Legislature, ) 1861. J ( House Doc. | No. 25. [ No. 25. J REPORT of the Select Committee, relative to establishing £ Homeopathic Department in the University of Michigan. The select committee to whom was referred A bill to amend chapter 75 of the compiled laws, and to pro- vide for the homeopathic department in the University of Mich- igan, With instructions to report thereon for the information of the House upon the subject to which the bill relates, has had the same under consideration, and in obedience to said instruc- tions, begs leave to report: When the medical department of the University was organ: ized, the homeopathic science was not sufficiently known in this State, and had not a sufficient number of patrons and practi- tioners to entitle it to so much consideration at the hands of the people, as to call for the opening of a department, and the estab- lishment of professorships for teaching its doctrines and prac- tice. It was in this country comparatively new, feeble and un- known. The case is now very different. There are at this time over 1 2 House Doc. 120 Homeopathic physcians in this State, (besides a large num- ber of Allopathists who desire this measure,) and it cannot be denied that they will compare, in point of intelligence, moral worth and scientific attainments, most favorably with the same number of men in any of the liberal professions. In point of skill and success in accomplishing the object of the medical profession, to wit: in the cure of diseases, they stand pre-emi- nent. The patrons of the 120 Homeopathists, Lumbering, doubtless, over 200,000 of the people of this State—at least one-third of the whole population—are in all sections, beyond cavil, most substantial and intelligent citizens. It is not a system that addresses itself to the low and vulgar, to the igno- rant and sensual, but to the temperate, cautious, close observ- ing, investigating and intelligent minds. It is fit and proper, it is for the interest of the people and the prosperity of the Institution, that what is true, philosophical and most useful in medical science and practice, should be fully and fairly presented. The student who resorts to the Universi- ty for his professional training should have, and has a right to demand, instruction in the most improved, safe and certain mode of relieving distress and removing disease. When this can be done so conveniently and so cheaply as it can by the arrange- ment now proposed, it is the part of wisdom and of justice to do it; even if the number of people and physicians demanding it was not one-tenth what it really is. The necessity of a separate department for instruction in the homeopathic materia medica, and homeopathic theory and prac- tice, arises from the fact that the manner of ascertaining the effects of remedies and their relation to diseased conditions of the human system, as well as the law that guides in their prac- tical application, is essentially different from that of the old school ; and as abundant experience has shown, is and will re- main necessarily so, as long as there are any old school teach- ers ; for whatever physician once thoroughly informs himself by critical study and proper practical application of the homeopathic system and remedies, becomes at once a homeopathist, and of No. 25. 3 necessity ceases to be any longer an old school teacher. It is by such study, and honest practicable investigation that the number of homeopathic physicians has so largely increased in this coun- try, a large portion of them having been educated in the old school and having pursued its practice for many years. None are qualified to teach the homeopathic science and prac- tice, but those who have had experience in their application for years in the cure of disease. Hence the necessity of a separate department in the University. From the fact that the homeopathic law constitutes the law of curative medication, homeopathy might justly and prop- erly claim the right to absorb the whole department, to the exclusion of the old system. But as the departments of anat- omy, physiology, pathology, practical surgery, obstetrics and chemistry, are the same in both schools, it makes no practical difference whether the chairs in these departments are filled with homeopathists or allopathists; and as