A Method of Estimating Adduction and Abduction of the Leg in Hip Disease, By ROBERT W. LOVETT, M. D., OF BOSTON. Reprinted from the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal of March 8, 1888. BOSTON : OUPPLES AND HURD, Publishers, 94 Boylston Street, 1888. A METHOD OF ESTIMATING ADDUCTION AND ABDUCTION OF THE LEG IN HIP DISEASE. KOBEBT W. BOYETT, M.D., OF BOSTOK. The presence of adduction or abduction of the dis- eased limb in hip-joint disease is one of the commonest and most troublesome of the complications of that affection, and the estimation of the amount of mal- position present is a matter of much importance, both during the acute stage of the disease, as an index of the progress of the case, and after the arrest of the disease, where a return of the adduction and a conse- quent increase of the limp and discomfort is always to be feared. It has been customary to calculate in degrees the amount of malposition present either by a rough guess or by the use of the goniometer, an in- strument not often at hand, and always clumsy and inaccurate. The following article is a purely mathematical de- duction from certain evident anatomical relations, by which it has been possible to construct a simple and practical table for working purposes in the estima- tion of the amount of this malposition. The method is, in a word, the estimation of the angle of malposi- tion of the diseased limb by the varying differences between what we may call the real and the apparent shortening of that leg. Real shortening is the term to be applied to the difference in the length of the legs, measuring from the anterior superior spines of the ilium to the external or internal malleoli the common measurement.1 Practical shortening will be 1 Stimson. Treatise on Fractures, 1883, p. 511. 2 used to denote the difference in the length of the legs when the measurement is taken from the umbilicus to the malleoli while the patient lies straight, with the legs parallel,2 and represents, of course, the amount of shortening which will be present when the patient stands or walks, for the legs must then necessarily be made parallel, even if the pelvis has to be tilted to make them so. Practically, real shortening may be the same as apparent shortening; it may be greater, or it may be less, and I had noted that it varied in Fig. I, Fig. 11. 2 Gibney. Diseases of the Hip, 1884, p. 28. 3 proportion to the amount of deformity present, but I was unable to express this variation as degrees of mal- position, and I am wholly indebted to Mr. G. L. Kingsley, of the Harvard Medical School, for the mathematical assistance which has made it possible to work out and prove the practical usefulness of the method. When the patient lies straight and neither leg is adducted, it hardly needs mathematical proof to show that the real shortening is equal to the practical short- ening (Figure I). Here E and C represent the mal- leoli, I) and B the anterior superior spines, and A the umbilicus. A glance shows that the difference in the length of A E and A C will be the same as the differ- ence between D E and B C (both differences in this case being zero) so long as the pelvis is square. The mathematical proof of this is; Since F Band GO are parallel in this case, and PD= 6B (F G being parallel to DB) and P A = A G, and ABE and AGO are right angles, „ . „ AC Sec. G ACrr A E sec. AFE r. ar. GC tan. G A C = tan. AFEr FE = AE:SsineAFElGC-FB=AC-BineGAC-AE-sineAFE that is. practically differing only by the difference in the sines of the angles A 0 G, and AED and since the angles in the class of cases under observation are very nearly equal, the error is not appre- ciable, for the maximum error would be 0.03 inches. If, however, one leg is held adducted or abducted by muscular spasm or anchylosis, the pelvis must necessarily be tilted when the legs are made parallel, as in standing or walking, and the state of affairs is represented by Figure 11. It is obvious that now the distances from B to C and D to E are the same as before, whereas AC has grown very much longer than AE; the practical shortening of the leg D E has, in fact, become greater than the real shortening because 4 the leg is adducted. It is, moreover, evident that this must vary in proportion to the amount of adduc- tion and consequent pelvic tilting, for, by the latter, one leg must be carried up and the other down, while the umbilicus remains stationary, so that as the pelvis tilts more and more, A E grows shorter and A C longer. It is not quite correct practically, to assume that D E = B C in fig- ure 11, for Dr. Halstead3 has pointed out that a leg in adduction has not the same real length when measured from the anterior superior spines to the malleoli, as the same leg in the normal position or ab- ducted, hut the difference is to he expressed in milimetres and prac- tically does not enter into this method as an error, it is too small to he of any account. Of course it is not assumed that the anterior superior spines are the same distance apart as the acetahula, but the practical centre of motion of the leg in adduction and abduction is not at the acetabu- lum hut outside of it, as can easily be seen in the skeleton. This is of course on account of the angle that the shaft makes with the neck of the femur. So far as could be determined, it was well enough represented by saying that it was in the lines of the anterior superior spines. The