BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Dover. N. H. BY JOHN R. HAM, M.D. ' BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Dover, N. H. CONTAINING TITLES OF (1) WORKS ON DOVER-, (2) WORKS WRITTEN BY RESIDENTS OF DOVER, WHILE RESIDENTS; (3) WORKS BEARING THE PUBLICATION IMPRINT OF DOVER. BY JOHN R. HAM, M. ID. CONCORD, N. H. : Ira C. Evans, Printer, 13 and 15 Capitol Street. 1 8 9 2. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DOVER, N, H, Adams, Blanche Hermine. Class Day and Graduation, Berwick, Me., Academy, 1890. Printed by E. L. Howes. Dover, N. H. : 18 go. 8°, pp. 105. Ad ms, Hon. Samuel C. Marriages in Durham, N. H.,by Kev. Hugh Adams. Published in the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Vol. XXIII, et sequentes. Alford, M. W. The Manual- The Doctrine of the Trinity Investigated and Defended. Published by the Freewill Baptist Connection. Dover, N. H. 16°, pp. 119. Anonymous. Burns' Abridgment, or the American Practice, Containing the Whole Practice, Authority, and Duty of fustices of the Peace. Printed by Eliphalet Ladd. Dover, N. H. : MDCCXCII. 12°, pp. 485. Anonymous. Davidies: The Life of David, King of Israel. A Sacred Poem. Printed by Eliphalet Ladd. Dover, N. H. : ipg2. Anonymous. The History of Jack Nips. [A criticism on baptism and other views of the "standing order."] Printed by Eliphalet Ladd. Dover, N. H. : ipgy. 12°, pp. 23. 4 Anonymous. Practical Language Interpreted in a Dialogue between a Believer and an Unbeliever. In two parts. Printed at Dover, by Samuel Bragg, Jr. Dover, N. H.: 1796. 12°, pp. 23. Anonymous. Hints for the Improvement of Early Education and Nursery Discipline. Published by Samuel C. Ste- vens, 3d Edition. Dover [TV. 77] : 1826. 16°. pp. 112. Barker, David, Jr. An Address in Commemoration of the Independence of the United States, delivered at Roch- ester, N. FL, July 4, 1828. Dover : 1828. 8°, pp. 28. Barrington, N. H., Congregational Church, Manual of the Church. Dover, N. H. : 1878. 12°, pp. 8. JBartlett, James, Esq., Probate Forms for the use of Executors, Administrators, &c., in the County of Strafford, together with the Probate Laws of the State. Printed by John Manti. Dover, N. FI. : 1832. 12°, pp. 129. Bates, Rev. Joshua. Sermon preached in Durham, N. IL, at the Ordination of Rev. Federal Burt, June 18, 1817. By Joshua Bates, A. M., Pastor of the First Church in Dedham. John Mann, Printer. Dover : 1817. 8°, pp. 40. Beard, Rev. Ithamar W. Sermon on the Death of Presi- dent Garfield, preached in St. Thomas' Church, Dover, N. H., Sept. 25, 1881. Dover, N. H. : 1881. 8°, pp. 23. Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Martha Hale, delivered March 1, 1885, the Sunday after her death, in St. Thomas' Church, Dover, N. H. Dover, TV. 77 : 1883. 12°, pp. 20. 5 Belknap, Rev. Jeremy (77. D.). The History of New Hampshire, Vol. I. Philadelphia: Printed for the Author by R. Aiken, 1784. Reprinted, Boston: 1792. 8°, pp. viii, 361, Ixxxiv. Vol. II. Printed for the Author by Thomas & An- drews, 1791. 8°, pp. 493. Vol. Ill (Statistics). Printed for the Author by Thomas & Young, 1792. 8°, pp. 480, 8. The Same. Second Edition. Boston & Dover : 1810-13. 3 vols., 8°. The Same. Third Edition. With Notes and Illustrations, by John Farmer. Printed in Dover by Stevens & Wad- leigh. Dover, N. H.: 1831. Vol. 1,8°. pp. 512. A Sermon on Military Duty preached at Dover, No- vember 10, 1772, before His Excellency John Wentworth, Esq. ; LL. D., Governor of His Majesty's Province of New Hampshire; at a Review of the Second Regiment of Foot in said Province. By Jeremy Belknap, A. M., Salem. Printed by S. and E. Hall, near the Exchange: MDCCLXXIII. 8°, pp. 27. Belknap Congregational Church. Programme at the Or- ganization of the Belknap Congregational Church, in Dover, N. H., and the Installation of Rev. Benj. F. Par- sons on Sept. 3, 1856. 8°, p. 1. Manual of Belknap Congregational Church, No. I. Dover: 1861. 12°, pp. 16. Manual of the Belknap Congregational Church, No. II. Dover, N. H. : 1878. 12°, pp. 23. 6 Bell, Hon. Charles H. Sketch of Gov. Charles II. Saw- yer, Published in Granite Monthly, Vol. IX, p. 247, Con- cord, N. H. 1886. Bellamy Club (The). Constitution and By-Laws of the Bellamy Club. With List of Officers and Members. Dover: 1891. 4°, pp. 32. Berry, Edward S. (M. D.). Respiratory Irrigation in the Treatment of Empyema. Transactions of N. H. Med- ical Society for 18S4, Concord, 1884. Bond, Hon. Albert. Inaugural Address as Mayor of Dover, N. H. Dover, N. H.: i860. 8°, pp. 21. Bostoiz & (Maine) Portland Railroad. Proceedings of a Convention holden at Dover, N. H., Sept. 29, 1835, on the Subject of a Railroad from Portland to Boston. 8°, pp. 16. Bouton, Rev. Nathaniel (D. D.). The Squamscot Pat- ent. Published in Vol. XXIV of the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Boston, 1870. Dover, N. H., Records, Vol. IX, of Provincial Pa- pers of New Hampshire, Concord, 1875. Bragg, Samuel, Jr., Published the New Testament [Equal to the English Edition], at Dover, N. H., 1803. 12°. Brewster Tames M. (Rev.). Life of William Burr. Dover, N. H.: 1871. 12°, pp. 208. Brown, Thomas W. (Rev.). Funeral Ceremonies and Memo- rial Services on the occasion of the death of John P. Hale, 7 at Dover, N. H. Funeral Address on Nov. 22, 1873, and Memorial Sermon on Sunday, Nov. 23, 1873. Portland., Me.: 1873. 8°, pp. 16. Burroughs, Rev. Charles (D. D.). Discourse delivered in St. Thomas's Church, Dover, N. H., Jan. xxvii, MDCCCXLI, at the Institution of the Rev. William Hor- ton, as rector of said church. Portsmouth, N. H. : 1841. 8°, pp. 35 Burt, Rev. Federal. Sermon delivered at Dover, N. H., Feb. 18, 1825, at the Interment of Mrs. Anna F. Clary, wife of Rev. Joseph W. Clary, who died Feb. 15, 1825, aged 33. Published by request. Printed by John Mann. Dover: 1823. 8°, pp. 17. Butler, Rev. John J. (D. D\). Natural and Revealed Theology. Dover, N. H.: 1861. 8 , pp. 456. Caverly, Robert B. The Eagle and other Poems. Printed by Freewill Baptist Printing Establishment. Dover, N. H.: 1870. 8°, pp. 57. Caverno, Rev. Arthur. The Record of the Caverno Family. Dover, N. H.: 1874. 12°, pp. 36. Central Avenue Baptist Church [Formerly the Frank- lin St. Baptist Church]. History, Articles of Faith and Covenant. Dover: 1881. 12°, pp. 16. Programme at the Installation of Rev. John A. Shaw. Dover: 1891. 12°, pp. 3. 8 Charles W\ Sawyer Post, No. 17, G. A. R., Dover, N. H., By-Laws. Dover, N. H.: 1877. 16°, pp. 7. By-Laws. Dover, N. H.: 1884. 16°, pp. 8. Roster. List of Officers and Members, compiled by John R. Ham, M. D. Dover, N. H.: 1888. 16°, pp. 6. Roster of Officers and Members, compiled by John R. Ham, M. D. Dover: 1891. Programme at Dedication of Soldiers' Monument in Dover, N. H., Sept. 14, 1877. 16°, pp. 3. Bound Manuscript Volume containing a Record of the Graves of Soldiers and Sailors of the War of the Rebel- lion, located within the limits of the City of Dover, with the name of Company, Regiment and Cemetery. Com- piled by John R. Ham, M. D., Chairman of a Committee of the Post. It contains (in 1891) 312 graves, and is pre- served in the Post Archives. Chase, Rev. Frank K. Sermon delivered in Dover, N. H., Sunday Morning, May 7, 1882. [The first Sunday after the loss by fire of the Washington Street Freewill Baptist Church of which he was the Pastor.] Preached in Bel- knap Church. Dover, N. H.: 1882. 8°, pp. 15. Clarke, Joseph. An Oration delivered at Rochester, on the Fourth of Jnly, seventeen hundred and ninety-four. Dover, N. H.: 1794. 8°, pp. 12. Clarke, Rev. S[umner\. Funeral Sermon of Mrs. S. A. Wingate, Nov. 27, 1864. Preached by Rev. S. Clarke, 9 Pastor of the Congregational Church, Wolfeborough, N. H., Printed by Geo. Wadleigh. Dover, N. H. : 1865. 8°, pp. 15. Clarkson, Thomas (M. A.). Life of William Penn. Pub- lished by Samuel C. Stevens. Dover, N. H.: 1827. 2 vols. in one. 8°, pp. 194 and 181. Coan, Rev. Leander S. Memorial Day Oration before Charles W. Sawyer Post, No. 17, G. A. R., Dover, N. H., on May 30, 1876. Dover: 1876. 8°, pp. 16. Cocheco Aqueduct Association. Act of Incorporation and By-Laws. Dover, N. H. : 1832. 12°, pp. 13. Cocheco Manufacturing Company of Dover, N. H. Act of Incorporation and By-Laws. Boston : 1851. 8°, pp. 32. , Cochecho Railroad Company Time Table, Dover, N. H., *853- A broadside. Cooper, Nathaniel. Bill of Mortality in Dover, N. H. From the Record of the Society of Friends from 1708 to 1791 ; from his own records from 1773 to 1791 ; and from Dea. Benj. Peirce's records from 1792 to 1803. Printed by James K. Remick. Dover, N. H. : 1803. 8°, pp. 25. Cushing, Caleb. Eulogy on Lafayette, delivered to the Young Men of Dover, N. H., Sept. 6, 1834. Printed by George Wadleigh. Dover, N. H. : 1834. 8°, pp. 27. Davis, Rev. J. B. The Funeral Sermon of Rev. Elias Hutchins, delivered at Dover, N. H., Sept. 15, 1859. Lowell: 1859. 8°, pp. 16. 10 Day, Rev. George T. (D. D.). Eulogy on the Life and Character of William Burr, delivered at Dover, N. H., Oct. 8, 1867. Dover: 1867. 8°, pp. 23. Dean, John Ward (A. M.). Memoir of Charles Wesley Tuttle (A. M., Ph. D.). Reprinted from the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register for Jan., 1888. Boston : 1888. 8°, pp. 21. Deane, Charles (LL. D.). Notes on Thompson's Indent- ure. Cambridge: 1876. 8°, pp. 35. Dover Agricultural Library. Catalogue of Books. Dover : 1862. 16°, pp. 8. Dover and Portsmouth Railroad Co. Report of the Survey of the Dover and Portsmouth Railroad, with Statistics. Portsmouth : 1849. • 8°, pp. 16. Dover and Somersworth Artillery. Rules and Regulations, and List of Members. Dover: 1812. 16°, pp. 12. Dover Aqueduct Company. Regulations of Dover Aque- duct Company. Dover: 1854. 16°, pp. 6. Dover Bank. The Act Incorporating the Dover Bank, and the By-Laws of the Corporation. Printed by John Mann. Dover: 1824. 16°, pp. 19. Dover, City find Town\ of. Town. Report of Superintending School Committee for the year 1828. Dover: 1828. 8°, pp. 8. Annual Reports of Receipts and Expenditures of the Town of Dover, N. H., for 1836 to 1856, inclusive. Dover: 12°. 11 Dover, City \_and Toivn~\ of. Town. Report of the Superintending School Committee of the Town of Dover for year ending March, 1838. 8°, pp. 4. The Same for 1839 and 1840. Police Regulations for the Town of Dover. Dover: 184.2. A broadside. City. Annual Reports of the City of Dover, N. H., from 1856 to 1891, inclusive. Dover: 36 pamphlets, 8°. The Charter with its Amendment and the Revised Ordinances of the City of Dover. Dover, N. H. : 1857. 8°, pp. 79. Municipal Register of the City of Dover. Including Charter and Ordinances. Dover, N. H. : 1863. 8°, pp. 116. The Charter with its Amendments and the General Ordinances of the City of Dover. Dover, N. H. : 1870. 8°, pp. 107. An Act in Amendment of the Charter of the City of Dover, 1871. 8°, pp. 8. The Charter and Ordinances of the City of Dover. With Lists of Town and City Officers. Dover, N. H.: 1882. 8% pp. 202. The Charter and Ordinances of the City of Dover. With Lists of Town and City Officers. Dover, N. H. : 1891. 8°, pp. 247. 12 Dover, City of. Report of Survey of Willard's Pond. By Janies A. Wes- ton. Dover, W. H. : 1872. 8°, pp. 31. Annual Reports of Water Commissioners, for 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891. Dover; 1888 [-pz]. 8°. Ordinances of Board of Health of City of Dover. Dover, N. H. : 1890. 16°, pp. 13. Public Library. See Dover Library. Catalogue of the Dover Public Library, Dover, N. H. Dover, N. H. : 1884. 