there are yet, and probably will be for some time to come, many in our State who have faith in allopathy, or at least are unacquainted with hom- eopathy, and hence have little faith therein, we deem it no more than just to each that they should be represented in the Univer- sity, as well as homeopathists. But if either is to have the exclusive right, it is most certainly the part of wisdsm and hu- manity to give it to that party which has the true philosophy, and is the most eminently successful in the cure of disease ; to promote which, should be the great end and aim of such a de- partment in the University. It certainly would be»no more than just to give each of the systems a fair representation in the chairs'common to both, but we do not claim even that; as the sciences they teach are none the less true or valuable to the ho- meopathist because they come from one of different medical faith. Homeopothists do occupy such chairs in allopathic col- leges, and no inconvenience or hardship grows out of it. The students of homeopathic physicians, as well as others who desire instruction in homeopathy in this State, are now obliged to go to distant States for collegiate instruction in the 4 House Doc. science, and are necessarily put to extraordinary expense. This ought not to be, and under the arrangement proposed will be obviated, while no difficulty or hardship can arise from the change, all being left free to attend the lectures or not as they choose. We are not ignorant of the fact that persons uninformed and persons misinformed, as well as those whose interest it is to re- main in ignorance and to misrepresent the homeopathic system, look upon it as unworthy of patronage and support. In view of this state of things, and in order to throw light upon the subject for the benefit of the uninformed in relation thereto, and to disabuse the minds of those who have been pre- judiced against the science by ignorant or unscrupulous oppo- nents of the system ; we propose, as briefly as practicable, to show that it is advocated and patronized by many of the most learned and scientific men of the present age. That the position we claim in the University is not a novelty in the history of such Institutions, but that* such departments are at this time in successful operation, and have been for several years, in some of the best Universities in the world. That homeopathic departments have been established and are maintained in a large number of the public hospitals in Europe and some in America. That a large number of the government, court and army phy- sicians in Europe are homeopathists. That the proportion of cures, in all forms of disease, both in Europe and America, is very largely in favor of the homeopa- thic practice, and that in public institutions the expenses are vastly less under the homeopathic than under the allopathic treatment, There are now homeopathists occupying chairs in twenty- six allopathic Universities in Europe, known in the scientific circles as formerly allopathic physicians of high standing. Many of them have separate departments, as proposed in our University. No. 25. 5 H01KE0PATHIC PROFESSORS IN UNIVERSITIES. 1. Dr Henderson, Professor of Medicine and General Patho- logy, in the University of Edinburgh, and lately one of the Professors of Clinical Medicine. 2. Dr. Macdonald, Professor of Civil and Natural History, in the University of St. Andrews. 3. Dr. J. W. Arnold, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the University of Zurich. 4. Dr. Bigel, Professor of Midwifery in the University of St. Petersburgh. 5. Dr. H. Arnith, Professor of Midwifery in the General Hos- pital of Vienna. 6. Dr. T. Buchner, Professor of Homeopathy in the Universi- ty of Munich. 1. Dr. Bott, Professor of Surgery in the University of Genoa. 8. Dr. Chevalier De Horatiis, Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in the University of Naples, and Presi- dent of the Royal Academy of Medicine. 9. Dr. Edward Martin, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the University of Jena. 10. Dr. J. A. Weber, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the University of Freyburg. 11. Dr. Janer, Dean of Faculty and Professor of Clinical Medicine, University of Barcelona. 12. Dr. Lambrecht, Professor of Theory and Practice of Med- icine in the University of Padua. 