THE MANINE MEDICINE COMPANY *■ |MCORRORATCO C. H. Bartlett, President PRINCESS BUILDING O. Paquin. Vice-President ~ T _ _ „ _ . 320 North Grand Avenue C. C. Meacham, Secretary St. Louis, Missouri. Dear Doctor: I wish to call your attention to our remedy, MANINE, for the treatment and cure of that diseased condition of the nervous system caused by the use of morphine, laudanum, heroin or opium in any of its forms. I am sincere in the belief that MANINE is the only remedy which can be used successfully by the medical profession, and which will bring about a perfect cure without making the patient sick, and without the aches, pains and nervous shock, which follow in the wake of the various other methods of treatment, and without making it necessary for the patient to quit work, or go to a sanitarium to be cured. Morphinism or the drug habit-disease is easy to cure, and you can treat this affliction, to a successful termination, with MANINE, with even less trouble and annoyance than you have in treating many afflic- tions which come to you in daily practice. You can have your patients call once or twice each week, and in the meantime they can continue working every day, as they will be better able to attend to their business or social duties after beginning the treatment. The MANINE treatment is along rational lines, and morphinism, or the drug "habit" disease is treated as a disease and not as a habit or simple vice. MANINE contains nerve and tissue-building properties, and it brings about a cure by removing the cause which makes the false stimulation of the drug a necessity. It is also being used extensively by the profession in the treatment of neuritis, neurasthenia, hysteria, insomnia and in various nervous disorders, also as a general tonic. MANINE is sold strictly in accordance with the National Pure Food & Drugs Law, and we positively guarantee that it does not contain one particle of morphine, opium, cocaine, chloral or any heart depressant or habit-forming drug. It is not one of those substitute treatments, but is an honest remedy. MANINE is put up in two size packages, sixteen ounce bottles and eight ounce bottles; a sixteen ounce bottle will last about thirty days, and is sufficient to effect a cure in some cases, but most cases should be given a course of treatment, covering a period of sixty or ninety days, in order to make the cure a perfect one. Owing to the cost of the preparation we cannot supply the profession with free samples of MANINE; however, if you will send us a remittance of $1.00 to prepay postage, and. pay part of the cost of packing and shipping, we will send a physician's sample of eight ounces by Parcel Post. The retail price of MANINE is $6.00 for the sixteen ounce bottle and $3.20 for the eight ounce bot- tle, but to physicians we make a special price of $5.50 for the sixteen ounce bottle or $3.00 for the eight ounce bottle, and at these prices we send it by Parcel Post, prepay the postage and guarantee safe delivery. If you have a case of drug addiction you wish to treat, give us a brief history of the case, when you send your order, and we will write you outlining our method of treatment. Our Medical Board, composed of physicians trained in this line of work, is always at your command. On receipt of $1.00 we will gladly send you a physician's sample, an eight ounce bottle of MANINE, which will be sufficient for about fifteen days' treatment, and if given according to directions, we know you will be so pleased with the results that you will continue the treatment. We furnish only one physician's sample, and all additional supplies must be paid for at the physician's special price mentioned above. The exact amount must be sent with each order and remittances must be by Postal or Express Money Order or Bank Draft, as the rules of this Company do not permit us to accept personal checks or extend credit. I will be glad to hear from you, and assure you that your letters will receive prompt attention and will be treated as strictly confidential. Sincerely yours, President. ' BG. '