8°. pp. 333. Rules and Regulations of Dover Public Library. Dover, N. H. : 1884. 16°, pp. 7. Report of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Dover Public Library, relative to drawing funds from the City Treasury, with the Report of the City Solicitor to the Board. 1885. 12°, pp. 11. Bulletin of the Dover Public Library, January, 1886. Dover, N. H. : 1886. 8°, pp. 76. Bulletin of Dover Public Library, January, 1887. Dover, N. H. : 1887• 8°. pp. 58. Fourth Annual Report of the Trustees of the Dover Public Library. [The first printed report.] Dover, N. H. : 1887. 8°, PP. 12. Bulletin of the Dover Public Library. Books added during 1887. Dover, N. H.: 1888. 8°, pp. 80. 13 Dover, City of. Public Library. Fifth Annual Report of the Trustees of the Dover Public Library of the City of Dover. Dover, N. H.: 1888. 8°, pp. 8. Bulletin of Dover Public Library. Books added dur- ing 1888. Dover, N. H.: 1889. 8°, pp. 98. Sixth Annual Report of the Trustees of the Dover Public Library. Dover, N. H.: 1889. 8°, pp. 11. Bulletin of the Dover Public Library. Books added during 1889. Dover, N. H. : 1890. 8°, pp. 98. Seventh Annual Report, Dover Public Library. Dover: 1890. 8°, pp. 12. Eighth Annual Report, Trustees Dover Public Li- brary. Dover: 1891. 8°, pp. 16. Catalogue of Dover Public Library. Dover, N. H.: 1891. 8°, pp. 672. Public Schools. Rules and Regulations of the Public Schools in School District No. 2, Dover, N. H. Dover, N. H.: 1851. 12°, pp. 10. Report of Building Committee of High School Build- ing in School District No. 2 (Under the Somersworth Act), in 1854. Dover: 1854. 12°, pp. 10. Rules and Regulations of the Public Schools in School District No. 2, Dover, N. H. Dover: 1859. 8°, pp. 11. 14 Dover, City of. Public Schools. Reports of School District No. 2, City of Dover, for 1865. 8°, pp. 16. The Same, 1869. 8°, pp. 24. Rules and Regulations for Public Schools in District No. 1. Dover: 1863. Reports of School District No. 1 (Under the Somers- worth Act), for the Year 1864. 8°, pp. 8. The Same, 1865. 8°, pp. 8. The Same, 1869. 8°, pp. 12. Reports of Department of Public Instruction, City of Dover, for 1871 to 1891 (none published in 1'876, 1877, and 1878). 17 pamphlets, 8°. Rules of the School Committee with Extracts from the City Charter. 8°, pp. 23. Dover Engine and Fire Companies. Dover Fire Engine Company. By-Laws of the Dover Fire Engine Company [organized 1795J. With List of Members. Printed by James K. Remick. Dover., N. H.: 1808. 16°, pp. 8. The Same. Constitution (n. d.). 16°, pp. 8. The Yankee Fire Society instituted at Dover, N. H., Nov. 29, 1802. Rules and Regulations (with List of Members). Printed by John Mann. Dover: 1817. 16°. pp. 11. 15 Dover Engine arid Fire Companies. The Charitable Fire Society. Incorporated November, 1820. Rules and Regulations (with List of Members) Dover, PP. H. : 1820. 16°, pp. 11. The Manufacturing Engine Company of Dover. Con- stitution and By-Laws. Dover, PP. H. : 1838. 16°, pp. 7. Cataract Engine Company, No. 4. Organized March 25, 1824. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover, PP. H. : 1848. 16°, pp. 8. Fountain Engine Company. Constitution and By- Laws. Dover: 1848. 16°, pp. 8. Rough and Ready Engine Company. Rules and Regulations. Dover: 1848. 16°, pp. 16. Hercules Fire Association of Dover, N. H. Consti- tution and By-Laws. Dover: 1853. 16°, pp. 19. Strafford Engine Company : Regulations. Dover, PP. H. : 1838. 16°, pp. 10. The Same. Dover, N. H. : i860. 16°, pp. 10. Cocheco Steam Fire Engine Company. Rules and Regulations. Dover : 1863. 16°, pp. 8. Joseph S. Abbott Steam Fire Engine Company, No. 4. Rules. Dover, N. H.: 1863. 16°, pp. 6. Dover Directory for 1830 and 1833. See Stevens, Samuel C. 16 Dover Directories for 1837, 1838, 1843, 1846, and 1848. See Norris, Daniel L. Dover Directory for 1859. See Hayes, John S. Dover Directories for 1865, 1867, 1869, 1871, 1874, 1876, 1878, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1886, 1888, and 1890. See Dud- ley, Dean. Dover Gas-Light Company. Terms, Rules, and Regula- tions. Dover: 1853. 16°, pp. 8. Dover Historical Society : Proceedings of Dover Historical Society, Vol. I; Part I. Dover: 1891. 8°, pp. 47. Dover, History of. See Pike, Rev. John ; also the following : Belknap's History of New Hampshire, 3 vols., 1784- 1792. Dover (by Dr. A. II. Quint) ; Coolidge and Mansfield's History of New Hampshire, pp. 467-474, Boston, i860. Dover Records (by N. Bouton) ; Provincial Papers of New Hampshire, Vol. IX, Concord, 1875. Dover Records (by Isaac W. Hammond). State Papers of New Hampshire, Vol. XI, pp. 505 to 556, Concord, 1882. Dover (by Dr. A. 11. Quint). History of Strafford County, pp. 758 to 890, Philadelphia, 1882. Historic Memoranda. A series of papers, comprising four hundred and fifty numbers, pub- lished in the Dover (N. H.) Enquirer, from 1850 to 1892, mainly from the pen of Rev. Dr. Alonzo H. Quint. Hon. John Wentworth, Charles Wesley Tuttle, Ballard Smith, and Mary P. Thompson have each written a few papers in this series. 17 Dover Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society. [Organized Feb. 9, 1835.] Remember Them That Are in Bonds. [Anti- Slavery Tract]. Dover, N. H.: May, 1841. 16°, pp. 11. Dover Library. [Private ] Organized November, 1850. Catalogues for 1851, 1853, and 1874. Dover, N. H. 3 pamphlets, 8°, pp. 42-95. Supplement. Books added since 1854. Dover: 1858. 8°, pp. 23. Second Supplement. Books added since 1858. Dover: 1859. 8°, pp. 17. Dover Manufacturing Company. Rules for Boarding House Keepers. Dover: 1825. 8°, p. 1. The Acts of Incorporation, and By-Laws of the Dover Manufacturing Company, together with extracts from the Statute Laws of New Hampshire. Printed by John Mann. Dover: 1828. 16°, pp. 32. Dover Medical Society. Rules and Regulations and Code of Ethics. Dover : 1849. 16pp. 16. Fee Table. Dover: 18'49. 8<>, p. 1. Dover Protective Bricklayer's Union. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover: 1890. 16 >, pp. 15. Dover Deform Club. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover, N. H.: 1849. 16 >, pp. 16. • 2 18 Dover (JV. H.) Clerks' Association. Constitution and By- Laws, organized July 22, 1886. Dover, N. H. : 1887. 32o, pp. 11. Dover Register. Dover Centennial Register. Dover : 1876. 12°, pp. 32. Dover Social Library : See Social Library. Dover Typographical Union. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover: 1890. 16°, pp. 15. Dow, Dr. Jabez. A Nosological Arrangement of Topical Inflammations with their Definitions and Etymologies. Printed by John Mann, Dover, N. H. : 1817. 12°, pp. 12. Durham Congregational Church. Manual. Dover, N. H.: 1870. 16", pp. 20. Library Association. Catalogue of Library. Do- ver, N. H.: 1890. 12°, pp. 13. Durrell, Rev. J. M. The Central Idea of Methodism. A Centennial Sermon Delivered before the N. II. Annual Conference, in Manchester, N. H., April 11, 1884. Man- chester, N. H.: 1884. 8 >, pp. 19. Biblical Christianity and Modern Spiritualism. A Sermon delivered before the Alpha Chapter of the Convo- cation of Boston University, May 11, 1885. Boston: 1885. 8°, pp. 19. Edgerly, James A. The Edgerly Family. Published in Vol. XXXIV, of the New England Hist, and Gen. Regis- ter, Boston, 1880. 19 Fla, Hon. Jacob H. Sketch of Hon. John P. Hale in the Granite Monthly for 1880, Concord, 1880. Fairbanks, Charles A. {M. D.). Reports in Annual Trans- actions of New Hampshire Med. Society, 1879 to 1891. Farmington, Town of. Report of the Superintending School Committee oi the Town of Farmington, N. H., for the year ending March, 1861. Dover, N. H. : 1861. First Church, Dover, N. H. Announcement of Its 250th Anniversary of First Parish. Dover, N. H. : J 883. Announcement of the 250th Anniversary of First Church, Dec. 18,. 1888. Baptisms by Rev. Jonathan Cushing, in Dover, N. IL, from 1717 to 1767. Published in N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Vol. XXIX, et seq., Boston, 1875. Baptisms by Rev. Jeremy Belknap (D. D.), from 1767 to 17S6. Published in N. E. Hist, and Gen. Regis- ter, Vol. XXXI, et seq., Boston, 1877. Bi-Centennial Sermon : The Two Hundredth Anni- versary of Formation of First Church on Nov. 29, 1838. (See Root, Rev. David.) 8°, pp. 31. Catalogue of Books in the S. S. Library of First Church. Dover: 1863. 8°, pp. 20. Catalogue of Books in S. S. Library in 1870. First Church, Dover, and Its Pastor, by Rev. Dr. A. H. Quint in Volume I of the Granite Monthly, Concord, N. H., 1877-1878. 20 First Church, Dover, N. II. Historical Sermon, by Rev. Hubbard Winslow. Dover: 1832. 8°, pp. 15. Historical Address and Other Exercises at the 250th Anniversary of First Parish on Oct. 28, 1883. Dover, N. H.: 1884. 8°, pp. 148. Historical Address and Other Exercises on the 250th Anniversary of First Church, Dover, on Dec. 18, 1888. In Press. Manual, No. 1 : Dover, N. H. : 1829. 16°, pp. 9. Manual, No. 2. Dover, N. H.: 1835. 12°, pp. 21. Manual, No. 3. Dover, N. II.: 1853. 12°, pp. 30. Manual, No. 4. Dover, N. H. : 1836. 12°, pp. 52. Manual, No. 5. Dover, N. H.: 1884. 12°, pp. 55. Marriages in Dover, N. H., by Rev. Jeremy Belknap (D. D.), from 1767 to 1787. Published in N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Vol. XXVIII, et seq., Boston, 1874. Maternal Association of First Church, Dover, N. IE, Constitution of. Dover: 1839. 12°, pp. 4. Order of Services for the Dedication of the Meeting house of the First Parish in Dover, N. H., Dec. 31, 1829. Dover : 1829. 8°, pp. 1. The Church records show that the dedication was on the 30th instead of the 31st of December. 21 First Church, Dover, N. H. Order of Exercises at the Installation of Rev. David Root on Feb. 6, 1833. Order of Exercises at the Installation of Rev. Elias H. Richardson on Dec. 10, 1856. Order of Exercises at the Installation of Rev. Avery S. Walker on Nov. 16, 1864. 8°, pp. 4. Order of Exercises at Dedication of First Parish Chapel on Sunday Evening, April 21, 1889. Dover; 1889. 8°, pp. 4. Programme at the Installation of Rev. B. F. Parsons on January 12, 1853. Programme at the Installation of Rev. George B Spalding on Sept. 1, 1869. Dover: 1869. Programme at Re-Dedication of Church Building after the remodelling of 1878. Dover: 1878. 8°, pp. 4. Programme of the 250th Anniversary of Parish, Oct. 28, 1883. Programme at the Installation of Rev. George Et Hall on January 2, 1884. Dover: 1884. 8°, pp. 4. Programme of 250th Anniversary of First Church on Dec. 18, 1888. Dover: 1888. 8°, pp. 8. First Presbyterian Church, Peterborough, N. H. Manual of the First Presbyterian Church, Peterborough, N. H., incorporated A. D. 1828. Printed by George Wadleigh. Dover: 1856. 16°, pp. 24. 22 Forbush, William Byron. First Report of the Class of 1888 in Dartmouth College. Printed by E. L. Howes de Co. Dover, N. H. : 1889. 8°, pp. 78. Forman, Bev. J. G. Two Sermons by Rev. J. G. Forman, Pastor of the Universalist Church, Dover, N. II., delivered on the 19th and 26th of April, 1848. The Spirit of Jesus and of Paul. The Liberty of the Pulpit. Boston and Dover: 1848. 8°, pp. 47. Foster, Rev. E. Two Letters on the Terms of Communion at the Lord's Table, by E. Foster. Printed by C. C. P. Moody ; published by E[li] French. Dover, N. H. : 1830. 12°, pp. 24. Foster, Joshua L. William E. Chandler Reviewed and Analyzed. Dover: 1883. 8°, pp. 14. Franklin Academy, Dover, N. H. Catalogue for 1864-5. Dover: N. H. 8°, pp. 12. Catalogue for 1873-4. Dover: N. H. 8°, pp. 16. Catalogue, 1875-6. Dover: N. H. 8", pp. 22. Franklin Library of Dover, N. H. The Constitution and By-Laws of Franklin Library. Dover, N. LI. : 1833. 