13. Dr. Felch, Professor of Pathology in the University of Barcelona. 14. Dr. Quadri, Professor of Opthalmic Surgery, Naples. 15. Professor Leupoldt, of the University of Munich. 16. Dr. Reubel, Professor in the University of Munich, And twenty-eight other Professors in various Colleges and Hospitals of Europe and America. 6 House Doc. GOVERNMENT ACTION ON HOMOEOPATHY. The Chambers of the Kingdom of Bavaria, of the Grand Duchy of Baden, and other German States have authorized Pro- fessorships of Homoeopathy in the public Universities. The Imperial Government of Austria has instituted a Profes- sorship of Homoeopathy, and has sanctioned the establishment of Homoeopathic Hospitals in Vienna, in Hungary, and in other parts of its dominions. The French Government has recently established a departs ment of Homoeopathy in the University of Paris, and Dr. Charg'e, a well known Homoeopathist, has been appointed Pro- fessor. Among the European court and army Homoeopathic Physi- cians, we will mention : 1. Dr. Aegidi, Physicians to H. R. H. Princess Wilhelm of Prussia. 2. Dr. Atmuller, Surgeon to H. 9. H. the Grand Duke of Hesse. 3. Dr. Backhausen, Physician to H. R. H. the Princess Frede- rick of Prussia. 4. Dr. Cramer, Physician to H. R. H. the Grand Duke of Baden. 5. Dr. Goullon, Physician to H. R. H. the Grand Duke of Weimar, 6. Dr. Hartung, "Medicin en Chef" of the Austrian Army in Italy—was Physician to H. I. M. the Empress Marie Louisa. 1. Dr. Kuntsmann, Physician to Prince Von Reuss at Ebers- dorf. 8. Dr. Kurtz, Physician to H. S. H. the Duchess of Anhalt Dessau, Princess of Prussia. 9. Dr. Lehman, Physician to H. S. H. the Duke of Anhalt Kcethen. 10. Dr. Marenzeller, (Phycian General to the Austrian Ar- mies), Physician to H. I. H. Archduke John of Austria. 11. Dr. Quin, Physician Extraordinary to the King of Bel- gians, Physician in Ordinary to H. R. H. the Duchess of Cam- bridge. No. 25. • 7 12. Dr. Xecker, Physician Extraordinary to H. M. the King of Prussia, 13. Dr. Nunez, Physician to Her Most Catcholic Majesty the Queen of Spain, Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. and of the Legion of Honor. 14. Dr. Schmidt, Physician to H. S. H. the Duke of Lucca. 15. Dr. Stapf, Physician to H. S. H. the Duke of Saxe-Mein- ingen. 17. Dr. Weber, Physician to His Majesty the King of Han- over. 18. Dr. Tessier, Physician to the Empress Eugenie of France. HOMCEPATHIC HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. London Homoepathic Hospital, 200 beds. Metropolitan Homoeopathic Hospital. Homoeopathic Hospital of Moscow. Infantry Homoeopathic Hospital at St. Petersburgh. Gumpendorf Hospital, Vienna Homoeopathic Hospital, Turin. Miskoltz Homoepathic Hospital, Russia. Homoepathic Cliirlque, Leipzig. Homoeopathic Wards in Hospital Beaujon, Paris. Calcutta Native Hospital. Homeopathic Hospital at Lepzig. Sisters of Charity Hospital, at Vienna. Leopolstadt Hospital, at Vienna. Sisters of Charity, at Linz. Hospital of Gyongyos, Hungary. Hospital of Guns, Hungary. Hospital at Kremiseir, Russia. Hospital at Nechanitz, Russia. Hospital at Nishni-Novogorod,ItuBsia. Hospital at CronStadt, Russia. Berlin Homeopathic Hospital. Mississippi Sta:c Hospital. Protestant Half Orphan Asylum, N. Y. 8 House Doc. Brooklyn City Orphan Asylum. The statistics of 21 Allopathic and 17 Homeopathic Hospitals in Europe, under the patronage of the several governments, running through a series of years, show the average mortality to be as follows : In Allopathic Hospitals, a fraction less than 12 per cent. In Homeopathic, a fraction less than 6 per cent.* In one Hospital, for example, in Hungary, during five years of Allopathic treatment, there were 622 cases and ninety deaths, nearly 16 per cent. During 11 years of Homeopathic treatment, in the same Hos- pital, there were 1538 cases treated, and 143 deaths, about 9 per cent,, making a difference of 7 deaths in every 100 cases against the old school. The highest mortality in any year of homeopathic treatment was less than the lowest of the allopathic. ♦EUROPEAN ALLOPATHIC HOSPITALS. Place, and name of Hospital. Por cent. Mortalty. 1. Berlin, Charte, 1838-9,...................................................... 10 to 11 2. Breslau Zu Allerheilligen, 1838,........................................... 