only inaccuracy likely to be caused by this, would be possibly in the adult female pelvis where the flare was extreme and even here the error would be small and of little account. The problem was to make this variation express in degrees the angular deformity of the adducted or ab- ducted leg which caused this pelvic tilting; and for working purposes Figure 111 had to be constructed, where the original position of the pelvis is represented by dotted lines, and the tilted pelvis by heavy lines. Of course, a working triangle must be found, and such a triangle is L F B, for F L B is the angle to be meas- ured, for it is the angle of pelvic tilting which is equal to the lateral variation of the diseased leg from the normal. For, letting DB = pelvis in new position, and GF = pelvis when square, D B position of leg, and DM = position leg should have if still at right angles to pelvis, andM I) E = adduction angle, A L G = 90°, L D M 90°, E D L= D L A (since A N and D E are paral- lel and cut by the line D L). 90° = ALG = ALD + DLG Ip,-,*, at ta tt, p 90° = L I) M=r L I) E + M D E ] OUI A Xj u ~ D LS = M D E= abduction or adduction angle. 8 New York Medical Journal, 1884, page 317. 5 Now of this right-angled triangle, LF B, two sides are known: LB, which is equal to half the distance between the anterior superior spines of the ilium ; and BF, which is equal to half the difference between the real and apparent shortening. The pelvis tilts, and one foot is carried up and the other down, and the practical shortening is the sum of these excur- sions. Fig. 111. First, when the legs are of equal length. In this case the problem becomes to prove that twice the sine of the angle of ad- or abduction is equal (or very nearly so) to the dif- ference between the distances from the umbilicus to the internal malleoli. 6 In Figure 4if we suppose D and E to be the positions of the ante- rior superior spines of the ilium, A the umbilicus, B and C the inter- nal malleoli, then the angle BED' (which equals BE' IV) will be equal to the angle of duction (as proven in Figure 3), IV and E' are the positions which the anterior superior spines would have if there was no ad- or abduction. The Figure D' E' C' B' will be a rectangle. Suppose a circle with a radius BE'to be described on E'as a centre; then the points B', C", C and C' will lie in the circumference of this circle, since they are points all equally distant from E'. It is to be proved that AC A B B C" = BCi'=BT) or if there is an error in the equality, to show that the same is so small as to he inappreciable in the estimation of the ultimate result. Suppose the triangle AE'oto he rotated on AE'as an axis. Then C will fall at C" and the are BB' will equal the arc B'C". On A as a centre with a radius equal to A B described an arc which shall cut Ao"at S and therefore make A B equal to AS. Now C" S will equal the difference between A B and AC". From observation in a large number of typical cases the angle of ah-or adduction is found not to exceed 30°. It has also been ascer- tained from observations that the ratio of AE' to B' E' lies within the limits of six to one and eight to one. It is evident that the smaller the angle of duction and the larger the ratio of AE' to IV E' the less will be the error arising from the assumption that C" B equals C" S. Therefore if it is computed, in the case where the angle of duction is greatest (equal to 30°) and the ratio is smallest (equal to 6 :1), the value of C" B and C" S, the quantity by which these two lines differ in length, should be the largest possible error entering into the com- putation. Suppose B'E' to be equal to one, AE' equal to 6 (the smallest ratio), BE'B'equal to 30° (the largest angle); then A E'B'equals 90°, BE'B' = B'E'C", AE'C" = 120° and AE'B = 60°. Since by trigonometry in oblique angle triangle when two sides and the included angle are given the third side is equal to the square root of the sums of the squares on the two given sides diminished by twice the product of these sides into the cosine of the included angle. The formula is C" A = y/C" R'2 +R'A2— 2 . C" R'. R' A . cos. AR'C" = = 6.557 BA= y,BR'J + ATv2-2.BR'.AR'COB.AR'B= = 5.567 Therefore 0" A BA = .01 when B'R' = 1 But B T (=: = sine BE'T =|, therefore BC" - 1 Since the greatest pelvic measurement which wouldhave to be dealt with would not exceed 14 inches, and therefore one-half of it not more C" S than 7, therefore the error arising from considering B T = —(— sine duction angle) could not exceed .035 of an inch in any case and usually would not exceed .02 of an inch which is a quantity far too small to have any influence in the computing of the table where 7 single degrees only are considered and measurements considered only accurate to the nearest one-eighth inch. The same relation is easily proved by a similar figure, to exist ■where the legs are of unequal length. It hardly seems worthwhile to add it here. Fig. IV. 8 Having, then, a right-angled triangle with two known sides, the angle F L B was calculated by the formula, sine FLB = and from the results ob- tained, the following table was constructed for all breadths of pelvis and all degrees of variation. Difference in inches between Eeal and Apparent Shortening. CO to M M MH ■HW WM iHw UH H* to 05 o Ol CO o o CO »-* o Ol O Ol H* -q to o CO H* CD o 05 to 00 h-4 o CO to K4 co o to CO o 05 CO CD 05 CO O ►f* CO to M H* co o CO Ol to CO 05 