12°, pp. 11. Franklin Street Baptist Church: See Central Avenue Baptist Church. 23 Freewill Baptist Church in Dover, N. H. Catalogue of Washington Street Freewill Baptist Church S. S. Library. Dover : 1882. 32°, pp. 12. Manual of the First Freewill Baptist Church in Dover, N. II. Dover: 1840. 12°, pp. 12. Manual of the First Freewill Baptist Church in Dover, N. FL, organized Sept. 15, 1826, Dec. 12, 1877. Dover, N. H.: 2878. 16°, pp. 20. Manual of the Washington Street Freewill Baptist Church, Dover, N. FL, organized February 4, 1840. No. 1, 1885. Dover, N. H. : 1885. 12°, pp. 24. Freewill Baptist Printing Establishment in Dover, N. FL For list of its publications, mainly denominational, see separate list following this Bibliography. French, Rev. Jonathan (D. D.). A Sermon, Delivered in Dover, N. FL, at the Re-interment of the Rev. Joseph W. Clary, Dec. 19, 1835. Printed by George Wadleigh. Dover, N. H.: 1837• 8,° pp. 19. Frothingham, Rev. N. L. Sermon preached at the Ordina- tion of Mr. E. Buckingham over the Unitarian Church in Dover, N. FL, Dec. 30, 1835. Boston: 1836. 8°, pp. 32. Furnald, Amos. Trial of Amos Furnald for the Murder of Alfred Furnald before the Superior Court of Judicature. Holden in Dover, N. FL, February, 1825. Printed by Jacob B. Moore. Concord: 1823. 8°, pp. 127. 24 Gannett, Rev. Ezra S. Discourse at the Installation of the Rev. John Parkman as Pastor of the First Unitarian Church and Society in Dover, N. II., April 22, 1840. Boston: 184.0. 8°, pp. 56. Garland, Caroline H. Catalogue of the Books in the Dover Public Library, Dover, N. II. N. E. Stiles' Job Print- ing House. Dover: 1892. 8°, pp. 672. Garland, Thomas B. Catalogue of the Dover Public Li- brary, Dover, N. H. Morning Star Job Printing House. Dover, N. H. : 1884. 8°, pp. 333. Golden Cross. Dover Commandery No. 43 of the United Order of the Golden Cross; By-Laws. Dover, N. H.: 1880. 16°, pp. 6. Grand Army of the Republic, Department of New Hamp- shire. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Encamp- ment held in Dover, N. H., Feb. 17, 1886. Concord, N. H. : 1886. 8°, pp. 112. Granite State Eair. Premium Lists of Granite State Fair for 1883. Dover: 1883. 16", pp. 24. The Same : 1884. Dover: 1884. 16 pp. 24. Gray, Rev. Robert. A Discourse delivered in Dover, Novem- ber 15th, 1798, a day observed as an Anniversary Thanks- giving. By Robert Gray, A. B. Pastor of the Church of Christ in Dover. Dover: Printed by Samuel Bragg, Jr., for the Subscribers (n. d.). 8", pp. 21. 25 Gray, Rev. Robert. A Sermon delivered at Hopkinton, before the Hon. General Court of the State of New Hamp- shire at the Annual Election Holden on the First Wednes- day of June, 1798. Printed by Samuel Bragg, Jr., for the General Court. Dover [2798]. 120, pp. 27. A Sermon preached at the Ordination of the Rever- end Daniel Stone, to the Pastoral Care of the First Church of Christ in Hallowell, Oct. 21 St, 1795. By Robert Gray, A. B. Pastor of the Church in Dover, New Hampshire. Hallowell ( District of Maine) : MD C CXC VI. 8°, pp. 28. Great Palls Manufacturing Company. The Several Acts of Incorporation of the Great Falls Manufacturing Com- pany and By-Laws of the Corporation. Printed for the Corporation by John Mann. Dover, N, H. : 1826. 16°, pp. 15. Greenwood, Rev. Thomas J. Sermon on the Death of Cap- tain John Bassett of Atkinson, N. IL, on Aug. 31, 1853. Lowell: 1833. 8", pp. 23. Catalogue of Officers, Instructors, and Members of the Strafford County Teachers' Institute, held at Great Falls, N. II., in 1853. Dover, N. H.: 1833. 8", pp. 9. The Same: Held in Dover, N. IL, April, 1854. Dover: 1834. 12», pp. 8. A Discourse delivered in the City Hall, Dover, N. H., Sept. 5, 1858. Topic, The Bible the Authority of God. Preached in review of Rev. E. M. Wheelock's ser- mon entitled Literal Interpretations. Dover, N. H. : 1838. 8r>, pp. 26. 26 Greenwood, Rev. Thomas J. A Sermon Delivered in the Universalist Church, Dover, N. H., April 18, Topic, Inspiration of the Bible : Integrity of Genesis. A reply to Rev. E. M. Wheelock. Dover : 1858. 8°, pp. 18. Griffith, Mrs. -. The Shipwreck and Adventures of Mon- sieur Pierre Viaud. A Native of Bordeaux and Captain of a Ship. Translated from the French. First American Edition. Printed by Samuel Bragg, Jr. Dover, N. H.: i?99. 12°, pp. 204. Gushee, Rev. Edward M. The Mosaic Law with Regard to Battlements. A Sermon delivered by the Rector of St. Thomas' Church, Dover, N. H., Dec., 1863. Dover; 1863. 12°, pp. 14. Hale, Hon. John P. Trial by Jury. Remarks on the At- tempt by Chief Justice Parker to usurp the Prerogative of the Jury in Criminal Cases. Exeter, N. H. ; 1842. 8", pp. 44. --- Texas Letter. House of Representatives, Washing- ton, D. C., Jan. 7, *845. Speech in United States Senate on The Territorial Question, March 19, 1850. , . 8°, pp. 16. Speech in United States Senate. Relations with Mexico, Feb. 15, 1853. 80, pp. 15. Speech in United States Senate on The Wrongs of Kansas, Feb., 8°, pp. 16. Speech in United States Senate, Jan. 19 and 21, 1858, on Kansas and the Supreme Court. 8", PP. 27 Hale, Hon. John P. Speech in United States Senate on The Increase of the Army, January, 1858. 8°, pp. 8. Speech in the United States Senate on The Acquisi- tion of Cuba, Feb. 15, 1859. 8°, pp. 18. Speech in United States Senate on The State of the Union, January 31, 1861. 8 pp. 16. Speech in United States Senate on The Purchase of Vessels by George D. Morgan, Feb. 7, 1862. 8°, pp. 8. Speech in United States Senate, on the Abolition of Slavery in the District of Columbia. 8°, pp. 8. Speech in United States Senate on Frauds in Naval Contracts, May 23, 1864. 8°, pp. 16. Hale, William (M. D.). Shore Life in Song. Poems. Biddeford, Me. : 1886. 12°, pp. 246. , Haley, Rev. Frank. Sermon at the Funeral of Hon. Charles Jones, of Milton, N. H., delivered May 11, 1873. Dover, N. H.: 1873. 8", pp. 16. Hall, Hon. Daniel. Catalogue of Officers, Instructors, and Members of the Strafford County Teachers' Institute, held in Dover, N. H., Nov. 7, 1859. Dover: 1859. 8", pp. Eulogy on Daniel M. Christie. Published in the Granite Monthly, Vol. I, pp. 35-44, Dover, 1877-78. 28 Hall, Hon. Daniel. Minority Report of the Judiciary Com- mittee in relation to the Election of a United States Senator [over the signature of Henry Robinson], June 9, 1881. 8", pp. 16. Sketch of Governor Person C. Cheney, Published in New Hampshire Successful Men, Manchester, 1882. Sketch of Hon. Edward H. Rollins. Published in New Hampshire Successful Men, Manchester, 1882. Speech at Banquet of the Lincoln Club in Concord, N. H., Feb. 15, 1887. Published in Vol. X of the Gran- ite Monthly, Concord, 1887. Oration at the Dedication of the Soldiers' Monument at Derry, N. H., on Oct. 1, 1889. Concord: 1889. 8", pp. 30. Secretary's Report in Transactions of the New Hamp- shire State Agricultural Society for 1859 and i860, Man- chester and Dover. Report of the Board of Managers of the New Llamp- shire Soldiers' Home for the years 1889 and 1890. John B. Clarke, Public Printer. Manchester: 1891. . 8°, PP. 40. (State Reporter). Reports of Cases in the Superior Court of Judicature of New Hampshire, Vol. LVI. Con- cord : Published by Josiah B. Sanborn. 1877. 8°, pp. 664 [1], (State Reporter). The Same. Vol. LVII. 8", pp. 666. Hall, George E. {Rev.). Sermon on the Occasion of the Death of General Grant, preached in First Church, Dover, N. H., Sunday Morning, July 26, 1885. Dover, N. H. : 1885. 8n, pp. 15. 29 Hall, Hon. Joshua G. Biographical Sketch of Zimri S. Wallingford. Published in New Hampshire Successful Men, Manchester, 1882. Sketch of Hon. Harry Libbey, published in Vol. VI of the Granite Monthly, 1877-78, Concord, 1882-83. Reminiscences of the Town of Wakefield, at the Centennial Anniversary of the Organization of the First Church, and the Ordination of the First Settled Town Minister in Wakefield, N. H., on Sept. 22, 1885. Published in the Centennial Proceedings, Wakefield, 1886. Ham, John Randolph {M. Z?.). The Dover (N. H.) Phy- sicians. An Historical Sketch, from 1623 to 1878. Re- printed from the Transactions of the N. H. Medical Society for 1879. Concord, N. H. : 1879. 8", pp. 22. A Contribution to the Study of Fractures and Dislo- cations. Reprinted from the Transactions of the N. H. Medical Society for 1881. Concord, N. H. : /88r. 8 >, pp. 9. Localities in Ancient Dover. Concord, N. H.: 1887. 8", pp. 18. Reprinted from the Granite Monthly, 1887. Roster of Charles W. Sawyer Post, No. 17, G. A. R. •Dover, N. H. ■ 1888. 16 pp. 6. Second Edition, 1892. Bibliography of Dover, N. H. Concord: 1892. Dover, N. H., in the U. S. Navy, 1861-1865. Do- ver: N. E. Stiles' Job Printing House. 1892. 8°, pp. 8. 30 Ham, John Randolph ( M. D.). The Necessity for a Hos- pital in Dover, N. II. Read before the Dover Medical Society on Feb. 3, 1892. Dover, N. H.: H. E. Stiles' Job Printing House. 1892. 8', pp. 6. List of Graves Decorated on Memorial Day by Charles W. Sawyer Post, No. 17, G. A. R., within the limits of the City of Dover, with the Name, Rank, Company, Regi- ment, and Cemetery of the Deceased. This list contains (1891) three hundred and ten graves. The manuscript volume is the property of the Post Dover. In press. List of Marriages in Dover, N. IL, from 1623 to 1832. This list contains some four thousand marriages. The town records during the same period contain some four hundred only. MS. Manufactures and Water Power of the Bellamy River in Dover, N. IL, from 1649 to 1891. MS. Hanson, Elizabeth. The Remarkable Captivity and Sur- prising Deliverance of Elizabeth Hanson, wife of John Hanson, of Knoxmarsh, at Kecheachy [Cochecho], in Dover Township, who was taken captive with her children and her maid-servant by the Indians in New England, in the year 1724. Re-printed from a copy of the third edi- tion- printed MDCCLXXX. Dover: 1824. 16°, pp. 24. The Same. Fifth Edition. Dover (n. d.) [z6><S>j']. 8', pp. 11. Harris, Rev. Thaddeus Mason. A Sermon preached at the Ordination of the Rev. Caleb Hamilton Sherman, over the Church and First Parish in Dover, New Hampshire, 31 May 6, 1807. By Thaddeus Mason Harris. Minister of Dorchester in Massachusetts. Printed by Samuel Bragg, Jr. Dover, N. H.: 1807. 8'>, pp. 16. Haskell, Bev. Ezra. Life of William Hurd. Dover, N. H.: 1876. 16", pp. 168. Hassam, John T. The Dover Settlement and the Hiltons. Published in the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register for 1882, Boston, 1882. Haven, Samuel. A Sermon preached February 18, 1767, at the Ordination of Rev. Jeremy Belknap, Dover. Ports- mouth, N. H. : 1767. 8°, pp. 36. Hayden, Rev. Lucian. Election Vindicated. A Sermon preached in Dover, N. H., on January 20, 1839. Dover : I&39- 8", pp. 23. Hayes, Fred Hooper (D. D. S). The Hayes Family of Dover, N. H. Dover: 1892. MS. Hayes, John (LL. DJ. A Reminiscence of the Free-Soil Movement in New Hampshire, 1845. [It contains a trib- ute to the Hon. John P. Hale of Dover, N. H.] Cam- bridge : 1883. 8 pp. 44. Hayward, Silvanus (Rev.). Address at the Centennial Celebration of the Congregational Church at Gilsum, N. H., October 28, 1872. Dover, N. H. : 1873. 8", pp. 63. Hemenway, Rev. Moses (D. D.). Sermon Delivered at Somersworth, N. H., March 11, 1792, at the Interment of Rev. James Pike. Printed by Eliphalet Ladd. Dover : 1792. 8 pp. 28. 32 Henderson, Howard Millet. A Practical Grammar of the English Language. Dover : 1828. 8 pp. 80. Hibernians, Ancient Order of. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover, N. H. : 1877. 16", pp. 26. Hill and Barton (Defendants). See Upham, Timothy. Hill, Levi Gerrish (M. D.). President's Address in Trans- actions of New Hampshire Medical Society for 1869. And other papers in succeeding volumes of the transac- tions. , Hoag, Joseph. Hoag's Vision and Washington's Prophecy. Dover: 1862. 8°, pp. 16. Jlodgdon, Moses.] The Complete Justice of the Peace, con- taining Extracts from Burns' Justice, and Other Judiciary Productions. By a Gentleman of the Profession. Printed by Samuel Bragg, Jr. Dover, N. LI. : Nov., 1806. 8°, pp. 431, 4. Fourth of July Address in Dover, N. H., in 1808. Printed by James K. Reniick. Dover: 1808. 8°, pp. 18. Holme, Benjamin. A Serious Call to All People. [A Quaker tract.] Printed by John Mann. Dover, N. H. : 1813. 8 pp. 56. Holmes, Hon. John. Address at Dover, N. H., Oct. 23, 1817, at the Installation of Strafford Lodge of Free Masons. Printed by John Mann. Dover, N. H. : 1817. 8 >, pp. 16. Horsch, Carl H. ( M. D.). Facts Regarding the Medical Profession and Sanitary Science. Dover, A". H. : 2883. 8 pp. 18. 33 Hurd, D. Hamilton. History of Rockingham and Straf- ford Counties in New Hampshire. [Contains a sketch of Dover, N. H., by Rev. Dr. A. H. Quint, and Other Papers relating to Dover.] Philadelphia : 1882. 40. Hurd, William (and Loyne, William A.). The Temper- ance Reform Hymn Book. Dover: 1875. 16°, pp. 30. Autobiography. \f)over~\ : 287(7. 16°, pp. 50. Jenness, John Scribner. Transcripts of Original Docu- ments in the English Archives relating to the Early History of New Hampshire. Privately printed. New York: 1876. Royal 8°, pp. 161. Jewett, Charles. Catalogue of Franklin Academy, Dover, N. H., for 1864-65. Dover, N. H.: 1865. 8°, pp. 12. Kittredge, Jacob (M. D.). Report on Secale Cornutum. Printed by S. Whidden. Portsmouth: 1821. 16", pp. 12. Knights oj Honor. Constitution and By-Laws of North Star Lodge. Knights of Honor of Dover, N. H. Dover: 1878. 16", pp. 8. Knights of Labor. Constitution and By-Laws of Garrison Hill Assembly, No. 4,816. Knights of Labor of Dover, N. H. Dover, N. H.: 1887. 16", pp. 17. Knights of Pythias. Constitution and By-Laws of Olive Branch Lodge, No. 8. Knights of Pythias of Dover, N. H. Dover: 1873. 16°, pp. 24. 3 34 Knights of Pythias. The Same. Dover, N. H. : 1877. 16'', pp. 51. The Same. Dover, N. H. : 1886. 16°, pp. 66. The Same. Dover, N. H. : 1891. 16", pp. 87. Rules of Mutual Relief Association. Dover: 1873. 16", pp. 12. Knights of St. Crispin. Constitution and By-Laws of Co- checo Lodge, No. 61, of Dover, N. H. Dover (n. d.) \_circa 1877). 16 >, pp. 18. Knollys, Rev. Hansard. Autobiography. London : 1692. Lane, Edmund James. The Descendants of William Lane. Published in Vol. XXVII of the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg- ister, Boston, 1873. Lapham, William B. (M. D.). The Ricker Family of Dover, N. H. Augusta, Me.: 1877. 8", pp. 20. John Hill of Dover and His Descendants. Augusta, Me.: 1889. 8", pp. 16. Thomas Nock, of Dover, N. H., and His Descend- ants. Augusta, Me.: 1890. 8°, pp. 34. Latham, A. (Rev.) An Appeal to the Candid Public: - In Reference to Rev. C. N. Smith. Dover, N. IL : 1850. 12°, pp. 21. Lathrop, Moses C. (M. D.). Delusion of Mothers' Marks. Published in Transactions of N. H. Medical Society for 1884, Concord, 1884. 35 Lathrop, Moses C. (M. D.). How Are Drugs Medicinal? Published in Transactions of the N. H. Medical Society for 1888. Concord: 1888. Lothrop, Hon. James E. Inaugural Address as Mayor of the City of Dover delivered to the City Councils on Janu- ary 3, 1884. Dover: 1884. 8°, pp. 23. Lothrop, Rev. Samuel K. (D. D.). Sermon on the One Hundredth Birthday of Ezra Green (M. D.). of Dover, N. H., on June 28, 1846. Dr. Green was at that time the oldest living alumnus of Harvard College. Boston : 1846. 8®, pp. 25. Lowe, Sarah. May Daie. A Book for Children. New York: 1856. 16®, pp. 106. Mack, Rev. Enoch. The Revolution Unfinished, or Amer- ican Independence Begun. An Address delivered at Dover, N. H., on July 4, 1838, befoie the Anti-Slavery Societies of Dover and Great Falls, N. H. Dover: 1838. 8®, pp. 15. The Truth to Make You Free. By the authority of the Strafford County, N. H., Anti-Slavery Society, (n. d.) [circa 7840.] 12°, pp. 12. The Te-Total Songster and Washingtonian Melodies. Published at the Disciple Office. Dover, N. H. \j844~\. 16°, pp. 24. Maffit, John Newland (Rev.). Sermon Delivered at Dover, N. H., Fast Day, Apr. 13, 1826. Concord, N. H. : 1826. 8", pp. 18. The Same. Boston : 1828. 12®, pp. 15. 36 Maps. See list following this Bibliography. Martin, Gov. Noah (M. D.). Message to New Hamp- shire Legislature at the Session of June, 1852. Concord: 1852. 8°, pp. 14. The Same, June, 1853. Concord: 1853. 8°, pp. 24. President's Address before the New Hampshire Medi- cal Society, June 1, 1859. Published in the Transactions of the Society for 1859, Manchester, 1859. Masons. St. Paul's Commandery of Knights Templar. By- Laws. Dover: 1867. 16 >, pp. 16. The Same. By-Laws. Dover : 1875. 16°, pp. 18. The Same. Memorial Service on the 20th Anniver- sary of the Death of Captain Moses Paul. [Address by Rev. Dr. Quint.] Dover: 1880. 8°, pp. 16. The Same. List of Members. Dover: 2883. 8°, pp. 2. Belknap Chapter, No. 8, Royal Arch Masons of Dover, N. H. By-Laws. Dover, N. H.: 1832. 16 pp. 12. The Same. By-Laws. Dover: 1831. 16 >, pp. 12. The Same. By-Laws. Dover: 2862. 16 >, pp. 12. The Same. By-Laws. Dover: 1878. 16°, pp. 12. 37 Masons. Orphan Council No. One, of Dover, N. H. By- Laws. (n. d.) 16°, pp. 5. Strafford Lodge, No. 29, Dover, N. H. By-Laws. Dover: 1848. 16", pp. 19. The Same. By-Laws. Dover: i860. 16°, pp. 19. The Same. By-Laws. Dover: 1871. 16°, pp. 36. The Same. List of Members. Dover: 1890. 16", pp. 3. Strafford County Masonic Mutual Relief Association. By-Laws. Dover: 1873. 16", pp. 12. The Same. By-Laws. Dover : 1873. 16", pp. 18. The Same. By-Laws. Dover : 1836. 16", pp. 16. The Same. By-Laws. Dover : 1882. 16", pp. 16. Moses Paul Lodge, No. 96, of Dover, N. H. By- Laws. Dover : 1890. 16", pp. 26. McClintock, John N. Sketch of Governor Noah Martin in Vol. XI of the Granite Monthly, Concord, 1888. Sketch of Zimri S. Wallingford in Vol. XI of the Granite Monthly, Concord, 1888. 38 Mellen, Henry. Anniversary Ode (4th of July) ; eight stanzas. Dover, N. H. (n. d.) \_circa 1808.] -7 The Bachelors of Dover, N. H., by H[enryj M[el- len]. A Poem: nine stanzas [reprinted in Historic Mem- oranda No. 280]. Dover: 1808. Mellen, Rev. W. R. G. The Moral Condition of Dover. A Sermon delivered in the Unitarian Church, Dover, N. H., on Sunday Evening, March 19, 1882. Dover: 1882. 12°, pp. 23. Merrill, Phineas. The Scholars' Guide to Arithmetic. Printed by Samuel Bragg, Jr. Dover : /8io. 12°. The Same. Third Edition. Printed by Jesse Var- nay. Dover: 1819. 12o, pp. 108. MetcalJ, Henry H. Ye Solemncholy Tale of ye Buck- ramme Menne: A Doggerel. Illustrated: 33 stanzas. Dover, N. H.: 1875. 24°, pp. 8. Sketch of Hon. Joshua G. Hall in Vol. I of the Granite Monthly, Dover, 1877-78. Methodist Episcopal Church, Dover, N. H. Catalogue of Books in Sunday School Library. Dover : 1880. 16°, pp. 47. Dedicatory Services, at the Dedication of the New Methodist Episcopal Church, Dover, N. H., Sept. 6, 1876. 1876. f°, pp. 1. History of. See Thurston, Rev. James. 39 Moulton, Rev. A. K. A Discourse delivered on the Death of Capt. Joshua F. Littlefield, in Great Falls, N. H., on Sept. 21, 1862. Dover, N. H.: 1862. 8°, pp. 24. National Board of Underwriters. Tariff' of Rates for Fire Insurance Established by the National Board of Un- derwriters, Jan. 15, 1875. Dover, N. H. : 1875. 8°, pp. 8. Neal, Moses L. [Esq.-]. Fourth of July Address at Dover, N. H., in 1808. Printed by James K. Remick. Dover, N. H.: 1808. 8°, pp. 18. " The Presbyteriad," a Poem. Dover, N. H.: 2797. New England Protective Union. By-Laws. Dover: 1849. 16°, pp. 16. New Hampshire. Articles in addition to and Amendment of the Constitution of the State of New Hampshire, agreed to by the Convention of said State, and submitted to the people thereof for their approbation. Printed by E. Ladd for the State. Dover: 1792. The Constitution and Laws of New Hampshire to- gether with the Constitution of the United States. Printed for the State by Samuel Bragg, Jr. Dover, N. H. : 1805. 8°, pp. 537. The Same. Printed by John Mann. Dover, N. H. : 1815. 8°. New Hampshire Medical Society. The Transactions of the New Hampshire Medical Society, held at Dover, June 23 and 24, 1863. Concord: 1863. 8°, pp. 43. 40 New Hampshire Methodist Conference. Directory of the Forty-eighth Annual Session, held at Dover, N. H., April 18, 1877. 8", pp. 8. New Hampshire State Agricultural Society. Premium List of the N. H. State Agricultural Society, for the Eigh- teenth Annual Fair, held at Dover, N. H., Dec. 6, 7, and 8, 1875. Claremont: 1876. 8°, pp. 56. Premium List for the Twenty-fifth Annual Fair, of the N. IL State Agricultural Society, held in Dover, N. H., 1879. 8°, pp. 32. New Hampshire, Supreme Court of. Dockets, semi- annual, for Strafford County. 16°. Newmarket, N. H, Town of. Catalogue of the Members of the Newmarket High School for the year ending Feb. 6, 1861. George T. Wiggin, Principal. Dover, N. H. : 1861. 12°. pp. 10. Newspapers. See list following this Bibliography. Northwood Seminary. Catalogue of North wood Seminary at North wood Ridge, N. H., for 1888 to 1889. Dover, N. H.: 1889. 12°, pp. 15. Odd Fellows. Degree of Rebekah, I. O. O. F., Purity Lodge, No. 7, Dover, N. II. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover: 1876. 32°, pp. 19. Mount Pleasant Lodge, No. 16, I. O. O. F., of Dover, N. H. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover : 1846. 16°, pp. 36. 41 Odd Fellows. The Same. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover : 1872. 16°, pp. 62. The Same. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover : 1882. 16°, pp. 89. The Same. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover: 1891. 16°, pp. 100. Mutual Relief Association of Strafford County. Rules and Regulations. Dover: 1870. 16°, pp. 12. The Same. Rules and Regulations. Dover: 1872. 16°, p. 12. The Same. Amended Rules. Dover: 1883. 16°, pp. 16. The Same. Amended Rules. Dover: 1884. 16°, pp. 16. Parker Uniformed Degree Tent, No. 5, of Dover, N. H. By-Laws. Dover, N. H.: 1885. 16°, pp. 12. Prescott Encampment, No. 23, of Dover, N. H. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover: 1878. 16°, pp. 22. The Same. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover: 1882. 16°, pp. 33. Quocheco Encampment, No. 4, By-Laws. Dover: 1844. 16°, pp. 15. The Same. No. 4., of Dover, N. H. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover : 1848. 16°, pp. 32. 42 Odd Fellows. The Same. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover: 1871. 16°, pp. 30. The Same. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover: 1874. 16°, pp. 12. The Same. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover: 1882. 16°, pp. 41. Strafford Tent, I. O. O. F. By-Laws and Rules of Order. Dover: 1845. 16°. pp. 15. United Daughters of Rechab : Fidelity Tent, No. 21. By-Laws and Rules of Order. Dover, N. H.: 1848. 16°, pp. 24. Wecohamet Lodge, No. 3, I. O. O. F., of Dover, N. H. By-Laws, Constitution, and Rules of Order. Dover: 1844. 16°, pp. 34. The Same. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover, N. H.: 1845. 16°, pp. 36. The Same. By-Laws, Constitution, and Rules of Order. Dover: 1858. 