17 " 18 3. Leipzig, Jacob's Hospital, 1839,.........................,................... 11 " U 4. Stuttgart, Catherinnen, 1830-38............................................. 3 " 4 6. Strasburg Forget's Clinique, 1836-38,........................................15 " H 6. Hamburg, Allg. Krankenhaus, 5th Report,................................... 6 " 7 7. Munich General Hospital, 1832.............................................. 7 " 8 8. Milan Great Hospital, 1814,................................................. 15 " 18 9. Palermo " 1823,................................................. 12 " 13 10. Brussels, St. Peter's Hospital,.............................................. 11 " 12 11. St. Petersburgh, Civil, 1837,............................................... 20 " 21 12. " Seidlitz, Clinique, 1840,....................................13 " 14 13. Vienna General Hospital, 1834,............................................ 13 " 14 14. " Brothers'of Charity, 1838......................................... 9 " 10 15. " Eliz.ibetherinnen, 1838,............................................ 8 " » 16. Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, 1818........................................... 6 " 1 17. London, St. George's, 1850-55.............................................. 18 " M 18. Lyons Hotel Dieu, 1837,................................................... 13 " 14 19. Paris " 1835,................................................... 9 " 10 20. " St. Marguerite, 1851-2................................................ 11 " 12 21. " Val do Grace, under Broussais, 1819,.................................. 7 " I Average,................................................................... 11 to 13 EUROPEAN HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITALS. Name and place of Hospital. Cases Treated. Deaths. Per wnt 1. Sisters of Charity, at Vienna, 1834 to '56................... 17,313 1,087 6 2-10 2. " " at Linz, 1843-4-55,...................... 9,129 501 5 5-10 3. Hospital at Gyongyos in Hungary to 1855,.................. 1,538 142 9 3-10 4. " :if Gun " '0 1841,.................. 395 8 2 5. at K"( m" ir 1845 Vt '48,.......................... 1.520 94 6 1-10 6. LeopolsladtHospital at Vienna, 1850-4,................... 3,789 211 5 5-10 7. Hospital at \echauitz, 1846-44,............................ 394 10 2 6-10 8. " Nishni-Novogorod iu 1865,........................ 249 12 4 8-10 9. " at Leipzig, Prussia,............................... 4,696 188 4 1-10 10. Infantry Hospital at St. Petersburgh,..................... 897 16 4 No. 25. 9 In the London Homeopatic Hospital the average per cent of deaths was 4*. In St George (Allopathic) Hospital, 18 per cent. In the Convent of Refuge, at Marseilles, a statistical table of all cases treated since its foundation shows,.during the 8years of allopathic treatment: cases treated, 1,851; number of deaths, 102—51 per cent. During the 5 years of homeopathic treatment, cases treated, 1,662; deaths, 49—2 9-10 per cent.* It is sometimes said that though homeopathy may do for chil- dren and for trifling diseases, in the more grave and fatal com- plaints the large Allopathic dose are required. In answer to this suggestion we will introduce a table of Name and place of Hospital. Casus Treats. Deaths. Per cent, 11. Marenzeller's Experiments at Military Hospital at Vienna,.. 38 1 2 7-10 12. Hospital at Moscow in 1854,.............................. 166 8 4 8-10 13. Herman's Experiments at the Military Hospital at Tulzen,. 147 6 4 1-10 14. I.ondon Homoeopathic Hospital, 1850-56................... 1,172 65 4 7-10 15. Horatiis' Experiments at Naples, 1829..................... 68 2 3 Sum total,................................................ 30,911 2,314 5 7-10 To show that many of the cases were of the moro severe and dangerous disease*, the Specifications of the Gumpendorf Homeopathic Hospital of Vienna, in charge oi the Sisters of Charity, is subjoined : Diseases. ■ Diarrhoea of all kinds,....................................... 323 Inflammation of Lungs,...................................... 1.058 Tpphus Fever, (Abnormal),................................. 3,166 Erysipelas,................................................. 614 Inflammation of Joints,...................................... 