthritic affection, Ant. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cham, Coloc. Dig. Hep. Merc. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Spig. Beaten, pain around eyes, as if parts were, Ntr-s. Biting, Berb. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Clem. Creos. Euphr. Graph. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lact. Lvc Merc. Arux. Ol-an. Petr. Rheum. Rhus. Sabad. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Teucr. Thuj. Valer. Viol-tr. Zinc. — below the eyes when rubbing, Con. — in the lids, Clem. Creos. Lye. Sep. Spig. *ftt-i~* eZt.4 ,j ----lower lid, Rhus. ----left eye, Elaps. ----left lower lid, Hyper. Illusions of sight, Bell. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb-veg. Dig. Dulc. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Kali-c. Mgn-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux. Op. Phosp. Strain. Sulph. — things seeming larger, Euph. Hyos^fc Laur. Ntr-m. Nice. Osm. Ox-ac. Phosp. ----smaller, Hyosc. Plat. Stram. -------before the right eye, Thuj. Immobility of eyes, Amm-c. Ang. Bar-m- Camph. Op. Hydroc-ac. Rat. Increased vision, can read small print dis- tinctly, Coff. Indistinct vision, Kali-jod. Osm. Stram. For infants, affections of eyes, Aeon. Bell. Borax. Bry. Calc. Chain. Euphr. Nux. Puis. Sulph. Inflammation of eyes, Aeon. All-cep. Alum. Amb. Ant. Apis. Arg-n. Ars. Asar. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Borax. Brom. Bry. Cadm. Calad. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Canth. Caps. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cinnab. Clem. Coloc. Con. Creos. Croton. Cupr. Daph. Dig. Dulc. Elaps. Eugen. Euph. Eiiphr. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Iod. Ip. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kalm. Lach. Led. Lye. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Mez. Ntr-c. Ntr. m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Op. Petr. Phosp-ac. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Ran-b. Rat. Rhus. Sacch. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tar. Teucr. Thuj. Verat. Zinc. — of upper part of eye ball as far as cover- ed with the lid, Igt. — rheumatic of left eye, conjunctiva red, swollen, looks like raw meat, redness from eye over whole cheek, Apis. — with suggilation after injuries,'Arn. — of lids, Aeon. Ant. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cannab. Caust. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Cocc. Con. Creos. Dig. Euphr. Hep. Hyosc. Iris. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lach. Lye. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp- ac. Psor\Puis.\Rhus. Rumex. Sass. Sep. Spig. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. Zinc. — edges, Bell. Cham. Clem. Dig. Euphr. Hep. Lach. Merc. Nux. Puis. Staph. Stram. — canthi, Borax. Calc. Zinc. — curuncles, Berb. — conjunctiva, Arg-n. Ars. Dig. Hep. Merc. Sulph. — cornea, Euhprc. Spig. — internal surface of lids, Ars. Bell. Merc. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. -------preventing opening, Ars. — iris, Clem. Merc-cor. Mez. Plb. Sulph. — meibomian glands, Gham. Dig. Euphr. Puis. Staph. Stram. — pupil, Plb. — acute, Aeon. Bry. Cham. Merc. Nux. Puis. — arthritic, Ant. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cham. Coloc. Dig. Hep. Merc. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Spig. — catarrhal, after a cold, Aeon. Bell. Calc. Cham. Dulc. Euphr. Iod. Nux. Puis. Sulph. — chronic, Apis. — erysipilatous, Aeon. Hep. — after suppressed gonorrhoea, Puis. — scrofulous, Ars. Aur. Bell. Calc. Cannab. Caust. Chin. Cist. Dig. Dulc. Euphr. Ferr. Hep. Igt. Mgn-c. Merc. Ntr-m. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. — syphilitic, Merc. Nitr-ac. — in the evening increased, Chin. — from foreign bodies, Aeon. Arn. Calc. Sulph. — with headache, Led. Verat. — in infants, Aeon. Arn. Bell. Borax. Bry. Calc. Cham. Euphr. Nux. Puis. Sulph. — from sand and dust, Sulph. Injuries, thrusts in the eye, Symph. — from a needle, Led. Inverted, objects appear, Bell. Irritation of eyes in evening with candle light, Lye. Itching in eyes, Agar. All-cep. Alum. Ant. Apis. Arg. Bell. Berb. Borax. Bruc. Bry. Bufo. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Creos. Kali-b. Kalm. Lach. Lob. Merc. Mosch. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nicc.Nux. Ol-an. Paeon. Petr. Phell. Phosp. Puis. Ran-b. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Viol-tr. Zinc. —. on left eye, Elaps. — about eyes, Agn. Berb. Con. — in eyebrows, Agar. Agn. Alum. Caust. Con. Fluor-ac. Laur. Par, Selen. Sil. Sulph. — on lids, Agn. Ambr, Bell. Bry. Calc Caust. Con. Croc. Cycl. Euphr. Grat. Kali-b. Lob. Mez. Nux. Paeon. Phosp. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Zinc. ----edges, Carb-veg. Creos. Jatr. Nux. 5. EYES AND SIGHT. 43 Prun. Staph. Itching canthi, Arg. Bell. Benz-ac. Berb. Borax. Bruc. Calc. Carb-veg. Cinnab. Clem. Con. Euphr. Ferr-m. Fluor-ac. Gum-gut. Led. Lye. Mosch. Mur-ac. Nux. Prun. Ruta. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. — eyelashes, Grat. — in evening, Cupr. Gum-gut. Pallad. — by rubbing relieved, Oleand. Lachrymal fistula, Calc.. Chelid. Fluor-ac. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Puis. Sil. Stann. Sulph. — discharging pus on pressure, Puis. — suppurating, Calc. Lachrymation, Aeon. All-cep. Aloe. Alum. Amm-c. Apis. Arg-n. Arn. Ars. Asar. Bell. Brom. Bry. Calc. Caps. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Cinnab. Cina. Clem. Coloc. Creos. Croc. Croton. Daph. Dig. Eugen. Euph. Euphr. Fen. Graph. Grat. Hep. Igt. Iod. Ip. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kali- jod. Lach. Led. Lye. Mgn-c. Mgn-s. Merc. Mez. Millef. Mosch. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nice. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Oleand. Ol-an. Osm. Par. Petr. Phosp- ac. Phosp. Phyt. Puis. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Rheum. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Selen. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac.Tar.Teucr. Thuj. Verat. — from right eye, Brom. Sang. — in morning, Calc. Creos. Lachn. Mgn-c. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr. Phell. Phosp. Rat. Staph. Sulph. — in evening, Asar. Eugen. Mgn-m. Merc. Phosp. Rhus. Sep. — in cold air, Dig. Lye. Phosp. Puis. Sil. Sulph. — when coughing, Sabad. — when gaping, Sabad. Staph. Viol-od. — when gazing at anything, Cinnab. ---------bright, Chelid. Mgn-m. Sabad. — from light, Creos. Dig. Puis. ----of sun, Bry. Igt. — in open air, Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Colch. Euph. Kobalt. Merc. Nitr-ac. Phell. Phosp. Puis. Rheum. Ruta. Sabad. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. ----relieved, Phyt. — with the pains, Sabad. — when reading, Croc. Grat. Nitr-ac. Sulph-ac. — in room, Asar. ----not in open air, Croc. — in wind, Euphr. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. — after writing, Ferr. — when writing, Calc. Light longing for, Aeon. Amm-m. Bell. Stram. Loosness of eyes in sockets, sensation of, Carb-an. Lumps in lids, Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Lustrelessness, Arn. Asar. Bell. Bov. Bry. Daph. Ferr. Merc. Phosp-ac. Sabin. Like a membrane drawn over the eyes, sensation, Caust. Daph. Puis. Rat. Moist spot on canthus, Ant. Motion of eyes difficult, Arn. Hep. ----lids, difficult, Arn. Mercurial. Nux- m. — of lines when reading, Bell. Cic. Con. Merc. Motionless eyes, Aeth. Ang. Arn. Bar-m. Bell. Camph. Cic. Dolich. Tart, (com- pare Staring.) Movement before the eyes, as from a swarm of insects, Caust. — of objects before the eyes, Cic. Con. Euphr. Laur. Lye. Mosch. Nux. Oleand. Par. Mucus secreted, Agar. Amm-c. Ant. Arg-n. Bar-m. Bism. Calc. Cham. Dig. Euphr. Graph. Ip. Kali-jod. Lachn. Lact. Lye. Ntr-m. Nux. Seneg. Staph. Sulph. ----in eyes drying up and forming scurfs, Arg-n. ----in lids, Graph. Lact. Sulph. ----canthi, Euph. Euphr. Kali-b. Ntr-m. ----thick mucus, Puis. — sensation as if hanging over eyes which must be wiped away, Croc. Puis. Myopia, Agar. Amm-c. Anac. Ang. Berb. Cact. Calc. Carb-veg. Chin. Con. Cycl. Euph. Graph. Grat. Hep. Hyosc. Lach. Lvc. Mang. Meph. Mez. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Ol-an. Petr. Phosp-ac. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Ruta. Spong. Strain. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Thuj. Valer. Viol-od. Viol-tr. — when reading, Grat. As if a nail stuck in the orbital margin, pain Hell. Narrowing of intervals between eyelids, Agar. Euphr. Ntr-m. Nux. Rhus. Nearer, everything seems, Bov. Cic. Stram. Like needles darting through eyes, Eupat. Nervous affections of eyes, Cic. Night blindness, Bell. Cadm. Hyosc, Stram. Verat. Nodosities,(see Hordeolum.) Obliqely drawn lids, Seneg. To open the lids difficulty, Ambr. Arg. Ars. Caust. Hydroc-ac. Hyosc. Kali-c. Merc. Ntr-c. Phosp. Spig. Sulph-ac. — in morning, Ambr. Nice. Nitr-ac. — at night, Cocc. Rhus. Sep. Openness, spasmodic, Ang. Arn. Bell. Dolich. Guaj. Hyosc. Laur. Lye. Op. Stram. ----in sleep, Bell. Bry. Ferr. Ip. Op. Phosp-ac. Samb. Sulph. Tart. Outwards, pressure in eyes, Guaj. Mgn-s. Mez. Seneg. (compare Enlargement.) As if overshadowed everything appears. Seneg. . 44 5. EYES AND SIGHT. Pain in eyeball, Ox-ac. Pod. ----and behind left eye, Pallad. Pale appearance of things, Puis. Rhus. ----when reading, Chin. Dros. Sil. Paralysis of lids, Alum. Bell. Cocc. Gels Graph. Hydroc-ac. Nitr-ac. Op. Plbifl Rhus. Sep. Spig. Stram. Verat. Zinc. — upper, Caust. Dulc. Nitr-ac. Op. Plb. Spig. Verat. ----right, Alum. — optic nerve, Anac. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cannab. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Con. Croc. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Euphr. Ferr. Hyosc. Kali-c. Laur. Lye. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Oleand. Op. Petr. Plb. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Verat. Zinc. Photophobia, Aeon. All-cep. Alum. Amm- c. Amm-m. Anac. Ant. Apis. Arn. Ars. Arum-trif. Asar. Bell. Berb. Bry. Calc. Camph. Cannab-ind. Cast. Caust. Cham. Cic. Chin. Cina. Clem. Coff". Con. Croc. Dros. Elaps. Eupat. Euphr. Graph. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kali- jod. Lach. Lye. Mgn-s. Mere. Mercurial. Mosch. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr. Nux. Phosp-ac. Phosp. Psor. Puis. Rhus. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Tar. Therid. Verat. Zing. — without inflammation of eyes, Con. Hell. — at candlelight, Borax. Calc. Cast. Con. Dros. Gels. Merc. Phosp. — in day time, Aeon. Ant. Bell. Bry. Camph. Con. Euphr. Graph. Hell. Hep. Igt. Merc. Ntr-c. Nux. Phosp-ac. Phosp. Psor. Sep. Sil. — light of fire, Merc. — in morning, Amm-c. Amm-m. Ntr-s. Nitr. Nux. — after onanism, Cina. — from sunlight, Asar. Berb. Cast. Euphr. Sulph. — in warm weather, Sulph. Presbyopia, Alum. Amm-c. Bell. Bry. Carb-an. Caust. Con. Dros. Hyosc. Lach. Led. Mgn-m. Mez. Mosch. Ntr-c. m. Petr. Phosp. Sep. Spig. Sulph. Pressing asunder sensation, Ang. Asar. Laur. Op. COtet^-. — inwards sensation, Aur. Bell. Cannab Chin. Cor-r. Daph. Tabac. Zinc. — outwards sensation, Asar. Bry. Guaj. Gymnoc. Lach. Mgn-s. Seneg. Pressure, Aeon. Agar. Aloe. Alum. Anac. Ang. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bell Bism. Borax. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cinnab. Cocc. Coloc. Con. Croc. Cupr. Ntr- Arn. Daph. Mez. Ambr. . Berb. Cast. Clem. Dig. Mosch. Euphr. Sil. Dulc. Euphr. Ferr-m. Fluor-ac. Glon. Graph. Grat. Hep. Igt. Ind. Kali-c. Kali chl. Kalm. Lach. Lact. Led Lob. Lye. Mang. Meny. Meph. Merc. Merc-cor. Mez. Mosch. Ntr-s. Nice. Nitr-ac. Nux. Oleand. Ol-an. Petr. Phosp-ac. Phosp. Plat. Plb. Psor. Puis. Ran-b. 'Ran-sc. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sass. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Staph. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Tart. Thuj. Valer. Verat. Zinc. — in right eye in evening, Kalm. — behind right eyeball, Fluor-ac. — as from a plug, Anac. — round the eyes, Arn. — in brows, Dig. — in canthi, Alum. Carb-veg. Stann. Staph. Tar. — from face upwards, Rhod. — downwards, Hell. — in lids, Bry. Cham. Croc. Cupr. Graph. Meph. Rheum. Seneg. Spong. Stann. Staph. Stram. Sulph. ----upper, Chelid. Igt. — in orbits, Aloe. Bov. Con. Cor-r. — in orbital bone, Bov. Par. ----orbital ridge, Chin. Rhod. Prickling in evening at candlelight, Sep. Protrusion of eyes, Aeon. Aeth. Aloe. Ang Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Brom. Canth. Caps. Chin. Cocc. Con. Cupr. Dros. Glon. Guaj. Hydroc-ac. Hyosc. Laur. Merc-cor. Op. Spong. Stann. Thuj. Verat. ■— sensation of, Par. Pulsation in eyes, Asar. Pupils contracted, Anac. Ars. Bell. Camph. Cham. Chelid. Cic. Cocc. Croton. Daph. Dros. Hcematox. Igt. Lact. Mang. Merc-cor. Mez. Nux-m. Nux. Plb. Puis. Rheum. Samb. Scill. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. Zinc. ----one, the other dilated, Rhod. — to contract, difficulty, Nitr-ac. — angular. Merc-cor. — dilated, Aeon. Aeth. Agn. Bar-c. Bar-m. Bell. Brom. Calc. Carb-an. Cic. Cina. Chin. Cocc. Croc. Cycl. Dig. Gels. Guaj. Hell. Hydroc-ac. Hyosc. Hyper. Igt. Ip. Lach. Lact. Laur. Led. Mang. Mercurial. Ntr-c. Nitr. Nux. Op. Phosp-ac. Puis. Raph. Samb. Sec-c. Scill. Spig. Staph. Strain. Verat. Zinc. — insensible, Aeth. Bar-m. Carb-veg. Chin, Cupr. Dig. Euphr. Hydroc-ac. Merc-cor. Op. Stram. — motionless, Bar-c. Bell. Cainca. Cupr. Hydroc-ac. Hyosc. Laur. Nitr-ac. Op. Stram. — unequal, Merc-cor. Sulph. Pustules on conjunctioa, Merc. — around eyes, Euphr. Hep. Staph. Sulph. ----eyelids, Hep. Mosch. Selen. Ouivering of eyes, Amm-m. Hyosc. Petr. Rat. Rhus. Stann. — of brows, Ol-an. Ruta. — of canthi, Phosp. 5. EYES AND SIGHT. 45 Quivering of lids,^«r. Asaf.Calc.Carb-veg. Croc. Grat. Ind. Ol-an. Par. Petr. Phell. ^.hosri.Plat. Rat. Rhod. Rhus. Sabin. Sep. Stront.Sulph.Tongo.{compare twitching). To read small print, inability,'Cadm. Meph. Ntr-c. Redness of eyes, Aeon. All-cep. Aloe. Ang. Apis. Arn. Aur. Bell. Bry. Bufo. Calc. Caps. Chin. Cinnab. Clem. Coff. Creos. Croton. Dros. Elaps. Euphr. Ferr. Glon. Hcematox. Hyosc. Igt. Ip. Kali-c. Kali-chl. Kali-jod. Lach. Mgn-c. Mgn- m. Merc. Nice. Nux. Op. Phosp. Psor. Raph. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stram. Sulph. Sulph. Snlph-ac. Tabac. Tart. Thuj. Verat. — of lids, Aeon. Ant. Apis. Ars. Aur. Bell. Berb. Bry. Calc. Cannab. Cham. Creos. Ferr. Graph. Kali-b. Merc. Mur- ac. Nice. Ntr-m. Nux. Puis Sep. Sulph. Tencr. Zinc. ----edges, Creos. — canthi, Bell. Brnc. Br}'. Iris. Kali-b. Nux. Tabac. Teucr. Zinc. — conjunctiva, Apis. Ars. Bell. Berb. Dig. Lach, Lact. Meph. Merc. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Sulph. ----of old people, Lact. — iris, Sulph. —of veins of eyes, Aeon. Aeth. Ambr. Apis. Bell. Elaps. Graph. Igt. Kali-b. Meny. Spig. Sulph. Red spots on lid, Camph. Reflection before sight, black, Phosp. -------blue, Lach. ----varigated, around objects, Cic. — around candle, Anac. Bell. Nitr. Sep. Stann. Staph. — before sight, green, Sep.) ----rainbow colored, Nitr. Stann. Rending, tearing, in eyes, Asar. Aur. Berb. Bry. Coloc. Euph. Hyper. Kali-c. Ko- balt. Lye. Nux. Prun. Puis. Scill. Ver- at. Zinc. — on brows, Thuj. — in lids, Berb. Plb. — outwards, Sil. Resetting or refixing of eyeball, sensation of, Sec. Retraction, sense of, Hep. Rub the eyes, need to, Croc. Ntr-c. Plb. Puis. Rat.Ct^^&c*// Rubbing or friction, sense of in eye, Puis. Sulph. Running together, the letters when read- ing, Bell. Bry. Clem. Chin. Dros. Graph. Hyosc. Lye. Meph. Ntr-m. Seneg. Sil. Stram. Viol-od. Sad look, Stram. As from sand in the eyes, pain, Alum. Asa- f. Berb. Bruc. Bry. Caps. Caust. Chin. Cina.Cor-r. Creos. Dig. Euphr. Fluor-ac. Grat. Graph. Hep. Igt. Kobalt. Lach. Lith. Merc. Ol-an. Phosp. Puis. Sil. Stront. Sulph. Tar. Teucr. Thuj. Viol- tr. Scabs around eyes, Merc. Sulph. — on brows, Sep. ----lids Merc. Sep. Sclerotica, distention of, Bell. Bry. Scraping pain in eyes, Puis. Scrofulous affections, Aeon. Ars. Aur.^cii. Calc. Cannab. Caust. Chin. Cist. Dig. Dulc. Euphr. Ferr. Hep. Igt. Mgn-c. Merc. Ntr-m. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Shade, all objects appear to be in the, Seneg. Shining eyes, Aeth. Bell. Cupr. Nux. (com- pare Sparkling.) Shooting pain, Apis. Berb. Cinnab. Sideways, turned, eyes, Dig. Smaller letters appear, Glon. Merc-cor. Smallness and inexpressiveness of eyes, Lach. Left eye smaller than the right, Scill. Smarting, Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Clem. Creos. Euphr. Iod. Kali-c. Lact. Lye. Merc. Ntr-m. Nux. Ol-an. Petr. Phosp. Plat. Pod. Rheum. Rhod. Rhus. Sabad. Sabin. Sep. Stann. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Teucr. Thuj. Thuj. Tong. Valer. Viol-tr. Zinc. — in canthi, Carb-veg. Con. Kali-b. Lact. Mez. Mur-ac. Nux. Phosp. Ran-b. Ran- sc. Ruta. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Tart. Teucr. Zinc. — in lids, Aur. Calc. Clem. Lye. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Sulph. Zinc. — as from salt, Clem. Merc. Nux. Sulph. Teucr. Valer. Smoky back ground of eyes, Chin. In the sockets, pain, Bell. Iod. Selen. Spig. Softening of sclerotica, Bell. — of eyelids, Sulph. Soreness sense of, Ant. Bar-c. Bry. Canth. Cham. Cor-r. Croc. Glon. Gymn. Hep. Lith. Lye. Stann. Sulph. Zinc. ----of lids, Bar-c. Canth. Cor-r. Croc. Hep. Spig. Sulph. Zinc. -------edges, Arn. Nux. Valer, ----canthi, Ang. Apis. Cham. Nux. Ran-b. Zinc. ----in caruncles, Ferr-m. -------right, Kali-b. ----orbital ridge, Plat. Sparkling eyes, Aeon. Aeth. Arn. Bell. Bry, Cainca. Canth. Cupr. Hyosc. Lach. Lachn. Merc-cor. Millef. Mosch. Nux. Stram. (compare Shining.) Spasms of eyes, Aeon. Bell. Canth. Kali- chl. (compare Convulsions.) ----lids, Alum. Bell. Cham. Croc. Hep. Hydroc-ac. Hyosc. Rhod. Ruta. Seneg. Viol-od. — in light, Berb. 46 5. EYES AND SIGHT. Spasms at night, Croc, Ntr-m. Spasmodic pain, Cannab. ----on orbital ridge, Plat. Specks, running, oozing, in canthus, Ant. Staring look, Aeon. Aeth. Alum. Ang. Arn. Ars. Asar. Bar-m. Bell. Bry. Camph. Canth. Cic. Cocc. Con. Cupr. Dig. Glon. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Kali-c. Lachn. Laur. Merc. Merc-cor. Mez. Mosch. Mur-ac. Nux. Op. Phosp- ac. Rhus. Scill. Sec-c. Seneg. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Verat. Zinc. Stiffness of eyes, Berb. ----lids, Kalm. Meny, Rhus. Spig. Stinging, stitches, Aeon. All-cep. Alum. Ant, Apis. Ars. Bell. Berb. Bry. Calc. Cham. Cic. Cinnab. Cist. Coloc. Croton. Cycl. Dig. Euph. Euphr. Ferr. Glon. Graph. Hep. Kali-c. Kali-chl. Kalm. Lach. Lye. Mgn-c. Mgn-s. Meph. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Ol-an. Petr. Phell. Phosp. Phyt. Puis. Sass. Sep. Spig. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Tar. Thuj. Viol-tr. Zinc. Zing. ----in right eye, Hyper. Lith. -------left eye, Brom. Cist. — lids, Aur. Brom. Cinnab. Cycl. Lye. Nice. Paeon. Stann. Sulph. ----lower, Euphr. — canthi, Asar. Bell. Calc. Clem. Con. Croton. Ferr-m. Phosp. — on orbital ridge, Rhod. — outwards, Dros. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Sil. — inwards, Coloc. — without redness, Lye. Strabismus, Alum. Apis. Bell. Cycl. Hyosc. Meny. Puis. Sec-c. Spig. Stram. Suggilation, Bell. Cham. Lach. Nux. — in lids, Arn. Sunken eyes, Anac. Ars. Berb. Calc. Camph. Cic. Chin. Colch. Coloc. Cupr. Dros. P'err. Glon. Iod. Kali-c. Lye. Nitr-ac. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Raph. Sec-c. Spong. Stann. Staph. Teucr. Verat. Suppuration of eyes, Bry. Caust. Nitr-ac. — in canthi, Bell. Kali-c. Led. Nux. Zinc. Swelling, of eyes, Aeon. Ars. Bar-c. Bry. Bufo. Ferr. Guaj. Kali-c. Mgn-c. Nux. Plb. Rhus. Stram. — around eyes, All-cep.. — in morning, Bar-c. ----evening, Sep. — of lids, Aeon. Alum. Apis. Arg. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Berb. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cham. Colch. Creos. Croton. Cycl. Dig. Euphr. Ferr. Graph. Igt. Iod. Kali- fa. Kali-c. Lach. Lye. Mang. Merc. Mur- ac. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux, Phosp. Psor. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Scill. Seneg. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Thuj. Valer. Verat. — hard and red, Aeon. Thuj. — between lids and brows, Kali-c. — under eyes, Apis. Phosp. — upper lids, Bry. Cycl. Igt. Kali-c. Ntr- c. — lower lids, Dig. Op. Raph. — erysipelatous of eyes and around them, Aeon. Hep. Rhus. — oedematous, Ars. Croton. Kali-b. Kali- jod. Puis. Raph. Rhus. Sacch. Teucr. — purple colored, Phyt. — watery white, Iod. — of conjunctiva, Apis. Bell. Bry, Nux, Sep. — of lachrymal caruncle, Bell. Brom. Sil. — of canthus, Bell. Sass. — meibomian glands, Nice. Swelling, sensation of, Cocc-c. Croc. Guaj. Par. (compare Enlargment.) ----of eyelids, Caust. — as after weeping, Croc. Swimming eyes, Bry. Sep. Tart. Teucr. (compare Watery.) Syphilitic affections of eyes, Merc. Nitr-ao. Tears acrid, Ars. Bell. Bry. Coloc. Creos. Dig.Euphr. Gum-gut. Led. Merc. Ntr-m. Puis. Spig. ---- during the day, agglutination at night, Igt- — biting, Creos. Dig. Eugen. Euph. Euphr. Led. Sabin. Spig. Teucr. — burning, Apis. Arn. Bell. Cadm. Creos. Eugen. Euphr. — cold, Lach. — greasy, Sulph. — mild, All-cep. — salty, Bell. Creos. — shining, Dig. Euph. Euphr. Led. Sabin. Spig. Tenderness of lids, Bad. Tension in eyes, Aur. Hyper. Lach. Nux. Plat. Sabin. Stram. — around eyes, Nux-m. — in lids, Aeon. Nux-m. Oleand. Stram. Sulph-ac. Tong. — in sockets. Plat. Thread as if in eye, Tabac. — as if tightly drawn through eyeball and backwards into the middle of the brain* Par. Throbbing in eyes, Asar. Aur-s. Rheum. Tickling about eyes, Amb/ Aur-s. Tingling, crawling around eyes, Arn. — in eyes, Spig. — in eyebrows, Croc. — in canthi. Plat. — in lids, Chin. Seneg. Torn out pain as if eyes were, Cocc. Torpor, of eyelids, Rhus. Spig. Tremor of eyes, Op. Sulph. ----lids, Carb-veg. Iod. Mercurial. Op Plat. Verat. Tremulous look, Con. Plat. Turning in of eyelashes, Graph. Puis. r 5. EYES AND SIGHT. 47 Turning in of eyelashes especially external canthus, Borax. — back of eyelids, Apis. Bell. — around in eyes sensation of, Bov. Cist. — before eyes, Scill. — of letters when reading, Cic. Con. Turned up eyes are, Cupr. Mosch. Op. ----upper lid, Igt. Twitching, Agar. Amm-m. Apis. Cham. Croton. Glon. Mez. Nice. Petr. Rat. Rhus. Selen. Stann. — right eye. Rat. — left eye, Selen. — of eyebrows, Cic. Cina. Ol-an. Ruta. — of lids, Agar. Asar. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Creos. Croc. Croton. Dulc. Grat. Hell. Hydroc-ac. Ind. Iod. Ip. Kali-b. Lye. Meny. Merc. Nux. Ol- an. Par. Petr. Plat. Puis. Rat. Rheum. Rhod. Rhus. Sabin. Seneg. Sep. Spig. Stront. Sulph. ----upper, Lachn. Ntr-m. -------left, Jatr. ----lower, Amm-c. Iod. Kali-jod. Graph. Seneg. Sep. Sulph. — canthi, Phosp. — in cold air, Dulc. — in sleep, Rheum. Ulceration of eyes, Caust. Nitr-ac. (com- pare Suppuration.) — of canthi, Kali-c. Zinc. Ulcers of lids, Merc. Ntr-m. Spig. Strain. — of margins, Clem. Colch. Croton. Euphr. Lye. Merc. Phosp. Puis. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Ulcerous pain above eyes, Hep. Unanimated eyes,. Aeth. Kali-c. (compare Dimness, lustreless.) Unsteady look, Aloe. Bell. Par. Stann. Upward, eyeball turned, Verat. Vanishing of sight. Cic. Dros. Merc. Ntr- m. Nice. Puis. Spig. Tabac. Verat. — when exerting eyes, Nice. ----looking at anything white, Tabac. ----reading, Dros. Ntr-m. ----walking, Cic. ----writing, Ntr-m. — with vertigo, perspiration and epistaxis, Ox-ac. Veil, gray before the eyes, Berb. Phosp. Sil. Veins distention of, Ambr. Bell. Kali-b. Kali-c. Spig. — blueness of, Igt. — redness of, Aeon. Aeth. Ambr. Bell. Graph. Igt. Kali-b. Meph. Merc. Phosp- ac. Spig. Sulph. ----in external canthus, Merc. ViSe, as if eyes were compressed in, Rat. Viscous matter in canthus, Agar. Ntr-m. Warts on eyebrows, Caust. As from water in eyes, sensation, Staph. Watery appearance of eyes, Bry. Creos. Daph. Sep. Tart. Teucr. Verat. (com- pare Swimming.) Wavering look, Bell. Ntr-m. Weakness of sight, -Igar. Anac. Apis. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Cannab. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cast. Chelid. Chin. Cic, Cina. Con. Creos. Croc. Daph. Dig. Dros. Euphr. Gels. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Iod. Kalm. Lach. Lact. Lam. Led. Lye. Mang. Merc. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nice. Nux- m. Osm. Par. Phosp. Plat. Rheum. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Stram. Stront. Sulph. — in morning, Phosp. ----evening, Cast. Nice. — chronic, from onanism, Cina. — of eyes, they remain in what ever direc- tion turned, Spig. ----lids, Grat. As after weeping pain. Croc. Tabac. Teucr. Wheels, circles, rings colored, before eyes, Nitr. Stront. ----fiery, Puis. Whirling sensation in eyes, Bov. Cist. — before eyes, Scill. White spots before eyes, Ars. Camph. Chin. Cocc. Nux. Op. Sulph. Rat. Wild look, Arg-n. Ars. Beit. Con. Cupr. Glon. Hyosc. Op. Sec-c. Winking, Croc. Euphr. Ferr-m. Mez. Spig. To wipe the eyes, inclination, Croc. Creos. Lac-can. Lye. Ntr-c. Plb. Puis. Rat. Yellowness of whites of eyes, Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb-an. Caust. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Clem. Cocc. Con. Corn-c. Crotal. Dig. Gels. Graph. Iod. Kali-b. Lach. Lye. Mgn-m. Ntr-c. Nitr- ac. Nux. Op. Phosp. Plb. Sec-c. Sep. Verat. — of lower part of eyeball, Nux. — brown rings around eyes, Nitr-ac. — spot on white of eye, Phosp-ac. — spots before eyes when sewing, Amm-m. In the morning pain, Aeon. Amm-c. Berb. Bry. Mgn-s. Meph. Ntr-s. Nitr. Nux. Par. Phell. Sep. Sil. Sulph-ac. ----afternoon, Eugen. ----evening, Agn. Alum. Amm-m. Apis. Asar. Berb. Bry. Cast. Chin. Con. Croc. Daph. Hep. Iod. Kalm. Led. Lye. Mgn-s. Meph. Ntr-s. Nice. Ol- an. Phell. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rat. Sass. Seneg. Tong. Zinc. ----twilight, pain relieved by light, Amm- m. At night, Apis. Kobalt. Nux. From candle light, pain, Calc; Cina. Croc. Cor-r. Kali-c. Lye. Mgn-s. Mang. Mez. Ntr-s. Nux-m. Sep. — a cold, Aeon. All-cep. Bell. Calc. Cham. Iod. Lact. Nux. Puis. Sulph. , — day light pain, Agn. Ars. Calc. Euphr. Hep. Kali-c. Kobalt. Ntr-s. Puis. Rhod. 5- EYES AND SIGHT. Ruta. Seneg. Sulph. From sun light, pain, Asar. Chin. Sulph. — dust, Sulph. While exerting the eyes, Bar-c. Carb-veg. Cina. Mang. Merc. Phyt. Plat. Rheum. Rhod. Ruta. Staph. Sulpljrac. ** - ^ = After ex-eTfthg th^ey^sfR^r ^^%^6t^t When looking at anything .bright, pain, Mgn-m. Nux. ----at a distance, Cast. ----sideways, Mgn-s. ----upwards, Carb-veg. Plb. Sabab. From mechanical causes, Arn. Croc. Led. When moving or turning eyes, pain, Aeon. Ars. Bell. Berb. Bry. Caps. Cham. Chin. Con. Cupr. Hep. Hipp. Igt. Lach. Meph. Mur-ac. Op. Ran-sc. Rhus. Spig. Sulph. ----lids, Hep. ----head, pain in eyes, Cham. When blowing the nose, momentary blind- ness, Caust. — opening the eyes, pain, Alum. Bry. Canth. Nux. Therid. ----widely, Cochlear. — closing the eyes relieved, Bry. Calc. Con. In the open air, Berb. Kalm. Merc. Ol-an. Sulph-ac. Teucr. ----cold air, relieved, Asar. When reading, Asar. Berb. Calc. Cina. Con. Croc. Cycl. Dulc. Kali-c. Lith. Ntr-c. Ntr-s. Oleand. Phyt. Seneg. Sulph-ac. fl&s*,rj*-/-£M^y.v/_/z. — right ear, Bell. Lac-can. Ran-sc. Rhod. — left ear, Calend. Guaj. Lac-can. Lith. Puis. — behind left ear. in bone to from other parts to the earextenc Mang. Otorrhoea, Alum. Amm-c. Amm-m. Anac. Asa-f. Bar-c. Bell. Borax. Bov. Calc. Calend. Caust. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cham. Cist. Colch. Con. Graph. Hep. Kali-c. Kino. Lach. Lye. Meny. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Selen. Sep. Sil. Spig. Sulph. (compare Run- ning. ) — bloody, Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cic. Con. Elaps. Graph. Lye. Merc. Mosch. Nitr-ac. Petr. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. (tending, pams, 52 6. EARS AND HEARING." Otorrhoea brownish, Anac. — offensive, Aur. Bov. Carb-veg. Caust. Cist. Kali-b. Hep. Merc. Merc-cor. Thuj. Zinc. ----like fish brine, Tellur. — purulent, All-cep. Alum. Amm-c. Amm- m. Arn. Asa-f. Aur. Bell. Borax. Bov. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Cist. Con. Gels. Graph. Hep. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kino. Lach. Lye. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Petr. Psor. Puis. Rhus. Sacch. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. ----after abuse of mercury, Asa-f. — thin, Cham. Merc. Sep. Sil. — watery, Cist. Tellur. « — yellow, alternating with difficulty of hearing, Phosp. — yellowish green, Elaps. — after measles, Colch. — after scarlet fever, Kali-b. Paralysis auditory nerve, Bell. Calc. Caust. Chelid. Dulc. Graph. Hyosc. Lye. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Op. Puis. Sec-c. Sil. Periosteum behind ear swollen, Carb-an. Pinching behind ear, Paeon. Sabin. — inside, Bell. Ferr-m. Like a plug, sensation in ear, Anac. Spig. Polypus, Calc. Staph. Pressing in ear, Anac. Asar. Asa-f. Bell. Camph. Caps. Creos. Cupr. Fluor-ac. Hydroc-ac. Mur-ac. Oleand. Rheum. Ruta. Sabad. Sass. Seneg. Spig. Spong. Verat. — behind, Thuj. — forward in ears, Cannab. Caust. Ntr-s. Nux. Par. Puis. Spong. ----in right ear, Prun. Pulsation, Calc. Mgn-m. Spig. (compare Throbbing.)! Pustules in ear, Berb. Redness of ears, Agar. Ant. Apis. Camph. Chin. Creos. Igt. Hipp-m. Mgn-c. Meph. Puis. Tabac. Oivu*^-^,) — bluish, Tellur. — in evening, Alum. Carb-veg. — behind, Oleand. Petr. Tabac. — of lobes, Camph. Chin. — one sided, Aluin^Carb-veg. Igt. Rending, tearing, in ears, Aeon. Aeth. Agar. Ambr. Anac. Arn. Bell. Berb. Caps. Cast. Cham. Chenop. Colch. Con. Cupr. Dulc. Grat. Guaj. Ind. Iod. Kali-jod. Kalm. Lachn. Merc. Meph. Mez. Mur-ac. Nux. Ol-an. Par. Phell. Phosp. Plumb. Puis. Rhod. Scill. Spig. Stann. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Verb. Zinc. — right ear, Kali-jod. — left ear, Aeon. Puis. — left to right, Aloe. — right to left, Sulph. — about the ears, Con. Rhod. ----behind, Dig. Ind. Nitr. — in front, Ang. — on ears, Chin. Dulc. — from ear down to neck, Tar. Retraction, sense of, Verb. Reverberation of every sound, Caust. Hydroc-ac. Lach. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. — of words, Nitr-ac. Phosp-ac. Phosp. Rough epidermis in ears, Oleand. Like a rough body in Eustachian tube, sensation, Nux-m. Running ears, Amm-m. Anac. Kali-c. Lye. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. (compare Otorrhoea.) — of mucus, Calc. Lye. Merc. Phosp. Puis. Sulph. — after inflammation, Kino. Scratching sensation, Ruta. Screwing pain, Bell. Sensitiveness of ears, Kali-jod. — to wind, Lach. — want of, Mur-ac. Spasmodic pain, Cina. Merc. Murex. Oleand. Ran-b. Spig. Thuj. — inside, Ang. Creos. Croc. Ferr. Merc. Mur-ac. Petr. Phosp-ac. Plat. Ran-b. Samb. Thuj. Valer. — behind Murex. Steatoma at lobe, Nitr-ac. Stench from ears, Graph. — behind ears, Oleand. Stinging, stitches, Aeon. Aeth. Alum. Anac. Ant. Arg. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Berb. Borax. Bry. Calc. Camph. Caust. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Colch. Con. Creos. Croton. Dros. Ferr. Gels. Graph. Grat. Hell. Hep. Hyper. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kali- jod. Kino. Lob. Mgn-s. Mang. Meny. Merc. Merc-cor. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nice. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Ran-b. Raph. Rat. Ruta. Samb. Sass. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Tabac. Tar. Teucr. Tlmj. Verat. Verb. Viol-od. Zinc. — in right ear, Aeon. Aeth. Caust. Creos. Kalm. Kino. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Phyt. Ran-b. Zinc. — in left ear, Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Sang. Sep. Staph. Sulph. ----to roof of mouth, same side of head and neck, sore to touch, glands swol- len, Kali-b. — through left ear from roof of mouth; Kobalt. — sudden in left ear, extending to left side of neck and sternum, Cocc-c. — first in left then right, Aloe. — first in right then left, Sulph. — on ears, Caust. Dulc. Ferr-m. Mgn-m. Ran-sc. — behind ears, Arn. Bell. Berb. Nitr. Sulph. Tabac. ----right ear, Kalm. — about the ears, Con. 6. EARS AND HEARING. 53 Stinging on the lobes, Sabad. — inwards, Lob. Ntr-s. — outwards, Amm-c. Berb. Con. Kali-c. Ntr-s. Sil. Strokes, blows, in ears, Arn. Ntr-m. Nux. Paeon. Plat. Swelling of ears, Aeon AlunfrAnac. Ant. Apis. Bell. Calc. Caust. Cist. Creos. Kali-c. Ntr-m. Nitr. Psor. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spong. Tellur. Zinc. Swelling in front, Br}'. Cist. — behind, Berb. Bry. Caps. Carb-an. Tab- ac. — in ears, Cist. Lach. Nitr-ac. — of lobes, right, Nitr. — around ears, Phyt. — ofperiosteum, behind ears, Carb-an. — of petrous portion, Caps. — sense of, inside, Thuj. Tension, Ambr. Creos. Lact. — inside, Asar. Aur. Cham. Dig. Lact. — behind, Nitr-ac. Nitr. Throbbing in ears, Aloe. Bar-c. Berb. Cact. Calc. Cannab. Carb-veg. Coloc. Graph. Lach. Mgn-m. Merc-jod. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Rheum. Rhus. Sil. Spig. Tellur. Thuj. — on lobes, Ferr-m. — disappearing on stooping, Cannab. Tickling, Aeon. Kalm. Spig. — inside, Ambr. Kali-c. Tingling, Bell. Calc. Caust. Con. Kali-c. Lye. Nux. Puis. Sulph. Tumor, small in ear, Berb. — on lobe, Merc. Tympanum, as if relaxed, Rheum. Ulcer in ear, Bov. Camph. Kali-c. — right ear, Bov. — left ear, Camph. Ulcerousness of ears, (suppuration,) Amm- c. Merc. Lye. Oleand. Spong. Stann. — inner ear, Carb-veg. Ulcerous pain, Anac. Ferr. Mgn-c. Wen on lobe, Nitr-ac. Whimpering tune in ear, Ant. Like water in left ear, Graph. Like water passing out of ears, Calc. Spig. Sulph. — wind passing out of ears, Bell. Chelid. As of air, pain passing through posterior nares, on coughing or talking, Mgn-s. Anosmia, loss of smell, Anac. Calc. Hep. Hyosc. Ip. Mgn-m. Ntr-m. Phell. Phosp. Plb. Rhod. Sang. Sep. Sil. Zinc. As if beaten, pain, Bell. Hep. Stram. As if wind passing into or blowing at, Caust. Mang. Meny. Plat. Staph. Like a worm in ear, sensation, Rhod. In the morning in bed, pain, Nux. In the evening, earache, Carb-veg. Ran-b. Thuj. — in bed, Thuj. At night, pain, Alum. Bar-c. Nitr. Nux. — when lying on the ear, Bar-c. Nitr. Day and night, earache, Hell. When blowing the nose,pain, Hep. Phosp-ac. ---------relieved, Mang. From cold air, pain, Agar. Colch. — a cold,pain. Dulc. Merc. ----in the head, Bell. Led. Puis. While eating, earache, Verb. With the full moon worse, Sil. From laughing, earache, Mang. When leaning on the head,earache, Arn. Lac-can. Lach. Nitr. — masticating, earache, Nux. Seneg. From suppressed measles, otorrhoea, Puis. — mechanical injuries, pain, Arn. — abuse of mercury, Asa-f. Nitr-ac. Staph. — music, pain, Ambr. Cham. Creos. Phosp- ac. Tabac. In the open air, earache, Bry. Con. Euph. Lachn. Lye. Tabac. When speaking, earache, Mang. — swallowing, earache, Anac. Bov. Dros. Ferr-m. Mang. Nux. After vexation, earache, Sulph. When walking, earache, Bry. Con. Mang. ----in open air, Benz-ac. Bry. Con. After a walk in the open air, pain, Bry. From warmth of bed, aggravation, Merc. When the weather changes, Mang. Before wind and rain, pain, Nux-m. With headache, earache, Merc. Phosp. Psor. Ran-sc. — cold legs, Thuj. — faceache, Merc. Phosp-ac. — micturition, profuse, Thuj. — nausea, Dulc. — toothache, Meph. Phosp-ac. Ran-sc. Pains which extort cries, Nux. ----almost deprive one of reason, Puis. Biting in nose, Ang. Aur. Bry. Euph. Ran- sc. Sabad. Spig. Black pores on nose, Dros. Graph. Sabin. Sulph. ----sweaty, Graph. I Blackish nose, Merc. 7. Nose and Smell. 54 7- NOSE AND SMELL. Bleeding of nose, (see Epistaxis). Blood, congestion of to nose, Amm-c.Cupr, Samb. ----when stooping, Amm-c. — discharged from nose, acrid. Nitr. Sil. ----black, Ant. Arn. Asar. Bism. Bry. Canth. Cham. Cinnab. Creos. Croc. Cupr. Lach. Lye. Mgn-c. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puis. Sec-c. Selen. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. ----bright, Aeon. Creos. Dulc. Hyosc. Lach. Led. Sabad. ----clotted, Aeon. Bell. Cham. Chin. Croc. Ferr. Hyosc. Igt. Ip. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Stram. ----coagulating quickly, Merc. Nitr-ac. ----nose continuously full of coagulated blood, Ferr. ----pale, Arn. Bell. Dulc. Hyosc. Lachn. Led. Piiosp. Rhus. Sabin. Sec-c. ----and thin but soon coagulates, Chin. Creos. Dig. Dulc. Tilia. ----viscid, Croc. Cupr. Sec-c. ----warm, Dulc. . ----discharged by blowing the nose, Agar. Alum. Amm-c. Ant. Aur. Borax. Calc- ph. Canth. Caust. Dros. Ferr. Graph. Lach. Lye. Merc. Mez. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Par. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Stront. Sulph. Thuj. ----in the morning, Caust. ----in evening and at night, Graph. Bloody crusts in nose, Ambjr. Amm-c. Ferr. Nux. Stront. Blueness of, alae-nasi, Hydroc-ac. Body sensation as if a foreign body in nose, Calc-ph. Bones, pain in, Aur. Carb-an. Colch. Ind. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr. Sil. Thuj. Verat. Boring pain, Ntr-m. Spig. Sulph. — with fingers in nose, Cina. Ph-ac. Seneg. -------until it bleeds, Arum-trif. — picking at the nose, Arum-trif. Hyper. Bruising pain, Arn. Bell. Cic. Cina. Hep. Puis. Viol-od. Burning sensation, Aur-m. Bell. Cist. Kali-c. M rcurial. — inside, Ars. Aur-m. Canth. Cina. Cist. Hep. Kali-c. Mgn-m. Mez. Nice. Nitr- ac. Nitr. Phosp. Stann. Sulph. Tab-ac. — in nostrils, Bov. Chenop. Kali-jod. Mgn-m. Phell. Rat. — on point, Carb-an. Nice. Ol-an. — spot on nose, Iod. Cancer of nose, Ars. Aur. Calc. Carb-an. Sep. Sulph. — epethelial, on right, alae-nasi, Creos. Caries, Aur. Coldness of nose, Aloe. Arn. Bell. Chin. Cist. Cycl. Dros. Igt. Mang. Murex. Nux. Plb. Sulph. Verat. — in nose when inhaling air, Ant. Hipp. Compressing pain, Aeon. Verat. — as from a claw, Nitr. Condylomatous excresences, Nitr-ac. Contracting pain, Sabad. Corrosion in nostrils, Berb. — in upper part of nose, Sil. Convulsive motion (fan like) of nasal muscles, Lvc. Coppery redness of nose, Cannab. Crackling in nose, Sulph. Cracks in nostrils, Ant. Graph. — on point, Carb-an. Cramping pain in alae, Plat. Zinc. ----in root,, Arn. Hyosc. Zinc. Crawling, Arn. Borax. — in nostrils, Agar. Aur-m. Berb. Carb- veg. Gran. Ol-an. Ran-sc. Sabad. Spig. . Tabab. Teucr. — in point, Mosch. Paeon. Rheum. Cutting pain in nasal bones, Iod. Merc-jod. Deadness of skin, Ntr-m. Desquamation, Ars. Aur. Canth. Carb-an. Croton. Ntr-c. — furfuraceous, Ars. Aur. Digging pain, Coloc. Nitr. Drawing pain, Rheum. Thuj. Epistaxis, Aeon. Agar. All-cep. Aloe. Ambr. Amm-c. Anac. Ant. Arg. Arn.Ars. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Berb. Borax. Bry. Cact. Calc. Cannab. Canth. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Cina. Cinnab. Coff. Con. Cor-r. Creos. Croc. Croton. Dros. Dulc. Euphr. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Igt. Iod. Ip. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lach. Lachn. Led. Lye. Meph. Merc. Millef. Alosch. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Petr.Phosp.Phosp-ac! Plat. Puis. Rat. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta- Sabad. Sabin. Sass. Sec-c. Scill. Sep. Sil. Spong. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tereb. Thuj. Tilia. Verat. Zinc. — in plethoric persons, Aeon. — in putrid fevers, Arn. — in morhing, Agar. Ambr. Amm-c. Ant. Bell. Bov. Bry. Calc. Canth. Caps. Carb-veg. Creos. Croc. Hep. Hipp. Hyosc. Kali-c. Lach. Mgn-c. Merc Nitr-ac. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. — in bed, Caps. — afternoon, Lye. — 3 P. M, Sulph. — evening, Ant. Colch. Dros. Ferr.Graoh Phosp. Sulph. v ' — night, Ant. Bell. Calc. Carb-veg. Cor-r Croc. Graph. Hyosc. Kali-chl. M■<*- -t?^1-*- ----middle of, Cham. Hep. Puls.1^^*-f>-. — corners of mouth, Amm-c. Ant. Arum- trif. Cinnab. Merc. Mez. — ulcerating, Merc. Phosp-ac. Cracking, in maxillaiy joint when chewing, Amm-c. Meny. Rhus. Thuj. ---------when opening the mouth wide, Sabad. Cramp like pain in left malar bone to eye. Coloc. Crawling, creeping, ( see Tingling.) Crustea lacta, Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Carb- veg. Caust. Cic. Cycl. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Lye. Merc. Ntr-m. Phosp. Rhus. Sass. Sep. Sulph. Viol-tr. ^u^irrr^-<^/ ■ Cutting pain in face, Bell. Rhus. Staph. ----from root of nose to ear, Elaps. Cystic tumor on cheek, Graph. Dark red face, Bar-c. Camph. Coloc. Gels. Op. Sec-c. Verat. ----lips, Bar-c. Bell. Death like appearance, Ars. Canth. Plb. Verat. Despairing appearance, Canth. Hcematox. Despuamation of skin, Apis. Canth. Phosp. Puis. Thuj. ----lips, Aeon. Aloe. Alum. Amm-m. Arum-trif. Berb. Canth. Caps. Cham. Con. Creos. Kali-c. Kobalt. Lac-can. Mez. Mosch. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nux.Pih. Puis. Sep. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Digging pain, Bov. Euphr. ----in cheek bones, Mgn-c. Thuj. -------rami of lower jaw, Kali-b. Dirty color of face, Iod. Mgn-c. Merc. Phosp. Sec-c. Discolored face, Mgn-c. Sec-c. — spots on face, Sec-c. Disfigured face, Aeth. Ars. Bism. Colch. Iod. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Spig. Dislocation, easy of maxillary joint, Petr. Staph. ----in morning in bed, Petr. — sense of, Con. Rhus. Distortion of face, Aeon. Amm-m. Ang. Ars. Bell. Bism. Camph. Caust. Cham. Cic. Cocc. Cupr. Graph. Hydroc-ac. Hyosc. Igt. Ip. Lach. Laur. Lye. Merc- cor. Op. Plat. Plb. Rhus. Scill. Sec-c. Sol-n. Strain. Verat. — of lips and mouth, Bell. Dulc. Lye, Nux. Op. Sec-c. Stram. — of mouth, spasmodic, Bell. Bry. Cupr. Graph. Lach. Merc. Nux. Op. Phosp- ac. Plat. Sec-c. Stram. — corners of mouth, Hydroc-ac. — one sided, Dulc. Graph. Drawing "pain in face, Aloe. Ars. Bar-c. Cham. Colch. Creos. Hep. Kali-c. 6o 8. FACE. Mgn-m. Nux. Ol-an. Phosp-ac. Ran-sc. Sep. Verat. Drawing in cheekbones, Alum, Bell.Carb- veg. Colch. DigGraph. Hyper. Kali-chl. Phosp. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Tart. Valer. Viol-od. ----left, Chelid. — on chin. Agar. Caust. ----jaws, Aur. Cham. Mez. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sil. — in orbits, Stann. — back of lips, Bell. Merc-cor. Dry, parched lips, Aeon. Aloe. Alum. Amm-c. Amm-m. Ang. Ant. Arg-n. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Berb. Bry. Chenop. Chin. Con. Creos. Croton. Dig. Dros. Ferr. Gels. Hyosc. Hyper. Igt. Iris. Kali-jod. Kalm. Lach. Mgn-s. Merc. Mercurial. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nux.; Oleand. 'Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Psor. Rhod. Rhus. Sang. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Tabac. Tart. Verat. Vinca. Zing. -------morning, Chenop. -------evening, Mgn-s. -------and black, Aeon. Phosp. — and tongue, Ars. Cham. Lach. Lye. Phosp. — upper lip peels off, Ntr-s. Dull, heavy expression, Corn-c. Gels, Merc. — pain in right malar bone, Hell. Earth colored face, Ars. Bism. Borax. Bry. Chin. Cic. Creos. Croc. Ferr. Igt. Iod. Ip. Lach. Laur. Lye. Mgn-c. Mgn- s. Merc. Mez. Mosch. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Ol-an. Op. Pallad. Phosp. Sacch. Sil. Zinc. Emaciation of face, Ars. Calc. Mez. Selen. Sep. Tabac. Eruption in the face, Alum-ambr. Amm-c. Amm-m. Ant. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Bov. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cic. Cist. Clem. Coloc. Con. Dulc. Euph. Gels. Graph. Hep. Igt. Ip. Kali- Iod. Lach. Led. Lye. Mgn-m. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sabad. Sass. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Valer. Verat. Viol-tr. — on cheeks, Amm-c. Ant. Bell. Bov. Calc. Caust. Cic. Creos. Dig. Dulc. Kali-jod. Lach. Lye. Merc. Ntr-m. Sep. Sil. Staph. Verat. ----chin, Amm-c. Ant. Bell. Carb-veg. Cic. Clem. Creos. Dig. Dulc. Graph. Lye. Merc. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nux. Par. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. Zinc. -------painful, Merc. Rhus. Sass. Sulph. — on forehead, Alum. Ambr. Ant. Aur. Bell. Bov. Calc. Caps. Cauloph. Caust. Cic. Clem. Creos. Dulc. Hep. Led. Mgn-m. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Par. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Psor. Rhus. Sass. Sep. Sulph. Eruption on lips, Alum. Amm-c. Arg-n. Ars. Bell. Berb. Borax. Bry. Calc. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Cic. Clem. Con. Dig.Graph.Hell.Hep.Igt.Ip. Lach. Lye. Mgn-m. Merc. Mur-ac. Ntr- c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nice. Nux. Par. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Rhod. Ruta. Sass. Scill. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. — upper lip, Ars. Bell. Cic. Creos. Kali-c. Lye. Mang. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Par. Phyt. Rhus. Scill. Staph. Sulph. — lower lip, Bry. Calc. Igt. Ntr-m. Phosp- ac. — on red part of lips, Ant. Ars. Sep. Sil. — about mouth, Amm-c. Anac. Ars. Borax. . Bov. Bry. Calc. Caust. Creos. Graph. Lach. Laur. Lye. Mgn-m. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Par. Phosp. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. , — on corners of mouth, Ant. Bell. Bov. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Creos. Hep. Igt. Lye. Mang. Merc. Ntr-m. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Psor. Seneg. Senna. Sep Sil. Tabac. Verat. — about eyes, Agn. Arn. Ars. Con. Hep. Staph. Sulph. ----eyelids, Bry. Creos. Sulph. ----eyebrows, Caust. Kali-c. Par. Selen. Staph. -----nose, Ant. Bell. Caust. Clem. Par- Rhus. Sulph. Tar. — on temples, Alum. Ant. Arg. Bell. Calc. Dulc. Lye. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. — in whiskers, Ambr. Calc. Graph. Lach. Nitr-ac. — acne rosacea, Ars. Aur. Calc-ph. Carb- an. Caust. Creos. Lach. Led. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. -------around chin and mouth, Verat. — biting, Bry. Merc. Ntr-m. Plat. Sil. — blackish, Spig. — bleeding when scratched, Merc. Par. Rhus. — blotches hard, Arg-n. — brownish, Dulc. — burning, Ant. Calc. Euphr. Mgn-m. Merc. Ntr-m. Rat. Rhus. Seneg. Senna. Staph. Viol-tr. ----when scratched, Ntr-s. Sass. ----when wetting the face, Euphr. — confluent, Carb-veg. Cic. — corrosive, Dig. — dry, Psor. — excoriating, Mez. — raw, fat pustules, Mez. — impetigo, Ars. Calc. Graph. Lye. Rhus. Sep. ----on forehead, Ant. Creos. Led. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. — jerking, painful, Rhus. 8. FACE. •61 Eruptions,itching, Amm-c.Calc.Caust.Con. Dig. Euphr. Lye. Mgn-m. Merc. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Ol-an. Sass. Staph. Thuj. Zinc. ----in warmth, Euphr. — leaving livid spots, Ferr. Lach. Thuj. — like measels especially on face, Gels. — miliary, Cham. Euphr. Ip. Par. Verat. — millet like, Par., — moist, Ant. Ars. Calc. Clem. Cici Dulc. Lye. Merc. Mez. Ntr-c. Psor. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Viol-tr. ----fetid, Cic. Merc. ----yellow, Rhus. Viol-tr. — at night painful, Viol-tr. — in open air disappearing, Calc. — painful, Eugen. Sulph. ----at night, Viol-tr. ----to touch, Bell. Hep. Led. Par. Valer. Verat. — pimples, red, Ambr. Carb-an. Eugen. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Sep. ----on chin, Ferr-m. Merc. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Thuj. ----on forehead, Ambr. Clem. Ferr-m. Hep. Led. Alur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Par. Sep. ----on lips, Ferr-m. Mur-ac. Par. Petr. Phosp-ac. Ruta. Thuj. -------upper, Ant. Spig. — red, on lower maxilla, Par. ----about mouth, Phosp. Rhus. ----on corners of mouth, Petr. ----on temples, Arg. Mur-ac. Nitr-ac. ----in whiskers, Amb. — pustules, Carb-veg. — rasping, Bry. Ntr-m. Sil. — raw, as if skin were, Graph. — red, Ant. Aur. Calc-ph. Caust. Cham. Cic. Euphr. Led. Nitr-ac. Par. Sep. ----blotches on bloated face, Elaps. — like roughness of skin, Sep. — scaly, Ant. Ars. Aur. Sep. Sil. — scurfy, Ant. Calc. Cic. Graph. Hep. Merc. Mur-ac. Petr. Phosp-ac. Psor. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Thuj. Viol-tr. ----with large humid eruption on head, Psor. — sore smarting, Cic. Ip. Rhod. Verat. — stinging, stitches, painful, Clem. Led. Plat. Staph. — suppurating, Ant. Cic. Lye. Rhus. — tineafacies, Ars. Bar-c. Calc. Cic. Cycl. Dulc. Merc. Sass. Sulph. Viol-tr. — vesicular, comes out in cold air, Dulc. — clear vesicles on upper lip, Mang. — large water blisters on margin of lower lip, Mgn-m. — white, Clem. Hell. Valer. — yellow, Ant. Cic. Creos. Dulc. Euph. Merc. Ntr-c. Phosp-ac. Sep. ----blister, secreting a thick yellow fluid, Euph. — with scanty menstruation, Graph. Erysipelas, Aeon. Ars. Apis. Bell. Borax. Bufo. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb-an. Cham. Euph. Gels. Graph. Gymnoc. Hep. ,Lach. Meph. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Thuj. — on forehead, Ruta. — one sided, Borax. Sep. Stram. ----right to left, Apis. Graph. Sulph. ----left to right, Rhus. ----beginning on right ear, Sulph. ----from root of decayed tooth, Sep. — on hands and neck, Hydrast. — after toothache, Cham. — spreading in rays, Graph. — vesiculous, Ars. Bell. Cist. Euph. Graph. Hep. Lach. Rhus. Sulph. — chronic, Tereb. Fatigued expression, Aur. Sulph. Fear expression of, Stram. Flushes of heat, Alum. Ambr. Bufo. Chenop. Cist. Cocc. Cocc-c. Graph. Kali-c. Kali-chl. Lye. Phosp. Pod. Tellur. Teucr. Thuj. ----on cheek, Clem. Cocc. ----from chest, Sulph. Freckles, Amm-c. Ant. Calc. Dulc. Graph. Kali-c. Lye. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Phosp. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. Fretting (corrosion) sense of, Agn. Ambr. Ruta. ----in bones, Arg. Ind. Samb. ----in chin and lips, Plat. ----on forehead and whiskers, Amb. Fulness, sense of, Sang. Furuncles, boils, on cheek, Alum. Amm-c. Arn. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. China. Cina. Laur. Led. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Sil. — small blood boils on face, Iris. — on chin, Hep. Nitr-ac. Sil. ----under, Carb-veg. ----right side, Kobalt. — on lips, Ntr-c. Petr. — boils, in front of ears, Carb-veg. — on forehead, Led. — on temples, Mur-ac. — glands of lower jaw, Parotid (compare under Ears.) — boring pain in, Sabad. — bruising, Ars. — hardness, Bar-c. Calc. Carb-an. Clem. Cocc. Graph. Merc. Rhus. Sec-c. Staph. — inflammation, Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Canth. Kali-c. Merc. Nitr-ac. Plb. Rhus. Sass. Sec-c. Staph. Verb. — lumps, Clem. — pain in general, Amm-c. Arn. Aur. Calc. Cic. Chin. Cor-r. Igt. Nitr-ac. Rhus. Sep. Stann. Staph. Verat. ----when swallowing, Cor-r. Nux. Stram. -------touched, Clem. Sil. Sulph. -------moving the neck, Igt. 62' 8. FACE. Furuncles, pressing pain, Ars. Igt. Stram. — stinging, stitches, Bell. Merc. Mez. Nux. Sulph. — swelling, Amm-c. Amm-m. Arn. Ars. Arum-trif. Asa-f. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Bov. Brom. Bry. Calad. Calc. Carb-an. Cham. Chin. Cic. Clem. Cocc. Cor-r. Croton. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Iod. Kali-c. Kali- jod. Led. Lye. Alerc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr- ac. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Verat. ----painful, hard, Bar-c. Calc. Hell. Iod. Mur-ac. Petr. Sil. Staph. Sulph. — tension, Clem. Spong. — throbbing, Amm-c. Bov. Clem. — with pain extending to teeth, Ind. Gloomy expression, Ntr-c. Zinc. Gnawing in facial bones, Arg. Eugen. Ind. ----lower maxilla, Ind. — about mouth, Puis. Grasping sensation between nose and eye, Mang. Grayish color, Berb. Carb-veg. Creos. Gels. Hydroc-ac. Lach. Laur. Mez. Greasy face, Ntr-m. Plb. Selen. Thuj. — lips, Amm-m. Greenish color, Ars. Carbo-veg. Verat. — ring around eyes, Verat. Half opened mouth, Ang. Bell. Camph. Hyosc. Samb. Hanging down of lower jaw, Ars. Lye. Mur-ac. Op. ----lower lip, Hipp-m. Hardness of cheeks, Cham. Merc-cor. Heat in the face, Aeon. Amm-c. Amm-m. Anac. Ang. Ant. Arg-n. Arn. Asa-f. Asar. Aur. Bell. Berb. Bov. Brom. Bry. Cannab. Canth. Cham. Chin. Cinnab. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Con. Cor-r. Corn c. Creos. Croc. Diad. Dros. Ferr. Fluor- ac. Gels. Glon. Grat. Hell. Hep. Hydroph. Hyosc. Hyper. Jatr. Lach. Lact. Mang. Meny. Merc. Mez. Mosch. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Ox-ac. Paeon. Petr. Phosp-ac. Plat. Psor. Ran-b. Rat. Rhus. Rumex. Sabad. Samb. Sang. Scill. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Stront. Sulph. Tabac. Tart. Thuj. Tilia. Verat. Zing. — on cheeks, Ant. Bov. Chin. Cocc. Cocc- c. Daph. Merc. Oleand. Rhus. Valer. — on that which is exposed to air, Phosp- ac. Viol-tr. — of right cheek, and chilliness over whole body, Puis. — and redness of one cheek, Igt. -------left cheek, Borax. -------right cheek, Ntr-m. Nice. -------first in right later in left, Brom. — and paleness of one cheek, redness and coldness of the other, Mosch. ■— in forehead, Cham. Diad. Euphr; — on lips, Aloe. Arn. Gels. — semi-lateral, Arn. Benz-ac. Igt. Murex. Spong. Viol-tr. — flushes of, Alum. Ambr. Chenop. Cist. Cocc. Graph. Kali-c. Kali-chl. Lye. Phosp. Pod. Teucr. Thuj. ----on cheeks, Cocc. — burning, Amm-m. Apis. Arn. Bell. Bry. Caps. Croc. Diad. Grat. Igt. Iod. Ntr-c. Nux. Paeon. Plat. Rhus. Sabad. Sang. Stront. Sulph. Tabac. Thuj. Verat. ----heat and redness of left side, Asa-f. Lac-can. Murex. Ntr-m. Ol-an. Phosp-ac. Spig. ----of malar bones, Cist. — in morning, Croc. — in afternoon, Anac. Carb-an. — in evening, Aug. Arn. Plat. Thuj. — at night, Hep. — by bending forward increased, Cor-r. — after drinking wine, Sabad. — when excited, with headache, Aloe. — from exercise and talking, Scill. — intellectual labor, Amm-c. — in open air, Mur-ac. Val. — when sleeping, Meny. — with dryness of mouth, Plat. — with nausea, lassitude, Anac. — with thirst, Petr. Plat. — with yawning, Daph. — without redness, Thuj. — sensation of, Ang. Euphr. Hyper. Tar. ----in evening, Ang. Heaviness sense of, Alum. Nice. Hemiplegia, Caust. Graph. Herpes, Amm-c. Anac. Ars. Bar-c. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cic. Con. Creos. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Led. Lvc. Merc. Nitr-ac. Rhus. Sabad. Sep. Siilph. Thuj. — on cheek, Amm-c. Creos. Dulc. Kali- jod. Nice. Phosp-ac. — on chin. Amm-c. Carb-veg. Chelid Dulc. Nux. Sil. — about eyes, Bry. Creos. Sulph. — on forehead, Caps. Dulc. — on lips, Caust. Ntr-c. Phosp-ac. Sass. — corners ot lips, Carb-veg. Phosp-ac. Sulph. — about mouth, Amm-c. Anac. Ars. Borax. Creos. Mgn-c. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Par! Phosp. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. — about nose, Rhus. Sulph. — in whiskers, Lach. Nitr-ac. — burning, Led. Rhus. — dry, Ars. Kali-jod. Led. — jerking, painful, Rhus. — itching, Caps. Kali-jod. Nice. Nitr-ac Rhus. Sulph. — mealy, Ars. Bry. Cic. Creos. Lye Merc Nitr-ac. Sulph. Thuj. 3 — moist, Carb-veg. Con. Dulc. Ntr-c Phosp-ac. Sulph. — rough, Led; 8. FACE. 63 Herpes, scurfy, Calc. Creos. Graph. Led. Lye. Sep. Sulph. — chronic, Led. — thick brown or yellow crusts, Dulc. — red from corner of right nostril to cheek, Elaps. Hippocratic face, ,Ars. Canth. Carb-veg. Chin. Ferr. Lach. Lye. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Sec-c. Stann. Staph. Tart. Verat. Jerks in jaws, Cham. Jerking pain, Colch. — in cheek bones, Cina. Colch. Mang. Spig. Stront. Induration of lips, Bell. Sil. —•— schirrus, Sil. ----sense of, Cycl. Inflammation of face, Sep. — of chin, Caust. — of lips, Ars. Canth. — of penostrum, lower jaw, Merc-cor. Inflammatory pain, Aeon. Arn. Aur. Bar-c. Bry. Euph. Staph. Inspired expression, Hydroc-ac. Irregular features, Phosp-ac. Itching, Agn. Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Bell. Berb. Calc. Cannab. Chelid. Colch. Con. Dolich. Fluor-ac. Gels. Glon. Hipp-m. Lach. Lye. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Ruta. Sass. Sep. Sulph-ac. Verat. ----at night, Kalm. — on cheeks, Agar. Agn. Ang. Ant. Bell. Ruta. Spong. — on cheek bones and nose, Bell. Hyper. — on forehead, Alum. Ambr. Caps. Chelid. Led. Ntr-m. Sulph. — on lips, Ol-an. Sabad. ----upper, Bar-c. — about mouth, Anac. Hep. — in whiskers, Agar. Ambr. Calc. Kobalt. Ntr-m. Sil. — biting, burning, lower jaw, Par. — itching as if frostbitten, Agar. Lameness, facial muscles, Seneg. —pain as of, Evon. Sabin. Leaden color, Ars. Lach. Mere. Lumps indurations in face, Bry. Mgn-c. Led. Oleand. Puis. — in forehead, Cic. Con. Led. Oleand. ----lower jaw, Graph. — temples, red, Thuj. Lupus, extending to mouth and throat, Cist. Miliary eruption, Cham. Euphr. Hep. Lach. Verat. Morose expression, Mgn-c. Mucus, viscid, on lips in the morning, Kali-jod. Mouth, difficult to open, Caust. Colch. Lach. Merc-dulc. Nux. Psor. — open, Ang-spur. Bell. Camph. Hyosc. Op. Ox-ac. Puis. Samb. Scill. Muscles, tension of, Ang. Net work of small veins on chin, Plat. Nocturnal pains, Con. Led. Mgn-c. — in lower jaw, Sil. Numbness, sensation of, Asar. Plat. Samb. (compare Stunning pains.) — cheek bones, Asa-f. Caps. Mez. Oleand. Plat. — chin, Asa-f. Plat. — lips, Ambr. Cic. Ntr-m. ----upper, Cycl. Oleand. — about mouth, Plat. Old, face looks, Hydroc-ac. One sided pain, Aeon. Amm-c. Caust. Cham. Colch, Creos. Evon. Grat. Kali- fa. Kalm. Mez. Nux. Ol-an. Phosp. Tong. Verat. Pain, features denoting, Aeth. Colch. Lact. Puis. Raph. Stram. Paleness, Aeon. Aeth. Ambr. Amm-c. Anac. Apis. Arg-n. Arn. Ars. Bad. Bell. Berb. Bism. Borax. Bov. Brom. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Canth. Caps. Carb-veg. Cham. Chenop. Chin. Cic. Cina. Clem. Cocc. Colch. Coloc. Con. Croc. Cupr. Cycl. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Ferr. Gels. Glon. Graph. Hcematox. Hell. Hydroc- ac. Hyosc. Igt. Iod. Ip. Jatr. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Kalm. Lach. Lact. Laur. Led. Lye. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Mang. Alerc. Merc- cor. Mez. Mosch. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Oleand. Ol- an. Op. Ox-ac. Petr. Phell. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Phyt. Plat. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Sabfn. Sacch. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Tart. Tereb. Teucr. Tong. Valer. Verat. Zinc. — one sided, Aeon. Arn. Bell. Cham. Coloc. Igt. Mosch. Nux. Tabac. Verat. — around eyes, Ars. — of lips, Caust. Ferr. Hipp-m. Lye. Thuj. — in morning, after rising, Bov. ----evening, Lye. — when rising from lying, Aeon. (Verat the reverse). — with red spots, Sulph. — during cloudy weather, Aloe. Paralysis one sided, of face, Caust. Graph. — upper lip, Cadm. Graph. — lower jaw, Ars. Dulc. Lach. Perspiration of face, Alum. Amm-m. Ars. Calc. Carb-veg. Cham. Coff. Fluor- ac. Glon. Igt. Lye. Merc. Mosch. Nux. Psor. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Sep. Spig. Sulph. Tart. Tellur. Valer. Verat. — on cheek on which one lies, Aeon. ---------docs not lie, Thuj. ----upper lip, Aeon, Kali-b. — about mouth and nose, Rheum. —on face only, Igt. --------- during sleep, Prun. ----and scalp, Puis. Valer. Verat. ----right cheek, Puis. — cold Benz-ac. Cact. Cadm; Camph; 64 8. FACE. Cina. Dig. Merc-cor. Nux. Ox-ac. Rheum. Rhus. Ruta. Spong. Sulph. Verat. Perspiration, cold face only, Cocc. — clammy, Cham. Pewter like color, Zinc. Pimples on face, Nitr-ac. Nux. Ol-an. Pal- lad. Psor. Vinca. (compare Eruption.) — suppurating, Tar. Verat. — on chin, Clem. Hep. Kali-chl. Merc. Ntr-s. Par. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sass. Thuj. — on lips, Bufo. Carb-veg. Kali-chl. Merc. Nux. Phosp-ac. ----border of upper lip, sore and smart- ing, Hep. ----corners of mouth, Petr. Tar. — about nose, Par. Tar. — on forehead, small red, Ambr. Clem. Hep. Led. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Par. Phosp. Sep. ----itching in evening, Mgn-m. — small painless, Ant. Bar-c. Calc. Carb- veg. Cic. Creos. Graph. Lye. Merc. Ntr-m. Phosp-ac. Sep. Sulph. — with sticking, pricking sensation, Dros. Pinching pain, Verat. Pointed appearance, Ars. Chin. Nux. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Staph. Verat. (compare Hippocratic face.) Pressing pain, Bry. Rhus. Staph. Tar. Verb. ----'in cheek bones. Anac. Arg. Bell. Berb. Bism. Caps. Hyosc. Kali-chl. Merc. Alez. Oleand. Plat. Sabin. Samb. Spig. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Tart. Teucr. Verb. Viol-od. ----on chin, Asa-f. -------lower jaw, Berb. Cupr. Spig. — in orbits, Stann. — asunder in facial bones, Colch. ----face, Asa-f. Dros. ----lower jaw, Ambr. Prickling in face, Caust. Ferr-m. Hep. Nux-m. ----right malar bone, Ind. — below eyes, Dros. — on lips, Ferr-m. Sabad. Prosopalgia, Aeon. Agar. Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Amm-m. Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Asar. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Berb. Borax. Bov. Bry. Calc. Cannab. Caps. Caust. Cham. Chin. Coloc. Con. Creos. Dig. Dros. Euph. Euphr. Evon. Ferr-m Gran. Grat. Guaj. Hep. Hyosc. Kali-c. Kali- jod. Kalm. Lach. Led. Lye. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Mang. Merc. Mez. Ntr-s. Nitr- ac. Nux. Ol-an. Paeon. Phosp. Phosp- ac. Plat. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Sec-c. Sep. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Tereb. Thuj. Verat. Verb. Viol-od. (compare the different pains.) — left side, Colch. Spig. Thuj. — right side, Doryanth. Kalm. — nervous, Bell. Caps. Chin. Mgn-m. Nux. Verb. — neuralgic, from abuse of tobacco, Sep. — periodical, Spig. — with cutting pains, Bell. Chin. Clem. Rhus. Staph. Puffiness of cheek, Arn. Cham. Puis. Pulsation, Agar. Arn. Bell. Cannab. Caust. Cham. Clem. Creos. Croc. Staph. — jaws, Plat. — cheek bones, Mgn-c. Sulph. Purple colored lips, Ars. Bar-c. ----net like appearance on chin, Plat. ----face, Apis. Con. Op. Puis. Pustules on face, Ant. Arn. ----scurfy with large red areola. Nitr-ac. Quivering in face, Agar. Phell. ----lips, Cast. Lact. Redness of face, Aeon. Aeth. Arg. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Bov. Bry. Cact. Calc. Canth. Caps. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Cic. Cocc. Cocc-c. Coff. Creos. Croc. Cupr. Eupat. Euphr. Ferr. • Ferr-m. Glon. Grat. Guaj. Hep. Hydroph. Hyosc. Igt. Iod. Ip. Kali-c. Lach. Lye. Mgn-c. Meny. Merc. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Nice. Nitr. Nux. Op. Ox-ac. Phosp. Plat. Psor. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Sabad. Samb. Scill. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Tabac. Tar. Tart. Thuj. Valer. Verat. Zing. — of cheeks, Aeon. Agar. Alum. Ars. Calc. Cannab. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Coloc. Creos. Ferr. Kali-c. Lach. Merc. Mercurial. Mosch. Nitr-ac. Nux. Oleand. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Sang. Spig. Spong. Tong. Valer. ----right side, Elaps. Puis. — and paleness, alternately, Aeon. Amm-c. Bell. Borax. Bov. Caps. Cham. Chin. Cina. Croc. Ferr. Kali-c. Hyosc. Igt. Led. Nux.Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac Plat.. Puis. Scill. Sulph-ac. Verat. — one sided, Aeon. Arn. Bell. Cham. Coloc. Ip. Nux. Mosch. Rheum. Tart. Verat. — of right cheek, without heat, paleness of left with heat, Mosch. — of left cheek, Ntr-m. — blood red, Stram. — blue, Ang. Bell. Puis. Staph. — brown, Bry. Op. — circumscribed, Aeon. Benz-ac. Calc. Chin. Croc. Dulc' Ferr. Iod. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Op. Phosp. Puis. Sabad. Samb. Stram. Sulph. Thuj. ----i to 8 A. M. Lachn. ----during delirium. Lach. — coppery, Alum. — dark, Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Camph. Coloc. Creos. Op. Sec-c. Stann. Sulph. Verat. — glowing, Bell. Bry. Cocc. Croc. Ferr. 8. FACE. 65 Hep. Mur-ac. Plat. Sabad. Sil. Stram. Tabac Thuj. Redness after anger, Staph. — even if skin is cold, Ol-an. — when lying, pale on rising, Verat. (Aeon, reverse). — of chin, Zinc. ----lips, Aloe. Arum-trif. Bar-c. Bell. Lac-can. Merc-cor. Spig. Sulph. — dark of lips, Bell. Gins. Mez. — around mouth, Ip. Red points on face, Caps. — skin around mouth, Ip. — spots, Alum. Ambr. Bell. Bry. Carb-an. Croc. Ferr. Lye. Merc. Op. P'oth. Samb. Sil. Sulph. Tabac. — spots on forehead, Sass. ----burning, Samb. Sil. ----after meals, Sil. Relaxation of facial muscles, Coloc. Op. Rending, tearing pains, Alum. Agar. Amm-c. Amm-m. Arg. Bell. Berb. Borax. Bry. Carb-veg. Colch. Coloc. Con. Evon. Grat. Hep. Kali-jod. Led. Lye. Merc. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Plb. Staph. Sulph. Tong. Viol-od. — in cheek bones, Aeth. Agar. Alum. Amm-m. Arg. Berb. Borax. Calc. Carb- veg. Cina. Graph. Ind. Kali-c Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-s. Merc. Mur-ac. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux. Phosp. Ruta. Sep. Spig. Staph. Stront. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Teucr. Zinc. ----chin, Agar. ----front of jaw, Bov. ----jaw, Agar. Bell. Berb. Merc. Plb. Rat. Tong. -------lower, Bov. Ind. Kalm. Puis. Viol- od. ----upper lip, Caust. — between nose and eye, Mang, Rheumatic pain, Aeon. Risus sardonicus, Bell. Ran-sc. Sol-n.&^vtf Rough spots on forehead, Pallad. Rhus. Sass. Sep. Sulph. Roughness of skin of face, Alum. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. -------every summer, Kalm. ----lips, Merc. Sulph. Tabac. — sense of, Mgn-m. — about mouth, Anac. Ars. — red, Sep. Sulph. Sad expression, Ant. Colch. Cupr. Scabs, scurfs on face, Alum. Ant. Ars. Calc. Cic. Coloc Dulc. Graph. Hep. Lach. Lye Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Nitr-ac. Petr. Rhus. Sass. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. Viol-tr. k — on cheeks, Bell. Cic. Creos. Lach. ----chin, Dulc. Cic. Creos. Graph. Merc. Sep. ----forehead and temples, Dulc. Mur-ac. ----lips, Bell. Berb. Borax. Calc. Cham. Cic. Igt. Merc. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Scill. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. — about mouth, ('ale Graph. — in corners of mouth, Igt. Petr. — in whiskers, Calc. Lach. Shining face, Aur. Ntr-m. Plb. Rheum. — lips, Amm-m. Shocks, blows, in zygoma, Hep. Sickly color, Amm-c. Borax. Chin. Cina. Clem. Con. Kali-c. Lachn. Mgn-c. Mang. Ntr-s. Nitr. Arux. Phosp-ac Psor. Sil. Rhus. Sulph. Teucr. ----about eyes, Cina. Silly expression, Stram. Slimy lips, Kali-jod. Stram. Zinc. ----in morning, Kali-jod. Smarting as if caused by salt, Cannab, Soreness of lips, Arum-trif. Canth. Caust. Cham. Cupr. Graph. Kobalt. Lac-can. Lye Mez. Ntr-m. ----corners of mouth, Ant. Caust. Eupat. Hell. Lye Mez. — sensation of in face, Con. Graph. Puis. ----on jaw, right side, around ear, could not open the mouth, Psor. -------lips, Igt. Ip. Phosp-ac. Plat. Sabad. -------inner surface, lower lip, Igt. -------upper, Kali-c Mez. Scill. Sil. -------chin, Aur. Plat. ----about mouth, Puis. ----right corner of mouth, Pallad. — in corner of mouth, Sulph-ac. Spasm, cramp, of face, Nitr-ac. Ol-an. Rhus. — cheek bones, Ang. Cina. Cocc. Dig. Hyosc. Mgn-m. Mez. Ruta. Sep. Val. ----left, Ol-an. Plat. — lips, Ambr. Caust. Kali-c. Ran-b. — masseters, Ang. Cocc. Cupr. Mang. — maxilla. Agar. Asa-f. Coloc Kali-c Mang. Ran-b. — maxillary joint, Colch. Kali-c. Nice Ol-an. Rhus. Sil. Spong. Stann. Spider-web, sensation of, on face, Bar-c. Borax. Graph. Ran-sc. Spotted skin of face, Sabad. Stiffness of cheeks when speaking and chewing, Euphr. ----face sense of, Sang. ----masseters, Sass. ----jaws, Bell. Caust. Cocc. Daph. Euphr. Gels. Glon. XJraph. Hydroph. Hyosc. Merc. Ntr-s. Nux. Petr. Rhus, Sass. Sep. Therid. Thuj. — in morning in bed, Therid. — of lips, Kalm. ----upper, as if made of wood, Euphr. Stinging, stitches, pain, Amm-c. Ars. Asar. Bell. Cham. Coloc. Con. Euphr. Fluor- ac. Graph. Guaj. Hcematox. Kali-chl. Mang. Merc-jod. Nitr-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Spong. Stann. 66 8. FACE. Stinging, stitches, cheek bones, Aeth. Alum. Ars. Berb. Carb-an. Evon. Guaj. Merc. Par. Phosp. Psor. Sabin. Sil. Staph. Verb. -------left, Kali-jod. Merc-jod. -------right, Guaj. — hot, in left malar bone, Par. — chin, Agar. Euphr. Lact. — lips, Asa-f. Bell. Hipp-m. Sabad. — jaw, Aeon. Berb. Carb-an. ----lower, Euphr. Kali-chl. Kalm. Lact. Mang. Sabin. Sil. Thuj. — maxillary joint, Bell. Hep. Tabac. Stunning pain, Mez. Plat. Verb. Stupid expression, Stram. Suffering expression, Cham. Plat. Sunken face, Aeth. Apis. Arg-n. Arn. Ars. Bell. Berb. Canth. Chin. Corn-c Cupr. Dros. Ferr. Ferr-m. Gels. Hydroc-ac. Laur. Lye. Mang. Oleand. Ol-an. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Scill. Sec-c. Stann. Staph. Tart. Tereb. Verat. ----pale, Bell. Lye Mang. Nux. Verat. -------with distorted countenence, Ars. Bell. Cham. Hydroc-ac. Igt. Lach. -----------and anxious, Ars. Bell. Cham. Laur. Stram. — eyes, Anac. Ars. Berb. Camph. Cic. Colch. Coloc. Cupr. Cycl. Dros. Ferr. Iod. Kali-c Lach. Lye Nitr-ac. Nux. Op. Ox-ac. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sec-c. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Verat. Suppuration, pain like in malar bone, Ntr-m. Swelling of face, Ars. Arum-trif. Bar-c. Bell. Borax. Bov. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb-veg. Cic. Cinnab. Coloc. Graph. Guaj. Gymnoc. Hep. Hipp-m. Hydroc- ac. Hyosc. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lach. Lachn. Lye Mgn-c. Merc. Ntr-m. Nux. Op. Rhus. Sacch. Sec-c. Stram. Verat. ----upper half, Bry. ----left side, Arg-n. ----after pains in face, Calc. — cheeks, Amm-c. Apis. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bov. Bry. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Dig. Euph. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Merc. Merc-cor. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux. Puis. Sep. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. — of one cheek, with face-ache and pain bones, Nux. ----right cheek, extending to right side of nose, Elaps. ----cheek-bones, Mgn-c, ----chin, Caust. — above the eyes, Lye — between eyes and brows, Kali-c. — under the eyes, Ars. Bry. Merc. Nux. Oleand. — lips, Alum. Arn. Arum-trif. Ars. Asa-f. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Chin. Dig. Hell. Hep. Kali-c. Kali-chl. Kalm. Lach. Lachn. Lvc. Merc. Merc-cor. Mez. Ntr- c. Nitr-ac. Op. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. ----upperlips, Apis.Arg.Bar-c.Bell. Bov. Calc. Canth. Grat. Kali-c Lye Merc- cor. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Phosp. Rhus.Staph. Sulph. Vinca. ----lower lip, Alum. Asa-f. Calc. Caust. Lye Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Puis. Sep. Sil. — of lymphatics, Lact. ----maxilla, upper, Alum. Stann. -------lower, Aeon. Calc. Caust. Kali-c. Merc. Phosp. — about mouth, Carb-an. Nux. -------corner of, Oleand. Vinca. — around nose, Nux. — root of nose, Bry. — above nasal bone, red, making a saddle painful to touch, Poth. — one-sided, Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Canth. Cham. Merc. Nux.'Plb. Puis. Sep. Staph. — right side, Merc. -------with sore throat, Nice — temples, Cham. — bulbous, Alum. — dropsical, Apis. Colch. Euph. Hell. Merc-cor. Sacch. Thuj. — elastic, Ars. — erysipelatous, Aeon. Bell. Euph. Graph. Hep. Lach. Rhus. Sulph. — hard, hot and shining, Amm-c. Am. Ars. Bell. — painful, Bell. Borax. — pale, Bov. Euph. Hell. Nux. Sep.Sulph. — red, Arn. Ars. Bell. Borax. Cic. Coloc. Euph. Kali-c. Lach. Merc. Ntr-c. Nux. Oleand. Rhus. Sulph. — shining, Arn. Spig. — with syncope, Ars. ----vertigo, Ars. — of temporal arteries, Chin. Ferr. Thuj. -------veins, Sang. Thuj. — sense of, in face, Aeth. Alum. Bar-c. Daph. Grat. Gymnoc Nice Nux-m. Puis. Sulph-ac -------cheeks, Aeon. Samb. -------lips, Lact. ---------upper, Glon. -------jaw, Daph. ----when entering room from open air Aeth. Tenderness of'skin of face, Puis. Tension in skin of face, Alum. Bar-c. Graph. Grat. Hep. Hyper. Kafi-c Lach! Lye Mgn-c. Merc Mercurial. Mosch Nitr. Phell. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Samb. Viol-od. Viol-tr. — forehead, Viol-tr. — around mouth and nose, Nux. — on chin, Verb. — below the eyes, Nux. Viol-od. — semi-lateral, Phosp. — as if muscles were drawn to one side,Cist. — with desire'to sneeze, Kali-chl. 8. FACE. 67 Terror, expression of, Canth. Thick skin of face, Bell. Viol-tr. — spots, Carb-an. Throbbing pain, Am. Staph. ----in cheek bones, Mgn-c. Tickling about cheek, bone and nose, Bell. Tightening, tensive pain, Amm-c. Asa-f. Coloc. Kali-chl. Lach. Mgn-m. Ol-an. Verat. Verb. — cheek bones, Caust. Chelid. Kali-chl. Plat. Verb. — lips, Sep. Spig. — masseters, Sass. Verb. — maxilla, Aur. Caust. — maxillary joint, Amm-m. Bell. Daph. Sass. Verb. Timid expression, Stram. Tingling, Aeon. Alum. Ambr. Bell. Cannab. Colch. Grat. Lach. Lachn. Lact. Laur. Nux. Ol-an. Paeon. Plat. Ran-b. Rhus. Sabad. Sec-c. — cheeks and lips, Agn. Arn. Ars. Berb. — right cheek, Elaps. Gymnoc. .— left cheek, Evon. — chin and nose, Ran-b. Verat. — lips, Ntr-m. — upper lip, Paeon. — forehead, and whiskers, Ambr. Tremor of facial muscles, Ambr. ----lips, Aloe. Lach. Lact. Stram- Sulph. — under lip, Con. Sulph. Trismus, Ang. Arn. Bell. Bry •Camph. Canth. Caust. Cham. Cic. Con. Gels. Hydroc-ac. Hyosc. Igt. Lach. Laur. Merc. Nux. Op. Phosp. Plat. Plb. Rhus. Sec-c. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Verat. — with widely open lips, Ang. ----teeth tight together, Cic. Twitching in facial muscles, Agar. Ambr. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Cannab. Cham. Graph. Hell. Hyosc. Igt. lod.Ip. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Meny. Merc. Mez. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux. Op. Phosp. Puis. Ran-sc. Selen. Stront. Sulph. Tart. Thuj. Valer. Verat. ----left side, Puis. ----morning in bed; Nux. ----right cheek, Agar. — above eyes, Mez. - — in lips, Carb-veg. Cham. Ip. Lact. Sulph. Thuj. -------lower, Hipp. -------upper, Nice -------in morning in sleep, Ol-an. -------in cold air, Dulc. ----corners of mouth, Borax. Igt. Oleand, Op. Rheum. Turburcles on face, Alum. Mgn-n. Typical, periodical, pains in face, Spig. Ulcers in face, Ars. Con. Iod. Psor. — on left cheek, Iod. Ntr-m. Op. Ran-sc. Calc. ----chin, Merc. Ntr-m. ----lips, Amm-m. Ars. Bell. Caps. Cham. Chin. Cic. Con. Graph. Hep. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lye Merc. Mez.Ntr-e Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp-ac. Psor. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. ----border of lower lip, Lye — about mouth. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. ---—corners of mouth, Amm-m., Ant, Bell. Bov. Calc. Carb-veg. Graph. Hep. Igt. Ip. Mang. Merc. Mez. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux, Phosp. Psor. Sil. Thuj. Zinc. — burning and stinging, Nux. — with hard edges, smarting, on mucus surface of lips, Kali-b. — eating, Con. Nux. — putrid smelling, Merc. Ulcerous pain, Aeon. Veins distended in face, Ferr. Op. ----nets as if marble, Calc. Carb-veg. Lye Thuj. ---- red,Lach. Vesicles, Ant. Cist. Clem. Euph. Graph. Hep. Lach. Ol-an. Rhus. Sulph. Valer. — on chin, Hep. Sass. ----lips, Carb-an. Clem. Con.Hell. Hep. Merc. Mgn-m. Ntr-c Ntr-m. Plat. Rhod. -------lower, Ntr-s. Par. -------upper, Rat. Seneg. Valer. ---------sanguineous, Ntr-m. -------white, Hell. ----corners of mouth, Seneg. Senna. ----forehead, Seneg. — white as if sunburned, Clem. — full of yellowish humor, Euph. -----------followed by desquamation, Hipp-m. /fa* Wandering expression, Plb. Stram. Zinc Warmth, sense of, Asar. ^^ ll"vt' Warts on face, Caust. Dulc. Kali-c. Sep. Waxy look, Sil. White of egg, sen'sationjjiof, Alum. Mgn-c. Phosp-ac. Sulph-ac. Wretched expression, Mez. Wrinkles in forehead, Hell. Rheum, (com- pare Scalp ). ----face, Calc. Hell. Lye Stram. ----lips, Amm-c. Yellow color. Aeon. Ambr. Arn. Ars. Bell. Biy. Calc. Canth. Carb-an. Caw/.Cham. Chenop. Chin. Con. Corn-e Croc Crotal. Dig. Ferr. Gels. Graph. Hell. Hep. Hipp-m. Iod. Ip. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lach. Lachn. Laur. Lye. Mgn-m. Merc. Merc-cor. Ntr-c Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. A7//*. Op. Petr. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Sec-c. Sep. Spig. Sulph. Verat. — about eyes, Nitr-ac. Nux. Spig. ----mouth, Agar. Ars. Cina. Mgn-m. Sep. -------and nose, Nux. Sep. 68 8. FACE. Yellow across above nose and cheeks, Sep. — on temples,Caust. — trace on lips, Stram. — color brownish, Iod. — granulations on skin, Ant. — grayish, Carb-veg. Chin. Laur. — greenish, Carb-veg. — in intermittents, Amm-c. Con. Ferr. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. — spots on face, Ambr. Colch. Ferr. ----on cheek and nose, Sep. -------forehead and upper lip, Ntr-c. -------upper lip, Sulph. — streaks on upper lip, Stram. In evening.pain in face, Caps. Phosp. Plat. ---------lips, Mgn-s. At night, pain, Con. Led. Mgn-c. Sil. -------relieved, Ang. -------lower jaw, Sil. ----— in lying, Phosp. -------when at rest, intolerable, Mgn-c. -------with toothache, succeeded by shud- dering and sleep, Led. When biting the teethtogether.pain, Ntr-m. Verb. --------------in maxillary joint, Cor-r. From a cold, pain, Phosp. — cold temperature, Agar. Colch. When laughing, pain, Borax. Mang.Tabac. -------in maxillary joint, Tabac. — masticating, pain, Alum. Ang. Phosp. Plat. Verb. Aching, Ars.' Bism. Borax. Chin. Euph. Guaj. Iod. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Oleand. Staph. Tar. Verat. — in sound teeth, Arn. Bry. Hyosc. Rhus. Sulph. ----left side, Brom. To arms and fingers, pain extending, Sep. Arthritic toothache, Cycl. Nux. Rhus. Staph. Black covered teeth, Chin. Merc. ----gums, Merc. —, teeth turn, Merc. Plb. Scill. Staph. Bleeding of gums, Agar. Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Anac. Ant. Arg. Arg-n. Ars. Arum. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Berb. Borax. Bov. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cist. Con. Croton. Creos.Euphr. Ferr-m. Graph. Hep. Iod. Kali-chl. Lye. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Merc-cor. Ntr-m. Nitr. Nitr-ac Nux-m. Nux. Phosp. -------in maxillary joint, Amm-m. Cor-r. After meals pain in jaw, Mang. When moving the jaws, pain, Alum. Amm-c. Borax. Cor-r. Mang. Ntr-m. Phosp. Spig. Verb. ------------relieved, Ang. — opening mouth, pain, Phosp. ---------in maxillary joint, Amm-c. Cor-r. Hep. Nice — shutting mouth, pain in maxillary joint, Bar-c. — sleeping, pain, Caps. — speaking, pain, Phosp. By pressure, pain increased, Cina. Dros. Verb. -------relieved, Bry. When at rest, pain, Ang. Mgn-c. By rubbing, pain relieved or altered, Plb. When touched, pain. Caps. Chin. Cina. Cor-r. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Hep. Phosp. Puis. Spig. -------in lips, Bry. Hep. Merc. Mez. -------relieved, Thuj. From warmth of bed, faceache worse, Glon. After washing, a rasping pain in face, Con. Desire to wash the face in cold water, Fluor-ac. During bad weather, pain, Bell. With anguish at heart, Spig. — tears, Phosp-ac. — vomiting, Lach. Phosp-ac. Ran-sc. Rat. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tereb. Tong. Zinc. — when cleaning them, Kali-chl. —, blood coagulates quickly, Creos. — teeth, Ambr. An.t. Bar-c. Carb-veg. Croton. Phosp. Rat. Sulph. Tar. Tong. Zinc. — at night, Bov. — when pressed upon, Ferr-m. Merc. ----sucking them, Bell. Bov. Rat. Blood, which comes out of teeth black, Graph. --------------sour, Graph. Rat. Tar. Tong. Blows on teeth, sensation of, Tar. Bluish gums, Oleand. Sabad. — red, Con. I Boils on gums, Arn. Kali-jod. Lye Ntr-s Nux-jug. Phosp-ac. Plb. Staph. 9. Teeth and Gums. 9. TEETH AND GUMS. 69 Boring toothache, Alum. Bell. Bov. Calc. Con. Cycl. Grat. Kali-c. Lach. Mgn-c. Mez. Ntr-c Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp. Selen. Sil. Sulph. Breaking off of teeth, Plb. Broken, pain as if, in teeth, Ntr-m. Bruised, pain as if, in teeth, Igt. — as if, between gums and teeth, Hyosc. Burning in teeth, Bar-c. Dulc. Mgn-c. Mez. Nux. Phosp-ac. Sulph. — — gums, Bell. Cham. Merc. Mur-ac. Ntr-s. Nux. Petr. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Stront. Tereb. Caries of teeth, Amm-c. Calc. Carb-an. Creos. Euph. Merc. Mez. Phosp. Plb. Sabad. Sep. Sil. Staph. ----roots, Mez. Thuj. To cheek bone, pain extending, Chenop. In children, toothache, Calc. Cham. Igt. Rheum. As from cold air blowing on teeth, sensa- tion, Cocc-c. Coldness, sense of in teeth, Asar. Diad. Grat. Ol-an. Rat. Rheum. — at points of incisors, Gum-gut. — daily, Diad. As from congestion of blood, toothache, Calc. Contracting pain, Carb-veg. Corrosive pains, Cacl. Carb-veg. Cham. Con. Kali-c Nice. Phosp. Puis. Staph. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Cracking of teeth when rubbing them, Selen. Cracks in gums, Plat. Crawling in teeth, Mur-ac. Rhus. ----gums, Arn. Crumbling teeth, Borax. Creos. Euph. Lach. Plb. Staph. Thuj. Crushed pain as if, in molars, Igt. Cutting pain in gums, Par. -------teeth, Graph. Oleand. Ran-b. -------roots, Camph. Decayed, hollow, teeth, pain in, Aeon. Aloe. Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Ang. Ant. Bar-c. Borax. Bov. Bry Cham. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Con. Creos. Fluor-ac. Hep. Ip. Lach. Meph. Merc. Mez. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux. Ox-ac. Par. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Rheum. Sang. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Tabac. Tar. Thuj. Decay of teeth suddenly, Mez. -------as soon as they appear, Creos. ----molars, Clem. ----lower molars,*right side, Aloe. Dentition difficult in children, Calc. Cham. Cic. Creos. Cupr. Hyosc. Igt. Rheum. Sil. Digging pain, Ant. Borax. Bov. Calc. Cham. Kali-c. Ntr-c. Nux. Plat. Puis. Rat. Rheum. Ruta. Seneg. Sil. Sulph- ac Dirty, livid color of gums, Merc. Drawing pains in gums, Ars. Caps. Nux. Staph. Tabac. -------teeth, Ambr. Amm-c. Anac. Ang. Bar-c. Bell. Bism. Bov. Bry. Calc. Canth. Caps. Carb-an. ■; Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Clem Cocc-c. Con. Creos. Cycl. Daph. Graph. Guaj. Hep. Iod. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Mgn-c. Meph. Mez. Ntr-s. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux. Ol-an. Oleand. Par. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puis. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Rhod. Sabad. Sabin. Sass. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Tabac. Tar. Tereb. Thuj. Verat. Zinc. -------nerves, Coloc. Puis. -------roots, Staph. Dulness of teeth, as if set on edge, Amm-c. Ars. Aur. Berb. Caps. Ferr-m. Kali-chl. Lach. Lye Merc. Mez. Ntr-m Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Sep. Sil. Spong. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tar. Tart-ac — as if covered with lime, Nux-m. — on left side, Cor-r. — with sour vomiting, Sacch. From the ear, toothache originating, Ol-an. To the ear, extending, Alum. Amm-c. Anac. Ars. Bell. Borax. Bry. Caust. Cham. Chenop.Chin. Creos. Ind. Lach. Mgn-c. Alerc. Meph. Mez. Ntr-m. Nice Nux-m. Nux. Ol-an. Puis. Rat. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Viol-od. — right ear, Nice Elongation of teeth, Arn. Caust. Sulph. — sensation of, Arn. Ars. Bell. Berb. Bry. Calc. Camph. Caps. Caust. Clem. Creos. Hyosc. Kali-jod. Lach. Lachn. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Merc-cor. Mez. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nice Nitr-ac. Phyt. Rat. Stann. Sulph. ----in hollow teeth, Hep. ------gums, Nitr-ac. Excrescences on gums, Staph. Exfoliation of teeth, Lach. Staph. To eyes extending, toothache, Bell. Cham. Creos. Lach. Merc. Ntr-m. Nice Puis. Tar. — face extending, toothache, Alum. Amm-c. Hyosc. Merc. Mez. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Falling out of teeth, Merc. Nux. Plb. Sec-c. -----------sensation as of, Stram. In females, toothache, Bell. Cham. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Puis. Fistula of gums, Calc. Canth. Caust. Fluor-ac. Lye Mgn-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Petr. Sil. Staph. Sulph. ----upper incisors, Canth. — near right eye tooth, Fluor-ac. Gnawing toothache, Berb. Calc. Carb-veg. Con. Nice Phosp.Rhus. Staph. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Grinding of teeth, Aeon. Ant. Apis. Arn. 7o 9. TEETH AND GUMS. Ars. Aur. Bar-c. Canth. Caust. Cham. Cic. Cina. Coff. Con. Hyosc. Igt. Lye Merc. Phosp. Plb. Pod. Sec-c. Stram. Verat. Grinding of teeh when sleeping, Ars. ------------in a sitting posture, Ant. Into head extending, toothache, Ant. Ars. Bar-c. Borax. Cham. Clem. Cupr. Mgn-c Merc. Mez. Nux-m. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Heaviness, sense of, in teeth, Fluor-ac. Verat. Hollowness of teeth, Creos. Mez. Phosp. Plb. Sabad, Sep. Staph. Jerking toothache, Amm-c. Anac. Ant.Bell. Bry. Calc. Cast. Cham. Chin. Clem. Cocc-c. Coff. Con. Creos. Kali-c. Mgn-c. Mgn-s. Merc. Mez. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Ran-sc. Rat. Rhus. Sil. Spig. Stann. Stront. Sulph. Inflammation of gums, Amm-c.Creos.Hep. Iod. Kali-c. Ntr-m. Nitr. A'ux. Sil. -------, left upper side, Creos. Infuriating toothache, Ars. Itching in teeth, Spong. ----gums, Bell. Merc. Rhod. Knocking pain, Ars. Carb-an. Kali-c. Lascinating, (compare Rending, tearing.) Looseness of teeth, Amm-c. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bar-c. Bry. Calc. Camph. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Cocc. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-s. Merc. Merc-cor. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Plb. Psor. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Sang. Sec-c. Sep. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Verat. Zinc. -------painful, Puis. -------, sensation, Bry. Hyosc. Lachn. Merc. Nice Nux-m. Oleand. Spong. Sulph. Mucus on teeth, Hyosc. Iod. Mgn-c. Plb. Selen. Sulph. -------in morning, Iod. -------black, Chin. -------brown, Sulph. -------yellow, Iod. Plb. -------offensive, Mez. Nerves as if extended, Coloc. Puis. —-------and let suddenly loose, Puis. Nodosities on gums, Berb. Ntr-s. Phosp-ac. Plb. Staph. Notching of teeth, Lach. Plb. Numbness, sensation of. Chin. Ntr-m. Petr. To the oesophagus, pain extending, Ntr-m. Pain in paroxysms, first in upper front teeth to all the bones of face and eye worse from taking cold water in the mouth, Rumex. — right side of face from root of tooth which had been sawn off extending to temples, next day same pain in left side CVf~ S^tOti^A. *< GO^*-~~-~ -(jsi-el^.*//- litl— from throat to left ear, causing earache, Lith. Painfulness of gums, Agar. Ambr. Calc. Caust. Dolich. Hep. Phosp. Ruta. Staph. — — — in spots, Ox-ac. Pale gums, Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Plb. Staph. Periodical pain, Ars. Diad. In pregnant women, toothache, Alum. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cham. Hyosc. Mgn-c. Merc. Nux-m. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Pressing in teeth, Bism. Bov. Chin. Euph. Guaj. Iod. Ntr-c. Nux-m. Oleand. Staph. Tar. Verat. ----roots, Staph. ----gums, Ars. Staph. Pressing asunder, expansive toothache, Kalm. Mur-ac. Ran-b. Sabin. Spig. Thuj. Pricking toothache, Ant. Bar-m. Hell. Mgn-s. Nux-m. Phosp. Prun. — in gums, Puis. As if teeth were being pulled out, tooth- ache, Berb. Cocc. Cocc-c. Ip. Prun. Stront. Pulsations in gums, Calc. ----teeth, Bar-m. Cocc-c. Hyosc. Mgn-c. Merc. Ntr-s. Puis. Purple colored thin border on gums near- est teeth, Plb. Pustules on gums, Carb-an. Ntr-s. Petr. Putrid gums, Amm-c. Cist. Ntr-m. Nux. (compare Scorbutic). Rapid, quick pain, Lact. Rasping pain, Mang. Redness of gums, Aur. Berb. Carb-an. Cham. Creos. Iod. Merc. Ntr-s. Nux Phell. Ran-sc. ----, dirty, Berb. ----, pale, Bar-c. Kali-chl. Rending, tearing, in teeth, Agar. Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Amm-m. Anac Ang. Arn. Ars. Bar-m. Bell. Berb. Bruc. Bry! Carb-veg. Cast. Caust. Cham. Chenop. Chin. Cocc-c. Coff. Colch. Cupr. Daph. Graph. Grat. Hell. Hyosc. Hyper. Iod. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Mgn-c. Mang. Merc. Meph. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Oleand. Ol-an. Phell. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Ran-b. Rat. Rhod. Rhus. Samb. Sass. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac Tabac. Tong. Verb. Viol-od. Zinc. ----on left side, Bel. Iod. Samb. Sulph. Sulph-ac. ----in molars, Amm-c. ---------, lower, Agar. -------roots, Camph. Lach. Meph. Merc. Ol-an. Staph. Stront. Teucr. -------gums, Ars. Bruc. Chin-sulph. Colch. Hyosc. Lye Sass. Staph. Teucr. Rheumatic toothache, Nux. Staph. 9. TEETH AND GUMS. 71 Roots of teeth, pain in, Amm-c. Scabs, gangrenous, on gums, Chin. Sulph. Scorbutic gums, Amm-c. Amm-m. Cist. Creos. Alur-ae. Nitr. Sacch. Screwing toothache, Euph. Semi-lateral pains, Cham. Coloc. Nux. Puis. Sensitiveness, ( compare Tenderness .) Separation of gums, Ant. Arg. Arg-n. Carb-veg. Cist. Dulc. Iod. Merc. Phosp. Phosp-ac Sulph. Tereb. Shocks, jerks, Anac. Bar-c. Cham. Cocc-c. Ly.c. Meph. Merc. Nux-m. Plat. Sep. Sulph. — in gums, Lvc. Shooting, (compare Rending). Sounds, painful reverberation of in teeth, Therid. Shrivelled gums, Carb-veg. Merc. Par. Softening of gums, Arg. Iod. Phosp-ac. Tereb. Soreness of gums, Carb-an. Carb-veg. Dig. Nitr-ac. Sep. Sil. —, sensation of, in teeth, Calc. Caust. Cina. Croton. Graph. Nux. Psor. Rhod. Rhus. Zinc. ----, in gums, Alum. Bism. Bry. Carb-veg. Graph. Merc. Ntr-m. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sass. Tereb. Thuj. Zinc. ----between gums, and cheek, Rhod, Spasmodjc pains, Anac.Borax. Lye Nux-m. Plat. Splintered, pain as if teeth were, Sabin. Spongy gums, Bry. Creos. Dulc. Merc. Stinging stitches in gums, Amm-m. Ars. Bell. Calc Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lye Petr. Puis. Sabad. Sep. Staph. -------teeth, Aeon. Ambr. Amm-c. Bar-c. Bell. Borax. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cham. Chin. Clem. Colch. Con. Cycl. Dros. Euph. Euphr. Gles. Graph. Guaj. Hcematox. Hell. Kali-c. Kali-chl. Lach. Laur. Mgn- c. Merc. Mez. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Phell. Phosp. Psor. Puis. Ran-sc. Raph. Rhus. Sabad. Sabin. Samb.Scill. Sep. Sil. Spong. Sulph. Tabac. Valer. Zinc. -------lower teeth, Euphr. Suppuration of gums, Amm-c. Canth. Carb-veg. Caust. Suppurating pustules on gums, Carb-an. Ntr-s. Petr. Swelling of gums, Agar. Alum. Ambr. Amm- c. Amm-m. Anac. Arg-n. Ars. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Bism. Borax. Calc. Caps. Carb-an. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cist. Cocc.Cocc-c.Con.Croton. Dolich. Graph. Hep. Iod. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lac-can. Lach. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Merc- cor. Mur-ac. Nice Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux- jug. Nux. Petr. Phell. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Rhod. Sass. Sep. Spong. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Zinc. — under gums, Rhod. — around a decayed tooth, Sabin. — painful, Carb-an. Croton. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Mgn-m. Nux. Phell. Ran-sc. Rhod. Sabin. Sass. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. ----when chewing, Spong. ----to touch, Hep. Stront. — sensation of, Puis. — over upper incisors, with swelling of upper lip, Lye —, convulsions from, over teeth which are not quite through, Creos. Stann. — pale red, Bar-c. — white, Nux. Sabin. — at night, Cast. Merc. — with headache, Cast. ----toothache, Bar-c. Borax. Ntr-c. Taste, acrid, foul, from roots of teeth, Fluor-ac. Tenderness of gums, Agar. Ambr. Brom. Calc. Caust. Lach. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp. Ruta. Staph. -------to cold and warmth, Ntr-m. ----teeth, Ferr-m. Gymnoc. Mang.Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Sass. SenSg. Sulph. -------to air, Berb. ------------and touch, Ntr-m. ---------cold water, Bry. Cina. Gymnoc. Hell. Merc. Sep. — of points of teeth, Sulph. To the temples, pain extending, Ant. Ars. Bar-c Chin. Cupr. Hyosc. Merc Mez. Nux-m. Nux. Sulph. Tension in teeth, Anac. Coloc. Puis. Throbbing in teeth, Aeon. Aloe. Ang. Ars. Bar-c. Calc. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc-c. Coff. Coloc. Daph. Hyosc. Kali-c. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-s. Merc. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Par. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Rat. Sabad. Sabin. Spig. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Verat. ----roots of teeth, Ol-an. ----gums, Bell. Calc. Daph. Nux. Puis. Sulph. —, drawing, Hyosc. Sep. — as from inflammation of periosteum, Hyosc. — when breathing, Carb-veg. — with headache, Glon. To the throat, pain extending, Ntr-m. Tingling in teeth, Mur-ac. Rhus. ----gums, Arn. Topor, sense of, Chin. Petr. Twisted, feeling as if teeth were, Lact. Turbercle, painful on gums, Phosp-ac. Plb. Ulcers on gums, Agn. Aur. Berb. Borax, Carb-veg. Creos. Iod. Kali-c. Lye Merc. Merc-cor. Millef. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nux. Ox-ac. Phosp. Psor. Sabin. Sep. Stann. Staph. Sulph-ac. 72 9. Teeth and gums. Uucers on gums, with swollen cheeks, Aur. ;Iod. Stann -------with base like lard, Hep. ----tooth, Agn. Ulcerous pain in gums, Bell. Kali-jod. -------teeth, Amm-c Bell. Kali-jod. Mgn-c. Phosp. Ulceration of roots, Alum. Vesicles on gums, Ntr-m. ----, bleeding, Mgn-c. ----burning, Bell. Mgn-c. Mez. Wandering, shifting pain in all the teeth, Mang. Puis. Tilia. Warm, teeth feel, left side upper jaw, Fluor-ac. Water, sour, fetid, coming from teeth, Nice White gums, Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Plb. Staph. Zinc. — ulcerous fringes on gums, Merc. Wrenching pain, Prun. Yellow teeth, Iod. Lye Nitr-ac. Phosp-ac. Thuj. Day and night toothache, Ambr. In morning toothache^ Creos. Hyosc. Lach. Nux. Phosp. Sulph. Tart. ----in bed, Creos. Kali-c. Lach. Nux. Ran-b. Staph. ----pain in gums,»Par. Tereb. — afternoon, after dinner, toothache, Berb. Lach. Nux. Puis. — evening, toothache, Alum. Amm-c. Anac. Apis. Bar-c. Bell. Bov. Cham. Graph. Kali-c. Mgn-s. Mang. Merc. Mez. Nice Nitr-ac. Phosp. Puis. Rat. Sabin. Sulph. Sulph-ac. ----in bed, Alum. Amm-c. Ant. Bar-c. Bov. Carb-an. Cham. Diad. Graph. Kali-c. Led. Mgn-c. ||Mgn-m. Merc. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Puis. Sulph-ac. ----chilliness of teeth, Mez. At night, toothache, Ambr. Amm-c. Anac. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Berb. Bov. Bry. Calc. Cham. Chenop. Chin. Clem. Coff. Cycl. Graph. Grat. Hell. Hep. Kali-jod. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. l Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Oleand. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. ----only, Lye ----out of bed, Ntr-s. ----relieved, Oleand. ----pain in gums, Merc. Rhus. ----with restlessness, Mgn-c. From air drawn in, toothache, Alum. Bell. Caust. Chin. Cic. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Nux. Petr. Rhus. Sabin. Selen. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. When biting the teeth together, pain, Amm-c. Colch. Graph. Guaj. Hep. Ip. Petr. Sep. Tabac. Zinc-ox. From eating bread, toothache, Carb-an. — chamomile, toothache, Alum. — coffee, toothache, ("ham. Lachn. Nux. After coition, toothache, Daph. From a cold toothache, Aeon. Bar-c. Bell, Cham. Kali-c. Hyosc. Igt. Merc. Nux-m. Nux. Puis. Rhus. -------in spring, Puis. — coldness, toothache, Agar. Calc. Hell. Mgn-c. Sulph-ac. Therid. — cold air, toothache, Agar. Bell. Bry. Cina. Hyosc. Merc. Nux-m. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sass. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Staph. Thuj. ---------relieved, Ntr-s. Puis. — cold drink, toothache, Ant. Arg-n. Borax. Bruc. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Cham. Cina. Clem. Graph. Kali-c. Lac-can. Lach. Mang. Merc. Mur-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Rhus. Rumex. Sass. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Tilia. Thuj. ---------relieved, Coff. Puis. ----food, toothache, Con. — anything cold, toothache, Ant. Calc. Carb-veg. Cast. Hell. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Mgn-s. Mang. Merc. Par. Phosp-ac. Plb. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Thuj. — a draft of air, toothache, Bell. Calc. Chin. Sass Sep. Sulph. — drinking, toothache, Cham. Sabin. — hot drinks, toothache, Ang. Cham. Dros. ---------relieved, Lye — eating, toothache, Ant. Bell. Bry. Canth. Cast. Cocc. Hep. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Mere Puis. Thuj. (compare Meals.) -------relieved, Rhod. Sil. Spig. After fruits, toothache, Ntr-s. When lying on unaffected side worse, Bry. -------affected side, Ars. Nux. ------------relieved, Bry. ----in a horizontal position, Benz-ac. Clem. From masticating, toothache, Alum. Amm-c. Bell. Bry. Chin. Ferr-m. Graph. Hyosc. Lach. Merc. Oleand. Phosp. Rhus. Sabin. Staph. Thuj. Verat. Zinc. During meals, toothache, Bry. Carb-an. Cast. Cocc. Croton. Euph. Graph. Hep. Igt. Kali-c. Lye. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Merc. Ntr-c. Puis. Sabin. Sulph. Thuj. ----pain in gums, Merc. After meals, toothache, Ant. Bell. Borax. Bry. Cham. Chin. Coff. Graph. Igt. Lach. Mgn-c. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Sabin. Spig. Stann. Staph. From mental exertion,toothache,Bell.Nux. — damp, moist air, Borax. Nux-m. Rhod. Seneg. — movement, Mez. By noise, pain increased, Calc. From open air, toothache, Ambr. Ant. Bell. Bov. Cham. Chin. Con. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Rhus. Spig. Staph. Sulph. -------relieved, Ant. Bov. 9. TEETH AND GUMS. 73 By picking the teeth, pain excited, Puis. Sang. Perspiration relieves, Chenop. By pressure, pain increases, Ntr-m. Tong. -------relieved, Amm-c. Ars. Chin. Cocc. Euph. Grat. Mgn-m. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Rhus. Tabac. When at rest, intolerable pain, Mgn-c. — riding in a carriage, toothache, Mgn-c. After rising from bed, pain relieved, Oleand. Sabin. In the room worse, Cham. Mgn-c. Nice Nux. Puis. Rhod. Sep. Sulph. On entering into a room, worse, Mgn-s. From salt food, toothache, Carb-veg. When sitting, worse, Amm-m. Graph. Puis. — sleep commences the pain abates, Merc. — sucking the teeth, pain, Nux-m. From sweet things, toothache, Sep. — talking, toothache, Sep. During a thunderstorm, toothache, Rhod. From tobacco smoking, worse, Bry. Chin. Clem. Sabin. Spig. Thuj. -------relieved, Borax. Ntr-s. When touched, toothache, Bell. Borax. Cast. Chelid. Chin. Cocc-c. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Mez. Ntr-m. Nitr. Sep. ----pain in gums, Arg. Arg-n. Hep. Merc. Petr. Stront. By touch, pain increased, Amm-c. Bell. Calc. Cast. Clem. Euph. Hep. Graph. Igt. Lye Merc. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rhod. Sabin. Sep. Staph. Sulph. ----with food, Kali-c. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Sang. — vinegar, pain relieved, Puis. Tong. When walking in open air, toothache, Agn. Cham. Con. Dros. Mgn-s. Nux. -----------relieved, Bov. Bry. Hep. Lye Mgn-m. Puis. Sep. From warm food, toothache, Agn. Phosp. Sil. — anything warm, toothache, Ambr. Amm-c. Anac. Agn. Bar-c. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Cham. Kali-c. Lachn. Mgn-s. Merc. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sil. Sulph. ---------relieved, Kali-jod. Nux-m. By external warmth, pain increased, Graph. Hell. Hep. Nux-m. Puis. ---------relieved, Amm-t:. Ars. Bov. Cast. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Mgn-m. Merc. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Nux-m. Nux. Rhus. Sabad. Staph. Sulph-ac. — warmth of bed, pain increased, Cham. Merc. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sabin. ------------relieved, Lye Mgn-s. -------room, pain increased, Cham. Hep. Iris. Mgn-s. Nux. Puis. After washing, toothache, Nux-m. Phosp. . ■"---with cold water, Calc. Merc. Sulph. In wet weather, toothache, Borax. Nux-m. Rhod. Seneg. By wine, toothache excited, Nux. Ailments from cutting wisdom teeth, Mgn-c. With anxiety, Clem. Coff. Oleand. — pains in limbs as if bruised, Verat. — cheeks swollen, Am. Ars. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Borax. Bry. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Graph. Iod. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Mere Ntr-m. Nux. Petr. Puis. Samb. Sep. Staph. Sulph. ----red, Cham. Nux. —.chilliness, Daph. Euph. Lach. Mere Puis. Sulph. ' — coldness of whole body, Verat. — cough, Sep. — discouragement, despair, Ars. Cham. Nux. — dyspneeai Ntr-m. Puis. Sep. — ears, coldness of, Lach. ----pain in, Bell. Borax. Nice Puis. Rhod. ----stitches in, Bell. Cham. Creos. Lach. Merc. Ntr-m. Phosp. Sulph. Thuj. — erections, Daph. — excitability, irritability, Alum. Cham. Sep. — eyes surrounded by a yellow mark, Spig. — face bloated, Spig. ----heat in, Cham. Graph. Stann. ----pain in, Ars. Creos. Euph. Kali-c. Sil. Spig. — — paleness, Puis. Spig. —• — redness and swelling, Cham. Verat. ----swelling, Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cham. Merc. Ntr-m. Nux. Puis. Staph. Verat. — fainting, Verat. — glands, submaxillary, swelling of, Amm-c. Bar-c. Camph. Carb-veg. Cham. Dulc. Merc. Nux. Sep. Staph. — head, congestion to, Aeon. Aur. Bell. Calc. Cham. Chin. Hyosc. Lach. Mez. Puis. Sep. Sulph. ----heat, Aur. ----pain in, Borax. Euph. Lach. Nitr. Puis. Thuj. Verat. — heat, nocturnal, Sil. ----universal, Lach. Verat. — jaw, lameness of, Nux-m. ----pain in, Nux. Thuj. ----swelling of periosteum of, Sil. — knees, tearing pain in, Chenop. — lassitude, Clem. — legs, heaviness of, Lach. — lips, swollen, Bov. Ntr-c. — nausea, Oleand. Verat. — neck, pain in, Nux-m. ----rigidity of, Lach. — perspiration, Daph. Chin. ----cold on forehead, Verat. ■— pulsation in body, Sep. — relaxation, Mang. 74 9. TEETH AND GUMS. with restlessness, Coff. Mgn-c. Mang. Ntr-s. — to run about, compelled, Mgn-c. Spig. — saliva, collection of, Cham. Daph. Merc. Ntr-m. Phosp. Stront. — sleep desire to, Sulph. — sleeplessness, Sil. — thirst, Verat. — tossing about, Clem. — twitching of feet and fingers, Mgn-c — urination frequent, Oleand. — vomiting, Verat. — weakness, Clem. Verat. — weeping, Bell. Coff. Blueness of tongue, Ars. Dig. Mur-ac. Sabad. Spig. ----mouth, Merc. Bluish white coating on tongue, Gymnoc. Boring, sense on palate, Aur. ----tongue, Clem. Brown tongue, Ars. Chin. Carb-veg. Lac-can. Lach. Merc. Nux. Phosp. Plb. Rhus. Sec-c. Spong. Sulph. — coated tongue, Ars. Bell. Bry. Carb-veg. Cocc-c. Hyosc. Kali-b. Merc-jod. Phosp. Plb. Rumex. Sabin. Spong. Sulph. Verb. ----in morning. Verb. Burning in mouth, Ars. Arum-trif. Asar. Asa-f. Calc. Cham. Coloc. Cupr. Gels. Gymnoc. Hipp-m. Hyper. Iris. Jatr. Kali-chl. Mgn-m. Merc-sulph. Mercurial. Mez. Ntr-s. Nux. Plat. Scill. Seneg. Sulph. Verat. — on palate, Camph. Carb-veg. Cinnab. Dulc. Hipp-m. Igt. Mgn-c. Merc-cor. Ntr-s. Ran-b. Scill. Seneg. — from mouth to stomach, Brom. Camph. Merc-cor. — on tongue, Aeon! Apis. Asar, Bar-c. lO. Mouth, Pa Apthce in mouth, Aeth. Arg. Ars. Aur. Bapt. Borax. Bry. Canth. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cic. Corn-e Dulc. Gum-gut. Hell. Hip-m. Iod. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. ATux. Plb. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Vinca. — on palate, Sass. ----tongue, Agar. Borax. Sass. — easily bleeding, Borax. — in children, Borax. Merc. Nux. Sacch. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Atrophy of tongue, Mur-ac. Biting sensation in mouth, Ambr. Asar. ----on palate, Carb-veg. Mez. Ran-sc. -------tongue, Arn. Asar. Ol-an. Teucr. — tongue, Thuj. ----at night in sleep, Phosp-ac. ----when chewing or talking, Caust. Igt, Petr. Black tongue, Aeth. Ars. Bufo. Chin. Cupr. Lach. Lye Op. Phosp. Sec-c. ----posterior part, Verat. — coated tongue, Chin. Elaps. Merc. Phosp. Blood, clotted in mouth, Canth. (fau^t ztr ^/V^i^'t-^ y/^L^L^^ jg^. Wl^frU^^- A^t^ ~^7>cCp5sr eC*uxove*.Carb-veg. Chin. Cupr. Iod. Lye Merc. Merc-cor. Ntr-.e Nux-m. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Therid. Verat. Zinc. ----of water, Brom. — slimy, mucus, Arn.Bell. Carb-an. Cham. Dig. Kali-c. Lye Merc. Ntr-s. Nux. Pallad. Par. Petr. Phell. Phosp. Plat. Prun. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Sabin. Sass. Seneg. Sil. Tabac. Zing. ----in morning, Lye Valer. ----after drinking, Chin. — soapy, Dulc. Iod. — sour, Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Caps. Carb-an. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Con. Croc. Cupr. Graph. Hep. Igt. Iod. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kali-chl. Lach. Lye. Mgn-c. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux. Ol-an. Op. Ox-ac. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rheum. Sass. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Tabac. Tar. Tart. — EE salt, Cupr. — Ssweet> Croton. Kali-jod.Mgn-s. Meny. ----in morning, Berb. Lye Nux, Sulph. ----with constipation. Lye ----when coughing, Cocc. ----after drinking, Nux. Sulph. ----before meals, Bar-c. ----after meals, Berb. Carb-veg. Cocc Lye. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Sabin. Sep. Sil. -------milk, Ambr.Carb-veg.Lye Sulph. — stale, Bry. Chin. Petr. Puis. Staph. Thuj. — like sulphuric acid, Plb. ----sulphur, Cocc. Nux. — sweetish, Aeon. Aeth. Alum. Arg-m. Aur. Bry. Cocc-c. Coff. Croc. Cupr. Dig. Ferr. Hydroc-ac. Ip. Iod. Kali-b. Kali-jod. Laur. Merc. Mur-ac. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Plat. Plb. Puis. Ran-b. Sabad. Sass. Scill. Seneg. Spong. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. ----in mo'rning, Aeth. Ran-sc. Sulph. -------evening and after meals, Thuj. -------gonorrhoea, Thuj. ----after smoking, Selen. -------drinking water, Phell. — like tallow, Valer. — like urine, Seneg. ---- wine, Seneg. — viscous, Calad. Plat. — watery, Caps. Chin. Staph. Taste, of food and drink, — bitter, acrid,Rhus. ----, beer, Ars. Chin. Igt. Merc Mez. Phell. Puis. Stann. ----, bread, Ars. Asar. Chin-sulph. Cina. Did. Dros. Ferr. Merc 12. appetit: Nux. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sass. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Taste bitter of butter Puis. (-.&.,„., ----coffee and milk, Sabin. ----liquids, Aeon. Ars. Chin. Puis. ----meals, Aeon. Ang. Ars. Asar. Borax. Bry. Camph. Cham. Chin. Coloc. Dig. Dros. Ferr. Igt. Hell. Hep. Lye Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp-ac. Puis. Ran-b. Rheum. Rhus. Sabin. Sass. Stann. Stapn. Stram. Sulph. Teucr. Valer. ----meat, Camph. Puis. ----milk, Puis. ----tobacco, (smoking), Asar. Camph. ----wine, Puis. — like clay, food, Chin. — coarse, bread, Rhus. — dry, bread, Phosp-ac. Rhus. ----food in general, Ferr. Ruta. — herby, beer, Nux. — insipid, beer, Ip. Puis. ----food, Amm-c. Calc. Chin. Cycl,. — ^4?aSccor" CHeand. Ruta. Stram. — merarl1ic,^oa^Airrm-cTI!t-,t^^' ' «^ot^ — nauseous, food and meat, Chin-sulph, Scill. — tobacco smoking, Ip. Poth. Selen. — pungent, tobacco, Staph. — putrid, beer, Igt. ----food, Bar-m. Igt. Mosch. ----meat, Puis. ----water, Ntr-in. — saltish, food, Ars. Bell. Carb-veg. Chin. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Tar. ----water, Brom. — sickly, beer, Ip. ----food,Anac. Ars.Calc.Cycl.Ruta.Thuj. — slimy, beer, Asa-f. — smoky, bread, Nux. — sour, beer, Merc. Puis. ----bread, Bell. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Nitr-ac. Puis. Staph. -------wheat, Nux. ----butter, Puis. Tar. ----coffee. Chin. ----food in general, Amm-c. Ars. Calc. Caps. Chin. Jac-cor. Lye Nux. Puis. Tabac Tar. ----liquids, Chin. ----meat, Caps. Puis. Tar. — of straw, Stram. Sulph. — sweet, beer, Cor-r. Mur-ac. Puis. ----bread, Merc. Puis. ----butter, Puis. ----food, Mur-ac. Puis. Scill. ----meat, Puis. Scill. ----milk, Puis. ----tobacco, Selen. — unsalted, food, Ars. Calc. Cocc. Thuj. — watery, food, Cupr. — of wine, water, Tabac. «— acuteness of, Bell. Camph. Coff. E and TASTE. 91 — dulness of, Rhod. Sec-c. Seneg. Spong. — loss of, Alum. Amm-m. Anac. Ars. Bell. Borax. Bry. Calc. Canth. Hep. Hyosc. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Mercurial. Ntr-m. Op. Ox-ac. Phosp. Puis. Rheum. Rhod. Sec-c. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Verat. Tastelessnessof food, Alum. Ars. Bell. Bry. Colch. Cor-r. Dros. Ferr-m. Igt. Kali-b. Kali-jod. Merc. Puis. Rhod. Ruta. Sass. Scill. Seneg. Sil. Staph. Stram. Tart. Viol-tr. ----beer and butter, Puis. ----coffee and milk, Nux. ----meat, Alum. Nux. Puis. Thirst, Aeon. All-cep. Aloe. Amm-m. Anac. Ang. Ant. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bapt. Bar-m. Bell. Bov. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Cast. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chenop. Chin. Cic. Cina. Clem. Cocc. Colch. Coloc. Corn-e Cor-r. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Elaps. Eugen. Euph. Fluor-ac. Grat. Guaj. Hep. Hipp-m. Hydroc-ac. Hyosc. Hyper. Iod. Kali-b. Kali-jod. Lach. Lachn. Lact. Lam. Laur. Led. Lob. Algn-c. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Aterc. Merc-cor. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nice ATitr-ac. ATitr. Nux. Oleand. Op. Ox-ac. Petr. Phell. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Pod. Puis. Rhod. Rhu?. Sabad. Samb. Sass. Scill. Sec-c. Senna. Sil. Spig. Stann. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Tart. Therid. Thuj. Verat. Verb. Zinc. Zing. — constant, Aeth. Agar. Aloe. Amm-c. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Lam. Merc. Ntr-m. Sulph. — vehement, burning, Aeon. Anac. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Colch. Cub. Cupr. Cast. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Iod. Jatr. Laur. Lye Mgn-m. Alerc. Merc-cor. Merc-jod. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Nice Nitr. Op. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Raph. Rhus. Scill. Sec-c. Sil. Spong. Stann. Strain. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. Verb. ----in ascites or diabites, Acet-ac — in morning, Borax. Calc. Carb-an. Dros. Graph. Grat. Mgn-s. ATitr-ac. Nux. Plb. Rhus. Sabad. Sass. Sep. Thuj. ----3 A.M. Mgn-m. , — afternoon, Berb. Bov. Ran-b. Ruta. — evening, Amm-c. Bism. Bov. Croc. Mgn-c. Mgn-s. ATtr-s. Nice Rat. Sep. Thuj. — night, Aloe. Arn. Ars. Bry. Calc. Cham.. Cinnab. Coff. Cycl. Fluor-ac. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Nice Nitr-ac Rhus. Sulph. Thuj. — by beer drinking increased, Bry. — during meals, Aloe. Amm-c. Cocc. — after meals, Aloe. Bell. Bry. Graph' — in'phthisis pulmon. Nitr-ac. 92 12. APPETITE AND TASTE. Thirst, arrest of breathing when drinking, Anac. — with loss of appetite, Amm-c. Calc. Coloc. Nitr. Ox-ac. Rhus. Seneg. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Tart. — violent when drinking cold water, Jatr. — with aversion to drink, Amm-c. Arn. Bell. Canth. Caust. Hyosc. Lach Merc. Ntr-m. Nux. Rhus. Samb. Stram. ----choking sensation when drinking, Scill. — for cold water, Arn. Bry. Calc. Dulc. Mgn-c. ---------without fever, Arn. — without desire to drink, Ang. Mez. ----drinking, Graph. — drinking large quantities, Bad. Bry. Stram. Verat. ---------often, Bry. Lac-can. Ntr-m. ----small quantities, Ars. Bell. Chin. Hell. Scill. ---------often, Aeon. Ars. Bell. Chin. Hyosc. Lac-can. Puis. — with dryness of tongue, Dulc. -------in back part of throat, accumula- tions of saliva in forepart, Mez. — easily quenched, Caust. — with heat in mouth, Hyper. ----inability to swal.low, Bell. Canth. Cic. Hyosc. Igt. ----moist mouth, Stram. ----nausea, Ntr-m. — during spasms, Cic. — with urging to urinate, Cast. Caust. Phosp-ac. Tart. Verat. — after vomiting, Oleand. Thirstlessness, Agn. Ambr. Amm-c. Apis. Arg-n. Ars. Bell. Boy. Calad. Camph. Canth. Caps. Chin. Cor-r. Croton. Cycl. Diosc. Dulc. Euph. Ferr. Gels. Hell. Hydroc-ac. Ip. Iris. Lye Mang. Meny. Merc. Nux-m. Oleand. Petr. Plat. Puis. Sabad. Samb. Sass. Sep. Spig. Staph. Tabac. Tart. Thuj. — in dropsy, Apis. — with inclination to drink, Ars. Calad. Cocc. Coloc. Nux-m. — during meals, Nux-jug. — with moist tongue, Calad. Hell. Meny. Nux-m. Puis. Sabad. Voracity, voracious appetite, Chin. Cina. Cupr. Mere Mur-ac. Petr. Scill. Sep. Staph. Verat. Zinc. —, desire to eat often and much at a time, Cocc-c. —, eats too much and too often and looses flesh, Iod. 13- COMPLAINTS DURING AND AFTER MEALS. 93 13. Complaints During and After Meals. During meals, abdomen distended, Con. -------movement and croaking in, Ferr-m. -------painful, Ars. ----anxiety, Carb-veg. Sep. ----chest, heaviness in, Mgn-m. -------, pain in, Led. Ol-an. ----chilliness, Carb-an. Euph. Ran-sc. ----cough, Calc. ----dizziness, Amm-c. Mgn-c. Oleand. ----eructation, Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Oleand. Sass. ----face, heat in, Amm-c. ------perspiration, Ntr-m. ----fever, Staph. Tabac. ----flatulency, Ferr-m. ----giddiness, Amm-c. Arn. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. ----head affected, Ntr-s. ----headache, Graph. Rau-b. -------relieved, Phell. — — hiccough. Mgn-m. Merc. Teucr. ----hunger, Verat. ----nausea, Aug. Arg. Bar-c. Bell. Borax. Caust. Cic. Cocc. Colch. Dig. Kali-c. Ferr. Mgn-c. Nux. Ruta. Verat. ----— with retching to vomit, Cocc. Ferr. ----nose, itching of, Jatr. ----perspiration, Carb-an. Carb-veg. Igt. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. A'itr-ac. Ol-an. ----— on face, Ntr-m. Sulph-ac. ---------forehead, Nux. ----feels as if food passed over raw places, Bar-c. ----pressure in oesophagus, Ars. ----reeling, Oleand. ----regurgitation, Merc. Phosp. Sass. ----risings up from stomach, Phosp. ----sight obscuration of, Ntr-s. ----sleepiness, Kali-c. ----stomach distended, Con. -------pain in, Ang. Arn. Cic. Con. Sep. Tart. Verat. ---------when swallowing food, Bar-c. Nitr-ac. Sep. ----syncope, Nux. ----thirst, Aloe. Amm-c. Cocc. Ntr-c. ----vomiting, Dig. Nitr. -------, sudden, Amm-c. Ars. Iod. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Stann. Verat, After meals, complaints, Bry. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. ----dinner, Alum. Ars. Igt. Nux. Phosp. Valer. Zinc. ----abdomen, colic, Coloc. Nux-m. -------aching in. Hell. —----cramps, hysteric, Valer. -------cutting, Kali-b. Petr. -------distention, Agar. Agn. Ambr. Anac. Ant. Arn. Borax. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cast. Caust. Cham. Chin. Con. Croc. Dig. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Igt. Kali-c. Lach. Lact. Lye Mgn-s. Mann. Merc. Mur-ac. Ntr-c Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puis. Prun. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spong. Sulph. Tabac. Tereb. Ttiuj. Zinc. ------fulness, Agar. Agn. Anac. Ant. Aur. Cast. Cham. Chin. Croc. Graph. Kobalt. Lach. Lye. Mgn-c. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sil. Spong. Sulph. ---------after eating but little, Bar-c. Cycl. Ntr-m. Rhod. Sulph.Thuj. ----abdomen pain in, Alum. Ambr. Amm-m. Anac. Ant. Arg. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Borax. Bov. Bruc. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Cast. Caust. Chelid. Chin. Cic. Coloc. Con. Croton. Dig. Ferr-m. Grat. Kali-c. Igt. Iod. Lach. Lob. Lye Arux. Ol-an. Ox-ac. Petr. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Valer. Zinc. ------pulsation, Selen. ------- restlessness, Sulph-ac. -------rumbling, Cycl. Puis. Sep. Zinc. — — after taste, long, of what has been eaten, Ntr-m. Phosp-ac. Sil. ----anxiety, Ambr. Asa-f. Canth. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Ferr-m. Hyosc. Kali-c Lach. Mgn-m. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Sil. Thuj. Viol-tr. ----anus, pain in, Lye ----aversion to work, Anac. Bar-c. ----bones, pain in, Hell. ----chest fulness, Lye. -------oppression, Asa-f. Cinnab. Lye, Ntr-s. Nux, Sulph. Viol-tr, 94 13- COMPLAINTS DURING AND AFTER MEALS. After meals, chest, pain in, Chin. Laur. Phosp. Thuj. Verat. -------tightness, Carb-an. Puis. ----chilliness, Asar. Calc. Carb-an. Caust. Kali-c. Nux. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. Tar. Teucr. Zinc. -------of feet, Cor-r. ----coldness, Ran-b. ----cough, Agar. Anac. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cham. Chin. Dig. Ferr. Kali-b. Kali-c. Laur. Mgn-c Nux-m. Nux. Op. Puis. Ruta. Staph. Sulph. Tereb. Thuj. Zinc. -------spasmodic, Bay. -------with vomiting, Anac. Bry. Dig. Tart. -------dry, after dinner, Kali-b. ----'dejection, Nux-m. Phosp-ac. ----disgust, Alum. Ip. Kali-c. Sass. ----diarrhoea, Aloe. Ars. Asar. Brom. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Cist Coloc. Con. Corn-c Croton. Ferr. Hep. Lach. Lye Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Nux-m. Raph. Rheum. Rhod. Sec-c. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Thromb. Verat. -------(after breakfast,) Alum. Arg-n. Borax. Thuj. -------(after dinner,) Alum. Amm-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. -------relieved, Arg-n Brom. Diosc. Grat. Hep. Iod. Lith. Lye Ntr-c. Nice Sang. ----eructations, Ang. Arg-n. Ars. Bar-c. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Con. Cycl. Dig. Ferr. Gymnoc. Kali-c. Lach. Merc. Nitr-c Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Ox-ac. Petr. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Ran-sc. Sass. Sep. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Tar. Thuj. Verat. Zinc. -------bitter, Bry. Chin. Creos. Sass. -------empty, Ang. Calc. Ntr-c. ATtr-m. Phosp. Ran-sc. Rhus. Sulph. V erai. -------hiccoughing, Cycl. -------loud, Calc. -------scratching, Nux-m. -------sour, Bry. Carb-veg. Chin. Creos. Dig. Kali-c. Petr. Sass. Sil. Zinc. -------with taste of what has been eaten, Bry. Ran-sc. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. — — evacuatedesire to, Anac. Ferr-m. ----fate^ ' heitc?f7"t' Amnf^cT'^'Amm-m. Anac. Asa-f. Caust. Cham. Cor-r. Lye Nux. Petr. Phyt. Sil. Sulph. Viol-tr. -------paleness, Kali-c. -------perspiration, Cham. Ntr-s. Viol-tr. ------redness, Arum. Lye Nux. Sil. ----fever, Asar. Borax. Cham. Dig. Graph. Igt. Lach. ----fingers, deadness of, Con. ----flatulency. Aloe. Carb-veg. Con. Ferr-m, Kali-c. Lach. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nux. Puis. Sulph, Thuj. Zinc. - — giddiness, vertigo, Cham. Chin. * Cor-r. Lach. Mgn-s. Merc. Ntr-s. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. - — — relieved after breakfast, Alum. Cocc. - — gnawing as from hunger, Grat. - — hands, hot and burning. Lye Phosp. Sulph. ---headache, Amm-c. Anac. Ant. Arn. Ars. Bruc. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-"eg. Cham. Chin. Cinnab. Cocc. Croton. Graph. Hyosc. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Men}-. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Paeon. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sd. Sulph. Zinc. -----(breakfast) after, Bufo. Lye Nux-m. - — head cloudiness of, Bell.Cocc. Meny. Ntr-m. Nux. Petr. Phosp-ac. ■----confusion of, Bell. Lob. Ntr-c. Nux. Sulph. -----congestion to, Petr. Sil. •----heat of, Lye Nux. -----pulsation, Clem. Selen. ---heartburn, Amm-c. Calc. Chin. Con. Croc. Iod. Lam. Ntr-m. Sep. Sil. ■ —, heart, pressure at, Kali-b. — heart, Asa-f. Bell. Calc. Cycl. Ferr-m. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Sep. Viol-tr. ■ —, flushes of, Sil. ---heaviness in body, Lach. ---.hiccough, Alum. Borax. Bov. Carb-an. Cycl. Graph. Hyosc Igt. Kobalt. Lye Mgn-m. Merc. Ntr-c. Par. Phosp. Sep.^Verat. Zinc. •—hypochondres, pain in, Bry. Mgn-s. Zinc. — hypochondriac humor, Anac, Chin. Ntr-c. Nux. Zinc. ---ill humor, Bov. Carb-veg. Cham. Iod. Kali-c. Merc-sulph. Ntr-c. Puis. ---indolence, Asar. Bare. Chin. Lach. Phosp. Thuj. ---irritability, Amm-m.'Carb-veg. Teucr. ---laughter, involuntary, Puis. ---leucorrhoea, Cham. ---limbs, pain in, as if beaten, Lach. Meph. -----lower, numbness of, Kali-c. ---liver, pain in, Bry. Graph. Lye — loathing, Alum. Ip. Kali-c. Sass. — melancholy, Puis. — mind, fatigue of, Lach. — mouth, acidity, Carb-veg. Chin. Mgn-c. Sabin. Sep. ----, dryness of, Thea. ----odor offensive of, from, Cham. Sulph. — nausea. Agar. Amm-c. Amm-m. Anac. Ars. Bism. Bry. Calc, Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Clem. Con. Cycl. Dig. Elaps. /<^'/^t e?z t£*X^ ^ce-e^L ,' s? ^Xt^& &s~z^<- /{ i t^tr £^£ £~&r\^e- c^^iZ^ ,^£X^t a^^^i^^^^fy -*>*r**°*jpA- Washington, D. C, 190 i3- COMPLAINTS DURING AND AFTER MEALS. 95 Euphr. Graph. Grat. Gymoc Hell. Igt. Ip. Kali-c. Lach. Laur. Lye. Mgn-c. Merc. ATtr-m. Nitr-rc. Nux. Ol-an. Ox-ac. Petr. Phosp. Plb.Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. After reals, nausea with retching to vomit, Agar. Amm-c. Bism. Bry. Cham. Cycl. Graph. Kali-c. Ntr-s. Puis. Rhus. ----palpitation of heart, Bruc. Calc. Camph. Lye Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Sep. Thuj. ----peevishness, Arn. ----pulsation in head, Clem. Selen. ---------rectum, Aloe. ----pulse, quick or intermittent Ntr-m. ----regurgitation, Asa-f. Bry. Ferr. Lach. Merc. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Sass. Thuj. Verat. -------bitter, Sass. Verat. -------sour, Con. Dig. Sass. -------into oesophagus, Asa-f. -----------of what has just been eaten, Phosp. ----respiration obstructed, Cham. Viol-tr. -------short, Ars. Puis. Nux-m. Zinc. -------tight, Carb-an. Lach. Phosp.Puis. ----sadness, Hyosc. ----saliva, collected in mouth, Creos. Ntr-s. ----scrobiculus (pit of stomach) pain in. Agar. Amm-c. Anac. Bry. Caps. Cham. Grat. Ntr-c. A:ux. Puis. Sil. Tereb. Thuj. -------pulsation, Sep. ----sexual irritation, Aloe. ----shuddering, Rhus. ----sleepiness, Aeon. Agar. Anac. Arum. Asa-f. Aur. Berb. Bov. Bufo. Calc. Chin. Cic. Cinnab. Clem. Cocc-c. Croc. Cycl. Euph. Graph. Kali-c. Lach. Laur. Meph. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Ol-an, Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rat. Rhus. Ruta. Sil. Sulph. Tabac. Verb. Zinc. ----sluggishness, Asar. Bar-c. Chin. Phosp. Thuj. ----sourness in stomach, Sabin. --------mouth, Carb-veg. Ntr-m. ----spleen, stitches in, Mgn-s. - - siomadi.^oMJee^m^Ut^^ -------cramrfsrBxsrxuarf- Calc. Chelid. Chin. Cic. Cocc. Ferr. Iod. Kali-c. Nux. Puis. Sulph. Tabac. -------cutting, Chelid. -------distention, Agar. Anac. Bar-c. Caust. Cham. Dig. Dulc. Nux. Sulph-ac —----emptiness, Carb-veg.Oleand.Sass. —----fulness, Agar. Anac. Bar-c.Cham. Chin. Gymnoc. Lach. Mosch. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nice Nitr-ac. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sil. Zinc. -------heaviness, Bar-c. Kah-b. Plb. ----pain, Aeon. Agar. Alum. Amm-c. Anac. Ars. Asa-f. Bar-c. Bell. Bism. Bry. Calc. Calc-ph. Caps. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cist. Cocc. Coloc. Con. Daph. Dig. Ferr. Ferr-m. Graph. Grat. Gymnoc. Hep. Iod. Kali-c.Kobalt. Lach. Led. Lye. A/ere. Mosch. A7r-r. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Tabac. Tart. Verat. Zinc. ----—, especially after supper, Sep. ----pressure, Amm-c. Anac. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Bism. Bruc. Bry. Calc Carb-veg. Chin. Cocc. Ferr. Grat. Hyper. Iod. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lach. Led. Lvc. Merc. Ntr-c.Nux. Phosp. Plat.' Plb. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. ----weakness, sinking, as if he would die, Dig. — sweat, Benz-ac. Con. Laur. Nitr-ac. Sep. -----, cold, Sulph-ac. — swelling of body, sensation of, Cinnab. — syncope, Nux. Phosp-ac. — taciturnity, Ferr-m. — thirst, Aloe. Bell. Bry.Cocc-c.Graph. Ntr-c. — throat burning in, Laur. ----sensation of pressure, as from food, Arab. Ars. — throbbing through the body, Lvc. ----in coeliac artery, Cact. — tremulous sensation through whole body, Lye.' — uneasiness, Bar-c. Chin. Cinnab. Lach. Nux-m. Nux. Phosp-ac. Rhod. Sulph. — vomiting, Amm-c. Anac. Ars. Bry. Calc. Cham. Coloc. Crotal. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Ferr. Graph. Hyosc. Iod. Ip. Iris. Lach. Lob. Mgn-c. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Ruta. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Tart. Verat. ----bitter, Mgn-c. Stann. — saltish, Mgn-c. ----of what has been eaten, Ars. Calc. Ferr. Hyosc. Lach. Nux, Phosp. Puis. Ruta. ----disposition to, Chin. Mgn-c. — water-brash, Amm-m. Calc. Chin. Con. Croc. Ind. Kali-c. Lam. Merc. Ntr-m. Nux. Sep. Sil. Sulph. — weakness, Alum. Anac Ant. Asar. Calc Cannab. Chin. Clem. Con. Ferr-m. Lach. Nux-m. Nux. Ox-ac. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sulph.Thuj. — weariness, Ferr-m. Lach. Meph. — weep, disposition to, Puis. — relieved in general, Anac. Bar-c. Carb-an. 96 13. COMPLAINTS DURING AND AFTER MEALS. After meals, relieved, chill, Ambr. -------, clawing pain in stomach, Puis. -------, cough, Ferr. -------, cutting pain in abdomen, Bov. Calc. Ntr-c. -------, emptiness and qualmishness of stomach, Mgn-c . -------, fulness, Ferr. -------, headache, Alum. -------, — (after supper), C°^cn- -------pressure in hypogastrium, Mgn-c ---------and drawing pain, Mang. ---------below, scrobiculus, Kali-c. ---------in stomach, Chin. Petr. Stront. -------soreness in scrobitulus, Nux. -------tension across navel, Merc. -------twisting in scrobiculous, Sil. -------uneasiness in scrobiculus, Cham. -------vertigo, after breakfast, Alum. Cocc. — drinking, complaints, Caps. ----abdomen, coldness, Asa-f. -------colic, Bry. Chin. Ferr. -------distention, Ambr. Ntr-m. ------heaviness, Asa-f. -------pain in. Aloe. Ambr. Ars. Bry. Chin. Croc. Ferr. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Ol-an. Puis. Rhus. Staph. Sulph. Teucr. -------uneasiriess, Croc ----bones, pain in, Hell. ----breath obstructed, Anac Nux. ----chest cold feeling in, Elaps. -------pain in, Chin. Thuj. Verat. -------tightness of, Nux. ----chilliness, Ars. Asar. Caps. Chin. Cocc-c. Nux. Tart. Verat. ----cloudiness of head, Bell. Cocc. ----convulsions, Hyosc. ----cough, Aeon. Arn. Ars. Carb-veg. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Dros. Ferr. Hep. Laur. Lvc. Ntr-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Rhus. -------cold drinks, Amm-c Carb-veg. Dig. Hep. Lye Rhus. Scill. Sil. Sulph-ac. -------spasmodic, Bry. ----diarrhoea, Ars. Cina. Croton. Pod. — drinking, cold drinks, diarrhoea, Ant. Ars. Bell. Bry. Carb-veg. Cocc. Dulc. Hep. Lept. Ntr-c. Nux-m. Puis. Rhus. Sulph-ac. Thromb. ----eructations, Ars. Hyper. Mez. Rhus. Sulph. Tar. ----flushes of heat in face, Cocc. ----headache, Aeon. Cocc. Merc. ----heartburn, Lam. ----hiccough, Igt. Lach. Puis, ----hypochondres, pain in, Ntr-c. ----nausea, Ars. Ntr-m. Nux. -------with retching, Nux. Puis. Rhus. Teucr. a* — jcrpbiculus, pain in, Nux, Ol-an, ----stomach, cold in, Sulph-ac. -------cramp in, Ferr. Kali-c. -------pain in, Aeon. Aloe Ferr. Iris. Kali-c. Nitr-ac. Nux. Ol-an.Rhod. Sil. Sulph-ac. ----taste insipid, Coloc. ----throat, sensation of erosion in, Nitr-ac. ----vomiting, Arn. Ars. Bry. Bufo.Cina. Ferr. Mez. Nux. Puis. Sil. Verat. -------bitter, when drinking immediately _______after a meal. Bry......,__ - From acids, complaints, Aloe. Ant. Ars, Bell. Dros. Ferr. Ip. Lach. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. ----after taste, long, Ntr-m. ----colic, Dros. ----cough, Con. Lach. Nux. Sep. -------vinegar, Ant. Sep. Sulph. ----diarrhoea, Aloe. Ant. Apis. Brom. Coloc. Lach. Phosp-ac. Sulph. ----eructations, Phosp-ac. -------bitter, Staph. ----heartburn, Nux. ----vomiting, Ferr. ----waterbrash, Phosp. — bacon, relieved, Ran-b. Ran-sc. — beer, Ars. Asa-f. Bell. Coloc. Euph. Ferr. Kali-b. Mez. Nux. Rhus. Sep. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. ----after taste, long, Sulph. ----agitation, congestion of blood, Sulph. ----colic, Teucr. ----congestion to head, Ferr. ----cough, Mez. Rhus. ----diarrhoea, Kali-b. -------relieved, Aloe. ----heat and pain in head, Ferr. Rhus. ----hunger, Nux. ----loathing, Mur-ac. ----uneasiness in stomach, Aeon. ----vomiting, Ferr. Mez. — bread, Bry. Caust. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sass. Sep. Sulph. Zinc. ----relieved, Caust. Ntr-c. ----after taste long. Phosp-ac. ----colic, Bry. ----cough, Kali-c. ----black, cough, Phosp-ac. ----and butter, Chin. Nitr-ac. Puis. Sep. ----eructations, Bry. ---- headache, Zing. ----hiccough after bread and butter, Ntr-s. ----nausea. Zinc. ----stomach, pain in, Aeon. Bry. Caust. Kali-c. Merc. Puis. Rhus. Ruta.Sass. Sulph-ac. Zinc. ------- pressure in, Bry. ----taste sour, Nitr-ac. ----vomiting, Bry. Nitr-ac. — cabbage, Bry. Chin. Lye Petr. Puis. tj. COMPLAINtS DURING ANb AFTER MEALS. 97 ---diarrhoea, Bry. Petr. - chocolate, diarrhoea, Borax. Lith. - coffee, Calc-ph. Camph. Canth. Caps. Caust. Cham. Cist. Igt. Merc.ATux.Puis. Sulph. ---abdomen, pain in as if diarrhoea would set in, Mgn-s. ---asthma, Cham. ---cough, Caps. Caust. Cham. Igt. ---odor of, cough, Sulph-ac. ---congestion to head, Millef. ---diarrhoea, Brom. Canth. Cist. Coloc. Corn-c Fluor-ac. Ox-ac. Phosp. Thuj. ---giddiness, Cham. ---, fulness, sense of extending into, chest and abdomen, Canth. ---headache, Cham.Cocc.Igt. Nitr. Nux. ---retching, Caps. Cham. ---stomach, pain in, Cham. Igt. A'ux. ---toothache, Cuam. Nux. ---relief, Ambr. Anac. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Carb-veg. Cham. Euph. Glon. Kali-c. Mez. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. - cold food, Ars. Carb-veg. Graph. Lye Mang. Nux-m. Nux. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Spig. Sulph. Verat. ------cough, Carb-veg. Hep.Lye.Mgn-c. Rhus. Sil. Verat. ------diarrhoea, Ant. Coloc. Lye Puis. ------relieved, Bry. Phosp. Puis. ------.nausea, Ip. - dry meats. Calc. Lye Ntr-c. Puis. - eggs, nausea Colch. £Uc,/( .^ /rt;^ ---vomiting, Ferr. /-- (^£ ^^j - farinaceous food, SuTph!" -----diarrhoea, Ntr-s. - fish, Carb-an. Kali-c. Plb. - fish, stale, Carb-veg. Puis. - fruits, Ars. Borax. Bry. Carb-veg. Chin. Mgn-m. Ntr-c. Puis. Selen. Sep. Verat. ---relief, Lach. ---cough, Mgn-m. ---diarrhoea, Ars. Borax. Chin. Cist. Coloc. Lach. Lith. Puis. Rhod. ---fermentation, Chin. - — feel like ice in stomach, Elaps. - — stomach pain in, Borax. - — toothache, Ntr-c. - herrings, Fluor-ac. Lvc. ■ lemonade, headache, Selen. —, nausea relieved, Cycl. meat, Colch. Sil. Sulph. — cough. Staph. ---diarrhoea, Caust. Ferr. Sep. — flatulency, Bry. Lvc. Petr. — pain in stomach, Calc. Ferr. — smell of, nausea and diarrhoea, Colch. — smoked, Calc. Sil. ----diarrhoea, Calc. ----relief, Caust. Verat. - melons, Zing. - milk, Ambr. Ang. Ars. Brom. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg.. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Con. Cupr. Kali-c Lach. Lye Nti-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Sep. Sulph. ---relief, Chelid. Verat. ---abdomen, distended, Carb-veg. Con. ------pain in,.Ang. Bry. Bute ---after taste, long, Igt. ---cough,, Amb. Brom. Kali-c. Sulph-ac. Tart. Zinc. ---diarrhoea, Ars. Bry. Cole Con. Kali-e. Lye Ntr-c. Nice Nux-m. Sep. Sulph. ---eructation, nauseous, Ntr-m. ------sour, Calc Carb-veg. Chin. Lvc. Sulph. Tart. Zinc ---flatuler.cy, Sulph-ac. ---headache, Brom. ---heartburn, Ambr. ---langor, Sulph-ac. ---tegurgitation, sour, Calc. Carb-veg. Lye. Tart. ---retching, Calc. ---stomach distended, Con. ---taste sour, Ambr. Carb-veg. Lye Sulph. ---vomiting, Aeth, Samb. Spong. ---water brash, Cupr. ---weakness, Sulph-ac. ---boiled, diarrhoea, Ntr-c.Nice.Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Sep. ---hot, relieves colic, Chelid. Croton. - — with fruit, diarrhoea, Pod. - mother's milk, vomiting, Sil. - oil, Bry. Canth. Puis. - onions, Lye Puis. Thuj. - oysters, diarrhoea. Brom. Lye - pancakes, Bry. Kali-c. Puis. Verat. - pastry, rich, Ars. Carb-veg. Cycl. Puis. - pears, (Borax. Bry. Verat. - pepper, cough, Cina. - pork, Ant. Carb-veg. Colch. Cycl. Ip. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Puis. Sep. Thuj. - potatoes, Alum. Coloc. Sep. Verat. - — colic, Alum. Coloc. • — sudden evacuation, Coloc pungent food, cough, Sulph. rich food, Ars. Asa-f. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Colch. Cycl. Dros. Ferr. Ip. Mgn-m. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Puis. Sep. Spong. Sulph. Tar. Thuj. ----abdomen pain in, Ang. Bry. ----eructations. Carb-veg. Ntr-m. Sep. Thuj. -------bitter, Ferr. -------nauseous, Ntr-m. Sep. -------rancid, Thuj. -------sour, Chin. Sulph. Zinc. ---- flatulency, Sulph-ac. ----headache, Carb-veg. Colch. Cycl. Ip. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Puis. Sep. Thuj. 98 13- COMPLAINTS DURING AND AFTER MKALS. From rich food, heartburn, Ntr-c. Nux. -------nausea, Carb-an. Dros. Nitr-ac. Puis. Sep. -------regurgitation, sour, Calc. Carb-veg. Lye Tart. -------stomach spoiled, Asa-f. Chin. Puis. -------taste, acid, Ambr. Carb-veg. Lye Sulph. -------vomiting, Aeth. Samb. Spong. Sulph. — salted food, Carb-veg. Dros. Ip. Selen. -------relief, Mgn-c. -------cough, Con. -------scraping in throat, Dros. — solid food, Lye -------cough, Cupr. -------heartburn, Iod. — sourkraut diarrhoea, Petr. — spirituous liquors, Ant. Ars. Bell. Borax. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Con. Igt. Led. Ntr-m. Nux. Petr. Puis. Ran-b. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Selen. Sil. Stram. Stront. Zinc. — strawberries, Sep. Ox-ac. — sugar, Cham. Igt. Merc. Ntr-c. Ox-ac. Selen. Thuj. ----cough, Zinc. ----pain in stomach, Ox-ac. — tea, Chin. Ferr. Selen. Thuj. Verat. ----relief, Ferr. Kali-b. ----cough, Ferr. ----headache, Selen. ----toothache, Thuj. — tobacco, Ant. Calc. Clem. Cocc. Cycl. Euphr. Gels. Igt. Ip. Lach. Ntr-m. Nux. Par. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Ruta. Sass. Selen. Sep. Sil. Sol-m. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tar. Thuj. ----bitterness in mouth, Asar. Chin. Cocc. Euphr. Igt. < ----breath obstructed, Tar. ----colic, Borax. Bufo. Igt. ----cough, Aeon. Brom. Carb-an. Cocc-c. Coloc. Dros. Euphr. Ferr. Hep. Igt. Iod. Mgn-c. Nux. Spong. Staph. Sulph-ac. ----diarrhoea. Brom. Cham. Puis. -------relieved, Coloc. ----eructations, Selen. ----giddiness, Borax. ----headache, Ant. Mgn-c. -------relieved, Diad. ----heartburn, Staph. Tar. -------heart palpitation of, Phosp. ----hiccough, Ambr. Ant. Arg. Igt. Lach. Puis. Ruta. Selen. ----nausea, Calc. Carb-an. Clem. Euphr. Igt. Ip. Lach. Nux. Phosp. ----neuralgic pains in face, Sep. ----perspiration, Igt. ----toothache, Clem. Sabin. Spig. ----vomiting, Ip. — -rr.weakness; Clem. Hep. — tobacco relief, Coloc. Hep. Meic. Ntr-c. Sep. ----chewing, Ars. — undigested food, Caust. Iod. Lye Puis. ----heartburn, Iod. — turnips, Bry. Puis. — uncooked, meats, Bry. Lye Puis. Ruta. Verat. — veal, Ars. Calc. Caust. Ip. Nitr. Sep. Zinc. ----, headache, and colic, Nitr. — vegetables, Ars. Bry. Cist. Cupr. Hell. Ntr-c. Verat. — vinegar, Ant. Ars. Bell. Borax. Caust. Dros. Ferr. Lach. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp-ac. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. ----colic, Aloe. ----relief, Asar. Puis. — warm food, Ambr. Anac. Bar-c Bell. Bry. Carb-veg. Cham. Euph. Kali-c. Mez. Phosp. Phosp. Phyt. Puis. Stann. -------cough, Bar-c. Kali-c. Laur. Mez. Puis. -------diarrhoea, Phosp. ---------relieved, Aeon. ----relieved, Ars. Bry. Con. Creos. Graph. Lye Mang. Nux-m. Nux. Rhus. Spig. Sulph. Verat. — water, cold, Alum. Ars. Bell. Canth. Carb-an. Croc. Igt. Kali-b. Lye Mur-ac. Arux. Rhod. Rhus. Spig. Sulph. Tar. -------colic, Hipp-m. Tar. -------cough, Ars. Calc. Rhus. Stram. Sulph-ac. Verat. -------diarrhoea relieved, Cupr. Phosp. -------heaviness in stomach, Rhod. -------pain in stomach, Iris. --------------and nausea, Rhus. -------relieves, Apis. Asar. Bry. Caust. Coff.Cupr. Lach. Phosp. Puis. Sep. — wine, Ant. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bov. Calc. Camph. Carb-an. Coff. Con. Igt. Lach. Lye. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Petr. Puis; Ran-b. Rhod. Sabad. Selen. Sil Stront. Thuj. Zinc. ----congestion of blood, Sil. ----cough, A.rn. Borax. Ferr. Igt. Lach. Led. Stann. Stram. Zinc. -------sour wine, Ant. ----diarrhoea, Lach. -------relieved, Chelid. Diose ----eyes affection of, Zinc. ----giddiness, Bov. Ntr-c. Zinc. ----headache, Calc. Nux. Ox-ac. Rhod. Selen. Zinc. ----heat, excitement, Carb-veg. ----intoxicated easily, Bov. Con. Cor-r. Kali-jod. ----nausea, Ant. ----stomach, cramp in, Lye 13- COMPLAINTS DURING AND AFTER MEALS. From wine, toothache, Nux. ----sulphurated, Ars. Merc Puis. Sep. ----co'ntaining lead, Bell. Nux. Op. ----relieves, Aeon. Agar. Con. Lach. Plat. Sulph. Op. Sulph-ac. ----sour, Ant. Ars. Ferr. Sulph. -------vomiting, Kalm. * IOO 14. ERUCTATIONS. NAUSEA AND VOMITING, 14. Eructations, Nausea and Vomiting. HICCOUGH, HEARTBURN AND WATER BRASH. Eructations, Alum. Ambr. Ant. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Berb. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Con. Cupr. Diosc. Dulc. Fluor-ac. Graph. Hcematox. Hep. Igt. Ip. Iris. Kali-c. Laur. Lye Merc. Mez. Mosch. Alur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Petr. Phell. Phosp. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Rumex. Sabad. Sass. Scill. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac.Tart. Thuj. Tilia. Valer. Verat. Zing. — relieve, Arg-n. Graph. Kali-c. Lach. Lye. Ntr-m. Nux. Ol-an. Seneg. Tart. — aggravate, Cham. Chin. Phosp. Stann. — acrid, Alum. Asa-f. Cact. Lact. Merc. Pod. — b itter, Aloe. Ambr. A mm-m. Ang.. 4 m. Ars. Bell. Berb. Bism. Bry. ("ale Carb-veg. Cast. Chin. Cocc. Dros. Grat. Hyosc. Laur. Lye Mgn-s. Merc. Mur-ac. Nice' ATux. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sass. Scill. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph-ac. Tar. Thuj. Tong. Verat. Verb. ----almonds, Laur. — burning, Bell. Canth. Hep. Iod. Lob. Lye Merc. Ol-an. Phosp-ac. Sulph. Tabac. Valer Aloe. Amm-c. Amm-m. Ang. Arg-n. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Bruc. Bry. Calad. Cannab. Carb-veg. Caust. Chelid. Chenop. Chin. Coce. Cocc-c. Colch. Coloc. Con. *ycl. Euph. Guaj. Gum-gut. Ind. Iod.Ip.Iris.Jac-cor.Kali-b.Kali-chl. Kali-jod. Kobalt. Lac-can. Lach. Lact. Laur. Lob. A/gn-s. Meny. Merc. A/ez. Ntr-m. Oleand. Ol-an. Ox-ac. Phosp. Plat. Plb. Pod. Puis. Ran-sc. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Seneg. Staph.Sulph. Tabac. Tar. Tart. Valer. Verat. Verb. ----with asthma, Calad. — fatty, Carb-veg. Lye — like garlic, Asa-f. Mosch. — hiccoughing, Cycl. Tart. — impeded, with ineffectual efforts Aeon. Ambr. Amm-c. Ang. Bell. Caib-an. Caust. Case Ferr. Graph. Nux. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Sulph. imperfect, Arn. Phosp-ac. Sabad. tasting like ink, Ind. interrupted, Arn. like juniper berries, tasting, Chelid. loud, Arg-n. Calc. Carb-veg. Con. Lact. Nux-jug. Petr. Plat. Sulph. of musk tasting, Caust. Mosch. obstructing breath, Grat. offensive smelling, Bism. Cocc. Kali-b. Phell. Sulph. — tasting, Senna. of onious tasting, Mgn-m. painful, Carb-an. Caust. Con. Ntr-c. Nux. Plb. Sabad. Sep. putrid, Arn. Asar. Bell. Cocc. Mgn-s. Merc. Mur-ac. Nux. Oleand. Psor. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Tabac. Thuj. Tilia. rancid,j Asa-f! Merc. Ran-sc. Thuj. Valer. repugnant, disagreeable, Cina, Lact. Ntr-m. Sep. like rotten eggs, Arn. Bufo. Mgn-c.fa*f. S, Psor. Sep. Stann. Sulph. Tart. Valer. saltish after eating meat. Staph. scratching, Ant. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Stann. Staph. sobbing, Cycl. Meph. Staph. Tart. sour, Acet-ac All-cep. Aloe. Alum. Ambt.Amm-c. Ars.Asar. Bar-c.Bell.Bry. Cact. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cimex. Cycl. Dig. Elaps. Ferr. Gels. Graph. Gymnoc. Hep. Igt. Iod. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kali-chl.Lach. Lact. Lith. Lob. Lye. Mgn-c. Merc Ntr-m. Nice Nitr-ne Nitr. Nux. Ox-ac. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Pod. Puis. Ran-sc Sacch. Sass. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac Tart. Verat. Zinc. Zing. — wat-'r, Nice sour, with bitterness in mouth, Graph. spasmodic, Cocc-c. Nux. Phosp. Sang. suppressed, followed-by pain in stom- ach, Con. tasting of what has been eaten, Agar. Agn. Aloe. Aivbr. Amm-c.-An. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Caib-vcg. Cat-'". Cham. U. eructations, Nausea and vomiting, id\ Chelid. Chin. Cic. Con. Croc. Euphr. Lach. Laur. Nir-m. Nux. Oleand. Phell. Rhus. Thuj. Mere Plb. Valer. Croton. Mez. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Ran-sc. Rat. Ruta. Sass. Sep. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Verat. Eructations tasting, after acid food, Staph. -------rich food, Carb-veg. — sweetish, Grat. Plb. Zinc. — like urine tasting, Ol-an. — vehement, Arn. Bism. Lach Verat. — in morning, Arn. Croc. ----afternoon, Lye — — evening, Ran-sc. — at night, Sulph. Tart. — after drinking, Ars. Rhus. Tar. -------acids, Phosp-ac. -------water, Hyper. — during meals, Ntr-c Oleand. Sass. — after meals, Ang. Arg-n. Ars. Bar-c. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cic. Con. Daph. Dig. Ferr. Kali-c. Lach. Merc Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Ran-sc. Rhus. Sass. Sep. Sil. Spig. Sulph.Thu]. Verat. Zinc. — meat, Ruta. — milk, Chin. Ntr-m. Sulph. Zinc. — rich food, Carb-veg. Ferr. Ntr-m. Staph. Thuj. — when rising from lying, Rhus. — after smoking tobacco, Selen. — in hysterical women, Ruta. — mitigated by emission of flatulence, Meph. — with, chest pain in, Zinc. ----colic, Cham. ----diarrhoea, Zing. ----loathing, Croton. ----nausea, Chin-sulph. Croton. ----obstructed breath, Grat. ----retching, Cocc. Verb. ----hot saliva in mouth, Mosch. ----scrobiculus, pain in, Cocc. ----stomach, pain in, Calad. Cham. Cocc. Merc. Phosp. Rhus. Spong. ----throat choking, Caust. -------fulness, Cor.. -------pain in, Nux. ----water, flow of in mouth, Lob. — alternating with yawning, Berb. Heartburn, Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Arg. Asar. Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Canth. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Cocc-c. Con. Croc.Daph. Guaj. Iod. Kali-c. Lach. Lob. Lye Mang. Merc. Mosch. Ntr-m. Nux. Ox-ac. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Sabad. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Valer. Verat. Zinc. — rising up in throat, Con. Lye Mang. Ntr-m. T^bae — scuvching C' rb-au. Ntr-c. Con. Ntr-m. — in evening, Ambr. — continual, Lob. — after drinking, Lam. ----meals, Amm-c. Calc. Chin. Croc. Iod. Lam. Lye Merc. Sep. Sil. -------of solid food, Iod. -------with good appetite, Croc. -------of acid things, Nux. ---------fat food, Ntr-c. Nux. — during meals, Merc — after sugar. Zinc. ----tobacco, Staph. Tar. — when walking in open air, Ambr. ■—Wwith running of water from mouth, Lob. Hiccough, Aeon. Agar. Agn. Amm-m. Benz-ac. Bell. Bov. Bry. Carb-an. Chelid. Cic. Cina. Colch. 'Cupr. Cycl. Dros. Euph! Euphr. Graph. Grat. Hyosc. Igt. Iod, Kali-b. Kali-jod. Lach. Laur. Mgn-m. Merc-sulph. Ntr-s. A'icc. Nux. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Ran-b. Ruta. Selen. Sil. Spong. Stann. Stram. Stront. Tabac. Tar. Teucr. Verat. Verb. Zinc. — painful, Mgn-m. Rat. Tabac. Teucr. — spasmodic, Bell. Nux. Ran-b. Stram. Tabac. — vehement, Amm-m. Cic. Lob. Lye. Niec. Nux. Rat. Stront. Teucr. Verat. ----in evening, Kali-b. Ntr-s. Nice. Sil. — at night, Ars. s y* - S — in bed, Lachn. 'aX**r' ^"^ — after breakfast, Zinc ----drinking, Igt. Lach. Puis. ----exercise, Carb-veg. — during meals, Mgn-m. Merc. Teucr. — after meals, Alum. Bov. Carb-an. Cycl. Graph. Hyosc. Igt. Lye Mgn-m. Ntr-c. Par. Sep. Verat. Zinc. — from smoking tobacco, Ambr. Ant. Arg. Igt. Lach. Puis. Ruta. Sang.Selen. — precedes spasms, Cupr. — with blows, in pit of stomach, Teucr.' ----chest, pain in, Amm-m. ----choking, Puis. ----convulsions, Bell. ----irritability* Agn. ----perspiration, Bell. ----saliva, abundant flow of. Lob. ----spasms, and rumbling in abdomen, Hyosc ----stomach pain in, Mgn-m. Rat. Loathing, Ant. Arg-n. Arn. Asar. Bar-m. Bell. Cast. Croton. Cupr. Grat. Guaj. Hydroc-ac. Kali-jod. Laur. Mgn-c. Mgn-s. Ol-an. Phell. Plb. Prun. Rat. Sec-c. Seneg. Senna. Tart. — at night, Rat. — after beer, Mur-ac. Nux. ----me'is, Ip. Ol-an. Sass. Nausea, .*.ccn. Agar. Agn. Alum. Ambr. Awe '■. ng. Ant. Apis. Arg-n. Arn. Ars. fo 102 14. ERUCTATIONS. CUusix*^ Asar. Bapt. Bar-c. Bell. Borax. Bov. Brom. Bry. Calad. Calc.Camph.Cannab. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cist. Cocc. Cocc-c. Colch. Coloc. Con. Cop. Corn-c Creos. Croc. Croton. Cub. Cupr. Cycl. Dig. Diosc. Dros. Dulc. Euphr. Ferr-m. Giaph.Grat. Gum-gut. Hell. Hep. Hydroc-ac.Hyper. Hyosc Igt. Iod. Ip. Iris. Kali-b, Kali-c. Lach. Law. Led. Lept. Lob. Lye. Merc. A/ez. Mosch. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nice Nitr-ac. Nux. Oleand. Ol-an. Op. Ox-ac. Petr. Phell. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Phyt. Plat. Plb. Pod. Prun. Puis. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Rat. Rheum. Rhod. Rhus. Rumex. Sabad. Sang. Sass. Scill. Sec-c. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stann. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Tar. 7Vrr/.Thea. Therid. Thuj. Valer. Verat. Viol-tr, Zinc. Zing. — in abdomen, Agn. Bry. Croton. Cupr. Puis. Rheum. -------upper part, Actea-r. Agn. Cupr. Puis. ----chest, Aeon. Bry. Croc. Merc. Ol-an. Rhus. — on palate, Cupr. Cycl. Phosp-ac. — in pit of stomach, Agn. Caps. Cupr. Lachn. Mosch. Ruta. Scill. Teucr. ----stomach, Aeon. Agn. Cycl. Eugen. Hell. Ip. Laur Lye Phosp. Puis. Seneg. Senna. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Thuj. ----throat. Ars. Bell. Chin. Croc. Cupr. Cycl. Lye Mez. Oleand. Phosp-ac. Puis. Stann. Staph. Valer. — chronic, Bar-c. Nux. — constant, Arg. Ars. Carb-veg. Cast. Coloc. Dig.Graph. Ip. Lob. Zj' Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Cic. Dig. Graph. Hep. Kali-b. Lach. Lob. Lye Mgn-m. Ntr-m. Nice Arux. Petr Phosp. Psor. Ran-sc. Rhus. Sacch. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Verat. ----forenoon, Bov. ----afternoon, Ran-b. ----evening, Asar. Calc. Con. Cycl. Kali-b. Ntr-c. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Ran-b. Sep. — at night, Alum. Amm-c. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cham. Con. Kali-b. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Phosp. Puis. Rat. Rhus. Sulph. Therid. :— from midnight to morning, Dros. — after midnight, Ran-sc. — after breakfast. Bell. Cham. Kali-b. — from draft of air, Hipp. — when closing the eyes, Therid. — after coffee, Caps. Cham. ----a cold, Cocc. — while drinking, Bry. — after drinking, Ars. Croton. Cycl. Ntr-m. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Teucr. -------water, relieved, Lob. Phosp. — by eating relieved, Brom. Kali-b.Phosp. Sabad. Sep. — from smell of eggs, Colch. — on entering into a room, Alum. — by eructation lelieved, Cinnab. Rhod. Tart. — after every exercise which raises the temperature of the body, Sil. — from exercising, Aloe. Ars. Colch. Tabac. Therid. — from flatulency discharged, relief, Tart. ----food, smell of, Sep. &uJL\^ — as from indigestion, Bar-c — in lying relieved, Rhus. — before meals, Berb. Lye Ntr-s. Sabad. Sulph. — during meals, Ang. Bell. Borax. Caust. Cic. Cocc. Colch. Dig. Ferr. Jac-cor. Kali-c. Mgn-c. Nux. Ol-an. Puis. Verat. — after meals. Agar. Alum. Amm-c. Anac. Ars. Bism. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cham.Con. Cycl. Dig. Graph. Grat Kali-b. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Merc. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nux. Ol-an. Op. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sang. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Verat. ----with good appetite, Bry. Cannab. — from meat, smell of, Colch. T.St- ----fresh meat, Caust. — when meditating, Borax. — from mental troubles, Kali-c. ----milk, Calc. ----a loud noise, Therid. — in open air, Aeon. Ang. Bell. Lye -------relieved, Croc, Lye Tabac. Tar. ----pregnant women, Con. Creos. Ip. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Nux. Petr. Puis. Sep. -pg, m n rh ' — when pressing Hyosc. on pit of stomach, ' Vr.Vz^t^ ^t^t^y ^^T^c^c-cXXc^i^, Astf. As£cz£*-. Igt. Kobalt. Nux. Petr. Puis. Sars. Teucr. ----of what has been eaten, Teucr. — bitterish sour, Amm-c. Cannab. Cast. Sulph-ac. — of blood, Nux Sep. — burning, Lob. — of drink, Sulph-ac. ----what has been eaten, Amm-n. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb-veg. Ferr. Graph Igt. Kali-c. Lye Mgn-m. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Pod. Puis. Rhus. Seneg. Sulph. Teucr. ----by mouthfuls, Phosp. ----a disagreeable fluid. Plat. -------greenish fluid, Ars. Graph. ----milk, Lye Tart. — rancid, Merc. — saltish, Arn. Sulph-ac. Tart. — scratching, Cannab. — slimy, mucus, Arn. Mgn-s. Raph. — sour, Ars. Calc. Carb-veg. Con. Dig. Graph. Gum-gut. Kali-c. Lob. Lye Mang. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Sass. Spong. Sulph. Tart. Thuj. ----of food taken, Graph. Lye Ntr-m. Phosp. Sulph. -------milk taken, Lye — sweetish, Ind. Merc. Plb. Sulph-ac. — water, Aeon. — waterish, Ant. Arn. Grat. Kobalt. Mgn-s. Ntr-s. Plb. Senna. Tart. — of a yellow fluid, Cic. — at night, Catnh. — alter drinking, Merc. — during meals, Merc. Phosp. Sass. — after meals, Asa-f. Bry. Con. Dig. Ferr. Lach. Merc. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Sass. Thuj. Verat. ----cough, Sulph-ac. — drinking milk, Calc. Carb-veg. Lvc. Tart. — when stooping, Cic. ----walking, Mgn-m. — with burning in throat, Cic. ----pain in stomach, Bell. ----trembling, Mgn-s. Risings up in throat, Asa-f. Con. Lach. Lye Mgn-m. Merc. Phosp. Plb. Ran-b. Spig. Valer. Verat. ----bitterish sweet, Plat. ----nauseous fluid, Plat. ----sour, Mang. Phosp. ----sweet, Ind.Merc. ----of sweetish fluid. Aeon. Vomiting. Ambr. Anac. Ant. Arg-n. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cirri. Cue. Con. Cupr. D:g. NAUSEA AN'D VOMITING, Dros. Ferr. Grat. Igt. Ip. Iris. Lach. Laur. Lob. Lye.Ntr-m.Nux-m. Nux. Op. Petr. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Sec-c. Sep. Sil Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Therid. Valer. Verat. Zinc. — relief after, Anac. Asar. Sang. Thuj. — worse after Cupr. Oleand. — acrid. Arg. Ferr. Hep. Ip. Iris. — albuminous. Jatr. Merc-cor. — bilious. Aeon. Ant. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bism. Bry. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Canth. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Colch. Coloc. Con. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Elaps. Eupat. Grat. Hep. Ign. Iod. Ip. Iris. Jatr. Kali-b. Lach. Lye Merc-cor. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Phyt. Plb. Pod. Puis. Raph. Sabad. Sabin. Samb. Sec-e. Sep. Stann. Stiam. Sulph. Valer. Verat. ----at night, Merc. ----then ingesta, Bry. -------blood or mucus, Carb-veg. Verat. — bitter, Aeon. Ant. Apis. Bry. Calc. Cast. Colch. Eupat. Grat. Hipp-m. Kali-b. Mgn-c. Merc. Mez.Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Oleand. Petr. Puis. Raph. Sang. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. Zinc. — bitterish sour, Grat. Ip. Puis. Tart. — black, Arg-n. Ars. Calc. Chin. Hell. Hydroc-ac. Ip. Laur. Lye Nux. Petr. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Sec-c. Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Verat. — of blood, .Icon. Aeth. Aloe. tAlum. Amm-c. Arg-n. Arn. Ars. Bell. Brom. "* Bry. Cact. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb- veg. Caust. Chin. Cic. Creos. Cupr. Cycl. Dros. Ferr. Hamam. Hep. Hyosc, Igt. Ip. Kali-b. Lach. Lye Merc. Merc-cor Mez. Millef. Nitr. Nux. Op. Petr. Phosp Phyt. Puis. Sacch. Sep. Stann. .Sulph Verat. Zinc. ----clotted, Arn. Caust. Lye Nux. — of a brown substance, with violent pain in stomach, Ars. — brownish, Ars. Bism. — chronic, Ars. Borax. Graph. Nux. Osm Puis. Sil. Sulph. — like coffee grounds, Merc-coi. — easy, Colch. Igt. Sec-c. — of fat lumps, Hipp-m. ----faces with constipation. Plb. ----foetid matters, Ars. Cocc. Cupr. Ip Nux. Op. Pod. Sep. Stann. Sulph. — foamv. frothy, Aeth. Croton. Cupr Pod.'Tart. Verat. — of food, Aeth. Amm-c. Anac. Ant. Ars. Bell. Borax. Bry. Calc. Cauth. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Colch. Coloc Croton. Cupr. Diad. Dig. Dros. Ferr. Graph. Hipp-m. Hyosc. Igt. Ind. Iod. //. Iris, Jatr. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lach. Laur. Lob. Mgn-s. Meic. Millef. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. /• 14- ERUCTATIONS, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. 'O5 Nux. Oleand. Phosp. Phosp-ac Phyt. Plb. Pod. Puis. Raph. Rat. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Samb. Scill. Sep. Stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Tellur. Thuj. Verat. Zinc. — in evening, Carb-veg. — about midnight, Ferr. — some hours aftar eating, Meph. — when lying on back, Rhus. — hot, Lob. — sour, Calc. Hep. Kali-b. Pod. Sulph. food, then bile, Bell. Dig. ----blood, Nux. ----mucus, Dros. Nux. Puis. Sil. ----water, Puis. water then food, Nux. food undigested, Kali-b. Lye Ntr-m Phosp. Samb. gelatinous, Ind. Ip. ■ glairy, Jatr. Kali-b. -greasy, Ars. Hipp-m. Iod. Mez. Nux. Thuj. - green, Aeon. Aeth. Ars. Bry. Cannab. Coloc. Cupr. Dig. Elaps. Hell. Hipp-m. Ip. Jatr*. Lach. Lye. Merc-cor. Mez. Oleand. Op. Petr.' Phosp. Plb. Puis. Raph. Stram. Verat. ■ of liquids, Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bism. Bry. Cham. Chin. Creos. Diad. Dulc. Ip. Nux. Phosp. Sil. Spong. Tart. ----as soon as warm in stomach, Phosp. ----cold water only, Sil. milky, Aeth. Arn. Sep. milk drank, Aeth. Arn. Calc. Samb. Spong. Sil. Sulph. mucus. Aeon. Aeth. Ant. Ars. Bell. Borax. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc-c. Colch. Con. Cor r. Cycl. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Elaps. Guaj. Dros. Hyosc. Igt. Ip. Iris. Kali-b. Lach. Mgn-s. Merc-cor. Mez. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac Nux. Oleand. Phyt. Puis. Raph. Sacch. Sec-c. Seneg. Stram. Sulph. Tabac. Tart. Thuj. Verat. — bloody. Aeon. Brom. Hep. Hyosc. Lach. Nitr. Phosp. painless, without effort, Sec-c. periodical, Cupr. Nux. Sacch. of a substance like pitch, Ip. pus, Merc-cor. saltish, Iod. Mgn-c. Ntr-s. scanty, Asar. of solids only, Bry. Cupr. Verat. sour, Acet-ac Calc. Ars. Bell. Borax. Borm. Cadm. Calc. Camph. Caust.Cham. Chin. Croton. Daph. Ferr. Gels. Graph. Hep. Ip. Iris. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lact-ac Lye Mgn-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp-ac. Pod. Psor. Puis. Sacch. Sass. Stram. Sulph. Tabac. Thuj. Verat. — early in the morning. Kali-b. Nux. stercoraceous, Bell. Nux. Op. Plb. sweetish, Creos. — mucus, Calc. Iris. Psor. tenacious, Arg-n. Dulc. of urine, Op. vehement, Ars. Cupr. Jatr. Iod. Mez. Plb. Tart. Verat. violent, Bell. Bism. Lach. Lob. Merc. Mosch. Nux. Puis. Raph. watery, Aeon. Aeth. Arg. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Bism. Bry. Cannab. Caust. Chin. Con. Creos. Cupr. Grat. Hep. Hipp-m. Ind. Iris. Ip. Jatr. Kali-b. Mgn-c. Mez. Ntr-s. Nux. Oleand. Puis. Raph. Rat. Sang. Sil. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac Verat. — frothy, Croton. — containing flakes and offensive, Cupr. of water then of food. Ip. Nux. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac. — worms, Aeon. Cina. Ferr. Hvosc. Phyt. Sabad. Sang. Sec-c. Sil. Spig. Verat. -----lumbrici, Aeon. Cina Sabad. yellowish, Ars. Bry. Colch. Iod. Ip. Oleand. Plb. Verat. — green, Oleand. Verat. ■ in the morninsr, Ars. Bar-c. Calc. Creos. Dig. Dros. Ferr. Guaj. Hep. Kali-c. Lvc. Mosch. Nux. Sep. Sil. Sulph. — in afternoon, Chin-sulph. Sulph. ----evening, Anac. Bell. Bry. Croton. Phosp. Puis. Sulph. ■night, Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Dig. Dros. Ferr. Igt. Kali-c. Lye Merc. Mur-ac. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rat. Sep. Sil. Sulph, Therid. Valer. Verat. • at midnight, Ferr. ■ after acids, Ferr. ■ — beer, Ferr. Mez. — bread. Nitr-ac ^***tT ~*T? — Me^fasTr^nvxTDaph. — children, Calc. Hyosc. — a cold, Bell. when becoming cold, Cocc. after drinking. Arn. Ars. Bry. Cocc. Dros. Eupat. Ip. Ntr-m. Nux. Puis. Sil. Verat. ----relieved, Cupr. in drunkards, Nux. Op Sacch. Zing. after exercise, Colch. Stram. Tabac Therid. Verat. Zinc. when closing the eyes, Therid. after meals, Amm-c. Ant. Ars. Bry. Calc. Cham. Crotal. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Ferr. Graph. Hyosc Iod. Ip. Iris. Lach. Lob. Mgn-c. Nitr-ac. Nux. Op. Phosp. Puis. Ruta. Sec-c. Sep. Sil Stann. Sulph. Tart. Verat. during meals, Dig. Puis. Rhus. as soon as he eats, Dig. ------------relieved, Ferr. after milk, Aeth. Samb. Spong. Sulph, — nursing (in infants,) Sil, ?. &*x. io6 14. ERUCTATIONS, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. — in pregnancy, Con. Ip. Iris. Jatr. Ntr-ni. I Nux-m. Nux. Ox-ac. Petr. Sep. — from riding in a carriage, Cocc. Petr. — after smoking, Ip. ----spitting, Dig. ----stooping, Ip. — in teething children, Calc. Bism. Hyosc. — with abdominal cramps, Cupr. Op. -------pain, Ars. Asar. Bry. Cadm. Canth. Colch. Graph. Hell. Hyosc. Iod. Nux. Plb. Puis. Stram. ----after taste, bitter, Croton, Puis. ------sour, Anac. ----agitation congestion of blood, Verat. ----alternating with tonic spasms of pectoral muscles and distortion of eyes, vomiting does not relieve, in tetanus, Cin. ----anxiety, Ant. Arg-n. Ars. Asar. Bar-m. Bism. Nux. Sang. Seneg. ----back pain in, Puis. — with breath offensive, Ip. -■i.iSI.'Tlfiills, Puis. Tart. Valer. ----choking, Hyosc. ----colic. Dig. -------relieved, Hyosc. ----congestion to chest, Nux. ----convulsions, Ant. Cupr. Hyosc.Merc. Op. ----cries, Ars. ----diarrhoea, Aeth. Ant. Apis. Arg-n. Ars. Asar. Bell. Bism. Chin. Coloc. Cupr. Cycl.Dulc.Elaps. Eugen.Euph. Hipp. Ip. Jatr Lach. Merc. Merc-cor. Merc-sulph. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Sang. Seneg. Sep. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Tart. Verat. ------during pregnancy, Petr. ----eructations, Caust. Mur-ac. Nitr-ac. ----eyes convulsed,Cic ----face pale, Puis. Tart. -------sweat on, Camph. Sulph. ----feet coldness and numbness, Creos. Phosp. ----giddiness, Hyosc. Ntr-s Therid. ----hand, coldness, of Cieos. Phosp. Verat. ------heat. Ars. Bell. Ip. Verat. ----headache, Asar. Chin. Cimex. Con. Creos. Lach. Nux. Sang. Sep. ----heat, Aeon. Ars. Bell. Ip. Lam. Verat. ----hiccoughing, Bry. ----hunger, Cina. -------craving to eat, Sang. ----compelling one to lie down, Verat. ----legs cold, Nux. -------cramps in, Hyosc. ----nausea, Aeon. Bar-in. Colch. Croton. Dig. Eupat. Graph. Lam. Lob. Mur-ac Nux. Rhus. Sang. Sulph. Tart. Verat. Zinc. ----nose, dryness in, Creos. ------obstructed, Grat. ----perspiration, Aeon. Bell. Ip. Sulph. ------cold, Cadm. Camph. Lob. Sulph. ----salivation, Lob. _ — scratching and burning in throat, Arg. ----shuddering, Verat. ----sight, obscuration of, Lam. Lach. ------green and yellow colors before the, Tabac. ----sleepiness, Cycl. Tart. ----stomach, pain in, Ars. Asar. Bar-m. Cupr. Hyosc Ip. Lach. Mosch. Op. Phosp. Plb. Sulph. Tart. -------pit of, Dig. Verat. ----stool, ineffectual urging to, Sang. ----syncope, Elaps. Kali-c. Gum-gut. ----the morning cough, Scill. ----dejection, Dig. ----taste, bitter, Puis. -------sour, after, Anac. ----teeth, bluntness of, after, Puis. ----thirst, Aeon. Creos. Ip. ----tongue clean. Cina. ----trembling, ColchT Eupat. Nux. Tart. -------urination profuse, Aeon. Lach. Verat. ----weakness, Ars. Bism. Eupat. Ip. Kali-c. Lam. Phosp. Sec-c. Tart. Verat. — followed by hunger and thirst, Oleand. -------thirst, Aeon. Sulph-ac. Vomiturition, retching, Aeon. Arg. Arn. Ars. Bar-m. Bell. Brom. Bry. Cannab. Canth. Caps. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Dros. Graph. Hyosc. Iod. Ip. Kali-c. Lob. Mgn-c. Merc. Mez. Ntr-m. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Scill. Sec-c. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Tart. Tereb.Verat.Viol-tr. Zinc. — convulsive, Dig. — empty, with ineffectual efforts, Arn.Asar. Bell. Bry. Chin. Creos. Croton. Grat.Ip. Nux. Op. Plb. Puis. Sulph. Verat. — — relieving head, Asar. __vehement, Ars. Asar. Asar. Dig. Sacch. — in morning, Creos. __— evening, Kali-c. — at night, Arn. Ran-sc. Rat. — in drunkards, Nux. — after, meals, Chin. Mgn-c. — before meals, Berb. — from cold liquids, ip. — when hawking up mucus, Ambr. — after smoking, Ip. — when making an effort to swallow, Merc-cor. — with colic, Hyosc. — perspiration on forehead, Tart. — increase of all complaints, Asar.Oleand. — langor, Tart. — retching, and salivation, Hep. Tart. 14- ERUTATIONS, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. IO7 — pain in pit of stomach, Arn. Waterbrash, pyrosis, Acet-ac Amm-m. Anac. Ars. Bar-c. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Con. Cycl. Dros. Graph. Kali-jod. Lach. Led. Lye. Mez. Artr-m. Ntr-s. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Sep. 5/7. Staph. Sulph.Valer.Verat. — in morning, Sulph. ----evening, Anac. Cycl. Ntr-s. — at night, Carb-veg. Graph. — after acids, Phosp. — chronic, Sil. — after drinking, Nitr-ac. Sep. -------lfast, Nitr-ac. ----meals, Amm-c. Calc. Phosp. Sep. Sil. Sulph. ----milk, Cupr. Phosp. — every other day, Lye — with acidity, Carb-an. ----anxiety, heat, tremor, Euph. ----colic, Led. Sulph. ----nausea, Calc. Cycl. ----shuddering, shivering, Sil. ----stomach, pain in Ntr-m. Sil. ----vomiting, Anac. Ntr-m. Sil, -------a bitter fluid, Lye 108 15. STOMACH. 15. St Aching, Amm-c. Ant. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Caib-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Con. Cupr. Dig. Graph. Igt. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Mgn-c. Alcrc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Nux Petr. Phosp. Puis. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Verat. Acrid feeling in stomach, Hep. Adhesion, sense of in pit of stomach, Hep. Anxietv in stomach and pit of. Ars. Caust ('ham. Cic. Cocc. Coff. Cupr. Guaj. Jatr. Lact. Laur. Nux. Paeon. Plb. Sec-c. Stram. Teucr. Thuj. Verat. Atony of stomach, Bell. Balanced up and down, as if stomach were, Phosp-ac. Beaten, pain as if in stomach, Asa-f. Euph. Mgn-m. Ol-an. ------------pit of, Camph. Biting sensation in stomach, Mosch. Stram. Bitterness in stomach, Cupr. Boring, Ars. Ntr-s. Sep. Bruised pain, Nux. Ol-an. Burning in stomach, Acet-ac. Aeon. Ambr. Amm-c. Amm-m. Ars. Asa-f. Bell. Berb. Bism. Brom. Bry. Cact. Calad. Calc. Camph. Canth. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cham. Chelid.Chin. Cic. Colch. Croc. Crotal. Croton. Daph. Dig. Dulc. Elaps. Euph. Fluor-ac.Gels.Graph.Hell. Hep. Hipp.Hydroc-ac. Hyosc Igt. Iod. Jatr. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kali-jod.Lach.Lact. Laur. Lob. Mang. Merc. Merc-cor. Merc-iod. Mez. Millef. Mosch. Ntr-s. Nice Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-m. N«x.Ol-an. Ox-ac. Par. Phell. Phosp. Plb. Ran-sc. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sang. Sass. Sec-c Seneg. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Tereb. Tilia. Verat. -------not relieved by drinking, Calad. -------causing hunger, Graph. -------ascending to chest, Arg. -------circumscribed of the size of a dol- ler, Gymnoc. -------with vomiting, Bar-m. Jatr. ----pit of stomach, Aeon. Ambr. Amm-m. Ant. Arg. Ars. Bell. Bry.Caps.Cham. Case Dig. Euph. Laur. Merc. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac Plat. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Verat. — across pit of stomach, Cham, omach. Cancer of stomach, Ars. Bar-c. Con. Creos. Lye. Nux. Phosp. Plat. Verat. Chilliness of pit of stomach, Bell. Calc Cist. Hipp/ Choking. Nux. Clawing, Arn. Calc. Carb-an. Caust. Cocc. Euph. Graph. Nux. Puis. Sulph-ac. Tabac — in pit of stomach, Caust. Dros. Ntr-m. Coldness, sense of, Aeon. Bov. Caps.< Chelid. Clem. Colch. Con. Grat. Hipp. Hydroc-ac. Igt. Kali-jod. Lach. Lact. Laur. Mgn-s. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Ol-an. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sabad. Sacch. Sep. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. -------in morning, Mgn-s. ---------pit of stomach, Ars. Bell. Laur. Phosp. Colic with spasms in chest, Cupr. Sep. Verat. Concussive pain when stepping, Case ---------in pit of stomach, Anac. Mgn-m. Constriction of pylorus, Bry. Prosp. ----stomach, Amm-c. Euph. Ferr. Guaj. Lach. Nux. Sacch. -------must press the stomach with the hand, Dros. — pain, Aeon.Alum. Arn. Ars. Asa-f.Bell. Borax. Brom. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Chelid. Cocc. Con. Croton. Euph. Guaj. Hydroc-ac. Jatr. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lact. Laur. Lob. Lye Mgn-c. Meny. Merc. Millef. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nice Nitr-ac. Nitr. ATux. Ol-an. Op. Phosp. Phyt. Plat. Plb. Puis. Ran-c Rat. Rheum. Rhod. Sass. Sep. Spong. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. — sense in pit of stomach, Cact. Cast. Lob. Plat. Puis. Rhod. Sulph-ac. — pain as if stomach were gathered up in a ball, Arn. ----in upper part of stomach, Croton, Corrosion sense of, Iod. Nux. Cramp, Agar. Amm-c. Ant. Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Bar-m. Bell. Bism. Brom. Bry. Calc. Cannab. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Con. Cupr. Daph. Dig. Dulc. Euph. Ferr. Graph. Hydroc-ac. Hyosc Iod. Jatr. Kali-c. Lach. Lob. Lye Mgn-c. Merc, Cv&e. <2j0vts^ ata^yt Xz**«so ttvw ^z^t^ZiJi s^i c^XX^u : cdy>^.ATcU. t^f^tL. ---------sp., Fluor-ac. Kali-b. Ntr-m. Puis. Pricking, sp., Ruta. Pulsation, sp., Ran-b. Rending, tearing, hyp., Teucr. — kid., Berb. Canth. — liv., Clem. Con. Creos. Phyt. Dig. — sp., Ambr. Con. Rheumatic pain in region of liv., Meph Rumbling in sp., Verb. Scraping liv., Sabad. Sensation want of, in sp., Ars. Smarting in sp., Asar. Softening of liv., Lach. Soreness, hyp., Alum. Bry. Sulph. — kid., Cinnab. Hipp-m. Zinc. ----right, Phyt. ----left, Benz-ac. — liv., Aeon. Amm-c Carb-an. Eupat. Lye Ntr-s. Pallad. Raph. ----beating, worse from motion, walking, lying on left side, breathing! Sil. — sp., Asar. Ran-b. Spasmodic pain, dia., Lye Ntr-m. ----hyp., Mur-ac. Phosp-ac. Rhod. Stann. Zinc. ----liv., Phosp-ac. Zinc. ----kid., Sulph. ----sp., Stann. Spasms of dia., Stann, Sprain, sensation of, in liv., Kali-c. Lye Squeezing, liv., Lact. Sticking in kid. and pain as if torn, Mez. Stinging stitches, dia., Spig. Viol-tr. ----hyp., Aeth. Ars. Asa-f.Aur.Berb.Bry. Carb-veg. Graph. Kali-b. Kali-c. Ly'c. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Pod. Puis. Rhod. Sabad. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac. -------right, Hyper. -----^- left, Ntr-c. Sep. ----kid., Aeon. Aeth. Bell. Berb. Canth. Chin. Croton. Cycl. Dig. Kali-c. Hep. Nitr. Phosp-ac. Ran-sc. Valer. Zinc. -------right, Lob. ----^ liv., Aeon. Agar. Alum. Amm-m. Asar. Berb. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Con. Creos. Cycl. Hep. Kali-c. Lact. Laur. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Merc-cor. Merc-jod. Mosch.Ntr-c. Ntr-m. A7;--j-.Ntr-ae Nux-m. Nux. Ol-an. Ox-ac. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Sabad. Selen. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Zinc. ---------to thighs, Kobalt. ----sp., Agar. Amm-m. Arn. Bell. Carb-veg. Chin. Con. Hep. Kali-b. Afgn-s. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr. Ol-an. Psor. Ran-sc. Rhod. Sass. Selen. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Verat. Verb. Zinc. Zing. Suppuration of kid., Canth. Swelling, of hyp., Aeon. Au-. Bry. Chin-sulph. l6. HYPOCHONDRES, KIDNEYS, DIAPHRAGM, LIVER AND SPLEEN. I I 5 Swelling liv., Ars. Bar-m. Ccal. Cannab. Chin. Dolich.Lach.Lact.Laur.Lye Merc. Nux-m. Nux. Sacch. Sulph. ----after abuse of quinine, Nux. — sp., Agn. Ars. Caps. (.'bin. Gymnoc. Igt. Iod. Ruta. SacchJ%rfy, u^^XQAj^ ----after ague suppressed by quinine, Diad. Tension, hyp., Aeon. Bell. Calc. Case Cham. Chin-sulph. Con. Dig. Graph. Lye Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Nux. Puis. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Verat. — liv., Aloe. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Cimex. Lact. Lye. Mgn-m. Murex. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nux. Sulph. — sp., Nitr-ac. Rhod. Sulph. Throbbing, hyp., Aeon. Graph. Puis. — kid., Canth. — liv., Ntr-s. Nux. Sep. Sil. — sp., Grat. Ran-b. Ruta. Torn off, as if something were in sp., Ambr. Ulcerous pain, hyp., Chin-sulph. Puis. ----liv., Laur. Sil. Uneasiness in liv., Aloe. Warmth, sense of liv., Sabad. Morning, in pain, hyp., Staph. ----liv., Bry. ----sp., Amm-m. Evening, pain, sp., Mgn-s. Bending body, pain, kid., Chin. -------liv., Cocc. Breakfast, after, pain, liv., Graph. Breathing, when, pain, hyp., Asa-f. Kali-c. Ran-sc. -------liv., Bry. Selen. ----sp., Agar. ----deep, pain in hyp., Ran-sc. ---------in liv. ,* Psor. -------stitches in liv., Aloe. ------------relieved, Ox-ac. ---------in sp., Bry. Chin. Mosch. Ntr-c. Ran-sc. Sabad. Sulph. Coughing, when, pain, hyp., Dros. Sang. -------liv., Br\'. Cocc. Psor. Eructations relieved, by Pallad. Exercising when, pain in hyp., Sep. Zinc. ---------liv., Ang. Iris. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux. ---------sp., Kali-b. Ran-b. Lying on right side, when, pain in liv., Mgn-m. Psor. Pregnancy, during, pain, hyp., Puis. Pressed upon, when pain, hyp., Aeon. ------- relieved, left hyp., Sang. -------liv., Berb. Bry. Clem. Psor. Sabad. Selen. Tabac --------- relieved, Merc-jod. -------sp., Igt. Riding in a carriage, pain, hyp., Borax. ------liv., Sep. -------sp., Borax. Lach. Sitting down, when, pain, kid., Valer. — when pain, hyp., Puis. ----liv., Amm-c. Stooping when, pain, dia., Lye Ntr-c. ------hyp-. Alum. -------liv., Alum. Calc. Clem. Cocc. Kali-c. Lye -------sp., Rhod. Touched when pain hyp., Aur. Cupr. Dros. Ran-b. -------liv., Aeth. Agar. Bry. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Chin. Clem. Lye Mgn-m. Merc. Ntr-s. Nux. Sep. Valer. Walking, when, pain,' hyp., Zinc. -------kid., Clem. -------liv., Hep. Mgn-m. Ntr-s. Psor. Sep. —----sp., Arn. Hep. Igt. Lach. Rhod. Selen. With giddiness, pain, hyp., Calc — necessity to lie down, pain, liv., Graph. | — obscuration of sight, pain, " yp., Calc. — vomiting, pain, liv., Bry. n6 VJ. ABDOMEN, GROIN AND FLATULENCY. 17. Abdomen, Groin, Flatulency. Abbreviations:—abd., abdomen; int., abdominal integument ; nav., navel; epig., epigastrium; HYPOG. , hypogastrum; SID., SIDES OF abdomen: ING., INGUINAL REGION OR GROIN. Aching in abd., Ars. Bell. Calc. Caust Cham. Chin. Cocc. Coloc. Cupr. Hyosc. Igt. Lach. Lye Merc. Nux. Puis. Sulph. Verat. Adhesion, sense of, hypog., Sep. — as if intestines adhered to nav., Verb. Arthritic pains which suddenly wander from extremities to abd., Daph. Ascites, Aeon. Agn. Apis. Ars. Bry. Cannab. Canth. Caust. Chin. Colch. Crotal. Dig. Dulc. Euph. Igt. Kali-c. Hell. Lact. Led. Lye Ale re. Millef. Nux. Prun. Sabin. Sacch. Scill. Sep. Spong. Sulph. — sacculated, Cannab. Chin. Sacch. — from glandular affections, Merc. — with a fold over pubic region, Colch. ----induration of liver and asthma, Lact. Bearing down, ing., Calc. Cham. Kali-jod. Mgn-s. Teucr. ----1 sid., Phosp. Beaten, as if, abd., Amm-c. Ang. Arg. Ars. Aur. Cannab. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Coloc. Con. Ferr. Hep. Igt. Kali-jod. Lam. Led. Mgn-m. Merc-cor. Ntr-s. Ran-b. Ruta. Sabad. Samb. Sep. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Verat. Valer. ----when lying on right side, Merc. ----hypog., and ing., Valer. ----int., Nux. Plb. Sabad. Sulph. Valer. ----ing., left, Dolich. ----nav., Ox-ac. ----sid., Ang. Nux. -------right, Ang. Camph. Blood congestion of to abd., Chenop. Lact. Merc. Nux. — stagnation in abd., Bell. Bry. Dig. Nux. Puis. Sulph. — in abd., flowing backwards, sensation, Elaps. Hard body, sensation of, moving in abd., Borax. Boringinabd., Aloe. Arg. Ars. Calad. Cina. Coloc. Dig. Sabad. Seneg. Sep. Tar. ----epig., Seneg. ----hypog., Sabad. - ----sid., Par. Brownish spots on abd., Ars. Carb-veg. Kali-c. Nitr-ac Phosp. Sabad. Sep. Thuj. Bruising pain, abd., Ntr-s. ----epig.. Stann. ----integ., Sulph. ----sid., Arn. Coloc. Ferr. Bubbling in abd., Hell. Phosp-ac. Tar. Burning in abd., Aeon. Alum. Amm-c. Amm-m. Apis. Ars. Bell. Berb. Bov. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Caps. Carb-an. Caust. Cham. Chelid. Cocc. Colch. Coloc. Cop. Crotal. Dulc.Eugen. Euph. Euphr. Graph. Grat. Hydroc-ac. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lacli. Laur. Lye Mgn-s. Merc. Merc-sulph. Mercurial. Alez. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nux. Ol-an. Phell. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Raph. Ran-b. Rat. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sass. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stann. Stront. Thuj. Verat. ----left side of pelvis, Amm-c. Graph. Lac-can. Plat. Ruta. Sep. ----epig., Calad. Camph. Canth. Cham. Raph. ----hypog., Camph. Lac-can. Nitr. Phosp-ac. Stram. ----int., Berb. Selen. ----nav., Aeon. Berb. Bov. Calc. Canth. Carb-veg. Cham. Crotal. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lach. Mgn-s. Merc. Merc-jod. Ntr-c. Ol-an. Phosp-ac. Plat. Raph. Sabad. Sulph-ac. Tilia. ----sid., Rat. ----in small spots, Ox-ac. Burst, as if it should, pain, abd., Anac. Coff. Sep. Valer. ---------when walking, Lac-car. Lach. \ 17- ABDOMEN, GROIN AND FLATULENCY. 117 Catamania, pain, abd., as if the, would appear,Cina. Croc. Kali-c Lam. Mgn-c Mosch. Mur-ac. Sep. Stann. Tilia. Chilliness, abd., Ars. Kali-c. Par. Phosp. Plb. Sec-c. Sulph. ----upper part, Ars. Camph. Kali-c. Mang. Oleand. Sec-c. Sulph. ----disposition to suffer from, Caust. Nitr-ac. Chill commences in abd., Calc. Clawing in abd., Carb-an. Coloc. Hep. Ip. Mosch. Sep. Zinc. — epig., Mosch. — hypog.. Bell. Lye Puis. — nav., Aeon. Stann. — vig., Kali-jod. Coldness, sense of in abd., Aeon. Aeth. Alum. Ambr. Ars. Asa-f. Bell. Berb. Bov. Calc. Camph. Caust. Chin. Cist. Colch. Creos. Croton.Eugen.Grat. Hell. Hipp. Hydroc-ac. Kali-c. Laur. Meny. Merc-sulph. Mercurial. Oleand. Petr. Phell. Phosp. Plb. Pod. Rat. Ruta. Sabad. Sass. Sec-c. Seneg. Sep. Sulph. Tereb. Zinc. -------one side only, Ambr. — int., Ambr. Tereb. — nav., Rat. Colic, Aloe. Alum. Arg-n. Asar. Bell. Bov. Calc. Cannab. Caps. Carb-veg. Canth. Chin. Coff. Colch. Coloc. Con. Cop. Croc. Croton. Cub. Cupr. Diosc. Elaps. Euph. Ferr. Haematox. Hipp. Hyosc. Iod. Ip. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lach. Laur. Led.Mgn-m. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-c.Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Ox-ac. Pallad. Petr. Phosp. Plb. Pod. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Rumex. Sass. Sec-c. Senna. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Verat. — dry, Coloc — alternates with affections of eyes, Euphr. — anger, from, Cham. — clutching with the nails, as if. Bell. Ip. — cold, from a, as if diarrhoea would set in, Dulc — compelling to walk bent, Puis. Rhus. — constipation, from, Sil. — convulsions, with Sec-c. — dysenteric, Led. — every evening, Led. — hemmorrhoids, from, Carb-veg. Coloc. Lach. Nux. Puis. Sulph. Valer — morning, in, 5 a. m., Kobalt. — paralysis, of lower extremities, with, Plb. — periodical, Igt. Lac-can. Nux. Sulph. ----with diarrhoea, Gels. ----daily, Arn. Diad. Ntr-m. — restlessness, with, Ars. Bell. — torpor of liver, with, Sang. __weakness from, or loss of annimal fluids, Chin. — worms, from, in children, Cic. Ruta. Sabad. Sil. Valer. — yellow hands, with, and blue nails, Sil. — relieved by lying down, Merc. Colic, painter's, Alum. Op. Plat.Xe^i% Collapsed, abd., Euph. Compressing pain in abd., Ambr. Hyper. Puis. ----nav., Aeon. ----ing., Igt. Thuj. ----sid., left, Berb. Congestion (portal system,) Aloe. Kali-chl. Contracting pain in abd., Amm-c. Bell. Berb. Calc. Caust. Coloc. Creos. Dig. Gels. Hep. Kali-c. Laur. Lye Mgn-c. Mang. Merc. Mosch. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nux. Ol-an. Phosp. Rhus. Sabin. Sass. Sulph. Tar. Thuj. -------nav., Bell. Phosp. -------ing., Rat. Contraction of abd., Dros. Hep. Ferr. Lach. Plb. Rhus. ----.— muscles, Arg. Ferr. Ntr-nitr. Sabad. Scill. ---------in walking, Arg. — hypog., Con. Rhus. — in ing., Rat. — nav., Ntr-c. Phosp. Plb. ----as of a hard twisted ball Creos. — of intestines and pressure from above downwards, as if bowels would be pressed outwards, Sass. Constriction, sensation in abd., Bell. Carb-an. Chin. Coloc. Dig. Euph.Kali-b. Mez. Mosch. Plat. Plb. Sabad. Thuj. -----hypog, Bell. Clem. Evon. Verb. ----nav., Bell. Plb. Puis. Verb. Cramp in abd., Ambr. Amm-c. Ars. Aur. Bell. Berb. Bry. Calc. Camph. Cham. Chelid.Chin. Cocc. Coff. Con. Creos. Croton. Cupr. Euph. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Iod. Ip. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Mosch. Mur-ac. Nitr-ac. Nux. Ol-an. Petr. Phosp, Phosp-ac. Prun. Puis. Rhus. Seneg. Sep. Spong. Stann. Stram. Teucr. Valer. Verat. — hypog., Stann. — around nav., Stann. — hysteric, Ars.Bell.Bry. Cocc. Ip. Mgn-m. Mosch. Nux. Stann. Stram. Valer. — periodical, Igt. — with chilliness, in suppressed menstrua- tion, Puis. ----menses irregular, Cocc. — in parturient women, Cic. — during pregnancy, Puis. — with convulsions, Cupr. Sec-c. ----leucorrhcea, discharge of, Mgn-c. Mgn-m. ----shrieking, Cupr. Crawling, sensation, abd., Camph. Croton. Mgn-m. Creeping, sensation, abd., Dulc. i iS 17. ABDOMEN, GROIN AND FLATULENCY. Cutting, in abd., Aeon. Agar. Aloe. Alum. Ambr. Ant. Arg. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Bov. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Cham. Chelid. Chenop. Chin. Cic. Cina. Coloc. Con. Creos. Croton. Cub. Cycl. Dig. Dulc. Elat. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Hyper. Igt. Iod. Ip. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lach. Lact. laur. . Led. Lept. Lob. Lye. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Alerc. Mez. Murex. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nice Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Ol-an 0\-ac.Petr.Phosp.Phosp-ac Plb. Puis. Ran-sc. Rheum. Rhus.Sabad. Sass. Scill. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Valer. Verat. Verb. Viol-tr. Zinc. ----epig., Asar. Calc. Cham. Chin-sulph. Laur. Lye. Mgn-m. Nux-m. Ol-an. Sulph. Tereb. — hypog., Ang. Evon. Iris. Laur. Mgn-s. Nice Ol-an. Sep. Sil. Tereb. ----relieved after stool, Pallad. — ing., Calc. Carb-an. Gum-gut. Valer. — nav, Aloe. Bov. Calad. Croton. Dulc. Glon. Hyper. Igt. Ip. Kali-b. Kali-jod. Mang. Merc-cor. Mur-ac. Nux. Ol-an. Puis. Raph. Sass. Spig. Verb. — sid., Arn. Croton. Mur-ac. Par. Ruta. — from worms, Cina. — in left lower abdomen, with frequent burning urine, All-cep. — with strangury, Arn. — from both groins to sympheses pubis, Elaps. — outwards, from within, Ang. Cutting in abd., (as with a knife), Coloc. Lact. Merc. Murex. Sabad. Verat. ---— nav., Bov. Laur. Tart. ----ing., Calc. — from right to left across abd., Lye Despair, to, pain driving, Coff. Diarrhoea, as if a, would set in, pain in abd, Agar. Ang. Bar-c. Dig. Lach. Meph. Nux. Oleand. Sabin. Digging in abd., Ars. Bell. Ntr-c. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Seneg. Spong. Stann. Sulph. Valer. — epig. or hypog., Ol-an. Sep. — nav., Con. Distention of abd., Aeon. Aloe. Anac. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Borax. Bov. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Cic. Cimex. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Con. Cor-e Creos. Croton. Cub. Cupr. Ferr.Graph. Hcematox. Hell. Hipp-m. Hyosc. Jatr. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Mang. Merc. Merc-cor. Mez. Ntr-c. Ntr-s. Nux-m. Op. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Raph. Rheum. Rhus. Sacch. Sang. Scill. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Tilia. Verat. Zinc. — on left side of colon, worse after eating, Aloe. — relieved after stool, Hyper. — sudden, painful, followed by dianhcea, Kali-jod. — with cold feet, Lye — in children, Cina. Sil. — painful, Aeon. Bell. Hyosc. Ntr-c.Ntr-m. Nux. Rhus. Sulph. Verat. ----of epig., and sensation as if contents were passing into the chest, Cham. — sensation of in abd., Ntr-s. Sep. Valer. Downwards pressure towards groin, Sass. Teucr. Drawing in abd., Aeon. Agn. Ars. Caps. Chin. Cocc. Creos. Dros. Lach. Led. Lob. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-s. Ntr-m. Nux. Op. Staph. Verat. — hypog., Chin. Valer. — ing., Calc. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Ol-an.Plat. Thuj. Valer. — int., Seneg. Valer. — nav., Igt. Rat. — sid., Lye Ntr-c. Par. ----right, Camph. — of abdominal muscles towards back, Nitr. Emptiness, sense of, abd., Ant. Arn.Arum. Cham. Cina. Cocc. Coloc. Dig. Dulc. Euph. Fluor-ac. Guaj. Gum-gut. Hep. Kali-c. Kobalt. Lach. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Oleand. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Sass. Scill. Seneg. Stann. — at nav., better by bandaging and eating, Fluor-ac. Enteritis, Aeon. Ant. Arn. Ars. Bar-m. Bell. Bry. Canth. Cham. Chin-sulph. Croton. Cupr. Cupr-sulph. Graph. Hydroc-ac. Hyosc. Iod. Ip. Lach. Laur. Merc. Mez. Nux. Plb. Puts. Ran-flam. Rhus. Sabin. Scill. Sil. Tereb. Verat. Vipra-red. Eruption on abd., Ntr-c. — herpes zoster, Graph. Rhus. Thuj. — rash, Hipp-m. —"ringworm, Tellur. — yellow brown spots, Kobalt. Lye ----scaby itching, moist when scratched, Kali-c. Erysipelas on abd., Graph. Exostosis, Aur. Extension sense of, abd., Igt. Sep. Valer. -------ing.. Mgn-s. Falling, sense of something in abd., Plb. Fermentation sense of, Ang. Croc. Gran. Lye Rhus. Seneg. Stram. Flabbiness, sense of, abd., Phosp. Rhus. (compare Emptiness and weakness.) Flatulency in general, Agn. Bell.Carb-veg. Cham. Chenop. Chin. Cinnab. Cocc. Coloc. Euph. Graph. Igt. Lach. Lye Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Sacch. Sang. Sep. Sulph. Zinc. — accumulation of, Ant. Bar-c Borax. 17- ABDOMEN, GROIN AND FLATULENCY. II9 Calc-ph. Chin. Cic. Graph. Igt.Kali-jod. Lye Men}-. Ntr-c. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux. Ol-an. Phosp. Prun. Rhus. Senna. Sep. Tait. Zinc Flatulency, colic like, Acon.Ambr.Amm-c Anac. Arn. Asa-f. Aur. Beit. Bry. Caps. Carb-veg. Case Cham. Chin.Cocc. Colch. Con. Euph. Ferr. Graph. Grat. Hyosc Igt. Ip. Iris. Kali-c. Lac-can: Laur. Lye Mang. Alez. Ntr-m. Ntr-nitr. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Rhod. Rheum. Scill. Staph. Tart. Teucr. ----hypog., Aeon. Chin. Phosp.Sulph-ac. ----with protrusion colon, relieved by pressure and leaning forward, Bell. Coloc. — cutting, Con. Puis. — drawing, Chin. — griping, Anac. Asa-f. Aur. Graph. Lam. Ntr-s. Rhus. Tart. Teucr. — obstructed, Aloe. Ambr. Ant.Arn.Asar. Aur. Calc. Canth. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Coloc. Con. Graph. Guaj. Hep. Igt. Iod.Kali-c. Kalm. Lam. Lye. Mosch. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux. Ox-ac. Phell. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Prun. Puis. Rheum. Rhod. Scill. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Tart. Teucr. Tilia. Verat. ----with a hard stool, Caust. — painful, in general, Arn. Ntr-c. Ntr-s. Puis. Rhod. — pressing, Case Chin. Artr-nitr. Nux. Puis. Rheum. Sulph. — rising up, Graph. Lye Ntr-nitr. Rheum, — squeezing, Carb-veg. Teucr. — tightening, Chin. Graph. Rheum. Rhod. — urging, Plb. Seneg. — wandering about, Carb-veg. Ntr-c.Ntr-s. Ol-an. Phell. Puis. Rhus. — in the morning, Hep. Nitr-ac. Nux. — in afternoon, Nitr. — in evening, Nitr-ac. Puis. Zinc. — at night, Aeon. Ambr. Aur. Carb-veg. Cocc Ferr. Igt. Kali-c. Merc. Ntr-m. • Nux-m. Puis. — after acids, Phosp-ac. — by bending forward, relieved, Bell. Coloc. — in children, Cham. — by cough, increased, Cocc. — drinking, after, Nux. — eructation by, or discharge of wind, relieved, Ntr-nitr. — by exercise increased, Ntr-nitf. — in.gouty persons, Zing. ----hysterical women, Colch. Igt. Puis. ----lying, increased, Phosp. __by pressure, external, relieved, Bell. — with anxiety, Cic. Nux. ____bowels contracted, Chin. _______protruded (transverse colon, Bell.) Pallad. ----breath obstructed, Alez. ----chilliness, Mez. ----eructations, Grat. Rhod. ----headache, Calc-ph. ----nausea, Grat. Kalm. ----peevishness, Cic. ----spasms.Prun. Flatus, no emission of, Kali-b. Lye Ntr-c. Raph. Sil. — cold, Con. — difficult, Calc-ph. Hep. Plat. Sil. Verat. — frequent. Agar. Agn. Aloe. Aur. Bell. Borax. Bry. Carb-veg. Caust. Chenop. Chin. Chin-sulph. Croton. Dig. Gels. Graph. Gum-gut. Igt. Ind. Kali-c. Lact. Led. Lob. Mang. Millef. Ntr-c. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Oleand. Ol-an. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Ran-b. Rhod. Sass. Scill. Staph. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Tart-ac Teucr. Zinc. — hot, Aeon. Aloe. Cham. Cocc. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Staph. Teucr. Zinc. ----humid, Carb-veg. — interrupted, small, Calad. Caust. Plb. — painful, Con. Graph. Kali-c. Puis. — noise of, croaking, Arg. Graph. ----crying, as of something, Arg. Thuj. ----fermenting, Ang. Gran. Rhus. Senna. Stram. ----rumbling, Aeon. Anac. Ant. Aur. Bism. Bry. Calc. Con. Cycl. Ferr-m. Guaj. Laur. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Oleand. Plb. Raph. Rhod. Scill. Senna. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tar. Tart.Tereb.Thuj.Verat. Zinc. ----grunting, Sil. Spong. ----gurgling, Aloe. Cina. Gum-gut. Jatr. —----in epig., Puis. ----rolling, Aeon. Agar. Agn. Aloe. Ang. Ant. Arg. Arn. Aur. Berb. Bism. Bov. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chenop. Chin. Coloc. Con. Corn-c Cop. Cycl. Elaps. Ferr-m. Glon. Graph. Grat. Guaj. Gum-gut. Hell. Hipp-m. Igt. Jatr. Kali-jod. Lachn. Laur. Lye. Mgn-c. Mgn-s. Meny. Merc. Mez. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s.Nice Nitr-ac. Nux. Oleand. Ol-an. Ox-ac. Par. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Sass. Scill. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Tart. Terb. Teucr. Thuj. Verat. Zinc. Zing. -------in left side, feels it but does not hear it, Lachn. -------with drawing through legs down to toes, Ferr-m. — in hypog., Aur. Cycl. Hydroc-ac. Sil. Sulph-ac — in epig., Caust. Chin. Lye Nux.Phosp. Phosp>-ac Puis. 120 17. ABDOMEN, GROIN AND FLATULENCY, Flatus, around nav., Caps. — in evening, Puis. Spong, -------in bed, Bry. — when taking a deep breath, Hell. — on left side, Lvc — darting in urethra, on passing, Mgn-s. — presses on bladder, Igt. Prun. — in lying (morning), Spong. ----sleep, Agn. — scentless, Ambr. Lye Phosp. Teucr. — smelling like rotten eggs, Arn. Coff. Ferr-m. Sulph. Tart. Teucr. Valer. -------garlic, Agar. Mosch. Phosp. Flatulency smelling fetid, Agar. Aloe. Alum. Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Aur. Bar-c. Borax. Bov. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust.Cham.Chin.Chin-sulph. Cocc. Con. Croton. Dulc. Graph. Grat. Iod. Iris. Lact. Lith. Lob. Mgn-c. Millef. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nice Nitr-ac. Nux. Oleand. Ol-an. Petr. Phosp. Plb. Psor. Puis. Ran-b. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Sang. Sass. Scill. Senna. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Teucr.Tilia.Valer. ----of the medicine, Raph. ---- putrid, All-cep. Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Calad. Camph. Carb-veg. Cocc.Dulc. Igt. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux. Puis. Sass. Sil. Sulph. Valer. Zinc. ---.-sour, Calc Graph. Merc. Ntr-c. Rheum. Sulph. Fulness in abd., Agar.Aloe.Alum.Amm-c. Anac. Ant. Ars. Asar. Aur.Bar-c.Calad. Calc. Cam ph.Carb-veg. Cast. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Cocc-c.Coff.Colch.Con.Croc.Dig. Graph. Hell. Lach. Lact. Laur. Led, Lye Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Mur-ac. Ntr-s. Nitr. Nux-jug. Nux-m. Nux. Ol-an. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Raph. Rhod. Sass. Spig. Stann. Sulph. Tart. Tereb. Verb. Zinc. ----hypog., Aur. Diad. ----in morning, Con. Furuncles on abd., Phosp. Zinc. Gangrene of abd., Plb. Glands ing., drawing in. Dulc. Mez. Thuj. ----hardness, Ars. Calc. Clem. Dulc. ----inflammation, Dulc. Merc. Sil. ----pain in, Ars. Berb. Calc. Graph. Merc. Tereb. Thuj. -------ulcerous, Amm-m. Bov. Creos. Dig. Hell. Mgn-c. Mang. Nitr-ac. Ran-b. Rhus. ----pressure, pulsation and shooting, Berb. ----suppurations, Ars. Hep. Merc. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Sulph. ----swelling, Ars. Aur. Bad. Bell. Calc. Carb-veg. Clem. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Iod. Merc. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Ocim. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sil. Spong. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Tereb. Thuj. -------schirrous, Iod. ----twitching, Clem. — mesenteric swelling, Ars. Calc. Con. Iod. Sacch. ----induration, Ars.Calc. Gnawing, abd., Ars. Calc. Cupr. Dulc. Oleand. Plat. Ruta. — hypog., Gum-gut. Seneg. — about nav., Ruta. ----transverse colon, Gels. Globus hystericus, Aeon. Con. Mgn-m. Plb. ----relieved by eructations, Mgn-m. Grasping in abd., Carb-an. Coloc. Sep. Zinc. — hypog., Bell. Lye Puis. — ing., Kali-jod. — nav., Stann. Griping, pinching, abd., Agar. Aloe. Alum. Amm-m. Anac. Asa-f. Aur. Bar-c. Borax. Brom. Bruc. Bry. Gale Carb-veg.Chenop.Chin.Cic. Cina. Cocc. Coloc.Con. Corn-c.Croe Croton. Cycl. Dig.Piuic.Euphr.Crarih.Grat.Guaj. Hell. Hyper. Igt. Iod. Ip. L'act. Lam. Lye. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Meny. Merc. Mez. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nux Ol-an. Petr. Phell. Phosp. Plat. Plb. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Rhus. Sabin. Samb. Scill. Sil. Spig. Stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Tar. Tart. Tong. Valer. Verb. Zinc. ----as with nails, Bell. ----from worms, Cina. ----epig., Cocc. ----hypog., Aur. Ruta. Sil. Tart-ac ----ing., Rat. ----int., Paeon. Sabin. ----nav., Aloe. Croton. Dulc. Fluor-ac. Igt. Iod. Lact. Laur. Mur-ac. Nice Plat. Raph. Verb. -------as if grasped by hands, Ip. ----side, Igt. Lye. Mur-ac. Rat, Ruta. -------from left to right, Asar. Carb-veg. Hardness of abd., Alum. Anac. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Calc. Caps. Caust. Cham.Chelid. Chin. Con. Cupr. Ferr. Graph. Grat. Kali-c. Lac-can. Lach. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Merc-jod. Mez. Ntr-c. Nux-jug, Nux. Op. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Sacch. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stram. Sulph. Valer. — hypog., Clem. Graph. Sep. — ing., Ant. Dulc. — int., Ntr-c. — nav., Bry. Plb. Rhus. — sid., right, Mgn-m. — children, Calc. Sacch. Sil. As if hard pointed bodies were moving in confusion in abd., Borax. Heat, abd., Aloe. Bell. Bry. Camph. Carb-an. Case Cic. Cina. Euph. Graph. Lach. Lachn. Lact. Laur. Mang. Meny. Mez. Plb. Pod. Raph. Ruta. Sabad. Sass. Sil. Spong. 17. ABDOMEN, GROIN AND FLATULENCY. 121 Heat, abd., flushes of, Cinnab. — int., Croton. — as if hot water from breast to abd., fol- lowed by diarrhoea, Sang. Heaviness, abd., Aloe. Ambr. Ars. Asa-f. Calc. Carb-veg. Cop. Croc. Ferr. Graph. Hell. Kali-c. Lact. Lye Mgn-c. Mez. Ntr-nitr. Nux-jug. Nux. Op. Phosp. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Tereb. — epig., Croton. Nux-m. — hypog., Diad. Croton. Ferr. — ing., Calc. Croc. — sense of, after drinking, Asa-f. ----in walking, Ferr. Hernia, femoral, Nux.C+-rt. X*^~. — inguinal. Alum. Asar. Aur. Berb. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Clem. Cocc. Guaj. Lach. Lye. Mgn-c. ATitr-ac. Nux. Op. Petr. Phosp. Prun. Psor. Rhus. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac.Tereb. Thuj. Verat. Zinc. ----strangulated, Aeon. Alum. Ars. Bell. Lach. Millef. Nux. Op. Rhus. Sulph. Verat. ----painful, Sil. ----protruded, Alum. Aur. Sulph-ac. ----in children, Aur. Nitr-ac. Inflammation of hernial structure, Aeon. Nux. Op. Sulph. ---------with vomiting of bile, Aeon. Ars. Bell. Lach. Verat. — right side, Lye &aJL*jz • Hernia, pain in ing., as if would develop a, Berb. Cham. Chin. Clem. Coloc. Cupr. Guaj. Prun. Spong. Sulph-ac. Tereb. Inactivity in abd., Alum. Ant. Arn. Camph. Chin. Croton. Igt. Kali-c. Nux-m. Nux. Sass. Induration in abd., Ars. Calc. Chin. Lye Plb. (compare Hardness.) Inflammation of intestines, (compare Enteritis.) — of peritoneum, Aeon. Bell. Bry. Cham Cocc. Coff. Coloc. Hyosc. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Inflation, distention, abd., Aeth. Aloe. Ambr. Amm-c. Anac. Ant. Arg. Arn. Ars. Asar. Asa-f. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Bism. Bry. Calc. Calc-ph. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. . Cast. Caust. Cham. Chin. Chin-sulph. Cocc. Colch. Coloc. Creos. Croc. Croton. Dig. Ferr. Graph. Grat. Gum-gut. Hyosc. Hyper. Igt. Iod. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lach. Lam. Lob. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Mang. Meny. Merc. Merc-cor. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Ol-an. Op. Ox-ac. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Poth. Puis. Raph. Rheum. Rhod. Rhus. Sabin.Scill. Sec-c. Sep. Spig. Stann. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Tabac. Thuj. Tilia. Valer. Verb. — epig., Aeon. Hell. Ruta. — hyp., Bell. — ing., Amm-c Kali-c. Ntr-s. — sid., Caust. Ntr-m. Zinc. — painful, Bar-c. Bell. Cast. Caust. Cham. Kali-jod. Merc. Merc-cor. — partial, Bell. Plb. — puffy, Plb. — in morning, Nitr-ac. Rhod. ----evening, Rhod. — with constipation, Mgn-m. ----swelling of mesenteric glands, Ars. Calc. Con. Sacch. Insensibility, abd., Ars. Intussusception, of intestines, Thuj. Inward pressure, ing., Igt. Thuj. Itching on abd., Bell. Led. Merc. Ntr-c. Ol-an. Petr. Puis. Sass. Sep. Sulph. Zinc. — in ing., not relieved by scratching, Mgn-s. Jerks, Ars. Cannab. Murex. Ntr-m. Plat. Rhus. — hyp., Arn. Sulph-ac. — ing., Calc. Cannab. — int., Ang. Guaj. Nux. Ran-sc. Sulph-ac. Jumping sense, abd.. Croc. Labor-like pains, abd., Asa-f. Bry. Cham. Cina. Creos. Croc. Igt. Iod. Kali-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Pallad. Plat. Puis. Sec-c. Sep. Sulph-ac. Tilia. Lead colic, Alum. Op. Plat. Living, like something in abd., sensation, Cannab. Croc. Kali-jod. Merc. Nux. Sabad. ----hypog., Sabad. Thuj. ----ing., Kali-jod. ----sid., Rat. Like a lump in abd., Plb. Rhus. Sulph. Tart. ----nav., Spig. Movements in abd. Berb. Cannab. Carb-veg. Caps. Chin-sulph. Croc. Kali-jod. Lact. Mang. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-s. Ol-an. Phell. Puis. Rat. Rhus. Sabad. Sep. Sulph. Tar. Thuj. — as from the fist of a foetus, Sulph.C^w^/, {^x^i -------water, Case Hell, Phosp-ac /z^'^ Oppression, in abd., Arum. Euphr. Mgn-c. Mosch. Seneg. — hypog., at night, Mgn-c. Outpressing pain, abd., Colch. — ing,, Cannab. Clem. Igt. Kali-jod. Lye. Rhus. Tereb. Outward stinging, sid., Asa-f. Pains running,qpwards, forwards andhack- wards, Gels. Painfulness, abd., Aeon. Aloe. Apis. Ars. Bell. Bov. Bry. Cannab. Canth. Carb-an. Cic. Coff. Coloc. Con. Creos. Croton. Cub. Dig. Ferr. Gymnoc. Hyosc. Jatr. Mang. Merc. Ntr-s. ^Nitr-ac. Nux. Ox-ac. Puis. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Scill. Sec-e Sulph. Tilia. Valer. 122 17- ABDOMEN, GROIN AND FLATULENCY. Painfulness, external, Aeon. Bov. Canth. Nux. Puis. Tabac. — to touch, Aeon. Aeth. Aloe. Bell. Bism. Bry. Canth. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Con. Cycl. Hyosc. Jatr. Merc. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Stann. Stram. Tabac. Tereb. Tilia. Verat. — when walking, Phosp. Ran-b. Sulph. — epig., Stann. — hypog., Arg-n. Caust. Cycl. Jac-cor. Merc. Psor. Stann. Verb. ----right, Bapt. Merc Ntr-s. — ing., Graph. Therid. — int., Aeon. Bell. Bov. Canth. Hyosc. Nux. Puis. Tabac. — nav., Aloe. Chin. Dulc. Kali-c. Stront. Verat. ----deep behind, Jatr. Pendulous, abd., Bell. Croc. Plat. Pod. Sep. Zinc. ----, of mothers, Iod. Ntr-c. Sep. Perforation region of nav., sensation of, Aloe. Perspiration on abd., Ambr. • Anac. Ang. Cic. Dros. Plb. Plug, as of a, behind nav., sensation, Ran-sc. ---------, pressed in intestines, Anac. Pressing in abd., Aloe. Ambr. Arg. Bell. Bism. Calc Caps. Case. Caust. Chin. Coff. Croton. Cupr. Euph. Euphr. Grat. Igt. Lach. Lye Mang. Meph. Merc.Mez. Ntr-m. Nr-nitr. Nux. Op. Par. Plat. Plb. Prun. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Sabin. Samb. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph.Tabac.Tar. Tart. Tereb. Verat. Zinc. — outwards, Carb-an, — epig , Ambr. Bry. Caust. Croton. Elat. Nux. Sulph. Teucr. — hypog., Ambr. Arg. Aur.Bell.Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Colch. Diad. Elat. Kali-c. Ntr-m. Ruta. Scill. Sep. Thuj. Valer. < — ing., Bell. Berb. Kali-jod. Merc. — nav., Anac. Chin-sulph. Cocc. Croton. Lach. Meny. Ran-sc. Raph. Rheum. Spig. Tabac. Verb. — sid., Asar. Tar. Thuj. Zinc. ----left, Sulph. Tar. ----right, Prun. — from left towards nav., Aloe. — downwards,, Agn. Pressing asunder, sensation in abd., Colch. Euph. Igt. — as from a weight. Bell. Cocc. Coloc. Diad. Lact. Merc. Nux. Sep. Spig. Tar. Tart. Verb. ----epig., Nux. Tar. ----hypog., Bell. Cocc. Diad. Sep. ----nav.,Cocc. Lact. Spig. Verb. Protrusion in various parts of abd., Igt. — sensation of, abd., Igt. Pulsation, abd., Aeon. Aloe. Calad. Caps. Colch. Fluor-ac. Igt. Kali-c. Lach. Ntr-s. Plb. Sang. Sep. Stront. Sulph-ac. Tart. — epig., Calad. Cannab. — ing., Lye Sulph-ac. — nav., Aeon. Aloe. Pustules in ing., Puis. Rasping, abd., Hep. — ing., Sulph-ac. Red spots on abd., Bell. Sabad. Sep. — points, Sabad. Redness, scarlet, of abd., Rhus. Rending, tearing, in abd., Aloe. Alum. Ars. Bry. Cham. Cocc. Colch. Cop. Croton. Cycl. Dig. Lye Mgn-m. Merc. Mez. Nux-m. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Scill. Sec-c. Stram. Sulph. Tabac. Verb. Zinc. — ing., Ars. Euph. Lye Sulph-ac — int., Berb. Stram. — nav., Croton. Cycl. Nux. Stram. Verb. — sid., Croton. Lye Restlessness, abd., Agar. Kali-c. Retraction, abd., Ang. Apis. Cupr. Ntr-nitr. Pod. Puis. Staph. Thuj. Verat. — nav., Aeon. Bar-c. Chelid. Ntr-c. Plb. Tabac. Tereb. — abd., muscles, with colic, Pod. Rhagades on int., Hep. Sep. 'Sil. Sulph. Rigidity, on left side, Ntr-m. Screwing pains at nav., as from worms, with sleepiness, Nux-m. Shattering sensation, abd., Carb-an. Creos. Scill. Shocks in abd., Calc. Ntr-m. Puis. Scill. Shuddeiingon abd., Cannab. Coloc. Softness on abd., Phosp. Rhus. Soreness, abd.. Aeon. Arg-n. Ars. Bell. Calc. Cannab. Carb-an. Coloc. Con. Croton. Euph. Gels. Hell. Hep. Hipp-m. Hyosc. Ip. Kali-c. Mgn-m. Meny. Ntr-c. Nux. Pallad. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Sep. Stann. Sulph. Tilia. Trifol. ----right side, Zing. — epig., Mang. — int., Ambr. Bell. Meny. — sid., Arn. ----left, Colch. — ing., Rhus. — nav., Rhus. Thuj. Spasms, hysterical in women, Cocc. Spasmodic pain, abd., Ang. Carb-veg. Coloc. Dig. Graph. Igt. Kali-c. Ol-an. Phosp-ac. Ran-sc. Sass. Staph. Tart. Teucr. Thuj. Verb. ----hypog., Amm-c. Bry. Camph. Carb-veg. Cham. Cocc. Con. Dig. Ferr. Hyosc Igt. Ip. Iod. Mur-ac. Nux. Puis. Stann. ----ing., Dig. Igt. ----int., Ferr. Lye Sabin. Samb. ----nav., Bell. Calad. Phosp-ac. Verb. Zinc. 17- ABDOMEN. GROIN AND FLATULENCY. 1*3 Spamodic pain, sudden, in upper part, cries out, sense, of contraction, Gels. Sprain, pain as from in ing., Euph. Stinging, stitches, abd., Aloe. Alum. Ang. Arg-n. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Con. Croton. Cupr. Dig. Fluor-ac. Grat. Gymnoc. Jatr. Kali-b. Kali-c. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Merc. Mez. Ntr-c. Ntr-nitr. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux. Pallad. Psor. Puis. Ruta. Sep. Spig. Stann. Sulph. Tar. Verb. Viol-tr. Zinc. ----left side, Bell. Chin. Hep. Lach. Sass. Staph. Sulph. Tar. ----sudden to pelvis, impeding breathing, Chelid. Chin. Kali-c. Ran-sc. Samb. Tilia. -------like electric shocks,left side, Arn-n. ----epig., Croton. Kali-c. ----hypog., Bell. Chelid. Chin. Kali-c. Nux. Samb. Sep. ----ing., Ars. Bell. Calc. Carb-an. Kali-c. Lye Merc. Mur-ac. Ntr-s. Prun. Rat. Stront. Sep. Sulph-ac -------left, to axilla, Ntr-s. ----int., Berb. Mgn-m. Ruta. Samb. ----nav., Aeon. Aloe. Anac. Asa-f. Dulc. Gymnoc. Hyosc Mgn-s. Nux. Plat. Plb. Raph. Sep. Verb. -------left side, Jac-cor. ---—sid., Calc. Croton. Igt. Ntr-c. Nux. Plat. Sabad. Sass. Tar. -------left, Bell. Hep. Samb. Sass. Sep. Sulph. Tar. Stones, like sharp, rubbing together, in abd., Coloc. Strangulation in abd., sensation of, Spong. Swelling of abd., Aeon. Arg. Ars. Bry. Calc. Caust. Graph. Iod. Jatr. Kali-b. Kali-c Lac-can. Mang. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Sacch. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Verat. ----blackish blue, Aeth. — elastic, ing., Amm-c. Caps. — hypog, Sil. — nav., Bry. Caust. Prun. Puis. — sid., left, Laur. — in children, Calc. Caust. Sacch. Staph. -------hard, after scarlet fever, Calc. Sacch. — in mothers, Iod. Ntr-c. Sep. — with danger, of suffocation when in horizontal position, Iod. — sense of, Amm-c. Ant. Kali-c. Tension, in abd., Ambr. Ang. Arg. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Creos. Croton. Graph. Gum-gut. Hyosc. Kali-c. Lact. Laur. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Mez. Mosch. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nux. Par. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac Plat. Plb. Poth. Puis. Rheum. Rhod. Sabin. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Spong. Staph. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. Zinc. Croton. Dig. Zinc. Sang, (compare Bry. Cham. Phosp-ac. Hep. — epig., Croton. Ntr-c. — hypog., Aur. Chin. — in.:., Amm-c Berb Mgn-s. Merc. Spig ----nav., Verat. — in sid., Croton. Merc. Throbbing, in abd.. Igt Pulsations). — epig., Calad. Cannab. — ing., Sulph-ac. — nav., Aeon. Aloe. Tickling in epig., Bar-c Lach. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Tingling, int., Mgn-m. Torpor, abd., sensation o(, Carb-veg. Trembling, abd., Iod. Tumors, as if intestines were distended by wind, here and there, Ntr-c. Turburculosis abdominalis, Ntr-s. Turning sensation, in abd., Caps. Igt. Lact. Sabad. Sep. Twisting, abd., Dig. Diosc. Elaps. Pallad. — nav., Cina. Ran-b. Twitching, abd.," Agar. Ars. Guaj. Rhus. — hypog., Sulph-ac. — int., Ang. Guaj. Ran-sc. Sulph-ac. Tympanitis, Arn. Chin. Coloc. Hcematox. Jatr. Kali-b. Op. Ulcers in bowels, Cupr. Plb. — about nav., Apis. Ars. Calc. Lach. Lye Sep. Sil. Sulph. Ulcerous pain, abd., Cham. Cocc Cre'os. Ran-b. ----hypog., Nitr-ac. ----ing., Amm-m. Cic. ----int., Rhus. ----sid., left. Valer. Uneasiness, abd., Asa-f. Aur. Cist. Cycl. Ferr-m. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Tart. ----after a grave disease, Mur-ac. Varices in ing., Berb. Violent pain, abd., Aloe. Ars. Bell. Cast. Cham. Coloc. Cupr. Nitr. Plb. ----sid., right, Nitr. Veins distended, on abd., Sep. Warmth, sensation of, on abd., Case Mang. Seneg. ---------nav., Sulph-ac. Water, as of sensation in abd., Case Hell. Phosp-ac. — cold, as if ruoihing through abd., sen- sation, Cannab. — tepid, as of, in abd., Croton. Weakness, sensation of, in abd.. Borax. Igt. Lil-tigr. Oleand. Phosp. Staph. ---------extending to throat, relieved by eructations, Kalm. Winding, wringing, whirling pain abd., Berb. Cap. Ran-b. Rhus. Sulph-ac. ---------nav., Cina. Nux-m. Yellow spots on abd., Ars. Canth. Carb-veg. Kali-c. Phosp. Sabad. Sep, Thuj. I24 17- ABDOMEN, GROIN AND FLATULENCY. Morning, in the, pain, abd., Agar. Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Borax. Bov. Calc. Caust. Cham. Creos. Hep. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Ran-sc — in bed, Aeon. Ambr. Ntr-c. Phosp. Sep. — at sun-rise, Cham. Afternoon, in the, pain, abd., Nitr. Evening, in the, pain, abd., Ambr. Diad. Fluor-ac. Led. Mgn-m. Meph. Merc. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Par. Phosp. Puis. Valer. Verat. Zinc. ----in bed. Par. Valer. Zinc. -------painfulness of int., Sabin. — relieved, Nitr. Night in the, pain, abd., Aeon. Ambr. Amm-c. Ars. Aur. Borax. Calc. Carb-veg. Cocc. Creos. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Ind. Kali-c. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-s. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Petr. Phosp. Plb. Prun. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Verat. — pain, int., Lye Midnight, after pain, abd., Ambr. Acids from, pain, abd., Dros. Phosp-ac. Air, open, Nux. Anger, after, Cocc. Bandaging, relieved, pain abd., Puis. Bending the body by pain, abd., Aeon. Brom. ----forward, relieved, Bell. Euph. Sulph. Verb. ----double, necessity for, Bell. Chelid. Coloc. Grat. Rheum. Rhus. Sabad. Blowing the nose, when pain, abd., Canth. Brandy, from pain, abd., Igt. Breakfast, after pain abd., Nux. Phosp. Breathing, when pain, abd., Anac. Arg. . Berb. Creos. Dig. Hyosc. Mgn-c. Mosch. Seneg. Sulph. -------hypog. of, Asa-f. ----deep, Mang. Sulph. ----out (expiring), Brom. Dig. Children, in abd., complaints, Calc. Caust. Cham. Cic. Jalap. Nux-m. Senna. Sil. Staph. Chinchona (bark) abuse of, pain abd., from, Verat. Coffee, from, pain abd., Cham. Igt. Nux. -------relieved, Coloc. Cold, from a pain, abd., Alum. Cham. Chin. Coloc. Dulc. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Verat. Constipation from, pain, abd., Con. Sil. Coughing, when, pain, abd., Anac. Ars. Bell. Canth, Cham. Cocc. Nux. -------int., Ambr. Puis. Crooked., when sitting, pain, abd., Tart. ------relieved, Sulph. Drawing in abd., pain, when, Valer. Eating, after, pain, abd., Evon. Iod. — — relieved p-Psotyp^, c^a/t-w, Eructauom^felieves pain, inabd., Bar-c. Lach. Nitr. Exercise, from, pain, abd., Aloe. Arn. Berb. Cocc. Creos. Cycl. Dig. Ip. Ntr-m. Nitr. Nux. Ol-an. Puis. Sep. Stram. -------int., Plb. -------relieved, Coloc. Flatus discharged -bjt, pain, abd., relieved.^ Aloe. Arn. Grat. Guaj. Iris. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr. Hemmorrhoids, from, pain abd., Sulph. Valer. Laughing, when pain, abd. Ars. Nux. Lying, when, aggravation, Phosp. — on side, pain, abd., Par. Phosp. -------relieved, Ntr-s. -------left side, relieved, Pallad. Milk, from pain, abd., Ang. Bry. Carb-veg. Con. Sulph-ac. Pregnancy, during pain, abd., Arn. Bry. Hyosc. Nux. Puis. Sep. Pressed upon, when, pain, abd., Aeon. Aloe. Anac. Bell. Carb-veg. Cina. Coff. Cycl. Eupat. Jac-cor. Kali-b. Lac-can. Nitr-ac. Nux. Puis. Ran-b. Samb. Sass. Sulph. -------colic, Bell. Mez. Plb-ac Zinc. ----relieved, Amm-c. Asa-f. Bell. Bov. Cina. Coloc. Dulc. Graph. Grat. Kali-c. Meny. Ntr-c. Ntr-m.Nitr. Plb. Rest, by, pain, abd., Bov. -------relieved, Ip. Puis. Riding in a carriage, pain, abd., Carb-veg. Rising, when, from lying, relieved, Arg. Room, in a, pain, abd., Kali-jod. Singing, from, pain, int., Puis. Sitting, in, pain, abd., Ruta. Sitting down, when, pain, abd., Ruta. Sneezing, when, pain, abd., Bell. Canth. Cham. Pallad. Standing when, pain, abd, Aloe., Bell. -------ing., Thuj. Stooping, when, pain, hyphog., Kali-c. Strain in loins, from a, pain, abd., Arm Carb-veg. Lach. Stretching out, pain, ing., Mdgn-s. ----in morning, pain, int., Rhus. ----pains, compel, Tart. Sugar, from, pain, abd., Igt. Sulpji. Tobacco, from, pain abd., Borax. Igt. ----relieved, Chioc Touch, from, pain, abd., Aeon. Aeth. Aloe. Apis. Bell. Berb. Canth. Cham. Cupr. Cycl. Hvosc. Merc. Merc-cor. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Sil. Stann. Stram. Tabac. Tereb. Tilia. Verat. ----hypog., Cycl. ----ing., Spig. ----int., Plb. ----nav., Carb-veg. Caust. Croton, ----sid., left, Bell. Colch. Turning the body, when, pain, int., Ambr. Vexation, after, pain abd., Coloc. 17- ABDOMEN, GROIN AND FLATULENCY. 125 Walking in pain, abd., Chin. Coloc Ferr. Hyosc. Phosp. Ran-b. Sulph. Verat. ----as if bowels were loose and shaking about, Mang. ----pai 1, ing., Thuj. — on stone pavements, Con. — after, in open air, pain, abd., Kali-jod. Warm food, from, pain, abd., Kali-c Ol-an. Warmth, external, by, pain, relieved, Alum. Bar-c. Cast. Meph. Pallad. Sil. Water, fiom drinking, pain, abd., Croc. Hipp-i'. Teucr. Worms, irom, pain, abd.,Cic.Felix. Nux-m. Ruta. Sibad. (compare Sect. 18.) Colic, agitation, with, Igt. — anus, :ontraction of, with. Verb. — anxiet7, with, in, abd., Cic. Cupr. Hep. Mosch. Nux. Plat. Sulph. — bending double, compelling. Bell. Chelid. Coloc. Grat. Rheum. Rhus. Sabad — bladder, pain in, Lach. Nux. Prun. — chilliness, with, Coloc. Daph. Merc. Mez. Phosp. Spig. Stront. (compare Sect. 32.) — coldness, general, Ars. Bov. Meph. (comp ire Sect. 32.) — consti iation, with, Bell. — convulsions, with, Cic. Cupr. Sec-c. — cough, with, Chin. — cries, with, Cupr. Hyosc. Ip. Viol-tr. — despair, Coff. — diarrhoea, with, Ambr. Amm-c. Ars. Borax. Bry. Chelid. Coloc. Jalap. Lach. Ntr-c. Nice Ol-an. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Spig. Stront. Verat. Zinc. — dislike to work, with, Tart. — dyspnoea, with, Berb. Caps. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Creos. Lach. Lye Mez. Mosch. Rhod. Prun. Sulph. — eructations, with, Grat. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Nux. Rhod. — evacuation of hard fasces, Ant. -------bloody faeces, Rhus. — eyes, affections of, alternating with, Euphr. ----surrounded with a livid circle, with, Cham. — face, heat of, with, Hep. Merc. Nux. ----pal;, with, Cham. Phosp. ----red, with', Cast. Merc. Nux. — — shivering in, with, Coloc. Colic, with fainting, Ran-sc. — hands, yellowness of, with, Sil. — headache, with, Hyosc. (compare Sect. 3.) — heat in general, with, Ars. Carb-veg. (compare Sect. 32.) — humor ill, with, Asa-f. Cic. Creos. — leg cramps in, Coloc. ----heaviness of, with, Diad. ----lameness of, with, Carb-veg. ----painfulness, with, Coloc. Cop. Sec-c. — leucorrhoea, discharge of, with, Creos. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. (compare Sect. 21.) — lying down, compelling, Nux. Tart. -------on abdomen, compelling, Aloe. -------unable to remain, Prun. — mucus, discharge of, from, anus, with, Viol-tr. — nails, blueness of with, Sil. — nausea, with, Amm-c. Chelid.Cycl. Dig. Grat. Hep. Mang. Nux-m. Nux. Ol-an. Samb. Stann. Sulph. (compare Sect. 14.) — peevishness, Asa-f. Cic. — perspiration cold, with, Ars. — restlessness, with, Aloe. Bell. Carb-veg. Coloc. Mosch. Tart. — sacral region, pain, in, with, Kali-c. Ntr-c. Nux. Sec-c. — shuddering, with, Chin. Diad. Ip. — sighing, with, Igt. — sleepiness, Nux. Tart. — sleeplessness, Creos. — stretch one's self out, compelling to, Tart. — thirst with, Chin. Verat. — trembling and chatering with the teeth, with, Bov. Meph. — urging to stool, with, Aur. Bar-c. Bism. Petr. Phosp. Sep. Staph. Verb. Viol-tr. — urine, copious, with, Bell. Lach. Spig. Verat. ----suppressed, with, Arn. Graph. — uriiiate, urgency to, with, Creos. Ferr-m. Meph. — vomiting, Asar. Ars. Bell. Case Cupr-carb. Hyosc. Lach. Puis. Sec-c. (compare Sect. r4.) — water, collection of in mouth, with, Amm-c. — waterbrash, with,Bry. (compare Sect. 14. — weakness, with, Nux. — yawning, with, Cast. 9 126 l8. STOOL AND ANUS. 18. Stool and Anus. Beating, as of small hammer, in rectum, Lach. Biting in anus and rectum, Dulc.Phosp-ae Black, rectum, Merc. Blood, discharge of, from, anus, Aloe. Alum. Amm-c. Ant. Ars. Asar. Bar-m. Borax. Cact. Calc. Calc-ph. Carb-veg. Case Chin-sulph. Coloc. Cycl. Igt. Kali-jod. Lach. Lye A/erc. Merc-cor. Millef. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp. Plat. Psor. Puis. Rat. Sabin. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Valer. Zinc. — constant dripping, no blood with stool, Kobalt. — and sanious matter, Ntr-m. — bright red, Bufo. Case Hydroph. Alerc. Zinc. — black, Ant. Merc-cor. ----liquid, Elaps. — clotted, Merc-cor. Stram. — dark, Alum. Asar. Caps. Lob. Verat. — dark, bloody fluid oozes, Apis. — fetid, Hipp-m. — congestion of, to anus, Sep. Sulph-ac. Boring in rectum, Valer. Burning in anus, Aloe. Alum. Amm-c. Ang. Ant. Ars. Bar-c. Bry. Calc. Cupr. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cast. Chenop. Cocc. Colch. Coloc. Cop. Croton. Cub. Euph. Graph. Hep. Hydroph. Iod. Kali-c. Lach. Lact. Laur. Lye Merc. Mur-ac Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nice Nitj;-ae Nitr. Nux. Oleand. Op. Phosp" Puis. Rat. Sass. Sep. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Tereb. Thuj. Verat. Zinc. — as from pepper, Caps. — after stool, relieved, Clem. — between the nates, Thuj. — in the rectum, All-cep. Aloe. Ars. Aur-fol. Calc. Canth. Caps. Carb-an. Cast. Con. Kali-c. Merc-cor.Merc-sulph. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tereb. Verat. Bruise, like pain in anus, Lact. Chafed easily ty riding on horseback, Carb-an. Clawing, squeezing, as from a claw, in anus, Phell. Closed, sensation as if anus were, Lach. Plb. Condylomation on anus, Nitr-ac. Sabin. Staph. Thuj. Constriction of anus, Cimex. Croton. Lach. Laur. Mez. Ntr-m. Nux. Plb. Therid. Contraction of anus, Ang. Borax. Croton. Hipp-m. Igt.Mang. Plumb. Sec-c. Thuj. — of perineum, Sep. ----rectum, Alum.Borax.Cact.Calc.Coce Coloc. Ferr. Lach. Ntr-m. Nux. Plb. Plb-ac Sep. Stront. ----sense of, Ntr-m. Nux. Contractive pain at anus, Lye Cracks in anus, Agn. All-Cep. Graph. Cramp in anus, Colch. — in rectum, Calc. Lye Phosp. Cutting in anus, Caust. Jac-cor. Kali-c. Laur. Ntr-c. Staph. — in rectum, Caust. Lye Mang. Ntr-c. Darting from perineum to rectum and genitals, Bov. Drawing in anus and perineum, Cycl. Lact. — pain, from anus, through urethra, Hipp. — in rectum, Chenop. Creos. Mang. Rhod. Dropping from anus, sense as if cold water were, Cannab. Eruption on anus, Calc. Kali-c. Lye :— burning and in groups, Calc. — herpetic, Ntr-m. — itching, Lye Petr. — little pimples around anus, burning and itching, Cinnab. — pustules, Amm-m. — ulcerous, Kali-c. — on perineum, furuncles, Ant. ----vesicular, Carb-veg. Excrescences at anus, Jac-cor. ----sycotic, Nitr-ac. Sabin. Staph. Thuj. Fissures at anus, Aesc-hipp. Ars. Caust. Grat. Igt. Lach. Mez. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Nux. Phosp. Plb. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Fistula in ano, (in rectum,) Aur. Berb. Caust. Creos. Petr. Sil.Sulph Thuj. Formication, as from a large worm, Cinnab. Gnawing at anus, Ang. Spong. Griping in rectum, Sabad. Grumbling in rectum, Mang. Hemorrhoidal tumors of the anus. Aeon. Aesc-hipp. Aloe. Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Amm-m. Anac. Ant. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bell, Berb. Borax. Calc. Calc-ph. l8. STOOL AND ANUS. 127 Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Case Caust. Cham. Cimex. Collin. Coloc. Cupr. Ferr. Fluor-ac. Graph. Hipp-m. Kali-c. Lach. Lact. Lvc. Mur-ac. Ntr-m.Nitr-ac Nun. Phosp. Puis. Sang. Sep. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Zing. Hemmorrhoidal tumors of the rectum, Ars. Calc. Caust. Coloc. Hep. Lye Phosp. Phosp-ac. Sep. Stront. — disposition to, Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Graph. Lach. Nux. Petr. Sulph. — bleeding, Aeon. Aesc-hipp. Amm-c.Ant. Bel'. Borax. Bufo. Calc. Caps. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Collin. Coloc. Cupr. Elat. Ferr. Ham. Hyosc. Kali-c. Lac 1. Lob. Meny. A/illef Mur-ac. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Puis. Sabin. Sacch.Sep. Sulph. — blind, Ant. Caps. Ferr. Grat. A^/.v.PuIs. Vera;. — bluish, livid, Aesc-hipp. Carb-veg. Alur-ac. — burling, Aeon. Aloe. Ant. Apis. Ars. Bet i. Calc. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Canst. Cham. Chin. Lach. Mur-ac. Nitr-ac. Psor. Sulph-ac. ----as from hot needles, Ars. — congestion, Sacch. — cracked, Cham. Caust. — crawling, Ant. Chin. — cut'ing, Kali-c. Lach. — fulue ss of, Kali-b. — invterate, ATitr-ac. — itching, Ars. Berb. Clem. Chin. Graph. Kali-c. Sulph-ac. — larf.e, Caust. Graph. Lach. — like ground-nuts, blue, painful and burn- ing, Aesc-hipp. — ooz.ng, Alum. Bar-c. Caust. Clem. Ka!i-c Ntr-m. Sulph. Sulph-ac. — painful, Aloe. Alum. Anac. Ars. Cact. Calc Carb-veg. Caust. Coloc. Graph. Kali-c. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nux. Sabin. Sacch, Stront. Thuj. ----in sitting and lying, Phosp. ----when walking, Caust. — painless, Ars. — protruded, Aloe. Amm-c. Bar-c Calc. Caust. Ferr.Gran.Ham. Hep.Kali-c.Lyc. Me c. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puis. Rat. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. — rasping. Puis. — smarting, Amm-c. Puis. — sor:, smarting, Aloe. Apis. Graph. Kali-c. Mur-ac Phosp. Puls.Rhus.Zinc — stinging, Apis. Ars. Bar-c. Carb-an. Cauirt. Kali-c Ntr-m. Sulph-ac. — suppressed, Ars. Calc. Carb-veg. Caps. Nux. Phosp. Sulph. — swollen, Aloe. Ang. Cact. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Coloc. Kali-c. Mur-ac. Ni;r-ac. Thuj. — tingling, Ant. — ulcerated, Cham. — between them, burning rhagades at an- us, Graph. — with congestion at anus, Lach. — at climacteric period, Lach. — after suppression of leucorrhea, Amm-m. Heat of rectum, Aloe. Con. Heaviness at anus, Sep. — in perineum, Therid. Herpes on anus, Ntr-m. — perineum, Petr. Inactivity of rectum, Alum. Anac. Arn. Camph. Carb-veg. Chin. Cocc. Croton. Hep. Igt. Kali-c. Mur-ac. Ntr-c.Nux-m. Nux. Op. Petr- Phyt. Plb. Puis. Ruta. Staph. Sulph. Verat. Zinc. Itching of anus, Agar. All-cep.Aloe.Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Anac. Ant. Arg-n. Bar-c. Borax. Cact. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust.Cina. Cocc-c.Colch. Croc. Croton. Cub. Elaps. Ferr-m. Fluor-ac. Graph. Grat. Igt. Iod. Kali-e. Lith. Lye. Merc Mur-ac. Ntr-c.^y^y^^y- Ntr-s. Nitr-ac Nux-jug. Nux Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Rhus. Rumex.Sass.Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Sulph. 'Teucr. Zinc. Zing. ----when sitting, Jac-cor. ----after stool, relieved, Clem. ----perineum, Agn. Fluor-ac. Ntr-s. Nux. Petr. Tar. ----rectum, Ambr. Borax. Bov. Calc. Chin-sulph. Cic. Ferr-m. Gran. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Jerking pains from anus up rectum, Sep. Meals, after, pain in anus, Lye Moistness of anus,Bar-c.Carb-an.Carb-veg. Nitr-ac. — between anus and coccyx, Led. — of perineum, Carb-an. Carb-veg. Paeon. — rectum, Anac Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Coloc. Sep. Mucus, discharge of, Aeon. Alum. Ant. Ars. Borax. Caps. Carb-veg.Coff.Colch. Coloc. Dulc. Hell. Lach.AIere.Merc-cor. Nux. Phosp. Pod. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Stann. Sulph. — serous, Kali-jod. Openness, constant of anus, Phosp. Painfulness of rectum, Aeon. Caust. Con. Kali-chl. Nux. Seneg. Paralysis of anus, Aeon. Coloc. Graph. Laur. Selen. — of sphincter, Bell. Gels. Graph. Hyosc Phosp. Selen. o^W ep. Stann. Staph. Tereb. Therid. — seldom, Lact. Mang. ----but soft, Meph. — slow, Lach. Rhus. — small, Aeon. Aloe. Arg. Arn. Ars. Asar. Bell. Canth. Caps. Caust. Cham. Colch. Coloc. Corn-c Dulc. Eugen. Lach. Lye Merc. Merc-cor. Mez. Nux. Oleand. Phosp. Ruta. Sang. Sep. Sulph. Thromb. — tardy, Amm-c. Asa-f. Colch. Hyosc. Mgn-m. Ntr-nitr. Nice Nux-m. Phosp. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Rhod. Sass. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stront. Sulph-ac. — unobserved, Aloe. Ars. Colch. Ferr-m. Grat. Phosp-ac. Staph. Verat. — ash-colored, Asar. Dig. — black, Ars. Brom. Bry. Cact. Camph. Caps. Chin. Cub. Elaps. Hep. Hipp-m.^ Ip. Kali-b. Lept. Merc. Nux. Op.Phospe^c Scill. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Tart. Tellur. Verat. — brown, Ambr. Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Camph. Canth. Case Chelid. Creos. Croton. Dulc. Fluor-ac. Graph. Gum-gut. Kali-b, Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Merc-cor. Mez. Psor. Rheum. Rumex. Sabad. Scill. Sulph. Tarant. Tereb. Verat. — changeable, Colch. Puis. Sulph. — clay-colored, Gale Hep. Kali-b. Petr. — dark, Agar. Iod. — gray, Aloe. Asar. Aur. Cist. Dig. Kali-c. Merc. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rheum. -r- greasy, shining, Caust. Thuj. 130 l8. STOOL AND ANUS. Stool greenish, Aeth. Aloe. Amm-m.Arg-n. Ars. Bar-m. Bell.Borax. Canth. Carb-an. Cham. Chin. Coloc. Croton. Dulc Elat. Grat. Gum-gut. Hep. Ip. Iris. Laur. Lob. Mgn-m. Merc. Merc-cor. Nux. Paullina. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Pod. Puis. Raph.* Rheum. Sep. Stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Tereb. Valer. Verat. ----scum, Mgn-c. ----like flakes < f spinach, Arg-n. ----• — scraped eggs, Nux-m. — light colored, Benz-ac. Carb-veg. Caust. — liver, brown, Anac. Mgn-c. — pale, Carb-veg. Lye — red, Rhus. Sil. — of sepia, Mosch. — tea-colored. Gels. — white, Aeon. Ars. Asar. Aur. Bell. Benz-ac. Bufo. Calc. Cast. Caust. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Cimex. Cina. Colch. Cop. Dig. Dulc. Hell. Hep. Igt. Iod. Lach. Lob. Merc. Ntr-s. Nux.' Pallad. Petr. Phosp-ac. Pod. Puis. Rhus. Spig. Spong. Sulph. ----like chyle or milk, Arn. Bill. Bufo. Dig. Dulc. Hell. Merc. Nux. Pod. Rheum. Stront. ----clay, in chronic diarrhoea, Petr. — white, flocky, Ip. Scill. ----grains or particles, Cub. Phosp. ----masses, like tallow, Mgn-c. ----streaked, Rhus. — yellow, Aeth. Aloe. Ambr. Ars. A'sa-f. Borax. Brom. Calc. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Cist. Cocc. Coloc. Croton. Elaps. Fluor-ac. Gels. Gum-gut. Hyosc. /gt. Ip. Iris. Mgn-m. Mang. Merc Merc-cor. Merc-sulph. Ntr-s. Nice Oleand. Petr. Phosp. Plb. Pod. Puis. Raph Sabad. Stront. Tabac. Tart. Tereb. ----streaked, Rhus. ----gray, Cist. ----: green, Apis. Croton. Grat. ----granular, Mang. ----watery, Apis. Ars. Borax. Canth. Chin. Croton, Dulc. Grat. Gum-gut. Hyosc. Merc-sulph. Stront. Thuj. ----and copious during day, scanty, hard and black at night, Merc-jod. — acrid, excoriating, Ant. Ars. Canth, Cham. Chin. Coloc. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Gum-gut. Igt. Iris. Kali-c. Lach. Merc. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Sass. Staph Sulph. Verat. — bilious, Aeth. Aloe. Ars. Cact. Cham. Chin. Cina. Coloc. Corn-c.Croton. Cub. Diose Dulc Elaps. Ip. Lept. Merc. Aferc-eor. Oleand.Phyt. Pod. Puis.Sacch. Sulph. Verat. ----in albuminuria, Tereb. — bloody, Aeon, Aeth, Aloe. Alum. Apis. Arg-n. Arn. Ars. Asar. Bapt. Benz-ac. Bry. Cact. Calc. Canth. Caps. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Cinnab. Colch. Coloc.Cop. Creos. Cupr. Daph. Dros. Dulc. Elaps. Ferr. Hipp-m. Hydroph. Ip. Iris. Jalap. Kali-b. Kali-c Lach. Led. Lye Mgn-m. Alerc. Merc-cor. Millef. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. A'itr-ac. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Ox-ac. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Raph. Rat. Rhus. Sabin. Sass. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Tart. Tereb. Valer. Verat. Vipr-toro. Stool, bloody, painless. Apis. ----dark, stringy, Croc. — blood-streaked, Cina. Led. Mgn-m. Ntr-s. Nux. Scill. Thuj. — burning, Ars. Lach. Merc. — as if burnt, Bry. — chalk-like, Bell. Calc. Dig. Hep. Lach. Spong. — clay-like, adhering, Plat. — clotty, Nux. — crumbling, Amm-c. Case Guaj. Mgn-m. Merc. Ntr-m. Phosp-ac. Ruta. — curdled, Bar-m. Cham. Merc. Nux-m. Puis. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Viol-tr. — dry, Arg. Arg-n. Creos. Hep. .« "/'' ----mouldy, Coloc. ----musty. Coloc. ----like onions, Nux-jug. ----peculiar, Aloe. ----putrid, Arn. Ars. Asa-f.Aur.Benz-ac. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Coloc. Creos. Dulc. Graph. Ip. Lach. Lye Merc. Nitr-ac.Nux-m. Nux. Oleand. Par. Plb. Pcd. Puis. Scill. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Staph. Stram. Sulph. 'Sulph-ac ----sour, Arn. Bell. Calc. Cham. Coloc. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Mgn-c. Aferc.Mez. Ntr-c. Phosp. Rheum. Sep. Sulph. ----sweetish, Mosch. Constipation, Agar. Aloe. AJurn. Ambr. Amm-c Amm-m. Apis. Arg-n. Arn.Ars. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Bov. Bry. Cfct. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Canth. Carb-veg.Caust. Cham. Cic. Cocc Colch. Coloc Con. Cor-r. Creos. Croton. Cupr. I);,ph. Dulc. Eugen. Graph. Grat.Guaj.Gymnoc.Hep. Hyosc. Jac-cor. Kali-b. Kah-c. Lach. Lact. Laur. Led. Lye Mgn-n:. Mang. Meny. Mosch. Murex. Ntr-vi. Nice Nitr-ac Nux-m. ATux. Ol-an. Op. Ox-ac. Phosp. Phyt. Plat. Plb. Pod. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Scill. Selen. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Tereb. Therid. Thuj. Verat. Verb. Viol-od. Zinc. — chronic, Bry. Caust. Chin-sulph. Graph. Lach. Lye Ntr-m. Nux. Op. Plb. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. — for several days, Con. Sulph. Thuj. ----six days, followed by copious papes- cent stool, Cor-r. — every other day, Ambr. Calc. Cocc. Con. Kali-c. Ntr-m. Sulph. — every three months, Kali-b. — with diarrhoea, alternately, Ant. Arg-n. Ars. Bry. Iod. Lach. Ntr-m. N jx. Rhus. Ruta. Sacch. Tart. ----in elderly people, Ant. Op. — painless, Op. Puis. Scill. l8. STOOL AND ANUS. 133 Constipation from taking cold by 1 iding in a — irvTTQrsing infants, JAlumr^fsHix. Op. Sulph. Verat. — after intermittent fever, suppressed by by quinine, Puis. — from lead-poisoning, Alum. Op. Plat.\Xfu-i — after pollutions, Thuj. — in pregnant women, Alum. Coloc. Lye Nux. Sep. — on a voyage, Plat. — with bloated, swollen abdomen, Dolich. - ----distended abdomen, Bell. Mgn-m. ----backache, Lach. Psor. ----belching, Zing. ----colic, Plb. ----discharge of blood from rectum,Psor. ----coldness of body and hot head, Bufo. ---------extremities, Kali-b. ----catarrh, Eupat. ----debility, Kali-b. ----want of desire. Alum. Graph. Lye ----incarcerated flatulence, in left sjde, Aur. Iod. Lye Rhod. Sulph. ----gastric derangement, Iod. ----headache, Con. Kali-b. Nux. Pod. Verat. ----heat of head, Bell. --------— body, Cupr. Verat. ----leucorrhcea, Pod. ----induration of liver. Graph. ----nausea and vomiting, Nux. ----perspiration, Bell. ----fruitless pressing to stool,Caust.Con. Igt. Merc. Ntr-m. Nux_- Rhus.Sabad. Sep. Sulph. Verat. — in pregnancy, Alum. Coloc. — with spasmodic retention of faeces, es- pecially in small intestine, Op. ----painful retraction of anus, Kali-b. — stool slips back, as if not power enough, Sil. — with sour taste, Sep. ----coated tongue, Kali-b. ----clean patches on tongue, Kali-b. Ntr-m. Tar. ----urging to stool, Cocc. Con.Op.Sec-c. Viol-od. ----frequent desire to urinate, Sass. ----vomiting, Plb. ----vomiting of faeces, Plb. Diarhrcea, Aeon. Aeth. Agar. Aloe. Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Ant. Apis. Arg-n. Arn. Asar. Asa-f Bar-c.Bell.Berb.Borax.Bov. Bry. Calad. Calc. Calc-ph. Cannab. Canth. Caps. Carb-veg. Cast. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Cina. Clem. Cocc. Colch. Coloc. Con. Cop. Creos. Croton. Cupr. Dig. Dulc. Eugen. Ferr. Graph. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Ind. Iod. Ip. Jatr. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lach. Lact. Laur. Led. Lob. Algn-c Mgn-m. Meph. Alerc. Mcc-cor. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nice Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Par. Pason. Petr. Phell. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Pod. Prun. Puts. Ran-sc. Raph. Rat. Rheum. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Sass. Scill. Sec-c. Senna. Seneg. Sep. Sil.Spig. Spong. Staph. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Tart. Tereb. Tong. Valer. Verat. Zinc. iarrhcea chronic, Agar. Bar-m.Bruc.Calc. Cinnab. Dulc. Ip. Mgn-c. Mgn-m.Ntr-s. Oleand. Petros. Plb. Pod. Rhus. - colliquative, Ars. Chin. Ip. Tart. Verat. - with constipation, alternately, Ant. Bry. Iod. Kali-b. Lach. Lact. Nux. Rhus. Ruta. Tart. ---in elderly persons, Ant. Op. - debilitating, Ars. Bry. Calc. Chin. Con. Ferr. Merc. Nux-m.Oleand.Petr.Phosp. Rheum.Sacch. Sec-c. Sep.Suiph.Sulph-ac. ---painless, Chin. Clem. Ntr-s. - not debilitating, Phosp-ac. - dysenteric, Aeon. Aloe. Ars. Bell. Canth. Caps. Carb-veg. Cinnab. Colch. Coloc. Creos. Dig. Euph. Gum-gut. Hep. Iod. Ip. Alerc Alerc-cor. Millef. Nitr-ac. Nux. Plb. Rhus. Sang. Staph. Sulph. Urt-ur. - feculent, Cina. Hep. Led. Mosch. Mur-ac. Plb. Prun. Spig. - alternating with headache, Pod. - after exciting news, Gels. - painful, Ars. Bry. Caps. Carb-veg. Cham. Colch. Croton. Dulc. Fluor-ac. Jalap. Kali-chl. Mgn-c. Merc. Nux. Petr. Plumb. Pod. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Sec-c. Sulph. Verat, - painless, Apis. Arg-n. Ars. Bar-m. Bell. Camph. Carb-an. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Cinnab. Clem. Colch. Coloc. Croton. Ferr. Hep. Hyosc. Kali-c. Lye. Merc. Ntr-s. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Pod. Rhus. Rumex. Scill. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. - relieving the pains with the evacuation, Ang-spur. - vehement, Cist. Croton. Cupr. Grat. Gum-gut. Iod. Jatr. Kali-b. Mgn-m. Alez. Ntr-c. Nice Phosp. Pod. Raph. Rhod. Sep. Sulph. Tabac. Thuj. Verat. - in morning, Aeth. All-cep. Aloe. Alum. Amm-m. Ant. Apis. Arg-n. Bov. Bry. Caps.Cist.Cop. Corn-c Eupat. Fluor-ac. Formica. Hipp. Iod. Kali-b. Lac-can. Lach. Lith. Lye Merc. Mur-ac. Ntr-s. Nice Nitr. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Oleand. Op. Ox-ac. Petr. Phosp. Pod. Rumex. Sabad. Scill. Sulph. Thromb. Thuj. Zing. ---as soon as he rises from bed, Lye Nuphar. Sulph. - in forenoon, Cact. Gum-gut. ---afternoon, Aloe. Bell. Borax. Chin. Dulc. Laur. 134 l8. STOOL AND ANUS Diarrhoea in the evening, Aloe. Borax. Bov. Canth. Caust. Colch. Gels. Kali-c. Lach. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. ----4 to 6, Carb-veg. ----4 to 8, Lye ----5 to 6, Dig. — at night, Aloe. Ant. Arg-n. Ars Bov. Brom. Bry. Canth. Caps. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Cinnab. Colch. Cub. Dulc. Graph. Grat. Ip. Iris. Kali-brom. Kali-c. Lach Aur. Caust. Cist. Hep. Lith. Merc. Mosch. Nux-m. Phosp Pod.Puis. Rhus. Selen. Sulph. Tabac. Verat. — at midnight, Hipp-m. — after midnight, All-cep. Arg-n. Ars. Hipp-m. Lye ----to morning, Ars. Cist. — in day, not at night, Amm-m. Canth. Cina. Glon. Gum-gut. Hep. Mgn-c. Ntr-s. Nitr. Petr. Scill. — day and night, Kali-c. Merc-sulph. Sil. Sulph. Tarant. — periodically, at same hour, Apis. Sabad. Selen. Thuj. — every three weeks, Mgn-c. — every year, in early part of summer, Kali-b. — from acute diseases, Carb-veg. Chin. Psor. — from anger and chagrin, Aeon. Cham. — mucus, in apyrexia of intermittent fever, Puis. — in autumn, Bapt. Colch. — after breakfast, Arg-n. Borax. Thuj. -------not, Thromb. — in children, Aeth. Benz-ac. Calc. Carb-veg. Cham. Cina. Hell. Hep. Ip. Jalap. Mgn-c. Merc. Nux-m. Oleand. Rheum. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac. — after cholera, Sec-c. ----a cold, Aeon. Aloe. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Caust. Cham. Chin. Coff. Dulc. Elat. Graph. Ip. Kali-c. Merc. Ntr-c. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Verat. Zing. — in damp weather, Lach. Rhod. — during dentition, Aeth. Arg-n. Ars. Benz-ac Borax. Calc. Canth. Cham. Chin. Coff. Coloc. Dulc. Hell. Ip. Mgn-c. Merc. Nux. Pod. Psor. Rheum. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac. — after drinking, (compare Sect. 13.) — from evening air, cold, Colch. Merc. ----eruption, suppressed, Bry.*Hep.Mez. Sulph. — during exanthanata, Ars. Chin. Scill. Tart. — from fruits, Ars. Chin.Lach. Puis. Rhod. ----ice-cream or ice-water, Puls.^t^, — after and when lying on abdomen, re- lieved, Amm-m. Bov. Dros. Ntr-c.Nux. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Seneg. Sulph. Verat. Diarrhoea in lying in women, Ant. Dulc. Hyosc. Rheum. — after measels, Chin. Merc. Puis. Scill. — from opium, Mur-ac. Nux. — during pneumonia, Tart. — in pregnant women, Dulc. Hyosc. Lye Nux-m. Petr. Phosp. Sep. Sulph. — during rheumatism, Kali-b. — in scrofulous persons, Calc. — during small-pox, Ars. Chin. Tart. — in spring, Lach. ----summer, "Aeon. Aeth. Bry. Creos. Dulc. Kali-b. Nux-m. ----typhus fever, Nux-m. ----warm weather, Lach. — from impure water, Zing. — as soon as he hears water run, Hydroph. — from weaknesss, Asar. Chin. Nux-m. Phosp-ac. — in young persons of rapid growth, Phosp-ac. — with abdomen, distention of, Sulph. Verat. -------pain in, Agar. Alum. Amm-c. Amm-m. Ang. Ant. Asa-f. Bar-c. Borax. Bov. Bry. Cannab. Canth. Caps. Cast. Cham. Coloc Con. Cop. Croton. Dig. Euph. Gels. Hell. Hep. Hipp-m. Ind. Iris. Jalap. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kali-chl. Kali-jod. Lach. A/ere. Alerc-cor. Alez. Mosch. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nice ATux. Ol-an. Petr. Plb. Pod.j Puis. Rat. Rheum. Sass. Sil. Spig. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Tart. Tereb. Verat. ------colicky, Cannab. Dulc. Ip. Merc. -------cramping, Ferr. ----anorexia, Najc-m. — anus, with burning in, Hipp-m. ----, — smarting at, Kali-c. ----,— soreness of, Cham. Ferr. Merc. Sass. ----.anxiety, Ant. Lach. Merc. — back, with pain in, Ferr. Kali-jod. — with chilling, Cast. Cop. Dig. ----coldness, Spig. — after coryza, Sang. — with dispnoea, Sulph. ----eructations, Con. Dulc.Merc. ----flatulence, discharge of, Arg-n. Asa-f. Ferr-m. T) "GlonJ^Hipp-m. Kali-chl. ----faintness Dulc. Nux-m, ----fainting, Nux-m. ----headache, Merc. ----heat, Merc. ----feeling as of hot water poured from chest to abdomen, Sang. — limbs, with painfulness of, Amm-m. Rhus. Prun. Rhus. Stann. Tong. Cham. Coloc l8. STOOL Diarrhoea, with micturition and perspira- tion, Bell. ----nausea, Ars. Bell. Bism. Hell. Ip. Lach. Mere Prun. Rhus. ----cold perspiration on head, Merc. ----rumbling in stomach, Pa?on. — sacral region, with pain in, Colch. Kali-jod. Nux. Puis. — with shuddering, Merc. Puis. -------and shivering, Ang. Cast. Cop. Dig. Sulph. ----shreiking and whining, (in children,) Carb-veg. Cham. Jalap. Senna. Sulph. ----sleepiness, Hipp-m. Nux-m. ----tenesmus, Ars. Lach. Merc. Nux. ----thirst, Ars. Dulc. Mgn-s. Pod. ----trembling, Merc. ----urine, profuse, Aeon. ----vomiting, Aeth. Ant. Ars. Asar. Bell. Coloc. Cupr. Dulc. Eugen. Jatr. Ip. Lach. Phosp. Rheum. Seneg. Stram. Tart. Verat. ----weakness. Ars. Bry. Chin. Con. Kali-c. Merc. Phosp. Rheum. Sec-c Sep. Sulph. ----yawning, Cast. Evacuate, desire to, urgent, Ant. Arg. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Berb. Con. Elaps. Ferr-m. Mgn-c. Mgn-m.Merc. Merc-cor. Mez. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Phosp. Puis. Rheum. Rhod. Rhus. Sabad. Sass. Sec-c. Staph. Stram. ----frequent, Aloe. Arg. Caust. Chenop. Hyosc Igt. Lachn. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nux. Plat.Puis. Ran-sc. Rheum.Ruta. Sil. Spig.Stann. Sulph. Tabac. Tilia. ----small stools with tenesmus. Aeon. Aeth. Ars. Bell. Caps. Gum-gut. Laur. Merc-cor. — ineffectual, Ambr. Anac. Arn. Asa-f. Bell. Bism. Bov. Carb-an. Caust. Chenop. Cocc. Colch. Con. Corn-c Grat. Gymnoc. Igt. Kali-c. Lac-can. Lach. Lachn. Laur. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Alerc Merc-cor. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. j Ntr-s. Nice Nitr-ac. Nux. Oleand. j Plumb. Rat. Rheum. Rhus. Sep. Sil. j Spig. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. j Tabac. Tereb. Thuj. Tong. Verat. | Viol-od. | ----with vomiting, Sang. — felt mostly in upper intestines, Igt. — pressing, Nitr-ac. j — strong, Ferr. Merc-jod. ----voiding wind only, Ferr. Mgn-c. Sang. — sudden, Aloe. Anac. Ant. Bar-c. Carb-an. Ferr-m. Hipp-m. Merc-sulph. Ntr-c. Viol-tr. — in eventing, Bism. — at night, Alerc. Puis. Sulph. — after meals, Aloe. Ferr-m. AND ANUS. 135 Evacuate, desire to, when walking or exercising, Rheum. — abdomen, with pain in, Ars. Bar-c. Meny. PjjlSyRhus^ ^ ^i^^Ui- — anus, With pain in*; A"rs. Caust'. Mgn-c. Sulph. ----followed by painful constriction of, Lye — with anxiety, Ambr. Caust. — back, with pain in, Rat. — bladder, with pain in, Sulph. — erections, with, Thuj. — eructations, with Ferr-m. — exertion from, Thuj. — face, with redness of, Caust. — flatulency, with discharge of, Carb-an. Lach. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Sep. — lumbar region, with pain in, Bar-c. Rat. — with nausea, Rhus. ----prolapsus, recti, Ruta. ----rectum, with itching in, Euph. — sacral region, with pain in, Rat. — scrotum, with contraction of, Ferr-m. — with sweat on back, Kali-b. Evacuation, before, ----abdomen pain in, Agar. Aloe. Alum. Amm-c. Amm-m. Arg-p. Ars. Bapt. Bar-c. Bell. Borax. Bry. Cact. Cannab. Canth. Caps. Carb-veg. Cast. Cham. Chenop. Chin. Cinnab. Colch. Coloc. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Eugen. Gels. Glon. Graph. Gum-gut. Hell. Hipp-m. Ip. Jatr. Kali-c. Kobalt. Lept. Lye Mgn-c. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-s. Nice Nitr-ac. Nitr. Ol-an. Ox-ac. Petr. Phosp. Pod. Puis. Rat. Rheum. Rumex. Sang. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Tabac. Tart. Thromb. Thuj. Verat. Viol-tr. — colicky, Alum. Kobalt. Sulph. ----in traverse colon, Croton. — contractive, to chest, with short- ness of breath, Ntr-s. — cutting, Aeon. Aeth. Agar. Ant. Ars. Bar-c. Bry. Caps. Carb-veg. Cast. Chelid. Coloc. Con. Dig. Gels. Grat. Iris. Laur. Mgn-c. Merc. Merc-cor. Ntr-c. Nice Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Petr. Puis. Rhus. Sang. Sep. Sulph. Tart. Thuj. Verat. — drawing, Nitr-ac. — feeling of distension in, Fluor-ac. — fulness in, Phyt. — griping in, Bell. — heat in, Bell. — pain in left side of, Thromb. — pinching of, Aeth. Agar. Bell. Canth. Cast. Cina. Chenop. Cinnab. Fluor-ac. Gum-gut. Kali-c. Mgn-c. Merc. Ntr-s. Nice Petr. Verat. Zing. — tearing in, Dig. Rhus. '36 l8. STOOL AND ANUS. Caust. Poth. perspir- Merc Petr. Caps. Chelid. Evacuations before twisting in, Caust. Ox-ac. Stram. ----anus, pain in, Carb-an. Carb-veg. Lach. Mere Nux. Oleand. Phosp. Puis. Rat. Spong. ----burning in. Aloe. Berb. Fluor-ac. Iris. Oleand. Rat. ----creeping in, Mez. ----itching in, Euph. ----pressing in, Sulph-ac. ----stinging in, Berb. Spong. ■— anxiety, Ant. Ars. Bar-c Cham. Croton. Kali-c. Merc — sudden, with dyspnoea and ation, relieved, after stool, Poth. — backache, Nux. Puis. — chill, Aloe. Ars. Bar-c. Benz-ac. Cast. Dig, Mez. ----in rectum, Lye — colic, Alum. Ars. Bry Puis. Sulph. Verat. ----only in daytime, Petr. — creeping*in rectum, Mez. — discharge of blood, Lob. ----of black blood, Merc. — erections, Thuj. — fainting, Dig. — flatulency, Aloe. Ars. Cact. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cast. Chenop. Cocc. Formica. Gels. Grat. Iris. Kali-c. Kobalt. Lac-can. Lach. Lept. Mgn-s. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-s. Oleand. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rat. Sec-c. Spong. Sulph. Thuj.Tilia. ----hot, Cocc. — fulness and weight, in pelvis, Aloe. — gaping, Cast. — groins, pain in,' Ntr-s. ----pressing, in, Cast. Thromb. — headache, Ox-ac. — heat, Croton. Mgn-c. Merc. Phosp. — intestines, burning in, Aloe. ----gurgling, Pod. ----pricking in, Aloe. ----sore pain in, Thromb. — mucus, white, Kali-c. — muscles, involuntary jerking of, — naval, pain about, Aloe. Amm-m, Caps. Fluor-ac. Grat. Nux. Ox-ac. — nausea, Aeon. Bry. Calc. Chelid Dulc. Grat. Hell. Ip. Merc. Rhus Rumex, Sep. Tart. —'■ perspiration, Aeon Thromb. — ptyalism, Fluor-ac. — rectum, pain in, Nux. — restlessness, Ars. — sacrum, pains in, Berb. Carb-veg Ntr-c. Nitr. — sensitiveness, irritability, Borax Calc. — shuddering, Bar-c. Cast. Dig. Mez — tenesmus, Merc Merc-cor. Bell. Dulc. Merc. Evacuations before thirst, Ars. — tremor, Merc. — urging, Aloe. Amm-m.Apis.Borax.Bov. Canth. Cist. Coloc. Corn-e Gum-gut. Kali-b. Lept. Merc. Merc-cor. Ntr-c. Nice Nitr. Nux. Phosp. Rhus. Rheum. Sang. Sulph. ----sudden, Bar-c. Cist. Hipp-m. Kali-c. Phosp. Pod. Sulph. — vomiting, Ars. Ip. Ox-ac. Tart. Between the stools, chilliness, Merc. Evacuation, during, — abdomen, pain in, Aeth. Agar. Aloe. Ang. Ars. Borax. Bov. Bry. Cannab. Carb-veg. Cham.Con. Cop.Croton.Cub. Cupr. Diad. Dros. Dulc. Eugen. Euph. Gum-gut. Hell. Ind. Lach. Mgn-c Alerc Alerc-cor. Millef. Nitr. Nux. Ol-an. Ox-ac. Rheum. Sass. Selen. Sep. Sulph. Tereb. Verat. Zinc. ----colic, in, Aloe. Alum. Apis. Arg-n. Canth. Caps. Cham. Coloc. Cop. Corn-c Croton. Dulc. Gels. Hipp. Ind. Ip. Iris. Kaiic. Kobalt. Lye Mgn-c. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr. Nitr-ac Ox-ac. Petr. Plb. Rheum. Rhus. Sil. Tabac Tart. ----cutting in, Aeon. Agar. Aloe. Ars. Caps. Cham. Chelid. Coloc. Iris. Mere Merc-cor. Nitr. Rhus. Sec-c Staph. , ----distention of, Carb-an. Lye ----fermentation in, Agar. ----gnawing pains in, Kali-b. ----griping in, Apis. Thromb. ---- left side, pain, in, Thromb. ----pinching in. Agar. Canth. Merc Verat. ----retraction of, Agar. ----rumbling in, Chelid. Corn-c. Ins, Elaps. Kali-b. ----soreness, in, Euph. ----tearing, Aloe. Cop. ----twisting in, Bov. Elaps. — anus, congestion of blood to, Puis. ------contracted, Staph. Thuj, -------constricted, Igt. Lach. -------pain in, Mur-ac. Ox-ac. Sass. Stront. ---------biting, Dulc. Lye ---------burning, Aloe. Ang. Ars. Bar-c. Berb. Bov. Bry. Canth. Caps. Carb-veg. Cast. Chenop. Clem. Cocc. Colch. Croton. Euph. Ferr. Hipp-m. Iris. Kali-b. Lach. Lact. Laur. Lye Merc-sulph. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nice Op. Puis. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Tereb. Verat. ---------constringing, Mang. Staph. ---------cutting, Caust. Laur. Ntr-c. Staph. ---------grasping, Phell. iS. STOOL AND ANUS. 137 Evacuations, during, anus in, itching, Kalm-c Merc. Mur-ac. Sil. Sulph. ---------lacerating, Calc. ---------pressing, Aeon. Ant. Chelid. Lach. Laur. Nitr. Ox-ac. Phell. Puis. Spig. Staph. Tong. Verb. Zinc ---------smarting, Agar. Chin. Kali-c. Mur-ac. ---------sore, Ars. ---------stinging, Berb. Ntr-m. Sil. Sulph. ---------tearing, Ntr-m. ----anxiety, Cham. Merc. Verat. ----ascarides, discharge of, Ferr. Mgn-s. Sulph. ----back, pain in, Cupr. Kali-jod. Lye Nux. Phosp. Stront. Tabac. ----weakness in. Aloe. ----blood, discharge of, Alum. Amb. A mm-c Amm-m. A nac Calc. Carb-veg. Cast.Caust.Coloc. Ferr. Hep. Kah-c Lach. Lam. Lye Alerc Mur-ac. Nitr-ac. Phosp.' Plat. Puis P.uta. Selen. Sep. Sil. Qu!t.i„ . Lnuj. Zinc. ----.----a little, Graph. ---------light-colored, Case ---------with soft stool, Hep. ---------thick, black, Asar. -------congestion of, to head, Nux. Rhus. Sulph. ------------with red face, Aloe. ----breath short, Rhus. ----chills, Aloe. Ars. Bry. Con. Cop. Ip. Jatr. Lye Merc. Rheum. Sec-c. Sil. Sulph. Thromb. Verat. -------fear of apoplexy, and pale face, Verat. -------in back, Thromb. -------with heat, Merc. -------shaking, Puis. Verat. ----drowsiness, Bry. Hipp-m. ----epistaxis, Carb-veg. Phosp. ----erections, Igt. ----eructations, Cham.Dulc.Kobalt.Merc ----to evacuate, urging, Carb-an. Colch. Hep. Lach. Alerc. Alerc-cor. Mez. Ntr-c. Nux. Rat. Tabac. ----face red, Aloe. -------pale, Verat. ----flatulency. Agar. Aloe. Arg-n. Asa-f. Borax. Corn-c Cupr. Glon. Gum-gut. Hipp-m. Ind. Kali-b. Kali-c Lac-can. Lach-n. Ntr-s. Nice Phell. Sabin. Sang. Scill. Staph. Thuj. Viol-tr. Zing. -------fetid, Cast. -------noisy, Arg,-n. Ntr-s. Thuj. ----groin, pain in, Laur. ----headache, Ox-ac. ----heat, Dulc' Merc. Sulph. ----hunger, Aloe. ----intestines, bruised, pain in, Apis. ----legs, drawing, tearing down, Rhus. ----leucorrhoea, bloody, Murex. ----micturition, Alum. Bell. Ox-ac. ------painful, Caps. ----mucus, discharge of, Alum. Ferr. Graph. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Mgn-m. Merc. Nux. Selen. Spig. Sulph. ----nausea. Agar. Ang. Arg. Asar. Bell. Berb. Cham. Chelid. Coloc. Croton. Cupr. Grat. Hell. Ip. Kali-c. Merc. Nitr-ac. Paeon. Prun. Sil. Sulph. Tart. Verat. ----navel, pain, about, Kali-b. Fluor-ac. Ox-ac. ----pains, worse, Ars. Cham. Merc Puis. Sulph. Verat. ----paleness, Calc. Ip. Verat. ----palpitation of heart, Dig. Haematox.^^^^^c^ Nitr-ac. Sulph. Tart. ^V7Z-C^j_ ----perspiration, Bell. Cham. Croton.,^/^Q^ ^ Dulc. Jatr.Merc.Stram.Thromb. Verat. tides of, Agn. Aur. Bell. Canth.Clem. ' I :rc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Puis. Rhus. ' cen. —-------right testicle, Brom. Mez. Ocim. Rhod. ---------left testicle, Arg. Clem. ----rheumatism, Cop. Daph. Sass. Gri )ing in bladder and urethra, Lye Ha miaturia, Ambr. Am. Ars. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Canth. Chin. Con. Cop. Hep. Ip. Alez. Millef. Nux. Op. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Sass. Scill. Sulph. Tart. Tereb. Thuj. Uva-ursi. Zinc. Honimorrhoids of bladder, Ant, Borax. Nux. Puis. Sulph. Inflammation, of bladder, Apis. Canth. Dig: ----urethra, Arg-n. Bov. Cannab. Canth. Cop. Hep. Sabin. Sulph. Tabac. -------burning, or shooting pain and increased gonorrhoea, Arg-n. Cannab. Incuration. cartilaginous, bladder, Pareira. Insensibility in urethra, Mgn-s. Irrigation of urinary passages, Arg-n. Cnenop. Isc mria, Aeon. Arn. Aur. Camph. Canth. Cic. Dig. Dulc. Hyosc. Merc-cor. Nux. Op. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Stann. Salph. Verat. (compare Urine, dis- charge of, suppressed). — painful, Aeon. Arn. Aur. Canth. Puis. — after parturition, Arn. Ars. Bell. Canth. Caust. Hyosc. Lye Nux. Puis. Stann. Itching, in urethra, Alum. Ambr. Anac. Arn. Berb. Bov. Canth. Caust. Cocc-c. Cop. Igt. Ind. Kali-chl. Laur. Lye Merc-cor. Mez. Ntr-m. Nux. Ol-an. Sep. Tabac. Thuj. Zinc. —----with desire to urinate, Coloc. -------fossa navic, Petros. Jeiking in urethra, Ntr-c. Phosp. Mucus, discharge of. Agar. Agn. Ant. Calc. Cannab. Canth. Con. Dulc.Elaps. Ferr. Hep. Kali-jod. Alerc. Mez. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr. Rhod. Sabin. Sabin. Sass. Sulph. Thuj. — albuminous, Petros. — bloody, Canth. Nitr-ac. — dark-reddish color, Cub. — green, Kobalt Merc. — painless discharge of, Cannab. Psor. — purulent, Cannab. Canth. Caps. Clem. Cop. Merc. Merc-cor. Nitr-ac. Nux. Sass. Thuj. — a drop of pus before urinating,Tussilago. — slimy, Cannab. Caps. Dulc. Hep. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr ac. Puis. Sulph. — thick, Cannab. Caps. Clem. Ferr. Mere Merc-cor. Nux. Puis. ----milky, Cannab. Caps. Ferr. Nux. — viscid, Agar. Bov. Dig. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Tart. — watery, Cannab. Merc. Merc-cor. ----copious, Thuj. — yellow, Agar. Cannab. Cop. Merc. Ntr-m. Petros. Thuj. Narrowness of urethra, sense of, Bry. Dig. Graph. Numbness of urethra, Mgn-mur. — sense of, want of power, Thuj. Paralysis of bladder, Aeon. Ars. Bell. Canth. Caust. Cic. Dulc. Hyosc. Lach. Laur. Op. ----after parturition, no desire, Ars. Caust. Pinching in urethra and bladder, Lye Polypus of bladder. Calc. Con. Graph. Lye Thuj. Pressing pain or sensation, in bladder, Aeon. All-cep. Alum. Amm-c. Arn. Aur. Berb. Canth. Carb-veg. Chenop. Chin. Colch. Con. Creos. Cycl. Dig. Hyosc. Lach. Lact. Ntr-m. 01 an. Pallad. Puis. Rhus. r Ruta. Sass. Scill. Sep Tart. Zinc. — in urethra, Colch. Petros. Puis. Teucr. ----relieved by pressing on glands, Canth. Pulsation in bladder, Canth. ----penis, Cop. ----urethra, Canth. Merc. Purulent, discharge from urethra, Cannab. Canth. Caps. Clem. Con. Ip. Nitr-ac, Nux. Sabad. Sabin. Sass. Redness of orifice of urethra, Gels. Hep. Sulph. (compare Inflamation.) Relaxation of bladder, Mur-ac. Smarting in urethra, Berb. Borax. Ntr-c Phosp. Sep. Teucr. Soreness, sensation of in urethra, Berb. Caps. Clem. Cop. Lach. Mez. Prun. Teucr. — of bladder when touched, Canth. Puis. Spasm of bladder, Asa-f. Berb. Canth. Caps. Op. Phosp-ac. Prun. Sass. Sep. Tereb. — at neck of bladder, tenesmus from, Arn. Spasmodic pains at bladder, Berb. -------at night, Prun. Stinging in bladder, Berb. Canth. Lvc. Pallad. Sulph. Tart. ----urethra, Apis. Arg. Arg-n. Berb. Bor. Bruc. Bry. Calc. Cannab. Caps. 142 19- URINE AND URINARY ORGANS. Chin. Cocc. Con. Cupr. Hep. Igt, Lach. Lye Mang. Merc. Merc-cor. Ntr-m. Nux. Pallad. Par.Petr. Scill. Sep. Sulph. Tart. Thuj. Tilia. Viol-tr. Stone in bladder, Nux-m. Sass. Zinc Strangury, Apis. Arn. Ars. Camph. Cannab. Canth. Caps. Chin. Clem. Cocc-c. Colch. Coloc. Con.Cop. Dig.Dros.Dulc Elaps. Euph. Graph. Hell. Led. Mgn-s. Merc. Merc-cor. Nux-m. Nux. Pareira. Petr. Phosp-ac. Plb. Prun. Puis. Ruta. Sabin. Sec-c. Sil. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Tart. Zinc. — from .5 to 6 a. m.. Pareira. — can only urinate by getting on knees and pressing head against floor, Pareira. Stricture of urethra, Arg-n. Bell. Clem. Dulc. Petr. Puis. — sensation cf, Bry. Dig. Graph. Sugar in urine,Chin.Phosp-ac.Thuj. (com- pare Diabetes.) Suppuration of bladder and urethra, Canth. Swelling of interior of urethra, Led. Nitr-ac. Rhus. ----orifice of urethra, Cop. — in region of neck of bladder, Puis. Tearing in urethra, Colch. Ntr-c. Ruta. Sulph. — in bladder, Chenop. Tenesmus vesicae, Aeon. Arn. Calc.Canth. Caps. Colch. Lach. Merc. Mur-ac. Ntr-ac Nux.Ol-an Plb.Prun.Puis.Rhus. Sabad. Sass. Sil. Viol-tr. — amelioration on walking in afternoon, Lith. Tension of bladder, Tart. ----urethra, Phosp. Thickening of bladder, Dulc. Tingling of urethra, Petros. Tumor (small,) in urethra, Lach. Twitching in urethra, Alum. Cannab. Canth. Kali-chl. Ntr-c. Nux. Phosp. Ulcers in bladder, Ran-b. ----urethra, Nitr-ac. Weakness of bladder, All-cep. Alum. Mgn-m. Mur-ac. Pallad. Rheum. Worm in bladder, like a, Bell. Urine, discharge of copious, Acet-ac.Acon. Aeth. Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Ang. Ant. Apis. Arg. Arg-n. Aur. Bar-c. Bism. Calc-ph. Canth. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chelid. Cina. Cinnab. Coff. Colch. Coloc. Creos. Cycl. Daph. Eupat. Euphr. Ferr-m. Glon. Guaj. Hell. Hep. Hydroc-ac. Hyosc. Igt. Iod. Kali-jod. Lac-can. Led. Alerc. Merc-jod. Mosch. Mur-ac Ntr-c. Ntr->m. Ntr-s. Nitr. Ol-an. Ox-ac. Phosp-ac. Psor. Raph. Rat. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sacch. Samb. Sang. Sass. Scill. Seneg. Spig. Sulph. Tart. Valer. Verb. Viol-tr. ----at midnight, Coff. ---difficult, Ant. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bell Camph. Cannab. Canth. C'tm. Cochlear. Con. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Euph. Hep.Mgn-m.Pareira.Petr. P:b. Puis. Ran-b. Sec-c. Staph. Sulph. Tart. Thuj. - — diminished, Alum. Ambr. Amm-m. Apis.Bell.Bry.Carb-veg. Chin-suiph. Clem. Colch. Coloc. Dig.Dulc Graph. Grat. Haematox. Hyper.Ind. Ip. Led. Lob. Merc-sulph. Mez. Op. Osm. Par. Phell. Pod. Puis. RIiks. Sacch. Scill. Selen. Seneg. Stain. Sraph. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tereb. Tong. Verat. -----with burning, Colch. ■----although he drinks much, Creos. Rhus. ---by diops, Agar. Ang. Ant. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Cact. Camph. Cannab. Canth. Caps. Caust. Clem. Con. Cop. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Euph. Gki; h. Gum-gut. Ka i-e Lye M"n-m. Mgn-s. Merc Merc-cor. Nux-m. Ni x. Pareira. Petr. Phosp-ac Plb. Pri.n. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sec-c. Sil. Spig. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Tart. Tore! ._ Thuj. Zinc. ■ drops out perpendicularly, Hep. ■ frequent, Actae-r. Agar. Amm-c. Aiir.c. Ant. Apis. Arg. Arg-n. Arn. Aur. Bar-c. Bar-m. Bell. Benz-ac.Bism. Borax. Bov. Bry. Bufo. Calc. Cannab. Canth.Carb-an. Case Cast. Caust. Chelid. Chin. Cic Cinnab. Clem. Cocc. Cocc-c. Cochlear. Colch. Coloc. Con. Creos, Cupr. Cycl. Daph. Dig. Dros. Euphr. Ferr-phosp. Gels. Glon. Graph. Hipp. Hyosc. It. Ind. Iod. Jatr. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kalm. Lac-can. Lach. Lact. Led. Lye Meph. Alerc Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-s. Ntr-ac. Nux. Ox-ac. Pallad. Par. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Psor. Rat. Rhus. Ruta. Sang. Sass. Scill. Selen. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Valer. Zinc. ---from acidity in urethra, Chenop. ---at night, Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Calc. Carb-veg. Cinnab. Creos. Graph. Lach. Lye Mere Sep. Sulph. ---towards morning, Amm-m. Mez. • — too frequent, Lach. Alerc incontinent, Bell. Bar-c. Bry. Caust. Cic Dulc. Led. Lye Merc. Nir-m. Nitr-ac. Petr. Pod. Puis.Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Sulph. ■ increased, Agn. Alum. Ambr. Avrn-m. Arg. Arn. Berb. Canth. Carb-an. Caust. Cinnab. Clem. Colch. Creos. Croton. Dig. Ind. Kali-jod. Kobalt. Lact. Lob. Algn-ei Algn-s. Merc-cor. Merc-su'pii. Nice tOleand. Ol-an. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Rat. Rheum;^/W. Sabad. Sec-c. Sener. 19. URINE AND URINARY ORGANS. 143 Spong. Stront. Tabac. Tereb. Teucr. T/tertd. Zing. Urine, discharge of, increased with coryza, All-cep. ----at night. Aloe. Ant.c — interrupted. Agar. Caust. Clevi. Con. Dulc. Gum-gut. Led. Phosp-ac Puis. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. — involuntary, Aeon. Ant. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bar-m. Bell. Bry. Cainca. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cina.Colch. Con. Creos.Dig. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Hydroc-ac. Hvosc. Igt. Iod. Laur. Lvc. Mgn-c. Millef. Mosch. Mur-ac A'tr-m. Nitr-ac. Petr. Phosp. Pnosp-ac Psor. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Scill Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Verat.Zinc. ----in daytime, Fluor-ac. ----day and night, Caust. ----when coughing. Ant. Caust. Creos. Ntr-m. Pnosp. Puis" Sep. Staph. Sulph Thuj. Verat. Zinc. ----dribbling, Arn. Bell. Petr. Puis. Spig. -------after micturition and stool, Selen. -------when^itting* c!Tt_standing, urine passm* freely, Sass. ----expelling flatus, Puis. Sulph. ----at rest, Rhus. ----running, Arn. ----sitting, Puis. Rhus. ----standing, Bell. Caust. Lye Ntr-m. Puis. Rhus. ----with thirst. Aeon. ----when walking, Arn. Bry. Caust. AI*n-c. Mgn-m. Ntr-m. Puis. Ruta. Selen. Zinc. — nocturnal, Alum. Amm-c. Amm-m. Anac. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bov. Borax. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Case Caust. Coff. Con. Creos. Cupr. Daph. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Glon. Graph. Hep. Hyper. Iod. Kali-b. Lach. Lact. Lob. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Merc Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nice Nitr-ac. Ox-ac Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Phyt. Pod. Puis. Rat. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sang. Sass. Scill. Seneg. Sep. Sd. Spig. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Thuj. ----conscious, Creos. Plantago-maj. ----unconscious, Caust. ----involuntary wetting the bed, Aeon. /^iAti Amm-c. Arn. Ars. Bar-c Bell. Bry. "^0 * Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Cina. Con. Creos. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Kali-c. Lye Mgn-s. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Petr. Pod. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Stram. Staph. Sulph. Verat. Zinc. -------early morning, Amm-c. -------in sleep. Graph. —.----» — the first sleep, Sep. ----during pregnancy. Pod. painful, Ars. Bar m. Colch. Con. Ind. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Ran-b. Stann. Zinc. Hep. Hydroc-aC. Ip. Sulph. Uva-ursi. retarded, Coc-c Op. retention, Aeon Arn. .Irs. Aur. Bell. Canth. Caps. Caust. Chin. Cic. Colch. Con. Cupr Dig. Graph. Hep. H\osc Laur. Lye. Nux. Op. Fib. Puts. Ruta. Sec-c. Strain. Sulph. Verat. ----in new-bom infants, Aeon. Benz-ac. ----painfuT, /Vcon. Arn. Aur. Canth. Crotal. Puis. — — with pressure on bladder, Aur. Hyosc. ----alter typhus. Zing. / — scanty, small, Aeon. Agar.Aloe. Amm-c. £2/ Anac. Aug. Ant. Apis. Arg-n. Arn. ' Ars. Arum-trif. Aur. Bell. Bry. Cannab. Canth. Caust. Chelid. Chin. Clem. Cocc. Colch. Creos. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Eupat. Euph. Graph. Grat. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Kali-b. Kali-c Kobalt. Lac-can. Lach. Lain Laur. Led. Mgn-m. Meny. Merc. Merc-cor. Ntr-c. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Nux. Oleand. Ol an. Op. Pallad. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac Plb. Prun. Puis. Rat. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Sacch. Sass. Sil. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Tar. Tart. Tereb. Verat. Zinc. ----in daytime, Lye — seldom, Aeon. Agar. Aloe. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Camph. Canth. Cupr. Hep. Hyosc. Laur. Nux. Op. Plb. Prun. Puis. Ruta. Sec-c. Stann. Stram. Stront. — slow, Amm-m. Camph. Chin. Hep. Kali-c. Mur-ac. Alerc-acet. Plat. Raph. — stream divided, Cannab Canth. Rhus. ----feeble, Cham. Hell. Merc. ----forcible, Agn. ----intermittent, Clem. Con. Caust. Dulc. Op. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. ----thin, Agar. Camph. Canth. Chin. Clem. Graph. Gymnoc. Hell. Hipp. Merc. Ntr-ac. Ol-an. Petr. Prun. Puis. Samb. Sass. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. — suppressed. Aeon. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bism. Calend. Camph. Canth. Cupr. Diad. Dulc. Elaps. Hep. Hyosc. Iod. Lac-can. Laur. Merc-cor. Nux. Op. Osm. Plb. Pod. Puis. Sec-c. Stram. Sulph. Tereb.t ^U^M^ Vipr-r. a^c/ ^aeuA — ^violent, Cic. Cycl. Sulph. — flow of, Aeon. Bar-m. Bell. Cannab. Dig. Hyosc. Alerc. Scill. Stram. Verat. — with diarrhoea, Bell. Puis. -------and perspiration, Aeon. ----emaciation, Merc. SU 144 19- URINE AND URINARY ORGANS. Aeon. Berb. Con. Urine, flow of with/fatigue, Calc-ph. ----headache. Verat. ^tXL.cttX^tyaXt^^o ----hunger. Bell. Verat. -----nausea, headache, coryza and consti pation, Verat. ----pain in abdomen, Aeon. Verat. ---------lo:ns, Phosp-ac. — — perspiration. Aeon. Bell ----thirst, Bell. Cast. Verat. Urinate, desire to, urging, Alum. Amm-c. Arn. Bar-c. Cannab. Carb-an. Colch. Coloc Euph. Hipp-m. Hyosc Lye Alerc A'tr-c Ntr-m. Pareira. Par. Phosp-ac. Sabad. Scill. Sec-c. Sep. Staph. Viol-tr. — anxious, Aeon. Carb-veg. Cham. Dig. Graph. Phosp-ac. Phyt. — frequent, Aeon. Ant. Apis. Arg. Asar. Bar-c. Bell. Benz-ac. Bov. Bry. Calc. Caps. Carb-veg. Caust. Cic. Chin. Cina. Cocc-c. Cop. Diad. Dros. Guaj. Gymnoc. Hell. Hyosc. Kali-c. Led. Lye Mgn-m. Mang. Meny. Alerc. Merc-sulph. Murex. Mur-ac. Nir-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-jug. Nux. Ol-an. Petr. Petros. Phosp. Prun. Psor. Puis. Rat. Rhus. Rumex. Sabad. Sabin. Samb. Sass. Scill. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stann. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Tar. Tart. Thuj. Verb. ---------in evening, Creos. Lye Sabad. Sep. Zinc. -------small discharge, Amm-c Ang. Ant. Camph. Caust. Chelid. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Euph. Hell. Hyosc. Kali-c. Kobalt. Lach. Laur. Led. Mgn-m. Meny. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Ol-an. Op. Pareira. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Raph. Rat. Ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Sass. Sil. Spong. Staph. Tart. — the urine only reaches the glans, and causes pains and spasms and tenes- mus of rectum, pain in bladder relieved momentarily when urine passes, Prun. — can only pass urine in a sitting posture, Zinc. ---------on standing, Sass. — urine can be passed only during stool, Aloe. Alum. ----more abundant during stool, Amm-m. Ox-ac. — desire, urging, ineffectual, Aeon. Alum. Arn. Borax. Camph. Canth. Caps. Caust. Cham. Chin. Coloc. Cop. Dig. Guaj. Hell. Hyosc. Ip.Kali-c.Nux. Petros. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Sass. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Verat — painful, Aeon. Bov. Cannab Hell. Kali-jod. Tart. Verat. — sudden, Ambr. Bar-c. Bry. Igt. Nitr-ac. Phosp-ac Puis. Rhus. Spong. Sulph. — no urging, only a sensation of fulness Graph. Alerc. Ruta. indicates the necessity for Urinating. Calad. Stann. Verat. — in morning, Ambr. Berb. ----afternoon. Bell. ----evening, Amm-c. Bell. Sabad. ----at night, Ars Calc Creos. Hyper. Lach. Mgn-m. Meph. Nux. Rhus.Sabin. Samb. Spig. Tart. Thuj. — day and night, Cact. Carb-veg. Cast. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Mgn-m. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Sass. — in pregnant women, Puis. — with burning in abdomen, Lach. ----heat, Phosp-ac. - ----when lifting a load, Bry. a^' — with pain in abdomen, Lach. Puis. -------back and loins, Lach. -------bladder, Hell. Nux. Puis. Rhod. Ruta. Sulph-ac. -------groin, Rhod. -------perineum, Tart. ----paleface, Phosp-ac ^/^n «-*-<-<-,». -7"' cA ----tearing in urethra, Hyper. ----thirst, Phosp-ac. ----vertigo. Hyper. Before micturition: ----abdomen, cutting in, Sulph. ----pain in back. Lye ----bladder, pain in, Lith. ---------pressing, Ang. Chin. Con.Nux. ------------neck of, Nux. -------, flushes of pain in, more to right side, Lith. ----burning, Berb. Calc. Cannab.Chelid. Ntr-c. Rhod. Seneg. Zinc. ----on rising to urinate, pressing at heart, relieved after urination, Lith. ----hips, burning in, Dulc. ----mucus, Calc. Merc. ----nausea, Dig. ----a drop of pus, Tussilago. ----urethra, biting and itching. Cop. -------burning, Berb. Bry. Calc.Cannab. Canth. Chelid. Cop.Dig.Merc-cor. Ntr-c. Rhod. Seneg. Zinc -------cutting, Bry. Canth. .Dig- -------itching. Cop. Nux. ----weakness, Nux. During micturition: ----bladder, burning, Aloe. Nux.Rheum. -------cutting, Canth. -------discharge of viscid purulent mucus from, Nux. -------pain in general, Ind. Tart. -------pressing, Asar. Berb. Hep Lachn. Verat. ------spasm, Asa-f. -------stinging, Ntr-m. ----blood, emission of, Crotal. Murex. ----os coccygis, pain in, Graph. ----colic, Aeon. Verat. ----genitals, female, pain in, Thuj. -------burning, between labia, Creos. iye^j «W^c/>v*' 19. URINE AND URINARY OROANS. H5 During micturition, genitals, soreness in vagina, Creos. ---------and smarting in vulvae, Ntr-m. ----glans, penis, pain in, Aeon. Anac. Case Ox-ac. ----kidneys, pain in, Berb. Rheum. ----seminal etiotd, pain in, Bell. Clem. -------drawing in, Bell. Canth. Caps. Clem. ----stomach, pain in, Laur. ----stool, involuntary, Mur-ac. ----thighs, pain in, Berb. ----urethra, itching in, Lye -------pain in, Berb. Colch. Diad. Zing. ---------biting, Canth. Carb-veg. Clem. Igt. Lye Mgn-c. Merc.Merc-cor. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Sep. -—r.------burning, Aloe. Alum. Ambr. Anac. Ang. Ars.Bar-c. Benz-ac. Berb. Cact. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Canth. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cast Caust. Cham. Chenop. Clem. Cocc-c. Cochlear. Colch. Con. Cop. Croton. Cupr. Dig. Dulc. Eugen. Ferr. Grat Gum-gut. Hep. Igt. Ip. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lach. Laur. Lye Mgn-c. Mang. Merc. Mez. A7r-r.Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nice Nitr. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. A'ux. Ol-an. Par. Petr. Petros. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Prun. Psor. Puis. Raph. Rat Rheum. Rhod. Rhus. Sabad. Sabin. Sass. Sec-c. Seneg. Sil. Spig. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tereb. Teucr. Thuj. Uva-ursi. Viol-tr. Zinc. ------------in forepart, Ars Calc* Caps. Carb-veg. Cochlear. Merc. Ntr-c. Nux. Seneg. Sulph. ______________glandular portion and for long after, Kali-b. ---------contracting, Bry. Dig. Ind. ---------cutting, Ant. Bry. Canth. Con. Graph. Guaj. Hell. Iris. Merc. Nux-m. Phosp-ac. Sass. Sulph. Thuj. ____________in middle of, urethra, be- tween the acts, Mgn-s. ---------itching, Lye Nux. _________rasping, Carb-veg. Lye Mgn-c. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Sep. _________smarting, Cannab. Kobalt. Merc-cor. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac.Phosp. Sep. Sil. Thuj. _________sore, Bov. Carb-an. Cinnab. Cochlear. Daph. Nux. _________as of a sore, Nitr-ac _________stinging stitches,Cannab.Clem. Cupr. Cycl. Graph. Iris. Merc Merc-cor. Seneg. Sulph. Thuj. ____----itching stitch in external por- tion, between the acts, Euph. -------tearing, Nux. Sulph. -------the contact of urine causes tearing pains which are felt in the whole organism, Jac-cor. ----tenesmus, Ang. Arn. Colch. Rhus. ----vaiicies, protrusion of, oozing first blood, then mucus, Kali-c. After micturition, abdomen,spasmodic con- traction of, Ntr-m. ----bladder, pressing pain in, Asar. Berb. Canth. Chin. Lac-can. Lith. Ntr-m. Ruta. ----pressure in as if too full, Dig. -------spasm in, Asa-f. Puis. ----os coccygis, pain in, Kali-b. ----blood, discharge of. Hep. Zinc, ----desire continues, Bov. Cact. Caic'.n^Z*X^ Con. Guaj. Lac-can. Laur. Ruta. S^^,.jL^-~* ----thin gelatinous fluid, dischaige of, N t r- m. ----glands, pain in, Anac. ----loathing, and inclination to vomit, Cast. ----mucus,discharge of,Murex. Phosp-ac. ---------viscid, purulent, from bladder, Nux. ----nausea, Cast. Dig. ----residuary urination, Bry. Clem. Hep. Kali-c. Lac-cart. Lach. Lye Ntr-c. Petr. Selen. Sil. Thuj. ----bloody. Hep. -------dribbling, Thuj, ----shudderring, Eugen. Plat. ----sight, great distinctness of, Eugen. ----spermatic chord, pain in, Lith. ----urethra, itchingin, Clem. Cop. Lye Nux. ---------prepuce, Mez. -------pain in, Bov. ---------biting, Borax. Chin-sulph. Cop. ---------burning, Berb. Can uib. Canth. Clem. Coloc. Con. Grat. Kali-b. Kali-c. Led. Mgn-m. Alerc Ntr-c. Ntr-m.Ntr-s.Seneg. Teucr. Thuj. Zinc ---------the last drops cause violent burning, Clem. ---------cutting, Berb. Canth. Dig. Ntr-m. -------sensation, as if a drop remained, Kali-b. ---------in fossa navice, All-cep. Thuj. -------stinging, Berb. Con. Kali-b. Merc. ----tenesmus, Ang. Scill. ----weakness, Nux. Urine acrid, Borax. Calc. Cannab. Canth. Caust. Clem. Creos. Graph. Hep. Iod. Kali-c. Laur. Alerc. Ntr-m. Par. Prun. Rhus. Tart. Tellur Thuj. Verat. — albuminous, Glon. Kalm. Tereb. Phyt. — black, Colch. Lach. Ntr-m. 146 19- URINE AND URINARY ORGANS. Uiine bloody, Actea-r.Ambr.^4;-«.Ars.Bell. Berb. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Canth. Caps. Carb-veg. Clnn. Con. Hep. Ip. Lye Merc. Merc-cor. Alez. Alillef. Nux. Ocim-c.'Op. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sass. Scill. Sec-c. Sep. Sulph. 'Part. Tereb. Thuj. Uva-ur^i. Zinc ----like water mixed with blood, Pallad. — brown, Aeon. Ambr. Ant. Arn. Asa-f. Bell. Bry. Bufo. Calc. Canth. Chenop. Cimex. Colch. Dig. Dros. Graph. Lact. Lach. Merc. Merc-cor. Nitr-ac. Oleand. Petr. Phosp. Prun. Puis. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. 1 art. — burning, Aeon. Aloe. Aug. Apis. Ars. Benz-ac. Borax. Biy. Camph. Cannab. Canth. Caps. Carb-an. Cham. Cocniear. Colch. Cor-r. Creos. Dig. Dulc. Haematox. Hep. Lach. Lye Meic Oleand. Phosp. Prun. Rhus. Scill Sec-c. Sil. — chestnut colored, Creos. — clay colored, Anac. Berb. Cor-r. Sabad. Sass. Sulph-ac Zinc. — cloudy, Carb-an. Croton. Lob. —- like cotiee, Ntr-m. — cold, Agar. Nitr ae — a cuticle iorming on surface,Alum.Calc. Croton. Hep. Iod. Lye Par. Phosp. Psor. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. — *---greasy. Alum. Calc. Hep. Iod. Kooalt. Lye Par. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Sulph. -------variegated, Iod. Phosp. — dark, Aeon. Ant. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bell. Benz-ac. Berb. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb-veg. Chin Clem. Colch.Croton.Cupr. Cycl. Dig. Dros. Eugen. Graph. Hell. Hep. Igt. Iod. Ip. Lach. Lye Alerc. Merc-sulph. Mez. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-m. Op. Pallad. Par. Phbsp-ae Poih. Puis. Rhus. Scill. Selen. Sep. Staph. Stront. Sulph. 'Part. Tellur. Vent. ----dark brown, Calc. Caust. Colch. Dig. Eupat. Nitr-ac. Op. Petr. Puis. Tart. —----red, Ant. Hep. I p. Alerc. Merc-jod. Sulph-ac. Tart. — fetid. Agar. Ambr. Ars. Aur. Benz-ac, Borax. Bufo. Calad. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Coloc. Creos. Cupr. Daph. Dulc. Guaj. Alerc. Murex. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Petr. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhod.Sep. Sulph. Viol-tr. ----acrid, Asa-f. Borax. Calc. ----like ammonia, Asa-f. Chin-sulph. 'S^vut.^Ferr. Mosch. Nitr-ac. Pareira. ' Phosp. Stront. ----cat's urine, Viol-tr. ----horse's urine, Nitr-ac. ----rotten eggs, Daph. ----onions, Gum-gut. ----pungent, Kobalt. — sourish, Ambr. Graph. Meic Ntr-c. — stiong smelling, Benz-ac.Cliin-sulph. Dros. Kali-b. fiery, Bell. Colch. Croton. Kali-c. Merc. Par. Plb. Sass. Tart. fl.ikey, Cannab. Canth. Cham. Cycl. Mez. Nitr-ac. Sass. Zinc. Hakes of mucus, Clem. frothy, Chenop. Chin. Chin-sulph. Clem. Cop. Cioton. Iris. Jatr. Kali-c. Lach. Laur. Lye Seneg. Spuiig. Ihuj. gelatinous, lumpy, Coloc. Phosp-ac. gravelly. Lye Nitr-ac Sass. Sil. Zinc. greenish, Ars. Berb. Camph. Chin. Cop. Iod. Kali-c. Algn-c. Mgn-s. Ol-an. Rheum. Ruta. Verat. hot, Ars. Bry. Calc-ph. Cham. Cor-r. Hep. Lact. Merc-cor. Prun. Rhus. Scill. Sec-c. Sil. (compare Burning.) light colored, Ant. Arum. Colch. Coloc. Cycl. Dulc. Euphr. Fluor-ac. Igt. Lach. Mgn-s. Ntr-m. Nitr. light yellow, Agar. Aloe. Ambr. Ang. Apis. Aur. Bell. Berb. Cact. Camph. Carb-an. Caib-veg. Cham. Chenop. Chin. Colch. Croton. Daph. Hydroc-ac Hyosc. Iod. Jatr. Kalm. Kali-b. . Lach. Lact. Laur. Led. Mgn-m. Ntr-c. Nitr. Ocim-c Plb. Prun. Raph. Samb. long. Verat. Zinc. milky, Apis. Arn. Chin-sulph. Cina. Clem. Dulc. Meic Mur-ac. mucus, Ant. Berb. Calc. Canth. Caust. Chin-sulph. Coloc. Con. Dulc. Ind. Mere Ntr-m. Pareira. Puis. Seneg. Tilia. Uva-ursi. Valer. muddy, Hyper. Pallad. like' musk, smelling, Ocim. pale. Aeth. Agar. Alum. Amm-c. Anac. Ang. Arg-n. Ain. Bell. Bufo. Canth. Cham. Chelid. Cocc. Colch. Coloc. Con. Creos. Eupat. Glon. Hell. Hep. Igt. Kali-jod. Kobalt. Lam. Algn-c. Mez. Ntr-m. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Ol-an. Phell. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sass. Scill. Sec-c. Staph. Stram. Stioiil.Teucr. purulent, Benz-ac. Cannab. Canth. Clefu. Con. Lye Merc. Nitr-ac. Ocim-c. Puis. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Uva-ursi. Sulph. red, Acou. Agar. All-cep. Aloe. Alum. Amm-m. Ant. Bell. Benz-ac. Berb. Bry. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Canth. Caps. Carb-veg. Chelid. Chenop. Colch. Creos. Cupr. Cycl. Daph. Dig. Dulc. Elaps. Ferr-in. Grat. Haemotox. Hep. Iod. Ipee Kali-b. Kali-jod. Lach. Led. Lob. Alerc. Nitr. Nux. Op. Par. Petr. Phosp. Plat. Plb. Puis. Rheum. Sass. Scill. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Tart. Thuj Tong. Verat. Zinc — like blood. Bell. Berb. Calc. Carb-veg. Croton. Merc. Rhus. Sep. <^t-«*<-t. A*-*£, Usfri***-^ a-vt-ef- <5 £•**£ -^-*--t yt^d 4-t^CoKK^-Xs • C*-&Xtsi*s. 19. URINE AND URINARY ORGANS!. 147 Urine deep red, Ant. Carb-veg. Cupr-acet. Hep. Lob. Merc. Phyt. Sulph-ac. Tart — fiery red, Ars. Bell. Camph. Chinin. Haematox. Selen. — leases a stain of a mahogany color, Phyt. — like pieces of half burnt straw, Lach. — sugar in. Chin. Phosp., Thuj. (compare D.abetes.) — thick, Camph. Carb-veg. Con. Daph. Dulc. Elaps. Nux. Ocim-c. Pareira. Plb. Psor. Sabad. Sulph-ac. ----as oil, Stram. — becoming thick, Berb. Coloc Meph. Seneg. — turbid, Alum Ambr. Anac. Ars Aur.Bell. Berb. Bry. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Canth. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Chin-sulph. Cina. Clem. Con. Cop. Creos. Croton. Cupr. Cycl. Daph. Dig. Dulc. Hep. Igt.- Ind. Iod. Ip. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kali-chl. Lach. Lith. Alerc. Mez. Ntr-c. O :im. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Psor. Puis. Raph. Rhus. Sabad. Sass. Sep. Sulph. Tart. Verat. Viol-tr. Zing. — becoming turbid, Acet-ac. Ang. Aur. Brv. Caust. Cham. Chin-sulph. Cina. Cocc-c. Dulc. Ferr-m. Graph. Grat. Lob. Lye Meph. Merc. Merc-sulph. Jl-an. Phosp-ac. Plat. Rat. Rhus. Sang. Seneg. Sulph-ac. Valer. Zinc — like valerian, smelling, Mosch. ----violets, smelling, C°P- Lact. Nux-m. Tereb. — viscid, Arg-n. Canth: Coloc. Creos. Cupr. Dulc. Phosp-ac. — vaiery, Acet-ac. Alum. Anac. Ant. Arn. Arum. Aur. Bell. Berb. Bism. Bry. Caust. Cham. Cocc. Creos. Dig. Euphr. Hell. Hipp. Hydroc-ac. Hyosc. Lgi. Kali-b. Kali-jod. Lam. Mgn-c. Meph. Mez. Mosch. Murex. Mur-ac \'t;-m. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Sang. Scill. Sec-c. Stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Teucr. Thuj. ----inodorous, with fetid stool of white mucus, Dros. — whitish, Alum. Amm-c. Berb. Bry. Carb-veg. Cina. Cycl. Dulc. Merc. \Tti-m. Phosp. Rhus. Sec-c. — white, like milk, Aur. Iod. Phosp. ■'hosp-ac. ----turbid, Bry. Cannab. Chin. Con. Cycl. Dulc. Psor. Rhus. — vellow, deep, like rotten eggs, Daph. Urnie, sediment of. Aeon. Ambr.Arn. Ars. ""Calc Cimex. Coloc. Con. Lye Tart. Tereb. Thuj. Zinc. — abundant, Bell. — adherent, Daph. Coloc. — albuminous, Ocim-c — bloody, Aeon. Cannab. Canth. Dulc. Hell. Lye Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Sulph-ac Tereb. Uva-ursi. — bluish, Prun. — bran like, Berb. — brown, Ambr. Lach. Thuj. ----white, Coloc. — burnt, as if, Sep. — calculi, Sass. Zinc — like chalk, Phyt. — clay colored, Berb. Chin-sulph. Cor-r. Ol-an. Tong. Zinc. — cloudy, Ambr. Arum. Bry. Carb-veg. Cham. Elaps. Grat. Hydroc-ac. Merc. Nitr. Ol-an. Par. Phosp-ac. Plat. Rat. Seneg. Thuj. ----in middle, Par. — like coffee grounds, Hell. Tereb. — crusty, hard, Sep. — earthy, Mang. — farinaceous, Berb. — flakcy, Berb. Cannab. Canth. Cham. Croton. Kobalt. Merc. Mez.Sass.Seneg. Zinc. — like flour, Calc Graph. Merc. Ntr-m. — gelatinous, Berb. Cocc-c. Phosp-ac. Puis. — gravelly, Ambr. Amm-c. Ant. Arn. Calc Chin. Lye Meny. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Ruta. Sass. Selen. Sil. Thuj. Zinc. — gray, Berb. Phosp-ac. Spong. -^fe^1™!- £kpsP-ac- — purpreyTluor-ac T7 — purulent, Calc. Canth. Cham. Con. Kali-c. Lye Merc. Nitr-ac. Puis. Sep. Sil. — red, reddish, Aeon. Ambr. Amm-c. Ant. Apis. Arn. Bell. Berb. Camph. Canth.Cr^<^Zi^.. Chin. Chin-sulph. Cocc-c. Creos. Daph. Elaps. Graph. Hydroc-ac. Ip. Lach. Laur. Lith. Lob. Lye Merc-cor. Mez. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Ocim-c. Op. Pallad. Par. Phosp. Piat. Psor. Puis. Scill. Selen. Sep. Sulph. Valer. ----blood color, Amm-c. ----bodies, Ant. Coloc. ----cloudy, Ambr. Nitr. ----grainy, Selen. ----filaments, fibres, Tart. ----sandy, All-cep. Alum. Amm-c. Bapt. Cact. Chin-sulph. Lach. Lye Ntr-m. N4tr-s. Ntr-ac. Phosp. Petr. Sep. Sil. — pale sandy, Sass. — slimy, (mucus,) Ant. Ars. Aur. Benz-ac. Berb. Bry. Calc. Caust. Coloc. Con. Dulc. Kali-b. Lye Merc Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Phosp-ac. Sass. Seneg. Sulph-ac. Tereb. Tong. Thuj. Tilia. Valer. — slimy filaments, Croton. Seneg. — thick, Alum. Bell. Cainph. Chenop. Hydroc-ac. Laur. Lob. Merc. Phosp-ac. Spong. Sulph. Tereb. — turbid, Con. Croton. Rhus. Zinc. — violet coloured, Mang. Puis. 148 I 9. URINE AND URINARY ORGANS. Urine, sediment white, Alum. Bar-m. Bell. Berb. Calc. Carb-veg. Colch. Coloc. Con. Creos. Eupat. Euph. Fluor-ac. Graph. Hep. Kali-b. Mgn-c. Murex. Ocim-c. Oleand. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac Prun. Rhus. Sep Spig. Spong. Sulph. Tereb. Tong.Valer. Zinc. whitish, cloudy, Phosp-ac. Plat. — turbid, Con. Rhus. — yellow, Chin-sulph. Tereb. yeast like, Raph. yellow, Cham. Chenop. Chin-sulph. Cupr. Ntr-s. Phosp.Sil.Spong.Sulph-ac, Tereb. Zinc / 20. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 149 20. Male Sexual Organs. Abcess in penis, Bov. $ Amorous fits, Aeon. Ant. Hyosc. Op. Stram. Verat. Aversion to the other sex, Amm-c. Bearing down to the genitals, Asa-f. Coloc. Biting, in glans, Nux. ----prepuce, Nux. Puis. ----scrotum, Ran-sc. Blennorrhoea of the glans, Alum. Caust. Cinnab. Cor-r. Dig. Jac-cor. Lach. Lye Alerc. M ez. N tx-c.Nti -m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. ----yellowish white fluid from prepuce, Jac-cor. Bloatedness of genitals, Calad. Bruising pain in genitals, Arn. — in scrotum, Aeon. Kali-c. — of testicles, Aeon. Arg. Clem. Cocc, Dig. Hep. Ntr-c. Ox-ac. Pallad. Rhod. Burning in genitals, Anac. Arn. ^Bov. Cannab. Canth. Creos.'Jac-cor. Mgn-m. Puis. ----glans, Ars. Berb. Croton. Nux. Pareira. Tart. Viol-tr. ----prepuce, Ars. Berb. Calc Merc.Nux. Puis. Sil. Sulph. ----penis, Merc-acet. ----prostate gland, Cop. ----scrotum, Euph. Lachn. Sil. ----spermatic chord, Berb. Mang. -------vesicles, Ambr. ----testicles, Berb. Plat. Staph. -------without swelling, Puis. Chafed glans, Ntr-c. — prepuce, Alum. Calad. Igt. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Nux. Sil. Verat. — scrotum, Arn. Ntr-c. Petr. Plb. Sulph. Zinc. — between the thighs, Bar-c. Caust. Cinnab. Hep. Lye Merc. Nitr-ac. Petr. Rhod. Sulph. Chancre, Arg-n. Hep.Jac-cor.Lac-can.Alerc. Choking, pains in relaxed testes, Amm-c. Coition, aversion to, Agn. Cannab. Clem. Kali-c. Lvc Rhod. Crab-lice, Sabad. Cramping pain in seminal chord,.Arg.Nux. — in testicles, Amm-c. Igt. Nux. Plb. Spong. During coition, burning when semen is discharged, Creos. ----and stinging when semen is discharg- ed, Calc. ----flatulent colic, Graph. ----cramp in calves, Graph. ----enjoyment, want of, Anac. Calad. Ntr-m. Plat. ----sleepiness and sleep, Bar-c Lye ----stinging, Calc. After coition, anxiety, Sep. ----burning in back, Mgn-m. ----coldness of legs, Graph. -------with heat of body, Graph. ----erections, Rhod. Sep. ----eyes, weakness of, Kalr-c ----fatigue, mental and bodily, Sep. ----head, affection of, Bov. Calc. ----knees, weakness of, Sep. ----limbs, soreness of, Sil. ----nervous irritation, Petr. ----night sweats, Agar. ----peevishness, Selen. ----perspiration, Eugen. Graph. Ntr-c. ----pollutions, Ntr-m. Rhod. ----prepuce retracted behind glans, Calad. ----reeling, Bov. ----roaring in head, Carb-veg. ----late sleep, Bov. ----tightness of chest, Staph, ----thirst, Eugen. ----toothache, Daph ----tremor of legs, Calc. ----weakness, Agar. Berb. Calc. Con. Graph. Kali-c. Lye Nitr-ac. Petr. Selen. Sep. Sil. Coldness of the genitals, Agn. Aloe.Brom. Calad. Cannab. Caps. Gels. Iris. Lye. Merc. Sulph. — scrotum. Aloe. Caps. Merc. — testes, Agn-c. Aloe. Brom. Caps. Merc. ----left, Brom. Coldness, sensation of, on prepuce and glands, Berb. Sulph. Zinc. Condylomata, Cinnab. Euphr. Lye. Millef. Nitr-ac. Phosp-ac. Sabin. Staph. Thuj. — on glands, Nitr-ac. Phosp-ac. Staph. ----prepuce, Nitr-ac Sabin. ----edge of prepuce, itching and burning, Pso>. — with hf at and burning, Phosp-ac. — oozing, Nitr-ac. Thuj. 15° 20. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Condylomata, soreness in, Euphr. Sabin. Constriction of prepuce, Muc. Nitr-ac. Rhus. Sabin. Sulph. (compaie Phimosis.) — behind the glans, Coloc. ----after coition, Calad. Constiuctive pain at root of penis, in morn- ing on waking, Kali-b. Constringing sensation in speimatic cord, Nux. — in testes, Bufo. Nux. Plb. Sulph. ----penis, Arn. Kali-c. Mosch. ----scrotum, Arn. Contraction of spermatic chord, Alum. Berb. Nux. — in testes, Alum. Camph. Merc-acet. Nux. Plb. Cracks in the glands, Ars. Kali-c. Mosch. -------prepuce, Merc. Sulph. Cutting pain in glans, Lye ----penis, Ol-an. ----testicles, Berb. Phosp-ac. Sep. Tereb. Drawing in glans, Iod. Kali-c Lact. Lye ----penis, Kali-c. Lact. Ol-an. Ran-sc. Rnod. ----spermatic chord, Agn. Berb. Clem. Croton." Lact. Alang. Mere Nitr-ac. Ox-ac. Puis. Tereb. Zinc. ----testes, Agar. Amm-c. Berb. Chin. Clem. Cocc. Hipp. Merc. Ntr-c Nitr-ac. Ox-ac. Psor. Puis. Rhod. Staph. Tereb. Thuj. Verat. Zinc. Drawn up of testes, Bell. Berb. Croton. Euphr. Meny. Nux. Ol-an. Plb. Rhod. Thuj. Zinc. ----right, Clem. Puis. Thuj. Zinc. ----left, Calc. Croton. Pareira. Zinc. Dryness of glans, Calad. —"— prostate glans, Cop. Erections in general, Amm-m. Anac. Arn. Canth. Cieos. Dig. Euph. Ferr. Igt. Kali-c. Led. Alerc. Mgn-m. Ntr-c.Ntr-m. Nux. Op. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Puis. Ran-b. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Staph. Tabac. Tar. Viol-tr. — without desire, Calad. Euph. Mgn-s. Nitr-ac — too easily excited, Lye Nux. Phosp. Sabin. — with gonorrhoea, Canth. — insufficient. Con. — painful, Cannab. Canth. Hep. Igt. Kali-c. Alerc. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux. Puis. Sabad. Seneg. Thuj. Zing. — too short, Calc. Con. Nux. ----strong, Canth. Creos. Fluor-ac. Graph. Mez. Phosp. Puts. Sabin. Tar. — caused by swelling of prepuce, Jac-cor. — without any voluptuous iniution, Ambr. Eugen. Phosp-ac. Sabad. Sp.g. — want of, Agn. Caust. Con.C.nph. Kali-c. Lye Algn-c. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Rhod. Spong. Teucr. ----in morning, Graph. Lact. — too weak, Agar. Bar-c. Calad. Calc. Hep. Lye Selen. Sulph. — in the morning, Ambr. Caps. Mgn-m. Mtr-s. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Puis. '1 huj. -------before rising, Bar-c ----day-time, Anac. ----evening, Cinnab. Phosp. — at night, Alum. Aur. Caps. Alerc. Merc-cor. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Ol-an. Par. Plat. Plb. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Thuj. Zinc. — alter midnight, Osm. ----dmnet, Nice — with uiging to stool, Thuj. — during stool, Igt. — with desire to urinate, Mosch. — after urinating, Aloe. — at night relieved, Lith. Eruption on the genitals, Ant. Carb-veg. Iod. Merc. Nitr-ac. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Tart. ----glans, Bry. Calad. Cinnab. Lach. Lye Nitr-ac. Rhus. Sep. ----hairy part, Lach. ----penis, Graph. Phosp-ac. ----prepuce, Graph. Nitr-ac. Phosp-ac. Sass. Sep. Sil. ----scrotum, Croton. Petr. Phosp-ac. Rhus. — between the thighs, Hep. Petr. — biting, Lye — closing urethra by swelling, Rhus. — elevations, Lye — erysipelas of scrotum, Arn. Canth. Graph. Merc. Ntr-m. Puis. Rhus. — granulated, Cinnab. — herpetic, Croton. Dulc. Petr. Sass. — itching, Arn. Bry. Nitr-ac. Petr. Sep. Sil. — miliary, Bry. — moist, Carb-veg. Hep. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sil. — pimples, Graph. Lach. Sil. — points, Calad. — small pustules, size of pin's head, Kali-b. — red, Nitr-ac. — specks, Arn. Carb-veg. Sil. — vesicular, Carb-veg. Merc. Nitr-ac. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Tart. Excitement of the genitals, Aur. Carb-veg. Cocc. Coff. Graph. Lye Ntr-m Phosp. Plat. Sil. Sulph. Flaccidity of the genitals,^rtr.Calad. Hell. — of penis, Merc. Prun. Fretting sensation, (corrosion,) in the testes, Phosp-ac. Plat. Fullness sensation of in spermatic cords, Fluor-ac. Gangrene of genitals, Ars. Canth. Laur. Gnawing in testes, Phosp-ac. Plat. From gonorrhoea suppressed, affections of the testes, Agn. Aur. Bell. Canth. Clem. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac Puis. Rhus. Selen. 20. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. '51 Hair falling off from the genitals, Bell. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Riius. Sass. Selen. Zinc. Hanging down of testes, Amm-c. Bell. Camph. Chin. Gels. Iod. Lye Mgn-m. Nitr-ac. Puis. Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Hardness of testes, Agn. Am. Bell. Nux. Spong. (compare Induration.) Heat, sensation of in genitals, Sulph-ac. Heaviness in testes, Amm-c. Elaps. Lob. Ntr-c. Ox-ac. Hernia scrotalis, Mgn-m. Nux. ----symptoms of, Lach. Herpetic eruptions of genitals, Dulc. Nitr-ac Sil. -------prepuce, Sass. -------scrotum, Croton. Petr. ----between thighs, Petr. Ntr-m. Hydrocele, Am. Graph. Hydroph. Iod. Nux. Psor. Puis. Rhod. Sil. Sulph. — like a bladder filled with water, Dig. Impotence, Agu. Calad. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Caps.Caust. Chin. Coff. Coloc. Con.Creos. Elaps. Eugen. Ferr. Hyosc. Iod. Kobalt. Lach. Lye. Alosch. Alur-ac Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Nux-m. Nux.Op.Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Psor. Selen. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Tussil. — chronic, Lye — from a cold, Mosch. — after gonorrhoea,Cub. Kobalt. Thuj. — with gloomy thoughts, Calad. — penis relaxed when excited, Calad. Induration of the testes, Agn. Aur. Clem. Cop. Iod. Mere Nux. Rhod. Spong. Sulph. -------left, Brom. Mez. Ocim-c. Rhod. -------right, Clem. Nitr-ac Ox-ac, — prepuce, Lach. Sulph. — prostate. Cop. Iod. Thuj. Inflammation of the genitals, Aeon. Ars. Calc. Cannab. Canth. Con. Merc. Merc-acet. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Spong. Siaph. Thuj. ----glans, Arn. Ars. Cannab. Cupr. Led. Merc. Ntr-c. Rnus. Sass. Thuj. ----penis, Cannab. Canth. Cub. Led. Plb. Sep. ----lymphatic glands, Merc. ----prepuce, Ars. Calc. Cannab. Merc. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Sulph. ----prostate, Hipp. Puis. Thuj. (com- pare Piostate gland.) ----scrotum, Ars. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Phosp-ac. Plb. -------erysipelatous, Ars. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Rhus. ----spermatic cord, Nux. Puis. ----testes, Aur. Bell. Clem. Con. Lye Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux.Pod.Puis.Spong. Staph. Zinc. Itching of genitals, Agar. Ambr. Ang. Benz-ac. Berb. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Clem. Con. Euphr. Igt. Kali-c. Lye Mgn-m. Mere Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Poth. Selen. Sep. Sil. Sulph. -------painful, Poth. ----glans, Ang. Ars. Benz-ac. Cannab. Cinnab. Colch. Euphr. Ferr-m. Gymnoc. Hep. Ind. Kali-b. Mang. Merc. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nux. Poth. Sil. ----hairy parts, skin inflamed, with small pustules, Kali-b. ----prepuce, Cannab. Cham. Colch. Euph. Euphr. Gymnoc. Igt. Jac-cor. Lye Nitr-ac. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Viol-tr. Zing. ----scrotum, Amm-c. Aur. Caust. Cist. Cocc. Ferr-m. Hipp-m. Ind. Kali e Lachn. Mgn-m. Meph. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr. Prun.Puls.Rhod. Rhus. Selen. Sil. Staph. -------in a small part, Nice ----spermatic cord, Mang. — between the thighs, Carb-veg. Ntr-m. Petr. — voluptuous, Euph. Euphr. Staph. — in morning, Puis. ----evening, Igt. Puis. Jerking in penis, Mez. ----spermatic cord, Mang. Plb. Ox-ac. Laxity of genitals, Agn. Calad. Hell. Lustfulness, Calc. Carb-veg. Chin. Graph. Moisture on scrotum, Ntr-c Petr. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. — between the thighs, Bar-c. Carb-veg. Hep. Lye Merc. Ntr-c. Petr. Rhod. — frenum, Phosp-ac. _ x- Numbness, Ambr. ^^KSac?'JP1£^J2 — of glands and prepuce, Berb/ Painfulness of prepuce, Cor-r. Cycl. Osm. Sabin. -------as if small bundle of fibres were seized, Jac-cor. ----penis, Jac-cor. Osm. ----spermatic chord, Meny. — of testes, Arn. Asa-f. Aur. Cannab. Caust. Clem. Cocc. Igt.Ol-an.Phosp-ac. Sep. Tar. Zinc ----left, Jac-cor. ----right, ameliorated, after urinating, Kobalt. Pains, aggravation of from movement, Berb. Paraphimosis, Merc-cor. Perspiration on genitals, Aur.Calad.Canth. Cor-r. Lachn. Mere Sep. Sulph. Thuj. -------at night, Bell. ----scrotum, Daph. Igt. Lachn. Ntr-s. Rhod. Sep. Sil. Thuj. — between the thighs, Cinnab. Phimosis, Cannab. Dig. Jac-cor. Merc. Nitr-ac. Rhus. Sabin. Sep. Sulph. Thuj, (compare Swelling.) — penis becoming smaller, Prun. £52 Pimple itching at glands chancre like, red point when dry, Jac-cor. Pinching in glans, Aeon. Brom. Pollutions, seminal emissions, Aioe.Alum. Amm-c. Anac. Ant. Arg. Aur. Bell. Bism. Calc. Canth. Carb-an.Caust. Chin. C~yv- Con. Cor-r. Dig. Ferr. Kali-c. Kobalt. ' Lach. Lact. Lye. Merc. Mosch. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Ol-an. Op. Par. Petr. Petros. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Ruta. Sacch. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Tabac. Tar. Thuj. Verb. Viol-od. Viol-tr. — bloody, Caust. Led. Merc. — easily, excited in daytime, Canth. Graph. -------without erections, Graph. — frequent, Amm-c. Bar-m. Bov. Calc Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Con. Dig. Ferr. Kali-c. Kobalt. Lye Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Op. Petr. Phosp. Phosp ac Plb. Puis. Sacch. Sass. Sep. Stann. Staph. Sulph. — too frequent, Carb-veg. Con. Kali-e Lvc. Nitr-ac. Phosp. — painful, Calc. Clem. Mosch. Sass. Thuj. — after onanism, Chin. Sep. — with backache, Kobalt. ----amorous dreams, Kali-c. Kobalt. Led. Merc-jod. Par. — without amorous dreams, Bism. Cor-r. Guaj. Merc-jod. I — without erections, Bell. Calad. Con. Gels. Kobalt. Mosch. Sabad. Selen. — during sleep in afternoon, Caust. Clem. Merc. Phosp. Sulph. After pollutions, affection of the head, Bov. Calc. — anxiousness, Carb-an. — brain as if partially paralyzed, Sil. — burning in urethra, Carb-veg. Merc. Sulph. — coldness, general, Merc. — constipation, Thuj. — erections, Ars. Grat. Kali-c. Rhod. — eyes, weakness of, Kali-c. — fatigue, Sep. Viol-od. — heat, anxious, Petr. — hypochondria, tension in, Agar. — increase of all complaints, Alum. — loins, weakness in, Phosp. — micturition, stool and restless sleep, Aloe. — peevishness, Ntr-c. — sexual passion excited, Aloe. Mez. — sluggishness, Ntr-c. Sep. — vertigo, Caust. Pressure, in penis, Viol-tr. ----spermatic chord, Berb. Spong. Sulph. ----testes, Aur. Berb. Bism. Calc Cannab. Carb-veg. Caust Igt. Lach. Ntr-c. Puis. Sabad. Scill. Spong. Steph. -------right, Bism. XUAL ORGANS. Priapism, Clem. Coloc. Graph. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Sil. Prickling, in glans, Kali-b. Mez. Phosp-ac. ----prepuce, Jac-cor. Prostate glands, enlargement of, Benz-ac. — induration of, Cop. Iod. Thuj. — inflammation of, Agn. Alum-. Apis. Caust. Cop. Cycl. Dig. Hep. Lye Puis. Sec-c. Selen. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Zinc. — pressure in, Ol an. — swelling of, Cannab. Hipp. Iod. Thuj. Prostatic fluid, emission of, Anac. Bell. Dig. Elaps. Euph. Hep. Lye Ntr-c. Nitr-ac Nux-m. Petr. Phosp-ac Puis. Selen. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Tabac. Thuj. Zinc. — with the flatulence, Mgn-c. ----stool, Anac. Ars. Carb-veg. Caust. Con. Selen. Sep. Sil. Sulph. -------difficult, Agn.Alum.Amm-c.Anac Con. Hep. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac Sep. Staph. — with the urine, Anac. Hep. Ntr-c. Sep. Sulph. — after urinating, Daph. Hipp. Kali-c. — without erection, Aur. Bell. Euph. Lye Pulsation in penis, Cop. Pustules on penis, Bov. Kedness of genitals, Cocc-c. ----glans, Ars. Calad. Cannab. Croton. Merc. Sabin. Sass. ----penis, Cannab. ----prepuce, Calc. Cannab. Cinnab. Merc. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. ----scrotum, Arn. Merc. Petr. Puis. — between thighs, Petr. — of urethra, Gels. Relaxation of genitals, Gels. ----testes. Nitr-ac. Sulph. (compare Hanging down). Retraction of penis, Berb. ----prepuce, Bell. Colch. Nux. Prun. Sulph. (compare Phimosis.) ----after coition, Calad. Scrabs, on corona glans, Kali-b. ----prepuce, Caust. Nitr-ac. Seminal emissions, (compare Pollutions). Seminal discharge, bloody, Caust. Led. Merc. — easily excited in daytime, Canth. Graph. ----without erection, Graph. — painful, Calc. Clem. Sass. Thuj. — during coition, failing, Calad. Eugen. Graph. Lye Millef. Psor. ----insufficient, Agar Berb. Plb. ----larger and continues longer, Osm. ----too late, Borax. Calc. Eugen. Lye Zinc. ----powerless, Calc. Con. Ntr-m. Phosp. Sulph-ac. ----too quick, too early, Berb. Borax. Calad. Carb-veg. Con. Lye. Phosp. Plat. Selen. Sulph. Zinc. 20. MALE S l^.^X. ~Z^c-?^~ Xr ^Caa^ c^ ,/^v/2^v *s*X^?^. Plat. Plb. Pul<. Sabin. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. ----with pollutions, Dig.Ferr.Ntr-c..Nux. Op. Plb. Sass. — excitement of, strong, with discharge of prostatic fluid, Nitr-ac. — wanton, with inclination toco-habit, Ant. Cilc. Con. Igt. Kobal t. Lach. N tr-m. N i tr-ac Phosp. Puis. Sass. Sil. Spig. Stram. Zinc. — with weakness, of faculty, Agar.Amm-c Graph. Ignat. Meny. Nux-m. Selen. Sexual passion, wanting, suppressed, Agn. Alum. Bell. Berb. Calc. Camph. Carb-an. Cop. Ferr-m. Graph. Hell. Hep. Igt. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Mur-ac. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Phosp-ac. Sil. Sulph. — power weak, Bir-c Calad. Calc. Igt. Nux-m. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Shivering in scrotum, Zinc. Shrinking of penis, Aloe. Arg-n. Igt. Lye — of scrotum, with coldness and pain in testes, Berb. ----tes'es, Hydroph. Shrivelling, of penis, Berb. ----scrotum, Berb. Rhod. Therid. Zinc Smarting, in glans, Berb. Nux. — in prepuce, Benz-ac. Nux. Puis. ----scrotum, Ran-sc. ----speimatic, cord, Berb. — between thighs, Hep. Sore pain, in penis, Am. Cannab. ----prepuce, Cham. Cor-r. Lob. ----scrotum, Berb. Zinc — between thighs, Rhod. Spasmodic pain in genitals, Graph. -------testicles, Spong. Spots, on glans, itching, Arn. ----moist, smooth, Carb-veg. ----red, Arn. Carb-veg. Lach. Sil. ----yellow-brown, Kobalt. ----penis, Calc. ----prepuce, Nitr-ac. Rhus. Stench of the genitals, Ntr-m. Sass. Sulph. Jf*j^-c Stinging, Stitches in glands. Aeon. Ars. Berb. Euph. Euphr. Ferr-m. Lye Merc. Mez. Ntr-m. Phosp-ac. Ran-sc. Rhod. Sabin. Sulph. -------when pressing on it, Thuj. ----penis, Beib. Lye Mgn-s. Merc. Merc-jod. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Ol-an. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Spig.'ihuj. Viol-tr. ----prepuce, Ars. Cham. Euphr. Mang. ----Mere Puis. Rhus. Sulph. ----prostate giand, when walking, Kali-b. ----scrotum, Ferr-m. Merc. Ntr-m. Sulph. Thuj. ----speimatic chord, Amm-m. Arn. Berb. Grat. Nux. Sulph. Thuj. ----testes, Arn. Bell Berb. Bry. Caust. Merc. Nux. Rhod. Staph. Sulph. -------left, Merc-cor. Swelling of genitals, Ars. Canth. Cocc-c. Kali-b. Lye Merc. Plb. — glans, Ars. Cannab. Cinnab. Cor-r. Alerc Ntr-c. Plb. Rhus. Sacch. Sulph. Thuj. ----one sided,Spig. — penis, Am. Cannab. Canth. Cinnab. Creos. Cupr. Graph. Led. Mez. Millef. Plb. Sabin. ----lymphatic glands, Lact. Alerc ----on the ridge, Sabin. — prepuce, Calad. Cannab. Cinnab. Cor-r. Graph. Alerc Nti-e Nitr-ac. -Rhus. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Viol-tr. ----on the frenulum, Sabin. — of prostate gland, Cannab. Hipp. Iod. — scrotum, Am. Brom. Canth. Carb-veg. Clem. Graph. Jac-cor. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Sacch. Sep. ----with chronic gonorrhoea, Brom. — — painless, Mez. — of spermatic, cgords, Arn. ----testes, Agn. Apis. Arg. Arn. Aur. Bar-m. Canth. Chin. Clem. Con. Cop. Dig.Eiap$.Iod. Kali-c.Merc-sulph. Mez. Millef. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux. Ol-an. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Rhod. Spong. Sulph. Tart. Zinc. -------left, Brom. Mez. Ocim.Pod.Rhod. '54 20. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Swelling of testes, right, Arg. Aur. Clem. ---------lower part of, Aur. -------after gonorrhoea, Rhod. — bluish red, Arn. Ars. — dropsical, Dig. Lye — hard, Agn Arn. Merc. Nux. Phosp-ac. Sabin Spong. — hot, Arn. Kali-e Puis. — oedematous, Arn. Graph. Lvc. Nux. Puis. Rhod. Sil. Sulph. — painful, Arn. Ars. Aur. Canth. Laur. Lye Merc. Nitr-ac Nux. Ol-an. Plb. — from a bruise, Con. Tearing, in' glans, Colch. Euph. Kali-c. Pareria. ----penis, Kali-c. Me/.. ----spermatic chord, Bell. Colch. Puis. ----testes, Euph. Puis. Staph. Tension, in genitals, Graph. ----glans, Kali-c. ----penis, Arn. Kali-c. ----scrotum, Arn. ----spermatic chord, Cannab. Phosp-ac. Thickening of the prepuce. Elaps. Lact. -------scrotal skin, Carb-veg. Clem. Rhus. -------epididymus, Sulph. Throbbing, of glans, Rhod. ----penis. Cop. -•- — spermatic chord, Amm-m. Tingling, crawling, tickling, of genitals, Mosch. Selen. — of the frenum, Phosp-ac. — glans, Merc. Spig. Tart. N — crawling prepuce, Merc. Phosp-ac. — scrotum, Aeon. Lachn. Selen. — testes, Euphr. Merc. To touch the genitals, inclination to, Bufo. Turning about in testes, sensation of, Sabad. Twitching in penis, Mez. ----spermatic chord, Along. Plb. Ulcers, on glans, Ars. Cor-r. Alerc. Nitr-ac. Sep. Sulph. — prepuce, Arg*n. Ars. Caust. Cor-r. Hep. Alerc Nitr-ac Sep. Sulph. Thuj. — elevated, lead colored, sensitive edges, Nitr-ac. — flat, red, Cor-r. — chancre, Arg-n. Lac-can. Alerc !----like. Hep. Lac-can. Alerc. Nilr-ae. \ Thuj. — deep, Nitr-ac. Sulph. j — mercurio, syphilitic, Lach. i Ulcerous pain in prepuce, Igt. Voluptuous irritation of genitals, Amb. Ang. Chenop. Graph Plb. (compare i Itching, voluptuous.) Warmth, sensation of, in genitals, Meph. Sulph-ac. I Warts on prepuce, bleeding when touched, i Cinnab. I Wasting of testes, Agn. Caps. Caust. Iod. i Kali-jod. Zinc. Weakness of genitals, Agn. Berb. Hep. Mang. Mur-ac. Sep. Sulph. — after stool or urination, Calc-ph. 21. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 21. Female Sexual Organs. Abortion, Aeon. Actea-r. Aletris. Aloe. Apis. Arn. Asar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Canth. Carb-veg. Cauloph. Cham. Chin. Cinnam. Cocc. Con. Creos. Croc. Dulc. Eugen. Ferr. Gels. Hyosc Igt. Iod. Ip. Jatr. Kali-c. Lvc. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Plat. Plb. Pod. Puis. Rat. Rhus. Sabin Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Verat. Viburn. Zinc. — disposition to, Actea-r. Aletris. Lvc. Ntr-c. — after fright, Gels. — in third month, Apis. Sabin. Sec-c. Thuj. — with convulsions, Cannab. ----distention of uteius, Sec-c. ----varices on pudenda, Carb-veg. Lye Zinc. After pains, too long, Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cham. Cupr. Ferr. Knli-e Ntr-m. Nux. Op. Puts. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sec-c. Sep. Sulph. — painful and strong, Aeon. Arn. Calc. Cham. Coff. Nux. Pod. Puis. Rhus. Sec-c. — to thighs, Lac-can. — return when nursing the child, Arn. Apthae, Carb-veg. Biting in genitals, Staph. Thuj. Bloatedness of uterus, as if filled with wind, Phosp-ac. Blood, congestion of, to genital, Aletris. Ambr. Bell. Bry. Chin. Croc. Hep. Lac-can. Alerc. Nux. Plat. Sabin. Sec-c. Sulph. — discharged during the intervals, Ambr. Arn. Bell. Bov. Bry. Calc. Cham. Chin. Cocc Coff. Croc. Hep. Ip. Kali-c. Mgn-s. Phosp. Rhus. Sabin. Sec-c. Sil. — during lactation, Calc. Pallad. Sil. — at new or full moon, Croc. — during: pregancy, Cocc. Creos. Kali-e Phosp. Rhus. Sec-c. ----green red fluid, Sep. — discharge of, during and between the catamenia, acrid, Amm-c. Ars. Bov. Canth Cham. Kali-c. Ntr-s. Nitr. Rhus. Sass. Sil. Sulph. — black, dark, Actea-r. Aletris. Amm-c. Ant. Arn. Asar. Bell. Bism. Bry. Cact. Canth. Cham. Chin. Creos. Croc. Cycl. Elaps. heir. Ham. Igt. Lach. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux. Nux-m. Ol-an. Plat. Puis. Sabad. Sabin. Sang. Sec-c. Selen. Sep. Siram. Sulph. Trill. Xanthox. Zing. Blood, black like ink, Nitr. — brown, Beib. Biy. Calc Carb-veg. Mgn-c. Rhus. — bright-re::, Arn. Bell. Brom. Cinnam. Diad. Dulc Hyosc. I p. Lac-can. Lachn. Led. Phosp. Rhus. Sabin. Sec-c. ----string}, Lac-can. — burning, Sil. — clotted, coagulated, Actea-r. Aletris. Amm-c. Apocyn. Arn. Bell. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Croc. Cycl. Ferr. Fluor-ac. Hyosc. Igt. Ip.Kali-c.Mgn-m. Ntr-s. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Stram. Stront. Tnll. Ustil. Viburn. Zing. ----black. Chin. Ferr. Nux jug. Sabin. — first dark, then watery, Thuj. — excoriating, acrid. Amm-c. Carb-veg. Kali-c. Nsr-s. Sass. Sil. Sulph. ----corroding the limbs, Ntr-s.Sil.Sulph. — fetid, Bell. Bry. Carb-an. Caust. Cham. Croc. Ka'i-c. Sabin. — flesh-colored (like the washings of meat) Apocyn. Stront. — grayish serum, Berb. — hot blood, Bell. Bry. — itching, Petr. — by jerks, Cham. Puis. Sabin. — lumpy, Arn. Bell. Caust. Cham. Ferr. Mgn-m. Piat. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Stram. Stront. — mucus, Cocc. Lachn. Puis. Sulph-ac ----menses of gray mucus, or brown blood, Berb. ----bloody mucus during pregnancy, Cocc. — too pale, -Mum. Bell. Berb. Borax. Carb-veg. Ferr. Graph. Hipp-m. Prun. Luis. Sabin. Sacch. Sulph.Tilia. — pitch-like, Mgn-c. — putrid odor, Igt. — sour-smebing, Carb-veg. Sulph, — stringy, Croc. ----red, L.c-can. — thick, Ca>:;. Fluor-ac. Mgn-s. Nux-m. Plat. Puis. Sulph. i56 21. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Blood thin, Laur. Puis. Sabad. — tougn, Croc — viscid, Lacnn. Mgn-c. Xanthox. — watery, Berb. Dulc. Laur. Phosp. Puis. Tart. Boring pain in left ovary, worse during menses, Zinc. -----------ameliorated during menses, Thuj. Burning in genitals, Ambr. Amm-c. Ars. Berb. Bry. Calc. Caib-veg. Caust.Cham. Creos. Kali-c Lac-can. Lac.i. Lil-tigr. Lye Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr. Sulph. Thuj. Tilia. ----uterus, Bry. ----vagina, Berb. Cancer of uterus, Apis. Ars. Aur. Calc. Carb-an. Chin. Clem. Cocc'. Con. Creos. Graph. Hydrast. Iod. Lact. Lye Mgn-m. Merc. Murex. Nitr-ac. P.iosp. Phyt. Rhus. Sabin. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Coition, aversion to, Caust. Kali-c. Ntr-m. Petr. — absence of enjoyment in, Berb. Ferr. Ferr-m. —disposition for, Creos. Hyosc. Kali-c. Murex. Sabin. Sulph-ac. During coition, pain «in vagina, Berb. Creos. Ferr-m. Kali-c. Lye ----burning, followed, next day by dark blood, Creos. After coition, nodosity in cervix and swelling of parts, Creos. Constriction of uterus, sensation of, Cact. Murex. Contraction, Actea-r. Bell. Cact. Igt. Lac-can. Murex. Ntr-m. Nux. Sabin. Sep. Thuj. — hour-glass, Bell. Cham. Cocc. Con. Cupr. Hyosc. Kali-c. Nux. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sec-c. Sep. Sulph. Corrosion, Kali-c. Lye Cutting in left labia, Ocim-c. ----os uteri, Murex. Puis. Darting pains from left labia through uterus to right ovary, Bell. Lac-can. Phosp. Thuj. Deformed os uteri, Ntr-c. Digging, Con. Distension of uterus, meteorislic,Phosp-ac. Drawing, Mosch. — in uterus, Puis. Dropsy of uterus, Aesc-hipp. Apis. Ars. Bell. Brom. Bry. Calc. Cainph. Canth. Chin. Colch. Con. Dig. Dulc. Ferr. Ham. Hell. Kali-c. Lact. Led. Lye Merc. Phosp. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. ----ovaries, Apis. ^ Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Coloc. Creos. Graph. Kali-brom. Kali-c. Lach. Lil-tigr. Merc. Ntr-s. Phosp. Plat. Pod. Rhod. Rhus. Sabin. Dryness of vagina, Bell. Lye Ntr-m. ----uterus, Muiex. Eruption, Agar Apis. Bapt. Bry. Calad. Calc. Canth. Caib-veg. Cauloph. Coff. Collin. Con. , Creos. Croton. Dulc. . Ferr. Graph. Ham. Hydiast. Kali-c. Lye Merc Ntr-nitr. Nitr-ac Nux. Petr. Plat. Sep. Sil. Staph. Salph. Tart. Thuj. Zinc. — frommenstruah.blood, Kali-e — fretting, gnawing, Nux. — itching, Nux. Sep. — moist, Sep. — with nodosities, Merc. — pimples, Agar. Giaph. Merc. Sulph.Tart. — pustules, black, Bry. — scabby on labia, Kali-jod. — vesiculai, Graph. Extension, sensation of, Murex. Flatus, from vagina, Brom. Lac-can. Lye Nux. Sang. Foetus, violent motions of. Lye Op. ---------painful, Arn. Sil. As if foetus Jay cross-wise, which gives pain, Arn. Fullness, sense of, Aloe. Chin. Gangrena uteri, Aeon. Apis. Ars. Bell. Carb-veg. Chin. Creos. Sec-c. — vaginae, Apis. Ars. Bell. Calc. Chin. Creos. Lach. Sec-c Sulph-ac. Gnawing, Kali-c. Lye Hair of vulva falling off, Ntr-m. Heat, Merc. Nux. Sep. — flushes of, and sweat, at climacteric. Sulph-ac. Heaviness, sensation of, Aletris, Aloe Chin. Lac-can. Murex Nux. Palad. -------in uterus, Gels. ---------vagina, during colic, Murex. Herpes on genitals, Dulc Petr. Induration of uterus, Ainus. Aur.Bell. Chin. Iod. Mgn-m. Murex. Ntr-c. Pallad.Plat. Sep. ----ovaries, Con. -------right, Pallad. ----vagina, Bell. Calc. Chin. Clem. Con. Ferr.Lye Mgn-m.Merc. Petr. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Inflammation of labia. Aeon. Ambr. Calc. Carb-vea. Con. Creos. Ferr. Kali-c. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. -------left, Bry. ----ovaries, Aeon. Actae-r. Ambr. Ant. Canth. Chin. Iod. Merc. Staph. -------right, Aesc-hipp. Apis. Ham. -------left, Lil-tigr. ----uterus, Aeon. Apis. Ars. Aur. Bell. Biy. Canth. Caib-an. Cham. Coloc. Con. Hyosc. Iod. Kali c. Lac-can. Lach. Lye Merc. Arux. Puis. Rhus. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Verat. ----after parturition, Sabin. — of vagina, Cocc-c. Merc. 2 1. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. 157 Itc ling, Agar. Ambr. Amm-c. Ars. Calad. Calc Carb-veg. Caust. Coff. Con. Creos. Croton. Elaps. Eupat. Kali-c. Lac-can. Lach. Lye Merc Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Petr. Sep. $il. Staph. Sulph. Tarant. Thuj. Zinc. — >: ovaries, Prun. — /oluptuous, Coff. Creos. Plat. Labor pains, (compare Throes.) Le icorrhcea, in general, Aeon. Agn. Aloe. Alum. Ambr. Amm-c Amm-m. Anac. Vnt. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Borax. 3ov. Calc. Cannab. Canth. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg Caust. Cham. Chin. Cinnab. Cocc. Coff. Con. Cop. C"eos. Dros. Ferr. Gels. Gran. Graph. riep. Hydrast. Hyper. Igt Iod. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lach. Laur. Lept. Lil-tigr. Lvc. Algn-c. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Alerc. Merc-cor. Mez. Millef. Murex. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nice Nitr-ac Nitr. Nux. Ol-an. Petr. Phosp. Fhosp-ac Phyt. Plat. Plb. Pod. Prun. Puis. Ran-b. Ran-sc Rat. Ruta. Sabin. S.iss. Sec-c Sep. Sil. Stann. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Thuj. Viol-tr. Zinc. — 1:1 id, Alum. Amm-c. Anac. Ant. Ars. Borax. Bov. Carb-veg. Chin. Con. Creos. Ferr. Fluor-ac. Igt- Iod. Kali-jod. Lach. Lye Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Prun. Puis. Ran b. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Sulph-ac. (com- pare Excoriating). — a'buminous, Amm-c. Amm-m. Borax. Bov. Mez. Petr. Plat. — biting, smarting, Alum. Ant. Carb-an. Ch im. Con. Hep. Laur. Mgn-c. Merc. Phosp. Sulph. — blistering, Phosp. — bloody, Ars. Bar-c. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Creos. Lye Murex. Nitr-ac. Sep. Sil. Sjlph-ac. Tart. Zinc. — bluish, Ambr. — brown, Amm-m. Berb. Nitr-ac. — b irning, Amm-c. Calc. Canth. Carb-an. Cist. Con. Creos. Kali-c. Mgn-s. Phosp. Puis. Sulph. Sulph-ac — corroding, Ars. Creos. Iod. Kali-jod. Lvc Mez. Ruta. Sil. Sulph. ----the linen, Iod. — debilitating, Creos. Stann. — excoriating, Alum. Amm-c. Anac. Ars. I'ov. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Con. Creos. Ferr. Igt. Kali-jod. Lye. Merc. Mez. Phosp. Prun. Ran-b. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac. — f'tid. Caps. Creos. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux. Sabin. Sep. — flesh-colored (like the washings of meat), Alum. Cocc. Nitr-ac. Sep. — glairy, Mez. Petr. — greenish, Bov. Carb-veg. Lach. Merc. Murex. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Sep. Leucorrhoea itching, Alum. Anac. Calc. Chin. Creos. Kali-c. Merc. Ntr-m. Phosp-ac. Sabin. Sep. — jelly like, transparent, Pallad. — long continued, Creos. Mez. — m ilignant, Alez. — mild, Ferr. Puis. Ruta. — milky, Amm-c. Calc Carb-veg. Con. Creos. Ferr. Lam. Lye Phosp. Puis. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac. — mucus, Ambr. Amm-m. Bar-c Borax. Bov. Calc. Cocc. Cocc-c. Diet. Graph. Kali-jod. Laur. Lach Mgn c Mez. Nitr-ac. Nux. Ol-an. Plat. Pod. Sass. Seneg. Sep. Stann.Staph. Sulph.Sulph-ac Zinc. — ochre-colored, Phosp. — painful, Sep. Sulph. — painless, Amm-c Calc. Carb-veg. Lam. Puis. Sil. Sulph. — profuse, Agar. Graph. Iod. Lach. Lam. Lye Petr. Phosp. — purulent, Chin. Cocc. Igt. Merc. Sep. — putrid, smelling, Colch. Coloc. Creos. Lach. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux. Sabin. Sep. — rasping, Alum. Hep. — reddish. Lye Nitr-ac. Sep. — ropy, Hydrast. Kali-b. — salt, smarting like, Sulph. — bv shocks, discharged, Calc. Graph. Sil. — stiffening the linen, Alum. Creos Lach. Nitr. — suppressed, Sacch. — thick, Ambr. Ars. Bov.Carb-veg. Mgn-s. • Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Murex. Pod. Puis. Sabin. Tong. Zinc — thin, Graph. Kali-jod. Nice. Nitr. Ol-an. Puis. — tough, Aeon. Diet. — transparent, Alum. Ntr-m. Pallad. Pod. Stann. — from uterus, thick, bloody, purulent, Cop. — — vagina, Caps. Creos. Merc. Plb. — viscous, Borax. Bov. Mez. Sabin. Stann. — watery, Alum. Amm-c. Ant. Carb-an. Cham. Chin. Ferr. Graph. Kali-jod. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Merc-cor. Mez. Murex. Nice Puis. Sep. Sil. Sulph-ac. Tabac. ]_'__ "J — weakening. Stann. — white, Borax. Gels. Graph. Lam. Mgn-c. Ntr-m. Nitr. Sulph. — yellow, Aeon. Alum. Ars. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cham. Cinnab. Con. Creos. Fluor-ac Hydrast. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kali-ferr-cyn. Kalm. Lye Merc-cor. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis Sabin. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. — yellow staining, Carb-an. Nux. Prun. — in day-time only, Alum. Plat. Sep. I58 21. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Leucorrhoea before full moon, aggravated, Lye — morning, when rising, Carb-an. — at night, Ambr Caust. Merc. Nitr-ac. — abdomen, pain in, preceded by, Con. Kali-c. Lye Mgn-m. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Puis. Rat. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. — with ammorrhoea, Apis. Ruta. Sabin. — before catamenia, Alum. Bar-c. Calc. Carb-veg. Chin. Cocc. Creos. Graph. Lach. Pallad. Puis. Ruta. Sep. Sulph. Zinc — during catamenia, Alum. Graph. Iod. Puis. Zinc. — alter catamenia, Alum. Bov. Cocc. Creos. Graph. Mere Nitr-ac. Pallad. Phosp-ac. Puis. Ruta. Sulph. Tabac. Zinc. ----cessation of catamenia, Ruta. Sang. — in place of catamenia, Cocc. — at climacteric period, Sang. — after coition, Ntr-c. — colic, preceded by, Mgn-c. Mgn-m. — when exercising, Mgn-m. Mgn-s. — by hysteric cramps, preceded, Igt. Mgn-c. Algn-m. — after a meal, Cham. — in morning, when rising, Carb-an. — when standing. Ars. Carb-an. — with stool, Murex. Tong. — after stool, Mgn-m. — before urinating, Creos. — after urinating, Amm-m. Canth. Nice Sep. -------ceasing, Ntr-c. — when walking, Ntr-m.Sass.Stront.Tong. ----passing water, Amm-m. Calc. Sil. Tong. -------wind, Ars. Leucorrhoea, attended by, abdomen, dis- tention of, Amm-m. Graph. Sep. -------painfulness of, Lye Puis. Sil. -------labor-like pains in, Dros. -------spasms in, Igt. Mgn-c Mgn-m. — colic, Alum. Amm-m. Bell. Con. Kal-c Lye Mgn-c Mgn-m. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Puis. Rat. Sil.Sulph.Zinc. — countenance, yellow, Ntr-m. — debility, Creos. — diarrhoea, Ntr-m. — dreams, lascivious, Petr. — fatigue, Alum. — genitals, stitches in, Sep. — headache, Ntr-m. — legs, soreness of, Mgn-s. — navel pain about, Amm-m. — sacral region, pain in, Kali-b. Kali-c. Mgn-s. Nitr. — shooting in parts, Sep. — trembling, Alum. — vagina, pressing in, Cinnab. — weakness in back, Graph. Lochia, abnormal, Chin. Hep. — turning bloody again, Cauloph. Rhus. Sec-c. — blackish, clotted, Plat. — blackish, lumpy, offensive and exoriat- ing, Creos. — too copious, Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Coff. Croc. Hep. Milleff. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sec-c. — dark, stringy, Croc. — fetid, Aeon. Bapt. Bell. Carb-an. Creos. Nux. Rhus. Sec-c. Sep. Stram. — too long-continued, Calc. Cauloph. Chin, Rhus. Sec-c. — milky, Calc. — too small, Aeon. Bell. — suppressed, Aeon. Bell. Bry. Cham. Coloc. Dulc. Hyosc. Millef. Nux. Op. Plat. Puis. Sec-c. Verat. Zinc. ----after vexation, Coloc ----with delirium, Verat. — too thin, Carb-an. Lump, hard, in neck of uterus, ulcerative, pain during coition, Creos. Menopause, Cocc Igt. Lach. Puis. Sang. Sep. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Metrorrhagia, Aeon. Aloe. Amm-c. Anac. Ant. Apis. Apocyn. Arg-n. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc' Canth. Carb-veg. Cauloph. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cinnam. Cocc. Coff. Cop. Creo-. Croc. Diad. Erig. Ferr. Ham. Hvosc Igt. Iod. Ip. Led. Lye Mgn-m. Merc. Millef. Murex. Ntr-c. Ntr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Phosp. Plat. Prun. Puis. Rat. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sang. Scill Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Trill. Vinca. — after abortion, Plat. — of black blood, Arn. Bell. Cham. Chin. Croc. Ferr. Igt. Plat. ----pale blood, with fainting and con- vulsions, Hyosc. ----thin blood, becoming more watery, the longer it lasts, Prun. — flow intermits, then freshens up, (chronic hemorrhage), Creos. Sulph. — discharge now stopping, then stronger again, Puis. — in aged females, Merc. — after abuse of chamomilla, Chin. Igt. — at climacteric, Ustil. — after delivery, Bell. Cham. Chin. Cinnam. Croc. Ip. Nux. Phosp-ac. Plat. Sabin. — when exercising, discharge, Sec-c. — after every stool, Amm-m. Ind. — with abdomen, distension of, Hep. -------painfulness of. Ferr. Sabin. ----bearing down towards genitals, Bell. Cham. Nitr-ac. Rhus. Sabin. ----congestion of the blood and red face, Ferr. ----breathing oppressed, Ip. 21. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. !59 Metrorrhagia with excitability of sexual system, Plat. ----fainting and convulsions, Chin. ----with headache and pain in sacral region, Bell. Bry. ----spasms, Hyosc ----unconsciousness, heavy sleep and tingling in limbs, Sec-c. Moles, escape of, Canth. Neuralgia, vaginae, Bell. Calc. Canth. Chin. Creos. Ferr. Kali-c. Lye Merc. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. — Uteri, Bell. Carb-an. Cham. Con. Croc. Ferr. Gels. Kali-c. Nux. Op. Plat. Puts. Rhus. Sabad. Sec-c. Sep. Sulph. Nymphomania. Ant. Bell. Calc. Canth. Carb-veg. Chin. Coff. Graph. Grat. Lach. Merc Mosch. Murex. Ntr-c. Ntr-m Nux. Op. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Sabin. Sil. Stram. Verat. Zinc. Ovaries, pain in, Apis. Coloc Lach. Pod. ----as if dislocated, tender on pressure, Apis. Ovaritis, Pod. (compare Inflammation.) — right, Aesc-hip, Apis. Bell. Ham. Lac-can. Lye Pallad. — left, Arg. Caps. Graph. Lac-can. Lach. Pod. Thuj. Zinc. Zizia. Painfulness, Staph. Placenta adherent, Actea-r. Bell. Canth. Gels. Puis. Sabin. Sec-e. Sep. Pressing down, towards genitals, Aloe. Ant. Apis. Arir. Asa-f. Bell. Borax. Calc. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Con. Croc. Graph. Hydroph. Ip. Kali-c. Lac-can. Lye Mang. Mgn-c Mosch. Murex. Mur-ac Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Pallad. Plat. Rat. Rhus. Sabin. Sep. Sulph. Tarant. Thuj. Tilia. Ustil. Zinc. — as if menses about to commence, Cina. Croc. Kali-c. Lam. Mgn-c. Mosch. Mur-ac. Puis Sep. Stann. Tilia. — from groins through hip to back, Plat. — when standing, Bell. Rhus. — with oppression of breathing, Sep. Prolapsus, of uterus, Alum. Arg. Aur. Bell. Calc. Canth. Carb-an. Cham. Con. Creos. Croc. Ferr. Ferr-jod. Ferr-m. Hydroph. Iod. Kali-c. Lac-can. Lil-tisr. Merc. Millef. Murex. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Pallad. Plat. Pod. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sec-c. Sep. Stann. Sulph. — after lifting, Agar. — with pain in sacrum. Pod. — of vagina, Creos. Ferr. Merc. Nux. Ocim-c. Sep. Pulsating in uterus and ovaries, Cact- Pulsative pains, Merc. Murex. Pus, discharge, from parts, Calc. Pustules, black, on pudenda, Bry. Puerperal fever, Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cham. Coff. Coloc. Hyosc. Ip. Merc. Nux. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sec-c Stram. Tilia. Verat. — with fulness of the mammae, Bry. Redness of pudenda, Ars. Calc. Merc Sep. Tilia. Rigidity of, os uteri, Aeon. Actea-r. Bell. Cauloph. Gels. Lob. ----cervex uteri, Gels. Rubbing, pain in right ovary,ameliorated by, Pallad. Scirrhus of uterus, Aur. Bell. Carb-an. Chin. Clem. Cocc. Con. Mgn-m. Phosp. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Sensitiveness, tenderness, Ambr. Arn. Canth. Coff. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sec-c. Staph. Tilia. Zinc. — painful, Merc. Nux. Staph. Sexual passion, excited, Ars. Bell. Canth. Chin. Cinnam. Coff. Grat. Lac-can. Lach. Mosch. Murex. Nux. Plat. Sabin. Verat. Zinc. ----in lying-in women, Bell. Chin. Grat. Plat. Verat. Zinc. — diminished, Bar-c. Bell, (compare Aver- sion to coition and Sect. 20.) Sinking down, as if uterus were, with pain and weakness, Pallad. Smarting pain, Cham. Creos. Ferr-m. Kali-b. Staph. Thuj. Softness of uteius, Op. Soreness (excoriation) of pudenda, Ambr. Berb. Carb-veg. Caust. Graph. Hep. Kali-b. Lvc. Meph. Merc. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Petr. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. Tilia. ----and moisture, Petr. — of uterus, Tilia. — between the thighs, Amm-c. Caust. Creos. Graph. Hep. Lye Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Petr. Sep. — and rawness of vagina, Kali-b. — pain, as from excoriation, Berb. Ferr-m. Rhus. Thuj. Spasms of vagina, Bell. Cocc. Igt. Merc Nux. Plat. Puis. Spasmodic pain, in genitals, Creos. Igt. Nux. Thuj. Squeezing pain in cavity of pelvis, Bar-m. Sterility, Agn. Amm-c Borax. Calc. Cannab. Caust. Cic Con. Croc. Dulc. Ferr. Filix. Graph. Hyosc. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Phosp. Plat. Ruta. Sep. Sulph. Sulph-ac. — from excessive sexual desire, Phosp. — with want of sexual desire, Ang. — with catamenia too copious, Calc. Merc Millef. Ntr-m. Phosp. Sulph. Sulph-ac. ---------early, Calc. Ntr-m. Sulph. Sulph-ac ----retarded, Caust. Graph. Phosp. ----too small, Amm-c. ----suppressed, Agn. Con. Stinging, stitches. Apis. Bell. Borax. Calc. Cannab. Con. Creos. Kali-c. Merc Murex. Nitr-ac Pallad. Phosp. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Thuj. i6o 2 1. FFMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Stinging from abdomen to vagina, Ars. ----perineum, deep into genitals, Berb. — deep into vagina, Sabin. — in vagina, upwards, Berb. Creos. Mur-ac. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Rhus. Sep. Stitches in ovaries, Ambr. Bry. Coloc. Lil-tigr. Staph. Swelling of genitals, Kali-b. Meph. ----labia maj., Merc-acet. Pod. ----os uteri, Canth. Iod. Nux. Sec-c. ----ovaries, Apis. Iod. Graph. -------right, Pallad. -------left, Graph. Lach. ----pudenda, Ambr. Amm-c. Bry. Calc. Cannab. Carb-veg. Lach. Meph. Merc. Ocim-c. Sec-c. Sep. Thuj. ----vagina, Merc. Tearing in genitals, Phosp. Tenderness of vagina, Berb. Bry. Calc. Ferr. Graph. Merc Nux. Plat. Sec-c. Thuj. Tension in uterus, as from a tight bandage, Hyper. Tingling, pricking, voluptuous, Plat. Throes, labor pains. — like labor pains, Asa-f. Bell. Cham. Cina. Creos. Iod. Kali-c Ntr-m. Plat. Puis. Sec-c. Sep. Sulph-ac. — from back to thighs, Kali-c. — ceasing, Arn. Bell. Borax. Camph. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Graph. Igt. Kali-c. Lye Mgn-m. Ntr-m. Nux. Op. Plat. Puis. Ruta. Sec-c. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. — distressing, Aur. Bell. Cham. Coff. Con. Gels. Kali-c. Lye Nux. Sec-c. Sep. — drawing into legs, Aloe. — false, Bell. Kali-c. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Puis. — too long, Puis. — running upwards, Gels. — spasmodic, Bell. Caust. Cham. Cocc. Cupr. Gels. Hyosc. Igt. Ip. Kali-c. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Puis. Sec-c. Sep. Stann. — spasms instead of, Bell. Cham. Cic. Hyosc Igt. — desire for stool with every pain, Nux. — too strong, Aeon. Bell. Cham. Coff. Con. Nux. Puis. Sec-c. — suppressed and wanting, Cact. Carb-veg. Op. Puis. Sec-c. — weak, powerless, Actea-r. Bell. Cannab. Carb-veg. Cauloph. Cham. Chin. Gels. Kali-c. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Puis. Ruta. Sec-c. Sep. Thuj. Throbbing in uterus, Murex. Ulcers, Arg-n. Ars. Asa-f. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Con. Hep. Lach. Lye Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus.Sep. Sil. Staph.Sulph. Thuj. (com- pare Sect. 20.) Uterine cramps, Caust. Cocc. Con. Igt. Mgn-m. Ntr-m. Nux. Sep Stann. — extending to thighs, Mgn-m. Uterus feels as if open, Lach. — pain in, from pessary, Nux-m. Varices on pudenda, Calc. Carb-veg. Lye. Nux. Zinc. Voluptuous itching and tingling, Coff. Creos Plat. Warts on os uteri, Sec. Thuj. Weight at uterus, at vagina, after hysteric attacks, Elaps. Wind discharge from vagina, Brom. Lac-can. Lye Nux-m. Nux. Sang. Catamenia, too copious, Aeon. Agar.AIoe. Ambr. Amm-c. Amm-m. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Borax. Bov. Brom. Bry. Calc. Cannab. Canth. Carb-veg. Caust. Chelid. Chin. Cina. Cocc-c. Creos. Croc. Cycl. Diad. Dulc. Ferr. Fluor-ac. Grat. Gum-gut. Hyosc Igt. Iod. Ip. Kali-jod. Lachn. Laur. Led. Lye Mgn-c Algu-m. Mgn-s. Alerc Merc-cor. Miilef. Mosch. Murex. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-jug. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Phyt. Plat. Prun. Rat. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Samb. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Verat. Vinca. Zinc. ----mania from, Sep. ----when walking in afternoon, Ntr-s. — too early, Aloe. Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Amm-m. Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Asar. Bar-m. Bell. Borax. Bov. Brom. Bry. Bufo. Calc. Canth. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cina. Clem. Cocc. Cocc-c. Colrh. Coloc. Con. Creos. Croc. Cycl. Diad. Ferr. Fluor-ac. Graph. Grat. Gum-gut. Hipp. Hyosc Igt. Ind. Iod. Ip. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kalm. Lach. Lachn. Lam. Laur. Led. Lye Mgn-c. Algn-m. Algn-s. Mang. Merc-cor. Mez. Mosch. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nice Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-jug. Nux-m. Nux. Ol-an. Par. Petr. Phell. Phosp. Phyt. Plat. Prun. Puis. Rat. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sang. Sass. Sep. Sil. Spong. Staph Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Thuj. Tong. Verat. Zinc. Zing. — only in daytime, Caust. Puis. — irregular, Cocc. Iod. Nux-m. Ruta. — during lactation, Calc. Pallad. Sil. — only when moving about, Lil-tigr. -------asleep, Mgn-c. — too late, Aeon. Ang. Amm-c. Bell. Bov. Carb-an. Caust. Chelid. Cic. Cocc. Con. Cupr. Dros. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Hyper. Igt. Iod. Kali-c. Kalm. Lach. Lith. Lye Algn-c Mgn-s. Merc. Ntr-c Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nice Nitr. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Petr. Phosp.Puis. Sabad. Sabin. Sass. Sep. Sil. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Tereb. Tilia. Valer. Zinc. 21. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. I 61 Catamenia, too late in ill-tempered fat women, Dulc. ----long, Aeon. Asar. Bar-c. Bry. Canth. Chelid. Chin. Coff. Creos. Croc. Cupr. Diad. Ferr. Grat. Igt. Kali-c. Lye Merc. Mez. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nux-jug. Nux. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Rat. Rhus. Sabad. Sabin. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Sulph-ac. — ceasing on lying down, Cact. — more profuse in morning, less at night, Bov. — more profuse at night, Amm-m. — regular periods, at, but lasting only one hour, Euphr. — retarded, first time in young females, Agn. Amm-c. Bry. Calc. Caust. Chelid. Cocc. Con. Dig. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Mgn-c. Ntr-m. Petr. Puis. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Valer. — too weak, scanty, Alum. Amm-c. Asa-f. Bar-c. Berb. Bov. Carb-veg. Caust. Cic. Con. Cocc. Croton. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. .Hep. Kali-c. Kalm. Lach. Lam. Lith. Lye Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Mang. Merc. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nice Nux. Ol-an. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Sabad. Sacch. Sass. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Tereb. Thuj. Tong. ----with bleeding of anus, Lach. — too short, Alum. Amm-c. Bar-c. Berb. Bov. Con. Dulc. Graph. Merc. Nice Phosp. Plat. Puis. Sulph. Stront. Tilia. — suppressed, amemorrhoea.Acon.Actea-r. Agn. Aletris. Amm-c.Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Berb. Brom. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Con. Cupr. Dros. Dulc. Ferr. Gels. Glon. Graph. Hyosc. Iod. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Kalm. Lach. Lil-tigr. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Mez. Millef. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Plat. Pod. Puis. Rhod. Sabad. Sabin. Sang. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Valer. Verat. Zinc. ----for a long time, Lye Sil. ----from a cold, Dulc. Puis. ----after fright, Aeon. Lye ----in plethoric individuals, Calc. _______young people, with bearing down in hypogastric, and sacral regions, pain Irom motion, and ameliorat- ed in lying down, Pod. ____with pain in abdomen, Agn. Mgn-c. _______backache, Ars. _______bleeding at anus, Graph. _______chilliness and pain in back. Puis. _______congestion to head, Apis. _______convulsions, Gels. -------dropsy, Kali-c. _______epistaxis, Bry. Cact. Puis. _______haemorrhoids, Phosp. Sulph. _______-milk in breast, Lye Puis. _______painfulness of breast, and genitals, Zinc. -------restlessness, Nice -------toothache, Lach. Before catamania, disorders in general, Alum. Iod. — abdominal cramps, Carb-veg. Cham. Hyosc. Ol-an. Sulph. ----distension, Creos. ----heaviness, Puis. ----pains, Alum. Amm-c Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Caust. Cham. Hyosc. Lach. Mgn-c. Nitr. Plat. Puis. Sep. ----swelling and bloatedness, Cycl. Lye. — anorexia, Bell. — anxiety, anxiousness, Amm-c. Cocc. Nitr-ac. Strann. — asthma, Sulph. — back, pain in, Asar. Borax. NitT. Nux-m. Spong. — blood, congestion of, Cupr. Merc. — chilliness, Calc. Kali-c. Lye Puis. — constipation, Grat. Sil. — cough, Sulph. ----fatiguing, Graph. — cramps, hysteric, Hyosc — diarrhoea, Apis. Bov. Lach. Sil. Verat. — dolefulness, Ntr-m. Stann. — dreaming much. Alum. — epistaxis, Lach. Sulph. Verat. — eructations, Creos. Lach. Mgn-c. — eruption, itching, on forehead, Sass. — face pale, Puis. — flatulence, Cocc. Lac-can. — genitals, contraction in, Chin. ----chafed, Sep. -------thighs, Lac-can. Sil. -----itching, Sulph. ----pain in, Chin. Plat. ----pressure in, Plat. — giddiness, Cact. Kali-b. Lach. Puis. Ver,at. — groins, pain in, Tart. — gums swollen, Bar-c. — headache, Alum. Calc. Carb-veg. Cupr. Ferr. Gels. Lach. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Puis. Sulph. Verat. — head congestion to, Hipp-m. Merc. ----heat in, Con. — head, tearing in forehead, Cinnab. — hearing, hardness of, Creos. — heart palpitation of, Cupr. Iod. Spong. ----pains at, Lith. — heat, dry, Merc. — hunger, Mgn-c — hysteric, fits, Creos. Hyosc — irritability, Creos. Ntr-m. — itching of vulva, Carb-veg. Merc. — labor-like pains, Cycl. Mosch. Plat. — langor, Iod. Nux-m. — to laugh, disposition, Hyosc. — legs, heavy, Bar-c. — leucorrhoea, Alum. Bar-c. Calc. Carb-veg. Chin. Puis. — liver, pain in, Con. Nux-m. Puis. 1 62 21. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Before catamania, malar bone, pain in, Stann. — mammae, painful, Calc. Con. ----swollen, Calc. Kali-c. Murex, — melancholy, Lye — nausea, Puis. — night-mare, Sulph-ac. — night-sweat, Verat. — pains in general, Alum. -------left ovary and iliac region, Thuj. — perspiration, Thuj. Verat. — rash, Dulc. — restlessness, Con. Creos. Sulph. — ringing in ears, Ferr. — sacral region, pain in, Amm-c. Bar-c. Caust. Lach. Mgn-c. Nux-m. Nitr. Puis. — sadness, Caust. Lye Ntr-m. Stann. — sight confused, Bell. — stomach, pain in, Lach. Nux-m. Puis. Sulph. — stretching. Puis. ----tinkling in ears, Ferr — toothache, Bar-c. Sulph. — ulcers, bleeding, Phosp. — urethra, discharge from, Lach. — urinate, frequent desire to, Kali-jod. Phosp. Sulph. — vexed mood, Ntr-m. — vomiting, Creos. Puis. — water-brash, Nux-m. — weakness, Iod. Nux-m. — weeping, Con. Phosp. — yawning, Puis. At commencement of catamenia, abdomi- nel pain, Graph. Lye — back, pain in, Phosp. — chest, pain in, Lach. — chills, Verat. — coldness of body, Sil. ■— colic, commencing in left ovary, Lach. ----commencing in right ovary, Apis. ■— cramps, Plat. Zinc. — diarrhoea, nausea, chilliness, Verat. — furor, Aeon. — right groin, soreness in, and urging to urinate, Sa&s. — heart, pain at, Lith. — itching in old herpes, Carb-veg — langor, Phell. — legs, heavy and sore, Lach. Phell. — nausea, Verat. — sacral region, pain in, Asar. Lach. — sadness, Ntr-m. — urinate, frequent urging to, Kali-jod. — vomiting, Phosp. During catamenia, abdominal cramps, Amm-c. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Con. Cupr. Graph. Hipp-m. Igt. Lach. Mgn-m. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Ol-an. Op. Plat. Puis. Sep. Sulph. ----cutting, Amm-m. Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Cannab. Carb-veg. Caust. Con. Kali-b. Phosp. Plat. Sil. ----digging, Ntr-s. ----distension, Alum. Berb. Carb-an- Cocc. Lachn. Mgn-c. Ntr-c. Nice- Nitr-ac. Zinc. ----fermentation, Phosp. ----pain, Alum. Amm-c. Amm-m. Bar-c. Bell. Bov. Brom. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Cocc. Con. Creos. Graph. Igt. Jatr. Kali-c. Lach. Laur. Lye Mgn-c. Merc. Millef. Mosch. Ntr-c. Ntr-s. Nice. Nitr. Nux. Ol-an. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Rat. Sass. Sil. Stann. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Zinc. ----tension, Nice ----anus, bleeding, Amm-m. Graph. Hydroph. ----soreness, Berb. — anxiety, Bell. Igt. Kali-jod. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Sil. Zinc. — aversion to life, Berb. — back, pain in, Aloe. Amm-c. Amm-m. Berb. Brom. Calc Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Kali-c. Kalm. Lye Mgn-c Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Nice Nitr. Phosp. Pod Prun. -------griping, Bell. Calc. Carb-veg. Phosp. — beaten, pain as if, Berb. Bry. Graph. Nux-m. Nux. Sep. — blood, congestion to head, Bell. Calc Cham. Chin. Cinnab. Glon. Mgn-c. Sulph. — buzzing in ears, Verat. — catarrh, Giaph. — cheek swollen, Graph. — chest, congestion to, Glon. ----cramps in, Chin. ----pain in, Berb. Graph. Puis. — chills, Amm-c. Berb. Carb-an. Cast. Creos. Graph. Kali-jod. Mgn-c. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Verat. Zinc. — consciousness, loss of, Chin. — constipation, Creos. Kali-c. Ntr-s. Sil. — coryza, Graph. Kali-c. — cough, Coff. Zinc. ----fatiguing, Graph. — delirium, Hyosc Lye — diarrhoea, Alum. Amm-c. Amm-m. Bov. Caust. Creos. Kali-jod. Mgn-c. Plat. Verat. — dolefulness, Sep. — dreaming much, Alum. — earache, Aloe. Kali-c. — epilepsy, Arg-n. Sulph. '— epistaxis, Lach. Ntr-s. Sep. Sulph. Verat. — eruption between legs, Kali-c. Sil. — exhaustion, Berb. -— eyes burning of, Nice ----convulsion of, Chin. — eyelids, upper, twitching ofs Ntr-ln. — face bloated, Chin. ----jaded, Berb. 21. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. I 63 During catamania, face pale, Cast. Algn-c. Mgn-m. Puis. ----yellow, Caust. — faintness, Berb. Glon. Igt. Nux. — feet, painful, Amm m. ----swollen, Graph. Lye — fever, Amm-c. Calc. Phosp. — flatus, discharge of. Brom. Creos. Nice — gaping, Bell. — gastric complaints, Kali-c. — genitals, burning, Sil. ----chafing of, Sil. ----fulness, sensation of, Puis. ----pressing pain and urging sensation, Amm-c. Bell. Birb. B irax. Con. Kali-b. Mosch. Nitr-ac Nux-m. Plat. Puis. Sep. Sil. Sulph. ----sensitiveness, Plat. ----stinging, Sulph-ac. ----tearing, Amm-c. — giddiness, Caust. Kali-b. Verat. — groins, pain in, Borax. ----pressure and stitches in, Borax. — guuis, affections of, Merc. Phosp. — lixmoptisis, Phosp. — headache, Alum. Berb. Borax. Bov. Bufo. Calc Carb-veg. Cast. Creos. Glon. Graph. Hyosc. Igt. Kali-b. Kali-e Lach. Laur. Lye Mgn-c Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nux. Ol-an. Phosp. Plat Puis. Sep. Stann. Sulph. Verat. ----amelioration of, Bell. -------by cold water, Aloe. — head, heat of, Calc. Igt. Kali-jod. ----heaviness in, Mgn-s. — hearing, hardness of, Creos. — iieart, palpitation of, Alum. Igt. Iod. Phosp. — hoarseness, Graph. — humming in ears, Borax. Creos. Verat. — hysterical spasms, Lach. Puis. — inguina chafed, Bov. Sass. ----pain in, Mgn-s. — itching of body, Kali-c. ----between thighs, Kali-c. ----of vulva, Zinc. — jerks, Chin. — ;aligning, Hyosc. — legs blue, from varices, Ambr. ---- heavy, Zinc. . ----painful, Ambr. Con. Spong. Stram. ----!>ains drawing in, from navel, Nux-m. .----weak, Sulph. Zinc. — limbs, painful, Bry. Graph. Nux-m.Sep. ----drawing in, Spong. ----heaviness, Zinc. ----sore, as if beaten, Phosp. Sep. Verat. — lips, swelling of, Phosp. — liver, pain in, Phosp-ac. Puis. — to lie down, necessity, Amm-c. Igt. .— mammae, burning in, Ind. ----swelling and soreness of, Con. — melancholy, Ntr-m. Sep. — nausea, Borax. Calc. Graph. Kali-b. Mgn-c. Nux. Puis. ----with inclination to vomit, Verat. — odor of body, goatish, Stram. — right ovary, swollen, sharp, cutting, stinging pain in, Apis. — pains in general, Alum. Ars. Canth. Croc. Mgn-c. Ntr-c. — peevish, Berb. — palate, burning in, as if sore or raw, Ntr-s. — pale appearance of objects, Sil. — photophobia, Igt. — pressure towards the parts, Bell. Berb. Lach. Nitr-ac. Plat. ----and stitches in groins, Borax. ----crampy, relieved by pressure and lying down, Igt. — quarrelsome, Amm-c. — restlessness, Plat. Sulph. — sacral region, pain in, Amm-c. Amm-m. Berb. Borax. Calc. Carb-veg. Cast. Cteos. Kali-b. Lob. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Ntr-c. Nitr. Ol-an. Phosp. Prun. Puis Rat. Sass. Sulph. — sadness, Amm-c. Mur-ac. Nitr-ac — scrobiculus, pit of stomach, pain in, Sass. — senselessness, Chin. — shivering, Berb. — sleep, restless, Alum. Kali-c. — soreness between the thighs, Graph. Kali-c. ----excoriation, Bov. Sass. — sour taste of mouth, Lye — spasms, Sec-c. — stinging, sharp, and cutting pain in swollen right ovary, Apis. — stomach, cramp of, Puis. ----to sacrum, pain, Borax. ----pain in, Borax. Sass. — stool, urging to, Op. Puis. — sweat, Hyosc ----at night, Bell. — syncope, fainting, Lye — taciturnity, Mur-ac. — talkativeness, Stram. — taste salt, Merc. — tearing pain through the whole body, . Berb. — teeth, dullness of, Merc. — tibia, tearing pain in, Sep. — thirst, Bell. Mgn-s. Verat. — timid, low-spirited, Caust. — tongue dry, burning, with deep-colored spots, Merc. — toothache, Amm-c. Bov. Calc. Carb-veg. Cham. Graph. Kali-c. Lach. Laur. , Mgn-s. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Sep. — tremor, Hyosc. — ulcers, growing worse. Graph. — to urinate, urging, Puis. Sass. 164 21. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. During catamania urine, flow of, Hyosc. — uterus, constriction as of, Murex. — varies distended, Ambr. ----pain in, Graph. — vision obscured, Sep. ----uncertainty of, and entire invisibility of right half of objects, second day of menses, Lith. — vomiting, Amm-c. Amm-m. Carb-veg. Kali-c. Lye Phosp. Puis. ----sour, Lye — weakness, Alum. Borax. Bov. Calc. Carb-an. Cast. Caust. Graph. Igt. •Iod. Kali-c. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Nice,. Nitr. Nux. Ol-an. Petr. Phell. Phosp. — weariness of life, Berb. — weight above pubes, Bar-c. — whining, Lye Plat. After catamenia, disorders in general, Borax. Iod. — anxiety, Phosp. — chills, Graph. Nux. Puis. After catamania colic, Borax. Graph. Kali-c. Lach. Puis. — diarrhoea, Graph. Lach. — eyes, livid-bordered, Phosp. — face, livid, Verat. ----pale, Puis. — genitals, bearing down towards, Chin. Creos. — gnashing the teeth, Verat. — headache, Berb. Lach. Ntr-m. Puis. — heart, palpitation of, Iod. — itching of nose, Sulph. — legs, lassitude of. Creos. — leucorrhoea, Alum. Merc. Phosp-ac. — nausea, Puis. — sacral region, pain in, Puis. — sobbing, and moaning, Stram. — toothache, Calc. Mgn-c. Phosp. — urinate, frequent desire to, Puis. — uterine cramps, Chin. — vertigo, Puis. — -weakness, Alum. Berb. Iod. Nux. Phosp. Plat. 22. CORYZA. I65 22. Coryza. Catarrh, epidemic, Anac. Ars. Bell. Bry. Camph. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin.Creos. Dulc. Lob. Lye Alerc. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Seneg. Spig. — of aged persons, Poth. Coryza in general, Alum. Amm-c. Amm-m. Chenop. Chin. Cocc. Diad. Dig. Graph. Ip. Lye Mgn-c. Ntr-m. Nitr. Ol-an. Petr. Sang. Sulph. Tereb. Teucr. — of almost any kind, Amm-c. Lye __chronic, long continued, Alum. Amm-c. Anac. Calc. Canth. Coloc. Lye Ntr-c. Puis. Sil. — constant, Calc. Ntr-c. Sil. — every other day, Ntr-c — suppressed, Ambr. Chin. Puis. — incomplete, Lach, — one sided, Hep. — in morning. Dig. — after a cold, Ntr-c. Spig. — when becoming cold. Graph. — indoors, Aeon. — from draft of air, Elaps. Ntr-c. — after perspiration, relieved, Ntr-c. ----becoming wet, Sep. — with discharge, All-cep. Alum. Amm-m. Anac. Arg. Ars. Aur. Bad. Bar-c. Bell. Berb. Bov. Brom. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chenop. Cimex Cina. Cinnab. Clem. Colch Coloc Con. Cor-r. Creos. Croton. Cupr. Cycl. Dros. Dulc. Eupat. Euphr. Fluor-ac. Gels. Graph. Hep. Id air, Sulph. — failing, momentarily, Alum. Dros. Spong. — feeble, Amm-caust. Ant. Bar-c. Bell. Cannab. Crotal. Hep. Lye Tart, (com- pare Weak.) — from weakness of vocal organs, after anger, Staph. — high, Aeon. Ars. Cupr. Dros. Rumex. Stann. Stram. — hissing, Phosp. — hollow, Aeon. Ant. Bar-c. Bell. Canth. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Creos. Croton. Dig. Dros. Hep. Igt. Ip. Lach. Led. Lye Mgn-s. Phosp. Puis. Samb. Sec-c. Spong. Stann. Staph. Thuj.Verat. Verb. — husky, Camph. Caust. Chin. Croc. Graph. Hyosc. Mang. Merc. Rumex. Sabad. Selen. Spong. 23. LARYNX AND TRACHEA. 173 Voice husky or weak, Chin. Lye — indistinct (voilee) Chenop. — lost, Cannab. Carb-veg. ----at night, Carb-an. Carb-veg. — low, Ang. Ant. Canth. Cham. Chin. Hep. Igt. Lye Puis. Sec-c. Spong. Staph., Verat. — for singing is higher, after hawking up mucus, Stann. — nasal, Aur. Bell. Bry. Lach. Merc. Phosp. Rumex. Sang. Staph. ----catarrhal, Kali-jod. Phosp-ac. — powerful, Hydroc-ac. — rough, Ant. Bell. Brom. Bry. Caust. Chin. Dig. Dros. Hep. Iod. Mang. Meny. Nux. Phosp. Plb-acet. Puis. Seneg. Spong. Stann. Sulph. ----with nasal sound, Bell. ----from mucus in larynx and trachea, Hyosc ----going off by hawking, Chenop. — shrieking, Cupr. Stram. — soft, Igt. — squeaking, Stram. — swallows constantly when talking, Staph. Voice timid, Agn. Canth. Laur. — tremulous, Aeon. Ars. Canth. Igt.Merc. Phosp. — uncertain and changing continually Arum-trif. ----variable, Ars. Lach. — unsonorous, Agn. Calad. Canth. Chin. Dros. Hep. Spong. — weak, low. Amm-caust. Ang. Ant. Canth. Carb-veg. Caust. Daph. Gels. Hep. Igt. Lach. Lam. Laur. Lye Nux. Op. Par. Phosp. Prun. Puis. Spong. Stann. — wheezing. Bell. — whistling, Aeon. Ars. Brom. Chin. Creos. Hep. Laur. Sabad. Weakness, sensation of, Canth. Caust. — cannot talk, from, Hep. — in chest, inability to speak long, pain, Phosp-ac. — when reading aloud, Cycl. ----talking and breathing, Canth. Wheezing in larynx, and painfulness of a small spot. Hep. 174 24. COUGH. 24. Cough. Asthmatic cough, Asa-f. Cham. Hep. Kali-c. Sabad. Samb. Sulph-ac. Autumnal cough, Verat. Barking cough, Aeon. All-cep. Bell. Brom. Clem. Cocc-c. Dros. Hep. Hipp. Lact. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Rumex. Spong. Stann. Stram. ----evening, Nitr-ac. ----day and night, Spong. Blood coughed up, Aeon. Aloe. Amm-c. Anac. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cact. Calc. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cist. Con. Cop. Creos. Croc. Cupr. Daph. Diad. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Eugen. Euphr. Ferr. Ham. Hep. Hydroc-ac. Hyosc. Iod. Ip. Kali-b. Kali-jod. Lach. Laur. Led Lye Algu-e Mgn-m. Mang. Merc. Merc-cor. Alez. Millef. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Sang. Scill. Sec-c. Selen. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph Sulph-ac. Zinc. — black, Dig. Dros. Elaps. Nitr-ac. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Zinc. — bright-red. Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bell. Dros. Dulc. Hyosc. Ip. Kobalt. Led. Merc. Millef. Nitr. Phosp Rhus. Sabad. Sil. Zinc. — brown. Bry. Carb-veg. Rhus. — chronic, Rhus. Sulph-ac. — clotted, coagulated, Aeon. Arn. Bell. Cham. Chin. Dros. Hyosc. Mgn-m. Nux. Puis. Rhus. ----brown, Bry. — dark, Ant. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin.Croc. Cupr. Mgn-c. Mur-ac. Nux. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Sulph-ac. — foaming, Arn. Dros. Led. Phosp. Sil. — pale, Arn. Bell. Dulc. Hyosc Led. Phosp. Rhus. Sabin. Sec-c. Sil. — pus, mixed with, Chin. — in morning. Ferr. Selen. Sep. ---- evening, Sep. — at night, Arn. Ars. Ferr. Rhus. — from least exertion, Ip. — from violent exertion of lungs, Urt-ur. — after hemorrhage from lungs, Plb. — sea-bathing, brought on by, Mgn-m. — with spasms, Hyosc. ----suppressed menstruation, Puis. Chronic cough, Bell. Dros. Igt. Iod. Lye Ntr-m. Phosp. Sep. Spong. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Clear ringing, Aeon. All-cep. Ars. Dros. Stram. Concussive, shaking cough, Anac. Ant. Ars. Bell. Caust. Chin. Hyosc. Igt. Ip. Lach. Lye Merc. Nitr-ac. Oleand. Puis. Rhus. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Cough in general, Alum. Amm-c. Ars. Bell. Caps. Cham. Con. Cor-r. Graph. Kali-c. Led. Lye Nux. Petr. Phosp. Sep. Sil. Sulph. — commencing with dyspncea, Bry. Led. -------gasping for breath, Cor-r. — — stomach-ache, Bell. ----whining, Arn. Bell. Cough excited and aggravated by agita- tion, mental, Cist, — an acrid fluid, sensation of, through posterior nares, Kali-b. — ascending steps, Bar-c. Iod. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Nitr. Scill. Seneg. Sep. Spong. Stann. Staph. Zinc. — after bathing, Ant. Calc. Nitr-ac. Rhus. — in bed, and after going to bed, (compare Sect. 34.) — breath, want of, Euph. Guaj. Hep. — chest, burning in, Euph. Phos. ----congestion to, Bell. ----constriction of, Mosch. Samb. Stram. ----creeping in, Creos. Rhus. Scill. ----dryness in, Lach. Merc. Puis. ----irritation in general, Bell.Dros. Euph. Merc. Petr. Phosp. Spong. Stann. Sulph-ac. ----itching in, Cocc-c. Con. Phosp. Puis. ----mucurs accummulated, Ars. Euphr, Stann. ----oppression of, Cocc. ----roughness and scraping in, Creos. Grat. Nitr. Phosp-ac. Puis. ----spasm in, Samb. ----tickling in, Bov.. Cham. Con. Euph. Igt. Iod. Lach. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Scill. Sep. Stann. Sulph. Verat. Verb. Zinc. — close thinking, A'ux. — coal gas, Arn. — coffee, Caps. Caust. Cham. Igt. Sulph-ac. — coldness, Arn. Ars. Carb-veg. Caust 24. COUGH. 175 Hep. Kali-c. Mosch. Mur-ac. Nux. Rhus. Sabad. Spong. Cough excited by cold air, All-cep. Ars. Aur. Bar-c. Bry. Carb-an. Caust. Cham. Cin i. Cist. Cupr. Hep. Hyosc. Ip.Kali-c. Mez. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Rumex. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stram. Sulph. ----drinks, Amm-m. Calc. Carb-veg.Disx. Hep. Kali-c. Lye Rhus. Scill. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Verat. ----food, (compare Sec. 34.) ----room, Carb-veg. ----a part becoming, Hep. Sil. ----the feet getting, Bar-c. — taking cold, Bry. Cham. Dros. Hep. Hyosc. Ip. Lob. Ntr-c. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Rhus.Sep. Sil. ----in water, Nux-m. — drinking, Aeon. Ars. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Dig. Dros. Ferr. Hep Hipp-m. Hyosc. Lach. Laur. Lye Meph. Ntr-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. ■ Psor. Rhus. -----rapidly, Sil. — dry, cold air, Aeon. Cham. Samb. — after eating and drinking, Bry. — expiration, Carb-veg. Caust. Creos. Nux. Phosp-ac. Staph. — fasting, Kali-e Murex. Staph. — a hair, sensation of on tonirue, Sil. — becoming heated, Ant. Dig. Iod. Kali-c. Sil. — after becoming heated, Aeon. Bry. Kali-c Mgn-c. Rhus. Zinc. — inhaling, Con. Kali-b. Meny. Meph. Merc-jod. Verb. — keeping back the breath, Nitr. — larynx, irritation, in general,Aeon.Asar. Calad. Cocc Coloc. Dros. Hep. Kali-jod Alerc. Mez. Par. —---pain, Aeon. Ang. Bry. Calad. Euph. Hep. Spong. ----burning, Aeon. Mgn-s. Seneg. ----crawling, Carb-veg. Caust. Creos. Iod. Led. Rhus. Stront. Tart. ----dryness, Carb-an. Con. Dros. Laur. ----itching, Con. ----mucus, Caust. Croton. Dulc. Euphr. Kali-b. :----pressure, Lach. ----roughness, Bar-e Carb-an. Creos. Dig. Sabad. ----spasm, Cupr. ----tickling, Aeon. All-cep. Alum.Ambr. Amm-c. Amm-m. Aug. Bare. Bell. Brom. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cham. Cinnab. Cocc'-c Colch. Coloc. Con. Croton. Dros. Gum-gut. Hep. Iod. Ip. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kalm. Lac-can. Lach. Lact. Laur. Lob. Led. Mgn-c. Mgn-m Merc. Mez. Nt'-m. Nux. Oleand. Phosp-ac. Prun. Rhus. Scill. Seneg. Sep. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Tart. Teucr. Zinc, (conpare Throat and throat pit.) Cough excited by larynx, tickling as from sugar, Bad. -------unsupporiable, Kali-b. -------low in larynx, Ang. -------to the lung, Sticta. — laughing, Arg. Ars. Bry. Chin. Cupr. Dros. Kali-c. Lach. Mang. Mur-ac. Nitr-ac Phosp. Stann. Zinc. — lying down, All-cep. Apis. Ars. Bell. Cinnab.Con.Creos. Croton. Dros. Ferr. Hep. Hvosc Lact. Lith. Mgn-c. Meph. Merc. Alez. Nicc.Nitr-ac Nux.Par.Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rumex. Sabad. Sang. Stann. Sulph. ----on back, Amm-m. Iod. Nux. Phosp. Sil. -------ameliorated, Aeon. ----with head low, Amm-m. Chin. Puis. Samb. Spong. ----on side, Bar-c. Carb-an. Creos. Kali-e Lye Merc. Phosp. Puis. Seneg. Sep. Stann. Sulph. -------left side, Bar-c. Eupat. Ip. Kali-c. Lye Mere Par. Phosp. Rumex. Seneg. Sep. -------right side, Amm-m. Carb-an.Cina. Stann. — manual labor. Led. Ntr-m. — alter measles. Ant. Bry. Con. Dros. Hyosc. Igt. "Nux. — meditation, Arn. Cist. Igt. ATux. — motion, Arn. Bar-c. Bell. Brom. Bry. Carb-veg. Creos. Dulc. Eupat. Ferr. Iod. Ip. Kali-c- Laur. Led. Lye Merc. Mez. Mosch. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp. Scill. Sil. Spong.Staph.Sulph-ac Verat. — after motion, Ars. Zinc. ----of arms, Ars. Calc. Ferr. Kali-c. Led. Ntr-m. Nux. -------right arm, Lye ----bending body forwards, Dig. ---------backwards, Cupr. — nitric acid, Alez. — noon, (compare, Sect. 34.) — oesophagus, tickling in, Arn. — odors, strong, Phosp. — old age, (compare Sect. 34.) — ' pen air, Alum. Ars. Bar-c. Calc. Carb-veg. Cham.Cina.Dig.Lach.Mosch. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux. Phosp. Seneg. Sil. . Spig. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. -------going out into, Bry. Ip. Rumex. Scill. — overheating, Nux-m. Thuj. — playing, piano, Ambr. tale Cham. Creos. Phosp-ac. — reading.Cina. Mangf. Meph.Nux.Phosp. ----aloud, Ambr. Mang. Meph. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Stann. Verb. 176 24. COUGH. Cough excited by respiration, Cina. Merc. Op. Scill. Sulph. ----deep, Aeon. Amm-c. Arn. Bell. Brom. Bry. Carb-an. Chin. Cina. Con. Cupr. Dulc. Euphr. Graph. Kali-c. Lvc Mgn-m. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Scill. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Stram. — in room, Arg. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Ntr-m. — scrobiculus, pressing on it, Calad. Kali-b. ----tickling in, Igt. Lach. Ntr-m. Phosp-ac. — shrieking and weeping in children, Arn. Cham. Tart. — singing, Dros. Phosp. Spong. Stann. — sitting, Alum. Euphr. Ferr. Guaj. Kali-c. Mgn-m. Ntr-c. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sabad. Sep. Zinc. ----ameliorated, Puis. Sang, ----bent. Stann. ----erect, Kali-c. Ntr-m. Spong. ----long in same position, Cocc-c. Phosp-ac. — before sleep, Merc. — in sleep, (compare Sect. 34.) — smoke, Euphr. — sneezing, Seneg. — in spring, Ambr. Verat. — standing, erect, Aeon. Stann. (compare Sect. 34.) — stimulants, Arn. Ferr. Igt. Lach. Led. Stann. Stram. Zinc. — stooping, (compare Sect. 34.) — sulphur-vapor, sensation of, in throat, Ars. Bry. Chin. Igt. Ip. Kali-chl. Lach. Par. Puis. — sun. hot, (compare Sect. 34.) — swallowing, Op. — a swallow of water relieves, Caust. — talking, Aeon. Ambr. Anac. Arn. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust.Cham. Chin. Dig. Dulc. Euphr. Hep. Igt. Iod. Lach. Mgn-m. Mang. Meph. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Scill. Sil. Spong. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Verb. — tight clothing, Stann. — trachea, irritation in general,Bry.Ferr-m. Kali-jod. Sulph. ----creeping, Anac. Arn. Carb-veg. Caust. Creos. Rhus. ----feather in, Rumex. — — heat Chelid. ----mucus, Caust. Cina. Cupr. Dulc. Euphr. Hyosc. Scill. ----tickling, Aeon. Amm-m. Arn. Bry. Caust. Cina. Coloc. Euph. Ferr. Gymnoc.Hyosc Lach. Lact. Ntr-m. Nice Nitr-ac. Nux.Phosp. Phosp-ac. Psor. Rhus. Sang. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Teucr. ----pain, Ang. Bry. Euph. Grat. Ip. Cough excited by trachea burning, Aco. — throat,(Iarynx and trachea,) contraction of, Ars. Lach. ----dryness, Carb-an. Lach. Laur.Mang. Petr. Puis. Stann. ----feather dust, sensation of, Amm-m. Bell. Brom. Calc. Chelid. Cina. Dros. Hep. Igt. Phosp-ac Sulph. ----irritation, Aeon. Ambr. Ant. Ars. Asa-f. Asar. Bar-c. Bell. Brom. Bry. Calad. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chenop. Chin. Cocc. Coloc. Con. Croc. Dros. Ferr. Hep. Hydroc-ac. Hyosc. Kali-c. Kali-jod.Laur.Mgn-e Mgn-m. Alerc. Mez. Ntr-m. Nice Nitr-ac. Par. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Stront. Tart. Teucr. Verat. Verb. Zinc. -------at bifurcation, Kali-b. -------as from gmoke, Cocc. -------itching, Con. Nux. Puis. ----pain, Aeon. Ang. Arg. Bry. Calad. Euph.Grat. Hep. Sass. Spong.Stann! ----pressure, Rumex. ----roughness, Bar-c. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Creos. Con. Dig. Graph. Kali-jod. Laur. Mang. Ol-an. Puis. Rhod. Sabad. Sass. Stront. ----scraping, Kalm. ----scratching, Creos. Dig. Petr. Puis. ----smothering, Lact. ----stinging. Arg-n. ----stitches, Cist. ----sulphur-vapor, sensation of, Ars. Brom. Bry. Carb-veg. Chfn. Igt. Ip. Kali-chl. Lye Mosch. Par. Puis. ----tearing, Cist. ----tickling, Cinnab. Coloc. Stann. — throat-pit, burning, Ars. ----constringing, sensation, Igt. ----tickling. Bell. Cham. Cinnab. Coloc. Lac-can. Rhus-rad. Rumex. Sang. Sil. — thyroid body, cutting, Arg-met. — tobacco smoking, Aeon. Brom. Bry. Carb-an. Cham. Cocc-c. Coloc. Dros. Euphr. Ferr. Hep.Igt. Iod. Lach.Mang. Nux. Petr. Spong. Staph. Sulph-ac. — tongue, sensation of a hair on, Sil. — ulcers in throat, Lach. — violin playing, Kali-c — walking, Dig. Ferr. Iod. Lach. Ntr-m. Rumex. ----in open air, Aeon. Ars. Carb-veg. Cina. Dig. Ferr. Ip. Lvc Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Seneg. Spig.Staph. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. ------rapidly, Merc. Ntr-m. Scill.Seneg. Sil. Stann. ----after walking rapidly in the open air, Sep. — warm air, (compare Sect. 34.) 24- COUGH. 177 Cough excited by warmth, entrance into, All-cep. Bry. Cocc-c. Ntr-c.Verat.Verb. — warm room, Ambr. Arn. Bry. Dig. Ip. Laur. Lye Mez. Puis. Seneg. Verat. -------going into, from open air. Aeon. — becoming warm in bed, Dros. Nux-m. Puis. Tart, (compare Sect. 34.) — warm food and drinks, Kali-c. Mez. Stann. — — drinks, Ambr. Laur. Mez. Stann. Tart. — water and washing, (compare Sect. 34-) — weather, change of, Lach. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Sil. Verat. Verb. — weeping, in children, Arn. Bell. Cham. Dros. Ferr. Hep. Lye Phosp. Verat. — wind, (compare, Sect. 34.) — winter, Aeon. Cham, (compare Sect. 34) — yawning, Arn. Cina. Mur-ac Nux. Staph. Cough attended by, abdomen, pain in,Ars. Bell. Coloc. Con Ip. Lye Phosp. Scill. Stann. Sulph. ----soreness in, Croton. Hyosc. Nux. ----shaking of, Creos. ----shooting pain, Bell. Chin. Lach. Sep. Staph. — abdominal region, pain in, Verat. — anxiety, Aeon. Cina Coff. Hep. Iod.Rhus. ----nocturnal, Aeon. — aphonia, Phosp. — appetite loss of, Pod. — arm pain in, Dig. — back stinging in, Bry. Merc. Nitr-ac. Sep. — bladder pain in, Caps. ----pressure on, Scill. — blood, congestion of, Arn. — breath obstructed (asthma,) Aeon. Alum. Amm-m. Anac. Arn. Ars. Bell. Calad. Calc. Caust. Cina. Con. Creos. Cupr. Dolich. Euphr. Ferr. Ip. Lach. Led. Lye Merc. Mur-ac. Ntr-s. Nice Nitr-ac. Arux-m. Op. Phell. Puis. Scill. Sep. Spig. Tart. Verat. Zinc. — breath offensive, Ambr. Arn. Caps. Dros. Graph. Mgn-s. Mez. Plb. Sep. Stann. ----panting, Mur-ac. Sulph-ac. — catarrh, Bell. Puis. — cervical glands, pain in, Ntr-m. — chest, as if beaten, sensation, Arn. Ferr. Verat. Zinc. _______blood, congestion of, Bell. Sabin. -------burning, Ambr. Carb-veg. Caust. Iod. Mgn-m. Spong. Zinc. ___,------from larynx to pit of stom- ach, Mgn-s. ---------in sternum, Clem. _______as if bursting.pain.Bry Merc.Zinc Cough with, chest with coldness in, Zinc. -------contraction, constriction, Ars. Lach. Sulph. -------cutting, Nitr. -------dryness, Kali-chl. -------heaviness, Amm-c. Calad. -------hoarseness, Phosp. -------mucus accumulated,'^Ars.' Bar-c. Cham. Nir-m. -------muscles of, pain in, Hyosc. ------oppression of, Amm-c. Asar. Cocc. Con. Graph. Grat. Iod. Lach. Lact. -Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nice Rhod. Rhus. Seneg. Stann. Verat. ----pain in general, Ambr. Ars. Bell. Brom. Calc. Carb-veg. Chin. Creos. Dros. Iod. Kali-b. Ntr-m. Nitr. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sang. Sulph. Verat. Zinc. ----pressure, Borax. Chin. Cor-r. Iod. Sil. Sulph. ----qualmish. Rhus. ----rasping, smarting. Dig. Lye Phosp. ----rattling, Amm-m. Ang. Arg. Bell. Calc. Caust. Chom. Hep. Ip. Lye Nitr-c Ntr-m. Nux. Sep. Tart. ----rawness, soreness, Ars. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Ferr. Lach. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Meph. Merc. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nux-m.Nux.Phosp. Psor. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Sulph. Zinc. -------after the cough, Stann. Zinc. ----scraping, Creos. Ruta. ----snoring, Ntr-m. Nux. Sep. " Tart. ----softness, sensation of, Rhus. ----spasm, Kali-c. ----stinging, stitches,Aeon. Amm-m. Arn. Ars. Bell. Borax. Bry. Cannab. Carb-an. Chin. Clem. Con. Dros. Ferr. Iod. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lach. Merc. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Phosp. Psor. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Scill. Seneg. Sep. Sulph. Zinc. -------in sides, Aeon. Bry. Phosp. Puis. Scill. -------under sternum, Petr. ----ulcerative pain, Rat. Staph. ----weakness, Psor. Sep. — chills, Creos. Grat. — constipation, Nux. Pod. Sep. — convulsions, Hyosc. Meph. — coryza, Aeon. Alum. Ambr. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Canth. Carb-an. Caust. Cimex. Con. Dig. Euphr. Graph. Igt. Kali-c. Kali-chl. Lach. Lye Mgn-c. Meph. Merc. Ntr-c. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Rumex. Sana. Sep. Spong. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Thuj. 178 24. COUGH. Cough, diarrhoea, followed by, Sang. — with dysecoia, Chelid. — earache. Caps. — emaciation, Hep. Iod. Lye. — eructation, Ambr. Veiat. — eyes, pain in, Lach. ----sparks from, Kali-c. ----stitches over one eye, Phosp. — face, bloated, Meph. ----blue, Dros. Ip. Op. Verat. (com- pare Hooping cough.) ----flushed, Eupat. ----hot, Amm-c.Bell. Ip. Sulph. ----pale, Cina. ----red, Bell. Con. Ip. Kali-c. • — circumscribed redness of cheeks, Sang. — fetid air exhaled, when coughing, Caps. — fever, evening. Con. Creos. Hep. Iod. Lye Sulph. — fingers, twitching of, Osm. — to be frightened, liability, Aeon. — groins, pain in, Bo ax. — hand's, coldness of, Rumex. ----hot and moist, Tart. — headache, Aeon. Alum. Ang. Anac. Am. Bell. Bry. Cact. Calc. Caps. Carb-veg. Chin. Con. Hep. Ip. Lach. Lye Mang. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Sass. Scill. Sulph. Verat. ----congestion of blood, Anac. Bell. ----as if bursting, sensation, Bry. Cact. Caps. Merc. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Sulph. ----jerks, Ars. Calc. Ip. Lach. Mang. Ntr-m. Rhus. Spig. ----perspiration, Ip. Tart. ----stinging, Bry. — hearing, loss of, Chelid, Seneg. — heart, palpitation of, Arn. Calc. Phosp. — heat, Ars. Creos. Lach. Scill. — hiccough, Tabac. — hoarseness. Ambr. Amm-c. Bry. Calc. Cham.- Dros. Dulc. Lach. Laur. Lye Mang. Alerc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Phosp. Rumex. Seneg. Sil. Spong. Sulph. Thuj. — hyphochondria, pain, in,Ambr.Amm-m. Arn. Ars. Bry. Dros. Hell. Lach. Lye __the more irritation, the longer he coughs, Igt. Teucr. — ischiatic pain, Ars. Bell. Caust. Kali-b. Sulph. — lachrymaiion, Eupat. Sabad. — legs or knees, pain in, Caps. — loathing, Ip. — mouth, bleeding, Dros. Ip. Nux. ----painful. Mgn-s. ----stench of, Caps. ____taste, as after blood, Amm-c. Cough with, mouth coppery, metallic taste, Cocc. -------nauseous, Caps. -------sour, Cocc. ----water in, Lach. — nape of neck, pain in, Alum. Bell. — nausea, Phosp-ac Scill. Sep, ----with retching, Verat. — nose-bleed, Dros. Ind. Ip. Merc. Nux. Puis. — occiput pain in, Ferr. Merc. — perspiration, Ars. Cinnex Rhus.Sabad. — pregnancy, Con. Nux-m. — restlessness, Aeon. Coff. Samb. — sacral region (loins), pain, Amm-c. Merc. Nitr-ac. Sulph. — salivation, Verat. — scrobiculus, pain in, Amm-c. Ars. Bry. Lach. Phosp. Thuj. — shoulders, pain in, Chin. Dig. Puis. -------left, Ferr. ----pain between, Kali-b. — sight, cloudiness of, Sulph. — to sit up, necessity, Ars. Hyosc.Puis. — sleep, Creos. — sleeplessness, Creos. Nitr. — stitches in side, Aeon. Bry. Phosp. Scill. ----in right side, lower part, Kali-c. ----liver, Ntr-m. ----left lung, Rumex. — sneezing, Bell. Bry. Osm. — snoring, Arg. Bell. Caust. Ip. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Puis.Sep. Tart. — starting in sleep, Cina. Hep. — sternum, pain in, Amm-c. Bell. Chin. Mez. Sep. Sil. ----stitches in, has to press it with hands, Bry. — stiffness of body, Cina. Ip. — stomach, coldness in, Lact. -----jerks in, Ip. ----pain, Bell. Ip. Lye Nitr-ac. Phosp. Rhus. Rumex. Sabad -------before an attack, Arn. Bell. Cham. Tart. ----as if turning. Puis. ----weakness of, Lye — sweat at night, Lye — testicles, pain in, Zinc. — thirst, Bry. Cocc-c. Samb. — throat (larynx and trachea), dryness of, Kali-chl. Merc. Osm. ---------and burning, Phosp. ----pain, Caps. Carb-an. Chin. Hep. Lach. Mgn-s. Nux. Phosp. ----rawness, Arg. Carb-veg. Chin. Kobalt. Ntr-m. Rumex. Sep. ----roughness, Creos. Gels. Kali-c Ntr-s. Phosp. Seneg. ----soreness, Ambr. Amm-c Caust. Chin. Kobalt. Lye Mijn-s. Ntr-m.Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Phosp! Rumex. 24. COUGH. 179 Cough, with throat stinging, stitches, Carb-veg. Kali-c. Merc. Nitr-ac Nux. ----tickling, Ambr. Anac. Borax. Creos. Rat. Spong. — trachea, coldness in. Brom. Sulph. — tremor, Phosp. — unconsciousness, Cina. — urination, involuntary, Ant. Bell. Bry. Caust. Colch. Creos. Ip. Ntr-m. Phosp-ac. Puis. Scill. Sep. Spong. Staph. Verat. — vertigo, Calc. — vomit, inclination to, Ars. Bell. Caps. Cimex. Cina. Dros. Hep. Ip. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lach. Mere Nux. Petr. Phosp-ac. Puis. — vomiting, Anac. Arn. Bry. Calc. Caps. Carb-veg. Daph. Dig. Dros. Ferr. Ind. Ip. Kali-c Lach. Millef. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Tart. Verat. ----bilious, Chin. ----bitter, Arn. Calc. Caps. Carb-veg. Daph. Hep. Lach. Ntr-m. Sep. Sil. Sulph. ----of ingesta, Anac. Bry. Dig Dros. Eugen. Ferr. Ip. Lach. Meph. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sil. Stann. Tart. Verat. — .— mucus, Dros. Sil. -------morning, Kali-c. Sulph. -------evening, Ind. Mez. Rhus. ----at night, Ip. Alez. ----after drinking, Bry. -------eating, Anac. Bry. Dig. Tart. — vomiturition (retching), Bell. Carb-veg. Chin. Creos. Dros.Hep. Ip.Kali-c. Merc. Mez. Ntr-m. Nux. Puis. Scill." Sep. Stram. Sulph. — water-brash, Bry. — weakness, Verat. — weeping. Arn. Bell. Cina. Hep. Samb. Tart. Cough ending with anxiousness, obstruc- tion of breath, pale face, and whimper- ing, Cina. — chest, coldness in, Zinc. ----gurgling in, Mur-ac. ----soreness of, Stram. Zinc. — eructation and regurgitation, Sulph-ac. — sneezing, Alum. Bell. Bry. Hep. — somnolency, Tart. — vomiting, Hyosc — weeping, Hell. — yawning and sleepiness, Anac. Cough relieved after breakfast, Kali-c. — drinking. Spong. ----Cold water, Caust. Cupr. — eating, Ferr. — Hams, discharge of. Sang. — deep inspiration, Verb. Cough relieved, lying, down, Mang. — change of position, Cocc-c. Igt. ---------from left to right side, Thuj. — putting the hand against the chest, Creos. Croc. Dros. — rising, Led. Puis. Sulph. — sitting up, Hyosc. Ntr-m. Nice Puis. Sang. — suppressing, cough, Igt. — a swallow of water, Cupr. — getting warm in bed, Ctiam. — inhaling warm air, Rumex. To cough, irritation, felt, in abdomen, Ambr. Verat. ----bronchia, with soreness and heat, Euphat, ----chest, Ars. Bov. Cham. Dros. Euph. Grat. Merc. Nitr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Spong. Stann. Verat. ----larynx, Ang. Asar. Calad. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Coloc. Dros. Hep. Ip. Laur. Lith. Meny. • Merc. Oleand. Phosp-ac Rhus. Scill. Seneg. Sep. Stann. Sulph. ----scrobiculus, pit of stomach, Bar-c. Bry. Cham. Guaj. Hep. Lach. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Phosp-ac. .----stomach, Bell. Bov. Puis. Sep. .----the throat, Ambr. Amm-c. Anac. Bov. Bry. Calc. i Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Chenop. Con. Graph. Kali-c Laur. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Mang. Mez. Ntr-m. Nux. Ol-an. Petr. Puis. Rhod. Sabad. Sass. Stront. Tabac. ----throat pit, Bell.. Cham. Croc. Igt. Iod. Lac-can. Phosp-ac. Rhus-rad. Rumex. .----thyroid body, Mgn-c. ----tongue, Sil. ----trachea, Arg. Arn.) Bry. Euph. Ferr. Grat. Ip. Kali-jod. Rhus. Seneg.Sep. Stront. Croup* cough, Brom. - Crowing cough, Ars. ------with inspirations, Cor-r. Day and night cough, Bell. Bism. Cupr. Dulc. Euph. Igt. Lye Ntr-m._Nitr-ac Spong. Stann. Sulph. Every other day, cough, Anac. Lye — third day, cough, Anac. Deep cough, Ambr. Aug. Ant. Ars. Dig. Hep. Lach. Petr. Samb. Sil. Spong. Stann. Verat. Verb. Diurnal cough, Amm-c. Arg. Brom. Calc. Chinin. Cic. Euphr. Ferr. Hep. Lach. Laur. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Stann. Staph. ----forenoon, Rhus. Sabad. Sep, Staph. Sulph-ac. ----afternoon, All-cep. Bad. Chin. Mosch. Mur-ac. Nux. Staph. Sulph Thuj. Zinc. i8o 24- COUGH. Dry cough, Aeon. Alum. Amm-c. Amm-m. Ang. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Berb. Bov.Brom. Bry. Calc. Cannab. Carb-an. Caust. Cham. Chenop. Chin. Cina. Cinnab. Cocc. Coff.Coloc. Con. Cop. Creos. Croc. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Euph. Ferr-m. Fluor-ac. Gels. Grat. Guaj. Hep. Hyosc. Hyper. Igt. Iod. Ip. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lachn. Lact. Laur. Lye Algn-m. A/gn-s. Along. Alerc. Alez. Murex. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Ol-an. Op. Petr. Phell. Phosp. Plat. Plb. Pod. Psor. Puis. Rat. Rhod. Rhus. Rhus-rad. Sabad. Sacch. Sabin. Samb. Scill. Seneg, Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac Tabac Teucr. Verat. Verb. Zinc. Zing. ----which ends in raising black blood, Elaps. ----causes vomiting, Cocc-c. — in morning, Alum. Amm-m. Ant. Chin. Grat. Gymnoc. Lye Mgn-s. Ntr-s. Rhod. Scill. Stann. Sulph-ac ----aggravated, Stann. — in evening, Ars. Bar-c. Calc. Caps. Ferr. Hep. Kali-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Ntr-c Nux. Petr. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sep. Stann. Sulph. Tabac. — at night, Aeon. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caps. Carb-veg. Chain. Chin. Grat. Kali-c. Mgn-c Algn-n:. Mgn-s. Alerc. Alez. Nux. Ol-an. Petr. Rhod. Rhus. Sabad. Scill. Sulph. Verat. Verb. Zinc. ----3 A. M., Amm-c. Kali-c. ----aggravated, Cham. Op. Stront. — after a cold, Nux-m. — from cold air, Ars. Phosp. — after drinking, Ars, Phosp. — from violent exercise, Ox-ac. — after gonorrhoea suppressed, Benz-ac. Selen. — when lying down, Cinnab. Hyosc. Lye Nitr-ac. Puis. Sabad. Sang. Sulph. — after measles Cham. Hyosc. Igt. — Irom reading aloud, Phosp. — when smoking tobacco, Hell. — from talking, Mang. — with expectoration, in morning, Euph. Kali-c. Nux. Pliosp-ac — in forenoon, Alum. -------afternoon, Amm-m. Evening cough, All-cep. Ambr. Amm-m. Anac. Ant. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bad. Bar-c. Bell. Bism. Bry. Calc. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cina. Croton. Dros. Eugen, Eupat Euphr. Ferr. Fluor-ac. Graph. Hep. Igt. Ind. Iod. Lach. Laur. Led. Lith. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Mez. Mosch. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. - Rumex.Sang.Seneg Sep.Sil.Spong Stann Staph. Sticta. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Verat. Verb. Zinc. Evening cough from 4 to 6 o'clock, Lye — about bed-time and for a while in bed, Dolich. — in bed, Agn. Amm-c. Anac. Ars. Bell. Calc. Caps. Carb-veg. Creos. Dros. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Ind. Mgn-c. Merc. Ntr-m. Nice Nux-m. Nux. Par. Petr. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Staph. Verb. In the evening, increased, Caps. Spong. ----after lying down, Euphr. Lach. Nitr-ac. Staph. Thuj. ----to midnight, Hep. Exhausting cough, Chelid. Expectoration, Ambr. Amm-c. Ang. Arg. Ars. Asar. Bell. Bism. Borax. Bry. Calc. Cannab. Carb-an. Caib-veg Caust. Chin. Cic. Cocc-c. Con. Creos. Cupr. Dros. Euphr. Ferr. Iod. Kali-c. Led. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m- Mgn-s. Merc. Ntr-c. Nir-in. Nti-s. Op. Par. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhod. Ruta. Sabad. Safain. Scill. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Thuj. Verat. Zinc. day and night with, Dulc. -------without, Aeon. Ars. Bell. Brom. Creos. Laur. Mosch. Stram. Verb. — with, night without. Aeon. Anac. Ars. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Caust. Cham. Chin. Con. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Mgn c. Mgn-m. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Sabad. Samb. Sil. Stront. Sulph. Verat. Zinc. night with, day without, Caust. Hep. Rhod. Sep. Staph. in evening. Arn. Bar-c. Bov. Chin.Cina. Croton. Dig. Igt. Iod. Nux. Ruta. — loose, and at night, in morning generally swallowed, Caust. morning, Aeon. Alum.Ambr.Ang. Ant Bar-c. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Cupr. Dros. Euph. Euphr. Ferr. Hep. Ip. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m.Mez.Mur-ac Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Par. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Scill. Seneg. Sep. Spong. Stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Zinc. Zing. acrid, Anac. Caust. Merc. Nitr-ac.Rhus. Sil. albuminous, Ars. Asa-f. Bar-c. Chin. Cocc-c. Ferr. Laur. Seneg. Stann. bitter, Ars. Cham. Cist. Dros. Lye Merc Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux. Puis. Sep. Verat. bloody, (compare Blood coughed up ) black. Chin. Kali-b. Lye Rhus. with blackish grains, Chin. blood-streaked, Arn. Borax. Bry. Chin. Ferr. Ip. Laur. Phosp. Sabin. Sep.Zinc with bloody points, Laur. 24- COUGH. 181 Expectoration, brownish, Carb-veg. — cannot be raised, mu>t be swallowed, Arn. Cannab. Caust. Con. Dros. Kali-c. Lach. Mur-ac. Osm. Sep. Spong. — old catarrh, tasting like, Igt. Mez. Puis. Sulph. — old cheese, tasting like, Thuj. — cold, Bry. Nux. Phosp. Rhus. Sulph. — cold mucus, tasting flat. Bry. — in consumptives, it worse they expector- ate less, Sep. — from deep in lungs, Chelid. — difficult, Ars. Bar-c Bry. Caust. Chin. Cina. Cocc-c. Con Cor-r. Cupr. Dig. Euph. Igt. Kali-c. Lach. Mgn-m. Osm. Par.-Scill. Sep. Stann. Sulpn. Zinc. — dust, as if mixed with, Phosp. — easy, Arg. Creos. Dulc Euph. Ruta. Verat. — fetid, Ars. Calc. Carb-veg. Cocc. Cop. Guaj. Led. Lye Ntr-c.Nitrac Phosp-ac Puis. Sacch. Sang. Sil. Stann. Sulph. — flat-tastmg, Anac Ant. Bry. Calc. Chi.i. Euphr. Igt. Kali-c. Lye Ntr-m. Par. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Tart. — flying forcibly out of mouth, Bad. Chelid. — frequent, Agar. Asar. Chenop. Cina. Daph. Euph. Euphr. Hep. Iod. Lact. Laur. Lye Puts. Ruta. Samb. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph Verat. — frothy, Ars. Daph. Ferr. Kobalt. Lach. Nux. Op. Phosp. Puis. Sil. — gelatinous, Arg. Arn. Bar-c. Dig. Ferr. Laur. — gray, Ambr. Anac. Ars. Calc Carb-an. Chin. Cop. Dros. Lye Nux. Rhus. Sep. Thuj. — greasy tasting, Alum. Caust. Mgn-m. Mur-ac Puis. Sil. — greenish, Ars. Calc. Cannab. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cop. Creos. Dros. Ferr. Hyosc. Kali-b. Kali-jod. Led Lye Mgn-c. Mang. Ntr-c. Par. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. — herby-tasting. Calad. Nux. Phosp-ac — indurated, Bry. Con. Iod. Kali-c. Ntr-c. Pnosp. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stront. Sulph. Thuj. — infrequent, Aeon. Alum. Arn. Bell. Igt. — in lumps, Agar. Arn. Ars. Hep. Mang. Thuj. — metallic-tasting, Nux. Rhus. Zinc. — milky, Ars. Puis. Sep. Sil. Sulph. — by mouthfuls at a time, light-rust color, Lye — mucus, Aeon. Ambr. Anac. Ang. Ant. Arg. Arn. Ars. Asar. Bar-c. Bell. Bism. Bry. Cact. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust.Cham. Chenop. Chin. Cina. Cocc-c. Con. Cop. Creos. Cupr. Dig. Dulc. Eugen.- Ferr. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Iod. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kobalt. Lach. Laur. Lyc.Mgn-c.Mgn-m. Mang. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-m.Nice Nux. Op. Par. Phell. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad Sabin. Samb. Scill. Selen. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Thuj. Verat. Zinc. Expectoration mucus, bluish lumps of Kali-b. ----with blood mixed, Aeon. Alum. Anac. Ant. Arn. Ars. Borax. Bty. Cact. Calc Chin. Cina. Con. Cupr. Dig. Dulc. Eugen. Euphr. Ferr.Hep. Iod. Ip. Kah-b. Kali-c. Kobalt. Lachn.Lye Mgn-m. Merc. Ntr-m.Op. Phosp. Sabin. Scill. Sulph-ac. Zinc. ----in globules, with blood, Selen. ----profuse ropy, adhering to larynx, Cocc-c. Kali-b. Lob. Sticta. ----thick, Calc. Dulc. Phosp. Puis. Scill. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Tart. Thuj. ----tough, Cist. Iod. Seneg. Stann. Zinc. — muddy, like pus, flies like batter, Phosp. — nauseous, Dros. — offensive, smelling, Ars. Calc.Carb-veg. Con. Cop. Cupr. Guaj. Hep. Igt. Led. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Merc Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Pnosp-ac Sang. Scill. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. — onions, tasting like, Asa-f. — pellucid, Ars. Ferr. Laur. Seneg. Sil. — profuse, Agar. Dulc. Euphr. Iod. Laur. Lye Puis. Seneg. Sep. Stann. Sulph. — purulent, Anac Ars. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Chin. Con. Cop. Cor-r.Creos. Dros. Dulc. Ferr. Giaph. Guaj. Hep. Kali-c. Led. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Phosp. Phosp-ac Plb. Rhus. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. — putrid, Arn. Ars. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cham. Con. Cop. Creos. Cupr. Ferr. Guaj. Iod. Ip. Lye Merc. Ntr-c. Nux. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph.Verat.Zinc — reddish, Bry. Cocc-c. Phosp. Scill. — rust-colored, Phosp. Scill. — salty, Ambr. Ars. Bar-c. Carb-veg. Chin. Dros. Hyosc. Lach. Lye. Mgn-c. Merc. Mez. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Phosp Puis. Rhus. Samb. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Therid. Verat. — scanty, Aeon. Ars. Cham. Cupr. Dig. Samb. Sang. Spong. ----tenacious,round lump,cherry-colored, #Acon. — soft, fetid tubercles, color of peas, Mgn-c. — sour, Ambr. Bell. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Chin. Cocc-c. Croton. Ferr. Hep. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Mgn-m. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Spong. Stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Verat. 182 24. Expectoration like boiled starch, Arg. Dig. — stringy, Asa-f. Cocc-c. Kali-b. — suppressed expectoration restored, Sacch. — sweetish, Anac. Calc. Chin. Dig. Ferr. Hep. Ip. Kali-b. Kali-c Lye Nux. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Sabad. Samb. Scill. Sep. Stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Zinc. — tasteless, Cina. Dulc. — thick, Arg. Calc. Creos. Kali-b. Kobalt. Op. Phosp. Ruta. Stann. Sulph. — like tobacco-juice, Puis. — tough, viscid, Ant. Arg. Ars Bad.Bar-c. Bov. Cannab. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cist. Cocc-c. Iod. Kali-b.Kali-c.Kobalt. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Mez. Par. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Ruta. Sabad. Saifib. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stann. Staph. Tart. Verat. Zinc. — tough, hard to separate, round lumps, brick shade, Bry. — watery, Arg. Carb-veg. Cham. Euphr. Graph. Lach. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Mur-ac. Stann. Sulph-ac. — white, Ambr. Amm-m. Arg. Carb-veg. Cina. Cocc-c. Creos. Croton. Kali-b. Kobalt. Lye Nice Phosp. Phosp-ac. Scill. Sep. Sulph. — yellow, Aeon. Ambr. Amm-m. Anac. Ang. Ars. Bad. Bar-c. Bry. ' Calc Carb-veg. Cocc-c. Con. Cor-r. Creos. Dig. Dros. Eugen. Iod. Kali-b. Kali-c Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Mang. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Ruta. Sabad. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Vera'. Zinc. — lemon-yellow, Kali-c. Lye Phosp.Puis. — easier when turning from hit to right side, Kali-c. Lye Phosp. Sep. Thuj. Fatiguing cough, Rumex. Sang. First cough the most violent, Ant. Frequent cough. Lob. Sang. Gasping for breath, cough commencing with, Cor-r. Hectic cough, Borax. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Sil. Stann. — from suppressed intermittent fever, Eupat. Hoarse cough, Aeon. Agar. Agn. All-cep. Ars. Asa-f. Berb. Bov. Brom. Cannab. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chenop. Chin. Creos. Eupat. Graph. Hep. Hydroc-ac Kali-c. Lact. Laur. Lye Merc. Mur-ac. Nti-c. Ntj-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Puis. Rhod. Rumex. Samb. Seneg. Verat. Verb. — from a cold, Ntr-c. — after measels, Igt. Nux. Hollow cough, Aeon. Bell. Brom. Carb-veg. Caust. Chelid. Cina. Creos. Dig. Euph. Igt. Ip. Lact. Led. Mgn-c. Merc. Merc-cor. Op. Phosp. Samb. Sil. COUGH._____________________________ Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Tart. Verat. Verb. Hooping cough, Ambr. Anac. Ant. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bry. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc-c. Con. Cor-r. Cupr. Dros. Dulc. Euphr. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Ind. Ip. Led. Lye Meph. Mez. Mur-ac Ntr-m. Nux. Op. Phell. Pod. Puis. Samb. Seneg. Sep. Spig. Spong. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Tart. Verat. — in chilren, Bry. Samb. Sulph. — with shrieking and hallooing, Samb. — in evening, Carb-an. Ind. Ntr-m. — at night, Bry. Cham. Chin. Sil. — after eating or drinking, Bry. In infants, Am. Bry. Cham. Samb. Sulph. Tart. -------with shrieking and whining, Arn. Cham. Tart. Incessant, Rumex. Infrequent, Aur. Murex. Loose cough, without expectoration, Con. Mgn-s. Pod. After meals, cough, Anac. Bell. Bry. Dulc. Eugen. Puis. Sep. Stann. Tart. — increased, Cham. Op. (compare After meals, cough.) During or after measles, cough, Aeon. Chin. Cina. Coff. Dros. Hyosc Igt. Nux. Moist cough, Arn. Bry. Dulc. Eugen. Puis. Sep. Stann. In the morning, cough, Aeon. Alum. Amm-c. Ant. Arn. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Caust. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Cina. Cocc-c. Creos. Croton. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Etiphr. Grat. Gymnoc. Hep. Iod. Ip. Kali-b. Kali-c. Led. Lye Mgn-c. Algn-s. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr. Nux.Phosp-ac.Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Scill. Selen. Sep. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Thuj. Verat. — chronic, Iod. Lye. — in bed, Amm-c Nitr. Rhus. — at 3 o'clock, Amm-c. Kali-e Nitr. — after rising, Euph. Lach. Nitr-ac. Staph. Thuj. — forenoon, Rhus. Sabad. Sep. Staph. Sulph-ac. — increased, Nux. Stann. At night, cough, Aeon. Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Amm-m. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calad. Calc. Caps. Carb-an Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Cocc-c. Coff. Colch. Con. Cor-r. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Eugen. Graph. Grat. Hyosc. Igt. Ip. Kali-c. Lact. Led. Lye. Algn-c. Algn-m. Meph. Merc. Alez. Nice Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux Ol-an. Par. Petr. Phell. Phosp. Puis! Rhod. Ruta Sabad. Sang. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stann. Staph. Sticta. Sulph. Tart. Verat. Verb. Zinc. ----before midnight, Mez. Rhus. Spong. Stann. 24. COUGH. 'S3 Cough, at 11 P. M., Arn. Bar-c. Carb-veg. Caust. Ferr. Hep Led. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Mosch. Mur-ac. Nitr-ac. Puis. Rumex. Sabad. Sep. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Verat. Zinc. ----midnight, Bell. Dig. Hipp-m. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Samb. ----after midnight, Aeon. Bell. Bry. Cham. Chin. Dig. Dros. Kali-c. Hyosc. Mgn-c. Merc Nux. Samb. Tart. ----to 4 A. M., Nice , ----at 3 A. M., Amm-c. Kali-c. Nitr. -------3—4 A. M., Kali-c. -------2—5 A. M., Rumex. ----in sleep, cough, Arn. Calc. Cham. Hipp. ,Lach. Nitr-ac. Sep. Verb. ----awaking him from sleep, Merc. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Rhod. Sep. Sulph. Nightly exacerbation, Caps. Cham. Op. Ntr-s. Stront. In old people, cough, Caust. Hyosc. Stann. Panting cough, Mur-ac. Sulph-ac. Paroxysms of cough, Ang. Alum. Ambr. Carb-veg. Chelid. Cor-r. Cupr. Lob. — occasional, Bad. — two coughs, Puis. -------in quick succession, Merc. Sulph. — three coughs, Stann. — few, Bell. Calc. Laur. — in rapid succession, Dros. Hep. Ip. Sep. Sulph. Tart. Periodical cough, Ars. Cocc. Cocc-c. Lach. Nux. — painless, barking, shrieking tone, with- out expectoration, Stram. — at same time every day. Lye Sabad. In pregnancy, cough,Calc.Con.Phosp.Sep. Rattling cough, only during day in room, Arg. Rough cough, Bell. Brom. Eupat. (com- pare Hoarse.) Screeching cough, Stram. Short cough, Aeon. Alum. Anac. Arg.Asa-f. Bell. Berb.Caust. Coff.Eupat.Hydroc-ac. Igt. Kali-c. Kali jod.Kobalt.Lach. Lact. Laur. Lob. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Nux. Oleand. Petr. Phosp. Plat. Pod. Puis. Rhus. Rumex. Sabad. Scill. Sticta. Sulph-ac. Teucr. Zing. — in paroxysms, Alum. Asa-f. Bell. Calc. Carb-veg. Dros. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lact. Scill. Tart. When sitting, cough, Alum. Ferr. Guaj. Mgn-m. Ntr-c — long in same position, Phosp-ac. Soundless, Dros. Spasmodic cough, Aeon. All-cep. Ambr. Bad. Bar-c. Bell. Brom. Bry. Cact. Calc. Carb-veg. Chin. Cina. Con. Cor-r. Creos. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Ferr. Kep. Hyosc Igt. Iod. Ip. Kali-c. Lach. Lact. Laur. Led Lob. Algn-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Mez. Mosch. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Osm. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Scill. Sep. Sil. Staph. Stram.Sulph.Zinc. Spasmodic cough in morning, Carb-veg. Creos.Kali c.Puls. Sulph. <----afternoon, Bell. Bry. ----evening, Carb-veg. Ntr-m. — at night, Bell. Bry. Hyosc. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. — day and night, Sulph. — in children, Bry. ----old people, at night, from continuous tickling in throat as if the palate was too long, Hyosc. — after eating and drinking, Bry. — from talking, Dig. — with vomiting, Bry. Carb-veg. Ferr. Ip. Puis. Suffocating (choking) cough, Aeon. Brom. Bry. Carb-an. Cham. Chin. Cocc-c.Con. Cycl. Dros. Hep. Ind. Ip. Lach. Lact. Led. Ntr-m. Op. Petr. Phell. Samb. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Tabac. Tart. — in evening, Carb-an. Ind. Ntr-m. — at night, Bry. Cham. Chin. Sil. — after eating and drinking, Bry. — in children, Bry. Samb. Sulph. ----with shrieking and weeping, Samb. Tickling cough, Ambr. Anac. Ang. Arn. Bell. Bov. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Colch. Con. Dros. Euph. Ferr. Ip. Kali-c Laur. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-reA^*. Oleand. Ol-an. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Rumex. Sabad. Sabin.Sass. Seneg. Sep.Sil.Spong. Stann. Tabac Tart. Teucr. Thuj. — in morning, aggravated, Thuj. -------evening, Merc. Rhus. ----at night, Rhus. ----day and night, Ntr-m. Trumpet-toned cough, Verb. Typical cough, Cocc. Unintermitting cough, Cupr. Vehement, tormenting cough, Alum. Amm-c. Anac. Ang. Ars Arum. Asa-f. Bar-c. Bell. Borax. Brom. Calc.Cannab. Carb-an. Caust. Chelid. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Con. Cor-r. Croc. Cupr. Daph. Dros. Dulc. Hep. Hydroc-ac. Ip. Lach. Lact. Led. Lob. Merc Merc-cor. Alez. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux. Op. Phosp. Rhod. Scill. Selen. Sep. Spig. Stann. Sulph. Verat. Wheezing, (asthmatic,) cough, Asa-f.Bri m. Cham. Creos. Cupr. Hep. Kali-b. Kali-c. Prun. Sabad. Samb. Spong. Sulph-ac. Whistling cough, Aeon. Ars. Brom. Creos. Hep. Laur. Winter cough, Aeon. Cham. The longer he coughs the more irritation there is to cough, Igt. Teucr. 184 25 RESPIRATION. 25. Respiration. lis. Sass. Bell GU~- «taXX"out heart, Ntr-c. Cutting in chest. Aug. Arg. Aur. Bad. Bell'. Calc. Cannab. Dulc. Ind. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr. Ol-an. Petr. Phosp-ac. Psor. Puis. Rat. Ruta. Sabin. Spig. Stann. Sulph. Tabac. Tar. Verat. ----right side, Colch. Lachn. ----left, lung, sudden, Ox-ac. J«^C ----heart, Jac-cor. Kali-c. Kali-jod.Sabin. — when breathing and bending forwards, Arg. Detached, sensation as if viscera were, Bry. Digs-'ing, Aeon. Cannab. Carb-an. Cina. Dulc Lach. Meny. Oleand. Stann. Dilatation, of chest, sensaiion of, Oleand. Distention, sensation of, Ars. Thuj. Distend, as if lungs did not, Asa-f. Crot"n. Drawing, Camph. Con. Evon. Lact. CUaiid. Seneg. — at heart, Bell. Nux-m. Rhus. Dro >sv of chest, Amm-c. Apis. Ars. Bry. t\i'>--eg. Chin. Colch. Dig. Dulc. Fluor-ac Hell. Kali-c. Lact. Lye Merc-sulph. Op. Sang. Scill. Seneg. Spig. Stann. — from onranic diseases, Spig. — wit.i asthma, Psor. Dryness, Ferr. Kali-chl. Merc. Osm. Puis. Zinc. Emptiness, sensation of, Calad. Cocc. Croc. 1 Croton. Graph. Kali-c. Oleand. Plat. Poth. Sep. Stann. Sulph. Zinc. — in heart, Sulph. , — after expectoration, Calad. Stann. As if something were falling forward in the chest, when turning in bed, sensation, Bar-c. Sulph. ----drops were falling from heart. Cannab. Fluttering in region of heart, Kali-jod. Ntr-m. Rhus. Fulness, sensation of. Aeon. Agar. Arg-n. Bar-m. Brom. Calc. Carb-veg. Cist. Croton. Ferr. Lach. Lachn. Lact. Lob. i Lye Nitr-ac. Nux-m Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sacch. Sep. Spong. Sulph. , Sulph-ac. Tereb. Verat. — in heart, Glon. ----morning, Sulph. Gangrene of lungs, Lach. Gnawing, (corroding,) pain in chest, Ran-sc. Ruta. Gurgling, when breathing, Cina. Ind. Mur-ac As of something hard falling down, Bar-c. Heart affections of, in general, Aeon. Aur. Hyosc. Puts. Spig. — as if on right side, sensation, or would be crushed, Boiax. . £> 1 Heart beat, double'one hardjj and fuH.v£ji^tvZ^- the other soft and small, Lachn. Op. c^*^c /^m\\ ----each beat with a bellows sound,>U~~Ji*-aX Spong. fS^-7- | — fluttering, Ntr-m. — increased, Ars. Bar-c. Bar-m. Dig. Dulc. Ferr-m. Alur-ae Sabin. — intermitting, Bry. Chin. Dig. Kali-c. Ntr-m. Op. Ox-ac. Phosp-ac. Samb. Sec-c. Sep. Stram. Sulph. — iiregular. Aeth. Ars. Hydroc-ac. Laur. Ntr-m. Zinc. ----feeble, Hydroc-ac. — lower, seemingly, Cannab. — slow, Laur. — tremulous, Ars. Calc. Camph. Cic. Creos. Ntr-m. Rhus. Sabin. Spig. \ Staph. 1 — twitching, Arn. Daph. II — organic diseases of, Cact. Calc. Caust. Crotal. Lach. Lye Naja. Puis. Spig. Heart, palpitation of, Aeon. Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Ang. Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Aur.' Bar-c. Bar-m. Bell. Berb. Bism. Bov. Brom. Biy. Cact. Calc. Cannab. Canth. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Colch. Coloc Con. Cop. Creos. Crotal. Cupr. Cycl. Daph. Dig. Ferr. Graph. Grat. Hell. Hep. Hydroc ac Hyper. Igt. Iod. Ip. Kali-c. Kali chl. Kalm. Lach. Lye. Algn-m.'A/ere Millef. Mosch. Murex. Mur-ac. Naja. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Oleand. 192 26. CHFST AND HEART. Bry. Petr. Phosp. Plat. Prun. Puis. Rheum. Scill. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Par. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Pod. Psor. Puis. Rhus. Rhus-rad. Sabad. Sang. Sass. Sec-c. Seneg. Sep. Sil Spig. Spong. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac Tabac. Tart. Tellur. Thuj. Verat. Viol-od. Zinc. Heat, palpitation of any kind, Phosp. ---—""anxious, Aeon. Ars. Aspar. Aur. Bar-c. Calc. Cannab. Carb-veg. Caust. Chelid. Chin. Cocc. Croc. Dig. Elaps. Graph. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Merc. Mosch. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. N.'tr-ac. Nux. Oleand. Phosp. Plat. Plb. Psor. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sass. Sec-c. Sep. Spig. Sulph. Tart. Verat. Viol tr. Zinc. ----audible, Bell. Camph.Dig.Spig. Thuj. ----concussive, Seneg. ----felt in face, Mur-ac. -labored, Glon. J~~Otf£?a ----nervous, Cocc. ^ ' ' ----palpable, externally, Cycl. Dulc Mur-ac Plb. ----reverberating in head, Bell. ----spasmodic, Iod. Sec-c. ----vehement, Ang. Aur. Bell Carb-veg. Chin. Colch. Croton Dig. Hep. Iod. Lachn. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr. Oleand. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sec-c. Seneg. Sep. Spig Sulph. Thuj. Verat. Viol-od. ----visible, Spig. Sulph. Tart. Verat. ----in morning, Carb-an. Nux. Phosp Rhus. Spig. Thuj. -------in bed, Igt. Kali-e -------when hungry, Kali-c. ----eveninsr, Ang. Carb-an. Hipp-m. -------in bed, Ang. Lye ----at night, Agar. Arg-n. Ars. Bar-c. Calc. Dulc. Igt. Mur-ac. Ntr-c Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Ox-ac. Puis. Sulph. ----from anger. Phosp. ----when ascending, Bell. Sulph. -------steps, Croton. Ntr-c.Nitr-ac Thuj. ----after drinking, Con. -------evacuation, Caust. Grat. Tart. ----exercising, Bad. Graph. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Par. Staph. -------relieved. Mgn-m. ----from physical exertion, Amm-c Pod. ----by exertion, increased, Iod. ----when expanding chest, Lach. ----from the hymn tune in church, Carb-an. ----when lying down,Nitr.Ox-ac. Viol-od. ---------on the side, Ang. Bar-c Daph. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Puis. Tabac. Viol-tr. --------------left side, Ang.Brom.Cact. Ntr-c Puis. Tabac. tz^lr-ri-tA- ~J,7u~*-f, HeaL palpitation of, when lying on back, */ ----after meals, Bufo. Calc. Camph. Igt. Lvc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Thuj ----after mental affection, Phosp. Puis. ----fiom mental exertion, Igt. Sulph. -------music, Caib-an. Staph. -------pain in chest, Lach. ----when at rest, Mgn-c. Par. Phosp. Rhus. Spig. ----by rising and walking about, re- lieved, Glon. ^pLa-^' •*™-^ Z/ j-^U. : xlc^oe;. ez^T c^ r ~^th sides, going to each other, Gum-gut. — outwards, Asa-f. — through to back, Ambr. Anac. Bov. Caust. Croton. Ferr. Glon. Hep. Lye Merc. Nitr. Pallad. Rhod. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac Zing. — below sternum, extending to back, Kali-b. — middle sternum, extending to back, Kali-jod. — chronic, Phosp. — to bend together, compelling, Sass. ----sit up, compelling, Biy. — only supine position, allowing, Bry. — in evening, Ran-sc. Verb. — at night, Amm-c. Merc-cor. Ran-sc. Sabad. , — when raising arms. Berb. Sulph. Thuj. -------exerting, arms, LeJ. ----ascending steps, Strain. Ruta. ----breathing. Aeon. Amm-c. Ant. Bry. Cannab. Caps. Chin. Colch. Euphr. Hep. Kali-c. Lye Meny. Mur-ac Nice Sabad. Scill. Sep. Spig. Stann. Tabac. Verat. ----deeply, Aeon. Arg. Arn. Berb. Borax. Bruc. Bry. Calc. Caust. Guaj. Mez. Mur-ac.Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Oleand. Pallad. Puis. Rhus. Spong. Sulph. Valer. Zinc. ----inspiring, Arg. Asar. Bar-c. Bry. Canth. Carb an. Clem. Grat. Mez. Ntr-s. Op. Plat. Seneg. Valer. ----expiring, Croton. — from cold diinks, Staph. Thuj. — when coughing, Aeon. Bell. Borax. Bry. Merc. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr. Puis. Sabad. Scill. Seneg. Sep. ----exercising, Bry. Calc. Cannab. Graph. Meny. Mur-ac. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Spig. Spong. Staph. Sulph. -------better, Euph. — from flatulent colic, Igt. — when hiccoughing, Amm-m. — from labor, bodily. Caust. ----mental. Sep. — when laughing, Nice ----lying, Asa-f. Nitr. Psor. ------on side affected, Calc Sabad. ---------sound side, Stann. ----singing, Amm-c. ----sitting crooked, Rhus. ----stooping, Amm-c. ----talking, Cannao. Rhus. ----touched, Phosp. ----walking, Amm-c. Cinnab. Cocc. Hep. Kali-jod. Rhus. ----yawning, Aur. Bell. Borax. Nitr-s. Phell. Suppuration of lungs, Calc. Kali-c. Led. Nitr. Psor. ----acute, Chin. Creos. Dulc. Ferr. Laur. Puis. ----after haemorrhages, Merc. 196 26. CHEST AND HEART. Swelling sensation of, inchest, Merc. Tearing, loose pain, Nux. Tenderness of chest, Ang. Calc. Canth. Croton. Hep. Ntr-c. Petr. Phell.Ran-sc. Seneg. Sulph. ----when inspiring, Calc. -------pressed upon, Ang. Croton. -------touched, Calc. Seneg. Tension of chest, Ars. Bell. Brom. Cocc. Colch. Dig. Euph. Ferr. Hydroc-ac. Lact. Lob. Lye Mgn-m. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr. Nux. Oleand. Op. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sep. Spig. Stann. Sulph. Verb. ----lower part, Puis. ----upper part, Phosp. Rhus. — about heart, Cannab. — sternum, Mur-ac. Sabin. Zinc. — when breathing, Puis. Ntr-c. Seneg. Tar. ----walking, Bry. Throbbing, Asa-f. Bell. Calad. Caps. Chelid. Cinnab. Croton. Hipp-m. Igt. Lact. Mang. Nux. Paeon. Seneg. Sulph. (compare Pulsation.) ----in arteries, Murex. — about heart, Croton. Graph. Lith. — sides, Nux. — sternum, Sil. Sulph. Tickling. Cham. Con. Igt. Iod. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhus Sep. Sulph-ac. Verat. Verb. Zinc. Tingling, (crawling,) Aeon. Ars. Colch. Rhus. Seneg. Spong. Stann. Torn loose, as if something were, Nux. Tremor, Ambr. Carb-an. Kali-c. Lachn. Sabin. Spig. — at heart. Bell. Calc. Camph. Cina. Lith. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Op. Spig, StapTn — at night, Ambr. Turning over in chest, as if something were, Stann. Co-tyf^-tH***^) Ulcerative pain, in chest, Bry. Carb-an. Creos. Mgn-m. Merc. Psor. Puis. Ran-b. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Undulating pains, Dig. Dulc. Spig. Undulation at heart, sense of, Spig. Velvety feeling in chest, Tart. Warmth, sensation of, in chest, Euphr. Hell. Lact. Mang. Ol-an. Rhod. -------about the heart, Croc. Rhod. Weakness. Borax. Brom. Canth. Carb-veg. Cycl. Dig. Hep. Iod. Kali-c. Lact. Lam. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Psor. Rhus. Ruta. Stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac. — impeding cough, Stann. ----speech, Dig. Hep. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sulph. Sulph-ac. — in evening, Ran-sc. — after expectoration. Stann. — when reading aloud, Cocc. ----singing, Carb-veg. Sulph. Weakness after speaking, Calc. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac. . ----a walk in open air, Rhus. — sensation of, about heart, Rhus. Whirling, sensation of, about heart, Tart. In morning, pain in chest, Scill. Sulph. ----in bed, Phell. Phosp. Seneg. — evening, pain, Merc. Nitr. Nux-m. Ran-sc Stann. Sulph. ----in bed, Sep. Verb. At night, Alum. Amm-c. Cact. Creos. Lach. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Merc-cor. Nux. Puis. Ran-sc. Ruta. Sabad. Selen. Seneg. When ascending, Bar-c. Graph. Nux. ----steps, Rat. Ruta. — bending to affected side, pain in chest, Calc. ----forward, Arg. Dig. — breathing, Aeon. Amm-m. Ant. Bry. Cannab. Caps Chin. Colch.Creos. Hep. Kali-c. Lach. Led. Lye Mere. Merc-sulph. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac Ox-ac. Plat. Puis. Rumex. Sabad. Scill. Sep.Spig. Stann. Sulph. Tabac. ----deeply, Agn. Berb. Borax.Bry. Calc. Cast. Caust. Kobalt. Meph. Ntr-m. Nitr. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. — expiring, Colch. Dulc. Oleand. — inspiring, Aeon. Ang. Agar. Bar-c. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Chelid. Clem. Grat. Guaj. Kali-c. Laur. Mez. Op. Plat.Scill. Seneg. Valer. From cold air, pain in chest,Bry.Carb-veg. Petr. Phosp. ----cold drinks, Thuj. When coughing, pain, Aeon. Ars. Bell. Borax. Bry. Chin. Dros. Lye Mgn-m. Meph. Merc. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Sabad.%vftA.. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Sulph. From drinking, pain in chest, Arn. Cupr. Thuj. Verat. By eructation, pain relieved, Bar-c. When exercising, pain, Arn. Ars. Bry. Calc. Cannab. Caps. Colch. Ferr. Graph. Mur-ac. Nux. Rhus. Seneg. Sep. ----relieved, Euph. — gaping, pain, Bell. Borax. — hiccoughing, pain, Amm-m. From labor, bodily, Caust. ----mental, Sep. — laughing, pain, Lye Nice Plb. — lifting wrong, pain, Sulph. When lying, pain, Asa-f. Nitr. ----on side, pain, Plat. Sabad. Seneg. Sulph. Tellur. — on affected side, pain, Borax.Cact.Calc. Lye Sabad. Sulph. -------sound side, pain, Stann. Must lie on back, Bry. During meals, pain, Paeon. After meals, Arn. Chin. Evon. Lach. Lam, Phosp. Thuj. Verat. 26. CHEST AND HEART. 197 When moving in bed, Sulph. In open air, Nux. After pneumonia, pain in chest. Sulph. By pressing upon, increasing pain, Chin. Lact. Seneg. ----pain relieved, (must press chest with hand,) Creos. Dros. Sep. When raising, arms. Ant. Led. Spig. Sulph. — moving arms, Ang. Camph. Led. Spig. — at rest, pain in chest, Euph. Rhus. Seneg. Tabac From riding on horseback, pain in chest, Graph. When rising from seat, pain in heart, Gels. — running, Borax. — singing, Amm-c. ----after, Sulph. — sitting, pain, Staph. ----bent, Dig. Rhus. — sneezing, pain, Dros. Meph. Merc. I Sec-c. Sil. Sulph. I When stooping, pain,Alum.Amm-c.Meny. I Mez. Oleand. — stretching the arms, tearing pain in chest, Berb. From talking, pain in chest, Borax. Cannab. Kali-c. Rhus. Stram. Sulph. When thinking of the pain, Bar-c. When touched, pain, Alum. Amm-m. Arn. Calc Colch. Graph. Meph. Phosp. Puis. Sulph. — throwing back the shoulders, Borax. Rat. — turning around in bed, pain in chest, Sulph. — walking, Amm-c. Bry. Cinnab. Hep. Ferr. Kali-jod. Led. Nux. Rhus. ----fast, Kali-c. ----ameliorated, Staph. From warmth, external, pain ameliorated, Bar-c 198 27. MAMMAE AND NIPPLES. 27 Mammae and Nipples. Abscess on breast, Hep. Phosp. Sil. Aphthae, bleeding, ol nipples, Borax. As if beaten, pain, Ambr. Ang. Arn. Arum-trif. Bry. Calad. Rhod. Sil. (com- pare Sect. 26.) — sides and sternum, Aeon. — at lower end of sternum, Cic. Biting, on the breasts, Led. Blood, extravasation of, on chest, Lach. As from a blow, pain, Ant. Cic. Blueness of skin, near the clavicles, Ars. Lach. Tuuj. Bluish color of ulceration of mammae, Lach. Phosp. Bluish-red maiiimae, Creos. Brown spots, Carb-veg. Lye Phosp. Sep. Thuj. Burning, Bell.Calc. Iod. Led. Mez. Selen. — in pectoral glands, Bell. Iod. Laur. Phosp. ----nipples, Agar. Cic. Graph. Phosp. Sulph. Cancer in breasts, Apis. Arn./ir.r.Asterias. Bell. Bry. Calc. Calc-ox.Carb-an.Cham. Clem. Coloc. Con. Creos. Graph. Hep. Lach. Lye Merc. Nitr-ac Phyt. Phosp. Puis.Sep. Sil. Sulph. Caries, Con. Chilliness. Cic. Par. Ran-b. Spig. Cicatrices, old, from previous suppurations, Graph. Contracting, sensation of, Stram. Verat. — ol left mamma, when child nurse, from right, Borax. Cracks, nipples, Arn. Cast-eq. Caust. Graph. Sep. Sulph. Cramp-pain gradually increasing and de- creasing, Plat. Darting in right mammae, Grat. Deformed nipples, Merc. Drawing, Carb-veg. Stiont. — in mammae, Creos. ----leit nipple, Evon. Tilia. Zinc. Erect, nipples are, Lach. Emaciation, Sacch. Eruption, Grat. Hep. Led. Lye Staph. Tabac. Valer. — burning after scratching, Grat. — like chicken-pox, Led. — hard, Valer. — itching, Kali-c. Staph. Tabac. Eruptions, itching, in warmth, Staph. — mealy, Petr. — miliary, Led. Staph. Tart. — moist, oozing, Lye — painful, Lye. ----to touch, Hep. Phosp-ac. — pimples, Grat. Ta^ac. Valer. — pustulous, Evon. Hep. — red, Staph. — scurly, protuberances, bleeding when scurf is removed, Cieos. — sore, smaiting, when touched, Hep. — stinging, Hep. — vesicular, Graph. — on mammae, Graph. ----nipples,sore,corrosive blisters,Graph. ----yellow, scaly, itching spots, Kali c. Erysipelas, of pectoral giands, Arn. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cham. Graph. Phosp. Sulph. — in lying, in women, Carb-an. Flabbiness, Cham. Iod. Fulness of breast in lying, in women, Bry. Furuncles, Amm-c. Chin. Mgn-c. Phosp. Galactorrhcea, Aeon. Bell. Borax. Bry. Calc. Chin. Con. Creos. Lach. Lye. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Staph. Stann. Tart. Gurgling, Croton. Hardness, Bell. Cham. Clem. Con. Merc. Phosp. Sil. Sulph. (compareInduration.) — nipples, Agar. Sulph. Heat, on breast, Bry. Mang. Raph. Herpes on breast, Ars. Caust. Dulc. Petr. Psor. Staph. Induration, pectoral glands, Bell.Bry.Calc. Carb-an. Cham. Clem. Coloc Con. Giaph. Lac-can. Lye Merc. Nitr-ac Phosp. Phyt. Ruta. Sil. Sulph. (compare Hard- ness). -----after contusion, Con. Inflammation, of pectoral glands, Bell.Bry. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cist. Con. Hep. Merc Phosp. Phyt. Sil. Sulph. ----nipples, Arn. Cham. Phosp. Sil. Sulph. — in lying, in women, Carb-an. Itching, Agar. Alum. Anac. Ang. Ant Arn. Bar-c. Berb. Bov. Calc. Canth. Carb-veg. Con. Hipp. Kali-c. Led. Lye Mez. Ntr-m. Nice Nux-jug. Phell 27. MAMMAE Phosp. Sabad. Scill. Sep. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Itching, pectoral glands, Alum. Con. — nipples, Agar. Hep. Petr. Sulph. Lancinations, Amm-c. Calc. Chin-sulph. Iod. Oleand. Sabin. Miliary eruption, Led. Staph. Tart. Milk, bad, Borax. Carb-an. Cham. Cina. Alerc. Nux. Puis. Stann. — bitter, Rheum. — cheesy or mixed with pus, Cham. — in mammae, Lye Phosp. — disappearing, Agn. Asa-f. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Dulc. Lac-can. Lye Merc. Millef. Phell. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Urt-ur. Zinc. ----after a cold, Dulc. — too thick and tastes badly, Borax. ----thin and tastes saltish, Carb-an. — thin and blue, Lach. -------watery, Puis. — stringy and watery, Kali-b. — wanting, Agn. Asa-f. Urt-ur. — yellow, Rheum. Milk-fever, Aeon. Arn. Bell. Bry. Cham. Coff. Igt. Merc. Op. Rhus. — with delirium, Aeon. Muscles twitching, Asar. Tar. Nodosity, hard, burning, on mammae, Lye Numbness, Graph. Pain, in general, Bell. Chin. Creos. Lact. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Sulph. ----in morning, Calad. — when exercising, Ang. Laur. Ran-b. -------the arms, Ang. Ant. ---------extending and stretching,Ran-b. ----pressed upon, Ant. — compelling one to press thereon, Creos. — by rest, increased, Rhus. — when touched, Ran-b. ----as soon as child nurses, Croton. — in mammae, Murex. Phosp. Rheum. — intolerable pains in lactiferous tubes as soon as child nurses, Phell. — during lactation, Borax. — in nipples, Graph. Sulph. Painfulness of the pectoral glands, Bry. Phosp. Rheum. — nipples, Graph. Lach. Ocim. Sang. Sulph. — of spot on sternum, Ruta. Perspiration, Arg. Arn. Bov. Calc. Hep. Lye Nitr. Plb. Rhus. Selen. Sep. — on chest, Chin. Cocc. Dros. Euphr. Merc. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Tabac. — reddish, Arn. — in morning, Bov. Cocc. Graph. Nitr. — at night, Agar. Bar-c. Calc. Kali-c. Lye Sil. Stann. Sulph. Pores black, Dros. Pressing sensation, Ambr. Carb-veg.Euph. Sulph. AND NIPPLES. I99 Pressing sensation, superiorly on sternum, Ferr. — behind left nipple, Berb. Prickling, Calc. Ran-sc. Red, points, Sabad. — spots, Cocc. Led. Sabad. — streaks on breast, Rhus. ---------radiating from central point, Bell. Sulph. Rending (tearing) in pectoral glands, Amm-c. Amm-m.Carb-veg. Croton. Kali-c. — during catamenia, Calc. Retraction of nipples, Sass. Rheumatic pain, Ambr. Arn. Carb-veg. Nux. Ran-b. Tart. ----in pectoral glands, Bry. Scabs on uipples, Lye Scales on mammae, Petr. Scars hard, after mammary abscess absorb- ed, Graph. Shuddering in mammae, Petr. Smallness, excessive of mammae, Nux-m. Smarting, Led. Soreness, of chest, Hyosc. Lach. Mez. ----nipples, Arn. Calc. Cast-eq. Caust. Cham. Graph Ham. Helianth.H} per. Igt. Lye Merc Phosp. Puis. Sang. Sep. Sulph. Sore pain, mammae, Cic. Phyt. — nipples, Caust. Nux. Sang. Zinc. Spasm in pectoral muscles, Ang. Cic. Stram. Verat. Spasmodic pain, Arg. Stinging, stiches, Amm-c. Calc. Con. Iod. Oleand. Sabin. — in mammae, Berb. Carb-an. Con. Creos. Graph Grat. Ind. Iod. Kali-c. Laur. Lye Murex. Ntr-m. Phosp. Rheum. Sang. Si p. — below the mammae, Hyper. Laur. -------right mammae, Bruc. — in nipples, Bism. Cast-eq. Igt. Lye Mang. Mur-ac. Sabin. Sulph. — momentarily by rubbing, relieved, Ind. Suppuration of mammae, Cist. Creos. Hep. Merc. Phosp. Phyt. Sil. — nipples, Cast-eq. Cham. Merc. Sil. — in lying, in women, Sil. Swelling, mamma-., Bell. Bry. Calc.Cham. Clem Con. Graph. Hep. Lach. Lye Merc. Merc-cor. Ocim. Phosp. Phyt. Puis. Sabin. Samb. Sil. Sulph. — hot, Be 1. Bry. Calc. Merc. Phosp. — with each attack of neuralgia uteri, Nux. ----secretion like milk, Cycl. — of the nipples, Lach. Lye Merc. ----lower part of sternum, Sacch. Tearing stitches in milk-breasts, Kali-c. Tenderness, breast, Bell. Bry. Calc. Lac-can. Mosch. Ran-sc Zinc-ox. — mammae, Cham. Graph. — nipples, Graph. Millef. — sternum, Zinc. 200 2 7- MAMMAE AND NIPPLES. Tenderness, to deep pressure, Calc. Lac-can. Merc. Mosch. Murex. Tension, P.uph. Iod. Lye Mez. Oleand. Rhus. Sass. Stann. — as if too short when rising up, Sass. Throbbing, Croton. Tingling (crawling), on breast, Colch. Puis. Ran-sc. — mammae, Sabin. Tubercles, nodosities, Carb-an. Coloc. Con, Graph. Lye Nitr-ac Phosp. Puis. Ulceration of mammae, Phosp. Sil. Sulph. Ulceration, mammae, fistulous, Phosp. Sil. Ulcer, scirrhous, stinging, burning on edges, odor of old cheese, Hep. — on nipple, Calc. Vesicles, in nipples, Graph. Wasting away, of mammae, Ars. Con. Iod. Kali-jod. Nitr-ac. ------nipples, Sass. Whiteness of nipples in centre without ul- ceration, Nux. Wrenching pain, Arn. Yellow spots, Ars. Carb-an. Lye Phosp. Sep. Sulph. 28. NAPE, BACK AND SACRAL REGION. 201 28. Nape, Back and Sacral Region. Abscess on back, Sil. Staph. Sulph. Aching, in sacrum, Alum. Aur. Calc. Canth Carb-an. Cham Chin. Coff. Con. Graph Hep. Igt. Kali-c Lach. Lye Alerc Ntr-m. Nux. Op. Puts. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Verat. ----and coccyx, Kali-b. — as if flesh was detached from bones, Aeon. Kali-b. — in nape of neck, Bar-c. ----lumbar region. Hyper. As from a bar in back, sensation, Ars. Lach. — if beaten, (or broken), pain, in cervical vertebrae, Gels. Sabin. ----neck, Ars. ----nape, Aeon. Agar. Caust. Nux. Sabin. Thuj. ----scapulae, Creos. Hell. Merc. Merc-jod. Ran-b. Sil. ----back, Aeon. Alum. Agar. Arn. Asar. Bell. Berb. Chin. Clem. Dros. Kali-c. Algn-c. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Alerc. Ntr-s Nux-m. Nux. Phosp. Plat. Psor. Puis. Ran-b. Rat. Rhod. Ruta. Sabad. Spig. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. ----sacrum, Aeon. Alum. Agar. Amm-m. Ang. Arg. Arn. Ars. Bry. Calad. Caust. Chin. Cina. Cinnab. Cor-r. Creos. Dig. Giaph. Gum-gut. Hep. Hyper. Kali-jod. Lact. Lam Mgn-c Mgn-m. Meny. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nux-m. Nux. Ox-ac. Phell. Phosp. Plat. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sass. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. ----os coccygis, Cist. Bisters, on back, Calc. Boils on neck, Graph. Hep. — painful to touch, Hep. Bones, pain in, neck, Bar-c Bell. — as if the flesh was loose, Aeon. Kali-b. Boring, back, Aeon. Agar. Bar-c. Bism. Cocc. Laur. Ntr-c. Thuj! m — scapulae, Aeon. Meny. — sacral region, Aeon. Break, as if spinal column would, from within, Kalm. Breath, obstructing, pain, back, Berb. Cannab. Led. Ruta. Sulph. Tart. — scapulae, Calc. Cannab. Nitr. Sulph. — sacral region, Berb. Ruta. Sulph. Tar. Broken as if sacrum were, Phosp. Brown spots, arm-pits, Thuj. — back, Sep. — greasy skin of neck, Apis. Lye Thuj. Bubbling sensation, back, Petros. Tar. Burning, neck, Bar-c. Merc. — scapulae, Lachn. Sil. Sulph. ----between, Glon. Lye Nux. — left scapula, Ambr. Bar-c. Ntr-m. Sil. Teucr. Zinc. — right scapula, Bar-c. Cannab. Caust. Iod. Laur. Seneg. Sulph. Verat. — supra-sternal fossa, Ars. — back, Ars. Asa-f. Bare. Berb. Borax. Bry. Cannab. Carb-an. Coloc. Dulc. Lach. Lachn. Lob. Mgn-c Mgn-m. Merc. Nux-m. Nux. Oleand. Phosp. Selen. Seneg. Sep. Zinc. ----in whole spinal column, Glon.=5*c. ----from small of back to between scapulae, Phosp. Sep. Thuj. ----as if a hot iron was pierced through, Alum. — sacral region, Borax. Murex. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Sep. Bursting pain, under right scapula, Seneg. Chills in back, All-cep. Bell. Bov. Caps. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Croton. Guaj. Gum-gut. Hipp. Igt. Lach. Mgn-c. Phosp. Rumex. Ruta. Sang. Sep. Spong. Stann. Staph. Stram. — runninsr through back, Ars. Puis. Rhus. Thuj. — as from a piece of ice between the shoulders, Lachn. Coldness, sensation of, in neck, chronic, Calc. — back, Amm-m. Berb. Calc Carb-veg. Croc. Elaps. Hyosc, Laur. Ox-ac. Phosp. Rhus. Sec-c. Spong. — in whole spinal column, Glon. — between shoulders, Haematox. — cold spot between shoulders, Amm-c. ------------like ice, Lachn. — sacral region, Hyosc. Laur. Stront. Compressing pain, back. Con. Concussions in neck, Mez. Congestion of blood to neck, it seems larger and neck cloth too tight, Glon. 202 2S NAPE, BACK AND SACRAL REGION. Constringing pain, back, Canth. Nux. Sabad. — supra-sternal, fossa, Rhus. Staph. Contracting pain, neck, Amm-c. Asar. Cinnab. Lye ----right side, Gels. — supra-sternal fossa, Phosp-ac. — back, Bry. Graph. Guaj. Mez. Viol-tr. — lumbar region, Lach. — sacral region. Hell. Mgn-m. Tabac. — muscles generally, Con. Nux. Cracking sound in cervical vertebrae when moved, Cocc. Ntr-c. Nice Ol-an. Puis. Stann. Cramping pain, nape, Arn. Asar. — neck, Arn. Asar. Scill. — between scapulae, on motion. Ip. — back. Bell. Bry. Chin. Con. Euph. Euphr. Sep. Viol-tr. ----in small of back, and os coccygis, can sit for but a short time, Bell. Mgn-m. Sil. — sacrum, Sil. Curvature (distortion), cervical vertebrae, Calc. — dorsal vertebrae, Calc. Lye Plb. Puis. Rhus. 5/7. Sulph. ----upper part. Puis. Cuttimi, in whole spine, from occiput to sacrum, Elaps. —' nape, Grat. — neck, Samb. ----left side, Elaps. — between shoulders (stabbing^ Ntr-s. — back, Arg-n. Graph. Igt. Ntr-s. Seneg. — sacral region, Lob. Ntr-m. Samb. Digging in back, Aeon. Dulc. Sep. Drawing pain, nape, Ambr. Avun-c Ant. Berb. Carb-veg Cast. Chin. Lact. Lye Merc. Mosch. Ntr-c. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Puis. Rat. Rhod. Ruta. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Tereb. — neck, Ant. Carb-veg. Cycl. Hep. Kalm. Lact. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhod. Scill. — scapulae, Ars. Berb. Borax. Calc. Camph. Caust. Chin. Hep. Rhod. Ruta. Seneg. Sil. — between scapulae, Bell. Borax. Ntr-c. — back, Ambr. Amm-c. Ars. Bell. Brom. Bry. Canth. Caps. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Con. Cycl. Dig. Hep. Kali b. Kali-c. Kalm. Lye Meic Mosch. Ntr-*fc. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Nux. Puis. Rat. Rhod. Rhus. Rhus-rad. Seneg. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Teucr. Thuj. Valer. Verat. ----spine, Berb. Daph. — sacral region, Amm-c. Arg. Chin. Cocc. Colch. Croc. Dig. Dulc. Igt. Kali-c. Lye Ntr-m. Nux. Sabin. Samb. Sil. Spong. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tereb. Thuj. Valer. Verat. Emaciation, back, Tabac. Emaciation, neck, Ntr-m. Emprosthotmos, Canth. Ip. Eruption on the nape, Ant. Bell. Berb. Caust. Hep. Petr. Sec-c. Sil. Staph. Tart. — neck, Bry. Clem. Gels. Lye Phosp-ac. Puis. Scill. Spig. Verb. ----brown spots on throat, like freckles, Kali-b. — scapulae, Ant. Caust. Lach. Phosp-ac. — back, Alum. Ant. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Berb. Carb-veg. Caust. Cina. Cist. Clem. Evon. Lach. Led. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Petr. Phosp-ac. Scill. Sep.Staph. Tabac. Tart. — biting, Bry. — burnii g. Cist. — in groups, Berb. — hepatic, Lach. — itching, Bry. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Lye Puis. Scill. Sep. Staph. Tabac — lumps. Verb. — miliary, Ant. Bry. Caust. Phosp-ac. Psor. Sec-c. Tart. — moist, extending to neck, Clem. — oozing. Clem. Ntr-m. — painful, Lye Spi«\ ----to touch, Cist. Hep. Phosp-ac. Psor. Scill. Spig. Verb. — pimples. Garb-veer. Lach. Lye Nice Puis. Scill. Sil. Spig. Staph — pustular, Bell. Berb Clem. Evon. — red, Bell. Bry. Spig. Tabac. Verb. — smarting, Bry. — sore smaning, Spig. — vesicular, Lach. Erysipelas, from nape to face, Graph. — around the waist, Alerc. Rhus. Excoriation, axilla, Carb-veg. ----pain as from, under, Mez. Exostosis, painful, on sacrum, Rhus. Foreign body, in lumbar region, pain as from, Nux. Furuncles, nape. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Sil. — neck. Mgn-c Ntr-m. Sep. — blood-boils on shoulder and region of liver, Nux-jug. — arm-pit, Borax. Lye Phosp-ac. — scapulae, Amm-c. Bell. Led. Lye Nitr-ac. Zinc. — back,Caust.Mur-ac.Sulph-ac Thuj.Zinc. — sacrum. Aeth. Thuj. — back, blood-boils, Caust. Graph. Hep. Thuj. -------small, on back. Iris. — blood-boils on right side of spine, pain- ful on motion, Kali-b. -------under axilla, Borax. Lye Glandular affections of the nape: — induration, Bar-c. Dulc. — inflammation, Sulph. — swelling, Bar-c. Cist. Dulc. Iod. Petr Sil. Staph. Sulph. 28. NAPE. BACK AND SACRAL RFGION. 203 Glandular affections of the neck, drawing, (compare, Sect. 18.) — drawing sensation, Bov. — induration, Bar-c. Carb-veg. Dulc. Kali-c. Spig. — inflammation, Bell. Cham. Kali-c. Merc Nitr-ac Sulph-ac. ----right side, Bar-c. — pain, Alum. Amm-m. Arn. Bell. Calc. Caust. Hell. Kali-c. Lye. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Phosp-ac. Puis. Selen. Sep. Spig. — pressing pain, Bell. Igt. Merc. — rending, tearing, Graph. — stinging, stitches, Bell. Carb-an. Lye Mere — suppuration, Bell. Cist. Sil. — swelling, Alum. Amm-c. Arn. Bar-c. Bell. Bov. Brom. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Cina. Cist. Creos. Cupr. Dulc.Ferr. Graph. Hell. Hep. Iod. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Alerc. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Spig. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Viol-tr. ----painless, Igt. ----and tickling, relieved by pressure with the cold hand, Kali-c. — lancinations. Lye — tension, Bov. Graph. — of axilla, from contusion of little finger Bufo. ----induration, Amm-c. Bufo. Calc Carb-an. Clem. Iod. Kali-c. Lac-can. Sil. ----heaviness, sensation of. Caps. ----pain, Amm-c. Bar-c. Kali-c. Prun. Rhus. Sulph-ac. ----stinging:, Lye ----suppuration, Amm-c. Ars. Bell.Bufo. Calc. Coloc. Hep Kali-c. Lac-can. Merc. Nir-m. ATitr-ae Petr. Phosp-ac Prun. Sil. Sulph. ----swelling, Amm-m. Hell. Brom. Calc. Carb-an. Clem. Coloc. Iod. Kali-c. Lye Merc. Ntr-m. A'itrac Petr. Phosp. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac Gnawing, sensation, Hell. Ntr-s. — vertebrae, Bell. — small of back. Canth. Mgn-m. Nice Phosp. Stront. Sulph. — os coccygis, Gum-gut. Goitre, (struma,) Ambr. Brom. CalcCanth. Cirb-an. Caust. Iod. Kali-c. Lye Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Spong. Staph. — hard. Iod. Ntr-c. Spong. — itching, Ambr. Mgn-c. ----and stinging, Spong. — large. Iod. Ntr-m. Spong. — pressing pain in, Ntr-c. ----constrictive pain in, Iod. Spong. — sensitive to contact, Kali-jod. Goitie stitchii g, piercing pain, Scill. — swelling, Iod. Spong. — ulcerative pain, Carb-veg. Iod. Greasy, brown skin of neck, Apis. Lye Thuj. Griping, back, Paeon. Sil. Viol-tr. Heat in lumbar region, Berb. Heaviness, sensation ol, nape, Meny.Nux. Par. Samb. — neck, Meny. Nux. — arm-pit, Berb. — back, Ambr. Par. — sacral region, Berb. Mgn-s. Herpes, nape, Carb-an. Caust. Clem, Lye. Ntr-m. Nitr. Petr. Sep. Sulph. — axilla. Cirb-an. Elaps. Lye Ntr-m. — back, Ars. Lach. Zinc. — itching, Caust. — moist, Carb-an. Caust. Ntr-m. Sep. Herpetic spots, nape, Hyosc. — neck and back, Sep. Itching, axilla, Carb-veg. Elaps. Phosp. — back, Caust. Cist. Daph. Guaj. Nice Nitr-ac. Raph. Seneg. ----burning, Daph. — os coccygis, Borax. Bov. Jerking pain, nape, Aeth. Chin. Tar. — neck, Tar. — back, Ang. Chin. Cinnab. — sacral region, Chin. Labor-like pains, sacral region, Cinnab. Creos. Croc. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Puis. — back, Sep. As from lifting, overstraining back, Calc. Lye Mur-ac. Oleand. Rhus. Valer. — sacral region, Rhus. Staph. Livid spots, nape. Lye To lie down, necessity from pain in sa- cral region, Sil. ----from pain in back, Ars. Lump in back, sensation of, Arn. Lumps in neck, Graph. H6p. -------painful, Hep. — between scapulae, Calc. Moisture, axilla, Carb-an. Carb-veg. Motion, pain, impeding, back, Petr- — sacral region, Caust. Phosp. Muscles, twitching, neck, Ang. — back, Sol-m. Nocturnal pain back, Calc.Carb-an.Cham. Cinnab. Dulc Ferr. Hell. Kali-b. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-s. Ntr-m. Nitr. — sacral region, Amm-c. Ang. Cham. Chin. Lach. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-s. Ntr-s. Nux. Staph. ----in nape of neck, Oleand. ---— at 1 A.M., Staph. Numbness, sensation of, nape and os coc- cygis, Berb. Plat. ----sacral region. Berb. Ox-ac. Spong. Opisthotonos, Ang. Bell. Canth. Cham.Cic. Igt. Ip. Led. Op. Rhus. Stann. Stram. Oversensitiveness of spine, Ntr-m. 204 28. NAPE, BACK AND SACRAL REGION. Pain in general, nape, Amm-c. Daph Graph. Igt. Lact. Pod. — supra-sternal fossa, Nux. Tart. — neck, Bell. Brom. Coloc. Cycl. Hell Meph. — scapulae, Bell. Cist. Coloc. Graph Lob. Nitr-ac. — below left scapula, Chenop. Gels/if/T^*^ — shoulder, as if inflamed, Hsematox. — back, Actea-r. Ars. Asa-f. Aur. Bov. Calc. Cannab. Caust. Cham. Coloc. Hyosc. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kobalt. Lact. Led Lye Nitr-ac. Nitr. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Rhod. Rhus-rad. Sep. Tart. Zinc. ----to pubis, Sabin. ----in wtiole spinal column, Glon. -------spinal marrow, Lact, ----after a fall, Kali-c. ----one-sided, Guaj. ----under scapulae between shoulders, to loins, Ox-ac. — lumbar region, Asa-f. Calc. Con. Cycl. Dulc Hyosc. Kobalt. Led. Murex. Ntr-m. Puis. Sil. Stront. Valer. Oytaf.-^ — sacral region, Amm-m. Ant. Bar-c.Berb. Borax. Bry. Calc. Calc-phosp. Cannab. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cimex. Con. Creos. Ferr-ac Graph. Igt. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kobalt. Lach. Led. Lith. Lye. Mgn-s. Merc. Mez. Murex. Nitr-ac. Nitr.OI-an. Petr.Phosp. Pod. Psor.Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Rhus-rad. Sang. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Tong. Zinc. ----in sacrum, on retaining urine, Ntr-s. -------to right thigh, worse by pressing at stool and coughing, Tellur. — os coccygis, when touched, Carb-an. Kali-b. Lact. ----as from a fall, Kali-jod. ----as if sitting on something sharp, Lach. ----after micturition, Graph. — pelvis, Murex". — with coldness of limbs, Pallad. ----cold feet and strangury, Elaps. Palsy, of neck, Lye — back, Cocc. Sil. — sacral region, Cocc. Ntr-m. Paralytic pain, nape. Sil. Verat. — neck, Cycl. Lachn. — back, Agar. Asar. Berb. Meph. Pallad. Sil. Zinc. — sacral region, Aeon. Cocc Ntr-m. Nitr. Nux. Ran-c Selen. Sil. Zinc. Perspiration, nape, Calc. Chin. Phosp-ac. — neck, Bell. Clem. Euph. ----sour, Ars. Bell. Mgn-c. Nux. Sulph. ----at night, Mang. — axilla, Asar. Bov. Bry. Gymnoc. Kali-c. Ntr-m. Scill. Selen. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. ----fetid, Dulc Hep. Lac-can. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Rhod. Selen. Sep. Sulph. Tellur. Thuj. Perspiration, axilla, greasy, oil)', Merc. ----with smell of onions Bov. Osm. — back, Anac. Chin. Chin-sulph. Dulc Guaj. Hep. Lye Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Stram. Sulph. ----at night, Anac. Lye ----from a little.exercise, Chin. ----when walking, Lac-can. Lach. Petr. Phosp. Rhus. Sep. Pimples on neck, painful to touch, Hep. Pinching, sacral region, Graph. Sulph. — under right scapulas, preventing motion, Chelid. Like a plug, in back, sensation, Lach. Pressing, pain in sacral region, Carb-an. — outwards, in sacral region, Cannab. Pressure, in nape, Ambr. Bar-c Croton. Cupr. Laur. Ntr-m. Ol-an. Samb. Sass. Staph. Tar. — neck, Calc. Cycl. Elaps. Ferr. Guaj. Tar. — scapulae. Anac. Bell. Calc. Chin.Cor-r. Elaps. Graph. Kali-c. Kalm. Lach. Laur. Nitr-ac. Nux. Ran-sc. Seneg. Sep. ----as from a stone between shoulders, Chin. — back, Ambr. Anac. Aur. Berb. Calc Caps. Carb-veg. Caust. Chelid. Cocc. Con. Cycl. Dulc. Euph. Euphr. Graph. Kali-c. Led. Lye Mgn-m. Alur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr. Ol-an. Petr. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Rhod. Sabin. Samb. Sass. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stann. Staph. Tar. Thuj. Verat. — sacral region, Berb. Borax. Caust. Meny. Sabin. Samb. Spong. Tar. Verat. — os coccygis, Cannab. Prickling, back, Aeon. Lact. Ox-ac. Ran-sc. Pulsation, neck, Aeon. Hipp. Glon. Op. — carotids, Hep. Oleand. ----during pregnancy. Gels. — between scapulae, Merc-jod. — back, Bar-c. Thuj. — sacral region, Caust. Graph. Kali-c. Lach. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Ol-an. Sep. 'I abac. Rasping pain, nape, Cycl. Graph. — back, Graph. Red spots, neck, Bry. Cocc. Iod. Lach. Sep. — under axilla. Bell. ----scapulae, Cist. Red swollen streak on left side neck. Mang. Rending (tearing), nape, Aeth. Berb. Carb-veg. Chin. Mgn-c. Oleand. Rat. Sulph. Zinc. — neck, Amm-m. Berb. Carb-veg. Mez Ntr-s. Zinc. (R-iU^^ytX. &^/U^*-~ CX^^c^y^^.^^ —^&^-/^e^^^y. 28. NAPE. BACK AND SACRAL REGION. 205 Rending, tearing, scapulae, Anac Arg. Ars. Berb. Borax. Caust. Chin. Ferr. Guaj. Phosp. Plb. Rhod. Rhus. Sil. — back, Anac. Ars. Aur. Canth. Caps. Carb-veg. Chelid. CA/w.Cina.Cocc.Colch. Led. Lye Mgn-m. Mgn s. Mang. Meph. Ntr-s. Nux. Plb. Rhod. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Sulph. ----spine, Berb. ----one-sided, Guaj. — from small of back through right leg, Ambr. — in loins, sensation of, Berb. — sacral region, Alum. As i-f. Berb.Calc-ph. Canth. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Croc. Dig. Lach. Led. Lye Mgn-m. Mez. Phosp-ac. Plb. Raph. Rhod. Sep. Spong. Stiam. Stront. Sulph. Zinc. Restlessness, in nape and neck, Thuj. Rheumatic pain, nape, Aeon. Ambr. Ant. Berb. Bry. Merc. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Sang. Staph. Sulph. Verat. — neck, Bry. Cycl. Merc. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Scill. — scapulae, Ferr-m. Mgn-s. Mez. Ran-b. Rhod. Rhus. Valer. — back. Aeon. Ambr. Anac. Asar. Bell. Calend. Carb-veg. Cham. Cycl. Dros. Graph. Hep. Kali-b. Lach. Lvc Mez. Nux. Ol-an. Puis. Ran-b. Rhod. Rhus. Scill. Stram. Sulph. Tart. Teucr. Valer. Verat. Zinc. — sacral region, Sulph. Rising up, pain, impeding, back and sa- cral region, I'hosp. Sil. Scabs, axilla, Ntr-m. Sciatica, Curare. Graph. Iris. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Phyt. Plantago. As if screwed together, pain, sacral region, Aeth. Alum. Puis. Stront. Zinc. Seizing, catching pain, in lumbar region, Igt- Sensitiveness, Ant. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lach. Nice Phosp. Scill. — from last cervical to fifth dorsal verte- brae, Tellur. Senselessness, back, Sec-c. Shingles, ADrc. Shivering in back, Bell. Bov. Caps. Igt. Senna. Sep. Spong. Zinc. Solidity, sensation of, sacrum, Sep. Sore pain, nape, Cycl. Sang. — neck, Cic. Lye — under axilla, Mez. — cervical vertebrae, Con. — back. Cast. Kalm. Sulph-ac. — sacral region, Cast. Colch. Ntr-c Sulph-ac. Spasms neck, Asar. Cic.Spong. ----after drinking, Amm-c. — back, Cham. Iod. Lach. ----bending, forwards, Canth. Ip. -------backwards, Ang. Bell. Canth.Cham. Cic. Igt. Ip. Op. Rhus. Stann. Strain. Spasmodic pain, nape, Ant. Arn. Asar. Ntr-c. — neck, Ant. Arn. Asar. Lach. Phosp-ac. Scill. — back, Bry. Con. Euph. Euphr. Lach. Ntr-s. Sep. Viol-tr. — sacral region, Bell. Lob. Mgn-m. Plat. Sil. Sprain, as from, left side back and neck, Con. Squeezing pain, nape, Lye — between scapulae, Verat. — lumbar, Aeth. Graph. Lob. Standing impeded by pain in sacral region, Petr. Steatoma, nape, Bar-c. Stiffness, nape, Agar. Amm-m. Anac.Ang. Ars. Bar c. Beil.Barb. Bry. Calc Camph. Canth. Caps. Caust. Cor r. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Glon. Graph. Guaj. Hell. Igt. Kali-c. Lach. Lye. Algn-c. Mang. Meny. Mrrc Mez. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Ol-an. Phosp. Plat. Psor. Rat. Rhod. Rhus. Scill. Sec-c. Selen. Sep. Sil. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. Zinc. Zing. ----rheumatic, Lach. Merc. ----in morning, Ang. ----after a strain by lifting, Calc. Lye. — nee., Amm-m. Bell. Bry. Chelid. Croc. Cycl. Dig. Ferr. Glon. Hell. Lach. Lachn. Merc. Mez. Nitr-ac. Rhus. Scill. Selen. Spig. Spong. Tabac. Zinc. — one sided, left, Brom. Laur. Lye ----right, Elaps. — of both sides, Chelid. — when bending head forward, Kali-b. — with headache and nausea. Zing. ----elongation of uvula, Kali-e — sensation of, and swollen on turning it, Par. back, An%. Caust. Kali-b. Kali-c. Led. Ol-an. Petr. Prun. Puis. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Thuj. — spine, Carb-veg. — as from a strain in loins, Prun. — one sided, Cinnab. Guaj. ----on moving, from ncek, extending to smail of back. Guaj. — in morning, Ang. Carb-veg. Hipp-m. Sulph-ac. ----sitting, Caust. Led. — after stooping, Bov. sacral region, Aeon. Amm-m. Bar-c. Berb. Bry. Hipp-m. Lach. Laur. Led. Lye Meph. Prun. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. — moining, Thuj. ----evening, increased, Bar-c, — after sitting, Ambr, 2o6 28. NAPE, BACK AND SACRAL REGION. Stinging, stiches, nape, Aeth. Bar-c. Bry. Carb-veg Mgn-s. Ntr-m. Ntr-s.Sass.Sep. Stann. Tar. Zinc. — under.axilla, Arn. Lact. Ntr-s. Phosp. Staph. — supra-sternal fossa, Cham. — neck, Bell. Carb-veg. Cocc. Hep. Merc. Ntr-c. Puis. Samb. Sass. Tar. Zinc. — scapulae, Amm-m. Anac. Berb. Bry. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Ciin. Cocc. Colch. Cieos. Ferr. Ferr-m. Guaj. Hep. Hyosc. Hyper. Kali-b. Kalm. Lach. Meny. Mur-ac. Nitr-ac. ATitr. Nux. Par. Phosp. Plb. Prun Puis. Samb. Sass. Sep. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Verb. Zinc. — left scapula, Meny, — between scapulae. Ind. — below scapulae, Bid. — lower angle of left scapulae, Kali-b. Kalm. — left shonlderand left breast, at intervals, Hipp-m. — from left scapulae to shoulder and mammae, Grat. — back, Aeon. Alum. Anac. Asa-f. Berb. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Coloc. Con. Cycl. Dulc. Evon. Guaj. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Hyper. Igt. Kali-b. Kalm. Lach. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Mere Mez. Nitr-ac. Oleand. Paeon. Par. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sass. Sep. Sil Spig. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Tar Verb Zinc. ----spin.d column. Bell. Kali-b. —---one-sided, Guaj. — sacral region, Aeon. Ambr. Arn. Bell. Berb. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Carb- veg. Cocc Dulc. Hyper. . Igt. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lith. Lye Mgn-c. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nice Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-jug. Ox-ac. Plb. Puis. Ruta. Sulph. Tar. ----after stool, relieved, Ind. — piercing pain, Scill. Suppuration at throat-pit, Ip. (compare Sect. 23.) Swelling, nape. Bell. Merc. Puis. — neck, Ars. Bell. Caust. Cic. Con. Croc. led. Lye Merc. Merc-cor. Nux. Phosp. Puis. ----oedematous. Bell. ----rheumatic, Con. Merc. ----from wound in oesophagus with a splinter, bone or other sharp body, Cic. ----one-sided, Lvc. Ntr-c. Puis. Sass. — cervical vertebrae, Calc. — dorsal vertebrae. Calc. Sil. — draws hend to one side, Cist. — when talking, Iod. — tumor of neck. Graph. Hep. Tabes ddrsalis, Nux-m. Phosp. Tabac. Talking, impeded by pain in bai 1.,Cannab. Tension, nape. Bar-c. Bry. Can] h. Caust. Con. Dig. Ali^n-s. Mosch. N 1 s. Ol-an. Par. Plat. P,b. Puis. Rat. Rhod. Rhus. Sass. Spong. Sulph. Zi;ie — neck, Bar-c. Berb. Bry. Clin. Cic. Coloc. Dig. Glon. Iod. La :h. Meph. Ntr-s. Par. Phosp-ac Puis P/.'d. Rhus. Spong. Thuj. Viol-od. Zinc. — it he turns his head, cannot easily turn it back, Cic. — scapulae, Bar-c. Cic. Colch. Coloc. Nux. Sil. Zinc. — back, Arnm-c. Berb. Coloc. Hep. Mez. Mosch. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Olea 11!. Ol-an. Puis. Rat. Sass. Sulph. Tar. Ti ucr. — sacium, Amm-c. Bar-c Ee.b. Puis Sass. Sulph. Tar. Thick, growing, the neck, Con. Id. Phosp. — when talking, Iod. Throbbing, back, Bar-c. Chin. Lye Phosp. Sep. Thuj. ----lumbar region, Sep. — from sacrum to pubes, Sabin. — stitch in os-coccyx when sittHg, Par. Tickling, supr.i-stemal fossa, Cham. — thyroid cartilage, Puis. Tingling (crawling), back, Aeon. Anac. Arn. Caust. Evon. Graph. Ntr-c. Phosp-ac Ran-sc. Sass. Sec-c. ----as from ants, Evon. Graph. Ntr-c Phosp-ac. Ran-sc. Sass. * — sacral region, Boiax. Croton. Phosp-ac. Sass. Torpor, in nape, Calc. Ntr-m. Tremor, back, Cocc. Tumors in neck, Cist. — under axille, encysted, Bar-c. — in vertebrae, small, Lach. Twisting pain, sacral region, Graph. Ulcerative pain, nape, Puis. — neck, Puis. — back, Cic. Creos. — sacral region, Ntr-s. Prun. Ulcers, nape, Sil. Venis distension of, neck, Bell. Op. Thuj. Walking, impeded by pain in back,or sacral region, Phosp. To walk about, necessity, from pain in back, Mgn-s. Weakness, cervical muscles, An. Cocc. Glon. Kali-c Lye Par. Staph. Sulph. Tart. Verat. — nape, Aeon. Kali-c. Par. Flat. Sil. Stann. Siaph. Verat. — back, Agar. Coloc. Lach. Nux. Ox-ac. SJ.Zinc — sacral region, Ars. Coloc. Mcr . Ntr-m Nux-m. Petr. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. Wrenching, spraining pain, nape, Agar. Calc. Cinnab. Nice — neck, Cinnab. — between scapulae, Bell. Nux. 28. NAPE, BACK AND SACRAL REGION. 207 Wrenening, spraining pain,back,Agar.Arg- n.Bell. Calc.Nux. Petr. Puis. Rhod. Sep. Sulph. — sacral region, Agar. Calc. Lach. Ol-an. Rhod. Sulph. Yellow spots, neck, Iod. Zona, Alerc. In morning, pain, nape, Thuj. — back, Berb. Euph. Mgn-s. Phyt. Thuj. — sacral region, Ang. Calad. Ntr-m. Nitr. Selen. Staph. Thuj. — morning in bed, pain, Ang. Berb.Euph. Mgn-s. Nitr. — evening, pain, nape, Oleand. ----back, Cist. Led. Nux. Tereb. ----sacral region, Led Teieb. Arms, moving, pain, back. Camph. Ferr. With desire to evacuate, Creos. When bending forward, pain, back,Chelid. — backwards, pain, nape, Con. ----back, Chelid. Mang. Plat. ----sacral region, Con. Plat. -------relieved. Sang. — pain in nape of neck, Graph. — blowing nose, pain, sacral region, Dig. — breathing pain, back, Aeon, Amm-m. C.tle Carb-an. Cinnab. Prun. Sass. Spig. Sulph. ----sacral region, Carb-an. Sulph. From a cold, pain, back and sacral region, Dulc. Nitr-ac. — cold air, pain in nape, back and sacral region, Bar-c. By coldness increased, pain, Rhus. Sabad. When coughing, pain,back,Bry.Cocc.Nitr. With dyspnoea, Sulph. In damp weather, pain, nape and back, Nux-m. Rhod. From exertion, pain in back, Calc.Calc-ph. Sulph. When exercising (moving), pain, neck, Ferr. Hell. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Thuj. — nape, Aeon. Amm-m. Camph. Chin. Dros. Hell. Plb. Rhus. Sass. — scapulae, Calc. Petr. — back, Chin. Cinnab. Mang. Meph. Petr. Samb. Sass. Stram. — sajcral region, Chin. Kali-b. Psor. Sass. From exercise, pain increased, Cham. Caust. — falling, pain, sacral region, Kali-c. By emission of fl.itus, relieved, Berb. When lifting, Lye — lying, pain, nape, Agar. ---— back, Agar Berb. Creos. Euph. Nitr. Sil. Staph. Tar. «A^^f • ----sacral region, Agar. Berb. Chin. Tar. ----on back, pain in back, Chin. Euph. Igt. Nitr. Staph. ------------relieved, Ruta. ----side, increased. Staph. -------relieved, Nitr. I----something hard, relieved, Ntr-m- Rhus. " I After manual labor, pain, back, Sulph. I — mental affection, pain, back, Bar-c. When nursing child, pain through scapula, Croton. Pressure, pains, neck and nape, Lach. ----relieved by, Dulc. Ruta. When raising head, pain, nape, Senna. ----arms, pains, neck and back, Graph. — at rest, pain, back, Creos. Dulc. Kali-c. Mang. Nitr. Samb. Spig. — riding in a vehicle, pain, back, Calc. Nux-m. With rigidity of body, Cham. Wiien rising from sitting, pain, back, Canth. Led. Sulph. ----sacrum, Ant. Calc Cannab. Con. Ferr ae Petr. Rhod. Staph. Sulph. — from stooping, pain, nape, Nice ----back, Phosp. Sil. Sulph. Verat. ----sacrum. Lye Phosp. Sass. Verat. In room, pain nape, relieved in open air, Psor. When sitting down, pain in back and sa- crum, Aloe. Kobalt. Meny. Zinc. ------, back, Agar. Berb. Cimex. Lye Rhus.Sabad.Sil. 7rt;Y.Tereb.Thuj, ----with dyspvncea, Lye ----relieved, Staph. — sacral region. Agar. Bar-c. Borax. Caust. Cist. Kobalt. Lye Meny. Ntr-c. Ntr-s. Ol-an. Phell. Prun. Ruta. Sabad. Tart. Teieb. Thuj. — pain in os cocc\gis, Par. — bent, Kali-jod. After sitting, pain back, Led. — sacral region, Berb. Phosp. When sneezing, pain neck and nape, Arn. — speaking, pain, back, Cocc. By standing, pain increased, Agn. Cocc. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lith. Petr. Phosp. Sulph. ----relieved, Arg-n. After stool, pain sacial region, Tabac. ----relieved, Berb. When stooping, pain in nape, Kali-b. Par. -------back, Clem. Con. Lye Meny. „, „,Nitr. Bar.yRhus. Verat, jf,/_,. zz/f, __9i"aMprT~T^i h. p£%¥^v-^f—- /SrYr'-^A-Kix~- • Kl A — sacral region, Borax. Lye Meny. Ol-an. Ruta Sass. Verat. Sloop, inability to, Borax. On throwing the head back, pain in neck, Cic. When touched pain in back, Glon. Lach. Puis. Sass. — nape, Lach. Puis. Sang. — back, increased. Ars. — sacrum, Amm-m. Colch. Kali-b. Rhus. Sil. long. When turning in bed, pain back, Hep. — sacral region, Nux. Staph. To urinate, with desire to, pain in loins, Creos. 208 28. NAPE, BACK AND SACRAL REGION. When walking, pain in back, Agar. Cocc. — sacial region, Kali-c. Ruta. Sulph Zinc. Sulph. By waimth, external, pain relieved, nape, ----relieved, Arg-n. Bar-c. Kobalt. Rhus. Mgn-s. Phosp. Rhus. Ruta. Stront.------------back, Cinnab. 29. UPPER EXTREMITIES. 209 29. Upper Extremities. Aching pains, Asa-f. Benz-ac. Chin-sulph. D*bs. Lach. Phosp-ac. Raph. Staph. AgiUcv, nimbleness, want of in hands, G-aph. Ntr. Plb. Sil. -------in fingers, Sep. Arthitic complaints, Bry. Hep. Lach. Lye. Axe.-c. Petr. Phosp. Rhod. Rhus. Sabin. Si.sf. Spig. (compare Rheumatic.) — left shoulder, Guaj. Merc-cor. Sulph. — right shoulder, Iris. Lob. Lye Pallad. S; n g. — el.iow and wrist, Grat. Mgn-s. — forearm, Alerc. Nitr-ac. ----right, Nitr-ac. — w:ist, left, Guaj. Mgn-s. — hand and wrist, Bell. Cocc. Kali-b. Hep. Lvc. Sabin. — fingers and fingers-joints, Ant. Bry. Corb-an. Clem. Grat. Hep. Lye Mang. Nice Nitr-ac. Ox-ac. Petr. Rhod. Rhus. Sr.ss. Sep. Spig. Arth:itic nodes, wrist, Calc. Led. Rhod. — ha ids and finger joints, Ant. Benz-ac C:lc Hep. — finder-joints, Agn. Calc. Clem. Dig. Gjaph. Led. Lye Rhod. Staph. — stiffness, elbow, Lye — wiist. Lye — stiffness finger-joints,Carb-a.Graph.Lye Atrophy of arms. Chin. Graph. Selen. As if beaten, pain in arms, Aeon. Ang. Arn. Berb. Cannab. Chenop. Cocc. Creos. Croc. Croton. Hep. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Verat. Zinc-ox. — shoulder-joint ,Dros. — under shoulder-joint, right, Kali-c. ----left, Kali-jod. __shoulder, Aeon. Cannab. Coloc. Con. Ntr-m. Verat. — upper arm, Cocc. Hep. Nitr-ac. ----right, Cinnab. — fore-arm, Croc. Croton. Ruta. __bones of left fore-arm,radius as if crush- ed or broken, Gymnoc. — hands, Arn. Ntr-m. Nice Ruta. — wrist, Dros. Ruta. Bending over easily of finger joints, Bell. H;p. Nux. Teucr. Bloatedness hands, Cham. — firgers when the arms hang down, Amm-c. Phosp. — dark blue of forearms, and hands, Samb. Blood, congestion of in arms, Nux. — as if stopped, sensation, arms. Rhod. -----------fingers, Cioc Blue spots, like sugillations, forearm, Sulph-ac. Blueness of hands, Amm-c. Apis. Bar-c. Elaps. Verat. — after washing with cold water, Amm-c. — marbled of hands, Cupr. Boring, sensation shoulder-joint, Rhod. — humerus. Mang. — fore-arm, Ran-sc. — wrist, Hell. — carpal bones, Daph. Ntr-c. Ran-sc. — fingers, Ran-sc. — finger-joints, Daph. Hell. — finger-tips, Sulph. Brown spots, elbow, Sep. — wrist, Petr. — hands, Ntr-m. — palmar surface of hand, Iod. Ntr-c Thuj. Bruising pain. Aeon. Arn. Dulc. Oleand, Plat. Ruta. — shoulder, Aeon. Cic. Cocc. Hep. Sulph. — upper-arm, Cycl. — elbow-joint, Carb-veg. Ruta. — fore-aim. Aeon. Cic. Oleand. ----middle of, to wrist, Kali-b. — hands and fingers, Bism. Oleand. — thumb, left, Creos. Bubbling sensation, upper arm, Colch. Petros. — elbow, Rheum. Burning, arms, Agar. Alum. Berb. Bry. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Rhus-rad. — humeri, Rhus. — shoulder, Carb-veg. Graph. Rhus. Stront. Tabac. — upper-arm, Agar. Berb. Sulph. — elbow. Alum. — fore-arm, Agar. Sulph, — hand, Bry. Carb-veg. Lam. Led. Ntr-s. Phosp. Plat. Rhus. Sec-c. Sep. Stann. Tart. — wrist, Ntr-c. — palm of hand, Canth. Lach. Lye Petr. Phosp. Sang. Sep. Stann. Sulph. — fingers, Agar. Alum. Borax. Croc. 2tO 29. UBPER EXTREMITIES. Kali-c. Mosch. Ntr-c Oleand. Plat. Sil. Teucr. Burning finger-tips, Mur-ac Callosities, horny, on hands, Graph. Chilblains, pain as from, Nux. Cliilliness, arms, Bell. Igt. — fingers, Meny. Chill begins and spreads from arms, Hell. j----in right arm, Merc. -------lelt hand, Carb-veg. — during the pain in hand and fingers, Nux. Cicatrices, deep, stinging, in hands, Kali-b. Clenched thumbs, Aeth. Bell. Cham. Cocc. Hyosc. Igt. Mere Stann. Siram. Viol-tr. Cobweb, sensation of, on hands, Borax. Coldness, arms, Bell. Cic. Dulc. Ip. Kali-c. Kali-chl. Led. Merc-cor. Op. Plb. Rhus. Sec-c. Sep. Thuj. Verat. — wrist, Ge.s. — hands, Aeon. Ambr. Apis. Ars. Aur. Bar-c Bell. Benz-ac Caro-veg. Caust. Ciiam. Chin. Cocc. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Elaps Gels. Hell. Hep. Hipp -in. Hyosc Iod. Ip. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Meic Mez Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr.Nux-m.Nux. Ox-ac. Petr.Piiosp.Kaii-b.Rhus.Rumex. Scill. Sep. Sulph. Tabac. Tart. Thuj. Verat. Zinc ----evening in bed, Carb-an. ----at night, Phosp. Thuj. ----icy, Camph. Carb-veg. Lach. Nux-m. Verat. -------one hand, Chin. Dig. Ip. ---------on one side, the other hot and fed, Puis. ----of right, waimth of left, Mez. -------one hand, sweat of the other, Ip. Mosch. ----alternately with heat, Cocc. Par. ----feet warm, Aloe. — fingers, Ang. Clielid. Cic. Colch. Hell Lac-can. Mosch. Mur-ac. Par. Rhod' Sulph. Tar. Tart. Thuj. -------tip, Meny. Phosp-ac. Contraction of arms, Lye Sec-c; ----upper arms, Strain. Sulph. — bend of elbow, Elaps. — hands, Bism. Carb-veg. Cina.- Cinnab. Colch. Mgn-s.Merc.Nux. Sol-nig. Sulph. ----and fingers, Phosp-ac. -------tendons of, Caust. Sulph. — right hand when writing, Euph. — metacarpal bones, Euphr. ----right hand. Cannab. — right thumb and index, Cycl. — fingers, Ambr. Arg. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Cycl. Graph. Kali-jod. Lye Mgn-s. Mang. Merc. Ntr-c. Nux. Ox-ac Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Sec-c Selen. Spig. Stann. Tart. ----when gaping, Nux. — of tendons, sensation of, Aeth. Lach. Sep. --- when bending them A sth. --- of shoulc ers, Bov. --- — elbows, Caust. Lach. Mang. Sep. --- — wrist, Carb-veg. Igt. Lach --- — hands, Nux. --- — fingers , Aeth. C arb an. Croc. Dros. Lach. Nux . Se P-' Spong. Convulsions, arms, Bell. Bry. Camph. Caust. Cham. Cocc. Igt. Iod. Op. Plb. Sabad. Scill. (compare Twitching.) — hands, Bell. Iod. Mosch. Plb. — fingers, Cham. Cupr. *Igt. Iod. Mosch. Staph. Convulsive rotation of arms, Camph. Copper-colored spots on hands, Nitr-ac. Corroding pain, Lye Plat. — fingers Bar-c. Plat. Cracked skin of hands, Creos. (compare Rhagades.) Cracking in joints of arms, Chin-sulph. Croc. Kali-b. Merc. Tart. Thuj. — when leaning on the arms, Thuj. — in shoulder-joint, Ferr. Kali-c. ----elbow-joint, Kalm. ----wrist-joints, (Jon. — — finger-joints, Merc. Cramping pain, back of the hand, Bruc. Cutting pain, arms, Anac. — shoulder-joint, in bending arm forward, Igt- — elbow, wrist and finger-joints, Phosp-ac. — fore-arm and fingers, Mur-ac. — hands, Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Deadness, arms, Amm-c. Thuj. — hands, Aeon. Calc. Con. Lye. Nux. Thuj. Zinc. — fingers, Amm-c. Amm-m. Calc. Caust. Chelid. Cic. Creos. Hep. Lvc. Merc. Mur-ac. Nitr-ac. Par. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Sec-c. Sulph. Tart. Thuj. Verat. Zinc -----one-sided, Phosp-ac. — in morning, Amm-c. — at night, Amm-c. Mur-ac. — in cold air, Nitr-ac. — when taking hold of something, Amm-c. Calc. — in warm temperature, Calc. Desquamation, of the cuticle, arms, Agar. -^----hands. Alum. Amm-c Amm-m. Bar-c. Ferr. Laur. Sulph. ----.----palms, Amm-c. ---------between fingers, Amm-m. -------fingers, Agar. Bar-c. Elaps. Merc. Sulph. ---------about the nails, Eugen. Merc. Sabad. Detached Irom bones, sensation as if the flesh were, Bry. Igt. Rhus. Sulph Thuj. 29. UPPER EXTREMITIES. 211 Digging rcjn, Croc. Diad. Ntr-m. Rhod. Rhus. kuta. ----arn s, Carb-an. Croc. Mang. Rhus. Tin j. Dislocati m of wrist, Amm-c. Arn. Bov. Bry. Carb-an. Ruta. ----fingers, easy, Hep. Distortion of fingers, Graph. Doubling the fist, Hyosc. Merc. Stram. — with c enched thumb, Merc. Drawing pain, arms, Arg. Bell. Berb. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cina. Cinnab. Clem. Coloc. C\cl. Ferr. Ind. Kali-c. Lam. Lye Mgn-c. Along. Miny. Merc. Mez. Nitr-a, . A itr.Nux.01 and Ol-an. Par Petr. Phosp ac Plat. Plb. Puis. Rhod. Sec c. Sep. iil. Staph. Sulph. Tabac. Thuj. Zinc — sliouldor-joint, Clem. Kali-c. Lact. Puis. ihod. Sulph. Teucr. — humer is, Rhod. Tereb. Teucr. Thuj. Valer. — should -ts, Ambr. Aur-m. Dulc. Kali-c. Mang. Ntr-c. Nux. Puis. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Zinc — upper-arm, Aeon. Aur-m. Ars. Dulc. Ferr-m. Lact. Mosch. Alurae. Oleand. Plb. Staph. Tereb. Valer. — elbow-joint, Ambr. Lact. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Phosp-ac. Sulph. Viol-od. Zinc. — fore-aim, Ambr. Aug. Ant. Carb-veg. Croc. Croton. Cycl. Ferr-m. Mosch. Ntr-c. Aritr-ac. Rhod. Ruta. Samb. Seneg. Spong. Staph. Tar. — hands, Ambr. Ang. Arg. Caust. Cina. Clem. Croton. Cycl. Ferr-m. Kali-c. Lact. -Mgn-c Mang. Meny. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Ol-an. Rhod. Ruta. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Viol-od. Zinc Zing. — wiisl, Vnae Ars. Asar. Bov. Carb-veg. Caust. Cist. Ferr-m. Fluor-ac. Kali-c. Mosch. Piiosp-ae Spong. Sulph. Tar. Zinc. — carpal bones, Anac. Sabin. Samb. Spig. Teucr. — fingers, Ambr. Ang. Ant. Asar Carb-veg. Coloc Croton. Kali-e Lam. Mang. Nux. Oleand. Ol-an. Petr. Phosp-ac. Puis. :ture on bend ol elbow, Sep. Motion impeded by pain, arm, Mgn-c. Ntr-m. ---------elbow, Tabac. Muscles, twitching aims, Asa-f. Cupr. Mez. Ntr-m. Oleand. Sil. Tar. Tart. Teucr. — shoulder, Spong. — upper arm, Cocc. Hell. Nitr-ac. Spig. — forearm, Spig. — hands, Asa-f. Tart. Nails, blueness, Chin. Dig. Hipp-m. Merc-sulph. Sil. ----beginning, Chelid. — crippled, Graph. Nitr-ac. Sep. Sil. Thuj. — discolored, Ars. Thuj. — dark, Ox-ac — gray color, Merc-cor. — grow more rapidly, Fluor-ac ----too slowly, Ant. — hang nails, Ntr-m. Rhus. — painful Ant. ----sore pain, margin of, red, Lith. ----ulcerative pain, Ntr-s. — peeling off, Merc. — suppuration, around, Eugen. — thickness, Graph. — white spotted, Nitr-ac. — yellow, Con. Sil. ----under the nails/pain, Berb. Numbness, arms, Ambr. Bar-c. Berb. Bufo. Cham. Creos. Croc. Euphr.Graph. Kali-c. Lach. Led. Lye Mgn-m. Nitr. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Rhus-rad. Sep. 5/7. Spig. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. ----leit, Aeon. Cinnab. Glon. Millef. Pallad. ----right, Kali-b. Merc-jod. — forearms, Nux. — left forearm and hand in morning, Fluor-ac. — hands, Ambr. Ars. Carb-an. Cocc-c. Con. Croc. Euphr. Hyosc. Lam. Lye Mez. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Sil. Spig. ----left, Merc-sulph. 214 29. UPPER EXTREMITIES. Numbness, hand, right, Cycl. — palm of hand, Bry. — ringers, Aeon. Amm-c. Bar-c. Calc. Carb-an. Caust. Cham. Cimex. Creos. Dig. Euphr. Ferr. Iod. Kali-c. Lam. Lye Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux Par. Phosp. Puis. Sass. Stram. Sulph. Verat. Zinc. ----single, Ol-an. ----ring and little finger, Diad. ----lips, Kali-c. Lacli. Phosp. Spong. Staph. — in morning, Nux. Puis. Zinc. ------in bed, Mgn-m. Nitr-ac. -------on waking, Hipp-m. — at night, Ambr. Croc. Igt. Lye. ATux. Puis. Sil. — when carrying something, Ambr. — with torpor, Nux. — in cold weather, Kali-c. — when lain upon, Ambr. Bar-c. Sil. ----leaning upon the part, Sil. — after motion or exercise, Kali-c. Ruta. — when taking hold of anything, Cocc. Cham. Outward pressure, shoulder joint, Cor-r. Pain, simple, arm, Bar-c. Calc. Haematox. Rlius-rad. — in upper three vertebrae, through shoul- ders, Kalm. — shoulder, Dig. Gels. Igt. ----right. Cimex. Fluor-ac. Kalm. Lact. ----left, Cinnab. — shoulder-joint, Amm-c. Cist. Igt. Plb. — humeri, Diad. Igt. Iod. Lye Murex. — first in left then tight deltoid, with in- clination to move, Ox-ac. — elbow left, from draft of air Gels. — wrist, Amm-c. Calc-ph. Cor-r. Kalm. Kobalt. Lach. Plb. Ruta. ----joint which had been sprained, Amm-c. ----right, Lac-can. Ox-ac. Petr. ----left, Kalm. — hands. Cist. Kalm. — fingers, Benz-ac. Calc-ph. Iris. Kalm. — thumb, Calc-ph. ----on lifting, Ruta., Pain in bones in general, Asa-f. Lye Phosp-ac. Staph. Panaritia, paronychia, All-cep. Alum. Apis. Bar-c. Berb. Bov. Bufo Calc. Caust. Con. Diosc. Ferr-m. Fluor-ac. Gins. Hep. Iod. Kali-c Lach. Led. Lye Meic. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Puis. Sacch. Sep. 5/7. Sulph. Teucr. — blue black, around nail of thumb, Bufo. — left index, (as if forming), Gymnoc. — pain as from, Puis. Paralysis, arms, Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Calc-ph. Caust. Chelid. Cocc. Cupr. Dulc. Ferr. Lye Nitr. Nux. Op. Plb. Rhus. Sec-c. Sil. Stann. Verat. ----left, Dig. Hipp. Pallad. '-------with pain in heart, Pallad. — upper arm, Agar. Calc-ph. Chelid. Nux. — fore arm, Sil. — wrist, right, in morning, Hipp. — hand, Agar. Cannab. Cupr. Kali-c. Lach. Plb. 5/7. Zinc. ----right, Caust. Elaps. — fingers, Calc. Calc-ph. Phosp. — with coldness and insensibility, Plb. Rhus. Zinc. — sensation of, paralytic pains, arms, Aeon. Alum. Amm-m. Ang. Bell. Berb. Calc. Cham. Cliin. Cina. Colch. Cycl. Dig. Dulc. Ferr. Igt. Lach. Menv. Mez. Ntr-m. Par. Plat. P1d. Prun. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Verat. Zinc. (compare Weakness.) ----left arm and right foot, Hyper. ----right arm, Fluor-ac. — shoulder, Ambr. Euph. Mgn-s. Mang. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nux. Puis. Sep. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Valer. Verat. ----right, Laur. Merc-cor. Pallad. Psor. ----top, Mez. — upper arm, Ferr-m. — elbow joint, Ambr. Ang. Samb. Valer. — fore arm, Aeon. Ambr. Bism. Bov. Creos. Prun. Seneg. Staph Stront. — wrist, Asar. Bism. Bov. Carb-veg. Kali-c. Meic Petr. ----right, Laur. Lye Ox-ac. — hand, Aeon. Ambr. Ang. Chin. Meny. Merc. Nux. Prun. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Tabac. — fingers, Aeon. Asar. Aur. Carb-veg. Chin. Creos. Cycl. Dig. Evon Lact. Meny. Staph. ----thumb and index, Lachn. ----right, Prun. ----joints, Aur. Par. Verb. Perspiration, upperarms, Petr. — in axilla, smelling like onions, Osm. — hands, Aeon. Anac Ars. Bell. Calc. Canth. Carb-veg. Cham. Con. Hell. Hep. Igt. Iod. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr Phosp. Puis. Sass. Sep". Sil. Sulph. Tabac. Thuj. Zinc. ----only, Agn. ----clammy, Anac. Phosp. Spig. ----cold, Aeon. Bell. Canth. Caps. Cham. Cina. Cocc. Hep. Iod. Ip. Kali-b. Nux. Rheum. Sass. Sep. Spig. Tabac. ----fetid, Hep. —---itching, Sulph. ----warm, Igt. ----at night, Coloc. ----palms, Aeon. Amm-m. Anac. Bar-c. Cadm. Calc. Carb-veg. Con. Creos. Dulc. Gymnoc. Hell. Hep. Igt. Led! Lye Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. 29. UPPER EXTRFMITIES. 215 Petr. Phosp. Psor. Rheum. Sil. Sulph. Perspiration, hands, back, Lith. — finger tips, Carb-an. Carb-veg. — between fingers, Sulph. Petechiae, like, or fore-arm and back of hand, Berb. Phagedenic blisters, on hands and fingers. Graph. Kali-c. Algn-c Nitr-ac. Sil. ----with a pungent pain, Mgn-s. Pressing pain, arms, Anac. Aig. Bell. Berb. Clem. Coloc. Cycl. Dulc. Led. Puis. Sass. Sulph. — shoulder joint, Anac. Bell. Bry. Carb-an. Caust. Croton. Kali-c. Ntr-c. Phosp. Puis. Staph. Sulph. ----right, Laur. Prun. — shouider joint, Cor-r. Led. Nitr-ac. Stann. — upper arm, Aur. Camph. Chelid. Cycl. Mur-ac. Phosp-ac. Sabin. Sass. Stann. Staph. -------and axilla, Agn. — elbow, Camph. Led. — fore-arm, Aur. Berb. Bism. Camph. Croton. Cycl. Ferr-in. Oleand. Phosp-ac. Plat. Ruta. Sabin. Sass. Staph. Verb. — wrist, Arg. Bell. Berb. Bism. Sass. Stann. Viol-od. — carpal bones, Arg. Bell. Cupr. Oleand. Plat. Puis. — hands, Arg. Clem. Phosp-ac.Puis. Ruta. Stann. Staph. Verb. ----back of, Berb. — fingers, Arg. Cycl. Oleand. Phosp-ac. Plat. Ruta. Sabin. Stann. Staph. Verb. — finger joints, Arg. Sass. Stann. Prickling, arms, hands, fingers, Dig. Fluor-ac Mez. Plat. Rhus-rad. — left upper arm, Elaps. — finger tips, Lach. Pulsation, shoulder and upper arm, Tar. — fingers, Glon. Sulph. Teucr. ----left index, Gymnoc Pustules at root of nails, sperading over hands to wrists arms and axillary glands get red, pustules secrete a watery fluid if broken, if not broken, fluid thickens to a yellow tough mass, Kali-b. To raise the arms, inability from pain, arm, Ntr-c Ntr-m. ----shoulder, Ferr. Ntr-m. ----upper arm, Ferr. Nitr-ac. Red spots, arms, Rhus. Sabad. Sulph. ----with yellowish pellicle, wrist,Jac-cor. — shoulder, Tabac. — fore-arm, Berb. Euph. Thuj. — hands, Cor-r. Elaps. Hipp-m. Lach. Ntr-c. Sabad. Stann. Tabac. — fingers, Cor-r. Lach. Plb. — burning, Berb Sulph. Tabac. — itching, when touched, Berb. Euph. Zinc. — marbled, Berb. Thuj. — swollen, Plb. — after washing, Sulph. — with vesicles, Lach. Redness, arms, Ant. ----scarlet, Ars. Bell. Bry. Merc. Rhus. Sulph. — hands, Bar-c. Berb. Carb-an. Fluor-ac Hep. Ntr-s. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Staph. Sulph. ---s scarlet, Bell. Bry. Hep. Mez. Rhus. Stram. — fingers, Agar. Borax. Lye. Nux. ----knuckles, Cannab. Pallad. ----points and backs of fingers, Berb. Calc. Relaxation of arms, Guaj. Plat. -------when laughing, Carb-veg. Rending (tearing) arms, Ambr. Amm-m. Arg. Ars. Bell. Berb. Calc. Canth.Caust. China Cina. Cinnab. Cocc. Colch. Creos. Crotal.Dig.Igt.Ind.Iod.Kalm.Z.tY/'. Mgn- m. Mgn-s. Mang. Meny. Ntr-c Ntr-s. Nitr. Ol-an. Par. Phell. Phosp.Phosp-ac Puis. Ran-b. Sass. Sil. Stront. Sulph. Tart. Thuj. Zinc. — arm joints, Amm-c. Bov. Chin. Graph. Kali-e Lact. Lye Nitr. Phosp-ac. Puis. Stront Sulph. Teucr. Zinc. — brachial bones, Bib. Chin. Hell. Ntr-s. Rhod. Ruta. Teucr. — shoulder, Aeon. Alum. Ambr. Amm-m. Bell. Bry. Carb-veg. Cast. Chenop. Croton. Evon. Ferr. Graph. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lachn. Laur. Lye Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Along. Alerc. Ntr-c. Nitr. Phell. Phosp Puis. Rat. Rhus. Sep. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verb. Zinc. ----right, Colch. ----left, Ferr. — upper arm, Ars. Berb. Bry. Camph. Cast. Chenop. Croton. Ferr. Hyper. Kali-b. Kalm. Laur. Alerc. Mui-ae Oleand. Plb. Puis. Rat. Rheum. Sabin. Stann. Staph. Valer. — elbow joint, Ambr. Kalm. Lachn. Lye. Ntr-c. Rhus. Ruta. Veib. Zinc. — fore-arm, Aeth. Ambr. Asa-f. Berb. Bism. Calc. Camph. Carb-veg. Croton. Guaj. Ind. Kali-c. Kali-chl. Lact. Mgn-c. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac Phosp. Ran-b. Rat. Rheum. Rhod. Ruta. Sabin. Sass. Staph. Tar. Tilia. Verb. — hands, Ambr. Amm-m. Arg. Arn. Ars. Caust. Chin. Chin-sulph. Cina. Colch. Graph. Kali-c. Kalm. Led. Mgn-s. Along. Meny. Mur-ac Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Ol-an. Petr. Phosp. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Selen. Sil. Stann. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Verb. Zinc. — wrist, Amm-c. Amm-m. Arg. Ars. Aur. 2l6 29. UPPER EXTREMITIES. Bell. Berb. Bism. Carb-veg. Kali c. Kali-jod. Lact. Nitr. Rat. Rhus. Sabin. Sass. Stann. Stront. Sulph. Tar. Teucr. Zinc. Rending (tearing) wrist, right, Caust. — carpal bones, Arg. Aur. Bell. Chin. Cupr. Lachn. Lact. Ntr-c. Sabin. Spig. Teucr. — fingers, Agar. Ambr. Amm-m. Arg. Aur. Carb-veg. Chin. Colch. Creos. Croton. Daph. Hell. Iod. Kali-c. Lam. Led. Algn-s Along. Meny. Mur-ac. Ntr-s. Oleand. Ol-an. Phosp-ac. 1Mb. Puis. Ruta. Sabin. Sil. Stann. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Teucr. Verb. Zinc. — —back of, Berb. ----joints, Amm-c, Arg. Aur. Berb. Carb-veg. Dig. Hell. Kali-c Lachn. Lye Nitr. Rheum. Rhus. Samb. Sass. Stann. Stront. Sulph. Teucr. Zinc. ----tips, Berb. ----right hand, Chelid. — between fingers, Cycl. — under nails, Bism. Restlessness, arms, Ferr. Glon. ----left, Meph. Rhagades, arms, Sil. — hands, Alum. Arn. Aur. Bar-c. Calc. Creos. Cycl. Graph. Hep. Kali-c. Lach. Mgn-c. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Petr. Rhus. Ruta. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. ----deep and bleeding, Alerc. Petr. Sass. ----in winter, Petr. ----on back of hands, Ntr-c. Rhus. Sep. — — palms, Sulph. ----on ball of hand, Hep. — fingers, Mgn-c Meic Petr. Sass. — finger-joints, Mang. Phosp. Sulph. — between fingers, Ars. Graph. Sulph. Zinc. — on the nails, Ntr-m. 8~<-*cv. Carb-veg. Cina. Colch. Ntr-m. Sil. — when writing, Aeon. Agar. Cocc.Sabin. Wen on hand, Plb. — between metacarpal bones, Phosp-ac. Withei ing of skin of hands, Bism. Wienihing, (spraining.) pain, arms, Ambr. Am. Bov. Igt. Lach.Lact.Oleand.Prun. Tereb. Thuj. — shoulder, Ambr. Asar.Bry. Caust.Croc. Igt. Mgn-c. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nice Petr. Puis. Rhod. Ruta. Sabin. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Tereb. Thuj. — elbow, Ambr. Ferr-m. Nice Puis. — wrw, Ambr. Amm-c. Arn. Bov. Bry. Cab:. Caust. Cist. Hep. Nux. Puis. Rh,d. Ruta. Sulph. Verb. ----when bent, Ferr-m. — hand, Ambr. Amm-c. Arn. Bov. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Caust. Hep. Nitr. Phosp. Prun. Puis. Rhod. Ruta. Sabin. Seneg. Sulph. Veib. — fingers, Graph. Ntr-m. Nitr. Phosp. Puis. Sulph. — thumb, Creos. 220 29. UPPER EXTREMITIES. — holding anything in hands, pain, Coff. Guaj. Piiosp. Sep. Sil. — lain upon, pain, arm, increased, Ars. Iod. — laughing, pain, Carb-veg. — leaning upon part, pain, Ruta. Sil. Thuj. — lifting a load, Ruta. Sep. — moved, pain, arm, Berb. Bry. Cannab. Chelid. Hyosc. Kali-c Led. Mgn-m. Nux. Staph. — shoulder, Asar. Bell. Cannab. Led. Mgn-c. Merc. Puis. Sang. — scapula, Puis. — upper arm, Cocc. Fluor-ac Lac-can. Alerc. — fore arm. Croc. — hand, Laur. Puis. Sep. — wrist, Bry. Hep. Kali-c Mere — fingers, Hep. Kali-c. Lam. By moving, pain increased, Berb. Iris. Led. Mgr-c Mgn-c. Nux. ----relieved, Aieph. lliuj. Passion, after being in a, Coloc. After perspiration, pain in arms relieved, Thuj. When pressing the parts, pain, Berb. Sil. — raising arms, pain, Cocc Oleand. Sang. ----shoulder, Ferr. Led. Ntr-m. Prun. Puis, bulph-ae ----scapula joint, Puis. ----upper arm, Bar-c. During rest, pain, arms, Aeon. Dulc. Rhod. — shoulder, Cocc. Euph. Rhus. — upper arm, Cocc. — fingers, Lith. By rest, pain increased, Rhod. On entering a room, pain, arm, Aeth. From rubbing, pain, arm, Berb. — scratching, pain, arm, Beib. Lach. — sewing, pain carpal bones, Kali-c. Lach. During the siesta, Lye When stretching out the arm, pain in arm, Alum. Caust. ----sudden heat, Ferr-m. — touched, pain, arm, Agar. Chin. Euph. Lam. — shoulder, Aeon. — upper arm, Agn. — elbow, Ambr. — wrist, Merc. By touch, pain increased, Agar. Berb. Chin Cocc. Lam. After vexation, pain shoulder, Coloc. — a walk, pain shoulder and elbow, Valer. -------fingers, Croc. By walking relieved, Daph. — warmth, pain increased, Calc. Sulph Thuj. — relieved, Cinnab. From warmth of bed, pain, shoulder, Rhus. ----pain relieved, Amm-c. Wrenching, dislocation, of wrist, Amm-c. Arn. Bov. Bry. Carb-an. Ruta. Wrinkled fingers, Ambr. Cupr. Phosp-ac Wrist joint which had been sprained, pain Yellowness ofihlindl^iL <>pigT«^i<- %. — fingers, Chelid. Phosp-ac. Xe^i-^ • — joints of fingers, right hand, cold and dead, Chelid. Yellow spots, arm, Petr. — fingers, Con. Elaps. Sabad. Tart. Yellow rings on hands, fingers, elbows and around nails, Ntr-c. In morning, aggravation of pain, carpal bones, Amm-c. Cupr. Iod. Kali-c Mgn-m. Nux. Puis. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. ----in bed, Ntr-c. — afternoon, Nux. — evening, pain arm, Hyosc. Led. Puis. Rhus. Stann. ----in bed, Carb-veg. Creos. Mgn-m. — pain in hand, Ntr-c At night, pain, arm, Ambr. Amm-m. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cham. Coloc Croc. Diad. Dig. Dros. Dulc Igt. Iod. Lvc. Mgn-c. Merc. Mur-ac. Nitr. .Nux. Phosp. Puis. Sang. Sil. Staph. Sulph. ----in bed, Igt. Sulph. — brachial bones, Amm-m. Lye — shoulder, Bell. Cast. Mgn-c. Alerc Nitr. Phosp. Sulph. — upper arm, Ars. Cast. Cham. Alerc. Nux. Puis. Sulph. — elbow joint, Nitr. — wrist, Nitr. Sil., — hands, Phosp. Selen. Sulph. — fingers, Borax. Mgn-s. Puis. Sulph. — finger joints, Nitr. Sulph. — after midnight, pain, arms, Nux. — day and night, pain, arm, Borax. In autumn, arm, pain, Rhus. On bending arms, Aeth. When carrying something, Ambr. During chills, pain in hands and fingers, Nux. In cold weather, Agar. Kali-c. ----pain relieved, Thuj. From cold air, pain, arm, Igt. Nitr-ac. Rhod. In damp weather, pain, arm, Rhod. Rhus. From exertion, pain arms, hands, Sep. Sil. During exertion. Alum. Iod. Merc. Sulph. After exertion, Ruta. When hanging down, pain arms, Alum. Berb. Sabin. Thuj. ---------shoulder, Ruta. When taking hold of anything, pain arms and hands, Amm-c. Arn. Calc.Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Dros. Led. Plat. Verat. -------relieved, Lith. ----wrist, Bov. — tips of fingers, powerless, can't hold, Mez. 29.' UPPER EXTREMITIES. 221 From washing, Amm-c. Sulph. —r — in cold water, Amm-c. — cold waier, Clem. In winter, Petr. When working, pain, hands, Alum. Iod. Merc. Sulph. From wiiting, pain, fore arms, Aeon. ----hands, Aeon. Agar. Bar-c. Cinnab. Euph. Fluor-ac. Kali-c Merc-jod. Sabin. Samb. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Valer. Zinc. — — fingers, Aeon. Bry. Cist. Iris. Mur-ac — yawning, pain, Nux, JS 222 30. LOWER EXTREMITIES. 30. Lower Extremities. Abscess on buttock, Sulph. ----calf of leg, Chin. ----ankle joint, Ang. ----heel, Lach. Aching of toes, Mosch. Arthritic complaints, lower extremities, Ambr. Arn. Led. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Sabin. — hips, (coxalgia.) Ang. Ars. Asa-f. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Cham. Coloc. Dig. Graph. Hep. Merc. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Staph. ----with commencing suppuration, (throbbing), Hep. Alerc. Staph. — knees, Chin. Con. — feet, Ambr. Bry. Graph. Verat. — toes, (gout), Ambr. Arn. Colch. Con. Graph. Led. Sabin. Sulph. Verat. Atrophy of legs, Chin. As if bandaged, pain, Anac. ----knees, Anac. Aur. As if beaten, Aug. Arn. Berb. Bruc. Carb-veg. Croton. Cupr. Merc. Phosp. Sil. Spig. Spong. Tart. Valer. Verat. ----joints, Arg. ----bones, Led. Puis. Ruta. ----buttocks, Puis. ----hips. Aeon. All-cep. Amm-c. Arn. Phosp-ac Ruta. Sulph. -------right, Sep. ----thighs, Aeon. Amm-c. Ang. Camph. Caust.Cocc Creos.Grat.Guaj. Hep. Led. Meny. Merc. Murex. Nux. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puis. Sang. Spig. Staph. Tabac. Viol-tr. ----knees, Ars. Berb. Camph. Cupr. Hep. Led. Meph. Phosp. Plat. Staph. Verat. ----legs, Ang. Caust. Croc. Gels. Merc. Puis. Valer. ----tibia, Puis. ----tarsal joint, when walking and touch- ing it, Ntr-m. ----feet, Arg. Arn. Bry. ----soles, Ambr. Arum-trif. Calc. Graph. Igt. Lac-can. Phosp. Puis. Xiphos. ----instep, left. Kali-jod. ----os calcis, Cocc. ----toes, Daph. Black and painful spots, Nux. Blister on thighs and legs, after scratching, Lach. ----heel, from rubbing of shoes, then smarting ulcer, Lam. Bloatedness, Dulc. Blood, congestioh to feet when standing, Graph. — as if stagnating, sensation in, knees, Lact. Phell. ----legs, Lact. Zinc. Blood-specks, legs, Phosp. Blueness, of feet, Arn. Elaps. Bluish spots, Creos. Sulph. Boring pain, Canth. Merc. Ran-b. Ran-sc. — thighs, Ran-b. — knee joint and ankle joint, Hell. — feet and toes. Ran-sc. — heels, Puis. — os calcis, relieved bv continued motion, Diad. Brown skin of legs (inside thigh), Thuj. Burning, pain, in general, Kali-c. Led. Lye Phosp. Prun. ----bones, Euph. — hips, Bell. Carb-veg. Euph. Hell. Rhus. Valer. — thighs, Bov. Croton. Rat. Rhus. — knees, Lye Tabac. Tar. — legs, Agar. Anac. Borax. Lye Prun.Tar. — calf of leg, Dig. — tibia, Mgn-c. Phosp-ac — ankle-joint. Euph. Ntr-c. Puis. -------top of, Puis. — tarsal bones, Ruta. — feet, Amm-c. Ars. Berb. Borax. Calc. Cham. Cocc. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Kali-c. Led. Lye Ntr-m. Phosp. Phosp-ac.Scill. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Stann. Zinc — instep, Puis. — soles, Ambr. Anac. Ars. Berb. Calc. Canth. Carb-veg. Cham. Creos. Croc. Crotal. Cupr. Eupat. Graph. Kali-c. Lach. Lachn. Lye Mgn-m. Mang. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Petr Phosp-ac. Puis. Sang. Scill. Sil. Sulph. Tabac. — heels, Igt. — toes, Agar. Alum. Ant. Arn. Berb. Borax. Carb-an. Dulc. Kali-c. Lith. Nux. Paeon. Phosp-ac. Sabin. Staph. Tar. 30. LOWER EXTREMITIES. 223 rubbed from, by shoes, Lye Mang. Ntr-c. Graph. Burning toes, tips, Mur-ac. Burning spots, Lye Mgn-c. Phosp-ac. Buzzing and humming in, Creos. Buzzing, sensation of, Ambr. ----in legs, Puis. ----especially in soles, Oleand. Caries, ankle-joint, Asa-f. Chafed, between thighs, Bar-c. Caust. Chin. Giaph. Hep. Kali-c. Lye Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Petr. Rhod. Sep. Sulph. — bend of knee, Ambr. — legs, Lach. — heel, skin All-cep. — between toes Phosp-ac. Chilblains,^(7r. Amm-c Carb-an. Caib-veg. Croc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Op Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. — large, Nitr-ac. — looking red, Cycl. — heel, swelling and red, Petr. — toes. Croc. Kali-c. Nitr-ac. Phosp. — pain, as from, Berb. Borax. Cham.Nux. Chilliness, Cocc. Par. Sep. Coldness, Apis. Ars. Bell. Calc. Cic. Ip. Lac can. Led. Nitr-ac. Nux. Op. Ox-ac. Plb. Rhod. Rhus-rad. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. — in evening, when lying down in bed, Sass. — at night, Phosp. — hip-joint, Meic. — thighs, Merc. Nux. — knees, Ars. Benz-ac. Cimex. Coloc. Daph. Merc. Raph. Puis. . - Mp^oXm^of^X-—--c^^''^y\ — legs, Ambr. Chenop. Mosch. Nux. Sil. ----right, Elaps. Sabin. ----left, Ol-an. ----from knees to toes, Tabac. ----middle of right tibia, Samb. ----ankle-joint, Berb. — feet, Aeon. Alum. Ambr. Anac. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bufo. Calc. Carb-an. Caust. Chenop. Chin. Cinnab. Cist. Cocc. Con. Creos. Daph. Dig. Dros. Ferr. Gels. Graph. Hipp. Hipp-m. Hyosc. Iod. Ip. Kali-c Kali-chl. Lach. Lact. Laur. Lye Mgn-s. Mang. Merc. Merc-cor. Mez. Mur-ac. .Ntr-c Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Oleand. Petr. Phosp. Plat. Plb. Rhod. Samb. Sass. Scill. Sep. Sil. Stann.Staph.Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Verat. Zinc. ----on one side, the other red and hot, Puis. ----in morning, Anac. -------evening, Calc. ---------in bed, Amm-c. Carb-an. Graph. Kali-c. Nux. Par. Sulph. ----when walking, Anac. — — after foot-sweat suppressed, Sil. — soles, Coloc Merc. Sulph. — toes, Aeon. Meny. Sulph. ---- begins in, Sulph. — in joints, Cinnab. — sensation of, Berb. Mere Rhod. — icy. on single spots, Berb. To take cold, liability, feet. Con. 5/7. Contraction of tendons, Alez. Sulph. — left hip, Amm-m. — bend of knee, Amm-m. Ars. Carb-an. Graph. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ruta. Sulph. — instep, Caust. — toes, Nitr. (compare Shortening.) Contrarting pain, Amm-c. Caust. Lye Rat. ----right leg, leg seems shortened, Ambr. ---------on walking, Coloc. ----calf of leg. Lye ----instep, Caust. Convulsions, Cupr. Hyosc Igt. Ip. Mosch. Nux. Op. Plb. Scill. Sec-c. Spong. — toes, Cupr. Corns, Amm-c. Ant. Bar-c. Bov. Bry. Calc. Caust. Lvc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac:.Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhod. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. — on soles of feet, horny. Ant. — boring, Ntr-c. Ntr-m. — burning. Amm-c. Bar-c. Bruc. Bry. Calc. Chenop. Igt. Lith. Meph. Phosp-ac. Ran-sc. Rhus. Thuj. — inflamed, Sep. — painful, in general, Bry. Iod. Kali-c. Lith. Ntr-m. Sulph. ----when touched, Bry. Kali- — pinching, Bar-c. — pressing, Ant. Bry. Sulph. — rending, Amm-c. Sulph-ac. — sore, smarting, Ambr. Fluor-ac. Graph. Lye Rhus. Verat. — stinging, stitches. Amm-c. Bar-c. Bov. Borax. Bry. Caust. Chenop. Hep. Kali-c. Mgn-m. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac Ran-sc.Rhod.Rumex. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Verat. Coxalgia, Arg. Ars. Asa-f. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Cham. Colch. Coloc. Dig. Graph. Hep. Merc. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Sulph. — hip becomes elongated, Coloc. Rhus. Thuj. — with spasmodic pains in bladder and strangury, Canth. Cracking, in the joints, Benz-ac. Camph. Cocc. Con. Led. Nux. Puis. Ran-b. Selen. Tabac. Thuj. ----knee, Cham. Cocc. Igt. -------right, Mez. — when bending, Selen. ----moving, Cham. Cocc. Nux. ----stepping, Euphr. Mgn-s. Calc. Caust. Nitr-ac.Phosp. Bry. Calc. Bry. Petr. 224 30. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Cracking, when stooping, Croc. ----stretching out, Thuj. ----walking, Bry. Led. Nux. Tabac. Cramp, Aclea-r. Ambr. Ars. Calc. Graph. Hyosc. Piiosp. Pib. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. — buttocks, Graph. — hips, Coloc. Phosp-ac — thighs. Asar. Cannab. Hyosc. Ip. Petr. Rhus. Sep. — bend of knee, Calc. Cannab. Caust.Nitr. Paeon. Petr. Phosp. Sulph. — legs, Bufo. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Coloc. Cupr. Hipp-m. Jatr. Ntr-m. Pod. Sass. Sec-c. Tabac. Verat. — tibia, Amm-c. — calves, Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Anac. Arg. Ars. Bar-c. Bov. Bry. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cham. Coff. Coloc. Con. Cupr. Elaps. Ferr. Ferr-m. Graph. Gum-gut. Hep. Hyosc. Jatr. Lach. .Lact. Lob. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Merc-cor. Ntr-c. Ntr-m-. Nitr-ac. Nux. Oleand. Petr. Rhus. Sacch. Sass. Sec-c. Selen. Sep. Sil. Sol-nig. Staph. Sulph. Tart. Verat. — feet, Amm-c. Berb. Camph. Caust. Graph. Hipp-m. Lac-can. Lachn. Lye Meph. Ntr-c. Nux. Petr. Ran-b. Rhus. Sec-c. Sil. Stram. Sulph. — soles, Amm-c. Ang. Berb. Calad Carb-veg. Chelid. Coff. Eugen. Hep. Hipp. Petr. Phosp. Plb. Selen. Sil. Staph. Sulph. ----at every step, Petr. Sil. Sulph, o . /_ . — toes, Amm-c. Bar-c. Bar-m. *<+ ^j^^-Carb-an. Caust. Ferr. Gels. Gum-gut. ^ ^V<^ . Hep Lyc Nicc Nux Q1.an piat. Sec-c Sil. Sulph. — in morning, in bed, Bov. Bry. Nitr-ac. ----evening, Hipp. Sil. — at night, Ambr. Ars. Bry. Carb-veg. Cham. Eugen. Iod. Ip. Lachn. Lyc. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Rhus.' Sec c. Sep. Staph. Sulph. — when bending the foot forwards, Coff. ----crossing the legs, Alum. ----extending the leg, Bar-c. Calc. ----going down stairs, Arg. ----lifting the legs, Coff. ----pulling on boots, Calc. ----sitting, Oleand. Paeon. Rhus. — after sitting, Nitr-ac. — when standing, Euphr. ----stepping out, Alum. ----walking, Amm-c. Lyc Nitr-ac. Sep. — after a walk, when sitting, Rhus. — with colic, Co'oc Cramping pain, Cina. Iod. Phosp-ac. — hips, Ang. Arg. Aur. Cannab.Carb-veg. Caust. Coloc. Ntr-m. Ruta.Sep.Sulph-ac. Valer. — thighs, Carb-veg. Cycl. Mang. Mur-ac. Ol-an. Phosp-ac Plat. Ran-b. Ruta. Calc. Ferr. Sec-c. Calc. Sabin. Valer. Verb. — knees, Arg. Bry. Carb-veg. Led. Ol-an. — legs, Anac. Ang. Bry. Camph. Caust. Ntr-c. Oleand. Phosp-ac. Piat. Verb. — tibia, Eugen. — calves, Anac Berb. Caust. Euphr. Led. Lyc. — heel, Eugen. Led. — feet, Aug. Arg. Camph. Oleand. Phosp-ac. Plat. Verb. — toes, Phosp-ac. Plat. Crawling, Bov. Caps. Euphr. Lachn. Ol-an. Plat. Rhod. Sabad. Sec-c. Sulph. — bones, Guaj. — thighs, Guaj. — legs, Kali-c Sec-c. Sulph. Tabac — calves, Sulph. Zinc. — feet, Arn. Bell. Caps. Caust. Croc. Dulc. Hipp-m. Kali-c. Ntr-m. Par. Sep. Tar. Zinc. — soles, Raph. ----one spot in middle of, Ol-an. — toes, Amm-m. Hep. Jatr. Lach. Lact. Ntr-m. Ran-sc. Sec-c. Sulph. ----tips, Colch. Crooking of the knees, Lyc. Sulph. To cry out, pain in legs, Sep. Cutting pain, Bell. Dros. Graph. Igt Ntr-c. ----hips, Calc. Igt. -------left, Kali-jod. ---------after a fall, Ntr-s. ----thighs, Dig. Gels. ----knees, Arg. ----ankle-joint, Arg. ---- feet, Ambr. Ntr-c. ----heel, Ntr-s. Puis. ----sole, Ol-an. ----toes, Aur-m Led. Paeon. Phosp-ac. Deadness, in open air, paleness and torper, Graph. — legs, Amm-m. Nux. — middle of right tibia, Samb. — feet, Calc. Iod. Nux. Rhus. Sep. ------------in evening, Calc. — toes, Calc. Chelid. Cycl. Sec-c. ----after walking, Cycl. Digging, Diad. Rhod. ----knees, Croton. Dragging, from hip to groin, as if every- thing would be pressed out. Ox-ac. Drawing up of knees, involuntary, when walking, Igt. Drawing pain. Aeon. Amm-m. Ang. Ant. Bar-c. Berb. Bry. Carb-veg. Cham. Chelid. Chenop. Cina. Con. Creos. Dulc. Graph. Iod. Kali-c. Lach. Led. Lyc. Mgn-c Alerc. Ntr-m. Nux. Par. Puis. Rhus-rad. Sep. 5/7. Stann. Stront. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. Zinc. — buttocks, Croton. — joints, Chelid. Rhod. Stront. — bones, Chin. Con. Kali-c. Rhod. Valer. 30. LOWER EXTRFMITIES. 225 Drawing pain, hips,Ant.Benz-ac.Bry.Calc. Carb-veg. Chelid. Con.Evon.Ntr-m.Par. Plb. Rhus. Ruta. Stann. Tereb. — thighs, Anac. Arn. Bar-m. Berb. Caust. Cham. Cinnab. Colch. Creos. Cupr. Dulc Iod. Mang. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nux. Ol-an. Puis. Rat. Ran-b. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Samb. Scill. Sep. Stram. Tereb. Valer. Zinc. — knees, Aeon. Alum. Anac. Asar. Bry. Caust. Cham. Chenop. Cocc. Cupr.Iod. Mgn-m. Ntr-m. Phosp. Puis. Rat. Sabin. Sep. iitann. Staph. Zinc. — legs, Aeon. Agar. Amm-c. Anac.Borax. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Caust. Cham. Chenop. Ferr. Kaii-e Lact. Led.Mgn-c. Mez. Mur-ac. Nir-c Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Oleand. Ol-an. Phosp. Puis. Rat Rhod. Rhus. Scill. Sep. Sil. Spong. Staph. Viol-tr. Zinc — tibia, Chenop. — calves, Puis. —t tendo achillis, Benz-ac. Mur-ac. Ntr-s. — ankle-joint, Cannab. Stront. Valer.Zinc. — tarsal bones, Cupr. Rhod. Staph. — feet, Borax. Cannab. Caust. Cocc. Ferr. Mgn-c. Mez. Oieand. Ol-an. Puis. Rat. Rhod. Spong. Stront. V erat. Zinc. — soles, Chenop. — heel, Sep. — toes, Aur. Berb. Cocc. Mez. Ol-an. Rat. Sep. Sil. Stront. Dryness, knee-joint, Nux. — feet. Hipp. Phosp. Sep. Sil. Emaciation, wasting, Berb. Chin. Selen. — of ham and thighs, Sacch. — legs, Nitr-ac. — feet, Caust. Eruption, Ant. Clem.Dulc.Merc.Rhus-rad. Sulph. — buttocks, Ant. Nux. Selen. Thuj. — thighs, Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Osm. Petr. Thuj. — between the thighs, Petr. Selen. — knees, Anac. Ant. Lach. Merc. Nux. Phosp-ac. Thuj. — bend of knees, Ntr-m. — legs, Alum. Bov. Daph. Lach. Merc. Mez. Phosp-ac. Sep. Sulph. — calves, Petr. Sil. Thuj. — ankle, Osm. — feet, Con. Lach. Rhus. Sep. — toes, Ntr-c. Sulph. — blisters, large, on soles, Bufo. ----full of serum on sole of right foot, Kali-b. — blisters spreading on toes, Graph. — blotches, Ant. Lach. Ntr-c. Sulph. — burning, Nux. — confluent, Phosp-ac. — gangrenous, Hyosc. — gnawing, corroding, Nux. Sulph. — humid, on malleoli, Creos. — itching, Anac. Daph. Dulc. Lach. Merc. Nux. Petr. Rhus. Selen. Sep. Sil. Sulph. — lumpy, Petr. Therid. Thuj. — miliary, Alum. Bov. Daph. Merc. Nux. Sil. Sulph. — papular, Lnch. Lachn. Merc. Nux. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Seien. Sep. Thuj. — phagedenic, Sulph. — pustular, Clem. Dulc. Rhus. Thuj. ----black, Ars. Ntr-c. Sec-c. -------ulcerated, on heel, Ntr-c. ----suppurating, Con. Thuj. ----with a red areola, Ant. — scabby, Lach. — elevated, white scabs, Mez. — spots, like a burn, Lach. — ulcerating, Phosp-ac. — vesicular, Hyosc Ntr-c. Sulph. ----comes out in cold air, Dulc. ----corroding, gnawing, Borax. Caust. Graph. Sep. Sil. Sulph. ----humid, painless, between toes, Hell. — white, Mez. Thuj. Erysipelas, legs, Ars. Borax. Hep. Ntr-c. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. — knee, Nux. Sulph. — feet, Am. Borax. Bry. Dulc. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Rhus-rad. Sulph. Erysipelatous, desquamation of feet, Dulc. Extend the limb, need to, Sulph-stc. Extention, spasmodic of legs, Cina. Fall to readily, liability, Caust. Mgn-c. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Fatigue, sensationof, legs, Arg-n. Chenop. Creos. Lact. Mgn-m. Merc-jod. Mosch. Murex. Ntr-s. Psor. Puis. Ruta. Sulph. — hips, Creos. — knees, Anac. Cor-r. Croc. Kobalt. Ox-ac. Puis. Sulph. — feet, Alum. Cannab. Cor-r. Croc. — after walking, Murex. Ruta. To fall liability, Caust. Mgn-c. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. — in children, Caust. Nux. — on making a false step, Phosp-ac. Flaccidity, Ang. Camph. Canth. Cic. Hell. Lach. Lyc. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Op. Plb. Puis. Stram. Verat. Flexibility, hips, Chin. — knees, Aeon. Arn. Bry. Cannab. Chin. Lach. Nitr-ac. Nux. Puis. Ruta. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Viol-tr. ----when ascending stairs, Cannab. -------going down stairs, Futa. -------walking, Stann. Stram. Viol-tr. — legs, Murex. —»feet, Bell. Chin. Cic. Nitr-ac. ----easily, Carb-an. Sulph. — toes, Carb-an. Lyc. Flexion of knees, Lyc, Sulph. Fungus, articulorum ,white swelling on knee, Arn.'Ant. Sil. Sulph. 226 30. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Furcunles, buttocks, Agar. Alum. Amm-c. Bar-c. Graph. Hep. Lyc. Nitr-ac. Phosp-ac. Rat. Sabin. — thighs, Calc. Cocc. Clem. Hyosc. Igt. Lach. Lyc Mgn-c. Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Sep. 5/7. — on right thigh, painful on motion, Calc Hell. Kali-c. — knees, Ntr-m. Nux. — bend of knees, Sep. — legs, Calc. Mgn-c. Nitr-ac. Petr. ----small blood boils, Mgn-c. — calves, 5/7. — ankle, Merc. — feet, Calc. — soles, Rat. Ganglion on instep, Ferr. Gangrenous spots, legs, Hyosc. Gangrena, senilis, Carb-veg. Gangrene of toes, Sec-c. Gnawing (corroding) pain, Lyc. Plat. Ran-sc. Ruta. — hip, Kali-jod. Greenish, yellow spots, as from a bruise, Con. Hard, callous, skin of soles, Ant. Sil. — toes, Giaph. Heat, hip, Phosp. — thighs, Murex. — knee, Igt. Phosp. ----as if hot air blowing through knee- joint, Lach. — legs, Aeon. Ntr-s. ----flushes, Kobalt. ----in morning and evening, Ntr-s. — tibia, Croton. — feet, Aeon. Cub. Led. Millex. Petr. Phosp. Psor. Puis. Stann. Staph. ----in the evening, Led. ----at night, Staph. — of one loot, coldness of the other, Lyc. —«soles, in morning, Eupat. — heels, cold to touch, Igt. — toes, Borax. Zinc. Heaviness, Aeon. Agar. Alum. Ambr. Ang. Arg-n. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Berb. Calc Camph. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Chin. Creos. Graph. Igt. Iod Kali-b. Lach. Lyc.Mgn-m.Merc Ntr-c. Ntr-m.Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Osm. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Sec-c. Sep. Sil.Spig. Stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Thuj. Verat. Verb. ----at night, Sulph. ----when ascending steps, Thuj. ----in open air, Graph. ----when walking, Thuj. — hip, Mgn-s. Tait. — thighs, Agar. Ang. Lach. Merc. Nux. Stann. Thuj. — knees, Lach. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Stann. Verat. — legs, Ang. Cannab. ColoC. Ferr. Merc. Ntr-m. Puis. Ruta. Stann. Verat. — calves, Euphr. Rhus. — feet, Aeon. Agn. Bell. Bry. Colch. Creos. Igt. Kali c Lach. Ntr-c. Nir-m. Ntr-s. Nice Nitr-ac. Op. Plb. Puis. Sabad. Tart. Verut. Verb. Herpes, Alum. Bov. Graph. Lyc. Merc. Petr. Staph. Zinc. — between thighs, Ntr-m. Petr. — on buttocks, Ntr-c. ----hip, Nice — thighs, Clem. Graph. Merc. Ntr-m. Petr. Staph. Zinc. — knees, Carb-veg. Dulc. Petr. Phosp. — bend of knee, Ars. Graph. Led. Ntr-c Ntr-m. Petr. Phosp. Sulph. — legs, Merc. — calves, Cycl. Lyc. — ankle, Cact. Creos. Cycl. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Petr. Sulph. — between toes, Alum. Graph. — chronic, Led. — itching, Mur-ac. Nice Staph. — scaly, Clem. Heipetic spots, on hams, Creos. — thighs, Mur-ac — calves, Sass. Horn like spots on the soles, Ant. Sil. ----toes, Ant. Graph. Inflammation, thigh, Ntr-c. Sil. — knees, Bry. Cocc. Led. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. — legs, Aeon. Borax. Calc. Ntr-c. — tendo achillis, Zinc. — ankle joint, Mang. — feet, Aeon. Am. Borax. Bry.. Carb-an. Kali-b. Zinc. — instep, Mgn c. Puis. Thuj. — toes, Carb-an. Phosp. Puis. Thuj. Zinc. Itching, Bar-c. Calc. Euph. Lyc. Spig. Zinc! — buttocks, Mgn-c. Therid. — hips, Alum. Dig. Puis. Sep. — thighs, Bar-c. Calc. Cioton. Nitr-ac Petr. Ran-b. Thuj. — between thighs, Carb-veg. Cinnab. Kali-c. Ntr-m. Petri — knees, Kobalt. Lyc. — bend of knee, Ars. Ntr-m. — legs, Bism. Calc. Caust. Lach. Rhus. — tibia, Croton. Grat. Kali-c. — calves, Ip. — ankle, Berb. Borax. Calc. Kali-c. Lyc. Ran-b. Selen. — feet, Bell. Berb. Bism. Bov. Calc. Caust. Cham. Dulc. Igt. Lach. Rhus. Selen. Sep. Zinc. — soles, Ambr. Creos. Psor. 5/7. — heel, left, Nice — toes, Agar. Clem. Graph. Jatr. Lact Ntr-s. Nux. Paeon. Staph. Zinc. ----which have been frozen, Ntr-c. Nux. Paeon. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. ----when undressing, in evening, Ntr-s. 30. LOWER EXTREMITIES. 2 27 Jerking, of legs, Ambr. Amm-c. Asa-f. Bar-c. Berb. Carb-veg. Cic. Cina.Igt.Ip. Kali-c. Lyc. Ntr-c Ntr-m. Op. Plat. Puis. Scill. Sep. Sil. Stram. Stront. Sulph. — right leg, Mez. — hips, Ars. — hip-joint, Nux. Puis. — thighs, Kali-b. Lact. — right thigh, relieved by standing or drawing leg up, Meny. — feet, Cic. Cina. Ip. Lyc. Ntr-s. Sep. ----in sleep, Sep. — soles. Croton. Ferr-m. — spasmodic, of limbs on stepping out, Coff. Rhus. Jerking pain, hips, Mgn-m. Mez. Puis. — thighs, Ang. Cinnab. Mang. Mez.Ntr-c. Puis. Rat. Rhus. Valer. — knees, Amm-c. Anac. Chin. — legs, Amm-c. Anac. Cinnab. Mez. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Rat. Rhus. J?^fani>~. ?U£* — feet, Nitr. Rat. "~*-/ — toes, Amm-m. Mez. Par. Ran-sc Knocking, feet, Cannab. — toes, Asa-f. Plat. Lameness, left hip, Fluor-ac. Languor, lassitude, Agar.Amm-c.Amm-m. Ang. Bell. Berb. Bry. Cast. Con. Gum-gut. Hep. Ind- Lob. Mgn-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Phosp. Plat. Sec-c. Senna. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. Verb. — thighs, Agar. Ang. Arn. Ars. Bry. Croc. Rheum. Sass. — knees, Anac. Asar. Berb. Cannab. Con. Hyosc. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Puis. Sass. Staph. Sulph. — legs, Ang. Asar. Bry. Croton. Ferr. Lact. Ntr-m. Nitr. Plat. Puis. Valer. — feet, Bell. Croc. Gum-gut. Lyc. Merc. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Plb. Sass. Verb. — iq evening, in bed, Ind. — when ascending steps. Bry. Thuj. Verb. — in open air, Graph. — when sitting, Croc. Mgn-m. Plat. ----standing', Bry. — while walking, Arn. Bry. Hep. — after walking, Nitr. Laxity of legs, Amm-c. Limbs, inability to bend the, Ang. Limping involuntary, Bell. Calc. Coloc. Kali-jod. Lyc. Puis. Rhus. Zinc. Luxation, dislocation, spontaneous, of the hip,* Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Coloc. Lyc. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Zinc. ----from pain, Carb-an. Dros. Kali-jod. Nitr-ac. ----on sitting down, Ip. — of patella, Gels. ----when going up stairs, Cannab. — ankle, Bry. Ntr-c. Nux. Ruta. Sulph, ----left, Kali-b. Marbled skin, legs, Caust. — instep, Thuj. Milk leg, phlegmasia alba dolens, Ant. Apis. Am. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cham. Chin. Graph. Ham. Hep. Iod. Kali-c. Lach. Led. Lyc. Merc. Nux. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Verat. Mobility, Alum. Anac. Calc. Caust. Chin. Cina. Coff. Creos. Cupr. Hell. Hyosc. Lach. Ntr-m. Op. Rhus. Sec-c. Stram. Tart. Zinc. — knees. Aeon. Arn. Bry. Cannab. Chin. Lach. Nitr-ac. Nux. Puis. Ruta. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Viol-tr. ----when ascending stairs, Cannab. -------descending stairs, Ruta. -------walking, Stann. Stram. Viol-tr. ----legs, Murex. ----feet, Bell. Cic. Chin. Nitr-ac. -------easily, Carb-an. Sulph. ----toes, Carb-an. Lyc. — hips, Chin. Moisture, between scrotum and thighs, Bar-c. Carb-veg. Hep. Lyc. Mere Ntr-c. Petr. Rhod. Sulph. ■— on thigh, Sulph. — water, oozes from legs, Sacch. Motion, voluntary, loss of, Gels. Mouse, running over legs, sensation of, Sep. Muscles, twitching, Arg. Asa-f. Asar. Cupr. Graph. Kali-c Mang. Ntr-m. Rheum. Spong. Teucr. Viol-tr. — when exercising, Mang. Nails, blue, Dig. Graph. — crippled, Ars. Graph. Sabad. Sep. Thuj. — discolored, Ars. — painful, Merc-sulph. Teucr. — thick, Graph. Nail, as if, of big toe, would grow into flesh, Kali-c. Teucr. Numbness, Alum. Ambr. Ant. Berb. Bov. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Chin. Cocc. Croc. Euphr. Graph. Kali-c. Lact. Led. Lyc. Merc. Merc-cor. Mez.Nux.Oleand. Op. Ox-ac. Petr. Plat. Plb. Psor. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph.Sulph-ac. Thuj. Verat. ----in evening, Sil. ----at night, Alum. ----when crossing the legs, Laur. Rheum. ----after meals, Kali-c. ----when sitting, Calc. Chin. Euphr. Sil. Tart. — thighs, Ferr. Lach. Ocim. — knees, Carb-veg. Lach. — in middle of right tibia, Samb. — feet, Cocc. Con. Kali-c. Lach. Laur. Millef. Ntr-m. Nitr. Nux. Oleand. Plb. Sep. Sil. Tart. ----first right, then left, Coloc. -------left then right, Millef. — soles, Bry. Oleand. Sep. 228 30. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Numbness, toes, Cham. Phosp. Offensive smell of feet, Sil. Pain, simple, Ant. Ars. Calc Cupr-carb. Kalm. Lyc. Nitr-ac. Psor. Sec-c. Sulph. — buttocks, Sulph. — joints, Phosp. Sulph. — bones, Diad Merc. Mez. Oleand.Sulph. — in periosteum of long bones, worse b\ least touch, Mez. — hips, Aeon. Agar. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Calc-ph. Carb-an. Caust. Coloc. Dig. Evon. Kali-b. Kali-jod. Lyc. Mez.Ntr-s. Nux-jug. Phosp. Phyt. Prun. Rhus. Verat. ----right, to knee, Kali-b. -------to left, Lith. — thighs, Ars. Merc. Mez. Murex. Nitr-ac Pareria. Phyt. ----right, Cist. — knees, Calc-ph. Cannab. Caps. Cist. Evon. Kali-chl Kalm. Lac-can. Nitr-ac. Nux-jug. Ruta. Zinc. ----right, Fluor-ac. ----left, Kalm. — patella, Nitr-ac, ----right, Cocc. — legs, Anac. Bell. Caps. Diosc. Mez. Rhus. ----middle of left, Ntr-c. — tibia, like labor-pains, Carb-veg. ----rightly, Phyt. ----middle of, Kali-b. — calves, Lach. Sulph. — ankle joint, Aeon. 'Kalm. Lith. Phosp. Ran-b. ----inner side of, limbs, Ang. — heel, Agar. Calc. Cinnab. Diad. Eupat. ----as if irom a knife-thrust, Eupat. t^r— soles and toes, Pareira. 2 #—soles, Ars. Croc. Lith. Lyc. Merc-jod. £ — toes, Amra-nr. Calc. Lact. Lith. f, — big toe, as if being pinched off, Meph. ----first joint of, as if pulled out, Prun. Painful spots, on tibia, Ambr. z7— on foot, when touched, Ferr-m. Paralysis, Anac. Ang. Ars. Bell. Bry. Chin-sulph. Cocc. Iod. Lach. Lyc.Ntr-m. Nux. Oleand. Op. Ox-ac. Plb. Rhus. Ruta. Sec-c. Sep. 5/7. Stann. Stront. Sulph. Zinc. — hips, Verat. — thighs and knees, left. Chelid. — feet, Ang. Ars. Bell. Chin. Cocc. Arux. Oleand. Phosp. Plb. Rhus. Sulph. Zinc. — painless, Oleand. As if paralyzed, sensation of, Aeon. Berb. Lach. Hyper. Rheum. ----especially in ankles, Ntr-m. — thighs, Berb. Croton. Lach. Nux. — knees, after walking, Berb. Hyper. Lach. Paralytic, paralyzing pain, Amm-m. Carb-veg. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Cina. Dig. Ntr-m. Pod. Seneg. Sep.Sil. Stann. Stront. Sulph. Verat. Paralytic pain after vexation, Sep. — hips, Aeon. Arg. Cham. Chelid. Dros. Evon. Led. Lye Plb. Sol-m. — right, Mez. ----left, Laur. — thighs, Ars. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin-. Coich. Dros. Feir. Guaj. — knees, Anac Arg. Berb. Chin. Evon. Hipp. Mgn-m. Mosch. Plb. Ruta. Sulph. Valer. ----left, Lach. — legs, Cham. Chin. Eugen. Mosch. Nitr. Ruia. — feet, Ang. Cham. Chin. Eugen. Kalm. Ntr-m. Oleand. Ol-an. Par. Plb. Tabac. ----left, Hyper. — toes, Aur. Chin. Periodical pain, Lyc. Perspiration, Cocc-c. Coloc. Phosp. Sep. — at night, Coloc. Mang. Tereb. — thighs, Ambr. Carb-an. Nux. Thuj. ----between the, Cinnab. ----when walking, Ambr. ----at night or in morning, Carb-an, — legs, Calc. Hyosc. Petr. Rhod. Sep. — feet, Aeon. Amm-c. Ang. Bar-c. Calc. Cannab. Canth. Carb-veg. Cocc. Creos. Cupr. Cycl. Graph. Hell. Hep. Iod. Kali-c. Lact. Lyc. Mgn-m. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Petr Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Sabad. Scill. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. ----at night, Coloc. ----cold, Ars. Canth. Cocc. Dros. Euph. Hep. Ip. Lyc. .Meic. Scill. Staph. Stram. Sulph. ----excoriating, Iod. Lyc. Nitr-ac. Sil. Zinc. ----fetid, Amm-c. Amm-m. Bar-c. Cycl. Graph. Kali-c. Kobalt.Nitr-ac. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Sep. 5/7. Thuj. Zinc. ------like sole leather, Kobalt. ----suppressed, Apis. Cupr. Haematox. Kali-e Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Thuj. — soles, Aeon. Amm-m. Nitr-ac. — between toes, Aeon. Clem. Cycl. Ferr Kali-c. Kobalt. Scill. Sil. Tar. Thuj. Petechiae on legs, Phosp. Phagedenic blisters, Caust. Graph. Sep Sil. Sulph. Pimples, blisters, on thigh and leg, after scratching, Lach. * Podagra, Ambr. Arn. Con. Graph. Led. Sabin. Sacch. Sulph. Verat. Pressing pain, Arg. Cycl. Kalm. Led. Nir-m. Oleand. Phosp-ac Ruta. Sass. Stann. Staph. Verat. — bones, Guaj. — hips, Arg. Asar. Ferr-m. Hell. Led. Stann. 30. LOWER E Pressing, pain thighs, Agar. Anac Asar. Cupr. Guaj. Kali-c.Led. Oleand.Phosp-ac. Sass Sil. Verb. — knees, Cupr. Led. Mgn-m. Sass. — legs, Anac. Kali-c. Kalm. Ntr-c. Phosp-ac. Sass. Verb. — titia, Mez. Staph. — calves, Anac. — ankle-joint, Agar. Cron. — tarsal bones, Bism. Cupr. Sabin. Staph. — feet, Oleand. Phosp-ac Verb. — toes, Oleand. Phosp-ac. Pricking, in nates, as if sitting on needles, Guaj. — knee, Puis. — feet, as if from needles, Hyper. Nitr-ac. Prickling in feet. Dig. Sep. Thuj. — u.ider toe-nails, Elaps. Pulsation, heels, Ran-b. — toes, Zinc. — big-toe, Asa-f. Rasping, (smarting) pain, in hams, Creos. — ankle joint, Plat. — heels, Raph. — toes, between the, Ntr-c. Redness, one side, Puis. — inflammatory, of heel, Ant. — toes, Agar. Amm-c. Berb. Borax. Carb-veg. Ntr-m. Piiosp. ----tips, Mur-ac. Red spots, Sulph. — buttocks, Mgn-c. — thighs, Cycl. Sulph. — legs, Calc. Con. Lyc. Sass. Sil. Sulph-ac. — foot, Elaps. ----instep, Thuj. — burning, Lyc Phosp-ac. — itching, Sulph-ac. — turning livid, as after a bruise, Con. — marbled, Thuj. — oozing. Sulph. — painful, Lyc. Sulph. — smarting, Sil. — as if scalded, Cycl. — after scratching, Mgn-c. Relaxation of legs, Amm-c. Guaj. Relaxed, as if, muscles of thigh and calf, Merc-cor, — hip-joint feels, Apis. Calc. Staph. Thuj. Rending, tearing, Aeon. Agar. Alum. Ambr. Ant. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Berb. Canth. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cina. Colch. Dulc. Hep. Igt. Ind. Kali-c. Lach. Lyc. Mgn-s. Merc. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Par. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puts. Rhod. Rhus. Sass. Sep.5/7. Stann. Stront. Sulph. Teucr. Thuj Verat. Zinc. — joints, Kali-c. Merc. Stront. Teucr. — bones, Agar. Amm-m. Arg. Aur. Bar-c. Chin. Lyc. Mgn-s. Merc. Nitr. Rhod. Teucr. — os ischium, on rising from seat, Dros. XTREMITIES. 229 — hips, Alum. Amm-m. Ars. Calc. Carb-veg. Colch. Euph. Ferr. Graph. Kali-c. Mgn-m. Merc Ntr-c. Par. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sabin. Sep. Stann. Tabac. Zinc. ----to leg to feet, Kalm. — hip joint, right, Agn. Cocc-c. Lachn. — thighs, Alum. Aur. Camph. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cinnab. Cist. Clem. Dulc. Euph. Ferr. Hyper. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Mgn-s. Merc. Mez. Murae Ol-an. Plb. Rat. Rhus. Sabin. Sass. Sep. Sil. Teieb. Zinc. ----left, Kali-jod. — knees, Aeon. Amm-caust. Aram-m. Arg. Arn. Bell. Biy. Calc. Caust. Chenop. Chin. Cist. Cocc Coloc. Con. Croton. Guaj Igt. Iod. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lachn. Lact. Laur. Led. Lyc. Mang. Merc. Millef. Nitr. Phosp. Plb. Rat. Rhod. Sass. Sep. 5/7. Stann. Sulph. Teucr. Zinc. ----left, Kali-jod. Lachn. . — above knees, Chenup. — legs, Alum. Amm-m. Ars. Bry. Calc. Cainph.Caps. Carb-veg. Caust. Chenop. Chin. Chin-sulph. Colch. Croc. Croton. Dulc Igt. Ip. Kali-c. Lyc. Mgn-c. Mez. Millef. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Ol-an. Phosp. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Sabad. Sass. Sep. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Verb. Zinc. ----and stinging, as if in periosteum, down to toes, Ars. — tibia, Amm-c. Ars. Berb. Kali-c. Phosp-ac. Sep. Staph. Zinc. ----relieved by walking. Grat. — calf, Bry. Lob. Ntr-s. Sabad. Valer. — tendo achillis, Berb. Ntrs. — ankle joints, Alum. Agar. Amm-c. Arg. Arn. Berb. Dros. Kali-c Lac-can. Ntr-c. Samb. Stann. Stront. Teucr. Zinc. — tarsal bones, Arg. Bism. Chin. Guaj. Kali-c. Sabin. Staph. Teucr. — feet, Agn. Camph. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Colch. Graph. Kali-c. Lyc. Mez. Ntr-c. Ol-an. Phosp. Rat. Mod. Sil. Spong. Stront. Sulph. Verat. Zinc. ----in pregnant women, Phosp. — heels, Amm-m. Arn. Ntr-s. Sep. Sil. — soles, Chenop. Coloc. Croton. Nitr. Valer. — toes, Agn. Amm-m. Arg. Aur. Berb. Camph. Chin. Cocc. Colch. Croc Graph. Ind. Kali-c. Mgn-s Mez. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ol-an. Par. Plat. Rat. Sil. Stront. Teucr. Valer. — under nails, Camph, Rheumatic pains, Actea-r. Ant. Colch. Kali-c. Kalm. Lith. Meph. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Rhus-rad. (compare, Sect. 34.) ----hips, Kali-b. Led. Mgn-s. 230 30. LOWER EXTREMITIES. Rheumatic pains, hips right, Pallad. -------left, Lyc. Sang. ----left leg, Flaps. Mgn-s. ----inside right thigh, Sang. ----knees, Gels. Kali-b. Led. -------right, Cinnab.Jac-cor. Kali-b.Led. Lob. Nice Phosp. ----tibia, Chenop. ----ankles, Zinc. ----feet, Colch. -------soles of, Chenop. ----metatarsal bones, worse from con- tact, not from motion, Chin. ----heel, Meph. ----of small bones, Cauloph. ----big toes, Croton. Ol-an. -------right, Benz-ac. Bry. Cist. Lac-can. -------left, Agn. Led.| ----toe-joints, Arg. Aur. Kali-c. Stront. Teucr. Restlessness, legs and feet, Actea-r. Anac. t. jArs. Bar-c. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. 4 Con. Croc. Ferr. Glon. Graph. Kali-c. ; Lach. Lyc. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Meph. Merc. Mosch. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac Ox-ac. Plat. Prun. Psor. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. — in evening, Kali-c. Nitr-ac. Sec-c. Sep. Tabac. — at night, Lyc. Rhagades, cracks in skin, Alum. Aur. Calc. Hep. Lach. Petr. Sulph. Zinc. — heel, Lyc. Roughness of skin of hams, like tetter, Creos. Sciatica, Curare. Graph. Lach. Phyt. Plantago-min. Tellur. — left side, Kali-b. Senselessness, insensibility, Alum. Carb- veg. Cocc. Graph. Kali-c. Led. Merc. Nux. Op. Rhus. Sec-c. Sil. Spong. Sulph. Sulph-ac. ----: at night, Alum. — thighs, Euph. Ferr. Graph. Merc. Nux. Plat. — legs, Amm-m. Arg. Puis. Sil. — feet,^_rg. Asa-f. Carb-veg. Con. Nitr. * A'«.**Plat. Plb. Puis. Rhus. ----obstinate, Carb-veg. ----painful. Puis. ----when sitting, Plat. — toes, Chelid. Graph. Phosp. Puis. Separation and drawing together of legs, , spasmodic, Lyc. Shivering, on the legs, Kali-c. Meny. Shocks, blows, Op. Phosp. Sulph. — hips, Bell. Verat. — thighs, Euphr. Sep. — knees, Sulph-ac. Verat. — legs, Plat. Sep. — feet, Phosp. Spig. Stann. — electric, upward through the thigh, fol- lowed by numbness, Euphr. Shooting in one knee, Nitr-ac. Shortening of tendons, sensation of, Ambr. Amm-m. Bar-c. Caust. Ntr-c. Phosp. Puis. Sil. Zinc. — groin, Carb-an. — hips. Amm-m. Carb-veg. Coloc. Euph. — thighs, Berb. Carb-veg. Mgn-c. Ol-an. Plat. Puis. Sabin. ----when sitting down, Sabin. — knees, Amm-m. Bell. Berb. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Con. Creos. Euphr. Graph. Lach. Led. Merc. Mez. Ntr-m. Nux.Ol-an. Petr.Phosp.Rhus. Rhus-rad. Ruta. Samb. Sulph. Verat. — legs. Puis. — calf, Ars. Bov. Caps. Led. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Puis. Sil. — tendo achillis. Euphr. Graph. — heel, Led. Sep. — feet, Carb-an. Caust. Ntr-c. Plat. Sep. ----left, Cycl. — toes, Plat. Shrivelled skin, Rhod. Smarting, (compare Rasping.) Softening of femur, Sil. Sore pain, hips, Puis. — bones, Led. — thighs, Hep. Led. Puis. Sulph. — knees, Carb-an. Led. — ankles, Plat. — heels, Amm-m. Borax. Cycl. Kali-b. Ran-b. ^-yc/«^ o/£e^//i*j!~&4>- Xi^ J ----right, Euph. — soles, Arum-trif. Lac-can. Puis. — toes, Ars. Berb. Cycl. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac Ran-b. — big toe, ball of, Led. Spasm and distortion, Ars. Cina. Hyosc. Plb. Sec-c. Spong. — buttocks, Bar-c. Calc. Nux. Sep. — hips, Phosp. — knee, extending up and down, Berb. •"— legs, Jatr. — feet, Iod. Sec-c. ----at night, Iod. Sprained, as if, hip-joint, Hep. — knees, Hipp. — feet, Kalm. ----left, Hyper, (compare, Wrenching.) Stability, want of, Aeon. Ambr. Bry. Cannab. Hell. Nux. — hips, Aeon. Chin. — knees, Aeon. Carb-veg. Chin.Lact.Mane — feet, Chin. 6 Stiffness, Aeon. Alum. Anac. Ang. Bell. Calc. Caps. Cic. Cina. Cocc. Cupr.Dig. Lact. Lyc. Mang. Ntr-m. Nux. Ol-an. Ox-ac. Plat. Rhus. Rhus-rad.Sep.Spong. Tereb. Thuj. — at night, Alum. — after sitting. Bell. Dig. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Zinc. — when walking, Ol-an. Thuj. 30. LOWER EXTREMITIES. 23I Stiffness, by walking relieved, Dig. — painless, Oleand. — hips, Aeon. Bar-c Bell. Euphr. Hell. Rheum. Rhus. Staph. — in morning, Staph. -----rising up, preventing, Bell. — thighs, Ars. Amm-m. Aur-s. Graph. Mere Ntr-m. Rhus. Thuj. — knees, Amm-m. Ant. Ars.Bry.Carb-veg. Coloc. Elaps. Euph. Ferr-m. Graph. Hell. Hyosc Igt. Lach. Led. Lyc. Mez. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Ol-an.Petr.Phosp. Plb. Rheum. Rhus. Sang. Sass. Sep. Spig. Stann. Sulph. ----stretching out, preventing. Ant. ----squatting, down preventing, Coloc. Graph. — legs, Aeon. Aur-m.- Bry. Ferr. Rhus. Sass. Zinc. — ankle joint, Carb-an. Caust. Chelid. Dros. Lyc. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Sulph. — feet, Ambr. Caps. Chelid. Dros. Graph. Igt. Kali-b. Laur. Led. Petr. Ran-b. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Zinc. — toes, Graph. Sil. Sulph. — sense of, Alum. Arg. Berb. Plat. Pod. Rhod. ----feet, Asa-f. Stinging pain, stitches, Ars. Bry. Coloc. Creos. Dros. Euphr. Grat Kali-c. Led. Merc. Nux. Phyt. Rhus-rad. Sass. Sulph. Thuj. — joints, Aeon. Merc. Nux. Sil. Thuj. — bones, MAc. — hip, Aeon. Alum. Amm-m. Arg. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Colch. Coloc. Euph. Evon. Ferr. Hell. Kali-jod.Merc. Merc-cor. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Phyt. Rims. Sabin. Sil. Sol-m. Zinc. ----right, Fluor-ac. Merc-cor. Sep. Sulph. ----left, Carb-an. Sep. — thighs, Aeon. Arg. Bry. Calc. Creos. Ferr. Ferr-m. Mang. Merc. Nux. Oleand. Phyt. Plb. Rhus. Rhus-rad. Sabad. Samb. Sass. Sep. Sil. Spig. Tar. ----from, liver, Kobalt. — knees, Aeon. Ant. Aur-m. Bar-c. Berb. Bov. Bry. Calc. Ferr-m. Hell. Kali-chl. Kalm. Lach. Laur. Led. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Ol-an. Petr. Phyt. Plb. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Rhus-rad. Sabad. Sass. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Tar. Verb. Viol-tr. ----left, Gymnoc. • — patella, Lachn. ----right, Nice — legs, Alum. Ant. Ars. Bry. Calc. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Coloc. Dulc. Kali-c. Kobalt. Led. Lyc. Mgn-c. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Rheum. Rhus. Sass.Sep. Sulph. Zinc. — tibia, Ant. Berb. Samb. Sep. Viol-tr. — calf, Bry. Tar. • — tendo achillis, Berb. Mur-ac. — ankle joint, Ambr. Arn. Asar. Bov. Caust. Croton. Dros. Graph. Hell. Hep. Igt. Kali-c. Mang. Petr. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Spig. Sulph. — tarsal bones, Aur. Puis. — heels, Berb. Bry. Calc. Ferr-m. Graph. Hep. Hipp-m. Igt. Kali-c. Nitr-ac. Puis. Ran-b. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Valer. Zinc. ----left, Nice — feet, Agar. Bry. Giat. Kali-c. Kalm. Meph. Ntr-s. Oleand. Ol-an. Phosp. Rhus. Rhus-rad. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Viol-tr. — instep, Puis. — soles, Borax. Bry. Graph. Igt. Ntr-c. Puis. Raph. Tar. — under soles, in morning, Fluor-ac. — toes, Agar. Amm-m. Aur. Berb. Bry. Carb-veg. Cist. Croton. Ferr-m. Hep. Kali-c. Kalm. Mgn-s. Mez. Ntr-m. Oleand. Par. Phosp. Puts'. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Rhus. Rhus-rad. Sabin. Sil.Tart.' Verat. Verb. Zinc. — big toe, Asa-f. ----right, Benz-ac. Lyc. ----left, Kalm. Led. Stinking feet, 5/7. Stretching, spasmodic, Cina. To stretch the legs, inclination, Cina. Sulph-ac Suppleness, want of, knees, which prevents squatting, Coloc. Graph. Swelling, Ars. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Con. Dulc. Iod. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lach. Led. Lyc. Merc. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. — buttocks, Croton. Phosp-ac. Sulph. — thighs, Chin. Led. Merc. — knees, Aeon. Ant. Bry. Calc. Chin. Ccc Cocc-c. Cop. Ferr. Hep. Iod. Lach. Led. Lyc. Merc. Mur-ac. Nux. Puis. Sass. Sep. 5/7. Sulph. ----right, Chin. ----fatty, Dig. — bend of knee, Mgn-c. — legs, Aeon. Arn. Borax. Bry. Calc.Colch. Dulc. Graph. Kali-c. Lach. Led. Lyc. Merc. Ntr-c. Nux. Puis. Rhod. Ruta. Sil. Sulph. — tibia, Phosp. — calf, Bry. Chin. Mez. Puis. — tendo achillis, Zinc. ----lymphatic, Berb. — ankles, Arn. Asa-f. Calc. Eupat. Hep. Lyc. Mang. Phosp. Stann. Sulph. — around ankles, Sacch. ----with difficult breathing, Hep. — ankle-joints, Arn. Asa-f. Benz-ac. Calc Cop. Ferr. Lyc. Sulph. — tarsal bones, Merc. Staph. — heels, Ant. Merc Petr. 232 30. LOWFR EXTREMITIES. Swelling, feet, Aeon. Ambr. Amm-c Apis. Am. Ars. Bar-m. Bell. Berb, Bov. bry. Calc.Cannab. Carb-an. Caust.Cham. Chin. Chin-sulph. Cocc. Colch. Coloc. Con. Cieos. Dig. Eupat. Ferr. Graph. Hyosc. Hyper. Kali-c La:-can. Lach. Led. Lye Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Op. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis.Rhod.Ruta. Sabad. Sass. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Stann. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac Verat. Zinc. ----blue, wiih red spots, Elaps. ----up to ankles, Kali-c. ----by day, diminishing at night, Dig. ----in morning, Sil. ------- evening, Stann. — instep, Bry. Calc. Mere Puis. Rhus. Staph. Thuj. — soles, Calc. Cham. Chin. Kali-c. Lyc. Petr. Puis. — toes, Amm-c Arn. Bar-c. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Daph. Graph. Led. Merc. Ntr-c._ Paon. Phosp-ac. Piat. Sabin. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. — left big toe, Eupat. — toes, tips, Chin. Mur-ac. Thuj. — bluish, Lach. — cold, Asa-f. — dropsical, Apis. Ars Cact. Chin-sulph. Colch. Creos. Eupat. Iod. Led. Alerc. Puis. Rhod. Ruta. Samb. Sulph. (com- pare Dropsy, Sect. 34.) ----after scarlet fever, Bar-m. — erysipelatous, Rhus. — hard, Ars. Chin. Graph. Led. Mez. Sacch. — hot ,Acon. Amm-c Arn. Ars. Biy. Calc. Carb-an. Chin. Cocc. Cocc-c. Colch. Graph. Iod. Kali-c. Led. Lyc. Petr. Puis. Sass. Sec-c. Sep. Stann. — inflammatory, Aeon. Calc. Iod. Puis. Rhus. Sil. — itching, Cocc. — large, Sulphf. — lymphatic, Bar-c. Berb. — painful, Aeon. Ant. Arn. Ars. Carb-an. Chin. Con. Daph. Lach. Mgn-c. Merc. Nux. Puis. Sep. Sil. ----burning, Ant. Ars. Mur-ac. Petr. Phosp-ac. Puis. ----cutting, Phosp-ac. ----drawing, Arn. Led. Puis. ----pressing, Led. ----stinging, stitches, Aeon. Ant. Arn. Bry. Carb-veg. Cocc. Graph. Iod. Led. Lyc. Merc. Petr. Puis. Sass. ----tearing, Colch. Led. Merc. Plat. Puis. ----tense, Bry. Chin. Led. Sass. Thuj. ----throbbing, Phosp-ac. Plat. — red, Aeon. Amm-c. Ant. Arn. Bry. Carb-veg. Chin. Hep. Lach. Ntr-c.Nux. Petr. Puis. Sabin. Sass. Sil.Stann.Thuj. ----spots, Aeon. Chin. -------or blue-black blisters, Ars. — bright-red, Iod. — rheumatic, Hep. — shining, Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bry. Merc. Sabin. Sulph. — soft, Chin. Led. — transparent, Sulph. — white, Apis. Ars. Bell. Calc Creos. Graph. Iod. Lyc. Merc. Nux. Rhus. Sulph. — in day-time, less at night, Dig. ----morning, Sil. ----evening, Amm-c. Cocc. Hyper. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Stann. — after abuse of china, Puis. Sulph. — after gout, Eupat. ----walking in open air, Phosp. — when walking, increased, Rhus. Sep. Tenderness, knees, Aeon. — feet, Rumex. — heels, Zinc. ----when walking on them, Jatr. — to soles, Sabad. Sass. Sulph. — toes, Calc. Tendons, twitching, feet, Iod. Tension, Ang. Bar-c. Berb. Coloc. Hep. Mang. Nux. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. — hams, Lact. — hips, Coloc. Con. Croton. Ferr-m.Rhus. ----right, Nitr-ac. ----left, Lye — thighs, Arn. Berb. Cham. Croton. Guaj. Hell. Mang. Mez. Ol-an. Puis. Rat. Rhus. Sabin. Spig. Sulph.A — knees, Arn. Beib. Bry. Calc. Caps. Caust. Con. Croton. Dig. Euphr. Hell. Led. -Mere Nux. Ol-an. Petr. Puis. Rhus. Stann. Sulph. Tart. Zinc. — legs, Amm-m. Bar-c. Borax. j97-r.Caust. Cham. Igt. Mez. Puis. Rhus. Tabac — calves, Alum. Anac. Bar-c Berb. Bry. Caust. Creos. Cupr. Igt. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Nux. Puis. Sabad. Valer. Zinc. — tendo achillis, Caust. Graph. Mgn-c. Mur-ac. Ran-b. Sep. Teucr. — heels, Caust. Led. — feet, Cannab. Caust. Mez, Rhus. Sass. — instep. Bry. Caust. Tart. Thuj. — toes, Mez. Throbbing, Sep. — hips, Hep. Merc. — thghs, Berb. Murex. — feet, Arg. Cannab. — toes, Amm-m. Asa-f. Phosp-ac. Plat. •Zinc Tickling, soles, Ferr-m. Hep. ----after scratching, Sil. Torpor, rigidity, Alum. Cic. Dros. Petr. Sep. ----at night, Alum. — ankle-joint, Dros. Sep. — sensation of, Alum. Arg. Plat. Rhod. — feet, Asa-f. foe*/ Xn^ - . Carb-veg. ----convulsions and concussions as from fright, Hyosc. — if not retiring early, not sleepy next day, Sep. — with talkativeness, Lach. — without restlessness. Merc-jod. Difficulty of?:oing to sleep late at night and of waking up in the morning, Nir-e Sleep prevented by congestion of blood, Amm-c. Asar. Puis. ----aggregation of ideas. Chin. Cinnab. Cocc. Coff. Fluor-ac. Lye A'ux.Puis. Sabad. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Tart. Viol-tr. -------same ideas always repeated, Calc. -------one fixed idea, Graph. ----anxietv, Ars. Caib-veg. Cham. Lnur. Merc. Merc-cor. Phosp. Sep. Verat. ----backache, Amm-m. ----chills, Lyc ----coldness of body, Ambr. ----colic, Plb. ----cyphers before the eyes, Phosp-ac. ----delirium, Brv. Sil. Spong. ----dyspnoea, Psor. Ran b. ----elections, Thuj. ----excitability, Mocch. ---— fear to go to sleep, that he would die, Nux. ----flatulent distention of, abdomen, Nux-m. ----headache, Sil. -------lancinating, Elaps. ----heat, dry, Bry. Cannab. Ran-sc. Thuj. ----hunger, feeling of, Igt. ----imaginations of fancy. Bell.Carb-veg. Chin., Coff. Led. Mere Phosp. ----itching of skin, Arum-trif. ---------head, face, neck and shoulder.s, Gels. ----jerks.in limbs, Ip. Lyc. Merc-cor. ---------feet, Phosp. ---------whole body. Bell. ----longing for the company of friends. Plb. ----mouth, soreness of, Arum-trif. ----nervousness, Apis. Camph. Lac-cai , Phosp. ----nervous irritation, Hyosc. -------on account of pains Merc ^---nightmare, Amm-c. '----pain in ulcers and tetters, Staph. ^--^ pains, commence just before loosing himaelf in sleep, Litalgr 31. SLEEP AND DREAMS. 239 Sleep prevented by perspiration,,4rs.Sulph. 1 ar Veiat. ----pulsation in head, Cycl. ----icstlessness, Aeon. Ars. Carb-veg. Cina. Cor r. Creos. Ferr. Laur. Led. Aljn-m. Meic. Phosp. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Valer. -------and heat, Brv. Phosp. Rhus. Thuj. -------eyes closed. Aeon. -------resiless after a short nap, Phosp. ----sneezing, Amm-m. ----st imach, pressure in, Cina. -------emptiness in. Dig. ----starting. Alum. Ambr. Ars. Bell. Brv. Calc Caust. Chelid. Cor-r. Dulc. Euph. Guaj. Hep. Igt. Kali-c. Lyc. Meic Merc-cor. Nti-c Nitr-ac. Nux Phosp. Plb. Puis. R.m-sc Rhus, Selen. Sep. Sil. Stront. Sulph. Thuj. ----tremo>, Euph. ----twitching of limbs, Ambr. Ars. Bell. Igt. M.-rc-cor. Puis. Rhus. Selen. Stront. ----urination, desire for. Thuj. — —- vertigo, Ca'ad. Merc-cor. ----visions, dreadful. Carb-veg. ------as soon as he closes the eyes, Calc. -----------------------disappear on opening them, Apis. Lach. Thuj Falling asleep late, Amm-c. Anac. Apis. Ars. Bell. Borax. Bry. Calad. Calc. Ctrb-o'i. Carb-ve^. Chelid. Chin. Clem. Con. Cycl. Euph. Ferr. Ferr-m. Gels. Glon. Graph. Guaj. Hep. Hyo-c Igt. Kali-e. Lack. Led. Lith. Lyc. Mgn-m. .Mere. Mur-ac Ntr-m. Niir-ac. A'ux. Ol-an. Petros. Pnell. Phosp. Phosp-ac Plb. Puis. Ran-b. Rat. Rhus. Sabad. S-len. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stann. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac Tabac Tart. Tereb. Thuj. Valer. Viol tr. Zinc -------every other evening. Lach. ------when going to bed hue, Amm-c. Sleep anxious, Aeon. Ars. Bell. Cast. Cocc. Ferr. Kali-c. Op. — dizzy, Calad. Graph. — interrupted, Ars. Cocc Dig. Par. Zinc. — too Ion"-, Berb. Borax. Lact. Meic Ntr-c. Nux. Ol-an. Phell. Plat. Sulph. — prolound. sound, Ars. Bell. Berb. Croc. Cu.'-r. Eugen. Hyosc. Igt. Laur. Led. .\'u \-111. Op. Phosp-ac Psor. Puis. Rhod. Sec-c. Seneg. Sol-m. Spig. Stann. Strain. Sulph. Tart. Therid. Veiat. ----before midnight, Rhod. ----,;-i tic ironing, Bry. Hep. Graph. - ^^^^x^;n¥^r^c^a\^. .:/..- Ifrt Ol-an. Selen. Sil. Sulph, Tart, — restless. Alum. Ambr. Anac. Ang. Arg-n. Ars. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Berb. Bov. Brv. Calc. Cast. Cham. Chin. Cic. Coloc Creos Diad. Dig. Dulc. Ferr. Feir-m. Graph. Hep. Igt. Ind. Ip. Kali-c. Kali-jod Kali-m. Lact. Lyc. Meny. Merc Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Nir-s. Nice Niir-ae Nitr Petr. Phosp. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Sabad. Sabin. Sc 11. Seneg. Sep. Sil. 5//V. Stann. Staph. Stram. Strom. Sulph. Tabuc. Tereb. Teucr. Thuj. Valer. Verb. Viol-tr. Zinc. — slumbr, like, half sleen, Arn. Ars. ■]• Bell. Rn Canih. Cham. Cic. Cocc. Dig. Eiiiih. Graph. Hep. Kali c lach Merc. Nitr-ac Op. Par. P. tr. Ran-sc. Rhus. Sabad. Samb. Se'en. Sil. J — s imnotencv, Bry. Con. Croc Arux-m. Op. Tart. — sonorous. Anac. Bell. Bry. Calad. Calc. Camph Cicc Cocc Con. Croc Euph. G^aph. H'-ll. lip. Hyosc. Igt. Led. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Sulph. Tart. Valer. Verat. Seneg. Spig. Strain. ----in the early morning, Bell. Calc. Con. Cnph. Led. Arux. Phosp. — unref'eshing, Aeon. Agar. Alum. Ambr. Berb. Bism. Brv. Calc Cannab. Canst. Chelid. Chin. Cic Clem. C<-n. Daph. Graph l'ep.i< t. Ka'i-b Kol a't Lach.Lact. Lyc Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Mez. Ntr-c. Nir-m. Nitr-ac. Op. Petr. Phosp. Pod. Sal ad. S'-len. Si p. Sil. Spig. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Tart. Teucr. Thuj. Zinc Coma, Agn. Ant. _ Ars. Asa-f. Bar-c Bell. Bry. Campli. Caust Color. Con. ; Croc. Cupr. Di«: Lour. Led. A'ux-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Phnsp-ac. Plb. Puis. Sec-c. Sep. Strain. Tart. Tereb. Verat. Zinc. Zing. — day and night, Bar-c. — in evening, Ars. Tart. ----forenoon. Ant. — with lustreless, glassy eyes, Croc. — in open air, Tart. — wiih snoring, Bell. Camph. Carb-veg. Hvo=c. Op. Rhus. Sil. Stram. — tertian type, Sen. — with vomiting. Dig. Coma vigil. Aeon. Aeth. Agar. Anac. Ars. Brv. Cham. Cocc. Con. Cycl. Euph. Hell. Hep. Hvdroc-ae Hyosc Laur. A/ere Alosch. Nux. Oleand. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Spong. Sulph. Verat. ----feverish. Aeon. Cham. Puis. i During sleep, abdomen, rumbling in, i Cupr. ----anxiety, Ars. Bell. Cocc. Ferr. Hep. Petr. _a _ biting the tongue, Ind. Mez. Phosp-ac The lid, Zinc. . r . __ __-£rzJt^J&. -&rZsV cjf: PZt^l-l cC.r., COt^c. C-e*^u '. — moving about in bed. Aeon. Puis. Rheum. • — nightmare, . Aeon. Alum. Ambr. Amm-c Amm-m. Arum-trif. Bell. Bry. Cina. Cinnab. Con. Cycl. Daph. Guij. Hep. Kali-c Lrc.Mgn-m.Mez. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Nitr. Nux.Op.Phosp. Puis. Ruta. Sil. Sulph. Tabac. Tereb. Valer. — numbness of left leg and right arm, Kali-c. ■ — palpiiaiion of heart, Ntr-c. — perspiration, Carb-an. Cic. Chin. Dros. Euph. Ferr. Jatr. Merc. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Selen. Thuj. ----about head when falling asleep, Graph. — picking the bed clothes, Arn. Ars. Bell. Chin. Cocc. Hyosc. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Stiam. ---redness of face, Arn. Arum. Op. Viol-tr. -—reveries. Aeon. Arn. Bry. Camph. Coloc. Dulc. ---respiration short, Aeon. Cham. Merc Rhus. • — inspirations, shorter than expirations Camph. ---respiration intermittent, Op. ■----obstruction of, Hep. -----slow. Chin. Op. •----wheezing, Nux. ---shrieking, Anac. Bell. Borax. Calc. Cham. Cina.Cocc. Croc. Diad. Jalap. Lyc. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Puis. Rheum. Ruia. Senna. Sil. Strain' Sulph. Tart. Thuj. " *=- ■— in children. Bell. Borax. Cham. Cina. Coff. Jalap. Ip. Rheum, Senna. 31. SLEEP AND DKEAJ1S. 241 During sleep, singing, Bell. Croc. Phosp- ac. Sulph. ----sliding down in bed, Ars. Mur-ac. ----smiling, Hyosc Igt. Lyc. Phosp-ac. ----sneezing, Nitr-ac. ----snoring, Bell. Camph. Chin. Dros. Hyosc Igt, Laur. Mur-ac Nux. Op. Rheum. Sil. Striwi* Sulph. ------inspirations, •*$Bpiraiions puffing, Chin. -------moaning, Calc. -------suffocative, Bell. -------when expiring. Nux. Op. Tart. ---------inspiring, Bell. Bry. Caps. Cham. Chin. Hyosc. Igt. Nux. Puis. Rheum. ---------inspiring and expiring, Arn. Camph. Chin. ---------king on the back, Dros. Dulc. Kali-c. Mgn-c. Sulph. ----snuffling, Nux. Samb. ----sobbing, anxious, Aur. Calad.Hyosc. ----somnambulism, Aeon. Agar. Alum. Anac. Bry. Cycl. Kalm. Ntr-m. Op. Petr. Phosp. Sil. Spong. Sulph. ----starting, Agn. Arn. Ars. Belt. Bism. Borax. Bry. Calad.Caust.Cham.Cina. Cor-r. Croc. Daph. Dig. Dros. Euph. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Ip. Iris. Kali-e Lach. Led. Lyc. Mgn-c. Merc. Merc-cor. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac.Arux. Op. Petr. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sacch. Samb. Sec-c. Selen. Sil. Staph.Strain.Stront. Sulph. Tabac 'Part. Tiiuj. Verat. -------as if tailing from a height into the water, Dig. 1-------when touched, Stram. -------with wild gestures, Stram. ----suffocative attacks, Op. ----talking, Aeon. Alum. Arn. Ars. Bar-c Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Carb-an. Carb veg. Cham. Cinnab. Giaph. Igt. Kalm. Kali-c. Mgn-c. Mgn-in. Merc.Mur-ac.Ntr-m.Nitr-ac Nux. Pnosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Raph. Rhus. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Tart. Zinc. ----thirst, Bry. Carb-veg. Caust: Cham. Cycl. Nitr-ac. Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac. ----tossing about, Alum. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc.Cast Cham.Cic. Cina.Cist.Clem. Cocc. Cor-r. Creos. Ferr. Ferr-m. Guaj. Hell. Igt. Lach. Led. Lyc. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Op. Par. Phosp. Puis. Ran-sc. Rheum. Rhus. Scill. Senna. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Valer. Verat. ----tremor of, limbs, Tart. ----twitching of fingers,Rheum.Sulph-ac. ---------hands, Viol-ir. -------convulsive of muscles, Cupr. Hell. Sil. ----uncovering, Cor-r. Plat. ----weeping, Alum. Aur. Carb-an.Cham. Cina. Con. Hyosc. Kali-c.Lyc.Mgn-c. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rheum.Rlius. Sd.Stann.Stram. ------appearance, Phosp-ac. ----whining, Alum. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Borax. Bry. Calad. Carb-an. Cham. Chin. Ip. Lach. Lyc. Mgn-c. Merc. Mur-ac. Nitr-ac. Nux. Op. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rheum. Stram. Sulph. Verat. Sleep disturbed by abdominal pains, Aeon. Ambr, Amm-c Amm-m. Borax. Gels. Kali-c. Lyc. Mgn-c. Mgn-s. Ntr-c. Nice Nitr-ac. Phosp. Plb. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Verat. ----aggregation of thoughts, Borax. Calc. Chin. Coff. Grap. Hep. Kali-c. Lyc. Nux. Puis: Sabad. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Viol-tr. -------peevish. Alum. Graph. Nux. -------sorrowful, Graph. ----anxiety, timorous. Aeon. Alum. Amm-c. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cannab. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Cina Cocc. Dis. Graph. Hyosc Kali-c. Lye Mgn-c. Alerc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr. Phosp. I'lb. Ran-sc.Rhus. Sabad. Sep. Sulph. Verat. ----arms, heaviness in, Diad. -------as if enlarged, Diad. ----burning in veins, Ars. ----chills, Lye Alur-ac ----coldness. Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Arg. Ars. B >v. Calc.Carb-veg.Caust. Creos. Daph. Ferr. Mgn-s. Mere Mur-ac Ntr-s. Nux. Staph. Tart-ac. Thuj. —----of feet, Amm-m. Carb-veg. Zinc. ----congestion of blood, Amm-c. Asar. Bar-c. Benz-ac.Borax. Bry. Cact. Calc. Croton. Merc. Ntr-c. Nux. Phosp. Psor. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Sabin. Senna. Sep. Sil. -------to chest, Puis. ---------head, Amm-c. Cycl. Psor.Puis. Sil. ---------lower legs, Meph. ----cough, dry, Sang. -------tickling, Lach. ----cyphers before the eyes, Phosp-ac. ----dreams, anxious, Bry. Coloc. Mez. ---------many, Apis. -------as soon as he falls asleep, Bell. ----excitement, nervous, Ambr. Camph. Canth. Caps. Chin.Coff. CV^7/.Hyosc. Lach. Laur. Merc. Mosch. Nitr-ac. Nux. Puis. Ran-b. Sep. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Teucr. ----fear of ghosts, Carb-veg. Cocc. ---------suffocation,Arum-trif.Carb-veg. ----formication, Carb-veg. Lyc. 242 31. SLEEP AND DREAMS. Sleep disiurbed by giddiness, vertigo, Amm-c CaicCaust.Ntr-c.Phosp.Spong. Sulph. The lid. ----hawking of mucus, Amm-c. ----headache, Arg-n. Canth. Chin. Gels. Kali-b. Mgn-s. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Sil. ----heat, Ars. Benz-ac. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Dulc. Hep. Laur. Mgn-c. Mere Ntr-m. Nice. Nitr-ac Nitr. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Rnod. Sabin. Samb. Sil. Siront. Tar. Thuj. -------at 2 A.M . Benz-ac. ---------3 A.M., Ang. Euphr. -------anxious, Kali-o. Ntr-m. Puis, -------dry, Caust. Phosp. Thuj. -------in head, Camph. 5/7. ---------hands, Staph. -------with aversion to being uncovered, M0n-c ----heaviness of legs, Caust. ----hungei, Ch.n. Lye Teucr. —'— imaginary forms, iieil.C.dc.Caib-veg. Ciiin. Coff. Led. Merc Pnosp. Sil. -------dreaufui, Calc. Caib-an. -------lnghiful, Bell. Calc. Carb-veg. Merc Sil. -------voluptuous, Calc-e ----iuh.ng, Amm-c. Amm-m. Bar-c. Berb. Cocc. Creos. Meic. Mez. Nux. Psoi. Puis. Suipli. Thuj. -------caused by ascandes, Ferr. — ^—jerk;-, Ambr. Ars. bell. Carb-veg. Ch..m. Con. Cor r. Cupr. Daph. Dulc. Hep. Igt. Ip. Kaii-c. Kobalt. Lyc. Ntr-c. Nu-s. Op. Phosp. Puis. Rueum. Rhus. Selen. Sep. Sil.Staph. Stront Suiph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Thuj. Viol-tr. -------eyes, Cocc. Puis. ---;---face, Op. Kheum. ---:---leet, Phusp. * -------fingers, Anac. Ars. Cocc. Rheum. Sul,jh-ae -------head, Cocc. -------mouth, Anac. Op. Puis. ------upwards troin larynx, with saltish mucus, Spong. ----moaning, Cina. ----nausea. Alum. Amm-c. Con. Kali-b. Nur-ae Phosp. Rhus. Sil. ----oppression of chest. Aeon. Alum. Ais. Calc. Carb-veg. Guam. Giaph. Kali-c. Lact. Lyc Mgn-c. Op. Phosp. Psor. Ran b. Seneg. Spong. Sulph. ----pains, Lil-tigr. -------in back, Diad. ---------chest, Alum. Amm-c. Amm-m. G;aph. Sahad. Seneg. -------face, Alez. Nice -------gums, Dolich. ----as il the menses were coming on, Murex. -------sacral region. Mgn-s. -------stomach. Graph. Rhus. Seneg. -------calves of legs, Staph. -------toes, Amm-c -------in tetters and ulcers, Staph. -------on pait on which he lies, Hep. Thuj. ----perspiiation, Cic. Kali-b. Sabin. ----restlessness, Agar. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Laib-veg. Caust. Chain. Chin. Clem. Cocc Con. Dig. Gu.ij. Hell. Jalap. Laur. Led. Mgn-c Algu-m. Mere Ntr-c Nir-s. Nice Nux. Oleand. Op. Phos/>. Pnosp-ac. Plat. Ran-b. Rhvd. Rhus. Ruta..V//////. Sil. Spig. Stann. Sulph Tnuj. Tbia. -------in ciildren, Bell. Cham. Cina. Coff. fp. Jalap. Rheum. Senna. -------after midnight, \ ei r. -------tow.iids morning, Rhod. -------the s.de on wh en he lies becomes sore, must move, iiep. ----sadness. Mm ex. ----shall shrieks, (in hydrocephalus), Apis. ----sighing, Lach Merc. ----sore, pain as fiom a, in urethra, Cinnab. -------throat, Amm-c. ----soirowful thoughts Graph. ----sprained pain on the parts lain on, Mosch. ----stitches here and there,Berb.Cannab. Euph. ----suffocative fit, Graph. Kali-c. Samb. ----; tnirst, Berb. Bry. Calc. Cham. Coff, Colch. Mgn-m. Niti-ae Sulph. ----i.gluness of clu-st, Calc. ----tingling in skin, Bai-c. Caib-veg. Lyc. ----throat, dry, Cist. ----toothache, Bar-c Mgn-c. Mgn-m. ----tossing about, Aeon. Alum. Ars. Asa-f. Bell. Calc. Cham. Cruton. Creos. Guaj. Hell. Lach. Sulph. ----tremor, Euph. -------internal, Ntr-m. ----twitches, Alum. Ars. Bell.Calc.Cast. - - lxX^t^l4^h/:XcXule '■ sfP- ulln.ue, ues/iKT io, .-Vliiin-C Dig. Kali-b. Lach. Lith. Rhus. ----visions, Alum. Chin. Igt. Led. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Spong. -------dreadful. Bell. Calc. Carb-an. Merc. Sil. Sulph. ----vomiting. Nm-ae Sil. Positions in sleep. -^TJn "thT"a1Taomen, Bell. Cina. Cocc. Coloc. Puis. Strain. — arms over the head, '... Nux P- - RrieuimVc^:.---^X c^fa^ '~ ----crossed on abdomen, IV; . XZc^ „t X- - A^/.-'fc ezC&e^sr-^ 3L SLEEP AND DREAMS. 243 A^tiM-»fti» "iJak-I^Ih. bands under head, Colco. Nux. i'ait. Viol-od. — beau bent backwards, Bell. Calc. Cina. Spong. -----low, Spong. — knees apait, Cham. -----bent, Viol-ud. — kneeling. Stiam: —r legs cioased, Knod. -----sircic.icd apart, Cham. -----drawn up, Plat. i\A- c^j^A. —»— one uiuwn up, the other stretched out, Suinn. -----incnned to have, uncovered, Plat. — on lext Mde, Bar-c. Sabin. --------unpossib.e, Lyc. ----ri^h. side, impossible, Bry. Psor. -----euher side, impossible, acou. Ferr. Fer.-ui. Alos^n. Phosp. Rau-b. Rhus. Sabad. Suiuh. -— lying i.uole.aj.e, Lyc Sulph. -----0.1 one Side, ba.-c Coicii. Phosp. — silting, .Ars. Cina. Lyc. Kuus. Suiph. — sii)....,-, ..1 '■■' i-tt-t, Bry. Calc. * Cic. Coltk. L)ros Purr, igt. lvc. Nux. Piat. Ruts. Ruits. Siiahi. Sulph. V'101-ud. Dreams, Aeon. Atum. A in. Miry. Calc. ''m9{&hW^Cic. Con. Graph. Igt.Lacu.Algn-c .Mere Ntr-c. Nti-111. .\ux. Piiosp. Phosp-ac Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Sep. S>il. Stann. suipu. Suiph. far. Tart, i'eieb. Therid. ihuj. — fatal acciueuts of, Amm-m. Arn. Bell. Chain. C11111. Graph. Kali-c. Lye Nux. Puis. Sa^s. Su.ph. S>uipn-ac. Inuj. - of the adveiuuies of the day, bry. Cic Rhus. - aoii.uing, even after waking, Calc. Chin. M'nosp-ac. Psur. — annuals ol, Aiiiin-111. Arn. Nux. --------which b.te, Mere Pho>p. Puis. — amoious, Ant. Canth. Con. Umph. igt. Lacn. .\ti-c Nux. O.eaud. Pnosp. Plat. Puis. Sabad. Sep. Sit. Staph. Viol-tr. (compare Volupiuous.) -— anxious, Aeon. Alum. Ambr. Amm-m. Anac. Aig. Am. Ars. Aur. Bar-c bell. Beib. Bov. bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Gust. Caust. Chin. Locc. Con. Cor-r. Cieos. Dig. Giaph. Heil. Hep. Igt. Iod. Kati-e Laur. Led. Lyc. Mgu-c. iUgn-ui. Mgu-s. Along. Mere. Ntr-c. Ntr-m.Nitc.Nur-ae Nitr. Anx. Op. Peir. Petros. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Puis. Ran-b.Ran-sc Rheum. Khus Sass. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stann. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Valer. Verat. Verb. ________if lie lies on the left side, Lyc. Phosp. Puis. Sep. Thuj. ■— apprehensive, Phosp. — arrested, as if he would be, Clem. — black forms, Arn. Ais. Puis. — business, Anac. Bell. Bry. Chelid. Cic. Croc. Elaps. Kali-c. Lach. Lyc. Merc. Nux. Phosp. Rhus. Sass. 5/7. Staph. -----ol the day, Bry. Mgn-c. Nux. Puis. Rhus. — calling out, Kali-c. Thuj. — cats of, Arn. Ars. Daph.Hvosc.Lac-can. Puis. — cellar, of being confined in a, Bov. — choked, of being, Phosp. Zinc. — clairvoyant, Aeon. Phosp. — confused, Ba.-c. Bry. Cannab. Chin. Cic. Eugen. Hell. Ntr-c. Puis. Stann. Valer. -----afier midnight, Chin. — full of confusion and agitation, Nux. — continued after waking, Calc Chin. Igt. Ntr c. Ntr-m. — corpses of, and dead people, Amm-c. Anac. Arn. Ars. Elaps. Graph. Kali-c. Algn-c. Phosp. P/at. Thuj. \e\b.tZetAs- — cruel, Nux. Selen. Sil. — danger of, Anac. Calc-ph. Con. Hep. Kali-c. Nitr. Ran-b. Thuj. -----deadly, Thuj. (compaie Accidents.) \ — defainatoiy, Mosch. — devils of, Kali-e Lac-can. Ntr-c. Nice. — diseases, of, Calc. Creos. Kali c. Nux. — dogs, of, Am. Calc. Lyc. Meic. Sil. Sulph. Veiat. Zinc. — dreadful, Cast. -Nux. Psor. Ran-sc. Verb. Zinc. — drowning, of, Alum. Igt. Merc. Ran-b. Samb. — emaciated, of being, Creos. — embarrassment, with,Amm-m.Ars.Graph. Mgn-c Phosp. — enemies, pursued by. Con. — escaping recollection, Aur. Bell. Cic. Hell. Lye Merc Meny. Selen. Spig. Tar. Verat. — falling, of, Amm-m. Dig. Kali-c. Thuj. Zinc-ox. — fancilul, Calc Kali-c. Lach. Spong. — fearful. Con. — fire, of, Anac. Hep. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Phosp. — firing, shooting, of. Amm-m. — fixed upon one subject, Igt. — flying, of, Lyc. Ntr-s. — forest, of a, Canth. Mgn-m. Sep. — frightful, Amm-m Aur. Bell. Bov. Diad. Dig. Euphr. Graph. Jac-cor. Mgn-m. Merc. Merc-jod. Ntr-c Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nice Ox-ac. Phosp. Plat. Ran-sc. Sass. Sep. Sulph. Zinc. — furunculi, of, Prun. — ghosts of, Carb-veg. Igt, — graves, pits, of, Anac Arn. — hasmoptisis, of, Meph. — hammorhages, of, Phosp. — heavy. Chin. Dulc. Laur. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nux. Sass. Thuj. -----towards morning, A'ux. 244 31. SLEEP AND DREAMS. Dreams, help, calling for, Kali-c. — historical, Amm-c. Mgn-c Merc. Phosp. — hoinble, Cast. Nux. Psor. Ran-sc. Verb. Zinc. — horses, of, Alum. — indifferent, Biy. Chin. Mgn-c. Nux. Puosp-ae Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. — interrupted, Rhus. — invention, full of, Lach. Sabin. — jocose and joyful, Croc. — lasting long, Aeon. Bry. Calc. Chin. Igt. Ntr-c. Puis. — lice, of, Amm-c. Mur-ac. Nux. Phosp. — loathsome, Anac. Nux. Puis. Zinc. — lying in bed, as if some body were, Petr. — many, Aeon. Alum. Ang. Arn. Asa-f. Bar-c Bell. Bov. Bry Calc. Caps. Chin Cic. Clem. Coloc Ferr. Ferr -in. Graph. Igt. Kali-c. Lach. Lyc Algn-c Mgn-s. Along. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Par. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puts. Rhus. Sabad. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Strain. Stront. Sulph. Tar. Tart. Tereb. Theiid. Thuj. * — marriage of, Alum. — mental exertion, with, Aeon. Anac. Bry. Igt. Lach. Rhus. Sabad. Sabin. Tnuj. — merry, Asa-f. Croc. Lach. Op. — m;ce, of, Colch. — mind, affecting the, Bry. Chin. Igt. Lach. Ntr-m. Nux. Oleand. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Sabad. Sabin. Sulph. Thuj. Viol-tr. — miscarrying undertakings, of, Dig. Mosch. — money, Alum. Cycl. Mgn-c. Puis. ----counterfeit, Zinc-ox. — mutder, of, Amm-c. Calc. Carb-an. Guaj. Igt. Kali-jod. Lach. Lact. Led. Lyc. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ol-an. Petr. Rhus. Sd. Spong. Staph. Zinc. — murdered, of being, Amm-m. Guaj. Igt. Kali-jod. Lact. Lye Merc. Zinc. — peevish, Ant. Asar. Bry. Caust. Mgn-s. — people, of, Bell. Merc. — phantastical, Calc. Carb-an. Con. Graph. Kali-c. Nir-c. Ntr-m. Op. Sep. Sulph. — pleasant, Ant. Aur. Calc. Carb-an. Coff. Croc Graph. Kali-c. Lach. Mgn-c. Ntr-c Ntr-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac Piat. Puis. Sabad. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Viol-tr. — poisoned, of being, Creos. Ntr-m. — quarrelling, about, Ant. Aur. Bry. Caust. Algn-c. Nice Nux. Phosp. Selen. Stann. — recalling things forgotten, Calad. — recollected, Along. Meph. — restless, Led. Nitr. Oleand. Sulph. Zinc. — revelling, rioting, of, Graph. Kali-c. Lyc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Petr. Sil. Sulph. Zinc — reverie, full of, Ambr. Ars. Bar-c. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Con. Graph. Kali-c. Led. Lyc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr. Petr. Psor. Sep. 5/7. Spong. Stront. Sulph. 'Part. Zinc ----when falling asleep, Spong. — riots, of, Bry. Con. Guaj. Ind. Kali-c. Lyc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Phosp. Puis. Stann. — sad, Lyc. Rheum. Spong. — serpents, of, Alum. Bov. Grat. Kali-c. Ran-sc. Rat. Sil. — sick people, Calc. Rat. — snow, Creos. — sorrowful, Ars. Graph. — spinning, Sass. — stab, dread of being, while dreaming, Lach. — swimming of, Iod. Lyc. Ran-b. — teeth hilling out, Nux. — theives, ol, Alum. Algn-c. Merc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Sil. — thirsty, of being, Ntr-m. — thoughts of the day, continuation of, Igt. — thunder storms, of, Arn. Ars. — troublesome, Rhus. — true, seeming, on waking, Ntr-c. Ntr-m. — unmeaning, Chin. — ruinating, of, Creos. Lac-can. Merc-jod.&X^, — vermin, of, Amm-c. Lac-can. Mur-ac Nux. Phosp. — vexatious. Alum. Ars. Asar. Bry. Caust. Con. Igt. Mgn-s. Mosch. Nux. Rhus. Staph. Sulph. — vivid, Aeon. Anac. Arn. Bell. Bry. Carb-veg. Cic. Clem. Cocc. Coloc. Ferr. Igt. Iod. Lyc. Mgn-c. Along. Meny. Merc. Meph. Mez. Mosch. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Ran-sc. Rheum. Rhus. Sabad. Sep. 5/7. Stann. Stiam. Sulph. Teucr Viol-tr. — voluptuous, Ant. Bism. Canth. Coloc. Con. Giaph. Igt. Lach. Led. Lith. Lye Mere Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Oleand. Op. Par. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat Plb. Puis. Ran-b. Sabad. Samb. Sep Sil. Staph. Thuj. Viol-tr. — waking, during, Arn. Bell. Cham. Hep. Mere Nux. Phosp-ac — war and bloodshed, of Plat. Thuj Verb. — water, of, Amm-m. Ars. Dig. GraDh Mgn-c. Ran-b. ° . P — wedding of a, Alum. Mgn-m. Ntr-c. — world, sees the end of the, Rhus. — worms, creeping, Amm-c. Mur-ac Nux Phosp. Wakefulness at night, Aur. Dulc. Ntr-m Puis. Ran-b. Rat. Sep. Sil. Sulph. (com- pare Sleeplessness.) 31. SLEEP AND DREAMS 245 Ip. Samb. Plat. Puis. After waking once, inability to sleep again, Amm-c. Ars. Aur. Borax. Dulc. Ferr Ferr-m. Mgn-c. Merc Ntr-m. Ol-an. Phosp. Puis. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Rat. Sass. Sep. 5/7 Sulph. Awaking often at night, Ambr. Ars. Calc. Carb-an. Caust. Chin. Hep. Igt. Kali-c. Lyc. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. (compare Sleep disturbed), — from air wanting. Hep. Seneg. — anxiety, with, Calc. Con. Rat. Samb. — chills, from, Mur-ac Ntr-s. — colic, Irom, Ox-ac. — contraction of chest after midnight, wheezing breathing, Lach. — cough, Caust. Hep. Kali-c. Mgn-m. Nitr. Stront. ----tickling. Lach. — difficult, Berb. Calad. Ntr-c. Nux. Phell. Phosp-ac Tabac. Teucr. Viol-tr. — too early, Amm-m. Ars. Aur. Borax. Caps. Coff. Dulc Graph. Guaj. Kali-c. Mgn c. Alerc. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac Nux. Ol-an. Phell Phosp-ac Ran-b. Ran-sc. SJen. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph-ac. Veib. — as from an electric shock above larynx, Hipp-m. — with erection and desire to urinate, Hep. SI. — frequent, Ambr. Ars. Bar-c. Berb. Bism. Borax. Calc. Canth. Carb-an. Cast Caust. Chelid. Chin. Cic. Colch. Diad. Dig. Euph. Euphr. Graph. Guaj. Hep Igt. Kali-c. Lyc. Merc. Mur-ac. Nice Nitr-ac. Nitr. Ol-an. Petr. Phell. Phosp. Ran-b. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sass. Scill. Selen. Sp. Sil. 5Mv/7 5//^//.Tart.Tertb.Viol-tr.Zinc ----without any cause, Mgn-c. Sep. — frightened, starting, Agn. Alum. Amm-c. Ant. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bism. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Cast. Caust. CLam. Cocc. Colch. Croc. Dig. Dros. Euph. Graph. Guaj. Flep. Nux. Puis. Samb. Staph. Hyosc. Ind. Ip. Kali-b. Kali-jod. Lyc Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Petr. PhosprPA^pvi- Puis. Rat. Rheum. Ruta. Samb. Sass. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Tabac. Thuj. Zinc. - at a certain hour, Selen. - hunger, from, Lyc'Rjor. - itching of lobe of right ear, Kali-b, - lewed dreams and emissions, with, Kobalt. - least noise from, Selen. - oppression of breathing, from, Graph. Kali-c. - partial, Con. - pressure in chest, Kali-b. - touched, when, Ruta. - unconsciousness, with, Chin. Plat. Puis. Rheum. Sol-nig. - vomiiing from, Dig. )n awaking, air wanting, Hep. Samb. - anxiety, Calc. Con. Plat. Puis. Rat. Samb. - chill in morning early, Mur-ac. - cough, Aeon. Ambr. Bell. Caust. Chin. Cina. Creos. Dig. Euphr. Lach. Nux. Pl,osp-ac. Rhus. Scill. Stram. Sulph-ac, -cries, sudden, shrill, Apis. - delirium, Bry. Cact. Sep. - expression, serious, Stiam. - headache, Anac. Ntr-m. Rheum. - does not know where he is, Chin. Plat. Puis. Sol-m. - mouth offensive, Rheum. ---dry, Rhus. - perspiration, Anac. Berb. Chelid. Cic. Clem. Dros. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Samb. - soreness in limbs, Lach. Viol-od. - stiffness of limbs, Lach. - taste bitter. Bry. Rhus. ---putrid, Rheum. - thirst, Berb. Phosp-ac. Rat. Sulph. - tremor, Rat. Samb. - to be uncovered, aversion, Clem. - urinate, urgency to, Caust. Dig.Hep. Sil. Tart. -weariness, Dros. Pod./^C^^*^- - aggravation of sufferings, Bell. Lach. Nux. e^.Jh^u.1 ty-CUe X/*- /*/. 246 32. FEVER. 32. Fever. CHILLS. COLDNESS, IIUDDERING, SHIVERING, HEAT, PULSE, DURING EEVEhS, AND THIRST Autumn, Bry. Chin. Nux. Rhus. Verat. Bilious, Ars Biy. Calc. Guam. Chin. Igt. Ip. Nux. Puis. Tar. (compare, Sect. 34. J — aitei anger, Cham. Coloc. Catairhal, Amui-c Anac. Bell. Ca'ad Cham. Chin. Con. Duk. Eugen. Hep. Igt. Mgu-c. Mang. Meic. Nux. Puis. Ruta. Spig. Sulph. Coldness prevailing. Alum. Bry. Canth Caps. Diad. //.Puis. Ran-b. Sabad.Staph. Verat. Consumptive, (compare, Hectic.) Exanthaiiiatous. Aeon. A,lis. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Ca'c. Canth.Carb-veg.Hyosc Ip. Lac.1. Merc. Mur-ac. Nux-m.Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sec-c. Si ram. Gastric, Ars. Asar. Bell. Bry Cham. Chin Daph. D g. Igt. Ip. Nux. Puis. Stram. Sulph. Tar. (compare, Sect. 34.) Heat prevailing. Aeon. Bell. Bry. Ip. .Vux Sabad. 5/7. Valer. Verat. (compare in- flammatory.) Hectic, Ars. Bar-c. Chin. Con. Cupr. Iod Merc. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Stann. Sulph. — in children. Mere Inflammatory, Aeon. Bell. Bry. Cham. Merc. Puis. Intermittent, Ant. Arn. Ars. Bell.Bov. Bry. Calc. Caps. Carb-veg. Chin. Cina. Cocc Diad. Dros. Ferr. Igt. Ip. Lyc. Meny. A'tr-m. Nux-m. Nux.Pt.tr. Puis. Ran-b. Ran-sc Rhus. Sabad. Samb. Sang. Sep Sil. Spig.Staph.Sulph.Thuj.Valer. Verat. — malignant, Ars. Chin. Nux-m. — marsh, Arn. Ars. Carb-'Cg. Chin. Cina. Ferr. Ip. Ntr-m. Rhus. — in damp and cold seasons, Calc. Carb- Chin Lach. Nux-m. Pu ;. Rhus. Sulph Verat. — in spring and summer and warm sea- sons, generally, Ant. Ars. Bell. Brv. Calc. Caps. Carb-veg. Cina. Ip. Laeh. Ntr-m. Puis. Sulph. 'Thuj. Verat. — nfier abuse of quinine, . Im. Ars. Bell Calc. Caps. Carb-veg. Cina. Ferr. Ip Lach. Meny. Merc Ntr-m. Nux-m Nux Puis. Sacch. Sulph. Ve. >J — masked, Ars. Spig. Malignant plague, Sacch. Mercurial. Chin. Hep. Lach. Sulph. At ilk-lever, Ae. Sabad. Spig. Stann. Staph. Strain. Sulph. — double, Bell. Chin. Graph.Stram.Sulph. — at same hour, Cact. Diad. Gels. Stann. ----11 A.M. to 4 P.M., Gels. ----3 P.M Ang. Spring, Lach. Sweating, Merc. Op. Samb. 32. FEVER. 247 Teriian, Alum. Anac Ant. Ars. Bar-m. Bell. Borax. Bry. Calc. Canth. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cina. Croton. Daph. Dros. Dulc Eupat. Ferr. Gels. Hyosc. Igt. Ip. Lach. Lyc. Mez. Ntr-m. Nux-m. A'ux. Puts. Rhus. Sabad. Sulph. Verat. — double, Ars. Chin. Dulc. Nux-m. Rhus Typhus, Bry. Hyosc Hipp-m. Nux-m.Nux. Rhus, (compare, Putrid and nervous fevers.) — abdominalis. Apis. Ars. Bell. Bry.Calc Carb-veg. Chin. Colch. Gins. Ip. Lye Mur-ac. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sec-c. Sulph. Verat. — apoplectic, Gels. Glon. Lach. Sang. Verat-vuid. — bilious, Bed. Cham. Merc. — cerebral, Arn. Bapt. Bell. Bry. Hyosc Laeh. Nux-m. Op. Pnosp. Rhus. Stram. Verat. - — mucus. Mere Puis. Rhus. — stupid, Arn. Ars. B--I1. Bry. Carb-veg. Cnin Cocc. Hell Hypsc. Lach. Mur-ac Nitr. Nux. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac Rhus. Sec-c. Stram. Veiat. — versatile, Bell. Bry. Cham. Cina. Dig. Hyosc. Igt. Lyc. Mur-ac Nux. Op Phosp-ac. Puis Rhus. Stram. Worm fever, Aeon. Cic. Cina. Dig Filix. Hyosc. Merc. Nux. Sabad. 5/7. Spig. Stann. Strain. Valer. Sulph. In morning, Ambr. Aug. Arn. Bell Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Chin. Con. Eui a.. Euphr. Gels. Graph. Hep. Kali-b. Lach. Lam. Lyc. Mgn-c. Merc. Ntr-m. Nice Nitr-ac. Nux. Sabad. Sep. Spig. Spong. Staph. Sulph. — forenoon, Calc. Chin. Cop. Ntr-m. Sabad. — noon, Ant. Asar. Borax. Calc. Kali-c Lob. Mgn-c. Spig. Stram. — afternoon. Alum. Ant. Ars. CaicCaust. Chin. Coff. Dig. H\osc. Lach. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Ran-b. Spong. Staph. Sulph. — e\ening, Aeon. Alum. Ant. Am. Ars. Belt. Bov. Bry. Calad. Calc. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cycl. Hell. Igt. Ip. Lach. Led. Lyc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Ran-b. Rhod. Rhus. Sabad. Sabin. Sep. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. ----5 P.M., Con. Ntr-c. Rhus. Sabad. Sulph. ____6 P.M., Cocc. Kali-c. Rhod. Tart. ----7 P.M., Bov. Lyc. Mgn-c. Mgn-s. Petr. Rhus. * ____8 P.M , Coff. Hep. Mur-ac. Sylph. Tart. ----9 P.M. Mgn-s. Nitr-ac. ____10 P.M., Lach. Petr. Sabad. ____12 M. to 4 A.M., Actea-r. ----paroxysm lasts all night, Lyc Puis. Rhus. — night, Amm-c. Ang. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Boiax. Caps. Carb-an. Caib-veg. Caust. Cham. Hep. Lach. Mgn-s. Merc Nux. Phosp. Puis. Ran-sc. Rhus. Sabad.Scill. Sep. Sil. Staph. Stram. Sulph. — midnight, Rhus. ----befoie, Verat. ----after, Amm-m. Borax. Ran-sc Thuj. -------2AM Borax. Taxus. -------3 A.M., Thuj. — from a cold, Dulc. Kali-c.Nitr-ac. (com- pare, Sect. 34.) Preceded by, anguish, Chin. — back, pain in, Ais. Ip. — bleeding of gum, Mere — bones, pa.n in, Arn. Carb-veg. Ntr-m. Nitr. Therid. — burning 111 eyes, Rhus. — chest, pain in, Ars. — chilliness, Puis. — coldness (before chills.) Puis. Sulph. — complaints in general, Ais. Chin. Rhus. — ciies, Bell. Lach. Lye. — diairhaea, Rt.us. ----slimy, Puis. — drowsiness, Puis. — fainting fit, Ais. — faintishness, Ars. Calc. — feet cold, Caib veg. — headache, Ars. Bell. Bry. Carb-veg. Chin Lach. Ntr-m. Nitr. Puis. Rhus. ----head, heaviness in, Calc. — lie down, inclination to, Ars. — limbs, pain in, Bry. Cina. Caib-veg. Chin. Sulph. ----heaviness in, Calc. — mucus inciea>ed in mouth, Rhus. — nails blue, Cocc. — nails (ot gieat toes) pain in, Eupat. — nausea, Chin. Cina. Lyc. Puis. — palpitation ot heart. China. — ravenous hunger, Cina. Phosp, Staph. — shuddering, Bry. Cocc. — sleeplessness, Chin. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. — sneezing, Chin. — stretching, Aeon. Alum. Ang. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cina. Igi. Ip. Rhus. Stran. — stupefaction, Ars; — sweat, Samb. — taste bitter, Hep. — tearing pain, in joints, Calc. ---------limbs, Ars. Cina. — thirst, Am. Ars. Bell. Caps. Chin. Cina. Eupat. Lach. Nux. Puis. Sep. Sulph. — toothache, Carb-veg. — uncoinfortableness, Ip. — vertigo, Ars. Bry. Puis. — vomiting, Chin. Cina. Lyc. Puis. — want of appetite, Puis. H 248 j 2. FEV Ppeceded by weakness, Ntr-m. Nux. — weariness and drowsiness, Rhus. — yawning, Ais. Rhus. During the fever, abdomen, coldness in, Meny. ----distention of, Ferr. — anxiety, Ars. Calc. Chin. Coff. Lach. Nux. Rheum. Verat. — apopletie m, N,ux. — appetite, want of, Ant. Chin. Con. Daph. Kali-c. Lach. Ntr-m. Puis. Sabad. Staph. — asthma, Mez. — aversion to all food. Amm-c. Ant. Ars. Kali-c. Ip. Rheum. — back, pain in, Ars. Bell. Calc. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Lach. Lyc. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Rhus. — bilious complaints, Ant. Ars. Bry. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Dig. Igt. A'ux. Puis. — bitterness of mouth, Alum. Ant. Ars. Phosp. Sep. — blood, congestion of, Ars. Bov. Ferr. Mosch. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Sass. Sep. Staph Sulph. -------towards head, Ars. Ferr. Phosp. Sep. Sulph. — blood vessels, distention of, Aloe. Chin. Ferr. Hyosc Puis. -------throbbing in, Bell. — bones, pain in, Arn. Ars. Chin. Mgn-c. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Puis. — brain, paralytic affection of, Ars. Lyc. — breast, swelling of, Puis. — breath, difficult, Ars. ----hot, Zinc. ----offensive, Arn. ----panting, Calad. ----short, Ferr. Zinc. — carphalogia, Ars. Iod. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sulph. (compare Sect. 34-) * — chest, oppression of, Bry. Ip. Lach. ----pain in, Aeon. Ars. Bry. Calad. - Daph. Ip. Kali-e Sabad. — colic, Ant. Ars. B; v. Bry. Calc. Cham. Cocc. Ferr. Phosp. Ran-b. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. — coma, Op. Tart. — constipation, Bell. Cimex. Cocc. Lyc. Nux. Op. Puis. Staph. Verat. — coryza, Calad. Rhus. — cough, Ars. Bry. Calc. Chin. Con. Ip. - Kali-c. Lact. Phosp. Puis. Sabad. - Sulph. ----with remitting fever, Pod. ----dry, Bry. ----hooping, Kali-c. ----nightly, Hyosc. ----with vomiting, Bry. — deafness, Lachn. Rhus. — delirium, Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cham. Chin. Cina. Dulc. Hyosc. Igt. Lachn. Nux. Op. Phosp-ac. Plat. Pod. Samb. Sang.Strain. Sulph. Verat. — diarrhoea, Alum. Amm-c. Ant. Apis. Arg. Arn. Ars. Bapt. Bell. Bry. Caps. Cham. Cina. Con. Gels. Hydroph. Hyosc. Lach. Mur-ac. Nir-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus Ruta. Sec-c. Stram. Sulph. Tereb. Thuj. Valer. Verat. — ears, buzzing in, Ars. ----pain in, Calad. — epistaxis, Puis. — epilepsy, Hyosc. — eructations, Alum. Ant. Carb-veg. Nux. — eyes, burning in, Lact. ----painful, Creos. Led. Rhod. - face bloated, Lyc. -----about eyes, Ferr. - — pain in, Lact. Spig. ---pale, Igt. Mez. Puis. Rhus. ---red, Aeon. Bar-m. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Creos. Lach. Merc. Op. Puis. Rhus. Verat. — yellow, Chin. Lach. Ntr-m. Rhus. ■feet cold, Aeon. Cist. Kali-chl. Lach. Merc. Puis. Rhod. gastric complaints, Ant. Cham. Cocc. Diad. I.^t. Ip. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. gums, bleeding of, Staph. hands cold, Aeon. Agar. Agn. Dros. Merc. Puis. Sulph. — hot, Beib. Carb-veg. Ip. Lach. Merc. Ntr-c. Nux. Puis. Sabad. Stann. Sulph. headache, Ang. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Chin. Daph. Dros. Graph. Hell. Hep. Ip. Kali-c. Lach. Led. Lyc. Mang. Mez. Ntr-m. Petr. Phosp. Ruta. Sep. Spig. Tar. head, heat in, Rhod. — obtusion of, Kali-c. Phosp. Sep. Valer. hiccough, Lach. inability to recollect, Ars. Ntr-m. Phosp-ac Sep. jaundice. Chin. Rhus. jerks, Rhus. joints, pain in, Ars. Calc. Carb-veg. Chin. Hell. Lact. Lyc. Phosp. Sep. Si:lph. ----knee, Hell. legs, lassitude of. Ars. Chin. — sorenesss in, Nitr. lie down, desire to, Bry. Calc. Dros. limbs, painfulness ol, Ars. Bry. Chin. Hell. Lach. Nitr. Nux. Phosp. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. ----as if beaten. Caps. Carb-veg.Rhur. — drawing pain in, Ntr-m. — soreness in, Rhod. lips dry, black, Ars. Chin. Merc. Tart Verat. 32. FEVER. 249 During fever, lips dry, black, open mouth, Phosp. ----dry, Ars. Cham. Chin. Igt. Lach. Lyc. Phosp Rhus. ----eruption on, Ars. Ntr-m. Nux. — — thin brown stieak along upper lip, at junction of lower, Ars. — liver, pain in, Ars. Chin. Kali-c. — loathing of food, Amm-c. Ant. Ars. Ip. Kali-c. Rheum. — micturition, painful, Cham. — mouth, dryness of, Nux-m. Thuj. ----open, Lyc Op. Phosp. — nausea, Ant. Ars. Bry. Cham. Chin. Dros. Ip. Lyc Nux. Phosp. Sep.Verat. — nettle rash, Igt. Rhus. — nose, pain in, Rhod. ----obstruction, Sulph. ---- scabs in, Sulph. — olailga, Calad. — pains intolerable, Ars. Cham. Coff. — palpitation of heart. Aloe. Lach. Mez. Rhus. S iss. Sep. Spig. Sulph. — paralytic, condition, Ars. ----feeling in limbs, Nux. ----weakness, Ars. Led. Lyc. — perspiration on hot body, Op. — pit of stomach, pain in, Rhus. — ptyalism, Nitr-ac. — pressure at stomach, Ferr. Rhus. Sep. — pupils contracted, Arn. — rattling in throat, Ars. Carb-veg. Nux-m. — restlessness. Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bell. Cham. Cina. — rheumatic pains, Ars. Led. Lye — scorbutic complaints, Staph. — shrieking, Bell. — sLhing. Bry. Ip. — skin, burning in, Aeon. Petr. — sleepiness, Ant. Ars. Calad. Daph, Lachn. Ntr-m. ATux-m. Op. Phosp. Sep. Stram. Tart. Verat. — sleeplessness, Chin. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. — snoring, Igt. Op. Rhus. — somnolence, Bell. Carb-veg. Igt. Lvc. Merc. Op. Phosp. Puis. Tart. — spasm.s, Cocc. — spleen, pain in, Ars. Berb. Mez. — stitches in side, Bry. Nux. — stomach, pain in, Ars. Cocc. Lyc. Ntr-m. Nux. Sibad. Sep. Sil. Sulph. ----spasms of, Cocc. ----pit of, pain in, Ant. Ars. Cham. Igt. Ntr-m. Rhus. — submaxillary, glands, swollen, Calad. — sweat predominant, Samb. — swelling of pit of stomach, Rhus. -------spleen, Caps. Chin. Ferr. Mez. -— taste, bitter, Alum. Ant. Ars. Calc. Chin. Ntr-m. Phosp. Puis. Sep. ----putrid, Puis. Staph. Zinc. — thirst, Aeon. Aloe. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calad; Calc. Caps. Cham. Diad. Mere. Ntr-m. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Tereb. Thuj. Valer. Verat. — thirstlessness, Amm-m. Ant. Ars. Bell. Calc. Camph. Caps. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Hell. Hep. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Nux. Puis. Rhod. Sabad. Sep. Spig. Tart. — throat, inflammation of, Con. Dios. — throbbing sense through body, Zinc — tongue coated, Ant. Nux. Phosp. ----dry, Ars. Cham. Lach. Lyc. Ntr-m. Pho-p. Rhus. ----white. Igt. Nux-m. — toothache, Graph. Kali-c. — tossing about, Be'l. — tremor, Ars. Calc. Cist. Con. Ntr-m. Sep. Zinc. ----of lower jaw, Alum. — unconsciousness, Arn. Bell. Cocc. Hell. Hyosc. Alur-ae Ntr-m. Op. Phosp-ac. Puis. Strom. — urine dark, Sep. Verat. ----frequent, Lyc. ----offensive and brown, Sep. ----turbid. Phosp. — vertigo, Ars. Biy Chin. Nux. Verat. — vomiting, Ant. Ars. Chin. Cina. Con. Ferr. Hep. Igt. Ip. Lach. Lyc Nux. Puis. Striim. Sulph. Verat. ----bilious, Ant. Ars. Cham. Chin. Igt. ATux. ----mucus, Igt. Puis. ----sour, Lyc. ----of what had been eaten, Cina. Ferr. Igt- ----with clean tonrue, Cina. ----inclination for, Cham. Dros. Sep. m Verat. — weakness, Ars. Chin. Ferr. Ip. Merc. ATtr-m. Puis. Sabad. Sulph. Verat. After the fever coldness, Verat. — debility, Dig. — dreams, frightful, Ars. — headache, Ars. Carb-veg. Cina. Hep. — hungry, ravenous, Staph. — pains in limbs, Crotal. Sabad. — perspiration, Ars. — sleep, Apis. Ars. I— thirst, Ant. Ars. Chin. Ntr-m. Nux. — thirstlessness, Igt. — vomiting, Chin. Cina. Hep. Chills, Aeth. Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Anac Arg. Arn. Ars. Asar. Bell. Berb. Bov. Bry. Calad. Cafe. Cannab. Canth. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Coloc Con. Creos. Cupr. Cycl. Daph. Diad. Dig. Dros. Euph. Evon. Graph. Guaj. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Kaii-e Kali-jod. Igt. Ip. Led. Lyc. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Mang. Meny. Alerc. Alerc-cor. Alez. Alur-ae Ntr-c. Nitr. A'ux-m. Arux. Ol-an. Op. Petr. Phell. Phosp. Phosp-ac Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Samb. Sass. 2SO 3 2" FEVER. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Tar. 7'rt/"/1 Theiid. Thuj. Valer. Verat. Chi'ls, of the different parts is found under the appiopriate sections. — as if dashed with cold water, Ars. Bry Lyc Merc. Mez. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Spig. Thuj. Venn. Verb. — external, Aeon. Ars. Bell. Calc. Camph. Caib-veg. Chin. Dig. Euph. Ferr. Igt. Mere Mosch. Nux. Oleand. Rhus. Sil. Zinc. — flying, Bar-c. Cham. Ferr. — internal. Agar Ae~n. Anac Arn. Ars. B. 11. Bit. Xalc Caust. Cham. Chin Coff. Daph. Hell. Igt. Iod. Ip. Guaj. Kali-c. Lac-can. Lach. Laur. Lvc. Merc. Ntr-m. N:!r-<- Nux. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Scill. Sep. Sil. Spig. Thuj. Verat. — in single parts, Ars. Bell. Bry. Chin. Creos. Hep. Igt. Lvc A'ux. Par. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil.' Spig. Verat. — one-sided, Bar-c. By. Caust Chelid. Dig. Lvc. Nir-c. Nux. Puis. Rhus Thuj. Verb. -------right, Brv. Caust. Nux. Rhus Thuj. — partial. Bry. Caps. Caust. Chin. Graph. Hell. Hep. Igt. Rhus. Sabin. Samb. Spig. Spong. Thuj. — shaking, Aeon. Agar. Amm-c Anac. Bell. Berb. Brv. Camph. Canth. Caps. Cast. Chin. Cocc. Creos. Int. Iod. Ip. Laur. Lye Mang. Alnr-ac Ntr-s Nux. Petr. Phell. P/.op-ae Puis. Rhus. Samb. Stram. Sulph. Verat. — with goose-flesh. Bell. Brv. Camph Cannab. Croc. Nux. Sabad. Thuj. — in the morning, Ang. Arn. Calc. Con. Cycl- Dros. Eupat. Gels. Graph. Kali-c. Led. Nir-s. Phosp. Phvt. Spig. Therid. Thuj. -------forenoon, Ambr. Ang. Arn. Con. Cop. Euph. Guaj. L.ed. Stann. Stront. -------afternoon, Arg. Ars. Brv- Chin. Cocc. Croc. Dig. Lach. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Puis. Sulph. — evening, Aeon. Agar. Alum. Amm-c. Amm-m. Am. Ars. Bov. Bry Carb an. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Cycl. Dulc Ferr. Graph. Guaj. Hep. Kali-c. Lach. Lvc Mgn-c. A/gn-m. Mang. Merc. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nitr. A'ux. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Sep. Sil. Stann. Stront. Sulph. Tabac. Teucr. Tilia. ----in bed, Alum. Amm-c. Bov. Carb-an. Chin. Ferr. Mur-ac. Nux. Phosp. Sil. Sulph, — — every other day, Lyc ----with the pains, Igt. Puis. ----lasting all night, Lyc. Puis. Rhus. — at night, Alum. Arg Bov. Carb veg. Caust. Ferr. Hep. Lis. Mgn-s. Alerc. Mur ac Ntr-s. A'ux. Staph. Thuj. — after midnight, 'I huj. — duiing day, fever at night, Alum. — day and night,'Sass. — at 3 A. M.. Thuj. ----6 A. M , Nux. ----7 A. M., Pod. ----7 A. M. to 9 A. M., Pod. ----9 A. M., Kali-c. Ntr-m. ----io A. M , Ars. Cact. Ntr-m. Petr. Rhus. Sacch. Stann. Sulph. ----io A. M., fever, but no chill, tertian, Gels ----10:30 A. M.. Lob. ----10 A. M. to 11 A. M., Ars Ntr-m. ----10 A. M. to 2 P. M.. Merc sulph. ----10 A. M., to 3 P. M., Sil. Sulph. ----11 A. M., Hyosc. Ip. Op. ----it A. M. to 12 A. M., Kali-c. Kobalt. ----11 A. M. to 4 P. M., Gels. ----11 A. M to 11 P. M., Cact. ----morning to noon. Ntr-m. ----noon. Elaps. Lob. -------to 2 P. M , Lach. ----1 P. M., Cact. ----1 P. M. to 2 P. M., Ars. Eupat. ----2 P. M , Calc. ----3 P. M., Ang. Apis. Con. Staph. Thuj. ----3 P. M. to 4 P. M., Apis. Lach. ----3 P. M. to 6 P. M., Ars. ----4 P. M., Puis. ----4 P. M. to 5 P. M., Kobalt. ----iP M. to 7 P. M.. Kali-jod. ----4 P. M. to S P. M., Bov.Graph.Hell, Hep. Lyc. Mgn-m. Ntr-s. ----after 4 P. M., Graph. ----5 p. >'i.. Con. Kali-c. ----5 P. M. to 6 P. M., Phosp. Sulph. ----5 P. M. to 7 P. M. S P. M., Hep. ----6 P. M., Arg n. Nux. ----6 P. M. to 8 P., Kali-jod. Sulph. ----6 P. M., to midnight, Lachn. • ----7 P. M., Lyc. Petr. Rhus. ----7 p. M. to 8 P. M., Sulph. ----9 P. M. to 10 A. M., Mgn-s. ----at same hour, Ant. Apis. Bov. Cact. China. Cina. Con. Diad. Gels.Graph. Hell. Hep. Kali-e Lvc. Mgn-m. Phosp. Sabad. Spig. Stann. Staph. Thuj — every 14 days, Ars. Calc. Chin. Puis. ----year, Ars. Carb-veg. Lach. Sulph. Thuj. — anticipating, Ars. Chin. Igt. Ntr-m. Nux. — postponing, Chin. Cina. — anger, from, £ry, Nux, 7,2. FEVER. 251 Chi'ls, bed, in,Alum. Amm-c Bov. Calc. Carb-an. Chin. Dros. Ferr. Hep. Laur, Nux. Phosp. Rhod. ----relieved, Caust. Hell. Mgn-m.Mgn-s. Merc. Ntr-c. ----getting out of, ameliorated, Lye — cold, after, a, Lyc. Sep. ----air, as of, blowing on uncovered pans, Mosch. ---------around waist, Sil. — dinner, before, Berb. — drinking after, Ars. Asar. Cannab. Caps. Chin. Eupat. Lob. Mez. Nux. Sil. Tar. Verat. —----less. Caust. — eat, when beginning to, Euph. — epileptic paroxysms, alter, Cupr. — exercising, when, Apis. Bry. Coff. Lachn. 'Merc-cor. Nitr. A'ux. Plb. Rhus. Sil. Spig. — — ameliorated, Puis. Staph. Sulph-ac — meals, after, dinner, ameliorated, Ambr. Ntr-c. Phosp. ----during, Euph. Ran-sc. (compare Sect. 130 — moving, on, Apis Arn. Asar.Bell.Cycl. Merc. Mez. Nitr-ac. Nux. Pod. Rhus. Sil. Spig. — nervous, skin warm, wants to be held to preven. shaking, Gels. — open air, in. Agar. Anac. Hep.Kali-chl. Merc-cor. Mosch. Arux-m. A'ux. Petr. Plat. Plb. Ran-b. Rhus. Seneg. Sep. Zinc. Zmg. ---------ameliorated, Phosp. Puis. Sulph-ac. — pains, with the. Ars. Bry. Dulc. Graph. Led. Lyc Alez. Ntr-m. Puis. Rhus. -------after the, Kali-c. — periodically, Oleand. — rising from stooping, when, Merc-cor. — room, in a, Ars.Bry. (compare Warmth.) — sitting, when, ameliorated, Nux. — sleep after, Bry. Calc. — streaks, in, Aeon. — sunshine, in, amelioration, Anac. Con. — touched, when, Aeon. — uncovering, when. Aeon. Agar. Bell Clem. Cor-r. Mercurial. Nux-m. Stram. — walking in open air, Alum. Amm-c. Ars Caust. Chelid. Chin. Kali-chl. Merc. Merc-cor. Nitr-ac Nux. Petr. Rhus. Tabac. -- v.-.'lk, after a. Ntr-s. — — in open air, Nux. Ol-an. — warmth, in, Alum. Anac. Ant. Bell. Bov. Canth. Caust. Cic Cina. Cinnab. Cocc Creos Dulc. Grat. Guaj. Iod. Ip. Lact. Lam. Laur. Mgn-m. Meny. Merc. Mez. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rheum. Ruta. Sil. Staph. Spong. __ — ameliorated, Bare. Camph. Carb-an. Cic. Con. Cor-r. Hipp. Igti Kalbc Meny. Nu v-m. -------by w.apping up, followed by severe fever and sweat, Sil. — ft-, akness in egs, irom. Seneg. — weather, slot my, in, Diad. Zinc. — wet when becoming, Sep. Chills with abtio.i.inal pains, A is. Bov. Calad. Calc. Chin. Coif. Dia I. Igt. Lach.Meph. Merc-cor. Nitr-ac Nux. Pallad. Puosp. Pod. Puis. Rumex. Sep. -------in pit oi, Eupat. ----coldness, Ars. Phosp-ac — anxiety, Acou Ars. dps. Chin. Nux. Puis. Verat. — asthma, Mez. — back, pains in, Ars. Bell. Calc. Caps. Caust. Eupni. Hyosc. Igt. Lach Mosch. Nir-m. Nux. Pallad. Puis. Zinc. — blood, congestion of, to head, Chin. Nux. — bones, pains in, Ars. Eupat. Ntr-m. Sabad. — bieath, hot, Anac. — breathing, di'ricuU, Ars. Gels. Kali-c. Mez. Nu-m. Puis. Seneg. Zinc. ----wheezing. Calad. — chatieiing ol teeth, Cact. Camph. Caps, Hep. Lach. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nux. Piat. Phosp. Ran-b. Sabad Tabac. — cheeks, hea; of, Calc. diam. — chest, oppression of, Ars. Biv. Cimex. Daph. Ip. Puis. ----pain in, Ars. Bell. Lach. Sabad. Seneg. ----stitches in, Bry. Kali-c. Rumex. — coryza, C.dad. — cough, Bry. Calc. Creo<. Phosp. Sulph. -------spasmodic, Sabad. — convulsions, Lach. Merc. — delirium, Sulph. — diairhcea, Ars Phosp. — dulness of. mind, Caps. — ear-ache, Graph. Gum-gut. — ears, heat in, Aeon. Ran-b. — epistaxis, Cnos. — eructations, Alum. Gum-gut. Ran-sc. Rhus. — eyes, fixed, Aeon. — — pain in, S.-neg. — face, coldness of, Cina. Dros. Ip. Ntr-c. Petr. ----heat in. Aeon. Agar. Alum. Anac. Apis. Bell. Berb. Bry. Calc Cannab. Cham. Chin. Coloc. Cieos. Dig. Euph. Feir. Hell. Hyosc. Jatr. Lach. Lact. Led. Lye Alerc. Mercuiial. Mur-ac Ntr-c. Nux. Oleand. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Sabad. Seneg.' Staph. Sulph. — —pale, Bell. Camph. Canth. Chin. Cina. L'ros. Nux-m. Nux. Puis- ^ulphi Tuitj 252 32- FEVER. Chill with, face puffed, Bell. ----red, Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bry. Cham. Chin. Creos. Igt. Ferr. Lyc. M«rc. Nux. Ox-ac. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Stram. Sulph. -------and pale alternately, with redness and heat, Rhus. -------followed by paleness without cold- ness, Scill. ----tension, Bar-c. — feet, coldness,of, Berb. Brom. Chin. Cop. Creos. Dros. Gels. Hep. Lach. Mang. Merc. Mez. Ntr-m. Pallad. Samb. Sep. — — cramps in, Nux. ----heat in, Ca ad. Kali-chl. ----numbness in, Lyc. ----pain in, Cop. — fingers, torpor deadness of, Croton. Sep. Stann. — fluids disgusting, Hell. — foiehead. heat in, Aeon. Calc. Chin. Ntr-s. ----perspiration on, Bry. Dig. — goose-skin, Bar-c. Canth. Croton. Hell. L aur. — hair, bristling, Bar-c. Grat. Meny. — hands, blue, Gels. Jair. Nux. ----cold, Agar. Agn. Chin. Dros. Euph. Gels. Ind. Jatr. Mang. Mez. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Oleand. Pallad. Petr. Phosp ae Sep. ----heat in, Apis Cina. Kali-c. Ip. Nux. Ntr-c. Ntr-s. S ibad. ----stiffness of, Kali-c. ----torpor, deadness, Lyc. Sep. ----palms, moist, Nice — head, bewilderment of, Caps. Hydroc-ac. — headache, Aeon. Anac. Ars. Berb. Borax. Bry. Caps. Chin. Cimex. Cina. Cor-r. Creos. Daph. Dros. Elat. Eupat. Ferr. Gels. Graph. Ind. Mang. Mez. ATtr-m. Nux. Petr. Puis. Sang. Sep. Sulph. Tart. — head, externally painful. Hell. ----heat of. Aeon. Arn. Asar. Bell.Berb Bry. Cina. Mang. Meph. Nir-s. Nux. Rhod. Verat. -------burning, Arn. Verat. ----pressure. Puis. ----throbbing in. Seneg. — hip, pain in, Rhus. — hoarseness, Hep. — hunger, Nux. Phosp. — ill-humor, Anac. Caps. Creos. — joints, pain in, Cimex. Hell. Raph. — kidneys, pain in, Millef. — knees, elbows and wrists, aching in, Pod. — legs, cold, Bell. Berb. Nux. Puis. ----disabled, Igt. — limbs, benumbed, ATux. •^- — contraction of, Caps. Cimex. •---heavy, Theiid. ----pain in. Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Caps. Cinnab. Hell. Lach. Lyc. Nitr. Nux. Puis. Rhus Sabad. Sep. Sulph. ----shaking of, Bell. Sabad. ----soieness of, Bell. ----tearing in, Biy. Caps. Lyc. Phosp. Rhus. Sabad. ----twitching of, Stram. ----weariness, painful of, Rhus. — lie down, obliging one to, Bry. Dros. Merc. Nux. Puis. Therid. — loathing of lood and drink, Bry. Kali-c — liver, pains in, Ars. Chin. Nux. Verat. — loins, pain in. Ars. Creos. Lach. Nux. Verat. — low spirits, Sacch. -------ceasing during the heat, Plat. — moaning, Eupat, — mouth dry, Berb. Thuj. ----foam, at, Therid. — muscles, tremor in, Merc. Oleand. — nails, blue, Aur. Cocc. Dros. Ntr-m. Nux. Petr. — nausea, Arg-n. Ars. Bell. Bry. Chin. Cina. Con. Eupat Igt. Kali-b. Kali-c. Kobalt. Merc-sulph. Rumex. Sang. Sep. Verat. ----with inclination to vomit, Ars. Aur. Rhus. Sabad. — noise is intolererable. Caps. — obtusion of head, Calc Kali-c. — pain, paroxysms of, Ars. Chin. Nitr. Puis. Rhus. ----aching. Eupat. — palpitation ol heart. Gels. Phosp-ac. — paralysis, sense of, in legs, Ars. Igt. — perspiration, Ars. Euph. Sulph. — photophobia, Hep. — pulse weak, Gels. ----slow, Meny. — pupils contracted, Aeon. ----dilated, Aeon. Op. — rage, Cimex. — recollect, inability to, Ars. Caps. Stram. — ribs pain in, Sabad. — sacral region, pain in, Ars. Gum-gut. Hyosc. Nux. Verat. — sensation, loss of, Lach. — sensitiveness to cold, Cycl. Merc. — sight, obscuration of, Bell. Cic. Hydroc-ac Sabad. — skin blue, Merc. Nux. ----contracted, sensation as if. Par. ----cold, damp, clammy, Lachn. ----dry, parchment like, Ars. Asa-f. Iod. ----painful, Nux. ----stinging, Samb. ----tingling, Samb. — sleepiness, Aeth. Ambr. Borax. Cimex. Daph. Hell. Kali-b. Mez.Nirm.Nux-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Tart. — sneezing, Ox-ac _______________________3±_ Chills, with, spasms, chronic, Calc. ----of chest, Ais. — sp.tting saliva Alum. Caps. Rhus. — staggering. Caps. — staring, Cic. — stiffness and rigidity of the body, Op. — stomach, pain in, Ars. Lyc. Sil. Sulph. ----pit of, pain in, Ars. — stretching, Ars. Bry. Caps. Coff. Creos. Ip. Laur. Mur-ac. Ntr-c Nux. Prun. — stupelaction, Ntr-m. Op. Puis. — swelling of spleen, Caps. — taste, bitter. Alum. Ars. Hep. ----insipid, Aur. — tastelessness of food, Ars. — tenesmus, Merc-cor. — thirst, Aeon. Ant. Arn. Ars Bell.Borax. Bov. Bruc B>y. Calad. Calc. Cannab. Caps. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cina.Cor-r. Croc Daph. Diad. Dulc Eugen. Ferr. Gum-gut. Igt. Ip. Kali-c. Kali jod. Led. Lob. Lye. Mgn-s Merc. Alez. Mur-ac. Ntr-e Nf-in. Ntr-s. Nitr. Nux. Plb. Pod. Psor. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sec-c. Spong. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. ----befoie the chill, Amm-m. Arn. Caps. Chin. Cimex. Eupat. Lob. Nux.Puis ----between the chill and fever, Chin. Sabad. ----drinking a good deal. Arn. — thirstlessness. Agar. Agn. Amc. Ant Ars. A — in bed, Bry. Tart-ac. — at night, Ambr. Ntr-s. Tart-ac. Thuj. — from affections of internal organs,Euph. — after meals, Ran-b. (compare Sect. 13.) — in open air, Laur. — after walking, Ntr-s. — in warmth of room, Dulc. Ruta. Shuddering, shivering, Aeon. Anac. Ang. Arg. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Calad. Cannab. Cast. Caust Cham. Chelid.'Chin. Cina. Cocc. Con. Evon. Ferr. Guaj. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Ip. Kali-c. Laur. Led.Mgn-s. Meny. Alerc Merc-cor. Mosch. Ntr-c. Nux. Oleand. Ol-an. Phell. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puis. Rat. Rheum.Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Samb. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Tabac. Verat. Verb. Viol-od. Zinc. — one sided, Bell. Caust. Cocc. Lyc. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Thuj Verb. — partial, Ars. Bell. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Graph. Puis. Staph. Verat. — wandering, Nux. — forenoon, in, Ars. Stann. — afternoon, in, Arg. Dig. Nux. — evening, in, Aeon. Ars. Aur. Bov. Cham. Diad. Mgn-s. Merc. Phell. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rat. — day and night, Sass. — night, at, Arg. Merc. Staph. — midnight, after, Thuj. — day time, in, Kali-c. — alternate day, every, Lyc. — with affections of internal organs, Euph. — anger, after, Nux. — bed, in. Ars. Alum. Aur. Borax. Carb-an. Ferr. Laur. Merc. Nux.Phosp. ----relieved, Mgn-s. Mgn-m. — chill, alter a, Lyc. Sep. — cold temperature, in, Cham. — drinking, alter, Ars. Caps. Chin. Eupat. Nux. Verat. — epileptic fit, after, Cupr. — exercising, when, Ars. Merc. Nux. Sil. Sulph. — meals, after, Ars. Rhus. —----relieved, Ambr. — open air, in, Agar. Hep. Laur.Merc-cor. Mosch. Nux-m. Petr. Plat. Rhus.Seneg. — pains, with the, Ars. Bare. Mez. Puis. Ran-b. Sep. — parts affected, on the, Ars. — rest, when at, Bruc. — room, in the, Ars. — touched, when, Spig. — urinate, with desire to, Hyper. — warmth, in, Alum. Anac. Bov. Dulc. Guaj. Iod. Lact. Lam. Laur. Mere Ruta. ----relieved, Nux. Heat in general, Aeon. Anac. Arn. Ars. Bell. Borax. Bov. Bry. Calc. Camph. Caps Carb-veg. Case Caust. Cham. Chin. Cina. Coff. Con. Cycl. Dig. Dros. Ferr. Graph. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Iod. Ip. Kali-c. Led. Lyc. Mgn-c. Mgn-s. Mang. Meny. Alerc Mosch. Alur-ae Ntr-m. Nice Nitr-ac Nux. Op. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Sabad. Sabin. Samb. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Stram. Stiont. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tar. Tart. Tereb Zinc. — sensation of, Cham. Igt. Mgn-c.Oleand. Sil. Stann. — of different parts, compare the Sections. — anxious, Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Igt. Alerc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac Puis. Rhus. Sep. Spong. Stann. Stram. Sulph. — burning, Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cham. Dulc. Hell. Laur. Lyc. Merc. Mosch. Op. Puis. Sabin. Scill. Stann. Staph. — dry, Aeon. Arn. Ars. Arum-trif. Bar-m. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Clem. Cocc Coff. Coloc. Con. Dulc. Hell. Hep. Ip. Kali-c. Lach. Led. Lyc. Alerc. Ntr-s. Nitr-ac Nitr. Nux. Op.Phosp.Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Scill. Sec-c Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Stront. Sulph. ----of covered parts, Thuj. — external, Aeon. Anac Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caps. Carb-veg. Cham.Cocc. Coloc. Cor-r. Dig. Euph. Hell. Hyosc. Igt. Kali-c. Lach Lye Merc. Nux. Op. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Scill. Sep. 5/7.Spig. Sulph. — flushes of, Agn, Ambr. Amm-m. Arn. Bar-c. Bism. Borax. Calc. Carb-veg. Cocc. Coloc. Creos. Croc. Cupr. Dig. Graph. Hep. Igt. Iod. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lach. Lyc. Mgn-c. Ntr-c. Ntr-m.Nitr-ac. Nux-jug. Nux. Oleand. Ol-an. Petr. 32. FEVER. 255 Phosp. Rumex. Ruta. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong Stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Teucr. Thuj Valer. Heat, internal, Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cham. Chelid Ferr-m Hell.Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Sep. Spig. Stann. Verat. Zinc. — of single parts, Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb-veg.Cham. Graph. Laur. Lyc. Alerc. Mez. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sabad. Sep. Stann. Sulph. -------outer parts, Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Graph. Kali-c. Lyc Alerc Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac Sep. Spig. Stann. Staph. Sulph. -------inner parts, Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bell. fSry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Carb-veg. Cham. Euph. Laur.hyc. Alerc Mez. Nux. Phosp.Phosp-ac Puis. Sabad. Sec-c. Sep. Sulph. — one side only. Bell. Bry. Lyc. Nux. Phosp Phosp-ac. Puis. Sulph. — periodical, from bodily or mental exer- tion, Oleand. — ascending, Alum. — descending, Sep. — from mouth and nose, coming, Stront. ----face, Alum. — day and night, Bar-m. ----only, Sep. Tart. — morning, in the, Borax. Euph. Kali-c. Mgn-c. Sulph. ----3 A. M., Ang. — forenoon, in, Berb. Sass. ----9 A. M., Kali-c. —>—10 A.M., Rhus. ----fever, no chill, tertian, Gels. — afternoon, in, Anac. Ars. Berb. Bry. Canth. Chin. Cop. Graph. Lach. Lyc. Ntr-s. Puis. Spig. Stann. ----3 p. M., Nice ----4 P. M., Anac. Stann. ----5 P. M., Kali-c. ----6 P. M., Caust. — evening, in, Agn. Alum. Ambr. Ang. Berb. Chin. Ferr. Hell. Hep. Hipp. Hyosc Lach. Mgn-c. Merc. Mosch. Mur-ac. Nice Ol-an. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Psor. Ran-sc. Sacch. Sass. Sulph. Thuj. — night, at. Alum Ant. Ars. Berb. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cham. Cic. Cina. Coff. Dros. Dulc. Hep. Laur. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Merc. Ntr-m. Nice Nitr-ac Nitr. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Psor. Puis. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Rhod. Rhus. Sabin. Sil. Stront. Sulph. Thuj. Viol-tr. ____burning, dry. Aeon. Anac. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bry. Calc. Coff. Dulc. Graph. Lach. Lyc. Nitr. Nux. Phosp. Puts. Ran-sc. Rhod. Spig. ----without thirst or perspiration, Ars. — midnight, before, Ant. Eugen. ----at, quotidian, Rhus. — artificial heat, relieved by, Cor-r. — bed, in., Agn. Hell. Kali-c Mgn-m. Mgn-s. Sulph-ac (compare At Night). — conversation, serious, during a, Sep. — drinking, worse from, Calc. — exercising, when. Ant. Camph. Nux. Ox-ac. Sep. Stann. Tart. ----after, Amm-c. Brom. Fluor-ac Sep. — meals, after, le*» — aggravates, Mez — washing from, Clem. — with difficult dentition, Calc. ----glandular swelling. Amm-c. Dulc. ----hair within eruption falls out, Ars. ----swelling of parts affected. Bell.Clem. Kali-c. Merc. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. — alternating with dysenteric stools, Rhus. -------tightness of chest, Calad. Kalm Rhus. Erysipelas. Aeon. Amm-c. Ant. Apis. Ars- Bell. Borax. Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth- Carb-an. Cham. Chin. Clem. Crotal- Dulc. Euph. Gels. Giaph. Hep- Hydrast. Iod. Lach. Lyc. Alerc. Mur-ac- Nitr-ac. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus- Ruta. Sabad. Samb. Sil. Sulph. Thuj Verat. — boring, Euph. — burning. Rhus. — creeping, Rhus. — digging, Euph. — gangrenous, Ars. Bell. Camph. Sabin. Sec-c. — gnawing, Euph. — hard, Sulph. ----ted and hot, Bell. — inflamed, Aeon. Bell. Borax. Bry. Cham. Hep. Lach. Alerc Petr. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. — itching, Rhus. — peeling off, with, Dulc. Puis. Rhus. — pustules, with, Ars. Bell. Graph. Lach. Rhus. — tight side, Amm-c. Bell. -------then left, Apis. — left side. Arn. Graph. Lach. -------then right, Rhus.« — scarlet color, Amm-c Ars. Bell. Bry. Croc. Hyosc Alerc Sulph. — in stripes. Graph. — swollen. Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bell. Calc. Chin. Hep. Kali-c. Lyc Alerc. Rhus. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. — tensive, Rhus. — with throbbing and stinging, Sulph. — vesicular, Ars. Bell. Euph. Graph. Lach. Puis. Ran-sc. Rhus. Sol-m. — zone shaped, Ars. Graph. Nux. Puis. — similar to that caused by lhus poison- ing, with oppressed breathing, Kalm. Excresences, Ant. Ars. Aur. Bell. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Clem. Cocc. Graph. Hep. Iod. Lach. L.vc Ntr m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Plo. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Sabin. 5/7. Staph. Sulph. Tart. Thuj. — comedones, Ntr-c. Selen. — disorganization of skin, Ant. — fleshy, Staph. Thuj. — fungus. Ant. Con. Creos. Lach. Sang. Sil. Staph. ----hamatodes, Arsi Carbarn Carb'vegi 2"0 33. ?Krx. Lach. Lyc. Merc. Nitra-e Phosp. Sit. Sulph. Excresences, fungus, medullaris, Carb-an. Phosp. Thuj. — hang-nails, Calc. Merc. Ntr-m. Rhus. Stann. Sulph. — horny. Ant. Ran-b. Sulph. — humid, Nitr-ac. — moles, Calc. Sulph. — nodi, arthritici, Ant. Aur. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cic. Dig. Graph. Led. Lyc. Rhod. Rhus. Staph. — painfully, Spig. — polypus, Aur. Calc. Con. Hep. Lyc. Merc. Mez. Phosp. Sang. Sil. Staph. Teucr. Thuj. — red, Thuj. — smooth, Thuj. — spongy, Ars. Carb-an. Clem. Lach. Phosp. Sep. 5/7. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. — sycotic, Cinnab. Euph. Lyc. Nitr ac. Nux Phosp-ac. Psor.Sabin.Staph.Thuj. ----bleeding. Thuj. ----burning, Thuj. ----horny, Thuj. ----pedunculated, Lyc. ----suppurating, Thuj. — wens, Amm-c. Calc Phosp. Sil. Exudations bloody, Calc. Crotal. Lach. Nux. Filthy skin, appearance of, Bry. Ferr. Iod. Merc Phosp. Sec-c. Flaccidity of skin, Calc. Caps. Chin. Cocc. Iod. Lyc Sec-c. Verat. Formication, tingling, creeping, crawling, Aeon. Alum. Bar-c. Carb7veg. Cist Euphr. Ferr. Led. Lyc Mgn-c. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Oleand. Ol-an. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Pallad. Plat. Rhod. Sabad. Sec-c. Selen. Sil. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Verat. Zinc. — under skin, Ntr-c. — between skin and flesh. Zinc — with numbness of parts, Euphr. — in many places, as if frostbitten, when weather changes, Colch. — at night, Bar-c. Sulph. Freckles, Amm-c. Ant. Calc Con. Dros. Dulc. Graph. Kali-c. Lyc. Merc. Ntr-c Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Verat. Gangrene, Aeon. Ars. Bell. Camph. Carb-veg. Chin. Creos. Crotal. Euph. Lach. Ran-b. Sabin. Scill. 5/7. Sulph. Sulph-ac. — hot, Aeon. Bell. — humid. Chin. Euph. Hell. Scill. — cold, Ars. Asa-f. Euph. Lach. Plb. Scill. Sec-c. Sil. Gangrenous spots and vesicles on skin, Hyosc Gnawing, Agar. Agn. Alum. Ant. Bar-c. Bism. Canth. Caps. Cycl. Dig. Dros. Kali-c, Led Lyc, ^Meny. Oleand. Par. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Ran-sc. Rhui. Ruta. Spong. Staph. Verat. Gray color of skin, Carb-veg. — livid, sallow, Ars. Borax. Bry. Canth. Carb-veg. Chin. Creos. Croc Igt. Ip. Lach. Lyc. Alerc Nux. Samb. Sep. Sil. Greasiness, Bry. Chin. Meic. Ntr-m. Green color, Ars. Carb-veg. Veiat. Hang-nails, Calc. Nir-m. Merc. Rhus. Stann. Sulph. Hardness of skin, Ant. Ars. Dulc. Graph. Lyc. Ran-b. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Thuj. -------like paichmtnt, Ars. L}C iil. Harsh skin, Hyosc. Sec-c. Healing of skin, difficult, Alum. Bar-c. Borax. Calc. Carb-veg. Cham. Con. Croc. Graph. Z7 Lach. Lyc. Mang. Merc. Nitr-ac. Pttr. Rhus. Selen. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Heat of skin, Aeon. Aloe. Arn. Ars. Bell. Borax. Bry. Chin. Cocc Coloc Dulc. Hep. Hyosc. Iod. Kali-b. Lach. Mgn-c Mur-ac. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rhus Sang. Sep. Sil. Sulph. (compare^External heat in Fever, Set t. 32.) ----when exeicising, Calc. Herpes, Alum. Ambr. Ars. Borax. Bov. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Clem. Con. Dulc. Graph. Kali-c. Led. Lyc. Alerc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Pelr. Phosp-ac Ran-b. Rhus. Sass. Sep. Sil. Sol-m. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. — bleeding, Dulc Lyc. ----when scratched, Dulc. — brown, Dulc. — burning, Ambr. Ars. Bov. Bry. Calad. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Con. Kali-c.Led. Lyc. Alerc Mosch. Nux. Rhus. Sass. Sep. Sil. Sulph. ----at night, Ars. Caust. Merc. Rhus. Staph. ----in open air, Led. ----when scratched, Staph. — all over the body, Dulc. Psor. Ran-b. — change of moon, during, Clem. — chronic, Clem. Con. Lach. Sacch. Staph. — circinnatus, Ntr-c. Sep. Tellur. — clustery, Dulc. — cold water, to sensitive, Dulc. — cracked, Calc Lyc. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. — dry, Bar-c. Bov. Calc. Creos. Dulc. Kali-jod. Led. Merc. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Psor. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Verat. — dysentery, alternating with, Rhus. — eating, corro ling, Calc. Clem. Con. Graph. Merc. Petr. Rhus. Sep. 5/7. — gonorrhoeal, Zinc. — grayish yellow, Sulph. — humid, Bov. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Clem. Con. Creos. Dulc. Graph. Hep. 33- skin. 271 Lyc. Merc. Ntr-c. Phosp-ac. Psor. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Herpes impetiginous, Merc. — indole;.i, Lyc Mgn-c. Psor. — infl med, Graph. — itch.ng, Ambr. Amm-c. Ars. Bov. Bry. Cai st. Clem. Con. Graph. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Led. Lye Mang. Merc Ntr-m. Nice Nitr-ac. Petr. Psor. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. ----scabby, Graph. Rhus. Sep. Thuj. ----with thick crust, Clem. ----when moon changes, Clem. — — in evening, Alum. Graph. Staph. ----at night, Ars. Graph. Staph. ----in warmth of bed, Clem. — jerking, Rhus. Staph. — me.dy, furfuraeeous, Amm-c. Ars. Bov. Bry. Calc. Cic. Creos. Dulc. Led. Lyc. Mec. Phosp. Sep. 5/7. Sulph. Verat. — mercurial, Aur. Mosch. Nitr-ac — painful. Dulc — painless. Mgn-c — pale, when moon is waning, Clem. — pale ted, Clem. Dulc. — peeling off of skin, with, Dulc. Merc — pricking, Ars. Clem. Merc. Nitr-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. — pustules, Creos. — raised, Merc. — red, Amm-c. Ars. Clem. Dulc. Lach. Lye Mgn-c. Mgn-s. Merc. ----pimples, Bov. ----areola, Dulc. — rough. Bov. Oleand. — round, Dulc. — scaly, Ars. Clem. Cupr. Dulc Led. Lyc Mgn-c. Mere Phosp. Sulph. — scrofulous, Aur. — scratched, when, burning, Staph. — sci ifv, Bov. Calc. Clem. Con. Dulc. Graph. Lach. Lyc. Merc. Ran-b. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. ----whitish, Graph. Lyc. — shrunk and cleft, Lyc. — small, Dulc. Lach. Mgn-c. — smaiiing, biting, Alum. — smooth, Mgn-c. — spreading. Alum. Merc. — stinging, Anac. — suppressed, Alum. Ambr. Calc. Lach. L}■■:. Psor. Sulph. — suppuration, Ars. Dulc. Kali-c. Lyc. Merc. Ntr-c. Rhus. Sep. Sil. — syphilitic. Merc. Nitr-ac Thuj. — tearing, Calc. Lyc. Sep. Sil. Sulph. — ulcerated, Zinc. — vesicles, with, burning at night, cover- ings like fish scales, Ars. — vesicular, Sulph. — water)' vesicles, with, Sulph. — white. Ars. Graph. Lyc. Zinc. ----scaly, dry, mealy, Ars. Calc. Dulc. Lyc. Sep. Sil. Thuj. — wrinkled and cracked, Lyc. — yellow, Dulc. Lyc. Merc Sulph. ----brown, Dulc. Lyc. Ntr-c. ----scaly, Cupr. Sulph. — zoster, Graph. Rhus. Thuj. Herpetic, Anac. Rhus. — blisters. Nitr-ac. — scurfs, Bov. Calc. Ran-b. Sep. — spots, Hyosc. Merc. Nir-m. Sep. Inactivity of skin, Anac. Ars. Bry. Con. Dulc. Ip. Kali-c. Laur. Lyc. Nitr-ac. Oleand. Phosp-ac. Sec-c. Sil. Sulph. Inflamed, skin inclined to be, Asa-f. Bar-c. Borax. Cham. Hep. Merc. Nitr-ac. Puis. 5/7. Sulph. Inflammation, (compare Dermatitis.) Insensibility, numbness, of skin. Ambr. Anac. Con. Lyc. Oleand. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sec-c. Sulph. Insect stings, Arn. Bell. Calad. Led. Seneg. Itch, scabies, Ant. Ars. Carb-veg. Caust. Creos. Cupr. Dulc Lach. Mang. Merc. Ntr-c. Phosp. Selen. Sep. Sulph. Veiat. Zinc. — bleeding, Calc. Merc. Sulph. — dry, Carb-veg. Canst. Creos. Merc. Ntr-c. Sep. Sulph. Verat. — fat, Caust. Creos. Merc. Sep. Sulph. — humid, Carb-veg. Caust. Creos. Graph. Lyc. Sep. Sulph. — millet like, dry, Merc. Sep. Sil. — purulent, Cieos. Merc Scill. — rash-like. Carb-veg. Merc. Sulph. — suppressed, Ambr. Ars. Carb-veg. Caust. Selen. Sep. Sulph. ----with mercury and sulphur, Caust. Chin. Puis. Selen. Sep. Staph. Itch-like, eruption, Ambr. Ant. Ars. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cupr. Dulc. L'ich. Mang. Alerc.Merc-cor.Mez.Ntr-c. Phosp-ac. Scill. Selen. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tait. Verat. Itching, Aeon. Agn. Amm-c. Amm-m. Ant. Berb. Bov. Bry. Calad. Canth. Carb-an. Chelid. Chin. Cic. Cocc. Con. Creos. Croton. Dolich. Dros. Ferr. Graph. Igt. I p. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lach. Laur. Led. Lye Mgn-c. Alerc. Mez. Nice Nitr-ac. Nux. Oleand. Op. Par. Phosp. Plat. Plb. Psor. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Sass. Scill. Selen. 5/7. Spig. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Thuj. Verat. Viol-tr. — on parts affected, Aeon. — as from ants, Puis. — biting, Agn. Amm-c Berb. Bry. Calc. Caust. Chin. Colch. Euph. Lach. Lact. Led. Lyc. Merc. Mez. Nux. Oleand. Ol-an. Phell. Puis. Sil. Spong. — burning. Aeon. Agar. Ambr. Anac. Arg. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calad. Calc. Caps. 33- SKIN'. Caust. Chin. Cic. Colch. Croton. Dig. Euph.Hep. Igt. Kali-c. Lach. Zir.Merc. Mez.Nux.Oi an.Phell. Phosp.Plat.Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Scill. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stann. Sulph. Itching, burning terminating, with, Ambr. Con. Graph. Lyc. Mgn-c Merc. Op. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. ----redness, as if frostbitten, Agar. — crawling, Bar-c. Lye Oleand. Pallad. Plat. Rhod. Rhus. Sabad. Sec-c. Sil. Spong. Staph. Sulph. — gnawing, Agn. B ir-e Led. Lyc. Oleand. Plat. Spong. Staph. — intolerable, Merc. Sil. — jerking, Lyc. Staph. — as of lice, Arg. Canth. Mgn-m. Plat. Zinc. — as from mosquito-bites, Rhus-ver. ----of nettles, Colch. Lupulus, — pinching, Mosch. — pleasant, Merc. — prickling, Cina. Plat. Zinc. — sore, Arg. Berb. Cannab. Graph. Led. Mez. Plat. Ruta Staph. Sulph. Zinc. — stinging. Agn. Arg. Arn. Asa-f. Bar-c. Bry. Caust. Cocc. Con. Cycl. Dig. Dros. Graph. Igt. Kali-c Led. Merc. Mur-ac Ntr-m. Nux. Oleand. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Scill. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Tabac Teucr. Thuj. Verat. Viol-tr. Zinc. — tearing, Bell. Bry. Staph. — tickling, Aeon. Agar. Am. Bar-c. Caust. Colch. Evon. Kali-c. Merc. Mur-ac. Nux. Plat. Puis. Ran-b. Rhod. Rhus. Sabad. Sec-c. Selen. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. — titillating, Ambr. Arg. Bell. Chelid. din. Merc. Plat. Puis. Rhod. Sabad. Scill. 5/7. Spig. Sulph. Teucr. — troublesome, Coloc. Op. Stram. — violent, Agar. Dros. Dulc. Ip. Lach. Op. — voluptuous, Anac. Merc. Mur-ac. Sep. Sil. Sulph. — wandering, Cham. Graph. Kali-c Mgn-m. Mez. Rat. Rhus-ver. Spong. Staph. Zinc. — of wounds, Chin. Tart. ----drunkards, Carb-veg. — as from fleas, not relieved by scratching. followed by vesicles, Nice — on hairy parts, Rhus. — in March, Fluor-ac. — with nausea. Ip. — before nausea, Sang. — followed by perspiration, Coloc. — on spots which perspire most, Tellur. — begins when pains cease, Stront. *— in bed. Bov. Garb-am Carb-veg. Clem. Cocc.Cvcl.Co'ocKali-b. Kali-c Kobalt. Lyc. Merc. Mez, Mur.ac. Nux. Psor. Puis. Sass. Sulph. Thuj. Z.nc. Itching in in bed evening,Carb-an.Caib-veg. Co:oc Cycl. Alerc. Nux. Puis. Sass. Thuj. Zinc. ----at night, Cocc. Kali-b. Alerc. Sulph. ----in morning, Rhus. Sulph. — in cold air, Spong. Sep. ----evening. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cocc. Coloc. Creos. Cycl. Lye A/ere Mez Nux. Oleand. Puis. Sass. Selen. Sil. Thuj. Zinc. -------whenun"rJiessing. Ars. Cocc. Dros. dyp ■'>M, Mez. Nux. Oleand. Sil. Siam. f?*^ aJ^T — in mointng, Sass Siaph. Sulph. ( ep. Sulph. — — rings, Ntr c. Ntr-m. Stinging, Bar-c. Bry. Graph. Puis. Rhus. Spong. Viol-tr. (compare Pricking.) Streaks, brown red, Caib-veg. — red, Sabad. — scarlet colored, Euph. Suppurations, Am. Ais. Asa-f. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Calc-ph. Canth. Caib-veg. Cham. Cist. Con. Creos. Dulc. Hep. Lach. Lyc. Alang. Alerc. Mez. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sep. 5/7. Staph. Sulph. — after pievious inflammations, Bell. Hep. Lach. Lyc. Mere Alez. Puis. Sil — benign, Calc. Cham. Hep. Lach. Alerc. Puis. S.I. Sulph. — checked, Ars. Bell. Calc. Cupr. Dulc Hep. Lach. Meic Sep. Sil. Verat. — malignant, Ars. Asa-f. Calc. Creos. Hep. Lach. Alerc. Phosp. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. Vipr-torv. — of bruised parts, Croc ----cellular tissue, Carb-veg. — in membranous parts, Sil. Tension of skin, Aeon. Ant. Arn. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Coloc Con. Kali-c. Lach. Alez. Nux. Oleand. Par. Phosp. Phosp-ac Plat. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sep. Spig Spong. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Thuj. Viol-od. — in evening, in bed, Stront. Tightness ot skin. Aeon. Caust. Croton. Nttr-ae Nux. Phosp. Plat. Sep. Stront. Touch, by the, cutaneous affections, reliev- ed, lhuj. Tubercles, Agar. Alum. Amm-m. Ang. Ant. Apis. Ars. Bar-c Bry. Cole Caib-an. Caib-veg. Caust. Cic. Cocc Con. Dulc. Graph Hell. Hep. Kali-c Laeh. Led. Lyc. Algn-c. Algn-m. Algn-s. Mang. Alerc Alez. Alur-ac Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr. Nux. Oleand. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. bec-c Selen. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Tar. lhuj. Valer. Veiat. Zinc. — burning, Amm-c Amm-m. Calc. Carb-an. Cocc. Dulc. Kali-jod. Algn-m. Algn-s. Alerc Alur-ac. Nice Nitr-ac. Pnosp. Stapu. — suppuiating, Amm-c. Bov. Nitr-ac. — inflamed, Ainin-m. Rhus. — raised, Oleand. Rhus-ver. Valer. — gnawing, Rhus. — yellow, Ant. Rhus. — smooth, Phosp-ac — scuilv, Sulph. — hard,'Bry. Lach. Algn-c. Mgn-s. — miliary, Ntr-m. — itching, Aur. Canth. Carb-an. Cham. Cocc. Dulc Graph. Kali-c Lach. Lyc. Algn-c. Algn-s. Aiur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr.Op.Rnus. Staph.Stiam. Siront Zinc. — tuberous, Nir-c. Phosp. Sil. — leprous, Nu-c Piiosp. Sil. — humid, Nitr. Selen. — tearing, Cham. Con. — erysipelatous, Ntr-c. Phosp. Sil. — red, Amm-m. Hep. Lach. Led. ----areola, Cocc. Dulc Phosp-ac — painful, Amm-c Ars. Bell. Bov. Lach. Lyc. Phosp-ae Zinc. — painless, Am. Bell. Graph. Igt. Led. Oleand. Scill. Veiat. — tensive, Caust. Alur-ac. — stinging, Calc. Caust. Dulc. Kali-jod. Led. Algn-c. Phosp. Rhus. Scill. Stiam. — stab-wound, after, Sep. — tubeiculous, Lach. — malignant. Ars. — wart shaped, Lyc — watery, Graph. Algn-c — solt, lie!I. Crotal. Lach. — white, Dulc. Sep. Valer. — sore, Sep. ----painful as if, Ant. Caust. Phosp-ac. — drawing, painful, Cham. Ulcers, Ant. Ars. Asa-f. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc Calc-ph Carb-vi g. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Cist. Con. Cupr. Dulc. Euph. Gran. Hep Lach. Lyc. Alerc. Nitr ac Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sass. Sep. Sit. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. — aching, Camph. Carb-veg. Chin. Graph. Par. 5/7. — beaten, with pain as if, Ars. Con. Hep. Sulph. — biting, Bry. Cham. Euph. Grat. Lach. Led. Lyc. Puis. Rhus, fclaph. ----at mght, Rhus. — black, becoming, Ars. Asa-f. Carb-veg. Con. Euph. Ip. Lach. Alur-ac Plb, Sec-c. Sil. Sulph. 33- SKIK- 279 Ulcers, black on the base, Ars. Ip. Sil. -------edges, Ars. Con. Lach. Sil. Sulph. — bleeding, Ars. Asa-f. Bell. Carb-veg. Con. Hep. Kali-c Lach. Lyc. Alerc Alez. Nitr-ac Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sil. Sulph. ----on edges, Ars. Lyc. Alerc Sil. — at night,' Kali-c. — blisters around, with, Ars. L.ach. Rhus. — bloody, crust, with, Bell. — bluish, Ars. Asa-f. Aur. Con.Hep. Lach. Alang. Alerc. Sil. Verat. ----on edges, Asa-f. — boring, Cnin. Sil. Sulph. — bubbling, (throbbing) Alur-ac — burning, Apis. Ars. Bell. Bov. Carb-veg. Const. Cham. Chin. Clem. Coloc. Con. Graph. Hep. Lyc. Alerc. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr e Nitr-ac Nux. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Sep. 5/7. Staph. Sulph. ----on edges, Ais. Caust. Hep. Lyc. Alerc. Alur-ac 5/7. ----in circumference, Ars. Asa-f. Caust. Lyc. Alerc. Puis. Rhus. ----at night. Hep. Lyc. Rhus. Staph. ----when touched, Ars. Bell. Carb-veg. Lach. Lye Alerc. Alez. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. — burnt, as if, Ars. Carb-veg. Cycl. — cancerous, Ambr. Ars. Anr. Bell. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg.Chelid.Chinin.Clem. Con. Creos. Hep. Lach. Alerc. Millef. Scill. Sep. 5/7. Sulph.. — chronic, Calc. Cham. Chelid. Con. Creos. Croc. Cupr. Euph. Grat. Hep. Lach. Lye Alerc. Nitr-ac.Petr.Phosp ac Ran-b. Rhus. Sep. 5/7. Staph. Sulph. — cold feeling, with, Ars. Bry. Alerc Rhus, Sil. — confluent, Tart. — corroding, gnawing pain, Agn. Bar-c. Cham. Dros. Kali-c. Lye Alerc Phosp. Plat. Puis. Ran-sc. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. — crusty, scurfy, Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cic. Con. Graph. Hep. Led. Lyc Alerc Phosp ac Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Sabiu. Sep 5/7. Staph. Sulph. — cutting, Bell. Calc Cham. Dros. Lyc. Ntr-c. Sil. — deep, Ant. Asa-f. Aur. Bell. Bov. Calc. Carb-veg. Con. Dros. Hep. Lach. Lyc Merc. Alur-ac. Nitr-ac. Petr, Phosp-ac Puis. Sep. 5/7. Sulph. — digging. Asa-f. Sep. — dirty, discolored, Lach. Alerc. Nitr-ac. Sabin. Thuj. — drawing, painful, Clem. Graph. Mez. Nitr. Nux. Staph- Sulph. — dry oval, overhanging base, movable dark spot in centre, on healing cicatrix depressed, Kali-b. — hit, Ars. Hep. Alerc Nitr-ac. Ulcers, fat at base, Alerc. — fetid. Aniin-c Ant. Ars. Asa-f. Carb-veg. Con. Hep. Lyc. Alerc. Rhus. Sec-c Sep. Sil. Staph. ----puirid, Calc. Chin. Hep. Alur-ac Phosp-ac Rhus. 5/7. Sulph. — fistulous, Ant. Asa-f. Aur. Bell. Call. Carb-veg. Caust, Con. Euph. Fluor-ac. Hep. Lach. Lyc. Millef Nitr-ac Phosp. Puis. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Sulph. — flat, Ant. Ars. Asa-f. Bell. Chin. Lach. Lyc. Aleic. Nitr-ac. Petr. Phosp-ac. Puis. Ran-b Selen. Sep. Sil. Thuj. — fringed at base, Phosp-ac. — fungus, Lach. Alerc Sacch. Sil. — gangienous, Ars. Asa-f. Bell. Chin. Creos. Euph. Lach. Plb. Sabin. Scill. 'Sec-c. Sil. — gnawed, as if, Lach. — gray, Ars. (compare Pus). — green -h, Ars. Staph, (compare Pus). — hard, Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Chin. Clem. Con. Hep. Lach. Lye Alerc. Puis. Sil. Sulph. ----on'edges, Ars. Asa-f. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Hep. Lach. Lyc. Alerc. Alez. Puis. 5/7. Sulph. ----in circumlerence, Ars. Asa-f. Bell. Lach. Lye Puis. ----and high edges,Ars.Asa-f.Kali-b.Lyc. AK re Puis. Sit. — herpetic, Zinc. — indolent, Ars. Carb-veg. Con. Euph. Lyc. Ndr-ae Op. Phosp-ac. Sang. Sep. Sil. Sulph. — inflamed, Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cham. Colch. Hep. Lyc. Merc. Mez. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Petr. Phosp. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. 5/7. Staph. Sulph. — itching, Alum. Ambr. Ant. Ars. Bell. Bov. Calc. Canth. Caust. Cham. Chin. Clem. Coloc. Graph. Hep. Lyc. Phosp. Phosp-ac Psor. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus, Sep. sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. ----on margins, Ant. Hep. Lach. Lyc. Puis Sil. ----al night, Lyc. Staph. — jerking pain, Asa-f. Calc. Caust. Cham. Ntr-m. Puis. Rhus. 5/7. Staph. — lardaceous, Ais. Alerc. Sabin. — mercurial, Asa-f. Aur. Bell. Carb-veg. Euph. Hep. Lyc Nitr-ac. Nux-jug. Op. Phosn-ac Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. — movable base, Kali-b. — painful, Am. Ars. Asa-f. Bell. Calc Carb-veg. Caust. Clem. Graph. Hep. Lach. Lyc. Merc. Alur-ac Nux. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sabin. Sep. Sil. ----on edges, Ars. Asa-f. Hep. Lach. Lyc. Alerc, Sil. ----in circumference, Ars. Asa-f. Hep. Lach. Puis. ----as if bruised, Ang. Arn. Cham. 2 So 33. SKIN. Cocc Con. Graph Hep. Hyosc Ntr-m. Nux. Rhus. Rula Sulph'. Ulcers painless, Ars. Bell. Caib-veg.Cocc. Con Hyosc Lach. Lyc. Oleand. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac Sep. Si ram. — peeling off of skin, with, Merc. — pimples around, Carb-veg. Caust. Lach. Puis. Sep. Sulph. — pressing. Graph. 5/7. — proud flesh, with, Ars. Cham. Graph. Lach. Petr. Sacch. Sep. Sil. Sulph. — pruiient sensation, producing a, Arn. Clem. Con. Rhus. Sep. — psoiic, Psor. — pustules, around, Calc. Clem. Hep. Alur-ac Phosp-ae Rhus. 5/7. Sulph. — putrid, Ars. Asa-f. Bell. Borax. Calc. Chin. Creos, Cycl. Graph. Hep. Lyc Aire. Alur-ac. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. — pustulous, Sass. Tart. — led areola, with, Aeon. Ars. Asa-f. Calc. Cham. Hep. Kali-c. Lach Alerc Puis. Rhus. 5/7. Staph. Sulph. — salt rheum, like, Ambr. Ars. Graph. Lyc. Puis. Sep. Sil. Staph. — sarcomatous, Ars. Hep. Nitr-ac. Sabin. — scorbutic, Merc. Staph. — scrofulous, Ais. Aur. Bell. Bov Calc. Caib-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cist. Graph. Hep. Lach. Lyc. Nux. Phosp. Sil. Sulph. — shaggy, Aleic. Phosp-ac. — shining, Lac-can. Puis. Staph. — shocks, jerks, with, Arn Clern. Ruta. — smarting. Bell. Colch. Dig. Graph. Led. Lyc. Meic Puis. Rhus. Sulph. ----at night, Hep. Lyc. Rhus. — sore pain, Ars. Bell. Graph. Hep. Igt. Alerc. Mez. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puts.Sep. Sil. Sulph. ----when touched, Hep. — spongy, Ant. Ars. Bell. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Clem. Lach. Merc. Petr. Phosp. Sep. 5/7. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. ----on edges, Ars. Caib-an. Lach. 5/7. — spotted, Arn. Ars. Con. Lach. ----white, white spots, Ars. Con. Lach. Meic. Sil. — spreading phagedcenic, Ars. Bell. Caib-veg. Causi. Cham. Chelid. Clem. Graph. Hep. Kali c. Lach. Lyc. Alerc Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Petr. Puis. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Rhus. Scill. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac. — slinging. Apis. Ars. Asa-f. Bell. Bry. Chin Clem. Graph. Hep Kali-b. Lam. Lyc Merc. Alez. Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Sep. 5/7. Staph. Sulph. ----on edges, Ars. Asa-f. Hep. Lyc. Ulcers, stinging on edges when toched, Clem. Alerc. Puis. 5/7 Sulph. ----in ciicumfeieiice, Ars. Asa-f.Alerc. Puis. 5/7. Sulph. ----at night, Rhus. ----as from splinters, Nitr-ac.. — swollen, Ars. Bell. Bry. Con. Hep. Kali-c. Lyc. Alerc Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. ----on edges, Ars. Hep. Alerc. Puis. Sep. 5/7. Sulph. ----in circumference, Bell. Hep. Alerc Puis. ----raised edges, Ars. Hep. Alerc. Petr. Puis. Seii. Sil. Sulph. ----and inflammatory redness of parts, Ntr-c — syphilitic, Cist Lac-can. Alerc. Nitr-ac. Nux-jug. Thuj. — tearing pain, Ars. Bell. Calc. Canth. Cycl. Graph. Lyc. Nux. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. — tensive, Asa f. Bar-c. Canst. Con. Lach. Aleic. Phosp. Puis. Rhus.Spong.Stront. Sulph. ----in circumference, Asa-f. Lach. Puis. Stiont. Sulph. — throbbing, Asa-f. Bry. Calc.Chin.Clem. Hep. Kali-c Lyc. Aleic Sil. Sulph. — tingling. Aeon. Am. Bell. Caust. Cham. Clem. Con. Hep. Lach. Phosp. Rhus. Sec-c. Sep. Sulph. ----at night, Rhus. —- toothed edges, Alerc. Phosp-ac. Thuj. — to touch, lender, Asa-f, Bell. Cl.am. Clem. Cocc. Hep. Lach. — ulcerated, as if, subcutaneous])-, Asa-f. Bry. Calc. Caib-veg. Con Giaph.Phosp. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. 5/7. Sulph. — vaiicose, Sec-c. — wart shaped, Ars. — yellow, Calc Cor-r. Nitr-ac. Plb. Zinc. (compare Pus.) Vaiicilla acuminata, Aeon. Ant. Ars. Bry. Caib-veg. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Tart. Thuj! — aquosa, Bell Puis. Rhus. Sil. 'Tart. Vesicles, Amm-m. Ant. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canih. Carb-nn. Caib veg. Caust. Clem. Crotal. Dulc. Graph.Hell. Hep. Lach. Algn-c. Ntr-c. Nti-m. Nitr. Phosp. Ran-b. Rhus. Sabin. Scc-c Sulph. Tabac. — air, containing. Kali-c. Vipr-torr. — black, Ars. Lach. Ntr-c. — bleeding, Graph. — blue, black blue, Ars.Lach.Ran-b.Rhus. — brown, Vipr-red. — burning, Amm-c. Ammm Aur. Bare. Brv. Graph. Merc. Alur-ac. Ntr-c Nir-m Nitr-ac Ran-b. Spig. — burn, as from a, Ambr. Bell. Canth 33- SKIN. 281 Carb-an. Clem. Lyc. Ntr-c Phosp. Sep. Sulph. - from burns, which are painless, Euph. - bursting, and foiming u ci rs, Clem. - close to each other, Ran-b. Rhus. Verat. -confluent, Alum. Phell. Rhus. - cracked, breaking, Bry. Crotal. Lach. Vipr-torv. - cutting, Graph. -diawing, painful, Clem. - dry, Rhus. - erysipelatous, Ars. Bell. Graph. Hep. Lach. Rhus. Sep. - fistulous, Ca'c. Petr. -gangienous, Camph. Ran-b. Sec-c. - — blood vesicle, Sil. -grape shaped, Rhus. - grouped, Rhus-ver. Sulph. - hard, Lach. Phosp-ac Sil. - heat of sun, as from, Clem. - herpetic, Nitr-ac. -humid, Hep. Alerc Rhus. - inflamed, Amm-m. Bar-c. Bell. Nitr. - itching, Amm-m. Bry. Calc. Canth. Caust. Lach. Mgn-c. Ntr-c. Sil. Sulph. - itch-like, Lach Phosp-ac. Selen. -painful, B.-ll. Kali-c. Phosp. ---as if ulcerated, Alez. Mur-ac - painless, Stront. Sulph. - pale red. Rhus. - peeling of. Bry. Puis. Rhus. - pemphigus, Bell. Dulc Sep. - penetrating deeply, Lich. - phagedcenic, Ars. Cham. Clem. Graph. Hep. Algn-c Nitr-ac. Sep. 5/7. - putiid, Vipr-torv. - raised, Aierc Selen. Sulph. ■ red, Ant. Ntr-m. • — round, elevated, blood vesicles, like little flesh waits, Fluor-ac. ■ — areola, Cannab. Crotal. Kali-c. Kali-chl. Ntr-c. Sil. Sulph. Tabac. Vipr torv.. • — itching, Tart. • sac-shaped, Kali-c. sanguineous, Ars. Fluor-ac. Ntr-c. Sec-c. ■scurfy, Hell. Kali-b. Ntr-c. Ran-b. Sil. Sulph. ---white edges and oedematous swell- ing, Bell. serum, full of which becomes opaque, then large heavy scabs form, Kali-b. smarting, Graph. Mang. Phosp ac Plat. Rhod. Rhus. Staph. — sore, like a wound, Con.Hell.Mgn-c. Ntr-c. Phell. Rhus-ver. Sil. Staph. Thuj. spots, leaving, Caust. stinging, Amm-c Calc. Cham. Sil. Spong Staph. stings of insects, as from, Ant. suppurating, Amm-m. Ntr-c. tensive, Amm-m. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Nitr. 1 Vescies transparent, clear, Mgn-c. Ran-b. 1 — ulcers aiound, Lach. Rhus. I — ulcerated, Alerc Ntr-c. Sulph. Zinc. 1 — watery, Bell. Bov. Sulph. — white, Hep. Lach. Alerc Ntr-c. Thuj. , — wound, around the, Lach. Rhus. — yellowish, Dulc. Waits, Amm-c. Arg-n. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Bov. Calc Caust. Dulc Euph. Ferr m. Hep. Kali-c. Lach. Lyc. Algn-c Ntr-c. Nir-m. Nitr-ac. Ox-ac. Phosp.Phosp-ac. Rhus. Ruta Sass. Sep. Sil. Staph.Sulph. Sulph-ac. 'Thuj. — beating, Calc. Caust. Hep. Lyc. Sil. — bleeding, Ntr-c. Nitr-ac Thuj. — burning, Petr. Phosp. Rhus. — flat, Dulc. Lach. — hard, Dulc. Ran-b. Sulph. — helved. Dulc Lyc. Thuj. — horny, Sulph. Thuj. — indented, Pnosp-ae Rhus. Thuj. — inflamed, Bell. Calc. Caust. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Sep. Sd. Sulph. Thuj. — itching, Euphr. Kali-c. Nitr-ac. Thuj. — large, Caust. Dulc Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Sep. Thuj. ----jagged, often pediculated, moist and oiten bleed, Caust. Lvc Nitr-ac. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Staph. Thuj. — old, Calc. Caust. Nitr-ac. Rhus. Sulph. — painful. Caust. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Sabin. Sulph. Thuj. ----as if sore, Hep. Lach. Ntr-m. Ruta. Thuj. — pedunculated. Lyc. Thuj. — small, Calc. Rhus. Sass. Sep. Sulph Thuj. — stinging, Calc. Hep. Lyc. Nitr-ac.Rhus. Sep. Sil. — suppurating, Ars. Calc. Caust. Hep. Sil. Thuj. — tickling, Sulph. — toothed, Phosp-ac. Sabin. Thuj. — ulcerated, Ars. Ntr-c. White smelling. Ant. Ars. Bell. Brv. Calc. Chin. Creos. Hep. Iod. Lyc. Alerc.Puls. Rhod. Rhus. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Wounds, Aeon. Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Calend. Caust. Cham. Cic. Creos. Con. Diad. Euph. Glon. Alerc Alillef. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr. Pho^p. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Seneg. Sil. Staph.Sulph.Sulph-ac. Zinc. — beaiing, Bell. Cham. Hep. Alerc Puis. Sul ph. — bedsores, Arn. Carb-veg. Chin. Puis. Sulph-ac — bites, Arn. Sulph-ac. ----poisonous, Amm-c Ars. Bell. Caust. Lach. Seneg. — bleeding profusely, Arn. Carb-veg. Chin. Cop. Creos. Diad. Lach. Mere* 282 33- SKI*- Millef Nitr-ac. Phosp. Sep. Su'ph. Wounds, small wounds bleed much, Lach. Phosp. — bruising, Arn. Cic. Con. Euphr. Iod. Lach. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sulph. Sulph-ac — burning. Aeon. Ars. Carb-veg. Caust. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Sulph. Sulph-ac. — burns, Aeon. Ars. Carb-veg. Caust. Cioe Ham. Lach. Sapo Sec-c. Stram. Urtica-urehs. — cutting pain, Ntr-c. — ecchymosed, Arn. Bry. Con. Dulc. Hep. Lach. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sulph-ac — fall, as from, or concussion, Arn. Bry. Cic. Con. Puis. Rhus. Sulph-ac. — gangrenous. Aeon. Amm-c. Ars. Bell. Carb veg. Chin. Lach. Sil. — glandular, Arn. Cic Con. Dulc Iod. Alerc. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. — hernia. Aeon. Cocc. Nux. Sulph. — incised, Arn. Ntr-c Plb. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. — inflammation, with. Aeon Ars. Calend. Cham. Plb. Puis. Rh.is.Sulph.Sulph-ac. — injuries, of bones, Arn. Calc. Calend. Phosp-ac. Puis. Ruta. Symnh. — inveterate, will not heal, Bar-c. B^rax. Calc. Cham. Graph. Hep Lach. Alerc Nitr-ac Petr. Rhus. 5/7. Staph. Sulph. — itching, Sulph. — loss of substance, with, Calend. Croc. — luxations, Arn. Ntr-ac Rhus. — muscular distortions, Arn. Ntr-c. Rhus. — operation for stone in bladder, after, Millef — painful, becoming again, Nitr-ac. Nux. Sulph. Wounds, as if sore, Amm-c. Bell. llep. Nux. Phosp-ac Sulph. — phthisis after, Ruta. — from blow of sabre, Arn. Euphr. Lach. Puis. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. — shot wounds, Arn. Euphr. Plb. Puis. Ruta. Sulph. Sulph-ac. — splinter, Aeon. Am. Carb-veg. Cic. Hep. Nitr-ac. Sil. — spiainsor strains, Agn. Amm-m. ArnQ Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Igt. Lyc Ntr-c Nux. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sulph. — stab wound, Arn. Carb-veg. Cic. Lach. Nitr-ac. Sil. — stinging, Aeon. Arn. Bry. Caust. Alerc Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Sulph. — straining or sprained, Arn. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Carc-veg. Cocc. Graph Kali-c. Lyc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Rhus. Sep. 5/7. Sjlph. ----with hernia, Cocc Nux. Sulph. -------prolapsus uteri. Bell. Nux. Sep. ----suppurating, Asa-f. Bell. Boiax. Bufo. Calehd. Chin. Hep.yJAvr.Puls. 5/7. Sulph. — swelling of affected part, with, Arn. Bry. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. — ulcerated, Cham. Graph. Hep. Lach. Alerc Nitr-ac. Petr. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Yellow color, Aeon. Aur. Ars. Bell.Brom. Bry. Bufo. Calc. Canth. Caib-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Con. Cop. Dig. Ferr. Hep. Igt. Iod. Lach. Laur. Lyc. Mgn-m. Alerc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Op Phosp. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Sang. Sec-c. Sep.Sulph. Tar. Valer. Zona, Ars. Graph. Iod. Alerc. Ntr-c. Puis. Rhus. Selen. Sep. Sil. Sulph. * 34 GF.NFKAI.ITIF.S 283 34. Generalities. "AGGRAVATIONS AND AMELIORATIONS. Abbreviations;—agg., aggravation; amel. , amelioration, Acids from, complaints, Aeon. Aloe. Ant. Ars. Bell. Ferr. Hep. Lach. Ntr-m. Nux. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Afternoon, in the, agg., Anac Alum. Amm-c. Ant. Asa-f. Bell. Beib. Bism. Camph. Canth. Chelid.Coff.Colch. Coloc. Con. Igt. Ind. Iod. Laur. Lyc. Mosch. Alur-ac. Ntr-c Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Ran-b. Sass. Selen. Seneg. Sil. Spong. Staph. Stront. Teucr. Thuj. Valer. Viol-tr. Zinc — every other, Lyc. — periodically in the. Alum. — 3-4, Apis. — 4-3, A.M., Bell. — 4-8, Hell. Lvc Algn-m. — until 4, Merc-jod. — 3-3 A.AL, Thuj. Alone when, agg , Ars. Dros Con. Kali-c Lach. Lyc. Mez. Phosp. Sil.Stram.Verb. Zinc. Alternation of contrary complaints, Bry. Croc. Igt. Kali-b. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Stront. Sulph. — of mental and bodily symptoms, Croc.Plat — constant change of symytoms, Sang. Anger, from, agg. Aeon. Alum. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cham. Chin. Cist. Cocc. Coloc. Hipp-m. Igt. Ip. Lach. Lyc. Alez. Ntr-m. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Sacch. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Verat. — paralvsis, one-sided, from, Staph. Animal fluids, from loss of, Agar. Arg. Ars. Bell. Bov. Calad. Calc. Carb-veg. £7//'//.Cina. Ferr. Igt. Iod. Kali-c. Lyc. Alerc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m Nux. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Ran-b.Scill.Selen. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Anthrax, poison, from. Ars. Lach. Anxiety, Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Coff. Cupr. Lyc Ntr-c. ATux. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhod. Sec-c. Sep. Stann. Sulph. Tabac. Teucr. Verat. Apoplexy, Aeon. Anac Ant. Apis. Arn. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Camph. Caib-veg. Chin. Colch. Coff. Con. Dig. Ferr. Glon. Hyosc. Ip. Lach. Laur. Lyc. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Ri us. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Stiam. Sulph. — from congestion of blood, Aeon. Bell. Coff. Glon. Ip. Lyc. Alerc. Nux. — alternating with epileptic tits, Hyosc. — gastiic, Biy. Ign Ip. Nux. — nervous, Arn. Bell. Chin. Coff. Hyosc. Phosp. Stram. — serous, Arn. Dig. Ip. Alerc. — in old people. Apis. Con. ---------with paralysis, Con. Laur. — with sterterous breathing and snoring, Hyosc. ----drowsiness, eyes open, congested, face, Bell. -------or from exposure to sun, Glon. — preceded by profuse discharge of al- buminous urine, Glon. — with unconsciousness, involuntary uri- nation, eyes wide open, lower jaw hang- ing down, Lyc. — unconscious, eyes closed, loud stoter- ous breathing and snoring, Op. Arsenic, poisoning from, Camph. Chin. Ferr. Graph. Iod. Ip. Alerc. Nux. Samb. Verat. Arthritic pains, Aeon. Agn. Ant. Art.Am. Ars. Asa-f. Bare. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust Chelid. Chin. Cic. Cocc. Colch. Con. Dig. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Guaj. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Kali-e Led. Lyc. Alang. Aleny. Alerc. Mez. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac Puis. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Rhod. Rhus. Sabin. Sass. Sep. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Tart. Thuj. Zinc Arthritis with swelling, and heat, Aeon. Ant. Ars. Bell. Chin. Coloc. Feir. Hep. Nux. Puis. Sulph. 284 34- cvsv. rai.ittes. Arthritic nodes Agar. Ant Aur. Benz-a Cilc. CarJp-veg. Caust. Cic. Dig. Graph. Led. Lyc. Rhod. Rhus. Sabin. Staph. Ascending, agr., Amm-c Ang. Art Bar-c. Borax. Bry. Calc Cupr. Iod. Alerc Nitr. Nux. Seneg. Sep. Spig. Spong. Zinc ----an eminence, Ars. Aur. Bry. Spong Stain. Z nc. ----a heighth, Calc. Oleand. Spig. Sulph. ----steps, Aeon. Alum. An?. Calc. Carb-veg. Nux. P'at. Plb. Rat. Rhus. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. — amel., Con. Ferr. Rhod. V.der. Asphyx'a. Carb-veg Chin. Coff. Nitr-ac. Op. Phosp- c. Tart. Autumn, in, agg., Aur. Chin. Cic. Colch. Alerc. Nux. Rhus. Verat. Awaki ig on, agg., Ambr. Amm-c. Amm-m. Ant. Arn. Ars. Calc. Carb-an. Caib-veg. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Dig. Graph. Hep. Igt Ip. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lach. Lvc Alerc Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Sep. Sil. Stanh. Sulph. — amel., Ars Calad. Colch. Nux. Phosp. Sep. Awkwirdness. Ambr. Anac. Apis. Bov. Cnpr. Ip. Ntr-c Ntr-m. Nux. Sabin. Sulph. Bill, like a, in inner parts, Igt. Lach. Plb. Sefi. Bathing, agg., from. Ant Nitr-ac. Rhus. ----cold witer. Ant. Bill. Nitr-ac Rhus. -------convulsive twitches from, Rhus. ----in the sea, Ars. Algn-m. Rhus. Sep. Xiphosura. Beaten, piin as if. Aco't. Alum. Arg. Am, Aur. Berb. Bry. Cic. Cina. Cole Con Ntr-c. Nux-m. Arux. Oleand. Phosp. Plat. Rin-b. Rhus. Ruta. Sulph. Verat. ----pressing, Ntr nitr. Verat. ----when touched, Hep Puis. Ruta. — fl^sh as if from bones. Aois. Bry. Igt. q^ji — Lach Rhus. Sulph. Thuj. P ' / ' ^frBed in. agg.. Aeon Ambr.Ars.CaicCaust. ^T^/a^T-Daph. Graph. Hep. Igt. Kali-c. Led. btiJU- £oMk /3&JLyc. Mgn-c. Alerc. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Sl~^ J^n^-a^Rhod. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph Strom. Sulph. Thuj. (compare lying in bed.) — amel. Ars. Bry. Evon. Lye Merc. Scill. S ion?. Verat. Bell ringing, from a"agg.. Ant. Billadonm poisoning, from, Bell. Hyosc. Beer, from. agg. Ars. Asa-f. BeH. Coloc. Euph. Ferr. Kali-b. Lyc. Alez. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. — new, agg.. Chin. Puis. Lyc."Teucr. B^nds of limbs, in, pain. Asa-f. Bending down, agg., Aeon. Alum. Amm-c. Arg.Bar-c. Bell. Borax. Biv. Calc. Caps. Carb-veg. Cham. Cic. Clem. Coee. Coloc. Croc. Diosc. Dros. Glon. Giaph. Hep. Ip. Kali-c. Led. lye Algn-m. Along. Meny. Alerc. Ntr-m. Nitr.N ux-m. Oleand. Petr Phosp. Plb. Puts. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stront. Sulph. Teucr. Thuj. Valer.Verat. Bending, down after a long lime, agg., Asar. B>v. Caust. Hep. Plat. — amel., Bell.Cham.Chin. Puis. Scill.Thuj. — or turning from left to right side, amel., Euph. Alerc-jod. Thuj. — backwards, amel., Bell. Cham. Lach. Thuj. — forwards, amel., Teucr. — inwards, amel., Amm-m. Bell. — sideway, amel., Aleny. Puis. — back the, shoulders, amel., Calc. Cyci: — amel., (compare stooping). Bent, keeping, amel., Puis. Rhus. Scill. Bilious complaints, Aeon. Ant. Ars. Ars. Asar. Asa-f. Aur. Bell. Bry. Cham. Chin. Cole. Dig. Igt. 'Ip. Algn-m. Alerc Ntr-c. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sec-c Staph. Sulph. Tar. Tart Verat. Biting from, amel . Cocc Staph. Biting-pricking, pain, Ambr. Canth. Carb-veg. Clem. Dros. Hell. Igt. Ip. Kali-c. Merc. Alez. zNux. Ran-b. Ran-sc Rhus. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Teucr. Zinc Black, the bodv turning, Aeon. Ant. Arn. Ars. Bell. Chin. Con. Cupr. Dig. Lach. Alerc. Nux. Op. Phosp-ac. Plb. Samb. Sec-c. Verat. Bleeding, after, of affected part, amel., Bov. Sa^s. Selen. Bloatedness. scrofulous, body and face, Ars. Asa-f. Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Hyosc. Kali-c. Mez. Op. Phosp. Samb. Sil. Spig. Blood, abundance of, Plethora. Aeon. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Chin. Dig. Ferr. Hvosc Kali-c. Lye Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Stram. Sulph. — want of, ansemia, Ars. Bell. Bry. Chin.. Con. Ferr. Igt. Alerc Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Scill. Sep. Staph. Sulph. — aciid, Amm-c. Canth. Kali-e Nitr.Sass. Sil. — black, dark, Amm-c. Ant. Caust. Chin. Croc. Alerc-cor. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux. Plat. — brown, Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Con. Puis. Rhus. — dark red, Cham. Croc. Nux. Puis. Sep. — —and not coaguable, Lach. — clear bright, Aeon. Arn. Bell. Calc. Carb-veg. Dulc Hyosc. Led. Merc. Phosp. Rhus. Sabin. Zinc. — coagulated, Arn. Bell. Caust. Cham. Chin. Croc Ferr. Hyosc. Igt. Ip. Merc. Alerc-cor. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp-ac Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sec-c. Sep. Stram, Stront. Zinc. 34- generalities. 285 Blood, decompose, tendency to Amm-c Amm-m. — offensive, Bell. Brv. Carb-an. Sabin. — pale, Bell. Graph.' — thick, Arn. Croc. Cupr. Plat. Sulph. — viscid, Croc. Cupr. Mgn-c. Sep. — warm, Dulc. — watery, Tart. ----pale, Bell. Calc. Carb-veg. Cocc. Graph. Lyc Nitr-ac. Plat. Puis. Sulph. — congesiion of the, Aeon Ambr. Amm-m. Am. Aur. Bell. Berb. Bov. Bry. Calc. Carb-an Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Con. Crtos. Croc. Ferr. Glon. Hep. Iod. Kali-c. Lyc. Alerc. Ntr-m. Nux. Op. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Samb. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Tabac. Thuj. ----in evening, Lyc Samb. Thuj. -------after lying down, Samb. ----at night, Amm-c. Asar. Bar-c. Borax. Biy Calc. Carb-an. Alerc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Sabin. Senna. Sep. Sil. -------with palpitation of heart and pulsations, Sep. ----after beer, Sulph. -------slight exertion, Iod. Merc. Ntr-m. Thuj. -------motion, Ntr-m. Thuj. ----in sitting, relieved, Thuj. ----after vexation, Petr. -------walking in the ^open air, Ambr. Petr. -------drinking wine, Sil. — sensation of stoppage of the, Aeon. Lyc. Nux. Oleand. Rhod. Sabad. — from loss of, consequences, Calc. Chin. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sep. Staph. Sulph. — diminished circulation of, to parts most distant from heart, Camph. Blood vessels, burning. Ars. ----distended, Amm-c. Arn. Bar-c. Bell. Ciin. Croc. Ferr. Hyosc. Graph. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Sulph. Thuj. ----nets in, like streaks in marble, Caust. Plat. Thuj. ----inflamation of, Lach. Tart. ----pricking in the, Merc. ----pulsation. Aeon. Ant- Bell. Carb-an. Creos. Graph. Hep. Iod. Kali-c. Alerc Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Selen. Sep. Stront. Thuj. Zinc. ----sensation of, cold in, Aeon. Tart. ----tremor, sense of, in, Vinca. Blowing the nose, agg., Arn. Aur. Bell. Calc. Canth. Caust. Colch. Hep. Kali-c. Merc. Nux. Phosp-ac. Puis. Ran-b. Sep Spig. Staph. Sulph. ----amel., Mang. Sil. Bones, especially of the cylindrical, Fluor-ac. caries. Arg. Asa-f. Aur. Calc. Chin. Cist. Con. Creos. Cupr. Euph. Graph. Guaj. Kali-b. Lach. Lvc. Alerc Alez. A'itr-ac. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sacch. Sec-c. Sep. 5/7. Staph. Sulph. coldness, sensation of, Ars. Calc. Lyc. Sep. Zinc. curvature, Amm-c. Asa-f. Bell. Calc. Calc-ph. Hep. Iod. Lyc Alerc. Alez. Nitr-ac Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sil Staph. Sulph. exostosis. Ang. Ars. Asa-f. Aur. Bry. Calc Clem. Coloc. Creos. Daph. Dulc. Fluor-ac. Guaj. Hep. Lach. Lyc. Alerc. Alez. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. fractures, Arn. Calc. Lyc. Ruta. Sil. Sulph. Symph. looseness of flesh, sensation of, Bry. Igt. Nitr-ac. Rhus. Sulph. Thuj. from me rcury, abuse of, Asa-f. Aur. Lyc Nitr-ac. when moving rapidly, amel , Sabad. necrosis, Ars. Ang. Asa-f. Alerc Phosp. Plb. Sabin. Sec-c. Sil. Thuj. ostitis, inflammation, Aeon. Ars. Asa-f. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Chin. Clem. Con. Hep. Lyc Mang. Alerc. Alez. Nitr-oc. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sep. 5/7. Stop . Sulph. ----periosteum,Asa-f. Merc. Alerc-cor. Phosp-ac. Sil. ----of petrous bone, tender to touch. Caps. ■ softness of, Asa-f. Bell. Calc. Dulc. Hep. Guaj. Lyc. Alerc Mez. Nitr-ac Phosp. Puis. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. ■ pains in general, Arg. Asa-f. Aur. Bar-c. Calc. Camph. Chin. Con. Cupr. Diad. Hep. Lyc. Mang. Alerc. Mez. Mur-ac. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. — as of a band around, Alum. Nitr-ac. Puis. Sulph. ----if beaten, Bell. Bry. Cocc. Hep. let. Ip. Led. Nitr-ac. Pho^p. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sulph. Verat. • — boring (piercing), Asa-f. Bell. Calc Hell. Alerc Puis. Sep. Sil. — burning, Asa-f. Carb-veg. Euph. ' Phosp-ac. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sulph. • — in cool air, increased. Hell. - — contraction, Nitr-ac. Puis. Sulph. • — digging, Diad. Mang. -— disabling, Cocc. ■ — drawing, Agar. Amm-m. Arg. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Cannab. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin.Cocc. Colch. Cupr. Cycl. Dros. Kali-c. Lyc Mgn-c. Merc. 3 86 ___________________34- GENE Nitr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Spig. Staph. Stront. Valer. Zinc. \----mJi. Bones, pain after drinking, Hell. ----as from excoriating, Daph. ----gnawing, Dros. Alang. Ruta. Sulph. ----jerking, Asa-p. Calc. Chin. Colch. Ntr-m. Puis. Valer. ----lacerating, Arg Bell. Bism. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Cycl. Phosp-ac. Plb. Stront. Zinc. ----after paroxysms of madness, Cupr. -------meals, Hell. ----nocturnal, Amm-m. Anac. Aur. Daph. Iod. Lach. Lye Alang. Alerc. Phosp-ac. ----pressure, Arg.Bell.Bism.Cupr.Cycl. Guaj. Kali-c. Oleand. Rhus. Sabin. Staph. ----rending, tearing. Agar. Amm-m. Arg. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Bism. Cannab. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Cupr. Cycl. Dros. Kali-c Lyc. Algn-c Merc. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Rhod. Ruta. Sabin. Staph. Stront. Teucr. Zinc. -------jerking, Chin. -------by jerks, Plb. -------paralytic, Cocc. ----scraping, Asa-f. Berb. Chin. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sabad. Spig. -------in interior of bones, Sabad. ----smarting, Phosp-ac. ----stinging. Bell. CaicCaust. Chin. Con. Dros. Hell. Lach. Merc. Puis. Ran-sc. Ruta. Sabin. Sass. Sep. -------burning, Ars. Euph. Zinc. -------pressing, Anac. Ruta. -------tearing (drawing), Aeon. Ars. Chelid. Alerc. Phosp. Thuj. ----tingling, Plb. Rhus. Sep. — soreness in wounds of, Hep. Phosp-ac. Symph. — syphilitic pains in, Asa-f. Merc. — throbbing in, Asa-f. Calc. Alerc. Sulph. — when touched, agg , Sabad. — warmth, amel., from, Caust. Boots, on taking off the, agg., Calc. Giaph. Boring, piercing, pains, Agar. Arg. Aur. Bell. Bism. Calc. Caust. Cina. Dulc. Hell. Hep. Kali-c Algu-m. Merc. Mez. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ran-sc. Rhod. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spig. Tar. Thuj. Zinc. — in the evening, Ran-sc — from inner parts, Bism. Dulc. Staph. ----outer parts, Kali-c. Boring with the finger in ear or nose, amel., Bar-c. Ci.le Chelid. Croc. Igt. Iod. Lach. Plat. Ran-b. Sabad. Sep. Spig. Staph. Tar. Verb. Bread, from eating, agg., Bry. Caust.Chin. Kali-c. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Phosp ac. Puis. Sass. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Breakfast, before, agg., Bare. Calc. Chelid Croc. Igt. Iod. Lach. Plat. Ran-b. Sabad. Sep. Spig. Staph. Tar. Verb. ----amel., Bry. Caust. Cham. Chin. Con. Dig.Kali-c. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Phosp-ac. Sil. Zinc. — after, agg., Amm-m. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cham. Con. Dig. Graph. Kali-b. Kali-c. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr. Nux. Phosp. Sep. Sulph. ----amel, Calc. Chelid. Croc. Igt. Iod. Lach. Plat. Ran-b. Sabad. Sep. Spig. Staph. Verb. Breath, di awing a, agg., Aeon. Amm-m. Anac. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cannab. Caps. Cina. Colch. Hep. Kali-c. Algn-c Alur-ac Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Selen. Sep. Spig. Sulph. — exhaling, agg., Colch. Dig. Dros. Igt. Iod. Oleand. Puis. Sep. Spig. Staph. Viol-od. Viol-tr. ----amel., Aeon. Borax. Bry. Rhus. Sabin. Scill. *- inspiring, agg., Aeon. Agar. Anac. Arg. Arn. Asar. Borax. Bry. Calc Caps. Cham. Chelid. Creos. Guaj. Ip. Kali-c. Bry. Calc. Caps. Cham. Chelid. Creos. Guaj. Ip. Kali-c. Lyc. Meny. Alerc. Nitr. Ran-b. Rhus. Sabad. Sabin. Scill. Selen. Seneg. Spong. Valer. ----amel., Chin Colch. Cupr. Dig. Igt. Lach. Oleand. Puis. Spig. Stann. — holding one's breath, amel., Bell. -------agg., Nitr. Spig. — taking a deep, agg., Aeon. Aloe. Arn. Borax. Bry Cycl. Graph. Hell. Kali-c. Kobalt. Lyc. Alerc Nitr. Ok and. Ran-sc. Rhus. Sabad. Sabin. Scill. Sil. -------amel., Colch. Cupr. Igt. Lach. Ox-ac. Spig. Stann. — pains take away the, Diosc. Broken, pain as if, Cupr. Hyper. Par. Ruta. Bruised (beaten) pain. Agar. Aloe. Alum. Ang. Arg. Arn. Asar. Aur. Berb. Bry. Calc. Caust. Carb-veg. Cham. Chenop. Chin. Cic. Cinnab. Cocc. Colch. Cor-r. Creos. Croc. Croton. Cupr. Daph. Dros. Dulc. Eupat. Ferr. Gels. Giat. Guaj. Hep. Igt. Ip. Kobalt. Lact. Lith. Algn-c Algn-m. Mgn-s. Alerc. Alez. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nux. Oleand. Pallad. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Ta it. Tart-ac. Thuj. Valer. Verat. Zinc. — when ascending steps, Calc. — in evening, Amm-c. Bry. Phosp-ac. Sil. ----extensors, Bruc. 34. GENERALITIES. 287 Bruised pain, lower extremities. Berb. ----miming, Carb-veg. Alosch. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. ATux. Phosp-ac Viol-od. -------in bed, Mosch. Nux. -------after rising,Carb-veg. Ntr-m. — when moving, Agar. Arn. Calc. Croc. Staph. — at night, Creos. — in open air, Amm-c. Cor-r. — when at rest, Aur. Con. Ntr-m. -------relieved, Staph. — in sitting, after a short walk, Ruta. — when touched, Bry. Hp. Puis. Ruta. ----pressing on part affected, Plat. ----uncovering, Aur. Brunettes, for, suitable. Aeon. Anac. Arn. Ars. Bry. Kali-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Plat Puis. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Bubbling. Ambr. Ant. Asa-f. Bell. Colch. Lyc. Nux. Puis. Rheum. 5^§exual diseases] Bell. Con. Hyosc Stram. Contortions of limbs, Bed. Cham. Cupr. Hyosc. Op. Plat. Sec-c. Strain. Contracting pains, Coloc. Gels. Lith. Mgn-m. — in injured parts, Arn. Contraction, sensation of, Anac. Asar. Bism. Chin. Cocc. Graph. Lyc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Plat. Rhus. Sep. Stann. Stront. Contraction of all the limbs, Amm-c. Bry. Caps. Caust. Coloc. Guaj. Rhus. Sil. Sulph. ----single parts alternating with exten- sion, Lyc. ----flexors, Amm-c. Amm-m. Caust. Coloc. Graph. Guaj. Lach. Lyc. :__________________________34- GENE Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Puis. Rat. Rhus. Sep. Sol-n. Sulph. Contradiction from, agg., Aur. Oleand. Contusions, Arg. Arn. Cic. Con. Dros. Oleand. Ruta. Sulph-ac. Contusion, pain as if, Arg. Arn. Caust. Cic. Dros. Nux-m. Oleand. Plat. Rhus. Ruta. Sulph ac. Copper, vapors of, agg., Ip. Alerc. Puis. Corroding, pain, Ais. Aleic Sil. Sulph. Coughing, before, agg., Cina. — when, agg., Aeon. Arg. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Caie Caps. Carb-veg. Chin. Cina. Dros. Hep. Ip. Lac-can. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Scill. Sep. Sulph. Verat. — after, agg., Cina. Phosp. Sep. ----and expectoration, a-g., Calad. Sep. Crackling, sensation of, Aeon.Calc.Rheum. .Spig- Cramping, pain, inner parts, Ang. Cina. Petr. Piat. Creeping like a mouse, sensationof, Alum. Laur. Nux. --------------in limbs. Bell. Calc. Nitr-ac. Sep. Sulph. Crookedness of limbs, Calc. Caust. Chin. Coloc: Feir. Graph. Guaj. Hyosc. Lyc. Alerc Plb. Sec-c. Sil. Strain. Crossing ihe limbs, agg , Asa-f. Dig. Cutaneous eruptions, suppressed, agg., from, Ais. Bell. Bry. Caust. Cham. Hep. Ip. Lyc. Ntr-m. Nux-c Phosp-ac Puis. Rhus. Sep Staph. Sulph. Zinc Cutting pain, outer parts, Alum. Ambr. Aug. Bell. Calc. Dros. Graph. Hyosc. Igt. Lyc. Alerc jod. Alerc-ac Ntr-c. Phosp-ac Rhus. Samb. Sep. Sil. Sulph-ac. ----inner parts, Ang. Arn. Bell. Calad. Calc. Canth. Chin. Cina. Con. Kali-c. Lyc. Alerc Alur-ac Nitr. Nux. Par. Piiosp. Puis. Rheum. Sep. Stann. Staph. Stront Sulph. ----where bones are least covered with flesh, not in joints, on touch pain goes to another part, Sang. • ----tearing, Hyosc. ----when at rest, Alur-ac Cyanosis, Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bell. Calc. Carb-veg. Chin. Con. Cupr. Dig. Lach. Laur. Op. Phosp. Samb. Sec-c. Sulph. Verat. Cystic tumors, Calc Graph. Hep. Sil. Sulph. Dancing, from, amel., Igt. Sep. Dark, in the. agg., Amm-m. Calc.Carb-an. Caust. Valer. -------amel., Aeon. Ant. Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Chin. Con. Croc.Dros.Euph. Graph. Hep. Igt. Lyc. Merc.Ntr-:C. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sep. Sil. Stram. Sulph. RALITIES. 280 Deadness, torpor, coldness and whiteness of limbs, Ais. Calc. Caust. Chelid. Cic. Con. Creos. Lyc. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Sec-c. Sulph. lart. 'Thuj. Zinc — sensation of, in injured pans, Arn. Debauches, from, diseases, Ip. Delir.um, caused by paroxysms of pain Ars. Dulc Veiat. Dentition, during, Ars. Bell. Borax. Calc. Calc-ph. Cham. Cina. Coff. Igt. Algn-c. Algn-m. Nux. Pod. Rheum. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Despair, accompanying pains, Ars. Carb-veg. Cham. Cokh. Lil-tigr. Nux. Diagonal pains, Agar. Calc. Eupat. Hyper. Lach. Alang. Nitr-ac. Nitr.Nux-m.Sang. Sil. Valer. Diet, disorders from small excesses in. N tr-c Digging pains, Ars. Cadm. Cocc. Cycl. Graph. Hyosc. Kali-c. Lach. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Verat. — drawi-ng, Colch. Ind. Puis. — pies6ing, /\ ux-m. Disabling, laming pains, Aloe. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bar-c. Cannab. Carb-veg. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Colch. Dros. Hep. Algn-m. Aleph. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr. Sass. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Valer. Verat. — in walking, Verat. — after a walk, Valer. Disability of limbs,Amm-c.Bar-m.Carb-veg. Chelid. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Colch. Dros. Alez Ntr-c. Nitr. Plat. Puls.Rhod.Rhus. Sil. Valer. — in evening, Bry. Sil. — of parts affected, Cham. Chin, Coleh. Plb. — after sprains, Ruta. Dislocations, lasy, Agn. Bry. Calc. Lyc. Ntr-c Ntr-m. Phosp. Rhus. ----from, agg., Agn. Amm-c. Arn. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Igt. Lyc. Mere. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Nitr. Nux. Petr; Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sulph. Distention, sense of in body, Cinnab. Distortions, Agn. Amm-c. Arn. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Cina. Graph. Igt. Lyc. Alerc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Nitr. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sec-c. Sol-nig. Sulph. Downwards, moving pains, Agar. Bar-c. Bry. Kalm. Phosp-ac. Sabin. Sass. Valer Verat. Zinc. Draft of air, agg., Anac. Bell. Benz-ac. Cadm. Calc. Caps. Carb-an.Caust. Chin. Graph. Hep. Hipp. Kali-c.Ntr-c.Ntr-m. Phosp. Rat. Selen. Sep. 5/7. Sulph. Drawing sensation through whole body, Ambr. Amm-c. Bar-c. Bry. Calc.Graph. Alerc-cor. Mez. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sep. 290 34. GENERALITIES. Drawing sensation, as before intermittents, Calc. Nux. Puis. Sep. ----on surlace of body, in sitting. Samb. — Drawing pains, Ambr Aug. Ant. Arg. Arn. Ars. Bar-c Bell. Bry. Caps. — Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cinnab. Clem. Cocc. Cycl. Dulc.Graph. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Iod. Kali-c. Lach. Lam. Lye Algn-m. Alang. Alerc. Mez. - Mosch. Alur-ae. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Ol-an. Petr. - Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Puis. Ran-sc. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Sec-c. Sep, — Sil. Stann. Staph. Stram. Sulph. E Sulph-ac. Tart. Tereb. Valer. Verat. Viol-od. — in periosteum, or where skin covers the L bones, Cycl. — every other afternoon, Lyc. — after a cold, Nitr-ac. — digging, Colch. Ind. Puis. t — disabling, Arn. Bar-c. Carb-veg;. Cham. Chelid. Cina. Cocc. Hep. Mgn-m. Alez. Ntr-c. Nitr. — jerking, Colch. Ind. Puis. — when moving, Biy. Cannab. Caps. — at night, Cham. Plb. . — — in parts affected, Bry. — — pressing, Anac. Ang. Arg.Cannab.Cycl. — Ntr-m. Ruta Stann. — — rending, tearing, Cham. Colch. Hell. Igt. Lam. Alerc Plb. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. - Sec-c. Staph. — — when at rest, Alur-ac. Nux-m. Rhod. — Rhus. ---------relieved, Sabad. — by rubbing, relieved, Plb. — ----shocks, Cocc. Colch. — in sitting, Staph. — spasmodic, ciamping, Asar.Cina. Ntr-c. Ol-an. Ruta. — stinging. Borax. Colch. Dulc. Alerc. D — in walking. Verat. ----the abdomen, when amel., Igt. Sabin. — -------shoulders, when agg., Calc. Cycl. — back of soft parts, Ang. Bell. Alerc. — in soft parts, Calad. Dros. Alosch. Plb. D ----sensation of, Hep. Plb. Verb. ----of cold air, agg., from, All-cep. Ars. D Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Hep. Hyosc Kali-c Alerc. Nux-m. Nux. Rhod. Rhus. Sabad. Sep. Stront. Drinking, while, agg.. Bell. Bry. Canth. Cina. Hyosc. Iod. Lach. Phosp. Stram. — — after, agg., Aeon. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bry. Cimex. Chin. Cocc. Coloc. Con. Croc. Croton. Ferr. Hell. Hep. Hipp. Hyosc. Lob Lvc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Nux. D Puis. Rhus. Sep. 5/7. Staph. Sulph. Tar. Tart. Teucr. Verat. D ----cold liquids, agg.. Alum. Ars. Bell. Calc.Canth. Croc. Dig.Elaps.Graph.Igt. D Kali-b. Lachn. Lyc. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Rhod. Rhus. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. -------amel., Aloe. Apis. Asar. Camph. Caust. Coff. Cupr. Phosp. Puis. Sep. ----warm liquids, Anac. Bry. Cham. Carb-veg. Dros. Euph. Hell. Kali-c. Lach. Merc. Mez. Piiosp. Phosp-ac. Phyt. Puis. -------amel., Alum. Ars. Lyc.Nux.Rhus. Sulph. Verat. ----amel., Bry. Caust.Cinnab.Cist.Cupr. Phosp. Sil. Tellur. ----quickly, agg., Ars. Nitr-ac. Nux. 5/7. Driving one about, pains which, w.t'a rest- lessness, Ars. -------at night, Mgn-c. Dropsy, Aeon. Agn. Ant. Apis. Aprcyn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bism. Bry. Bufo. Calc Cannab. Canth. Caps. Chin. Colcc.Colch. Con. Dig. Dulc. Euphr. Ferr. Graph. Hell. Iod. Kali c. Lach. Lact. Led. Lyc. Meny Alerc. Alur-ac Ntr-c. Nitr-ac Nitr.Nux.-m.Oleand.Op.Fib. Prun. Psor. Puis. Rhod. Ruta. Sacch. Sabin. Samb. Sass. Sail. Seneg. Sep. Sol-m. Sulph. Tereb. Verat. Verb. — pale, sudden, Hell. Nitr. Samb. — of drunkards, Fluor-ac. — with thirstlessness, Apis. — upper parts discharge first, last of all the swelling in the limbs, Sacch. — in old people, Kali-c. — after purpura miliaris, Hell. ----scarlet fever, Apis. Arn. Ars. Bell. Biy. Dig. Hell. Phosp-ac. Sacch. Samb. Seneg. Sulph. — of inner parts, Arg. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calad. Calc. Chin. Colch. Con. Dig. Dulc. Hell. Iod. Kali-c. Led. Lyc. Alerc. Alerc-sulph. Rhus.Scill.Seneg. Sep. Sulph. Dry weather, apg., Aeon. Asar. Bell. Bry. Caust. Hep. I p. Nux. Sabad. Sep. Spong. ----amel., Amm-c. Calc. Dulc. Lach.Lyc. Mang. Alerc. Nux-m. Rhus. Ruta. Stront Sulph. Verat. Drying up, of palms of hands and soles of feet, Bism. Dryness of inner parts, usually moist, Aeon. Ars £.11. Bry. Calad. Calc.Cham. Graph. Hyosc. Lyc. Alang. Alerc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Seneg. Sil. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Verat. — sensation of, Aeon. Asa f. Asar. Bry. Calad. Calc. Camph. Nu*-m. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Seneg. Stram. Sulph. Verat. Dull pain, Agar. Ant. Chin. Creos. Dulc. Hell. Hyosc. Igt. Laur. Dust, like, in inner parts, Amm-c. Bell Calc. Igt. Dysentery, Aeon. Aloe. Ars. Bell. Canth. Carb-veg. Caps. Cinnab. Colch. Coloc. 34- GENERALITIES. 29t Ip. Kali-b. Algn-c Algn-m. Alerc. Alerc-cor. Nux. Rhus. Sang. Staph. Sulph. Thromb. Dwarfish. Bar-c. East wind, from, agg., (compare Wind). Easy feeling, Coff. Op. Stiam. Eating, before, agg., Ambr. Bov. Calc. Cannab. Chelid. Chin. Croc. Ferr. Graph. Igt. Iod. Lach. Laur.Ntr-c.Phosp. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Sep. Stront. Sulph. Tar. — while, agg., Amm-c. Arg. Arn. Bar-c. Borax. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Caust.Cham. Cic. Cocc Con. Graph. Hep. Kali-c. Lye Algn-m. Alerc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Phosp. Puis. Sabin. Sec-c. Sep. Teucr. ----amel., Alum. Ambr. Anac. Aur. Benz-ac. Caps. Chelid. Cannab. Igt. Lach. Alez. Spig. Tellur. Zinc. — after agg., Alum. Amm-m. Anac. Ant. Arn. Arg. Borax. Bry. Cact. Calc. Cannab. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Chelid. Chin. Cocc. Con. Croton. Cycl. Evon. Graph. Grat. Hyosc. Igt Kali-c Kali-c. Lith. Lyc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Nux. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Valer. Zinc. '■----amel., Alum Bov. Cannab. Chelid. Cinnab. Ferr. Igt. Iod. Laur. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Phosp. Sabad Stront. — after dinner, agg.. Alum. Ars. Igt. Nux. Phosp. Valer. Zinc — and having satisfied the appetite, agg., Calc. Lye Sulph. -------amel., Iod. Phosp. — cold food, agg., Ars. Cast. Con. Creos. Graph. Hell. Hep. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lyc. Alang. Merc. Nux-m. Nux. Par. Plb. Rhod. Phosp. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. — warm food, agg., Ambr. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Cham. Euph Graph. Hell. Kali-c. Alerc. Alez. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sep. Sil. Sulph-ac. Eclampsia, Bell. Caust. Cham. Cic. Cina. Igt. Algn-c Nux-m. Nux. Phosp. Plat. Stram. — of children, Cina. Nux-m. Eggs, smell of, agg., Colch. Emaciation, Ambr. Amm-c. Anac. Ant. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Borax. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Clem Cham. Chin.Cina. Coco.Cupr. Dig.Dros. Dulc.Ferr. Graph. Guaj. Hep. Igt. Iod. Ip. Kali-b. Lach. Lyc. Algn-c Alerc Alez. Ntr-c. Nir-m. Nitr-ac Nux-m. Nux. Op. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac Raph. Plb. Puis. Samb. Sass. Sec-c. Selen. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Tabac Thuj. Verat. — of single parts, Alez. Selen. ----parts affected, Carb-veg. Graph. Led. Alez. Plb. Puis. — in children, Bar-c. Calc. Cham. Chin. Hep. Iod. Lyc. Mgn c. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. — with good appetite, Iod. Sacch. Staph. ---------and swollen abdomen, Calc. Iod. Staph. — bloated lace and swollen abdomen, Bar-c — of face, "thighs and hands, Selen. — and deadness of parts, Ars. Carb-veg. Graph. Alez. Plb. Selen. Thuj. Emissions, nocturnal, agg., Alum. Chin. Iod. Kali-c. Nux. Sep. Staph, (compare Animal fluids, loss ol). Emptiness, sensation of, Calad. Cocc. Igt. Kali-c Alur-ac. Oleand. Puts. Sass. Sep. Stann. Enlargement, sensation of, Alum. Asar. Bell. Bism. Bov. Bry. Caps. Diad. Kali-c. Laur. Alerc Nitr. Par. Puis. Rhus. Spig. Stann. Verat. Epilepsy, Actea-r Aeth. Agar. Ang. Arg. Arg-n Ars. Ars-calc Aitem Bell. Bufo. Calc. Camph. Canth. Caust. Cauloph. Cham. Cic Cina. Cocc. Con. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Gels. Glon. Grat. Hep. Hyosc Hyper. Igt. Iod. Ip. Kali-c. Lach. Laur. Lyc Algn-c. Merc. Millef. Alosch. Ntr-m. Nitrae Nux-m. Nux. Op. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Puis. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Sol-m. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Tabac. Tar. Tart. Tarantula. Tong. •-with catalepsy, Ang. Asa-f. Camph. Cic. ColoC Dios. Igt. Ip. Laur. Merc. Alosch. Op. Petr. Plat. Verat. ----consciousness, Canth. Cina. Kali-c. Algn-m. Nux-m. Nux. Plat. Stram. — without consciousness, Ars-calc. Bell. Calc. Camph. Canth. Cic. Cocc. Cupr. Hyosc. Plb. Sep. Sil. Sulph. — in children, Bell. Igt. Stann. — during dentition, Igt. Stann. — in evening, Stann. — at night. Calc. Caust. Cina. Cupr. Kali-c. Phosp. — after grief, Igt. ----fright, Arg-n. Bufo. Igt. Tarantula. — with great exertions of strength, Agar. ----delirium, Hyosc. ----rigidity of body, Cina. ----suffocative paroxysms, Op. — ending with deep heavy sleep, Hyosc. • ----hcemoptisis, Dros. ----headache, Cupr. — headache, before and after, Cina. — during full moon, with hallooing and shouting, Calc. ----sleep, Caust. — from suppressed menses, Millef. Puis. Ergotism, Cic. Sol-n. 292 34. GENERALITIES. Eructations, agg., from, Agar. Cannab. Cham. Cocc. Lach. Phosp. Rhus. Sep. Verb. Zinc. — amel., Aur. Bar-c. Bry. Canth. Carb-veg. Cocc. Graph. Igt. Kali-c. Lvc. Ntr-c. Nit r-ac. Nux. Plat. Sil. Sulph. Tart. Evacuation, amel., after. Amm-m. Borax. Bry. Colch. Con. Puis. Rhus. Spig. Sulph. Evening, in the, agg., Aeon. Agn. Aloe. Alum. Ambr. Amm-c Amm-m. Anac. Ant. Apis. Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Asar. Bell. Bufo. Calad. Calc. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Cinnab Cist. Cocc. Colch. Coloc. Cycl. Daph. Dulc. Euphr.Eugen. Guaj.Hell.Hyosc igt. Ind. Ip. Iris. Kali-c. Kalm. Lach. Laur. Led. Lyc. Algn-c. Algn-m. Alang. Aleny. Merc. Merc-cor.Alez. Ntr-c Ntr-m.Ntr-s Niti-ae Nitr. Nux-m. Ol-an. Par. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Puis. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Rhod. Rhus. Sabin. Sang. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stann Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Teucr. Thuj. Tilia. Valer. Zinc. — 9 P. AL, Bry. — 3 to 5 P. AL, Clem. — 6 P. AL to 6 A. AL, Creos. — 5 P. AL, Coloc. — 6 P. AL to 7 P. AL, Hep. — 4 P. AL to 10 P. AL, Plat. — and do not diminish until day-break, pains, Colch. — amel., Am. Bruc. Lyc. — after lying down, agg., Ars. Igt. Led. Phosp. Stront. Sulph. Thuj. -------amel., Nitr. Evening air, agg., Carb-veg. Merc. Sulph. Excitement, nervous, Aeon. Ambr. Ang Bell. Cham. Chin. Coff. Creos. Ferr. Iod. Nux. Petr. Phosp-ac. Sep. Teucr. Valer. Extending of limbs, Alum. Clem. Extending the part, agg., Alum. Calc. Coloc. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Extension involuntarily of muscles and limbs, Lyc Strain. Sulph. Extensors, in the, pain, Verat. Exertion of body, agg., from, Ambr. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bry. Calc. Cannab. Carb-veg. Caust. Cocc. Colch. Croc. Hell. Kali-b. Kali-c Lyc. Alerc Ntr-c Ntr-m. Nux. Ox-ac. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Verat. Zinc. ----amel., Igt. Sep. ----mind., agg., Anac Aur. Bell. Calc. Cist. Cocc. Colch. Lgt. Kali-b. Lach. Lyc. Ntr-c Ntr-m. Nux. Oleand Plat. Puis. Sep. Sil. Sulph. -------amel., Croc. Ntr-c. Eyes, opening the, agg., Bry. Calc. Clem. Croc. Igt. Lyc. Nux. Spig. ----amel., Bell. Bry. Chin. Clem. Hell. Algn-m. Puis. — shutting the, agg., Bell. Bry. Chin. Clem. Hell. Led. Algn-m. Puis. Therid. — turning the, agg., Sil. Spig. Fainting, Aeon. Am. Ars. Bar-m. Bell. Bry. Bufo. Calad.Calc. Camph. Cannab. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cocc Coff. Coloc. Con. Creos. Croc. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Ferr. Gels. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Ip. Kali-c. Lach. Laur. Led. Lvc. Mgn-m. Alerc. Alosch. Nux-m. Nux. Oleand. Ol-an. Op. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ae Plb. Puis. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Rhus. Sacch. Sass. Sec-c. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Tabac. Tart. Verat. — with agitation of chest, Aeon. Bell. — from anemia, Alosch. — with asthma, Beib. Creos. Lach. ----cheeks, paleness of, which were red when lying, Aeon. Lach. ----coldness of limb--, Aeon. Calc. Coloc. — with convulsions, Lach. — in a crowd, Plb. — with epistaxis, Croc. Lach. — in evening, Calc. Hep. Lyc. Mosch. Ntr-m. Nux. — from exeicise, Nux. — with' face pale, Aeon. Berb. Lach. Ntr-m. Nux. — with formication and tremor of feet, Borax. ----heat, Berb. Nux. Petr. — from heat of room, Creos. Spig. — hours, at certain, in the day, Lyc. — hysieric, Ars. Cham. Cocc. Igt. Mosch. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Nux. — after lying down, Calad. — when lying on the side, Lyc. Sil. — in morning, Carb-veg. Creos. Ntr-m. Nux. -------when rising too early, Creos. -------after eating, Nux. — at night, Alosch. Nux-m. — with numb limbs, Ntr-m. ----pressure on heart, Act. Petr. ----pain in heart, Lach. — after eveiy. afterpain, Nux. — with palpitation of heart, followed by sleep, Nux-m. ----perspiration, Dig. -------cold, Lach. — from riding in a carriage, Berb. — when rising, Bry. Op. Thromb. — after rising up from lying, Aeon. Calad. — by slight pains produced, Cocc. Hep. Nux-m. — (sinking) spells in consumptives, Gels. — stomach, from pains in, Ran-sc. — with sterterous breathing, Stram. ----thirst, Aeon. 1 I I I 34- GENERALITIES. 2 93 Fainting, with trembling, Nux. Petr. — with vomiting, Kali-c. Lach. Sulph. — from walking in open air, Ferr. Kali-c Seneg. — as from weakness, relieved by perspira tion, Oleand. — from weakness, with scarcely percepti ble pulse, Ars. — after wiiting, Calad. — after, agg., wiiting Alosch. Op. Falling down, with consciousness, Ang Ars. Bell. Camph. Canth. Cina. Hell Mgn-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Nux-m. Phosp Plat. Puis. Sulph. ----without consciousness, Glon. Falling out of inner parts, sensation of. Bell. Nux. Plat. Sulph. — to pieces, sensation of, Bapt. Fanned, wants to be, hard, Caib-veg. False step, making a, Bry. Lyc. Puis. Fasting, amel., Nux-in. Fat food, from agg.. Ant. Ars. Asa-f Carb-veg. Coich. Cycl. Dros. Ferr. Hell Mgn-m. Nir-m. Nitr-ac. Puts. Sep. Spong. Sulph. Tar. Thuj. Fatigue, Alum. Arn. Ars. Bar-c Benz-ac Calc. Camph. Cannab. Carb-veg. Caust. Coff. Colch. Con. Corn-c. Croc Graph. Hep. I p. Iris. Lach. Mgn-c. Alerc. Ntr-c. Nux. Par. Plat. Puis. Rheum. Rhod Rhus. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Tabac. Tart. Verat. — nervous, Calc (compare Weakness). — from night study, Colch. ----speaking, Alum. Ambr. Amm-c Calc. Cannab. Ferr. Ntr-m. Stann. Sulph. ----hearing others talk, Alum. Amm-c. Ars. Verat. ----a thunder storm, Caust. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac Petr. Phosp. Rhod. Sil. ----walking, Cannab. Carb-an. Kali-c. -------in open air, Coff. Con. Ferr. Kali-c. Verat. ----writing, Cannab. Sil. — after paroxysms of cough, Dig. Spong. — from, agg.. Arn Coff. Rhus. Fear from, Aeon. Bell. Bufo. Caust. Coff. Cupr. Gels. Glon. Hyosc. Igt. Merc. Nux. Op. Plat. Puis. Festering pain, Bry. Cycl. Phosp. Puis. Ran-b. Fever, before the, agg., Arn. Ars. Calc. Carb-veg. Chin. Cina. Ip. Puis. Rhus. — during the, agg., Ant. Ars. Bry. Calc. Cham. Chin. Ferr.Ip.Kali-c.Lyc Ntr-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sep.Sulph. — after the agg., Ars. BeI1.6V//'«.Hep Nux. Fiie, glare of, agg., Ant. Euph Zinc. Flabbiness in limbs, Ars. Camph. Euph. Mgn-c Ntr-c. Flexing or turning, agg., Amm-c Cic. Igt. Kali-c. Lyc. Nux. Puis. Flatus, amel., by discharge of, Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Coloc. Igt. Lyc. Nux. Plb Puis. Rhod. Sla.-A. Verat. Fluids, animal, loss of, agg., Ars. Calad. Calc. Carb-veg. Chin. Cina. Con. Iod. Kali-c. Merc. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Scill. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Forenoon, in the, agg., Cact. Cannab. Caib-veg. Grat. Guaj. Hep. Laur.Alang. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Sabad. Sass. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph-ac. Valer. Viol-tr. — 12, Arg. Carb-veg. — n. Gels. — 12, Kali-b. — amel , Alum. Fretfulness accompanying pains, Chin. Coif. Nux. Phosp. Fright, agg., from, Aeon. Arg-n. Bell.Calc. Causi. Chin. Coff. Igt. Gels. Glon. Igt. Lach. Lyc. Merc. Nux. Op. Petr.Phosp. Plat. Puis. Ruta. Samb. Sec-c. Stann. Stram. Sulph/Tarant. Verat. — followed by diarrhoea. Gels. Op. Puis. Frostbitten, from being agg., Agar. Ars. Carb-veg. Colch. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Puis. — itching burning, as if, Agar. Fruits, agg., from, Ars. Bry. Borax. Carb-veg. Chin. Algn-m. Meic Ntr-c. Puis. Rhod. Selen. Sep. Verat. Fulness, sensation of, in outer parts, Ars. Caust. Phosp. ----inner parts, Aeon. Arn. Asa-f. Asar. Bar-c Bell. Canth. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cycl. Ferr. Hell. Kali-c. Lyc. Alosch. Nux-m. Phosp. Puis. Ran-sc. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sep.Sulhp.Valer. Fur, as if in inner parts. Phosp. Puis. Ganglia Amm-c. Phosp. Phosp-ac Plb, Sil. Zinc Gargling, from, agg., Carb-veg. Gastric troubles. Aeon. Ant. Ars. Asa-f. Asar. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. C//rt/«.Chin. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Cop. Cor-r. Cupr.Cycl. Dig. Igt. Ip. Lyc. Ntr-m. A'ux. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Rheum. Scill. Sec-c. Staph. Sulph. Tabac. Tar. Tart. Therid. Verat. Zinc. Glands, Amm-c. Asa-f. Aur. Bar-c. Bel'. Bry. Calend. Calc. Carb-an Caib-veg. Cham. Cist. Clem. Cocc. Con. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Lod. Kali-c Lyc. Alerc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. — air, as if. went through, Spong. — by a blow or confusion produced. Con. Dulc Iod. Kali c. Petr. Phosp. — excitement of glandular system, Iod. — flabby, Cham. Con. Iod. Nitr-ac. Sec-c. — heaviness, Bell. Phosp. — induration, Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Chin. Clem. Cocc. 294 34- GENERALITIES. Con. Dig. Dulc. Graph. Iod. Kali-c. Lyc. Mgn-m. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Puis.Ran-b. Rhus. Sit. Spong. Sulph. Glands, inflammation, Aeon. Bar-c. Bell. C unph. Carb-au. Carb-veg. Cham. Con. Dulc. Hep. Kali-c. Alerc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Phyt. Puis. Rhus. Sass. Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac ----lymphatic, Alerc-cor. — as of sometuing alive in, Spong. — pains, Aium. Amm-c. Arn. Bell. Calc. Cannab. Carb-an. Caust. Coloc. Con.Iod. Lyc. Alerc. Mez. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. ----boring. Bell. Lyc. Puis. Sabad. ----burning, Ars. Bell.Cannab.Carb-veg. Hep. Alerc. Phosp. ----contracting, Igt. Iod. Mang. Nitr-ac. Nux. ----contusion, as of a, Arn. Carb-an.Cic. Con. Kali-c. Petr. Ruta. Sep. ----cramping, Ang. Plat. ----cutting. Bell. Lyc. Sep. ----drawing, Bell. Chin. Seneg. ----gnawing, Plat. Spong. ----itching, Anac. Caib-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Con. Kali-c. Mgn-c. Phosp. Sep. Sil. Spong. ----jerking, Calc Clem. Ntr-m. Puis. ----numb, Plat. ----piercing, Bell. ----pinching, Calc. Rhod. ----pressing, Aur. Bell. Calc. Lyc.Mang. Merc. Phosp-ac Spong. Stann.Staph. Sulph. -------inwards, Alerc Spong. -------outwards, Calc. Staph. ----prickling, Amm-m. Asa-f. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cocc. Con. Igt. Alerc. Ntr-m. Phosp. Puis. Ran-sc. Sep. Sulph. ----pulsation, Amm-m. Calc Clem Kali-c Alerc. Phosp. Sabad. Sil. Sulph. ----rending, tearing, Arn. Bell. Bry. Chin. Kali-c. Lyc. Sil. Sulph. ----soieness, as of, Con. Igt. Sep. Zinc. ----stinging, Bell Cocc. Con. Alerc. Ntr-m (compare Piickling ) ----tension, Bar-c. Bry. Caust. Con. Graph: Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Spong. Sulph. ----tickling, Arn. Con. Merc. Plat.Rhus. Spong. —.— ulcerous, Amm-m. Phosp.Puis.Rhus. — secretion of, more profuse, Iod. — sensitiveness of. Aur. Cham. Cist. Con. Kali-jod. Lyc. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Sep. — swelling of, Alum. Amm-c. Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Bar-c. Bell. Bov. Brom. Bry. Bufo. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Cist. Clem. Cocc. Con. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Iod. Kali-c. Lyc. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Alerc. Mez. Alur-ac Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux jug. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac Puis. Rhus. Sass. Sep. Sit. SpO'g. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Zinc. ----blush, Carb-an. Lach. ----cold, Arn. Cocc. Con. ----hard, Bry. Con. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. ----hot, Aeon. Be 11.Bry.Ca\c.Merc.Phosp. Sulph. ----inflammatory. Aeon. Arn. Bell. Bry. Carb-an. Hep. Lyc. Alerc. Phosp. Rhus. Thuj. ----knotty, like ropes, Dulc. Iod. ----engorged, like small nodes under skin, Bry. ----painful, Arn. Bell. Chin. Puis. Sil. ----painless, Con. Igt. Phosp-ac. Sep. Sil. — suppuration, Bar-c. Bell Calc.Carb-veg. Cist. Coloc. Dulc. Hep. Kali-jod. Lach. Lyc. Meic Nitr-ac. Petr. Phosp. Rhus. Sep. 5/7. Sulph. — ulceration, Ambr.^rj-.Bell. Canth. Con. Hep. Lach. Phosp. Sil. Sulph. ----cancerous, Ars. Bell. Con. Creos. Hep. Sep. Sil. Sulph. ----spongy, Carb-an. Lach. Merc. 5/7. Sulph. Thuj. — withering of, Cham. Con. Iod. Nitr-ac. Sec. Gnawing, pain, Berb. Dros. Mez. Going down, descending, agg. from, Con. Ferr. Rhod. Verat. -------amel., Amm-c. Ang. Ars. Bar-c. Borax. Bry. Calc. Cupr. Alerc. Nitr. Nux. Seneg. Sep. Spig. Spong. Zinc. — up, ascending, amel., Con. Ferr. Rhod, Valer. Gonorrhoea, suppressed, from, Agn-c. Aur. Benz-ac. Brom. Clt-m. Daph. Alerc. Alez. Nitr-ac. Puis. Sass. Tussilago. Veiat. Zinc. Grief, from, Cocc. Coloc. Igt. Lyc. Phosp-ac. Staph. ----with indignation, Coloc. Nux. Staph. -------vehemence, Aeon. Bry.Cham.Coff. A'ux. Hemmorhages, Aeon. Ant. Arn.Ars.Asa-f. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Cact. Calc. Canth.Caps. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cinnam. Cocc. Cop. Creos. Crotal. Croc. Crotal. Cupr. Dros. Diad Ferr. Hum. Hyosc. Iod. Ip. Lach. Led. Lyc Merc. Alillef. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rat. Rhus. Sabin. Set. Sil. Stram. Sulph. — from every orifice of the body, Crotal. Ip. Hoemmorhoidal disposition, Aloe. Ambr. Kali-chl. Nux. Hair, as if pulled by the, Aeon. Laur.Nux. — from combing the, agg., Bry. Selen. 34- GENERALITIES. 295 Hair, from cutting, agg., Bell. Glon. Sep. — putting back, the agg., Puis. Rhus. — tying up the, amel., Nitr. — dark.peisons with, Aeon.Caust.Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Plat. Sep. Hammering, Phosp. Hands, from working with the, agg., Amm-m. Bov. Lach. Ntr-m. Sil. Verat. — on putting on the, from, amel., Bell. Croc. Meny. (compare, Touching and pressure.) Hang down, from letting the limb, agg., Alum. Amm-c. Calc. Sabin. -------amel., Arn. Bare. Bell. Ferr. Kali-e Led. Rhus. Sil. Hanging loose, as if skin were, Phosp. Sabad. Hat, pressure of, agg., Carb-veg. Nitr-ac. Sil. Valer. Head, bending backwards, agg., Cic. Puis. Sep. -------amel., Cham. Hep. Led. ----forward, agg., Viol-od. ----sideways, agg., Spong. -------amel.. Puis. — leaning on something, amel., Bell Alerc — resting on a table, amel., Ferr. Sabad. — shaking, agg., Arn. Bell. Bry. Colch. Glon. Hep. Led. Nux-m. Nux. Spig. ----amel., Lach. — turning, agg., Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cic. Hep. Igt. Kali. Lyc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Selen. Sep. Spong. — uncoveiing, agg., Aur. Bell. Colch. Con. Hep. Hvosc Nux-m. Nux. Rhus. Samb. Scill. 5/7 Stront. ----amel., Aeon. Boiax. Calc. Ferr. Iod. Lyc. Puis. Spig. Verat. Heat during the pains, Carb-veg. — and redness of one cheek, during the pains, Cham. — of parts affected, Aeon. Bry. Sulph. Heated, agg., from getting. Ant. Bell. Bry. Carb-veg. Dig.Kali-c.Op. Thuj. Zinc. — near a fire, agg., Ant. Euph. Zinc. Heaviness. Agar. Alum. Ant. Am. Asa-f. Bar-c. Bell. Camph. Carb-veg. Chin. Creos. Croc. Ferr-m. Hipp. Igt. Led. Merc. Alez. Alosch Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Par. Petr. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Rheum. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sec-c. Sep. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sirani. Sulph. Tereb. Thuj. Verat. — inner parts, Aeon. Amm-c. Amm-m. Bar-c Be\\. Bism. Borax. Bov Bry. Calc. Caib-an. Cafb-veg. Chin. Graph. Hell. Kali-c. Laur. Lyc Algn-c. Algn m. Aleic. Alur-ac Ntr-m. Nux-m. Nux. Oleand. Op. Plb. Rhus. Sabad. Sabin. Sep. 5/7. Stann. Staph. Sulph. — alternating with sensation of lightness, Nux. — in forenoon, Sabad. ----morning on awaking, Zinc. — on movement, Ammonica. Calc. Kali-c. Alez. Nir-c. Ntr-m. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stram. — from playing the piano, Anac. — when rising from a seat, Spig. — on sitting, Ruta. — after skip at noon, Staph. Hoop or band, sensation of, around parts, Anac. Asar. Aur. Con. Graph. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Plat. Puis. Sulph. Humming in body, Caust. Creos. Nux-m. .Nux. Oleand. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Sulph. Hungry, on being, agg., Iod. Kali-c.Spig. Hydrophobia, Bell. -Canth. Hydroph. Hyosc. Lach. Phosp. Stram. Hypochondriacal, Asa-f. Aur. Bell. Cham. Chin. ion. Giai. Hell. Mgn-m. Alosch. Alez. Ntr-c. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis Sacch. Stann. Staph. Sulph.Valer. Veiat. Viol-od. Zinc, (compare Sect. 1.) Hysterical, Actea-r. Agn. Anac. Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cannab. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cocc. Coff. Cr»». C}d. Euphr. Gels. Giaph. Grat. Hell. Hyosc. Igt. Iod. Ip. Lach. Lyc. Algn-m. Alerc. Mezr Alosch. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Pallad. Phosp. Plat. Plb. Puis. Rheum. Sabad. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Stram. Sulpjt. Valei. Veiat. Viilid. Zinc. — laughing and crying alternately, Alum. — with constant weeping, Viol-od. ----weight at uterus and vagina, after eveiy attack. Elaps. — at pub 1 ly or climacteric, with head- ache, Therid. — spasms, with full consciousness, at break of day, Plat. — with pain at abdomen and diaphragm, Stann. — after sexual excesses, Anac. Con. Ill, sensation of being, Aeon. Alum. Ars. Chelid. Con. Alez. Nux. Spong. Sulph. Tart. Illusions of feeling, Alum. Asa-f. Bell. Calc. Croc Igt Lach Par. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Spig. Stiam. Sulph. Impressions, deep, of instruments, Bov. Increasing pains, then gradually decreas- ing, Pint. Stann. Stiont. -------suddenly dissappear, Sulph-ac. — suddenly, decreasing suddenly, Nitr-ac. Incurvation, crooking, spasmodic, of single parts, Ambr. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Cina. Colch. Coloc. Con. Euph. Ferr. Graph. Guaj. Hyosc. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lye Aleny. Aleic. Nux. Phosp. Plb. Rhus. Sec-c. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Tart. . f y . 296 34. GENERALITIES. Indignation, from, agg., Coloc'. Ip. Nux. Plat. Staph. ----ill-tieatnient, Coloc. Staph. Induration after inflammations, Agn. Bell. Bry. Gale Carb-an. Carb-veg. ( ///'//. CU111. Con. Dulc Giaph. Jo Joy, ffom excessive, agg , Coff. Puis. Jumping, like something alive, Croc. Alosch. Kind hearted persons, for suitable, Puis. Kneeling, agg.. Ant. Cocc. Sep. Knitting, amel., fiom, Lyc. Labor like pains, Aeon. Asa-f. Bell. Carb-an. Cham. Cina. Coff. Creos. Ferr. Hyosc. Igt. Kali-c. Nux. Op. Plat.Puis. Rhus Sabin. Sec c Lacing, forcing, together of apertures, Bed. Hyosc. Plb. Staph. Verat. Lactation, during. Bell. Bry. Calc.Carb-an. Cham. Chin. Croton. Dulc Graph. Ip. Lyc. ATux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Lassitude, bod ly and mental, Alum. Ant. Arum. Bism. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Colch. Coloc. Con. Diad. Lact. Laur. Lyc. Ntr-c. A'tr-m. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Seneg. Spong. Stann. Teucr. Valer. Viol-tr. —with convulsive laughing, Calc. Con. — in the evening, Caust. Stront. — after exertion, Ntr-m. — in the morning Lact. Nitr. Stront. — at noon, Caib veg. — with thirst, Diad. Laughing, agg., from, Ars. Bell. Borax. Carb-\eg.Chin. Alang. Phosp.Plb.Stann. Laying on a hard place, as from. Arn. Lead poisoning. Alum. Bell. Cham.Hyosc. Nux. Op. Plat. Stram. Lean or aged people, Ambr. Leaning against something, agg., Nitr-ac. . Sulph. -------amel., Carb-veg. Ferr. (compare Pressure). Left side, Aeon. Arn. Asa-f. Asar. Bar c. Calc. Caust. Chin. Colch. Coloc. Croc. Cupr. Elaps. Iod. Lach. Alerc Nitr-ac. Nitr. Petr. Phosp. Rhod. Selen. Spig. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Thuj. Tilia. (compare one sided complaints). Lepra, Alum. Ars. Carb-veg. Caust. Graph. Ntr-c. Petr. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Lid, or valve, sensation in throat, of, Iod. Spong. Lifting, from, agg., Arn. Borax. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Con. Graph. Kali-c. Lyc. Alerc Ntr-c Nti-m. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. — raising the arm, agg., Aeon. Bar-c. Bell. Con. Cupr. Ferr. Led. — raising the part affected, agg., Arn. Bar-c. Bell. Con. Ferr. Kali-c. Led. Rhss. Sil. Light,, from, agg.. Aeon. Ant Bar-c. Bell. Cact. Calc. Chin. Con. Croc. Dros Euphr. Graph. Hep. Igt. Lyc. Alerc. Nt'r-c. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac Puis. Sang. Sep. Sil. j_rar__ Sulph. — of a candle, agg., Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Caust. Colch. Con. Cor-r. Croc. Dros. Graph. Hep. Igt. Lyc. Alerc. Phosp. Phosp-ac Sep. Sil. — of day, agg., Ant. Calc. Con. Dros. Euphr. Graph. Hep. Kali-c. Nux. Phosp. Sep. Sil. lhuj. — of sun. agg., Agar. Ant. Calc. Chin. Con. Euphr. Graph. Hep. Igt. Ntr-c Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sil. Sulph. — amel., Carb-an. Carb-veg Plat. Stront. — bright, amel., Amm-m. Calc. Carb-an. Plat. Stront. Valer. — desire for, Aeon. Amm-c. Bell. Calc. Stram. Light haired people, suitable for, Ang. Bell. Borax. Brom Bry. Calc. Caps. Cham. Clem. Cocc. Con. Dig. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Iod. Kali-b. Lach. Lyc. Alerc. Alez. Petr. Phosp. Rhus. Selen. Seneg. Sil. Spig. Sf ong. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Lightness, sensation of in body, Asar. Coff. Lact. Ntr-m. Petr. Stram. ----when walking. Chin. Lac can. Ntr-m. Nux. Op. Rhus. Spig Thuj. ----alternating with langor, Ntr-m. Limbs as if separated from body, Stram. Lively temperaments, for, Aeon. Ars. Cham. Nitr-ac. Nux. Liver grown, in children, Cham. Living, as of something, in inner parts, Croc. Igt. Loathing, attending the paroxysms, Ip. Locomotor ataxia, Alum. Calc Kali-c. Rhus. Looking at a distance, agg., Ruta. — down, agg.. Calc. Oleand. Spig. ----amel., Sabad. — straight forward, agg., Oleand. -------amel., Bell. — fixedly, at an object, agsr., Asa-f. Aur. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Cic. Cina. Croc. Graph. Kali-c. Lyc. Ntr-c Ntr-m. Phosp. Rhod. Ruta. Sass. Seneg. Sep. 5/7. Spig. Spong. ----amel., Ntr-c — towards the light, agg., Bry. Calc. Mgn-m. Alerc. Phosp. — long at an object, agg.. Ruta. Spig. — at shining objects, Bell. Hyosc. Stram. — sideways, agg , Bell. Gels. ----amel., Oleand. — upwards, agg., Calc. Puis. Sabad. Selen. Thuj. — at running water, agg., Bell. Ferr. Hyosc — around, Cic. Con. Looseness of flesh, sensation of, Bry. Nitr-ac Rhus. Sulph. (compare Beat- en, pain as if). Loosening the clothes, amel.. Brv. Calc. Caps. Carb-veg. Caust. Hep. Lyc. ATux. Sass. Sep. Stann. Love, unhappy, from, Coff. Hyosc. Lgt. Phosp-ac. Staph. 34- GENER/ Love, unhappy with jealousy, Hicsc. Jgt. -------silent, grief, Igt. Phosp-ac Lukewarm water, agg., from, Ang. Lie down, inclination to, Aeon. Alum. Ars Bar-c. Bry. Calad. Canth. Cham. Chelid. Clem. Coff. Cycl. Daph. Dig. Grat. Guaj. Hipp. Igt Led.Zir. Nitr-ac. Nux. Pallad. Rhus. Selen. Sep. Spong. Staph. Stram. Tar. Tart. Thea. Lying down, agg., when, Ambr. Amm-m. Arg. Ars. Asa-f. Aur. Benz-ac Cadm. Calc. Carb-veg. Caps. Caust. Cham. Cist. Con. Cycl. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Euph. Euphr. Ferr. Hvosc. Igt. Lith. Lyc Mgn-m. Meny. Alosch. Mur-.'C. Ntr-c. Nux-m. Nux. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puts. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Samb. Sep. 5/7. Stront. Sulph. Tar. Thuj. Valer. Verb. Viol-tr. ----amel, Alum. Amm-c. Arn. Asar. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb-an. Colch. Cupr. Glon. Hipp-m. Kalm. Mgn-c Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Nux. Pallad. Phell. Sang. Scill. Staph. Verat. — in bed, agg., Ambr. Amm-c. Arg. Ars. Aur. Borax. Calc. Caust. Coloc. Dros. Euph. Fi rr. Graph. Igt. Iod. Kali c. Led. Lvc. Alang. Mgn-c. Nux. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Selen. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Tart. Verat. ----cough, Anac. Cocc-c. Creos. Dros. Euph. Hep. Igt. Algn-c. Mgn-m. Meph. Ntr-m. Rhus. Samb. Sang. Sep. Scill. Staph. Tart. Thuj. Verb. ----amel., Ars. Bry. Canth. Cic. Cocc. Con. F.von. Hep. Lach. Lvc. Nux. Psor. Rhus. Sabad. Scill. Sil. Staph. Stram. — on painful side, agg. Aeon. Amm-c. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Calad. Calc. Chin. Dros. Graph. Hep. Igt. Iod. Lyc. Mgn-c Algn-m Alosch. Alur-ac. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Par. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rheum. Ruta. Sabad. 5/7. Spong. ----painful side, amel., Ambr. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cham. Coloc Igt. Kali-c. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Stram. Viol-tr. — on back, agg., Amm m. Ar<=. Caust. Cham. Coloc Cupr. Iod. Nitr. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. -------amel., Aeon. Anac. Apis. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Igt. Iod. Kali-c Lyc Ntr m. Puis. Stann. Tellur. — on side, agg., Aeon. Anac. Ars. Bare. Brv. Calad. Calc. Carb-an. Cina. Con. Creos. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Igt. Kali-c. Lyc. Alerc Par. Puis. Sabad. Seneg. Sil. Stann. Suloh. -------amel., Nux. Pho«=p. — on left side, agg., Aeon. Agar. Amm-c. Arg. Arn. Bar-c. B-ll. Calc Canth. Eupat. Graph. Kali-c. Lyc. Alerc \lities. 299 Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Par. Phosp. Puts. Seneg. Sep. Sulph. Tabac. Thuj. — on right side, agg., Amm-m. Ars. Borax. Calc Carb-an. Euph. Algn-m. Alerc. Nux. Seneg. Sep. Spig. Spong. Sunn. Tar. — wiih the head low, agg., Arg. Ars. Chin. . Colch. Hep. Nitr. Puts. Spig. Tart. — on something hard amel., Bell. Ntr-m. Rhus. — horizontally, ame'., Arn. Spong. — crooked, amel., Colch. Coloc. Rheum. — on stomach, amel.. Aloe. Alum. Amm-c. Calc Phosp. Pod. Rhus. After lying down, agg., Ambr. Amm-c. Ars. Asa-f. Aur. Bry. Calc. Clem. Con. Cycl. Dulc. Euph. Euphr. Ferr. Hyosc. Ip. Kali-e Lye Algn-c. Algn-m. Aleny. Alosch. Ntr-m. ATux. Ol-an. Petr. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Samb. Sep. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tar. Verat. -------amel., Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Cina. Croc. Graph. Hep. Iod. Ntr-m. A7ux. Oleand. 5r/77 Spig. Staph Stram. From lying on a limb, agg., Arn. Bell. Con. Kali-c. Rhus. Sil. AIale sex, for the, Nux. Phosp. Alania d. potu, Ars. Bell. Calc.Cannab-ind. Coff. Dig. Hyosc. Lach. Nux. Op. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Aleals, after, (compare, Eating.) Measels, during die, agg., Aeon. Ant. Bell. Bry. Ip. Kali-b. Puis. Rhus. — after the, agg., Arn. Bell. Camph. Carb-veg- Con. Dulc. Puis Rhus. — suppressed, agg., Aeon. Bry. Dros. Dulc Puis. Rhus. Mechanical injuries, Arg. Arn. Calend. Caust. C\c.Con. XAuic.&ion.Hep. Hyper. Iod. Kali-c. Lach. Phosp. Phosp-ac Plat. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Symph. ----bloatedness and dark red swelling after, Samb. ----from a fall from a height, Alillef. ----sprains, Agn. Bry. Lyc. Ntr-c. Petr. Phosp. Rhus. Alenstruation before, agg., Bar-c. Calc Carb-veg. Con. Cieos. Ct>pr. Lvc. Merc. Ntr-m. Phosp. Phcsp-ac Plat. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Verat. — commencement of. agg., Aeon. Caust. Cham. Hyosc. Lyc. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Sep. — during, agg., Amm-c. Amm-m. Calc. Cham. Cocc. Coff. Creos. Graph. Hyosc. Igt. Kali-c. Lyc Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Sep. Sulph. — after, agg., Borax. Cieos. Graph. Lyc. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp. Stram. — supprested, agg.. Aeon. Amm-c. Bar-c Calc. Caust. Cham. Cocc. Con. Cupr. 3°o 34. GENERALITIES. Ntr-m. Staph. Lyc. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Kali-c. Lyc. Phosp. Puis. Sabad. Sep. Sil. Sulpli. Valer. Aleicury, abuse of, Ant. Arg. Ars. Asa-j. VjAur. Bell. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. 67//'//. Clem. Colch. Cupr. Daph. Dulc Euph. |. Grat. Hep. Iod. Lach. Led. Lyc. Alez. ,-, Nitr-ac. Op. Phosp-ac. Ph\t. Puis. Sang. 5/jjj. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph Stront. Sulph. Thuj. Valer. Alercurial vapors, agg.. Chin. Strain. Alesmerized, desire to be, Calc. Phosp. Alesmerism, amel., from, Bell. Cupr. Nux. Phosp. Sil. Teucr. Midnight, before, agg., Ang. Arn. Bell. Brom. Bry.Carb-veg Caust.Cham.Graph. Hep. Lach. Led. Lyc. Alang. Alerc Mez. Alur-ac Petr. Phosp. Puis. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Rhus. Sabad. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Stront. Tart. Valer. — alter, Aeon. Amm-c. Ars. Bell. Calc. Cannab. Canth. Caps. Caust. Coff. Croc. Dros. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Igt. Iod. Kali-c. Algn-c. Alang. Merc. Ntr-c. Nitr. Nux. Plat. Ran-sc Rhus. Samb. Scill. Sulph-ac. Tart. Thuj. ----1 A. M., Ars. ----2 A. AL, Benz-ac. Lachn. ----3 A. M.,Calc Euphr. Kali-c. Pariera. Staph. Thuj. — — to noon, Ars. Cist. Mild though distinctly perceptible pains, Viol-od. Milk, agg., from, Alum. Ambr. Ang. Arg. Ars. Brom. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Cic. Con. Cupr. Kali-c. Lyc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux.Phosp. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Valer. Zinc. — amel., Chelid. Iod. Verat. Moaning and lamenting from the Canth. Cham. ' Mobility too great, Bell. Stram. Moon, when declining, agg., Dulc. — — increasing agg., Alum. Thuj. — full, during, agg., Alum. Sulph. — new, during, agg.. Alum. Amm-c. Calc. Caust. Cupr. Daph. Sep. Sil. Aloonshine, in agg.. Ant. Bell. Thuj. Alorning, agg., Aeon. Agar Ambr. Amm-c. Amm-m. Anac. Ant. Apis. Arn. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Bov. Bry. Bufo. Cadm. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Chelid. Chin. Cina. Cist. Clem. Coff. Con. Creos. Croc. Cupr. Daph. Dig. Dros. Dulc Euph. Euphr. Ferr. Graph. Guaj. Hell. Hep. Igt. Kali-c. Mgn-m. Meph. Mez. Ntr-c. Ntr-m Ntr-s. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux. Op. Petr. Phosp. Phosp ac Pod. Ran-b. Rheum. Rhod. Rhus. Sabin. Scill. Sep. Stann. Staph. Strain. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tar. Tart. Thuj. Valer. Verat. Viol-od. pains, Graph. Alerc. Caps. I err. Rhus. — in bed, Hep. Phosp. — after lising up, Guaj. Kali-b. Igt. — increasing until noon, diminishing as sun declines, Aeon. Glon. Kali-ferr-cyn. Spig. Strain. Alotion difficult, Ang. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Carb-an. Caust. Cham. Chelid. Cic. Cocc. Coloc. Graph Igt. Kali-c Lyc. Ntr-m. Nux. Petr. Alius. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stapn. Sulph. Tereb. Thuj. Verat. — extraordinary, Bell. Coff. Op. Stram. 'lanac Tarant. — convulsive, Bell. Camph. Canth. Cham. Cic. Cocc. Cupr. Glon. Hell. Hyosc Igt. Iod. Ip. Nux. Op. Plb. Rheum Ruta. Scill. Sec-c. Stunn. Stram. Veiat. — involuntary, Cocc. Cupr. Hyosc. Igt. Lach. Op. Stram. Alouth, opening the, agg., Ang. Phosp. Sabad. — closing the, agg., Alez. Move, on beginning to, agg., Bry. Carb-veg. Caust. Ccn. Euph. Fluor-ac. Lyc. Phosp. Puis. Sabad. Samb. Sil. Movement wrong, on, agg., Bry. Lyc. Moving, aversion to, Aeon. Amni-c Ars. B.ir-c Caps. Chelid. Cocc. Cycl. Dig. Guaj. Igt. Lyc. Alez. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nux. Pallad. Thea. Thuj. Zinc. — inclination to, Arn. Cham. Chin. Ferr. Rhus. — sensation of, Bell. Croc. Igt. Rhod. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. ----up and down, Lach Spong. Moving, on, agg.,"Aeon. Agn. Aloe. Apis. Arn. Ars. Asar. Bell. Berb. Bry. Calad. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Caps. Carb-an. Chelid. Chin. Cic. Cina <~''st. Cocc. Cocc-c. Coff. Colch. Coloc Ccr.. Cupr. Dig. Elaps. Graph. Hell. Hep. Igt. Iod. Ip. Iris. Kalm. Laur. Led. Merc. Alez. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Ol-an. Ox-ac. Pallad. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Ran-b. Rheum. Sang. Sass. Scill. Selen. Spig. Stann. Staph. Tilia. Verat. Zinc. — outwards, agg , Caps. Caust. (compare Turning). — inwards, agg., Igt. Staph. — backwards, agg., Calc Kali-c. Puis. Sep.^ Sulph. — sideways, agg., Bell. Ntr-m. — forwards, agg., Coff. Thuj. — extending the part, agg., Alum. Calc. Coloc Rhus. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. — flexing or turning, agg , Amm-m. Cic. Igt. Kali-c. Lyc. Nux. Puis. Spig. Spong. — of rocking, agg.. Borax. Carb-veg. — slow, amel., Ambr. Caps. Con. Euph. Ferr. Puis. Samb. ----,_, ^^ '^t^^ ^/cx/^^: Yej.*./^^. 34- GENERALITIES. 3OI — amel., from, Agar. Ambr. Amm-m.Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Aur. Bar-c. Bism. Brom. Calc. Caps. Coloc. Con. Cub.Cycl. Diosc. Dros. Dulc. Euph. Feir. Glon. Grat. Ind. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lith. Lyc. Mgn-c. Algn-m. Menv. Alosch. Alur-ac Ntr-c. Ntr-s. Op. Phell. Phosp-ac Plat. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Samb. Seneg. Sp.Suiph. Tar.TWia. Valer.Verat. Verb. Viol-tr. — of arms, agg., Aeon. Anac. Ang. Dig. Lach. Led. Ran-b. Rhus. ----eyes, agg., Be\i.Bry Caps.Cham.Hep. Nux. Op. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Valer. ----eyelids, agg., Coloc. ----head, agg., Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caps. Cupr. Lyc. Sep. Spig. — part affected, agg., Arn. Bell. Bry. Cannab. Caps. Cnam. Chin. Cocc. Led. Alerc Nux. Puis. Spig. -------amel., Amm-m. Ars. Aur. Caps. Chin. Con. Dulc. Euph. Ferr. Lyc. Algn-m. Alosch. Phosp-ac. fiPi Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Sabad. Samb. Sep. Tar. — after, agg., Agar. Anac. Ars. Cannab. Carb-veg. Caust. Croc. Hyosc. Kali-c. Nitr-ac Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. S->ig. Spong. Stann. Stram. Valer. Zinc. — continuous, amel., Ambr. Amm-m. Caps. Con. Cycl. Dros. Euph. Ferr. Lyc. Puis. Sabad. Samb. Sil. Valer. Verat. Mucus membranes, Aeon. Alum. Apis. Arg. Ars. Asa-f. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caps. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Dulc. Euph. Ferr. Fluor-ac. Hep. Ip. Lac-can. Lyc. Merc. Mez. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Rheum. Seneg. Stann. Sulph. Tart. Mucus, secretion increased, Alum. Apis. Bell. Borax. Calc. Cham. Chin. Dulc. Graph. Hyosc. Alerc. Nux. Par. Phosp. Puis. Seneg. Stann. Sulph. Aluscles, cramping pain in, Anac. Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Bell. Calc. Cannab. Caust. Cina. Cocc Coloc. Con. Dulc. Euphr. Daph. Igt. Kali-c. Lyc. Mgn-m. Aleny. Merc. Mur-ac Nitr-ac. Petr. Plat. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Sulph. Thuj. — convulsive motions,subsultus tendinum, Arg. Asa-f. Clem. Coloc. Cupr. Graph. Iod. Kali-c. Meny. Mez. Ntr-c. Plat. Sec-c. (compare Twitching). — induration of, Caust. Lyc. — jerk, Anac. Cic. Colch. Nux. Phosp Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Stann. Sulbh. Sulph-ac. — Iaxness, relaxation of, Agar. Bar-m. Calc. Caps. Cham. Clem. Cocc.Con.Croc. Cupr. Ferr-m. Hell. Hyosc. Iod. Lyc. Merc. Nuk. Seneg. Spong. Sulph. Verat. Viol-od. ----sudden in walking, Con. — pressure in, Anac. Asa-f. Asar. Caps. Carb-an. Cupr. Lyc. Igt. Led. Alosch. Nux-m. Oleand. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Ruta. Sabad. Staph. Sulph-ac. Tar. Teucr. CValer. — rigidity, of, Aeon. Ntr-ac. Phosp. Plat. — shortness, contraction of, Amm-c. Amm-m. Ars. Bar-c. Caust. Coloc. Graph. Lach. Lyc. Ntr-c. A7/--w.Nux.Rhus.Sep. ----general, all over the body, Caust. Coloc. — «tinging in, Alum. Amm-m. Arn. Asa-f. Bell. Bry. Calc Caust. Chin. Cocc. Con. Dros. Graph. Hell. Igt. .Kali-c Laur. Aleny. Alerc. Alur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Par. Phosp. Puis. Ran-sc. Rhus. Sabad. Sabin. Sass. Sep. 5/7. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Tar. Thuj. Viol-tr. Zinc. ----burning, in, Alum. Arg. Asa-f. Cocc. Alez. Nux. Oleand. Rhus.Sabad. Staph. Sulph-ac. Thuj. ----pressing, in, Asa-f. Alur-ac Sass. Thuj. Zinc. ----tearing in, Anac. Ars. Calc. Camph. Chin. Guaj. Alang. Puis. S.iss. Thuj. — tension, in, Amm-c. Ang. Ant. Arn. Bar-c. Bry. Coloc. Euph. Alang. Alez. Nux. Plat Rhus. ----when exercising, Bry. ----at rest, Rhus. ----when walking, Ang. — tightness, Aeon. Amm-c Amm-m. Bar-c. Carb-an. Canst. Graph. Guaj. Mang. Alosch. Niir-ac. Nux. Ol-an. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. — tearing in, Ambr. Amm-m. Arg. Ars. Asa-f Aur. Bell. Bism. Borax. Brv.Calc. Canth. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Chelid. China. Cina. Colch. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Kali-c. Lyc. Mang.Algn-m. Merc.Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Pnosp. Puis. Rhod. Ruta. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Teucr. Zinc. ----burning in, Carb-veg. Nitr-ac. ----crampy, in, Anac. Calc. Chin. Meny. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Petr. Plat. ----jerking, in, Chin. Puis. Staph. ----paralytic, Chin. Cina. Hell. Kali-c Sabin. Sass. ----pressing, in, Carb-veg. Kali-c. Stann. Staph. ----pricking, Colch. Euph. Zinc. — twitching of, Alum. Ambr. Ang. Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Bufo. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cina. Clem. Cocc. Coff. Coloc. Cupr. Graph. Hell. Hyosc. Igt. Iod. Ip. Kali-c. Lach. Laur. Lyc. Mgn-c. Meny. Merc. Merc-cor. Alez. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Plat. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Rat. Rhus. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tar. Tart. Thuj. Viol-tr. 4 ERALITIES. 302 34. GENI Muscles, twitching, general, Bar-c. ----at night, Bar-c. — — when at rest, Aleny. ----of one side of body, while the other is paralyzed, Apis.( — upper part of body, Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Sep. Thuj. — spasmodic, Ang. — increased excitability of voluntary, less of involuntary, Op. — movements of subject to _ will, are easier, Stram. — motions, involuntary of, Alum. — increased .ability to exercise, without fatigue, Fluor-ac — weak, and will not obey the will, Gels. — refuse, if not governed by the will, Hell. <\i/i~:;Music, from, agg., Aeon. Calc. Cham. ' Coff. Kali-c. Lyc.Ntr-e Nux. Phosp-ac. Sep. Stann. Tabac Viol-od. Zinc. — lively, causes weeping, Creos. Ntr-s. Thuj. Narcotic medicines, from, Belt. Cham. Coff. Dig. Graph. Hyosc. Ip. Lach. Lyc. Merc. Mur-ac. Nux. Op. Puis. Sep. Valer. Nervous debility, Ars. Asar. Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Con. Cupr. Dig. Hep. Igt. Iod. Laur. Merc. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puis. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Valer. Viol-od. — pains, Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bell. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Con. Hep. Igt. Alerc Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Verat. Nigut, at, agg., Aeon. Amm-m. Ant. Apis. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Bism. Bry. Cact. Calc Camph. Cannab. Canth. Caps. Curb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cinnab. Cist. Clem. Coff. Colch. Con. Croc. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Eugen. Euphr. Ferr. Graph. Grat. Guaj. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Iod. Kali-c Lach. Led. Lyc. Mgn-c. Algn-m. Mgn-s. Alang. Alerc. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nice. Nitr-ac. Oleand. Ol-an. Op. Par. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Ran-b. Rheum. Rhus. Sabad. Samb. Sec-c. Selen. Sep. Sit. Spig. Spong. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Thuj. ----in bed, Aeon. Mgn-m. Merc. Rhus. ----with chills, Hep. ----hemiplagia, Ntr-m. ----dyspnoea, Ntr-m. ----cough, agg., Aeon. Bell. Dros. Merc. Nux. Puis. Rumex. Sang. Sticta. Night study, or watching at, agg., Cocc. P, Colch. Laur. Nux. Puis. Selen. Noise, from, agg., Ang. Arn. Bell. Cact. Calc. Cannab-ind. Cham. Coff. Colch. Con. Igt. Kali-b. Lyc. Alang. Ntr-c. Nux. Phosp-ac. Plat. Sang. Sep. Sil. Spig. Zinc. Noon, at, Alum. Arg. Ars. Carb-veg. Cic. Kali-b. Nux. Phosp. Stram. Valer. Zinc. Numbness, Ambr. Apis. Arg. Bar-c. Calc. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Chin. Cocc. Croc. Graph. Gauj. Igt. Kali-c. Led. Lyc. Mgn-m. Alerc Ntr-m. Nux. Petr. Pnosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rheum. Rhod. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. — as if made of wood, Nitr. Plb. Rhus. Thuj. — after previous tingling and twitching, Rhus. — even if not lying on the part, Fluor-ac. — on side on which he lies, Bry. Chin. Kali-c. Lyc. Mez. Phell. Puis. Rheum. Rhod. Rhus. Sil. — of lower half of body, Spong. — with coldness, Plat. — after manual labor, Sep. — at night, Croc. Thuj. — when at rest, Puis. — in sitting, Alerc. — of whole surface of body in morning, Ambr. Nursing infants, for, Arn. Bell. Borax. Bry. Calc. Cham. Cina. Igt. Ip. Lyc. Meic Nux. Rheum. Rhus. Sil. Sulph Sulph-ac. Obstruction of breath, caused by the pains, Diosc. Ntr-m. Puis. Old age, for, Ambr. Ant-cr. Aur. Caust. Con. Fluor-ac. Kali-c. Led. Millef Op. Pothos. Sec-c. Onanism, from, Arg. Aur. Bell. Calc. Carb-veg. Chin. Cina. Con. Iod. Lyc. Alerc Alosch. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puis. Selen. Sep. Spig. Staph. Sulph. One sided complaints, Agar. Atum. Ambr. Amm-c. Anac. Arg. Asa-f. Bar-c. Bell. Calc Canth. Cina. Cocc. Cycl. Dulc. Guaj. Kali-c. Lach. Alang. Alez. Mur-ac. Oleand. Par. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Sabin. Sass. Spig. Staph. Stront. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Verb. Zinc. ----right side, Agar. Alum. Amm-c. Ainm-m. Canth. Caust. Dros. Hep. Igt. Lyc. Alosch. Plb. Ran-b. Ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Sang. Teucr. ----left side, Arn. Asa-f. Asar. Calc. Chin. Colch. Coloc. Croc. Cupr. Iod. Lach. Merc. Nitr-ac. Rhod. Selen. Spig. Sulph. Tar. ----first light then left and vice versa, Lac-can. — on the side on which one lies, Aeon. Amm-c. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Calad. Calc. Carb-an. Caust. Chin. Dros. Graph. Hep. Igt. Iod. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lyc Mgn-c. Algn-m. Mosch. Nitr-ac. Nux. Par. Phosp. Phosp ac Rheum. Ruta. Sabad. Sep. Spig. Spong. Stann. Tart. \ 34. GENERALITIES. 3°3 On the side one does not lie, Ambr. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cham. Coloc. Igt. Phell. Puis. Rhus. Verb. Onions, agg., from, Lyc. Puis. Thuj. Open air, in the, agg., Agar. Amm-c. Arn. Ars. Benz-ac. Bry. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Cic. Cocc. Coff. Con. Creos. Ferr. Graph. Grat. Guaj. Hep. Igt. Ip. Kali-c. Lach. Led. Lyc. Mang. Merc. Mosch. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Petr. Rhus. Sabad. Sabin. Seneg. Sep. 5/7. Spig. Staph. Strain. Sulph. SiilphTac Tabac. Teucr. Thuj. Valer. Verat. Viol-tr. Zinc. ----amel., Aeon. Agn. Aeth. Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Anac.Ant. Arg. Asa-f. Asar. Aur. Bar-c. Brom. Cic. Croc. Graph. Hell. Kali-jod. Algn-c. Algn-m. Alang. Mez. Ntr-s. Ol-an. Op. Phell. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Ran-sc. Rhod. Sabin Sass. Seneg. Sep. Spong. Stann. Stront. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Tart-ac. ----desire for, Alum. Aur. Croc. Kali-jod. Phosp. Puis. Tellur. ----aversion to, Camph. Chin. Cina. Lach. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Opisthotonos, Ang. Bell. Cham. Cic. Cina. Cupr. Igt. Ip. Op. Rhus. Stann. Stram. Zinc. Oppressing pain, Bell. Con. Mgn-c. Mosch. Outwards moving, pain, Arg. Asa-f. Bell. Bry. Chin. Con. Ntr-m. Rhus. Samb. Spong. Thuj. Overheating, slight, Alcohol, Bell. Bry. Carb-an, Kali-c. Op. -------complaints- from, Carb-veg. Sil. Thuj. Zinc. Over-irritation, nervous, Asar. Cham. Chin. Coff. Cupr. Igt. Ind. Iod. .Mere Nux. Puis. Rhus. Stann. Teucr. Valer. ----from calomel, Hep. Nitr-ac. ----in lying-in women, Coff. Over-sensitiveness of the body, Aeon. Agar. Arn. Ars. Asar. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Canth. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Con. Cupr. Hep. Hyosc. Lyc. Mgn-c. Merc. Ntr-c Nux. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Valer. ----to heat and cold, Ip. Lach. -------external impressions, Arn. Cocc. Coff. Nux. ----of parts affected, Coff. Pains begin when itching ceases and vice versa, Stront. — appear on small longitudinal spots, Ox-ac Painlessness, insensibility of body, Bell. Chelid. Cocc. Con. Hell. Hyosc.Igt.Laur. Lyc. Mosch. Oleand. Op. Phosp.Pkosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sec-c. Stram. — of inner parts. Ars. Bell. Bov. Hyosc. Op. Plat. Spig. ----parts affected, Anac. Asa-f. Cocc. Con. Lyc. Oleand. Plat. Puis. Rhus. — with all complaints, Cocc. Laur. Lyc Oleand. Op. Stram. Paralysis, lameness, Acon.Aloe.^/wr.Ang. Arg-n. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Chelid.CW. Con. Dulc. Ferr. Gels. Hyosc Hydroc-ac. Kali-c Kali-jod. Lach. Laur. Lyc. Millef. Merc cor. Ntr-m. Nux. Oleand. Op. Phosp. Plb. Rhus. Ruta. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Stann. Stront. Stram. Sulph. Verat. Zinc. — one sided (hemiplagia) Alum. Anac. Arg-n. Caust. Cocc Kali-c. Lach. Ntr-c. Phosp ac Rhus. Sass. Staph. Stront. Sulph-ac. ----in the evening, Sil. Stront. ----caused by the pains, Ntr-m. ----right side, Arn. Bell. Calc. Caust. Ntr-c. Op. Phosp. Plb. Sil. Stront. Sulph. ----left side, Aeon. Anac. Arn. Bapt, Bell. Caust. Lach. Lyc. Nitr-ac. Ox-ac. Petr. Stann. Stram. Sulph. ----from anger, Staph. — painless, Anac. Cocc. Con. Hyosc. Lyc. Oleand. Rhus. — of the organs of special sense, Aeon. Anac. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cocc. Dulc. Hyosc. Laur. .Lyc Nitr-ac. Nux. Oleand. Op. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sec-c. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Verat. ----inner parts, Aeon. Ars. Bell. Cocc. Dulc. Hyosc. Nux-m. Nux. Puis. Rhus. — after apoplexy, Anac. Bar-c Bell. Con. Laur. Nux. Stann. Stram. Zinc. — of aged persons, Bar-c Con. Kali-c. — with coldness of parts, Nux. — of different single parts, Dulc. ----flexors, Caust. — one side twitches, the other is paralyzed, Apis. — first of lower then upper limbs, Hydroc-ac. Paralyzed pain, Aur. Bell. Bism. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Cvcl. Mez. Ntr-m. Nux. Rhus. Sabin. Sil. Staph. Verat. — sensation as if, in inner parts, Lyc Pastry rich, from agg., Ars. Carb-veg. Cycl. Puis. Peeling off, as if skin were, sensation, Agar. Bar-c. Lach. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Periodical complaints, Alum. Anac Ant. Am.'Ars. Aur. Bar-c. BelL Calc. Canth. Caps. Carb-veg. Chin. Con. Cupr. Diad. Ferr. Ferr-m. Lgt. Lp. Hyosc. Lach. Lyc. Alerc. Ntr-m. Nux. Par. Plb. Puis. Ran-sc. Rhod. Rhus. Sabad. Sec-c. Sep. Sil.Staph.Sulph.Tarant.Thuj. Fa&r.Verat. 3©4 34- GENERALITIES. Periodical complaints, daily, Ars. Chin. Lach. Lyc Algn-c Nux. Thuj. — alternate days, Alum. Phosp. — every seven days, Canth. Croc. Sacch. ! Sil. Sulph. ----fortnight, Lach. Nice. ----third week, Algn-c. ----two or three months, Valer. ----three months, Kali-b. ----spring, Lach. ----year, Ars. Kali-b. Nice Thuj. Perspiration on head attending pains, Cham. — of parts affected, Cocc. Fluor-ac Merc. Sil. Stront. Tart. — by, pains accompanied. Merc. Ntr-c. Op. Tabac. Tart. Tilia. Verat. — during, agg., Aeon. Ars. Bry. Caust. Cham. Igt. Ip. Alerc Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux. Op. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Tart. Verat. ----amel., Bov. Calad. Cupr. Elat. Lyc. ----cold, amel., Nux. — after agg.. Calc. Chin. Kali-c. Merc. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sep. Staph. Sulph. ----amel., Bry. Calad. Canth. Cham. Cocc-c. Gels. Glon. Graph. Hep. Ntr-m. Oleand. Rhus. Stront. Thuj. Phlegmatic temperament, Bar-c. Caps. Cocc. Croc. Igt. Lyc. Puis. Seneg. Sil. Phthisis, Ars. Bar-c. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Chin. Con. Cupr. Dulc. Graph. Hep.'Iod. Kali-c. Lyc. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Sep. Sil. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. (compare Consumption). — or drunkards. Chin. Pinching in outer parts, Calc Hyosc. Ip. Aleny. Mur-ac. Rhod. Rhus. Sabad. Stann. Sulph. ----inner parts, Amm-c. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cannab. Canih. Carb veg. Chelid. Chin. Cocc. Dulc. Graph. Hell. Igt. Kali-c Lyc. Meny. Alerc. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Par. Petr. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Sep. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Thuj. Verat. Verb. Zinc — together, Cocc. Playing on piano, agg., from, Anac. Calc. Kali-c. Ntr-c Sep. Zinc. Plethoric habit, Aeon. Arn. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Chin. Cocc. Dig. Ferr. Hep. Hyosc. Kali-c. Lyc. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Seneg. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Plug, pain as from, Anac. Ant. Arn. Asa-f. Hep. Igt. Lith. Nux. Plat. Ruta. Spong. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Polypus, Calc. Caust. Con. Merc. Phosp. Sang. Staph. Teucr. Polysarcia, excessive corpulency, Ant. Calc.Caps. Cupr. Ferr. Lyc. Puis. Sulph. Pork, agg., from, Carb-veg. Colch. Ip. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Puis. Sep. Thuj. ----smell of, Colch. Posture, agg., from change of, Caps. Caust. Carb-veg. Con. Euph. Ferr. Lach. Nitr-ac. Puis. Ran-b. Samb. — amel., from change of, Cham. Igt. Nux. Phosp-ac Valer. Zinc. Potatoes, agg., from, Alum. Sep. Verat. Poultices, from wet, agg., Amm-c Ant. Bell. Calc. Canth. Carb-veg. Cham. Clem. Lyc. Aleic Nitr. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Stront. Sulph. -------amel., (compare Wetting). Pox small, having the, agg., when, Ant. Bell. Merc Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Tart. Pregnancy, during, Aeon. Alum. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caps. Caust. Cham. Cic. Cocc. Coff. Con. Croc. Dulc. Gels. Graph. Hyosc. Ip. Lyc. Mgn-c Ntr-m. Nux-m. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Plat. Psor. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sec-c. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Verat. Pressing-pains, outer parts, Anac. Arg. Bell. Calc Carb-veg. Caust. Cycl. Lyc. Oleand. Phosp-ac. Ruta. Sass. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Tar. Verat. Zinc — inner parts, Aeon. Alum. Ambr. Anac. Ang. Arg. Arn. Ars Asa-f. Aur. Bell. Bism. Borax. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Con. Cupr. Cycl. Dig. Dros. Euph. Graph. Igt. Led. Lyc. Mgn-c. Alerc. Alez. Alur-ac. Ntr-m. Nux. Oleand. Petr. Phosp. Plat. Ran-sc. Ruta. Seneg. Sep. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tar. Valer. Verat. Zinc. from outward parts, Anac. Calc. Cocc. Creos. Dulc. Hell. Nitr-ac. Oleand. Plat. Staph. Zinc. — inner parts, Aeon. Asa-f. Dros. Igt. Alerc. Alur-ac. Nux. Par. Phosp. Phosp-ac Rhus. Spig. Spong. Teucr. Verb. as from a heavy load, Aeon. Amm-m. Bar-c. Creos. Cupr. Ntr-c. Nux. Op. Par. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Sec-c. Sep. Spig. Sulph. together. Alum. Anac. Arn. Asar. Bell. Bov. Cannab. Canth. Cocc. Dros. Hell. Ip. Mosch Ntr-m. Plat. Sass. Spong. Stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac Verat. asunder, Igt. burning, Amm-m. constructing, Cannab. digging, Nux-m. drawing, Anac. Ang. Arg. Cannab. Cycl. Ntr-m. Ruta. Stann. squeezing, Oleand. Plat. Phosp-ac stinging, Asa-f. Canth. Cina. Dros Euph. Igt. Alur-ac. Plat. Sabad. Sulph-ac. Thuj. 34. GENERALITIES. 3°5 Pressing, tearing; rending, Arg. Bell. Bism. Cannab. Cupr. Cycl. Led. Ruta. Sass. Stann. — by touch increased. Cupr. Pressure.outwardsf agg., from, Agar. Ang. Bar-c'Be\\. _fy. Calad. Cannab. Caps. Caib-veg. Cina. Guaj. Hep. Igt. Iod. Lach. Lyc. Algn-c. Alerc. Alez. Alosch Ntr-c. Niir-ac Nux. Oleand. Plat. Phosp. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Ruta. Selen. Sep. 5/7. Spong. Staph.Tarantula. Teucr. Verb. Zinc ----amel., Agn. Alum. Amm-c. Amm-m. Apis. Aur. Borax. Chelid. Chin. Clem. Cocc. Con. Dulc. Graph. Ind. Kali-c. Algn-m. Mang. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Par.Phosp. Phosp-ac.Plb./W.c.Rhus. Stann. Tong. -------of nightly pains, Phosp-ac — on painless side, agg., Ambr. Amm-c. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cham. Coff. Coloc. Con. Hep. Igt. Kali-c. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Spong. Stann. Viol-tr. Prickling, Ferr-m. Alosch. Plat. Pride, wounded and non-approval of oth- ers, agg., from, Pallad. Pulsation, Ambr. Amm-m. Arn. Carb-veg. Clem. Creos. Glon. Graph. Kali-c. Iod. Ntr-m. Plb. Puis. Sabad. Sabin. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Stront. Tabac. Tart. Thuj. Zinc — outer parts, Aeon. Agar. Arg. Asa-f. Igt. Kali-c. Ntr-m. Oleand. Plat Tar. — inner parts, Alum. Asa-f. Calc. Iod. Alerc Oleand. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Spig. Spong. Tart. Thuj. — in evening, 'lhuj. — when at rest, Creos. — from exertion and slight motion, Graph. Iod. Ntr-m. Puis. Thuj. Pupurea miliaris, after, Aeon. Coff. Hell. Putrefaction of the flesh, Lach. Quivering in external parts. Agar. Asa-f. Bell. Calc Kali-c. Alez. Ntr-c. Nux. Sil. Spong. Sann. Stront. — internal parts, Cannab. Raising the limb, amel., Alum. Calc. Sabin. Rawness, sense of, Ang. Canth. Reaction, want of, Camph. Carb-veg.Coce Laur. Alosch. Nitr-ac. Op. Sulph. Reading, from, agg., Agn. Asa-f. Bell. Calc. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Con. Dulc Graph. Hep. Kali-c. Lyc. Ntr-m. Nux. Oleand. Phosp. Puis. Rhod. Ruta. 5/7. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Verb. ----aloud, agg., Carb-veg. Par. Phosp. Verb, (compare Talking.) — amel., from, Ntr c. Recline the head, inclination to, Carb-veg. Redness of the cheeks, pain attended with, Cham. Rending, tearing, pains, Aeth. Agar. Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Amm-m. Arg. Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Aur. Bar-c Bell. Berb. Bism. Boiax. Bruc Bry. Cannab. Calc. Canth. Carb-an Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Colch. Coloc. Cupr. Dulc Euph. Ferr. Graph. Giat. Guaj. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Iod. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lam. Laur. Led. Lyc. Algn-c. Algn-m. Algn-s. Mang. Alerc. Alez. Alur-ac. Ntr-c. N tr-m, N tr-s. A it r-ac. Nitr. Nux. Ol-an. Peir. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puis.Ran-b.Rat.Rhod.Rhus.Ruta. Sabin. Sass. Sec-e Sep. Sil. Spig. Stann. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tart. Teucr. Thuj. Tong. Valer. Verat. Verb. Zinc. — outer parts, Aeon. Alum. Ambr. Anac Arn. Asa-f. Bell. Bry. Calc' Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Dulc. Ferr. Kali-c. Lyc. Aleic Ntr-c Nux. Puis. Rhcd. Rhus. Sep. 5/7. Stront. Sulph. Valer. Zinc. — inner parts, Ambr. Arg. Aur. Bell. Bry. Caps. Cham. Con. Igt. Lvc. Merc. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp. Puis. 'Rhod. 5*7. Spig. Tar. Zinc. — upwards, Anac. Ars. Bell. Con. Dulc Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux. Stront. — downwards. Aeon. Agar. Agn. Bar-c. Bry. Cops. Carb-veg. Chin. Ferr. Graph. Kali-c. Lyc. Merc. Ntr-c. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Verat. Verb. — in bed., Phcsp. Stront. Sulph. — after a cold, Dulc. Nitr-ac. Phosp. — day and night, Nitr. — in evening. Ntr-s. Stront. Sulph. ----extensors, Verat. — when moving, Bry. Chin. Zinc. -------relieved, Valer. — at night, Lyc. Merc. Ntr-s. Phosp. Plb, Stront. Sulph. — outwards, Asa-f. — alter overheating. Zinc. — by pressure upon, relieved, Tong. — when at rest, Agar. Kali-c. Lyc. Mur-ac. Rhod. Rhus. Valer. — by rubbing, relieved, Plb. — when sitting. Agar. Cina. Staph. Verat. — after sitting, when rising, Puis. — in standing, Agar. — with swelling of the parts, Kali-c. — when touched, Chin. — crampy, Anac. Calc. Chin. Aleny. Alur-ac. Ntr-c. Petr. Plat. — cutting, Hyosc. — disabling, paralytic, Aur. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Colch. Kali-c. Algn-m. Alez. Ntr-c. Sabin. Sass. — drawing, Cham. Hell. Lam. Lyc. Alerc. Plb. Rhod. Rhus. Sec-c. Staph. — jerking, Amm-m. Asar. Chin. Cocc. Cupr. Ntr-s. Phosp-ac. Puis. Staph. — pressing, Arg. Bell. Bism. Cannab. 306 34. GENERALITIES. Carb-veg. Cupr. Cycl. Kali-c. Led. Ruta. Sass. Stann. Staph. Rending, tearing, squeezing, cramping, Cina. Ntr-c. Ruta. — stinging, Cannab. Canth. Colch. Coloc. Dig. Euph. Guaj. Alerc. Thuj. Zinc. — sensation, Plb. Rhus. — pain as from, Coff. Ntr-m. Nux. Staph. Teucr. Rest, inclination to, Carb-veg. (compare, Lie down; and sit down.) — by, agg., Agar. Amm-c. Amm-m. Asa-f. Aur. Benz-ac Brom. Caps. Coloc. Con. Cycl. Dios. Dulc. Euph. I'err. Glon. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lyc. Algn-c. Mgn-m. Meny. Alosch. Alur-ae Ntr-s. Op. Phell. Phosp-ae Plat. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Sabttd. Samb. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Tar. Tong. Valer. Verb. Viol-od. Zinc. ----cough, agg., Ambr. Ars. Dros. Dulc. Euphr. Ferr. Hyosc. Mgn-c. Algn-m. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Samb. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Verb. Zinc. — amel., by, Aeon. Agn. Ant. Arn. Asar. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calad Camph. Cannab. Carb-an. Chelid. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Coloc. Croc. Cupr. Dig. Giaph Hell. Hep. Igt. Iod. Ip. Kali-c. Laur. Led. Alerc. Nitr-ac Nitr. Nux. Ol-an. Phosp. Ran-b. Rheum. Sabad. Sass. Scill. Selen. Spig. Spong. Stram. Verat. Resting limb on something, amel., Amm-c. Calc. Puis. Staph. — knees, amel., Euph. Restlessness, Aeon. Ambr. Anac. Apis. Ars. Asar. Bell. Borax. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Croc Ferr. Hyosc. Igt. Iod. Alerc. Lam. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Phosp-ac Plat. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Scill. Sep. Sil. Staph. Strain. Sulph. Tabac. Valer. — at 3 A. AL, everything feels, sore, must walk about, Nice — in bed, Algn-m. ----children. Borax. Cham. Jalap. Rheum. Tart. -------by beinf carried, relieved, Cham. Kali-c. Tart. — by close thinking, Borax. — in evening, Alum. Amm-c. Caust. Lyc. Algn-c. Algn-m. Alerc. Ntr-c. ----4 to 6 P. AL, Carb-veg. ----open air, Plat. — with the pains, Ars. Cham. Coff. Algn-c. Mang. Tabac. — in parts affected, Arn. Chin. Ferr. — when at rest, Cros. Plat. — after siting, Caust. Mgn-c. Ntr-m. Sil. Sulph. ----talking and walking, Ambr. —----with nausea, Borax. — when lying long in one position, chang- ing is painful, Ntr-s. — from sensation as il everything in abdo- men was constricted, Alosch. — with dyspnoea, Prun. ----pulsations, Borax. ----vomiting, colic and suppressed menses, Nice Rhacitic affections, Asa-f. Bell. Calc. Lyc. Alerc. Alez. Nitr-ac. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. 5/7. Staph. Sulph. Rheumatic affections, Aeon. Ant. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chin. Colch. Cupr. Dulc. Euph. Gels. Igt. Kalm. Kali-chl. Led. Mgn-c. Mgn-s. Aleph. Alerc. Merc-sulph Mez. Mur-ac. Nitr-ac Nux-m. Nux. Ol-an. Pallad. Psor. Puis. Ran-b. Rhod. Rhus. Sacch. Sang. Scill. Sil. Stann. Tart. Teucr. Valer. Verat. ----after a cold, Dulc. Nitr ac. -------suppressed gonorrhoea, Cop. Daph. Sass. ----upper arms and lower part of legs, Kalm. ----go from upper to lower parts, Kalm. ---------lower to upper parts, Led. ----commence on left side, Elaps. ----with decreased secretion of urine, Sass. ------profuse secretion of urine, Led. ----in warm weather, stitches in cold, Colch. ----on places least covered by flesh, (not joints), Sang. ----with diseases of urinary organs, Berb. ----gastric symptoms alternate with, Kaii-b. Rhus, poisoning, from, Cop. Kalm. Sang. Riding in a cairiage, agg., Ars. Bry. Borax. Carb-veg. Cocc. Graph. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Lach. Algn-c Aleph. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Op. Petr. Phosp. Rhus. Selen. Sep. Sil. Sulph. ----amel., Ars. Graph. Nitr-ac. Phosp. — on horseback, agg , Ntr-c. Sep. Sulph-ac. -------amel., Brom. Kali-c. Rigid, skin and muscles, Aeon. Right side, (compare One-sided.) Rising, on, agg., Aeon. Amm-m. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cannab. Cham. Cic. Cocc. Con. Ferr. Igt. Lyc. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Op. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Scill. Sulph. Viol-tr. ----amel., Amm-c. Ars. Borax. Calc. Cham. Dig. Hyosc. Igt. Kali-c. Puis. Sabin. Samb. Sep. Sil. Tart. — from bed, agg., Aeon. Apis. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caps. Carb-veg. Cham. Cina. Cocc. Con. Graph. Guaj. Hep. Igt. Kali-b. Lach. Lyc. Ntr-m. Nux.Oleand. 34- GENERALITIES. _________________3°7 Phosp. Phosp-ac Rhod. Rhus. Sabin. Samb. Selen. Sil. Spig. Staph. Thuj. Valer. Verat. Rising from bed, amel., Ars. Aur. Caps. Dulc. Ferr. Igt Led Lyc. Plat.Puis.Rhus. Samb. Sep. Verat. — after, from bed, agg., Amm-m. Calc Carb veg. Cham. Graph. Guaj. Hell. Igt. Kali-b. Lach. Ntr-m. Nux. Oleand. Phosp. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Spig.Staph. Sulph. Verat. ---------amel.. Ambr. Amm-c. Arg. Ars. Aur. Bell. Borax.Carb-an. Coloc. Dros. Euph. Ferr. Igt. Iod Kali-c. Led. Lyc. Algn-c. Alerc. Nux. Phosp Plat. Puts. Rhod. Rhus. Selen. Sep. Spig. Stront. Sulph. Tart. Verat. — from a seat, agg., Aeon. Apis. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Caps. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Con. Euph. Ferr. Fluor-ac. Laur. Led. Lvc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Oleand. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Ruta.Sep. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Tart. Thuj. Verat. -------amel., Aur. Dulc. Igt. Mgn-c. Nux-m. Puis. Sep. Verat. — after from a seat, agg., (compare Begin- ning to move). -------amel., Agar. Ambr. Ang. Arg. Asa-f. Bar-c. Caps. Cina. Con. Cvcl. Dros. Dulc. Euph. Ferr Lach. Lyc. Mgn-m. Meny. Mosch. Alur-ac. Ntr-c. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Seneg. Sep. Tar. Valer. Verb. Viol-tr. Rocked all the time, the child wants to be, Cina. —agg., from being, Borax. Carb-veg. Room, in a, agg.. Aeon. Aeth. Agn. Alum. Ambr. Anac. Ant. Arg. Asa-f. Asar. Aur. Croc. Dig. Graph. Hell. Hep. Mgn-c. Algn-m. Alang. Alez. Ntr-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puis. Ran-sc. Rhod. Rhus Sabin. Sep. Spong. Sulph. _______amel., Agar. Arn. Brv. Camph. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Chelid. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Con. Creos. Ferr. Guaj. Lach. Mang. Mosch. Nux-m. Nux. Petr. Sang. Sass. Selen. Sil. Spig. Stann. Stram. Teucr. Tilia. Valer. ----full of people, agg, Hell. Lyc. Algn-c. Phosp. Puis. Sep. Sulph. — warm, agg., Aeon. Ag"- All-cep.Alum. Ambr. Anac Ant. Apis. Asar. Brom. Croc. Hipp. Led. Puis. Sabin. Seneg. Roughness, sensation of, in inner parts, Alum. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Cocc. Dig. Dros. Laur. Mgn-c Nux. Par. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sass. Seneg. Stann. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Zinc. Rubbing, agg., from, Anac. Bism. Calad. Caps. Caust. Coff. Con. Led. Mez. Puis. Sep. Sil. Stront. — amel., Alum. Arn. Asa-f."Calc. Canth. Cycl. Dros. Guaj. Ind. Igt. Merc. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Phosp. Plb. Ruta.'Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. Running, agg., from, Ang. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cannab. Caust. Cupr. Igt. Kali-c. Led. Lyc. Merc. Ntr-m. Nux. Oleand. Rhod. Rhus. Seneg. 5/7. Spig. Sulph. — amel., Igt. Sep. — in limbs like a mouse, Bell. Calc. Sep. Sulph. Salt food, agg., from, Carb-veg. Dros. Scarlet fever, suppressed, from, Amm-c. Apis. Bell. Bry. Cham. Ferr. Hep. Kali-c. Lach. Merc. Sciatica, Curare. Gnaphel. Iris. Kali-b. Lach. Lyc. Phyt. Plantago-maj. Tellur. — right side, Tellur. — worse from least motion, must lie still, Lach. Scraping pain. Chin. Lyc. Puis. Scratching, agg., fiom, Anac. Bism. Calad. Caps. Caust. Con. Led. Led. Mez. Puis. Sil. Stront. — amel., Arn. Asa-f. Bry. Calc. Canth. Cycl. Dros. Guaj. Igt. Alang. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Phosp. Plb. Ruta. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. — on linen, agg., Asar. Scrofulous, complaints, Ambr. Ars. Asa-f. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Bov. Bry. Calc. Chin. Cina. Cocc Con. Dulc. Ferr. Hep. Igt. Lyc Algn-c. Alerc. Alez. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Sep. 5/7. Staph. Sulph. Verat. — incipient, Ars. Bell. Calc. Chin. Cina. Ferr. Algn-c-Pu\s. Rheum. Sep. Sulph. — with glandular swelling, Bar-c. Calc. Cist. Con. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Lyc. Algn-c. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac Phosp. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spong. Staph. Sulph. — in the fully developed stage, Ars. Asa-f. Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Con. Cupr. Igt. Mez. Op. 5/7. Scurvy, Ars. Canth. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Merc. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Staph. Sulph. Sea-sickness, Cocc. Colch. Ferr. Hyosc. Kali-b. Ntr-c. Nux. Op. Petr. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Tabac. Therid. Sedentary life, from a, Aeon. Aloe. Alum. Ars. Aur. Bry. Croc. Lyc. Mgn-c. Algn-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Sensation, loss of, Aeon. Anac. Arn. Ars. Bell. Calc. Caust. Chin. Cic. Cocc. Hell. Laur. Lyc. Alerc. Mosch. Nux. Oleand. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. 308 34. GENERALITIES. Puts. Rhus. Sec-c. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Zinc. Sensitiveness, to cold air, Agar. Amm-c. Anac. Ant. Aur. Calc. Camph. Caib-an. Caust. Cist. Cocc. Coff. Ip. Lyc. Mez. Mosch. Ntr-c. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Rhod. Rhus. Sabad. Sep. Spig. Sulph. ----damp, Amm-c Calc. Carb-veg. Dulc. Mur-ac. Nux-m. Rhod. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. ----draft, of air. Aeon. Anac. Bell. Calc. Camph. Carb-an. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Graph. Hep. Igt. Kali-c. Lach. Lyc.Merc.Ntr-cNtr-m.Nitr-ac Nux-m. Nux. Petr. Puis. Selen. 5*7. Stram. Sulph. Verat. — evening air, Carb-an. Carb-veg. Sulph. — open air, Bell. Calc Carb-an. Caust. Cham. Cocc Coff. Graph. Guaj. Igt. Kali-c. Lyc. Alerc-cor. Alosch. Ntr-c. Nux-m. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. — warm air, Aur. Calc. Cocc. Igt. Rhus. Sep. — to pain, Aeon. Agar. Arn. Asar. Aur. Bar-c Bell. Canui. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Con. Cupr. Lyc. Mgu-c Ntr-c. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Sep Spig. ----touch, Aeon. Agar. Ant. Bell. Bry. Camph. Cina. Cocc. Colch. Mez. Nux-m. Tart. — — wind, Cham. Sulph. ----north wind, Sep. Sewing agg., from, Lach. .Ntr-m. Sexual excesses, agg., from, Agar. Anac. Bov. Ca.c Carb-veg. Chin. Con. Iod. Kali-c. Alerc. Alosch. Ntr-c. Ntr-m.Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph. — instinct, suppression of, agg., Con. Shocks, Aeon. Ambr. Anac Ang. Arn. Bar-c. Bell. Cannab. Cic. Cina. Cocc. Colch. Croc. Cupr. Dulc. Hell. Lyc. Alez. Mur-ac.Nux-m. Nux.Oleand.Plai. Ran-b. Ruta. Spig. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Zinc. Shuddering, pains accompanied by, Ars. Bar-c Euph. Mez. Ran-b. Sep. — on parts affected, Ars. Singing, when, agg., Amm-c. Carb-veg. Dros. Phosp. Stann. Sulph. — after, agg., Hep. Sit, inclination to, Agar. Amm-m. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Cannab Carb-veg. Chelid Chin. Cocc. Con. Euphr. Graph. Guaj. Iod. Alur-ac. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nuci. Phosp. Phosp-ac Ran-sc. Scill. Sec-c. Sep. Sulph. Tar. Teucr. Zinc. Sitting, while agg., Aeon. Agar. Aloe. Alum. Ambr. Anac. Ang. Ars. Asa-I. Bar-c. Bell. Brom. Cadm. Calc. Caps. Caust. Chin. Cic. Cina. Con. Cycl. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Euph. Euphr. Ferr Glon. Graph. Grat. Guaj. Kali-c. Kobalt.Lach. Lyc. Algn-c Mgn m. Aleny. Alerc. Alosch. Alur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Op. Phell. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tar. Tart. Tong. Valer. Verat. Verb. Viol-tr. — amel., Aur. Bry. Calad. Calc. Carb-an. Coff. Colch. Alang. Ntr-m. Nux. Petr. Phosp-ac. Rheum. Scill. Staph. Verat. — after, agg., Ang. Caps. Con. Euph. Ferr. Lyc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Puis. Sep. Sil. — crooked, agg., Aeon. Ang. Amm-m. Ars. Brom. Cic. Dig. Phosp. Rhus. Sabin. Samb. Sang. Scill. Sulph. 'Tart. ----amel., Bell. Colch. Coloc. Con. Igt. Kali-c. Lyc. Alerc. Alez. Rheum. — down, on, agg., Agn. Chelid. Coff.Hell. Ip. Algn-c. Samb. Spong. Valer. ----amel., Bar-c. Bell. Caps. Carb-veg. Caust. Con. Euph. Ferr. Laur. Led. Ntr-m. Nux. Oleand. Petr. Phosp. Sep. Spig. Sulph. Skin and flesh, between, pains seem to be, Zinc Sleepiness, by, pains attended, Apis. Nux-m. Sleep, in, pains perceptible, Ars. Carb-veg. Chin. Graph. Hep. Nitr-ac. Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac ----, pains disturbing, Cham. Coff. ----during, cough, agg., Aeon. Arn. Calc. Carb-an. Cham. Hyosc Lach. Merc. Samb. Sep. Stram. Verb. — in first part, agg., Ars. Bry. Calc. ^ Carb-an. Carb-veg. Graph. Lyc. Merc. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sep. — during, agg., Aeon. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Borax. Bry. Ch mi. Chin. Con. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Kali-c. Lyc. Merc. Mur-ac. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rheum. Samb. Sep. 5/7. Stram. Sulph. — before falling in, Alerc. — on falling in, pains return, Lil-tigr. — after, agg., Aeon. Anac. Apis. Arn. Camph. Carb-veg. Caust. Cina. Cocc. Con. Euphr. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Lac-can. Lach. Lyc Mur-ac. Op. Puis. Rheum. Sabad. Stann. Staph. 5/raw.5*//M.Thui. Verat. J ----amel., Ars. Calad. Colch. Nux. Phosp. Sep. — after a long, agg., Calc. Caust. Con. Euphr. Graph. Hep. Nux. Stram.Sulph. — in the afternoon, agg., Lach. Phosp. Puis. Staph. Sulph. — in a state of half, amel., Selen. Sluggishness of body, Amm-m. Anac. Ars. Calc. Camph. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Chelid. Cinnab. Con. Dulc. Guaj. Iod! Ip. Kali-c. Laur. Lyc. Algn-m. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac] 34. GENERALITIES. 3°9 Nux. Oleand. Op.Petr.Phosp.Phosp-ac Plb. Puis. Rhod. Sec-c. Sep. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Verb. Sluggishness, in morning, Carb-an.Chelid. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Verb. ----stting, Chelid. Small, spot to a, pains confined, Fluor-ac. Smaller, sensation 0/ becoming, Calc. Smells, strong, agg., from, Acon.Aur.Bell. Cham. Chin. Coff. Colch. Graph. Igt. Lyc Nux. Phosp. Sulph. ----of camphor, agg., Nitr. Smoke, agg., from, Euphr. Sep. Spig. Sneezing, agg., from, Amm-m. Ars. Bell. Borax. Carb-veg. Cham. Dros. Lyc. Alerc. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Sep. Spig. — while, amel., Algn-m. Snowy air, agg., fiom, Calc. Con. Lyc. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sobbing, hiccoughing, agg., from, Amm-m. Bry. Cycl. Hyosc. Igt. Nux. Teucr. Soft, hard parts feeling, Alerc. Nitr-ac Solitude, agg.. (compare Alone). — amel., from, Bar-c. Lyc. Plb. Sep. Sore pains, (as of excoriation,) Aeon. Alum. Amm-m. Ant. Arg. Arn. Berb. Bry. Calc. Canth. Caust. Cic. Colch. Graph. Hep. Igt. Merc. Mez. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp. Phyt. Plat. Puis. Rat. Rhus. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Zinc. ----inner parts, Alum. Arg. Bry. Calc. Canth. Chin. Igt. Lyc. Mez. Ntr-m Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac.Puis. Ran-b. Sep. Stann. Zinc. ----of mucus membranes, Alez. -------parts affected, Canth. Hep. Puis. _________on which he lies Ruta. ----when touched, Hep. Mang. Puis. ----under the ribs, Apis. Spasms, Aeth. Alum. Ambr. Ang. Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc Camph. Canth. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Cic. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Coloc. Con. Croc. Cupr. Dig. Ferr. Hell. Hyosfy/tg*- Ip. Jatr. Kali-c. Lach. Laur. Lye. Alosch. Ntr-s. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Plat. Plb. Puis. Ran-sc Rhus. Sabad. Scill. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Sol-nig. Spig. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Tabac. Tanac Tart. Thuj. Verat. — body stretched out stiff and becomes rigid, Cina. Ip. — by bright light produced, Bell. Stram. — cataleptic, Aeon. Ars. Bell. Cham. Cic. Cupr. Alerc Plat. Stram. Verat. — clonic, Agar. Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Bar-c. Bell Bry. Calc. Camph. Canth. Caust. Cham. Cic. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Con. Croc. Cupr. Dig. Hell. Hvosc. Lgt. Lp. Jatr. fiLUtr. Kali-c. Laur. Lyc. Merc. Mez. Mosch. 7 Ntr-m Nux-m. Nux. Op. Phosp. Plat Plb. Ran-sc. Sabad. Scill. Sec-c. Sep. Spig. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Tabac. Tanac. Tart. Verat. Spasms, from cockle seed, Camph. — with coldness, Camph. Caust. Cic. Hyosc. Alosch. Op. Verat. ----of limbs, Cham. Coff. — commences in fingers and toes, Cupr. -------face, Dulc. — with convulsive laughing, Alum. Apis. Aur. Calc. Con. Croc. lgt. Phosp. -------weeping. Alum. Aur. Caust. Cupr. Stram. — from congestions to head, fingers spread apart and stretched out, Glon. — with ciies, piercing, Cupr. ----sudden shrill, Apis. Op. ----in dentition, Bell. Calc. Cham. Chin. Cupr. Dolich. Igt. Stann. Stram. — delirium, followed by, Kali-chl. — with watery diarrhoea, Hyosc. — after drinking, Hyosc. — when eruptions are driven in, Cupr. — falls senseless, rigid, eyes turned up and open during attack; after, confusion of mind and no recollection of paroxysm, Tarantula. — with loam at mouth, Op. — from fright, Hyosc. Igt. Op. Sec-c. Stram. Sulph. Zinc. — with gnashing of teeth. Aeon. Caust. Coff. Hyosc. Sulph. — hiccough, preceded by, Cupr. — hysteric, Alum. Asa-f. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caust. Cocc. Con. Igt. Iod. Ip. Algn-m. Millef. Mosch. Nux-m. Plat. Sec-c. Sep. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Valer. ----with full consciousness, at break of day, Plat. — inner parts, Alum. Asa-f. Bell. Bism. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Cocc. Coff. Coloc. Con. Croc. Cupr. Euphr. Ferr. Graph. Hyosc. Igt. Ip. Kali-c Lyc. Mgn-m. Merc Alosch. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Sec-c. Sep. Stann Staph. Valer. Zinc. — inveterate, chronic, Cupr. — from lukewarm water, Ang. — in lying-in women. Cham. Cic. Hyosc. Op. — with suppressed menstruation, Gels. — from mercurial vapors, Stram. '— at night, Calc Cina. Cupr. Hyosc. Kali-c. Lyc. Sec-c. Sil. Sulph. ----midnight, Cocc. — by noise excited, Ang. Arn. Igt. — from obstinacy, Bell. — one sided with speechlessness, Dulc. — with opisthotonous, Ang. Arg. Bell. Cham. Cic. Cina. Cupr. Igt. Nux. Op. Rhus. Stann. Stram. -------and distorted face, Stram. — by oppression of chest followed, Bell. ----• — — alternating with, Igt. f , , / i^pi^te~i*4 /f/Ct^^/^^<^y4^> " (f ItA-M-y.^ / /-J//? 3IO 34- GENERALITIES. Spasms, palms of hands and soles of feet spasmodically turned inwards, Verat. — by paralysis followed, Plb. — on paralysed side, Phosp. — periodically returning, Bar-m. Sec-c. Str^m. — with profuse perspiration, followed by sleep, istram. — cold, pcrspiiation, Ferr. — in pregnant women, Cham. Cic. Hyosc. Millef. — in sleep, at night, Cupr. Kali-c. Sil. — with deep, heavy, sleep, Hyosc. — by smiling preceded, Bell. ----stretchiug out the parts, amel., Sec-c. — from swallowing liquids, Bell. Hyosc. Stram. — with thirst, Cic. — tonic, Alum. Ambr. Ang. Ars. Aur.Bell. Camph.Caust.Cham. Cic.Cina.Cocc. Coloc. Con. Croc. Cupr. Hell. Hyosc. Igt. Ip. Kali-c. Laur. Lyc Meny. Alerc. Alosch. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Petr. Plat. Plb. Ran-b. Sabad. Scill. Sec-c. Sep. Sol-nig. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Tabac. Tart. Verat. — by touch excited, Aug. Bell. Cocc. Stram Tart. — from an ulcer originating, Cocc. — with vomiting and colic, Camph. Cupr. Ip. Lach. Lyc. Ntr-m. Nux. Puis. — from worms, Cic. Hyosc. Alerc Sulph. Spasmodic pains, Coloc. Con. Gels. Mgn-m. Spamodic (cramping), drawing in limbs. Ambr. Amiii-c Asar. Calc. Camph. Caps. Cocc. Coff. Coloc. Con. Ferr Graph. Hyosc. Kali-c. Lyc. Nitr-ac Nux. Phosp. Plat. Rhus. Sil. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Zinc ----in muscles, Agar. Ambr. Anac. Ang. Asa-f. Asar. Calc. Chelid. Cina. Coloc. Con. Graph. Lvc. Merc Mosch.. Ntr-c Oleand. Plat. Ruta. Sec-c. Sep. Stram. — curvature of limbs, Ambr.Calc.Carb-an. Caust. Chin. Cina. Colch. Coloc. Con. Euph. Ferr. Graph. Guaj. Hyosc. Kali-c. Kali-jod. Lyc. Meny. Alerc. Nux. Phosp. Plb. Rhus. Sec-c. Sil. Stram. Sulph. — jerking, Anac. Asa-f. Alosch. — pressing, Bar-c. Oleand. Plat. — rending, tearing, Cina. Ntr-c. Ruta. — in sitting, Agar. Spirituous liquors, agg., from, Agar. Ant. Ars. Bell. Bov. Calc. Carb-veg. Chelid. Chin. Coff. Con. Igt. Lach. Led. Lyc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Nux. Op. Puis Ran-b. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Sacch. Selen. Sil. Spig. Stram. Verat. Zinc Spitting, agg., from, Led. Nux. Splinters, as from, pain, Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Lac-can. Nitr-ac Sil. Spraining, disposition to, Agn. Carb-an. Con. Lyc. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Nux. Petr. Phosp. Rhus. Ruta Sulph. — easy, Nir-c Ntr-m. Rhus. Sep. — spontaneous, Bry. Calc. Lyc. Nitr-ac. Petr. Phosp. Sulph. Zinc. — violent, Amm-c. Arn. Rhus. Ruta. — pains, Agn. Ambr. Amm-c. Arn. Asar. Bar-c. Bell. Berb. Biy. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Dros. lgt. Mez. Ntr-m. Oleand. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Siann. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. ----at night, in lying, Mosch. ----inner parts, Lyc. Spring, sensation like a, Rheum. Spiing in the, agg., Ambr. Aur. Bell. Calc. Carb-veg. Lyc Ntr-m. Rhus. Verat. Squeezing pains, outer paits, Anac. Ang. Bell. Calc. Caib-veg. Cinn. Nitr Plat. ----inner parts, Aeon. Ambr. Aug. Calc Carb-veg. Cocc. Colch. Coloc. lgt. Kali-c. Mez. Nux. Phosp-ac. Plat. Staph. Zinc. Staggering when walking, Aeon. Agar. Arg-n. Asar. Bell. Bry. Camph. Cannab. Caps. Caust. Cocc. Coff. Con. Hyosc. Igt. Iod. Lact. Laur. Mez. Alur-ac. Ntr-c Ntr-m. Nux-m. Nux. Oleand. Op. Phosp-ac. Rhus. Ruta. Sec-c. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Teucr. Thuj. Verat. Verb. Standing, agg., when, Aeon. Agar. Aloe. Amm-c Aur. Bry. Caps. Cic. Cocc. Con. Cycl. Euph. Euphr. Ferr. Mgn-c. Mang. Nitr-ac Nux-m. Pallad. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Samb. Sep. Sulph. Tar. Valer. Verat. Verb. Zinc. — cough, agg., Euph. Sep. Sulph. Zinc. — erect, cough, agg., Ntr-m. — still during a walk, cough, agg., Igt- — amel., when, Ars. Asar. Bell. Calad. Calc. Cannab. Colch. Iod. Ip. Led. Mur-ac. Nux. Phosp. Ran-b. Scill. Selen. Startings, Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bism. Bry. Caust. Chin. Colch. Hep. lgt. Kali-c. Merc. Nux. Rhus.,Stront. Sulph. Stepping heavily on ground, agg., from, Anac. Ang. Ant. Arn. Asar. Bell. Biy. Calc. Caust. Chin. Con. Graph. Hell. Led. Lyc. Mgn-m. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Ran-b. Rhus. Sabad. Sep. 5/7. Sulph. ----amel., Caps. Stiffness of limbs, Aeon. Aeth. Agar. Ang. Arn. Barm. Bell. Berb. Bry. Caps. Carb-an Caust. Cham. Cocc. Coloc. Cupr. Graph. Kali-c. Lach. Led. Lith. Lyc. Nux. Ol-an. Petr. Plat. Plb. Puis. Rhus. Sass. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Tereb. Thuj. Verat. ----convulsive, Sang. ----after exertion, Arn. 34- GENERALITIES. 3" Stiffness of limbsin morning, amel., by walking in openair, Amm-m. ----with coldness, Plat. ----on right side, as if paralyzed, Stront. ----immovable, as if paralyzed, Sass. ----painless, Oleand. ----spasmodic, without loss of con- sciousness, with spasmodic yawning and trismus and speechlessness, Plat. ----in evening, after sitting, Ang. -------forenoon, Verat. ----when moving the part after rest, Rhus. ----after walking, Verat. Stinging, stitches, Aeon. Aeth. All-cep. Alum. Amm-c. Amm-m. Ant. Arn. Asa-f. Aur. Bell. Borax. Bry. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Canth. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Colch. Con. Daph. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Euph. Evon. Ferr. Graph. Guaj. Hell. Igt. Ind. Kali-c. Laur. Lyc. Alang. Meny. Alerc. Alosch Mur-ac. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Ntr-s. Nice Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux. Par. Phosp. Puis. Ran-b. Ran-sc. Rat. Rhus. SabaJ. Sabin. Siss. Sep. Sil. Spig Spong. Siann. Staph. Sulph. Tar. Thuj. Verat. Viol-tr. Zinc. — boiing, Hell. — burning, Alum. Apis. Arg*. Asa-f. Bar-c Bell. Berb. Cina. Cocc. Dig. Alez. Nux. Oleand. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Staph. Sulph-ac. Thuj. ----ending with a stitch, Lith. — after a cold, Dulc. — concussive, Nux. — crosswise, Sep. — downwards, Carb-veg. Caust. Ferr. Puis. — drawing, Borax. Calc Dulc. Alerc. — in evening, Ntr-s. Ran-sc. — gnawing, Dros. — jerking, Calc. Cina. Lyc. Alang. Nux. — inward, Alum. Arg. Asa-f. Bell. Calc. Canth. Chin. Con. Dulc. Lyc. Mez. Ntr-c. Rhus. Sabad. Sil. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Tar. Valer. — inner paits, Aeon. Alum. Arn. Asa-f. Bell. Bov. Bry. Calc Canth. Caust. Chelid. Chin. Creos. Igt. Kali-c. Laur. Lyc. Mgn-c. Mgn-m. Ntr-c. Nitr-ac. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plb. Puts. Rhus. Sabad. Sass. Sep. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Tar Verb. Zinc. — lengthwise, Coloc. — when moving, Arn. Bry. — at night, Ntr-s. Sulph. — outwards, Arn. Calc. Canth. Igt. Laur. Plb. Sabin. — in parts injured, Arn. — pressing, Asa-f. Canth. Chin. Dros. Euph. Igt. Alur-ac Plat. Sabad. Sass. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Zinc. — rending, tearing, Anac. Ars. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Canth. Chin. Coloc. Dig. Euph. Guaj. Alang. Aleic Plat. Puts. Sabad. Sass. Sulph-ac Thuj. Zinc — shaking, Nux. — sudden, Berb. — tensive, Asa-f. Calc. Spig. Staph. — throbbing, Sabad. — tingling, Ntr-c — when touched, Bry. Nitr-ac. — upwards, Bell. Caust. Cham. Chin. — in warmth of bed, Sulph. Stomach, derangement of, agg., from, Aeon. Ant. Ars. Bry. Caib-veg. Coff. Euph. Ntr-c. Ip. Nux. Puts. Staph. Tart. Stone-cutters, for, Calc. Lyc. Puis. 5/7. Stool, before the, agg., Ant. Bar-c. Borax. Bry. Caps. Canst. Cham. Dulc. Kali-c. Merc. Alez. Op. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Spig. Verat. — during the, agg., Ant. Ars. Calc. Caps. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Coloc. Dulc. Ferr. Hep. Ip. Alerc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Puts. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Verat. — after the, agg., Ars. Calc. Canth. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Kali-c. Lach. Mgn-m. Alerc. Mez. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Rheum. Selen. Staph. Sulph. Verat. Stooping, agg., when, (compare Bending down). ----cough, Arn. Bar-c. Caust. Kali-c. Laur. Lyc. Seneg. Sil. Spong. Staph. Verat. — amel., when, Cannab. Cocc-c. Colch. Con. Hyosc. Kali-c. Ran-b. Tart. Viol-tr. ----diarrhoea, Aloe. Bell. Cast. Chin. Coloc. Cop. Iris. Lach. Petr. Pod. Rheum. Rhus. Sulph. Stories, exciting, agg., from, Calc Teucr. Stiangers, among, agg., Sep. Stram. Stretching of limbs, Aeon. Alum. Ang. Bell. Calc Cham. Cina. Igt. Ip. — and extending, Alum. Amm-c. Bell. Bruc Biy. Calc. Canth. Caust. Graph. Guaj. Led. Aleph. Mez. Mur-ac. Ntr-s. Nux. Oleand. Ol-an. Peti. Plat. Puis. Ruta. Sabad. Sec-c Seneg. Sep. Spong* Staph. Sulph. Tart-ac. Verb. — agg., from, Amm-c. Ran-b. Rhus. — and twisting, amel., from, Guaj. — the limb, agg., from, Alum. Ant. Bry. Calc. Chin. Hep. Alang. Ruta. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. -------amel., from, Rhus. Sec-c. Tart. — colic, agg., of. Bell. — pain in stomach, agg., of, Nitr-ac. Stunning pain, Calc. Cina. Alez. Oleand. Puis. Rheum. Sabad. Verat. Verb. Sucking the gums, apg., from, Nux-m. Sil. Sulphur, from abuse of, Chin. Merc. Nux. Puis. Sep. Sil. Thuj. 312__________ 34- GENERALITIES. Sulphur vapors, abuse of, Puis. Summer, in,agg., Bell.Bry.Carb-veg.Kali-b. Kalm. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Puis. Sun, in the, ag;., Agar. Ant cr. Bell. Bry. Camph. Euph. Glon. Hyosc. Lach. Ntr-c. Puts. Selen. Therid. Valer. Sun-light, in the, agg., Aeon. Agar. Ant. Bell. Calc. Camph. Chin. Con. Euphr Glon. Graph. Igt. Ntr-c Phosp-ac. Sulph. ----amel., Plat. Stram. Stront. Sunrise, after, agg., Cham. Nux. Sunset, after, agg., Puis. Supporting the body, difficulty in, Arn. Asar. Cic. Cocc. Kali-c Ntr-m.Nux.Sil. Staph. Tar. Verat. Suppurating, pain as if, Bry. Cycl. Phosp. Puts. Ran-o. Swallowing, agg , when, Bar-c. Bry. Cocc. Croc. Hep. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Phyt. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. — amel., from, Ambr. Arn. Caps. Igt. Kali-b. Lach. Led. Spong. — fluids, agg., when, Apis. Bell. Canth. Iod. Mere Phosp. — food, agg., when, Bar-c. Bry. Dros. Hep. Nitr-ac. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. — saliva, agg , when, Bry. Cocc. Hep. Lach. Alerc Puis. Rhus. Swallowed, after having, the food, agg.. Ambr. Bry. A'ux. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Zinc. Swelling, Aeon. Amm-c. Arn. Ant. Ars. Asa-f. Bar-c Bell. Bov. _Vy.Calc.Canth Caust. Cham. Chin. Dulc. Hep. Kali-c Led. Lyc. Alerc Alerc-cor. Nir-c Nitr-ac. ATux. Phosp. Phosp-ac P\b.Pu s.Rhus Sabin Samb.Sep.Sil.Spig. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Thuj — of affected parts, Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Caust. Hep. Kali-c. Lyc. Alerc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Sep. Sil. Spong. Sulph. — aching, Merc. — arthritic. Aeon. Ant. Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Bell. Bry. Chin. Cocc. Colch. Creos • Hep. Kali-c. Led. Lyc. Mang. Alerc Ntr-m. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sulph. Thuj. — black, Arn. Ars. Bell. Dig. Lach. Alerc. Op. Puis. Verat. — bleeding, Nux. Sulph. — blue black, Ars. Bell. Carb-veg. Dig. Lach. Merc Op. Puis. Verat. — blue-red, Arn. Ars. Bell. Cham Kali-c. Lach. Sil. — burning, Ars. Carb-veg. Caust. Lyc Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. — cold, Ars. Asa-f. Bell. Calc. Cocc.Con. Dulc. Merc. Rhod. Spig. — after a cold. Alang. — contusion, after a, Arn. Con. — cystic tumors, Calc. Graph. Hep. Sil. Sulph. — dropsical, Ant. Apis. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Chin. Colch. Con. Dig. Dulc. Ferr. Hell. Iod. Ka'ic. Led. Lyc. Alerc. Alur-ac. Nitr. Op. Plb. Prun. Puis. Sabin. Samb. Scill. Seneg. Sep. Sulph. Tereb. ----with asthmatic complaints, Lact. ----elastic, Ars. Dig. — —sudden, Hell. Nitr. — in the evening, Cocc. Phosp. — exuding, Lyc. — hard, Ar)i. Ars. Bry. Chin. Graph. Lach. Led. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Tabac. Thuj. , — hot, Ant. Arn. Asa-f. Borax. Bry. Canth. Cocc. Hep. Led.Alerc.Petr.Puls. Rhus. Sulph. — humid. Sulph: — indolent, painless, Ars. Cocc. Alerc Rhus. — inflammatory, Aeon. Agn. Ant. Arn. Asa-f. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb-an. Cocc. Colch. Dulc. Euph. Kali-e. Lyc. Alang. Alerc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Puis. Rhus. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. — lymphatic, Berb. Carb-veg. Hep. Sep. Sil.- — at night, Dig. Phosp. — in nodes. Alum. — painful, Aloe. Amm-c Arn. Ars. Bell. Caust. Cham. Chin. Con. Daph. Ferr. Hep. Lach. Led. Lyc. Alerc. Alerc-cor. Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. — pale, Arn. Bov. Bry. Iod. Lach. Lyc. Rhus. Sulph. — of parts maimed, Plb. — red, Ant. Apis. Arn. Asa-f. Aur. Bell. Bry. Canth. Chin. Hep. Alang. Alerc. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. — red, spotted, Sep. — rending, tearing painful, Ars. Led. — scarlet colored. Bell. — shining, Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Mang. Alerc. Rhus. Sabin. Sulph. — soft, Ars. Lach. Sil. — sore, painful, Borax. Graph. Hep.Rhus. Sil. — stinging, Aeon. Ant. Apis. Bry. Caust. Cocc. Ferr. Graph. Alang. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. — steatoma, Ant. Bar-c. Sabin. — suppurating, Calc. Giaph. Hep. Alang. 5/7. Staph. Sulph. — tense, Ant. Bell. Bry. Dig. Led. Rhus. Sulph. Thuj. — throbbing, Sulph. — white, Ant. Ars. Bry. Calc. Euph. Graph. Iod. Lyc. Merc. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sep. Sulph. 34- GENERALITIES. 3*3 Swelling, white of whole body, Dig. — yellow, Catuli. — sensation of, Bell. Berb. Bism. Bry. Caps. Guaj. Kali-b. Laur. Par. Puis. Rhus. Spig. Sycosis, Cham. Cinnab. Euph. Lyc.Nitr-ac. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Psor. Sabin. Staph. Thuj. Syphilis, Asa-f. Aur. Fluor-ac. Hep. Jac-cor. Kali-b. Lac-can. Alerc. Alez. Nitr-ac Phyt. Sass. Tabes dorsalis, Nux-m. Phosp. Taking hold of something, agg., from, Anac. Amm-c. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Lyc Pnls. Sil. Talking, from, agg., Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Anac Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cannab. Caib-veg. Cham. Chin. Cocc Dros. Dulc. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Iod. Kali-c. Lach. Mgn-c. Algn-m. Alang. Alez. .Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp Phosp-ae Plat. Rhus. Sass. Selen. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stann. Sulph. Verat. ----amel., Dulc. Eupat. Ferr. ----unpleasant things, agg., Calc. Teucr. ----of other people, agg'., Ainm-c Ars. Ntr-c. Nux. Sep. Teucr. Verat Tea, from abuse of. Chin. Ferr.Seien.Thuj. Teeth, from cleaning the, agg., Staph. ----pressing together the, agg., Amm-c Guaj. Hep. Ip. Rhus. Sep. Verb. Temperature, on changing the, agg., Ars. Carb-veg. Puis. Ran-b. Sabin. Verb. Tenesmus, pain like. Am. Ars. Bell.Calc. Caps. Cham. Colch. Euph. Laur. Merc. Alez. Nux. Phosp. Plat. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Sabad. Spong. Sulph. Tendinum, subsultus, Ang. Asa-f. Bell. Clem. Coloc. Con. Cupr. Graph. H osc Iod. Aleny. Ntr-c. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sec-c. Spong. Sulph-ac Tendons inflamed, Ant. Tension, Alum. Arn. Asa-f. Bar-c. Bell Bry. Carb-an. Caust. Coloc. Con. Kali-c. Alez. Nux. Oleand. Phosp. Plat. Puts. Rhus. Sabin. Sep. Spig. Spong. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Thuj. Verb. Viol-od. Zinc. — inner parts, Ars. Asa-f. Bell. Calc. Cannab. Caust. Dulc. Graph. Lyc.Merc. Alosch. Nitr. Nux. Puis. Rheum.Stann. Staph. Stront. Sulph. Tart. Verat. Tetanus, Aug. Bell. Bry. Camph. Cannab Canth. Cham. Cic. Grat. Hyper. Igt Ip. Laur. Millef. Alosch. Op. Plat. Rhus. Sec-c. Stram. — hysterical, Bry. Plat. — from lukewarm water, swallowed, Ang. ----noise. Ang. ----touch, Aug. Bell. — while vomiting, Camph. — of upper limbs and trunk, Cannab cyMA^^r-i^n^i-p. Ca^J^ . C*vw J&V yteu^tJ, Thin persons, for, Ambr. Bry. Chin. Lach. Nitr-ac Nux. Phosp. Puis. Sulph. Thinking of the pains, agg., when, Bar-c Lach. Ox-ac. Phosp. Ran-b. ---------amel., Camph. Hell. Thirst with the pains. Aeon Cham. Diad. Thirstlessness with the pains, Lyc. Puis. Throbbing pains, Amm-m. Ars. Bry. Calc Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cham. Hep. Kali-c Lach. Led. Lyc.Merc.Plat.Puis.Rheum. Sil. Thuj. Zinc. Thrusting pains, Cannab. Cupr. Plat. Thunderstorm, during a, agg., Bry. Caust. Lach. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Petr. Phosp. Rhod. Sil. Thuj. — just before a, agg., Agar. Lach. Ntr-c Phosp. Rhod. Sil. Tingling, creeping, on limbs, Aeon. Amm-c. Arn. Bell. Caps. Carb-veg. Chin. Cic. Colch. Croc. Euphr. Glon. 'Igt. Kali-c. Mgn-m. Alerc. Ntr-c. Ol-an. Par. Phosp Phosp-ac Plat. Plb. Puis. Ran-sc Rhod. Rhus. Sabad. Sec-c. Sep. Sol-nig. Spig. Stram. Sulph. Tabac. Verat. ----internal parts, Aeon. Colch. Plat. Rhus. — formicating, as from ants, Carb-veg. Mgn-m. Ol-an. Phosp-ac Plat. Rhod. Sabad. Sec-c. Staph. Zinc. — when moved, Alerc. — in parts affected, Arn. Rhus. ------maimed, Rhus. — stinging, Ntr-c. % Tired easily, Anac. Ars. Calad. Calc. Cupr. Diad. Hydroc-ac. Algn -c. Murex. Sep. — feeling in ad the limbs, especially when king-on left side, Euph. Alerc-jod. Thuj. Tobacco, agg., from, Ant. Calc. Clem. Cocc. Coloc. Cycl. Euphr. Gels. Hell. Igt. Ip. Lach. Ntr-m. A'ux. Par. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Ruta. Sass. Selen. Sep. Sd. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sulph-ac Tar. Thuj.^ -.. —»■- — amel., Coloc. Diad. Hep. Alerc. Ntr-c. Sep. Torn out, sensation as of something, Calc. Cocc. Rhus. Sil. Spig. Torpidity, Bell. Cic. Dros. Hyosc. Led. Plat. Puis. Sec-c. Stram. — sensation of, Ang. Arg. Asa-f. Cocc. Plat. Touch, agg., from, Aeon. Agar. Agn. Ang. Ant. Arn. Ars. Bad. Bell. Brv. Cannab. Caps. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Colch. Coloc Creos. Cupr. Dig. Dros. Euph. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Led. Lyc. Mgn c. Algn-m. Alang. Merc. Alez. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. . Nitr-ac. Nux-m. Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Ran-b. Rhod. Rhus. Sabin. Scill. Sec-c Sep. Sil. Spig, 3H 34- gen: ERALITIES. Staph. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Tar. Tart. Verat. Touch amel., Asa-f. Bism. Calc. Cycl. Grat. Alang. Aleny. Alur-ac. Ntr-c. Ol-an. Phosp. Plb. Thuj. ----pains disappear on touch, but re-ap- pear in another part, Sang. — but softly, agg., from, Bell. Chin. Nux. Phosp. Stann. Touching, on, anything, agg., Calc. Cannab. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Puis. -------amel., Spig. — anything cold, agg , Hep. Ntr-m. — the hair, agg., Bell. Ferr. Nux. Puis. Selen. Travelling on foot, ailments from, 'Ferr m. Trembling, tremor, Agar. Alum. Ambr. Anac. Arn. Ars. Bar-m. Bell. Berb. Brom. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Chin. Cic. Cocc. Con. Croc. Cupr. Euphr. Ferr. Ferr-m. Graph. Hyosc. Hyper. Igt. Iod. Kali-c. Lach. Lam. Lyc. Mgn-s. Alerc. Merc-cor. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nice Nitr-ac. Nux. Oleand. Op. Ox-ac. Petr. Phosp. Plat. Plb. Puis. Ran-b. Rhus. Sabad. Sass. Secc. Seneg Sep. Stann. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Sulph-ac Tabac. Tart. Teucr. Therid. Thuj. Verat. Viol-od. Zinc. — inner parts, Calc. Caust. Graph. Iod. Kali-c. Lyc. Ntr-m. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Spig. Staph. Stront. Sulph-ac Teucr. — anxious, Ferr. Puis. Samb. — with coldness and twitching, Op. — convulsive, Bar-m. — evening, in, Lyc. — after slight exertion, Merc. Phosp. Rhus. — from mental affections. Zinc. — morning, in, Sil. — open air, in, Calc. Kali-c. Laur. Plat. — with the pains, Ntr-c. Plat. ----palpitation of heart, Benz-ac. — of part affected, with remitting pains, Bry. — from piano playing, Ntr-c. — when at rest, Plat. ----raising up, Bry. — from talking, Ambr. Borax. — when thinking closely, Borax. — after vexation, with dyspnoea, Ran-b. — during and after a walk, Kali-c. Laur. — with weakness, Calc. Caust. Hyper. Kali-b. Ox-ac. Tremulous sensation, Graph. Samb. Sulph-ac. ----in evening in bed, Samb. Tugging, Coloc. Nux. Petr. Puis. Turning, twisting, Igt. Merc. Nux. Plat. Rhus. Sabad. 5/7. — while, agg., Amm-m. Bell Bry. Chin Hep. Ntr-m. Rhus. Selen. Spong.Stann. ----amel , (compare Bending). ----part affected, agg., Amm-m. Bell. Bry. Calc. Chelid. Chin. Cic. Coff. Igt. Kali-c. Lyc. Algn c. Ntr-m. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Selen. Sep. Spig. Spong. ----outwards, agg., Caps. Caust. ----inwards, agg., Igi. Staph. ----backwards, agg., Anac. Bar-c. Calc. Con. Igt. Kali-c. Nitr-ac. Plat. Puis. Sep. Sulph. ----backward and forward, agg., Chelid. Coff. ----forward, Chelid. Coff. Thuj. ----to the right, agg., Carb an. Spig. ----sideways, agg., Bell. Calc. Kali-c. Ntr-m. ----round, agg., Calc. Ip. Kali-c Par. ----in bed, agg., Aeon. Borax. Bry. Cannab. Caps. Carb-veg. Con. Euph. Ferr. Hep. Lyc. Ntr-m. Nux. Puis. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Twilight, in the, agg., Amm-m. Ars. Calc. Puis. ----amel., Bry. Phosp. Ulcerous pain, Anac. Amm-c. Amm-m. Bry. Caust. Cham. Cic. Creos. Graph. Igt. Kali-c. Lach. Mang. Alerc. Mur-ac. Ntr-m. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Zinc. ----inner parts, Amm-c. Bry. Cannab. Lach. Merc. Millef. Nux. Puis. Rhus. Uncleanliness, agg., from, Caps. Chin. Sulph. Uncomfortable, Bry. Calc. Camph. Chelid. Creos. Croton. Guaj. Mgn-m. Alang. Petr. Puis. Sulph. — in the evening, Calc. — inexpressible, bodily, and mental, Hyosc. Uncovering the body, agg., from, Ars. Aur. Cic. Clem. Cocc. Colch. Con. Hep. Merc. Nux-m. Nux. Rhus. Samb. Scill. Sil. Stront. ----cough, Nux. Sil. ----amel.. Aeon. Apis. Borax. Calc. Ferr. Iod. Lyc. Spig. Verat. Undressing, after, agg., Ars. Cocc. Dros. Alur-ac. Nux. Oleand. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Spong. Undulating pains, Anac. Asa-f. Cocc. Undulation, Graph. Nux. Sep. Unwieldiness of body, Asa-f. Camph. Canth. Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Rheum. Sep. Stann. Urinating, before, agg., Arn. Borax. Bry. Coloc Creos. Dig. Nux. Phosp-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Tart. — beginning to, agg., Canth. Clem. Merc. — while, agg.. Aeon. Alum. Calc. Cannab. Canth. Clem. Colch. Con. Hep. Ip. Lyc. Alerc. Nitr-ac Nux. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sass. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. — on stopping, agg., Canth. Sulph. 34- GENERALITIES. 315 Urinating, after, agg., Amm-m. Anac Arn. Bell Bov Calc Cannab.Canth.Caps.Chin. Coloc. Con. Dig. Hep. Alerc Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nice Nux. Par. Puis. Ruta. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Thuj Zinc Varices, Ambr. Arn. Ars. Berb. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Creos. Ferr. Graph. Lach. Lyc Ntr-m. Puis. Spig. Sulph. Tart. Zinc. — blue, Carb-veg. — hard, Carb-veg. Ham. Lyc. — inflamed, Arn. Ars. Calc. Creos. Lyc. Puis. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Zinc. -*- itching, Graph. — painful, Caust. Puis. — painless of, pregnant women, Millef. — of pregnant women, Lyc. Puis. — soreness of, Graph. — stinging, Apis. Graph. Tart. — suppurating, Ars. Lach. Lyc. Puis. Sil. Vaulted places, agg., in, (churches, cel- lars), Ars. Bry. Carb-an. Puis. Sep. Stram. Veal, agg., from, Calc. Caust. Ip. Nitr. Sep. Zinc. Veins, small, marbled red, Carb-veg. Caust. Lyc. Plat. Thuj. — swelling of, Tart. Vexation, agg., from, Aeon. Alum. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Coloc. lgt. Lyc. Mgn-c Ntr-m. Nux. Op. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Puis. Ran-b. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Vibration through the body, Amm-c. Arn. Bell. Clem. Meph. Nitr-ac. Oleand. Op. Sep. Sulph. — after lying down, Clem. — when stepping, Arn. Vigor, sensation of, Coff. Op. St. Vitus' dance, chorea, Actea-r. Agar. Apis. Ars. Asa-f. Bell. Bry. CaicCaust. Cham. Chin. Cic. Coff. Con. Cioc Cupr. Dulc. Hyosc. Igt. Iod. Ip. Kali-c. Laur. Merc. Mez. Ntr-m. Nux. Op. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sabin. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Stann. Stram. Stront. Sulph. Tanec. Tarantula. Verat-viridi. Voluptuous pains, Lach. Vomiting, agg., from, Ars. Asar. Bry. Calc. Colch. Cupr. Dros. Ip. Lyc. Nux. Phosp. Plb. Puis. Sass. Sep. Sulph. Verat. — after, amel., Dig. Hipp. Sang. Sec-c. Waking during the night, agg., Cocc. Colch. Nux. Selen. Walk, to, is learned with difficulty by chil- dren, Bell. Calc. Nux. Sil. Sulph. Walking, awkward, Sabad. Sil. — bent. Mez. Sulph. Tereb. — difficult. Chin. Oleand. Tereb. — slow, Tereb. — staggering, (compare Staggering.) Walking, unsteady, Caust. Gels. Glon. Algn-c. Ntr-c. Ol-an. Phosp. Sulph. — when feet turn inwards, Cic. ----drags the feet, Nux. — wavering from weakness of thighs, Alur-ac. Walk, when beginning to, agg., Bry. Caps. Carb-veg. Caust. Con. iiuph. Ferr. Lyc. Phosp. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sabad. Samb. Sil. .Thuj. — while, agg., Agn. Arg. Arn. Asar. Bell. Bry. Calad. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Chelid. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Con. Cor r. Croc. Dig. Dros. Graph. Hell. Hep. Iod. Ip. Led. Algn-m. Merc. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux. Ol-an. Phosp. Ran-b. Rheum. Sabad Sass. Scill. Selen. Sep. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Verat. — amel., Agar. Aloe.Alum.Ambr.Amm-c Amm-m. Apis. Ars. Aur. Caps.Con.Cycl. Dros. Dulc. Euph. Ferr. Graph. Kali-c. Lyc. Mgn-c. Algn-m. Aleny. Alosch. Alur-ae Ntr-c. Phosp-ae Plat. Puts. Rhod. Rhus. Sabad. Samb. Sep. Stann. Sulph. Tar. Valer. Verat. Verb. Viol-tr. — in open air, agg., Ambr. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Camph. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Caust. Chelid. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Con. Croc. Euph. Ferr. Guaj. Hep. Ip. Kali-c. Led. Lyc. Merc. Nux-m. A'ux. Petr. Phosp. Puis. Selen. Sil. Spig. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Sulph-ac Verat. -------amel., A turn. Ambr. Asa-f. Aur. Caps Con. Dulc. Graph. Kali-b. Kali-jod. Lyc. Algn-c Algn m. Alez. A'ux. Op. Puis. Rhus.Sabin. Seneg. Sep. Stan.i. Tar. — bent, agg., when, Bry. ----amel., Con. Hyosc. Lyc.Rhus.Viol-tr. — quickly, agg., when, Ang. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bell. Bry. Cannab. Caust. Cupr. Igt. Iod. Kali-c. Led. Lyc Alerc. Ntr-m. Nux. Oleand. Rhod. Rhus. Seneg. Sil. Spig. Sulph. ----amel., Igt. Sep. Sil. — along or across a river, agg., Ferr. Sulph. — on stone pavements, agg., Con. — in the wind, agg., Asar. Bell. .Nux. Phosp. — sideways, agg., Caust. — after, agg., Ambr. Anac Wandering pains, Ant. Arn. Bell. Benz-ac. Daph. Ev* n. Gels. Kali-b. Lac-can. Lact. Alang. Meph. Nux-m. Plb. Puis. Rhod. Sacch. Sass. Sulph. Zinc. Warmth, deficiency of, Alum. Ang. Calc. Caps. Chelid. Con. Euph. Ferr. Hvdioc-ac I p. Laur. Led. Lyc. Ntr-m. Niix. Oleand. Op. Phosp. Sass. Sep. Teucr. — sensation of, Alum. Asar. Cannab. Coff. 3r6 34. GENERALITIES. Iod. Laur. Nux-m. Nux. Sabad. Seneg. Sulph-ac. Verat. Warmth, sensation, transient, Berb. Glon. — is intolerable, Aeon. Apis. Croc. Iod. Puis Sabin. Sec-c. Tilia. — agg., fiom, Ambr. Apis. Arg-n. Arn. Ant. Aur. Brom. Bry. Bufo. Calc. Cannab. Dros. Iod. Kali-e Laur. Led. Lyc. Puis. Sec-c. Seneg. Sep. Thuj. ----cough, All-cep. Dros. Laur. Puis. Seneg. Verat. — amel., Aeon. Agar. Amm-c. Ars. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Borax. Camph. Caust. Cic Cocc. Coloc. Con. Dulc. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lyc. AIgn c. Mang. Alerc. Alosch. Nux-m.Nux. Petr. Phosp. Ran-b. Rhod. Rhus. Sabad. Sil. Stront. Sulph. — of bed, agg., from, Carb-veg. Caust. Chain. Cina. Chin. Clem. Cocc. Dros. Glon. Graph. Hell. Iod. Kali-c. Led. Lyc. Alerc. Mur-ac. Nux-m. Phosp-ac. Puis. Sabin. Sec-c. Spong. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. -------cough, Brom. Led. Merc. Ntr-m. Nux-m. Puis. Tart. Verat. ----amel., Amm m. Ars. Bar-c. Bry. Caust. Clem. Kali-c. Lyc.Nux.Sabad. — applied externally, amel., from, Ars. Aur. Cham. Chin. Cic. Clem. Cocc. Colch. Con. Cor-r. Hell. Hep. Nux-m. Nux. Rhod. Rhus. Samb. Scill. Sep. 5/7. Stront. Sulph. -------to head and face, amel., Lach. Rhus. Thuj. Warm air, agg., in the, Asar. Aur. Brom. Calc. Carb-veg. Colch. Igt. Iod. Lyc. Op. Puis. Selen. Sep. Sulph. -------cough, Ant. Iod. ----amel., Aeon. Agar. Amm-c. Ars. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc Camph Caps. Carb-veg. Faust. Cocc. Con. Dulc. Hell. Hep. Hyosc. Igt. Kali-c. Lyc. Alang. Alerc. Alosch. Nux-m. Nux. Petr. Phosp. Rhod. Rhus. Rumex- Sabad. Sep. Stront. Verat. — when getting, in the open air, agg., Bry. Dulc. Iod. Lyc. Puts. Sabad. Spig. Tilia. — stove, near the, amel., Ars. Igt. Nux. Rhus. Stront. Wasning, aversion to, Amm-c. Ant. Bell. Borax. Bry. Calc. Canth. Carb-veg. Cham. Clem. Laur. Mez. Ntr. Puis. Rhus. Sass. Sep. Spig. Staph. Stront. Supli. Zinc. — and working in water, agg., from, Amm-c Ambr. Ant. B II. Calc. Canth! Carb-vee. Cham. Chin. Clem. Diad.. Elaps. Kobalt. Lyc. Alerc. Mez. Nitr-ac! Nitr. Nux-m. Puis. Rhus. Sass. Sep. Spig. Stann. Str. nt. Sulph. —*----cough, Ant. Calc Zinc. Washing and water bathing, Ant. . ----twitches Irom cold, Rhus. ----amel., Amm-m, Asar. Caust. Chelid. Euph. Puis. Spig. ----lukewarm, in, agg., Ang. ----the face, amel., Asar. Watery eyes, with, pains accompanied, Sabad. Weakness, debility, langor, lassitude, Agar Alum. Ambr. Amm-c. Amm-m. Anac. Arg-n. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Benz-ac Berb. Bism. Borax. Bov. Brom. Bruc. Bry. Cact. Calc. Camph. Cannab. Canth. Carb-veg Caust. Cham. Chin. Cinnab. Clem. Cocc. Colch. Con. Croc. Cupr. Diad. Dig. Dulc. Ferr. Ferr-m. Hyosc. Igt. Iod. I p. Iris. Jatr. Kali-b. Kali-c. Lach. Laur. Lept. Lyc. Algn-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Alez. Alosch. Mur-ac Ntr-c Ntr-m. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux-m. Nux. Oleand. Ol-an. Petr. Phosp. Phosp-ac Plat. Pod. Psor. Puis. Ran-b. Raph. Rheum.Rhod. Rumex. Rhus. Ruta. Sang. Sec-c. Seneg. Sep. Spig. Stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Tabac. Tar. Thea. Therid. Thuj. Valer. Verat. Zinc. — as if from abdomen rising, Ferr-m. Mgn-m. -------chest, Seneg. ----he had worked hard, Apis. ----the marrow of the bone was stiff, Ang. — as ot approaching death, Oleand. — when ascending steps, Anac. — with aversion to occupation and indif- ference, Rumex. — when awaking in the morning, Ambr. Ant. Bry. Chelid. Con. Lact. Lyc Nux. Phosp. Sep. Zinc. — in bed, Ambr. Carb-veg. Con. Ntr-m. Phosp. — benumbing, Phosp-ac. — after breakfast, Brom. Dig. Nux. — in children, Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Lach. Lyc. Nux. Sil. Sulph. — chronic, Ars. Chin. Cupr. Hep. Ntr-c, Nitr-ac. Phosp-ac. Verat. — after delivery, Kali-c. — with the complaints, Ars. Cham. Ip. Sec-c. Verat. — in the evening. Amm-c. Asar. Caust. Cycl. Nice Petr. Stront. Tabac. ----3 to 5 P. M., Clem. — excessive, Ars. Chin. Hyosc. Iod. Jatr. Laur. Ntr-m. Nitr-ac Oleand. Op. Phosp. Phosp-ac. Plat. Plb. Rhus. Sil. Stann. Stram. Tart. Therid. Verat. — after slight exercise, Alum. Anac. Berb. Calc. Cannab. Carb-veg. Cocc. Kali-c. Mgn-m. Merc. Nux-m. Petr. Plb. Psor. Sep. Spig. Stann. Staph. Verat. -------amel., Nitr. __________________________ 34- GENERALITIES Weakness, after slight exertion, Anac. Berb. Calc. Carb-veg.Coce Ferr. Mgn-c Nux-m. 3T7 of bodily powers, Brj-. Con. Calc. Croc. Petr. Sep. Sulph — — — relaxation Ntr-m. — with pale lace, Hipp. — from loss of animal fluids, Carb-veg, Chin. Hep. Kali-c Ntr-c. Ntr-m. Nux. Phosp-ac. Psor. Sulph. Verat. — in forenoon, Sabad. — hysteric Ars. C7/? , Daphne indica, Daph. Lam. cK.e^cyr, Diadema, Diad. Laurocerasus, Laur. Dictamnus, Diet. Ledum, Led. Digitalis, Dig. Leptandria Lept. Dioscorea villosa, Diosc. Liluin tigr. Lil-tigr; Dolichos, Dolich. Lobelia inflata, Lub. Doryanthes, Doryanth. Lupulus, Lup. Drosera, Dros. Lycopodium, Lyc. Dulcamara, Dulc. Alagnesia carb, Algn-c. Elaps cor, Elaps. Alagnesia mur, Algn-m. Elaterium, Elat. Magnesia sulph, Algn-s. Erigeron, Erig. Manganum, Alang. Eugenia, Eugen. Alenyanthes, Aienv. Lupatorium perf, Eupator. Mephites, Aleph. Euphorbrium, Euph. Alercurius, Alerc. Euphrasia, Euphr. Alercurius cor, Alerc-cor. Evonyuius, Evon. Altrcurius jod, Merc-jod. Ferrum, Ferr. Alercurius sulph, Ale re-sul ph. Ferrum magn., Ferr-m. Alerciiiial perennis, Aleicurial. Filix mas., Filix. Alezereum, Alez. Fluoric acid, Fluor-ac. Mellef dium, Alillef. Formica, Formica. Morphium, Aloroh. Fragaii.i vesca, Frag. Moschus, Alosch. Gelsimium, Gels. Aluiex, Alu rex. Gin sing Gins. Aluriatic acid, Alur-ac. Glonoine, Glon. Nat rum carb, Ntr-c. Gossvpium, Gossyp. Natrum mur, Ntr-m. Graphites, Giaph. Natrum nitr, Ntr-nitr. Gratioia, Grat. Natrum sulph, Ntr-s. Gnaphel, Gnaphnel. Niccolum, Nice Guajacum, Guaj Nigella, Nig. Gunnni gutli, Gum-gut. Niti ic acid, Nitr-ac. Gymnoclades, Gymnoc. Nitrum, Nitr. Hamamelis, Ham. Nux jugulans. Nux jug. Hcematoxvlum, Hcematox. Nux moschata, Nux-m. Helleborus, Hell. Nux vomica, Nux. Helonias, Helon. Ocmum canum, Oeein. Hepar sulph. calc. Hep. Oleander, Oleand. Hydrastis, Hydrast. Oleum animule, Ol-an. Hydrocyanic acid, Hydroc-ac Opium, Op. Hydrophobin, Hydroph. Osmium. Osm. Hyosciamus, Hyosc. Oxalic acid, Ox-ac Hypericum, Hyperic Palladium, Pallad. Ignatia amara, Igt. P?eonia. Preon. Indigo, Ind. ' Paris quad, Par. Ipecacuanha, Ip- Petroleum, Petr. Iris versicolo, Iris. Petroselinum, Petros. Jacaranda caroba, Jac-cor. Phosphorus, Phosp. Jalapa, jalap. Phosphoiic acid, Phosp-ac. Jatrophn curcas, Jatr. Phytolacca dec, Phyt. Jodium, Iod. Plantago major, Plant maj. Plant-min. Kali bichr, Kali-b. Plantago minor, Kali carb, Kali-e Platina, Plat. Kali-chloric, Kali-chl. Plumbum, Plb. Kali-ferr-cyn. Kali ferr-cyc. Podophyllum, Pod. Kali hydr, Kali-jod. Pothos foetidus, Poth. Kali nitricum, Kali-nit. Primus spinosa, Piun. Kalmia, Kalm. Psorinum, Psor. Kino, Kino. Pulsatilla, • Puis. Kobalt. Kobalt. Ranunculus bulb. Ran-b. REMEDIES. 321 Ranunculus seel, R iphanus Rhatania, Rheum, Rnodendron, Rhus radicans, Rhus tox, Rhus vernix, Rumex crispus, Ruta, Sabad ilia, Sabina, Sambucus, Sanguinaria, Sapo, Sassaparilla, Scilla, Secale cornutum, Selenium, Senega, Senna, Sepia, Silicia, Solatium mam, S danum nig, Spigiila, S,>ong a tosta, Stannum, Staphysagria, Sticta pulmon, Stramonium, Strontiana, Sulphur, Sulphuric acid, Symphytum, Tabacum, Ran-sc. Raph. Rat. Rheum. Rhod Rhus-rad. Rhus. Rhus-ver. Rumex. Ruta. Sabad. Sabin. Samb. Sang. Sapo. Sass. Scill. Sec-c. Selen. Seneg. Senna. Sep. Sil. Sol-m. Sol-nig. Spig. Spong. Stann. Staph. Sticta. Stram. Stiont. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Symph. Tabac. Tanacetum, Tan. Taraxacum, Tar. Tartarus emiticus, Tart. Tartaric acid, Tart-ac. Tax us, Tax. Tellurium, Tell. Teplitz. Teplitz. Terebinthina, Teieb. Thea, Thea. Theridion, Therid. Thiapsi bursa pastoris, Thhipsi. Thuja occiden, Thuj. Tilia europ, Tilia. Tongo, Tong. Trillium pend, Trill. Urea, Urea. Uitica urens, Urt-ur. Uva ursi, Uva ursi. Valeriana, Valer. Veratrum alb., Verat. Veratrum viridi, Verat-vir. Verbascum, Verb. Vinca minor, Vine Viol oderata. Viol-od. Viol tricolor, Viol-tr. Vipra red, Vipra-red. Vipra torv, Vipra-torv. X inthoxyllum, Xanthox. Xiphosara, Xiph. Yuba, Yuba. Zanihoxylum, Zanih-ox. Zincium, Zinc. Zincum-ox, Zinc-ox. Zingiber, Zing. Zizia, Ziz. • 322 ERRATA. ERRATA P. 15, under Wearisomeness, " Carban." should be " Carb-an." P. 16. under Weeping, whining, " Br." should be " Bry." . P. 19, under vertigo, when standing, "yd." should be "Cycl." P. 39, under Black points, "Gon." should be "Con." P. 42, Aleibomian glands, "ham." should be "Cham." P. 48, under Looking upwards, " Sabab." should be, " Sabad." P. 49, under like a leaf or membrane, "Gale" should be "Calc." P. 51, under Relieved by leaning on head, buzzing, " Kli-c." should be " Kali-c." P. 57, Ulceration of root visible, should be, Twitching of root visible, " Mez." P. 60, Eruption in face, "Alum-ambr." should be "Alum." "Ambr." P. 140, "Agave" " Amsic" should be "Agave americ" P. 146, under Urine fetid, " Benz-ar." should be " Benz-ac" P. 156, Boring pain in left ovary, etc., should read, Boring pain in left ovary, worse during menses, " Thuj." -------ameliorated during menses, " Zinc." P. 178, Cough with perspiration, should read " Cimex." instead of " Cinnex." P. 178, Cough and Sleeplessness, should read, "Ars. Nitr." P. 230, under Sciatica should read " Plantago-maj." Sect. 20, in this section glands should be glands. A few typographical errors in the text are not included in this list. 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