16°, pp. 40. The Same. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover: 1871. 16°, pp. 82. The Same. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover : 1882. 16°, pp. 76. Otis, Horatio N. The Otis Genealogy. Published in Vols. IV and V of the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Boston, 1850. 43 Parjter, Rev. Nathan (D. D.). Sermon at the Dedica- tion of the Unitarian Church in Dover, N. H., on Febru- ary 18, 1829. Published in a volume of sermons by Rev. Nathan Parker, Portsmouth, 1835. 8°, pp. 14. Parker, Rev. S. P. The Church's Law of Interpretation of Scripture. A Sermon preached in St. Thomas' Church, Dover, N. H., May 25, 1870, before the 70th Convention of the Diocese of N. H. Published by vote of the Con- vention. 1870. 12°, pp. 24. Parkhurst, Rev. Charles H. (D. D.). The Question of the Hour. Sermon delivered in Dover, N. H., Thanksgiv- ing Day, Nov. 25, 1886. New York: 1886. 8°, pp. 19. Parkman, Rev. John. Old Age - What We Make It. A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of Hon. William Hale, and preached in the Unitarian Meeting House in Dover, N. H., Nov. 12, 1848. Boston: 1848. 8°, pp. 18. Pascataqua Congregational Club. Constitution and By- Laws of the Pascataqua Congregational Club, organized at Dover, N. H., on Feb. 23, 1891. Also a list of Members. Dover: 1891. 16°, pp. 24. Patterson, James W. Fourth of July Oration at Dover, N. H., in 1865. Dover: 1865. 8°, pp. 36. Peabody, Rev. Andrew P. (D. D.). Sermon at the Ordi- nation of Rev. Edwin M. Wheelock over the Unitarian Church in Dover, N. H., January 7, 1857. Boston: 1857. 8°, pp. 27. Peirce Memorial Church, Dover, N. H. [First Universa- list.J Consecration of Church Building on January 11, 1883. 1883. 8°, pp. 60. 44 Peirce Memorial Church, Dover, N. H. [First Universal- istj. Confession of Faith and By-Laws. Dover, N. H.: 1885. 16°, pp. 9. Penn, William. Fruit of a Father's Love; being the advice of William Penn to his Children. Relating to their Civil and Religious Duties. Dover: James K. Remick, Printer. 1808. 12°, pp. 484-. Peterborough, N. H., Presbyterian Church. Manual of the First Presbyterian Church, Peterborough, N. H., In- corporated A. D. 1828. Printed by George Wadleigh. Dover: 1856. 16°, pp. 24. Pike, Rev. John. Journal of Rev. John Pike of Dover, N. II. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by the Rev. A-. H. Quint, D. D. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Cambridge: 1876. 8°, pp. 40. Pope, Alexander. An Essay on Man in Four Epistles to H. St. John, Lord Bolingbroke, to which is added the Univer- sal prayer. By Alexander Pope, Esq. Dover : Printed by John Mann for Jesse Varney, and sold at his Book- store, by the hundred, dozen, or single, (n. d.) 12°, pp. 48. Portsmouth Baptist Association. Minutes of the Twenty- sixth Anniversary of the Portsmouth Baptist Association, held in Dover, N. H., Sept. 6, 1854. Dover: 1834. 8®, pp. 22. Minutes 37th Anniversary in Dover, Sept. 1865. 8®, pp. 18. Portsmouth Baptist Sunday School Convention. Minutes of the Portsmouth Baptist Sunday School Convention for 45 the year 1880, including an Historical Sketch of the Con- vention, by Benjamin R. Jewell. Dover, N. H.: 1880. 8°, pp. 16. Pray, Thomas J. W. (M. D.). Catalogue of Officers and Members of the Strafford County Teachers' Institute, held in Dover, N. H., in 1857 and in 1858. Dover : /8y8. 8°, pp. 16. Oration before New Hampshire Medical Society, published in the Transactions of the Society for 1857; anti other papers in succeeding volumes of the Transactions. Preble, Commodore George Henry, and Green ( Walter C.). Diary of Ezra Green, M. D., with Historical Notes and a Biography. Boston : 1885. 8°, pp. 31. Putnam, Samuel. The Analytical Reader containing Les- sons in Simultaneous Reading and Defining with Spelling from the same. Third Edition. Published by Samuel C. Stevens. Dover, N. H.: 1827. 12°, pp. 156. An Abridgement of Murray's English Grammar, con- taining also Punctuation, the Notes under Rules in Syntax, and Lessons in Parsing, etc. Published by Samuel C. Stevens. Dover, N. H. : 1828. 16°, pp. 108. Sequel to the Analytical Reader. Published by Eli Erench. Dover: 1832. 8°, pp. 300. Quint, Rev. Alonzo H. (D. D.). Historical Memoranda, Comprising 450 articles in the Dover, N. H., Enquirer, from 1850 to 1892. A few papers in this series were written by Hon. John Wentworth, Ballard Smith, Esq., Charles Wesley Tuttle, A. M., and Mary P. Thompson. 46 Quint, Rev. Alonzo H. (D. D.). Extracts from Dover, N. H., Town Records. Published in Vol. IV of the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, pp. 246-250, Boston, 1850. Items Regarding the Early Settlers in Dover, N. H. Published in Volumes V-IX of the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Boston, 1851-1855. Sketch of First Church, Dover, N. H., in Lawrence's Churches of New Hampshire. Claremont: 1856. Sketch of Dover, N. IL, in Coolidge and Mansfield's History of New Hampshire, Boston, i860. Election Sermon before the Legislature of Massachu- setts in 1865. The Record of the Second Massachusetts Infantry. Boston : 1867. 12°, pp. 528. Biographical Sketch of Thomas Westbrooke Wal- dron of Dover, N. IL, Reprinted from the Dover Enquirer. Boston : 1871. 12°, pp. 12. Hansard Knollys in Sprague's Annals. Published in the Congregational Quarterly for January, 1871. The Potomac and The Rapidan. 12°. Oration on the Centennial Anniversary of National Independence, Dover, N. PL, 1876. Dover, N. H. : 1876. 8°, pp. 53. The Journal of the Rev. John Pike of Dover, N. H. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by the Rev. A. PL Quint, D. D. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Cambridge: 1876. 8°, pp. 40. 47 Quint, Rev. Alonzo II. (D. D.). Oration at Dedication of Soldiers' Monument, Dover, N. H., Sept. 14, 1877. The First Church, Dover, N. H., and its Pastor. Published in Vol. I of the Granite Monthly, Dover, 1877-78. John Waldron (of Dover, N. H.) and His Descend- ants. Reprinted from Dover Enquirer. Dover : 1879. 8°. pp. 10. List of Dover, N. H., Town Officers and Represent- atives. Dover: 1879. 8°, pp. 24. Notes on the Dover, N. H., Combination of 1640. Published in the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, for 1879, Boston. The Church Family in Dover, N. H. Reprinted from the Dover Enquirer. Dover : 1879. 8°, pp. 5. Early Records of New Hampshire Families. Pub- lished in Vol. XXXIV of the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Regis- ter, Boston, 1880. Memorial Address St. Paul's Commandery of Knights Templar. Dover, N. H.: 1880. 8°, pp. 16. The Kimball Family of Dover, N. H. Reprinted from the Dover Enquirer. Dover: 1880. 8°, pp. 11. Lieutenant Governor David Dunbar's Connections. Published in the Granite Monthly, Vol. IV, Concord, 1881. Biographical Sketch of Rev. Dr. George B. Spald- ing. Published in the History of Rockingham and Straf- ford Counties, Philadelphia, 1882. 48 Quint, Rev. Alonzo H. (D. D.). Biographical Sketch of Hon. Daniel Hall. Published in Vol. VI of the Granite Monthly, (Reprinted in New Hampshire Successful Men). Concord, 1882-83. List of Town Officers. Reprinted in Dover City Ordinances, 1882. Sketch of Dover, N. H., in the History of Rocking- ham and Strafford Counties, Philadelphia, 1882. Address at 250th Anniversary of First Parish, Dover, N. H., Oct. 28, 1883. (See First Parish.) 8°, pp. 148. The Old Nail Factory, Dover, N. H. Published in Dover Enquirer in 1883. [Reprinted.] Dover, N. H. : 1883. 8°, pp. 40. Things New and Old. A Sermon preached at the Hollis Street Church on the 246th Anniversary of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, June 4, 1884. Boston : 1884.. 8°, pp. 18. Sketch of Hon. Samuel M. Wheeler in New Hamp- shire Successful Men, Manchester, 1884. Address at Dedication of Rollins Chapel at Dart- mouth College, June 24, 1885. Biographical Sketch of Hon. John McDuffee. Pub- lished in Vol. IX of the Granite Monthly, Concord, 1886. Address at the 250th Anniversary of First Church, Dover, N. H., Dec. 18, 1888. [See First Church.] In press. Edward Leathers and His Descendants. Published in Dover Enquirer in 1891. [Reprinted.] Dover, N. H.: 1891. 8°, pp. 13. 49 Quint, Rev. Alonzo H. (D. D.). Oration at the Laying of the Corner-Stone of the New City Building, at Dover, N. H., July 4, 1890. Dover: 1891. 8°, pp. 26. Deacon John Hall of Dover and His Descendants, in Hall Genealogy. Randall, Rev. Benjamin. Sermon at the Interment of Murmoth Fortune Herrick, Farmington, N. IL, Feb. 23, 1803. Third Edition. Dover: J880. 8 , pp. 22. Ravuson, Colonel Jonathan. A Compendium of Military Duty adapted to the Militia of the United States. Printed by Eliphalet Ladd. Dover: 1793. 8°, pp. 305. Red Men. Wanalanset Tribe, No. 7, Improved Order of Red Men, of Dover, N. H. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover : 1887. 16°, pp. 69. Ricker, Rev. Ephraim W. Farewell Sermon to the First Freewill Baptist Church in Dover, N. H., on March 21, 1882. Dover: 1882. 8°, pp. 14. Root, Rev. David. Fast Sermon on Slavery, delivered Apr. 2, 1835, to the Congregational Church and Society in Dover. Dover: 1833. 8°, pp. 22. Liberty of Speech and of the Press. A Thanksgiv- ing Sermon, delivered Nov. 26, 1835, to the Congrega- tional Church and Society in Dover, N. H. Dover, N. H.: 1835- 8°, pp. 16. Liberty Triumphant, a Sermon preached before the Haverhill, Mass., Anti-Slavery Society, Aug. 1836. An- dover: 1836. 8°, pp. 24. 4 50 Root, Rev. David. Memorial of the Martyred Lovejoy. A Discourse delivered in Dover, N. H. Published by request. Dover (n. d.) \circa z^j/J. 8% pp. 16. A Bi-Centennial Sermon: or the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Formation of the First Congregational Church in Dover, N. H. Delivered Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 29, 1838. By David Root, Pastor. Dover, N. H. : 8°, pp. 39. A Farewell Discourse to the Young Men of Dover [Delivered Sunday Evening, Sept. 1, 1839]. Published by request. Dover, N. H.: 1839. 8°, pp. 11. A Farewell Discourse : Addressed to the First Church and Society in Dover, N. H., on September 8, 1839. Published by request. Dover, N. H.: 1840. 8°, pp. 14. Royal Arcanum. Major Waldron Council, No. 989, of Dover, N. H. Constitution and List of Members. Dover : 1888. 16°, pp. 6. The Same. By-Laws and List of Members. Dover: 1889. 16°, pp. 8. St. Thomas Episcopal Church, of Dover, N. H. Constitu- tion and By-Laws. Dover, N. H. : 1833. 16°, pp. 8. Catalogue of St. Thomas S. S. and Parish Library. Dover; 1880. 24°, pp. 30. Catalogue of Sunday School Library. Dover : 1890. 16', pp. 11. 51 Savings Bank for the County of Strafford. Act of In- corporation of. Printed by John Mann. Dover : 1827. 16°, pp. 12. Rules and Regulations. Printed by John Mann. Dover: 1827. 16°, pp. 4. By-Laws. Dover: 1882. 16°, pp. 12. Sawyer, Charles H. Governor's Message to the New Hampshire Legislature at the June Session, 1887. Man- chester: 1887. 8°, pp. 23. Scales, John. Catalogue of Franklin Academy, Dover, N. H., for 1873-74. Dover: 1874. 8°, pp. 16. The Same, 1875-76. Dover: 1876. 8°, pp. 22. Class of 1863 in Dartmouth College. Dover: 1883. 8°, pp. 53. Which Legislature Should Elect the United States Senator. A reply to Hon. William E. Chandler. Dover : 2883. 8°, pp. 16. Published over signature of John Scales, but not written by him. Sheafe, Rev. Joseph P., Jr. Address in the Unitarian Church, Dover, N. H., on June 10, 1888, the Second An- niversary of Wanalanset Tribe, No. 7, Improved Order of Red Men. Dover : 1888. 