888 Opthalmia,................................................. 130 One uncured. Interttittant Fever,......................................... 1,066 Gastric Fever,.............................................. 1,181 Rheumatic Pericarditis,..................................... 15 0 Small Pox,.................................................. 194 14 Deaths. Per cent. 3 1 48 4 1-2 368 11 3-4 4 4-5 7 6-7 e uncured. 9 9-10 7 2-3 7 1-2 These results compare most favorably with any Hospital Reports ever made, and their accuracy cannot be questioned, since this Hospital is under strict Govermectul supervision, and is constantly visited by Allopathic Physicians. It is under charge of Dr. Fleishmann, assisted until within a few years by Dr. Caspar, and the accuracy of their diagnosis no one will dispute. • Dr. Charge, of Marseilles, France, has lately published a Statistical Table of the Mortality occurring an the Convent of Refuge since its fouudation in 1841, up to 1854: Atlopathtc. HOMOEOPATHIC. Tears. Cases. Deaths. Per Cent. Years. Cases. Deaths. Ter Oent. 1841 142 10 7 1850 328 5 4 4-10 1842 138 17 12 3-10 1851 318 10 3 1-10 1843 189 13 6 9-10 18f2 322 12 3 7-l0 1844 298 9 41-10 1853 334 10 2 9-10 1845 248 10 4 4-10 1854 360 12 3 3-10 1846 274 15 5 4-10 1847 327 14 4 2-10 1848 325 14 4 3-10 . 1,861 102 5 1-10 1,062 49 2 9-10 Avcrago Homoeopathic mortality, 2 9-10 per cent. AToragci AllopathU mortality, 6 3-10 per c»nt 2 10 House Doc. these grave diseases treated in the Hospital Ste. Marguerite, at Paris. In 1849, 1850 and 1851 this Hospital was divided be- tween Allopathic and Homeopathic Physicians, treating their cases side by side at the same time. Dr. Tessair was .the Ho- meopatist in charge. In the Homeopathic wards, during these three years, there were treated, by Homeopathists, 4,055 cases, with a mortality of 8| per cent; by Allopathists, 3,724 cases, with a mortality of 11 3-10. Of the dangerous diseases, to wit: Homeopathic. Allopathic Pnumonia (infl. of lungs) the mor- tality was as follows........... 5 7-10 p. c. 24 p. c. Pleuritis (Pleurisy).............. 3 13 " Peritonitis...................... 4 13 " Dysentery...................... 3 22 " Typhus Abdominalis.............15 19 " Finally, in the Homeopathic European Hospitals, as reported by Dr. Ruth, in a work published in London in 1852, the sum- mary shows the average mortality in all diseases, to be 4 4-10 per cent.; and in Allopathic European Hospitals, 8 5-10 per cent. In the three great Hospitals of Massachusetts, of New York and the Bellveu Hospital, the average mortality is 10 per cent, as appears by the official reports. YELLOW FEVER. The Mississippi State Hospital, at Natches, is now under Homeopathic treatment. While under Allopathic treatment, of Drs. L. P. and E. M. Blackburn, the average mortality was 55 per cent. Under Drs. Holcomb and Davis, Homeopathis : In 1853, cases treated, 555—deaths, 33 « 1854, " 112 " 00 " 1855, " 349 " 22. 1016 55—-per cent., 5 4-10. Thus, Allopathic mortality, 55 per cent. Homeopathic mortality, 5 4-10 per cent. No. 25. 11 In Rio de Janiero, Dr. Man in (Homeopathist) treated 3556, cases, lost 227—7 per cent. In New Orleans, Allopathic mortality 20 to 30 per cent. In Barbadoes, 50 per cent. TYPUS FEVER. In the Vienna General Hospital, (Allopathic,) the deaths were an average of 21 6-10 per cent. In the Paragua Hospital, 2d division, the experiment was tried of expectant or do-nothing treatment—average mortality 17 5-10 per cent. In the Vienna Homeopathic Hospital, the average per cent. of mortality was 10 6-10.* Thus it stands in Typhus fever : Allopathy, out of every 100, lost over....................21 Expectant, or do-nothing treatment, lost over.............17 Homeopathic lost......................................10 Homeopathy saved seven out of every hundred, who would have died without any treatment, while under allopathic treat- ment, four died who would have recovered had nothing been done; and eleven died who would have recovered under the homeopathic practice. • The following statistics are taken froma work entitled " Comparison of Homoeopathy and Allopathy, by Dr. Caspar, Physician to the Hospital of the Honorable Sisters of Charity of Vienna: Vienna and Olmutz, 1866:" STATISTICS OF TYPHUS FKVER. 1st. Allopathic—In the Vienna General Hospital: Cases. 