IMPORTANT REASONS Ho. s. WHY HOUSEKEEPERS SHOULD BUY Package Soda IN PREFERENCE TO BULK SODA, WEIGHED AND WRAPPED BY THE DEALER. SODA like Church & Co’s Arm and Ham= ■ mer has the guarantee of a responsible manufacturer. Ms Bulk Soda may be of anybody’s manufacture and gen- erally of a poor quality. Sometimes retail dealers are imposed upon, not knowing what his jobber sends , a few think their customers should accept anything they choose to sell them, saying it is really Arm and Hammer Soda, or it’s the same thing. POOR FLOUR, or even good Flour can be improved by using GOOD SODA. Either will be COMPLETELY SPOILED by using POOR SODA, and what little is saved through a whole year by buying Cheap Soda, is then thrown away many times over. The only safe way is to buy what is known to be best—The Arm and Hammer—A HOUSEHOLD WORD. IT DOES NOT PAY to economize when buying such a delicate cooking material as Soda. The Arm and Hammer in packages GOES ENOUGH FARTHER'THAN SODA weighed out to you and wrapped up by the Grocer, TO PAY THE DIFFERENCE, IF ANY, IN COST, be- sides being packed in cartons made expressly to keep it from the air and from being wasted, IT IS MUCH STRONGER. Do not use too much; a leveled teaspoonful is all that is required —Not a heaping one. THE RETAIL PRICE of the Arm and Hammer Soda in packages is the same as for inferior package Soda. CONSUMERS gain nothing by buying unknown and inferior Soda, they simply Put More Money into the Merchants’ Pockets. MANUFACTURERS OF INFERIOR SODA offer retail dealers special inducements to substitute their brands for Arm and Hammer. Some give the dealer ten or fifteen pounds free with every box, others cash coupons.' The housekeeper pays same prices as for Arm and Hammer and receives less value, for the quality is reduced in proportion to free gifts. IF PRICE OF ARM AND HAMMER SODA IS CHARGED, take Arm and Hammer Soda only. Or if cheap Soda is handed out, take it only at a reduced price. ARM AND HAMMER SODA or SALERATUS, always keeps soft, not hard and lumpy, as is the case with cheap bulk Soda. Open a package of Arm and Hammer SODA or SALERATUS, and compare the GOODS with any Soda samples that may have been distributed lately, or may have been sold you by your Grocer. USES OF Arm and Hammer Soda besides in cooking: Cleaning Milk Cans, Curing Cholera in Hogs, Healthy for Horses, Toilet Purposes, Cleaning the Teeth, in the Bath, etc. It Saves Soap. ARM AND HAMMER SODA BATHS. Luxurious, Healthful and Economical. Bathincr one*l,al<’ pound to one pound and upwards of ARM and HAMMER SODA should 5 be dissolved with hot water in the tub. Perfectly harmless, there is no danger of using too much. Luxury and Health also is attained; the mild alkali in the Soda neutralizing the acids coming through the pores. It makes the water exceedingly pleasant, and the skin will he as soft as velvet. The feeling experienced after taking one of these baths is highly restful. Ladies especially will appreciate them. Colds, Rheumatism, Lumbago and similar ills are thus relieved. CAUTlON.—Unscrupulous dealers are offering Soda with trade-mark similar to the Arm and Ham* mer and also packages with the RED and BLUE circles which surround our trade-mark, making a close resemblance to our goods, thereby deceiving a careless consumer. Chemical analysis of such goods show far inferior quality. Our name, CHURCH & CO., and the Arm and Hammer trade-mark should be on every package of Soda bought. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. Read Carefully the ARM AND HAMMER BOOK of Valuable Receipts furnished without charge by the Manufacturers. CHURCH & CO., New York.