8°, pp. 20. Sherman, Enoch. Temperance Address in Dover, N. H., in 1838. Dover: 1838. 8*. 52 Sillingsby, Maurice (alias Currier). The Death Touch, or the Scout of the Wichewonnock; An Historical Drama. Dover, TV. H. : 1876. 8°, pp. 16. Smcllie, William. The Philosophy of Natural History. By William Smellie, Member of the Antiquarian and Royal Societies of Edinburgh. Published by Samuel Bragg, Jr., Dover, N. H. : 1808. 8°, pp. 552. Smith, Ballard, Jr. A Genealogical Record of the Smiths of Oyster River. (Durham, N. H.) Louisville, Ky. : 1874. 8a, pp. 28. Smith, C. N. (Rev.). Rev. A. Latham - Reviewed. Dover, N. H.: 1850. 12°, pp. 45. Social Library of Dover, N. H. Catalogue of Books in Social Library, (n. d.) \circa 27(75.] p. 1. The Library was incorporated in 1795. Sons of Temperance. Cocheco Division, No. 14, of Dover, N. H. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover: 1848. 16°, pp. 32. Union Division, No. 4, of Dover, N. H. Constitu- tion and By-Laws, and Rules of Order. Dover: 1863. 16°, pp. 22. The Same. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover. N. LI. : 1872. 16°, pp. 26. Soul of the Soldiery. Rules and Regulations of the Soul of the Soldiery. Instituted in Dover, N. H., August, 1821. With List of Members. \_Dover : 1821.] 16°, pp. 8. 53 Sovereigns of Industry. Dover Council No. 8. By-Laws. Dover: 1874. 24°, pp. 12. Spalding, Rev. George B. (D. D.). A Discourse deliv- ered in the First Church of Dover, May 18, 1873, on the 250th Anniversary of the Settlement of Dover, N. H. Published by request. Dover : 1873. 12°, pp. 29. A Discourse commemorative of the Character and Ca- reer of Hon. John Parker Hale, delivered in the First Par- ish Church, Dover, N. H., on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27, 1873. Concord, N. PI.: 1874. 8°, pp. 19. The Dover Pulpit During the Revolutionary War. A Discourse commemorative of the distinguished service ren- dered by Rev. Jeremy Belknap, D. D., to the cause of American Independence, delivered on July 9, 1876. Do- ver : 1876. 8°, pp. 31. A Semi-Centennial Discourse delivered at Laconia, N. H., June 18, 1878, on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the organization of the Conference of Churches of Strafford County. Dover: 1878. 8°, pp. 20. The Idea and Necessity of Normal School Training. An Address delivered at the Dedication of the Normal School Building at Gorham, Me., Dec. 26, 1878. Port- land: 1879. 8°, pp. 12. The Relation of the Church to Children. An Ad- dress delivered before the New Hampshire Sunday School Convention, at Haverhill, Nov. 6, 1879. Bristol, N. H.: 1879. 8°, pp. 8. 54 Spalding, Rev. George B. (D. D.). Discourse on Occa- sion of the Death of President Garfield, preached in the First Church, Dover, N. H., Sept. 25, 1881. Dover, N. H.: 1881. 8°, pp. 24. Historical Discourse delivered on the 100th Anniver- sary of the Piscataqua Association of Ministers, at the North Church, Portsmouth, N. H., Oct. 26, 1881. Dover, N.H.: 1881. 8°, pp. 83. Walking with God. A Sermon on Occasion of the Death of Wells Waldron, preached in the First Church, Dover, N. H., Sunday, Nov. 13, 1881. Dover, N. H.: 1881. 8°, pp. 13. A Discourse commemorative of John Riley Varney, preached at the First Church, Dover, N. H., May 5, 1882. Dover, N. H.: 1882. 8°, pp. 19. Biographical Sketch of the Rev. Dr. Alonzo H. Quint, in the History of Rockingham and Strafford Counties, Philadelphia, 1882. Biographical Sketches of Jonathan Sawyer and Charles H. Sawyer in New Hampshire Successful Men, Manchester, 1882. In Memory of Deacon Edmund J. Lane. A Dis- course preached at the First Church, Dover, N. H., March 3, 1884. Manchester, N. H. : 1884. 8°. pp. 15. Spring, Rev. Samuel. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Pearson Thurston at Somersworth, N. H. Printed bv Eliphalet Ladd. Dover, N. H.: 1792. 8:), pp. 25. 55 Stackpole, Paul A. (M. D.). President's Address before the New Hampshire Medical Society on June 28, 1864. Published in Society's Transactions, Concord, 1864. Medicine v. Nature. Published in Transactions, N. H. Medical Society, Concord, 1888. Steele, Richard (Dr.). An Impartial Account of the Ori- gin and Progress of the Difficulties existing between the Congregational Church in Durham, N. H., and Richard Steele. Printed by John Mann. Dover: 1829. 8°, pp. 46. Stevens, Herman W. The Belknap Grammar School, Dover, N. H. Dover: 1878. 8°, pp. 6. The Upper Factory School, Dover, N. H. Dover (n. d.) \circa 8°, pp. 16. The Tolend School District, Dover, N. H. Dover (n. d.) (circa 1885]. 8°, pp. 8. The Back River School, Dover, N. H. Dover: 1887. 8°, pp. 3. The Old Landing School, Dover, N. H. Dover (n. d.) (circa i888~\. 8°, pp. 21. The Garrison Hill School, Dover, N. H. Dover (n. d.) (circa 1889]. The Pine Hill School, Dover, N. H. Dover (n. d.) (circa 188<J\. 8°, pp. 22. 56 Stevens, Samuel C. Hints for the Improvement of Early Education and Nursery Discipline. Third Edition. Pub- lished by Samuel C. Stevens, Dover, N. H. : 1826. 16°, pp. 112. The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; translated out of the Original Greek; and with former translations diligently compared and revised. Ster- eotyped by T. H. and C. Carter, Boston. Published by Samuel C. Stevens. Dover, N. H. : 1828. 12°, pp. 283. Sketch of Dover, N. H., from the earliest period to the present time. Dover : 1833. 16°, pp. 24. Also bound up with Dover Directory for 1833. Stewart, Rev. I. D. The History of the Freewill Baptists 1780-1830. Dover, N. H. : 1862. 12°, pp. 479. Stiles, Rev. Henry. Stiles' Genealogy. Contains Family of William, of Dover. Strafford Agricultural Society. Rules and Regulations of the Strafford Agricultural Society together with the Act of Incorporation. Printed by John Mann. Dover: 1818. 8°, pp. 8. Strafford Bank. See Savings Bank for County of Strafford. Strafford County Agricultural Pair. Premium Lists for Annual Fairs from 1866 to 1877. Dover: i866\ffpj\. 11 pamphlets, 16°. Poultry Show. First Annual Exhibition. To be held in City Hall, Dover, N. IL, January 27, 28, and 29, 1875. Premium List. Dover: 1835. 8°, pp. 23. 57 Strafford County Agricultural Fair. Premium Lists for First Annual Consolidated Exhibition of Rockingham, Strafford, Belknap, and Carroll Counties held in Dover, N. H., October, 1878. Dover: 1878. 8°, pp. 23. Strafford County Bible Society. Constitution of the Straf- ford County Bible Society adopted at Rochester, Jan. 24, i860. Dover, N. H.: i860. 12°, pp. 6. Strafford County Common School Association. First An- nual Catalogue and Circular of the Strafford County Com- mon School Association, organized Nov. 9, Dover, N. H. : 1850. 12°, pp. 11. Strafford County, N. H. Annual Reports of the Commis- sioners of Strafford County, and related documents from 1868 to 1892. Dover: 1868-92. 24 pamphlets, 16° and 12°. Specifications for Labor and Materials for building the Strafford County Farm Buildings. F. N. Footman, Arch- itect. Dover, N. H. : 1881. 8°, pp. 18. Strafford District (N. H.) Medical Society. The Con- stitution and By-Laws of the Strafford District, N. FL, Medical Society. Dover: 1850. 16°, pp. 14. Catalogue of Books in Library. Dover: 1859. 12°, pp. 8. Strafford Guards. Constitution of the Strafford Guards instituted May, 1822, as revised August, 1825. With Membership List. Printed by John Mann. Dover: 1825. 16°, pp. 17. 58 Strafford Guards. Constitution of the Strafford Guards of Dover, N. H. 1862. 16°, pp. 8. The Same. Press of G. H. & S. E. Twombly. Dover: 1864. Tate, Joseph'. Record of Somersworth, N. H., Families from 1750 to 17S0. MS., 1892. Tebbets, Charles W. The Tebbets Family of Dover, New Hampshire. MS., 1892. Thompson, Alary P. Memoir of Judge Ebenezer Thomp- son of Durham, N. H. Concord: 1886. 8°, pp. 86. Landmarks in Ancient Dover. Concord: 1888. 8°, pp. 85. Landmarks in Ancient Dover, New Hampshire. By Mary P. Thompson. Complete Edition. Durham, N. H.: 1892. 8°, pp. 283. Thornton, J. Wingate. Deed from Captain Thomas Wig- gin to Captain Richard Waldron and Thomas Lake of a portion of the Squamscot Patent in 1658. Published in the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Vol. XXVI, Boston, 1872. Thurston, Rev. Benjamin. A Sermon delivered at Kit- tery [Me.] at a Meeting of the Association of Ministers in that Vicinity on Wednesday the 7th Day of October, 1795. Printed by Eliphalet Ladd. Dover, N. FL : 1795. 8°, pp. 22. 59 Thurston, Rev. James. Historical Sketch of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Dover, N. H. Dover: 1879. 12°, pp. 30. The Pastor's Roll of the Methodist Church, Dover, N. H. : a poem. Dover: 1887. 8°, pp. 6. Tilden, Rev. William P. All War Forbidden by Chris- tianity. A Thanksgiving Sermon preached in Dover, N. H., on Nov. 25, 1847. Dover: 1847. 8°, pp. 16. Townsend, Rev. Luther T. (D. D.). The Bible in the Light of Modern Science. A Sermon preached in First Church, Dover, N. H. Dover, N. H. : 1884. 8°, pp. 55. Tufts, Asa Alford. A Meteorological Record for Dover, N. H., from 1819 to 1884. 4 vols., MS. Genealogical Record of the Tufts, Harris, and Gilman Families. MS. Tufts, Charles A. (AL D.). The Relation of the Phar- macist to the Physician. Published in Transactions of N. H. Medical Society, Concord, 1873. Tuttle, Charles Wesley (A. M., Ph. D.). The Tuttle Family of New Hampshire. Published in the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Vol. XXI, Boston, 1867. The Church Records of Newington, N. H. Pub- lished in the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Vol. XXII, Boston, 1868. The Indian Massacre at Fox Point, Newington, N. H. (n. d.) (circa 8°, pp. 6. 60 Tuttle, Charles Wesley (A. M., Ph. D.). New Hamp shire Without A Provincial Government in 1689-90. Fifty Copies reprinted from Transactions Massachusetts Histori- cal Society for 1879. Cambridge: 1880. 8°, pp. 13. Life of Captain John Mason, The Founder of New Hampshire. Edited with Historical Illustrations by John Ward Dean, A. M. Prince Society Publications. Boston : 1889. 4°, pp. 492. Historical Papers. Edited by Albert H. Hoyt, A. M., with Historical Notes. Boston : 1889. 4°, pp. 425. Unitarian Church, Dover, N. H. Order of Exercises at the Ordination of Rev. Francis E. Abbott, in 1861. Catalogue of Sunday School Library. Dover : 1862. 16°, pp. 18. The Same. Dover, N. H. : 1870. 16°, pp. 23. The Same. Dover : 1883. 16°, pp. 24. Order of Exercises at Installation of Rev. Joseph P. Sheafe, Jr., on January 20, 1886. The Guild of the Good Shepherd of the First Unita- rian Society of Christians, Dover, N. H., Organized Jan. 24, 1890. Constitution, Officers, and List of Subjects, (n. d.) 16°, pp. 7. Upham, Timothy. Report of the Libel Case, Timothy Up- ham vs. Hill & Barton. Published by George W. Ela. Dover, N. H.: 1830. 8°. pp. 160. 61 Villers, C. Essay on the Spirit and Influence of the Refor- mation of Martin Luther. Faithfully translated from the last Paris Edition by B. Lambert. Printed by Samuel Bragg, Jr. Dover, N. H. : 1807. 