1860,..................................................... 872 1862...................................................... 461 1863................"................................. 1,119 2,482 2d. Expectant, (Do-nothing)—In Second Division of Prague Hospital: Oases. 1849.. 1850,. 3d. Homojpathic—In Vienna Homceopathic Hospital: 1850......... .......... 1951...... ................. ..... i>.2....... ' ; .......... 132 96 228 Deaths. 144 133 259 636 Deaths. 27 14 Cases. Deaths. 81 80 121 283 Per cent. 16 6-10 27 23 1-10 21 6-10 Per cent. 20 4-10 23 5-10 17 6-10 Per cent. 11 1-10 12 5-10 9 10 6-10 12 H0D3E DOO. ASIATIC CHOLERA. Dr. Wilde, editor of the "Doublin Quarterly Journal of Medi- cine," says : "In comparing the reports of the Allopathic and Homcopathtc Hospital treatment of cholera in Vienna, it will be seen that, while in the Homeopatic Hospitals § were cured in the Allopathic, § died. This Homeopathic Hospital was daily visited by two allopathic physicians, appointed inspectors, who confirmed these reports." Dr. F. H. Horner,* Vice President of the British Medical and Surgical Association, &c, &c, says that the statistical report of the cholera epidemic in England, shows that under homeo- pathy | were cured ; under allopathy § died. In 7 Allopathic Hospitals in Europe, on the Continent, oat of 1969 cases treated for Cholera, 1097 died—average of 54 per cent. In 6 Homeopathic Hospitals, out of 1818 cases treated for Cholera, 501 died, an average of 27 per cent—just one half the Allopathic mortality. In London (St. George's) Hospital, the mortality was 50 p* cent.f In New York Hospitals it was 58 per cent. *" Reasons for adopting the Rational System of Medicine," by Fewster Robert Horner, M. D. late President and Perpetual Vice President of the British Medical and Surgical Aa» elation ; late Senior Physician to the Hull General Infirmary, fcc, London, 1857. It is a Big- Bificant fact that in 1851, before he had investigated Homoeopathy, Dr. Horner presided ora a meeting of 200 medical men at Brighton, which passed resolutions strongly denunciator; of that system; and now, iul857,alt#r investigating it, he announces himself a conwt to the Homoeopathic doctrine ; f SUMMARY OF EUROPEAN HOSPITAL TREATMENT OF CHOLERA. HOMOEOPATHIC. Place and Name. Cases. Deaths. 1. Vienna Sisters of Charity, 1834 to 1850,.................... 1,202 409 2. Vienna Leopolstadt,...................................... 156 58 S. Berlin Homcopathie Hospital,............................ 32 6 4. Bordeaux Hospital, by Dr. Mabit, 1832,.................... 131 6 6. Marseilles " Convtt and Refuge," 1849,.................... 260 15 6. London omoeupathic Hospital, 1854,...................... 37 7 1,818 601p8fMDt* ALLOPATHIC. Place and Name. Cases. Deaths. 1. Edinburgh, Drummond Street Hospital..................... 461 291 2. Halle Krum Icni.berg's Wards,............................ 104 63 3. Hamburg Hospital, 1831................................. 283 178 4. Berlin C'L>lera Hospital, lc31,............................ 97 67 5. fc-t. Petersburg, by Dr. Lkhei^tadt,................ ...... 636 314 6. Bordeaux Hospital, 1832,.............................. 104 72 7. Raab, " " ............... ................. 284 12 1,969 1,097 per cent. M So. 25. ia 3eneral average of Homeopdtic Hospital treatment of Cholera—loss of......................... 27 per cent ind of Allopathic—loss of..................... 54 " In the chelera epidemic of 1849, at Cincinnati, the average mortaliiy in Hospital practice was over 60 per cent, and in pri- vate practice between 30 and 40 per cent. The 11 Homeopathic Physicians then resident in that city treat- ed 2,410 cases of cholera, and lost 85 in all,—just 3 per cent. Out of 104 families belonging to the congregation of Rev. B. F. Barett, as reported by that gentleman from actual personal visits and inquiry after the epidemic had ceased, 86 families used and relied on Homeopathic treatment; 13 used and relied on Al- lopathic, and 4 Eclectic treatment. The 86 Homeopathic fami- lies numbered 476 persons, and had 160 cases of cholera. The 13 Allopathic families numbered 74 individuals, and had 25 cases of cholera. Of the 160 cases treated Homopathically one- only died—a mortality of two-thirds of one per cent. Of the 25 cases treated