CO O -q M 00 Ol Ol to y_* M o 05 to CD ~q 00 Ol CO o 00 Ol o Ol CO Ha to GO Ol to CD ~q H- V-* CD *-q to CD ~q o CO M oo Ol CO o ~q Ol to O GO Ol CO M CD ■*q o CO CO to to M M Ha v-4 Ol to o <-q Ol CO CD 05 to 00 o to o CO 05 CO CD —I Ol CO to -q 05 o 8 CO to l_a 00 05 Ol o 00 05 H-4 CD -q Ol to o 00 to to to Ha Ha H-* M to o 00 05 to M- CO ~q Ol to o 00 ~q Ol to to to M M M u* Ha CD 05 CO H4 CD 00 CO o 00 05 Ol o to oi CO to o GO Ol rf* to o CD ~q 05 CO o fc0H to to >-* h-4 Ha CO H4 CO to CD 00 05 CO to o CD ~q 05 t* ol to M M Ha M o CD 05 CO to o CD GO -q Ol rf* o h-4 M t-i H- CO HU CO 00 ~q Ol CO to o 00 ~q 05 CO o to h-4 CO ~q 05 14 CO I-4 to t-a o CD 00 ~q 05 CO to o co Distance between Anterior Superior Spines in incites. The patient lies straight, with the legs parallel. Real shortening is measured with the ordinary tape- measijre, and then apparent shortening is obtained in 9 the same way. The difference between the two shorten- ings is seen at a glance. The only additional measure- ment necessary is the distance between the anterior superior spines, which is taken with the tape. Turn- ing now to the table, if the line which represents the amount of difference in inches between the real and apparent shortening is followed until it intersects the line which represents the pelvic breadth, the angle of deformity will be found in degrees where they meet. If the practical shortening is greater than the real short- ening, the diseased leg is adducted; if less than the real shortening, it is abducted. Take an example : Length (from anterior superior spine) of right leg, 23 ; left leg, length (from umbilicus) of right leg, 25; left leg, 23 ; difference between real and practical shortening, inches ; pelvic measurement, 7 inches. If we follow the line for inches until it intersects the line for pelvic breadth of 7 inches, and we find 12° to be the angular deformity, as the practical shortening is greater than the real, it is 12° of adduc- tion of the left leg. Certain objections which are likely to he made may he formulated and dismissed : (1) That inequality in the length of the legs, con- genital or acquired, would vitiate the result. Any such inequality would appear in both the real and the apparent shortening, and not affect the difference between the two. (2) That the co-existence of flexion of the thigh upon the pelvis would render the method inaccurate. A moment’s consideration will show that the flexion of the thigh upon the pelvis makes no difference, for the measurements here considered depend wholly upon certain relations in a horizontal plane between the iliac spines and the malleoli, and that this relation re- mains the same, unaffected by the movement of the 10 anterior superior spines in another plane so long as they move together. (3) It may be urged that individual measurers vary. But both measurements are taken each time by the same man, skilled or not; and in the measure- ment for practical shortening he will use the same method, and make the same error that he made in measuring for real shortening, and it will not appear in the difference between the two. It is not unreason- able to expect a moderate amount of care to be taken in any such measurements. Next and last, as to the practical accuracy of the method: It has been used by the writer and others for some weeks in a large number of cases of hip-joint disease in the Surgical Out-patient Department of the Children’s Hospital, and afterward a very careful measurement has been taken independently with a fairly accurate goniometer, and the results have always coincided within one or two degrees. THE BOSTON Medical and Surgical Journal A First-class Weekly Medical Newspaper. This Journal has now nearly reached its sixtieth year as a weekly Journal under its present title. Such a record makes superfluous the elaborate prospec- tus and profuse advertisments as to enormous circulation, etc., etc., required by younger aspirants for professional and public confidence. It is, however, no less incumbent upon this Journal than upon others to assure its patrons from time to time, as the occasion arises, of its desire, its ability, and its determin- ation to meet all the requirements of the most active medi- cal journalism of the day, without sacrificing any of that enviable reputation which is an inheritance from the past. It is under the editorial management of Dr. George B. Shattuck assisted by a large staff of competent coadjutors. Communications from all quarters of the country are ac- ceptable. Liberal arrangements are made for reprints of original articles, and for such illustrations as serve to in- crease their value or interest. The word “ Boston ” is retained in the title, as it was in the original name, but every occurence of professional im- portance whether within or without the borders of New England, will receive prompt and impartial notice. The circulation is large and steadily increasing; the sub- scription-list covering almost every nook and corner of the United States and Canada, and extending to foieign coun- tries. All communications for the Editor, and all books for review, should be addressed to the Editor. Subscriptions and advertisements received by the under- signed, to whom remittances by mail should be sent by money-order, draft, or registered letter. Terms $5.00 a year, or $3.50 a half year, in advance. CUPPLES AND HURD, Publishers, 94 Boylston St., BOSTON.