8°, pp. 328. Wadleigh, George. The Press of Strafford County. Pub- lished in the Proceedings of the New Hampshire Press As- sociation for January, 1873, Concord, N. H. The First Settlement of New Hampshire. Published in the Granite Monthly, Vol. V, Concord, N. H., 1882-83. Waldron, Foulke and George. Wills of. Published in the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Vol. XLII, pp. 60, Boston, 1888. Waldron, John, and His Descendants : See Historical Mem- oranda, by Rev. Dr. A. H. Quint. Waldron, Major Richard. Pedigree of. Published in the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Vol. V, p. 182, and Vol. VIII, p. 78. Sketch of. By Rev. Dr. A. H. Quint in " Historical Memoranda." Welch, John Tapley. "Letters from Dover, N. H." Pub- lished in the Boston Sunday Globe, 1888-89. The Same, 1889-90. Wentworth, Fred W. Biographical Sketches of the Alumni of the Phi Zeta Mu Society of Dartmouth College. 1887. 8°, p. 100. Wentworth, George T. Extracts from Dover Town Rec- ords. Published in the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Vol. IV, pp. 30-31, Boston, 1851. 62 Wentworth, Hon. John. Early Records of New Hampshire Families. Published in the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Vol. VII, pp. 115-130, Boston, 1853. The Wentworth Family of Dover, N. H., 1871. 2 vols., 8°. The Wentworth Genealogy: English and American. By John Wentworth, L. L. D., of Chicago, Illinois. In three volumes. Little, Brown, and Company. Boston ; 1878. 8°, pp. xxxviii, 711. The Same. Vol. II. Little, Brown, and Company. Boston : 1878. 8°, pp. 803. o • 1 The Same. Vol. III. Little, Brown, and Company. Boston : 1878. 8°, pp. 727. Wheeler, James H. (M. D.). Medical Diagnosis. A paper read before the New Hampshire Medical Society on June 2, 1868. Published in Transactions of the Society, Manchester, 1868. Report on Surgery. Published in the Transactions of the New Hampshire Medical Society for 1879, Concord, 1879. Wheelock, Rev. Edwin M. Inspiration : A Discourse by Edwin M. Wheelock, at Dover, New Hampshire. Bos- ton : Crosby, Nichols, and Company. 1857. 12o, pp. 16. Literal Interpretations: A lecture delivered in the Unitarian Church, Dover, on Sunday, June 20, 1858. Boston : Crosby, Nichols, and Company. 1858. 12*, pp. 24. 63 Wheelock, Rev. Edwin M. The Divine Sonship of Man : A Discourse by Edwin M. Wheelock, at Dover, N. H. Dover, N. H. : George Wadleigh, printer. 1858. 8°, pp. 16. The Human Soul: A Discourse by Edwin M. Wheel- ock, at Dover, N. H. Boston: Crosby, Nichols, and Company. 1858. 8°, pp. 28. Harper's Ferry and Its Lesson. A Sermon for the Times. By Rev. Edwin M. Wheelock, of Dover, N. H. Preached [in Dover, Sunday, Nov. 6, 1859, in the Unita- rian Church] at the Music Hall, Boston, Sunday, Nov. 27, 1859. Boston: Published by the Fraternity. 1859. 12°, pp. 12. Whitehouse, Benjamin T. Samuel Emerson's Notes. Dover: 1883. 8°, pp. 3. The Dover Cotton Factory. Dover (n. d.) [cir- ca 1884}. 8*, pp. 4. Dover Happenings in 1886. Dover: 1886. 8°, pp. 3. Granite Chips [events in Dover]. (n. d.) [circa 1886.-} 8°, pp. 3. Winnipiseogee Canal Company. Report of the Committee appointed to procure a survey of the Canal Route from the Tide Waters of the Piscataqua River by Alton Bay and the Winnipiseogee River and Squam Lakes to Pemigewasset River near Plymouth. Printed by John Mann. [Dover: 1825.} 8°, pp. 13. Report of the Committee appointed by the Directors of the Winnipiseogee Canal Company, in relation to said 64 Canal Corporation. Printed by J. Dickman. Dover, N. H.: 1826. 8°, pp. 24. Winslow, Rev. Hubbard. Statement and Evidence of the Doctrine of the Trinity, in Three Lectures, by Hubbard Winslow, pastor of the First Church in Dover, N. H. Dover: Published by Samuel C. Stevens. Printed by George W. Ela. 1829. 8°, pp. 66. /X Compendious History of the First Parish in Dover. Taken from the Sermons preached on the First Sabbath in January, 1831, by Rev. H. Winslow, then pastor of said church. Published by S'C. Stevens. Dover: 1832. 9P, pp. 15. Wise, Rev. Jeremiah (A. A/.). A Sermon preached at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. James Pike, in the Parish o: Summersworth, in Dover, Oct. 28, 1730. By Jeremiah Wise, M. A., Pastor of the Church of Christ in Berwick. Printed by T. Fleet, for T. Hancock, at the Bible and Three Crowns, near the Town Dock. Boston : 1731. 8°, pp. 63. Wolf eborough and Tuftonborough Academy. Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Wolfeborough and Tufton- borough Academy for the term ending Dec. 5, 1832. J. T. Gibbs, printer, Alain Street. Dover, N. H.: 1832. A broadside. Wolfeborough (N. H.) Congregational Church. Arti- cles of Faith and Covenant. Dover, N. H.: 1859. 16°, pp. 14. Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Report of the Eleventh annual session, of W. C. T. U., held in Milford, September, 1884. Dover, N. H.: 1884. 8°, pp. 110. 65 Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Minutes of the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the New Hampshire W. C. T. U., held in Dover, Sept. 30, 1890. Bristol, N. H. : 7890. pp. 133. Wood, Rev. H. F. Memorial Sermon: Frances Payson Waldron, wife of Rev. Wm. H. Waldron. Preached at the Broadway Free Baptist Church, Dover, N. H., May 20, 1888. (n. d.) 16°, pp. 24. Woodman, Charles W., and Freeman (Peyton R.). New Hampshire Superior Court. The Town of Dover (N. H.), Plaintiffs in Equity vs. The Proprietors of Ports- mouth (N. II.) Bridge and Others. C. W. Woodman and P. R. Freeman, for plaintiffs. Dover (n. d.) (cir- ca i84i~\. 8*, pp. 40. Woodman, Charles W. Courts As They Used To Be. Dover, N. H.: 1887. 8°, pp. 3. Woodman, John S. Catalogue of Officers and Members of the Strafford County Teachers' Institute, held at Great Falls, in 1850. Dover: 1850. 121, pp. 9. Workingmen's Protective Union, Division No. 58, organ- ized at Dover, N. H., June 19, 1848. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover: 1848. 16°, pp. 24. Wyatt, Mrs. Sophia. The Autobiography of a Landlady of the Old School, with personal sketches of Eminent Characters, Places, and Miscellaneous Items. Boston: Published for the Author. 1854. 12°, pp. 296. 5 66 Yates', Freeman (Rev.), and Frances (Rev. Eben). Dis- cussion between F. Yates [Methodist] and E. Fiances [Universalist] in Dover, N. H., in March and April, 1843. Exeter, N. H.: 1843. 8°, pp. 157. Young Men's Christian Association, of Dover, N. H. Constitution and By-Laws. Dover : 1877. 16°, pp. 8. The Same. Dover, N. H. : 188"/. 16°, pp. 16. Young Men's Christian Association of New Hampshire. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Convention of the Associations and Churches of New Hampshire, held at Dover, Sept. 1, 1886. Bristol, N. H. : 1886. 8°, pp. 42. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE FREEWILL BAPTIST PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT IN DOVER, N, H. BOOKS. Title. Authors. Date. Pages. Size. Andy Luttrell ment and Lothrop 1869 375 Appeal to Conscience A Freewill Baptist. 184.3 108 16° Aunt Mattie P. E. and L. 1889 .380 Benevolent Enterprize J. J. Butler .. 1840 275 32° Bad Bov P. E. and L. 1870 *>80 Bad Girl P. E. and L. . 1870 280 Barrett, S. H., Life of By Himself. 1872 396 Birthday Present P. E. and L. 1869 .370 Book of Worship P. Establishment .. I860 528 Bowles, Charles, Life of J. W. Lewis 1852 288 Boys' Heaven P. E. and L. 1868 165 Bright Days P. E. and L. . 1869 257 Brother and Sister P. E. and L 1869 215 Building Stone P. E. and L. . 1870 940 Burr, William, Life of J. M. Brewster.... 1871 208 Butler's Commentary <1. J. Butler ... . 1870 495 Butler's Theology J. J. Butler 1861 456 8° Centennial Minutes of R. I ■J. M. Brewster .. . 1880 60 12° Centennial Record P. E.. . 1881 265 12o Cheney, Martin, Life of George T. Day .... 1853 471 Choralist (The).' George T. Day ... 1859 248 Christ Child P. E. and L. 1868 160 Christian Baptism G.H. Ball I860 85 16° Church Members' Book A. Turner 1847 192 16° Church Records I. D. Stewart... 1876 252 160 Close and Open Communion C. Kennedy 1868 175 Daisy Seymour P. E. and L. ... 1870 250 12° Day. George T„ Memoirs of W. II. Bowen 1876 431 12° Divine Origin of Christianity J. G. Pike 1837 227 16o Doctrinal Views '. P. E. ... 1880 44 16° Doctrine and Life 23 Authors 1880 287 8° Elsa 1879 Eminent Preachers S. H. Barrett ... 1874 .304 Evenings with the Children P. E. and L 1870 .300 Facts and Reflections Mrs. V. G. Ramsey.. 1848 174 •32® Flower by the Prison P. E. and L 1870 32.3 Free Communions 4 Authors.. 1841 214 16® Friend of Chastity M. J. Steere 1816 142 160 Glencoe Parsonage P. E. and L. 1870 25G Golden Sheaf Mrs. H. C. Philip.. 1880 118 Good Boy P. E. and L. 1870 246 Good Girl P. E. and L. 1870 246 Good Little Mittie P. E. and L. 1868 160 Guide to the Lord's Supper G. H. Ball 1852 142 16° Guide to the Savior A. Sutton 1859 1.31 Hebrew Reader E. Noyes .... 1816 204 Hester's Happy Supper P. E. and L 1870 250 Hindu Mythology E. Noyes .... 1846 92 Hinduism and Christianity in India 0. R. Bacheler 1858 216 68 BOOKS. - Continued. Title. Authors. Date. Pages. Size. Hints for Living P. E. and L 1870 1G0 History of Freewill Baptists 1. D. Stewart 1862 479 12' Jackson, Daniel, Life of By Himself 1859 214 Jamie and Jennie P. E. and L 1868 157 Jones' Church History 1837 453 Judges' Sons P. E. and L 1870 360 Lectures on Truth of the Bible E. Noyes 1853 364 Lessons for every Sunday in the Year G. H. Ball 1868 168 24° Lute Falconer 1879 360 Making Something P. E. amt L. 1868 160 Manual on the Trinity 1842 120 16° Marks, David, Memoir of Mrs. M. Marks 1816 516 12" Master and Pupil P. E. and L 1869 May Belle P E. and L. .. 1869 452 Memorials of Free Baptists A. D. Williams 1873 251 Ministers' Manual 1877 85 16> Minutes of General Conference .... S. Curtis and I. D. Stewart 1859 444 12" Much Fruit P. E. and L. . 1870 300 Norton, Lemuel, Life of By Himself 1864 192 Olive Loring's Mission P. E. and L 1870 400 One Year of My Life 1870 321 Orissa Mission. 1833 424 Overcoming P. E. and L... 1869 400 Persuasions to Early Piety J. G. Pike 1837 250 24" Phinney, Clement, Life of 1851 190 16> Piety in Humble Life 1871 84 Pocket Guide to Knowledge J. W. Barker 1857 112 Precious Words (S. S. Ques.) M. L. Clarke 1872 136 24" Prison Chaplaincy H. Quinby 1873 198 12" Psalmody Compiled 1853 701 16" Quarterly (17 volumes) 8 ' Question Books Rainy Day at School P. E. and L. . 1869 194 Registers "(48 volumes) 1834 -1885 Revived Harmonist J. W. Holman . 1844 107 Rhode Island Freewill Baptist Pul- pit 1852 398 Sabrina Hackett P. E. and L. 1869 409 Sacred Melody Compiled 1836 180 Short Comings P. E. and L. 1870 269 24> Shining Hours P. E 1869 394 Smart's Biblical Doctrine M. M. Smart 1843 330 Spirit of Roger Williams 1839 94 Spiritual Songs 1881 441 Starlight Stories P. E. and L. 1869 215 Stevens, John, Life of O. Butler 1878 120 16 > Story of Jesus Mrs. M. L Clarke ... 