Allopathically five died—a mortality of 20 per tent. These, both the allopathic and homeopathic families, all be- longed to the higher classes, who were temperate, prudent, and able to take the best care of themselves, and improve the ear- liest opportunities to call in aid. The homeopathic families nearly all used the homeopathic medicines as prophylactics, or preventives, and these when attacked were more easily cured; while the allopathic families, if they did use the ordinary pre- ventives of that school, as stimulants and the like, were less • susceptible to the influence of remedies. CHILDREN: In Lake & Watt's orphan asylum, of N. Y., (allopathic) from 1852 to 1854 inclusive, they had 2213 children, of whom 41 died—1 in 54. In the Protestant Half Orphan Asylum, N. Y., (homeopathic) from 1852 to 1854 inclusive, (same time) they had 3,075 chil- dren, of whom 21 died—1 in 146. Showing a ratio of mortality 14 House Doc. under allopathy, as compared with homeopathy, as 2J to \ of one per cent.* Finally, we find in summing up the whole matter of Hospiti practice that in all diseases where the Allopathist loses an av erage of.................................11 to 12 per cent, The Homeopatist loses.................... 5 to 6 " In Asiatic Cholera where the Allopathist loses 54 " The Homeopathist loses....................27 " In Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs), where the Allopathist loses..............14 to 24 " the Homeopathist loses.................. 5 to 6 " In typhus fever where the Allopathist loses. .21 to 22 " " " the Homeopathist loses........10 to 11 " In yellow fever where the Allopathist loses . .50 to 55 " In " " the Homeopathist loses...... 5 to 7 " * The Homoeopathic Statistics in regard to adults in general, and individual diseases haiing been shown, the results of that treatment in the affections to which childhood is pccullarl/ subject will now be considered. The " Report of Homoepathic treatment in the Protesiuii Half Orphan Asylum of New York," by D. F. Bowers, is referred to. The number of chil- dren in the several asylums being taken from a table furnished by A. Gilbert, Esq., from tin Reports made annually, under oath, to the Board of Education of the State of Now York: LEAKE AND WATTS' ORPHAN ASYLUM—ALLOPATHIC. Whole No. of Children. Deaths. Mortality, For 10 years ending 1852,.......'............................ 1,688 23 1 in 73 For the year 1853, ......................................... 262 12 1 in 22 " 1864........................................... 263 6 1 in 44 2,213 41 1 in M PROTESTANT HALF ORPHAN ASYLUM—HOMOEPATHIC. Whole No. of Children. Deaths. Mortality. For 10 years ending 1852.................................... 2,543 21 1 in 121 For the year 1853,........................................ 675 0 " 1854,...»....................................... 257 0 3,076 21 1 in 1M The " Nursery," at Randall's Island, under Allopathic treatment: Years. Whole No. of Children. Deaths. Mortality, 1853...................................................... 3,040 49 1 in M 1854,...................................................... 2,690 208 1 to 13 1855 ...................................................... 2.378 202 1 In U 1856,...................................................... 2,021 96 1 in 21 10,129 585 1 to H The " Home for the Friendless," under Homoepathic treatment? Years. Whole No. of Children. Deaths. Mortality, 1853,....................................................... 240 6 Hn« 1854,............................■........................... 280 13 linfl 1855....................................................... 360 6 UnM 1856,....................................................... 306 9 UnW 1,210 30 1 in <*, Showing the ratio of mortality under Allopathic treatment, as compared with HomoBopitMK to be 2^ to 1 'ri Or a mortality of 5 8-10 per ct. among those treated Allopathically. << '< 2 6-10 " " " " Homoeopathically. No. 25. 15 In Orphan Asylums where the Allopathist loses 2 4-10 per cent. [n " " the Homeopathist loses.. § of 1 " In private practice of cholera cases where the Allopathist loses........................30 to 40 " The Homeopathist........................ 3 to 7 " These statistics are all taken from official documents in the possession of your Committee, and are perfectly reliable.* In conclusion; Wl.eu we consider the fact that, according to the United Statta Census .statistics of 16 5 Oy-over 75 per cent of all the deaths were children under live years old, in connection with the fact that up to that date only a small number of Homeopathic Phy. sicians had been in practice in this country, together with the fact shown by official statistics that the mortality among chil- dren under the old practice is nearly three times that under Homeopathy (as 2^ to § of one per cent), when we consider that in violent and dangerous diseases the mortality under Allo- pathy is from two to ten times as great as under Homeopathy, when we consider that under Allopathy the duration of dis- ease is nearly double, in all cases, what it is under Homeopa- thy, and the expenses attending it are nearly twice as great ;f when we consider the value of human health and human life and the deep interest all feel in them and in the means of pro- moting the one and saving the other, is it surprising that we should demand that while we provide largely for education in the less successful mode, a part of the advantages of such pro- vision should be devoted to instructions in that practice which •The authorities for the European Hospital Reports are to be found in the following works Knolz's " Charitable Institutions" of Vienna. Grirsslich's Hygea. Cless'Statistics the of Catherinnen Hospital at Stuttgart. Journal Imp. Med. Chir. Acad, of St. Petersburgh. British Journal of Homoeopathy. Allg. Horn. ZeitschiritTt. British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review Neues Archives. Ocsterreich Zeitschrift. Homoeopathic Vierteljalrscrift. Stapf 's Archives der Horn. Heilk. North American Journal of Homosopathy. Nene Zeits fur Horn. Klinik. 4The duration of Pneumonia was particularly noted by Dra. Tessier, Henderson, Dietl, and *Hd Louis, whoso authority has already been given. ..... „. n«/ These show the mean duration of Pheumonia to bo, under HomcBopathio treatment, 117s days ; Allopathy, 29 days; Expectant, 23 days. 16 House Doc. No. 25 has been crowned with the greatest success, and is the result of a science founded upon a natural law as certain and invariable • as that which attracts the falling apple to the earth, or points the needle to the'polar star. While we will not say that the old practice does not often cure disease, it cannot be denied that its adminis- tration is frequently an uncertain experiment, fraught with more or less danger to the life or future health of the pa- tient, and, occasionally followed by fatal effects. On the other hand, abundant and overwhelming testimony of the past, and every day's experience and observation of thousands among the most intelligent, at the present time, lead to the irresistible con- clusion that Homeopathy does remove disease more readily, and that, too, with far more certainty than the other system, while all agree that its administration is attended with no danger, even to the most feeble and sensitive constitutions. Its philosophy is founded upon a natural law of the relation of drug action to human organization and vital functions. It is true, it is uniform and beneficent in its results. Its patrons,- who demand its recognition and establishment in the Univer- sity, are largely from the most intelligent and respectable classes everywhere. Confidence in its efficacy and success, and a settled conviction of its truth, has spread, especially among the higher classes, with a rapidity unparalleled in the history of medicine, and it has long since ceased to be looked upon as an experiment; but is recognized as a settled and distinct sci ence. Why, then, any longer withhold it from the students of om State University ? Why oblige such as seek for its truths and a knowledge of its practical application in their efforts to re- lieve from distress and save life, to go to distant States at great expense to obtain them '( Why not open the halls of our Col- lege to these great truths that so deeply interest us all ? Entertaining implicit confidence in the justice and propriety of the measure contemplated in the Bill, the Committee report it back without amcndniv nt and recoiuinend its passage, and ask to be discharged from further consideration of the subject B. L. HILL, Select Committee. >