18G7 96 Strawberry Hill 1870 256 Sunny Skies P. E. and L 1869 261 Susie's Spectacles P. E. and L. 1870 316 Thoughts upon Thought English Reprint 1855 129 Torch Bearers P. E. and L 1870 321 Trapper's Niece P. E 1870 300 Treatise (and revision) 1834 160 32" Tribute of Praise P. E 1876 300 Trifles 1870 297 True Happiness J. G. Pike 1834 175 24* When We Were Young P. E. and L 1870 220 Who is My Neighbor P. E. and L 1870 240 Willie Maitland P. E. and L 1870 180 Wonderful Works of Jesus M. L. Clarke 1867 128 32" Youthful Christian 1844 225 32 » Zion's Harp P. E 1844 144 i6> 69 SERMONS - - - Title. Authors. Date. Abolition of Capital punishment... A. Caverno 1836 Apostolic, Succession Eli Noyes 1851 Appeal to the Young1 M. J. Steere J. J. Hall Battle with the Archers A. Caverno 1843 Book of Job Eli Noyes 1851 Burr, William, Eulogy on George T. Day 1867 Christ Crucified Jabez Burns 1847 Christ for the Masses .. J. M. L. Babcock 1859 Christ our Example P. M. Perry 1880 Christian Patriotism E. B. Fairfield 1863 Christian Philanthropy G. T. Day 1841 Christian Wealth A. Given 1880 Clearer Light E. W. Porter 1880 Criminal Prayer Benjamin Phelon Crowning of Character A. L. Houghton 1880 Day, Rev. G T., Life of A. H. Heath 1875 Death of John Brown S. N. Tufts 1859 Death of Jonathan Horn J. B. Davis 1859 Death of Rev. E. Hutchins J. B. Davis 1859 Death of Captain J. F. Littlefield.... A. K. Moulton 1862 Death of Carrie W. Pendexter E. B. Ladd 1873 Death of Lillian E. Tasker. Funeral. S.C. Kimball 1877 Dedication (at Augusta. Me.) S. Curtis 1853 Dedication (at Bunker Hill) J. W. Holman 1838 Dedication (at New Hampton) .. George T. Dav 1854 Desolations of Zion D. P. Harriman Divine Agency in Human Suffering. R Dunn 1888 Divine (In id mice J. A. McKenzie Divine Law of Increase .. D. Mott 1860 Doctrine of Future Life J. J. Butler 1880 Emmanuel S. D. Church 1880 Enthusiasm of Humanity A. W. Heath 1873 Everlasting Kingdom G. C. Waterman 1880 Excellent Knowledge 0.1). Patch 1880 Free Communion A. N. McConoughey 1859 Freedom of the Will Ransom Dunn 1859 Fugitive Slave Law A. D. Williams 1850 Gladness of Heart J. Goad ley 1847 God, Source of Spiritual Life A. L. Gerrish 1880 Goodness and Severity of God J). Mott 1859 Gospel Preacher Joshua Whittemore 1818 Gospel Seed Corn D. II. Adams 1880 History of Free Baptists in Rhode Island J. M. Brewster 1880 Infants, State of J. B. Davis 1849 Installation of O. B. Cheney D. Waterman 18.53 Intermediate State of the Dead James A. McKenzie 1853 Isaiah,25: 8 E. Hutchins 1839 Jesus Walking on the Sea . C. S. Perkins 1880 Kinship with Christ A. H. Huling 1880 Life from Within J. M. Brewster 1880 Man. His Adaptations and Relations Roger Ela 1859 Man of Sorrows W. H. Bowen 1880 Matrimony M. J. Steere 1855 Matthew, 'll: 12 William Woodsum 1861 Matthew, 23 : 33 H. Whitcher 1839 Ministerial Gift .. I). M. Graham 1862 Ministerial Support .. M. W. Burlingame Miracles Eli Noyes Miracles of Satan Silas Curtis 1839 Mission of Freewill Baptists D. Waterman 1859 Motives to Early Piety S. H. Barrett 1865 Name of Power G. H. Ball 1858 Obedience Joel Spaulding 1859 70 SERMONS. - Continued. Titles. Authors. Date. Our Savior's Sermon on Mount Olivet E. B. Rollins 1860 Pastoral Duties Martin Cheney 1837 Plan of Salvation 0. E. Baker 1880 Popery B. D. Peck 1845 Posture in Prayer 0. T. Moulton Power of Character B. F. Hayes 1880 Prayer and Duty J. A. Lowell 1880 Quarterly Meeting Sermon Joel Spaulding 1841 Quarterly Meeting Sermon Joel Spaulding 1858 Reconstruction E. B. Fairfield Reflex Influence of Benevolence .... S. D. Peck Reflex Influence of Foreign Missions. Resurrection J. L. Phillips 1880 Reuben Allen Salvation Conditioned T. H. Bacheler Sermon M. C. Brown 1866 Sermon on the Mount E. B. Rollins 1860 Sin, Its Nature and Conditions A. N. McConoughey Skepticism of Thomas.... G. S. Ricker 1880 Spiritual Worship of the Bible E. Noves 1851 Temperance A. Caverno 1832 Temperance J. S. Burgess 1862 Theological Research D. M. Graham 1856 Universalism G. T. Day Value of a Faithful Ministry M. J. Steere 1853 Value of the Soul James Rand 1870 Variety and Unity of the Church.... Victory of Faith J. Whittemore G. H. Ball 1880 Walking with God C. A. Bickford 1880 Way out of Doubt J. A. Howe 1880 What is the Gospel Martin Cheney 1851 What is it to Preach the Gospel MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC; Martin Cheney 1851 VTIONS FROM 1834 TO 1880. Address to Farmington, Q. M Address at Whitestown Seminary ... Answer to Close Communion Joshua Randall 1845 George T. Day Robert Dick 1846 1842 Baptist Union (6 volumes) Bates Student (8 volumes) Trustees 1871 Junior Class -1877 1873 Catalogues of all Literary Institu- tions Caverno Family A. Caverno 1874 Christian Baptism H. Quinby 1839 Christian Baptism H. Whitcher 1844 Christian Benevolence O. E. Baker 1856 Christian Freeman (4 volumes) Trustees 1867 Christian Ministry Contemplated.... Christian Soldier (2 volumes) J. G. Pike -1870 1844 Bachelder and Whittemore 1842 Christian Scholar George T. Day 1846 Christian Usefulness at School .. E. B. Fernaid 1862 Christians Marry only in the Lord... Church Discipline Covenant of Roger Williams Church. Crescent, Hillsdale College (2 vol- umes) J. G. Pike 1843 J. Whittemore 1858 1865 Junior Class 1874 Crisis E. Mack 1842 Decision of Council (W. P. Merrill).. Dialogues for Sunday Schools ... A Committee 1861 Mrs. M. L. Clarke 1861 Discussion on Universalism.. E. Hutchins 1842 Doctrinal Confession J. F. Joy 1874 Doctrinal Tracts H. Whitcher 1843 Effective Speech (address) E. B. Fairfield I 1863 71 MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS FROM 1843 TO 1880.- Continued. Titles. Authors. Date. Evangelist (3 volumes) A. H. Chase 1874 1S66 1872 1840 1856 1875 1857 1878 1877 1875 1874 1867 1880 1858 1878 1847 1873 -1885 1861 1875 1873 1880 1867 1853 1876 -1879 1865 1834 -1885 1836 1815 1863 1867 1863 1876 1866 1866 1838 1844 1836 1840 1856 1855 1867 1839 1857 1845 Exposition of Present Truth J. F. Joy Foster, Rev. John (memorial) J. S. Swift Freewill Baptist Missionary (5 Nos.) Freewill Baptist Mission in India... Full Assurance of Hope M. M. Hutchins J. F. Joy General Statement of New Hamp- ton Institute I. D. Stewart Gospel Rill E. Hutchins Helper (3 volumes) Mrs. J. M. Brewster Hillsdale Herald (4 volumes) College Friends Hobson Family. J. M. Bailey Howe, Mrs. E. R. (In Memoriam).... Immortality Defended J. A. Howe J. F. Joy In Memory of the Unknown Dead.. Interpretation of Revelation J. J. Hall H. H. Van Amringe Issues 0. E. Baker Journal of S. H. Barrett S. H. Barrett Little Star (12 volumes) Printing Establishment Maine State Seminary Circular Manual First Baptist Church, Dover O. B. Cheney Manual Olneyville Manual Park Street, Providence... Minister and Church G. H. Ball Ministerial Education A. D. Williams Minutes of Rhode Island Associa- tions Manv Volumes... Missionary (3 volumes) Mission in India C. O. Libbey Miss L. Crawford... Modern Spiritualism Morning Star (51 volumes) E. A. Stockman Printing' Establishment Morse, Rev. Timothy (sketch) Printing Establishment Myrtle (40 volumes) Printing Establishment Objections to Campbellism T. E. Pedan Ohio River, Y. M S. H. Barrett Our Work in Cities Poem Poem, Pioneer Ministers Popular Amusements Discarded.... Present Truth Reasons for being a Freewill Bap- tist (8 tracts) Reply to Vindication of Weare, Q. M D. M. Graham A. R. Bradbury F. W. Straight A. Cavemo J. F. Joy A. D. Williams A Committee Reports of all Benevolent Societies. Revolution Unfinished Enoch Mack Rose and Lily Sabbath School Repository Bacheler and Whittemore Printing Establishment Sabbath Schools, their Organiza- tions A Committee. Seventh Commandment (2 lect- ures) Benjamin Phelon State of the Denomination Support of the Ministry A Freewill Baptist A. I). Williams Sustaining the Christian Ministry .. Tracts (45 Nos.) E. Knowlton S. H. Barrett Truth to Make vou Free E. Mack View of Freewill Baptist Olneyville Church Vindication of Boston, Q. M A Committee 72 MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS FROM 1843 TO 1880.- Continued. Titles. Authors. Date. Vindication of Primitive Free Bap- tists A Committee 1860 Vindication of Weare, Q. M A Committee 1861 Way of Life E. Mack 1843 Weekly Offering D. M. Graham World's Evangelization E. B. Fernaid 1855 Zion's Banner (2 volumes) A. Caverno 1810 NEWSPAPERS PUBLISHED IN DOVER, N. H. Title. Editor.. Date. The Political and Sen- timental Repository, or Strafford Register. After a few months the title was abbreviated to " The Politi- cal Repository and Strafford Re- corder." Eliphalet Ladd July 12, 1790, to Jail. 14, 1792. At which date the office was destroyed by fire. The Phoenix Eliphalet Ladd 1792 to Aug. 29, 1795. Sold to Samuel Bragg. The Sun, Dover Ga- zette and Strafford Advertiser Samuel Bragg, Jr Sept. 5,1795, to Dec., 1811. Sold to John Mann. The Dover Sun John Mann July 4, 1812, to Aug. 18, 1818. The Strafford Register. John Mann Aug. 18, 1818, to Dec. 17,1822. The New Hampshire Republican John Mann Dec. 17, 1822, to Oct. 30, 1829. Dover Gazette and Strafford Advertiser. James Dickman John T. Gibbs and Joseph Turner John T. Gibbs Joseph H. Smith and J. L. Foster Edwin A. Hills Everett 0. Foss Edwin A. Hills Dec. 14,1825, to June 5, 1827. June 5, 1827, to July 13, 1830. July, 1830, to Aug., 1858. Aug., 1858, to 1861. 1861-1868. Jan. 1, 1868. to Aug., 1868. 1868-1871. Strafford Enquirer Samuel C. Stevens.... Feb. 26,1828, to July, 1828. Sold to Ela. The Dover Enquirer.... The New Hampshire Chronicle George W. Ela Ela& Wadleigh George Wadleigh John R. Varney and Joseph T. S. Libbey. John Scales and J. T. S. Libbey John Scales Charles C. P. Moody.. July 29.1828, to Jan. 1,1830. Jan., 1830, to May 17, 1831. May 17, 1831, to 1868. Jan. 1,1868, to May, 1883. May, 1883, to Dec., 1886, Dec., 1886, to 1892. June 5,1830, to March 17,1832. 73 NEWSPAPERS PUBLISHED IN DOVER, N. H. - Continued. Title. Editor. Date. The New Hampshire Palladium Joseph Turner Sept. 7, 1830, to Aug. 28, 1832. April 29, 1831, to April 29, 1834. The Unitarian Monitor. John Mann The New Hampshire Globe E. R. Locke & Com- pany May 18, 1833, to Sept. 18, 1834. Nov. 14, 1833, to Sept., 1885. The Morning Star ( William Burr ...... ) j George T. Day > (George F. Mosher.. ) The Weekly Visitor.... M. D. L. Stevens Jan. 16, 1844, to 1844. The Disciple Enoch Mack 1844-1846. The Dover Telegraph .. (Wm. D. Crockett.. ) ! T.W.Caldwell&Co. ? ( E. N. Fuller ) Sept. 25, 1846, to April, 1848. The Weekly Sketcher.. John B. Wood, Jr 1848, only. The Advertiser Edward N. Fuller 1848, only. The New Hampshire Free Soil Advocate... Anonymous Aug., 1848, to Dec., 1848. May 4,1860, to Jan., 1861. 1861, only. 1870, only. 1870-1872. The Dover Sentinel.... John T. Gibbs & Com- pany The Daily Union Everett 0. Foss .. The Daily Bee A. B. Berry The Local Record Everett 0. Foss The Myrtle Free Baptist Printing Establishment 1844-1876. Foster's Democrat Joshua L. Foster & Sons 1872-1892. The Little Star Free Baptist Printing Establishment 1873-1885. The State Press H. II Metcalf & Com- pany May, 1874, to May, 1882. Jan. 1, 1887, to Oct. 10, 1889. Oct. 10, 1889, to date. The D o v e r W e e k 1 y Times R. W. Welch .... The Weekly Times (George H. Emerson 1 <Orris W. Farrar.... > (Harry C. Moulton.. ) The Evening Times.... (George H. Emerson ) J Orris W. Farrar.... > (Harry C. Moulton.. ) Nov. 2,1889, to date. The Enterprise Pupils Dover High School Oct. 2,1885, to June 14,1887. Jan., 1881, to Dec., 1884. Dover Illustrated Charles A. Richmond. 74 1. Map of the Town of Dover and map of Dover Village, by George L. White- house, 1834, two maps on one sheet. 2. Map of towns of Dover, Somersworth, and Rollinsford, N. H.: H. F. Wall- ing, 0. E.: 1851. 3. Map of Strafford County, by J. Chase, Jr., 1856, Smith and Bartlett, Pub- lishers. 4. View of Dover, N. H„ from Garrison Hill, from a Drawing by J. B. Bachel- der, 1855, J. H. Bufford, Lithographer. 5. Atlas of Strafford County, N. H., by Sandford and Everts, Philadelphia, 1871. 6. Map of Strafford County, N. H., 1871. 7. Sketch Map of Pascataway (Maine and New Hampshire) by John Scribner Jenness, in about 1875, to elucidate the settlement of New Hampshire. 8. Atlas of the State of New Hampshire, H. F. Walling, C. E., published by Comstock and Cline, 1877. 9. Bird's Eye View of Dover, Strafford County, N. H., D. Bremner & Co., Lithographers, 1877. 10. Lithograph Map of Sawyer's Woolen Mills, about 1888. 11. Poole's [Bird's Eye View] Map of Dover, 1888. 12. Lithograph of Burgett Park, Dover, 1891. MAPS OF DOVER, N, H.